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Full text of "The fertilisation of flowers. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson, with a preface by Charles Darwin"

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FL ondon 


In this edition I have incorporated a large mass of Dr. Hermann Miiller’s recent 
observations, of which he sent me full notes; and I have also added further details 
where it seemed necessary, taken from his own and other writings. Many new figures 
from Dr. Hermann Miiller’s other works have also been inserted here. 

The systematic part of the book, which is arranged on Endlicher’s system in the 
German edition, has been re-arranged according to Bentham and Hooker's Genera 

I may mention one case out of many in which I have had difficulty in choosing 
between equivalent words. I have throughout used fertilisation in preference to the 
ungainly word pollination, to imply application of pollen to the stigma without 
definite reference to the result of the act: that is to say, I have in ordinary cases 
translated Bestdéubung and Befruchtung by the same word. But I have taken pains to 
guard against ambiguity in all cases where this rendering might lead to it. 

_ Mr. T. H. Corry, of Caius College, Assistant-Curator of the University Herbarium, 
has read through the whole systematic part, giving me constant assistance. 

I have been at pains to compile a list of all works relating to the subject of this 
book ; and so far as lay in my power I have added an Index of genera to the list. 

Charles Darwin’s preface, full of suggestion, full of kindly appreciative feeling, is 
of peculiar interest as one of the very last of his writings. 

Trinity CoLttear, April, 1883. 

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THE publication of a translation of Hermann Miiller’s Die 
Befruchtung der Blumen, &c., will without doubt be a great 
service to every English botanist or entomologist who is interested 
in general biological problems. The book contains an enormous 
mass of original observations on the fertilisation of flowers, and 
on the part which insects play in the work, given with much 
clearness and illustrated by many excellent woodcuts. It includes 
references to everything which has been written on the subject; 
and in this respect the English edition will greatly exceed in 
value even the original German edition of 1873, as Miiller has 
completed the references up to the present time. No one else could 
have done the latter work so well, as he has kept a full account 
of all additions to our knowledge on this subject. Any young 
observer who, after reading the whole or part of the present work, 
will look, for instance, at the flower of a Salvia, or of some 
Papilionaceous or Fumariaceous plant, or at one of our common 
Orchids, will be delighted at the perfection of the adaptations 
by which insects are forced, unconsciously on their part, to carry 
pollen from the stamens of one plant to the stigma of another. 
Design in nature has for a long time deeply interested many men, 
and though the subject must now be looked at from a somewhat 
different point of view to what was formerly the case, it is not 
thus rendered the less interesting. 


Hermann Miiller has by no means confined his attention to the 
manner in which pollen is carried by insects or other animals 
from plant to plant, for wind-fertilised flowers have been carefully 
described by him; and several curious transitions from the one 
state to the other are noticed. He has also attended more closely 
than any one else to the many contrivances for self-fertilisation, 
which sometimes co-exist with adaptations for cross-fertilisation. 
For instance, he has discovered the singular fact that with certain 
species two kinds of plants are regularly produced, one bearing 
inconspicuous flowers fitted for self-fertilisation, and the other kind 
with much more conspicuous flowers fitted for cross-fertilisation. 
The flowers on the first-mentioned plants serve the same end as 
the curious little closed cleistogamic flowers which are borne by a 
considerable number of plants, as described and enumerated in the 
present work. 

There is another interesting feature in the Befruchtung, by 

which it differs from all other works on the same subject; for it 
includes not only an account of the adaptation of flowers to insects, 
but of different insects to differently constructed flowers for the 
sake of obtaining their nectar and pollen. 

Any one who will carefully study the present work and then 
observe for himself, will be sure to make some interesting dis- 
coveries; and as the references to all that has been observed are 
so complete, he will be saved the disappointment of finding that 
which he thought was new was an already well-known fact. I 
may perhaps be permitted here to mention a few points which 
seem to me worthy of further investigation. There are many 
inconspicuous flowers which during the day are rarely or never visited 
by insects, and the natural inference seems to be that they must 
be invariably self-fertilised ; for instance, this is the case with some 
species of Trifolium and Fumaria which bear very small flowers, 
with some species of Galium, Linum catharticum, &. Many other 
such flowers are enumerated by Miiller. Now it is highly desirable 
_that it should be ascertained whether or not these flowers are 





visited at night by any of the innumerable individuals of the many 
species of minute moths. <A lepidopterist while collecting at 
night, if endowed with only a small portion of the indomitable 
patience displayed by Miiller, could ascertain this fact. The 
question possesses a considerable degree of theoretical interest ; 
for if these inconspicuous flowers are never visited by insects, why, 
it may be asked, do they expand, and why is not the pollen 
protected by the petals remaining closed, as in the case of 
cleistogamic flowers? It would perhaps be possible to smear 
such small flowers with some viscid matter, and an examination 
of the petals would probably reveal nocturnal visits by moths by 
the presence of their scales; but it would be necessary to prove 
that the matter employed was not in itself attractive to insects. 
H. Miiller gives long lists of the several kinds of insects which he 
has seen visiting various flowers in Germany; and it would be 
interesting to learn whether the same insects and the same pro- 
portional number of insects belonging to the different orders, visit 
the same plants in England as in Germany. 

There are many other subjects which it is desirable that some 
one should investigate, for instance, by what steps heterostylism 
(of which an account will be found in the present work) originated : 
and with trimorphic heterostyled plants we meet with a more 
extraordinary and complicated arrangement of the reproductive 
system than can be found in any other organic beings. In order 
to investigate this subject and several others, experiments in 
fertilisation would have to be ‘tried; but these are not difficult 
and would soon be found interesting. For instance, there are 
some plants, the pistils and stamens of which vary much in length, 
and we may suspect that we here have the first step towards 
heterostylism ; but to make this out, it would be necessary to test 
in many ways the power of the pollen and of the stigma in the 
several varieties. There exist also some few plants the flowers of 
which include two sets of stamens, differing in the shape of the 
anthers and in the colour of the pollen; and at present no one 


knows whether this difference has any functional signification, and 
this is a point which ought to be determined. Again, there are 
other plants, for instance, the common Rhododendron, in which the 
shorter stamens are more or less rudimentary, and it has been 
asserted that seedlings raised from pollen taken from the short and 
from the full-sized stamens differ in appearance; and it would be 
of importance to know whether they differ in their fertility or 
power of yielding seeds. It would also be interesting to learn 
whether in the plants, already alluded to, which produce two 
forms, one adapted for self-fertilisation and the other for cross- 
fertilisation, the reproductive organs have become in any degree 
differentiated, so that their action would not be perfect if the two 
forms were reciprocally crossed. Would a flower adapted for 
self-fertilisation yield a full complement of seed if fertilised by 
pollen from one adapted for cross-fertilisation ; and vice-versd with 
the other form ? 

But it would be superfluous to make any further suggestions, 
These will occur in abundance to any young and ardent observer 
who will study Miiller’s work and then observe for himself, 
giving full play to his imagination, but rigidly checking it by 
testing each notion experimentally. If he will act in this manner, 
he will, if I may judge by my own experience, receive so much 
pleasure from his work, that he will ever afterwards feel grateful 
to the author and translator of the Befruchtung der Blumen. 


Down, February 6, 1882. 







oe Se 18 

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Page 34, line 9, from top, delete the words ‘‘ of. Umbellifers.” 
» 48, Fig. 8, for ‘‘ Licus,” read ‘‘ Sicus.” 
» 55, line 7 from top, for ie feathery hairs,” read ‘stiff bristles.” 
>> 149, ,, 26, ,, 5, for **wreus,” read “wrens.” 
5 ALG; horse Gy ae TOP “¢ Bsculus Pavia (rubicunda),” read ‘* Aisculus 
(Pavia) rubicunda.” 
», 171, in both tables, transpose the words, ‘In Low Germany,” and ‘* On the 
», 427, line a6, from top, for < Scopolia,” " read ‘‘Scopolina.” 
», 487, 5, 2, 5, 55 for ‘ Digitalitis,” read ‘‘ Digitalis.” 

Labelle is, perhaps, a better name for the lobesat the extremity of the proboscis 
in Diptera, called end-flaps (German Endklappen) or paraglosse in Part II. 



{tr was not until the close of last century that the true purport 
and significance of flowers began to be perceived. Christian 
Conrad Sprengel seems to have been the first to view the subject 
in the light of adaptation, and to show how all’ the colours, scents, 
and singular forms of flowers. have some useful purpose. His 
book struck out a new path in botanical science, and its title, Zhe 
Secret of Nature in the Form and Fertilisation of Flowers Discovered, 
shows that the author was well aware of the importance of his 
discoveries. Setting out with the conception of a “wise author of 
nature who has not created one hair without a definite purpose,’ 
Sprengel contrived, by reflecting on apparently insignificant facts, 
to throw light on most important phenomena in the life of 
flowers. The gradual progress of his discovery, as he describes it 
in the introduction to his book, is worth recapitulating. 

The inconspicuous hairs which cover the lower part of the petals 
of the wood cranesbill (Geranium silvaticum, L.), and. beneath which 
drops of honey lie hid, led Sprengel in the year 1787 to the dis- 
covery that most flowers which contain nectar are so arranged that, 
while insects can easily reach it, the rain is prevented from doing 
so; and he came to the conclusion ‘“‘ that the nectar of these flowers 
is secreted for the sake of insects, and is protected from rain in 
order that the insects may get it pure and unspoiled.” Starting 
from this conception, he next summer studied the forget-me-not. 

1 Das enideckie Geheimniss der Natur im Baue und in der Befruchtung der Blumen 
(Berlin : 1793). 
fs / B 


(Myosotis palustris, L.), and speculated on the meaning of the yellow 
ring round the mouth of the corolla, which forms a pleasing con- 
trast to the azure-blue of the limb; and he conceived the idea 
that this might serve to guide insects on their way to the honey. 
On examination of other flowers he found that coloured dots and 
lines and other figures occur especially at the entrance to the 
nectaries, or point towards it, and he was accordingly confirmed in 
this idea of path-finders or honey-guides. The next step was easy, 
and Sprengel could scarcely remain long without perceiving that, as 
the special colour of one part of the corolla serves to guide the 
insect after it has settled upon the flower, the bright colour of the — 
whole flower serves to attract the notice of insects while still at a 
distance. So far, Sprengel had looked upon flowers as contrived 
simply for the use of insects, but the study of some species of 
iris, in the summer of 1789, led him to the further discovery that 
many flowers are absolutely incapable of being fertilised without 
the aid of insects; and so he concluded that the secretion of honey 
in flowers, its protection against rain, and the bright colours of the 
corolla are contrivances of use to the flower itself by bringing 
about its fertilisation by insects. Thus were laid the foundations 
of a theory of honey-containing flowers, which Sprengel enunciates 
in the following propositions : (1) These flowers are fertilised by 
some one species of insect, or by several species ; (2) the insects, 
in approaching the honey, brush pollen from the anthers with 
various hairy parts of their bodies and convey it to the stigma. The 
application of this theory to the various plants that came within 
Sprengel’s reach led to the production of the above-mentioned 
book, which is marked throughout by a wealth of patient observa- 
tion and acute reasoning. In it the following five features are | 
described in several hundred species of flowers, partly native and 
partly cultivated, as proof of the correctness of the theory :— 

(1) A honey-gland or nectary, i.e. a part which elaborates and 
secretes honey; (2) a honey-receptacle, which receives and stores 
the honey secreted by the gland; (3) a contrivance to shelter 
the honey from rain (Saftdecke); (4) contrivances to enable the 
insect to find the honey easily (Sa/tmal); bright colour and ex- 
tension of the corolla, odour, and above all coloured spots near 
the entrance to the honey-receptacles (path-finders); (5) the 
‘impossibility of mechanical fertilisation, 7.e. spontaneous self-fer- 
tilisation, or of fertilisation by the wind, and in many cases the 
direct observation of fertilisation by insects in nature. Sprengel 
discussed these five points in numerous honey-secreting flowers, 

ed!” | 


and succeeded in explaining most of their characters as contrivances 
for insect-fertilisation. His theory, although the first effort in this 
wide field, would have afforded a satisfactory key to the chief 
puzzles of the floral world had it not contained a very serious flaw, 
which Sprengel was not conscious of, and was therefore not in a 
position to remove. Since the conveyance of pollen to the stigma 
is obviously of no benefit to the insect, the same question should 
have arisen even from Sprengel’s teleological standpoint, which 
nowadays comes up prominently when we consider his hypothesis 
from the standpoint of natural selection: “What advantage can it 
be to the plant that its pollen should be conveyed by insects to 
the stigma?”’ For just as according to our modern views only 
modifications which are of advantage to their possessor can be pre- 
served by natural selection, so from the teleological standpoint 
only beneficial arrangements could be ascribed to the all-wise 
Creator. If the conveyance of pollen to the stigma by insects is 
of no greater advantage than the direct contact of the reproductive 
organs in the flower, then the preference of the former uncertain 
method to the latter seems unnecessary and capricious, and any 
theory based thereon falls to the ground. 

It is remarkable in how many cases Sprengel recognised that 
the pollen is carried of necessity to the stigmas of other flowers by 
the insect-visitors, without suspecting that therein lies the value of 
insect-visits to the plant. In very many plants Sprengel had 
observed that the two sets of sexual organs in the same flower are 
not developed simultaneously; to this phenomenon he gave the 
name dichogamy. In his introduction (p. 43) he says expressly: 
“Since very many flowers are of one sex only, and probably as 
many more are dichogamous, nature seems to intend that no flower 
shall be fertilised by means of its own pollen,” and as a proof of 
this he adduces an experiment performed by him on Hemerocallis 
Julva, which showed him that this plant is not fertile to its own 
pollen. So near was Sprengel to the distinct recognition of the 
fact that self-fertilisation leads to worse results than cross-fertilisa- 
tion, and that all the arrangements which favour insect-visits are 

_of value to the plant itself, simply because the insect-visitors effect 

cross-fertilisation ! 

But this omission was for several generations fatal to Sprengel’s 
work, which was otherwise well fitted to give a powerful impulse 
to further research. For, both at the time and subsequently, 
botanists felt above all the weakness of his theory, and they set 

aside along with his defective ideas the rich store of his patient 
B 2 


and acute observations and his pai poe and accurate 

Instead of the correlation of living organisms, which Sprengel 
had made the subject of observation and reflection with such 
admirable results, classification and afterwards anatomy and 
embryology occupied investigators so exclusively that no one ever 
thought of continuing Sprengel’s beautiful. researches or of 
testing their accuracy. His work remained forgotten until our 
ideas of organic nature were fundamentally changed by the progress 
of knowledge, and until the advantages of cross-fertilisation, which 
Sprengel only faintly realised, were recognised anew and more 
clearly through independent experiments. 

The idea of independent creation of species, prevalent in 
Sprengel’s time and so confidently stated in his book, was overthrown 
by progress in the three departments of classification, embryology, 
and paleontology ; all three led consistently to the conception that 
the existing species of plants and animals must have originated 
from simpler forms; and Darwin’s Origin of Species proved the 
point by deiopaention clearly and thoroughly how actual forces 
were operating before our eyes to modify living forms. 

But, even before this great revolution in our conception of 
nature, one point which was needed to make Sprengel’s theory 
efficient had been clearly perceived. A few years after Sprengel’s 
book appeared, Andrew Knight (392), after some experiments on 
cross-fertilisation and self-fertilisation in the pea, laid down the 
law that in no plant does self-fertilisation occur for an unlimited 
number of generations. But his law received no further atten- 
tion, and nobody conceived the idea of applying it in connection 

with Sprengel’s theory. A like fate overtook Herbert (334), who 

summed up the result of his numerous experiments in this sentence : 
“T am inclined to think that I have derived advantage from impreg- 
nating the flower from which I wished to obtain seed with pollen 
from another individual of the same variety, or at least from 
another flower, rather than with its own” (p. 371). OC. F. Gartner 
(259) was led still more distinctly to the same result by experiments 
on Passiflora, Lobelia, and Fuchsia. Even when Darwin, in 1857 
and 1858, published some new experiments on Papilionaceee (151), 
which showed that the aid of insects or artificial imitation of their 
action was necessary for complete fertility, and that crossing of 
separate plants was actually to a great extent effected by insects, his 
re-enunciation of Knight’s law remained ineffectual. The charm 
that had kept Sprengel’s theories inoperative was only broken when, 


in the next year, Darwin produced his Origin of Species, and in it 
emphasised Knight’s law as a general law of nature, placing it on 
broader and surer foundations and uniting it intimately with his 
theory of natural selection. This theory showed for the first time 
the full value of Sprengel’s work, and caused his book, which had 
been forgotten for seventy years, to play a prominent part in the 
investigation of the prime causes which determine the forms of 

As a foundation for the hypothetic natural law that “no organic 
being fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, but that a 
cross with another individual is occasionally—perhaps at very long 
intervals—indispensable,’” 1 Darwin showed that in all higher and 
the great majority of lower animals the sexes are separate, and 
that most hermaphrodite forms pair regularly ; that, in the experi- 
ence of breeders of animals and cultivators of plants, breeding 
in-and-in diminishes the strength and the productiveness of the 
offspring, while crossing with another breed, or with another stock 
of the same breed, increases both ; that, according to the above- 
mentioned experiments of several botanists, the application of 
pollen to the pistil of the same flower is less efficient than pollen 
from another individual; that in very many plants the situation of 
the reproductive organs, exposed to the weather and often liable to 
injury, may be most simply explained if we admit the necessity of 
occasional crossing; that, according to his own experiments on 
Papilionacee, the exclusion of insect-visits in many cases diminishes 
or arrests productiveness; that, as Sprengel had shown in many 
cases and Darwin had confirmed, self-fertilisation is prevented in 
many flowers by the relative positions of the reproductive organs 
or by their ripening at different times; finally, that in no living 
organism do the structure or situation of the reproductive organs 
prevent occasional crossing with another individual of the same 
species. These statements, taken separately, were neither decisive 
nor free from objection, but collectively they lent a high degree of 
probability to Darwin's hypothesis; and so, from its close connec- 
tion with the question of the origin of species and the fundamental 
importance that it therefore had for all botanical research, botanists 
could not help at once taking part for or against it, according to 
whether they were impelled by the general weight of evidence or 
deterred by the gaps in the chain. 

The opposers justly maintained that though in the animal 
kingdom the possibility of occasional pairing might be admitted in 

1 Origin of Species, chap. iv. ‘On the Interciossing of Individuals.”’ 


the case of the relatively few hermaphrodites which generally 
fertilise themselves, yet for the majority the common notion that 
the flowers are fertilised with their own pollen, either spontaneously 
or by the aid of insects or the wind, was as yet not disproved (cf. 
Treviranus, 742). They said justly that the observations quoted to 
prove the disadvantages of breeding in-and-in or of fertilising a 
flower with its own pollen were quite insufficient, and they called 
for more extended experiments. Finally, they pointed to the not 
rare occurrence of flowers which inevitably fertilise themselves, 
which even remain closed, and yet which are fully productive, as a 
difficulty in the way of Darwin’s hypothesis not yet removed. From 
the nature of the case, complete proof seems impossible, either for or 
against this law; for neither, if it is true, can the necessity of 
occasional crossing be shown for all bi-sexual plants and animals; 
nor, if it is false, can any hermaphrodite which as a rule fertilises 
itself be kept under observation for an unlimited number of 
generations. But, since the facts which come within the scope of 
this law and by which its validity may be subjected to detailed 
proof are inexhaustibly numerous, continued research will either 
bring the probability of the law to the verge of certainty or make 
its improbability continually more conspicuous. And so the 
Knight-Darwin law was admirably fitted to lead to numerous 
investigations of phenomena hitherto left unobserved, and so to be 
highly valuable in furthering our knowledge, even if in the end its 
truth could not be universally and absolutely affirmed. 

Darwin opened these new lines of investigation with his own 
incomparable researches. A few years after the publication of his 
Origin of Species, he showed by his wonderful book on orchids 
that he had by no means affirmed the general truth of Knight’s 
law without having engaged in special researches himself. For he 
showed in this work that in almost all British orchids, and in all 
the foreign species within his reach, the flowers were adapted down 
to the most minute details for insect-visits, in such a way that 
insect-visitors could not fail to carry the pollen to the stigmas 
of other flowers. Only a few species in which self-fertilisation 
regularly took place formed an exception, as yet unexplained, 
to this general law; but since even in these cases the possibility 
of occasional crossing was not excluded, they formed no valid 
argument against the Knight-Darwin law. 

This work, freed from the fundamental flaw of Sprengel’s 
theory and permeated by Darwin’s acute reasoning and observation, 
was a model for the study of the forms of flowers, and it gave — 


a powerful impetus to further research based upon Sprengel’s 
work. Even Treviranus’s well-founded objection that in most 
orchids, even our native species, the operation of inséct-visitors was 
only concluded indirectly from the structure of the flowers and 
had not been directly observed, could not hinder this result of 
Darwin’s book; on the contrary, it could only direct more general 
attention to the insects that actually performed the work of 
fertilisation, A paper published seven years later by Darwin (159), 
enumerating the insects observed to visit a large number of native 
orchids, shows to how great an extent attention had been attracted 
to this point. 

Another line of investigation which Darwin initiated in the 
same masterly way, was the direct observation of differences 
between the action of pollen from the same and from another 
flower. It has been already mentioned that Sprengel instituted 
experiments on self-fertilisation in the case of Hemerocallis 
Julva, and that he recognised that the flowers of this plant were 
not fertile to their own pollen, and other instances of the same 
kind, or at least of diminished fertility upon self-fertilisation, 
had been accumulated by other botanists as has been already 
explained. Darwin collected these scattered facts and brought 
them under Knight’s law which for the first time revealed their 
full significance, and at the same time he initiated a new method of 
research which placed the produce resulting from self-fertilisation 
alongside of the produce of cross-fertilisation in the struggle for 
existence, and so permitted the result of persistent self-fertilisation 
to be ascertained under natural conditions. In numerous plants 
which were found to be fertile with their own pollen, he fertilised 
some flowers with their own pollen and other flowers on the same 
plant with pollen from a neighbouring plant growing under the 
same conditions, excluding insects with great precautions; he 
allowed the resulting seeds to germinate on damp sand in the same 
vessel, and then planted them in pairs on opposite sides of the 
same pot; then, while all conceivable precautions were taken to 
keep both sides under the same conditions, he watched the growth 
of the plants to maturity. The same experiment was repeated 
with the seeds produced by these, and was continued from 
generation to generation. 

In several cases (Jpomea purpurea, Mimulus luteus), the plants 
resulting from cross-fertilisation showed even in the first generation 
a marked superiority over the others; they were larger in the 
proportion of four to three or even three to two, they flowered 


earlier, and they produced more capsules. In other cases such 
superiority was less marked or was imperceptible, but in no mp 
case was the advantage shown upon the other side. 

So these researches also gave results on the whole favourable to 
Knight’s law; but probability bordering on certainty could only be 
attained when researches of this kind were undertaken on the 
largest scale and carried on through many generations. As far as 
lay within one man’s power Darwin had fulfilled this condition, 
for he had prosecuted the above-mentioned research for eleven 
years. The number of individual plants produced by crossing and 
also of those produced by self-fertilisation which he watched from 
germination to maturity reached more than a thousand ; they be- 
longed to fifty-seven species, fifty-two genera, thirty large families, 
and included natives of the most various countries. The result of 
this whole research may be summed up in the single sentence: 
“Whenever plants which are the offspring of self-fertilisation are 
opposed in the struggle for existence to the offspring of cross- 
fertilisation, the latter have the advantage ;”’ whence it is clear 
that all peculiarities which aid cross-fertilisation will be retained 
and perfected by natural selection. But if the direct rivalry does 
not occur, self-fertilisation may suffice for the propagation of the 
organism for an unlimited number of generations, producing healthy 
and fertile offspring. 

A third line of research prosecuted by Darwin with the same 
success, namely the experimental study of dimorphic and trimorphie 
plants, took away the last shadow of foundation from the old 
belief that species differ radically from varieties, and threw some 
light upon the obscure question of hybridisation. Sprengel had 
remarked, in discussing Hottonia palustris (p. 103): “Some 
plants bear only flowers whose anthers are included within the tube 
but whose style is exserted, and others bear only flowers whose 
style is shorter and whose stamens are longer than the tube of the 
corolla. I believe that this is not accidental but that it is a 
disposition of nature, though I am not able to suggest its purpose.” 
Subsequently this peculiar phenomenon of long-styled and short- 
styled plants was recognised in several other species, and in 
Lythrum salicaria three forms were found, long-styled, mid-styled, 
and short-styled, without any further use being made of the facts. 
Darwin subjected the peculiar sexual relations of these plants, 
which he called dimorphic and trimorphic, to a closer considera- 
tion ; he also performed numerous experiments, crossing the plants 
in various ways, and cultivating the produce of the various unions. 

a Dae: Te 


The final result of these researches, which were marked by all 
his usual care and patience, may be summed up in the following 
statements :— 

In dimorphic heterostyled plants (species of Primula, Pul- 
monaria, Linum, etc.) two forms exist, in fairly equal numbers 
and growing for the most part near together; while in other 
respects completely or almost completely alike, they differ from 
one another in this particular, that in the flowers of the one 
form the anthers stand distinctly above the stigma, while in the 
other form the positions are reversed; further, that in each form 
the anthers stand at the same level as the stigma in the other ; 
and finally, that in the long-styled form the stigma is rough and 

1-10, Primula elatior. 1—5, long-styled flower; 6—10, short-styled flower ; 2, 7, pollen-grains, 
dry ; 3, 8, ditto, moist; 4. 9, stigma; 5, 10, stigmatic papille. 

11—18, Pulmonaria officinalis. 11, long-styled flower in section ; 12, pollen-grains of ditto, dry ; 
18, ditto, moist ; 14, short-styled flower; 15, pollen-grains of ditto, dry; 16, ditto, moist; 17, 18, 
stigma and stigmatic papille common to both forms. 

furnished with long papille and the polien-grains are small, while 
in the short-styled form the stigmatic papille are short and 
close-set and the stigma seems smooth and the pollen-grains are 
larger. In trimorphic heterostyled plants (Lythrum salicaria) there 
exist three forms, one with long-styled, one with mid-styled, and 
one with short-styled flowers ; and in each form there are two 
whorls of stamens whose anthers stand respectively at the same 
height as the stigmas in the other two forms; the tallest stamens 
produce the largest pollen-grains, and the shortest produce the 


Insects which visit the different kinds of flowers by turns in the 
same way, must, since the same parts of their bodies always touch 
organs at the same height in the flower, effect cross-fertilisation 
both in dimorphic and trimorphic plants in such a way that 
the stigma in one form of flower always receives pollen from 
anthers which stand at the same height in another form. Such 
crossing, which is the mode commonly occurring in nature and in 
which the size of the pollen-grain is always proportional to the 
length of the style that its tube has to traverse, was called by 
Darwin legitimate. In dimorphic heterostyled plants there are 
thus two ways in which legitimate fertilisation is possible, both 
occurring regularly in nature, viz., the fertilisation of long-styled 
flowers with the pollen of short-styled, and vice versdé ; similarly 
there are in such cases two kinds of illegitimate fertilisation, viz., 
long-styled flowers with the pollen of long-styled, and short-styled 
with the pollen of short-styled. In trimorphic heterostyled 
plants, on the other hand, six modes of legitimate cross-fertilisa- 
tion are possible and occur regularly in nature; and there are 
twelve modes of illegitimate crossing, since each of the three 
kinds of stigmas is illegitimately fertilised if it receives pollen 
from either whorl of stamens in a flower of its own form or from 
one whorl of stamens in each of the other two. Now Darwin 
found, when he tried all the four modes of crossing in the 
dimorphic plants and all the eighteen modes in the trimorphic 
plants, and sowed the seeds from the resulting capsules and 
again crossed the offspring in various ways, that only the “ legiti- 
mate” crossings resulted in full fertility, and produced normal 
and fully fertile offspring; while, on the other hand, illegitimate 
crossings led to all degrees of diminished fertility or even 
complete barrenness, and produced offspring which had all the 
characters of bastards produced by the union of distinct species. 

The result of these investigations was particularly favourable to 
Knight's law, since it proved that in heterostyled plants not only 
the occasional crossing of separate flowers, but the regular crossing 
of separate individuals was absolutely essential for the maintenance 
of the species. At the same time it broke down the sharp 
boundary-line between Species and Variety which had formerly 
been supposed to be found in the more or less complete sterility of 
hybrids produced by crossing distinct species; and it showed, more- 
over, by the complete resemblance between the offspring of 
illegitimate unions in dimorphic and trimorphiec plants and the 
bastard offspring of distinct species, that in the latter sterility both 


at first and in the bastard offspring is not due to differences in the 
general structure, but exclusively to a difference in the action 
of the reproductive elements. 

Attracted by Darwin’s brilliant researches on heterostyled plants 
(1861-1868), many other investigators have since worked at the 
same subject. Darwin has collected their results, controlling them 
by his own observations and experiments and incorporating them 
with the results of his later investigations. His book contains all 
that we certainly know as yet concerning heterostyly, and treats also 
as comprehensively of polygamous, dicecious, and _ cleistogamic 
plants. It restricts the name polygamous to plants which: possess 
male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers, and introduces the fol- 
lowing new terms: gynodiecious, for plants which have hermaphro- 
dite and also purely female individuals; androdiecious, for plants 
which consist of hermaphrodite and purely male individuals ; gyno- 
monecious, for plants which have hermaphrodite and purely female 
flowers upon the same individual ; andromonecious, for plants in 
which one individual bears hermaphrodite and male flowers. 

The most complete collection of all the known facts which 
contribute to prove Knight’s law is given by Darwin in his work 
on the Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, in 
which he suggests many new and fruitful lines of research ; but 
the three methods of investigation which Darwin originally used 
have been the chief aids in investigating the determining con- 
ditions of the forms of flowers. Numerous observers, among whom 
Friedrich Hildebrand, Federico Delpino, my brother Fritz Miiller,and 
Severin Axell deserve special mention, have pushed forward along 
these new paths that Darwin opened ; they have not only brought to 
light a mass of new facts, all tending to elucidate floral mechanisms 
on the basis of the Knight-Darwin law, but they have also disclosed 
many new general principles. These we may briefly review. 

Hildebrand, in several laborious works, demonstrated that many 
floral contrivances which Sprengel had investigated, but had 
explained on the theory of self-fertilisation, were really adapted 
for regular cross-fertilisation; and he explained on the same 
principle, and in most cases figured, many forms that Sprengel had 
not examined. He extended the list of dimorphie and trimorphie 
plants, and applied Darwin’s experiments to Primula sinensis, 
Pulmonaria officinalis, and several species of Ozalis; he also 
performed artificial self-fertilisation on these forms, and found that 
it led in general to even greater sterility than the illegitimate 
crossings. By his experiments on Corydalis cava, he showed that 


self-fertilisation, which occurs spontaneously in all flowers of this 
plant, is completely inoperative, that even crossing of different 
flowers on the same individual gives a very poor yield, and that 
only the crossing of separate plants results in full produc- 
tiveness. A powerful objection to the Knight-Darwin law 
was removed by this discovery. Finally, in his. Geschlechter- 
Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen (1867), he has striven to show that 
throughout Phanerogams cross-fertilisation of separate individuals 
either takes place in all cases, or does so for the most part, or is at 
least possible; and he has given the following classification of 
phanerogamic flowers according to the comipletendss with which 
they exclude self-fertilisation :— 

A. Male and female organs in different flowers (diclinism). 
Cross-fertilisation ensured, and effected by insects or by the 
wind. Ex. Cannabis, 

B. Male and female organs in one and the same flower (monoclinism). 
1, The organs of the two sexes not developed simultaneously (dichogamy),. 
(a) The male before the female! Ex. Geranium pratense. 
(b) The female before the male? Ex, Luzula pilosa. 
Self-fertilisation usually prevented, and cross-fertilisation 
effected by insects, 
2. The organs of both sexes developed simultaneously (homogamy). 
(a) Flowers expanding ( flores chasmogami, Axell). 
I, Anthers distant from the stigma. 
a. Styles of different lengths on different plants of the same 
species (Heterostyly,, Hild. ; dimorphism and trimorphism, 

Self-fertilisation not altogether prevented, but either quite 
inoperative (Pulmonaria officinalis) or yielding little 
result (Primula sinensis). 

8. Styles of the same length in all the flowers (Homostyly). 
* Reproductive organs changing their relative positions during 
the flowering period. 

Self-fertilisation avoided, cross fertilisation effected by 
insects. Ex. Anoda hastata. 

** Reproductive organs remain unchanged in position during 
the flowering period. 
+ The aid of insects necessary for fertilisation. 

Self-fertilisation to a great extent impossible, and cross- 

fertilisation necessary. Ex. Orchidacee. Self-fertilisation 

1 Sprengel calls this species of dichogamy, male-female, or dichogamia androgyna ; 
Hildebrand, protandrous ; Delpino, proterandrous. 

R Sprengel calls this species of dichogamy, female-male, or dichogamia gynandra ; 
Hildebrand, protogynous; Delpino, proterogynous. Delpino distinguishes two 
varieties, viz., proterogynia brachybiostigmatica, where the stigmas are short-lived 
and. wither before the anthers ripen; and proterogynia macrobiostigmatica, where 
the stigmas remain capable of fecundation until the anthers are mature, and where 
consequently self-fertilisation remains possible. 


to a certain extent possible, but not necessary ; cross- 
fertilisation more probable. Ex. Asclepiadee. 
tt The aid of insects not essential. 
Self-fertilisation possible, but cross-fertilisation also effected 
by insects, 
II. Anthers lying close to the stigma ; self-fertilisation inevitable. 
* No seed produced without cross-fertilisation, which is effected 
by insects. Ex. Corydalis cava. 
** Seed is produced on self-fertilisation, but cross- fertilisation by 
insects is not excluded, 
(d) The flowers never expand (flores cleistogami, Kuhn). 

Only self-fertilisation occurs, and all cross- fertilisation is 
excluded ; but the plants have other flowers which open 
and are liable to cross-fertilisation. Ex. Owalis acetosella, 

Although the statements contained here with reference to the 
possibility of cross- or self-fertilisation have turned out not to be 
universally correct, and although the divisions merge into one 
another by many intermediate forms, as Hildebrand himself 
allowed, yet Hildebrand’s scheme is very well adapted to serve 
as an artificial classification for the consideration of individual 

Delpino described the structure of very many. flowers belonging 
to the most distant orders, showing them all to be adapted for 
cross-fertilisation. His descriptions are so clear and minute that 
he dispenses to a large extent with illustrations. In many cases 
he has directly observed the fertilising agents, and he states at 
least the families or genera to which they belong. He has shown 
that water as well as wind, and snails and honey-sucking birds as 
well as insects, play a part in the conveyance of pollen. He has 
shown in the most diverse instances how the form of the flower is 
determined by the special fertilising agent, and in several families 
(Maregraviacee, Marantacece, Artemisiacee, &c.) he has made happy 
use of the gradual stages in adaptation to special fertilising agents 
in order to trace the mutual genetic relations of the members of 
the family. He has also shown strong evidence that in many cases 
the distributional area of a species is determined in the first 
instance by the presence of that animal which the flower has 
become adapted to be cross-fertilised by. And finally, choosing the 
various means of transport for the pollen as his basis of classifica- 
tion, and taking advantage ingeniously of the almost complete want 
of direct observations on the cross-fertilisation of Cryptogams, he 
evolved the following scheme of the whole vegetable kingdom, in 
all of whose members he also is of opinion that cross-fertilisation 
is either certain, or probable, or at least possible. 


I. Plants with Motile Reproductive Elements 

Fucacee, Characez, Protonemez (Mosses and Liverworts), and 
Proembryonatz (Ferns, Horse-tails, Rhizocarps, and Club-mosses), 
whose antherozooids, corresponding to the spermatozooids of 
animals, are endowed with spontaneous movement. Nearly allied 
to these are the Diatoms and Conjugate, in which the whole 
individual is motile. 

II. Plants which require External Aid to bring their 
Reproductive Elements together (Diamesogame). 

A. Plants fertilised by the agency of water (hg ydroplenten 
B. Plants fertilised by the wind (anemophile). 
C. Plants fertilised by the aid of small animals (evidiophite), 

A. Plants Fertilised by the Agency of Water. 

Delpino subdivides this class into two :— 

1, Plants adapted for fertilisation under water. These require 
for cross-fertilisation that the stigma or the poilen-grains, or both, 
should be thin and filiform, and that the pollen should be abundant 
and of like specific gravity to the water (Posidonia, Cymodocea, 
Zostera, Ceratophyllum, Floridec). 

2. Plants adapted for fertilisation at the surface of the water. 
In these the pollen is specifically lighter than water, or is borne 
upon a floating raft ; the peduncles of the female flowers elongate, 

sometimes aided by their spiral form, to bring the flowers to the 

surface of the water (Ruppia, Vallisneria). 

B. Plants Fertilised by the Wind. 

The only positive character common to these is their smooth 
and easily scattered pollen; the negative characters common to 
them are absence of bright-coloured floral envelopes, of perfume, 
and of honey. 

1. The Gymnosperms are all wind-fertilised, and are charac- 
terised by the absence of a stigma. 

2. The anemophilous Angiosperms have for the most part 
enormously developed stigmas, which project in the form of long 
tails, brushes, lamine, or discs; their male flowers are very seldom 
immovable, but are generally easily shaken by the wind, either the 
axis of the male inflorescence, or the peduncles of the male flowers, 


or the filaments themselves, being long and pendulous; in some 
cases the stamens are explosive, and project all the pollen into the 
air. The following five varieties may be distinguished among 
anemophilous Angiosperms :— 

(a) Forms with catkins, in which the axis of the male 
inflorescence is movable. Ex. Corylus, Betula. 

(b) Forms with pendulous flowers. Ex. Negundo fraxinifolium, 

(c) Forms with long stamens. This is the most common variety, 
including almost all Graminew, Cyperacee, Juncacew, Cannabis, 
Humulus, Empetrum, Mereurialis, Ricinus, Plantago, Littorella, 
Callitriche, Myriophyllum, Hippuris, the anemophilous species of 
Thalictrum, &e. 

(d) Explosive forms. Ex. Urtica, Parietaria, Morus. 

(¢) Forms with immovable flowers. Ex. many Palms, Potamo- 
geton, Triglochin, Sparganium, Typha. 

C. Plants Fertilised by Animals. 

These usually possess bright colours or perfumes, and supply 
food to their fertilisers. The following classification has been 
supplied to me by Delpino, by letter :— 

I. ORNITHOPHILZ.—These plants are adapted for fertilisation 
by birds, which come in search either of honey or of small insects 
(Trochilide, Nectarinia, etc.). They present several different types. 
What is known concerning them is founded chiefly on the reports 
of travellers who were ignorant: of the principles that should guide 
their investigation. Many of them possess large brilliantly-coloured 
flowers, very frequently scarlet, pouched in form, upright in position, 
and secreting great abundance of honey. 

II. ENtoMopHILA.—Plants whose flowers are adapted for 
fertilisation by insects. To this group belong all our native flowers 
which possess perfume or bright colours. 

III. MALacopHiLt#.—Plants whose flowers are adapted for 
fertilisation by snails. (These have as yet been observed by 
Delpino only.) The flowers are crowded so closely together, that 
the snails in creeping over them must come in contact both with 
pollen and stigmas. The plants are protected from the ravages of 
their voracious guests, either by secreting an acrid fluid which kills 
the snails (Alvcasia odora), or by metamorphosis of the perianth 
into a thick fleshy tissue, with whose destruction the snails are 
content (Rhodea japonica). 


In further subdividing entomophilous plants, Delpino omits all 
those plants which can be fertilised equally well by insects of various 
orders, and limits himself to forms which he considers to be adapted 
for particular insects. As such he distinguishes :— 

1. Melittophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by (the larger) 
bees. These have diurnal flowers, with colours and scents attractive 
to man also, partly with concealed honey (Salvia pratensis), partly 
devoid of honey, and in that case with the pollen inclosed within 
the flower and only becoming apparent on special treatment 
(Genista tinctoria). 

2. Micromelittophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by the 
smaller bees (and very many other small insects). These flowers 
possess quite incomprehensible attractions for their visitors, far 
more than in any other plants (Herminiwm Monorchis). 

3. Myiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by various 
Diptera. Their flowers present for the most part dull (yellowish, 
wine-red, speckled) colours, their odour is for the most part disagree- 
able both to man and to bees, and they display either an exposed 
surface of honey or else pollen only for their visitors (Huonymus). 

4. Micromyiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by minute 
Diptera. The flower or the inflorescence forms a chamber with 
a narrow entrance, often a temporary prison for the fertilising 
agents ; honey is produced as a thin adhesive layer, or may be absent, 
in which case the pollen is abundant (Aristolochia Clematitis, Arum). 

5. Sapromyiophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by carrion- 
flies and dung-flies. The flowers have a putrid smell, but the 
other characters of the group resemble those of the Myiophil 
(Stapelia, Rafflesia). 

6. Cantharophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by beetles. 
These are large diurnal flowers of striking colours, affording con- 
venient shelter, and containing an exceedingly large supply of 
pollen besides occasionally some easily accessible honey (Magnolia). 

7. Psychophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by diurnal 
Lepidoptera, These have brightly-coloured diurnal flowers, whose 
honey is concealed at the base of a very narrow tube (Dianthus). 

8. Sphingophile ; plants adapted for fertilisation by Hawk-moths 
(Sphingidw) and Noctue. These have light-coloured nocturnal 
flowers, with a strong sweet scent, whose honey is concealed at 
the base of a very long tube or spur (Lonicera Caprifoliwm, 

' Since the above was written, Delpino has completed his work, Ulteriori osser- 
vazioni sulla dicogamia nel regno vegetale, and in it the contrivances by which 

rr eer = 


ae Sea 

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v A eT the Ty ME *7 


My brother, Fritz Miiller,has made many interesting observations 
on South Brazilian plants, in all the three lines of research which 
Darwin instituted. His results have been contributed partly to 
the Jenaische Zeitschrift and Botanische Zeitung, partly to Darwin’s 
Variation of Animals, ete., and are partly published for the first 
time in this book. He has found in the case of various orchids 
that they are not only sterile to their own pollen, but even that 
the pollen and stigma of the same flower act as fatal poisons to 

-one another. In various flowers (Chamissoa, Epidendrum) he has 

discovered special contrivances in the act of being evolved, and 
especially in Posoqueria and Faramea he has given clear proof 
that certain peculiarities, advantageous under the given conditions, 
have by no means attained their full perfection. The proof of this 
fact deserves special attention as a strong objection to the teleolo- 
gical theory. His comprehensive observations on Brazilian orchids 
will; it may be hoped, soon be published in a special work. 

Severin Axell published in 1869 a book on the floral mechanisms 
of Phanerogams. It contains a clear historical review of the growth 
of our knowledge of the sexual relations of plants, and describes 
some new investigations of floral mechanisms and some experiments 
on the fertility of plants after self-fertilisation, It is remarkable 
for divesting of a certain onesidedness the conception that had 

flowers are adapted for cross-fertilisation by animals are fully treated and very clearly 
arranged. He distinguishes :— 

1, Adaptations which affect the senses of sight and smell in the fertilising 
(a) Colour, 
(b) Scent. 

2. Adaptations which affect the sense of taste: the attractions of pollen, honey, 
aud other food-materials. : 

3. Arrangements which direct the actions of the fertilising agents, and make 
them more effective. 

(a) Increase of conspicuousness by heliotropy, the position and grouping 
of the flowers, enlargement of particular organs, ete. 

()) The development of certain parts convenient for alighting on or 
standing on. 

(c) Arrangements for preserving the nectar for the use of the fertilising 

(d) ce teuiante for promoting the transfer of pollen from the anthers 
to the body of the fertilising agent, and thence to the stigmas. 

(ec) Arrangements for ensuring the transport of pollen from one flower to 
another, or from one individual plant to another, 

(f) Arrangements for regulating the number of visits of the fertilisin 
agents. ; 

(g) Arrangements for adapting the flowers to particular fertilising agents 


Finally, Delpino gives a classification of flowers according to their different types, 
of which he distinguishes forty-seven, and he appends some remarks on the fertilising 
agents of plants and their habits. 



become here and there prevalent of the significance of cross- 
fertilisation; and also for attempting to arrange all the floral 
mechanisms of Phanerogams in a series, according to their natural 
development from less perfect to more perfect forms. 

The first impulse to the new investigation of flowers had been 
given by Darwin’s notion of a general law that no organised being 
fertilises itself for an unlimited number of generations, or, as 
Darwin put it, that nature abhors perpetual self-fertilisation. And 
it was natural that those investigators who worked upon the lines 
laid down by Darwin should look upon the contrivances that were 
favourable to cross-fertilisation and unfavourable to self-fertilisation 
as so many proofs of the truth of Darwin’s conjectural law. But 
they neglected to consider those flowers which frequently or 
regularly fertilise themselves; or, if such flowers forced them- 
selves upon their notice, they were looked upon as isolated excep- 
tions, and self-fertilisation was considered, in spite of them, as 
throughout injurious to plants. For instance, Hildebrand in 1867 
says: ‘In most plants self-fertilisation is avoided by special 
contrivances or even rendered impossible, or if it does take 
place it is at least injurious;” and in 1869 he tries to prove 
“the law of the avoidance of self-fertilisation,’ and to treat as 
isolated exceptions Calccolaria pinnata and Morina elegans, in 
which he had found self-fertilisation to take place regularly when 
insect-visits fail. Similarly, in Delpino’s writings until 1869 
the idea recurs in many places, quite definitely, that “nature in 
general abhors self-fertilisation,”! while Darwin had only spoken of 
perpetual self-fertilisation. Now Axell justly showed that this 
conception entertained by Hildebrand and Delpino was unfounded, 
for he brought forward in opposition to it the facts that in many 
flowers self-fertilisation inevitably takes place in default of insect- 
visits, and that he himself had proved by experiment in many 
cases that such self-fertilisation results in the production of good 
seed; further, that many aquatic plants, which under ordinary 
circumstances expand their flowers at the surface of the water and 
are cross-fertilised by the wind or by insects, remain closed and 
submerged when the water is unusually high, and in such cireum- 
stances fertilise themselves and produce seeds which propagate the 
species; and finally, that many terrestrial plants, with irregular 
flowers which render self-fertilisation impossible, produce, instead 
of these or along with these, other flowers of simple structure 

1 For instance, in No. 177, p. 55, “L’antipatia che ha Ja natura per le nozze 
consanguinee ” (1869). 


i ane 



which remain closed (flores cleistogami, Kuhn) and produce seed 

regularly by self-fertilisation. He supposed that the existence of 

cleistogamic flowers was due partly (eg. Lamiwm amplexicaule) to 

low temperature, which hindered the development of the ordinary 
_ flowers, and partly to failure of the insects which under normal 
- circumstances effected cross-fertilisation. 

By this explanation, Axell rectified the conception that was so 
distinctly uttered by Hildebrand and Delpino in their earlier 
writings, viz., that cross-fertilisation is advantageous and self- 
fertilisation disadvantageous for plants, by showing that though 
cross-fertilisation is better than self-fertilisation, yet self-fertilisation 
is infinitely better than absence of fertilisation and consequent 

ee ite aml 

Fia 2.—Cleistogamic and ordinary flowers of Lamium amplexicaule. 

1—4, large ordinary flower, not quite twive natural size. 1, entire flower; 2, oblique view of 
mouth, showing anthers and stigma ; 3, upper part of corolla just before the flower opens ; 4, nectary 
 (n) and ovary (02). 

: 5—10, small cleistogamic flower (5-8, x 5;°9, 10, x 24). 5, entire cleistogamic flower from the 
outer side ; 6, corolla, opened by force, seen from the side; 7, the same, opened less widely, seen 
_ from below; 8, corolla of a cletstoraniic flower, unopened, from below; 9, essential organs of a 
cleistogamic flower undergoing self-fertilisation, two stamens having been removed ; 10, ovary and 

- nectary seen from the front and right. 

sterility; and he also removed by his elucidation of cleistogamic 
' flowers one great objection to the Knight-Darwin law,—the 
argument which was used against it by H. von Mohl. 

Axell founds his attempt to classify all floral mechanisms of 
Phanerogams in the natural order of their development upon two 
laws which he lays down as axioms: (1) Nature strives to increase 
as much as possible the number of individuals in each species ; 
and (2) she strives to attain the greatest possible results by the 
simplest possible means. If, instead of abiding by the teleological 
standpoint which personifies nature, Axell had risen to the 
objective conception of nature which Darwin founded, he might 

c 2 


have stated these two laws somewhat as follows: (1) every species 
of animal and plant has, in otherwise similar circumstances, the 
greater prospect of survival in the struggle for existence, the more 
numerous the offspring that it leaves; (2) every individual may, 
under otherwise similar conditions, be preserved the more easily 
in the struggle for existence, the simpler its requirements are. 
He would not then have required to state these laws as axioms, 
for they are seen to be immediate consequences of the theory of 
natural selection. Starting from these two laws, Axell saw in 
every economy of material, space, or time, an improvement in the 
mechanism of the flower. Accordingly he considers the arrange- 
ment in anemophilous flowers the most primitive and most 
imperfect form amongst Phanerogams, since it necessitates an 
immense waste of pollen, which is avoided in cross-fertilisation 
by insects. In both the anemophilous and the entomophilous 
sections, Axell recognises a further advance in the transition from 
dicecious to moncecious and monoclinic forms, since in this arrange- 
ment there is not only increased economy of material (floral 
envelopes, pollen), but increasing certainty of sexual reproduction. 
In the group of monoclinic entomophilous flowers, Axell considers 
that a further advance is shown in passing from dichogamic to 
herkogamic flowers (those in which self-fertilisation is hindered 
by the relative positions of the parts), and from these to the 
heterostylic (dimorphic and trimorphic), and finally from these 
to the homostylic plants with irregular flowers and again to those 
with regular flowers. 

According to Axell, the forms which stand nearest to the diclinie 
entomophilous flowers are the dichogamic,! as in both of these 
types two insect-visits are necessary for each act of fertilisation, 
and many insect-visits which are paid successively to flowers in 
the same stage of development remain useless to the plant. 
Among homogamic entomophilous flowers, the herkogamic, in — 
Axell’s opinion, share with the dichogamic forms the disadvantage 
of not being able to fertilise themselves in case of need; but they 
stand one stage higher, since each act of fertilisation requires only 
a single insect-visit. This is also the case in heterostylic forms, 
which according to Axell stand yet a stage higher, since in them 
self-fertilisation, though very difficult, is not impossible. Finally, 

1 Axell allows the quite unfounded supposition that the corolla begins to wither 
and the secretion of honey ceases as soon as pollen is applied to the stigma to lead 
him into the equally erroneous conclusion that proterandrous dichogamy only is 

possible in entomophilous flowers; and this conclusion leads him. to doubt the 
accuracy of many observations which are opposed to his view, 



among homostylic forms, in which the possibility of self-fertilisa- 
tion is unchecked, those with regular flowers stand, according to 
Axell, on a higher grade that those with irregular flowers, since 
they permit the visits of more various insects. Axell thus arrives 

_ at the following order of development :— 




A. Flowers which are fertilised by the aid of an extraneous 
medium of transport (jlores chasmogamt). 
I. Anemophilous forms: (a). dicecious, (b) moneecious, (c) 
dichogamic (proterogynous), (7) homogamic. 
If. Entomephilous forms : 
a. Self-fertilisation hindered by 
1, Diclinism ) Two insect-visits necessary for each 
2. Dichogamy § act of fertilisation. 
3.: Herkogamy? 4.5.05: + « Only one insect-visit 
b. Self-fertilisation not hiner necessary for each 
1. Heterostyly. 2. Homostyly act of fertilisation. 

B. Flowers which fertilise themselves without the aid of an 
extraneous medium of transport ( flores cleistogamt). 

If we review the lines of research above described, in order to 
get a clear idea of which path leads us most surely to the condi- 
tions determining the forms of flowers, it becomes plain that two 
different aims must be kept in view; these are closely connected, 

"and sometimes within certain limits mutually depend upon one 
_ another, but they cannot be confounded without danger; viz. 
(1) the elucidation of floral mechanisms, and (2) the proof of the 

Knight-Darwin law. 
Sprengel kept in view as the sole aim of his researches the 

_ explanation of the characters of flowers on certain presumptions 
_ which were to be justified by the constant possibility of such expla- 
nations; and his results were singularly fortunate so far as was 

possible with his teleological conceptions, and without knowledge 
or foreshadowing of the advantage of cross-fertilisation. Darwin 
_ remedied both flaws in Sprengel’s theory, since he not only gave 

complete expression by his theory of natural selection to the new 

conceptions that had gradually grown up, but he also made the 

definite statement, and took steps to prove it, that the effect of 

_ cross-fertilisation is advantageous. But he did not content himself 

with the statement that cross-fertilisation leads to a more vigorous 
offspring than self-fertilisation, which would have sufficed pro- 

 yisionally to explain the contrivances in flowers, but he laid down 


the much more comprehensive and general law “that no organic 
being fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, but that 
a cross with another individual is occasionally—perhaps at very 
long intervals—indispensable.” And, in his exhaustive researches 
on the floral contrivances of orchids, he had always kept in view 
as his chief aim the establishment of this law.! | 

Hildebrand and Delpino followed the same aim just as dis- 
tinctly, though they expressed it in other words.? All three sought 
to explain all the contrivances of flowers, presupposing the accuracy 
of that general law. . If all floral mechanisms without exception 
had turned out to subserve the necessity of occasional cross-fertili- 
sation, the establishment of that law, and with it the foundation of 
our comprehension of flowers, would have attained thereby to the 
highest measure of certainty; but in point of fact, as on the one 
hand more and more flowers were adduced in which cross-fertili- 
sation is, under natural conditions, inevitable, on the other hand, 
in at least equal proportion, more and more instances were revealed 
of plants which regularly fertilise themselves and are fully pro- 
ductive thereupon. Inasmuch as one cannot admit that the mere 
possibility of occasional cross-fertilisation is a sufficient proof of its 
necessity, it must be acknowledged that the establishment of the 
Knight-Darwin law is not advanced in the least by all the 
researches on the mechanism of flowers. The whole explanatory 
theory of flowers, so long as it is based entirely upon this law, has 
this uncertainty at its foundation. 

In order to avoid this uncertainty and to secure a firm basis for 
investigating the conditions determining the forms of flowers, it is 
above all necessary to leave aside the Knight-Darwin law, which 
can neither be proved by investigating the forms of flowers nor is 
necessary for their elucidation; and to confine ourselves to the 
proposition, which is sufficient for this investigation and which 
can be verified by experiment, that cross-fertilisation results in 
offspring which vanquish the offspring of self-fertilisation in the 
struggle for existence. 

1 “In my volume ‘ On the Origin of Species,’ 1 have given only general reasons for 
my belief that it is an almost universal law of nature that organic beings require 
an occasional cross with another individual; or, which is the same thing, that 
no hermaphrodite fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations, Having been 
blamed for propounding this doctrine without giving ample facts, for which I had not 

in that work sufficient space, I wish to show that I have not spoken without having 

gone into details.”’—Darwin, On the Various Contrivances, ete., p. 1. 

* Hildebrand calls it the law of the avoidance and the disadvantage of continual 
self-fervilisation (*‘ das Gesetz der vermiedenen und unvortheilhaften stetigen Selbst- 
befruchtung’”’); Delpino calls it the great law of dichogamy, or of intercrossing (“la 
gran legge della dicogamia o delle nozze incrociate "), 

ee ee 


It is obvious that this proposition. is much narrower than the 
Knight-Darwin law. For it is easily conceivable, and it is com- 
patible with all known facts, that, in all plants without exception, 
the offspring of self-fertilisation, as soon as they come into com- 
petition with other individuals of their species which are the 
offspring of cross-fertilisation, finally succumb, and that therefore 
the above-mentioned proposition is thoroughly correct; but that 
nevertheless many species which are regularly self-fertilised, and in 
which the struggle for existence between the offspring of self- 
fertilisation and of cross-fertilisation never takes place, reproduce 
by self-fertilisation for an unlimited number of generations, and 
that therefore the Knight-Darwin law is false. 

Whether the offspring of self-fertilisation finally succumb in 
the struggle for existence to the offspring of cross-fertilisation in 
the same species may probably be decided in the course of a few 
generations for certain plants by the above-described experiments 
contrived by Darwin. Whether, on the other hand, plants in which 
such competition is avoided, owing to exclusive and continuous 
self-fertilisation, finally become extinct for want of crossing, can 
probably in many cases not be decided. At least Darwin declares 
expressly (Variation, etc., chap. xvii.) that, in order to recognise 
the difference between plants produced by self-fertilisation and 
those produced by cross-fertilisation, it is often absolutely necessary 
to place both together in competition. And, moreover, important 
facts stand opposed to the Knight-Darwin law, which have mostly 
been collected by Darwin in his Variation of Animals and Plants 
with scrupulous care. I may refer to the examples of plants 
(mentioned in chap. xviii. of that work) which spread over 
unlimited areas by asexual reproduction; to the Brazilian culti- 
vated plants, described by Fritz Miiller and discussed in the third 
section of this book, which after they have been multiplied for 
many generations exclusively by asexual means, have lost even the 
power of sexual reproduction ; to the well-known facts that numerous 
mosses reproduce over great part of their area of distribution by 
exclusively asexual means, and that many are only known in the 
sterile form: all facts which are not easily brought into accordance 
with the supposition that occasional crossing is essential for lasting 

There is good foundation, therefore, for the demand that the 
explanation of floral mechanisms shall rest only on the sufficient 
and demonstrable assumption that cross-fertilisation Beige more 
vigorous offspring than self-fertilisation. 


But while we must, on the one hand, strive ‘to limit our 
assumptions as much as possible, in order to keep a basis.fully 
demonstrable by experiment for our conclusions, we must, on the 
other hand, that these conclusions may rest firm,-demand the 
securest possible establishment of all accessible facts which can 
influence the mutual relations between flowers and the agents 
which fertilise them. 

Of the various fertilising agents, wind and water are so simple 
and regular in their action that it is easy to review the circum- 
stances of the case, and to recognise how the comparatively simple 
contrivances in anemophilous and hydrophilous plants are deter- 
mined by the nature of the medium of transport. But the insects } 
which act as carriers of pollen are so various in size, form, length 
of proboscis, food-material, mode of movement, colour-sense, &c., 
their abundance depends on so many conditions, and their visits to 
particular flowers are so influenced by weather, the competition of 
other insects, the attractions of other neighbouring flowers, &c., 
that the mere investigation of floral contrivances, and the mere 
general establishment of the fact that certain flowers are actually 
visited and fertilised by insects, can never lead to a perception of 
the primitive conditions which determine any specific peculiarity 
in a flower. Only when it is accurately ascertained for many 
and various flowers of the same neighbourhood by what insects and 
how abundantly by each each species is visited, what in each case 
each visitor comes in search of, how each acts in its visits, how the 
dimensions of their bodies correspond to the dimensions of the 
flowers (for instance, the length of their proboscis to the length of 
the tube and spur), what parts of their bodies come in contact with 
the pollen and the stigma, and so forth ; when further, for each of 
these flowers, not only the form, arrangement, and order of deve- 
lopment of the separate parts, but also the area of conspicuous 
surfaces, the diameter of the entrance, the depth of the tube in 
which the honey lies, in short every point which can affect the 
insect-visitor, has been accurately ascertained—then only may we 
hope, by comparing the characters of flowers and their insect- 
visitors, to attain to accurate knowledge instead of the mere 
surmises concerning the conditions that primitively determine any 
floral character. Ae 

It is plain that in such facts all previous investigations have 
left wide gaps. Even Delpino, who paid more attention than any 

* Snails and birds may be left out of the question, as they do not play an important 
part in fertilising any native plants, 

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on Ay pe ge) + 


previous observer to the insect-visitors, based his generalisations 
upon far too few observations of insect-visits ; both his classifi- 
cation of entomophilous flowers? and his general conclusions 
concerning the fertilisers of whole families (Composite, Boraginee, 
&c.) require essential modification. In no single case do the 
observations hitherto made on anthophilous insects suffice either 
to explain the differences between nearly allied species of flowers 
or to settle the primitive conditions determining any specific 
floral character. . 

In order to attain to substantial knowledge concerning such 
determining conditions, we must modify in two respects the modes 
of investigation hitherto adopted, based upon the Knight-Darwin 
law :-— | ; 

(1) Instead of considering those flowers in which cross- 
fertilisation in case of insect-visitors is distinctly insured or in 
which self-fertilisation is distinctly opposed, we must look upon all 
entomophilous flowers without exception as requiring elucidation 
to the same degree; and in each species we must consider the 
possible or inevitable occurrence of self-fertilisation in absence of 
msects with as much care as the certainty or possibility of cross- 
fertilisation in case of insect-visits. 

(2) Instead of confining ourselves to the investigation of floral 
mechanisms or of at most ascertaining in a general way by what 
groups of insects a particular plant is visited and cross-fertilised, 

“we must consider the insect-visitors with as much care as the 

flowers visited by them, We must compile for each species of 
flower a list as complete as possible of its visitors, in order to come 
by wide comparison to a safe conclusion regarding what: effect 
peculiarities in colour, odour, the secretion and concealment of the 
honey, etc., have upon insect-visits, and so upon the fertilisation of 
the plant. We must also take note of the way in which the 

insects are fitted to obtain their floral diet, and we must try to 

trace the gradual evolution of such adaptations through all stages, 
since many characters of flowers and of their visitors (e.g. length 
of tube and length of proboscis) have been developed in reciprocal 
adaptation, and can therefore only be understood when considered 
together. | 

This is the path which I have sought to enter on in the present 
book. How far I have succeeded in my task is for others to 
decide. To permit of fair judgment, I must myself explain certain 

omissions in my work. 

1 Supra, p. 15. 


I have been unable to pay equal attention to all groups of 
anthophilous insects. I could neither determine by myself the 
minute flies and gnats, ichneumon-flies and their allies, aphides 
and species of Meligethes and Thrips, nor could I get them reliably 
determined by others; these, accordingly, along with most ants 
and some saw-flies, are referred to only in general terms. Noc- 
turnal lepidoptera and microlepidoptera are left almost untouched 
for another reason, viz. the difficulty of observing them upon 
flowers in the dim light. On the other hand, I have paid close 
attention to the beetles, the larger flies, bees, ‘wasps, and butterflies, 
and I have determined their species with the aid of the entomo- 
logists referred to in my preface. But just on account of this 
simultaneous observation of so many insect groups, in the case of 
the most frequented flowers it is probably only the commonest 
species that have fallen into my hands; so that it will be easy 
for any collector of a special group to show the most extensive 
omissions in my richest lists. I indeed hope that this may be done 
on the largest scale. 

In hastening to publish provisionally an account of my researches, 
it was further impossible for me to follow out thoroughly in the 
case of all the: groups of anthophilous insects the modifications 
which fit them for a floral diet, and to prove that such modifica- 
tions have been evolved gradually. In thecase of bees, the most 
important visitors of flowers, I have attempted to give such 
proof in a special work. In the present book I must limit myself 
to giving a general account of the adaptations of insects to the 
flowers visited by them, so far only as seems essential for a right 
understanding of the actions of insects upon flowers. 


1. Severin Axell gives in his work (17), published in 1869, a short review of 
the development of our knowledge of the sexual relations of plants. He 
says :— 

“ Although we meet even in ancient Greek and Roman authors with dim 
foreshadowings of the sexuality of some diclinic plants, it is only towards the 

end of the seventeenth century that we find the existence of two sexes in the _ 

higher plants clearly and generally acknowledged. In 1682, Nehemias Grew 
published his book The Anatomy of Plants, in which he maintained the 
necessity for the pollen to act upon the pistil to form the fruit. Rud. Jac. 
Canierarius? and Sebastian Vaillant? strongly supported the new views, partly 

1 Epistola de sexu plantarum (Tiibingen : 1694). 
* Discowrs swr la struetwre des flewrs, ete. (Paris: 1717). 


i ts el a a at 

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by experiment, partly by specifying the sexual organs in various forms of 
flowers ; while on the other hand Tournefort! and Pontedera® tried to prove 
that these views were untenable, chiefly from philosophical considerations. 
The contest may be considered to have been settled in its main point by the 
masterly collection of proofs of the sexuality of plants given by Linneus 
in 1735.3 

After it had been shown that pollination is an essential condition for the 
production of seed, it still remained to show how the pollen-grains are con- 
veyed to the stigma ; and attempts were made to elucidate this also, but with 
less success. It was of course seen that in diclinic plants some external agency 
must convey the pollen-grains from the male to the female flowers, and the 
whole effect was ascribed to the wind ; in hermaphrodite flowers, on the other 
hand, it was supposed that the stigma is dusted with pollen from the same 
flower without the cooperation of any external agency. This had to take place 
either by the anthers and stigma coming in contact, or by the pollen falling 
down upon the stigma: the former would have to take place either before the 
flower opened, or by movements of the reproductive organs‘ ; to explain the 
latter, it was laid down as a general rule that those flowers whose stamens 
overtop the style have an erect position, and that those in which the style 
overtops the stamens are pendulous.> Meanwhile, since it was observed that 
many flowers contain honey and are visited by insects, the idea arose that these 
must be of some use in fertilisation. It was, however, supposed that in their 
visits they simply shake pollen from the anthers,® and not that they carry 
pollen from one flower to another. The importance and in many cases the 
necessity of the action of insects was not at all recognised,’ either in general 
or in any single case, if we except the observation of the fertilisation of Ficus 
earica by Chalcis Psenes (Ficus in Amen. Acad. i.). 

This last. observation stood for a long time isolated, until in 1761 Joseph 
Gottlieb Koelreuter demonstrated the necessity of insects’ aid in several 
other cases, such as Cucurbitacee, Iridee, Sambucus, and Viscum.’ This 
illustrious man remarked also, that in Malvaceae, Epilobium, and Pole- 
monium (Vorliuf. Nachr. p. 34), self-fertilisation is prevented by maturation 
of the reproductive organs at different times, and that in these plants the 
pistil of an older flower is fertilised by the aid of insects with pollen from a 
younger flower.’ In the case of most plants, however, he held to the old 

1 Institutiones rei herbaric (Paris: 1700). 

2 Anthologia, seu de floris naturd (Patav. : 1720). 

3 Fundamenta botanica (Amsterdam : 1735). 

4 It was Vaillant who first observed this phenomenon. For the meaning which 
was assigned to it, see Linneus, De nuptiis et seaw plantarum, 1729, first printed in 
1829; and ‘* Sponsalia Plantarum,” p. 46, in Amenitates Academice, i. 

5 Linneus, loc. cit. and “‘ De economid Nature,” in Amen. Acad. i. 

6 « Sponsalia Plantarum” and ‘‘ De nectariis forum,” Amen. Acad. iv. 

7 See, for instance, the explanation of the act of fertilisation in Viola tricolor in 
** Sponsalia Plantarum,” p. 37. : 

8 Vorléufige Nachricht von cinigen das Geschlecht der Phlanzn betreffenden Versuchen 
und Beobachtungen (Leipzig: 1761), and Fortsetzung der vorliufigen Nachricht 
(Leipzig : 1763). 

After showing how well the organisation of these plants is fitted for crossing 
Koelreuter remarks: ‘‘ An id aliquid im recessu habeat, quod hujuscemodi flores 
numquam proprio suo pulvere, sed semper eo aliarum sue speciei impregnentur 
merito queritur. Certe natura nil facit frustra.” 


explanation of fertilisation, which, erroneous as it was, was not contro- 
verted until the appearance of Sprengel’s book and, afterwards still more 
thoroughly by F. J. Schelver* and August Henschel.2 The researches of 
these botanists showed clearly that in most plants pollination of the pistil 
is impossible or at least improbable without the cooperation of some external 
agent. The last two authors, since they did not ascribe the proper importance 
to insect-visits, were led into the error of denying the sexuality of plants. 
On the other hand, Sprengel has not only rendered the negative service of 
showing, as the others did, how the prevalent conception of the mode of 
fertilisation is directly contrary to the actual relations, but also the positive 
service of removing the last objection to the sexual theory by his theory of the 
adaptation of flowers to fertilisation by insects.* 

2. Even Sprengel notes several instances of incomplete adaptation ; e.g. on 
page 259, “Although the flowers (Lychnis dioica) being nocturnal are not 
adapted for humble-bees, yet these make use of their nectar.” 

3. Perhaps F. G. Kurr has reviewed most thoroughly Sprengel’s observa- 
tions in his book Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den 
Blumen, which is replete with his own observations and ideas. But even 
this acute observer 4 lets us clearly trace how his ignorance of the advantage 
of cross-fertilisation prevented him from agreeing with Sprengel’s explanations, 
and how, along with Sprengel’s theories, he rejected his correct observations 
(e.g. in the case of Campanula) in order to cling to old errors. 

Severin Axell, in his above-mentioned work, cites the following later 
botanists who rejected Sprengel’s discoveries ; “'Treviranus,> in upholding the 
sexuality of plants against Henschel, denies altogether that the organs of the 
two sexes mature at different times, and declares that the pollen and the stigma 
always ripen simultaneously ; Schultz-Schultzenstein ® attacks Sprengel, and 
charges him with false statements; De Candolle’ asserts: ‘M. Conrad 
Sprengel a cherché 4 développer ses idées, plus fondées, je le crains, sur des 
théories métaphysiques que sur la simple observation des faits;’ Mikan 
criticises him for his description of the apparatus for fertilisation in the violet ; 
even Robert Caspary says, ‘ quod censeo, non injuste dici potest, inter omnes 
illas Sprengelii observationes, quas certissimas profert, quo modo insecta flores 

fecundent, ne unam quidam esse, ex qua certe concludi possit, nullo alio modo’ 

flores fecundari quam auxiliis insectorum.’ Robert Brown alone, in his 
well-known paper (114) on the fertilisation of Asclepiadacee and Orchidaceae, 
confirmed the accuracy of Sprengel’s statement that the aid of insects is 
necessary for the fertilisation of these plants, although he, like Sprengel, 
failed to notice that here cross-fertilisation occurs and not self-fertilisation.” 
Just as, according to these extracts, most botanists reviewed onesidedly 
the weakness of Sprengel’s theory, and threw overboard the good along with 
the defective ; so, with equal onesidedness, Delpino and Severin Axell have 

1 Kritik der Lehre von den Greschlechtern der Phlanzen (Heidelberg : 1812), 

2 Von der Sexualitét (Breslau : 1820). 

3 Of. Severin Axell, “ Om det fargade hyllets betydelse for vdaten,” Bot, Notiser 
Tredje haftet, 1868. 

4 Loe. cit. pp. 188, 139. 

5 Die Lehre vom Geschlechte der Pflanzen (Bremen: 1822), 

6 Die Fortpflanzung und Ernihrung der Pflanzen (1828). 

7 Organogruphie végétale, i. p. 538 (Paris: 1827). 

ee ee ee | 


raised up Sprengel’s work too high, and have passed over in silence the flaw 
which explains why it remained inoperative for so many generations. Delpino! 
says in regard to the neglect of Sprengel,—and Severin Axell agrees with 
him: “It is sad to witness this war of error against truth, especially when 
the contest was begun by one who lived subsequently, and who, instead of 
profiting by the truths discovered by his predecessor, only set to work foolishly 
_ to deny them.” While fully acknowledging the justice of this opinion, I 
think that, to be fair to both sides, we must add: Sprengel’s discovery is an 
instructive example of how even work that is rich in acute observation and 
happy interpretations may remain inoperative if the idea at its foundation is 
4, Darwin says in his paper on the fertilisation of Papilionaceous flowers 
by bees (p. 461) : “Andrew Knight many years ago propounded the doctrine 
that no plant self-fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations. After pretty 
close investigation of the subject, I am strongly inclined to believe that this is 
a law of nature throughout the vegetable and animal kingdoms.” As Darwin 
also mentions, Knight had found by experiment in the case of the Pea 
that more numerous seeds and more vigorous offspring are obtained by the 
application of pollen from another flower than by self-fertilisation. 

1 Sull opera ‘* La distribuzione dei sesst, etc.” del Prof. F. Hildebrand, p. 10. 


Our native flowers are visited by examples of all the main 
divisions of insects; but these divisions differ greatly in regard 
to the number of their anthophilous species, the extent to which 
these restrict themselves to flowers for their food, their relative 
importance in fertilisation, and their special adaptations for the 
work. And though, as a general rule, the degree to which a group 
of insects is adapted structurally for a floral diet is proportional to 
their importance as fertilisers, this does not hold good always. In 
the following sketch, our insect-groups are arranged according to 
their progressive adaptations for obtaining food in flowers. 

Orthoptera and Neuroptera. 

These groups contain, at least among our native species, no 
form which is habitually anthophilous, or which shows any trace 
of adaptation for a floral diet. } 

Earwigs (Yorficula auricularia, L.) often creep in the 
daytime into flowers (Campanula, Papaver, Tropeolum, roses, 
pinks, peonies, etc.), whose softer parts they feed upon at night. 
Grasshoppers leap or fly on to various parts of plants, and so 
occasionally on to the flowers, to feed. 

I have seen a small dragon-fly (Agrion) settle repeatedly on 
flowers of Spirza, apparently only to sun itself. 

I have so often seen species of Hemerobius, Sialis lutaria, L., 
and Panorpa communis, L., wpon flowers of Umbelliferse, and 

* Delpino once found a small green grasshopper on flowers of Ophrys aranifera 
(172). Darwin states, on the authority of Mr. Swale, that in New Zealand several 
species of grasshoppers have been observed to fertilise papilionaceous plants (152, 

p. 451), This seems to me almost incredible. In South Brazil my brother Fritz Miller 
1as fuund a Pscudomops, probably P, laticornis (Perty), common on flowers. 


watched them bending their heads down on to the honey-secreting 
disc, that I could not doubt that they were feeding there. In 
the summer of 1855, I took Ascalaphus macaronius on flowers of 
Umbellifers in meadows at Laibach. 

The case of Panorpa communis* is quite clear, for it even visits 
flowers with more deeply-seated honey (Rosacerx, Composite, ¢.9. 
ELupatorium cannabinun), plunging its long beak-shaped head 

_ into the tubes. One might be inclined to look upon this elongated 
head as specially adapted for the quest of honey, were it not that 
_ the little wingless, closely-allied Boreus hiemalis, which never visits 


flowers, but lives among moss,” shows the same peculiarity. 
It is also exceptional for Neuroptera to visit flowers. They 

are more abundant than the above-named Orthoptera, and 

occasionally cross-fertilisation may be effected by them; but 

certainly no native flower has been modified by the agency of 
_ either group. 

In their importance as fertilisers, Hemiptera stand higher 

than the preceding divisions, for in one group, the bugs 

(Hemiptera heteroptera, Latr.), several forms are habitually 
anthophilous ; whether they possess fang peer adaptations for 
a floral diet is still uncertain. 

The species of Anthocoris (so called from their fondness for 
flowers) are fitted by their small size to creep into and suck honey 

_ from very various flowers. I have taken several undetermined 

species of Capsidw and Anthocoride on flowers of Umbelliferz, 
Composite, and Salix, seeking honey and dusted with pollen, 

» I found Tetyra nigrolineata abundantly on flowers of Daucus 

Carota in Thuringia, and I have seen Pyrocoris aptera, in spring, 
thrusting its proboscis (about four mm. long) into florets of the 

_ dandelion; the underside of its legs and body was dusted with 
_ pollen, and it seemed to be a regular and efficient fertiliser. I 
_ have seen no structural adaptations for floral visits in any of 

_ these insects, unless the small size of Anthocoris be of this nature ; 
_ the long proboscis is found in many allied forms which never 

visit flowers. No flower has been shown to be specially adapted 
for the visits of field-bugs, and I know no species for whose 
fertilisatiorw these insects are especially important. The structure 
of their proboscis need not be considered. 

1 Panorpa communis is habitually carnivorous. 

* I have found Borews hiemalis repeatedly among moss on the Lichtenauer 
mountain, near Willebadessen, but only in the middle of winter. 



In contrast to the foregoing groups, Coleoptera affurd un- 
equivocal adaptations to a floral diet. They are of far greater 
importance as fertilisers, for many species in widely different 
families feed at times on flowers, and a still greater number 
confine themselves to such food exclusively. None of our 
native plants are fertilised exclusively or even mainly by 
Coleoptera; but the large genus Meligethes alone, the species of 
which are small and can creep into most flowers, is of more 
importance as a fertilising agent than all the preceding groups 
taken together. On the other hand, beetles do great harm to 
many flowers by nibbling their reproductive organs. 

In flowers where te honey lies fully exposed (Ui mbelliferce; 
Cornus, Parnassia), many species of beetles may be seen licking 
it; and in flowers with exserted stamens and with the honey 
concealed though accessible to short-lipped insects (Rosiflore, 
Composite), beetles may be seen licking up honey, devouring 
pollen or even the whole anther, or nibbling at the petals and 
stamens. In flowers which have conspicuous anthers but which 
secrete no honey, or where the honey lies too deeply hidden, 
(Ranunculacee, Plantago), the beetles feed upon the pollen, the 
anthers, and other soft parts of the flower. Besides these, flowers 
which afford shelter from wind and rain (Campanula, Digitalis) 
are visited by beetles, which then feed upon the pollen and the soft 
tissues. In warmer countries, according to Delpino (178, L., p. 234), 
several flowers of this kind, eg. Magnolia, have become adapted 
for fertilisation by beetles (Cetonia) exclusively. Lastly, we 
sometimes find beetles upon flowers which seem to offer none 
of the advantages above described, but only allure by means of 
their bright colours; thus, for instance, Cryptocephalus sericeus 
and OC. Mori are often attracted by the bright yellow flowers of — 
Genista tinctoria. 

A review of the mode of life of insects sihdan visit flowers, 
and of the families to which they belong, shows continuous 
gradations from those which never visit flowers to those which 
seek them as a secondary matter, and finally to those which 
entirely depend upon them. This shows clearly that insects 
which originally did not avail themselves of flowers gradually 
became more and more habituated to a floral diet, and only 


became correspondingly modified in structure when they had 
learned to depend upon such a diet exclusively: so that the view 
(defended by Delpino), according to which certain flowers have 
been predestined for certain insects, and vice versd, is untenable.} 
In the larval state I have observed only one anthophilous 
_ beetle (Helodes arcta) to affect a floral diet ; other beetles, which 
as larve feed on the parts of flowers, e.g. the Apple Gouger 
(Anthonomus pomorum), abandon flowers on attaining to the 
perfect state. The larve of beetles which are anthophilous 
when mature, are partly carnivorous (TZelephorus, Trichodes, 
Coccinella), partly feeders on putrid animal matter (Dermestide), 
partly feeders on living or decaying vegetable matter (Buprestida, 
Cerambycide, Llateride, Chrysomelide, Curculionide, Cistela, 
_ Lagria, Mordellide, Lamellicornia). 
Of the carnivorous larve, most species of Coccinella and 
 Telephorus yemain carnivorous in the perfect state, but some 
(Coccinella septempunctata, C. L4punctata, C. mutabilis, Telephorus 
 fuscus, T. melanurus, etc.) though they do not disdain flesh 
altogether resort more or less to flowers, and TZ vichod:s in the 
perfect state restricts itself absolutely to a floral diet. 
| In the next group, larve which feed upon putrefying animal 
matter, Dermestes retains the same habit in its perfect state, 
Snover visiting flowers, and Anthrenus and Attagenus sometimes 
do the same; but of these latter genera, the same species which 
under favourable circumstances, ¢.g. in neglected zoological collec- 
_ tions, feed for many generations on animal matter, without ever 
leaving the cases whose contents they are destroying, in other 
circumstances may be found by hundreds upon flowers, busily 
feeding upon pollen and honey. 
The most perfect gradations are exhibited, however, by those 
families whose larve feed upon vegetable matter, as the following 
selection shows: I have taken no species of Bostrichide on 
flowers ; of the Curculionide, only a tiny part of the family resort 
(and then exceptionally) to flowers, whether of the same plants 
. in which they pass their earlier stages (Gymnetron campanule, 
_Larinus Jacee and senilis), or of other plants on which they 
find freely accessible honey (e.g. Otiorhynchus picipes on Cornus, 
species of Apion on Adoxa and Chrysosplenium) ; the Chrysomelide, 


PRO er eae «7 

1 Cf. the discussion of Delpino’s teleological conceptions in the fourth section. 
_ * J have found larve and pupe of Larinus senilis, F., at Miihlberg in Thuringia, 
at the base of the capitula of Carlina acaulis, and the perfect insect on the leaves 
_ and now and then on the flowers of the same plant. 



besides showing the two stages exemplified in the Curculionidae, 
possess species which in the perfect state are either mainly or 
exclusively confined to flowers, either feeding on honey (eg. 
Clythra scopolina), or on the soft parts of the flower (e.g, 

Cryptocephalus sericeus). But even in the Chrysomelide, the 

anthophilous species make only a small part of the whole family. 
The same holds good for the Lamellicornia, the Linnzan genera 

Melolontha and Cetonia, whose anthophilous species in part feed — 

upon leaves of Umbellifers, occasionally resorting to flowers, where 
they feed on all the soft parts indiscriminately (Phyllopertha 
horticola), and in part subsist on a floral diet, either chiefly 
(Hoplia philanthus, Cetonia) or exclusively (Zrichius fasciatus). 
Of the Cerambycide and Llateride, at least half of our native 
species resort to flowers, some only incidentally (Rhagium, 
Clytus arietis, Diacanthus cneus), but the greater number 
exclusively. Finally, among the Mordellide, Cdemeride, 

Malachiide, etc., whole species in the perfect state depend , 

entirely on a floral diet. 

The importance of Coleoptera in fertilisation is not great 
enough to make it worth while to compare closely all the 
anthophilous species, genera, and families with their nearest 
allies among non-anthophilous forms, in order to trace out 
adaptive modifications. To disprove the teleological hypothesis 
of predestination,—that certain insects are fore-ordained for 
certain flowers and specially organised thereto,—it is enough, 

since a gradual transition towards a floral diet has been shown — 

to exist in very various families, to show by one example how the 
structural adaptations appear also in the most gradual manner. 
We take, as an instance, the Cerambycide. 
One of the chief groups into. which, according to Westwood,” 
this family is divided, viz. the Lepturidw, comprehending our 
native genera Rhamnusium, Rhagiwm, Toxotus, Pachyta, Strangalia, 
Leptura, and Grammoptera, is exclusively restricted in the perfect 
state, for the great majority of its species,’to a floral diet; 
Rhamnusium alone, to my knowledge, is never found on flowers, 
but on willows and poplars; the species of Rhagiwm occur 
chiefly on fallen wood, but occasionally on flowers; the specie, 

1 Helodes phellandrii, for example, lives as a larva in the hollow stems, and some- 
times as a beetle on the flowers of Phellandrium aquaticum ; Cassida murrea lives 
in the larval state on the leaves of Pulicaria dysenterica, and sometimes as a beetle 
on the flowers of the same plant. Crioceris 12punetata lives in the larval state on 
Asparagus, and in the perfect state sometimes feeds on the honey of Umbellifers, 

* Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects (1839-40). 


of Toxotus occur chiefly on flowers, rarely on shrubs; the four 

remaining genera confine themselves to flowers. In proportion 

to the extent to which these forms confine themselves to a floral 
diet, are the structural characters displayed in them which mark 
off the Lepturide from other Cerambycide, and which fit them for 
_ feeding on honey, whether superficially or more deeply placed, viz. 
the elongation of the head forwards, a neck-like constriction 
behind the eyes, and consequently the power to direct the 
_mouth forwards, the prothorax elongated and narrowed anteriorly, 
. and, as I have found by a comparison of the mouth-organs, the 
development of hairs upon the lobes of the maxilla. 

a wi 


Fic. 3,—Adaptations in Beetles for feeding on honey. 

1.—Leiopus nebulosus, L. never visiting flowers. Head bent downwards, no neck behind the 
eyes, prothorax broad, lobes of the maxilla (1b) furnished with bristly hairs. 

2.—Clytus arietis, L., occasionally visiting the flowers of Umbelliferee and Rosacew. Head less 
‘bent downwards, less broad behind the eyes ; prothorax longer and narrower ; outer lobe of maxilla 
(galea, 2b) set with longer hairs, 

3.—Leptura livida, F., exclusively anthophilous,—Umbellifere, Rosiflore, Composite, Convol- 
vulus, and others. Head elongated and directed forwards, with a distinct neck behind the eyes ; 
thorax still narrower ; both lobes of the maxilla (galea and lacinia) with long hairs (3d). 
4.—Strangalia attenuata, L., exclusively anthophilous, and able to lick honey from the corolla of 
Scabiosa arvensis (4 to 5mm. in length). Characters those of the preceding species, but the pro- 
thorax is still longer and still more narrowed anteriorly ; both lobes ofthe maxilla have long 
hairs (4b). 

All these modifications form so complete and gradual a series, 
from those Cerambycide which never visit flowers, and those which 
‘can only lick superficially placed honey, up to Strangalia attenuata, 
which can reach the honey in Scabiosa arvensis at the base of 
tubular florets 4 to 6 mm. long, that the little steps by which natural 
selection has operated may be clearly traced. 

The order of Coleoptera is thus of special interest, as affording 
‘us the first tendency of insects towards floral diet, and the first 
corresponding modifications. We see how, in the most diverse 
families, accustomed to widely varying nourishment, single species 
have become habituated, first partially, then exclusively, to a floral 

diet, and that then, by natural selection, structural changes have 
D 2 


developed to insure greater success in the search after food ;* and 
we can distinguish how a dependence on flowers has sprung up at 
different epochs of time, for in some beetles there has been time 
for the attainment of adaptations, and then for their divergence 
to form genera and families; while others, which have acquired 
the habit later, remain isolated anthophilous species among near 
allies which never resort to flowers. 

Diptera and Thysanoptera. 

The Diptera stand on a higher grade than the Coleoptera in the 
matter of adaptation to a floral diet, and are of far more importance 
for fertilisation. While only a small fraction out of all the 
species of Coleoptera resort to flowers, probably the majority of the 
Diptera do so. While, further, the mouth-organs of our native 
beetles show only commencing adaptations, which extend at 
most over small families, and may be easily traced by intermediate 
stages to their origin, in flies and gnats the mouth is so deeply 
modified that it is exceedingly difficult to trace back its parts to 
the primitive form of the original biting insect-mouth. For our 
present purpose it will suffice to discuss the structure of the 
mouth-organs and the manner of using them in those Diptera which 
are specially important as fertilisers of our native flowers, without 
entering into questions of phylogeny. 

The family of the Drone-flies, etc. (Syrphide), are alone of far 
more importance as fertilisers than all our other Diptera put 
together. Most of their numerous and often very common specie 
depend mainly or exclusively on a floral diet, and in this family aa 
found the most perfect adaptations to a diet alternately of polle: 
and honey. Accordingly, to illustrate the mouth-organs of flies, 1 

1 T have fully discussed the development of a dependence on flowers in beetles in 
a special work. This treats of the first transition to a floral diet; the progress 
towards entire dependence on honey and pollen; the attainment through practice 
of a certain ease of action upon flowers, and its hereditary transmission; and 

the similar behaviour of different beetles which have acquired equal degrees of structural 

adaptation (H. Miiller, ‘“‘Die Entwickelung der Blwmenthdtigkeit der Insekten,” 
Kosmos, Bd. ix. pp. 258-272). , 


* The above refers only to our indigenous forms. Tropical and subtropical beetles 
show far more striking adaptations to a floral diet. For instance, in a Wemo 
which my brother Fritz Miiller observed sucking flowers of Convolvulus at Itajahy 
and sent to me, the maxilla are transformed into two sharp grooved bristles 12 mm. | 
long, which when opposed form a tube like the proboscis of a butterfly, but of course 
not capable of being rolled up (cf. H. Miiller, “ Hin Kafer mit Schmetterlingsriissel,”’ 
Koemos, Ba. vi. pp. 802-304 ; Hagen, Proc. of the Boston Soe. of Nat. Hist. vol. xx. 
pp. 429, 430, 1880; H. Miiller, Kosmos, Bd: x. p. 56). 

% I have explained my view of the descent of Diptera from Phryganide in a 
paper entitled ‘‘ Anwendung der Darwin’schen Lehre auf Blumen und blumen- 
besuchende Insekten,” Verh. der Naturh. Ver. fiir pr. Rheinl. u. Westf. 1869. 


take the most specialised and most abundant of the Syrphide, 
Eristalis and Rhingia. | 
In £ristalis the outstretched proboscis is seen to be composed of 
three segments (Fig. 4, 4, 5, 6, and Fig. 5, 1): (1) the mem- 
branous basal piece (9), which bears anteriorly two unpaired (A, 7) 
and two paired (& &) elongated chitinous pieces, and external to the 
latter two palps (J 7); (2) the membranous and very contractile 
middle segment (7), only clearly separated on the lower surface ; 
and (8) the extremity of the proboscis, supported beneath by a 
stiff chitinous plate (c), and bearing at its apex two contiguous 

ee st 

Fic. 4.—Mouth-parts of Eristalis (7: 1). 

: 1.—Head of E. arbustorum with retracted proboscis, from the side. 

pe 2.—Ditto, from below. 

* $,—Ditto, with extended proboscis, from above. 

g y 4.—Extended proboscis of E. tenaw, from the side. 

_~*- 5,—Ditto, from below. 

_,  6.—Ditto, from above. 

, a, eye; bb, antenney; ec, end-flaps of proboscis; ¢/c’, their inferior segment ; d, ve on the 

_~ upper side of the point of the proboscis ; e, harder chitinous piece on the under side of the point of 

the proboscis; jf, contractile middle part of the proboscis; g, contractile base of proboscis; h, 
upper lip (labrum), grooved underneath to receive the unpaired piece (i), which probably represents 
the two fused mandibles; k, maxilla; 1, maxillary palp ; mm, edges of the cavity on the under side 
of the head into which the whole proboscis is withdrawn ; n, occipital foramen. 

flaps or lips each of two parts (cc and ¢'c’), and on its upper 
surface a longitudinal groove. Of the chitinous pieces at the 
end of the first segment of the proboscis, only the superior un- 
paired one (h), which is prolonged under the membrane to the head, 
can be looked upon as an upper lip (/abrum); the lower one (7) seems 
to be formed by coalescence of the two mandibles. The upper lip 
(h) forms, with its concave side, a groove directed downwards into 
which the piece 7 can be completely withdrawn ; between the bases 
_ of these pieces 2 and 7, when drawn wide apart, the small opening 
_ of the mouth can be seen. The free ends of the two chitinous 

ery ee eo 


pieces kk arise on each side somewhat below the coalesced man- 
dibles (77), and bear palps on their outer sides; these are there- 
fore, without doubt, to be looked upon as the maxille with their 
palps, while the basal parts of the maxilla have coalesced with 
the base of the lower lip (g) (/abiwm), and are dimly visible below 
the skin (4,/', Fig. 4). The contractile piece (f) and the piece 
supported by the chitinous plate (¢), form together the free 
superiorly-grooved anterior part of the lower lip; f and e 
probably represent the submentum and mentum. The flaps 
(cc) are probably not the palps but the modified paraglossz 
borne on the ligula, though Burmeister prefers to consider them 
as labial palps. 

Let us now consider how these structures are disposed, 
(1) when feeding on pollen ; (2) when sucking honey; (3) when 
at rest. 

(1). In feeding on pollen, the fly stretches out its extensible 
proboscis, moving it, according to need, straight forwards, out- 
wards, or upwards, grasps with the two flaps at its extremity a 
little mass of pollen, rubs this down to single grains by a rapid 
motion of the flaps, and passes it backwards by the same motion 
into the groove on the lower lip; in this groove lies the upper lip, 
which is grooved below, and, within that, the chitinous pieces which 
are presumably formed by coalescence of the mandibles, and are now 
prepared to seize the pollen. As soon as the pollen is sent back- 
wards by the terminal flaps, these chitinous pieces separate slightly 
the parts which immediately surround the mouth-orifice, seize the 
pollen now lying in the groove of the lower lip, and thrust it 
backwards into the mouth. After a few seconds the first portion 
is swallowed, and the same series of actions begins anew. When the 
pollen-grains are united into long strings by elastic threads, as in 
(@nothera, an action of the forelegs, alternating with the movements 
just described, is necessary in order to free the pollen-grains from 
the threads. After the fly has torn away a little mass of pollen 
from the anther, it brings up its forefeet to its mouth while stand- 
ing on its mid and hindlegs; then taking the cord of elastic 
threads between its forefeet, and rubbing them together as if 
washing its hands, it tears the threads asunder, and frees proboscis 
and legs from them. Sometimes, to clean the terminal flaps from 
adhering pollen, it takes its proboscis in its forefeet, and rubs it 

1 In Fristalis tenaw, which attains a length of 15 mm., the outstretched proboscis 

is 7 to 8 mm. long; in Z. arbustorwm, which is 10 mm. long, the proboscis is 4 to 5 
mm. long, 



gently between them. A remarkable peculiarity of the flaps, 
shown in Fig. 5, makes them admirably adapted for seizing the 
pollen, for grinding it down, and for passing it backwards; the 
apposed surfaces of the two flaps being closely set with parallel 

: ridges of chitin, by which the pollen-grains are easily held fast, and 
_ shoved into the entrance of the groove (d). 


Fic. 5.—Proboscis of Eristalis tenax, more highly magnified. 

1.—The greater part of the proboscis of Eristalis tenaz, L., with the flaps applied together, and 
the mouth parts slightly separated ; seen from above. When the pieces h and i are depressed in the 
groove d, the mouth parts are in the position for feeding on pollen. 
‘ eon end of the same proboscis with the flaps separated to show the chitinous ridges on their 
nner sides. 

Lettering as in the preceding figure, 

This peculiarity is undoubtedly developed in connection with a 
pollen diet, for it is obviously advantageous thereto; and it is only 
found in those families of Diptera which visit flowers to obtain 
both pollen and honey (Syrphide, Muscide, Stratiomyide), and is 
absent in those which avail themselves of honey only (Bombyliide, 


Empide, and Conopide), and in the gnats, which are also purely 

(2). In sucking honey the Syrphide place the grooved upper lip 
(h, 1, Fig. 5), and the chitinous piece (7) together, to form a tube 
which is inclined downwards and inclosed within the groove on 
the lower lip. The terminal flaps may now be useful in two ways; 
they may either be laid close together (as in 1, Fig. 5) while the 
membranous middle joint (7) of the lower lip is so far drawn in that 
the suctorial apparatus inclosed within the groove of the lower lip 
protrudes in front of the flaps and dips into the fluid to be sucked ; 
or they spread out the flaps wide apart so that their rough inner 
surfaces rest upon the support, and the point of the suctorial 
apparatus protrudes at the end of the groove on the lower lip. 
Flies with swollen cushion-shaped flaps (Syrphus balteatus, Fig. 7) 
act usually in the latter way, those with long narrow flaps (Rhingia, 
Fig. 6) adopt exclusively the former. Both pollen-grains and fluid 
which have been carried into the tube formed by the chitinous 
pieces h and 1, are aided in their passage to the mouth by means of 
the sucking stomach in connection with it. The maxille and their 
palps seem to play no part either in sucking or in feeding on 
pollen, and hence must be looked upon as useless appendages in 
the Syrphide. 

(3). To guard the proboscis when at rest, the fly draws the 
membranous basal piece g backwards and downwards, the upper lip, 
mandible, and maxillz, with their palps fold upwards, the contrac- 
tile middle piece (/’) is closely drawn up, forming a few membranous 
folds at the lowest part of the proboscis, the horny plate (e) and the 
flaps (c) fold upwards and forwards, and the whole proboscis now lies 
so deeply hidden in the deep cavity underneath the snout-like 
prolongation of the head (m, 1, 2, Fig. 4), that at most the terminal 
flaps protrude slightly (1, Fig. 4). On examining the head now 
from below (2, Fig. 4) one sees in the cavity only the flaps ¢ ¢’, 
and beneath them the upper part of the chitinous plate (e), whose 
lower part lies hidden in the folds of the contractile part of the 

A further advance on these adaptations, fitting them still more 
completely for their threefold requirements, is conceivable, if to 
a still more elongated proboscis there is added a greater develop- 
ment of the snout-like prolongation of the head which covers it 

1 | have never observed the Tabanide to feed on pollen, though their end-flaps are 
roughened with chitinous ridges; but I have often found Tabanus micans and 7, 
lwridus on flowers, and I think it not unlikely that they sometimes feed on pollen, 


when at rest. Such a state of things is found in Lthingia, where 
the proboscis (11 to 12 mm. long), exceeds in length the whole body 
(10 mm.), and is not surpassed by that of any indigenous fly.! 

In anthophilous insects, the power to detect hidden honey ad- 
vances parallel to the structural adaptations for securing it. When 
Sprengel described flies as stupid insects, incapable of finding 
out honey which lay concealed, that statement applied to the great 
majority of short-tongued forms, but not at all to forms with 
long proboscides, such as the Syrphide, Bombyliide, Conopide, and 

Rhingia takes a foremost place in intellectual acuteness, as 
in the length of its proboscis, and there is, I think, no flower 
which affords honey attainable by it, that it does not discover 
and make use of. For instance, the deeply-hidden nectaries 
of the Iris are more frequently visited by Rhingia rostrata 

Fia. 6.—Proboscis of Rhingia rostrata, L. 

1.—Side view of head with retracted proboscis. 

2.—Ditto, at the moment when the proboscis begins to unfold. 

8.—Ditto, with fully extended proboscis. 

4.—Head, with retracted proboscis seen from below, twice as much magnified as in the three 
first figures. 

Lettering as in Fig, 2. 

than even by humble-bees, though Sprengel (p. 74) considers 
that no insects save bees can find them, and adds that this 
goes without saying in the case of flies, which are so obviously 
too stupid. 

But even in the Syrphida, only a few species have acquired so 
highly specialised a proboscis as Hristalis: the great majority have 
a proboscis formed on a similar plan, shown in Fig. 7. The labium 
is much shorter, its extensible middle jomt is wanting, the 
terminal flaps are swollen and cushion-shaped, and there is a 
corresponding diminution in intellectual power. Of the families 
of Diptera besides Syrphide, the Muscide, Stratiomyide, Bombylude, 
Conopide, and Empide are of some importance in the fertilisation 

1 Bombylius discolor, Mik., alone equals it in the length ofits proboscis ; Bombylius 
major, L., approaches it (10 mm.) 


of flowers. Of these forms the first two families both suck honey 
and feed on pollen; the last three suck honey only. 

The pollen-eating Muscide and Stra- 
tiomyide have the same soft, cushion- 
shaped, swollen end-flaps, and the same 
chitinous ridges thereon, as the Syrphide ; 
and in spite of some structural differences, 
they use their mouth-organs in the same 
way, and retract them when at rest into 
a cavity below the head. The merely suc- 
torial species of Bombylius, Empis, and 
Conops have end-flaps not provided with 
soft cushions with horny ridges, but 
formed simply of strong chitinous plates, 
which serve to transmit the suctorial 
apparatus; and the proboscis cannot be 
withdrawn into a cavity. So we may con- 



any. Dosbuatis of a clude that the power of withdrawing the 
balteatus, De G. ia 7 7 : 
eee ey proboscis into a cavity below the head is 
Lettering as in Fig. 2. of advantage only as a protection for the 

pollen-feeding apparatus, and has been 
developed indirectly in relation to anthophilous habits, like the 
snout-like or beak-like prolongation of the head in Syrphide. 

Of the purely suctorial flies, the species of Hmpis carry their 
thin, straight proboscis directed downwards, and use it preferably 
in that position; accordingly they resort chiefly to erect flowers, 
into which they can plunge their proboscis vertically. If the 
flower is tubular, and so long as to require it, they thrust the | 
whole head down into the tube, an action which the small size 
of the head facilitates. The chitinous piece formed by coalescence 
of the mandibles is produced into a sharp, lancet-shaped plate 
(I used Hmpis tesselatum for investigation), which, guided by the 
elliptical end-flaps, is used for boring into juicy structures, such as 
the inner wall of the spur in Orchis. Any considerable increase 
in length in a downward-directed proboscis is clearly impossible 
without the development of a joint. 

In the habits of the Hmpide we see clearly the transition from 
blood-sucking to honey-sucking. Sometimes in a single species 
the females, which require more nourishment, are blood-suckers, 
while the males suck honey only.! In Paltostoma torrentium 
(Blepharoceride) two different kinds of females exist together, one 

' H. Miiller, Natwre, vol, xxiv. p. 214 ; Kosmos, vol. ix. pp. 415-417. 


blood-sucking, the other honey-sucking; while the males are all 
alike and all feed on honey. 

In the Conopide, the proboscis, which is still carried downwards, 
is bent, when of considerable length, at the base, and sometimes 
again near the middle; and then, in the latter case, the anterior 
part shuts up into the posterior like the blade into the handle 
of a pocket-knife, so that the proboscis may still be carried in 
a vertical position. 

The species of Bombylius, on the other bacid: carry their proboscis 
(which is likewise too long to be carried downwards and unbent) 
directed straight forwards, and permanently ready for action. They 

Fia. 8. —Conopide and Bombyliide (Bee-flies). 

1.—A Conopid, Licus ferrugineus (x 1°7). 

2.—Head of ditto, with extended proboscis. 
3.—Proboscis folded like the blade in a pocket-knife. 
4.—A Bombylid, Bombylius major (x 1°7). 

5.—Its proboscis, more highly magnified. 

thus save time, sucking as they hover in the air over each flower with- 
out settling, and flying rapidly from one to another. In the length 
of their proboscis they approach Rhingia, Bombylius major having 
a proboscis 10 mm. long, and B. discolor one of 11 to 12 mm.; they 
also nearly rival Rhingia in their powers of detecting concealed 
honey. The species of Bombylius, like those of Hmpis, are fitted 
also for boring into succulent tissues. For the labium and the 
labrum inclosed by it form two grooves uniting into a tube in 
which the maxillz, as two very fine bristles, and the mandibles, 
united into one broad, strong, pointed bristle, move backwards and 

1 Fritz Miiller, Kosmos, vol. viii. pp. 37-42. 


forwards. The labrum itself is drawn out into a stiff, fine point, 
Both the labrum and the united mandibles, held between the long, 
narrow end-flaps (paraglosse), may easily be stuck into soft tissues. 
I have often seen species of Bombylius thrust their tongues into 
honeyless flowers (e.g. B. canescens, Mik., into Hypericum perforatum), 
and I imagine that here the boring apparatus was being brought 
into action. 

While, so far as I know, the species of Homtuliys and the 
Conopide restrict themselves to the juices of flowers, very many 
other anthophilous flies are in the habit at times of sucking all 
kinds of other, often uncleanly, fluids. Thus, species of Lristalis 
may be seen feeding eagerly in gutters, Scatophaga and Lucilia 
on dung, Sarcophaga on putrid flesh; even Volucella bombylans, 
which is so abundant on flowers, I noticed in May, 1869, feeding 
on a floating carcase, and returning repeatedly to it when driven 
off. Several flowers seem to have acquired an offensive smell in 
relation to these habits of flies. 

Of the second main division of Diptera, the gnats, the larger 
forms, Tipula, Bibio, etc., are of very second-rate importance in the 
fertilisation of flowers ; they occasionally lick fully exposed honey, 
and so act now and then as carriers of pollen. No flower has 
become specially adapted for them. Tiny species of midges, on 
the other hand, eg. Psychoda phalenoides, which hide in dark 
corners in the daytime and fly actively in the evening, are the 
regular fertilisers of the remarkable flowers of Aristolochia 
Clematitis and Arum maculatwm, which afford dark hiding-places 
for their visitors, and hold them in a temporary prison; others 
play an important part in the fertilisation of Adoxa and 
Chrysosplenium. | 

The group of Thysanoptera (Zhrips) are by their small size 
(hardly 1 mm. long at most, and many times less in breadth) fitted 
far better than even the Anthocoride among the Hemiptera or 
Meligethes among the beetles, for entering all sorts of flowers. 
Probably few flowers, if any, are altogether exempt from their 
visits, and though they have seldom been detected in the con- 
veyance of pollen, yet from their great abundance their value as 
fertilisers must not be overlooked. It must be almost impossible 
to exclude these tiny insects, when we try to isolate a plant 
experimentally by means of nets. The Thysanoptera seek both 
pollen and honey. They seize a single pollen-grain in their 

1 Darwin, whose experiments were always marked by admirable precautions, always 
kept in view ‘the possibility of Thysanoptera entering through his nets. 


mandibles, and convey it to the mouth; they obtain honey by 
applying the mandibles and maxille together so as to form a short, 
conical sucking-apparatus. Besides a floral diet, they avail them- 
selves, according to Westwood, of other plant-juices;! they injure, 

Fig. 9.—Thrips (Black-fly). 

1.— Thrips, seen from above (x 30). 
2.—Its head, more highly on front view. 
é —Mandible. —Maxilla 5.—Labium. 
6.—Leg. c, coxa; f, femur; té tibia ; t, g on the end of which is a sucking dise instead 

of hooks. 

for example, cucumbers and melons, and leave the leaves on which 
they have settled dotted over with small dead spots. Thus they 
agree with Diptera in availing themselves both of pollen and honey, 
and in not restricting themselves to a floral diet. 

We may here mention the young larve of Meloé, called by Kirby ? Pedi- 
culus Melitte, and by Dufour Triungulinus, which resemble the Thysanoptera 
in the activity of their movements, and in their minute size which permits entry 
into all flowers. Although they visit flowers only to attach themselves as para- 
sites to bees, they feed for the time on pollen and honey, and getting thus 
dusted with pollen they play a part similar to, but even more subordinate 
than, that of the Thysanoptera, 


The order of Hymenoptera takes a still higher rank than the 
Diptera in regard to its adaptations for a. floral diet and its 
importance in fertilisation ; for the great majority of its members, 
in the perfect state, are entirely dependent upon flowers. Review- 
ing the main divisions of this order, the Wood-borers (Sirea, L.) are 
the only forms which I have never found upon flowers; of the ants 
several species, of the Saw-flies (Zenthredo), Ichneumons (Jehnewmon, 

' Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, ii. p. 4. 
2 Monographia Apum Anglice, pl. xiv. fig. 10. 


Bracon), Chalcididse (Pteromalus), and Ruby-tails (Chrysis), many 
species, of the Wasps (Diploptera) and Sand-wasps (Fossores), 
almost all which I have had the opportunity of observing, and 
- of the bees all species without exception, rely almost exclusively 
on a floral diet. 

All these groups, excepting the last two, are only capable of 
sucking honey from flat exposed surfaces, and even among the 
Sand-wasps there are few species whose proboscis can reach some 
millimetres into a tubular flower; so that a large proportion of 
flowers are exempt from the visits of all Hymenoptera except bees. 
But bees, which not only feed when in the perfect state exclusively 
on the produce of flowers, but nourish their young thereon also, 
are in such intimate and lifelong relations with flowers, that they 
show more adaptations for a floral diet, and are more important for 
the fertilisation of our flowers, and have therefore led to more 
adaptive modifications in these flowers, than all the foregoing orders 
put together. A closer study of bees is therefore essential for 
a right. understanding of the fertilisation of many of our flowers. 

The Family of Bees. 

The various structural modifications in bees will be most easily 
understood, if we arrange them in the natural order of genetic 
descent. For the grounds of my views, I must refer the reader 
to a special essay of mine on the subject of bees.? If my conclusions 
are correct, bees are descended from certain Sand-wasps, which, 
like the species at present existing, pursued spiders, insects 

and their larvae, disabled them with their sting, carried them 

to their nests, and laid an egg beside each, thus supplying the 
resulting larva with living food,—while the perfect insects fed 
entirely on honey and pollen; these were the founders of the new 
race, who gave up the old manner of feeding the young to feed 
them with a portion of their own food, disgorged from their 
stomachs. The race thus started differed at first from the others 
in nothing but this habit; but in the course of time, filling 
an unoccupied place in the economy of nature, they increased 

1 For a discussion of the genealogical relations of the families of Hymenoptera and 
their gradual acquirement of proficiency in anthophilous habits, consult my recent 
works, “ Wie hat der Honighiene ihre geistige Befihigung erlang ?” (Hichstddter Bienen- 
zeitung, 1875, 1876 ; and note in Nature, vol. xv. p. 178) and ‘* Die Entwickelung der 
Blumenthiitigkeit der Insekten,” ti. and iii. 

2 Anwendung der Darwin'schen. Lehre auf Bienen,” Verh. der naturh. Ver. fiir 
pr. Rhein, u. Westfal, 1872, pp. 1-96. 

Pines! RS ae 


enormously, and at last formed the widely ramified family of bees ; 
the still extending branches of this family, our recent bees, show 
us in many ways gradations in their adaptations to a floral diet, 
which help us to recognise to some extent the lines of their 
evolution. | 
The species of Prosopis stand just on the same level with the 
primitive ancestral types of bees. In their almost hairless bodies, 
the narrow first tarsal joint, scantily provided with hairs (Fig. 10, ¢’), 
and their very slightly elongated mouth-parts, they completely 
resemble the Sand-wasps, and only claim to be admitted to the 
family of bees by their manner of feeding the young. They fill 

Fic. 10.—Right hindleg of Prosopis variegata, 9. Seen from. behind. 

ce, coxa ; tr, trochanter; /, femur ; ti, tibia; t, tarsus: @, first joint of tarsus. 
(The tibia and tarsus are drawn too hairy). 

their brood-chambers (which are lined with a hard cement’ by 
means of the broad tongue) with a mixture of disgorged honey 
and pollen, which serves as food for the larve on hatching. These 
little active insects, which themselves have a peculiar odour, prefer 
strongly scented flowers, Reseda, Ruta, Lepidium sativum, Matricaria, 
Achillea, ete., where they alternately suck honey and eat pollen. 
In spite of their smooth bodies, sticky pellen adheres frequently 
to them, especially to the parts of the mouth and to the slightly 
hairy legs; these have feebly developed brushes on their tarsi 
(Fig. 10, ¢’), by which the bee can clean the whole upper surface 
of its body after burrowing, but no other part of the body. has 
any development of hairs suited for collecting pollen. 


Though the species of Prosopis are thus no better fitted for a 
floral diet than many Sand-wasps, they are of far greater import- 
ance as fertilisers on account of their more frequent visits to flowers, 
in procuring food for the young. We must consider minutely the 
form and action of their mouth-organs, to understand the higher 

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Fig. 11.—Mouth-parts of Prosopis. 

1.—Head with completely folded mouth-parts. Seen from below. ; ; 

2.—Front part of head, after the mandibles have diverged and the labrum turned upwards. ~ 

2b.—Mouth-parts in the same position; more highly magnified. 

3.—Mouth-parts, after elevation of the maxille, maxillary and labia! palps, and with the tongue 
partly extended; magnified as in 2b. 

Seb ja view of front region of head after complete extension of the mouth-parts; magnified 
as in 1 and 2, 

4b.—The completely extended mouth-parts; magnified as in 2b and 8. 

lbr, labrum ; ma, mandibles ; ¢, cardo; st, stipes; la, lamina; pm, maxillary palp ; mt, mentum ; 
li, ligula (tongue) ; pa, puraglosse ; pl, labial palp ; 0, eye. 

and more specialised forms of mouth in bees. When at rest (1, 
Fig. 11), the maxillz and Jabium in Prosopis are withdrawn into a 
cavity on the lower surface of the head, which they completely 
fill. They are retracted, not asin flies, by the contraction of a 
membranous piece into transverse folds, but by the folding up of 
stiff chitinous pieces jointed together, The two basal pieces or 


cardines of the maxille (¢¢, 4, Fig. 11), are hinged by two joints to 
the sides of the cavity below the head, so that they can rotate 
backwards and forwards. In the state of rest they are bent back- 
wards ; the next segments (stipites) (st), and the mentum which is 
placed between, are drawn back, so as to cover the cardines 
completely. The lamin of the maxille (/a), with their palps 
(pm) and the labial palps (p/), are also folded over, downwards 
and backwards, and the mandibles (md) are laid over the bases of 
these parts, and also cover the retracted tongue (/i) and the down- 
ward-folded upper lip (/br, 2, Fig. 11). In the state of rest, the 

mandibles alone are free to act, without any other part of the mouth 

changing its place. When they are separated (2, Fig. 11), the 
upper lip, the tongue, the bases of the retracted maxille, the 
maxillary and labial palps, come into view. 
fs When the bee wants to suck honey, it extends its maxille and 
_ maxillary and labial palps forwards, and spreads out its tongue 
_ (3, Fig. 11); then turning the cardines of the maxille forward 
(¢ c, 4, Fig. 11) on their hinges, the maxillz and labium (mentum 
and tongue) are advanced by twice the length of these cardines, 
and the tongue may now be introduced into honey-receptacles if 
not too deep or narrow. 
The Sand-wasps possess in quite a similar manner the power of 
_ folding up the lower parts of the mouth to bite, and extending 
- them to suck, and so Prosopis can show no advance in fitness 
_ for a floral diet beyond the ancestors of the bees. The only 
peculiarity which Prosopis has developed is the habit of lining its 
_ brood-cavities with slime, which hardens into a thin shell; this 
_ habit necessitates a short, broad tongue, and therefore prevents 
_ the development of a long tongue fitted for obtaining deeply- 
_ seated honey. 
Considerably higher in the scale than Prosopis, in regard to 
_ such adaptations, are Sphecodes, and the closely allied, but still more 
_ specialised genera, Halictus and Andrena. In all three, the tongue 
_ (li, 4, Fig. 12; 1, Fig. 13) is moderately short, and is enabled to 
reach more deeply-placed honey, not so much by its own length as 
by the increased length of the mentum and the cardines. Unlike 
Prosopis, the tongue here is pointed, and more or less covered with 
hairs and fine transverse lines at the tip; since it has become 
more freed from the task of nest-building,! it has grown narrower 
and more elongated in many species of Andrena and Halictus, to 

* These genera line their brood-cavities, which are generally subterranean, with 
very little slime. 



be of greater service in honey-getting (1, Fig. 13). In a state of 
rest, the lower parts of the mouth are even more securely hidden, 
and the mandibles can move even more freely, in Sphecodes and 
many species of Halictus than in Prosopis, for the upper lip (br, 2, 
Fig. 12) folds down and completely covers the laminz and maxillary 
and labial palps. 

The three genera Sphecodes, Halictus, and Andrena have advanced 
farther from the state of the ancestral bees in regard to the develop- 
ment of their hairy coat than of their mouth-parts. Sphecodes has 
made the first step in advance; Halictus and Andrena have 
proceeded farther. 

Fria. 12.—Sphecodes. 

1.—-Right hindleg of S gibbus, L. 9., hind view. Lettering as in Fig. 10. 

2.—Head, with mandibles opened, but the lower mouth-parts folded and hidden by the labrum. © 
8.—Head, after removal of the mandibles and labrum, with unfolded and protruded mouth-parts. 
4.—End of labium, more highly magnified. 

Lettering of 2, 3, 4, asin Fig. 11. 

In Sphecodes the whole body is sparingly covered with hairs 
which show the first traces of feathery branching; the legs are 
more thickly clothed with hairs, especially the outer side of the 
tibize of the hindlegs (#, 1, Fig. 12); the tarsi (¢’, 1, Fig. 12) are 
about as narrow as in Prosopis, but the brushes on their inner side 
are a little better developed. The species of Sphecodes feed their 
young in a most primitive manner, viz. on the disgorged surplus of 
their own food; yet they certainly derive advantage from the 
hairy covering on their body and hindlegs, for the pollen which 
sticks there in their visits to flowers they wipe off with their tarsal 
brushes and use incidentally as food for themselves or their young. 




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In the exceedingly numerous species of Halictus and Andrena, 
the hairy covering of the hindlegs has so increased, and the 
development of tarsal brushes has become so perfect, that the 
practice of feeding the young on pollen collected by these hairs, 
which was only a secondary matter in Sphecodes, is here exclusively 
or mainly relied upon. The collecting hairs are spread over the 
whole hindleg from the tibia to the coxa (2, Fig. 13); even the 
last joint of the thorax sometimes bears two large tufts of hairs, 



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Fic. 13.—Halictus and Andrena. 

1.—Labium of Halictus quadricinetus, F, 2. mt, mentum; li, ligula (tongue); pa, paragloss ; 
pl, labial palp. 

2.—Right hindleg of the same bee. 

3.—Metathorax and right hindleg of Andrena pratensis, Nyl. 9 ; x right tuft of hair on meta- 
thorax. Lettering in 2 and 3 asin Fig. 10. 

4.—Single hairs from the body of an A. pratensis taken on a willow. Numerous pollen-grains 
adhere to their feathery branches. 

under which considerable masses of pollen can be lodged (3, Fig. 13). 
By a notable increase in breadth of the tarsi, the carrying-power 
of the tarsal brushes is increased. 

1 I have occasionally observed species of Andrena and Halictus feeding on pollen, 
and I have seen captive specimens disgorge drops of honey yellow with pollen grains. 

EB 2 


In Andrena and Halictus, although the chief supplies of pollen 
are obtained by means of the hindlegs, yet in these and in all other 
hairy bees the hairy covering of the body is undoubtedly of advan- 
tage.. In many flowers this gets dusted without any direct effort 
with a considerable quantity of pollen, which is then cleared off by 
means of the tarsal brushes. In almost all bees highly specialised 
for a floral diet, we find the body more or less thickly clothed with 
long feathery hairs. 

The development of the hairy covering is of the highest im- 
portance for the fertilisation of flowers. For as the hairs easily take 
up pollen, they give it up again as easily to viscid or rough stigmas. 
It would far exceed the limits of our space to discuss the adaptive 
modifications present in all the groups of our indigenous bees. 
I can only explain the further development of the pollen-col- 
lecting apparatus and of the lower parts of the mouth by a few 

We have seen in Sphecodes, Halitus, and Andrena, how the 
development of pollen-collecting hairs has gradually reached an 
extreme pitch on those parts of the body where the burden is 
least endangered by the movements of flying and creeping; viz. 
on the whole of the hindleg from the tarsus to the coxa, and on 
the hind part of the thorax. In forms higher than Andrena and 
Halictus, this collecting apparatus has attained still greater per- 
fection, in getting more and more restricted to those sections of 
the hindleg to which the tarsal brushes can most readily apply 
the pollen that they have collected, viz. the tarsus and tibia. In 
the highest forms, this localisation of the collecting-hairs has been 
attained without diminishing the mass of pollen, by an increased 
growth of hairs on the tibia and tarsus and a withdrawal of the 
more distal hairs: this we see most clearly in Dasypoda and 

In Dasypoda (1, Fig. 14), the collecting-hairs of the tibia and 
tarsus have become so long that they can carry a much greater 
load of pollen than the far more extensive collecting apparatus of 
Andrena pratensis, Nyl. (3, Fig. 13); but the hairs on the femur, 
trochanter, and coxa, are long and thick enough to take a large 
share inthe work. In Panurgus (2, Fig. 14), the collecting apparatus 
consists solely of the long hairs upon the tibia and tarsus. A 
further advance is seen in Hucera and Anthophora, where an increase 
in breadth of the pollen-collecting surfaces of the tibia and tarsus 
compensates for the shortening of the collecting-hairs. 

The last step in the evolution of the collecting apparatus on the 


-hindlegs was attained through a new habit, which rendered possible 
a great economy of collecting-hairs, and a great saving of time in 
emptying the collecting apparatus and preparing the larval food. 
This was the practice of moistening the pollen with honey before 
placing it in the collecting apparatus, so as to form one connected 
mass which could be easily removed from the collecting apparatus, 
and at once used to feed the larve. 

Macropis (1, Fig. 15) is in this way able to carry large balls 
of pollen mixed with honey on its hindlegs, though the tarsus and 
tibia are clothed with comparatively short hairs (2, Fig. 15). 

In Bombus (8, Fig. 15) we have a still farther advance. The 
pollen is kept entirely to the outer side of the hindlegs, which 

Fic. 14.—Lo¢éalisation of collecting-hairs on the tibia and tarsus. 

1.—Right hindleg of Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 2, seen from behind and within (x 7). 
2 —The same leg of Panurgus Banksianus, K. 9 (X 7). 

3.—The same leg of Anthophora (Saropoda) bimaculata, Pz. 9 (xX 7). 

Lettering as in Fig. 10. 

leads to a still greater collecting-hairs. For the outer 
surface of the tibia of each hindleg is perfectly smooth, and only 
surrounded at the edge with a fence of long hairs, some erect, some 
bent inwards, forming a kind of basket, in which the pollen-mass 
can be heaped high over the brim. So that not only is there a 
saving of collecting-hairs, and a saving of time in unloading the 
collecting apparatus, but the tarsal brushes of the hindlegs, which 
even in Macropis got charged with pollen, here resume their free 
use as brushes. 

Apis, finally, stands on a higher level than Sombus in the 
arrangement both of its collecting apparatus and its tarsal brushes. 


While in Bombus the collecting basket is walled in by many 
irregular rows of stiff hairs, still showing traces of the feathery 
branching of the primitively undifferentiated hairy coat, in Apis 
(5, 6, Fig. 15) these hairs have become simple smooth bristles with 
no trace of feathery branching, and arranged in a few close-set rows. 
The bristles of the tarsal brushes in Apis (¢’ 5, Fig. 15) are arranged 
in regular rows, and much more uniformly than in Bombus (t' 8, 
Fig. 15); and the now functionless tibial spurs, inherited from the 
Sand-wasps, which, with most other bees, they aid in making holes 

in earth, rotten wood, etc., have disappeared from the hindlegs. — 
The collecting apparatus of the hindlegs, which culminates in 

the hive-bee, is peculiar to one of the two main divisions of bees ; 



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Fic, 15.—Last grades of perfection of the pollen-collecting apparatus of the hindleg. 
1.—Right hindleg of Macropis labiata, Pz. 9. Seen from behind and within. 
2,—The same laden with pollen of Lysimachia vulgaris. 
8.—Right hindleg of Bombus Scrimshirianus, K. 8. Seen from behind and within. 
4,—Its tibia, seen from the outside (pollen-basket). 
5.—Right hindleg of honey-bee (Apis mellifica, L. $8). Seen from behind and within, 
6.--Its tibia, seen from the outside. 
Lettering as in Fig. 10. 

No. 1 naturally shows only a side view of the hairs on the outer surface of the tibia and tarsus of 

in the other division a collecting apparatus is formed by hairs on 
the ventral surface of the abdomen. In these forms, at least in 
our native species, we cannot trace a gradual development of the 
collecting apparatus as in the others; but it possesses the same 
main features in all genera of the group (Heriades, Chelostoma, 
Anthidium, Osmia, Chalicodoma, Diphysis, Megachile) ; so that one 
example will suffice for all. 

The whole or nearly the whole ventral surface of the abdomen 
is covered with a brush of stiff bristles inclined backwards, which 

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vary in length, closeness, and colour in different species, but are 
always smooth, without trace of feathery branching. This 
abdominal collecting apparatus differs also in its action from the 
collecting apparatus on the legs of the other forms; in the latter, 
the tarsal brushes (formed of smooth stiff bristles) sweep the 
pollen into the tufts of feathery hairs; in the present case, the 
collecting apparatus consists of a great brush of feathery airs, 
which themselves sweep up the pollen. More than nine-tenths of 
the flowers visited by bees with abdominal brushes are such as are 
adapted to dust the ventral surface of the bee with pollen (Zehium, 
Papilionacee, Composite, etc.) without any action of the tarsal 
brushes. Bees with abdominal brushes may be seen, for instance, 
upon a composite flower, thrusting their tongues quickly into 
one floret after another, and at the same time turning round 
bodily so as to force the pollen which lies free on the surface of 

Fic. 16.—Abdominal collecting apparatus. 

1.—Abdomen of Osmia spinulosa, K. Ventral view. (x 7.) 
2.—Lateral view of the same. (x 7.) 

the capitulum between the hairs of the brush. The brush is quite 
full after visits to a few capitula. I have, for instance, very often 
seen Megachile lagopoda, K., acting in this manner on Onopordum 
acanthium, and Osmia spinulosa, K., on Carduus acanthoides. More 
rarely, bees with abdominal brushes may be seen feeding on flowers 
whose pollen gets applied to their backs; in such cases, the 
bee makes use of its tarsal brushes to sweep off the pollen 
from the parts where it has fallen into the abdominal brushes. 
I have seen Anthidiwm manicatum acting in this manner on flowers 
of Ballota nigra. 

The latter mode of getting pollen is adopted only exceptionally 
by bees with abdominal brushes; the plan of sweeping it up directly 

as their usual method, and is quicker and more productive than 

the method used by bees whose collecting apparatus is on their 
legs. There can be little doubt therefore that the bees with 


abdominal brushes have adapted themselves to the flowers which 
were fitted to dust their ventral surfaces (Papilionacew, Composite, 
Echium, etc.), and the contrary view, that these flowers have 
become adapted to the bees, is untenable, for the flowers are 
visited and fertilised. by other and far more numerous insects ; 
still more untenable is Delpino’s idea (e.g. in regard to Heriades 
truncorum and Helianthus) of mutual predestination. 

While a pollen-collecting apparatus, as we have seen, has been 
developed in very different ways in the two main divisions of the 
family, the adaptation of the mouth-parts for deeply-placed honey 
has advanced similarly in both. In both, a natural limit to the 
length of the cardines and of the mentum (by which, in Prosopis, 
Sphecodes, Halictus, and Andrena, increased protrusibility of the 
tongue was attained) has been fixed by the length of the head, 
underneath which these parts must be withdrawn to give play to 
the mandibles; and access to more deeply-placed honey is got by 
lengthening the tongue itself, and by extension of the membranous 
and elastic parts between the mentum and the cardines. 

In the higher forms of both groups, we find that the tongue, 
which was at first much shorter than the mentum, and retractile 
into it, is many times as long as the mentum; the transverse 
markings (absent. in Prosopis, slight in Sphecodes, well-marked in 
Halictus) are present as strongly-marked transverse rings over the 
greater part of the vermiform tongue ; the hairs of the tongue, which 
have scarcely a definite arrangement in the lower forms, form whorls 
upon each transverse ring, and can be erected or depressed forwards, 
and the originally membranous and elastic parts between the 
mentum and cardines are elongated and supported by chitinous 
pieces, in such a way that when these fold together the mentum 
is retracted between the stipites as far as the ends of the cardines, 
and can be again protracted for the full length of the chitinous 

With these modifications of the lower lip, certain changes in 
the maxille are closely associated, and advance similarly in both 
divisions of the family. As soon as the tongue has so far increased 
in length that it can no longer be quite withdrawn into the anterior 
hollow of the mentum, it comes to be folded up downwards and 
backwards, and both in the retracted and in the extended state it 
is concealed between the laminz to avoid injury in nest-building 
or in being introduced into honey-receptacles. The laminz, once. 
devoted to the service of the tongue, elongate part passw with the 
tongue itself; and correspondingly the labial palps and at first also 


the maxillary palps elongate also, in order to act still as organs 
of touch. But the maxillary palps are soon outstripped by the 
lamin, the labial palps, and the tongue, and becoming useless 
gradually abort; the laminz and labial palps continue to advance 
to the full extent of elongation of the tongue. This difference is 
explained by the rise of a new function which the labial palps and 
lamine assume, and which renders them quite indispensable and 
renders the maxillary palps quite unnecessary. For as the tongue 
elongates, the laminz develop more and more into a sheath closely 
surrounding the tongue, which not only protects it in retraction 
and when being thrust into a tubular flower, but also comes to 

Fic, 17.—Tip of Hive-bee’s tongue. Highly magnified. 

1.—End of tongue, seen from above. The covering bearing the whorls of hairs (Q) is torn away 
at G to expose the capillary tube, 

2.—The capillary tube with the covering removed, and opening into the spoon-shaped hollow. 
Seen from below 

3.—Side view of the same. 

C, capillary tube; W, its wall; H, skin adhering to the capillary tube; G, ring, formed by 
the expanded bases of the hairs ; Q, whorls of hairs; LZ, spoon-shaped hollow. 

In 1 the hairy, concave upper side is seen ; in 2 the lower, convex, nearly naked side. 

play the part of a suction-tube, in which the tongue, perhaps by a 
progressive erection from before backwards of the whorls of hairs, 
conveys the honey taken up at its point back towards the mouth. 
In this the labial palps are also concerned, for their two or three 
proximal joints become flattened and help the laminz in closely 
surrounding the tongue, while the last joint or the two last retain 
their original function as organs of touch. As soon as the proximal 
joints of the labial palps have come in this manner to form part 
of the suctorial apparatus, they naturally elongate pari passw with 
the tongue and the lamine, and get transformed into long, thin, 


chitinous plates surrounding the tongue, while their terminal parts, 
still acting as tactile organs, retain their original form, their short- 
ness, and their free position. The maxillary palps, originally six- 
jointed, get handed down as useless heirlooms, and show all stages 
of abortion from six joints to none. | 

A final increase in the length of the tongue over that of the 
organs which insheathe it is got by making the proximal part of 
the tongue coil twice round-and be retracted into the hollow end 
of the mentum; so that the tongue, which in the retracted state 
reaches quite to the end of its sheath, may be protruded by about the 
whole length of the sheath beyond it. As subordinate adaptations 
in the suctorial mechanism of bees, we have sharpening of the ends 
of the laminz to pierce succulent tissues, and the development of 
a membranous lobe at the end of the tongue. In the less 
specialised bees, the tongue is supported throughout its whole 
length by a chitinous ridge; this in the higher forms becomes 
a capillary tube which opens out into the spoon-shaped hollow of 
the terminal lobe. As soon as the terminal lobe reaches the 
honey, a little honey ascends the capillary tube to the taste- 
organs, and the bee may judge at once whether to continue 
sucking or not.’ : 

To follow out in detail the increasing complexity of the mouth 
in bees, through all its stages, would be a work of special ento- 
mological interest, as profitable as it would be comprehensive. 
Having studied the first adaptations to a floral diet in Sphecodes, 
Andrena and Halictus, we must pass over the manifold inter- 
mediate forms,? and investigate the complex mechanism of the 
mouth in the most specialised bees. I select for illustration the. 
mouth of those bees which of all insects play by far the most 
important part in fertilising our indigenous flowers; viz. humble- 
bees (Bombus) and the hive-bee (Apis). 

When we see the mouth-parts of these bees fully extended and 
artificially separated (Fig. 18, 1 and 2), it seems at first sight 
hardly possible that a suctorial apparatus so large and complex, 
which many times exceeds the head in length, can be as com- 
pletely received into a cavity below the head as it is in the least 
specialised bees ; yet this takes place by help of the four folding 

1 Wolff, Das Riechorgan der Biene, 1874; Hermann Miiller, Wechselbezichwngen, 
p. 30. In the German edition of this book, 1873, the lobe is said to be employed 
probably in licking flat surfaces of honey, 

* Some of these intermediate forms are figured in my essay, ‘‘Anwendung der 
Darwin’schen Lehre auf Bienen” (Verhandl. des naturhist. Vereins fiir pr. Rhein- 
land und Westfalen, 1872). 


movements already mentioned, whose various actions we must 
now consider. — 

(1.) When the bee is sucking honey which is only just within 
its reach, all the movable joints of its suction-apparatus, cardines, 
the chitinous retractors at the base of the mentum, lamine, 
labial palps, and tongue, are fully extended, as in Fig. 18, except 
that the two proximal joints of the labial palps are closely applied 

Fia. 18. 
1.—Head of Bombus agrorum, F. 9, with completely extended and separated mouth-parts. Seen 
from above (x 5). 
2.—Mouth-parts of the Hive-bee, in the same position. Seen from below (x 12). 

Uv, the lower joints of the labial palps modified as a tongue-sheath ; x, piece covering the mouth, 
which lies between x and mt ‘epipharynz, Westwood); y, submentum (fulcrum, Kirby); 2 z, 
retractors, i.e. those chitinous pieces which unite the submentum with the ends of the cardines, 
and as they revolve backwards round the ends of the cardines, retract the mentum and its 
appendages. (Kirby calls z z the cardines, and ¢ ¢ lora,) “¢ 

to the tongue below, and the laminz to the mentum and hinder 
part of the tongue above. But as soon as the whorls of hairs 
at the point of the tongue are wet with honey, the bee by rotating 
the retractors (zz, Fig. 19) draws back the mentum, and with it 
the tongue, so far that the laminz now reach as far forward as the 
labial palps (i.e. to the point « in Fig. 18); and now laminz and 
labial palps together, lying close upon the tongue and overlapping 


at their edges, form a tube out of which only the part uw of the 
tongue protrudes. But almost simultaneously with these move- 
ments, the bee draws back the basal part of its tongue into the 
hollow end of the mentum, and so draws the tip of the tongue, 
moist with honey, into the tube, where the honey is sucked 
in by an enlargement of the foregut, known as the sucking 
stomach, whose action is signified externally by a swelling of the 

Fig. 19 represents the head of a humble-bee in the suctorial 
position. If now the base of the tongue is drawn back into the 
hollow of the mentum (as shown in Fig. 20), the tip (wv) is 
drawn, wet with honey, into the tube. If the cardines (c, Fig. 19), 


Ga. 19.—Head of Bombus hortorum, 2, with proboscis halt extended. 


Seen from the side (x 7).. Lettering as in Figs. 11 and 18, 

which are now directed vertically downwards, are rotated back- 
wards, the base of the suctorial tube (at pm in Fig. 19) will 
be drawn back to the opening of the mouth (between the base 
of the mandibles and upper lip), and by a sucking action of the 
sides of the body [and (?) a simultaneous action of the erectile 
hairs on the tongue*], the honey is quickly carried into the 

1 In Apide and Vespide the “sucking stomach” is simply a lateral fold of the 
foregut ; in Crabronide it is a vesicle attached by a short, narrow duct, much as 
in Diptera. ' 

2 Of. the remarks on Lamium albwm. 

3 I came to the above conclusion with regard to the action of the whorled hairs 
from experiments made on bees and humble-bees under chloroform. In these, some- 
times, if the tip of the tongue was dipped in syrup before complete loss of conscious- 
ness, the suctorial movements took place so slowly that their separate stages could be 

Seg ek eee ee 


By now rotating the cardines (c) forwards, the whole suction- 
apparatus is carried forward by twice the length of the cardines. 
The retractors (zz) are now rotated forwards in their turn, and a 
further advance of twice their length is given to the mentum (mt) 
with its appendages, to the labial palps, and to the tongue, while 
the maxillz remain in their place, and their laminz now inclose 
only the mentum and the hinder part of the tongue. Finally, the 
basal part of the tongue contained within the hollow part of the 
mentum is projected forth, and the tip of the tongue now reaches 
its farthest extension (20 to 21 mm. from the mouth in Bombus 
| hortorwm), and dips again into the honey at the base of the flower. 
In flowers which contain abundant honey, a humble-bee may be 
seen to perform the act of sucking four or five, or sometimes even 
eight or ten times, the tip of the tongue being each time dipped 
into the honey, then drawn back into the sheath, and the sheath 
brought up to the mouth. 

(2.) To reach honey which lies less deeply, the bee need not 
rotate the retractors (2); the tongue therefore remains constantly 
insheathed by the laminz and labial palps, and only the basis of 
the tongue moves in and out of its cavity in the mentum, bringing 
its tip in and out of the extremity of the suctorial tube. 

(3.) When the bee flies from one flower to another, it carries the 
proboscis } extended, so as to introduce it in the act of alighting 
into the tube of the flower; but the tongue is concealed within its 
' sheath, to protect the delicate whorls of hairs, and to let the 
terminal joints of the labial palps perform their function of tactile 

So in flying from flower to flower the base of the tongue is 
contained within the hollow of the mentum, and the retractors (2) 
are directed backwards, while the cardines may be directed down- 
wards (Fig. 19), forwards (Fig. 18, 2), or backwards, according to 
the depth of the flower which the bee has in view. 

clearly distinguished ; they were as described above. What went on between the 
chitinous plates of the laminz and labial palps was of course invisible, but when 
these parts were drawn aside, a progressive erection of the whorls from the tip of 
the tongue backwards, could sometimes be clearly seen. The fact that the basal part 
of the tongue, which gets drawn into the hollow of the mentum, is free from whorls, 
seemed to stand in accordance with this action. At the same time, special muscles 
for the erection of the whorls are not present ; and therefore my explanation becomes 
unsatisfactory. In several Brazilian bees, my brother Fritz Miiller has found that 
the hairs of the tongue are transformed into stalked scales, which seem hardly fitted 
to drive the honey mouthwards by erection. In an undescribed azure-blue Luglossa, 
the imbricated scales seem to form a tube round the tip of the tongue, so that here 
suction may perhaps go on, without the tip of the tongue being withdrawn into 
the sheath formed by the lamine and labial palps. 
1 The whole suctorial apparatus is thus designated for shortness’ sake. 


(4.) The mouth-organs must assume exactly the same position 
when the bee bores into delicate tissues by means of the sharp 
points of its laminz; whether to secure the sap, as in the case 
of our orchids which secrete no free honey, or to reach deeply- 
placed honey through the aperture, as, for example, Bombus terres- 
tvis does in the case of meadow-clover and many other long-tubed 

(5.) In collecting pollen, hive-bees and humble-bees use their 
mouth-parts in two different ways to moisten it, according as it 
is the fixed pollen of entomophilous, or the loose, easily scattered 
pollen of anemophilous flowers. In the former case (e.g. when 
Apis mellifica collects pollen on Salix), the bee has its suctorial 
apparatus completely folded down (as in Fig. 21), bringing the 
mouth-opening, which lies between the base of the mandibles and 
the labrum, close over the pollen. The bee ejects a little honey on 
the pollen, and then takes it up by means of its tarsal brushes and 
places it in the baskets on the tibiz of its hindlegs; it often 
makes use of its mandibles to free the pollen, before moistening it 
with honey. In the latter case, which I have observed in Plantago 
lanceolata and which will be fully described in my account of that 
plant, the bee, hovering over the flower, ejects a little honey upon 
the anthers from its suction-tube, which is fully extended but 
completely sheathes the tongue. In this case, therefore, as when 
alighting to suck upon a flower or when boring into soft tissues, the 
base of the tongue is contained within the hollow of the mentum, 
and the retractors are directed backwards. Since hive-bees and 
humble-bees on entomophilous flowers suck honey with out- 
stretched proboscis and collect pollen with it folded up, and 
on anemophilous flowers collect pollen only, it follows that they 
can never suck honey and gather pollen simultaneously; they 
must always do first one and then the other, and since the pollen 
has to be moistened with honey, the act of sucking must always 
be the first. 

But all forms of bees which collect dry pollen among their 
feathery collecting-hairs, may, so far as the structure of the flower 
permits, gather pollen and suck honey at the same time, and they 
perform the latter action in exactly the same way as hive-bees 
and humble-bees do. Bees with abdominal collecting-apparatus 
may with the greatest ease perform both acts together on flowers 
which present their pollen from below. 

(6.) Finally, to place the mouth-parts in a position of rest, 
or to make use of the mandibles, the bee brings all the four 


folding movements which its suction apparatus is capable of 
into play simultaneously. It draws back the base of the tongue 
into the hollow end of the mentum (as in Fig. 20); folds the 
tongue, together with the inclosing laminz and labial palps, 
downwards and backwards (Fig. 20 shows this action beginning), 
draws the retractors (z) backwards (half completed in Fig. 20), 
and rotates the cardines ¢ (which in the figure are still directed 
obliquely forwards), backwards ; the whole apparatus is thus folded 
together, and lodged in the eavity below the head, completely 
filling it (Fig. 21, 1). 

# i, 

Fic. 20.—Sucking apparatus of Bombus silvarum, L., half folded up. Side view. 

The outer wall of the hollow end of the mentum is broken away to show the involution of the 
lowest piece of the tongue, a abe. 

Letters as in Fig. 18,—except: a, base of tongue; 6b, angle of fold; abc, part of tongue folded 
in mentum, 

When the hive-bees and humble-bees were declared to be the 
most important of all insects in the fertilisation of our native 
flowers, this assertion applied only to the individuals concerned 

- in the care of the young, z.e. the workers among the hive-bees, 

and the females and workers among the humble-bees. 

In all species which provide for their own young, the males are 
of much less use in fertilising plants than the females, as they only 
look after their own maintenance, and accordingly neither collect 

pollen nor visit flowers very diligently. Yet in all species in 


which a more or less thick coat of feathery hairs has become 
developed upon the bodies of the females, it has become trans- 
mitted by inheritance to the males also,! so that they in their visits 
to flowers collect pollen as well as the females. It is otherwise 
with the majority of those bees which have acquired the habit of 
not gathering pollen themselves to feed their young, but of laying 
their eggs in the nests of other bees already stored with food. 
Some of these “cuckoo-bees,” which have acquired the habit in 
comparatively recent times, as the parasitic humble-bees (Apathus 
or Psithyrus), have almost the same development of hairs as their 
parent-form ; others which acquired it earlier, as Nomada, Epeolus, 

Fic. 21.—Mouth-parts of a Humble-bee (B. hortorum, 8 ) in retracted condition. 

1.—Head seen from below. 
2 —Head, in side view, with proboscis bent slightly downwards. ant, antenne ; other letters as 

in Fig. 18. 

Celioxys, and Stelis, have almost entirely lost the hairy coat, while 

retaining in perfection the suctorial apparatus which furnishes 

them with their own food. Males and females of these “ cuckoo- 
bees” thus plunder flowers of their honey, like the males of the 
hairy bees, without being of corresponding advantage to the flowers 
in the carriage of pollen ; for only very little pollen adheres to their 
naked or almost naked chitinous bodies.’ 

1 For a further account of this hereditary transmission, see my work No. 613. 

2 | have investigated the actions of male bees and of cuckoo-bees in regard to 
flowers, and embodied my results in my essays, “ Die Entwickelung der Blumenthi- 
tigkeit der Insekten,’’ and ‘‘ Verschiedene Blumenthitigkeit der Mannchen und 
Weibchen” (Kosmos, ix. pp. 8351—870, 415—432, 1882.) 



If the chief divisions of insects are to be arranged in the order 
of their importance as fertilisers of our native flowers, the first 
place must decidedly be given to bees,—while the Lepidoptera take 
only the second or third place, before or after the Flies. But if, 
as here, we base our arrangement on the degrees of adaptation to 
flowers, they undoubtedly take the first place, as the only order 
which throughout, and not only in certain of its families, is fitted 
for obtaining honey. 

In the perfect state, butterflies, so far as they take food at all, 
which is not the case in all species, restrict themselves almost 
entirely to honey ; and since they take no further thought for their 
young than to lay their eggs sufficiently concealed upon the food- 
plant, their mouth-parts have been quite free to adapt themselves 
to the easy winning of honey from the most various flowers. This 
adaptation is attained by an astonishing development of the 
maxillary laminz, with suppression of the greater part of the 
rest of the mouth-organs. The upper lip, or labrum (/dr, 2, 
Fig. 22), and mandibles (md) are aborted. The laminz of the 
maxille are transformed into two immensely long, hollow, rounded 
filaments, provided with semicircular grooves on their inner sur- 
faces, and so forming a tube when placed in close apposition; in 
the state of rest this tube is spirally coiled, and concealed between 
the labial palps. The maxillary palps, which are not visible in my 
figure, and also the labium, are usually more or less abortive. The 
whole mechanism of the mouth, so complex and many-jointed in 
bees, is thus here reduced to a long, thin, suctorial tube formed of 
two apposed grooves and capable of being rolled up into small 
space, and of a protective covering for this tube. 

_ With this simple mechanism, Lepidoptera are able to probe 
the most various flowers, whether flat or long and tubular, and 
to secure their honey. Peculiar stiff, sharp-pointed appendages 
at the ends of the lamine (5, Fig. 22) enable them also to tear 
open delicate succulent tissues, and make use of the sap in flowers 
which secrete no free honey (cf. Cytisus Laburnum, Erythrea 
Centaurium, Carum, etc.). At the Cape of Good Hope, Lepidoptera 
do damage to plums and peaches by piercing their skins in this 
manner.! In Queensland also, the oranges are injured by a 
nocturnal form, Ophideres fullonica, the powerful teeth on whose 

1 Ann. and Mag. of N. H., September, 1869, 


proboscis are figured and described by M. Kunkel,! Francis Darwin,? 
Reginald Bligh Read,* and W. Breitenbach. My brother Fritz 
Miiller thinks that some of the appendages of the proboscis in 
Lepidoptera may be organs of touch or taste. These, which differ 
much in number, size, and form in different species, are usually 
somewhat movable, and bear at their tips a delicate rod, re- 
sembling the tactile rods or olfactory hairs of Crustacea, etc. 
Among the forms in which these have been noted are Prepona 
Laertes, Hesperocharis Erota, Colenis Julia, Apatura Hiibneri. 

Fic. 22,—Adaptive modifications in Lepidoptera. 

1.—Head of Polyommatus Phileas, L., with proboscis half unrolled. 

2.—Head of Vanessa Io, L., after both lamine of the maxille and the labial palps have been 
cut away at their bases (x 7). 

3. —Part of the lamina of Macroglossa fuciformis, L., seen from within ; more highly magnified. 
a, channel. 

“Transverse section of the apposed laminz of the same insect, equally magnified. aa, tube’ 

formed by apposition of the two channels. 
5.—Point of lamina of Vanessa Atalanta, L. 
Lettering in 2 as in Fig. 11. 

In regard to their length, the maxillary lamine of our Lepi- 
doptera show all degrees, from the proboscis of the Convolvulus 
Hawk-moth, 80 mm. long, to a proboscis scarcely a millimetre 
long. Their mouth-organs may be almost entirely abortive and 
only comparable to those of the Phryganide, pointing to these as 

1 Comptes Rendus, August 30, 1875. 

2 Q. J. Micros, Sci. vol, xv. N.S., pp. 885—890. 

3 Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, August, 1878. 

4 Archiv. f. Mier. Anat. Bd. xiv. pp. 308—317. Breitenbach has since pub- 
lished some further studies on the boring apparatus of Lepidoptera (idbid., Bd. xv. 
pp. 8—19 ; Entomol, Nachrichten, September 15, 1879, and February 15, 1880). 


the ancestors of the Lepidoptera. In a former work1 I have 
sought to establish the pedigree of Lepidoptera, which has been 
foreshadowed by entomologists since last century: the subject has 
been much more thoroughly discussed by my friend Dr. A. Speyer,? 
by Mr. R. MacLachlan, and by my brother Fritz Miiller.t Apart 
from tiny midges (¢.g. the fertilisers of Arum and Aristolochia), 
and from those insects, especially beetles and bees, which occasionally 
or habitually take up their quarters for the night in flowers, 
Lepidoptera seem to be the only insects which do not confine 
their visits to flowers to the daylight: a large number of their 
species have acquired the habit of seeking their honey in the dusk 
of summer nights and evenings, free from the competition of 
other insects.2 But in our climate, summer evenings on which 

 twilight-loving and nocturnal Lepidoptera fly abundantly are not 

_ very.numerous. Though the swift and violent movements of these 
species may be due to the shortness of the period suitable for their 
flight, or to the pursuit of bats, this peculiarity is of very great 
importance to the plants they visit; for the more flowers will be 
visited in a given time, the less time that is spent on each, and the 
shorter the time that is spent in the flight from one to another. 
_ This explains how many flowers have adapted themselves specially 
_ to nocturnal insects, both by their light colours, visible in the dusk, 
__ and by their time of opening, of secreting honey, or of emitting 
| their odour. The Sphingide perform their work as fertilisers 
| peculiarly rapidly, dropping their long proboscis into a flower 
' while hovering over it, and instantly hastening away on their 
_ violent flight to another. Accordingly most nocturnal flowers have 
' adapted themselves specially to these Lepidoptera, hiding their 
' honey in such deep tubes or spurs that it is only accessible to the 
| Sphingide. 

1 Verh. des naturh. Vereins f. pr. Rheinland und Westfalen, 1869, ‘‘ Corre- 

_ spondenzblatt,” pp. 57—63. 

2 Stettiner Entom. Zeitung, 1869, PP. 202—223, 

3 J. Linn. Soc., Zool., vol. xi. p. 1 

4 Kosmos, vol. iv. pp. ” 388—390, 

> In South Brazil, according to my brother Fritz Miiller, a social wasp, Apoica 
pallida, Lep., seeks honey only by night, sitting still in its nest by day. 



In this section I propose to discuss such questions as the following, in 
regard to a number of native or commonly cultivated plants. By what insects 
is each visited? What does the insect come in quest of, and how does it 
behave? In what manner does it effect transference of the pollen? What 
peculiarities of the flower have special relation to the particular visitors ? 

What special peculiarities of the flower aid cross-fertilisation in case of insect-_ 

visits? In absence of insects, can self-fertilisation take place, and to what 
extent does it actually occur ? 

There are few instances in which I am in a position to answer all these 
questions. In some cases I have studied the structure of the flower but 
have never had an opportunity of observing its insect-visitors ; in other cases 
I have noted insect-visitors without studying closely the mechanism of the 
flower. . 

In choosing my figures I have taken account of those already existing. 
In many cases I have omitted to figure flowers which happen to be well 
illustrated in the works of Sprengel, Darwin, or Hildebrand (e.g. Aristolochia 
Clematidis, Viola tricolor) ; in other cases I have selected a different species 
of the genus (e.g. Iris, Polygala). And in most cases I have passed over with 
a few words flowers which have been described elsewhere in great detail, 
unless I had to correct or amplify the previous accounts. . 

Professor Schenck of Weilburg has checked my identifications of the greater 
part of my bees, wasps, and sand-wasps (/fossores) ; Mr. Frederick Smith has 
compared all my species of bees, wasps, and sand-wasps with the collection in 
the British Museum (which includes Kirby’s type-specimens) ; Dr. Speyer of 
Rhoden has placed my determinations of Lepidoptera beyond dispute, and 
Herr Winnertz of Crefeld has identified those Diptera concerning which I 
remained doubtful. Herr Borgstette, jun., of Teklenburg, has sent me numerous 
insects collected upon flowers in his neighbourhood, along with accurate 
records of the plant on which each specimen was obtained. 

Contractions employed in the Lists of Insects. 

l.h.=licking honey ; s.=sucking ; ¢.p.=collecting pollen ; f.p,.=feeding 
on pollen ; cor.=corolla; ab. abundant, 



Sld. =Sauerland (Warstein, Mohnethal, Briion) ; Tekl.=:Teklenburg (Herr 
Borgstette) ; Th. Thuringia (neighbourhood of Miihlberg). In all cases in 
which the locality is not specially mentioned, the observation was made near 

Numbers placed in brackets after the names of insects indicate the length 

of the proboscis in millimetres, 

¢=male; 9? =female; § =worker. 


1. CLEMATIS RECTA, L.—The flowers are destitute of honey. 
When they open, the stigmas are still immature, and are covered 
up partly by the stiff hairs of the pistil, and still more efficiently 
by the stamens which press closely upon them. The outermost of 
these latter soon begin to bend outwards, and their narrow anthers 
dehisce lengthwise, so that the broad connectives appear covered 
on both sides with pollen, At this time, the flowers are well fitted 
to supply pollen to insects, but the stigmas are unable to retain 
pollen with which the insect-visitors are coated. The bending 
outwards and dehiscence of the anthers now proceeds centripetally, 
and before the innermost stamens have joined the rest the stigmas 
lie fully developed in the middle of the flower. Insects which come 
at this period from other flowers and settle in the middle must 
accomplish cross-fertilisation. Bees almost always alight in the 
middle of the flower, both because they can more conveniently 
reach the stamens from the centre than from the edge, and also 
because the anthers near the centre are least likely to have been 
already emptied. The pollen-eating flies which settle at random 
on the flowers and creep about in them can produce self-fertilisation 
as easily as cross-fertilisation. In default of insect-visits, self- 
fertilisation readily takes place, for the outermost stigmas are often 
touched by pollen at the bursting of the anthers, and frequently 
part of the stigmas lie so that pollen may fall directly on them 
from anthers above. 

Since the flowers are destitute of honey, and all attractions for 
insects therefore cease with the dispersal of the pollen, their pro- 
terandrous condition has not been able to perfect itself. They are 
naturally only visited persistently by pollen-seeking insects, but 
by these in considerable abundance, owing to the large stock of 
pollen. | 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide@ : (1) Prosopis signata, Pz. ¢,f.p.; (2) Andrena 
Gwynana, K. 9; (3) A. albicans, K. 9; (4) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 92; 
(5) Osmia rufa, L. 2; (6) Bombus terrestris, L. 9; (7) Apis mellifica, L. § ; 


(b) Sphegide: (8) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., fp. ab. ; (9) Gorytes mystaceus, L., 
hovering over the flowers, perhaps in order to piunder flies ; (¢) Vespide: 
(10) Odynerus parietum, L. 9, do. B, Diptera—(a) Syrphidw: (11) Syrphus 
pyrastri, L.; (12) Helophilus floreus, L.; (13) Eristalis sepulcralis, L. ; 
(14) E. arbustorum, L.; (15) Syritta pipiens, L.; (16) Xylota ignava, Pz. ; 
(17) X. lenta, Mgn., all f.p.; (b) Muscide: (18) Prosena siberita, F. 
C. Coleoptera—(19) Trichius fasciatus, L., devouring the whole of the anthers. 

In Clematis Balearica, Rich. (C. cirrhosa, L.), the outermost 
stamens are metamorphosed into spoon-shaped nectaries, which are 
sucked by Bombus and Xylocopa ; in Clematis integrifolia, L., the - 
inner stamens secrete honey (567, p. 8). 

2. THALICTRUM AQUILEGIFOLIUM, L.—The stamens in this 
plant play the part of petals: they are of a pale lilac colour, 
thickened and club-shaped, and radiate outwards, forming consider- 
able bundles, fifteen to twenty mm. in diameter. When the 
flower opens, the stigmas are covered over and shielded from 
insects by the central stamens, which are crowded together and 
have their anthers still closed. In young flowers the insects 
alight upon the anther-bearing points of the stiff filaments, and 
climb with some difficulty around and over them in search of 
pollen. In older flowers the central stamens are directed more 
outwards, so that now the insects can alight more conveniently 
. upon the stigmas. Thus cross-fertilisation is accomplished. In 
default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation is provided for by part of 
the stigmas always standing in the way of falling pollen. 

_ The flowers are devoid of honey, and are Gilead oe by pollen- 
seeking insects, — 

A. Hymenoptera—-A pide : (1) Prosopis signata, Pz. ¢ 9, fp. ; (2) Halictus 
sexnotatus, K.?, c.p.; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $,¢p. B. Diptera—Syrphide : 
(4) Rhingia rostrata, L.; (5) Eristalisarbustorum, L. ; (6) E. nemorum, L. ; 
(7) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (8) E. tenax, L., all f.p. C. Coleoptera—(9) Trichius 
asciatus, L., devouring the anthers bodily. See also No. 609, p. 125. 

Atragene alpina, L.—The pendulous violet flowers only give up 
their honey to insects which can force asunder the numerous 
stamens, which are set closely in several whorls,—viz. bees and 
humble-bees; and in point of fact only these insects have been 
observed to fertilise the plant (590, 609). The grooved inner surface 
of the basal half of the filament secretes and lodges honey. 

3. THALICTRUM FLAVUM, L.—This plant, which is abundant . 
on meadows by the Lippe, has likewise honeyless flowers. I found 


them to be chiefly visited by pollen-feeding flies, and on J uly I; 
1868, I took the following :— 

A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide; (1) Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (2) E. arbustorum, 
L. ; (3) E. tenax, L. ; (4) E. sepulcralis, L., all four fp., very ab. ; (5) Syritta 
pipiens, L., fp. ; (b) Muscide : (6) Pollenia Vespillo, F., fp.,ab. B. Hymen- 
optera—A pide ; (7) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ¢.p.., very ab. 

Thalictrum minus, L., is an anemophilous descendant of ento- 
mophilous ancestors, The flowers are proterogynous, and retain, as 
traces of their former entomophilous condition,—the non-simultane- 
ous dehiscence of the anthers, slight cohesiveness of the pollen, and 
perhaps also the conspicuous yellow colour of the anthers (590, 1.). 


Fic. 23.—Atragene alpina, L. 
A.—Flower in side view, X 3. 
B.—Ditto, after removal of one sepal, 
C.—One of the four large petals. 
D.—One of the inner small petals, with a rudimentary anther-lobe 
at one side (C and D seen from the inside). 
K.—Stamen in side view. 
F.—Ditto, seen obliquely from within. 
G.—A carpel (O—G, x 43). 
n, nectary ; sh, honey-receptacle. 
Hepatica triloba, Gil. (Anemone hepatica, L.), is visited by bees 
and Syrphide for its pollen (590, 1.). 
Pulsatilla vulgaris, Mill. (Anemone Pulsatilla, L.)—The abun- 
dant pollen is much sought by bees; honey is secreted by 
rudimentary stamens reduced to short stalked knobs (590, 1.). 
Pulsatilla vernalis, L.—My specimens from the Stelvio were 
slightly proterogynous ; Ricca’s, from Val Camonica, were very 

markedly so. The nectaries here also are modified stamens 

(590, 609). 


4, ANEMONE NEMOROSA, L.—This plant also has flowers destitute 
of honey, in which, however, the sepals, not the stamens, play the 
part of petals in rendering the flower conspicuous. When the 
flowers open, the stigmas are still covered up and protected by the 
stamens, but during the greater part of the period of flowering 
both stigmas and anthers are mature at the same time, and exposed 
to the touch of insects. These alight sometimes in the centre of a 
flower, sometimes on a sepal, touching, therefore, either stigmas or 
anthers first, and they accomplish self-fertilisation as well as cross- 
fertilisation. The inclined position of the flower brings more or 

Fic. 24,—Pulsatilla vernalis, L. 

A.—Some of the outermost stamens metamorphosed into nectaries; and some of the next in order, 

which retain their proper function. (x 7) ‘ 
B.—Top of style, with the stigma, more magnified. 

less of the stigmas in the line of fall of the pollen, which leads to 
self-fertilisation if insects’ visits fail; but experiment has yet to 
decide on the efficacy of this self-fertilisation. 

On February 25, 1868, out of seven flowers in my room, which 
had opened simultaneously, I fertilised two with pollen from other 
flowers, two with their own, and I left three untouched. On 
February 29,in both of those which had received the pollen of 
other flowers, all the anthers had fallen off and the ovaries were 
distinctly swollen ; in the two which had been fertilised with their 
own pollen, most of the anthers had fallen off and the ovaries were 
swollen, but much less so than in the two former cases; the three 
remaining flowers, which had been untouched, still retained all 


— ee hl 


their anthers. The sepals were still quite fresh in all seven flowers. 
The experiment was not completed, as the plants withered in the 
irregularly-heated room. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(1) Halictus cylindricus, F, 9, ¢.p. ; (2) Andrena 

fulvicrus, K.9, ¢.p.; (3) A. albicans, K. g, f.p. ; (4) Osmia fusca, Christ. ? , 
e«p.; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $, in hundreds, cp. and also s. B. Diptera— 
(6) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (7) Sc. merdaria, F., both fp. C. Coleoptera 
_ —(8) Meligethes, fp. ; (9) Mordella pumila, Gyll. See also 590, I. 

| Although I could not detect any honey, even by help of a 
lens, I repeatedly observed a hive-bee flying from flower to 
flower and thrusting its proboscis into one or more spots in the 
_ base of the flower, between the sepals and carpels. Here the bees 
_ doubtless tapped the juice which the flowers did not of themselves 
furnish, and which the bees were in want of to moisten the pollen 
that they collected at the same time. Once I saw a honey-bee 
first suck honey on flowers of Cardamine pratensis and then fly off 
to gather pollen on Anemone nemorosa. 
“Even i in spots where Primula elatior was blooming suhestidantly: 
hive-bees remained busily occupied upon the wood anemone. 
Anemone alpina, L.—This species is androdicecious. The male 
H flowers are distinctly smaller than the hermaphrodite, and the latter 
are proterogynous. The plant is visited by numerous bees and flies, 
though the flowers are devoid of honey (609). 
— Anemone narcissifolia, L., is proterandrous, the stigmas not 
_ being mature until the anthers have dehisced or have even been 
emptied. The flowers are devoid of honey (609). | 
Adonis vernalis, L.,is proterogynous and devoid of honey. The 
_ visitors are chiefly bees and also ants (590, I.). 
Myosurus minimus, L., is proterandrous, according to Delpino. 
_ After the anthers wither, the apex of the ovary becomes lengthened 
into a long cone and develops its stigmas. Delpino thinks that 
_ the flowers are fertilised by flies (No. 177, p. 57). 
| According to my own observations, the enormous elongation of 
the axis bearing the pistil has simply the object of self-fertilising 
most of the numerous stigmas by means of the small number of 
_ anthers, for insect-visitors are very few. The anthers, which le 
close around the axis, let their pollen emerge very gradually by 
| two lateral slits, while the lengthening axis brings fresh stigmas in 
contact with them. As visitors of this plant, I have observed 
chiefly minute insects, not more than 1 to 14 mm. long ,viz. Diptera 
of the genera Sciara, Chironomus, Scatopse, Phora, Cecidomyia, 



Oscinis, and Microphorus, besides small Pteromalide and minute 
Ichneumonide, a small Haltica, some Anthomyie, and a single 
Melanostoma mellina (570, vol. x. p. 129). | 

5. RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, L.—The yellowish base of each 
petal serves to guide insects towards the honey; on it stands an 
obliquely-placed tubercle, truncate above, and provided with a 
honey-secreting hollow, which plays the parts of gland and 
receptacle for the nectar. . 

The anthers, which are few in number, dehisce one after the 
other when the flower opens, and cover themselves all round with 
pollen; the stigmas become developed at the same time, and often 
come in contact spontaneously with the pollen on the anthers. | 

The flowers are frequented by a large number of insects, 
especially Diptera, which alight sometimes in the middle of the 
flower, sometimes on the edge, and so effect self-fertilisation as well 
as cross-fertilisation. 

A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis tenax, L.; (2) E. arbustorum, 
L.; (3) E. nemorum, L., all three abundant, now sucking, now collecting 


he on pe i i 

pollen, plentifully dusted with pollen on the legs and especially on the soles % 

of the feet; (4) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (5) Chrysogaster viduata, L., also s. 
and f.p.; (b) Muscide: (6) Scatophaga merdaria, F., fp. ; various small 
Muscide, s. and c.p. which escaped me. B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (7) Apis 
mellifica, L. § , ad.,s. and ¢.p. ; (8) Bombus terrestris, L.9,s. C, Coleoptera— 
Chrysomelide : (9) Helodes phellandrii, L., devouring anthers and petals. See 
also No. 590, I., pp. 48, 49. 

When the water is unusually high, the flowers of Ranunculus 
aquatilis remain submerged and do not open, but fertilise 
themselves (17, p. 14, 351, p. 17). eee 

Ranunculus glacialis, L., is slightly proterandrous (Ricca) ; 
R. alpestris, L., is homogamous or slightly proterogynous; 2. par- 
nassifolius, L., and R. pyrenceys, L., var. bupleurifolius, D.C., are 
proterogynous with persistent stigmas. In all these species the 
shape of the nectaries is very variable (609). 

6. RaNnuncuLUS FiLammuLA, L.—The flowers have scarcely 
opened when the outermost anthers dehisce extrorsely, covering 
their sides which are turned towards the petals with pollen, so 
that insects which try to plunder the honey secreted by the little 
scales at the base of the petals must of necessity dust themselves 
with pollen. The stigmas are at this time concealed or almost 
concealed by the inner stamens, and so are ensured against contact 
with insects; they are, moreover, not yet fully developed. The 


opening of the anthers progresses slowly towards the centre of the 
flowers, and each stamen as it dehisces bends outwards and turns 
its pollen-covered side outwards. These stigmas are fully developed 
before the innermost stamens join the others, and the flowers, 
which before could only dust their visitors with pollen, can hence- 
forth be fertilised either with their own or other pollen. All 
visitors which alight, bearing pollen, in the middle of the flower 
effect cross-fertilisation ; others, which alight first on a petal and 

Fic. 25.—Ranunculus Flammula, L. 

1.—Flower just opening. 
2—Flower in which the stamens are fully developed, the stigma still immature. é 
3 —Esgential organs of a flower in which the stigmas are fully mature, and the anthers are not 

_ yet withered. 

a, immature anthers ; b, anthers about to dehisce ; c, ditto, dehisced ; d, ditto, empty ; e, carpel. 

touch the anthers and then the stigmas, can accomplish either self- 

fertilisation or cross-fertilisation. So if insects alight in equal 

numbers in the two ways, cross-fertilisation must be the more 

frequent result. After numerous observations on this and the 

following species of Ranunculus, I am able to state that the two 
modes of alighting are equally common for small insects; but all 
larger insects (which are about as long as the diameter of the 
flower) come in contact with the stigmas and the anthers at the 


same time, and therefore must dust the stigmas with pollen from 
other flowers ; hence the cross-fertilisations are still more numerous 
than the self-fertilisations. In default of insect-visits, the power 
of self-fertilisation is retained, some of the outermost stigmas being 
often touched by pollen from the innermost anthers. 

Although the arrangement of the flower is quite like that of 
the following species of Ranunculus, #. Flammula is very sparingly 
visited by isects, one reason at least being that its flowers are 
much smaller and less conspicuous. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L., ¢.p. and s. 
(2) Cheilosia, sp. fp.; (8) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., fp. and s.; (bd) 

inti ies le at ees, 

ae se a 

Muscide : (4) Scatophaga merdaria, F., f.p.; (5) Anthomyia sp. B.Hymen- 

optera—Apide : (6) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, cp. ; (7) H. flavipes F. 9, 
cp. C. Lepidoptera—(8) Satyrus pamphilus, L., s. 

Ranunculus montanus, L., is proterogynous with persistent 
stigmas. (609). 

These species agree with Rk. Hlammula in the structure of their 
flowers, and with each other in their habitat, in the conspicuousness 
of their flowers, and therefore also in the insects which visit them. 
Mr. "Thomas Whitelegge (No. 774) states that they are all some- 
times gynodicecious. I have observed very many of the following 

visitants in equal abundance and similarly engaged on all these ~ 

species; and I have even noticed the hive-bee, which in general 

keeps strictly to one species of flower, pass from Ranunculus acris 

to R. repens and R. bulbosus, or vice versd, without any distinction. 
I accordingly catalogue the visitors of these three species together. 

A. Diptera—(a) Empide: (1) Empis. tesselata, F., s.; (b) Asilide;: (2) 
Dioctria atricapilla, Mgn. (Tekl. B.); (c) Syrphide : (3) Chrysotoxum arcu- 
atum, L. (Sld.), s. and f.p. ; (4) Chr. festivum, L., s.; (5) Pipiza funebris, 
Mgn.,s. ; (6) P. chalybeata, Mgn., f.p.; (7) Chrysogaster Macquarti, Loew. ; 
(8) Ch. viduata, L., very ab., both s, and f.p.; (9) Cheilosia pubera, Zett., 
f.p., ab. ; (10) Ch. albitarsis, Mgn., ab.,s. and f.p.; (11) Melanostoma mellina, 
L., s.; (12) Platycheirus albimanus, F. (Tekl. B), fp. ; (13) Syrphus ribesii, 
L.; (14) Eristalis tenax, L.; (15) E. arbustorum, L.; (16) E. nemorum, 
L. ; (17) E. sepulcralis, L.; (18) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (19) M. pictus, 
Mgn.; (20) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (21) Syritta pipiens, L.,—the last nine ab., 
both s. and t.p.; (d) Muscidw: (22) Cyrtoneura ccerulescens, Meq., s. ; 
(23) Anthomyia, sp. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide; (24) Meligethes, very 
ab. s. and f.p.; (b) Dermestide: (25) Byturus fumatus, F., fip., ab. ; (©) 
Buprestide : (26) Anthaxia nitidula, L. in copula on flowers of FR. repens; 
(d) Mordellide ; (27) Mordella aculeata, L, ; (28) M. pusilla, Dej. ; (29) M. 



pumila, Gyll.; (e) Cidemeride: (30) Cidemera virescens, L., ab.; (/) 
Cistelide: (31) Cistela murina, L., devouring the petals and stamens ; 
(g) Cerambycidw : (32) Strangalia nigra, L., do.; (hk) Chrysomelide: (33) 
Helodes aucta, F., devouring the petals, along with its larvee (May 24, 1870) ; 
(34) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., devouring the anthers. C. Hymenoptera,—(a) 
Tenthredinide : (35) Cephus spinipes, Pz., ab., s. and devouring the anthers ; 
(36) Cephus, small undetermined species; (b) Sphegide: (87) Oxybelus 
_ uniglumis, L. ; (c) Vespide: (88) Odynerus spinipes, H. Sch. 2 (quinque- 
fasciatus, F.) ; (a) Apide : (39) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ¢, s. and f.p.; (40) 
 Halictus longulus, Sm. ?, s.; (41) H. flavipes, F.?, c.p. ; (42) H. villosulus, 
_ K. 9; (43) H. sexsignatus, Schenck, ?, s.; (44) H. rubicundus, Chr. ?, s. ; (45) 
_ H. quadricinctus, F.?, cp. ; (46) H. leucozonius, Schr. 9, laden with poilen, 
sheltering itself from the rain in flowers of R. bulbosus (June 10, 1871) ; 
(47) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢,s.; (48) H. cylindricus, F. 2, e¢.p.; (49) H. maculatus 
 Sm.? ¢,s. and «p.,ab.; (50) H. nitidiusculns, K.?,s.; (51) H. sexnotatus, 
_K.9,cp. and s.; (52) Andrena fulvicrus, K.? ¢, s. and c.p., ab.; (53) A. 
albicans, K. 9 ¢, do.; (54) A. albicrus, K.¢,s.; (55) Panurgus calcaratus 
_ Scop.,.s.; (56) Chelostoma florisomne, L. 2? ¢, cp. and s.; (57) Osmia 
rufa, L.¢, s.; (58) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. D. Lepidoptera—(59) Lyczna 
icarus, Rott. ; (60) Satyrus pamphilus, L. ; (61) Polyommatus Phloeas, L.; (62) 
Euclidia glyphica, L., alls. See also No. 590, 1., pp. 49—59 ; No. 609, p. 135. 

If we compare the insect-visitors of these species of Ranunculus 
with those of the typical Umbelliferze, we observe the following 
remarkable differences. (1) Since the honey lies less exposed, 
_ those insects which are least fitted for sucking flowers are ab- 
sent, viz. Neuroptera, Ichneumonide, Tipulidae, etc.; Sphegide and 
Vespide are only met with sparingly. (2) Of the flies, Syrphida 
_ form the great majority; they are fond of brilliant colours, and 
are attracted by the bright yellow of the Ranunculus flowers, 
(This love of colours is clearly expressed in their own colours, the 
_ result of sexual selection.) (3) It is also owing to their bright 
colour that the flowers are frequented by the beetle Cryptocephalus 
sericeus, and that Anthaxia nitidula resorts to them for pairing. 
In these and in many other beetles, as in the humble-bees, it 
seems as if the habit of feeding on flowers had called out the 
colour-sense and the taste for bright colours, and that sexual 
selection had then been guided by this taste. (4) Bees occur 
much more abundantly on flowers of Ranunculus than on the 
Umbelliferze, because the former .are richer in both honey and 
pollen. These flowers seem especially to meet the wants of the 
genus Halictus, of which I have taken twelve species on them, 
mostly in abundance. Besides the least specialised bees (Drosopis, 
Halictus, Andrena) and the most specialised (Apis), intermediate 
genera, such as Panurgus and Chelostoma, which are absent from 
Umbellifera:, visit the flowers of Ranunculus. 


8. RANUNCULUS LANUGINOSUS, L., is precisely similar in the 
arrangement of its flowers to the three last-named species: but 
growing in woods, where fewer flower-visiting insects occur, it is 
frequented by a smaller number of species in spite of its larger 
and more conspicuous flowers. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis livida, L., s. ; (b) Syrphide : 
(2) species of Cheilosia, f.p., ab. ; (c) Muscide: (3) Anthomyia, f.p., very 
ab. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (4) Meligethes zneus, F., ab. (I could 
see distinctly with a lens how these small beetles gnawed the inner surface of 
the petals and the stamens) ; (b) Dermestide : (5) Byturus fumatus, L., fip., ab. 
C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide: (6) Cephus pallipes, K1., very ab., fp. 
and s., along with other species; (b) Apide: (7) Andrena eimsfecbaaae F. oO 
cp. 3; (8) Chhelomtond florisomne, L. ¢,s. ; (9) Osmia fusca, Christ. 9, c.p., and 
at the same turning round in the flower and emptying all the nectaries ; (10) 
Bombus terrestris, L. 2, s. See also No. 590, 1, p. 51. 

9. RANUNCULUS FicartA, L., also resembles 2. acris, 2. repens, 
and &. bulbosus, but it blooms earlier when fewer flower-visiting 
insects are abroad, a disadvantage which is perhaps partly 
compensated for, by the insects having at that time fewer kinds of 
flowers to choose from. At the beginning of the flowering period, 
we find as in R. auricomus, many flowers with very few petals, 
sometimes so few as two or three: later on the number increases 
to eight or even eleven, and they expand in the sunshine to a golden 
star 20 to 25 mm, in diameter. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide ;: (1) Brachypalpus valgus, Pz., fp. ;. 

(b) Muscide: (2) Sepsis, ab.; (3) Anthomyia radicum, L., very ab. ; (4) 
Scatophaga merdaria, F. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (5) Apis mellifica, L., 
S,s. and fp. ab.; (6) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, ¢.p.; (7) A. albicans, K.. 
? d, cp. ands.; (8) A. parvula, K. ?,s.; (9) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, s. ; 
(10) H. albipes, F. 9, 8.; (11) H. lucidus, Schenck, ?,s.; (12) H. nitidius- 
culus, K. 9,8. ©. Coleoptera—(13) Meligethes, ab., s., fp., and gnawing the 
petals, D, Thysanoptera—(14) Thrips, very ab. Seealso No. 590, 1., pp. 51, 52. 

10. RANUNCULUS AURICOMUS, L.—The flowers of this species 
exhibit in their petals a great variety of forms of nectary, which 
are very remarkable and help us to explain the various nectaries 
of different Ranunculacez. 

The corolla is seldom regular, but as a rule, some or even all 
of the petals are more or less stunted or even absent, and the 
sepals, with their bright yellow limb, take the place of petals 
partly or completely. The honey-glands at the base of the petals 
are subject to the following modifications, In the most perfect 
petals (1 and 2, Fig. 26) the inner side of the triangular claw has 



usually a thickened border on either side: and these borders fuse 
below, and at their junction form a little pit which secretes honey. 
Some perfectly formed petals occur, however, in which the honey 
is secreted not by this hollow, but by two smaller pits which stand 
_ to the right and left, on the broader thickened margins (3, Fig. 26). 
In very stunted petals (5 to 7 mm. long, and 3 to 4 mm. broad,) 
_ there is developed upon the inner side of the base a smaller 
lamina, which is fused with the larger for the space of 2 to 3 mm., 
_and has a free portion 1 to3 mm. long. Between the two lamin, 
_ two honey-canals, separated by a fold, are deeply sunk (7, 8, 
_ Fig. 26). Such petals have a striking resemblance to those of 

, Fic, 26. 
; -1~8.—Petals of Ranunculus auricomus. 9.—Petal of EHranthis hiemalis. n, nectary. 

{ Biranthis hiemalis, Between these three varieties we find various, 
often unsymmetrical, intermediate forms, (4, 5, 6, Fig. 26) in which 
‘sometimes no honey is secreted (4, 5). 

After completion of my manuscript I found (April 5 and 20, 1872) the 
_ following insects in flowers of R. auricomus: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : 
(1) Andrena parvula, K. 9, ¢.p. ; (2) A. fulvescens, Sm. ¢,s. ; (3) Halictus cylin- 
_ dricus, Bit: 0.7K $48) Formicide: (4) an undetermined sp., licking honey. 
Bz Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (5) Pipizella virens, F., fp. ; (6) Cheilosia ver- 
_ nalis, Fallen, f.p.; (6) Muscide: (7) Anthomyia shia, Mgn. @ 6, very 
' ab., but so wild that I could not see what it was doing ; (8) Scatophaga mer- 
- daria F., s. and fp. C. Thysanoptera—(9) Thrips, ab. Ants and Thrips 
_ were observed in the flowers by Sprengel. See also No. 590, 1., p. 52. 

Ii. CaLttHa patustris, L.—The honey is secreted by two 
_ shallow depressions on the sides of each carpel, bounded by a slight 
fold. It is so abundant that the drops secreted by the adjacent 
sides of two neighbouring carpels often flow together into a large 
_ drop filling up the cleft between. Anthers and stigmas ripen 


simultaneously, but cross-fertilisation is favoured by the fact that, 
as in Ranunculus, the anthers open outwards, and the outermost 
are the first to dehisce. Self-fertilisation as in 
Ranunculus is still possible. The very con- 
spicuous golden-yellow flowers, which expand 
to a diameter of more than 40 mm., are visited 
in sunny weather by very numerous insects, of 
comparatively few species owing to the early 
time of year. 

A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Odontomyia ‘ar- 
gentata, F.; (b) Syrphide: (2) Cheilosia sp., fp. ; 
Caliha palustris, L. (3) Ascia podagrica, B., fp. ; (4) Rhingia rostrata, L, 
st, stigma: n, nectary, /P-3 (5) Eristalis intricarius, L. (these handsome flies 
bearingadropofhoney. displayed clearly their taste for bright colours ; they 
hovered over the yellow flowers as the males of Eristalis 
hover over the females, then suddenly settled to suck honey or feed on 
pollen, and again flew off abruptly to another flower to repeat the same 
actions) ; (c) Muscide: (6) Scatophaga merdaria, F., f.p.; (7) Anthomyia, 
very ab., f.p. B. Coleoptera—WNitidulide : (8) Meligethes, very ab., s. and f.p. 
C. Hymenoptera—Apide: (9) Andrena albicans, K. ¢, 8; (10) Osmia rufa, 
L. ¢, s.; (11) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, making the circuit of each flower, 
and licking the drops of honey from every carpel ; (12) Apis mellifica, L. $, 
in hundreds, collecting pollen, and only sucking honey to aid in storing the 
pollen. See also No. 590, 1., p. 52; No. 609, pp. 135, 136. 

Trollius ewropeus, L., is homogamous. The stigmas are over- 
topped by the anthers and are dusted regularly with their pollen, 
which is probably outstripped in its action by pollen brought from 
other flowers (609). 

12. ERANTHIS HIEMALIS, Salisb.—This, the earliest of all 
the Ranunculacez here considered, exhibits regularly in its petals 
the same conversion into little pockets for honey that our earliest 
species of Ranunculus, R. awricomus, displays occasionally. Its 
calyx has completely assumed the function of rendering the flower 
conspicuous, as do the sepals of 2. awricomus to a modified extent. 
In other respects the arrangement of its flower agrees with those 
last described. 

On February 26, 1871, I saw the following insects on flowers of 
E. hiemalis in my garden, during bright sunshine. 

A. Diptera—Muscide : (1) Pollenia rudis, F., stroking petals, anthers, and 
sometimes stigmas, with the end-flaps of its proboscis, but finally thrusting its 
proboscis into the nectaries ; (2) Musca domestica, L., ditto ; (3) Sepsis, busy 
about the anthers. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (4) Apis mellifica, L. §, s. 
and f.p., in great numbers, stfficient to fertilise all the flowers. 


In many seasons with less favourable weather I have found 
LE. hiemalis (which I have immediately in front of my window, 
and can easily watch) not visited by insects at all, and yet bearing 
fruit, but more sparingly than when insect-visits have taken place. 
The reason of the smaller number of seeds is that, as in Ranun- 
culus and Caltha, self-fertilisation can only take place to a limited 
extent: for when I fertilised in my room, one flower with its own, 
and another with extraneous pollen, both produced seeds in equal 


f The species of Helleborus are proterogynous, according to 
_ Hildebrand (351). 

| Nigella arvensis, L.—The ectmenidooti flowers of this plant 
_ are provided with nectaries covered by movable lids, and are 
_ fertilised by bees. They have been fully described by Sprengel. 

4 Nigella damascena, L., is visited by Ceratina callosa, F. 3, and 
Prosopis signata, Nyl. g (Apide) (590, 1). 

13. AQUILEGIA VULGARIS, L.—The five sepals of the pendulous 
flower form broad blue expansions, which help to render it 
conspicuous. Each of the five petals is hollowed out from its 
insertion upwards to form a hollow spur 15 to 22 mm. long, whose 
i cup-shaped mouth is wide enough to admit the head of a humble- 
__ bee, and whose narrow tubular part curves inwards and downwards 
at its upper end. In this curved part is contained the honey, 
_ which is secreted by a fleshy thickening in the extreme point of 
_ the spur. Owing to its curvature the point of the spur is only 
_ 10 to17 mm. above the insertion of the petal. To reach the honey 
ina legitimate way, the bees hang on to the flowers below, grasping 
the base of the spur with their forelegs, and holding on with their 
_ mid and hindlegs to the column formed of the stamens and 
_ carpels, which projects perpendicularly or obliquely downwards 

from the centre of the flower; the head, meanwhile, is introduced 

_ into the aperture of the spur, whose outer wall its upper surface 
_ touches, and the end of the proboscis follows the curvature of the 
_ spur. Since bees very ‘easily bend the end of their proboscis 
_ downwards, but scarcely bend it voluntarily in the opposite direction, 
_ the position just described is the only one suitable for them to 
reach the honey. This position entails that in younger flowers 
_ the hinder and lower surface of the bee’s body touch the anthers, 
_ which closely surround the carpels and which are covered on their 

1 See also Kerner, No. 386, p. 101, for an account of the pits in NV, sativa and 
WN. elata. 



outer side with pollen; while in older flowers the same parts 
come in contact with the carpels which have elongated and spread — 
their stigmas more widely apart. Cross-fertilisation is the inevitable 
result. Thus the Columbine is admirably adapted for fertilisation 
by humble-bees: but to reach the honey they must have a 
proboscis at least 10 to 17 mm. long, even supposing that they 
stick their heads fully into the mouth of the spur and so shorten 
the passage by about 5 mm, This fully explains the actions of the 
insects that I have observed on this flower. Bombus hortorwm, 
L. 2 (with a proboscis 19 to 21 mm. long), is the only insect 
that I have found very abundant on it; B. agrorum, F. 2 (with a 
proboscis 12 to 15 mm. long) is found much more rarely, sucking 
the flowers in the regular way and accomplishing cross-fertilisation. 
I saw B. terrestris, L. 2 (with a proboscis 7 to 9 mm. long), fly on to 
the upper surface of a flower, and lick over the base of the sepals, 
and on finding nothing there, creep to the lower surface, and thrust its 
head into the spur. Then it again crawled on to the upper surface, 
and again licked fruitlessly the base of the sepals; and finally, 
biting a hole in the spur at the curved part, it introduced its 
proboscis and plundered the honey. Without further consideration 
it proceeded to secure the honey of the other petals and of other 
flowers in the same manner.. The numerous other individuals of 
B. terrestris, L. 9, which I before and afterwards observed thus 
perforating the spur, had probably first learned by trial how the 
honey might be won. 

I have often seen #. terrestris bite through the spurs of still 
unopened flowers, and so forestall all legitimate visitors. The 
hive-bee also, as Sprengel noticed, bites through the spur at the 
bend and steals the honey: it often takes advantage of the holes 
made by B. terrestris. | 

I have seen smaller bees, Halictus Smeathmanellus, K. 2, and 
HT. leucozonius, Schr. ? , collecting pollen on these flowers, which they 
would naturally fertilise by doing so. 

On a double garden-variety of the Columbine, in which seve- 
ral spurs are placed one within another, I noticed a hive-bee 
thrusting its head in the regular manner into the inner spur; and 
I could see, through the transparent flower, the tongue stretched 
— out to its fullest extent without reaching the honey. 

In default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation must easily take 
place, owing to the position of the parts of the flower. 

Aquilegia atrata, Koch, is also proterandrous, and visited by 
humble-bees (609, p. 137). 


14, DELPHINIUM ELATUM, L.—This common garden plant is 
marked off by the unusual function of the two whorls of the 
perianth from most other plants, and in part even from other 
species of larkspur; while it agrees with the latter in the early 
development of the stamens and in the peculiar movements of 
_ the stamens and stigmas. 

Fig. 28.—Delphinium elatum, L. 

1.— Young flower after removal of the calyx, seen from before. . 

2.—The petals in their natural position, seen obliquely from before and below. 

3.—Young flower after removal of the right half of the calyx. 

4.—Older flower after removal of the calyx, seen from before. 

5.—The sume flower as 3, after the right half of the corolla also has been removed. 

aa, the two upper petals, which are prolonged backwards into two spurs, which secrete and 

contain honey, and which in front form an entrance for the bee’s proboscis ; a*, their bases ; b b, 
_ the two inferior petals, whose closely approximated surfaces bound the entrance for the bee’s 

proboscis below—on their upper surfaces, each has a tuft of yellow hairs to serve as a path-finder, 

_ while their peduncles (b’,2 stand so far apart that in the first stage the anthers, in the second the 
stigmas, appear between them (at b*, 2) in the path of the insect’s re c, anthers whichhave 

_dehisced, placed in the way of the insect’s proboscis ; d, anthers which have not yet dehisced, bent 

downwards, covering the female organs; e, base of the stamens and carpels, which have been 

removed ; f, withered stamens bent downwards ; g, ovaries ; h, stigmas which have ss themselves 

in the same spot that the dehiscent anthers occupied in the first stage; i, left half of the upper 

_ sepal. prolonged backwards into a long sheath for the spur (#’); i, left lateral sepal; 1, left inferior 


3 and 5, natural size; 1, 2, and 4, enlarged, 

The five large, blue, expanded sepals make the flowers visible 
_ from far off to humble-bees, and serve the purpose of a corolla. 
_ The hollow spur of the uppermost sepal neither secretes nor 
contains honey. Its peculiar rough and crumpled wall serves 
| rather as a cover for the organs which secrete and conceal the 
honey, which without it would be exposed to the rain; and also 
G 2 


it forces the humble-bees to suck the honey by the way that alone 
leads to fertilisation. 

The two upper petals serve a very different purpose. In each the 

hollow pointed end of the spur (a?, 3, 5), which is directed back- 
wards and is inclosed in the hollow sepaline spur, secretes honey 
and becomes so full of it that part rises into the wide, half-conical * 
part of the spur which is open on the inner side (@’, 5). When 
both petals lie close to one another, they form together a hollow 
cone, which splits at the end into two points filled with honey, 
and guides the insect’s proboscis, if long enough, safely to the 
honey, while by its length it prohibits the access of insects with 
shorter tongues. The anterior portions of the same petals 
produce the upper part of this hollow cone further forwards, and 
serve to give the bee’s proboscis a convenient entrance and more 
certain path to the honey. Since these anterior portions of the 
upper petals separate easily on slight pressure from within, the 
whole head of a humble-bee may be thrust in between them, 
whereby the distance to the honey is shortened by 6 to7 mm. The 
length of the hollow cone from its entrance to the anterior end of 
the honey-bearing prolongation is about 20 mm., and to the apex of 
the latter 26 to 28 mm.; so that, when the whole bee’s head is 
thrust into the aperture, a proboscis 13 to 14 mm. long is needed 
to reach the honey, and one 19 to 22 mm. long to suck it all up. 
Hence, of all our native bees, Anthophora pilipes, F., and Bonbus 
hortorum, L., can alone exhaust the honey. 

The two lower petals are of service in several ways. Their 
anterior surfaces point by bundles of upright yellow hairs towards 
the entrance to the honey, that is to say, they serve as path- 
finders; and as they stand close together and bound this entrance 
below, they leave the bee no choice but to thrust its proboscis into 
the only proper place, viz., the mterval between the two pairs of 
petals. Those parts of them immediately behind the entrance to 
the tube stand, on the other hand, so widely apart (*, 2) that they 
leave free space for the stamens and for the carpels (after the 
stamens have withered and bent back) to erect themselves in that 
part of the hollow cone lying close behind the entrance, where they 
inevitably come in contact with the under surface of the body and 
head of the bee. 

With sufficient insect visits, which this handsome plant never fails 
to receive, cross-fertilisation is completely insured by the proter- 
androus dichogamy, and by the movements of stamens and earpels 

} 7.e. forming the longitudinal half section of a cone, — 


which are so completely in relation to the movements of the bee’s 
head. The stamens in the unripe condition are bent down, when 
they dehisce they stand upright in the path of the bee’s head, 
and when they are withered they sink completely down. The 
_ carpels erect themselves after the withering of the last of the stamens, 
_ and their stigmas then stand in the way of the bee’s head. Self- 
fertilisation cannot take place in absence of insects. Of the two 
native bees whose proboscides are of sufficient length to suck the 
honey of this flower thoroughly, Anthophora pilipes has finished its 
period of flight and has disappeared when D. elatum flowers. B. 
hortorum therefore remains as the only indigenous bee fitted for 
sucking up the honey of Delphiniwm, and it is in fact found in 
great abundance on the flower. Many of our other species of bees 
are well fitted for sucking a portion of the honey, but I have never 
seen any of them, or any other species of insect, sucking on D. clatum. 
At Strassburg, D. elatuwm is visited also by Anthophora personata, 
IIL. (590, 1). 

Delphinium Staphysagria, L., described and figured by Hilde- 
brand (356, p. 473) agrees in most points of its floral arrangement 
with D, elatwm, and is, likewise fertilised by humble-bees. 

15. DELPHINIUM Conso.ipA, L., differs in the arrangement of its 
flower from D. elatwm chiefly by the coalescence of the four petals 
_ into a single piece, which leads to the following modifications. The 
_ two upper petals unite by means of their backward directed processes 
into a single spur, the pointed end of which secretes and contains 
_ the honey ; their expanded portions, which are turned forward, also 
_ coalesce lengthwise with one another, and therefore cannot be thrust 
apart on the entrance of the bee’s head; but in conjunction 
with the lower petals they form a sheath which is well adapted to 
receive the bee’s head, and is only open below. | Here in the first 
_ stage of flowering it presents the anthers, and in the second the 
_ stigmas, for contact with the under surface of the bee’s head. The 
lower petals, which thus form the side walls of the sheath or tube, 
unite with the upper ones, but not with one another, and yield 
laterally when the bee’s head is thrust in. Path-finders and 
a lower boundary of the entrance to the spur are wanting 

Since the cycle of development and movement of stamens and 
anthers agrees with that in D. elatum, cross-fertilisation is in like 
manner insured on the occurrence of insect-visits; and similarly, 
if they fail to occur, self-fertilisation is impossible. 


In July, 1868, I assured myself of the actual certainty of cross- 
fertilisation by direct observation. I saw, in Thuringia, upon a 
field covered with wild larkspur in flower, numerous examples of 
Bombus hortorum, L. 9 and §, sucking at the flowers of this species 
with such diligence that certainly no flower in its. second period 
can have escaped being fertilised. 

Since the length of the spur is about 15 mm. from its insertion, to 
which must be added the wide entrance, 7 mm. long, a proboscis 
fully 15 mm. long is needed to suck the honey in the normal way. 
Besides Bombus hortorum, L. (17 to 21), B. agrorum, F. (10 to 
15), B. fragrans, K. (15) and B. senilis, Sm. (14 to 15), some 
species of Anthophora, viz., A. wstivalis Pz. (15), A. retusa, L. (16 
to 17), and -A. pilipes, F, (19 to 21), are all fitted for sucking the 
honey; but all must do so with greater loss of time, through 
having to force the head deep into the entrance to the spur, 
except A. pilipes, whose season is over when Delphinium comes 
into flower. Bombus hortorum seems thus to be the only species 
which is well adapted for the flower; but the diligence of 
this one species compensates the plant for the exclusion of 
all other insects. I have noticed Satyrus and species of Hesperia 
sucking at the flowers, and sinking their thin proboscides into 
the spur, but apparently they did not touch the anthers or 
stigmas. | 

Dr. Ogle gives in the Popular Science Review (631) a description 
of a species of larkspur which differs from those here described in 
that the honey secreted by the upper petals is contained in the 
spur of the posterior sepal. I unfortunately cannot determine 
which species of Delphinium is referred to as “the blue larkspur 
of our gardens,” 

Delphinium Ajacis, L., described by Sprengel, agrees in most 
points with D. Consolida, and is likewise fertilised by humble- 
bees. . 

16. AconttuM NAPELLUs, L.—This plant is distributed through- 
out the Alps, especially about the Sennerei. It has distinctly proter- 
androus flowers, which are visited by humble-bees, as Sprengel long 
ago observed. The two posterior sepals cohere to form a helmet- 
shaped structure, which shelters the anthers and nectaries; the 
two lateral sepals give foothold to the mid and hindlegs of 
humble-bees ; all four play, in addition, the part of petals, making 
the flower conspicuous by their blue colour, Of the four petals, 
the two anterior help to close in the essential organs laterally; 



the two posterior are transformed into long-stalked nectaries, only 
accessible conveniently to humble-bees. The well-marked pro- 
terandry insures cross-fertilisation if humble-bees visit the flower, 
and, as a rule, prevents self-fertilisation in absence of insects 


17. Aconitum Lycoctonum, L.—The structure of the flower 
is for the most part similar to that of A. Napellus, but the 
helmet and the nectaries are so exceedingly long that only an insect 
_ whose proboscis is very exceptionally long can reach the honey. 
In point of fact, in the plains (in a wood at Thiile, near Paderborn) 
I have found it visited exclusively by Bombus hortorum, L. @ 
_ (proboscis, 21 mm.), whose proboscis is the longest among lowland 

Fia. 29.—Aconitum Napellus, L. 

| A.—Flower in first (male) stage. The anthers have become erect, have dehisced, and are coated 
_ with white pollen. nes 
e | B.—The same flower in side view. a, a hole bitten by Bombus mastrucatus. 
C.—Ditto, in longitudinal section. 
D.—Essential organs in the first (male) stage. a’, anther bent backwards and not yet dehisced ; 
_ a’, ditto, becoming erect ; a3, ditto, erect, dehisced, and covered with pollen; a‘, ditto, empty, 
and bending backwards ; a5, ditto, empty, and bent quite backwards, 
E.—Essential organs in the second (female) stage, 
A—C, nat. size; D, B, x 2. 

__ humble-bees, and on the Alps exclusively by B. opulentus, Gerst. 
(22 mm.), whose proboscis is the longest among Alpine species. 
B. opulentus has not as yet been observed upon any other flower, 
either by Prof. Gerstiicker, who discovered and described it, or by 

| _ myself (609). 


Acumitum septentrvonale, Koell., has likewise proterandrous flowers, 
figured by Axell (17). 
Peonia Moutan, Sims., according to Delpino, is regularly fertilised 
by Cetonize, which lick the fleshy disk around the carpels. 


While the Umbelliferze form a numerous family where a certain 
sum of adaptations insuring cross-fertilisation has been inherited 
from ancestral forms and descends through all branches of the 
family, in Ranwnewlacee, on the other hand, we have a family 
whose separate divisions have developed for themselves quite 
distinct advantageous modifications. We see conspicuousness 
insured in Ranunculus by the petals; by the sepals in Hranthis, 
Helleborus, Anemone, Caltha ; by both together in Aguwilegia and 
Delphinium ; by the stamens in Thalictrum. Honey is wanting 
in Clematis, Thalictrum, and Anemone: it is secreted by the sepals 
in certain Peonies ; by the petals in Ranunculus, Hranthis, Helle- 
borus, Nigella, Aquilegia, Delphinium, Aconitum ; by the filaments in 
Atragene ; by the anthers in Pulsatila ; by the carpels in Caltha: 
it is sometimes easily accessible, at other times more or less 
deeply hidden. Such a variety of different adaptations is explained 
by supposing many different ways of attaining perfection to have 
been available for the plants when their flowers had not yet been 
modified so far as to insure cross-fertilisation. 

An easily accessible situation of the honey in simple, regular 
flowers carried with it the advantage of abundant insect-visits ; but: 
at the same time the objection that the visitors crept about the 
flowers in various ways, often accomplishing only self-fertilisation, 
often leaving the flower still unfertilised. Honey more deeply 
placed, brought the disadvantage that a great multitude of 
insects were shut out; but this advantage, that the bees with long 
proboscides had to move in a particular way to reach the honey, 
and so stamens and pistils could in a simple manner be arranged 
so as to render cross-fertilisation inevitable. We find self-fer- 
tilisation possible in all regular Ranunculaceous flowers with 
easily accessible honey; but prohibited by well-marked proter- 
andry in all those with deeply situated honey, whether regular, as 

1 Lists of visitors to the following additional species are given in my Weitere 
Beobachtungen, pt. i.: Clematis Vitalba, \., Thalictrum minus, L., Hepatica triloba, 
Gil., Pulsatilla vulgaris, Mill., Anemone silvestris, L., A. ranunculoides, L., Adonis 
vernalis, L., Myosurus minimus, L., Actea spicata, L. 


_ Agquilegia, or irregular, as Delphinium and Aconitum ; and so we 
. may conclude that in the Ranunculacee the certainty of cross- 
fertilisation has been more effectually attained by flowers being 
_ specially adapted for a few species of bees, than by attracting a 
great multitude of different guests. We must however beware 
_of taking this as a general conclusion; for in Umbelliferze the still 
more open situation of the honey, aided by the massing together 
of many flowers, insures cross-fertilisation, through proterandrous 
dichogamy, even so far as to permit loss of the power of self- 
- fertilisation. 
Only those Ranunculacer seem to me to be adorned with 
- blue colours which are cross-fertilised by bees, eg. Hepatica 
_ triloba, which is fertilised by pollen-collecting bees, or the 
species of <Aquilegia, Aconitum, and Delphinium, which seem 
adapted for humble-bees by the whole structure of their flowers. 
The easy transition in Hepaticas from blue to pink, and even to 
white, may be most easily explained as a case of reversion (vide 

also 6009). 

Chimonanthus fragrans, Lind., has, according to Hildebrand, pro- 
_ terogynous flowers. In the first stage, the still immature stamens 
are bent away from the stigmas, which receive pollen from other 
flowers; in the second stage, the ripe stamens arch over the stig- 
-mas and prevent access to them (356, p. 491). Delpino saw the 
_ flowers visited by an Osmia at Florence (177, p. 59). 
Calycanthus floridus, L., according to Delpino, is markedly pro- 
terogynous with short-lived stigmas; it is devoid of honey, and 
is probably fertilised by Cetoniw (177, p. 58). 


5 Lilicium religiosum has in the middle of the flower, according 
_ to Delpino, little papillae, very rich in honey and resembling 
_ stigmatic papillee, which probably serve as bait for a Cetonia (567). 
i Magnolia Yulan, Desf., is proterogynous. According to Delpino, 
bees fly into the upright flowers, and in the first period are neither 
able to creep up the smooth petals, nor to rise in flight from the 

| _ short pistil which stands erect in the centre of the flower. They 
_ remain prisoners until in the second period the petals spread out, 

5 and the bees then fly away, dusted with pollen, to another aver 
1 (178, 360, p. 593). 


Magnolia grandiflora, L.—Rose-beetles (Cetonia aurata and 
stictica) resort to the scarce opened flowers. They find shelter 
beneath the three inner petals, which form a vault over the stigmas, 
warmth which is so considerable that it is sensible to the touch, 
and honey lying on and between the stigmas. They remain in this 
pleasant refuge, until the sepals or petals fall off, and then, laden 
with pollen, they fly away to other flowers. In the first period only 
stigmas, and in the second only anthers, are mature, so selffer- 
tilisation is impossible, and the beetles, flying from flower to flower, 
accomplish cross-fertilisation regularly (178, 360, p. 594). 

Orpd. ANONACE &. 

Asimina triloba, Dunab., is proterogynous with short-lived 
stigmas. In the middle of the bell-shaped, pendulous flower 
rises a hemispherical mass of stamens, from the midst of which 
some stigmas protrude. The three inner petals, which secrete 
honey at their base, lie in the first period close upon the stamens ; 

they compel the flies which visit the flower to touch the already — 

mature stigmas on their way to the honey. Cross-fertilisation is 
effected if the flies come bringing pollen from an older flower. 
Delpino counted seven species of Diptera visiting the plant 
(178, p. 231; 360, p. 672). 


18. BERBERIS VULGARIS, L._—Sprengel describes and figures the 

flowers as hanging down vertically. This, however, is seldom the. 

case ; most are horizontal or inclined obliquely downwards. They 
are not fully protected by their position from the weather, but the 
three inner sepals and the six petals, which as well as the sepals 
are curled inwards at their points, protect the stamens together 
with the honey-glands and honey from rain. The three inner 
sepals make the flower conspicuous by their yellow colour, and 
the petals completely embrace the stamens so long as the latter 
are undisturbed. The honey-glands are two thick, oval, fleshy, 
orange bodies, lying quite close together on the inner side and 
near the base of each petal. The filaments are so much expanded 
as to touch each other at the base; before being irritated they are 
bent so far back that each is in contact with the part of a petal 
below the honey-glands, and also with the adjacent halves of the 
two honey-glands. There is thus no room for the honey to 
accumulate between petals and stamens, but it must flow into 


the angles between stamens and ovary, which are always found to 
be quite full of honey. Every insect-visitor must thrust its 
_ proboscis into one of these angles; and in doing so it causes the 
two stamens which the base of its proboscis touches to spring 
inwards towards the pistil, and to dust with pollen one side of its 
head, which is thus shut in between two anthers and the stigma. 
The stigma is. represented by the papillose and viscid edge of a 
dise which surmounts the ovary and occupies the middle of the 
flower ; one side of the insect’s head, opposite to that touched by 
the stamen, comes in contact with the stigma. The insect usually 
flies away at once after the first drop of honey on being struck by 
_ the stamen, and as it thrusts its head or proboscis into the flower 
in many different ways as the different positions of the flower 


Fia. 30.— Berberis vulgaris, L. 

. 1.—Flower seen from above. a, the three inner. larger sepals, which by their size and colour play 
_ the part of a corolla; 6b, outer, b’, inner petals, ; ¢, nectaries; d, filaments ; e, stigma, 
ig 2.—Position of the stamen after springing inwards. 
8.— Petal with its two thick fleshy, orange nectaries. 
4—7.—Stamens in various stages of dehiscence, erection, and rotation of the anther-valves. 4, 
_ stamen with the anther-valves still closed ; 5, the valve of the right anther-lobe has opened, and is 
beginning to move upwards, with the pollen attached to it; 6, both valves have nearly completed 
_ their movement of rotation, the pollen masses are directed towards the right and left ; 7, both valves 
_ have turned in such a way that the pollen-masses face the centre of the flower, and touch one 
another with their adjacent edges ; 7b, ditto, inner aspect. 

_ require, now under now over the stigma, now to the right, now to 
the left, its head must soon be dusted all round with pollen, and it 
| must fertilise every succeeding flower that it visits, It can only 
| _ accomplish self-fertilisation if in the same flower it plunges its 
| proboscis first to the right and then to the left, or first over and 
if then under the stigma. In the case of the hive-bee I have 
Bpeistinctly observed that it seldom proceeds in this manner, It 
never makes a circuit of the flower, for it flies away and seeks 


another as soon as it is struck by the stamens whose bases it has 
touched, and it rarely thrusts its proboscis a second time into the 
same flower. When it plants its forelegs upon the flower, it 
usually causes the greater number of the stamens to close in upon 
the pistil. 

I have often seen humble-bees, on the other hand, thrust their 
proboscides again and again into the same flower. 

It is clear from the above that Sprengel is in error when he 
explains the flower of the barberry as adapted for self-fertilisation ; 
and this is proved most unequivocally by a closer examination of 
the movement of the anthers upon irritation. 

Before the flower opens the anthers stand on a level with the 
stigma; they are closely applied to the stigma in the bud, but in 
the opening flower they are bent as far backwards as the sur- 
rounding petals allow. As soon as the petals begin to diverge, 
the anthers dehisce, the lid flying up and remaining attached only 
to the extreme end of the connective, which is here at its broadest. 
The anther-lid carries with it almost all the pollen, and after rising 
to its full height it turns that side which bears the pollen inwards 
towards the middle of the flower. If the stamens are now touched 
at their bases and made to move inwards, the masses of pollen do 
not come on a level with the stigma, but stand above it; so that 
even those parts of the masses of pollen which do not touch the 
insect, excluding some little scattered particles, do not come in 
contact with the stigma: the insect’s head or proboscis, however, 
in being drawn back and rubbed against the masses of pollen 
gets dusted with pollen just in those parts which will come in 
contact with the stigma in other flowers. 7 

If insect-visits altogether fail, then, as the flowers wither, the 
masses of pollen come of themselves into contact with the stigma 
through the bending inwards of the anthers. I have observed this 
in specimens kept in my room, but I cannot say what results follow 
self-fertilisation at such a late period. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (1) Helophilus floreus, L., very ab. ; 
(2) H. pendulus, L. ; (3) Eristalis tenax, L., ab. ; (4) E. arbustorum, L. ; (5) 
E. nemorum, L.; (6) Rhingia rostrata, L., ab. ; (b) Muscidae: (7) Onesia 
floralis, R. D.; (8) O. sepulcralis, Mgn. ; (9) O. cognata, Mgn. ; (10) Musca 
domestica, L.; (11) M. corvina, F. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (12) 
Apis mellifica, L. §, ab.; (13) Bombus terrestris, L. 2 ; (14) B. pratorum, 
L. 9 ; (15) Andrena Trimmerana, K. 9; (16) A, helvola, L. ¢; (17) A. 
fulvicrus, K. ¢, ab.; (18) A. fulva, Schrk. 9, moderately ab.; (19) A. 
albicans, K. 9; (20) A. Smithella, K. 9; (21) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. ? , 



(b) Vespide : (22) Vespa holsatica, F. 9; (23) V. rufa, L. §. C. Coleop- 
tera—(a) Dermestide: (24) Attagenus pellio, L.; (b) Coccinellide: (25) 
Coccinella 14punctata, L. All were sucking honey ; Bombus pratorum and 
Andrena fulva were also collecting pollen, See also 590, 1., and 609. 


19. NupHAR LUTEUM, Smith.—The sepals, as Sprengel clearly 

showed, have, by their increased size and the yellow colour of their 

upper surface, taken on the function of a corolla: the under side 

of the petals secretes honey. Sprengel found only small beetles of 
the genus Meligethes in the flowers: I have seen besides Meligethes 
' various flies and other small beetles creeping about the flowers and 
flying from one to another; they effected self-fertilisation and 
_ cross-fertilisation indifferently. I was only able to catch Onesia 
 floralis, R.D. (Muscidae), and Donacia dentata, Hoppe (Chryso- 
_ melide); both were richly dusted with pollen. 

Nymphea alba, L., and Victoria regia, Lind., are, in Delpino’s 
opinion, fertilised by Cetoniw and Glaphyride. See also No. 775. 


20. PAPAVER Rua@as, L.—The numerous anthers stand close 

round the stigma, and dehisce before the opening of the flower. 

They cover themselves with pollen, part of which reaches the 

_ lower part of the stigmatic lobes, while the higher central parts 
of the stigmatic lobes protrude free from pollen. Its flowers 
' contain no honey, and are therefore visited solely by pollen-seeking 
insects, which find the broad stigmatic surface the most convenient 
| place on which to alight. They necessarily accomplish cross- 
_ fertilisation if they have come from another flower, and this 

cross-fertilisation probably prevails in its action over the self- 

| fertilisation which has already taken place. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 2, very 

' ab, ; (2) H. flavipes, F. 9, ab; (3) H. longulus, Smith, 9; (4) H. cylindri- 
_ cus, K. 9; (5) H. maculatus, Sm. 2; (6) Andrena dorsata, K. 2, ab. ; (7) A. 

_ tulvicrus, K. ? ; all collecting pollen, and dusted thickly with it. B. Diptera 
| —Syrphide ; (8) Cheilosia, fp. C. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (9) Meligethes, 

very ab., fp. D. Orthoptera—(10) Forficula auricularia, L., both larvee and 
perfect insects hiding in the base of the flower, See also No. 590, I. 

Whether, in default of insect-visits, the self-fertilisation which 
inevitably takes place leads to development has still to be decided 
by experiment, Probably it does so, as Hildebrand has found that 


Argemone ochroleuca, Glaucitum luteum, and Papaver argemonoides 
all bear seed when fertilised with their own. pollen (358). 

Papaver Argemone, L.i—The flower has exactly the same 
structure as P. Rhwas, the only difference being that a smaller 
part of the stigmatic lobes is exposed to self-fertilisation. 

In Papaver dubium, L., the stigma stands some millimeters 
above the level of the anthers, so that self-fertilisation can only 
take place in a down-turned position of the flower. Perhaps the 
fact that this species is much rarer than the others (in Westphalia, 
at least) is due to the impossibility of self-fertilisation. 

Papaver alpinum, L., is homogamous, and (when cultivated) 
is sterile to its own pollen. The flowers are devoid of honey, and 
are visited by pollen-feeding Diptera (609). 

Papaver hybridum, L., has cleistogamic flowers, at least when 
under cultivation (369). | 

21, CHELIDONIUM MAJUS, L.—In sunny weather the anthers 
dehisce laterally as the flower opens, and the stigma is developed 
at the same time. Since the stigma somewhat overtops the anthers, 
insects alighting in the middle of the flower touch the stigma first 
and accomplish cross-fertilisation, while those which alight on a 
petal and crawl inwards may accomplish either cross- or self- 
fertilisation. In dull weather the flowers remain closed longer, 
and the stamens dehisce within the as yet unopened flower, causing 

The flowers contain no honey, and are visited and fertilised only 
by pollen-seeking insects. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus pratorum, L. § ; (2) B. 
agrorum, F, §; (3) B. Rajellus, Ill. 9—/(all three alighted on the centre of 
the flower and swept pollen in great haste with the tarsal brushes of the fore 
and midlegs out of the anthers into the baskets on their ,hindlegs, and hardly 
spent two to three seconds on the flower before passing to another ; they effect 
cross-fertilisation regularly) ; (4) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2; (5) H. zonulus, 
Sm. 9; (6) H. sexnotatus, K. 9; (7) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9 —(these 
small bees alight on the anthers and spend a much longer time on each flower, 
passing round upon the anthers. They only come in contact with the stigmas 
accidentally, and may effect self-fertilisation and cross-fertilisation indifferently). 
B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (8) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (9) 8. ribesii, L. ; 
(10) Syritta pipiens, L.; (11) Ascia podagrica, F. ; (12) Rhingia rostrata, 
L., all feeding on the pollen, and moving round the flower in the same way as 
the species of Halictus ; (b) Empide : (13) Empislivida, L. See also No. 590, 1. 

Eschscholtzia Californica, Chmss., furnishes an illustration of 
varying capacity for self-fertilisation. My brother Fritz Miiller found 


this species unfruitful in South Brazil, and Darwin found it fruitful 
_ in England, when fertilised with its own pollen. Plants which Fritz 
_ Miiller raised in South Brazil from seed sent from England by 
_ Darwin yielded some seeds when fertilised with their own pollen, 
_ but far fewer than in England. Hildebrand found this species not 
absolutely barren, but very nearly so, when fertilised with its own 

_ pollen (358). 


_  Hypecoum procumbens, L.—In the bud, the two inner petals 
receive all the pollen in two pockets developed upon their inner 
_ surface, and these pockets close up before the development of the 
stigma. On pressure from above, their edges separate and dust the 
‘object pressing them with pollen. The stigmatic papillze do not 
" attain’their full development until some time after the opening 
- of the flower, and after the pistil has grown up above the level 
- of the pollen-sacs, so that in each flower insects come in contact 
| first with the stigma and then with the pollen. Cross-fertilisation 
_ is insured (in case of insect-visits) first by proterandry, and secondly 
_ by the projecting situation of the stigma (358). 

} Hypecoum grandifiorum.—Hildebrand found that the flowers 
_of this species were very nearly though not absolutely barren 
when fertilised with their own pollen or with pollen from another 
flower of the same plant (358). 

«22, -DICLYTRA SPECTABILIS, D‘C.—The heart-shaped pendulous 
+7 lowers contain honey in the two pouches at the base of the outer 
_ semi-cordate petals. Each of these two petals incloses three 
| stamens which follow the contour of its wall and then together 
| form a channel leading from the middle of the flower to the honey. 
; The exserted ends of the six stamens project straight downwards, 
_ lying close together around the pistil, and being themselves sur- 
2 rounded by the hood-like ends of the, two inner petals, which 
_ cohere at the points. 

Li Between the hood-shaped end of the inner petal and the curled 
1 end of the outer one, there remains on the right and left a canal 
leading to the honey. Ifa bee hanging from the flower thrusts its 
| proboscis into one of the two canals, the lower surface of its 
_ abdomen presses both the hood and the flexible stamens towards 
_ the opposite side; and the stigma, which is at the end of a stiff 
‘. ‘style and Pertork escapes being pushed aside, is rubbed by the 


hairs on the lower surface of the bee’s body. When the bee flies 
away the hood returns to its former position and again incloses the 
stamens and pistil. At each visit this action is performed twice, 
once on the right and once on the left, since there are two honey- 
sacs and two canals leading to them.. Thus in young flowers the 
pollen adhering to the stigma is brushed off on to the hairy body 
of the bee, and in older flowers, which have been already robbed 
of their own pollen, pollen from other flowers is brought and 
applied to the stigma. Hildebrand saw humble-bees acting in the 
manner described. Since the proboscides of our humble-bees vary 
from 7 to 21 mm., and the canals leading to the honey in Dielytra 
are 18 to 20 mm. long, the action of the different visitors deserves 
closer examination. 3 

I have only seen Bombus hortorum, L. 2 (20 to 21),and Anthophora 
pilipes, F. 9 (19 to 20), both in fair abundance, sucking this flower in 
the normal way: they sucked each flower twice, once on each side. 
Bombus terrestris, L. 2, whose proboscis is only 7 to 9 mm. long, 
climbs on to the upper part of the flower and bites a hole into 
one of the honey-sacs; it tries to introduce its proboscis through 

— - © 

"© ene Mise n> =; 

the hole it has made, and if it does not at once succeed, it bites — 

several times, and at-last succeeds in stealing the honey out of 
both the pouches! I have seen Bombus pratorum, I. ? (11 to 12), 
and B. Rajellus, Ill. (12 to 13), act in the same way. Osmia rufa, 
L. 2 (9), Megachile centuncularis, L. 6 (6 to 7), and Apis mellifica, 
L. & (6), often make use of the holes which humble-bees have 
bitten, and which few flowers are free from. 

The action of the hive-bee’on flowers of Diclytra convinced 
me of the advantage that flowers derive from having convenient 
landing-places for insects. If the bee tried to steal honey by means 
of holes made by Bombus terrestris, it found no such resting-place, 
but catching hold of the edge with some of its legs, it groped about 
with the others on the smooth surface, and so stood insecure and 
wasted much time. 

Diclytra eximia, D.C.—The flower has been thoroughly described 
and figured by Hildebrand (358). It resembles D. spectabilis, but 
the space for the lateral bending of the hood is smaller and the 
passage to the honey shorter. 

In Dielytra cucullaria, D.C., the outer petals are provided with 
long spurs and the honey is secreted by two long processes of the 
middle stamens lodged in these spurs (358). 

1 In North America, Diclytra Canadensis is bitten in the same way by the 
short-lipped bee Bombus Virginieus, Oliv. (736). 


23. CoRYDALIS CAVA, Schweigg. and Kért. The flower is 
figured and described by Hildebrand (351, 358). 

In contrast to the pendulous flowers of Diclytra and Adlumia, 
which are symmetrical about two planes perpendicular to. one 
- another, and permit a double motion of the hood, to right and left, 
- we have in Corydalis cava horizontal flowers symmetrical about 
one perpendicular plane, and whose hood can only be thrust by 
insects in one direction, viz. downwards. The two outer petals, 
_ which are here superior and inferior, have ceased to be symmetrical, 
_ the upper one being produced into a long spur, curved downwards 
at the end, and reaching some 12 mm. backwards over the flower- 
stalk. In this spur is lodged a common prolongation of the upper 
_ stamens, which secretes honey and extends as far as the curved part 
of the spur. 
ec The two inner petals stand at the sides, and are fused with the 
upper petal at their bases; they are symmetrical, and unite at the 
apex to form a hood. A bee, to reach the honey stored at the end 
of the spur, must stand on the lower petal or on the hood, and 
thrust its proboscis between the hood and the upper petal; in 
doing this, it presses down the hood, and rubs the under surface 
of its head on the stigma, which, being placed on a stiff pistil, does 
not bend downwards, and has been covered with pollen before the 
opening of the flower. The hood, on withdrawal of the pressure, 
springs back into its former place, and covers the pistil and stamens 
as before. 

So, in young flowers, bees dust the lower part of their heads 
with pollen ; in older ones they supply the stigma with pollen from 

previously visited flowers. As the bees habitually go from below 
“upwards on each plant, they bring pollen to the lower and older 
flowers of one plant from the upper and younger flowers of 
another, and thus regularly induce crossing of separate stocks. 
This is very noteworthy, since Hildebrand has shown by many 
experiments that the flowers of C. cava are absolutely barren to 
their own pollen, very slight!y fertile to pollen from another flower 
of the same plant, and only thoroughly fertile when impregnated 
with pollen from a different plant. 

