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ISSN  0738-9388 



Volume:  XXXII 

January  13,  2000 

Number:  1 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 

Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scon 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 





Business  Manager 

Kay  Klaus 
Kay  Klaus 

Carole  M.  Hertz 
Jules  Hertz 
David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New-  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scon 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 

Club/index. html  Email:  Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


The  Atlantidae  - a Poorly-Known  Group 

Dr.  Roger  Seapy  of  California  State  University,  beautiful  group  of  pelagic  gastropods,  the  Atlantidae  with 

Fullerton,  will  give  a program  on  the  very  poorly-known  and  images  of  these  tiny,  unique  creatures  from  the  deep  ocean. 

Meeting  date:  January  20,  2000 
Shells  of  the  month:  pelagic  gastropods 


Club  news 2 

Correction  to  Skoglund  (1999)  “The  genus  Alexania  (Gastropoda:  Epitoniidae)  in  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico” 2 

Spondylus  linguaefelis  Sowerby,  1847  (Bivalvia:  Spondylidae)  in  the  Panamic  Province,  with  notes  on  the 
occurrence  of  Spondylus  nicobaricus  Schreibers,  1793 

Carol  Skoglund 3 

New  distributional  record  for  Favartia  (Murexiella)  mildredae  Poorman,  1980  (Gastropoda:  Muricidae) 

Barbara  W.  Myers 9 

Book  news:  Catalogue  and  Bibliography  of  the  Marine  Shell-Bearing  Mollusca  of  Japan,  Volume  I 
by  Higo,  Callomon  & Goto,  reviewed 

Henry  W.  Chaney,  reviewer  11 

Fourth  annual  gathering  Southern  California  Unified  Malacologists  (SCUM)  11 

Conchologists  of  America  grants  12 

Page  2 


Vol.  XXXII(l);  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - November  18,  1999 

Secretary  Kim  Hutsell  opened  the  meeting  at  7:30 
p.m.  by  welcoming  everyone.  He  presented  the  slate  of 
officers  and  opened  nominations  from  the  floor.  The 
slate  for  the  year  2000  presented  by  the  nominating 
committee  was  voted  in  unanimously:  President,  Mike 
Mason;  Vice-president,  Kim  Hutsell;  Recording 
Secretary,  Silvana  Vollero;  Corresponding  Secretary, 
Mark  Scott;  Treasurer,  Linda  Hutsell. 

Carole  Hertz  announced  the  new  Berry  Supplement 
at  $15.00  per  copy.  Margaret  Mulliner  announced  there 
were  no  new  book  requests  for  the  library  from  the 
membership.  George  Kennedy  asked  how  one  goes 
about  requesting  a new  book  and  will  see  Margaret. 
Jules  Hertz  announced  the  particulars  for  the  Club 
Christmas  party  [see  review  this  page].  Hugh  Bradner 
announced  the  Southern  California  Unified 
Malacologists  (SCUM)  will  meet  the  second  Saturday  of 
January  the  9th,  at  Scripps.  Larry  Lovell  of  Scripps  will 
be  moving  the  mollusk  collection  after  the  first  of  the 
year  and  will  be  asking  for  volunteers  to  help. 

Kim  Hutsell  introduced  the  speaker  for  the  evening. 
Dr.  Tom  Demere,  curator  of  Paleontology  at  the  San 
Diego  Natural  History  Museum.  He  gave  a wonderful, 
illustrated  talk  on  field  work  on  the  San  Diego 
Formation.  Two  to  3 million  year  old  finds  were 
uncovered  behind  the  Electric  building  in  Balboa  Park, 
the  sea  cliffs  by  Pacific  Beach  and  Tourmaline  Surfing 
Beach  to  Crystal  Pier.  The  best  exposures  are  in  the 
Pacific  Beach  area  which  is  rich  in  fossils  along  with 
Mt.  Soledad  to  Pacific  Beach,  with  many  spreading 
along  the  Rose  Canyon  fault.  In  addition  to  discussing 
other  rich  areas,  he  told  that  the  taxonomy  of  these 
fossils  have  been  worked  on  since  Dali  (1874)  worked 
on  the  first  Pliocene  invertebrates  from  the  San  Diego 
Formation.  He  told  the  audience  what  to  look  for  in  a 
deposit  of  shell  accumulation  and  how  he  is  interested  in 
the  paleobiological  reconstruction  of  the  then 
living  community  based  on  the  dead  remains. 

A mini-auction  of  shell  books  by  our  own 
auctioneer,  Carole  Hertz,  followed  the  program. 
Members  Kay  Klaus  and  Margaret  Mulliner  were  the 
happy  winners  of  the  sale.  The  meeting  was  adjourned 
at  8:45  to  look  at  the  fossil  shell  displays  brought  by 
Dr.  Demere  and  by  Nancy  and  Bill  Schneider.  The 
wonderful  refreshments  were  provided  by  the 
Chritchlows  and  Billee  Gerr odette.  The  door  prize  was 
won  by  Linda  Hutsell. 

Kay  Klaus  (for  Silvana  Vollero) 

The  Club  Christmas  Party 

Each  Club  Christmas  party  always  seems  even 
better  than  the  last.  This  one  was  truly  special  and  the 
thirty-seven  in  attendance  had  a wonderful  time. 

Members  and  guests  in  their  holiday  attire  enjoyed 
the  social  cocktail  hour  chatting  with  friends  new  and 
old;  the  room  was  lovely  with  presents  under  the  tree; 
and  the  tables  were  decorated  with  Strombus  shells 
donated  by  Don  and  Jean  Pisor  and  filled  with 
poinsettias  by  the  Hutsells.  Master  of  Ceremonies 
Jules  Hertz  welcomed  the  group  with  some  very  funny 
stories  and  after  a delicious  dinner,  with  table  wine 
provided  by  the  Club,  he  opened  the  more  formal 
proceedings,  again  with  hilarious  yams  between  the 
installation  of  officers  and  remarks  by  The  Festivus 
editor,  Carole  Hertz  and  outgoing  president  Terry 

The  highlight  of  the  evening  was  a slide 
presentation  by  member  and  professional  photographer, 
Richard  Herrmann  entitled  “San  Diego:  Beauty  in 
Every  Direction.”  The  images  were  outstanding  and 
Richard’s  fine  narrative  enhanced  them.  It  was 
appreciated  by  all.  Following  Richard’s  program,  the 
traditional  gift  exchange  was  held  with  much  excitement 
and  laughter.  And  then  the  lovely  centerpieces  were 
raffled  off  to  the  holder  of  the  winning  number  at  each 
table.  Members  lingered  to  spend  more  time  with  each 
other  and  see  all  the  shell  gifts. 

It  was  a great  party. 

Correction:  The  editor  regrets  the  error  in  Skoglund  (1999,  vol.  31(11):  115,  col.  2,  para.  1).  It  should  read 
“Dr.  Rosewater  returned  the  shells  to  Mert  Goldsmith  with  the  name  Alexania  floridana  (Pilsbry,  1945). 
Rosewater's  (1976)  paper  on  a survey  of  Panama  cites  the  species  from  both  ends  of  the  Panama  Canal.  He  also 
cited  the  Goldsmith  shells  as  being  from  the  Golfo  de  California  without  specifying  the  species  name  or  mentioning 
the  collecting  locality.” 

Vol.  XXXII(l):  2000 


Page  3 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  California  93105-2936,  USA 

Abstract:  Spondylus  linguaefelis  Sowerby,  1847,  is  reported  for  the  first  time  on  the  continental  shelf  of  the 
Panamic  Province  at  Isla  Jicarita,  Golfo  de  Chiriqui,  Panama.  It  is  also  the  first  report  of  occurrences  on  several 
oceanic  islands  within  the  province.  These  islands  include  Islas  Clarion,  Socorro  and  Roca  Parti  da  in  the 
Archipielago  Revillagigedo,  Mexico;  Isla  de  Malpelo,  Colombia;  and  Islas  Salvador  and  Pinta  in  the  Archipielago 
Galapagos,  Ecuador.  Specimens  previously  reported  from  the  Panamic  Province  as  Spondylus  nicobaricus 
Schreibers,  1793,  are  herein  considered  S.  linguaefelis. 

Introduction  (Plate  I,  Figure  A),  Philippines,  and  northwestern  and 

northern  Australia  (Lamprell,  1987).  Kaiser  (1997) 
The  previously  known  distribution  of  Spondylus  reported  specimens  from  the  LACM  collections,  figured 

linguaefelis  includes  the  Solomon  Islands,  Hawaii  herein,  from  the  Galapagos  as  Spondylus  sp.  (Figure  1). 

Figure  1.  Spondylus  linguaefelis,  14.6  x 14.0  nun,  two  views.  LACM  84-41,  S side  of  Isla  Pinta,  Islas  Galapagos,  15-24  m.  Photo:  D.  K. 

'Mailing  address:  3846  E.  Highland  Ave.,  Phoenix,  AZ  85018,  USA. 

Page  4 


Vol.  XXXn(l):  2000 

The  color  of  Spondylus  linguaefelis  varies  widely. 
A lot  of  three  specimens  taken  at  55  m off  Lahaina, 
Maui,  Hawaii  (SBMNH  345320)  illustrates  the  color 
range  of  the  species  from  Hawaii.  One  shell  is  all 
white,  a second  orange,  and  a third  dark  rose.  All  but 
one  of  the  over  50  Panamic  Province  specimens  seen  by 
me  are  variations  of  the  dark  rose  color. 

Abbreviations  used  here  are:  HC,  Jules  and  Carole 
M.  Hertz  Collection,  San  Diego,  California;  KC, 
Kirstie  L.  Kaiser  Collection,  Puerto  Vallarta,  Mexico; 
LACM,  Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Los  Angeles,  California;  PC,  Donald  L.  Pisor 
Collection,  San  Diego,  California;  SBMNH,  Santa 
Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Santa  Barbara, 
California;  h,  height;  w,  width. 

Description  of  Panamic  Province  Specimens  Studied 

Spondylus  linguaefelis  Sowerby,  1847. 

Synonyms:  Spondylus  gloriosus  Dali,  Bartsch  & 
Rehder,  1938;  S.  minus  Dali,  Bartsch  & Rehder, 
1938;  S.  kauaiensis  Dali,  Bartsch  & Rehder,  1938. 

Spondylus  linguaefelis  size,  not  including  spines, 
h 27.7,  w 23.1  mm  to  h 113.1,  w 80.5  mm;  shape 
variable  with  substrate.  Exterior  of  numerous  slender, 
needle-like  spines  on  top  valve;  partly  attached  bottom 
valve  with  ruffling  on  some  shells  as  well  as  needle-like 
spines.  Exterior  color  dark  rose  with  occasional 
blotches  of  yellow  or  orange  on  bottom  valves  of  young 
specimens.  Interior  with  teeth  on  bottom  valve  bifid  on 
young  shells,  pronounced  in  small  specimens,  fading 
with  growth  and  usually  not  apparent  on  larger  shells. 
Inner  margin  with  a broad  color  band  matching  exterior 
shell  color,  occasional  specimens  with  a wide  brown 
inner  band.  Hinge  plate  with  some  brown  color. 

Material  studied 

Panamic  Province  distribution  of  Spondylus  linguaefelis : 

Is  las  Revillagigedo,  Mexico 

Isla  Clarion:  three  specimens  and  one  broken 
valve,  h 58.1,  w 35.1  to  h 80.0,  w 66.5  mm; 
depth:  15  to  20  m (KC). 

Roca  Partida:  one  specimen,  h 101.4,  w 83.1 
mm;  depth:  9 to  19  m (KC)  (Figure  2). 

Isla  Socorro:  one  specimen,  h 62.7,  w 48.0  mm; 
depth:  10  to  11  m (KC).  An  additional 

specimen  taken  by  Donald  R.  Shasky  at  Isla 
Socorro  (SBMNH  345413)  is  pink  with  white 
on  early  growth  and  later  growth  a dark  rose 
color.  Size:  w 29.5  mm,  h 34  mm. 

This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the  Islas 
Revillagigedo,  as  well  as  the  northernmost  occurrence. 

L’lle  Clipperton  [France] 

Twenty-two  specimens  from  h 27.7,  w 23.1  to 
h 113.1,  w 80.5  mm;  largest  shell  examined 
having  both  broad  inner  band  and  brown  hinge 
plate;  timbones  yellow;  depth:  9 to  27  m (KC). 
An  additional  specimen,  h 68.5,  w 62.4  mm,  was 
taken  from  10  to  20  m (HC)  (Plate  I,  Figure  B). 

Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica 

Twenty-four  specimens  from  seven  localities 
around  the  island  from  h 36.0,  w 32.8  mm  to  h 
97.3,  w 78.3  mm;  depth:  20  to  80  m (KC)  (Plate 
I,  Figure  C). 

Isla  Jicarita,  Golfo  de  Chiriqui,  Panama 

Single  live  collected  specimen,  h.  88.1,  w 71.2 
mm;  depth  24  m (Figure  3).  This  is  the  first 
report  of  the  species  on  the  continental  shelf  of 
the  Panamic  Province.  The  shell  is  unusual  in 
that  the  bifid  teeth  in  the  lower  valve  are  still 
visible  at  this  large  size  (KC). 

Isla  de  Malpelo,  Colombia 

One  specimen,  h 77.2,  w 70.8  mm;  depth  15  to 
26  m.  (KC)  (Figure  4).  This  is  the  first  report  of 
the  species  from  Isla  de  Malpelo. 

Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador 

Two  valves,  one  from  Isla  San  Salvador  taken  in 
1938  in  66  to  73  m,  h 17.1,  w 18.1  mm  (LACM 
38-56)  and  one  from  Isla  Pinta  taken  in  1984  in 
15  to  24  m,  h 14.6,  w 14.0  mm  (LACM  84-41) 
(Figure  1). 


Spondylus  linguaefelis  from  the  Panamic  Province 
has  previously  been  identified  in  collections  and  in  the 
literature  as  Spondylus  nicobaricus  and  as  Spondylus 
gloriosus.  Spondylus  gloriosus  was  reported  from  L’ile 
Clipperton  [France]  by  Hertlein  & Allison  (1966)  and 
Salvat  & Ehrhardt  (1970).  Keen  (1971)  listed  the 
species  but  did  not  figure  it.  Both  Kay  (1974)  and 

Vol.  XXXD(l):  2000 


Page  5 

Figures  2,  3 Spondylus  linguaefelis  (2)  98.8  x 85.6  mm,  Roca  Pardda,  Islas  Revillagigedo,  9-19  m,  KC  (3)  88.1  x 71.2  mm,  Isla  Jicarita,  Golfo 

de  Chiriquf,  Panama,  KC.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Lamprell  (1987)  synonymized  S.  gloriosus,  S.  minus 
and  S.  kuaiensis  with  S.  linguaefelis. 

