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‘ertiliz i si Watering’ Trees 
Dan Neely and E. B. Himelick 

nares lly eed 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

Dan Neely and E. B. Himelick 
Section of Botany and Plant Pathology 
Illinois Natural History Survey 

Hlinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Printed by authority of the State of Illinois 

Circular 561s a revised edition of Circular 52, which bears the same title. Circular 52 
was originally printed in 1966 and reprinted in 1968 and again in 1972. 

Cover illustration: Lloyd Le Mere 
Design: Molly Hardin Scott 
Composition: Patty L. Duzan and Eva Steger 

No charge is made for most publications of the Illinois Natural History Survey, anda 

list of these publications is available upon request. Single copies of most publications 
are available to anyone requesting them. Requests for multiple copies should be made 

in writing and should explain the use to be made of the publication. Address 
correspondence to the Office of the Chief at the address below. 

Illinois Natural History Survey 
Natural Resources Building 
607 East Peabody Drive 
Champaign, Illinois 61820 



Neely, D., and E.B. Himelick. 1987. Fertilizing and watering trees. Circular 56. 
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. 24 p. 

hed Contents 

Why fertilize? 1 

What is a fertilizer? = 2 

Should you fertilize? 6 

Where should you place the fertilizer? 10 
When should you fertilize and with what? — 12 
How should you fertilize? —-13 

Why should you water trees? 18 

How and when should you water trees? 19 
Summary of recommendations = _21 

Selected references 23 

REES are an indispensable part of a pleasing 
landscape. Their establishment and maintenance concern 
homeowners, arborists, municipal foresters, and those 
responsible for the grounds in parks and around public and 
private institutions and commercial buildings. The care of 
trees involves several cultural practices, including fertiliza- 
tion, about which this circular gives basic information. 

A section on watering is also included because the soil 
solution is the major, if not the only, vehicle for moving 
nutrients from soil colloids and organic matter to the roots 
of trees. 

Why fertilize? 

The correct and timely application of fertilizer benefits most 
trees. Newly established trees grow more rapidly following 
fertilization with a nutrient or a combination of nutrients 
that occur naturally in limited amounts in soil: increased leaf 
size, increased twig growth, and more rapid increase in 
height. Slow-growing tree species, many of which have 
desirable characteristics, can be stimulated to grow faster by 
fertilization and can thereby be used in situations where slow 
growth is undesirable. 

Stunted leaves and the early loss of leaves often indicate 
nutrient deficiencies in the soil. Leaf color, especially pale 
green or yellow, also indicates deficiencies as do leaves with 
mottled patterns between the veins or leaves with dead spots. 
The leaves of many trees become a darker green following 
fertilization, and this change of color makes them more 

Fertilizing also helps to maintain mature trees in a vigorous 
growing condition. A vigorously growing tree is less 
susceptible to certain diseases and to insect pests than is a 
less vigorous tree. Canker-causing fungi occur more 
commonly on weakened trees, and many noninfectious tree 
diseases develop when soil nutrients and moisture are 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

inadequate. Healthy, vigorous trees tend to resist borers, 
whereas those growing under unfavorable moisture or 
nutrient conditions are more susceptible to attack. 

Established trees weakened by leaf diseases, insect defolia- 
tion, mechanical injury, soil compaction, or drought often 
show poor growth or the dying of branch ends. Fertilization 
may stimulate additional growth so that the plant can 
compensate for the conditions that caused the decline. 

What is a fertilizer? 

A fertilizer is a supplement, usually added to the soil, 
composed of elements beneficial to plant growth. The 
essential elements present in plant tissue in relatively large 
quantities are called macronutrients. They are nitrogen, 
potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, 
oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. The essential elements 
present in plant tissue in relatively small quantities—the 
micronutrients—are iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, 
molybdenum, and chlorine. 

Magnesium, sulfur, and the micronutrients are adequate in 
most soils and rarely limit plant growth. The carbon, 
hydrogen, and oxygen used by plants are components of the 
atmosphere and of soil water; under normal conditions these 
three nutrients are never deficient. Calcium in soils is a plant 
nutrient that primarily serves to neutralize soil acidity and 
to increase the availability of other nutrients. It can be 
required as a fertilizer in rare instances when soil pH 1s 4.0 
and below. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are of 
primary concern as soil supplements. 