Since the spur of C. cava is 12 mm. long, and is at the very 
most filled with honey to the extent of 4 or 5 mm., it is quite 
impossible for the hive-bee with its proboscis of 6 mm. to reach 
_the honey in the legitimate way. Bombus terrestris, L. 2, might 
succeed better with its proboscis of 7 to 9 mm., occasionally even 

10 mm.; but even this species soon gives up thrusting its proboscis 


between the hood and the upper petal. It more usually bites 
a hole in the spur at, or a little in front of, its place of bending, 
and through this hole thrusts its proboscis to the extremity of the 
spur. I found the great majority of flowers to have been bitten 
through in this way by JB. terrestris, 2, and through the holes I 
saw not only the hive-bee, but also Andrena albicans, K. 9, 
A. nitida, Foure. ¢, Sphecodes gibbus, L., and Nomada Fabriciana, 
L. 2, obtain the honey. The only bee which I have seen sucking 
the honey of C. cava legitimately is Anthophora pilipes, F. 2 and ¢, 
with its proboscis of 19 to 21 mm. But this species visited the 
flowers of Corydalis in such numbers and so diligently that it 
should suffice for the fertilisation of all. I have only seen two 
other insects legitimately sucking the honey of C. cava, viz. 
Bombylius major, L. (10) and B. discolor, Mgn. (11 to 12), which, 
hovering over the flowers, thrust in their long proboscides, without 
however, accomplishing fertilisation. ‘The hive-bee must also be 
included among the fertilisers of C. cava. I have often seen it 
creeping in between the hood and upper lip with the fore-part of 
its body in order to collect pollen, which it swept off the stigma 
with the tarsal brushes of its middle legs, and placed in the pollen- 
baskets on its hindlegs. An ant, Lasiws niger, L. %, enters the 
flowers and makes its way to the honey (590, L.). 

24, CORYDALIS SOLIDA, Sm., resembles the former species in 
the mechanism of its flowers, and has a spur sometimes as long, 
sometimes very slightly shorter. In the spot where I have observed _ 
it (Stromberg Hill), it grows together with C. cava, but in smaller — 
numbers, and always with red flowers (C. cava being white or red). — 
In this locality its honey is sucked legitimately, as in C. cava, by — 
Anthophora pilipes, F., Bombylius major, L., and B. discolor, Mgn.; 
the honey is stolen by means of a hole by JB. terrestris, L. ¢, and — 
Apis mellifiea, L. $, and the plant is also visited and fertilised — 
by the last-named for the sake of its pollen. } 

Corydalis nobilis, Pers, and C. capnoides, Whinb., have, according — 
to Hildebrand, a similar arrangement to that of C. cava (358). 

Corydalis ochroleuca, K., is marked off from C. cava by the fact — 
that the hood, when once bent down, does not rise again, while the — 
stamens and pistil fly upwards and become concealed in a hollow — 
of the upper petal. Hence each flower can only be visited by bees — 
once in such a way as to influence these organs. This single visit — 
dusts the under side of the bee with the pollen which has been. 
heaped up on the stigma, and also brings other pollen to the 


stigma if the bee comes from another flower. Hildebrand’s 
experiments prove that the flowers of C. ochroleuca are fertile both 
with their own pollen and with that from another flower of the 
same plant. 

25. CoRYDALIS LUTEA, D.C., resembles C. ochroleuca in the 
mechanism of its flower. I saw it repeatedly visited and sucked 
in the legitimate way by Bombus agrorum, F. 2, whose proboscis 
measures 12 to 15 mm. Other bees which I have seen visiting the 
flower are enumerated in my Weitere Beobachtungen, pt. i. p. 54. 


26. FUMARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—The mechanism of the flower 
resembles that of Corydalis cava ; but the flowers are much smaller, 
and instead of the long spur, a short rounded pouch is present 
in which a short process from the upper stamen is lodged and 
secretes honey. Hildebrand found the flowers to be fertile to their 
own pollen; but he doubts whether self-fertilisation often occurs 
under natural conditions, and places full reliance on the agency 
of insects. 

I have often watched J/. officinalis, and have convinced myself 
most clearly that it is very sparingly visited by insects. I have 
“only occasionally observed the hive-bee sucking at this flower, 
and I have very frequently watched in vain even in calm sunny 
weather for a single insect visitor. 

It is Sasi ale advantageous to a plant for its flowers to be 
adapted for fertilisation not by one or a few, but by many species 
of insects. In Fumaria officinalis, whose flowers might be visited 
by most kinds of bees on account of the shallow situation of the 

honey, this advantage which it has over C. cava is outweighed 
by several disadvantages. For C. cava blooms in early spring at a 
time and in places hers few flowers compete with it in attracting 
insects (its chief rivals on Stromberg Hill are Primula elatior and 
Pulmonaria officinalis); while Fumaria officinalis blooms in the 
middle of summer when many flowers at the same time are trying 
to divert the attention of honey-seeking bees. And further, while 
C. cava with its handsome spikes of flowers is very conspicuous 
in comparison with its neighbours, and displays a rich booty of 
honey and pollen to its guests, the small flowers of Fumaria 
officinalis are very inconspicuous In comparison, and give but a poor 
promise of spoil. Hence we see that although the honey of 
Corydalis cava can only be reached legitimately by one out of the 
‘tnany species of bees that are on the wing during its flowering 
H 2 


period, yet it is so regularly fertilised by that one, that it has quite 
lost the power of self-fertilisation ; while /wmaria officinalis, though 
it might be fertilised by very many kinds of bees that are abundant 
while it flowers, is so little visited that it is forced as a rule to 
reproduce by self-fertilisation. I have repeatedly noticed how very 
seldom Fumaria officinalis is visited by insects, and have observed 
that notwithstanding almost every flower has borne fruit. I have 
also found that during continued rainy weather which keeps every 
bee away, F”. officinalis is still fully fruitful, and I cannot therefore 
doubt that it makes the fullest use of its power of self-fertilisation. 

The same holds good with regard to Fumaria capreolata, L., 
and /. parviflora, Lam., which on the whole agree, according to 
Hildebrand, with / oficinalis in their mechanism of fertilisation, 
but have lost the elasticity of the hood, probably through long 
disuse. , 

In Fumaria spicata, L., on the other hand, the structure of the 
flower resembles, according to Hildebrand, that of Corydalis lutea 
and C. ochroleuca. The column, after once emerging from the 
hood, springs up, owing to the tension of the upper stamens, and 
buries itself in a depression in the upper petal. This species is 
also fertile to its own pollen. 

Fumaria capreolata, var. pallidiflora, has this remarkable 
peculiarity, first mentioned by Moggridge, that its flowers, which 
are at first almost white, assume a conspicuous pink or even 
carmine tint after fertilisation. A similar change of colour occurs 
in Lantana, Weigelia rosea, Ribes aureum, R. sanguineum, and 
many other flowers which are fertilised by the more intelligent 
insects (bees or Lepidoptera). The insects are attracted from a 
distance by the bright colours of the older flowers, and they learn 
to distinguish very quickly between these and the less conspicuous 
younger flowers which alone contain treasure for them ; while the 
less intelligent insects, useless in these cases for the work of 
fertilisation, betake themselves chiefly to the more showy flowers 
(74, 309, 530, 575, 590, L.). 


27, NASTURTIUM SILVESTRE, R. Br.—At the base of the flower, 
between every two stamens, there is visible a green fleshy gland, 
which secretes a drop of honey. The anthers of the four longer 
stamens are on a level with the stigma, the other two lie somewhat 
deeper; all remain turned towards the middle of the flower. In 


- sunny weather, when the flowers open, the anthers spread apart a 
little, and dehisce on the side turned towards the stigma. Insects 
which make for the honey must thrust their heads into the flower 
between the stamen and stigma, and bring one side of the head in 
contact with one or two anthers, and the other with the stigma. If 
they move round the flower licking up all the honey-drops, as a 
rule the same side of the head remains turned to the stigma 
_ throughout. In subsequent flowers the opposite side of the head 
' may touch the stigma, and lead to cross-fertilisation. It may 
| happen, and perhaps does so happen frequently, that the insect 
_ plunges its head several times into the same flower, and so leads to 
_ self-fertilisation. In rainy weather the flowers only partially 
_ expand, and the anthers of the longer stamens remain in immediate 
contact with the stigma, and accomplish self-fertilisation. 

Fig. 31.—Nasturtium silvestre, R. Br. 

3 Flower from above. In the centre is the stigma concealing the ovary; around it are seen four 
larger (n) and two smaller (n’) honey-drops. a, the longer stamens; a’, shorter ditto, In all the 
| stamens, the pollen-covered face of the anther is visible, turned towards the stigma. 

, Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide: (1) Crabro Wesmeeli, v. d. 
1 L., s.; (2) Tiphia minuta, v. d. L., s.; (b) Apide: (3) Apis mellifica, L. 
| 8, «p., ab.; (4) Andrena Schrankella, K. 9, e.p.; (5) Halictus nitidius- 
| culus, K. 9,8. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (6) Empis livida, L.,s.; (b) Syr- 
| phide: (7) Syritta pipiens, L.,s. and f.p.; (8) Syrphus sp.,s. and f.p.; (9) 
rf Chrysogaster Macquarti, Loew., s.; (10) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. ; (c) 
_ Bombylide : (11) Anthrax hottentotta, L., s. 

— _—— Nasturtium officinale, R. Br—There is a remarkable difference 
_ between the flowers of this species and those of JV. silvestre. At 
the inner side of the base of each short stamen are two green 
fleshy honey-glands, placed close together. The shorter anthers 
have their dehiscent sides turned towards the stigma, which stands 
high above them; the taller, which stand at first on a level with 
the stigma, but are afterwards overtopped by it, have their 
| dehiscent sides turned towards the shorter stamens, so that the 
head or proboscis of an insect passing down towards the nectary, 


must touch simultaneously the stigma and the pollen-covered faces 
of three anthers, one short and two long. If, in continued bad 
weather, the flowers do not open fully, self-fertilisation is effected 
by the longer anthers, as in JV. silvestre (590, 1., 609). 

28. ARMORACIA AMPHIBIA, Koch. (Nasturtium amphibium, BR. 
Br.).—The structure of the flower resembles that of Nasturtiwm 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera— Tenthredinide : (1) Tenthredo notha, K1., very 
abundant, passing from flower to flower and dipping its proboscis down to 
suck,—head and thorax richly dusted with pollen. B. Diptera—(a) Empide : 
(2) Empis livida, L., s. ; (6) Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. ; (4) Syritta 
pipiens, L., s.; (5) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. 

Arabis alpina, L., is homogamous (609). 
Arabis bellidifolia, Jacq., is proterogynous, with long-lived 
stigmas (609). 

29. ARABIS HIRSUTA, R. Br.—The arrangement of the flowers 
differs from that of Nasturtium silvestre in that only two glands 
lying internal to the base of the shorter stamens secrete honey, and 
that in most flowers the longer stamens arch over the stigma, and 
shed their pollen on it, if it is not removed by insect visitors. 
Flowers also occur in which the anthers of the longer stamens stand 
on the same level as the stigma, and shed their pollen in immediate 
contact with it. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide : (1) Ammophila sabulosa, L., s. ; 
(b) Apide: (2) Apis mellifica, L. $,s.; (3) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9, ep. ; 
(4) Andrena albicrus, K. ¢,s. 3B. Lepidoptera—Bombyces : (5) Euprepia 
Jacobee, L.,s. C. Diptera—Syrphide : Syritta pipiens, L., s. 

30. CARDAMINE PRATENSIS, L.—This species differs greatly from 
the preceding forms in the situation of its honey, in the position of 
its anthers, in the conspicuousness of its flowers, and hence also in 
the number of its visitors. Two large honey-glands surround the 
bases of the two shorter stamens as green fleshy cushions which are 
most marked at the outside and secrete their honey at that point : 
two smaller honey-glands occupy the position of the two aborted 
smaller stamens," 7.¢. they are placed antero-posteriorly, between the 

1 Kichler’s view of the floral symmetry and number of the parts in Crucifere is 
different from that advanced here by the author, and is now more generally adopted. 
He regards the number two as the basis of the floral whorls, and looks upon the four 
petals and the four inner stamens as due to the chorisis respectively of two antero- 

posterior petals and stamens. On this view the whorls alternate regularly with each 
other, and the flower is symmetrical. (Eichler, Blithendiagramme, vol. ii.) 


pairs of long stamens. The honey secreted by these four glands 
accumulates in the pouched bases of the sepals. Since the calyx in 
this case serves to hold the honey it is more persistent than in most 
other Crucifers, and the sepals are unusually large, in relation to the 
great size of the honey-glands ; those which receive the honey from 
_ the larger glands are broader and more swollen at the base than 
the two others, so that one may tell by looking at the calyx from 
' below where in the flowers the shorter stamens are placed. On 
| tearing off the sepals, a honey-gland is seen between the claws of 
_ each pair of adjacent petals. 

I: In the young bud all the six anthers are turned towards the 
 pistil, which projects above them. Before the flower opens, the 

Fic, 82.—Cardamine pratensis, L. 

1.—Flower, from above, 
2.—Ditto, in side view, after removal of the two anterior petals. 
3.— Essential organs and nectaries (nm), enlarged. 

_ four inner stamens elongate and overtop the stigma, and make a 
1 quarter of a revolution outwards, each one towards the small 
"7 stamen nearest to it: so that now an insect, in trying to reach the 
1 honey of one of the larger glands, must rub its head or proboscis 
ie against the pollen-bearing surface of one of the taller anthers. 

In cold, rainy weather flowers are often found in which the 
_ revolution is incomplete, or does not take place at all, and in such 
} cases the pollen of the longer stamens falls of itself upon the 
stigma. The shorter stamens always remain with the side at which 
| they dehisce turned inwards towards the stigma, so that the pollen 
_is rubbed off by the head or proboscis of any insect which is 



making for the smaller honey-glands. With reference to the 
likelihood of cross-fertilisation the same remarks hold good as in 
the case of Nasturtiwm silvestre. In many flowers the shorter 
anthers stand lower than the stigma, in others on a level with it 
or even higher. In the two last cases they may aid in self- 

Cardamine pratensis surpasses all the other Crucifers which grow 
wild near Lippstadt in the conspicuousness of its flowers and the 
abundance of its honey, and consequently in the number of its 
insect visitors. 

A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2. ¢p.; (2) An- 
drena dorsata, K. 9,s.; (3) A.parvula, K. 9 ¢, cp. ands. ; (4) A. Gwynana, 
K. 2, ¢p., (once it flew straight from the Curdamine to a short-styled flower 
of Primula elatior and gathered pollen there also) ; (5) Nomada lateralis, 
Pz. 9,s.; (6) N. lineola, Pz. ¢,s.; (7) Osmia rufa, L. ¢,s.; (8) Bombus terrestris, 
L.?,8.; (9) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., c.p. ands. B. Diptera—(a) Bom- 
bylide: (10) Bombylius major, L., once, hovering over the flower and suck- 
ing,—it passed straight from the Cardamine to Primula elatior; (11) B. 
discolor, Mgn., s. ; (6) Empide : (12) Empis opaca, F., s. ; (c) Syrphide : (13) 
Rhingia rostrata, L., f.p. ; (14) Helophilus pendulus, L., s. ; (d) Muscide : (15) 
Anthomyia sp., fp. ©. Lepidoptera—(16) Rhodocera rhamni, L. ; (17) Pieris 
brassicee, L. ; (18) P. napi, L. ; (19) Anthocharis cardamines, L. D. Coleop- 
tera—(a) Nitidulide: (20) Meligethes, ab., lh.; (6) Staphylinide: (21) 
Omalium florale, Pk., very ab. E. Thysanoptera—(22) Thrips, s. and fp. 
See also 590, I. 

Cardamine chenopodifolia, Pers., has cleistogamic flowers which 
burrow into the earth (296). 

Cardamine impatiens, L., is visited by Andrena albicans, 
K. 9 (590, 1.). | 

Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br—EKach of the two shorter stamens has 
on either side of its base a small, green, fleshy honey-gland ; a some- 
what larger honey-gland is placed between each pair of longer 
stamens, externally to their bases, in the position of the two short 
stamens that have disappeared. On each of the six glands a colour- 
less drop of fluid may be seen in fine weather. The anthers are 
placed as if the glands between the longer stamens were absent. 
The taller stamens, which overtop the stigma, make a quarter of a 
revolution towards the neighbouring short stamens ; this movement 
begins with the dehiscence of the anthers immediately after the flower 
expands, and is just finished when the anther is completely covered 
on one side with pollen. The two shorter anthers, which are on a 
level with the stigma, remain turned towards it even after dehis- 
cence, so that the position of the anthers is the same as in 


Nasturtium officinale, though the number of glands is as in N. 
silvestre (590, I.). 

31. DRABA VERNA, L.—Four small, green, fleshy honey-glands 
occur in each flower, each being situated between the bases of a 
short stamen and the long one next it; so that the base of each 
short stamen stands between two honey-glands. Anthers and 
_ stigma ripen together. The longer stamens reach to a level with 
_ the stigma, and stand close around it: they dehisce on those sides 
_ which are turned towards the stigma, and always dust it with 
| pollen; the shorter stamens also turn their pollen-covered surfaces 
| towards the stigma, but stand below it. Honey-seeking insects 
_ must thrust their proboscides between the stigma and one of the 
_ shorter stamens into the base of the flower, and so dust themselves 
_ with pollen, especially from the shorter stamens, and carry it 
_ elsewhere, Cross-fertilisation is chiefly effected with pollen from | 
_ the shorter stamens, while the four longer ones regularly effect self- 
fertilisation. Hildebrand has found by experiment that the latter 
is productive. We may understand the extensive use that this 
plant makes of self-fertilisation if we consider how small and 
_ inconspicuous the flowers are, how small a supply of pollen or 
honey they can yield, and how few insects they are for these reasons 
visited by. I have only observed three species of bees on Draba 
verna, VIZ :— 

, (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, cp. (April 10, 1868); (2) Andrena parvula, K. 
 ¢,. (March 28, 1869) ; (3) Halictus sp. 9, s. (March 28, 1869). 

Draba aizoides, L., is proterogynous with persistent stigmas (600). 
Draba Wahlenbergii, Hartm., is homogamous (609). 

32. COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—Near Niederalma, I saw the 
following insects on flowers of this plant (July 12, 1869) :— 

A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis tenax, L.; (2) Helophilus floreus, 
_ L.; (8) Melanostoma mellina, L., ab., all three both s. andc.p. B. Coleoptera 
_ —(4) Cetonia aurata, L., gnawing the parts of the flower. 

Kernera saxatilis, Rich., is homogamous. The four longer 
stamens bend laterally almost to a right angle, so that their anthers 
come to lie quite close to those of the shorter stamens (609). 

Thlaspi arvense, L., is homogamous. The shorter stamens are 
concerned in cross-fertilisation ; the longer, in case of need, effect 
self-fertilisation (590, I1.). 


Pringlea antiscorbutica, Hook., grows on the tempestuous shores 
of Kerguelen’s Island, where winged insects cannot exist, because at 
every flight they run the risk of being drowned. Under these 
circumstances the plant has become modified for fertilisation by 
the wind, acquiring exserted anthers and long filiform stigmatic 
papillz. It still retains traces of its descent from entomophilous 
ancestors ; for while on the great part of the island it is devoid ot 
petals, it occurs abundantly in sheltered places with petals. On 
the same raceme some flowers may possess only a single petal, 
others two, three, or four; and the petals, though usually of a 
pale greenish colour, are occisignilly adorned with Bec (216, 


Fig. 33.—Kernera saxatilis, Rich. 

A.—Flower, viewed from above. 
B.—Ditto, from the side, after removal of two petals (x 7), k, short stamens. 

33. TEESDALIA NUDICAULIS, R. Br.—The structure of this 
flower, whose longest petals are only two mm. long, differs 
remarkably from our other native Crucifers. 

During the period of flowering, the flowers are aggregated into 
a flat surface, whose outermost petals are larger than the others, as 
in the case of Umbellifers. But in 7eesdalia, as flowering progresses, 
the axis lengthens and draws out the flat surface into a raceme, 
so that each flower comes to stand at the edge in its turn. So 
it is not only certain flowers that stand from the beginning at 
the edge, which have the corolla specially developed on the outer 
side (as in many Umbelliferw and Composite), and thus become 
symmetrical about a single axis (zygomorphic) ; but all the flowers 
have their outer petals specially developed, and thus acquire a 
zygomorphic symmetry. 

Each flower has a superior (s), an inferior (s’), and two lateral 
sepals (s”), which help to render the flower conspicuous by white 
tips and a white median ridge; but conspicuousness is chiefly 


i r 



attained through the white colour of the petals, of which the 

flower has two superolateral ones (p), and two anterolateral (p’), 
twice or three times as long as the former. In addition, there 
are petal-like appendages (y, 4, z, 2, 3) to the two lateral and 

_ shorter stamens (a), and others, still larger, to the four longer 
ones (a’, a). The petal-like appendages of these four inner 
_ stamens closely surround the ovary, which is flattened antero- 

posteriorly, sharp-edged on each side, bent slightly forwards, and 

_ divided symmetrically by a partition wall. 

The centre of the base of each petal has a small pouch, and 

_ just above this each staminal protuberance is provided with a 
similar structure; between the two lies a little drop of honey, and 

concealed beneath this is a small, greenish, fleshy honey-gland. 

Both the petals and the longer stamens can be torn away without 
injuring or removing the glands; which seem therefore to belong 
to the base of the flower (receptacle), 

scaanieeestnc aniline 
as » 

nape, — 

Fic. 84—Teesdalia nudicaulis, R. Br. 

1.—Flower, from above. 

2.—Anterior half of flower. 

3.—One of the longer stamens, with a nectary, seen from without. 
4.—One of the two shorter stamens, from without. 

x, y, foliar appendages of filaments ; n, nectary. 

Before the flower opens, the six anthers are all turned towards 

_ the stigma, the four longer ones overtopping it slightly, the others 

standing on a level with it. After the flower has expanded, all 
six stamens twist through a quarter of a revolution; each of the 
_ longer ones turns its anther towards the adjacent shorter one ; 
while each of the two shorter ones turns towards the outside 

_ of the flower. Now the anthers dehisce, and at the same time 

the stigma becomes mature. Insects in reaching the two outer 

_ honey-drops cannot avoid touching with their head or proboscis 

the pollen-covered sides of the two neighbouring anthers; while 

_ those that suck the inner drops only come in contact with the 

: — , 

pollen of a single anther. Owing to the small size of the flower, 

| the insect must touch the stigma at the same time with another 


part of its proboscis or head. As we have scen in other cases, 
this must regularly lead to cross-fertilisation if the insect thrusts 
its head only once into the flower, but may equally well produce 
self-fertilisation if it does so more than once. In absence of 
insects self-fertilisation is always accomplished by means of the 
longer stamens. 

On April 27 and 28, 1872, I and my son Hermann saw the 
following insects visit a luxuriant patch of Teesdalia in sunny 
weather :— | 

A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Sphecodes ephippia, L., sucking on thirteen 
inflorescences successively. B, Coleoptera—(a) Chrysomelide: (2) Haltica 
nemorum, L., three specimens, apparently sucking ; (8) Plectroscelis dentipes, 
E. H., one specimen, do. ; (4) Cassida nebulosa, L., two specimens flew on to 
the inflorescence without making use of the flowers; (b) Curculionide: (5) 
Ceutorhynchus pumilio, Gylh., two specimens, s. ; (¢) Elateride : (6) Limonius 
parvulus, Pz. ; (d) Hydrophilide : (7) Cercyon anale, Pk. (these last two beetles 
also settled on the flowers, but I could not see that they made use of them in any 
way). C. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (8) Melithreptus sp. ; (9) Ascia podagrica, 
F., both fp. ; (6) Muscide: (10) Sepsis putris, L., ab., s. Also many minute 
Muscidz and gnats, 1 to 4 mm. long. 

Biscutella levigata, L., is homogamous. I have found it 
visited by thirty-six species of insects, mostly Diptera (609). 

Hesperis tristis, L.—This plant, by elongation and close approxi- 
mation of the sepals and the claws of the petals, excludes all 
insects except Lepidoptera from its honey. By the time of ex- 
panding and emitting its perfume it has become adapted for 
cross-fertilisation by crepuscular and nocturnal forms (570, vol. xii.). 

34. HESPERIS MATRONALIS, L.—Honey is secreted by two 
very large, green, fleshy glands surrounding the base of the shorter 
stamens, and especially developed on their inner sides; it collects 
on each side of the flower between the pistil and the bases of 
the three stamens of that side. 

The taller anthers stand at the entrance of the flower, and only 
project beyond it when they have withered. ‘The shorter stand a 
little deeper within the flower, and when they dehisce their tips 
closely surround the stigma, which is afterwards protruded beyond 
the flower by the lengthening of the pistil. All the anthers 
dehisce inwards, and cover the stigma with pollen. If insect- 
visits take place at the proper time, cross-fertilisation is also 
effected: regularly by the honey-seeking species, for they touch 


stigma and stamens with opposite sides of the proboscis, and, at 
least sometimes, by pollen-seeking forms. 

: Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Nemotelus pantherinus, L. 
 f.p.; (b) Syrphide : (2) Chrysogaster enea, Mgn. (Tekl. B.), f.p. ; (3) Eris- 
talis nemorum, L.; (4) E. tenax, L., both f.p.; (5) Volucella pellucens, L. 
(Tekl. B.); (6) Rhingia rostrata, s., very ab. B. Hymenoptera—A pide : (7) 
 Halictus leucopus, K. 2 ; (8) Andrena albicans, K. ?; (9) Apis mellifica, L. 
 %,allthree cp. C. Lepidoptera—{10) Pieris brassice, L., s.; (11) P. napi, 
Ls. ; (12) P. rape, L., s. D. Coleoptera—(13) Anthocomus fasciatus, L. See 
also, 590, II. 

35. ALLIARIA OFFICINALIS, Andrzj. (Sisymbrium Alliaria, 
_ Scop).—The honey-glands agree in character and situation with 
those of Cardamine pratensis. But while in C. pratensis the honey 
- is secreted towards the outside, and collects in the pouched sepals, 
in A: officinalis it exudes inwards from the glands at the base of 
the short stamens, and forms four drops in the base of the flower. 
These each lie between a short stamen and the adjacent’ long 
one, and finally fill the lower part of the space between the 
stamens and pistil, to which parts they adhere firmly. I have 
never observed secretion on the part of those glands which occupy 
_ the position of the two aborted short stamens; they seem to be 
 functionless ancestral structures. The sepals, which persist as 
receptacles for the honey in C. pratensis, are in A. officinalis only 
useful in the bud, as a protection for the parts within, and by 
~ contributing by their white colour to the conspicuousness of the 
inflorescence ; when the flower expands they cease to be of use 
and easily disp off. 

: All the anthers dehisce inwards; the inner ones surround the 

_ stigma so closely that they alnaye effect self-fertilisation, and 
_ this, as I have proved, leads to the production of good seed. 
_ Cross-fertilisation must, as in the foregoing species, be effected 

i very frequently by honey-seeking insects, and at times by pollen-- 
__ seeking species ; and it probably then outstrips self-fertilisation in 
its action. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. B. Dip- 
tera—(a) Syrphide: (2) Syrphus decorus, Mgn. (Tekl. B.); (3) Rhingia 
rostrata, L.,s.; (b) Muscide : (4) Anthomyia, s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : 
_ (5) Meligethes, ab.; (6) Epurea; (b) Curculionide: (7) Ceutorhynchus, a 
minute species. See also 590, Il. 

36. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE, Scop.—The structure of the 
flower agrees fairly with that of the foregoing species. Each of 


the two shorter stamens -has on either side of its base a honey- 
gland; each of the four honey-drops secreted by these lies in the 
space bounded by one of the shorter stamens, the adjacent long 
one, and the pistil. The anthers ripen along with the stigma, 
which their pollen-covered sides face; the taller anthers overtop 
the stigma and arch inwards, the shorter stand on a level 
with it, and curve slightly outwards. In default of insect- 
visits pollen regularly falls upon the stigma from the four long 

The flowers are very small, and for that reason insect-visits are 
scarce. The honey, however, seems to be particularly liked by cer- 
taininsects. On June 27, 1868, ona waste patch where S. officinale 
and Capsella bursa-pastoris were growing abundantly with several 
other plants, I noticed’ Pieris napi, L., and P. rape, L., flying about 
in great numbers, and sucking the flowers of this plant only. The 
point of the insect’s proboscis is thrust in between the stigma and 
the anthers. I also saw several specimens of Andrena dorsata, 
K. 9, in quest of pollen: they were probably as likely or more 
likely to effect self-fertilisation than cross-fertilisation. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Andrena dorsata, K., ¢.p. and 

f.p. B. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (2) ‘Pieris napi, L., s.; (3) P. rape 

L., s. See also 590, it. 

37. CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS, D.C.—The only difference 
to be noted between this and the foregoing is that the long 
stamens stand on a level with the stigma, and effect self-fertilisa- 
tion regularly. Specimens which I kept in a room and protected 
from insects were fully productive. 

Visitors : Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis nemorum, L., s. and fp. ; 
(2) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., do. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (4) Ascia podagrica 
F., s. ;(5) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (6) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (7) M. pictus, Mgn., 
the last three s, and f.p. ; (b) Muscide : (8) Anthomyia,s. See also 590, U1. 

38. LepipiIumM sativuM, L.—The flowers are inconspicuous, 
but their strong scent is perceptible even to us several paces off. 
Owing doubtless to this, they are more abundantly visited than 
any other Crucifer which I have observed, partly for their honey, 
partly for their pollen. The honey is secreted by four green, 
fleshy glands, situated between the long and short stamens, and 
opposite to the petals; the two long stamens on each side face 
the broad surface of the silicula, and arise close together between 
the two lateral petals. The anthers dehisce introrsely, and the 

ee ee EN ene - eer 


stamens undergo no twisting, but in sunny weather they bend 
backwards as far as the nearly upright sepals permit them. As 
to the likelihood of cross- or self-fertilisation, the same holds as 
in the case of Nasturtium silvestre. When in rainy weather the 
flowers do not fully open, or when they close up again without 
4 being visited by insects, self-fertilisation occurs. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Leni : (1) Argyromeeba aca Fallen ; 
(bd) em (2) Eristalis pide be .; (3) E. nemorum, L. ; (4) E. sepul- 
eralis, L. ; (5) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (6) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab. 3 ; (7) 
Melithreptus teeniatus, Mgn. ; (8) ‘Aéeia podagrica, F., very abe ; (9) Pipiza 
chalybeata, Mgn., all these Syrphide now s., now fp. ; (c) Muscide : (10) 
Siphona cristata, F. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Ichneumonide : stragglers; (b) 
Sphegide: (11) Oxybelus bellus, Dib., ab. ; (12) O. uniglumis, L., very ab. ; 
(18) Cemonus unicolor, F.; (14) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk., very ab.; (c) 
 Uhryside : (15) Hedychrum lucidulum, F. ¢; (7) Apide: (16) Prosopis com- 
"munis, Nyl. ¢ 2, very ab., s. and f.p.; (17) P. armillata, Nyl. ¢ 9, do. ; (18) 
if Halictus nitidiuseulus, K.9, 5. ; (19) H. lucidulus, Schck. 2, s.; (20) Andrena 
- parvula, K.? ; (21) A. pilipes, F.¢,s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide -: (22) 
_ Anthrenus pimpinelle, F.; (b) Malacodermata: (23) Dasytes flavipes, F. ; 
(24) Anthocomus fasciatus, F, ; (25) Malachius bipustulatus, F., gnawing the 
anthers and petals. D, Lepidoptera—(26) Sesia tipuliformis, L., s., frequent. 

Hutchinsia alpina, R. Br., is proterogynous with persistent 
stigmas. It is visited and cross-fertilised by Diptera (609). 

39. BRASSICA OLERACEA, L.—Two honey-glands lie on the 
inner side of the bases of the two short stamens, and two others 
occupy the position of the aborted pair, 7.c. are antero-posterior. 
| a honey-drops secreted by the two former distribute themselves 
ach between a short stamen, the two adjacent long ones, and the 
; F nistil and are easily visible on looking straight downwards into 
F in. open flower; the drops from the other pair of glands lie 
ctside eticen the two adjacent long stamens, and these drops 
increase until they sometimes reach the sepals. The two shorter 
Manithers stand sometimes on a level with the stigma, usually 
: 4 owever they are not so high; they curve outwards, but their 
?P ollen-covered sides face the centre of the flower. The long 
- stamens perform a quarter- or half-revolution without increasing 
| their distance from the centre of the flower, so that the pollen- 
covered sides of their anthers are either turned towards the 
neighbouring short stamen, or else directly outwards. An insect 
in sucking the honey at the base of a short stamen touches with 
one side of its head or proboscis the stigma, and with the other 
_ a short stamen and usually a long one at the same time: the 



other two drops of honey can be reached without touching the 



stigma, and seem to afford no aid in fertilisation. In default — 

of insect-visits the upper part of each of the long anthers bends 
back so far’as to touch the stigma, thus effecting self-fertilisation. 

This self-fertilisation is probably efficient: at least B. rapa, L., 
was found by Hildebrand to produce seed when self-fertilised (351). 
In sunny weather I have always found the honey very evident. 
Sachs,! who says “the dark-green nectaries lying between the 
stamens of Brassica retain their secretion within them,’ has 
probably examined the flowers in dull weather. 

Visitors: A. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (1) Meligethes, very ab., feeding on 
the petals and on pollen. B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (2) Andrena nigroznea, 
K. 9,s.; (8) A. Gwynana, K. 9, s. and fip.; (4) A. fulvicrus, K. 9, cp. ; 
(5) A. nana, K.?,s. and f.p. ; (6) Halictus cylindricus, K. 9 ; (7) Apis mellifica, 
L. $,s.andf.p. (I did not see the hive-bee preserve any definite order in 

visiting flowers of this plant ; frequently a bee after visiting a second flower — 

returned to the first). C. Thysanoptera—(8) Thrips, ab. 

40. SINAPIS ARVENSIS, L—The honey-glands are placed as 
in Brassica. When the calyx expands, the glands are visible and 
accessible from the outside, and insects can reach them without 
touching the essential organs of the flower. The close aggregation 
of the flowers however renders it more convenient for the insect 
to thrust its proboscis down between the stamens, and in point 
of fact I have never seen an insect visitor obtain the honey from 
the outside. The twisting of the stamens and the likelihood of 
cross-fertilisation are as in Cardamine pratensis; as the flowers 
wither, however, the anthers turn their pollen-covered sides up- 
wards, and finally their tips bend downwards, so that they effect 
self-fertilisation if their pollen has not already been removed. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis eneus, Pz.; (2) E. arbus- 
torum, L. ; (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., all these both s. and fp. B. Hymen- 
optera—(a) Tenthredinide : (4) Cephus spinipes, Pz., and several small sp. 
in great abundance, lh. and f.p.; (b) Apidew: (5) Halictus leucozonius, 
Schrk. 9, ¢.p.; (6) Andrena nana, K. ¢,s.; (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, very 
ab., both s, and c.p. (I found it collecting pollen on Sinapis on Oct. 2, 1869). 
©. Coleoptera—(8) Coccinella Tpunctata, L., lh, D. Lepidoptera—(9) 
Euclidia glyphica, L., s. See also §90, IL. 

A variety of Sinapis arvensis bears cleistogamic flowers at St. 
Croix, where the temperature is 25° C. (762). 

1 Lehrbuch der Botanik, 2nd ed., p. 110. 




41. RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM, L., has four honey-glands 
| arranged as in S. arvensis, but all the anthers remain turned 
towards the stigma, the shorter ones standing on a level with it, so 
that the chance of self-fertilisation is increased. 

‘I have seen the honey-bee, which usually confines itself to 
_ one species of plant, visit flowers of R. raphanistrum and S. arvensis 
_ indiscriminately. 
| Subularia aquatica, L.—When the water is unusually high, the 
| flowers remain closed and submerged, and fertilise themselves (17, 


With great uniformity in the general structure of the flower, 
_ Crucifers show such variability in the number and position of 
_ the honey-glands and in the situation of the anthers in relation 
_ to these and to the stigma, that scarcely two of the species that we 
have discussed agree fully i in these points. 
_ The number of honey-glands may be two, four, or six; they 
are placed on or between, the bases of the stamens: and in the 
priier case, either on their inner side, their outer side, or round 
about them; intermediate positions are sometimes assumed by 
: Bstortive and furictionless glands. The honey when secreted either 
remains in drops upon the glands or fills spaces between the 
_ stamens and pistil or accumulates in sepaline pouches. 
____ All or certain of the anthers are placed so that honey-seeking 
insects must touch them with one side and the stigma with the 
other; but their situation is not always the most favourable for 
this Fedult; and the more they diverge from the position most 
| favourable to cross-fertilisation, the more chance do they give of 
' self-fertilisation. 
| This is explained by the following circumstances. 
Tn all the Crucifersee which we have considered, the position of 
_ the anthers in relation to the honey-glands and the stigma renders 
_ cross-fertilisation likely, but not by any means inevitable, on the 
visit of a honey-seeking insect; but it does not in any way favour 
_ cross-fertilisation more than belffortilisation if the insect comes to 
feed on or gather pollen. The abundance as well as the diversity 
_ of insect-visitors is not great in the species we have considered ; we 
find chiefly ‘flies (especially Syrphide), bees (especially the less 
Specialised forms), and in less degree other Hymenoptera (espe- 
| cially Sphegide), Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. Hesperis tristis is 


alone adapted for nocturnal insects, and Pringlea has become 

anemophilous in the absence of insects suitable for its fertilisation. 

On the whole, Crucifers are far behind Umbellifers in the number | 
and variety of their insect-visitors, both on account of their less — 

conspicuous flowers and their less accessible honey ; and not rarely 

plants remain altogether unvisited. The possibility of self-fertilisa-_ 
tion is useful if not necessary for the preservation of all the Crucifers— 

that we have considered; in many we find that self-fertilisation 

takes place to a very considerable extent; and in several we have — 

experimental evidence that it is productive of seed. Under these 

circumstances it would be better-for the plant to forego attaining — 
in its anthers the most favourable position possible for dusting — 
honey-seeking insects with pollen, if by doing so, while retaining ~ 

the chance of cross-fertilisation if insects did come, it could fully 
- insure self-fertilisation if they did not. 

It is impossible, therefore, to consider with Hildebrand that the | 
twisting of the stamens in Crucifers is “a remarkable expression — 
of repugnance to self-fertilisation” (351, p. 48); it rather refers — 

solely, as Axell rightly explains, to the dusting of insects with the 
pollen on their way to the honey (17, p. 19). But even Axell’s 
statement needed correction and completion, since he only acknow- 
ledged two distinct cases in the arrangement of the honey-glands 
and the twisting of the stamens, and referred all Cruciferz to 
one or other of these two types; and further, he did not take the 
position of the anthers into account as an aid to self-fertilisation. 
-The way in which conspicuousness is attained throughout the 
Umbelliferze by association of many flowers in one surface, and by 
asymmetrical development of florets for the common good, is 
exemplified only in isolated genera of Cruciferze (Teesdalia, R. Br., 

Iberis, L.); and, in TZeesdalia at least, it does not so far insure 

cross-fertilisation that self-fertilisation may be dispensed with. 

Capparis, L., Cleome, L., and Polanisia, Rafin., are proterandrous, 
according to Delpino (172, 352). ) 

42. RESEDA ODORATA, L.—The receptacle is raised up between 
the petals and stamens in the upper half of the flower into a 
perpendicular quadrangular plate, velvety on its anterior surface, 


which is yellowish during the time of flowering and orange-red 
afterwards. It serves'as a guide towards the honey, which is 
secreted and lodged upon the smooth green posterior surface. 

. The expanded claws of the upper and middle petals lie close 
to the hinder surface of this plate and surround its upper and 



Ih Xx fy, 


{ \ Ht 
Wid lt 

| Ms 

Fie. 35,—Reseda odorata, L. 

| - 1.—Flower before the anthers have dehisced, seen from the front. 
__2.—Ditto after some of the anthers have dehiseed. 

_ 8.—Young fruit in side view. 

_ 4.—Left superior petal. 
_  §.—Left lateral ditto. 

_ 6.—Left inferior ditto. 
_ _ a, sepal; b, petal; c, expanded claws of the superior and lateral petals, which surround the 
) Shield-shaped swelling of the dise (hk); d, anther bent downwards, not yet dehisced; e, anther 
ehiscing and rising up; jf, anther dehisced and erect; g, pistil; h, shield-shaped swelling of the 
ise ; i, nectary and honey. 

teral borders with their anteriorly directed lobes, thus pro- 
scting the honey effectually both from rain and from useless 
visitors (flies). The lamin of these petals, which are split into 
white, radiating, club-shaped strips, assist the red anthers in 
3 I 2 


_ making the flower conspicuous. It is also rendered perceptible at 
a distance by its powerful scent. 

There is no true expansion of the flower, since its parts lie open . 

even in the bud: the commencement of the flowering-period is 
marked rather by the honey-glands beginning to secrete, and by 
some of the anthers (1, Fig. 35), which had been bent down under 
the pistil, dehiscing and rising up towards the honey-secreting plate, 
while the three or four carpels at the same time develop stigmatic 
papille at their apices. 

Since the pistil projects considerably from the middle of the : 
horizontal flower, it forms the most convenient landing-place for — 

honey-seeking insects, and is hence very readily covered with 
pollen from other flowers. In default of insect-visits self-fertilisa- 
tion takes place, as the stigmas lie immediately underneath the 
erect anthers. Plants which were kept protected from insects 
yielded capsules filled with good seed. 

The flowers are especially visited by species of Prosopis. In 

July, 1867, I had some pots of mignonette in flower in the open . 

window of my room. Specimens of Prosopis kept constantly 
coming and fluttering, sometimes five or six together, in an un- 
usually lively way about the flowers. They sometimes plunged 
their heads between the shield-like plate and the upper petals, 
licking up the honey with outstretched tongue, and sometimes 

gnawed through the still unopened anthers and devoured the 
pollen. In subsequent years I have repeatedly observed these 

actions on J. odorata and R. luteola, L., both cultivated and wild. 
Altogether I have noted the following insects as visitors of our 
species of Reseda, including R. odorata. 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: A Prosopis communis, Nyl. BS 6, very 

ab. ; (2) P. armillata, N. 9 ¢; (3) P. signata, Pz. 9 ¢, ab.; (4) P. pictipes © 
Nyl. ¢; (5) P. annularis, Sm.?; (6) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab. s. ‘and Cp. 5 

(7) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 9c.p.; (8) H. Smeathmanellus, K. Qc.p.; (b) Sphe- 
gidew: (9) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk. 2 ¢, s. and f.p. B. Diptera—Syrphide : 
(10) Syritta pipiens, L., f.p. C. Thysanoptera-—(11) Thrips, very ab, 


Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. 2 ¢, ab.; (2) P. 

communis, Nyl. 2? ¢, very ab., s. and fp. ; (3) Apis mellifica, L. 9, s. and e.p. ; 

(4) Andrena nigroznea, K.?,s8, See also 590, I. 

44, RESEDA LUTEA, L, (Thuringia) :— 

Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide: (1) Cerceris arenaria, L., scarce; (2) C. 
labiata, F., ab.; (3) C. variabilis, Schrk., very ab.; (0) Vespide: (4) 
Odynerus parietum, L. ¢, all sucking. 




45, HELIANTHEMUM VULGARE, L. (Sauerland).—The flower 
has three sepals, five petals which spread out to face the sun, and 
“many more than 100 stamens whose anthers mature simultaneously 
with the large capitate stigma. The stigma slightly overtops the 
anthers, which at first stand close around the centre of the flower, 
but move outwards when touched, dusting the insect that touches 
them with pollen. The result of this irritability of the stamens is 
that the flower is most conveniently approached from the outside, 
2¢. from the corolla, by the first visitor, and at least as conveniently 
from the centre by subsequent visitors. If an insect which has 
‘been dusted with pollen in the first flower alights in the middle of 
the next, it always effects cross-fertilisation. In default of insect- 
visits, self-fertilisation results in the closed and slightly nodding 
flowers. The flower contains no honey, for which the excess of 
pollen is some compensation. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Helophilus pendulus, L.; (2) 
Syrphus pyrastri, L.; (3) S. ribesii, L.; (4) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; 
(5) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (6) Ascia podagrica, F., all fp. B. Hymenoptera— 
Apide : (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab. ; (8) Bombus muscorum, L. § ; (9) Halictus 
oo K.?; (10) Andrena fail vierun; K.@,allep. C, Coleoptera—Ceram- 

bycide : (11) Strangalia nigra, L., devouring the anthers. 

On the Alps I have found H. vulgare visited by fifty-three 

‘Species of insects ; the small-flowered H. alpestre by fourteen. They 
were mostly Peers Apide, and Coleoptera, but in part also 
Lepidoptera (609). 
| Most North American species of Helianthemum produce, in 
_ addition to the ordinary flowers, much more numerous cleistogamic 
ones. The same occurs in the case of H. Kahiricwm and H. Lippii 
in Egypt (531). 
The flowers of H. guttatum only open in the morning and 
close after a few hours, fertilising themselves if cross- fertilisation 
has not meanwhile taken place. The same is the case in H. vil- 
losum, Thib., H. eh a ong? L., Cistus hirsutus, L., and C. villosus, 
LL. (12). 

Lechea, L., also bears cleistogamic flowers (399). 


46. VIOLA TRICOLOR, L.—The peculiar arrangement of Viola 
' Was in substance elucidated by Sprengel. Hildebrand subsequently 
|} drew attention to the lip-like valve of the stigmatic cavity, by 


which cross-fertilisation is assisted in Viola tricolor, which had been 
overlooked by Sprengel. I have observed (No. 570) that this lip, 
which insures cross-fertilisation, is only developed in the large- 
flowered variegated variety of V. tricolor, while in the small- 
flowered, whitish-yellow variety, V. arvensis, the orifice of the 

stigma is devoid of a lip and is curved inwards; in this form the 

flower fertilises itself spontaneously very soon after opening. 

- In all our violets the spurs of the lower anthers act as honey- 
glands, and the hollow spur of the lower petal which contains 
them forms a receptacle for the honey. To reach the honey in 
Viola tricolor, the insect must thrust its proboscis into the flower 
close under the globular head of the stigma. This lies in the 
anterior part of a groove, fringed with hairs, on the inferior petal. 
The anthers, which together form a cone, shed their pollen inte 

this groove, either of themselves or when the pistil is shaken by — 

the insertion of the bee’s proboscis. The proboscis, passing down 
this groove to the spur, becomes dusted with pollen; as it is 
drawn back it presses up the lip-like valve so that no pollen can 
enter the hollow stigmatic chamber; but as it enters the next 
flower it leaves some pollen on the upper surface of the valve, and 
thus cross-fertilisation is effected. 

I have observed very numerous bees visiting a handsome, 
large-flowered. variety which is not uncommon on sandy soil at 
Lippstadt, growing along with V. arvensis. Apis mellifica, L. %, 
always sucks in a reversed position with its head downwards ; 
it often alights in the usual position and then turns round 
Humble-bees usually suck hanging back downwards to the 

flowers, which are bent down by their weight. Bombus terrestris. 

(7 to 9) and B. lapidarius (12 to 14) usually turn round, so as to 
introduce their proboscis in the same way as the honey-bee. 
B. hortorum (18 to 21) and Anthophora pilipes (19 to 21) grasp the 
flower from behind with their forefeet, and insert their tongues 
from below in an opposite direction to the honey-bee (590, IL). 
Andrena albicans, K. 6, made efforts to suck honey, thrusting 
its proboscis repeatedly into the same flower. The attempt must 
have been fruitless, as the proboscis of this bee is only 2 to 2} mm. 
long, while the pollen-collecting groove described above is 3 mm, 
long, and the spur extends for another 3 mm.; in this case, the 
repeated insertion of the proboscis into the same flower must have 
led to self-fertilisation. I repeatedly noticed a common small fly, 
Syritta pipiens, L., eating pollen in the groove and on the anthers 
of V. tricolor; as it often touched the stigma also with its 


proboscis, it might easily accomplish self-fertilisation. Delpino 
saw V. tricolor visited by Anthophora pilipes. Darwin found it 
visited by Bombus sp. and Rhingia rostrata. 
| I have found V. tricolor, var. arvensis, to be very sparingly 
_ visited, chiefly by bees and humble-bees, more rarely by Rhingia 
and by butterflies (590, I1.). 
q Viola calcarata, L., greatly surpasses V. tricolor in the size 
of its flower and the length of its spur (13 to 25 mm.). It is 
| fertilised only by Lepidoptera, chiefly by Macroglossa _ stella- 
| tarwm (25 to 28 mm.); our quickest worker. I have seen this 
insect visit 194 flowers on different plants in 6? minutes, and I 
could see it cross-fertilise them by means of the tip of its proboscis 
dusted with white pollen (609). 

Viola cornuta, according to Mr, W. E,. Hart (308), is adapted 
_ for fertilisation by nocturnal Lepidoptera by its long spur and by 
_ emitting its perfume most powerfully by night. He found it visited 
by humble-bees, by Hipparchia Janira, and by Cucullia umbratica. 

Viola arenaria, D.C., is visited by butterflies (609). 

Viola biflora, L., is adapted for fertilisation by Diptera (609). 

47, VIOLA opoRATA, L.—Here the end of the pistil which 
bears the stigma is not globular and close to the lower petal, but 
| stands ata short distance from the latter and is bent downwards 
| into a hook. When a honey-seeking insect thrusts its head or 
proboscis beneath the stigma it pushes up the pistil and opens 
} t the conical ring of anthers; the pollen is thus shed upon the 
inserted organ. Thus in every flower the insect touches first the 
_ stigma and then causes shedding of the pollen. 
ba Sprengel’s experiments led him to the conclusion that if insects 
i are excluded the flowers bear no seed. 

: t Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. %, very ab., 
's, (as Sprengel described and figured (title-page xi.) it comes downwards and 
inserts its proboscis into the flower from above) ; (2) Anthophora pilipes, 
__F. g, sucks, clinging to the lower petal,—the following species do likewise ; 
(3) Bombus hortorum, L. 9 ; (4) B. lapidarius, L.? ; (5) B. Rajellus, Ill. ¢ ; 

(6) Osmia rufa, L. ¢ 2, very ab., also enters the flower from above as a rule. 
_B. Diptera—Bombylide : (7) Bombylius discolor, Mgn., s. C. Lepidoptera— 
(8) Vanessa urtice, L., s. ; (9) Rhodocera rhamni, L., s. 

48, VIOLA SILVATICA, Fries. (V. silvestris, Lam .).—The spur is 
7 mm. long ; the honey-secreting appendages to the inferior anthers. 
which project into it are 5 mm. long. As in JV. trivolor, the cayity 

Wy ON 
YL a) 




Fig. 36.—Viola calearata, L. 

A.—Front view of flower, from Piz Umbrail, nat, size. z 
B.— Ditto, lateral view (July 16, 1875). 
C.—Front view of flower, from Albula, nat. size. 
D —Lip of ditto. with its spur (August 2, 1876), ; 
E —Front view of the mouth in A (x 84). ‘ 
F.—Section of A, after removal of the greater part of the corolla (x 84). | 
a. anthers; c¢, rf ae of the connectives ; h’, pollen-collecting hairs; h?, hairs which in 
species of Viola fertilised by hees aid the bee in clinging to the flower, here preserved as a function- —_ 
less hereditary character ; k, stigma; J, lip on the under side of the entrance to the cavity of the 
stigma (st); sd, honey receptacle ; si, filaments ; ov, ovary. 


sn. stigma is protected by a lip-shaped valve; but the pollen 
is shed directly upon the insect’s proboscis or head, as in V. odorata. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apid@ : (1) Bombus agrorum, F., 9,s._ B. 
_ Diptera—Bombylide: (2) Bombylius discolor, Mgn. s. C. Lepidoptera— 
- (3) Anthocharis cardamines, L., s. ; (4) Pieris brassicae, L.; (5) P. napi, L., s. ; 
(6) P. rape, L., s. ; (7) Rhodocera rhamni, L., s. 

49, VIOLA CANINA, L. :-— 

lq Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. 9, s. ; 
(2) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s.; (3) O. fusea, Chr. 9,8. B. Diptera—Bombylide : 
_ (4) Bombylius major, L.,s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (5) Pieris rape, 
© L.,s.; (6) P. napi, L., s. 

Cleistogamic flowers have been observed in many Violarice : in 
_ V. mirabilis, L., by Dillenius; in V. pinnata, L., and V. montana, 
_L,, by Linnzus; in V. elatior, Fr., V. pumila, var. lancifolia, Thor. ; 
i] Y. odorata, L., bid V. canina, L., by Daniel Miiller; in Somidtum, 
SS , by Bornouilli: I can add V. bicolor* to this list. In the 
/ summer of 1859, I gathered some plants of this species at 
 Ramsbeck Waterfall, and placed them in a plate with water under 
the shadow of a bush in my garden, to let the flowers expand ; the 
plants, which I watched daily, grew well, and though no flowers 
_ opened I obtained plenty of capsules with good seed. Cleistogamic 
- flowers have been seen by Mr. T. H. Corry in V. silvatica, Fries., 
and in V. stagnina, Kit.; they are rare in the latter. Bennett has 
observed cleistogamic flowers in Viola cucullata, Ait., V. silvatica, 
V. floribunda, and V. sagittata, Ait. (79). 


Various facts show that the flowers of the Violet were originally 

The smallest, most short-spurred of our Violas is V. biflora, 
ae is visited by Diptera, and only exceptionally by short-lipped 
es; its flowers are yellow. The smallest-flowered form of 
_V. tricolor (var. arvensis) has whitish-yellow flowers. The large- 
ia flowered V. tricolor, var. alpestris, shows all stages in the passage 
; from yellow flowers to blue; many plants have flowers which are 
| gyellow throughout, in others the flowers are yellow when they 

1 VY. bicolor, Pursh., is a form of V. tricolor, var. arvensis.—Asa Gray, North 
| American Flora, 


open, but change gradually to blue, and in others the change to 
blue occurs immediately after opening, or even before. 

The most specialised form, V. calcarata, is almost always blue, 
but occasionally it reverts to the ancestral yellow colour (609). 

— ee 



50. PotyGALaA comosa, Schk.—The structure of the flower 
of P. vulgaris, which agrees in all essential points with that of 
_ P. comosa, here figured, was first explained by Hildebrand (352). 

The two lateral sepals (alw), which are large and coloured, — 
render the flower conspicuous. The inferior petal (p’) is furnished 


Fic. 37.—Polygala eomosa, Schk. 

1.—Flower in side view (the flower should naturally be horizontal). s, sepa!; p, petal; s’, one of — 
the two lateral sepals which play the part of a corolla; p’, anterior petal, provided with digitate — 
appendages, to which the insect clings. 

2.—Flower, from below. ; 

3.—Anterior petal, with the essential organs inclosed in it, from above. a, anthers; s, stigma, 
which applies sticky matter to the insect’s proboscis passing over it ; 1; spoon-shaped end of the — 
style, which receives the pollen issuing from the anthers. > 

4.—Pistil, from above. 

5.—Ditto, seen obliquely from above. 

6.—Ditto, in side view. 

7.— Anterior petal of a flower just about to expand, split to show the anther inclosed by it. 

8.—The united anthers. 

9.—An anther dehisced. po, pollen-grains. 

at its apex with finger-like processes, which support the bee when 
it alights. On the upper surface of this petal is a pouch with two — 
valves, inclosing the essential organs; in it lies the spoon-shaped 
style with its concavity upwards, and in this the anthers on both — 
sides lie and shed their pollen; close behind its hollow extremity 
the style bears a. viscid stigmatic lobe, bent sharply downwards, 
An insect which tries to reach the honey secreted in the base 
of the flower must, while clinging to the fimbriate processes — 


of the lower petal, thrust its proboscis between the two valves of 
the pouch, and thus come in contact both with the pollen and with 
the viscid stigma; the proboscis being thus rendered adhesive 
_ carries some pollen with it out of the flower, and when it is drawn 
out of the next flower in a similar manner it leaves some of this 
pollen either caught by the stigmatic hook or adherent to the 
_papille. Thus cross-fertilisation goes on regularly. In default 
of insect-visits the stigmatic lobe curves over upon the pollen 
~ accumulated in the “spoon,” and is thus self-fertilised. 

On the Alps P. comosa is visited by Lepidoptera, but in Low 
. Germany chiefly by bees (590, IL. ; 609). 

i Polygala alpestris, Rehb., is visited by butterflies (609). 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, s., very 
frequent ; (2) B. lapidarius, L. §, s.; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. B. Lepid- 
_ optera—(4) Polyommatus Eurydice, Rott. (Chryseis, W. V.),s. See also No. 
590, II. 

Polygala Chamebuxus, L.—The pollen is stored in a cup at 
the end of the style, beside which is the sticky stigma-disc 
_ The mechanism of fertilisation shows a certain resemblance to 
that of Papilionacee. In both, the stamens and style lie in the 
inferior part of a tubular horizontal flower, at the end of which 
_ they bend upwards, and bear the anthers and stigma. Those parts 
lying in the anterior part. of the flower are in both sheltered by a 
carina formed of coherent petals, and emerge, or at least permit 
_ the stigma and pollen to emerge, when the carina is pressed down, 
as it is by every insect which obtains the honey in the legitimate 

In Polygala Chamebuzus, as in Lotus and several other Papii- 
- tonacece, it is not the anthers themselves that emerge when the 
carina is depressed, but only part of the pollen which escapes ; 
and after repeated depressions the stigma also emerges, and 
cross-fertilisation is thus insured. A full description of this 
interesting flower is given in my book Die Alpenbumen. 

Polygala myrtifolia, L., has also, according to Delpino, a floral 
arrangement comparable to that of Papilionacez. The two upper 
petals represent the vexillum ; the lower one represents the carina, 

and like it surrounds the reproductive organs and allows them to 


protrude on being pressed down by the weight of an insect: 
serrate processes on the lower petal supply the place of ale. The 
stamens cohere, forming a tube incomplete superiorly, where a 
longitudinal split admits the insect’s proboscis to the nectaries 

Fic. 38.—Polygala Chamebueus, L. 


A.—F lower, from the side, natural size. a 
B.—Ditto, front view (x 23). : 
C.—Flower, after removal of the two alar sepals. 

D —Ditto, from above. : ‘ 

E.—Ditto, from below (x 3). 

F.—The two petals of the left side, separated from the inferior petal to which they naturally 
cohere ; inner view (x 24). p3, superior petal; p?, lateral ditto, to which the filaments adhere. 

G.—Bud in section after removal of the calyx (x 54). 

H.—Full-grown flower in section (x 53). 

J.—Base of flower, from the front, after removal of the superior sepal (x 7). 8’, superior, s*, 
lateral, s3, inferior sepals; p’. inferior petal; p?, lateral ditto, completely united with p3, superior 
ditto. The anterior part of the inferior petal serves as a carina, and rotates by means of a hinge, 
a, upon the posterior part; b, cup at end of style; e, eutrance of the flower; ki, adhesive matter 

on the stigma. 

surrounding the base of the column. The flowers have the same 

want of symmetry as those of Lathyrus and Phaseolus, and are 

fertilised in the same way by Xylocopa violacea (178, 360). 
Polygala has cleistogamic flowers, according to Kuhn (399). 




t 52. DIANTHUS DELTOIDES, L.—The stamens and petals spring 
_ from an annular ridge of the receptacle encircling the stalk of the 
_ ovary. This ridge bears on its inner border a yellow fleshy cushion 
_ which secretes honey. 

The pistil, the stamens, and the claws of the petals, which are 
_ grooved to inclose the five inner stamens, are all closely surrounded 
_ by the tube of the calyx, which is 12 to 14 mm. long, and a 
little over 2mm. wide. A very narrow passage is thus left, 

Fic. 39.—Dianthus delloides, L. 

k 1.—Flower in first stage, viewed from above. Five anthers. covered with pollen, protrude from 
the flower; two that have not yet dehisced are visible in the mouth of the tube. 
1 2.—Pistil at close of the first stage, after all the ten anthers have dehisced. The two styles are 
still twisted together, 
__. 8.— Ditto, with the base of the petals and stamens, more magnified. a, nectary, surrounding the 
base of the ovary as a fleshy ridge ; b, filaments; c, petals. 
4 OE ead in second stage, after removal of the petals. Most of the anthers have fallen off, 
st. stigma. ‘ 
5.—Pistil in second stage. The two styles have separated, but each retains its spiral twist, so 
that stigmatic papille are turned towards all sides, 

12 to 14 mm. long, leading to the honey, which is lodged between 
the base of the stamens and the ovary. This passage is, in the 
first state of the flower, so much blocked by the five inner 
anthers, that the honey is only accessible to the proboscis of 
_ Lepidoptera. The flowers are thus specially adapted for butter-. 
flies; but their protruding anthers are taken advantage of by 
pollen-seeking insects which act as subsidiary fertilisers. 

Flowering begins by the petals, hitherto erect and involute, 
spreading out horizontally; they are rose-red, with’ slightly in- 
dented purple transverse lines near the base, and spreckled 
externally to these transverse lines with small white spots, each 

Aa Dy a 


of which bears an upright hair. The limb of the corolla forms 
a rosy circle, finely notched at its circumference, indented by five 
deep incisions, and with its white centre surrounded by a purple 
ring, outside which are scattered white spots (Fig. 39,1). As soon 
as the flower has expanded and thus made itself attractive to the 
eminently colour-loving butterflies, the stamens, with their anthers 
coated all round with pollen, elongate and protrude one after 
another in rather quick succession from the narrow tube, so that 
every butterfly which inserts its proboscis must dust at least its 
head with pollen. . The five inner stamens still remain in the tube, 
rendering it too narrow for anything save the butterfly’s proboscis. 
As the outer stamens wither, the five inner ones protrude in succes- 
sion; but the two styles still lie twisted together within the tube 
(Fig. 39,2 and 3). Only after the stamens have withered, and 
have for the most part lost their anthers, do the styles elongate 
and allow the stigmas to emerge from the flower; the stigmas now 
spread apart, still retaining their spiral twist, so that from which- 
ever side a butterfly comes to suck honey it cannot fail to touch 
some part of the stigmatic papilla with its head. 

Pollen-seeking insects, if they only resort to young flowers 
whose anthers still have pollen, cannot act as fertilisers ; but they 
may do so if they alight, as flies often do, upon older flowers with 
mature stigmas, in which case they fly away again disappointed. 

Self-fertilisation is completely prevented by the well-marked 

As normal fertilisers of Dianthus deltoides, | -have only observed 
Pieris rape, L., and Satyrus Janira, L., but these I have noted 
repeatedly. Several Syrphide, viz., Rhingia rostrata, L., Meli- 
threptus scriptus, L., M. pictus, Mgn., and Helophilus pendulus, L., 
resort to the flower for the sake of pollen. I once noticed Rhingia 
rostrata make a vain attempt to reach the honey; it plunged its 

proboscis with a great effort into four flowers successively, but 

as its proboscis is only 11 mm. long it never reached the honey; 
in a short time it resigned the attempt, and betook itself to eating 

53. DIANTHUS CARTHUSIANORUM, L., has the same floral mech- 
anism as the preceding species. In Thuringia I have observed 
numerous visitors upon its flowers, consisting almost solely of 


(a) Rhopalocera: (1) Colias hyale, L., frequent ; (2) Rhodocera rhamni, 
L., very ab.; (3) Polyommatus Phloas, L.; (4) Hesperia, frequent; ()) 


, Sphinges: (5) Macroglossa stellatarum, L. ; (6) Zygena carniolica, Scop. ; 
(ce) Noctue : (7) Plusia gamma, L., ab.—The only other insect that I have 
found on the flowers was a small Halictus, c.p. (Sept. 1871). See also No. 

590, II. 

| 54, DIANTHUS CHINENSIS, L.—I have seen flowers in my 
garden repeatedly visited by Noctuw: (1) Plusia gamma, L.: 
(2) Agrotis pronuba, L.; and (3) Brotolamia meticulosa, L. 

_ Species. of Dianthus which I have observed on the Alps 
| (D. superbus, L., D. silvestris, Wulf., and D. atrorubens, All.), are, 
like the three preceding species, distinctly proterandrous, and 
visited by diurnal Lepidoptera (609). 

As in the proterandrous Alsinez, gynodicecism seems to be 
widespread in the genus Dianthus. It occurs in D. superbus, 

Fic. 40.—Gypsophila paniculata, L. 
1.—F lower in first (male) stage, 2 Ditto in second (female) stage. 

OD. carthusianorum, and D. deltoides, and the last of these shows 
all gradations between hermaphrodite, gynomoneecious, and gyno- 
 dicecious flowers (607). 

_ 55. GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA, L, —Although the corolla, when 
fully expanded, is barely 4 to 5 mm. in diameter, the many 
hundreds of flowers borne at once by a single plant, and the 
_ abundant and easily accessible honey and pollen, attract numerous 
insects. The power of self-fertilisation has been entirely lost. 
_ The honey lies between the ovary and a green fleshy ring at 
the base of the ten stamens; the cup at the bottom of which 
it lies is 24mm. decp, and about the same in width at the 
entrance. The honey is therefore accessible to short-lipped 
| insects. First the five outer stamens, which alternate with the 


petals, and afterwards the .inner five, ripen and protrude from — 
the flower with an inclination outwards. They wither, curving — 
outwards and downwards, and then the two short styles, hitherto — 
bent inwards, elongate and protrude from the flower, diverging 
from one another. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Teeae : (1) Chrysops bib, Li, a4 
(b) Syrphide: (2) Eristalis eneus, L.; (3) E. nemorum, L. ; (4) E. arbus- 
torum, L., all three =e s. and fip.; (5) Syritta pipiens, Efe very ab. ; 
(6) Ascia podagrica, F.; (7) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (8) Melithreptus 
pictus, Mgn. ; (9) M. teniatus, Mgn., alls. or fp. ; (¢) Muscide : (10) Pyrellia 
gains L. ; (11) Onesia floralis, Rob. Desv. ; (12) Sarcophaga carnaria, 

L;; (13) Lucilia silvarum, Mgn., all s.; (14) Anthomyia sp. ; (15) Sepsis. 
B. Hymenoptera—(a) Evaniide : (16) Feenus jaculator, FE. ; a Formicide : 
(17) several species ; (c) Sphegide : (18) Oxybelus uniglumis, L. ; (d) Vespide : 
(19) Odynerus simplex, F, ; (20) O. parietum, L.,—all the Hymenoptera 8. 

er a ee 

Gypsophila repens, L., when flowering on sunny slopes of the — 
Alps where insects are plentiful, is so distinctly proterandrous $ 
that spontaneous self-fertilisation is impossible. In less favourable — 
localities it fertilises itself when not visited by insects (609). 

Saponaria ocymoides, L., is distinctly proterandrous, and is 
frequented by butterflies. It clothes sunny gravelly slopes in 
the sub-alpine region with its handsome red flowers. I saw it © 
visited by thirty-three species of Lepidoptera, twenty-eight of — 
which were butterflies, besides some humble-bees and Bombylide. 

Saponaria vaccaria, L., is also fertilised by butterflies (590, 11.). 

56. SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—This species is adapted for ' 
nocturnal Lepidoptera, as the foregoing species of Saponaria and ; 
Dianthus are for the diurnal forms, The bright colour and elegant — 
markings which attract butterflies are absent: the flowers are of — 
one colour, and their scent is strongest in the evening. As in the — 
other species, the honey lies hidden in the base of a long narrow — 
tube. The calyx-tube is 18 to 21mm. long, but the claws of the — 
petals stand a few millimetres higher. The flowers are markedly | 
proterandrous. First, the five outer stamens protrude a few milli- — 
metres from the flower, and dehisce immediately over its entrance; 
afterwards they spread apart and leave the entrance free. The five 
inner stamens now follow the same course, turning, as the others — 
did, the pollen-covered surface of their anthers upwards. The — 
styles are still inclosed within the tube, and are only slightly — 
separated at their apices. When the inner stamens have withered, 
the two styles grow up out of the flower, and spread apart, turning 


their papillar inner surfaces upwards. The honey is secreted as in 
Dianthus. I omitted to watch the flowers in their season, and can 
only mention Sphinx ligustri, L., as a fertiliser; it visited the 
flowers of this plant in my garden one evening during slight rain, 
and sucked them with the usual rapidity of the hawk-moths. I 
have also found Halictus morio, F. 9 collecting pollen on the 
flowers (July 13, 1869). 

| Silene rupestris, L., is proterandrous, and is visited by numerous 
insects. It fahabits the same localities as Gypsophila repens, 
and secretes and conceals its honey in the same way as that 
species. Its flowers are equally conspicuous, but stand some- 
what isolated on sparingly branched stalks; owing probably to 
this circumstance, the power of self-fertilisation has not been 
entirely lost (609). 

Silene acaulis, L., ascends in the higher Alps to a height of 
over 10,000 feet. Its low tufts closely studded with pink or 
carmine flowers attract so many butterflies that as a rule the plant 
has been able to dispense with the power of self-fertilisation. 
Most tufts are exclusively staminate or pistillate, and only rarely 
hermaphrodite and proterandrous. The latter in case of need fer- 
tilise themselves. I have observed eighteen species of butterflies 
on this flower (609). 

As Silene acaulis is adapted for diurnal Lepidoptera, so S. inflata, 
Sm., and S. nutans, L., are adapted for the nocturnal forms. I 
found both on the Alps, visited in the evening by Noctuide, and 
in the daytime. by bumble-bees. Silene nutans, L., is markedly 
proterandrous. According to Kerner, each flower opens upon 
three successive nights, on which the outer stamens, the inner 
stamens, and the stigmas are exserted respectively. According to 
Ricca (665), the flowers are sometimes diclinous by incomplete 
development of the stamens, that is to say, gynodiecious. Silene 
inflata. L., is tricecious and polygamous, like S. acaulis. 

Lychnis flos-Jovis, L., is distinctly proterandrous; L. rubra, 
Weigel, is tricecious and polygamous. Both have bright red 
flowers, and are greatly frequented by butterflies on the Alps (609). 
 " Lyehnis Viscaria, L., is also adapted for cross-fertilisation by 
butterflies (590, I1.). 

: Lychnis alpina, L.—The proterandrous flowers are figured and 

described by Axell (17). 

57. LYcHNIS FLOS-cucuLI, L.—In regard to the position of 
the honey, the flowers of this plant are intermediate between 


those of Stellaria, Cerastium, and Gypsophila paniculata, where 
the honey is fully exposed, and Dianthus and Saponaria, where 
it is only accessible to Lepidoptera. The insect-visitors include 
bees, Lepidoptera, and some long-tongued flies. The nectaries, 
which lie at the base of the stamens, cohere into a fleshy 
ring surrounding the ovary. The calyx tube is 6 to 7 mm. long, 
and bears teeth 3 mm. long, which stand erect and support 
the claws of the petals. The honey is thus accessible to insects 
which have a proboscis 9 to 10 mm. long; or which, with a pro- 
boscis at least 6 mm. long, have strength enough to push apart 
the claws of the petals, above the level of the calyx-tube ; or, 
finally, to insects small enough to creep down the tube. . 

The flowers are distinctly proterandrous. First, the five outer 
anthers dehisce, while standing in the entrance of the flower and 
having their pollen-covered sides turned towards one another. The 
tube, though it permits a butterfly’s proboscis to pass easily down, 
is so much obstructed by the anthers that the proboscis cannot fail 
to be dusted with pollen. These stamens then elongate, and bend 
outwards to lie in the intervals between the petals, while the inner 
whorls take their place in the entrance of the flower. When these 
wither, the five styles grow up, and the stigmatic papille, which 
clothe the whole of their inner surfaces, attain their full develop- 
ment. The styles reach to the entrance of the flower, and their 
ends make 13 to 2 spiral turns, so that an insect cannot fail to 
touch some part of the stigmatic surfaces with its proboscis in 
thrusting it down into the flower. 

The flowers are chiefly visited for the sake ot their honey; I 
have only seen the hive-bee collecting pollen, and two species 
of Syrphidze feeding on it. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (L) Bombus Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12 to 13) ; — 

(2) B. lapidarius, L. 2 § (10 to 14) ; (3) B. agrorum, F. ? (12 to 15); (4) B. © 
terrestris, L. § (7 to 9) ; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $ (6), ab., s. ande.p. ; (6) Osmia — 
rufa, L. 2 (9) ; (7) Andrena nitida, K. 9 (3 to 4), they sought in vain for honey in 
several flowers. B, Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (8) Pieris brassicae, L. 
(15); (9) P. rape, L., both ab. ; (10) Lycena Icarus, Rott. ; (b) Sphinges: 
(11) Macroglossa fuciformis, L.; (12) Ino statices, L.; (c) Noctuew: (138) 
Euclidia glyphica, L., very ab. C. Diptera—-Syrphide : (14) Rhingia rostrata, 
L. (11 to 12), s.; (15) Volucella plumata, L., fp. ; (16) Syrphus pyrastri, 
L., f.p. 

I have observed the stamens of Z. flos-cuculi dusted with — 
butterflies’ scales, and a Pieris rape which I caught upon the — 
flower had a number of its pollen-grains among the hairs and — 
scales on the forepart of its head. 


58. LYCHNIS VESPERTINA, Sibth. (L. dioica, 8, L.).—The structure 
of the flower has been thoroughly explained by Sprengel. Honey 
is secreted by the lower, fleshy part of the (developed or abortive) 
ovary, and lies at a depth of 20 to 25 mm. in fertile or pistillate 
flowers, and of 15 to 18 mm. in barren or staminate ones. Both 
_ kinds of flowers are much constricted near their upper end by the 
_ calyx, and can only be forced open a little at the very brim by an 
} insect’s head ; a thin proboscis at least 15 to 20 mm. long is needed 
to reach the honey. The pure white flowers, which have no 
guiding marks, expand in the evening, though they are not 
completely shut by day. These characters taken together exclude 
diurnal insects except such as come seeking pollen, and make the 
- flowers so much the more attractive to crepuscular and nocturnal 
Lepidoptera. According to Delpino (178, p. 161), the anthers ripen 
two by two, a fact which I have not observed. A further remark of 
Delpino’s, that the flowers stand horizontally, and let the stamens 
emerge at their highest part, does not at all hold good of the 
specimens in my neighbourhood, which have an almost perpen- 
dicular position, as Sprengel figures them. 

I have repeatedly seen Sphinx porcellus, L., visiting and cross- 
fertilising the flower. 

59. Lycunis Girmado, L., is, like Dianthus, adapted for fer- 
tilisation by butterflies, and resembles Dianthus in regard to its 
-nectaries, the position of its honey, its Se sean dichogamy, 
‘and the order of development of its anthers (702, p. 254). 

_ Visitors : A. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (1) Hesperia silvanus, Esp., s. ; (2) 
Pieris brassicee, L., s., very ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., 

I saw it insert its proboscis repeatedly, seeking in vain for honey. See also 
No. 590, IL. 

_ The species of Silene and Lychnis have a relation, according to 
Dr. Buchanan White, to species of Dianthwcia (Noctwide) like that 
ppaich exists between ‘Yucca and the Yucca-moth. The species of 
Dianthecia fertilise Silene and Lychnis, and thereby make provision 
for their larvae, which feed exclusively on the unripe seeds of these 
plants. But Silene and Lychnis have many other insect-fertilisers 

besides (773). 


60. CERASTIUM ARVENSE, L.—The flowers resemble those of 

_ &S. Holostea in the position of their nectaries, in the order of develop- 

ment of the two staminal whorls and the stigmas, and hence also 
K 2 


in the likelihood of cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits, and 
of self-fertilisation in their absence. They are equally con- 
spicuous, and are visited to about the same extent. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys sp., s. (6) Empide: 
(2) Empis opoca, F.; (3) E. rustica, Fallen, both very ab., s. ; (c) Leptide: 
(4) Leptis strigosa, Mgn., s. ; (d) Syrphide : (5) Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (6) E. 
arbustorum, L. ; (7) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (8) Syritta pipiens, L., all four ab., 
s.; (9) Platycheirus manicatus, Mgn., ab.,s.; (10) Syrphus, sp., s.; (11) 
Melanostoma mellina, L., s. ; (e) Muscide : (12) Sepsis ; (13) Anthomyia etiva, 
Mgn.,s. B. Hymenoptera—Apide: (14) Andrena argentata, Sm. 9, s. ; (15) 
A. albicans, K. 9, s. ; (16) Halictus, ? (the size of H. nitidiusculus)s. C. Cole- 
optera—Staphylinide : (17) Omalium florale, Pk. D. Thysanoptera: (18) 

Thrips, frequent in the base of the flower. E. Lepidoptera—(19) Polyom- — 

matus Phloeas, L., s. See also No. 590, 11., and No. 609. 

Fia. 41.—Cerastium arvense, L. 

1.—Flower in first stage. The outer whorls of anthers are covered with pollen, the inner are not 
yet full grown ; the styles are curled inwards. 

2.—F lower at the end of the third stage. The outer anthers are in part fallen off, and in part — 

withered ; the inner are still sparingly coated with pollen; the stigmas are mature. 

61. CERASTIUM TRIVIALE, Link, has smaller flowers and fewer : 
insect-visitors ; accordingly it is less markedly proterandrous than — 

C. arvense. It produces seed by self-fertilisation in the absence of 
insects (Axell, 17). 

Visitors : Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L., s. and fp. ; 
(b) Empide: (2) Empis livida, L., s. 

62. CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM, L., has still smaller flowers 

and is still less frequently visited than the preceding species; it is — 

still less distinctly proterandrous, and fertilises itself regularly in 
absence of insects. | 
As in Stellaria media, the inner honeyless stamens are usually 

abortive, but remains of their filaments, sometimes attaining half _ 

the length of the outer stamens, frequently remain. When the 
anthers dehisce, they occupy the middle of the flower, and the 
stigmas still lie close together, though their tips are bent outwards 
and easily receive pollen. Later, the anthers pass outwards, the 
stigmas lengthen slightly and spread out, turning their imner 


surfaces, which are covered with long papille, upwards. An insect 
visiting a young flower dusts itself with pollen, and also applies 
pollen from the same or from another flower to the tips of the 
stigmas; in an older flower it is likely to dust the outspread 
_ stigmas with pollen from another flower ; in the absence of insects 
the stigmas as they curve outwards come in contact with the 
anthers still covered with pollen. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphidw: (1) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. (May 
_ 10, 1870); (b) Muscide: (2) Pollenia vespillo, F. ; (3) P. rudis, F., both 
_ s, and inserting the proboscis three to five times in each flower (April 17, 1871). 
_ B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (4) Apis mellifica, L. $,—I saw (April 3, 1871) 
the honey-bee in great numbers flying over a bare field of C. semidecandrum, 
sucking the tiny flowers by dipping its proboscis once into each. 

Cerastium viscosum, L., has cleistogamic flowers (40). > 

63. MALACHIUM AQUATICUM, Fries.—The flowers of this plant 
are more conspicuous than those of Cerastiwm triviale and C. semt- 
decandrum, but less so than those of C. arvense and Stellaria 
Holostea ; in the same intermediate position stands the amount of 
its insect-visits and its floral arrangement, which favours both cross- 
and self-fertilisation. The flower is proterandrous, and in absence 
of insects the ends of its outspread stigmas come in contact with 
the pollen-covered anthers. The styles vary in number from three 
to five, the latter number being most frequent, so that Malachiwm 
here probably resembles the common ancestors of Cerastiwm and 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Helophilus lineatus, F. ; (2) Eristalis 
 arbustorum, L. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (4) Ascia podagrica, F., all ab., s. ; 
| (b) Muscide : (5) Anthomyia sp., s. B. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (6) Meli- 
gethes, ab., Lh. OC. Thysanoptera: (7) Thrips, very freq. D. Hymenoptera 
| —Apide: (8) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9, s. ; (9) Pr. hyalinata, Sm. 2, s. ; 
(10) Halictus sexnotatus, K. ¢, s. 

64. STELLARIA GRAMINEA, L.—The nectaries surround the bases 
of the five outer stamens as green, fleshy swellings. The flowers © 
exhibit three stages, which, however, merge one into another. In 
the first period, the five outer stamens curve in towards the middle 
of the flower, and their anthers dehisce widely, covering them- 
‘selves all round with pollen; the inner stamens are meanwhile 
bent outwards, and their anthers are still closed. The styles are 
not yet fully developed, and are curved inwards with their papillar 
surfaces directed downwards. ‘The five inner stamens dehisce 
before the other five have withered, but still remain bent farther 
outwards; this marks the second stage. As these inner stamens 


wither and shrivel up, the styles rise up, and spread outwards 
turning their papillar surfaces upwards, and curving their ends, 
also papillar, outwards and downwards (third stage). Every insect 
which is not too small, whether it alights in the middle of the — 
flower or on one of the petals, must, to reach the nectaries, 
come in contact with pollen in younger flowers or with the — 


Fic. 42.—Stellaria graminea, L. 

1.—Flower in first stage. The five outer anthers are covered with pollen, and are bent inwards, 

2.—Flower in last stage. All the anthers are empty and shrivelled. The styles are spread out 
above the stamens, and are recurved, turning their papillar surface upwards. 

a’, outer whorl of anthers ; a?, inner whorl; », nectary, 

stigmatic papille in older ones. In default of insect-visits, the 
stigmas as they continue to curve outwards come in contact with 
the pollen-covered anthers. Insect-visits are scarce, as the incon- 
spicuousness of the flowers would lead us to expect. I have only 
once found Volucella bombylans, L. (Syrphide), sucking honey on 
the flowers. 

vi onal - Vs 7 ’ 
es 7 ’ 
ee ee ee ee 


65. STELLARIA HoLostTEA, L.—The arrangement of the flower 
resembles that of S. graminea; but the flowers are larger and 
more conspicuous, the nectaries are yellow, confined to the outer 
side of the outer stamens, provided above with a honey-secreting 

_ pit,and yielding more abundant honey. The three stages are more 
_ clearly marked off than in S. graminea. In the first stage the outer 
_ stamens, in the second the inner ones, stand close round the centre 
_ of the flower, turning their pollen-covered surfaces more or less 
_ upwards,—the other five being in each case bent out of the way. 
In the first period the stigmas are bent inwards (as in 1, Fig. 42), 
in the second they stand erect but with their papillar sides turned 
_ inwards towards each other, in the third they are spread out (as in 

2, Fig. 42), while the anthers have mostly fallen off or remain as 
withered scales attached to the corolla. 

In flowers which I kept‘in my room however, self-fertilisation 
often took place, for the ends of the stigmas, as they spread out- 
wards, often came in contact with the inner anthers still bear- 

Ing their pollen, and moreover pollen often fell wpon other parts of 

the stigmas. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis tesselata, F. ; (2) E. opaca, 
F., both frequent, s. ; (b) Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L., ab., s. and f.p., 

_ standing on a petal and applying the proboscis now to the base of the flower, 
_ now to the anthers ; (4) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. and fp. ; (5) Platycheirus 

peltatus,Mgn., do. ; (6) Syrphus ribesii, L., do., ab. ; (ec) Muscidae : (7) Hydro- 

tea dentipes, F., s. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (8) Apis mellifica, L.%, 
ab. and persistent, s. (May 27, 1871); (9) Nomada flavoguttata, K. 9 ; 
- (10) N. ruficornis, L.? ; (11) Andrena cineraria, L. 9 ; (12) A. parvula, K. 9, 
the last four s.; (13) Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, fip.; (b) Tenthredinide - 
_ (14) Cephus pallipes, Kl, s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (15) Meli- 
_ gethes, ab., s.; (b) Cdemeridw: (16) CEdemera virescens, L. (Tekl. B.) 
_ D. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (17) Pieris napi, L., s. E. Thysanoptera— 
_ (18) Thrips, ab. See also No. 590, 1. 

66. STELLARIA MEDIA, Vill.—The flowers are less conspicuous 

than the two preceding species, and, since they appear at all times 

of the year severe frost, they are for a great period 

shut out from insect-visits ; they therefore depend largely on‘ self- 

fertilisation. Accordingly they differ considerably in their arrange- 

ment from the former species. Of the ten stamens, there are 
almost always some, usually five to seven, abortive ; and, on. the 
_ whole, I think that the number of abortive stamens is greater the 

colder the time of year. The five inner stamens are always reduced, 

and often disappear completely ; the five outer ones, which bear the 



honey-glands on the outer side of their bases, only show signs of 
abortion when the inner series are all abortive; at most, two of 
them disappear, but the corresponding glands always remain. 

In sunny weather so much honey is secreted that the five 
drops are easily seen by the naked eye. The stamens, especially 
when their number has been reduced to three, come to maturity in 
slow succession. Immediately after the flower opens, the first 
anther begins to dehisce, and the stigmas still stand erect with their 
papillar sides turned inwards; but their tips are already slightly 
outspread. While the second and third stamens dehisce, the 

stigmas expand fully, and turn the whole of their papillar surfaces _ 

upwards. So from the beginning cross-fertilisation and self-ferti- 
lisation, in the event of insect-visits, are both equally likely; in 
absence of insects the stigmas regularly fertilise themselves by 
coming in contact with the anthers. This self-fertilisation is 
undoubtedly efficient, for S. media produces abundant seed in 
winter when no insects are about, and in long-continued rainy 

Stellaria media has the greatest chance of cross-fertilisation in 
early spring, for before that time no insects are on the wing, and 
afterwards many more attractive flowers compete with it. My own 
observations confirm this. 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, s. and c.p. (April 
11, 1869) ; (2) A. albicans, K. g, s. (do.) ; (3) A. dorsata, K.?,s. (do.) ; (4) A. 
parvula, K.g,s. (April 21, 1869) ; (5) A. albicrus, K. ¢,s. (do.) ; (6) Osmia 
rufa, L. ¢, s. (April 17, 1869). B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (7) Syritta 
pipiens, L., s. (May 27, 1870) ; (6) Muscide: (8) Chlorops circumdata, Mgn., 
diligently s. (March 9, 1872) ; (9) Musca corvina, F., do. ; (10) M. domestica, 
L., do. C. Thysanoptera—(11) Thrips, dusted with pollen, creeping in and 
out of the flower (April 30, 1868). See also No. 590, 1. 

Stellaria cerastoides, L., is homogamous and is visited by 
Diptera. It fertilises itself in case of need (609). 

67. ARENARIA (M@HRINGIA) TRINERVIA, L.-—At the base of 
the expanded flower, on the outer side of the base of each outer 
stamen, we see a rather large drop of honey. The fleshy swellings 
at the bases of these stamens, which act as honey-glands, are so 
strongly developed and extend so far on either side, that they 
coalesce, and the five together form a ring round the ovary; from 
this ring the five inner stamens (which alternate with the others, 
and stand opposite to the petals) seem to spring. 

When the flower opens, the stigmas are already separated and 
turn their rough papillar surface upwards, while the anthers remain 


closed. In the second stage, the anthers of the outer and longer 
stamens dehisce ; in the third stage those of the inner and shorter 
stamens, the stigmas still remaining fresh. The flowers are thus 
_ proterogynous with long-lived stigmas. Cross-fertilisation is likely 
to occur not only in the first stage, but also in the later stages, since 
an insect on alighting will probably touch the stigmas before the 
ik stamens. 

i In several cases I have found the outer stamens so much 

bearing tiny shrunken anthers devoid of pollen. Here apparently 
the time between the ripening of the stigmas and that of the 
_ stamens was lengthened; and hence the chance of cross-fertilisation 
increased. In default of insect-visits, self-fertilisation is attained by 
_ the stamens (both outer and inner) bending inwards, still covered 
with pollen, and coming in close contact with the stigmas. 
I found asmall beetle, Olibris affinis, Sturm, one of the Phalacride, 
licking honey on this flower. 
 Arenaria (Mehringia) muscosa, L., is fertilised by Syrphide 
Honkeneja (Ammodenia) peploides, Ehrh., is polygamous (Warm- 
ing, 762). 
Sagina nodosa, K. Meyer, is proterandrous (17, 38) and visited 
by Anthrax (609). 
The following additional species are discussed in my <Alpen- 
blumen :—Arenaria biflora, L.; Alsine recurva, Whinb.; A. verna, 
Bartling; Cherleria sedoides, L.; Cerastium adpinunn, BG, 
_ latifolium, L. 


a he cmap 

_ The foregoing Alsinez are all more or less dichogamous, and are 
mostly proterandrous in various degrees, Arenaria Trinervia being 
_proterogynous. Dichogamy is the more marked the more con- 
' spicuous the flowers, and the more abundant the visits of insects. 
‘Self-fertilisation is totally excluded in none of the above-mentioned 
forms, and is the better insured, the more inconspicuous the flowers 
are, and the more scanty the insect-visits either from that cause or 
on account of the unfavourable time of year. The insect-visitors are 
very various, on account of the accessible position of the honey, but 
_ consist chiefly of flies and the less specialised bees. 
__ Most of the above remarks hold good also for the species which 


I have observed on the Alps. Alsine verna, Jacq., Cherleria sedoides, 

L., and Mehringia muscosa, L., are so markedly proterandrous, that 

spontaneous self-fertilisation can only rarely and exceptionally take — 

place in them. Arenaria biflora, L., and Cerastiwm latefolium, L., 

also ripen their anthers before their stigmas, but, im default of — 

insect-visits, fertilise themselves. 

I found Stellaria cerastoides, L., to be homogamous, in which | 

respect it stands alone among the higher Alpine Alsinez. 

As bees are scarce in the higher regions of the Alps, Diptera — 
take their place as cross-fertilisers of the Alsine more than in the — 
lower grounds, and were alone observed on several of the above-_— 

mentioned species (600). 

Dr. T. Ludwig of Greiz has recently made the interesting 

discovery that most if not all of the distinctly proterandrous 
Alsinez are also gynodicecious; and that the plants with small and 

purely pistillate flowers are chiefly in bloom at the beginning of the © 

flowering-period of the large-flowered hermaphrodite plants. So 
these subsidiary pistillate plants make up for the preponder- 
ance of the staminate condition in the hermaphrodite flowers at 
that time (426, 427). 


Polycarpon tetraphyllum, L., has cleistogamic flowers (Batalin, 


The Caryophyllee exhibit an interesting series of gradations 

in the concealment of their honey, while the anthers remain 
throughout fully exposed ; a comparison of their insect-visitors will 
thus show what effect differences in the situation of the 

honey produce. 

The flowers of Alsinew, and the short and wide flowers of | 
Gypsophila paniculata, which all expose their honey freely, are 
chiefly frequented by flies and by a few beetles and other short-— 

lipped insects; when visited by bees, it is either by the least 
specialised forms (Prosopis, Halictus, Andrena) or by the most 
specialised and most diligent (Apis). Lychnis flos-cuculi, whose 
honey is hidden 9 to 10 mm. deep, and beyond the reach of short- 
lipped insects, is almost exclusively visited by highly specialised 


bees and by Lepidoptera, one drone-fly, Rhingia, coming also to 
share the honey. The benefit which results from and has brought 
about the lengthening of the tube in Lychnis flos-cuculi lies in the 
fact that, by excluding short-lipped insects from the honey, a larger 
_ number of insects with long proboscides are tempted to come, and 
these, requiring more food, are more diligent in their visits and in 
their work as cross-fertilisers. That the exserted anthers can be , 
robbed by pollen-eating flies and pollen-collecting bees is scarcely 
 adisadvantage; for the pollen is seldom completely removed, and 
_ these pollen-seeking insects act as subordinate fertilisers. 

When the passage to the honey is still further lengthened and 
__harrowed, as in the species of Dianthus, Saponaria, and Lychnis, 
even bees are excluded and Lepidoptera only can gain access. For 
this result to be advantageous we must suppose that the visits of 
Lepidoptera are the better insured by exclusion of other insects. 
Exposure of the anthers is as little injurious here as in Lychnis 
_ flos-cuculi. As the honey gets more deeply concealed, and access 
more strictly limited to butterflies, we find pari passu among the 
| Caryophyllee increasing development of sweet scents, bright red 
colours, fine markings round the entrance of the flower, and 
{ indentations at the circumference. All these characters, which are 
so attractive to us, seem to have been produced by the similar 
tastes of butterflies. 


68. HypERICUM PERFORATUM, L.—The flowers, from their size 
and bright colour, and from numerous plants being usually 
associated together, are very conspicuous, and attract many insects 
seeking both honey and pollen; they however contain no honey, 
' and possess no contrivances to insure cross-fertilisation. The 
large production of pollen, and the capability for self-fertilisa- 
‘a en compensate in part for these disadvantages. ‘The numerous 
amens, usually over eighty in number, radiate from the bottom 
a of the flower in three groups, which are united at the base; the 
anthers are directed upwards and dehisce in rather. aaaine 
centrifugal succession, covering themselves with pollen. The 
three styles also radiate outwards, so that their terminal stigmas, 
which are developed simultaneously with the anthers, come 
to stand on a level with the anthers in the intervals between 
the groups of stamens. Since these. staminal bundles usually 
touch one another, and sometimes interlock slightly at their 

| <*> 


margins, the stigmas come into close relation or even immediate 
contact, with the pollen-covered anthers. Insects alight as a rule 
upon one of the five outspread petals, and then find that the 
easiest course towards the anthers lies between two groups of 
stamens; they thus frequently come in contact in the first 
instance with a stigma, and may thus cause cross-fertilisation. 
On the other hand, they often come in contact first with some 
of the anthers and thus occasion self-fertilisation. Later on, the 
petals and stamens draw together towards the axis of the flower, 
thus bringing anthers and stigmas in contact with one another, 
and insuring self-fertilisation. 

Although the flowers have only pollen to offer, they attract 
a good many honey-seeking insects, which fly away again after a 
vain search for honey, and after sometimes even boring into the 
tissue at the base of the flower. I have noticed the following — 
insects on the flowers of H. perforatum :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Bombus agrorum, F. 9, ¢p.; (2) B. 
terrestris, L. %, cp. ; (3) Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. ?, s. ; (4) Andrena dorsata, 
K.9,cp.; (5) A. coitana, K. 9, cp. ; (6) Nomada lineola, Pz. 2,8. ; (7) N. 
lateralis, Pz. 9,8; (8) Prosopis armillata, Nyl., fip.; (b) Tenthredinide : 
(9) Tenthredo sp., vainly seeking honey. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: 
(10) Argyromeeba sinuata, Fallen, vainly seeking honey ; (11) Bombylius 
canescens, Mik., s.; (b) Empide: (12) Empis livida, L., s., the two last 
obviously bored into the base of the flowers; (c¢) Syrphidw: (13) Eristalis 
nemorum, L, ; (14) E. arbustorum, L. ; (15) E. tenax, L. ; (16) E. sepuleralis, 
L. ; (17) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (18) S. ribesii, L., all six species very ab. ; 
(19) Helophilus pendulus, L.; (20) H. trivittatus, F.; (21) Melanostoma — 
mellina, L. ; (22) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (23) M. pictus, Mgn. ; (24) Ascia 
podagrica, L., all these Syrphide were diligently collecting pollen. C. Lepi- 
doptera—Rhopalocera : (25) Hesperia silvanus, Esp. ; (26) Satyrus Janira, L. 
both thrust their proboscides to the base of the flower, but were obviously 
groping about for honey and unable to pierce the necfariferous tissue. D, Co- 
leoptera—Chrysomelide : (27) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., devouring both 
stamens and pollen. See also No. 590, 11. 

Hypericum tetrapterum, L., is visited by pollen-collecting bees 
and pollen-feeding flies (590, I1.). 

Hypericum hirsutum, L.—The structure of the flowers for the most — 
part resembles that of H. perforatum, but they are smaller and 
have far fewer stamens, only seven to nine in each bundle. The 
plants bear fewer flowers, and stand more isolated, which greatly 
restricts the number of insect-visitors; in fact, I have never 
succeeded in observing H. hirsutwm visited by any insect. The 
bundles of stamens, on account of the small number they contain, 
are separated by wider intervals, in which the styles pass outwards 


_ without the stigmas ever comimg im contact with the anthers in 
an expanded flower. But when the flowers close up, on fading, 
_ self-fertilisation abnay® takes place, and seems to result in full 
_ productiveness. 

_ Hypericum miiidaliouiacs, L., is intermediate between J. 
| perforatum and H. hirsutum in regard to the size of its flowers 
and the number of their stamens. Each flower contains between 
_ fifty and sixty stamens, in bundles consisting of from sixteen 
it to twenty-two. In the expanded flower, I have never seen the 
stigmas in immediate contact with the anthers; though such 
; contact. regularly occurs ultimately, when the mart of the flower 
_ draw towards the centre. The want of symmetry in the petals 
is noteworthy; it occurs also in other species of Hypericum, but 
not so strongly marked. Each petal is more expanded on one 

a Fic. 43.—Hypericum hirsutum, L. 
2 Flower, seen obliquely from above, a, a, a, the three stigmas. 

| “side than on the other, and the broader side bears notches from 
its apex to about the middle, a black gland lying in each notch. 
3 broad and glandular side is sometimes on the right and 
_ Sometimes on the left, but is on the same side in all the petals 
| cof one flower. The flowers are visited by flies, which feed on the 
"pollen (590, 1.) 
Hypericum humifusum, L., has smaller flowers and fewer 
_ stamens (three to five in each group) than any of our other 
) species. The anthers only come in contact with the stigmas as 
the flower closes up. 
_ I have observed no insects on this species, or on #, 

In all the above-mentioned species, the grouping of the 
stamens in three bundles and the position of the styles between 


them increase the chance of cross-fertilisation ; rendering it likely 
in spite of the great number of anthers, that an insect on alighting 
will touch a stigma first, though self-fertilisation is also very 
probable. In all, self-fertilisation occurs in default of insect- 
visits, and is without doubt the usual mode of reproduction in 
the less conspicuous forms. : 
Cratoxylon formosum has dimorphic flowers (167, 213). 


In this order bracts secrete honey and make the flower 
conspicuous by their bright colours. They have accordingly 
the most various forms (spurs, spathes, etc.), and are of as much 
importance to the plant as petals usually are. Delpino bases a 

new subdivision of the order upon the modifications of the bracts. — 

The flowers are proterandrous. 
In Marcgravia nepenthoides there occurs beneath a wreath of 
pendulous flowers a group of honey-secreting cups. They attract 

insects, which in turn attract insectivorous birds, and these, while — 
feeding on the insects sitting upon the nectar-cups, touch and — 

cross-fertilise the flowers above (56). 

An interesting paper on Marcgraviacez and their Nectaries, 
with fine figures, was contributed by Ludwig Wittmack to 
Kosmos, vol. v., 1879 (784.) 


MALVA SILVEsTRIS, L., and M. rotrunpirot1A, L.—These © 
species often occur together, and flower side by side for months ~ 

at atime. In the struggle for existence, IZ. rotwndifolia has the 

advantage in being content with poorer soil, in the appearance of 

its flowers from one to several weeks earlier, and in the possibility 

of regular self-fertilisation; JZ silvestris, on the other hand, in~ 
its more vigorous growth, and much greater attractions for ~ 
insects. These advantages seem to balance one another, for, — 
about Lippstadt at least, both species grow together in equal 


In both species, a pyramidal group of anthers occupies the 
middle of the young flower, and surrounds the stigmas which are 
still unripe and folded together; later on, the stigmas become 
exserted and radiate outwards. Honey is secreted in five pits 
between the bases of the petals, and protected by hairs, and insects 

| eeking it must wipe off pollen from the anthers in young flowers 
‘and apply it to the stigmas in older ones. In Malva silvestris, 
which attracts insects by the larger size and brighter colour of 
its flowers, and receives very numerous visits, the ends of the 
f laments, before the stigmas are mature, curl outwards so far 
that spontaneous self-fertilisation is impossible. MJ. rotundifolia, 
whose much smaller and paler flowers attract few insects, regu- 
arly fertilises itself in default of insect-visits, for its anthers 
emain extended in such a position as to be touched by the 
papillate sides of the curling stigmas. (Fig. 44, 5). 

The following lists of insects which I have observed dur- 
‘ing four summers upon the two forms, show how great is the 
difference in this respect between them. 


\ i), 

Fig, 44. 

_1—4.—Malva silvestris. 1, essential organs from a bud; 2, ditto, in the first stage of the flower 
ditto, between the first and second stages ; 4, ditto, in the second stage. 
i 5. —Malva rotundifolia in the act of self-fertilisation, 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §,s., very 
/ ab. ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 2, ab. ; (3) B. hortorum, L 9 ; (4) B. silvarum, 
L. 2; (5) B. agrorum, F.$; (6) Cilissa hamarrhoidalis, F,? ¢, freq. ; 
(7) Andrena parvula, K. ¢; (8) A. Gwynana, K. 2; (9) A. fulvicrus, K. 9° ; 
| 10) Halictus maculatus, Sm. 9; (11) H. albipes, F. 2 ; (12) H. morio, F. ? ; 
13) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 9; (14) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢; (15) Nomada late- 
Talis, Pz. 2; (16) Osmia enea, L. ¢; (17) Megachile Willughbiella, K. ¢. ; 
(18) M. ligniseca, K. ¢; (19) Coelioxys simplex, Nyl. 9 ¢; (20) Chelostoma 
-campanularum, L. ¢,—all these twenty species though always dusted with 
| pollen, never collected it, but came for honey only ; (21) Ch. nigricorne, Nyl. 
. 6 @, very ab., both s. and ep., this is the only species which I have seen 
collecting the pollen ; (22) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ¢; (23) P. communis, 
Nyl. 6 2, freq.; (24) P. signata, Schenck, ¢; (25) P. pictipes, Nyl. ¢; 
(26) P. dilatata, K. ¢, all sucking ; (b) Ichneumonide : (27) various species,— 
Tam unable to say whether they succeeded in reaching the honey. B. Diptera 
-(a) Stratiomyide : (28) Sargus cuprarius, L. (seemed to derive no advantage 

| = 



from the flowers, though attracted by them; (b) Syrphide: (29) Rhingia 
rostrata, L., s., ab. C. Lepidoptera—(30) Pieris rape, L.,s. D. Coleoptera— 
(31) Haltica fuscicornis, L., in the flowers. See also No. 590, 11. 


Visitors: Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $; (2) Bombus 
agrorum, F. §; (3) Anthophora quadrimaculata, F. ¢; (4) Halictus morio, 
F, g,all sucking. See also No. 590, 11. 

The following observation shows that even Malva silvestris is 
not perfectly adapted to its conditions of life. In the afternoon, 
when the flowers begin to close, I have very often seen hive-bees — 
clambering up the outside of the calyx of closed but still fresh — 
flowers; thrusting the proboscis past the sepals, they emptied the 
nectaries from outside. Sometimes I have even seen bees, after 
sucking several closed flowers in this manner, perform the same 
operation on the next open flower. Thus the flowers of Malva 
silvestris have not sufficiently secured their honey from plunder. 

71. Marva Atcrea, L.—The flowers standing on longer stalks, — 
and expanding their rosy petals to a diameter of 40 mm., — 
are still more conspicuous than those of J. silvestris. Self- 
fertilisation is obviated by the same arrangement as in I. silvestris, 
and insect-visits are probably at least equally numerous. I have 
only once, in scarcely favourable weather, observed a few specimens 
in flower (July 13, 1868). 

Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L.$, very ab., s. covering | 
itself with pollen; (2) Cilissa heemorrhoidalis, F. 9, s ; (3) Halictus 
cylindricus, F.?,s. See also No. 590, 11. | 

72. MALVA MoscuaTA, L.—The flowers are as distinctly pro- — 
terandrous as those of the three foregoing species. According to a — 
sketch which I made in 1867, the ends of the filaments curve down- 
wards on the withering of the anthers; the stigmas spread out 
above them, apparently obviating self-fertilisation. However, at — 
that time I did not pay particular attention to cases where self- 
fertilisation occurs in default of insect-visits. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s.; (2) Che- 
lostoma nigricorne, L. ?, s.; (8) Andrena Coitana, K. ¢, s. (Sld.). B, 

Diptera Bombylide : (4) Systoechus sulfureus, Mikan s. (Sld.), C. Lepidop- 
tera : (5) Hesperia silvanus, Esp., s. 

Delpino mentions Xylocopa violacea as a visitor of the Malvacew 
(172). Dr. Ogle says (631) that in many Malvacee anthers 


and stigmas ripen together, and self-fertilisation takes place 
regularly; he says that in these forms no nectaries are present, 
‘since the aid of insects is not required. Unfortunately he does 
‘not name the species to which he refers, 
_ Anoda hastata, Cav.—Hildébrand figures and describes the 
proterandrous flowers. In the first stage the ripe anthers are 
erect and the stigmas are folded down, while in the second the 
stigmas project above the anthers (351). 
Gossypium herbaceum, L., has floral and extra-floral nectaries. 
‘It is visited by Ruby-throated Humming-birds, and by numerous 
‘insects (730). 
i Abutilon, Girtn—My brother Fritz Miiller has performed 
many experiments on this plant at Itajahy, with the following 
“results :— 
(1) All the species of Abutilon growing there, and their 
hybrids are barren (with perhaps one exception) when fertilised 
with their own pollen. 

(2) In those species which are unproductive with their own 
pollen, the pollen of their near relations (the parent-plants or 
their offspring) is less efficient than pollen from more distantly 
related or unconnected plants. 

(3) The application of pollen from several different species 
ives a greater yield of seed than pollen from a single other 
species Buty, 

(4) The simultaneous application of pollen of two species 
ways produces seedlings of two kinds: not as in the experi- 
ents of Koelreuter and Giirtner on other plants, where the 

Simultaneous application of two species of pollen always produced 
8 seedlings of one kind only. 

(5) Among hybrids of the genus <Abutilon, there is more or 
less complete sterility between nearly related. individuals—between 
parent- -plants and their offspring, between offspring of the same. 
parents, or even between plants which have only one parent in 

By considering from a common point of view the diminution 
fertility in too close interbreeding and in the production of 
hybrids, Fritz Miiller arrives at the following law :—Every plant, 
| j0 produce vigorous and prolific offspring, requires a certain degree 
of difference between the male and female principles hil 
“coalesce ; and when this amount of difference is too great or 
too small, i.c. when the parent-plants are too distantly or too 

- closely related; the productiveness falls off. Further, the greater 




the amount of difference between the sexual principles that is 
requisite for full productiveness in a certain plant the greater 


chance will there be — ceteris paribus—of that plant proving 

fruitful when crossed with much more distant relatives. Thus 
species in which individuals are quite sterile to their own pollen, 
and more or less unfertile to pollen from closely related indivi- 

duals, will in general be specially likely: to form hybrids with other — 

species. (Compare Abutilon, Lobelia, Passiflora, Oncidiwm) (558). 

The natural fertilisers of Abutilon at Itajahy are humming- - 

birds, which perform their work so diligently that, as we have 
seen, the power of reproduction on self-fertilisation has been 
dispensed with. 

Pavonia hastata, Cav., has cleistogamic flowers without 
nectaries (318). 

Goethea coccinea, according to Delpino, is proterogynous with 
long-lived stigmas. The tetraphyllous involucre renders the 
flower conspicuous; the honey is secreted in five glands at the 
base of the urceolate calyx, and is sheltered by the corolla. 
Delpino supposes bees or humming-birds to be the fertilisers 

(177, 351). | 


Melochia parvifolia, H. B. and K. (Caracas), is, according to 
Ernst, dimorphic and heterostyled (225). 


73. TILIA EUROPHA, L.—Sprengel has fully described the 
flower of the lime: its proterandrous condition, which he 
overlooked, was noted by Hildebrand (356). 

The honey is secreted and lodged in the hollow sepals, and 
is accessible to insects with short proboscides. The sepals and 
petals are overtopped by the stamens, which are numerous and 
curved outwards; and insects can only alight on the anthers, or 
on the stigmas, or in the space between them. The possibility 
of self-fertilisation is almost excluded by the stamens remaining 
bent outwards to the last, while the pistil occupies the axis of 
the flower; only rarely is a flower met with in which an anther 
has become curved inwards to touch the stigma. The lime, which 
rarely produces seed in England, attracts great numbers of insects 


f various orders, by the number and strong scent of its flowers 

and the accessible position of their honey, 

_ A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. (limes when in 
ower are the resort of thousands of bees in fine weather,—I found none with 
allen in their baskets, but all seemed to come for honey); (2) Bombus 
srorum, I, 2, ab., s.; (3) Prosopis, ab. ; (b) Sphegidw: (4) Oxybelus 
niglumis, L., ab., licking honey. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (5) Eristalis 
smorum, L.; (6) E. arbustorum, L.; (7) E. sepulcralis, L.; (8) E. tenax, 
.; (9) Helophilus floreus, L., all very ab., now s. now f.p.; (10) Volucella 
ellucens, L. ; (b) Muscidw: (11) Sareophaga carnaria, L., s.; (12) Lucilia 
icina, F,; (13) Musca domestica, L., s.; (¢) Zalanide: (14) Tabanus 
ovinus, L., s. 

Orv. LINE. 

_ 74. Linum catruarticum, L.—The five filaments are adherent 
yy their expanded bases to a fleshy ring in the base of the flower, 
rhich secretes five honey-drops from as many flat inconspicuous 
glands on its outer side, opposite to the stamens: these honey- 
drops enlarge till they reach the underlying sepals. To this fleshy 
ring the petals are attached, a little above the honey-glands, and 
a ternating with the stamens. The lower halves of the petals 
ire in contact with one another, but narrowing suddenly at the 
se they leave a round opening between each pair, immediately 
bove the honey-gland. 
The five anthers become mature at the same time as the 
‘stigmas, and stand on a level with them. They cover themselves 
all round with pollen, but for a short time after the opening 
of the flower they stand at some distance from the stigmas, so 
hat self-fertilisation cannot take place. An insect coming from 
nother flower and plunging its proboscis into the middle between 
ae and anthers wiil effect cross-fertilisation, but if it inserts 
8 proboscis into the flower outside the anthers these will be 
ressed against the stigmas and self-fertilisation will result. 
If insect-visits do not occur, self-fertilisation takes place by 
he bending inwards of the stamens. It seems to be efficient ; 
or every one of the small, white, solitary flowers, which close 
in the evening and receive very few insect-visits, produces a 
capsule full of good seeds. 
In spite of the great abundance of the plant, I have only 

' Once seen two insects at work upon its flowers; viz. :— 

- (1) Systeechus sulphureus, Mik. eee) (2) Hepes livida, L., s. 
# Thur.). 



75. Linum vsrratissiuuM, L.—This flower resembles the — 
preceding one in regard-to its honey, and to. the simultaneous — 
ripening and relative positions of anthers and stigmas ; hence also 4 
in the likelihood of cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits, and — 
in the constancy of self-fertilisation if they fail. were 

Hildebrand has shown by direct experiment that self-fertilisation 
is efficient. ek 

The flowers are more conspicuous and therefore more, visited — 
by insects than those of L. cathartvcwm. Sprengel observed a 
humble-bee on them; I have noted :— ; a. | 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ab., s.; (2) Halictus 
cylindricus, F. 2, cp. B. Lepidoptera—Noctue : (3) Plusia gamma, L., s. 
See also No. 590, II. . 

Fic. 45.—Linum catharticum, L. 

1.—Young flower, from above ; the anthers are not yet in contact with the stigmas. a 

2.—Ditto, viewed obliquely from above. 

8.—A slightly older flower, from above; the five anthers are covered with pollen, and are in 
contact: with the stigmas. 

ne after removal of the calyx, to show the insertion of the petals and the position of the 

5,—Essential organs removed from the flower, in the position of self-fertilisation. 

6.—Sepal from the inside, with a drop of honey. 

a, anther ; sf, stigma; n, nectary; a’, coherent filaments. 

The dimorphic species of Linum have been the subject of 
several important researches. 

Darwin, as early as 1863, recorded dimorphism in L. grandi- 
Joorum, Desf, L. perenne, L., and L. flavum, L., and made 
experiments on the two first. In Linum grandiflorum the short- 
styled flowers gave, on self-fertilisation, more seed than the long- 
styled, which remained almost barren. Both proved to be far 


more fertile when legitimately fertilised. As a rule the pollen- 
- grain failed to develop its pollen-tube when on the stigma of a 
flower of its own kind (157). 
| In Linum perenne illegitimate pollination of the ine Styled 
form was quite unproductive, and in the short-styled form very 
nearly so; in both forms, legitimate pollination led to full fertility 
in three cases out of four. Hildebrand found that in this species 
short-styled flowers were quite infertile with their own pollen, 
with that from another flower on the same plant, or from any other 
short-styled flower; but invariably fertile to pollen from a long- 
styled flower (339, 340). 
[In Linum Lewisti, Pursh. (L. Sibiricum, D.C.), according to 
_ Planchon, each plant bears flowers of three kinds, one long-styled, 
_ one short-styled, and one with styles and stamens of equal length ; 
- that is to say, it is trimorphic, though not in the same sense that 
_ Lythrum Salicaria is so. Dr. Friedrich Alefeld enumerates twenty- 
nine dimorpbic species of Linum, all natives of Europe, Asia, or 
- North Africa; while all the species from North and South America 
and from the Cape are monomorphic (1). (Cf. Darwin, 167.) 
Radiola linoides, D.C. (R. miliegrana, 8m.), is visited by minute 
_ Diptera (590, IL). 
_Erythroxylon is dimorphic. 



Camarea, St. Hil., and Janusia, A. Juss., according to Adr. de 
Jussieu, have cleistogamic as well as normal flowers; Aspicarpa 
ureus, Rich., occurs with only cleistogamic flowers (531); Gaudi- 
chaudia, H. B. and K., also is placed among cleistogamic forms by 
Kihn (399). 

In Bunchosia gaudichaudiana the glands on the exterior of the 
valyx seem not to be protective in function. They are visited by 
4 various bees (Tetrapcedia and Epicharis), which in feeding on them 

dust the under surface of their bodies with pollen, with which they 
_ cross-fertilise other flowers (360). 

Lie he Teg RR IRE ah 5 eh ty i a mr 
_ t a5 - . 

Tribe Geraniee. 

a 76. GERANIUM PALUSTRE, L.—The structure of this flower was 
thoroughly described and figured by Sprengel, who, however, 
] observ ed no insect-visitors. In sunshine the flowers expand their 


purple petals to a diameter of 30 to 40 mm., and turn towards the ~ 
sun, so that, being brightly illuminated, they are visible at a great — 
distance. ) 
The darker lines which converge to the centre, and the pale- 
coloured claws of the petals, serve to direct insects towards the 
honey, which is secreted by five glands at the bases of the outer 
stamens, and protected from rain by hairs at the bases of the — 
petals; it is accessible to very short-lipped insects. Insect-visits — 
are so frequent that the power of self-fertilisation has become 
completely lost. Each flower passes through three well-marked ~ 
stages, in which first the five outer stamens, next the five inner 
stamens, and thirdly, when these have withered, the five stigmas, 
become in turn ripe and stand up prominently in the middle of 
the flower. Each whorl of stamens bends outwards as its anthers — 
wither. hehe 
Near Lippstadt this plant is confined to a single locality, 
and I have only once watched it, for about half an hour, in a light 
east wind and changeable sky (August 21, 1871). I was convinced — 
in this short time of the great number of insects which frequent — 
the plant. Whenever the sun shone out, I found the flowers visited — 
by numerous flies and bees, especially species of LHalictus. 

A. Hymenoptera-—A pide; (1) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (2) H. albipes, 
F.¢; (3) H. flavipes, F. ¢; (4) H. longulus, Sm. 9; (5) H. nitidiusculus, — 
K.? ¢; (6) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢; (7) Andrena dorsata, K.¢; (8) A. fulvicrus, — 
K. ¢; (9) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (10) — 
Rhingia rostrata, L. ; (11) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (12) Eristalis tenax, L. ; ‘ 
(13) Helophilus pendulus, L. ; (14) Platycheirus peltatus, Mgn. ; (b) Muscidae : 
(15) small species of Anthomyia. C. Lepidoptera—(16) Pieris rape, L., 
—all sucking. _@ 

77. GERANIUM PRATENSE, L.—This is generally the most conspi- — 
cuous and most abundantly visited plant in the meadows where it — 
grows, just as G. palustre is in the marshes. It agrees in structure — 
for the most part with the former species, and like it has lost 
the power of self-fertilisation. Hildebrand gives (351, p. 19) — 
a drawing and short description of its markedly proterandrous 
flowers. He has shown that, at the time when the anthers dehisce © 
and are bent over the stigmas, these latter as a rule are incapable — 
of fertilisation; they become capable ‘of fertilisation when the 
anthers have diverged away from them, and finally lose this 
capability on the falling off of the petals (342.) 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, very ab., s. ; 
(2) Osmia rufa, L. 9,8. (May 27, 1868) ; (3) Chelostoma nigricorne, L. 9, s. 


(Thur.) ; (4) Stelis aterrima, Pz. 2? ¢ (Thur.), s. ; (5) Andrena Coitana, K. ¢ 
_ (Sid.), 9 (Thur.), s.; (6) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (7) H. albipes, F. ¢; 
(8) H. leucozonius, K. ? ; (9) H. longulus, Sm. ¢; (10) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢ 
_ (Thur.),—all sucking ; (11) H. lucidulus, Schenck, ?, c.p.; (12) Prosopis 

hyalinata, Sm. ¢,s. B, Diptera—Syrphidq: (13) Melithreptus pictus, Mgn., f.p. 
_ See also No. 590, It. 

78, GERANIUM PYRENAICUM, L.—The flowers are _proter- 
androus, and regulariy fertilise themselves in default of insect- 
visits. Before the bud expands, all the filaments have their thin 
ends bent slightly outwards. 

As soon as the flower opens, the five outer stamens, which 
alternate with the petals and which bear at their base the honey- 
glands, rise up so that their anthers overtop the divisions of: 

em an arms 

A\ UM) iY) y 

; Fic. 46.—Geranium pyrenaicum, L. 
F 1-4.—Positions of the reproductive organs at successive stages. 

the stigma, which are still closely united, and each anther turns 
that side where dehiscence is about to take place outwards and 
upwards: this whole surface becomes covered with pollen. At the 
_ same time the thin ends of the five inner stamens curve down- 
_ wards, so that their anthers which are still closed are out of the 
' way of insects, and do not hinder them from dusting themselves 
with pollen. A day later these five inner stamens rise up and 
] dehisce, so that now the stigmas are surrounded by a circle of ten 
_ anthers, all dusted on their outer sides with pollen. 

H ' After a day or two more, the stigmas at last begin to separate 
} i from one another, and when they do so, they lie on a level with 
| the anthers. If the pollen has not in the meanwhile been removed, 
| an insect-visitor may now accomplish self-fertilisation as easily as 



cross-fertilisation, but if insect-visits have taken place to a sufficient 
extent, the pollen is wholly removed before the stigmas separate, 
and cross-fertilisation is the inevitable result of further insect- 
visits. If insects do not visit the flower at all, self-fertilisation 
always takes place, as the edges, at least, of the recurving stigmas 
come in contact with the pollen, as I have repeatedly seen in the 
case of specimens flowering in my room. 

The fertilisation of the plant is therefore provided for under all © 

possible conditions. 

I have not had a direct opportunity of observing this plant 
fertilised by insects; but in sunny weather its insect-visitors must 
be fairly numerous, for Herr Borgstette, to whom I am indebted 
also for living examples of the plant, sent me the following insects 
caught by him on its flowers at Teklenburg :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw : (1) Andrena fulvago, Christ. 2, with pollen 
of Geranium on its collecting-hairs ; (2) A. Gwynana, K.? ¢; (8) A. parvula, 
K.9; (4) A. dorsata, K.?; (5) Halictus cylindricus, F.? ; (6) H. maculatus, 
Sm. ?; (7) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 2 ; (8) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9 ; (9) Osmia 
fusea, Christ. (bicolor, Schrank), 2; (10) Chelostoma nigricorne, L. 9? ; (0) 
Sphegide: (11) Ammophila sabulosa, L. ; (c) Vespide: (12) Odynerus 
(Hoplopus) quinquefasciatus, F. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (13) Helo- 
philus floreus, L.} (14) Chrysotoxum bicinctum, L.; (15) Melithreptus 
teeniatus, Mgn. ; (16) M. pictus, Mgn. ; (17) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (18) 
S. ribesii, L.; (19) 8. pyrastri, L.; (20) Ascia podagrica, F.; (21) Rhingia 
rostrata, L. ; (22) Pelecotoma tricincta, Men. ; (b) Muscide: (23) Echinomyia 
fera, L.; (24) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide : 
(25) Byturus fumatus, L. ; (6) Cistelide: (26) Cistela murina, L.; (e) 
Malacodermata : (27) Malachius eneus, L. 

On the Alps I found G. pyrenaicum abundantly visited by 
insects, and incapable of spontaneous self-fertilisation (609). The 
stamens bent far outwards before their anthers withered, and the 

stigmas did not expand until all the anthers or at least the outer 
five had fallen off. 

79, GERANIUM SANGUINEUM, L., in spite of its flowers being 
much more conspicuous, agrees fully i in the manner of its fortilieat 
tion with G. pyrenaicum ; its conspicuousness seems therefore not 
to insure cross-fertilisation in any greater degree but only to 
compensate for its more shady habitat. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Halictus maculatus, Sm. 9 ; 
(2) H. sexnotatus, K, ? (both usually alight on a petal, and go round 
the flower, licking one nectary after another—their sides rub against. the 
anthers in young flowers and the stigmas in old ones,—sometimes they alight 


ae pe ee, Smo CO TS me Pi we 


- in the middle of the flower) ; (b) .Sphegide : (3) Oxybelus sp.,s. B. Diptera 
_ —Syrphide : (4) Rhingia rostrata, L., settles sometimes in the meddle of the 
flower, sometimes on a petal, and sacks all the five drops of honey in 
succession, See also No. 590, m1, and No. 609. 

80. GERANIUM MOLLE, L.—When the flower opens, the 
divisions of the stigma lie close together so that their papillar 
‘sides are hidden. The anthers are all closed and distant from the 
“middle of the flower; the thin ends of their filaments are bent 
outwards, the inner row of stamens which stand opposite to the 
petals being bent farther outwards than the others which alternate 
with the petals. 

_ Now the outer stamens begin, one after the other, to bend 
inwards, so as to lie over the apex of the stigma, and to dehisce 
there; the flower is thus for a time male only. But even before 
the first five stamens have all dehisced, the divisions of the stigma 
begin to separate; so that the five anthers which lay over their 

Fic. 47.—Geranium molle, L. 

1—5. —Reproductive organs in successive stages. In 2, the inner whorl of stamens has been 
removed. a’, outer stamens, alternating with the petals, and provided at the base with nectaries ; a’, 

st whorl, opposite the petals, bent further out than the outer whorl when the flower opens ; 
@ s gma, 

_ apices come to lie in the angles between them, and let some part 
of their pollen fall upon the stigmatic papilla. 
| While the divisions of the stigma are expanding still more 
widely, the inner anthers, which hitherto were closed, begin to 
_ curve inwards and to dehisce. When all the anthers have shed 
their pollen, they lie partly in the angles, partly over the ends 
of the outspread stigmas, and only a little above them; so that 
insects which alight in the middle of the flower touch saithiers and 
_ stigmas at the same time, and can accomplish self-fertilisation as 
\4 swell as cross-fertilisation. 
The likelihood of self-fertilisation is thus - greater in these 
less conspicuous and therefore less visited flowers than in either 
| of the two preceding species, since anthers and stigmas come into 
immediate contact with one another early in the flowering period. 
The probability of cross-fertilisation is in consequence so much the 


less, since even with abundant insect-visits the possibility of self- 
fertilisation remains throughout. 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Ascia podagrica, F., s., very ab. ; 
(2) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. ; (3) Helophilus pendulus, L. Bee ; (4) Syritéa 
pipiens, bi s.; (bd) Mastiches (5) Scatophaga “ierdaniie F., 88: Hymen- 
optera—A pide : (6) Halictus sp., s. ; (7) Andrena Gwynana, K. 2, s.; (8) 
Apis mellifica, L. § (I saw the hive-bee once (June 10, 1871), in a spot 
where G. molle and G. pusillum were growing together, dip its tongue into 
some flowers of G. molle, but abandon it immediately for Gleehates Pee 
mention this’ apparently trivial circumstance because it shows (1) that 
G. molle with its larger and darker flowers is preferred by an insect which has 
to choose between it and G. pusillum, and (2) that even G. molle has not 
sufficient attractions to win the services of the hive-bees, See also No, 590, 11. 

81. GERANIUM PUSILLUM, L.—Although on superficial exa- 
mination very easily confused with G. molle, G. pusillum differs 
considerably from that species in the structure of its flower. _ 

Only the five stamens which alternate with the petals bear 
anthers, and these stamens are provided at their base with honey 

Fic. 48,—Geranium pusillum, L. 
Essential organs of a flower whichis just opening, seen from above. st, stigma; a, anther. 

glands, When the flower opens, the stamens are all erect and 
closely applied to the pistil. The five divisions of the stigma are 
spread out for half their length, their papillar surfaces are turned 

upwards, and the anthers, which are still closed, lie a little below — 
the stigmas in the angles between them. The flower therefore is — 

as yet female only, and can only be fertilised through insect-ageney 
by pollen from older flowers. 

Soon after this, the anthers dehisce, covering themselves on 
both sides with viscid pollen-grains, and the stigmas spread still 
further apart, so that the anthers come to lie in the angles between 
them and dust the papille on their edges with pollen. The flower 
is now as much male as female. It can be fertilised more easily 
with other pollen than with its own in case of insect-visits, but it 
has already begun to fertilise itself. 

At length the divisions of the stigma are fully outspread ; 
while the ends of the filaments bend towards the middle of the 



ae Ae | ie 


flower, so that the anthers, still dusted with pollen, are closely 
pressed together, and lie over the stigmas; they must therefore be 
touched before the stigmas by an insect alighting in the middle of 
the flower. In this stage the flowers are adapted for dusting the 
bellies of insect-visitors with pollen for the fertilisation of other 
flowers ; but their own stigmas are more easily reached by their own 
than by other pollen. 

: The anthers now easily fall off, and one often finds the older 
flowers without anthers, but with five fully outspread stigmas. 
These flowers are therefore again female only, but their stigmas 
have already come in contact with their own pollen, though they 
may still be fruitful with that from younger flowers. 

If we compare the flowers of G. pusillum with those of its 
near ally G. molle, with which it grows in company, and blooms at 
_ the same time, we see that the former are smaller and paler, and 
are accordingly more rarely visited by insects. In each case, 
_ however, the regular occurrence of self-fertilisation compensates 
for the great uncertainty of cross-fertilisation; and further, the 
very early development of the stigmas enables the rare insect-visits 
to be made full use of when they do occur. Finally, the more 
rapid development of the flower permits the number of anthers to 
_ be reduced to one-half. 

In spite of frequent watching, I have only noticed the flowers 
| of G. pusillum to be visited by one insect, a small gnat, Ascia 
| podagrica, F., but by that on several occasions. It settled in the 
_ middle of the flower and sucked honey from it. See also No. 

590, II. 

rr —— 


If we exclude G. sanguinewm, which grows in more shady 
_ spots, and arrange the other species according to the size and 
conspicuousness of their flowers, we get a series as follows: 
(1) G. palustre and G. pratense ; (2) G. pyrenaicum ; (3) G. molle ; 
(4) G. pusillum. We get practically the same series if we arrange 
| these species according to the decreasing chance of cross-ferti- 
_lisation in case of insect-visits; and so also if we take them 
according to the increasing likelihood of self-fertilisation in 
_ default of insect-visits. For (1) in G@. pratense and G. palustre, 
_ self-fertilisation never takes place in the ordinary flowers,’ while 

_ _ 1 I say “in the ordinary flowers,” because it is possible, and even probable, that 
| homogamic flowers oceur, as Axell has shown in the case of @. silvaticwm, 


cross-fertilisation is thoroughly insured through the separation of 
the sexual products both in time and space; (2) in G. pyrenaicum, 
self-fertilisation never takes place in the earlier period, but it takes 
place regularly though not abundantly tow ards the end of the 
flowering period if insect-visits do not occur,—cross-fertilisation is 
insured, as in the two preceding species, if insect-visits occur early, 
but if they are delayed till the second stage they result more easily 
than in the other two species in self-fertilisation also; (3) in 
G. molle, even if insect-visits occur early and abundantly, self- 
fertilisation is not excluded; and it takes place to a greater extent 
than in the former species long before the flowering period ends, if 
insect-visits do not occur,—though self-fertilisation is at no time 
excluded, cross-fertilisation is favoured in case of insect-visits, by 
the position of the reproductive organs in both stages of the 
flower; (4) in @. pusillwm, self-fertilisation takes place abundantly 
in every case before the end of flowering, but if insect-visits 
take place in time, the stigma, which is developed before the 
anthers, receives pollen from outside before self-fertilisation can 
take place, and when pollen of the same flower is afterwards 
applied to the stigma it is probably rendered useless by the 
“prepotency ” of the other: if insect-visits are delayed till a later 

period, so that pollen from outside is brought only to a stigma: 

already laden with pollen of its own flower, we may still suppose 
that the former outstrips the latter. 

Thus in these Geraniums we see clearly how, as the number of 
insect-visits diminishes with the censpicuousness of the flower, the 
plant makes amends by an increasing likelihood of self-fertilisation 
for the diminished chance of cross-fertilisation. 

Geranium dissectum, L.—The manner of fertilisation is similar 
to that of G. pusillum, but the flower has ten anthers. When 
it opens, the stigmas already stand widely outspread, and 
the anthers which stand close around them are still closed and 
dehisce gradually one after another, dusting the stigmas with 
pollen. I have seen it visited by flies and by Andrena (vide 
No. 590, II. p. 217). 

82. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM, L.—When the flower opens, 
the five stigmas are folded close together; the five outer stamens 
stand close round them, in the middle of the flower, and their 
anthers, which project a little above the stigmas, dehisce, covering 


ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee 


their upper surfaces with pollen. The five inner stamens are still 
bent outwards as far as possible, so as to lie upon the petals and 
be out of the way of insects which alight on the flower. Before 
the period of the outer stamens is over, the stigmas separate and 
expand, so that their papillar surfaces which were hidden before 
are now fully exposed in the middle of the flower. 

As the outer stamens wither, the five imner ones rise up to 
surround the style, which lengthens meanwhile, so that its five 
stigmas stand a little way above the circle of pollen-covered 

Honey is secreted, as. in all our Geraniums, by the outer side of 
the base of each outer stamen, and is collected in a slight hollow at 
_ the base of each sepal: it may be reached by means of a proboscis 
at least 7 mm. long, without which the insect must thrust its head 
into the narrow part of the flower. I have seen Rhingia rostrata 
- in great abundance, sucking up the five honey-drops one after 
_ another with its proboscis, which is 11 to 12 mm. long ; it stood 
first on one petal, then on another, and in older flowers its proboscis 
touched first the stigmas and then the ripe anthers, in younger ones 
the ripe anthers only. It effected cross-fertilisation regularly, but 
at times, in drawing out its proboscis, it must also have effected 
self-fertilisation. I have quite as often found this fly busy eating 
| pollen. I have noted, in all, the following visitors :— 

A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. and f.p., ab. B. Cole- 

| optera—(2) Dasytes flavipes, F., sucking and biting the petals. C. Lepid- 
| optera—(3) Pieris napi, L., very ab., s. (Stromberg, May 15, 1868). See also 

No. 590, II. 

Cross-fertilisation is here insured, at first by the early develop- 
ment of the outer stamens, and afterwards by the position of the 
_ mature stigmas above the level of the anthers ; but sclf-fertilisation 
is not absolutely excluded. I have not included this species in 
_ the foregoing series, because I have not yet made sure whether 
 self-fertilisation does result in default of insect-visits. 
Geranium silvaticum, L., is not only widely distributed in 
Low Germany and in Britain, but occurs also in the Alps, where it 
_ extends to far above the limit of trees and is one of the most 

- abundantly visited plants. I have found upon its flowers :— 

| Coleoptera, 8 ; Diptera, 21; Hymenoptera, 24 (Apide, 17) ; Lepid- 
) optera, 21: in all, 74 species. | 

fe This plant is historically interesting, since it suggested to 
_ Sprengel the first idea of his theory. It is also remarkable for 
} being gynodiecious, and for exhibiting transitions both towards 


homogamy and towards dicecism (609). (List of visitors in Low 
Germany, 590 Il. p. 218. 

Geranium phoeum, L., is proterandrous. The two whorls of 
stamens develop in succession, and the stigmas do not expand 
until the stamens have again bent outwards. The flowers are 
visited for their honey by humble-bees and by the hive-bee 
(229, 665). 

Geranium macrorhizon, I., is proterandrous, and the earlier 
flowers are female only. The same is true of several species 
of Pelargonium (356, p. 479). 

83. Eropium cicutarium, L’Hérit—The honey is secreted 
and stored as in all our other Geraniums; the five outer anthers 

Fic. 49.—Erodium cicutarium, L’ Heérit. 

1.—Flower, seen from above and in front. 

2.—One of the two superior petals, magnified half as much again, showing the hairs at its base 
which protect the nectar. The three dark lines converging towards the base form a ‘‘ path-finder "’ 
common to all the petals ; the elliptic spot is a ‘‘ path-finder’’ peculiar to the two upper petals. 

8.—The reproductive organs. a, anthers; st, stigma; n, nectary; hk, drop of honey; ji, the five 
filaments of the inner whorl of stamens, whose anthers are aborted. 

4.—Centre of the flower, after removal of the pistil. A, point of attachment of the pistil; n, 
nectaries. with their honey-drops protected by the two rows of hairs, 

5.—Coccinella septempunctata, an awkward visitor of this flower. 

only are fertile, as in G. pusillum. As in other Geraniums the 
flowers turn towards the sun, rendering themselves conspicuous, in 
spite of their short stalks, among all the other flowers of the bare, 
sunny slopes where they chiefly grow. 

While in the species of Geranium, the flowers though set 
obliquely are quite regular, here there is a distinct difference 


between the upper and lower petals, the (two, rarely three) upper 
ones bearing “ path-finders” in the form of fine black lines, the 
_ (three, rarely two) lower ones being elongated to form convenient 
_ alighting-places. 

The flowers are distinctly proterandrous, so that cross-fertilisa- 
tion never fails if insect-visits take place in time: if they do not 
take place, then the flower is regularly self-fertilised. 

I have only noted the following visitors :— 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s. and cp., ab. 
(Sprengel found hive-bees and humble-bees collecting pollen). 3B. Cole- 
optera—(2) Coccinella septempunctata, L., licking honey. 

The awkward way in which this beetle, which is not fitted to 
feed on flowers, obtained the honey, was too amusing to pass by 
without notice. While seated on a petal, it applied its mouth to 
one of the nectaries at the base thereof; while so doing, the petal 
_ usually broke off, and the beetle was left olinging to the next petal, 
or fell with its own to the ground. In the former case it kept on 
_ its way round the flower, and frequently pulled off: all five petals, 
one after another ; but when it fell it was always at once on its 
legs again, running to another stalk of the same plant to climb up 
anew. I saw one beetle fall four times to the ground without 
growing wiser by experience. 

_ __ Ludwig has published more comprehensive researches on the 
mechanism of fertilisation in Hrodium (433, 434, 438). 

Tribe Pelargonie, 

Some general remarks on the structure of the flower in 
| Tropewolum are given by Delpino (172); the structure in 7’ 
_ majus, L., was thoroughly described by Sprengel, who noted its 
_ proterandrous condition 

Tribe Oxalidee. 

_ Hildebrand has investigated all the species of Ozalis in the 
Botanic Gardens of Berlin and Bonn, in the Royal Herbarium of 
_ Berlin, the Munich Herbarium, and the collections of Treviranus, 
| A. Braun, and Selmeyer. He distinguishes twenty trimorphic 
) species, whose different forms were in many cases looked upon as 
distinct species previously; fifty-one species possess two forms, 
and thirty have one only. Our three native species, O. acetosella, ie 
0. stricta, L., and 0. corniculata, L, are shown to be mono- 

- morphic (348). 



Experiments on artificial pollination and the growth of the 
resulting seeds, which Hildebrand afterwards instituted with two 
trimorphic species, O. Valdiviana and O. Regnelli, Miquel, led to 
results similar to those of Darwin in the case of Lythrum Salicaria. 
They showed (1) that productiveness is greatest, or exists only, 
after legitimate fertilisation ; (2) that both parent-plants influence 
the fora of the offspring; (3) that pollen-grains from stamens of 
equal length are of the same size, and diminish from the tallest to 
the shortest anthers. 

Hildebrand gives a figure of the trimophic flowers of Oxalis 
gracilis, Jacq. (348). H. v. Mohl has described the cleistogamic 
flowers of O. acetosella (531). 

Tribe Balsaminee. 


Impatiens Balsamina, Tilo.—In younger flowers the anthers lie — 

upon the still closed stigmas, and dust their pollen upon the backs 
of insects (bees) which dip their proboscides into the spur; in older 
flowers, when the crown of anthers has withered, the outspread 
stigmas come in contact with the same parts of the bee. 

H. v. Mohl has described cleistogamic flowers in Jmpatiens 
Noli-me-tangere, L., and in North American species (531). 

On cleistogamy in Impatiens fulva, Nutt, see M. A. Loche 

(417); on cleistogamy in both species, see Bennett (72, 79). 
Impatiens parviflora, D.C., according to Bennett, never produces 
cleistogamic flowers, but according to Henslow it is liable to 
spontaneous self-fertilisation. 
North American species of Jipatiens are visited by humming- 
birds (164). 

84. RUTA GRAVEOLENS, L.—The most prominent features of 

the flower have been described by Sprengel. 

A fleshy disc situated beneath the ovary secretes ines in 
eight to ten glands upon the bases of the stamens, sometimes in 
larger glands between these, besides producing small drops over its 

whole surface: the honey lies quite exposed and freely accessible. _ 

The strong scent and the greenish-yellow colour of the flowers 

seem able to attract only Hymenoptera and Diptera, the latter in — 

very great numbers. The stamens, when the flower opens, lie 
two in each of the petals, which are hood-shaped and spread out 
horizontally. According to Sprengel, two stamens on opposite 
sides of the flower rise up simultaneously, bending inwards so that 


_ their anthers now covered with pollen come to lie above the ovary 
in the middle of the flower; as they wither they bend back again, 
_ and two others take their shins: The stigma only ripens after all 
_ the stamens have withered, so that all possibility of self-fertilisation 
is excluded. 
___ My own observations, made upon plants flowering in my room, 
differ from Sprengel’s in several points. In all the flowers which 
I examined, the stamens rose up not in pairs but singly, and 
each was joined by its successor a short time before it withered 
and fell back ; so that when two were erect at the same time, one 
of them was at the close the other at the commencement of its 
_ period. After all the stamens have bent back the stigma ripens, 
but before it withers the stamens rise up again; and if, through 
lack of insect-visitors, they still retain a stock of pollen, they shed 
“some of it upon the stigma. So Treviranus’ assertion that the 
approach of the stamens to the stigma takes place for the purpose 
(3 of self-fertilisation is not quite groundless; but such self-fertilisa- 
tion takes place only when the flowering time is passing away 
_ without insect-visits having taken place. 
The whole arrangement of the flower greatly resembles that of 
_ Parnassia. In both we have fully exposed honey and successive 
_ development of the stamens and then of the stigma; in both the 
_ conveyance of pollen is insured by the centre of the flower, where. 
_ an insect is most likely to alight, being occupied successively by a 
_ pollen-covered anther and a mature stigma; both are visited by 
_ many Diptera and Hymenoptera. But while the white flowers of 
_ Parnassia are visited by beetles, the yellowish flowers of Ruta are 
_ altogether avoided by them. 

_ Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide: (1) Sargus cuprarius, L. ; (d) 
_ Syrphide : (2) Syrphus ribesii, L., ab. ; (3) S. nitidicollis, Mgn. ; (4) Meli- 
 threptus pictus, Mgn. ; (5) Ascia podagrica, F. ; (6) Eristalis sepulcralis, L. ; 
(7) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (8) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab.,—all mainly 
sucking, but sometimes also eating pollen; similarly (¢c) Muscide: (9) 
 Lucilia silvarum, Mgn. ; (10) L. cornicina, F. ; (11) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. ; 
| (12) S. hemarrhoa, Mgn. ; (13) S. albiceps, Mgn. ; (14) Calliphora erythro- 
eephals, Mgn. ; (15) Pollenia rudis, Mgn. ; (16) Sepsis; (17) Anthomyia 
| radicum, L. » very ab. ; (18) A. obelisca, Men. ; ; (19) A. pratensis, Mgn., (the 
i last three species were determined for me by Herr ‘ecg B. Hymen- 
. 0 ptera—(a) Evaniade : (20) Feenus affectator, F.; (21) F. jaculator, F. ; 
(b) Ichneumonidae : (22) various species ; (c) Chryside: (23) Chrysis ignita, 
_ L.; (d) Sphegide : (24) Crabro oo v. d.L. 9; (25) Oxybelus bellus, 
Dib. ; (26) Trypoxylon figulus, L. ; (27) Rhopalum clavipes, L. ; (28) Agenia 
a pret, F. $; (29) Tiphia minuta, v.d. L. ¢; (e) Vespide : (30) Odynerus 



parietum, L. 9; (f) Apide: (31) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9; (32) Prosopis 
sinuata, Schenk, ?, freq. ; (33) Apis mellifica, L. § ,—all the Hymenoptera 
only sucking. See also No. 590, 1. $). 

Dictamnus, L., is visited by humble-bees, whose ventral surfaces 
come in contact with the reproductive organs of the flower. In 
the first stage the style lies hidden among the stamens, in the 
second it is bent outwards with its mature stigma (178, 360, 
p- 658). 

Correa, Sm., is proterandrous, according to Delpino (178, 
p. 170). 


85. EvonyMus EUROPA, L.—The honey is secreted by a 
fleshy disc surrounding the style, and lies in so thin a layer that 
it can only be attractive to short-lipped insects. The dull yellow 
colour of the flowers moreover excludes those insects which are 
enticed only by bright colours. Like other flowers of the same 


colour, these are visited only by Diptera and Hymenoptera, and — 

especially by the former ; the flies run irregularly over the flowers, — 

attacking the honey-covered surface, now here now there, with their 
outspread ‘ end-flaps’ (abelle), and in consequence touching anthers 
and stigmas now with one part of their bodies, now with another. 
In such circumstances the flowers could only attain regular cross- 
fertilisation by separation of the sexual organs, either in time or 

space. Both separations have in fact taken place, and self- — 

fertilisation, which had become unnecessary owing to the abundant 
insect-visits, has finally become impossible. . 

The four anthers stand at a distance from the stigma upon 
stiff filaments, and dehisce directly outwards, while the stigma is — 
still immature and its lobes remain tightly closed. These only — 
separate several days later, and again close up after fertilisation. 

Thus self-fertilisation cannot take place without the aid of insects ; 

and with their aid only if the earlier days of flowering have passed — 

by without the flower being visited (cf. Delpino, 177). 
Li. europea is polygamous according to Darwin (167). 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (2) Helo- 
philus floreus, L. ; (3) Syrphus ribesii, L. ; (4) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (5) Xantho- 
gramma citrofasciata, Deg. all sucking ; (b) Muscide: (6) Musca domestica, 
L.; (7) Calliphora vomitoria, L.; (8) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., very ab. ; 

(9) Seatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (10) Lucilia cornicina, F.; (c) Bibionide : (11) 


Bibio hortulanus, L., all sucking ; (12) numerous small midges, B. Hymen- 
optera—Formicide ; (13) Formica sp. Spiders weave their webs about these 
_ flowers to catch the numerous flies. I saw a species of Vespa alight and 
_ capture a Sarcophaga carnaria. 


Paliurus aculeatus, Lam., is distinctly proterandrous, according 
to Delpino. The stamens are at first erect or inclined slightly 
inwards, but bend backwards when the stigmas develop. The 
fertilisers are probably flies of moderate or large size (177). 

Fic. 50.—Rhamnus Frangula, L. 

1.—Young flower, from above. 

; —Ditto, after removal of the anterior half of the calyx 
3.—Older flower, from above. 

8, sepal; p, petal ; a, anther; st, stigma; ov, ovary ; n, nectary. 

_ 86. Ruamnus FrAnGcuLA, L.—The receptacle forms a hemi- 
spherical, fleshy disc, which secretes and contains the honey. 
_ It is produced at its margin into five triangular white calycine 
| lobes, which are directed obliquely outwards in the flowering 
_ period. Between these sepaline lobes, there occur on the margin 
of the receptacle five small white bi-lobed petals; close below 
them, and half surrounded by them are five stamens, which are 
3 inclined inwards, and dehisce introrsely. 
M 2 


From the base of the flower rises the ovary ; whose short style 
is terminated by a bi-lobed stigma below the level of the stamens. 
When the anthers dehisce, the stigmatic lobes are still small, and 
probably incapable of fertilisation, but when the stamens wither, 
they are four times as large as at the commencement of flowering 
(Fig. 50). The flowers are thus proterandrous. An insect sucking 
the honey must touch the stamens with one side of its head or 
proboscis, and the stigma with the other; in this case self- 
fertilisation cannot occur, though the stigma and anthers ripen 
at the same time, but cross-fertilisation proceeds regularly. 
Pollen-collecting insects and sometimes even those sucking 
honey, if they thrust their heads several times into the same 
flower, effect self-fertilisation as well as cross-fertilisation. 

The honey on account of its open situation is accessible to 
very various insects, but the flowers are so inconspicuous that they 
are very little visited. Self-fertilisation can take place if needed, 
as the stamens on withering may shed their pollen on the now 
mature stigmas. : 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. and 
c.p.; (2) Bombus agrorum, F. 9 §, 8. ; (3) Macropis labiata, Pz. ¢, s. ; (b) 
Vespide: (4) Vespa silvestris, Scop. ab, s.; (5) Eumenes pomiformis, L., s. 
B. Diptera—(6) Culex pipiens, L. ¢,s. 

Lhamnus lanceolatus, Pursh., is dimorphic, according to Darwin, 
but it is not heterostyled in the strict sense (Darwin, 167). 

Rhamnus pumilus, L.—The size of the flower and the number — 

of its parts is reduced in this species, but the plant is visited by 

numerous insects. The flower is generally tetramerous, and the — 

petals exhibit all stages of abortion to complete disappearance 


Thamnus catharticus, L., is dina with two sub-forms of each | 

sex (167). 

Serjania cuspidata, St. Hil—The flower resembles the labiate 
type, and, lke Paullinia, L., and Cardiospermum, L., is 

Many species of Acer, according to Delpino, are proterandrous 
and are fertilised by flies (178, 360). 

87. AiscuLus Hippocastanum, L.—The arrangement of the 
flower was thoroughly described by Sprengel. My own notes and 


_ drawings of the horse-chestnut flower, made before I became 
- acquainted with Sprengel’s work, differ in one point from his 
- account, and agree with that of Hildebrand. While Sprengel 
_ declares that in the younger flowers insect-visitors come in contact 
only with the stamens because the style is as yet low down, I 
found just the opposite condition, as the annexed figures show. 
_ Although I neglected to compare microscopically stigmas of younger 
_and older flowers, I can hardly doubt that Hildebrand is right 
in stating the hermaphrodite flowers of the horse-chestnut to be 
_ proterogynous. According to Dr. Ogle (632), there occur usually 
_ in the lower part of each inflorescence flowers whose anthers fall 
_ off without dehiscing although their loculi are full of pollen, and 
_ which thus play the part of purely female flowers. 

| The chief fertilisers are humble-bees ; therefore the dimensions 
‘ of the flower are just such as to suit dine insects. The style 

Fig. 51.—A4sculus Hippocastanum. 

1.—Section of male flower. 

2.—Hermaphrodite flower in first (female) stage, seen obliquely from the front. 
3.—Section of ditto, in second (male) stage. 

a, anther ; n, nectary ; ov, ovary ; ov’ rudimentary ovary ; 8, sepal; p, petal. 

and stamens protrude so far from the flower (in a curve concave 
superiorly), that a bee on alighting just touches stigma or anthers 
_ with the hinder part of his body. The legs fit into the interspaces 
__ between the petals, so that the insect finds itself at once in the 
most convenient position for sucking, and immediately thrusts 
its proboscis in the direction 2 (1, 3, Fig. 51) into the honey- 
_ holding base of the flower. Such a position also permits the 
insect to fly away very readily, and thus the whole time occupied 
is reduced to a minimum: alighting, thrusting in the proboscis, 
| and flying away again is the work of a few seconds. 

_ Other bees, whose dimensions do not correspond so well to 
those of the flowers, have to spend more time over the operation. 
The humble-bee is also favourably placed for carrying off pollen 
; on the tarsal brushes of the middle and hindlegs. The quick 



action of the insects is of as much importance to the plant as 
to themselves: for the quicker they work, the more young 
hermaphrodite flowers get fertilised in the same time, with pollen 
from male flowers or older hermaphrodite flowers; and this in 
changeable weather is an important consideration. 

I have only seen the following humble-bees visiting the horse-chestnut :— 
(1) Bombus terrestris, L.; (2) B. lapidarius, L., both species s. and ep., 
though I have heard bees humming all day long about the trees in flower in a 
neighbouring garden. My notes for visitors to this plant refer only to a single 
afternoon (May 14, 1867). The other visitors noticed were :—(3) Apis mellifica, 
L. §, s. and c.p., very ab. ; (4) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢, s.; (5) Osmia rufa, 
L. g,s.; (6) Halictus rubicundus, Christ., 2, cp. ; (7) Andrena sp. 

In &sculus Pavia (rubicunda), D.C., according to Hildebrand, 
all the hermaphrodite flowers are proterogynous, as in Aseulus 
Hippocastanum ; but the first flowers of each inflorescence are male 
only, to supply pollen for the opening proterogynous flowers (351). 


Fie. 52.—Rhus Cotinus, L. 
1,—Male flower, 2.—Hermaphrodite ditto. 3.—Female ditto, n, nectary. 

88. Ruus Corinus, L. (the Wig-tree).— Rhus Cotinus shows all 
possible transitional stages between staminate, hermaphrodite, and 
pistillate flowers: the first of these are largest, most expanded, and 
most conspicuous; the last are least so. Hence most insect- 
visitors come to these flowers in the most advantageous order. 
(Cf. Ribes alpinum, Salix, Bryonia, Asparagus.) 

In both staminate and pistillate flowers of 2. Cotinus traces of 
the aborted organs remain visible. 

The flowers secrete abundant honey on the orange-red fleshy 
dise surrounding the ovaries, and display it conspicuously. 
They are visited by numerous insects, chiefly forms with short 
proboscides. Cross-fertilisation is usually effected even in the 


hermaphrodite flowers owing to the wide separation of the stamens 
and pistil. Like all other flowers of a dull yellow colour they are 
almost completely avoided by Coleoptera. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (1) Helophilus floreus, L., very ab. ; 

_ (2) H. pendulus, L. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab., all three s. and f.p. ; 

_ (6) Muscide : (4) Calliphora erythrocephala, Mgn. ; (5) Sarcophaga carnaria, 
L. ; (6) Lucilia cornicina, F., s., also several undetermined flies and gnats. 
B. Coleoptera—Dermestide : (7) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F., licking honey. 
_C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide: (8) Tenthredo marginella, Kl.; (0) 
Sphegide: (9) Oxybelus uniglumis, L.; (10) Gorytes campestris, L. ; (c) 
_ Vespide: (11) Eumenes pomiformis, Spin.; (12) Odynerus sinuatus, F. ; 
_ (13) O. spinipes, H. Sch. (quinquefasciatus, F.), the last six all licking honey ; 

iF (d) Apide: (14) Andrena albicans, K. 9, c.p.; (15) Halictus sexstrigatus, 

Schenck, 2; (16) H. sexnotatus, K. 2; (17) Apis mellifica, L. %, the last 

three sucking honey. 


‘ie 89. Ruus typHina, L.—I have had little opportunity of 
watching the flowers of this plant at the proper season. They are 
very conspicuous, and secrete abundant and easily accessible honey, 
and the possibility of self-fertilisation is excluded by diccism, I 
have as yet only observed the following visitors :— 

| A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., s.; (2) 
_ Prosopis communis, Nyl. 2 ¢,s. B. Neuroptera—(4) Panorpa communis, L. 
licking honey. 

According to Delpino, many species of Rhus are > proterandrous 
and fertilised by flies (177). 


17 Coriaria myrtifolia, L., is markedly proterandrous, according to 
| _ Hildebrand, and the first flowers are male only (356). 

Tribe Lotee. 
90. Lorus cornicuLatus, L.—The structure of the flower of 

__ Lotus corniculatus is described briefly by Delpino (172, p. 25). He 

; - gives it as an example of a papilionaceous flower furnished with 

{ a piston-apparatus, and he subsequently compared it fully with 

i; Coronilla Emerus (178, pp. 39-44). I have devoted especial 
te 1 attention to the fertilisation of these plants, and I shall discuss 
_ their structure fully. 


The anthers dehisce in the bud, whilst both carina and ale are 
still covered by the vexillum, and before any of the petals have 
nearly attained their full size. At an earlier period the five outer 
stamens, which alternate with the petals, and the five inner 
stamens are unequally developed, so that the anthers form two 
whorls, one behind the other round the style; but when they are 
ready to dehisce all ten stamens are of equal length, and their 

Fic, 53.—Lotus corniculatus, L. 

1.—Front view of flower. 

2.—Oblique view. 

8.—Side view, after removal of the vexillum. 

4.—F lower, seen from above, after removal of the vexillum. 

5.—Side view, after removal of the ala, more magnified. 

6.—From the right side, after careful removal of the right half of the carina. 

7.—F lower viewed from above, after removal of the vexillum and ale. 

8.—The essential organs inclosed in the front half of the carina, as shown in 6, more magnified. 

9.—Side view of the essential organs from a bud, immediately after the pollen has been shed. 
A comparison of 8 and 9 shows how much longer and thicker the outer stamens become during the 
interval between the shedding of the pollen and the opening of the flower. 

10.—The same organs seen from above, to show how the outer, terminally-thickened stamens 
spring apart when freed from the pressure of the carina. 

11.—The nine synadelphous stamens of a fully developed flower spread out. 

a, entrances to the honey ; b. the upward curvature of the free stamens; c, the carinal depres- 
sions, into which fit the two depressions of the ale (c’): d, the tive inner stamens, which remain 
short; ¢, the five outer, which grow long and club-shaped ; f, stigma; e-g, apex of carina, full of 
pollen ; g, orifice through which the pollen is expelled. 

anthers reach to the base of the conical apex of the carina, The 
ends of the filaments are still very much alike, but the five outer 



PR ee et eee, ee 

a a 

a ae ee 


_ show a slight, club-shaped thickening, which afterwards becomes 
- much more apparent ; the five inner, including the superior solitary 
_ stamen, remain unthickened throughout. The anthers, while yet 

fully twice as broad as the ends of the filaments, dehisce in the base 
_of the cone, completely filling it with pollen, and when they have 
"discharged their contents they shrivel up to a fourth of their former 
size. All the petals now grow to their full size, and the five 
_ outer stamens elongate and the ends of their filaments thicken, so 
: that, in spite of the continual growth of the carina, they still reach 
_ to the hollow cone formed by its apex, and completely fill its lower 
and wider portion notwithstanding that the five inner stamens 
_ have remained behind. When the flower has reached maturity, the 
essential organs occupy the relative positions shown in 8, Fig. 53. 
_ The five inner stamens (d) are useless after shedding their pollen, 
and, far outstripped in development by the other organs, they lie 
_ shrivelled up in the lower and wider part of the carina. The five 
| outer (e), which have still an important part to play, have continued 
- to grow, and lie with their thickened ends tightly closing in the 
_ base of the hollow cone now filled with pollen. Somewhat below 
_ the apex of the carina lies the stigma (7), and at the apex (near g) 
is a narrow opening; the entire space between the thickened 
_ filaments and the orifice is filled with compressed pollen, and thus 
} the piston-mechanism is complete. On the application of a slight 
| downward pressure to the carina, the thickened filaments are 
_ forced further into the apical cone of the carina, and squeeze a 
_ certain amount of pollen through the orifice in a narrow ribbon. 
_ When the pressure ceases, the thickened filaments, thus squeezed 
_ together, tend to spring apart, and so raise up the apical cone and 
_ restore the whole carina to its former position ; the elasticity of the 
_ carina itself assists in this action. If the carina be drawn or 
_ pressed still further down, the end of the style protrudes, covered 
_ with pollen, from the orifice. When the pressure ceases it returns 
again into the carina; but the edges of the orifice, which readily 
yield to a pressure from within and allow the stigma and pollen to 
pass out without hindrance, spring together and scrape off almost 
the whole of the pollen from the stigma as it returns within 
the carina. 

As soon as the piston-mechanism has become so far complete, the 
vexillum rises up perpendicularly so as to direct its broad, dark 

- surface straight to the front, and both the alz arch their 
_ surfaces into two hemispheres inclosing the carina, so as to strike 
| the eye equally well from before, from behind, or from either side. 



The fleshy thickened base of the coalesced stamens secretes honey 
on the inner surface, which lies surrounding the base of the ovary 
and is only to be reached through two small openings on either 
side of the base of the superior stamen, and the flower is now 
ready to receive insect-visitors (1, 2, Fig. 53). It only remains to 
explain how the downward pressure of the carina is effected. This 
important service is rendered by the ale. They form a platform 
for the insects, and are so combined with the carina that it is bent 
downwards along with them. Each ala has at the base of its limba 
deep depression (3, ¢’), which fits into a corresponding hollow on the 
upper surface of the base of the carina (5, ¢), and close behind this 
spot the upper edges of the alee cohere together. If a bee comes, 
and, whilst clasping the ale with its mid and hindlegs, thrusts its 
head and forelegs under the vexillum to insert its proboscis into 
either of the honey-passages, the ale and with them the carina 
bend downwards, and a quantity of pollen oozes through the tip 
of the carina and becomes attached to the hairy ventral surface of 
the bee. If the bee forces its way further into the flower and thus 
presses the alee and carina down still more, the stigma protrudes 
from the apex of the carina and rubs against the ventral surface 
of the insect. 

The insect’s belly is covered with innumerable pollen-grains 
from the same and from previously visited flowers, and cross- 
fertilisation takes place without fail. And it is scarcely possible 
to doubt, though it is hard to prove by direct observation, 
that the pollen brought from other flowers is prepotent in 
its action. 

Delpino considers that the stigma does not become capable of 
fertilisation until its papille have been slightly rubbed, by which 
the stigmatic surface is made sticky. If this view is correct, cross- 
fertilisation must take place regularly, in the course of repeated 
visits, since the stigma must be cleared of its own pollen before its 
papillze become exposed to friction. In either case it is very much 
to be desired for the sake of a clear understanding of the mechanism 
of this flower, that experiments should be instituted to show 
whether Lotus does or does not produce seed when protected from 

The process of squeezing out a little ribbon of pollen by de- 
pressing the carina may be repeated eight to twelve times, if the 
carina is pressed down only a little way each time. But bees when 
collecting pollen press the ale and carina down as far as possible to 
get all the pollen that they can, so that the supply is exhausted 


_ after a very few visits. Bees, and especially those with abdominal 
 collecting-brushes, are the chief fertilisers of the plant. 
ie Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: Bees with abdominal collecting- 
brushes: (1) Osmia interrupta, Schenck, 2 (L. Sld. Thur.) ; (2) O. aurulenta, 
Pz. 2 (Sid., Thur.), very freq. ; (3) O. enea, L. 2 ¢@, (L.), freq.; (4) Diphysis 
serratulee, Pz. 9 ¢ (L. Sld.), freq. ; (5) Megachile Willughbiella, K.? (L.Sld.) ; 
(6) M. pyrina, Lep. 2‘¢, freq. ; (7) M. circumcincta, K. ? ¢ (L. Sld.), ab. ; 
(8) Anthidium manicatum, L.? (L.); (9) A. punctatum, Latr. ? ¢ (Thur), ab. ; 
(10) A. strigatum, Latr. ? ¢ (Thur.), freq. The females of all these species 
collect pollen and suck honey at the same time ; (b) Bees with femoral and 
tibial collecting-baskets ; (11) Bombus agrorum, F. ? %,s., more rarely c.p. ; 
(12) B. terrestris, L. 2 do. ; (13) Apis mellifica, L. 9, very ab., do. ; (14) 
_Eucera longicornis; L. 9 ¢, very ab., only s.; (15) Rhophites canus, Eversm. 
¢ 6 (Thur.),s. ; (16) Andrena labialis, K.?, s.; (17) A. xanthura, K. 2, c.p. ; 
(18) A. convexiuscula, K. 9, s. ande.p.; (19) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. 9, s. 
_ and c.p. ; (20) H. flavipes, K.?,s.; (¢) Cuckoo-bees : (21) Nomada ruficornis, 
 L. 9,°s.; (22) Celioxys, sp. ¢, s. B. Diptera—(a) Conopide ; (23) Conops 
flavipes, L. (4—5), s. only observed once,—thrusting its tongue beneath the 
— vexillum ; (b) Syrphide : (24) Melanostoma mellina, L., b.p. C. Lepidoptera 
_ —(a) Rhopalocera: (25) Lyczena Icarus, Rott., s. ; (26) Hesperia tages, L. s. ; 
(27) H. alveolus, H. s. ; (6) Sphinges: (28) Sesia empiformis, E. (Thur.), s. ; 
(29) Zygena lonicere, Esp. (Thur.), s.; (ce) Bombyces: (30) Porthesia 
 auriflua, S. V. (sucking vainly for honey); (@) Noctuw: (31) Euclidia 
glyphica, L., s. Lepidoptera and Conops thrust their tongues beneath the 
_ vexillum without perceptibly depressing the carina; they were therefore quite 
useless for fertilisation. 

Twenty-seven additional visitors (19 Apide, 5 Lepidoptera. 
3 Diptera) are recorded in my Weitere Beobachtungen, I. p. 246. 
Altogether, I have observed upon Lotus :— 

Apide, Lepidoptera. | Diptera. Total. 
In Low Germany... ae 17 25 1 43 
On the Alps 41 12 3 56 


That is to say, in each hundred species of visitors there are : 

Apide, |Lepidoptera.| Diptera. Total. 
In Low Germany... 39°5 581 2°3 99°9 
On the Alps to'2 21°4 5°38 99°9 


91. ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA, L.—Anthyllis vulneraria belongs 
to the group of papilionaceous flowers with piston-mechanism, but 
it differs so strikingly from Lotus in many points that it deserves a — 
special description. : | 

The very long claws of the petals are surrounded by a calyx, 
9 to 10 mm. long, somewhat swollen in the middle and covered 
with soft hairs (1 a, Fig. 54). From this the vexillum projects to a 
distance of 6 to 7 mm., inclined obliquely upwards ; a groove on the ~ 
lower part of its blade (7 0’) receives the alz, and two rounded lobes - 
at its base (7d, d) clasp round them inferiorly, so that the als are 
completely embraced by the vexillum. 

Fic. 54.—Anthyllis vulneraria, L. 

1.—Flower from below. 

2.—WDitto, from the side, after removal of the calyx. 

3.—Ditto, from above; the vexillum also has been removed. 

4.—Anterior half of the carina seen obliquely from the left side and above, 

5.—Anterior half of carina and the right ala. 

6.—Lower side of left ala: the claw is cut short. 

7.—Vexillum from below (1—7 x 34). 

8.—Apex of carina, after removal of its left half (x 7). 

a, calyx ; b, under side of vexillum ; b’, its groove ; ¢, upper (outer) surface of vexillum ; d, lobes 
of vexillum which grasp the ale and carina; e, inner, f, outer, sides of ala; g, deep narrow groove 
on the outside of the vexillum, visible inside as a sharp ridge, h; i, hollow in the 8 surface of 
the carina (k), into which the ridge h fits ; 1, sharp process or tooth of the carina, which fits into a 
hollow h’, behind the ridge h; m, carinal orifice, at which the pollen emerges ; m’, anterior infolding 
of the upper border of the ala; n, column; o, entrance to the honey; p, thickened ends of the 
filaments ; g, empty withered anthers; r, pollen; s, stigma; tt, claws of the ale. 

An insect which tries to reach the honey at the base of the 
flower must grasp the sides of the ale and thrust its proboscis (at 
least 9 to 10 mm. long) under the vexillum. 

The alw surround the carina, and are so connected with it that 
when the alee are depressed the carina is forced down with them, 
This connection is formed in three ways: (1), a deep narrow groove 
(3, g) exists at the base of each ala, appearing on the inner side as 


_asharp ridge (5, 6,2) which fits into a groove on the carina (4, 5, 2) ; 
_ (2),a sharp triangular tooth (4, 5, /) is borne by the carina behind 
\ this groove, and catches in the space (5, 6, h’) behind the ridge on 
_ the inner surface of the ala; and (3), the upper borders of the ale 
are folded inwards for a linet space (3, 5, 6, m’), and at this fold 
_ they cohere together above the carina. Close in front of the spot 
_ where the upper borders of the alse are thus firmly applied to each 
' other, the apex of the carina emerges when the alz are pressed down. 
| The upper margins of the carina are coherent except at the apex, 
' where they leave a longitudinal slit, and when the carina (along 
_ with the ale) is depressed, there emerges from this slit a ribbon- 
_ shaped mass of pollen, pressed forwards by the thickened ends of 
the ten stamens (8, 7). 

When the pressure is removed the ale and carina return to their 
i former position ; when they are again pressed down another portion 
_ of pollen is pressed out. After the greater part of the pollen has 
been squeezed out in this way, the stigma (8 s) emerges at the same 
_ slit; it has lain imbedded in pollen in the carina but emerges free 
= Ben it, for its papillze are not yet adhesive and the pollen-grains are 
scraped off by the edges of the slit. 

____ If the stigma is rubbed with slight pressure over a glass plate a 
line of moisture marks its course; if it be now brought in contact 
with pollen, the pollen adheres to it so firmly that it is not easily 
_ removed. Doubtless the same effect is produced by insect-visits ; 
1 he flower gives up pollen to the ventral hairs of its first visitors ; 
and after its pollen is spent, the superficial cells of the stigma 
coming in contact with the insect get ruptured and exude their 
fluid contents; pollen from other flowers, with which the insect is 
already dusted, now adheres to the stigma and the act of cross- 
fertilisation is complete. Whether in absence of insects the flower 
is fertilised by its own pollen has still to be decided by a simple ex- 
periment. I observed the following bees fertilising this plant near 

a (1) Bombus silvarum, L. § (10'), s.; (2) B. hortorum, L. 2 (21), s.; (3) 
i B. muscorum, F. ? (13—14), s. ; (4) Osmia aurulenta, Pz. 9 (8—9), ep., (all 
very frequent). I also saw Lycena alsus, W. V. 9, and a Capsus vainly 
\ ~ attempting to suck the honey. I have seen it visited on the Alps by 12 
| Bepecies of bees, and 10 of Lepidoptera (609). 
 —~Doryenium (Bonjeania) hirsutum, Ser—According to Delpino, 
_ the flower has a piston-action, and the ends of the filaments are 
: ‘ ickened (179, p. 45). 

: ‘ 1 These numbers in brackets indicate the length of the insect’s proboscis, 


Tribe T7rifolie. 

92. ONONIS sSPINOSA, L.—This plant also has flowers with a 
piston-mechanism, which however differ materially both from Lotus 
and Anthyllis. They are devoid of honey, and, like almost all the 
honeyless Papilionacez, monadelphous, for the separation of the 
superior stamen in other forms is only useful in giving access to the 
honey. The ale, which serve as in most other Papilionaceze for 
bees to alight on, and as levers to depress the carina, embrace the 
upper part of the carina (3, Fig. 55) and are united to it by two 
projections directed downwards and forwards (5d), which fit mto 
deep grooves in the two halves of the carina. Two lobes at the 
base of the upper borders of the ale (3, 6, ¢) directed backwards, 
but not pouched, lie over the staminal column without touching it, 

Fic. 55.— Ononis spinosa, L. 

1,— Essential organs from a bud. 

2.—Ditto, from a flower (x 7). 

3.—Flower, from the side, after removal of calyx and vexillum. ; 

4.—Some stamens, more magnified, to show the difference between the outer and inner filaments. 

5.—Left ala, from the inside. 

6.— Ditto, from the outside. 

a, outer, b, inner stamen ;c, pollen, seen through the carina; d, alar processes pointing down- 
wards and forwards ; e, lobe of the upper border of the ala, pointing backwards, 

and can give little help in keeping the parts in their proper places. 
The two alze never cohere with one another. 

The upper borders of the carina cohere at first, leaving a small 
opening at the tip, and the pollen is squeezed out as in Lotus. But 
sooner or later after repeated depressions this suture ruptures, and 
now if the carina be depressed the anthers themselves emerge. Ifthe 
carina was not thrust down too far they return within the carina 
when the pressure is relieved ; but if the carina was pressed violently 
down, as it frequently is by bees, the anthers remain along with the 
stigma partly or wholly exposed, | 

a a ee 

Vea oe 





_ We must, therefore, take young flowers, to see the squeezing 
out of the pollen. Thus the flowers of Ononis afford a stage inter- 
mediate between Lotus with its piston-mechanism, and Melilotus in 
which the reproductive organs simply emerge from the carina. 
In regard to the formation of the “piston,” Ononis stands 
between Lotus and Anthyllis. In Lotus the five outer filaments, 
which alternate with the petals, are thickened at their ends to 
express the pollen; in Anthyllis the ends of the filaments are all 
_ thickened alike ; in Ononis they are all thickened, but the outer 
whorl much more so than the inner. While the outer stamens thus 
perform the function of a piston to a greater extent than the inner, 
' the inner (1b) produce pollen in much larger amount than the outer 
(la). This is an interesting step towards separation of the two 
_ whorls of stamens for two distinct purposes. 

i Though the flowers of Ononis possess no honey they are visited 
_ by numerous bees, but in the number of their visitors they are far 
behind Lotus, which has abundant honey. It is curious that not only 
female bees but males also often visit several flowers in succession 
-and perform all the actions of sucking. They have obviously no 
outward token of the lack of honey, but must discover it by 
experience. The females, after making sure that there is no honey, 
take to collecting pollen ; the males, on the other hand, abandon the 
' flowers after a few vain attempts, though they may remain some 
time about the plant in pursuit of the female. The visitors are ex- 
usively bees, and mainly forms with abdominal collecting-brushes, 

A. Bees with abdominal collecting-brushes : (1) Osmia aurulenta, Pz. 9 
(Thur.), ab. ; (2) O. wenea L. 9, freq. ; (3) Megachile versicolor, Sm. (Haar) ; 

(4) M. pyrina, Lep. 2 ¢, freq.; (5) M. circumcincta, K. 9, ab. ; (6) M 
maritima, K. 9; (7) Anthidium manicatum, L. 2 g, ab.; (8) A. punctatum, 
tr. 2 ¢; (b) Bees with tibial pollen-baskets: (9) Apis mellifica, L. § ; (10) 

- Cilissa leporina, Pz. 2 ; (11) Anthophora quadrimaculata, Pz. 9 ¢, ab. (Thur.) ; 
_ (12) Bombus lapidarius, L. §; (13) B. terrestris, L. 9. 


; Ononis repens, L., is also visited exclusively by bees (590, II. 
ip. 254). 

r According to Bentham, most species of Ononis in southern 

Europe are liable to abortion of the corolla in spring, and cleisto- 

_gamic self-fertilisation then takes place (399, p. 67; 531, p. 312). 

Parochetus, Ham., has eptogemic flowers, according to Kuhn. 

93, MEDICAGO SATIVA, eelay Wee as the mechanism of this 
flower has been several times the subject of careful study, it is by 


no means fully explained yet. I hope at least to advance our know- 
ledge of the means by which the elastic tension of the parts is 
produced and controlled. Medicago sativa has, like Sarothamnus 

scoparius and Genista tinctoria, explosive flowers. As in these 

latter, the staminal column before explosion is inclosed within 

the carina, whose upper edges cohere together; and when an 

insect presses down the carina the column not only emerges but 

springs violently up and is unable to return to its former place. 

As in G. tinctoria, the reproductive organs after explosion are 
pressed against the vexillum and are not affected by further insect 
visits. But Medicago sativa differs from these two plants by having 
both the elastic tension and the force which restrains it localised in 
different parts of the flower. 

Fic. 56.—Medicago sativa, L. 

1.—Young (virgin) flower from below. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of the vexillum and the upper half of the calyx. | 
3.—Inner view of right ala. 

4.—Carina seen obliquely from above. 

5.—Exploded flower seen obliquely from above ; the vexillum and upper half of the calyx ha 
been removed (x 84). 

a, calyx; b, vexillum ; ¢, ala; d, its claw; e, invaginated process of ala, directed inwards and 

forwards ; f, its externa] opening; g, digitate process or lobe of ala, directed inwards and back- — 

wards ; h, carina ; i, invaginated pouches in the carina, which receive the alar processes, (e); &, the 
coherent filaments; 1, the upper free stamen ; m, entrances to the honey; , anthers; 0, stigma. 

While in Sarothamnus it is the style only which acts as a 
spring, in Genista tinctoria the column tends to spring upwards, and 
the ale and carina together tend to spring downwards. In Medicago 
sativa the elastic tension resides almost exclusively in the upper 

stamens. ‘his can be shown clearly by dividing the upper from — 

the lower stamens, whereupon the upper part of the bundle curves 

still more strongly upwards, and the lower part sinks down till it 

stands almost horizontal. 
In Medicago sativa it is not the coherent upper margins of the 


carina, as in Sarothamnus and Genista, which prevent the column 
_ from springing up in the young flower, though these margins are 
coherent here also, but we may separate them completely from one | 
another without explosion taking place. The structures which 
: "prevent it are two pairs of projections developed on the petals of 
the carina and ale, which lie upon the column. 
Two are directed forwards, and consist of deep pouches in the 
‘superior basal angles of the carina (7, 4, 5) which meet in the 
middle line above the column. Into these fit still deeper pouched 
“processes of the ale (¢, 2, 5), which both connect the ale firmly 
( eh the carina, and also help to strengthen the hold upon the 
ome. These anterior pouches of the ale (e, 2,5) are only a 
urther development: of those shallow depressions by means of which 
Bie alee are united to the carina in Trifolium and Melilotus. 
| Besides this anterior pouch, each ala possesses at the base of its 
upper border a long finger-shaped process, which is directed back- 
wards, and is a further development of that which we shall see 
“appearing in Melilotus. The two processes (g, 2, Fig. 56) curve 
upwards and inwards so that their ends almost meet in the middle 
line above the staminal column. 
___ If in a young flower we cut through the claw of the carina, the 
_ column springs upwards to some extent, carrying with it the carina 
and ale. If in another unexploded flower we carefully cut through 
i one of the digitiform processes of the ale, the parts remain motion- 
less; but on cutting the process of the other side explosion at 
1 Bice follows. The pouched processes of the carina (7) are thus 
' not sufficient to hold the column down without the aid of the 
| processes (g) of the alse, nor are the latter sufficient after section 
of the carina. Explosion can therefore be effected equally well by 
| separating the anterior pouches (e, 2), by separating the digitiform 
_ processes (g, 2), or, finally, by depressing the alz and carina. 
If an insect inserts its proboscis in the middle line between the 
| anterior pouches and the digitiform processes, or if it stands upon 
the alze and thrusts its head in the middle line under the vex- 
| illum, in either case explosion follows. The stigma (0, 5) projects 
beyond the anthers, and, therefore, is the first to strike the under 
) surface of the bee’s body or proboscis; an instant later the anthers _ 
' come in contact with an area close around the spot that the stigma 
| touched, dusting it with fresh pollen. The first flower that the 
i asect visits is, of course, not cross-fertilised, but as the bee with- 
draws from the flower self-fertilisation inevitably occurs. Self- 
rtilisation is undoubtedly efficient, for Hildebrand has shown that 


flowers which wither unexploded when insects are excluded produce 
seed by self-fertilisation. 

In spite of their very accurate mechanism, I have observed by 
watching insect-visitors that the flowers have two imperfections. 
In the first place they continue to secrete honey after explosion, 
and in the second, the young unexploded flowers very frequently 
permit insects to obtain the honey without performing any service 
in return. 

It is plain that the continued secretion of honey after explo- 
sion is detrimental to the plant; for it leads the insects to visit 
exploded flowers instead of restricting their visits to flowers that re- 
quire their aid. I have seen hundreds of hive-bees sucking honey 
on exploded flowers, thrusting the proboscis laterally over one of 
the alz, and not coming in contact at all withthe stigma or anthers, 
which were pressed close up against the vexillum. 

The other imperfection is also taken advantage of by the 
hive-bee, as Henslow has remarked. The bee probably finds it — 
unpleasant to have its proboscis struck by the exploding column 
at each visit; for it prefers, even in the case of young flowers, to 
insert its proboscis laterally close to one of the alz,so that no 
explosion results. Although bive-bees are by far the most 
numerous visitors of this flower, I have never seen them effect 
explosion ; but I have often observed them from a short distance 
acting in the manner just described. Though I have frequently 
watched this plant, I have never succeeded in seeing explosion 
actually performed, though the number of exploded flowers that 
we meet with shows that it must take place very frequently. 
Butterflies visit the flowers in great numbers, and it is doubtless 
by them that explosion and cross-fertilisation are effected; but they — 
are generally too wild to permit close observation of their move- 
ments. Once I had a good view of Hesperia thawmas, Hufn., suck- 
ing a young unexploded flower, but like the bees it inserted its 
proboscis from the side and did not cause explosion. A fine needle 
inserted in the middle line of the flower causes explosion, and the 
thin proboscis of a butterfly is undoubtedly sufficient to do the same. 

A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. %, s. very freq. ; (2) | 
Megachile pyrina, Lep., s. B. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (3) Pieris 
brassice, L.; (4) P. rape, L.; (5) P. napi, L., all three ab. ; (6) Vanessa 
urtice, L.; (7) Colias hyale, L.; (8) Satyrus hyperanthus, L. ; (9) Tuyceena 
argiolus, L. ; (10) Hesperia thaumas, Hufn. ; (6) Noctue : (11) Plusia gamma, L. 

Fifteen additionsl visitors (eleven Apidae, three Lepidoptera, and Bembex 
rostratus) are recorded in No, 590, 11. 


94. MepIcAGo FALCATA, L.—Though on the whole the flower 
of this species resembles that of JM. sativa, it possesses certain 
peculiarities which facilitate explosion, and make it more difficult 
_ for bees to obtain the honey without releasing the column. For the 
_ pouches directed forwards and the processes directed backwards on 
the alz grasp the column less firmly, as may be seen in 2, Fig. 57, 
so that a less pressure is followed by explosion; but on the other 
hand a thin proboscis can pass more easily to the base of the flower 
without bringing about explosion. The ale leave less room for a 
proboscis to enter, as they are shorter and broader and rest on the 

Fic. 57.—Medicago faicata, L. 

; P —Flower, viewed obliquely from above. 

— Ditto, after removal of calyx and vexillum, from above. 

- 3 — Left ala, 4.— Carina. 

a 5.—Exploded flower, after removal of vexillum, seen obliquely from ‘the right and above; the 
olumn appears considerably foreshortened 

a, calyx ; b, vexillum; ¢, pathfinder ; d, claw of ala; e, lamina of ala ; f, invaginated process of 
ale directed forwards ; : 9, lobe of ala directed backwards ; h, coherent claws of earina; i, coherent 
lamine of ditto; kk, carinal pouches, which receive "Ne processes f; 1, column; m, superior free 
 Stamen; nn, entrances to the oney ; 0, stigma. (xX 7 

en tn 
, a ai S 
by ——f a 

carina for a shorter space in their basal half. Accordingly, of the 

gery many bees which I observed on flowers of M. falcata, I did not 
ee one sucking or collecting pollen on unexploded flowers without 
releasing the column, but I saw many Lepidoptera sucking without 
causing explosion. The flowers of J. sativa seem fitted rather for 
Seabsation by Lepidoptera, and those of MW. falcata rather for ferti- 
sation by bees. And my lists may lead us to conclude that the 
flowers of M. sativa offer special attractions for Lepidoptera, and 
N 2 


those of M. falcata, on the other hand, for bees; yet I am not able 
to account for this difference in attractiveness. 
Visitors, at Rehmberg, Thuringia, July, 1868 :— 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s., freq. ; (2) Bombus 
muscorum, F. $,s.; (3) Rhophites canus, Ev. ? 2, +. ; (4) Cilissa leporina, 
Pz. 2 ¢, s. and c.p.; (5) Andrena denticulata, K. 2, s.; (6) A. fulvicrus, 
K. 92, .8.; (7) Halictus quadricinctus, F. 9, cp. ; (8) Nomada Solidaginis; 
Pz. 9,8.; (9) N. varia, Pz. 9,8. ; (10) N. ferruginata, K. 9,s.; (11) Osmia 
aurulenta, Pz. 9, s. and «p., ab. B. Diptera—(a) Bombyliide: (12) Sys- 
teechus sulfureus, Mik., s.; (b) Syrphidw: (13) Helophilus trivittatus, F. 
©. Lepidoptera—(a) Ehopalocera: (14) Hesperia, s.; (15) Lyceena, s.; (0) 
Sphinges: (16) Sesia asiliformis, Rott., s.; (17) Zygeena carniolica, Esp., ab. ; 

(c) Noctue: (18) Euclidia glyphica,. L., s. Four additional visitors (ia ry 

doptera) are recorded in No. 590, II. 

95. MerpICcCAGO LUPULINA, L.—The flowers ‘of this species, 
whose upper stamens seem to possess very little elasticity, are — 
exceedingly minute but yet attract many diligent visitors. 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s., very freq. (It is 
characteristic of the honey-bee that it does not disdain even this flower’s tiny 
store of honey. The whole inflorescence is pulled down by the weight of the 
bee, which then sucks the flowers head downwards. It sucks a few flowers, at 
most four, on one inflorescence, and then flies away to another plant of the same _ 
species ) ; (2) Andrena convexiuscula, K..9,s.; (3) A. xanthura, K. 9,¢p.; — 
(4) Halictus flavipes, K. 9, c.p.; (5) Bombus agrorum, F.? §, s. B. 
Diptera—Conopide: (6) Myopa buccata, L., s.; (7) M. testacea, L., s. 
C, Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (8) Thecla rubi, L. 9, s. 

Darwin also saw MZ. lupulina visited abundantly by bees. He i 

found the plants very much less fertile when protected from insects 
by a net. 

96. MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS, Willd.—The mechanism of the flower — 
resembles that of 7'rifoliwm repens, with certain slight variations. 

The calyx is much shorter (only 2 mm. long) and at the same — 
time wider, thus admitting insects with shorter tongues to the 
honey, and also giving greater range of movement to the petals. 
The alz and carina can rotate much farther downwards, since their 
claws are not adherent to the staminal column as in 7. repens, 
Their return to their former place when relieved from pressure is — 
insured by two finger-like processes (/) which replace the pouches of 
1’. repens at the superior basal angle of the ale; they grasp the 
staminal column superiorly, and, when the carinz are drawn down, 
they separate slightly but still remain closely applied to the 


-staminal column ready to spring back and grasp it as firmly 
as before. The stigma projects further beyond the anthers 

Fic. 58.— Melilotus officinalis, Willd. 

1.—F lower, from the side. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of calyx and vexillum. 

3.—Ditto, from the side, after depression of the al and carina. 

a, anthers ; d, point of flexure of carina; e, depressions in the ale, whose inner surfaces are 
_ connected with the outer surfaces of the carinal petals by interdigitation of their cells ; J, digitate 
Seg of the superior basal angles of the ale ; g, column; hh, entrances to the honey; gr, style ; 
, stigma. 

than in J’. repens, so that self-fertilisation is rendered even 
more unlikely. 
Visitors : Hymenoptera—(a) Apid@: (1) Apis mellifiea, L. 9 very freq., 
| sand c.p. ; (2) Andrena dorsata, K. 9, s. and c.p.; (3) Heriades truncorum, 
| LQ, cp. ; (4) Colioxys quadridentata, L. ¢,s.; (5) Osmia sp.; (b) Sphegide : 
| (6) Ammophila sabulosa, L. g, s.; (¢) Tenthredinide: (7) Tenthredo sp., 
| vainly seeking honey. 
_ 97. MeLILotus vuLGaRis, Willd (7. alba, Thouill.).—This 
“Species is visited by the honey-bee, which I have found in 
undreds busy sucking honey and collecting pollen on the plant : 
also by Macropis latiata, Pz., and by Empis livida, L. 

_ 98. TRIFOLIUM REPENS, L.—The floral mechanism is here 
simpler than in Lotus, and is one of the simplest to be found 
among Papilionaces. Stamens and pistil are inclosed in the carina ; 
| when the latter is pressed down they protrude, but they return 
_ within it when the pressure is removed, and the pollen is thus 
i protected from the weather and from robbery. As in all other 
Papilionaceous flowers which contain honey, the honey is secreted 


by the bases of the cohering stamens, it surrounds the base of 
the ovary, and can only be reached through two apertures, one on 
either side of the base of the superior free stamen. An insect, 
to reach the honey, must thrust its head in beneath the vexillum, 
and must stand in doing this upon the two ale. In climbing 
on to the ale and thrusting its head below the vexillum, it forces 
up the latter and presses the ale and carina down; and the re- 
productive organs, protruding from the carina, are forced up against | 
the ventral surface of the insect. The organs all return to their | 

Fic. 59.—Trifolium repens, L. 

1.—F lower, from below. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of calyx and vexillum. 
3. —Inner view of right ala. 

ce’, pouched swelling. 

former place when the insect leaves the flower; and cross-fertili- 
sation takes place regularly, since the stigma projects slightly 
beyond the anthers and therefore comes first in contact with the 
ventral surface of the insect. 

In addition to these characters, which Trifoliwm repens — 
possesses in common with many other Papilionaceous flowers, the _ 
following are peculiar to itself: (1) the arrangements for excluding 
certain short-lipped insects; (2) the conditions of rotation of the 
alse and carina; (3) the provisions for bringing back the parts of — 
the flower to their former place when pressure is removed. 

(1) The calyx-tube, which surrounds the claws of the petals 
and limits the movements of the vexillum and ale, is only 3 mm, 


long; so that the less specialised bees, such as Andrena and 
 Halictus, are not shut out from the honey. 

q (2) The ale cohere with the carina at one point on each side 
(¢, 2, 8, Fig. 59), so that both rotate upwards and downwards 
together; this rotation is facilitated by the very thin and weak 
claws of the alz and carina, which adhere for the greater part of 
their length to the staminal tube, but are free anteriorly. Since 
_ the alz project considerably beyond the carina, they play the part 
| of a long lever-arm in this action. The long anterior end of the 
| yexillum has a similar action. 

(8) The return of the parts to their original position is brought 
- about chiefly by the vexillum and the alz, in addition to the part 
_ played by the calyx-tube. The strong, broad claw of the vexillum 
overlaps the other petals and the reproductive organs, being 
_ closely applied to them above and at the sides; by its elasticity it 
? returns forcibly to its own place after it has been moved, and forces 
the organs within into their place also; the anterior part of 
the taminal column is also kept in check by the ale, whose 
superior basal lobes are modified into two vesicles (v) which lie close 
; _ together upon the upper part of the column. 

_ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, very ab., s. 
_ and cp. ; (2) B. pratorum, L. 9%, s.; (8) Megachile Willughbiella, K. ¢; (4) 
 Halictus tarsatus, Schenck, ?, s. ; (5) H. maculatus, Sm. 9, ep. ; (6) Andrena 
| fulvicrus, K. 9,8. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (7) Volucella bombylans, L., 
| 8.3 (b) Conopide : (8) Myopa buccata, L., s.; (9) M. testacea, L.,s. C. Lepid- 
re ptera—Fhopalocera : (10) Pieris brassice, L., s. Of these visitors it is only 
the bees that act in the manner described and effect cross-fertilisation regularly ; 
| i s other visitors only do so occasionally. See also No. 590, I1., and No. 609. 

The Dutch Clover was one of the first Papilionaceous 
flowers in which the necessity of insect-visits for full productive- 
ness was demonstrated. Darwin found that when insects were 
xcluded by means of a fine net the plant was only one-tenth 
as productive as when insects were freely admitted (152). 

99. TRIFOLIUM FRAGIFERUM, L.—This species agrees generally 
‘in the characters of its flower with 7. repens ; but the flowers are 
‘much smaller, the calyx-tube is only 2 mm. long, and the ale are bent 
‘outwards. I have seen the hive-bee visiting its flowers abundantly. 
‘Though the hive-bee as a rule keeps very strictly to one species 
| of flower for a time, yet, where 7. fragiferum and T. repens grow 
_ together, it visits the flowers of both indiscriminately. 


100. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE, L.—The honey lies at the base of a 
tube, 9 to 10 mm. long, formed by cohesion of the nine inferior 
stamens with each other and with the claws of the petals; it is 
secreted by the bases of the stamens, and accumulates in the tube 
around the base of the ovary. But while in Trifolium repens, as in 
Lotus and most other Papilionacez, only two small openings, one on 
either side of the base of the superior stamen, give access to the 
honey, and compel the bee to thrust its proboscis down to them 
outside the staminal tube, in 7’. pratense the bee’s proboscis, after 
being thrust under the vexillum, passes at once into the staminal 

|! Hf ) ih ; 

Fic. 60.—Trifolium pratense, L. 

1.—F lower, from below. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of the vexillum. : 

3.—Anterior part of flower, twice as much magnified ; the edges of the carina have been forced 
apart. . 
4.—Right ala, from within. ‘ 

5.—Right half of the carina, from without. (The claws of 4 and 5 have been broken short off.) 

6.—The essential organs emerging from the depressed carina. 

a, calyx; b, tube formed by coalescence of the nine filaments with the claws of the vexillum, ale, 
and carina; c, vexillum ; d, concave part of the inner side of the ala; e, lower border of ala, bent 
outwards ; f, outward surface of ala; g, pouched swelling on the base of the ala; h, carina; i, style ; 
k, superior free stamen ; 1, stigma; m, anthers; n, point of union between ale and carina; 0, point 
of flexure of the carina; p, part of the upper border of the ala, bent outwards; q, downward 
extension of vexillum. 

tube, to which in this case the claws of the petals are adherent. 
The insect’s proboscis, passing down the tube in the middle line 
superiorly, would be impeded by the superior stamen which is 
inclosed in the tube if this retained its normal position ; but its two 
ends only are situated in the middle line, and the rest of the stamen 
lies wholly to one side. 

From the anterior end of the common tube come off the 



various organs as follows: (1) The broad base of the vexillum, 
which is continuous with the superior and lateral portions 
of the tube, and even with part of its inferior aspect by means 
of an expansion (¢) just at the base of the free limb. (2) The 
base of the carina, which is attached to the inferior part of the 
edge of the tube in the interval left by the vexillum: though 
not half so broad as the base of the vexillum, it is broad and strong 
- enough to return quickly to its place after being bent downwards. 
| (3) The two al, whose flexible claws spring from the common 
' tube; the lamina of each bulges out at its base (g) more 
distinctly than in 7’. repens, to cover over the top of the staminal 
- column and help to keep it and the petals in their proper relative 
_ positions. (4) The ‘staminal tube, which is split superiorly to 
admit the free tenth stamen, and which divides in the hollow of 
the carina into stiff filaments which curve upwards and are slightly 
thickened at their ends. | 
; In the midst of the stamens lies the style, curving upwards till 
_ its stigma slightly overtops the anthers. 
If now a bee inserts its proboscis beneath the vexillum, while 
_ it clings with its forelegs on to the ale (which are coherent with the 
carina) resting its middle and hind legs on a lower part of the 
inflorescence, the carina and ale are drawn downwards, and the 
stigmas and anthers are thrust up against the under side of the 
_ bee’s head; the stigma, standing highest, receives the pollen 
_ brought by the bee, and instantly afterwards the anthers dust the 
bee with fresh pollen. Cross-fertilisation is thus insured ; self- 
fertilisation may take place as the bee draws back its head, but is 
__ probably neutralised and superseded by the immediately preceding 
_ Inorder to reach the honey in this way, an insect must possess 
_ a proboscis at least 9 to 10 mm. long. The pollen is accessible to 
all insects which can press down the carina; and it is clear that 
_bees when collecting pollen on the flower rericrn cross-fertilisation 
as well as when sucking honey. The red clover, like most flowers 
_ whose honey lies more than 7 to 9 mm. deep, is liable to the attacks 
of Bombus terrestris and other insects which use the holes that B. 
)  terrestrishas made. The small flowers of clover become conspicuous 
__ byaggregation into heads, and contain very abundant honey. 

A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus silvarum, L. 2 (proboscis 14mm.) ! 
(2) B. ian abc L. $2 (10—14)! (3) B. Rajellus, Ill. § § agape 
_ (4) B. agrorum, F. § 2 (10-—15)! (5) B. senilis, Sm. Q (14—15)! (6) B 


confusus, Schenck, § 2 (12—14) ! (7) B. muscorum, F. 9 (13—14)! (8) B. 
fragrans, K. 9 (15)! (9) B. (Apathus) rupestris, F. 9 (14)! (10) B. vestalis, 
Foure. 9 (12) ! (11) B. campestris, Pz. Q (10—12) ! (12) B. Barbutellus, K.? 
(12) ! all s, some also c.p. ; (13) (Bombus terrestris, L. [7—9]), bites through 
the tube and so reaches the honey with some delay,—it has, however, the 
advantage of obtaining honey even from unexpanded flowers ; (14) (B. pratorum, 
L. % [8]), behaves in the same way) ; (15) Apis mellifica, L. § (6), usually 
visits the red clover only for its honey, which its proboscis is not able to reach 
in the legitimate manner,—yet I have now and then seen hundreds of honey- 
bees on a patch of red clover, all busy collecting pollen ; (16) Anthophora 
pilipes, F. 2 (19—20), s.! (17) Eucera longicornis, L. 9 ¢ (10), s.! (18) 
Cilissa leporina, Pz. 2 (33), c.p.! (19) Andrena xanthura, K. ? (3), ep. ! 
(20) A. Schrankella, Nyl. 2 (4); (21) A. fulvicrus, K. 2 (3%); (22) A. 
fasciata, Wesm. 2 ¢ (3—4),—all three sought in vain for honey, their collecting- 
hairs remained free from pollen ; (23) Colletes fodiens, K. 2 (24), ep. ! (24) 
Halictus flavipes, K. 2 (23), ¢.p.! (25) Anthidium manicatum, L. 9 ¢ (9—10), 
s.! (26) Megachile circumcincta, L. @ (11), s. and c.p.! (27) Osmia enea, 
L. 9 (9—10), s. and c.p.! (28) Diphysis serratule, Pz. 9 (7—8) cp.! B. 
Diptera—(a) Bombyliide: (29) (Systeechus sulfureus, Mikan [6—7]); (0) 
Syrphide : (30) (Volucella bombylans, L. [7—8]) ; (¢) Conopide : (31) (Sicus 
ferrugineus, L. [6—7]),—I have seen all these three flies thrusting their tongues 
beneath the vexillum, though their tongues are too short to reach the honey in 
the legitimate way). C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (32) Pieris brassice, 
L. (15); (83) P. rapze, L. ; (84) Vanessa urtice, L. (12) ; (85) Satyrus Megeera, L. ; 
(36) S. Janira, L. ; (37) Hesperia sylvanus, Esp. ; (38) H. thaumas, Hfn. ; (0) 
Noctue : (39) Plusia gamma, L., all s. 

Trifolium badium, Schreb.—The flower is in like manner 
adapted for Lepidoptera. On the Alps I found it visited by four 
Apide and eleven Lepidoptera (609). 

Trifolium alpestre, L.—The flower is similarly arranged, and was 
seen to be visited by two species of Apidze and nine Lepidopter 
(Weit. Beob. I1.). 

Kuhn describes cleistogamic flowers in Trifolium (399), and 
T. polymorphum is cleistogamic according to Darwin (Forms of 
Flowers, 2nd ed.). 

Trifolium alpinum, L., T. pallescens, Schreb., and 7’, nivale, Sieb. 

(7. pratense, L., var. nivale), are described in my Alpendblumen 
(No. 609). 

101. TRIFOLIUM ARVENSE, L.—The tube is hardly 2 mm. long. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—-(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. %; (2) 
Bombus Rajellus, Ill. 9 $, very freq. ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. $; (4) Cilissa 
leporina, Pz. 2 ; (5) Andrena xanthura, K. 9; (6) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 9 ; 
(7) H. quadricinctus, F, 2; (8) Colletes marginata, Sm. ¢; (9) Diphysis 
serratule, Pz, ¢; (10) Osmia ceementaria, Gerst. ¢ (Thur.) ; (11) Megachile 
maritima, K. ¢, all sucking only ; (b) Sphegide: (12) Psammophila affinis, 
K. 2,8. B. Lepidoptera—(13) Hesperia thaumas, Hufn., s. 




102. TriroLiIuM RUBENS, L. (Thuringia, Rehmberg near 

_ Mublberg).—This species shows certain adaptations for Lepi- 

doptera as well as for bees; I have found it visited by six species 

_ of Bombus and Anthophora, and by seven species of Lepidoptera. 

Visitors :—Apide ; (1) Apis mellifica, L. §,s. ; (2) Halictus albipes, F. 3, 

_s.; (3) H. cylindricus, F. 9, ¢.p. Lepidoptera: (4) Lyczna egon, s.v.s. 


Visitors: Apidw: (1) Andrena dorsata, K. 2, ¢.p. ; (2) Bombus agrorum, 
F. 9, sucking normally, Eleven additional visitors are recorded in No. 590, 11. 


Visitors: Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s.; (2) Halictus flavipes, 

_K, 9,8. Five additional visitors are recorded in No. 590, 11. 

106. TRIFOLIUM MONTANUM, L.—I have found this species 
visited in Low Germany by four Apidz, one Sphegide, and four 

iF Lepidoptera (590, I1.); on the Alps by eight Apide and eight 
_ Lepidoptera (609). Besides the adaptations to bees usual in 

Papilionacee, it shows an adaptation to cross-fertilisation by 

_ Lepidoptera, the closely folded vexillum bringing the insect’s 
proboscis in contact with the stigma and anthers. 


107. Lupinus LuTEus, L.—The flowers of Lupinus luteus, like 

_ those of Ononis spinosa, are devoid of honey and are provided 
_ with a piston apparatus; they present the following peculi- 
 arities:—The ale are coherent with one another at the an- 
__ terior border, and each possesses a lateral fold near its base, fitting 
_ into a depression in the carina. They surround the carina as in 

Lotus, but are flat instead of being strongly convex, and since the 

sides of the vexillum are bent backwards the flower is more con- 

" spicuous from the side than from the front. The division of labour 

which began to be marked in Ononis between the two whorls of 
stamens, one whorl producing the pollen, the other pressing it 
forwards, is much more complete in Lupinus (1, 2, Fig. 61). The 
anthers of the five outer stamens are much larger than those of 
the inner ; they dehisce within the bud, while the others are much 
shorter and very far from maturity (1, Fig. 61); and then after 

placing their pollen in the apex of the carina, they wither 


completely, and remain in the wide lower part of the carina ~ 
(2, Fig. 61). The five inner anthers now begin to grow rapidly, and 
squeeze the pollen in the point of the carina more by means of their 
anthers, which remain spherical, than by the thickened ends of 
their filaments; they thus do the work of a piston, except the 
superior stamen (1), which remains inferior to the others in length 
and thickness. | 

Fic. 61.—Lupinus luteus, L. 

1.—Essential organs, from a bud ; the outer anthers are dehiscing. 
2. Pic wre from a flower. 
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, the tive outer ; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, the five inner stamens; 2, stigma. 

The spherical stigma is surrounded at its base, like that of the 
Laburnum, by a ring of stiff erect hairs which prevent or limit the 
application of its own pollen. 

I have noticed only the following visitors :— 

Hymenoptera—A pide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. %, ab., c.p.; (2) Bombus 
lapidarius, L. §, scarce, c.p. ; (8) Megachile circumcincta, K. ?, ¢.p. 

The flower of Zupinus albus differs in certain points from the 
preceding species (cf. Delp. 178, pp. 46, 47). 

Lupinus, sp—Mr. Swale observed that in New Zealand cultivated 
varieties of Lupinus were unfertile unless he released the stamens 
with a pin. In England, according to Darwin, the Lupines are 
fertilised by humble-bees, not by hive-bees (152). 

108. GENISTA TINCTORIA, L.—In the young bud the ten stamens 
are distinctly seen to form two whorls (1, Fig. 62). The five 
anthers of the outer whorl (2, 4, 6,8, 10 in 1, Fig. 62), overtop 
those of the inner, and the four superior ones are the first to 


ripen. In the bud, they are already on the point of dehiscing, while 
those of the inner whorl have attained scarcely a quarter of their 
_ full size. The ten stamens, and the style, which projects far beyond 
_ them, are all inclosed by the carina, whose two petals cohere along 
_ both their upper and lower margins. As the four superior anthers 
of the outer whorl dehisce introrsely and then wither, their pollen 
remains lying above the style, which courses along the lower edge of 

Fie. 62.—Genista tinctoria, L. 

, —Essential ge from a young bud. 

- 2.—Position of the parts inclosed in the carina of a young (virgin) flower. 
i —Inner view of right ala. 

4.—Exploded flower. 

5.—Young (virgin) flower, from above, after removal of calyx and vexillum. 

6.—Ditto, after the carina has been cleft to near its apex by pressure, from above. 
7 —Young flower, from above, after removal of vexillum and ale. 

8.—Anterior half of a young flower, cleft so far that explosion must result; from above, twice 
as iach magnified 
; a, coluinn ; b, the four outer stamens, which remain short (2, 4, 8, 10, in Fig. 3 ce, the five 
inner stamens qa. 3, 5, 7, 9); d, the stamen of the outer whorl which remains below the s tyle; e, tip 
of style; f, stigma : 9; pollen ; h, lateral fold of carina into which a fold (h’) of the corresponding 
ala fits ; kl, non-coherent part "of the upper borders of the carinal petals; m, ala; n, carina, ends of 
f laments ; q empty, shrivelled anthers ; 7, pollen; s, stigma; ¢é, claws of ale. 

_ the carina, and it gets pushed forward into the apex of the still 
elongating carina by the inner stamens which quickly extend 
beyond the now empty outer stamens. The inferior stamen of 
the outer whorl (6 in 1, Fig. 62), which lies immediately below the 
‘Style, remains closed when the other four dehisce, and it grows to the 
ame length as the five inner stamens and dehisces with them. 


If it dehisced along with the other four stamens of its own 
whorl and then withered, its pollen would lie useless in the lower 
part of the carina, a little in front of its middle point, and would 
never be pressed forward ; but since it grows to the same length as 
the inner stamens and dehisces simultaneously with them, its 
pollen unites in great part with that of the two neighbouring 
stamens (5 and 7 in 1, Fig. 62), and is heaped with it above the 

The inner whorl of stamens and the inferior stamens of the 
outer whorl dehisce and wither a short time before the vexillum 
expands. The position which the organs occupy at this time 
within the carina may be easily seen by holding the carina up to 
the light, and is represented in 2, Fig. 62. 

The carina still forms a much compressed sheath, closely 
surrounding the style and the pollen of all the ten stamens which is 
heaped above it. It is kept horizontal by the action of two equal 
and opposite forces. The column of stamens with the contained 
style possesses a tension upwards, so that if it be freed from the 
surrounding petals it springs up close to the perpendicular vexillum. 
The claws of the ale and of the two petals which form the carina 
- possess a downward tension, and if the upward pressure of the style 
is removed, they suddenly bend downwards and place the ale and 
carina in a vertical position. The ale are kept in connection 
with the carina by means of a bulging protuberance at the base 
and near the upper border of each (h’, 3, 5, 6), which les in the 
angle between the upper border of the carina and another pro- 
tuberance directed outwards and upwards from each half of the 
carina near its base (h, 7). 

The opposite tensions balance one another so long as the upper 
borders of the carina cohere together (7, 5) and the pouched lobes of 
the alee (m, 5) meet one another above the staminal column. 

As soon, however, as an insect places its feet upon the alee and 
thrusts its head beneath the vexillum, the pouched lobes of the alv 
slip down below the staminal column (m, 6); at the same time the 
union between the upper borders of the carina is ruptured from 
behind forwards by the pressure of the essential organs in its posterior 
part, and as soon as the splitting reaches the tip of the style the 
two opposite forces are set free, and the staminal column springs 
upwards while the alz and carina spring downwards. If we hold 
the flower in one hand, and press down the tip of the carina with 
a needle or a pencil-point, we see clearly the split spreading 
forwards, and the pouched lobes of the ale separating, so that the 


flower passes from the young, closed state (Fig. 62, 5) to the half- 
opened state (Fig. 62, 6); if we press a little harder, the split 
passes forward beyond the tip of the style (Fig. 62, 8), and in the 
“same instant the column flies upwards to the vexillum, scattering 
-a cloud of pollen, and the alz and carina spring down into the 
vertical position. 

If an insect performs the above operation while standing on the 
alz and thrusting its head beneath the vexillum, the column is pre- 
vented from springing up to its full height; it cannot scatter a cloud 
of pollen into the air, but the ascending style forces its stigma and 
instantly afterwards the mass of pollen against the under side of 
_ the insect. If the insect has been dusted with pollen in a pre- 
¢ viously visited flower, cross-fertilisation is thus effected ; if not, the 
_ stigma is dusted with its own pollen as the insect creeps backwards 
: out of the flower. Whether self-fertilisation occurs in absence of 
insects is a point that has still to be settled by experiment. 
_ Specimens with young virgin flowers which I left standing in 
water for over fourteen days withered without either exploding 
or producing seed. 

Since the flowers contain no honey, and expend all their pollen in 
_asingle explosion, after which the staminal column and style are 
concealed by the vexillum which closes over them as in the bud, 
. peey.can only offer attractions for pollen-collecting insects, viz. : 
female bees busy with the care of their young ; and even these are 
only permitted a single visit. The flowers, however, are visited by 
very various insects, which fly away after a vain attempt to obtain 
pollen or honey, I observed the following visitors in sunny weather 
in July, 1869, on a stretch of land covered with G. tinctoria near 
- Brilon and Warstein :— 

+4 a Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Megachile circumcincta, K, ?, very ab., 
.; (2) M. centuncularis, L. 9, very ab., c.p.,—the males occasionally ek 
in Bin for honey ; (3) M. villosa, Behunok. 2, one specimen, c.p.; (4) M 
versicolor, £ Em. ?, freq. ; (5) M. Willughbiella, K. ¢; (6) Diphysis sentatalen, 
Pz. $; (7) Anthidium punctatum, Latr. ¢,—the last three come in vain 
arch for honey ; (8) Apis mellifica, L. §, ab., c.p. ; (9) Bombus terrestris, 
9 , scarce, ¢.p. ; (10) Colletes Davieseana, K. 2, .p. ; (11) Andrena albicrus, 
| K. ¢; (12) A. fulvescens, Sm. ¢,—both vainly seeking honey; (13) A 
of hae ¢ ; (14) A. fulvicrus, K. 2; (15) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. @ ; 
¢ 6) H. albipes, F. 9; the last four scarce, »c.p. (all, including the honey- 
seeking males, caused the flowers to explode, and effected cxbas feat Taal: (b) 
Vespide : (17) an bealyy trifasciatus, F. 9. B. Diptera—(a) Conopide : (18) 
) Sicus ferrugineus, L.; (19) Myopa testacea, L. ; (b) Syrphidw: (20) Chryso- 
_ toxum pbicinctum, LC. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera ; (21) Satyrus Megeera, 



L.—the last five obtained neither honey nor pollen, and did not cause the 
flowers to explode. D. Coleoptera—Chrysomelide: (22) Cryptocephalus 
sericeus, L. ; (23) Cr. vittatus, F.; (24) Cr. morei, L., feeding on the tissues of 
the flower. Four additional visitors are recorded in No. 590, II. . 

This list is of special interest, as it shows that flower-loving 
insects do not restrict themselves by hereditary instinct to those 
flowers which are most useful to them, but that they search widely 
for their food in flowers, and so very often seek in vain. 

Of the pollen-collecting bees, those with abdominal collecting- 
brushes have the easiest work, since the explosion of the flower 
forces the pollen directly on to the collecting-hairs ; they are also 
the most useful to the plant, as they fly from flower to flower with 
least loss of time. : 

109. GENISTA ANGLICA, L.—In this species the. opposed 
tensions of the column on the one hand and the ale and carina on 

Fic. 63.—Genista anglica, L. 

1,—Young (virgin) flower, from the side. 

2.—Ditto, from the front. 

83.—Inner view of right ala. 

4.—Exploded flower ; the style is less recurved than usuai. 
5.—Exploded flower from the left ; a more normal specimen than 4. 

the other are much less marked. When the flower explodes, the 
carina and alze move only a short way downwards, and the whole 
column does not bend upwards, but only the style, whose tip curves 
inwards also. The only visitors that I have noticed are bees with 
tibial and femoral collecting-baskets. But it would be premature 
to conclude, even in the case of G. tinctoria, that because its 
flowers are chiefly plundered and fertilised by bees with abdominal 
brushes, they have been specially adapted only for those bees. 

I had a most favourable opportunity of watching the actions 
of the hive-bee on flowers of G. anglica one sunny morning, 
May 3, 1871. It was the first sunshine after long-continued rain, 


--and so all the flowers were still unfertilised. The bees flew 
humming from one flower to another, clung by their legs to the 
alee, and thrust their heads with outstretched proboscis beneath 
the vexillum while the abdomen hung down. While the head 
and its proboscis were thus placed just as if they were sucking 
honey from the base of the flower, the midlegs were in active 
movement, scraping pollen into the baskets on the hindlegs. On 
May 14, 1871, I again watched the hive-bee at work, when most 
_of the flowers had now exploded. A single bee flew on to ten or 
twenty plants, whose flowers had all been fertilised, without 
stopping on any flower. At last it found a young unfertilised 
flower, on which it eagerly descended. This long search and 
occasional descent upon young unfertilised flowers was frequently 
_ repeated ; but sometimes I saw a bee, after seeking in vain for 
_ young flowers, settle on an old exploded one, and insert its pro- 
boscis as if the flower contained honey. Sometimes also I saw a 
hive-bee visit a young flower without causing it to explode. 

Besides the hive-bee, I have only seen Andrena fulvicrus, 
_ K. ?, A. nigro-aénea, K. 2, and Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, collecting 

_ pollen on this plant, all very frequently. 

110. Genista pILosa, L.—The mechanism of this flower is like 
that of G. anglica. It has been thoroughly described by Delpino, 
_ who found the plant sterile to its own pollen (178, 360). I have 
only seen the honey-bee collecting pollen on it. 

- 111. Cytisus Lasurnum, L.—In the flowers of Cytisus La- 
} burnum, as in those of Melilotus and Trifolium, the reproductive 
organs simply emerge from the carina and return within it. The 
connection of the ale with the carina is not a firm one, being 
formed simply by a shallow bulging depression in each ala (e, 1) 
which fits into a corresponding depression on the side of the 
carina ; yet this is quite sufficient, as a slight pressure suffices to 
epress the ale and carina. The elasticity of the carina is small ; 
| it is sufficient to bring the carina back to its original place after 
repeated slight depressions, but not sufficient if the carina be 
| pressed far down. Accordingly, after repeated visits of humble- 
| bees the essential organs protrude freely from the slit. 
| The flowers are characterised by a peculiar kind of proteran- 
 drous dichogamy. Immediately before the bud expands, the stigma 
} lies in the apex of the carina surrounded by transparent, stiff, erect 
| ib hairs ; these overtop the stigma, and in the young flower they 


bend over its papillar surface, protecting it from immediate con- 
tact with the insect-visitor. Gradually these hairs wither, so that 
in older flowers the stigmatic papillz are freely exposed (5, Fig. 64), 
and at the same time the style bends more and more inwards, so 
that the stigma protrudes farther and farther from the carina. 
_Cross-fertilisation is thus insured and self-fertilisation prevented 
in case of insect-visits, while spontaneous self-fertilisation is also 
prevented in absence of insects. 

The most remarkable peculiarity in the flowers of the La- 
burnum is that, like those of Orchis mascula, O. morio, &c., they 
only supply nectar inclosed in cellular tissue. The ordinary . 
secretion of honey and the ordinary means of access to the honey — 

Fic. 64.—Cytisus Laburnum, L. 

1,—Basal part of an old flower, seen from above, after removal of calyx and vexillum. 

2, 8, 4.Stigmas of younger flowers. 

5.—Stigma of an old flower. 

aa, cut base of calyx; b, point of insertion of vexillum ; ¢, fleshy eminence, anterior to insertion — 
of vexillum, which is probably probed by insects ; d, claw of ala; e, shallow pouched depression of 
saps which fits into a corresponding depression on the upper surface of the carina; f, carina; 
g, its cleft. 

are here wanting, and the stamens are monadelphous; but in~ 
front of the point of attachment of the vexillum is a thick, fleshy 
swelling, so rich in honey that if a fine glass tube be inserted in it 
a column of clear fluid ascends the tube. The vexillum is marked 
with dark lines pointing towards the base of the flower, which can 
only be interpreted as pathfinders, and an insect’s proboscis inserted 
beneath the vexillum comes without fail to the nectary. I have 
seen both bees and butterflies inserting their tongues into numerous - 
flowers in succession, spending some time on each; the bees had 
their pollen-baskets empty, and were therefore not engaged in 
collecting pollen, It seems therefore impossible to doubt that the 
swelling at the base of the vexillum is actually pierced by bees 
and butterflies for the sake of its secretion. ; 


) A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. 9 $, sometimes s., 
- sometimes c.p.; (2) B. terrestris, L. 9, s.; (3) Andrena atriceps, K. 2 ¢,s.; 
(4) A. albicans, K. 2, c¢.p.; (5) A. xanthura, K. 2, c.p.; (6) Apis mellifica, 
L. $,¢p., very ab. B. Lepidoptera—Noctue: (7) Plusia gamma, L., s., freq: 
©. Coleoptera—Nitidulide: (8) Meligethes, creeping about within the 
- flowers. 

Cytisus sagittalis, Koch, is visited by bees only ; I have noted 
- eight different species upon its flowers (590, I1.). 

In Cytisus canariensis, L., and C. albus, Link., according to 
Hildebrand, the carina bends down slightly under pressure, and 
the anthers and style first move slightly downwards with it, and 
then spring upwards so that the pollen flies out and part of 
it is applied without fail to the stigma (No. 346). It is, however, 
hardly conceivable that such an action effected by insects should 
lead only to self-fertilisation. 

_ 112. Cytisus (SAROTHAMNUS) scopARIUS, Koch.—The flowers, 
_ like those of our species of Genista, are explosive and devoid of honey. 
| Darwin noticed that the flowers do not explode spontaneously, and 
_ scarcely set a single capsule if protected from insects; but that 
when an insect visits the flower, first the short stamens explode, dust- 
ing it with pollen below, then the longer stamens, dusting it above, 
and that finally the pollen applied to the under side of the insect 
_ by the shorter stamens fertilises those stigmas which are not 
_ covered with pollen at the moment of explosion. 

__ I have observed the way in which insects operate on the flower 
most closely in the case of the hive-bee. The bee, on alighting, 
_ grasps the alz with its mid and hindlegs, thrusting its forelegs and 
_ head below the middle of the vexillum. The ale and with them 
‘the carina are thus pressed forcibly down, and the united upper 
+3 “margins of the carina split asunder from behind forwards. [The 
alze are connected with the carina by means of a fold ( jf; 4b) which 
Biches j in the angle between the upper edge of the carina and the 
“sharp pouched protuberance at its side (7; 4, 4c, 6)]. As soon as 
I ithe split has extended midway, the five shorter stamens spring out ; 
_ they had dehisced in the bud, pressing their pollen against the 
closed upper edge of the carina (5, Fig. 65), and now they force 
} ip of their pollen against the under side of the bee. The shock 
- not enough to drive the bee away; at most it pauses for a 
‘moment, and then resumes work with increased diligence. The 
we ‘split now quickly extends further, and it has scarcely reached the 

place where the tip of the style lies than a second and much 
| E ; 0 2 



more violent explosion occurs. The style lies until this second 
explosion, along the lower part of the carina, and its flattened 
terminal part lies in the apex of the carina above the longer 
anthers which have long since dehisced; when freed from 
restraint it curls inwards, forming more than a complete spiral 
turn (7, Fig. 65). As soon as the split extends to the point where 

Fic, 65.—Sarothamnus scoparius, Koch. 

1.—Young (virgin) flower, from the side. 

2.—Ditto ; the vexillum is rather more erect, and shows the pathfinder. 

3.—Ditto, after removal of the vexillum, from above. 

4.—Ditto, after removal of the ale also. 
- 4b.—Left ala, from the inside, showing the concavity /, which rests upon the convexity f’ of the — 

4c.—The convex swelling of the carina, viewed from the front. 

5.—Position of the essential organs in the young flower. 

6 ee after explosion of the short stamens, from the side; the vexillum and ale have been 

7.—Position of the parts after complete explosion. 

8.—Staminal tube, slit open immediately to the right of the superior median stamen (1). 

9.—End of the style, from within. : 

pl, flattened portion which expels the pollen; n, stigma. 

the end of the style lies, the style springs up, striking the back of 
the bee with its stigmatic tip; almost in the same instant, the 
greater part of the pollen carried away by the expanded end of 
the style is shed upon the bee’s back, and at the same time the 
long stamens, to which some pollen still adheres, curl inwards and 
issue from the flower. When, as often happens, the bee is so held 
that the stigma cannot slip off at the side but remains pressed 


against its back, it stays for some seconds motionless as though 
stunned, and then turns round, freeing .itself from the style, 
and begins to gather pollen upon the anthers with its mouth 
and legs. 