Spondylus  nicobaricus  was  first  reported  from  Isla 
del  Coco  by  Shasky  (1983).  The  12  Shasky  Spondylus 
lots  from  Isla  del  Coco  now  at  the  SBMNH  were 
examined.  Shasky’s  labels  read  Spondylus  nicobaricus , 
but  all  are  clearly  S.  linguaefelis.  Two  specimens  in  the 
Hertz  Collection  collected  and  identified  by  Shasky  from 
Isla  del  Coco  are  also  S.  linguaefelis.  Bernard, 
McKinnell  & Jamieson  (1991)  also  placed  S. 
nicobaricus  at  Isla  del  Coco  based  on  a personal 
communication  from  M.  Montoya.  I have  not  examined 
the  Montoya  material,  but  since  Montoya,  Kaiser  and 
Shasky  were  on  the  same  trips  to  Isla  del  Coco,  I am 
assuming  his  specimens  are  also  S.  linguaefelis.  The 
single  shell  in  my  collection  from  Isla  del  Coco  taken  by 
Gene  Everson  labeled  as  S.  nicobaricus  by  Everson  is 
also  S.  linguaefelis. 

Figure  4.  Spondylus  linguaefelis , 77.2  x 70.8  mm,  Isla  de  Malpelo, 
Colombia,  (KC).  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Page  6 


Vol.  XXXn(l):  2000 


Spondylus  nicobaricus  has  sharply  pointed  ribs  with 
striated  interstices  (Plate  I,  Figure  D).  The  color  is 
usually  arranged  in  radiating  rows  of  dark  angular 
spots,  upon  a white  ground  (Sowerby,  1847).  None  of 
the  shells  from  Isla  del  Coco  examined  by  me  has  these 
characteristics  and  all  fall  well  within  the  range  of  S. 
linguaefelis . 

Since  all  the  Spondylus  seen  by  Kaiser  on  eight 
diving  trips  to  Isla  del  Coco  and  those  seen  by  me  are 
the  same  species,  I would,  therefore,  seriously  doubt 
that  S.  nicobaricus  is  found  at  Isla  del  Coco  and  remove 
it  from  the  list  of  species  that  occur  there. 


Many  people  contributed  to  this  paper.  My  sincere 
thanks  to  all  of  them.  Kirstie  L.  Kaiser  was  the  diver 
who  found  the  specimens  in  Panama  and  the  offshore 
islands  and  brought  the  project  to  my  attention.  James 
H.  McLean  and  Lindsey  T.  Groves  (LACM  ),  Jules 
and  Carole  M.  Hertz,  and  Donald  L.  Pisor  lent 
specimens.  Henry  W.  Chaney  made  the  material  at 
SBMNH  available  for  study.  Paul  Valentich  Scott  read 
the  manuscript  and  offered  many  valuable  suggestions. 
David  K.  Mulliner  took  the  excellent  photographs. 

Literature  Cited 


1991.  Distribution  and  zoogeography  of  the  Bivalvia  of  the 
eastern  Pacific  Ocean.  Canadian  Special  Publication  of 
Fisheries  and  Aquatic  Sciences  112:1-60:  figs.  1-29. 


1966.  Additions  to  the  molluscan  fauna  of  Clipperton  Island. 
The  Veliger  9(2):  138-140. 


1997  The  Recent  molluscan  marine  fauna  of  the  Islas 
Galapagos.  The  Festivus  29,  Supplement,  67  pp. 


1979.  Hawaiian  Marine  Shells.  Reef  and  Shore  Fauna  of 
Hawaii,  Section  4:  Mollusca.  Bishop  Museum  Special 
Publication  64(4):  654  pp,  figs.  1-195. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America:  Marine  Mollusks 
from  Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford  University 
Press,  Stanford,  Calif,  i-xiv  + 1064  pp.,  ca.  4000  figs., 
22  color  pis. 


1987.  Spondylus  Spiny  Oysters  of  the  World.  E.  J.  Brill, 
Pub.  84  pp,  30  pis. 


1970.  Mollusques  de  L’ile  Clipperton.  Bulletin  du  Museum 
National  D’History  Naturelle  2°serie  42(1):  223-231. 


1983.  New  records  of  Indo-Pacific  Mollusca  from  Cocos 
Island,  Costa  Rica.  The  Nautilus  97(4):  144-145. 


1847.  Monograph  of  the  genera  Spondylus , Plicatula,  Pedum. 
Thesaurus  Conchyliorum  1:  417-438  (reprint). 

Vol.  XXXII(l):  2000 


Page  7 

Plate  I,  Figures  A-C:  Spondylus  linguaefelis . (A)  73.9  X 76.2  mm,  Lanai,  Hawaiian  Islands,  on  a pipe  on  a submarine  at  73-79  m (240-260 
ft),  PC.  (B)  68.5  x 62.4  mm,  SW  side  L’tle  Clipperton,  10-20  m,  HC.  (C)  58.1  x 60.6  mm,  E side  of  Isla  Manuelita,  Isla  del  Coco,  KC. 
Plate  I,  Figure  D:  Spondylus  nicobaricus,  67 .4  x 52.9  mm,  Singapore,  HC.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Vol.  xxxn(l):  2000 


Page  9 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 
Santa  Barbara,  California  93105-2936,  USA 


The  type  locality  of  Favartia  (Murexiella) 
mildredae  Poorman,  1980,  is  5 km  south  of  Tetas  de 
Cabras,  near  Bahia  San  Carlos,  Sonora,  Mexico  (Estero 
San  Carlos  by  Poorman).  Nine  specimens  were  dredged 
from  100  m in  October  1976.  The  holotype  is  in  the  Los 
Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History  (LACM 
1913,  ex  Shy  Collection)  and  measures  19.7  x 10.8 
mm.  One  paratype  18.4  x 9.5  mm  is  in  the  San  Diego 
Natural  History  Museum  (SDNHM  91454  formerly  TS 
511,  ex  Shy  Collection)  (Figure  1).  Of  the  other 
paratypes,  one  is  in  the  National  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Smithsonian  Institution  (USNM  74901),  one  is 
in  the  Carol  Skoglund  Collection  (ex  Shy  Collection)  3 
are  in  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
(SBMNH  345414)  (ex  Poorman  Collection)  and  two 
most  likely  remain  in  the  Shy  Collection.  Additional 
material  has  been  found  in  the  collections  of  Donald  R. 
Shasky  of  Oceanside,  California,  and  Carol  Skoglund  of 
Phoenix,  Arizona,  which  provide  new  distributional 
information  for  the  species. 

Material  examined 

Three  specimens,  maximum  length:  17.6  mm, 
dredged  100  - 200  m,  Chatham  Bay,  Isla  del  Coco, 
Costa  Rica,  May  1986,  Shasky  Collection  (Figure  2). 

1 specimen,  8.0  mm,  dredged  70  - 80  m,  SW  side  of 
Isla  Manuelita,  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica,  March  1984 
Shasky  Collection  (Figures  3,  4). 

1 specimen,  18.0  mm,  dredged  61-90  m,  3 mi  S of 
Tetas  de  Cabras,  Sonora,  Mexico,  November  1981, 
Skoglund  Collection. 

2 specimens,  both  129  mm,  dredged  120-170  m,  NW 
of  Isla  Smith,  Bahia  de  los  Angeles,  Baja  California, 

Figure  1.  Favartia  (Murexiella)  mildredae  Poorman,  1980,  18.4  mm, 
paratype,  SDNHM  91454.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Mexico,  May  1991,  C.  Skoglund  Collection. 

1 paratype  from  type  locality,  18.1  mm,  C.  Skoglund 
Collection,  ex  Shy  Collection. 

3761  Mt.  Augustus  Ave,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Page  10 


Vol.  xxxn(l):  2000 

Figures  2-4.  F.  (M)  mildredae.  (2)  17.4  mm,  Shasky  Collection.  Dredged  Bahia  Chatham,  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica,  from  100  m.  (3)  8.0 
mm,  Shasky  Collection.  Dredged  from  70-80  m,  SW  side  of  Isla  Manuelita,  Isla  del  Coco.  (4)  Shasky  Collection,  same  specimen  as  in  Figure 
3,  showing  closeup  of  the  protoconch.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 


I identified  four  specimens  in  the  Donald  R.  Shasky 
Collection  from  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica,  as  F.  (M.) 
mildredae  after  comparing  the  specimens  with  the 
paratype  in  the  San  Diego  Natural  History  Museum  and 
figures  and  description  of  the  holotype.  The  only  other 
published  record  for  this  species  is  Bahia  de  los 
Angeles,  Baja  California,  Mexico,  from  182  m 
(Skoglund,  1983). 

Although  Poorman  described  five  varices  for  the 
holotype,  I found  the  paratype  and  the  Shasky 
specimens  to  have  six.  Also  there  is  a moderate  anal 
sulcus  on  the  Shasky  specimens  and  the  paratype,  in 
contrast  to  Poorman 's  statement  "no  apparent  anal 

The  discovery  of  these  four  specimens  from  Isla  del 
Coco  extends  the  known  distribution  of  F.  (M.) 
mildredae  south  more  than  2000  km. 


I wish  to  thank  Donald  R.  Shasky  of  Oceanside, 
California,  and  Carol  Skoglund  of  Phoenix,  Arizona, 
for  allowing  me  to  study  their  specimens  of  Favartia 
(Murexiella)  mildredae.  My  thanks  to  the  San  Diego 
Natural  History  Museum  for  the  loan  of  their  paratype 
of  F.  (M.)  mildredae  and  for  other  courtesies  and  Paul 
Scott,  of  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
for  paratype  information.  Further,  my  thanks  to  David 
K.  Mulliner  for  the  photographs  of  the  specimens  and 
Carole  and  Jules  Hertz  for  helpful  suggestions. 

Literature  Cited 


1980.  Two  new  molluscan  species  (Gastropoda:  Muricidae) 
from  the  tropical  eastern  Pacific.  The  Veliger  22(4): 
361-363,  1 pi. 


1983.  Range  extensions  of  Muricidae  in  the  Gulf  of  California, 
Mexico.  The  Festivus  15(11):  107-108,  4 figs. 

Vol.  xxxn(l):  2000 


Page  1 1 


Catalogue  and  Bibliography  of  the  Marine  Shell-Bearing 
Mollusca  of  Japan 

By  Shun’ichi  Higo,  Paul  Callomon  and  Yoshiro  Goto 
1999.  Elle  Scientific  Publications,  Osaka,  Japan. 

A4  size,  749  pages. 

Domestic  agent:  Odyssey  Publishing,  c/o  John  D. 

Jackson,  11558  Rolling  Hills  Drive,  El  Cajon, 
California  92020.  $130.00 

The  tradition  of  checklists  on  Japanese  mollusks  has 
spanned  the  20th  Century.  Of  these  the  most  notable 
date  from  the  1952  Checklist  and  Bibliography  of  the 
Recent  Mollusca  of  Japan  by  Tokubei  Kuroda  and 
Tadashige  Habe  which  appeared  in  English,  followed  by 
a more  ambitious  catalogue  by  Shun’ichi  Higo  in  1973 
and,  20  years  later,  by  A Systematic  List  of  Mollusca 
Shells  from  the  Japanese  Islands  and  the  Adjacent  Area 
by  Higo  in  collaboration  with  Yoshiro  Goto.  The  scope 
of  this  1993  work  included  freshwater  and  terrestrial 
mollusca  and  remains  a useful  reference  to  general 
malacology,  despite  the  fact  that  the  text  is  in  Japanese. 

The  present  work,  produced  in  English,  is  a 
refinement  on  these  earlier  checklists.  As  the  title 
indicates,  the  authors  have  restricted  their  coverage  to 
marine,  shell-bearing  mollusks,  thus  excluding  the 
nudibranchs  and  cephalopods.  They  have  followed 
previously  published  taxonomic  schemes  and  have 
clearly  defined  the  geographic  scope  of  their  coverage 
to  “the  coastal  waters  of  Japan  and  immediate  adjacent 
sea  areas  not  separated  by  any  major  feature  such  as  a 
trench  or  island  chain.”  The  text  is  divided  into  an 

informative  introduction,  a catalogue  of  species  that 
contain  over  6600  species-level  taxa,  a bibliography, 
two  indices  listing  taxa  both  in  Latin  and  Japanese,  and 
a concluding  section  of  distribution  maps.  This  work  is 
in  fact  the  first  of  a projected  two- volume  opus,  with  the 
second  installment  to  contain  figures  of  each  species. 

Volume  Two  is  slated  to  appear  in  2002 
(hopefully).  However,  even  without  Volume  Two  the 
present  work  is  of  great  value  to  any  student  of  marine 
malacology  and  is  absolutely  indispensable  to  Pacific 
specialists  and  serious  collectors.  The  bibliography 
alone  is  worth  the  price  as  it  is  easily  the  most  extensive 
ever  published  on  Japanese  literature  and  includes  a 
review  of  all  the  Japanese  serials.  The  catalogue 
contains  references,  not  only  to  species,  but  to  all  the 
higher  taxa  as  well.  The  Japanese  vernacular  names  for 
each  species  are  given  in  the  Roman  alphabet,  a change 
from  all  previous  works  where  these  names  appeared  in 
kana.  While  there  are  minor  errors  and  some  curious 
bibliographic  omissions,  this  by  no  means  detracts  from 
the  overall  value  of  this  work,  particularly  given  its 

Sumptuously  bound  in  cloth  and  leatherette,  with 
slipcase,  this  work  is  a credit  to  its  authors  and  is  highly 

Henry  W.  Chaney 
Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Department  of  Invertebrate  Zoology,  2559 
Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  CA 

Note:  This  volume  will  be  available  in  the  Club  library 
at  the  January  meeting. 