Plant growth is more often limited by a deficiency of nitrogen 
than by a deficiency of any other element. Nitrogen 
compoundsare rare in the rocks from which soil is formed. 
Although nitrogen comprises 78 percent by volume of the 
earth’s atmosphere, that is a form not available to plants. 
Certain bacteria in the soil use atmospheric nitrogen and 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

change it into a form that can be used by plants. In addition, 
some atmospheric nitrogen is added to the soil during 
electrical rainstorms. Most soil nitrogen available to trees, 
however, is derived from decomposed plant material 
returned to the soil. Microorganisms in the soil must break 
down this complex plant material into simple inorganic 
compounds before the nitrogen can be used by trees. 

Nitrogen in plants occurs in proteins, which are the primary 
components of protoplasm, the living material in plant cells. 
Nitrogen is a component of chlorophyll pigments and 
therefore is important in the production of food in plant 
leaves by photosynthesis. Nitrogen is also found in some 
plant vitamins and enzymes and is consequently essential in 

An abundance of available nitrogen in the soil promotes 
plant growth, particularly of the above-ground portions as 
compared with the roots. When nitrogen is deficient, stunted 
top growth, pale green to yellow foliage, and the yellowing 
or drying of older leaves are common, especially during 

Materials commonly used to supplement nitrogen in the soil 
are ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and urea. These 
materials are readily soluble in water. When they are applied 
to the soil surface and followed by adequate rainfall or 
supplemental watering, nitrogen is carried down into the 
soil and made available to roots. Since nitrogen is also carried 
away by water, nitrogen must be added to the soil at regular 
intervals to maintain an ample supply. 


Most phosphorus in soil came from the rock material from 
which the soil was derived. This form of phosphorus is 
abundant but not readily available to plants. Soils with the 
greatest amount of readily available phosphorus contain 
abundant organic matter and a high percentage of clay. Most 
soils have sufficient phosphorus for adequate plant growth, 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

but additional quantities supplied as fertilizers may be 
needed for maximum growth. 

Plants use from one-tenth to one-fifth as much phosphorus 
as nitrogen. Phosphorus is found in all living plant tissues 
and is essential for good root growth, proper tissue 
development, and the production of flower buds. It 1s 
abundant in seeds and other storage organs. Phosphorus 
has a direct role as acarrier of energy throughout the plant 
and is also involved in photosynthesis. When the soil is 
deficient in phosphorus, plants fail to get a good start at the 
beginning of the growing season, have poor root growth, 
and experience delayed flower production. 

Phosphorus 1s available in commercial fertilizers as super- 
phosphate, double superphosphate, and with nitrogen as 
ammonium phosphate. The available phosphate in these 
fertilizers reacts rapidly with the soil and remains in the area 
of application. For this reason fertilizers containing 
phosphorus must be placed in the soil near the tree roots. 
Surface-applied phosphorus remains near the soil surface 
and is available only to plants with roots in this region. Almost 
no phosphorus is carried away by water. 


Most of the rocks from which soils were formed contained 
potassium. Soils, therefore, usually contain more potassium 
than nitrogen or phosphorus. The salts of potassium are 
readily soluble in water and may be carried away in areas of 
heavy rainfall, especially in sandy soils. Soil containing clay 
or organic matter has a large amount of potassium ina form 
unavailable to plants; however, this potassium is slowly 
released in a form that plants can use. 

Potassium is present in woody plants in quantities larger 
than those of all mineral nutrients except calcium. It is not 
found in any permanent structure but is involved in 
changing a plant’s food into forms that can be used for 
growth and other functions. It acts as a balancing agent 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

between root growth and top growth and between nitrogen 
and phosphorus utilization. A deficiency of potassium is not 
readily apparent in most trees and shrubs. 

The most important commercial fertilizer containing 
potassium is potassium chloride, commonly called muriate 
of potash. Potassium is distributed from the point of 
application in the soil somewhat faster than phosphorus but 
not nearly as rapidly as nitrogen. Fertilizers containing 
potassium should therefore be placed in the soil and not 
applied to the soil surface. Only roots quite near the point 
of application are able to absorb ample quantities of 


Most granular or crystalline commercial fertilizers contain 
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in specified amounts. 
Some calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and micronutrients are 
also included either as impurities or in combination with 
nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium. The guaranteed 
analysis of most fertilizers is shown on the bag as three 
numbers, for example, 12—12—12. The first number gives 
the percentage of nitrogen (N); the second gives the 
percentage of phosphorus as phosphoric acid (P2O;); 

the third gives the percentage of potassium as potash (K,O). 
In many areas the application of all three primary nutrients 
is not desirable, beneficial, or economical. Each of the three 
can be purchased separately. 