The behaviour of humble-bees is on the whole similar to that 
of the hive-bee. But while the hive-bee is only strong enough 
_ to cause the flower to explode, often causing only the shorter 
stamens to escape, humble-bees are able easily to force open any 
_ flower in which the vexillum has become erect; and they may be 
seen not unfrequently to break open, though with considerable 
effort, flowers in which the alz are still inclosed by the vexillum, 

Cross-fertilisation is insured, since the stigma is always mature 

in flowers capable of exploding, and since the bee’s back is always 
touched by the stigma an instant before the fresh pollen is applied 
- to it. And even the flower to which the bee pays its first 
_ visit, and whose stigma is not pollinated in the first instance, has 
a fair chance of being fertilised subsequently, as the style curls 
round so far as to bring the stigma again uppermost. A second 
visitor can therefore easily apply pollen to it from the same or from 
another flower, and the flower is certain to be again visited. I 
have only occasionally seen hive-bees and humble-bees visit 
exploded flowers, but the pollen that they leave is gleaned by the 
"smaller bees, flies, and beetles, which are not strong enough to 

force open the young flowers. I have found females of Andrena 
_fulvicrus, K., Halictus zonulus, Sm., and Osmia fusca, Chr., busily 
collecting pollen on exploded flowers; Rhingia rostrata and the 
beetles Meligethes and Anthobium are often to be seen feeding on 
these remnants of pollen. There is no doubt that many flowers 
of Sarothamnus, which have been exploded by bees not yet dusted 
_ with pollen, are fertilised by such supplementary visitors. The 
shorter stamens which apply their pollen to the under sides of bees 
or of Rhingia, and the position of the stigma after explosion when 

it also is liable to come in contact with the under surfaces of 
insects, stand in close relation with this supplementary process of 
In the Broom as in Laburnum, the vexillum is marked in its 
| lower part by dark lines coursing towards the base of the flower. 
If the flower contained honey, these lines could only be explained 
as pathfinders, but here the’ flowers have neither any free honey 
/ nor a nectariferous swelling such as exists in and round the in- 
 sertion of the vexillum in Laburnum. In this case the dark lines 
_ may either be a useless inheritance from ancestors whose flowers 


contained honey, or else they may be of use to the plant by leading 
bees which visit it for the first time to expect honey and accord- 
ingly to perform the actions necessary for exploding the flower. 
When the explosion occurs, the bee finds its hopes of honey gone, 
but its labour is repaid by such an abundant store of pollen that 
it proceeds to visit other flowers merely to collect pollen. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $! very ab. ; 
(2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 2 ! (3) B. terrestris, L. 9 ! both ab. ; (4) B. agrorum, 
F, 9! (5) B. hortorum, L. ¢! (6) Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9; (7) Halictus 
zonulus, Sm. 9; (8) Osmia fusca, Christ. 9, all c.p. (those marked (!) forced 
the flowers open). B. Diptera—Syrphide: (9) Rhingia rostrata, L., fp., ab. 
C. Coleoptera—(a) Staphylinide : (10) Anthobium, f.p. ; (0) Nitidulide : (11) 
Meligethes, f.p. 

Ulex ewropeus, L., has eine flowers, which, according to 
Dr. Ogle’s description, agree Sa with those of Genzsta 
tinctoria (633). 

Amorpha fruticosa, L., and A. canescens, .N utt.—The carina and 
alze are abortive ; the stanions and style are exserted. The small 
flowers, devoid or a platform for insects, are arranged in a spike, on 
which bees can easily creep from flower to flower. The flowers are 
proterogynous, with persistent stigmas. They are cross-fertilised, 
according to Beal, by bees and wasps, which work upwards 
beginning at the bottom of the spike (41, 178, 590, I1.). 

_ Indigofera—According to Hildebrand’s figures and descrip- 
tion (346), the flowers are so far explosive that the carina and 
alze flap downwards, while the reproductive organs remain erect ; 
self-fertilisation takes place as the flower withers. Henslow (323) 
described the flowers of J. speciosa with reference to Hildebrand’s 
description, and maintained justly that their structure was only 
intelligible on the supposition that it led to cross-fertilisation. 

I, macrostachya, Vent., was seen by Delpino to be visited by 
Bombus Italicus (178). 

113. CorontILLA Emerus, L.—Delpino has thoroughly described 
in the case of this flower the piston-apparatus which we have 
studied in Lotus corniculatus. As visitors he observed Bombus, 
Anthophora pilipes, Eucera longicornis, and Xylocopa violacea. 

114, CORONILLA VARIA, L., resembles Lotus corniculatus in 
regard to its piston-apparatus, but the flower contains no honey; 
it is nevertheless diadelphous (178, p. 45). In Thuringia I have 
seen it visited abundantly by hive-bees. 

Mr. T. H. Farrer discovered that honey occurs on the fleshy 

OEE ts ll la ly Sag gaa 


outer surface of the calyx. He found that bees obtained this 
honey in the following manner: they alighted on the flowers in 
the usual way, and inserted their tongues as usual beneath the 
vexillum; then, however, the proboscis came through the wide 
interspace which is left between the unusually narrow claws of the 
petals, and so reached the outer side of the calyx. The same holds 
— good of Coronilla montana, Scop, C. glauca, L., and C. minima, L. 
(244). 3 

Fia. 66.-- Hippocrepis comosa, L. 

_A.—Flower, from the side (x 4). 

B.—Ditto, from the front. 

C.—Ditto, after removal of the vexillum and the upper part of the calyx, from above (x 7). 

C'.—Part of the claw of the vexillum, from below. 

C2.—Ditto, from the side ; vp, process which closes the entrance to the honey. 

D.—The same flower (C), after removal of the ale also. 

E.—JInner view of right ala. 

¥.—Carina, from the side. - 

G.—Ditto, in section, more magnified. ; 

‘a, anthers; ca, calyx; e, pouched depression in the ala, fitting into the corresponding depres- 
sion e’ in the carina; ex, terminal orifice of carina; f, vexillum ; f’, its claw; fa, fold of ala which 
_ fits into the corresponding fold fa’ of the carina; fi, filament; fl, ala; fl’, claw of ala; o, superior 
_ free stamen ; ov, ovary ; po, pollen; s, carina; st, stigma; v, coherent filaments, 

| 115. Hippocrepis comosa, L.—This flower resembles that of 
Lotus in the way in which the pollen is pumped out (178, 360), 
_ but it is characterised by the peculiar way in which the honey is 
_ concealed. 

. The claw of the vexillum is so narrow and so much curved (A) 
_ that one can see between it and the stamens. On the under side 


of its base it bears a flattened triangular process (vp. C! C?) which 
fits exactly over the nectaries (1) and closes them with considerable 
firmness. <A bee visiting the flower can only obtain the honey by 
using the vexillum as a long lever to raise up this lid; and to do 
this it must insert its head beneath the vexillum, and consequently 
effect cross-fertilisation. . 

On the Alps I observed various bees cross-fertilising the plant, 
and also numerous Lepidoptera which visited the flowers but only 
effected cross-fertilisation occasionally (609). 

Fic. 67.—Onobrychis sativa, Lam, 

1.—Flower, from below (x 8), 

2.—Ditto, after removal of the vexillum and the upper half of the calyx, from above. 

3.—Essential organs, from the side (x 7). 

a, calyx; b, carina; c, ala; d, vexillum, pale red with darker lines (pathjinders) ; e, claw of ala ; 
f. coherent filaments ; g, free stamen; h, entrance to honey; i, cleft of carina, through which the 
anthers and stigma emerge. 

116. ONOBRYCHIS SATIVA, Lam.—The flower has the same 
simple structure as we have studied in the case of Melilotus and 
Trifolium : when the carina is depressed, the stigma and the anthers 
(which dehisced in the bud) emerge, and when the pressure is 
removed the carina springs up and again incloses these organs. 
The arrangement in this case is still simpler than in the two 
above-named genera, since the carina performs by itself the fune- 
tions which the alee formerly shared with it; for the ale are very 
much reduced, only covering the claw of the carina, and serving 
to prevent or to render difficult the removal of honey at either 


side. The carina alone forms the platform for insects to alight ve 
i and the lever by which its own downward rotation is effected: 
H own elasticity brings it back to its former position on removal ie 
the pressure. 
Cross-fertilisation is insured, in case of insect-visits, by the 
prominence of the stigma, which must touch the under surface 
of an alighting insect in advance of the anthers. In absence of 
insects, self-fertilisation cannot occur, especially as the style con- 
tinually grows, so that in older flowers it protrudes for a distance 
of 1 to 14 mm. beyond the carina. The brightly coloured flowers, 
‘massed in racemes, attract numerous insects. The calyx-tube is 
only 2 to 3 mm. long; the broad vexillum ascends at a very small 
angle from the horizontal, and is the better fitted to serve as a 
fulerum against which the bee may place its head while thrusting 
down the carina with its legs. Both honey and pollen are thus 
rendered accessible to short-lipped bees. In sunny weather the 
flowers are the resort of so many insects that they can well 
afford to dispense with the power of self-fertilisation. 

~ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9 (6), s. and 

 ©.p. ; so abundant as to make nine-tenths of all the visitors ; (2) Bombus senilis, 
| Sm. 2 (14—15) ; (8) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14) ; (4) B. agrorum, F. 9 (12— 
15) ; (5).B. confusus, Schenck, 2 (12—14) ; (6) B. terrestris, L. 2 (7—9) ; (7) 
_ B. muscorum, F. 9 § (10—14) ; (8) B. pratorum, L. 9 § (8—11}); (9) B 
Scrimshiranus, K. §:—all sometimes suck honey, sometimes collect pollen ; 
~ (10) B. (Apathus) rupestris, F. 9 (12—14), s.; (11) B. campestris, Pz. @ 
~ (10—12), s. ; (12) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢ 9 (10—12), s. and cp. ; (13) An- 

drena labialis, K. 9 ¢, s. and e.p.; (14) A. nigroswnea, K. ¢ (3); (15) 
_ Halictus albipes, F. 2 (3), s. and cp. ; (16) H. flavipes, F. 2, s. and c.p. ; (17) 
H. lugubris, K. 9; (18) Megachile circumcincta, K. 9, s. and e.p.; (19) 
Osmia aurulenta, Pz. 9 (8—9), s. and ce (Thur.) ; (20) O. spinulosa, K. 9 
(Thur.) ; (21) Chalicodoma muraria, F. 2 (10), s. and ep. (Thur.) ; (22) 
Ceelioxys conoidea, Ill. 9,8. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (23) Volucella plumata ; 
mi—8). ©. Lepidoptera—i(a) Rhopalocera: (24) Pieris napi, L., s.; (25) 
yeeena sp. ; (b) Sphinges : (26) Zygeena carniolica, Scop. (Thur.) ; (¢) Noctue : 
_ (27) Euclidia glyphica, L.; (28) Plusia gamma,:L., ab.,—all sucking, but 
apparently not effecting fertilisation. See also No. 590, 1 


Stylosanthes, Swartz, Arachis, L., Heterocarpea, Phil., Lesperdeza, 
Rich., and Chapmannia, Torr. nid’ Gr., have cleistogamic Howers 
} -ac Biding to Kuhn. 

_ £rrum lens, L., is visited by the honey-bee and by Lepidoptera 
(590, 11.). 

Vicia hirsuta; Koch, is remarkable for the great simplification 
of the whole mechanism of the flower, in relation to its great 
_ reduction in size (590, II). 


117. Victa Cracca, L.—The Vetches afford an instance of how 
much caution is needed before drawing conclusions for a whole 
genus from a single species. Delpino describes a brush of hairs 
upon the style as a character of the genus Vicia, without mention- 
ing what species he observed it in (178); but his description 
applies only vaguely to V. sepium, and not at all to V. Cracca, In 
other peculiarities of structure the Vetches which I have examined 
show remarkable diversity. | 

In V. Cracca the style is very short (about 13 mm. long), and 
for some distance below the stigma it is covered with long, slanting - 
hairs (5, Fig. 68). Though the hairs are longer and closer on the 
outer side than on the inner, they form a cylindrical brush rather 

Fic. 68.—Vicia Cracea, L. 

1.—Flower, from the side (x 3). 

2.—Ditto, after removal of calyx and vexillum, from above, a little more magnified. 

8.—Ditto, after removal of the ale also. 

4.—Inner view of left ala. 

5.—Style, highly magnified. . 

a, b, anterior and posterior infoldings of the superior border of the ala; a’, b’,.corresponding de- — 
pressions in the carina; ¢, process, a lobe of the superior border of the ala, directed backwards — 
and inwards; d, claw of ala; e, claw of carina; jf, swollen point of the carina, containing. the 
pollen ; g, superior basal lobes of carina; h, honey; p, brush; 0, orifice for exit of style; st, stigma. 

than a basket (cestella) as Delpino describes them. The anthers, 
which lie close round the brush of hairs, dehisce and shed their 
pollen upon the hairs when the flower has scarcely attained half 
its full size; and the stigma, which is overtopped all round but 
especially on the outer side by hairs, is also covered with pollen, 
The brush of hairs, thus covered above and all round with pollen, lies 
in a pouch of the flattened tip of the carina (f, 2, 3), and emerges 
when the carina is depressed from the narrow slit at its tip. | 

As in other Papilionaces, the carina is depressed by means of the 
ale, which are firmly connected with it and which serve as long 
levers on which the insect alights. | 

Kach ala is connected at two points with the margin of the 


carina. In the middle of its upper border, each ala has a small but 
deep fold (a, 2, 4), which fits into a concavity in the upper surface 
_ of the carina (a’, 3) immediately behind the swelling which contains 
F the pollen. Close behind this the side of each ala bulges inwards, 
_ forming a depression, much broader and not less deep, which unites 
‘so firmly with a broad but shallow concavity in the upper surface of 
the carina ()’, 3) that it requires the greatest care to separate the 
two without tearing. This intimate union is due to the fact that 
the epidermis of the two petals over part of the surfaces of contact 
is composed of large hexagonal cells (,'; to ;4y mm. in diameter) of 
which those on the one petal are strongly convex, and fit into cor- 
responding concavities in the cells on the other. Thesame kind of 
_ union thus connects individual cells as on a larger scale connects the 
two petals. 

The ale and carina return after each depression to their former 
_ place. This is due: (1) to their own elasticity ; (2) to the processes 
 (¢, 2, 4) which pass backwards and inwards from the superior basal 
angles of the ale to lie upon the staminal column ; (3) to the two 
superior basal lobes of the carina (g, g, 2, 3), which embrace the 
 staminal column, and leave only a narrow slit between them in the 
middle line; (4) to the broad base of the vexillum, which curves 
round on each side so as to embrace completely the claws of the 
ale and carina, while it in turn is embraced and held firmly in 
position by the calyx. By these four conditions all the parts of the 
flower are caused to return accurately to their former places after 
each insect-visit. The flowers therefore preserve the same appear- 
ance, and are visited repeatedly by insects, so that their pollen is 
zarried away bit by bit, and the stigma at length rubbing on the 
} ‘under side of the insect becomes -vincid (cf. Lathyrus pratensis) 
and covered with pollen brought from other flowers. 
Though the parts of the flower close up firmly, their small size 
akes it easy for most bees to reach the honey. The abundance of 
honey and the aggregation of the flowers in handsome racemes 
lead to plentiful insect-visits. 

| A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. 8 , exceedingly abundant. 
(It passes up the racemes, sucking for two to three seconds on each flower. When 
| collecting pollen, it thrusts its head farther into the flower to depress the 
' carina as much as possible ; it takes at least six to eight seconds to brush off 
the pollen) ; (2) Bombus agrorum, F. 9 &; (8) B. Berne L. $; (4) B 
R ajellus, Ill. §; (5) B. Scrimshiranus, K. ¢ 2 %; (6) B. (Apathus) vestalis, 
Foure. ¢; (7) Eucera longicornis, L. ? ) al only sucking: Various species 
vith abdominal collecting-brushes, viz.: (8) Megachile versicolor, Sm. 9; (9) | 
y circumeincta, K. 9, ab. ; (10) M. aiimaet. K .%;(11) M. Willughbiella, 


K. 92; (12) Diphysis serratule, Pz. 9; (13) Osmia adunca, Latr. 9, both s. 
and ¢.p. ; also the males of 9, 12, 13, sucking ; (b) Vespidew: (14) Odynerus 
simplex, F. 9. B. Diptera—Hmpide : (15) Empis livida, L., ab., s. (It stands 
upon a neighbouring flower, and inserts its tongue beneath the vexillum without — 
effecting fertilisation). C. Lepidoptera—(16) Pieris rape, L., s., without 
effecting fertilisation. See also No. 590, 11., and No. 609. 

118. Victa sEPruM, L.—The style is 23 mm. long; close beneath 
the oval stigma it bears on the outer and inner sides two brushes, 
quite separate from each other, each about 1 mm.long. The brush 

Fic. 69.— Vicia sepium, L. 

1.—Flower, from the front. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of the calyx and yexillum. 
3.—Ditto, after removal of the alz also. 

4.—Ditto, from the side, 

5.—Style, with brush and stigma, from the side, 

6.—Brush and stigma, from above. 

7.—Essential organs of a bud, - 

(Letters as in Fig. 68.) 

on the inner side, which must go in advance when the style emerges 
from the carina, is formed of a single row of stiff hairs, slanting 
upwards in the middle line. The brush on the outside consists of 
a single row of hairs at its lower end only, and farther upwards it 
broadens out until immediately below the stigma it more than half 
surrounds the style; its hairs, which in the lower part are stiff and 
slanting upwards, diverge more and more, until close beneath the — 
stigma the truncated end of the brush forms a shallow saucer- 
shaped hollow (p, 5,6). In the bud the two brushes lie, surrounded 
by all the anthers (p, 7), im an expanded part of the apex of the 
carina (f, 3, 4). The anthers dehisce when the petals are nearly 


full-grown, and surround the brushes with pollen; they themselves 
are withdrawn from the expanded part of the carina by contraction 
Bot the filaments. As soon as this has taken place, the blade of the 
 vexillum, which is adorned with dark lines, becomes erect, and its 
sides bend backwards ; the ale arch outwards, forming a convenient 
platform for bees, and the flower, which had begun to secrete honey 
abundantly in the later stages of the bud, is now in every respect 
ready for its visitors. 
Though the mechanism of the flower resembles that of V. 
Cracca except in regard to the brushes on the style, its larger size 
and some apparently slight differences in structure, cause a great 
_ difference in the number of visitors, and exclude flies and Lepid- 
_ optera, which in V. Cracea suck the honey without benefiting 
_ the flower. 
- The following conditions produce this result :— 
(1) The flowers are not only considerably larger, but the petals 
_ are notably thicker and stronger, so that much more force is needed 
to push apart the vexillum and alz than in V. Craceca. 
(2) The calyx-tube surrounds the claws of the petals for a 
greater distance, 
| (3) In V. Cracca as well as in V. sepiwm the entrance between 
yexillum and alz is firmly closed by two grooves on the upper 
surface of the vexillum where the claw joins the blade, which 
project on the lower surface as two ridges fitting tightly to the ale. 
n V. Cracca these are thin-walled, and even an Hmpis can insert 
its proboscis beneath the vexillum; but in V. sepium they are much 
thickened. ; ‘ 
(4) The ale in V. sepium form a relatively much shorter lever 
for depressing the carina than in V. Cracca. 
_ Owing to all these circumstances, it is only the most powerful 
bees, viz., Bombus and Anthophora, which can possess themselves of 
the honey in a legitimate way. 
_ Thisis an advantage, in so far as it completely excludes flies and 
Lepidoptera, which in V. Cracca often steal the honey without being 
of any use to the plant ; but it brings with it a disadvantage which 
probably quite neutralises the advantage. For Bombus terrestris, 
finding it difficult to reach the honey legitimately, regularly bites a 
hole in the side of the flower through calyx and corolla, and so 
inserts its proboscis. In many cases it is hard to find a flower 
| which has not been robbed in this manner, and often even unopened 
| buds are robbed. The difficulty of depressing the carina so far as 
} is needful in collecting pollen, prevents those bees which suck 


Re = a een a ee ae ee et te i A arom gaia ae A eee sme RE 


honey legitimately on V. sepiwm from collecting pollen also on its 
flowers, and thus diminishes the number of their visits. 

The stigma of V. sepiwm resembles that of Lathyrus pratensis 
in the way in which, when it is rubbed on a piece of glass, first its 
own pollen is rubbed off, and then its papillz are injured and exude 
a sticky fluid. 

The visitors are all bees, viz. :—(1) Bombus agrorum, F. 9 § ; (2) B. Rajellus, 
Ill. 2; (8) B. lapidarius, L. 9 $; (4) B. silvarum, L. 9; (5) Anthophora 
pilipes, F. 9 ¢,—-all sucking normally ; (6) Bombus terrestris, L. ?, biting a 
hole and stealing the honey ; (7) Osmia rufa, L. 9 ; (8) Apis mellifica,. L..% ,— 
both make use of the holes made by B. terrestris. Both species have tongues 
long enough (Osmia rufa 8 mm., Apis 6 mm.), but are not strong enough to 
reach the honey in the legitimate way. See also No. 590, IL. 

Vicia angustifolia, Roth.—The brushes on the style are similar 
to those in V. sepium. The visitors are humble-bees, Saropoda, 
and Lepidoptera (590, II.). 

119. Victa Faba, L.—The brushes on the style are similar to 
those of V. sepium. In spite of the much greater size of the flower, 
both its honey and pollen are more accessible than those of V. sepiwm, 
though to reach the honey a longer proboscis is needed. The vexil- 
lum and alee fit much less firmly together, and the carina is much 
more easily depressed. The thickened processes which in V. sepiwm 
project from the under side of the vexillum are here wanting; the claw 
of the vexillum (13 to 16 mm. long) is only loosely embraced by the — 
calyx-tube, and for a distance of only 6 to 7 mm. above, and 8 to 10 
mm. below. The vexillum is therefore easily pushed upwards, and 
those humble-bees which have a proboscis long enough to reach 
the honey in V. Faba, can do so more easily in that flower than in 
V. septum. The two depressions by which the ale and carina are 
united in V. Cracca and V. sepium occur also in the Bean, but in the 
latter the interlocking of the individual cells is less marked than in 
the others, so that the alee and carina may be easily separated with- 
out tearing. The two posterior processes of the alee, whose use is to 
keep the al and carina in their proper place in relation to the 
staminal column, are here much reduced and easily slip down from 
the upper surface of the carina. The ale and carina are easily — 
depressed, all the more that the ale project far beyond the carina, 
forming a powerful lever acted on by the weight of the bee. Thus 
to reach the honey is here a matter of little difficulty, and is 
possible even for the smaller bees. | 


Owing to the small elasticity of the ale and carina in the bean- 
| flower, they fail to return to their former place if they are 
thrust far down, but leave the end of the style with its stigma and 
i brushes and even the empty anthers exposed. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus hortorum, L. Q (21) ; 
(2) B. senilis, Sm. 9 (14—15) ; (3) B. confusus, Schenck, ? (14) ; (4) B. lapi- 
darius, L. 2 (12—14) ; (5) B. silvarum, L. 2? (14),—all sucking in the normal 
way, ab.; (6) B. terrestris, L. 9 (7—9), sucking honey through holes bitten 
the tube ; (7) Apis mellifica, L. 9 (6), sometimes c.p., sometimes sucking 
through the holes bitten by B. terrestris ; in the former case it effects cross- 
fertilisation as well as those bees which suck in the normal manner ; (8) An- 
drena convexiuscula, K. 9, c.p. ; (9) A. labialis, K. ¢, seeking in vain for honey ; 
(10) Osmia rufa, L. 9, sucking normally,—it creeps so far into the flower that 
its whole head is hidden under the basal part of the vexillum. B. Coleoptera 
_ --Malacodermata: (11) Malachius bipustulatus, F., feeds upon the stamens 
after they have been laid bare by repeated visits of humble-bees. 

Darwin found the fertility of the bean reduced to a third when 
insects were excluded by a net; but if the flowers were shaken 
| they produced good and well-filled pods though still protected from 
insects (152). 

Vicia amphicarpa, Dorthes., has, besides its ordinary flowers, cleis- 
_ togamic flowers without petals on subterranean shoots (399, 531). 

120. LATHYRUS PRATENSIS, L.—This plant affords us another 
example of a papilionaceous flower, in which when the carina is 
depressed the tip of the style only emerges, and sweeps part of the 
pollen out of the apex of the carina by means of a brush, applying 
it to the under side of the bee, afterwards returning within the 
carina when the pressure is removed. 

The style, which ascends vertically from the end of the 
horizontal ovary, curving slightly inwards, expands immediately 
below the oval stigma into an elliptic lamina. This lamina is 
x Bickod, not only on the edges, as Delpino says (178), but on the 
whole surface turned towards the base of the flower, with hairs 
| pointing obliquely upwards; it lies in the conical apex of the carina, 
which points directly upwards (5, Fig. 70), and its hairy surface, 
_ turned towards the base of the flower, faces also the free edges of 
if me tip of the carina. Between it and the margins of the carina is 
a deep pouch on each side (p, 5, 6), which is separated by a deep 
fold (a’) from the margin, and has its only entrance at the apex of 
the cone (m, 4, 5, 6). In the bud, this pouch contains all the 
_ anthers, which only dehisce immediately before or during the 

. coeemancas es ere 


expansion of the flower. The pouch becomes quite filled with 
pollen, and the anthers withdraw into its lower part. The hairy 
surface of the style and the stigma are thus covered with pollen in 
the opening flower, and each time that the carina is depressed they 
emerge at its apex sweeping a little pollen out. Since the hairs of 
the style do not pass into the lateral pouches, these would remain 
full of pollen, were it not that when the carina is depressed, the 

Fig. 70.— Lathyrus pratensis, L. 

1.—Flower, slightly enlarged, from the side. 

2.—Ditto, from above, after removal of the calyx and vexillum (x 38). 

3.—Inner view of left ala. 

4.—Flower, from above, after removal of vexillum and al. 

5.—Bud about to expand ; the calyx, vexillum, and ale have been removed. 

6.—Fore-part of ditto, from above. 

7.—Style, from above. 

8.—Ditto, from within. : 
a, slight concavity in the ala, which fits into the much deeper depression (a’) in the carina; 

b, infolded process of the margin of the ala, pointing forwards and downwards, and fitting into the — 
narrowest part of the depression in the carina; ec; transverse depression in the ala, into which the _ 

ridge (0) of the vexillum fits; d, posterior alar process ; e, claw of ala; f, incurved margin of ala; 
99, edges of the carina ; h, superior stamen ; i, the coherent filaments ; k k, the entrances to the honey : 
l, claw of carina; m, point where the stigma emerges. when the carina is depressed; n, foliaceous 
expansion developed at the line of junction of the two carinal petals; o, ridge on the inferior sur- 
face of the vexillum, corresponding to a groove on its superior surface; p, bulge in the carina, 
beneath which are the anthers and style,—it is separated by a deep fold from the upper margin of 
the carina on each side. 

empty anthers and the ends of the filaments pass into and push the 

pollen out of the pouches into the apex of the cone, whence it is — 

swept out by the style. It requires considerable force to depress 
the carina, since the style with its hairs has at the same time to be 
forced through the slit at the apex of the carina. 

It stands in close relation to this arrangement that the union — 

of the two halves of the carina is strengthened by an anterior 

Fo fie Te PK, cee 1" 


- membranous outgrowth (n, 4), and that the ale and carina are 
connected very firmly with one another and with the staminal 
- column. The union between the ale and carina is formed in the 

following way:—The two folds or grooves, which in the erect 
extremity of the carina separate the two pouches from the free 
margins, are continued along the whole horizontal part of the carina 

‘near its upper border, and where the erect part joins the horizontal 
(at a’, 4, 5, 6) they each form a broad, rounded pit in which a fold 
of the ala (a, 1, 2, 3) lies; further towards the base of the flower 
_ they form a deep, narrow depression on each side of the cleft of the 
carina (0’, 4), in which a process directed downwards and forwards 

from the upper margin of the ala (0’, 2, 3) fits firmly. This inter- 
locking is rendered more secure by the presence of numerous blunt 

projections on the marginal process of the ala (b), and in the full- 
- grown flower it is difficult to separate the ala from the carina 
without tearing. 
_ The union of the alse and carina with the staminal column is 
effected, as in Medicago sativa, by two long, pouched processes of the 
ale (directed backwards) which lie upon the column (d, 2, 3), meet- 
Ing one another in the middle line. When the al and carina are 
_ depressed, these processes clasp the sides of the column, and as 
soon as the pressure is removed they return to their former place 
on its upper surface. The vexillum closes down firmly on the 
_ alg, preventing useless insects, eg. flies, from obtaining the honey 
; which is secreted abundantly in the ordinary position and is 
reached by two unusually large openings. The vexillum, at the 
junction of its claw and lamina, bears two deep, narrow depres- 
sions which project below as two sharp ridges converging 
anteriorly (0, 1), and these fit firmly into two depressions in the 
alze (c, 2, 3). Though the stigma is at first surrounded by the 
pollen of its own flower, it is probable that in case of insect- 
Visits, cross-fertilisation is ensured. For this pollen with which 
the stigma is covered, is easily rubbed off if we draw the 
Stigma over a glass plate; but immediately afterwards the stig- 
matic papille get rubbed away and leave a line of clear sticky 
fluid on the glass. Owing to the force which the mechanism 
of the flower renders necessary, the stigma must be rubbed hard 
on the under side of the bee, and thus without doubt, as Delpino 
| supposes, its own pollen is rubbed off, its surface is rendered 
sticky by breaking down of the oS and new pollen is made 

_ to adhere to it. 

Whether in absence ‘of insects. the stigma finally becomes 



viscid and capable of fecundation spontaneously, and is thus self- 
fertilised, is still undetermined. 
The visitors are exclusively bees. 

(1) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢,s., ab. ; (2) Bombus agrorum, F. 2, s., freq. ; 
(3) Diphysis serratulae, Pz. 9,8; (4) Megachile maritima, K. ¢,s.; (5) M 
versicolor, Sm. 9, s. ande.p. (Brilon, 10 July, 1869.) 

121. LatHyrus TUBEROSUS, L.—I saw this plant visited very 
abundantly by the honey-bee in July 1868,in Thuringia. In suck- 
ing, the bee inserted its proboscis at one side, above one of the ale. 
As it clung to one of the ale and thrust its proboscis in laterally 
between the vexillum and carina, it pressed the carina so far down 
that the style and pollen emerged. In some cases the pollen did 
not come in contact with the bee, in others the stigma and the 
hairs of the style touched the bee on its side. 

When collecting pollen, the bee clung to both ale, thrusting its — 
head and forelegs beneath the vexillum in the middle line. The © 
stigma emerging from the carina came directly in contact with the 
under side of the bee, and cross-fertilisation was effected regularly. 
Besides the honey-bee I only saw two butterflies, a yellow Hesperia, 
and Pieris rape, L., sucking honey on the flowers. 

122. LATHYRUS SILVESTRIS, L.—I saw this plant in Sauerland 
(July 12, 1869) visited also by hive-bees, both sucking and — 
collecting pollen, and by numerous Lepidoptera, which however 
did not effect fertilisation (Rhodocera rhamni, L., Pieris rape, L., 
Vanessa To, L., V. urtice, L., Plusia gamma, L.). 

Delpino <onnhiors as the chief fertiliser of this plant xX ylocopa 
violacea, which does not occur in Westphalia, and justly emphasizes 
the slanting position of the style-brush as an adaptation rendering 
it easier for the bees to depress the carina (178). 

Francis Darwin observed that bees rob Z. silvestris of its honey 
by biting through the vexillum close above the calyx, and almost 
always just above the left honey-passage, which is commonly the 
larger,—a proof of capability to profit by experience. The un- 
symmetrical development of the passages leading to the honey in 
L, silvestris is in relation to the twisting of the style, and thus 
unsymmetrical development of the fruit seems related to both of 
these facts (169). 

123. LATHYRUS MONTANUS, Bernh. (Orobus tuberosus, L.).—In 
Sauerland (July 1869) I saw this plant visited by Zucera longicornis, 


» %, s. and ep; Bombus pratorum, L. %,s.; and Hesperia 
ilvanus, Esp. s. 

_ 124, Larnyrus oporatus, L., is visited by Anthidium mani- 
vatwm, L. 2, s. | 

125. LATHYRUS VERNUS, Bernh. (Orobus vernus, L.).—I have 
epeatedly found Bombus hortorum, L.:?, sucking honey on this 
ower. A list of eleven other visitors, exclusively bees, is given in 
Yo, 590, IL., p. 257. 

iathyrus grandiflorus is very rarely visited by bees in England. 
f the flowers are shaken they prove more fertile (152). 

_ Delpino mentions the genera Apis, Bombus, Eucera, Anthophora, 
4 Xylocopa, as the chief fertilisers of the various species of 
 Lathyrus (178). 

126. Pisum sativum, L. (the Pea)—The mechanism of this 
flower agrees in most essential points with that of Lathyrus 
| pratensis, but it has so many peculiarities that we must discuss it 
n almost complete detail. 
7 _ style ascends almost perpendicularly to the horizontal 
| , but its tip curves inwards so far that the stigma points” 
alm Bet horizontally towards the base of the flower (s¢. 7). The style 
‘3s not swollen at the end, but is covered with long hairs on the side 
wing the base of the flower for over one-third of its length down- 
ards from the stigma (7, 8, fig. 71). The style follows the line 
of union of the two halves of the carina, so the carina also is 
_ curved inwards in the shape of a sickle, and its conical tip, which 
‘incloses the brush upon the style, points towards the base of the 
' flower (1, fig. 71). In this species also, as in L. pratensis, there is 
| present in the bud on each side of the tip of the carina (a, 1, 4) a 
puch, within which are the anthers ; but the pouches are shallower 
and the folds separating them from the free margin are less 
arked, and the space in which the anthers lie in the bud is on 
the whole conical. The apex of the carina leaves, of course, an 
: ! ‘opening for the passage of the style (0, 4, 5). The anthers dehisce 
shortly before the bud expands; they fill the conical point of the 
wina with pollen and withdraw into the base of the cone, so 
nat at the commencement of the flowering-period the stigma and 
1e style-brush are covered with pollen, part of which is swept 
it at the apical orifice each time that the carina is depressed. 
The edges of the orifice yield to a pressure from within, but close 
P 2 


up again, so that while the stigma and style-brush return | 
within the carina, great part of the pollen is swept off and remains — 

outside, The ends of the filaments, lying in the base of the 

conical point of the carina, are slightly swollen even in the bud 

(7, fig. 71), but after the anthers have dehisced they enlarge more 
(9), and so press the pollen forward more effectively than in the — 

case of Lathyrus pratensis. They press the pollen in the base of | 

Fig. 71.—Pisum sativum, Li. > 

1 —Flower, after removal of left ala. i 
2.—Inner view of left ala. ; 
3.—Antcrior view of vexillum. 
4,—Carina, from above, enlarged. 

5.—Ditto, inclosed by the ale. 

6.—Basal half of left ala; outer view. 

7.— Essential organs from a bud (x 383). 

8.— Anterior part of style, from within (x 7). 
9.—One stamen of the flower. 

(For letters, see the text.) 

the cone forward to its apex, so that the style-brush on returni 
within the carina becomes covered again with pollen, and so : 
new portion of pollen is forced out at each depression of 
carina. Thus the flower of the Pea combines the brush-mechanis 
with the piston-mechanism. 

The force needed to depress the carina is both absolutely 
relatively greater than in Lathyrus pratensis, since the style-b 


is curved more inwards, and the swollen ends of the filaments move 

with friction in the cone. On this account the union of the 

two carinal petals is strengthened by a still more marked out- 

growth (b, 1, 4), and the ale and carina are connected with each 

other and with the staminal column still moré firmly. Each ala 
has at the base of its limb, close below its upper margin, a 
‘depression or invagination pointing forwards and downwards 
 (¢, 2, 5, 6), which is very firmly attached to a corresponding 
depression on the upper surface of the carinal petal (¢, 1, 4); 
not only are the two pouches closely applied to one another 
_ throughout their whole extent, but over a great part of the surfaces 
in contact large hexagonal cells of the one petal project into hollows 
_ in corresponding cells on the other, so that it is scarcely possible 
to separate the petals from one another without tearing. More- 
_ over, the anterior part of the ala is kept in a definite position 
relatively to the carina by a fold or groove (d’, 2,5) in its upper 
margin which fits into that groove (d) upon the carina which 
- separates the pouch (a) from the edge. This second union of alz 
and carina is strengthened by two deep and narrow depressions of 
the vexillum, which appear on its under side as hard, sharp ridges, 
converging anteriorly (d’, 1, 3), and are received into the anterior 
alar grooves (d’). 

The position of the alz and carina relatively to the staminal 
column is maintained very firmly and accurately. Each carinal 
} pe etal possesses a lobe at its base (e, 4, 5), directed upwards and 
pawards, which lies upon the upper surface of the column and 
extends almost to the middle line. These two carinal lobes which 
Biibtace the column are pressed down and kept in their place by 
two processes of the ale (e¢’, 5, 6), directed inwards and backwards ; 

the alar processes are themselves made secure by the Neate: 
_ on whose broad, strong base two rounded swellings occur (0’, 3) 
which rest upon two narrow surfaces of the ale (0d, 5, 6) passing 
horizontally backwards from the alar processes (e’). 

_ This firm union of the parts of the flower is of service to the 
plant in three ways. In the first place, it obliges an insect in 
| search of honey, when standing on the alee and thrusting its head 
_ beneath the vexillum, to use so much force in separating the ale 
and vexillum that the brush and piston mechanism is set in action. 
Se ondly, it ensures the perfect return of all the parts to their 
| original position when the pressure is removed, and sa_causes the 
IP flower to retain its youthful appearance and to receive the repeated 
visits that its whole construction is designed for. Thirdly, it 


excludes all insects from the honey which are not strong enough 
to perform the actions necessary for fertilisation. 

Along with these obvious advantages, the firm closure of the 
flowers has the very important consequence that it makes the 
work difficult even for such bees as are able to reach the honey and 
to effect cross-fertilisation, and deters them from the plant when 
other more convenient flowers are at hand. In its original home 
the Pea no doubt adapted itself to some strong and at the same 
time diligent and skilful species of bee, which could easily depress 
the carina, and was plentiful enough in ordinary weather to act as 
the regular fertilising-agent. Under such conditions the advan- 
tages of firm closure would outweigh the disadvantages. In our 
climate, the Pea fails to find bees adapted for its flower, and it 
would be much better for it under these altered conditions to have 
its flowers less firmly shut. I have often watched beds of peas 
in bloom in my garden in sunny weather and have only occasionally 
seen a visitor, while beans, blooming at the same time in alternate 
beds, were abundantly visited by humble-bees. 

The only insects which I have seen on the flowers in the course of four 
summers are: (1) Eucera longicornis, L. ; (2) Megachile pyrina, Lep ;—the ¢ 
of both species, s.; the 9, s. and c.p.; both freq., but not abundant ; (3) Two 
specimens of Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9 ;—they collected pollen with difficulty, 
holding the edges of the carina apart anteriorly with their legs. 

Though most flowers remain unvisited by insects, they all pro- 
duce good fruit. The self-fertilisation which the structure of the 
flower necessitates must therefore be quite efficient; and this 
indeed has been shown experimentally by Dr. Ogle, who found the 
Pea as productive when insects were excluded as when left 
unprotected (633). 

Tribe Phaseolec. 

Amphicarpea, according to Torrey and Asa Gray (NV. Amer. 
Flora, t., p. 291), has fertile cleistogamic flowers, and also flowers 
which open, but are for the most barren. Both kinds of flowers 
are above ground. Darwin found that subterranean pods of 
Amphicarpea monoica which he received from Meehan, contained 
each a single seed, while the ordinary aérial pods, which he culti- 
vated himself, contained from one to three small seeds; these latter 
averaged only 7's of the weight of the subterranean seeds (167, 
2nd Ed.). 

The genera Neurocarpum, Desv., Martiusia, Schult., Glycine, L., 


 Galactia, P. Br., and Voandzeia, Pet. Th., are stated by H. v. Mohl 
and Kuhn to possess cleistogamic flowers. 
| Glycine chinensis, Curt., is visited by bees only (590 IL). 
—- Centrosema virginiana and Clitoria mariana both have their 
flowers inverted (729). 
In Erythrina crista-galli, according to Delpino, the flower i is 
inverted, the ale are almost entirely aborted, and the carina forms 
a sheath covering the column and expanded below into a large 
| honey-receptacle. Since the stigma somewhat overtops the 
_ anthers, the visitors, probably humming-birds, touch first the 
_ stigma then the anthers, and so effect cross-fertilisation. In 
| £. velutina the flower is not inverted; the ale and carina are 
_ reduced to minute rudiments, and the column lies fully exposed 
_ beneath the vexillum. The visitors, probably bees, must make their 
| way between the column and the vexillum to reach the honey, 
which is secreted as in other Papilionacee, and so they come in 
contact with the stigma and anthers (178, 360). Belt (56) sawa 
_ species of Erythrina fertilised by humming-birds, which came in 
_ search of small insects that sucked honey in the flowers. Trelease 
saw Lrylhrina herbacea visited abundantly by ruby-throated 
humming-birds, and believes that the flower is adapted for cross- 
fertilisation by their agency (731). 

Darwin states on the authority of MacArthur’s observations 
that, in New South Wales, Erythrina does not produce good fruit 
unless the flowers are shaken (152). 

_ PHASEOLUS.—The species of Phaseolus are distinguished from 
_ the other Papilionaceze which have brush-hairs on the style by 
_ the helicoid twisting of the style and of the tip of the carina 
which incloses it; but here, as in the rest, when the carina is 
__ pressed down, the tip of the style issues with its stigma and pollen- 
_ brush, and these return within the carina when the pressure is 
' removed. The twisting is towards the right in some species and 
_ towards the left in others, according to Delpino, and shows all 
stages from a mere sickle-shaped curvature (P. angulosus, etc.) to a 
helix of four to five coils (P. Caracalla), (172, 178). 

____ The mechanism of the flower and the mode of fertilisation in the 
_ Scarlet Runner (P. coccineus, Lam.) have been thoroughly described 
_ by Mr. T. H. Farrer (240). The hive-bee and other small bees 
| which are unable to press the carina down, obtain the honey by 
taking advantage of holes which a humble-bee (I suppose B. 
|. terrestris, L.) bites through the calyx. More powerful bees, with 



sufficiently long proboscides, alight on the left ala, and in forcing 
the proboscis down into the flower bring its base in contact with 
the stigma. 

Now, when the ale and the carina (which is emer to them) . 
are further depressed, there emerges from the tubular apex of the 
carina, which is coiled nearly into two complete whorls, the 
similarly coiled style; and it emerges in such a way that its 
stigma points downwards and towards the left, and its pollen- 
covered hairs come in contact with the base of the insect’s 
proboscis, dusting it with fresh pollen. In this manner is cross- 
fertilisation insured and self-fertilisation prevented in case’ of 

Fia. 72.—Phaseolus vulgaris, L. 

1.—Flower, viewed obliquely from above and in front. 
2.—Pistil, enlarged. 

a, calyx; 6, vexillum; ec, ale; d, apex of carina; e, ovary; f, style; g, its brush; h, stigma. 

insect-visits; in absence of insects self-fertilisation cannot occur, 
since the stigma protrudes from the carina while the pollen is 
iclosed within it. 

The similar mode of fertilisation in the Kidney Bean (Phaseolus 
vulgaris, L.) was described ten years earlier by Darwin (51), who 
showed by experiment that insect-visits are essential for the 
fertilisation of this plant. Plants covered with a fine net remained 
completely barren, unless the action of bees was artificially 
imitated. When Darwin repeated the experiment on a larger 
scale a few flowers on some specimens bore fruit; small insects 
(Thrips) had presumably gained access to these." 

' Dr. Ogle (No. 633) also gives a thorough description of the floral mechanism 

in P. vulgaris (French bean) and P, coccinea (Scarlet Runner). Of the flowers which 
Dr. Ogle protected from bees by means of a gauze net, no single one bore fruit. 


Darwin had also shown that cross-fertilisation by insect-agency 
¢ takes place to a large extent in Phaseolus. Mr. Coe planted four 
rows of Negro Dwarf Kidney Beans between some rows of white 
and brown Kidney Beans; near by were some Scarlet Runners. 
He let the black Kidney Beans run to seed, and over # of the 
beans produced showed all gradations from light brown to black, 
and some were mottled with white. Of the plants reared from 
these seeds every one differed from the rest in stature, leaves, 
colour and size of flower, time of flowering and of ripening fruit, 
size, form and colour of the pods ; and the beans produced by them 
were of all shades between black and light-brown, some dark- 
purple, some’ slightly mottled, and of various shapes and sizes 
(151, 152). 

In P. multiflorus the carina, with the inclosed style, are so bent 
that when the carina is depressed the style emerges pointing 
downwards and towards the left, so that a bee can only accomplish 
cross-fertilisation if it enters the flower to the left of the coil. 
_ Francis Darwin has pointed out that the tenth, free, stamen bears 
an appendage which prevents the bee from taking any other way 
towards the honey (169). 

at eee es NUS 
if a : 

In regard to Treviranus’ opinion that self-fertilisation is the general rule in 
 Papilionacez, it is needless to discuss his arguments, since the only objection 
which he made to Darwin’s experiments, viz. that the nets sheltered the plant 
_ from movements of the air (742) was experimentally refuted by Darwin. For 
the flowers in which Darwin imitated the action of the bees, though they grew 
beneath the net, were completely fertile. 


The Papilionaceze which we have studied are all fertilised by 
bees, and in spite of their manifold peculiarities of detail they all 
agree in the following points regarding the arrangement and 
function of the parts of the flower: 
__ The flowers stand more or less horizontal; except Sarothamnus 
they expose the stigma and pollen to contact only with the 
| ventral surface of the bee, since the reproductive organs occupy the 
inferior side of the flower and are only curved upwards at the 
_ extremity. In the bud the reproductive organs are inclosed by the 
_ two inferior petals, these by the two lateral, and these again by the 
superior petal. 
_ The two inferior petals cohere to form a “carina,” which 


incloses the reproductive organs and protects them from rain and 
from pollen-feeding insects. The two lateral petals (ale) have 
a threefold function, serving (1) as a platform for bees to alight 
on; (2) as a lever to depress the carina; (3) to keep the carina in 
its place as regards the reproductive organs, and to bring it back to 


its place after depression if repeated insect-visits are necessary for — 

fertilisation. In order to serve as levers for depressing the carina, 

the ale must be united firmly therewith. This is either accom- ~ 

plished by certain areas of the alar laminz bulging out and being 
received in hollows of the carina, or by interdigitation of processes 
on the contiguous surfaces of both; and such union is the firmer 
the more frequently the carina has to be depresséd and again 

brought back to its original position in order to ensure cross- 

The carina is mainly kept in its proper place and brought back 
to it after depression by basal lobes of the alee which embrace 

the column; sometimes they form swollen pouches (Trifolium), — 

sometimes they are produced into long processes (Melilotus, 
Medicago, ete. ). 

The vexillum, with its large, erect, coloured surface, is the 
chief agent in rendering the flower conspicuous; it also serves 
as a fixed point or fulcrum against which a bee may place its head 
while it pushes the carina with its feet resting upon the ale. 

The stigma and pollen must be applied to the ventral surface 
of the bee if cross-fertilisation is to result. The necessary 

arrangement is attained by the filaments cohering to form a ~ 

cylinder round the pistil. In all Papilionacese which contain 
honey, the honey is secreted on the inner sides of the bases of the 
filaments, and it accumulates in the space between the stamens 
and pistil. Since the reproductive organs have to come in contact 
with the under side of the bee, it is clear that access to the honey 

must only be permitted above the reproductive organs. We find, — 

accordingly, that in all Papilionaceee which contain honey the 
coherent filaments leave a passage superiorly. One stamen here 
is separate from the rest and leaves two entrances to the honey 
free on either side of its base, either by curving upwards at its 
base, or by the neighbouring filaments curving outwards there, 
or in both modes combined. 

The arrangement and action of the various parts of the flower 
in which all the Papilionaceze (except Onobrychis) agree, cause the 
bees to act and move in a perfectly definite way, such as to ensure 
the stigma and pollen coming in contact with their under surfaces. 


Four different types of structure may be distinguished in 
_ Papilionacew, according to the manner in which the pollen is 
q applied to the bee. These distinctions were first drawn by 
| Delpino (172, 178, 360), and transitions are not wanting from one 
_ to another: 

1. Papilionaceze in which the stamens and stigma emerge from 
_ the carina and again return within it. They admit repeated visits. 
 (Melilotus, Trifolium, Onobrychis, Cytisus). 

| __- 2. -Papilionaceze whose essential organs are confined under 
_ tension and explode (Medicago, Genista, Surothamnus). In these 
_ only one insect’s visit is effective, sometimes under certain 
conditions two (Sarothannus). 

3. Papilionaceze with a piston-mechanism, which squeezes the 
pollen in small quantities out of the apex of the carina, and not 
_ only permits but requires numerous insect-visits. (Lotus, Anthyllis, 
— Ononis, Lupinus). 

4, Papilionaceze with a brush of hairs upon the style which 
"sweeps the pollen in small portions out of the apex of the carina. 
y ' They for the most part require repeated insect-visits. (Lathyrus, 

_ Pisum, Vicia, Phaseolus). 
In all these groups, the stigma and the pollen are applied to 
the under side of the bee. ‘The pollen can therefore as a rule be 
_ collected quickest and most conveniently by bees with abdominal 
\ _ brushes ; and so we find Lotus, Ononis, and Genista tinctoria visited 
especially by these forms. In Sarothaimnus both the upper and 
lower surfaces of the bee are dusted with pollen and come in 
contact with the stigma. 
In those Papilionaceze whose reproductive organs either simply 
' emerge or spring out with an explosion, cross-fertilisation is ensured 
_ bythe stigma projecting beyond the anthers, and coming first in con- 
tact with the bee. In those forms in which the pollen is squeezed 
' or swept out bit by bit, the stigma is at first coated with its own 
_ pollen, which has probably no action upon the stigma and is 
_ rubbed away by the first visitors; and the stigma only becomes 
adhesive and so capable of fertilisation after its papillae have been 
exposed to friction. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation seems 
take place on a large scale in very few Papilionacesze (Piswm) ; 
} ™ several it occurs to a small extent (Z'rifolium repens, Vicia 

. and in many it never occurs (Phaseolus, Onobrychis, 
) Sarothamnus). In cases where self-fertilisation is impossible in 
the ordinary flowers, cleistogamic flowers which regularly fertilise 
| themselves probably compensate. 


Though almost exclusively adapted for fertilisation by bees, 
many Papilionacez allow their honey to be ‘stolen by Lepidoptera 
and long-tongued flies (e.g. Onobrychis, Lotus, Medicago falcata). 
In others (e.g. Vicia sepium) the petals close up so firmly that only 
those bees which are in the habit of burrowing with all their 
strength, can force an entrance. Such forms as these exclude all 
visitors which would rob the flower of its honey without giving 
any return; but this advantage is more or less cancelled by the 
great diminution in the number of serviceable visitors. 

Trifolium pratense excludes short-lipped bees from its honey 
by adhesion of the nine coherent filaments with the claws of the 

petals to form a long tube; the same end is attained in Vicia faba : 
by the length of the claws of the petals and of the calyx-tube. — 

Both plants are the more visited on this account by the hard- 
working humble-bees ; but on the other hand they are liable to be 
often plundered by robber-bees which bite through the tube. 

The great variety of arrangements in the various Papilionacez 

seems to be partly due to the manner in which every advantageous ~ 

modification brings some disadvantage in its_.train ; for in this way 

it is possible to have various combinations existing together, all — 

perfectly adapted to the given conditions of life 


In these two families the essential organs are freély exposed. — 

The petals or the stamens, or both together, attract insects. In 

Mimosacee the flowers are regular and united in capitula. In — 

Acacia Julibrizzin the central flower of the capitulum is trans- 

formed into a great nectary. In Amherstia nobilis the carina is— 

abortive, and the alz assume the function of rendering the flower 
conspicuous ; the honey-receptacle is hollowed out into a long tube, 
which, together with the brilliant colour of the flowers, suggests 
humming-birds as the fertilisers (178, 360). 

Fritz Miiller found Cassia multijuga (Cosalpiniacee) abundantly : 

visited by bees (Xylocopa, Centris) in South Brazil. The pedicles 

were covered with larvae of Membracide, which secreted drops of — 
honey at the posterior end of the abdomen, and this honey was 

sought by 7'rigonia cacafogo (590, III.). 

Cassia (?) is visited by humming-birds (J/imus) in Chili (Darwin, 
No. 164). 

pa 29 ren pages 







Tribe Prunee. 

127. PruNUS comMuNIS, Hups., a, (P. spinosa, L.), Blackthorn, 
Sloe.—When the flower opens the style stands some millimetres 
above the stamens, whose anthers are still closed, and which are 
bent down towards the centre of the flower. The stigma is already 
mature, and projects even from the half-open flower; insects, in 
_alighting, come first in contact with it. In due course the petals 
spread out into a plane, and even further; the stamens become 
erect and incline outwards; the anthers dehisce, beginning with the 
outermost; the style also elongates, and overtops the shorter 
stamens immediately around it: its stigma is still fresh, and insect- 
visitors may therefore now lead to self-fertilisation. The flowers 
turn towards the sun, and in default of insect-visits self-fertilisation 
_ may take place by pollen falling on the stigma. 
The numerous white flowers are very conspicuous on the black, 
still leafless twigs ; their abundant honey attracts numerous insects, 
particularly flies and Andrene, all the more that the plant flowers 
early (April and beginning of May) in advance of most competitors. 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, s. 
and ¢.p., ab. ; (2) H. albipes, F. 9, ditto ; (3) Andrena dorsata, K. 9, ep. ; 
(4) A. parvula, K. ?,s.ande.p.; (5) A. fasciata, Wesm. ¢, s. ; (6) A. albicans, 
‘K. 2 $, cp. and s.; (7) A. fulva, Schrank, 9,8. and c.p. ; (8) A.:fulvicrus, — 
K. 2 g,s8.; (9) A. Gwynana, K. ?,s. and ep.; (10) A. rose, Pz. 9, s. and 
¢@.p.; (11) A. Schrankella, Nyl. 9, cp. ; (12) A. atriceps, K. 9 ¢, 8.; (13) 
~ Nomada succincta, Pz. ¢,s.; (14) Osmia rufa, L. ¢,s.; (15) Apis mellifica, 
iL. §, s. and ep.; (b) Tenthredinide: (16) Dolerus gonager, Kl. 5. B. 
Diptera—(a) she sa : (17) Empis rustica, Fall, s.; (6) Syrphide: (18) 
‘Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (19) E. nemorum, L. ; (20) E. intricarius, L., all 
_ three s. and c.p.; (c) Muscide: (21) Scatophaga stercoraria, L.; (22) S. 
| merdaria, F., both sucking; (23) Chlorops, s.; (24) Sepsis, s. ab. ; (25) 
Species of thease: s.; (d) Bibionide: (26) Bibio Marci, L., lh. OC. 
Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (27) Meligethes, Lh. D. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : 
8) Vanessa To, L., s. 

‘128. Prunus Papus, L., Bird Cherry—This species agrees on 
__ the whole in its proterogynous arrangement with P. spinosa, but 
ia the stamens remain throughout aired inwards, so that in the 
_ second stage insect visits may lead to self-fertilisation more readily 
_ than in the preceding species. In absence of insects, spontaneous 
 self-fertilisation takes place regularly—since the inner stamens 


dehisce while still bent down below the stigma, whose edge they 
come in contact with when they afterwards rise up. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—Hmpide: (1) Empis livida, L. s. ; (2) E. rustica, 
Fallen, s. Also numerous small gnats, licking honey. B. Hymenoptera— 
Apide: (8) Andrena parvula, K. 9, s. OC. Coleoptera—WNitidulide: (4) 
Meligethes, lh. See also No. 590, II. 

129. PRuNus pomesTicA, L., P. avium, L., and P. Cerasus, L. 
—Anthers and stigmas ripen simultaneously, and spread apart out 
of the flower; the stigmas overtop the inner stamens but stand 
on a level with the outer ones. Cross-fertilisation is favoured by 
the likelihood of insects touching the stigma and anthers with 
different parts of their bodies while sucking the honey secreted by 
the receptacular tube. Insects collecting or feeding on pollen must 
lead to self-fertilisation and cross-fertilisation indiscriminately. In 
flowers obliquely placed, pollen may readily fall from the taller 
anthers upon the stigma. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 2, 8. very 
ab. ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 2 ; (3) B. terrestris, L. 9; (4) B. hortorum, 
L. 9, all three sucking ; (5) Osmia rufa, L. 9 ¢, s., ab. ; (6) O. cornuta; 
Latr. 9 ¢, s.; (7) Andrena fulva, Schr. 9, s. and c.p.; (8) A. albicans, 
K. 9 g, epand s.; very ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (9) Rhingia rostrata, 
L., s., ab.; (10) Eristalis tenax, L.; (11) E. arbustorum, L., s. C. Lepi- 
doptera—Rhopalocera: (12) Pieris brassice, L.; (13) P. rape, L. ; (14) P. 
napi, L., all three sucking. See also No. 590, 11. 

Tribe Spirwe. 

130. SPIRHZA ULMARIA, L.—The flowers contain no honey but 
a great quantity of pollen. The stamens at first arch over towards 
the middle of the flower, so as to cover the stigmas completely ; 
they gradually become erect and incline outwards in centripetal 
succession, and the anthers then dehisce, covering themselves all 
round with pollen. When the stamens have risen up, the centre 
of the flower becomes the most convenient place both for small 
insects to settle on, and for larger insects traversing the inflorescence 
to step upon. Cross-fertilisation is thus readily performed, but 
self-fertilisation is also very liable to occur. 

The crowded inflorescences not only attract numerous insects 
but also lead to great economy of time in the process of fertilisation. 
In the absence of insects, self-fertilisation almost always takes 


place, and cross-fertilisation may also occur by the outer stamens 
of one flower coming to stand over the stigmas of the next. 

Fia. 73.—Spirea ulmaria, 1. 

1.—Young flower. 
2.—Older ditto. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidew: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ab., 

.; (2) Andrena Coitana, K. ?, ¢.p. ; (3) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9, f.p. ; 
@) Chryside: (4) Chrysis ignita, L.; (5) Elampus auratus, Wesm. ; (6) 
 Hedychrum lucidulum, F. (I have never seen Chryside eating pollen, and so 
_ I suppose that these species were attracted by the flowers without finding any- 
thing useful in them). B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (7) Eristalis horticola, 
Deg. (Sld.) ; (8) E. arbustorum, L. ; (9) E. nemorum, L. ; (10) E. tenax, L. ; 
_ (11) E. sepuleralis, L.,—all eating pollen, in great numbers ; (12) Volucella 
jombylans, L. ; (13) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (14) Syritta pipiens, L., all f.p. ; 
_ (0) Muscide : (15) Anthomyia sp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (16) Cy- 
chramus luteus, F.; (b) Dermestide: (17) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F. ; (c) 
Lamellicornia: (18) Trichius fasciatus, L.; (19) Cetonia aurata, L.,—both 
eeding on the tissues of the flower ; (d) Mordellide : (20) Mordella aculeata, 
u.; (e) Cerambycide: (21) Pachyta 8-maculata, F, (Sld.); (22) Strangalia 
uttenuata, L.,—both feeding on the anthers. 

131. Sprr#A FILIPENDULA, L.—The flowers secrete no honey, 
and are, therefore, visited only by pollen-seeking insects, which, 
Fg wing to the position of the parts, usually alight on the stigmas and 
_ perform cross-fertilisation. The petals are bent backwards and 
ownwards when the flower is fully expanded, and they are attached 
»y such narrow claws that they dip down under the weight of a 
small bee or fly, and are, therefore, unsuitable for a standing-place. 
The stamens before dehiscing are bent far outwards, and in the 

3 entre of the flower nine to twelve broad bifid styles spread out into 


a horizontal plane, forming a disc round whose edge the stigmas, — 
directed outwards and upwards, stand. In absence of insects, self 
fertilisation may readily take place, simce the innermost stamens — 
often remain directed inwards until dehiscence has taken place. 

(2) H. sexnotatus, K., 9, cp. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (3) Eristalis arbus- 
torum, L.; (4) E. nemorum, L.; (5) Helophilus floreus, L.; (6) Syritta 
pipiens, L.-—all eating pollen. _ C. Coleoptera—Lamellicornia: (7) Trichius 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Halictus zonulus, Sm., 2, e.p. ; 

fasciatus, L., rapidly devouring the anthers. } 

= =. 

132. Sprraa ARuNcus, L.—The flowers of this species also are 
devoid of honey. 

i eda ae 

Visitors (in my garden at Lippstadt): A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: i 
(1) Prosopis signata, Pz. 2 g, f.p. ; (6) Sphegide: (2) Oxybelus bellus, Dlb., — 
f.p.; (c) Vespide : (3) Odynerus sinuatus, F., seeking vainly for honey. B. 
Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (4) Syritta pipiens, L., fip., very ab. ; (6) Muscidae : — 
(5) Species of Anthomyia, f.p. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (6) Meligethes, — 
ab.; (6) Dermestide: (7) Anthrenus Scrophularie, L., not rare; (8) A. 
pimpinelle, F., very ab. ; (9) A. claviger, L., scarce. 

L.—These commonly cultivated species secure very numerous 
insect-visits by their densely crowded inflorescences and their 
abundant pollen and honey. The distinctly proterogynous condi- 
tion of the flowers favours cross-fertilisation to a great extent, but — 
self-fertilisation is also provided for in case of continuous wet 
weather. -An annular, orange-coloured disk in the base of the 
receptacular tube, internal to the insertion of the stamens, secretes 
abundant honey in the form of small drops. In S. salicifolia, this 
disk has ten notches. 

Already before the flower opens, the broad stigmas are provided 
with papillze and overtop the incurved stamens. When the flower 
expands, the stamens gradually rise up, and, one by one, beginning 
with the outermost, their anthers dehisce, coating themselves all 
round with pollen. The stigmas still remain fresh, and thus, though 
at first only cross-fertilisation is possible, later on self-fertilisation 
also may take place. 

The three species grow with us in the same localities and in 
nearly equal abundance. They are visited by the same insects, and © 
I have grouped the visitors in a single list. 

A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys riparia, Mgn., s.; (0) 
Empide: (2) Empis opaca, F., ab, ; (3) E. tesselata, F., very ab. ; (4) E. 


| -punctata, F., all three sucking ; (c) Syrphide: (5) Chrysotoxum festivum, L. ; 
(6) Pipiza funebris, Mgn. ; (7) Chrysogaster viduata, L. ; (8) Syrphus ribesii, 
| L,,fp.; (9) S. excisus, Zett. ; (10) Melithreptus strigatus, Steg. ; (11) Ascia 
podagrica, F., s. ; (12) A. lanceolata, Mgn., do. ; (13) Rhingia rostrata, L., s., 

Fic. 74.—Spircea sorbifolia, L. 

1.—Young flower. 
2.—Older ditto, whose anthers (a) have in part dehisced. 
n, nectary ; st, stigma; a, dehisced anther. 

very ab. ; (14) Volucella plumata, Mgn. ; (15) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (16) 

_#. nemorum, L, ; (17) E. sepuleralis, L. ; (18) E. tenax, L.; (19) E. pertinax, 

‘Scop. ; (20) E. intricarius, L., all both s. and f.p., very ab. ; (21) Helophilus 

| floreus, L., s., freq. ; (22) Xylota ignava, Pz.; (23) X. segnis, Pz. ; (24) X. 


lenta, Pz. ; (25) Syritta pipiens, L., s. and f.p., very ab. ; (d) Conopide: (26) 
Physocephala rufipes, F., s.; (27) Myopa polystigma, Rondani, s.; (e) Mus- 
cide: (28) Gymnosoma rotundata, L.; (29) Echinomyia fera, L.; (30) E. 
magnicornis, Zett. (Tekl. B.); (31) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., s.; (32) S. 
albiceps, Mgn., do. ; (33) Onesia cognata, Mgn. ; (34) O. floralis, R. D. (both 
identified by Herr Winnertz) ; (35) Mesembrina meridiana, L. ; (36) Lucilia 
cornicina, F., s.; (37) L. silvarum, Mgn., s. ; (38) Musca corvina, F. ; (39) 
Cytoneura simplex, Loew. (identified by Herr Winnertz) ; (40) -species of 
Anthomyia; (f) Bibionide : (41) Bibio hortulanus, L., lh. ; (g) Tipulide: 
(42) Pachyrrhina pratensis, L., do.; (h) Chironomide: (43) Ceratopogon, 
very ab.,s. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : (44) Tenthredo bicincta, 
L., Lh. ; (0) Ichneumonidae : (45) Various ; (c) Formicide : (46) Many small 
ants lick the honey, and also capture the numerous small midges which are 
attracted by it; (d) Chryside: (47) Hedychrum lucidulum, F. ¢; (e) 
Sphegide : (48) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., very ab., s.; (49) O. bellus, DIb., 
do. ; (50) Crabro lapidarius, Pz. ¢, s.; (51) Psen atratus, Pz. s.; (52) 
Passalcecus monilicornis, Dlb. 9, 8s. ; (53) Cerceris arenaria, L., not rare ; (54) 
Ammophila sabulosa, L. ; (55) Pompilus neglectus, Wesm., s. ; (f) Vespide : 
(56) Odynerus quinquefasciatus, F. ; (g) Apide: (57) Halictus sexstrigatus, 
Schenck, 9,8. ; (58) H. sexnotatus, K. 9,c.p.; (59) H. flavipes, K. 9 ; (60) 
Andrena albicrus, K. 2 ¢,c¢.p. and s., ab.; (61) A. fucata,Sm. 92,5. and 
c.p.; (62) A. Schrankella, Nyl. ¢,s. ; (63) A. fulvicrus, K. ¢, s.; (64) A. 
parvula, K. 9,8. and c.p., ab. ; (65) A. dorsata, K. 2,8. and e.p., very ab. ; 
(66) A. albicans, K. 9,8. and cp., ab. ; (67) A. nigroznea, K. ¢,s.; (68) A. 
Trimmerana, K, ?,s.; (69) Osmia rufa, L. 2, c¢.p.; (70) Bombus terrestris, 
L. 9, ¢.p. and s.; (71) B. senilis, Sm. 9, cp. ; (72) B. Scrimshiranus, K. 9, 

c.p. ; (73) Apis mellifica, L. $, ep. and s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide : — 

(74) Anthrenus scrophularie, L.; (75) A. pimpinelle, F.; (76) A. muse- 
orum, L. ; (77) Attagenus pellio, L. ; (78) Byturus fumatus, L., all five very 
ab., Lh.; (0) Nitidulide : (79) Meligethes, ab. ; (c) Elateride : (80) Lacon 

murinus, L. ; (81) Cardiophorus cinereus, Hbst., Lh.; (d@) Lamellicornia: (82) 

Trichius fasciatus, L. ; (83) Phyllopertha horticola, L., both feeding on the 
tissues of the flower; (e) Malacodermata ; (84) Malachius bipustulatus, F., 
devouring the anthers; (85) Dasytes flavipes, L. ; (/) Mordellide: (86) An- 

aspis frontalis, L., ab. ; (87) A. maculata, Fourc., both lh. ; (g) Cerambycide :— 
(88) Clytus arietis, L., 1h. ; (89) Strangalia nigra, L. ; (90) Str. attenuata, L., — 

freq. ; (91) S. armata, Hbst. ; (92) Leptura livida, F., very ab. ; (93) Gram- 
moptera ruficornis, F., all Lh. ; (h) Cistelide: (94) Cistela murina, L., ab., 
feeding on the anthers and other tissues. D. Neuroptera—(95) Panorpa 
communis, L., Lh, ; (96) Agrion, flew not infrequently on to flowers of Spiraea 
but apparently only to sun itself (June 4, 1870). E. Lepidoptera—(97) Tor- 
trix plumbagana, Tr. ; (98) Adela sulzella, W. V., ab., s. (both identified by 
Dr. Speyer). See also No. 590, 1. 

Tribe Rubee. 

134, Rusus Ipmvus, L.(Raspberry).—In the Raspberry and Black- 

berry honey is abundantly secreted by a fleshy ring or disk upon 
the border of the receptacular tube, internal to the attachment of 
the stamens. In the Raspberry the small narrow petals remain 

} erect, and even inclined towards one another above, and the 
stamens, which dehisce either on the side towards, or on that away 
| from, the centre, have no room to spread out, but remain closely 
| packed between the styles and petals ; so that an insect may easily 
| insert its proboscis, but scarcely its whole head, between the styles 
and stamens to reach the honey-secreting ring. The accessibility of 
the honey is thus greatly reduced, but at the same time, since 
part of the stigmas come in contact with the anthers, self-fertilisation 
/isinsured. In the event of insect-visits cross-fertilisation is easily 
accomplished ; for the insect often alights in the centre of the 
_ flower, touching the stigmas first, and in bending the head down 
_ between stigmas and stamens the former may easily be dusted with 
pollen from another flower. The much less conspicuous flowers and 
less accessible honey cause insect-visits to be fewer and less varied 
_, than in the case of the bramble; and self-fertilisation is very 
frequently made use of. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very 
 ab., both s. and c.p.; (2) Bombus agrorum, F. 2, s., ab. ; (3) B. pratorum, L. 
| 64,8. and cp., freg. ; (4) B. hortorum, L. 9, ep. ; (5) B. senilis, Sm. ?, s. ; 

(6) B. silvarum, L. 2, s.; (7) Andrena nigroznea, K. ¢,s. ; (8) A. albicrus, 
 K. g, 8.3; (9) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 2; (10) H. lucidus, Schenck, $ ; (11) 
_H. nitidiusculus, K. ?, all three sucking; (b) Sphegide: (12) Gorytes 
_ mystaceus, L. ; (c) Tenthredinide : (13) Tenthredo rustica, L. B. Diptera— 
_ Syrphide: (14) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. and f.p. ; (15) Volucella pellucens, L. 
- (Sid.),s. and fp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide : (16) Byturus fumatus, L., 

devouring the anthers and licking honey ; (6) Cerambycidw: (17) Pachyta 
8-maculata, F., licking honey and feeding on the tissues of the flower, ab. 
in Sid. 

135. Rusus Fruticosus, L. (Blackberry, Bramble).—The flowers 
of the bramble have advantages in several respects over those of 
the Raspberry ; the large petals, spreading out flat, are very con- 
_ Spicuous; and the stamens also spreading outwards leave the honey- 
| ‘ ecreting ring easily accessible, These two characters induce much 
more numerous and varied insect-visits than the Raspberry obtains. 
' The outermost anthers are the first to dehisce, and the stigmas 
Tipen at the same time; and most flowers have been cross- 
_ fertilised before the inner anthers are mature. Insects may alight 
with equal convenience either in the centre or at the circumference 
| of the flower, and therefore come in contact either with the stigmas 
or with the ripe stamens. Only the innermost stamens rise up 
after they have dehisced, to come in contact with the outermost 
| stigmas. 
t z Q 2 

— ss 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidew: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, cp. and 
s., very ab.; (2) Bombus agrorum, F. 2; (3) B. terrestris, L. 2; (4) B. 
hortorum, L. $; (5) B. pratorum, L. § ¢; (6) B. Scrimshiranus, K. 9 ; (7) 
B. silvarum, L. 9, all these humble-bees sometimes suck, sometimes collect 
pollen, while the following parasitic humble-bees of course only suck ; (8) B. 
(Apathus) vestalis, Foure. 2 ; (9) B. campestris, Pz. 2 ; (10) Macropis labiata, 
Pz. $; (11) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9 ; (12) A. albicrus, K. ¢ ; (13) A. thoracica, 
K. 2; (14) Halictus zonulus, Sm. ? ; (15) H. lucidulus, Schenck, ? ; (16) H. 
villosulus, K. 9; (17) H. sexnotatus, K. 2; (18) H. cylindricus, F. 9g, — 
(10)—(18) all sucking ; (19) H. leucozonius, K. 9, c.p. ; (20) H. albipes, F. 9, 
c.p. ; (21) Celioxys umbrina, Sm. ? ¢; (22) Nomada ruficornis, L. ¢; (23) — 
N. lineola, Pz. ¢; (24) N. lateralis, Pz. 9; (25) N. Fabriciana, L. 2; (26) 
Diphysis serratule, Pz. 2 ; (27) Osmia fusca, Christ. ? ; (28) Stelis breviuscula, 
Nyl. ¢; (29) Prosopis excisa, Schenck, ¢; (30) P. variegata, F. g; (31) P. 
communis, Nyl. ¢, all sucking ; (b) Sphegide: (32) Crabro patellatus, v. d.. 4 
L. 2 ¢; (33) Oxybelus uniglumis, L. 2 ¢; (834) Ammophila sabulosa, L.? ¢; : 
(35) A. (Miscus) campestris, Jur. ¢ ; (36) Cerceris nasuta, Dlb. g, ali sucking. 
B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (37) Sargus cuprarius, L., s. ; (88) Chrysomyia 
formosa, Scop. s.; (b) Empide : (39) Empis livida, L., ab. ; (40) E. tesselata, — 
F., both sucking; (c) Syrphide: (41) Ascia podagrica, F.; (42) Syritta 
pipiens, L., ab.; (43) Eristalis tenax, L., ab.; (436) Helophilus pendulus, — 
L., ab.; (44) Chrysotoxum arcuatum, L. (Sld.) ; (45) Volucella pellucens, L. 
(Sld.) ; (46) Rhingia rostrata, L., all sometimes sucking, somtimes collecting — 
pollen ; (d) Conopide: (47) Physocephala rufipes, F., s. ; (e) Tipulide: (48) 
Tipula oleracea, L., s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide : (49) Byturus fumatus, 
L., s. and feeding on the tissues of the flower ; (b) Eluteride : (50) Diacanthus © 
eneus, L.; (51) Limonius cylindricus, Payk., both feeding on the softer © 
tissues; (c) Lamellicornia: (52) Trichius fasciatus, L., do.; (d) Malaco- 
dermata: (58) Telephorus rusticus, L., (54) Malachius bipustulatus, F., do. ; _ 
(e) Ctdemeride: (55) C&demera virescens, L., do., and licking honey; (f) 
Cerambycide : (56) Clytus arietis, L. ; (57) Leptura livida, F.; (58) Pachyta 
8-maculata, F. (Sld., ab.) ; (59) Strangalia armata, Hbst. ; (60) S. atra, F. ; 
(61) S. nigra, L. ; (62) S. melanura, L., all sometimes licking honey, sometimes 
feeding on pollen, anthers, and other parts of the flower; (g) Nitidulide : (63) 
Meligethes, ab. D. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (64) Argynnis Paphia, L. ; 
(65) Pieris crategi, L.; (66) P. napi, L.; (67) Hesperia paniscus, F., all 
sucking. ‘Twenty-six additional visitors are enumerated in No, 590. I. 

eS ee 

fiubus saxatilis, L., is proterogynous, with long-lived stigmas. 
Its arrangements for cross-fertilisation resemble those of Cotoneaster. 
The fertilising agents are chiefly bees (609, fig. 85). 

Tribe Potentillee. 

Dryas octopetala, L., is androdicecious. Its hermaphrodite 
flowers are usually feebly proterogynous, after the manner of Gewm 
urbanum, Li.; but sometimes the stigmas are covered over by the 


inner stamens even for some time after the outer anthers have 
dehisced, and such flowers therefore are essentially proterandrous 

_ (609). 

136. GEUM RIVALE, L.—The honey exudes in numerous minute 
drops from the base of the receptacular tube, and is diligently 
sought by humble-bees while most of the flowers are still in the 
bud. Bombus terrestris, L. 9, which steals honey from many 
‘different flowers, sucks honey in Gewm rivale also from the -outside 
‘in yet unopened flowers, thrusting in its proboscis between the 
‘sepals and petals. Even after the flower is expanded, B. terrestris 
often, and other species of Bombus occasionally, obtain the honey 
in this way; but for the most part humble-bees hang suspended 
to the flower, which they grasp with their mid and _ hindlegs, 
putting their forelegs and head inside the flower. The outer 
_ portion of the honey they seem to reach more easily from the 
outside. This liability of the honey to be reached from the out- | 
side is a serious imperfection in the flower, which thus gets deprived | 
_ of its honey without receiving cross-fertilisation in return. 
The flowers are proterogynous, and in young flowers the ripe 
stigmas project far beyond the still closed anthers. Cross- 
fertilisation is thus insured if at this time a bee inserts its head 
in the legitimate manner. Later, the stamens elongate till their — 
anthers stand on a level with the outermost stigmas ; in dehiscence, — 
the anthers cover themselves all round with pollen. When the 
flower closes, the anthers are brought in contact with the outer- 
most stigmas, and self-fertilisation results, unless the pollen has 
been removed by bees. Since the plant grows sheltered in woods, | 
_ it is visited by numerous bees even in unfavourable weather. 
According to Mr. T. Whitelegge, @. rivale is occasionally andro- | 
-moncecious (774). 
_ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 9 ; (2) B. 
| lapidarius, L. 2; (3) B. confusus, Schenck, ? ; (4) B. hypnorum, L. ? ; (5) 
| 8B. pratorum, L. 9 §; (6) B. Scrimshiranus, L. 2 $; (7) B. hortorum, L. 
2%, very ab. ; (8) B. agrorum, F. 9; (9) B. fragrans, K. 9, very scarce ; 
| (10) B. senilis, Smith, 9; (11) B. silvarum, L. 9, ab., all sucking (B. sil- 
_ yvarum, 2, and B. pratorum, §, also collected pollen, hanging back downwards 
_ to the flower) ; (12) Apis mellifica, L. $, sucking the flowers from outside, 
_ab.; (13) Andrena helvola, L. 9, seeking vainly for honey. B. Diptera— 
_ Syrphide (14) Rhingia rostrata, L., very ab.,s. and fp. C. Coleoptera— 
Nitidulide : (15) Meligethes, ab. 

» Geum reptans, L., and G. montanum, L., are proterogynous and 
__androdicecious; that is to say, besides the ordinary individuals 



with hermaphrodite proterogynous flowers, other plants occur in 
all of whose flowers the pistil is suppressed while the stamens 
remain (609). 

137. GEUM uRBANUM, L.—The flowers are much smaller than 
those of G. rivale, and appear at a season (July, August) and in 
spots where many more conspicuous flowers compete with them. 
They accordingly receive few insect-visits, and rely for the most 

part on self-fertilisation. 

Honey is secreted by a green, fleshy, annular ridge at the 
base of the receptacular tube, internal to the insertion of the 
stamens. When the flower opens all the stamens are bent inwards, 
so that their anthers lie close upon the outer carpels, while the 
inner styles with ripe stigmas project in the centre of the flower. 
The outermost stamens now bend outwards and the anthers dehisce, 
turning their pollen-covered surfaces upwards; when the innermost 
stamens dehisce in their turn, some of their pollen almost always 
comes upon the outer stigmas. If the flower is visited early by — 
insects, its feebly-marked proterogynous dichogamy may insure 
cross-fertilisation ; if the visits are deferred till later, crossing may 
still be effected by an insect which alights, dusted with pollen, 
in the centre of the flower. But self-fertilisation must take place 
very often, both spontaneously and by the agency of insects which 
alight at the edge of the flower. 

I have only observed the following visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) 

Melithreptus scriptus, L., s. and f.p. B, Coleoptera—Dermestide : (2) Byturus 
fumatus, L., f.p. 

138. FRAGARIA VESCA, L. (Strawberry).—The honey is secreted — 
by a narrow, fleshy ring at the base of the receptacular tube, — 
sheltered between the stamens and the outer carpels. The petals 
spread out into a level disk, forming a convenient alighting-place 
for insects, An insect standing on a petal must, to reach the 
honey, thrust its head between the stamens, and bring it in contact 
with the stigmas. If both stigmas and anthers ripened together 
self-fertilisation would thus be occasioned directly by the insects, 
but as a matter of fact the stamens come to maturity much later 
than the stigmas. Cross-fertilisation is also favoured by the shape — 
and manner of dehiscence of the anthers; for these are expanded 
into flat disks, so that the intervening spaces are so much narrowed 
that even Halictus and the smaller flies cannot reach the nectary 
with their heads, without rubbing against some of the anthers. The 


_ anthers dehisce at their edges, and are only covered with pollen 
at these parts. In absence of insects, I have noticed, in the case of 
_ plants blooming in my room, that some pollen falls at length upon 
the stigmas, in consequence of the oblique (light-seeking) position 
of the flower. 
Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Empide: (1) Empis livida, L., s.; (b) Syr- 
_ phide: (2) Eristalis sepulcralis, L., s.; (8) Syrphus, s.; (4) Melithreptus 
_ menthastri, L., s. ; (5) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. ; (6) Syritta pipiens, L., s., ab. ; 
_ (c) Muscide: (7) Anthomyia sp. ; (8) Musca corvina, F. B, Coleoptera— 
(a) Dermestide : (9) Anthrents pimpinelle, F., 1h.; (10) A. scrophularia, 
iL, Lh. ; (b) Nitidulide: (11) Meligethes, ab.; (c) Malacodermata: (12) 
_ Dasytes flavipes, F. ; (13) Malachius bipustulatus, F., both species licking 
honey, and also devouring the anthers; (d) Mordellide : (14) Mordella acu- 

 leata, L., lh. ; (e) Cerambycide : (15) Grammoptera ruficornis, Pz., not rare, 

1h., and also devouring the anthers. C. Thysanoptera—(16) Thrips, ab., s. 
_D. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (17) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 2; (18) Hal- 
_ ictus’ lucidulus, Schenck, 9, s. ; (19) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck,? ; (20) An- 
drena dorsata, K. 2, ¢.p.; (21) Nomada sexfasciatus, Pz. ¢; (22) N. rufi- 
 cornis, L. 2, s,; (23) N. signata, Jur. ¢,s.; (24) Apis mellifica, L. $, cp. ; 

_ (b) Sphegide : (25) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., Lh, See also No. 590, 1, and 

No. 609. 

In the United States, cultivated species of Fragaria incline to 
- dicecism. 

: 139. PoTENTILLA VERNA, L.—The annular ridge on the inner 
wall of the receptacular tube, which surrounds the base of the 
stamens and is marked by its dark, sometimes reddish-yellow, 
colour, and bright polished appearance, secretes honey not in drops 
but in a very evident smooth adherent layer. The anthers get 
covered on both sides with pollen, and ripen simultaneously with 
the stigmas. Insect-visitors alight sometimes in the middle of the 
flower, sometimes on the petals ; in the latter case they dust them- 
selves with pollen, but are not likely to come in contact at all with 
the stigmas, as the honey-secreting ring lies farther outwards than 

| in the preceding species ; if they alight in the middle of the next 

flower, cross-fertilisation is accomplished. Self-fertilisation must 
in any case be a frequent occurrence. In dull weather the flowers 
close partially, and at night they shut completely, bringing the 
anthers in contact with the stigmas. 

Visitors (from April 21 to May 24): A. Hymenoptera—Apide : © 
“Halictus leucopus, K. 9,s. and cp. ; (2) H. flavipes, K. ?,¢.p.; (3) H 

-sexstrigatus, Schenck, 2, c.p.; (4) H. cylindricus, F. 2, cp. ; (5) Andrena 
albicans, K. 2 ¢, ep. and s., ab. ; (6) A. albicrus, K. ¢,s.; (7) A. nana, K. 
: | = s.; (8) A. argentata, Sinith (= A. gracilis, Schenck), g,s.; (9) A. fulvi- 


crus, K. ¢,s.; (10) A. parvula, K. 9,s.; (11) A. dorsata, K. 9,¢p.; (12) 
A. chrysosceles, Nyl. 9, s.; (13) Nomada ruficornis, L. ¢ ; (14) Osmia 
fusca, Christ. (bicolor, Schrank), 9, s. and c.p.; (15) Apis mellifica, L. §, s. 
B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (16) Odontomyia argentata, F., s. ; (b) Syr- 
phide : (17) Syritta pipiens, L., s.; (18) Syrphus, s.; (19) Rhingia rostrata, 
L., s.; (20) Cheilosia preecox, Zett., ab.,s.; (21) Ch. modesta, Egg.,s.; (ce) 
Muscide: (22) Pollenia vespillo, F.; (23) Onesia cognata, Mgn.; (24) O. 
floralis, R. D.,—all three sucking. C. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (25) Meligethes, 
licking honey, ab. See also No. 590, 11. 

= FS ZZ, 
Z j 


!) f 
i] } 

Fia. 75.—Potentilla minima, Haller fil. 

A.—Flower, from above (x 7). 

B.—Ditto, in longitudinal section. 

C.—Upper end of a stamen ; the anther has dehisced laterally (x 35). ; 

a, epicalyx; b, calyx; c, corolla; d, stamen;‘e, yellow fleshy ring on which the stamens are in- 
serted, and which secretes honey; /, internal orange-coloured part of the ring, which becomes 
covered with a layer of honey; g, ring of hairs which protect the honey h, orange spot at the base 
of each petal (pathfinder); ¢, carpel. 

(Heuthai, Berninahaus, August 8, 1877.) 

Potentilla minima, Haller jil—The annexed figure may serve 
as an illustration of a simple, open, regular flower, cross-fertilised 
by a miscellaneous lot of short-lipped insects, which has already 
acquired, besides a nectary, a honey-receptacle, a contrivance to 
shelter the honey, and guides or pathfinders to point towards it. 

140. PoTENTILLA REPTANS, L.—The floral mechanism resem- 
bles that of P. verna, and the fertilising agents in like manner 
are chiefly the less specialised bees, | 



_ A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. ? ; (2) Pr. 
 hyalinata, Sm. 2 ; (8) Halictus maculatus, Sm. ?, ¢.p.; (4) H. leucozonius, 
Schrank, 9, ¢p.; (5) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9, c.p. and s.; (6) Andrena 
albicrus, K. ¢; (7) A. nana, K. ¢,s.; (8) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ¢,s.; (9) 
Nomada xanthosticta, K. ¢,s.; (10) N. succincta, Pz. ¢,s.; (b) Sphegide: 
(11) Ammophila sabulosa, L. ¢.  B. Diptera—Syrphide : (12) Syrphus 
reuatus, Fallen, fp. See also No. 590, 11. 

141. PoTENTILLA ANSERINA, L.—The floral mechanism resembles 
shat of P. verna. 

Visitors: Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Halictus flavipes, K. 9, cp. 
2) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9, c.p. ; (b) Sphegide : (3) Oxybelus uniglumis, 
L; (4) O. bellus, Dib. See also No. 5y0, 11, and No. 609. 

142. PoreNnTILLA FRUTICOSA, L.—In this flower also I have 
failed to discover distinct drops of honey, but the smooth shining 
‘ing or disk at the base of the receptacular tube, surrounding the 
tigmas, is so much visited by insects, including even the honey- 
ee, that I can scarcely doubt that a thin layer of honey covers the 
pidermis in this part. The stigmas ripen simultaneously with the 
nthers, which dehisce laterally. Insects, as they happen to 
ight in the centre of a flower or on a petal, touch stigmas or 
tamens first, and thus cross-fertilisation and self-fertilisation seem 
qually probable. In absence of insects, some of the stamens curve 
vwards as they wither, and come, still dusted with pollen, in con- 
with the stigmas. In sunny weather the conspicuous flowers 
tract very numerous insects. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidew: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, ab. 
ne bee alights in the middle of the flower, and turning round passes its 
mgue over the whole honey-bearing ring which surrounds the bases of the 
ameus,—it effects cross-fertilisation regularly) ; (2) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 
}, also licking honey ; (0) Sphegide: (3) Oxybelus bellus, Dlb., very ab. 
ten four at once in a flower; (4) O. unigiumis, L., scarce, both licking 
mey. B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide: (5) Sargus cuprarius, L., ab. ; (d) 
abanide: (6) Chrysops cecutiens, L. ¢; (ce) Syrphide: (7) Eristalis 
pulcralis, L.; (8) E. arbustorum, L.; (9) Helophilus pendulus, L. ; (10) 
. floreus, L. ; (11) Melithreptus teeniatus, Mgn.; (12) Syritta pipiens, L. 
(11) all ab., sometimes 1.h., sometimes fp. ; (d) Conopide: (13) Sicus 
Tugineus, L.; (e) Muscide: (14) Sarcophaga carnaria, L.,ab. ; (15) Lucilia 
varum, Mgn.; (16) L. Cornicina, F., both ab.; (17) Anthomyia, very ab. ; 
8) Scatophaga merdaria, F., ab. ; (19) Sepsis, very freq. (12)—(18) only 1.h. 
_ Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (20) Meligethes, very ab., fp. ; (6) Malaco- 
ermata ; (21) Dasytes flavipes, L., licking honey and devouring the anthers. 

143. Porentitta TorMENTILLA, Nestl.—The floral mechanism 
| iS as in P. verna, but the secretion of honey is more evident. The 


flattened anthers dehisce edgewise as in Fragaria, and only their 
thin edges remain coated with pollen. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Andrena denticulata, K. 2 g,s. 
and cp.; (2) A. parvula, K. 2, cp. B. Diptera—(a) Bombyliide: (3) Sys- 
teechus sulfureus, F., s, (Sld.) ; (b) Syrphide : (4) Chrysotoxum:bicinetum, L., 
freq. (Sld.) ; (5) Melithreptus scriptus, L., f.p. ; (6) Cheilosia sp. (pictipennis, 
Egger ?), f.p. See also No. 590, 11, and No. 609. 

Potentilla iiaouiek: Lodd.—The flowers, according to 
Delpino, are proterandrous, with short-lived stigmas: in the first 
stage the anthers are unripe and radiate outwards; in the second, 
they stand erect on a level with the stigmas. Andrena and 
Halutus were observed to visit the flower (178, 360). 

Potentilla argentea, L.—Twenty species of insect-visitors are 
enumerated in my Weitere Beobachtungen, I. : 

Potentilla Salisburgensis, Haenke (= P. aurea, var. 8), P. aurea, 
L., P. grandiflora, L., P. caulescens, L. (vide Die Alpenblumen, pp. 

Sibbaldia procumbens, L.—The honey lies fully exposed, and 
the tiny, greenish-yellow flowers are abundantly visited by small, 
short-lipped insects (Muscide, Ants, Ichneumonide),. Stigmas and 
anthers ripen simultaneously, but stand too far apart for spontaneous 
self-fertilisation to take place (609, fig. 87). 

Tribe Poteriec. 

144, ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS, L.—The tiny flowers are desti- 
tute of a corolla. A yellow fleshy ring on the inner wall of th 

Fia. 76.—Alchemilla vulgaris, L. 
a —Flower with | pce stamens and short style, from above. 

2.—Ditto, viewed obliquely, from above, 

8.—Ditto, with three perfect and one abortive stamen, and perfect style. 
4,—Ditto, with style still more developed, and all the stamens abortive. 
a, epicalyx ; b, calyx ; ¢, stainen; c’, abortive stamen ; d, stigma; e, nectary. 

receptacular’ tube, which surrounds the style and, later on, th 
ovary, secretes a thin layer of honey and gives a greenish-yello 
appearance, at a little distance, to the whole inflorescence. Owin 


to the small supply of honey, insects with long proboscides do not 
Hy visit the flower or do so sparingly, and beetles and other insects 
which are only attracted by bright colours are also absent. 
_ Cross-fertilisation is favoured by partial separation of the sexes, 
Flowers seldom occur in which both male and female organs are 
equally developed. In the great majority of flowers either the 
stamens are fully developed and the pistil remains so short as 
scarcely to project above the honey-secreting ring (Fig. 76, 1, 2), 
or the style is long and exserted (Fig. 76, 4), and the anthers 
completely aborted: sometimes, however, flowers occur (Fig. 76, 
_ 3) in which one or two stamens are developed in addition to the 
pistil, the others being suppressed. 
I have never observed a case of self-fertilisation. 
At Lippstadt I have found Alchemilla vulgaris, L., visited by 
one of the Syrphide, Xanthogramma citrofasciata, Deg. ; on the 
Alps by three butterflies and six flies (Alpenbl. pp. 223, 224). 
Alchemilla alpina, L., A. jfissa, Giinth., and A. pentaphylia, L., 
are frequented by short-lipped insects, and do not differ materially 
in their arrangements for fertilisation from A. vulgaris. They 
show all transition-stages between hermaphrodite and purely female 
flowers; and in A. /issa, at least, among very many flowers 
bearing seed I found none with more than one stamen, so that 
flowers with more than one stamen seem to have lost their female 

~ functions (609). 

145. AcRimoniA EvpatoriA, L.—The two styles, which project 
rom the centre of the flower, are united at their base to a fleshy 
ring, on which I have not observed honey. The five to seven 
| stamens, which are inserted at the edge of this disk, bend slightly 
, inwards; their anthers, which dehisce laterally, stand on a level 
/ with the stigmas, and come in contact with them before withering 
ny bending still farther inwards. Insect-visits are scanty, and 
nust, in many cases, induce mainly self-fertilisation, for cross- 
’ fertilisation only results when the insects alight well in the centre 
of the flower. Since all the flowers are found to produce seed, 
’ self-fertilisation is doubtless quite efficient. 
| __ Eug. Warming gives a thorough description of the development 
| of the flower (762). 
Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (2) Ascia 
7 yodagrica, F.; (3) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (4) M. dispar, Loew. ; (5) M. 
‘pictus, Mgn. ; (6) M. teeniatus, Mgn.; (7) Melanostoma mellina, L.; (8) 
Eristalis tenax, L., all fp. only ; (9) Rhingia rostrata, L., do. ; (b) Muscide : 


(10) Anthomyia sp., fp. B. Hymenoptera—Apide : (11) Halictus, small 
species, 2, c.p. 

146. PoTErIuM SancuisorBA, L., is anemophilous, with red 
penicillate stigmas, and anthers hanging out of the flower on long 
thin filaments. On June 27, 1869, I saw a wasp, Odynerus 
parietum, L. 3, settle on the flower, attracted probably by the 
red colour; but after a short and vain search it flew away again. 

147, SANGUISORBA OFFICINALIS, L.—The flowers are devoid 
of petals, whose function devolves entirely upon the calyx. The 

Fic. 77.—Sanguisor ba officinalis, L. 

A —Flower, viewed from above. 
B.—Ditto, from the side. 
C.—Ditto, in longitudinal section 
D.—A sepal, from the inside. (x 7.) 

calyx, in its lowest! part, surrounds the ovary ; its middle portio 2 
constituting a fleshy ring around the base of the style, secretes 
honey ; and its uppermost part spreads out into four dark purple 
sepaline lobes. Anthers (a) and stigmas (st) are developed simul. 
taneously. The divided stigma resembles that of an anemophilous 
flower, and is doubtless a character inherited from an anemophilous 
. ancestor resembling Poteriwm (609). : 

Tribe Rosew. 

148, Rosa cAntnA, L.—-The upper border of the calyx-tube 
internal to the attachment of the stamens, is provided with a thick 
fleshy ring, which closely surrounds the styles, letting the stigmas 
only protrude. The flowers seem either to secrete no honey at ¢ 

1 'The lowest and middle part really belong to the receptacular tube. 


or only a thin adherent layer of it; at least, I have never found drops 
of honey, in spite of repeated searching: The flowers, which attract 
‘notice by their large petals and their strong scent, compensate the 
“numerous insect-visitors for the want of honey by the abundance of | 
pollen which the numerous stamens supply. The ring surrounding | 
he style is of material importance ; for since the stamens, when the 
lower opens, are inclined outwards and the petals remain directed 
more or less upwards, the ring and the stigmas within it form the 
mly convenient alighting-place for insects: thus insects coming 
lusted with pollen from another flower are brought into contact 
vith the stigmas first. And this is the only character present to 
sromote cross-fertilisation, for stigmas and anthers come to maturity 

Tn long-continned dull or rainy weather, insect-visits may cease 
Imost completely; but the flowers, turning towards the sun, all 
tand more or less obliquely, so that part of the pollen falls upon 

e stigmas. 

— A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, ¢.p.; (3) An- 
a albicans, K. 9 ¢, ¢.p.and fip.; (3) A. fucata, Sm. 2, c.p. ; (4) Halictus 
itidus, Schenck, ?, ¢.p.; (5) Megachile circumcincta, K. 2, ¢.p. ; (6) Prosopis 
ommunis, Nyl. 9 ¢,f.p., ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (7) Helophilus floreus, 
1; (8) Syritta pipiens, L., ab., both fp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (9) 
Meligethes, ab. ; (b) Dermestide: (10) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F.; (11) A. 
erc phulariz, L,, both ab., fp.; (¢) Malacodermata: (12) Anthocomus 
iatus, L. ; (d) Edmallicobata’: (13) Cetonia aurata, L. ; (14) Phyllopertha 
" ticola, L. (both often bite large holes in the petals, shit often even devour 
le stigmas and all the anthers) ; (e) Mordellide : (15) Mordella aculeata, L. ; 
6) Anaspis frontalis, L. ; (f) Cerambycide : (17) Rhagium inquisitor, F. ; 
18) Strangalia armata, Hbst.; (19) S. nigra, L., devouring the anthers and 
hher delicate tissues; (gy) Chrysomelide : (20) Luperus flavipes. 

Sse RTE Oy Se eg EM F- 

149. Rosa ceNnTIFoLIA, L.—In consequence of its more con- 
picuous flowers, this species is still more largely visited by insects ; 
or though I have observed it more rarely than R. canina, I have a 
mger list of its insect-visitors. 

A. ao Apide: (1) Andrena albicans, K. 2? ¢, ¢. nt and f.p., 
ery ; (2) A. pilipes, F.-9? ¢, do., scarcer ; (3) A. dorsata, K. 9°, “P> 
b. 5 ; ra alictas zonulus, Sm. 9? ; (5) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9; (6) H 
xnotatus, K. 9, all three c.p.; (7) Megachile cireumcincta, K. ? ; (8) M. 
er tuncularis, L. 2, both ¢.p., ab. ; (9) Prosopis propinqua, Nyl. 2 ¢; (10) 
communis, Nyl. ? ¢, both very ab., fp. ; (b) Chryside : (12) Chrysis ignita, 
—4L.; (13) Chr. cyanea, L. ; (c) Sphegide : (14) Crabro patellatus, v.d. L.  B. 
_ Diptera—Syrphidw: (15) Brachypalpus valgus, Pz.; (16) Eristalis eneus, 
_Scop.; (17) E. nemorum, L.; (18) Chrysogaster viduata, L. ; (19) Syritta 


| , sys Fok 
_ accessible honey attract many insects, and cross-fertilisation is_ 

agi _— se 


pipiens, L., all fp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (20) Meligethes, ab. ; 
b) Dermestide : (21) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F.; (22) A. scrophularie, id 
ab. ; (23) A. claviger, Er., scarce ; (c) Malacodermata : (24) Dasytes sp., scarce ; 
(25) Anthocomus fisbinkas L., at (d) Lamellicornia : (26) Cetonia aurata 7 

L.; (27) Phyllopertha horiesia’ L .; (28) Melolontha vulgaris, L., all three — 
devouring the soft tissues indiscriminately ; (¢) Mordellide : (29) Mordella 
aculeata, L. ; (30) Anaspis ruficollis, F.; (f) Cistelide: (81) Cistela murina, — 
L. ; (g) Cerambycide : (32) Strangalia atra, F.; (33) S. attenuata, L.; (34) — 
Grammoptera ruficornis, F., very freq. ; (35) Clytus arietis, L., all feeding 
on the soft tissues, especially the anthers. 


These last two lists not only afford a new example of how” 
increasing conspicuousness leads to more numerous insect-visits } | 
but they also disprove Delpino’s theory, that the proper fertilisers — 
of Roses are Cetoniw: and Glaphyr ide and that therefore the — 
geographical distribution of Roses is limited by the range of these _ € 

Rosa rubiginosa, L., Sab hs: an obvious secretion of honeys 

(590, IL). 

Tribe Pomee. 

150. Pyrus Mats, L.—The five stigmas overtop the stamens — 
and ripen before them. The conspicuous flowers and easily 

insured by the proterogynous condition, and also by the prominent 
position of the stigmas. In the absence of insects, self-fertilisation 
results ; for most flowers are directed sideways, towards the light, so” 
that pollen can fall of itself upon the stigmas. Here and there 
flowers occur in which the stigmas are in immediate contact with | 
the anthers. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidew: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. ? ; (2) 
B. agrorum, F. ?; (3) B. lapidarius, L. 2; (4) B. hortorum, L. 9, all four 
very ab.; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $ ; (6) Anthophora pilipes, F. 2; (7) An- 
drena albicans, K. ¢ 9, all seven s. and ¢.p. ; (8) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 2, s. ; 
(9) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s. (the bees almost: always alight in the middle of the 
flowers, and so usually perform cross-fertilisation even in older flowers, since 
the stigmas are the first to touch the pollen-covered belly of the insect). (0) 
Formicide; (10) various species, ab., s. B, Diptera—(a) Bombyliide : (11) _ 
Bombylius major, L., s. ; (b) Empide : (12) Empis livida, L., s.; (e) Syrphide = 
(13) Rhingia rostrata, L., very freq., usually s. but also f.p.; (14) Syrphus 
pyrastri, L., s. and f.p.; (d@) Muscide: (15) Onesia floralis, R. D., s.; (e) 
Bibionide : (16) Dilophus vulgaris, Mgn., very ab., s. 

a Alcuni App. p. 18, “Le peonie e le rose debbono arrestarsi dove st ‘arrestano 
le Cetonie.” 


} 151. Pyrus communis, L.—The stamens are here longer than | 
he styles, but when the flower opens they are curled inwards and 
immature, while the stigmas are ripe and project. Cross-fertilisa- | 
tion is insured only if insects come soon after the opening of the 
flower. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation takes place as in 
Pyrus Malus. I have often observed by experiment how easily 
pollen from a ripe stamen adheres to the stigmas of a flower, long 
efore its own anthers are ripe. 
_ Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (1) Eristalis tenax, L., very ab. ; (2) 
®. arbustorum, L.; (3) E. nemorum, L., ab, ; (4) E. intricarius, L. ; (5) 
| Syritta pipiens, L. ; (6) Ascia podagrica, F., both ab. ; (7) Melanostoma mellina, 
L,, all the Syrphide both s. and f.p. ; (b) Muscide : (8) Anthomyia radicum, 
'R.D. ¢ 9, very ab. ; (9) Pollenia Vespillo, F.; (10) P. rudis, F. ; (11) Musca 
corvina, F, ; (12) M. domestica, L. ; (13) Lucilia cornicina, F. ; (14) Calliphora 
-erythrocephala, Mgn.; (15) Sepsis sp., all s.; (16) Scatophaga merdaria, F., 
‘s. and fp. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (17) Apis mellifica, L. $, very 
ab.,s. and c.p.; (18) Bombus terrestris, L. 2, s., scarce, and flying away after 
siting a few flowers ; (19) Andrena albicans, K. ? ¢, ¢.p. and s., ab. ; (20) 
.. Gwynana, K. 2; (21) A. parvula, K. 2 ; (22) A. Collinsonana, K. 9, all 
both s. and ec. P- 5 (23) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. 9, ¢.p. and s. ; (6) Formicide : 
24), Lasius niger, L. %, 1h. ; (c) |Tenthredinide : (25) Dolerus gonager, K1., 
e; (26) Nematus capreee, L., freq., s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : 
27) Meligethes, ab. ; (0) Civculiowides ; (28) Rhynchites squatus, L.; (¢) 
occinellide : (29) Coccinella 14-punctata, L. ; (d) Phalacride : (30) Olibrus 
peus, F., all four licking honey. D. Thysanoptera—(31) Thrips, ab. 

152. Pyrus AucupaRIA, Gert.—When the flower opens, the 
amens are still immature, the outer ones standing erect, the inner 
‘ones bent inwards so that their anthers are placed below the 
igmas. The stigmas are ripe, and project in the centre of the, 
ower. The anthers, which open inwards, cover themselves all | 
‘round with pollen. In cold, dull weather, the innermost anthers — 
jremain bent down below the stigmas even after dehiscence; the 
. : er ones stand above the stigmas, incurved towards them; thus, 
}im absence of insects, self-fertilisation takes place readily. On the 
/ other hand, in warm sunshine, the stamens are inclined away from 
\t e stigmas, and the honey-secreting ring is visible between, 
| protected with hairs issuing from the base of the style. Insects, in 
‘di pping down to the honey, touch stamens and stigmas with 
| Mpposite sides of their heads. The small flowers are rendered 
bi mspicuous by aggregation, and the rich supply of honey attracts 
" ry numerous insects. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) ae mellifica, L. $,s. and 
. py very ab. ; (2) Andrena albicrus, K. 9 ¢; (3) A. albicans, K. 9, very 


ab. ; (4) A. dorsata, K. 9 ¢, all three sucking and collecting pollen ; (5) A. 
Smithella, K. 9, ¢p.; (6) A. atriceps, K. 2; (7) A. convexiuscula, K. 9; 
(8) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. 2; (9) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢, all sucking and 
collecting pollen ; (10) Nomada ruficornis, L. 9? ¢; (11) N. signata, Jur. 2, 
both sucking ; (b) Formicidw: (12) Formica congerens, N. % ; (13) Lasius” 
niger, L. § ; (14) Myrmica sp.,$, all three s., ab. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: 
(15) Empis livida, L. ; (16) E. rustica, Fallen, both s., ab. ; (b) Syrphide : 
(17) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (18) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (19) E. nemorum, 
L. ; (20) E. horticola, Mgn. ; (21) Rhingia rostrata, L., all five s. and fp., ab. ; 
(c) Muscide: (22) Echinomyia fera, L.; (23) Onesia floralis, R. D. ; (24) 
Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (25) S. merdaria, F., the last three ab., s.; (26) 
Sepsis, ab. ; (d) Conopide: (27) Myopa testacea, L.; (e) Bibionide: (28) 
Dilophus vulgaris, F., ab., s.,—besides several undetermined flies and midges. 
C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (29) Epurea; (30) Meligethes, both in 
hundreds; (b) Dermestide: (31) Byturus, in hundreds; (32) Attagenus 

pellio, scarce ; (c) Elateride: (33) Agriotes aterrimus, L.; (34) Dolopius — 
marginatus, L. ; (35) Corymbites holosericeus, L. ; (36) Limonius cylindricus, — 
Pk. ; (37) L. parvulus, Pz.; (d) Lamellicornia: (38) Cetonia aurata, L. ; 
(39) Melolontha vulgaris, L., both devouring all the tissues of the flower ; (e) — 
Malacodermata : (40) Malachius zneus, F., 1.h., and devouring the anthers ;_ 
(f) Mordellide: (41) Anaspis rufilabris, Gylh.; (9) Tenebrionide: (42) — 
Microzoum tibiale, F. !—only once ; (2) Cureulionide : (43) Apion sp. ; (44) _ 
Phyllobius maculicornis, Germ., both s.; (¢) Cerambycide: (45) Clytus ( 
arietis, L., s.; (&) Chrysomelide : (46) Adimonia sanguinea, F,, s. | 

153. Crarzaus OxyacantHa, L.—The flowers resemble those — 
of Pyrus Aucuparia in regard to their proterogyny, the manner 
dehiscence and the bending inwards .of their stamens, and hence 
also in the great likelihood of cross-fertilisation. The outer stamens | 
begin to dehisce one or two days after the opening of the flower, 
Dung-flies and flesh-flies are attracted in special abundance by | 
the odour of the flowers. In absence of insects, many flowers 
fertilise themselves. The young shoots sometimes exude a sweet 
sap, which is sought by insects. On May 9, 1868, on bushes that 
were just beginning to flower, I saw <Anthophora pilipes, F. 6, 
Bombus terrestris, L. 2, an Andrena, and Odynerus parietum, L. 
all feeding on this sap. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Tachydromia connexa, Mgn., ab. ; 
(2) Empis livida, L.,s., very ab.; (3) Microphorus velutinus, Macq. (identified by 
Herr Winnertz) ; (b) Syrphide: (4) Pipiza notata, Mgn. ; (5) Rhingia rostrata, 
L., 8., very ab. ; (6) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (7) E. intricarius, L. ; (8) E. nemorum, 
L.; (9) E. arbustorum, L. ; (10) E. sepulcralis, L.; (11) E. pertinax, Scop, 
—all the species of Eristalis s, and f.p. ; all except E. intricarius very ab. ; (12) 
Helophilus floreus, L. ; (13) H. pendulus, L., both ab. (14) Xylota segnis, L. ; 
(c) Muscide: (15) Echinomyia fera, L.; (16) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., s. ; 
(17) Onesia floralis, R. D., 8. ; (18) O. sepuleralis, Mgn., s. ; (19) Graphomyia 


“maculata, Scop. ; (20) Mesembrina meridiana, L. ; (21) Cyrtoneura sp. ; (22) 
fe icia serva, Mgn. ; (d) Bibionidw: (23) Bibio Marci, L., s. ; (24) Dilophus 
vulgaris, L., very ab. B. Coleoptera--(a) Dermestide : C5) Attagenus pellio, 
a, 1h. ; (26) Anthrenus scrophulariz, L., very ab. ; (27) A. pimpinelle, F., 
7) ‘Il more ab.; (28) A. claviger, Er., scarce, all three Lh. ; (b) Nitidulide : 
(29) Meligethes, Lh., very ab. ; (e) Bugréaides (30) Anthaxia nitidula, L. ; 
(d) Malacodermata : (31) Malachins (elegans, Ol. ?), feeding on the anthers ; 
(32) Telephorus testaceus, L.; (e) Gidemeride: (33) Asclera coerulea, L. ; 
f) Mordellide : (34) Anaspis frontalis, L., ].h. ; (35) Mordella abdominalis, 
P., Lh. ; (g) Cerambycide: (36) Clytus bsvetions. L., Lh. ; (37) Grammoptera 
. Bicornic, F., ab., Lh. ; (h) Chrysomelide : (38) Clythra cyanea, F., gnawing 
the petals. C. Pyinenopters-— Api : (89) Andrena Schrankella, Nyl. g,s. ; 

40) A. helvola, L. 9, s.; (41) A. fulvicrus, K. 2 ¢, s.; (42) A. nitida, K 
2 S, very freq., s. and c.p.; (43) A. varians, Rossi, 2 ; (44) A. Trimmerana, 
K. 9 6; (45) A. atriceps, K.? ¢; (46) A. Gwynana, K. 9 ; (47) A. fulva, K. 9 ; 
(48) A. albicans, K. 9 4, very ab.; (49) A. dorsata, K. 2; (50) A. chryso- 
“seeles, K. 9; (51) A. parvula, F. 9; (52) A. connectens, K. 9, the last ten 
‘both s. and c.p. ; (53) Halictus cylindricus, K. 2, s.; (54) Nomada ruficornis, 
L929 6,58.3 (55) N. signata, Jur. 9; (56) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢,s8.; (57) 
Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and e.p., ab. 

154. CorongasTeR vuLcaris, Lindl—This plant in the Alps 
ften grows on the same rocks to which a wasp (Polistes gallica) 

Ny Cr WM} } 


Fic 78.— Cotoneaster vulgaris, Lind . 

A.—Flower, in slightly oblique side view. 
B.—Ditto, from above. 

C.—Ditto, in longitudinal section. 

nm, nectary. (xX 7.) 

(From Rosegthal, Pontresina, June 18, 1879.) 

s attached its stalked, open nest. The hemispherical calyx of 
flower is filled with honey, which the petals arch over and pro- 
tect t, excluding a great many insects. I have found the flowers 

| t ited solely by the above-mentioned wasp, whose head just fits 
0 the flower. Cross-fertilisation is insured by proterogyny ; in 
bsence of insects, self-fertilisation occurs (600). 
} R 


Amelanchier vulgaris, Moench. (Aronia rotundifolia, Pers.).— 
This plant is imperfectly proterandrous. Of the three whorls of 
stamens, the outermost dehisce, while the others are still bent in- — 
wards and shelter the immature stigmas. The inner anthers and 
the stigmas are ripe together (609). 



In all honey-yielding Rosacez the honey is secreted and 
carried by an annular region (disk) of the inner wall of the re- | 
ceptacular tube, sometimes closely surrounding the pistil, some- 
times shifted farther outwards: this ridge shows all transitions 
between abundant and evident drops of honey, a thin sweet 
layer invisible to us but eagerly licked by insects, and, lastly, 
absolute barrenness. 

The abundance of insect-visits depends here, as elsewhere, on 
the conspicuousness of the flowers and the amount of spoil they 
furnish ; and, similarly, the variety of insects which frequent the 
flowers ‘depends on the accessibility of the spoil. For instance, 
the small, yellow, honeyless flowers of Agrimonia Hupatoria are 
sparingly visited by a few pollen-feeding Syrphidew and pollen- 
collecting bees; while the equally honeyless roses attract a very 
numerous company of insects, which come for the sake of the 
pollen and the delicate tissues of the flower. The effects of 
conspicuousness are well illustrated by the Raspberry and the. 
Blackberry. The effect of diminished accessibility of the honey 
in restricting the variety of insect-visitors is shown in the case 
of Gewm rivale; the flowers of which remain half-closed, and, 
though yielding abundant honey, are only visited by specially 
long-tongued bees and flies (Bombus and Rhingia): the Rasp- 
berry and Blackberry may be contrasted to illustrate this poin } 
also. 7 | 

In Rosaceze whose honey lies concealed and which are fertilised 
by a motley crowd of short-lipped insects, the flowers are for 
most part greenish-yellow, yellow, or white in colour; in Comarwi 
palustre, Potentilla atrosanguinea, and Sanguisorba officinalis they are 
dark-red or purple, probably owing to the influence of carrion 
feeding flies. | 

In Rosaceze whose honey lies more deeply placed, which aré 
mainly fertilised by long-tongued bees, we find in part red colour 


(Amygdalus Persica, Cydonia japonica). In this relation the 
- genus Geum is interesting ; for that species which is fertilised by 
bees (G. rivale) exhibits a red colour in which the influence of the 
primitive yellow is still evident. 

Rosaceve visited for the sake of their pollen have white flowers 
when their chief visitors are small, short-lipped insects (Spirwa 
Ulmaria, S. Aruncus) ; but show a tendency to red when frequented 
~ mainly by bees or Syrphide (Rosa). In the whole order of Rosacez 
‘no species seems to have acquired a violet or blue flower, nor to have 
_ become adapted exclusively for fertilisation by Lepidoptera. 


Tribe Saxi/ragee. 

_ Dr. A. Engler? has investigated thirty-eight species of Saaifraga 
and found them to be all proterandrous with movement of the 
amens singly in succession towards the middle of the flower. 
“On the other hand, he found Bergenia (Saxifraga crassifolia, L.), 
Mitella, L., Heuchera, L., and Drummondia, DC. (= Mitella pent- 
andra, Hook.) to be proberogynous without movement of the 
tamens (221). On species of Saxifraga flowering in the open air 
_ he observed beetles (Haliica, small Staphylinee), flies, and especially 
bees. He doubts Sprengel’s interpretation of the so-called honey- 
e ides (Saftmal), for though present in some Saxifrages they 
‘ re absent in others. In plants whose honey varies between 
ully exposed and hidden situations, such a fluctuation of the 
: Bate marks is very natural, and rather strengthens Sprengel’s 
In my Alpendlumen I have tried to prove that those species of 
axifraga which have dotted petals show all transitions from mere 
: eament by which insects are attracted to ornamentation which 
arves also as a “ pathfinder.”’ 
The proterandrous flowers of S. aizoides, L., and S. oppositifolia, 
| L,, are figured by Axell (17). 
| Saxifraga sarmentosa, L. fil., has asymmetrical flowers (Todd, 
| 722). . , 
_ Of the numerous Alpine species of Saxifraga, I have examined 
and figured thirteen. All show, more or less distinctly, the 
seculiarity that the anthers ripen one after another; at the same 


1 “** Monographie der Gattung Saxifraga,” p. 26. Breslau, 1872. 
R 2 


time they bend in towards the centre of the flower, but after 
dehiscing they again move outwards. This peculiarity was known 
to Treviranus, but was explained by him as aiding self-fertilisation 
(742). ‘On the contrary it aids cross-fertilisation, by causing the 
insect-visitors to come in contact with the pollen-dusted anthers. 
In most of the species of Saxifraga which I have investigated 
(S. rotundifolia, L., S. stellaris, L., S. aspera, DC., 8S. bryoides, 
L. = S. aspera, var. B, S. aizoides, L., 8S. Aizodn, Jacq., S. coesia, L., 

Fic. 79.—Sawifraga Seguieri, Spreng. 
A.—Flower, in first (female) stage, seen obliquely from above. The stigmas are mature. Anthers, 


petals, and sepals are still far from their full size. 3 5 
B.—Flower, at commencement of second (male) stage. The stigmas are shrivelled at the tip 
the anthers are all still closed. (a’ dehisced while the drawing was being made.) ; 
C.—Flower, at the beginning of the second half of the second (male) stage. The five oute 
anthers are already empty; of the five inner, a has dehisced, and a? is in the act of dehiscing 
The stigmas are entirely shrivelled up. . 
D.—A still older flower. Of the five inner anthers three are still covered with pollen, one i 
still closed. 
E.—Section of flower in second stage. (x 7.) 

S. exarata, Vill., S. stenopetala, Gaud.), the stigma only ripens ¢ 
the anthers have withered. Engler thought that this was the es 
in all the species, but S. oppositifolia, L., and also S. tridactyli 
L., a lowland species, are only feebly proterandrous in certe 
localities, and in others are feebly proterogynous ; and three species, 
S. androsacea, I, S. muscoides, Wulf., and S. Seguieri, Spr., I have: 
found tio be everywhere distinctly proterogynous, only the first of the 
three being able in case of need to fertilise itself. 
As in diecious entomophilous plants the male flowers 


usually larger and more conspicuous than the female, so in the 
Y three distinctly proterogynous species of Saxifraga, the: flowers 
while in their male stage are more than twice as large as they were 

at first while in their female stage. As Sprengel “supposed, it is 
i; probable that many insects are thus induced to visit the male 
flowers first, and then, having dusted themselves with pollen, to 
proceed to the female flowers and fertilise them. The annexed 
- figure may serve to show this distinction between the flowers in 
their male and female stages. 
The honey is quite visible in the above-named species of 
| Sawifraga, except S. oppositifolia. Very various short-lipped 
insects, but especially flies, serve therefore as fertilising agents. 
To the selective influence of flies, therefore, the development of 
_ the ordinary colours—white, dull-yellow, white with yellow or purple 
spots—must be mainly ascribed. In particular, the prettily dotted 
petals of S. rotundifolia and S. umbrosa, L., seem to be due to the 
nfluence of certain elegant and prettily coloured Syrphide by which 
they are especially visited and cross-fertilised (S. rotundifolia by 
— Sphegina clunipes and Pelecocera sccevoides; S. umbrosa by Ascia 
| _— Saxifraga aizoides, L., with its large golden flowers dotted with 
_ orange, is the most conspicuous form, and attracts most insect-visitors. 
I have found it to be visited by 126 species of insects (Coleoptera, 
; Diptera, 85; Hymenoptera, 20; Lepidoptera, 13). (609.) 
The honey is most deeply placed in S. oppositifolia ; the flowers 
_of this species are diligently and persistently visited by butter- 
flies and are arrayed in carmine or purple, the favourite colour 
_ of most of these insects.! 



a great superficial likeness to the apical flowers of -Adoza, and 
are visited by a very similar set of tiny insects. 

From the middle of the flower the two styles stretch, diverging 
and bending outwards slightly, capped at the apex by the smooth, 
capitate stigmas, and surrounded at the base by a broad, fleshy, 
yellowish disk, secreting numerous minute drops of honey. At 
_ the edge of this disk the calyx, which coalesces below with the 
_ ovary, expands horizontally into four broad rounded sepals, bright 
_ yellow, and slightly recurved. There is no trace of petals. Be- 
_ tween each pair of sepals, and also facing each one, there stands on 
the edge of the disk a stamen, erect, and reaching as high as the 

1 609, Figs. 26-38 ; in connection with S. wmbrosa, see 604. 


styles. First the four outer ones, which stand opposite the sepals, 
ripen one after the other, and then the other four. All the stamens 
dehisce on both sides, and flap open so widely that they are covered 
almost all round and also above with pollen. The stigmas are 
susceptible of fertilisation during the whole time of flowering. A 
number of such flowers, from five to upwards of a dozen, are closely 
packed in an almost level cyme, and, together with the broad green 
bracts that lie nearly in the same plane, form a conspicuous expanse 
with a golden-yellow centre. 

Numerous minute insects of different orders are attracted. 
Most of them touch a stigma with one part of their body, and with 
another one or more of the anthers; and so cross-fertilisation is 
promoted. But self-fertilisation is not unfrequently induced by the 

tiny guests that creep irregularly about the flower. In default of — 

insect-visits, self-fertilisation can only take place in a perpendicu- 
lar or nearly perpendicular position of the flowers; fur ouly then 
can pollen fall.upon the stigmas. On April 13, 1872, I collected 
forty-six insects upon flowers growing in the shade. 

A. Diptera—(a) Muscide: (1) Five specimens of Sciomyza cinerella, 
Fallen ; (b) Simulide: (2) Simulia sp., three specimens ; (c) Cecidomyide : 
(3) Six specimens ; (d) Mycetophilide : (4) Five specimens ; (e) Chironomide : 
(5) Three specimens, besides minute species. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Formi- 
cide: (6) Lasius niger, L. §, eight specimens; (7) Myrmica ruginodis, 
N. & (t), two specimens; (8) M. levinodis, N. %, three specimens; (d) 
Cynipide : (9) Eucoila, Westw. (Cothonaspis, Hart.), one specimen. C. Cole- 
optera—(a) Phalacride : (10) Olibrus zeneus, F. one specimen ; (b) Lathridii : 

(11) Corticaria gibbosa, Hbst., two specimens ; (c) Curculionide: (12) Apion — 

varipes, Germ., four specimens ; (13) A. onopordi, K., three specimens ; all the 
visitors were licking honey. 

Also, I found small snails (young Succinee) upon many flowers, — 
either creeping about, or devouring the stigmas or anthers. In the 

slimy matter left upon the flowers, pollen-grains could as a rule be 
recognised : in several cases I could distinctly see that pollen was 
placed upon a stigma by help of the snails. 

Now if, under some changed conditions, insect-visits altogether 
failed, it would obviously be of advantage to the plant to have 
cross-fertilisation promoted by the snails, at least on the supposition 
that by new modifications the ravages of the snails should ke 
obviated. This example may explain the origin of such a floral 
arrangement as Delpino observed in Alocasia odora and Rhodea 
japonica. And so the doubt which I formerly published concerning 
the truth of Delpino’s theory is now removed, 

/ > 90> uel sme tall 


Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, L., is proterogynous with per- 
sistent stigmas (78). 

156. BerGENIA (SAXIFRAGA) CRASSIFOLIA, L.—I saw (April 4, 
1868) hive-bees and Bombus hortorum, L. ¢, greedily sucking 
honey on this plant, and found pollen on the stigmas of several | 
flowers whose anthers were not yet open. 

157. PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS, L.—Sprengel described very fully 
the structure of this plant, but remained in doubt not only as to 

Fia. 80.—Parnassia palustris, L. 

_ A,—Flower, seen from above, after removal of three sepals and four petals. The flower had just 
opened. One stamen has risen up and placed its anther on the centre of the pistil, whose stigmas 
et yet nature; the anther is on the point of dehiscing, and will cover its upper surface with 

B.—-Essential organs of a flower, in which four stamens have shed their pollen; the fifth lies, 
covered with pollen, upon the pistil. The stigmas are not yet developed. 

C.—Essential organs of a flower in the second (female) condition. (A—C, x 54.) 

D.—A staminode, more magnified. 

ildebrand has observed Helophilus floreus, L., wpon its flowers. 
The anthers before maturity lie close upon the conical ovary, 
which rises up in the middle of the flower and overtops them ; 
they ripen slowly one after the other, each in turn elongating till 
it brings its anther immediately over the end of the pistil, and 
then dehiscing on the upper surface. It afterwards bends outwards 
_and is succeeded by another, and finally, when all the anthers have 
dehisced and moved away, the stigma becomes developed. 
The curious nectaries stand immediately opposite to the petals, 
alternating with the stamens. Each consists of a short, broad 
peduncle, broadening above into a fleshy disk, which secretes 


honey in two shallow depressions on its inner side, leaving it 
fully exposed. Above it gives off seven to eighteen yellow, knobbed, 
glandular bodies, which surround the upper portion of the ovary 
and are probably of service in making the nectaries more obvious 
to flies which alight in the middle of the flower. | 

These yellow knobs placed at the ends of the hairs look so 
exceedingly like drops of fluid that it needs special examination 
to convince one that they are perfectly dry. An observation of 
my son Hermann’s proves that even flies are deceived by this 
appearance ; he observed from a very short distance a specimen 
of Eristalis nemorum trying to lick these bodies for a long time, 
until at last it flew away on his coming closer. 

We have thus in Parnassia palustris a very well-marked 
example of a deceptive flower, which deludes the foolish flies by 
displaying a multitude of conspicuous but sham drops of honey ; 
and which, after thus alluring them, affords them indeed some 
easily accessible honey, which repays their trouble but is quite 
incommensurate with the apparently bountiful display. The 
smaller flies generally travel round the flower, to reach all the 
nectaries ; the larger ones rest in the middle of the flower for this 
purpose, and so dust their under sides with pollen in younger 
flowers and accomplish cross-fertilisation on passing to older ones. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis nemorum, L., s. ab. ; 

(2) E. arbustorum, L., s. ab. ; (3) Helophilus floreus, L., s. ab. ; (4) Syrphus ; 

ribesii, L., s. ab. ; (5) S. balteatus, Deg., very ab., s.,{sometimes f.p.: (6) S. 
pyrastri, L. ab. s.; (7) 8. excisus, Zett, s.; (8) Melanostoma mellina, L., s. ; 
(9) Melithreptus scriptus, L., s.; (10) M. menthastri, L., s. ; (11) M. teeniatus, 

Mgn., s.; (12) Syritta pipiens, L., ab. s.; (b) Muscide: (18) Sarcophaga — 
earnaria, L., s.; (14) Pollenia vespillo, F., s.; (c) Tipulide: (15) Tipula — 

oleracea, L. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : (16) Tenthredo sp., s. ; 

(b) Ichneumonide : (17) Many small species, s. ; (c) Sphegide: (18) Pompilus — 
viaticus, L.; (19) Gorytes campestris, L, C. Coleoptera—(20) Coccinella — 

7-punctata, L. ; (21) C. 14-punctata, L., both very ab., 1h. A list of Alpine 
visitors (including 43 Diptera) is given in No. 609. 

Tribe Hydrangee. 

Philadelphus coronarius, L., is proterogynous. When the flower — 

opens the stigmas are already ripe, but the stamens still immature. 

In weather favourable for insect-visits, it is easy to find flowers — 
whose anthers are still closed but whose stigmas are sprinkled — 

with pollen. The numerous anthers stand, both before and after 
dehiscence, close round the stigma, some on a level with it, some 
higher, some lower; the outermost dehisce first, the innermost 
last ; all cover themselves all round with pollen. Honey is secreted 


> Seam 
SS Vite 

Joint lyn Yemege- - 



by a white, fleshy disk on the upper surface of the ovary. Insect- 
visitors, collecting or feeding on pollen or thrusting their heads 
_ down between the stamens towards the honey, can thus lead to 
_ cross-fertilisation only in young flowers, but in old ones cross- 
fertilisation and self-fertilisation are alike possible. In absence of 
insects, self-fertilisation may easily take place, for the stigmas 
stand partly in the line of fall of the pollen. But the honey, only 
hidden by the stamens, is accessible to so many insects, and the 
white colour and strong scent are such powerful attractions, that in 
fine weather insect-visits can seldom fail. 

Tribe Ribesien. 
_ 158. Rises ALpinuM, L.—This species presents its honey in a 
shallower depression than any of our other species of Ribes, so 

Fic. 81.—Ribes alpinum, L. 

1.—Female flower, from above, 

2.—Ditto, in section. 

3.—Male flower, in section. 

a’, rudimentary anthers ; st’, rudimentary stigma; n, nectary. 

' that it is easily accessible to very various insects, and is con- 
| sequently visited by the most manifold forms. Although I only 
had an opportunity of watching a few plants in a hedge, I saw 
upon their flowers the following : 

\q = A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Andrena albicans, K. 9 ¢, s. and f.p., very 
~ ab.; (2) A. Gwynana, K. ¢,s.; (8) A. nana, K. ¢,s. ; (4) Halictus nitidus, 
| Schenck, ?, s.; (5) H. nitidiusculus, K. ?,¢.p.; (6) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 
' 9, s. B. Diptera—(a) Muscide: (7) Scatophaga ‘stercoraria, L.; (8) S. 
merdaria, F.; (b) Syrphide: (9) Syritta pipiens, L., all three ab., s. 

: Upon this abundance of insect-visits, which insures cross- 
fertilisation, depends the dicecism, evolved from a previous 
_ hermaphroditism and still showing traces thereof, which would 
\ of necessity be fatal in default of insect-visits. The male flowers 
are of scarcely larger size, but their greenish-yellow colour is 
) more conspicuous than the green female flowers. The calyx 
| almost alone plays the part of signal to the insects. | 


159. Rrpes nigrum, L.—The stigma and anthers are both — 

alike ripe at the opening of the flowers. The anthers open on the 

inner side, and are brought so close to the stigma by the conver- — 

gence of the petals that an insect’s head, when pushed into the 
flower, must touch with one side the pollen-dusted face of one or 
two anthers, and with the other, at the same time 
or a little before, the slightly protruding stigma. 
Since the bell-shaped calyx, whose floor secretes 
honey, is 5 mm. deep, and the red tips of the 
sepals and the small white petals make the pendu- 
lous flowers only slightly conspicuous, insect-visits 
are not plentiful: I have only seen the honey- 
bee sucking at this species. It put its head only 
once into each flower, and touched the stigma now 
on the upper side, now on the lower, sweeping 
away pollen each time on the opposite side and so regularly ac- 
complishing cross-fertilisation. As compensation for the paucity of 
insect-visits, self-fertilisation takes place regularly in unvisited 

Fic. 82.—Ribes nigrum, 

Lateral view of flower. 

flowers, pollen falling of itself out of the anthers upon the recurved 

margin of the stigma. 

160. RIBES RUBRUM, L., is likewise homogamic, but has much 

flatter, more widely open, and more conspicuous flowers than 
R. nigrum, and more easily accessible honey. So it is more 
abundantly visited by insects, and is cross-fertilised after the same 

manner as &. nigrum but is self-fertilised less easily; the flowers — 
are turned sideways, and self-fertilisation only takes place when ~ 
pollen falls upon the stigma from the anthers above it. I have 

seen the following insects upon the flowers :— 
Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae; Andrena fulva, Schrank, ?, s. and ¢.p., freq. ; 

(2) A. Smithella, K. ¢, s.; (3) A. nana, K. ¢, s.; (4) Apis mellifica, L., ~ 

%, 8. and cp., ab. ; (b) Tenthredinide: (5) Nematus hortensis, Htg,, s. 

161. Rises GrossuLariA, L.—The anthers dehisce when 

the flower opens: the styles have not as yet attained their full 

length, nor have the stigmas developed their papillae. Since the 
flowers mostly hang down perpendicularly and the stamens stand 
around, and on a level with, the stigmas, self-fertilisation can as a- 

rule not take place, even in default of insect-visits. This, like the 

proterandry, points to more numerous insect-visits than the former — 

species receives ; and these really take place, induced by the large 
recurved sepals, the large, perpendicular, downward-pointing petals, 
and the easily accessible honey. 



Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apidew: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2, freq. ; 
(2) B. pratorum, L. ? (in Stromberg), very ab. ; (3) B. Scrimshiranus, K. 9 ; 

_ (4) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab. ; (5) Andrena nitida, K. ¢, all sucking ; 
| (6) A. albicans, K. ¢ 2; (7) A. Gwynana, K. ¢ 9; (8) A. fulva, Schrank, 
_ 9, the last three both s. and f.p.; (9) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. 9,s._ B. 
Diptera—(a) Muscide: (10) Scatophaga stercoraria, L., s. ; (11) Calliphora 
erythrocephala, Mgn., s. ; (b) Syrphide: (12) Eristalis eneus, L., s. and f.p. ; 
(13) Syritta pipiens, L., do. The insect-visitors cause cross-fertilisation in the 
same way asin R. nigrum. See also No. 590, I. 

_ — 

Ribes sanguineum, Pursh.—The calyx-tube is 3 mm. deep; the 
erect petals form a tube more than 5 mm. deep. As a rule, there- 
fore, the honey is obtained and the Rowers fertilised by bees only, 
especially the hive-bee. 
ftibes aurewm, Pursh—The calyx-tube is 10 to 11 mm. deep, 
and the erect petals add 3 mm. more to its depth. The honey is 
only accessible to very long-tongued bees, and the flowers have been 
found by Delpino in Italy and by me in Lippstadt to be visited 
only by Anthophora pilipes, 2? , whose proboscis is the longest among 
our native bees (20 mm.). In the two last species the flowers 
persist a long time after the reproductive organs are withered, and 
even become more conspicuous, since the petals in 2. sanguinewm 
change from white to pink, and those of &. awrewm from bright 
yellow to carmine. By this peculiarity, not only is the power of 
attracting insects increased, but the more intelligent fertilising 
_ agents are told at the first glance which flowers contain no more 
. treasure for them, the result being that they visit and fertilise more 
_ flowers in the same time (590, I.). The same kind of colour-change 
/ occurs in several species of Fuchsia and Lantana, in Diervilla 
(Weigelia) rosea, Melampyrum pratense, L., Fumaria capreolata, var. 
| pallidiflora, Jord., and others (575). 
= kttbes petreum, Wulf., is, according to Ricca, slightly pro- 
terogynous (665); according to my own observations it is 
_ homogamic (609). 



Bryophyllum calycinum, Salisb., is proterandrous, and has hang- 
g, tubular flowers, rich in honey. Delpino supposes humming-birds 
be the fertilisers, despite the pale greenish colour (177). 

4 162. SepuM AcRE, L.—Although the plant is small, it is 
i endered conspicuous on the bare spots where it grows by its 


bright yellow flowers, and dense tufted habit. The flowers secrete 
honey from five yellowish scales at the base of the flower, lying 
between the anthers and carpels. The honey is accessible to — 
insects with very short tongues, and the flowers are visited by 
numerous species of different orders. Cross-fertilisation for the 
most part takes place. For when the flowers open, and their — 
petals spread fully out into a five-rayed star, the five stamens 
which alternate with the petals and which stand erect round the 
middle of the flower now dehisce ; while the five others which are — 
inclined outwards with the petals remain closed: the stigmas are 
still quite immature. As the first five stamens wither, the others © 
rise up towards the centre and open; very soon, even before this © 

Fic. 88.—Sedum acre, li. 

i 1.—Flower, in first stage. 8, sepals; p, petals; a*, outer anthers, alternating with the petals a 

a’, inner anthers, opposite the petals; n, nectaries; ov, ovaries. 
2.—Apex of a style, in first stage. . 

8.—Ditto, in second stage, after all the anthers have dehisced. 

second ring of stamens withers, the stigmas ripen. By sufficient _ 
insect-visits, which in sunny weather never fail, the pollen is 
wholly, or in great part, removed before the stigmas are capable 
of being fertilised. If, however, in dull, windy weather, insect-_ 
visits are lacking, the anthers remain stored with pollen until the 
full ripening of the stigmas, and self-fertilisation becomes possible. 
Since the flowers are small compared with the insects, the latter 

of the flower or creep inwards from the edge. ‘ 

Visitors: A, Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae : (1) Bombus Rajellus, K. $ ; (2) 
Cilissa tricincta, K. 9; (8) Andrena cingulata, K. 9 ; (4) A. parvula, K. 2 ¢, 


ab. ; (5) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9, freq. ; (6) Nomada ferruginata, K. 9 ; (7) 
Prosopis armillata, Nyl. 2, ab. ; (8) Pr. variegata, F. ¢; (9) Pr. brevicornis, 
Nyl. ¢ ; (10) Megachile circumcincta, K. 2, all sucking ; (11) M. centuncularis, 
‘L. 2, «p.; (b) Sphegide: (12) Ammophila sabulosa, L.; (13) Oxybelus 
uniglumis, L., ab., both sucking. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (14) Eristalis 
tenax, L., fp. ; (b) Muscide : (15) Pyrellia wnea, Zett., s. 

163. SEDUM REFLEXUM, L., with a similar arrangement of its 
flowers, is in like manner visited by insects of various orders. 

I saw upon its flowers: (1) Megachile maritima, K. ¢ (Apide), sucking ; 
(2) Eristalis tenax, L. (Syrphide), both sucking and eating pollen. A further 
list is given in No. 590, 1. 

Sedum album, L.—This species is so decidedly proterandrous, 
i that spontaneous self-fertilisation as a rule can scarcely result even 
in default of insect-visits. I have found the plant visited abun- 
dantly by insects, both on the granite of Luisenberg in the Fichtel- 
gebirge (590, I.) and in the subalpine region of the Alps (690). 

- 164, Szepum TELEPHIUM, L.—The stamens dehisce introrsely, 
first the five alternating with the petals, and then the inner series, 
and at once cover themselves all round with pollen. The stigmatic 

Fic, 84.—Sedum Telephium, L. 

1.—Flower, from above. 
_2.—Ditto, after removal of the pistil, to show the five nectaries. 

_ papillse develop upon the pointed ends of the styles, after the last 
Stamens have withered. Since the petals and stamens are spread 
_ out as widely as the adjacent flowers permit, self-fertilisation does 
10t take place in default of insect-visits, even when the anthers 
re still stored with pollen at the ripening of the stigmas. 

_ The honey-glands are at the points of long scales hidden under 
he ovaries, at the bases of the petals. Insects which creep oyer 



the closely packed flowers, to suck honey or gather pollen, come at 
once in contact with the stamens or stigmas of many flowers, and, 
as a rule accomplish cross-fertilisation by help of the proterandrous 
condition : old flowers alone, which retain some pollen upon their 
stamens when the stigmas are ripe, are liable to self-fertilisation. 

In spite of the smaller flowers and more hidden honey, this 

species can dispense with the possibility of self-fertilisation, since 
the close association of many flowers insures insect-visits and con- — 
sequent distribution of pollen more completely than is the case 

in Sedum acre. Although I only once watched the flowers of 
Sedum Telephium (August 16, 1869) in sunny weather I saw the 

following insects visit it :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Bombus (Apathus) campestris, Pz. ¢;_ 

(2) B. silvarum, L. 9 §, freq. ; (3) B. agrorum, F. ¢, these three sucking ; 
(4) B. lapidarius, L. $,¢.p.; (5) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 9, s. ; (b) Tenthre- 

dinide: (6) Allantus notha, Kl. (Tekl. B.). B. Diptera—Muscide : (7) _ 

Echinomyia magnicornis, Zett., s. 

Sedum atratum, L., is, according to Ricca, proterogynous with 
short-lived stigmas (665). I have found it, however, on the 
Alps to be likewise proterogynous, but liable to regular and even 
early spontaneous self-fertilisation, which is probably indispensable, 
as the plant is but little visited by insects (609). 

Sedum repens, Schleich.—This species also is proterogynous on 
the Alps, and in the absence of insects it likewise fertilises itself; 
but its flowers are rather conspicuous and more visited by insects, 
so that the need for self-fertilisation is less urgent than in the 
case of S. atratwm (600). 


The colour of the flower in Crassulaceze depends closely upon 
the adaptation of the flower to a narrow or wide circle of visitors. 
In the species of Sedum, whose honey is still quite visible and 
accessible to the most short-lipped insects, the flowers are greenish- 
yellow, yellow, or white; in Sempervivum Funkii, Braun., S. 
montanum, L., S. arachnoideum, L., and 8S. tectorwm, L., whose 
honey lies hidden, and which I have seen visited on the Alps by a 
miscellaneous company of bees, Lepidoptera, and long-tongued flies, 
the flowers are purple; in Sempervivum Wulfenii, Hopp., whose 
honey is still more concealed, the flowers, which are chiefly visited 


by humble-bees, are sulphur-yellow, and only remain purple at the 
base. I say only remain purple at the base, because this colouring 
is now useless, and seems only explicable as a remnant inherited 
from purple-flowered ancestors. The sulphur-yellow colour of 
empervivum Wulfenii seems not to stand on the same rank as the 
yellow colour of some Sedums; but rather to have been developed 
from a purple colour by the selective influence of humble-bees. 
In connection with the size of the flower, we see in many 
Crassulaceze the number of the parts increased or decreased : 
increased in Sedum from 5 to 7, in Sempervivum arachnoideum 
to 9—11, in S. montanum to 9—12, in 8. Funkii to 10—13, in S. 
ectorum to 11—13, in S. Wulfenii to 13—16; decreased in 
x Re iliarda, DC., to 4, in Tillwa, L., to 3 (609). 


Drosera, L., occurs with cleistogamic flowers (169). 


——s- Callitriche verna, L.—The proterogynous flowers are figured by 
Axell (17). Axell considers them to be anemophilous; Ludwig 

le ooks upon the submerged flowers as hydrophilous, and the others 

as entomophilous (435). 

— Myriophyllwm spicatum is anemophilous, and I. verticillatum is 

partly anemophilous and partly hydrophilous, according to Ludwig 



— Combretum, L., is very diligently visited by humming-birds in 
South Brazil (Fritz Miiller, 359). My brother informs me by letter 
that it is also frequented by butterflies (Callidryas). 


_ Heeria, Schlecht., has: two kinds of stamens, one serving, 
apparently, to attract the fertilising-agents, and the other supplying 
_ the pollen for cross-fertilisation (606). 


165. LyTarum SanicartA, L.—This plant has acquired, through 
Darwin’s numerous and laborious experiments (158), so important 


a place in the question of the origin of species, that its fertilisation 

by insects in the wild state also deserves our special attention. I 
shall recapitulate first the peculiarities of its flower, next the results — 
of Darwin’s experiments, and finally the insect-visitors that I have — 


The flowers, which are set in close whorls on a long spike, are 
almost regular, usually hexamerous but sometimes pentamerous, — 
both forms occurring on the same spike ; they have lost something 
of their regularity by standing not quite horizontally but directed 

slightly upwards. Of the five or six petals which are inserted on 

the edge of the cylindrical calyx-tube, 5 to 7 mm. long, the three 

lower (outer) are usually a little longer than the two or three 

Fig. 85.—Lythrum Salicaria, L. 

. —Long-styled flower from above, after removal of one-third of the calyx, corolla, and stamens. — 

2.—Mid-styled flower, ditto. 
3.—S8hort-styled flower, ditto. 

a, long anthers or stigma; the stigma in Fig. 1, the anthers in 2 and 3 are coated with 

green pollen. 
b, mid-sized ditto; the stigma in Fig. 2, the anthers in 1 and 3 are coated with yellow 


ce, short ditto; the stigma in Fig. 8, the anthers in 1 and 2 are coated with yellow pollen. — 

d, honey 
4,—Mid- styled aout. viewed obliquely from above and frou the right side. 

upper ones; the former are 7 to 11 mm. long, the latter 6 to 10 mm. 
When the flower is fully expanded, as, owing to the crowded 
arrangement, it seldom is, the upper petals stand vertically while 
the lower project obliquely forward; and the latter form, therefore, 
a rudimentary platform for insects. The irregularity in position of 
the stamens and pistil is of more importance; they all occupy the 
inferior (outer) part of the tube, so that insects cannot reach the 
base of the flower between them, but only above them ; and their 

ends are bent upwards, so that the ventral surface of the insect 

Ce ee ee ee 

— ee ee 

must come in contact both with anthers and stigma. Honey is — 

secreted by the fleshy base of the flower, and surrounds the short 



stalk of the ovary and fills the space between it and the sides of the 
tube. Insects are attracted from a distance by the crimson spikes 
of flowers, and are guided on their way to the honey by the dark 
red colour of the inner surface of the calyx and by the dark lines 
in the middle of each petal. These insects are caused to perform 
_ regular cross-fertilisation by the trimerphism of the flowers, which 
forms the most remarkable feature of the plant. 
In each flower the reproductive organs, which consist of one pistil 
and two whorls of stamens, of five or six each, are of three different 
i lengths ; the shortest are inclosed in the calyx-tube, the intermediate 
ones project 3 to 4 mm., and the longest 6 to 8 mm. beyond it, and 
either the style or one or other whorl of stamens may be the longest. 
_ All the flowers on any one plant are of the same kind, and the three 
forms are designated by Darwin, the Long-styled, Mid-styled, and 
ie Short-styled. Both pollen-grains and stigmatic papille differ 
according to the length of the organs which bear them. All the 
pollen-grains are elliptical when dry, and swell into a spherical form 
when moistened. The pollen-grains of the longest stamens are 
_ green, those from the middle-sized and shortest stamens are yellow. 
he pollen-grains vary in size also according to the length of the 
 stamen that they come from, and there is even a slight difference 
in size between pollen-grains from stamens of the same length but 
belonging to flowers of different kinds. The following table exhibits 
| these differences :— 

} | Size of dry pollen-grains | Diameter of 
ee el ee ee 
Length. Breadth. | in 335 mm. 
Long-styled . | Intermediate. | 74—84 4—4} 7—74 | Yellow. | 
| Long-styled . | Short . 1—74 34—4 6—64 | Yellow. 
| Mid-styled . | Long . 9—10 6—7 9—10 | Green. | 
_| Mid-styled . | Short . 6—7 34—4 6 Yellow. 
' | Short-styled . | Long . 10—11 6—8 94—104 | Green. 
| Short-styled . Intermediate. 7—8 4—5 7—74 | Yellow. 

So the longest stamens have the largést pollen-grains, and the 
hortest the smallest. 

: The pollen-grains of the long stamens differ more from those of 
e middle-sized and short stamens than these from each other. 
The stigmatic papille in the long-styled forms are considerably 
) longer and have their free ends farther apart than those in the 
| eo tyled and short-styled forms, which in this respect also do not 


differ so much from each other. In all these forms the stigmatic 
papille consist of long cells, whose ends are cut off as round or 
elliptical knobs by a narrow neck. In the long-styled flowers these _ 
cells are 49-9 mm. long, and as the part below the constriction is — 
about twice as thick as the knob above, these knobs stand at a 
distance from each other equal at least to their own diameter. In~ 
the mid-styled form these papillze are only *f,%° mm., and in the 
short- styled 25-45 mm. long; and in both, the knobs stand very near 
together, since the part of the cell below the constriction is little 
thicker than that above. 

Now it was Darwin’s great service to prove beyond question, | 
by a long series of patient experiments, that in Lythrum Salicaria — 
reproductive organs, when of different length, behave to one another 
like different species of the same genus in regard both to direct 
productiveness and the character of the olipeind: and that con- — 
sequently mutual barrenness, which was once thought conclusive 
proof of difference of species, is worthless as such, and the last — 
barrier that was raised between species and varieties is broken — 
down. | 

Now of the eighteen possible ways of fertilisation —applyail 
the six different kinds of pollen to the three kinds of stigmas,— 
those six only are fully productive in which a stigma receives 
pollen from a stamen of equal height. The probability that the 
large pollen-grains from the long stamens are only suited to the 
long, widely separate papille on the long styles (and so forth in che 
other cases) is thus fully confirmed by experiment. But such ¢ 
adaptation, such a differentiation of the sexual parts, is only 
intelligible if it can be shown that under natural conditions insect- 
fertilisation causes the distribution of pollen to the proper stigmasy, 
and it is clearly proved by observation that this is so, 

The honey of Lythrum Salicaria, inclosed at the base of a tube 
5 to 7 mm. long, is accessible (1) to insects which have a proboscis 
5 to 7 mm. long; and (2), since the entrance to the tube is 23 to 
3 mm. wide, to insects whose head is small enough to be thrust 
partly or entirely into the tube ; and (3) to insects small enough to 
creep down to the base of the flower. 4 

Almost every insect, whose body along with its proboscis is at 
least 12 to 15 mm. long, must in sucking the honey touch the 
shortest organs with its proboscis, or, if this is less than 5 to 7 mm. - 
long, with the under side of its head ; the next series with a part of 
its ventral surface 4 to 5 mm. Gorkher back, and the third seri 
with another part of its ventral surface the same distance behind 


the last. Thus all the three kinds of stigmas will tend in time to 
"receive pollen from stamens of their own length. If the middle- 
sized and longest organs were also inclosed within the tube, the 
| proboscis or head of the insect in passing down would come in 
contact with all, one after the other, and cross-fertilisation could not 

"be e nearly so well restricted to its proper lines. In point of fact, the 
insect alighting on the middle-sized and longest organs never has 

_ occasion to touch these with its proboscis or the fore-part of its 
ventral surface, the parts that are to come in contact with the 
shortest organs; nor is the posterior part of the ventral surface 
which has been in contact with the longest organs, ever brought 
forward during the process of sucking to touch the intermediate 
ones. So that, as a rule, “ legitimate crossing” only is performed. 

In the action just described, which leads regularly to legitimate 
© ossing, only the larger and middle-sized bees and the eee flies 
take part. 

_ I have observed : (1) Cilissa melanura, Nyl. ¢ and 9, wherever Lythrum 
Salicaria grows, both sucking honey and gathering pollen, and almost confining 
‘itself to this one plant. (Since its proboscis is only 3—4 mm. long, it must thrust 
Beret part of its head, which is 2—3 mm. broad, into the tube : it then touches 
the shortest reproductive organs with the under surface of its head, the next 
_ with the ventral surface of its thorax, and the longest with the ventral surface 
_ of its abdomen ; so that its dimensions suit the flower, just as well as the flower 
' must suit it, for the insect to confine its visits so exclusively to it. I have only 
found one exception to this exclusiveness, for I once found a male of Cilissa 
melanura sucking honey on Thrincia hirta, D.C.) ; (2) Saropoda rotundata, Pz. 
; 3) frequently (body without proboscis 10—1I mm., proboscis 9 mm. long) ; 
3) Apis mellifica, L. § (body without proboscis 1I—13 mm., proboscis 6 mm. 
long) ; (4) Bombus terrestris, L. § (body 12—16 mm. S seoboseis 7—9 mm. ); (5) 
'B. agrorum, F. § (body 10—13 mm., proboscis 9—11 mm.) ; (6) B. silvarum, 
. § (body 10—12 mm., proboscis 10—12 mm.). All the humble-bees were 
1 equent, and, like Nos. 2 and 3, sucking honey only ; (7) Megachile centun- 
ew aris, L. ¢ (body 10 mm., proboscis 6—7 mm.), also sucking honey. The 
ast six species, as the aimexed measurements show, have all. tongues long 
| enough to reach the honey by thrusting in the tongue alone ; they all therefore 
touched the shortest organs with their tongues, the next series with the lower 
' Surface of the head, and the longest with a part of the ventral surface of the 
| body 4—5 mm. further back. The hive-bee must, in full-sized flowers, have 
arust the extremity of its head 1 mm. deep into the calyx-tube. 
__ Besides these bees, which deserve to be placed in the first rank as legitimate 
fertilisers, the Loosestrife is visited by a number of long-tongued flies, especially 
| Rhingia rostrata. This fly, standing on one or more of the petals, after gently 
rubbing its forefeet together, and brushing its tongue and head with them, 
stretches its proboscis out to a length of 11—12 mm., and thrusts it down into 
the flower, letting it remain there from six to ten sheonls Immediately after 
withdrawing it from the tube, it usually manipulates one of the anthers with its 
Ss 2 


labellz for a short time (one to two seconds) in order to add to the liquid 
non-nitrogenous food some solid nitrogenous matter in the shape of pollen- — 
grains, In inserting its proboscis into the tube, the conical prolongation of 
the head comes in contact with the middle-sized reproductive organs, while the 
proboscis itself touches the shortest ; the longest organs come at timesin contact _ 
with the ventral surface of the fly, but very often fail to do so ; and so this fly, 
as a rule, only performs two-thirds of the legitimate work of fertilisation. 
Two other Syrphide, Helophilus pendulus, L., and H. trivittatus, F. (proboscis. 
6—7 mm. long), alight upon the longest reproductive organs, and fertilise all 
three kinds of flowers legitimately ; so also does Volucella plumata, L., whose 
proboscis is 7—8 mm. long. Several smaller Syrphide, whose proboscis is too 
short to reach the honey, viz. Syritta pipiens, L. (proboscis 3 mm.), Syrphus — 
balteatus, Deg. (2 mm.), and Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., feed on the pollen, — 
which they may chance to carry to the stigmas; but they are as likely to _ 
perform illegitimate as legitimate fertilisation. The same holds good of Halictus 
eylindricus, F. ¢, which has likewise too short a proboscis to reach the honey, 
and only collects pollen on this flower ; and also of some very small insects, _ 
Nanophyes lythri, F., Meligethes, and Thrips, which creep down into the tube, — 
and of a species of Capsus which runs about indiscriminately on the leaves and — 
also on the flowers of the plant. Va 

Two butterflies also, Rhodocera rhamni, L., and Pieris rape, L., are to be . 
seen rather abundantly on the flowers of the Loosestrife. The butterfly, sitting — 
upon one flower, thrusts its proboscis (15 mm. long) into the next; it thus — 
touches the shortest organs regularly with its proboscis, but seldom the middle- — 
sized ones, and the longest scarcely ever, but the middle-sized and longest _ 
organs of the flower on which it is seated come in contact with the ventral 
surface of its body. y 

In the following list, those insect-visitors which regularly accomplish cross-— 
fertilisation in its three forms are marked with (!) ; those which as a rule only — 
effect one or two forms of crossing are printed without special mark ; and 
those which only occasionally fertilise the plant, and perform illegitimate ~ 
as often as legitimate fertilisation, are placed in parentheses. 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Cilissa melanura, Nyl. $ 9! s. and e.p., ab. 3 
(2) Saropoda rotundata, Pz. ¢ 9!s., not rare; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $! s. 3 
(4) B. terrestris, L. §!s.; (5) B.agrorum, F. §!s.; (6) B. silvarum, L. $! 5. 5 
(7) Megachile centuncularis, L. ¢!s. ; (8) (Halictus minutissimus, K. 2, s.); 
(9) (H. eylindricus, F. 2,¢.p.). B. Diptera—Syrphide : (10) Rhingia rostrata, 
L,, s. and ¢.p.; (11) Helophilus pendulus, L.!s.; (12) H. trivittatus, F.!s. 5 
(13) Volucella plumata, L.!s.; (14) (Syritta pipiens, L., fp.) ; (15) (Syrphus_ 
balteatus, Deg., f.p.) ; (16) (Melithreptus teeniatus, Mgn., f.p.). C. Lepidoptera” 
—Rhopalocera: (17) Rhodocera rhamni, L.,s., ab.; (18) Pieris rape, L.,s., ab, 
D. Coleoptera—(a) Curculionidae : (19) (Nanophyes lythri, F.) ; (b) Nitidulide = 
(20) (Meligethes). E, Thysanoptera—(21) (Thrips). F, Hemiptera—(22) 
(Capsus). See also No. 590, 11. . 

* 7 

Lythrum Graeffert, Ten., is, like Z. Salicaria, trimorphic; DL. 
thymifolia, L., is dimorphic, and L. hyssopifolia, L., homomorphie 
(Darwin, No, 154). 

Besides Lythrum, Nesea, Commers., and Lagerstremia, L., have 


trimorphic species ; Pemphis, Forst., has dimorphic species (Kuhn, 
No. 399, Darwin, No. 167, 2nd ed.). Koehne’ mentions twenty-one 
_heterostylic and 340 homostylic species of Lythrum ; according to 
him, L. thymifolia is not heterostylic (394). Pemphis acidula, 
Forst., and some species of Rotala,» L., and Neswa are clearly 
heterostylic and dimorphic. 

 Amimannia latifolia, L., has cleistogamic flowers (394). 

_ Cuphea silenoides, Nees, C. floribunda, Lehm., and C. Melvilla 
Lindl., according to Treviranus, fertilise themselves before the 

) ae 

_ flower opens (742). 

166. EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM, L.—The markedly proter- 
r undrous flower was thoroughly discussed by Sprengel, who noticed 
humble-bees as its fertilisers. The bright crimson racemes, a foot 
long, are very conspicuous, The honey is secreted by the green, 
fleshy, upper surface of the ovary, and is easily accessible to insects 
and yet well sheltered from rain. The expanded lower ends of the 
filaments form a hollow cone, which incloses the base of the style 
and the surrounding honey; where the style issues at the apex of 
this cone, hairs upon the style prevent the entrance of raindrops, 
while insects easily gain access between the filaments. 
In young flowers the stamens, covered above with pollen, project 
| forwards as an alighting-place for insects, while the style is still 
short and bent downwards, with its stigmas folded together ; in older 
| flowers, the empty stamens are bent downwards, and the style, 
' greatly increased in length, projects forwards with its four stigmas 
outspread and recurved. Alighting, sucking, and pollen-collecting 
are thus all made easy, cross-fertilisation in case of insects-visits is 
insured, and self-fertilisation rendered impossible. In fine weather, 
| sufficient insect-visits are always insured by the conspicuous colour, 
/size, and grouping of the flowers, and by the abundance and 
/accessible position of the pollen and honey. 

: Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s., very 
b.; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 2 $8; (3) B. pratorum, L. 9? $9 4; (4) B. 
terrestris, L. 2 § 3; (5) B. confusus, Schenck, ?, all ab., s. ; (6) B. agrorum, 
y F 2 & g, very ab.,s.; (7) B. (Apathus) campestris, Pz. ¢, s. ; (8) Sphecodes 
‘\gibbus, L. 9, s.; (9) Nomada Roberjeotiana, Pz. 9, s. ; (10) N. Jacobaxe, 
z. 3, 8.3 (b) Sphegide: (11) Cerceris nasuta, Latr. ; (12) Crabro alatus, Pz. ; 
3) Ammophila sabulosa, L. ; (c) Tenthredinide : (14) Tenthredo scrophularie, 
, all sucking. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (15) Empis rustica, Fallen ; 

1 Vide Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarwm, i. p. 776. 



(16) E. livida, L., both sucking, abundant; (17) Syrphus ribesii, L., tpl 
D. Lepidoptera—Sphinges : (18) Ino statices, L,, s. See also No. 590, IL @ and ; 

No. 609. 

Epilobium Fleischeri, Hochst. (#. denticulatum, Ulender), 1 
visited by numerous humble-bees. It is sometimes homogam a 
sometimes proterandrous, sometimes proterogynous, and the short 
style always occupies the same position below the stamens. Cross 
fertilisation is generally insured, but self-fertilisation is not quite 
excluded (No. 609, fig. 82). 

Insect-visitors of #. Dodonwi, Vill., #. origanifoliwm, Lam 
and FL. montanum, L. (E. collinum, Grek are enumerated in Di 


167. EPILOBIUM PARVIFLORUM, Schreber.—In regard to the | 
power of attracting insects and the possibility of self-fertilisation, - 
two species of the same genus could scarcely stand in greater 

jt nt ac ee ee ee 


Fic. 86.—Epilobium parvijlorum, Schreber. 

Flower, in side view, the greater part of the calyx and ovary and the two anterior petals havit 
been removed, 
st, stigma; a*, longer stamens; a2, shorter ditto. 

contrast to each other than Hpilobium parviflorum and £. ang 
tifolium ; for the solitary, pale-red flowers of the former species < 
easily overlooked even by the practised eye, and generally expo: se 
their honey to no purpose, receiving insect-visits only one 
Accordingly self-fertilisation is a regular occurrence. ; 

The honey is secreted by the upper surface of the ovary 
lodged round the base of the style ; it is sheltered from rain not 
so much by the stamens as by a ring of hairs projecting inwe ds 
from the petals. Stamens and stigmas ripen together. The for 


shorter stamens are set apart for cross-fertilisation, as they stand 
if below the stigmas and are touched without fail by honey-seeking 
sects. The stigmas, standing in the centre of the narrow flower, 
must be touched first by an insect-visitor. The four longer stamens 
are concerned in self-fertilisation, and stand close round the stigmas, 
which are provided with long stigmatic papille on their outer as 
well as on their inner sides. We must suppose that in case of 
nsect-visits the pollen brought from without predominates in its 
ction over the pollen belonging to the flower. In spite of frequent 
vatching, I have only observed Pieris rape and a Meligethes sucking 
1oney on this plant. 

168. EPILOBIUM ORIGANIFOLIUM, Lam.—This Alpine species is 
— in many respects to E. parviflorum. The flowers are 
mall, tubular, and inconspicuous; the style is unbranched, and 
tig matic papillee form a uniform covering for its upper end. The 
stigma is fully ripe on the opening of the flower, the stamens reach 
maturity a little later. The upper whorl of stamens performs self- 
ertilisation regularly, while the lower whorl provides for occasional 
crossing. Argynnis Pales was observed sucking several flowers. 

Epilobium -hirsutum, L.—The flowers of this species, whose 
osy corolla expands to a diameter of 25 to 30 mm., are, taken 

Fig. 87.—Epilobium hirsutum, L. 

ir naly, still more conspicuous than those of EL. angustifoliwm ; but 
2 latter is rendered the more conspicuous of the two by the 
egation of more numerous flowers. I have had no opportunity 
of E ching E. hirsutum in the right places at the right time; but 
rom the arrangement of its flowers, as well as from its less striking 
ippearance, it is probable that its insect-visitors- are not so 


numerous as those of Z. angustifolium. For while in the latter d 
species distinct proterandrous dichogamy and the change in posi-— 
tion of the reproductive organs have quite excluded self-fertilisation, 
it remains possible in £, hirsutum. The stigmas here od dal 
simultaneously with the anthers: cross-fertilisation is insured in 
case of insect-visits by the more prominent position of the stigmas 
but in absence of insects the stigmas curl backwards, and come ind 
contact with the pollen of the eee stamens. 

Epilobiuin alpinum, L., produces seed by self-fertilisation im 
the absence of insects (Axel, No, 17). 

A review of the foregoing species of Hpilobium brings us to thell . 
same result that a comparison of the Geraniums, Polygonums, — 
Alsinew, etc., leads us to, and confirms the view that no general — 
deduction for a whole genus can be drawn from the floral mechanism , 
of a single species, but that each new species must be investigated _ 
afresh. When Delpino (175A) characterised the genus Hpilobiwm 
as dichogamic and fertilised exclusively by bees, this description - 
may perhaps have been true of some particular species that I am 
unacquainted with; but it certainly cannot be sustained for the 
whole genus, 


ae Se Sites 

169. GENOTHERA BIENNIS, L.—The structure of this flower was 
minutely explained by Sprengel. The flower opens and is most 
strongly odorous in the evening, and seems to have adapted itself in 
this way to crepuscular and nocturnal Lepidoptera. But not only 
is the pollen exposed to bees and flies, as in the nocturnal flowers 
hitherto described, but the honey also is accessible to long-tongued 
bees. The colour of the flower is not white, as most nocturnal 
flowers are, but bright yellow, and the flower remains open or 
partially open dicing the day ; so that it is probably more correct 
to look upon the flower as adapted simultaneously for bees and — 
nocturnal Lepidoptera. 

Visitors: A. Lepidoptera—Sphinges: (1) Macroglossa stellatarum, L., 
towards evening, sucking without settling on the flower. This species was_ 
probably observed by Sprengel also (No. 702, p. 221). B, Hymenoptera—A pide : 
(2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 9; (3) B. silvarum, L. 2; (4) B. agrorum, F. 9, | 
all three sucking ; (5) Apis mellifica, L. $, s.ande.p. ; (6) Colletes Davieseana, 
K. 2, ¢p.; (7) Panurgus calcaratus, Scop. ? é dusting itself with the pollen. 

C, Diptera®-Syrphide ; (8) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (9) E. arbustorum, L. ; (10) 
E. nemorum, L,; all three feeding on pollen, very abundant. 

Gnothera sinuata, Mx.—Trelease saw this flower visited by 
Ruby-throated Humming-birds (731). 


Cnothera tenella, Bert. (Godetia Cavanillesit, Spach.), in the 
- central province of Chili, produces cleistogamic flowers in spring.! 
Fuchsia, L., is visited in New Zealand by Nectarinide (Anthornis 
— melanura); and in North America by Ruby-throated Humming- 
 pirds (Potts, No. 652A, and Trelease, No. 731). 
___ Lopezia coronata, Andr.—The floral mechanism of this plant is 
described and figured by Hildebrand (346). In each flower there 
js present one perfect stamen; a second, standing immediately 
| below, is reduced to a spathulate leaf, whose two halves fold 
upwards, and in the first stage, projecting horizontally from the 
- flower, inclose the anther of the perfect stamen. The stalk of the 
‘spathulate leaf has an elastic tension downwards, the filament of 
_ the stamen an elastic tension upwards ; so when an insect alights 
on the projecting spoon-shaped blade, as the only convenient spot 
from which to reach two drops of honey that seem to rest upon a 
knee-shaped bend in the upper petals, the leaf springs downwards, 
and the stamen is set free and flies upwards, dusting the lower 
‘surface of the insect with pollen. When the stamen has thus served 
_its purpose, it gradually curves upwards out of the flower; and the 
style which was hitherto undeveloped grows gradually out of the 
flower in a horizontal direction, so as to form another alighting- 
place. Self-fertilisation is rendered impossible by this marked 
proterandry. I have frequently seem the whole process performed 
in my room by the house-fly (Musca domestica, L.), and by the 
common gnat (Culex pipiens, L.); and also at an open window by 
the hive-bee. 
What seem to be drops of honey on the two upper petals are 
| Sin reality dry, shining bodies which deceive the flies as well as us. 
| Lopezia coronata is therefore a deceptive flower like Parnassia ; 
jut like the latter, also, it possesses real nectaries in addition,— 
_ two yellow pits at the base of the two stamens, the functional and 
$ the abortive (Delpino, No. 178). 
| _ Lopezia racemosa, Cav., seems, from Ogle’s description (No. 
931), to agree fully in the structure of its flower with L. coronata. 
_—s Lopexia miniata, D.C., is likewise markedly proterandrous ; 
_ but its stamen is not ievitabls: and does not lie inclosed by the 
| spoon-shaped staminode, but stands above it (Hildebrand, No. 356). 

_—«-:170. Circ#a LuTETIANA, L.—This plant is fertilised much in 
, the same way as Veronica Chamedrys, L., in spite of the small 

1 Philippi, Bot. Zeit. 1870, pp. 104-106, 


affinity between them. Two stamens and the single style project, 
diverging from one another, from the middle of the erect corolla; 
they form the platform on which an insect must stand to reach 
the honey, which is secreted by a fleshy ring surrounding the base 

_ of the style and is lodged in great abundance in the base of the — 

flower. Since the style stands a little lower than the two stamens 
and projects a little further forward, it forms the most convenient 

alighting-place, and is that most usually selected. When an 
insect settles on it, it touches with its ventral surface the stigmatic _ 
knob at the end. As it stretches forward, and grasps with its — 

Fia. 88.—Circea lutetiana, L. 

Flower viewed obliquely from above. 

a, ovary. 

b, the two sepals. 

¢c, the two bilobed petals, alternating with the sepals. 
d, the two anthers. 

é, stigma. 

forefeet the bases of the two stamens, which are the only available ; 
supports, it involuntarily draws the stamens (which are very thin — 
at their base, and therefore easily moved) inwards and downwards, — 
so that the anthers dust the under surface of its body with pollen. - 
Though this is apparently the simplest course which an insect — 
can take, and that which most surely leads to cross-fertilisation, it 
is not the only one. The insect not unfrequently alights upon — 
one of the stamens, and as this bends downwards it grasps the base — 
of the same stamen and of the style with its forefeet. If the style — 
now brings its stigma in contact with the ventral surface of the © 

insect, as is usually, but not always, the case, it touches the side 



opposite to that which the anther touches at the same time; and 

_ so cross-fertilisation may result if the insect has come from another 


In absence of insects, the flowers mostly wither without self- 

fertilisation taking place, as I have observed in specimens in my 

room. I have found a few flowers in which the stigma, instead of 

being directed obliquely downwards between the two stamens, was 
in contact with one of them from the beginning. 

The only visitors that I have seen are small flies which behaved in the 
manner described. I have collected (a) Syrphidw: (1) Baccha elongata, F. ; 
(2) Ascia podagrica, F.; (3) Melanostoma mellina, L.; (b) Muscide : (4) 
Anthomyia sp., with yellow abdomen. Several other small Muscide and 

_ Syrphidee escaped me. 


On a bunch of Circzea lutetiana which I kept in a glass of water in my room, 
I found a great number of house-flies: (5) Musca domestica, L., sucking honey 

_ and fertilising the flowers, 


Cajophora lateritia is distinctly proterandrous, according to 

_ Delpino. In the first period the anthers, which lie in five bundles 
in the hollow and outspread petals, rise up one by one, bend 
_ inwards towards the middle of the flower, and pass back into their 
old position after giving up their pollen to insects. With these five 
_ bundles there alternate five groups each containing five metamor- 

phosed stamens; in each of these latter groups the three outermost 

__ staminodes cohere and form in their expanded base a honey-recep- 

tacle, while the two inner ones incline as stiff rods towards the 

_ middle of the flower, and their bases, expanded and fringed with 
hairs, give shelter to the honey. After the anthers have all withered, 
_ the pistil grows up and unfolds its stigma. 

In the first period the insects cling to the central tuft of 

stamens; in the second, to the stiff metamorphosed protective 

staminodes. The fertilisers seem to be bees, according to Delpino 
(177). This is in direct contradiction to Treviranus’ view, that the 
flowers of Cajophora are self-fertilising (742). 


Passiflora cerulea, L., was thoroughly described by Sprengel, 
who recognised it as a proterandrous form in which the anthers in 
the first stage, and stigma in the second, came in contact with the 


back of the insect-visitor. Delpino has observed humble-bees and 4 
Xylocopa violacea accomplishing cross-fertilisation in this manner. 


divided by rings of hairs into three chambers, the lowest of which 
contains the honey. From the size of the flowers, and their rich 
store of honey, Delpino imagines that humming-birds are the 
fertilisers; and he supposes that the triple fence serves to keep 
away less intelligent visitors (178). 

My brother Fritz Miller has observed in his garden at Itajahy 
that some Passifloree are fertilised exclusively or chiefly by hum- 
ming-birds; but he is convinced that abundance of honey is no 
proof of the flower being visited by humming-birds, ‘for one 
species in his garden, which is very diligently visited by them, 

contains no honey and is odourless, while another smaller white ~ 

species flowering in Itajahy, in spite of great abundance of honey 

and a pleasant scent, is never visited by humming-birds. The — 

numerous corone, projecting ledges, etc., seem to him to be of 
service in detaining small insects in the lowest chamber (which 

often contains no honey) and keeping them caged for the hum- — 

ming-birds, rather than in making access to the chamber difficult 
for unprofitable visitors of low intelligence. 


171. Bryonta pioica, L,—The lower part of the calyx and 

corolla, both in the male flowers and in the female flowers (which 

are only half as large) is adherent to a hemispherical cup-shaped 

disk, whose naked, fleshy floor secretes honey. In the male flower 
five irregularly formed fleshy stamens arise on the edge of this cup, 
and are so expanded and inclined inwards that they completely — 

roof in the cup. Four of the anthers cohere, to form two pairs ; 
the fifth is free on both sides. Thus the honey-holding cup has 
three narrow lateral entrances each placed between two stamens 
and fringed with long hairs; and also an entrance from above in the 
midst of the upper ends of the stamens. The anthers form narrow 
ridges on the broad stamens, and the long, narrow slits by 
which they dehisce are so bent that the greater part of each 
faces one of the lateral openings, while the uppermost portion 
looks directly upwards. A honey-seeking insect alighting in the 
middle of the flower may thrust its proboscis down in the midst of 
all the stamens, or approaching from the side it may reach the 

In Passiflora racemosa, Brot. (P. princeps, Lodd.), the tube is : 




46 omy he ee 


honey through one of the lateral entrances ; in either case it gets 
‘dusted with pollen —in the former case on the lower surface of 
its body, in the latter on both sides of its head. The pollen seems 
_ to be rendered adherent by the sticky contents of the colourless 
_ spheres (i, 4) which border the narrow strips of pollen; they must 
come in contact with the head or ventral surface of the insect just 
as the pollen itself does. 

_ In the female flowers the pistil rises up from the middle of 
_ the cup, and splits into three divergent branches, broad at the 
_ ends, lobed, and set with projecting points. These touch the head 
_ or ventral surface of an insect-visitor with their papillz and retain 
the pollen that may be brought. As the male flowers are twice 


Fic. 89.—Bryonia dioica, L. 

1, 2.—Anthers of the male flower. The arrows point to the lateral entrances. 
3.— Male flower, in longitudinal section, magnified. mn, nectary. 

4.—Ditto, more magnified, from above. 

a, filament; p, pollen; k, colourless spherules. 

is large as the female, they are generally the first to be noticed and. 

To push the head between closely approximated parts of a 
| flower is a characteristic action among wasps and bees, which 
acquire the habit in constructing the chambers for their young. 
_ The honey is easily accessible to the thin proboscis of a butterfly, 

_ and the pollen of the male flowers is available to flies and beetles ; 

_ but the latter can have no part in the process of fertilisation since 
they confine their visits to male flowers. 

_ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Andrena florea, F. 2? ¢ (A. 

' rubricata, Sm.), by far the most abundant visitor of this plant, s. and c.p. ; it 

/ seems to restrict itself exclusively to this plant ; (2) A. nigroaenea, K., freq., s. 

, and c.p.; (3) A. fulvicrus, K. ¢,s.; (4) Halictus sexstrigatus, Schenck, ?, 



e.p. only ; (5) H. sexnotatus, K. 9, cp. only ; (6) Ceelioxys simplex, Nyl. 
2,8.; (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, cp.; (6) Sphegidw: (8) Gorytes mystaceus, 

L., freq., s.; (9) Ammophila sabulosa, L., freq.,s.; (c) Vespide : (10) Eumenes 
pomiformis, L. ¢; (11) Odynerus parietum, L.?, both sucking. B. Coleoptera 
—Malacodermata : (12) Dasytes sp., only on the male flowers, fp. C. Lepi- 

doptera—Rhopalocera: (13) Pieris napi, L.,s. See also No. 590, 11. 

The flowers of a species of Zrianosperma in South Brazil are 
visited, according to Fritz Miiller, very abundantly all day long by — 
Apis mellifica and species of Melipona, although they are scentless, 
greenish, quite inconspicuous, and to a great extent hidden by 

foliage (597). 

The general phenomena of pollination in Umbellifere have — 
been already so clearly and thoroughly described by Sprengel, that 
I may confine myself to a short account of the most important — 
peculiarities. The main features of the flowers are: firstly, the 
open situation of the honey, making it accessible to even the most 
short-lipped insects; and secondly, the union of many flowers in 
one head, making them not only more conspicuous, but also per-— 
mitting them to be more quickly searched and fertilised. Cornus 
shares both of these characters with the Umbelliferz, but in a 
much less perfect form. 

In most Umbellifers the honey is rendered even more accessible — 
than in Cornus, by the secreting disk being more convex and — 
cushion-shaped, and by the stamens spreading further apart. The — 
close association of many flowers is more perfectly attained in 
Umbelliferze than in Cornus, far more numerous flowers uniting in 
one close-set surface, so that a visitor quickly traverses the whole ; 
and the florets are differentiated in the service of the community, 
those in the centre being condensed, and those towards the edges 
more expanded, rendering the whole more conspicuous. 

As a further advantage comes proterandrous dichogamy, often 
developed to such a degree that all the florets of one whole in-— 
florescence only protrude their styles and develop stigmas after 
the shedding of the pollen : so that in the first period of flowering © 
a whole community dusts with pollen the insects that visit it, and 
in the second, exposes its stigmas to be dusted in return. So cross- 
fertilisation of separate inflorescences always takes place, and the 
impossibility of self-fertilisation is still further assured. Hence it 
happens that in many Umbellifers (e.g. Myrrhis) towards the end 
of the season only male flowers are produced, which furnish. pollen 


or the last of the androgynous flowers, now in their second or 
female stage. 

| Hydrocotyle americana is visited in Kew by minute flies 
 (Henslow, 330). 

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, L.—The exceedingly inconspicuous flowers 
ertilise themselves. I have not yet seen them visited by insects 

590, I), 

d _ 172. Erynerum campsstre, L. (Thuringia).—As in all other 
| Umbellifers, the upper surface of the ovary secretes and lodges the 

F:c6. 90 —Eryngium campestre, L. 

1.—Flower, in first (male) stage. 

2.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 

3.—Ditto, after removal of sepals, petals, and styles. m, nectaries. 
4.—Petal, seen from within. 

(Letters as in Fig. 91). 

oney : but the honey-gland here does not form, as usual, a swollen 
' cushion covering the whole surface of the ovary, but a hollow 
_ rounded disk five-sided in outline, and surrounded by a ten-lobed 
| rough wall of tiny (accumbent) bristles. The five equal-sized 

petals stand stiff and upright, with nearly the whole of their upper 
halves folded inwards: they stand about 3 mm. high, and are 
rertopped by the stiff, bristle-like sepals which alternate with 
, them: the equally stiff and bristle-like bracts protrude still further. — 
| So the honey is accessible only to insects which have a proboscis at 


least 3 mm. long, or are strong enough to push apart the floral 
organs which protect it. Accordingly, in connection with the fully — 
developed proterandry, cross-fertilisation alone, as in all other 
Umbellifers, can take place. Hryngiwm shares only slightly in that 
special advantage which Umbellifers in general possess from having 
their flowers massed together in one surface, for the bristle-like 
bracts render it difficult for the insects to go creeping about 
the umbel. This disadvantage is somewhat atoned for by the 
richer secretion and better protection of the honey. Hence, in spite 
of the prickly flowers, insect-visits are by no means scarce, but in 
sunny weather we see the’ plant abundantly visited by wasps and 
flies, bees coming in much smaller numbers. I have observed as 

visitors and fertilisers :— i 


A. Hymenoptera—(a) Sphegide; (1) Cerceris albofasciata, Dlb., scarce 2 
(2) C. labiata, F., ab. ; (3) G. nasuta, K1., ab. ; (4) C. variabilis, Schr., not rare ; _ 
(5) Philanthus triangulum, F. ; (6) Asanoptile sabulosa, L., ab. ; (7) Tiphia 
femorata, F.; (8) Priocnemis bipunctatus, F. 9; (d) Feopidins (9) Odynerus — 
parietum, L. 9; (10) Polistes gallica, L., and var. diadema, very ab., almost 
always to be found in sunny eeithon= (c) Chryside: (11) Chiereda sp., all 
sucking ; (d) Apide: (12) Nomada Roberjeotiana, Pz. 9; (13) Andrena — 
Rose, Pz. 2; (14) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (15) H. longulus, Sm. ¢; (16) 
Apis mellifica, L. %; all only sucking. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (17) 
Eristalis tenax, L. ; (18) E. arbustorum, L. ; (19) E. nemorum, L. ; (20) Helo-— 
philus floreus, L.; all four abundant; (6) Muscide : (21) Lucilia Caesar, L. ; 
(22) Sarcophaga carnaria, L.; (23) Echinomyia fera, L.; (24) species of 
Anthomyia, all sucking. m 

173. ASTRANTIA MAJOR, L.—In Astrantia major, the special 
advantages which most of the other forms develop so fully, and 
resemble each other so much in, are very little developed. 

The umbels are simple, their florets form no close-packed 
surface, the petals remain rolled up in the middle of the flower, — 
and while they thus protect the honey from rain, they make it 
less accessible and the flowers less conspicuous. Although the last 
objection is to some extent removed by the bright white bracts, 
insect-visits are less abundant than to most other forms of this 
order, I have noted the following in my garden at Lippstadt :— 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Andrena albicrus, K. ¢; (2) Prosopis | 
signata, Pz. ¢; (3) Pr. armillata, Nyl. ¢, all three sucking. B. Diptera— | 
(a) Syrphide : (4) Eristalis arbustorum, L., fp. and Lh. ; (b) Muscidae : (5) 
Lucilia cornicina, F., l.h. ; (6) Miltogramma. punctata, Mgn. C, Coleoptera— 
Dermestida : (7) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F, On the Alps I have found the 
plant visited by seven species of Coleoptera, three Diptera, two edane e 
and one butterfly (609). 


Every inflorescence bears, besides the proterandrous, androgynous 
flowers, numerous male flowers which mostly develop later, and 
are of obvious service in this marked case of proterandry in 
fertilising the last of the androgynous flowers. 

aibratisie minor, L., is both andromoncecious and androdicecious, 
‘The plant bears as a rule only one umbel, which usually consists 
‘of male flowers surrounded by hermaphrodite flowers ; the weaker 
plants usually bear an umbel consisting only of male flowers. 



TFT Jabulgiieigcd 

Fia. 91.—Astrantia major, L. 

__1,—Male flower beginning to expand. One stamen has risen up, but its anther has not yet 
ehisced ; the other four are still bent down within the flower. 

2.—Male flower at the middle of its flowering-period. All five stamens are erect; two anthers 
Bye dehisced and are coated with pollen. 

8.—Hermaphrodite flower “day inci, to expand. Two anthers are erect, but still closed ; the others 
re still bent down within the flower. The styles protrude, but their stigmas are not yet "developed. 

7 Be —Hermaphrodite flower in its second (female) stage. All the stamens have disappeared ; the 
styles have elongated, and their stigmas are mature. 
3 E oe, ovary; s, sepal; p, petal; a, anthers, still bent down within the flower; a’, ditto, erect; 
', ditto, dehisced ; st, stigma, immature; st, ditto, mature. 

_ In regard to the distribution of the sexes, the condition in 
_ Astrantia minor is almost the same as in Veratrum album, with 
_ this exception, that in Astrantia minor no plants occur bearing 
on y hermaphrodite flowers. Veratrum album exhibits the pas- 
sage from proterandrous androgyny through andromonecism to 
androdicecism ; Astrantia minor, with similarly proterandrous herm- 
aphrodite flowers: shows only the passage from andromoneecism 

to androdicecism (609). 


Sanicula europea, L., is andromoneecious. Each umbel contains 
one to three proterandrous hermaphrodite flowers, surrounded by 
ten to twenty male flowers which develop later. Both kinds 
resemble those of Astrantia major in structure (590, I.). 

174. ContumM MACULATUM, L.—The adjoining figures serve to” 
illustrate a peculiarity of the Umbellifers not well displayed in the 
other figures, namely the very slow and gradual development of 
the flowers, at first wholly male, and later wholly female. 

Fig. 1 represents a flower beginning to expand, but still far 
below its full size. The anther a! has dehisced and is covered with 
pollen; a is on the point of dehiscence; the other three are not 

oR ely ae 

Fic. 92.—Conium maculatum, L. 

1.—Flower at the commencement of its first (male) stage. 
2.—Ditto, in the middle of its male stage. 
3.—Ditto, in its second (female) stage. 

hh oe ee Se a ee 

ID eae 

yet ripe; a° is more advanced than a; and a, the most backward, — 
is still curled inwards: no trace of styles is yet to be seen. Each — 
anther stands at a distance of two-fifths of the circumference from the — 
preceding one. The second figure shows a slightly older and full- 
sized flower, in the middle of its male period. The anther a} is 
empty and withered; a? is half shrivelled and has still a slight 
dusting of pollen; a? has just dehisced and is fully coated with 
pollen; a* is on the point of dehiscing,—it opened while the 
drawing was being made; a is still closed. The styles are still 
short and bent inwards with undeveloped stigmas. Lastly, the 
third figure shows a flower in its second stage: the anthers 
have fallen off; the styles have raised themselves erect; a 
stigmatic knob has been developed on the end of each style. 
Even this notoriously poisonous plant receives abundance of 
insect-visitors who greedily lick up its honey. . 


. Visitors: A. Diptera—-(a) oye : (1) Sargus ncaa L. ; (0) 
i - Muscide : (2) Calliphora vomitoria, L. ; (3) Lucilia cornicina, F. ; (4) Scato- 
_ phaga stercoraria, L.; (5) Sepsis sp. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (6) 
it y eligethes, ab. ; (b) Dermestide : (7) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F. ; (c) Lameilli- 
i cornia: (8) Trichius fasciatus, L. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : (9) 
_ Nematus vittatus, L. ; (10) Several undetermined species of Tenthredo ; (0) 
_ Ichneumonidae: (11) Various species ; (c) Sphegide : (12) Pompilus tritiation 
2; (d) Apide: (13) Andrena lepida, Schenck, ¢. See also No. 599, 1. 


i _ 175. BupLeuruMm FALcatum, L. (Thuringia).—I have found 

the dull-yellow flowers visited only by flies and Hymenoptera. 

- Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (1) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab., s, 
4 fp. ; (2) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s.; (3) Pipizella annulata, Macq., s. ; 
(b) Bombylide: (4) Anthrax flava, Hffsgg.,s. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Ten- 
thredinide : (5) Hylotoma rosarum, F., s.; (6) Vespide: (6) Polistes gallica, 
u., and var. diadema, s. ; (¢) Jchnewmonide : (7) Various species, s. ; (d) Apide : 
8) Halictus interruptus, Pz. ¢,s, See also No. 590, 1. 


q 176. CARUM (PETROSELINUM) sATIVUM, L.—The visitors are 
hietly flies. 

A. Diptera—(a) kg : (1) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (2) E. sepulcralis, 
4.; (3) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (4) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (5) Xanthogramma 
trofasciata, Deg. ; (b) Muscidew: (6) Lucilia cornicina, F.; (7) Cyrtoneura 
mplex,. Loew {determined by Herr Winnertz) ; (8) Sarcophaga carnaria, L, 
. Hymenoptera—A pide : (9) Sphecodes gibbus, L, ¢,s. See also No. 590, 1. 

177. Carum cARvuI, L, :— 

- Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys longicornis, F. ; (2) 
hrysomyia formosa, Scop. ; (b) Syrphide : (3) Chrysotoxum festivum, L. ; (4) 
ipizella virens, F. ; (5) Melanostoma mellina, L. ; (6) Pyrophena sp., s. ; (7) 
tphus ribesii, L., s.; (8) Platycheirus peltatus, Mgn.; (9) Melithreptus 
niatus, Mgn. ; (10) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (11) E. horticola, Deg. ; (12) 
-gneus, Scop. ; (13) Helophilus floreus, L., very ab. ; (14) H. pendulus, L. ; 
5) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (c) Muscide : (16) Gymnosoma rotundata, L. ; (17) 
thinomyia fera, L.; (18) Zophomyia tremula, Scop.; (19) Sarcophaga 
maria, L., and albiceps, Men. ; (d) Bibionide : (20) Bibio hortulanus, F. ; 
_ *‘Tipulide; (21) Tipula, lh. B. Coleoptera—(a) Curculionidaw : (22) 
ruchus, freq. ; (23) Phyllobius oblongus, L. ; Malacodermata ; (24) An- 
s comus Meititain: L. ; (25) Telephorus rusticus, L. ; (c) Chrysomelide : (26) 

oceris 12punctata, L. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide:: a mee 
toma femoralis, Kl. ; (28) H. rosarum, F. ; (29) H. ceerulescens, F. ; (30) H 
el Es L. ; (31) Selandria serva, L. ; (32) Athalia spinarum, F. ; (33) Tens 
edo tricincta, F. ; ~e T. bifasciata, L., etc. ; (85) Dolerus eglanteria, F. ; 
(6 Cimbex sericea, L.; (37) Cephus troglodytes, L. ; (b) Ichneumonide : 
3) 3) Numerous species ; (c) Sphegide : (39) Cemonus unicolor, F., freq. ; (40) 
Gorytes campestris, L. ¢; (41) Crabro lapidarius, Pz. 2 ; (42) Cr, pterotus, 
KF do; (48) Cr. vagabundus, Pz. 2; (7) Apidae: (44) Prosopis brevicornis, 
Loe T 2 


Nyl. ¢; (45) P. communis, Nyl. ¢; (46) Halictus maculatus, Smith, 2, 8» 
freq. ; (47) H. sexnotatus, K. ?, c.p.; (48) H. albipes, F. 9, c.p.; (49) An- — 
drena nigrownea, K. 2, s.; (50) A. albicans, K. 9 ¢,8.; (51) A. parvula, Eg 

s.ande.p. ; (52) A. fulvierus, K. 9,8. ; (53) A. nana, K. ¢,s.,and A. minutula, — 
K. 9, s. D. Lepidoptera—Tineide: (54) Adela, s. E. Neuroptera—(55) — 
Sialis lutaria, L. See also No. 590, 1., and No. 609. 

178. StuM LATIFOLIUM, L. :— 

A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis sp. ; (b) Dolichopide : (2) Dolichopus 
eeneus, Deg. ; (c) Syrphide : (3) Syrphus ribesii, L. ; (4) Eristalis nemorum, — 
L.; (5) E. arbustorum, L.; (6) E. eneus, Scop. ; (7) Syritta pipiens, L.; (8) ~ 
Helophilus floreus, L. ; (d) Muscide: (9) Mesembrina meridiana, L., s. ; (10) _ 
Lucilia silvarum, Mgn. ; (11) L. Cesar, L. ; (12) L. cornicina, F. ; (13) Musea — 
corvina, F. ; (14) Aricia incana, Wied., freq. ; (15) Cyrtoneura simplex, Loew ; — 
(16) Calliphora vomitoria, F. ; (17) Ocyptera brassicaria, F. ; (18) Tetanocera ~ 
ferruginea, Fallen ; (19) Sepsis sp. ; (e) Stratiomyide : (20) Stratiomys riparia, — 
Mgn. B. Coleoptera—(a) Mordellidw : (21) Mordella fasciata, F. ; (b) Mala-— 
codermata : (22) Telephorus melanurus, L. ; (c) Lamellicornia: (23) Trichius— 
fasciatus, L. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide ; (24) Selandria serva, F. ; 
(25) Athalia rose, L. ; (26) Tenthredo notha, Kl. ; (b) Ichneumonidae: (27) 
Numerous species; (c) Sphegide : (28) Crabro dives, H. Sch. ¢; (29) 7 
lapidarius, Pz. ¢ 9, freq.; (30) C. pterotus, F. ¢; (81) C. vagus, L. g. 

D. Hemiptera—(32) A small species of Anthocoride. , 

179. A®copopium PopaGcrariaA, L.—The flowers of thi 
common weed are the resort of very numerous insects of various 
orders. I have found upon them :— : 

A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys Chameeleon, Deg. ; (2) Sargu: ¢ 
cuprarius, L. ; (3) Chrysomyia formosa, Scop. ; (0) Bombylide : (4) Anth 1x 
flava, Mgn. (Thur.) ; (c) Empide : (5) Empis livida, L. ; (6) E. punctata, F. ; 
(d) Therevide : (7) Thereva anilis, L. ; (e) Dolichopide : (8) Gymnopternus 
cherophylli, Mgn. ; (f) Syrphide : (9) Pipizella virens, F. ; (10) Chrysogaster 
viduata, F. ; (11) Ch. ccemeteriorum, L.; (12) Ch. chalybeata, Mgn. ; (13) 
Syrphus pyrastri, L. ; (14) S. ribesii, L. ; (15) S. nitidicollis, Mgn.; (16) 
Melithreptus taniatus, Mgn. ; (17) Volucella pellucens, L. (Tekl. B.) ; (18) 
Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (19) E. nemorum, L. ; (20) Helophilus floreus, L., 
ab. ; (21) Syritta pipiens, L., freq. ; (g) Muscide : (22) Echinomyia fera, L. ; 
(23) Zophomyia tremula, Scop. ; (24) Sarcophaga albicans, Mgn. ; (25) Lucilia 
cornicina, F, ; (26) L. silvarum, Mgn., ete, ; (27) Musca corvina, F, ; (28) Ariciv 
obscurata, Mgn. ; (29) Species of Anthomyia ; (30) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; 
(31) S, merdaria, F,; (32) Sepsis, ab. ; (kh) Tipulide: (33) Pachyrrhir 
histrio, F. ; (34) P. erocata, L. B, Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (35) Cych- 
ramus luteus, F, (Tekl. B.) ; (b) Dermestide : (36) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F. ; 
(c) Lamellicornia : (87) Phyllopertha horticola, L. ; (38) Cetonia aurata, L, ; 
(39) Trichius fasciatus, L. ; (d) Elateride: (40) Agriotes aterrimus, L. ; (4 y 
Lacon murinus, L, ; (42) Athous niger, L.; (e) Malacodermata: (48) Te e- 
phorus fuscus, L. ; (44) Malachius bipustulatus, F. ; (45) Dasytes flavipes, F, : 
(46) Trichodes apiarius, L.; (f) Cistelide: (47) Cistela murina, L.; () 


Mordellide: (48) Anaspis rufilabris, Gylh.; (49) A. frontalis, L.; (50) 
- Mordella fasciata, F. ; (51) M. aculeata, L., very ab. ; (h) Curculionide : (52) 
_ Spermophagus cardui, Schh. ; (¢) Cerambycide: (53) Pachyta octomaculata, 
it F. (Tekl. B.); (54) Leptura livida, F.; (55) Grammoptera ruficornis, Pz. 
a ©. og Tenthredinide : (56) Hylotoma femoralis, K1.; (57) 
H. rosarum, F.; (58) H. ustulata, L. ; (59) H. vulgaris, Kl. ; (60) Selandria 
serva, F., ab. ; (61) Tenthredo bifasciata, L.; (62) T. flavicornis, L. ; (63) T 
‘notha, Kl, ab. ; (64) T. atra, Kl. ; (65) T. sp. ; (66) Cimbex iécives, Dis (b) 
Ichneumonide : (67) Numerous species ; (c) Evaniade : (68) Foenus affectator, 
. (Thur.); (69) F. jaculator, F. (Thur.) ; (d) Chryside: (70) Hedychrum 
lucidulum, F. 4, freq. ; (¢) Sphegide: (71) Crabro sexcinctus, v. d. L. g 
(Thur.) ; (72) Cr. cephalotes, H. Sch. ¢ (Thur.) ; (73) Cr. lapidarius, Pz. 9 ; 
(74) Cr, vagus, L. 2 ; (75) Oxybelus bipunctatus, Ol. g ; (76) O. bellicosus, Ol. 
> freq. ; (77) O. se Dlb. g; (78) O. uniglumis, L., very freq.; (79) 
' Philanthus triangulum, F. ; (80) Cerceris variabilis, Schr. 9 ¢, not rare ; (81) 
orytes campestris, L. 2 g°, not rare ; (82) Hoplisus laticinctus, Lep. 2? (Thur.) ; 
(83) Pompilus niger, F. ? (Tekl. B.); (84) P. spissus, Schi. 9; (85) P 
pes Wesm. ¢ (Thur.) ; (86) Myrmosa melanocephala, F. 2; (f) Ves- 
: (87) Odynerus quinquefasciatus, wi Se 68) O. elegans, F. 2; (g) 
vide: (89) Prosopis communis, Nyl. ¢; (90) P. clypearis, Schenck, ¢ 
(Thur.) ; (91) Halictus albipes, F. 9; (92) H. cylindricus, F. 2; (93) H 
minutus, K. 9; (94) Andrena parvula, K. 2? ¢; (95) A. albicrus, K. 9 ; (96) 
A. helvola, L. 9? ¢, cp. and s.; (97) A. fulvago, Christ. 9, cp.; (98) A. 
proxima, K. 9,s. and c.p.; (99) A. albicans, K., s.; (100) A. pilipes, F. ¢, 
s.; (101) A. dorsata, K. 9, ep.; (102) A. fucata, Sm. 9, s.; (103) Apis 
mellifica, L. 9, ¢.p. D. Neuroptera—(104) Panorpa communis, L. 

180. PimpiNELLA MAGNA, L.—lI have had very little oppor- 
tunity of observing this species, and I have only noticed the 
ollowing insect-visitors in Low Germany. 

1 | Apide: (1) Andrena parvula, K. 2, sand c.p. ; (2) A. Rose, Pz. ¢,s. 

In the subalpine region of the Alps it usually bears only 
jnkish flowers (P. magna, {3 rosea, Koch = P. rubra, Hoppe), which 
ircumstance may be attributed to the more intense action of 
ight in this region. I have found the pink variety on the Alps 
_ visited by six species of beetles, seven flies, two Hymenoptera, and 

_ one butterfly (609). 


Visitors: A. See in Tabanide: (1) Tabanus micans, Mgn. ; (2) 
a ysops ceecutiens, L.; (b) Asilide: (3) Isopogon art Mgn.; (c) 
} phide: (4) Syrphus nitidicollis, Mgn. ; (5) S. pyrastri, L. ; (6) Eristalis 
- icola, Mgn. ; (d) Conopide: (7) Conops 4-fasciata, Deg.; (e) Tipulide : 
8) Pachyrrhina crocata, L. B. Se ae Malacodermata: (9) Tele- 
orus melanurus, F,; (10) Dasytes flavipes, F. (Thur.) ; (0) Cerambycide : 
() Pachyta octomaculata, F., ab. (Sld.) ; (ce) Chrysomelide: (12) Clythra 


scopolina, L. (Thur.).. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : (13) Hylotoma 
rosarum, F,; (14) Selandria serva, L. ; (15) Tenthredo bicincta, L. ; (16) T. 
notha, K1., ab. ; (17) T. bifasciata, L., etc. ; (18) Cimbex sericea, L. ; (b) Ichneu- 
monide : (19) Numerous species ; (ce) Apidw: (20) Sphecodes gibbus, L., s. ; 
(21) Andrena parvula, K., s. and e.p. ; (22) A. fulvescens, Sm. g. D. Neuro 
ptera—(23) Panorpa commmtitic L. 

182. Myrruis oporaTa, Scop.—The accompanying fi 
represent flowers of this species as I saw them towards the end 
of their flowering period, June 13, 1871. The flowers last 
developed are male only, their anthers and petals fall off without 
their developing styles or stigmas upon their stunted ovaries. — 
These male flowers, as in cases described above, furnish pollen 
for the last of the hermaphrodite flowers when in their second — 
or female stage. I have had no opportunity of observing the 

Fic. 93.—Myrrhis odorata, Scop. 

1.—Male flower, at the end of its flowering-period. 

2.—Diito, withered. 

3 —Hermaphrodite flower in its last stage. 

ov, ovary; n, nectary; p, petal ; a, anther ; a’, ditto, not yet dehisced, 

fertilisation of Myrrhis odorata, which, in the neighbourhood of | 
Lippstadt, occurs wild only in an isolated patch. Herr Borgstett 

sent me the following list of species which he collected on the 
flowers of this plant at Teklenburg :— 

A. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (1) Bombylius major, L. ; (6) Empide: (2 
Empis tesselata, F. ; (c) Syrphidw: (3) Xylota femorata, L. B. Coleoptera 
Chrysomelide : (4) Galeruca calmariensis, L. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Jehner 
monide: (5) Several species ; (b) Apide: (6) Halictus maculatus, Sm. 
have since added twenty-seven species to this list (590, 1.). | 


Visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Eristalis pertinax, Scop. B. Cole 
optera—(a) Elateride : (2) Agriotes gallieus, Lap. (Thur.) ; (b) Gidemeride 

east ee ee 


(8) CGEdemera flavescens, L. herve C, Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : 
(4) Hylotoma enodis, L., ab.; (5) H. segmentaria, Pz, (Thur.) : (6) ert 
_ bifasciata, L. (Thur.) ; (7) T. notha, Kl.; (8) T. sp. ; (9) Athalia rose, L. ; (b) 
_ Evaniade: (10) Foenus affectator, F. (Thur.) ; : ‘(c) Chryside : (11) Chrysis 
ignita, L. (Thur.) ; (d) Sphegide: (12) Crabro subterraneus, F, ¢ (Thur.) ; 
(13) Pompilus pectinipes, v. d. L. (Thur.) ; (14) Myrmosa melanostoma, F. 
(Thur.) ; (e¢) Apide: (15) Sphecodes ephippia, L. 


Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Chrysomyia formosa, Scop. ; 
(b) Syrphide : (2) Cheilosia scutellata, Fallen ; (3) Chrysogaster coemeteriorum, 
L. ; (4) Melanostoma mellina, L. ; (5) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (6) Baccha 
élongata, F.; (7) Eristalis nemorum, L.; (8) Helophilus floreus, L. ; (9) 
Syritta pipiens, L. ; (b) AMuscide: (10) Gymnosoma rotundata, L. B. Cole- 
optera—(a) Nitidulide : e es Sea (6) Dermestide ; (12) Anthrenus 
8c ophularie, L.; (13) A. pimpinelle, F.; (¢) Cerambycide : (14) Leptura 
livida, L. ; (15) Pachyta S-rnietulata, F, (Tekl. B.). C. Hymenoptera—(a) 
Z atatinicles (16) Tenthredo flavicornis, Ll. ; (17) T. notha, Kl. ; (18) T. 
re stica, L. ; (19) Several undetermined species of Tenthredo ; (b) Sphegide : 
20) Crabro cribrarius, L. 9 ¢; (21) Entomognathus brevis, v. d. L. 2; (c) 
ee: (22) Odynerus parietum, L. 2 ; (d) Apide: @8) Andrena Collinsoniana, 
if and cp. See also No. 590, 1. 

185. ANTHRISCUS SILVESTRIS, Hoffm.—The accompanying 
igures show some of the special adaptations which all typical 
Umbbelliferse share. These features are: (1) the fully exposed 

Fic. 94.—Anthriscus silvestris, Hofim. 

_ 1.—Flower in first (male) stage. a, anthers not yet dehisced ; a’, ditto, dehisced. The styles 
‘e not yet visible. 
_ 2.—Flower in second (female) stage. The stamens have fallen off, the styles have appeared, and 
‘th eir stigmas : are mature. 
PD, inner, p’, outer petals; ov, ovary ; oy nectary ; st, stigma. 

; tuation of the honey, due to the cushion-shaped swelling of 
, the disk which secretes it, to the absence at first of styles, 
_ to the widely outstretched position of the petals, and to the 


peculiar nature of the anthers which, before dehiscence, are 
bent backwards outside the flower, and afterwards, erecting 
themselves slightly, stand pointing obliquely outwards, and 
easily fall off altogether at the coming of an insect; (2) the 
complete proterandry, so fully developed that every trace of 
anthers has disappeared when the stigmas arrive at maturity ; 
(3) the loss of regularity in the separate flowers for the good of 
the community, the outer petals developing at the cost of the 
inner ones, 

As in the forms just mentioned, we find visiting Anthriscus 
silvestris a very miscellaneous company of insects, chiefly with 
short proboscides, to lick up the flat layer of honey from the 
disk ; a few bumble-bees and Muscidz to feed on pollen, anda — 
few bees to collect it, As they pass quickly over the surface of — 
the umbels, and frequently fly from one to another, they easily 
dust their body and legs with pollen upon young flowers, and 
accomplish numerous cross-fertilisations in a short time. 

I have repeatedly found hive-bees collecting pollen on 
Anthriscus silvestris; they ran over the umbels with the utmost 
speed, so quickly that I could not follow with my eye the act of 
pollen-gathering, and they stripped off many anthers completely. — 
In spite of their industry, which is so often very useful to other 
flowers, they are of little or no use to Anthriscus silvestris ; 
for they take away the pollen, but never or only rarely go to 
umbels in the second stage, and so seldom or never effect 
cross-fertilisation. | 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Nemotelus pantherinus, L. ; 

(2) Stratiomys Chameleon, Deg. ; (b) Empide: (3) Empis punctata, F.; — 
(4) E. stercorea, L. ; (c) Syrphide : (5) Syrphus corolle, F. ; (6) S. ribesii, L. ; _ 
(7) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (8) M. pictus, Mgn. ; (9) Ascia podagrica, F.; 
(10) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (11) E. pertinax, Scop. ; (12) Helophilus floreus, — 
L. ; (13) Syritta pipiens, L..; (d) Muscide: (14) Echinomyia fera, L.; (15) — 
Zophomyia tremula, Scop. ; (16) Sarcophaga sp. ; (17) Lucilia sericata, Mgn. ; 
(18) Musca corvina, F. ; (19) Graphomyia maculata, Scop. ; (20) Scatophaga 
merdaria, F, ; (21) S. stercoraria, L., ab. ; (22) Sepsis sp. ; (23) Psila fimetaria, 
L. ; (e) Bibionide : (24) Bibio hortulanus, F.; (f) Tipulide: (25) Pachyr- — 

rhina crocata, L. ; (26) P. pratensis, L. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (27) — 

Epureea sp. ; (28) Meligethes ; (b) Elateride: (29) Synaptus filiformis, F. ; 
30) Lacon murinus, L., freq. ; (81) Athous niger, L. ; (82) Corymbites quereus, 
Ill. ; (¢) Malacodermata : (33) Telephorus fuseus, L. ; (84) T. rusticus, F. ; 
(35) T. lividus, L. ; (86) Malachius wneus, L.; (87) M. bipustulatus, F. ; (d) 
Cistelide : (38) Cistela murina, L. ; (e) Mordellide: (39) Mordella fasciata, 
F. ; (40) M. pumila, Gyll. ; (f) Curculionide : (41) Bruchus, freq. ; (g) Ceram- 
bycide ; (42) Clytus arietis, L.; (43) Pachyta collaris, L. (Thur); (44) P. 


 octomaculata, F. (Thur.) ; (45) Grammoptera lurida, F. (Tekl. B.) ; (46) G 
 ruficornis, F, C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide : (47) Hylotoma femoralis, 
_ Ki. (Thur.) ; (48) Macrophya neglecta, Kl. ; (49) Tenthredo notha, K1. ; (50) 
1. rape, K1.; (61) T. annulata, F.; (52) T. rustica, L. ; (53) T. sp.; (54) 
' Selandria serva, F.; (55) Athalia rose, L. ; (56) Dolerus cenchris, Htg. ; (57) 
Nematus vittatus, Lep.; (58) N. mapacticlis; F.; (b) Ichneumonide : (59) 
Various species; (c) Formicide: (60) Various species ; (d) Sphegide: (61) 
abro sexcinctus, v. d. L. ¢; (62) Cr. cephalotes, H. Sch. g (Thur.) ; (63) 
Hoplisus laticinctus, Lep. 9 (Thur.) ; (64) Pompilus neglectus, Wesm. 9? 
(Thur.) ; (65) P. viaticus, L. 9; (e) Vespide : (66) Odynerus elegans, H. Sch. 
© (Tekl. B.) ; (f) Apide: (67) Halictus Smeathmanellus, K. ? ; (68) Andrena 
parvula, K., s. and c.p.; (69) A.Collinsoniana, K. 9; (70) A. fucata, Sm. 9 ; 
71) Apis mellifica, L. $, ep. D, Neuroptera—(72) Sialis lutaria, L. ; (73) 


emerobius sp. See also No. 590, I. 


Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (2) 
E. nemorum, L. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L.; (b) Muscide: (4) Gymnosoma 
rotundata, L.; (5) Exorista vulgaris, Fallen; (6) Sarcophaga heemarrhoa, 
Meigen (determined by Herr Winnertz) ; (7) 8. dissimilis, Mgn. (do.) ; (8) 
oo simplex, Loew. (do.) ; (9) Anthomyia radicum, L. (do.) ; (10) Sepsis 
., Lh. ; (ce) Bibionide: (11) Bibio hortulanus, F. B. Coleoptera—(a) Niti- 
hulide : (12) Meligethes, very ab., l.h., also pairing on the flowers; (6d) 
: Dermestide : (13) Anthrenus pimnpitiellen, .; (14) A. serophularie, L., both 
ab., lh. ; “a Malacodermata : (15) Anthocomus fasciatus, L. ; (16) Malachius 
eneus, F .; (d) Mordellide ; (17) Anaspis frontalis, Lh. ; (ce) Cerambycide : 
(18) Grammoptera ruficornis, F., lh. C. Hymenoptera——(a) Ichneumonide : 
(19) Numerous species ; (6) ormicida (20) Several species ; (ce) Sphegide: 
(21) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., ab. ; (22) Pompilus pectinipes, v. d. L. ¢; 
(23) P. spissus, Schi. ; (d) A cot : " (24) Prosopis communis, Nyl. ¢; (25) P. 
imillata, Nyl. 9; (26) Apis mellifica, L. $, e.p. 

oe een e 


a ll 


Sa ie me ala AE Sat 

_ Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys Chameleon, Deg. ; 
b) Empide : (2) Empis livida, L. ; (3) E. rustica, Fallen ; (c) Leptida : (4) 
Antherix = L.; (d) Syrphide: © Syritta pipiens, ah (6) Eristalis 
ne morum, L .; (7) E. arbustorum, L.; (8) E. sepulcralis, L.; (9) Various 
| a ecies of Lucilia, all sucking. B. Coleoptera—Lamellicornia : (10) Trichius 
' fasciatus, L. C. nie gorge pide: (11) Macropis labiata, Pz. ¢, s. ; 
( 12) Heriades truncorum, L. 2, s. ; (13) Prosopis sp. See also No. 590, I. 

5 'f 

1a ; ‘ Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) ie Maly yide : (1) Odontomyia viridula, F. ; (d) 
yrphide : (2) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (3) Eristalis arbustorum, L., and others ; 

© Muscide: (4) Lucilia cornicina, F.; (5) Aricia vagans, Fallen ; (6) 
I i Cyrtoneura curvipes, Macq. (determined by Herr Winnertz) ; all sucking ; (d) 


Mycetophilide : (7) Sciara Thome, L. B. Coleoptera—(a) Chrysomelide : 

(8) Helodes Phellandrii, L., devouring whole umbels down to the pedunele ; 
(b) Cerambycide: (9) Leptura livida, L., ab., licking the fleshy disk; (¢) 
Elateride : (10) Adrastus pallens, Er. C. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthredinide: — 
(11) Athalia rose, L.; (12) Tenthredo sp. ; (b) Ichneumonide: (13) various — 
species ; (c) Sphegide : (14) Tiphia ruficornis, K. ; (15) Oxybelus bipunctatus, 
Ol. 2; (16) Pompilus viaticus, L. ; (17) P. trivialis, Kl. 9; (d) Apidae: (18) 
Prosopis variegata, F. ¢; (19) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ¢. D. Lepidoptera— 
(20) Vanessa C-album, L. 


189. SILAUS PRATENSIS, Bess.—I can only mention the follow- 
ing as fertilisers of this species, which I have had few opportunities 
of observing :— | 

Hymenoptera—(qa) Tenthredinide : (1) Tenthredo notha, K1. ; (b) Sphegide : 
(2) Pompilus viaticus, L. g, 1h. ; (ce) Apide: (3) Halictus longulus,Sm.g,s. 


Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L.; (2) Helo- — 
philus floreus, L. ; (8) Eristalis pertinax, Scop. ; (4) Pipizella virens, F.; (6) — 
Muscide : (5) Tachina prepotens, Mgn. (determined by Herr Winnertz) ; (6) — 
Echinomyia fera, L. ; (7) Mesembrina meridiana, L. ; (8) Scatophaga stercorari ; 
L.; (9) S. merdaria, F. ; (10) Lucilia silvarum, L. ; (11) Sarcophaga sp. B. 
Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide: (12) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F.; (b) Lamelli 
cornia: (13) Trichius fasciatus, L., 1h. ; (ce) Malacodermata: (14) Telepho Ss 
melanurus, L. ; (d) Coccinellide : (15) Coccinella 7-punctata, L., s.; (16);C. 
14-punctata, L., s.; (e) Nitidulide: (17) Meligethes, ab. C. Hymenoptera— — 
(a) Tenthredinidw: (18) Athalia rose, L.; (19) Species of Tenthredo ; (b) 
Ichnewmonide : (20) Various species ; (c) Evaniade : (21) Foenus affectator, F. ;_ 
(d) Sphegide : (22) Crabro lapidarius, Pz. ¢ 2 (Thur.), ab. ; (23) Philanthus 
triangulum, F. ; (e) Vespidew: (24) Odynerus sinuatus, F. 9 ; (25) O. debili- — 
tatus, Sauss.; (26) Vespa rufa, L. $,s.; (f) Apide: (27) Species of Pro- 
sopis, 8. ; (28) Andrena pilipes, F. 9, 8. D. Lepidoptera—(29) Argynnis — 
Paphia, L. (Willebadessen) (s.?) E. Neuroptera—(30) Panorpa communis, L., — 
Ih. See also No. 590, 1., and No. 609. | 

191, PEUceEDANUM CrRvariA, Lap.—On the slope of 
Rehmberg, near Miihlberg in Thuringia, a locality rich in 
plants, I found on the last sunny days in August, 1869, the followin: 
insects, many of them rare, upon this still rarer Umbellifer :— 

et Oise Samy, 


ee ee 

A. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (1) Anthrax maura, L.; (6) Muscide: (2) 
Phasia crassipennis, F., ab. ; (3) Ph. analis, F., scarce ; (4) Gymnosom 
rotundata, L., very ab. B, Coleoptera—(a) Chrysomelide: (5) Clythr 
scopolina, L. ; (b) Cerambycide : (6) Strangalia bifasciata, Miiller. C. Hymen- 
optera—(a) Chryside: (7) Hedychrum lucidulum, F. ¢ 2; (b) Sphegide: 
(8) Crabro vagus, L. 9; (9) Cr. cribrarius, L. ¢ 9, ab. ; (10) Nysson mac 
latus, v. d. L. 9; (11) Tachytes unicolor, Pz. 9; (12) T. pectinipes, v. d. Li 

Bre Rp aai onioniye 


9; (13) Ammophila sabulosa, L.; (14) Psammophila viatica, L. ¢; (15) 
- Pompilus viaticus, L. ¢ ; (16) Priocnemis bipunctatus, F. 2 ; (17) Pr. obtusi- 
_ ventris, Schiddte, 9; (18) Ceropales maculata, F. 9; (19) C. variegata, F. 
96; (20) Tiphia femorata, F., very ab., all licking honey ; (c) Vespide: 
(28) Polistes gallica, L., and var. dindenha’: ; (d) Apide: (22) Prosopis 
| variegata, F., s.; (23) Halictus leucozonius, Schrk. ¢ ?, s. and e.p.; (24) 
H. quadricinctus, F. 2,8. ; (25) Andrena minutula, K. 92, freq., c.p. ; (26) 
Megachile lagopoda, Pz. 2, once, sucking. 

It is a remarkable fact that this scarce Umbellifer is visited by 
a choice collection of rare insects, while the most common visitants 
are absent. I do not think that this is due to a special taste of its 
honey, but I suppose that the same conditions necessary for the 
 plant’s existence are also favourable to special insects. 

_ 192. PeucEDANUM (ANETHUM) GRAVEOLENS, L.—The dirty- 
yellow flowers of this plant are, like those of Bupleurwm, visited 
by Diptera and Hymenoptera, but far more plentifully and 
i by a greater variety of forms, owing, doubtless, to the strong 
odour of the flowers. No species of beetle occurs among the very 
numerous visitors. 

_ Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide: (1) Chrysomyia formosa, Scop., 
3.; (b) Bombylidw: (2) Anthrax maura, L. (Thur.); (c) Syrphide: (8) 
Cheilosia scutellata, Fallen ; (4) Syrphus pyrastri, L., sucking, as also were the 
following : (5) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (6) E. nemorum, L.; (7) E. sepulcralis, 
L. ; (8) E. tenax, L. ; (9) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (2) Muscide: (10) Gymnosoma 
' rotundata, L., ab. ; (11) Lucilia cornicina, F. ; (12) Musca corvina, F. ; (13) 
_ Oyrtoneura simplex, Loew., and curvipes, Macq., the last two identified by Herr 
Winnertz; (14) Sepsis, ab.; (e) Tipulide: (15) Tipula sp. B. Hymenoptera : 
(a) Tenthredinide : (16) Several species of Tenthredo ; (b) Ichneumonide : (17) 
Numerous species ; (¢) Lvaniade : (18) Foenus affectator, F. ; (19) F. jaculator, 
F. (Thur.) ; (d) Formicide: freq. ; (e) Chryside: (20) Hedychrum lucidu- 
lum, F. 2 ¢, freq. ; (21) Chrysis ignita, L. 9; (22) Chr. bidentata, L. ¢ ; 
(f) Sphegide : (23) Crabro sexcinctus, v. d. L. ¢ (Thur.); (24) Cr. vexil- 
latus, Pz. 2 (Thur.) ; (25) Cr. podagricus, H. Sch. 9 (Thur.) ; (26) Cr. denti- 
erus, H. Sch. ; (27) Cr. Wesmeeli, v. d. L. ¢; (28) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., 
b. ; (29) Tripoxylon clavicerum, v. d. L. 2; (80) Cemonus unicolor, F. 9 ; 
' (81) Tacytes pectinipes, L. 9 (Thur.) ; (32) Psen atratus, Pz. ? ¢ (Thur,) ; 
| a Pompilus cinctellus, v. d. L. 9 ; (34) P. neglectus, Wesm. @ (Thur, 
pty 14, 1870 !) ; (35) Tiphia femorata, F. ¢; (36) Myrmosa melanocephala, 

. (Thur,, July 14, 1870!) ; (g) Vespide : (37) Odynerus parietum, L. ; (38) 
0. atts, Sauss. ; (39) Eumenes pomiformis, L. ¢; (40) Polistes gallica, 
cree.) 5 ; (h) Anida: (41) Prosopis sinuata, Schenck, ¢ 2 (Thur.) ; (42) 
. communis, Nyl. 2 ¢ (Tekl. B.) ; (43) Pr. armillata, Nyl. ¢ (Tekl. B.) ; 
(a4) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ¢ 2, ab.; (45) Andrena parvula, K. ?, cp. ; (46) 
A. dorsata, K. 9, e.p. 