Saturday  January  15,  2000,  Munk  Seminar  Room- 10  AM 
Institute  of  Geophysics  & Planetary  Physics 
Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  La  Jolla,  CA  92093 
Host:  Hugh  Bradner 

SCUM  is  an  informal  association  of  professional,  in  southern  California  who  are  active  or  interested  in 
amateur,  and  student  malacologists  and  paleontologists  research  on  mollusks.  The  continuing  purpose  of  the 


Received  on  01-19-2000 

Page  12 


Vol.  xxxn(l):  2000 

annual  gathering  is  to  facilitate  contact  and  keep  one 
another  informed  of  research  activities  and 
opportunities.  There  are  no  dues,  officers,  or 
publications.  Previous  SCUM  gatherings  at  San  Diego 
State  University  (SCUM  I,  1997),  Natural  History 
Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County  (SCUM  II,  1998),  and 
National  University,  La  Jolla  (SCUM  III,  1999)  were 
highly  successful  events. 

All  persons  interested  in  Recent  and/or  fossil 
mollusks  are  invited  to  attend.  Presentations  and 
discussions  should  be  informal  and  briefly  cover 
research  interests.  A slide  projector  and  overhead 
projector  will  be  available  for  those  wishing  to  treat 
their  work  in  more  detail.  Premeeting  coffee  and 
donuts  will  be  provided. 

For  the  lunch  break,  there  are  numerous  restaurants 
and  sandwich  shops  (especially  the  Cheese  Shop)  about 
a mile  south  of  SIO  off  La  Jolla  Shores  Dr. 

Parking  will  be  available  for  a $3.00  fee  (good 
incentive  to  car  pool).  Maps  and  detailed  directions  to 
the  meeting  place  will  be  provided  (maps  are  also 
available  on  the  IGPP  home-page: 
Please  contact  SCUM  IV  meeting  host  Hugh 
Bradner  privately  for  further  information.  Hope  to  see 
you  there! 

Hugh  Bradner,  1867  Caminito  Marzella,  La  Jolla,  CA 
92037.  Tel.:  (858)  459-7681;  Fax:  (858)  459-0657; 


pleased  to  announce  its  year  2000  program  of  grants  to 
support  molluscan  research.  Grants  of  up  to  $1,500  will 
be  available  to  qualified  persons  undertaking  field  or 
laboratory  research  on  recent  or  fossil  mollusks. 
Awards  are  made  only  to  citizens  or  permanent 
residents  of  the  Americas  or  to  students  attending 
graduate  school  in  the  United  States.  Awards  are  not 
made  to  high  school  students,  and  rarely  to  college 

Although  proposals  of  up  to  $1,500  will  be 
entertained,  grants  rarely  exceed  $1,000,  due  to  the 
large  number  of  qualified  applicants.  Partial  funding  is 
not  unusual.  For  a list  of  previous  grantees,  see 
<  > . 

February  1,  2000.  This  is  a postmark  deadline,  not  a 
receipt  deadline. 

< http : //coa . acnatsci . org / conchnet/coagrant . html  > and 
are  repeated  below. 

There  is  no  official  application  form.  Applications 
should  not  exceed  six  pages  single  spaced  and  should 
include  the  following  items: 

1)  title  of  project; 

2)  summary  of  project,  not  to  exceed  150  words; 

3)  body  of  the  proposal  including 

a)  background  information  necessary  to  understand 
the  project  and  its  significance; 

b)  materials  and  methods,  and  proposed  plan  of 

c)  itemized  budget  of  estimated  expenses; 

d)  references  cited. 

4)  a one  page  biography  or  resume  including  address, 
phone  number  and  other  means  of  contacting  the 
applicant.  U8  citizens  and  residents  should  include  their 
social  security  number. 

5TUDENT  APPLICANTS  should  also  submit  a 
letter  of  recommendation  from  an  academic  or 
professional  source.  If  funding  is  being  requested  from 
several  sources,  an  overall  budget  for  the  project  may 
be  presented,  with  items  and  total  amount  requested 
from  COA  clearly  indicated.  Normal  budget  items 
include  supplies,  expendable  equipment,  and  travel 
expenses.  Grants  will  not  cover  salaries,  overhead, 
permanent  equipment,  conferences  or  meeting  costs. 

Applications  must  be  sent  in  TRIPLICATE  via 
regular  mail  to: 

Dr.  Gary  Rosenberg 
Director  for  Grants,  COA 
Academy  of  Natural  $ciences 
1900  Benjamin  Franklin  Parkway 
Philadelphia,  PA  19103-1195  USA 

rosenberg@acnatsci . org 

Applications  are  judged  by  the  COA  Grants  Committee. 
Awards  will  be  announced  by  April  30th. 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Volume:  XXXII 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

February  10,  2000 

Number:  2 

Vice  President 
Secretary  (Corres.) 
Secretary  (Record.) 
Past  President 

Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 


Historian  Kay  Klaus 

Librarian  Kay  Klaus 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scon 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at:  http  //*•*-*  Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Club/index  html  Email  Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Extinction  Dynamics  of  the  Late  Neogene  Pectinidae  of  California 

Travis  Smith,  who  will  receive  his  Masters  Diego,  will  give  a slide  presentation  on  the  Recent  and 

Degree  in  Ecology  , Behavior,  and  Evolution  at  UC  San  fossil  pectens  of  California. 

Meeting  date:  February  17,  2000 
Shells  of  the  month:  Recent  and  fossil  pectens 


Club  news  14 

New  distributional  records  from  Bahia  Magdalena,  Baja  California,  Mexico 

Jules  Hertz 15 

An  unusual  population  of  Muricopsis pauxillus  (A.  Adams,  1854)  at  Platanitos,  Nayarit,  Mexico 

Carole  M.  Hertz  and  Barbara  W.  Myers 22 

2000  low  tides  for  the  northern  Gulf  of  California 23 

Book  news:  The  Wentletrap  Book:  Guide  to  the  Recent  Epitoniidae  of  the  World  by  Weil,  Brown  & Neville 

Henry  W.  Chaney,  reviewer 24 

Roster  for  detaching 

Page  14 


Vol.  XXXD(2):  2000 


Club  Granted  501C(3)  Status  By  the  IRS 

The  San  Diego  Shell  Club  has  been  a non-profit 
organization  since  its  incorporation  in  January  1969. 
All  gifts  to  the  Club  from  that  time  forward  were 
considered  tax  deductible.  Recently,  however, 
questions  were  raised  by  the  ERS  concerning  the  Club's 
non-profit  status  even  though  the  Club's  non-profit 
position  was  grandfathered  by  its  original  non-profit 

In  December  1999  the  Club  applied  for  and 
received  a letter  of  determination  reaffirming  the  Club's 
status  as  a non-profit  organization  under  current  ERS 
regulations.  Now,  anyone  wishing  to  receive  tax  credit 
for  subsequent  donations  will  be  provided  with  the 
Club's  501C(3)  identification  number. 

Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - January  20,  2000 

President  Mike  Mason  welcomed  everyone  to  the 
first  meeting  of  the  millenium  and  the  minutes  of  the 
January  meeting  were  approved  as  published  in  The 
Festivus.  The  membership  welcomed  out-of-town 
member  Loewis  Deschaine. 

Mike  announced  that  the  Club  was  granted  its  non- 
profit status  by  the  federal  government  [see  above] . 

Librarian  Kay  Klaus  showed  the  new  books 
available  in  the  Club  library,  the  wentletrap  book 
[reviewed  this  issue],  the  new  Tom  Rice  directory  and 
Volume  1 of  Marine  Shell  Mollusca  of  Japan  [see 
review  in  January  issue].  Volume  two  will  be  published 
later  and  will  contain  the  plates.  Also  in  the  library  is 
the  latest  issue  of  Basteria.  Kay  also  mentioned  that  the 
library  is  open  and  available  but  since  the  wheels  need 
to  be  replaced,  it  cannot  be  wheeled  into  the  meeting 
room  area. 

Mike  introduced  the  speaker  for  the  evening,  Roger 
Seapy  of  California  State  University,  Fullerton.  Roger 
spoke  on  heteropods  and  told  that  his  interest  in  this 
bizarre  group  of  shells  began  in  graduate  school. 

The  three  families  in  the  group  are  the  Atlantidae, 
the  Carinariidae  and  the  Pterotracheidae  (which  have  no 
shell).  They  are  small  pelagic  animals  best  identified 

using  a combination  of  shell,  eye,  opercular  and  radular 
characters.  His  images  of  these  live,  transparent  animak 
were  incredible  and  he  explained  their  anatomy  and  life 
style  in  a manner  easily  understood  by  those  in 
attendance.  These  animals  are  all  good  predators.  There 
is  only  one  species  of  atlantid  found  off  the  California 

Roger  had  a number  of  handouts  of  copies  of 
articles,  color  plates  and  other  information  on  the 
heteropods  for  those  who  were  interested. 

After  the  talk,  a desk  diary  and  calendar  set  was 
auctioned  and  won  by  Kay  Klaus.  The  winner  of  the 
door  prize  was  Karen  Mason.  The  meeting  was 
adjourned  to  look  at  some  of  the  original  SEMs  for 
plates  of  heteropods  that  Roger  brought  in  and  to  enjoy 
the  refreshments  from  Carole  and  Jules  Hertz  and  Linda 
and  Kim  Hutsell. 

Silvana  Vollero 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Auction/Potluck  - 2000 

Mark  your  calendars!!  The  date  for  the  Club’s 
annual  Auction/Potluck  has  been  set  for  1 April  2000. 
Does  that  say  something?  We’ve  been  very  fortunate, 
once  again,  that  Wes  Farmer  has  agreed  to  host  the 
event  at  the  clubhouse  of  his  condo.  A map  will  be  in 
the  March  issue. 

It  is  definitely  not  too  early  to  prepare  your 
donations  for  the  auction.  Bring  them  to  the  February 
or  March  meetings  or  arrange  for  pickup  by  a board 
member.  Remember  that  your  donations  go  to  support 
the  Club’s  activities  such  as  The  Festivus,  donations  to 
scientific  organizations,  participation  in  the  Greater  San 
Diego  Science  Fair,  library  purchases  and  social  events. 

And  plan  to  come  to  the  auction/potluck.  It’s  a 
great  party. 

A Generous  Donation  to  the  Club 

A generous  donation  by  Don  and  Ursula  Shasky  of 
many  cartons  of  plastic  boxes  was  made  to  the  Club. 
The  boxes  of  many  different  sizes,  small  and  large,  and 
both  new  and  used  will  be  available  for  sale  at  a future 
Club  meeting.  The  Club  thanks  them  for  their  gift. 

Vol.  XXXH(2):  2000 


Page  15 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

Bahia  Magdalena,  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico,  is 
in  a transitional  zone,  where  both  Panamic  and 
Californian  species  can  be  found.  There  are  no 
checklists  or  other  reports  on  the  mollusks  that  occur 
there  and  the  only  source  of  published  records  is  Keen 
(1971),  with  the  exception  of  a few  mollusks  with  type 
localities  in  Bahia  Magdalena.  Many  species  that  occur 
toward  the  north  end  of  the  Golfo  de  California  could  be 
expected  to  occur  in  Bahia  Magdalena.  Near  the 
entrance  of  the  bay  there  are  many  species  characteristic 
of  the  Californian  Province,  but  further  within,  summer 
temperatures  can  be  expected  to  be  higher  and  the  fauna 
more  typical  of  that  of  sheltered  bays  in  the  Golfo  de 
California  (McLean,  pers.  comm.). 

The  material  discussed  and  figured  herein  was 
collected  at  Bahia  Magdalena  on  10  December  1997  by 
John  Jackson  of  San  Diego,  California.  He  collected  it 
by  shaking  rocks  and  large  shells  and  by  scooping 
grunge  from  under  rocks  at  a depth  of  9-12  m (30-40  ft) 
just  inside  the  entrance  (Punta  Entrada)  to  the  bay.  The 
material  was  given  to  Kirstie  L.  Kaiser  of  Puerto 
Vallarta,  Jalisco,  Mexico.  The  larger  material  was 
separated,  and  I was  given  the  opportunity  to  sort  the 
dried  grunge  for  minute  species.  To  my  surprise,  this 
sorting  produced  a number  of  new  distributional 
records.  This  material  is  now  in  the  Kaiser  Collection. 

Figures  1 and  2 are  two  views  of  a specimen  of 
Rissoina  (Rissoina)  stricta  Menke,  1850,  a very  variable 
species.  Abbott  (1974)  placed  Rissoina  fortis  (C.B. 
Adams,  1852),  R.  favilla,  R.  io,  R.  gisna,  R. 
mazatlanica,  and  R.  dina  all  of  Bartsch,  1915,  into 
synonymy  of  R.  (R.)  stricta.  Keen  (1971)  reported  R. 
(R.)  stricta  at  Cabo  San  Lucas  through  the  Golfo  de 
California  and  south  to  the  Islas  Tres  Marias,  Mexico. 

Figures  1,  2.  Rissoina  (Rissoina)  stricta  Menke,  1850,  7.2  mm  L. 
Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Abbott  (1974)  reported  the  distribution  as  the  Golfo  de 
California  and  the  Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador.  Emerson 
(1995)  extended  the  distribution  to  the  Islas 

Mailing  address:  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Page  16 


Vol.  XXXD(2):  2000 

Revillagigedo,  Mexico,  and  Shasky  (1996)  reported  the 
species  at  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica.  The  occurrence  at 
Bahia  Magdalena  extends  the  distribution  north  on  the 
west  coast  of  Baja  California  Sur. 

Two  views  of  a shell  of  Folinia  insignis  (de  Folin, 
1867),  not  A.  Adams  & Reeve,  1850,  are  shown  in 
Figures  3 and  4.  Ponder  (1985)  raised  Folinia  Crosse, 
1869,  to  the  genus  level  and  placed  Rissoina  (Folinia) 
signae  Bartsch,  1915,  into  the  synonymy  of  F.  insignis. 
Keen  (1971)  listed  Panama  as  the  locality  for  F.  signae. 
Draper  (1974)  extended  the  distribution  north  to  the 
upper  Golfo  de  California  and  south  to  the  Islas 
Galapagos.  Skoglund  and  Koch  (1995)  confirmed  the 
distribution  to  Estero  Morua,  Puerto  Peiiasco,  Sonora, 
Mexico.  The  occurrence  at  Bahia  Magdalena  extends  the 
distribution  to  the  west  coast  of  Baja  California  Sur. 