The value of organic versus inorganic fertilizers is often 
debated. Organic sources contain a much lower percentage 
of nutrients, are slower to release those nutrients, are more 
difficult to obtain and apply, and are more expensive per 
pound of nutrient received. Organic fertilizers containing 
humus, such as manure or composts, improve soil aeration, 
soil structure, and the capacity of soil to hold water. When 
plant nutrients are of primary interest, the economics of 
fertilizing definitely favor inorganic fertilizers. 


Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Should you fertilize? 

A number of factors should be considered before fertilizing 
trees. Annual growth and leaf color can indicate nutritional 
deficiencies. If trees have poor growth or pale green leaves, 
fertilizer may make them grow faster and give their leaves 
a darker green color. If trees are subject to attack by 
canker-causing fungi or borers, fertilizer makes them more 
vigorous and less subject to these attacks. The condition of 
the soil also affects the fertilizer needs of trees. 

Rate of annual growth 

The annual shoot growth of a tree can be easily determined 
on species with terminal bud scale scars. Bud scales enclose 
and protect buds on the ends of twigs during the winter and 
leave scars that encircle the twig after the scales fall in the 
spring. These scars remain evident for several years on many 
tree species. 

The distance from the tip of the branch to the ring of bud 
scale scars nearest the tip is the current season’s growth. The 
growth of previous years can be determined by observing 
the distance from bud scale scars to bud scale scars as they 
occur down the twig (Figure 1). By observing the length of 
growth for the preceding 3 or 4 years on several twigs, you 
can estimate whether the growth rate was satisfactory or 
unsatisfactory, increasing, decreasing, or stable, and suitable 
for the species. 

Growth rates among tree species vary and the growth rate 
of a given tree is in turn affected by its age. Soil types, the 
spacing of trees, and other environmental conditions also 
affect rate of growth. As a general guide, terminal twig 
growth on most trees should be 9—1 2 inches or more a year. 
Trees approaching mature size may grow only 6—9 inches 
a year. 

A second method of determining growth rate in many tree 
species is to measure the width of annual wood rings 
produced in the trunk. This measurement is taken with most 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 7 

ease and least damage to the tree with an increment borer or 
increment hammer (Figure 2), which are available at most 
garden supply stores by special order. Both are commonly 
used by arborists and foresters, who compare cores of wood 
from trees to determine their growth-rate characteristics. 

Condition of the soil 

In addition to the condition of the plants, the condition of 
the soil must be known. In most instances, the best tool is a 
soil-profile tube (Figure 3), but a spade or trowel can also 
be used for taking samples of the soil. Several factors 
affecting the condition of the soil should be considered. 

1. How deepis the topsoil? Depth is important because topsoil 
contains the organic matter and the microorganisms 
essential to the recycling of mineral elements in plant debris. 
It is the volume of soil with the physical, chemical, and 
biological properties favorable for root growth. The greater 
the depth of topsoil, the greater the water storage capacity 
and the greater the depth of root penetration. 

FIGURE 1. The upper two twigs are from a vigorous white ash. The current 
season’s growth—the part between the tips of the twigs and the bud scale scars 
(indicated by arrows) nearest the tips—is long and thick and has plump buds. 
The previous season’s growth (partially shown to the right of the arrows) is also 
long and thick. The lower two twigs are from a less vigorous white ash. The 
current and previous seasons’ growths are shorter and more spindly and have 
smaller buds. 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

2. What is the color of the soil? Soil color often indicates 
organic matter content (dark or black soils usually have 
abundant organic matter) and the degree of weathering that 
the soil has undergone. 

3. Whatis the texture of the soul? ‘Texture reflects the relative 
proportions of sand, silt, and clay in the soil. A loam soil 
contains all three soil-grain sizes, has optimum water- 
percolation rate and water-holding ability, and is highly 
resistant to soil compaction. 

one wee | Lj t 


FiGURE 2. The increment borer (left) and the increment hammer (right) are tools 
used by the arborist or forester to obtain cores from the wood of standing trees. 

The cores obtained with each have been marked with ink to make the widths of 
the annual rings more evident. In each instance, the upper core’s most recent 
annual rings are closely spaced, indicating a slow growth rate; the rings of the 
lower cores are widely spaced, indicating the rapid growth of healthy trees. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

4. What is the structure of the soil? Soil structure reflects 
organic matter content and results from the aggregation of 
the various soil particles. Soil that remains in clusters or is 
crumbly when sifted through the fingers even when moist 
is most desirable. 