193. PeucepANUM (PaAsTINAcA) SATIVUM, L. (Thuringia) :— 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: (1) Anthrax flava, Hffsgg., Lh. ; 
(b) Syrphide: (2) Chrysotoxum bicinctum, L, ; (8) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (e) 
Muscide: (4) Dexia rustica, F.; (5) Onesia sepuleralis, Mgn.; (6) Lucilia 
silvarum, Mgn. ; (7) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. B. Hymenoptera—(a) Tenthre- 
dinide : (8) Several species of Tenthredo ; (b) Ichneumonidae : (9) Numerous 
species ; (c) Sphegide : (10) Crabro sexcinctus, v. d. L. ¢ ; (11) Tiphia femo- 
rata, F.; (12) Mutilla europea, L. 9; (d) Vespide: (13) Polistes gallica, L., 
and var. diadema ; (14) Odynerus parietum, L. ¢. See also No. 590, 1. 

So the dull yellow flowers of this plant, like those of Bupleurum 
and Anethum, are visited only by Diptera and Hymenoptera, not — 
by Beetles. 


Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (1) Anthrax flava, Hff. (Sld. Tek]. 

B.) ; (b) Empide: (2) Empis livida, L.; (c) Asilide: (3) Dioctria Rein-— 
hardi, Wied., ab. (Sld.); (d) Syrphide: (4) Chrysotoxum bicinctum, L. | 
(Sld.) ; (5) Ch. festivum, L. (Tekl. B.) ; (6) Pipizella virens, F.; (7) P. annu-— 
lata, Macq. ; (8) Chrysogaster viduata, L.; (9) Cheilosia scutellata, Fall. ; 
(10) Syrphus glaucius, L. ;-(11) S. ribesii, L.; (12) S. pyrastri, L.; (13) — 
Melithreptus ee L.; (14) Ascia peer F.; (15) Eristalis tenax, 
L.; (16) E. nemorum, L. ; (17) E. arbustorum, L. ; (18) E. sepulcralis, L. ;_ 
(19) E. eneus, Scop. ; (20) E. pertinax, Scop. ; (21) E. horticola, Mgn. ea) 
(22) api gee Ronan L., ab. 3. (23) Xylota see L. (Sld.) ; (24) Syrit 

pipiens, L. ; (e) pase (25) Zodion cinereum, F. (Sld.); (f) Muscide : 
(26) Echinomyia grossa, L. (Haar); (27) E. fera, L.; (28) E. magnicornis, 
Zett. ; (29) Nemorea sp. ; (80) Exorista vulgaris, Fallen ; (81) Tachina eru- 
carum, Rond. ; (32) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., ab. ; (33) S. hemarrhoa, Mgn. ; — 
(34) Onesia sepulcralis, Mgn. ; (35) O. floralis, Rob. Desv. ; (36) Grapho- — 
myia maculata, Scop. ; (37) Lucilia oa Mgn.; (38) L. Caesar, L. ; (39) © 
L. silvarum, oe (40) L. cornicina, F.; (41) Pyrellia enea, Zett. ; 5 
Musca corvina, F.; (43) eye eunteahia: l.; (44) C. erythrocephala, ; 
Mgn. ; (45) Scatophaga merdaria, F., ab. ; (46) Sepsis cynipsea, L., ab. ; (g)_ 
Tabanide: (47) Tabanus rusticus, L.; (h) Mycetophilide: (48) ’Platyt aS: 
sp. ; (i) Tipulide: (49) Pachyrrhina histrio, F. B. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidu- 
lide: (50) Thalycra sericea, Er. (Siebengebirge) ; (51) Meligethes, ab. ; (b) 
Dermestide : (52) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F. ; (c) Lamellicornia : (53) Hoplia 
philanthus, Sulz., very freq. (Sld.) ; (54) Trichodes fasciatus, L., ab. ; (55) 
Cetonia aurata, L., very ab., (Sld. Siebengeb.) ; (d) Elateride: (56) Agriotes 
ustulatus, Schaller (Thur.) ; (57) Corymbites holosericeus, L. ; (58) C. hema- 
todes, F. (Siebengeb., July 8, 1871); (e) Malacodermata: (59) Telephorus 
melanurus, F., very freq. ; (60) T. fuscus, L.; (61) T. lividus, L. ; (62) Tri-_ 
chodes apiarius, L. ; (f/) Mordellide : (63) Mordella fasciata, L. ; (g) Gide-— 
merida : (64) C&demera virescens, L.; (kh) Cerambycide : (65) Rhagium > 
inquisitor, F, (Sld.) ; (66) Pachyta 8- maculata, F., ab. Les Siebengeb.) ; (67) | 
Strangalia melanura, L., very “3 Berd (68) S. nigre, .3 (0) Chrysomelide : 
(69) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L. ; (hk) Coccinellide: (70) Exochomus auritus, 



Scriba. ©. Hymenoptera—(a) Yenthredinide: (71) Tenthredo bifasciata, L., 
b. ; (72) T. notha, Kl, not rare; (73) T. tricincta, F. ; (74) T. sp.; (75) 
T. annulata, F. ; (76) ee serva, F., very ake ; (77) Athalia rose, L. ;/ 
_ (78) Hylotoma rosarum, F, ; (79) H. coerulescens, F.; (80) H. ustulata, L. ; 
(81) H. vulgaris, Kl. ; (82) H. femoralis, K1. ; (83) Cimbex sericea, L., not tare 
( Sld.) ; (b) Ichneumonide : (84) Numerous species ; (¢) Sphegide: (85) Crabro 
lapidarius, Pz.? ¢, freq. ; (86) Cr. vagus, L.? ¢; (87) Cr. cribrarius, L.? ¢; 
(88) Oxybelus nniglomis, L., ab. ; (89) Philanthus triangulum, F. ?; (90) 
G ory tes campestris, L. 2 ¢, not rare ; (91) Dinetus pictus, F. 9 ¢, ab.; (92) 
M imesa bicolor, Sh. (Thur.) ; (93) M. unicolor, vy. d. L. (Thur.) ; (94) Pom- 
jilus viaticus, L. ¢ ; (95) P. pectinipes, v. d. L. ¢; (96) Priocnemis exaltatus, 
. (Thur.) ; (97) Ceropales maculata, F., not rare ; (98) by tae femorata, F., ab. ; 
Vespide : (99) Odynerus pariétam, L., ab. ; (100) O. sinuatus, F. ; (101) 
O. trifasciatus, F. 2; (102) Vespa rufa, a 2; (103) V. holsatica, F. ¢ ; (104) 
V. vulgaris, L. 9; (e) Apidw: (105) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. 2; (106) Hal- 
ictus cylindricus, F. 2, covered with pollen on the whole hairy ventral sur- 
fi ®; (107) H. leucopus, K. ¢; (108) H. flavipes, F. 9; (109) Andrena 

nana, K. 2,s.; (110) A. fucata, Sm. 2, ab.,s. and c.p.; (111) A. coitana, 
Ki@, not rare (Sld.) ; (112) A. Rose, Pz. 9, freq. ; (118) Sphecodes gibbus, 
L tS: s.; (114) Nomada ferruginata, K. 2,s.; (115) Megachile centuncu- 
aris, L. 2, ¢.p.; (116) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, ¢.p.; (117) Apis mellifica, 
8, ‘: and ¢. Pe D. Hemiptera—(118) Several bugs. See also No. 590, 1., and 
No. 609. 

195. Daucus Carota, L.:— 


a: A. Diptera—(q) Stratiomyide : (1) Stratiomys Chameleon, Deg., 
; (2) S. riparia, Mgn., ab.; (b) Bombylide: (3) Anthrax flava, Hf. 
T har): (c) Syrphide : (4) Pivtsella annulata, Macq. ; (5) Pipiza funebris, F. ; 
(6) Chrysogaster viduata, L. ; St Cheilosia soror, Zett. ; (8) Syrphus pyrastri, 
4.; (9) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (10) M. teeniatus, Mgn. ; (11) Ascia poda- 
3 F. ; (12) Eristalis sepuleralis, L. ; (13) E. arbustorum, L. ; (14) Helo- 
philus floreus, L. ; (15) Syritta pipiens, L.; (d) Muscide: (16) Gymnosoma 
otundata, L. ; (17) Sarcophaga albiceps, Mgn. (Thur.) ; (18) Species of Lucilia ; 
19) Species of Sepsis. B. Coleoptera—(a) Dermestide : (20) Anthrenus pim- 
i nelle, F. ; (6) Lamellicornia: (21) Trichius fasciatus, L. ; (c) Elateride : 
22) Agriotes sputator, L. (Thur.) ; (23) A. ustulatus, Schaller (Thur.) ; (24) 
__ A. gallicus, Lap. (Thur. ; ; (d) Malacodermata: (25) Dasytes pallipes, Pz. 
~ (Thur.) ; (e) Mordellide: (26) Mordella fasciata, F.; (27) M. aculeata, L. ; 
(f) Cureulionide: (28) Spermophagus cardui, Sch. (Thur.) ; (g) Corane- 
 bycide : (29) Strangalia bifasciata, Miller (Thur.). C. Hymenoptera—(a) 
| $ . Tenthredinide : (30) Hylotoma ustulata, L. (Thur.) ; (31) H. femoralis, K1. 
1 = ¢ hur.) ; (32) Selandria serva, F.; (33) Athalia rose, L. ; (34) Tenthredo 
‘notha, Kl. ; (6) Ichneuwmonide : (35) Various ; (c) Chryside: (86) Hedychrum 
Incidulum, F. ¢ 2 (Thur.), ab. ; (d) Sphegide: (37) Oxybelus ee L., 
; (38) O. bipunctatus, Ol. ; (39) Pompilus niger, F. ¢; (40) P. viaticus, 
4. 6; (41) P. neglectus, Wesm. ¢; (42) P. intermedius, Schenck ; (43) Prio- 
ne nis obtusiventris, Schi. (Thur) ; (44) Ceropales maculata, F. ; (45) Tiphia 
lemorata, F., freq. ; (46) Mutilla europea, L. ¢ (Thur., July 14, 1870) ; (47) 
is wariabilis, Schr. 2; (e) Vespide: (48) Odynerus sinuatus, F. 9°; 


(f) Apide : (49) Prosopis variegata, F. ¢ (Thur.) ; (50) P. sinuata, Schenck ; 
&; (51) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9 ; (52) Halictus albipes, F. ¢; (53) H. inter- 
ruptus, Pz. 9 (Thur.) ; (54) H. fulvicornis, K. ¢; (55) Andrena parvula, K.;% 
(56) A. nana, K. 9,s.; (57) Nomada lateralis, Pz. Q (Thur.). D. Lepidop- 
tera—(a) Rhopalocera: (58) Hesperia lineola, O., s. ; (b) Tineina: (59) Nemo- 
tois, Hbn., sp., s. E. Hemiptera—(60) Tetyra nigrolineata, L. (Thur.), ab, 
F. Neuroptera—(61) Hemerobius. See also No. 590, I. 

Daucus (Orlaya) grandiflora, Hoffm.—tThis species has three — 
different kinds of flowers, all differmg in form and degree of 
conspicuousness: (1) In the centre of the umbellule the florets _ 
are male only, and have small incurved petals; (2) at the edge of — 
the umbellule the florets are asexual, and the outermost petal is ~ 
greatly enlarged; (3) at the margin of the whole umbel are ~ 
female florets, in which the outer petals attain a gigantic size ~ 
(590, I.). . . | 

Caucalis daucoides, L., is visited by Tetyra nigrolineata, L. 
(Hemiptera) (590, I.). | 3 

196. CaucaLis (TorILIs) ANTHRISCUS, L. :— 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(1) Gymnosoma rotundata, L., freq. B, Hymenop- — 
tera—(a) Tenthredinide : (2) Tenthredo notha, Kl. (Tekl. B.) ; (b) Sphegida : 
(3) Crabro vagus, L. 9; (4) Oxybelus bellicosus, Ol. ; (5) O. uniglumis, L., — 
ab. ; (6) Ceropales maculata, F. ¢ 9, ab. ; (c) Vespide: (7) Odynerus pari- — 
etum, L.; (d) Apidew: (8) Prosopis variegata, F. ¢. C. Lepidoptera—(9) — 
Pieris rape, L. See also No, 590, 1.4 ~ EE 


A survey of the Umbelliferee and their insect-guests proves — 
most definitely that in flowers. otherwise constituted alike the 
visitors vary in abundance and variety in proportion to the con- 
spicuousness of the flowers. For our comparison we must naturally — 
choose flowers that have been observed to much the same extent. — 
If we select a number, eg. Agopodium, Carum, Pimpinella 
Saxifraga, Heracleum, Torilis, Anthriscus silvestris, Daucus, and 
Cherophyllum temulum, and arrange them in the order of con 
spicuousness, this arrangement will not differ materially from tk 
following, in which they are placed according to the number o 

? The following additional species are discussed in my Alpenblumen ;—Bupleurum 
stellatum, ls. ; Cherophyllum Villarsii, Koch. ; Gaya simplex, Gaud. ; Loserpiti 
hirsutum, Lam. ; Mewm Mutellina, Girtn. ; Peucedanum Ostruthiwm, L. Lists o 
visitors to the following are given in my Weitere Beobachtungen, pt. 1. ; thusu 
Cynapium, L. ; Buplewrwm rotundifolium, L, ; Thysselinwm palustre, Hofim, 




lifferent species of their insect-guests: 1. Heraclewm (118); 2. 
Figopodium (104); 3. Anthriscus silvestris (73); 4. Daucus Carota 
(61); 4. Carwm carui (55); 6. Cherophyllum temulum (23) and 
Pimpinella Saxifraga (23); 7. Torilis (9). 
Those insects which are most specialised for obtaining honey 
e the least frequent visitors of Umbellifere. On most Umbel- 
ifers butterflies are never seen, and on the others only rarely. 
n cases where I saw them on several flowers one after another 
mking their proboscides on to the fleshy disk, I have set them 
own as sucking; but the point may be reserved whether they 
eally can suck up honey off the flat surface, or were tearing the 
isk with the sharp appendages of the proboscis and sucking the 
uice set free, or whether they were only looking for honey 
_ We find on Umbellifers, on the one hand, the least specialised 
genera of bees (Prosopis, Sphecodes, Halictus, Andrena) licking 
he flat layer of honey or gathering pollen, and, on the other 
hand, the most diligent forms (Apis, Bombus,) collecting pollen, 
r more rarely sucking honey. 
_ The odour of Umbellifers is shown to be of marked influence 
n bees’ visits, as the strong-smelling umbels of Anethum graveolens 
ted with special preference by the equally strong-smelling 
decies of Prosopis. The great majority of the visitors of Umbellifers 
fe Be ort-lipped flies, beetles, wasps, and other short-lipped insects 
‘im immense variety. As a peculiarity which influences this 
semblage of insects, I must mention the yellowish colour, for 
have never found the flowers of Bupleurum, Silaus, or Pastinaca 
isited by beetles. These seem to be mainly attracted to flowers 
y bright colours. 
_ Rare Umbellifers, confined to particular localities, have rare 
| insects as their visitors. 


Hedera, L., is proteranderous, according to Delpino, and is 
fertilised by Biss (177). Ihave seen it visited also by beetles and 

by praspe (590, 1). 

197. CorRNUS SANGUINEA, L.—The fleshy ring surrounding 
| the base of the style secretes honey, which, lying open on the flat 


surface, is much more easily licked up by the tongues of short-_ 
lipped insects, or by the end-flaps (/abelle) of Diptera, than by : 
the long proboscis of bees. I have never seen bees upon the — 
flowers of C. sanguinea, although they may occasionally frequent — 
them for the sake of pollen or even honey; but I have noticed — 
many other insects licking the honey on these flowers. £ 
Since the anthers are developed at the same time as the 
stigma, and since they open inwards and stand on a level with 
it at a little distance, the insect, alighting on the flower and 
bending its head down to the fleshy disk, generally touches the 
stigma with one side of its head or body and one or two anther: 
with the other; and so passing from flower to flower, and touchin 
the stigma now with one side of its head now with the other, 

Fie. 95.—Cornus sanguinea, L.. 


1.—Flower, from above. 
2.—Ditto, in side view. 

it produces cross-fertilisation, especially as in its movements it 
touches anthers and stigmas with its legs or the underside of its 
body. Only the smaller insects (Witidulide, Byturus, small Diptera) 
which creep about irregularly in the flowers can occasion sel 
fertilisation also. In default of insect-visits, pollination, and evel 
cross-pollination, may here and there occur by the stigma acci- 
dentally touching an anther of a neighbouring flower. 

Visitors : A. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (1) Thalycra sericea, Er.; (2) Me ; 
gethes ; (b) Dermestide : (3) we ibe fumatus, F.; (¢) Llateride : (4) Dolopius 
ees .; (5) Athous niger, L.; (d) Curculionide: (6) Otiorhynchus 
picipes, F. ; (e) Cer apps ere (7) Strangalia atra, F. ; (8) Str. armata, Hbst. ; 
(9) Str. attenuate, L .; (10) Grammoptera lurida, F. ; (11) Gr. levis, F.; (fF) 
Malacodermata : a”) Telephorus pellucidus, F. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: 
(13) Empis livida, L. ; (6) (14) a small midge in very great numbers. © 

Hymenoptera—Sphegide : (15) Pompilus sp. ; all the visitors were licki 
honey on the fleshy disk. See also No. 590, 11. 



- 198. Apoxa MoscuaTELiina, L.—The flat, exposed layer of 
1oney limits or prevents the visits of long-tongued insects, while 
he greenish-yellow colour of the flowers must cause them to 
smain unnoticed by most flower-haunting Coleoptera. As in 
ther flowers of a similar colour and displaying their honey in a 
imilar way, the visitors are exclusively or almost exclusively 
iptera and Hymenoptera, which in this case are specially 
tracted by the» musky smell. The honey is secreted by a 
eshy ring surrounding the bases of the stamens. The stamens 




Fic. 96.—Adoxa Moschatellina, L. 

-1.—Apical flower, from above (x 34). 

2.—Ditto, from below. 

ate : flower, not yet mature, unfolded artificially; the style is still bent down; viewed - 
1 nt. 

4.—Ditto, from behind. 

5,—Lobe of the corolla, with two (divided) stamens (x 7). 

§.—Stigma of the apical flower, from the side (x 7). 

a, anther, not yet dehisced ; a’, ditto, after dehiscence : s, sepal; p, petals of the apical flower ; 
uperior, p*, inferior, p3, lateral, petals of a lateral flower ; st, stigma; ov, ovary; n, nectary. 

e each split into two halves, and their pollen-covered surfaces 
e directed upwards in the terminal flowers, and outwards in the 
eral flowers. Insects crawling over the small inflorescence 
ing their feet and proboscides in contact now with anthers now 
with stigma, and effect cross-fertilisation as in the case of the 
| Guelder-rose and Elder (cf. Ricca, No. 665). 

_ After my M.S. was finished I found a patch of Adoxa visited rather 
abundantly by small insects one sunny afternoon (April 7, 1872). I caught 
fifty-two examples of the following species. A. Diptera—(a) Muscide : (1) 
Borborus niger, Mgn., 2 specimens ; (b) Mycetophilide : (2) various species 


14—4 mm. long., 11 specimens; (c) Simulidw: (3) Simulia sp., 14 speci- 
mens ; (d) Cecidomyide : (4) various species, 10 specimens. B. Hymenoptera— _— 
(a) Pteromalini: (5) Eulophus, ¢, 1 specimen; (6) seven other species, — 
9 specimens; (b) Ichneumonide: (7) Pezomachus, Gray., two species, 2 spe- — 
cimens. ©, Coleoptera—Curculionide: (8) Apion columbinum, Grm., 3 _ 
specimens. Many of these small guests scrambled over the inflorescence, others 

flew from flower to flower ; all licked the thin layer of honey, and none were — 
feeding on the pollen. . 

199. Sampucus NicRA, L.—I have never found honey in the 
flowers. The relative positions of the essential organs are as in 
the following species, save that the stamens diverge still more | 
widely. Many flowers are aggregated together, and the corymb— 
is here so large and conspicuous that enlargement of the marginal 
flowers is unnecessary. The flowers are much less visited by 
insects than those of the Guelder-rose, and I have never found : 
pollen-collecting bees upon them. It would be premature 

A ep arent y edire~ttt adaiiabamee hse 

Fig. 97.—Sambucus nigra, L. 

1.—Flower, from the front. 
2.—Ditto, obliquely from the front and side. 
8.—Ditto, obliquely from behind. (x 3.) 

conclude from this that the strong scent of the flowers 
distasteful to bees, for I have frequently found bees, and even the 
hive-bee, visiting Ruta graveolens, in regard to which Delpino 
advanced the same opinion. Fertilisation is effected in the 
same way as in the previous species; but as cross-fertilisation 
is less perfectly insured, self-fertilisation takes place much more 
freely, pollen falling directly wpon the stigma in many flowers. — 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Sargus poe L.; (i 

Sy vere (2) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (3) E. nemorum, L. ; (4) E. tenax 
L.; (5) E. horticola, Mgn. (Sld.) ; (6) Volucella pellucens, L., all: f.p. 
Coleoptera—Lumellicornia: (7) Cetonia aurata, L. (Sld.) ; (8) Trichiu 
fasciatus, L., both of these beetles feed on the petals and other parts of th 
flower, and an therefore more destructive than useful. See also No. 590, { 

Sambucus Ebulus, u—The flowers are visited on the Alps b, 
hive-bees, humble-bees, and Syrphidee (Volweella) (609, Pp: aoe 
in Low Germany by Diptera (590, III.). 


200. VinurNuM OpuLus, L.—The flowers are aggregated in a 
at corymb, whose marginal flowers have the petals greatly enlarged 
at the expense of the essential organs. They thus attain conspicuous- 
1ess, useless to themselves, but of the highest importance to the 
community, as Sprengel correctly explained (702, p. 159). When 
1e flowers expand (Fig. 98, 2) the anthers have already begun to 
lehisce, and the stigmas are already so far developed that if pollen 
e applied to them it adheres easily and in large amount. Shortly 
terwards the anthers become covered all round with pollen, and 
rotrude, diverging, from the flower, while the stigmas remain in 
ie base of the flower close above the ovary, whose upper surface 
‘secretes honey. The honey is fully exposed, and forms a flat, 
‘adherent layer, so that it is only attractive to flies and other 

Fic. 98,—Viburnum Opulus, L. 

‘ —Marginal flower, from above, showing rudimentary pistil and stamens (x 24). 
2.—Fertile flower, soon after expansion (x. 42). 
8.—Ditto, after removal of the anterior part of the corolla and stamens (x 4%). 

ort-lipped insects; the pollen attracts both flies and pollen- 
lecting bees; the white colour of the flowers makes them 
tractive to beetles, some of which are very destructive visitors. 
e most frequent visitors and the most efficient fertilisers are 
0 those which get most benefit from the flowers, viz. flies, 
hich by turns suck honey and feed on pollen. As each flower 
contains a very small amount of honey, the insects rapidly 
a; the corymb; and they repeatedly effect fertilisation, 
which is usually cross-fertilisation, since in each flower anthers 
d stigmas generally come in contact with different parts of the 
sect’s feet or proboscis. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation is 
not impossible, for, in spite of the divergence of the stamens, the 
igma comes to lie in many flowers immediately below an anther. 


Visitors : as ene sho gi : (1) Eristalis ae L.3 
E. nemorum, L.; (3) E. sepuleralis, L.; (4) E. tenax, L.; (5) pee Fi 
floreus, L. ; (6) H. pendulus, L., all ab., s. pee f.p. ; (bd) Musidas (7) Echino- 
myia fera, L. B. Hyincnovters —Apete ; (8) Halictus sexnotatus, K., ¢, f 
©. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (9) Meligethes, ab. ; (6) Lamellicornia : (10) . 
Phyllopertha horticola, L., feeding on the petals and other parts of the flow 
See also No. 590, II. 

201, SYMPHORICARPOS RACEMOSUS, Michx.—The flowers of th 
Snowberry seem to be specially adapted for wasps, like those of 
Scrophularia. The corolla is pendulous, bell-shaped, and of — 
reddish colour, 7 to 8 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, cleft nearly © 
the middle into five lobes. A wasp’s head (5 mm. broad, 2 to 25 
mm. thick) can be conveniently accommodated in it, and in point 
of fact, wasps, in places where they are abundant, are the mo. 3 
numerous visitors of this plant. The 
wasp hangs below the flower, thrusting 
in its head and licking the honey which 
is secreted very abundantly by the fleshy 
swelling at the base of the style. The 
-honey collects in the base of the flower 
and on the inner wall of its dilated lowe 
portion ; it is prevented from flowing ou 

Fic. 99.—Symphoricarpos 
racemosus, Michx. (2$.) by long close hairs upon the five lobes o 

1—Flower, viewed from theside. the corolla extending inwards to th 

2.—Ditto, in section. 
centre of the flower, and protected fror 

rain both by these hairs and by the obliquely age positio 
of the flower. ; 
In the lowest part of the hairy lining, viz. that neares 
the mouth of the flower, are the five anthers, which dehise sc 
introrsely and converge towards the centre of the flower; th 
filarnents are attached to the corolla near its middle. Immediatel 
above the hairs, in the middle of the flower, stands the stigms 
which ripens at the same time as the anthers. As the wasp thru 4 
its head wholly into the flower, it comes at once in contact y 
all five anthers and then touches with one side the stigma ; but © 
its way to the stigma little or no pollen remains attached to it, par 
because the pollen is very slightly adhesive, and partly because a 
grains that do attach themselves are brushed off before : 
reach the stigma by the hairs lining the corolla, It is only wh 
being withdrawn moistened with hone y that the insect’s head acqui 
a plentiful coating of pollen to be carried to the stigma of the ne: 
flower. Thus, in case of wasps’ visits, cross-fertilisation is insurec 



| absence of insects, self-fertilisation cannot well occur owing to 
2 relative positions of anthers and stigma. 

) “Visitor: Hymenoptera—(a) Vespide : (1) Vespa holsatica, F.; (2) V 
edia, Degeer ; (3) V. saxonica, F. ; (4) V. rufa, L. ; (5) Polistes gallica, L. 
| var. diadema ; in Thuringia these five species make nine-tenths of all the 
Store ; in Lippstadt, where wasps are much less abundant and Polistes does 
yt occur, the honey-bee preponderates ; (6) Odynerus sp., bit holes in the 
rolla and introduced its head ; (b) Apidw: (7) Apis mellifica, L. 2, ab. ; (8) 
pmbus agrorum, F. 8; (9) B. pratorum, L. §; (10) B. muscorum, F. 8, all 
e species scarce ; (11) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢; (12) Megachile centun- 
E is, K. g, alls. ; (3) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9,s. and c.p. ; (c) Sphegide : 
}) Ammophila sabulosa, L., s. See also No. 590, 111. 

Linnea borealis, Gron.—The position of the flower shelters the 
mey from rain, and hairs on the interior of the corolla exclude 
any small insects. Five purple lines on the interior of the 
rolla and a patch of orange colour on its inferior side, near the 
se, act as honey-guides. Cross-fertilisation is favoured by the 
sition of the stigma in advance of the anthers (600, Fig. 158). 

Fic. 100.—Lonicera Caprifolium, L. 

1.—Flower, from the side. Nat. size. The figure should be horizontal. 
2.—Ditto, from the front. 

202 Lonicera Capriroiium, L.—The flowers are adapted for 
tilisation exclusively by long-tongued crepuscular and nocturnal 
pidoptera They bloom at the season when hawk-moths are 



most abundant (May, June), they expand and exhale their 
perfume most strongly in the evening, and they conceal their 
honey in so long and narrow a tube that Lepidoptera alone of our 
native insects are able to reach it. The tube, whose inferior fleshy 
part secretes honey along its middle line, is about 30 mm. long, 
and for the greater part of its length only 1 to 2 mm. wide, and | 
still further narrowed by the style; while the longest proboscides | 
among our native bees measure 21 mm. (Bombus hortorum and 
Anthophora pilipes), and among our flies only 11 to 12 mm, 
(Rhingia, Bombylius discolor). Certainly the tube becomes filled 
to past the middle with honey so that even insects with a proboscis 
15 mm. long can reach part of it; but this depth of honey is only 
attained in the evening, when heed and flies have ceased to seek 
their food. I have never seen bees or flies sucking on this honey- 
suckle ; and it is all the more plentifully visited by ; hawk-moths on 
the warm, calm evenings of May and June. I ite on a single 
plant on May 27 and 29, 1868 :— 

Lepidoptera—(a) Sphingide : (1) Sphinx convolvuli, L. (65—80), 2 speci- 
mens ; (2) S. ligustri, L. (837—42), 6 specimens ; (3) S. pinastri, L. (28—33), 
5 specimens ; (4) Deilephila elpenor, L. (20—24), 17 specimens; (5) D 
porcellus, L. (20), 1 specimen ; (6), Smerinthus tiliz, L. (23), 1 specimen ; 
(b) Noctue: (7) Diantheecia capsincola, 8. V. (23—25), 2 specimens ; (8) 
Cucullia umbratica, L. ¢ (18—22), 2 specimens ; (9) Plusia gamma, L. (15) 
1 specimen ; (ce) Bombyces: (10) Dasychira pudibunda, L. (0), 1 specimer 

Smerinthus tilie and Dasychira pudibunda which have com- 
pletely aborted proboscides were doubtless attracted by the sme 
only, without having anything to gain from the plant; Plusi 
gamma might sip a little honey from untouched flowers, and the 
four preceding species might drink deeply, but only the first three 
could drain the honey. I examined the specimens I had collecte 
not only with reference to the length of their tongues but alse 
with reference to the extent to which they were dusted with 
pollen. In all (except the two last short-lipped species), at leas 
the hairs upon the palps which cover the base of the proboscis 
were richly covered with pollen; and in several of the largei 
species the hairs and scales on the whole of the under side of the 
body from the head to the middle of the abdomen, including the 
proboscis, antenne, legs, and wings, were thickly dusted. The 
most richly coated were individuals of the first three Sphingide 
which had flown violently away, while Dianthecia, Cucullia, anc 
Plusia were the least so. The pollen-grains are rounded tetrahedre 
‘047 mm. in diameter; they adhere to the hairs and scales of the 


msect and afterwards to the stigma by their sticky surface, and 
by the aid of small, sharp processes with which they are thickly 

The visits of the above-named Lepidoptera result, in spite of 
he simultaneous development of anthers and stigma, regularly in 
sross-fertilisation, in consequence of the position of the stigma in 
\dvance of the anthers. The stamens project about 15 to 18 mm. 
nd the style about 25 mm. beyond the mouth of the flower; both 
re slightly curved upwards at their ends, and the pollen-covered 
aces of the anthers are turned upwards, Lepidoptera, whether 
hey alight, or suck the honey while. poised in the air, must 
touch first the stigma and then the anthers with their ventral 
surfaces. | 
_ On warm, calm evenings, insect-visits are so abundant that on 
he following day all the flowers are found to have had their pollen 
mtirely removed. On the other hand, on days following cool, 
vindy evenings, the flowers display abundant pollen, which is then 
rathered by bees and flies. 

- On such days I have found the honey-bee and Halictus 
eanotatus, K. 2, busy ‘collecting, and several Syrphide, Yylota 
wy quis, L., Rhingia rostrata, L., and Syrphus ochrostoma, Zett., busy 
eding on the pollen which remained upon the anthers. These 
Boondary visitors occasionally effect fertilisation, but they must 
orm self-fertilisation as readily as cross-fertilisation, and at any 
ate the flower has not been adapted for them. 

— Lonicera cerulea, L.—The yellowish-white flowers are adapted 
_ for humble-bees, by which they are chiefly visited and fertilised. 
__ The tube is over 10 mm. long and pendulous. The stigma stands 
ell in advance of the anthers, favouring cross-fertilisation ; but in 
he absence of insects, pollen may easily fall on the stigma and 
fect self-fertilisation (609). 

| ionicerc Periclymenum, L.—The general structure of the flower 
es embles that of LZ. Caprifoliwm, and the plant is visited and fer- 
4 ed by the same hawk-moths. The tube, however, is only 
2 to 25 mm. long, so: that the honey as soon as it has collected 
| 0 the depth of a few millimetres is accessible to many of our bees. 
On July 17, 1867, I saw Bombus hortorum, L. 2 (21 mm.), sucking 
honey from some flowers of L. Periclymenum. The bee wasted 
considerable time in obtaining a convenient position for sucking, 
and it crawled from the broad upper lip to the mouth of the tube 
: w without touching the stigma and anthers; and the amount of 
ney it obtained must have been small, fos after visiting a few © 



Fic. 101.—Lonicera cerulea, I. 

A.—Pair of pendulous flowers (Xx 8). 
B.—Flower in section (x 4). 
(Bergiin, June 9, 1879.) rs 

. 2 oa . 
—_ - ” 
oa 7 7 
ee See DNS were é 

Fia. 102,—Lonicera Periclymenum, L. 

2.—A Hawk-moth (Sphingw Ligustri) sucking one of the flowers. 

pe paca slit down the middle line superiorly, and laid open. n, nectary, 

5.—Bection of ovary. 

6.—Ovary and calyx. 


flowers it flew away, though the plants were in full bloom. Bees, 
therefore, are only accidental visitors, which have had no influence 
in developing the special characters of the flower. 

203. Lonicera TATARICA, L.—Honey is secreted and lodged in 
the shallow pouch at the base of the tube, which is 6 to7 mm. long. 
Stigma and anthers are matured simultaneously, and protrude from 
the flower in close proximity with one another, the stigma being 
slightly overtopped by the anthers. An insect-visitor inserts its 
head between the anthers and stigma, and so dusts one side with 
pollen while the other comes in contact with the stigma. The 
flowers stand unsymmetrically in pairs, causing the insect’s head to 
_ enter in various positions and so favouring cross-fertilisation. When 
__ the stigma is thrust aside, its opposite side usually comes in contact 
_ with those anthers which are not touched by the insect’s head, and 
it thus becomes dusted simultaneously with the pollen of its own 
_ flower. Flowers are frequently found in which the stigma is in 
close contact with one or two anthers, and self-fertilisation doubtless 
often takes place in absence of insects. 

Visitors: A, Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s., ab. ; (2) 
Megachile centuncularis, L. ¢,s. ; (3) Andrena albicans, K. ?, ae in vain 
to reach the honey. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (4) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. and 
 fip., very ab. 

Lonicera nigra, L.—This species is adapted for bees, which alight 
not on the under lip, which is bent backwards out of the way, but 
on the style and stamens. The flowers are homogamous. The 
Stigma stands below the anthers, and in absence of insects 
 Self-fertilisation must occur (609, Fig. 159). 
| q 204. LonicerRA XyLostEuM, L.—Honey is secreted and lodged 
sin L. tatarica, but the tube is only 3to4mm. long. The anthers 
. * stigma are matured simultaneously and project far beyond the 
mouth of the flower ; the former are divergent and stand at a dis- 
tance from the sigue Humble-bees thrust their heads some- 
_ times to one side sometimes to the other, sometimes above some- 
_ times below the anthers, and in the course of repeated visits they 
_ dust their heads (or head and thorax) all round with pollen. In 
_ €ach flower one side of the bee’s head touches the stigma and the 
_ other the anthers, so that cross-fertilisation proceeds regularly. I 

_ have never found flowers in which the anthers stood in immediate 

1 See No. 590, 111. p. 75, fora case of atavism in this species. 


contact with the stigma ; ; but in the absence of insects, self- 
fertilisation may result in many flowers by — falling upon the 
Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, very ab., 8. ; 
(2) Bombus muscorum, F, §,s. ; (3) B. pratorum, L. §,s. B. Diptera—(a@) 
Empide : (4) Empis opaca, F., s., ab. ; (6) Syrphide: (5) Rhingia rostrata, L., 
s. and f.p. 

The chief fertilisers are humble-bees, since they never insert 
their tongues into a flower without touching stigma and anthers — 
with opposite sides of the head ; while flies and the honey-bee 
never touch the stigma at all in many flowers. 

Lonicera alpigena, L.—This ‘species is fertilised by bees and 
humble-bees, and also still more frequently by wasps. It resembles” 

Fig, 103.—Lonicera alpigena, Li. 

A pair of recently expanded flowers (x 4). The flower on the right hand has an additional stamen. 
(Bergiin, June 8, 1879.) 

other wasp-fertilised flowers (Serophularia, Symphoricarpos, Epi- 
pactis palustris) in having an expanded pouch-like honey-receptacle 
containing an unusually large supply of honey, and it is just wide 
enough to admit a wasp’s head easily. The flower is reddish-brown 
in colour, like that of Scrophularia (609). 

SI Se mae Sh Tlie 


| Weigelia (Diervilla) rosea, L.—The flower is adapted for bees, 
and undergoes a change of colour after fertilisation like Ribes 
aurewm (590, III.). 


The small group of Caprifoliacew is remarkable for the great 
variety of visitor’ to which nearly related plants have adapted 
_ themselves, chiefly by differences in the length of the tube. 
 Lonicera Caprifolium, L., with a tube about 30 mm. long, permits 
_ only a few Lepidoptera to reach the honey; LZ. Periclymenum, L., 
_ in which the tube is only 20 mm. long, admits also a few specially 
_ long-tongued bees ; LZ. cwrulea, L., with a pendulous corolla and a 
_ tube over 10 mm. long, is adapted for humble-bees ; in Z. tatarica, 
| L,, and L. Xylostewm, L., the length of the tube falls to 7 to 3 mm, 
and certain long-tongued flies, in addition to a larger company 
_ of bees, visit and fertilise the flowers; the short, wide honey- 
_ receptacles of Symphoricarpos and Ledasione alpigena, L., are easily 
accessible even to wasps, which are attracted in great numbers by 

the large supply of honey ; Linnea is farnished with an infundi- 
-buliform corolla, but apparently attracts, for the most part, flies ; in 

Viburnum the honey is freely exposed, but only as a flat, adherent 

layer, and the plant is visited chiefly by short-lipped insects, e.g. 
flies and beetles; Sambucus attracts a similar set of insects, which 
are less varied and fewer in number owing to the absence of 
honey; Adoxa attracts only minute honey-seeking insects. In 
case of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is insured in all, but in very 
_ various ways; self-fertilisation in the absence of insects is rendered 
possible in those species which are least visited. In the least 
; specialised and most generally accessible Caprifoliaceze (Adoxa, 
i Sambucus, &c.) the flowers are white or greenish; in those species 
fertilised by wasps they are reddish (Symphoricarpos) or reddish- 
‘ brown (Lonicera alpigena, L.); in several species of Lonicera fer- 
 tilised by bees (eg. Z. tatarica) they are bright red, in LZ. cwrulea 
_ they are yellowish-white, but they are pale in those species which 
have the longest tubes and are adapted for crepuscular Lepidoptera 
(L. Perichymenaini, L. Caprifolium). 


Orv. RUBIACE 4. 

205. Gatrum Mot.uco, L.—A fleshy disk lying upon the ova: 
and surrounding the base of the style secretes honey, but in s ch 
small amount that it remains adhering in a very thin layer to a 
disk. In young flowers (Fig. 104, 1) the anthers stand erect and are 
covered all round with pollen, while the two stigmas as ie lie 
close together. Afterwards the stamens spread out horizonta. 
and finally their ends curve downwards between the petals outside 
the flower, while at the same time the two styles diverge (Fig. 104, 2 : 
The stigmatic papillae seem to be as well developed in the fi st 
period as in the second, and are not unfrequently covered witl 
pollen while the stigmas still stand close together. The movement 

Fic. 104.—Galium Mollugo, L. 

1.—Young flower, with stamens and styles erect. 
2—Older ditto. The stamens are bent out of the flower, and the styles have sa 
8.—Centre of the flower, from above, more magnified. 

a, two stigmas ; b, fleshy disk above the ovary. 

of the stamens seems therefore not to be accompanied by dichog am i 
but to be the sole contrivance to prevent self-fertilisation and, 
case of insect-visits, to insure cross-fertilisation. 7 
The thin layer of honey can scarcely tempt long-tongued ins 
to repeated visits. The colour of the flowers oe llowishamal in 
the bud and in the young flower, becoming purer white afterwards, 
—seems to repel all those insects, e.g. beetles, which are only 
attracted by bright colours. In this relation a comparison of t 
insect-visitors of G. Mollugo and G. verwm is instructive. a 
In this and the following species of Galiwm the pollen is con- 
veyed to the stigma chiefly by the feet and, in a less degree, by by 
the proboscides of insects creeping over the inflorescence, ao 

Visitors : A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (1) Odontomyia viridula, F., Lh, 
not rare ; (b) Bombylide: (2) Anthrax flava, Hffs. (Thur.), do. ; (8) Syste- 
chus sulfureus, Mik. (Thur., Sld.), s., probably boring into the nectary ; (c ) 
Syrphide ; (4) Syritta pipiens, L., ab., s. and f.p.; (5) Syrphus ribesii, L., 8 


oak a seh r. ae * 02 


and f.p., not rare; (d) Muscide: (6) Musca corvina, F.; (7) Scatophaga 

 merdaria, F., s. ; (e) Tipulide : (8) Pachyrrhina crocata, L.,s. B. Hymenoptera 

—-Sphegide: (9) Ammophila sabulosa, L. 9, once only,—I could not see 
whether it gained anything from the flowers. See also No. 590, 111. 

Galium silvestre, Poll—This species resembles G. Mollugo in 

_ the mechanism of its flower; it is frequented on the Alps by 
_ Syrphidz and by numerous Lepidoptera (No. 609, Fig. 156). 

206. GALIUM vErUM, L.—The structure of the flower agrees 

; closely with that of G. Mollugo. Different individuals show a very 
_ marked difference in the size of their flowers (Fig. 105, 1—4) ; but 
_ since the flowers are rendered conspicuous merely by aggregation, 
a diminution in their size does not diminish the number of 
 insect-visitors so seriously as it does in most cases. The apparently 
unimportant circumstance that the flowers are bright yellow, and 

Fic. 105.—Galium verum, L. 

1.—Young flower, of a small-flowered plant (x 7). The anthers are erect, and covered with 

' pe: the stigma is not yet mature. 

2.—Older flower, of the same plant. The shrivelled anthers are bent out of the flower ;*the 

oe are mature and divergent. 

3.—F lower, of a large-flowered plant; older than 1, but younger than 2 (x 7). 
4.— Ditto, from the side. 

not yellowish-white as in G. Mollugo, leads to the plant being 
visited by Coleoptera in addition to the other orders. 

G. verwm is very scarce near Lippstadt, and I have only 
watched its flowers once or twice in Thuringia and in Sauerland, so 
I have not obtained a long list of insect-visitors. 

A. Diptera—(a) Conopide : (1) Conops flavipes, L. (Sld.) ; (6) Muscide : 
_ (2) Ulidia erythrophthalma, Mgn., ab., 1-h.(Th.). B. Soleo sters—{a) Lamelli- 
cornia : (3) Cetonia aurata, L., ab. (Th, ; ; (b) Elateride: (4) Agriotes gallicus, 
lap, (Th.) ; (c) Mordellide : "(5) Mordella fasciata, F. (Th.) ; (6) M. oe 

L, (Th.). C. Hymenoptera—Tenthredinide : (7) Tenthredo rape, K. (Sld.). 
See also No. 590, II. 

Galiwm boreale, L.—This species agrees with G. silvestre in regard 
to the position of its honey, its imperfect proterandry, the relative 
Positions of stamens and pistil, and therefore also in the probability 
‘of cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits, and the possibility of 
self-fertilisation in absence of insects ( 590, 609). 


Galium boreale, L., palustre, L., and uliginosum, L., are all stated 
by Axell to be proterandrous (17). 

Galium tricorne, With.—Honey is abundant, but the small 
isolated flowers are very inconspicuous and very little visited. 
They cannot dispense with the power of self-fertilisation, which 
takes place regularly, as the stamens do not curve outwards till 
they wither (590, 111.). 

207. ASPERULA CYNANCHICA, L.—Honey is secreted, as in 
Galium, by a fleshy ring surrounding the base of the style, but it 
exists not as a smooth adherent layer but filling up the base of the 
tube ; the latter is 2mm. long. Anthers and stigmas mature sim- 
ultaneously. The two stigmas stand close together in the middle of 

Fic. 106.—Asperula cynanchica, L. 

1.—Flower, with smooth white petals, from above (x 7). 
2.—Ditto, after removal of half of the corolla. 

3.—Ditto, with rough petals, marked with red lines. 

4. —Ditto, from above. 

ov, ovary ; », nectary; st, stigma; a, anther. 

the tube; the anthers converge towards one another in the throat of 
the corolla. In case of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is favoured 
by this condition only, that in consequence of the convergence of 
the anthers the proboscis of an insect-visitor is less readily dusted 
with pollen in entering a flower than in being drawn out, and also 
that the proboscis usually comes in contact with pollen on one side 
only and rubs the stigma with the opposite side (cf. J/yosotis). 
In absence of insects, self-fertilisation occurs by part of the pollen 
falling on the stigma. On sunny slopes in Thuringia (Miihlberg, near 
Erfurt) I found this species bearing two different forms of flowers. 
Many plants had smooth, white, somewhat obtuse petals (Fig. 106, 

1 The following additional species of Golium are discussed in No, 590, lI. : G. 
savatile, L. ; G. stlvatiewm, L, 


1, 2); on other plants, the petals were rough on the upper 
‘surface, marked with a red elliptic line, and with another red 
line traversing the long axis of the ellipse, and were produced at 
the end into a slightly recurved point. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus muscorum, F. § (Thur., 
July 8, 1872),s, B. Diptera—Bombylide: (2) Systechus sulfureus, Mik., 
s. (Thur., July 14, 1868). Additional visitors (four beetles, six flies, two Lepid- 
optera) are enumerated in No. 590, 11. 

- Fic, 107.—Asperula taurina, L. 

-—Herma peatise flower, from the side. 

.—Pistil o P the same flower, with nectary. 

x ae hrodite flower, with the lobe of the corolla revolute, the stigmas more exserted, and 
r papille: obvious. 

ah age flower, whose stigmas overtop the black shrivelled anthers on which a few pollen-grains 
 -E.—Half-withered flower, in which the styles project still further. 
_ F —Abortive pistil of a male flower. 

_ G.—Male flower, with three teeth, from the side. (x 7.) 

a _ (Churwalden, May 31, 1879.) 

a Asperula taurina, L.—This plant is adapted for nocturnal 
Lepidoptera by its white colour, and by its long, narrow tube, 


9 to 11 mm. long. The plant is andromonecious, and the herma- — 
phrodite flowers are markedly proterandrous (609). f 
Asperula azurea is adapted for diurnal Lepidoptera (590, 111). 
Asperula odorata, L.—In the structure of the flower and the — 
length of the tube this species closely resembles A. cynanchica. — 
The hive-bee is a frequent visitor. Additional visitors (four beetles, — 
four flies, one moth) are enumerated in No. 590, III. 

Sherardia arvensis, L., is gynodicecious (590, IIL, 605). 

Manettia, Mut., is very diligently visited by humming-birds in © 
South Brazil (360). 

Caffea arabica, L., according to Bernouilli,* produces in Guate- 
mala, at the bootinibie of the season, small pistillate fertile flowers. — 
Prof. Ernst was unable to discover these small flowers at Caracas” : 

224 cs 
. een Te species of Borreria, Hedyotis, and Manettia are dimor- 
phic (Fritz Miiller, 353); Hedyotes had already been il to be © 
dimorphic by Treviranus (742). F 

Mitchella, Knoxia, and Cinchona are dimorphic eae to 
Darwin (154, 167). | : 

Chasalia, Nertera, Ophiorrhiza, and Luculia are dimorphic * 
according to Kuhn (399). % 

Other heterostyled Rubiacez are. mentioned by Darwin in his 
Forms of Flowers, where he also discusses the passage from 
heterostyly to diecism in this order. 

Faramea, Aubl.—My brother Fritz Miiller (554) gives an account 
of a dimorphic species of this genus, which is of interest in several — 
respects. (1) It affords the only known instance of a striking dif- 
ference in the character of the surface of the two kinds of pollen- 
grains. The smaller pollen-grains, which are produced in the 
long-styled flowers (whose anthers are inclosed in the tube), are 
smooth ; the larger pollen-grains of the exserted anthers of the 
short-styled flowers are covered with short, rather close points, 
which prevent their being dispersed by a puff of wind. The pollen 
of the long-styled flowers, lying low down in the corolla, is in no 
danger of being blown away. (2) In the short-styled form the 
stamens twist round upon their axes, so as to turn their pollen- 
covered faces outwards. The short stamens (of the long-styled 
flowers) do not rotate but dehisce on their inner sides ; and in both — 
cases the pollen is thus placed in the best position for adhering to 
an insect’s proboscis when inserted in the flower. But it is a 
very remarkable fact that this faculty of rotation is by no means 

1 Bot, Zeitung, 1869, p. 17. 


perfect, for many of the long stamens do not twist properly, and 
to a great extent waste their pollen. 
 Posoqueria (Martha) fragrans, Roxb. has been described by my 
_ brother Fritz Miiller (549).? It affords a most remarkable example 
_of adaptation to Sphingidz. The white colour of the flowers, their 
strong perfume, the long, narrow tube 11 to 14 em. long, all point 
it out as such. The abundant honey at the base of the tube can 
only be reached by the tongues of Sphingidew; and only these 
insects, ¢.g., S. rustica, L., whose proboscis is 15 mm. long, have 
been seen to visit the flower (F. Miiller, Oct. 1873). 
_ The five exserted anthers are united into an oval knob directed 
obliquely downwards and containing the loosely coherent pollen 
which escaped from the anthers before the expansion of the flower. 
The filament of the inferior stamen possesses a very great elastic 
tension acting upwards, those of the superior and lateral stamens 
have a similar tension outwards. The insect’s proboscis has only 
one available point at which to enter the flower, and when in doing 
so it touches one of the superior stamens at a certain spot the 
tension of the filaments is released. "The inferior stamen springs 
up with such violence that it hurls the loosely coherent pollen 
against the insect’s proboscis at an angle of 50° with the tube of 
the corolla, and with an initial velocity of about 3 mm. per 
Second ; at the same time it closes the entrance of the tube. The 
superior and lateral stamens spring at the same time to the sides, 
the empty anthers of a superior and a lateral stamen remaining 
coherent on either side. About twelve hours afterwards the 
inferior stamen extends itself again and leaves the entrance to the 
honey open once more. If a hawk-moth, after exploding a flower 
in the male stage, comes to one in the stage under consideration, 
it is repaid for its startling reception in the former case by a rich 
supply of honey ; and in thrusting its pollen- -dusted proboscis down 
(0 the base of the flower it brings it in contact with the stigma 
which stands in the middle of the tube. 
_ My brother, in his paper on Faramea (554), refers again to 
f = osoqueria, and points out that most of the flowers (whose only 
: fertilisers are abroad in the evening) open towards evening, but 
% that a considerable number open at various hours of the day, 
ractimes even in early morning, and that these are exploded 
by diurnal insects which cannot effect fertilisation. This is 

1 4a Grifuuhia Fragrans, W. A. 

__ ? Darwin wrote tome: ‘ Your brother s paper on Martha i is, I think, one of the - 
, 4 ost wonderful ever written.’ 

4 x 



another interesting case of an adaptive modification imperfectly — 
attained. ? 
The Rubiacez include more dimorphic (heterostyled) genera t 
than any other order. Darwin (167) discusses many of these 
cases, enumerating seventeen dimorphic genera, in addition to which 
Chasalia, Commers., Ophiorrhiza, L., and Luculia, Sweet, are men- 
tioned by Kuhn (399). Darwin discusses the probable transition — 
from heterostylism to dicecism in Rubiaceze. Mitchella, L., which is | 
normally heterostyled, is in some places dicecious (Meehan, 465). ® 
Asperula scoparia, Hook., and A. pusilla, Hook., two Tasmanian — 
species, were stated by Treviranus (742) to be dimorphic, but | 
according to Darwin the former at any rate is dicecious. Our own : 
Asperula taurina, L., and Galium cruciatum, With., are both — 
andromoneecious, and Sher ardia arvensis, L,, 1S pvndédicecions (605). 

(at: < 


Delpino in his work on the Artemisiacez rightly insists that the 
calyx in Composite could only become transformed into a pappus 
after the involucral bracts had assumed the usual functions of a 
calyx ; and he considers the Valerianes to be offshoots of the Com- 
positze, which have in part retained this hereditary development of — 
a pappus, and in part have acquired other means of dissemination 
of the seeds by the wind. . 

208, VALERIANA OFFICINALIS, L.1 is distinctly proterandrous. — . 
The florets, in spite of their small size, are rendered conspicuous by. 
aggregation. In each floret the tube is 4 to 5 mm. long, and half 
a millimetre from the base is a small pouch with a green, fleshy 
floor, which secretes and lodges the honey; this is accessible to _ 
numerous insects with moderately short proboscides, especially as 
the tube widens above to a diameter of 2mm,  Insect-visits are” 
numerous and various, and the well-marked dichogamy ensures — 
cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits. In the first period the 
anthers, covered all round with pollen, in the second the three out- 
spread stigmas, project freely from the flower, and are touched by — 
the feet and under surfaces of insects creeping over the inflorescence 
and by the heads of insects sucking honey from the florets; in the 
second period the anthers are bent away outside the floret. I 
have never seen florets which fertilised themselves ; stigmas which 

* Compare Sprengel, No. 702, pp. 63-65. 


| ~ come in contact with the anthers of neighbouring flowers are, on the 
_ other hand, not uncommon. 

ah Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 8, ab.; (2) 
F Bombus pratorum, L. $, s.; (3) a small Halictus, 9 ¢,s. B. Diptera—(a) 
' Tabanide: (4) Tabanus luridus, Pz. ; (b) Empide: (5) Empis livida, L. ; (6) 
_ E. rustica, F., both species very ab., s. ; (c) Syrphide: (7) Eristalis nemorum, 
_ L.; (8) E. arbustorum, L. ; (9) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (10) E. horticola, Mgn. 
_ (Sid.) ; all four species ab., fp. ; (11) Volucella bombylans, L. ; (12) Helo- 
_philus floreus, L. ; (13) H. pendulus, L. ; (14) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (15) Chry- 
sotoxum festivum, L., all sometimes s., sometimes f.p; (d) Conopide: (16) 
Sicus ferrugineus, L., s.; (e) Muscide: (17) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. ; (18) 
- Onesia floralis, E. D. ; (19) Lucilia cornicina, F. ; (20) Musca domestica, L. ; 
(21) Calliphora erythrocephala, Mgn. ; (22) C. vomitoria, L., all ab.,s. See 
also No. 590, 11. I have found it visited on the Alps by one beetle, sixteen 
species of Coleoptera, and fifteen Lepidoptera (609). 

209. VALERIANA DIoIcA, L.'—Honey is secreted as in the 
previous species, but cross-fertilisation is ensured not by dichogamy, 
but by dicecism. The male flowers, being notably larger than the 
_ female, are almost always visited first by the insect, .as I have 
repeatedly observed. Sprengel insisted rightly that in this order 
_ alone could the insect-visits be useful to the plant. _ In the male 
florets the tube is 2} to 34 mm. long, widening above; in the 
female it is only 1 mm. long, so that in both the honey is accessible 
to insects with very short proboscides. The capitulum is much 
less conspicuous than in J, officinalis, but the flowering period is 
so early that the plant is exposed to much less competition. Insect- 
visitors are less various than in the previous case, but still fairly 
numerous. In this plant there are four kinds of individuals, with 
four different kinds of flowers: (1) male flowers without any rudi- 
- ment of a pistil, and with large corollas; (2) male flowers with 
a rudimentary pistil, and a somewhat smaller corolla; (3) female 
flowers with evident traces of anthers, and with still smaller corollas ; 
(4) female flowers with scarcely visible traces of anthers, and with 
_the smallest corollas of all (No. 584, p. 131). 
Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s, very ab. ; 
 ) Andrena albicans, K. 9, freq. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphiden - (3) Eristalis 
| Seebustorum, L., s. ; (4) Rhingia rostrata, L., fp. ; (0) Tipulide : (5) Tipula, 
“sp.,s. CO. Papldspters—Rkopalocera ; (6) Pieris napi, L.,s. D. Coleoptera— 
| Nitidulide : (7) Meligethes, very ab. | 

? AR 
) Valeriana montana, L., is ; gynodicecious, some plants having 

distinctly proterandrous, hermaphrodite flowers with a large corolla, 

=. a> 1 Compare Sprengel, No. 702, pp. 65-67. 
2 x 2 



others having only female flowers with a small corolla. The latter — 

retain their stamens in an apparently almost perfect form, but their 
anthers do not contain a single grain of pollen (609). 

Valeriana tripteris, L., is dicecious. In this species also there 

are large-flowered and steaill- flowered plants, but the larger flowers 
are not hermaphrodite as in V. montana, but male only; they 
retain a style, but stigmatic papille are not developed (609). 

These four species of Valeriana form an interesting series :— — 
V. officinalis, with one kind of individual only, and proterandrous F 

hermaphrodite flowers; V. montana, with large-flowered and small- 
flowered individuals, the anthers in the latter being abortive ; 
V. tripteris, in a similar condition, but with the pistil in the large- 

flowered individuals rudimentary also; finally, V. dioica, also — 

dicecious, but exhibiting four different nds of individuals (609). 

Valeriana cordifolia, L., is distinctly proterogynous, according to — 

Ricca (665). 

Centranthus ruber, D.C., and Fedia cornucopia, are distinctly 

proterandrous, according to Delpino (178). 

| Valerianella olitoria, Much.—I have found this plant visited — 
by four Coleoptera, eighteen Diptera, one Hemiptera, eleven Apidee, — 

and two Lepidoptera (590, III). 


Morina elegans.—The stigma is developed at the same time 

as the anthers, but overtops them, so that insect-visitors touch first 
the stigma and then the anthers, and usually effect cross-fertilisation. 
In the absence of insects the stigma curls inwards so as to touch 
the anthers and lead to self-fertilisation (356). 

210. Dipsacus sILvEestRIs, L.—The tube is 9 to 11 mm. long; 
the flower is markedly proterandrous; the style divides into two 
branches, whose inner surfaces are closely covered with stigmatic 
papillze, but one of which is always partly, and sometimes entirely, 
aborted. The bracts stand up from the convex head as stiff, sharp 

spines; they distinctly overtop the anthers and stigmas and pre- 

vent them from being touched by the ventral surface of a bee 
creeping over the inflorescence. The anthers and stigmas are only 
touched by the bee’s head as it is inserted in the flower; and in 
this process one stigma is in the way of the other, and the whole 
stigmatic surface of one is much more thoroughly rubbed by the 
bee’s head when the other is absent. We seem to have here in 


the abortion of one stigma an adaptive modification in progress 
_ and not yet perfected. — 

M (1) Bombus rupestris, L. 9 (12—14) ; (2) B. lapidarius, L. ¢-§ ? (8—14), 
' ab., (¢ as late as October 2); (3) B. agrorum, F. § @ (12—15), all three 
_ species sucking. See also No. 590, II. 

211. ScaBiosA (KNAUTIA) ARVENSIS, L.—In fine weather the 
flowers, owing to their great conspicuousness and their easily 
accessible honey and pollen, are visited by very miscellaneous 
‘insects in great numbers. Cross-fertilisation is ensured by markedly 
_proterandrous dichogamy, and in the unlikely event of insect-visits 
not taking place, self-fertilisation is very unlikely to occur. 

Fic. 108.—Scabiosa arvensis, L. 

1.—Hermaphrodite flower in first anes stage, after removal of one lobe of the corolla (x 34 
2.—Ditto, in second (female) stag 
3.—Female flower, after removal of one lobe of the corolla. 

a, stigma; b, anther still within the flower; ¢, ditto, dehiscing ; d, ditto, empty and shrivelling 
a re, abortive anther. 


About fifty flowers unite in a capitulum which may be hemi- 
_ Spherical or only slightly convex, and become gradually larger 
_ from the centre to the margin by an increasing development of the 
_ outer lobe of the corolla. While in the central florets the tube is 
i= only 4 to 6 mm. long, and the lobes of the corolla, which are all 
similar, only 3 to 4mm. long, in the marginal florets the tube is 
_7 to 9 mm. long, the external lobe of the corolla 6 to 11 mm., each 
of the two ical lobes 4 to 7 mm., and the internal lobe wale 3 to 
4mm. long. 

____Inpite of the length of the tube the honey is easily accessible 
| toavery large number of insects of the most various orders ; for 


the tube widens out superiorly, and the more so the longer it is, so 
that many short-lipped insects can reach the honey by creeping a 
greater or less distance down the tube. The honey is secreted by 
the upper surface of the ovary, and is lodged in the base of the 
tube; in spite of the funnel-shaped widening of the tube, it is 
sheltered from rain by hairs lining the tube. The pollen also is 
easily accessible, for the stamens, which are at first curled up in 
the bud, straighten themselves after the flowers open and protrude 
4 to 5 mm. beyond the tube, with the pollen-covered faces of the 
anthers directed upwards. Thus the flower offers great attractions 
to insects whether in quest of honey or of pollen, and all the more 
that the close aggregation of the flowers prevents waste of time in 
passing from one to another. Honey-seeking insects are induced 
to make repeated visits to the same capitulum by the gradual 
development of the florets and by the length of time during which 
they secrete honey; pollen-seeking insects are led likewise to 
repeat their visits, because the anthers in each flower do not 
develop simultaneously but one by one (Fig. 108, 1, 3, ¢, d). 

The style elongates after all the stamens have fully developed ; 
its immature stigma stood previously in the mouth of the flower, 
but now protrudes 4 to 5 mm. from the corolla and becomes 

mature (a, 2). The empty anthers, if they have not been removed — 

by the insects, as frequently happens, are retracted to the mouth 
of the flower by the filaments shrivelling up (d, 2). In each 
capitulum the florets open and the anthers develop in succession 

from the circumference towards the centre; but the styles only — 
begin to elongate and the stigmas to develop after all the stamens — 

on the capitulum have completed their development, and then 
almost simultaneously throughout the capitulum. Since here the 

whole capitulum is at first male, and later, if insect-visits have — 
taken place, wholly female, cross-fertilisation takes place regularly — 
between separate capitula in case of insect-visits; and since all the — 
stigmas on a capitulum develop simultaneously, while the anthers — 
succeed each other very gradually, cross-fertilisation en masse may 

be effected by a single insect’s visit, and the possibility of cross- 

fertilisation is extended over a long period of time. So even a — 

period of fine weather very short in comparison with the whole 
flowering period of the plant may suffice for complete fertilisation 
of the flowers. 

Besides plants with hermaphrodite flowers, others occur whose 
flowers all possess more or less aborted anthers which do not dehisce 
and which contain small and often very deformed pollen-grains. 


' ~~ 
Pee ee I I 6 Reger OA we Sk - 


ae if these female plants flowered earlier than the hermaphrodites, 
i ‘so that their stigmas were mature cotemporaneously with the 
anthers of the first hermaphrodites, then their origin might be 
explained on the principle of economy, as a saving of the first 
stamens which have no stigmas to fertilise. Ifthe female capitula 
_ were less conspicuous than the others, the same explanation might 
__ be applied in this case as I have put forward in describing Thymus 
and Glechoma. But here neither the one fact nor the other is true ; 
but the female heads are just as conspicuous as the others at: 
develop cotemporaneously with them. I can only account for 
_ their existence by the very great difference between the duration 
of the stigmas in the hermaphrodite capitula and the length of 
time that the anthers are covered with pollen. 
It is of special importance for Scabiosa arvensis that the anthers 
‘on the same head should develop gradually throughout several 
days, and that the stigmas should ripen all on the same day, almost 
simultaneously. For owing to the first character there is never a 
, lack of pollen, and owing to the second, as soon as a few sunny 
hours occur and bring out the insects, in a very short time all the 
‘stigmas on a capitulum are fertilised with pollen from another. 
_ Both characters together are therefore of use to the plant in the 
changeable and often continuously rainy weather of our summers. 
But when a spell of sunny weather appears the number of herma- 
_ phrodite flowers in the male condition must always be much 
eater than in the female condition; the pollen of many heads 
must be wasted, and it must be an advantaxe to the plant if in 
- some cases the stamens are aborted and the stigmas come so much 
ra the quicker to maturity. As every character of advantage for the 
maintenance of the species, which appears accidentally as an 
abnormality, can and must be retained by natural selection, so in 
| Scabiosa arvensis, abortion of the stamens, occurring accidentally 
in certain plants, must have been perpetuated and intensified. 
_ The power of self-fertilisation is not quite lost in the herma- 
phrodite plants; for in capitula allowed to flower in the house and 
LL eft untouched, many of the stigmas as they grow up may be seen 
_ to come in contact with anthers still dusted with pollen. But as 
» a rule insect-visits are so numerous that self-fertilisation can 
_ only come into action in long-continued bad weather. 
) : Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. § (6), ab., 
Sy more rarely c.p. ; (2) Bombus hortorum, L. g 9 9 (17—21) ; (8) B. terres 
-: L. 2 ¢ (7—9) ; (4) B. lapidarius, L. § (10—12) ; (5) B. pratorum, L. 


2 9 g (8—11) ; (6) B. enki Ill. ¢ (10) ; (7) B. agrorum, F. 2 (12—15) if 
(8) B. hypnorum, L. ¢; (9) B. silvarum, L. 2? § (12—14) ; (10) B. rupestris, — 
L. 2 (12—14) ; (11) B. vestalis, Foure. 2 (12); (12) B. campestris, Pz. 2 ¢ 
(10—12) ; (13) B. Barbutellus, K. ¢ 2 (12) ; all these humble-bees only s. ‘ 
(14) Andrena Hattorfiana, F. ¢ 2 (6—7),s. and c.p.: it confines itself almost — 
exclusively to this flower, and I have only once taken a male on Jasione — 
montana, and again, a female on Dianthus Carthusianorum, s. ; (15) Andrena | 
Gwynana, K. ? (24), c.p.; (16) Halictus albipes, F. 9; (17) H. leucozonius, 
Schk. ¢ (4); (18) H. eylindricus, F. 2 ¢ (8—4) ; (19) H. sexnotatus, K. 2 — 
(4) ; the species of Halictus sometimes s., sometimes c.p. ; (20) Nomada Fabri-_ 
ciana, L. 9 ;-(21) N. lineola, Pz. 2 3 6) ; ; (22) N. Jacobaew, Pz. 2; (23) N. « 
armata, Scheff. 9 ; (84) Megachile Willughbiella, K. ¢; (25) M. maritima, Ke 
& 2, freq. ; (26) M. circumcincta, K. 9 ¢; (27) M. centuncularis, L. ¢ ; (28) | 
—. perratulee, Pz. 2 S, very ab., like all the species of Nomada and ~ 
Megachile, only sucking ; (29) Osmia Folviy anes. Pz. 9, cp. ; (30) O. eenea, 
L. g, 8.3; (31) Coelioxys quadridentata, L. ¢ 9, ab. ; (32) C. conoidea, Ill. 2 | 
(33) Heriades truncorum, L. ¢; (34) Stelis breviuscula, Nyl. ¢, the last | 
four species, s. ; (b) Sphegide : (35) Bembex rostrata, L. (7) ; (36) Psammophila 
affinis, K. 9 (5); (387) Ps. viatica, L. g (4), all s.; (c) Vespidw: (38) 
Odynerus parietum, L. ¢ (8), s. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (39) Empis— 
tesselata, F. (3, 4) ; (40) E. livida, L. oa) both very ab., s.; (0) oe oe | 
(41) coe tenax, L. (7, 8); (42) E. arbustorum, L. (4, oe ; (48) E. 
nemorum, L. ; (44) E. ae L.; (45) Rhingia rosea amy SS 12); = 
(46) Volucella bombylans, L. ; (7, 8); ; (47) V. plumata, L. ; (48) v. pellucens, 
L. (Sld.), all these Syrphides dis "s. and f.p.; (49) Syrphus ribesii, L. (3, 4), 
f.p. ; (c) Conopide: (50) Sicus ferrustnsien L., ab., s.; (d@) Muscide: (51) 
Echinomyia tesselata, F.; (52) Ocyptera cylindrica, F.; (53) Micropalpus 
fulgens, Mgn., all three s. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (54) Colias 
hyale, L. (Th.), ab. ; (55) Vanessa urtice, L. (12); (56) Satyrus Janira, L. £3 
(57) S. Medea, 8S. V. (Sld.) ; (58) Papilio Machaon, L. (18) ; (59) Hesperia” 
lineola, O. ; (b) Sphingide: (60) Zygeena lonicerze, Esp. (Th.), ab. ; (61) Ino- 
statices, L. ; (c) Noctuw : (62) Mamestra serena, 8. V. 9 (Th.) ; (63) Euclidia. 
glyphica, L. ; (d) Tineina : (64) Adela sp., very ab., sometimes as many 0 iam 
on one capitulum. D. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (65) Meligethes, ab., fp. ; 
(b) Phalacride : (66) Olibrus bicolor, F., f.p. ; (¢) Lamellicornia : (67) Hoplia 
philanthus, Sulz. (Sld.), feeding on the organs of the flower ; (68) Trichius 
fasciatus, L., very ab., feeding on the tissues and also pairing on the flowers 2 
(d) Conacabaicsdes (69) Toxotus ba rag L., (Siebengeb.) ; (70) Pach 
octomaculata, F. (Sld.) ; (71) Strangalia wage by Siebengebos (72) Str. arma 
Hbst. See Fd ; (73) Str. attenuata, L.; (74) Str. melanura, L.; (75) 
Leptura livida, F.: these Cerambycide feed on pollen and on the anthers, 
and those with minal heads, especially Str. attenuata, also suck honey ; (e) 

Chrysomelide : (76) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., feeding on the parts of ie 

Co carte 


Altogether, I have observed upon Scabiosa arvensis, L. :— 

Apidae. Lepidoptera.' Diptera. Other Insects Total. 

In Low Germany ... 45 19 17 | 20 101 

On the Alps.., —... 10 22 4 4 45 

- That is to say, in each hundred species of visitors we have :— 

Apide. Lepidoptera.| Diptera. |OtherInsects.| Total. 

InLow Germany ...|  44°6 18°8 16°8 19°7 100 

Onthe Alps... .. | 22°2 489 20°0 8°9 100 

s No. 609, pp. 399, 400: No. 590, 111, pp. 76, 77.) 

212. ScaBiosa succisa, L.—The hemispherical capitulum con- 
is of fifty to eighty florets, nearly equal in size, which develop in 

Fia. 109.—Scabiosa succisa, L. 

1.—Flower, before dehiscence of the anthers (after removal of the epicalyx). 
2.—Ditto, after the anthers have ican aa’ 
3.—Ditto, in female stage. 

entripetal order. Honey is secreted by a small, fleshy ring above 

e€ ovary, surrounding the base of the style, and collects in the 
= ow, smooth base of the tube. The tube is 3 to 4 mm. long, 
nd above the smooth honey-containing portion it is lined with 


hairs to exclude rain. The honey is accessible to short-lipped 
insects, especially as the tube widens superiorly to a diameter of 
2 mm. at the mouth, and the four (rarely five) rounded lobes of the 
corolla, of which the external is the largest, are easily thrust apart.. 
On the damp, unproductive spots where Scabiosa succisa chictms : 
grows, its blue, hemispherical heads, about 20 mm. in diameter, 

are among the most conspicuous flowers; and in sunny wena | 
until the middle of September, they are visited by very numerous 
insects, and are regularly cross-fertilised owing to their pro- 
terandrous dichogamy. When the flower opens the stamens which — 
were bent inwards in the bud straighten themselves one by one; 
then, while as yet the style scarcely extends beyond the mouth of 
the corolla (Fig. 109, 2), the anthers dehisce in succession ; only when — 
the stamens are completely withered, and the anthers, if insect-— 
visits have taken place, are shaken off (Fig. 109, 3), does the style 
attain its full length, and the stigma, a little later, becomes viscid, 
Self-fertilisation can therefore only occur exceptionally, if at this — 
time an anther, still dusted with pollen, comes by accident in contact 
with the stigma. In plants flowering in my room I have observed — 
this to take place not unfrequently, but never in the open air. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and e.p., 
ab. ; (2) Bombus silvarum, L. 9 § ¢ (as late as Oct. 7) ; (3) B. lapidarius, L., 
% 3; (4) B. agrorum, F. § ¢ (both as late as Oct. 15, 1871) ; (5) B. senilis, 
Smith, $ ¢; (6) B. terrestris, L. 3 ¢; (7) B. pratorum, L. $; (8) B. vestalis, 
Foure. 9 ¢; B. rupestris, L. ¢ (Oct. 15, 1871), all very ab., s. ; (10) Andrena — 
Cetii, Schrank. 2, ¢.p.; (11) A. convexiuscula, K. 3; (12) Habitus rubicundus, 
Christ. ?,¢p.; (13) H. leucozonius, Schrank. ¢; (14) H. cylindricus, F. by 
all freq. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: (15) Exoprosopa capucina, F., ab. in’ 
July ; (b) Syrphide : (16) Helophilus pendulus, L., ab., also pairiele on the 
flowers (Sept. 4, 1870) ; (17) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (18) E. nemorum, L. ; 4 
(19) E. tenax, 1, (beginning of November) all ab., s. and fip.; (20) E 
intricarius, . scarcer; (21) Syrphus pyrastri, L., s. and f.p. ; (22) Rhingia 
rostrata, L., s.; (c) Empide : (23) Empis livida, L., s., very ab. ; (d) Muscide : 
(24) Species of Lucilia; (25) Musea cornicina, F. C. Lepidoptera—(a) 
Tthopalocera : (26) Pieris rape, L., ab. ; (27) Satyrus Janira, L. ; (28) Polyom- 
matus Phloeas, L., very ab.; (b) Noctue: (29) Plusia gamma, L., ab.; (ce) 
Crambina : (30) Botys purpuralis, L., all s. D. Coleoptera—Chrysomelide : 
(31) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., feeding on the organs of the flower. See also_ 
No, 590, III. 

This species, also, has been shown to include female as well as — 
hermaphrodite plants in England by Darwin (167), in France by 
Lecoq,' and in Germany by Magnus (449). 

S. atropurpurea, L., also, is gynodicecious (167). 

1 Géographie botanique, 1857, vi. 


213. ScapiosA CoLumBARIA, L.—This species for the most 
resembles S. arvensis in the structure of its flower, but besides 
_ the five-lobed corolla it presents the following noteworthy differ- 
| nces. In S. arvensis the florets increase in size from the centre to 
he circumference of a capitulum, but in S. Columbaria this 
radual increase is much less marked, though in the marginal 
lorets the lobes of the corolla are large and conspicuous. Thus in 
me specimen, which I examined closely, the tube in the marginal 
lowers was 6 mm. long and 2 to 2} mm. wide at the mouth; the 
xternal lobe of the corolla was 7 to 8 mm. long, the lateral were 
}mm., the internal 2 to 3 mm. _ In the florets of the disk, imme- 
iately contiguous to these marginal florets, the tube was 5 mm. 
mg and 2 mm. wide at the mouth, and the lobes of the corolla 
rere respectively 3, 2, 1; mm. long; finally, in the central florets 
f the capitulum the tube was still 4 mm. long and 1} mm. wide 
the mouth, and the lobes of the corolla were 1 to 2 mm. long. 
n consequence of the smaller size of the central florets and the 
ight increase of size from the centre towards the margin, many 
ore florets find room on equal space in S. Columbaria than in 
S.arvensis. So, although the capitula in S. Columbaria are distinctly 

maller than in S. arvensis, they contain half as many florets again 
eventy to eighty). 
I have never found plants with abortive stamens in S. Colum- 

_ This species only occurs near Lippstadt, in one locality and in 
{ amount, sol have had little opportunity of watching its 
A. Hymenoptera—A pide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s., ab. ; (2) Bombus 
| lapidarius, L. ¢, very freq.,s. B. Diptera-—(a) Syrphide : (3) Eristalis tenax, 
| L.; (4) E. nemorum, L.; (5) Helophilus trivittatus, F., all three species ab., s., 
and f.p. ; (b) Conopide : (6) Sicus ferrugineus, L.,s. A list of Alpine visitors 
(six flies, eight bees, and twenty-eight Lepidoptera) is given in No. 609, p. 400. 

aa Scabiosa lucida, Vill., is visited by butterflies and Syrphide 



: ‘The numerical preponderance which this family has attained 
_ M species and genera,! and the extreme abundance of many of the 
| Ԥ pecies, are due to the concurrence of several characters, most of 

 1In Dr. Ludwig Pfeiffer’s Synonymia Botanica over 10,000 genera of Phanerogams 
are enumerated ; of these, over 1,000 belong to the Composite. 


which, singly, or in some degree combined, we have become 3 
acquainted with in other families, but never in such happy com-_ 
bination as in the Composite. The following points deserve 
special mention: (1) the close association of many flowers; (2) the - 
accessibility of the honey, as well as its plentiful secretion and 
its security from rain; (3) the possession of a pollen-mechanism, 
which renders ovoss-fertilisation certain in the event of insect- 
visits. | 

1. The association of many flowers in one head is advantageous, — 
for the following reasons: ' 

(a) The flowers are rendered much more conspicuous, and are 
accordingly more visited by insects. Conspicuousness is in most 
cases increased still further either by the florets being directed 
outwards (Cynaroidee), or by the limb of the corolla developing 
into a long lobe directed outwards, both of which phenomena 
become more marked towards the margin of the capitulum; 
or by the marginal florets becoming large coloured radiating ” 
laminz, at the expense of the stamens or of both stamens and 
pistil (Asteroidec) ; or, finally, by the innermost bracts performing 
this function (Carlina). q 

(b) Insects can fertilise numerous flowers with much less loss” 
of time than when the flowers are separate; and so the chance — 
of being fertilised is increased for every flower in the same ratio. 
The florets of the disk usually constitute a flat surface over which 
the insect crawls, and from which the reproductive organs protrude — 
far enough to permit simultaneous fertilisation of many florets. 

(c) As the involucre of the whole capitulum plays the part 
of a calyx in protecting the flowers, the calyces of the separate 
florets can be dispensed with entirely, or they may be adapted 
for a new and important purpose by being transfotmed into _ 
structures which aid the dispersion of the seeds by the wind, or 
into barbs furnished with recurved hooks (Bidens), which aid the 
transport of the seeds by animals. 

2. The free accessibility of the honey is a character which 
most Compositee share with Umbelliferze ; and, accordingly, the two 
orders rival one another in the variety of their insect-visitors (vide 
Cirsium arvensis). But while in Umbelliferze the honey lies fully — 
exposed to the rain upon the fleshy disk which secretes it, im 
Composite it is secreted by a ring surrounding the style at the | 
base of a narrow tubular corolla, and as it accumulates it rises up 
into the wider part of the corolla where it is accessible to the most 
short-lipped insects, and where the anthers shelter it from rain. 


Thus, while the flat layer of honey in Umbelliferse is only suitable 
_ for short-lipped insects, the honey of Composite is not only 
accessible to them but may be sucked by Lepidoptera and bees 

_ 3. The pollen-mechanism agrees essentially with that of 
_ Lobeliaceze. The anthers cohere to form a hollow cylinder, and 
 dehisce introrsely, filling the cylinder with pollen, before the flower 
' opens. The two stigmas lie at first closely applied together in 
| the lower part of the anther-tube, and as the style grows they 
- brush the pollen out of the tube by means of the hairs on their 
outer surface. So in the first period the pollen is exposed to 
' insect-visitors, and in the second the stigmas separate and expose 
their papillar surfaces. 

The arrangement of the hairs and of the stigmatic papille 
shows some diversity in Composites. The former sometimes, as in 
 Lobeliacex, sweep the pollen before them, forming a simple ring 
' round the style at the base of the stigmas (e.g. Centawrea, Cirsiwm), 
or aggregated in a tuft at the extremity of the stigmas (e.g. 
Achillea, Chrysanthemum); sometimes they are spread over more 
or less of the surface of the style, and the pollen remains en- 
tangled among them (e.g. Leontodon). The stigmatic papille 
sometimes wholly or partially cover the inner surfaces of the 
stigmas, and sometimes are restricted to broader or narrower 
» at the margin. This sweeping mechanism, which is 
_ apparently inherited from Lobeliacezw, is perfected in many 
| Composite by a peculiar irritability of the filaments, which 
_ contract when touched by an insect’s proboscis and draw the 
anther-tube downwards, squeezing the pollen out at the upper 
end exactly at ics proper time for it to be carried to other 

Crose-fertilisation i in case of insect-visits is thoroughly ensured 
for the separate florets in the same way as in Lobeliaces, and 
' it is rendered in many cases very probable, and in others in- 
_ evitable, for the inflorescence as a whole. For in all cases in 
_ which the development of the hermaphrodite flowers progresses 
so slowly from the margin of the capitulum towards its centre 
- that one or more rows of florets in the female stage are always 
surrounded by several rows in the male, the crossing of separate 
_capitula must at least be effected by all insects which alight at the 
margin (Bellis, Chrysanthemum, ete.); but in many Cynaree the | 
florets open centripetally in such quick succession that the 
_ capitulum is for a time male only, and afterwards for some time 



female only, and in this case all insect-visitors must lead to the ; 
crossing of separate capitula (Carduus). Lastly, in the few 
Composite in which the florets are all unisexual, either the male 
and female florets are confined to separate capitula or the outer 
florets in all the capitula are female and the inner male (Calendula, 
Silphiwm, etc.). In the former case the crossing of separate 
capitula is obviously inevitable, and in the latter (since the outer 
florets develop first) it is probable, and more so than in the 
case described where centripetal development proceeds slawhy in 
a capitulum of hermaphrodite florets. 

In absence of insects self-fertilisation is often rendered possible 4 
in the hermaphrodite flowers by the stigmas curving backwards till ‘ 
their papillee come in contact with the pallang : 

The irritability of the filaments in Centaurea, Onopordum, 
Cichorium, Hieracium, ete., was observed more than a hundred : 
years ago by Koelreuter (396, Pt, 11). Severin Axell gives a — 
résumé of more recent observations on this point by Morren, Cohn, : 
Unger, and others (17). fi 

Sprengel recognised the significance of the enlarged margaial 
florets, the closing of the capitulum during rain, the brushes on the 
style or stigmas, and the distinct proterandry (702, pp. 365-384). 

Hildebrand made the floral mechanism of Composite, especially 
the distribution of the brushes and the stigmatic papillz, the sub-_ 
ject of a very elaborate paper containing many magnified figures , 
of styles (357). - In the same year (1869) Delpino gave a full ~ 
account of the adaptive modifications of Composite (178), and 
appended some notes on the bees seen by him visiting Composite. 
In a more recent work (180) he tries to prove the gencticg 
connection of Composite with Campanulacez and Lobeliacez, and 
to trace the gradual passage from entomophilous Senecionide to i 
distinctly anemophilous Artemisiacew. I am unacquainted with 
most of the forms which Delpino treats of, and am therefore ~ 
unable to criticise his conclusions, so I confine myself to a general — 
reference to his interesting research. 

Tribe Hupatoriacee. 

My brother Fritz Miiller tells me by letter that at Itajahy, 
Adenostemma, growing at the borders of woods, is the haunt of 
Zygenide and Glaucopide. 


214. EUPATORIUM. CANNABINUM, L.—The capitulum contains 
five, sometimes only four florets, in each of which the tube is” 


24 mm. long, and the wider throat 2 mm. long in addition. By 
themselves the capitula are small and insignificant, but very many 
(usually several hundred) are closely ageregated ; in an inflorescence. 
The red-bordered bracts, the reddish corollz of the florets, and 
the white projecting stigmas give this inflorescence a reddish-white 
appearance. In this plant the divisions of the style are quite as 

Fig. 110.—Eupatorium cannabinum, L. 

1.—A capitulum of four florets, in their first (male) stage. 

_ 2.—A single floret, in second (female) stage. 

From a to b each branch of the style bears a strip of stigmatic papilla on each edge; from b to 
t is clothed with hairs. 

, 1 0 brig as the whole corolla (5 mm.), They are furnished with rows 
| of stigmatic papillz along their edges, only for the first quarter 
% their length (a, b, Fig. 110, 2); forthe remaining three-quarters 

ey are thickly clothed all round with hairs. In the first period 
2 lower stigmatic part of the branches of the style remains still 

Po a n nclosed i in the anther-cylinder (Fig. 110, 1); the ends, furnished with 


hairs, project beyond it, and diverge so widely that insect-visitors 
come in contact with them all round, and carry off upon their 
hairy or scaly coats the pollen that had been entangled in the — 
hairs of the styles. Afterwards, the lower stigmatic portions _ 
emerge from the anther-cylinder and from the throat of the 
corolla (Fig. 110, 2), and they too diverge so widely that an insect — 
in obtaining its honey must come in contact with them. Cross- — 
fertilisation is thus ensured, if insect-visits have taken place to a — 
sufficient extent to clear all the pollen from the hairs of the style — 
before the stigmas in the same floret are exposed. But if these _ 
hairs still bear pollen when the stigma becomes exposed, an insect- 
visitor may effect self-fertilisation as easily as cross-fertilisation. — 
If no insects visit the flower at all, fertilisation and even cross- — 
fertilisation are still possible, for the outspread branches of the | 
style sometimes come in contact with the stigmas of neighbouring 
Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s.; (2) 
Bombus (Apathus) inane: Foure. g, 8. 2 Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (3) 
Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (4) E. nemorum, L.; (5) E. tenax, L., all three ~ 
species, ab., f.p.; (6) Muscide : (6) Echinomyia fera, L. ;: (7) tera canina, — 
F.; (8). Lucilia albiceps, Mgn. C. Lepidéptera——Riopalodara® (9) Pieris” 
rape, L.; (10) Thecla quercus, L.; (11) Lyczena, sp. ; (12) Vanessa Io, L., ab. ; 
(13) Argynnis Paphia, L., ab.; (14) Satyrus Galatea, L.; (15) 8. Medusa, S. ~ 
V.; (16) S. Egeria, L.; (17) Hesperia lineola, O. I saw all these butterflies 
together sucking the flowers of Eupatorium on a sunny slope near Willebadessen 
(August, 1871) : they took no heed of other neighbouring flowers. D. Neuro- 

ptera—(18) Panorpa communis, L. This list is very remarkable on account 
of the preponderance of butterflies. See also No. 590, rt. 

Tribe Asteroidee. 

215. SOLIDAGO VIRGA-AUREA, L.—In the florets of the disk 
the style is identical with that of Chrysocoma (cf. Hildebrand, 357). 
But while in Chrysocoma numerous capitula unite to form one 
surface, and can therefore dispense with ligulate marginal florets, 
in S. virga-aurea the capitula are distributed over an elongated 
axis; and the disk of each capitulum (4 to 5 mm. in diameter) is 
rendered conspicuous by five to seven golden-yellow marginal 
florets which increase the whole diameter of the capitulum to 14 or 
even 19mm. The marginal florets have acquired their excessive 
development of corolla at the expense of their stamens, which are 
quite absent ; the branches of the style have almost entirely lost — 
their useless sveening saa and bear stigmatic papille along thee 
whole length of both borders of their inner surfaces. | 

(ban... < aed ds. Dib ty Supine 



Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, 8. ab.; (2) 
Bombus rupestris, L. ¢,s.; (3) B. campestris, L. ¢,s.; (4) B. terrestris, L. 
3, 8.; (5) Andrena denticulata, K.? ¢,¢.p.ands. (Tekl. Borgst.). B. Diptera 
—Syrphide : (6) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (7) E. nemorum, L., both species 
f.p.,ab. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (8) Thecla ilicis, Esp., s. A list of 
Alpine visitors (six bees, twenty-two flies, twenty-seven Lepidoptera) is given 
in my Alpenblumen (No. 609). 

_ Visitors: Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (2) E. 
nemorum, L. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L., all three species f.p., ab. ; (b) Muscide : 
(4) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., f.p.; (5) Numerous small Muscide. See also 
No. 590, Il. 

! 217. BELLIS PERENNIS, L.—Numerous tiny florets 1 to 2 mm. 
- in length unite to form a flat, yellow disk 6 mm. in diameter. The 

_ white outer lobes (5 mm. long) of the marginal florets bring the 

_ diameter of the whole capitulum up to 16 mm. The marginal 
florets have no stamens, and their styles have lost their sweeping- 
hairs; the two branches of the style are furnished with stigmatic 
_ papillze on their edges for their whole length (cf. Hildebrand, 357). 

On the other hand, in the florets of the disk the style is short, 

_ broadly oval, and closely covered with sweeping-hairs on the outer 
surface from the broadest part to the tip; these hairs both sweep the 
_ pollen out of the anther-cylinder as the style elongates, and after- 
_ wards hold it until it is removed by insects. The branches of the 
style in the disk-florets are only furnished with a short strip of - 
_ stigmatic papillae on each border below the broadest part. After 
_ fertilisation the branches of the style are again drawn within the 
corolla, so that the placing of more pollen on the already fertilised 
stigma is avoided. 

} Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, ¢p., 
} freq.; (2) Andrena parvula, K. 9, c¢.p.; (3) Halictus minutissimus, K. ?, c.p., 
freq. ; (4) H. cylindricus, F. ?,s.; (5) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9, s.; (6) Nomada 
' lineola, Pz. ¢,s.; (7) N. flavoguttata, K. ¢,s.; (8) Osmia rufa, L. 2,5, and 
¢@p.; (b) Formicide: (9) Myrmica levinodis, Nyl., tried to suck. B. 
_ Diptera—(a) Empide: (10) Empis livida, L., s., very ab.; (11) E. opaca, F., 
s.; (b) Syrphide: (12) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (13) E. sepulcralis, L.; (14) 
| E. tenax, L. ; (15) E. pertinax, Scop, ; (16) Rhingia rostrata, L., all five species 
f.p., very ab.; (17) Syritta pipiens, L., fp. and s, ab. ; (18) Melithreptus 
| scriptus, L., fip.; (c) Muscide: (19) Scatophaga stercoraria, L.; (20) Se. 
| merdaria, F., both species f.p., ab. ; (21) Lucilia cornicina, F., f.p., freq. ; (22) 
Musca corvina, F., do. All these flies had their tongues, legs, and under surface, 
especially of the thorax, thickly coated with pollen. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopa- 
| locera: (23) Satyrus pamphilus, L., s.; (24) Polyommatus dorilis, Hufn., 
; Y 


D. Coleoptera—(a) agent (25) Meligethes, f.p.; (b) Gidemeride : (26) 
(Edemera virescens, L.; (c) Cerambycide: (27) Leptura livida, L., fp. - See 
also No. 590, III. 

218. ASTER CHINENSIS, L.—I have noticed on the flowers in 
my garden :— 
A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis nemorum, L.: (2) E. arbustorum, L., 

both species s. and f.p., ab. B. Lepidoptera —Iphopalaanas (3) Vanessa artic . 
L., s. ©. Hymenoptera—Apide: (4) Celioxys simplex, Nyl. 9, s. 

Aster alpinus, L.—I have found this plant on the Alps visited 
by two beetles, two flies, two bees, and thirty-six Lepidoptera (609). — 

219, ASTER AMELLUS, L. (Haarhausen, in Thuringia).—I found 
the flowers (Sept. 18, 1871) visited by Hristalis arbustorum, L., in 
considerable numbers to feed on the pollen. 

Erigeron alpinus, L.—The ligulate marginal florets are female 
only; between them and the hermaphrodite florets of the disk isa 
zone of female florets which secrete no honey, and in which the ~ 
teeth and the wide throat of the corolla is not developed ; in these 
two classes of female florets the style is devoid of sweeping-hairs. 
In Erigeron uniflorus, L., the intermediate zone of tubular female 
florets is absent (609). 


Visitors: Hymenoptera—-(a) Apide: (1) Halictus quadricinctus, F. 2? g, 
c.p. ands.; (2) H. flavipes, F. ¢; (3) H. morio, F. ¢; (4) H. leucopus, K. 9; — 
(5) H. longulus, Sm. ¢; (6) H. leucozonius, Schr. ¢; (7) H. cylindricus, F. ~ 
6; (8) H. maculatus, Sm.? ¢; (9) H. albipes, F. ¢, all in great abundance, — 

the ¢s., the 9 s. and c.p. ; (10) Nomada Solidaginis, Pz. 9, s.; (b) Sphegide : 
(11) Ganvseys labiata, F. 2. 

221. CHRysocoma LinosyRis, L. (Thuringia, near Haarhausen). 
—All the florets in the capitulum are alike; those at the edge are 
merely slightly curved outwards. Radiating marginal florets are — 
useless and therefore absent, for the same reason as in the case of 
Tanacetum. The golden-yellow surface formed by the conjunction 
of many capitula is conspicuous enough to attract insects from a 
considerable distance. When near at hand, capitula in the first 
(male) stage (Fig. 111, 1) are more conspicuous than those in the - 
second (female) stage; for in the former the teeth of the corolla, 
which are 3 mm, long, are widely outspread, but afterwards they 

become more and more erect. So insects are induced to visit the 
capitula in the proper order. ; 




| The tube of each floret is 35 to 44 mm. long, the wider throat 
- into which the honey rises is 1} mm. long, so that the honey is 
_ easily accessible. The simultaneous fertilisation of numerous 
_ flowers is here rendered possible in a way different from that in 
_ Tanacetum. The branches of the style are 1} mm. long, and they 
_ bear on their outer borders a row of stigmatic papille (nm, 2) up 
_ toa point above their middle ; above this point they broaden, and 
are covered with hairs both on their outer surface and on their 

Fic, 111.—Chrysocoma Linosyris, L. 

1.—Flower, in first (male) stage. 
2.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 
n, stigmatic papille ; p, pollen; b, brush of hairs ; a, anthers; ov, ovary. 

| Even in the second (female) stage, their tips remain in 
1? Rontact, and they only curve asunder in the middle. Insects 

creeping over the capitulum, bend down the ends of the styles 
. y with the under surfaces of their bodies, and so brush over the 
! — of many florets simultaneously. 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Halictus flavipes, F. ¢; (2) H. albipes, ¥. 
3, very freq. ; (3) H. cylindricus, F. ¢, ab. ; (4) H. aapoemtns! K. 6, freq., 
' ls. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (5) Syritta pipiens, L -; (6) Eristalis arbu- 
| rem, L.3 @) E. nemorum, L., all three species s. and f.p., very ab.; (d) 

i= ¥> 2 


Muscidae : (8) Ocyptera cylindrica, F.,s. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : 
(9) Polyommatus dorilis, Hfn. ; (10) Lyceena alsus, W. V.; (6) Noctue: (11) 
Plusia gamma, L., all three s. 

Tribe Jnuloidee. 

222. GNAPHALIUM LUTEOALBUM, L., as a rule only comes into 
bloom at Lippstadt in September. On the wet, sandy places 
where it grows, it is by far the most conspicuous plant, especially 
as it grows associated in considerable numbers. One sunny day 
at noon (Sept. 29, 1869) I noticed the following insects upon its 
capitula :— 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ¢ 9, 
several varieties including ephippia, L., s. ; (2) Halictus sexsignatus, Schenck, — 
3 9,8.; (b) Sphegide : (3) Pompilus viaticus, L., s.; (4) Ceropales maculata — 
F.,s. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (5) Melithreptus scriptus, L.; (6) Melano- — 
stoma mellina, L., both f.p.; (6) Muscide: (7) Lucilia, freq.; (8) Pollenia — 
rudis, F., both f.p. 

Gnaphalium uliginosum, L.—On the inconspicuous capitula of ; 
this plant I once caught Sphecodes ephippra, L., s. | 

223. PULICARIA DYSENTERICA, Giirtn.—The disk of the capitu- 
lum consists of more than 600 florets. Each floret has a tube about 
4. mm. long, narrow below and wider above, terminating in five 
triangular teeth. I could not discover that the honey rose up — 
into the wider part of the tube, but even without its doing so it — 
is accessible to moderately short-lipped insects. In these florets — 
of the disk no part of the style, except its two stigmatic branches, 
protrudes from the anther-cylinder, The stigmas spread apart 
horizontally, close above the corolla, in the same spot where the — 
pollen lay in the first stage, so that here also many florets can be — 
fertilised simultaneously by an insect-visitor. The branches of — 
the style are covered over their whole inner surfaces with stig-— 
matic papillee, and on the upper third of their outer surfaces with — 
hairs which point obliquely upwards. Along the edges of the 
triangular valves which form the upper end of the anther-cylinder 
stand unicellular hairs, which are much longer and thicker than 
the sweeping-hairs on the style and which serve to hold the 
pollen that has been swept out of the anther-cylinder, The disk — 
is surrounded by nearly 100 marginal florets, each of which has 
an outer golden-yellow lobe 5 to 7 mm. long; in these the tube is 
2 to3 mm. long, and from it a style protrudes identical with that in 


the florets of the disk, possessing even the sweeping-hairs that are 
here useless from the absence of stamens. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Heriades truncorum, L. ? ¢, 
_ very freq., s. and c.p.; (2) Halictus longulus, Sm. ¢; (8) H. maculatus, Sm. 
6; (4) H.albipes, F. ¢; (5) H. cylindricus, F. ¢; (6) H. nitidus, Schenck, ¢, 
alls. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (7) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (8) E. sepulcralis 
L., both species, fp., very ab.; (9) Melithreptus scriptus, L., fp. C. Lepid- 
optera—(10) Polyommatus dorilis, Hfn.; (11) Lycana sp. ; (12) Hesperia 
thaumas, Hfn., s. D. Coleoptera—Chrysomelide : (13) Cassida murrea, L., 
whose larva feeds on the leaves of this plant, often creeps about the flowers and 
effects cross-fertilisation. 

Tribe Helianthoidee. 

Zinnia, my brother Fritz Miiller tells me, is visited almost 
exclusively by Lepidoptera, especially Hesperidz, at Itajahy. In 
North America it is visited by ruby-throated humming-birds also 

_ 224, HELIANTHUS MULTIFLORUS, L.—Delpino found Helian- 
_ thus fertilised chiefly by Heriades truncorwm, l.., which tapped the 
f lowers in their first (male) stage with its abdomen, and dexterously 
swept up the pollen that exuded from the anther-cylinder with its 
“abdominal collecting-hairs ; hence he concluded that the insect 
and the plant had been specially created for one another. The 
various relations of insects to flowers, as they are described in this 
book, prove such a conception to be untenable. 

I have observed as visitors of H. multiflorus :-— 

_ <A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Megachile centuncularis, F., ep. ; (2) 
iB ictus zonulus, Sm. Siw’ , 8 B. Diptera—Syrphide : (3) Eristalis tenax, L, ; 
Bp eytphus pyrastri, L. ; (5) S. ribesii, L., all three f.p. and s, 

Tribe Anthemidee. 

— 225. AcHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, L.—This plant is a very heel 
. astance of the advantage of many small flowers being united 
| ster, both for attracting insects and for simultaneous cross- 
ilisation of many flowers by a single insect-visitor. 

\j In the florets of the disk, the corolla consists of a tube scarcely 
nm. long, passing above into a throat 1 mm. long and equally 
de, ending in five triangular teeth. Honey is secreted by an 
ular ridge (0, Fig. 112, 2) surrounding the base of the style, 


and rises up into the throat and so is accessible to the most short-— 
lipped insects. When the flower opens, the two divisions of the 
style are closely appressed and project into the lower part of the 
anther-cylinder which is filled with pollen (Fig. 112, 2). They are 

ee a a 


Fia. 112. 

1—5.—Achillea Millefolium, L. 

1.—A capitulum, from above. a, stigmas of female flowers; b, stigmas of florets of the disk iz 
their second stage; c, anther-cylinders of disk-florets in their first stage; d, bud about to open 
Numerous younger buds are hidden in the centre of the capitulum. : 

2.—Floret of the disk, just expanding; in section. e, ovary; f, ne x orice | the b 
of the style; g, style; h, tube of corolla; #, filaments; k, two divisions of the style ; 1, tip of st: yle 
Aan brush of hairs; m, anther-cylinder; m, throat of corolla; 0, valves, closing the anther 

a disk-floret, slightly more advanced, with its bract; the pollen is issuing from the anth 

4.—Older disk-floret. The stigmas are separate and exserted ; the anthers have been withdra 
into the corolla by contraction of the filaments. sot 7 

5.—Tip of style of a disk-floret in its first (male) stage. k’, stigmatic papille ; 1, sweeping-hair 
p, pollen-grains, 
6—8.— Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L. 

6.—Disk-floret, in first (male) stage. 
7.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 
8.—Tip of one stigmatic branch, seen from the inner side (x 60). 

ee ee 

furnished at the tip with divergent hairs (5), so that as the sty 
elongates the pollen is pressed out at the upper end of the anther 
cylinder, whose terminal valves (0, 2) separate. Finally the 
branches of the style emerge, spread apart, turning their stigmat: 

SE > ht Rance NI has tiple Wing ac ‘oe 


inner surfaces upwards, and bend their hairy tips so far backwards 
_ and inwards that some of the pollen which remains adhering to 
them is removed from the chance of contact with insects (Fig. 
112, 4). While the pollen is being forced up the anther-cylinder 
projects slightly beyond the corolla (Fig. 112, 3); when the 
stigmas are exposed, the anther-cylinder lies more deeply in the 
_ throat of the corolla, having been drawn down by the contracting 
1 filaments. The stigmas thus come to lie immediately above the 
corolla, in the same spot where the pollen was before. The result 
' is that as the under-sides of insect-visitors sweep over the cap- 
_ itulum they come in contact with many florets and effect many 
 cross-fertilisations at the same time. In this species, twenty or 
more florets (which, however, do not develop simultaneously, but 
_ centripetally) are united in a disk about 3 mm. in diameter ; but 
since five florets at the margin have each an external lobe over 
3mm. long and rather more than 3 mm. broad, the diameter of 
the disk is increased to 9 or 10 mm. The marginal florets have 
~ attained this enormous development of the corolla at the expense 
_ of the stamens, which are quite absent; they possess a style how- 
ever, which divides into two branches, covered on their upper 
_ surfaces with stigmatic papillz but destitute of hairs. In spite of 
the enlargement of the corolla in the marginal florets, the capitula, 
__ when they stand alone, are not very conspicuous ; but very many 
| capitula, often more than one hundred, are united in a corymbose 
inflorescence, which is not only very conspicuous but permits still 
' more extensive cross-fertilisation to be effected at once by an 

_ 226. AcHILLEA Prarmica, L., is distinguished from A. Mille- 
folium by the much greater size of its separate capitula, which are, 
however, associated in much less numbers in an inflorescence. About 
eighty to over one hundred florets, each scarcely 2} mm. long, are 
- united in a disk 6 to 7mm. in diameter, at whose edge eight to 
_ twelve marginal florets stand. Each of these latter possess an 
' outer lobe 4 to 6mm. long and not quite so broad, whereby the 
_ diameter of the attractive surface of each capitulum is increased to 
_ 15 oreven 18 mm. In other points the flowers agree with those of 
A, Millefolium. Both plants grow in equal abundance in the same 
localities, they flower at the same time, and are visited to the same 
extent by the same insects. In both, but especially in A. Mille- 
 folium, the strong odour of the plants is probably a great additional 
_ attraction ; for species of Prosopis, which are especially fond of 


strong-smelling flowers, are often found in great numbers on both 
plants, particularly on A. Millefolium. 

The following list of insects, which I have observed on the 
flowers of these two species, shows how successfully the attractive 
contrivances described and the easily accessible pollen and honey 
effect their purpose :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Prosopis variegata, F. 2? ¢, very ab. ; 
(2) P. pictipes, Nyl. 2 ¢, both species s., and gathering pollen with their 
mouths ; (3) Sphecodes gibbus, L., all varieties, including ephippia, L., 2 ¢, 8., 

ab. ; (4). Halictus cylindricus, F, 9 g,¢p.ands.; (5) H. maculatus, Snijacp. : 
(6) H. leucozonius, K. 2, ¢.p.; (7) H. morio, F. 9, ¢p.; (8) H. villosulus, 

Wh ee eo rohicandce Chr. ¢,s.; (10) H. quadricinctus, F. ¢, s.; 

(11) Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9 ¢, ¢.p.. ands. ab.; (12) A. pilipes, F. ¢,s.; 
(13) A. dorsata, K. 9 g,¢.p. and s., ab.; (14) A. chrysosceles, K. $; (15) A. 
fuscipes, K. ¢; (16) A. nana, K. ¢,s.; (17) A. argentata, Sm. ¢,s.; (18) A 
albicans, K. ¢,s.; (19) A. lepida, Schenck, ¢,s.; (20) A. nigripes, K. 2,5. ; 
(21) A. denticulata, K. ¢,s.; (22) Colletes fodiens, K. 2? ¢,c.p., fp. and s., 

very ab.; (23) C. Davieseana, K. 9 @, still more ab.; (24) Nomada zonata, 

Pz. 9, s.; (25) N. ruficornis, L. 9,8. ; (26) Stelis breviuscula, Nyl. 9, s.; 
(27) Heriades truncorum, L. 9 ¢, cp. and s.; (28) Chelostoma nigricorne, 
Nyl. g,8.; (29) Osmia spinulosa, K. 9, c.p.; (30) O. leucomelena, K. 2, 
c.p.; (b) Sphegide: (31) Crabro alatus, Pz., Lep. 2 g, ab. ; (82) Cr. subter- 
raneus, F. ¢ ; (33) Lindenius albilabris, F., freq. ; (84) Oxybelus bellus, Dib. ; 
(35) O. trispinosus, F.; (36) O. unigluinis, L., Dlb., all three ab. ; (37) Philan- 
thus triangulum, F. ? ¢, freq.; (388) Cerceris arenaria, L. (v. d. L.), not rare; 
(39) C. labiata, F., ab.; (40) C. variabilis, Schrk., very ab.; (41) Dinetus 
pictus, F.; (42) Ammophila sabulosa, L. ; (48) Pompilus trivialis, Kl. ¢; (44) 
P. chalybeeatus, Schiddte, 9; (45) P. plumbeus, Dhlb. 2 ¢, (46) P. rufipes, 
L. 2 6; (47) P. viaticus, L. ¢; (48) Ceropales maculata, F., freq. ; (c) Vespide: 

(49) Odynerus sinuatus, F. ? ; (50) O. parietum, L. ¢; (51) Pterocheilus — 

phaleratus, Latr. 9; (d) Chryside : (52) Hedychrum lucidulum, Latr., Dhib, 
2.4, freq. ; (e€) Tenthredinide : (53) Tenthredo notha, K1., s., very freq. ; (54) 
Tenthredo scrophularie, L.; (55) Several undetermined sp. of Tenthredo. B. 
Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (56) Odontomyia viridula, F., ab. ; (6) Tabanide : 
(57) Tabanus rusticus, L., freq. ; (c) Bombylide: (58) Exoprosopa capucina, 
F., freq. ; (d) Empide: (59) Empis livida, L., ab.; (e) Syrphide : (60) Meli- 

poigtig scriptus, L.; (61) M. teeniatus, Men. ; (62) Volucella bombylans, L. ; 

ve . pellucens, L. (Almethal) ; (64) Eristalis sepulcralis, L. ; (65) E. tenax, 
L.; (66) E. arbustorum, L. ; (67) E. nemorum, L., all four ab., both s. and f.p., 
usually covered below with pollen ; (68) Syritta pipiens, L., s. and f.p., ab. ; 
(69) Eumerus sabulonum, Fall.; (f) Conopide: (70) Osriops flavipes, Li 
(71) Physocephala vittata, F., both freq., s. ; (g) Muscide: (72) Gymnosoma 

rotundata, Pz. ; (73) ee cylindrica, F.; (74) Echinomyia ferox, Pz., — 

freq. ; (75) E, tesselata, F. ; 4 Gonia capitata, Fallen, C. Lepidoptera—(qa) 

Rhopalocera: (77) Pierisnapi, L.; (78) age igr silvanus, Esp.; (79) Satyrus 
pamphilus, L. ; (80) Polyommatus Phileas, L.; (81) Lycena Egon, S. V.; (8) 

Crambina : (82) Botys purpuralis, L., alls. D, Coleoptera—(a) Buprestide : 
(83) Anthaxia nitidula, L, (Thur.) ; (6) Cerambycide : (84) Leptura testacea, 

- al 


_L.; (85) L. livida, F., both f.p.; (e) Coccinellide : (86) Exochomus auritus, 

Scriba, ab. ; (d) Chrysomelide : (87) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L., feeding on 
_ the tissues of the flower. Forty-three additional visitors (including fifteen 
_ beetles) are enumerated in No. 590, 11. See also No. 609. 

Hq 227. ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS, L.—The structure of the flower is 
similar to that of Chrysanthemum lewcanthemum and Matricaria 
~Chamomiilla ; in regard to conspicuousness and amount of insect- 
visits it stands between the other two. Each capitulum forms 
_ a white circle 21 to 27 mm. in diameter, with a central yellow 
disk 5 to 7 mm. in diameter. Since the plant does not possess 
the strong odour of MZ. Chamomvilla it is visited by numerous bees. 
| Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L.$,s.; (2) An- 
drena Schrankella, Nyl. 9, ¢.p. and s.; (3) A. nigrownea, K. 9, c¢.p. and s. ; 
_ (4) A. fulvierus, K. 9, cp. and s.; (5) A. nana, K. ?,s.; (6) A. minutula, 
_K. ¢; (7) Halictus lucidulus, Schenck, 2; (8) H. nitidiusculus, K. ? ; (9) 
_ Colletes Davieseana, K. 9 g, cp. and s, ab.; (b) Sphegide: (10) Cerceris 
' variabilis, Schrk. ¢; (11) Crabro cribrarius, L., Dib. 2; (12) Cr. alatus, Pz. 
623 (¢) Tenthredinide : (13) Tenthredo notha, Kl. B. Diptera—(a) Stra- 
_ tiomyide : (14) Nemotelus pantherinus, L., very ab. ; (b) Syrphide-: (15) Eri- 
’ stalis arbustorum, L.; (16) E. nemorum, L.; (17) E. tenax, L.; (18) E 
sepulcralis, L., all four fp., ab. ; (19) Syritta pipiens, L.; (c) Muscide : (20) 
Echinomyia Gecnelata F.; (21) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (22) Sc. mae 
f., all three fp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Elateridew : (23) Athous niger, L. ; (d) 
reulionide : (24) Bruchus sp.; (¢) Cerambycide : (25) Leptura livida, L. 

228. ANTHEMIS TINCTORIA, L. (Thuringia, July, 1868 and 
| 1870) :— 

Visitors ; A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apid@: (1) Colletes marginata, L. ¢, s. ; 
' (2) Halictus maculatus, Sm. 9, ¢.p.; (3) Heriades truncorum, L. ?,s. and 
| e.p.; (b) Ichneumonide: (4) Various sp. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (5) 
 Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (6) Syritta pipiens, L.; (7) Melithreptus teeniatus, 
~ Mgn., all three fip.; (b) Conopidw: (8) Myopa sp., s.; (c) Muscide: (9) 
_ Gymnosoma rotundata, L. ; (10) Ulidia erythrophthalma, Mgn., in hundreds. 
| D. Coleoptera—(a) Elateride ; (11) Agriotes gallicus, Lap. ; (b) Mordellide : 

| (12) Mordella fasciata, F, Delpino mentions as a visitor of this plant Lomatia 
_ Beelzebub, F. (Diptera, Bombylide). (No. 178, p. 121.) The flowers are 
‘described and additional visitors are enumerated in No. 590. 

__—- 229. CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM, L. (Fig. 112, 6—8). 
Four to five hundred florets, in which the corolla is scarcely 3 mm. 
_ long, unite to form a yellow disk 12 to 15 mm. in diameter; 
at its edge are twenty to twenty-five florets with abortive 
stamens, each of which has a white external lobe, 14 to 18 mm. 
“cng, 3 to 6 mm. broad, so that the yellow disk is surrounded by a 

white border as broad as or broader than itself, and the whole attrac- 
| tive surface now has a diameter of 40 or more millimetres, In the 

*, alll 



florets of the disk, the throat, into which the honey rises, is s 
1 mm. deep, so that the honey is accessible to the most shores 
lipped insects. In the first stage (Fig. 112, 6), the pollen, and in 
the second (Fig. 112, 7), the stigmas, stand immediately above the 
corolla; insects moving over the capitulum must cross-fertilise many 
florets simultaneously. The branches of the style end in a thick 
tuft of divergent hairs (/, 8), which sweep the pollen out of the 
anther-cylinder (p, 6) as the style elongates. The inner surface of 
each division of the style bears two broad rows (k’, 8) of sigue 
papille, separated by a narrow interval; these stigmatic papil ee 
extend over the outer edges, and are there regularly dusted hb 
pollen if the pollen Has has got heaped above the anthers 
cylinder by the protruding style is not removed by insects. Self- 
fertilisation is as inevitable in absence of insects as cross-fertilisation 
is when their visits occur. The stigmatic surfaces in the margir -. 
florets are just as in the florets of the disk ; but the now functionles 
sweeping-bairs are distinctly shorter in the marginal florets. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Prosopis communis, N. $i 
(2) Sphecodes gibbus, L. @ ¢, all varieties, including ephippia, L.; (8) H 
lictus maculatus, Sm. 2 g,¢.p. and s., freq. ; (4) H. leucozonius, Schr. 2, Pe : 
(5) H. albipes, F. ¢,s.; (6) H. eylindetan F. 2 g,¢.p. and s., very ab. ; A 
H. villosulus, K. 2 g, cp. ands.; (8) H. rubicundus, Chr. 9, e.p. ; (9) An 
drena xanthura, K. 9, s.; (10) A. nigrownea, K. 2, ep.; (11) Colletes 
Davieseana, K. 2 ¢,¢.p. and s., very ab. ; (12) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, 8.5 
once. (Here also Delpino’s distinction between Composite adapted for Ha- 
lictus and those adapted for bees with abdominal brushes falls to the ground, 
for though the flat disk of Chrysanthemum leucanthemum must, according to 
Delpino, be fertilised mainly or exclusively by bees with abdominal ite 
found no such bees on it, but many specimens of Halictus, Andrena, 2 
Colletes). (b) Sphegide : (13) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk. ; (14) Crabro cepha: 
lotes, Shuck. 9; (15) Cr. cribrarius, L., oe 6, freq.; (16) Oxybelus 
uniglumis, L., Dlb., ab.; (17) O. tridpinosam F .3 (ce) Ichneumonide : (18) 
Various sp. ; (d) Tenthr edinide : (19) Tenthredo (Allantus) notha, K1., s. ; (20) 
T. scrophularie, L. ; (21) Several undetermined sp. of Tenthredo ; (22) Cim 
bex sericea, L. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (23) Empis rustica, ee (b) Stra- 
tiomyide : (24) Nemotelus pantherinus, L., exceedingly abundant, sucking ; 
(25) Odontomyia viridula, F., very ab., s.; (c) Bombylide: (26) Systechus 
sulfureus, Mikan, s. (Sld.) ; (d) Sirpbhdle (27) Pipiza lugubris, F. ; be 
Cheilosia fraterna, Mgn.; (29) Syrphus nitidicollis, Mgn., fp. ; (30) Meli 
threptus teeniatus, Mgn., f.p.; (31) Volucella pellucens, L. (Sld.) ; ‘(32) Syritta — 
pipiens, L., s. ; (33) Eristalis Bp neta . 3 (84) E. horticola, Deg. (Sld.) 
(35) E. semdobum, 2 .; (86) E. sepuleralis, L. ; (87) E. eeneus, Scop., all five 
species very ab., f.p. ; (88) Helophilus floreus, L., fp. ; (89) H. pendulus, Le 
(e) Conopide : (40) Conops flavipes, L., s. ; (41) Sicus ferrugineus, L., 8.3; (F7 ) 
Muscidae : (42) Echinomyia tesselata, FE. ; (48) Pollenia Vespillo, F., fp. a 
8. 5 (44) Lucilia cornicina; F: ; (45)-L. silvarum, Mgn. ; (46) Pyrellia eT 

| Lett. ; (47) Musca corvina, F. ; (48) Scatophaga stercoraria, L., s.; (49) Mac- 
 quartia preefica, Zett. ; (50) Sepsis sp.,s. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : 
(51) Melitaa Athalia, Esp. ; (52) Hesperia alveolus, H. ; (53) Satyrus Janira, 
—L.; (0) Sphinges: (54) Ino statices, L., freq. ; (c) Noctue: (55) Anarta 
myrtilli, L., alls. D. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (56) Meligethes, very ab. ; 
(bd) Dermestide: (57) Anthrenus pimpinelle, F., f.p.; (¢) Elateride: (58) 
_Athous niger, L.; (d) Lamellicornia: (59) Cetonia aurata, L. (Sld.) ; (60) 
_ Trichius fasciatus, L., ab, ; (61) Tr. nobilis, L.; (e) Malacodermata: (62) 
Malachius eneus, L. ; (63) Dasytes flavipes, F. ; (64) Trichodes apiarius, L. ; 
_(f) Mordellide : (65) Mordella aculeata, L., ab. ; (66) M. fasciata, F.; (g) 
| Cerambycide : (67) Strangalia attenuata, L. ; (68) St. armata, Hbst. ; (69) St. 
atra, F.; (70) St. melanura, L., ab. ; (71) Leptura livida, F., very freq. ; (72) 
 Pachyta octomaculata, F. (Sld. Siebengebirge). See also No. 590, m1., and 
No. 609. 

i Altogether I have observed on C. leucanthemum— 


LY Other | 

& Lepido- Coleo- Hemi- 

i? Apide. | Hymeno- Diptera. | Total. 
i P aba 4 | P | ptera, ptera. “t 

. | 

| In Low Germany| 14 11 8 | 30 | 21 — 84 

(| On the Alps... 5 2 34 | 20 | 6 1 68 

In each 100 insect-visitors there are therefore— 

. Other ; 
Lepido- Coleo- He 
Apide. cee. ae eh Diptera. ptera. wria Total. 
| In Low Germany} 16°6 131 9°5 35°7 25°0 ~ 99°9 
\Onthe Alps ..| 74 | 29 | 50:0 | 294 | 88 | 1-4 | 99°9 

_ _- 230. CHRYSANTHEMUM INODORUM, L.—The only visitors that I 
have noticed are Hedychrum lucidulum, Dhlb. 3 (Chryside), and 

| Ulidia erythrophthalma, Men. (Muscide). 

231. CHRYSANTHEMUM CoRYMBOSUM, L.—(Thuringia) :— 

____ Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Sphegide : (1) Cerceris variabilis, Schrk. 9. 

B. Diptera—Muscide: (2) Ulidia erythrophthalma, Mgn. C. Hemiptera— 
(8) Capsus sp., s. Additional visitors (nine Coleoptera, four Diptera, one 
_ Hemiptera, five Hymenoptera, three Lepidoptera) are enumerated in No. 

590, 111. 




Visitors : Lepidoptera—Sphinges : Sesia tipuliformis, L., s., also Halie u S 
and Foenus (No. 590, III.). - 

233. MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA, L.—The general structure < s 
the flower agrees with that of C. lewcanthemum, but the receptz 
of the capitalum is always more convex in this plant. d 

As the centripetal development of the florets proceeds, the 
receptacle rises up into a cylinder, rounded off above. Those 
florets which have ceased blooming always occupy the outer he . 
around the cylinder, those that are still in the bud cocupy 
rounded apex, those that are in full bloom occupy the space betwee 
on which insects alight. The result of this peculiarity is that inse 
always come at once to the right spot for obtaining their hooky a 
for fertilising the flowers. 

In regard to conspicuousness, WV. Chamomilla is far inferior to 
C. leucanthemum ; for each capitulum forms a white circle 18 © 
24 mm. in diameter against 40 mm. or more in C. Jeucanthenll 
with a yellow central disk 6 to 8 mm. in diameter against 12 to 15 mm n. 
in the other. Accordingly its insect-visitors are far less numerous 
and less varied. The strong odour which the capitula emit seems 
disagreeable to most bees; only the species of Prosopis, which are 
themselves strong-smelling, are fond of the plant, as they are also 
of Ruta graveolens, etc. The odour seems pleasant, on the o ner 
hand, to flies; they are found abundantly on the capitula, anc 
constitute the chief fertilisers of the plant. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Prosopis signata, Py, 39 
ab. ; (2) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9 ¢; (b) Sphegide : (8) Oxybelus uniglun nis, 
L., ab. B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (4) Nemotelus pantherinus, L., very 
PM . 8.3 (b) Empide: (5) Empis livida, L., ab., s.; (c) Syrphide: (6) E 
stalis arbustorum, L. ; (7) E. nemorum, L. ; (8) E. sepulcralis, L., ee ay me 
very ab., fp. ; (9) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab., f-p.; (d) Muscide : (10) § 
phaga carnaria, L., ab. ; (11) S. haemarthoo, Mon. ; (12) Pollenia Ves 
F., all three f.p. ; (18) Lucilia cornicina, F. ; (14) Spilogaster nigrita, Fa 
G, Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide: (15) Meligethes, ab.; (6) Cerambycie 
(16) Leptura livida, L.; (17) Strangalia attenuata, L., both not rare. See 
also No. 590, MII. | + 

234, TANACETUM VULGARE, L.—Several hundred florets are 
united in a flat discoid capitulum, to which radiating margina 
florets would be of no use, since numerous capitula stand clo se 
together almost forming a single surface. The union of capitula 



to form one golden-yellow surface is not only of advantage to 
this plant by increasing its conspicuousness and thereby attracting 
‘more insects, but also, as in Achillea, because the insects easily 
pass without interruption over the whole surface and _ cross- 
fertilise very many florets with their feet in the shortest possible 
time. It is of especial advantage to pollen-collecting bees and 
pollen-feeding flies, letting them perform their work in the quickest 
and most convenient manner; and this advantage to the insects 
“reacts: upon the plant itself, since these pollen-seeking insects 
naturally prefer those flowers which offer them such perceptible 
/advantages. The honey is generally accessible, since the throat of 
the corolla is only 1 mm. deep. The condition of the style aids in 
the simultaneous fertilisation of many florets by a single visitor. 
It bears at its apex a capitate tuft of divergent hairs, and in the 
first stage of the flower it presses the pollen out of the anther- 
cylinder, raising it just so high that it can be swept off the surface 
of the capitulum by the insects ; afterwards in the second stage, it 
sprea(s out its two branches, set with stigmatic papille on their 
‘inner surfaces, in the same place that the pollen occupied before. 

EF - Visitors: A, Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s.; (2) 
‘Colletes fodiens, K. ¢ 2,8. and c.p., very ab. ; (8) C. Davieseana, K. ¢ 9,8. 
and c.p., still more ab. ; (4) Halictus maculatus, Sm. g @, s. and c.p. very ab. ; 
) Andrena fulvicrus, K. ¢,s.; (6) A. denticulata, K. 9, c¢.p.; (7) Sphecodes 
gibbus, L. ¢ 9, several varieties, including ephippia, L., s., and receiving some 
| pollen upon their hairs; (6) Sphegide: (8) Dinetus pictus, F. 9 ¢, freq. ; 
' (9) Mellinus arvensis, L.; (10) Crabro sp.; (c) Vespidw: (11) Odynerus 
peta, L. ¢. B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (12) Odontomyia viridula, 

. ab, ; (6) Syrphide : (13) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (14) E. nemorum, L. ; 
5) Syrphus ribesii, L., all three f-p., ab. ; (16) Syritta pipiens, L., s. and f.p., 
"very freq. ; (17) Malithrontrs teeniatus, Mgn., f.p.; (c) Muscide: (18) Sar- 
| cophaga carnaria, L. C. Lepidoptera--(a) PRhopalosara’s (19) Polyommatus 
' Phiceas, L. (as late as Oct. 19) ; (20) P. dorilis, Hfn. ; (21) Vanessa Atalanta, 
| L. (as late as Sept. 27) ; (b) Noctuew : (22) Hadena didyma, Esp. g, s., by day ; 
(c) Crambina : (23) ye hte dete alls. D. Coleoptera—Cocc iethiilie’ (24) 
' Coccinella bipunctata, L. ; (25) C. quinquepunctata, L.  E. Hemiptera— (26) 
Several species of bugs. E, Neuroptera—(27) Panorpa communis, L., freq. 
See also No. 590, mI. 

235, ARTEMISIA Dractuncutus, L., is anemophilous, but Herr 
| Borgstette has seen it visited by Melanostoma mellina (Syrphide). 


Tribe Senecionidee. 

7 236. TussILaAco FARFARA, L—In centre of each capitulum are 
thirty to forty male florets, around which stand about three hundred 


female florets. At night and in dull weather the capitulum closes up, 
but in sunshine it expands to a golden-yellow disk 20 to 25 mm. in 
diameter. The central florets have an ovary with an abortive ovule ; 
around the base of the style is a yellow, fleshy nectary, which is 
visible through the base of the white tube of the corolla, which is 
4mm. long. The honey rises into the dark-yellow, conical throat, 
which is more than 1 mm. long; from this throat the anther- 
cylinder protrudes. The branches of the style remain hea 
almost to the tip, and are covered above and on their outer eee 3 
with short sweeping-hairs. The marginal florets have a perfect C 
ovule, a tube 3 mm. long, devoid of honey, and a narrow linez 
outer lobe 6 to 8 mm. long. The style projects 2 to 3 mm. beyon F 
the tube of the corolla, and divides into two branches not half a 
millimetre long, furnished on their inner surfaces with stigmatic 
papillae and on their outer surfaces and at their tips with 
sweeping-hairs which are no longer of use to them. Thus division 
of labour has here taken place: the marginal florets make the 
capitulum conspicuous and produce seed, while the central florets 
secrete honey and produce pollen. The stigmas in the marginal 
florets are distinctly developed before the pollen emerges at the 
top of the anther-cylinder ; so that if sufficient insect-visits occur, . 
cross-fertilisation of separate capitula always takes place. In 
absence of insects self-fertilisation is obviously impossible. 

‘Visitors (April 11, 1869, Stromberg Hill): A. Hymenoptera—A pide: 
(1) Apis mellifica, L. §, in hundreds, s, and c.p.; (2) Andrena fulvicrus, 
K. 2, do.; (3) A. Gwynana, K. 9, s. and e.p., freq.; (4) A. parvula, K. 
2, do.; (5) Halictus nitidus, Schenck, 2?,¢p. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide 
(6) Bombylius major, L., s.; (b) Syrphide: (7) Eristalis tenax, L., fp. U 
Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (8) Meligethes, f.p., freq. A list of Alpine visitor: 
(twenty-one flies, three bees, one ant, two Lepidoptera) is given in m 
Alpenblumen (609). ; 

Petasites albus, Girtn., is dicecious, and, as is usual in dicecious 
plants, the male capitula are the more conspicuous. In the femal 
capitula there are two kinds of florets. In the centre are some whose — 
only function is to produce honey, but which possess functionless — 
stamens and pistil ; and around these stand a much larger number 
of female florets, which produce no honey and possess no stame ns 
The male capitula may consist of florets of one kind only; thes 
secrete honey and possess a style, whose branches sweep out the 
pollen from the anther-cylinder by means of hairs in the ordinar 
way but are not provided with stigmatic papille. But the male 
capitula, as often as not, contain some small fwnetionless florets 


also; these occupy the same position in the male capitulum as 
the sexual florets in the female, and they resemble the latter in 
the complete absence of a nectary and of stamens, in the possession 
of a style, and in the very narrow tubular corolla. They are 
obviously degenerate female florets, which occupy in reduced 
numbers and in a functionless condition the place that in the primi- 
tively hermaphrodite or gynomoncecious capitulum was occupied by 
functional female florets (609). 

_ Homogyne alpina, Cass., is gynomoneecious. The marginal 
female florets secrete no honey and have lost all traces of stamens, 
-and their corolla is reduced to a short and narrow tube with a 
more or less insignificant remnant of a ligulate limb. I have 
seen the plant visited by five Diptera, one humble-bee, and 
twenty-eight Lepidoptera (609). 

237. ARNICA MONTANA, L. (Sld.) :— 

_ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and 
¢.p., ab. ; (2) Bombus pratorum, L. $, 8. ; (3) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9,c.p. 
B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: (4) Anthrax hottentotta, L. ; (b) Empide : (5) 
Empis tesselata, F., s., ab. ; (c) Syrphide: (6) Eristalis horticola, Mgn. ; (7) 
E, arbustorum, L. ; (8) E. nemorum, L., all three very ab., 8. ; (9) Syrphus 
‘Tibesii, L., ab.; (10) S. umbellatarum, Mgn. ; (11) Volucella bombylans, 
I, te (12) V. pellucens, L., all s. and fp. (d) Conopide: (13) Sicus 
ferrugineus, L.,s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (14) Argynnis Aglaia, L. 
(15) Vanessa urtice, L.; (16) Vanessa Io, L., all threes, D. Coleoptera—(a, 
| Lamellicornia: (17) Trichius fasciatus, L. ; (b) Chrysomelide : (18) Crypto- 
cephalus sericeus, L. 

i The structure of the flower is described in my Alpenblumen. 
On the Alps I have found it visited by three beetles, seven flies, 
‘four humble-bees, and thirty-four Lepidoptera. 

238. SENECIO JACOBHA, L.—Sixty to eighty florets, each con- 
‘sisting of a tube 2} to 3 mm. long and a throat equally long, are 
‘united into a disk 7 to 10 mm. in diameter; twelve to fifteen 
radiating marginal florets increase this diameter threefold. The 
‘style has the same characters as in Tanacetum. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, s. and 
ep. ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. § ¢, ep. ands. ; (8) B. pratorum, L. § ¢, 
ep. and s.; (4) B. campestris, Pz. ¢,s.; (5) Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9, cp. 
(6) A. denticulata, K. 9, ¢.p. ; (7) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (8) H. albipes, 
'F. ¢; (9) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢; (10) H. nitidus, Schenck, @, all s. ; (11) 
/Nomada varia, Pz. 9, very freq. ; (12) N. zonata, Pz. 2; (13) N. fulva, Pz. 
9; (14) N. ferruginata, K. 9, all s.; (15) Osmia spinulosa, K. 2, ep. 



(Thuringia) ; (16) Heriades truncorum, L. 9 d,s. ande.p. (b) Tenthredinide : 
(17) Tarpa cephalotes, F. (Thur.) B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : (18) Odonto- 
myia viridula, F., s. ont f.p., very ab. ; (0) met ee (19) Eristalis tenax, L.; 
(20) E. nemorum, L.; (21) E. arbustorum, L . 3 (22) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (23) 
E. eneus, Scop. ; (24) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (25) Ascia podagrica, F., all very 
ab., both s. and f.p.; (26) Cheilosia soror, Zett.; (27) Ch. preecox, Zett. 
(Teklenburg, Borgst.), freq. ; (¢) Empide: (28) Empis fee L., very a.b., 8. 5 
(d) Muscide: (29) Lucilia sp. ; (30) Pollenia rudis, F. ; (31) Aricia incana, 
Wiedem. ; (32) Onesia floralis, R. D. ; (88) O. sepulemlis, Mgn. ; (34) Oliviera 
lateralis, Pz., very freq. ; (e) Mycetophilide : (35) Sciara Thome, L. C. Lepi- 
doptera—(a) - iepigroe : (36) Polyommatus Phloas, L.; (37) Saty ag 
hyperanthus, L. ; (b) Sphinges : (38) Sesia asiliformis, Rott. (Thur.), all s. 
D. Coleoptera : (39) Cidemera virescens, L., fp. E. Hemiptera—(40) Co 
sp. See also No. 590, Itt. 

239. SENECIO VULGARIS, L.—Sixty to eighty florets unite to 
form a capitulum. In each the tube is 3} to 4 mm. long, the 
throat, to whose base the honey rises, is only 1 to 14 mm, long; 
the honey is therefore very easily accessible. But since the 
capitula have no marginal florets with long outer lobes, and are 
scarcely 4 mm. in dines they are very inconspicuous and ¢ 
very sparingly visited by insects. 

In the course of fifteen years I have only seen the plant 
visited by one drone- Ay, Syritta pipiens, s. and c.p. freq., and by 
Pyrocoris aptera, L., s.; Dr. Buddeberg found two bees, seo 
morio, F. 2, ¢.p., and Horindis truncorum, L. d,s. 

On the other hand, self-fertilisation takes place regularly. The 
pollen-grains, swept out by the hairs at the tip of the style, remain 
partly on the edge of the stigmas and partly fall upon their mner 
surfaces when they separate. It is certain that this self-fertilisation 
is effectual, for the plant is fully productive even in periods of bad 
weather, when it is assuredly not visited by insects. - 

Tribe Cynaroidee. 

240, ECHINOPS SPHAROCEPHALUS, L.—The corolla is 5 to 6 mm, 
long and almost filled up by the style; it is cleft nearly to the 
base into five linear lobes, and the honey is therefore accessible 
to very short-lipped insects. The stigmas are not only surroondell | 
by a ring of long hairs at their base, but are covered with short 
hairs on the whole of their outer surfaces. As the style emerges 
from the anther-cylinder it sweeps the greater part of the pollen 
before it but remains dusted with a small part. After emerging, 
its two branches (stigmas) remain still for some time folded together, 
so that the insect-visitors may remove the pollen adhering to their — 


outer surfaces ; finally they separate and display their inner sur- 
- faces (which are smooth, but capable of fecundation) to the touch 
of visitors. Self-fertilisation cannot occur. 

Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. % ; (2) B. silvarum, 
_L. %; (3) B. muscorum, F. § ¢; (4) Halictus quadricinctus, F. 9 ¢; (5) 
_ H. rubicundus, Chr. ¢, all s. ; (b) Vespide: (6) Polistes gallica, L., and var. 
_ diadema, ab., s. See also No. 590, 111. 

_ Fig. 118.—Echinops spherocephalus, L. 

1.—Flower, at close of the first (male) stage. 

2.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 

3.—Section of style and corolla-tube around it. 

a, filaments ; b, anthers; c, brush on style; d, stigma; e, nectary. 

_ chinops Ritro, L., was found by Delpino to be visited by a 
- sand-wasp, Scolia bicincta (178). 

«241, CARLINA ACAULIS, L.—In this plant the involucral bracts 
play a more important part than usual. The outer ones are armed 
with such strong spines that, in connection with the spiny leaves, they 
form a strong safeguard against any attempt to devour the plant. 
The inner ones help to thake the flower conspicuous by day, and 
t night and in rainy weather close in over the flower to protect it 
from wet. and cqld (609). 

The opening and closing of the capitulum in Carlina and other 


| = 
| ee 


Cynaree 1 is brought about, according to Rathay,! by loss and gain 
of fluid in a layer of sclerenchyma in the involucral bracts. — : 

Visitors in Low Germany: A. ye : (1) Bombus 
lapidarius, L. ¢; (2) B. confusus, Schenck, ¢; (3) B. silvarum, L. go; (4) 
B. agrorum, F. ¢; (5) B. muscorum, F. 6; (6) B. terrestris, L. ¢; (7) 
B. rupestris, L. ¢,all very-freq., s., sometimes spending the night in the thistle- 
heads ; various males of Halictus, the most frequent being (8) H. cylindricus, 
F.g5 ‘and (9) H. quadricinctus, F. ¢. B. Coleoptera—Curculionide : (10) 
Larinus senilis, F. For og visitors, see No. 609. 

242, PiSesik VULGARIS, L. (Thuringia, end of August and 
beginning of September 1869) :— 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera-——(a) Apide : (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. ¢ ; (2) 
B. terrestris, L. ¢; (3) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢, very freq. ; (4) H. pe 
cinctus, F. ¢; (5) Megachile cireumcincta, K. 9; (6) M. lagopoda, K. g, 
(only once !) ; (7) Celioxys quadridentata, L. 9; (8) C. acuminata, Nyl. 2; 
(b) Sphegide: (9) Ceropales maculata, F. 9, all sucking. See also No. 
590, IIL. | 

243, Arctium (LAppA) Minus, D.C.—The throat of the corolla 
is 3 mm. long, with erect, triangular teeth only 1 mm. long; it 
becomes filled with honey often more than half way up. The — 
branches of the style, which are little over 1 mm. long, are covered 
over the whole inner surface with colourless stigmatic papille, and 
on the violet outer surface with short, sharp hairs, directed obliquely 
upwards ; these hairs are continued a short distance below the — 
bifurcation of the style and terminate in a ring of longer hairs — 
(cf. Hild. 357, p. 45, pl. v., fig. 32). The style emerges from the — 
anther-cylinder as far as a point 1 to 2 mm. below the ring of — 
longer hairs, and spreads its two stigmatic branches widely apa 
Self-fertilisation can scarcely occur. 

Visitors : (1) Bombus agrorum, L. §, s. ; (2) Halictus longulus, Sm. oe 
See also No. 590, 111. 

244, ArctTiuM (LAPPA) TOMENTOSUM, Lam. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $ , very ab., s. and 
c.p.; (2) Bombus agrorum, F.§ ¢,s.; (3) B. campestris, Pz. ¢,s. ; (4) B. silvarum, 
L. 9,8. ; (5) Megachile centuncularis, L. 9,8. B. Lepidoptera—Noctue : 
Plusia gamma, L., s., ab. 

_ 245, CARDUUS CRISPUS, L.—The expanded throat of the corolla 
is 24 to 3 mm. long, and the linear, very slightly divergent segments: 

* Siteungsber. der Akad, der Wissenschaft, Berlin, vol, 1xxxiii. May, 1881. 


are 4to 54} mm. long. About thirty-five to seventy-eight florets 
unite in a capitulum, which inferiorly is scarcely 10 mm. in 
diameter. The tubes of the florets point outwards more and more 
the nearer they stand to the edge, and the whole capitulum when 
seen from above appears as a red surface 25 to 30 mm. in diameter. 
- It is also conspicuous when seen from the side. Otherwise the 
structure of the flowers agrees with that of Cnicus arvensis ; but 
_ the list of insect-visitors is limited by the greater depth of the 
_ throat of the corolla. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus agrorum, F. &% 2, s. ; 
_ (2) B. lapidarius, L. § g,8., both ab. (the males as late as October 2) ; (3) 
' Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢,s.; (4) Osmia fulviventris, Pz. ?, cp. ; (5) Stelis 

_ aterrima, Pz. 2,8. B. Diptera—Syrphide ; (6) Eristalis tenax, L., s. and f.p., ab. 
_ ©. Lepidoptera—(7) Pieris napi, L., s. ; (8) P. rape, L. See also No. 590, 11. 

246, CARDUUS ACANTHOIDES, L.—The capitulum is even more 
conspicuous than in C. crispus, since the narrow segments of the 
- corolla are 7 to 8 mm. long (instead of 4 to 53). ‘The honey is 
more easily accessible, for the throat of the corolla is wider than in 
C. crispus and only 2 mm. long (instead of 23 to 3). Moreover 
C. acanthoides (at Miihlberg, in Thuringia) grows associated in 
much greater numbers than C. crispus (at Lippstadt). These three 
circumstances account for the very much greater number and 
variety of insect-visitors in the case of CO. acanthoides, whose flower 
_ has otherwise the same structure as that of C. crispus. 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. § ; (2) B. silva- 
rum, L. § 2; (3) B. muscorum, F. §; (4) B. pratorum, L. ¢; (5) Dasypoda 
_hirtipes, F. 9; (6) Cilissa tricincta, K. (leporina, Pz.), 2; (7) Halictus inter- 
' ruptus, Pz. ¢; (8) H. nitidiusculus, K. ¢ 9; (9) H. albipes, F. ¢, ab. ; (10) 
| # quadricinctus, F. ¢ 9, very ab.; (11) H. rubicundus, Chr. ¢ 9, freq. ; 
| e.?) H. longulus,Sm. ¢ 2; (13) H. cylindricus, F. ¢; (14) H. quadrinotatus, 
. XK. dg, scarce; (15) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢ 9; (16) H. minutus, K. ¢; (17) 
_H. lucidulus, Schenck, ? ; (18) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 9, all (1—18) s., only; 
_ H. quadricinctus, , ¢.p. also ; (19) H. leucozonius, K. ¢ 9, s. and c.p. ; (20) 
Osmia spinulosa, K. ?, very ab., s. and c.p. ; (21) O. enea, L. g, 8. 3 (22) O. 
aurulenta, Pz. 9,s. and c.p.; (23) O. fulviventris, F. 9, s. and cp. ; (24) 
I Megachile lagopoda, K. 2 ¢,s. and c.p.; (25) M. centuncularis, L. ¢,s. ; (26) 
_ M. versicolor, Sm. 9, s. ; (27) Chelostoma campanularum, L. ? ¢, s.and cp. ; 
| (28) Heriades truncorum, L. ? ¢, 8. and ¢. p.; (29) Stelis pheoptera, K. 9, 
- not rare ; (30) St. aterrima, Pz. 9 ¢, freq. ; (31) St. breviuscula, Nyl. 9 ; (32) 
Prosopis punctulatissima, Sm. 9. By far the most important visitors are the. 
bees with abdominal collecting-brushes, I have found Osmia spinulosa on 

Carduus acanthoides in the same abundance, and working with the same dili- 
gence, as Megachile on Onopordon. (b) Vespide : (33) Cerceris variabilis, 
Schrk. 9,s. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (34) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. ; 

: : Z2 


(b) Conopide : (35) Conops scutellatus, Mgn. ; (36) Physocephala rufipes, F., — 
both s. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (37) Pieris brassice, L.; (38) 
Argynnis Aglaia, L. ; (b) Sphinges : (39) Zygena carniolica, Scop. ; (¢) Noctuee : 
(40) Plusia gamma, L., alls. D. Coleoptera—(a) Elateride : (41) Corymbites 
holosericeus, L. ; (b) Lamellicornia: (42) Trichius fasciatus, L. ; (¢) Cureu- 
lionide : (43) Larinus Jacee, F. ; (d) Chrysomelide : (44) Cryptocephalus seri- — 
ceus, L. See also No. 590, Il. 

247. CarDUUS NuUTANS, L. :— 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus hortorum, L. g; (2) B. 
pratorum, L. % ¢ ; (3) B. vestalis, Fourc. ¢ ; (4) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; 
(5) H. malachurus, K. 9, alls, B. Lepidoptera—Sphinges: (6) Zygena loni- 
cere, Esp. See also No. 590, III. 

Carduus defloratus, L.—I have seen this species visited by 103° 
species of insects, of which fifty-four were Lepidoptera, mostly” 
butterflies (609). 

248. Cnicus (CIRSIUM) ARVENSIS, L.—Somewhat over a 
hundred florets are united in one capitulum. The tube of each 
floret is 8 to 12 mm. long, the wider throat 1 to 13 mm. long, — 
and the five linear, slightly divergent segments are 4 to 5 mm. 
long. The capitulum is scarcely 8 mm. in diameter in its lower — 
bracteate portion, but when seen from above it forms a red surface — 
20 mm. or more in diameter. Since the honey rises up into the 
throats of the florets, numerous insects of various orders, attracted 
by the conspicuous capitula, are able to enjoy it. A proboscis 
need only be 1 to 1} mm. long to reach to the bottom of the — 
throat of a floret, so that the rich store of honey is accessible not 
only to bees and Lepidoptera, but also to wasps, flies, and beetlés, — 
which seek it diligently. In the first stage of the flower, a large 
quantity of pollen emerges at the upper end of the anther- 
cylinder, pressed up by the lengthening style. Owing to their 
slight stickiness and to the possession of sharp processes over — 
their whole surface (Fig. 114, 2, 3) the pollen-grains adhere easily 
to one another and to the hairs upon the insect. Gradually the _ 
style itself protrudes 2 to 2} mm. from the anther-cylinder. At — 
its end it divides into two branches nearly 2 mm. long, which are | 
thickly covered on their outer surface with small, sharp hairs 
(Fig. 114, 5, ¢). Immediately below the division of the style, 
this hairy surface ends in a ring of longer hairs (0). On emerging 
from the anther-cylinder the tip of the style is thickly covered all 
round with pollen; if sufficient insect-visits occur, (and in fine” 


| 4 
D f 


weather they never fail) the pollen is in a short time all removed. 
But if insects do not visit the flower until the stigmatic edges of 
the branches of the style have already bent outwards, then self- 

fertilisation is possible, since in this case the hairs of the style 
_ still remain covered with pollen. If insects do not visit the flower 
at all, some of the pollen-grains, which hang in little clumps 

Fie. 114,.—Cnicus arvensis, L. 

1.—Flower, in first stage ; pollen issuing from the anther-eylinder. 
2.—Pollen-grain (x 400). 
3.—Ditto, in optical section. 
4.—Flower, in second stage. The pollen has been removed by insects and only a few grains 
remain upon the style; the style projects far beyond the anther-eylinder, and its stigmatic branches 
are closely applied together. 
__ 5.—Upper part of style with its ring of long hairs (bb), and lower part of its two stigmatic 
¢ peeceee; the latter are covered outside with short hairs, and on the edges with stigmatic papille 

a ). 
_. 4, anther-cylinder; b, ring of long hairs; ¢, short hairs; d, stigmatic papil’e; e, pollen.~ 


to the hairs, may easily fall of themselves upon the stigmatic 
_ papillee. In fine weather, and in the open air, this can scarcely 
_ ever take place, for Cnicus arvensis is one of the most abundantly 
visited of all our native plants. ‘As the following list shows, very 
_ few insects resort to it for the sake of its pollen, but very many for 

its honey :— 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, in great 
abundance, some c.p., mostly sucking ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 9, s. ; (3) 
B. hortorum, L. ¢, s. ; (4) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 9 ¢, ep. ands., the g 
numerous ; (5) Cilissa leporina, Pz. ¢, s., freq. ; (6) Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9 ; 
(7) A. dorsata, K. 2 ¢, ab. ; (8) A. Gwynana, K. ? @, freq. ; (9) A. nana, K. 
& ; (10) A. pilipes, F. ¢ ; (11) A. vitrea, Sm. (= nitens, Schenck), ¢, Cassel ; 
(12) Halictus flavipes, F. 2 ; (13) H. longulus, Sm. ¢; (14) H. tarsatus, Schenck, 
2; (15) H. nitidiusculus, K. ¢; (16) H. minutus, K. 9 ; (17) H. maculatus, 
Sm. 9; (18) H. cylindricus, F.? ¢, very ab. ; (19) H. albipes, F. ¢ ; (20) 
H. rubicundus, Chr. ¢; all the species of Andrena and Halictus and all the 
following bees only suck honey ; (21) Nomada Solidaginis, Pz. 9 ¢ ; (22) N. 
Roberjeotiana, Pz. 9 ¢; (23) N. lineola, Pz. 2? ¢, ab.; (24) N. nigrita, 
Schenck, ¢; (25) N. Jacobeee, Pz. 9 ¢, ab. ; (26) Epeolus variegatus, L. 2 ¢, 

scarce ; (27) Sphecodes gibbus, L. 2 ¢, several varieties, including ephippia, 

L. ; (28) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9, ab. ; (29) P. confusa, Nyl. (hyalinata, 
_$m.),? ¢; (30) P. sinuata, Schenck, ¢ ; (31) P. variegata, F. 2 ¢, ab.; (32) 
Heriades truncorum, L. 2; (b) Sphegide: (33) Crabro cribrarius, L. 2 ; (34) 
Cr. alatus, Pz. 2 ¢, very ab.; (35) Lindenius albilabris, F. 9 ¢ ; (36) Oxybelus 

trispinosus, F. 2; (87) O. uniglumis, L. 9 ¢, ab.; (38) Cerceris arenaria, L. © 

2g, not rare; (39) C. nasuta, Kl. 9 ¢, ab. ; (40) C. variabilis, Schr. 9 ¢, 
very ab. ; (41) Philanthus triangulum, F. ¢ ¢, freq. ; (42) Bembex rostrata, 
L. 2 ; (43) Dinetus pictus, F. 2 ¢ ; (44) Ammophila sabulosa, L. ; (45) Salius 
sanguinolentus, F., all s. ; (¢) Chryside: (46) Hedychrum lucidulum, Latr. 9, 
s.; (d) Ichneumonide : (47) Various sp. ; (e) Tenthredinide: (48) Tenthredo 
notha, K1. ; (49) Several undetermined sp., s. B. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide : 
(50) Odontomyia viridula, F., not rare, s.; (6) Tabanide : (51) Tabanus rusticus, 
L., s., freq.; (¢) Bombylide: (52) Anthrax flava, Mgn. (Thuringia) ; 
(d) Syrphide ; (53) Syrphus sp.; (54) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn. ; (55) 
Eristalis sepulcralis, L. ; (56) E. eneus, Scop.; (57) E. tenax, L.; (58) E. 
arbustorum, L. ; (59) E. nemorum, L., all ab., s.; (60) E. intricarius, L. ; (61) 
Syritta pipiens, L., ab. ; (e€) Conopide: (62) Conops flavipes, L. ; (63) Physo- 
cephala rufipes, F., s., freq.; (f) Empide: (64) Empis livida, L., 8.3 (g) 
Muscidae : (65) Ocyptera brassicaria, F. ; (66) O. cylindrica, F., both freq., s. ; 
(67) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., s. ; (68) Onesia floralis, R. D. ; (69) Lucilia seri- 
cata, Mgn. ; (70) L. cornicina, F., ab., s. ; (71) Musca corvina, F., s., ab. ; (72) 
Oliviera lateralis, F., s. ; (73) Platystoma seminationis, F. OC. Lepidoptera— 
(a) Rhopalocera: (74) Vanessa urtice, L.; (75) Pieris brassice, L., freq. ; 
(76) Rhodocera rhamni, L. ; (77) Hesperia silvanus, Esp. ; (78) Satyrus Janira, 
L, ; (79) Thecla rubi, L. ; (b) Sphinges: (80) Zygena carniolica, Scop. (Thu- 
ringia), alls. ; D, Coleoptera—(a) Elateride : (81) Agriotes gallicus, Lap. 
(Thur.) ; (82) A. ustulatus, Schaller (Thur.) ; (b) Lamellicornia: (83) Tri- 
chius fasciatus, L.; (c) Mordellide : (84) Mordella fasciata, L.; (85) M. 
aculeata, L., both freq. ; (d@) Malacodermata : (86) Telephorus melanurus, F.; 
very abundant, thrusting their heads into the tube, and also pairing upon’ the 
flowers ; (¢) Curculionide : (87) Bruchus, sp. ; (88) Larinus Jace, L, (Thur.). 
See also No. 590, 111, for additional visitors in Low Germany. A list of 

Alpine visitors (four Coleoptera, six Diptera, seven bees, one Sphegidee, and 

fourteen Lepidoptera) is given in my Alpenblumen (No. 609). 


wn —— 
a ee ee ee ee 

ve arg tne 1 i ing 

foe SCS elgg. IRE eet SR tg. id te ree 


249, Cnicus (CIRSIUM) OLERACEUS, L, 

: _ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 8, 5. ; (2) 
Bombus, s. B. Lepidoptera—Noctue : (3) Euclidia glyphica, L.,s. See also 
i. No. 609. 


I have not investigated the flowers closely. 

250. CNICUS LANCEOLATUS, Scop.—The chief difference be- 

- tween the flowers of this species and of C. arvensis is that here the 
honey is much less accessible. For not only are the narrow tubes 

of the florets, and accordingly the involucre also, much longer 

(16 to 18 mm.), which has no effect on the accessibility of the 

honey ; but the throat, in whose base the honey collects, is also 

- much longer (4 to 6 mm. against 1 to 1} in C. arvensis), From 

_ this cause the variety of insect-visitors is greatly limited ; but the 

flowers are all the more diligently visited by long-proboscised bees, 

especially humble-bees. 

P Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidew: (1) Apis mellifica, L. % ;. (2) 
 Bombus terrestris, L. § ¢; (3) B. agrorum, F. § ¢ ; (4) B. lapidarius, L. 
% g (as late as Oct. 9, 1869 !), all four ab.,s.; (5) B. campestris, Pz. ¢, s. ; 

_ (6) Megachile maritima, K. 2, cp. ; (b) Vespide : (7) Polistes gallica, L., and 

var. diadema, freq. (s.?). B. Diptera—Syrphide : (8) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (9) 

E. arbustorum, L. ; (10) E. nemorum, L., all three f.p. and s., very ab. (as 

late as Oct. 13, 1874). C.- Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (11) Pieris brassice, L., 
 ab., s. ; (12) Hesperia sp.,s, See also No. 590, 111, and No. 609. 

251. CNICUS ERIOPHORUS, Scop., is visited very abundantly in 

Thuringia by Megachile lagopoda, K. 9 4,8. and c.p. On the Alps 

I have found it visited by humble-bees and by various Fritillaries 
- (Argynnis) (600). 

252. CNICUS OCHROLEUCUS, All., has yellowish-white flowers, 
and is also visited on the Alps by lambletheds and nich oe Sipe 

__-:253. Cnicus PALustRIs, Scop., stands, in regard to the ac- 
- cessibility. of its honey and the variety of its insect-visitors, 
between ©. lanceolatus and C. arvensis. The throat is 24 mm. 
i long (in C. arvensis 1 to 14, in C. lanceolatus 4 to 6); in all other 
- points the flowers of these three species are alike in structure. 

‘Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. o , very 
| freq. s. ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. § a; c.p. and s. ; (3) B. pratorum, L. $, 
) s.; (4) B. vestalis, Foure. @, s.; (5) B. Rajellus, Ill. 3, s.; (6) Andrena 
| - Coitana, K, 9,s.; (7) A. Gwynana, K.g, s. ; (8) Halictus eylindricus, F.? ¢, 




cp. and s., very freq. ; (9) Megachile centuncularis, F.. ¢, s. ; (b) Sphegide : 
(10) Lindenius albilabris, F.. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (11) Eristalis tenax, 
L., s and f.p.; (12) Volucella bombylans, L., do. ; (13) Syrphus tricinetu 
Fallen, f.p.; (6) Conopide : (14) Sicus ferrugineus, L., s. C. Lepidoptera— 
(a) Rhopalocera: (15) Pieris brassicae, L. ; (16) P. rape, L. ; (17) P. napi, L. ; 
(18) Hesperius silvanus, Esp. ; (19) Satyrus Janira, L.; (5) Noctue : (20) 
Plusia gamma, L., all rather freq.,s. D, Coleoptera—(a) Elateride: (21) 
Agriotes ustulatus, Schaller (Sid.).; (6) Cerambycidw: (22) Strangalia 
melanura, L, (Sld.), ab. See also No. 590, 111., and No. 609. 

Cnicus palustris and C. arvensis are gynodicecious according to 
Darwin (167). ‘a 
Cnicus acaulis, All., is visited by humble-bees and by Lepi- 
doptera (590, 609). | 
Cnicus spinosissimus, Scop.—The tube of the corolla is 8 
9 mm., the throat 4 to 5 mm. long. The insect-visitors are very 
numerous and various (609). ) | a? 

254. CNICUS HETEROPHYLLUS, All.—Several hundred florets 
unite to form a capitulum (I have counted 259). The tube is 
15 mm., the throat 8 mm. long. I have seen the flower visited by 
Bombus mesomelas, 9 (18 to 20) (609). 

255. ONOPoRDUM ACANTHIUM, L.—In each floret the honey 
rises in the tube, which is 10 to 12 mm. long, up to the cylindrical 
somewhat swollen throat, which is 3 to 4 mm. long, and which 
divides above into five linear segments, 6 to 8 mm. long; these 
segments do not diverge, but are continued straight upwards from 
the throat of the corolla. The length of the tube of the corolla 
in this plant, and in most other Cynarez, has no influence on the — 
accessibility of the honey, since the latter rises up into the throat ;_ 
it is due only to the development of the involucre, which gives 
effectual protection to the buds by completely surrounding them — 
in the form of a deep cup; the long tubes also serve to increase — 
the conspicuousness of the flower, as they bend more and more — 
outwards the nearer they are to the margin. The branches of 
the style are 3 to 4 mm. long; they seem never to diverge in — 
Onopordum, but remain closely appressed. They bear on thei 
outer edges rows of stigmatic papillae, which in the second (female) — 
stage of the flower turn more outwards and expose themselves to 
the touch of insect-visitors. One millimetre below its division 
into two branches, the style bears a ring of short hairs, which 
pomt obliquely upwards and are long enough to sweep the an-_ 
ther-cylinder (} mm. wide; 8 to 10 mm. long) clear of pollen. 


_ Although in the first stage this cylinder, coated above with pollen, 
and in the second the tip of the style, with its two rows of stigmatic 
} - papille, projects 5 to 7 mm. above the segments of the corolla, 
many florets are fertilised simultancously by the bees which 
a visit the flowers, particularly by those with abdominal collecting 
i brushes, which diligently sweep up the pollen upon the surface af 
the capitulum. 

Hl On the southern slopes of Miihlberg and Wandersleber 
_ Schlossberg in Thuringia, where I observed Onopordum, the two 
_ handsomest thistles, Onopordwin Acanthium and Cirsium ertophorum, 
_ were fertilised chiefly by the handsomest of the tailor-bees, Megachile 
| lagopoda, K. ‘The females fly boisterously on to a thistle-head 
and brush hurriedly over it, holding the abdomen sometimes so 
high that one can see from far off the red, hairy coat of its under 
_ side, or the blue pollen adhering to it. The mid and hindlegs 
are actively occupied meanwhile in a backward scratching move- 
ment, and the head is sunk among the florets. As a rule the 
female turns once round upon the capitulum in brushing off its 
pollen. On leaving one capitulum it flies at once to another, © 
until, being laden with sufficient pollen, it flies off to its nest. 
‘The males also sit occasionally sucking honey upon these thistle- 
heads, but they are much more occupied in pursuing the females. 
Delpino’s generalisation, based on insufficient observations, that 
_ Composite whose florets are packed closely together to form a level 
surface are fertilised by bees with abdominal collecting-brushes, 
‘while those whose essential organs are long and widely separate 
are fertilised by Halictus, is shown to be incorrect by this and by 
many more of my observations. 

i. Visitors (in Thuringia): A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Megachile 
 lagopoda, K. ? ¢, cp. and s., in extreme abundance ; (2) Osmia fulviventris, 
| Pz. 9 f, cp. ands. ; (3) O. spinulosa, K. 9, ep.: (4) Coelioxys conoidea, Ill. 
 9,s.; (5) Stelis aterrima, Pz. 9 3,s.; (6) Andrena Schrankella, N. 9; (7) 
_ Halictus quadristrigatus, Latr. 2, s. ; (8) Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. 2, s. ; (9) 
oe lapidarius, L., $,s. ; (10) B. terrestris, L. 9, s.; (11) B. rupestris, 
om 9,8. ; (0) Sphagidin : (12) Psammophila affinis, K. 9,s. B. Lepidoptera 

| (a) Rhopalocera : (13) Vanessa urtice, L., s.; (14) Satyrus Galathea, L., s. ; 
_ (b) Sphinges : (15) Macroglossa stellatarum, e s. C, Coleoptera—(16) Cocci- 
- nella mutabilis, Scriba, trying vainly to reach the honey. D. Hemiptera— 
(17) Capsus, two species, s. See also No. 590, 11., and No. 609. 


_. Visitors (at Mithlberg in Thuringia, Sept. 1871): A. Hymenoptera— 
. - Apide : (1) Bombus agrorum, F. ? ¢,s.,ab. B. Lepidoptera— Rhopalocera : 
(2) Colias hyale, L., s., ab. 


In this species there exist female and hermaphrodite plants 
with a close series of intermediate forms. The seeds of the female 
flowers are larger than those of the hermaphrodite." 

257. CENTAUREA JACEA, L.—The capitulum contains as a rule 
from sixty to over a hundred florets; in these the tubular part of 

Fic, 115. 

1—4,—Centaurea Jacea, L. 

1.—Upper part of the flower, in first stage (x *). 

2.—Ditto, in second stage. 

3.—Section of anther-cylinder, before the pollen has been shed. : ; 
; ‘ie oe of style, removed from the anther-cylinder, and divested of pollen, to show the fine 

5.—Centaurea Cyanus, L. End of style, more magnified. 
a, anther-cylinder; b, valvular appendages of the anthers, which at first close the ee 
anther-cylinder; ¢, pollen; d, style; e, ring of sweeping-hairs ; f, division of the style ; 9,8 
surface ; h, hairs (teeth) upon the filaments, to guard the honey. 

of the 

the corolla is 7 to 10 mm. long, the expanded bell-shaped part: 
3 to 4 mm, long, and the long, linear segments about 5 mm. long. 
The capitulum is only 8 to 10 mm. in diameter on a level with the 

’ Sir J, Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. xiii. p, 600, quoted by Darwin, No, 167. 


t Seabular parts of the florets, but since these bend over at their upper 
ends more and more the nearer they stand to the edge and diverge 
- outwards around the capitulum, a capitulum in full ‘bloom ems a 
red circular area 20 to 30 mm. in diameter. When a floret opens, 
its style has the position represented in Fig. 115, 3 ; its two stigmatic 
divisions are closely appressed and inclosed in the upper part of 
“the cylinder formed by the coherent anthers ; a ring of hairs (Fig. 115, 
3, 4, ¢), directed obliquely upwards and tiaching the inner wall of 
the anther-cylinder all round, has swept all the pollen into this 
“upper part of the cylinder, so that the branches of the style are 
closely packed round with pollen. If the flowers in this stage are 
left untouched for a day or two in a room, the terminal valves of 
. ‘the anther-cylinder. separate, and a little pollen appears between 
em atthe top. But if one now touches the filaments with a needle 
‘or a sharp pencil (as in a natural condition the insect’s proboscis 
loes), a great quantity of pollen is in a short time seen to emerge, 
and the anther-cylinder is seen to be drawn down so far by the 
contracting filaments that the branches of the style protrude 
above. Since their whole outer surface is covered with small hairs 
directed obliquely upwards, they remain, after emerging from the 
anther-cylinder, so thickly coated with pollen, that they are not 
Tecognisable as branches of the style until the pollen has been 
brushed away. 

Gradually the style grows up still further beyond the anther- 
cylinder (Fig. 115, 2); the edges (set with stigmatic papillz) of the 
inner surfaces of the two branches of the style bend outwards 
, 2); and the ends of these branches also gape asunder, so that 
‘here also stigmatic papille are exposed to the touch of insect- 
“visitors. Spontaneous self-fertilisation can under these circum- 
/ stances not occur, and self-fertilisation can only be brought about 
| by insects, if, at the time when the stigmatic papille become 
: ‘exposed, the outer surfaces of the branches of the style or the ring 
| of hairs are still dusted with pollen ; on the other hand, if sufficient 
insect-visits occur, cross-fertilisation is fully insured. Although 
‘the expanded portion of the corolla is longer than in most of our 
other native Composite, and many short-lipped insects (sand-wasps 
sand the majority of flies) are therefore excluded from the honey, 
yet, in consequence of the great amount of its honey, it is one 
of the most frequented forms. Various species of bees come in 
numbers and pay lengthy visits to its capitula, and in creeping 
between the anther-cylinders and styles protruding from the florets, 
they bring not only their under-sides, but the greater part of their 




hairy bodies in contact at one time with pone and at another 
with stigmatic surfaces. 
The following insects effect fertilisation :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ab.,s. ; (2) Bom- 
bus silvarum, L. 9 $,s.; (3) B. agrorum, F. $,s. ; (4) B. pratorum, L. 4, 
s.; (5) B. rupestris, F., 9 ¢,s.; (6) B. lapidarius, L. $,s. ; (7) B. campestris, 
Pz. ¢, s.; all the humble-bees dust chiefly their head, belly, and legs ; (8) 
Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. 9 ¢, very ab.; (9) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. g,s., 
freq. ; (10) Andrena pilipes, F. 9, ¢.p.; (11) Halictus maculatus, Sm., 2 ¢, 
ep.and s.; (12) H. quadricinctus, F, 9 g,cp. and s., ab. ; (18) H. rubi- 
cundus, Chr. 9 ¢, ¢.p. and s.; (14) H. leucozonius, K. 9 3,¢-p. and s. ; (15) 
H. interruptus, Pz. g,s.; (16) H. cylindricus, F. ‘ dg, ¢.p. and s., very ab. 
(17) H. nitidiusculus, K. ¢ 9,8. and ep. ; (18) H. albipes, F. $e ; (19) 
H. longulus, Sm. 9 ¢; (20) H. zonulus, Sm. 3,8. ; (21) H. minutus, K. ¢, 
s.; (22) H. lucidulus, Schenck, ? ; (23) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 9°, both s. 
and c.p.; (24) Nomada succincta, Pz. 3,8. ; (25) Osmia spinulosa, K. Q, 
ep. (Thur.) ; (26) Megachile centuncularis, L. 9 ¢,s. ; (27) M. lagopoda, K. 
2, cep. (Thur.); (28) Anthidium strigatum, Latr. ?, ¢.p. (Thur.) ; Oy 
Vespide : (29) Polistes gallica, F. (Thur.). B. Diptera—(a) Empide : (30) 
Empis rustica, F., s.; (b) Syrphide : (31) Helophilus pendulus, L., s. ; (32) 
Eristalis tenax, L., sometimes c.p., sometimes trying to thrust its yather thi 
proboscis into the narrow florets ; (33) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. ; (@) Conopicta 
(34) Physocephala vittata, F., s. ; (35) si flavipes, L., s. et Lepidoptera 
—(a) Rhopalocera: (36) Pieris Heche .; (87) P. napi, L. ; . (38) Colias. 7 
hyale, L. ; (39) Polyommatus Phlceas, L ; (40) are sp.; (41) Satyrus | 
Galathea, L. ; (42) S. Megeera, L. ; (43) S. J anira, L.; (44) S: pamphilus, L. ; 
(45) Hesperia thaumas, Hfn.; (6) Sphinges: (46) Zygeena loniceree, Esp. 5 
(47) Z. carniolica, Scop. (Thur.); (c) Noctuw: (48) Plusia gamma, L. Se 
also No, 590, 111., and No, 609. 

I became aware in August, 1881, that the capitula of Centawrec 
Jacea tend to vary along two lines from the commonest and appa 
rently most primitive form which I have just described. The res 
is, on the one hand, very conspicuous male capitula 50 to 55 mm 
in diameter, and on the other hand less conspicuous female eapitula 
30 to 35 mm, in diameter. In both of these extreme forms the 
marginal florets have the corolla greatly enlarged, but the repre 
ductive organs functionless. In the male capitula, the florets « 
the disk possess a style as well as anthers, but its stigmas neve 
separate, but coalesce in their lower part. In the female capit 
the anthers of the disk-florets are brownish, shrunken, and devoid 
of pollen. 4 


* eS all lO ary. ec lt ll a Satay woicdind 


These extreme forms are connected by an unbroken series 
transition-stages with the primitive form. As the primitive form 
began to vary in one direction, the marginal florets became gradually 


longer and more radiating, and their reproductive organs diminished 

 eapitula were complete. 

_ Varying in the opposite direction, the corolla in some of the 
_ marginal florets got smaller, and gradually the anthers became 
_ brown and devoid of pollen; the same changes proceeded step by 
step towards the centre of the flower, until now we find the whole 
_capitulum consisting only of female florets, and measuring only 
 15to18mm.indiameter, When this state was reached, the corollz 
of the marginal florets began again to increase in size and to radiate 
outwards, their anthers vanished completely, and their stigmas ceased 
to unfold. 

_. The capitula on the same plant are always much of the same 
form. In any locality where capitula of the primitive form occur 
along with female capitula, Centaurea Jacea may be said to be 
& mnodicecious. But since in the outset of the last described series 
of changes the outer florets become purely female, before the 
 conspicuousness of the head is visibly diminished, it is clear that 
my explanation of the origin of gynodicecism suggested in the 
eases of Thymus and Glechoma cannot hold in this instance. 
It seems much more likely here that the reduced size of the 
: corolla in the female flowers is the result of a tendency to 
abortion, spreading from the stamens to the corolla. This is 
_ Darwin’s explanation of all cases of gynodicecism (No, 167, 
| chap vii.; 611). 

| ’ _ 258. CENTAUREA Scapiosa, L., agrees in the whole structure 
| of its flower with the previous species, but differs only in its honey 
' being more easily accessible. For while the tubular parts of the 
_ disk-florets are longer than in the previous species (11 to 12 mm.), 
_ the expanded part above, which becomes filled with honey, is 
“shorter (32 to 4 mm.), and while in the primitive form of C. Jacea 
_ the marginal florets and the disk-florets were alike, I have always 
- found in C. Scabiosa the marginal florets devoid of stamens and 
| style, devoid of a wide superior portion (or throat), but notably 
larger (16 to 22 mm. long), with their tubes entirely directed out- 
| wards and dividing into five linear segments, differing little from one 
p another and about 2 mm: longer than those of the disk-florets. 

| __ The less variety of visitors that I have observed is simply due 
to the fact that I have only watched this species on a few occasions 

1 4 


(in Thuringia), while I have met with C. Jacea in most of my 
excursions in summer. a 

Visitors (in Thuringia): A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L, 
%,s., ab.; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. ¢; (3) B. terrestris, L. g; (4) B. mus. 
corum, F. $ ¢, cp. and s.; (5) B. agrorum, F. 4; (6) B. silvarum, L. ¢; 
(7) B. confusus, Schenck, ¢; (8) B. rupestris, F. 9; (9) Halictus quadri- 
cinctus, F. 2 ¢, very ab., alls. ; (10) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢, e.p. ; (11) Mega- 
chile ligniseca, K. ¢ ; (12) Osmia enea, L. 3, s. ; (13) O. spinulosa, K. 2, CP. 5 
(14) Anthidium manicatum, L. ¢, s. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (15 
Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (6) Muscide: (16) Trypeta cornuta, F.C. Lepi- 
doptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (17) Satyrus Janira, L. ; (18) Meliteea Athalia, 
Esp. ; (0) Sphinges: (19) Zygeena carniolica, Scop. D. Coleoptera— Chryso- 
melide : (20) Cryptocephalus sericeus, L. E. Hemiptera—(21) Capsus sp., s. 
See also No. 590, m1. Thirty-eight Alpine visitors (two Coleoptera, two Diptera, 
twelve Apide, twenty-two Lepidoptera) are given in my Alpenblumer 
(No. 609). | 

259. CeNTAUREA CyaNnus, L. (Fig. 115, 5)—In this species 
also, the marginal florets serve only to attract insects, but they de 
so in a more effectual way than in C. Scabiosa, for they are la 
and infundibuliform and radiate outwards, extending the blue 
surface of the capitulum from 20 to 50 mm. in diameter, and_ 
making it also conspicuous in side view. The honey is more easily 
accessible, for above the narrow tubular part of the floret, which is 
5 to 6 mm. long, the wider part is only 3 mm. long to the place — 
where it divides into linear segments. In this species the simul- 
taneous fertilisation of numerous florets goes on to a very sligh 
extent ; for the florets of the disk are not numerous, and their anther 
cylinders project at wide intervals. I have never seen the 
irritability of the stamens more distinctly shown in any other 
Composite. In flowers which I had allowed to develop in my room — 
until the superior valvular appendages of the anthers hac 
separated of themselves, the filaments contracted when I touched 
them so much that the anther-cylinder was drawn down to an _ 
extent of 2 to 3 mm. very quickly, and then more slowly to an ex-_ 
tent of 5 to 6 mm.; in a few seconds a mass of pollen emerged 
from the superior orifice of the anther-cylinder, and then graduall 
the style protruded 3 to 4 mm. above the same orifice. In th 
natural condition, I never succeeded in obtaining such distine 
action on touching the filaments, doubtless because the filament 
had almost always been touched by insects before they had reached 
the full amount of tension. | 


Visitors ; A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab., s 3 


() Sphegide : (4) Psammophila affinis, K., s. (proboscis 5 mm. long). B. 
. D iptera—(a) Empide: (5) Empis livida, L., s., ab.; (6) Syrphide: (6) 
Eristalis arbustorum, L., f.p. ; (7) Rhingia rostrata, L., s. C. Lepidoptera— 
Noctue: (8) Plusia gamma, L.,s. See also No 590, 11. 

Tribe Mutisiacee. 

 Chuquiraga insignis, R. Br.—The long, tubular florets of this 
“Composite, which grows on the summits of the Andes (Pichincha), 
are visited, according to Professor Jameson, by a humming-bird 
ie Be sotrochilus Perk eakany. (Delpino, No. 185.) 

Ve ene cleistogamic flowers of Anandria were known to Linneus 

. von Mohl, No. 531). 

Tribe Cichoriacee. 

260. CicHoriuM IntTysBus, L.—The capitula are closed in 
rainy weather, but expand in sunshine to form blue disks 30. mm. 
and upwards in diameter. Each floret has a tube 3 mm. long and 
a limb 13 mm. long, and this immense development of the limb 
compensates for the small number of florets in each capitulum. 
‘The structure of the florets agrees with that in Leontodon and 
Hieracium, except that the branches of the style are much more 
Erved, each making one to two spiral turns; self-fertilisation in 
ence of insects is thus much more easily effected: 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s., ab. ; (2) 
Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9, c.p. ; (3) Halictus quadricinctus, F. ¢; (4) Nitidi- 
sculus, K. ¢; (5) H. rubicundus, Chr. ¢; (6) H. longulus, Sm. 9; (7) H. 
Ibipes, F. ¢, all s. ; (8) Osmia spinulosa, K. 9,8. and e.p. (Thur.), not rare. 
iB Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (9) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (10) Eristalis tenax, L., 
be h species s. and c.p.; (b) Conopide: (11) Sicus ferrugineus, L.,s. C. 
' ue pidoptera—Rhopalocera : (12) Colias hyale, L.,s. (Thur.). D. Coleoptera— 
Malacodermata : (13) Malachius bipustulatus, F., fp., ab. An additional list 
of nine bees is given in No. 590, II. 

3 Hyoseris radiata, L., is visited by MMegachile centuncularis 
(Delpino, No. 178, p. 125). 

_ 261. LApsANA communis, L.—The capitulum consists of eight 

'to seventeen florets, and expands to a yellow disk 8 to 10 mm. in 

) diameter. In each floret the tube is 14 to 2} mm. long, and the 
‘limb 4to 6 mm.long. The capitula are solitary and comparatively 

| small; they are therefore not very conspicuous, and insect-visits — 
are very few. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation takes place 

larly, and it is doubtless effective, since the capitula are without 


exception fertile. The anther- cylinder protrudes 2 to 3 mm, 
from the tube, and the style 1} to 2 mm. beyond the anther-eylinder, : 
The outer surface of the projecting portion of the style is covered 
with pany hairs at wide intervals. The stigmatic branches are 
only + mm. long, and are closely set with papillz on their inner 
surfaces; they separate widely, and bring their papille vooulell , 
in contact with the pollen if insect-visitors have not removed it 

from the hairs. 

ape Scheie wee, (1) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; 2) E. nemo- 
rum, L. ; (3) E. sepulcralis, L., all three species f.p., not abundant. See also 

No. 590, III. 

262. PIcRIS HIERACIOIDES, L.—The capitulum is composed of 
forty-four to seventy-five florets, which increase in size from the cen- 
tre towards the circumference; itexpands insunshine to form a yelloy 
disk 24 to 36 mm. in diameter, in dull weather it closes up till it 
diameter is scarcely 7 mm. In each floret the tube is 4 to 6 mm. long 
and the limb 8 to 12 mm. long. The stem is branched, and nearly 
three feet high ; it bears numerous capitula, so that the whole plant 
is very conspicuous. The honey rises into the upper and wider part 
of the tube, and is therefore accessible to very short-lipped insects. 
The anther-cylinder projects 5 mm. beyond the tube, and the style: 
2} to 3} mm. beyond the anther-cylinder ; so that most insect-visitors 
creep rather among than over the styles, and convey the pollen 
rather with the hairs on their sides than with those on their under 
surfaces; but bees with’ abdominal collecting apparatus are é 
found upon the flowers. 

The sweeping-hairs and the stigmatic papille are distribute a d 
as in the other Cichoriacese (cf. Figs. 116, 117). The stigmati 
branches usually spread apart as in other cases, but in several in= 
stances I have seen the left bent over towards the right, and th 
right towards the left, so close together that the stigmatic papillé 
of the one were brushed by the pollen-holding hainas of the other. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Panurgus calearatus, Sco | 
?4,¢p. ands. ab. ; (2) Rhophites (Dufourea) vulgaris, Schenck, 9, ab., ¢ 
scarce, 8. and c.p. (Thur. Wald); (3) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 2; (4) H. leuec ; 
zonius, Schr. 9; (5) H. sexnotatus, K. 9 ¢; (6) H. maculatus, Sm. 9; ( ) 
H. cylindricus, F., ¢; (8) H. quadricinctus, F. ¢; (9) H. rubicundus, Chr, 
¢; (10) H. nitidinamiine i, d; (11) H. albipes, F. ¢; (12) H. longulus, 
Sm. 94; (13) H. minutus, K. 9 ¢; (14) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 9, most 
of these species in great numibers, the gs, the 9 cp. and s.; (15) Heriads 
truncorum, L, 9, ¢.p. ; (16) Osmia spinuload K. 9,¢.p. (Thur.); (0) Sphegide 
(17) Crabro sexcinetus, vy. d. L. 9. B. Diptera—(a) Empide : (18) Empi 1 


A livida, a very ab., 8. 5 (d) Syrphide : (19) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (20) E. arbu- 
ig  hyhe .3 (21) E. nemorum, L. ; (22) E. sepulcralis, L., all four uecice very 
; (23) Syrphus balteatus, Deg. ; (24) Melithreptus scriptus, Ty .3 (25) M 
ie Mgn.; (26) Chrysogaster viduata, L., all both f.p. and s. ©. Lepi- 

doptera—Rhopalocera : (27) Pieris brassice, L, ; (28) P. rapa, L., both species 
_ very ab. ; (29) Satyrus Janira, L., all three species s. See also No. 590, m1. 

| Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellitica, L., $, s.; (2) 
i os ealcaratus, Scop., 2 ¢, ¢p., 8, very ab. ; (3) P. Banksianus, Ko 4; 
 @~p., 8. scarcer ; (4) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. g,ab., even in the evening ; (5) 
ae hophites (Dufourea) vulgaris, Schenck, 9 ¢, very freq. (Thur., Wald.) ; (6) 
 Andrena dorsata, K. 9, ¢.p.; (7) A. denticulaia, K. 9 g,¢p.and s. (Tekl., 
 Borgst. ; Thur.) ; (8) A. fulvago, Chr. 9, ¢.p. (Thur.); (9) A. fulvescens, Sm. 
9,cp. (Thur.) ; (10) A. parvula, K. ¢,s.; (11) Halictus longulus, Sm. 9 ; 
pes?) H. maculatus, Sm. 9; (13) H. leucozonius, Schr. 2 ¢, freq. ; (14) H 
ee naricns, F. 9 g, ab. ; (15) H. albipes, F. 9; (16) H. lugubris, K. ¢; (17) 
. flavipes, K. ¢; (18) H. nitidus, Schenck, 9 ; (19) H. rubicundus, Chr. ¢ ; 
6 0) iH. quadricinctus, F. ¢, ab. ; the ¢ of Halictus s., the 9 e.p. ands. ; (21) 
Osmia spinulosa, K. 2, s. and c.p., very ab. (Thur.) ; (22) Chelostoma cam- 
panularum, K. 9 g,s. and e.p., very ab. ; (23) Heriades truncorum, L. ? ¢, 
gs, andc.p., very ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (24) Eristalis tenax, L. ; (25) E 
“nemorum, L.; (26) E. arbustorum, L. ; (27) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (28) Syritta 
pipiens, L., all five species s. and fip., very ab. ; (29) Syrphus sp., fp. ; (30) 
 Cheilosia chrysocoma, Mgn., f.p. C. Coleoptera—Nitidulide : (31) Meligethes, 
ab. See also No. 590, m1. 




_ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Rhophites (Dufourea) vulgaris, 
' Schenck, ? ¢, c.p. ands. ; (2) Andrena denticulata, K. 2 ¢ (Tekl., Borgst.) ; 
(8) A. fulvicrus, K. 9, ¢.p. ; (4) Halictus villosulus, K. 9, ¢.p.; (5) H. rubi- 
| ecundus, Chr. ¢,s.; (6) H. quadricinctus, F. ¢, ab. ; (7) Osmia spinulosa, K. 
i. ,cp.,ab. (Thur.); (8) Heriades truncorum, L. ¢,s.; (b) Sphegide: (9) 
a viaticus, L. 9,8. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (10) Cheilosia chryso- 
soma, Megn., f.p. (Teklenburg, Herr Borgstette). See also No. 590, 11. 

265. CREPIS VIRENS, Vill. :— 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Panurgus calcaratus, Scop. ¢ dg, 
‘ep. and s., ab. ; (2) P. Banksianus, 9'¢, scarcer ; (3) Rhophites (Dufourea) 
vulgaris, Schenck, 2 ¢, c.p. and s., ab. ; (4) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. ¢, s. ; (5) 
_ Andrena denticulata, K. 2, ¢.p. (Thur. ; Tekl., Borgst.) ; (6) A. dorsata, K. é 
_ 8.3 (7) Halictus villosulus, K. 2, ¢.p. ; (8) H. cylindricus, F. 9, cp. ; (9) H 

' minutus, K. 9, ¢p. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphidw: (10) Eristalis tenax, L., fip.; 
' (11) Melithreptus scriptus, L., fp. ; (12) M. teniatus, Mgn., fp. ; (18) Syr- 
_ phus balteatus, Deg. ; (14) S. ribesii, L. ; (15) S. arcuatus, Fallen, all three 
= (16) Cheilosia chrysocoma, Mgn., fp. (Tekl. B.) ; (b) Conopide : (17) 
| Sicus ferrugineus, L.,s. C. Coleoptera—Mordellide : (18) Mordella fasciata, 
_ F. See also No. 590, 11. GK tit . u Rete 

. AA 


266. Hizractum UMBELLATUM, L.—The florets have a 7 e 
3 to 5 mm., and an outer limb 8 to 16 mm. long, both increasing it 
length gradually from the centre to the periphery of the capitulum, mM. 
The whole capitulum, when fully expanded, forms a yellow disk 
about 25 mm. in diameter. q 

Honey is secreted by a ring round the base of the style, < 
rises several millimetres in the tube: ; a proboscis 2 to 3 mm. itil a 



Fic, 116. 
1—8 —Hieracium umbellatum, L. 

1.—Floret, in second stage (x 7). 
2.—The stigmas, still more revolute, so that self-fertilisation takes place if the pouens has not — 
all been removed from the hairs. . J 

8.—The portion a—b, of 1 (x 60). 
4. H. pilosella, L. Floret in the act of self-fertilisation (x 7). 
c, stigmatic papilla; d, sweeping hairs; e, pollen-grains; f, anther-cylinder; g, stamens 
h, style; i, tube of corolla ; k, limb of corolla ; 1, pappus ; m, ovary. 

suffices to reach it. Not only the two branches of the style (which | 
are 2} mm. long) protrude from the anther-cylinder, but also 
about 33 mm. of the style below its bifurcation; pollen rem ain 
adhering to the sharp, bristly hairs (3, d@) with which the whole o: 
the projecting part of the style is clothed. After emerging from 
the anther-cylinder, the two branches of the style, which 


_ covered all over their inner surface with stigmatic papille, spread 
apart, and gradually bend so far backwards that part of their 
_ stigmatic surface comes in contact with the hairs (Fig. 116, 2). Soif 
the pollen has not been removed by insects, self-fertilisation takes 
i pplace. If insect-visitors come in proper time self-fertilisation is 
not impossible, but the chances are immensely in favour of cross- 
F fertilisation, and of cross- -fertilisation with pollen from other capitula, 
as the insect on alighting comes at once in contact with the upper 

surface of the stigmas. 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and 
¢@p., ab. ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. §, s.; (3) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 9, s. 
and c.p. ; (4) Panurgus calearatus, Scop. 2 ¢,s. and c.p., very ab. ; (5) Halictus 
- leucozonius, Schr. 9? ¢,'s. and «p.; (6) H. villosulus, K. 9 g, s. and cp. ; 
; (7) Megachile argentata, F. yy 8. ; (8) M. Willughbiella, K. ¢,s. ; (9) Celioxys 
Seiden, Ill. 2, s.; (10) C. simplex, Nyl. 9,8. ; (6) Chryside: (11) Hedy- 
m lucidulum, Latr. ¢. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (12) Eristalis tenax, L. 
(as late as Oct. 13); (13) E. arbustorum, L. ; (14) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., 
all three species f.p. and s., very ab. ; (6) Conopide: (15) Sicus ferrugineus, 
. L., ee Occemyia atra, F, eg es oe : (17) Pieris 
-napi, L., ab. ; (18) Satyrus Megera, L. ; (19) Vanessa urtice, L., not rare ; 
_ (20) Hesperia sp., alls. See also No. 590, II. 


_ 267. HIgRACIUM PILOSELLA, L.—Forty-two to sixty-four florets 
unite to form a capitulum, and increase in size from its centre to its 
circumference. In each the tube is 3 to 6 mm. long, and the limb 4 
to 8mm. long. In sunny weather the capitulum expands to form 
_ayellow surface 20 mm. in diameter, but in dull weather it closes up. 
“4 n the bare slopes where the plant grows abundantly, its capitula are 
conspicuous enough to attract numerous insects in spite of the small 
size of the plant. 

But on the whole, insect-visits are less abundant, though not 
less various, than in the previous species, and accordingly, while 
the flowers are in other respects similar, self-fertilisation is better 
provided for by the greater involution of the stigmas (Fig. 116, 4). 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Panurgus calcaratus, Scop. ? ¢, 
ep. and s., ab. ; (2) Andrena fulvescens, Sm. ?; (3) A. fulvago, Chr. ? ; (4) 
Halictus leucozonius, Schr. 9; (5) H. villosulus, K. 2; (6) H. nitidus, 
Schenck, 9, all c.p., the two Andrenez also s. ; (7) Ceratina ccerulea, Villa, ¢, 
8, scarce ; (8) Diphysis serratule, Pz. ¢,s., scarce ; (9) Nomada Fabriciana, L. 
-9,8.; (b) Tenthredinide : (10) Cephus, a small sp. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : 
(1) Rombylivs canescens, Mik. (Sld.), s.; (0) Syrphide: (12) Helophilus 
floreus, L., fp. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera: (13) Pieris brassice, L. ; 
(14) Acetia argiolus, L. ; (b) Noctuew: (15) Euclidia Mi, L., all s. D. Cole- 
eee) Cerambycide : (16) Leptura livida, L. ; (8) Chuunin aA 

“A A 2 


Cryptocephalus Mori, L., ab. ; (18) C. sericeus, L., ab. See also No. 590, UL, 
for a further list of visitors in ‘Low Germany. A list of Alpine visitors (fo a 
beetles, five flies, five bees, twenty-seven Lepidoptera) is given in my Alpen- 
blumen (690). 


Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus Rajellus, Ill. 9, s. ; (2) 
B. terrestris, L. 9, s. ; (3) B. silvarum, L. 9,8. ; (4) Andrena Coitana, K. ¢@,s. 
(5) A. fulvescens, Sm. 9, c.p.; (6) A. denticulata, K. g¢, s.; (7) Halictus 
cylindricus, F. 9? ¢, cp. and s., ab. ; (8) Panurgus calcaratus, Scop. 9 ¢, 
cp. and s, ab. B. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera ; (9) Lycena icarus, Rott., s. 
See also No. 590, III. 

269. HyPpocHa@RIS GLABRA, L, :— 

Visitors: Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Rhophites (Dufourea) vulgaris 
Schenck, 2, ¢.p. and s.; (2) Andrena fulvescens, Sm. 9, ¢. P. 3; (3) Hali 1s 
nitidiusculus, K. 9 (Tekl., Borgst.); (4) H. cylindricus, F. 9, cp.; (5) 
Sphecodes gibbus, L. ? ¢, s. 

270. HypocH@RIs RADICATA, L.:— 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, ep.; (2) 
Bombus lapidarius, L. $, s. ; (3) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 9, e.p., ab.; (4) Pan-— 
urgus calcaratus, Scop. 2 ¢, s. and cp., ab.; (5) P. Banksianus, K. od, am 
and ¢.p., scarcer ; (6) Colletes Davieseana, K. 2 ¢, cp. and s., ab.; (7) Rho- 
phites (Dufourea) vulgaris, Schenck, ?, ¢.p. and s.; (8) Andrena xanthura, 
K. 9,s.; (9) A. denticulata, K. 2 ¢, ep. and s, (Tekl., Borgst. ; Thur.) ; (10) 
A. fulvescens,Sm. 9, ¢.p. (Thur.) ; (11) A. fulvago, Chr. 2, ¢.p. (Thur.); (12) _ 
Halictus villosulus, K. 2, ¢.p.; (13) H. malachurus, K. 2, e¢p.; (14) H. 
lugubris, K. ¢ ; (15) H. flavipes, F. ¢; (16) H. leucozonius, Schr. 9 ¢,c¢.p.and 
s.; (17) H. cylindricus, F.? ¢, ¢.p.ands. ; (18) H. rubicundus, Chr. ?, ¢.p.;(19) 
H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9, ¢.p. ; (20) H. brevicornis, Schenck, ¢, s.; 2 j 
Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9 ¢; (22) Diphysis ere Pz. g, s. B. Dipter 
—(a) Syrphide : (23) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; (24) E. nemorum, L, ; (25) | 
E. sepulcralis, L., > ; (26) Pipiza funebris, Mgn., f.p.; (0) Conophdlae (27 
Sicus ferrugineus, 1 .» 8 3 (c) Muscide : (28) Demoticus plebeius, Fallen, ¢, 
See also No. 590, 111. and No. 609. 

271, LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS, L.—The capitulum consists 
forty to seventy florets ; it expands in sunshine to a diameter of 20 t 
30 mim.,and closes up in rainy weather till its diameter is scarcely { 
min; Tn each floret the tube is 2} to 5 mm. long, and the limb 7 
to 12 mm, long. The honey rises up into the wider part of the 
tube. The anther-cylinder projects 4 to 5 mm. from the tube, th 
style 38 to 4 mm. beyond the anther-cylinder. The style is cove 
on its outer surface with pointed sweeping-hairs, and is closely se 

= is ae 

Oy Am 







mith stigmatic papilla on the inner surface of its branches, which 
r the most part do not become entirely separated (Fig. 117, 2). 

Here, as in Pieris hieracioides, insect-visitors come in contact with 
the pollen and stigmas more with their sides than with their under 
surfaces. Simultaneous fertilisation of numerous florets takes place 


| ta Fic. 117.—Leontodon auiwmnalis, L. 
1.—Flore ee in second (female) stage, after removal of ory, and pappus (x 7). 
it 2.—End o 

the style in preceding figure (x 35). a, hairs; 6, stigmatic Pail: ¢, pollen-grains. 
here, as in most Cichoriace, to a less extent than in those Seneci- 
_ onides and Asteroidex in which the out-pressed pollen and after- 
wards the stigmas lie in one plane. In this species, on the other 
| hand, the florets are able at one and the same time to receive 
| pollen from insects upon their stigmas, and to contre: their 

eee the insect im turn.) i kn ae (SS 


If sufficient insects visit the flower in time to remove the pollen 
from the sweeping-hairs before the stigmatic surfaces appear, 
fertilisation is alone possible. If insect-visitors only come when 
the branches of the style have begun to separate, then the possibility 
of self-fertilisation by insect agency is not excluded. Even in absence 
of insects, self-fertilisation seems to be not impossible, since when 
the stigmas separate their edges curve outwards, and their papi 
may easily come in contact with pollen still upon the hairs. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §,s.; (2) Bom- 
bus lapidarius, L. $, s. ; (3) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. 2, scrambling very rapidly 
over the capitulum, sucking a few florets, and then flying away to another (the 
enormously long hairs of the hindlegs carry huge balls of yellow pollen) ; (4 
Panurgus calcaratus, Scop., s. and c.p. ; (5) Andrena fulvicrus, K. ?, ep. ; (6 
Halictus leucozonius, Schr. 9, s. and c.p. ; (7) H. leucopus, K. 2 ; (8) H. longulus 
Sm. 2, both species c.p. and s.; (9) H. Smeathmanellus, K. ¢ ; (10) H 
morio, F. ¢; (11) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢ ;. (12) H. cylindricus, F. ¢, 9—12s. 
(13) Diphysis serratulee, Pz. 2 ¢, scarce, s. ; (14) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. ¢,s. 
(b) Sphegide : (15) Pompilus viaticus, L.,s. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (16) 
Syrphus pyrastri, L., ab. ; (17) 8. balteatus, Deg. ; (18) 8. nitidicollis, Mgn. 
(19) Melithreptus teeniatus, Mgn. ; (20) Volucella bombylans, L. ; (21) Eriste 
sepulcralis, L., ab. ; (22) E. arbustorum, L., very ab. (as late as Oct. 13) ; (23) 
E. tenax, L., ab., all both f.p. and s. ; (6) Conopide : (24) Sicus ferrugineus, L., 8. 
(c) Bombylide : (25) Systeechus sulfureus, F., s. ; (d) Muscide: (26) Sa 
phaga carnaria, L., s. only. C. Lepidoptera— (a) Rhopalocera: (27) Co 
hyale, L. (Thur.) s. ; (b) Noctuew ; (28) Plusia gamma, L. (as late as Oct. 14),8 
See also No. 590, III. z 

272. LEONTODON HASTILIS, L. (Koch) :— 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Bombus Barbutellus, K. 2 
8.; (2) B. pratorum, L. 9, s. and c.p.; (3) Andrena fulvescens, Sm. 9, s. ¢ n¢ 
¢.p., dusting itself very thickly with pollen (Méhnethal) ; (4) A. Coitana, K 
2,8. and c.p. (Sauerland) ; (5) Halictus villosulus, K. 9, ¢.p., ab.; (6) He 
leucozonius, Schr. 9, c.p.; (7) H. cylindricus, F. 2, c.p., ab. ; (8) H. albipes 
F. 2 (obovatus, K.), cp. ; (9) H. Smeathmanellus, K. 9, cp.; (0) Yen 
thredinide : (10) Tenthredo sp., s, B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: (11) Sys 
teechus sulfureus, Mikan, s. (Sld.); (6) Syrphide: (12) Cheilosia sp. ; (13 
Melithreptus teniatus, Meig., f.p. and s. (its stomach was quite full of a yelloy 
mass of honey mixed with poets (14) Volucella pellucens, L., s., freq. (Sld.) 5 
(15) Sericomyia lappona, L., s. (Sld.) ; (16) Eristalis horticola, Deg., fp. ant 
8, (Sld.), ab. ; (17) E. arbustorum, L., f.p. and s., very ab. ; (c) Conopide : (18) 
aie ierrugineus, L., s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (19) Hesperia silvanu: 

sp., 8. 


Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus confusus, Schenck, 3» & 
(2) Panurgus calcaratus, Seop. 9 g, op. ands, ab. ; (8) Rhophites vuls 


Schenck, 2, c.p. and s. ; (4) Cilissa melanura, Nyl. ?; (5) Andrena denticu- 
lata, K. 2, s. and ep. (Sid. Thur.); (6) A. fulvicrus, K. 2, ¢.p.; (7) A. 
_fulvescens, Sm. 9, ¢.p. (Thur.) ; (8) A. fulvago, Chr. ?, cp. (Thur.); (9) 
_ Halictus villosulus, K. ¢, c.p.; (10) H. leucozonius, Schr. 2 ¢, ep. and-s., 
_ very ab. (Thiringer Wald, August 30, 1869) ; (11) H. cylindricus, F. 2 ¢, cp. 
- ands. ; (12) H. maculatus, Sm. ¢, s. ; (13) H.Smeathmanellus, K. 9, c.p. ; (14) 
Hz. flavipes, F. ¢, s.; (15) H. lugubris, K. ¢,s. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (16) 
 Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. and f.p. ; (17) E. tenax, L., do., both species ab. ; 
_ (18) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., do. C. Lepidoptera—Noctue: (19)  Plusia 
gamma, L., s. (as late as Oct. 14). See also No. 590, 111. 

274. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE, L.—The capitulum consists of 
_ about 100 to over 200 florets inserted on a receptacle only 5 to 7 
“mm. in diameter. «In each floret the tube is 3 to 7 mm. long and 
> the limb 7 to 15 mm. long, and in sunny weather the bapiéulum 
_ expands to form a bright yellow surface 30 to over 50 mm. in 
diameter. At night and in dull weather the capitulum closes up 
_ so completely that only the green involucral bracts and the dark 
_ outer surfaces of the limbs of the outermost florets remain visible. 
_ The honey rises into the upper part of the tube (which is nearly 
- filled by the style), and is therefore accessible to insects with very 
_ short proboscides. From each tube an anther-cylinder 23 to 5 
mm. long protrudes, and the style grows to a height of 3 to 5 mm. 
_ above the anther-cylinder. The projecting portion of the style is 
clothed with pointed hairs over its whole outer surface, which 
retain entangled among them the pollen that they have swept out 
of the anther-cylinder. The two branches of the style, which are 
_ closely covered over their whole inner surfaces with stigmatic 
_papiller, are 1} to over 2 mm. long; they bend outwards and 
curve so far back that the tip of each makes 1 spiral turns, and 
: accordingly, if insect-visits have not taken place and the sweeping- 
hairs are still covered with pollen, self-fertilisation must take place - 
‘to a great extent. 
Thus in the Dandelion we have a plant which, by the great 
conspicuousness of its flowers and the great abundance and ac- 
cessibility of its pollen and honey, attracts an immense variety of 
insects in sunny spring weather; but which has fully retained, or 
has again acquired, the possibility of self-fertilisation, since it 
_ begins to bloom so early that as a rule its first flowers receive no 
insect-visits, while its latest flowers are also liable to be left 
Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica L. §,s.ande.p., 

very ab, ; (2) Bombus silvarum, L. ? ; (3) B. terrestris, L. 9 ; (4). B. muscorum, 
oo; (5) B, lapidarius, L. ¢ ; (6) B. confusus, Schenck, ? ; (7) B, Barbutellus, 


K. 2; (8) B. vestalis, Fourc. 9, all s.; (9) Andrena cingulata, K. ¢; (10) 
A. cineraria, L. 2? ¢; (11) A. pratensis, Nyl. 9; (12) A. nitida, K. 9 ¢; (18) 
A. albicans, K. 9 ¢, very ab. ; (14) A. fulva, Schr. 9; (15) A. Gwynana, 
K. 2 @, very ab. ; (16) A. helvola, L.? ¢, not rare ; (17) A. mixta, Schenck, 
2 (var. of the former) ; (18) A. varians, Rossi, 2, not rare; (19) A. atriceps, 
K. 94; (20) A. nigrownea, K. 9; (21) A. Trimmerana, K. 9; (22) A. 
Smithella, K. 9 ¢, ab. ; (23) A. fulvicrus, K. 9 ¢, very ab. ; (24) A. fasciata, — 
Wesm. 2 ¢; (25) A. albicrus, K. ? ¢; (26) A. parvula, K. 2 Sg, very ab. ; 
(27) A. argentata, Sm. (gracilis, Schenck), ¢, ab. ; (28) A. dorsata, K.? ¢, ab. ; 
(29) A. fulvescens, Sm. 2 ; (80) A. connectens, K. 2; (31) A. convexiuscula, 
K. ?, all Andrene ? c.p. and s., the g s.; (382) Halictus rubicundus, Chr. 9 ; 
(33) H. zonulus, Sm. 9; (34) H. sexnotatus, K. 9, ab. ; (35) H. sexsignatus, 
Schenck, ?, ab. (as late as Oct. 13) ; (36) H. maculatus, Sm. 9 ; (37) H. albipes, — 
F. ?, ab. ; (38) H. cylindricus, F. ?, ab. ; (89) H. flavipes, F. 9; (40) H. 
morio, F. 9 ; (41) H. leucopus, K. 2; (42) H. longulus, Sm. @ ; (43) H. niti- — 
diusculus, K. ?, ab. ; (44) H. villosulus, K. ? ; (45) H. Incidulus, Schenck, 9 ; 
(46) H. nitidus, Schenck, 9 ; (47) H. minutissimus, K. 9, all c.p. and s. ; (48) 
Sphecodes gibbus, L. 9, s. ; (49) Nomada ruficornis, L. 9 ¢, very ab. ; (50) — 
N. varia, Pz. 2 g, ab.; (51) N. Lathburiana, K. 9; (52) N. flavoguttata, 
K. ¢; (53) N. lineola, Pz. 9; (54) N. alternata, K. 9; (55) N. succincta, Pz. — 
2 go; (56) N. signata, Jur. 2 g, all s.; (57) Osmia rufa, L. g, s.; (58) O. 
fusca, Chr. (bicolor, Schr.) 2, s. and c.p. ; (b) Formicide : (59) Formica con- 
gerens, Nyl. §, ab. s.; (c) Tenthredinide: (60) Cephus, a small sp., ab. 
B. Diptera—(a) Empide : (61) Empis livida, L., ab. ; (62) E. punctata, F., ab. ; 
(63) E. opaca, F., all three s. ; (b) Sead (64) Eristalis ceneus, Scop. ; (65) 7 
E. arbustorum, L. ; (66) E. nemorum, L. ; (67) E. tenax, L. (as late as Oct. 13) ; t 
(68) E. pertinax, Scop. : (69) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (70) E. intricarius, L., all 8. i 
and f.p., ab. ; (71) Rhingia rostrata, L. ; (72) Ascia lanceolata, Mgn., s. ; (73) 
A. podagrica, F., ab., fp. ; (74) Syrphus nitidicollis, Mgn., f.p. ; (75) S. pyrastri, 
L., fip.; (76) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., f.p.; (77) Cheilosia vernalis, — 
Fallen, f.p.; (78) Ch. chloris, Mgn., f.p.; (c) Muscide: (79) Scatophaga ster- 
coraria, L.; (80) Sc. merdaria, F., both species s. and f.p., ab. ; (81) Onesia® 
floralis, R. D., freq. C. ee ae (82) Vanessa phates ab. ; 
(83) V. Io, L., ab. ; (84) Rhodocera pr oe .3 (85) Pieris brassicae, L ; (86) 
P. napi, L.; (87) Satyrus Megeera, L.; (88) ‘Hesperia alveolus, Hb., all Ss. 
D. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (89) Meligethes, ab. ; (0) Buposctliles § (90) s 
Anthaxia nitidula, L. ; (c) Malacodermata : (91) Malachius bipustulatus, F., f.p.; . 
(d) Coccinellide : (92) Coccinella septempunctata, L., tries in vain to reach the ~ 
honey. E. Hemiptera ; (93) Pyrocoris aptera, L., s., ab. See also No. 590, MII. 
for a further list of visitors in Low Germany ; and No. 609 for a list of Alpine 
visitors, / 

pg Recap a 

Altogether I have observed upon the Dandelion— 

Apide “Lepidoptera Diptera. Other Insects { 

In Low Germany... 67 i 7 25 ie 


| On the Alps ... ide 25 | 35 26 

—$$ $$ 


In each 100 visitors there are therefore— 

Apide \sgediigkings Diptera. {Other Insects 


rt ne corres 

| In Low Germany _... 58°2 6°1 21°7 13 9 

On the Alps ... ii 25°5 35°7 26 °5 12°2 


Se ae Se 



nT > ag, i 
SP, a oie > 

Visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., fp. ; (2) 
 §. arcuatus, Fall. ; (3) Eristalis arbustorum, L. ; all three species s. and f.p. 
_ B. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (4) Pieris brassice, L., s. 



Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s. and c.p., very 
_ ab., it dusts itself over and over with pollen ; (2) Bombussp., s. ; (3) Panurgus 
_ calearatus, Scop. 2? gd, s. and cp., very ab.; (4) P. Banksianus, K. ? ¢, 
 searcer ; (5) Halictus quadricinctus, F. ?, cp. ; (6) H. rubicundus, Chr. ?, 

c.p. and s. ; (7) H. flavipes, F. 2, c.p.; (8) H. lugubris, K. ¢,s.; (9) Nomada 
varia, Pz. 2,8. ; (10) Megachile centuncularis, L. 9, ¢.p. and s.; (11) Osmia 
‘spinulosa, K. 2, ¢.p. ands. (Thur.) B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (12) Eristalis 
 tenax, L.; (13) E. arbustorum, L., both species s, and f.p., ab. ; (14) Cheilosia 
 &8p., fp. ; (b) Conopide : (15) Sicus ferrugineus, L., s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopa- 
 locera : (16) Hesperia sp.,s. D. Coleoptera—(a) Curculionidae : (17) Spermo- 
_ phagus cardui, Schh., very numerous ; (b) Malacodermata: (18) Malachius 
Di sp.; f.p. 1 . 

___} The following additional Composites are discussed in my Alpenblumen (609) :— 
_ Achillea atrata, L., A. macrophylla, 1.., A. moschata, Wlf., A. nana, L., Adeno- 
pyle albifrons, Rehb., A. alpina, Bl. et Fing., A. hybrida, D.C., Aronicum Clusii, 
All., Aster alpinus, L., Bellidiastrum Michelii, Cass., Carduus Personata, Jacq., 
— Centaurea Mureti, Jord., C. nervosa, Willd., C. phrygia, L., Chrysanthemum alpinum, 
_ L., C. coronopifolium, Vill., Cnicus heterophyllus, All., C. spinosissimus, Scop., 
_ Crepis aurea, Cass., Gnaphalium dioicum, L., G. Leontopodiwm, Scop., Hieraciwm 
| albidum, L., H. aurantiacum, L., H. Auricula, L., H. glanduliferum, Vill., H. 
| staticifolium, Vill., H. villosum, L., Hypocheris uniflora, .Vill., Lactuca perennis, 
__L., Lappa major, Gartn., Mulgedium alpinum, Cass., Saussurea alpina, D.C., 
_ Senecio abrotanifolius, L., S. carniolicus, Willd., S. cordatus, Koch., S. Doronicum, 
L., S. nebrodensis, L. 

In addition to these, the following are treated in my Weitere Beobachtungen, pt. 
ul. :—Bidens cernua, L., Inula britannica, L., I. Heleniuwm, L., 1. hirta, L., Petasites 
officinalis, Ménch., Prenanthes muralis, L., P. purpurea, L., Senecio silvaticus, L., 
S. viscosus, L., Silybum Marianum, L., Sonchus asper, Vill. 

Besides all these, Hildebrand in his Geschlechtsverhdltnisse bei den Compositen (357) 

_ treats of the following :—Agathea, <Arctotis, Cacalia, Calendula, Cryptostemma, 
_ Dahlia, Doronicum, Gazania, Jurinea alata, Liatris, Melampodium divaricatum, 
_ Senecio populifolius. Silphium doronicifolium, Telekia, Vernonia, Xeranthemum, - 


Se ee 




A review of the Composites which I have more particularly 
described shows that the. special characters of the family for the 
most part secure such abundant insect-visits that the power of 
self-fertilisation may be dispensed with ; and to a great extent it 
has been dispensed with, though in this respect all gradations are 
found between such conspicuous and abundantly-visited forms as 
Taraxacum, Cnicus arvensis, and Achillea, and those which, like 
Senecio vulgaris, are only visited exceptionally, and regularly 

fertilise themselves. 
Species in this last soutien explain how it could be of 

advantage to one offshoot of the Senecionidz with still less 

éoueeaioas flowers, viz. the Artemisiaceze, to adapt themselves 

for wind-fertilisation, and to renounce entirely the insect-visits 

whose occurrence had become so rare. Delpino has shown in a 
masterly way in his work on the Artemisiacez, the small steps by 
which this change took place. 

A comparison of species in the same genus (e.g. Senecio JSacobeea 
and S. vulgaris, Cardwus crispus and C. acanthoides, Cnicus arvensis, 
C. palustris, and C. nutans), or of closely allied genera, shows clearly 

that in the Compositz, as in other cases, the abundance of insect- — 

visitors increases with the conspicuousness of the flowers, and the 
variety of insects with the accessibility of the honey. It is only 
in a few forms with solitary, inconspicuous capitula, devoid of 
ligulate marginal florets (Gnaphalium uliginosum, Senecio vulgaris), 
that insect-visits, and consequently cross-fertilisation, are rare. 

If we compare in regard to the variety of insect-visitors, not 

isolated genera (Salix, Scabiosa, Jasione), but whole families, with 

the Composite, we find that the Umbelliferee alone rank with — 

them; indeed they in some cases surpass in this respect the most 
favoured Composites. But corresponding to the different con- 
ditions of the honey in these two orders, there is this remarkable 

distinction, that the Umbellifere: are visited and fertilised mainly — 

by those insects which are least specialised for floral nutriment, 
while most Composite are to a greater extent. or even principally, 
visited by the most specialised orders of insects. To make this 
distinction quite evident, I have arranged in the following table 
ten of the commonest forms of each order with their visitors, 
choosing plants with whose insect-visitors I was best acquainted. 

Od es a ee, 



; 5 Percentages. 

fr ; oi : * 

Ss | § B ] & 3 

3 2 : DR 2 net 4 

i=) =| i= - ro] 

A ic} & Meo So s = 

aS og 8 a i s 8 5 he 

es a | = a] 4 ae | = B |i 

° 8 f=") ) we) o a — = 

a 4 a ° 4 4 A ° 


| Taraxacum officinale eis «. | 98 7 58 21 7 75 | 62:5 | 22°6 74 
Cirsium arvense ... ae oa 88 7 82 24 25 79 | 8674 | 27°38 | 28°4 
Achillea Millefolium Rae 87 6 80 21 80 || 69 34°5 | 24°1 | 34d 
Chrysanthemum ideaithacoties 72 5 12 28 27 || 69 16°6 | 38°9 | 37°5 

Centaurea Jacea ... ee aul | ae 13 28 6 1 27 58°7 | 12°5 2 
Cardius acanthoides ai wists OM 4 82 3 5 |, 91 72°7 6°8 | 11:3 
Senecio Jacobuwa ... aie bel 40 8 16 18 3 75 | 40 | 45 75 
Picris hieracioides ... eae ate 29 8 16 9 1 10°38 | 65°2 31 3°4 
Tanacetum vulgare ane see | OF 5 7 7 8 || 185 | 25°9 | 25°9 | 29°6 
Eupatorium cannabinum... .. | 18 9 2 6 } 1 || 50 111 | 833 | 5°5 


Heracleum Sphondylium... —... | 118 0 13 49 56 0 lle | 415 | 4774 
Agopodium Podagraria ... «xd, 1 08 0 15 84 55 6 14°4 | 826] 52:9 
Anthriseus silvestris sae so | 28 0 5 26 42 0 68 | 35°6 | 57°5 
Daucus Carota ue wee ee |G 2 8 19 32 3°38 | 1381 | 811) 525 
Carum Carni sis tie wnat, 20D 1 9 21 24 1°8 | 16°4 | 882] 48°6 
Anethum graveolens 2 nea 46 0 6 15 25 0 13 82°6 | 54°3 
Sium latifolium ... oa ae 82 0 0 20 12 0 0 625 | 87°56 
Angelica silvestris .. eas seo | 80 1 2 11 16 33 66 | 866 | 53°83 
Cherophyllum temulum ... owe | 28 0 1 10 12 0 4°38 | 48:5 | 62°2 
Pimpinella Saxifraga whe ae 1228 0 8 8 12 0 13 84°8 | 52°2 

This table shows clearly :— 

1. That many Umbelliferz are not visited at all by Lepidoptera, 
and the others to a small extent only; while the Composites are 
regularly visited by Lepidoptera, and in some cases (Lupatorium) 
depend mainly upon them. .Of the ten Umbelliferz, three only 

are shown to be visited by Lepidoptera, which in no case exceed 

3°5 per cent. of the insect-visitors; and I can testify that even 
these few species are not regular but only exceptional guests. Of 
the ten Composite, all are visited by some Lepidoptera (7 to 50 
per cent.), and these are among their regular visitors. Hupatoriwm 
I have found to be visited ‘by very numerous Lepidopters be- 
longing to nine species. 

2. Bees are among the visitors of almost all Umbelliferze ; but 
they only amount to a small number of species (under 16 per cent.), 
and to a still smaller percentage of individuals. They belong 
almost entirely to those genera which are either the least or the 
most adapted for obtaining honey (cf. p. 287). On the other 
hand, the flowers of Composite, richer in honey and in pollen, 
attract far more species of bees of the most various genera; so 
that in these ten Composite of my table, bees form 11 to 72 per 


cent. of the whole number of species, and a still larger proportion 
of the individual visitors, and owing to their diligence they are of 
even greater importance in the work of fertilisation than this 
percentage directly indicates. 

3. Diptera, and short-lipped insects of other orders (especially - 
Hymenoptera and Coleoptera), form a considerable percentaze of 
the species of visitors in both families, but more so in the case of 
Umbelliferee than of Composite. In the ten Composites the 
number of Dipterous visitors varies from 6 to 45, in the ten Um- 
bellifers from 31 to 62, per cent. Similarly, the percentage of 
short-lipped visitors of other orders varies in these Composites 
from 2 to 37, in the Umbellifers from 37 to 57, per cent. Diptera 
and short-lipped insects of other orders taken together make in 
the Composite 14 to 76, in the Umbelliferze 83 to 100 per cent. 

In the face of this evidence, it is unnecessary to discuss 
Delpino’s statement (178, 180) that the Composite are fertilised 
almost exclusively by bees. 


The plants of this order, according to Delpino (who examined — 
only dried specimens), are markedly proterandrous and are evidently 
fertilised by insects (178). 


In the plants of this order the style ends in a collecting-cup, 
which receives the pollen while still in the bud and then closes up, — 
leaving only a narrow opening for the most part covered by hairs. 
At the same time it bends down to stand in the mouth of the 
almost horizontal flower, so that insect-visitors come in contact 
with the hairs and dust themselves with a little of the powdery 
pollen. As the stigmatic lobes grow up in the cup they keep forcing 
fresh pollen into the narrow slit, and finally emerge by it themselves, 
and then receive the pollen of younger flowers from insect-visitors — 
(178, 360, 550). The structure of the stigma in the different — 
genera (Goodenia, Scwvola, Velleia, Calogyne, Dampiera, Lesche- 
naultia) is very variable, as Bentham shows in an interesting 
paper (84). In Leschenaultia formosa, R. Br., the insect’s proboscis 
comes in contact with the lower lip of the pollen-cup, thus opening — 
it and dusting itself with pollen; in the next flower it places this — 

pollen on the stigmatic surface which. lies outside. the cart : 
(Darwin, No. 162), 

a EY sien 



Tribe Lobeliew. 

Siphocampylus bicolor, G. Don.—The five anthers cohere to form 
a hollow cylinder which becomes filled with pollen, and whose 
anterior opening bends downwards into the mouth of the flower. 
In the first stage the style, with its two stigmatic lobes closely 
applied to one another, extends to the base of the anther-cylinder, 
but gradually grows up through it, brushing the pollen before it 

out of the cylinder by means of a ring of hairs placed behind the 
_ stigmas. When the stigmas issue at the anterior opening of the 

cylinder the two lobes separate and expose their papillar surfaces 

_ to contact with insect-visitors in the upper part of the mouth of 
_ the flower. So insects come in contact in younger flowers with 
_ pollen at the anterior opening of the anther-cylinder, and in older 
_ flowers with the stigmas, and regularly fertilise older flowers with 
_ the pollen of younger (Hildebrand, Nos. 346 and 351). 

Other species of Siphocampylus are believed by Delpino to be 

fertilised by honey-sucking birds (178). 

Isotoma axillaris, R. Br.—The mechanism is for the most part 
similar, but there is a lancet-like appendage to each of the lower 
anthers which extends downwards into the upper part of the 
flower, and which causes shedding of the pollen when touched by 

an insect (Hildebrand, No. 356). 

Lobelia Erinus, L. (2) (Common Blue Lobelia).—The flower, 

" which has been thoroughly described by Mr. T. H. Farrer, agrees 
in all essential points with Siphocampylus bicolor, and is visited by 
_ bees (240). | 

Delpino saw Lobelia Erinus visited by Halictus (178). Hilde- 
brand observed in the same species that the style is frequently not 
able to force its way through the closed end of the anther-tube, 
and that in such a case the stigmatic lobes unfold within the 
anther-tube and are self-fertilised (360). | 

Lobelia syphilitica, L., is abundantly visited by Bombus ttalicus 

and B. terrestris (Delpino, 172, 176). 

Lobelia fulgens, Willd.—Delpino suggested that this plant is 
fertilised by humming-birds (172, 176), and Trelease afterwards saw 
the flowers visited by the Ruby-throated Humming-bird (727, 751). 

Heterotoma ditfers from Siphocampylus in having all the lobes of 
the corolla bent«downwards, in the lower portion of the corolla: being 


produced into a long spur, and in the stamens only cohering for a 
short distance below the anthers (360). 

Tribe Cyphiee. 

The stigma is crowned with a tuft of hairs and only reaches to 
the base of the anthers, which are closely aggregated together 
and contain the pollen in a single large mass between them. The 
anthers stand on the lower side of the horizontal flowers, and 
separate when the insect-visitor enters, so that the ventral surface — 
of the insect comes in contact with the pollen and with the stigma. 
Bees are probably the fertilising agents (178, 360). 

Tribe Campanulee. 

The structure of the flower in our species of Campanula has 
been admirably described and explained by Sprengel. Delpino 
makes general remarks upon this ‘and several other genera of 
Campannulec, and names Cetonie as the fertilisers of Campanula 
Medium, and Apis and Halictus as fertilisers of the other species of 
Campanula ; and he gives in addition to his own observations a full 
account of the erroneous views of Wahlbom, Cassini, Du Petit- 
Thouars, Alph. de Candolle, Treviranus, Gartner, and Vaucher 
concerning the fertilisation of Campanula (178, 360). : 

In Campanula the honey is secreted and borne by a yellow, 
fleshy, epigynous disk (m), surrounding the base of the style; 
it is covered by the bases of the five stamens which expand in 
triangular lamine (sd). Hairs close over the interspaces between 
the bases of the stamens, and protect the honey rather from 
unbidden guests than, as Sprengel supposes, from rain, which — 
is sudiciently guarded against in most species by the pendulows t 
position of the flowers. 