Figures  3,  4.  Folinia  insignis  (de  Folin,  1867),  not  A.  Adams  & 
Reeve,  1850,  2.3  mm  L.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

A specimen  of  Vermicularia  frisbeyae  McLean, 
1970  is  shown  in  Figure  5.  Keen  (1971)  reported  the 
distribution  of  this  species  as  Bahia  de  Tenacatita, 

Jalisco,  Mexico,  to  El  Salvador.  Draper  (1972) 
extended  the  distribution  north  to  Santa  Rosalia,  Baja 
California  Sur,  and  Keen  and  Coan  (1975)  reported  it 
from  near  Bahia  Kino,  Sonora,  Mexico.  Finet  (1994) 
reported  it  from  the  Islas  Galapagos.  The  finding  of  this 
species  at  Bahia  Magdalena  extends  the  distribution  to 
the  west  coast  of  Baja  California  Sur. 

Figure  6 is  an  apertural  view  of  Seila  assimilata 
(C.B.  Adams,  1852).  Keen  (1971)  reported  the 
distribution  of  this  species  as  the  Golfo  de  California  to 
Panama.  DuShane  and  Draper  (1975)  stated  the 
distribution  as  Bahia  Todos  Santos,  Baja  California 
(outer  coast),  throughout  the  Golfo  de  California  and 
south  to  the  Islas  Galapagos,  and  northern  Peru.  The 
distribution  has  been  extended  to  include  Isla  de 
Malpelo,  Colombia  (Birkeland,  Meyer,  Starnes  & 

Figure  5.  Vermicularia  frisbeyae  McLean,  1970,5.7  mm  L. 
Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Buford,  1975),  and  Isla  Gorgona,  Colombia  (Cosel, 
1984).  The  lot  cited  from  Bahia  Todos  Santos  (LACM 
66-5)  has  been  identified  by  McLean  (pers.  comm.)  as 

Vol.  XXXH(2):  2000 


Page  17 

Figures  7,  8.  Two  views  of  Otollonia  fricki  (Crosse,  1865),  3.8  mm 
diam.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

bristolae  (in  this  case  by  the  narrowest  of  page 
priorities)  and  in  fact  is  nothing  but  a worn  C.  bristolae. 

unusually  small  specimens  of  S.  montereyensis  that  do 
not  show  the  color  pattern  of  S.  assimilata.  The 
occurrence  of  S.  assimilata  at  Bahia  Magdalena  is, 
therefore,  the  first  found  on  the  west  coast  of  Baja 

Figure  6.  Seila  assimilata  (C.  B.  Adams,  1852),  3.8  mm  L.  Photo: 
D.  K.  Mulliner. 

A specimen  of  Otollonia  fricki  (Crosse,  1865)  is 
shown  in  Figures  7 and  8.  Keen  (1971)  gave  the 
distribution  of  Arene  (Otollonia)  fricki  as  Golfo  de 
California  to  Santa  Elena  Peninsula,  Ecuador.  Hickman 
and  McLean  (1990)  raised  Otollonia  to  a genus.  This  is 
the  first  report  of  the  species  on  the  west  coast  of  Baja 
California  Sur. 

A specimen  of  Cerithiopsis  bristolae  Baker,  Hanna 
& Strong,  1938,  is  shown  in  Figure  9.  The  holotype  of 
this  species  is  decollate,  and  was  previously  only  known 
from  the  type  locality  at  Cabo  San  Lucas,  Baja 
California  Sur.  Per  Henry  W.  Chaney,  Cerithiopsis 
cassi  Hertlein  & Strong,  1938,  is  a synonym  of  C. 


Vol.  XXXH(2):  2000 

Page  18 

Figure  9.  Cerithiopsis  bristolae  Baker.  Hanna  & Strong,  1938,  1.8 
mm  L.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Keen  (1971)  reported  Clathurella  rigida  (Hinds, 
1843)  as  occurring  from  the  Golfo  de  California  to  the 
Islas  las  Perlas,  Panama.  Shasky  (1989)  extended  the 
distribution  to  the  Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador,  and  Shasky 
(1996)  noted  its  occurrence  at  Isla  Benedicto,  Islas 
Revillagigedo,  Mexico,  and  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica. 
It  has  also  been  found  at  L’ile  de  Clipperton,  [France], 
by  K.  L.  Kaiser  (pers.  comm.)  The  grunge  from  Bahia 
Magdalena  yielded  two  specimens,  each  5.0  mm,  of  C. 
rigida  with  immature  lips.  One  of  these  is  shown  in 
Figure  10.  The  specimens  were  compared  with  large 
lots  of  material,  from  juvenile  to  mature  specimens,  in 
the  Carol  Skoglund  Collection. 

In  addition  to  the  minute  shells  discussed  above, 
some  larger  shells  were  found  which  had  not  previously 
been  reported  from  Bahia  Magdalena.  Figures  1 1 and 
12  are  two  views  of  an  adult  (31.3  mm)  specimen  of 
Muricopsis  armatus  (A.  Adams,  1854).  Keen  (1971) 
reported  this  species  as  coming  from  the  Golfo  de 

Figure  10.  Clathurella  rigida  (Hinds,  1843),  5.0  mm  L.  Photo:  D. 
K.  Mulliner. 

California.  Vokes  (1988)  extended  the  distribution 
south  to  Panama.  This  is  the  first  time  it  has  been 
reported  from  the  outer  coast  of  Baja  California. 

Another  Muricopsis  reported  for  the  first  time  from 
Bahia  Magdalena  is  Muricopsis  zeteki  Hertlein  & 
Strong,  1951.  Keen  (1971)  reported  it  occurring  from 
Puertecitos  near  the  head  of  the  Golfo  de  California  to 
Guayaquil,  Ecuador.  Radwin  & D’Attilio  (1976) 
extended  the  distribution  to  the  Islas  Galapagos,  and 
Cantera,  et  al.  (1979)  reported  it  from  Isla  Gorgona, 
Colombia.  Gemmell,  Hertz  and  Myers  (1980)  extended 
it  north  to  San  Felipe,  Baja  California.  An  immature 
shell  found  at  Bahia  Magdalena  is  shown  in  Figures  13 
and  14. 

Figure  15  is  an  external  view  of  the  two  valves  of 
a 27.3  mm  specimen  of  Chione  (Chione)  subimbricata 
(Sowerby,  1835).  Keen  (1971)  listed  the  distribution  for 
this  species  as  La  Paz  and  Guaymas,  Golfo  de 
California,  to  Bayovar,  Peru.  Alamo  and  Valdivieso 

Vol.  XXXH(2):  2000 


Page  19 

Figures  11.  12.  Two  views  of  Muricopsis  armatus  (A.  Adams,  1854),  31.3  mm  L.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Figures  13,  14.  Two  views  of  Muricopsis  zeteki  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951,  15.8  mm  L.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Page  20 


Vol.  XXXH(2):  2000 

Figure  15.  Exterior  of  valves  of  Chione  (Chione)  subimbricata  Figures  16,  17.  Two  views  of  Alabina  excurvaia  (Carpenter,  1857), 

(Sowerby,  1835),  27.3  mm  L.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner.  4.0  mm  L.  Photos:  D.  K.  Mulliner 

(1987)  extended  the  distribution  south  to  Chicama, 
Peru,  and  Finet  (1991)  reported  the  species  from  the 
Islas  Galapagos.  This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  on 
the  west  coast  of  Baja  California  Sur. 

Two  additional  minute  species,  previously  reported 
from  Bahia  Magdalena,  are  also  figured  here.  The  first, 
Alabina  excurvata  (Carpenter,  1857),  is  actually  Keen’s 
Figure  564  (see  Keen  & Coan,  1975).  The  specimen 
shown  here  in  Figures  16  and  17  looks  quite  different 
from  the  photograph  in  Keen.  Carpenter’s  drawings  of 
this  species  (Brann,  1966)  illustrate  its  variability. 
Baker,  Hanna  and  Strong  (1938)  previously  reported  the 
species  from  Bahia  Magdalena.  Abbott  (1974)  placed  it 
into  Finella,  but  McLean  (pers.  comm.)  believes  that  it 
should  remain  in  Alabina. 

The  second  minute  species  shown  here  that  has 
previously  been  reported  from  Bahia  Magdalena  is 
Elephantulum  heptagonum  (Carpenter,  1857).  The 
material  found  by  John  Jackson  had  many  specimens  of 

Caecum  califomicum  Dali,  1885,  but  only  a single 
specimen  of  E.  heptagonum.  It  is  shown  in  Figure  21. 

Figure  18.  Elephantulum  heptagonum  (Carpenter , 1857),  2.8  mm 
L.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

Vol.  XXXII(2):  2000 


Page  21 


I am  grateful  to  John  Jackson  and  Kirstie  Kaiser  for 
providing  the  material  for  study.  James  H.  McLean  of 
the  Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
Henry  W.  Chaney  and  Paul  Valentich  Scott  of  the  Santa 
Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  and  Carol 
Skoglund  all  were  very  helpful  in  identifying  specimens. 
I am  particularly  beholden  to  David  K.  Mulliner  for  his 
excellent  photographs,  particularly  for  those  of  the 
microshells,  to  James  H.  McLean  for  critically 
reviewing  the  paper,  and  to  Carol  Skoglund  for 
providing  comparative  material. 



1974.  American  Seashells.  2nd  ed.  Van  Nostrand  Reinhold  Co. 
New  York  663  pp.,  24  pis.,  6405  figs. 


1987.  Lista  Sistematica  de  Moluscos  Marinos  del  Peru.  Instituto 
del  Mar  del  Peru  Boletin.  Volumen  Extraordinario  205 
pp,  284  figs. 


1938.  Some  Mollusca  of  the  families  Cerithiopsidae,  Cerithiidae 
and  Cyclostrematidae  from  the  Gulf  of  California  and 
adjacent  waters.  Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy 
of  Sciences  23(15):  217-244,  pis.  17-23  (May  24). 

1975.  Subtidal  communities  of  Malpelo  Island.  In  Graham,  J.B. 
(ed.)  The  biological  investigation  of  Malpelo  Island, 
Colombia.  Smithsonian  Contributions  in  Zoology  176: 
55-68  (Jul.  18). 


1966.  Illustrations  to  “Catalogue  of  the  Collection  of  Mazatlan 
Shells”  by  Philip  P.  Carpenter.  Paleontological  Research 
Institution,  Ithaca,  N.Y.  Pp.111,  60  pis.  (Apr.  1). 

1979.  Taxonomla  y distribution  de  los  moluscos  litorales  de  la 
Isla  de  Gorgona.  En  Prahl,  H.;  F.  Guhl  & M.  Grogl 
(Eds.)  Gorgona:  141-167.  Universidad  de  los  Andes, 

COSEL,  RUDO  von 

1984.  Moluscos  marinos  de  la  Isla  de  Gorgona  (costa  del 
Pacifico  Colombiano).  Anales  del  Instituto  de 

Investigaciones  Marinas  de  Punta  de  Betin  14:  175-257, 
figs.  1-42. 


1972.  Check  list  of  shells  found  in  scrapings  from  Spondylus 
princeps  taken  at  a depth  of  40  feet,  southeast  of  Santa 
Rosalia,  Baja  California,  1969.  The  Festivus  3(4):  5-7 

1974.  Minute  shells  - part  6.  The  Tabulata  7(1):  17-22,  figs.  1- 
10  (Jan.  1). 


1975.  The  genus  Seila  in  the  eastern  Pacific.  The  Veliger  17(4): 
335-345,  figs.  1-30  (Apr.  1). 


1995.  A zoogeographic  summary  of  the  marine  mollusks  of  the 
Revillagigedo  Islands  (tropical  eastern  Pacific  Ocean). 
The  Festivus  27(1):  3-18,  1 fig.  (Jan.  12). 


1991.  The  marine  mollusks  of  the  Galapagos  Islands.  In 
Matthew  J.  James  (ed.)  Galapagos  Marine  Invertebrates: 
253-280.  Plenum  Press,  New  York. 

1994.  The  marine  molluscs  of  the  Galapagos  Islands:  a 
documented  faunal  list.  Editions  du  Museum  d'Histoire 
naturelle  de  Geneve;  180  pp. 



1980.  Seastar  predation  on  mollusks  in  the  San  Felipe  Bay  area, 
Baja  California,  Mexico.  The  Festivus  12(3):  24-55,  figs. 
1-51  (Mar.). 


1990.  Systematic  Revision  and  Suprageneric  Classification  of 
Trochacean  Gastropods.  Natural  History  Museum  of  Los 
Angeles  County,  Science  Series  35.  169  pp.,  100  figs. 
(Nov.  26). 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America:  Marine  Mollusks 
from  Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford  University  Press, 
i-xiv  + 1064  pp.,  ca.  4000  figs. 


1975.  "Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America":  additions  and 
corrections  to  1975.  The  Western  Society  of  Malacologists 
Occasional  Paper  1,  66  pp.  (Jun.  22). 


1976.  Murex  Shells  of  the  World.  An  Dlustrated  Guide  to  the 
Muricidae.  Stanford  University  Press,  284  pp.,  32  pis., 
192  text  figs. 


1976.  Marine  mollusks  of  Panama  Bay.  Bulletin  of  the 
American  Malacological  Union,  Inc.  for  1975:  47  (May). 


1995.  New  distributional  information  for  Panamic  Province 
Rissooidea  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda).  The  Festivus  27(2): 
23-28,  1 fig.  (Feb.  9). 

Page  22 


Volume  XXXH(2):  2000 





Associates,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

A specimen  of  a small,  almost  all-white  Muricopsis 
was  collected  by  Hertz  interti dally  on  a rock  at  low  tide 
(0.33  m)  at  Platanitos,  Nayarit,  Mexico  in  February 
1999.  The  unusual  specimen  was  given  to  Carol 
Skoglund  for  identification.  She  noted  that  she  had  12 
additional  specimens  in  her  collection  as  Muricopsis  sp. 
from  the  same  locality.  They  were  found,  also 
intertidally  among  rocks,  in  December  1972. 

After  comparing  these  13  specimens  with  Panamic 
Muricopsis  species  in  the  collection  of  the  San  Diego 
Natural  History  Museum  (SDNHM)  and  the  Skoglund, 
Hertz  and  Myers  collections,  we  determined  that  the 
specimens  were  a variant  form  of  Muricopsis  pauxillus 
(Figure  1). 

Comparison  of  the  protoconchs  of  the  Skoglund  and 
Hertz  specimens  with  that  of  M.  pauxillus  showed  them 
to  be  the  same,  both  with  1 xh  strongly  angulate  whorls, 
tilted  opposite  to  succeeding  whorls  with  a cord  at  the 
shoulder  (Figure  2).  This  can  be  compared  with  the 
protoconch  of  M.  pauxillus  illustrated  in  Radwin  & 
D’Attilio  (1976:  170,  fig.  108). 