5. Is the subsoil compacted, a tight clay, or does water move into it 
readily? When water remains in a soil hole for 24 hours 
following a rain, the soil is poorly drained. Much of the pore 
space in such a soil is saturated with water for extended 
periods during the growing season; in effect, that saturation 
reduces the depth of topsoil suitable for tree growth. 

6. Has the soil been disturbed? Soil compaction, a change in 
drainage, the removal of a layer of topsoil, or a fill of clay 
above the original topsoil often reduces plant vigor and 

Soil with deep topsoil, silty loam texture, aggregate structure, 
high organic matter content, good aeration, moderately high 
water-holding capacity, and a subsoil that allows internal 
draining is ideal for growing trees and seldom, if ever, will 
fertilization of trees be required. Soil with a clay subsoil and 
less than 8 inches of topsoil that is light brown or gray in 
color, sandy in texture, and sticky when wet, is much less 
satisfactory for optimum tree growth. Under these soil 

FIGURE 3. The soil-profile tube is a handy tool for removing cores from the 
upper 10—14 inches of soil. Many properties of the soil can be observed by 
examining such cores. 


Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

conditions, trees often benefit from fertilization, and annual 
applications may be required for several years. An 
agronomist, farm adviser, or extension agent should be 
contacted for assistance with local soil problems. 

Two chemical tests are used to determine soil deficiencies — 
soil tests and plant tissue analyses. Although no method of 
determining deficiencies in soil nutrients 1s applicable to all 
plants under all conditions, soil tests reveal general soil 
deficiencies and help to determine if the phosphorus or 
potassium content is low in the soil around shade trees. 
Diagnosing soil deficiencies by analyzing plant tissue is a 
useful research tool but is impractical for determining the 
fertilizer needs of trees. 

Disadvantages of fertilizing 

Although the advantages of fertilizing usually far outweigh 
the disadvantages, certain outcomes should be kept in mind. 
Fertilizing trees or shrubs in lawns also stimulates grass 
growth, and frequent mowing may be necessary. Unless 
regularly pruned, small ornamental shrubs that have been 
fertilized may become too large for their locations in a few 
years. Heavy nitrogen applications tend to increase twig 
growth and to reduce flowering in some ornamental shrubs. 
Prolonged fertilizing may cause some woody species to 
become tall, spindly, or succulent and to develop a weeping 

American beech, white oak, and some varieties of crab apple 
are reported to have been injured by fertilizer formulations 
containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. All 
fertilized plants should be observed critically each year to 
determine the effect of fertilization. 

Where should you place the fertilizer? 

Roots grow where the soil environment is favorable. They 
do not grow where oxygen is unavailable or where the soil 
is compact and difficult to penetrate. Since soil pores and 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

oxygen decrease with depth, most active, absorbing roots are 
near the soil surface. 

The placement of fertilizer for the most efficient uptake of 
the mineral elements by tree roots cannot be determined 
with precision because the location of the absorbing roots is 
usually unknown. Between four and ten major woody roots 
originate from the root collar of most trees. These grow 
horizontally through the soil and are most often limited to 
the topsoil. They decrease in diameter rapidly within a 
distance of 3 to 15 feet from the trunk and form an extensive 
network of long, ropelike roots 4 to 1 inch in diameter. At 
the ends of these roots, a network of smaller roots branch 
to form fans or mats composed of thousands of fine, short, 
nonwoody tips. These fine roots, with accompanying fungi, 
are the primary sites for the absorption of water and 

These fans of fine, absorbing roots are not uniformly 
distributed around the tree. Ina mature tree, a circular area 
four to seven times the area covered by the branches will 
encompass these scattered fans. In newly established trees, 
in specimen trees in open lawns, and in trees in parkways, 
the distance and direction of root spread can be estimated 
with reasonable judgments. Determining the root area for 
a particular mature tree in a grove or wood lot is difficult, 
if not impossible, and the efficiency of fertilization is greatly 

For ease in calculation and application, we recommend that 
fertilizer be applied in square or rectangular areas and that 
the soil area available, not the size of the tree, be the 
determining factor in placing the fertilizer. The minimum 
area should have its four corners positioned so that all the 
surface area beneath the drip line of the tree is treated 
(Figure 4). Increasing the size of the treatment area may 
encourage additional tree growth but with decreasing cost 


Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

When should you fertilize and with what? 

Tree branch and trunk growth occurs primarily during May, 
June, and July, but roots grow and actively absorb nutrients 
throughout the year whenever the soil temperature is above 
40°F. Scheduling of the time and rate of application will 
depend on the types of fertilizers to be used. 