In the bud, and often for a time in the open flower, the three 
stigmas lie closely applied together, forming a cylinder whose outer 
surface is thickly covered with long, erect hairs; in the bud the 
anthers are placed close around this cylindrical brush (grb), so 
that they form a hollow cylinder inclosing the style, and as -they 
dehisce introrsely they shed their pollen upon the hairs of the — 
brush. When this has taken place the stamens wither and with- — 
draw into the base of the flower. Now the flower opens and dis- — 
plays in the first stage of its development a cylindrical brush ~ 
standing in the centre and covered thickly all round with pollen, 


which is rubbed off by the hairy bodies of insect-visitors until it is 
_ exhausted ; meanwhile the hairs of the brush gradually shrivel. - In 
: the pnd. stage the three divisions of the style separate and curve 
_ backwards, exposing their inner surfaces covered with stigmatic 
: - papillze (st) to be touched by insect-visitors. In case of sufficient 
insect-visits, cross-fertilisation, and, as in every case of marked 
_ proterandzy, fertilisation of older flowers with the pollen of younger, 
_ is inevitable. 

+ In Campanula, when insects have not visited the flower to 
- sufficient extent, the stigmas usually bend further backwards 

Fic. 118.—Campanula pusilla, L. 

ie hi eal 

A.—Section of young bud. 

B.—Essential organs of a bud about to open. 

C.— Essential organs of a flower, in first (male) stage. 

D.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. (x 4. 

sd, expanded bases of the filaments, fringed with hairs, which guard the honey ; grb, brush upon 
ete sty le ; grb’, ditto, after its hairs have shrivelled up. 

oh NG 

until self-fertilisation is effected. The papillose end of the stigma 
either comes in immediate contact with the pollen still adhering 
to the upper end of the styles, or pollen falls of itself upon the 
‘papillee of the recurved portion. It is clear from its wide, bell- 
shaped corolla, that Campanula is specially adapted for humble- 
bees, but the flowers in the various species are visited by many 
other insects, chiefly bees. Many insects find shelter from rain 
and also spend the night within the flowers ; and some confine their 
visits mainly (Cilissa hemorrhoidalis, species of Chelostoma) or 
almost exclusively (Halictoides dentiventris) to species of Campanula. 



Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L.§, 8.5; (2) 
Bombus pratorum, L. $, s.; (3) B. lapidarius, L. %, cp. ; (4) Cilissa heemar- 
rhoidalis, F. 9 ¢, s. and cp. ; (5) Andrena Coitana, K. g (Sld.), ab. ; (6) 
A. Gwynana, K. ¢; (7) Halictus Smeathmanellus, K. ¢; (8) Halictoides 
dentiventris, Nyl. ¢ 2, the g abundant, sometimes passing the night within 
the flowers ; (9) Chelostoma nigricorne, Nyl. 9 g,s. and cp. ; (10) Ch. Cam- 
panularum, L., do. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (11) Systeechus sulfureus, 
Mik.,s. (Sld.) ; (b) Empide : (12) Rhamphomyia plumipes, Fallen, ab. C. Lepi- 
doptera—(13) Ino statices, L.,s. (Sld.). D. Coleoptera— (a) Staphylinide : (14) 
Anthobium ; (b) Curculionide : (15) Gymnetron Campanula, L. ; (16) Otio- 
rhynchus ovatus. On the Alps also this species is chiefly visited by bees 
(609). See also No. 590, Ill. 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L., 9, s., ab. ; (2) 
Cilissa hemarrhoidalis, F. 9 ¢, s. and c.p., the ¢ very ab., sometimes three in 
one flower ; (3) Andrena Coitana, K. 2 ¢,here also the ¢ is much the more 
abundant ; (4) A. Gwynana, K. 2 g, ab.; (5) A. fulvicrus, K. ¢, taking 
shelter during rain; (6) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, ¢.p.; (7) Halictoides 
dentiventris, Nyl. 9 ¢, g very ab. ; (8) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ? ¢, ab. ; 
(9) Chelostoma Campanularum, L. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (10) Chryso- 
chlamys ruficornis, F. (Lippstadt, Sld.), fp. ; (11) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., 
fp. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (12) Meligethes, very ab. ; (b) Crypto-— 
phagide : (13) Antherophagus, sp. See also No. 590, 111. 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, s.; (2) 
Bombus lapidarius, L. $, s.and¢.p.; (8) Cilissa hemarrhoidalis, F. 2 ¢; “) 4 
Andrena Gwynana, K. 3 ?; (5) Halictus maculatus, Sm. ¢; (6) H. albipes, 
K. 9; (7) Chelostoma nigricorne, Nyl. ¢ 2 ; (8) Ch. Campanularum, K. ¢ 2; 
(9) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ¢ ?, the last three ab. B. Diptera—Syrphide : 
(10) Rhingia rostrata, L., s., it issues from the flower with its back covere ed 
with pollen. See also No. so: III. 

280. CAMPANULA BONONIENSIS, L. (Wandersleber Gleiche in — 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Chelostoma florisomne, i 2 
freq. ; (2) Ch. nigricorne, Nyl. 2 ¢; (3) Ch. Campanularum, K. 9 ¢, ab. 
(4) Halictus flavipes, F. 9. B. Coleoptera—Nétidulide : (5) Meligethes, 
freq. See also No. 590, m1. : 


Bh ose Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, s. and 
; (2) Chelostoma nigricorne, Nyl. ¢ 9,5. and ep. See also No. 590, TT. | 



Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. ? ¢. 
B. Orthoptera—(2) Forficula auricularia, L., hiding in the flowers. See also 
No. 590, Il. 

Campanula canescens, Wall., and C. colorata, Wall. two East 
‘Indian species, have cleistogamic flowers (531). 
_ Specularia perfoliata, Dec.—The cleistogamic flowers, which 
were known to Linnzus, are described by H. von Mohl (531). 
 Trachelium.—When the flower expands the pollen adheres to 
the hairs of the stigma, which in the bud grows up between the 
thers; these hairs then wither and readily give up the pollen to 
a an insect-visitor. Afterwards the stigma unfolds and its papille 
“develop. Delpino observed a cabbage-white butterfly (Pieris) 
“sucking, and a bee (Halictus) collecting pollen, on the flowers 
(178, 360). 
—~-Phytewna—The structure of the flower of Phytewma resembles 
‘on the whole that of Campanula, but the pollen, as in Composite, 
‘is pushed up out of a tube by the growing style, and comes to lie 
outside the flower exactly in the spot where the stigmas after- 
wards unfold. The tube is formed by the long strap-shaped lobes 
of the corolla which cohere for a time and afterwards separate. 
- This arrangement allows of diminution in size and aggregation of the 
flowers without interfering with the certainty of cross-fertilisation. 
' I have found the blue Alpine species of Phytewma (P. hemi- 
| sphericum, L., hwmile, Schleich., orbiculare, L., Scheuchzeri, All., 
 Michelii, All., Halleri, All.) to be visited for the most part by 
umerous bees and butterflies. For instance, on P. Micheli I 
_ observed seventeen Apide (including twelve humble-bees), forty- 
two Lepidoptera, eight Diptera, one beetle (No. 609, pp. 406-413). 


— -Phytewma pauerflorum, L., was found by Ricca to be visited by 


| _ humble-bees on the Alps at a height of nearly 10,000 feet (665). 

283. JASIONE MONTANA, L.—The structure of the flower was 
described thoroughly and accurately by Sprengel. The flower, to 
a greater extent even than Phytcwma, has two advantages over 
Campanula, for (1) it attracts much more numerous and more 
varied insects for the sake of its honey and pollen, and (2) it 
allows the larger visitors to fertilise a greater number of stigmas 
simultaneously with pollen from other flowers, while in Campanula 
the fertilisation of each flower requires a separate visit. 

1 The following additional species of Campanula are discussed in my Alpenblumen : 
, C. pusilla, Heenk., CO. Schewchzeri, Vill., C. barbata, L., and C. thyrsoidea, L. 



The visits of a more miscellaneous lot of insects are attaine 
by the honey being very easily accessible, though protected frox 
rain. It is secreted, as in Campanula, by the upper surface of th 
ovary, where it lies fully exposed and surrounded by the flat lim 
of the calyx. The corolla is cleft to its base into narrow linea 
lobes, and permits the most short-lipped insects to have free acces: 
to the honey; the stamens, by cohering at the base of the anther 

Fic. 119.—Phyteuma Michelii, L. 
A.—Young bud, after removal “f the corolla and of one stamen. 
B.— Flower, in first (male) stag 
C.—Ditto, in second (female) yeas. (x 7.) 
(Franzenshoh, July 20, 1874). 

to form a ring round the style, shelter the honey from rain, thoug! 
not from insects, which can insert their heads or tongues betwee! 
the filaments which are quite thin and widely separate to their base: 
Drops of rain are excluded from the base of the flower partly b 
the shrivelled anthers which point obliquely upwards, and 
by the filaments. That the larger insects fertilise numerou 
flowers at each visit with pollen from other flowers is effected by 
three other characters conjointly. In the first place, the flowers: 


a e so small and so closely aggregated that the larger insects come 
In contact with many at once in their visits; secondly, the styles 
elongate until they overtop the lobes of the corolla; and thirdly, 
here as in Campanula the flowers are markedly proterandrous, 
_ the style bearing first a cylindrical brush covered with pollen 
(Fig. 120, 3), and afterwards, when both pollen and hairs have 

Sat, a ++ 
- —_ “a 


Fic. 120.—Jasione montana, L. 

1.—Essential organs, from a young bud. The still closed anthers have been separated slightly,” 
to show the style with its brush lying between them. 
__ 2.—Essential organs, of am older bud. The anthers have shed their pollen upon the styie, and 
_have shrivelled up into narrow lobes which remain coherent at their base. 
_ 8,—Flower, in first (male) stage. 
_ 4,—Ditto, in second (female) stage, after removal of the calyx and corolla. 

flowers is fully compensated for by the union of a large number in 
acapitulum. Sprengel states the number of florets in a capitulum 
to be about seventy; in the specimens that I have examined, 
I have found the number to be considerably over 100, even 
reaching 180. 

> BB 2 

disappeared, displaying a two-lobed stigma. The small size of the 


Jasione is rendered especially conspicuous by growing chiefly; 
on dry, sandy soil, where it is usually one of the most prominer ni 
flowers, and where many bees and sand-wasps which visit it havi 
their nests. ‘ 

On two such spots, behind the Tannenbaum at Lippotade| 
on the Lippstadt Heath, I found the following insects visiting h 
flowers in July and August, 1868 and 1869 :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Bombus hortorum, L. ? §, s.; ¢ 
B. silvarum, L. $,s. ; (3) B. rupestris, L. ¢,s. ; (4) Sarapoda bimaculata, P 
2 &, very ab., s. and c.p.; (5) Dasypoda hirtipes, F. ¢, freq. ; (6) 
leporina, Pz. 2 ; (7) Rhophites halictula, Nyl. 9,8. ; (8) Andrena Hattorfian: 
F. ¢, once; (9) A. dorsata, K. 2 g, ab. ; (10) A. pubescens, K. ¢ (= fu 
cipes, K.), 8. ; (11) A. fulvago, Chr. 9; (12) A. helvola, L. 9; (13) A. fulvi 
crus, K. ? ;-(14) A. argentata, Sm. g; (15) A. pilipes, F. ¢; (16) A. Coite 
K. ¢ 2; (17) Colletes marginata, L. ¢; (18) Halictus fasciatus, Nyl. 9 ; fa 
H. flavipes, F. ¢; (20) H. leucozonius, Schr. 9 ; (21) H. albipes, F. 2; (22 
H. cylindricus, F. 2 ¢ ; (28) H. villosulus, K. ? ; (24) H. lucidulus, Schenck, 9 
(25) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ? (var. rafescens, Fourc.) ; in the last three gener: 
the ¢ s., the 2 s. and cp. ; (26) Ceratina czerulea, Vill. 2 ¢, freq., s. and ¢.p. 
(27)° Nomada ruficornis, L. 2 ¢; (28) N. Roberjeotiana, Pz. ? ¢; (29) } 
nigrita, Schenck, ¢; (30) N. lineola, Pz. $; (31) N. Jacobee, Pz. ; (82) N 
varia, Pz. ; (33) N. Fabriciana, L. ; (34) Ceelioxys quadridentata, L. 2 ¢, ab. 
(35) C. conoidea, Ill. (punctata, Lep. 9) ; (86) C. simplex, Nyl. 9 ¢, 8.3 (37 
Epeolus variegatus, L. ¢ 2, freq. ; the cuckoo-bees of course only suck 
(38) Anthidium strigatum, Latr. ¢; (39) Diphysis serratule, Pz. 2 ; (40) 
gachile maritima, K. ¢; (41) M. argentata, F. ¢ 9, 8 and cp. ab.; (42 
Chelostoma campanularum, L. ? ; (48) Prosopis variegata, F. 2 ¢, very ab. 
(44) P. dilatata, K. ¢; (45) P. communis, Nyl. 9 ¢, ab. ; (46) P. hyalinata 
Sm. 9, ab. ; (47) P. pictipes, Nyl. 9, scarce; (b) Sphegide, s.; (48) Ammo 
phila sabniona, L. g, freq. ; (49) Psammophila affinis, K. ¢ 9, very freq. 
(50) Pompilus rufipes, L. ¢; (51) P. viaticus, L. ¢; (52) Ceropales macule 
F., freq. ; (53) Cerceris arenaria, L. 9 ¢, ab. ; (54) C. labiata, F. g¢; (55 
C. nasuta, Kl. ¢; (56) Mellinus sabulosus, F., freq. ; (57) Miscus campestri 
Latr. 9 ; (58) Philanthus triangulum, F.; (59) Tachytes pectinipes, L. ; (6( 
Lindenius albilabris, F. ; (61) Oxybelus uniglumis, L., ab. ; (62) O. bellicos 
Ol. ; (63) O. mandibularis, Dhlb. ; (64) Crabro alatus, Pz. 2 ¢, very ab. ; (6 
Cr. patellatus, v. d. L. 2; (66) Cr. pterotus, F. 9 ¢, both not rare; (¢) Ch 
side: (67) Hedychrum lucidulum, Latr., s. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide 
(68) Exoprosopa capucina, F., not rare ; (0) sige : (69) Empis livida, L 
very ab. ; (c) Syrphide : (70) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (71) M. nents re 
(72) Volucella bombylans, L. ; (73) Helophilus reer .; (74) Eristal 
tenax, L. ; (75) E. eeneus, Scop. ; (76) E. arbustorum, L. ; Ae Syritta pipien 
L, ; (78) Melanostoma mellina, L.; (79) Syrphus pyrastri, L. ; (80) Eumert 

sabulonum, Fall. ; (81) Pipizella, sp. ; (d) Conopide : ” Sicus ferrugineus, L.; 
(83) Physocephala rufipes, F., freq. ; (84) Ph. vittata, F. ; (e) Muscide : ee ) 
Ocyptera brassicaria, F, ; (86) O. cylindrica, F., both very freq. ; (87) E 
nomyia tesselata, F., very ab. ; (88) E. ferox, Px ; ; (89) Oliviera lateralis, Pz 
ab. The Syrphide both s, and ¢.p., the others only s, C. Lepidoptera, s. ; ¢ ) 

ee tie! 


Rhopalocera : (90) Polyommatus Phleas, L., s., ab.; (91) P. Dorilis, Hfn., freq. ; 

92) Lyceena egon, W. V. ¢ ; (93) Satyrus Janira, L., ab. ; (94) S. pamphilus, L.; 

5) Hesperia thaumas, Hfn. ; (b) Sphingidee : (90) Tn statices, L.- D. Solas 

optera—(a) (demeride : (97) CEdemera virescens, L. ; (b) Cerambycide : (98) 

eptura livida, L., freq., lh. ; (c) Chrysomelide : (99) Cryptocephalus sericeus, 
A list of ingtéeti additional visitors is given in No. 590, III. 

7 Jasione montana stands in the front rank of our native plants 
in regard to the number and variety of its insect-visitors ; it is only 
ig x atched by some Umbelliferee and Compositz, which es with it 
the advantages of fully-exposed honey, and the union of numerous 
. owers with freely-projecting reproductive stigmas and anthersin a 
‘conspicuous inflorescence. In all such plants, cross-fertilisation is 
completely insured, and accordingly the possibility of self-fertilisa- 
tion has been lost. 


284, Vaccinium Myrrtiuvus, L.; 285, V. uLiainosum, L.— Both 
species are slightly proterandrous, and resemble Hrica tetralix in 
their mode of fertilisation. 

_ In PV. Myrtilius, according to Sprengel, honey is secreted and 
borne by the white annular ridge or disk which rests upon the 
ovary and surrounds the style ; I have never found this disk moist, 
even when the wide part of the corolla is quite wet with honey ; 
it is moreover not so smooth as honey-glands usually are. On the 
other hand, I have very frequently found in both species a drop of 
| per at the outer side of the base of each stamen; and as the 
base of the corolla immediately above its insertion is all round 
} Bach thicker and fleshier than the upper portion, I at first did not 
4 d oubt that it secreted the honey. But I have since convinced 
nyself that Sprengel was right, and that the drops of honey secreted 
by the epigynous disk pass between the filaments to the wall of 
the corolla. 

So far, both species agree with one another : but in other respects 
each has certain advantages over the other. V. Myrtillus secretes 
_ More honey, which is lodged in a much more globular corolla; the 
opening is narrowed so that only insects with a proboscis long 
enough to reach from the exterior to the base of the corolla can 
obtain the honey. On the other hand, V. uliginoswm forms taller 
bushes bearing much more numerous flowers, which are red on 
| the side turned towards the light and therefore much more con- 
- Spicuous while the mouth of the corolla is 3 mm. wide, permitting 


the smaller insects to insert their heads or the whole forepart o 
the body. V. Myrtillus has thus adapted itself exclusively for the 
long-proboscised bees (hive-bees, humble-bees), which are con: 
spicuous for their skill and diligence; they know that within 
the inconspicuous corolla they will find a rich store of honey, and 
seek it so assiduously that hundreds of the flowers are visited anc 
fertilised by a single insect. V. uliginosum has adapted itself by 
its more conspicuous flowers and more accessible honey to much 
more various insects; it is much less frequently and less 
assiduously visited by the long-tongued bees than V. Myrtillus, 
for the greater part of the honey is carried away by the short: 
lipped insects. 

Fig, 121. 

1.—Flower of Vacciniwm Myrtillus, slightiy magnified, from the side. 
2,—Flower of V. wliginoswm, after removal of half the corolla (x 7). 

The difference in size of the mouths of the corolla causes als 
another difference, illustrated in Fig. 121. In V. Myrtillus th 
stigma projects a little beyond the corolla, and, as every insec 
visitor inserts only its proboscis into the flower, the stigma is certail 
to be touched by the insect’s head before the latter receives th 
pollen shed upon it. In V. uliginoswm, if the stigma occupied th 
same position, the smaller bees (Halictus and small Andrene 
Nomad) might enter the flower without ever touching the stigma 
whereas, placed as it is, immediately within the entrance, it must 
be touched by even the smallest insects entering the flower. If 
have verified by direct observation this marked distinction between 
the insect-visitors of the two species, | | 


284. V. Myrrituus, L. :— 

_ Visitors: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, very ab., s.; (2) Bombusagrorum, F. ?, 
; (3) B. lapidarius, L. 9; (4) B. terete, L. 9; (5) B. Scrimshiranus, 
. 2 9, all sucking only. They hung, head downwards, from the corolla. All 
he humble-bees that I observed were females, for the workers scarcely occur 
when the plant is in flower (middle of April to beginning of May). (6) An- 
lrena nigrownea, K. ¢, 1 once found this species, whose proboscis is only 34 
mm. long, endeavouring vainly to reach the honey. 

| ig 

___—«-.285._‘V. uLicinosuM, L.—I found all the following insects upon 
- this plant on one sunny afternoon (May 19, 1870) :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab. ; (2) Bombus 
terrestris, L. 9, freq. ; (3) B. hortorum, L. § ; (4) B. pratorum, L. ? ; (5) 
_ B. agrorum, F. 9; (6) B. confusus, Schenck, ?; (7) B. (Apathus) vestalis, 
 Foure. ?, freq.; (8) B. (A.) campestris, Pz. 2; (9) B. silvarum, L. 9; (10) 
Andrena nigrownea, K. 2 ¢; (11) A. pilipes, F. ¢; (12) A. fulva, Schrank, 
@; (18) A. Gwynana, K. 9; (14) A. atriceps, K. ¢; (15) Halictus rubi- 
eundus, Chr. 9; (16) H. flavipes, F. 9; (17) H. sexnotatus, K. 2; (18) H. 
eylindricus, F. 2 ; (19) H. sexstrigatus, Schenck, ?; (20) Colletes cunicularia, 
L. 2; (21) Nomada ruficornis, L. 9 ; (22) N. ferruginata, K. 2; (23) Osmia 
rufa, L. 9, all sucking ; (b) Vespidw: (24) Vespa rufa, L.,s. B. Diptera— 
Syrphide : (25) Eristalis arbustorum, L., very ab. ; (26) E. horticola, Mgn., 
arce ; (27) E. intricarius, L., do. ; (28) Rhingia rostrata, L., not unfreq.; all 
four sucking. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (29) Lyczna argiolus, L. ; (30) 
 Theela rubi, L., both sucking. See also No. 590, 111. 

—s«- Vaccinium oxycoceus, L.—The structure of the flower was care- 
fully described by Sprengel. It is adapted for bees, but is very 
ingly visited. The flowers last a very long time, according to 
Sprengel, eighteen days, and Sprengel was probably justified in 
i onsidering this fact to be explained by the scanty insect-visits 
je (590, III. ). 

Vaceinium Vitis-idea, L.—The mouth of the corolla is still 
vider than in V. wliginoswm, and the flower is more nearly erect. 
The plant is fertilised by hive-bees and humble-bees (589, 609). 



&.: Orv. ERICACEZ. 

Tribe Arbutew. 

Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spr. (Arbutus uva-ursi, L.).—The 
flower resembles that of Hrica tetralix in structure, and is likewise 
ees chiefly by humble-bees (609). 



Tribe Andromedee. 

Epigea is tetramorphic, possessing four kinds of flowers, which 
differ partly in the length of the style, partly in the conan of 
the stigma and anthers (ase Gray, No. 285). a 

Tribe Fricec. 

286. ERICA TETRALIX, L.—The pendulous, urceolate flower i 
7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide in the middle, and 2 mm. wide at the 

Fr@. 122.—Erica tetralix, L. 

Flower, after removal of half the calyx and corolla. 
a, sepal; b, corolla; c, its recurved limb ; d, anthers, partly displaced ; e, their orifices; /, thei 
appendages ; 9: nectaries ; h, ovary; i, style ; k, stigma. 

mouth. The base of the ovary is surrounded by a dark, glandular — 
ring which secretes honey. The style (2) stands in the axis of the — 
flower, extending to the mouth of the corolla; it bears at the — 
end a blackish, moist, sticky stigma (%), which protrudes slightly _ 
from the mouth of the flower, so that an insect, hanging beneath 

the flower and thrusting its proboscis towards the honey at the — 
base, must bring the forepart of its head in contact with the 
stigma and be smeared with the sticky secretion. The eight 
anthers lie in a circle close around the style, a little way above the — 
stigma (in the inverted position of the flower); each possesses two — 
long, sharp, divergent processes, which reach to the sides of the 

ie sorolla. A honey-seeking insect, immediately after touching the 

ia ‘stigma, brings its proboscis in contact with some of these append- 

es, whereupon a shower of dry, dusty pollen is shed from, the 

Picks i in the anthers on to the forepart of the insect’s head. 

iP. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation may take place, as part of 

_ the pollen always falls upon the edge of the stigma and remains 
adherent there. Humble-bees are the chief fertilising agents. 

_ This species was described by Dr. Ogle in No. 633. 

_ <A, Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus senilis, Sm. 2? § ¢ (14—15) ; (2) 
|B. silvarum, L. 9 $ (10—14) ; (3) B. agrorum, F. 2 § (10—15); (4) B. 
 Rajellus, Ill. § (10—11) ; (5) B. terrestris, L. 9 (7—9), all very ab., hanging 
- to the corolla back downwards ; (6) Nomada Solidaginis, Pz. ¢, I saw this 
_ insect once, apparently trying in vain to reach the honey ; (7) Apis mellifica, 
_L. $,is scarcely able to reach the base of the flower legitimately, as its 
_ proboscis is only 6 mm. long. It is a very abundant visitor of Erica tetralix, 
but usually bites through the corolla, about midway. On Oct, 15, 1871, 
_ J saw numerous honey-bees sucking normally. I omitted to observe whether 
these late flowers were a little smaller than those of summer ; if so they would 
exactly suit the honey-bee. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (8) Volucella bombylans, 
L. (7—8), ab., s.; (9) V. plumata, L. freq., s. ; (10) V. hemarrhoidalis, Zett., 
scarce, s. C. Lepidoptera—Noctue : (11) Plusia gamma, L., s. 

Erica cinerea, L., the fine-leaved heath, agrees in the structure 
of its flower with JL. tetralix, according to Dr. Ogle (633). 

Erica carnea, L.—This species is adapted by the colour and 
size of its flowers to butterflies, which alone (e.g. V. carduz) visit 
it in abundance, and effect cross-fertilisation, The sepals and 
petals vary from bright pink to crimson, and the peduncles are 
still more intensely coloured. The flower narrows so much towards 
its mouth that the entrance is blocked by the anthers, and just 
admits the thin proboscis of a butterfly, which cannot avoid touching 
first the stigma and then the anthers, and so performing cross- 
_ fertilisation. I have seen Bombus terrestris making great but 
ineffectual efforts to insert its proboscis into the flower. The 
- inverted position of the flower is somewhat inconvenient for butter- 

flies, and causes them delay. We may suppose that the ancestors 

of Erica carnea grew where bees were more plentiful and butter- 

flies less so, and that the flowers were first adapted for bees, 
as almost all other inverted, bell-shaped flowers are; and that 
_ they acquired their present colour and form under the influence 
| of Lepidoptera, which preponderate so conspicuously in the Alps 

287. CALLUNA VULGARIS, L—The bell- -shaped corolla is 2 to 



3 mm. long, and cleft into four lobes to near its base. Honey 
is secreted by eight blackish glands in the base of the flowe: 
alternating with the stamens, and is easily accessible to short- 
lipped insects. What the plant loses in attractiveness by the s 

Fig. 123.—Erica earnea, L. 

A.—Bud for next year, inclosed in the calyx (x 7). 
B.—Ditto, after removal of two sepals. pe 
C.—Ditto, after removal of the whole calyx and half the corolla. Three of the eight stamens 
have been drawn out (x 7). 

D. — Pollen-tetrads from a bud, greatly magnified. (Bergiin, September 5, 1878.) 
‘ E.— spelen ga in side view (x 7). The flowers usually do not hang vertically, t but only inclined 


F.—Ditto, after removal of half of the stamens and corolla. 

G.—Mouth of flower. 

H.—Essential organs, in their natural position ; the stamens have sprung slightly outwards on 
removal of the corolla. 

J Ae ; inner, outer, and lateral view. 

(E, F, G, Lenz, June 1; H, J, Bergiin, June 2, 1879). 

size of its corolla, it makes up by the red colour and large size 
of the sepals, and by association of the flowers in long, almost 
uninterrupted groups. Calluaa vulgaris is visited by at least as 
many insects as Hrica tetralix, and by a greater variety owing to 


the accessible position of the honey. While in the flowers of Hrica 
_ tetralix, which hang vertically, great regularity prevails in the 
arrangement of the parts, the style occupying the axis of the 
- flower, and the anthers forming a circle symmetrically round it with 
ie heir orifices directed downwards, in the flowers of Calluna, which 
are almost horizontal, insects are liable to be dusted with pollen 
_ from above, as the style and stamens curve upwards and permit the 
insect to reach the honey only by way of the lower half of the 

_ The larger bees, such as hive-bees and humble-bees, clinging 
_ with forelegs and midlegs to the outer side of the flower, weigh 
- it down into the vertical position ; then, hanging on below, they 
suck the honey and dust themselves with pollen, which would be 
_ sprinkled on them just as well and just in the same manner if the 

| = 

Fig, 124.—Calluna vulgaris, L. 

1.—O!d flower, seen from almost straight in front. 
2.—Younger flower, after removal of half of the calyx and corolla. 
8.—A stamen. , 
. be ones b, corolla; ¢c, appendages of anthers; d, nectaries; e, anther-orifice; f, filament 
g, style. 

| style and stamens were central as in JL. tetraliz. But the smaller 
bees and flies thrust head or proboscis from the front into the 
flower, and the upward curvature of the style and stamens causes 
the insect to enter by the lower half of the flower, and so to get 
dusted with pollen from above. 

As the bud opens, the anthers dehisce, and their appendages, 
which are set with squarrose hairs, diverge so far outwards that 
they cannot fail to be touched by the proboscis of any insect-visitor, 
and then, as the shock is communicated to the anthers, the pollen 
is shaken out. The style, which even in the bud overtops the 
_ stamens, grows very markedly after the flower opens, as the flower 
itself does (cf. 1 and 2, Fig. 124). Asa rule, it attains its full length 
- only after the anthers have completely shed their pollen, at which. 
time also the four-lobed stigma reaches its full development; but 

ae > day “Sorat E, = 

aoe eaten 


the stigma, even when the flower first opens, is capable of causing 
pollen-grains to adhere to it, and is not rarely found dusted with | 
pollen at that period. Thus cross-fertilisation is insured rather — 
by the position of the stigma in advance of the anthers than, 
as Severin Axell supposes, by proterandrous dichogamy. Self- 
fertilisation does not occur. 4 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, very ab., sucking - 
only ; (2) Bombus terrestris, L. 2 § ¢,s. (as late as Oct. 14) ; (3) Diphysis — 
serratule, Pz. 2, s.; (4) Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. 9, s., with pollen of 
Calluna among its collecting-hairs ; (5) Andrena fulvicrus, K. 9,s.; (6) A. 
fuscipes, K. 9 ¢, s.; (7) A. dorsata, K. 9; (8) A. parvula, K. 9; (9) As 
simillima, Sm. ? ¢, the last three s. and c.p.; (b) Vespide: (10) Vespa 
holsatica, F. $,s. B. Diptera—Syrphidew : (11) Chrysotoxum octomaculatum, 
Curt. ; (12) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (13) Syritta pipiens, L.; (14) Seri- — 
comyia borealis, Fallen (Thuringia) ; (15) Cheilosia scutellata, Fallen; (16) 
Syrphus sp., all sucking. C. Thysanoptera—(17) Numerous species of Thrips. 
See also No. 590, III. ‘ 

Treviranus’ general assertion (742) that Ericacez fertilise them- 
selves before the flower opens needs no further contradiction after 
the foregoing examples. 

Tribe Rhodorew. 

Loiseleuria (Azalea) procumbens, L.—While the higher passes of — 
the Alps are still covered with snow under the hot June sun, the — 
projecting hillocks are carpeted with the red or crimson flowers of 
Loiseleuria. Numerous flies, humble-bees, and Lepidoptera fly 
from one tuft to another over the snow in search of honey, and as the 
flowers are proterogynous, cross-fertilisation takes place regularly — 
(609). | | 

Kalmia.—The striking peculiarity of this genus,—viz. that — 
the anthers are held fast in pouches of the corolla, until an insect- 
visitor touches the elastic, outwardly-bent filaments, setting them 
free and letting them return to their erect position,—was described 
in the case of K. latifolia, L., (K. polifolia, Wngnham.) by Sprengel, 
but was explained by him as a contrivance for self-fertilisation. — 
Dr. Hasskarl seems even to suppose that this beautiful mechanism — 
simply serves for spontaneous self-fertilisation ; for he says nothing 
about the action of insects, and declares that the stamens release — 
themselves spontaneously and effect self-fertilisation (313). 

ss In Die Alpenblumen the figure of this flower has been accidentally assigned to 
Empetrum nigrum (fig. 67). 




_ Delpino and Hildebrand on the contrary, point out rightly that 
i t he floral mechanism of Kalmia leads to cross-fertilisation in case 
of insect-visits ; they both maintain, in opposition to Hasskarl, that 
in K. latifolia the anthers cannot spontaneously release themselves 
from their pouches. According to Delpino, the filaments are sticky 
_ at the base in this species, so that they cling to an insect which 
We has inserted its head into the flower, and are ‘pulled up by it when 
it leaves (178, 360). 

The fertilisation of K. angustifolia and K. latifolia by the hive-bee 
a: and other Hymenoptera, had been observed and described two years 

Fig. 125.—Loiseleuria procumbens, L. 

A.—Young flower, viewed obliquely from above. The stigma is mature, the anthers still closed. 
B.—Ditto, in section. 

C.—A slightly older flower, in section. The stigma is mature, the anthers have dehisced. 

Stles pe older flower, from above. The stigma is withered, the anthers are still covered with 

Pe eaiiels, Alpenrose, June 22, 23, er 

Before by Professor W. J. Beal. The insect alights on the style, and 
turning round upon it, applies its proboscis successively to the 
outer sides of the filaments to obtain the honey which is secreted 
_ there abundantly. In doing so, it sets free the stamens with its 
legs, and generally receives the charge of pollen upon its body. 
If insects are excluded from the plant by means of a net, the 
flowers wither and fall off without the stamens being set free. 


Only here and there are anthers found to have escaped from their 
pouches (Professor W. J. Beal, No. 41, and J. T. Rothrock, No. 
Rhododendron ferrugineum, L., was found by Ricca to be 
proterandrous, and visited by humble-bees at a height of over 
7,000 feet (665). The position of the honey causes an insect- 
visitor to pass towards it by way of the upper half of the horizontal 
flower, and as the stamens and style curve upwards, they come in 
contact with the ventral surface of the insect. In the first stage 
the style is shorter than the stamens and the stigma is immature ; 
the anthers dehisce apically by means of two orifices. Afterwards 
when the pollen has usually been all carried away, the style elongates 
to its full length and the stigma attains its full development; but 
the latter is still slightly overtopped and almost touched by the 
tallest anthers, and in absence of insects it must frequently come 
in contact with the pollen. Whether such self-fertilisation is effective 
is unknown (6090). 
Rhododendron Rhodore, Don. (Rhodora canadensis, L.)—The 
floral mechanism is described by Hildebrand (367). 

Tribe Pyrolee. 

Pyrola uniflora, L., and P. rotundifolia, L.—These species are 
probably cross-fertilised by short-lipped insects, which may be seen’ 
applying their mouths to the moist stigma and the orifices of the 
anthers. I have directly observed cross-fertilisation performed in 
this way in the case of Pyrola minor, L. (No. 609, figs. 149, 150). 

Eugene Warming found flowers of different forms and sizes on 
P. minor. He observed a plentiful secretion of honey in the case © 
of P. secunda (762). ae . 

Lpacris.—Delpino found one species to be proterogynous (178). 


Some Brazilian species of Plwmbago and Statice are dimorphic, 
according to Fritz Miiller (550). 

Armeria, according to Treviranus, is self-fertilising. As the 
anthers dehisce, the filaments curve inwards, bringing the anthers 
immediately above the depressed centre of the stigma on which — 
they shed their pollen (742), | 



The species of Primula have been the subject of a series of 
_ interesting researches since Darwin first led the way. In his paper 
“On the two forms or dimorphic condition in the species of Primula, 
and on their remarkable sexual relations” (No. 154), he showed 
that in P. veris the stigmain the long-styled form possesses papilla 
_ three times as long as those of the short-styled form ; and that the 
jollen-grains of the long stamens are half as large again as those 
_ of the short ; that the same holds good of P. Awricula and P. sinensis ; 
j tl at these Primulas are very unproductive in absence of-insects,! 
but fully productive when artificially fertilised or when insects 
have access to them; and that in artificial fertilisation legitimate ® 
"crossings gave a yield half as great again as illegitimate. 
Hildebrand repeated Darwin’s experiments on P. sinensis, and 
ybtained almost identical results. He performed the additional 
experiment of fertilising flowers of each kind with their own pollen, 
nd found that this was the least productive of all ways. Also 
Hildebrand sowed the seeds which resulted from the various modes 
| f fertilisation, and showed that the union of two long-styled 
flowers produced mainly long-styled plants, and the union of two 
short-styled flowers produced mainly short-styled plants; while 
legitimate crossing of the two kinds of flowers produced offspring 
consisting of both forms in tolerably equal numbers (No. 340, 
1864). - 
_ Treviranus had already (No. 742, 1863), added P. farinosa, P. 
villosa, and P. minima to Darwin’s list of dimorphic species. Mr. 
John Scott (No. 692, 1864) enumerated altogether thirty-six 
‘species of Primula as dimorphic, and six as homomorphic, and 
showed that P. mollis was homomorphic and regularly self-fertilised, 
P. scotica homomorphic, but rarely self-fertilised, though fruit- 
ful to its own pollen, P. verticillata homomorphic, and usually 
unproductive when fertilised with its own pollen. 
| _ Axell figures the homomorphice and proterandrous flowers of 
P. stricta, and states that they fertilise themselves (17). 
_ Ricca describes P. longiflora, All., as homomorphic and proter- 

1 Darwin found that, in absence of insects, the long- styled form of P. sinensis 
twenty-four times as productive as the short-styled. Hildebrand found both 

je barren. 
i.e. the fertilisation of either —_ with pollen from the other form. 


androus, the style being long and exserted, and the anthers standing 
in the mouth of the long tube (665). ; 

Darwin compared the productiveness of legitimate and illegi- 
timate crossings in Primula veris, P. elatior, Jacq., P. vulgaris, J 
sinensis; Hildebrand in P. sinensis and P. Auricula; Scott in P. 
sikkimensis, P. cortusioides, P. involucrata, and P. farinosa (167). 

According to Darwin, the common Oxlip is a natural hybrid 
between the primrose and cowslip, while the Bardfield Oxlig 
(P. elatior, Jacq.) is a good (heterostyled) species (161, 167). — 

288. PRIMULA ELATIOR, Jacq.—Honey is secreted by the base 
of the ovary. In the short-styled flowers the tube is 15 to 17 mm 
long, and begins to widen at a height of 12 to 13 mm.; the stig 
stands in the middle of the tube and the anthers in the wid 
entrance. In the long-styled form the tube is 12 to 14 mm. long. 
and begins to widen out at a height of 4 to 5 mm.; in the middle 
of the tube, at the base of the expanded portion stand the 
anthers, and the stigma stands at or a little above the mouth o! 
the tube. Humble-bees can insert their heads (5 mm. long) 
wholly into the tube, and so require a proboscis at least 12 mm. 
long to extract the honey from the longest flowers, and one at 
least 7 mm. long to do so in the shortest. As in Pulmonaria 
the bee, if it gains the honey in the ordinary manner and not bh 
biting a hole through the tube, must touch the organs whicl 
stand in the mouth of the flower with its head, and those in the 
middle of the tube with its maxille; and so, passing from flower te 
flower, it effects legitimate cross-fertilisation. Pollen-collecting bee: 
are only able to secure their pollen in the short-styled flowers; 
they learn to recognise the long-styled plants at a distance anc 
to avoid them, and then never perform cross-fertilisation but very) 
often self-fertilisation. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus hortorum, L. 2 § (18—21), 
sucking normally, s. and c¢.p., very ab. ; (2) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14), sucking 
normally ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. 9 (12—14), do. ; (4) B. confusus, Schenck, 9 
(12—14), do. ; (5) B. terrestris, L. (7—9), makes a hole in the corolla-tube, 
little above the calyx, sometimes biting it with its mandibles, sometimes 
piercing it with its maxille, and so reaching the honey with its tongue (I have - 
sometimes seen this bee, before boring the flower, make several attempts t 
reach the honey in the legitimate way,—-this observation is of interest, ¢ 
proving that the bee is not guided by instinct to the plant adapted for it, but 
that it makes experiments, and gets its honey where and how it can) ; (6) Osmia 
rufa, L. ¢@ (7—8); (7) Apis mellifica, L. $, I saw both of these species 
thrust their tongues into several flowers, and then abandon the plant ; (8) 

oe | 



~ Anthophora pilipes, F. 9? ¢ (19—21), sucking normally and c.p., very ab. ; (9) 
Andrena Gwynana, K. 2 (2%), c.p. on the short-styled form, ab. It holds the 
_ anthers in the mouth of the flower with its forefeet, bites the pollen loose with 
_ its mandibles and sweeps it with the tarsal brushes of the midlegs into the 
 eollecting-hairs of the hindlegs. It visits the long-styled form also, but flies 
_ away immediately ; not, however, without performing cross-fertilisation in the 
momentary visit. I have never seen a pollen-collecting humble-bee alight on 
a long-styled flower ; it seems to recognise them at some distance and to avoid 
them, B. Diptera—Bombylide: (10) Bombylius discolor, Mgn. (11--12), 
 s,, ab. ; (11) B, major, L. (10), much less freq., probably in most cases unable 
fo reach the honey. C. Coleoptera—Staphylinide : (12) Omalium florale, Pk., 
ab., creeping about in the flowers. See also No. 590, III. 

Fig. 126.—I rimula integrifolia, L, 

A.—Short-styled, B.—Long-styled plant (nat. size). 

C.—Short-styled, D.—Long-styled flower in section (nat. size). 
E.—Stigmatic papille of short-styled flower. 

F. G.— Ditto of long-styled flower. 

H.—Stigma of short-styled flower, I.—Ditto of long-styled flower (x 7). 
K.—Moistened pollen of short-styled flower, L.—Dittv of long-styled flower. 

_ Primula officinalis, Jacq, (P. veris, L.), the Cowslip.—The 

tructure of the flower resembles that of P. elatior ; the visitors 

include humble-bees and Anthophora pilipes (509, I11.). 

The handsome red Alpine species, Primula integrifolia, L., 

, Jacq., farinosa, L., viscosa, All., minima, L., longiflora, All., 


are alladapted for Lepidoptera by their colour and by the narrowin, 
of the mouth of the tube. 4 

All these species, with the exception of P. longiflora, are helena 
styled (609). : 

Primula farinosa occurs both on the Alps and in North 
Germany, and probably owes this wide distribution to the mild 
climate succeeding the Glacial period. On the Alps, where it is 
visited by Lepidoptera in great numbers (I have noted forty-eight 
species), the entrance of the flower is distinctly narrower than in - 
North Germany, where Lepidoptera are less plentiful and where 
the plant has probably to depend on the visits of bees (609). 

Primula longiflora is homostylic, and adapted by its long narrow 
tube for Lepidoptera. The tube is 16 to 24 mm. long, and the 
honey is, therefore, accessible only to Macroglossa stellatarum (25 to 
28) and to Deilephila euphorbie (25 mm.) pics t 3 all the Alpine 

289. Horrontia PALUSTRIS, L.—The flowers are dimorphic. 
Honey is secreted by the ovary. In both kinds of flowers, the tube 


Fic. 127.— Hottonia palustris, Vu. 

1.—Long-styled flower. 
2.—Its stigmatic panies: 
8.—Short-styled flower 
4.—Its stigmatic papille, on the same scale-as 2. 

is 4 to 5 mm. long, the organs of one sex standing in its entrance — 
and those of the other projecting 8 to 4 mm. beyond. In the — 
damp state the pollen-grains of the long-styled form (which i 
legitimate crossing have to traverse a style 4 to 5 mm. long) are — 
spherules ‘011 to ‘014 mm. in diameter; those of the hoe ee 


_ form (which in legitimate fertilisation traverse a style 7 to 9 mm. 

long) are spherules ‘018 to ‘023 mm. in diameter. 
The stigma in the long-styled form, which has to receive the 

larger pollen-grains, may be seen with a simple lens to be rough 

and velvety ; its papillz are very much larger than those on the 
stigma in the short-styled form, which appears fairly smooth under 

a lens (cf. Fig. 127, 1, 2). 

Insects in sucking the honey touch organs of equal height with 

the same parts of their bodies, and so effect legitimate cross- 
fertilisation regularly. Pollen-seeking insects have no need to 

thrust their heads into the flower in the short-styled form, and 

hence do not come in contact with its stigma ; they come in contact 
with the stigma in long-styled flowers, into which they have to 
thrust their heads to reach the pollen. In visiting several long- 

styled flowers consecutively they must as a rule bring about 

illegitimate crossing. Probably the much greater productiveness 
of illegitimate crossings in the case of long-styled than in short- 
_ styled flowers (vide next table) is due to the fact that the former 
kind of illegitimate crossings occur frequently in nature while the 
latter do not, and that the former alone, therefore, are of use in 
_ reproducing the plant. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Sphegide: (1) Pompilus viaticus, L., s., 
thrusting its head into the tube. B. Diptera—(a) Empida : (2) Empis livida, 
L.; (3) E. leucoptera, Mgn.; (4) E. pennipes, L., all three ab., s.; (0) 

i. Syrphide: (5) Eristalis arbustorum, L.; (6) E. nemorum, L., both freq., s. or 
be ip. ; (7) Rhingia rostrata, L., s., ab. Five additional visitors (Diptera) are 
- enumerated in No. 590, 11. ae 



Sprengel was aware of the dimorphism. of this plant, and 
suspected that it had some unknown purpose. Hottonia palustris 
occurs with cleistogamic flowers (167). 

‘Mr. John Scott performed on Hottonia palustris the same 

fs _ experiments. that Darwin had first instituted on Primula, and 

‘obtained likewise the result that legitimate or heteromorphic 

crossings are the most productive (692). 128 
In the summer of 1867, I repeated Scott’s experiments’ o on 

_ specimens which I kept in a large vessel of water in my room, with 

the following results :— 

“SOY eee 


; E Sn . | 2a 8 
ee | og le fla 
Flowers which. | Flowers, by the) 3 | % eo ,| 32 |S 2] 20} 
: pollen of which| ¢ s » 2a oe Oa eo = 
were artificially Es 5 ays oy 528 E 
fertilised theflowers | 33 | 25 | g42| 22 |522| gee 
ertilised, were fertilised. E 2 Eg Be 3 a | B32 s =e . 
> =o = 
Zz | 22 |\43a| ze |e88 | doe 
la.* | Long-styled ... | Short-styled ... 14 1323 948 | 1323 104 0-078 
b.* _ _ 20 17-6 89°3 
2a. Short-styled... | Long-styled ... 14 861 615 861 34-7 | 0°:040 
b. -- = 6 632 1053 632 27°38 | 0043 
c. _ _ 10 495 49°5 ‘ 


8a, Long-styled ... | Long-styled ... 11 764 69°4 764 58°7 0-076 
b. ~ — 7 632 90°3 532 33°7 0-063 
4a, Short-styled ... | Short-styled... ee ee 17°8 118 1511 0117 
b, — _ 12 238 19°8 138 179 | 0129 


5. | Long-styled ... | Long-styled ... | An unfortunate accident spoilt the results. 
oa. Short-styled ... | Short-styled ... 15 134 9 
db. _ —_ a hy 5 03 

| 7a. Long-styled ... Long-styled ... | 11 226 205 
b. — — 

|; 16 199 12 
(33 very 
fa. Short-styled... | Short-styled ... 13 68 5-2 68 9°6 0-141 
b. _ _ 17 128 75 

* a, b, c, indicate different individual plants. 

Although these observations are in some places defective, they 
illustrate well on the whole Darwin’s law that in heterostyled 
plants legitimate crossings are the most fruitful. hd 

Also the preceding table shows clearly that self-fertilisation 
and the crossing of flowers on the same plant are much less 
productive even than illegitimate crossings of flowers on different 
plants. And of very special interest is the fact, brought out by my 
experiments, that in Hottonia palustris illegitimate crossing between 
different plants of the long-styled form is just as productive as the 
legitimate crossings are.) 

I have shown above that this kind of illegitimate crossing is to 
a great extent performed by pollen-feeding flies. If we suppose 
that the superior effect of legitimate crossing in other dimorphic 
and trimorphic plants results from their being exclusively or almost 
exclusively fertilised legitimately in a state of nature, and that 
other ways of fertilisation from long disuse may and do become 

* This result is arrived at by comparing 10 and 20 in the foregoing table ; if, on 
the other hand, as Darwin rightly insists (No. 167, chap. i.), we add the number of 

seeds from all the capsules produced by the two modes of fertilisation, we obtain as 

the mean number in the long-styled capsules, after legitimate fertilisation, 91°4, 
after illegitimate, 77°5, or in the proportion of 190 to 85. . 


ia inoperative, we can easily comprehend how in Hottonia palustris 

tha application of pollen from a long-styled flower to a long-styled 

stigma on another plant has retained its full efficiency. 
4 Androsace Vitaliana, K.S., is dimorphic (Treviranus, No. 742; 
- Darwin, No. 167). 

The Alpine species of Androsace (A. septentrionalis, L., A. 
Chamejasme, Host., A. obtusifolia, All., etc.) are homogamic, and 

_ visited chiefly by Diptera, but to some extent by Lepidoptera and 
- small bees; in absence of insects they are self-fertilised (No. 600, 

figs. 140, 141). 

___-* Species of Cortusa fertilise themselves, according to Treviranus, 

by the style bending back towards the anthers (742). 

. Dionysia, Fenzl., is dimorphic according to Kuhn (399). 

4 The Alpine species of Soldanella are adapted for bees by the 
pendulous or inclined bell-shaped flower, the lilac or violet colour, 

the position of the anthers close around the style, and the more 

or less complete protection of the honey from small insects by 

_ means of the anthers and appendages of the corolla (609,° figs. 

_ 146-148), 

290. LysIMACHIA VULGARIS, L.—The following varieties of 
this plant occur near Lippstadt: (@) on sunny embankments, a 
conspicuous form which is never or only rarely self-fertilised ; (0) in 
shady hollows, a less conspicuous form which fertilises itself 
regularly ; (c) transition forms in spots intermediate in character, 
¢g.on the banks of ditches exposed to the sun. In the form (a) 
the petals are dark-yellow, red at the base, recurved, expanding 
_ widely, about 12 mm. long and 6 mm. broad on an average, and 
_ the filaments are red near the end; the style projects. several 
millimetres ‘beyond the tallest anthers, so that in case of insect- 

' visits, cross-fertilisation takes place regularly, but in absence of 

insects, self-fertilisation cannot easily occur. In (0) the petals are 

 light-yellow and of one colour throughout, 10 mm. long and 5 mm. 
_ broad on an average, not spreading out so widely, but for the most 

part diverging obliquely upwards; the filaments are greenish-yellow; 
the style is of the same length as the two inferior and longer 
stamens, so that in absence of insects self-fertilisation always 
occurs. (c) The intermediate forms differ from (0) either (1) by the 

1 This reasoning, however, is directly opposed to other cases, such as that of — 

| _ Linum grandiflorum, in which the long-styled form is quite unproductive with 

pollen from another long-styled flower, although from the position of the anthers it 
is regularly conveyed to the stigma (No. 167, chap. vi.). ; ‘ 


red colour of the filaments, or (2) by the larger size of the petals, 
or (3) in both characters together, or in addition (4) by a slight 
red colouring in the base of the corolla, or still further (5) by a 
slight extension of the style beyond the longer stamens. All such 
intermediate stages between the extreme forms occur in the same 
localities, and not unfrequently even on the same plant. 

These forms of Lysimachia vulgaris form another illustration 
of the law, exemplified in so many previous cases, that while it is 
of advantage to the plant when sure of insect-visits to be capable 
of cross-fertilisation only, it is above all important that, where 
insect-visits are rare, the plant shall be capable of reproducing 
itself by self-fertilisation. As 

I have not discovered honey in any of the forms of this plant. 
The flowers are visited regularly and persistently by pollen-seeking 
insects, and sometimes by honey-seeking insects which fly away 
after a few vain attempts to find honey. 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Macropis labiata, Pz. 2 ¢, rather ab., — 
especially the females, on the sunshine-loving form of the plant. I found the 
females as a rule only on flowers of this plant, diligently sweeping the flowers 
and piling large masses of moistened pollen on their hind legs. I am still 
unable to decide where they got the material to moisten the pollen with. I 
should suppose that they bored into the succulent tissue of the flower, were it — 
not that the mandibles are blunt and fringed at the end : perhaps the sharp 
points at the end of the short blunt tongue do this work, which usually belongs 
to the mandibles. (2) Halictus zonulus, Sm. ¢, scarce ; (83) Andrena denticu- 
lata, K. 3, scarce; (b) Vespide : (4) Odynerus parietum, L. 3, scarce (the last 
three had obviously visited the flower in the vain hope of honey). B. Diptera 
—Syrphide : (5) Syritta pipiens, L., fp. on the self-fertilised shade-loving 
form ; (6) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., f.p. 

Lysimachia nummularia, L., is almost always sterile (Darwin, 
No. 158), perhaps because all the examples in the same neighbour- 
hood come from the same stock (cf. Eug. Warming, No. 762). | 

Lysimachia thyrsiflora, L., is proterogynous (762). 

Centunculus minimus, L., is regularly self-fertilised, according 
to Ascherson (10); it could hardly be otherwise, to judge from the — 
inconspicuousness of the flowers, 

Anagallis arvensis, L., and A. cerulea, Schreb.—Delpino. 
is of opinion that A. cwrulea and arvensis were originally 
two forms of a single dimorphic species, which became in- — 
dependent (“divorzio di due forme reunite originariamente sovra 

una pianta dimorpha;” No, 172, p. 45); but as yet this view is 
without proof. 


_ The flowers of both species are adapted for insects in a simple - 
and effective way, so that cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits 
and self-fertilisation in absence of insects are equally well insured. 
During the sunniest hours of the day, from about 9 A.m. to 3. P.M., 
_the petals (scarlet in A. arvensis, blue in A. cerulea), which cohere 
only by a ring at the base, spread out almost to a vertical plane, 

which has a diameter of 10 to 12 mm. in A. arvensis and rather 
less in A. cerulea ; the five stamens protrude from the centre of the 
flower, and the style projects between the stamens and curves 
downwards, so that an insect alighting on the lower part of the 
_ corolla and going towards the anthers comes first in contact with 
_ the stigma. Stigma and anthers ripen simultaneously; the pollen, 

Fia. 128. 

i, 2.—Anagallis arvensis, L, 
1.—Fully expanded, 
2.—Half closed. 

3, 4.—A. cerulea, Schreb.+ 

3.—Fully expanded. 
4—In section, (x 3}.) 
st, stigma. 

which coats the anthers all round, is all that the flowers offer to 
 insect-visitors, unless perhaps the delicate red, jointed, knobbed 
_ hairs which clothe the filaments are manipulated by flies with their 
- labellze, as I have observed in the case of the hairs upon the 
filaments of Verbascum.1 In either case it is to the stamens that 
_ insects come, and if they alight on the interior part of the flower as 
, _ the most convenient place for them, the downward curvature of the 

stigma suffices to insure cross-fertilisation. About 3 P.M. the 
_ sepals and petals begin to close up, so that the coloured surface 
_ formed by the corolla is reduced to less than a fourth of its former 

2 PES 

? According to: Delpino, . Anagallis.and also. Verbascwm-are adapted for pollen- 
| collecting ‘bees, “which oes to the staminal hairs; but as to Anagallis direct 
_ observation i is yet wanting (No. 178, 11. p. 290). 

reer e's 


size (ef. Fig. 128, 1 and 2). The plant, therefore, no longer attracts 
insects, but by the closure of the flower the stigma is drawn 
inwards and brought in contact with the three inferior anthers; so 
that self-fertilisation results, unless insects have been attracted 
during the warm hours of the day and have removed the pdllen 
from the anthers, at the same time cross-fertilising the stigma. 
I have not yet observed insects visiting either species. — 
Trientalis europea, L., is proterogynous and devoid of honey 
(590, III). 


Dospyros virginiana, L., according to Asa Gray, is probab , 
androdicecious (167, 2nd ed.). 


Species of Jasminum are self-fertilised, according to Treviranus 
(742), the style curving back towards the anthers. Kuhn mentions 
Jasminum as containing dimorphic species (399). ¥ 

Horsythia is heterostyled (Darwin, No. 167), but not invariably 
SO (590, III.). “oa 

291. SyRINGA VULGARIS, L.—Honey is secreted by the ovary, 
and occupies 2 to 4 mm, of the tube, which is 8 to 10 mm. long; 

Fic. 129,—Syringa vulgaris, L. 
1,—Flower, from the side, after removal of half the corolla. 
2.—Ditto, from above. 

8.—Mouth of the flower, immediately after its expansion. 
4.—Ditto, somewhat later. 

8, sepal; p, petal ; fi, filament; a, anther; po, pollen ; ov, ovary ; st, stigma. 

it is sheltered from rain by the two stamens, which to a great t 
extent fill up the mouth of the tube, and the length of the tube 


_ protects it from short-lipped insects: it is all the more diligently 
sought therefore by insects whose proboscis is sufficiently long. 
i An insect in inserting its proboscis brings it in contact first with 
_ the anthers, which stand in the mouth of the tube, and then with 
_ the stigma, which is lower down: stigma and anthers are matured 
simultaneously. If a smooth, dry needle be thrust into the flower, 
it may readily be seen that as it enters no pollen sticks to it, and 
as it is withdrawn pollen only adheres to it for 2 to 4 mm. at the 
end, where it is moist with honey. The same thing doubtless 
takes place in the case of honey-sucking insects, which must 
therefore perform cross-fertilisation regularly ; while pollen-feeding 
insects can scarcely ever effect cross-fertilisation, but must often 
‘cause the loosened pollen to fall upon the stigma and lead to self- 
fertilisation. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation always occurs 

_ According to Batalin (38), there are two cultivated varieties— 
one proterandrous, the other proterogynous. I have only once 
‘seen the proterandrous variety ; all the plants on which I made my 
_ observations were homogamic. 

_ Sprengel never observed insects on this plant. 



~ TO TER 0, i TAS ome 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Bombus lapidarius, L. § 9 
 (10—14), ab. ; (2) B. terrestris, L. § 2? (7—9); (3) B. hortorum, L.? § 
 (18—21), very ab. ; (4) Apis mellifica, L. $ (6), ab. ; all sucking. (To judge 
from the length of its proboscis, the honey-bee can obtain only part of the 
honey) ; (5) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢ (10—12) ; (6) Anthophora pilipes, F. 
~ 2 ¢ (19-21), ab. ; (7) Osmia rufa, L. 9 (7—9), ab., the three last sucking ; 
(8) Halictus albipes, F. 9 ; (b)Vespide: (9) Odynerus sp. ; the two last seek 
in vain for honey. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylidw: (10) Bombylius major, L. 
(10), s. ; (6) Syrphide : (11) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), very ab., s. and fp. ; 
(12) Xylota segnis, L., f.p., after seeking in vain for honey; (13) Syritta 
" pipiens, L. (3), f.p. ; (14) Eristalis sepulcralis, L., fp. ; (15) E. arbustorum, L. 
_ (4-5), f.p. ©. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (16) Papilio Machaon, L. (18) ; 
(17) P. Podalirius, L.; both ab. (Stromberg) ; (18) Vanessa urticz, L. (12), ab. ; 

(19) Pieris cardamines, L. (11) ; (20) P. brassicae, L. (15) ; (21) P. napi, L. ; 
7 (22) P. rape, L.; all three ab. ; (b) Sphinges: (23) Macroglossa fuciformis, L., 
_ freq. (Stromberg) ; (24) M. stellatarum, L., do. 


Syringa persica, L., is gynomoncecious (605). _ 


292, LIGUSTRUM VULGARE, L.—Honey is secreted by the ovary, 
and lies at the base of the tube, which is scarcely 3 mm. long 
and expands above into a four-lobed, rarely five-lobed, limb. The 
- more or less distinctly bilobed stigma is situated at the mouth of 
the tube, The two (rarely three) stamens are matured simul- 






taneously with the stigma, and project from the tube ; the anther 
dehisce laterally, but so widely, that the whole of their inne 
faces are covered with pollen. The two anthers stand sometime 
wide apart (Fig. 130, 4), at other times they bend inwards ove 
the stigma (1, 2); in the former case, an insect’s proboscis ir 
entering the flower first touches with one side an anther, anc 
immediately afterwards the stigma with the opposite side, and s¢ 
passing from flower. to flower. leads to. eross-fertilisation ;-in -the 
latter case self-fertilisation and. cross-fertilisation may result- ir 
differently. Insect-visits are very scarce by day; perhaps tl 

/ LA mt 

a = fins 

Fic. 130.—Ligustrum vulgare, Li. 
1.—Flower, seen obliquely from above. 

2. —Ditto, not so far advanced, seen directly from above. 
3, 4.—Flowers, seen from the side, after removal of half the corolla (x 33). 

white, sweet-scented flowers attract nocturnal Lepidoptera ‘in 
greater numbers. Flowers whose anthers are inclined inwards 
above the stigma always fertilise themselves in absence of insects 


A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Heriades truncorum, L., s. (June 27, 1869). 
B, Diptera—Syrphide : (2) Eristalis nemorum, L., s. (June 21, 1868). A furthe: 
list of visitors (four beetles, two flies, two bees, seven Lepidoptera) is given in 
No. 590, 111. SA VE 


293. Vinca minor, L.—The structure of the flower was 
correctly described by Sprengel, but incorrectly explained, since 
he overlooked here, as elsewhere, the advantage of cross-fertilisa- 
tion, Sprengel had. found Thrips, but no other insect, in the — 
flower, and he supposed that in creeping in and out of the flower — 
it transferred pollen to the stigma of the same flower, and-that in — 
this way alone fertilisation was effected, ie’ a 

Darwin (153) gave the first correct account of the mechan- 
ism of Vinca, for he recognised that a long thin proboscis in 
passing into the flower gets smeared with adhesive matter, and t 

> oh 



in being drawn out carries with it pollen, which in the next 
flower is left attached to the stigmatic edge of the disk which 
terminates the style. And in the case of Vinca major, which 
Darwin had never seen visited by insects in England nor bearing 
fruit, he obtained good seed by repeatedly passing a fine bristle 
down among the stamens in six flowers on two plants, and thus 
effecting both cross- and self-fertilisation. Another English ob- 
server (122A) was led by Darwin's account to perform the same 
k xperiment on Vinea rosea, L.; he obtained good seed, though he 
had before found the plant always unproductive. A third English 
‘observer (636A) maintained that he had got good seed from 
Vinca rosea when left to itself, But Darwin showed that this last 

Fic, 131.—Vinea minor, L, 

Flower, after removal of the anterior part of the corolla. 

_ @, ovary; bb, two yellow honey-glands at the base of the ovary; ¢, style; d, point where the 

aments separate from the corolla, marked externally by depressions; d,-e, filament with its 

ward bend ; e, f, anther, dehiscing introrsely ; g, thickening of the style; h, disk-shaped end of 
veg surrounded with viscid matter and functioning as a stigma on two sides of its lower 

e; k, hairs upon the stigma-disk which receive the pollen as it issues from the anthers. 

‘result was faulty, as the plant stood in a greenhouse with open 
windows, by which moths might enter (153, p. 831). 

_ JDelpino, unaware of these observations, gave later a full 
wccount, agreeing with Darwin’s, of the mechanism of the flower 
of Vinca; his description was taken from V. rosea, in which the 
lower border of the stigmatic disk extends downwards in the form 
. inverted cup (173, pp. 15-17). Hildebrand afterwards gave 
his res of the flowers, which illustrated Delpino’s account (352). 

~ None of the foregoing observers seem to have seen any insects 
except Thrips on any species of Vinca, which is remarkable, as 
V. minor in its season (beginning of April until May) is most 
conspicuous and rich in honey, and in my experience is in sunny 
weather visited abundantly by insects. The tube of the corolla is 

11 mm. long in V. minor, but insects can easily insert their heads 




into the upper part until the way is barred immediately above th 
anthers by hairs ; the two yellow nectaries lying beside the ova 
are distant only 8 mm. from this point. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus hortorum, L. ? (21 
(2) B. lapidarius, L. 9 (12—14); (8) B. agrorum, F. 9 (12—15) ; all thre 
very ab. (4) B. terrestris, L. 2 (7—9), lessab. ; (5) B. vestalis, Foure. ? (12 
scarce ; (6) Anthophora pilipes, F. ? ¢ (19—21), very ab. ; (7) Osmia ruf 
L. ¢ (7—8). B. Diptera—Bombylide : (8) Bombylius major, L. (10) ; (9) I 
discolor, Mik. (11—12), very ab., the latter species (April 18, 1869) as early ¢ 
7.45 a.m. All the visitors sucking normally. C. Thysanoptera—(10) Thrip 
ab. See also No. 590, II. 

294, Vinca MAJor, L.—I have once seen Bombus agrorum, 
F. 9 (12—15 mm.), visiting this plant; it sucked numerous flowers, 
thrusting its head completely into the mouth of the tube. ? 
Tabernemontana echinata, Aubl., is barren when fertilised with 
pollen of the same flower or of other flowers on the same plant, an 
is productive only when fertilised with pollen from another plant 

(Fritz Miiller, No. 359). | 
Apocynum androsemifolium, L., is fertilised by butterflies, aul 
cements its pollen to the insect’s tongue (Ludwig, No. 432). Fi 

— Apocynum hypericifolium, Ait., has the same arrangement 

(Ludwig, No. 443). ri 

Nerium Oleander, L., and N. odorwm, Ait., are adapted for long- 
tongued Lepidoptera (443). 

In Rhynchodia (Rhynchospermum) jasminoides, according 
Hildebrand, as in Vinca, the insect’s proboscis is smeared with 
adhesive matter as it enters, and cemented to the pollen as it is 
withdrawn (No. 356, p. 509). 


295. ASCLEPIAS CoRNUTI, Dec. (A. syriaca, L.).—The Asclepia- 
dee rival the Orchids, if not in the variety of their forms, at least 
in their complexity and in their perfect adaptation to insect-visit- 
ors. Hildebrand has so thoroughly described the way in which A, 
Cornutt is fertilised by insects (347), that I have scarcely any- 
thing new to add to his description; yet it may be well that 
should illustrate the complex mechanism by figures, and catalogue 
the insects that effect fertilisation. | 

The two ovaries (g, 14) are surrounded by a fleshy column 
(m, 14, 2, 8, 4) and covered by a thick, fleshy disk (p, 14), and 


ii i iy Utre) tv, / 
Wate NI! Ai IH HI i (\ 
a: Fic. 132.—Asclepias Cornuti, Dec. 
_ 1.—Flower, after removal of sepals and petals, viewed from above (x 33). 
— 2.—Ditto, from thé side. 

_ $,—Ditto, after removal of the euculli (x 7). 
4.—Ditto, after removal of one anther 

5.—The anther removed from Fig. 4, outer view. 
| _ 6.—Ditto, inner view. 
7.—A cucullus, from the side (x 34). 
| _-8,— Ditto, in section. 
_  _9,.—Pollinia, immediately after extraction, outer view (x 7). 
_ 10.—Ditto, when the twisting of the retinacula is half completed. 
al er peed twisting complete. 3 
_ 12,.—Corpuseculum and retinacula more magnified, outer view. 
13.—Ditto, inner view. i 
_ 14.—Section of flower, after removal of sepals, petals, and cuculli. : 
4a, cucullus; b, its conical process; ¢, upper membranous process of anther; d, outside of 
ither-loculus ; e, anther-wing; f, slit between two adjacent anther-wings; g, corpusculum ; 
, Tetinaculum ; é, pollinium; k, k, empty loculi of anther; J, connective ; m, column ;-n, place of 
schment of a cucullus; o, stigmatic chamber ; p, fleshy stigma-disk ; q, ovary. 


they are only capable of fecundation at five stigmatic spots close 
beneath the lower border of the disk (0, 14,4). The column, which: 
really consists of the united staminal filaments, bears at its upper 
end five anthers. The anthers lie close around the stigma-disk ; 
each of them lodges two flattened pollefi-masses (7, 4, 9, 10,11) in 
two pouches (%, 6), which are open internally, and are indicated 
externally by slight swellings (d, d, 3, 4,5). A thin membranous 
process of the anther (¢, 5, 14) rests upon the top of the stigma-disk, 
and on each side the anther is produced into a triangular mem- 
branous expansion (ala or anther-wing) (¢, 3, 5, 14), which stands 
out perpendicular to the column close to the corresponding process 
of the adjacent anther. Between the two adjacent processe 
of each pair of anthers, there is left only a very narrow slit which 
is distinctly wider at its lower end (f, 3, 4). The slit leads into an 
elongated space which we may call the stigmatic chamber (0, 4, 14); 
for about the middle of its vertical height the stigma is exposed 
At the upper end of the slit, visible from the outside, is a bright, 
black body (corpusculum) of regular shape (g, 1 to 14), which is 
seen on closer examination to be a thin, hard, horny lamina. Its 
sides are bent forward for its whole length so that their edges lie 
close together, and in the middle of its lower border is a wedge 
shaped shit. To this corpusculum the two adjacent pollinia of two 
neighbouring anthers are attached by bands (retinacula)! which 
lie hidden beneath the anthers (h, 4, 9, 13). « 
The upper end of the column carries, besides the five anthers, 
five hollow, fleshy, foliar organs (eweulli), which secrete a large 
quantity of honey; they stand opposite to the anthers, and from 
each an incurved pointed process proceeds, the upper extremity of 
which rests upon the top of the stigma-disk, and lying on the 
superior membranous process of the anthers (c) keeps the whol 7 
firmly in place. | 
This singular apparatus acts in the following way :— ; 
Insects (bees, wasps, flies) which creep about the umbels in 
search of honey, attracted by the sweet scent of the flowers, slip 
upon the smooth parts of the flower until a foot enters the wid 
inferior part of a slit, in which at last it gets a firm hold. Whe 
the insect tries to draw its foot out in order to proceed furthe 
the diverging claws are caught by the apposed edges of the anther- 
wings, and guided upwards in the slit, so that one or other of the 
two claws is brought without fail into the notch in the lower 
border of the corpusculum and there held fast. Ifthe insect now 
* These structures are not in any sense homologous with the retinaewla of Orchids. 


draws its foot forcibly out, it brings with it the corpusculum (g) and 
e two pollinia (7) attached to it by their retinacula (kh). The 
Pp nia stand wide apart when they are extracted (9); but the 
retinacula twist inwards as they dry (cf. 9, 10, 11) bringing the 
pollinia so close together that they may easily be introduced into 
t mother slit. As the insect moves on over the umbel, its foot bearing 
the ae pollinia slips into the lower part of aslit of another flower ; and 
this time as the leg is drawn up the pollinia are left in the pigs 
m E tic chamber opposite to the stigma, since the slit is too narrow to 
admit of their further passage upwards ; and the insect, freeing its 
b oot by a violent pull snaps the retinacula and so. extricates itself. 
‘The pollinia are left behind in the stigmatic chamber, while the 
, r pusculum and its broken retinacula are carried off still firmly 
ached to the insect’s foot. The insect continues its visits, and 
he retinacula attached to its feet now get fixed in corpuscula as 
he claws did before, and an insect’s foot after repeated visits may 
“$01 metimes be seen bearing many corpuscula with their retinacula, 
often dichotomously arranged. : 
_ Delpino saw A. Cornuti in F lorence fertilised in the manner 
yhich I have described by Scolia hortorwm, NS. bicincta, Apis mellifica, 
and Bombus italicus (172, 352). 
__ Ihave observed many bees, wasps, ants, and flies, on the flowers 
of A. Cornuti in Thuringia. Dr. Hildebrand sent me a still larger 
number of insects with corpuscula on their claws, which he had 
‘caught on this plant at Freiburg in the first hot days of July, 
1870. . 
_ The following list comprises the insects observed by Delpino, 
idebrand, and myself :— | 
“Gl Florence, Delpino; F. = Freiburg, Hildebrand ; Th. = 
Whuringia, H. Miller ; | = with corpuscula on -their afters 

A. Pegg ea Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9! (Fl, Th.) ; (2) 
Bombus italicus, L.! (FL); (3) B. terrestris, L. 8 ¢! (F.) ; (4) B. hypnorum, 
. 1 (F.) ; (5) Halictns Scabiosee, Ill. 9 ! (F.) ; (6) H. cylindricus, id BY 
H. quadricinctus, F. 2! (F.) 5 (8) Several: small species of Halictus (Th.), 
which I never saw caught in the slits ; (9) Ceelioxys sp. 9 ¢! (F.) ; (10) 
Stelis aterrima, Pz. 9 ! (FE); (b) Sphegide : (11) Scolia hortorum, L.! (F1.) ; 
2) Se. bicincta! (Fl.); (13) Sc. quadripunctata, F. 9! (F.); (14) Ammo- 
phila sabulosa, L. 9! (F.) ; (15) Psammophila affinis, K. 9 ! (F.) ; (¢) Vespide : 
16) Polistes gallica, L. 9 ! (F., Th.), and var. diadema ! (Th.) ; (d) Formicide : 
17) Various species (Th.); they got caught in the slits and were not able to set 
emselves free. I‘have never seen an ant tear its leg off in order to escape. B. 
Jiptera—(a) Syrphide : (18) Teens tenax, L.! (F., Th:) ; (19) E. seek 
1! (Th.) ; (20) E. nemorum, L.! (Th.) ; (21) ‘Melithreptus scriptus, L. (Th.) ; 


(22). M. teniatus, Mgn. (Th.); both of these obtained the honey withot 
getting caught in the slits. (b) Muscide: (23) Ocyptera brassicaria, F, (F.) 
(24) Lucilia (Th.) In several flowers which I dissected, the corpuscula an¢ 
pollen masses were still in their places, though pollinia, which must hay 
come from other flowers, had been inserted into the stigmatic chambers. 

The following additional list is taken from my Weiter 
Beobachtungen, i. p. 61. The insects were for the most par 
observed in my garden in July. ; 

A. Diptera—Empide : Empis livida, L., s.! B. Hymenoptera—A pide. 
Bombus muscorum, L. (B. agrorum, F.) g¢, s.! ab., Wurzburg; Ceelioxys 
conoidea, Ill, 9 ¢! ab. C. Lepidoptera—Noctuide : Hypena proboscidalis 
L., s., not extracting the pollinia; Plusia gamma, L., do., in the evening 
Sphingide : Sesia formiciformis, Esp. g (teste Speyer), do. D. Neuroptera: 
Panorpa communis, L., s. and extracting the pollinia. | 

Asclepias curassavica, L., according to Fritz Miiller’s observation: 
in South Brazil, is sometimes visited by wasps, but infinitely mo: 
frequently by a great variety of butterflies, on whose legs the 
corpuscula and pollinia of this plant may often be found. One 

vl Ly 
XQ] Dx 
ai & ! i Jf 
a wy 
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gee eon 

Fic. 133, 
Butterfly’s foot, bearing eleven corpuscula (k) and eight pollinia (st) of Asclepias curassavica, L. & 

butterfly, like a Vanessa, bore on one leg no less than eleven cor-— 
puscula of this Asclepias. Eight only of the twenty-two pollinia 
remained, the others had been employed in the fertilisation of 
other flowers. i 
Asclepias tenwifolia (?) was seen by Hildebrand to be fertilised 
by a cabbage-white butterfly (361). | 
Gomphocarpus (Asclepias) fruticosa, R, Br.—The structure of 
the flower and the way in which insects visit it have been described — 
by Sprengel (No. 702, pp. 139-150): he fell into the error of 
considering the upper surface of the stigma-disk to be the stigma. 
Araujia albens, Brot. (Physianthus, Mart.), is fertilised by 
humble-bees, to whose tongues the corpuscula become attached 


Vincetomrcum officinale, L., is fertilised by the proboscides of small 
flies, Stapelia hirsuta, L., and S. grandiflora, Mass., by Musca 
6 vtoria and Sarcophaga carnaria, which are attracted by the 
‘putrid odour of the flowers. As a rule, in those Asclepiadez in 
which fertilisation is effected by an insect’s proboscis (Araujia, 
Cynanchum, Vincetoxicum, Stapelia, Boucerosia), the five nectaries 
alternate with the stamens; in those in which fertilisation is 
: effected by the legs of insects (Asclepias, Gomphocarpus, Centro- 
_stemma, Hoya), the: reverse holds ; in Stephanotis, which is fertilised 
y the proboscides of nocturnal Liidoptera, the base of the tube 
of the corolla forms a large honey-receptacle (172, 352). 
: In Ceropejia elegans, Wall., the flower forms a temporary prison 
f for its visitors, very much like that of Aristolochia COlematitis, L. 
Small flies (Gymnopa opaca) creep through the tube of the flower, 
which is at first erect, into the expanded portion which surrounds 
the reproductive organs; in this expanded portion, or cage, whose 
entrance is surrounded by stiff hairs pointing inwards, they are 
imprisoned for a whole day. On the second day these hairs wither, 
the flower bends over, the flies creep out with the pollinia attached 
to their proboscides, and seek new flowers, in whose cages they 
introduce the pollinia into the slits leading to the stigma, and get 
~ new pollinia attached to their proboscides (178, 360). 
— Cynanchum Vincetoxicum, R. Br.—The flower agrees in most 
points with that of Asclepias Cornutt. 
_ The dirty-white flowers of Cynanchum, devoid of the pleasant 
_ perfume of Asclepias, are adapted for fertilisation by carrion-loving 
_ flies, which convey the exceedingly minute pollinia, not with their 
_ claws, but with the bristles on their proboscides. Further, while 
- in Asclepias Cornuti the foliar appendages of the anthers form five 
fleshy cups filled with honey alternating with the corpuscula, here 
_ the same appendages of the anthers form high vaulted fieshy bodies 
coherent into a ring; and alternating with them are five deep 
BP ctariferous pits immediately below the five corpuscula. Into 
these pits, insects thrust their proboscides, to suck the nectar. 
When Muscide (in which the proboscis is set with erect bristles) 
“do this, it is almost inevitable that when the proboscis is being 
drawn back, one or other of its bristles gets caught in the slit, 
“which i is placed over the nectary and is Rider below than above ; 
after entering the slit, it glides upwards between the lateral anthers 
"wings of the two neighbouring anthers, straight into the inferior 
wedge-shaped notch of the corpusculum, and is there held fast. 
When the fly now gives a slight pull backwards in order to free 



its proboscis, held fast thus by a bristle, it tears away the corpuscu- 
lum and its two pollinia; and the pollinia and the processes which 
carry them, both of which were hitherto kept moist beneath the 
anthers, are now brought for the first time into the open air, and 
begin to be dried up. In consequence of this, the processes, which 
previously stood out in opposite directions, now bend so that the 
pollinia come close together, face to face. If the fly now inserts 
its proboscis into another nectary on the same flower, it will be in 
a slightly different position with regard to the slit in the case of 
each different nectary, and for this reason alone the same bristle 
will not be caught. Besides, it is a considerable time before 
the processes are so far dried that both pollinia of the same 
corpusculum can be inserted into the slit along with the bristle 
that they are attached to, so that, as a rule, the fly has mean- 
while flown away to another plant. Here, if a proboscis-bristle 
bearing pollinia (which become closely approximated) gets — 
again caught in the slit, one (or both) of the pollinia slides into 
the stigmatic chamber which lies behind the slit, and remaims — 
sticking in it, torn away from the process that attached it to the 
corpusculum. So crossing of separate flowers, and for the most 
part of separate plants, is rogulanby effected. Other visitors besides 
carrion-loving flies (¢.g. Hmpis, Polistes), occasionally attach one or 
more corpuscula to the tips of their proboscides, but can scarcely 
ever effect cross-fertilisation (609). 
Hoya globulosa.—Myr. Worthington Smith has recently given a 
minute description of the fertilisation of this flower (699). He states 
that the corpuscular processes (retinacula) are elastic! When in~ 
the flower they are like an extended spring, but the instant the 
pollinia are withdrawn the spring closes, and the two pollinia quickly — 
cross each other and hold tightly on to the insect’s foot. The flower 
is distinctly proterandrous, 
Darwin describes a very remarkable instance of Hoya carnosa 
bearing cleistogamic flowers in cultivation (167). | 
Stapelia also has cleistogamic flowers, according to Kuhn (399). 
Periploca greca, L.—The mode of fertilisation has been described 
by Delpino (172, 352). 


Gentiana lutea, L.—The honey is freely exposed, and I have 
found the plant visited by twenty-seven species of mostly short- 
lipped insects. The flower is homogamous, and self-fertilisation is 
not impossible (570, vol. xv. ; 609). . 


_  Gentiana punctata, L., is proterogynous; @. acaulis, L., and 
—G. aselepiadea, L., are proterandrous. All three are adapted for 
a Beeble-bees (570, vol. xv.; 609, figs. 128-130). 

_ 296. GENTIANA PNEUMONANTHE, L. (Sprengel, No. 702, pp. 
150- 152). —Honey is secreted by the base of the ovary. The 
corolla i is 25 to 30 mm. long, and 8 to 10 mm. wide at the mouth, 
and it closes in dull weather, so that the honey is protected from 
1 The tube suddenly narrows below its middle, and the 
stamens, which from this point downwards are attached to the 
corolla, lie close to the ovary. A humble-bee can therefore creep 
lown as far as the middle of the tube; but in order to reach the 




Fic. 134.—Gentiana lutea, L. 

A.—Flower, slightly magnified. s, sepal; p, petal. 
B.—Base of the ovary. n, annular swelling which secretes honey ; ji, Hiiamnenit: 

honey, it must insert its proboscis between two stamens and the 

corolla, and for this purpose a proboscis 12 to 14 mm. long is 
necessary. In creeping into a young flower, the bee comes in 
contact with the anthers, which closely surround the still unripe 
stigmas and display the pollen on their outer surfaces; in creeping 
_ into an older flower it touches, with the same part that in a young 
| flower got dusted with pollen, the papillar side of the two stigmas, 
| which now stand above the anthers and are recurved so that their 

__ 1 Sprengel thought that the honey was sheltered from rain by the closeness of 
filaments to the ovary; but if one lets a few drops of’ water fall into an open 

er, they reach the honey easily. Here, as in many other cases, the structure 
ich Sprengel believed to be designed to shelter the honey from rain has rather 
object of excluding short- lipped and useless insects. 



papillar inner surfaces are exposed to contact with the bee. So if 
bees visit the flower, cross-fertilisation seems to be insured; in 
absence of insects, self-fertilisation seems to be rendered impossiblal 
by the well-marked proterandry, and by the position of the anthers 
in regard to the ripe stigmas. I have only noticed humble-bees 
visiting the plant: viz. (1) Bombus agrorum, F. ¢ (12—15); (2) B. 
senilis, Sm. 9 (1415), both very frequent, sucking honey only. 

Gentiana ciliata, L., is proterandrous, and adapted for humble- 
bees. Honey is secreted by yellow fleshy areas of the base of the 
corolla between each pair of stamens (No. 6009, fig. 132). | 

Gentiana bavarica, l., and G. verna, L., are adapted for cross- 
fertilisation by Lepidoptera. The most important visitor seems to 
be Macroglossa stellatarum (No. 570, vol. xv. ; No. 609, fig. 131). 

G. nivalis, L.—The flower resembles the ine preceding species 
in structure, but is less conspicuous and less visited by insects ; 
case of need it fertilises itself (570, 609). 

297. GENTIANA AMARELLA, L.—Honey is secreted by five 
green fleshy spots at the base of the corolla, alternating with the 
stamens; it is sheltered from rain by the closing of the flower dur-_ 
ing dull weather, and is protected from flies by long, erect hai 
developed on the interior of the corolla at the junction of its tube 
and limb. The plant grows among grass, and accordingly the 
lobes of the erect corolla spread out to be mainly conspicuous from 

The tube is 16 to 18 mm. long, but as it is 6 mm, wide at th 
mouth a humble-bee can insert the whole of its head and reack 
the honey with a proboscis 10 to 12 mm. long. Unlike G. Pneu= 
monanthe, the flowers are homogamous. When the flower opens 
the anthers dehisce, after turning their dehiscent sides, which in the 
young bud were turned outwards, upwards so as to be touched the 
more certainly by the bee’s head. The two terminal lobes of the 
style are already expanded and provided with stigmatic papilla. 
In case of insect-visits, self-fertilisation is not impossible; but 
since the stigma stands above the anthers, the insect as a rule 
comes in contact with it first, and effects cross-fertilisation. After 
the pollen is shed the anthers again come to lie in a line with the 
filaments and place themselves close round the style. Ihave not 

observed whether self-fertilisation occurs in absence of insects. I 
have seen Bombus silvarum, L. ? (12—14), visiting the pam 
and sucking numerous flowers (Sept. 30, 1869). 

Gentiana tenella, Rotth. (@. glacialis, Thom. ), G. nana, 7 


|G. campestris, L., and G. obtusifolia, Willd., are adapted for fertili- 
1 sation by humble-bees and Lepidoptera in the same way as 
G. Amarelia, L. (No. 570, vol. xv.; No. 609, figs. 133-135). 


Fic 135.—Gentiana campestris, L. 

A.—An old flower. The calyx and nearly half of the corolla have been removed. 
_ 8B.—Essential organs from a flower in the act of opening. The stigma is mature, the anth¢ 

@ still closed ; but they dehisced while I was drawing them (B’). 
C,—Upper part of the pistil and of two opposite stamens, in their natural position: from a 
somewhat older flower. 
um Sm whose branches have closed up after being dusted with pollen (x 7). (Madulein 
: @ un e ; 1879. 
H.-A flower viewed directly from above (natural size). 
had part of the pistil and of two stamens in their natural position: from still older 
wer (xX 7). 
(Albula, August 20, 1878). 


¢ . obtusifolia is proterandrous, G. tenella and G. nana homo- 
gamous, G. campestris sometimes homogamous, sometimes slightly 
_ proterogynous. 



_ A comparison of the very numerous Alpine Gentians suggests 
the following theory of their evolution. 
ia The genus Gentiana splits into two main divisions, in one of 
| which honey is secreted by the base of the ovary, in the other by 
| _ the base of the corolla. 
| We have an offshoot of the first main division in G. lutea, 
_ which stands on a much lower grade than the other species and 
hearer to the primitive form. The ancestors of the genus un- 

| doubtedly had, like G. Jutem, fully open flowers with almost free 


petals, and offered their insect-visitors either honey lying fully 
exposed in the angle between ovary and corolla, or pollen only. 
In either case the most various insects were admitted, and they 
performed cross-fertilisation (as in G. /wtew) casually and irregularly, 
so that the power of spontaneous self-fertilisation could no more 
be dispensed with than in G. lutea. 

In both main divisions, as the nectaries became more perfect, 
bees and especially humble-bees proved themselves the most 
efficient cross-fertilisers; and in relation to their visits the cam- 
panulate form of flower was evolved. Unbidden guests were. 
excluded from the honey in the first division by the development 
of deep honey-passages, cross-fertilisation in case of bees’ visits 
being insured by the position of the anthers in a ring close round 
the style (sub-genus Cwlanthe; species purpurea, pannonica, 
punctata, eruciata, asclepiadea, Pneumonanthe, Frelichu, frigida, 
acaulis). Later, as Lepidoptera made their influence felt, the corolla 
in Celanthe got longer and narrower, the folds which narrow it 
became more perfect, and the bilobed stigma became developed 
into a disk closing the mouth of the tube. Thus resulted the 
Alpine sub-genus Cyclostigma, adapted for long-tongued Lepidop- — 
tera (species bavarica, verna, estiva, umbricata, pumila, utriculosa, 
nivalis). 3 

In the second division, hairs on the corolla afforded imperfect 
protection against unbidden guests, and narrowing of the corolla 
made it more certain that both stigma and anthers should be 
touched by the bee (sub-genus Crossopetalum ,; species ciliata, L.). 
And finally, in a special offshoot of this division, as Lepidoptera here — 
also came to have a decided influence as cross-fertilisers, the fringe 
of hairs at the mouth of the corolla became more developed, 
excluding all visitors except humble-bees and Lepidoptera from the ~ 
honey, and the corolla became so narrow that Lepidoptera as well 
as humble-bees must perform cross-fertilisation in inserting their — 
proboscides (sub-genus Endotricha ; species campestris, germantca, 
Amarella, obtusifolia, tenella, nana). : 

The primitive yellow colour, retained in G. lutea, was gradually 
exchanged for blue by the influence of the humble-bees, and 
instructive transition-stages in this process are preserved among” 
the species of Celanthe.1 But after the blue colour was once | 
firmly established it was retained throughout the changes by whichy 
Celanthe passed into Cyclostigma (609). ; 

' CO. pwnetata has only blue spots on the pale-yellow ground of the corolla ; and in ‘ 
C. purpwrea, the outside of the corolla is bluish-purple, but the inside is still yellow. 


_ 298. EryTHra#aA CrnTAURIUM, L.—I, like Sprengel, have 
failed to find any honey in this flower, though I have seen it 
repeatedly visited by Lepidoptera, and though the spiral twisting 
of the stamens (like the twisting of the stigma in several Silenew 
fertilised by Lepidoptera) seems to be an adaptation to insure their 
_ being touched by the thin proboscis of these insects. Probably 
_ the insect pierces some soft tissue with the sharp points at the tip 
_ of its proboscis. 

Visitors : Lepidoptera—(a) Sphinges: On July 10, 1868, in Thuringia, I 
saw Macroglossa stellatarum, L., sucking first on Dianthus Carthusianorum 
and then on Z. Centaurium ; (b) Noctue: On Sept. 1, 1871, at Lippstadt, my 
_ son Hermann saw (2) Plusia gamma, L., and (3) Agrotis pronuba, L., freq. 
_ sucking persistently on flowers of this plant. An additional list, including five 
_ Lepidoptera, three bees, and one Empis, is given in No. 599, r11. 

Mr. A. 8. Wilson found this plant heterostyled and with 
_ dimorphic pollen-grains (780). 

= Limnanthemum (Kuhn, No. 399) and Villarsia (=Limnanthemum 
_ Humboldtianum, Fritz Miiller, No. 550) are dimorphic (Darwin, 

No. 167, p. 116). 

Menyanthes trifoliata, L., is well known to be dimorphic. In 
a small marsh near Lippstadt, sometimes flooded by the Lippe, 
which probably brought the seeds, I have found the long-styled 
4 form only ; and I have never observed ripe fruit there. 


 Cobea pendulitora is fertilised by Sphingide: (226), C. scandens, 
Cav., by humble-bees (52). 
Collomia grandiflora (Dougl.), Lindl., has cleistogamic flowers 

(423, 424, 685). 




299. PHLOX PANICULATA, L.—Sprengel recognised the pro- 
_ terandrous condition of this flower, and found it to be visited by 
_ butterflies. I have seen Conops flavipes, L., sucking honey, and 
Hristalis tenax, L., very frequently eating pollen on the flowers. 
Polemonium carulewm, L., is likewise proterandrous. - Sprengel 
overlooked the dichogamous panded 4 in this plant, but Axell (17) 
_ figures the proterandrons flowers.? 
The honey is secreted in this species and i in Phlox paniculata by 
_ the lower fleshy part of the ovary. 

=, 2 eee also my Alpenblumen, pp. 257-259, fig. 97, and | Weitere Beobachtungen, 11. 
pp. 8 


Treviranus supposed that Polemoniacee fertilise themselves 

before the flowers open (742). 

Gilia pulchella, Dougl., and G. (Leptosiphon) micrantha, Steud., 

are believed by Darwin (167) to be heterostyled. 

Professor Asa Gray considers Paloz subulata, L., to be hetero- 

styled, but Darwin (167) shows that the great variability of the 

stigmas and pollen-grains makes this a perplexing case. He says, 

Possibly this species was once heterostyled, but is now becoming 
sub-dicecious, the short-styled plants having been rendered more 
feminine in nature.” (Forms of Flowers, p. 121.) 

Tribe Cordiece. 

Cordia, L., is heterostyled, but the stamens are of almost the 
same length and the pollen-grains are of the same size in the 
flowers of both forms (Darwin, 167). 

Tribe Boragee. 

300. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE, L.—A white, annular ridge at 

the base of the ovary secretes honey, which is lodged in the upper 
part of the inverted corolla. The whole corolla is 14 mm., its 
upper narrower portion 8 mm.,long. The long, trihedral invagina- 

tions of the corolla, which pass from the boundary between the 

wide and narrow parts into the wide part of the bell, closing in the 
spaces between the stamens, were thought by Sprengel to guard 

the nectar from rain; but as in the preceding species, this service” 
is performed by the inverted position of the corolla. Their use is” 

probably to cause an insect to thrust its proboscis between the 

closely approximated anthers, and not into the wide intervals be-— 
tween the stamens. The sharp teeth which these appendages of — 
the corolla bear aid in this object; they certainly do not act as — 
“pathfinders,” as Sprengel thought, for to an insect inserting its — 

head into the flower from below, they appear not bright and 

shining, as Sprengel describes them, but as dark points, guarding ~ 

all but the legitimate access to the honey. This view is confirmed 

by a comparison of the lengths of the proboscides of insects which ~ 
reach the honey of this flower in the normal way, and of those — 
which do so by biting a hole in the narrow part of the corolla. To 


reach the honey by passing between the anthers an insect requires — 

a proboscis at least 11 mm. long; to reach it by passing between 



the filaments from the interior of the corolla would require a 
‘proboscis only 8 mm. long. Now I have found the following 

mr. ° (183—15); B. Rajellus, Ill. 2 ¥ (11—13); Anthophora 
| pilipes, F. 2 (20—21); the following, on the other hand, only 
/ Beach the honey from outside by boring a hole in the narrow 

Balaments remained unguarded, the ginée last-named insects might 
all have made use of it, without resorting to the slower process of 
‘piercing the corolla, and there can be ,no doubt that they are 
_ deterred by the sharp teeth of the corolline appendages. 
' The anthers, which, as in Borago, combine to form an inverted: 
cone, dehisce before the flower opens; the pollen remains partly 
_ within the anthers, partly in the apex of the cone, until a humble- 
_ bee or Rhingia thrusts its proboscis between the anthers and lets 
_ the pollen fall out. Each pollen-grain is 0°02 mm. long, about 
-0°013 mm. broad, and is shaped like two spheres joined together 
and flattened at the junction ; on being moistened with water, each 
pollen-grain swells into a sphere of 0°02 mm. diameter. The pollen 
asit falls out resolves itself for the most part into single grains, only 
a few of which remain adhering in groups; a considerable amount 
remains attached to the anther-walls until the flower withers. 

The stigma ripens as soon as the flower opens, and hangs down 
_ beyond the anther-cone; an insect-visitor therefore touches the 
_ stigma before it displaces the anthers and dusts itself with pollen. 
In absence of insects, self-fertilisation probably takes place. 


4 Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Anthophora pilipes, F. 9! (2) 
' Bombus agrorum, F. 9!; (3) B. silvarum, L. ? $!; (4) B. Rajellus, Il. 
| ©9%!; (5) B. terrestris, L. 9; (6) B. pratorum, L. §; (7) B. lapidarius, L. 
_ %, the last three gnaw through the narrow part of the tube ; (8) Eucera longi- 
—cornis, L. ¢, creeps bodily into the flower ; (9) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9 ; 
(10) Apis mellifica, L. %, both suck through the holes made by humble-bees. 
B. Diptera—Sy pephiddee 3 (11) Rhingia rostrata, L., s.! Only those insects 
marked with (!) suck normally and effect cross-fertilisation. C. Coleoptera— 
Nitidulide : (12) Meligethes. See also No. 590, 11. 

| 301. BoRAGo OFFICINALIS, L.—The mechanism of this flower 
was minutely described by Sprengel, with great but not absolute 
accuracy. Honey i is secreted by the pale-yellow, fleshy base of the 
ovary, and is lodged in a short tube formed by the bases of the 


stamens ; it is protected from rain by the inverted position of the 
flower. The anthers meet to forma cone; each dehisces on its inner 
surface, slowly from apex to base, letting the smooth pulverulent 
pollen run into the apex of the cone. The style with still imma- 
ture stigmas is inclosed within the cone of anthers. An insect, to 
reach the honey,must hang suspended below the flower, and thrust its 
proboscis between two stamens ; two anthers are thus slightly dis- 
placed, the point of the cone opens, and a little pollen falls out. 


Fie. 186.—Borago officinalis, L. 

1.—Flower, from below ; the stamens have been cut away. 

2.—A stamen in its natural position, viewed from the side. 

a, pouch in the corolla; b, cut end of stamen; c, ovary; d, fleshily thickened filament; e, pro- 
cess of ditto; f, orifice of the anther. 

The pollen in each anther ripens very gradually from the apex 
towards the base, and hence the little shower of pollen may be 
emitted repeatedly. The style only grows out beyond the cone 
of anthers and develops its stigma, after the anthers have been 
emptied of their pollen. Even after repeated insect-visits a per- 
manent displacement of the anthers cannot take place, for the 
short, broad form and fleshy nature of the filaments (d, 2), their 
stiff external appendages (ec, 2),! and the invaginated processes of 
the corolla that surround the base of the anther-cone, insure the 
return of each anther to its place after every disturbance. I have 
neglected to observe whether finally, in absence of insects, 
self-fertilisation may take place. 

1 Sprengel thought that these appendnay were for the purpose of sheltering the 

honey, but the inverted position of the flower renders this unnecessary. Delpino 
(No. 178, pp. 172-174) takes the view that I have adopted. 



(1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., s. and c.p.; (2) Bombus pratorum, L. ?, 
s. and c.p. ; (3) Halictus zonulus, Sm. ?, s.; (4) H. sexnotatus, K. 9, s., ab. ; 
(5) Megachile centuncularis, L. ¢,s. See also No. 590, 111. 

302. ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS, L. (Sprengel, Pl. 111., 10,11, 16,17). 
—Honey is secreted by the green fleshy base of the ovary and 
accumulates in the lower part of the corolla, which forms a tube 
7 mm. long. The corolla is smooth within, but its entrance is 
guarded from rain and from unbidden guests (flies) by five closely 
approximated, hairy, invaginated processes. At its upper end the 
tube expands into a limb 10 mm. in diameter, at first concave and 
violet in colour, then flat and deep-blue; and further, the flowers, 
which are conspicuous in themselves, are rendered more so by 
aggregation, The invaginated appendages, which are indicated 
on the outside of the corolla by transverse slits, serve by their 
white colour as honey-guides. The anthers, which dehisce in- 
trorsely, and the stigma which overtops them, are matured simul- 
taneously. Cross-fertilisation is insured, in case of insect-visits, by 
the position of the stigma; in absence of insects, self-fertilisation 
must finally occur, for the corolla in falling off brings the anthers 
in contact with the stigma. 

Eug. Warming has found A. officinalis heterostyled, with 
transition-forms between the long- and short-styled flowers (762). 

Insect-visits are plentiful, and in fine weather cross-fertilisation 
always occurs. On September 13, 1871, I observed the following 
insects visiting this plant on the Wandersleber Schlossberg in 
Thuringia :— 

A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. and c.p., ab.; (2) 
Bombus pratorum, L. §, 8. and c.p. ; (3) B. agrorum, F. ¢ 9 ; (4) B. silvarum, 
L. ¢; (5) B. lapidarius, L. ¢ §; (6) B. muscorum, F. § ; the last four only 
sucking. B. Lepidoptera—Nociue: (7) Plusia gamma, L., very ab., s. See 
also No. 590, 111., and No. 609. 

303. Lycopsis ARVENSIS, L.—The same parts of the flower as 
in Anchusa serve to secrete, contain, shelter, and point out the 
honey. The flowers are doubtless visited and fertilised in like 
manner, chiefly by bees, and to some extent also by Lepidoptera. 
I have only observed (September 8, 1871, in Thuringia) Hesperia 
thaumas, Hufn., once sucking honey on this plant. 

Pulmonaria angustifolia, L. (P. azwrea, Besser).1—This plant is 
dimorphic ; and the two forms of flowers, besides differences in the 
reproductive organs, show an unusual number of other minor 

1 Darwin (No. 167) has taken P. angustifolia, L., and P. azurea, Besser, to be 
distinct species. 


differences. In the short-styled flowers, the calyx is longer and 
narrower, the corolla is longer and has a much larger and more con- 
spicuous limb; the ovary is smaller; the nectaries larger and more 
rich in honey than in the long-styled flower. In the Alps humble- 
bees and Rhingia and Bombylius act as cross-fertilising agents 
for this species, as they do for P. officinalis in the Lowlands (609). 
Hildebrand denies that this plant is heterostyled: it is possible 
that he made his observations on cultivated examples, and that 

Fic. 137.—Pulmonaria angustifolia, L . 

A.—Long-styled flower. 

B.—Ditto, in section. 

C.—Ditto. ov, ovary; n, nectary; gr, style (x 43). 

D.—Short-styled flower. 

E.—Ditto, in section (x 14). 

F.—Ditto (x 43). 

.—Limb of the corolla of a short-styled flower, cut off close above the anthers, to show the 
protecting hairs (x 49). 


there is in them, as Darwin has shown in the case of Primula 
sinensis, a return to the homostylic condition (609). 

Darwin found the long-styled though not the short-styled 
flowers of this species absolutely barren when illegitimately fer- 
tilised ; he gives several reasons for considering that this dimorphic 
plant is in a transition-stage, tending to become dicecious (167). 

304. PULMONARIA OFFICINALIS, L.—This species also is di- 
morphic. Honey is secreted by the white, basal part of the ovary, 
lodged in the lower portion of the tubular corolla, and sheltered 
from rain by a ring of hairs placed in the tube at the place where 
it widens out. In the short-styled flowers, the anthers stand at 
the mouth of the corolla (whose tube is 10 to 12 mm. long); the 
stigma stands half-way up the tube, on astyle 5 to 6 mm. long: in 
the long-styled flowers these positions are reversed, the style being 
10 mm. long, and the anthers, being attached by very short fila- 
ments to the corolla, 5 mm. from the base of the flower. Since the 
corolla widens slightly at its mouth, insects with a proboscis 8 mm, 


long are able to reach the honey. Bees touch the longer reproduc- 
tive organs with their heads or with the base of their proboscides, 
and the shorter with the maxillz, which serve to sheath the pro- 
boscis ; thus they regularly perform ‘legitimate cross-fertilisation,’ 
The flowers are very conspicuous and very rich in honey, and 
appear at a season when they have few rivals; they are therefore 
very much visited by insects, and have become sterile when 
fertilised with their own pollen or with pollen from another flower 
of the same form. Hildebrand (342) found by experiment that 
when he fertilised a flower of either form with its own pollen, or 
with pollen from another similar flower, it was completely sterile ; 
but when fertilised with pollen from a flower of the other form, it 
was as productive as in the wild state. He found on investigating 
wild plants in fruit, that in some cases the oldest flowers on the 
plant, and almost constantly the terminal flowers of each shoot, bore 
no seed; the former fact he explains by the absence of the proper 
insects early in the season, the latter by imperfect nourishment of 
the terminal parts of the shoots. 

Darwin’s experiments (No. 164, p. 103) on this plant led to a 
result: different from Hildebrand’s. He found that illegitimately 
fertilised long-styled plants were highly fertile, producing three 
times as much seed as Hildebrand’s wild specimens bore; and that 
even when self-fertilised, a few seeds were produced. Hildebrand 
endeavoured to explain this great discordance by the fact that the 
plants which he experimented on were kept in pots in the house, 
while Darwin’s were grown out of doors. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Anthophora pilipes, F. ¢ 9 
(19—21), very ab., s. andc.p., sucking now on Primula elatior, now on Cory- 
dalis, now on Pulmonaria, without restricting itself long to the same species ; 

- (2) Bombus hortorum, L. ? (21), very ab., s., and keeping to the same species 

of flower ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. 9 (12—14), s. ; (4) B. senilis, Sm. 9 (14—15),s. ; 
(5) B. agrorum, F. 9 (12—15), ab., s. ; (6) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14), s.; (7) 
B. Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12—13), s. ; (8) B. terrestris, L. 9 (7—9), s.; (9) B. pra- 
torum, L, 2 (11—12), s., distinctly prefers Pulmonaria, leaving the flowers of 
Primula elatior untouched ; (10) Osmia fusca, Christ. (bicolor, Schrank) ? ¢ 
(8), c.p. and s.,ab. This species feeds itself and its young almost entirely on 
the honey and pollen of Pulmonaria. I have never found its nests (which 
are made in snail-shells, those of Helix nemoralis at Lippstadt) except where 
Pulmonaria was growing plentifully. (11) O. pilicornis,Sm. ¢ 9,s.andep. I 
was the first to find this bee on the continent of Europe. I have found it ex- 
clusively on flowers of Pulmonaria, at Rixbeck near Lippstadt ; it occurs singly 
among numerous examples of the foregoing species, with which it agrees in the 
manner of tending its young. (12) O. rufa, L. ¢ (7—8),s. In most of these 
bees I have directly observed pollen upon the maxilla. B. Diptera—(a) 


Bombylide : (13) Andrena Gwynana, K. 9, «ep. ; (14) Anthophora retusa, 
K. 9, cp. and s.; (15) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, cp. ; (16) Bombylius 
discolor, Mgn. (11—12), hovers over the flower and inserts its proboscis with- 
out settling, ab., but only in warm sunshine; (17) B. major, L. (10), do.; 
(6) Syrphide : (18) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), very ab., s., but only towards 
the end of the flowering period (May 18, 1870). C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : 
(19) Rhodocera rhamni, L., s.,ab. D. Coleoptera—Staphylinide : (20) Omalium 
florale, Pk., ab., creeping about in the flowers. 

305. MyosoTis sItvaticA (Hoffm.) Lehm.—As soon as the 
flower opens, the anthers, which are attached to the corolla above 
the level of the stigma and are inclined slightly inwards, dehisce 

Fic, 138.—Myosotis silvatica, Hoffm, 

1.—Flower, from above. 

2.—-Ditto, in section (x 7). 

83.—Pollen grains. 

a, light-blue limb of corolla ; b, white radiating bands ; c, yellow centre of the corolla; d, stamen ; 
é, stigma; f, nectary. 

longitudinally, and become covered on their inner surfaces with 
small, white pollen-grains; each of the latter is shaped like two 
attached spheres, and measures ‘005 mm. by ‘003mm. The stigma 
ripens simultaneously with the anthers. In sunny weather nume- 
rous flies frequent the flowers, which are rendered conspicuous by 
colour and by aggregation. The fly thrusts its proboscis rapidly 
into the flower, spending at most two to three seconds upon it, 
and probably, therefore, sucking honey in each case, not gathering 

The honey is secreted by the fleshy base of the ovary, and is 
lodged in the lower part of the tube of the corolla, which is 2 to 
3 mm. long. An insect must dip its proboscis down between 
the stigma and anthers, and touch them with opposite sides of the 


proboscis, Since the proboscis may be inserted on any side of the 
stigma, the part of the proboscis dusted with pollen in one flower 
will very probably come in contact with the stigma in the next. 
Since flies often dip their proboscis repeatedly into one flower, self- 
fertilisation also must frequently result. In absence of insects, 
self-fertilisation always occurs by pollen falling directly upon the 
stigma. In plants which I kept in my room, guarded from insects, 
I always found the stigma in the older flowers thickly covered with 
pollen. Axell found on experiment that the plant is completely 
fertile when self-fertilised (17). 

Delpino describes Myosotis as dichogamous and exclusively 
fertilised by bees. 

M. silvatica in my garden is visited by the following insects :— 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide@ ; (1) Andrena albicans, K. 9, s. B. Diptera— 
(a) Syrphide : (2) Eristalis arbustorum, L., ab. ; (3) E. sepulcralis, L., ab. ; 
(4) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab. ; (5) Rhingia rostrata, L. ; (6) Muscide : (6) 
Scatophaga merdaria, F. ; (7) Species of Echinomyia ; (8) Onesia floralis, R. D. ; 
(9) O. sepulcralis, Mgn. ; (10) Pollenia vespillo, F. ; (11) Musca corvina, F. ; 
(12) Colobata cothurnata, Pz. ; all acting in the manner described above. A 
list of nineteen additional visitors is given in No. 590, 111. 

Myposotis alpestris, Schmidt.—I have observed this plant visited 
on the Alps by thirty-three Lepidoptera, nineteen Diptera, and 
one bee—a strikingly different list from the preceding one (609). 

306. Myosoris INTERMEDIA, Link. ap. Schl.—The flowers of 
this plant differ from those of 1. silvatica in their smaller size, and 

Fic. 139.—Myosotis intermedia, Link. 

1.—Longitudinal section (x 7). 
2.—Anther viewed from the side to show the broad prolongation of the connective. 

in two points which make cross-fertilisation still more sure : (1) The 
_ stigma stands on a level with the anthers, so that an insect’s 

| proboscis is more certain than in M. silvatica to touch anthers and 

_ stigma with opposite sides, unless it be repeatedly inserted as is not 


rarely the case. (2) The connective terminates above in a broad 
expansion, which is slightly curved outwards, but stands immediately 
above the anther since the latter is inclined towards the centre of 
the flower ; this arrangement hinders the proboscis from coming in 
contact with the anther while being inserted. The same character 
is present but much less marked in ©. silvatica. 

Self-fertilisation always occurs in absence of insects. 

The invaginated processes of the corolla which surround the 
-mouth of the tube in all species of Myosotis serve to shelter the 
honey from rain, and by their yellow colour serve as “path- 
finders”; they also cause insects to insert their tongues in the 
centre of the flower and so to come more directly in contact with 
the stigma. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, ab., s. ; (2) 
Andrena fasciata, Wesm. ¢, s.; (8) A. albicans, K. 9,8. B. Diptera—(a) 
Bombylide: (4) Bombylius major, L. s.; (b) Syrphide: (5) Chrysogaster 
viduata, L.,s. See also No. 590,111. 

307. MyosorTis PALUSTRIS, Rth., agrees in all points with JZ, 
intermedia, except in the length of its tube, which is 3 mm. long. 

Visitors: A. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera: (1) Lycena icarus, Rott., s. B. 
Diptera—Empide : (2) Empis opaca, F., very ab., s. 

308. MyYosoris HISPIDA, Schlecht.—The flower is described in 
No. 590, Ill. : 

Visitors: <A. Hymenoptera—A pide: (1) Halictus zonulus, Sm. 9, s. 
(Tekl. B.). B. Diptera—Muscide: (2) Anthomyia sp., s. 

Myposotis versicolor, Lehm.—When the flower opens, the corolla 
is colourless or pale yellow, and imperfectly developed ; the anthers 
and stigma are however ripe, and the latter protrudes a little from 
the flower. If insect-visits now occur, cross-fertilisation results; 
afterwards the corolla in elongating rubs the anthers against the 
knobbed stigma and the flower is self-fertilised. 

I have observed bees and flies visiting the flower (570, vol. x.) 

Echinospermum Lappula, Lehm.—The mechanism of fertilisation 
resembles that of Myosotis silvatica, but the honey is not so acces- 
sible, as the limb of the corolla does not spread out flat, but remains 
bell-shaped. The corolla is white while in the bud, pale red while 
just emerging beyond the calyx, and afterwards bright blue, The 
flower is visited by Diptera, Apidew, and Sphegide (590, IL. ; 609). 

Omphalodes verna, Meench.—The tube is 3 mm, long, and the 


bright blue limb of the corolla expands to a diameter of 15 to 18 
mm. The connective has no terminal appendage ; otherwise the 
flower resembles that of Myosotis, and self-fertilisation is likewise a 
regular occurrence. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 9, s. ; (2) 
Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s.° 

309. LITHOSPERMUM ARVENSE, L.—The smooth ovary secretes 
a small amount of honey, which lies in the base of the corolla; the 
latter forms a tube 4 to 5 mm, long, and only 1 mm. wide in its 
lowest part.. The five short stamens are inserted upon the corolla 
below its middle, and their anthers dehisce inwards longitudinally 

Fic. 140.—Lithospermum arvense, L. 

1.—Tip of style, from a bud (x 36). st, stigma, 
2.—Position of essential organs in the flower. 

and let their pollen escape, before the opening of the flower. The 
_ style, which is 2 mm. long, ends in two smooth, rounded lobes, and 
_ bears immediately below these an annular ridge covered with stig- 
| matic papille ; this stands on a level with the anthers, completely 

filling up the narrow passage to the base of the flower. The upper 
_ ends of the stamens curve slightly outwards, thus guiding an insect’s 
_ proboscis to the centre of the flower and causing e to pass between 
_ the anthers and stigma. Ifin the young flower an insect thrusts in 
_ its proboscis, already dusted with pollen, cross-fertilisation takes 
place, and the proboscis gets dusted at the same time with fresh 
pollen. But as the pollen issues more and more from the anthers, 
e -cross-fertilisation is soon rendered more difficult, and ultimately 
_ self-fertilisation becomes unavoidable. 


The regular occurrence of self-fertilisation is accounted for by 
the small, solitary, white flowers, and the scantiness of insect-visits 
that this want of conspicuousness leads to. I, like Sprengel also, 
have observed Pieris brassice, L., and P. rape, L., visiting the 
flowers ; after once resorting to the plant they came frequently. 
Bees and Syrphide also visit the plant (590, IT.). 

Lithospermum canescens, Lehm.—The flowers either are 
heterostyled or are very variable (167), 

Batschia (Iithospermum) longifiorum, Pursh., has cleistogamic 
flowers (167). 

310. EcHIUM VULGARE, L.—The flowers ‘of this plant are 
very conspicuous, and are peculiar in causing insects of very 

Fic. 141.—Echium vulgare, L 

1.—Older flower, from the side. The flower should be represented horizontal. 
2.—Transverse section through the base of a flower, niore magnified. 
k, sepal; bl, corolla; st, stamen; g, style; n, stigma; h, entrance to the honey. 

various sizes to perform cross-fertilisation, both in reaching the 
honey and in carrying off the pollen. 

The honey, which attracts most visitors, is secreted by the fleshy 
base of the ovary, and lies in the base of the five-toothed, funnel- 
shaped corolla. The narrow end of the tube is inclined obliquely 
upwards, and the expanded bases of the five stamens adhere 
to its inner wall for a distance of 4 mm. When the stamens 
become free from the expanded corolla, the latter suddenly widens 
out, and its superior wall extends obliquely upwards for about 
12 mm. farther; the sides, slightly diverging, extend for 9 mm. ; 
and the inferior wall extends for 6 mm., lying horizontally and 
curving slightly downwards near the mouth. The corolla is large 


enough for large humble-bees to insert easily the head and part of 
the thorax, and smaller humble-bees more than half of their body ; 
while still smaller bees can enter the tube bodily. The insect 
passes straight on to the base of the flower, the downward curva- 
_ ture of whose terminal portion corresponds to that of the insect’s 
proboscis, To alight on the flower and suck the honey is the work 
of a moment; so completely is the shape of the flower adapted, 
not for one only, but for many species of bees, But none of the 
various visitors can reach the honey without getting dusted ven- 
trally with pollen in young flowers, or leaving some of that pollen 
upon the stigma in older flowers, From the point where the 
filaments become free from the corolla, they pass on horizontally’ 
near the inferior wall of the corolla; and the four lowest stamens 
project some 7 mm. beyond the corolla, forming a convenient 
_ alighting-place for insects. The uppermost stamen, on leaving its 
_ attachment to-the corolla, also bends downwards, and in so doing 
it divides the entrance to the honey-containing part of the tube 
_ into two passages ; it then proceeds horizontally, but only so far as 
the mouth of the corolla. The free ends of all the stamens curve 
slightly upwards; and the anthers, which dehisce as the flower 
. opens, turn their pollen-covered sides upwards ; no bee, therefore, 
can alight without dusting its ventral surface with pollen. Large 
' humble-bees bring their thorax, smaller ones their abdomen, in 
contact with the long stamens, while the smallest bees, which fly 
| right into the flower, must at least come in contact ventrally with — 
| the short fifth stamen. The style lies in the midst of the stamens, 
and divides terminally into two short branches, which bear the 
stigmas at their ends. When the flower opens, the style scarcely 
' reaches the mouth of the corolla; its distal end is straight, its two 
branches lie close together, and their stigmas are apparently in- 
capable of fertilisation. In course of time the style lengthens till 
| it projects 10 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla; it curves 
' gently upwards at its outer end, and its two branches, now 
| bearing ripe stigmas, separate. The stigmas now lie above 
} and in front of all the anthers, and no bee, large or small, can 
/ enter the flower without bringing its ventral surface in contact 
: with them. 
| It is evident from the position of the stigmas that cross- 
| fertilisation will be performed, even if pollen remains upon the 
| anthers when the stigmas are mature. 
i Echium attracts very numerous and various insects, as the 
| following long list shows :-— 
| EE 2 


A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, very ab., s. ; (2) 
Bombus silvarum, L. ? %,s. and sometimes also c.p. ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. 
286; (4) B. agrorum, F. 9 $; (5) B. hortorum, L. 9 $ ¢; (6) B. terrestris, 
L. 2 ¢; (7) B. muscorum, F. §; (8) B. pratorum, L. 9; (9) B. Rajellus, Il. 
®; (10) B. hypnorum, L. $; (11) B. (Apathus) rupestris, F. 9; (12) B. ves- 
talis, Fourc. 2; (13) B. campestris, Pz. 9 ¢; (14) B. Barbutellus, K. 9; all 
these thirteen species of humble-bees are more or less abundant, especially the 
first five, all only suck, except B. silvarum ; (15) Anthophora quadrimaculata, 
F. 9 ¢ (Thur.),s. and c.p., ab. ; (16) A. furcata, Pz. 2 ¢ (Thur.), s. and cp. ; 
(17) Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. 2 ¢, very ab., s.; (18) Melecta luctuosa, Scop. 
? (Thur.) ; (19) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢; (20) Andrena fulvicrus, K. ¢; 
(21) A. albicrus, K. ¢; (22) <A. labialis, K. ¢5; (23) Halictus nitidus, 
Schenck, 2; (24) H. albipes, F. ¢; (25) H. cylindricus, F. 9 ¢; (6) H 

‘sexnotatus, K. 2 ; Nos. 18—25 alls. ; (27) H. nitidiusculus, K. 9, c.p. ;. (28) 

Nomada sexfasciata, Pz. 9, s.; (29) Ceratina coerulea, Vill. 2, s.; (30) 
Megachile Willughbiella, K. ¢,s. ; (81) M. circumcincta, K. 9,8. and cp. ; 
(32) Diphysis serratule, Pz. 9 ¢, s. and e.p., very ab.; (33) Osmia fusca, 
Christ. (bicolor, Schrank) 9, s. and c.p. ; (34) O. enea, L. 9 6 ,s.and ep. ; (35) 
O. ceementaria, Gerst. 9 ¢,¢.p. and s., very abundant in Thuringia and Sena 
land, building its nests in the cavities of stones, and feeding the young exclusively 
on honey and pollen of Echium ; (36) O. adunca, Latr. 2 ¢, very ab., also 
feeding its young exclusively on honey and pollen of Echium ; (37) O. leu- 
comelena, K. 9, cp. ; (38) O. rufa, L. 9, 8.; (89) Coelioxys quadridentata, 
L. ot conica, L.) 9 ¢,8., ab. ; (40) C. conoidea, Ill. (punctata, Lep.), 2, s. ; 
(41) C. simplex, Nyl. 9, s.; (42) C. umbrina, Sm. 9,5s., (43) Chelostoma 
nigricorne, Nyl. ¢ 2,8. ; (44) Stelis pheoptera, K. 2, 8. ; (45) St. breviuscula, 
N. ¢, s.; (46) Prosopis hyalinata, Sm. 9, s.; (b) Sphegide: (47) Crabro 
patellatus, v. d. L. 9 ¢; (48) Ammophila sabulosa, L. 2; (49) Psammophila 
affinis, K. 9, all three s.; (c) Vespidw: (50) Odynerus parietum, L. ¢, s. ; 
(d) Chryside: (51) Cleptes semiaurata, F., s. ; all the short-lipped Hymeno- 
ptera creep bodily into the flower to reach the honey. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : 
(52) Rhingia rostrata, L., s.; (53) Helophilus trivittatus, F., fp. ; (64) Syrphus__ 
pyrastri, L., fip.; (55) S. arcuatus, Fall., fp. ; (56) Melanostoma ambigua, 
Fall., fp. ; (b) Conopide : (57) Physocephala vittata, F.,s. C. Lepidoptera— — 
(a) Rhopalocera: (58) Satyrus Janira, L.; (59) Pieris brassice, L.; (60). 
Lyczena sp.; (61) Hesperia sylvanus, Esp. ; (62) Colias hyale, L. (Thur.) ;— 
(63) Meliteea cinxia, L.; (b) Sphinges: (64) Zygena lonicere, Esp. (Thur.) 5 
(65) Macroglossa stellatarum, L. ; (c) Noctue: (66) Plusia gamma, L., ab., all 
sucking. D, Coleoptera—(67) Cidemera virescens, L., crept far into the flower, 
and seemed to reach the honey. A further list of visitors in Low Germany is 
given in No. 590, 1. A list of Alpine visitors (seventeen bees, five Lepido- 
ptera) is given in No. 609, p. 262. 

A review of this long list of insects, many of which frequent the — 
flowers of Echium in great numbers, shows that the great majority _ 
come seeking honey, and only use the stamens. as a landing-place. — 
The females of bees with abdominal collecting-brushes, without 
any special effort, sweep up pollen with their abdominal brushes, 
filling them after a few visits. The flower is thus so convenient 


for them that several of these bees (Osmia adunca and O. cemen- 
taria) resort to it exclusively, both for their own food and for that 
of their larvae. Syrphide also make frequent use of the pollen, 
while bees with tibial or femoral collecting-baskets seldom gather 
it, and all other insects come solely for the sake of honey. The 
power of self-fertilisation has been completely lost. 

This plant is gynodicecious. The female flowers differ from the 
hermaphrodite in having a much smaller corolla and shorter pistil ; 
their stamens are short, and the anthers contain no sound pollen- 
grains (Darwin, 167). 

Cerinthe glabra, Mill. (C. alpina, Kit.)—This flower is adapted 
for humble-bees. Only humble-bees or other large bees can cling 

Fic. 142.—Cerinthe glabra, Mill. 

A.—Flower that has recently expanded. 

B.—Ditto, in section (x 4). 

C.—Older, fully expanded flower (x 7). 

8. Sepal; co, corolla; n, nectary; ov ovary; gr, style; ji, filament. 
(Falo Alp, July 28, 1877).: 

| to the recurved teeth of the corolla, and hanging beneath the 
flower, suck the honey from its base. In doing this the insect 
_ first brings its head in contact with the stigma, and then, touching 
_ the anthers with its proboscis, it dusts its head with new pollen. 
| LT have only found humble-bees (Bombus alticola, ? 9), but those in 


great numbers, on this flower (Alpenblumen, p. 264; named there 
by mistake C. major). 

Cerinthe minor, L., has a somewhat different structure, and is 
visited and fertilised by the honey-bee as well as by humble-bees 
(590, IIL.) 

According to Kuhn, Lritrichium, Amsinckia, Lithospermum, 
Pulmonaria, Arnebia, and Hockinia, contain dimorphic species 
(399). Darwin considers that Amsinckia and Arnebia are not 
dimorphic, but merely show extreme variability in the length of 
their stamens and style (167). 

Mertensia, Roth., is dimorphic according to Darwin (167). 


The Boraginez have inherited from common ancestors a short 
tube which, to a certain degree, conceals their honey. 

The lower forms (Asperugo, Echinospermum, Omphalodes, 
Myosotis) are visited and cross-fertilised by flies (especially Syr- 
phide), bees, and Lepidoptera, and are adorned with red, violet, and 
blue colours through the selective taste of their guests. Many species, 
in the course of individual development, seem to recapitulate to us 
the evolution of their colours—white, rosy, blue in several species 
of Myosotis; yellow, bluish, violet in JZ. versicolor ; and red, violet, 
blue in Pulmonaria, Echium, etc. Here, white and yellow seem 
to have been the primitive colours; and, at least in many cases, 
violet and blue seem to have been preceded by red—an assump- 
tion which is strengthened by the fact that many blue and violet 
species (Myosotis, Anchusa, Symphytum) give us white and rose- 
red varieties, apparently by reversion to more primitive characters. 

Starting from these simpler forms, we meet with many ad- 
vancing adaptations for fertilisation by bees. Pulmonaria, simply 
by the length of its tube, protects its honey from the great majority 
of insects, excepting humble-bees, and insures cross-fertilisation, in 
the event of humble-bees visiting it, by the distinct heterostylic 
condition, Anchusa reserves its honey for bees still more effectually 
by the narrow entrance to its tube ; and according to Warming, it 
shows locally a tendency (never completely attained) to become 
heterostyled. Echium, without excluding other guests, has so 
adapted the form of its flowers for the convenience of bees, that 
many species visit it in great numbers; and it insures cross- 
fertilisation by proterandry and by the prominent position of the 


mature stigma, The drooping flowers of Borago, and the position 
of their anthers, exclude all insects which cannot hang, as bees 
can, below the flower and insert their proboscides into the narrow 
opening. Symphytum and Cerinthe, finally, besides offering the 
same difficulties as Borago, have a tube which requires so long a 
proboscis to reach its base, that only humble-bees and other bees 
with a proboscis equally long can reach the honey. 


311. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS, L.—Sprengel has described the 
chief characters of this flower very clearly, contrasting them with 
those of C. sepiwm. 

The funnel-shaped corolla is yellow at the base internally, 
elsewhere either white or red, and marked in the latter case with 

Fic. 143.—Convolvulus arvensis, L. 

1.—Transverse section, through the base of the flower (x 7). 
2.—Essential organs, from an expanded flower (x 33). 
a, style; b, filament; ¢, entrance to nectary; d, corolla; e, calyx. 

five radiating white streaks. These “pathfinders,’ and the habit 
of closing, both in the evening and in rainy weather, mark out the 
flower as adapted for the visits of diurnal insects. The orange-red 
under surface of the ovary secretes honey, which is lodged in the 
lowest, narrowest part of the corolla, and sheltered by tbe broad 
bases of the stamens, which leave five narrow openings leading to 
it. The stamens arising thus with broad bases from the corolla, 
adhere to it for a short distance, and then curve inwards, coming 
close together around the style; the filaments, where they are in 
contact with one another, are closely beset with small, stiff pro- 
jections, which prevent an insect from thrusting its proboscis 


between them. The five narrow slits between the stamens, near 
their base, are thus the only means of access to the honey, and the 
insect must make its way into the funnel between the corolla and 
the stamens, and then insert its proboscis into one of the slits. 
Since the stamens dehisce extrorsely, an insect acting in this way, 
unless it be too small, must be dusted with pollen; and the two | 
branches of the stigma, standing well above the anthers, and 
stretching outwards over them, are touched before the anthers by 
the insect. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation can easily occur ; 
for if the flower hangs down, or if the corolla withers and falls off, 
the pollen readily falls upon the stigma, and even in erect and 
fresh flowers, one of the stamens is not. unfrequently seen, still 
covered with pollen, in contact with the stigmatic papille. The 
flowers have a peculiar aromatic smell, which seems the only reason 
for their being visited so much more plentifully than the larger 
flowers of C. sepiwm. , 
Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., s. 
and ¢.p.,—to suck, it creeps down into the base of the flower, dusting its head 
and back with pollen, which parts come first in contact with the stigma in each 
flower ; (2) Halictus morio, F. ¢, s., touching neither stigma nor anthers ; (3) 
H. villosulus, K. 2; (4) H. longulus,Sm. 9; (5) H. nitidiusculus, K. 9, all 
three c.p. ; they usually alight on the stigma and then proceed to the anthers, 
thus effecting cross-fertilisation ; (6) Chelostoma campanularum, K. ¢, s., like 
No. 2. B. Diptera—(a) Empide : (7) Empis livida, L., very ab., s., thrusting 
its proboscis into each of the five nectaries one after another ; (6) Syrphide : 
(8) Helophilus floreus, L., s. and fp.; (9) Eristalis arbustorum, L., s. and f.p., 
takes shelter from rain in the flowers ; (10) Syrphus nitidicollis, Mgn. ; (11) 
S. balteatus, Deg. ; (12) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (13) M. teeniatus, Mgn., all 
four f.p.,—the large honey-sucking flies effect cross-fertilisation in the same way 
as No. 1, the smaller pollen-feeding flies do so after the manner of Nos. 3—5 ; (ce) 
Muscide : (14) Sepsis, abundant in the passages leading to the honey. ©. Coleo- 
ptera—(a) Nitidulide : (15) Meligethes, do. ; (b) Gidemeride : (16) Gidemera 
virescens, L., fp.; (¢) Cerambycide: (17) Leptura livida, L., feeding on 
pollen, and on the anthers. D. Hemiptera—(18) Nabis, s. Eighteen 
additional visitors are enumerated in No. 590, II. 

Calystegia sepium, R. Br. (Convolvulus sepiwm, L.)—The flowers 
are scentless and without “pathfinders.’ In spite of their large 
size and conspicuous white colour, they are only scantily visited 
by insects. They remain open in rain. On dark evenings (be- 
tween 8 and 10) I have found all the flowers closed, but all open 
on moonlight nights. In other respects the flowers are similar 
to those of Convolvulus arvensis. I have never observed crepus- 
‘cular or nocturnal insects on the flowers, but several of my pupils 
have caught numbers of Sphinw convolvuli upon them in the 


evening. In the daytime I have sometimes seen Halictus cylind- 
 ricus, K. 3, and Megachile centuncularis, L. g, and Hmpis and 
_ Rhingia in special numbers, all creeping into the base of the 
flower, and inserting their proboscides through the slits between 
- the filaments. Rhingia rostrata, L., applies its labelle fre- 
_ quently to the anthers, stigma, and inner wall of the corolla, 
apparently picking up scattered pollen. Meligethes, Thrips, and 
minute Podure also frequent the flowers during the day. 

Delpino mentions Sphinx convolvuli as a fertiliser of C. sepium 
(172, 352); he tells me by letter that one of his friends catches 
this insect in numbers, standing by a hedge overgrown with the 
plant, holding thumb and forefinger over a flower and closing its 
orifice when the insect has entered ! 

In England, where Sphinx convolvuli is rare, C. sepiwm seldom 
produces seed ; in Scotland, where S. convolvuli seems not to occur, 
C. sepium is rarely found wild (773). In the north of Ireland, 
according to Mr. T. H. Corry, C. sepiwm is far commoner than 
C. arvensis, and Sphinx convolvuli is comparatively frequent. 

| Cuscuta Epithymum, L., is homogamous. Honey is secreted 
_ by the lower part of the ovary, and is sheltered by scale-like 
appendages of the corolla. The flowers are visited by Sphegide, 
and in absence of insects fertilise themselves (590, III.). 

Cuscuta, according to Kuhn, has cleistogamic flowers (399). 

Ipomea pestigridis, L., has cleistogamic flowers, which were 
known to Dillenius. 

Calonyction, Chois.—The flowers are sterile to their own pollen. 


312. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM, L.—The peduncles stand almost 
horizontal at the time of flowering, and the five-pointed rotate 
limb of the corolla becomes nearly vertical. Five anthers meeting 
to form a cone project from the flower and surround the style, 
which protrudes beyond them and curves more or less downwards 
at its stigmatic end. All the stamens bend very slightly down- 
wards, and the lower anthers project somewhat in advance of the 
others. The anthers begin to dehisce at their apex, and when 
touched allow a little pollen to fall out; in some which I ex- 
amined a large quantity of pollen-grains (from ‘013 to ‘(021 mm, 
in diameter) remained in a shrivelled condition. 

i Since the flower secretes no honey and affords little pollen, it 
i is very scantily visited by insects, In spite of repeated watching, 


I have only occasionally seen two common Syrphide, Zristalis 
tenax, L., and Syritta pipiens, L., feeding on the pollen. Darwin 
observed the flower visited by humble-bees. 

The stigma, from its position, must be touched by an insect- 
visitor before the anthers. In many flowers the end of the style 
curves backwards so much as to stand beneath the anthers, in the 
line of fall of the pollen, so that self-fertilisation may in such cases 
occur. Treviranus was therefore not wholly wrong when he 
described the genus Solanum as fertilised by the style curving 
backwards to meet the anthers (742). 

313. Sotanum DutcaMARA, L., is likewise devoid of honey, 
and is at least as scantily visited by insects as S. tuberosum. I 
have seen Rhingia rostrata, L., examining the greenish spots which 
glitter like drops of fluid in the middle of the violet corolla, and 
afterwards stroking the tips of the anthers with its labelle. Here 
S. Dulcamara seems to delude the fly as Parnassia and Lopezia do 
(590, IL, pp. 20-22). 8. Duleamara is also visited by pollen- 
collecting Bombi, and pollen-feeding Syrphidz (609). 

314. SoLANUM NIGRUM, L.—The flowers are devoid of honey, 
but I have repeatedly seen two common Syrphide, Melithreptus 
scriptus, L., and Syritta pipiens, L., feeding on the pollen. Both 
stroked the outer side of the anthers with their labellz from the 
apex downwards as far as the middle of the corolla. Sprengel 
observed bees and humble-bees upon the flowers, I have given a 
further account of the flower in No. 590, III. 

Fic. 144.—Lycium barbarum, L. 

1.—Flower, viewed from the front. 
2.—Ditto, in section. 
a, protecting hairs; st, stigma, 

315. Lycrum BaRBARUM, L. (L. vulgare, Dun.)—Honey is 
secreted in large quantity by the naked ovary, and accumulates in 
the base of the tube, which is 7 to 10 mm. long, The corolla 


widens out above, and is smooth within, except that a ring of close 
woolly hairs surrounds it at the base of the funnel-shaped, ex- 
panded portion ; on a level with this ring, five similar rings of bairs 
surround the five stamens, and effectually exclude rain. The 
corolla divides above into five violet lobes, which spread out to 
a diameter of 16 to 22 mm, The funnel-shaped mouth is light- 
coloured, and marked with dark-violet lines (pafhfinders) coursing 
towards the base of the flower. Stigma and anthers ripen to- 
gether, and stand at the same height. The style is sometimes 
bent upwards above the anthers, as in the figure, but as a rule it 
is in immediate contact with them. Insect-visits, therefore, may 
lead equally well to cross- and self-fertilisation ; and in absence of 
insects self-fertilisation in most cases takes place, 

Visitors: Hymenoptera—Apide; (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s., ab.; (2) 

Bombus agrorum, F, 9, s.; (8) B. lapidarius, L. 9, s., both very frequent. 
See also No. 590, Ill. 

Atropa Belladonna, L., is likewise adapted for humble-bees. 
I have seen it visited by nine species of bees and by Thrips 
(590, IIL.), 

Mandragora vernalis, Bert., is proterogynous, according to 
Hildebrand (351). 

LIochroma tubulosum, Benth., is proterogynous with persistent 
stigmas, The deep-blue, pendulous flowers are tubular, widening 
out at the mouth, and are supposed by Delpino to be fertilised by 
humming-birds (177). 

Scopolia carniolica, Jacq. (S. atropoides, Schult), is protero- 
gynous (351). 

316. HyoscyAMUS NIGER, L.—Cross-fertilisation is insured, 
or at least favoured, by the prominent position of the stigma. 
Sprengel found the plant visited by humble-bees, and the dimen- 
sions of the flower seem well suited to these insects. I have seen 
only Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, collecting pollen on the flower. 

Browallia elata, L.—The corolla is hypocrateriform, and its 
mouth is blocked by the much expanded filaments of the two 
superior stamens, which are inserted in the throat of the corolla ; 
these leave only two very narrow openings through which a thin 
proboscis may pass. The proboscis entering in this way touches 
the anthers (the inferior pair of which is inclosed in the tube), and 
also the stigma which stands between the two pairs of anthers ; the 
stigma smears the entering proboscis with viscid matter in the 


young flower, and receives pollen from it in the old. Delpino 
considers that the brown colour of the broad superior stamens is a 
device to guide insects that have alighted on the flower towards the 
pollen. His view that the flower is fertilised by Sphingide and 
Bombylidee is opposed to this, for these insects seek honey only. 
Species of Anthophora, which Delpino thinks may possibly be also 
fertilisers, are likewise scarcely fitted to reach the pollen of 
Browallia (178, 360). 

My brother Fritz Miiller tells me, in a letter dated November 
10, 1869, that he finds in the allied genus Franziscea (Brunfelsia) 

Fig, 145. 

Syste? of ape pete from oe Half of the corolla and two stamens have been removed. 
a, anthers; st, s 
The dotted line i sMionien the the. aK which the insect’s proboscis must take to reach the honey. 

a structure similar to that described by Delpino for Browallia. A — 

handsome species of Franziscea, occurs at Itajahy. In this there 

are two lateral entrances to the tube, but between them the 
throat of the corolla is blocked, not by a valve formed by the 

stamens (valvola staminale, Delpino), but by the style which bends 
forward to apply itself to the anterior wall of the corolla. 

Schizanthus, Rz. and P.—The two stamens are inclosed by the | 

lower lip, and spring up when an insect settles on the latter: the 
stigma is at first shorter than the stamens, but after they have 
burst free it lengthens and projects beyond them, so as to be now 
the first part touched by an insect-visitor (346). 

Se a ee ee a ee 



317. VERBASCUM NIGRUM, L.—The long yellow racemes are 
very striking, and the flowers are made still more conspicuous by 
the orange-red anthers and violet hairs upon the filaments. The 
plant is visited by very various species of insects. 

I sought repeatedly for honey without success, and had come to 
the conclusion that the flower contained none. On July 28, 1871, 
however, towards evening, [ saw a small moth, Ephestia elutella, 
Hiibn.,) busy sucking very assiduously on the flowers of a plant of 
this species in my room. Standing on a petal, it thrust its 
proboscis down between two stamens? into the short tube, and 
applied it to various parts of the inner wall of the corolla. After 
spending a considerable time on one flower, it rolled up its proboscis 
and flew off to another. It continued these operations for some 
minutes, and therefore certainly found honey; and the next 
morning I found in many flowers, but not in all, minute drops 
of honey adhering to the smooth inner surface of the tube. The 
flowers afford a large quantity of orange-red pollen, accessible to 
all insects; and I observed that in the case of Syrphus balteatus 
the violet clavate hairs form a third attraction. 

The position of the parts of the flower makes cross-fertilisation 
in case of insect-visits not inevitable but exceedingly likely, while 
in absence of insects self-fertilisation easily occurs. The short tube 
widens out into a flat, five-lobed limb, which takes up an almost. 
vertical position: the inferior lobe is the longest, and the two 
superior are shorter than the lateral lobes, so that an insect settles 
most conveniently upon the inferior.. The stamens project almost 
horizontally, but curve slightly upwards from the tube, and diverge 
slightly from one another ; they alternate with the petals, and again 
the superior is the shortest and the two inferior longer than the 
lateral. The anthers, which stand close together, dehisce along 

_ their outer edge, covering themselves almost completely with 

orange-red pollen. The style is shorter than the inferior stamens, 
and bent down slightly below them. An insect standing on the 
inferior petal generally touches the knobbed stigma first, on its way 

1 Named for me by my friend Dr. Speyer, of Rhoden. 

2 Just between each pair of stamens, the central part of the corolla bears a 
chestnut-brown spot. Sprengel (702, p. 122) considered these spots to be honey- 
guides, though he could find no honey in the flowers, My discovery of honey 
confirms his view. 


to the anthers ; and thus cross-fertilisation is favoured, though stigma 
and anthers ripen together. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation 
is possible, as the stigma frequently stands in the line of fall of 
the pollen. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus agrorum, F. §, s. ; (2) 
B. terrestris, L. 2,8. and c.p.; (3) Andrena pilipes, F. ?, ¢.p.; (4) Prosopis 
signata, Pz. 9, fp.; (5) P. communis, Nyl. 9,fp. B. Diptera—(a) Bomby- 
lide : (6) Systcechus sulfureus, Mik., s. ; (b) Syrphide: (7) Syrphus balteatus, 
Deg., f.p. and licking the staminal hairs: (8) Eristalis arbustorum, L., do. 3 
(9) Syritta pipiens, L., do. C. Lepidoptera—Microlepidoptera : (10) Ephestia 
elutella, Hiibn., s. D. Coleoptera—Nitidulide: (11) Meligethes, ab. 'E. 
Thysanoptera ; (12) Thrips, ab. F. Neuroptera ; (13) Panorpa communis, L., 
licking various parts of the flower. 

318. VERBASCUM PH@NICEUM, L.—The structure of the flower 
agrees with that of the preceding species, but I have hitherto failed, 
as Sprengel also did, to discover any honey; I have never seen any 
insect sucking on this flower. I once saw Andrena fulva, Schrank, 
@, insert its proboscis into three or four flowers and then immedi- 
ately withdraw it; it then flew away, having doubtless failed to 
find anything. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §, c.p.; (2) 
Bombus muscorum, L. §, ¢.p. ; (3) Andrena dorsata, K. 2, ¢.p. ; (4) A. fulva, 
Schrank, 9, vainly seeking honey ; (5) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 2, ¢.p.,—-I 
could see clearly how this bee loosened the pollen with its mandibles, and 
swept it with the tarsal brushes on its fore and midlegs into the collecting 
hairs on its hindlegs, B. Diptera—Syrphide : (6) Rhingia rostrata, L., very 
ab., f.p.,—I have often seen a specimen of this fly on almost every flower, eating 
pollen, and also licking the staminal hairs, 

319. VerBascum TuHapsus, L. :— 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. § ; (2) Bom- 
bus Scrimshiranus, K. ? ; (3) B. hortorum, L.'% ; (4) Halictus smeathmanellus, 
K. 9, all cp. ; (5) H. cylindricus, F. ¢; (6) Andrena parvula, K. ¢, both of 
these seemed to be sucking ; (b) Sphegide : (7) Polistes gallica, F. 2 (Thur.), 
seemed also to be sucking. B. Diptera—Syrphide@ : (8) Helophilus floreus, L. ; 
(9) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (10) Ascia podagrica, F., all three fp. 

Verbascum Lychnitis, L.—I saw this species in Thuringia, visited 
by species of Halictus collecting pollen, and by Diptera and 
Coleoptera (590, III.). 

Darwin, in Forms of Flowers, shows that V. Thapsus and 
V. Lychnitis readily produce hybrids in a state of nature ; and that, 
since these hybrids are absolutely barren and the self-fertilised 


plants fairly fertile, in this case insects-visits by promoting 

_ hybridisation do harm. 

; According to Delpino, the Verbascums are adapted for pollen- 
collecting bees, which, clinging to the hairs on the stamens, clear 

i the pollen off the anthers and fly rapidly to another flower. I 

agree with this view, and look upon it as the most plausible 
_ explanation of the hairy stamens. But from my own observations 

_ it isclear that the small pollen-feeding bees (Prosopis) and Syrphide 
| are very frequently the fertilisers of this genus. Delpino goes too 

far in saying that the flowers of Verbascum are adapted solely for 
bees (esclusivamente melittofili), and that the visits of all other insects 
are accidental and without significance (178, IL, pp. 296-298). 
Calceolaria pinnata, L.— Each of the two anthers is modified, as 
in Salvia pratensis, into a lever, of which one arm bears a_ pollen- 
less anther-lobe and stands in the mouth of the corolla. When this 
- arm is touched by an insect, it causes the other, the pollen-bearing 
lobe, to shed its pollen. Self-fertilisation may take place in the 
falling off of the corolla (352). 

i’ 320. LINARIA VULGARIS, Mill—The flowers which I have 
examined do not agree in all points with Sprengel’s description. 

_ Honey is secreted by the base of the ovary, which is especially 

prominent anteriorly, opposite the lower lip. As a rule the honey 
does not, as Sprengel thought, leave the tip of the spur empty, 
_ flowing down at intervals in large drops which cannot reach the 
' bottom for the air contained there ; but it glides ina smooth, narrow 
groove, bordered by short, stiff hairs, which passes from the nectary 
between the two anterior stamens, and thence to the tip of the spur, 
which it fills to a depth of 5 or 6 mm, or even more. In several 
- hundred flowers which I examined, I found two which corresponded 
in this point with Sprengel’s description, so it seems probable that 
_ he based his account upon an abnormal specimen. 
The adjacent sides of the two inferior stamens are closely beset 
with pointed processes at their base, which protect the honey from 
 Sshort-lipped insects, when such succeed, as ants frequently do, in 
_ entering the flower. The hairs bordering the groove protect the 
_ honey in like manner from insects, and also help to keep it in its 
course ; the length of the spur would be of no advantage unless 
the honey were strictly confined to it. 

The length of the spur (10 to 13 mm.) excludes short-lipped 
__ bees from the honey, and flies and beetles are prevented from 
_ entering the flower by the tumid lower lip, which completely 


closes the tube ; by these characters the flower becomes exclusively 
adapted for those most diligent of fertilising-agents, the long- 
proboscised bees. The palate of the lower lip is of a bright orange 
colour, forming a “ pathfinder”-; guided by this, the bee presses 
down the lower lip, and creeps so far into the tube as to be able to 
thrust its head into the wide part of the spur and then reach the 
honey. In doing this, the back of the bee comes in contact with 
the anthers and stigma ; these are matured simultaneously, and the 
stigma lies between the shorter and longer pairs of stamens, so that 
the bee can bring about both cross- and self-fertilisation. Probably, 
if pollen from another and from the same flower are applied to the 
stigma, the former outstrips the latter. In absence of insects, self- 
fertilisation is possible. The visitors consist exclusively of bees. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab. 
To suck, it creeps almost entirely into the flower and thrusts its head into the 
wide entrance of the spur, which it empties down to a depth of 2—3 mm. It 
creeps out again with its back covered with pollen, and proceeds more fre- 
quently to flowers at the same height on neighbouring plants than to higher 
flowers on the same. In other cases I have seen the honey-bee bite a hole in 
the spur, and empty it, as Sprengel describes. Sprengel has correctly described 
its behaviour while collecting pollen : “It slightly separates the lower lip of the 
corolla from the upper, and thrusts its head so far in as to reach the anthers 
and obtain their pollen.” (2) Bombus terrestris, L. 2, sucking normally. It 
inserts its head, thorax, and forelegs, into the flower, then thrusts its proboscis 
(7—9 mm.) almost to the tip of the spur, and emerges with the upper surface 
of its head, pro- and meso-thorax thickly covered with pollen. Sometimes it 
sweeps off part of this pollen with the brushes on its fore and midlegs, and 
places it on the hindlegs, Sprengel’s idea that the large humble-bees do not 
enter the mouth of the flower is accordingly erroneous. (3) Bombus hortorum, 

L. 9 9 and ¢. I have very frequently seen this bee empty the flowers of their — | 

honey, which ‘it can do more quickly owing to the length of its proboscis 
(17—21 mm.) than the preceding species. Even the males sometimes swept the _ 
pollen off their heads with their forelegs, and always had a number of pollen- 
grains on all their tarsal brushes ; (4) Megachile maritima, K. ¢ (8—9), s. ; 
(5) Osmia nea, L. 9 (9—10), repeatedly, s. and ¢.p.; (6) O. leucomeleena, K, 
(parvula, Duf.), 2 (24), ¢.p.; (7) Anthidium manicatum, L. 9 ¢ (9—10), ab. 
both s. and (?) ep. ; (8) Andrena Gwynana, L. ? (24), e.p.; (6) Formicide: — 
(9) Various species, ab., s. 

Delpino observed Linaria vulgaris fertilised by the hive-bee and 
by Bombus ttalicus (172). 
Linaria alpina, Mill. is likewise adapted for humblachaae but is 
visited by Lepidoptera also (609). 
Linaria minor, Desf., is very rarely visited by insects, and 
fertilises itself regularly (590, IT). 

part ut.) | THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. _ 433 

Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill. is visited chiefly by bees (590, tt.). 
Cleistogamic flowers occur in Linaria according to Michalet (524) 

and Kuhn (399). 

321. ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS, L.—This plant differs from Zinaria 
vulgaris (1) in the much greater size of its flowers, into which our 
largest humble-bees can enter bodily, (2) by its more firmly closed 
entrance, which excludes the smaller bees, (3) in its nectaries and 
honey receptacles. 

The honey is secreted, as Sprengel suggested, by the smooth, 
green, fleshy base of the ovary, whose upper part is paler in colour 
and covered with fine hairs; but it does not flow, as Sprengel 
thought, down into the short spur—which is hairy within, and for 
that reason unfitted to be a honey-receptacle, but it remains ad- 
herent to the nectary and to the base of the anterior stamens. The 
short wide spur permits the insect’s proboscis to reach the honey 
from below ; above and in front it is protected by a thick fringe of 
stiff, knobbed hairs on the angles of the anterior stamens. - 

The flowers are fertilised chiefly by humble-bees, of which I 
have observed the following species: (1) Bombus hortorum, L.; 
(2) B. terrestris, L.; (3) B. agrorum, F.; (4) B. silvarum, L.; 
(5) B. lapidarius, L. The females and workers, and in late summer 
the males also, creep bodily into the flower, and creep out backwards 
dusted on their backs with pollen. From time to time they brush 
off the adhering pollen from their thorax with the tarsal brushes 
of the fore and midlegs, and from the abdomen with the tarsal brushes 
of the hindlegs. Not only the females and workers, but the males 
also, perform this action, which seems, therefore, to be done more for 
cleanliness than to collect the pollen, though the females and workers 
naturally make use of it, placing it in the pollen-baskets on their 
hindlegs. I have also seen Anthidium manicatum, L. 2, Megachile 

| fasciata, Sm. 3, and Osmia rufa, L. 2, creep into the flower and 

emerge with their backs covered over with pollen. Smaller bees 
only exceptionally creep into still fresh flowers, and are useless to 
the plant: I have only once seen Megachile centuncularis, L. ?, 
succeed in entering; on the other hand I have repeatedly seen 
- small species of Halictus (H. zonulus,Sm. °, H. morio, F. 2, H. 
Smeathmanellus, K. 3) flying from flower to flower until they 
reached an old flower, which in withering had opened slightly and 
permitted them to enter. This showed clearly how far the fast 
closure of the mouth is useful to the plant; if the small bees 
could enter from the first, they would use up much of the honey, 


and the flowers would be less diligently visited by the humble- 

Dr. Ogle found that Antirrhinum produced no seed when 
protected from insects by a tent of gauze (632). 

Maurandia, Ort., Chelone, L., and Pentstemon, L’ Her., are, ac- 
cording to Delpino, proterandrous, the style coming to occupy the 
place of the stamens. In the two last genera, the stamens are 
broad, fleshy, and hollowed out at the base to secrete and lodge the 
honey. Pentstemon is fertilised by Bombus, Anthidiwm, and Apis. 
(178, 360). The position of the fifth stamen in Pentstemon and 
its frequent partial or complete abortion has been discussed by 
Dr. Ogle (632). A very thorough account of the floral mechanism 
of Pentstemon is given by Errera (230). 

322. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA, L.—In most Lamiales and Per- 
sonales the anthers lie in two pairs, one behind the other, and 

Fria. 146.—Scrophularia nodosa, L. 

t.—Flower, in first stage, from the front (x 7). 

2.—Ditto, from below (x 34). 

8.—Older flower, fertilising itself, viewed from the side. 

a, calyx; b, corolla; ¢c, stamen; c’, fifth metamorphosed stamen; d, ovary; e, style; f, stigma 
g, nectary ; h, drop of honey. 

: 4—7.—Fifth stamen in various stages of reversion towards its original form (x 12). ° 

i, black membranous lobe ; k, anther-lobe. 

touch an insect-visitor on the dorsal surface ; the stigma then, to in- 
sure cross-fertilisation, must also touch the insect on the back, and 
the style can scarcely lie elsewhere than between the two pairs of 
stamens, along the upper part of the corolla. The superior stamen 
comes in the way, and accordingly disappears ;! it has no chance of 
reappearing permanently, for it is directly injurious, and is weeded 
out by natural selection. I have only once found a flower of 

Cf. Dr. Ogle, No. 632, p. 51. 


Lamnium album with five stamens; the upper lip was absent, and 
the fifth stamen, which stood behind the other four, was well 
formed, but shorter than the others. 

In Scrophularia, on the other hand, the anthers come in contact 
with the ventral surface of the insect. The fifth stamen is thus 
useless, but not injurious; whether it be present or absent is of no 
importance, and it is therefore beyond the influence of natural 
selection. Accordingly, the small black scale-like appendage on the 
upper wall of the corolla in Scrophularva (¢, 1, 2, 3), which repre- 
sents the fifth stamen, shows not unfrequently more or less com- 
plete reversion to its primitive form (4-7, Fig. 146). The more 
completely it approaches its typical form, the more perfect also are 
the pollen-grains which it bears; thus in the anther &, 4, not half of 
the pollen-grains attained the normal size ($$ mm. in diameter) ; 
most of them were much smaller ($¢§ mm.) and shrunken; in the 
anther k, 7, only a few pollen-grains fell short of the normal size. 
In exceptional cases the anther even dehisces, and lets part of its 
pollen escape. 

The flowers of Scrophularia are remarkable for being speci- 
ally visited by wasps. The wide globular corolla is about 
5 mm, in diameter, and in its base, near the superior side, two 
large drops of honey may be seen, which are secreted by the 
yellowish base of the ovary. Wasps visit the flowers in great 
numbers; clinging with all six legs to the outside of the flower, 
with the abdomen applied to it below, they easily insert their 
heads between the upper and lateral lobes of the corolla and reach 
the honey with very little loss of time.t In young flowers they 
- touch the stigma, and in old flowers the anthers with the under- 

side of the head and of the pro- and meso-thorax, and thus 
_ regularly fertilise younger flowers with the pollen of old, as 
_ Sprengel showed. Severin Axell's doubts regarding the possibility 
of proterogynous dichogamy in entomophilous flowers may be 
easily refuted by observing Scrophularia in flower in the open air. 
_ For, as Sprengel showed and as I have repeatedly observed, flowers 
aie constantly to be seen whose stigmas are covered with pollen, 
but whose anthers are still unripe and hidden within the corolla. 
Sprengel is wrong in saying that fertilisation can only be effected 
by insects. The stigma, when supplied with pollen by insects, 
bends down over the lower lip and withers, while the anthers ripen 
- and project beyond the lower border of the corolla ; but in absence 
of insects, as I have frequently seen in plants flowering in my 

1 See Sprengel (702), Title-page, fig. xxv. 
FF 2 


room, the stigma remains fresh and outstretched, while the anthers 
dehisce immediately above, letting part of their pollen fall upon it. 
I have likewise observed on plants in my room that such self-fertili- 
sation regularly produces capsules filled with well-formed seeds. 
In long-continued cold and wet weather, when neither wasps nor 
bees are about, all the capsules of Scrophularia are well filled. 

In sunny weather cross-fertilisation never fails, for all our wasps, 
except V. Crabro, are frequent visitors. 

According to Mr. A. 8. Wilson, wasps on Serophularia begin at 
the top of the inflorescence and proceed downwards; so that here 
the crossing of separate plants is insured just as it is in proterand- 
rous plants with elongated inflorescences (e.g. Labiate), where the 
fertilising-agents (bees) proceed from below upwards (778). 

Hymenoptera—(a) Vespide: (1) Vespa vulgaris, L.; (2) V. rufa, L. ; (3) 
V. germanica, F.; (4) V. media, Deg.; (5) V. holsatica, F., all s., very ab; 
(b) Apide: (6) Bombus agrorum, F. 2? %,8., scarce ; (7) Halictus sexnotatus, 

K. 9,8. and «p.; (8) H. zonulus, Sm. ¢,s.; (9) H. flavipes, F. g,s. See 
also No. 590, III. 

Scrophularia aquatica, L.—The floral mechanism and the insect- 
visitors are similar to those of S. nodosa (590, IIL.). 

Scrophularia occurs with cleistogamic flowers (Kuhn, No. 399). 
The most thorough account of the fertilisation of Scrophularia is 
given by Mr. W. Trelease, who also gives a réswmé of the special 
literature (737). 

Collinsia bicolor, Bth., and C. verna, Nutt.—In these flowers the 
stamens and style lie near the lower side of the flower; the fifth 
stamen, modified into a honey-gland, and the honey-receptacle, 
which consists of a pouch near the base of the corolla, are on the 
upper wall. The flower imitates very closely the Papilionaceous 
type, even to the production of als, vexillum, and carina. 
(Delpino, No. 178). In absence of insects, the flowers fertilise 
themselves, and are fertile to their own pollen (360). 

Mimulus luteus, L. (M. guttatus, D.C.)—Bees entering the flower 
touch first the inferior lobes of the stigma, which cover up the 
anthers. Immediately afterwards the stigmatic lobes fold wp and 
expose the anthers to be touched by the bee, which thus becomes 
dusted with fresh pollen (Batalin, No. 38). 

The case of J. Tillingti is quite similar (Behrens, No. 49). 

Glossostigma elatinoides, according to Cheeseman, has a similarly 
irritable stigma (132). 

Mimulus (Diplacus) glutinosus, Wendl. var. B (D. puniceus, 
Nutt.), behaves in the same manner (Hildebrand, No. 352). 

part mt.] © .THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 437 
Vandellia, L., has cleistogamic flowers (399). 

323. DIGITALITIS PURPUREA, L.—Honey is secreted by an 
annular ridge surrounding the base of the ovary (a, 1, 2, Fig. 147). 
This ridge is not ‘covered thickly with short hairs’ as Sprengel 
described it, but is perfectly smooth ; the ovary only becomes hairy 
above the ridge. 

The anthers and stigma lie pointing downwards near the upper 
wall of the corolla. The longer stamens are ripe before the shorter 
ones, and these before the stigma, The dimensions of the flower 

Fic. 147.— Digitalis purpurea, L. 

1.—Young flower after removal of the right half of the calyx and corolla. The taller anthers - 
eS he on the point of dehiscing. This figure should be turned round horizontally in the direction of 
e arrow. 

2.—Tip of style of the same flower, enlarged. 

3.—A-somewhat older flower. ‘The taller anthers are now empty, the shorter pair are dehiscing 
and ate covered with pollen. Viewed from below, after removal of the lower half of the calyx and 

4.—Tip of style of the same flower. 

5.—Empty anthers and stigma of an old flower, from below. 

——— x 

suggest that it is adapted for humble-bees, for no other native 
insects are large enough to touch the stigma and anthers with 
their backs when creeping into the tube; and, as a matter of fact, 
humble-bees are the only fertilisers of the Foxglove. Sprengel, on 
_ the title-page of his work, represents B. terrestris, ? , creeping into 
__ this flower. When bees frequent the plant abundantly, all the four 
_ anthers are emptied of their pollen before the stigmatic lobes 
i. (, 1, Fig. 147) separate. In absence of humble-bees, the anthers 
remain covered with pollen until the stigmatic lobes have 
_ spread apart; and then when the corolla falls off this pollen is 


brought in contact with the stigma, or some may even have fallen 
on the stigma previously. The flowers almost always bear seed, 
even in long-continued rainy weather, and therefore it is probable 
that self-fertilisation is effective; Hildebrand’s experiments are no 
evidence of the contrary, for he only showed that the stigma before 
opening is incapable of fertilisation (342). The large, widely-open 
flowers, naturally receive many unbidden and useless guests. If the 
plant is thus at a disadvantage in comparison with Antirrhinum, 
it has at least the advantage of letting its fertilising agents do their 
work more quickly, visiting more flowers in a given time. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2; (2) 
B. hortorum, L. 9 ; (3) B. agrorum, F. 9, all three ab.,s. ; (4) Andrena coitana, 
K. 2 (Sld.), ab., c.p.; (5) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9, ab., ep. B. Coleoptera 
—(a) Nitidulide : (6) Meligethes, very ab. ; (6) Cryptophagide : (7) Anthero- 
phagus pallens, Ol., scarce; (c) Malacodermata: (8) Dasytes. The last five 
are quite useless visitors. 

Digitalis lutea, L., is fertilised by Bombus hortorum, L., which 
can only insert its head into the corolla (609). 

Digitalis ambigua, Murr. (D. grandiflora, Lam.), is fertilised by 
humble-bees, which creep bodily into the corolla. The flower is 
proterandrous, and bees begin at the base of the raceme and pro- 
ceed upwards (590, Ill.; 609). 

324, VERONICA CHAMaiDRYS, L.—Honey is secreted by a 
yellowish fleshy disk below the ovary, and lies in the base of the 
tube sheltered from rain by hairs on the corolla. The flowers are 
rendered conspicuous by their bright blue colour, and by associa- 
tion in racemes; dark blue radiating lines and a central white spot 
on the limb of the corolla guide insects towards the honey. The 
anthers and stigma ripen together; the style points obliquely 
downwards in front of the anterior (inferior) petal, the two stamens 
diverge on either side, and stand opposite to the lateral petals; 
fertilisation can therefore only be effected by the aid of insects. 
The anterior petal forms the most convenient landing-place, and 
the stigma is usually touched before the anthers by the ventral 
surface of the insect. The insect next tries to cling to the en- 
trance of the short tube with its forelegs, and in doing so it 
catches hold of the thin, flexible bases of the stamens: quite 
unintentionally it draws the stamens inwards beneath it, and dusts 
its ventral surface with pollen. The thinning of the style at its 
base is another adaptation towards this plan of cross-fertilisation, 
for it insures that the stigma shall be touched by the ventral 


surface of the insect, and allows of the style being so slightly in- 
clined that its presence does not interfere with the insect when 
alighting. An insect alighting on one of the lateral petals some- 
times draws the stamen opposite to this petal against its body, but 
with far less certainty. The chief visitors are Syrphide. 

Visitors: A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Rhingia rostrata, L., s., freq. ; (2) 
Melanostoma mellina, L. ; (3) Ascia podagrica, F., both very abundant. I 
repeatedly saw both effecting cross-fertilisation in the manner described. B. 
Hymenoptera—Apide : (4) Apis mellifica, L. $,¢.p.; (5) Andrena Gwynana, 
K. 9; (6) A. fulvicrus, K. 9; (7) Halictus longulus, Sm. ?, the last three 
both s. andc.p. C. Coleoptera—Cistelida : (8) Cistela rufipes, F., devouring 
the anthers. See also No. 590, m11., and No. 609. 

Fia. 148.— Veronica Chamedrys, 1. 

1,—Flower, viewed from the front. 

2.—Small fly (Ascia podagrica, Syrphide) hovering in front of the flower, attracted by its colour. 

8.—Flower at the moment when the fly, ea, aaeig on the inferior petal, grasps the bases of the 
filaments, and strikes the anthers tegether against the under surface of its body. 

4.—Ceutre of the flower, twice as much enlarged. 

5.—Pistil and nectary. 

6.— Calyx, with pistil and nectary. 

7.—Tube in longitudinal section. 

sd, protecting hairs; gr, style. 

Veronica urticifolia, L., has a similar floral mechanism to that of 
V. Chamedrys, and is likewise fertilised by Syrphidw. The honey 
is quite exposed without any contrivance to shelter it. The flowers 
are rose-pink, which is probably a more primitive colour than 
blue both in Veronica and in Myosotis (589, 609). 

Veronica montana, L., is more conspicuous and more abundantly 
_ visited by insects than V. Chameedrys (590, 609). 

325. VERONICA BeccaBuNnGA, L.—This species agrees with V. 
Chamedrys in regard to its nectaries and also in the means adopted 


for sheltering and pointing out the honey. It differs from it only 
in certain apparently trivial points, viz. in the development and 
position of the style and stamens:—yet these apparently trifling 
differences greatly influence the mode of fertilisation and the 
possibility of self-fertilisation in the absence of insects. 

When the flower opens, the stigma is already well-developed ; 
it is provided with long papille, and capable of holding fast pollen 
applied to it. The anthers still remain closed. The stamens and 
style project forwards in a straight line from the flower and afford a 
standing-place for insects. In cold, windy, or rainy weather the 
flowers only open partially, and the anthers remain in contact with 
the stigma, leading to regular self-fertilisation. In warm sunshine 
the petals expand widely, coming to lie almost in one plane; the 
stamens are caused thereby to diverge more and more, and the’ 
anthers are thus removed to a distance from the stigma before 

Fic. 149.—Veronica Beccabunga, L.- 

-1.—Flower, viewed obliquely from above, so that the upper petal is foreshortened (x 8). 
2.—Corolla, after removal of the stamens, viewed from the front (x 3), 
3.—Flower, after removal of corolla and stamens, seen from the side (x 7). 

i a, calyx; b, corolla; c, stamen; d, ovary; e, style; f, stigma; g, nectary (green); h, protecting 

dehiscing. Insects frequent the plant in considerable numbers. 
The most abundant visitor is a small species of Syrphidee, Syrztta 
pipiens, L.; hovering backwards and forwards in its jerky flight 
before the flowers, it suddenly alights on one; sometimes it 
settles on the projecting style and stamens, which bend beneath its 
weight, and creeps forward a step or two in order to thrust its 
proboscis (3 mm. long) into the tube (1 mm.) ; sometimes it alights 
on the anterior or on one of the lateral petals, and pulls down one of 
the stamens with its forefeet, until it can reach the pollen with its 
proboscis. It thus brings various parts of its body in contact with the 
anthers and stigma, and performs sometimes cross-fertilisation, some- 
times self-fertilisation. Most usually cross-fertilisation results, for the 
nsect alighting on the projecting style and stamens usually touches 
the stigma with the ventral surface of its body, already dusted with 
pollen. A smaller species of Syrphidee, Ascia podagrica, F., visits 


the flowers very abundantly and in a similar way. All other 
visitors come as stragglers. 

A. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (1) Syritta pipiens, L.; (2) Ascia podagrica, 
F. ; (8) Eristalis sepulcralis, L., s. and f.p.; (0) Muscide: (4) Scatophaga 
stercoraria, L., s. and f.p., also several small Muscide. B. Hymenoptera— 
Apide: (5) Apis mellifica, L. $,s.; (6) Andrena parvula, K. 2, s. and e.p. ; 
(7) Halictus sexstrigatus, Schenck, 9, s. and c.p. 

326. VERONICA OFFICINALIS, L.—The flowers do not open so 
widely even in warm sunshine as do those of V. Chamedrys. In 
fully expanded flowers the upper and lower petals only diverge at 
an angle of 70° to 80°, and the two lateral petals at 90° to 100°. 
The two stamens, which are very thin at the base, project from the 
flower at an angle of 30° to 40° from one another, and from the 
style which stands below them. Insect-visitors touch the stamens 
and stigma with various parts of their bodies, and lead to cross- 
and self-fertilisation indiscriminately. In flowers kept in the house 
and protected from insects, the stamens bend inwards and down- 
wards as they begin to wither until they touch each other and the 
stigma, producing self-fertilisation. The thinning at the base of 
the stamens, which in V, Chamedrys was shown to assist insects to 
perform cross-fertilisation, is here seen to aid self-fertilisation only. 

A. Diptera—(a) Empide : (1) Empis livida, L., s., ab. ; (b) Syrphide: 
(2) Helophilus floreus, L.,s. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L., ab.,s. B. Hymenoptera 
—Apide: (4) Halictus albipes, F., e.p.; (5) Bombus (Apathus) vestalis, 
Foure. ?,s.; (6) B. Barbutellus, K. 2, s,—this large bee seemed dissatisfied 

with the small amount of honey, for after visiting a few flowers it went off to 
Glechoma hederacea. See also No. 609. 

327. VERONICA spicaTA, L. (Thuringia).—V. spicata shows a 
remarkable tendency to vary between proterandrous and _pro- 
terogynous dichogamy. On many plants, the style protrudes 
before the flower is fully opened (6, 4), and curves downwards 
and ripens its stigma before the anthers dehisce (0, 5). On other 
plants, when the flower opens, the style is much shorter than 
the stamens (b, 1; 2), and only reaches its full length and 
ripens its stigma when the anthers have been emptied of their 
pollen (0, 3). 

On plants of both sorts, flowers not unfrequently occur whose 
styles ‘never reach their full development, but remain concealed in 
the tube ; and on some plants this is the case throughout all the 
flowers. These aborted styles are often double (6, 8). Honey is 
secreted by the fleshy base of the ovary (h, 6, 7); it lies in the 


tube of the corolla, which is about 2 to 3 mm. long, and is sheltered 
from rain by a ring of long stiff hairs at the mouth of the tube. 
In case of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is insured by the proter- 
androus or proterogynous condition, and by the situation of the 
stigma which projects beyond the anthers. I have never observed 

Fia. 150.—Veronica spicata, L. 

1.—Flower, shortly before dehiscence of the anthers (a), viewed from the front. The stigma (b) 

is still immature, and stands far below the anthers. 
o, superior petal; ss, lateral, wu, inferior, petals. 

2.—Ditto, somewhat more expanded, from the side. . 

8.—Ditto, from the side. The anthers have withered; the stigma is mature, and stands below 
and in front of the anthers (x 34). 

4.—Young flower, from another individual. The style already protrudes from the flower, and 
the stigma is so far developed that pollen readily adheres to it. The anthers are still closed and 
concealed within the tube. 

5.—Another somewhat older flower, from the same individual, viewed from the front. The stigma 
is fully ripe, the anthers are in the act of dehiscing (x 34). 

6.—Ovary and nectary (hk) from the side. 

7.—Nectary, after removal of the ovary, from above. 

§8.—An ovary, with two imperfect styles (x 7). 

self-fertilisation, though it may now and then take place by pollen 
falling on the stigma. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. %, ¢.p., ors. ; 
it even thrusts its proboscis into the lowest, oldest flowers whose corolle 
have fallen off; (2) Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9 g, s.; (0) Sphegide: 
(3) Psammophila viatica, L. ¢, s.; (4) Cerceris labiata, F. 2 ¢, ab., s.; (5) 
C. nasuta, K1. s. 

Near Bozen according to Gerstiicker, V. spicata is visited chiefly 
by species of Xylocopa (X. violacea, L., X. cyanescens, Brullé, X. 
valga, Gerst.). 

328. VERONICA HEDERAFOLIA, L.—The small, solitary, pale 
flowers are less conspicuous than those of any other species described 
here; they are very seldom visited by insects, but almost without 
exception bear good seed, and the species is one of the commonest of 


its genus. The presumption that this results from self-fertilisation 
is increased by watching the plant when protected froin insects. 
When the flower opens, the anthers are seen to have already de- 
hisced, and to have their pollen-covered surfaces applied to the 
stigma. Ihave myself observed that when insects are excluded 
the plant regularly bears good seed. 

The honey is secreted and sheltered as in V. Chamedrys; the 
stamens are however not thinned at their bases. Even in case of 
insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is not rendered more probable than 
self-fertilisation; but when it does occur, its action probably has 
the mastery. 

I have only seen this flower visited by insects occasionally in 
the first sunny days of spring; later in the season, the competition 
of other flowers causes it to be neglected. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Andrenaparvula, K. 9,8. ; (2) Ha- 
lictus nitidiusculus, K. 2? ; (3) H. leucopus, K. 2; (4) H. albipes, F. 9, all 
three rather abundant, sucking on a small slope where few other plants were 
in flower (April 11, 1869). 

Veronica agrestis, L., possesses the same floral mechanism as 
V. Chamedrys, but in an imperfect or rather in a retrograde 
condition (590, IIL). 

329. VERONICA SERPYLLIFOLIA, L.—The flowers are rendered 
more conspicuous than those of V. hederm@folia, by dark violet lines 

Fie. 151.—Veronica serpyllifolia, L. 

1 —Flower, front view. 
2.—Diagram of ditto : 
a, Stigma; b, stamen; ¢, petal; d, sepal. 

on the superior and lateral petals. They are doubtless more 
visited by insects, and more frequently cross-fertilised ; and accord- 

} _ ingly self-fertilisation does not take place at so early a stage. 

In many flowers, the anthers are at first closed, while the stigma 
is fully ripe; in this condition, insect-visits naturally lead at 
once to cross-fertilisation. -In most flowers, on the other hand, 
the stigma and anthers ripen together; the anthers stand more 


or less close above and at the sides of the stigma, turning their 
pollen-covered faces towards it; in many cases they stand so 
close that the pollen in being teea out is directly applied to 
the stigma. 

ee platits which I kept in my room, I have seen Calliphora 
erythrocephala, Mgn. (Muscidze), sucking honey and fertilising the 
flowers. It thrust its proboscis several times into each, and there- 
fore where anthers and stigma had ripened together, it performed 
cross- and self-fertilisation indifferently. 

V. saxatilis, Sep. (V. fruticans, Jacq.).—The small, but brightly 

coloured flowers of this plant are fairly conspicuous, and secrete 
abundant honey. ‘The visitors are numerous, and the mechanism 
of fertilisation is the same as that of V. Chamedrys. 

V. bellidioides, L., has no trace of the special adaptations for 
cross-fertilisation that V. Chamedrys shows. Insect-visitors are 
scarce, and cross-fertilisation can only take place if they happen to 
touch the stigma and anthers with different parts of their bodies. 

V. alpina, L.—The tiny flowers are very rarely visited by 
insects, and in dull weather they remain closed and fertilise 


In this genus, as in Polygonum, Geranium, and others, the cer- 
tainty of cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits, and the abandon- 
ment of the power of self-fertilisation even in absence of insects, 
run parallel with the conspicuousness of the flowers and the con- 
sequent certainty of their being visited. The chief species that 
we have discussed may be arranged in the following order of 
conspicuousness, taking into account the appearance of the whole 
inflorescence :—(1) V. spicata, (2) V. Chamedrys, (3) V. officinalis, 
(4) V. Beecabunga, (5) V. serpyllifolia, (6) V. hedereefolia. In 
case of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is rendered absolutely certain 
in the first, and extremely probable in the second of these, but in 
all the rest self-fertilisation is just as likely. In absence of insects, 
on the other hand, self-fertilisation never or very rarely takes place 
in the first and second; in the third it occurs regularly, but only 
when the flower withers; in the fourth, it regularly takes place in 

1 Lists of visitors to the following additional species of Veronica are given in my 
Weitere Beobachtungen, Pt. 111.: V. Anagallis, L., V. triphyllos, L., V. arvensis, L. ; 
and the following are discussed and figured in my Alpendlumen : V. alpina, L., 
V. aphylla, L., V. bellidioides, L., V. saxatilis, Sep. 


dull weather while the flower is still fresh; in the fifth it occurs in 
many flowers, and in the sixth in all, at the very outset. The 
honey is secreted and guarded in much the same manner in all six 
species, and so the likelihood of insect-visits can only depend upon 
the conspicuousness of the flowers. 
Wulfenia carinthiaca, Jacq., is proterogynous (Hildebrand, 
No. 351). 
Bartsia alpina, L., is proterogynous, and is fertilised by humble- 
bees. The stigma and anthers have the same relative positions as in 
Rhinanthus mayor (Fig. 156). Self-fertilisation is impossible (609). 

330. ODONTITES SEROTINA, Rchb. (0. rubra, Pers., Huphrasia 
Odontites, L.).—Honey is secreted by the lower parts of the ovary, 
which is smooth, and swollen anteriorly (4, 6), while the upper part 

Fig. 152.—Odontites serotina, Rchb. 
1.—Bud, with exserted stigma (x 34). 
2.—Flower, with the stigma lying between the anthers.@ 
3.—Flower, whose style projects far beyond the anthers. 
4.—Flower, in which the style lies to one side. 

“ae two stamens of the left half of the flower, seen from the inside (x 7). 

a, base of the corolla; b, nectary; ¢, upper hairy part of the ovary; d, style; e, hairs which 
unite the anthers ; f, hairs which prevent pollen from being scattered at the sides; g, sharp teeth 
which prevent the bee from thrusting its proboscis between the bases of the filaments; h, path 
taken by the bee’s proboscis. 

(The flowers 2 and 4 should slant more forwards than they are here figured.) 

is hairy : it is lodged in the base of the corolla, whose tube is 4 to 
5 mm. long, and smooth within; the broad stamens, which almost 
block the entrance of the tube, guard it from rain, and two to four 
purple spots at the base of the lower lip serve as guides towards it. 
The stamens almost touch each other below, where they are 
covered on their inner sides with sharp points; close under the 
anthers they are smooth and lie more widely apart. <A bee, after 
alighting on the three-lobed under-lip, which affords a convenient 
landing-place, can only thrust its proboscis into the flower close 


below the anthers, in the position h, 2, and in doing so it cannot fail 
to touch the downward-pointing ends of some of the anthers. The 
four anthers are held together posteriorly by matted hairs (e, 5), 
and anteriorly dehisce from the apex inwards (5, Fig. 152) by a 
wide fissure ; so that a single touch on the part of the bee is com- 
municated to all the anthers, and causes them all to shed a part of 
their dry, dusty pollen. Hairs directed downwards at the edges 
of the anthers (7, 5) prevent the pollen being scattered at the sides, 
so that great part falls on the bee’s proboscis, and is carried to the 
stigma of another flower. 

The development of the flower of Odontites serotina varies in a 
peculiar manner, and seems to depend upon the more or less 
sunny nature of the spot. The style bearing the fully-developed 
stigma usually projects far out of the bud shortly before it expands 
(1, Fig. 152), and the flower can therefore be cross-fertilised when 
it is scarcely open. In shady places, for instance among corn, the 
style lags behind while the corolla and stamens continue to grow, 
so that the stigma stands between the taller anthers and gets self- 
fertilised (2, Fig. 152). From the great productiveness of all the 
capsules in shady places where insect-visits are rare, we may con- 
clude that such self-fertilisation is efficient. In sunny spots the 
style continues to grow along with the corolla and stamens, and 
overtops the anthers to the last; it may either lie above the latter 
(3,. Fig. 152) or project at the side (4, Fig. 152). In this case, the 
stigma can only receive pollen by the aid of insects, and from other 
(either older or younger) flowers. Although this difference seems 
in general to depend upon the sunny or shady character of the 
spot, other unknown conditions (perhaps heredity) must co-operate ; 
for I have sometimes observed in the same spot, and even on the 
same plant, flowers which fertilised themselves, and others incapable 
of doing so. 

An imperfection in the flowers deserves special mention. The 
upper lip, as the figure shows, projects so slightly that the anthers 
in great part protrude beyond it and are unprotected. This is 
sometimes the case to such a degree that bees thrust their tongues 
into the flower above the stamens, and thus suck honey and shake 
out the pollen without leading to fertilisation. 

I have only seen bees visiting this plant. 

(1) Apis mellifica, L. 9, very ab., thrusting its proboscis into the flower 
usually below the stamens, but sometimes above them,—it inserts its proboscis 
even into young unexpanded flowers, with long exserted styles ; (2) Bombus 
lapidarius, L. 9 9, s.; (3) B. silvarum, L. 2 9, s. 


331. ODONTITES LUTEA, Rchb. (Rehmberg, near Miihlberg, 
Thuringia).—Honey is secreted by the smooth lower half of the 
ovary, which is hairy above; it lies in the base of the corolla- 
tube, which is 2} mm. long, and is smooth within, but provided with 
reflexed hairs at its mouth. The stamens stand apart, but from 
the small size of the flower they are all easily touched at the same 
time by an insect ; there is no provision of hairs to prevent scatter- 
ing of the pollen; the slits by which the anther-lobes dehisce are 
narrower than in Luphrasia officinalis. The style often protrudes 
from the bud (3, Fig. 153), and Hildebrand describes the flower as 
proterogynous; in other cases it is bent backwards in the bud, 
under the lower lip, and emerges together with the stamens on 
the opening of the flower. The stigma comes to maturity at the 

Fic. 153.—Odontites lutea, Rehb. 

1,—F lower, from the side (x 8}. 
2.—Ditto, from the front. 

‘ 3.—Bud, from the side. 

same time as the anthers, and stands below and in front of them; 
it is, therefore, usually touched first by insect-visitors. In ab- 
' sence of insects, some pollen generally falls upon the stigma. I 
have only once (August 28, 1869) seen a bee, Bombus muscorwm, 
| IL. 8, sucking honey on the flower. 
Luphrasia minima, Schleich., is sparingly visited by insects, and 
in their absence it fertilises itself regularly. The flower resembles 
. in structure the small-flowered form of Z. officinalis (t.e. E. gracilis, 
} Jord.) (609). 
332. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (L.), Schk.—Honey is secreted 
i. and sheltered as in Odontites serotina. The tube of the corolla is 
_ 4 to 6 mm. long, but widens considerably at the outer end ; so that 



an insect with a proboscis less than 4 mm. long can reach the 
honey by thrusting its head into the wide part of the tube. 

The upper lip forms a vaulted roof over the stamens; it shelters 
the honey at the base of the tube from rain, and prevents an in- 
sect's proboscis from being thrust in above the stamens, as was 
possible in Odontites serotina. The three-lobed under-lip forms a 
convenient landing-place for the smaller visitors, and affords foot- 
hold for the forelegs of larger ones. An orange spot on the under 
lip, another at the entrance of the tube, and dark violet lines con- 
verging towards the mouth on both upper and lower lips, serve as 

Fic. 154.—Euphrasia officinalis, L. 

1.—Flower of the small-flowered form, seen from the front (x 7). . 

2.—The two stamens of the right half of the flower, from the outer side. 

3.—Ditto, more magnified, from the inner side. ; . 

4.—Flower of the large-flowered form, just after ima from the side (x 34). A 

a, stigma; b, upper half of the upper anther ; c, lower half of the upper anther connected with 
the upper half of the lower; d, lower half of the lower anther ; e, style. 

pathfinders. As in Odontites serotina, the pollen is smooth and 
powdery, and falls on the head or proboscis of the visitor; but the 
details of the process by which the pollen is scattered are unlike 
those of the former species. While in Odentites serotina the 
anthers are only held together posteriorly by matted hairs, in 4. 
officinalis the lower anther-lobe of the upper stamen on each side 
coheres with the upper anther-lobe of the lower; and the two 
superior anthers further cohere firmly together. Another peculi- 
arity is directly connected with this. While in Odontites serotina 


all the anther-lobes end alike in short points, in Z. officinalis the 
upper lobe of each anther is blunt, but the lower is provided with 
a thin, stiff spine (3, Fig. 154). Of these four spines it is almost 
exclusively the two lower ones that come in contact with insects; 
for not only are they much longer than the upper ones, but the 
stamens which bear them are inclined at an angle of about 60° 
from the upper pair, and their anthers bend downwards so much 
that the spines stand well down in the mouth of the flower (1, 
Fig. 154). In Odontites serotina the pointed anther-lobes must 
themselves be touched for the pollen to be shaken out, and the 
broad filaments, placed close together and set with sharp points on 
their inner side, insure this, In JZ. officinalis, on the other hand, 
it is sufficient if one of the long spines on the lower anthers be 
touched, and accordingly the filaments curve widely apart, standing 
close to the wall of the corolla; and they are smooth and narrow, 
so that an insect can insert its head into the tube without hindrance. 
In doing so it touches the lower anther-spines, and shakes the whole 
system of anthers, causing the pollen to fall out. Rows of hairs 
on the upper anther-lobes prevent the pollen from being scattered 
at the sides, and insure its falling on the head of the insect. 

In the points described hitherto all my specimens of L. officinalis 
agree with one another. But in regard to the size and conspicu- 
ousness of the flowers, and the possibility of self-fertilisation, I 
have found two different forms of this plant—one large-flowered, 
which never fertilises itself, and one small-flowered, which in 
absence of insects fertilises itself regularly. Intermediate forms 
may probably occur, but were not present among my specimens. 

In the large-flowered form (4, Fig. 154), probably £. montana, 
Jord., the stigma protrudes from the flower before the anthers are 

| ripe, and even after the anthers are ripe it is the first part to be 

touched by insect-visitors, and is, therefore, regularly cross-fertilised ; 

' in absence of insects, it is incapable of self-fertilisation. 

In the small-flowered form, probably #. gracilis, Jord. (1, 
_ Fig. 154), when the flower opens, the stigma stands so far above 
and behind the anthers that it escapes being touched by insccts ; 
__.the style gradually elongates and carries the stigma downwards 
and forwards into a position where it will be touched before the 

anthers by an insect’s head, and where, in absence of insects, 

_ pollen can fall from the upper anthers upon it. 

i, Thus in case of insect-visits cross-fertilisation is insured m both 
forms, but in absence of insects self-fertilisation is only possible in 
_ the small-flowered plants. 


Delpino (178) seems to have examined the large-flowered form 
only, and Axell (17) the small-flowered ; for the former describes 
E. officinalis as proterogynous, and the latter as proterandrous. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus agrorum, F. $; (2) B. 
pratorum, L. %; (3) Apis mellifica, L. $ ; (4) Nomada lateralis, Pz. 9, all s. 
B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (5) Systcechus sulfureus, Mik. (Sld.) ; (6) Syr- 
phide: (6) Syrphus sp.; (7) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., all s. Additional 
lists of visitors to the large-flowered form are given in No. 590, IL, and 
No. 609. 

Huphrasia salisburgensis, Funck.—The flowers resemble in size 
the small-flowered form of £. officinalis, and their arrangements 
for cross-fertilisation resemble the large-flowered form of that 
species. The corolla continues to grow, carrying forward the 
stamens after the style has stopped growing, and in absence of 
insects self-fertilisation takes place in the end. The visitors are 
bees and Lepidoptera (609). 

333. PEDICULARIS SILVATICA, L.—In this plant, as in Rhinan- 
thus and Melampyrum, the opposite pairs of anthers lie with their 
edges close together,—and all four unite to form a quadrangular 
pollen-receptacle (3, Fig. 155) which is inclosed in the hooded upper 
lip. The mechanism by which pollen is shed upon the insect- 
visitor is here more complex and more rich in adaptations than 
ever, and more difficult to understand in its details without direct 
observation of its action. Sprengel (702) and Hildebrand (346), 
neither of whom observed insects in the act of fertilising the 
flower, have very naturally overlooked many of its most interesting 
adaptations. Dr. Ogle (632), who watched the flowers in the open 
air and saw them visited by humble-bees, gives an accurate 
account of the process of cross-fertilisation ; but many adaptations 
have escaped even his notice, and some he has interpreted 
wrongly. It is therefore still worth while to describe the whole 
structure of the flower minutely. 

Honey is secreted by the green, fleshy base of the ovary, and 
lies at the bottom of the tube, which is 10 to 14 mm. long, laterally 
compressed, and so narrow that a humble-bee can only insert the 
forepart of its head. At the height of 10 to 14 mm. the tube 
divides into an upper lip, which both in form and in direction is 
simply a continuation of the tube, slightly wider and open in 
front, and an under lip, whose base (8 to 5 mm. long) is applied 
to thie upper lip so as to close up the lower 3 to 5 mm, of the 


_ mouth of the flower. The hooded end of the upper lip incloses 
_ the stamens, and the end of the style with the stigma protrudes 
obliquely downwards from it; the free portion of the under lip 
_ with its three lobes serves as a standing-place for insects, and is 
_ Set very obliquely, so that the right lobe stands 2 to 8 mm. higher 

Fig, 155.—Pedicularis silvatica, L. 

1.—Corolla, from the front. 

2.—Flower, from behind, 

_ 8.—Upper part of the corolla, from the left side. The left half of the corolla has been cut 
away, and the anthers have been pushed asunder. 

_ 4,—Transverse section of the corolla atc, 1,2. (1—8, x 3}; 4, x 7.) 

a, point of insertion of the anterior stamens ; b, point of origin of the lower lip; bc, lower part 
__ of the mouth of the flower, closed by the apposition of the lower lip ; d, revolute edge of the upper 
lip, set with teeth; e, widest part of the mouth into which the bee inserts its head and proboscis ; 
Ff, the hood which surrounds the anthers; g, pendulous tip of the hood; h; ridge upon the side of 
the corolla, meeting the revolute border at e; k, shorter, 1, longer stamens. 

_ than the left (1, Fig. 155). If the under lip is pulled down as far 
as the place of its attachment, the mouth of the flower is seen to 
form a fissure 8 to 10 mm. long, which in the greater part of its 
length is only 1 to 2 mm. broad, but which 3 mm. below its upper 
end widens out suddenly to a breadth of 4 mm, (¢, ¢, 1); it then 
. GG 2 


again narrows suddenly, and a little more than 1 mm. from its 
upper end two sharp processes of the hood (g, 1, 2) almost meet 
in the middle and divide the entrance into a very small upper and 
a long lower part. Through the upper opening protrudes the — 
style, which springing from the bilocular ovary lies close to the 
posterior wall of the corolla, and curves sharply downwards near — 
its anterior end to bear the capitate stigma; the long, lower 
opening admits the bee’s head. So long as this slit is only 1 to 2 
mm. broad, viz., from the insertion of the under lip to the wider 
part above, its edges are very markedly rolled outwards, and that 
part of the inner wall of the corolla which is brought by this 
evolution of the edge to form the margin of the narrow slit is 
closely set with sharp points (d, 1, 2, 4), while the wider portion 
(ce, 1) has smooth edges. There is also on each side of the upper 
lip a reddish thickened band (h, 2), which begins on a level with 
the wide part of the slit at the upper end of the evoluted edges 
(e), and forming a sharp angle with the ridge runs backwards and © 
downwards to disappear on a level with the base of the under lip. 
What have all these characters, the compressed base of the 
under lip, the oblique position of its three-lobed lamina, the 
evoluted edge of the narrow entrance, its rough edges, the sudden 
enlargement with its smooth edges, the red stripes at the sides — 
of the upper lip, to do with fertilisation by humble-bees? Are 
they accidents to be neglected, as is done by Hildebrand in his — 
figures in the Botanische Zeitung (1866, pl. iv.) and by Dr. Ogle 
in the Popular Science Review (Jan. 1870)? Careful observation 
of an insect visiting the flower makes me think otherwise. The 
bee comes flying along with outstretched proboscis, and avoiding 
the toothed edges of the slit, thrusts its proboscis at once in 
alighting into the widest part of the opening (e, 1); the upper part 
of its head then touches the stigma, which stands scarcely 2 mm. 
above the wide part of the opening, and the oblique position 
of the lower lip causes the bee’s head also to be placed obliquely ; 
its forefeet grasp the basal part of the lower lip, its middle pair 
of feet grasp the tube of the flower on a level with the lower lip, 
and the hindfeet rest upon leaves or other flowers below. Standing 
in this position, the bee applies its head, which is 24 to 3 mm. 
thick and 5 mm. broad, to the (4 mm.) wide part of the entrance, 
with just so much obliquity as gives it the best chance of entering. 
And now the edges of the slit, rolled outwards and thereby stiffened 
(d, 1,2), and the bands on the upper lip (A, 2), play their part. - 
Joining above at a sharp angle, they bound, on each side of the— 


upper lip, a triangular surface, which does not bend, but gets 
pushed outwards by the bee’s head. But the points where the 
evolute edges and the thickened bands meet are on each side of 
the-wide part of the opening, and as they separate more and more 
from one another, the superior angle (¢, g, e, 1) of the small part 
of the entrance above this will be very greatly enlarged, for the 
sides bounding it are very short, and are forced apart as much 
as the long sides of the lower opening. The small processes (g, 1, 2) 
which before nearly met, and which held together the two halves 
of the pollen-receptacle, are forced apart; the anthers, which have 
a tension outwards in consequence of the peculiar curvature of 
their filaments (4, 7, 3),1 are freed from the force that held them 
together below, while they remain fastened together above ; they 
therefore flap apart, and let a little pollen fall on the bee’s head, 
exactly on the spot which came in contact with the stigma scarce 
a second before. The pollen is saved from being scattered at the 
sides by vertical hairs on the longer stamens (/, 3),? which cover 
the space between the upper and lower anthers on each’ side, and 
project slightly beyond the lower edges. 

Bombus hortorum, L. 2 (20 to 21 mm.), needs to thrust its head 
a very little way down after inserting it into the wide entrance ; 
but the shorter a bee’s proboscis is the more must it force its 
head down in the upper lip, and if there is not space enough above 
the platform of the lower lip, the latter can be pressed down 
3 to 4 mm., as far as b, 2; so that bees with a proboscis only 
10 mm. long may reach the honey. When the bee flies away, the 
lower lip springs back into its former position, and the whole 
mouth of the flower resumes its original state. 

The flower is in this way adapted for all our native species 
of Bombus and Anthophora, except B. terrestris and small workers 
of a few other species; but the length of the tube excludes all 
smaller bees, which if the tube were shorter might carry off the 
honey without touching the stigma; the hooded upper lip guards 
the pollen from flies and other insects; but the tube is liable 
to be bitten through and robbed of its honey by some humble- 
bees. Such robbery does little or no harm, for bees still visit 

1 T have never noticed the anthers adhering at all to the inner surface of the 
cain as Dr. Ogle describes. Such an adhesion, if it exists, must be very slight 

* According to Dr. Ogle (No. 632, p. 46), the lower anthers are held together by 
the pressure of these hairs upon the wall of the corolla. To act in this way the 
hairs would have to be directed obliquely outwards, They are not so, but lie parallel 
to the median vertical plane of the flower. . 

8 Dr. Ogle is mistaken in thinking (No. 632, p. 180) that the wide calyx is suffi- 
cient to protect Pedicularis silvatica from robbery on the part of short-tongued bees. 


in a legitimate manner flowers which have been bitten through 

and robbed. 
The power of self-fertilisation has been completely lost. 

Visitors: Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Anthophora retusa, L. ¢ (16—17) ; 
(2) Bombus hortorum, L. 2 (20—21) ; (3) B. agrorum, F. (12—15) ; (4) B. 
lapidarius, L. 9 (12—14); (5) B. silvarum, L. ?( 12—14) ; (6) B. Scrim- 
shiranus, L. 9 (10), all sucking normally, very ab.,—B. Scrimshiranus, L. § 
(9), bites through the corolla close above the calyx, and so reaches the honey ; 
(7) B. terrestris, L. 2 (7—9), very ab., only reaching the honey by biting,— 
once I saw it gnawing the upper lip, above the anthers, 

Pedicularis rostrata, L., P. verticillata, L., P. tuberosa, L., were 
seen by Ricca to be visited by humble bees (665). On the Alps, 
I have observed in addition to these three species, P. palustris, L., 
P. recutita, L., P. asplenifolia, Floerke, and P. foliosa, L. (609). In 
P. verticillata, the calyx is swollen, and the lower part of the 
corolla-tube is bent at right angles within the calyx; the honey 
is thus guarded from Bombus mastrucatus, which tries in vain to 
reach it, and which frequently bites through the tubes of P. tuberosa 
and P. foliosa, ete. 

The six species of Pedicularis which grow in Nova Zembla are 
all fertilised, in Delpino’s opinion, by Bombus terrestris, and so also 
is P. Kanei, which is found in lat. 79°, on the west coast of Green- 
land (172, 352). If this is really the case, all these species must 
have a shorter tube than P. szlvatica. 

334. RHINANTHUS CRISTA-GALLI, L.—lIn this plant, as in the 
foregoing, the dry smooth pollen is shed on the insect’s head, but 
the details of the mechanism are very different. Hach anther lies so 
close to its opposite neighbour, and they dehisce so widely on their 
opposed faces, that both together form one pollen-reservoir, closed 
in by matted hairs with which the contiguous edges of the anthers 
are provided (1, 2, Fig. 156). These pollen-reservoirs are borne 
on stiff filaments, of which the anterior pair are close together at 
their bases, and are beset with sharp points on their inner sides (1) 
so that a bee cannot insert its proboscis there; higher up, for the 
space of a few millimetres below the anthers, they are smooth and 
wide enough apart to admit the point of a bee’s proboscis easily. 
As soon, however, as the bee pushes its proboscis farther in, it 
forces the filaments apart, and tears asunder the two halves of the 
pollen-reservoir. The pollen falls out on to the bee’s proboscis, 
and is prevented from being scattered at the sides by the fringe of 
hairs on the lower edge of the anthers, This pollen-mechanism is 


better protected than in the foregoing species, for the helmet- 
shaped, laterally compressed upper lip covers it both above and at 
the sides, and at first leaves only a narrow slit, which is slightly 
more dilated just below the anthers to admit the bee’s proboscis. 
Honey is not secreted by the ovary itself, but by a development of 
the receptacle, which is prolonged downwards and forwards into a 
long, fleshy lobe, turned up at the edges (w, 4). As in Huphrasia 
officinalis, so also inthis plant, two different forms exist,’ one incon- 
spicuous and regularly self-fertilising, the other more conspicuous 

Fic. 156.—Rhinanthus erista-galli, 1. 

1.—Anthers, from the front. 
2.—Ditto, with the style, from the side. 
8.—An anther, from the inner side. 
4.—Ovary, with the base of the style, nectary (n), and base of the corolla (co). 
5.—Flower, of the variety minor, after removal of the right half of the calyx, from the side. 
6 —Upper part of ditto, at the beginning of the flowering period, from the front. 
7.—Ditto, at the end of the flowering period. 
8.—Style of the variety minor. 
9.—Style of the variety major. 
(i—3, x 7; 4—9, x 3h) 

and incapable of self-fertilisation. Delpino, who has thoroughly 
described the mechanism of this flower, has only had the larger 
form (major) under examination ; for he calls Vaucher’s fairly 
accurate account (752) of the occurrence of self-fertilisation, 
_ merely a product of the imagination.” 

. R. minor, Ehrh.—In the small-flowered form, the tube, whose 
base contains the honey, is 7 to 8 mm, long, so that the honey is 

ie 1 Linneus distinguished these as varieties (a and B). Later authors have advanced . 
| them to the rank of species, R. major, Ehrh., and R. minor, Ehrh. 
2 No. 178, p. 183, ‘‘ Ora tutto cid non é che un parto della imaginazione.” 


accessible to all our humble-bees, the shortest proboscis among 
which, that of B. terrestris, is 7 to 9 mm. long. The mouth of the 
corolla is a slit 6 to 7 mm. long, which, however, is reduced to 4 
mm. by the position of the upper lip. The remaining posterior part 
of the slit is blocked by the stamens in the manner already described, 
so that the bee can only insert its proboscis beneath the anthers. 
The stigma curves down so far over the anthers (6, Fig. 156) 
that an insect’s proboscis must touch it before entering further and 
being dusted with pollen. In general, however, bees’ visits are 
scarce ; for the corolla is almost inclosed in the vesicular calyx, 
and is therefore inconspicuous. In absence of insects, self-fertilisa- 
tion always takes place; for the mouth of the corolla gradually 
opens more widely, the under lip bending downwards, and the sides 
of the upper lip spreading further apart (7, Fig. 156); at the 
same time the style elongates and curves downwards and inwards 
(7, 8), so that the stigma comes to stand under the anthers, or 
even between them if they have separated in withering. 

f, major, Ehrh.—In the large-flowered form, the tube is about 
2 mm. longer than in the small-flowered ; but this small difference 
suffices to exclude many of our humble-bees from the honey, or to 
cause them to bite a hole in order to gain access to it. Sprengel 
observed these holes, but they are not made, as he said, by “a 
large humble-bee, for whom the natural entrance is too small,” for 
all humble-bees insert only their proboscis into the flower ; but by 
those with the shortest proboscides, namely, as I have repentant 
observed, by B. terrestris, L. 9 and §, and Bb. pratorum, L. %, 
whose proboscides measure respectively 7 to 9 mm. and 8 mm. 

The size of the parts projecting beyond the calyx, viz. the 
upper and lower lips, differs more than the length of the tubes in 
the two varieties or sub-species. The upper lip is in &. minor 7 
to 8 mm., in &. major 10 to 11 mm. long. The flowers of 2. major 
are therefore more conspicuous, and their conspicuousness is in- 
creased by the pale colour of the bracts and by the violet colour 
of the tip of the upper lip, which is usually white in &. minor. 
As both species grow together in the same spots and flower at the 
same time, they give a good opportunity of proving that the large- 
flowered form is really much more plentifully visited than the 
other. In point of fact, insect-visits are so plentiful in the case of 
R. major, that it has been able to dispense with the power of self- 
fertilisation, and the style, instead of bending downwards, projects 
more and more from the mouth of the flower. 

We have thus in Rhinanthus major and minor two forms 


engaged in the struggle for existence ;+ the one excels in conspi- 
cuousness and the abundance of its insect-visitors, the other in its 
power of self-fertilisation, The former seems to have the advan- 
tage, for both in Westphalia and, according to Ascherson’s Flora, in 
Brandenburg it is much more plentiful than the smaller form; it 
is also more plentiful both in England and Ireland according to 
Mr. T. H. Corry. 
The following list includes the visitors to both forms :— 

(1) Bombus (Apathus) Barbutellus, K. 9 (12); (2) B. Rajellus, Ill. 9 
(12—13) ; (3) B. hortorum, L. 9 9 (19—21) ; (4) B. silvarum, L. 2 $ (10O— 
14) ; (5) B. senilis, Sm. 9 $ (14—15) ; (6) B. Scrimshiranus, K. § (10) ; (7) 
B. hypnorum, L. § (10—12), all only sucking normally ; (8) B. terrestris, L. 
2% (7—9), (9) B. pratorum, L. § (8), both sucking normally on R. minor, 
but obtaining the honey of &. major by biting a hole in the spur. 

Several of the above-named humble-bees were caught carry- 
ing Rhinanthus pollen in their collecting-baskets,—viz. B. terrestris, 
? §%, and in especial numbers (in the Hoppekethal, July 11, 1869), 
B. hypnorum, %, and B. pratorum, 3. Sprengel mentions the 
honey-bee as a frequent visitor, but I have never observed it; its 
proboscis (6 mm. long) is at any rate too short to reach the honey 
in the legitimate manner. 

I have seen one of the Noctuids, Huclidia glyphica, L., 
repeatedly sucking the honey of this flower; but the tongues of 
Lepidoptera are so thin that they can reach the honey without 
pushing the anthers apart, and Lepidoptera therefore are quite 
useless to the plant. : 

In Rhinanthus Alectorolophus, Poll.,? we have an intermediate 
stage between R. crista-galli and R. alpinus. The corolla is produced 
into a beak-like prolongation close under the projecting stigma, 
and above the entrance made use of by bees; this process of the 
corolla bears a small opening, bounded by two blue lobes. This 
small opening permits Lepidoptera to insert their thin tongues, which 
touch first the stigma and then the anthers; and as a matter of 
fact this species is visited and cross-fertilised both by Lepidoptera 
and by humble-bees (570, 609). 

In Rhinanthus alpinus, Brng., the lower or bees’ entrance is 
closed, its edges coming close together without uniting, and only 
the small upper opening remains; and this species is therefore 

1 Compare Malva rotundifolia and M. silvestris, p. 142. 
2 Included by Nyman, Conspectus Flore Europe, under R. major. 


adapted solely for Lepidoptera; but it is much visited by humble- 
bees, who force open the flower to steal the pollen, and sometimes, 
but less frequently, the honey (570, 609). 

Tozzia alpina, L.—The bright yellow flowers are visited by 
numerous flies. Stigma and anthers ripen simultaneously. At 
first the stigma stands far in front of the anthers, but afterwards 
the growth of the corolla carries forward the stamens until the 
anthers lie well in front of the stigma (609). 

Fig. 157.—Rhinanthus Alectorolophus, Poll. 

A.—Flower, in longitudinal section, after removal of the calyx. 

B.—Upper part of a flower, from which the right half of the corolla has been removed. 
C.—Ditto, viewed from the front. 

D.—Ditto, after removal of the lower lip. (x 34.) 

hth, aperture for humble-bee’s proboscis ; fth, aperture for butterfly’s tongue. 

nN, nectary ; ov, ovary ; st, stigma. 

(St. Gertrud, July 22, 1875). 

335. MELAMPYRUM PRATENSE, L.—The contrivance by which 
the pollen is shed in Melampyrum is again different from all the 
foregoing ; for here all the four anthers lie close together and form 
a single pollen-reservoir, which is opened by touching the pointed 
appendage borne by each anther-lobe. The flower exhibits several 
other remarkable peculiarities. Honey is secreted by the base of 
the ovary, which expands opposite the under lip into a white, round, 
fleshy body, on each side of which runs a honey-secreting groove. 
The abundant honey fills 2 to 3 mm. of the tube, which is 14 
to 15 mm. long, and stands horizontally ; it is protected from rain 
by a ring of hairs, pointing forwards and placed immediately in 
front of it. In order to suck the honey in the normal way, and 
without thrusting its head into the tube, an insect must have a 
proboscis 14 to 15 mm. long; so that the greater number of our 
humble-bees are excluded. But at its anterior end, for 4 to 


5 mm., the tube is so wide that a humble-bee’s head enters it 
easily; a proboscis 10 to 11 mm. long therefore suffices, and 
only B. terrestris and small workers of some other species are 

In its narrower part the tube is three-sided, the lower wall 
standing horizontal, the sides first bending sharply inwards then 
rising almost perpendicularly, and holding the style in their upper 
angle. All three sides widen out gradually for a space of 8 to 10 
mm. from the base of the tube, then, on a sudden, more rapidly, 
the sides rising up into a hood for the pollen-reservoir, and the 
floor increasing from 3 mm. to 5 mm. in breadth. In this wide 
part of the tube the lower part of the side walls is doubled down 
upon the floor by a re-entrant fold (a, 2, 3), so that the breadth 
of the entrance is reduced to scarcely 3 mm.; and this is further 
reduced in height to 1 to 2 mm. by two dark-yellow pouches in the 
under lip (pathfinders, b, 3), and by a fold close behind the free 
edge of the hood-like upper lip; if, however, the folds in the side 
walls and in the upper lip are opened out by a bee thrusting in its 
head, there is plenty of room in the broad part of the tube for the 
bee’s head, which is about 5 mm. broad, and 3 mm. high. So by 
this peculiar conformation of the mouth, weak, short-lipped insects 
are excluded, and at the same time humble-bees are permitted 
to insert their heads. There are yet other peculiarities in the 
mouth of the flower which complete this result. The filaments 
which, in the narrow part of the tube, are thin and adhere to the 
corolla, become free from it in the wide part, and rise obliquely 
upwards as stiff, broad rods beset with teeth on their inner sides, 
towards the hooded upper lip, which incloses the stamens. The 
two anterior stamens lie, in their ascending portions, so close 
behind the entrance of the flower that they block it for a further 
space of } mm. on either side. So in looking from the front into 
the mouth of the flower we see an opening only 2 mm. broad and 
scarcely so high, bounded on the right and left by the prickly 
margins of the filaments, above by the soft. tufts of hairs on the 
upper lip, and by the weak hairs projecting downwards from the 
pollen-receptacle (d, 3). The bee in inserting the delicate tip of 
its proboscis carefully avoids any rough contact ; therefore, in this 
flower, it directs it neither to the right or left, where it would 
meet the sharp points upon the stamens, but upwards where it 
rubs against the soft hairs of the upper lip and the pollen- 
receptacle in passing into the tube. This course is essential for 

| eross-fertilisation, 


The style traverses the upper angle of the tube in its whole 
length, and bends down with it over the pollen-receptacle, so that 
its stigmatic end hangs down in the upper part of the mouth of 
the flower between the tufts on the upper lip, and is thus in- 
evitably touched by the bee’s proboscis as it enters. The four 

Fic. 158.—Melampyrum pratense, L. 

1.—Flower, from the side (x 8). 
2.—Ditto, from above. 
8.—Ditto, from the front (x 7). 

4.—The pollen-receptacle formed by the anthers, viewed from behind. 
5.—Ditto, after it has opened, from before. 

6.—The two anthers of the right half of the flower, seen from the left. 
7.— Relative positions of pollen-receptacle and stigma. 

a, side-fold in the forepart of the corolla; b, pathfinder; c, stigma; d, hairs of the pollen 
receptacle ; e, teeth upon the filaments ; 7, appendages of the anthers. 

pairs of anther-lobes, which have stiff walls and are in firm 
connection with the stiff filaments, cohere closely by their upper 
and posterior edges, but admit of some motion at their lower 
and anterior edges, which are fringed with hairs. Each anther- 
lobe is prolonged downwards into a stiff, sharp process, so that 
four pairs of these sharp processes point downwards; of these 


the hindmost are the longest, as they might easily escape being 
touched if of the same length with the others. The bee’s pro- 
boscis, entering the flower in the way described above, comes in 
contact immediately afterwards with the sharp processes of the 
anthers; the anther-lobes at once separate slightly at their lower 
and anterior edges, and the fine, dusty pollen is shed upon the 
insect’s proboscis. 

In spite of these manifold adaptations, the plant, from growing 
in shady spots, is, as a rule, sparingly visited by bees ; but in their 
absence self-fertilisation takes place regularly. As in Rhinanthus 
minor, the end of the style curves more and more downwards, and 
at last inwards, so that the stigma comes to lie below the pollen- 
receptacle (5, Fig. 158), which in the old flower opens of itself. 
In flowers whose colour has changed to reddish the stigma is 
always found in this position. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus agrorum, F. § ? ! (10—15), 
sucking normally. Its weight bends down the flowers to which it hangs, It 
first inserts the tip of its proboscis into the upper part of the flower, then 
thrusts the whole proboscis and its head into the tube. After visiting a flower, 
which takes only a few seconds, it almost always flies away to a neighbouring 
plant. (2) B. hortorum, L. % ! (18—20), sucking normally, just as the former 
species (Siebengebirge, July 8, 1871); (3) B. terrestris, L. 2 (7—9), bites 
through the corolla close above the calyx, so that one mandible makes a hole 
on each side of the sharp edge of the corolla, and through one of these two holes 
the bee inserts its proboscis ; (4) B. pratorum, L. § ¢ (8—9), acts similarly 
(Siebengebirge, July 8, 1871) ; (5) Apis mellifica, L. § (6), do., very ab. ; (6) 
Megachile circumcincta, K. 9! (11), sucking normally, only one specimen. 
B. Diptera—Stratiomyide : (7) Oxycera pulchella, Mgn., I saw this species on 
the flowers at Warstein,—it probably could not reach either the honey or 
the pollen. See also No. 590, 11. 

Melampyrum arvense, L., is visited by various insects, but only 
fertilised by very long-tongued humble-bees (590, II). 

Melampyrum nemorosum, L.—The honey is stolen by various 
humble-bees, but the flower is fertilised only by Bombus hortorum, 
L. 8 (590, III.). 

Melampyrum silvaticum, L.—The flower is of small size and its 
mechanism is much simplified (590, II.). 

The six forms above described in which dry pollen is shed on 
the insect-visitor, viz. Odontites lutea, O. serotina, Kuphrasia offi- 
cinalis, Melampyrum, Rhinanthus, and Pedicularis, show remarkable 
gradations in the way in which the anthers are protected and the 


pollen lodged, and in the mechanism for scattering the pollen and 
for guiding the insect’s proboscis. 

a. The protection of the anthers. In Odontites lutea the 
anthers protrude from the flower, as in Veronica; in Odontites 
serotina they are only slightly covered by the upper lip, while they 
are entirely covered by it in #. officinalis ; in the three others they 
are completely inclosed in the hood of the upper lip. 

b. The pollen-receptacles. In the two species of Odontites 
and in Huphrasia officinalis each anther-lobe forms a separate 
receptacle opening at the apex; in O. lutea all the anthers are 
separate ; in O. serotima they are connected posteriorly by matted 
hairs; in &. officinalis their edges cohere. In Melampyrum, 
Rhinanthus, and Pedicularis, their edges are closely united so as to 
form a single, more or less distinctly four-chambered receptacle. 

c. The shedding of the pollen.. In QO. lutea and O. serotina 
the anthers must be touched in order to shed their pollen; in 
O. lutea each must be touched separately, but in O. serotina 
one touch is communicated to all. In LZ. officinalis the lower 
anthers, in Melampyrum all of them, bear sharp appendages which 
point downwards, and which, when touched, cause the pollen to 
fall out. In Rhinanthus, the pollen-receptacle is opened by 
pushing apart the filaments. In Pedicularis, the edges of the 
hood which incloses the pollen-receptacle are separated by a 
complex system of levers, and the pollen-receptacle then opens. 
In all, except O. lutea, hairs directed downwards (either from the 
edges of the anthers or from the filaments) prevent the pollen 
being scattered at the sides, 

d. The path of the bee’s proboscis. In 0. lutea and L. officinalis 
the path is only marked out by the entrance of the tube ; but in 
O. lutea the bee’s proboscis cannot fail to come in contact with one 
or other of the anthers, and in J. officinalis with their appendages. 
In the other four species sharp points on the filaments or on the 
edges of the upper lip cause the bee to insert the tip of its 
proboscis just in such a position that it may first touch the stigma 
and then dust itself with pollen. 

In regard to all four characters Odontites lutea stands lowest, 
and Pedicularis silvatica highest. 

Cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits is insured in all the 
six species by the stigma being touched in all or most flowers 
by the same part of the insect which is immediately afterwards 
dusted with pollen. In three species out of the six, two forms of 
flowers occur, of which one is sparingly visited by insects and in 


their absence fertilises itself regularly, and the other is abundantly 
visited by insects and is incapable of self-fertilisation. In Huphrasia 
officinalis and Rhinanthus crista-galli it is the small-flowered form, 
in Odontites serotina it is the plants inhabiting shady places, which 
receive so few insect-visits that self-fertilisation becomes necessary ; 
in Melampyrum and Odontites lutea self-fertilisation occurs in 
absence of insects, but in all flowers without distinction; in 
Pedicularis silvatica alone, the conspicuousness of the flowers and 
the perfection of the pollen-apparatus insures cross-fertilisation so 
well that self-fertilisation never takes place. 

The section of the Scrophularineze characterised by a pollen- 
distributing mechanism is remarkable also for the gradations in the 
development of its -nectaries. Usually part of an organ already 
present secretes honey, especially the lower part of the outer wall of 
the ovary, which sometimes secretes its honey all round (Zozzia), 
sometimes mainly or solely in front (Huphrasia and Odontites). 
With the growth of this new function the secreting tissue 
thickens and forms a protuberance scarcely noticeable in Huphrasia 
minima, but evident in #. salisburgensis and Pedicularis aspleni- 
folia, Fl.; it becomes a strongly marked swelling in P. verticillata, 
L., and P. recutita, L., which in P. palustris, L., is more sharply 
marked off from the ovary, and in Rhinanthus becomes a cup 
extending forwards from the base of the ovary, which contains 
the nectar, and is most perfectly developed in &. alpinus. We 
thus have a complete series of transitions, from secretion of honey 
by an organ whose proper function is quite different, to the 
development of a special nectary. 


The Scrophularinez described above may be arranged in four 
groups according to their pollen-distributing mechanism and the 
insects which fertilise them. 

1. Verbascum and Veronica have open flowers, with short tubes 
and freely exposed reproductive organs which insect-visitors may 
come in contact with at any part, though they as a rule touch the 
stigma before the anthers. Only in some Veronicas, especially in 
V. Chameedrys, the filaments by spreading apart and thinning away 


at the base form a delicate pollen-distributing apparatus. The 
fertilisers are flies and bees. 

2. Scrophularia has short, round, brownish flowers, with a 
widely open mouth and easily visible honey. The stigma ripens 
before the anthers, and both come in contact inferiorly with the 
insects. Wasps are the chief fertilisers. 

3. Digitalis, Antirrhinum, and Linaria have long and wide 
tubes, open in Digitalis and closed in the other two. The insect- 
visitor creeps entirely or almost entirely into the tube, and touches 
anthers and stigma with its back. The fertilising-agents are large 

4. Euphrasia, Odontites, Rhinanthus, Melampyrum, and Pedicu- 
laris have narrow tubes which divide into an upper lip protecting 
the anthers, and a lower lip serving as a platform for imsects to 
alight on. They dust their insect-visitors with smooth, powdery 
pollen. The forms with shorter tubes are fertilised by bees and 
flies, those with longer tubes almost exclusively by humble-bees. 

On the Alps we have in addition TYozzia, fertilised by flies, 
Rhinanthus Alectorolophus by humble-bees and Lepidoptera, and 
R. alpinus by Lepidoptera (609). 

In almost all the Scrophularinez that we have considered, 
cross-fertilisation is effected by the stigma being touched before 
the stamens or pollen-apparatus by insect-visitors; but in some 
cases dichogamy also occurs. In default of insect-visits, self-fertili- 
sation takes place in most forms; and only in a few are insect- 
visits, and consequently cross-fertilisation, so far insured that self- 
fertilisation is never required and has become impossible. 

This family affords another instance of the association of certain 
colours with fertilisation by certain insects. In the section charac- 
terised by loose dry pollen, the lowest forms (Zozzta, Odontites 
lutea, and Euphrasia minima) are all yellow, while in the highest 
(Melampyrum, Pedicularis) red and purple colours appear. The 
uncommon colour of Serophularia must be referred to the peculiar 
taste of its visitors, the wasps. The colours of the genus Veronica, 
which is fertilised by flies, remain to be explained. Most species 
have light or dark blue flowers; those of V. urticifolia, and V. 
peregrina, L., are pink. In spite of its apparently simple flower, 
Veronica is by no means a primitive form among the Scrophu- 
larinee : the symmetrical flower, the specially differentiated 
nectary, the reduction of the sepals and petals to four, and of the 
stamens to two, are all characters widely removed from the 
primitive type. The short-tubed species of Veronica must be 

structure and development of the flower. Hildebrand has ex- 
_ plained the mechanism of fertilisation (356). An insect, thrusting 
| its proboscis beneath the upper lip to reach the honey contained in 
| thespur, first touches with its back one of the stigmatic lobes; which 

project beyond the anthers and have their papillar surfaces directed 


looked upon as the more primitive, from which the long-tubed type 
of V. spicata has been evolved by the agency of bees and sand- 

_ wasps. ‘Two different hypotheses suggest themselves for the origin 

of the genus Veronica. In the first place, the reduction of the 
stamens to two may be due to the development of the delicate 

_ pollen-shedding mechanism adapted for Syrphide, which we 
_ found to be best developed in V. Chamadrys and V. urticifolia ; 

just as in Salvia two stamens have certainly become aborted 
owing to the development of the special lever-apparatus in the 
others. According to this view, the oldest Veronicas are those 
which are adapted for Syrphide, the others, with short tube and 
flat limb, being developed from them by degeneration of the 
pollen-mechanism; and several species (¢.g., V. Beccabunga and 
V. aphylia) do seem to show such a degeneration. But it is con- 
ceivable that the ancestors of Veronica suffered reduction in the 
number of their stamens simply in consequence of gradual dimi- 
nution in size, as in Lycopus among Labiates, several Saginee 
among Alsines, small-flowered species of Ranunculus, Chasalea, 
and the small-flowered form of Stellaria media, L.; and that the 

| pollen-mechanism was subsequently developed in one section of 
the genus, In this case we must ascribe to a miscellaneous lot of 

Syrphidz and small bees the blue colour of the simpler Veronicas 
which are not provided with any special adaptations for Syrphide ; 

| for the Muscide and other Diptera, which also visit and fertilise 
| these simpler Veronicas, show no signs of favouring the production 

of a blue colour in any other instance. I see as yet no grounds 

_ for preferring either of these hypotheses to the other. 