The  spiral  sculpture  of  the  thirteen  white  specimens 
is  scarcely  lamellose.  Mature  specimens  have  an  all- 
white  aperture  and  are  noded  at  the  varices,  rarely  with 

Figure  1 . Muricopsis  pauxillus , 14.6  mm,  a white  variant  form  of  the 
species  from  Platanitos,  Nayarit,  Mexico,  Skoglund  Collection. 
Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

1 Mailing  address:  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

2 Mailing  address:  3761  Mt.  Augustus  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Vol.  XXXII(2):  2000 


Page  23 

a spine.  The  other  M.  pauxillus  specimens  are  scaly, 
form  short,  sharp  spines  at  the  varices,  and  have  an 
aperture  color  from  deep  mauve  to  off-white,  showing 
spiral  bands  within. 

Interestingly,  the  study  of  17  lots  of  M.  pauxillus  in 
the  SDNHM  from  Jalisco,  Nayarit  and  Sonora,  Mexico, 
as  well  as  specimens  in  the  Hertz  and  Skoglund 
collections,  revealed  no  other  all-white  specimens. 

Our  appreciation  is  extended  to  Carol  Skoglund  for 
making  her  specimens  available  for  study,  to  David  K. 
Mulliner  for  the  photo  of  the  variant  specimen,  and  to 
Joyce  Gemmell  for  the  camera  lucida  drawing  of  the 
protoconch  of  a Platanitos  specimen. 



1976.  Murex  Shells  of  the  World.  An  Illustrated  Guide  to  the 
Muricidae.  Stanford  University  Press,  284  pp.,  32  pis., 
192  text  figs. 

Figure  2.  M.  pauxillus , protoconch  of  a 7.0  mm  specimen  in  the 
Skoglund  Collection  from  the  same  locality.  Drawn  with  the  aid  of  a 
camera  lucida  attachment  on  a Wild  microscope  (x  50).  Drawing: 
Joyce  Gemmell. 


The  entries  below  show  periods  of  low  tides  of  -4.0 
feet  and  below.  The  times  of  low  tides  are  given  in 
Mountain  Standard  Time.  To  correct  for  San  Felipe, 
subtract  one  hour  from  listed  times  which  are  for 

Puerto  Penasco  (San  Felipe  is  on  Pacific  Standard 
Time).  Tides  below  the  midriff  of  the  Gulf  cannot  be 
estimated  using  these  entries.  All  entries  are 
approximated  times  and  tides. 

Feb.  17 

6:30  pm 


May  4 

7:45  am 


Aug.  1 

8:30  am 


Feb.  18 

7:15  pm 


May  5 

8:15  am 


Aug.  28 

7:00  am 


Feb.  19 

8:00  pm 


June  1 

6:30  am 


Aug.  29 

7:45  am 


Feb.  20 

8:45  pm 


June  2 

7:10  am 


Aug.  30 

8:10  am 


Mar.  5 

7:15  pm 


June  3 

8:00  am 


Nov.  11 

7:10  pm 


Mar.  6 

8:00  pm 


June  4 

8:45  am 


Nov.  12 

8;  00  pm 


Mar.  18 

7:15  pm 


July  1 

7:15  am 


Dec.  9 

6:00  pm 


Mar.  19 

8:00  pm 


July  2 

8:00  am 


Dec.  10 

7:00  pm 


Apr.  5 

8:00  am 


July  3 

8:40  am 


Dec.  11 

7:45  pm 


Apr.  6 

8:30  am 


July  30 

7:15  am 


Dec.  12 

8:30  pm 


May  3 

7:00  am 


July  31 

8:00  am 


Page  24 


Vol.  XXXn(2):  2000 


The  Wentletrap  Book:  Guide  to  the  Recent  Epitoniidae 
of  the  World 

By:  Art  Weil,  Leonard  Brown  and  Bruce  Neville 
1999.  Evolver  srl,  Rome,  Italy.  244  pages,  70  color 
plates,  507  figures. 

Price:  $120.00. 

Agent:  Evolver  srl.  Via  C.  Federici  1,  00147  Rome, 
Italy.  Domestic  Agent:  Mai  de  Mer  Enterprises,  P.O. 
Box  482,  West  Hempstead,  NY  11552,  USA.  E-mail: 
maldemer@masdemer . com 

This  is  a book  for  collectors,  by  collectors.  It 
covers  a particularly  exasperating  family  (taxonomically 
speaking)  of  exquisite  shells,  which  until  now  has  not 
been  dealt  with  on  a global  scale,  unless  one  goes  back 
to  Lovell  Reeve  (1873-74)  or  G.  B.  Sowerby  (1844). 
Most  of  the  wentletraps  are  small,  diverse,  almost 
invariably  white  and  look  the  same  to  a casual  observer 
or  even  an  impatient  collector.  Recent  monographic 
coverage  of  the  epitonids  has  been  the  regional 
monographs  of  Helen  Dushane  (primarily  the  eastern 
Pacific)  and  Richard  Kilbum  (Southern  Africa).  They 
still  remain  indispensable. 

The  present  work  consists  of  a short  introduction 
(written  somewhat  idiosyncratically),  a series  of  eight 
chapters  in  which  taxa  are  arranged  regionally  and  by 
structural  similarity,  two  major  appendices,  one 
grouping  nominal  names  by  authors  and  the  other 
presenting  descriptions  of  the  myriad  genera  and 
sub  genera  which  have  been  created  in  the  Epitoniidae. 

The  bibliography  is  adequate  only  in  coverage  of 
the  major  works  and  does  not  cite  all  the  authors  listed 
in  the  appendices. 

The  authors  have  endeavored  to  figure  as  many 
species  as  possible  and  by  their  estimate  have  included 
more  than  80%  of  the  described  taxa.  Each  figure  has 
a brief  narrative,  which  mentions  distinguishing 
characters,  size,  and  distribution.  These  accounts  are 
not  necessarily  consistent  but  are  informative.  Many  of 
the  figures  used  are  of  type  specimens  and  are 
vouchered.  The  photographs  were  taken  by  the  senior 
author,  who  bears  responsibility  for  their  varying 
quality.  In  some  cases,  original  figures,  either 
engravings  or  earlier  photographs,  were  adapted  for  use 

This  book  can  be  recommended  to  collectors 
interested  in  the  Epitoniidae  because  despite  any 
deficiencies  in  the  text  or  presentation  it  represents  an 
advance  in  the  coverage  of  this  group  and  is  not  likely 
to  be  superseded  in  the  foreseeable  future.  “The 
Wentletrap  (sic)  Book”  is  bound  in  the  black  glossy 
boards,  which  seems  to  be  the  hallmark  of  mollusk 
books  from  Italian  publishers. 

Henry  W.  Chaney 
Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Department  of  invertebrate  Zoology, 
2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 
Santa  Barbara,  CA  03105-2936 

Note:  This  volume  will  be  available  in  the  Club  library 
at  the  February  meeting. 

Membership  List  - 2000 

ALBI,  YVONNE,  P.O.  Box  45828,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90045,  E-mail: 

AMERICAN  MUSEUM  OF  NATURAL  HISTORY,  Serials  Unit,  Library,  Central  Park  West  at  79th  St.,  New  York, 

NY  10024,  (212)  769-5714 

ANDERSON,  ROLAND,  2000  Minor  E.  #8,  Seattle,  WA  98102,  (206)  329-5815,  E-mail: 
roland . anderson@ci . Seattle . wa . us 

ARNOLD,  TERRY,  2975  B St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92102,  (619)  235-8181,  FAX  (619)  235-0016,  E-mail: 
tamold@computer . org 

AUCKLAND  WAR  MEMORIAL  MUSEUM,  Serials  Librarian,  Private  Bag  92018,  Auckland,  New  Zealand,  64-09- 
309  0443,  FAX  64-09-379  9956 

BERSCHAUER,  DAVID  & FELICIA,  25411  Cabot  Rd„  Ste.  109,  Laguna  Hills,  CA  92653,  (949)  457-9210,  FAX 
(949)  457-9450,  E-mail: 

BEELER,  RUDIGER,  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Dept,  of  Zoology,  1400  S.  Lake  Shore  Dr.,  Chicago,  IL  60605, 
(312)  665-7720,  E-mail: 
BISHOP,  JOHN  A.,  3026  Freeman,  San  Diego,  CA  92106,  (619)  223-6038 
BISHOP  MUSEUM  LIBRARY,  1525  Bernice  St.,  Honolulu,  HI  96817-2704 

BOOKSTORE  JUSTUS  LEPSIUS,  BVBA,  Belgicalaan  35,  1080  Brussels,  Belgium,  Attn.  Sabine  Defoort,  TEL  32  2 
425  05  20,  FAX  32  2 425  50  33,  E-mail: 
BOSS,  KENNETH  J.,  Dept,  of  Malacology,  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  Harvard  University,  26  Oxford  St., 
Cambridge,  MA  02138,  (617)  495-2468,  E-mail: 
BOYD,  EDWARD  & PATRICIA,  18218  Paradise  Mountain  no.  197,  Valley  Center,  CA  92082-7000,  (760)  749-9033 
BOYD,  SUSIE  & BOB,  P.O.  Box  1541,  Fallbrook,  CA  92028,  (760)  728-3849 

BRADNER,  HUGH  & MARGE,  1867  Caminito  Marzella,  La  Jolla,  CA  92037,  (858)  459-7681,  FAX  (858)  459-0657, 

BRATCHER-CRITCHLOW,  TWILA  & TOM,  939  Coast  Blvd.  # 15H,  La  Jolla,  CA  92037,  (858)  456-7241 
BRISBANE  SHELL  CLUB,  c/o  Callum  Woodward,  24  Hamlet  St.  Annerley,  Queensland,  4103  Australia, 

(07)  384-86472 

BROWN,  CHRIS,  4575  N.  Ave.  del  Cazador,  Tucson,  AZ  85718,  (520)  297-2521,  E-mail: 
BURCH,  TOM  & BEATRICE,  P.  O.  Box  309,  Kailua,  HI,  96734,  (808)  261-7465,  FAX  (808)  263-6408,  E-mail: 

CADIEN,  DONALD  B.,  2425  E.  5th  Street  No.  10,  Long  Beach,  CA  90814,  (562)  433-4116,  E-mail:  and 

CARR,  WALTER  E.  JR,  2043  Mohawk  Dr.,  Pleasant  Hill,  CA  94523,  (925)  938-2251,  FAX  (925)  934-4683,  E-mail: 

CASTOR,  JANE  C„  3775  Modoc  Rd.  Apt  120,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105-4465,  (805)  569-0293 
CHANEY,  BARBARA,  1633  Posilipo  Lane,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93108,  (805)  969-1434 
CHANEY,  HENRY  W.,  1701  La  Vista  Grande,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93103,  (805)  682-4711  ext.  334  (work),  FAX 
(805)  963-9679  (home).  E-mail:  (work) 

CLARKSON,  PETER,  PO  Box  713,  Port  Lincoln,  South  Australia  5606,  Australia,  Phone/FAX  08-868-26926,  E-mail: 

CLOVER,  PHILLIP  W.,  P.O.  Box  339,  Glen  Ellen,  CA  95442,  Phone/FAX  (707)  996-6960 

COAN,  EUGENE  V.,  891  San  Jude  Ave.,  Palo  Alto,  CA  94306-2640,  (650)  493-8202  (home),  (415)  977-5681  (work),  FAX 
(415)  977-5790,  E-mail: 

COOK,  BUNNIE  & GEORGE,  1120  Makaiwa  St.,  Honolulu,  HI  96816,  (808)  737-8050,  E-mail: 
COOVERT,  GARY  & HOLLY,  36  Prospect  Ave.,  Dayton,  OH  45415-2232,  (513)  890-3803,  E-mail: 
gacoovert@yahoo . com 

DEEMS,  RON,  1768  Hermes,  San  Diego,  CA  92154-2814,  (619)  424-3750 
DESCHAINE,  LEWIS,  3029  Silver  Lake  Rd.,  St.  Anthony,  MN  55418-2435,  (612)  789-4070 
DOI,  MATTHEW  S.,  16209  Taylor  Ct.,  Torrance,  CA  90504-1902,  (310)  329-3201 
DONEDDU,  MAURO,  via  Palau,  5,  07029  Tempio  (ss),  Italy 

DULLAS,  NORMA  M.  & WILLIAM,  13231  North  65th  Dr.,  Glendale,  AZ  85304,  (623)  979-8758 
DUSHANE,  HELEN,  9460  Friendly  Woods  Ln.,  Whittier,  CA  90605-1657,  (310)  696-0687 
EERNISSE,  DOUGLAS  J.,  Dept,  of  Biological  Science,  MH  282,  California  State  University,  Fullerton,  CA  92834- 
6850,  (714)  278-3749,  FAX  (714)  278-3426,  E-mail: 
EMERSON,  WILLIAM  K.,  10  E.  End  Ave.  Apt.  18E,  New  York,  NY  10021-1184,  (212)  879-7645  (home),  (212)  769-5714 
(work),  FAX  (212)  769-5783,  E-mail:  emerson 

EVERSON,  GENE,  500  Nottingham  Pkwy.,  Louisville,  KY  40222,  (502)  429-5788 
FARMER,  WES,  3591  Ruffin  Rd.  #226,  San  Diego,  CA  92123-2561,  (858)  576-2143, 

FLENTZ,  MARY  & JOHN  B.,  4541  Lambeth  Court,  Carlsbad,  CA  92008-6407,  (619)  434-2522 
FOSTER,  ROBERT,  P.O.  Box  2119,  Mammoth  Lakes,  CA  93546 

FRANK,  WILLIAM  M„  1865  Debutante  Dr.,  Jacksonville,  FL  32246-8645,  Phone/FAX  (904)  724-5326,  E-mail: 

GARCIA,  EMILIO  F.,  115  Oak  Crest  Dr.,  Lafayette,  LA  70503,  (337)  232-2662,  E-mail: 
GERRODETTE,  BILLEE  L.  & GEORGE,  6333  La  Jolla  Blvd.  #171,  La  Jolla,  CA  92037,  (619)  454-5788 
GORI,  SANDRO,  Via  Semesi  7,  57123  Livorno,  Italy 