Time of application 

Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied annually. Little 
available nitrogen remains in the soil from year to year, since 
most of it is used by plants or carried away by water. Nitrogen 
fertilizers are most efficiently utilized by trees when applied 
in April or May; however, applications in October or 
November will stimulate growth the following year. 

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are chemically bound 
in the soil and become available slowly throughout several 
growing seasons. They should be added to the soil every 3—5 
years in spring or in fall, whichever is more convenient. 

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FiGURE4. Stakes have been placed at the four corners of the area to be fertilized. 
They are far enough from the tree so that its entire branch spread is included. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 13 

Rate of application 

Nitrogen is the nutrient most often lacking in the soil and, 
therefore, the first to limit plant growth. Nitrogen fertilizers 
can safely be added to the soil annually at the rate of 6 
pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of area. 

The amounts of phosphorus and potassium in soils vary 
greatly. In some areas additions of either are unnecessary; 
in others, an occasional application may be required to 
provide optimum supplies. Applications of phosphorus and 
potassium are of little or no benefit when sufficient quantities 
are already present. The need for phosphorus and potassium 
and the frequency of application should be determined by 
chemical tests of soil. Contact your cooperative extension 
agent for the locations of experiment station or private 
soil-testing laboratories. 

To prevent the soil from becoming deficient in phosphorus 
or potassium following increased tree growth from annual 
nitrogen applications, add these nutrients at intervals of 3—5 
years and at these rates: phosphorus at 3.6 pounds 

of phosphoric acid (P;O0;) per 1,000 square feet and 
potassium at 6 pounds of potash (K,QO) per 1,000 square feet. 

How should you fertilize? 
Three successful methods of fertilization are surface 

application, the placement of dry fertilizers in holes in the 
soil, and the injection of liquid fertilizers into the soil. 

Surface application 

Nitrogen fertilizers applied directly to the soil surface are as 
effective as or more effective than nitrogen fertilizers 
applied by other methods. With rainfall or supplemental 
watering, inorganic nitrogen fertilizers readily move down 
into the soil. These fertilizers can be uniformly distributed 
over the root area with one of two types of spreaders used 
to fertilize lawns (Figure 5). Lawn spreaders are the easiest, 
simplest, and most economical means of applying fertilizers 
containing only nitrogen. 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Fertilizer should be applied when grass blades are dry. 
Immediately after the fertilizer has been distributed, it 
should be washed from the grass blades with a lawn sprinkler 
or a spray nozzle on a hose. Fertilizer remaining on grass 
blades that become wet following a light rain or the 
formation of dew occasionally causes burning. 

The amounts of fertilizer by source materials that will supply 
the required 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet 
and can be safely used in surface applications are listed below 
(select only one): 

Material Pounds per 1,000 sq. ft. 
Urea 45—0-—0 13 
Ammonium nitrate 33.5—0—0 18 
Ammonium sulfate 21—0—0 29 

Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium should not 
be broadcast or spread on the surface except at rates 
recommended for lawn fertilization. Applying such fertil- 
izers as 10—10—10 at the recommended rate for nitrogen of 
6 pounds per 1,000 square feet may cause severe damage 
to grass. Do not use nitrogen fertilizers that have gotten wet 
and become lumpy or caked for surface application. 


FIGURE 5. Two types of spreaders used to apply fertilizer to lawns can also be 
used to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil around trees. A kitchen scale and a 
bucket help to ensure accurate application rates. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 15 

Dry fertilizers in holes 

Another method of fertilizing trees is to place dry fertilizers 
in holes in the soil. Because phosphorus and potassium 
fertilizers applied to the soil surface are not readily available 
to the nutrient-absorbing roots of trees, these materials 
should be placed in the soil occupied by plant roots. Contrary 
to popular belief, approximately 90 percent of the nutrient- 
absorbing roots of trees are not deep but are located within 
the top 12 inches of soil. Here moisture, aeration, and 
nutrient conditions are favorable for root growth. 

Holes can be punched in the soil with a punch bar or drilled 
with an auger attached to an electric drill (Figure 6). Holes 
may be drilled if the soil is dry and punched if it is wet. 

FiGuRE 6. A punch bar (top) or an electric drill with a soil auger (bottom) can 
be used to prepare holes for the application of dry phosphorus and potassium 


Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Holes should be 12—15 inches deep and placed at 2-foot 
intervals in a series of parallel lines 2 feet apart throughout 
the area to be fertilized (Figure 7). Holes should not be made 
within 21% feet of the tree trunk. Approximately 250 holes 
are required in each 1,000 square feet of area to be fertilized. 