Utricularia, L.—Buchenau has investigated thoroughly the 

downwards ; immediately afterwards it comes in contact with the 

| anthers and gets dusted with fresh pollen. The stigma is irritable, 
folding upwards at once on being touched, so that pollen cannot be 
applied to the stigma of the same flower as the insect draws back. 

1 Botan. Zeitung, 1865, p. 63. 


Pinguicula alpina, L.—The structure of the flower is similar, but 
the stigma, instead of folding up by its own irritability, is pushed 
upwards by the retreating insect (Hildebrand, 356). <A fly, forcing 
its way into the pale yellow flower, rubs against the stigma with 
its back and dusts it with pollen from another flower. It now tries 
to move upwards, as far as possible, to free itself from certain stiff 
hairs directed obliquely backwards on the inferior wall of the 
corolla, and in doing so it dusts its back with fresh pollen (589, 
p. 334; 609). Some flies, which are large enough to get caught 
firmly but not strong enough to make their escape, are held fast 
and perish. 

Pingwicula lusitanica, L., is self-fertilismg (Henslow). 

Pinguicula vulgaris, L.—Axell gives a figure and description 
of the flower, which agree with Hildebrand’s account (17). This 
species is adapted for bees (609). 3 

The flowers are markedly proterandrous (172, 178, 632). 


Bignonia, L.—The flowers are proterandrous. The lobes of 
the stigma are touched first by an insect-visitor, and therefore get 
dusted with pollen from a previously-visited flower; they then 
close up immediately, before pollen from their own flower can 
reach them (178). 

Martynia, L. (Pedalinez), has a similar arrangement (172, 352). 

My brother Fritz Miiller fertilised a species of Bignonia (Cipo 
alho of the Brazilians) in South Brazil as follows :— 

(1) Twenty-nine flowers on two stocks with pollen of their own 
stock ; all fell off in a short time. 

(2) Thirty flowers on the same two stocks with pollen from 
others growing near by; only two flowers developed fully, but 
most remained longer upon the stem than in the previous case, 
and many showed a commencing enlargement of the ovary. 

(3) Five flowers on one stock with pollen from another growing 
at a distance ; all five were fruitful (551). 

Tecoma capensis, Lind., is visited and fertilised in Natal by 
honey-suckers and by small bees (233). -. . 



Thunbergia alata, Boj.—The insect entering the tube of the 

_ flower to reach the honey at the base first touches the stigma with 

its back, and then the anthers, which are provided inferiorly with 
pointed processes (352). 

. Cryphiacanthus barbadensis, Nees. (Ruellia clandestina, L.).— 

The cleistogamic flowers were known to Dillenius (531). 

EHranthemum, L., Dedalacanthus, Anders., Dipteracanthus, 

_ Nees." Aichmanthera, Nees., and Ruellia, L., also possess cleis- 
| togamic flowers (167). 
; Meyenia erecta, Benth—The mechanism of the flower of this 
_ West African shrub has been described by Mr. Irwin Lynch (444). 
The flowers stand nearly horizontal. The style lies in a groove 
on the dorsal side of the tubular curved corolla. The stigma, 
_ which stands at the mouth of the tube, is two-lipped ; its upper lip, 
which is alone receptive, is rolled into a tube. 

The anthers stand midway in the corolla tube, and are furnished 

with hairs which catch the pollen as it is being shed. The broad 
lower lip of the stigma projects downwards, obstructing the en- 
trance ; it first acts as a lever to bring the upper lip down upon 
_ the back of an insect entering the flower; but afterwards, as the 
Insect emerges with its back dusted with fresh pollen, the lower 
lip of the stigma protects the upper one from contact. 
Strobilanthes ( Goldfussia) anisophylla, Nees.—This flower was 
| carefully described and beautifully figured by Charles Morren in 
| 1839 (541A). Morren saw that insects were needed to effect fertilis- 
' ation, but he thought only of self-fertilisation, and accordingly he 
' misinterpreted the mechanism of the flower. 
The flowers stand nearly horizontal. The tip of the style only 
bears stigmatic papillz on its lower (anterior) surface ; it is curved 
1 upwards so that an insect in entering the flower comes at once in 
: “contact with the stigma. When thestigmais touched (or even if it 
be breathed upon) it at once becomes straightened out and gener- 
i ‘ally curves at the same time to the right, and it becomes closely 
' appressed to the inferior wall of the corolla. The insect passes 
| further into the flower, and becomes dusted with fresh pollen : this 
is carried out of the flower without coming in contact with the 
| stigma. According to Morren the irritability of the style is never 
_ manifested until after dehiscence of the anthers. 

1 Bentham and Hooker place this genus under Ruellia. 
HH 2 


Morren supposed that the pollen fell of itself from the anthers, 
and either came directly, or was carried by small insects, to the 
hairs upon the inferior wall of the corolla in the neighbourhood of 
the stigma; and that thus, when by any cause the style was 
irritated, the stigma curved over and applied itself to the pollen. 

Acanthus mollis, L., and A. spinosus, L.—The four unilocular 
anthers lie close together and hold between them the loose pollen. 
The inferior filaments pass below and in front of the anthers, and 
are suddenly bent back towards them immediately below their 
attachment. The bee-visitors (Bombus italicus and B. terrestris) 
have to pass between these inferior filaments, and in doing so force 
both them and their anthers apart, and cause the pollen to fall out. 
The proterandrous condition lasts for several days, and then the 
end of the style, which was straight before, bends downwards and 
forwards, so that the lobes of the stigma come in contact with the 
bee (172, 178, 360). 

Aphelandra pectinata, Willd. (A. cristata, H. B. and Kth).—The 
two lobes of the corolla which form the upper lip are rolled round, — 
the anthers; the two lateral lobes are approximated, forming 
folding doors which close the entrance of the tube. When these © 
doors are opened they cause the lobes of the upper lip also to © 
separate, and the anthers are set free and shed their pollen on the © 
visitor. The fertilising-agents are probably humming-birds (178). | 

Rhinacanthus communis, Nees., is markedly proterandrous. In 
the first stage, the two anthers are bent down into the entrance of 
the flower, and the still immature stigma is bent upwards; in the 
second stage the anthers are bent apart to the sides, and the ripe 
stigma is placed exactly in the path of the insect’s proboscis, The 
visitors are probably Lepidoptera (177). 


Globularia vulgaris, L., is proterandrous; G. cordifolia, L., and 
G¢. nudicaulis, L., are proterogynous with persistent stigmas. The 
flowers of all three are light-blue and adapted for fertilisation by 
butterflies. This is the only instance in the German and Swiss 
flora of a blue colour being produced by the selective agency of 
Lepidoptera (609). 



; Aigiphila elata, Sw., and 4%. mollis, H. B. and Kth., are con- 
_ spicuously heterostyled. 42. obdwrata “ probably was once hetero- 
_ styled, and has since been rendered dicecious by the pistil in the 
one form and the stamens in the other having become functionless 
and reduced in size” (Darwin, 167, p. 124). 

Verbena officinalis, L.,is adapted for fertilisation by bees (590, 
111., and 609). 

The flowers of a Lantana in South Brazil are, according to Fritz 
Miiller, yellow on the first day, orange on the second, and purple 
- on the third. Some butterflies visit the yellow and orange flowers, 
- some exclusively the yellow, none the purple. So this change of 
colour increases the conspicuousness of the plant, and at the same 
time saves many useless visits (560). 

Ocimum, L.—In this genus the Labiate type of flower is reversed, 
| the stamens and style lying upon the under lip, while the upper 
_ side of the tube lodges the honey, which is protected by hairs on 
_ the superior stamens. Therefore the stamens first curve upwards, 
the style downwards, and afterwards in the contrary direction; 
which is the reverse of what occurs in Teucrium, forinstance. The 
fertilisers are bees of the genera Anthidium, Apis, Bombus, and 
| Halictus (178, 360). 


Plectranthus fruticosus, LiHér.—The reproductive organs lie 

below the entrance into the honey-receptacle, which is a spur-like 

_ development of the base of the corolla. In the first stage the 
style lies with unripe stigmas between the stamens; in the 

second the stamens have spread apart, and the style with 

outspread stigmas stands alone in the way of insect-visitors (360). 

: 336. LAVANDULA VERA (L.), D. C.—The spikes of small blue 
_ flowers attract many insects, especially bees, by their strong scent, 
and supply abundant honey. The tube is 6 mm. long, and the 
nectary resembles that of Thymus in size and position. The 
stamens, which lie in the inferior side of the tube, overtop 
the stigmas, but the well-marked proterandry insures cross- 

(1) Anthophora quadrimaculata, Pz. 9 ¢, ab.; (2) Osmia nea, L. g, 
freq. ; (3) O. rufa, L. 9, s.; (4) Megachile pyrina, Lep. (fasciata, Sm.), ¢, 


freq. ; (5) M. Willughbiella, K. ¢; (6) M. centuncularis, L. ¢ ; (7) Anthidium 
manicatum, L. 9 ¢, ab. ; (8) Crocisa scutellaris, Pz. 9 ¢, ab. ; (9) Ceelioxys 
conoidea, Il. 2, freq. ; (10) C. umbrina, Sm. 2; (11) Cheloatomes nigricorne, 
Nyl. ¢, all only sucking. See also No. 590, 11. 

337. MENTHA ARVENSIS, L.—The base of the ovary, which 
secretes the honey, is several times as large as the ovary itself, 
(n, 4, Fig. 159). The corolla forms a bell, which in the pistillate 
flowers is about 2 mm., in the hermaphrodite about 3 mm. long, 
and in both is fully half as wide! at the mouth as it is long. The 
honey is accessible to very short-lipped insects, and it is completely 
sheltered from rain by hairs which extend from the sides of the 
bell to its centre. The flowers make themselves perceptible at a, 

Fra. 159. 
1—4.— Mentha arvensis. 

‘A —Female flower. 

2.—Hermaphrodite flower, in first Ganado stage. 
83.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 

4.—Ovary and nectary. 

5.—M. aquatica, Female flower, seen obliquely from the front, to show the rudimentary stamens.” 
Figs. 1 and 5 should be horizontal, 

distance by their scent, and their close whorled arrangement renders 
them conspicuous to the eye, still more in the case of the large- 
flowered hermaphrodite than the smaller female plants. I have 
verified by direct observation in the case of Mentha the opinion 
to which I shall recur in describing Nepeta and Thymus, that 
insects visit the more conspicuous flowers before those that are 
less so; in the case of Nepeta and Thymus I have neglected to 
study this point sufficiently, 

Visitors: A. Diptera—(a) Stratiomyide: (1) Odontomyia viridula, F. ; 
@ A pte (2) Eristalis — L., very ab. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L., 
; (4) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (5) M. teeniatus, Mgn., both not rare, s. ; 
ie Huselda: (6) Onesia floralis,. R. D.; (7) O. pepaloralia, Mgn., both ab. ; 
(8) Luciliasilvarum, Mgn. ; (9) L. cornicina, F. ; (10) Pyrellia cadaverina, L. ; 


(11). L. albiceps, Mgn., the last four species not rare. B. Lepidoptera—Rho- 
palocera: (12) Satyrus Janira, L. All these insects sucked honey only, 
though I expected to see the Syrphide at least eating pollen. 

338. MENTHA AQUATICA, L. (IZ. hirsuta, Sm.).—W hile in Mentha 
arvensis small-flowered female and large-flowered hermaphrodite 
flowers occur in nearly equal numbers, in JZ. aquatica the former 
are much rarer than the latter. In the hermaphrodite flowers the 
tube is 4 to 5 mm. long, and about 2 mm. wide at the mouth; 
otherwise the flower resembles that of JZ. arvensis. Although, 
owing to the greater length of the tube, the honey is slightly less 
accessible than in JZ. arvensis, insect-visits are more numerous, 
owing to the taller stalks and the larger, denser heads of flowers. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide : (1) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢ ; (2) 
H. maculatus, Sm. ¢, both ab. ; (3) H. longulus,Sm. ¢; (4) H. nitidiusculus, 
K. g, all s. ; (b) Ichnewmonide : (5) Various sp., some creeping bodily into 
the flowers. B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (6) Empis rustica, Fallen; (7) E 
livida, L., both ab., s. ; (8) E. tesselata, F., do. ; (b) Syrphide: (9) Ascia 
podagrica, F., s. ; (10) Eristalis nemorum, L. ; (11) E. arbustorum, L. ; (12) 
E. eneus, Scop. ; (13) E. sepuleralis, L., all four very ab., sometimes s., some- 
times f.p. ; (14) Syritta pipiens, L., ab. ; (15) Helophilus pendulus, L., ab. ; 
(16) H. trivittatus, F.; (17) Syrphus pyrastri, L., ab. ; (18) Melanostoma 
mellina, L., ab., these also both s. and f.p. ; (¢) Muscide : (19) Onesia floralis, 
R. D. ; (20) O. sepulcralis; Mgn. ; (21) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. ; (22) Musca 
corvina, F’,, all four very ab. ; (d) Tabanide : (23) Chrysops cecutiens, L., s. 

Delpino considers Mentha and Coleus, Lour., degraded forms of 
the Labiate type (No. 178, p. 143; 360, p. 656); he, however, 
gives no reason for thinking them to be such, and not rather less 
specialised forms, differing less from the common ancestors of 
the Labiates. 

The flower of Coleus oe Benth. ?) is figured and described 
in No. 560, It. 

339. Lycopus EUROP&US, L.—The corolla forms a bell 3 to 4 
mm. long, 24 mm. wide at the mouth, but scarcely 1 mm. wide at 
the base. Honey is secreted by the yellow fleshy base of the 
ovary ; it is accessible to very short-lipped insects, and is sheltered 
from rain by long hairs which project from the sides of the bell 
towards its centre. Some purple spots on the under lip serve 
as guides, 

The flowers are markedly proterandrous. When the two 
anthers which project from the tube come to maturity, the two 
stigmas still lie folded together (Fig. 160, 1). When the stigmas 


separate, the anthers are already withered and bent downwards. 
The wide space between the anthers and stigmas seems sufficient 
to prevent self-fertilisation even without the help of proterandry. 

In spite of the small, inconspicuous flowers, insect~-visitors are 
numerous and varied. 

While in Salvia the abortion of two stamens may be explained 
by the development of the lever-mechanism which they would 
have interfered with, in Lycopus their disappearance is due simply 
to the small size of the flower; and though only two are present, 
the small size of the flower causes every insect to come in contact 
with them. The same explanation holds good for Veronica, whose 

Fic. 160.—Lycopus europeeus, L. 

1.—F lower, in first (male) stage, from below. 
_ 2,—Ditto, in second (female) stage, from the side. This figure should be horizontal. 

3.—Ditto, in first stage, after removal of the under lip, from below. 

a, abortive stamens; n, nectary; a’, perfect anthers, before dehiscence; a, ditto, dehiscing ; 
a3, ditto, withered ; st’, stigma, still immature; st, ditto, ripe. 

flowers are the smallest among Scrophularinez as those of Lycopus 
are among Labiates. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Vespide : (1) Polistes gallica, L., and var. 
diadema, s., freq. (Thur.). B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (2) Melithreptus 
scriptus, L., s. and f.p. ; (3) Syritta pipiens, L., very ab., s. and f.p. ; (6) Mu- 
scide : (4) Lucilia silvarum, Mgn. ; (5) L. cornicina, F., both s., freq. ; (6) 
Sarcophaga albiceps, Mgn., ab., s. ; (7) Pollenia Vespillo, F.,s, Also many small 
gnats 14 mm. long. C. Hemiptera—(8) Some undetermined species of bugs. 
D. Lepidoptera—(9) Adela sp.,s. E, Thysanoptera—(10) Thrips, very ab, 

340. THymus SERPYLLUM (L.), Fr—Our two species of Thymus 
have, like Nepeta, stocks of two kinds, one with large herma- 
phrodite, the other with small pistillate flowers. 

Hildebrand (351) has sought to ascribe the origin of the small- 
flowered female plants to the proterandrous condition of the 


hermaphrodite ones; his theory rests, if I understand it rightly, 
upon the two following arguments. Since no stigmas are mature 
at the time when in the first flowers of a proterandrous plant the 
stamens dehisce, these stamens are of no use to the plant, and since 
all economy of useless organs is advantageous to the plant, the 
stamens of the first flowers of proterandrous plants can be abolished 
by Natural Selection. This reasoning is undeniably correct, but it 
applies only to the first flowers of proterandrous plants, and not to 

Fig. 161, 

1—3.—Thymus Serpyllum, Fr. 

1.—Hermaphrodite flower, in first{(male) stage. 
| 2.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 
3.—Female flower. 

4—6.—T. vulgaris, L. 
4.—Female flower. ; 
5.—Pistil of hermaphrodite flower in first stage. 
6.—Ditto, in second stage. ov, ovary; n, nectary. (xX 7.) 

the female stocks of Thymus which bloom all summer beside the 
hermaphrodite ones. This in my opinion is only to be explained in 
the way that I have suggested in the case of Nepeta (p. 484). The 
variability in size, which my theory presupposes, is present in our 
two species of Thymus, as in Nepeta, to such a degree that, while 
the largest hermaphrodite flowers (Fig. 161, 1, 2) are several times as 
large as the smallest female (Fig. 161, 3), the smallest hermaphrodite 
and the largest female flowers are nearly equal in size. The flowers 


on the same stock, on the contrary, are all much of the same size, 
as my explanation requires, but the hermaphrodite flowers enlarge 
in passing from the first (male) to the second (female) stage. The 
certainty of cross-fertilisation, which is also necessary for my theory, 
is in a high degree a character of Thymus; for the honey is ex- 
ceedingly abundant and has an aromatic taste, the base of the 
ovary by which the honey is secreted (n, 5,6) is many times as 
large as the ovary itself, the aggregation of the flowers and their 
strong scent reveal them to insects and permit insects to visit 
many with. little loss of time, and from the reproductive organs 
protruding beyond the corolla many flowers may be fertilised at 
once as the insect clambers over the inflorescence. The tube is 
smooth at the base where the honey lies, and lined with hairs above 
to exclude rain; it is only a few millimetres long (25 to 4 mm. in 
T. Serpyllum), so that the honey is accessible to a great variety of 
insects. Self-fertilisation was impossible in all the flowers that I 
have examined, for the style, which in the first stage is short and 
overtopped by the anthers (Fig. 161, 1, 5), elongates and grows 
out beyond the anthers before its two divisions with the stigmatic 
papille at their tips spread apart." 

Darwin found the female form very much more productive than 
the hermaphrodite, both in 7. Serpyllum and T. culgaris. 

While Darwin in England, Hildebrand in the Rhine Provinces, 
Ascherson, according to his /ora, in Brandenburg, and I in 
Westphalia and Thuringia, have only observed the two forms, female 
and hermaphrodite, of this plant, Delpino, near Florence, has 
found the plant trimorphic: he states that it consists there of 
hermaphrodites with both stamens and pistil equally developed ; 
of others with greatly developed stamens and the pistil in every 
stage of abortion, or even absent; and finally, others with greatly 
developed pistil and more or less aborted stamens (No. 173, p. 7). 
In England also there seems to be a passage towards purely male 
flowers, for, according to Dr. Ogle (No. 632, p. 54), in many of the 
liermaphrodite flowers the stigma never reaches maturity. With- 
out accurate information concerning the size of the flowers, the 
time of their development, the frequency of insect-visits, and the 
relative distribution of the two forms, all attempts at explanation 
must be unsatisfactory. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. §,s. and 
c.p.,ab. ; (2) Bombus pratorum, L. 2, do. ; (3) Saropoda bimaculata, Pz. 2 ¢> 

' Compare my account of Nepeta Glechoma, yp. 484, and Darwin’s account of 
Thymus, No, 167, p. 800. 


ab.; (4) Andrena nigrozwnea, K. ?, s.; (5) Megachile cireumcincta, K. ¢, s. ; 
(6) Nomada germanica, Pz. 2, s.; (7) Celioxys sp. g, s.; (b) Sphegida : 
(8) Ammophila sabulosa, L. 9 ¢, s., ab. ; (9) Cerceris variabilis, Schr. 2 g, - 
s. ; (10) Lindenius albilabris, F., s. B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide : (11) Sys- 
teechus sulfureus, Mik., s.; (b) Syrphidw: (12) Eristalis arbustorum, L., very 
ab., s. ; (13) E. sepulcralis, L., s. ; (14) Syritta pipiens, L., s., ab. ; (15) Volu- 
cella bombylans, L., s. ; (¢) Conopide : (16) Conops flavipes, L., s. ; (17) Sicus 
ferrugineus, L., s.; (18) Myopa testacea, L., s.; (d) Muscide: (19) Lucilia 
cornicina, F. ; (20) Echinomyia tesselata, F. ; (21) Gymnosoma rotundata, L. ; 
(22) Ocyptera brassicaria, F., ab. ; (23) Sarcophaga carnaria, L., very ab. ; (24) 
S. albiceps, Mgn., very ab., all only sucking. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalo- 
cera: (25) Satyrus pamphilus, L. ; (26) 8. Janira, L. ; (27) Argynnis Aglaia, 
L. ; (28) Lyceena icarus, Rott. ; (b) Sphinges: (29) Sesia empiformis, Esp 
(Almethal) ; (30)_S. tipuliformis, L.,—all sucking. See also No. 590, 111., and 
No. 609. 

I have observed altogether on 7’ ishli — 

Apidx. aeons Diptera. fot ches Total. 
= foal 

In the Alps... 

In the Lowlands: 7 17 20 on 30 

25 65 30 | 2 | 122 

In every 100 insect-visitors there are, therefore :— 

Apide. Lepidoptera.| Diptera, {Other Insects.) Total. 

In the Lowlands 

23°6 27°7 41°6 6°9 99°9 


In the Alps... .. | 20°5 53°2 24°6 1°6 99°9 

341. THYMUS VULGARIS, L.—I have observed the following 
visitors in my garden :— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. ; (2) Halictus, 
small species, s. and ¢.p. ; (b) Sphegide: (3) Ammophila sabulosa, L. 9 ¢, s. 
B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (4) Empis livida, L.,s:; (b) Syrphide : (5) Syritta 
pipiens, L., s. and f.p., ab.; (c) Muscide : (6) Sarcophaga albiceps, Mgn., s., 
ab. C. Lapidoplora-—Rohinges ; (7) Sesia tipuliformis, L., s. 

342, ORIGANUM VULGARE, L.—This plant agrees with Thymus 
in consisting of large-flowered proterandrous hermaphrodite, and 
small-flowered female individuals, and in the whole mechanism of 
the flowers; and if it is inferior to Thymus in perfume and in the 


taste of its honey, it has a compensating advantage in its large 
flowers crowded more closely together on higher stalks. The 
plant has lost the power of self-fertilisation. Though the flower 
is larger than that of Thymus, the tube is short enough (in the 
hermaphrodite flowers 4 to 5 mm., in the pistillate 3 to 4 mm., 
long) to permit a great variety of insects to reach the honey. My 
shorter list of visitors is due to my having had much less opportunity 
of watching the plant. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2; (2) 
Apis mellifica, L. §, freq. ; (3) Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (4) H. albipes, 
F. $, both species very ab. ; (5) H. nitidus, Schenck, ¢, all sucking. B. 
Diptera—(a) Empide : (6) Empis livida, L. ; (7) -E. rustica, Fallen, both very 
ab., s.; (b) Syrphide : (8) Ascia podagrica, F., f-p., ab. ; (9) Eristalis arbu- 
storum, L., s. and f.p., ab. ; (10) E. nemorum, L., do. ; (11) Helophilus pen- 
dulus, L.,s. ; (c) Conopide : (12) Sicus ferrugineus, L. ; (13) Myopa polystigma, 
Rondani; (14) M. variegata, Mgn., all three sucking; (d) Muscide: (15) 
Ocyptera brassicaria, F. ; (16) O. cylindrica, F., both very ab. ; (17) Prosena 
siberita, F., ab., all three s. C. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (18) Satyrus 
Janira, L., s.; (19) S. hyperanthus, L., s. See also No. 590, UL, and 
No. 609. 

Satureia hortensis, L., is gynodicecious, and the female flowers 
are much more productive than the hermaphrodite (Darwin, No. 
167 ; for list of visitors see No. 590, III). 

343. CALAMINTHA CLINOPODIUM, Spenner (C. vulgare, L.).— 
The nectaries and honey-receptacle are formed on the ordinary 
Labiate type. The corolla-tube is 10 to 13 mm. long, and is often 
filled for a space of 3 mm. with honey. 

The inferior division of the style forms a broad, lanceolate 
lamina, which is bent downwards and bears no distinct stigmatic 
papillz ; the upper is much narrower and shorter, and of very 
varying size. There is still more striking variability in the 
‘development of the stamens, some or all of them being partially 
or completely aborted in many flowers. This isremarkable because 
it shows us how Natural Selection could have operated, and must 
have operated if, together with the proterandrous condition, there 
came into existence small-flowered plants which were visited as a 
rule after the others. 

Visitors : Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (1) Pieris brassice, L. (15), not rare ; 
(2) Satyrus hyperanthus, L.,—both species s. See also No, 609. 

Calamintha Nepeta, Sav., is gynodicecious, and visited by bees 
and butterflies (609, 734). 



344, CALAMINTHA AcINos, L. :— 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and c.p., 
ab, (Thur.). B. Diptera—Bombylide : (2) Systceechus sulfureus, Mik., s. 

Calamintha alpina, Lam.—Both large-flowered and _ small- 
flowered plants occur, the flowers of both being hermaphrodite 
and proterandrous, but only the small flowers being capable of 
spontaneous self-fertilisation. 

The plant is visited by Syrphide and by a great number of 
bees and Lepidoptera (584, 609). 

Horminum pyrenaicum, L.—The dark-blue colour, the odour, 
and the very abundant honey attract numerous insects, while the 
marked proterandry renders self-fertilisation impossible (No. 609, 
fig. 125). 

345. MONARDA DIDYMA, L.—I have’seen this plant visited by 
Plusia gamma, L. 

Monarda ciliata (?) is adapted for fertilisation by Sphingide 

Rosmarinus, L., according to Delpino, is proterandrous, and the 
stigma comes to take the place of the anthers (178). 

346. SALVIA PRATENSIS, L.—The remarkable mechanism of 
this flower, and the way in which it is fertilised by humble-bees, 
was so thoroughly explained and figured by Sprengel! that 
Hildebrand, in his work on Salvia (345), has described nothing 
new, except the proterandrous condition, which Sprengel had 

Honey is secreted by the yellow, fleshy base of the ovary. The 
corolla is horizontal; the under lip forms a convenient platform 
for insects, and the erect, helmet-shaped upper lip incloses the 
anthers. In the first stage, the style, with its stigmatic branches 
still folded together, protrudes almost horizontally from the upper 
lip, in the second it points downwards with divergent and recuryed 
stigmas. The entrance to the tube is guarded by two lamelle 
which converge and coalesce with one another anteriorly ; these 
lamellz are attached to the inferior limbs of the enormously long 
connectives of the two stamens, and are produced by meta- 
morphosis of the inferior anther-lobes; the other and much 
longer limb of each of the two connectives rises up under cover of 

1 702, pl. 1. figs. 18, 24-83, 39, 42. 


the upper lip, and there bears the other, pollen-producing anther- 
lobe. Since the connectives are easily movable about their 
fulcrums on the short, outwardly-directed filaments, the two 
lamine are rotated backwards and upwards, the anther-lobes 
(hitherto concealed within the upper lip and coated on their lower 
surfaces with pollen) forwards and downwards, when a bee’s head 
enters the tube. The movement of the laminz leaves the path to 
the honey free, that of the longer limbs of the connectives brings 
the anther-lobes down upon the bee’s back. When the bee with- 
draws its head, the connectives with their laminz resume their 
former position. In old flowers the bee first touches the papillar 

Fic. 162.—Salvia pratensis, L. 

1.—Flower, from the right side. 

2.—Stamens, seen obliquely (x 2). 1 . 

a, filament ; b, upper arm of the connective; c, lower arm of ditto; d, superior anther-lobes ; 
é, inferior ditto, transformed into a lamina closing up the tube; f, point of cohesion of the two 
inferior aither-lobes; g, style in first stage ; g’, style in second stage. The dotted line b’d’ indicates 
the position of the anthers when rotated forwards. 

sides of the recurved branches of the now downward-pointing style. 
The superior pair of anthers in this and in all the other species 
of Salvia is present in the form of small and quite useless 
rudiments, easily intelligible as an inheritance from didynamous 

Humble-bees were stated to be the fertilising agents by 
Sprengel and Hildebrand, but the species were not determined, 
The plant does not occur at Lippstadt, and I only possess in my 
garden a single plant, of a pink variety, found by my father at 
Miihlberg, Erfurt, so I have had little opportunity of observing’ its 
insect-visitors. As-normal-visitors which proceed in the manner 


described above, and effect cross-fertilisation regularly, I have 
only noted the following :— 

(1) Bombus silvarum, L. 9 and $; (2) Osmia rufa, L. 9 ; (3) Anthidium 
manicatum, L. 9 (very freq.) ; (4) Megachile pyrina, Lep. (fasciata, Sm.), ¢, 
all sucking normally. 

Among useless visitors Sprengel mentions (p. 61) cabbage-white butterflies, 
which insert their proboscis in the small space between the lower anther-lobes 
and the corolla, and obtain the honey without effecting fertilisation. I have 
seen Plusia gamma, L., acting in the same way, I have also seen small bees in 
abundance (Prosopis communis, Nyl. ¢ 9, Halictus sexstriatus, Schck. 9, H 
nitidus, Schck. 9, H. nitidiusculus, K. 9, H. morio, F. 2) creeping into the 
flowers and reaching the honey without causing more than a slight and ineffectual 
movement of the levers. The position of the anthers quite prevents flies from 
stealing the pollen of this flower, and I have never observed a bee sweeping 
the anthers with its tarsal brushes. Delpino (No. 567, pp. 9, 10) unjustly 
questions my statement “that in Salvia the anthers are more or less protected 
from insects, which are restricted mainly or exclusively to the honey.” A 
further list of visitors in Low Germany (twelve Apidae, two Bombylide) is 
given in No. 590, mt. On the Alps I have seen the flowers visited by the 
hive-bee, by six humble-bees, eleven Lepidoptera, and Rhingia (609). 

This species is gynodiecious. In addition to the large-flowered 
hermaphrodite plauts, small-flowered female plants occur, in whose 
flowers the now functionless lever-apparatus shows all degrees of 

This species is remarkable above all other cases of gynodicecism, 
because it shows us the gradual abortion of all the stamens of a 
flower in four distinct stages: (1) The first of the five stamens, 
which must have been placed in the median line of the corolla 
superiorly, and is still present, more or less altered, in many Scro- 
pbularinez (Scrophularia, Pentstemon), had already disappeared in 
the common ancestors of the Labiates. (2) The two upper stamens 
of the remaining four were reduced to tiny stalked knobs in the 
ancestors of the genus Salvia. (3) The inferior anther-lobes of 
the two remaining stamens produce pollen to a greater or less 
extent in S. officinalis, S. porphyrantha, and S. triangularis, but in 
S. pratensis they are transformed into two hollow laminze which 
coalesce anteriorly. (4) In the small-flowered female form of 8. 
pratensis, the superior anther-lobes also have become useless, and 
subject to degeneration in common with the whole of the lever- 
apparatus (570, vol. xvi.; 609). 

Salvia Sclarea, L., ‘s athiopica, S. argentea, L., S. ieee 
Ait., 8. pendula, Vahl., and. S. rubra, Spr., have the same.mechan- 
ism according to ‘Hildebaad as, S._ pratensis... In. 8. -natans, Le 
(Hild. figs. 4-7), on the other hand, the rotation of the connectives 


is much less, and therefore the anther-lobes emerge much less from 
the upper lip; but the flowers form pendulous racemes and are 
therefore inverted, and accordingly the insects settle on the upper 
lip and are dusted with pollen ventrally by the slightly protruding 
anthers. In S. splendens (345, figs. 8 and 9) the inferior anther- 
lobes form simple lamellae (not bent inwards anteriorly), which 
coalesce with one another for almost their entire length. All 
these species agree in other respects in their floral mechanisms, 
and are all alike proterandrous. 

On the other hand, S. Grahami, Benth. (345, figs. 10-12), has 
homogamous flowers with a short style scarcely overtopping the an- 
thers ; in S. lanceolata (345, figs. 13-14), which is also homogamous, 
the inferior stigmatic lobe lies between the anthers, and exposed to 
self-fertilisation. In S. hirsuta (345, figs. 15-17), the inferior stigma 
is very broad, and recurved backwards so as to press against both 
anthers and regularly to effect self-fertilisation, which, according 
to Hildebrand’s experiments, is fully productive. 

347, SALVIA OFFICINALIS, L.—Sprengel described and figured 
the mechanism of this species also, noting its proterandrous con- 
dition, and he saw it visited by bees; but Hildebrand’s description 
(345) is much more thorough. The chief points in which this 

Fic. 163.—Salvia officinalis, L. 

Flower, after removal of the right half of the calyx and corolla. 
a—g, as in Fig. 162; h, nectary ; i, ovary ; k, abortive anther ; 1, hairs to guard the honey. 

species differs from S. pratensis are as follows: the two arms of 
each connective are much shorter, and the lower one is not 
metamorphosed into a lamella, blocking the entrance of the flower, 
but is formed like the upper, though smaller; it usually bears an 
anther-lobe filled with pollen, but always much smaller, and con- 
taining only a quarter, or at most half as much as the upper 
lobe: sometimes it is altogether abortive. In correspondence 
with the shortness of the upper arm of the connective, the upper 
lip is also short, but broad enough to protect the wide entrance of 
the flower from rain. Both anther-lobes of both stamens stand in 
the mouth of the flower, the superior slightly above and in front 


of the inferior, and the two connectives le so close together that 
- one moves with the other. A bee in entering first thrusts its head 

against the two inferior anther-lobes, and thus causing the connec- 
tives to rotate, it is immediately afterwards struck on the back 
by the two superior anther-lobes. The pollen thus placed on the 
bee’s head and back is rubbed off in older flowers upon the two 
stigmas, which are divergent and much bent downwards, 

Dr. Ogle gives a very detailed description of this species of 
Salvia (631), and rightly lays stress upon the following additional 
points as special adaptations: (1) the convexity of the upper lip, 
which causes the growing style to take such a direction that after- 
wards its outspread stigmas must come in contact with the bee’s 
back; (2) the bulging of the upper wall of the anterior part of the 
tube, which gives the inferior anther-lobes free play when the 
connectives rotate ; (3) the shortness and stiffness of the filaments, 
which give a steady fulcrum for the connectives ; (4) the divergence 
of the filaments, which leaves a free entrance for the bee. 

Besides the hive-bee, which Sprengel and Hildebrand also saw, 
I have observed Bombus silvarum, L. 9, Anthophora cestivalis, 
Pz. 2, Anthidium manicatum, L. 2, Osinia rufa, L. 9, as regular 
fertilisers ; all were sucking honey exclusively. Of useless guests, 
Hildebrand observed a butterfly, which could easily reach the 
honey with its proboscis without dusting itself with pollen. I 
have seen a small species of bee with abdominal collecting- 
brushes, Chelostoma campanularum, 2 3, repeatedly creeping in and 
out of the flowers without being dusted with pollen; and Herr 
Borgstette sent me, from Teklenburg, Prosopis communis, Nyl. 9, 
which he had caught on the flowers. A further list of visiters is 
given in No. 590, III. 

According to Delpino, the anthers ob S. officinalis, like those 
of Sideritis, are provided with sticky glands (178). 

Salvia porphyrantha resembles S. officinalis in the arrangement 
of its connectives, and in the inferior anther-lobes being filled 
with pollen, though with a smaller quantity than that presenke in 
the superior lobes.! | 

Salvia glutinosa, L., according to Dr, Ogle (631), differs from 
S. officinalis in that the inferior anther-lobes are quite barren and 
are withdrawn within the tube, and that the inferior, not the 

| superior, side of the anterior part of the tube bulges out. It is 

_ fertilised by large humble-bees; small humble-bees, and hive- 
_ bees whose proboscis is too short to reach the honey legitimately, 
1 According to Mr. T. H. Corry. 



bite a hole in the superior side of the tube immediately over the 
nectary and steal the honey. Dr. Ogle found 90 per cent. of the 
flowers bitten through, and I have always found the flowers bitten 
through and robbed of their honey by an Alpine robber-bee, Bombus 
mastrucatus, Gerst. % (609). 

Salvia nilotica, Vahl. (345, figs. 24, 25)—The main point in 
which the flowers differ from those of S. officinalis is that the two 
inferior anther-lobes lie freely side by side, and the connectives 
can be caused to revolve separately. Hildebrand saw them visited 
by bees. 

S. verticillata, L. (345, figs. 26-30; 172), has immovable con- 
nectives, but an upper lip which folds back when touched by an 
insect-visitor, and exposes the two superior anther-lobes to contact 
with it. The style, which would hinder this movement if in its 
usual place, is lower down. Hildebrand saw this species also 
_visited by bees. According to Delpino, the anthers, like those of 
Sideritis and of S. officinalis, are provided with sticky glands (178, 
p. 145). S. verticiilata is visited by numerous species of bees and 
humble-bees (590, III. ; 609). 

In S. patens, Cov. (172, 345, fig. 31), the anthers project partly © 

or entirely beyond the upper lip. The connectives are versatile, 
and the lower anther-lobes are metamorphosed into lamellw; the 
style is so fixed between the upper arms of the connectives that 
when the connectives revolve it is carried forwards and downwards 
with them, and its stigma, which projects beyond the anthers, is 
thus brought first in contact with the insect’s back. Ogle’s account 
(631) agrees with Hildebrand’s. But while Hildebrand considers 
self-fertilisation and cross-fertilisation as alike possible, Ogle shows 
that cross-fertilisation is insured. When an insect-visitor strikes 
the lower arm of the connective, its back is touched by the anthers 
and a little farther back by the stigma, and the space between the 
two points is increased by the lower stigma being very short in 
comparison with the upper. As the insect passes further in, 
anthers and stigma rub along its back, but no pollen from the 
anthers reaches the stigma of the same flower. As the insect 
draws back anthers and stigma return to their places below the 
upper lip; in the next flower the stigma comes in contact with 
a part of its back already dusted with pollen. In several flowers 
Dr. Ogle found the style shorter than the anthers; in such 
flowers insects might lead to self-fertilisation as well as cross- 

fertilisation. Ogle states the very surprising fact that the honey — 

in S. patens is not secreted by the base of the ovary as is usually 



aN Pee 

the case in Labiates, but by a thick tuft of glandular hairs on 
the corolla, immediately above a constriction which completely 
_ shuts off the lower part of the tube that usually serves as a honey- 
_ receptacle. 

In S. austriaca, Jacq. (345, figs. 32-35), the anther-lobes 
stand far apart and project beyond the upper lip. If the lower 
arms of the two connectives are thrust inwards the upper arms 
- converge, and the anther-lobes (moving downwards and forwards) 
strike against each other in front of the mouth of the flower. 

S. triangularis, Thunb. (345, figs. 36-39), has immovable 
connectives, almost straight, and lying parallel to the long axis of 
the flower; they have a fully-formed anther-lobe at eachend. The 
two anterior anther-lobes project from the mouth of the flower, and 
are the first to touch the insect’s back ; the two posterior, which 
stand in the entrance, touch its sides immediately afterwards. 
In the second stage the stigma stands in front of the anterior 
_ anther-lobes, and is touched first of all by the insect. 
| S. tubiflora, Sm. (345, figs. 40, 41).—The mechanism of this 
_ flower resembles that of the last-named species in all important 
_ points, except that the inferior arm of each connective bears, in- 
stead of an anther-lobe, an elongated lamina which lies in contact 
with the upper lip. 


348, SALVIA SILVESTRIS, L., agrees on the whole in its floral 
mechanism and in its proterandrous condition with S. pratensis, but 
its flowers are so much smaller that a proboscis only 4 mm. long 
suffices to reach the honey. I observed as its natural fertilisers in 
Thuringia: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 8 (6), sucking honey, and dust- 
ing the top of its head with pollen and afterwards applying it to 
the stigma in older flowers; (2) a wasp, Psammophila afjinis, 
K. ¢ (4), in abundance, sucking honey; and as useless visitors, 
(3) Pieris rape, and (4) P. napi. 

Salvia cleistogama, de Bary and Paul, when transplanted to 
Halle from Africa, bore only cleistogamic flowers for five years 
(Ascherson, 10). Ascherson considered that the plant afforded an 
example of continuous self-fertilisation ; but he himself afterwards 
observed ordinary open flowers (11). 

Scarlet species of Salvia in South Brazil are visited very abund- 
antly by humming-birds (Fritz Miiller, No. 359); so likewise are 
‘species of Salvia in the Cordilleras (Darwin, No. 164, p. 371). 

Salvia splendens, Sellow (distinct from the plant described 

under this name by Hildebrand).—According to Mr. W. Trelease 
II 2 


this plant is very abundantly visited by humming-birds, and is 
adapted for them in the following characters : the small under lip, 
scarcely fit for a standing-place, the very large amount of honey, 
and the bright scarlet colour of the calyx and corolla (735). 

349. NEPETA GLECHOMA, Benth. (Glechoma hederacea, L.)— 
In the small-flowered female form, the tube is 64 to 8 mm. long, 
widening in the anterior half to a diameter of only 14 to 23 mm. 
laterally, and rather less antero-posteriorly : in the large-flowered 
hermaphrodite plants the tube is 9 to 16, usually 14 to 16 mm. 
long, and, for the greater part of the anterior half, 25 to 4¢ 
mm. broad, being slightly less in the antero-posterior diameter. 
The honey in the small female flowers is accessible to all our 
humble-bees, while the large, hermaphrodite flowers, by widening 
anteriorly to admit the bee’s head, render their honey accessible to 
all except B. terrestris, L. 

The existence of plants bearing only small female flowers in 
Nepeta and also in Origanum, Thymus, Mentha, and others, is not 
to be explained merely by the necessity of insuring cross-fertilisa- 
tion ; for in all these genera cross-fertilisation is completely pro- 
vided for by the hermaphrodite forms alone. But the following — 
view of the small-flowered female plants is intelligible :— | 

Of the flowers of the same species growing together, the most — 
conspicuous are first visited by insects, and if the flowers on some © 
plants are smaller than on others, perhaps owing to scanty nourish- — 
ment, they will generally be visited last. If the plant is so much | 
visited by insects that cross-fertilisation is fully insured by means — 
of proterandrous dichogamy, and self-fertilisation is thus rendered 
quite needless, then the stamens of the last-visited small-flowered 
plants are useless, and Natural Selection will tend to make 
them disappear because the loss of useless organs is manifestly 
advantageous for every organism. 

This explanation rests upon the hypotheses, (1) that the flowers 
of those species in which small-flowered female plants occur together 
with large-flowered hermaphrodite plants are plentifully visited 
by insects and are markedly proterandrous ; (2) that variation 
in size of the flowers has always taken place, not among the 
flowers on a single plant, but between the flowers on different — 
individuals, 7 ‘ 

Both hypotheses are well founded. For (1) the flowers of 
Nepeta, Thymus, Origanum, and Mentha are plentifully visited — 
by insects and are markedly proterandrous, while proterandry has_ 


been quite wrongly ascribed to many other Labiates. The styles 
in these four genera are still applied closely together after the 
anthers have dehisced, and though when the styles separate the 
_ anthers may be still coated with pollen, self-fertilisation is pre- 
vented by the style projecting far beyond the anthers. In species 
where cross-fertilisation is less perfectly insured, and which pro- 
duce seed frequently by self-fertilisation, the smaller hermaphrodite 
_ flowers can never become transformed into purely female flowers, 
| since their anthers are always of real service, and cannot be 
_ removed by natural selection. And (2) it cannot be doubted that, 
in Nepeta, Thymus, Origanum, and Mentha, the size of the flowers 
has been subject to great variations, since the same condition 
occurs even now, at least in Nepeta and Thymus. While flowers 
of the same age on a single plant differ little in size, we find on 
_ different plants all intermediate grades in size, between the smallest 
_ female and the largest hermaphrodite flowers ; and the largest female 
flowers are quite as large as the smallest hermaphrodite. 

Darwin’ adduces several weighty objections to this view, and 
my own observations on Centaurea Jacea also militate against it. 
Darwin prefers to ascribe the gynodicecious condition to increased 
fertility. He supposes that either some individuals tended to pro- 
duce more seed, and consequently less and less pollen, until finally 
_ their stamens disappeared; or else that the stamens of certain 
| individuals began to show a tendency to abort, and that these 
individuals consequently produced more seed. 

‘ Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombus agrorim, F. § 2 (10— 
_ 15); (2) B. confusus, Schenck, 2 (12—14) ; (8) B. lapidarius, L. § Oe : 
(4) B. hortorum, L. § 2 (18—21); (5) B. pratorum, L. 2 (11—12) ; (6) B 

_ Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12—13) ; (7) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14) ; (8) B. (Apaths) 
i ~ Barbutellus, K. 9 (12); (9) B. (A,) vestalis, Foure. 9 (12); (10) B. (A.) 
il rupestris, F. 9 (11—14) ; most of these species very ab., sucking both (nine 
_ and hermaphrodite flowers in the normal way ; (11) B. terrestris, L. 9 (7—9), 
_ always bores through the corolla of the hermaphrodite flowers, and sometimes 
of the small female flowers, though its proboscis is long enough to suck the 
latter normally ;—sometimes it must at least attempt to suck the hermaphrodite 
flowers normally, for once (May 7, 1871) I saw a specimen sucking female 
flowers with pollen of Nepeta on its head ; (12) Apis mellifica, L. $, sucking 
the female flowers normally ; once (May 3, 1871) I saw it insert its head into 
' several hermaphrodite flowers, but afterwards take to piercing the corolla with 
| its maxille ; (13) Anthophora pilipes, F. 9 ¢ (19—21), very ab. ; (14) Osmia 
| wnea, L. 2 (9—10) scarce ; (15) O. rufa, L. 2 $ (7—9), sucking both kinds 
of flowers normally ; (16) O. fusca, Christ. 2 (8) ; (17) Nomada varia, Pz. ¢ 

1 Forms of Flowers, p. 304, ete. 


(54—6), sucking the female flowers in the normal way ; (18) Andrena fulvi- 
crus, K. ? (33), cp.; (19) A. fulva, K. 9 (3), trying in vain to reach the 
honey ; (20) A. albicans, K. ¢, do. ; (21) Halictus lucidulus, Schenck. 9, do. 
B. Diptera—(a) Bombylide: (22) Bombylius discolor, Mgn. (12); (23) B. 
major, L. (10), ab. ; both species suck, but only occasionally effect fertilisation ; 
(6) Syrphide : (24) Rhingia rostrata, L. (LI—12), s.; (25) Eristalis intricarius, 
L., fp. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (26) Pieris brassice, L. (15) ; (6) 
Sphinges : (27) Macroglossa fuciformis, L. (Stromberg) ; (28) M. stellatarum, 
L.; all three species suck, but rarely effect fertilisation. . 

350. SCUTELLARIA GALERICULATA, L.—I have seen no insects 
visit this flower except a butterfly, Rhodocera rhamni, L. 

351. MELITTIS MELISSOPHYLLUM, L., is visited by Bombus 
hortorum, L. 

352. STACHYS SILVATICA, L.—The tube is 10 to 11 mm. long. 
The very thick, fleshy base of the ovary secretes honey, which 
fills 2 to 3 mm. of the tube, and is sheltered from rain by a ring of © 
stiff hairs which stand almost perpendicular to the wall of the 
corolla. The vaulted upper lip is rather small, but, owing to the 
almost horizontal position of the flower, it completely covers the 
anthers and stigmas; the under lip is very large and trilobed, and 
serves as a platform for the bees. The flowers, as Sprengel per- 
ceived, are distinctly proterandrous; in the young flower the — 
anthers are found to have dehisced on their inferior aspect while 
the end of the style lies behind them, with its stigmatic branches — 
very slightly divergent; in old flowers the end of the style is 
curved down below the anthers and its stigmatic divisions are — 
widely separated. If insect-visits occur, the fertilisation of old 
flowers with pollen from young is thus rendered inevitable; in 
absence of insects, self-fertilisation is frequent, as may be easily 
demonstrated on plants kept in the house, for the stigmas gradually 
bend down between, and come in contact with, the anthers, whose 
lower surfaces are still covered with pollen. The visitors for which 
the flower is especially suited are bees with a proboscis not less 
than 8 mm. long; and the tube is long enough to secure the 
honey against most flies. : 


Visitors : A. Hymenoptera-—Apide : (1) Anthidium manicatum, L. ? Se 
(9—10), as abundant as on Ballota nigra ; (2) Anthophora quadrimacula ¥ 
Pz. 2 g (9—10), do. (Thur., Sld.) ; (3) A. furcata, Pz. 9? ¢ (11—12), less freq. 
(Thur.) ; (4) Bombus agrorum, F. $ 9 (10—15), ab.; (5) B. pratorum, L. 
% d (8-10) ; (6) B. hortorum, L. ¢ (17—18), all sucking normally. B. 
Diptera—Syrphide : (7) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), s. ; (8) Xylota silyarum 
L. (Warstein), trying vainly to reach the honey. 


353. STACHYS PALUSTRIS, L. (178, 702).—The flowers differ 
from those of the foregoing species in the following points: the 
tube is only 8 to 9 mm. long, the outer (lateral) pair of stamens 
are of equal length with the inner (median), the anthers of the 
lateral pair lie, when the flower opens, in front of the median pair, 
and have already dehisced while the latter are still closed; in 
course of time they bend outwards and are detached by the median 
ones which now come to maturity. Finally, the end of the style, 
whose stigmatic branches now diverge, curves down between the 
median anthers; and the stigmas, if insect-visits have failed, 
come in contact with the pollen even more frequently than 
in S. silvatica. | 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus silvarum, L. % (10) ; 
(2) B. agrorum, F. § (10—12) ; (3) B. terrestris, L. $, (7—9); all three 
sucking normally, not excepting B. terrestris, whose proboscis is too short for 
Stachys silvatica! B. Diptera—Syrphide: (4) Rhingia rostrata, L., s., now 
and then effecting fertilisation ; (5) Melithreptus teniatus, Mgn., fp. C. 
Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (6) Pieris brassicae, L. (15) ; (7) P. rape, L. ; 
(b) Noctue : (8) Plusia gamma, L., all three ab., s. 

Stachys germanica, L., according to Mr. T. Whitelegge, is 
gynodicecious (774). 

354. StacHys BrETonica, Benth.—The corolla-tube is 7 mm. 
long, smooth internally in its lower honey-containing part, but 
lined above with erect hairs. The part of the corolla within the 
calyx is narrow and directed obliquely upwards; beyond the calyx 
it becomes almost horizontal, remaining of the same width (about 
2 mm.), and it divides into a trilobed under lip, and a flattened 
“upper lip almost vertical towards its extremity. There is no need 
here for a wide entrance to receive the bee’s head, on account of 
the shortness of the tube. The curvature of the tube corresponds 
to the natural curvature of the bee’s proboscis. 

The flowers are distinctly proterandrous, but the possibility of 
spontaneous self-fertilisation is not excluded. Shortly after the 
flower opens, the anthers, which bear a row of white beads on their 
upper surface, dehisce, while the stigmas lie between and slightly 
behind the shorter anthers. Although the style has not nearly 
attained its full length, yet its stigmatic divisions diverge almost 
as much and are almost as well provided with papille at this 
stage as they are subsequently, and pollen placed on the papille 

1 Jn Sideritis romana, L., according to Delpino, these white beads apply a sticky 
substance to the insect’s proboscis (178, pp. 144-146). 



adheres readily to them. As the anthers dehisce more widely and 
permit the pollen to escape, the style elongates and extends be- 
yond the shorter anthers, often bringing the stigmas in contact 
with the pollen; finally it protrudes far beyond the anthers, and 
in this position is always touched before the anthers by an insect- 
visitor ; probably the pollen brought from another flower and thus 

Fic. 164.—Stachys Betonica, Benth. 

1.—Flower, in first (male) stage, from the side (x 23). 
2.—Forepart of ditto (x 7). 

3.—Flower in second (feinale) stage (x 24). 
4.—Forepart of ditto (x 7). 

5.—Ovary and nectary (x 7). 

applied outstrips in its action that which is so often applied in the 
previous stage when the stigma is making its way past the anthers. 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus agrorum, F. § ? (10—15), ab., s. 
B. Diptera—Syrphide: (2) Volucella bombylans, L. (7—8), ep. (Sld.) ; (3) 
Eristalis horticola, Mgn. (Sld.), c.p. C. Lepidoptera—Sphinges : (4) Zygeena 
loniceree, Esp., s., freq. (Thur. July 12, 1868). Additional visitors (five bees 
and four Lepidoptera) are enumerated in No. 590, III. 

Sideritis romana, L.—The reproductive organs are inclosed 
within the tubular flower; the style is very short; the longer 
stamens are of the usual form; each of the shorter stamens bears 
a semicircular connective which has at one end a perfect, and at 
the other a rudimentary, anther-lobe. The two connectives form 
together a complete circle, through which an insect must thrust its 


proboscis to reach the honey; adhesive matter secreted by the 
outer surface of the perfect anther-lobe (which is turned towards 
the centre of the ring) is thus applied to the proboscis and pollen 
is then cemented to it. In the flower next visited, the hollow 
cup-shaped stigma scrapes off the adherent pollen from the 
proboscis (178, 360). 

Marrubium, L., like Sideritis, has adhesive glands upon its 
anthers. An account of the structure of its flower and a list of 
its visitors are given in my Weitere Beobachtungen, U1. pp. 50, 51. 

Physostegia, Benth., according to Delpino, is proterandrous, and 
the stigma comes to occupy the place of the anthers. In P. virgini- 
ana, teeth at the edges of the valves of the outer pair of anthers 
aid the complete removal of the pollen by insects (178, 360). 

355. PRUNELLA VULGARIS, L.—This species, like so many other 
Labiates, includes two forms, one with large hermaphrodite, the 


Fic, 165.—Prunella vulgaris, L. 

1.—Hermaphrodite flower, from the front. 
2.—Upper part of a long stamen. 
3.—Upper part of a short ditto. 

other with smaller female flowers in which only rudimentary 
functionless remains of the stamens persist. In Prunella vulgaris 
the female form is much rarer than the hermaphrodite. 

In the small-flowered form the tube is only 4 to 5 mm. long; 
the style projects beyond and above the upper lip, and its two 
stigmas diverge widely. I have found not only the stigmatic 
papille, but the whole inner surface of the entrance of the flower 
in this form, thickly covered with pollen, proving that insect-visits 
were plentiful in both forms of the flower. 


In the large-flowered form the tube is 7 to 8 mm. long; the 
longer stamens divide above into two very divergent branches, of 
which one, slightly shorter than the other, is turned towards the 
middle line of the flower and bears the two anther-lobes ; the other 
branch is turned outwards, and its pointed end rests upon the con- 
cave surface of the upper lip, and insures the anthers (which dehisce 
inferiorly) being in the position on either side of the stigmas where 
they are most certain to be touched by a bee-visitor. Dr. Ogle 
explains these processes of the filaments in a similar way (632). 
The shorter stamens also divide into two branches (Fig. 165), 
which are much shorter, but serve the same purpose. 

Owing to the position of the anthers, the dorsal surface of the 
bee comes first in contact with the stigmatic papille of the inferior 
stigma, and is afterwards dusted with new pollen. In the event 
of insect-visits cross-fertilisation is thus fully insured. I have 
never observed spontaneous self-fertilisation in absence of insects 
in any of the plants which I have kept in my room. According 
to Axell, however, this plant produces seed by self-fertilisation 

when insects are excluded (17). 

Visitors: A, Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $ (6); (2) 
Bombus silvarum, L. § (10) ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. ¢ (8—10) ; (4) B. pratorum, 
L. % (8); (5) B. terrestris, L. § (7—8) ; (6) Megachile Willughbiella, K. ¢; 
(7) Anthophora furcata, Pz. ¢ (11—12), all sucking normally ; the females 
sometimes have pollen in their baskets; (8) Cilissa hemarrhoidalis, Pz. ¢, 
tried in vain to suck the large-flowered form,—it dusted itself with pollen on 
the large flowers, and so in passing to the small ones, which it can suck easily, it 
effected cross-fertilisation. B. Lepidoptera—Rhopalocera : (9) Lyceena argiolus, 
L. ; (10) Hesperia silvanus, Esp. ; (11) Melitzea Athalia, Esp., all three sucking ; 
their thin tongues enter the flower without touching the essential organs. See 
also No. 590, 111., for a further list of visitorsin Low Germany. A list of Alpine 
visitors (one fly, five humble-bees, ten Lepidoptera) is given in No. 609. 

Prunella grandiflora, Jacq.—The four anthers lie parallel with 
one another on the same level, and the two outer stamens are bent 
downwards by a special mechanism as soon as a bee thrusts its 
proboscis down into the flower. The unusually wide corolla-tube 
- shows two shallow invaginations on each side. One pair are placed 
about the middle of the corolla, in its anterior (inferior) half, and 
are prolonged directly into the outer stamens which then pass 
backwards and course upwards close beneath the upper lip. At 
one point they are grasped by the posterior invaginations, and are 
thus divided into two parts, and form levers of which the upper 
arm is four times as long as the lower, the fulcrum being furnished 
by the posterior invaginations of the corolla. The bee, in inserting 

oe a gy eS 


its proboscis through the narrow passage between the lower ends 
of the outer filaments, cannot avoid touching the lower and shorter 
arms of the levers; and the long arms at once bend down, bringing 
the anthers in contact with the bee’s back. The median pair of 
stamens only become free a little below the hood of the upper lip, 
and their anthers are only touched by large humble-bees. The 
flower is distinctly proterandrous. 
The fertilisers are almost exclusively humble-bees (609). 

356. GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT, L.—The tissue below the ovary 
expands into a nectary which surrounds the two anterior divisions 

Fic. 166, 

1—3.—Galeopsis Tetrahit. 
1.—Flower, from the front. 
2.—Its essential organs, from the front (x 7). 
3.—Ovary and nectary (x 7). 

4—6.—G. ochroleuca. 
4.—Position of the reproductive organs when the flower expands. 

5.—Ditto, when it withers. 

6.—Ovary and nectary. 
of the ovary. The honey is lodged in the lower, smooth portion of 
the tube, which ascends obliquely and is of very variable length in 
different plants. In the cases which I examined it varied from 11 
to1l7 mm. Fora space of 4 to 6 mm. at its upper part, this tube 
is wide enough to admit the whole head of a small humble-bee, or 
at least the front half of that of a large one ; so that large humble- 
bees with a proboscis not less than 14 to 15 mm, long, and small 
ones with a proboscis 12 mm. long, can reach the base of the tube in 
the largest varieties of G. Tetrahit. The corolla divides above into a 
vaulted upper lip which covers the anthers, and a trilobed under lip 

which serves as a landing-place ; the under lip bears guiding-marks, 

and is modified to facilitate the imtroduction of the bee’s head. 


The guiding-marks or pathfinders consist of a yellow spot inter- 
woven with a net of red lines at the base of the middle lobe of 
the under lip. The entry of the bee’s head is aided by two convex 
pouches at the base of the lateral lobes of the under lip, which rise 
up on either side of the base of the middle lobe, and cause the 
shape of the entrance to conform to the inferior curvature of the 
bee’s head. The anthers dehisce shortly before the corolla expands, 
and have their pollen-covered surfaces turned downwards like all 
the other Labiatz described here. The two divisions of the style 
lie at first above and behind the anthers; the upper and shorter 
one, which continues the direction of the style, bears very feebly 
developed stigmatic papille, while those upon the longer division, 
which is bent downwards, are very conspicuous. A bee sucking 
honey in a young flower touches with its dorsal surface, first the 
anthers, and immediately afterwards (pushing up the anthers) the 
papillar tip of the lower stigma. Usually the small part of the 
bee’s back which comes in contact with the stigma lies just between 
the spots that have been dusted with pollen in the same flower, 
and thus cross-fertilisation is carried on. 

Gradually the end of the style curves downwards, and its 
lower division projects between the upper anthers, so that, if the 
pollen has not already been carried away, self-fertilisation ulti- 
mately occurs. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Bombusagrorum, F. 2 (12—15) ; 
(2) B. silvarum, L. Q (12—14) ; (8) B. Scrimshiranus, K. ¢ (10), all three 
sucking normally; (4) B. terrestris, L. 2, reaching the honey through holes 
bitten in the lower part of the tube; (5) Andrena Coitana, K. 2 (Tekl. B.). 
B. Diptera—Syrphide : (6) Melanostoma mellina, L., fp. See also No. 590, 
111, and No, 609. 

357. GALEOPSIS OCHROLEUCA, Lam. (Fig. 166).—The nectary 
has the same position as in G. Tetrahit, but it embraces the lower 
part of the two posterior divisions also of the ovary, and (while 
the flower is in full bloom) it distinctly overtops the two anterior. 
The tube is 18 to 20 mm. long, and wide enough in its upper 6 or 
7 mm, to admit any humble-bee’s head, so that a proboscis 11 to 
14 mm. long suffices to reach the honey. The corolla is yellowish- 
white, with yellow guiding-marks at the base of the under lip, and 
in other respects it agrees with that of G. Tetrahit. 

In the relative positions of the essential organs, this species 
differs from G. Tetrahit, for the stigmas extend forwards beyond 
the longer stamens. The lower stigma is in consequence of this 
touched before the anthers by the bee, and in course of time its 


tip curls round under the superior lobes of the taller anthers; 
so that cross-fertilisation in case of insect-visits and self-fertilisation 
in their absence are insured here also, but not in the same way as 
in G@, Tetrahit. 

I have frequently observed Bombus agrorum, F. ¢ (12—15), 
sucking the honey and fertilising the flower. Some other visitors 
are enumerated in No. 590, III. 

Galeopsis versicolor, Curt.—The tube is 18 to 22 mm. long, and 
wide enough for a space of 6 to 8 mm. at its upper end to admit 
a humble-bee’s head. <A bee, if it thrusts its whole head, 5 to 6 
mm..long, into the tube, requires a proboscis 12 to 16 mm. long 
to exhaust the honey, and one at least 10 mm. long even to taste 
it, as the honey does not fill more than 2 or 3 mm. of the tube. 
Of all our humble-bees, only B. hortorwm, L, (19—21), and the 
females of B. agrorum, F. (15), B. senilis, Sm. (15), and B. fragrans, 
K. (15), can drain or nearly drain G. versicolor of its honey. 
Otherwise the flower resembles that of G. Tetrahit, save that the 
guiding-marks are much more conspicuous ; for while the flower is 
mainly yellowish-white, the under lip is dark violet anteriorly, and 
yellow at its base. I have not yet observed bees visiting the 
flower. Axell (17) found that when insects were excluded the 
plant produced seed by self-fertilisation. 

358. GALEoPsIS LADANUM, L.—The tube is 11 to 16 mm. 
long, and its wide part 5 to 6 mm. ; so that in the shortest examples 
a bee with a proboscis only 6 mm. long can drain all the honey 
if it forces its way for a distance of 5 mm. into the tube. In 
the relative positions of stigma and anthers this species exactly 
resembles G. ochroleuca. In regard to the nectary and the way 
in which the bee’s proboscis is guided towards the entrance of the 
tube, the flower agrees with that of G. Tetrahit. I have seen the 
following bees effecting fertilisation :— 

(1) Bombus agrorum, F. 9 (12—15) ; (2) B. lapidarius, L. ¢ (8—10) ; (3) 
B. silvarum, L. 2 (12—14); (4) Nomada Jacobeee, Pz. ? (6), all sucking 
normally. See also No. 590, 111., and No. 609. 

359. LAMIuM ALBUM, L.—The base of the ovary expands 
anteriorly into a fleshy lobe, which secretes honey and invests the 
two anterior divisions of the ovary for half their height (Fig. 167, 
3, a). The base of the corolla-tube, for a space of 3 to 3} mm., is 
narrow and serves to contain the honey ; it points obliquely upwards 
from the stem, and is closed above by a ring of hairs. Immediately 


above this, the tube suddenly widens, forming a pouch anteriorly, 
and its direction changes, becoming parallel to the stem. 
Very many short-lipped insects, especially flies and small bees, 
which are too small to effect cross-fertilisation, are thus excluded ; 
for Lamiwm album, like so many of our native flowers with tubes 
10 to 20 mm. long, is specially adapted for humble-bees and other 
large bees. The following characters of the corolla exemplify this. 
The erect part of the tube, which is 7 mm. long, is followed by the 
division of the tube into a bilobed lower lip (6, 1) which serves as 
a landing-place, two erect lateral lobes (¢, 1) which admit the bee’s 
head between them and are continued directly upwards from: the 
side-walls of the tube, and the horizontal vaulted upper lip (e, 1) 
which serves to shelter the anthers (f, 1) and the stigmas (g, 1) 
immediately-below it. The small appendages of the lateral lobes 

Fic. 167.—Lamium album, L. 

1.—Flower. from the side. 

2.—Ditto, after removal of the calyx. 

3.—Ovary and nectary (xX 7). 

4.—Tip of the style (x 7). , : : 

a, nectary ; b, under lip; ¢, side-lobes which receive the bee’s head between them; 
d, functionless appendages ; e, upper lip; f, anthers; g, lower division of the style. 

(c, 1) are functionless rudiments of the primitive five-lobed corolla. 
One of the divisions of the style which lies above or between the 
anthers lies in the same straight line with the style; while the 
other, a little shorter, bends downwards almost at right angles, so 
that its stigmatic tip projects below the anthers (4, Fig. 167). 
Cross-fertilisation is therefore induced, not by dichogamy, but by 
the position of the stigma. In absence of insects, self-fertilisa- 
tion may take place, but it is doubtless rare, for the flowers are 
plentifully visited by bees. 

We can estimate by direct observation how perfect the 
adaptation of this flower is to bees’ visits. The bee alights on 
the under lip, and in doing so thrusts its head between the broad 
lateral lobes of the mouth, clings with its forefeet to the base 


of the under lip, and with its mid and hindfeet to the two lobes 
of the under lip; then, if its proboscis is not less then 10 mm, 
long, it can at once reach the base of the flower. While sucking, 
the thorax, and in the case of small workers the base of the 
abdomen also, fills up the space between the upper and lower lips, 
and the vaulted upper lip fits the bee’s back, which is pressed 
against the stigma and the open face of the anthers. These 
organs are often rubbed also by the bee’s head as it enters the 
flower. In either case, the lower stigma gets touched before the 
anthers, and as the bees fly diligently from flower to flower, cross- 
fertilisation proceeds regularly. 

The following observation shows how much this plant is visited 
by humble-bees in fine weather. One fine spring morning (May 
17, 1868), while I was watching Bombus agrorwm feeding on 
Lamium album, I observed that by the expansion and contraction 
of the bee’s abdomen each separate act of sucking could be 
distinguished ; and that it was possible to tell, when a bee began 
to suck, whether the flower was already exhausted of its honey. 
I found that between 9 and 10 A.M.a bee of the species Bombus 
agrorum abandoned four to five flowers on an average after a 
single taste before it found a flower on which it performed the act 
of sucking several (four to six or even eight to ten) times. By 
that early hour of the day four-fifths of all the flowers of this 
plant had been emptied of their honey. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus agrorum, F. $ 2 (10—15) ; 
(2) B. hortorum, L. § 2 (18—21); (3) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14) ; (4) B. 
senilis, Sm. 9 (14—15); (5) B. lapidarius, § 9 (10—14); (6) B. Scrim- 
shiranus, K. 2 § (10), creeping far into the flower; (7) B. Rajellus, Ill. @ 
(12—13) ; (8) B. pratorum, L. 9 (11—12), all sucking normally, and sometimes 
brushing pollen off their backs into the pollen-baskets ; (9) B. terrestris, L. 
2 (7—9), bites through the tube close above the calyx in open flowers and in 
nearly mature buds; (10) Apis mellifica, L. 8 (6), only reaches the honey 
through holes bitten by B. terrestris; (11) Anthophora pilipes, F. 9 ¢; 
(12) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢ (10—12); (13) Melecta armata, Pz. 2 (124), 
the last three sucking normally; (14) Andrena nitida, K. ? (33), s., 
through the holes bitten by B. terrestris ; (15) Andrena albicans, K. 9 ; (16) 
Halictus levigatus, K. 2. I saw these last two collecting pollen ; they seemed 
as likely to effect self-fertilisation as cross-fertilisation. B. Diptera—Syrphide : 
(17) Rhingia rostrata, L., creeps a little way into the flower and inserts its 

tongue, without touching either stigma or anthers. See also No. 590, IIL., 
and No. 609. 

t Leonurus Cardiaca, ., is visited by the hive-bee and by 
| humble-bees (590, 11. ; 6009). : 


Lamium amplexicaule, L. (see Fig. 2, p. 19).—The tube is 14 to 
16 mm. long, narrow for the lower 10 to 11 mm., and above that wide 
enough to admit a humble-bee’s head. I have never seen the 
flowers visited by insects, though they are no doubt cross-fertilised 
by humble-bees; but I have often found, immediately after the 
opening of the flower, the tip of the lower stigma standing not 
above but below and between the anthers, and dusted with pollen, 
—no doubt, from the same flower. Besides these normal self- 
fertilising flowers, the plant reproduces itself by means of cleis- 
togamic flowers, These have been described minutely by Walz 
(759) and Hildebrand (351). 

360. LAMIUM GALEOBDOLON, Crantz—The tube is 8 mm. 
Jong, smooth in its lower, honey-holding part, but lined with hairs 
above ; the entrance is expanded, and the hive-bee can reach the 
base of the flower though its proboscis is only 6 mm. long. The two 
branches of the style are beset with very short, flat papillae which 
do not increase in size, and they diverge almost to their full extent 
soon after the flower opens. Cross-fertilisation is favoured not by 
dichogamy but by the position of the parts. At first the tip of the 
lower division of the style lies somewhat above the lower surface 
of the anthers, and hence if the bee's back presses lightly against 
the anthers it escapes being touched; if the bee is large and 
presses forcibly against the anthers, the stigma at least comes in 
contact with a different part of the bee, and is more likely to re- 
ceive pollen from another flower than its own. Afterwards the tip 
of the lower stigma comes to project below the anthers, and is 
now regularly touched first by the bees. I have observed, 
on plants kept in the house, that, in the absence of insects, 
pollen usually falls in the course of time upon the lower 

The visitors are exclusively bees. 

(1) Bombus hortorum, L. 9 (21), ab. ; (2) B. silvarum, L. 9 (12—14) ; 
(3) B. Rajellus, Il. 9 (12—13); (4) B. agrorum, F. 9 (13—15), very freq. : 
(5) B. pratorum, L. § 9 (8—12), ab., all sucking normally, and sometimes 

brushing the pollen from their backs into their pollen-baskets ; (6) B. terres- 
tris, L. 9 (7—9), boring holes to suck, though its proboscis is long enough to 

reach the honey in a legitimate manner ; (7) Apis mellifica, L. 8, usually 4 

takes advantage of the holes bored by B. terrestris,—once I found it sucking 

in the normal way, with its back thickly covered with pollen. See also No, | 

590, 111., and No, 609, 

361. LAMIUM MACULATUM, L., agrees in the main features of 
its flower with Z. album; but its tube is 15 to 17 mm, long, so 



that supposing that a bee thrusts its head 5 mm. into the wide upper 
part, a proboscis 10 to 12 mm. long is needed to reach the honey. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera— Apide: (1) Bombus hortorum, L. 8 ? (18— 
21), very ab., sucking normally ; (2) B. agrorum, F. 9 (12—15), do.; (3) 
B. terrestris, L. 9 (7—9), bores through the corolla close above its bend, either 
piercing it with its maxillz or biting a hole with its mandibles ; (4) B. Rajcllas: 
Ill. § (10—11), steals the honey through holes bitten by B. terrestris, B. 
Diptera—Syrphide : (5) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), fp., after trying i in vain 
to reach the honey. See also No. 590, I11, 

362. LAMIUM PURPUREUM, L.—The tube is only 10 to 11 mm. 
long, and for the upper 4 to 5 mm. it is wide enough to admit the 
head of a small humble-bee. The hive-bee, though its pro- 
boscis is only 6 mm. long, is thus enabled to suck the honey. 
Sprengel calls the plant proterandrous ; but in all the flowers 
which I have examined the stigmas and anthers developed 
simultaneously, though at first the angle between the two stigmas 
was less than it afterwards became, and the lower stigma stood at 
first above or between the anthers, but afterwards bent down 
below them. To decide whether the stigma is already capable of 
fertilisation when the flower opens, I set a plant of L. purpwreum 
in a pot (April 26, 1871), and removed all the flowers and capsules 
already present on it. Next morning five flowers had just opened ; 
in each I bent back the upper lip and the four anthers, and cut the 
latter off ; I then placed upon the two stigmas (the lower of which 
received in this process some pollen of its own flower) pollen from 
freshly opened flowers of another plant, and I then marked my 
flowers with a spot of ink upon the calyx. The rest of the flowers 
I kept in my room, untouched and protected from insects. All the 
flowers were perfectly fertile. On May 21 the twenty nutlets of 
the five flowers which I had fertilised on April 27 had all fallen 
out, and I succeeded in finding them all. On June 8 I collected 
on the surface of the pot seventy-eight nutlets which had fallen 
from the self-fertilised flowers. Lamiwm purpureum is, there- 

} fore, certainly homogamous, and in default of insect-visits fertilises 

) itself regularly. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apidw: (1) Apis mellifica, L. § (6); (2) 
Anthophora pilipes, F. 9 § (19—21); (3) Bombus hortorum, L. ? (21); (4) 
_ B. pratorum, L. 2 (114) ; (5) B. agrorum, F. 9 (12—15) ; (6) Melecta armata, 
Pz. 2 (124), all sucking in the normal way, and sometimes brushing off the 
pollen from their heads into their collecting-baskets ; (7) Halictus sexnotatus, 
_K. 9 (4); (8) H. cylindricus, K. 2 (3); (9) H. leucopus, K. 92; these three 
_ try in vain to reach the honey, and abandon the plant after a few attempts. B. 
Diptera—Bombylide : (10) Bombylius major, L. (10), s. See also No. 590, m1. 

K K 


363. LAMIUM INCISUM, Willd. :— 

Visitors: Hymenoptera—Apide; (1) Anthophora pilipes, F. 9 ¢ (19— 
21), ab. ; (2) Bombus pratorum, L. 2 (114); (3) B. Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12—138) ; 
(4) heute mellifica, L. % (6), all sucking normally ; (5) Halictus cylindricus, 
K. 9. (3), trying in vain to reach the honey. 

364, BALLoTA NIGRA, L.—The corolla-tube is only 7 mm. 
long ; above, it widens so little that a hive-bee can only insert 
the anterior part of its head, and can just reach the base of 
the flower with its proboscis, which is 6 mm. long. Two milli- 
metres from its base the tube is blocked by a ring of stiff 
hairs, which permit the bee’s proboscis to pass easily. They 
would suffice to exclude rain-drops, and are described by Sprengel 

Fic. 168.—Ballota nigra, L. 

i.—Essential organs of a young flower, viewed obliquely from the front (x 7). 
2.—Ditto, of an older flower. 
3.—Ovary (ov) and nectary (7). 

as serving that purpose; but as the horizontal position of the 
flower and its vaulted upper lip are sufficient protection against 
rain, their true use seems to be to exclude flies. Since flies pro- 
ceed irregularly for the most part in visiting flowers, those species 
whose proboscis is long enough to reach the honey of Ballota 
(Rhingia, Hristalis, etc.) might rob many flowers of their honey 
without fertilismg them; but the ring of hairs is sufficient to 
prevent the expanded end of a fly’s proboscis from entering. 

The under lip is marked with white guiding-lines which point 

towards the mouth of the tube; its broad central lobe serves as a 

landing-place, the clefts between it and the lateral lobes afford 

firm foothold for the forelegs and midlegs of the bee, and the 

lateral lobes with the groove between them, bounded by two 
longitudinal ridges, guide the bee’s proboscis. 

Decale, a v | 



Cross-fertilisation is favoured by the feebly-marked proteran- 
drous dichogamy, and by the relative positions of stigma and 
anthers. At first, the divisions of the style lie close together 
behind the anthers (1, Fig. 168) ; afterwards, when the pollen is 
removed, they diverge more and bend down in front of and below 
the anthers (2, Fig. 168). In sunny weather bees’ visits are so 
plentiful that all the pollen is removed before the stigmas diverge 
and bend downwards. During rainy weather, and in plants kept 
in the house, great part of the pollen as it escapes from the anthers 
remains adhering to the long woolly hairs which cover the under 
surface of the upper lip, and the inferior stigma curving down- 
wards among these hairs becomes covered with the pollen of its 
own flower. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. (6) ; (2) 
Bombus Rajellus, Ill. 9 (12—13), s. ande.p. ; (3) B. silvarum, L. (10—12), s. ; 
(4) B. lapidarius, L. § (10—12), s.; (5) B. hypnorum, L. § (10—11), s.; (6) 
B. muscorum, F. 9 (13—14), s. ; (7) B. (Apathus) rupestris, F. 9 (11—14), 
s.; (8) Anthophora quadrimaculata, Pz. 9 ¢ (9—10), s. and ¢.p., very ab. ; 
(9) A. furcata, Pz. 9 g, 8. ande.p., scarcer (Thur.) ; (10) Osmia aurulenta, Pz. 
Q (8—9),s. (Thur., Sld.) ; (11) O. enea, L. 2 (9—10),s. ; (12) O. fulviventris, 
Pz. 9, s. (Thur.); (13) Anthidium manicatum, L. 9 ¢, wherever Ballota 
grows, very ab, in sunny weather, the females diligently collect pollen and 
suck honey, while the males buzz about and occasionally descend to suck honey 
on a flower ; (14) Megachile pyrina, Lep. (fasciata, Sm.) 2, s. B. Lepidoptera 
—(a) Rhopalocera: (15) Argynnis Paphia, L.; (16) Vanessa urticee, L. (12) ; 
(17) V. cardui, L. ; (18) Pieris brassice, L. (15) ; (19) P. rapee, L. ; (20) Colias 
hyale, L. ; (b) Sphinges : (21) Macroglossa stellatarum, L. ; all these Lepidoptera 
were sucking ; the specimens I caught had their tongues dusted with pollen 
and were probably effecting fertilisation. See also No. 590, m1. 

In Prostanthera, Labill., long two- or three-toothed appendages 
of the connectives come in contact with the insect and cause 

shedding of the pollen (178, 360). 

365. TEucRIUM ScoroponiA, L., is markedly proterandrous.! 

_ When the flower opens, the stamens protrude from it, lying close 
_ to the superior wall of the tube, and continuing in a line with it, 

or bending slightly forwards. The two divisions of the style are 
already separate but stand behind the stamens so that they escape 

_ being touched by the head of a bee visiting the flower; the 
anthers, which dehisce inferiorly by a longitudinal slit, shed their 

1 The proterandry of Teweriwm and the movements of its reproductive organs 

' ~ aebe ay described’ by Delpino, No. 178, Hildebrand, No. 360, pl. x., and Ogle, 
No. 632. 

Rk 3 


pollen on the bee’s head. Gradually the filaments bend backwards 
(2, 1, Fig. 169) out of the bee’s way, while the two stigmas spread 
more and more apart, bending slightly forwards into the place 
where the anthers were before. In absence of insects, self-fertili- 
sation rarely takes place, for the stamens as a rule do not touch 
the stigmas; yet in a good many flowers the anthers come in 
contact with the stigmas in oncom. backwards, and dust them 
with pollen. 

Honey is secreted by the tissue below the ovary, as in all the 
Labiates that I have examined (cf. Fig. 168, 3), and so plentifully 
that the corolla-tube (which is 9 to 10 mm. long) is often filled 
to a depth of 4mm. The flowers are rendered conspicuous by 

Fic. 169.—Teucriwm Scorodonia, L. 

1.—Flower, in first (male) stage (x 33). 
2.—Ditto, at the beginning of the second (female) stage. 
3.—Ditto, at the end of the second stage. 

aggregation, and in spite of their dull colour they are so abundantly 

visited by insects as to. be able to dispense with the power of self- _ 


Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Bombus pratorum, L. § 9 (8— 
114), s., very ab. ; (2) B. agrorum, F. $ 9 (10—15), do. ; (3) B. hypnorum, 
L. ¢ (10), s.; (4) Anthophora quadrimaculata, Pz. 9 (9—10), s.; (5) Saro- 
poda bimaculata, Pz. 9 ¢ (9), very ab., s. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (6) Eri- 

stalis nemorum, L., f.p., and thus only able to effect fertilisation occasionally. — 

It is noteworthy that the honey-bee (whose proboscis is 6 mm. long), was not 
observed on this abundantly nectariferous flower. It would be just able to 
taste the honey. See also No, 590, 111. 

According to Dr. Buchanan White, Zeucriwm Scorodonia is 

visited by many nocturnal Lepidoptera (773). 


Teucrium Chamedrys, L., is proterandrous; the movements of 
the reproductive organs are similar to, but feebler than, those of 
T. Scorodonia, 'The visitors are bees, and a proboscis 7 to 10 mm. 
long is requisite to reach the honey (609). 

Teucrium Botrys, L., is visited by species of Anthidium 

(590, II). 

366. AJUGA REPTANS, L.—The tube is 9 mm. long, and is 
expanded for 24 mm. at the base; the lower expanded part is 
white, and full of honey, which is secreted by a thick, yellow, 
fleshy gland below the ovary on the side turned towards the under 
lip. The upper lip is absent, but the protruding anthers of each 
flower are sheltered by the bract of the flower above. When 
the flower opens, the two stigmas diverge to their full extent 
and their papillae are already mature.  Cross-fertilisation is 
favoured not by dichogamy but by the position of the organs. 
For in young flowers the lower division of the style, provided at 
its tip with stigmatic papille, rests upon the shorter stamens 
which lie close together, and is protected by them from contact 
with the bee visitors, at least in the case of the smaller bees which 
do not force the stamens much apart; while all the anthers turn 
their pollen-covered faces forwards and downwards so as to touch 
all insect-visitors. Afterwards the inferior stamens separate, the 
style loses their support, and its lower division, with the stigmatic 
tip turned downwards and forwards, projects between the anthers, 
and is touched before them by the bee. 

In absence of insects, the pollen remains adhering to the 
lower surface of the anthers in large masses, which readily come 
in contact with the stigma and effect self-fertilisation. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. 9 (6), thrusts 
the greater part of its head into the tube; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L, 9? 
— (12—14) ; (8) B. agrorum, F. 2 (12—15) ; (4) B. confusus, Schenck, ? (12—14); 
_ (5) B. muscorum, F. 9 (13—14) ; (6) B. pratorum, L. § (8) ; (7) B. silvarum, 
iL. 2 (12—14); (8) B. hortorum, L. 9 $8 (18—21) ; (9) Anthophora pilipes, ‘F. 
2 S$ (19—21) ; (10) Osmia rufa, L. ¢ (7—8) ; (11) O. enea, L. 2 (9—10) ; 
_ (12) O. fusca, Christ. (=bicolor, Schrk.), all sucking normally and dusting 
their heads with pollen ; (13) Andrena nitida, Foure. 2 (34) ; (14) A. labialis, 
 K. &; (15) Halictus zonulus, Sm, 2 (4); these three are unable to reach the 
honey, and abandon the plant after visiting a few flowers. B. Diptera—Syr- 

_ phide : (16) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), usually s. and f.p. on the same flower, 

while sucking it dusts its head with pollen. C. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : 
(17) Pieris brassicee, L. (15) ; (18) P. napi, L.; (19) P. rape, L. ; (20) Rho- 
docera rhamni, L. (15—16); (21) Papilio Podalirius, L.; (22) Hesperia 


alveolus, H ; (b) Sphinges : (23) Macroglossa fuciformis, L. (Stromberg), all 
sucking. See also No. 590, III. 

Ajuga pyramidalis, L., is said by Ricca to be homogamous 
(665); I have found it slightly proterandrous, and visited by 
humble-bees (609). 

Ajuga genevensis, L.—The flowers are larger than those of A. 
pyramidalis, and the nectary is very large. The plant is visited 
by humble-bees and by Lepidoptera. A proboscis 7 to 8 mm. long 
is requisite to reach the honey (609). 3 


Delpino mentions the following six points as characteristic of 
the flower in Labiatz (178). 

(1) The horizontal position of the axis of the flower. (2) 
Division of the corolla into upper and lower lips. (8) Union of 
two petals in the upper lip, three in the lower. (4) Position of 
anthers and stigma below the vaulted upper lip, which shelters 
them. (5) Position of the nectary at the base of the flower below 
the lower lip, whose anterior part forms a platform for insects. 
(6) Well-marked dichogamy (“ deciso asineronismo nello sviluppo 
degli organi sessuali”) (Delpino, No. 178, p. 128; Hildebrand, 
No. 360). 

But this summary is only correct if we call only those Labiates 

typical to which it directly applies; it requires most important — 

modifications if it is to hold good for the majority of Labiates. 
For (1) the axis of the flower is never or hardly ever truly 
horizontal, but, as a rule, is rather bent into the curve most 
convenient for long-tongued bees (Lamium, Galeobdolon, Gale- 
opsis, Betonica, etc.). (2) The upper lip is entirely absent in 
many cases (Ajuga, Teucrium), bracts belonging to the flowers 

above taking its place in sheltering the stamens from rain. (3) | 

The under lip is by no means always formed of three petals, but 
in Lamium, for instance, consists of one only; the two lateral 

petals have here assumed a special function, forming two erect 4 
lobes which receive the bee’s head between them. (4) The © 

stamens project beyond the corolla not only in Ajuga and 
Teucrium, where the upper lip is absent, but also in Thymus, 
Lycopus, Mentha, etc., and the stigma also projects beyond the 

a ee 

corolla in Salvia. (5) The fifth statement is correct for the great — 


majority, Plectranthus, Ocymum, Salvia patens, etc., being - ex- 
ceptions to it. (6) Dichogamy has been shown above to be far 
from universal : Ajuga, Lamium, Galeopsis, and others are homo- 
gamous, and even in the majority of the others dichogamy is 
not so complete as to prevent self-fertilisation. Self-fertilisation 
seems to be rendered impossible only in the species, of Nepeta, 
Thymus, Mentha, and Salvia described above. 

In regard to the imsects which the Labiatz have adapted 
themselves to, the forms which I have described show a re- 
markable series of gradations, the visitors being more and more 
restricted as the length of the corolla-tube increases. 

The short-tubed flowers of Mentha and Lycopus are visited 
chiefly by flies and also by insects of various other orders. In 
Thymus and Origanum, in addition to flies, bees come more and 
more to the front, though insects of other orders take a certain share ; 
in Betonica bees and flies are of about equal importance as fer- 
tilisers; in Stachys palustris and S. silvatica bees are very much 
the most important visitors, and in Lavendula, Salvia, Galeobdolon, 
Lamium, Galeopsis, Ballota, Teucrium, and Ajuga bees perform 
almost all the work of fertilisation, though Lepidoptera and 
long-tongued flies are not excluded. 


367. PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA, L.—Delpino (567) distinguishes 
three forms of this species :— 

“One form,” he says, “with a strong and very tall scape, and very broad, 
white anthers which quiver in the wind, grows in meadows and is exclusively 
anemophilous, for I have never seen it visited by insects. The second form 
grows on the hills, and has a much shorter scape ; it also is essentially anemo- 
philous ; I once saw a species of Halictus on a spike, trying to gather pollen ; 
but the structure of the flower is so unfitted for pollen-collecting, that great 
part of the pollen fell to the ground without benefiting either the plant or the 
insect. Finally, the third form is dwarfish and confined to the mountains ; 
it has the shortest spikes and filaments ; on meadows in the Apennines at 
Chiavari I have seen bees in numbers flying from one flower to another of this 
variety, collecting the pollen and performing cross-fertilisation. 

‘This therefore is a form of Plantago which hangs between the anemo- 
philous and entomophilous conditions, and is capable of being fertilised equally 
well by the wind and by bees. If the filaments became stiff and coloured and 
the pollen-grains adhesive while the anthers lost their peculiar quivering, 
we should have before us the passage from anemophilous to entomophilous 
characters, the evolution of an entomophilous from an anemophilous species. _ 

“This hypothetical transition has actually occurred. Plantago media is a 


form that has become entomophilous ; the filaments have become pink, the 
anthers are motionless, the pollen-grains have become more aggregated, and it 
is visited regularly by Bombus terrestris, as I have observed at the same spot 
(Chiavari) in the Apennines.” 

I have transcribed this passage in order to induce botanists in 
as many places as possible to observe the forms of this species 
with reference to its adaption for insect-visits. . 

In the neighbourhood of Lippstadt I have caught pollen- 
collecting bees and pollen-feeding flies both on plants with tall 

Fia. 170.—Plantago lanceolata, I. 

1.—Flower, in first (female) stage. The petals and stamens are still within the bud. 
2.—Ditto, after removal of the calyx. 

8,—An anther from this flower. 

4.—F lower, in second (male) stage. 

5.—The two inferior coherent sepals, 

6.—A lateral sepal. 

scapes and long spikes and on those with short scapes and spikes ; 
and in neither form have I found the least trace of adaptation to 
insect-visits. Delpino’s account is not minute enough to permit 
a correlation of his plants with those of other localities, and it is 
quite possible that the varieties which he has observed do not 
occur at Lippstadt. 

It is just possible that Delpino has been led into imagining 
adaptations which have no real existence by the success which the 
honey-bee attains in gathering pollen, chiefly owing to its plan of 
smearing the pollen with honey. The two extreme forms of P. 

— eile 


lanceolata which I have gathered at Lippstadt, and on which as 
well as on the intermediate forms I have observed pollen-collecting 
insects, are: (1) a short form with short spike from the sunny 
caleareous slopes of the Rixbecker Hill; (2) a tall, long-spiked 
form from the rich alluvial meadows of the Lippe. 

(1) In the most stunted specimens from the hill the scape 
is scarcely four inches long, the spike is spherical, about 5 mm. in 
diameter, and the individual flowers are convex anteriorly, and 
flat or slightly concave on the side turned towards the axis; of the 
four sepals the two inferior are coherent almost to the tips (Fig. 
170, 5). While the lobes of the corolla are still erect, contiguous 
(Fig. 170, 2), and covered by the sepals (1), and while the stamens are 
still inclosed in the bud, with their anthers not nearly ripe and their 
filaments scarcely beginning to develop (3), already the stigma is 
tully mature, and protrudes for more than 1 mm. beyond the bud 
(Fig. 170, 1, 2). As the stigma becomes withered and brown, 
the filaments begin to grow rapidly, and the other parts of the 
flower more slowly. At length the lobes of the corolla fold back, 
and the stamens with the now ripe anthers protrude 5 to 6 mm. 
from the flower, which is itself now 3 (in the female period only 2) 
mm. long (Fig. 170, 4). The filaments are quite straight, but thin 
and flexible enough to be swayed backwards and forwards by the 
slightest breeze, scattering a cloud of dry pollen. Nevertheless, 
this pollen is collected by the honey-bee. The pollen-grains are 
smooth, ‘016 to ‘(020 mm. in diameter when dry, and swelling to 
a diameter of ‘021 to ‘026 mm. when moistened. 

(2) The tall form from the manured alluvial meadows has 
a scape a foot to eighteen inches long, a spike 15 to 30 mm. long, 
and stamens projecting 6 to 7 mm. from the flower. In the com- 
plete proterogynous dichogamy, in the cohesion of the two lower 
sepals, in short in all other characters, it agrees perfectly with the 
dwarf form from the Rixbecker Hill. I have observed pollen- 
seeking insects indifferently on both extreme and intermediate 

A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab.,c.p. I wrote 
the following account of the honey-bee’s actions in the summer of 1868, and 
assured myself of its accuracy in the three following summers: ‘‘ The honey- 
bee flies buzzing to a spike, and while it hovers in the air it spits a little honey 
on the exserted anthers. Then, still hovering and buzzing, it brushes pollen with 
the tarsal brushes of its forefeet off the anther, the tone of its hum becoming 
suddenly higher ; in the same instant one sees a)cloud of pollen rise from the 
shaken anthers. After placing the pollen on ith hindlegs the bee repeats the 
operation on the same or other spikes, or if it is tired it alights on the spike 


and creeps upwards, Since the scattered pollen in part reaches the stigmas of 
the same or neighbouring plants, we have here anemophilous flowers fertilised 
also by insects.” (2) Bombus pratorum, L. §, c.p. ; (3) Small sp. of Halictus, busy 
about the anthers. B, Diptera—Syrphide : (4) ‘Melanostomns mellina, L., very 
ab., f.p.; (5) Syrphus ribesii, L., f.p., freq. ; (6) Volucella pellucens, Li: f.p. 
Whonevar I have examined bees acide on P. lanceolata I have always fotki 
numerous pollen-grains among the feathered hairs, See also No. 590, 111. 

Darwin found P. lanceolata to be gynodiccious in England 


Plantago alpina, L.—The stigma does not wither until after 
the ripening of the anthers, so that the plant retains the power 
of self-fertilisation. The limb of the corolla, and sometimes the 
borders of the sepals, are red, which is perhaps an adaptation 
favouring insect-visits. The tendency towards homogamy is 
probably also brought about by insect-visits, as the insects come 
only for the sake of pollen, and therefore seek only flowers with 
ripe anthers (No. 6009, fig. 139). 

368. PLANTAGO MEDIA, L.—While I have been unable to find 
any trace of adaptation to insect-visits in the various forms of 
P. lanceolata, specimens of P, media which I have examined seem 
to show such traces in the reddish colouring of the filaments and 
the pleasant perfume of the plant. Nevertheless, in all the forms 
of this species the filaments are so long, thin, and freely motile, 
the anthers so broad, and the pollen-grains so smooth and dry, 
that wind-fertilisation can be effected very readily. P. media, 
therefore, is truly intermediate between the anemophilous and 
entomophilous conditions. 

In the neighbourhood of Lippstadt P. media exhibits variability 
such as Delpino describes in the case of P. lanceolata. It seems 
remarkable that the form A, which I have observed on dry sunny 
road-sides, is adapted in a less degree for insect-visits than the 
form 2B, which grows in more shady spots; but I must add that 
a form agreeing essentially with B, but much taller, grows on the 
sunny slopes of the canal-enbankment at Lippstadt, and is much 
visited by insects there. 

The form A has a scape 8 to 12 inches in length, and a spike 
about 40 mm. long, increasing during the flowering period to 
70 or 80 mm. The filaments, which are bent down slightly by the 
weight of the anthers, are white, and protrude for 7 to 9 mm. from 
the flower; the lobes of the corolla are acute and outspread ; the 


stigmas protrude far beyond the flower. The form Bon the other 
hand has a scape about 6 inches long, and shorter reddish filaments 
which do not bend under the weight of the anthers; the lobes of 
the corolla are rounded, and do not spread apart but only point 
obliquely upwards, and the stigmas protrude little from the flower. 
The pollen in both forms is powdery, but is slightly more adhesive 
in the second form (B), as may be seen by the filaments in this 
form being usually covered thickly with pollen-grains. 

Fig. 171.—Plantago media, L. 

A, 1—5.—A form of P. media from dry sunny slopes on Rixbecker Hill, near Lippstadt. 

1, bud; 2, developing flower ; 3, fully developed flower; 4, corolla; 5, pistil. 

8, Sepal; p, petal; a, anther; st, stigma. 

B. 6—8.—Another form of P. media, growing in damp shady spots on the same hill, often within 
a few paces of the other. , 

6, fully developed flower ; 7, corolla; 8, pistil. 

The form growing on the slopes of the canal-embankment, 
from which I have chiefly compiled my list of insect-visitors, has 
a scape 10 to 14 inches long, a spike 35 to 90 mm. long, and 
stamens which project only 4°5 to 7 mm. beyond the flower; in the 
form and development of the corolla and style and in the nature 

of the pollen it agrees well with the form B from the Rixbecker 
Hill. ) 


All the specimens of P. media that I have examined were less 
markedly proterogynous than P. lanceolata, for the stigmas are 
always still fresh after the anthers have shed their pollen; but 
various forms of P. media differ greatly in this respect, as may be 
seen by comparing 3 and 4, Fig. 171. 

The foregoing remarks are simply intended to call the attention 
of botanists to forms of P. media intermediate between the 
anemophilous and entomophilous conditions, and so to lead to more 
thorough investigation ; I do not by any means suppose that they 
exhaust the subject. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—A pide’: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2, ¢p., 
ab. ; (2) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢, seeking vainly for honey (attracted by the 
scent?) ; (3) Halictus albipes, F. 9; (4) H. cylindricus, F. 2, both freq. ; 
(5) Andrena, 2 (moderate size), do.; (6) Megachile circumcincta, K. 9. 
B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (7) Melanostoma mellina, L., I once saw this fly 
hovering for a long time over many flowers, until it came to P. media, on 
which it settled at once, and began to stroke the anthers with its labelle (f.p.) ; 
(8) Ascia podagrica, F., f.p.; (9) Syrphus balteatus, Deg., f.p.; (10) Eristalis 
arbustorum, L., very ab., f.p. ; (11) Rhingia rostrata, L., fp. ; (6) Muscide : 
(12) Spilogaster semicinerea, Wied., very ab., f.p.; (c) Stratiomyide: (13) 
Chrysomyia formosa, Scop. C. Coleoptera—(a) Nitidulide : (14) Meligethes, 
freq. ; (b) Malacodermata: (15) Anthocomus fasciatus, L.; (16) Malachius 
eneus, L., both freq., gnawing the anthers; (c) Cerambycide : (17) Strangalia 
nigra, L., do. See also No. 590, 111., and No. 609. 

Ludwig has found P. media to be gynodicecious in Germany. 

Some species of Plantago have cleistogamic flowers according 
to Kuhn (399). 

Ludwig has discussed in several papers the occurrence of 
cleistogamy, gynodicecism, and heteranthery (.¢. the existence of 
different forms bearing anthers of different lengths) (425, 429, 
430, 431). 


Pisonia hirtella is proterogynous, according to Delpino. The 
stigmas in the first stage, and the anthers in the second, protrude 
some millimetres beyond the tubular corolla (177). 

. Oxybaphus and Nyctaginea have cleistogamic flowers (Asa Gray, 
No. 167). 

Neea theifera, Oer.—The diclinous flowers have been desorihad 
by Warming (762) and Oersted.1 

Mirabilis Jalapa, l., is eagerly visited by Sphina convolvuli 
(590, II.). 

1 Bot. Zeit, xxvii. pp. 217-222, 1869. 



Lllecebrum verticillatum, L., has submerged cleistogamic 
flowers (351). 

Herniaria glabra, L.—The flowers are very inconspicuous, and 
are visited by minute insects (590, II.). 

Scleranthus perennis, L.—The small inconspicuous flowers have 
no petals; the sepals, which are white at the edges, take the place 
of a corolla; the honey, which is secreted in the lower half of 
the calyx, is accessible to short-lipped insects. Anthers and 
stigmas ripen together, and the widely outspread position of the 
stamens favours cross-fertilisation. I have found Hedychrum 
coriacewm, Dhlb. (Chryside), sucking honey in the flowers. 


Chamissoa affords an example of the passage from a dimorphic 
to a diclinous condition (555). 


Chenopodium ambrosioides is figured by Hildebrand as an 
example of a self-fertilised plant (351). 

Chenopodium album, L., is anemophilous, but is visited by 
pollen-eating Syrphide (Melanostoma mellina, L.) (590, 11.). 

Chenopodium bonus-Henricus is proterogynous according to 
Warming (762). 


369. PoLyGoNuM FAGoPyRUM, L.—The flowers are made con- 
spicuous by their white or red perianth, by aggregation, and by 
their perfume. Eight rounded yellow glands at the base of the 
stamens secrete honey, which lies at the bottom of the shallow 
outspread perianth ; it is accessible to short-lipped insects, and 
attracts great numbers of insects of different orders. 

Three stamens, with their pollen-covered sides turned outwards, 
stand close round the styles in the middle of the flower; five, with 
their pollen-covered sides directed inwards, stand round the cir- 
cumference. The eight nectaries lie at the bottom of the flower 
between the inner and outer stamens, so that insects must come 
between these to reach the honey, and hence get dusted with 


pollen on both sides. This species is dimorphic, and in this respect 
it stands alone in its genus. The anthers stand in the one form 
on a level with the stigmas in the other, and there is the usual 
difference in the size of the pollen-grains. In long-styled flowers 
(Fig. 172, 1), most visitors touch the anthers with their heads, and 
the stigmas with the sides or ventral surfaces of thorax and abdo- 
men. ‘The converse takes place in the short-styled forms, so that 
legitimate fertilisation for the most part takes place, though neither 
illegitimate crossing nor fertilisation of a flower with its own pollen 
are quite prevented. 

The smaller visitors, ¢.g. Andrena nana, which creep about 
irregularly in the flower, may lead to self-fertilisation and legiti- 
mate or illegitimate crossing indifferently. 

Fic. 172.—Polygonum fagopyrum, L. 
1.—Long-styled, 2.—Short-styled flower, after removal of two segments of the perianth. 

Occasionally flowers occur on long-styled plants, in which the 
style is so much shorter than usual that the stigmas lie between 
the three inner stamens and get dusted by their pollen. 

Self-fertilisation is probably inoperative under ordinary circum- 
stances in the Buckwheat, but under altered conditions, if insect- 
visits decreased, it might easily come into play (cf. Darwin, 167, 
p. 113). 

The following insects were almost all collected by me on 
Buckwheat, one sunny day, in a large field near Salzkotten (June 
21, 1868), 

A. Hymenoptera—-(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, very ab., s. and 
c.p., making fully nine-tenths of all the visitors ; (2) Bombus lapidarius, L. 
2%, s.; (3) Andrena fulvicrus, K. ¢ 2, ab., s. and c.p.; (4) A. dorsata, K. 
2; (5) A. pilipes, F. 9; (6) A. helvola, L. 9; (7) A. varians, Rossi, 9 ; (8) 
A. albicrus, K. 9; (9) A. Gwynana, K. 9; (10) A. nana, K. 9; (11) A. 
bicolor, F. (estiva, Sm.), ¢; (12) Sphecodes gibbus, L., Nos. 4—12, sucking 
only ; (b) Sphegide : (13) Pompilus trivialis, K1. ; (14) Cerceris labiata, F. 9 ; 
(15) C. nasuta, Dib. (C. quinquefasciata, Ross.), ¢, all s.; (c) Tenthredinide : 


(16) Athalia spinarum, F.,s. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide: (17) Eristalis tenax, 
L. ; (18) E. pertinax, Scop. ; (19) E. nemorum, L. ; (20) E. arbustorun, L. ; 
(21) E. sepulcralis, L. ; (22) E. intricarius, L. ; all ab., s. or fp. ; (23) Helo- 
philus floreus, L. ; (24) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (25) Chrysotoxum festivum, L. ; 
(26) Melithreptus scriptus, L. ; (27) M. teniatus, Mgn. ; (28) Syrphus py- 
rastri, L. ; (29) Pipiza funebris, Mgn. ; (30) Cheilosia scutellata, Fallen ; (6) 
Muscide : aH) Pollenia Vespillo, F. ; (82) Musca corvina, F. ; (33) Lucilia 
cornicina, F. ; (34) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. ; (c) Stratiomyide : (35) Odon- 
tomia viridula, F. ; (36) Stratiomys Chameleon, Deg., ab. ; (37) Str. riparia, 
Mgn. ; most of these flies sucking, the Syrphidee also eating pollen. C. Lepido- 
ptera—(38) Vanessa urtice, L.; (39) Pieris brassice, L. ; (40) P. napi, L. ; 
(41) Polyommatus Phlceas, L., all s. 

370. Potyconum Bistorta, L.—As in P. jfagopyrum, the 
flowers are made conspicuous by aggregation and by their coloured 

Fic. 178.—Polygonum Bistorta, L. 

1.—Flower, in first (male) stage. 
2.—Ditto, in second (female) stage. 

perianth; eight red swellings at the base of the stamens. secrete 
honey, which lies freely open at the bottom of the flower. The 
power of self-fertilisation has been lost; but while in P. fagopyrum 
crossing has been insured by the development of long-styled and 
short-styled stocks, in P. Bistorta the same end has been gained by 
complete proterandrous dichogamy. In the first stage, the anthers 
protrude freely from the flower, which never expands very widely ; 
afterwards, when the anthers are withered and mostly fallen off, 
the ends of the styles with their stigmas protrude. | 

On the meadows at Brilon, I saw the flowers plentifully visited 
by flies, but I was busy with other observations and can name 
only the following easily recognised forms: Rhingia rostrata, L., 


Volucella bombylans, L., and Syrphus ribesii, L. All three settled 
upon the spikes, thrusting their tongues into one flower after 
another, and so dusting their ventral surfaces with pollen. 

In my garden I have often seen Sarcophaga carnaria trying to 
insert its proboscis into the flowers, and generally failing in the 
attempt. Syritta pipiens, L., always failed in the same attempt ; 
if the flower happened to be in the second stage, it flew away 
after a few failures, but stayed to eat pollen if the flower was in its 
first or male stage. 

I have often seen Andrena albicans, L. ¢, climbing up the 
spikes. Now and then I have watched an individual first failing 
continually on several spikes to insert its proboscis into the flowers, 
and then gradually acquiring the knack, and ending by performing 
the operation regularly. 

The honey-bee visits the plant in considerable numbers, and 
never fails to insert its proboscis successfully. 

Visitors in Low Germany: A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, 
L. %; (2) Andrena albicans, lL. 9. B. Diptera—(a) Syrphide : (3) Volucella 
bombylans, L. ; (4) Syrphus ribesii, L. ; (5) Syritta pipiens, L. ; (6) Rhingia 
rostrata, L. ; (6) Muscide: (7) Sarcophaga carnaria, L. See also No. 590, m1. 

A list of Alpine visitors (one beetle, ten flies, five Hymenoptera, twenty-one - 
Lepidoptera, and Panorpa communis) is given in No. 609. 

Polygonum viviparum, L., is remarkable for the polymorphism 
of its flowers. In Sweden, Axell found it occurring in two forms, 
some plants being hermaphrodite and proterandrous, others female 
only (17). I have also found hermaphrodite and female forms at 
Franzenshoh, but the former were homogamous. At Madulein I 
found hermaphrodite stocks showing all stages of suppression of 
the pistil down to purely male flowers and plants (609, fig. 169). 

371. Potyconum Perrsicaria, L.—Like the two foregoing 
species, the flowers have white or red perianths; they are 
aggregated in a spike 20 to 30 mm. long and 6 to 10 mm. broad. 
The smaller size of the flower and of the spike, the want of 
odour and much smaller supply of honey, render insect-visits very 
much rarer. It is, therefore, of more importance for self-fertilis- 
ation to be possible in default of insect-visits, than for cross- 
fertilisation to be absolutely insured when insect-visits do take 
place. Accordingly, the structure of the flower differs considerably 
from that of the two preceding species. 

Of the eight stamens three at most are much reduced or have 
entirely disappeared, though flowers often occur with six, seven, or 


eight stamens. The five which are constantly present alternate 
with the parts of the perianth ; the other three stand opposite to 
the parts of the perianth. At the base of each perianth-segment 
is a nectary, secreting very scanty honey, which remains in a 
moist adhesive layer. The ovary is generally bilateral, bearing 
a style which divides into two branches, each bearing a stigmatic 
knob; but three stigmatic branches often occur. Anthers and 
stigmas ripen together and stand at the same level. The flower 
expands until the perianth forms an almost hemispherical cup, 
and the five stamens alternating with the perianth-segments 
spread out as far as the perianth allows. The stigmas are, there- 
fore, seldom or never touched by these stamens, but the other 
three stamens, when present, bend towards the middle of the 
flower and come in contact with the stigmas. Now although, as in 

Fic. 174.—Polygonum Persicaria, L. 

1..—Flower with five stamens. 


8.—Flower with seven stamens. 

a, five outer anthers; a’, inner anthers; a*, rudimentary filament; 
ov, ovary ; st, stigma; mn, nectary. 

P. fagopyrum, the five outer anthers shed their pollen inwards and 
the three others outwards, self-fertilisation takes place regularly 
in all flowers with more than five stamens, since the anthers 
dehisce so widely as to be covered with pollen all round. Whether 
flowers with only five stamens fertilise themselves in absence of 
insects I cannot say from direct observation; but they probably 
do so, as almost all the flowers of P. Persicaria develop seed, in 
spite of the scanty insect-visits. The flowers, as I have often 
seen, remain expanded even in rain, and self-fertilisation in flowers 
with five stamens can only take place at the end of the flowering 
period, when the perianth closes up and brings stigmas and 
stamens into contact. 

The small size of the flower causes every insect that inserts 
its head to touch one or two stamens and a stigma. If the insect 
thrusts its proboscis once into each flower, cross-fertilisation. must 



generally be effected, but if it dces so more than once self-fertilisa- 
tion is just as likely to take place. 

A. Diptera—Syrphide : (1) Eristalis a L., freq. ; (2) E. sepulcralis, 
L., comparatively ab. ; (3) E. arbustorum, L. ; (4) Syritta pipiens, L., the 
most ab. visitor; (5) eee podagrica, F., almost as ab.; (6) Melithreptus 
scriptus, L.; (7) M. teniatus, Mgn. ; all s., the species of Eristalis and Meli- 
threptus also eating pollen. B. Hymenoptera—Apide@ : (8) Andrena dorsata, 
K. 2; (9) Halictus albipes, F. 2; (10) Prosopis armillata, Nyl. ¢; all three 
scarce, 8. C, Lepidoptera—(1 1) Pieris rapee, L., one specimen inserted its 
proboscis but flew away again at once. 

372. POLYGONUM LAPATHIFOLIUM, L., has usually five stamens, 
of which one or more are generally bent inwards and come in 
contact with the stigmas. 

Visitors: Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Eristalis sepulcralis, L., s. ; (2) Syritta 
pipiens, L., s. ; (8) Ascia podagrica, F., s. 

373. PoLYGONUM MINUS, Huds.—The flowers of this species 
are about as large as those of P. Persicaria, but form much looser 
spikes, and are therefore less conspicuous and less visited by 

Fic. 175.—Polygonwm minus, Huds. 

1.—Flower, viewed obliquely from above. f 
2.—Ditto, in side view, after removal of the two anterior segments of the perianth. 

On a patch of P. minus and P. Persicaria in hot sunshine 
(August 16, 1871) I saw six different species of flies and two of bees 
visit P. Persicaria, while only two species of flies visited P. minus. 

As the prospect of insect-visits is smaller, those stamens which 
stand opposite to the perianth segments and which curve inwards 
persist more frequently ; ; so that flowers with only five stamens 
are rarer in P. minus than in P. Persicaria, and the flowers have 
generally six to eight stamens around a trifid style. Otherwise 
the flowers agree with those of P. Persicaria. 

Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Ascia podagrica, F., s.; (2) Syritta pipiens, 
L., s.; (3) Melithreptus pictus, Mgn., and (4) M. menthastri, L., s, and f.p, 


374, POLYGONUM AVICULARE, L.—The tiny flowers, scarcely 
2} mm, in diameter, are solitary, and therefore very inconspicuous ; 
they are odourless and show no honey, and are very rarely visited 
by insects. They always fertilise themselves, and every flower 
produces seed. . 

The number and arrangement of the floral organs is as in P. 
Jagopyrum. ‘The five segments of the perianth, which have the 
function of a corolla in P. fagopyrum, serve chiefly as a calyx (ie. 
a protective covering for the reproductive organs) in P. aviculare ; 
their lower parts are green, and only their extremities, which are 
white or red, play the part of a corolla in rendering the flower 
conspicuous. ‘The five stamens alternating with the parts of the 
perianth, which bend outwards, and the other three which curve in 
to the centre till their anthers stand immediately over the three 

Fic. 176.—Polygonum aviculare, 1. 

1.—Flower, from above. I 

2.—Ditto, in side-view, after removal of the two anterior parts of the perianth and of half the 

a, the five outer, a’, the three inner anthers ; ov, ovary; st, stigma, 

stigmas, have fleshy thickenings at their bases; but I have never 
succeeded in finding drops of honey. If the flower really secretes 
no honey, it can only have attractions for pollen-eating flies and 
pollen-collecting bees. In any case, from the simultaneous 
development of the male and female organs, and from the situ- 
ation of the three inner anthers over the stigmas, an insect-visitor 
must lead to self-fertilisation as easily as to cross-fertilisation. I 
had often watched this plant in vain, but at length on a very hot 
sunny day in August, 1871, I saw several insects visit it. They 
were several specimens of three small Syrphide, viz. Ascia poda- 
grica, F., Syritta pipiens, L., and Melithreptus menthastri, L. I 
came to the conclusion, by close observation, that Syritta pipiens 
was not only feeding on pollen, but was thrusting its proboscis 
into the base of the flower, as if to suck honey; it was therefore 
either sucking in vain, or licking a very thin layer of honey. 

LL 2 



The species of Polygonum, like those of Geranium, show clearly 
how with conspicuousness and abundance of honey the number 
and variety of visitors increase, and how, as the likelihood of cross- 
fertilisation is thus increased, the possibility of self-fertilisation 
becomes less important; the converse is also clear. But they 
show at the same time that the abundance of a plant is in no 
way determined alone by the certainty of cross-fertilisation. 

P. fagopyrum and P. Bistorta have the most conspicuous 
flowers, the most abundant honey, and the most numerous visitors ; 
in both, cross-fertilisation is insured and self-fertilisation rendered 
difficult or impossible-—in the former species by dimorphism, in 
the latter by well-marked proterandrous dichogamy. P. Persicaria 
and P. lapathifoliwum have much smaller flowers and scantier 
honey ; but, by union of their flowers in a spike, they become fairly 
conspicuous and attract fairly numerous visitors; both waver 
between insuring cross-fertilisation and insuring self-fertilisation, 
and seem to make use, toa great extent, of both processes. In 
P. minus the flowers are about as large and rich in honey as those 
of P. Persicaria, but are united in much looser, thinner spikes; 
they are therefore less conspicuous, less visited by insects, and 
more subject to self-fertilisation. Finally, in P. aviculare, whose 
flowers are not only much smaller, but are solitary and devoid or 
almost devoid of honey, insect-visits and consequent cross-fertilisa- 
tion are only the exception ; yet this species is with us the most 
abundant of its genus, and one of the commonest of our native 

The species of Rumex are anemophilous, and Axell figures the 
flowers of Rumex crispus to compare them with the entomophi- 
lous flowers of Rhewm Rhaponticum ; I have however found a bee, 
Halictus cylindricus, F. 2, busily engaged upon the anthers of 
Rumex obtusifolius, L.; and in the Alps I have often seen red butter- 
flies seated on Rumex when in seed and like them in colour (590, 
II. ; 609). 


Brugmansia Zippelii, Blume, is fertilised, in Delpino’s opinion, 
by carrion-flies which are detained for a time in the flowers (178). 


Darwin supposes that the flowers of Brugmansia are visited 
legitimately by long-billed humming-birds, but that short-billed 
humming-birds bore through the corolla and steal the honey (164). 

Rafflesia Arnoldi, R. Br., Horsfieldi, R. Br., and Patma, Bl., are 
probably fertilised by carrion-flies (178). 


Asarum europeum, L., and A. canadense, L., are proterogynous 
with short-lived stigmas. In the first stage the stigma is mature, 
and the twelve anthers are still at the base of the flower. In the 
second stage the stamens grow up, arch over the stigma, and 
dehisce outwards. The fertilisers, in Delpino’s opinion, are small 
flies (177). 

Asarum may be looked upon as an incomplete stage in the 
development of the prison of Aristolochia (589). 

Heterotropa asaroides, Mor. and Dene.—The flowers are interme- 
diate in structure and in the mechanism of pollination between 
Asarum and Aristolochia. According to Delpino, the involute 
edge of the ventricose corolla forms a temporary prison for the 
insect-visitors, which are probably flies (178, 360). 

375. ARISTOLOCHIA CLEMATITIS, L.—The remarkable structure 
of this flower, which was long the only example known of a tem- 
porary prison for insects, was so far unravelled by Sprengel’s acute 
and patient observations, that Hildebrand’s investigations have 
brought nothing new to light, except the fact of proterogyny and 
consequent cross-fertilisation (349). 

The erect tube of the corolla is in the first stage lined with 
reflexed hairs, which permit small midges to creep down into the 
~ lower wider part which affords them shelter, but prevents them from 
creeping up again. In this cage the insect-visitors find the stig- 
mas mature, and fertilise them with pollen brought from flowers 
visited before, the anthers meanwhile remaining closed. On the 
withering of the stigmas, the anthers open; the tube of the flower 
bends downwards; the hairs wither and release the prisoners, 
laden with pollen, to fertilise other flowers which are still in their 
first (female) stage. 

Among numerous small species of gnats which I took in 
hundreds from the flowers of Aristolochia Clematitis, Herr Win- 
nertz identified the following : 

(a) Chironomide : (1) Ceratopogon sp. ; (2) Chironomus sp. ; (0) Bibionide : 

3) Scatopse soluta, Loew. 


376. ARIsTOLOCHIA SrpHo, L. (178, 349, 360).-—In this species 
the corolla maintains the same position during the whole period of 
flowering. Its lower part is directed straight downwards, and then 
with a sudden bend turns directly upwards; it is moderately wide, 
and the mouth is provided with a three-lobed lip. In this species, 
as in the previous one, we find flies imprisoned during the first 
stage, while the stigmas alone are ripe; they fertilise the stigmas 
with pollen brought from other flowers, and remain caged until 
the stigmas wither and the anthers shed their pollen. 

The reason why they stay imprisoned so long seems to me still 
insufficiently explained. In Delpino’s opinion, to which Hilde- 
brand assents, the smooth sides of the tube prevent the flies 
creeping up, until the withering of the flowers affords them foot- 
hold. This explanation. can only be correct if that part of the 
tube which slopes downwards from the entrance is distinctly 
smoother than the other portion which leads up from the lowest 
part of the tube to the expanded terminal chamber; for if both 
are equally smooth the flies will have as much difficulty in 
climbing up into the stigmatic chamber as in climbing back out 
of the flower. In Arum I have repeatedly noticed that the small 
midges try to escape from their prison, not by creeping, but by 
flying towards the light, and get knocked down by the grating at 
the mouth of the flower. So if in Aristolochia Sipho the inside 
of the tube is all so smooth that flies can climb neither one way 
or the other from the lowest part, the reason of their imprisonment 
must be sought only in the curvature of the two ends of the tube, 
the one rising straight from the lowest part to the cage, while the 
other part which rises up towards the entrance of the flower is so 
bent outwards at its upper end that the insects flying towards the 
light knock against the bend and fall back again. They are set 
free by the shrivelling up of the corolla, which enables them to 
creep out. 

Delpino found in the cage: (a) Muscidw : (1) Lonchea tarsata, Fallen ; 
(b) Phoride: (2) Phora pumila, Mgn. I found: Muscide: (1) Sapromyza 
apicalis, Loew, very ab. ; (2) Myodina fibrans, L., scarce ; also a small black | 
gnat, very ab., which I was unable to identify. 

Aristolochia altissima, Dsf., A. rotunda, L., and A. pallida, W., 
show only slight variations from A. Clematitis, according to Delpino 

A. Bonplandi, Ten., unites the form of corolla of A. Sipho with 
the transitory hairs of 4, Clematitis (360). 



From the dark-red colour and putrid smell of A. grandiflora, 
Sw., in Jamaica, Delpino conjectured that it was visited by carrion- 
flies ; and also that the tendril which passes from the upper margin 
of a flower to curl round a neighbouring twig held the flower, even 
during the visits of heavier insects, in the position which it must 
occupy to act as a temporary prison (178, 360). , 


The Proteacez are proterandrous according to Delpino. On 
a superficial examination they seem to fertilise themselves, for the 
anthers open in the bud and shed their pollen on the knobbed 
style. Even Treviranus fell into this error. But the stigmas 
themselves only come to maturity much later, when probably the 
pollen has been mostly carried away. According to Delpino 
honey-sucking birds are the visitors for several species (178, 360). 
See also Bentham’s very interesting essay “On the Styles of 
Australian Proteacez ” (85). 


Daphne Mezxereum, L.—The corolla-tube is 6 mm. long, and 2 
mm. wide at the mouth. The flower is fitted for a miscellaneous 
lot of bees, long-tongued flies, and butterflies, by which it is found 
to be visited (Apide : Apis, Anthophora, Osmia, Halictus ; Diptera, 
Syrphide : Hristalis ; Lepidoptera: Vanessa wrticw). ‘The proboscis 
of such insects in entering the tube first rubs against the anthers 
(which form two whorls of four each in the upper part of the tube) 
without getting dusted by their pollen, which is only very slightly 
sticky ; it then comes in contact at a lower level with the stigma, 
before reaching the honey, which is secreted by the base of the 
ovary and fills the lower part of the tube. The insect’s proboscis 
only gets dusted with pollen as it is being drawn out of the flower. 
In absence of insects pollen falls of itself upon the stigma. 

Daphne striata, Tratinnick.—This plant is a striking feature in 
the higher Alps, with its hemispherical, close-set trusses of white 
or red strong-scented flowers. By these characters, and by the 
narrow mouth of its corolla (whose tube is 10 mm. long, and whose 
mouth is only 1 mm. wide), it is specially adapted for Lepidoptera, 
which visit it in great numbers (578, vol. xi.; 589, 590, II. ; 609). 
The flowers emit their scent chiefly in the evening, and are visited 
especially by Sphingide and moths. 

Leucosmia is dimorphic (167, 351). 



Lleagnus angustifolia, L., is visited by Apis mellifica, L. %, 
and Syritta pipiens (Syrphidz) (590, IL). 


Thesium alpinum, L., is homogamous (609, fig. 154). 
Thesium pratense, Ehrh., is visited by the hive-bee (590, IL.).: 


The regular branching and the order of succession of the 
flowers in Luphorbia helioscopia has been thoroughly described by 
Delpino. He states that Euphorbiacez are fertilised by Diptera 
(178, 360). 

This, however, is not altogether correct. Very many short- 
lipped insects (flies, beetles, Hymenoptera) resort to the freely 
exposed honey and aid in the work of cross-fertilisation. Where 
Euphorbia is growing in abundance even bees resort to it. I 
have found upon £#. Cyparissias in Low Germany :—Diptera, 4; 
Coleoptera, 8; Hemiptera, 3; Hymenoptera, 10 (Apide, 4) ; Lepi- 
doptera, 1 (590, 11.). On the same plant I have found on the 
Alps :—21 flies; 1 beetle; 4 Hymenoptera, of which none were 
bees; and 3 Lepidoptera (609). 

Euphorbia (Poinsettia) pulcherrima has scarlet bracts, and a 
large nectary in each (726). 

A Brazilian species of Dalechampia, according to-Fritz Miiller, 
attracts the insects which cross-fertilise it by means of a colourless 
resin secreted in special glands. This is collected by the insects 
(bees), and used in nest-building (597). 


Tribe Urticec. 

The plants of this tribe are anemophilous ; the stamens explode 
when the flower opens, scattering the pollen (178). 

Parietaria has proterogynous flowers (351). 

1 Lists of visitors to the following Euphorbiacee are given in No. 590, II. :— 

Euphorbia Esula, L., E. Gerardiana, Jacq., Z. peplus, L., £. helioscopia, L., Buus 
sempervirens, Li. 


Urtica wrens, L., owes it great abundance to the early period of 
the year at which it flowers, its regular cross-fertilisation, and the 
quick ripening of its fruit (590, 597). 

Tribe Artocarpee. 

377. Ficus Carica, L.—The latest researches confirm the fact, 
which Linneus (416A) was aware of, that the so-called Caprificus, 
which bears inedible fruit, and the fig-tree, cultivated for the sake 
of its fruit from time immemorial, stand in the relation of male and 
female to one another. Fertilisation is effected by a wasp, Blasto- 
phaga grossorum, Grav. (Cynips Psenes, L., Chalcidide). The hollow 
inflorescence which we call a fig is very markedly proterogynous 
in both the fig-tree and the Caprificus. The greater part of its 
inner wall is covered with female flowers, which are mature when 
the “eye” (ostiolwm) of the young fig opens. Male flowers line 
a limited zone near the orifice, and are not mature until the fig 
is ripe. The Caprificus produces three crops of figs annually, one 
crop beginning to flower as the previous one is ripe. Many 
varieties of the fig-tree ripen two crops, some three, annually, 
In most cases each crop of figs, whether of the fig-tree or the 
Caprificus, brings only flowers of one sex to full maturity. 

At Naples, the Caprificus ripens its three crops of inedible figs 
in April, June, and August. The first crop are called mamme, 
the second profichi, and the third mammoni. Each of these hatches 
a new generation of fig-wasps, but it is only the second which 
produces the pollen with which the fig-tree is cross-fertilised. Each 
crop produces female flowers in which the wasps undergo their 
development, but male flowers are usually quite wanting in the 
mamme, few in number in the mammoni, and only plentiful in the 
proficit. The fig-tree also produces three crops in the season, 
called fiort di fico, pedagnuolt, and cimarwolt. 

The reproduction of the fig-wasp takes place in the following 
way. The female wasps force their way with the loss of their 
wings into young figs of the Caprificus, through the narrow 
ostiolum. They lay their eggs in the ovaries of the female flowers, 
between the nucleus and the integuments, placing one egg only 
in each. The wasp dies within the fig to which it has intrusted 
its offspring. In consequence of the puncture which the wasp has 
made, the female flower enlarges after the manner of a gall, and 
in its ovary instead of its own embryo, the wasp-embryo develops. 
While the figs themselves are proterogynous, the wasps on the 
other hand are proterandrous. The wingless males are the first to 


emerge ; they gnaw their way into the ovaries in which the females 
lie, and impregnate them, and afterwards perish within the same 
fig in which they were born. The winged females then escape 
by widening the passage made by the males. They leave the ripe 
fig by way of the ostiolum, and enter a young fig either of the 
same Caprificus or of a neighbouring fig-tree, to lay their eggs in 

its female flowers. 'The wasps which enter the young Caprificus- 

figs (either passing from mamime to profichi, or from profichi to 
mammont, or from manmont to mamme) produce a new progeny ; 
those on the other hand which enter young figs upon a fig-tree 
(passing from mamme to fiori di fico, or from profichi to pedagnuoli, 
or from mammoni to cimaruoli) leave no offspring, since in the 
cultivated figs the female flowers are so constituted that the 
wasps are not able to lay their eggs in the right spot. 

Of the three generations of wasps only those which have 
developed within profichi act as fertilising-agents. In the profichi, 
at the time when the wasps escape from the ovaries, the zone 
of male flowers near the ostiolum is covered with pollen; so the 
wasps leave these figs laden with pollen. They carry this pollen 
partly to the stigmas of young mammoni of Caprificus, which, 
however, rarely set a seed capable of germinating, and partly to 
the pedagnuoli of the fig-tree, which after this cross-fertilisation 
bear good seed plentifully. 

While the fruit of the Caprificus, whose only use is to supply 
pollen, remains hard and withers on the tree or falls off without 
becoming sweet, the fruit of the fig-tree, when the seeds ripen, 
becomes sweet and juicy, and so attracts birds which disseminate 
the seeds. 

From the most ancient times, as long as the fig-tree has been 
cultivated, its artificial fertilisation by means of the Caprificus, 
or so-called Caprification, has been practised. This process consists 
in hanging ripe fruit of the Caprificus (proficht) to the branches of 
fig-trees, whose figs (pedagnuolt) are then in their female stage, 
with open ostiola. The wasps, issuing from the former, enter the 
latter, bringing the pollen of the projfichi with them.! 

Sycomorus antiquorum, Miq.—The Egyptian Sycamore has for 
its fertilising agent a small wasp, Sycophaga sycomori, Hasselquist, 
which is closely related to the fig-wasp, and has a similar mode 
of life. The females do not leave the ripe fruit through the 
ostiolum, but through several holes which they make near it. 

? See Bibliographical Index for a list of papers relating to Caprification, 




Both females and males are wingless, and the males are dis- 
tinguished by having a pair of long appendages at the side of the 
abdomen, which are attached to the stigmata, and probably protect 
them from the brown sticky pulp within the fruit (460). 

Paul Mayer has investigated the wasps of numerous other old- 
world species of figs, mostly from herbarium specimens. In some 
species of Ficus and Sycomorus he has found Blastophaga and 
Sycophaga together, but the whole number of species of wasps 
was very small. On the other hand, the Brazilian figs, of which 
Fritz Miiller examined ten species in his own neighbourhood 
(Blumenau, province of St. Catharina), possess an astonishing 
variety of wasps belonging to the same family of the Agaonide ; 
some of these belong to the genus Blastophaga, some to a genus 
like Jchneumon. Many are adorned with metallic colours, which 
fact suggests a longer stay in the open air. In point of fact, most 
of the figs which Fritz Miller studied, flower only once a year, 
so that many of these wasps must, in order to lay their eggs, seek 
another tree of the same species which is just beginning to flower 
at the time when the figs are ripe upon the tree where they them- 
selves were developed, In the case of many species of these wasps, 
at least four migrations are necessary in the course of the year. 

In these figs, the old inflorescence from which the wasps issue 
bears only male flowers, and the young inflorescence which they 
enter bears only female flowers. Self-fertilisation is thus rendered 
impossible, and separate individuals are regularly crossed. The 
fruit becomes sweet and in many cases gaily coloured when the 
seeds ripen, and parrots which feed on it help to disseminate 
the seeds (460). 


Juglans cinerea, L., in the United States is moneecious, and, like 
J. regia, L., in Europe, is sometimes proterandrous and sometimes 
proterogynous (Darwin, 167, 2nd ed.). 


The plants of this order also are anemophilous, but not quite 
excluded from insect-visits, On February 29, 1868, in fine 
weather, I saw numerous honey-bees busy collecting pollen on the 
male catkins of the hazel, but none settled on the female catkins. 
In many places proterandrous and proterogynous plants of the 
hazel (Corylus Avellana, L.) occur. together. 



378 a. SALIX CINEREA, L.; 3780. S. cApREA, L.; 378c. S. 
AuRITA, L., etc.—In spite of the simplicity of their flowers, which 
differ little from the anemophilous flowers of the poplar, willows 
possess special modifications which bring them greater variety of 
insect-visitors in the first sunny days of spring, and insure them 
abundant cross-fertilisation. These are: 1, the union of many 
flowers on one inflorescence, which is not only more conspicuous, 
but more easily and quickly sucked than so many single flowers ; as 
in all other diclinous entomophilous plants, the male flowers are 
more conspicuous than the female ones, owing in this case to the 
bright yellow colour of the anthers; 2, the development of the 
flowers in many Salices before the leaves, which renders the flowers 
conspicuous among the bare twigs in spite of their want of coloured 
envelopes ; 3, the large store of honey and pollen; and 4, above all, 
the early period of flowering, which leads many bees, especially 
many species of Andrena, to resort almost exclusively to willows in 
search of food for their young. These characters, of which the 
only one probably that has been developed in direct reference to 
insect-visits is the secretion of honey, have so far insured cross- 
fertilisation that the plants can well afford to dispense with the 
power of self-fertilisation. Most diclinic entomophilous flowers 
(Asparagus, Ribes nigrum, Lychnis vespertina, etc.) seem to have 
become diclinic by degeneration of their formerly hermaphrodite 
flowers, but Salix seems to inherit its diclinic condition from the 
oldest phanerogams, which were diclinic and anemophilous. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. and 
c.p., very ab. ; (2) Bombus fragrans (Pall.), K. 2; (3) B. hortorum, L. 9; (4) 
B. lapidarius, L. 9; (5) B. pratorum, L. 9; (6) B. Scrimshiranus, K. 9; (7) 
B. terrestris, L. 9, Nos. 2—7 s.; (8) Osmia rufa, L. ¢, s.; (9) Nomada 
succincta, Pz. 9 ¢, very ab. ; (10) N. lineola, Pz. ¢; (11) N. varia, Pz. ¢, 
ab. ; (12) N. Lathburiana, K. 9 ¢, ab. ; (13) N. ruficornis, L. 9 ¢, very ab. ; 
(14) N. signata, Jur. ; all the species of Nomadas. ; (15) Colletes cunicularia, L, 
? d, cp. and s., in hundreds ; (16) Andrena albicans, K. ? ¢, very ab. ; (17) 
A. albicrus, K. 9 g; (18) A. apicata, Sm. 9 ; (19) A. argentata, Sm. (= gracilis, 
Schenck) ?, scarce, ab. ; (20) A. atriceps, K. (= tibialis, K.) 9 ¢; (21) A. 
chrysosceles, K. ¢; (22) A. cineraria, L. 9 ¢, ab. ; (23) A. Collinsonana, K. 
?; (24) A. connectens, K. 9, scarce ; (25) A. dorsata, K. 9 ¢, ab. ; (26) A. 
eximia, Sm. ¢; (27) A. Flesse, Pz. 9, rare ; (28) A. fulvicrus, K. ? g, ab. ; 
(29) A. Gwynana, K. 9 g, ab.; (80) A. helvola, L. 9 ¢; (31) A. nana, K. 
2 d; (32) A. nigroenea, K. 9 ¢; (83) A. nitida, Fourc. ¢; (34) A. parvula, 
K. ¢; (85) A. pilipes, F. ¢; (36) A. pratensis, Nyl. (= ovina, Kl.) ? g, ab. ; 


(37) A. punctulata, Schenk, ? g ; (38) A. rose, Pz. 2 ; (39) A. Schrankella, Nyl. 
9; (40) A. Smithella, K., g, very ab., 2, scarcer; (41) A. Trimmerana, K. 
2; (42)'A. varians, Rossi, 9 ; (43) A. ventralis, Imh., ¢, very ab., 2 scarce ; the 
& of all the Andrenx s., the 2 s. and c.p. ; (44) Halictus cylindricus, F. 9; 
(45) H. albipes, F. 9, both s. ; (46) Sphecodes gibbus, L. ?, and its varieties, 
s.; (b) Vespide: (47) Vespa germanica, L. 9, s.; (48) Odynerus parietum, 
L. 9, 8.3 (c) Ichneumonidae: (49) Various sp. ; (d) Pteromalide : (50) Peri- 
lampus sp., freq. ; (¢) Tenthredinide: (51) Dolerus madidus, K1., s. ; (52) D. 
eglanteriz, F., s.; (53) D. gonager, KL, s. ; (54) Nematusrufescens, H.,s. B. 
Diptera—(a) Empide : (55) Rhamphomyia sulcata, Fallen, s. ; (56) Empis 
sp., ab., s.; (b) Bombylide: (57) Bombylius major, L., s.; (c) Syrphide: 
(58) Eristalis tenax, L.; (59) E. arbustorum, L. ; (60) E. intricarius, L. ; (61) 

Fic. 177.—Salix herbacea, L. 

A.—Part of a male plant (nat. size). 
B.—Male catkin, with five flowers. 
C.—Male flower, after removal of the bract, seen from without. 
D.—Male flower, from within. 
E.—Female catkin. with six flowers. 
F.—Single female flower, from within. 
.—Ditto, after removal of the bract, seen obliquely from without, so that the 
large nectary (n) is visible. m’, small nectary. 
(B—G, x 7; Albula, 21, 22, July, 1878). 


E. pertinax, Scop. ; (62) Brachypalpus valgus, Pz. ; (63) Syrpbus pyrastri, L. ; 
(64) S. ribesii, L. ; (65) S. balteatus, Deg. ; (66) Cheilosia chloris, Mgn. ; (67) 
Ch. brachysoma, Egg. ; (68) Ch. modesta, Egg. ; (69) Ch. pictipennis, Egg. ; 
(70) Ch. preecox, Zett. ; (71) Syritta pipiens, L.; all these Syrphide both s. 
and f.p.: (d) Muscide : (72) Pollenia rudis, F., fp. ; (78) Calliphora erythro- 
cephala, Mgn., s.; (74) Scatophaga stercoraria, L. ; (75) Sc. merdaria, L., 
both ab., s.; (e) Conopide: (76) Sicus ferrugineus, L. ; (77) Myopa buccata, 
L. ; (78) M. testacea, L., all three rather freq., s.; (/) Bibionide: (79) Bibio 
Marci, L. ; (80) B. Johannis, L., both species s. C. Coleoptera—(a) Niti- 
dulide : (81) Meligethes, ab., lh. ; (5) Elateride: (82) Limonius parvulus, 
Pz. D. Lepidoptera—(a) Rhopalocera : (83) Vanessa urtice, L., ab., s. ; (84) 
Lyceena argiolus, L., s. ; (0) Microlepidoptera: (85) Adela sp., ab. E. Hemi- 
ptera—(86) Anthocoris sp.,s. See also No. 590, 11. 



379. SALIX REPENS, L.—On the much less conspicuous flowers 
of this small species, 1 found only— 

A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s.,ab.; (2) Bombus 
terrestris, L. 9, ¢.p.; (3) Andrena ventralis, Imh., 9, c.p., 48 .; (4) A. pra- 
tensis, Nyl. 9, cp. ; (5) A. albicans, K. 2, ep. ; 6) A. Gwynana, K. 9,c¢.p.; 
(b) Tenthredinide: (7) Dolerus eglanterie, F.,s. B. Diptera—(8) Bombylius 
major, L., s.; (9) Myopa buccata, L., 8 C. Lepidoptera—(10) Vanessa 
Io, L., s. 

Salix herbacea, L.—Even this, the smallest of our Salices, which 
straggles over the bare rock of the highest Alps, attracts sufficient 
insect-visits to be able to dispense with the possibility of spontaneous 
self-fertilisation ; the latter is rendered impossible by the dicecism 
of the flowers. This fact is strikingly opposed to the common 
statement that on the Alps (owing to the great scarcity of insects) 
only those plants which possess the largest and brightest flowers 
succeed in being fertilised by the aid of insects. The flowers are 
inconspicuous, but the honey is very abundant. The only visitors 
that I have found on the flowers of S. herbacea are a small moth 
(Tineide) and a fly (Cenosia sp.), both sucking honey (609).* 


Empetrum nigrum, L., is anemophilous (762). 


These lowest and oldest Phanerogams have diclinic anemo- 
philous flowers ; the female flowers are devoid of a stigma, and possess 
a cavity in the ovule between the micropyle and the nucleus. In 
the flowering period, a drop of fluid rests upon the micropyle ; the 
pollen-grains brought by the wind are caught by it, and are drawn 
within the micropyle as the fluid evaporates or is absorbed (178 I. ; 

Delpino has given a fuller account of the process of pollination in 
Pinus pinaster, Ait., and P. halepensis, Ait., (178) and in Larix (177). 


Vallisneria spiralis, L.—The male flowers are set free from the 
plant and float on the surface of the water. The pollen, which had 

1 Insect-visitors of Salix fragilis, L., and S. amygdalina, L., are enumerated in 
No. 590, 1. ; and those of 8. reticulata, L., and S. retusa, L., in No. 609. 


hitherto been protected from contact with the water, is now carried 
by currents to the stigmas of female flowers. Va/llisneria is, in a 
certain sense, a transition from the water-fertilised to the insect- 
fertilised flowers ; Hydrocharis is distinctly entomophilous (178, I1.). 


This family is remarkable for the following characters, due to 
its wide distribution and to its enormous number of species: first, 
for great variety of habit and diversity of station; secondly, for its 
immense variety of peculiar and highly-specialised flowers; and 
thirdly, for the unusually large number of seeds produced in each 
capsule. The diversity of habit and place of growth must be ex- 
plained by supposing all the parts of the plant concerned in nutri- 
tion to have been very variable. I have discussed at full length 
their variability in our recent species, in a paper upon the genetic 
relations of Hpipactis viridifolia, EB. microphylla, and £. latifolia 

The multiplicity of forms of flowers is not difficult to under- 
stand if we only suppose the ancestors of the family to have been 
as liable to variation in their flowers as our recent species are. Dr. 
Rossbach has discussed the variability of the flower in Orchis fusca, 
and I myself in the genus Habenaria.? 

I do not doubt that Orchids owe their extraordinarily perfect 

, adaptations to particular insects not only to the tendency of the 

parts of their flowers to variation, but also to the separation in 
time of the two stages in the act of impregnation. At the time 
of flowering the ovule is, as a rule, not yet developed; pollen is 
applied to the stigma, and the pollen-tubes grow out, but the ovule 
is only developed and impregnated weeks or months, sometimes six 
months, later. The extremely complete adaptations to cross-fertil- 
isation have in their turn resulted, in many cases, in the flowers 
becoming absolutely sterile to their own pollen. 

In regard to capacity for fertilisation by their own pollen, 
Orchids show the greatest possible differences, all of which, however, 
are linked together by intermediate conditions. We find in this 
order, cleistogamic flowers* and open flowers; flowers regularly 4 

1 Verhdl. des naturh. Vereins fur pr. Rheinl. und Westfal. p. 166, 1857. 

2 Tbid., pp. 36-47, 1868. 

3 Schomburgkia, Cattleya, and Epidendrwm (Criger, 149) ; Dendrobiwm (Ander- 
son, 5); Zhelymitra (Darwin, 167). ; 

4 Ophrys apifera (Darwin, 155); Neotinea intacta (Darwin, 159) ; Gymnadenia 
tridentata and Platanthera hyperborea (Asa Gray, 274); Epipactis viridifolia (H. 
Miiller, 565) ; Epidendrwm (Fritz Miiller, 553). 


or occasionally! self-fertilised ; others never self-fertilised, though 
quite fertile to their own pollen if it be applied artificially (565) ; 
flowers absolutely sterile to their own pollen, though fertile not 
only to the pollen of their own species but even to that of other 
species of their own genus (158A, 693); finally species in which 
pollinia and stigma of the same individual act as fatal poisons to 
one another.” 

In regard to the immense number of seeds sometimes produced, 
it may suffice to record an observation of my brother’s, who 
estimated over 1,750,000 seeds in a single capsule of a Mazillaria 

Dissemination by wind is favoured by the lightness of the seeds 
and by the peculiar dehiscence of the capsule, which opens by 
three longitudinal slits, the parts remaining connected above or 

The subject of the cross- and self-fertilisation of Orchids has 
been so fully treated in Darwin’s classical book and elsewhere that 
I may confine myself to notes on those of our native species whose 
visitors have been actually observed, and to some recent additions 
to our knowledge. 

Tribes Lpidendree ? and Vandee. 

Angrecum sesquipedale, Pet. Th.—This plant is a native of 
Madagascar. The spur is longer than that of any other Orchid, 
perhaps than that of any other plant, and according to Darwin 
(155A, p. 198) an insect must have a tongue 10 or 11 inches long 
to reach the honey. Mr. W. A. Forbes has given evidence of the 
existence of such an insect (256). My brother caught a hawkmoth 
(Macrosilia Cluentius) in Brazil which actually had a proboscis 10 
or 11 inches long. I have figured this proboscis in No. 571. 

In Notylia, some species of Oncidiwm, and others, honey is 
secreted by the outer surface of the ovary and by the bracts. Ina 
Cattleya it is secreted for a long period by the young fruit; this 
honey is diligently sought by ants, but of course has no relation 
to the process of fertilisation (Fritz Miiller). 

Gomeza.—My brother observed this orchid fertilised by a bee, 
and saw the fertilised flower produce its capsule. 

Polystachya.—In a small Brazilian species of this genus, the 

1 Neottia nidus-avis frequently, Listera ovata exceptionally (Darwin, 159). 
2 Species of Oncidiwm, Notylia, Gomeza, Stigmatostalix, and Burlingtonia (Fritz 
Miiller, 550; Darwin, 158A, 11. chap. xvii.) 

3 See also No. 34 (Liparis Bowkeri), and No. 609, p. 77, fig. 21 (Corallorhiza 

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labellum becomes full of loose cells, like flour, which probably 
attract insect-visitors (Fritz Miiller). 

Epidendrum.—tIn South Brazil there are several plain green 
species of this genus, quite without perceptible perfume, which 
secrete abundant honey, and must be fertilised by insects. This is 
an illustration of how flowers need not make themselves perceptible 
at a distance to their visitors by means which affect our senses. 

An observation of my brother’s in the island of St. Catharina 
in South Brazil shows how a plant may propagate itself by self- 
fertilisation when deprived of the insects for which its flowers were 
adapted. On this island an Epidendrum occurs, whose flower con- 
tains three perfect anthers; the two lateral anthers effect self- 
fertilisation regularly, while the pollen of the third can only be 
removed by insects, an event which seems to be exceedingly rare. 
The flower is almost scentless, At Itajahy an Epidendrum occurs 
which resembles the triandrous Epidendrum of St. Catharina almost 
exactly, save that it is monandrous and has a strong, aromatic 
scent. The triandrous variety can only be looked upon as descended 
from specimens of the monandrous form which got transported to 
St. Catharina. There the insects adapted for the flower must have 
been absent or very scarce, so that the power to reproduce by self- 
fertilisation became desirable. Accordingly, whenever the two 
lateral stamens appeared as an abnormality (as often happens 
in other Orchids) they had the greatest possible chance of being 
perpetuated by Natural Selection; the perfume of the flowers, on 
the other hand, being useless and therefore removed from the 
influence of Natural Selection, was lost (533). 

Tribe Neottiew. 

Spiranthes autwmnalis, Rich., has been observed by Darwin to 
be fertilised by humble-bees (155A, p. 127). 

380. ListerA ovaTa, R. Br—Sprengel has described the 
fertilisation of this flower as he observed it in his garden, but he 
-was not acquainted with the insect-visitors. Darwin has given an 
admirable description of the flower, and mentions two Hymenoptera 
(Hemitiles and Cryptus) which he saw attaching the pollinia to their 
foreheads ; as he caught the insects, he did not witness the placing 
of the pollinia on the stigma. My own observations may help to 
confirm and complete the accounts given by Sprengel and Darwin. 

‘On a sunny afternoon in May, 1867, I watched the insect-visitors 

M M 



of this plant for more than an hour. I was able to watch about 
twenty plants simultaneously, and on each three or more insects 
were often busy sucking honey together. I concentrated my atten- 
tion in every case on a single insect, and did not catch it until it had 
accomplished at least one act of fertilisation ; most of them I only 
caught after they had fertilised three, four, or more flowers. The 
specimen of Grammoptera levis which I have figured (4, Fig. 178) 
was already laden with pollinia when I first noticed it; it visited 
‘six flowers in my presence, carrying off the pollinia from four, and 
applying pollen to the stigmas of the other two, which had been 

Fic, 178.—Listera ovata, R. Bz. 

1.—Portion of an unfertilised flower, from the side. 

2.—Front view of flower, after the pollen masses (po) have been removed from the anther. The 
flat rostellum (r) is bent forwards, and partly conceals the stigma (st). (Magnified one half as much 
asl.) mn, nectary. 

8.—Pollen-masses adhering to a needle (x 20). k, cement; po, pollen-masses. 

4.—Grammoptera levis, with a number of pollen-masses on its head. 

previously visited and deprived of their pollinia. To judge from 
the number of hardened cement-disks which this insect carried 
upon its head, it must have fertilised very many flowers before I 
began to watch it. Although a great many insects flew away 
before I tried to catch them, and others escaped me, I secured a 
considerable number, all of which I had seen effecting cross-fertil- 
isation, and all of which still bore pollinia on their heads. Except 
Grammoptera levis* they were all Ichneumonide. They have been 
identified for me by Dr. Kaltenbach of Aachen as follows: (1) 
Ichneumon uniguttatus (one specimen); (2) Alysia (one); (3) 

1 Sprengel seems to have caught this insect bearing pollinia of Zistera ovata. 
At least he mentions a small beetle with black head and scutellum,and brown elytar. 


Cryptus (eight specimens belonging to three species) ; (4) Phagedon 
(two); (5) Zryphon (two); (6) Campoplex (one); (7) Microgaster 
rufipes, F. (three). I saw Bombus agrorum, F., licking the honey 
in several flowers without removing the pollinia. 

Sprengel has correctly described how small insects (all of the 
above, except Bombus) regularly alight on the lower end of the 
labellum (p’, 2) and slowly creep upwards licking the honey in the 
groove (v); when they have finished and raise their heads, they 
come in contact without fail with the slightly prominent edge of 
the thin rostellum (7, 1). On the slightest touch, this exudes 
a small white drop of fluid, which reaches the apex of the pollinia 
(po, 1) and hardening instantly, cements them to the object whose 
touch caused the exudation ; and so in every flower which has not 
previously been visited, the insect-visitor receives a new pair of 
pollinia. The insect flies away startled, and soon afterwards alights 
on the labellum of another flower, usually on another plant. The 
rostellum, on first being touched and while it exudes its drop of 
fluid, curves downwards so as partly to protect the stigma (2, 
Fig. 178); but afterwards, while the groove of the labellum is 
secreting a fresh supply of honey, the rostellum gradually rises, 
leaving the way free to the stigma. 

Thus to previous accounts of this flower we may add two 
statements: 1, that when an insect has once attached pollinia 
to its head, it must either acquire a new pair of pollinia or apply 
-some pollen to the stigma in every flower that it visits sub- 
sequently; 2, that not only does cross-fertilisation always occur, 
but that the pollen of one plant is usually carried to a flower 
upon another. 

381. NEOTTIA NIDUS-AVIS, Rich.—The flower resembles that 
of Listera ovata in regard to the function of the rostellum and its 
position in relation to the anther and stigma. It differs, however, 
by concealing its honey from view though leaving it easily 
accessible, by cementing its pollinia to the insect-visitors in a more 
irregular and less effective way, and by being frequently self- 
fertilised owing to the dry pollen falling bit by bit upon the 
stigma. All such insect-visitors as are attracted only by exposed 
honey are absent, and the dull yellow flowers deter all those which 
are only allured by bright colours. 

This tendency to self-fertilisation seems to me to be due athe? 
to the mechanism of the flower being as yet incomplete than to 
scarcity of insect-visits.. I have only once watched this plant at 

MM 2 


the proper season, but on that occasion I found it visited by flies 
in considerable abundance, and several of the spikes were covered 
with spiders’ webs. I saw several specimens of Spilogaster cinerea, 
Wied., and a small species of Muscide alight on the labellum and 
suck the honey; but I did not see any of them touch the rostellum 
and remove the pollinia. After watching for a long time, I saw 
a larger yellow fly (Helomyza affinis, Mgn.) visit a flower; when 
it crawled up the labellum to its base, licking the honey on its 
way, it came in contact with the rostellum and cemented the 
pollinia to the anterior part of its thorax. It flew away, startled ; 
but it was caught in a spider’s web, and my chance of observing 
the fertilisation of Neottia was lost. 

Fig. 179.—Neottia nidus-avis, Rich. 

1.—Lateral view of flower. 

2.—Ditto, of labellum. 

8.—Labellum, from above. The small rings indicate honey-drops. 
4.— Essential organs, in side-view. 

br, bract; co, column. Other letters as in Fig. 180. 

Goodyera repens, R. Br—Mr. R. B. Thomson saw this plant 
fertilised in the north of Scotland by Bombus pratorum (Darwin, 
159, 165); I have seen it on the Alps fertilised by B. mastrucatus, 
% (609). 

The Alpine Chameorchis is probably adapted, like Listera, for 
fertilisation by Jchnewmonide (609). 

Epipactis latifolia, Swartz.—Charles Darwin observed this plant 
to be fertilised by wasps (Vespa silvestris). Self-fertilisation seems 
scarcely possible. 

Epipactis microphylla, Ehrh., fertilises itself regularly; but 
part of the pollen can be removed by insects by the aid of the 
sticky secretion of the rostellum, as the whole pollinia are in 
L. latifolia, 

Epipactis viridiflora, Rehb., has quite lost its rostellum, Small 


portions of pollen may be accidentally carried away by minute 
insects, but the flower is self-fertilised in a still more conspicuous 
degree than #. microphylla. I have described elsewhere (565) 
the changes in the relative position of anther and stigma which 
render self-fertilisation possible, and the intermediate nee 
between the above-mentioned species of Hpipactis. 

Epipactis palustris, Crantz.—Mr. W. E. Darwin saw this species 
visited and fertilised abundantly in the Isle of Wight by Apis 
mellifica, % ; also by flies (Sarcophaga carnosa and Celopa frigida) 
and by Crabro brevis. 

Epipogon Gmelini, Rich—Paul Rohrbach! has described the 
structure and fertilisation of this flower very admirably (675). : 
He observed Bombus lucorwm, L., visiting the flowers. 

Tribe Ophrydee. 

Serapias longipetala, Pollin., is visited by bees in the west of 
Liguria (Delpino, 567). 

Herminium Monorchis, R. Br—George Darwin observed the 
flowers visited by twenty-seven species of small insects, of which 
the largest were one-twentieth of an inch long. They consisted 
of Hymenoptera (especially Tetrastichus diaphanthus and 
Pteromalini), Diptera, and Coleoptera (e.g. Malthodes brevicollis). 
I have found the flowers visited on the Alps by small Braconidz 
and Pteromalidz (609). 

Platanthera—I have elsewhere (565) proved at very consider- 
able length that the varieties distinguished as P. bifolia and 
P. chlorantha by German botanists are connected with one another 
by numerous intermediate forms; but that the plant referred to 
by Darwin as P. bifolia corresponds to P. solstitialis, Bonningh., 
and is a well-defined species. The spur of P. solstitialis is from 
12°to 21 mm. long, that of P. chlorantha from 23 to 43 mm.; in 
both species the spur is too narrow to admit a bee’s proboscis. 
The honey is therefore accessible only to Lepidoptera, and in. the 
extreme forms of P. chlorantha only to Sphingidw. The colour 
of the flowers suggests that they are adapted for nocturnal and . 
crepuscular insects. Darwin caught a specimen of Hadena dentina 
to one of whose eyes a sticky disk of P. chloran'ha was attached, 
and a Plusia with one attached to the margin of its eye. The 
sticky disks stand much closer together in P. solstitialis, and 

1 This able and brilliant naturalist died at an early age. 


become attached to the base of the proboscis, as Darwin observed 
in the case of Agrotis segetum and Anaitis plagiata+ 

Professor Asa Gray has published most interesting observations 
on the structure and mode of fertilisation of certain American 
species of Platanthera (273, 274, 277). 

Himantoglossum hircinwm, Rich—Hildebrand saw this species 
visited by a bee (361). 

Gymnadenia conopsea, R. Br—The spur is so narrow that the 
honey is only accessible to Lepidoptera. George Darwin observed 
the flower to be visited by nocturnal Lepidoptera (Plusia chrysitis, 
P. gamma, Anaitis plagiata, Triphana pronuba). On the Alps, 
T have seen this species visited by twenty-seven different species 
of Lepidoptera, mostly butterflies (600, fig. 13). 

Gymnadenia odoratissima, Rich., has a much shorter spur 
(4 or 5 mm., against 13 or 14 mm. in G. conopsea), paler colour, 
and stronger and more aromatic perfume. I have only found it 
visited by three species of nocturnal Lepidoptera (609, fig. 13). 

Nigritella angustifolia, Rich.—The ovary is not twisted, and the 
position of the parts of the flower is, therefore, the reverse of that 
in Gymnadenia. Its strong odour of vanilla attracts very numerous 
Lepidoptera (I observed forty-eight species), to the under side of 
whose proboscis the pollinia get cemented (609, fig. 15). 

Nigritella suaveolens, Koch., seems to be a hybrid between JN. 
angustifolia and Gymnadenia odoratissima; but as G. odoratissima 
cements its pollinia to the upper side of the insect’s proboscis, and 
NV. angustifolia to the lower, it is difficult to see how this hybrid 
can be produced, except from flowers of the species which are already 
abnormally inclined. Such abnormally placed flowers, are, however, 
to be met with now and then in both species, (609, fig. 16). 

Anacamptis pyramidalis, Rich—The flower agrees in most 
points with the species of Orchis to be described immediately, and 
like them secretes no free honey. The spur is very narrow, only 
admitting the tongues of Lepidoptera, and the mode of attachment 
of the pollinia by means of a saddle-shaped band instead of two 
round disks is also specially fitted for the proboscis of Lepidoptera. 
Darwin observed twenty-three different species of butterflies and 
moths carrying pollinia of A. pyramidalis on their tongues. 

Ophrys muscifera, Huds.—This species seems to be adapted 
for carrion-loving Diptera. The flies are probably attracted by 
the dark purple under lip, which bears a pale blue smooth spot, 

 T have given an account of the flower of Platanthera bifolia, Rich., with figures, 
in No. 589 and No, 609, 




and under favourable conditions is covered with a number of 
minute drops. A Sarcophaga which I saw seated on the under 
lip, licking these drops, flew away on my approach. But it had 
its head pointing towards the base of the lip, and if I had not 
disturbed it, it would probably not have failed to lick also the two 
black shining bodies at the base of the lip; in doing so it would 
have touched the rostellum and caused a pollinium to be cemented 
to its head. The two bodies at the base of the under lip look like 
drops of fluid, though in reality they are quite dry. They may 
be called pseudo-nectaries, and probably deceive the insect-visitors 

(5 89, 599, I.). 

MACULATA.—In all these Orchids the three sepals and the two 
superior petals arch over the essential organs of the flower, while 
the inferior petal or labeilum forms a convenient alighting-place 
for insect-visitors. The labellum is prolonged backwards into a 
hollow spur, which secretes no free honey, but whose walls are 
composed of very delicate and succulent tissue. Immediately above 
the entrance to this spur stands the trilobed stigma, whose two 
inferior lobes form the true stigmatic surfaces, while the third 
superior lobe forms the rostellum. This organ, the bursicula of 
German authors, consists of a little pouch full of viscid matter, 
which projects into the mouth of the spur. The two lateral 
anthers are just visible as useless rudiments (staminodes); the 
third, and only perfect one, stands immediately above the rostellum. 
Its two loculi are separated by a broad connective, and are split 
anteriorly for their whole length by a longitudinal slit. The two 
pollinia lie within the loculi, quite unattached except at the ends 
of their caudicles, which adhere to the upper surface of the ros- 
tellum. When an insect thrusts its head into the spur, it imevit- 
ably comes in contact with the rostellum ; the membrane covering 
the latter instantly splits into an inferior portion, which curls 
backwards, and two small round disks, connected with the caudicles 
and coated abundantly with viscid matter on their lower surfaces ; 
these attach themselves to the insect’s head. The cement of the 
sticky disks quickly hardens, and when, after a short time, the 
insect withdraws its head, it takes with it the disks and the pollinia 
attached to them by their caudicles. At first the pollinia stand 
almost perpendicular to the disks, but soon, as the disks dry, the 
pollinia bend gradually forwards through an angle of nearly 90°, 
and so come into such a position that in subsequently-visited 


flowers, they are applied directly to the stigma. Each pollinium 
consists of a great number of packets of coherent pollen-grains ; 

the packets are bound together by delicate elastic filaments to - 

form an oval pollen-mass. When this is pressed against the very 
adhesive stigma and again withdrawn, all the packets that have 
come in immediate contact with the stigmatic surface remain ad- 
hering to it, for the elastic filaments break before the attachment 
of the packets to the stigma gives way. By this means, an insect 
flying from flower to flower effects cross-fertilisation regularly. 

This view of the flower of Orchis was propounded by Darwin 
before he or any one else had succeeded in observing insects en- 
gaged in the work. Every detail in the structure of the flower 
seemed to be satisfactorily explained, but the absence of honey in 
the spur remained without explanation. Sprengel, who supposed 
that the pollinia were applied by insects to the stigma of the same 
flower (702, p. 401), suggested that the insect-visitor came in 
search of honey, and on finding none, passed on to some other 
kind of flower. But it was essential for Darwin’s theory that 
each insect-visitor should visit a number of the flowers in succes- 
sion; and Darwin suggested that possibly the insects pierced the 
delicate tissue of the spur and sucked the included fluid. My own 
direct observations have confirmed this view, as well as every 
detail of the rest of Darwin’s account. The following description 
of the action of insects on Orchis was published many years ago 
(565) — | 

On May 6, 1869, I and my son Hermann at length succeeded in 
observing humble-bees fertilismg the flowers of Orchis upon 
Stromberg Hill. As we lay upon the turf, which was overgrown 
with Orchis mascula, we saw a humble-bee (apparently Bombus 
terrestris) alight, close beside us, on the base of a spike of that 
plant. It thrust its head into a flower, and drew it out after about 
four seconds with the two pollinia attached to it. It repeated the 
same operation on two more flowers. After withdrawing its head 
from the third, it paused, and tried without success to free itself 
from the pollinia, which were cemented firmly to the front of its 
head. Climbing a little further up the spike it thrust its head 
into a fourth flower. At that moment I tried to catch it in my 
net, but it escaped and flew away. We next saw a Bombus 
hortorum suck three or four flowers on a _ spike of Orchis 
mascula (beginning at the base of the spike), and then proceed 
to another spike, near by. We examined this latter spike, and 
found several of its stigmas smeared with pollen and the loculi of 

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the anthers empty. In the space of two hours we had three more 
opportunities of watching the fertilisation of Orchis mascula ; the 
fertilising agent on two of these occasions was Bombus lapidarius, 
on the third, Psithyrus campestris. B. lapidarius spent a shorter 
time on each flower (about two to three seconds), but otherwise the 
various bees behaved precisely alike. We caught the Psithyrus 
and a B. lapidarius, and found a number of pollinia on the head of 
each. Some of the pollinia had already bent forwards, so that 
they were ready to come in contact with the stigma of the next 
flower; others were still erect. Of ninety-seven humble-bees 
which we caught that day on Stromberg Hill, thirty-two bore 
pollen-masses of Orchis. We frequently observed on our captured 
bees, that when the pollen-masses bent forwards the bee was able 
to tear them off with its mandibles. Some bees which we caught 
with pollinia on their heads had them attached to their forelegs 
when examined shortly afterwards. These frequently successful 
efforts on the part of the bees to free themselves from the pol- 
linia explain why we often find whole pollinia or pairs of pollinia 
attached to the flowers, generally in the neighbourhood of the 

On this one day, which was especially favourable, as it was warm 
and calm, and came after a long spell of cold weather, probably 
more than a third of all the humble-bees on Stromberg Hill had 
been engaged in fertilising Orchids. The following numbers give 
a rough idea of the scale on which the work was performed. At 
seven o'clock on the morning of the same day I gathered ten 
specimens of Orchis morio on a meadow covered with the plant. 
These ten spikes contained 107 expanded flowers; of these, one only. 
had its anther-loculi empty and its stigma smeared with pollen; 
two had their stigmas smeared with pollen, but their pollinia had 
not been removed. At five o’clock in the afternoon I gathered in 
the same place ten spikes containing ninety-seven flowers ; fourteen 
had their stigmas smeared with pollen, and of these two only had 
their pollinia still within the anther-loculi; three other flowers 
had their pollinia removed, but their stigmas showed no trace 
of pollen. Thus at seven o'clock in the morning 2°5 per cent., 
and at five o’clock in the afternoon over 14 per cent. of the flowers 
had been fertilised. 

I need hardly add that this observation fully confirmed Darwin’s 
suggestion. The bees must have found something within the 
spurs, or they would not have continued to visit the flowers. Since 
the spur contains no free honey, but abundant fluid within its 



wall, it is certain that the bees pierced the delicate inner membrane 
and sucked the included fluid. They doubtless pierced the tissue 
quickly and easily with the points of their maxille. 

My direct observations have shown that the three or four 
seconds spent by the bee on each flower is enough to permit 
the cement to harden and attach the pollinia firmly to the bee’s 
head; and by thrusting a pencil into the spur of O. mascula we can 
see that two to three seconds is enough to fasten the pollinia 
firmly. The bee always thrusts its proboscis once only into each 
flower, and accordingly each flower receives pollen from another. 
In O. mascula, the bending forwards of the pollinium occupies 
about forty seconds; it is rarely completed in twenty-five seconds. 
A bee which visits three or four flowers on a spike, spends three 
to four seconds upon each, and about two seconds in passing from 
from one flower to another ; so that at most it spends about twenty 
to twenty-two seconds on each spike. It has therefore passed to 
another spike before any of the pollinia belonging to the first have 
finished bending downwards. It seems therefore that not only 
is cross-fertilisation of separate flowers ensured, but even of 
separate plants. | 

I repeated these observations many times subsequently. I 
was wrong at first in supposing that the bee only pierced the 
tissue of the spur once, and I neglected to look for the punctures 
that the bee made. On June 13th, 1870, a hive-bee flew before 
my eyes into a flower of O. latifolia: it pierced the inner wall of 
the spur several times with the points of its maxille, and then flew 
away, bearing the two pollinia on its head, to a flower of Lychnis 
Jlos-cuculi. I gathered the flower immediately after the bee left 
it, and found the punctures visible from the outside as small, 
bright, elongated specks. Darwin observed Hmpis livida piercing 
the inner wall of the spur of O. maculata, and also found the 
punctures that it made. The question as to what insects seek 
in the flowers is now finally settled, and Delpino’s doubts (567, 
p. 16) concerning the accuracy of Darwin’s views are shown to be 


Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus hortorum, L.; (2) B. lapi- 
darius, L.; (3) B, confusus, Schenck.; (4) B. terrestris, L. ; (5) B. agrorum, 
F. ; (6) B. pratorum, L.; (7) B. (Psithyrus) campestris, Pz. ; (8) B. muscorum 
1.7 Nos, 1—7, observed by me, No, 8 by a friend of Darwin’s (Ann. and Mag. 
of Nat, Hist. Sept. 1869), 


383. OrcHIS MoRIO, L. :— 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $; (2) Bombus 
muscorum, L. ; (3) B. lapidarius, L. ; (4) B. confusus, Schenck ; (5) B. pra- 
torum, L. ; (6) B. hortorum, L. ; (7) B. silvarum, L. ; (8) Eucera longicornis, 

L. ; (9) Osmia rufa, L. Nos. 1, 2,8 from Darwin ; Nos. 1, 3—7, 9 observed 
by me. 


Visitors : Hymenoptera—Apide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $; (2) Bombus 
senilis, Sm. ; (3) B. fragrans, Pall. (K.); (4) B. confusus, Schenck ; (5) B. 
hortorum, L. ; (6) B. lapidarius, L. ; (7) B. terrestris, L.; (8) B. muscorum, 
L. ; (9) Eucera longicornis, L. ¢; (10) Halictus leucozonius, K. 9; (11) No- 
mada sexfasciata, Pz. 9; (12) Osmia fusca, Chr. (= bicolor, Schr.) 9, all 
from my own observations. According to Darwin, O. latifolia is also visited 
by Diptera. I have found it visited by humble-bees on the Alps (609). 

385. O. MACULATA, L., seems to be visited chiefly by Diptera. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—-Apid@ : (1) Bombus pratorum, L. % (once). 
B. Diptera—(a) Empide: (2) Empis livida, L.; (3) E. pennipes, both 
oberved by George Darwin, the former abundantly, the latter more rarely ;— 
in thrusting their tongues into the flower they cemented the pollinia to their 
eyes. (b) Syrphide: (4) Volucella bombylans, .L., very ab.; (5) Eristalis 
horticola, Mgn. (Sld.) freq. ; both got the pollinia attached to the fore-part of 
their heads. Nos. 1, 4, 5 were observed by me. 

Orchis maculata is visited by Cerambycide (Darwin, 165), 
and also by humble-bees (509). 

Orchis ustulata, L. and O, globosa, Li. are adapted for Lepidoptera 
by the very narrow entrances to their spurs; the latter species I 
found to be visited abundantly and exclusively by Lepidoptera 
upon the Alps (609). 

Orchis tridentata, Scop. is visited by humble-bees (590, 1). 

Tribe Cypripedine. 

386. CyPpRIPEDIUM CALCEOLUS, L.—The observations of Darwin 
(153 A.), Asa Gray (276), and Delpino (172, 178, 567), all refer to 
other and in some cases very different species of this genus. My 
own observations on C. Calceolus were published many years ago 
(565, 566), and have been repeatedly verified and extended since. 

I have observed five species of Andrena fertilising the flower ; 
viz. A. nigroenea, K. 9, A. fulvicrus, K. 9, A. albicans, K. 9, 
A. atriceps, K. 9 (= A. tebialis, K.), and A. pratensis, Nyl. 9. 
These bees, attracted by the colour and perfume of the flower, fly 
into the slipper-shaped lip and lick and bite the hairs lining its 


floor, which are sometimes covered with small drops of honey. 
They try for some time to escape by climbing up the vaulted sides 
of their prison towards the orifice that they entered by; at last 
after creeping beneath the stigma (st, 2, Fig. 180), they manage 
with a great effort to escape by one of two’small lateral openings 
(ex, 2) at the base of the lip; in doing so they smear one shoulder 
with a sticky pollen from the anther immediately above. In the 

Fia. 180.—Cypripedium Caleceolus, L. 

de —Flower, with its parts in their natural position, seen from in front and above. 
2.—Ditto, in longitudinal section, after removal of the sepals and the two superior petals. (The lip 
is bent slightly downwards, to show the opening ew clearly). 
3.—The essential organs from below. 

ov, Ovary ; 8, sepal ; Pe petal ; p’, labellum ; a, anther; a’, metamorphosed stamen ; st, stigma 
#, ‘entrance ’’; ew, ** exit.’ 

next flower, the bee, as it creeps under the stigma, leaves some pollen 
on its papille, which are long and point obliquely forwards ; then, 
squeezing itself again through one of the small orifices, it acquires 
another load of pollen: cross-fertilisation is thus effected regularly. 
The third anther (a’) is metamorphosed into a broad, purple-spotted 
lobe, which stands in the posterior half of the cavity of the lip and 
leaves only the small lateral orifices described above. The hairs, 
which are arranged in a broad band on the floor-of the labellum, 
seem to help the Andrene to climb up towards the orifices, besides 


attaching them by their secretion. Smaller bees and flies which 
are too large to pass freely through the orifice and too weak to 
force their sides apart, must as a rule perish of hunger within the 
labellum. I have repeatedly found Andrena parvula, K. 9, dead 
within the labellum, and also the following flies: Hmpis punctata, 
F., a Cheilosia (Syrphide), an Anthomyia (Muscidae), and considerable 
numbers of Spilogaster semicinera, Wied. (Muscidew). Small 
beetles (Meligethes) are often able to creep freely out of the 
labellum, but sometimes they are held fast by the sticky pollen and 
remain to perish. 

Cypripedium barbatum is believed by Delpino to be fertilised by 
flies. Delpino found flies within the labellum of some cultivated 
plants, which afterwards set seed (178, 567). 

Cypripedium caudatum is believed by Delpino to be fertilised by 
snails (178), 


A review of the Orchids that I have observed upon the Alps 
shows that, above the limit of trees, almost the only species which 
occur are those adapted for Lepidoptera, while in the lower regions 
forms adapted for all kinds of visitors occur. The following 
species occur in greater abundance above the level of trees, or are 
restricted entirely to that region: (1) Orchis ustulata, (2) O. globosa, 
(3) Gymnadenia conopsea, (4) G. odoratissima, (5) G. albida, (6) 
Peristylus viridis, (7) Nigritella angustifolia (N. suaveolens, as being 
probably a hybrid, cannot be included), (8) Platanthera solstitialis, 
(9) Chameorchis alpina. Of these, six (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8) are un- 
doubtedly, and two (5, 6) (from the narrow.entrance to the spur) 
in all probability, are fertilised by Lepidoptera. While we thus 
find that of the loftier Alpine Orchids at least two-thirds, but 
probably eight-ninths, are adapted for Lepidoptera, in Westphalia 

we find that, of thirty-five species,! at most six? are adapted for 
Lepidoptera, and most of these are very sparingly visited by 
them (609). 

1 Orchis pyramidalis, O. morio, O. mascula, O. laxiflora, O. coriphora, O. militaris, 
O. tridentata, O. sambucina, O. latifolia, O. maculata, Gymnadenia conopsea, G. 
albida, Platanthera bifolia (solstitialis), P. chlorantha, Peristylus viridis, Herminium 
Monorchis, Ophrys muscifera, O. apifera, O. aranifera, Epipogon Gmelini, Cephal- 
anthera pallens, C. ensifolia, C. rubra, Epipactis latifolia, E. microphylla, E. viridi- 
flora, E. atrorubens, E. palustris, Listera ovata, Goodyera repens, Spiranthes autum- 
nalis, Malaxis paludosa, Liparis Loeselii, Cypripedium Calceolus. - 

? Orchis pyramidalis, Gymnadenia conopsea, G, albida, Platanthera bifolia (solsti- 
tialis), P. chlorantha, Peristylus viridis. Aw 


Tribe Zingiberee. 

Hedychium and Alpinia are adapted for cross-fertilisation by 
insects. The visitors must come in contact first with the stigma 
and afterwards with the anthers (172, 352). Delpino conjectured 
that Hedychium must be fertilised by Lepidoptera, and long after- 
wards found scales of ‘Lepidoptera on the stigma of the plant 
(177). Fritz Miller has shown that the flowers of Hedychium 
are arranged so that the pollen may be transported by the wings 
of long-tongued butterflies. . 

Zingiber officinarum.—Cross-fertilisation is ensured in case of 
insect-visits by the prominent position of the stigma (351). 

The cultivated plant in South Brazil is only reproduced by 
vegetative means, and is quite barren, though pollen, stigma, and 
ovule seem to reach normal development. ‘This sterility is 
perhaps due to the plants being all portions of one original 

stock (359). 

Tribe Marantee. 

Calathea (Maranta) zebrina, Meyer, and C. discolor, Lindl., 
have, according to Hildebrand, an explosive arrangement, com- 

parable to that of several Papilionaceze. A hood-shaped petal, on 

the under side of the almost horizontal flower, surrounds the style, 
which carries at its extremity the funnel-shaped stigma, and above 
the stigma the pollen which is shed upon it in the bud. The 
weight of an insect-visitor alighting on the petal itself or on a 
hooked process of it, sets the style free. The style then curves 
backwards and inwards, so that the ventral surface of the insect 
is first swept by the stigma and then dusted with fresh pollen. 
The style in curving backwards closes the path to the honey, 
so that each flower is only visited once (360, p. 617). Delpino 
investigated Maranta bicolor and M. cannefolia, and found their 
flower almost identical in structure with the species described by 
Hildebrand. He, however, found that part of the style between 
the stigma and the pollen secretes a sticky fluid, which is applied 
to the insect’s proboscis and causes the pollen to adhere. 

Thalia dealbata, Fras., has similar flowers, which are visited 
and fertilised abundantly at Florence by the hive-bee. 

Delpino has tried, by comparing the flowers of Marantacew 
with those of Musacew, Zingiberacee, Cannacee, Orchidee and 
Graminew, to trace out the genetic relations of these orders (175). 

Sp) ene cae atm. a i I e 






Maranta arundinacea, L., is sterile in South Brazil, where it is 
only propagated asexually. The flowers have ceased to produce 
pollen, but retain the elastic style (359). 

Tribe Cannee. 

Canna.—At an early period the anthers shed all their pollen 
upon the expanded style, from which it is removed by insects and 
conveyed to other flowers (Delpino, 172). According to Hilde- 
brand, spontaneous self-fertilisation very often takes place, and 
leads to the production of good fruit (351, 352). 

Tribe Musee. 

Strelitzia regine, Ait.—The two inner and inferior perianth- 
segments, which inclose the five anthers, separate when a visitor 
presses upon them in trying to enter the flower; the anthers then 
emerge and come in contact with the under surface of the visitor. 
The stigma is exserted, and is accordingly always touched before 
the anthers. Delpino supposed, and Darwin showed by direct 
observation, that the fertilisers are honey-sucking birds (356, p. 
508 ; 360, p. 673 ; 178, p. 232; 567, p. 4). At the Cape of Good 
Hope, it is fertilised by Nectarinidee (164, p. 371). 

Musa.—The Bananas which are cultivated in South Brazil and 
propagated only by asexual means, are barren; their anthers 
produce very little pollen and wither without dehiscing (359, 
p- 275). The flowers of Musa attract insects by an abundant 
secretion of sweetish jelly. Zrigona ruficrus, Latr., is attracted in 
swarms (590, I. p. 14). 


387. Irn1s Pseup-Acorus, L.—The honey is secreted by the 
lower portion of the perianth (d d’ 1, Fig. 181), and is collected in 
the space (>) between it and the pistil (a). Access to it is only 
possible at three points, between the lower portion of each outer 
lobe of the perianth and that of the petaloid style above it. The 
filament, adhering as a longitudinal ridge to this portion of each 
perianth-segment, divides the passage to the honey into two separate 
openings (0b); thus altogether six somewhat narrow passages, two 
at the base of each stigmatic lobe, bounded laterally by the pro- 
jections from the outer perianth-segments, form the only approaches 
to the honey. An insect must have a proboscis at least 7 mm. 


in length to be able to reach the honey through these passages, 
and one of at least double that length to drain one of these spaces 
of its honey. Each foliar division of the style bears on its under 
surface near its apex a scale-like process, whose upper surface is 
the true stigma. Hence insects touch the stigma with their backs 
only when creeping in under the petaloid style; for as they creep 
out again they push the papillar surface upwards. Close under 
the petaloid styles lie the three anthers, whose pollen-covered 
surfaces are directed downwards. Self-fertilisation is thus rendered 

Fig. 181.—Iris Pseud-acorus, L. 

1.—Transverse section through the tubular part of the perianth. 

2.—Transverse section through the petianth, at the point where its six segments become free. 

3.—Transverse section somewhat higher than 2, to show the relation of the three pairs of nectaries 
to the divisions of the style and the outer segments of the perianth. 

a, style ; a’ a’ a’, the three foliaceous divisions of the style ; b, honey receptacle ; ¢ ec, lower part 
of filaments, adherent to the outer segments of the | pigs ddd; ddd, inner segments of the 
perianth ; ee, the tworidges on each outer segment of the perianth, which, together with the bases of 
the filaments, bound the entrance to the nectary. 

Sprengel,! has given a very full account, with figures, of the 
flowers of Jris Pseudacorus and J. Xiphium. His observations of 
insect-visitors were, however, not nearly sufficient, and his 
conception of the mode of fertilisation must be modified. 

In Sprengel’s opinion, both species of Iris are fertilised exclusively 
by humble-bees. A bee alights on one of the large outer segments of 
the perianth, toward the base of which it pushes its way under the 
over-hanging petaloid style, until it reaches the entrances to the two 
nectaries. After it has sucked the honey it crawls backwards to its 
starting-point, and then flies to the second outer perianth-segment, 
where it performs the same operation ; thence to the third, thence to 
another flower, and so on. On entering the flower, the back of 
the bee rubs the upper surface of the scale projecting from the 

d Sprengel, No, 702, pp. 69-78, Plate II. 


petaloid style, which is the functional stigma; a little further on 
it rubs against the pollen-covered surface of the anther, which lies 
close to the petaloid style. In this way, Sprengel declared that 
two stigmas in each flower were regularly fertilised by means of 
pollen from the previously-visited anthers of the same flower, and 
that the stigma first visited in each flower was always cross- 
fertilised by means of pollen from the preceding flower: thus self- 
fertilisation took place twice as frequently as cross-fertilisation. 
Though Sprengel was not aware of the advantage of cross-fertilisa- 
tion, he was repeatedly led by his observations to the conclusion 
“that nature is unwilling that any hermaphrodite flower be 
fertilised by means of its own pollen.” In order to adhere to this 
theory in the ease of Iris, which he abandoned again and again in 
other cases, Sprengel chose to Jook upon each third of the flower 
in Iris as a separate hermaphrodite flower, which thus was 
regularly cross-fertilised. 

My frequent observations of insect-visits differ materially from 
Sprengel’s view of the case. It is true that humble-bees visit 
the flower of Jris pseudacorus, but they, as a rule, act in a way 
very different from that which Sprengel described; and a very 
much more frequent visitor is, in my experience, the long-tongued 
hover-fly, Rhingia rostrata. 

In many flowers of Jris pseudacorus the petaloid styles stand 
6 to 10 mm. above the corresponding outer perianth-segments. In 
others each petaloid style lies so close to the perianth-segments 
that only a very small passage is left, which, owing to the con- 
vexity ofthe style, lies immediately below the stigma. These two 
forms of flowers have adapted themselves to different fertilising 

In flowers of the first variety the fly (Ahingia) crawls along 
the outer perianth-segment to the nectaries without touching 
either stigma or anther; it inserts its proboscis (11 mm. long) 
into one nectary after the other, and then moves a few steps 
backwards to feed on the pollen. When under the anther it 
raises its head, stretches out its tongue, and so reaches the pollen. 
Then it flies to another perianth-segment of the same flower, or to 
another flower. Its visits to this variety are thus not only useless 
but hurtful, leading to waste of pollen. 

In flowers of the other form this fly creeps through the small 
passage beneath the true stigma, and touches with its back first the 
stigma and then the anther before reaching the nectaries. After 

sucking, it creeps backwards without staying to eat pollen, until it 


has passed from beneath the petaloid style, when it flies away to 
another flower or another perianth-segment of the same. If the fly 
be caught as it is creeping backwards from the nectary, many pollen- 
grains may always be found among the hairs on its back ; some of 
these are without fail applied to the stigmatic surface next visited. 
Thus the flowers in which the petaloid-styles stand close to the peri- 
anth-segments are better adapted for fertilisation by Rhingia in two 
respects than the flowers of the other form: (1) the fly is compelled 
to carry pollen to the stigmatic surface, often to that of another 
flower, and (2) it is hindered from eating pollen; whereas, in 
the flowers of the other form, Rhingia passes in and out without 
accomplishing fertilisation, and moreover uses up pollen as well 
as honey. 

In relation to bees’ visits the conditions are exactly reversed. 
When the petaloid style lies close upon the outer perianth- 
segment, the opening, which is sufficient for Rhingia, is much 
too small to admit a humble-bee. On May 25th, 1868, I watched 
a large parasitic humble-bee (Psithyrus vestalis, Foure. 2, 25 mm. 
long, and 10 mm. broad) creeping in various directions over the 
flowers; finally, placing its head above the base of the free part of 
an outer perianth-segment, it inserted its tongue sideways into one 
of the nectaries, and so reached the honey without touching either 
the stigma or anther. 

In flowers of the other form, I have observed frequently in the 
case of Bombus agrorum, B. hortorum, and B. Rajellus, that humble- 
bees alight on one of the outer perianth-segments, and creep under 
the petaloid style to the honey-passages, touching on their way 
both stigma and anther with their backs. Instead of crawling 
backwards along the path they came by, they climb sideways on 
to one of the other outer perianth-segments, and then crawl up it 
to enter beneath the stigma, as before. After completing the 
circuit of the flower and exhausting all its honey, the bee flies to 
another, and so effects cross-fertilisation regularly, 

Occasionally, but only in those few flowers where the position 
of the petaloid styles was intermediate between the forms that I 
have described as typical, I have seen humble-bees creeping back- 
wards from under cover of the style, as Sprengel describes them. 

The flowers of Iris pseudacorus thus present the interesting 
peculiarity that although originally, as their dimensions show, they 
were adapted simply for bees, they have since to a great extent 
become adapted for fertilisation by flies (Rhingia). Each of the 
two extreme forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. 

part ui.}| §= THE MECHANISMS OF FLOWERS. 547 

Those flowers fitted for fertilisation by bees are at an advantage 
in that the bees always cause cross-fertilisation of separate plants ; 
but at a disadvantage from having their pollen exposed to robbery 
by Rhingia. The flowers adapted for fertilisation by Rhingia have 
the disadvantage that self-fertilisation is as frequently or even 
more frequently caused than cross-fertilisation; but possess the 
advantage that their pollen is not liable to be wasted, and that 
they receive more numerous visits. Advantages and disadvantages 
must be about equally balanced in the two varieties, since natural 
selection has not enabled either to outstrip the other. The rarity 
of intermediate forms is explained by the fact that such forms 
combine the disadvantages of both extremes; cross-fertilisation 
is not secured, and the pollen is not protected from robbery. 

Besides the visitors already mentioned one or two useless 
guests frequent the flowers. On the variety in which the perianth 
and styles stand wide apart, J once saw Osmia rufa, 9, engaged in 
sucking honey. This bee was enabled, by the length of its 
proboscis (8 mm.), to enjoy the honey without touching either 
stigma or anther. I once saw a hive-bee trying to obtain honey. 
It crept beneath a style without touching the stigma or anther, 
as far as the honey-passages, and then stretched out its 
proboscis (6 mm.), which, however, was too short to reach the 
honey. After several unsuccessful attempts the bee deserted the 
plant and settled on flowers of Ranunculus acris. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera--Apide : (1) Bombus vestalis, Fource. @ ; (2) 
B. agrorum, F. 2 $; (3) B. hortorum, L. 9 §; (4) B. Rajellus, Ill. 2, all four 
sucking ; (5) Osmia rufa, L. 9, sucking without effecting fertilisation ; (6) Apis 
mellifica, L. $, vainly sucking honey. B. Diptera—Syrphide: (7) Rhingia 
rostrata, L.; s. and f.p. 

A species of Cypella, in S. Brazil, according to Fritz Miiller, 
increases its conspicuousness very effectually by not expanding 
its flowers regularly day by day but by concentrating them upon 
certain days (597). 

Crocus vernus, All_—Honey is secreted by the ovary, and rises 
in the narrow tube (almost filled by the style) nearly to the upper, 
somewhat expanded end. It can only be completely extracted by 
long-tongued Lepidoptera, while humble-bees as a rule can only 
skim the surface. By the violet or more frequently white colour 
the flowers seem to be adapted for crepuscular and nocturnal 
Lepidoptera. Ihave found them visited by Plusia gamma, less 

often by Vanessa cardui, and occasionally by humble-bees. At first, 
| NN 2 


only the anthers, which dehisce extrorsely, are exposed to contact 
with the insects; afterwards the stigmas unfold between them. 
Cross-fertilisation is thus insured in case of insect-visits; in absence 
of insects, the cup-shaped or rather grooved stigmas, passing out 
between the anthers, are dusted with their pollen (609, fig. 10). 

In Crocus sativus, All., the ovary secretes honey, according 
to Sprengel (742, p. 68). 

Gladiolus, Treviranus states that flowers of this genus are 
self-fertilised, the style curving back towards the anthers (742). 

Gladiolus segetwm has proterandrous flowers formed on the 
Labiate type according to Delpino. In addition to the her- 
maphrodite flowers others occur containing a pistil only (178, 
p. 184, 360, p. 670). 

Gladiolus palustris, Gand., and G. communis, L., are visited 
by bees and humble-bees (590, 1). 


388. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS, L.—This plant supplies an 
undoubted instance of a transition stage between monecism and 

Fic. 182.—Asparagus officinalis, L. 

1.—Male flower, from below. 

2.—Ditto, after removal of half the perianth. 
3.—Female flower, from below, 

4,—Ditto, after removal of half the perianth. 
a, rudimentary stamen; b, rudimentary ovary. 

diecism. The flowers of the male individuals show distinctly 

a rudiment of a pistil (b, 2, fig. 182), and those of the female 
individuals show functionless but still conspicuous rudiments of 


anthers (a, 3). Occasionally reversion to the hermaphrodite 
condition takes place, and then in the hermaphrodite flowers the 
pistil may sometimes be seen in various degrees of abortion.1 
The pendulous bell-shaped flowers have a pleasant scent; in spite 
of their inconspicuous colour they are easily visible at a distance, 
the male flowers, which are 6 mm. long, being much more so than 
the females (8 mm.). This instance confirms Sprengel’s oft- 
repeated rule that the male flowers of diclinic plants are more 
conspicuous than the female, whence insects are likely to visit the 
two kinds of flowers in the proper sequence. Honey is secreted 
and lodged in the base of the corolla. 

Visitors : Hymenoptera—A pide: (1) Apis mellifica, L. $, s. and c.p., very 
ab. ; (2) Osmia rufa, L. 9, s.; (3) Megachile centuncularis, L. 9, s. ; (4) 
Prosopis annularis, K. (Sm.) 9, s.; (5) Halictus sexnotatus, K. 9, c¢.p., here 

and there looking for pollen in the female flowers and effecting fertilisation 

389. CONVALLARIA MAJALIS, L.—When the flower opens, and 
before the anthers ripen, the stigma is already covered with long 

Fic. 183.—Convallaria majalis, L. 

1.—Flower, from below. 
2.—Ditto, after removing half the corolla, with three of the stamens. 
st, filaments; a, anthers ; fr, ovary; n, stigma. 

papiile ; yet if a ripe anther be passed over its surface scarcely 
any pollen adheres. Afterwards, when the anthers have dehisced, 
the stigma becomes covered with a sticky fluid, to which pollen 
adheres readily. I have not found honey in the flowers, though 
I have frequently seen hive-bees visiting them. The bees collected 
pollen hanging to the pendulous flowers and inserting their heads 
and forelegs. They thus brought their heads in contact with 
the stigma before the anthers, and performed cross-fertilisation 
regularly. Then as the bee swept the pollen from the anthers 
with the tarsal brushes of its forelegs, it dusted its head anew 
1 Breitenbach, Bot. Zeitung, Nov. 11, 1878. 


with pollen. In absence of insects, self-fertilisation takes place 
regularly, as Hildebrand has shown (351); for the anthers stand 
close round the style and apply their pollen to the marginal 
papille of the trilobed stigma. 

390. CONVALLARIA MULTIFLORA, L.—The honey lies at the 
base of the flower between: the perianth and the ovary. The 
length of the perianth tube, which is 11 to 15 mm. long (or even 
18 mm. in cultivated plants) protects the honey from short-lipped 
insects, and the pendulous position of the flower protects it from 
rain. Humble-bees visit the flowers; they thrust their heads into 
the wide part of the tube, and touch the stigma which stands 
in the mouth of the flower, and the anthers which ripen simul- 

taneously with it, with opposite sides of their heads or tongues. 

They thus effect cross-fertilisation regularly. In each flower the 
bee in touching one side of the stigma thrusts the opposite 
side against the anthers. In absence of insects, spontaneous 
self-fertilisation occurs. 

Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombusagrorum, F. 9 (12—15) ; 
(2) B. hortorum, L. 2 (19—21), s., hanging, back downwards, on the flowers. 
B. Diptera—Syrphide : (3) Rhingia rostrata, L. (11—12), very ab., often two 
at the mouth of the same flower,—sucking in vain for honey, which its tongue 
is too short to reach, then collecting pollen and occasionally effecting fertilisa- 
tion by stroking the stigmas. 

Convallaria verticillata, L., is adapted for fertilisation by bees ; 
C.. polygonatum, L., for fertilisation by humble-bees. The anthers 
and stigma are matured simultaneously, and, in C. verticillata at 
least, some pollen as it emerges from the anthers always reaches 
the stigma. It is probable that it is outstripped in its action by 
pollen brought from other flowers (609). 

| Asprdistra elatior, Blume.——Buchenau described the structure 
of the flower thoroughly, but was unable to elucidate its 
mechanism fully. Delpino, however, has endeavoured, with 
apparent success, to explain the mechanism of the flower, though 
he failed to find it visited by insects (118, 178, 360). 

The capitate stigma closes the flower, leaving only four small 
openings through which Delpino supposes small flies to enter; 
the pollen falls out of the anthers and lies in the cavity of the 
flower. The flies emerge all dusted with pollen, and alighting on 
the stigma of another flower place some pollen there before they 
find the small entrance. 

en ee aes 


Rohdea juponica, Kunth.—This plant is, according to Delpino, 
a link between the Asparaginee and the Aroidew. It possesses 
a kind of spadix, on which the flowers are arranged in a close, 
uninterrupted spiral. The fact that the limb of the perianth is 
spread out exactly on a level with the points of the anthers and 
stigma led Delpino to think that fertilisation was effected by small 
animals crawling over the flowers. He observed snails (Helix 
aspersa, H. vermicularis) greedily eating the perianth, which is 
yellow and fleshy; after devouring about ten flowers they crawled 
to another spadix. Only those flowers on which the snails had 
crawled proved fertile; the flowers were found to be barren to 
their own pollen. These observations leave no doubt that snails 
are really efficient fertilising agents. 

Tritoma Uvaria is adapted for fertilisation by diurnal 
Lepidoptera (228). 

Yueca,— According to Riley (108) the species of Yucca which 
are provided with a dehiscent capsular fruit, and the moth which 

Fic. 184.—Yucca and the Yucea-moth. 

1.— Flower of Yueca recurvata, Salisb., from Georgia. Two Care of the 
perianth have been removed to show the ovary (ov) and stamens (a). § 
2.—Stigma, from above, x 44. 
3.—End of astamen, x 4}. ji, filament; po, pollen. 
4.—The Yucca-moth, Pronuba yuccasella, Riley. 
5.—Ditto, with outspread wings. se ‘ 
6.—Head. m, mandibular palp; m’, first joint of ditto; po, pollen. 
7.— Mandibular palp of female. 
8.—Ditto, of male. 
9.— Ovipositor. 
10.—A bristle from 7, 
(4—10, after Riley). 

effects their cross-fertilisation (Pronuba yuccasella, Riley) stand in 
close interdependence. In the female of this moth the first joint 
of each of the two maxillary palps is transformed into a long 
prehensile organ, which can be rolled up, and which serves to seize 
the pollen with. After the female has bored the ovary in several 


places and deposited an egg in each hole, it repeatedly collects 
pollen from the anthers with these peculiar organs, places it on 
the stigma, and thrusts it into the cavity, the moisture in which it 
at the same time sucks. The larve now develop in the ovary, and 
along with them the seeds, which serve as their food, develop also, 
and in such numbers that the propagation of the plant remains 
ensured. When full-grown the larva boresa hole through the 
capsule, lowers itself to the ground by a thread, bores some inches 
deep into the ground and spins a cocoon in which it passes autumn, 
winter, and spring ; it passes into the pupa stage about fourteen 
days before the Yuccas begin to flower and emerges at the time 
when they do so (667—671, &c.). 

Paradisia Liliastrum, Bertolon, is adapted for fertilisation by 
nocturnal Lepidoptera. The honey is very abundant, and is 
secreted, as in Convallaria, by the deep longitudinal slits in the 
ovary, between the carpels. The flower is white, and the stigma 
and anthers are placed as in Lilium Martagon, Lonicera Pericely- 
menum, and many other nocturnal flowers (600, fig. 7). 

Eremurus spectabilis—The flowers lose their conspicuousness 
before the stigma and anthers are mature (367). Asin the case of 
Weigelia, Lantana, and many other flowers whose colours change, 
the gain hereby is that the less intelligent and useless guests are 
attracted away to the more conspicuous flowers which contain no 
treasure for them (612). 

391. ANTHERICUM RAMOSUM, L.—The flowers are regular, and 
open widely, exposing their honey so much that the most short- 
lipped insects can see and reach it. The honey is secreted by the 
upper part of the ovary, on which it lies in three drops (Sprengel, 
pl. xxii. fig. 8). 

On the Rehmberg near Mihlberg in July, 1868, I had an 
opportunity of observing this plant in sunny weather under its 
natural surroundings. The flowers were assiduously visited by 
bees, sucking honey and collecting pollen. Each time they alighted 
they first touched the projecting stigma and then the anthers, thus 
causing cross-fertilisation regularly. A handsome black and green 
fly (Merodon eneus, Men.) hovered round the flowers in even greater 
numbers than the honey-bee, sucking the honey and eating pollen ; 
it was in fact the principal fertiliser. Two butterflies, the Swallow- 
tail (Papilio Machaon) and a Fritillary (Melitea Athalia, Esp.), 
sucked the honey. Their long thin tongues did not touch or only 
touched by accident the stigmas and anthers; but as they usually 


sat upon one flower while sucking another, cross-fertilisation 
(owing to the prominent situation of the stigma) was often effected 
by pollen adhering to the under surface of their bodies. In absence 
of insects, self-fertilisation can only take place in flowers directed 
more or less downwards. 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—Apide : (1) Apis mellifica, L. $,s. and f.p. 
B. Diptera—Syrphide : (2) Merodon eneus, Mgn.,s. andf.p. C. Lepidoptera 
—Rhopalocera: (3) Papilio Machaon, L., s.; (4) Meliteea Athalia, Esp., s. 
Visited also by many other insects. See No. 590, 1. 

Anthericum Liliago, L.—The flower resembles that of the 
former species (590, I). 

392. ALLIUM uRSINUM, L.—When the flower first opens the 
style is only from one-third to one-half of its ultimate length ; 
the papille are not yet developed on the stigma, and the 
anthers are still allimmature. First of all the three inner anthers 
dehisce at slow intervals, one after the other; at this stage 
the style has reached three-quarters or more of its full length 
(43 to 5 mm.). Then the three outer anthers dehisce one after 
another; the style has now reached its full length (6. mm.), and 
the papille on the stigma become developed. The flowers are thus 
imperfectly proterandrous. The anthers dehisce introrsely, and 
then turn that side which is covered with pollen more or less 
upwards. In specimens flowering in my reom I found some flowers 
in which the style was so bent during the last stage that the stigma 
touched one of the anthers which still retained some of its pollen. 
In this way self-fertilisation was effected to a limited extent when 
no insect visited the flower. In a wood at Stromberg Schloss- 
berg on the 16th May, 1868, I saw Bombus pratorum, 9, flying 
quickly from flower to flower of A. w7sinum ; she thrust her proboscis 
into each flower in search of honey, and after scarcely two seconds 
hurried on. The honey is secreted by the ovary, in the three 
notches between the carpels, and fills the space between these 
notches and the bases of the three inner stamens, Hence the bee 
when sucking must touch the stigma with one side of its head and 
the anthers with the opposite side, and, in old flowers, can only 
lead to cross-fertilisation. 

393. ALLIUM CEPA, L.—The honey in this species is placed in 
the same position as in the preceding one; the anthers and stigma 
are also similarly situated. 


Visitors: A. Hymenoptera—(a) Apidae: (1) Bombus terrestris, L. ¢; (2) 
Halictus cylindricus, F. ¢; (3) Prosopis punctulatissima, Sm.; (b) Sphegide : 
(4) Miscus campestris, Latr. B. Diptera—(5) Empis livida, L., all sucking. 

Allium carinatum and A. fistulosum.—Sprengel found these 
species to be proterandrous. He has observed honey-bees in 
numbers sucking honey on the flowers of the latter. 

Allium spherocephalum, L., is visited by bees, flies, and 
Lepidoptera (609). 

Allium Schenoprasum, 8. alpinum, is proterandrous and very rich 
in honey. It is much visited by small moths (Crambus), even at 
2,000 m. above the sea-level (665). 

Allium rotundum, L., is adapted for fertilisation by sand-wasps 
and bees. The three nectaries are concealed by the expanded 

bases of three of the stamens; the long filamentous processes of | 

the stamens protrude from the flower, and probably serve to guide 
the bee towards the honey (590, 1). 

Allium victoriale, L., is markedly proterandrous. The honey is 
displayed openly, and the yellowish-white flowers, which are ex- 
ceedingly conspicuous on their tall stalks, are visited by numerous 
flies, bees, and Lepidoptera (609). 

Allium sibiricwm has proterandrous flowers, which have been 
figured by Axell (17). 

The flowers of Hemerocallis fulva are sterile to their own 
pollen according to Sprengel (p. 43). 

Muscari botryoides, Mill., and M. racemosum, Mill., are visited 
by bees and adapted for fertilisation by them (590, 1). 

Scilla maritima, L., is visited by bees (590, 1). 

394. HYACINTHUS ORIENTALIS, L.—The perianth forms a 
tube, 12 to 14mm. or more in length, produced into six outspread 
and recurved teeth. In its lower third is the ovary, with a short 
style and tripartite stigma; in the middle third are the anthers, 
which dehisce introrsely and ripen at the same time as the stigmas. 
No free honey is secreted, but the wall of the perianth is fleshy 
and succulent, and is probably bored by long-tongued insect- 
visitors. When an insect’s: proboscis is thrust into a flower it 
touches the anthers and stigmas with opposite sides, and so cross- 
fertilisation is favoured. Spontaneous self-fertilisation can only 
occur in flowers which happen to be inclined sideways. 

Honey is said by Linnzus and by Sprengel to be secreted in 




three glands in the angles of the ovary, but I have not been able 
to detect it (cf. W. J. Behrens, No. 51). 

Visitors : A. Hymenoptera—A pide : (1) Bombus terrestris, L. 2 ; (2) An- 
thophora pilipes, F. 2? ¢, ab. ; (3) Andrena fulva, Schrk. 9; (4) Osmia rufa, 
L. g, very ab., all sucking. B. Diptera—Syrphide : (5) Cheilosia sp. sucking 
in vain forhoney. C. Coleoptera—WNitidulide : (6) Meligethes, on the anthers 
in large numbers, apparently feeding on the pollen. See also No. 590, 1. 

Lloydia serotina, Rchb.—This plant shows an advance on the 
foregoing Liliacese in the possession of special nectaries, consisting 
of a thick ridge at the base and in the middle line of each segment 
of the perianth. The flower is proterandrous, but the stigma 
ripens simultaneously with the inner whorl of stamens; in some 
cases it stands on a level with their anthers, in others above them, 
so that self-fertilisation is possible or not respectively (609). 

Fic. 185.—Lilium Martagon, L. 

A.—Flower, in its natural position, seen from the side (natural size), 
B.—A petal (x 2). 
e, entrance into the nectary (n). 

Lilium Martagon, L., is adapted for cross-fertilisation by Sphin- 
gide ; Noctuide also assist in the work. The anthers and stigma 
ripen simultaneously, and are touched by the feet and under surface 
of theinsect. Self-fertilisation also occurs, as Sprengel found. The 
perfume of the flower begins to be emitted strongly at night 
(570, 590, I, 609). | 

Lilium bulbiferum, L., is adapted for fertilisation by diurnal 
Lepidoptera. A nectary in this species and in L. Martagon is 
situated in the middle line at the base of each segment of the 
perianth ; but it is not a ridge merely, as in Lloydia, but a deep 
groove, whose edges, bordered by stiff hairs, rise up and arch over 


to form a tube, through which the honey has to be sucked. All 
but long-tongued insects are thus excluded (570, 609). 

Lilium croceum, Chaix., is sterile to its own pollen (248). 

Gagea lutea, Schult., and G. arvensis, Schult.—The former is 
proterogynous, but the anthers dehisce soon after the stigma is 
mature. Bees visit both species (590, 1.). 

Gagea Liottardi, Schult.—Anthers and stigma ripen simul- 
taneously, but the golden colour of the flowers and the abundant 
honey attract numerous insect-visitors, chiefly Diptera, so that 
cross-fertilisation must generally occurs (609). 

Fritillaria imperialis, L., is visited by the hive-bee (590, 1). 

395. CoLCHICUM AUTUMNALE, L.—In most cases, the use 
of a long, tubular corolla is to exclude short-lipped insects 
from the honey when they are useless for the work of ferti- 
lisation. But Sprengel has rightly insisted (702, p. 208) that 
in this plant the length of the corolla-tube (which rises directly 
from the bulb) is merely of use in permitting the fruit to lie 
buried in the earth, and indeed hidden within the bulb, and so 
to be sheltered from cold during the winter. The honey does not 
lie in the corolla-tube, but is secreted by the yellow outer surface 
of the lower part of the free portion of the filaments; and it lies 
within grooves of the corolla, covered over by protective hairs. 
The stigmas mature before the anthers (a fact which Sprengel 
overlooked), but remain fresh and capable of fecundation until the 
anthers ripen. If insects’ visits occur in time, cross-fertilisation 
is inevitable, owing to the proterogynous dichogamy of the flower ; 
if they do not occur till late, self-fertilisation also is possible, but 
it is rendered unlikely by the circumstance that the anthers turn 
their pollen-covered surfaces outwards ; if no insects visit the flower 
this movement of the anthers probably prevents spontaneous self- 

On the morning of Sept. 19, 1869, at Driburg, I found several 
flowers still closed in their night's sleep, which when opened 
displayed anthers not yet ripe, but stigmas richly coated with 
pollen. Rather later, when the sun came out, I found several 
males of Bombus hortorum busy creeping or flying from flower to 
flower, and sucking honey from the angles between the filaments 
and petals. As they crept into the flowers they touched both 
stigmas and anthers with their forelegs, head, or the anterior part 
of their bodies, dusting these parts plentifully with pollen in flowers 
whose anthers were mature. 



Tofieldia calyculata, Wahlenb., is proterogynous; 7. borealis, 
Wahlenb., is homogamous. The flowers in both species are 
yellow, and the visitors are chiefly, but not exclusively, flies and 
beetles. The much smaller flowers of 7. borealis are less visited 
than the more conspicuous flowers of 7’. calyculata, but the former 
species makes up in part by an increased secretion of honey. Its 
flowers, being homogamous, have a better chance of self-fertilisation 
in default of insect-visits (609). 

Methonica (Gloriosa) superba has a pendulous flower, whose 
stamens and style are directed horizontally outwards, and serve, 
according to Delpino, as a platform for insects (172). Hildebrand 
states that in young flowers the style serves as an alighting-place, 
while the stamens lie deeper; and that in older flowers the 
stamens assume this function, so that cross-fertilisation of young 
flowers with pollen from older proceeds regularly (352). 

Paris quadrifolia.—1 was long puzzled to discover how this 
flower is fertilised. 

The stigmas are already mature when the flowers open; the 
anthers dehisce several days later, the stigmas still remaining 
fresh. The pollen-grains are about ‘04 mm. long by ‘(016 mm. 
broad; they remain adhering in great quantity to the ripe 
anthers, but fly off on the slightest touch in a cloud of separate 
grains. The nature of the pollen and the complete absence of 
honey and of a coloured perianth point to the flowers as being 
anemophilous, The stiff filaments and the long connectives, which 
are produced into awn-like prolongations, do not support this view, 
unless they assist the transport of the pollen by the wind when 
they are shaken by pollen-feeding flies alighting on them. 

I wrote the above in 1872, and I did not discover till six years 
later that the flower of Paris becomes intelligible in all its parts 
when one looks upon it as adapted for Diptera; and I observed 
then that in fact it is visited by Diptera. The dark purple ovary, 
crowned by four stigmas of the same colour, glitters as if it were 
covered with moisture ; and by this appearance and by its dis- 
agreeable smell it attracts Scatophaga merdaria and other carrion- 
feeding Diptera. These visitors often alight upon the stigma 
and lick the ovary with their labelle, and then climbing up the 
anthers, dust the soles of their feet or the whole under-surface 
of their bodies with pollen. So, flying away to other flowers, they 
accomplish cross-fertilisation (589). 

Veratrum albwm, L., is proterandrous. Some plants possess, in 
addition to the hermaphrodite flowers, male flowers also; others 


bear male flowers only. That is to say, the species exhibits a 
passage through andromonescism to androdiccism. The flowers 
are dirty-yellow, and the visitors are principally flies (609). 


In regard to the genetic relations of Liliacez, the following 
conclusions may be drawn from the floral characters that have 
just been described. 

The Liliaceze must have once possessed open, regular flowers 
devoid of honey, visited and cross-fertilised by pollen-seeking 
insects only. They attained, after dividing into several groups, 
to the secretion of open, freely accessible, honey, partly secreted 
by the segments of the perianth, partly by the carpels; and 
in part they still remain honeyless, and are still crossed only by 
insects which collect or feed on pollen (Tulipa), or else have 
become developed into deceptive flowers which attract stupid carrion- 
loving flies (Paris). Those Liliacez in which honey is secreted by 
the carpels have in part open flowers with generally accessible 
honey (Tofieldia, Anthericum); but in part they have become 
adapted, by approximation of the perianth-segments, for a limited 
but still very miscellaneous lot of visitors (Allium), or even to a 
special long-proboscised form (Paradisia), or by cohesion of the 
perianth-segments into a longer or shorter pendulous bell, to bees 
in general (Convallaria verticillata) or to humble-bees and other 
long-proboscised bees only (C. Polygonatwm). Similarly those 
Liliaceze in which the honey is secreted by the segments of the 
perianth have in part remained with fully or moderately open 
flowers, destined for cross-fertilisation chiefly by short-lipped in- 
sects (Diptera), (Veratrum, Gagea, Lloydia) ; in others the perianth- 
segments have become approximated without cohesion to form a 
pendulous bell, fertilised by bees (Fritillaria); in others the 
nectaries have become modified into narrow covered grooves, 
which are only accessible to Lepidoptera (Lilium); and, finally, 
in this last genus adaptation has passed from diurnal Lepidoptera 
to Sphingidz in the case of Lilium Martagon. | 

These various adaptations have all taken place with complete 
or almost complete retention of the regular symmetry of the flower ; 
only the adaptation to Lepidoptera (in Paradisia and Lilium) and 
the oblique position of the flower in Anthericum have caused an 


unsymmetrical curvature of the reproductive organs especially of 
the style. 

The colour of the perianth in Liliaceze must originally have 
been greenish, as it still is in Paris, while the flowers at first 
made themselves conspicuous to insects by the colour of: the 
reproductive organs. By the selective agency of short-lipped 
insects, those flowers which had freely-visible honey, and then 
such as had their honey partially concealed, developed greenish- 
yellow colours (Veratrum), yellow (Tofieldia, Gagea), greenish- 
white and white (Lloydia, Anthericum), and their perianth- 
segments became devoted to purposes of display. It was only 
when sand-wasps, bees, long-tongued flies and Lepidoptera began 
to play a leading part as the fertilising agents, and led to the 
development of flowers that were no longer accessible to the 
great host of short-lipped visitors, that red, violet, and blue 
colours began to be developed through the higher colour-sense of 
these insects. In the genus Allium, for instance, the species with more 
accessible honey (A. wrsinum, A. victoriale) have a white perianth ; 
those with less accessible honey, which are visited chiefly by 
sand-wasps and bees, and also by-Lepidoptera and long-proboscised 
flies (eg. A. rotunduwm), have the perianth red. In Liliacex, 
as in other cases, the flowers which are fertilised by bees have by 
far the greatest variety of colour, as we see by a glance at Tulipa, 
Fritillaria, Scilla, Muscari, Hyacinthus, Asparagus, and Conval- 
laria. The colours of those which are fertilised by Lepidoptera 
are far less various. JLiliwm bulbiferwm, which is fertilised by 
diurnal Lepidoptera, is clothed in fiery red; Paradisia, which is 
adapted for nocturnal species, is white; LZ. Martagon, which 
only became modified for Sphingidze supplementarily, has ex- 
changed its bright colours for dull ones since it ceased to be 
fertilised by diurnal Lepidoptera (609, pp. 55, 56). 


396. GALANTHUS NIVALIS, All.—Sprengel has given a full, 
and on the whole accurate, account of this flower; he was, however, 
inaccurate in regard to the structures which he supposed to 
shelter the honey, and his account is incomplete in regard to the 
circuinstances which favour cross-fertilisation. 

The green parts of the grooves on the inner surface of the 
inner petals secrete and lodge the honey, which is sufficiently 
sheltered from rain by the pendulous position of the flower. As 


Sprengel has correctly stated, the six anthers, which lie close 
round the style, dehisce by apical slits, and when touched permit 
a little pollen to fall out; each anther sends a process outwards 
towards the perianth, but this is not at all a contrivance to guard 
the honey from rain, but a very important arrangement favouring 
cross-fertilisation. For when an insect tries to reach the honey, it 
cannot avoid touching one or more of these anther-processes, and 
so causes the pollen to be shaken out upon its head. The style 
projects beyond the anthers, and the insect therefore touches the 
stigma before it gets dusted with the pollen of the flower. In case 
of insect-visits, cross-fertilisation is thus ensured; but in absence 
of insects self-fertilisation is apt to take place by dled oe on 
the stigma. 

The hive-bee visits the flowers diligently in sunny weather, 
as Sprengel observed; alighting on one of the outer perianth- 
segments. If in search of pollen, it thrusts its head, forelegs, and 
midlegs into the flower, clinging by means of its hindlegs to the 
outer surface of an inner perianth-segment. With the tarsal 
brushes of its fore and mid-legs it sweeps pollen from the anthers, 
and places it in the baskets on its hindlegs. If it wishes to suck 
honey, it usually finds it more convenient to use its fore and mid- 
legs for clinging to the perianth. In either case the bee’s head 
may always be found covered plentifully with pollen. 

Narcissus Tazetta.—Delpino thinks that this species is chiefly 
fertilised, like many other Amaryllidez, by nocturnal or crepuscular 
Lepidoptera. However, he has directly observed it to be visited 
by Anthophora pilipes (177, p. 59). 

Crinum.—A. species with white, sweet-scented flowers, about 
seven inches long, is believed by Delpino to be fertilised by 
butterflies and by honey-sucking birds in its native country, and 
by butterflies in Florence. He found butterflies’ scales upon the 
stigma, and saw good seed repeatedly borne by the flowers. The 
essential organs are exserted, and the stigmatic surface is not 
exposed until the anthers have withered (177, p. 56). 

Pancratium maritimum.—-The honey is very deeply situated, 
and the flower seems to be adapted for Sphinx Convolvuli by which 
it is very frequently visited (172, p. 17; 352, p. 794). 


Tacca (Ataccia) cristata.—The flower, in Delpino’s opinion, has a 
similar mechanism to that of Aspidistra elatior (178, 360). 

oh igi 



Dioscorea.—The species which are cultivated in South Brazil 
and propagated there asexually, never, with one exception, produce 
flowers (359). 


Pontederia is remarkable as a trimorphic monocotyledon. My 
brother Fritz Miiller found only long-styled and _ short-styled 
individuals of an apparently trimorphic species of Pontederia, on 
the banks of the Itajahy-mirim in South Brazil; while another 
species, P. (Hichornia) crassipes, which has been introduced as an 
ornamental plant into the colony of Blumenau, exists there in 
long-, mid-, and short-styled individuals (556). 

Monochoria, L, has cleistogamic flowers, according to Kuhn 



Weinmann has observed subterranean cleistogamic flowers in 

Commelina bengalensis (531). 
Tradescantia erecta produces cleistogamic flowers in Kew 

| Orv. JUNCACE. 

Juncus and Luzula have anemophilous flowers in which self- 
fertilisation is for the most part rendered impossible by proterogyny. 
The proterogynous flowers of Zuzula pilosa have been figured 
by Hildebrand (351, fig. 4), those of Juncus filiformis by Axell 
(17, p. 38). So far as their proterogynous condition is concerned, 
the flowers of Luzula campestris agree perfectly with those of 
L, pilosa. 

Juncus bufonius, according to Batalin (39), is exclusively self- 
fertilised in Russia, the flowers, which are triandrous, remaining 
closed. According to Ascherson (10), the same species at Halle has 
ordinary open, lateral, hexandrous flowers, in addition to terminal 
cleistogamic, triandrous ones. This statement is confirmed by 
Haussknecht,! who found hybrids between J. lufonius and 
J. spherocarpus, whose flowers always expand fully. 

Luzula lutea and L. nivea attract insects by their conspicuous 

1 Botanische Zeitung, p. 802, 1871. 


colour; the former shows in other respects also remarkable 
approximations to the condition of an entomophilous flower. 
Indeed, if the pollen-grains of Z. /utea, instead of being smooth and 
powdery, became adhesive, the plant might be supposed to have 
attained the rank of an entomophilous species (609, fig. 1). 

Orv. PALM. 

Sabal Adamsoni has a white perianth which contains honey ; 
it is proterogynous and is fertilised by insects (Halictus, Polistes 
gallica). Chamedorea is also entomophilous ; Cocos and Syagrus, 
on the other hand, are anemophilous (177, -p. 61). 


397. ARUM MACULATUM, L.—The arrangement of the flowers 
in this species agrees so completely with Delpino’s excellent 
account of Arum italicum (178, 360) that I have little new to add, 
The upper part of the spathe (d,1, Fig. 185) serves as a wide, 
conspicuous entrance, guiding small Diptera (Psychoda) into the 
lower chamber (ce) which forms a temporary prison. The insects 
creep down the dark-red spadix (¢) or sometimes the sides of 
the spathe until they reach the upper part of the chamber (at the 
level of a, b, 1, Fig. 185). At this point several rows of hairs 
(metamorphosed stamens) radiate outwards, pointing slightly down- 
wards, from the spadix, and form ‘a palisade which does not 
prevent the small visitors from creeping down into the chamber 
(c), but afterwards prevents them from escaping when they try 
to fly towards the light. Even when they try to escape by 
crawling up the spadix, the sharp downturned points bar their 

In the first stage of flowering the stigmas only, which are 
borne by the base of the spadix, are mature; a foul ammoniacal 
smell attracts the Psychodz into the prison, where they cross- 
fertilise the stigmas if they have come from other plants. In the 
second stage the stigmatic papillae wither, and a drop of. honey 
appears in the middle of each stigma, to reward the little visitors 
for their pains. In the third stage the anthers dehisce, and the 
greater part of their pollen falls upon the floor of the chamber; 
the insects dust themselves over and over with it, and finally, 
when the palisade of hairs withers in the fourth period, they pass 
out, and enter another flower in its first stage. 


Delpino has observed Arum italicum to be fertilised by six 
different flies, of the genera Ceratopogon, Chironomus, Sciara, 
LPsychoda, Limosina, and Drosophila (178,-p. 243). In Arum 
maculatum I have only found Psychoda, but it occurs almost 
constantly, and sometimes by hundreds in a single spathe. I 
could often see, on looking down through the grating, that many 
of the prisoners were trying to fly upwards to the light, and 
falling backwards, or trying to crawl out and being repulsed by 
the sharp points. Whenever I broke open a spathe in the third 

Fig. 185.—Arum maculaium, L. 

1.—The whole inflorescence, x 4. 