GREEN,  DAVE,  LUCILLE  & KRISTEN,  12307  Laneview  Dr.,  Houston,  TX  77070,  (281)  376-5630,  E-mail: 
dgreen@com  werx . net 

HANSELMAN,  GEORGE,  5818  Tulane  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92122,  (858)  453-3019 

HERRMANN,  RICHARD  & GINNY,  12545  Mustang  Dr.,  Poway,  CA  92064,  (858)  679-7017,  FAX  (858)  679-3346,  E- 

HERTZ,  JULES  & CAROLE  M.,  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  Phone/FAX  (858)  277-6259,  E-mail: 

HICKMAN,  CAROLE  S.,  PT05,  Museum  of  Paleontology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley,  CA  94720-4780,  (510) 
642-3429,  FAX  (510)  642-1822,  E-mail: 
HOLLMANN,  MICHAEL,  Goerdelerweg  17,  D-37075  Gottingen,  Germany,  (49)-55 1-58468,  FAX  (49)-55 1-3899-644,  E- 

HOUSTON,  ROY,  Dept,  of  Biology,  Loyola  Marymount  University,  Loyola  Blvd.  at  West  80th  St.,  Los  Angeles,  CA 
90045,  (213)  642-3126  (work),  (310)  329-6444  (home).  E-mail: 
HUTSELL,  KIM  & LINDA,  5804  Lauretta  St.  #2,  San  Diego,  CA  92110,  (619)  294-3914,  E-mail: 

JACKSON,  JOHN,  11558  Rolling  Hills  Dr.,  El  Cajon,  CA  92020,  (619)  579-8405,  FAX  (619)  579-7901,  E-mail: 

JOFFEE,  ANNE,  1157  Periwinkle  Way,  Sanibel  Island,  FL  33957,  (941)  472-3151,  FAX  (941)  472-3153 
JORDAN,  SCOTT,  1620  El  Travesia  Dr.,  La  Habra  Hts.,  CA  90631,  (562)  903-0287,  FAX  (562)  903-0486,  E-mail: 

KAISER,  KIRSTIE  L.,  Paseo  de  las  Conchas  Chinas  #115  Depto.  4,  Fracc.  Conchas  Chinas  C.P.  48390,  Puerto  Vallarta, 
Jalisco,  Mexico,  52  (322)  15041,  FAX  52  (322)  15042,  E-mail:  klkaiser@pvnet.Com.Mx 
KALOHI,  KATHY,  13901  Wilkie  Ave.,  Gardena,  CA  90249,  (310)  719-1816,  E-mail: 
j kalohi@earthlink . net 

KANNER,  PAUL,  10609  Esther  Ave.,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90064,  (310)  559-7140,  E-mail: 
KEMP,  BRUCE  & EMI,  9420D  Carlton  Oaks  Dr.,  Santee,  CA  92071,  (619)  449-7610,  FAX  (619)  553-6391, 

E-mail : bkemp@nosc . mil 

KENNEDY,  GEORGE,  8997  Moisan  Way,  La  Mesa,  CA  91941,  (858)  667-1030,  FAX  (619)  594-4372  (work),  E-mail: 
gkennedy@geology . 

KING,  BOB,  4269  Hawk  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92103,  (858)  296-0574 

KLAUS,  KAY  & DEL,  8674  Glenhaven  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92123,  (858)  292-4527,  (work)  Phone/FAX  (858)  495-0669 
KRONENBERG,  GUS  C.,Den  Bull  98,  NL-5616  GJ  Eindhoven,  the  Netherlands,  E-mail: 
LAGRANGE,  JOHN  & LINDA,  533  North  Rios  Ave.,  Solana  Beach,  CA  92075-1245,  Phone/FAX  (858)  755-7215, 


LANCE,  JAMES  R.,  746  Agate  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92109,  (858)  488-2132 

LEVIN,  DEBRA  J.,  840  5th  Ave.  NW,  Issaquah,  WA  98027-2816,  (425)  837-0677,  E-mail: 
LEWIS,  JUDITH  A.,  2117  Via  Estrada,  Carrollton,  TX  75006,  (972)  416-4712,  E-mail: 
LONHART,  STEVE,  Department  of  Biology,  EMS  A316,  University  of  California,  Santa  Cruz,  CA  95064,  (831)  459-5063, 
FAX  (831)  459-4882,  E-mail: 

LOVELL,  LARRY,  Benthic  Invertebrate  Collection,  SIO/UCSD/Mail  Stop  0206,  9500  Gilman  Drive,  La  Jolla,  CA 
92093-0206,  (858)  822-2818,  E-mail: 
LUCARELLI,  MARILYN  N„  113  Wineberry  Ln.,  Ballston  Spa,  NY  12020,  (518)  899-5201,  E-mail: 
mariluca@nycap . rr . com 

LUTHER,  DOUG  & MARY,  1535  Ipukula  St.,  Honolulu,  HI  96821-1419,  (808)  377-5173,  E-mail: 

MASON,  MICHAEL  L.  & KAREN  R„  1395-48  Callejon  Palacios,  Chula  Vista,  CA  91910,  (619)  482-1098  (home), 

(619)  532-2742  (work) 

MCCLINCY,  RICHARD  J.,  809  St.  George  Rd.,  Danville,  CA  94526,  (510)  838-3217,  E-mail: 

MCPEAK,  RONALD  H„  P.O.  Box  2136,  Battle  Ground,  WA  98604-2136,  (360)  687-1972,  FAX  (360)  687-1791,  E-mail: 

METZ.  GEORGE  E.,  121  Wild  Horse  Valley  Dr.,  Novato,  CA  94947,  (415)  892-4960 
MICHEL,  JOHN  & NOLA,  4758  Mt.  Cervin  Dr.,  San  Diego,  CA  92117,  Phone/FAX  (858)  278-9088 
MULLINER,  DAVID  K.  & MARGARET,  5283  Vickie  Dr.,  San  Diego,  CA  92109,  (858)  488-2701,  E-mail: 

MUSEUM  NATIONAL  D’HISTOERE  NATURELLE,  Laboratoire  de  Biologie,  des  Invertebres  Marins  et  Malacologie,  55, 
Rue  de  Buffon,  75005  Paris,  France,  01-40-79-30-89,  E-mail: 
MUSEUM  OF  NEW  ZEALAND,  Hector  Library  - Librarian,  P.O.  Box  467,  Wellington,  New  Zealand 
MYERS,  JOHN  & BARBARA  W.,  3761  Mt.  Augustus  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  (858)  279-9806 
NATURALIS,  BIBLIOTHEEK,  Postbus  9517,  2300  RA  Leiden,  The  Netherlands 
NELSON,  LOIS,  7222  N.  15th  Ave.,  Phoenix,  AZ  85021-8658,  (602)  997-9196 
NORRID,  HAL  & CHARLOTTE,  233  E.  Cairo  Dr.,  Tempe,  AZ  85282-3607,  (602)  967-4957,  E-mail: 
hcnorrid2@aol . com 

PASQUA,  ROBERT  A.,  2236  Via  Chalupa,  San  Clemente,  CA  92673-3634,  (949)  492-6855,  E-mail: 

PERRIN,  MARILYN,  10960  Via  Abaca,  San  Diego,  CA  92126,  (858)  586-0175,  E-mail: 
PIERCE,  ROSEMARY  & FRANK,  43099  Tenaja  Road,  Murrieta,  CA  92562,  (714)  674-9370 
PISOR,  DON  & JEANNE,  10373  El  Honcho  PI.,  San  Diego,  CA  92124,  (858)  279-9342,  (619)  234-0249 
(warehouse),  FAX  (619)  234-0250,  E-mail: 
REITZ,  CHARLES  K.,  410  Orpheus  Ave.,  Leucadia,  CA  92024,  (760)  943-1029(home),  (760)  471-8657  (work),  FAX 
(760)  471-6894 

RICE,  TOM,  P.O.  Box  219,  Port  Gamble,  WA  98364,  Phone/FAX  (360)  297-2426,  E-mail: 
ofseashr@pacifictelebyte . com 

ROBERTS,  DALE  L.  & KIMBERLY,  28402  Harvest  View  Lane,  Trabuco  Canyon,  CA  92679,  (949)  459-8886,  FAX 
(949)  888-2786,  E-mail: 

ROMER,  BILL  & CAROL,  3249  Towser,  San  Diego,  CA  92123,  (858)  278-2389,  E-mail: 
SANTA  BARBARA  MUSEUM  OF  NATURAL  HISTORY,  Department  of  Invertebrate  Zoology,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Rd., 
Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105-2936,  (805)  682-4711 

SCHNEIDER,  WILLIAM  & NANCY,  12829  Carriage  Rd.,  Poway,  CA  92064-6045,  Phone/FAX  (858)  748-2822, 


SCOTT,  MARK,  1246  Firethom  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92154-3813,  (619)  428-4965,  FAX  (619)  662-2773,  E-mail: 

SCOTT,  PAUL  VALENTICH,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  (NH),  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Rd.,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105,  (805) 
682-4711  ext.  319,  FAX  (805)  569-3170,  E-mail: 
SENCKENBERGISCHE  BIBLIOTHEK,  Zeitschriftenabteilung/DFG,  Bockenheimer  Landstr.  134-138,  D-60325,  Frankfurt 
am  Main,  Germany 

SIO  LIBRARY  0219,  9500  Gilman  Dr.,  LaJolla,  CA  92093-0219 

SKOGLUND,  CAROL,  3846  E.  Highland  Ave.,  Phoenix,  AZ  85018,  Phone/FAX  (602)  955-2072,  E-mail: 

STEPHENS,  SUSAN  B„  P.O.  Box  217,  Sanibel,  FL  33957,  (941)  472-1654 
STOHLER,  RUDOLF  (Hon),  1584  Milvia  St.,  Berkeley,  CA  94709 

THE  NATURAL  HISTORY  MUSEUM,  Dept,  of  Library  Services,  Cromwell  Rd.,  London  SW7  5BD,  England,  44-171- 
938-9368,  FAX  44-171-938-9505,  E-mail: 
THOMPSON,  FRED  G.,  Florida  State  Museum,  University  of  Florida,  Gainesville,  FL  32611-2035,  (352)  392-6569  FAX 
(352)  846-0287,  E-mail: 

UNDERWOOD,  DORIS  K.,  PMB  # 362,  2263  W.  New  Haven  Ave.,  West  Melbourne,  FL  32904-3871,  (407)  724-2449,  E- 

VAWTER,  DORIS,  3208  Bonita  Mesa  Rd.,  Bonita,  CA  91902,  (619)  479-7687,  E-mail: 
VELARDE,  RON,  Marine  Biology  Lab.,  4918  N.  Harbor  Dr.  Suite  101,  San  Diego,  CA  92106,  (619)  692-4903,  FAX  (619) 
692-4902,  E-mail: 

VOLLERO,  SELVANA  & BOB  PETROSKI,  5613  Carnegie  St.,  San  Diego,  CA  92122,  (858)  625-0756,  FAX  (858)  535- 
1810  (work).  E-mail:  (work) 

VON  KRIEGELSTEIN,  DOUG,  11288-A  San  Juan,  Loma  Linda,  CA  92354,  (909)  825-7207,  FAX  (909)  796-9658,  E-mail: 
dougvon@hotmail  .com 

VOSO,  ED  & HELEN,  1815-134  Sweetwater  Rd.,  Spring  Valley,  CA  91977,  (858)  469-8308 

WEBER,  GLADYS,  3607  Sylvan  Meadows  Court,  Modesto,  CA  95356-2011,  (209)  549-1071,  E-mail: 
WEBSTER,  HERB  & MELLA,  34021-A  Ruby  Lantern,  Dana  Point,  CA  92629,  (949)  240-1606,  E-mail: 

WELTY,  STEPHEN,  Box  639,  Dubois,  WY  82513,  (307)  455-2922 

WHITE,  JACKIE,  886  Mountridge  Ct.,  Las  Vegas,  NV  89110-2911,  (702)  452-9651,  E-mail: 

WISE,  JOHN,  Dept,  of  Malacology,  Houston  Museum  of  Natural  History,  One  Hermann  Circle  Dr.,  Houston,  TX  77030- 
1799,  (713)  639-4677,  FAX  (713)  523-4125 

WOMACK,  EDWIN  B.  & JEAN,  2126  S.  Arroyo  Vista,  Cottonwood,  AZ  86326,  (520)  639-2112 
WOOLSEY,  JODY,  3717  Bagley  Ave.  Apt.  206,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90034-4148,  (310)  839-1604,  E-mail: 

WTJ,  SHI-KUEI,  4175  Amber  St.,  Boulder,  CO  80304,  Phone/FAX  (303)  444-2306,  E-mail: 
WUYTS,  JEAN,  Koningsarendlaan  82,  B-2100  Deume,  Belgium 

YIN,  BOB,  1275  Torrey  Pines  Rd.,  La  Jolla,  CA  92037,  (858)  454-2342,  E-mail: 
YOUNG,  HERB  & WILMA,  14550  Stone  Ave.  North,  Shoreline,  WA  98133-6218,  (206)  364-8327 


Received  on  02-14-00 

v.  XXXII 
no.  3 
March  9, 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

Volume:  XXXII 

March  9,  2000 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Number:  3 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Kay  Klaus 
Kay  Klaus 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 
Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 
Club/index,  html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


World  Record  Size  Shells  - a Discussion 

Kim  and  Linda  Hutsell,  two  of  the  authors  of  and  the  implications  of  record  size  shells.  Members  are 

the  Registry  of  World  Record  Size  Shells,  will  lead  a encouraged  to  bring  in  their  record  size  shells  --  and  any 

discussion  on  the  process  of  registering  potential  records  that  might  be. 

Meeting  date:  March  17,  2000 

Shells  of  the  month:  record  size  shells  - and  any  that  might  be 


Club  news  26 

Growth  series  of  three  species  of  Pitar  (Hysteroconcha)  with  comments  on  a fourth  species  (Bivalvia: 

Veneridae)  from  the  Panamic  Province 

Carol  Skoglund 27 

Fourth  annual  SCUM  meeting 

Jules  Hertz 33 

Announcement  of  student  grants  and  joint  meeting  of  AMS  and  WSM 34 

Map  for  detaching 

Page  26 


Vol.  XXXn(3):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - February  17,  2000 

President  Mike  Mason  called  the  meeting  to  order 
at  about  7:45  p.m.  The  minutes  of  the  January  meeting, 
as  published  in  The  Fesrivus  were  approved.  Mike 
discussed  the  upcoming  auction  and  a signup  sheet  was 
passed  around  for  the  potluck  dinner.  Donations  are 
needed  and  can  be  given  to  any  Board  member.  [See 
col.  2,  this  page.]  Mike  said  that  a host  is  still  needed 
for  meetings.  [If  you  are  willing  to  take  this  post, 
contact  Mike  at  619-482-1098.] 