If holes are properly spaced, the following quantities of 
fertilizers by source materials should be placed in each hole 
(select one P and one K source or an NPK source): 

Material Amount per hole 

Phosphorus (P) 
Superphosphate 0—20—0 2 level tablespoons 
Double superphosphate 0—40—0_ 1 level tablespoon 
Potassium (K) 
Muriate of potash 0—0—60 1 level tablespoon 
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and 
potassium (NPK) 

10-10-10 ¥2 cup 
12-12-12 slightly less than 
¥2 cup 

Preparing and filling holes is time consuming and labor 
intensive, but merely drilling holes in a circle around the 
drip line of a tree is unsatisfactory because the fertilizer is 
inadequately distributed. In addition, root injury may occur 
if too much fertilizer is placed in too few holes. 

Injection of liquid fertilizers 

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers in solution 
may also be injected into the soil with a hydraulic pump and 
a soil needle (Figure 8). Relatively expensive equipment is 
required for this method of fertilizing, and fertilizer 
materials must be completely soluble in water. Water-soluble 
fertilizers containing both phosphorus and potassium are 
much more expensive per pound of nutrient than are farm 
and lawn fertilizers not soluble in water. Potassium chloride 
and potassium nitrate are water-soluble sources of potassium. 
Ammonium phosphate and potassium phosphate are 
water-soluble sources of phosphorus. These materials can 
be purchased from chemical supply stores. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 17 


FiGuRE 7. Sites for placing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in the soil should 
be uniformly spaced in parallel lines throughout the area to be fertilized. If dry 
fertilizer is to be placed in holes, the holes should be at 2-foot intervals. If liquid 
fertilizer is to be injected, sites should be 22 feet apart. 

Fs SO Nn IM a IM * see ~ 

FiGuRE 8. A soil needle that is fed by a hydraulic pump may be used to inject 
water-soluble fertilizers into the soil. It may also be attached to a hose and used 
to water trees. 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

The readily available, commercial, water-soluble fertilizers 
are mixtures containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and 
potassium. A satisfactory NPK ratio is approximately 1:1:1 
or 2:1:2. Suggested formulations of water-soluble nitrogen, 
phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers are listed below with 
the number of pounds that should be dissolved in 200 gallons 
of water and injected into 1,000 square feet of soil (select 

NPK formulations Pounds per 200 gallons 

20—20-—20 30 
23-19-17 26 
25—10—20 24 

Fertilizer solutions are injected into the soil at a depth of 
approximately 18 inches. Injection sites are placed at 
intervals of 2 2 feet in a series of parallel lines 2 /2 feet apart 
throughout the area to be fertilized. Approximately 160 
injections should be made for 1,000 square feet. Each 
injection site should receive 1.2 gallons of solution. About 
150—200 pounds of pressure is required to force the liquid 
into the soil. Experience is required to distribute the material 

Why should you water trees? 

Water in plants has three vital functions. The hydrogen in 
water is a true nutrient and is indispensable to photosyn- 
thesis. Water also serves as the sustaining liquid in plant cells, 
filling them and keeping them turgid. This turgidity keeps 
stems upright and leaves fully extended. In addition, water 
serves as a carrier. Nutrients can enter plants and be used 
only in their ionized state, which requires an aqueous 

Water in the soil is classified into four groups: water bound 
chemically to mineral salts, water bound hygroscopically to 
solid soil particles as a very thin film, water held in the soil 
by capillary action, and water moving due to the influence 
of gravity. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

Water that is chemically or hygroscopically bound is not 
available to plants. Gravitational water rapidly seeks a lower 
level in the soil or runs off on the surface and is of limited 
importance. The amount of suspended capillary water in 
soil depends on the texture and structure of the soil. The 
maximum amount of capillary water a soil can hold, after 
the gravitational water has percolated through, is called field 
capacity. Water available to plants is at its maximum when 
field capacity has been reached. 

How and when should you water trees? 

Plant roots require both moisture and air for normal 
development, but trees can be overwatered. Adding large 
quantities of water too frequently to heavy clay soils may 
bring about a water-logged condition. With the exclusion 
of air, roots decline and die, and trees and shrubs may be 
killed. Such losses occur most frequently in disturbed soils 
when plants are located in clay fill or in potholes in clay 
subsoil following construction work. The soil around plants 
in such sites should be tile drained. 