2.—Transverse section at the level of ab (1), seen from above, on a somewhat larger scale. 

ab, point at which the cage c is closed by stiff hairs, radiating from the spadix; c, cage inclosing 
the spadix with its reproductive organs; d, attractive portion of spathe; e, barren portion of 
spadix, serving as a guide-post; f, cross-section of spathe; g, ditto of spadix; h, stamens trans- 
formed into stiff filaments, 

stage of flowering, I always found a multitude of inmates groping 
about in the thick layer of pollen on the floor of the chamber. 
The Psychodz which I collected were so various in size and colour 
that I supposed I had obtained at least three species; but Herr 
Winnertz of Crefeld tells me that they all belong to the very 
variable species Psychoda phalenoides, L., which is probably the 
same species found by Delpino in Arwim ttalicwm, and identified 
by Rondani as Psychoda nervosa, Schr." 

1 According to Schiner, Psychoda phalenoides, 1.., is identical with P. nervoca, 

Mgn,, and perhaps also with Tipula nervosa, Schrank. 
00 2 


Arum dracunculus (Dracunculus vulgaris) is visited accord- 
ing to Delpino by flesh-eating flies, as is also Amorphophallus 
campanulatus (178, p. 238). According to Arcangeli it is fertilised 
almost exclusively by carrion-loving beetles (Saprinus, Dermestes, 
Oxytelus (7). 

Arisarum is distinguished from Arum by the following 
features. The edges of the spathe do not meet, the aborted 
stamens are absent, and so the spathe surrounds a cavity which 
insect-visitors can enter or leave at will. The stigmas are still 
capable of impregnation when the anthers, which stand above 
them, dehisce, so that self-fertilisation may occur (178, p. 21; 
360, p. 591). 

Alocasia odora is supposed by Delpino to be fertilised by 
snails. The spadix is covered in its whole length with normal and 
abortive stamens and pistils; only female flowers occur in the 
lower, wider part of the spathe, and they only are mature in the 
first period. From this chamber an attractive odour issues, and 
the snails are admitted by a narrow entrance. In the second 
stage this entrance closes, and the anthers dehisce. Snails which 
creep on to flowers in this stage seek vainly for the entrance, and 
dust themselves with pollen, which they afterwards carry to the 
stigmas of younger plants. Delpino supposes that the snails, after 
effecting cross-fertilisation, are poisoned by an irritant secretion 
within the chamber of the spathe, and are so prevented from > 
devouring the flowers (178, 360). 

In Delpino’s opinion, Zyphonium cuspidatum, Arisema fili- 
forme, Amorphophallus variabilis, Atherurus tripartitus, and 
species of Anthurium are also fertilised by snails (178, p. 238). 

Arum ternatum, Thnbg., is proterogynous. There is an upper 
male chamber, and immediately below it a female chamber into 
which the pollen falls wpon the imprisoned insects (probably small 
flies), which are afterwards allowed to escape by a small door 
(107, 596). 

Arum crinitum, Ait., resembles A. maculatum, but attracts 
carrion-flies by means of its strong odour of putrid flesh. The 
smaller visitors are held fast by sticky hairs in the floral chamber 
and digested (688, 689). 

The gigantic Amorphophallus (Conophallus) Titanwm, whose 
spathe is 33 inches in diameter, and the bare part of whose floral 
axis attains a length of 6 feet, is adapted, by its dirty-yellow and 
dark-purple colours, for dung- and carrion-flies (48). 

Stylochiton hypogeus, Lepr., and St. lancifolius, Kotschy and 


Peyritsch, from Central Africa, remain with their inflorescence, 
which consists of male and female flowers, and is inclosed within 
a spathe (like our Arwm), beneath the ground; the tip only pro- 
trudes, and by it the fertilismg agents creep into the floral 
chamber. A similar condition exists in Liarwm and Cryptocoryne 

Calla palustris, L—This plant exhibits a first step towards 
the condition of things which is perfected in Arum maculatum. 
Its disgusting smell protects it from injurious animals, and attracts 
carrion-loving flies. The white spathe is very conspicuous, and the 
proterogynous condition is very distinctly marked (590, 1.). . Eug. 
Warming (762) attributes a share in the work of fertilisation to 

Symplocarpus fatidus—This shows an intermediate stage 
between the open spathe of Calla palustris and the closed 
prison of Arwm maculatum (728). 

In Ambrosinia Bassii the anthers are within the spathe, the 
stigmas outside, at the end of the spadix. The fertilising agents 
(flies) creep down the spadix, and so in each plant come in contact 
with the stigmas before the anthers (178, p. 230). 

Anthurium Pothos is proterogynous with short-lived stigmas, 
like most other Aroidez (177, p. 62). 


Lemna minor, L., according to Ludwig, is adapted for fertilisation 
by insects which live upon the surface of the water; so also, 
apparently, are L. trisulea, L. gibba, and L. polyrrhiza (435). 


398. AtismA PLANTAGO, L.—The three white or reddish petals 
are yellow at the base, and expand to form a disk about 10 mm. 
in diameter. 

The chief visitors are Syrphidz. They alight sometimes in 
the middle of a flower, in which case the insect’s belly comes in 
contact with the stigmas and immediately afterwards with the 
anthers; or they alight on one of the petals and creep towards the 
pollen or honey, in which case various parts of the insect’s body 
come in contact with the anthers, and sometimes also with the 


Although the possibility of self-fertilisation being effected by 
the insect-visitors is by no means excluded, cross-fertilisation is 
very much more probable, for when the insect alights in the 
middle of the flower cross-fertilisation is inevitable, and even if it 
alights on a petal cross-fertilisation is more likely to occur than 
self-fertilisation owing to the relative position of the anthers and 
the drops of honey. 

Fic, 186,—1lisma Plantago, lL. 

1.—Flower, seen from above. 
2.—Ditto, in side view, after removal of the petals, 
a, honey-drops; }, stigma, 

The six anthers are directed obliquely upwards and outwards, 
and dehisce extrorsely. They stand at a considerable distance 
from the stigmas, which project in the middle of the flower and 
ripen simultaneously with them, Honey is secreted in twelve 
drops by the inner surface of a fleshy ring formed by the coherent 

bases of the filaments; one drop is placed opposite to each — 

filament, and one in the interspace between each pair (a, 1, 2, 


Fig. 186). <A fly, starting from a petal, usually applies its 
tongue to the honey-drops one by one, and after each it strokes 
an anther with its labelle; in so doing it may bring various 
parts of its body in contact with the anthers; but, as a rule, 
the parts which come in contact with the anthers are not those 
which come in contact with the stigmas in the same flower. | 

I have not determined whether self-fertilisation takes place in 
absence of insects. 

Visitors: Diptera—Syrphide: (1) Eristalis sepuleralis, L. ; (2) Syritta 
pipiens, L., both ab. ; (3) Ascia podagrica, F., very freq. ; (4) Melanostoma 
mellina, L. ; (5) Melithreptus scriptus, L.; all sometimes sucking, sometimes 
eating pollen. 

Alisma natans, L.—In floods, the flowers remain closed below 
the surface of the water, and fertilise themselves (351). 


The plants of this order are anemophilous or hydrophilous. 

The proterogynous flowers of Zriglochin palustre, L., have been 
figured by Axell (17). 

The species of Potamogeton are distinctly anemophilous. The 
proterogynous flowers of P. perfoliatus, L., have been figured by 
Axell (17, p. 38). 

Posidonia is supposed by Delpino to be a grass adapted for a 
submerged life (178). 

Zostera is considered by Delpino to be an Aroid modified for a 
submarine existence (178, 11.). The mode of fertilisation of Zostera 
marina, L., is described by Clavaud (138) and Engler (223). 


The plants of this order are throughout anemophilous, but, 
like the grasses, they are by no means without occasional insect- 
visits. I have very often seen Melanostoma mellina, L., busy on 
the anthers of Scirpus palustris; my son Hermann has seen 
several specimens of the hive-bee collecting pollen on Carex 
hirta, L., and I have watched the same insect doing so on 
Carex montana, L. 



This whole order consists of plants with well-marked anemo- 
philous flowers. . I have, however, often observed a small fly 
(Melanostoma mellina, L.) busy upon the anthers of various grasses 
(Anthoxanthum odoratum, Poa annua, Festuca pratensis, Agrostis 
alba). Bromus mollis and Brachypodium pinnatun are visited by 
beetles (590, I:). Many grasses are proterogynous, ¢.g. Anthoxan- 
thum odoratum, Alopecurus pratensis, Nardus stricta (351, p. 19). 
Oryza clandestina is PORE ENC for possessing cleistogamie flowers 

Secale cereale-—Anthers and stigmas mature simultaneously. 
The flowers expand widely, and the essential organs protrude 
freely ; cross-fertilisation can consequently be effected on a very 
large scale by the wind (180).? 

Triticum vulgare, L._—Anthers and stigmas mature simulta- 
neously, but the flowers only expand partially and for about a quarter 
of an hour; they then close up permanently. The flower opens 
suddenly, scattering all its pollen, about one-third of which remains 
within the flower while the other two-thirds are shaken out. 
Cross-fertilisation can only be effected by the wind to a much less 
extent than in the preceding species, and Delpino has found by 
experiment that self-fertilisation leads to the. production of good 
seed. The flowering period lasts four days, and since each flower 
only expands for a quarter of an hour, a very small fraction of the 
flowers are expanded at any one time (180). 

Hordeum vulgare.-—The flowers in the two intermediate rows 
never expand ; those in the four outer rows behave like the flowers 
of wheat (180). 

Hordeum distichum.—While in H. vulgare all the flowers are 
hermaphiodite, only those in the two central rows are so in 
HT. distichum. They also remain closed and fertilise themselves; 
but occasionally normal open flowers occur among them, which may 
then be cross-fertilised by pollen from the male flowers in the 
four outer rows (180). 

Hordewm and Cryptostachys have cleistogamic flowers ( 167) 

1 Ascherson, Botanische Zeitung, p. 350, 1864. 
* Kornicke, in Regel’s Gartenflora, p. 20, 1866. 



In this section I propose to review the various structural 
features of flowers that have already been described in detail, and 
to trace their general effect on the life of the plant. If we cannot 
discover the causes, we may determine accurately the effects, of any 
modification in structure of a flower. 

The various characters of entomophilous flowers which affect 
the life of the plant may be grouped as follows :— 

1. Characters which influence the visits of insects— 

a, General attractions for anthophilous insects. 
-a. Colour or scent. 
8. Honey, pollen, shelter, or other substantial benefit. 

b. Increased attractions for certain insects, gained by the 
exclusion of others. 
a. By colour or scent. 
8. By concealment of the honey or pollen. 
y. By the time of flowering or the place of growth. 

2. Characters which influence fertilisation— 

a. Mutual adaptations of pollen and stigma. 
b. The insuring of cross-fertilisation in case of insect- 
visits, and of self-fertilisation in absence of insects. 


a. Effect of Conspicuousness and of Odour, 

In the third section of this book, I have discussed so many 
cases of closely allied flowers differing in conspicuousness, and 
at the same time in abundance of insect-visits and in the chances 


of cross- or self-fertilisation, that it will suffice to refer here to a 
few instances only. We have instituted comparisons between 
similar genera of Umbellifer, between species of the genera 
Ranunculus, Geranium, Malva, Polygonum, Cerastium, Epilobium, 
Rubus, Veronica, Carduus, and Hieracium, between different forms 
of Huphrasia officinalis, Rhinanthus crista-galli, Lysimachia vulgaris, 
etc., and in all cases the same result has been obtained ; that, cewteris 
paribus, a species of flower is the more visited by insects the 
more conspicuous it is; and that when closely allied flowers, alike 
in other respects, differ in conspicuousness and also in the degree 
to which cross-fertilisation is insured in case of insect-visits and 
self-fertilisation prevented in their absence, it is always found that 
cross-fertilisation is the more perfectly insured in the more con- 
spicuous and therefore more abundantly visited flowers. And on 
the other hand, under the same conditions, self-fertilisation is best 
insured in those flowers which are least conspicuous, and which 
therefore are least visited by insects and least likely to be cross- 
fertilised. These three statements are fully proved in the case of 
many plants by observations recorded in the foregoing section ; 
the proof rests upon sound facts and direct observations and not 
in any way on speculation or conjecture. 

Let us proceed to examine the last two of these three state- 
ments, which deal more closely with the act of fertilisation. The 
most important deduction to be drawn from them is, that in 
general anthophilous insects are not limited by hereditary instinct 
to certain flowers, but that they wander about getting their food 
on whatever flowers they find it. For if each insect had its own 
species of flower as most caterpillars have their own particular 
food plant, the abundance of insect-visits to the plant would not 
depend at all upon its conspicuousness. 

In isolated cases we may find a particular insect confining its 
visits exclusively or almost exclusively to a particular flower. I 
give the following instances from my own observations. I have 
found Andrena florea only on Bryonia dioica, and A. halictoides 
only in flowers of Campanula: Andrena Hattorfiana confines its 
visits almost entirely to Scabiosa arvensis, Cilissa melanura to 
Lythrum Salicaria, Macropis labiata to Lysimachia vulgaris, Osmia 
adunca and O, cementaria to Echium. But these insects do not form 
1 per cent. of all the species that I have observed, and even 
of these cases the restriction is only complete in two. 

I have already cited numerous instances of insects seeking 
honey in flowers which contain none or which conceal it beyond 


their reach. For instance, butterflies may be seen on the honey- 
less flowers of Hypericum perforatum, applying their tongues 
to the base of the flower without either finding honey or piercing 
succulent tissue; the hive-bee tries in vain to reach the honey 
of Iris Pseudacorus, and Rhingia to reach the honey of Dianthus 
deltoides and Lamium maculatum. Bombus terrestris tries vainly 
to reach the honey of Aquwilegia vulgaris, Primula elatior, Vicia 
Faba, ete., in the legitimate way, but finally bites a hole and steals 
the honey; various small insects (Meligethes, Andrena parvula, 
Spilogaster semicinerea) visit the flowers of Cypripedium, but find 
no food and, being unable to escape, are starved to death. I 
think I have given enough similar instances in foregoing pages 
to prove beyond doubt that anthophilous insects are not guided 
by hereditary instinct to particular flowers. 

Another class of facts shows clearly that those insects whose 
bodily organisation is least adapted for a floral diet, are also least 
ingenious and skilful in seeking and obtaining their food; so that 

anthophilous insects intelligence seems to advance pari passu 
with structural adaptation. This statement is fully proved by the 
insect lists given in the sequel. The following examples may serve 
to illustrate the point at present. Coccinella septempunctata, which 
is not adapted at all for a floral diet, behaves so awkwardly on 
flowers of Lrodiwm cicutarium that it generally loses its hold and 
often falls to the ground ; and many attempts fail to make it more 
skilful. Sarcophaga carnaria seeks honey diligently on flowers of 
Polygonum Bistorta, but it usually misses its aim in trying to in- 
sert its proboscis into the flowers; Andrena albicans at first is 
equally awkward, but gradually becomes more skilful and learns 
to insert its proboscis with greater accuracy. The hive-bee never 

fails in any case to insert its proboscis accurately. 
_ Since we have found that structural adaptation and intelligence 
advance together, it is easy to understand the fact that short- 
lipped insects, little or not at all specialised for a floral diet, can 
usually only find fully exposed honey, such as Listera, Parnassia, 
Cornus, and Umbelliferze afford; honey still easily accessible but 
not directly visible to them is passed by. It is also quite in- 
telligible that the more specialised visitors visit those flowers most 
diligently which supply them with most booty; for instance, bees 
furnished with abdominal collecting-brushes visit chiefly flowers 
fitted to apply pollen to their ventral surfaces ; long-tongued bees 
visit chiefly flowers with deep honey-receptacles, whose honey is 
inaccessible to the great mass of insects; and hawk-moths, which 


surpass all other insects in length of tongue, visit flowers whose 
honey is accessible to them alone. 

We find that the above-mentioned insects often resort, to a 
certain small extent, to flowers less productive than those that 
they usually frequent. It is rare for a plant which produces 
numerous flowers and much honey or pollen to continue so 
abundant for the whole period that an insect is on the wing that 
that insect can confine its visits to it alone. In such cases it is 
probable that the acquired habit is transmitted instinctively from 
one generation to another. 

The study of particular species of insects confirms the con- 
clusion based on observation of the more conspicuous flowers, 
that in general anthophilous insects are not confined by hereditary 
instinct to certain flowers, but fly about seeking their food on 
whatever flowers they can find it. And hence the circumstance, 
already insisted on, that a flower receives the more visits the more 
conspicuous it is, becomes readily intelligible. It is also clear how 
natural selection must have seized upon and perpetuated all 
characters tending to greater conspicuousness. And thus we may 
explain all such phenomena as the development of various colours 
in flowers, the enlargement and increased prominence of the 
coloured surfaces, the association of many flowers together, the 
division of labour in such associations between reproductive and 
merely attractive members of the community, the appearance of 
the flowers before the leaves in Salix, Cornus mascula, ete., and 
many other similar phenomena. 

Effect of Odour. 

The effect of various perfumes in attracting insects is as manifest 
as the effect of conspicuousness ; and observation shows that strong 
scent is an even more powerful lure than bright colours. The 
richly scented flowers of Convolvulus arvensis are far more 
abundantly visited than the larger and more conspicuous but 
scentless flowers of C. sepiwm; the sweet-scented Violet is much 
more visited than the large, brightly coloured, but scentless 
Pansy; the small, insignificant, but strongly perfumed flowers of 
Lepidium sativum surpass in the abundance of their visitors the 
other more conspicuous but scentless Crucifers, 

B.—The Effect of Food Supply. 

Every plant supplies in its pollen a nitrogenous food which is 
readily made use of by many insects, and when once found leads 


to repeated visits. Hence even well-marked anemophilous flowers 
are often visited by insects.* 

This fact is of special importance in explaining the origin of 
entomophilous flowers. For the fact that the lowest and most 
primitive Phanerogams are anemophilous forces us to suppose 
that all entomophilous plants have sprung originally from anemo- 
philous ; that the first adaptations to insect-visits were attained in 

. flowers adapted for wind-fertilisation; and that wind-fertilised 

flowers, then as now, received visits from insects. In comparatively 
few entomophilous flowers is the amount of pollen required by the 
plant itself the sole attraction for insects. The great majority 
either produce a large excess of pollen or else secrete honey. The 
fact that many plants? secrete honey even outside their flowers, 
in which case it does not influence fertilisation, renders it probable 
that the mere excretion of honey is beneficial, and may have begun 
before all adaptations to insect-visits. Whether the excretion 
of honey began before or after the first adaptations to insect- 
visits, honey is now the most powerful attraction for insects. If 
we compare the insect-visits of Genista and Lotus, of Helianthemum 
vulgare and Ranunculus acris, R. repens, or R. bulbosus, of Spircea 
jfilipendula or S. Ulmaria with 8S. salieifolia, S. ulmifolia, or 
S. sorbifolia, we perceive how much more abundant visits (ceteris 
paribus) a flower which contains honey receives than a similar 
flower which does not, and how much more various are the 
insect-visitors if the honey is-easily accessible. 

A third food material which leads insects to repeated visits 
is sap included within succulent tissues, Darwin’s observations 
and my own have shown beyond the possibility of doubt that the 
inner membrane of the spur of our native Orchises is pierced by 
insect-visitors. I have shown that the same is probably true 
of Cytisus Laburnum, and Erythrea Centaurium. The circum- 
stance that many flies (Hmpidw, Conopidw, Bombylide), as well as 
the more specialised bees and Lepidoptera, are provided with a 
boring apparatus at the tip of their proboscides, indicates, that 

_ this boring for sap is much more usual among insects than was 

formerly supposed. From the comparatively few visits which our 
Orchises receive it would appear that sap included within a tissue 
is less attractive to insects than free honey. 
Anthers, filaments, petals, carpels, in short all the more delicate 
1 See Poteriwm, p. 236; Artemisia, p. 333; Cupulifere, p. 523; Cyperaceer, 

Graminee, p. 567. 
Cf. Vandine and Fpidendrine, p. 528. 


tissues of the flower are devoured by some insects, especially 
beetles. But this cannot be considered of advantage to the plant. 

In many Orchids fleshy processes of the labellum are devoured 
by insects ; in Polystachya (Malaxidee) the labellum becomes filled 
with loose cells on which insects feed ; but we have no accurate 
observations as to the value of these attractions. 

The shelter which many flowers afford from rain and-wind is 
in many cases a powerful attraction. For instance, the males of 
many bees pass the night within flowers of Campanula or take 
shelter there from rain; and many small Diptera resort for shelter 
to the flowers of Arwm ‘and Aristolochia, 


While, on the one hand, it is of advantage for flowers to be 
visited by the utmost possible variety of insects, since the like- 
lihood of cross-fertilisation increases with the number of visitors, 
yet, on the other hand, the attraction of all kinds of insects has 
several disadvantages. For many visitors are positively hurtful, 
as, for instance, voracious beetles, which may devour the repro- 
ductive elements of the flower; and each class of insects will be 
the less attracted the more the store of food is removed by others ; 
easily accessible honey is therefore the least likely to attract the 
most diligent, long-tongued insects. Besides, easily accessible 
honey and pollen are also the most liable to be spoilt by rain. So 
exclusion of certain insects may be advantageous to the plant, 
if thereby injurious insects are excluded, if certain other insects 
are stimulated to more diligent visits, or, lastly, if the honey and 
pollen are sheltered from rain. The great majority of flowers 
possess contrivances for more or less restricting insect-visits. 

a.—Limitation of Insect-Visits by Colour and Odour. 

The plants that we have discussed furnish only one class of 
instances of colour directly limiting insect-visits. 

All dull yellow (dirty-yellow, brownish-yellow, yellowish-white) 
flowers (Buplewrum, Anethum, Pastinaca, Rhus Cotinus, Galiwm 
Mollugo, Ruta, Neottia, Euonymus, Euphorbia, Adoxa, Alchemilla) 
are entirely or almost entirely avoided by beetles; closely allied 
white flowers (Umbelliferw, Rubus, Rosa, Galiwm verwm) are visited 
by beetles, more or less to their injury; and brightly coloured 


flowers, even though they are scentless and offer no honey, or none 
that is accessible (Ranunculus, Helianthemum, Papaver, Genista), 
attract beetles in numbers. The only apparent explanation of 
these facts is that beetles are only or mainly attracted to flowers 
by bright colours. If this explanation is correct, dull-yellow must 
be an advantageous colour for plants with freely exposed honey, 
protecting them from these injurious guests. And the fact that 
dull-yellow colours only occur in flowers with exposed honey lends 
support to this view. 

Delpino goes much further in regard to the exclusion of insect- 
visitors by colour, for he supposes that dull-yellow and purple- 
spotted flowers are visited only by Diptera. But my lists show 
that almost all the dull-yellow flowers mentioned above are visited 
by Hymenoptera, sometimes in great abundance and variety. I 
have only investigated two purple-spotted flowers, namely, 
Cypripedium Calceolus, whose staminode is speckled with purple, 
and Lycopus ewropeus, whose lower lip bears reddish-purple 
spots; but both of these are visited chiefly by insects of other 

Indirect limitation of insect-visitors by colour is instanced in 
several other cases; but such limitation is of very subsidiary im- 
portance, since it is always combined with other more powerful 
restrictions. Several bright and pretty flowers, e.g. the species of 
Dianthus, attract butterflies in great numbers; even if the 
honey was accessible to other insects their visits would be greatly 
reduced by the fact of the honey being in great part used up 
by the butterflies; but in these cases the honey is placed at 
the bottom of a tube so narrow that it is only accessible to the 
proboscis of a butterfly. 

Many light-coloured flowers, which often grow in shady places, 
are inconspicuous by day but conspicuous by night (e.g. Platan- 
thera). These are chiefly visited by crepuscular Lepidoptera, but 
insects are excluded not so much by the colour as by the 
situation of the honey at the base of long, narrow tubes. 

Limitation of insect-visits by peculiar odour is probably a more 
common phenomenon; but our present knowledge is not suffi- 
cient to admit of perfectly definite conclusions. It is obvious that 
flowers with a putrid odour are mainly fitted to attract carrion- 
flies and meat-flies, but how far their odour repels other insects 
has not yet been decided by observation. None of our native 
flowers possess odours of this kind. In like manner it is scarcely 
possible to doubt that the foul ammoniacal smell of Arum is 


specially attractive to Psychode, which are attracted by other sub- 
stances of similar smell; but since the grating of hairs in Arwm 
excludes larger insects we cannot be certain that the smell alone 
would repel them. Delpino supposed that strong perfumes such 
as those of Auta and Anethum are very attractive to flies and are 
avoided by other insects, especially by bees. But according to my 
observations the same flies which visit Anethum and Ruta also 
visit a great variety of other plants, some sweet-scented, others 
scentless, in the same abundance and with the same assiduity. 
Moreover I have observed the flowers of Anethum visited by six 
species of bees and twenty-five other Hymenoptera as well as by 
fifteen species of flies, and Ruta visited by three species of bees 
and eleven other Hymenoptera in addition to nineteen species of 
flies. Delpino’s statement may be more accurate in the case of 
Sambucus, but the flowers of that plant are so little visited that 
we must not yet conclude that they are not sometimes visited by 
pollen-collecting bees. Bees of the genus Prosopis, which them- 
selves emit a strong odour, are chiefly found on strong-scented 
flowers (Reseda, Lepidium, Ruta, Anethum, Achillea, Matricaria), 
and here, as in other cases, the concentration of one class of 
visitors may tend to restrict the visits of others. 

Sweet, aromatic perfumes, pleasant to our own senses, such as 
the scents of Asclepias Cornutr, Rosa Centifolia, Thymus, Lavendula, 
are, as Delpino has shown, specially attractive to bees, but in a 
less degree to other insects also; and here again we find that 

deep situation of the honey is the chief means of restricting - 


B.—Lxclusion of Certain Classes of Insect-Visitors by Paucity or 
‘ Concealment of Food Material. 

Absence of honey and inaccessibility of the honey or pollen 
restrict insect-visits much more effectually than peculiarities in 
colour or odour. Honeyless flowers with exserted anthers are 
scarcely visited except by pollen-feeding flies (especially Syrphide) 
and pollen-collecting bees. Lepidoptera and purely suctorial flies, 
(Empide, Conopide, Bombylide) linger at most for a short time on 
honeyless flowers to bore succulent tissues for included sap, but 
usually fly away after a few seconds to other flowers. Beetles and 
sand-wasps devour the pollen of honeyless flowers, but resort far 
more abundantly to flowers which furnish them with both pollen 
and honey; a few voracious Lamellicorns (Cetonia T'richius) 

ae — 


partiv.} . GENERAL RETROSPECT. 517 

devour the anthers, carpels, or petals of honeyless and honey- 
yielding flowers indifferently." 

Since honeyless flowers are usually soon abandoned by honey- 
seeking insects without being secured from the visits of destructive 
beetles and without being visited the more diligently by pollen- 
collecting insects, such flowers are cateris paribus at a disad- 
vantage compared with those which contain honey. But in most 
cases this disadvantage is in some way counteracted, generally by 
superabundant production of pollen, in many cases also (Papaver, 
Hypericum perforatum) by extreme conspicuousness ; in this latter 
case, even such insects as find little or nothing of use to them, 
yet search through a few flowers and effect cross-pollination to 
a certain extent. But when in honeyless flowers with exposed 
anthers, the production of pollen and the conspicuousness of the 
flowers remain low, as in Solanum, Hypericum hirsutum, H. quad- 
rangulum, H. humifusum, Agrimonia Eupatoria, Anagallis, insect- 
visits are so rare that the species is only preserved by the regular 
occurrence of self-fertilisation. 

Honeyless flowers with concealed anthers will be more 
readily understood when we have studied the effects of deeply 
placed honey. 

The concealment of the honey in a nectary protected by other 
parts of the flower, processes, hairs, ete., is of advantage to the 
plant in two ways: it protects the honey from rain, and it permits 
a larger supply to be accumulated, thus attracting visitors in an 
increased degree. With these advantages are connected two 
disadvantages: the honey is the less easily discovered the more 
it is protected from rain, so that a great host of the less acute 
visitors are excluded from it; and the more intelligent visitors, 
which are able to detect it, cannot obtain it so quickly as if 
it were more exposed, so that the work of fertilisation goes on 
more slowly. Both of these disadvantages can be diminished by 
special contrivances, and even turned into advantages. For ex- 
clusion of the multitude of less intelligent, short-lipped visitors is 

1 The honeyless flowers with freely exposed anthers which I have most carefully 
examined are Clematis recta, Thalictrum aquilegifolium, T. flavum, Anemone 
nemorosa, Papaver Rheas, Chelidonium majus, Helianthemum vulgare, Hypericum 
perforatum, Agrimonia Eupatoria, Spirea Ulmaria, S. Filipendula, and S. Aruncus. 
On these twelve plants I noted 145 distinct insect-visitors. I saw 40 bees collecting 
pollen, 6 feeding on pollen, and 4 boring the tissues of the flower for sap ; 2 other 
Hymenoptera feeding on pollen, 2 intent on capturing flies, and 4 apparently seeking 
in yain for honey ; 57 Syrphide feeding on pollen ; 5 Muscide feeding on pollen ; 
2 Bombylii boring for sap ; 3 Diptera apparently seeking vainly for honey ; 18 beetles 

devouring pollen and anthers, and sometimes carpels and petals; 2 Lepidoptera 
seeking in vain for honey. 

| ae 


only injurious so long as more specialised visitors are not abundant. 
enough to accomplish all the work of fertilisation ; but as soon as 
the development of special structures, to contain and to protect 
the honey, permits a larger accumulation thereof, the number of 
long-tongued visitors increases so much as to more than com- 
pensate for :the falling off in short-lpped visitors. Delay in 
the work of fertilisation, owing to concealment of the honey, is 
diminished by a great variety of contrivances, and sometimes 
entirely removed; the disadvantage that honey sheltered from 
rain is not directly visible, is alleviated by pathfinders (coloured 
spots or lines), which point towards the honey and enable the 
more intelligent visitors to find it in a moment; delay in obtain- 
ing deeply placed honey is lessened by the development of 
convenient standing-places, of apertures specially fitted for the 
insect’s head or proboscis (Labiates, Echiwm, etc.), and by the 
grouping of many flowers in close association, so as to permit 
rapid passage from flower to flower (Thymus, Mentha, Jasione). 
Finally, in Scabiose and Composite, we see how, by means of 
exserted reproductive organs and dichogamy, fertilisation en masse 
is rendered not incompatible with concealment of the honey. 

In the account that I have just given of the evolution of 
flowers with more or less deeply placed honey, I have stated that, 
in the first place, the advantages which led to such development 
were the protection of the honey from ‘rain, and the possibility of 
accumulating a large store; and that the exclusion of short-lipped 
insects was an advantage obtained indirectly. It may be sug- 
gested that possibly this statement should be reversed. But since 
the long proboscides of anthophilous insects and the long tubes of 
entomophilous flowers have been developed in mutual adaptation, 
and have advanced together to greater and greater perfection, we 
must suppose that the first honey-yielding flowers exposed their 
honey on flat surfaces, and that the first flower-visiting insects 
were only furnished with organs capable of licking up fully ex- 
posed honey. Under these circumstances elongation of the 
proboscis would be of no advantage to any insect so long as 
there was only freely exposed honey to lick; but shelter from rain 
and increased room for accumulating honey would be beneficial 
to the plant even before insects became divided into short-tongued 
and long-tongued. Therefore it is certain that the commencing 
evolution of structures to store and protect honey preceded the 
elongation of insects’ tongues. It was not until honey-receptacles 
and a more copious secretion of honey had been attained in certain 

"os ae 


flowers, that it became possible for long-proboscised varieties of 
entomophilous insects to vanquish their short-lipped relatives in 
the struggle for existence. This tendency of natural selection 
must have taken effect the more certainly, in each class of insects, 
the more the insects were dependent on a floral diet. 

To give a clear view of the effect of simple concealment of the honey in 
flowers with exposed anthers, I have tabulated the visitors of certain groups of 
flowers in which the honey is fully exposed, others in which it is more deeply 
situated but still visible, and others again, in which it is quite concealed. The 
following is a summary of the result :— 

(a) On the twenty-five Umbellifere treated in detail in Part III., whose 
flowers contain honey freely exposed in a smooth, adherent layer, I have 
observed 757 distinct insect-visits ; that is to say, an average of 30 to each 

(6) On thirty-eight species of flowers whose honey is still visible, but is 
placed more or less deeply at the base of a regular flower, and accumulates in 
somewhat greater quantity (Crucifere, Nos. 27—41; Polygonum, Nos. 369— 
374; Alsinea, Nos. 60—67; Rosacew, Nos. 128, 133, 135, 150--153), I 
have observed 582 distinct insect-visits, or on an average 15 to 16 to each 

(c) On twenty-seven species of flowers whose honey is not directly visible 
but is yet accessible to the most short-lipped insects (Geraniacew, Nos. 76—83 ; 
(Malva, Nos. 69—72; Epilobium, No. 166; Campanula, Nos. 277—282 ; 
Jasione, No, 283; Ranunculus, Nos. 6—10) I have observed 384 distinct 
insect-visits, or an average of 13 to 14 to each species. 

If we classify these visits according to the classes to which the insects belong, 
and subdivide these classes, when necessary, according to the lengths of the 
insects’ proboscides, we find the following number per thousand visits, for each 
of the above-mentioned group of flowers :— 

(1) Orthoptera, Neuroptera, and Hemiptera: (a) 12; (b) 3; (ec) 3. 
(2) Coleoptera: (a) 84; (b) 168; (c) 76. 
(3) Long-tongued Diptera: (a) 84; (b) 167 ; (ec) 78. 
Bombylius, Empis, and Conopide: (a) 15; (b) 40; (c) 26. 
Eristalis, Helophilus, and Volucella: (a) 69; (b) 105; (c) 36. 
Rhingia: (a) 0; (6) 22; (c) 16. 
(4) Short-tongued Diptera: (a) 289 ; (b) 250; (c) 180. 
(5) Apide: (a) 127; (b) 292; (c) 524. 

Prosopis : (a) 25; (b) 143 (ce) 42. 
Sphecodes, Andrena, and Halictus : (a) 86; (b) 175; (ce) 250. 
Other bees with moderately long tongues: (a) 15; (b) 70; (ec) 180. 
Bombus and Anthophora: (a) 1; (0) 33; (c) 52. 

(6) Other Hymenoptera : (a) 332; (b) 69; (c) 91. 
(7) Lepidoptera: (a) 8; (b) 41; (e) 44. 
(8) Thrips: (a) 0; (b) 10; (ce) 5. 

However imperfect my lists may be, and however small the value that we 
can give to particular numbers, this table shows clearly that with increased 

PP 2 


concealment of the honey the number of short-lipped visitors diminishes and 
the number of long-tongued visitors increases ; and that, in the end, bees far 
outnumber beetles, wasps, and short-lipped flies. 

The tubes in which various flowers conceal their honey vary in 
length between very wide limits—from scarcely 1 mm. to about 
30 mm. in our native flowers. In the shortest forms, ¢.g. species of 
Veronica, the tube with its interior circle of hairs acts just like 
the structures which shelter the honey in Malva and Geranium. 
The further increase of length in such tubes depends entirely 
upon the advantage to the flower of excluding certain groups 
of insects in order to induce more diligent visits on the part 
of others. 

If increase in length of the proboscis proceeded pari passu with 
increased need of food and increased diligence, and therefore also 
with increased usefulness in the work of fertilisation, the various 
adaptations connected with it would be comparatively easy to 
understand. But this is by no means the case. The entomophilous 
insects which require most food and are most diligent, and there- 
fore the most efficient fertilisers, are unquestionably the Bees, 
since they feed not only themselves but their young solely on 
substances derived from flowers; but the circumstance that they 
have to use their mouth-parts to build the cells for their young 
has set definite limits to the adaptation of these parts for obtaining 
deeply placed honey, while such limits do not exist for Lepidoptera. 
Accordingly, though bees have far surpassed flies in the length 
of their tongue (our longest-tongued Diptera, Bombylius and 
fthingia, have proboscides 10 to 12 mm. long, while Anthophora 
prlipes and Bombus hortorum have proboscides over 20 mm. long), 
they are far outstripped by many Lepidoptera (Sphinx ligustri, 
37 to 42 mm., S. Convolvuli, 65 to 80 mm.). 

Though, owing to the special diligence of bees, most tubular 
flowers have elongated their tubes so as to exclude the more 
short-lipped insects and to admit a wider or narrower circle of 
the more specialised bees, and though many of these flowers 
are shown by other structural adaptations to be specially fitted 
for bees, yet butterflies have access to the honey of all these 
flowers, and sometimes act as subsidiary fertilising agents though 
often they are quite useless to the plant. 

Most of our native flowers with hidden honey have at the same time their 
pollen more or less deeply situated, or else differ in other important relations, 
and are therefore not fitted to show clearly the effect of increased concealment 

8. +? => eae 


of the honey, The Composite, however, furnish several series of forms well 
fitted to demonstrate this point. Omitting some aberrant forms, the honey is 
on the whole least deeply situated in the Senecionida, more deeply placed in the 
Cichoriacew, and most deeply in the Cynaree, On (a) ten Seneciunide (Nos. 
216, 222, 224, 226, 227, 228, 232, 233, 236, 237), I have observed 335 different 
insect-visits, or an average of 33°5 to each species ; on (b) fifteen Cichoriacee 
(Nos. 259, 261—273, 275), 356 distinct visits, or an average of 23 to 24 ; 
and on (c) ten Cynarew (Nos. 240, 241, 244, 245, 249, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258), 
189, or an average of 18 to 19. The following table is similar to the preceding 
one, and shows the proportionate number of visits paid by each group of 
insects, reckoning the total number of visits observed at 1,000. 

(1) Specially long-tongued bees, Bombus and Anthophora : (a) 15 ; (b) 48; 
(c) 211. 
_ (2) Bees with abdominal collecting-brushes (and long proboscides) : (a) 27 ; 
(b) 48; (c) 181. 

(3) Other bees with long or moderately long proboscides : (a) 42 ; (b) 126; 
(c) 85. 

(4) Sphecodes, Andrena, and Halictus (proboscides moderately long) : (a) 
167 ; (b) 399; (ec) 196. 

(5) Prosopis and Oolletes (short-tongued) : (a) 30; (b) 8; (c) 5. 

(6) Other Hymenoptera (mostly short-lipped) : (a) 137 ; (b) 17; (c) 35. 

(7) Long-tongued, purely suctorial Diptera (Bombylius, Empis, Conopide) ; 
(a) 42; (b) 42; (c) 35. 

(8) Rhingia: (a) 3; (b) 3; (ce) 10. 

(9) Syrphide with shorter tongues than Rhingia (Eristalis, Helophilus, 
Volucella) : (a) 92; (b) 84; (e) 55. : 

(10) Short-tongued Diptera: (a) 242; (b) 121; (ce) 10. 

(11) Lepidoptera: (a) 80; (b) 67; (c) 171. 

(12) Coleoptera : (a) 116; (b) 34; (c) 465. 

(13) Hemiptera and Panorpa: (a) 9; (b) 3; 10. 

This table proves clearly that in Composite as the honey becomes more 
deeply placed the visits of the more highly specialised bees increase, while, in 
spite of the exposed situation of the pollen, the visits of flies fall off. This is 
true of the number of species of visitors ; but if it were possible to record the 
number of visits paid by each species, the preponderating influence of bees 
would be still more apparent. From these first stages in elongation of the 
corolla-tube and increase of bees’ visits by exclusion of short-lipped insects, we 
pass by the most gradual steps to the exceedingly long tubes whose honey is 
monopolised by a smaller and smaller number of bees, At the top of the 
series stand flowers whose tubes are 16 to 20 mm. long, and whose honey is only 
accessible to a few species of Bombus and Anthophora (Aquilegia, Delyhinium, 
Pedicularis, Lamium maculatum, etc.). 

It would not be possible without many more observations to classify our 
flowers in a long series of groups, each one restricted toa smaller circle of bees, 
The length of the tube is not of itself a measure of the proboscis necessary to 
reach the honey ; for often the mouth of the flower is widened to admit the 
insect’s head or even part of its body, and further the honey often accumulates 
to a considerable depth in the tube. Such conditions are illustrated in many 
Silenee, Boraginee, Scrophulariacee, Ericacee, etc. 


Although, from the peculiar industry of bees, elongation of the 
corolla-tube is to be ascribed to their influence in the great 
majority of cases, this is not the case always. The flowers of 
Scrophularia and Symphoricarpus are just of the right size to admit 
a wasp’s head ; and wasps are attracted in such numbers to these 
flowers by the abundant honey that the visits of other insects to 
which the honey is equally accessible are greatly diminished. 

Other flowers conceal their honey in tubes so long and narrow 
that it is only accessible to Lepidoptera. Owing to the small 
supply of food needed by Lepidoptera and their inferior industry, 
such a condition could only prove advantageous to a comparatively 
small number of plants. The following native flowers are adapted 
for Lepidoptera :—DiuRNAL FLOWERS: Anacamptis pyramidalis, 
species of Dianthus, Lychnis Githago; NocruRNAL FLOWERS: 
Gymnadenia conopsea, species of Platanthera, Saponaria officinalis, 
Lychnis vespertina, Lonicera Caprifolium and L. Perielymenum. 
Of these, the diurnal flowers exclude bees (and still more, other 
insects) by the narrowness of their tubes, and the nocturnal species 
by their length also. 

In many flowers the mouth of the corolla closes, and can be 
forced open by bees but not by flies; the visits of the former are 
therefore increased and of the latter diminished. I may merely 
refer to the closed mouth of the corolla in Antirrhinum and 
Linaria, to the closed entrance to the nectary in Borago, Symphytum 
and Salvia, and to the close-shut flowers of Lathyrus pratensis, 
Vicia sepium, Pisum sativum, and many other Papilionaceze. In 
many cases such conditions fail to exclude the thin tongues of 

Effect of Concealment of the Pollen. 

Freely exposed pollen is liable to be spoilt by rain, devoured by 
flies and beetles, or carried away by pollen-collecting bees. Of 
these contingencies the first is wholly an evil, the second becomes 
advantageous if any considerable amount of pollen is conveyed to 
the stigma, and the third almost always results in fertilisation and 
is therefore altogether advantageous. Concealment of the pollen, 
as of the honey, must have been brought about in the first place as 
a protection from rain. Since with this advantage comes the 
disadvantage that the sheltered pollen is less likely to be touched 
and placed on the stigma by insect-visitors, concealment of the. 
stamens has not become general. Many, even of those flowers 
whose honey is deeply placed and attainable by a limited group 


of visitors, expose their pollen (but in that case their stigmas also) 
to short-lipped insects, which then act as subsidiary fertilising 
agents (cf. Composite, Silenee, A’sculus, Echiwm, Gnothera, Lonicera, 
etc.). And all flowers with hidden anthers have only been able to 
shelter their pollen from rain in so far as they have developed 
other adaptations for particular visitors, which compensate for the 
less general access of pollen-carrying insects. For this reason, 
flowers with hidden pollen afford us the most conspicuous ex- 
amples of adaptation in form and in dimensions to a more or 
less narrow circle of visitors (cf. Orchidew, Iris, Papilionacee, some 
Boraginee, Labiate, Scrophulariacee, Apocynee, Ericacew, etc.). 
These adaptations are always directly concerned in insuring self- 
fertilisation, and therefore fall to be considered in a future section. 
But the more perfectly flowers are adapted for cross-fertilisation 
by particular insects, the more unlikely does it become that other 
insects visiting the flowers will effect cross-fertilisation, and the more 
will such visits of other insects be useless or injurious to the plant. 
So concealment of the pollen is useful (to a subsidiary degree) in 
limiting insect-visits, and this effect has now to be considered. 

Concealment of the pollen in a cone of apposed anthers 
(Viola, Borago, Symphytum) hinders it from being devoured by 
flies and beetles, and renders it more difficult for bees to collect it; 
while honey-seeking bees cannot reach the honey without causing 
the cone to open and shed its pollen on them. 

Concealment of the anthers within open tubes (I/yosctis, Vinca, 
Syringa, etc.) renders it more difficult for beetles to devour the 
pollen, and for bees to collect it; but if the tube is wide enough 
-(Syringa), the more highly developed proboscides of certain Syrphide 
can enter and obtain the pollen, while narrower tubes (J/yosotis, 
Vinca) prevent all Diptera from feeding on the pollen, and only 
permit their visitors to obtain honey. When the tube containing 
the stamens is closed (Anchusa, Linaria, Antirrhinum), all insects 
except bees, Lepidoptera, and some very minute intruders are shut 
out both from the honey and from the pollen. Pendulous flowers 
with included stamens and not too wide tubes protect their honey 
from removal by flies (Asparagus, Convallaria) or by other insects 
also (Erica, Vaccinium) ; such flowers are therefore visited mainly 
or exclusively by honey-seeking insects. A vaulted structure 
sheltering the anthers from rain (/ris, most Labiates), does not 
“prevent, but to a great extent restricts, the theft of pollen by 
insects ; beetles are quite unable to obtain pollen so concealed, 
only a few of the more intelligent flies, especially Rhingia, and 


rather more numerous bees can do so. The pollen is most com- 
pletely protected in those flowers whose stamens are completely 
shut up within the corolla (Fumariaceew, Papilionacee, Rhinanthus, 
Melampyrum, Pedicularis, Salwia), or whose pollen is united in 
masses and enclosed in pouches (Asclepiadew, Orchidew). These 
plants are no longer able to have their pollen transported by 
miscellaneous insects, but they have developed adaptations of the 
most perfect kind for cross-fertilisation by certain special insects. 

The mechanism is so perfect and so effectual in these flowers 
that cross-fertilisation is thoroughly insured, though some of them 
offer only pollen to their visitors (Genista, Sairothanwinns) others 
pollen and sap (Cytisus), others sap only (Orchis). 

The contrivances that we have just reviewed give to two 
divisions of anthophilous insects exclusive or almost exclusive 
access to the food materials contained in certain flowers ; namely, 
in most cases to bees, which, however, must usually share their 
honey with the Lepidoptera; and in relatively few cases to 
Lepidoptera, when, if the pollen lies exposed, flies may devour 
it and bees collect it, playing a subsidiary part in the work of 
fertilisation. But certain small Diptera which resort to small dark 
cavities have a much more complete monopoly of those flowers 
which furnish them with such temporary abodes, and which have 
become adapted for cross-fertilisation by them (Aristolochia 
Clematitis, Arum maculatum); for the narrow entrance usually 
excludes all other insects. 

Limitation of Insect-visits by Time of Flowering and by Place 
of Growth. 

It is obvious that every species of flower can only be visited and 
fertilised by those insects which occur at the time when the plant 
is in flower, and in the stations where it grows. The insect- 
visitors of a plant are therefore limited by the season and by the 
time of day when it flowers, by its geographical distribution, and 
by the nature of its habitat. 

We may assume, furthermore, with Delpino (175 A), that the 
geographical range of many flowers finds its limit where insects 
suitable for their fertilisation begin to fail. But the particular 
cases which Delpino adduces to support this view are, in part, 
based on insufficient observations.' Our stock of observations is 

1 Thus Delpino supposes that the geographical range of Roses is determined by 
the occurrence of Cetonie and Glaphyride (175 A, p. 18), and that Lpilobiwm and 

Mvyosotis are exclusively fertilised by bees (p. 19). My lists contradict both of these 


as yet also insufficient to show us how the circle of visitors to 
any particular plant is determined by the time of flowering, the 
nature of the locality, the competition of other flowers, and the 
peculiarities of structure in the flower itself. 

It is obvious that flowers which only expand at night are 
thereby protected from the visits of all merely diurnal insects, 
but among our native flowers we have scarcely a distinct example 
of this condition. Of the flowers mentioned above as adapted for 
hawk-moths and nocturnal Lepidoptera, Lychnis vespertina expands 
in the evening, without, however, being completely closed by day ; 
while the others exclude diurnal insects from their honey only by 
their long, narrow tubes, and specially attract hawk-moths and 
night-flying Lepidoptera by their colour, and by exhaling their 
odour most powerfully at night. 


Adaptive Modifications of the Pollen and Stigma. 

All the characters of flowers so far discussed can only be of 
advantage to the plant in so much as they contribute indirectly to 
the conveyance of pollen by insect-visitors to the stigmas of other 
flowers. But this result is only possible if the pollen is of such a 
nature as to adhere to the insect, and if the stigma is fitted to 
remove it from the insect in turn. 

While in anemophilous plants the pollen consists very generally 
of loose, smooth, and easily scattered grains, in entomophilous 
flowers it presents a great variety of characters, all such as to enable 
it to adhere to the bodies of insect-visitors; and in all cases the 
nature of the stigma stands in the closest relation to the nature 
of the pollen, and the stigma is always fitted for attaching the 
pollen to itself by a viscid surface or by projecting papille. 
In flowers furnished with a contrivance fur scattering their pollen 
(several Scrophulariacee, Hvricacew, etc.) the pollen is usually 
smooth and loose as in anemophilous plants; but it is inclosed in 
receptacles from which it is dislodged by a touch of the. insect, 
and it is often directed in its fall by special hairs. In Syringa 
and Symphoricarpus the insect’s head or proboscis is first moistened 
with honey, to which the pollen then adheres; in Vinca and 
Polygala viscid matter is secreted by the stigma, and in Bryonia, 
Marrubiwm, Sideritis, etc., by spherical cells of the anthers, and 
fulfils the same function. In the great majority of cases, that is to 


say in all generally accessible flowers, the pollen is rough or viscid, 
so that it adheres readily to the usually hairy surfaces of insect- 
visitors. In Cypripedium it forms a sticky mass, which adheres to 
the insect as it forces its way underneath, and which is afterwards 
removed by the rough stigmatic surface of the next flower. In 
Orchis it coheres in little packets which are united into “ pollinia ” 
or “pollen-masses” by elastic threads, and the whole pollen- 
mass attaches itself by a special cement to the insect-visitor; 
the stigma is sticky enough to cause the little packets of pollen 
which come in contact with it to adhere firmly, so that as the 
insect moves away the elastic threads are broken through. In 
Asclepias all the pollen-grains in an anther-lobe cohere to form 
a flattened mass, which becomes attached by its “corpusculum ” 
to an insect’s claw, and is inserted through a narrow slit into 
the stigmatic chamber of another flower, and is torn away and 
left there. 

The size of the pollen-grains also varies in relation to the 
length of the style which the po!len-tubes must traverse, as is seen 
in the varying size of pollen-grains from the different whorls of 
anthers in dimorphic and trimorphic plants (cf. Lythrum),. 

Characters which insure Cross-Fertilisation in case of Insect- Visits 
and Self-Fertilisation in Absence of Insects. 

If the adaptations of flowers to insect-visits are really due to 
the cross-fertilisation induced by the visitors, all characters which 
render cross-fertilisation inevitable in case of insect-visits, and 
which render self-fertilisation impossible, must be of special advan- 
tage to the plant ; but only so far as insect-visits occur in sufficient 
abundance to insure cross-fertilisation. If this condition is not 
regularly fulfilled, it is obviously much better for the plant 
to have the power of reproducing itself by self-fertilisation 
while leaving only a possibility of cross-fertilisation in case of 
insect-visits than to be cross-fertilised with absolute certainty when 
insect-visits occur, but to be not fertilised at all in absence of 
insects. This is the simple explanation of the law already laid 
down, that “When closely-allied flowers, alike in other respects 
in structure, differ in the abundance of their insect-visits, and at 
the same time in the degree to which cross-fertilisation is insured 
in case of insect-visits and self-fertilisation in absence of insects, 
then under otherwise similar conditions those flowers which are 
most visited are those in which cross-fertilisation is best insured, and 

EEE Ee —s 


those which are least visited are those in which self-fertilisation 
is best insured.! 

The comparative merits of cross-fertilisation and self-fertilisation 
can only be rightly considered when the actual insect-visits that the 
plant receives are taken into account ; and only the utter neglect 
of this precaution can explain how Hildebrand and Axell came 
to directly opposite estimates of the value of the two modes of 
fertilisation. For Hildebrand in his Geschlechtervertheilung ar- 
ranges the mechanisms of flowers according as they hinder self- 
fertilisation, and seems to consider those the most perfect in which 
self-fertilisation is least possible; while Axell tries to show that 
the highest and most perfect Phanerogams are those which 
regularly fertilise themselves.” 

Both views are only partially correct ; the truth lies between 
them. The law, proved by general considerations in the Introduc- 
tion and by many detailed facts in the third section of this book, 
that cross-fertilisation is better for a plant than self-fertilisation, 
but that self-fertilisation is infinitely better than no fertilisation at 
all and consequent sterility, must modify essentially Hildebrand’s 
conception of a law of the avoidance of self-fertilisation. And it is 
evident at once that Axell’s idea of a single path towards perfection 
in the evolution of Phanerogamic flowers is altogether untenable 
when we review the insurance of cross- and self-fertilisation in 
connection with the insurance of insect-visits. 

The oldest Phanerogamic flowers which adapted themselves 
for the transport of their pollen by insect-agency certainly pos- 
sessed those characters by which insects are mainly attracted— 
namely, conspicuousness, perfume, and honey—to so small an 
extent that as a rule their insect-visitors were not numerous 
enough to insure cross-fertilisation. Under these conditions it 
must have been advantageous for the organs of both sexes to be 
united within one flower so as to admit the possibility of self- 
fertilisation. In accordance with this is the fact that while the 
Gymnosperms have diclinic anemophilous flowers, the great 
majority of entomophilous Phanerogams are monoclinic. 

But as soon as in any entomophilous plant increased conspicu- 
ousness, or perfume, or food-supply had so far multiplied insect- 
visits that cross-fertilisation took place regularly and the possibility 
of self-fertilisation became quite useless, then the possibility of 

1 Compare Rhinanthus, Lysimachia, Euphrasia officinalis, Rosa, Rubus, Epilobium, 

Geranium, Malva, Polygonum, Stellaria, Cerastium, Veronica, Hieraciwm, Senecio, ete. 
2 Cf. ‘Historical Introduction,” pp. 12, 20. 


self-fertilisation could be dispensed with, and has actually in very 
many cases been lost. Such a result has taken place in the most 
diverse ways, sometimes by dichogamy, sometimes by the position 
of the parts in the flower, sometimes by reversion to the diclinic 
condition. Asparagus officinalis, Ribes alpinum, Rhus Cotinus, 
Lychnis vespertina, &c., are undoubted instances of plants which 
have reverted or are reverting from the hermaphrodite to the 
diclinic condition. 

So when insect-visits were comparatively few it was a step 
towards perfection for entomophilous diclinic plants to become 
monoclinic ; but when cross-fertilisation was insured by sufficient 
insect-visits the reverse transition was advantageous. So is it 
with all other characters which insure cross-fertilisation or self- 
fertilisation. Dichogamy is so general a feature throughout 
whole genera and orders, that it is scarcely possible to doubt that 
it has been inherited as an advantageous character from the 
common ancestors of these genera or orders; but the least con- 
spicuous and least visited species in these groups have reverted to 
self-fertilisation, and in their case this reversed progress has been 
a step towards perfection (cf. Senecio vulgaris, Malva rotundifolia, 
the smaller species of Geranium, Stellaria media, etc.). In 
Rhinanthus crista-galli_ cross-fertilisation in the event of sufficient 
insect-visits 1s insured by the distance of the stigma and anthers 
from one another, and the style is elongated so that its stigma 
must be touched by insect-visitors; but in the less conspicuous 
variety the tip of the style curves backwards so far that self- 
fertilisation ensues without fail. It is needless to cite more of 
the instances already discussed, in which little-visited varieties, 
species, or genera fertilise themselves regularly, while closely-allied 
forms, more abundantly visited, have been able to dispense with 
the possibility of spontaneous self-fertilisation. 

_ In my opinion, if we must describe in general terms the grades 
of perfection in floral mechanisms, we can only call those specially 
perfect which fulfil their purpose in the life of the plant specially 
well; that is to say, which under existing conditions insure the 
sexual reproduction of the species with particular success. We 
cannot admit that either the insurance of cross-fertilisation in case 
of insect-visits, or the unfailing occurrence of self-pollination, is in 
itself a measure of perfection in the mechanism of a flower; for 
both among plants which regularly pollinate themselves and 
among those in which spontaneous self-pollination is impossible 
we find numerous species which prove by their great abundance 



how perfect is their structure. Senecio vulgaris, Veronica 
hederefolia, Stellaria media, Lamium purpureum are examples of 
the one condition, and Pedicularis silvatica, Malva silvestris, and 
Echium vulgare of the other. It must by no means be supposed 
that all floral mechanisms are equal; in many flowers distinct 
imperfections have already been pointed out (Posoqueria fragrans, 
Faramea, Malva silvestris, Euphrasia Odontites, Geum rivale, 
etc.). There are also species which, after abandoning the power of 
self-fertilisation, have suffered so from the competition of other 
flowers that they obtain very few insect-visits (¢.9., Ophrys 
muscifera). Such instances prove still more forcibly that the 
uniform perfection which Axell supposes to exist in Nature has 
no real existence, 

It may be urged that Axell proceeds from a totally different 
conception of perfection; for he looks upon every economy of 
space, time, and material as a step towards perfection ; and he 
must therefore look upon the reversion of monoclinic flowers to 
diclhny, or the passage of homogamic flowers to dichogamy, as 
retrograde even when those changes are of distinct advantage for 
the sexual propagation of the plant. But such a definition of 
perfection is unnatural. 

But even apart from any definition of perfection in a floral 
mechanism, nothing can be more unnatural than to assert that 
there is only one course of evolution or only one path towards 
perfection in the structure of flowers. 

As in regard to conspicuousness, odour, or production and 
concealment of food material, so also in favouring or insuring 
cross-fertilisation, there is an infinite variety of means to the 
end.. In flowers which receive abundant insect-visits cross-fertilisa- 
tion has been insured sometimes by reversion to dicliny, sometimes 
by dichogamy, sometimes by distant separation of the stigma and 
pollen in the flower, sometimes by a special mechanism causing 
the pollen to adhere to the insect and afterwards to the stigma of 
the next flower. Dichogamy, though usually proterandrous,, is 
proterogynous even in many entomophilous flowers (Aristolochia, — 
Hwonymus, many Rosacece), in spite of Axell’s statement to the 
contrary. ‘The separation in space of the essential organs may 
be of the same kind in all the flowers of a species, or the relations 
of the parts may be different in different flowers; but in all cases 
the relative positions of the parts are closely connected with in- 
sects visits. In the former case, when all the flowers are alike, 
eross-fertilisation is insured either if the same part of the insect 


visitor always comes in contact first with the stigma and after- 
wards with the anthers (Anthericum, Convallaria majalis, Lonicera 
Caprifolium, many Labiatze, etc.), or if in each flower any part 
of the proboscis, body, or head of the insect touches the stigma 
while at the same time the opposite side touches the anthers 
(Myosotis, Omphalodes, Ribes nigrum, Berberis, Cruciferae, etc.). 
When the flowers are not all alike, that is to say in dimorphic 
(Primula, Hottonia, Pulmonaria, Polygonum fagopyrum) or tri- 
morphic (Lythrwm) plants, cross-fertilisation is insured if the insects 
touch the anthers and stigma with different parts of their bodies, 
but touch the stigma with that part which touched the anthers in 
a previous flower. 

The mechanisms for applying pollen to a particular part of the 
insect are astonishingly various; from the nature of the case they 
can be the more easily attained the more the circle of visitors is 
restricted to a few definite forms by concealment of the honey. 
As examples of these multitudinous arrangements we may recall 
the flowers of Ericaceze, Scrophulariacee, Boraginee, and Galanthus, 
in which pollen is sifted on to the insect; the infinite number of 
devices in Orchidew ; and the somewhat similar mechanism of 
Asclepiadaceze ; the flowers of Papilionaceze, Fumariaces, and 
of Lopezia, in all of which the insect involuntarily opens the 
pollen-receptacle and dusts itself ventrally with pollen; Salvia, 
in which the mechanism is reversed and the insect’s back receives 
the pollen; lastly, the simple device of the flexible stamens in 
Veronica Chamedrys and Circa. 

The mechanisms which have been discussed in this book are 
only an infinitesimal fraction of the vast variety that exists. They 
arose quite independently and at various times in the various 
divisions of those Phanerogams which had become entomophilous 
and monoclinic. They have in general become developed only 
where increasing conspicuousness and a large supply of food material 
attracted so many insects that the capability for self-fertilisation be- 
came unnecessary ; on the other hand, where insect-visits remained 
few, the power of self-fertilisation (which began with the appearance 
of hermaphroditism) was retained. Where cross-fertilisation that 

1 The mechanisms for insuring cross-fertilisation in Umbellifere and in Com- 
posite have been inherited from the ancestors of the order; those in the various 
species of Aquilegia, Delphinium, Linaria, and Pedicularis, from the ancestor of the 
genus ; those in Polygonwm fagopyrum, P. Bistorta, and Lonicera Caprifolium, from 
the ancestor of the species ; while the different forms of flowers in Rhinanthus erista- 
galli, Veronica spicata, Odontites serotina, -Euphrasia officinalis, and Lysimachia 
vulgaris, give us examples of various floral characters being evolved within the bounds 
of one and the same species, 


had once been insured becomes uncertain owing to the competition 
of other flowers (¢.g. Malva rotundifolia, species of Geranium), or 
owing to the unfavourable locality (cf. Lysimaehia nemorum) or 
unfavourable weather (cf. Veronica Beccabunga), the mechanisms of 
the flowers have in many cases undergone a change such as to 
render self-fertilisation again possible ; in a few cases reversion to 
anemophily has taken place (Artemisiacer, Zhalictrum). As 
examples of the countless ways in which plants revert to self- 
fertilisation in default of sufficient insect-visits, I may mention the 
following :—In some dichogamic flowers the stigmas curl back upon 
the anthers or other parts which still retain some pollen (Stellaria 
graminea, Malva rotundifolia, species of Geraniwm, Composite) ; 
the stigmas sometimes curl back till they come in the line of fall of 
the pollen (Melampyrum pratense) or even place themselves between 
the anthers (thinanthus minor); anthers which stand in a ring 
round the stigma may, in default of sufficient insect-visits, con- 
verge above the stigma, applying their pollen to it (Myosotis, 
Lithospermum, Cruciferze); even mechanisms which effect cross- 
fertilisation with astonishing precision in case of insect-visits are 
not unfrequently transformed so as to render self-fertilisation 
inevitable when insect-visits are few (certain Orchidez, Fuma- 
riacee, Salvia); or the production of cleistogamic, self-fertilised 
flowers may compensate for the loss of the power of self-fertilisation 
in the ordinary flowers ( Viola). 

Unlike Axell, who brings his book to a conclusion by saying 
“ We see thus that the development of mechanisms for fertilisation 
in Phanerogams has gone on and still goes on in the same 
direction,” + I should say : The dependence of entomophilous flowers 
on guests so infinitely various in habits, tastes, and numbers, in 
their food and in the means of obtaining it, must have rendered 
possible not one but countless paths towards perfection, paths 
leading not always forwards but sometimes backwards; and only in 
such a way could the infinite variety of existing flowers have 
come into existence. 

My brother Fritz Miiller has sent me the following instances 
of the general principle that whenever in a variable species 
selection occurs in a definite way, then that selection, apart from 
other relations, will lead to a continued increase of the variation 
in the same direction from generation to generation :— 

1 *¢ Vi ansa saledes, att utvecklingen i anordningarna for kénens forening hos de 
fanerogama vixterna fortgatt och fortgar i nimmda riktning.”—No. 17, p. 95. 


(1) In maize cultivated at Itajahy, the grains stand for the most part in 
twelve or fourteen rows, not unfrequently in ten, rarely in eight or sixteen, and 
very rarely in eighteen rows. In more than 100 ears which I bought for 
sowing in 1867 I found only one of eighteen rows. This ear produced next year 
205 ears, among which were twenty-two with eighteen rows, besides one which 
had eighteen rows in the upper part and twenty in the lower, and one which 
had eighteen at the top, twenty in the middle, and twenty-two at the bottom. 
Next year, 1868-69, I had 460 ears obtained from seeds out of ears with eighteen 
rows ; and of these 460, 18°2 per cent. bore eighteen rows, 4'4 per cent. bore 
twenty, and ‘2 per cent. bore twenty-two. In the following year, among ears 
obtained from seed out of ears bearing twenty-two rows, one ear occurred 
which bore twenty-six rows. 

(2) In an Abutilon from Capivary the normal number of styles isten. A 
seedling obtained from a flower with nine styles had, among 100 flowers, two 
with seven styles, and twenty-seven with eight ; while in 100 flowers upon the 
mother-plant there were only three with eight, and none with seven styles. 

“ (3) In Abutilon there occur sometimes, but very rarely in most species, 
flowers with six petals. 

“ From seed obtained from an hexamerous flower of the hybrid EF’, fertilised 
with pollen from a pentamerous flower of the variety /’, a plant was reared 
(EFF) which I watched for three weeks (August 17 to September 6, 1869) 
counting the petals upon all the flowers that appeared on it. It bore in the 
three weeks :— 

Flowers with 5 petals. A ; ‘ 145 
Ditto MLL lala : : ; . 103 
Ditto ee Sith ee : : pies 13 

“At the same time I watched another plant descended from pentamerous 
parents of the same varieties as those of the former (but obtained by pollen of 
the hybrid EF applied to the stigma of the pure species /), It bore in the 
three weeks :— 

Flowers with 5 petals : : : ; 454 
Ditto A MS ; : ’ é 6 
Ditto eee i P : , : 0 

“The simplest explanation of these facts seems to be, that each species has 
the property of varying within a certain amount: crossing of different in- 
dividuals so long as no selection is made in a definite direction, suffices to keep 
the middle point fairly constant, about which the variations oscillate ; and so 
the extremes also remain constant. But if the tendency to vary in either 
direction is aided by natural or artificial selection, then our middle point is as 
it were shifted to that side and the extremes of oscillation are also shifted 
towards the same side.” 

Since the first appearance of this work (1873) I have discussed 
in a series of essays the question of the Origin of Flowers and the 

1 # indicates the Abutilon called Hmbira branca by the Brazilians; F, an 
Abutilon from Pocinho (see No. 557); ZF implies the hybrid produced by pollen of 
F applied to the stigma of Z. 


gradual attamment of their special. characters. I may now close 
this book with a summary of my chief conclusions. The good effect 
of cross-fertilisation may be recognised not only in the structure of 
insect-fertilised flowers, but also in the water-fertilised and wind- 
fertilised plants which preceded them. Even in the lowest aloze we 
find cross-fertilisation, to effect which two individuals move towards 
each other in the water by means of a cilium. Ina higher grade we 
find the two individuals differentiated, one losing its motility, and 
increasing in size to form an ovwm, while the other (sperm-cell 
or antherozooid) retaining its primitive motile form swims about in 
quest of the ovum. - This mode of cross-fertilisation is retained not 
only: by all cellular cryptogams (except the Floridee or red sea- 
weeds, whose tailless antherozooids are moved passively in the 
current) but also by all vascular cryptogams. With the change to 
dry localities, where even occasional moisture sufficient for the 
migration of the antherozooids is not attainable, the vascular 
cryptogams seem to haye developed wind-fertilised _ unisexual 
flowers; thus, first the Gymnosperms, and from these afterwards 
the Angiosperms have arisen. 

Finally from the wind-fertilised Angiosperms, entomophilous 
flowers arose, as insects came first accidentally and afterwards 
regularly to seek their food on flowers, and as natural selection 
fostered and perfected every change which favoured insect-visits 
and thereby aided cross-fertilisation. With the transition to 
insect-fertilisation caine, on the one hand, great economy of pollen, 
but, on the other hand, the uncertainty of insect-visits made it as 
a rule necessary that self-fertilisation should remain possible. 
Thus, though descended from unisexual (anemophilous) ancestors, 
entomophilous flowers are usually hermaphrodite, and are capable 
to a great extent of fertilising themselves when insect-visits fail. 
But in the course of further development, many of them have so 
increased their means of attracting insects (by colour, perfume, 
honey, etc.), that the power of spontaneous self-fertilisation has 
become superfluous and finally has been lost. 

Insects in cross-fertilising flowers endow them with offspring 
which in the struggle for existence vanquish those individuals of 
the same species which are the offspring of self-fertilisation. The 
insects must therefore operate by selection in the same way as do 
unscientific cultivators among men, who preserve the most pleasing 
or most useful specimens, and reject or neglect the others. In 
both cases, selection in course of time brings those variations to 
perfection which Serrespond t to the taste or to the needs of the 

Q Q 


selective agent. Different groups of insects, according to their 
sense of taste or colour, the length of their tongues, their way 
of movement and their dexterity, have produced various odours, 
colours, and forms of flowers; and insects and flowers have 
progressed together towards perfection. 

The transition from wind-fertilisation to insect-fertilisation and 
the first traces of adaptation to insects, could only be due to 
the influence of quite short-lipped insects with feebly developed 
colour-sense. The most primitive flowers are therefore for the 
most part (except, for instance, Salix) simple, widely open, regular, 
devoid of honey or with their honey unconcealed and easily 
accessible, and white or yellow in colour (e.g. most Umbellifere and 
Alsinee, many Ranunculacece and Rosacec. 

The carrion-loving Flies were from the first marked out by 
their peculiar tastes to produce certain peculiar flowers. Preferring 
those colours and odours which guided them to their primitive 
food, they produced, wherever they got special influence, dull, 
yellowish, or dark-purple colours, often accompanied with a putrid 
smell. The stupidity of flies also favoured the production of cer- 
tain contrivances to insure crossing, ¢.g. the prison-flowers of Arwim 
and Aristolochia, the traps of Pinguicula alpina, Cynanchum, and 
Stapelia, or the deceptions of Paris, Ophrys, and Parnassia. 

Gradually, from the miscellaneous lot of flower-visiting insects, 
all much alike in their tastes, there arose others more skilful and 
intelligent, with longer tongues and acuter colour-sense ; and they 
gradually caused the production of flowers with more varied 
colours, honey invisible to or beyond the reach of the less intel- 
ligent short-tongued guests, and various contrivances for lodging, 
protecting, and pointing out the honey. 

Lepidoptera, by the thinness, sometimes (Sphingide) by the 
length of their tongues, were able to produce special modifications. 
Through their agency were developed flowers with long and narrow 
tubes, whose colours and time of opening were in relation to the 
tastes and habits of their visitors. We may thus distinguish flowers 
adapted for butterflies (Dianthus deltoides and many Silenee), or for 
moths (Platanthera) ; for diurnal hawk-moths (Gentiana bavarica, 
G, verna), for nocturnal hawk-moths (Lonicera Caprifolium) ; and 
intermediate stages (e.g., Crocus vernus). The acute sense of smell 
in Lepidoptera reveals itself in the aromatic scent of Pinks, 
Nigritella, Daphne striata, ete., and the colour-sense of butterflies 
is shown in the flowers, usually red and prettily marked, which 
are due to them. 


The Jchnewmonide at first surpassed all other visitors in obser- 
vation and discernment, and they were thus able to produce 
inconspicuous flowers which escaped the notice of other visitors. 
On the appearance of sand-wasps and bees these inconspicuous 
flowers were banished by competition to the less frequented 
localities (¢.g., Listera to shady woods). 

The Sand-wasps (Sphegidw) apparently took the place to a 
great extent of the Ichneumons, and produced flowers where 
organs had to be thrust apart (Papilionaceze), or where a narrow 
cavity had to be entered (Labiate), or where some other action 
similar to the act of digging had to be performed. Subsequently 
bees seem to have entered on joint possession of most of these 
flowers, and to have added special adaptations of their own. 

The true Wasps (Vespidw) could establish themselves by the 
fear of their sting (and of their jaws) in sole possession of certain 
flowers with wide open mouths and abundant honey. These they 
developed farther in relation to their wants (Serophularia, Sym- 
phoricarpus, Epipactis latifolia, Lonicera alpigena); but where 
wasps are scarce the flowers are utilised by other insects. 

Bees (Apidae), as the most skilful and diligent visitors, have 
played the chief part in the evolution of flowers; we owe to 
them the most numerous, most varied, and most specialised forms. 
Flowers adapted for bees probably surpass all others together in 
variety of colour. The most specialised, and especially the gre- 
garious bees, have produced great differentiations in colour, which 
enable them, on their journeys, to keep to a single species of flower. 
While those flowers which are fitted for a miscellaneous lot of 
short-lipped insects usually exhibit similar colours (especially 
white or yellow) over a range of several allied species, the most 
closely allied species growing in the same locality, when adapted 
for bees, are usually of different colours and can thereby be 
recognised at a glance (¢g., Trifolium, Lamium, Teucrium, 

Some Drone-flies (Syrphide) also, which admire bright colours 
and are themselves brightly adorned (Ascia, Melanostoma, 
Sphegina, etc.), have produced special flowers suited to their 
tastes, which they mainly fertilise (Saxifraga rotundifolia, S. 
umbrosa, etc.); sometimes we even find a special and simple 
mechanism adapted for them (Veronica Chamedrys). 

The power to distinguish red, violet, and blue colours must 
have been acquired to a certain degree by flesh-flies and carrion- 
flies in seeking their natural food; but in other flower-loving 



insects this power seems only to have arisen with the habit of 
visiting flowers, and to have increased pari passw with the taste 
for flowers and with the length of the proboscis. On the whole 
we find red, violet, and blue colours appearing for the first time 
in flowers whose honey is quite concealed and which are visited 
by more or less long-tongued insects (bees, long-tongued flies, 
Lepidoptera), or else in flowers visited for the sake of their pollen 
chiefly by bees and: drone-flies (Hepatica triloba, Verbascum 

The forms, colours, and odours of the flowers in a particular 
region must depend in the closest manner upon the insect fauna 
of the region, and especially upon the relative abundance in it of 
the various classes of insects. This conclusion is in complete 
accordance with the following comparison of my observations on 
the Alps and in North Germany. On the Alps, Hymenoptera and 
especially bees are relatively much less numerous and Lepidoptera 
much more numerous than in Low Germany. 

I have observed upon flowers :— 

1. In Low Ganuany.| * Ohman, | OR TREES, 

Gt Inooota.| obbaryed. [ot Ingocta | dbecrved. of Ineoets. | Sbabewed 

Coleoptera. ... 129 469 83 337 33 134 
Diptera 253 1,598 348 1,856 210 930 
Hymenoptera 368 | 2,750 188 §| 1,382 88 519 
(Apide) (205) | (2,191) | (120) | (1,141) | (49) | (402) 
Lepidoptera 79 | 865 | 220 | 2,122 | 148 | 1,190 
Other Insects 14 49 7 15 3 6 
TOTAL... 843 5,231 841 5,712 482 2,779 


Of each 1,000 different visits observed (differing either in the 
species of flower visited or the species of insect visiting it) there 
are therefore :—" 

i Intow 2 on the atpe 3, APore te 
Coleoptera 89°6 59°0 | 48°2 
Diptera 805°5 324°9 | 334°6 
Hymenoptera... 525°7 242-0 | 186°8 
(Apide) (413°1) (200°0) | (144°6) 
Lepidoptera... 69°8 871°5 | 428°3 
Other Insects... 9°4 = 2°6 | 2°1 
Toran 1,000°0 1,000°0 | 1,000°0 

1 Cf. Nature, vol. xxi. p. 275, 1880. 

“As Ca 
“a, tik) 
i) ie =: 


Kee Baillon. Mowvements dans les organes sexuels des végétaux. Paris, 
0. ‘ 

(209A) 8S. S. Dowson. ‘Ground Ivy.” Nature, Vol. xxvii. p. 126. 1883. 

(229A) LéoErrera, ‘* Réponse & une note de M. Ed. Heckel, au sujet de la 
fécondation dans le genre Geranium.” Bull. de la Soc. Roy. de Bot. de Belg., 
ler Mars, 1879, pp. 42-44. 

(3158) Edwin Haviland. ‘Occasional Notes on Plants indigenous in the 
neighbourhood of Sydney; III. Lobelia.” Proce. Linn. Soc. N. S.. Wales, 
March 28, 1883. 

(318A) Ed. Heckel, ‘‘ Réponse & une note de M. Léo Errera au sujet de la 
fécondation dans le genre Geranium.” Bull, de la Soc. Roy. de Bot. de Belg., 
ler Mars, 1879, pp. 41, 42. 

(397A) Ulr. K ramer. ‘‘Ja wohl unterscheidet die Biene die Farbe der Bliithen.” 
Schweiz. Bienenzeitung, Vol. 11. pp. 179-183. 1880. 

» (419A) Sir John Lubbock. Blwmen und Insecten in ihren Wechselbexiehungen ; 
tibersetzt von A. Passow. Berlin. 8vo. 1876. 

(422A) F. Ludwig. Die Befruchtung der Pflanzen durch Hiilfe der Insecten, 
und die Theorie Darwin's von der Entstehwng der Arien. Gottingen. 1867. 

(621A) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ The Effect of the Change of Colour in the 
Flowers of Pulmonaria officinalis on its Fertilisers.” Natwre, Vol. xxvii. p. 81. 
1883. . 

(671A) ©. V. Riley. ‘‘The True and the Bogus Yucca-moth, with remarks on 
the Pollination of Yucca.” Amer. Entomol. Vol. 1. pp. 141-145. June, 1880. 

(697A*) S. J. Smith. ‘‘ Notes on the Fertilisation of Cypripediwm spectabile, 
Swartz, and Platanthera psychodes, Gray.” Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. Ix. 
pp. 328, 329. 1863 (1865). ty 

June, 1883. 


I HAVE inserted in this list all books, paper's, and notes, dealing with the 
subject of the fertilisation of flowers, which I have been able to find. I have 
made no very diligent search for obscure works of the pre-Darwinian period, 
but I have inserted all such of the older works as are well known or important. 
I have wholly avoided the vast literature on hybridisation, though much of it 
trenches closely upon the proper subjects of the list ; I have inserted only the 
more important reviews of books, and I have not catalogued references to 
the subject in general text-books. I have done my best to make this list 
complete, but I am well aware how far all such efforts must fall short of 
success. Dr. Hermann Miller has revised the proofs, adding many entries to 
the list. 

The index to the list is a rough one; it refers only to notes and papers 
dealing with one or a very few geneta: books and the more comprehensive 
papers are not indexed. 

D'Arcy W. Tompson. 

® Dr. Alefeld. ‘‘ Ueber Linum.” Sot. Zeit, xxt. pp. 281, 282. 1863. 
(2) Dr. Alefeld. ‘Ueber Tridcie und Trimorphie.” Bot. Zeit. xx1. p. 417. 

(24) Grant Allen. ‘The Origin of Flowers.” Cornhill Mag. Vol. xxxvu. 
p- 534. 1877. Pop. Sci. Rev. Vol. ur. p. 151. 1877. 

(3) Grant Allen. The Colour-sense, its Origin and Development. Chap. tv. 
** Insects and Flowers,” pp. 83-80. 8vo. London, 1879. 

(4) Grant Allen. ‘‘ The Colours of Flowers, as Illustrated by the British Flora.” 
Nature, Vol. xXvi. pp. 299-304, 323-326, 346-350, 371-374. 8vo. London, 1882. 

(5) J. Anderson. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Orchids.” Jowrn. of Horticulture, p. 287. 
April 21, 1863. 

(6) J. Anderson. ‘Fertilisation of Orchids.” Gard. Chron. p.1137. 1869. 

(7) G. Arcangeli. “ Osservazioni sul Dracunculus vulgaris, Schott.” Nuovo 
Giorn. Bot, Ital, Vol. x1. pp. 24-41. 1879. 

(7A) G. Arcangeli. ‘‘ Sulla Caprificazione, ete.” Processi Verbali della Soc. 
Toscana di Sci. Nat. November, 1882. 

(7B) G. Arcangeli. ‘‘Osservazioni still impollinazione in alcune Aracee.” 
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. Vol. xv. pp. 72-97. 1883. 

(8) J.B. Armstrong. ‘‘A Synopsis of the New Zealand Species of Veronica, 
with Notes on a New Species.” Zrans. N. Z. Instit. Vol. x11. pp. 344-859. 1880. 

(9) M. Arnaud. “Quelques observations sur le Gladiolus Guepini, Koch.” 
Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de France, XX1v. pp. 266-271. 1877. 

(10) P. Ascherson. “ Ueber die Bestaubting bei Juncus bufonins, Linn.” Bot, 
Zett. XXIX. pp 551-555. 1871. 


(11) P. Ascherson. ‘‘Noch einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bestiubung bei 
Juncus bufonius, L.” Bot. Zeit. xxx. pp. 697-699. 1872. 

(12) P. Ascherson. ‘‘ Die Bestiéubung einiger Helianthemum-Arten.”  Sit- 
zungsber. der ges. Naturf. Frewnde zu Berlin, No. vit. pp. 97-108. 1880. Reviewed 
by Dr. H. Muller. Bot. Zeit. pp. 50-52. 1881. 

(13) P. Ascherson. ‘Die Zwangsbefruchtung einiger Cistineen.” Kosmos, 
Vol. VIII. pp. 302-306. January, 1881. 

P. Ascherson. Vide Delpino, No. 183. 

(14) E. Askenasy. ‘*Ueber das Aufbliihen der Griser.” Verh. des Naturh. 
Medic. Ver. zu Heidelberg, N.S., Bd. 11. pp. 261-273. 1879. 

(15) E. Askenasy. ‘‘ Ueber explodirende Staubgefiisse.” Verh. des Naturh. 
Medic. Ver. zu Heidelberg, N.S., Bd. 0. pp. 273-282. 1879. : 

(16) Severin Axell. ‘‘Om det fargade hyllets betydelse fér vaxten.” Bot. 
Notiser, Tredje haftet. 1868. 

(17) Severin Axell. Om anordningarna for fanerogama vaxternas befrukt- 
ning. Stockholm,1869. 

(174) F. W. BB. ‘* Fertilisation of Leschenaultia formosa.” Gard. Chron. 
p. 1103... 1871. 

C. C. Babington. See No. 235. 

(18) Th. Bail. ‘‘Ueber androgyne Bliithenstinde bei solchen Monécisten und 
Didcisten bei denen Trennung der Bliithenstiinde Regel ist.” Schriften der Naturf. 
Gesellsch. in Dantzig, Neue Folge, Bd. u. No. 3. 1869. 

(19) Th. Bail. ‘‘ Vorlaufige Mittheilungen tiber das Vorkummen androgyner 
Bliithenstande resp. von Zwitterbliithen bei Alnus, Corylus, und Comptonia.” ot. 
Zeit. XXVIII. pp. 400-402. 1870. 

(20) Th. Bail. ‘‘Anpassungen von Thieren und Pflanzen.” Schriften der 
Naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig, Neue Folge, Bd. v. Heft m1. 1872. Bot. Centralb. 
pp. 243-247. 1872. 

(21) W. W. Bailey. ‘Bees on Gerardia pedicularis.”” Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club, Vol. 11. p. 39. 1871. 

(22) W.W. Bailey. ‘‘ Perforation of Gerardia pedicularis by Bees.” Amer. 
Natur. vit. pp. 689, 690. 1873. 

(23) W. W. Bailey. ‘‘Apocynum.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. v. p. 9. 1874. 

(24) W. W. Bailey. ‘‘Dimorphism” [of Bonvardia leiantha]. Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club, Vol. vi. p. 106. 1876. 

(25) W. W. Bailey. ‘‘Humble-bees and Gerardia flava.” Amer. Naturalist, 
Vol. x11. p. 649. 1879. 

(26) W. W. Bailey. ‘*Cross-fertilisation of Baptisia tinctoria.” Bot. Gaz., 
Vol. v. p. 94. 1880. 

(27) W. W. Bailey. ‘‘Cobza scandens.” Bot. Gaz. Vol. v. p. 64. 1880. 

(28) W. W. Bailey. ‘‘ Note on Torrenia asiatica.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 
Vol. 1x. pp. 50-52. 1882. . 

(29) H. Baillon. ‘‘ Sur la mode de fécondation du Catasetum luridum, Lindley.” 
Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de France, Tom. 1. pp. 285-287. 1854. 

(30) H. Baillon. ‘‘Sur la direction des étamines de l’Hemerocallis fulva.” 
Bull. mens. Soe. Linn. de Paris, pp. 295, 296. 1881. 

(31) H. Baillon. ‘*Sur des fleurs hermaphrodites de Trichosanthes.” Bud. 
de la Soc. Linn. de Paris, pp. 308, 309. 1882. 

(32) J.G. Baker. ‘‘Synopsis of the Aloinee and Yuccoidee.” Journ. Linn. 
Soc. Vol. xvitt. 1880. Natwre, Vol. xxt. p. 315. 1880. 

(33) J. H. Balfour. ‘‘ On Dimorphic Flowers of Cephaelis Ipecacuanha.” Journ, 
of Bot. Ser. 1. Vol. 11. p. 50. 1873. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. Vol. Xi. p. 278. 1873. 
Abstract, American Naturalist, Vol. vit. p. 310. 1873. 

(34) Mrs. M. E. Barber. ‘‘On the Structure and Fertilisation of Liparis 
Bowkeri.” Journ, Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x. PP. 455-458. 1869. 

(35) Mrs. M. E. Barber, ‘‘ On the Fertilisation and Dissemination of Duvernoia 
adhatodoides.” Tourn, Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. X1. pp. 469-472. 1871, 

(36) C. R. Barnes. ‘* The Anthers of Clethra.” Bot, Gaz. Vol. v. pp. 104, 105. 

(37) J. W. Barstow. “ Yucca.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. ut. p. 37. 1872. 

(38) A. Batalin. ‘* Beobachtungen tiber die Bestiiubung einiger Pflanzen.” Bot. 
Zeit. XXViUl. pp. 53-55, 1870. (Sagina, Mimulus, Syanee 

(39) A. Batalin. ‘Die Selbstbestéiubung bei Juncus bufonius, L.” Bot. Zeit. 
XXIX, pp. 388-392. 1871. 


(40) A. Batalin. ‘‘Kleistogamische Bliithen bei Caryophylleen.” Acta horti 
Petropol. Vol. V. pp. 489-494. 1878. Cerastiwm viscosum, Polycarpon tetraphyllum. 
41) W.J. Beal. ‘‘ Agency of Insects in Fertilising Plants.” Amer. Natur., 
Vol. I. Pp 254-260, 403-408. 1868. 
(42) . J. Beal. ‘The Fertilisation of Gentians by Humble-bees.” Amer. 

Flowers.” Proc. Amer, Assoc. for Adv. of Sci. (Buffalo), p. 286. 1876. 

(44) W. J. Beal. ‘*‘ Insects needed to fertilise Utricularia and Pyxidanthera.” 
Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xu. p. 308. 1878. 

(45) W. J. Beal, ‘‘ Experiments in cross-breeding Plants of the same Variety.” 
Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Series 111. Vol. xvul. pp. 343-345. 1879. 

Abstract Gard. Chron. Vol. Xt. p. 751. 1879. 

(454) W. J. Beal. ‘* Fertilisation of Flowers by Humming-birds.” Amer. 
Naturalist, Vol. xtv. pp. 126, 127. 1880. (Bignonia, Fuchsia, Impatiens.) 

(45B) W.J. Beal. ‘‘The Agency of Insects in Fertilisation.” Amer. Natur. 
Vol. xiv. pp. 201-204. 1880. (Apocynum, Lythrum, Nepeta, Plantago, Asclepias, 
Mimulus, Dipsacus, Scrophularia, Zea, Martynia, Epilobium, etc.) 

(46) —Beauger. ‘‘Sur Arum muscivorum.” Journ. de la Soc. nation. et centr. 
Whortic. de France, Sér. 111. Tom. Iv. pp. 580-583. 1882. 

(47) Prof. Beceari. ‘On the Fertilisation of Palms.” JF. Delpino: Rivista 
Botanica, p. 36. 1877. 

(48) Prof. Beeccari. ‘‘Conophallus Titanum.”  Bollet. della Soc. d’ Orticult. 
della Toscana, 1878. No. 10. 

(49) W. J. Behrens. ‘‘ Beitrage zur Geschichte der Bestiubungstheorie.” 
Progr. der Kénigl. Gewerbschule zu Elberfeld. 1877, 1878. 

(so) W. J. Behrens. ‘‘ Cerastiwm tetrandrum, Curtis.” Flora, N.S., Vol. 
XXXVI. pp. 225-232. 1878. — 

(51) W.J. Behrens, ‘‘ Die Nectarien der Bliithen.” Flora, N.S., Vol. xxxvil. 

(52) W.J. Behrens. ‘‘ Der Bestéubungs-mechanismus bei der Gattung Cobea, 
Cavanilles.” Flora, N.S. Vol. xxxvill. pp. 403-410. 1880. 

(53) W. J. Behrens. ‘Blumen und Insekten.” Methodisches Lehrbuch der 
Botanik fiir héhere Lehranstalten, 2ter Abschnitt, pp. 76-133. | Braunschweig, 
1880. 2nd Edit. pp. 154-214. 1882. 

W. J. Behrens, ‘‘ Biologische Fragmente.” Jahresb. der Naturw. Ges. 
zu Elberfeld, 1880. (On the comparatively large proportion of anemophilous plants 
in the Island of Spickeroog.) 

(55) Thomas Belt. ‘‘ Bees and Clover.” Nature, Vol. x1. p. 26. 1875. 

(56) Thomas Belt. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. 8vo. London, 1874. 
(Describes fertilisation of Marcgravia nepenthoides, p. 128; Erythrina, p. 130 ; 
Digitalis, p. 131.) 

(58) A. W. Bennett. ‘Fertilisation of Ruscus aculeatus.” Jowrn. of Bot. 
Vol. vil. pp. 9,10. 1870. 

(59) A. W. Bennett. ‘* On Protandry and Protogyny in British Plants.’’ Journ. 
of Bot., Vol. vi1t. pp. 315-321. 1870. Vol. rx. pp. 329, 330. 1871. Brit. Assoc. 
Rep. XL. p. 111. 1870. Natwre, Vol. 1. p. 482. 1870. 

(60) A. W. Bennett. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of Winter-flowering Plants.” 
Nature, Vol. 1. pp. 11-138. 1870. Note on above, ibid. p. 38. Note on above by 
C. Darwin, ibid. p. 85. ; 

Bo A. W. Bennett. ‘* Winter Fertilisation.” Journ. of Bot. 1x. pp. 374, 
375. 1871. 

(62) A. W. Bennett “ Fertilisation of the Hazel.” Nature, Vol. ul. p. 347. 
1871. Note on above, ibid. p. 414. Vol. x1. p. 466. 1875. 

(63) A. W. Bennett. “Fertilisation of the Bee Orchis.” Nature, Vol. Iv. 
p. 222. 1871. 

(64) A. W. Bennett. ‘‘ Note on the Structure and Affinities of Parnassia 
palustris, L.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. Xi. pp. 24-31. 1871. 

(65) A. W. Bennett. “Fertilisation of Grasses.” Journ. of Bot., N.S., I. pp. 
44, 45, 1872. 

(66) A. W. Bennett. ‘Fertilisation of the Hazel.” Journ. of Bot. 1. p. 77. 

(67) A. W. Bennett. ‘‘ The Influence of Insect Agency in the Distribution o 
Plants.” Journ. of Bot. 1. pp. 334, 335. 1872. ; 


(67a) A. W. Bennett. ‘The Fertilisation of Grasses.” Amer. Natur. Vol. 
vu. pp. 561, 562. 1873. 

(63) A. W. Bennett. “ The Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects, and their Mutual 
Adaptation for that Function.” Amer. Natur. Vol. vu. pp. 680-683. 1873. 

(69) A. W. Bennett. How Flowers are Fertilised. Manchester, 1873. 

(70) A. W. Bennett. “The Fertilisation of the Wild Pansy.” Nature, Vol. 
Vill. pp. 49, 50. 1873. Note, ibid. p. 143. 

(71) A. W. Bennett. ‘* Recent Observations on the Fertilisation of Plants.” 
Vola)” Rev. Vol. XU. pp. 337-347. 1873. (Malva, Dianthus, Asclepias, Drosera, 


(72) A. W. Bennett. ‘On the Floral Structure of Jmpatiens fulva, Nuttall, 
with especial reference to the Imperfect Self-fertilised Flowers.” Jowrn. Linn. Soc., 
Bot. Vol. x11. pp. 147-153. 1873. 

(724) A. W. Bennett. ‘On the Fertilisation of certain Labiate.” Nature, 
Vol. x. pp. 92, 938. .1874. (Lamiwm allum, L. purpureum, Nepeta glechoma.) 

(73) A. W. Bennett. “On the Form of Pollen-grains in reference to the 
Fertilisation of Flowers.” Brit. Assoc. Rep. p. 133. 1874. 

(74) A. W. Bennett. ‘Fertilisation of Fumariacee (Corydalis).” Nature, 
Vol. 1x. p. 484. 1874. | 

(75) A. W. Bennett. “Insects and Flowers.” Pop. Sci. Rev. Vol. xtv. 
pp. 113-125. 1875. 

(76) A. W. Bennett. ‘How Flowers are Fertilised.” Garden, Vol. x. 
pp. 87-91. 1876. 
asy eo W. Bennett. ‘‘Some Curious Orchids.” Natwre, Vol. xv pp. 857- 

9. 77. . 

(78) A. W. Bennett. “ Kerner’s Flowers and their Unbidden Guests.” Nature, 
Vol. xx. pp. 214-216. 1879. 

(79) A. W. Bennett. ‘Notes on Cleistogamic Flowers; chiefly of Viola, 
Oxalis, and Impatiens.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. xvi. pp. 269-280. 1880. 

(80) A. W. Bennett. ‘On the Constancy of Insects in their Visits to Flowers.” 
Brit. Assoc. Rep. pp. 667, 668. 1881. Nature, Vol. xxiv. p. 501. 1881. 

(80a) A. W. Bennett. ‘‘ On the Constancy of Insects in their Visits to Flowers.” 
Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 1883. Abstract, Nature, Vol. xxvit. p. 498. 1883. 
Atheneum, No. 2,890, March 17, 1883. 

(81) George Bentham. ‘On the Structure and Affinities of Arachis and 
Voandzia.” Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. Xvit. pp. 155-162. 1838. 

(82) George Bentham. ‘‘ Additional Note on Arachis hypogaea.” Hooker's 
Journ. of Bot. Nos. 77,177. Silliman’s Amer. Journ, of Sci. and Arts, Series 1. 
Vol. xx. p. 202. 1855. 

(83) George Bentham. ‘‘ Anniversary Address to the Linnean Society, 1864 
(hybridism, dimorphism, etc.).” Journ. Linn. Soc. Vitl. pp. Xi.-xxiii. 1865. 

($4) George Bentham. “Note on the Stigmatic Apparatus of Goodenovie. 
Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x. pp. 203-206. 1869. 

(85) George Bentham. ‘‘Notes on the Styles of Australian Proteacee.” 
Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. X11. pp. 58-64. 1873. 

(86) Dr. Gust. Bernouilli. “Zur Kenntniss dimorpher Bliithen.” Bot. 
Zeit. XXVII. pp. 17-19. 1869. 

(87) Prof. C. E. Bessey. ‘‘ Sensitive Stamens in Portulaca.” Amer. Natur. 
Vol. vir. pp. 464, 465. 1873. 

(88) C. E. Bessey. ‘‘Immediate Effects of Cross-fertilisation on Fruits.” 
Gardeners’ Monthly, p. 23. 1876. . 

(89) C. E. Bessey. ‘* The Supposed Dimorphism of Lithospermwm longiflorum.” 
Amer. Natur. Vol. xtv. pp. 417-421. 1880. 

(90) Robert Bickford. ‘‘ Honey-bee killed by Silk-weed (Asclepias) Pollen.” 
Amer. Naturalist, Vol. 11. p. 665. 1869. 

(91) E. Boissier. ‘Sur la fécondation de l’Angrecum sesquipedale.” Mém. 
de la Soc. de Geneve, Tom, XXIII. pp. 247, 248. 

(92) Gaston Bonnier. ‘Etudes anatomique et physiologique des nectaires,” 
Comptes Rendus, Tom. LXXXVIII. pp. 662-665, 1879. 

(92A) Gaston Bonnier, ‘‘ Les Nectaires,” Ann. des. Sci. Nat. Bot, Vol. vit. 
pp. 1-218. 1879. 

(93) Gaston Bonnier. ‘‘Les fleurs et les insectes.” Revue soient. de la 
France et de l’étranger. April 2, 1881. 

ey - 

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iat ibe 



_ Gaston Bonnier. See No, 610. 
4) V. v. Borbas. ‘Di Asyngamie.” Temészct redag. v. Berec. 1. U1. 
pp. 9-11, 16-23. 1876. (Hieracium, etc.) 

(95) Prof. Dr. Borggreve. “ Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Art der Dichogamie 
der Gattung Abies.” Verh. des Naturf. Ver. der Rheinlande und Westfalen, 
Sitzungsb. pp. 190-192. 1875. 

(96) Prof. Dr. Borggreve. ‘‘Nachtrag zu meiner Mittheilung  iiber 
.Wechselbefruchtung bei monecischen Waldbiumer.” Grunert und Borggreve: 
‘* Forstliche Blatter,” Vol. Xvi. p. 258. 1880. 

(97) J. T. Boscawen. ‘‘ Note on Primroses and Oxlips.” Gard. Chron. N.S. 
Vol. 1. p. 536, 1875. 

(98) J. Boswell-Syme. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of Grasses.” Journ. of the Roy. 
Hortic. Soc. Vol. iv. pp. 7-9. 1873. 

(99) C. Bouché. ([Cleistogamy.] Sitzwngsber. d. Gesellach, Natur. Freunde, 
Berlin, p. 90. 1874. 

(100) C. Bouché. ‘‘ Ueber kiinstliche Befruchtung der Ceratozamia mexicana.” 
Monatsschr. des Ver. zur Befirderung des Gartenbaues in den Kgl. preuss. Staaten, 
Vol, xxl. pp. 96-98. 1880. 

(1ro1) C, b ouché, ‘*Umwandlung der Geschlechter der Pflanzen.” Ibid. p. 482. 

(102) G. §. Boulger. ‘‘ Colour in Flowers not due to Insects.” Natwie, Vol. x. 
p- 520. 1874. 

(103) G. 8. Boulger. ‘‘Colours of Flowers and Insect Fertilisation.” The 
Garden, Vol. x. p. 589. 1876. 

(104) G. S. Rnataee ‘‘Insect Fertilisation and Closed Flowers.” Garden, 
Vol. x1. pp. 50, 51. 1877. 

(105) G. S. Boulger. ‘Scent and Colour in Flowers.” Nature, Vol. xvut. 
pp. 427, 428. 1878. 

(105A) Henri Braconnot. ‘Sur lirritabilité du stigmate des Mimulus.”’ 
Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. Vol. xxix. pp. 333, 334. 1825. 

(106) W. Breitenbach. ‘‘Ueber Asparagus officinalis, eine tridcische 
Pflanze.” Bot. Zeit. xxxvi. pp. 163-167. 1878. 

(107) W. Breitenbach. ‘‘ Die Blitheneinrichtung von Arum ternatum, 
Thnbg.” Bot. Zeit. xxxvu. pp. 687-692. 1879. 

(108) W. Breitenbach. ‘‘ Ueber Variabilitats-Erscheinungen an den Bliithen 
von Primula elatior, und eine Anwendung des ‘biogenetischen Grundgesetzes.’” 
Bot. Zeit, XXXVI. pp. 577-582. 1880. 

W. Breitenbach. See Nos. 596, 604A. 

(109) J. B. Bridgeman. ‘‘ Beesand Flowers.” Natwre, Vol. xvii. p. 102. 1877. 

(110) T. R. Archer Briggs. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Primrese.” Journ. of Bot. 
Vol. vit. pp. 180, 181. 1879. 

(111) TT. R. A. Briggs. ‘‘On the Insects that Frequent the Flowers of the 
Common Primrose.” TZvrans. Plymouth IJnstit. rv. Pt. ul. pp 188-190. 1871-72. 

(112) James Britten. ‘‘Protandry in Butomus umbellatus, Linn.” Journ. of 
Bot. 1X. p. 17. 1871. 

(112A) A. Brongniart. ‘‘Sur les poils collecteurs des Campanules, et sur la 
mode de fécondation de ces plantes.” Aun. des Sci. Nat. Ser. 11. Vol. xit. pp. 244- 
247. 1839. Transl. in Ann. of Nat. Hist. Vol. v. p. 380, 1839. 

(113) H.G. Bronn. ‘Charles Darwin, itiber die Einrichtungen zur Befruchtung 
britischer und auslindischer Orchideen.” Transl, with an Appendix by the Translator 
on Stanhopea devoniensis, Stuttgart, 1862. 

(1134) N. E. Brown. “Cross-fertilisation of Justicia campylostemon, R. Br.” 
Gard. Chron. Jan. 18, 1883. 

(114) Robert Brown. ‘On the Organs and Mode of Fecundation in Orchidex 
and Asclepiadeer.”  Z'rans. Linn. Soc. XV1. pp. 685-746. 1833. Edin. Journ. of 
Sci. V1. pp. 174-188. 1832. Flora, xv. pp. 353-366, 378-382, 673-676. 1832. 

(115) Robert Brown. ‘Observations supplémentaires sur la fécondation des 
Orchidées et des Asclépiadées.” Archiv. Bot. de Guillemin, U. pp. 324-329. 1833. 
Flora, XVI. pp. 17-24. 1834. 

(116) Robert Brown (Campst.). ‘‘ Notes on some Recent Researches regarding 
Dichogamy and other Allied Subjects.” Zvrans. Edin. Bot. Soc. xt. pp. 497-499, 1873. 

(117) Dr. Fr. Buchenau. ‘‘ Morphologische Bemerkungen iiber einige Acerineen.” 

Bot. Zeit. X1X. p. 269. 1861. (Transitions from monocliny to dichogamy and to 
dicecism.) ; 


(118) Dr. Fr. Buchenau. ‘ Einige Notizen iiber Dichogamie, namentlich bei 
Aspidistra elatior, Bl.” Bot. Zeit. xxv. p. 220. 1867. 

(119) Dr. Fr. Buchenau. ‘‘ Beobachtungen iiber die Bestiubung von Juncus’ 
bufonius, L.” Bot. Zeit. xx1x. pp. 845-852. 1871. 

(120) W. F. Bundy. ‘Flowers of the Golden Currant perforated by Humble- 
bees.” 4Amer. Naturalist, Vol. x. p- 238. 1876. : 

(121) F. M. Burton. ‘‘Gentiana-asclepiadea and Bees.” Nature, Vol. xvit. 
pp. 201, 202. 1877. 

(122) Frank Bush. “ Malvastrum angustwm, Gray.” Bot. Gazette, Vol. vu. 
p- 111. 1882. 

(123) G.Cantoni. ‘Casi d@improduttivita nel frumento.” Rendine. del R, Ist. 
Lombardo di Sc., Lett., ed Arti, Milano, p. 539. 1880. 

(124) T. Caruel. ‘‘ Della impollinazione nelle Asteracee.” Nuovo Giorn. Bot. 
Ital. x. pp. 5-10, 177-215. 1878. 

(125) R.Caspary. De nectariis. Bonn, 1848. 

(126) R. Caspary. ‘‘ Ueber botanische Untersuchungen in Bezug auf Darwin’s 
Hypothese iiber Hermaphroditen.” Schr. der physik. ékon. Gesellsch. un Kénigsberg, 
Vol. VI. pp. 11-21. 1865. 

(127) — Celi. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung der Weizen.” Landw. Versuchs-Stat. 
Bd. xvil. p. 142. 1874. 

(128) T.Chambers. ‘‘ Wasps as Marriage-Priests to Plants.” Amer. Naturalist, 
Vol. 1. p. 105. 1867. . 

(129) T. F. Cheeseman. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of the New Zealand Species of 
Pterostylis (Orchidew).” Trans. N. Z. Inst. Vol. Vv. pp. 352-357. 1872. 

(130) T. F. Cheeseman. ‘On the Fertilisation of Acianthus and Cyrtostylis.” 
Trans. N. Z. Inst. Vol. vit. 1874. 

(131) T. F. Cheeseman. ‘‘The Fertilisation of Selliera.” Trans. N. Z. 
Inst. Vol. 1x. pp. 542-545. 1876. 

(132) T. F. Cheeseman. ‘‘ Notes on the Fertilisation of Glossostigma.” Trans. 
NV. Z. Inst. Vol. X. pp. 353-856. 1877. Abst. Nature, Vol. xvi. pp. 168, 164, 

(133) T. F. Cheeseman. ‘On the Fertilisation of Thelymitra (Orchidee).” 
Trans. N. Z, Inst. Vol. x11t. pp. 291-296. 1880. 

(133A) R.M. Christy. ‘*On the Methodic Habits of Insects when visiting 
Flowers.” Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.). 1883. Abstract, Vatwre, Vol. xxvu. p. 498. 
1883. Atheneum, No. 2,890, March 17, 1883. 

(134) C. Baron Clarke. ‘*On Two Kinds of Dimorphism in the Rubiacee.” 
Journ, Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. XV. pp. 159-162. 1880. 

(135) C. B. Clarke. ‘*On Arnebia and Macrostamia.” Journ, Linn, Soc., Bot. 

- Vol. xviii. p. 524. 1881. 

(136) C. B. Clarke. ‘‘Fertilisation of Ophrys apifera.” Journ. of Bot. 
Vol. xx. pp. 369-370. Dec. 1, 1882. 

(137) A. Clavaud. De la fécondation dans les végétaux supériewrs. Paris, 

(138) ‘<A. Clavaud. ‘‘Sur la véritable mode de fécondation de Zostera 
marina.” Actes dela Soc. Linn. de Bordeaux, Série tv, Tom. 1. 1878. Bot. Zeit. 
XXXVII. p. 535. 1879. 

(139) Giuseppe Clementi. ‘‘ Fecondazione artificiale della Vaniglia (V. plani- 
folia, L. Andr.) * Atti Scienz. Ital. pp. 276-279, 1842. 

(140) Ferd. Cohn. ‘Ueber die Caprification der Sykomoren.” Jahresber. des 
schles. Gesellsch. fiir vaterl. Cultur, Breslau, Vol. LVI. pp. 189-191. 1881. Bot. 
Centralb. Vol. vit. No. 7. 1881. 

(141) Thomas Comber. ‘‘Fertilisation of Fumariacee.” Nature, Vol. 1x. 
p. 484. 1874. 

(142) Thomas Comber. ‘‘Insects and Colour in Flowers.” Natur, 
Vol. x1. p. 47. 1875. . 

(143) Orazio Comes. ‘*Studii sulla impollinazione in alcune piante.” 
Rendinconto della R. Acad. Sei. Fis. e Matem. di. Napoli. 1874, 1875, 1879. 

(144) — Contagne. ‘‘ftude sur la fécondation de Spiranthes estivalis.” 
Bull. de la Soc. d’ Etudes Scient. Lyon. No. 2. 1874-76. 

(145) M. ©. Cooke. ‘* Darwin’s Observations on the Physiology of the Process 
of Fertilisation in Plants.’”’ Pop. Sci, Rev. tv. pp. 424-436. 1865. 

(146) T. H. Corry. ‘*On the Structure and Mode of Fertilisation of the 
Flower of Aseclepias Cornuti, Decne.” Trans. Linn, Soc., Bot., Sér. 11. Vol. 11. 1883. 

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(147) W. M. Courtis. “Dichogamy in LZpilobiwm angustifoliwm.” Amer. 
Naturalist, Vol. x. p. 43, 1876. . 

(147A) C. W. C[rocker]. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Vinca rosea.” Gard. Chron. p. 669. 

(148) C. W. Crocker. ‘‘ Plantago lanceolata.’’ Gard. Chron. pp. 293, 294. 

'(149) Dr. H. Criiger. ‘‘ A Few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids and their 
Morphology.” Jowrn. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. vitt. pp. 127-135. 1865. 

(150) G. Czwalina, ‘‘ Ueber Anpassungen zwischen Pflanzen und Insecten.” 
Schr. Kon. phys-med, Ges. Kénigsh. Vol. xvi. pp. 35, 36. 1875. 

(150A) Karly. Dalla Torre. ‘‘ Ueber Beobachtungen der Wechselbeziehungen 
zwischen Thier- und Pflanzenwelt.” Hntom. Nachr. Vol I, pp. 170-172. 1876. 

(151) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilisation of 
Papilionaceous Flowers.” Gard. Chron. p. 725, 1857 ; pp. 824, 844, 1858. And 

152) Ann. and Mag. cf Nat. Hist. Series u1. Vol. 11. pp. 459-464. 1858. 

(153) Charles Darwin. ‘Fertilisation of Vincas.” Gard. Chron. pp. 552, 
831, 832. 1861. 

(154) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On the Two Forms, or Dimorphic Condition, in 
the Species of Primula, and on their Remarkable Sexual Relations.” Jowrn. Linn. 
Soc., Bot. Vol. vi. Pp. 77-96. 1862. 

(155) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On the Three Remarkable Sexual Forms of Catasetum 
tridentatum.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. v1. pp. 151-157. 1862. 

(1554) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On Various Contrivances by which British and 
Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects.” 8vo. London. 1862. 

(156) Charles Darwin. ‘‘ Observations sur l’hétéromorphisme des fleurs.” 
Ann, des Sci. Nat. (Bot.), Sér. rv. Vol. xix. pp. 204-255. 1863. 

(157) Charles Darwin. ‘On the Existence of Two Forms, and on their Re- 
ciprocal Sexual Relation, in several Species of the Genus Linum.” Journ. Linn. 
Soc., Bot. Vol. vil. pp. 69-83. 1864. 

(158) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of 
Lythrum Salicaria.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. vit. pp. 169-196. 1865. 

(158A) Charles Darwin. ‘‘The Variation of Plants and Animals under 
Domestication.” London, 1868. 2nd Edit. 1875. 

(159) Charles Darwin. ‘‘ Notes on the Fertilisation of Orchids.” Ann. and 
Mag. of Nat. Hist. Series tv. Vol. Iv. pp. 141-158. 1869. 

(160) Charles Darwin. ‘‘Onthe Character and Hybrid-like Nature of the 
Offspring from the Illegitimate Unions of Dimorphic and Trimorphic Plants.” Journ, 
Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. X. pp, 393-437. 1869. 

(161) Charles Darwin. ‘‘On the Specific Differences between Primula veris, 
Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis of Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.), and 
P. elatior, Jacq. ; and on the Hybrid Nature of the Common Oxlip. With Supple- 
mentary Remarks on naturally-produced Hybrids in the Genus Verbaseum.” Journ. 
Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x. pp. 437-454. 1869. 

(162) Charles Darwin. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Leschenaultia.” Gard. Chron, 
p. 1166. 1871. 

(163) Charles Darwin. ‘Fertilisation of the Pumariacee.” Nature, Vol. 1x. 

. 460. 1874. 
(164) Charles Darwin. The Effects of Cross- and Self-Fertilisation in the 
Vegetable Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1876. 

(16s) Charles Darwin. On the Various Contrivances by which British and 
Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects. 8vo. London. 2nd Edition, 1877. 

(166) Charles Darwin. ‘‘ Note on Fertilisation of Plants. (Reply to Mr. 
G. Henslow.)” Gard. Chron. Vol. vit. p. 246. 1877. 

(167) Charles Darwin. The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same 
Species. 8vo. London, 1877. 2nd Edition, 1880. 

(168) Charles Darwin. ‘Fritz Miller on Flowers and Insects.” Nature, 
Vol. xvii. p. 78. 1878. 

C. Darwin. Vide Nos. 60, 113, 273, 286, 290, 324, 354, 453- 

(169) Francis Darwin. ‘‘ Bees Visiting Flowers (Papilionacee).” Nature, 
Vol. 1x. pp. 189, 190. 1874. 

(170) Francis Darwin. ‘‘ Alpine Flowers, a Review of Hermann Miiller’s 
Alpenblumen.” Nature, Vol. xxii. pp. 333-335. 1881. 

(171) Federico Delpino. Relazione sull’ apparecchio della fecondazione nelle 
Asclepiadee, etc. Torino, 1865. 


(172) F. Delpino. Sugli apparecchi della fecondazione nelle piante antocarpee. 
Firenze, 1867. 

(173) F. Delpino. Swill’ opera, ‘* La distribuzione dei sessi nelle piante,” del 
Prof. F. Hildebrand. Milano, 1867. 

(174) F. Delpino. Pensieri sulla biologia vegetale. Pisa, 1867. 

(175) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Breve cenno sulle relazione biologiche e genealogiche 
delle Marantacee.” Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Itul. 1. 4. Firenze, Oct. 1869. 

(175A) F. Delpino. ‘*‘ Aleuni appunti di geographia botanica a proposito delle 
tabelle fitogeografiche del Prof. Hoffman.” Bolletino della Societa geografieu Ital. 
Fase. 111. 1869. 

(176) F. Delpino. ‘*Ueber die Wechselbezichungen in der Verbreitung 

zwischen Pflanzen und Thieren.” Bot. Zeit. xxvil. pp. 792-794, 809-813. 1869. 
_ (177) F. Delpino. ‘‘Altri apparecchi dicogamici recentemente osservati.” 
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. u. pp. 51-64. 1870. (Paiiwrus, Cajophora, Rhinacanthus, 
Bryophyllum, Crinum, Myosurus, Calycanthus, Goethea, Jocroma, Sabal, Asarwm, 
Anthurium, Larix. 

(178) F. Delpino. Ulteriori osservazioni sulla dicogamia nel regno vegetale. 
Milan. Pt. 1. 1868, 1869. Pt. 1. fase. 1. 1870; fasc. 1. 1875. Estratto dagli Adi 
della Soc. Ital. delle Sci. Nat. in Milano, Vol. xt. and x11. 

(179) F. Delpino. ‘*Eintheilung der Pflanzen nach dem Mechanismus der 
dichogamischen Befruchtung, und Bemerkungen iiber die Befruchtungsvorginge bei 
Wasserpflanzen.” Bot. Zeit. xxix. pp. 443-445, 447-459, 463-467. 1871. 

(180) F. Delpino. ‘Sulla dicogamia vegetalee specialmente su quella dei 
Cereali.” Bolletino del Comizio agrario Parmense. Marzo e Aprile, 1871. 

(181) F. Delpino. Studi sopra un lignaggio anemofilo delle Composte ossia 
sopra il gruppo delle Artemisiacee. Firenze, 1871. 

(182) F. Delpino. Ueber die Dichogamie im Pflanzenreiche. Glogau, 1871. 

(183) F. Delpino and Dr. P. Ascherson.  ‘‘ Corrispondenza ; Sui fenomeni 
generali relativi alle piante idrofili ed anemofile.” Nwovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. ut. pp. 
194, 195. 1871. 

(184) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Fécondation dans les Coniféres” (Trans). Arch. Sei. 
Phys. Nat. xu. pp. 194, 195. 1872. 

(185) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Etudes sur une descendance anémophile des composées du 
groupe des Artémisiacées.” Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. xii. pp. 195-197. 1872. 

(186) F. Delpino. “ Dimorfismo nel Noce (Juglans regia), e Pleiontismo nel'e 
Piante.” Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. v1. pp. 148-153. 1875. 

(187) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Rapporti tra insetti e tra nettarii estranuziali in alcune 
piante.”  Bulletino entomologico. Anno VI. Firenze, 1875. 

(188) F. Delpino. ‘‘Dicogamia ed Omogamia nelle Piante.” Nuovo Giorn. 
Bot. Ital. vu. pp. 140-161. 1876. 

(189) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Insetti polari, pronubi dei fiori.” Riv. Bot., p. 13. 1877. 

(190) F. Delpino. ‘*‘ Nettarii estrafiorali.” Riv. Bot., p. 76. 1878. 

191) F. Delpino. ‘‘Conophallus Titanum.” Rivista Botanica, p. 80. 1878. 

192) F. Delpino. ‘* Difesa della dottrina dicogamica.” Nwovo Giorn. Bot. 
Ital. X. pp. 176-215, 1878. 

(193) F. Delpino. Contribuzioni alla storia dello sviluppo del regno vegetale ; 
I. Smilacee. Genova, 188). 

(194) F. Delpino. ‘*Nuove osservazione sovra piante entomotile.”  Rivista 
Botanica dell’ anno 1880, pp. 27-39. 

(195) F. Delpino. ‘‘Dicogamia e omogamia nella vite.”  Rivista Botanica 
dell’ anno 1880, pp. 40, 41. 

(196) F. Delpino. ‘‘Impollinazione e fecondazione nel cotone.” Rivista Botanica 
dell’ anno 1880, pp. 41, 42. ; 

(197) F. Delpino. ‘‘ Proporzione delle piante anemofile ed entomofile nelle isole.” 
Rivista Botanica dell’ anno 1880, pp. 50-52. 

F. Delpino. See Nos. 352, 360, 567, 623. 

(198) J. Denny. ‘ Pelargonium.” The Florist and Pomologist, p. 11. Jan. 1872. 

(199) A. de la Devansaye. ‘‘ Fécondation et hybridation des Aroidées.” 
Bull. Soc. @ Hortic. Maine-et-Loire, p. 223. 1875. ; 

(200) A. dela Devansaye. ‘‘Fécondation et hybridation des Aroidées.” 7, 
des serres, XXII. pp. 87-47. 1876. 

(201) A. de la Devansaye. ‘‘Fructification des Aroidées.” Revue horticole, 
pp. 288, 289. 1876. 

(202) — Déy. Lettres sur la fécondation artificielle des plantes. Vesoul, 1865, 

ee EE —_— 


(203) G. Dickie. ‘‘ Notice of two Forms of Eriophorum angustifolium.” Journ. 
Linn. Soc., Bot, Vol. tx. pp. 161, 162. 1864. 

(204) G. Dickie. ‘Note on the Characters of the Genus Canna.” Journ. 
Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x. PP. 54-57. 1869. 

(205) Arnold Dodel-Port. ‘Ueber Farbenpracht und Grésse der Alpen- 
blumen.” Kosmor, Vol. 1. pp. 396-407. Aug. 1877. 

(206) A. Dodel-Port.  ‘‘Infusvrien als Befruchtungs-Vermittler bei Flori- 
deen.” Kosmos, Vol. v. pp. 182-190. June, 1879. 

(207) A. Dodel-Port. ‘Die Liebe der Blumen.” Ji/ustrirtes Pflanzenleben 
herausgegeben von Dr. A. Dodel-Port, pp. 185-336. Ziivich, 1880-1882. 

(208) A. Dodel-Port. ‘Ein direckter Beweis von der Concurrenz der Blumen 
um die Gunst der sich besuchenden Insekten.” Kosmos, Vol. vu. S. 294-296. 

(209) A. Dodel-Port. ‘ Phaseolus coccineus, L.” Jm Text zum Atlas der 
Botanik, Lief. 6. 1882. 

(210) John Duncan. ‘Notes on the Stamens of Saxifrage.” Journ. Linn. 
Soc., Bot. Vol. xt. pp. 31, 32. 1871. 

(211) John Dunean. ‘* Fertilisation of the Hazel.” Nature, Vol. m1. p. 509. 

(212) J. Duval-Jouve. ‘‘Sur la floraison et la fructification du Leersia 
oryzoides.” Bull. Soe. Bot. de France, x. pp. 194-197. 1863. 

(213) W. T. Thiselton Dyer. ‘‘ Dimorphism in Hypericinee.” Journ. of 
Bot. Ser. 11. Vol. 11. p. 26. 1872. (Cratorylon formosum. ) . 

(214) W. T. Thiselton Dyer. ‘Fertilisation of Fwmariacce.” Nature, 
Vol. x. p. 5. 1874. 

(215) W. T. Thiselton Dyer. ‘* Darwin on Fertilisation.” Nature, Vol. . 
XV. pp. 329-332. 1877, 

(216) A. E. Eaton. ‘First Report of the Naturalist attached to the Transit 
of Venus Expedition to Kerguelen’s Island.” Proc. Roy. Soc. xxi, p. 851. 1875. 
Natwre, x11. p. 35. 1875. (Pringlea.) 

(217) Baron E. Eggers. ‘‘ Kleistogamie einigerwestindischen Pflanzen.” Bot. 
Centralbl. Bd. vill. pp. 57-59. 1881. 

(218) Henry N. Ellacombe. “Fertilisation of Yuccas.” Gard. Chron. 
Vol. xu. p. 21. Jan. 1880. : 

(219) George Engelmann. ‘*The Flower of Yueca and its Fertilisation.” 
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. ut. p. 33. 1872. 

(220) George Engelmann. ‘Notes on the genus Yucca.” Trans. Acad. of 
Ser. Sé, Louis, Vol. Wi. p. 210. 1875. 

(221) Dr. A. Engler. ‘*‘ Beobachtungen itiber die Bewegung der Staubblatter 
bei den Arten des Genus Saxifraga, L.” Bot. Zeit. xxvi. pp. 833-842. 1868. 

(222) A. Engler. ‘‘ Das Pflanzenleben unter der Erde.” Sammlung gemein- 
verst. Vortrdge, herawsgeg. von Virchow, ete., Berlin, Heft 346. 1879. 

(223) A. Engler. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung von Zostera marina.” Bat. Zcit. 
XXXVI. pp. 654, 655. 1879. ; 

(224) Prof; Dr. A. Ernst. ‘Hat der Kaffeebaum wirklich dimorphe 
Blithen?” Boé. Zeit, Xxxtv. p. 36. 1876. 

(225) A. Ernst. ‘*On the Heterostylism of Melochia parvifolia.” Nature, 
Vol. xxi. p. 217. 1880. Gard. Chron. p. 48. Jan. 1880. ; 

(226) A. Ernst. ‘‘Die Befruchtung von Cvobeea penduliflora.” Kosmos, 
Vol. vil. pp. 44-46. 1880. 

(227) A. Ernst. ‘*The Fertilisation of Cobea penduliflora.” Nature, Vol. 
XXII. p. 148. 1880. 

(228) Léo Errera et Gustave Gevaert. ‘‘Sur la structure et les modes de 
fécondation des fleurs.” Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de Belg. xvut. 1878. 

(229) Léo Errera. ‘** Geraniwm pheum.” Comptes rendus de la Soc. Roy. de 
Bot. de Belg. Vol. xvitt. Jan. 11, 1879. roe 

(230) Léo Errera. ‘‘ Function of the Sterile Filament of Pentstemon.”  Siélli- 
man’s Journal, Series m1, Vol. xvu. p. 411, 1879, from Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. de 
Belgique. : : 2s 

(231) Léo Errera. ‘Un moyen simple de constater la fécondation croisée 
chez les Primevéres.” Comptes rendus de la Soc. Roy. de Bot. de Belg. Vol. xx. Feb. 5, 

(232) M. S. Evans. ‘Plant Fertilisation (Caffee).” Natwre, Vol. x1u. p. 427. 


(233) M.S. Evans. ‘‘Notes on some Natal Plants.” Nature, Vol. xvut. 
p. 548. 1878. (Rubiacee, Polygonum, Tecoma.) 

(234) A. H. Everett. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Flowers by Birds.” Nature, Vol. xvt. 
pp. 476, 477. 1877. 

(235) Ernest Faivre. ‘‘Note sur le pollen et le mécanisme de la féconda- 
tion chez les Gloxinia. Bull. Soc. Bot. Paris, vu. pp. 772-774. 1860.  Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, i. pp. 101, 102. 1860. Abstract, ‘‘ Fecundation of Gloxinia 
erecta,” Jowrn. of Bot. Vol. 1. p. 185. 1863. Communicated by C. C. Babington. 

(236) E. Faivre,  ‘* Note sur la fécondation artificielle & l’aide du pollen con- 
servé pendant quatorze mois.” Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, v. pp. 71-73. 1863. 

(237) E. Faivre. ‘On the Fertilisation of Canna.” Variabilité des Espéces, 
p. 158. 1868. 

(238) E. Faivre. ‘La symétrie florale et le transport du pollen sur le stigmate 
chez les Orchidées.” Revue Cowrs Scientif. 111. pp. 122-128. 1872. 

(239) E. Faivre et F. Gaulin. ‘Obs. sur la fécondation du Géonoma Martii, 
Wendt, et du Carludovica rotundifolia, Wendt.” Bull. de la Soe. Bot. de France, 
XXII. p. 8. 1875. 8vo. Lyons, 1874. 

(240) T. H. Farrer. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of the Scarlet Runner and the 
Common Blue Lobelia.” Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Ser. tv. Vol. 1. pp. 255-263. 

(241) T. H. Farrer. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Barberry.” Nature, Vol. 11. p. 164. 

(242) T. H. Farrer. ‘On the Fertilisation of a few common Papilionaceous 
Flowers.” Nature, Vol. vi. pp. 478-480, 498-501. 1872. Abst. in Gard. Chron. 
p. 1450. 1872. 

(243) T. H. Farrer. ‘* Lotus corniculatus,’’ Natwre, Vol. vit. p. 162. 1873. 

(244) T. H. Farrer. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Papilionaceous Flowers (Coronilla).’ 
Nature, Vol. x. pp. 169, 170. 1874. 

(245) Ch. Fermond. Faits pour servir a Uhistoire de la fécondation chez les 
végétaux. Paris, 1859. 

(246) —Filby. ‘‘ Befruchtung der Violarineen durch Schmetterlinge.” Verh. d. 
Ver. f. Naturw. Unterhalt. Hamburg, Vol. 1. p. 52. 

(247) F.0O. Fitzgerald. ‘‘ Australian Orchids.” Pts. 1.-v. Sydney, N.S. 
Wales, 1875-80. Journ. of Bot. p. 248. Aug. 1876. 

(248) W. O. Focke. ‘‘Kin Fall von Unwirksamkeit des eigenen Bliithen- 
staubes (Liliwm croceum).”  O0esterr. Bot. Zeitschr. Vol. xxvil. pp. 317, 318. 

(249) W. 0. Focke. ‘‘Zur Geschichte der Kenntniss pflanzlichen Befrucht- 
ungs-Vorgiinge.”” Kosmos, Vol. Iv. pp. 55, 56. Oct. 1878. 

(250) W. O. Focke. ‘‘ Hummeln und Tabak.” Kosmos, Bd. vi. p. 473. 1880. 

(251) Aug. F. Foerste. “ Pastinaca sativa proterandrous.” Bot. Gazette, Vol. 
VII. p. 24. 1882. 

(252) Aug. F. Foerste. ‘‘ Notes on Ambrosia trifida.” Bot. Gazette, Vol. Vu. 
pp. 40, 41. 1882. 

(253) Henry O. Forbes. ‘‘Fertilisation of Orchids.” Natwre, Vol. xvi. 
p. 102. 1877. 

. (254) Henry O. Forbes. ‘‘ Selective Discrimination of Insects.” Nature, Vol. 
XVII. p. 62. 1878. ; aye 

(255) Henry O. Forbes. ‘‘ Two Kinds of Stamens with Different Functions in 
the same Flower (Melastoma).” Nature, Vol. xxvi. p. 386. 1882. 

(256) W. A. Forbes.  ‘‘Fertilisation of Orchids (Adnagrecum).” Nature, 
Vol. vit. p. 121. 1873. , 

(257) Dr. August Forel. ‘‘ Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Sinnesempfindungen der 
Insecten.”  Mittheil. des Miinch. Entom. Ver. 1878. 

(258) E. von Freyhold. ‘Ueber Bestiubung und das Auftreten mehrerer 
Antheren bei Limodorum abortivum (L.), Sw.” Verh. des Bot. Ver. der Provinz 
Brandenburg, pp. xxiii.-xxvili, 1877. 

(259) OC. F. Gartner. Beitrdge zwr Kenntniss der Befruchtung. Stuttgart, 1844. 

(260) ©. F. Gartner. Versuche tiber die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich. 
Stuttgart, 1849. 

(261) Vittore Gattoni. JU fiore delle angiosperme e la fecondazione: osser- 
vazioni e note di organografia e fisiologica botanica, 8yvo. 59pp. Pl. iv Casale 
Monferrato, 1880. 

F, Gaulin. Vide E. Faivre, No. 239. 

a a Pe 



(262) Gaston Genevier. ‘Inflorescence et fécondation dans le genre Tri- 
folium.” Assoc. Frangaise powr Vavancement des Sciences (Nantes), pp. 726-730. 1875.. 
Arch. des Sc. Phys. et Nat. Tom. tym. pp. 405, 406. 1877. 
~ (263) T. C. Gentry. “Fertilisation of Pedicularis Canadensis.” Acad. of Nat. 
Set. Philadelphia, Pp. 287-290. 1878. Abst. Nature, Vol. vu. p. 541. 1878. 
Ann. and Mon of Nat. Hist. Series rv. Vol. x11. pp. 497, 498. 1873. 

(264) Thomas C. Gentry. ‘The Fertilisation of certain Flowers through 
Insect Agency.” Amer. Natwr. Vol. Ix. pp. 263-267. °1875. (Cucurbita, 

(265). Ernest Germain de St. Pierre. ‘‘ Fécondation des Ophrydées.” Bull. 
de la Soc. Bot. de France, Vol. x1x. pp. 235-287. 1872. 

Gustave Gevaert. Vide Léo Errera, No. 228. 

(266) Maurice Girard. ‘‘ Notesur une curieuse adhérence de masses polliniques 
d’Orchidées aux pieces céphaliques de divers insectes mellivores.” Paris. Ann. Soc. 
Entomol. 1v. pp. 158, 154. 1864, 

(267) Maurice Girard.  ‘*‘ Note sur l’adhérence de pollen d’Orchidées observée 
chez des Strangalia atra et S. nigra.” Paris. Ann. Soc. Entomol. 1x. pp. Xxxi. xxxii. 

(268) Maurice Girard. ‘Les végétaux importés et les insectes indigénes.” 
Journ. Soc. Centr. @Hort. 1876. Belg. Hortic, pp. 84-87. 1877. 
~ (269) Dr, A. Godron. ‘‘ Ua floraison des Graminées.” Mém. de la Soc. Nation. 
des Sc. Nat. de Cherbourg, Tom. Xvil. pp. 105-197. 1878. 

(270) Dr. A. Godron. ‘‘ De l’intervention j distance des hyménoptéres dans la 
eo des végétaux.” Rev. des Sci. Nat. Montpellier, Tom. tv. pp. 331-335. 

(271): — Goodall. ‘‘On Fertilisation and Cross-Fertilisation.” vans. Hort. 
Soc. Massachusetts. 7. 

(272) P. H. Gosse. ‘‘ Microscopic Observation on some Secds of Orchids.” 
Journ. of Hortic. p. 287. April 21, 1863. 

(273) AsaGray. ‘* Review of Darwin’s Fertilisation of Orchids.” Amer. Journ. of 
a Joep apie Series 11, Vol. xxxIv. pp. 138-144. 1862. (Account of Platanthera 


(274) Asa Gray. ‘* Enumeration of Plants of the Rocky Mountains.” Amer. 
Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Series 11. Vol. XxxIv. p. 33. 1862. (Contains accounts of 
Platanthera (Habenaria) and Gymnadenia). 

(275) Asa Gray. ‘‘ Dimorphism in the Genitalia of Flowers.” Amer. Journ. 
of Sct: and Arts, xxx1y. pp. 419, 420. 1862. Jowrn. of Bot. Vol. 1. pp. 147- 
149. 1863. 

(276) Asa Gray. “Fertilisation of Orchids through the Agency of Insects.” 
Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, XXxIv. pp. 420-429. 1862. 

(277) AsaGray. ‘On Platanthera(Habenaria) flavaand Gymnadenia tridentata.” 
Amer. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Series 11. Vol. XXXVI. pp. 292-294. 1868. 

(278) Asa Gray. ‘‘Morphology of Stamens and Use of Aborted Organs.” 
Amer. Journ. of Science, XLII. pp. 273, 274. 1867. 

(279) Asa Gray. ‘‘ Cross-fertilisation of Scrophularia nodosa.” Journ. of Bot. 
Vol. rx. p. 375. 1871. 

(280) AsaGray. Botany for Young People. Part 11. ‘‘ How Plants Behave.” 
New York. Small 4to. 1872. 

(280A) AsaGray. ‘‘ Dimorphism in Forsythia.” Amer. Naturalist, Vol. VI. 
pp. 422, 433. 1873. 

(281) Asa Gray. ‘‘Cleistogenous Flowers in Oxybaphus and Nyctaginia.” 
Amer. Natur. Vol. vil. p. 692. 1873. 

(282) Asa Gray. ‘‘Dimorphous Flowers of Gelsemium.” Amer. Jowrn of Set. 
and Arts, Vol. v. p. 480. 1873. | 

(283) Asa Gray. ‘‘ How Flowers are Fertilised.” American Agriculturist. 1876. 

28 Asa Gray. Darwiniana. 8vo. 1876. 

285) Asa Gray. ‘‘Heteromorphism in Epigwa.” Amer. Journ. of Sci. and 
Arts, July, 1876. Journ. of Bot. p. 318. Oct. 1876. 

(286) Asa Gray. ‘‘ Notice of Darwin on the Effects of Cross- and Self-Fertilisa- 
tion in the Vegetable Kingdom.” Amer. Jowrn. of Sci. and Arts, Series 111. Vol. 
XIII. pp. 125-141. 1877. 

(287) Asa Gray. ‘Fertilisation by Birds.” Amer. Journ, of Sci. and Arts. Abst. 
Nature, Vol. xv. p. 416. 1877. 



(288) Asa Gray. ‘‘Homogone and Heterogone Flowers.” Amer. Journ. of 
Set. and Arts, Series 111. Vol. x11. p. 82. 1877. 

(289) Asa Gr ay. ‘* Fertilisation of Browallia elata.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philadelphia, pp. 11-13. 1878. 

(290) .Asa Gray. ‘‘Charles Darwin, The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants 
of the Same Species.” . Amer. Jowrn. of Sei. and Arts, Series 111. Vol. xv. p. 67. 
1878. Note, zbid. p. 221. 

(290A) Asa Gray.  ‘* Self-fertilisation of Plants.” Amer. Jowrn. of Sci. and 
Arts, Vol. xvu. pp. 489-494. 1879. (A Review of Henslow, No. 3324). 

- (2908) Asa Gray. ‘‘ Notule exigue.” Bot. Gaz. Vol. v. p. 75. 1880. 

(291) Asa Gray. ‘‘The Relation of Insects to Flowers.” Contemp. Review. 
April, 1882. 

(292) A. C. Greene. *« Apocynum androsemifolium.” Bull. Torrey Bot, Club, 
Vol. Iv. p. 12. 1873. . 

(293) R. W. Greenleaf. ‘Fertilisation of Posoqueria longiflora.” Proc. Boston 

Soc. of N. H, Vol. Xviit. pp. 354, 355. 1876. 

_ (294) P. Grieve. ‘*‘Cross-breeding in Plants (Pelargonium).” Gard. Chron. 
P. 1103. 1872. 

(295) P. Grieve. ‘*Influence of Foreign Pollen on the Progeny of Plants 
(Geranium).” Gard. Chron. Vol. v. p. 699 ; “Vol. VI. p- 49. 1876. 

(296) A. Gr isebach. ‘Der Dimorphismus der Fortpflanzungsorgane von Card- 
amine chenopodifolia, Pers. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Befruchtung.” Bot. Zeit. 
XXXVI. pp. 723-728. . 1878. 

(297) James Groom. ‘‘ Insect Fertilisation (Pelargunium).” The Garden, 
Vol. x. p. 558. Dec. 1876. 

(298) J.Groom. ‘Insect Fertilisation.” Gardener's Monthly, p. 249. 1877. 

(299) G. Haberlandt. ‘£* Die Samenproduction des Rothklees.” Biedermann’s 
Centralbl. f. Agriculturchemie, etc. pp. 199-201. 1880. 

(300) E. Hackel. “Die Lebenserscheinungen unserer Graser.” 15th Jahresber. 
der wu. 6. Landes. Oberrealsch. zu St. Polten. 1878. 

(301) E. Hackel. ‘‘Ueber das Aufbliithen, der Griser.” Bot. Zeit. No. 25, 
pp. 432-437. 1880. : ? 

(302) .B. D. Halsted. ‘*On Cross-fertilisation.” Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Vol. xvuiL p. 359. 1876. . 

i303) W. E. Hart. “Fertilisation of Polygala.” Nature, Vol. u. p. 274. 

aaa W. E. Hart. “Cross-Fertilisation (Lobelia).” Nature, Vol, Ul. p. 355. 
(305) W. E. Hart. ‘Winter Fertilisation.” Journ. of Bot, Ser. u. Vol. I. 
pp. 25, 26. 1872. 
_ (306) W. E. Hart. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Hazel.” Journ. of Bot. Ser. 1. 
Vol. 11. p. 110. 1872. 
_ (307) W. E. Hart. ‘Fertilisation of the Wild Pansy.” Nature, Vol. vit. 
p 121. 1873. 
(308) W. E. Hart. ‘‘Ground Ivy.” Nature, Vol. vil. p. 162. 1873. 
- (509) W. E. Hart. ‘* Fertilisation of Viola tricolor and V. cornuta.” Natwre, 
Vol. vu. pp. 244, 245. 1873. 
“.(310) W. E. Hart. “Fertilisation of Corydalis claviculata.” Nature, Vol. x. 
. 5. 1874. 
; (311) M. M. Hartog. ‘‘ Sapotacew.” Journ. of Bot. March, 1878. (Notes 
their proterogynous condition.) 
(312) M. M. Hartog. ‘‘Catkins of the Hazel.” Nature, Vol. 1. p. 583. 1870. 
(312A) A. H. Hassall. ‘ On the Functions performed by Hairs on the Stigma in 
Campanulacee and Composite.” Ann. of Nat, Hist. Vol. vit. pp. 84-87. 1842. 
a 3) J.C. Hasskarl. “ Ueber Kalmia latifolia.” Bot. Zeit. xxi, pp. 237-239. 

ech C. J. Hayden. ‘‘ Cross Fertilisation (Helleborus niger).” Natwre, Vol. 1. 
p. 28. 1870. 
135 5) ©. J. Hayden. ‘Fertilisation of Dictamnus.” Nature, Vol. vi. p. 60. 

Nee 5A) | E. Haviland. ‘* Fertilisation of Philotheca australis and Boronica 
pinnata,” Proc, Linn. Soc. N, S. Wales, Vol. vu. Pt. 8. 1882. 

(316) Ed. Heckel. ‘De Virritabilité des étamines.”’ Paris, Acad. Sei. 
Comptes Rendus, UXXVIt. pp. 948-950. 1878. 

qe ae 

Mal! gtk, wap’. 


(317) Ed. Heckel. ‘‘ Des relations que présentent les phénoménes propres aux 
organes reproducteurs de quelques Phanérogames avec la fécondation croisée et la 
fécondation directe.” Comptes Rendus, Tom. Lxxxvil. pp. 697-700. 1878. 

(318) Ed. Heckel. “Del’état cleistogamique de la Pavonia hastata.” Comptes 
Rendus des Séances de V Acad. de Paris, Tom. LXxx1x. p..609. 1879. 

(319) Ed. Heckel. ‘“Dimorphisme florale, et pétaloidé staminale, ‘observés 
sur le Convolvulus arvensis, L.; création artificielle de cette dernitre monstruosité.” 
Comptes Rendus des Séances de Vv Acad. de Pavis, Tom. xct. p. 581. 1880. 

(320) Ed. Heckel. ‘*‘ Recherches de Morphologie, Tératologie et Tératogénie.”’ 
Extrait du Bull. de ia Soc. Bot, et Hortic. de Provence, Année 1880, p. 29, Tab. 2. 
Marseilles, 1881. 

321) August Henschel. Von der Sexualitét. Breslau, 1820. 
ian Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘ Note on the Structure of Medicago sativa, as 
apparently affording Facilities for the Intercrossing of Distinct Flowers.” Journ. 

inn. Soc., Bot. Vol. 1X. pp. 327-329. 1867. 

(323) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘ Additional Notice of Dr. Hildebrand’s Paper 
on Medicago, Indigofera, and Cytisus, in the Bot. Zect. March, 1866.” Jowrn. Linn. 
Soe., Bot. Vol. 1x. pp. 356-358. 1867. 

(324) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘A Communication from Mr. Darwin on the 
Common Broom (Cytisus scoparius).”” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. 1x. p. 358. 1867. 

(325) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘ Note on the Structure of Indigofera, as 
apparently offering Facilities for the Intercrossing of Distinct Flowers” Journ. 
Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. tx. pp. 355-358. 1867. 

(326) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘ Note on the Structure of Genista tinctoria, 
as apparently affording Facilities for the Intercrossing of Distinct Flowers.” Jowrn. 
Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. X. p. 468. 1869. 

(327) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘Beesand Crocuses.” Gard. Chron. Vol. v. 
p- 504. 1876. 

(328) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘Self-fertilisation of Plants.’’ Nature, Vol. 
XIV. pp. 543, 544. 1876. 

(329) Rev. George Henslow. ‘The Fertilisation of Plants.” Zvrans. Wat- 
Jord Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. pp. 201-210. 1877. 

(330) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘On the Self-fertilisation of Plants.” T'rans. 
Linn. Soc. Series 11. Vol. 1. (Bot.), pp. 317-398. (1877.) 1880. Jowrn. of Bot. 
p. 878. 1877. Gard. Chron. Vol. vit. p. 586. 1877. 

(331) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘The Fertilisation of Plants” (Rev. of 
Darwin’s Cross- and Self-fertilisation in Plants). Gard. Chron. Vol. vil. pp. 42, 
189, 203, 270, 336, 534, 560. 1877. 

332) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘Self-fertilisation of Plants.” Pop. Sci. Rev. 
Vol. xviil. pp. 1-14. 1879. (Capsella, Fumaria, Viola, Spergula, Malva, Linum, 
Pelargoniwm, Oxalis, Impatiens, Medicago, Agrimonia, Circwa, Lamiwm, Salvia, 
Prunella, Rhinanthus, Calceolaria, Glaux, Pingwicula, Alisma, Ophrys, Trades- 
cantia, Hordeum.) Abst. Gard. Chron. Vol. xu. p. 21. 1879. Amer. Naturalist, 
Vol, xu. p. 319. 1879. ; 

(333) Rev. George Henslow. ‘‘Self-fertilisation as a Cause of Doubling.” 
Gard. Chron. Vol. xtv. p. 534. 1880. See No. 290. 

(334) W. Herbert. Amaryllidacee, with a Treatise on Cross-bred Vegetables. 

(335) G. Hieronymus. ‘‘ Ueber Cesalpinia Gilliesii.” Jahresbericht schles. 
Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur, p. 285. 1881. 

(336) Dr. F. Hildebrand. ‘‘ Dimorphismus von Primula sinensis. Verh, des 
Naturh. Ver. der pr. Rheinlande und Westfalens, Sitzwngsb. xx. pp. 183,184. 1863. 

(337) Dr. F. Hildebrand. ‘‘On the Impregnation in Orchids, as a proof of 
the two different effects of the pollen.” Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Series 111. Vol. 
XI p>. 169-174. 1863. ; ; Bere 

(338) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘ Ueber den Dimorphismus von Pulmonaria officinalis.” 
Bonn Sitz. Ber. Niederrhein. Gesell. p. 56. 1864. 

(339) F..Hildebrand. ‘‘ Experimente iiber den Dimorphismus von Linum 
perenne.” Halle Zeitschr. gesammt. Naturwiss. xxii. pp. 417, 511. 1864. 

(340) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Experimente tber den Dimorphismus von Linum 
perenne und Primula sinensis.” Bot. Zeit. xxil. pp. 1-5. 1864. : 

(341) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung der Salbeiarten durch 
Insekten.”” Bonn Sitz. Ber, Niederrhein. Gesell. pp. 54-56. 1864. Halle Zeitschr, 
gesammt. Naturwiss. XXv1. pp. 204, 205. 1865. : 

RR a 


(342) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Experimente zur Dichogamie und zum Dimorphis- 
mus.” Sot, Zeit. Xx. pp. 1-6, 13-15. 1865. 

(343) F. Hildebrand. é Ueber den Trimorphismus.” - Verh. des Natwrh. 
Vereins der Rheinlande und Westfalens, Sitzwngsb, pp. 4-6. 1865. 

(344) F. Hildebrand.  ‘‘ Bastardirungsversuche an Orchideen.” Bot. Zeit. 
XXIII. pp. 245-249. 1865. 

(345) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung der Salvia-arten mit Hiilfe 
von Insekten.” Pringsheim’s Jahrbuch, Vol. tv. pp. 451-477. 1866. 

(346) F. Hildebrand. | ‘‘ Ueber die Vorrichtungen an einigen Blithen zur 
Betruchtung durch Insektenhiilfe.” Bot.. Zeit. xxiv. pp. 73-78. 1866. (Pedi- 
cularis, Indigofera, Lopezia, Schizanthus, Siphocampylus.) 

(347) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘ Ueber die Befruchtung von Asclepias Cornuti, Dee.” 
Bot. Zeit. XXIV. p. 376. 1866. 

(348) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber den Trimorphismus in der Gattung Oxalis.” 
Monatsberichte der Acad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, pp. 352-374. 1866. 

(349) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung von Aristolochia Clematitis 
und einiger anderen Aristolochia-arten.” | Pringsheim’s Jahrbweh, Vol. Vv. pp. 
343-358. 1867. ot 

- (350) F. Hildebrand. “Ueber die Nothwendigkeit der Insektenhilfe bei der 
Befruchtung von Corydalis cava.” Pringsheim’s Jahrbuch, Vol. v. pp. 359-364. 
1867. Arch. Sci. Nat. xxix. pp. 103-105. 1867. Proe, Internat. Hortic. Congr., 
London, 1866. Archiv. Cosmol. pp. 197, 198. 1867. 

(351). F. Hildebrand. Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen. 
8vo. Leipzig, 1867. 

. (352) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Federigo Delpino’s Beobachtwngen iiber die Bestéu- 
bungsvorrichtungen bei den Phanerogamen.” Bot. Zeit. XXV. pp. 265, 273, 281. 1867. 
. (353) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Notizen iiber die Geschlechtsverhaltnisse einiger 

brasilianischer Pflanzen. Aus einem Briefe von Fritz Miller.” Bot. Zeit. xxviv 

p. 113. 1868. 

(354) Fr. Hildebrand. ‘Ch. Darwin, Ueber den Character und die Bastard- 

artige Natur der Abkimmlinge illegitimer Verbindungen von dimorphischen und 
trimorphischen Pflanzen.” Bot, Zeit. XXvV1. pp. 648-651, 666-670, 684-686. 1868. 

(355) F. Hildebrand. Ueber die Einfluss des fremden Pollens auf die Beschaff- 
enhert der durch thn erzcuaten Frucht. Leipzig, 1868. 

(356) F. Hildebrand. ‘Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Bestiubungsver- 
haltoigse an Bliithen.” Bot. Zeit. xxvii. pp. 473-481, 489-495, 505-512. 1869. 

(357)..F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber die Geschlechts-Verhiltnisse bei den Com: 
positen.” Verh. der Leop. Carol. Acad. Dresden. Vol. Xxxv. 1869. Abst. Bot, 
Zeit. pp. 486, 487. 1870. 

(358) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Ueber die Bestiubungsvorrichtungen bei den 
Fumariaceen.” Pringsheim’s Jahrbuch, Vol. vit. pp. 423-471. 1870. 

(359) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘ Botanische Notizen aus einem Briefe von Fritz 
Miiller.” Bot. Zeit. xxvii. pp. 273-275. 1870. 

(360) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘F. Delpino’s Weitere Beobachtungen wber die 
Dichogamie im Pflanzenreich.” Bot. Zeit. XXvi. pp. 585-594, 601-609, 617-625, 
633-641, 649-659, 665-669. 1870. 

. (3361) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘ Bestiiubung des Himantoylossum hircinum und der 
Asclepias tenuifolia durch Insekten.” Versamml. deutsch. Nuturf. u. Aerzte. 
Rostock. 1871. 

(362) F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Experimente und Beobachtungen an einigen trimor- 
phen Oxalis-Arten.” Bot. Zeit. xxix. pp. 415-425, 431-442, 1871. 

(363) F. Hildebrand. ‘ Bestiiubungsverhiiltnisse bei den Gramineen.” 
Monatsber. der Kin. pr. Akad. der Wiss. zw Berlin, pp. 737-764. 1872. Abstract, 
Gard. Chron. Mar. 15, Mar, 22, May 24, 1873. 

gc F, Hildebrand. Die Verbr eitungsmittel der Pflanzen. 162 pp. 8vo. 

an F. Hildebrand. Die Farben der Blithen in threr jetzigen Variation wnd 
Sritheren Entwickelung. 8vyo. leipzig, 1879. 

(366) F, Hildebr and. ‘* Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Saftdriisen 
der Cruciferen.”’ Pringsheim’s Jahrbuch, Vol. Xt1. pp. 10-40. 1881. 

(367). F. Hildebrand. ‘‘Einige Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Einrichtungen 
fiir Bestitubung und Samenverbreitung. 1. Das Bliihen von Eremurus spectabilis. 
2. Ueber die Bliitheneinrichtung von RKhodora canadensis. 3. Die Samenverbreitung 
von Aponogeton distachyum.” Flora, N.S., Vol. Xxxix, pp. 497-501, 1881, 



F, Hildebrand. See Nos. 173, 323, 331, 608. 

68) H. Hoffmann. ‘‘Zur Kenntniss der Gartenbohn.” Bot. Zeit. xxxut. 
pp. 273-283, 289-302. 1874. 

(369) H. Hoffmann. ‘‘Culturversuche.” Bot, Zeit. xxxiv. pp. 545-552, 561- 
572. 1876. XxXxXvI. pp. 273-286, 289-299. 1878. 

(370) H. Hoffman. ‘‘Ueber Sexualitit.”  Tageblatt der 52. Versamml. 
deutscher Naturforscher u. Aerzte in Baden-Baden, p. 209. 1879. 

(371) —Holzner. ‘‘ Leitung der Pollenschliuche bei Hordeum und Bromus.” 
Bot, Centralb. xut.p. 107. 1882. 

(372) SirJ. D. Hooker. ‘* Pringlea.” Phil. Trans, Vol. oLxvitt., pp. 18, 19. 
1874. Natwre, Vol. x. p. 134. 1874. 

(373) Hooker and Thomson. ‘‘On Cleistogamic Flowers.” Journ. Linn. 
Soc., Bot. Vol. u. p. 7. 1857. 

(374) H. G. Hubrand. ‘‘Cross-fertilisation of Aristolochia.” Amer. Natur. 
Vol. x1. p. 303. 1877. 

_ (375) Dr. J. Gibbons Hunt. ‘‘Sensitive Organs in Stapelia.” Proc.. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. p. 292. 1878. as 

(376) Dr. Huth. ‘‘Die Anpassungen der Pflanzen an die Verbreitung durch 
Thiere.” Kosmos, Heft 1v. 8. 273-287. 1881. | 

(377) L.J.Isaman. ‘‘ 7'richostoma.” Am. Journ. of Sci. and Arts, Series 11. 
Vol. xv. p. 224. 1878. | . 

(378) .H. Johnston. ‘The Flowering of Primula Scotica, Hook.” Jowrn. of 
Bot. N.S., Vol. x. No. 217, p. 24. 1881. 

(379). A. Jérgenson. ‘‘Om Blomsternes Bestiévning.” Tids. Tremst. af 
Natur. Vol. 11. pp. 224-240, 417-443. 1875. Vol. m1. pp. 31-54. 1876. 

(380) W. Kabsch. ‘*‘ Anatomische und $hiystologidehe Beobachtungen fiber die 
Reizbarkeit der Geschlechtsorgane.” Bot. Zeit. x1x. pp. 25-29, 34-37. .1861. 

(381) L. Kellermann. ‘‘Befruchtung und Kreuzung tropischer Aroideen.”’ 
Gartenfr. pp. 99-101. 1874. No. 2. 1875. 

(382) A. Kerner. Die Schutzmittel des Pollens gegen die Nachtheile vorzeitiger 
Dislocation %. gegen die Nachtheile vorzeitiger Befruchtung. 71pp. 8vo.. Innsbruck, 
1873. (From the Bericht. des naturw. med. Vereins zu Innsbruck, II. %. III. Jahrg. 
1872. Abstract in Bibliotheque Universelle, Tome xLVU. p. 302, 1873 ; translated by 
W. S. Dallas, in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (4), Vol. x11. pp. 431-486. 1878.) 

(383) A. Kerner. Vorldufige Mittheil. iiber die Bedeutung der Asyngamie fiir 
die Entstehung neuer Arten. 10pp. 8vo. Innsbruck, 1874. 

(384) H. Kerner. Die Primulaceen-Bastarde der Alpen. Wien, 1875. 

(385) A. Kerner. ‘‘Die Schutzmittel der Bliithen gegen unberufene Gaste.” 
Wien, 1876. Festschrift Zool.-Bot. Geselisch. Wien. Abst. Natwre, Vol. xv. pp. 
237-239, 1877. ; 

- (386) A. Kerner. Flowers and their Unbidden Guests. Translated by Dr. Ogle. 
8vo. London, 1878. 

(387) J. J. Kickx. ‘‘La fécondation indirecte,” Rev. de I Hort. Belg. pp. 
100-102. 1877. 

(388) —v. Kiesenwetter. ‘‘ Ueber die Beziehungen der Jusekten zur Pflanz- 
enwelt.” Isis, pp. 63-65. Dresden, 1877. 

. (389) John Kirk. ‘Dimorphism in the Flowers of Monochoria vaginalis.” 
Journ. Linn. Soe., Bot. Vol. vitt. pp. 147, 148. 1865. 

(389A) —Kirkpatrick. ‘‘ Humble-bee Killed by Silk-weed Pollen” (Asclepias). 
Amer. Natur. Vol. 111. p. 109. 1870. 

(390) F. E. Kitchener. ‘On Cross-fertilisation as aided by sensitive motion 
in Musk and Achimenes.” Journ. of Bot. Vol. 11. pp. 101-103. 1873. 

(391) F. E. Kitchener. ‘Fertilisation of the Pansy.” Nature, Vol. vit. 
p- 143. 1873. 

(392) Andrew Knight. “ An Account of some Experiments on the Fecunda- 
tion of Vegetables.” Philosophical Transactions, Pt. 11. pp. 195-204. 1799. 

(393) L. Kny. ‘‘Heterostyler Dimorphismus von Primula elatior, Jacq., und 
Trimorphismus von Lythrum Salicaria.” Bot. Wandtafeln mit erliuterndem Text, 
Abtheil rv. Tafel 39, 40, pp. 146-162. 1880. E 

(394) E. Koehne. ‘Ueber die Entwickelung der Gattungen Lythrum und 
Peplis in der paliartischen Region.”’  Sitzwngsber. des Bot. Ver. der Provinz 
Brandenburg, pp. 30, 31. Feb. 1880. sek 

(395) J.T. O. Koelrenter.. Vorléufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht 

Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen wnd Beobachtungen. Leipzig, 1761. 


(396) J. T. O. Koelreuter. Fortsetzwng der vorléufigen Nachricht. Leipzig, 
1763, 1764, 1766. : 

(397) J. T. Koelreuter. “ De antherarum pulvere.” Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb. 
(Nova Acta), xv. pp. 359-398. 1806. Mém. del’ Acad. de St. Pétersbourg, Tom. Itt. 
pp. 159-199. 1809. 

(398) K. E. H. Krause. ‘‘Zum Polymorphismus von Primula.” Archiv. 
Ver. der Freunde d. Naturgesch. in Mecklenburg, Vol. Xxxv. pp. 121-124. 1881. 

(399) Maximilian Kuhn. ‘‘Einige Bemerkungen iiber Vandellia und den 
Bliithenpolymorphismus.” Bot. Zeit. xxv. pp. 65-67. 1867. 

(400) Otto Kuntze. ‘‘ Die Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thiere und Wet- 
terungunst, und die Frage von einem salzfreien Urmeere.”  Beilage zur Bot. Zeit. 
xxxv. Leipzig, 1877. 

(401) F. G. Kurr. Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den 
Biumen. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1832. 

(402) Sulpiz Kurz. ‘‘Dimorphism in Eranthemum.” Journ. of Bot. N.S. 
Vol. 1. pp. 46, 47. 1872. 

(403) M. Laguna. Discursos . . . reproduccion de los vegetales. Madrid, 1879. 

(404) Thomas Laxton. ‘* Notes on some Changes and Variations in the 
ee of Cross-fertilised Peas.” Journ. Roy. Hortic. Soc. N.S, Vol. 11. pp. 10-13. 

(405) E. L. Layard. ‘*Yuceas under Cultivation.” Nature, Vol. xxit. 
p- 606. 1880. 

(406) H. Lecoq. Fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux. Paris, 
1845. 2nd Edition, 1862. 

(407) W. H. Leggett. ‘* Aristolochia serpentaria.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 
Vol. 1. p. 8. 1870. 

(408) W. H. Leggett. ‘‘ Honey-bees killed by Asclepias pollen.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. 111. p. 388. 1870. 

(409) W. H. Leggett. ‘*‘ Bees puncturing Flowers.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 
Vol. 11. p. 33. 1872. 

(410) W. H. Leggett. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Asclepias.” Jbid. p. 34. 1872. 

(411) W. H. Leggett. ‘‘Apocynum.” Jdid. pp. 46, 49, 53. 1872. Bull. 
Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. tv. pp. 1, 23. 1873. 

(412) W.H. Leggett. ‘* Pontederia cordata.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 
VI. pp. 62, 170. 1875. 

(413) W. H. Leggett. ‘‘ Cassia.” Jbid. p.171. 1875. 

(4134) W. H. Leggett. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Rhexia virginica.” Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club. Sept. 1881. 

(414) Rev. W. A. Leighton. ‘‘ Fecundation of Lupinus polyphyllis. 
of Bot. Vol. Vv. pp. 36-38. 186. 

(415) A. von Liebenberg. ‘‘Versuche iiber die Befruchtung bei den Get- 
reidearten.” Jowrnal fiir Landwirthschaft, xxvii. p. 189-147. Jahrg. 1880. 

(416) A. von Liebenberg. ‘‘ Ueber das Bliihen der Graser.” Wiener land- 
wirthsch. Zeit. No. 38. 1881. 

(4164) Linneus, ‘‘ Amenitates Academice,” Vol.t. 1744. (Ficus Carica.) 

(417) A. Loche. ‘*Note sur un fait anormal de fructification chez quelques 
Balsaminées.” Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, Tom. xxi. pp. 3867-369. 1876. 
(Cleistogamy in Jmpatiens fulva, etc.) 

(418) Sir John Lubbock. ‘‘ Wild Flowers in Relation to Insects.” Nature, 
Vol. x., pp. 402-406, 422-426. 1874. Gard. Chron. Vol. li. p. 261. 1874. Proe. 
Roy. Inst. Vol. vil. pp. 351-353. 1875. 

(419) Sir John Lubbock. On British Wild Flowers considered in relation to 
Insects. 8vo. London, 1875, Ibid. trad. par E. Barbier. 12mo. Paris, 1879. 

(420) Sir John Lubbock. ‘‘Certain Relations between Plants and Insects.” 
Fortnightly Review. Vol. xxvut. p. 478. 1876. Littell’s Living Age, Vol. cxxxtt. 
p. 278. 1876. Jowrn. Soc. of Arts, 1877. Gard. Chron. Vol. vit. pp. 279, 304, 407, 
439. 1877. 

(421) Sir John Lubbock. Scientific Lectwres. (Lecture I. ‘‘On Flowers and 
Insects.’’) London, 1879. 

(422) Sir John Lubbock. ‘Colours of Flowers as an Attraction to Bees: Ex- 
periments and. Considerations thereon.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. Vol. XVI. pp. 

(423) F. Ludwig. ‘*Ueber die Kleistogamie von Collomia grandiflora.”’ Bot. 
Zeit, XXXV. pp. 777-780. 1877. 





(424) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Zur Kleistogamie und Samenverbreitung bei den Collo- 
mien.” Bot, Zeit. XXXVI. pp. 739-743. 1878. 

(425) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Ueber die Bliithenformen von Plantago lanceolata, L., 
und die Krscheinung der Gynodidcie.” Zeitsch. f. d. Ges. Naturw. Bd. wit. pp. 
441-449. 1879. 

(426) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Gynodimorphismus der Alsineen.” Bot. Centralbl. Nos. 
7, 8, 27, 28. 1880. 

(427) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Nachtrag zum Gynodimorphismus der Alsineen.” Bot. 
Centralbl. No. 33. 1880. 

(428) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Heterantherie anemophiler Pflanzen.” Bot. Centralbi. 
No. 33. 1880. 

(429) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Cleistogamie von Plantago virginica.” Bot. Centralbl. 
No. 33. 1880. 2 “9 

(430) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Ueber die biologischen Eigenthiimlichkeiten der Plantag- 
ineen.” Bot. Centralbi. No. 39. 1880. 

(431) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Ueber einen Bliithendimorphismus des anemophilen 
Plantago major, [I..” Bot. Centralbl. No. 78. 1880. 

(432) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Ueber die Bestiubungsvorrichtung und die Fliegenfalle 
des Hundskohls, <Apocynum androsemifolium.” Kosmos, Bd. vu. S. 182-185. 
1880. Reviewed by Dr. H. Miiller, Bot, Zeit. pp. 213, 214. 1881. 

(433) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Die Anpassungen der Gattung Zrodiwm an Insekten- 
bestaubung.” Kosmos, Bd. vil. pp. 357-362. Feb. 1881. 

(434) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Ueber die ungleiche Ausbildung einer Insektenform bei 
Erodium cicutarium, |’ Hérit., und Erodium cicutarium 8. pimpinellifolium, Willd.” 
Irmischia, Jahrgang 1. No. 1, 8. 5-7, Nov. 1881. 

(435) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Ueber die Bestiubungsverhiltnisse einiger Siisswasser- 

flanzen und ihre Anpassungen an das Wasser und gewisse wasserbewohnende 

nsekten.” Kosmos, Bd. x. 8. 7-12. 1881. 

(436) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Bemerkungen iiber Gynodicecismus.”  Sitzungsber. der 
Geselisch. naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, Vol. xx. No. 10, pp. 155-159. Dec. 1881. 

(437) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Ueber eine der Schneckenbefruchtung angepasste Bliithen- 
einrichtung.” Kosmos, Bd. x1. 8. 347-351. 1882. ; 

(438 . Ludwig. ‘‘Adynamandrie von Erodium macradenum und Gynodi- 
morphismus von Erodium cicutarium.” Bot. Centralbi. Bd. vit. No. 42. 1881. 

(439) F. Ludwig. ‘‘Rudow, die Caprification der Feigen.” Bot. Centralbl. 
Bd. vi. No. 7, pp. 204-206. 1881. 

(440) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Molinia ceerulea als Fliegenfingerin.” Bot. Centralbl. 
Bd. vin. No. 42. 1881. 

(441) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Weiteres iiber Alsineen.” Bot. Centralbl. Bd. vim. No. 
. 1881 

42 ‘ 
(442) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Hyoscyamus niger, L.; C. agrestis, Veit.” Bot, Centralbl. 
Bd. vii. No. 42. 1881. 

(443) F. Ludwig. ‘‘ Zur Biologie der Apocyneen.” Bot. Centralbl. Bd. vu. 
No, 45. 1881. é 

(444) R. Irwin Lynch. ‘‘On the Mechanism for the Fertilisation of Meyenia 
erecta, Benth.” Jowrn. Linn. Soe., Bot. Vol. xvi. pp. 145-147. 1880. 

(445) R. Irwin Lynch. ‘‘On a Contrivance for Cross-fertilisation in Roscoca 
purpurea ; with incidental reference to the Structure of Salvia Grahami.” Journ. 
of Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x1x. pp. 204-206. 1882. 

(446) C. J. M. ‘Some Notes on Physostegia Virginiana.” Bot. Gaz. Vol. vit. 

111. 1882. 
r 447) Jules Macleod. * “Contribution a l’étude du réle des insectes dans la 
pollination des fleurs hétérostyles (Primula elatior).” Bull. de l’ Acad. Roy. de Belg. 
N.S., Tom. L. pp. 27-33. 1880. 

Jules Macleod. See No. 545. 

(448) P. Magnus. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung von Yucca.” Sitzwngsber. des 
Bot. Vereins der Prov. Brandenburg, p. 17. 1876. 

(449) P. Magnus. ‘‘ Uber den Gynodiécismus von Succisa pratensis M. and K. 
und einige denselben hbegleitende Erscheinungen.’’ Sitzwngsber. nat. Frewnde zu 
Berlin, No. 9, pp. 187-140. 1881. : 

(450) Henri Marts. ‘De Ja fécondation des fleurs stériles de la vigne.” 
Mém. Acad. des Sci., Montpellier, v1. pp. 40-42. 1864-66. . 

(451) H. Marés et J. Planchon. ‘Sur la floraison et la fructification de la 


vigne.” Compt. Rend. Vol. LXIv. pp. 254-259. 1867. Trausl. in Ann. and Mag. 
Net. Hist. Series 111. Vol. xix. pp. 220-224. 1867. 

(452) A. F. M (arion).. Note sur la floraison du Dracena Goldicana observée 
yi les serres de M. G, Renoward a Marseilles, 8vo. 7pp. Marseilles, 1881. Bot. 

Centralb. Bd. 1x. No. 6. 1882. 

(453) Wm. Marshall. ° “ Fertilisation of British Orchids by Insect Agency.” 
Gard. Chron. p. 72. 1861. Reply to above by Charles Darwin, Gard. Chron. 
p. 122. 1861. 

(454) Wm. Marshall. “ Fertilisation by Moths (Habenaria chlorantha).” 
Nature, Vol. vi. p. 393. 1872. 

(455) IsaacC. Martindale. ‘‘Cleistogamous Flowers of Danthonia.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xu. p. 388. 1878. 

(456) Isaac C. Martindale. ‘‘Sexual Variation in Castanea Americana, 
Michx.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. pp. 351-353. 1880. 

(457) F. Masé.  ‘‘ Atto di unione tra le piante maschili delle valli del Tartaro, 
e le piante femminili del lago superiore di Mantova della Stratiotes aloides, L.” Atti 
Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat., Milano, xx. pp. 49-53. 1877. 

(458) M. T. Masters, “ Sexuality in Plants.” Pop. Sei. Rev. Vol. xu. pp. 
363-374. 1873. 

(459) C.J. Maximowicz. ‘ Einfluss fremden Pollens auf die Form der erzeugten 
Fruchts.” Bull. del Acad. Inup. des Sci. & St. Pétersb. Vol. xvul. pp. 275-285. 1872. 

(460) Paul Mayer. ‘‘Zur Naturgeschichte des Feigeninsecten.” Mittheil. aus 
der Zoolog. Station zw Neapel. Bd. U1. pp. 551-578. 1882. (Contains a long list of 
previous works on Caprification. ) 

(460A) Friedrich Kasimir Medicus. Botanische Beobachtungen. 2 Vols. 
8vo. Mannheim, 1783, 1784. 

(4608) Friedrich Kasimir Medicus, Piatto Abhandlungen. 
3 Vols. 12mo. Leipzig. 1803. 

(461) T. Meehan. ‘On the Structure of Lopezia.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sez. 
Philad. pp. 38, 34. 1867. 

(462) ‘T. Meehan. ‘On Diccious Forms of Vitis vinifera, L.”’ Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. pp. 42, 98, 99. 1867. 

(463) T. Meehan. ‘“ Variations in Epigea repens,” Proc. Acad, Nat. Sei. 
-Philad. Pp. 153-156. 1868. 

(464) Meehan. ‘‘ Monecism in Luzula campestris.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. : 156. 1868. 

(465) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Mitchella repens, L., a Dicecious Plant.” Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. pp. 183, 184. 1868. 

(466) T. Mechan. ‘On the Sexes of Plants.” Amer. Assoc. Proc. XVII. 
pp. 256-260. 1869. Belg. Horticole, xx. pp. 178-182. 1870. Ext. Gard. Chron. 
p. 243. 1870. ; 

(468) T. Meehan. ‘‘Cross-fertilisation and the Law of Sex in Euphorbia.” 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 14, 15. 1870. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 
Series rv. Vol. vi. pp. 191, 192. 1870. Ext. Gard. Chron. pp. 922, 988. 1870. 

(469) T. Meehan. “On Objections to Darwin’s Theory of Fertilisation 
through Insect Agency.” Proc. Amer. Assoc. XIX. pp. 280-282. 1870. 

(470) T. Meehan. ‘‘On Two Classes of Male Flowers in Castanea.” Proce. 
Amer. Assoc. XIX. pp. 282, 283. 1870. 

(471) T. Meehan. On the Flowers of Aralia spinosa, L., and Hedera helix, 
L.” Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 107, 108. 1870. Abst, Ann. and 
Mag. of Nat. Hist. Series tv. Vol. vit. pp. 315, 316. 1871. 

(472) T. Meehan. ‘*The Agency of Bees in Obstructing Evolution. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 235-237. 1872. 

(473) T. Meehan. ‘‘On Hermaphroditism in Rhus cotinus (the Mist Tree), and 
in Rhus glabra (common Sumac).” Proce. Amer. Assoc. XXII. pp. 73-75. 1873. 

4 T. Meehan. ‘‘ Influence of Pollen in Cross-fertilisation.” Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 16,17. 1873. 

(475) T. Meehan. ‘ Flowers of Viola and Impatiens.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philadelphia, p. 101. 1873. 

(4754) Thomas Meehan. ‘‘Cleistogenous Flowers in Viola striata.” Amer, 
Naturalist, Vol. vit. p. 563. 1873. 

476) Thomas echent ‘* Fertilisation of Pedicularis Canadensis.” Acad. of 
Nat. Sei. Philadelphia, p 287. 1873. Abst. Mature, Vol. vit. p. 59, 1873, Ann. 
and Mag, of Nat, Hist, Sevies tv. Vol. xu. p. 497. 1873, 



— ee 


(477) T. Meehan. ‘Insects as Florists.” Gard. Chron. p. 949. 1873. 
Proc. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia. 

(478) Thomas Meehan. ‘‘ Dimorphous Flowers in Passiflora.” Proc. Acad. 

Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 9. 1874. 

479} T. Meehan. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Gentiana.” Ibid. p. 160. 1874. 

480) Thomas Meehan. ‘‘ Are Insects any Material Aid to Plants in Ferti- 
lisation?” Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Science, xxiv. pp. 243-251. 1875. 
Philadelphia Press. Aug. 13, 1875. Gard. Chron. Vol. tv. p. 327. 1875. Arch. 
des Sci. Nat. Vol. v1. pp. 294-296. 1876. . 

(482) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Observations on Lilies.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila- 
delphia, pp. 412, 413. 1875. 

(483) Thos. Meehan, ‘Are Insects a Material Aid in Fertilisation?” The 
Garden, Vol. X. pp. 493, 494. Nov. 1876. 

(484) Thomas Meehan, ‘‘Self-fertilisation in Browallia elata.” Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 13. 1876. , 

(485) Thomas Meehan. ‘‘The ‘Sleep of Plants’ as an Agent in Self-ferti- 
lisation.’’ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 84. 1876. (Claytonia, 

(486) Thomas Meehan. © ‘Fertilisation of Flowers by Insect Agency.” Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 108. 1876. (Scrophularia, Taraxacum, Chrysan- 
themum, Trifolium, Staphylea.) . 

(487) Thomas Meehan. ‘ Nocturnal Flowering of Mentzelia ornata.” | Proe. 
Acad. Nat, Sci. Philadelphia, p. 173. 1876. 

(488) Thomas Meehan.  ‘‘Self-fertilisation in Mentzelia ornata.” Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 202. 1876. 

(489) T. Meehan. ‘‘Self-fertilisation of Plants.” Nature, Vol. x1v. pp. 475, 
476. 1876. Note, Vol. xy. p. 138. 1877. 

(490) Thomas Meehan. ‘‘On Self-fertilisation and Cross-fertilisation in 
Flowers.” The Penn Monthly, Vol. vil. p. 284. Philadelphia, Nov. 1876. 
Amer. Assoc, for Adv. of Sci. p. 253. 1876. | Abst. Gard. Chron.. Vol. vi. p. 398. 

(491) Thomas Meehan. ‘*Cross-fertilisation in Campanula.” — Proc. 
Acad, Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 142. 1876. Abst. Nature, Vol. xv. p. 168. 1877. 

(492) T. Meehan. ‘Fertilisation in Beans.” Acad. Nat. Sci.. Philadelphia, 
p. 193. 1876. Rev. Gard. Monthiy, pp. 55, 56. 1877. 

(493) Thomas Meehan. ‘Influence of Nutrition on Fertilisation.” Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 128. 1877. Abst. Natwre, Vol. xvi. p. 364. 

(494) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Sensitive Stamens in Purslane (Portulaca oleracea).”” Proe. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 287. 1877. 

(495) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Dimorphism in Atlantus glandulosa.” Ibid. pp. 287, 288. 

(496) T. Meehan. ‘‘On Sex in Flowers.” Proc. Amer. Assoc. for the Ade, 
of Science, Xxvi..p. 815. 1877. 

(496A) T. Meehan. ‘“ Darwin on Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects.” Penn. 
Monthly, Vol. vi. p. 463. Philadelphia, 1877. 

(497) Thomas Meehan.. ‘‘ Varying Experiences.” Nature, Vol. Xvull. 
p. 384. 1878. (Stellaria, Draba, Capsella, Salvia.) — . 
- (498) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Note on Calycanthus floridus.” Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 38. 1878. s 
(499) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Notes on Acer rubrum.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila- 
delphia, pp. 122, 123. 1878. Nature, Vol. x1x. p. 387. 1878. ee 

(500) T. Meehan. ‘‘ Irritable or Sensitive Stamens.” Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. 
Philadelphia, pp. 333, 334. 1878. . 

(501) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Dimorphism in JMitchella repens.” Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 383. 1878. <3 Dah 

(502). Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ On Nutrition in its Relation to the Fertilisation of 
Flowers.” Jowrn. of Bot., New Series, Vol. viul. p. 285. 1879. 

(503) Thos. Meehan. ‘On the Fertilisation of Yucca.” Amer, Entomol. Vol. 1. 

. 33. 1879. 
, (304) Thos. Meehan. ‘* Dimorpho-Dichogamy in Juglans and Carya.” The 
Bot. Gazette, Vol. v. No. 1. p. 11. Jan. 1880, Yee 

(505) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Bees and Flowers.” Bull: of the Torrey Bot. Club, 
Vol. vir. p. 66. 1880. ARE bl 


_ (506). Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Dimorphic Flowers in Houstonia.” Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sei. Philadelphia, p. 349. 1880. 

(507) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Cleistogamy in Oxalis acctosella.” Ibid. p. 350. 

(508) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Dicecism in Andromeda Catesbei.” Ibid. p. 356. 

(509) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Changes of Flowers normally of one Sex to the other.” 
Proc. Asad. Nat. Sci. Philad. pp. 353, 354. 1880. 

(510) Thos. Meehan. ‘* Varying Behaviour of Plants.” Bull. of the Torrey 
Club, Vol. vit. p. 20. 1880. 

(511) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Flowering of the Chestnut.” Proce. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. p. 351.. 1880. 

(511A) T. Meehan. ‘‘On the Laws Governing the Production of Seed in 
Wistaria sinensis.” Journ. of Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. Xvit. pp. 90-92. 1880: 

(512) Thos. Meevan. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Aquilegia.” Amer. Naturalist, Vol. 
XV. pp. 134,135. 1881. 

(513) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Ohjects of Sex and Odour in Flowers.” (Read 
before the Americ. Assoc. for the Advance. of Sci., Saratoga, Aug. 1879.) Philadelphia, 

(5t4) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Some New Facts Regarding the Fertilisation of 
Yucca.” Proc. Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Vol. XXv. pp. 205-207. Cincin- 
nati Meeting, Aug. 1881. 

(515) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Additional Facts on the Fertilisation of Yucca.” 
Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xv. p. 807. Oct. 1881. 

(516) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Fruiting of Ginkgo triloba.” Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. Part 1. pp.9, 10. Jan.-Apr. 1882. 

(517) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ The Relation of Heat to the Sexes of Flowers.” Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. March7, 1882. 

(518) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Protandryof Pastinaca.” Bot. Gazette, Vol. Vu. pp. 
26, 27. March, 1882. ‘ 

(519) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘ Motility in the Flowers of Draba verna.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xvi. p. 320. April, 1882. 

(520) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Sexuality of Croton monanthogynum.” Amer, 
Natur. Vol. xvi. p. 105. 1882. 

(521) Thos. Meehan. ‘‘Note on Yueca gloriosa.” Amer. Nalur. Vol. xvt. 
p. 355. 1882. 

(522) Prosper Meniere. ‘‘ Note sur la fécondation des Orchidées.” Bull. 
de la Soe. Bot. de France, Tom. 1. pp. 367-372. 1854. 

(523) — Mézard. ‘‘ Considérations générales sur la fécondation artificielle.” Ann. 
de UV Hortic. pp. 102-104. 
(524) — Michalet. ‘‘ Sur la floraison des Vola de la section Nomimwm, de 

VOxalis acetosella, et du Linaria spuria.” Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, Vil. pp. 
465-470. 1860. 

(525) L. D. Mignault. ‘‘Quelques notes sur la fertilisation des plantes.” 
Naturaliste Canadien, Vol. x11. pp. 242-350, 3 figs. Mars, Avr. 1881. 

(526) Wm. Miller. ‘‘ Bees as Fertilising Agents (on Peaches).” Gard. Chron. 
Vol. x1. p. 138. 1879. 

(527) John Traherne Moggridge. ‘‘ Observations on some Orchids of the 
South of France.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. Virt. pp. 256-258. 1865. 

(528) J. Traherne Moggridge. Flora of Mentone. 1867. (Ophrys, ete.) 

(529) J. Traherne Moggridge. ‘‘Ueber Ophrys insectifera, L.” Verh. der 
Kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Akad, (Nova Acta), Tom. xxxv. 1869. 

(530) J. Traherne Moggridge. ‘Fertilisation of the Fumariacee.” Nature, 
Vol. 1x. p. 423 ; Vol. x. p. 5. 1874. 

(531) H. v. Mohl. © ‘‘Finige Beobachtungen iiber dimorphe. Bliithen.” 
Bot. Zeit. xx1. pp. 309-815, 321-328. 1863. 

(532) Hugo v. Mohl. ‘‘ Observations sur les fleurs dimorphes.” Ann. des 
Sci. Nat., Bot. Series v. Vol. 1. pp. 199-230. 1864. 

(533) Abbé Moigno. ‘‘La fécondation artificielle.” Les Mondes: Revue 
hebdomadaire des Sciences par V_Abbé Moigno, Tom. Xtvitt. pp. 454-469. Paris, 1879. 

(534) — Monnier. ‘Note sur quelques especes du genre Viola.” Arch. de 
Bot. de Guillemin, Tom, 1. p. 412. 1833. (Cleistogamic flowers.) 

(535) David Moore. ‘*On the Morphology of Sexes in some Dicecious Plants.” 
Trans. Irish Acad, XXIV. pp. 629-632. 1871. Gard. Chron. pp. 559, 1342. 1870. 

(536) S. Moore. ‘Fertilisation of Fumariaceer (/. capreolata).” Nature, 
Vol. 1x. p. 484. 1874. 

ie oa > ~ 



537) S. Moore. ‘* Mascarene Orchidology.” Jowrn. of Bot. N.S. Vol. v. 
pp. 289-292. 1876. (Anagrecum, Cynorchis, Listrostachys.) 

S. Moore. ‘‘ Bud-fertilisation in Orchids.” Journ. of Bot. Vol. xv. yp. 
55, 85, 86. 1877. : 

(539) 8S. Moore. ‘‘ The Different Forms of Flowers in Plants of the same Specics, 
by Ch. Darwin.” Journ. of Bot. pp. 375-377. Dec. 1877. 

(540) S. Moore. ‘*Mr. Darwin’s Doctrine of Cleistogamy.”  Jowrn. of Bot. 
N.8., Vol. x. No. 219, pp. 84-86. March, 1881. 

(541) A. Mori. ‘*Circa la Partenogenesi della Datisca cannabina.” Nuovo 
Giorn. Bot. Ital. xu. 4, p. 371. 

(541A) ©. F. A. Morren. ‘‘ Recherches sur le mouvement et l’anatomie du 
style du Goldfussia anisophylla.” Bull. de l’ Acad. des Sci. de Bruwelles, Vol. v1. 
pp. 69-71. 1831. JMém. del? Acad. des Sci. de Bruwelles, Vol. xt. 1839. 

(5418) OC. F. A. Morren. ‘‘ Recherches sur le mouvement et l’anatomie du 
Stylidium graminifolium.” Mém. del Acad. des Sci. de Bruxelles, Vol. x1. 1838. 

(541c) C. F. A. Morren.  ‘‘Sur la fructification de la Vanille obtenue au 
moyen de la fécondation artificielle.” Comptes Rendus, Paris, Vol. v1. pp. 483-492. 

(541p) C. F. A. Morren. ‘Sur le mouvement et l’anatomie des étamines du 
Sparmannia africana.” Mém. de V Acad, des Sci. de Bruxelles, Vol. xiv. 1841. 

(542) C. F. A. Morren. ‘‘On the Agency of Insects in causing Sterility in 
Flowers by the Removal of the Masculine Organs, observed among the Asclepiadee.” 
Horticultewr Belg. 1834 (2). Abst. Proc. Entom. Soc. London, Vol. 1. pp. xliv., xlv. 

(543) ©. F. A. Morren. ‘‘Osservazioni sopra il processo della fecondazione di 
aleune Orchidee quali sono la Calanthe veratrifolia, e la Vanilla planifolia.” Atti 
Scienz. Ital. pp. 491-494. 1841. 

(543A) C. F. A. Morren. ‘‘Sur la Vanille, son histoire et sa culture.” 
Bull. de V Acad. des Sei. de Bruxelles, Vol. xv. pp. 108-183. 1850. 

(544) C. Ed. Morren. ‘‘ Anchusa sempervirens.” La Belgique Horticole, 
Vol. xxvil. p. 12. 1877. 

(545) C. E. Morren. ‘Rapport sur la contribution a l’étude du role des 
insectes dans la pollination des fleurs heterostyles (Primula elatior) ; par M. Jules 
MacLeod.” Bull. de ? Acad. R. des Sci., des Lettres, et des Beaux-arts de Belg. Tom. L. 

. 4-8. 1880. 
eres) H. N. Moseley. Notes by a Natwralist on the ‘‘ Challenger.” London, 
1879. (Fertilisation by Bats, Birds, etc.) 

(547) H. N. Moseley. ‘‘Further Notes on the Plants of Kerguelen, with 
some Remarks on the Insects.” Jowrn. of Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. XV. p. 53. 1876. 

(548) F.T. Mott. ‘Colour in Flowers not due to Insects.” Natwre, Vol. x. 
p- 508. 1874. Vol. x1. p. 28. 1874. 

(549) Fritz Miller. ‘‘Ueber die Befruchtung der Martha (Posoqueria) 
Fragrans.” Bot. Zeit. XX1v. p. 129. 1866. Note, ibid. xxv. p. 80. 1867. 

(550) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Notizen tiber die Geschlechtsverhiltnisse brasilianischer 
Pflanzen.” Bot. Zeit. xxvi. p. 113. 1868. 

(551) Fritz Miller. ‘‘ Befruchtungsversuche iiber Cipé alho (Bignoniacea).” 
Bot. Zeit. XXV1. pp. 625-629. 1868. 

(552) Fritz Miiller. ‘* Ueber Befruchtungserscheinungen bei Orchideen.”’ 
Bot. Zeit. XXV1. pp. 629-631. 1868. . 

(553) Fritz Miller. ‘‘ Uebereinige Befruchtungserscheinungen.” Bot. Zeit. 
XXVIII. pp. 224-226. 1869. (Eschscholtzia, Faramea, Epidendrum, Scorzonera.) 

(554) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Ueber eine dimorphe Faramea.” Bot. Zeit. Xxvil. 
pp- 606-611. 1869. . 

(555) Fritz Miller. ‘*Umwandlung von Staubgefissen in Stempel bei 
Begonia. Uebergang von Zwitterbliithigkeit in Getrenntbliithigkeit bei Chamissoa. 
Triandrische Varietaét eines Monandrischen Epidendrum.’’ Bot. Zeit. xxviii. pp. 
149-153. 1870. 

(555A) Fritz Miller. ‘‘On the Modification of the Stamens in a Species of 
Begonia.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. xt. pp. 472-474. 1871. 

(556) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Ueber den Trimorphismus der Pontederien.” Jenaische 
Zeitschr. Vol. vi. pp. 74-78. 1871. 

(557) Fritz Miiller. Bestéuhwngsversuche an Abutilon-Arten. Jenaische 
Zeitschr. f. Naturw, Ba. vu. pp. 22-45. 1872. 


. (558) Fritz Miller. ‘* Bestiubungsversuche an Abutilon.”’ Jenatsche Zeitschr. 
Bd. vit. pp. 441-450. 1873. (Abutilon, Lobelia, Passiflora, Oncidiwm.) 

. (559) . Fritz Miller. ‘‘In Blumen gefangene Schwirmer.” Kosmos, Vol. 11. 
p- 178. 1878. ; j 

(560) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Flowers and Insects (Bunchosia, Lantana, Pontederia, 
Solanum).” Nature, Vol. xvu. pp. 78, 79. 1878. . 

(561) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘Cleistogamic Podostomacew.” Nature, Vol. x1x. 
p. 463. 1879. 

(562) “Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Hesperiden-Blumen Brasiliens.” Kosmos, Vol. tv. 
pp. 481, 482. March, 1879. | 

(563) Fritz Miiller. ‘‘ Die Imbauba und ihre Beschiitzer.” Kosmos, Vol. v1tt. 
pp. 109-115. 1880. 

(564) Fritz Miller. ‘‘Caprificns und Feigenbaum.’’ Kosmos, Bd. xt. Heft 
v. S. 342-346. 1882. Abstract Bot. Zeitung, Vol. xu. pp. 912-914. 1882. 

(554A) Fritz Miller. ‘‘ Two kinds of Stamens with Different Function in the 
Same Flower.” Nature, Vol. xxvu. pp. 364, 365. 1883. (Heteranthera, Lager- 
stremia, Cassia. : 

Fritz Miller. Vide Hildebrand, Nos. 353, 359. 

(565) Hermann Miller. ‘‘Beobachtungen an westfilischen Orchideen.” 
Verh. des Naturf. Vereins der pr. Rheinlande und Westfalens, pp. 1-62. 1868. 
(Cypripedium, Epipactis, Orchis, etc.) 

(566) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Ueber die Anwendung der Darwin’schen Theorie 

auf Blumen und Blumen-besuchende Insekten.” Verh. des Naturf, Vereins der 
pr. Rheinlande und Westfalens, Corr. Bl. 43-66. 1869. 

(567) Hermann Miller. . ‘‘ Applicazione della teoria Darwiniana ai fiori ed agli 
insetti visitatori dei fiori. Discorso prononciato dal Dr, Erm. Miller di Lippstadt. 
Versione dal tedesco, e annotazione.”’ (Translated and annotated by F. Delpino.) 
Bollet. della Soc. Entom. Ital. Vol. 11. Fase. 3. 1870. 

(568) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Application of the Darwinian Theory to Flowers 
and the Insects which visit them.” (Translated by R. L. Packard.) Amer. Natur. 
Vol. v. pp. 271-297. 1871. 

(569) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Anwendung der Darwin’schen Lehre auf Bienen.” 

Verhdl. d. naturhistor. Vereins fiir preuss. Rheinld. u. Westf. pp. 1-96. 1872. 
Abstr. Amer. Nat. vit. pp. 239, 240. 1873. 
’ (570) Hermann Miiller. “On the Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects and on 
the Reciprocal Adaptations of Both.” Nature, Vol.. vil. pp. 187-189, 205, 206, 
433-435 ; Vol. rx, pp. 44-46, 164-166; Vol. x. pp. 129, 130; Vol. x1. pp. 32, 33, 
110-112, 169-171; Vol. x11. pp. 50, 51, 190, 191; Vol. x11. pp. 210-212, 289-292 ; 
Vol. xty. pp. 173-175; Vol. xv. pp. 317-319, 473-475; Vol. xvi. pp. 507-509. 

(571) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Proboscis capable of Sucking the Nectar of Angre- 
cum sesquipedale.” Nature, Vol. vitt. p. 223. 1873. 

(572) Hermann Miiller. Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten. 8vo. 
Leipzig, 1873. 

(573) Hermann Miller. ‘*La fécondation des fleurs par les insectes.””. 

Archives Sci. Phys. Nat. XLVI. pp. 289-304. 1873. Frankfurt Zool. Garten. XIv. 
pp. 368-376. 1873. 

(574) Hermann Miiller. ‘*Ground Ivy.” Nature, Vol. vu. p. 161. 


(575) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Fumariacez.” Natwre, Vol. tx. 
pp. 460, 461; Vol. x. p. 5. 1874. 

(575A) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Gegenseitige Abhingigkeit von Blumen und sie 
befruchtenden Insecten.” Der Zool. Garten. xv. pp. 377-382. Oct. 1874. 
_ (576). Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Alpine Orchids adapted to Cross-fertilisation by 
Insects.” Nature. Dec. 31, 1874. 

(577) Hermann Miiller. ‘* Flowering of the Hazel.” Nature, Vol. xu. p. 26. 

(577A) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘Gehen auch die deutschen Dompfaffen dem 
Honige der Schliisselblumen nach?” Der Zool, Garten. xvi. pp. 168-170, May, 

(578) Hermann Miller. ‘ Self-fertilisation of Plants.” Natwre, Vol. xtv. 
p. 570. 1876. 3 

(579) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Die Bedeutung der Honigbiene fiir unsere Blumen.” 
Eichstidter Bienenzeitung, Nos. 7-14. 1875. Nos. 2, 10, 11, 14. 1876. Abst. 
Nature, Vol. x1. p. 10, 1876, Vol. xv. pp.-178-180. 1877, 

| a y 
ae * o> 



(580) Hermann Miiller. ‘Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects.” Nature, Vol. 
XVI. pp. 265, 266. 1877. : 
(581) Hermann Miller. “ Ueberden Ursprung der Blumen.” Kosmos, Vol. 3. . 
pp. 100-114. May, 1877. . 
(582) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Geschichtliche Entwickelung der Gattung Gentiana.’ 
Kosmos, Vol. 1. pp. 162, 163. May, 1877. 
_ (583) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Ueber Farbenpracht und Grosse der Alpenblumen.” 
Kosmos, Vol, 1. pp. 541-545. Sept. 1877. 
- (584) Hermann Miiller. ‘* Das Variiren der Grosse gefiirbter Bliithenhiillen und 
seine Wirkung auf die Naturziichtung der Blumen.” Kosmos, Vol. 11. pp. 11-25, 
Oct.; pp. 128-140, Nov. 1877. 
(585) Hermann Miller. “Ueber die Bestiubung der Primula farinosa, L.” 
Verh. des Bot. Ver. der Provinz Brandenburg, pp. 102-107. 1878. 
ne” Hermann Miller. “Ophrys muscifera.”. Natwre, Vol. xvii. p. 221. 

(587) Hermann Miller. ‘Alpine Flowers.” Matwre, Vol. xvut. p. 519. 
1878. (Dimorphism in Geraniwm, Veratrum, Dryas, Gewm, Astrantia, Dianthus.) 

(588) Hermann Miiller. “ Verkiimmerung aller Staubgefisse einer Bliithe in 
si auf einander folgenden Perioden.” Kosmos, Vol. ul. pp. 481, 482. Feb. 

(589) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘Die Insekten als unbewusste Blumenziichter.” 
Kosmos, Vol. 111. pp. 314-337, July; pp. 403-426, Aug.; pp. 476-499, Sept. 1878. 
Abstract, Zool. Anzeiger, pp. 32, 33, 1879; and by W. Trelease, Amer. Naturalist, 
Vol. XIIL ie 257-260. 1879. . 

(590) ermann Miiller. ‘‘ Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Befruchtung der 
Blumen durch Insekten.” Verh. des naturhist. Ver. der preuss. Rheinl. %. Westy. 
1..1878; 11. 1879; 111. 1882. 

(591) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Die Befruchtung von Erica ecarnea.” Kosmos, 
Vol. v. p. 300. July, 1879. 

(592) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Hrica carnea.” Nature, Vol. xx. 
p- 147. 1879. 

(593) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Kolreuter und Sprengel.” Kosmos, Bd. v. pp. 
402-404. Aug. 1879. 

- (594) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Bombus mastrucatus, ein Dysteleolog unter den 
alpinen Blumenbesuchern.” Kosmos, Vol. v. pp. 422-431. Sept. 1879. Abstract by 
Wm. Trelease, Amer. Natwralist, Vol. xiv. pp. 288-291. 1880. 

(595) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘In Blumen gefangene Falter.—Fleischfressende 
Honigbienen.” Kosmos, Vol. v1. pp. 225, 226. Dec. 1879. 

(596) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Berichtigung der von W. Breitenbach gegebenen 
Erklarung der Bestiéubungseinrichtung von Arum ternatum.” ot. Zeit, XXXVII. 
pp. 838, 839. 1879. 

(5964) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Bliite (Bedeutung der Bliitenformen).” Meyer's 
Konversations Lexikon, Jahres-Supplement, 1879-1880, pp. 154-157. Dee. 1879. 

(597) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Die Wechselbezichungen zwischen den Blumen und 
den ihre Kreuzung vermittelnden Insekten.” neycl. der Naturwiss. Breslau 
(Trewendt), Bd. v. Heft 1. 1879. Abstract by Wm. Trelease, Amer. Naturalist, 
Vol. x11. pp. 451, 452. 1879. 

(597A) Hermann Miller. “ Ein Kaefer mit Schmetterlingsriissel.” Kosmos, 
Vol. Vi. pp. 302-304. Jan. 1880. 

(598) Hermann Miiller. ‘Gaston Bonnier’s angebliche Widerlegung der 
modernen Blumentheorie.” Kosmos, Vol. vil. pp. 219-236. 1880. 

. (599) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Die Bedeutung der Alpenblumen fiir die Blumen- 
theorie.” Kosmos, Vol. vil. pp. 276-287. 1880. 

(600) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Ueber die Entwickelung der Blumenfarben.” Kosmos, 
Vol. vil. pp. 350-365. 1880. § 

(601) Hermann Miller. ‘Die Variabilitat der Alpenblumen.” Kosmos, Vol. vil. 
pp. 441-455. 1880. 

(602) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Die Falterblumen des Alpenfriihlings und ihre 
Liebesboten.” Kosmos, Vol. vu. pp. 446-456. March, 1880. 

_ (603). Hermann Miller. ‘The Fertilisation of Alpine Flowers.” Nature, 
Vol. xxi. p. 275. 1880. 

604) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Saaifraga wmbrosa, adorned with Brilliant Colours 
by the Selection of Syrphide.” Nature, Vol. xxi1. p. 219. 1880. 

(6044) Hermann Miller. ‘‘Bemerkungen zu W. Breitenbachs Aufsatz 


Ueber Variabilitats-Ercheinungen an den Bliithen von Primula elatior, ete.” Bot. 
Zeit. Vol, XXXVIIL pp. 733, 734. 1880. 

. (605) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ New Cases of Dimorphism in Flowers (Syringa, 
Stellaria, Sherardia).” Nature, Vol. xxii. p. 337. 1881. 

(606) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Two Kinds of Stamens with Different Functions in 
the same Flower (Heeria).” Natwre, Vol. xxiv. pp. 307, 308. 1881. 

' (607) Hermann Miller. ‘‘Gradations between Hermaphroditism and Gyno- 
dicecism (Dianthus).” Nature, Vol. xxiv. p. 5382. 1881. 

(608) Hermann Miller. ‘‘Bemerkungen tber F. Hildebrand’s Vergl. Unter- 
suchungen tiber die Saftdriisen der Cruciferen.” Pringsheim’s Jahrbuch, Vol. xti1. 
pp. 161-169. 1881. 

(609) Hermann Miller. Die Alpenblumen, ihre Befruchtung durch Insekten, 
und ihre Anpassungen an dieselben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 

(610) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘Prétendue réfutation par Gaston Bonnier de la 
théorie des fleurs.” Revwe internationale des Sciences, par. F. L. de Lanessan, pp. 450- 
465. Paris, May 15, 1881... 

(611) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Polymorphism of the Flower-heads of Centaurea 
Jacea.” Nature, Vol. xxv. p. 241. 1882. 

. (612) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Die biologische Bedeutung des eigenthiimlichen 
Bltihens von Eremurus spectabilis.” Bot. Zeit. No. 17. 1882. 

(613) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Die Entwicklung der Blumenthitigkeit der Insekten.” 
Kosmos, Bd. 1x. 1. ‘‘ Kaefer,” pp. 204-215; 11. ‘* Wespen,” pp. 258-272; 1. 
‘** Bienen,” pp. 351-370; Iv. ‘‘ Verschiedene Blumenthatigkeit der Mannchen und 
Weibchen,” pp. 415-432. 1882. ‘ 

(614) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘ Ein Kaefer mit Schmetterlingsriissel.” Kosmos, 
Vol. x. pp. 57-61. 1882. 

(615) Hermann Miller. “ Die Stellung der Honigbiene in der Blumenwelt.” 
Bienenzettung, Nos. ul. and x. 1882. 

(616) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Variability of Number of Sepals, Petals, and 
Anthers in the Flowers of JAfyosurus minimus.” Nature, Vol. xxvi. p. 81. 

(617) Hermann Miller. “Two Kinds of Stamens with Different Functions in 
the Same Flower.”” Nature, Vol. xxvii. p. 30. 1882. 

(618) Hermann Miller. ‘‘ Versuche tiber die Farbenliebhaberei der Honig- 
biene.” Kosmos, Vol. x11. pp. 273-299. Jan. 1883. 

(619) Hermann Miller. ‘Die Vielgestaltigkeit der Blumenképfe von 
Centaurea Jacea.” Kosmos, Vol. XI. pp. 334-343. Feb, 1882. 

(620) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘Geschichte der Erklarungsversuche in Bezug auf 
die biologische Bedeutung derBlumenfarben.” Kosmos, Vol. x11. pp. 117-137. Novy. 

(621) Hermann Miiller. ‘‘Caprificus und Feigenbaum.” Biologisches Central- 
blatt, Vol. 11. pp. 545-550. 15 Nov. 1882. 

Hermann Miiller. See also Nos. 12, 170, 432, 650, 661, 700, 738. 

(622) Daniel Miiller. ‘‘ Anmiarkningar éfver de ofullstiindige blommorna hos 
sligtet Viola och deres befruktning.” Fries. Bot. Notiser, pp. 121-128. 1857. Bot. 
Zeit. XV. pp. 729-733. 1857. Phytologist, u. pp. 617, 618. 1857-1858. 

(623) Andrew Murray. ‘‘Delpino on the Apparatus for Fecundating Phan- 
erogamous Plants.” Jowrn. of Travel and Nat. Hist. Vol. 1. pp. 181-185. 1869. 

(623A) Rev. R. P. Murray. Vote: ‘‘Cleistogamic Flowers of Hoya.” Jowrn. 
of Bot. Vol. Xx. p. 94. 1883. © 

(624) — Musset. ‘Existence simultandée des fleurs et des insectes sur les 
montagnes du Dauphiné.” Compt. rend. des séances de l Acad. des Sc., Paris, Tom. 
xov. No. 6. 1882. 

(625) A. T. Myers. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Pansy.” Natwre, Vol. vill. p. 202. 

(626) — Nigeli. Entstehwng der naturhistorischen Art, p. 23. 1865. 
(627) Ch. Naudin. “Sur la fécondation artificielle des Céréales.” Journ. 
Agric. Prat. Ul. pp. 432-436. 1863. 

(628) — Neubert (Canstatt). ‘‘ Eigenthiimliche Erscheinung an den Bliithen- 
stielen der Eucorida Cartonioides, Zuce, (Loasez).”  Zageblatt der 52 Vers, deutscher 
Naturf. und Aerzte in Baden-Baden, p., 211. 1879. 

(629) George Nicholson. ‘On the Fertilisation of the Flowers of some 
Marantaceous Plants.” Gard. Chron. Vol. V1. p. 112. 1876. Note on above, ibid, 
p. 691, 

1 —— a 


(630) N. Noble. “Insectes et oiseaux.” 23¢ legon. de mon cours. botanique. 
Toulon. 1880. 

(630a) J.J. Ogle. ‘Observations on the Fertilisation of certain Species of 
Saxifraga.” Midland Natwralist, Vol. v1. pp. 73-75. April, 1883. 

(631) Dr. Wm. Ogle. ‘The Fertilisation of Salvia and some other Flowers.” 
Pop. Sci. Rev. Vol. vill. pp. 261-274. 1869. 

(632) Dr. Wm. Ogle. ‘The Fertilisation of some Plants.” Pop. Sci. Rev. 
Vol. 1x. pp. 45-56. 1870. (Pedicularis, Melampyrwm, Teucrium, Scrophularia, 
Gesneria, Antirrhinum, Thymus, Origanwm.) 

(633) Dr. Wm. Ogle. ‘‘The Fertilisation of various Flowers by Insects.” 
Pop. Sci. Rev. Vol. 1x. pp. 160-172. 1870. (Matricaria, Ulex, Phaseolus, Evica, 
Vaceinium, Arbutus.) 

Dr. Wm. Ogle. See No. 386. 

(e34) O. Ottavi. Jinpollinazione nei fiori delle vite. Casale. 1880. 
(635) C. A.J. A. Oudemans. ‘‘ Polygamische bloemen bij Thymus Serpyllum.” 
Nederl. Kruidk, Arch, Series 1. Vol. 11. p. 174. 1873. 

(636) C. A, J. A. Oudemans, “ Zweierlei Bliithen bei Glechoma hederaceum, 
L.” Bot. Zeit. pp. 469, 470. 1873. From Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. 1. Series 1, Th. 2, 
pp. 1638, 264. 1872. ! 

(6364) F. A. P. ‘* Vinea.”’ Gard. Chron. p. 736. 1869. 

_ (637) OC. 8. P, P. (Moulmein). ‘‘The Fecundation of Orchids.” Gard. Chron. 
pp. 682, 683. 1867, _ 

(638) A. 8S. Pa'ckard. ‘‘ Moths entrapped by an Asclepiad Plant (Physianthus) 
and killed by Honey-bees.” Amer. Nat. p. 48. Jan. 1880. Kosmos, Bd. v1. 
p. 225. Dec. 1879. 

R. L. Packard. See Hermann Miiller, No. 568. 

(639) C. G. Page. ‘* Artificial Fecundation of Flowers.” Western Journal and 
Civilian, Vol. x1. p. 408. 1854. 

(640) Rev. C. Parish. ‘‘Dimorphism of Flowers of Cymbidium tigrinwm.” 
Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x. pp. 505, 506. 1869. 

(641) Francis Parkman. ‘The Hybridisation of Lilies.” Bullet. Bussey 
Inst. 1877. Gard. Chron. Vol. 1x. p. 19. 1878. 

- (642) R. H. Paterson. ‘*On the Prevention of Self-fertilisation of Plants.” 
Trans. Soc. of Field-Natur., Glasgow. Vol. tv. 1876. . 

(643) W. H. Patton. ‘*The Fertilisation of the Tulip.” Amer. Entomol. 01. 
p- 145. 1880. 

(644) N. Pedicino. ‘Sul processo d’impollinazione e su qualche altro fatto 
nel Limodorum abortivun.” Rendine. della R. Acad. delle Sci. di Napoli. 1874. 

(645) N. Pedicino, ‘‘ Della impollinazione nella Thalia dealbata, Fras., e del 
modo di ricereare sperimentalmente i processi di impollinazione.” . Estratto del Rend. 
della R. Acad. delle Sci. fis.e Nat. Fase. 1, pp. 1, 2. Gennajo, 1875. 

(646) N. Pedicino. ‘‘ Poche parole intorno allo studio della Impollinazione.” 
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. Vol. vir. pp. 398-402. Pisa, 1876. 

(647) E. Pfitzer. ‘‘ Beobachtungen iiber Bau und Entwickelung der Orchideen. 
Zur Kenntniss der Bestiubungseinrichtungen der Orchideen,” Verh. des Natwrhist. 
Med. Ver. zu Heidelberg. Bd. 11. Heft m1. pp. 220. 1879. 

(648) J. E. Planchon. “Sur la famille des Linées.” Hooker’s London Journ. of 
Bot. v. pp. 588-603, 1847; vu. pp. 165-186, 473-501, 507-528, 1849; Froriep’s 
Notizen, Vol. vi. pp. 161-167. 1848. 

J. E. Planchon. See No. 451. 

(649) D. Pockorny. ‘‘ Ueber Blumen und JInsecten in ihren wechselseitigen 
Beziehungen.” Schr. des Ver, zur Verbreitung Naturhist. Kenntnisse in Wien. 
Bd. xix. pp. 415-440. 1879. 

(650) Henry Potonié. ‘* Ueber die Bliithenformen von Salvia pratensis, L., 
und die Bedeutung der weiblichen Sticke.” Sitzwngsber. der Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
2u Berlin, No. 6. 1880. Reviewed by Dr. H. Miller. Bot. Zeit. No. 44, pp. 749, 
750. 1880. 

- (651) Edward Potts. ‘Sensitive Organs in Asclepias.” Proc. Acad, Nat. Set. 
Philad. Vol. xxx. pp. 293-296, 1878 ; Vol. xxxI. pp. 205-207, 1879. | 

(652) Ed. Potts. ‘‘On the Supposed Sensitive Character of the Glands of the 
Asclepiadacee.” Proc. Philad. Acad. Vol. Xxx1. pp. 205-207. Oct. 14, 1879. 

(652A) T. H. Potts. ‘‘On the Birds of New Zealand.” Trans. N. Z, Inst, 
Vol. 111. pp. 59-109. 1870. (Fertilisation hy Anthornis melanura, p. 72.) 


(704) Dr. Richard Spruce. ‘‘Regelmassiger Wechsel in der Entwickelung 
diklinischer Bliithen. ” Bot. Zeit. XXVII. pp. 664-666, 1869. Vide H. Wendland, 
ibid. p. 791. 

_ (705) Dr. R. Spruce. ‘The Sexuality of Plants.” Gard. Chron. p. 826. 

(706) Dr. .R. Spruce. ‘*On the Fertilisation of Grasses.” Amer. Natur. tv. 
pp. 239-241. 1871. : ; 

(707) Dr. R. Spruce. ‘On the Fecundation of Grasses.” Journ. Roy. Hortie. 
Soc. N.S. Vol. m1. pp. 4-9. 1872. 

(708) A. Mackenzie Stapley. ‘‘ Fertilisation of the Common Speedwell.” 
Nature, Vol. xxvul. p. 127. Dec. 1882. 

(709) Carus Sterne. ‘‘ Edelweiss, Eine Betrachtung iiber die Natur als Strauss- 
bildnerin.” Gartenlaube, No. 40, pp. 656-660. 1881. 

(7 10) N.Stewart.. ‘‘-Has Colour in Flowers.a Function to Perform in Fertilisa- 
tion?” Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. Vol. x1. pp. 190-192. 1873. 

(711) F.. Harris Stone, ©‘*‘A Natural Ant-trap.” © Nature, Vol. xxv. 
Prondi, 1881." j 

(712), Ed. Strasbiirger.. ‘‘ Die Bestéubung der Gymnospermen.” Jenaische 
Zeitschr, Vol. VI. pp. 249-261. 1871. Jahrb. fiir wiss, Bot. Vol. vit. 

(713) O. Suidter. ‘‘Die Neuen Forschungen iiber die Befruchtung der 
Pflanzen, u. die Rolle der Insecten bei der Uebertragung des Pollens.” Sitzwngs- 
ber. Luzern. 1874-75. Verh. Schweiz. naturf. Ges. Andermatt. p. 254.. 1875, 

(714) George Syme. ‘‘ The Sensitiveness of the Flowers of some Species of 
the Genus Séelis.”.. Gard. Chron. N.S. Vol. x1v. No. 365, p. 819. 1880. 

- (715) Attilio Tassi. ‘Sulla fructificatione della Hoya carnosa.” I Giardini, 
Vol. u. p. 455. Milano, 1855. 

(716) J. E. Taylor. ‘‘ The Geological Antiquity of Flowers and Insects.” Pop. 
Sig Rev. Vol. Xvi. pp. 36-52. 1878. 

(717) J. E. Taylor. Flowers, their Origin, Shapes, Perfumes, and Colours, 
8vo. London, 1878. 

(718) George M. Thomson. « Notes on Cleistogamic Flowers of the Genus 
Viola.” ° Trans. New Zeal. Inst. Vol. x1. pp. 415-417. 1878. 

(719) George M. Thomson. ‘‘On the Means of Fertilisation among some New 
Zealand Orchids.” Trans. New Zeal. Inst. Vol. Xt. pp. 418-426. 1878. 

(720) George M. Thomson. ‘‘ Fertilisation of New Zealand Flowering 
Plants.” - Trans. and Proc. New Zeal. Inst. xi. pp. 241-288. 1880. 

(720A) George M, Thomson. ‘‘The Flowering Plants of New Zealand, 
and their Relation to the Insect Fauna.” ‘rans. Bot. Soc. Edin. Vol. XIV. pp. 
91-105. 1881. 

(721) J. E. Todd. “On certain Contrivances for Cross- fertilisation i in Flowers.” 
Amer. Natur. Vol. x11. pp. 1-6. 1879. 

(722) J. E. Todd. ‘‘ Notes on the Flowering of Saxifraga sarncniten. Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xiv. pp. 569-575. 1880. 

(723) J. E. Todd. ‘‘Contrivances for Cross-fertilisation in the Ranunculacez.” 
Amer. Naturalist, p. 668. Sept. 1880. 

(724) J. E. Todd, ‘* Dimorphism in Black Mustard.” Amer. Naturalist, Vol. 
xv. pp. 997, 998. Dec. 1881. 

(725) J. E. Todd. ‘‘On the Flowers of Solanwm rostratum and Cassia 
chamechrista.” Amer. Natur. Vol. Xvi. pp. 281-287. April, 1882. 

(726) William Trelease. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of Luphorbia (Poinsettia) 
pulcherrima.”. Bullet. of the Torrey Bot. Club, New York, Vol. v1. Sept. 1879. 

(727) W. Trelease. ‘*On the Fertilisation of several Species of Lobelia.” 
Amer. Natur. Vol. x111. pp. 427-431. July, 1879. 

(728) W. Trelease. ‘On the Fertilisation of Symplocarpus fatidus.”* Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xt. p. 580. Sept. 1879. 

(729) W. Trelease. ‘*The Fertilisation of our Native Species of Clitoria and 
Centrostema.” Amer. Natur. Vol. xi. pp. 688-692. Nov. 1879. 

(730) W. Trelease. ‘‘ Nectar, what it is and some of its uses.” Report 
upon Cotton Insects, by Henry Comstock. Washington, 1879. 

(731) W. Trelease. ‘Fertilisation of Flowers by Humming-birds.” Amer, 
Natur. xiv. pp. 868, 364. May, 1880. (Asculus, Erythrina, Lobelia, 
(Enothera, Passiflora, ete.) 

(732) W. Trelease.. ‘*The Fertilisation of Aquwilegia vulgaris,” Amer. 
Natur, xtv. pp. 731-733, Oct. 1880, . 


—— eee 


(733) W. Trelease. . ‘‘ Action of Bees towards Impatiens fulva.” Bull. 
Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. vu. pp. 20, 21. 1880. 
- (734) W. Trelease. ‘‘On the Fertilisation of Calamintha nepeta.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xv. pp. 11-15. -1881. 

(735) W.Trelease. ‘‘ The Fertilisation of Salvia splendens by Birds.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xv. pp. 265-269. 1881. Bot. Centralbl. No. 50. 1881, 

(736) W. S vakenwe. **Note on the Perforation of Flowers.” Bullet. of the 
Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. vit. No. 6, pp. 68, 69. June, 1881. 
(737) W Trelease, ‘‘Scrophularia.” Bullet. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol.. vu 

ec, 1881. 

(7374) W. Trelease. ‘‘Protandry of Pastinaca.” Bot. Gaz. Vol. vit. pp. 26, 27. 


(738) William Trelease. ‘‘The Heterogony of Ovalis violacea.” Amer. 
Natur. Vol. xvi. pp. 13-19. Jan, 1882. Reviewed by Dr. H. Miiller, Bot. Zeit. pp. 
413,414. 1882. 

William Trelease. See also Nos, 332, 589, 594, 597. 

(738a) L. C. Treviranus, ‘*Die Lehre vom Geschlechte der Pflanzen.” 
Bremen. 1822. 

(739) L. C. Treviranus. ‘*Ueber den Bau der Befruchtungswerkzeuge und 
das Befruchtungsgeschaft der Gewichse.” TZiedem. wnd Treviran. Zeits. fiir Phy- 
stologie, 11. pp. 185-250. 

(740) L. C. Treviranus. ‘Ueber das Insect, welches die wilden Feigen in Ober- 
Italien bewohnt.” Jsis, Vol. xx. pp. 313, 314. 1827. Linnea, 111. pp. 70-77. 1828. 

(741) L. C. Treviranus. ‘‘Insecten durch Asclepiadeen-Bliithen gefangen.” 
Bot. Zeit. tv. pp. 646-651. 1846. 

(742) L. C. Treviranus. ‘‘ Ueber Dichogamie nach C. C. Sprengel und :Ch. 
Darwin.” Bot. Zeit. xxi. pp. 1-7, 9-16. 1863. 

(743) L. C. Treviranus. ‘‘ Nachtrigliche Bemerkungen iiber die Befruchtung 
einiger Orchideen.” Bot. Zeit. xxi. pp. 241-243. 1863. 

(744) Rowland Trimen. ‘On the Fertilisation of Disa grandiflora, L.” 
Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. vit. pp. 144-147. 1864. 

(745) Rowland Trimen. ‘On the Structure of Bonatea speciosa, L., with 
reference to its Fertilisation.” Jowrn. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. 1x. pp. 156-160. 1867. 

(746) J. Troop. ‘‘ Proterandry in Amaryllis regine.” Bot. Gazette, Vol. vii. 
p. 42. April, 1882. 

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Brandenburg, X1x. p. 125. 1878. 

(748) Ign. Urban. ‘‘ Ueber einige fiir die Flora Mgyptens neue Arten. der 
Gattung Trigonella.” Sitzungsber. des Bot. Vereins der Prov. Brandenburg, XXI11. 
pp. 67-72. 1880. 

(749) Ign. Urban. ‘‘ Die Selbststaindigkeit der Linaceen-gattung Reinwardtia, 
Dumort., und deren Morphologische Verhiltnisse.” Sitzwngsber. d. Bot. Ver. der 
Prov. Brandenburg, xxi1. pp. 18-23. 1879. (Linum trigynum.) 

(750) Ign. Urban. ‘Die Linumarten der westlichen Siidamerika.” Linnea 
(neue Folge), Bd. vir. pp. 609-646. 1877. 

(751) Ign. Urban. ‘‘Die Bestiubungseinrichtungen bei den Lobeliaceen, etc.” 
Jahrb. des K. botan. Gartens zu Berlin, Vol. 1. pp. 260-277. 1881. 

(752) J. P. E. Vaucher. Wistoire physiologique des plantes d’Europe. 4 vols. 
8vo. 1841. 

(753) M. W. Vausenburg. “Gentiana Andrewsii.” Amer. Natur. Vol. Ix. 
p- 310. 1865. 

(754) R. de Visiani. ‘ Metodo della fecondazione... . della Vaniglia.” 
Venezia, 1844. 

(754A) R. Vion. Bull. Soc. Linn. du Nord de la France, Amiens, p. 151, 1878. 

(755) H. de Vries. . ‘‘ Bestuivingen van Bloemen door Insecten waargenommen 
in 1874.” Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. pp. 64-76. 1875. : 

(756) A. R. Wallace... ‘‘On some Relations of Living Things to their En- 
vironment.” Brit... Assoc. Rep. pp. 101-110. 1876. Gard. Chron. Vol. v1. p. 390. 
1876. Entomologist, Vol. 1x. pp. 221-229. 1876. AS oe 

A. R. Wallace. “On the Peculiar Relations of Plants and Animals as 
exhibited in Islands.” Nature, pp. 406-408. Sept. 1879 Ae 

(758) Lord Walsingham. ‘‘ Fertilisation of Yucca.” Nature, Vol. xxiii. 

462” 1880, >. Fs pat ‘s Ppa ta rt 
“ (759) J. Walz. ‘Ueber die Befruchtung in den geschlossenen cia esa von 
; So So 


Lamium amplexicaule, L., und Oryza clandestina, A. Br.” Bot. Zeit. xxtt. pp. 
145, 146. 1864. 

(760) Lester F. Ward. ‘‘ Cross-fertilisation in Sabbatea angularis.” Gar- 
dener’s Monthly, p. 278. 1878. 

(760A) Lester F. Ward. ‘‘Sexual Differentiations in Zpigea repens.’’ Amer. 
Naturalist, Vol. xiv. pp. 198-200. 1880. 

(7608) Lester F. Ward. ‘‘The Relation between Insects and Plants, and the 
Consensus in Animal and Vegetable Life.” Amer, Entomol. Vol. 111. pp. 68-67, 
87-91. 1880. 

(760c) Lester F, Ward. ‘‘Incomplete Adaptation as illustrated by the 
History of Sex in Plants.” Amer. Naturalist, Vol. xv. pp. 89-95. 1881. 

(761) Lester F, Ward. ‘‘Proterogyny in Sparganiwm eurycarpum.” Bot. 
Gazette, Vol. vil. No, 819, p.100. 1882. 

(762) Eug. Warming. ‘‘Smaa biologiske og morfologiske bidrag.” Bot. 
Tidsskrift, 3, 11. 1877, Nogle Blomsters Bygning og Biologi, pp. 108-130. 