Mark  Scott  announced  that  the  used  plastic  boxes  at 
the  back  of  the  room  are  free  to  Club  members  and 
were  donated  by  Ursula  Shasky.  New  boxes  will  be 
sold  at  an  upcoming  Club  meeting.  Mark  also  read  a 
letter  from  a woman  in  France  interested  in  exchanging 
shells.  He  will  pass  on  the  details  to  anyone  interested. 

Kim  Hutsell  introduced  the  speaker  for  the  evening, 
Travis  Smith.  Travis  is  working  on  his  PhD  at  Scripps 
Institution  of  Oceanography.  His  Master’s  work  related 
to  tying  together  the  story  of  Recent  and  fossil  pectens. 
He  studied  the  extinction  patterns  of  the  region  from 
Humboldt  Bay  to  Isla  Cedros.  He  said  that  pectens 
fossilize  well  and  are  easy  to  identify  and  that  there  are 
eleven  species  of  pectens  in  California  today.  This  is 
about  a 70%  extinction  rate  since  there  were  thirty 
species  in  California  at  one  time.  There  has  been  no 
evolutionary  rebound.  He  considered  three  possible 
causes  for  the  extinction:  taxonomy,  body  size  and 
latitudinal  range.  He  found  that  large  species  have  large 
ranges  and  that  small  species  have  small  ranges.  If  a 
species  is  in  a restricted  area,  an  environmental  change 
to  the  area  can  effect  extinction.  Geographical  range, 
he  said,  may  be  the  most  influential  factor. 

The  winner  of  the  door  prize  was  Don  Guthrie. 
The  meeting  was  adjourned  to  look  at  some  of  the  shells 
brought  in  by  Kim  (pectens  from  Diamond  Island), 
Mark  (cowries)  and  the  Schneiders  (fossil  pectens)  and 
to  enjoy  the  refreshments  contributed  by  John  Bishop, 
Mike  and  Silvana. 

Silvana  Vollero 

Member  Ron  McPeak  at  Mission  Trails  Park 

Ron  H.  McPeak,  longtime  Club  member  now  living 
in  Washington  state,  will  give  a slide  presentation  and 

sign  his  new  book  Amphibians  & Reptiles  of  Baja 
California , a new  field  guide  in  the  Sea  Challengers 
series  beautifully  written  and  photographed  by  Ron.  His 
presentation  and  book  signing  will  be  at  Mission  Trails 
Regional  Park  auditorium,  One  Father  Junipero  Serra 
Trail,  San  Diego,  on  Saturday,  18  March  from  7:00  - 
9:00  p.m.  For  directions  call  (619)  668-3275. 

Come  to  the  Auction/Potluck 

The  Club’s  annual  Auction/Potluck  will  be  held  on 
April  Is1  at  the  Summer  Hill  Clubhouse  [see  map,  last 
page].  Festivities  will  begin  at  5:00  p.m.  (with  “Dave’s 
Punch”  and  soft  drinks)  while  you  browse  the  auction 
table  and  the  silent  auction  goodies.  Dinner  will  begin 
promptly  at  6:00  p.m.  and  the  auction  will  start  at  7:00 
p.m.  on  the  button! 

There  will  be  some  exceptional  shells  including 
such  “raries”  as  Acanthtrophon  sorenseni,  Cancellaria 
centrota,  Pterynotus  bequaerti,  Voluta  bednalli, 
cypraeids  nigropunctata,  jeaniana,  venusta  and  rosselli 
and  Latiaxis  pilsbryi. 

This  is  the  Club’s  big  fundraiser  and  the  biggest 
social  event  of  the  year.  The  auction  provides  the  Club 
with  the  funds  necessary  to  support  its  many  activities 
such  as  The  Festivus,  Club  library  purchases,  donations 
toward  student  grants  and  the  Greater  San  Diego 
Science  Fair. 

It’s  still  not  too  late  to  donate  to  the  auction;  if  you 
can’t  make  the  March  meeting,  contact  Carole  Hertz 
(858-277-6259)  and  arrange  for  pickup.  And  if  you 
have  no  shells  to  donate,  you  can  still  attend  the  auction, 
have  a marvelous  time  and  the  goodies  you  buy  will 
help  your  collection  — and  the  Club. 

Too  Late  for  the  Roster 

Drez,  Paul  E.,  8816  Cherry  Hills  Rd.,  NE, 
Albuquerque,  NM  87111.  Ph.:  505-828-985;  FAX: 
505-828-1342;  E-mail: 
Payne,  Travis  L.,  2703  Wayne  Cir.  SE,  Decatur,  AL 
35603-9392.  E-mail: 
Schoening,  Robert,  10607  Norman  Ave.,  Fairfax,  VA 
22030.  Ph.:  703-273-9755;  FAX  703-273-9705;  E- 
Correction  of  E-mail  Address 
Pisor,  Don  & Jeanne; 

Vol.  XXXIK3):  2000 


Page  27 




Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

Years  ago,  while  dredging  in  Caleta  de  Los 
Angeles,  Bahia  Tenacatita,  Jalisco,  Mexico,  my 
husband  Paul  and  I brought  up  several  very  small  Pitar 
specimens  that  were  difficult  to  identify.  These  were 
taken  using  a dredge  with  1/8  inch  wire  mesh  on  a mud 
bottom  at  a depth  of  6 to  20  m.  They  ranged  in  size 
from  3.5  to  4.0  mm  width  (Figure  1).  Although  the 
sturdy  shells  were  very  similar,  there  were  slight 
differences  in  the  overall  shape,  color,  and  concentric 
ribbing  that  led  us  to  believe  that  more  than  one  species 
might  be  present,  perhaps  of  the  subgenus 

Further  dredging  of  the  same  area  and  in  other 
places  along  the  coast  of  Mexico  from  the  states  of 
Nayarit  to  Colima  over  several  years  provided  a growth 
series  needed  to  prove  that  our  shells  were  not  adults 
but  juvenile  Pitar  of  three  distinct  species,  all  in  the 
subgenus  Hysteroconcha.  Species  in  Hysteroconcha 
have  concentric  lamellae  with  the  posterior  area 
bordered  by  spines  (Keen,  1971).  Sizes  herein  do  not 
include  spines. 

We  dredged  Pitar  (H.)  lupanaria  (Lesson,  1830) 
and  Pitar  (H.)  roseus  (Broderip  & G.  B.  Sowerby  D, 
1851)  at  Caleta  de  Los  Angeles  and  Pitar  (H.) 

Figure  1,  left  to  right:  Pitar  lupanaria  3.5  mm;  Pitar  roseus,  4.0  mm;  Pitar  multispinosus,  3.5  mm. 

1 Mailing  address:  3846  E.  Highland  Ave.,  Phoenix,  AZ  85018,  USA 

Page  28 


Vol.  XXXHQ):  2000 

multispinosus  (G.  B Sowerby  II,  1851)  at  both  Lo  de 
Marcos,  Nayarit,  and  at  Bahfa  Santiago,  Colima, 
Mexico.  Paul  photographed  the  shells,  and  I reported 
on  them  at  an  annual  meeting  of  the  Western  Society  of 
Malacologists  (Skoglund,  1976). 

Abbreviations  used  herein  are:  AMNH,  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York;  ANSP,  The 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia;  CAS, 
California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco; 
LACM,  Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Los  Angeles;  SBMNH,  Santa  Barbara  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  Santa  Barbara;  USNM,  National 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  Smithsonian  Institution, 
Washington,  D.C. 

The  shell  of  Pitar  lupanaria  at  5.0  mm  is  white 
with  rolled  concentric  ribs  and  a slightly  truncate 
posterior  end  (Figure  2).  As  the  shell  matures,  the  ribs 
become  lamellar  near  the  margin,  and  the  ventral  third 
takes  on  a rosy  color.  The  first  spines  on  the  posterior 
slope  appear  at  about  9 mm  (Plate  I,  Figure  A).  At  21 
mm  in  size,  the  shell  is  almost  adult  except  that  there 

Figure  2.  Pitar  lupanaria  5.0  mm. 

Figure  3.  Pitar  lupanaria,  21  mm. 

are  two  rows  of  spines  instead  of  the  single  row  in  the 
adult  (Figure  3).  While  the  figured  shell  was  rose 
colored  when  the  photo  was  taken  in  1976,  it  has  now 
faded  to  light  tan.  As  the  shell  matures  (Plate  I,  Figure 
B),  the  new  concentric  ribs  are  rolled,  while  raised 
lamellae  flare  over  the  anterior  edge  of  the  most  often 
rosy  or  violet  colored  shell.  A second  row  of  long 

spines  is  present  until  the  shell  reaches  about  20  mm, 
then  becomes  obsolete.  Mature  shells  have  blotches  of 
purple  on  the  disc  at  the  base  of  each  spine.  The  color 
range  of  other  specimens  in  my  collection  is  from 
almost  pure  white  to  a bright  brown.  The  species  can 
attain  a size  of  100  mm,  including  spines  (Hutsell  et  al., 
1997).  The  shell  without  spines  reaches  78.5  mm 

Vol.  XXXD(3):  2000 


Page  29 

(Hutsell,  pers.  comm). 

Pitar  multispinosus , in  contrast,  already  has  both 
the  first  spines  and  the  first  rose-colored,  raised 
lamellae  near  the  ventral  margin  at  4.5  mm  (Figure  4). 

Figure  4.  Pitar  multispinosus , 4.5  mm. 

The  umbones  are  more  pronounced  and  of  a dark  rosy- 
purple  color;  the  rolled  concentric  ribs  are  less 
pronounced  than  on  the  early  stages  of  P.  lupanaria. 
More  ribs  and  spines  are  added  as  the  shell  grows  to  6 
mm  (Plate  I,  Figure  C).  At  17.5  mm  the  shell  appears 
to  be  mature.  Except  for  the  umbonal  area,  the 
concentric  ribs  are  all  raised  lamellae,  which  are  higher 
just  anterior  to  the  first  of  two  rows  of  close-set  spines. 
This  area  is  file-like  to  the  touch,  and  this  is  a good 
diagnostic  feature  of  this  species  (Plate  I,  Figure  D). 

Pitar  lupanaria  is  smooth  in  this  area  and  the 
spines  are  placed  farther  apart.  Keen  (1971)  says  that 
P.  multispinosus  is  brown  rather  than  purple  and  attains 
40  mm.  My  shells,  from  Lo  de  Marcos,  Nayarit, 
Mexico,  south  to  Salinas,  Ecuador,  were  a rosy  color 
when  fresh,  and  still  retain  more  of  a rose  than  a brown 
color.  The  largest  P.  multispinosus  in  my  collection  is 
31  mm. 

Pitar  roseus  starts  out  much  as  the  other  two 
species,  but  is  slightly  more  elongate  (Plate  I,  Figure 
E).  At  5 mm,  the  shell  is  rosy  with  whitish  areas  on 
both  the  anterior  and  posterior  slopes.  The  umbones  are 
rosy-purple  and  the  concentric  lamellae  are  raised 
(Figure  5).  At  6 mm  the  iridescent  periostracum 
charactistic  of  the  species  can  be  seen  on  most  live-taken 
material.  This  periostracum  is  apparently  fragile,  as  it 

Figure  5.  Pitar  roseus,  10  mm. 

is  rarely  seen  on  beach-drift  material.  As  the  shell 
grows,  either  one  or  two  rows  of  very  short  spines 
appear.  A thin  white  stripe  occurs  under  the  anterior- 
most  row  of  spines.  The  second,  more  posterior,  row 
becomes  obsolete  by  about  15  mm,  and  even  this 
apparently  wears  off  as  the  shell  matures.  The  rolled 
concentric  ribs  become  raised  lamellae  on  the  anterior 
slope  (Plate  I,  Figure  F).  Some  shells  are  white  in  this 
area.  The  largest  specimen  in  my  collection  is  55  mm. 

A fourth  species,  Pitar  brevispinosus  (G.  B. 
Sowerby  n,  1851)  (Figure  6),  completes  the  list  of 
Hysteroconcha  currently  known  from  the  Panamic 
Province  (Keen,  1971).  I have  only  seen  mature  Pitar 
brevispinosus.  The  all-white  shell  is  similar  to  P. 
roseus,  but  more  trigonal  and  with  large,  fold-like, 
concentric  ribs.  It  has  a shiny  periostracum  but  without 
the  iridescence  seen  in  P.  roseus. 

Pitar  brevispinosus  is  figured  by  Olsson  (1961) 
with  a distribution  as  “Gulf  of  California  to  Ecuador”. 
Olsson  states  that  he  has  seen  the  shell,  which  he  calls 
rare,  only  from  southern  Colombia  and  Ecuador.  He 
cites  the  original  description  by  Sowerby  as  the  source 
for  a shell  from  California.  Sowerby  (1851)  cites  a 
shell  from  the  Cuming  collection  as  coming  from 
California.  Since  Cuming  did  not  collect  in  California, 
it  is  possible  that  Olsson  used  the  Golfo  de  California 
instead  of  California  as  his  distribution.  Keen  (1971) 
used  the  Olsson  illustrations  and  distribution. 

Page  30 


Vol.  XXXII(3):  2000 

Figure  6.  Pilar  brevispinosus,  42.0  mm.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

I collected  four  P.  brevispinosus,  still  alive  at  the 
high  tide  line  near  the  village  of  Camerones, 
Esmeraldas,  Ecuador,  in  April,  1981.  Virginia  Maes 
and  I also  found  12  valves  in  the  intertidal  area.  These 
valves  are  now  at  ANSP  (356905).  One  shell  of  my  lot 
is  now  at  SBMNH  (345321).  Neither  LACM  or  CAS 
has  the  shell  in  their  collections.  The  shells  in  the 
collection  of  AMNH  labeled  as  P.  brevispinosus  from 
California  were  not  that  species.  The  Smithsonian 
Institution  (USNM)  has  three  lots,  none  of  which  I have 
seen.  The  distribution  is  from  Nicaragua  (USNM 
703665),  the  Golfo  de  Panama  (USNM  6228)  to 
Ecuador  (USNM  517723). 