Recently planted trees 

Trees or shrubs that have been transplanted may need to 
be watered for 2—3 years to provide an adequate water supply 
while their root systems are becoming established. Some 
trees are not fully established for 3—6 years. Trees and 
shrubs planted with bare roots normally require longer to 
develop adequate root systems than do plants moved with 
balls of soil. Older and larger plants require more time to 
become established than do younger and smaller plants. 

A newly planted tree or shrub is most easily watered if a 
circular mound of earth 3—4 inches high is prepared around 
the plant at the edge of the planting hole (Figure 9). This 
mound serves as the dike of a reservoir that should be filled 
with water at 7- to 10-day intervals during the growing 
season. The reservoir holds a supply of water adequate to 
soak the soil of the backfill and the soil in the ball around 
the plant roots. 



Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Established trees 

When rainfall is normal, established trees obtain an adequate 
supply of water from the soil. During a drought or during 
extended dry periods in the summer, all trees benefit from 
watering, but trees weakened by injury, disease, or insect 
pests are especially benefited. The relative moistness or 
dryness of the soil can be determined by inspecting a soil 
core removed with a spade or soil-profile tube. Soil taken 
from different depths should be examined as it is crumbled 
between the fingers. Dry soil will be powdery, but moist soil 
will retain its structure. 

Water applied to the soil surface fills the capillary spaces 
from the top down. A daily surface sprinkling that wets the 
soil to a depth of | inch or so 1s of little value to trees or 
grass because most plant roots are at greater depths and 
remain in dry soil. Instead, water should be applied less 
frequently and in larger quantities. 

Water should not be applied more rapidly than the soil can 
absorb it. When water is applied too rapidly, it is lost through 
runoff and erodes the soil surface. Heavy clay soils are 

FIGURE 9. A mound of earth 3—4 inches high around a newly planted tree serves 
as the dike of a reservoir that holds sufficient water to soak the soil of the backfill 
and the soil in the ball about the plant roots. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 

difficult to wet and slow to dry out. They require more water 
per application and applications at less frequent intervals 
than do sandy soils. Sandy or light soils are easy to wet but 
must be watered more frequently than heavier soils because 
their water-holding capacity is less. 

The most satisfactory means of supplying and uniformly 
distributing adequate water to an established tree is with a 
garden hose and an oscillating lawn sprinkler. To wet the 
soil thoroughly requires the equivalent of 2 inches of rainfall. 
During prolonged dry periods in the summer, watering 
should be repeated at intervals of 2—3 weeks. Coffee cans 
placed near the sprinkler make handy gauges for measuring 
the amount of water that has been applied. If water begins 

to run off the surface before the intended amount has been 
supplied, half of the volume should be applied one day and 
the remainder the following day. 

Other means of supplying supplemental water are soaker 
hoses and root-watering needles. Soaker hoses are suited for 
such limited areas as border, hedge, and foundation plant- 
ings. A root-watering needle is conveniently used around 
small trees or shrubs. The needle has the advantage of 
injecting water into the immediate area of the roots; 
however, since only a limited amount of soil is watered at 
each injection, the needle must be moved at frequent 

Summary of recommendations 

Recommendations for the fertilization of shade trees and 
shrubs should be based on controlled experiments using 
known plant species and known soil types; however, only a 
limited number of such studies have been made. These 
recommendations, therefore, are based primarily on 
experiments by the authors and on information gleaned 
from research in arboriculture, pomology, forestry, and 

Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 


1. Measure accurately the area to be fertilized and determine 
its size in square feet. For ease in calculating areas and 
applying fertilizer, plot a square or rectangular area. 

2. Weigh accurately the amount of fertilizer to be used. 
A bucket and kitchen scales are useful. 

3. Apply nitrogen fertilizers annually to the soil surface at 
the rate of 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. 
Uniform applications can easily be made with spreaders 
commonly used to apply fertilizer to lawns. Nitrogen 
fertilizers are most effective when applied in April or early 
May before trees break dormancy. To prevent grass burn, 
wash fertilizer from grass blades immediately after 

4. Apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers every 3—5 
years. Phosphorus should be applied at the rate of 3.6 
pounds of phosphoric acid (PO) and potassium at the rate 
of 6 pounds of potash (KyO) per 1,000 square feet. 

One method is to place dry fertilizer in a series of holes 
12-15 inches deep at 2-foot intervals in parallel lines 2 feet 
apart throughout the area to be fertilized. A second method 
is to use water-soluble materials and inject them into the soil 
using a hydraulic pump and a soil needle. Injections are 18 
inches deep at 2 2-foot intervals in parallel lines 2% feet 
apart throughout the area to be fertilized. 