(763) Fred. I. Warner. “Fertilisation of Plants.” Journ. of Bot. N.S. 
Vol. 1. pp. 110, 111. 1872. 

(764) J. P. Mansel Weale. ‘‘ Notes on the Structure and Fertilisation of the 
Genus Bonatea.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. X. pp. 470-476, 1869. 

. (765) J. P. Mansel Weale. ‘‘ Notes ona Species of Disparis found on the 
Kugaberg, South Africa.” Jowrn. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. x11. pp. 42-45. 1873. 

(766) J.P. Mansel Weale. ‘‘Some Observations on the Fertilisation of Disa 
macrantha.” Journ. Linn, Soc., Bot. Vol. xii. pp. 45-47. 1873. 

(767) J. P. Mansel Weale. ‘‘Notes on some Species of Habenaria found in 
South Africa.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. xu. pp. 47, 48. 1873. 

(768) J. P. Mansel Weale. ‘‘ Observations on the Mode in which certain 
Species of Asclepiadew are Fertilised.” Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. Vol. xut. pp. 48-58. 

(769) W. Mansel Weale. ‘“‘ Note on South African Orchids.” Jowrn. Linn. 
Soc., Bot. Vol. XVI. p. 313. 1880. 

H. Wendland. See No. 704, 

(769A) J. O. Westwood, ‘‘On Caprification as practised upon Figs in the 
South of Europe and the Levant.” Trans. Entom. Soc. Lond. Vol. 11. pp. 214-224. 

(770) F. D. Wetterhan. ‘‘ Flowering of the Hazel.” Nature, Vol. xt. 
p. 507. 1875. 

(771) ©. F. White. ‘* Fertilisation of Flowers (Scabiosa).”  Natwre, Vol. 
XIv. p. 250. 1876. . 

(772) F. Buchanan White. ‘‘ Winter Fertilisation by Agency of Insects.” 
Journ. of Bot. N.S., Vol. 1. p, 48. 1872. 

(773) F. Buchanan White. ‘‘ The Influence of Insect-Agency in the Dis- 
tribution of Plants.” Jowrn. of Bot. N.S., Vol. 1. pp. 11-13. 1873. Amer. Nat. 
Vol. vit. pp. 268-271. 1873. 

(774) Thos. Whitelegge. ‘‘Gynodicecious Plants.” Nature, Vol. xvit. 
p- 588. 1878. (Ranunculus, Stachys, Gewm.) 

(775) — Williams. ‘‘ Artificial Fertilisation [of Victoria regia].” Gard. Chron. 
Vol. xvi. p. 276. Aug. 1881. Dundee Hortic. Assoc. 1881. 

(776) Moritz Willkomm, ‘‘Natiirliche Fliegenfallen.” Von Fels zw Meer. 
Bd. 1. Heft 111. pp. 336-339. Dec, 1881. 

(777) A. Stephen Wilson. (Kinmundy.) ‘‘On the Fertilisation of Cereals.” 
Journ. of Bot. N.S., Vol. Iv. pp. 121, 122. April, 1875. Gard. Chron. Feb. 20, 
1875. Trans. and Proc. Bot. Soc, Edin, Vol. xt. p. 506. 1873. Vol. xiz. pp. 
84-95, 237. 1874. Abst. Nature, Vol. x1. p. 270. 1875. 

(778) A. Stephen Wilson, ‘‘On the Association of an Inconspicuous Corolla 
with Proterogynous Dichogamy in Insect-fertilised Flowers.” Brit. Ass, Rep. p 
564-566. 1878. Journ. of Bot. N.S., Vol. vil. pp. 314, 315. 1878. Nature, Val 
xIx. p. 508. 1878. (Serophularia, Gladiolus.) 

(779) A. Stephen Wilson, ‘On the Nectar of Flowers.” Brit. Ass. Rep. 
p. 567. 1878. 

(780) A. Stephen Wilson. ‘‘ Notes on some Dimorphic Plants.” Brit. Ass. 
Rep. p. 568. 1878. (Hrythrcea, Silene acaulis.) 

(781) A. Stephen Wilson, ‘Some Mechanical Arrangements Subserving 
Cross-fertilisation in Plants.” Brit. Ass. Rep. p. 568. 1878.  (Pinguicula, 

- = 


(782) N. P. Wilson. ‘‘On Cross-fertilisation.” Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Boston. 
Vol. xvi. p. 359. 1876. 

(782A) . Wilson. ‘‘On the Hair-collectors of Campanula.” Hooker’s London 
Journ. of Bot. Vol. 1. pp. 601-605, 1842, 

(7828) W. Wilson. ‘‘ Further Remarks on the Pollen-collectors of Campanula, 
and = the mode of Fecundation.” Hooker's London Journ. of Bot. Vol. v1. pp. 
90-97. 1848. 

(783) L. Wittmack. ‘*'The Nectar-cups of the Marcgraviaceer.” Gard. Chron. 
Vol. xiv. p. 78, 1879, 

(784) Ludw. Wittmack. ‘‘Die Marcgraviaceen und ihre Honiggefiisse.” Verh. 
der Bot. Ver. der Provine Brandenburg, Sitzwngsber. pp. 41-50. 1879. Kosmos, 
Vol. v. pp. 267-277. July, 1879. 

(785) L. Wittmack, ‘‘Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit der Bliithen von 
Hordeum bulbosum, L.” Sitzwngber. Ges. naturf. Freunde, Berlin, pp. 96, 97. 

(786) Alphonso Wood. ‘*‘Cleistogene Flowers.” Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 
Vol. VI. p. 174. 1877. 

(787) Wood and Steele. Fourteen Weeks in Botany. New York, 1879. 

(787A) F. X. Woérz. Ueber die Beziehung der Nectarien zur Befruchtung und 
Saamenbildung der Gewiichse” Tiibingen. 1833. 

(788) Charles Wright. ‘‘ Cross-fertilisation [of Posugueria].” Amer, Natur’. 
Vol. 11. p. 437. 1868. 

(788A) C[harles] W[right]. ‘‘ Neswa verticillata.” Amer. Naturalist, Vol. 
VIL. pp. 739, 740. 1873. 

(789) H. W. Young. ‘‘Fertilisation of Gerardia flava.” Buil. Torrey Bot. 
Club, Vol. 1v. p. 41. 1873. 

(790) Dr. Zimmermann. ‘‘ Ueber Einrichtungen der Bliithen zum Schutz 
des Pollens.” Ber. naturw. Gesellsch. Chemnitz, vi. Sitzwnysber. 8. xxx. 

(791) J. Zins. Einfluss der Insekten auf die Befruchtung der Pflanzen. Ham- 
burg, 1880. 

(792) ‘* Fertilisation of Orchids.” West of Scotland Hortic. Mag. p. 65. Sept. 

(793) ‘‘On Orchid Cultivation, Cross-breeding, and Hybridising.” Journ. of 
Hortic. p. 206. March 17, 1863. 

(794) ‘‘Fertilising Figsin Smyrna.” Gard. Monthly, pp.174, 175. 1877. 

(795) ‘*Cross-fertilisation of Plants and Consanguineous Marriages.” Westminster 
Review, Vol. cvitt. p. 466. 1877. 

(796) ‘‘Fructification des Bilbergia” (Artificial Fertilisation). La Belgique 
Horticole, p.120. 1875. 

(797) ‘‘Ueber die kunstliche Befruchtung der Rose.” Lebi’s Jllust. Garten- 
zettung, Jahrg. 24, pp. 14-16. 1880. : 

(798) ‘‘ Ueber die kunstliche Befruchtung der Pelargonien.” Leb/’s Iilust. Garten- 
zeitung, Jahrg. 24, pp. 106-108. 1880. ay 

(799) ‘* Ueber Bestiiubung, Befruchtung, und Hybridation.” Lebi’s Illust. Garten- 
zeitung. Jahrg. 24, Pp. 197-209. 1880. 

(800) ‘‘Dimorphic Flowers in Euryale ferox.” Gardener’s Chron. N.S., Vol. 
XIV. p. 727. 1880. Revue Horticole, p. 411. 1880. 

(801) ‘* Gazania splendens flowering in Autumn.” Gardener's Chron. N.S., Vol. 

xiv. p. 759. 1880. Reh S 
(802) ‘‘Fécondation du Tillandsia Lindeni.” Revwe Horticole, p. 103. 1881. 

Belyique Horticole, p. 72. 1881. re 
(803) ‘‘ Caprification.” rans. Entom. Soc. Lond. App. pp. XXXill.-xXxxv. 

(804) ‘*Coryanthes macrantha.” Gardener's Chron. N.S., Vol. Xvi. pp. 592, 

593. 1882 
Additional Works on Caprification.' 

Soc) Filippo Cavolini. ‘‘ Memoria per servire alla storia compiuta del fico, 
e jet eesiantens.” Opuscoli scelti sulle scienze e sulle arte, Tomo v. Milano, 1782. 
(806) Giorgio Gallesio. Pomona Italiana ossia trattato degli albert fruttiferi. 
Pisa. Vol. 1.1817; Vol. 1. 1820. 
1 From Dr. Paul Mayer’s paper (No. 460). Some minor references, chiefly of entomological interest 
which Mayer gives are not copied here. 


(807) G. Gasparrini. ‘‘ Ricerche sulla natura del Caprifico e del Fico, e sulla 

Caprificazione.” tendiconto, etc., della R, Accad. della Scienze di Napoli, Vol, rv. 
1845. Seg . 
(808) G.Gasparrini. ‘‘Nuove ricerche sopra alcuni punti di anatomia e 

fisiologia spettanti alla dottrina del fico e caprifico,” Rendiconto, etc., debla R. Accad. 

della Scienze di Napoli, Vol. vil. pp. 394-417. 1848. 

(809) — Leclerc. ‘‘ De la caprification ou fécondation artificielle des figuiers.” 
Comptes rendus, Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. XLVI. pp. 330-334, - 1858. 

(810) H. Low. ‘‘Ueberdie Caprification der Feigen.” Stettiner Entom. Zeitung, 
Vol. Iv. pp. 66, 67. 1843. 

(811) Godehen de Riville. ‘‘Mémoiresur la caprification.” J/ém. de Muth. 

et de Physique présentés par divers Savants a? Académie de Paris, Vol. 11. p. 369. 1755. 

(812) Vincenzo Semmola. ‘‘ Dellacapyrificazione, esperienze e ragionamenti.” 
Rendiconto, etc., della R. Accad. della Scienze di Napoli, Vol. tv. pp. 480, 431. 1845. 

(813) Joannon di St. Laurent. ‘‘ Della caprificazione.”” Memorie della 
Societa colombaria Fiorentina, Vol. 11. p. 257. Livorno, 1752. 

(814). W. Botting Hemsley. ‘‘On the Relations of the Fig and the Caprifig.” 
Nature, vol. XXv1I. pp. 684-586, . 1883. 



. elie CO ™~w> 


ABIES, 95 

Abutilon, 557, 558 

Acer, 117, 140, 499 

Achimenes, 390 

Acianthus, 130 

Achmanthera, 696 

Agrimonia, 332 

Ailanthus, 495 

Alisma, 332 

Alnus, 19 

Aloinex, 32 

Alsiner, 426, 427, 441 

Amaryllidacer, 334, 746 

Ambrosia, 252 

Amygdalus, 525 

Anagrecum, 91, 256, 537, sv 

Anchusa, 544 

Andromeda, 508 

Anthurium, 177 

Apocynum, 23, 45B, 292, 411, 432, 


Aponogetum, 367 

Aquilegia, 512, 732 

Arachis, 81, 82 

Aralia, 471 

Arbutus, 533 

Argemone, 358 

Aristolochia, 349, 374, 407 

Arnebia, 135 

Aroide, 7A, 46, 107, 199, 200, 201, 381, 
596, 688, 689 

Artemisiacez, 185 

Asarum, 177, 662 rig 

Asclepias, 45B, 71, 90, 114, I15, 146, 
I7I, 347, 361, 389A, 408, 410, 542, 
651, 652, 741, 768 

Asparagus, 106 

Aspidistra, 118 — 

Asteracer, 124 

Batatas, 653 

Bats, 546 

Begonia, 555A, 5558 

Berberis, 241 . 
Bignoniacee, 45A, 551, 701 

Bilbergia, 796 
Birds, 45A, 56, 234, 287, ee, 630, ee 

ict 315A 
Bromus, 371 
Browallia, 289, 484 
Bryonia, 698 
Bryophyllum, 177 
Bunchosia, 560 
Butomus, 112 


Caffea, 224, 232 

Cajophora, 177 

Calamintha, 734 

Calanthe, 543 

Calceolaria, 332 

Calonyction, 359 ~ 

Calycanthus, 177, 498 

Campanula, 312A, 491, 782A, 7828 

Canna, 204, 237 : { 

Capparis, 656 

Caprification, 140, 416A,-439, 460, 564, 
621, 677, 700, 760, 769A, 794, $03, 

Capsella, 332, 497 

Cardamine, 296 

Carludovica, 239 

Carya, 504 

Caryophyllez, 40 — 

Cassia, 413, 564A, 725 > - 

Castanea, 456, 470, SII, ny 

Catasetum, 29, 155 eo 

Centaurea, 611, 619 

Centrostema, 729 

Cephaelis, 33 

Cerastium, 40 

Ceratozamia, 100 

Cereus, 678 

Chamissoa, 555, 5554 + 

Chrysanthemum, ‘486: » 

Circa, 332 . 

Cistines, 12, 13 

Claytonia, 485. 

* See Prefatory Note to ‘‘ Bibliography,”’ p. 599. 


Cleistogamy, 40, 79, 99, 104, S17,- 222, 
318, 373, 417, 423, 424, 429, 455, 
ul 534, 540, 561, 623A, 659, 718, 

Clethra, 36 

Clitoria, 729 

Cobxa, 27, 52, 226, 227 

Collomia, 423, 424, 685 

Colour, 3, 4, 15, 16, 102, 103, 105, 142, 
205, 365, 422, 548, 583, 600, 618, 620, 
682, 690, 710 

Composite, 181, 357 

Comptonia, 19 

Conifers, 177, 184 

Conophallus, 48, 191 

Convolvulus, 319 

Coronilla, 244 

Coryanthes, 658, 804 

Corydalis, 74, 310, 350 

Corylus, 19, 62, 66, 211, 306, 312, 5775 
77° . 

Cratoxylon, 213 

Crinum, 177 

Crocus, 327 

Croton, 520 

Cruciferee, 366, 608 

Cucurbita, 264 

Cymbidium, 640 

Cynare, 661 

Cynorchis, 537 

Cypripedium, 565 

Cyrtostylis, 130 

Cytisus, 323, 324 


Danthonia, 455 

Datisca, 541 

Dianthus, 71, 607 

Dictamnus, 315, 330 

Digitalis, 56 

Dimorphism, 24, 33, 83, 86, 89, 1 34, 
154, 156, 157, 160, 167, 186, 203, 213, 
224, 225, 282, 285, 296, 319, 336, 338, 
339; 342, 342, 389, 393, 402, 426, 427, 
447: 478, 495, 501, 504, 506, 531, 532, 
545, 554, 605, 636, 640, 684, 692, 696, 
724, 800 

Disa, 744, 766 

Disemma, 691, 694 

Disparis, 765 

Draba, 497, 519 

Dracena, 452 

Dracunculus, 7 

Drosera, 71 

Duvernoia, 35 

EPIDENDRUM, 553, 555A 
Epigzea, 285, 463, 760A 
Epilobium, 458, 147 
Epipactis, 565 

Epipogium, 676 
Kranthemum, 12, 402, 695 
Eremurus, 367, 612 

Erica, 591, 592, 633 
Eriophorum, 203 

Erodium, 433, 434, 438 
Erythrea, 780 

Erythrina, 56 
Eschscholtzia, 358, 550, 553 
Eucorida, 628 

Euphorbia, 468, 697A, 726 
Euryale, 800 

FABA, 492 

Faramea, 553, 554 

Ficus, 140, 416A, 439, 460, 564, 621, 
677, 700, 740, 769A, 794 

Floridez, 205 

Forsythia, 280A 

Fragaria, 680 

Fumariacer, 74, 141, 163, 214, 332, 350, 
358, 530, 536, 575 


Gelsemium, 282 

Genista, 326 

Gentiana, 42, 121, 479, 582, 753 

Geonoma, 239 

Geranium, 229, 295 

Gerardia, 21, 22, 25, 789 

Gesneria, 632 

Geum, 774 

Gingko, 516 

Gladiolus, 9 

Glaucium, 358 

Glaux, 332 

Glechoma, 308, 574, 636 

Glossostigma, 132 

Gloxinia, 235 

Gnaphalium, 709 

Goethea, 177 

Goldfussia, 541A. 

Goodeniacer, 162 

Goodenovie, 84 

Gossypium, 197, 730 

Graminee, 14, 65, 67A, 98, 123, 180, 212, 
269, 300, 301, 332, 363, 367, 371, 415, 
416, 440, 627, 659, 672, 673, 674 706, 
797, 759; 777, 785 

Gymnadenia, 274, 277 

Gymnosperms, 712 

HABENARIA, 274, 277, 454, 767 
Hedera, 471 
Heeria, 606 
Helianthemum, 12, 13, 531 
Helleborus, 314. 
Hemerocallis, 30 
Hesperide, 562 
Heteranthera, 564A 
Himantoglossum, 361 
Hordeum, 332, 371, 785 
oustonia, 506 
Hoya, 623A, 699, 715 
Hyoscyamus, 442 

— = + 7 





Impatiens, 45A, 72, 79, 332, 417, 475, 733 

Indigofera, 323, 325 

Juglans, 186, 504, 659A 
Juncus, 10, 11, 39, 119 
Justicia, 113A 

KALMIA, 313 

Lamium, 72A, 332, 759 
Lantana, 560 

Larix, 177 

Leersia, 212, 696 
Leschenaultia, 17A, 162 
Lilium, 248, 482, 641 
Limodorum, 258, 644 
Linaria, 524 

Linum, 1, 157, 332, 339, 340, 648, 750 
Liparis, 34 

Listrostachys, 537 
Lithospermum, 89 

Loasew, 628 

Lobelia, 240, 304, 558, 727, 751 
Lopezia, 461 

Lotus, 243 

Lupinus, 414 

Luzula, 464 

Lychnis, 698 

Lythrum, 458, 158, 393, 394 

Malva, 71, 332 
Malvastrum, 122 
Marantacee, 175, 629 
Maregravia, 56, 783, 784 
Martha, 549 

Matricaria, 633 
Maxillaria, 663 
Medicago, 322, 323, 332, 747 
Melampyrum, 632 
Melastoma, 255 
Melochia, 225 
Mentzelia, 487, 488 
Meyenia, 444 

Mimulus, 38, 45B, 105A 
Mitchella, 465, 501 
Molinia, - 440 
Monochoria, 389 

Musk, 390 

Myosurus, 177, 616 

NECTARIES, 51, 92, 92A, 125, 187, 190, 
366, 401, 608, 653, 654, 655, 6554, 
656, 730, 779, 783, 784, 787A 

Nepeta, 458, 72A, 308, 594, 636 

Neswa, 788A 

Nicotiana, 250 

Nomimum, 524 

Nyctaginia, 281 

ONcIDIUM, 558, 693 
Ophrys, 60, 136, 265, 332, 529, 586, 684 


Orchids, 5, 6, 29, 34, 35, 63, 77, 9I, 
113, II4, 115, 129, 133, 136, 139, 144, 
149, 155, 155A, 159, 165, 238, 247, 
253, 265, 266, 267, 272, 273, 274, 276, 
277, 332, 337, 344, 361, 453, 454, 522, 
527, 529, 537, 538, 543, 5434, 552, 
565, 571, 576, 586, 637, 647, 663, 675, 
684, 691, 694, 697, 719, 743, 744, 745, 
ns 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 792, 


Origanum, 632 

Oryza, 759 . 

Oxalis, 79; 332, 348, 362, 507, 524, 738 


Palme, 47, 177 

Papaver, 358, 369 : 

Papilionace, I51, 152, 169, 242, 404, 
492, 633, 6554 

Parnassia, 64 

Passiflora, 478, 558, 691, 694 

Pastinaca, 251, 518, 737A 

Pavonia, 318 

Pedicularis, 263, 476, 632 

Pelargonium, 198, 294, 297, 332, 798 

Pentstemon, 230 

Peplis, 394 

Phaseolus, 57, 209, 240, 368, 633 

Philotheca, 315A 

Physianthus, 638, 700A 

Physostegia, 446 

Pingtiicula, 332, 781 

Pisum, 404, 633 

Plantago, 458, 148, 425, 429, 430, 43! 

Platanthum, 274 

Podostomacee, 561 

Pogonia, 697 

Poinsettia, 726 

Polyearpon, 40 

Polygala, 303 

Polygonum, 233 

Pontederia, 412, 556, 560 

Portulaca, 87, 494 

Posoqueria, 293, 549, 788 

Primula, 97, 108, 110, I1I, 154, 161, 
231, 336, 340, 378, 384, 393, 398, 
447, 545, 585, 604A, 692 

Pringlea, 216, 372, 547 

Proteacee, 85 

Prunella, 332 

Pterostylis, 129 

Pulmonaria, 338 

Pyxidanthera, 44 

Ranunculus, 485, 774 
Reinwardtia, 749 
Rhexia, 413A 
Rhinacanthus, 177 
Rhinanthus, 332 
Rhodora, 367 

Rhus, 473 

Ribes, 120 


Rosa, 797 Taraxacum, 486 
Roscoea, 445 Tecoma, 233 
Rubiacez, 134, 233 Teucrium, 632 
Ruellia, 696 Thalia, 645 
Ruscus, 58 Thelymitra, 133 
Thymus, 632, 635 
SABAL, 177 Tillandsia, 802 
Sabbatea, 760 . Torrenia, 28 
Sagina, 38 ; Tradescantia, 322 
Salvia, 332, 341, 345, 359, 445, 497, 631,  Trichosanthes, 31 
650, 735 Trichostoma, 377. 
Salvinia, 683 Trifolium, 55, 262, 299, 486 
Sapotaceze, 311 Trigonella, 748 
Saxifraga, 210, 221, 604, 630A, 722 Trimorphism, 2, 160, 343, 348, 362, 
Scabiosa, 771 393, 556 
Schizanthus, 346 Triecism, 2, 106, 158 
Scorzonera, 553 Tulipa, 643 
Scrophularia, 458, 280, 486, 632, 737, 778 
Selliera, 131 ULEX, 633 
Sherardia, 605 Utricularia, 44 
Silene, 780 
Siphocampylus, 346 VACCINIUM, 633 
Solanum, 560, 725 Vandellia, 399 
Smilacex, 193 Vanilla, 139, 543, 754, 541C, 543A 
Snails, 437 Verbascum, 161, 695 
Sparganium, 761 Veronica, 8, 660,: 708 
Sparmannia, 541D Vicia, I51, 152, 492 
Spergula, 332 Victoria, 775 
Spiranthes, 144 Vinca, 147A, 153, 636A, 781 
Stachys, 774 Viola, 70, 71, 79, 246, 307, 309, 332, 
Stapelia, 375 391, 475, 524, 534, 622, 625, 718 
Staphylea, 486 Vitis, 450, 451, 462 [=< 
Stelis, 714 Voandzeia, 81 
Stellaria, 497, 605 
Stratiotes, 457 WISTARIA, 264, 511A, 679 
Stylidium, 5418 
Succisa, 449 YucCA, 32, 37, 218, 219, 220, 405, 448, 
Symplocarpus, 728 503, 514, 515, 521, 664, 667, 668, 669, 
Syringa, 38, 605 . 670, 671, 681, 758 

Taesonia, 691, 694. Zostera, 138, 223 


ABBREVIATIONS.—L. = Lippstadt ; 

Sld. = Sauerland ; Th. = Thuringia. 

T. = Teklenburg, Herr Borgstette ; 

Numbers placed in brackets after an insect’s name, indicate the length ot 

the insect’s proboscis in millimetres. 

The plants visited are designated by the numbers which they bear in the 
third section of this book. To facilitate reference, the first syllable of the 

plant’s order or genus is also given, 

Insects useless in the work of fertilisation are marked thus, ; those (equally 
useless) which bite through or burst open the flower forcibly are marked thus,f. 
Those cases in which the insect fails to obtain the honey or pollen which it 

seeks are marked with an asterisk (*). 

I, COLEOPTERA (129 species, 469 
different visits). 

_A. Buprestide (1 species, 4 visits). 
Anthaxia nitidula, L., L., Ran, 7 ; Ros. 
153; Comp. 225, 274. 

B. Cerambycide (1 species, 80 visits). 

Clytus arietis, L., L., Umb. 185, Ros, 152, 
149, 135, 133. 

—— mysticus, L., L., Ros. 153. 

Grammoptera levis, F., L, List. 13; 
Corn. 197. 

— lurida, F., L. T., Corn. 197 ; Umb. 

—— ruficornis, Pe... bb, T.. Umb. 179, 
187, 186 ; Ros. 153, 149, 138, 137. 
Leptura livida, Fs ia T, List. 380 ; 
Umb. 179, 188, 184; Ros. 135, 133 ; 
Convoly. 311 ; Scab. 211; Jas. 283 ; 
Comp. 225, 239, 233, 227, 217, 267. 

testacea, je soe Comp. 225. 

Pachyta collaris, L., Th., Umb. 185. 

— octomaculata, F., ‘Sld. 7. Siebengeb., 
Umb. 179, 181, 194, 185, 184; Ros. 
134, 135, 130 ; Scab. 211-; Comp. 229. 

Rhagium inquisitor, L., Sld., Umb, 194 ; 
Ros. 148. 
Strangaliaarmata, Hbst. (S. calearata, F.), 

L. Sld., Corn. 197; Ros. 148, 135, 
133 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 229. 
——atra, F., L. Sld. T.,, Corn. 197; 

Ros. 149, 185 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 229. 
—— attenuata, L., L., Corn. 197 ; Ros. 
149, 130, 133 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 229, 

bifasciata, Mill., Th., Umb. 191, 
195 ; 
Sld., Umb. 185 ; 

Comp. 253, 

melanura, L., L. 
‘Ros. 1385; Scab. 211; 
229, 231. 

-—— nigra, L., L. Sld., Umb. 194 ; Ran. 
7, Cist. 45 ; Ros. 148, 135, 133 ; Plant. 

Toxotus meridianus, L., Siebengeb., Scab. 

C, Ohrysomelide: (17 species, 32 

Adimonia sanguinea, F., L., Ros. 152, 
Cassida seeping see OS Comp. 223, 
nebulosa, L,, Ls, Crue. 33. 
Ceythra cyanea, F., L., Ros. 153, 


Ceythrascopolina, L., Th., Umb. 181, 191. 
Crioceris 12punctata, L., L., Umb. 177. 
Cryptocephalus Morei, L., L., Papil. 
108; Comp. 267. 
sericeus, L., Sld. T. Th., Umb. 
194, 185; Ran. 7; Hyperic. 68 ; 
Papil. 108; Scab. 211, 212 ; Jas. 283 ; 
Comp. 258, 246, 225, 237, 267. 
vittatus, F., Sld., Papil. 108+. 
Donacia dentata, Hoppe, L., Nuph. 19. 
Galeruca calmeriensis, F,,T., Umb. 182. 
Haltica fuscicornis, L., L., Malv. 69. 
nemorum, L., L., Crucif. 32. 
Helodes aucta, F., L., Ran. 7. 
phellandrii, L., L., Umb. 188; 
Ran. 5. 
Luperus flavipes, L, L., Ros. 148. 
Plectroscelis dentipes, E. H., L., Crucif. 

D. Cistelide (2 species, 9 visits). 

Cistela murina, L., L. T., Umb. 179, 185 ; 
Ran. 7; Geran. 78; Ros. 149, 133 ; 
Comp. 267. 

— rufipes, F., L., Scroph. 324t. 

E. Cleride (1 species, 5 visits). 

Trichodes apiarius, L., L. T. Th., All. 
392 ; Umb. 179, 191, 194, 174 ; Comp. 

F. Coccinellide (6 species, 14 visits). 

Coccinella bipunctata, L., L., Comp. 234. 

— mutabilis, Scrib., Th., Comp. 255. 

14punctata, L., L., Umb. 190; 
Berberid. 18; Cruc. 40; Parn. 157; 
Ros.. 151. 

—— 5punctata, L., L., Comp. 234. 
—— 7punetata, L., L., Umb. 190; 
Parn. 157 ; Geran. 83 ; Comp. 274. 
Exochomus auritus, Scrib., L., Umb. 194; 

Comp. 225. 

G. Cryptophagidce (1 species, 2 visits). 

Antherophagus pallens, Ol., L., Sld., 
Digit. 256 ; Camp. 278. 

H. Curculionide (18 species, 24 visits). 

Apion columbinum, Grm., L., Adoxa 198, 

—— onopordi, K., L., Chrysospl. 155. 

-—— yaripes, Grm., L., Chrysospl. 155. 

— spec., L., Ros. 152. 

Bruchus sp., L., Umb. 177, 185 ; Comp. 
248, 234. 

Ceutorhynchus pumilio, Gylh., L., Crue. 

—— sp., L., Crue. 35. 

Gymnetron campanule, L,, Sld., Camp. 

—— graminis, Gylh., Th., Camp. 282. 

Larinus Jace, L., Th., Comp. 248, 246. 

senilis, F., Th., Comp. 240. 

Nanophyes lythri, F., L., Lythr. 165, 


Otiorhynchus ovatus, L., L., Camp. 277. 

— picipes, F., L., Corn. 197. 

Phyllobius maculicornis, Grm., L., Ros. 

Ph. oblongus, L., L., Umb. 177. 

Rhynchites equatus, L., L., Ros. 151. 

Spermophagus cardui, Schh., Th., Umb. 
179, 195 ; Comp. 276. 

I. Dermestide (6 species, 44 visits). 

Anthrenus claviger, Er., L., Ros. 153, 
149, 132. 

—— museorum, L., L., Ros. 152, 133. 

—— pimpinelle, F., L., Umb. 173, 179, 
190, 194, 195, 186, 184, 174; Crue. 
38; Rhus 88; Ros. 153, 148, 149, 
138, 130, 132, 133 ; Comp. 229. 

scrophularie, L., L., Umb. 186, 
184; Ros. 148, 149, 153, 138, 132, 

Attagenus pellio, L., L., Berber. 18, Ros. 
152, 153, 133. 

Byturus fumatus, F. (including B. to- 
mentosus, F.) L., Corn. 197; Ran, 
7, 8; Geran. 78; Ros. 152, 184, 185, 
137, 133. 

K. Elateride (16 species, 36 visits). 

Adrastus pallens, Er., L., Umb. 188. 

Agriotes aterrimus, L., L., Umb. 179, 
Ros. 152. 

gallicus, Lap., Th., Umb., 195, 
183; Rubiac. 206 ; Comp. 248, 228. 

—— sputator, L., Th., Umb. 195. 

—— ustulatus, Schall., Th., Umb. 194, 
195; Comp. 248, 153. 

Athous niger, L., L., Corn. 197 ; Umb. 
179, 185 ; Comp. 229, 234. 

Cardiophorus cinereus, Hbst., L., Ros. 

Corymbites hematodes, F., Siebengeb., 
Umb. 194. 

—— holosericeus, L., L., Umb. 194 
Ros. 152 ; Comp. 246. 

quercus, Ill., L., Umb. 185. 

Diacanthus eneus, L., L., Ros. 135. 

Dolopius marginatus, L., L., Corn. 197 ; 
Ros. 152. 

Lacon murinus, L., L., Umb. 179, 185 ; 
Ros. 133. 

Limonius cylindricus, Payk., L., Ros, 152, 

—— parvulus, Pz., L., Crue. 38; Salix 
878; Ros. 152. 

Synaptus filiformis, F., L., Umb. 185. 

L. Hydrophilide. 
Cercyon anale, Pk., L., Crue, 33. 

M. Lagriide. 
Lagria hirta, L., L., Ros. 153. 


N. Lathridii. 
Corticaria gibbosa, Hbst., L., Chrysospl. 

O. Lamellicornia (6 species, 39 visits). 

Cetonia aurata, L., Sld. Th., Umb. 179, 
193; Cruc. 32; Ros. 152, 148, 149, 
130; Rubiac. 206; Sambuc. 199; 
Comp. 229. 

Hoplia philanthus, Sulz., Sld., Umb. 
194 ; Scab, 211. 

Melolontha vulgaris, L., L., Ros. 152, 

Phyllopertha horticola, L.,L., Umb. 179 ; 

os. 148, 149, 133 ; Caprif. 200. 

Trichius fasciatus, L., L. Sld., Umb. 179, 
178, 187, 194, 195, 174; Clem. 1; 
‘Thal. 2; Ros. 135, 130, 131, 133 ; 
Caprif. 199; Scab. 211; Comp. 248, 
246, 229, 237; Valer. 208. 

—— nobilis, L., L., Comp. 229, 

P. Malacodermata (13 species, 51 visits). 

Anthocomus fasciatus, L., L., Umb. 177, 
186 ; Cruc. 34, 38; Ros. 148, 149; 
Plant. 362. 

‘Dasytes flavipes, F., L., Umb. 179, 181; 
Cruc. 38; Umb. 82; Ros, 138, 142, 
133 ; Comp. 229. 

—— pallipes, Pz., Th., Umb. 195. 

is kugeeeys lv 1t, 08. 149; 
Seroph. 323¢. 

Malachius eneus, F., L. T., Umb, 185, 
186 ; Geran. 78 ; Ros. 152; Plant. 368 ; 
Comp. 229. 

——- bipustulatus, F., L. T. Sld., Umb. 
179, 185; Crue. 38; Ros. 135, 138, 
133 ; Papil. 119+, Comp. 274, 260. 

sp., L., Comp. 276. 

Telephorus fuscus, L., L., Umb. 179, 194, 

— lividus, L., L., Umb. 194, 185, 

— melanurus, L., L. Sld., Umb. 181, 
178, 190, 194 ; Comp. 248. 

—— pellucidus, F., L., Corn. 197. 

— rusticus, F, L., Umb. 177, 185; 
Ros. 135. 

— testaceus, L., L., Ros. 153. 

Q. Mordellide (9 species, 35 visits). 

Anaspis frontalis, L., L., Umb. 179, 186 ; 
Ros. 158, 148, 133. 

— maculata, Fourc., L., Ros. 133. 

— rufilabris, Gylh., T., Umb. 179; Ros. 

—— ruficollis, F., L., Ros. 149. 

Mordella abdominalis, F., L., Ros. 153. 

— aculeata, L., L., Umb. 179, 195; 
Ran. 7 ; Ros. 148, 149, 138, 130, 133 ; 
Rubiac. 206 ; Caprif. 200 ; Comp. 248, 


Mordella fasciata, F., L., Umb. 179, 178, 
194; 195, 185; Rubiac. 206 ; Comp. 
248, 229, 228, 265. 

gh ri Gylh., L., Umb. 185 ; Ran. 

—— pusilla, Dej., L., Ran. 7. 

R. Nitidulidae (4 species, 65 visits). 

Cychramus luteus, F., Sld. T., Umb. 179; 
Ros. 130. 

Epurea, sp., L., Umb. 185; Crue. 35 ; 
Ros, 152. 

Meligethes sp., L., Lil. 394 ; Cypriped. 
386* ; Corn. 197 ; Umb. 190, 194, 185, 
186, 184, 174; Nuph. 19; Ran. 4, 7, 
8, 9, 11; Papav. 20; Cruc. 30, 35, 39; 
Salix 378 ; Oxalis 75 ; Cary. 65, 63; 
Lythr, 165 ; Onagr. 167 ; Ros. 151, 152, 
158, 148, 149, 135, 188, 139, 142, 136, 
132, 133, 127, 128; Papil. 111, 112: 
Convoly. 311+; Bor. 300; Scroph. 323+; 
Plant. 368 ; Caprif. 200; Scab. 211 ; 
Camp. 278, 280 ; Comp. 229, 233, 217, 
236, 263, 274; Valer. 209. 

Thalycra sericea, Er., L., Corn. 197; 
Umb. 194. 

S. Bdemeride (3 species, 12 visits). 
Asclera ccerulea, L., L., Ros. 153. 
(Edemera flavescens, L., L. Th., Umb. 


—— virescens, L., L. T. Th., Umb. 183, 
194; Ran.7; Cary. 65; Ros. 135; 
Convolv. 311; Ech. 310; Jas. 283 ; 
Comp. 238, 217. 

T. Phalacride (3 species, 4 visits). 
Olibrus eneus, F., L., Chrysospl. 155 ; 
Ros. 151. 
—— affinis, Sturm, L., Cary. 67. 
—— bicolor, F., L., Scab. 211. 

U. Staphylinide (2 species, 7 visits). 

Anthobium spec., Sld., Papil. 112; 
Camp. 277. 

Omalium florale, Pk., L., Crue. 30; 
Cerast. 60; Pulm. 304; Prim. 288. 

V. Tenebrionide. 
Microzoum tibiale, F., L., Ros. 152. 

II. DIPTERA (253 species, 1598 different 

BRACHYCERA (282 species, 1557 different 
A, Asilide (3 species, 3 visits). 

Dioctria atricapilla, Mgn., T., Ran. 7. 
— Reinhardi, Wiedem., Sld., Umb. 
194. ? 


Isopogon brevirostris, Fall., Sld., Umb. 
_ 181, 

_ B. Bombylide (9 species, 57 visits). 

Anthrax flava, Mgn., Sld. Th., Umb. 
179, 175, 198, 194, 195 ; Rubiac. 205 ; 
Comp. 248. 

hottentotta, L., Sld., Comp. 237. 

maura, L., Th., Umb. 191, 192. 

Argyromeeba sinuata, Fall., L. T., Cruc. 
38 ; Hyper. 68*. 

Bombylius canescens, Mik., Th., Hyper. 

_ 68; Comp. 267. 

discolor, Mgn. (11—12), L., Coryd. 

23t, 24; Cruc. 30; Viol. 47, 48; 

Bor. 304 ; Lab. 349; Vinea, 293; Prim. 


major, L. (10), L. T., Umb. 182; 
Coryd. 23t, 24+; Cruc. 30; Viol. 49; 
Salix 378, 379; Ros. 150; Bor. 304, 
306 ; Lab. 362, 349; Vinca, 293 ; Syr. 
291 ; Prim. 282 ; Comp. 236. 

Exoprosopa capucina, F., L , Scab. 212 ; 
Jas. 282 ; Comp. 225. 

Systechus sulfureus, F., Sld. Th., Lin. 
74; Malv. 72; Ros. 143 ;. Papil. 100*, 
94+; Scroph. 317, 330; Lab. 344, 340 ; 
Rubiac. 205, 207 ; Camp. 277 ; Comp. 
229, 271, 272. 

' -C. Conopide (13 species, 54 visits). 

Conops flavipes, L. (4—5), L. Sld. T., 
Papil. 90+; Phlox, 299; Lab. 350; 
Rubiac. 206; Comp. 257, 248, 229. 

quadrifasciatus, Deg., L., Umb. 

scutellatus, Mgn., Th., Comp. 246. 

Myopa buccata, L. (45-5), L., Salix 
377, 378 ; Papil. 987, 95. 

polystigma, Rond., L., Ros. 133 ; 

Lab. 342. 

testacea, L. (33), L. Sld. Th., Salix 

377 ; Ros. 152; Papil. 95+, 98, 108* ; 

Lab. 340. 

- variegata, Mgn., L., Lab. 342. 

sp., Th., Comp. 255. 

Occemyia atra, F., T., Comp. 266. 
Physocephala rufipes, F., L. Th., Ros, 
135, 133 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 246. 
—— vittata, F., L., Ech. 310 ; Jas, 283 ; 

Comp. 257, 225. 

Sicus ferrugineus, L., L. Sld. T., Ros. 
142; Papil. 100*, 108* ; Lab. 340, 342; 
Seab, 211, 213; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 253, 
229, 237, 266, 265, 276, 271, 272, 270, 
260; Valer. 208. 

Zodion zinereum, F., Sld., Umb. 194. 

D. Dolichopide (2 species, 2 visits). 
Dolichopus eneus, Deg., L., Umb. 178. 
Gymnopternus cherophylli, Mgn., L., 

Umb, 191. 

E. Empide (13 species, 81 visits). 

Empis leucoptera, Mgn , L., Hott. 289. 

— livida, L. (24—3, dry), L., All. 393; 
Orch, 386 ; Corn. 197.; Umb. 179, 187, 
194; Ran. 8; Papav. 21; Cruc. 27, 
28; Hyper. 68; Lin. 74; Cary. 61; 
Onagr. 166; Ros. 150, 152, 153, 135, 
138, 128; Papil. 117; Convolv. 311 ; 
Scroph. 326; Lab. 342, 338; Hott. 
289 ; Scab. 211, 212 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 
259, 248, 249, 233, 238, 217, 274, 262 ; 
Valer. 208. 

opaca, F. (3—34, dry), L., Crue. 

30 ; Cary. 65, 60 ; Ros. 133 ; Bor. 307 ; 

Caprif. 204 ; Comp. 217, 274. 

pennipes, L., L., Hottonia 289. 

—— punctata, F., L., Cyprip. 386* ; 
a 179, 185; Ros. 133; Comp. 

— rustica, Fall., L., Umb. 187; 
Cary. 60; Onagr. 166; Ros. 152, 127, 
128 ; Lab. 342, 338; Comp. 257, 229 ; 
Valer. 208. 

stercorea, L., L., Umb. 185, 

tesselata, F. (3—33, dry), L., 

Umb. 182; Ran. 7; Cary. 65; Ros. 

135, 133 ; Lab. 338 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 


sp.. L., Umb. 178; Salix 378; 
Convolv. ; 

Microphorus velutinus, Macq., L., Ros. 

Rhamphomyiaplumipes Fall., L., Camp. 

suleata, Fall., L., Salix 378. 
Tachydromia connexa, Mgn., L., Ros. 

F. Leptide (2 species, 2 visits). 

Atherix ibis, F., L., Umb. 187. 
Leptis strigosa, Mgn., L., Cary. 60. — 

G. Muscide (85 species, 387 visits). 

Alophora hemiptera, F., T., Umb. 190. 
Anthomyia estiva, Mgn., L., Cary. 60. 
—— obelisea, Mgen., L., Rut. 84. 
pratensis, Mgn., L., Rut. 84. 

— radicum, L., L., Umb. 186; Ran. 
10 ; Rut. 84; Ros. 151. 

—— sp., L., Cyprip. 386*; Umb. 172, 
179 ; Ran. 6, 7, 8, 10, 11; Berb. 18; 
Crue. 30, 37 ; Geran. 76 ; Cary. 63, 55; 
Onagr. 170; Ros. 138, 142, 145, 130, 
132, 138, 127: Plant. 96. 

Aricia incana, Wiedem., L., Umb. 178 ; 
Comp. 238. 

—— obscurata, Mgn., L., Umb. 179. 

—— serva, Mgn., L., Ros. 153. 

—— vagans, Fall., L., Umb. 188. 

Borborus niger, Mgn., Adoxa 198. 

Calliphora erythrocephala, Mgn., L., 
Gross. 161; Umb. 194; Salix 378 ; 


Rhus. 88 ; Rut, 84; Ros. 151 ; Seroph, 
_ 829; Valer. 208. 
Calliphora vomitoria, L., L., Umb. 178, 
194, 174; Euon. 85; Valer. 208. 
Calobata cothurnata, Pz., L., Bor. 305. 
Chlorops circumdata, Mgn., L., Cary. 

—— sp., L., Ros, 153, 127. 
Cyrtoneura ccerulescens, Macq., L., Ran. 

—— curvipes, Macq., L., Umb. 188, 

—— simplex, Loew, L., Umb, 176, 178, 
192, 186 ; Ros. 133. 

—sp., L., Ros. 153. 

Demoticus plebejus, Fall., L., Comp. 

Dexia canina, F., T., Comp. 214. 

— rustica, F., Th., Umb. 193. 

Echinomyia fera, L., L. T., Umb. -172, 
179, 177, 190, 194, 185; Geran. 78 ; 
Ros. 152, 153, 134; Caprif. 2C0 ; Comp. 

—— ferox, Pz., L., Jas. 283 ; Comp. 226. 

— grossa, L., L., Umb. 194. 

—  magnicornis, Zett., L. T. Th., Sed. 
164 ; Umb. 194 ; Ros. 133. 

— tesselata, F., L., Bor, 305; Lab. 
335 ; Scab. 317 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 245, 
229, 227. 

Exorista vulgaris, Fall., L., Umb. 194, 

Gonia capitata, Fall. (4—5), L., Comp. 

Graphomyia maculata, Seop., L., Umb. 
194, 185 ; Ros. 154. 

Gymnosoma rotundata, L., L. Th., Umb. 
177, .191, 192, 196, 195, 186, 184; 
Lab. 133 ; Comp. 225, 228. 

Helomyza affinis, Mgn., L., Neottia 381. 

Hydrotea dentipes, F., L., Cary. 65. 

Lucilia albiceps, Mgn., L., Ros. 133 ; 
Comp. 214. 

— cesar, L, L, Umb. 172, 178, 

. 194, . 

— cornicina, F., L., Umb. 173, 176, 
179, 178, 188, 192, 194, 174; Euon. 
86; Rhus 88; Rut. 84; Til. 73; 
Fagop. 369 ; Ros. 151, 142, 133 ; Lab. 
340, 339, 337 ; Scab. 212 ; Comp. 248, 
229, 233, 217 ; Valer. 208. 

— sericata, Mgn., L., Umb. 194, 
185 ; Comp. 248, 

—— silvarum, Mgn., L., Umb. 179, i78, 
190, 193, 194; Rut. 84; Cary. 55; 
Ros. 142, 133 ; Lab. 339, 337 ; Comp. 

spec., L, Umb. 179, 185, 195; 

Ascl. 295t ; Scab. 212; Comp. 222, 
238. es 

Macquartia prefica, Zett., L., Comp. 

Mesembrina meridiana, L., I.., Umb. 178, 
190; Ros. 142, 133. 


Micropalpus fulgens, Mgn., L., Scab, 

Miltogramma punctata, Mgn., L., Umb. 
173, 179. 

Musca corvina, F., L., Umb. 178, 179, 
185, 192, 194 ; Berb. 18 ; Fagop. 369 ; 
Cary. 66; Ros, 151, 138, 133; Bor. 
305; Lab. 338; Rubiac. 205; Comp. 
248, 229, 217. 

—— domestica, L., L., Ran. 12; Berb. 
18; Euon. 85; Til. 73; Cary. 66; 
Onagr. 170 ; Ros. 151; Valer. 208. 

Myodina vibrans, L , L., Aristol. 376. 

Nemorea sp., L., Umb. 194. 

Ocyptera brassicaria, F., L., Umb. 178, 
194; Lab. 340, 342; Ascl. 295; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 248. 

—— cylindrica, F., L., Lab. 342; Scab. 
211; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 225, 221. 
Oliviera lateralis, Pz., L., Jas. 283; 

Comp. 248, 238. 

Onesia cognata, Mgn., L., Berb. 18 ; Ros. 

139, 133. 

—~floralis, R. D., L., Umb. 194; Nuph. 
19; Berb. 18; Cary. 55; Ros. +150, 
152, 153, 135, 139, 1383; Bor. 305, 
306, 307; Lab. 337, 338 ; Comp. 248, 
238, 274; Valer. 207. 

—— sepulcralis, Mgn., Th., Umb. 198, 
194; Berb. 18; Ros. 153; Bor. 305; 
Lab. 337, 338 ; Comp. 237. 

Phasia analis, F., Th., Umb. 191. 

—— crassipennis, F., Th., Umb, 191. 

Phorocera assimilis, Fallen, L., Umb. 

Platystoma seminationis, F., Comp. 248. 

Pollenia rudis, F., L., Umb. 179; Ran. 
12; Rut. 84; Salix 378; Cary. 62; 
Ros. 151; Comp. 222. 

Vespillo, F., L., Thalict. 3; Parn. 
157; Fagop. 369; Cary. 62; Ros. 
151, 139; Bor. 305; Lab. 839 ; Comp. 
229, 233, 238. 

Prosena siberita, F., (6, dry) L., Clem. 1; 
Lab. 342. 

Psila fimetaria, L., L., Umb. 185. 

Pyrellia enea, Zett., L., Sed. 162 ; Umb. 
194; Comp. 229. 

—— cadaverina, L., L., Cary. 55 ; Lab. 

Sapromyza apicalis, Loew, L., Arist. 376. 

Sarcophaga albiceps, Mgn., L., Umb. 
179, 177, 195; Rut. 84; Ros. 133; 
Lab. 340, 339, 337. 

earnaria, L., L. Th., Umb. 172, 
176, 177, 193, 194 ; Parn. 157 ; Euon. 
85; Rhus 88; Rut. 84; Til. 73; 
Fagop. 369;. Polyg. 370; Cary. 55; 
Ros. 153, 142, 183; Lab. 340, 338; 
Comp. 248, 233, 223. 

——- dissimilis, Mgn., L., Umb. 186. 

— hemarrhoa, Mgn., L., Umb.. 186, 
194; Rut. 84; Comp. 235. 

——spec., L., Umb. 185, 190 ; Lab, 338. 


Scatophaga merdaria, F., L., Gross. 158 ; 
Umb. 172, 190, 194, 185 ; Ran. 4, 5, 6, 
9, 10, 11; Salix 378 ; Ros. 151, 152, 
142, 127; Bor. 305; Rubiac. 205; 
Comp. 248, 227, 234, 217, 274. 

stercoraria, L., L. T., Gross. 158, 
161; Umb. 179, 190, 185, 174; Ran. 
4; Salix 378; Euon. 85; Geran. 78, 
80; Ros. 127 ; Scroph. 325; Comp. 
248, 229, 227, 217, 274. 

Sciomyza cinerella, Fallen, L., Chrysospl. 

Sepsis cynipsea, L., L., Umb. 194. 

putris, L., L., Cruc. 33. 

—— spec., L., Umb. 179, 178, 192, 195, 
185, 186, 174; Ran. 9,12; Rut. 84; 
Cary. 60; Ros. 151, 152, 142, 127 ; 
Convolv. 311}; Comp. 229. 

Siphona cristata, F., L., Cruc. 38. 

Spilogaster nigrita, Fall., L., Comp. 233. 

semicinerea, Wied., L., Cypr. 386* ; 
Neott. 381+; Plant. 368. 

Tachina erucarum, Rond., L., Umb. 194. 

—— prepotens, Mgn., L., Umb., 190. 

' Tetanocera ferruginea, Fall., L., Umb. 

Trypeta cornuta, F., Th., Comp. 258. 

Ulidia erythrophthalma, Mgn., Th., 
Comp. 231, 228. 

Zophomyia tremula, Scop., L., Umb. 177, 

H. Stratiomyide (11 species, 45 visits). 

Chrysomyia formosa, Scop., L. T., Umb. 
179, 177, 192, 184; Ros. 185; Plant. 

polita, L., Th., Samb. 199. 

Nemotelus pantherinus, L., L. T., Umb. 
185; Cruc. 34; Comp. 229, 233, 227, 

Odontomyia argentata, F. (2—3), L., 
Ran. 11; Fagop. 369 ; Cary. 60; Ros. 

-— viridula, F., L , Umb. 188 ; Fagop. 
369 ; Lab. 337 ; Rubiac. 206 ; Comp. 
248, 225, 229, 234, 238. 

Oxycera pulchella, Mgn., Sld., Melamp. 

Sargus cuprarius, L., L., Umb. 179, 154 ; 
Rut. 84; Malv. 69; Ros. 135, 142; 
Caprif. 199. 

Stratiomys Chameleon, Deg., L. Th., 
Umb. 179, 187, 195, 185; Fagop. 

longicornis, F., L., Umb. 177. 

Fagop. 369 ; Ros. 127. 
spec., L., Cary. 60. 

I. Syrphide (89 species, 916 visits). 

Ascia lanceolata, Mgn., L., Ros, 127; 
Comp. 274. 

riparia, Mgn., L., Umb. 178, 195 ; 


Ascia podagrica, F., L. T., Alism. 398 ; 
Umb. 194, 195, 185 ; Ran. 11 ; Chelid. 
21; Cruc. 33, 37, 38; Cist. 45; 
Hyper. 68; Rut. 84; Geran. 78, 79, 
81; Polygon. 371, 372, 873, 374; 
Cary. 63, 55; Onagr. 170; Ros. 151, 
135, 142, 145, 133 ; Scroph. 319, 325, 
326; Lab. 342, 338; Plant. 368; 
Comp. 238, 274. 

Bacha_ elongata, 
Onagr. 170. 

Brachypalpus valgus, Pz., L., Ran. 9: 
Salix 8378 ; Ros. 149. 

Cheilosia spec., L., Lil. 394 ; Cypr. 386*, 
Umb. 184; Ran. 6, 8, 11 ; Papav. 20 ; 
Ros. 143 ; Comp. 272, 275. 

albitarsis, Mgn., L., Ran. 7. 

—— barbata, Loew, L., Ros. 127. 

brachysoma, Egg., L., Salix 378. 

eae tes Mgn., L., Salix 878 ; Comp. 

——chrysocoma, Mgn., L. T., Comp. 263, 
264, 365, oh ‘ 

fraterna, Mgn., L., Comp. 229. - 

— Egg., L., Salix 378; Ros. 

pictipennis, Egg., L., Salix 378. 

preecox, Zett., T., Salix 378; Ros. 
139 ; Comp. 238. 

—— pubera, Zett., L., Ran. 7. 

F., L., Umb. 184; 

—— scutellata, Fall., L. Sld. T., Umb. 

Si 194, 184; Fagop. 369; Eric. 

—— soror, Zett., L., Umb. 195 ; Comp. 

—— vernalis, Fall., L., Ran. 10 ; Comp. 

Chrysochlamyscuprea, Scop., L., Papav. 

—— ruficornis, F., L. Sld., Camp. 278. 

Chrysogaster enea, Mgn., T., Cruc. 34. 

chalybeata, Mgn., T., Umb. 179. 

—— ceemeteriornm, L., L. T., Umb. 179, 

<< Macquarti, Loew, L., Ran. 7 ; Crue. 

—— viduata, L., L., Umb. 179, 194, 195; 
Ran. 5,7: Ros. 149, 127; Bor. 306; 
Comp. 262. 

Chrysotoxum arcuatum, L., Sld., Ran. 7; 
Ros. 135. 

—— bicinctum, Pz., Sld. T., Umb. 198, 
194 ; Geran. 79; Ros. 148 ; Pap. 108. 

festivum, L., L. T., Umb. 192, 194 ; 
nam 7 ; Fagop. 369 ; Ros. 127 ; Valer. 

—— octomaculatum, Curt., 

Eristalis eneus, Scop., L., Gross. 161; 
Umb. 177, 178, 194; Crue. 40; Cary. 
55; Ros. 149 ; Lab. 838; Jas. 283 ; 
Comp. 251, 229, 238, 274. 

—— arbustorum, L. (4—5), L. Sld. T, 
Th., Umb, 178, 172, 176, 179, 177, 

T., Eric. 


175, 187, 188, 192, 194, 195, 185, 186 ; 
Clem. 1; Thal. 2, 3; Ran. 5, 7; Berb. 
18; Cruc. 27, 28, 38, 40; Parn. 157 ; 
Salix 378 ; Hyper. 68 ; Til. 73 ; Fagop. 
369 ; Polygon. 371 ; Cary. 65, 60, 63, 
55; Ros. 151, 152, 153, 142, 130, 131, 
133, 127, 129 ; Convolv. 311; Bor. 305 ; 
Scroph. 317; Lab. 340, 342, 338 ; Ascl. 
295; Ol. 291; Plant. 368; Hott. 289; 
Eric, 285 ; Caprif. 200, 199 ; Scab. 211, 
212 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 259, 248, 250, 
246, 225, 229, 233, 227, 228, 234, 237, 
238, 223, 221, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 
214, 266, 263, 275, 276, 262, 271, 272, 
273, 270, 261; Valer. 208, 209 (alto- 
gether 91 visits.) 

Eristalisintricarius, L., L., Ran. 11; Salix 
105; Fagop. 369; Ros. 151, 153, 133, 
127 ; Lab. 349; Eric. 285 ; Scab. 211, 
212; Comp. 248, 274. 

— sesvtiachas Mgn., L. Sld., Orch. 18 ; 
Umb. 177, 181, 194; Ros. 152, 130; 
Eric, 285 ; Samb. 198 ; Comp. 229, 237, 

* 271, 272; Valer. 208. 

— nemorum, L., L. Sld. T. Th., Umb. 
172, 178, 179, 187, 192, 194, 186, 184 ; 
Thal. 2,3; Ran. 5, 7; Berb. 18 ; Cruc. 
34, 37, 38; Parn. 157 ; Hyper. 68 ; Til. 
73; Fagop. 369 ; Cary. 55, 60 ; Onagr. 
169 ; Ros. 151, 152, 153, 148, 180, 131, 
133, 127 ; Seroph. 317 ; Lab. 365, 340, 
342, 338; Ascl. 295; Ol. 292; Hott. 
289 ; Caprif. 199, 200 ; Scab. 211, 212, 
213; Comp. 258, 248, 250, 225, 229, 
283, 227, 234, 237, 238, 221, 205, 216, 
218, 214, 268, 274, 262, 270, 261; Valer. 
208 (altogether 65 visits). 

pertinax, Scop., L., Umb. 190, 194, 

185, 183; Salix 378; Fagopyr. 369 ; 

Ros. 153, 183 ; Comp. 217, 274. 

sepulcralis, L., LL. Sld. Th., Alism. 

398 ; Umb. 176, 187, 192, 194, 195; 

Clem, 1; Thal. 2,3 ; Ran. 7 ; Cruc. 38; 

. Hyper. 68 ; Rut. 84; Til. 73 ; Polygon. 

369, 371, 372 ; Cary. 60 ; Ros. 153, 135, 

138, 142, 145, 130, 188; Bor. 305; 

Scroph. 246 ; Lab. 340, 337, 338; Ol. 

291 ; Caprif. 200 ; Scab. 212; Comp. 

248, 225, 229, 233, 227, 288, 223, 217, 

263, 274, 262, 271, 270, 261; Valer. 

207 (altogether 48 visits). 

tenax, L. (7—8), L. Sld. Th., Sed. 
162, 163 ; Umb. 172, 192, 194; Thal. 
2, 3; Ran. 7; Berb. 18 ; Cruc. 32, 35 ; 
Sal. 378 ; Hyper. 68 ; Euon. 85 ; Geran. 
76; Til. 73 ; Polygon. 369, 371 ; Onagr. 
169 ; Ros. 151, 153, 135, 130, 133, 129 ; 
Phlox. 299; Solan. 312; Ascl. 396 ; 
Caprif. 200, 199; Scab, 211, 212, 213 ; 
Jas. 283; Comp. 248, 250, 253, 245, 
249, 227, 224, 238, 217, 236, 214, 266, 
268, 265, 274, 276, 262, 271, 273, 260 ; 
(altogether 55 visits). 

Eumerus sabulonum, Fall., L., Jas. 283, 
Comp. 225. 


Helophilus floreus, L., L., Umb. 172, 176, 
179, 177, 178, 190, 194, 195, 185, 184; 
Clem. 1; Ran. 5; Berber. 18; Cruc, 
32, 38; Parn. 157; Euon. 85; Rhus 
88; Rut. 84; Geran. 78; Til. 369; 
Fagop. 73; Ros. 152, 153, 148, 142, 
130, 131, 138 ; Convolv. 311 ; Scroph. 
319, 326; Caprif. 200; Scab. 212; 
Comp. 229, 267 ; Valer. 208. 

-— lineatus, F., L., Ran. 7 ; Cary. 63 ; 
Lythr. 165, 

pendulus, L., L., Umb. 177 ; Berb. 
18 ; Cruc. 30; Cist. 45; Hyper. 68 ; 
Rhus 88; Geran. 76, 80; Cary. 52; 
Lythr. 165; Ros. 158, 185, 142; Lab. 
282, 285 ; Caprif. 200 ; Scab. 212; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 257, 229; Valer. 208. 

—— trivittatus, F. (6—7), L. Th., 
Hyperic. 68 ; Lythr. 165; Papil. 94 ; 
Ech. 310; Lab. 338; Scab. 213. 

Melanostoma ambigua, Fall., L., Ech. 

— mellina, L., L. T., Alism. 19 ; Umb. 
177, 184; Ran. 7; Cruc. 32; Pain. 
157 ; Hyperic. 68; Cary. 60; Onagr. 
170 ; Ros, 145, 151 ; Papil. 90 ;Scroph. 
324; Lab, 356, 338 ; Plant. 367, 368; 
Jas. £83 ; Comp. 222. This species is 
remarkable for its predilection for 
anemophilous flowers ; I have seen it 
visit not only the species of Plantago, 
but also Scirpus palustris, Artemisia 
Dracunculus, and many Graminez. 

Melithreptus menthastri, L., L., Umb. 
194; Parn. 157 ; Polygon. 373, 374; 
Ros. 138 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 232. 

—— pictus, Mgn., L. T., Umb. 185; 
Ran. 7 ; Cruc. 37 ; Hyper. 68 ; Rut. 84 ; 
Geran. 77, 78 ; Polygon. 373; Cary. 52, 
55 ; Ros. 145. 

—— scriptus, L., L. Sld., Alism. 398 ; 
Umb. 195, 185, 184; Ran. 7; Cruc. 
37 ; Parn. 157 ; Cist. 45 ; Hyperic. 68 ; 
Geran. 76; Polygon. 369, 371; Cary. 
52; Ros. 148, 145, 137 ; Convolv. 310 ; 
Solan. 314 ; Lab. 339, 337 ; Ascl. 296+ ; 
Eric. 287 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 225, 222, 
223, 217, 265, 262. 

—— strigatus, Steg., L., Ros. 133. 

—— teniatus, Mgn., L. T. Th., Umb. 
179, 177, 195; Ran. 6, 7; Cruc,, 37, 
88; Parn. 157 ; Cist. 45; Geran. 78 ; 
Polygon. 369, 371; Cary. 55, 165; 
Ros. 142, 145 ; Convolv. 311; Scroph. 
830; Lab. 358, 337 ; Ascl. 295+; Comp. 
248, 225, 229, 228, 234, 265, 274, 262, 
271, 272. 

spec., L., Cruc. 33. 

Merodon eneus, Mgn., Th., Antheric. 

Pelecocera bicincta, Mgn., T., Ger. 78. 

Pipiza chalybeata, Mgn., L., Ran. 7; 
Cruc. -38. ~: Ritak wk 

-—— funebris, Mgn., L., Umb. 195; Ran. 

¢ Ow 


7; Fagopyr. 369; Ros. 133; Comp. 
270, 261. 

Pipiza lugubris, F., L., Comp. 229. 

notata, Mgn., L., Ros. 153. 

Pipizella annulata, Macq., L., Umb. 175, 
194, 195. 

virens, F., L. T., Umb. 179, 177, 

190, 194; Ran. 10. 

spec., L., Jas. 283. 

Platycheirus albimanus, F., L. T., Ran. 
7; Bor. 306. 

manicatus, Mgn., L., Cary. 60. 

peltatus, Mgn., L., Umb.177 ; Geran. 
76; Cary. 65. 

Pyrophena sp., L., Umb. 177. 

Rhingiarostrata, L. (including campestris, 
Mgn.)(11—12), L., Lil. 390* ; Ir. 387+ ; 
Thal. 2; Ran. 11 ; Berb. 18 ; Papav. 21; 
Crue, 28, 30, 34, 35, 40 ; Geran. 76, 78, 
79, 80 ; Malv. 69; Polygon. 370 ; Cary. 
65, 62, 52*, 57,59* ; Lythr. 165; Ros. 
150, 152, 153, 148, 134, 135, 138, 139, 
145, 136, 133, 129; Papil. 112; Bor. 
310, 300, 304, 305 ; Solan. 313 ; Scroph. 
318, 324; Lab. 366, 359+, 361*, 352, 
353, 349; Ol. 291; Plant. 368; Hott. 
289 ; Eric. 285 ; Caprif. 202, 203, 204 ; 
Scab. 211, 212; Camp. 279; Comp. 257, 
259, 217, 274; Valer. 209 (67 visits). 

rie borealis, Fall., T. Th., Eric. 

lappona, L., Sld., Comp. 272. 

Syritta pipiens, L., L. Sld Th., Alism. 
398 ; Gross. 158, 161; Umb. 176, 179, 
177, 178, 175, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 
194, 195, 185, 186, 184; Clem. 1; Thal. 
3; Ran. 6, 7 ; Papav. 21; Cruc. 27, 28, 
37, 38; Res, 42; Parn. 157; Viol. 46 ; 
Salix 378; Euon. 85; Rhus 88; Rut. 
84; Geran. 80; Polygon. 369, 370*, 
371, 372, 373, 374; Cary. 66, 60, 61, 63, 
55; Lythr. 165; Ros. 151, 148, 149, 
135, 138, 139, 142, 145, 130, 131, 133 ; 
Bor. 305 ; Solan. 312, 318 ; Scroph. 317, 
319, 325, 326; Lab. 340, 339, 337, 338 ; 
Ol. 291; Prim. 290 ; Eric. 287 ; Rubiac. 
205; Jas. 283; Comp. 248, 225, 229, 
233, 227, 228, 234, 238, 220, 216, 217, 
263, 269; Valer, 207 (89 visits). 

Syrphus arcuatus, Fall., L. T., Umb. 
177 ; Ros, 140 ; Bor. 310 ; Comp. 265, 

balteatus, Deg. (2), L. T., Papav. 
21; Cruc. 37; Parn, 157; Salix 378; 
Hyper. 68; Geran. 78; Cary. 55; 
Convolv. 311 ; Plant. 368 ; Camp. 278 ; 
Comp. 266, 265, 275, 262, 271, 273. 

-— corolle, F., L., Umb. 185; Comp. 

decorus, Mgn., T., Cruc. 35. 

excisus, Zett., L., Parn. 157 ; Ros. 

—— glaucius, L., L., Umb. 194. 

-—— nitidicollis, Mgn., (3), L. T., Umb. 


179, 181 ; Rut. 84 ; Ros. 179 ; Convolv. 
311; Comp. 229, 274, 271. 

Syrphus ochrostoma, Zett., L., Caprif. 

—— pyrastri, L., L. T., Umb. 179, 177, 
181, 192, 194, 195; Clem. 1; Parn. 
157 ; Cist. 45; Salix 378 ; Geran. 78; 
Fagopyr. 369 ; Cary. 57 ; Ros. 150; Bor. 
310 ; Lab. 338; Scab. 212; Jas. 283; 
Comp. 224, 274, 271. 

ribesii, L. (3—4), L. T., Umb. 179, 

177, 178, 194, 185 ; Ran. 7; Parn. 157; 

_ Cist. 45 ; Salix 378 ; Hyper. 68; Euon. . 

85 ; Rut. 84 ; Geran. 78 ; Polygon. 370 ; 
Cary. 65 ; Onagr. 166 ; Ros. 133 ; Plant. 
367 ; Rubiac. 205; Scab. 311; Comp. 
224, 234, 237, 265. 

—— umbellatarum, Mgn., Sld., Comp. 

— spec., L., Cruc. 27 ; Cary. 60 ; Ros. 
138, 139 ; Scroph. 330 ; Eric. 287 ; Comp, 
248, 263. 

Tropidia milesiformis, Fall., L., 

Volucella bombylans, L. (7—8), L. Sld. T., 
Orch. 390 ; Polyg. 370; Cary. 64 ; Ros. 
147, 130; Pap. 98, 100*; Lab. 850; 
Eric. 286 ; Scab. 211 ; Jas, 283 ; Comp. 
253, 225, 237, 271; Valer. 208. 

——  hemarrhoidalis, Zett., L., Eric. 

pellucens, L., L. T. Sld., Umb. 
178 ; Cruc, 34; Til. 73 ; Ros. 134, 135; 
Plant. 367; Samb. 199; Scab. 211; 
Comp. 225, 229, 237, 270. 

— plumata, L., L., Cary. 57 ; Lythr. 
165; Ros. 133; Pap. 116; Eric. 286; 
Seab. 211. 

Xanthogramma citrofasciata, Deg., L., 
Umb. 176 ; Euon. 85; Ros. 144. 

Xylota femorata, L., T., Umb. 182. 

florum, F., Sld.; Umb. 194. 

—— ignava, Pz., L., Clem. 1; Ros. 133. 

— lenta, Pz., L., Clem. 1 ; Ros. 133. 

— segnis, L., L., Ros. 158, 133; Ol. 

291*, Caprif. 202. 
silvarum, L., Sld., Lab. 352*. 

K. Tabanide (4 species, 9 visits). 
Chrysops cecutiens, L., L., Umb. 181 ; 
Cary. 55; Ros. 142; Lab. 285. 
Tabanus luridus, Pz., L., Valer. 208. 
micans, Mgn., L., Umb. 181. 
—— rusticus, L., L., Sld. Th., Umb, 
194; Comp. 248, 225. 

L. T'herevide (1 species, 1 visit). 
Thereva, anilis, L., L., Umb. 179. 

NEMATOCERA (22 species, 41 visits). 

M. Bibionide (5 species, 12 visits). 
Bibio hortulanus, F., L. T., Umb. 177, 

185, 186; Euon. 85; Ros. 133. 
Johannis, L., L., Salix 378, 

— le 




Marci, L. L., Salix 378 ; Ros. 153, 

Dilophus vulgaris, Mgn., L., Ros. 150, 
152, 153. 
Scatopse soluta, Loew, L., Aristol. 375. 

N. Cecidomyide (2 visits). 
bi, caramel Adoxa 314 ; Chrysospl. 

O. Chironomide (8 species, 4 visits). 
ia a sp., L., Aristol. 375; Ros, 
Chironomus sp., L., Aristol. 375. 
Undetermined genus, Chrysospl. 155. 

P. Culicide (1 species, 1 visit). 
Culex pipiens, L., L., Rhamn. 86. 
Q. Mycetophilide (5 visits). 

ee: Adoxa 314; Chrysospl. 


Platycera sp., L., Umb, 194. 

Sciara Thome, L., L. Th., Umb. 172; 
Comp, 238. 

R. Psychodide (1 species, 1 visit). 

Psychoda phalenoides, L., L., Arum 

S. Simulide (2 visits). 

Simulia spec., Adoxa 198; Chrysospl. 
155. , 

T. Tipulide (5 species, 13 visits). 

Tipula oleracea, L., L., Parn. 157 ; Ros. 

—— spec., L., Umb. 177, 192; Valer. 

Pachyrrhina crocata, L., L. Sld. T., Umb. 
179, 181, 185; Rubiac. 205. 

—— historio, F., L., Umb. 179, 194. 

—— pratensis, L., L., Umb. 185 ; Ros. 

III. HEMIPTERA (6 species, 15 visits). 
Anthocoris sp., L., Umb. 178; Salix 

Capsus sp., L. Th., Umb. 194; Lythr. 
165; Papil. 91+; Comp. 258, 255, 
231, 228, 238. 

Nabis sp., L., Convolv. 311f. 

Pyrocoris aptera, L. (4), L., Comp. 274. 

Tetyra nigrolineata, L., Th., Umb. 195. 

Undetermined genus, L., Umb. 194; 
Comp. 234. 



IV. HYMENOPTERA (368 species, 
2,750 different visits). 

A. Apide (205 species, 2,191 different 

Andrena (51 species, 219 different visits). 

Andrena albicans, K. (2—24), L. T., 
Cypr. 386; Gross. 158, 161; Umb. 
179, 177; Clem. 1; Ran: 4, 7, 9, 11; 
Berber. 18; Coryd. 22+; Cruc. 34; 
Viol. 46* ; Salix 378, 379; Rhus 88; 
Polygon. 370; Cary. 66, 60; Ros. 
150, 151, 152, 153, 148, 149, 139, 133, 
127, 129; Papil. 111; Myos. 305, 
806 ; Lab. 359t, 349*; Caprif. 203* ; 
Comp. 225, 274; Valer. 209. 

albicrus, K. (3), L., Umb. 173, 
179; Ran. 6; Cruc. 29; Salix 378; 
Fagop. 369 ; Cary. 66; Ros. 152, 134, 
135, 189, 140, 133 ; Papil. 108* ; Ech. 
310 ; Comp 274. 

—— apicata, Sm., L., Sal. 378. 

— argentata, Sm. = gracilis, Schenck 
(2—24), L., Cary. 60 ; Salix 378 ; Ros. 
139 ; Jas. 2838; Comp. 225, 274. 

—— atriceps, K.=tibialis, K. (34), L., 
Cypr. 12; Salix 378 ; Ros. 152, 153 ; 
Papil. 111; Erie. 285 ; Comp. 274. 

icolor, F. =estiva, Sm., L., Fagop. 


— Cetii, Schr. (84), L., Scab, 212. 

——. chrysosceles, K., L., Salix 378; 
Ros. 1538, 139 ; Comp. 225. 

cineraria, L., (4), L., Salix 378 ; 
Cary. 65; Comp. 274. 

—— cingulata, F., L., Sed: 162; Ran. 
8; Comp. 274. 

— coitana, K., Sld. Th., Umb. 194; 
Hyper. 68; Geran. 178; Malv. 72; 
Ros. 130; Scroph. 323+; Lab. 356; 
Camp. 277, 278; Jas. 283; Comp. - 
258, 268, 272. 

— Collinsonana, K.=proxima, K., L., _ 
Umb. 179, 185, 184; Salix 378; Ros. 
151; Comp. 274. 

convexiuscula, K., L., Ros. 152; 
Papil. 98, 95, 119 ; Scab. 212 ; Comp. 

—— denticulata, K.=Listerella, K., L. 
Sld. T. Th.; Ros., 143; Papil. 94; 
Lysim. 290* ; Comp. 225, 234, 238, 
215, 268, 263, 264, 265, 273, 270. 

—— dorsata, K. (3), L. T., Umb. 179, 
192; Papav. 20; Cruc. 30, 36 ; Salix 
378; Hyper. 68; Geran. 76, -78 ; 
Polygon. 369, 371; Cary. 66; Ros. 
152, 153, 149, 138, 139, 133, 127; 
Papil. 104, 96; Scroph. 318; Eric. 
287 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 248, 225, 263, 
265, 274. 

— eximia, Sm. (34), L., Salix 377. 

—— fasciata, Wesm. (8—4), L., Ros. 
127 ; Papil. 100* ; Myos. 306 ; Comp. 

eo ee 


Andrena Flesse, Pz., L., Salix 378.. 
florea, Lep. =rubricata, Sm. (3), L., 
Bry. 171. 

fucata, Sm.=clypearis, Nyl., Sld. 
Th., Umb. 179, 194, 185; Ros. 148, 

—— fulva, Schr. (3), L., Lil. 394 ; Gross. 
160, 161; Berb. 18; Ros. 153, 127, 
129 ; Scroph. 318* ; Lab. 348* ; Eric. 
285 ; Comp. 274. 

fulvago, Chr., L. T. Th., Umb. 179; 

Geran. 78; Jas. 283; Comp. 267, 263, 

273, 270. 

fulvescens, Sm., L. Sld., Umb. 181; 
Ran. 10; Pap. 108* ; Comp. 267, 268, 
263, 274, 272, 273, 269, 270. 

—— fulvicrus, K. (3—34), L. Th., Cypr. 
386 ; Umb. 177 ; Ran. 4, 7; Berb. 18 ; 
Papav. 20; Cruc. 39 ; Cist. 171 ; Bry. 
45; Salix. 378; Geran. 76; Malv. 69; 
Fagop. 369; Ros. 163, 139, 133, 127 ; 
Papil. 98, 100*, 94, 108, 110, 112; 
Seroph. 324; Lab. 349; Eric. 287; 

. Camp. 278; Jas. 283; Comp. 248, 
225, 227, 234, 238, 236, 264, 274, 271, 
273, 260. 

fuscipes, K.=pubescens, K., L. T., 

Eric. 287; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 225. 

Gwynana, K. (24), L. Sld. T. Th., 

Gross. 158, 161; Clem. 1; Ran. 9; 

Cruc. 30, 39 ; Salix 378, 379; Geran. 

78, 80; Malv. 69; Fagop. 66 ; Cary. 

369 ; Ros. 151, 158, 135, 127; Scroph. 

320, 324; Prim. 288; Eric. 285; 

Scab. 211; Camp. 277, 278, 279, 281; 

Comp. 248, 253, 237, 236, 274. 

Hattorfiana, I’. (64—7), L. Sld. Th., 

Cary. 53; Scab. 211 ; Jas. 283. 

helvola, L. (including varians, Rossi, 

and mixta, Schenck), L., Umb. 179 ; 

Berb. 18; Salix 378; Fagop. 369 ; 

Ros. 153, 136*, 133 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 


labialis, K., L. Th., Papil. 90, 119*, 

116 ; Ech. 310; Lab. 366. 

lepida, Schenck., L., Umb. 174, 

Comp. 225. 

minutula, K., L., Umb. 177, 191; 

Comp. 227. 

nana, K., L., Gross. 158, 160; 
Umb. 177, 194, 195; Cruc. 39, 40; 
Salix 378; Fagop. 369; Ros. 139, 
140 ; Comp. 248, 225, 227. 

—— nigroenea, K. (34—4), L. Sld., 
Cypr. 12; Umb. 177 ; Crue. 39 ; Res. 
43 ; Bry. 171; Salix 378 ; Ros. 134, 
133 ; Papil. 116 ; Lab. 340; Eric. 284*, 
285 ; Comp. 229, 227, 274. 

nigriceps, K., L., Comp. 225. 

nitida, K. (3), L., Gross. 161; 
Coryd. 23+; Salix 878; Cary. 57* ; 
Ros. 153; Lab. 366*, 359 ; Comp. 274. 

——— parvula, K,, L. Sld. Th., Cypr. 384*; 
Sed. 162; Umb. 179, 177, 181, 180, 192, 


°195, 185; Ran. 9, 10; Cruc. 30, 31, 
38 ; Salix 378; Geran. 78; Maly. 69 ; 
Cary. 65, 66; Ros. 151, 153, 139, 143, 
133, 127, 128 ; Scroph. 319, 325, 328 ; 
Eric. 287 ; Comp. 217, 236, 265, 274. 
Andrena pilipes, F. (3), L. T., Umb. 179, 
190; Crue. 38; Salix 378; Fagop. 
369; Ros. 149; Scroph. 317; Eric, 
285 ; Jas. 286 ; Comp. 257, 248, 225. 
—— pratensis, Nyl. = ovina, Kl. 
(4—5), L., Cypr. 12 ; Salix 378, 379; 
Comp. 274. 
punctulata, Schenck, L., Salix 

rose, Pz.,.L. T. Th., Umb. 172, 
180, 194 ; Salix 378 ; Ros. 127. 

— Schrankella, Nyl. (4), L. Th., Crue. 
27; Salix 378; Ros. 153, 136, 127; 
Papil. 100* ; Comp. 255, 227. 

simillima, Sm., T., Eric. 287. 

Smithella, K. (2), L., Gross. 160 ; 

Berb. 18 ; Salix 378, 379 ; Ros. 152 ; 

Comp. 274. 

thoracica, K., L., Ros. 125. 

——' Trimmerana, K., L., Berb. 18; 

Salix 378 ; Ros. 153, 133. 

varians, Rossi, L., Salix 378. 

ventralis, Imh. (2—23), L., Salix 

378, 379. 

vitrea, Sm. = nitens, Schenck, 

Cassel, Comp. 248. 

xanthura, K. (3), L. Sld., Papil. 
90, 100, 101, 95, 111, 108; Comp. 
274, 270. 

— spec., L., Ase. 87. 


Anthidium (8 species, 16 visits). 

Anthidium manicatum, L. (9—10), L. 
Sld. Th., Pap. 90, 100, 92* ; Scroph. 
320; Lab. 364, 352, 346, 347, 337 ; 
Comp. 258. 

punctatum, Latr. (54), Sld. Th., 
Pap. 90, 92*, 108*. 

—— strigatum, Latr. (5), L. Sld. Th., 
Papil. 90 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 257. 

Anthophora (5 species, 82 visits). 

Anthophora estivalis, Pz. = Haworthana, 
K. (15), Th., Papil. 102 ; Lab. 347. 
—— fureata, Pz. (11—12), L. Sld. Th., 

Ech, 310; Lab. 364, 352, 355. 

—— pilipes, F. (19—21), L. T., Lil. 394; 
Did. 22; Coryd. 23, 24; Viol. 47; 
Ros. 150; Papil. 100, 118; Bor. 300, 
804; Lab. 366, 359, 362, 368, 349; 
Vine. 293; Ol. 291; Prim. 287. 

— quadrimaculata, F. (9—10), T. Sld. 
Th., Malv. 70; Papil. 92; Ech. 310; 
Scroph. 365 ; Lab. 364, 352, 336. 

— retusa, L. (16—17), L. Pedic. 333. 

Apis mellifica, L. 8 (6), L., T. Sld. Th., 
(189 yisits), Lil. 891, 888; Smil. 

$89; Ir. 887* ; Gal. 396 ; Orch. 382, 
388, 384; Berg. 156 ; Gross, 159, 160 ; 


Umb. 172, 179, 194, 185, 186 ; Clem. 
1; Thal. 2,3; Anem. 4; Ran. 5, 7, 
9, 11, 12; Ag. 13¢; Berb. 18; Dicl. 
22+; Coryd. 238t, 24t; Fum. 26; 
Cruc. 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 39, 40, 
41; Res. 42, 48; Viol. 47; Cist. 51; 
Bry. 170+ ; Salix 378, 379; Rhamn. 
86; Mese. 87 ; Polygal. 45 ; Rhus. 88, 
89; Rut. 84; Geran. 77, 80, 83 ; Lin. 
75; Til. 73; Malv. 69, 70, 71, 72; 
Polygon. 369, 370; Cary. 65, 62, 57 ; 
Lythr. 165; Onagr. 166, 169; Ros. 
150, 151, 152, 153, 148, 134, 135, 138, 
139, 142, 136+, 180, 183, 127, 129; 
Papil. 90, 98, 100t, 101, 103, 105, 96, 
97, 93t, 94, 95, 92, 111, 108, 109, 110, 
Be, 107, 123, 122, 117, LIST, 119, 
114, 116; Convolv. 311; Ech. 310; 
Bor. 301, 300+, 302, 306 ; Solan. 314, 
315 ; Scroph. 318, 319, 320, 324, 325, 
327, 332, 330, 335t; Lat. 366, 364, 
3591, 362, 363, 360t, 355, 349, 347, 
348, 344, 340, 342; Ascl. 295; Ol. 
291 ; Plant. 367; Prim. 288*; Eric. 
286, 287, 284, 285; Rubiac. 207 ; 
Caprif. 201, 202, 203, 204 ; Scab. 211, 
212, 213; Camp. 277, 278, 279; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 257, 258, 259, 248, 249, 
250, 253, 244, 227, 234, 237, 238, 215, 
217, 236, 214, 266, 263, 274, 276, 271, 
270, 260; Valer. 208, 209. 

Bombus (17 species, 509 visits). 

Bombus agrorum, F. (= muscorum, L.), 
(10—15), L. T., Sld. Th., Smil. 390 ; 
Ir. 387; List. 380+; Orch. 382 ; Sed. 
164; Aq. 18; Papav..21; Coryd. 25 ; 
Viol. 48 ; Hyperic. 68; Rhamn. 86 ; 
Til. 73; Malv. 69, 70; Cary. 57; 
Lythr. 165; Onagr, 166, 169; Ros. 
150, 148, 1385; Papil. 90, 100, 104, 
120, 117, 118, 116; Ech. 310, 300, 
802, 304 ; Solan. 315 ; Scroph. 317, 321, 
$22, 323, 330, 335, 333 ; Lab. 365, 360, 
856, 857, 358, 352, 353, 349 ; Gent. 
296 ; Vince. 293, 294; Eric. 286, 284, 
285 ; Symphor. 201; Dips. 210, 211, 
212; Comp. 241, 257, 258, 249, 245, 
243, 244, 256 (68 visits). 

—— Barbutellus, K. (Apathus?) (12), 
L. Sld. Papil. 100 ; Ech. 310 ; Scroph. 
326, 334; Lab. 349; Scab. 211; 
Comp. 274, 272 (9 visits). 

campestris, Pz. (Apathus) (10—12), 

L. T., Orch. 382; Sed. 154; Onagr. 

166; Ros. 135, 100, 116; Ech. 310; 

Eric. 285; Scab. 211; Comp. 256, 

250, 244, 238, 215 (14 visits). 

confusus, Schenck (12—14), L. Th., 

Orch. 382, 383, 384; Onagr. 165 ; 
Ros. 136 ; Papil. 100, 119, 116; Lab. 
I Dr. Kriechbaumer tells me that the name 

Psithyrus is older than Apathus, and P. saltwum, 
Pz., older than Barbutellus, K. 


366, 349; Prim. 288; Eric. 285; 
Comp. 241, 258, 274, 273 (16 visits). 
Bombus fragrans, Kirby! (15), L., Orch. 
384 ; Salix 378 ; Ros. 136 ; Pap. 100 (4 


hortorum, L.? (18—21), L. Sld. Th., 
Colch. 395 ; Smil. 390; Ir. 387 ; Orch. 
882, 383, 384; Berg. 156; Aq. 138; 
Delph. 14, 15; Aconit. 17; Dicl. 22; 
Viol. 47 ; Salix 378; Malv. 69 ; Pom. 
150; Ros. 134, 135, 136, 129; Pap. 
91, 125, 117, 119 ; Ech. 310; Bor. 304 ; 
Scroph. 319, 320, 321, 323, 334, 335, 
333 ; Lab. 366, 359, 361, 362, 360, 352, 
349; Vinc. 293; Ol. 291; Prim. 288 ; 
Eric. 285 ; Scab. 211 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 
248, 247 (49 visits). 

——hypnorum, L. (10—12), L. Sld. 
T. Th., Ros. 136 ; Ech. 310 ; Scroph. 
334, 365, 364s; Ascl. 295; Scab. 211 
(7 visits). 

— lapidarius, L. (8—14), L. Sld. T. 
Th., Orch. 382, 383, 384; Sed. 164; 
Viol. 46, 47, 49; Salix 378 ; Aisc. 87 ; 
Polygal. 51; Malv. 69; Fagop. 369 ; 
Cary. 57 ; Onagr. 166, 169; Ros. 150, 
136, 129; Papil. 100, 101, 92, 111, 
112, 107, 118, 119; Ech. 310; Bor. 
300}, 302, 304; Scroph. 321, 332, 
333 ; Lab. 366, 364, 359, 358, 355, 349 ; 
Vine. 293 ; Ol. 291; Prim. 288 ; Eric. 
284 ; Dips. 210, 211, 212, 213 ; Camp. 
277, 279; Comp. 240, 241, 242, 257, 
258, 255, 248, 250, 251, 257, 245, 246, 
238, 266, 274, 271, 270 (65 visits). 

—— muscorum, F. (= senilis, F. Smith) 
(10—14), L. T. Th., Orch. 382 (2), 383, 
384 ; Cist. 45; Papil. 100, 102, 94, 91, 
116; Ech. 310; Bor. 302; Seroph. 
318, 331 ; Lab. 366, 364; Rubiac. 207 ; 
Caprifol. 201, 204; Comp. 240, 241, 
258, 246, 274 (23 visits). 

—— pratorum, L. (8—12), L. Sld., All. 
392 ; Orch. 382, 383, 384 ; Gross. 162 ; 
Berb. 18; Chelid. 21; Diclytr. 22t; 
Salix 378 ; Onagr. 166 ; Ros. 134, 135, 
136; Papil. 98, 100t, 123, 116; Ech. 
310; Bor. 301, 300t, 302, 304, 315; 
Scroph. 330, 334t, 335f, 364; Lab. 
366, 359, 362, 363, 360, 352, 355, 349, 
341; Plant. 367; Eric. 285; Caprif. 
201, 204 ; Scab. 211, 212 ; Camp. 277 ; 
Comp. 257, 253, 246, 247, 237, 238, 
272, 208 (52 visits). 

—— Rajellus, Ill. (10—13), L., Ir. 387 ; 
Sed. 162; Papav. 21; Dicl. 22; 
Viol. 47 ; Cary. 57; Papil. 100, 101, 
117, 118; Ech. 310; Bor. 300, 304; 

t According to Dr. Kriechbaumer, B. fragrans, 
K., is quite distinct from B. fragrans, Pall., a 
Siberian species. The latter must be called 
B. distinguendus, Moraw, and is, perhaps, 
identical with B. elegans, Seidl. 

2 Including B. ruderatus, F. 


Scroph. 334 ; Lab. 364, 359, 3611, 363, 
360, 349 ; Eric. 286 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 
253, 268 (23 visits). 

Bombus rupestris, F. (Apathus) (11—14), 
L. T. Th., Papil. 100, 116 ; Ech. 310; 
Lab. 364, 349; Dips. 310, 211, 212; 
Jas. 283; Comp. 241, 257, 258, 255, 
215 (14 visits). 

Scrimshiranus, K. (10), L. T. Th., 
Gross. 161; Salix 378; Ros. 135, 136, 
133; Papil. 117, 116; Scroph. 319, 
334, 333f, 358, 355; Eric. 284 (13 

—— senilis, F. Smith (= B. muscorum, 
F.1) (11—15), L., Orch. 383 ; Ros. 136, 
133 ; Papil. 100, 119, 116; Bor. 304; 
Seroph. 334, 359; Gent. 296; Eric. 
286 ; Scab. 212 (12 visits). 

silvarum, L. (9—14), Fig. 15, L. T. 

Th., Orch. 383 ; Sed. 164; Malv. 69; 

Lythr. 165; Onagr. 169; Ros. 134, 

135, 136, 100; Papil. 91, 118, 119, 

116; Ech. 310; Bor. 300, 302, 304; 

Scroph. 321, 332, 334, 333 ; Lab. 366, 

364, 359, 360, 356, 358, 358, 355, 

349, 346, 347 ; Gent. 297 ; Prim. 288 ; 

Eric. 286, 285; Scab. 211, 212; Jas. 

283; Comp. 240, 241, 257, 258, 259, 

246, 244, 268, 274 (48 visits). 

terrestris, including lucorum, L. 

(7—9), L. Sld. T. Th., Lil. 394, 393 ; 

Orch. 382, 384; Gross. 161; Umb. 

194 ; Clem. 1; Ran. 5, 8,11; Aq. 13t ; 

Berb. 18; Dicl. 22+; Coryd. 23f, 

24¢; Cruc. 30 ; Sal. 378, 379 ; Hyper. 

68 ; Aisc. 87 ; Polygal. 51; Cary, 57; 

Lythr. 165; Onagr. 166; Ros. 150, 

151, 135, 136+, 133, 128; Papil. 90, 

100t, 92, 111, 108, 112, 118t, 119f, 

115; Echy 310; Bor. 300t, 304; 

Scroph. 317, 320, 321, 323, 334t, 

835, 333; Lab. 359+, 361f, 360}, 

356, 353, 355, 349t, 342; Ascl. 295; 

Vine, 293 ; OL. 291; Plant. 368 ; Prim. 

2881 ; Eric. 286, 287, 284, 285; Scab. 

211, 212; Comp. 241, 242, 258, 255, 

250, 229, 239, 215, 268, 274 (79 visits). 

vestalis, Fourer. (Apathus) (12), L. 
Sld. T. Th., Ir. 387 ; Ros. 135 ; Papil. 
100, 117; Ech. 310; Scroph. 326 ; 
Lab. 349; Vine. 293 ; Eric. 285 ; Scab. 
211, 212; Comp. 253, 247, 214, 274 
(15 visits). 

Ceratina ccerulea, Vill. (4—5), L., Ech. 
310 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 267. 

Chalicodoma muraria, F. (10), Th., Papil. 

Chelostoma (3 species, 25 visits). 

Chelostomacampanularum, K. (8—3$), L. 
Sld. T. Th., Malv. 69; Lab. 347t ; 
* I only lately became aware of the identity of 

these species ; I have placed the darker varieties 

under B. muscorum, F., the light-yellow ones 
uuder B, senilis, Smith. 


Camp. 277, 278, 279, 280; Jas. 283 ; 
Comp. 246, 263. 

Chelostoma florisomne, L. =maxillosum, 
L. (84—4), L. Th., Ran. 7, 8 ; Camp. 
280 ; Comp. 274. 

—— nigricorne, Nyl. (4—44). L. T. Sld. 
Th., Geran. 77, 78; Malv. 69, 72; 
Ech. 310 ; Lab. 336 ; Camp. 277, 278, 
279, 280, 281; Comp. 225. 

Cilissa (3 species, 16 visits). 

Cilissa hemarrhoidalis, F. (83—4), L. 
Sld., Malv. 69, 71; Lab. 355; Comp. 
277, 278, 279. 

leporina, Pz. =tricincta, K. (33), L. 

Th., Sed. 162; Papil. 100, 101, 94, 

92; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 246. 

melanura, Nyl. (3—4), L. Sld. T., 

Lythr. 165 ; Comp. 273. 

Celioxys (6 species, 28 visits). 

Celioxys acuminata, Nyl., Th., Comp. 

— spec., L., Ros. 140 ; Papil. 90 ; Lab. 
349, 341; Ascl. 295; Comp. 211. 

conoidea, Ill. = punctata, Lep. (6), 

L. Th., Papil. 116; Ech. 310; Lab. 

336; Scab. 211; Jas. 283; Comp. 

255, 266. 

quadridentata, L. = conica, L. = 
acuta, Nyl., L., Papil. 96; Ech. 310 ; 
Scab. 211; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 242. 

—— simplex, Nyl. (44), L., Bry. 171; 
Malv. 69 ; Ech. 310 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 
218, 266. 

umbrina, Sm. = parvula, Schenck, 

L. Th., Ros. 1385; Ech. 310; Lab. 

336. . 

Colletes (4 species, 16 visits). 

Colletes cunicularia, L. (34—4), L., Salix 
377 ; Eric. 285. 

—— Davieseana, K. (24), L. Sld., Onagr. 
169 ; Papil. 108 ; Comp. 225, 229, 227, 
234, 274, 270. 

—— fodiens, K. (2§), L., Papil. 100 ; 
Comp. 225, 234. 

—— marginata, L. (2), L., Papil. 101 ; 
Jas, 283 ; Comp. 227. 

Crocisa scutellaris, Pz. (7—74), T. Th., 
Lab. 336. 

Dasypoda hirtipes, F. (44—5), Fig. 10, 
1., L. Th., Jas. 283 ; Comp, 248, 246, 
266, 263 (7 visits). 

Diphysis serratule, Pz. (7—8), L. Sld. T., 
Ros. 135 ; Papil. 90, 100, 101, 108*, 120, 
265, 271, 117; Ech. 310; Eric. 287 ; 
Scab, 211 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 257, 267, 
271, 270 (15 visits). 

Epeolus variegatus, L, (134), L., Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 248. 

Eucera longicornis, L. (10—12), L. Sld., 
Orch. 383, 384; Ros. 153; Papil. 90, 


100, 123, 126, 117, 116; Ech. 310; 
Bor. 300 ; Lab. 359 ; Ol. 291; Plant. 
368 ; Caprif. 201 (15 visits). 

Halictoides dentiventris, Nyl. (2—24), 
L. Sld., Camp. 277, 278. 

Hatlictus (32 species, 440 visits, 181 being 

to Composite). 

Halictus albipes, F. = obovatus, K. (in- 
cluding affinis, Schenck), L. Sld. Th., 
Umb. 179, 177, 195; Ran. 9; Salix, 
878 ; Geran. 76; Malv. 69 ; Polygon. 
371; Ros. 135, 133, 127; Papil. 103, 
108, 116 ; Ech. 310 ; Scroph, 326, 328 ; 
Lab. 342; Ol. 291*; Plant. 368; Scab. 
211; Camp. 279; Jas, 283; Comp. 
257, 248, 246, 229, 238, 223, 220, 221, 
263, 274, 262, 271, 272, 260 (37 visits). 

TS brevicornis, Schenck, Th., Comp. 

—— cylindricus, F.=fulvocinctus, K.= ° 

malachurus, K. (8—4), L. Sld. T. Th., 

Lil. 393; Umb. 172, 179, 194; Ran.. 

4, 6, 7,9, 10; Papav. 20, 21; Cruc. 
30, 39; Salix 378 ; Geran. 76, 77, 78; 
Lin. 75; Malv. 71; Cary. 65; Lythr. 
165 ; Ros. 153, 135, 189, 127; Papil. 
108, 110; Ech. 310; Solan. 316; 
Scroph. 319, 323+, Lab. 362*, 363*, 
842, 388; Ascl. 295; Plant. 368; 
Eric. 285 ; Scab. 211, 212; Camp. 278; 
Jas. 283; Comp. 241, 242, 257, 248, 
253, 245, 246, 247, 225, 229, 238, 223, 
220, 221, 217, 268, 263, 265, 274, 262, 
271, 272, 278, 269, 270 (65 visits). 

—— fasciatus, Nyl., L., Jas. 283. 

—— flavipes, F.,1= seladonius, F. (24), 
L. Th., Umb. 194; Ran. 6, 7 ; Papav. 
20; Geran. 76; Ros, 139, 141, 133; 
Pap. 90, 100, 105, 95, 116 ; Scroph. 
322; Eric. 285; Camp. 280; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 248, 220, 221, 263, 274, 
276, 273, 270 (26 visits). 

— fulvicornis, K., L., Umb. 195. 

—— interruptus, Pz., Th., Umb. 175, 
195 ; Comp. 257, 246 (4 visits). 

— leucopus, K., L. Sld. T. Th., Umb. 
194; Cruc. 34; Ros. 139; Scroph. 
328 ; Lab. 362* ; Comp. 220, 274, 271 
(9 visits). 

leucozonius, Schr. (4), L. Sld. T. 

Th., Orch. 384; Umb. 191; Ran. 7; 

Aq. 13; Cruc. 40; Geran. 77 ; Ros. 

135, 140; Scab. 211, 212; Jas. 283 ; 

Comp. 257, 246, 225, 229, 220, 266, 

267, 2638, 262, 271, 272, 278, 270 (24 


— longulus, Sm. = pauxillus, Schenck, 
L. Th., Umb. 172, 189; Ran. 7; 
Papay. 20; Geran. 76, 77 ; Convolv. 
311; Scroph. 324; Lab. 338 ; Comp. 
257, 248,.246, 243, 244, 223, 220, 263, 
274, 262, 271, 260 (21 visits). 

* According to F. Smith = H. tumulorum, L. 


Halictus lucidulus, Schenck, L., Cruc. 38; 
Geran. 77 ; Ros. 135, 1388 ; Lab. 349* ; 
Jas. 283; Comp. 257, 246, 227, 274 
(10 visits). 

—— lucidus, Schenck, L., Ran. 9 ; Ros, 
—— lugubris, K. = levigatus, K., L. 
Th., Papil. 116 ; Lab. 359 ; Comp. 263, 

276, 273, 270 (6 visits.) 

maculatus, Sm., L. T. Th., Umb. 
177, 182; Ran. 7; Papav. 20; Geran. 
77, 78, 79 ; Malv. 69 ; Ros, 140 ; Papil.- 
98 ; Lab. 338 ; Camp. 279 ; Comp. 257, 
258, 248, 246, 225, 229, 228, 234, 238, 
223, 220, 263, 274, 262, 271, 273 (28 

— minutissimus, K., L., Iythr. 165 ; 
Comp. 217, 274. 

— minutus, K. (2), L. T., Umb. 178 ; 
Comp. 257, 248, 246, 265, 262 (6 

— morio, F. (2), L. Th., Malv. 69, 70 ; 
Cary. 56; Convolv. 311+, Scroph. 
321; Lab. 346+ ; Comp. 225, 220, 278 
(9 visits). 

— nitidiusculus, K., L. Th., Gross, 
158; Ran. 7, 9.; Cruc. 27, 38 ; Geran. 
76; Ros. 184; Convolv. 311; Ech. 
310; Scroph. 328; Lab. 3461, 338 ; 
Comp. 257, 248, 246, 227, 221, 274, 
262, 269, 260 (21 visits). 

— nitidus, Schenck, L. Th., Gross. 
158 ; Ros. 148 ; Ech. 310 ; Lab. 346t, 
347, 342; Comp. 238, 223, 236, 267, 
263, 274 (12 visits). 

—— quadricinctus, F.,1 L. Th., Umb. 
191; Ran. 7; Papil. 101, 94; Ascl. 
295 ; Comp. 240, 241, 242, 257, 258, 
225, 246, 220, 263, 264, 276, 262, 260 
(18 visits). 

—— quadrinotatus, K., Th., Comp. 246. 

quadristrigatus, Latr.,' (5—7), Th., 

Comp. 255. 

rubicundus, Chr. (3—44), L. Th.- 
Gross. 161; Ran. 7; Berb. 18; dsc. 
87; Ros. 151,-152; Papil. 90, 108 ; 
Eric. 285 ; Scab. 212 ; Comp. 240, 257, 
248, 246, 225, 229, 263, 264, 274, 276, 
262, 270, 260 (23 visits). 

— Scabiose, I]l., Freiburg, Hild., Asel. 

sexnotatus, K. (24—4), L. T., ‘Lil. 

388; Umb. 177; Clem. 1; Thal. 2; 

Ran. 7 ; Papav. 20, 21 ; Cruc. 29 ; Bry. 

171+ ; Rhus 88; Rut. 84; Geran. 79 ; 

Cary. 63; Ros. 150, 149, 134, 135; 

1 Dr. Kriechbaumer tells me that the species 
described by Kirby and later authors as H. 
quadricinctus, F., is not the true H. quadri- 
cinctus of Fabricius, but a distinct species, H. 
tetrazonius, Kl. But H. quadristrigatus, Latr.; 
is identical with H. quadricinctus, F., and must 
receive that name, as the older one. (Gers- 
taecker, Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 
xxxiv. Bd. 1.) 


131; Papil. 126; Bor. 301, 300f, 
Scroph. 318, 322; Lab. 3621, Eric. 

_ 285; Caprif. 201, 202, 200; Scab. 
211; Comp. 274, 262 (31 visits). 

Halictus sexsignatus, Schenck, L., Ran. 
7; Comp. 222, 274. 

sexstrigatus, Schenck, :L., Papav. 
21; Bry. 171+; Rhus 88; Ros. 149, 
138, 189, 140, 141, 183 ; Scroph. 325 ; 

_Lab. 346+; Eric. 285; Comp. 270 
_ (18 visits). 

— Smeathmanellus, K., L. T. Sld. 
Th., Umb. 185; Aq. 13; Res. 42; 
Geran. 78; Malv. 69; Scroph. 319, 
3217; Camp. 277 ; Comp. 257, 246, 
262, 271, 272, 273 (14 visits). 

tarsatus, Schenck, L., Pap. 98; 

Comp. 248 (2 visits). 

villosulus, K. = punctulatus, K.,- 

L. T. Th., Ran. 7 ; Cist. 45 ; Ros. 135, 

Convolv. 311; Jas. 283; Comp. 225, — 

229, 266, 267, 264, 265, 274, 271, 272, 
273, 270 (16 visits). 
zonulus, Sm. (4), L. Tekl. Th., Sed. 
164; Ran. 7; Resed. 42 ; Geran. 76; 
Malv. 69; Ros. 152, 149, 135, 142, 
131; Papil. 101, 112 ; Bor. 301, 308 ; 
Scroph. 321+, 322; Lab. 366* ; Prim. 
290* ; Comp. 257, 238, 274, 262 (22 
spec., L., Cruc. 31; Geran, 80; 
Cary. 60, 53; Ros. 145; Ascl. 2957 ; 
Plant. 367, 368 ; Valer. 208 (10 visits). 
Heriades truncorum, L. (4—44), L. T. 
Th., Umb. 187; Papil. 96; Ol. 292; 
Scab. 211; Comp. 248, 246, 225, 228, 
238, 223, 263, 264 (13 visits). 
Macropis labiata, Pz. (25—3), L., Umb. 
187 ; Rhamn, 86 ; Ros. 135 ; Prim. 290. 

Megachile (9 species, 77 visits). 

Megachile argentata, F., (6) L., Jas. 283 ; 

Comp. 266. 
centuncularis, L. (6-—7), L. Sld. 
Th., Lil. 388; Sed. 162; Umb. 194; 
Dicl. 22+; Lythr. 165; Ros. 149; 
Papil. 108* ; Bor. 301 ; Scroph. 321+ ; 
Lab. 336 ; Caprif. 201, 203 ; Scab. 211 ; 
Comp. 257, 258, 246, 244, 224, 276 
(20 visits). 
cireumcineta, K. (8), L. Sld. Th., 
Sed. 162; Ros. 148, 149; Papil. 90, 
100, 92, 108, 107, 117, 116; Ech. 310; 
Scroph. 335; Lab. 340; Plant. 368 ; 
Scab. 211; Comp. 242 (16 visits). 
lagopoda, L. (10), Th., Umb. 191 ; 
Comp. 242, 257, 255, 251, 246 (6 
ligniseca, K., L. Th., Malv. 69; 
Comp. 258. 
maritima, K., L. (8—9), Sed. 163 ; 
Papil. 101, 92, 120, 117 ; Scroph. 320 ; 
Scab. 211; Jas. 283; Comp. 259, 250 
(9 visits). 


Megachile pyrina, Lep. = M. fasciata, Sm.* 
(9), L. Sld. Th., Papil. 90, 93, 92%, 
124 ; Lab. 364, 346, 336 (7 visits). 

— versicolor, Sm., L. Sld. Th., Pap. 
92, 108, 120, 117; Comp. 246 (5 

—— Willughbiella, K. (64—7), L. Sld. 
Th., Malv. 69; Papil. 90, 98, 108*, 
117 ; Ech. 310; Lab. 354, 336; Scab. 
211; Comp. 266 (10 visits). 

Melecta armata, Pz. = punctata, K. (11), 
L. T., Lab. 358, 361. 

—— luctuosa, Scop. (10), L. Th., Ech. 

Nomada (21 species, 85 visits). 
Nomada alternata, K.=N. Marshamella, 
K., L., Comp. 274. 
armata, Schaeff. = N. cincticornis, 
Nyl., L., Seab. 211. 
Fabriciana, L., L., Coryd. 23+ ; Ros. 
135 ; Scab. 211; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 267. 
—— ferruginata, K., L. Sld. Th., Sed. 
162 ; Umb. 194; Papil. 94 ; Eric. 285 ; 
Comp. 238. 
flavoguttata, K., L., Cary. 65; 
Comp. 217, 274. 

furva, Pz. = minuta, F.;, L., 
Comp. 238. 

germanica, Pz., L. T., Lab. 340; 
Comp. 266. 

Jacobee, Pz. (4), L., Onagr. 166 ; 
Lab. 358 ; Scab. 311 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 
lateralis, Pz., L., Th., Umb, 195 ; 
Cruc. 30; Hyper. 68 ;-Malv. 69 ; Ros. 
135 ; Scroph. 330. eae 
Lathburiana, K. = rufiventris, K., 
L., Salix 378 ; Comp. 274. 
lineola, Pz. (6), L:, Cruc. 30 ; Salix 
378 ; Hyper. 68 ; Ros. 135 ; Scab. 317 ; 
Jas. 326; Comp. 248, 217, 274. 
nigrita, Schenck, L., Jas. 283; 
Comp. 248. 
Roberjeotiana, Pz., L. Th., Umb. 
172; Onagr. 166; Jas. 283; Comp. 
ruficornis, L. = flava, Pz (8—44), 
L. Sld., Salix 378; Cary. 65; Ros. 
152, 161, 185, 188, 189; Pap. 90; 
Eric. 285; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 225, 274. 
sexfasciata, Pz. (7), L., Orch. 384; 
Ros. 138; Ech. 310. 
solidaginis, Pz., L. T., Papil. 94 ; 
Eric. 286* ; Comp. 248, 220. 
signata, Jur., L., Salix 378 ; Ros. 
152, 153, 1389 ; Comp. 274. 
— succinct, Pz. (64—7), L., Salix 
378 ; Ros. 140, 127 ; Comp. 257, 274. 

t According to Dr. Kriechbanmer identical 
with M. pyrina, Smith, but not with M. pyrina, 
Lep., identical, however, with M_ ericetorwm, 
Lep., which name is the oldest, and has priority 
over M. fasciata, Sm. 

_ eo eee Se 


Nomada varia, Pz. =fucata, Pz. (54—6), 
L. Th., Salix 378 ; Papil. 94 ; Lab. 349 ; 
Jas. 283 ; Comp. 238, 274, 276. 

— xanthosticta, K., L., Ros. 140. 

eo zonata, Pz., L. T. Th., Comp. 225, 

Osmia (13 species, 100 visits). 

Osmia adunea, Latr. (10), L. T. Sld. Th., 
Pap. 117 ; Ech. 310. 

— enea, L. (9—10), L. Sld. Th., 
Malv. 69; Papil. 90, 100, 92; Ech. 
310 ; Scroph. 320 ; Lab. 366, 364, 359, 
349, 336 ; Scab. 211 ; Comp. 258, 246. 

— aurulenta, Pz. (8—9), Sld. Th., 
Pap. 90, 94, 91, 92, 116; Lab. 364 ; 
Comp. 246. 

— cementaria, Gerst. Spinole, 
Schenck, Th., Papil. 101; Ech. 310. 
cornuta, Latr. (8—9), L., Ros. 129. 
— fulviventris, Pz., L. Th., Lab. 364; 

Scab. 211; Comp. 255, 245, 246. 

— fusca, Chr. = bicolor, Schr. (8), 
L. Sld. T. Th., Orch. 384 ; Ran. 4, 8; 
Viol. 49 ; Geran. 78; Ros. 135, 139 ; 
Papil. 112; Ech. 310; Pulm. 304; 
Lab. 366, 349 ; Comp. 274. 

—— interrupta, Schenck, L. Th., Papil. 

— leucomelena, K. (¢ 24, ? 34—4), 
L., Ech. 310 ; Scroph. 320 ; Comp. 225. 

—— pilicornis, Sm., L., Pulm. 304. 

— rufa, L. = bicornis, L. (7—9), L. 
T., Lil. 394, 388 ; Ir. 387 ; Orch. 383 ; 
Clem. 17; Ran. 7, 11; Dicl. 22+ ; Crue. 
80; Viol. 47, 49; Salix 878; Aisc. 
87; Geran. 77; Cary. 66, 57; Ros. 
150, 153, 133, 127, 129 ; Papil. 118t, 
119; Ech. 310; Bor. 304; Lab. 366, 
349, 346, 347, 336; Vinc. 291, 293; 
Prim. 288*; Eric. 285; Comp. 217, 
274 (37 visits). 

spinulosa, K. (5), Abundant in 
Thuringia, nesting in empty shells of 
Helix ericetorwm. Papil. 116 ; Comp. 
257, 258, 255, 246, 225, 238, 263, 264, 
276, 262, 260 (12 visits). 

— spec., L., Pap. 96. 

— villosa, Schenck (according to Dr. 
Kriechbaumer, identical with O. platy- 
cera, Gerst.), Sld., Papil. 108. 

Panurgus (2 species, 16 visits). 

Panurgus Banksianus, Latr.=P. ater, 
Latr. (3), L. T. Th., Comp. 263, 265, 
276, 270. 

calcaratus, Scop. =P. lobatus F. (8), 

L. T. Th,, Ran. 7 ; Onagr. 169 ; Comp. 

266, 267, 268, 263, 265, 276, 262, 271, 

273, 270 (12 visits). 


Prosopis (15 species, 88 visits). 

Prosopis annularis, Sm., Th., Lil. 388 ; 
Res. 42. 

——armillata, Nyl. (14), L. T. Sld., Sed. 
162 ; Umb. 173, 192, 194, 186; Crue. 
38 ; Res. 42, 43 ; Hyper. 68 ; Polygon. 
371; Ros. 140 ; Comp. 271 (13 visits). 

ma yl., L.,Sed. 162; Umb. 

—— clypearis, Schenck., Th., Umb. 179. 

—— communis, Nyl. (1—14), L. T. Th., 
Umb. 177, 179, 192, 186 ; Cruc. 38; 
Res. 42, 43 ; Rhus 89 ; Geran. 76, 77 ; 
Maly. 69; Cary. 63; Ros. 148, 149, 135, 
138, 130; Scroph. 317, 327; Lab. 346+; 
347 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 248, 229 (24 

—— dilatata, K., L., Malv. 69; Jas. 

' 283. 

— excisa, Schenck., L., Ros. 135. 

—— hyalinata, Sm. = P. confusa, Nyl., 
L. 'Th,, Ran. 7; Geran. 77 ; Malv. 69 ; 
Cary. 63 ; Ros. 140 ; Ech. 310 ; Camp. 
“He 278, 279, 282 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 

—— pictipes, Nyl., L., Res. 42; Malv. 
69 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 225. 

—— propinqua, Nyl., L., Kos. 149. 

—— punctulatissima,Sm. = P. obscurata, 
Schenck, Th., Lil. 4; Comp. 246. 

— signata, Pz. (14), L. Th., Umb.173; 
Clem 1; Thal. 22; Res. 42 ; Malv. 69; 
Ros. 343 ; Seroph. 317 ; Comp. 233 (8 

— sinuata, Schenck, L. Th., Umb. 192, 
195 ; Rut. 84; Comp. 248. 

variegata, F., L. Th., Sed. 162; 

Umb. 188, 191, 198, 195; Ros. 135; 

Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 225. 

spec., L., Umb. 187, 190 ; Til. 73. 

Psithyrus. The species of this genus 
are referred to Bombus. 

Rhophitoides canus, Eversm. (24—3), 
Th., Papil. 90, 94. 

Rhopbites halictula, Nyl., L., Jasione 

vulgaris (Dufourea), Schenck (2), 
T. Th., Comp. 263, 264, 265, 262, 
273, 279, 270. 

Saropoda bimeculata, Pz.=S. rotundata, 
Pz. (9), L. Th., Hyper. 68; Lythr. 
165 ; Ech. 310; Scroph. 365 ; Lab. 340; 
Eric. 287 ; Jas. 283; Comp. 257, 255 
(9 visits). 

Sphecodes gibbus, L. (including rufescens, 
ephippia, etc.) (14), L. T. Sld. Th., Sed. 
162; Gross. 158 ; Umb. 176, 181, 188, 
192, 194, 195, 183; Coryd. 22; Crue. 
83 ; Salix 378; Geran. 78; Fagopyr. 369; 
Onagr. 166 ; Ros. 140; Jas. 283; Comp. 
248, 225, 229, 233, 284, 222, 217, 274, 
269, 270 (28 visits). 

Stelis aterrima, Pz. (5—54), Th., Ger. 77; 


Ascl. 295; Comp. 255, 245, 246 (5 

Stelis breviuscula, Nyl. = S. pygmea, 
Schenck, L. Th., Ros. 135; Ech. 310 ; 
Scab. 211 ; Comp. 246, 225 (5 visits). 

— phezoptera, K. (5), L. Th., Ech. 
310; Comp. 246. 

B. Chryside (8 species, 23 visits). 
Chrysis bidentata, L., Th., Umb. 192. 
—— cyanea, L., L., Ros. 149. 

— ignita, L., L. Th., Umb. 192, 183; 
Rut. 84 ; Ros. 149, 130*. 

spec., L., Umb. 172. 

Cleptes semiaurata, F., L., Ech. 310. 

Elampus auratus, Wesm., L., Ros. 130*. 

Hedychrum coriaceum, Dlb., L., 368. 

—  lucidulum, Latr., L., Th., Umb. 
179, 191, 192, 195; Cruc. 38, Ros. 130*, 
133 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 225, 230, 

C. Cynipide (1 species, 1 visit). 
Eucoila spec., L., Chrysospl. 155. 
D. Formicide (4 species, 18 visits). 

Formica congerens, Nyl., L., Ros. 152; 
Comp. 274. 

Lasius niger, L., L., Chrysospl. 155 ; 

Ros. 151, 152. . 
Myrmica levinodis, Nyl., L , Chrysespl. 
155 ; Comp. 217. 
M. ruginodis, Nyl., Chrysospl. 155. 
Undetermined: Umb. 192, 185, 186; Ran. 
10; Cary. 55; Ros. 150, 151, 152, 
Scroph. 320 ; Ascl. 295t. 

E. Ichnewmonide and their allies 
(13 species, 48 visits). 

Alysia, L., List. 380. 

Campoplex, L., List. 380. 

Cryptus, L., List. 380. 

Eulophus, L., Adoxa 198. 

Feenus jaculator, F. (1), L. Th., Umb. 
179, 192, 183 ; Rut. 84; Cary. 55. 

—— affectator, F. (1), L. Th., Umb. 
179, 190, 191, 184; Rut. 84. 

Ichneumon uniguttatus, L., L., List. 

Microgaster rufipes, F., L., List. 380. 

Perilampus (?), L., Salix 378. 

Pezomachus, L., Adoxa 198. 

Phegadeuon, L., List. 380. 

Tryphon, L., List. 380. 

Undetermined: Umb. 179, 177, 181, 178, 
180, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 185, 
186, 182, 174; Cruc. 37; Parn, 157; 
Rut. 84; Salix 378; Malv. 69; Ros. 
133 ; Lub. 338 ; Adoxa 198. 

F, Sphegide (in the sense of Fossores, 
Latr.) (81 species, 275 visits). 
Agenia punctum, F., L., Rut. 84. 
Ammophila sabulosa, L. (4), L. Sld. T, 


Th., Sed. 162 ; Umb. 172; Ciuc. 29; 
Bry. 171; Geran. 78; Onagr. 166; Ros. 
135, 140, 183 ; Papil. 96 ; Ech. 310; 
Lab. 340; Ascl. 295; Rubiac. 205; 
Caprif. 201 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 225 
(19 visits). 

Bembex rostrata, F. (7—8), L., Scab. 
211 ; Comp. 248. 

Cemonus unicolor, F., L. Th., Umb. 177, 
190 ; Crue. 37. 

Cerceris albifasciata, Dlb., Th., Umb. 

arenaria, L. (1s—2), L. Th., Res. 44 ; 

Ros. 133 ; Jas. 283 ; Comp. 248, 225. 

labiata,-F., L. Th., Umb. 172; Res. 

44; Fagop. 369; Scroph. 327; Jas. 283; 

Comp. 225, 220. ; 

Nasuta, K1. (quinquefasciata, Rossi, 
v. d. L., Sm., interrupta, Pz.), L..Th., 
Umb. 172; Fagop. 369 ; Onagr. 166; 
Ros. 135; Scroph. 327; Jas. 283; Comp. 

—— variabilis, Schrk. (ornata, F.), L. 
Th., Umb. 172, 179, 195; Crue. 37 ; 

Res. 42, 44; Cary. 52; Lab. 340; Comp. © 

248, 246, 225, 229, 231, 227. 

Ceropales maculata, F. (1), L. T. Th., 
Umb. 191, 194, 196, 195; Jas. 283; 
Comp. 242, 225, 222. 

variegata, F., Th., Umb. 190. 

Crabro alatus, Pz., L., Onagr. 166 ; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 248, 222, 227. : 

cephalotes, Pz. (Shk., Lepel., H. 
Sch.), L., Umb. 179, 185 ; Comp. 229. 

—— cribrarius, L., L. Th., Umb. 191, 
194, 184; Comp. 248, 222, 227. 

denticrus, H. Sch., Th., Umb. 192. 

—— dives, H. Sch., L., Umb. 178. 

—— elongatulus, v. d. L. (luteipalpis, 
Lep.), L., Rut. 84. 

—— lapidarius, Pz., Dlb. (chrysostomus, 
Lep., xylurgus, Shk.), L. Th. Sld. 
Tekl., Umb. 179, 177, 178, 190, 194 ; 
Ros. 133 ; Comp. 225. 

patellatus, v. d. L., L., Ros, 149, 
135 ; Ech. 310 ; Jas. 283. 

—— podagricus, H. Sch., Th., Umb. 192. 

—— pterotus, F., L., Umb. 177, 178; 
Jas. 283. 

sexcinctus, v. d. L. (1), L. T. Th., 
Umb. 179, 192, 193, 185 ; Comp. 262. 

—— subterraneus, F., L. Th., Umb. 
183; Comp. . 

—— vagabundus, Pz., L., Umb. 177. 

vagus, L., L., Th., Umb. 179, 178, 
191, 194, 196, 

—— vexillatus, Pz., Th., Umb. 192. 

—— Wesmaeli, v. d. L., Th., Umb. 192; 
Crue. 27. 

—— spec., L., Comp. 233. 

Dinetus pictus, F. (14), L., Umb. 194; 
Comp. 248, 225, 234. 

Entomognathus brevis, v. d. L., L., 
Umb. 184, 



eS eee 


Gorytes campestris, L.' (1), L. Sld., 
mb. 179, 177, 194; Parn. 157; 
Rhus 88. 

—— mystaceus, L. (1), L. T., Clem. 1; 
Bry. 171; Ros. 134. 

Hoplisus laticinctus, Lep..(1), Th., Umb. 
179, 185, 

Lindenius albilabris, F., L., Lab. 340 ; 
Jas, 283 ; Comp. 248, 253, 225. 

Mellinus arvensis, L., ea Comp. 234. 

sabulosus, Dlb., L., Jas. 233, 

Mimesa bicolor, Shuck, Th., Umb. 194. 

—— unicolor, v. d. 1G i Th., Umb. 

Miscus campestris, Latr. (4), L. Th., 
All. 393; Ros. 135; Jas. 283. 

Mutilla europea, L. (14), Th., Umb. 193, 

Myrmosa melanocephala, F., L. Th., 

mb. 179, 192, 183. 

Nysson maculatus, v. d. L., Th., Umb. 

Oxybelus bellicosus, Ol., L., Umb. 179, 
196 ; Jas. 283. 

— bellus, Dib. (14 guttatus, Sh.), L., 
Sed. 162; Umb. 179; Crue. 38 ; Rut, 
84; Ros. 141, 142 ; Comp. 225. 

— ‘bipunctatus, Ol., L., Umb. 179, 
188, 195. 

mandibularis, Dib., L., Jas. 283. 

— trispinosus, F., L., Comp. 248, 225, 

—— uniglumis, L. (14), L. T., Sed. 162 ; 
Umb. 179, 192, 194, 196, 195, 186; 
Clem. 1, 7; Cruc. 38; Rhus. 88; 
Til. 73; Cary. 55; Ros. 135, 138, 
140, 141, 142, 133; ’ Jas. 283 ; Comp. 
248, 425, 229, 233 (23 visits.) 

— spec., L., Geran. 79. 

Passalcecus monilicornis, Dib., L., Ros. 

Philantbus* triangulum, F. (2—23), L. 
Th., Umb. 172, 179, 190, 194; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 248, 225. 

Pompilus chalybeatus, Schi., L., Comp. 

— cinctellus, v. d. L., Th., Umb. 

— intermedius, 
Umb. 195, 184. 

neglectus, Wesm., L. Th., Umb. 
179, 192, 195, 185 ; Ros. 183. 

—— niger, F., L. T., Umb. 179, 195. 

—— pected, Wetis Jaret Bie de 2 Mey 
Umb. 194, 186, 183. 

—— plumbeus, Dlb., L., Comp. 225. 

—— rufipes, F., L., Jas. 283; Comp. 
he Schi., L., Umb. 179, 186. 

Pane oy spi 
x ap hceptaing to Frederick Smith the riginal 
ns of Gorytes campestris, L., in Linnzus’ 
pyar on are only males of G. mystaceus, L.; 
and the insect called G. campestris, L., in this 
book must be called G. Fargei, Shuck. 

Schenck, L. Th., 


Pompilus trivialis, Kl., L., Umb. 188, 
174; Fagop. 369 ; Comp. 225. 

viaticus, Scop. 1(F., not L.!) (1—14), 
L. Sld. Th., Umb, 188, 189, 191, 194, 
195, 185 ; Parn. 157 ; Hott. 289 ; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 225, 222, 264, 271. 

— spec., Ley Corn, 197. 

Priocnemis bipunctatus, F.,? Th., Umb. 
172, 191. 

—— exaltatus, F., Th., Umb. 194. 

—— obtusiventris, Schi., Th., Umb. 
191, 195. 

Psammophila affinis, K,? L. Th., Pap. 

~ 101; Ech. 310; Lab. 348 ; Ascl. 295 ; 
Scab. 211 ; Jas. 283 ; ; Comp. 259, 255. 

— viatica, Le. bi “'Th., Umb. 191; 
Veron. 327 ; Scab, 211. 

Psen atratus, "Pz, (s— 3), L. Th., Umb. 
192; Ros. 133. 

Rhopalum clavipes, L., L., Rut. 84. 

Salius sanguinolentus, F., Tis Comp. 248. 

Scolia_bicincta, hortorum, 4punctata 
(34), Ascl. 295. 

Tachytes pectinipes, v. d. L.,4 L. Th., 
Umb. 191, 192; Jas. 283. 

— unicolor, Pz., Th., Umb. 192. 

Tiphia femorata, F., L. Th., Umb. 172, 
191, 192, 193, 194, 195. 

— minuta, v. d. L., L., Crue. 27; 
Rut. 84. 

ruficornis, Kl. (1), L., Umb. 188. 

Trypoxylon clavicerum, Latr. (3), Th., 
Umb. 192. 

— figulus, L. (3), L., Rut. 84. 

G. Tenthredinide (38 species, 125 visits). 

Athalia rose, L., L. Th., Umb. 178, 188, 
190, 194, 195, 185, 183. 

— spinarum, F, L,., Umb. 177 ; Fagop. 

Cephus pallipes, K]., L., Ran. 8 ; Cary. 

—. ‘spinipes, Pz., L., Ran. 7 ; Crue. 40, 

troglodytes, i, o Umb. 177. 

——  spec., L., Ran. 7, 8; Cruc. 40; 
Comp. 267, 274. 

Cimbex sericea, L., L. Sld., Umb. 179, 
177, 181, 194; Comp. 229. 

Dolerus cenchris, Htg., T., Umb. 183. 

eglanterie, F. (3—1), L., Umb. 

177 ; Salix 378, 379. 

T According to Frederick Smith the specimens 
of this species in Linneus’ collection are identi- 
cal with Sphex fusca, L., and the species must 
therefore be called P. fuscus, L 

2 According to F. Smith = P. variabilis, Rossi. 

3 According to F. Smith this species, from 
the original type-specimens in Fabricius’ collec- 
tion in Kiel, is identical with P. lutaria, F., 
which name has priority. 

4 According to F. Smith the Linnean type- 
specimens of Sphex pectinipes, F., show it to 
be a Pompilus, and what is called Tachytes 
pectinipes, lu., in this book, must be called 7, 
pompiliformis, Pz. 


Dolerus gonager, K1., L., Salix 378 ; Ros. 
151, 127. 

-—— madidus, K1., L., Salix 378. 

Hylotoma ccerulescens, F., L. T., Umb. 
177, 194, 182. 

enodis, L., L. Th., Umb. 177, 183. 

—— femoralis, Kl., L. Th., Umb. 179, 
177, 194, 195, 185. 

rosarum, F., L. Th., Umb. 179, 
177, 181, 175, 194. 

—— segmentaria, Pz., Th., Umb. 183. 

— ustulata, L., L. Sld., Umb. 179, 
194, 14. 

—— vulgaris, Kl., L. Th., Umb. 179, 

Macrophya neglecta, KI., T., Umb. 185. 

Nematus capree, L., L., Ros. 151. 

hortensis, Htg., L., Umb. 185. 

— myosotidis, F., T., Umb. 185. 

—— rufescens, H., L., Salix 378. 

vittatus, Lep., L., Umb. 185, 174. 

Selandria serva, F. (?—1), L., Umb. 179, 
177, 181, 194, 195, 185. 

Tarpa cephalotes, F., Th., Comp. 238. 

Tenthredo annulata, F., L., Umb. 194, 

atra, L., L., Umb. 179. 

bicincta, L., L. Sld., Umb. 181; 

Ros. 133. 

bifasciata, L., L. Th., Umb. 179, 
177, 181, 194, 183. 

—— flavicornis, L., T,, Umb. 179, 184, 

marginella, Kl., L., Rhus 88. 

— notha, K]. (14), L. T. Th., Sed. 164 ; 
Umb. 179, 177, 181, 178, 189, 194, 
196, 195, 185, 184, 183; Comp. 238, 
225, 229; 297. 

rape, Kl., L., Umb. 185; Rubiac. 

rustica, L., L. T., Umb. 185, 184; 

Ros. 134. 

scrophularie, L., L. T., Onagr. 166 ; 

Comp. 225, 229. 

tricincta, F., L. T., Umb. 177, 194. 

—— spec., L. Th., Umb. 179, 177, 181, 
192, 193, 194, 185, 184, 183, 174; 
Hyper. 68*; Ros. 134; Papil. 96* ; 
Comp. 248, 225, 229, 272. 

H. Vespide (18 species, 74 visits). 

Eumenes pomiformis, Rossi (2), L., Umb. 
192; Bry. 171; Rhamn. 86; Rhus 

Odynerus debilitatus, Sauss., Th., Umb. 
190, 192. 

elegans, Wesm.,T., Umb. 179, 185. 

—— parietum, L. (2), L. T. Th., Umb. 
172, 192, 193, 194,-196, 184; Clem. 1; 
Res. 44; Bry. 171; Salix 378; Rut. 
84; Cary. 55; Poterium*; Ech. 310 ; 
Prim. 290* ; Scab. 211; Comp. 225, 

Odynerus quinquefasciatus, F. (spinipes, 
L.), L. T., Umb. 179; Ran. 7; Rhus 
88 ; Geran. 78; Ros. 133. 

—— simplex, F. = reniformis, Wesm.,- 

L. Th., Cary. 55; Papil. 212*. 

—— sinuatus, F. (according to Smith = 
bifasciatus, L.) (13), L. Sld., Umb. 
190, 194, 195; Rhus 88; Ros. 132* ; 
Comp. 225. 

- spinosus, H. Sch., L., Ran. 7. 

—— trifasciatus, F. (gazella, Pz.), L. 

Sld., Umb, 194 ; Papil. 108*. 
~— spec., L., Ol. 291* ; Caprif. 201. 
Polistes gallica, F. (including P. diadema), 

Th.,.Umb. 172, 175, 191, 192, 193; 

Secroph. 319; Lab. 339; Ascl. 295; 
Symphor. 201 ; Comp. 240, 257, 250. 
Pterocheilus phaleratus, Latr., L., Comp. 
Vespa germanica, F., L., Salix 3878; 
Scroph. 322. 
holsatica, F. (3-33), L. Th., Umb. 
194; Berb. 18; Scroph. 322; Eric. 
287 ; Symphor. 201. 
— media, Deg., L. Th., Scroph. 322 ; 
Symphor. 201. 
rufa, L., L., Umb. 190, 194; Berb. 
18 ; Scroph. 322 ; Eric. 285 ; Symphor. 
—— saxonica, F., Th., Symphor. 201. 

Scroph. 322. 

V. LEPIDOPTERA (79 species, 365 
different visits). 
A. Bombyces (3 species, 3 visits). 
Dasychira pudibunda, L. (0), L., Caprif, 

Euchelia Jacobee, L., L., Cruc. 29. 
Porthesia aurifiua, S. V., L., Pap. 90*. 

B. Microlepidoptera (6 species, 13 visits). 

Adela sulzella, 8S. V., L., Ros. 133. 

—— spec., L., Umb. 177; Salix 378; 
Lab. 339; Seab. 211. 

Ephestia elutella, Hiibn., L., Scroph. 

Botys purpuralis, L., L., Scab. 211, 212; 
Jas. 283; Comp. 199, 234. 

nemotois, Hb., spec., L., Umb. 195. 

Tortrix plumbagana, Tr., L., Ros, 133. 

C. Noctuce (10 species, 42 visits). 
Agrotis pronuba, L., L., Dianth. 54 ; 
Eryth. 298. 
Anarta myrtilli, L., L., Comp. 229. 

Brotalamia meticulosa, L., L., Dianth. ~ 


Cucullia umbratica, L. (18—22), L., 
Caprif. 202. 

Dianthecia capsincola, 8. V. (23— 25), 
L., Caprif. 202. 

vulgaris, L. (2—23), L., Umb. 194; 


Euclidia glyphica, L. (7), L., Ran. 7 ; 
Cruc. 40; Cary.j 57; Papil. 90+t, 94t, 
116+ ; Seroph. 334 ; Lab. 366; Scab. 
211 ;-Comp. 249. 

— Mi, L., L., Comp. 267. 

Hadena didyma, Esp., L., Comp. 234. 

Mamestra serena, 8. V., Th., Seab. 211. 

Plusia gamma, L. (15), L. Th., Lin. 75 ; 
Dianth. 53, 54; Papil. 100, 94, 1111, 
122}, 116+; Ech. 310; Bor. 302; Lab. 
353, 846+; Eryth. 298; Caprif. 202 ; 
Scab. 212; Comp. 257, 259, 253, 246, 
244, 221, 271, 273 (28 visits). 

D. Rhopalocera (46 species, 259 visits). 

Argynnis Aglaia, L., Sld. Th., Lab. 340 ; 
Comp. 248, 237. 

Paphia, L., Th. Westf., Umb. 190 ; 
Ros. 135; Lab. 371; Comp. 214. 

Colias Hyale, L., L. Th., Dianth. 53 ; 
Papil. 94; Ech. 310; Lab. 364 ; Scab. 
211 ; Comp. 257, 256, 271, 260. 

— (Rhodocera) rhamni, L., L. Sld. 
Th., Cruc. 30; Viol. 47, 48, 49; 
Dianth. 53 ; Lythr. 165; Papil. 122 ; 
Bor. 304; Lab. 366, 350 ; Comp. 249, 

Hesperia (Syrichthus) alveolus, Hb., L. 
Sld., Viol. 49; Papil. 90t; Lab. 366 ; 
Comp. 229, 274. 

— lineola, 0., L., Umb. 195; Scab. 
211 ; Comp. 214. 

—— (Carterocephalus) Paniscus, Esp., 
L., Ros. 135. 

-— silvanus, Esp., L. Sld., Hyper. 68* ; 
Malv. 72; Cary. 59; Papil. 100, 122; 
Ech. 310; Lab. 355 ; Comp. 248, 253, 
225, 272. 

—— (Erynnis) Tages, L., L., Papil. 90f. 

—— thaumas, Hfn. (linea, S. V.), L., 
Papil. 100, 101, 94+; Bor. 303; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 257, 223. 

spec., L. Th., Delph. 15f; Viol. 
49 ; Papil. 98+, 94+ ; Lab. 366 ; Comp. 
229, 274. ‘ 

Lycena Mgon, S. V., L., Jas. 283; 
Comp. 225. 

— Alsus, 8. V., Th., Papil. 91* ; Comp. 

Argiolus, L., L., Salix 378; Papil. 
94; Lab. 355 ; Eric. 285 ; Comp. 267. 

— Icarus, Rott. (Alexis,S. V.), L., Ran. 
7; Cary. 57; Papil. 90t;. Bor. 307 ; 
Lab. 340 ; Comp. 268. ; 

spec., L. Th., Papil. 94f, 116t ; 
Ech. 310 ; Comp. 257, 223, 214. 

Melita Athalia, Esp., Sld. Th., Lil. 
391; Papil. 355 ; Comp. 258, 230. 

Cinxia, L. (10), L., Ech. 310. 

Papilio Machaon, L. (18), L. Th., Lil. 
391; Ol. 291; Scab. 210. 

— Podalirius, L., L., Lab. 366; Ol. 


Pieris brassice, L. (15), L. Th., Crue. 
30, 34; Viol. 48; Fagop. 369; Cary. 
57, 59 ; Ros. 129 ; Papil. 98t, 100, 94 ; 
Ech. 310; Bor. 309; Lab. 366, 364, 
358, 349, 343; Ol. 291; Comp. 257, 
248, 250, 253, 246, 267, 264, 275, 262 
(27 visits). 

—— (Anthocharis) cardamines, L. (11— 
12), L.,:Cruc. 30; Viol. 48 ; Ol. 291. 

— crategi, L. (17), L., Ros. 135. 

—— napi, L. (11), L., Cruc. 30, 34, 36; 
Viol. 48, 49; Bry. 171; Geran. 82; 
Fagop. 369; Cary. 65; Ros. 135; 
Papil.s 115¢; Bor. 309; Lab. 366; 
Ol. 291; Comp. 257, 253, 245, 225, 
266, 274; Valer. 209 (23 visits). 

rape, L. (12), L., Umb. 196 ; Cruc. 
34, 36; Viol. 48, 49; Geran. 76; 
Maly. 69 ; Polygon, 371; Dianth. 52 ; 
Cary. 57 ; Lythr. 165 ; Ros. 129 ; Pa- 
pil. 100, 94, 121, 122, 117; Lab. 366, 
353 ; Ol. 291 ; Scab. 212 ; Comp. 253, 
245, 214, 262 (25 visits). 

Polyommatus dorilis, Hfn. (Circe, S. V.), 
L., Jas. 283; Comp. 234, 223, 221, 

—— Eurydice, Rott., L., Polygal. 51. 

— phleeas, L., L. Th., Ran. 7 ; Fagop. 
369; Cary. 60, 53; Scab. 212; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 330, 346, 234, 238 (10 

Satyrus (Pararga) Egeria, L., Westf., 
Comp. 214. 

—— (Epinephele) Galatea, L., Westf., 
Comp. 257, 255, 214. 

—— (Epinephele) Hyperanthus, L., L. 
Sld., Lab. 342, 343; Comp. 238. 

—— (Epinephele) Janira, L. (10), L., 
Hyper. 68; Dianth. 52; Papil. 100; 
Ech. 310; Lab. 340, 342, 337; Jas. 
283 ; Scab. 211, 212; Comp. 257, 258, 
248, 253, 229, 262. 

—— (Erebia) Medea, S. Y., Sld., Scab. 

—— (Erebia) Medusa, S. V., Westf., 
Comp. 214. 

—— (Pararga) Megera, L., L., Papil. 
100, 108 ; Comp. 257, 266, 274. 

—— (Cenonympha) Pampbilus, L., L. 
Sld. Th., Ran. 6, 7; Lab. 340; Jas. 
283 ; Comp. 257, 225, 217. 

spec., L., Delph. 15¢ ; Papil. 121. 

Thecla ilicis, Esp., L., Comp. 215. 

quercus, L., Westf., Comp. 214. 

— rubi, L., L., Papil. 95; Eric. 285; 
Comp. 248. 

spec., L., Camp. 257, 216, 217. 

Vanessa Atalanta, L., L., Comp. 234. 

C-album, L. (11), L., Umb. 188. 

— cardui, L., L. Th., Lab. 364. 

Io, L. (15—16), L. Sld., Salix 379 ; 

Papil. 122; Comp. 237, 214, 274. 

urtice, L. (12), L. Sld., Viol. 47 ; 

Salix 378 ; Fagop. 369 ; Papil. 100, 94, 


122; Lab. 364; Ol. 291; Scab. 211; 
Comp. 255, 248, 237, 218, 266, 275 
(15 visits). 

E. Sphinges (14 species, 48 visits). 

Ino Statices, L., L. T. Sld., Cary. 57 ; 
Onagr. 166; Scab. 211; Camp. 277 ; 
Jas. 283 ; Comp. 229. 

Macroglossa fuciformis, L., L., Cary. 57 ; 
Lab. 366, 349 ; Ol. 291. 

— stellatarum, L., L. Sld. Th., Dianth. 
53; Onagr. 169; Ech. 310; Lab. 364, 
349; Eryth. 298; Ol. 291; Comp. 

Sesia asiliformis, Rott. (S. cynipiformis, 
Esp.), Th., Papil. 94¢ ; Comp. 238. 
—— empiformis, Esp., Sld. Th., Papil. 

90+ ; Lab. 340. 

—— tipuliformis, L., L. T., Cruc. 38; 
Lab. 340; Comp. 232. 

Sphinx convolvuli, L. (65—80), L., Con- 
volv. 311* ; Caprif. 202. 

—— (Deilephila) Elpenor, L. (20—24), 
L., Caprif. 202. 

ligustri, L. (37—42, L.,) Sapon. 56 ; 

Caprif. 202. 

pinastri, L. (28—33), L., Caprif. 

--— (Deilephila) Porcellus, L. (20), L., 
Cary. 58 ; Caprif. 202. 

Sphinx (Smerinthus) tilie, L. (8), L., 
Caprif. 202*. 

Zygexna carniolica, Scop. (Zonobrychis 
S. V.), Th., Dianth. 53; Pap. 94f, 
119t ; Comp. 257, 258, 248, 249. 

loniceree, Esp., L. Th., Papil. 90+ ; 

Ech. 310; Scab. 211; Comp. 247, 


VI. NEUROPTERA (4 species, 13 visits). 

Agrion spec., L., Ros, 133. 

Hemerobius spec., L., Umb. 195, 185. 

Panorpa communis, L., L. Sld. T., Umb. 
179, 181, 190; Rhus 89; Ros. 133; 
Scroph. 317 ; Comp. 214, 234. 

Sialis lutaria, L., L., Umb. 177, 185. 

VII. ORTHOPTERA (3 species, 8 visits). 

Forficula auricularia, L., L., Papav. 20; 
Camp. 282. 
Podura spec., L., Convolv. 311*. 

VIII. THYSANOPTERA (18 visits). 

Thrips spec., L., Ran. 9, 10; Crue. 30, 
39; Res. 42; Cary. 65, 66, 60, 63; 
Lythr. 165; Ros. 151, 188; Convolv. 
311* ; Scroph. 317; Lab. 339; Vince. 
293 ; Eric. 287. 


Coleoptera .........- 129 species with 469 visits. 
Diptera ........... 258 Fo 1598 ,, 
Hemiptera ......... i 30 
Hymenoptera ... 368 . 2750s, 
Lepidoptera ..... 79 ra 365, 
Neuroptera ...... 4 “ a 
Orthoptera......... 3 ae 3. 
Thysanoptera 1 oa | ee 


843 species, with 5231 different visits. 



ABBREVIATIONS.—Coleopt. = Coleoptera; Dipt. = Diptera in general ; 
Muse. = Muscide ; Syrph. = Syrphide ; Rhing. = Rhingia; Hemipt. = 
Hemiptera ; Hymen. = Hymenoptera, not including the bees; Apid. = 
Apide in general ; A*, = Apis mellifica; B. = Bombus and Anthophora (the 
longest-tongued of our bees) ; Lepid. = Lepidoptera in general; Lepid. d. = 
diurnal Lepidoptera ; Lepid. n. = nocturnal Lepidoptera; Newropt. = 
Neuroptera ; Orthopt. = Orthoptera ; Th. = Thrips. 

The figures placed after these abbreviations indicate the number of species 
of insect-visitors observed. Groups of insects which are useless in the work 
of fertilisation are placed in square brackets [_ ]. 

ABUTILON, p. 145. 

Acacia Julibrizzin, p. 220. 

Acanthacee, p. 467. 

Acanthus, p. 468. 

Acer, p. 164. 

Achillea Millefolium, No. 225 (Apid. 30, 
Hymen. 25, Dipt. 21, Lepid. 6, Coleopt. 
5), p. 325. 

A. Ptarmica, No. 226, p. 327. 

Aconitum Lycoctonum, No. 17 (B. 1), 

p. 87. 

A. Napellus, No. 16, p. 86. 

A. septentrionale, p. 88. 

Adenostemma, p. 318. 

Adonis vernalis, p. 73. 

Adontostyles, p. 361. 

Adoxa moschatellina, No. 198 (Dipt. 4, 
Hymen. 3, Coleopt. 1), p. 289. 

Aichmanthera, p. 467. 

Agiphila elata, p. 469. 

Z. mollis, p. 469. 

ZE. obdurata, p. 469. 

Jigopodium Podagraria, No. 179 (Dipt. 
34, Coleopt. 21, Hymen. 33, Apid. 15, 
Neuropt.1), p. 276. 

#Esculus Hippocastanum, No. 87 (Apid. 
7), p. 164. 

4. rubicunda, p. 166. 

Agathea, p. 361. 

Agrimonia Eupatorium, No. 145 (Syrph. 
9, Muse. 1, Api. 1), p. 235, 

Agrostis alba, p. 568. 

Ajuga genevensis, p. 502. 

A. pyramidalis, p. 502. 

A. reptans, No. 366 (Apid. 15, Syrph. 
1, Lepid. 7), p. 501. 

Alchemilla alpina, p. 235. 

A. fissa, p. 235. 

A. pentaphylla, p. 235. 

A. vulgaris, No. 144 (Syrph. 5), p. 234. 

Alisma natans, p. 567. 

A. Plantago, No. 398 (Syrph. 5), p. 565. 

Alismacee, p. 565. 

Alliaria officinalis, No. 35, p. 109. 

Allium carinatum, p. 554. 

A. Cepa, No. 393 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 3, 

Dipt. 1), p. 553. 

. fistulosum, p. 554. 

. rotundum, p. 554. 

. Schcenoprasum, p. 554, 

. sibiricum, p. 554. 

. Spherocephalum, p. 554. 

. ursinum, No. 392 (B. 1), p. 553. 

. victoriale, p. 554. 

Alocasia odora, p. 564. 

Alopecurus pratensis, p. 568. 

Alpinia, p. 542. 

Alsinex, p. 131. 

Amarantacee, p. 509. 

Amaryllidee, p. 559. 

Ambrosinia Bassii, p. 565. 

Amelanchier vulgaris, p. 242, 

> > > > 


Ambherstia nobilis, p. 220. 
Ammannia latifolia, p. 261. 
Amorpha canescens, p. 198. 

A. fruticosa, p. 198. 
Amorphophallus campanulatus, p. 5638. 
A. Titanum, p. 564. 

A. variabilis, p. 564. 
Amphbicarpea monoica, p. 214. 
Amsinckia, p. 422. 

Anacamptis pyramidalis, p. 534. 
Anacardiacee, p. 166. 
Anagallis arvensis, p.. 390. 

A. coerulea, p. 390. 

Anandria, p. 351. 

Anchusa officinalis, No. 302 (Apid. 6, 

Lepid. 1), p. 411. 

Andromedex, p. 376. 

Androsace Chamzjasme, p. 389. 

A. obtusifolia, p. 389. 

A. septentrionalis, p. 389. 

A. Vitaliana, ‘p. 389. 

Anemone alpina, p. 73. 

A. narcissifolia, p. 73. 

A. nemorosa, No. 4 (Apid. 5, Muse. 2, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 72. 

A. ranunculoides, p. 88. 

A. silvestris, p. 88. 

Anethum graveolens, No. 192 (Dipt. 15, 
Hymen. 25, Apid. 6), p. 283. 

Angelica silvestris, No. 190 (Dipt. 11, 
Coleopt. 6, Apid. 2, Hymen. 9, Lepid. 
1, Newropt. 1), p. 282, 

Angrecum, p. 528. 

Anoda hastata, p. 145. 

Anonacee, p. 90. 

Anthemidew, p. 325. 

Anthemis arvensis, No. 227 (Apid. 8, 
Hymen, 4, Dipt. ’9, Coleopt. 3), p. 329. 

A. tinctoria, No. 228 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 6, Coleopt. 2), p. 329. 

Anthericum Liliago, p. 553. 

A. ramosum, No. 391 (Apid. 1, Syrph. 
1, Lepid. 2), p. 552. 

Anthoxanthum odoratum, p. 568. 

Anthriscus epee No. 186 (Dipt. 11, 
Coleopt. 7, Hymen. 5, Apid. 3), p. 281. 

4. silvestris, No. 185 (Dipt. 26, Coleopt. 
20, Hymen. 20, Apid. 5, Newropt. 2), 
p- 879, 

Anthurium Pothos, p. 565. 

Anthyllis vulneraria, No. 91 (Apid. 4), 

p. 172. 

Auta majus, No. 321 (B. 5, [Apid. 
3]), p. 433. 

Aphelaideh aig 54 | p- 468. 

Apocynacer, p. 394. 

Apocynum androsemifolium, p. 396. 

A. hypericifolium, p. 396. 

Aquilegia vulgaris, No. 13 (B. 2, [Apid. 
4]), p. 81. 

Arabis alpina, p. 102. 

A. bellidifolia, p. 102. 

A. hirsuta, No. 29 (Hymen. 1, Apid. 1, 
Lepid, 1); p . 102. 

Arachis, p. 201. 

Araliaceee, p. 287. 

Araujia albens, p. 400. 

Arbutus, p. 375. 

Arbutez, p. 375. 

Arctium minus, p. 338. 

A. tomentosum, p. 338. 
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, p. 375. 
Arctotis, p. 361. 

Arenaria muscosa, p. 137. 

A. trinervia, No. 57 (Coleopt. 1), p. 186. 
Argemone ochroleuca, p. 94. 
Arisema filiforme, p. 564. 
Arisarum, p. 564. 

Aristolochia Bonplandi, p. 518. 

A. Clematitis, No. 375 (Dipt. 8), p. 517. 

A. grandiflora, p. 519. 

A. Sipho, No. 376 (Dipt. 5), p. 518. 

Aristolochiacee, p. 517. 

Armeria, p. 382. 

Armoracia amphibia, No. 28 (Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 4), p. 102. 

Arnebia, p. 422. 

Arnica montana, No. 237 (Apid. 3, Dipt. 

10, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 2), p. 335. 
Aroidew, p. 562. 
Aronia rotundifolia, p. 242. 

Artemisia Dracunculus, No. 2385 (Syrph. 

1), p. 333. 

Artocarpex, p. 521. 

Arum crinitum, p. 564. 

A. Dracunculus, p. 564. 

A. italicum, p. 563. 

A. maculatum, No. 397 (Dipt. 1), p. 562. 

A. ternatum, p. 564. 

Asarum canadense, p. 517. 

A. europxeum, p. 317. 

Asclepiadex, p. 396. 

Asclepias Cornuti, No. 295 (Apid. 10, 
Hymen. 7, Dipt. 7), p. 396. 

A. curassavica, p- 400. 

A, fruticosa, p. 400. 

A. tenuifolia, p. 400. 

Asimina triloba, p. 90. 

Asparagus officinalis, No. 888 (Apid. 5), 
p. 548. 

Asperula azurea, p. 304. 

A. ee No. 207 (Dipt. 1, Apid. 
1), p 

A. odorata (A*.), p. 304. 

A. pusilla, p. 306. 

A. scoparia, p. 306. 

A. taurina, p. 303, 

Aspicarpa urens, p. 149. 

Aspidistra elatior, p. 560. 

Aster alpinus, p. 322. 

A. Ariélins: NS No. 219 (Syrph. 1)? . 322. 

A. chinensis, No. 218 (Syrph. 2 evi 
1, Apid. 1), p. 322. 

Asteroides, p. 820. 

Astrantia major, No. 178 bl oncat 3; ee 
3, Coleopt. 1), P- 272, 

AV minor, p.. 273." 

Ataccia celatatds p. 558, 


ii A 


Atherurus tripartitus, p. 564. 
Atragene alpina, p. 70. 
Atropa Belladonna, p. 427. 
Azalea procumbens, p. 380. 

BALLOTA NIGRA, No. 364 (Apid. 14, 
Lepid. 7), p. 498. 

Balsaminez, p. 160. 

Barbarea vulgaris, p. 104. 

Bartsia alpina, p. 445. 

Bellidiastrum, p. 361. 

Bellis perennis, No. 217 (Apid. 8, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 13, Lepid. 2, Coleopt. 
3), p. 821. 

Berberidex, p. 90. 

Berberis vulgaris, No. 18 (Dipt. 11, Apid. 
10, Hymen. 2, Coleopt. 2), p. 90. 

Bergenia crassifolia, No. 156 (Apid. 2), 
p. 247. 

Betonica officinalis, No. 354 (B.1, [Syrph. 
2, Lepid. 1}), p. 487. 

Biarum, p. 565. 

Bidens, p. 361. 

Bignonia, p. 466. 

Bignoniacee, p. 466. 

Biscutella levigata, p. 108. 

Bonjeania hirsuta, p. 173. 

Boragez, p. 408. 

Boraginez, p. 408. 

Borago officinalis, No. 301 (Apid. 5), p. 


Borreria, p. 304. 

Boucerosia, p. 401. 

Brachypodium pinnatum, p. 568. 

Brassica oleracea, No. 39 (Coleopt. 1, 
Apid. 6, Th. 1), p. 111. 

B. Rapa, p. 112. 

Bromus mollis, p. 568. 

Browallia elata, p. 427. 

Brugmansia Zippelii, p. 516. 

Bryonia dioica, No. 171 (Apid. 7, Hymen. 
4, Coleopt. 1, Lepid. 1), p. 268. 

Bryophyllum calycinum, p. 251. 

Bunchosia Gaudichaudiana, p. 149. 

Bupleurum faleatum, No. 175 (Dipt. 4, 
Hymen. 8, Apid. 1), p. 275. 

B. rotundifolium, p. 286. 

Burlingtonia, p. 528. 

Buxus, p. 520. 

CACALIA, p. 361. 

Cesalpiniaceee, p. 220. 

Caffea arabica, p. 304. 

Cajophora lateritia, p. 267. 

Calamintha Acinos, No. 344 (Apid. 1, 
Dipt. 1), p. 477. 

C. alpina, p. 477. 

C. ane ium, No. 348 (Lepid. 2), p- 


C. Nepeta, p. 476. 
Calathea discolor, p. 542. 
C. zebrina, p. 542. 
Calceolaria, p. 431. 

Calendula, p. 361. 
Calla palustris, p. 565. 
Callitriche verna, p. 255. 
Calluna vulgaris, No. 287 (Apid. 9, 

Hymen. 1, Dipt. 6, Th. 1), p. 377. 

Calogyne, p. 364. 

Calonyction, p. 425. 

Caltha palustris, No. 11 (Dipt. 7, Coleopt. 
1, Apid. 4), p. 79. 

Calycanthacee, p. 89. 

Calycanthus floridus, p. 89. 

Calystegia sepium, p, 424. . 

Camarea, p. 149. 

Campanula bononiensis, No, 280 (Apid. 
4, Coleopt. 1), p. 368. 

C. canescens, p. 369. 

C. colorata, p. 369. 

C. Medium, p. 366. 

C. patula, No. 281 (Apid. 2), p. 368. 

C. persicifolia, No. 282 (Apid. 1, 
[Orthopt. 1]), p. 368. 

C. pusilla, p. 367. 

C. rapunculoides, No. 279 (Apid. 9, 
Rhing. 1), p. 368. 

C. rotundifolia, No. 277 (Apid. 10, Dipt. 
2, Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 3), p. 368. 

C. Trachelium, No. 278 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 
2, Coleopt. 2), pi 368. 

Campanulaceee, p. 365. 

Campanulez, p. 366. 

Canna, p. 543. 

Canneee, p. 543. 

Capparidez, p. 114. 

Capparis, p. 114. 

Caprificus, p. 521. 

Caprifoliacee, p. 289. 

Capsella bursa-pastoris, No. 37 (Lepid. 
7, Muse. 1), p. 110. 

Cardamine ehenopodifolia, p. 104. 

C. impatiens, p. 104. 

C. pratensis, No. 30 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 6, 
Lepid. 4, Coleopt. 1, Th. 1), p. 102. 

Cardiospermum, p. 164. 

Carduus acanthoides, No. 246 (Apid. 32, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 3, Lepid. 4, Coleopt. 
4), p. 339. 

C. crispus, No. 245 (Apid. 5, Syrph. 1, 
Lepid. 2), p. 338. ° 

C. nutans, No. 247 (Apid. 5, Lepid. 1), 
p. 340. 

Carex hirta, p. 567. 

C. montana, p. 567. 

Carlina acaulis, No. 241 (Apid. 9, Coleopt. 
1), p. 337. 

C. vulgaris, No. 242 (Apid. 8, Hymen. 
p. 1), 337. 
Carum Carui, No. 177 (Dipt. 21, Coleopt. 

5, Hymen. 17, Apid. 11, Lepid. 1, 
Neuropt. 1), p. 275. 
C. sativum, No. 176 (Dipt. 8, Amid. 10), 

p. 275. 
Caryophyllee, p. 125. 
Cassia multijuga, p. 220. 
Cattleya, p. 528. 


Caucalis Anthriscus, No. 196 (Dipé. 1, 
Hymen. 8, Lepid. 1), p. 286. 

C, daucoides, p. 286, 

Celastrinee, p. 162. 
Centaurea Cyanus, No. 259 (Apid. 3, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 3, Lepid. 1), p. 350. 
C. Jacea, No. 257 (Apid. 28, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 6, Lepid. 13), p. 346. 

C. Scabiosa, No. 258 (Apid. 14, Dipt. 2, 
Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 1, Hemipt. 1), p. 349. 

Centranthus ruber, p. 308. 

Centrosema, p. 215. 

Centrostemma, p. 401. 

Centunculus, p. 390. 

Cerastium arvense, No. 60 (Dipt. 13, 
Apid. 3, Culeopt. 1, Th. 1, Lepid. 1), 


p- ‘ 

C. semidecandrum, No. 62 (Dipt. 3, 
Apid. 1), p. 132. 

C, triviale, No. 61 (Dipt. 2), p. 132. 

C, viscosum, p. 133. 

Cerinthe glabra, p. 421. 

C. minor, p. 422. 

Ceropejia elegans, p. 401. 

Cherophyllum hirsutum, No. 183 (Dipt. 
1, Coleopt. 2, Hymen. 11, Apid. 1), p. 

C. temulum, No. 184 (Dipt. 10, Coleopt. 
5, Hymen. 7, Apid. 1), p. 279. 

Chamedorea, p. 562. 

Chameorchis, p. 532, 

Chamissoa, p. 509. 

Chapmannia, p. 201. 

Chasalia, p. 304. 

Chelidonium majus, No. 21 (Apid. 7, 
Syrph. 5, [Dipt. 1]), p. 94. 

Chelone, p. 434, 

Chenopodiacee, p. 509. 

Chenopodium album, p. 509. 

C. ambrosioides, p. 509. 

C. bonus-Henricus, p. 509. 

Chimonanthus fragrans, p. 89. 

Chrysanthemum corymbosum, No. 231 
(Hymen. 1, Dipt. 1, Hemipt. 1), p. 331. 

C. inodorum, No. 230 (Hymen. 1), p. 

C. leucanthemum, No. 229 (Apid. 12, 
Hymen. 10, Dipt, 28, Lepid. 5, Coleopt. 
17), p. 329. 

C. Parthenium, No. 232 (Lepid. 1), p. 

Chrysocoma Linosyris, No. 221 (Apid. 
4, Dipt. 4, Lepid. 3), p. 322. 

Chrysosplenium alternifolium, No. 155 
(Dipt. 5, Hymen. 4, Coleopt. 4), p. 

Chuquiraga insignis, p. 351. 

Cichoriacew, p. 351. 

Cichorium Intybus, No. 260 (Apid. 8, 
Dipt, 3, Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 351. 

Cinchona, p. 304. 

Circeea lutetiana, No. 170 (Dipt. 5), p. 

Cirsium, see Cnicus., 

*- C. ochroleucus, No. 252, 


Cistiner, p. 117. 

Cistus hirsutus, p. 117. 

C. villosus, p. 117. 

Clematis balearica, p. 70. 

C. integrifolia, p. 70. 

C. recta, No. 1 (Apid. 7, Hymen. 3, 
Syrph. 7, Muse. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 69. 

Cleome, p. 114. : 

Clitoria mariana, p. 215. 

Cnicus acaulis, p. 344. , 

C. arvensis, No. 248 (Apid. 32, Hymen.17, 
Dipt. 24, Lepid. 7, Coleopt. 8), p. 340. 

C. eriophorus, No. 251 (Apid. 1), p. 348. 

C. heterophyllus, No. 254, p. 344. 

C. lanceolatus, No. 250 (Apid. 6, Hymen. 
1, Syrph. 3, Lepid. 2), p. 348. 

p. 343. 

C. oleraceus, No, 249 (Agid. 2, Lepid. 
1), p. 343. 

C. palustris, No. 253 (Aid. 9, Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 4, Lepid. 6, Coleopt. 2), p. 348. 

C. spinosissimus, p. 344. 

~ Cobea penduliflora, p. 407. 

C. scandens, p. 407. 

Cochlearia officinalis, No. 32 (Syrph. 3, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 105. 

Cocos, p. 562. 

Colchicum autumnale, No. 395 (B. 1), 
p. 556. 

Coleus, p. 471. 

Collinsia bicolor, p. 436. 

C. verna, p. 436. 

Collomia, p. 407. 

Combretacex, p. 255. 

Combretum, p. 255. 

Commelina bengalensis, p. 561. 

Commelinacee, p. 561. 

Composite, p. 315. 

Conifer, p. 526. 

Conium maculatum, No. 174 (Dipt. 5, 
Coleopt. 3, Hymen. 4, Apid. 1), p. 274. 

Conophallus Titanum, p. 564. 

Convallaria majalis, No. 389 (4*.), p. 

C. multiflora, No. 390 (B. 2, Rhing. 1), 
p. 550. 

C. verticillata, p. 550. 

Convolvulacez, p. 423. 

Convolvulus arvensis, No. 811 (Apid. 6, 
Dipt. 8, Coleopt. 3, Hymen. 1), p. 423. 

C. sepium (Lepid. n. 1! [Dipt. 2, Apid. 
2, Coleopt. 1, Orthopt. 1, Th. 1)) p. 424. 

Conyza squarrosa, No. 220 (Apid. 10, 
Hymen. 1), p. 322. 

Cordia, p. 408. 

Cordier, p. 408. 

Coriaria myrtifolia, p. 167. 

Coriariex, p. 167. 

Cornacer, p. 287. 

Cornus sanguinea, No. 197 (Coleopt. 12, 
Dipt. 2, Hymen. 1), p. 287. 

Coronilla Emerus, No. 113, p. 198. 

C, glauca, p. 199. 

C, minima, p. 199. 


Coronilla montana, p. 199. 

C. varia, No. 114 (A*.), p. 198. 

Correa, p. 162. 

Cortusa, p. 389. 

Corydalis cava, No. 23 (B. 1, [Apid. 6, 
Dipt. 2}), p. 97. 

C. lutea, No. 25 (B. 1), p. 99. 

C. nobilis, p. 98. 

C. ochroleuca, p. 98. 

C. solida, No. 24 (B. 1, [Apid. 2, Dipt. 
2]), p. 98. 

Corylus Avellana, p, 523. 

Cotoneaster vulgaris, No, 154, p. 241. 

Crassulacere, p. 251. 

Crategus Oxyacantha, No. 153 (Dipt. 
24, Coleopt. 14, Apid. 19), p. 240. 

Crepis biennis, No. 263 (Apid. 23, Dipt. 
7, Coleopt. 1), p. 353. 

C. tectorum, No. 264 (Apid. 8, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 1), R 353. 

C. virens, No. 265 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 8, 
Ooleopt. 1), p. 353. 

Crinum, p. 560. 

Crocus sativus, p. 548. 

C. vernus, p. 547. 

Crucifere, p. 100. 

Cryphiacanthus barbadensis, p. 467. 

Cryptocoryne, p. 565. 

Cryptostachys, p. 568. 

Cryptostemma, p. 361. 

Cucurbitacer, p. 268. 

Cuphea floribunda, p. 261. 

C. melvyilla, p. 261. 

C, silenoides, p. 261. 

Cupuliferz, p. 523. 

Cuseuta Epithymum, p. 425. 

Cynanchum Vincetoxicum, p. 401. 

Cynaroidex, p. 336. 

Cypella, p. 547. 

Cyperaceer, p. 565. 

Cyphiez, p. 366. 

Cypripedine, p. 539. 

Cypripedium barbatum, p. 541. 

C. Calceolus, No. 386 (Apid. 5, [+ 1, 
Dipt. 4, Coleopt. 1]), p. 539. 

C. caudatum, p. 541. 

Cytinacee, p. 516. 

Cytisus albus, p. 195. 

C. canariensis, p. 195. 

C. Laburnum, No. 111 (Apid. 6, [Lepid. 
1, Coleopt. 1}), p. 193. 

C. sagittalis, p. 195. 

C. scoparius, Ko, 112, p. 195. 


Dahlia, p. 361. 

Dalechampia, p. 520. 

Dampiera, p. 364. 

Daphne mezereum, p. 519. 

D. striata, p. 519. 

Daucus Carota, No. 195 (Dipti. 19, 
Coleopt. 10, Hymen. 19, Apid. 9, Lepid. 
2, Hemipt. 1, Newropt. 1), p. 285. 

D. grandiflora, p. 286. 


Delphinium Ajacis, p. 86. 

D. we Eeees No. 15 (B. 1, [Lepid. 2]), 
p. 85. 

D. elatum, No. 14 (B. 1), p. 83. 

D, Staphysagria, p. 85. 

Dendrobium, p. 527. 

Dianthus atrorubens, p. 127. 

D. Carthusianorum, No. 53 (Lepid. d. 7, 
[Apid. 1]), p. 126. 

D. chinensis, No, 54 (Lepid. d. 3), p. 


D. deltoides, No. 52 (Lepid. d, 2, [Syrph. 
4]), p. 125. 

D. silvestris, p. 127. 

D. superbus, p. 127. 

Diclytra cucullaria, p, 96. 

D. eximia, p. 96. 

D. spectabilis, No. 22 (B. 2, [Apid. 6]), 
p. 95. 

Dictamnus, p. 162. 

Diervilla, p. 299. 

Digitalis ambigua, p. 438. 

D. lutea, p. 438. 

D. purpurea, No. 323 (B. 3, [Apid. 2, 
Coleopt. 3]), p. 437. 

Dionysia, p. 389. 

Dioscorea, p. 561. 

Dioscoreacee, p. 561. 

Diospyros virginiana, p. 392. 

Diplacus, p. 426. 

Dipsacee, p. 308. 

Dipsacus silvestris, No. 210 (B. 3), p. 308. 

Dipteracanthus, p. 467. 

Doronicum, p. 361. 

Dorycnium hirsutum, p. 173. 

Draba aizoides, p. 105. 

D. verna, No. 31 (Apid. 3), p. 105. 

D. Wahlenbergii, p. 105. 

Dracunculus vulgaris, p. 564, 

Drosera, p. 255. 

Droseracer, p. 255. 

Drummondia, p. 243. 

Dryas octopetala, p. 228. 

EBENACEA, p. 392. 

Echinops Ritro, p. 337. 

E, spherocephalus, No. 240 (Apid. 5, 
Hymen. 1), p. 336. 

Echinospermum Lappula, p. 416. 

Echium vulgare, No. 310 (Apid. 44, 
Hymen. 5, Dipt. 6, Lepid. 9, Coleopt. 
1), p. 418. : 

Eleagnacee, p. 520. 

Eleagnus, p. 520. 

Empetracee, p. 526. 

Empetrum, p. 526. 

Epacridee, p. 382. 

Epacris, p. 382. 

‘Epidendree, p. 528. 

Epidendrum, p. 529. 

Epigzea, p. 376. 

Epilobium alpinum, p. 264. 

E. angustifolium, No. 166 (Apid. 10, 
Hymen, 4, Dipt. 3, Lepid. 1), p. 261. 

: oak Se 


Epilobium Fleischeri, p. 262. 

E. hirsutum, p. 263. 

E. origanifolium, No. 168 (Lepid. 1), p 

E. parviflorum, No. 167 (Coleopt. 1), 
p- 262. 

Epipactis latifolia, p. 532. 

E. microphylla, p. 532. 

E. palustris, p. 533. 

E. viridiflora, p. 532. 

Epipogon Gmelini, p. 533. 

Eranthemum, p. 467. 

Eranthis hiemalis, No. 12 (Dipt. 3, A, ) 
p. 80. 

Eremurus spectabilis, p. 552. 

Erica carnea, p. 377. 

E. cinerea, p. 377. 

E. tetralix, No. 286 (Apid. 7, Syrph. 3, 
Lepid. 1), p. 376. 

Ericacee, p. 375. 

Ericee, p. 376. 

Erigeron alpinus, p. 322. 

E. uniflorus, p. 322. 

Eritrichium, p. 422. 

Erodium Cicutarium, No. 83 (Apid. 1, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 158. 

Ervum lens, p. 201. 

Eryngium campestre, No. 172 (Hymen. 
11, Apid. 5, Dipt. 8), p. 271. 

Erythrea Centaurium, No. 298 (Lepid. 

3), p. 407. 

Erythrina crista-galli, p. 215. 

herbacea, p. 215. 
E. velutina, p. 215. 

Erythroxylon, p- 149. 

Eschscholtzia californica, p. 94. 

Eupatoriacee, p. 318. 

Eupatorium cannabinum, No. 214, 
(Apid. 2, Dipt. 6, Lepid. 7), p. 318. 

Euphorbia ‘Cyparissias, p- 520. 

E. helioscopia, p. 519. 

Euphorbiacee, p. 520. 

Euphrasia minima, p. 447. 

E. officinalis, No. 332 (Apid. 4, Dipt. 
3), p. 447. 

E. salisburgensis, p. 450. 

Euonymus europea, No. 85 (Dipt. 12, 
Hymen, 1), p. 162. 

FARAMEA, p. 304. 

Festuca pratensis, p. 568. 

Ficus Carica, No. 377, p. 521, 

Forsythia, p. 392. 

Fragaria vesca, No. 138 (Dipt. 8, Coleopt. 
7, Th. 1, Apid. 8, Hymen. 1), p 

Fritillaria imperialis, p. 556. 

Fuchsia, p. 265. 

Fumaria capreolata, p. 100. 

F. officinalis, No, 26 (A*.), p. 99. 

F. parviflora, p. 100. 

F, spicata, p. 100. 

Fumariace, p. 95, 


G. Liottardi, p. 556. 

G. lutea, p. 556. 

Galactia, p. 215. 

Galanthus nivalis, No. 396 (A*.), p. 559. 

Galeobdolon luteum, No. 360 (B. 5, [B. 
1, Apid.1}), p. 496. 

Galeopsis Ladanum, No. 358 (B. 3, Apid. 

1), p. 493. 
G. ochroleuca, No. 357 (B. 1), p. 492. 

G. tetrahit, No. 356 (B. 3, CMpia. 1, 

Syrph. 1]), p. 491. 

G. versicolor, p. 493. 

Galium boreale (Dipt. 1), p. 301. 

G. eruciatum, p. 306. 

G. Mollugo, No. 205 (Dipt. 8, Hymen. 
1), p. 300. 

G. palustre, p. 302. 

G. silvestre, p. 301. 

G. tricorne, p. 302. 

G. uliginosum, p. 302. 

G. verum, No. 206 (Dipt. 2, Coleopt. 4, 
Hymen. 1), p. 301. 

Gaudichaudia, p. 149. 

Genista anglica, No. 109 (Apid. 3), p 

G. pilosa, No. 110 (A*.), p. 193. 

G. tinctoria, No. 108 (Api 16, Boe snag 
1, Dipt. 3, Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 3]), Pp 

Genistes, p. 187. 

Gentiana acaulis, p. 403. 2 

. Amarella, No. 297 (B. 1), p. 404.” 

. asclepiadea, p. 403. 

. bavarica, p. 404. 

campestris, p. 405. 

ciliata, p. 404. 

. glacialis, p. 404. 

. lutea, p. 402. 

. nana, p. 405. 

. nivalis, p. 404. 

: obtusifolia, p- 405. 

. Pneumonanthe, No. 296 (B. 9); 


G. punctata, p. 403. 

G. tenella, p. 404. 

G. verna, p. 404. 

Gentianex, p. 402. 

Geraniacee, p. 149. 

Geraniez, p. 149. 

—. i No. 80 (Dipt. 5, Apid. 

G. pa alte No. 76 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 6, 
Lepid. 1), p. 149. 

G. pratense, No. 77 (Apid. 12, Dipt. 1), 

. 150. 

G. pusillum, No. 81 (Syrph. 1), p. 154. 
G. pyrenaicum, No. 78 ( Apid. 10, 
Hymen. 2, Dipt. 12, Coleopt. 3), p 


G. robertianum, No. 82 (Rhing. 1, 
Coleopt. 1, Lepid. 1), p. 156. 

G. sanguineum, No. 79 Capi. 2, Hymen. 
2, Rhing. 1), p. 152. 



Gesneracer, p. 466. 

Geum montanum, p. 229. 

G. reptans, g 229. - 

G. rivale, No. 136 (B. 11, [Apid. 2], 
Rhing. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 229. 

G. urbanum, No. 137 (Syrph. 1, Coleopt. 
1), p. 230. 

Gilia micrantha, p. 408. 

G. pulchella, p. 408. 

Gladiolus communis, p. 548. 

G. palustris, p. 548. 

G. segetum, p. 548. 

Glaucium luteum, p. 94. 

Glechoma ; see Nepeta, p. 484. 

Globularia cordifolia, p. 468, 

G. nudicaulis, p. 468. 

G. vulgaris, p. 468. 

Globulariacex, p. 468. 

Gloriosa superba, p. 557. 

Glosgostigma elatinoides, p. 436. 

Glycine, p. 214. 

Gnaphalium luteo-album, No. 222 (Apid. 
2, Hymen. 2, Dipt. 4), p. 324. 

G. uliginosum (Apid, 1), p. 324. 

Godetia, p. 265, | 

Geethea coccinea, p. 146. 

Goldfussia anisophylla, p. 467. 

Gomeza, p. 528. 

Gomphocarpus, p. 400. 

pies bri herbaceum, p. 145. 

Goodenia, p. 364. 

Goodenoviex, p. 364. 

Goodyera repens, p. 532. 

Gramine, p. 568. 

Gymnadenia conopsea, p. 534. 

G. odoratissima, p. 534. 

Gymnospermee, p. 526. 

Gypsophila paniculata, No. 55 (Dept. 15, 
Hymen. 5), p. 127. 

G. repens, p. 128. 

HABENARIA, p. 533. 

Halorageze, p. 255. 

Hedera, p. 287. 

Hedychium, p. 542. 

Hedyotis, p. 304. 

Heeria, p. 255. 

Helianthemum alpestre, p. 117. 

H. guttatum, p. 117. 

H. Kahiricum, p. 117. 

H. ledifolium, p. 117. 

H. Lippii, p. 117. 

H. villosum, p. 117. 

H. vulgare, No. 45 (Syrph. 6, Apid. 4, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 117. 

Helianthoidez, p. 325. _ et oe a 

Helianthus multiflorus, No. 224 (Apid. 
1, Syrph. 3), p. 325. 

Helleborus, p. 81. 

Hemerocallis fulva, p. 554. 

Hepatica triloba, p. 71. 

Heracleum Sphondylium, No. 194 (Dipt. 
49, Coleopt. 21, Hymen. 34, Apid. 13, 
Hemipt. 1), p. 284. a what] 

Herminium Monorchis, p. 533. 

Herniaria glabra, p. 509. 

Hesperis matronalis, No. 34 (Dipt. 6, 
Apid. 3, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 1), p. 108. 

H. tristis, p. 108. 

Heterocarpea, p. 201. 

Heterotoma, p. 365. 

Heterotropa asaroides, p. 517. 

Heuchera, p. 243. 

Hieracium pilosella, No. 267 (Apid. 9, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 2, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 
3), p. 355. 

H. umbellatum, No. 266 (Apid. 10, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 5, Lepid. 4), p. 354. 

H. vulgatum, No. 268 (Apid. 8, Lepid. 
1), p. 356, | 

Himantoglossum hircinum, p. 534. 

Hippocrepis comosa, No. 115, p. 199. 

Hockinia, p. 422. 

Homogyne alpina, p. 335. 

Honkeneja peploides, p. 137. 

Hordeum distichum, p. 568. 

H. vulgare, p. 568. 

Horminum pyrenaicum, p. 477. 

Hottonia palustris, No. 289 (Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 6), p. 386. 

Hoya, p. 401. 

Hutchinsia alpina, p. 111. 

Hyacinthus orientalis, No. 394 (Apid. 4, 
Dipt. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 554. 

Hydrangee, p. 248. 

Hydrocharidex, p. 526. 

Hydrocharis, p. 527. 

Hydrocotyle americana, p. 271. 

H. vulgaris, p. 271. 

Hyoscyamus niger, No. 316 (Apid. 2), 
p. 427. 

Hyoseris radiata, p. 351. 

Hypecoum grandiflorum, p. 95. 

H. procumbens, p. 95. 

Hypericacer, p. 189. - 

Hypericum hirsutum, p. 140. 

H. humifusum, p. 141. 

H. perforatum, No. 68 (Apid. 8, Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 15, Lepid. 2, Coleopt. 1), p. 

H. quadrangulum, p. 141. 

Hypocheris glabra, No. 269 (Apid. 5), 

. 356. 

ul radicata, No. 270 (Apid. 22, Dipt. 
6), p. 356. . 


Illecebrum verticillatum, p. 509, 

Illicium religiosum, p. 89. 

Impatiens, p. 160. 

Indigofera macrostachya, p. 198. 

I, speciosa, p. 198. 

Inula, p. 361. 

Inuloidex, p. 324. 

Ioeroma tubulosum, p. 427. 

Jonidium, p. 121. 

Ipomea pestigridis, p. 425. - 

Iridex, p. 548. 


Iris Pseud-Acorus, No. 387 (B. 4, LApid. 
2], Rhing. 1), p. 548. 
Isotoma axillaris, p. 365. 

JANUSIA, p 149. 

Jasione montana, No. 288 (Apid. 47, 
Hymen. 20, Dipt. 22, Lepid. 7, Coteopt. 
3), p. 369, 

Jasminum, p. 392. 

Juglandacer, p. 523. 

Juglans cinerea, p. 523. 

J. regia, p. 523. 

Juncacer, p. 561. 

Juncus bufonius, p. 561. 

J. filiformis, p. 561. 

J. spherocarpus, p. 561. 

Jurinea, p. 361. 

K. latifolia, p. 380. 

K. polifolia, p. 380. 

Kernera saxatilis, p. 105. 
Knautia ; see Scabiosa, p. 309. 
Knoxia, p. 304. 

LABIATA, p. 469. 

Lactuca, p. 361. 

Lagerstreemia, p. 260. 

Lamium album, No. 359 (Apid. 11, 
[Apid. 5], Rhing. 1), p. 493. 

L. amplexicaule, p. 496. 

L. Galeobdolon, No. 360 (B. 5, [B. 1, 
Apid. 1), p. 496. 

L. incisum, No. 363 (Apid. 5), p. 498. 

L. maculatum, No. 361 (A4pid. 2, [ Apid. 
2), Rhing.), p. 496. 

L. purpureum, No, 362 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 
1), p. 497. 

Lantana, p. 469. 

Lappa minor, No, 243 (Apid. 2), p. 338. 

L. tomentosa, No. 244 (Apid. 5, Lepid. 
1), p. 338. 

Lapsana communis, No. 261 (Sy7ph. 3), 
p. 351. 

Larix, p. 526. 

Lathyrus grandiflorus, p. 211. 

L. montanus, No, 123 (Apid. 2, [Lepid. 
1}), p. 210. 

L. odoratus, No. 124, p. 211. 

L. pratensis, No. 120 (Apid. 5), p. 207. 

L. silvestris, No. 122 (Apid. 1, [Lepid. 
5]), p. 210. 

L.. tuberosus, No, 121 (Apid. 1, [Lepid. 
2]), p. 210. 

L. vernus, No. 125 (Apid. 1), p. 211. 

Lavandula vera, No. 336 (Apid. 11), p. 

Lechea, p. 117. 

Leguminose, p. 167. 

Lemna gibba, p. 565, 

I. minor, Pp 565. 

L. polyrrhiza, p. 565. 

1,. trisulea, p. 565. 

Lemnaceer, p. 565. 


Lentibulariez, p. 465. 

Leontodon autumnale, No. 271(Apid. 14, 

_ Hymen. 1, Dipt. 11, Lepid. 2), p. 356. 

L. hastile, No. 272\(Apid. 9, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 8; Lepid. 1), p. 358. 

L. hirtus, No. 273 (Apid. 15, Syrph. 8, 
Lepid. 1), p. 358. 

Leonurus Cardiaea, p. 495. 

Lepidium sativum, No. 38 (Dipti. 10, 
Hymen. 5, Apid. 6, Coleopt. 4, Lepid. 
1), p. 110. 

Leptosiphon micranthum, p. 408. 

Leschenaultia formosa, p. 364. 

Lesperdeza, p. 201. 

Leucosmia, p. 519. 

Liatris, p. 361. 

Ligustrum vulgare, No. 292 (Apid. 1, 
Syrph. 1), p. 3938. 

Liliacee, p. 548. 

Lilium bulbiferum, p. 555. 

L. croceum, p. 556. 

L. Martagon, p. 555. 

Limnanthemum, p. 407. 

Linaria alpina, p. 432. 

L. Cymbalaria, p. 433. 

L. minor, p. 432. 

L. vulgaris, No. 320 (Apid. 8, [Hymen. 
1]), p. 431. 

Line, p. 147. 

Linnea borealis, p. 293. 

Linum catharticum, No. 74 (Dipé. 2), 

; dads 

ied usitatissimum, No. 75 (Apid. 2, 
Lepid. 1), p. 148. 

Listera ovata, No. 380 (Coleopt. 2, 
Hymen. 7, [B. 1]), p. 295. 

Lithospermum arvense, No. 309 (Lepid. 
d. 2), p. 417. 

L. canescens, p. 418. 

L. longiflorum, p. 418. 

Lloydia serotina, p. 555. 

Loasex, p. 267. 

Lobelia Erinus, p. 365. 

L. fulgens, p. 365. 

L. syphilitica, p. 365. 

Lobeliex, p. 365. . 

Loiseleuria procumbens, p. 300. 

Lonicera alpigena, p. 298. 

L. Caprifolium, No. 202 (Lepid. n.! 7, 
[+ 3, Apid. 2, Dipt. 3]), p. 298. 

L. ceerulea, p. 295. 

L. Periclymenum (Lepid. n.! [B. 1)), 

p- 295. 
1. serotina, p. 555. 
L. tatarica, No. 203, p. 297. 

L. Xylosteum, No. 204 (Apid. 3, Dipt. 
2), p. 297. 

Lopezia coronata, p. 265. 

L. miniata, p. 265. 

L. racemosa, p. 265. 

Lotex, p. 167. 

Lotus corniculatus, No. 90 (Apid. 22, 
[Dipt. 2, Lepid. 6]), p. 167. 

Luculia, p. 304. 

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Lupinus luteus, No. 107 (Apid. 3), p. 

Luzula campestris, p. 561. 

L. lutea, p. 561. 

L. nivea, p. 561. 

L. pilosa, p. 561. 

Lychnis alpina, p. 129. 

L. flos-cuculi, No. 57 (Apid. 7, Lepid. 
6, Syrph. 3), p. 129. 

L. flos-Jovis, p. 129. 

L, Githago, No, 59 (Lepid. d. 2, [Rhing. 
1)), p. 131. 

L. vespertina, No, 58 (Lepid. n.1), p. 131. 

L. viscaria, p. 129. 

Lycium barbarum, No. 315 (Apid. 3), 
p- 426. 

Lycopsis arvensis, No. 303 (Lepid. d. 1), 
p. 411. 

Lycopus europeus, No. 339 (Hymen. 1, 
Dipt, 6, Hemipt. 1, Lepid. 1, Th. 1), 
p. 471. 

Lysimachia Nummuiaria, p. 390. 

L. thyrsiflora, p. 390. 

L. vulgaris, No. 290 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 
1, Syrph. 1), p. 389. 

Lythrariexw, p. 255. 

Lythrum Greefferi, p. 260. 

L. hyssopifolia, p. 260. 

L. Salicaria, No. 165 (Apid. 9, Syrph. 7, 
Lepid. 2, Coleopt. 2, Th. 1, Hemipt. 1), 


p. 255. 
L. thymifolia, p. 260. 


M. grandiflora, p. 90. 

saan p- 89. 

Malachium aquaticum, No. 63 (Dipt. 5, 
Coleopt. 1, Th. 1, Apid. 3), p. 133. 

Malpighiacez, p. 149. 

Malva Alcea, No. 71 (Apid. 3), p. 144. 

M. moschata, No. 72 (Apid. 3, Dipt. 1, 
Lepid. 1), p. 144. 

M. rotundifolia, No. 70 (Apid. 4), pp. 
142, 144. 

M. silvestris, No. 69 (Apid. 26, Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 2, Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 

Malvacee, p. 142. 

Mandragora vernalis, p. 427. 

Manettia, p. 304. 

Maranta arundinacea, p. 543. 

M. bicolor, p. 542. 

M. cannefolia, p. 542. 

Marantee, p. 542. 

Marcgravia nepenthoides, p. 142. 

Maregraviacee, p. 142. 

Marrubium, p. 489. 

Martha fragrans, p. 305. 

Martiusia, p. 214. 

Martynia, p. 466. 

Matricaria Chamomilla, No. 233 (Apid. 

. 2, Hymen. 1, Dipt. 11, Coleopt. 3), p. 
Maurandia, p. 434. 


Medicago faleata, No. 94 (Apid. 11, 
- Dipt. 2, [Lepid. 5]), p. 179. 
M. lupulina, No. 95 (Apid. 4, Dipt. 2, 
Lepid. 1), p. 180. 
M. sativa, No. 93 (Lepid. d. 9%, [Apid. 
2]), p. 175. 
Melampodium, p. 361. 
Melampyrum arvense, p. 461. 
M. nemorosum, p. 461. 
M. pratense, No. 335 (Apid. 3, [+ 3, 
Dipt. 1]), p. 458. 
M. silvaticum, p. 461. 
Melastomacee, p. 255. 
Melilotus officinalis, No. 96 (Apid. 5, 
Hymen. 1, [+ 1]), p. 180. 
M. vulgaris, No. 97 (4*.), p. 181. 
Melittis melissophyllum, No. 351 (Ayid. 
1), p. 486. 
Melvilla, p. 261. 
Mentha aquatica, No. 338 (Apid. 4, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 18), p. 471. 
M. arvensis, No. 337 (Dipt. 10, Lepid. 
1), p. 470. 
Menyanthes trifoliata, p. 407. 
Mertensia, p. 422. 
Methonica superba, p. 557. 
Meum, p. 286. 
Meyenia erecta, p. 467. 
Mimosaceex, p. 220. 
Mimulus, p. 436. 
Mirabilis Jalapa, p. 508. 
Mitchella, p. 304. 
Mitella pentandra, p. 243. 
Meehringia trinervia, No. 67 (Coleopt. 1), 
. 136. 
Weoards ciliata, p. 477. 
M. didyma, No. 345 (Lepid. 1), p. 477. 
Monochoria, p. 561. 
Monocotyledons, p. 526. - 
Morina elegans, p. 308. 
Musa, p. 543. 
Muscari botryoides, p. 554. 
Musee, p. 543. 
Mutisiacee, p. 351. 
Myosotis alpestris, p. 415. 
M. hispida, No. 308 (Apid. 1), p.416. 
M. intermedia, No. 306 (Apid. 3, Dipt. 
2), p. 415. 
M. palustris, No. 307 (Lepid. 1, Dipt. 1), 
. 416. 
ue silvatica, No. 305 (Apid. 1, Dipt. 
11), p. 414. 
M. versicolor, p. 416. 
Myosurus minimus, p. 73. 
Myriophyllum spicatum, p. 255. 
M. verticillatum, p. 255. 
Myrrhis odorata, No. 182 (Dipl. 3, 
Coleopt. 1, Hymen. 1, Apid. 1), p. 278. 

NAIADACEA, p. 567. 

Narcissus Tazetta, p. 560. 

Nardus stricta, p. 568. 

Nasturtium amphibia, No. 28 (Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 4), p. 102. 


Nasturtium officinale, p. 101. 

N. silvestre, No. 27 (Hymen. 2, Apid. 3, 
Dipt. 5), p. 100. 

Neea theifera, p. 508. 

Neotinea, p. 527. 

Neottia nidus-avis, No. 381, (Dipt. 1, 
[+ 2]), p. 531. 

Neottiex, p. 529. 

Nepeta Glechoma, No. 349 (Apid. 21, 
Dipt. 4, Lepid. 3), p. 484. 

Nerium odorum, p- 396. 

N. Oleander, p. 396, 

Nertera, p. 304. 

Neseea, p. 260. 

Neurocarpum, p. 214. 

Nigella arvensis, p. 81, 

N. damascena, p. 81. 

Nigritella angustifolia, p. 534. 

N. suaveolens, p. 534. 

Notylia, p. 528. 

Nuphar aia No. 19 (Dipt. 1, Coleopt. 
1), p. 93. 

Hee p- 508. 

Nympheea alba, p. 93. 

Nympheacee, p. 93. 

OcyMuM, p. 469. 

Odontites lutea, No. 331, p. 447. 

O. serotina, No. 330 (Apid. 3), p. 445. \ 

(Enanthe fistulosa, No, 187 (Dipti. 9, 
Coleopt. 1, Apid. 3), p. 281. 

(i. Phellandrium, No. 188. (Dipt. 7, 
Coleopt. 3, Hymen. 7, Apid. 2, Lepid. 
1), p. 281. 

(Enothera biennis, No. 169 (Lepid. n. 1, 
Apid. 6, Syrph. 3), p. 264. 

(KE. sinuata, p. 264. 

CE, tenella, p. 265. 

Oleacez, p. 392, 

Omphalodes verna (Apid. 2), p. 416. 

Onagrariex, p. 261. 

Oncidium, p- 528. 

Onobrychis sativa, No. 116 (Apid. 22, 
Syrph. 1, Lepid. 5), p. 200. 

Ononis spinosa, No. 92 (Apid. 13), p. 174. 

Onopordon Acanthium, No. 255 (Apia. 
11, Hymen. 1, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 1, 
Hemipt. 2), p. 344. 

Ophiorhiza, p. 304, 

Ophryde, p. 533. 

Ophrys muscifera, p. 534, 

Orchider, p. 527. 

Orchis globosa, p. 539. 

O. latifolia, No. 384 (Apid. 12, Dipt.), 
pp. 535, 539. 

O. maculata, No. 385 (B. 1, Dipt. 4), pp. 
535, 539. 

0. mascula, No. 382 (B. 8), pp. 535, 539. 

O. morio, No. 383 (Apid. 9), pp. 535, 

O. tridentata, p. 539, 

Q. ustulata, p. 539. 

Origanum vulgare, No. 342 (Apid. 5, 
Dipt. 12, Lepid. 2), p. 475. 


Oryza clandestina, p. 568. 

Oxalidex, p. 159. 
Oxalis, p. 159. 
Oxybaphus, p. 508. 

PmONIA Movuray, p. 88. 

Paliurus aculeatus, p. 163. 

Palme, p. 562. 

Pancratium maritimum, p. 560. 

Papaver alpinum, p. 94, 

P. Argemone, p. 94. 

P. Argemonoides, p. 94. 

Fi dubium, p-. 94. 

i hybridum, p- 94. 

P. Rheas, No. 20 (Apid. 7, Dipt. 1, 
Coleopt. 1, Orthopt. 1), p. 93. 

Papaveracee, p. 93. 

Paradisia Liliastrum, p. 552. 

Parietaria, p. 520. 

Paris quadrifolia, p. 557. 

Parnassia palustris, No. 157 (Muse. 15, 
Hymen. 4, Coleopt. 2), p. 247. 

Passiflora ccerula, p. 267. 

P. racemosa, p. 268. 

Passifloree, p. 267. 

Pastinaca sativa, No. 
Hymen. 7), p. 284. 

Paullinia, p. 164. 

Pavia rubicunda, p. 166. 

Pavonia hastata, p. 146. 

Pedicularis silvatica, No. 333 (B. 6, [+ 
1]), p. 450. 

P. verticillata, p. 454. 

Pelargoniez, p. 159. 

Pelargonium, p. 158. 

Pemphis, p. 261. 

Pentstemon, p. 434. 

Periploca, p, 402. 

Petasites albus, p. 334. 

Petroselinum sativum, No. 176 (Dipt. 8, 
Apid. 1), p, 275. 

Peucedanum Cervaria, No. 191 (Dipé. 4, 
Coleopt. 2, Hymen. 15. Apid. 5), p 

P. graveolens, No, 192 (Dipt. 15, Hymen. 
25, Apid, 6), p. 283. 

hogs sativum, No. 193, p. 284. 

Phaseolew, p. 214. 

Phaseolus angulus, p. 215, 

P. Caracalla, p. 215. 

P. coecineus, p, 215. 

P. multiflorus, p. 217. 

P. vulgaris, p. 216, 

Philadelphius coronarius (Apid. 9, Syrph. 
3, Coleopt. 2), p. 248. 

Phlox paniculata, No. 299 (Lepid. x., 

Dipt. 2), p. 407. 

Physianthus, p. 400. 

Physostegia, p. 489. 

Phyteuma, p. 369. 

Picris hieracioides, No. 262 (Apid. 16, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 9, Lepid. 3), p. 352. 

Pimpinella magna, No. 180 (Apid. 2), p 

193 (Dipt. 7, 


Pimpinella Saxifraga, No. 181 (Dipt. 8,. 

Coleopt. 4, Hymen. 7, Apid. 8, Neuropt. 
1), p. 277. 

Pinguicula alpina, p. 466. 

P. lusitanica, p. 466. 

P, vulgaris, p. 466. 

Pinus, p. 526. 
Pisonia hirtella, x. 508. 
Pisum sativum, No. 126 (Apid. 3), p. 211. 

Plantaginee, p. 503. 

Plantago alpina, p. 506. 

P. lanceolata, No. 867 (Apid. 3, Syrph. 
3), p. 503. 

LP. media, No. 368 (Apid. 6, Dipt. 7, 
Coleopt. 4), p. 506. 

Platanthera bifolia, p. 533. 

P. chlorantha, p. 533. 

P. solstitialis, p. 533. 

Plectranthus fruticosus, p. 469. 

Plumbaginer, p. 382. 

Plumbago, p. 382. 

Poa annua, p. 568. 

Poinsettia pulcherrima, p. 520. 

Polanisia, p, 114. 

Polemoniacez, p. 407. 

Polemonium cceruleum, p. 407, 

Polycarpex, p. 138. 

Polycarpon tetraphyllum, p. 138. 

Polygala alpestris, p. 123. 

P. Chamebuxus, p. 123. 

P. comosa, No. 50, p. 122. 

P. myrtifolia, p. 133. 

Uy: ey ia No. 51 (Apid. 3, Lepid. 1), 

Poly gal ee, p. 122. 

Polygonacex, p. 509. 

en Gage aviculare, No. 374 (Syrph. 
3), P 

P; Bintorte, No. 370 (Apid. 2, Dipt. 5), 
p- 511. 

¥. fagopyrum, No. 369 (Apid. 12, 
Hymen. 4, Dipt. 21, Lepid. 4), p. 509. 

Ey Japathifolium, No. 372 (Syrph. 3), p 

P. ieee No. 373 (Syrph. 4), p. 514. 

P. Persicaria, No. 371 (Syrph. 7, Apid. 
3, Lepid. 1), p. 512. 

P. viviparum, p. 512. 

Polystachya, p. 528. 

Pome, p. 238. 

Pontederia, p. 561. 

Pontederiaceze, p. 561. 

Posidonia, p. 567. 

Posoqueria fragans, p. 305. 

Potamogeton, p. 567. 

Potentilla anserina, No. 141 (Hymen, 2, 
Apid. 2), p. 233. 

P, argentea, p. 234. 

P. atro-sanguinea, p. 234. 

P. aurea, p. 234. 

P. caulescens, p. 234. 

P. fruticosa, No. 142 (Apid. 2, Hymen. 
. 2, Dipt. 15, Coleopt. 2), p. 233, 

P. grandiflora, p. 234. 


Potentilla minima, p. 232. ‘ 

P. reptans, No. 140 (Apid. 10, Hymen, 
1, Dipt. 1), p. 232. 

P. salisburgensis, p- 234. 

P. tormentilla, No. 143 (Apid. 2, Dipt. 
4), p. 233. 

P, verna, No. 139 (Apid. 15, Dipt. 9, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 231. 

Potentillex, p. 229. 

Poteriex, P- 234. 

ae anguisorba, No. 146 (Vesp. 1), 

Peoantion, p- 361. 

Primula Auricula, p. 383. 

P, cortusoides, p. 384. 

P. elatior, No. 288 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 2, 

[ Coleopt. 1]), p. 384. 

. fayinosa, pp. 383, 385, 386. 

: rs pa p. 385. 

- Involucrata, p. 384. 

- longiflora, pp. 383, 385, 386. 

. minima, pp. 383, 385. 

. mollis, p. 383. 

officinalis, p. 385. 

. scotica, p. 383. 

. sikkimensis, p. 384. 

. sinensis, p. 383. 

stricta, p. 383. 

. verticillata, p. 383. 

. Villosa, pp. 383, 385. 

. viscosa, p. 385. 

Primulacez, p. 383. 

Pringlea antiscorbutica, p. 106. 

Prostanthera, p. 499. 

Proteacex, p. 519. 

Prune, p. 221. 

Prunella grandiflora, p. 490. 

P. vulgaris, No. 355 (Apid. 8, Lepid. 3), 
p. 489. , 

Prunus avium, Cerasus, domestica, No. 
129 (Apid. 8, Syrph. 3, Lepid. 3), p. 222. 

P. communis (P. spinosa), No. 127 (Apid. 
15, Hymen. 1, Dipt. 10, Coleopt. 1), 


¥  Dadegs No. 128 (Dipt. 2, Apid. 1, 
Coleopt. 1), p. 211. 

Pulicaria dysenterica, No. 223 (Apid. 6, 
Syrph. 3, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 1), p. 324. 

Pulmonaria angustifolia (azurea), p. 411. 

P. officinalis, No. 304 (Apid. 12, Syrph. 
3, Lepid. 1, [Coleopt. 1]), p. 412, 

Pulsatilla vernalis, p- 71. 

P. vulgaris, p. 71. 

Pyrola minor, p. 382. 

P. rotundifolia, p. 382. 

P. secunda, p. 382. 

P. uniflora, p. 382. 

Pyrolex, p. 382. 

Pyrus Aucuparia, No. 152 (Apid. 11, 
Hymen. 3, Dipt. 14, Coleopt. 18), p. 239. 

P. communis, No. 151 (Dipt. 16, Apid. 
7, Hymen. 3, Coleopt. 4, Th. 1), p. 239. 

P. malus, No. 150 (Apia. 9, Siymen, 1, 
Dipt. 6), p. 238. 

Ny Oa Ee he ae 



Rafilesia, p. 517. 

Ranunculaceex, p. 69. 

Ranunculus acris, bulbosus, repens, No. 
7 (Dipt. 23, Coleopt. 11, Hymen. 4, 
Apid, 20, Lepid. 4), p. 76. 

R. alpestris, p. 74. 

R. aquatilis, No. 5 (Dipt. 6, Apid. 2, 
Coleupt. 1), p. 74. 

R. auricomus, No. 10 (Apid. 3, Hyimen. 
1, Dipt. 4, Th. 1), p. 78. 

R. bulbosus ; see R. acris, 

R. ficaria, No. 9 (Dipt. 4, Coleopt. 1, Th. 
1, Apid. 8), p. 78. 

R. flammula, No. 6 (Dipt. 5, Apid. 2, 
Lepid. 4), p. 74. 

R. glacialis, p. 74. 

R. lanuginosus, No. 8 (Dipt. 8, Colzopt. 
2, Hymen. 1, Apid. 4), p. 78. 

R. montanus, p. 76. 

R. parnassifolius, p. 74. 

R. pyreneus, p. 74. 

R, repens ; see R. acris, 

Raphanus Raphanistrum, No. 41 (Apid. 
1), p. 113. 

Reseda lutea, No. 44 (Hymen. 4), p. 116. 

R. luteola, No. 43 (Apid. 4), p. 116. 

R. odorata, No. 42 (Apid. 8, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 1, Th. 1), p. 114. 

Resedacee, p. 114. 

Rhamnee, p. 163. 

Rhamnus Frangula, No. 86 (Apid. 3, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 1), p. 163. 

Rheum Rhaponticum, p. 516. 

Rhinacanthus, p. 468. 

Rhinanthus Alectorolophus, p. 457. 

R. crista-galli, No. 334 (B. 9, [Lepid. 1}), 

p. 454. ° 

Rhododendron, p. 382. 

Rhodoree, p. 380. 

Rhus Cotinus, No. 88 (Dipt. 6, Coleopt, 
1, Hymen. 6, Apid. 4), p. 166. 

R. typhina, No. 89 (Apid. 2, Newropt. 
1), p. 167. 

Rhynchodia jasminoides, p. 396. 

Rhynchospermum, p. 396. 
Ribes alpinum, No. 158 (Apid. 6, Dipt. 
3), p. 249. 

R. aureum, p. 251. 

R. grossularia, No. 161 (Apid. 9, Dipt. 
4), p. 250. 

R. nigrum, No. 159 (A*.), p. 250. 

R. petreum, p. 251. 

R. rubrum, No. 160 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 1), 
p- 250, 

R. sanguineum, p. 251. 

Ribesiex, p. 249. 

Rohdea japonica, p. 551. 

Rosa canina, No. 148 (Apid. 6, Syrph. 2, 
Coleopt. 12), p. 236. 

R. Centifolia, No. 149 (Apid. 10, Hymen. 
3, Syrph. 5, Coleopt. 16), p. 237. 

R. rubiginosa, p. 238. 

Rosacew, p. 221. 


Rosex, p. 236. 

Rosmarinus, p. 477. 

Rotala, p. 261. 

Rubee, p. 227. 

Rubiacee, p. 301. 

Rubus fruticosus, No. 185 (Apid. 31, 
Hymen. 5, Dipt. 12, Coleopt. 15, Lepid. 
4), p. 227. 

R. ideus, No. 134 (Apid. 11, Hymen. 2, 
Syrph. 2, Coleopt. 2), p. 226. 

R. saxatilis, p. 228. 

Ruellia, p. 467. 

Rumex crispus, p. 516. 

R. obtusifolius, p. 516. 

Ruta graveolens, No. 84 (Dipt. 19, Hymen. 
11, Apid. 3), p. 160. | 

Rutacez, p. 160. 


Sagina nodosa, p. 137. 

Salicinez, p. 524. 

Salix cinerea, Caprea, etc., No. 378 (Apid. 
46, Hepid. 8, Dipt. 26, Lepid. 3, 
Coleopt. 2, Hemipt. 1), p. 524. 

S. herbacea, p. 526. 

S. repens, No. 379 (Apid. 6, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 2, Lepid. 1), p. 526. 

Salvia ethiopica, p. 479. 

. argentea, p. 479. 

austriaca, p. 483. 

cleistogama, p. 483. 

glutinosa, p. 481. 

Grahami, p. 480. 

hirsuta, p. 480. 

. lanceolata, p. 480. 

. nilotica, p. 482. 

- nutans, p. 479. 

. Officinalis, No. 347 (Apid. 6, [+2, 

Lepid. 1]), p. 480. 

. patens, p. 482. 

pendula, p. 479. 

porphyrantha, pp. 479, 481. 

pratensis, No. 346 (Apid. 4, [+5, 

Lepid. 2)), pp. 477, 479. 

rubra, p. 479. 

Sclarea, p. 479. 

. Silvestris, No. 348 (Apid. 1, Hymen. 

1), p. 483. 

. Splendens, pp. 480, 483. 

. triangularis, pp. 479, 483. 

. tubiflora, p. 483. 

. verticillata, p. 482. 

. virgata, p. 479. 

Sambucus Kbulus, p. 290. 

8. nigra, No. 199 (Dipt. 6, Coleopt. 2), 
p. 290. 

Sanguisorba officinalis, No. 147 (Syrph. 
2), p. 236. 

Sanicula europea, p. 274. 

Santalacez, p. 520. 

Sapindacee, p. 164. 

Saponaria ocymoides, p. 128. 

S. officinalis, No, 56 (Lepid. n. 1, [Dipt. 
1}), p. 128. 



Saponaria vaccaria, p. 128. 

Sarothamnus scoparius, No. 111 (4pid. 
6, Syrph. 1, Coleopt. 2), p. 195. 

Satureia hortensis, p- 476. 

Saussurea, p. 361. 

Saxifraga aizoides, p. 245. 

S. crassifolia, p. 243. 

8. oppositifulia, p. 245. 

S. sarmentosa, p. 243. 

Saxifragacese, p. 243. 

Saxifragex, p. 243. 

Scabiosa arvensis, No. 211 (Apid. 34, 
Hymen. 4, Dipt. 15, Lepid. 11, Coleopt. 
12), p 309. 

2 Sesbroiaitk: he 
S. Columbaria, No. 213 (Apid. 2, Dipt. 
4), p. 315. 

S. lucida, p. 315. 

S. succisa, No. 212 (Apid. 14, Dipt. 11, 
Lepid. 5, Coleopt. 1), p. 313. 

Scevola, p. 364. 

Schizanthus, p. 428. 

Schomburgkia, p. 527. 

Scilla maritima, p. 554. 

Scirpus palustris, p. 567. 

Scitaminex, p. 542. 

Scleranthus perennis, p. 509, 

Scopolina, p. 427. 

Scrophularia aquatica, p. 436. 

S. nodosa, No. 322 (Vesp. 5, Apid. 4), p. 

Scrophularinez, p. 429 

Scutellaria galericulata, No. 350 (Lepid. 

1), p. 486. 

Secale cereale, p. 568. 

Sedum acre, No. 162 (dpid. 11, Hymen. 

- 2, Dipt. 2), p. 251. 

8. album, p- 253. 

8. atratum, p. 254. 

S. reflexum, No. 163 (Apid. 1, Syrph. 1), 

. 258. 

S. repens, p. 254 

8. Telephium, No. 164 (Apid. 5, Fyhen. 

» 1, Dept. 1), p. 253. 

Selaginew, p. 468. 

Sempervivum, p- 254. 

Senecio Jacobea, No. 238 (Apid. 16, 
Hymen. 1, Dipt. 18, Lepid. 3, Coleopt. 
1, Hemipt. 1), p. 335. 

S. vulgaris, No. 239, p. 336. 

Senecionidez, p, 333. 

Serapias, p. 533. 

Serjania, p. 164. 

Serratula tinctoria, No. 256 (Apid. 1, 
Lepid. 1), p. 345. 

Sherardia arvensis, p- 804. 

Sibbaldia  alegeaciare p. 234. 

Sideritis romana, p. 488. 

Silaus pratensis, No. 
Apid. 1), p. 282. 

Silene acaulis, p. 129. 

S. inflata, p. 129. 

S. nutans, p. 129. 

S. rupestris, p. 129. 

189 (Hymen. 2, 


Silene, p. 125. 

Silphium, p. 361. 

Silybum, p. 361, 

Sinapis arvensis, No. 40 (Syrph. 3, 
Hymen. 1, Apid. 3, Coleopt. 1, Lepid. 
1), p. 112. 

Siphocampylus bicolor, p. 365. 

Sisymbrium Alliaria, No. 35 (Apid. 1, 
Dipt. 3, Coleopt. 3), p. 109. 

S. officinale No. 36 (Apid. 1, Lepid. 2), 


ne “TetteDas No. 178 (Dipt. 20, 
Pia 3, Hymen. 8, Hemipt. 1), p 

Solanacer, p. 425. 

Solanum Dulcamara, No. 313 (Syrph. 1), 
p. 426. 

S. — No. 314 (Syrph. 2, Apid. 2), 

8. tain * 812 (Syrph. 2), p. 425. 

Soldanella, p. 389. 

Solidago canadensis, No. 216 (Dipt. 5), p. 

S. virga-aurea, No. 215 (Apid. 5, Syrph. 
2, Lepid. 1), p. 320. 

Sonchus arvensis, No. 276 (Apid. 11, 
Dipt. 4, Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 2), p. 361. 
S. oleraceus, No. 275 (Syrph. 3, Lepid. 1), 

p. 361. 

Specularia perfoliata, p. 369. 

Spirea Aruncus, No. 132 (Apid. 1, 
Hymen. 2, Dipt. 2, Coteopt. * p. 224. 

Ss. Filipendula, No. 131 (Apid. 2, Syrph. 
4, Uoleopt. 1), p. 223. 

8. salicifolia, sorbifolia, ulmifolia, No. 
133 (Dipt. 42, Hymen. 14, Apid. 17, 
Coleopt. 21, Newropt. 2, Lepid. 2), p 

S. ulmaria, No. 130 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 3, 
Syrph. 9, Coleopt. 7), p. 222. 

Spire, p. 929, 

Spiranthes autumnalis, p. 529. 

Stachys Betonica, No. 354 (Apid. 1, 
Dipt. 2, Lepid. 1), p. 487. 

8. germanica, p. 487. 

8. palustris, No. 353 (B. 3, Syrph. 2, 
Lepid. 3), p. 487. 

S. silvatica, No. 352 (Apid. 6, my" 1, 
[+ 1]), p. 486. 

Stapelia, p. 401. 

Statice, p. 382. 

Stellaria cerastoides, p. 136. ' 

S. graminea, No. 64 (Syrph. 1), p. 188. 

8. aa No. 65 (Dipt. 7, Ayia, 6, 
Hymen. 1, Coleopt. 2, Lepid. 1, Th. 1), 
. 135. 

A tacit: No. 66 (Apid. 6, Dipt. 4, Th. 
1), p. 135. 

Stephanotis, p. 401. 

Sterculiaceee, p. 146. 

Stigmatostalix, p. 528. 

Strelitzia regine, p. 5438. 

Strobilanthes, p. 467. 

Stylidier, p. 364. 


Stylochiton hypogzeus, p. 564. 

8S. lancifolius, p. 564. 

Stylosanthes, p. 201. 

Subularia aquatica, p. 113. 

Syagrus, p. 562. 

Sycomorus antiquorum, p. 522. 

Symphoricarpus racemosus, No. 201 
(Vesp. 6!, Apid. 7, Hymen.1), p. 292. 

Symphytum officinale, No. 300 (Apid. 
5, [+ 5], Rhing. 1, [Coleopt. 1]), p. 

Symplocarpus feetidus, p. 565. 

Syringa persica, p. 393. 

S. vulgaris, No. 291 (Apid. 8, Hymen. 1, 
Dipt. 1, Lepid. 9), p. 392. 


Tacca cristata, p. 560. 

Taccacez, p. 560. 

Tanacetum vulgare, No. 234 (Apid. 7, 
Hymen. 4, Dipt. 7, Lepid. 5, Coleopt. 
2, Hemipt. 1, Newropt. 1), p. 332. 

Taraxacum officinale, No. 274 (Apid. 58, 

_ Hymen. 2, Dipt. 21, Lepid. 7, Coleopt. 
4, Hemipt. 1), p. 359. 

Tecoma capensis, p. 466. 

Teesdalia nudicaulis, No. 33 (Hymen. 1, 
Coleopt. 6, Dipt. 3), p. 106. 

Telekia, p. 361. 

Teucrium Botrys, p. 501. 

T. Chameedrys, p. 501. 

T. Scorodonia, No. 365 (Apid. 5, Syrph. 
I), p. 499. 

Thalictrum aquilegifolium, No, 2 (Apid. 
3, Syrph. 5, Coleopt. 1), p. 70. 

T. flavum, No. 3 (Syrph. 5, Muse. 1, 
AX), p10. 

T. minus, p. 71. 

Thesium, p. 520. 

Thlaspi arvense, p. 105. 

Thrincia hirta, No. 273 (Apid. 15, Syrph. 
3, Lepid. 1), p. 358. 

Thunbergia alata, p. 467. 

Thymeleaceze, p. 519. 

Thymus Serpyllum, No. 340 (Apid. 7, 
Hymen. 8, Dipt. 14, Lepid. 6), p. 472. 

T. vulgaris, No. 341 (Apid. 2, Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 3, Lepid. 1), p. 475. 

Tilia europea, No. 73 (Apid. 3, Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 9), p. 146. : 

Tiliacee, p. 146. 

Tofieldia calyculata, p. 557. 

Torilis Anthriscus, No. 195 (Dipt. 1, 
Hymen. 6, Apid. 1, Lepid. 1), p. 286. 

Tozzia alpina, p. 458. 

Trachelium, p. 369. 

Tradescantia erecta, p. 561. 

Trianospermum, p. 270. 

Trientalis europeum, p. 392. 

Trifolium alpestre, p. 186. 

ii pe asig” 186. 

T. arvense, No. 101 (Apid. 11, Hymen. 
1, [Zepid. 1]), p. 186. 

T. badium, p. 186. 


eeceny filiforme, No. 103 (Apid. 3)» 

p- 187. 

T. fragiferum, No. 99 (Apid. 1), p. 183. 

T. medium, No. 104 (Aid. 2), p. 187. 

ip ——— No. 106 (Apid. 1), p. 

T. nivale, p. 186. 

T. pallescens, p. 186. 

T. polymorphum, p. 186. 

T. pratense, No. 100 (Apid. 24, [+ 4, 
Lipt. 3, Lepid. 8]), p. 184. 

Ss No. 105 (Apid. 2), p. 


T. repens, No. 98 (Apid. 6, [Dipt. 3, 
Lepid. 2}), p. 181. 

T. rubens, No. 102 (Apid. 2), p. 187. 

Triglochin palustre, p. 567. 

Triticum vulgare, p. 568. 

Tritoma Uvaria, p. 561. 

Trollius europeus, p. 80. 

Tropeolum, p. 159. 

Tussilago farfara, No. 236 (Apid. 5, Dipt. 
2, Coleopt. 1), p. 333. 

Typhonium cuspidatum, p. 564. 

Umbelliferee, p. 270. 
Urtica, p. 521. 
Urticacee, p. 520. 
Urticez, p. 520. 
Utricularia, p. 465. 


Vaccinium Myrtillus, No. 284 (Amid. 5, 
[+ 1]), p. 373. 

V. Oxycoccos, p. 375. 

V. uliginosum, No. 285 (Apid. 23, 
Hymen. 1, Syrph. 4, Lepid, 2), p. 373. 

V. vitis-idea, p. 375. 

Valeriana cordifolia, p. 308. 

V. dioica, No. 209 (Apid. 2, Dipt. 3, 
Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 1), p. 307. 

V. montana, p. 307. 

V. officinalis, No. 208 (Apid. 8, Dipt. 
19), p. 306. 

V. Tripteris, p. 308. 

Valerianez, p. 306. 

Valerianella olitoria, p. 308. 

Vallisneria spiralis, p. 526. 

Vandee, p. 528. 

Vandellia, p. 437. 

Velleja, p. 364. 

Veratrum album, p. 557. 

Verbascum Lychnitis, (Apid. 1), pp. 480, 

V. nigrum, No. 317 (Apid. 5, Dipt. 4, 
Lepid. 1, Coleopt. 1, Th. 1, Newropt. 
1), p. 429. 

V. pheniceum, No. 318 (Apid. 5, Syrph. 
1), p. 430. 

V. Thapsus, No. 319 (Apid. 6, Hymen. 
1, Syrph. 3), p. 430. 

Verbena officinalis, p. 469, 

Verbenacer, p. 469. 


Vernonia, p. 361. 

Veronica agrestis, p. 443. 

V. alpina, p. 444. 

V. arvensis, p. 444. 

¥. - oe aa No. 325 (Dipt. 4, Apid. 

) Risivides, R 444, 

v. Chamedrys, No. pees (Syrph. 3, Apid. 
4, Coleopt. 1), fe ha 

¥. ‘hedervefolia, o. 328 (Apid. 4), p 

V. montana, p. 439. 

ys ogame No. 326 (Dipt. 3, Apid. 3), 


Wo ipxatille, p: 

V. serpyllifoli a No. 329 (Dipt. 1), p 

¥. aang No. 327 (Apid. 2, Hymen. 
3), D- 

bx d Biyllos p. 444. 

V. urticifolia, p. 439. 

Viburnum Opulus, No. 200 (Dipt. 7, 
Apid. 1, Coleopt. 2), p. 291. 

Vicia amphicarpa, p. 20 

V. angustifolia, p. 203. 

V. Cracca, No. liz (Apid. 13, [Hymen. 
1, Dipt. 1, Lepid. 1}), Pp. 202. 

Vs Faba, No. 119 (Apid. 8, [+ 2, Coleopt. 
1}), p. 206. 

V. hirsuta, p. 201. 

Vv ae o. 118 (B. 5, [+ 1, Apid. 

Viciez, Dp. 201. 

Victoria regia, p. 93. 

Villarsia, p. 407. 

Vinca major, No. 294 (B. 1), p. 396. 

“V. minor, No. 293 (Apid. 7, Dipt. 2, 
Th. 1), p. 394. 

V. rosea, p. 395. 


Vincetoxicum, p. 401. 

Viola arenaria, p. 119. 

V. arvensis, p. 118. 

V. bicolor, p. 121. 

¥, biflora, p. 119. 

V. calcarata, p. 119. 

VY. canina, No. 49 (Apid. 3, Dipt. 1, 

Lepid. 2), p. 121. 

. cornuta, p. 119. 

. cucullata, p. 121. 

. elatior, p. 121. 

. floribunda, p. 121. 

. mirabilis, p. 121. 

. montana, p. 121. 
odorata, No. 47 (Apid. 6, Dipt. 1, 

Lepid, 2), p. 119. 

V. pinnata, p. 121. 

V. pumila, p. 121. 

V. sagittata, p. 121. 

V. silvatica, No. 48 (Apid. 1, Dipt. 1, 
Lepid. 5), p. 119. 

V. stagnina, p. 121. 

V. tricolor, No. 46 (B. 1, Apia, t; 
Syrph. 1]), p. 117. 

Violariex, p. 117. 

Voandzeia, p. 215. 


Wulfenia carinthiaca, p. 445. 

Yuooa, p. 561. 

Zingiberex, p. 542. 

Zinnia, p. 325. 
Zostera, p. 567. 


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