Phosphorus and potassium may be applied in spring or fall 
but are often applied in spring when hole preparation and 
needle injection are easier. 

Fertilizing can often be continued indefinitely. Some woody 
species, however, may become succulent or develop a 
weeping appearance after prolonged fertilization. All 
fertilized plants should be carefully observed each year, and 
fertilization should be discontinued when it fails to 
accomplish a purpose. 

Fertilizing and Watering Trees 


1. Prepare a dike 3—4 inches high around the planting hole 
of a recently planted tree or shrub. During the growing 
season and until the root system has become established, fill 
this dike with water at 7- to 10-day intervals. 

2. During droughts or during extended dry periods in the 
summer, water established trees with a lawn sprinkler at 
intervals of 2—3 weeks. Each watering should be the 
equivalent of 2 inches of rainfall. 

Selected references 

Fertilizer-plant relationships 

Brady, N.C. 1984. The nature and properties of soils, 9th ed. Collier 

Macmillan Publishers, London. 750 p. 

Donahue, R.L., R.W. Miller, and J.C. Shickluna. 1983. Soils: an 
introduction to soils and plant growth, 5th ed. Prentice-Hall 
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 667 p. 

Foth, H.D. 1984. Fundamentals of soil science, 7th ed. John Wiley 
and Sons, New York. 435 p. 

Jones, U.S. 1979. Fertilizers and fertility. Reston Publishing 
Company, Reston, Virginia. 368 p. 

McVickar, M.H., and W.M. Walker. 1978. Using commercial 
fertilizers, 4th ed. Interstate Printers and Publishers, Danville, 
Illinois. 363 p. 

Thompson, L.M.,and F.R. Troeh. 1978. Soils and soil fertility, 4th 
ed. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York. 516 p. 

Tisdale, S.L., W.L. Nelson, and J.D. Beaton. 1985.Soil fertility and 

fertilizers, 4th ed. MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New 

York. 754 p. 

Tree fertilization experiments 

Chadwick, L.C. 1935. The fertilization of shade trees in the nursery. 
Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science 

Chadwick, L.C. 1937. Fertilizer trials with shade trees in the 
nursery. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural 
Science 34:664—668. 

24 Illinois Natural History Survey Circular 56 

Himelick, E.B., D. Neely, and W.R. Crowley, Jr. 1965. Experimental 
field studies on shade tree fertilization. Illinois Natural History 
Survey Biological Notes 53. 12 p. 

Neely, D., E.B. Himelick, and W.R. Crowley, Jr. 1970. Fertilization 
of established trees: a report on field studies. Illinois Natural 
History Survey Bulletin 30:235—266. 

Smith, E.M.,and C.H. Gilliam. 1980. Soil fertility practices are vital 
for growing healthy landscape plants. American Nurseryman 
151:15, 78-82. 

Smith, E.M. 1981. Fertilizing Malus ‘Snowdrift’ in the landscape. 
Arboricultural Journal 5:137—142. 

van de Werken, H. 1981. Fertilization and other factors enhancing 
the growth rate of young shade trees. Journal of Arboriculture 

van de Werken, H. 1984. Fertilization practices as they influence 
the growth rate of young shade trees. Journal of Environmental 
Horticulture 2:64—69. 

Tree planting and care 

Carter, J.C. 1970. Illinois trees: selection, planting and care. Illinois 
Natural History Survey Circular 51. 123 p. 

Dirr, M. A. 1977. Manual of woody landscape plants, revised ed. 
Stipes Publishing Company, Champaign, Illinois. 536 p. 

Harris, R.W. 1983. Arboriculture. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood 
Cliffs, New Jersey. 688 p. 

Himelick, E.B. 1981. Tree and shrub transplanting manual. 
International Society of Arboriculture, Urbana, Illinois. 76 p. 

Partyka, R.E., J.W. Rimelspach, B.G. Joyner, and S.A. Carver. 1980. 
Woody ornamentals: plants and problems. Chemlawn 
Corporation, Columbus, Ohio. 427 p. 

Perry, T.O. 1982. The ecology of tree roots and the practical 
significance thereof. Journal of Arboriculture 8:197—210. 

Pirone, P.P. 1978. Tree maintenance, 5th ed. Oxford University 
Press, New York. 608 p. 
Schoeneweiss, D.F. 1966. Prevention and treatment of construction 

damage to shade trees. Small Homes Council, University of 
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 8 p. 

Illinois Natural History Survey 
Natural Resources Building 
607 East Peabody Drive 
Champaign, Illinois 61820 

A Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources 

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