I have  never  seen  this  species  in  many  years  of 
collecting  in  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico,  and 
unless  more  information  comes  to  light,  would  limit  the 
distribution  from  Nicaragua  to  Ecuador. 

My  thanks  to  Lindsey  Groves  ( LACM),  Liz  Kools 
(CAS),  Raye  Germon  (USNM)  and  Ned  Gilmore 
(ANSP)  for  checking  their  collections;  Henry  Chaney 
(SBMNH)  and  Jay  Cordeiro  (AMNH)  for  the  use  of 
material  in  their  institutions  and  David  K.  Mulliner  for 
photographing  the  Pitar  brevispinosus.  All  other 

photographs  were  taken  by  the  late  Paul  Skoglund. 



1997.  Hutsell  and  Pisor’s  Registry  of  World  Record  Size  Shells. 
Snail’s  Pace  Productions,  San  Diego,  California,  101  pp. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America:  Marine  Mollusks 
from  Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford  University  Press, 
Stanford,  Calif.,  i-xiv  + 1064  pp.;  ca.  4,000  figs.;  22  color 


1961.  Mollusks  of  the  Tropical  Eastern  Pacific  Particularly  from 
the  Southern  Half  of  the  Panamic-Pacific  Faunal  Province 
(Panama  to  Peru).  Panamic-Pacific  Pelecypoda. 
Paleontological  Research  Institution,  Ithaca,  N.Y.  574  pp.; 
pis.  1-86  (Mar.  10). 


1976.  Spine  development  of  juveniles  in  three  species  of 
Panamic  Hysteroconcha  (Bivalvia:  Veneridae).  Abstract. 
The  Western  Society  of  Malacologists  Annual  Report 
9:37-38  (Oct.). 


1851.  Thesaurus  Conchyliorum.  Vol.  2 p.  632  no.  71  pi.  132, 
fig.  109. 

Color  Plate  I,  Figures  A to  F.  (A)  Pitar  lupanaria,  5 specimen s(  left  to  right),  3.5  to  9.0  mm  (B)  P.  lupanaria,  21  mm  (C)  Pitar  multispinosus, 
5 specimens  (left  to  right),  3.5  to  6.0  mm  (D)  P.  multispinosus,  17.5  mm  (E)  Pitar  roseus,  4 specimens  (left  to  right),  3.5  to  11.5  mm  (F)  P 
roseus,  55  mm.-* 

Vol.  XXXII(3):  2000 


Page  3 1 

Vol.  XXXD(3):  2000 


Page  33 


The  fourth  annual  meeting  of  the  Southern 
California  Unified  Malacologists  (SCUM)  was  held  15 
January  2000  in  San  Diego  in  the  Munk  Seminar  Room, 
Institute  of  Geophysics  & Planetary  Physics,  Scripps 
Institution  of  Oceanography,  La  Jolla,  California.  Hugh 
Bradner  hosted  the  meeting  in  this  beautiful  room  high 
on  a cliff  overlooking  the  La  Jolla  shoreline.  The 
meeting  began  at  10:00  a.m.  and  early  arrivals  enjoyed 
coffee  and  donuts  while  conversing  with  other 
attendees.  There  were  approximately  35  in  attendance 
with  some  from  as  far  away  as  Long  Beach  and  Los 
Angeles.  At  the  beginning  of  the  meeting,  there  was  a 
round  of  self  introductions  followed  by  informal 
presentations  of  15  minutes  or  less  from  each  attendee, 
outlining  recent  or  current  projects  and 

Larry  Lovell  opened  the  meeting  with  a discussion 
of  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography  (SIO) 
Collection  and  the  status  of  moving  it  to  a new  building. 
Kent  Trego  showed  slides  and  discussed  work  on 
benthic  material  from  Port  Foster  (caldera  rim), 
Deception  Island,  off  Antarctica.  He  talked  about  five 
bivalve  species  and  mentioned  articles  which  appeared 
in  Antarctic  Science.  Terry  Arnold  told  of  collecting 
fossil  cowries  in  the  lower  Miocene  Muddy  Creek  beds 
near  Hamilton,  Victoria,  Australia,  and  what  times  of 
the  year  were  good  for  collecting  and  what  times  one 
might  encounter  many  poisonous  snakes.  Wes  Farmer 
discussed  his  collecting  during  the  past  four  years  at 
Torrey  Pines  State  Park  and  his  inability  to  get  a permit 
this  year.  He  hoped  that  some  of  the  attendees  might  be 
of  help  in  resolving  his  problem.  Kim  Hutsell  told  of  a 
recent  collecting  trip  to  Diamond  Island  in  the  Coral 
Sea,  and  he  brought  a display  of  some  of  the  larger 
shells  found  there.  Tom  Demere  and  Jim  McLean 
reported  on  current  status  of  events  at  the  San  Diego 
Natural  History  Museum  (SDNHM)  and  Los  Angeles 
County  Museum  (LACM),  respectively.  Tom  reported 
on  the  status  of  the  new  museum  addition  in  San  Diego, 
and  Jim  gave  an  update  on  new  funding  available  at  Los 
Angeles.  Tom  discussed  his  fossil  work  which  covers 
“whales  to  snails,”  mentioning  Eocene  material  from 
the  Scripps  Formation.  Jim  also  updated  the  status  of 

the  book  he  is  authoring  on  gastropods  from  Alaska  to 
Baja  California.  Carole  Hertz  talked  about  a project 
that  she  and  coworkers  are  doing  on  turrid  species 
collected  by  Joyce  Gemmell  in  San  Felipe,  Baja 
California.  Mike  Miller  gave  a slide  presentation  of 
beautiful  nudibranchs  from  Negros  Oriental  in  the 
Philippines.  One  of  the  slides  showed  Nembrotha 
mullineri  named  for  Dave  Mulliner,  who  was  also  in  the 
audience.  George  Kennedy  reported  on  Eocene  material 
from  near  Oceanside  and  off  Rancho  Bernardo.  Nancy 
Schneider  talked  of  fossil  material  that  she  and  her 
husband  Bill  have  collected  over  many  years  from  a 
Pleistocene  Terrace  off  Mulege,  Baja  California,  and 
described  the  donations  they  had  provided  to  set  up  a 
Museum  in  Mulege,  including  display  cabinets  and 
specimens.  Hans  Bertsch  showed  pictures  of  preserved 
specimens  of  Bathydoris  aioca  collected  off  Oregon  in 
approximately  2800  meters  (paper  in  press).  LouElla 
Saul  is  working  on  fossil  volutes  from  85  million  years 
ago  from  Vancouver,  British  Columbia  to  Baja 
California.  Yvonne  Albi  showed  drawings  of  rudistids; 
she  is  working  on  the  morphology  and  taxa  of  this 
group  from  the  late  Cretaceous  of  Jamaica.  Roger 
Seapy  is  busy  writing  chapters  for  books  on  heteropods, 
pteropods,  etc.  Christine  Louie  spoke  of  her  work  on 
pipefish  and  limpet  studies  tied  to  eelgrass  beds  from 
San  Diego  to  Sitka,  Alaska.  Don  Cadien  and  John 
Ljubenkov  briefly  discussed  environmental  studies  being 
conducted  off  the  southern  California  coast  and  web 
sites  on  the  Internet  where  one  could  download  some  of 
the  results.  Don  mentioned  finding  an  Aker  a specimen 
off  our  coast  which  would  be  a first.  Daniel  Geiger 
talked  about  his  work  on  worldwide  abalone  and  on  the 
phylogeny  of  scissurellids.  Lance  Gilbertson  is  working 
on  new  species  and  anatomy  of  land  snails  of  the 
Southwest.  Others  in  the  audience  also  made  brief 
statements  about  their  recent  endeavors. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  early  in  the  afternoon 
and  attendees  were  invited  by  Larry  Lovell  for  a guided 
tour  of  the  new  facilities  for  housing  the  SIO 

The  fifth  annual  meeting  of  SCUM  will  be  hosted 
at  the  LACM. 

Jules  Hertz 

Page  34 


Vol.  XXXn(3):  2000 


As  pan  of  their  commitment  to  the  continued  study 
of  mollusks,  the  Western  Society  of  Malacologists,  the 
Santa  Barbara  Malacological  Society,  the  San  Diego 
Shell  Club,  and  the  Northern  California 
Malacozoological  Club  are  again  pleased  to  announce 
the  availability  of  grants  to  suppon  student  research  in 

Funds  are  available  for  actual  research  costs, 
including  but  not  limited  to,  field  and  laboratory 
equipment,  chemicals,  photographic  supplies,  computer 
time  and  supplies,  microscope  usage  fees,  and 
reasonable  research  travel  costs. 

ELIGIBILITY : Applicant  must  be  a full  time  student 
in  a formal  graduate  or  undergraduate  degree  program. 
The  thesis,  dissertation  or  research  project  must  be 
focused  primarily  on  the  systematics,  biology,  ecology, 
physiology,  biochemistry,  or  paleontology  of  marine, 
terrestrial  or  freshwater  mollusks.  Research  currently  in 
progress  or  beginning  in  the  1999-2000  academic  year 
will  be  considered. 

REQUIREMENTS:  Six  copies  of  the  following 

documents  are  required  for  each  application: 

1 . Cover  application  page  with  proposal  title,  applicant 
name,  addresses,  contact  numbers,  etc,  including  a 
listing  of  no  more  than  five  keywords  that  describe  the 
proposed  research. 

2.  The  proposal,  limited  to  two  pages,  which  discusses 
the  research  project  and  its  malacological  significance 
including  details  of  the  work  to  be  aided  by  this  grant. 

3.  A budget  which  outlines  how  the  grant  funds  will  be 

4.  A resume  or  outline  of  the  applicant's  academic 

5.  A letter  of  recommendation  from  the  applicants 
research  advisor  (original  and  5 copies  to  be  sent 
separately  by  advisor). 

6.  A list  of  grants  and  amounts  that  are  currently  being 
received  or  have  been  applied  for  in  the  1999-2000 
academic  year. 

No  electronic  submissions,  mail  it.  Remember  6 

AWARD:  Research  grants  up  to  $1,000  are  available. 
APPLICATION  DEADLINE:  Completed  applications 
must  be  received  no  later  than  15  APRIL  2000.  Awards 
will  be  announced  during  the  joint  meeting  of  the 
Western  Society  of  Malacologists  and  the  American 
Malacological  Society,  July  7-12,  2000. 

Mail  to:  Malacology  Grant,  Department  of  Invertebrate 

Zoology,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105 

For  further  information  contact:  Henry  Chaney  at 
(805)  682-4711,  ext.  334  (voice);  (805)  963-9679  (fax); 
hchaney  @sbnature2 . org 


The  2000  joint  meeting  of  the  American 
Malacological  Society  and  the  Western  Society  of 
Malacologists  will  be  held  at  San  Francisco  State 
University  from  Friday,  July  7 to  Wednesday,  July  12. 
At  this  meeting,  AMS  and  WSM  will  sponsor  three 

The  Place  of  Malacology  in  Comparative  Biology, 
convened  by  Michael  Ghiselin,  California  Academy  of 
Sciences,  Golden  Gate  Park,  San  Francisco,  CA  94118; 
phone:  (415)  750-7084;  fax:  (415)  750-7090;  e-mail: 
mghiselin@calacademy . org 

Systematics  and  Ecology  of  Opisthobranch 
Gastropods,  convened  by  Angel  Valdes,  California 
Academy  of  Sciences,  Golden  Gate  Park,  San 
Francisco,  CA  94118;  phone:  (415)  750-7110;  e-mail:;  fax:  (415)  750-7090. 

Advances  in  the  Study  of  the  Behavior  of  Recent 
and  Fossil  Cephalopods,  convened  by  Roland  Anderson, 
The  Seattle  Aquarium,  Pier  59,  1483  Alaskan  Way, 
Seattle,  WA  98101-2059;  phone  (206)  386-4359; 
e-mail:  roland.anderson@ci. Seattle. wa. us;  fax:  (206) 

The  meeting  will  include  a banquet  at  the  California 
Academy  of  Sciences  and  the  AMS  Annual  Auction. 
Optional  field  trips,  including  excursions  to  Mt.  San 
Bruno  with  Neil  Fahy,  Monterey  Bay  Aquarium  with 
Angel  Valdes,  and  Pt.  Reyes  National  Seashore  and  Mt. 
Tamalpais  with  Terry  Gosliner  will  be  available  for 
participants  to  attend  following  the  conclusion  of  formal 

Housing  will  be  available  in  several  categories  at 
San  Francisco  State  University  dorms.  The 
accommodations  are  designed  to  provide  affordable 
housing  to  students  as  well  as  hotel-style  private  rooms 
with  daily  maid  service.  All  housing  options  include 

For  further  information  and  registration  please 
send  an  e-mail  to:  or 
visit  our  web  site  at 

http : // www . calacademy . org/research/html/malacologi 



April  1,  2000 

DIRECTIONS  TO  THE  AUCTION:  from  805:  exit  onto  Balboa,  east  to 

Convoy,  south  to  Aero  Dr.,  east  to  Ruffin  Rd . , south  about  a 
block  or  two.  Clubhouse  on  East  side  of  street; park  at  Sharp 
Operations  Center  on  West  side. 

From  San  Diego  Stadium  on  Friars  Road:  up  Mission  Village 
Drive  to  Ruffin  Rd.,  right  turn  or  north  about  a half  mile, 
parking  on  the  west  side  of  the  street  at  Sharp  Operations 
Center  across  from  the  Clubhouse. 

THE  ADDRESS:  3575  Ruffin  Rd.  at  the  Summer  Hill  Clubhouse. 

TIME  : 5:00  p.m.  - ?? 

REMEMBER  TO  BRING:  Your  potluck  dish  with  serving  utensils.  Also,  please  bring 
eating  utensils  for  yourself  (plates,  cups  and  napkins  will  be  provided).  And  come  ready 
to  have  fun!! 


Hi  15 


SharP  TcthCJ  X 
Operations  -o-^ 






S . D. 


The  Festivus 

Received  on:  03-13-2000 

. F418 
v.  XXXII 
no.  4 
April  13, 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Volume:  XXXII 

April  13,  2000 

Number:  4 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Kay  Klaus 
Kay  Klaus 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 
Club/index,  html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


There  is  no  regular  meeting  this  month.  The  Club  Auction/Potluck  was  April  1st  . 
Next  regular  meeting:  May  18th  . 


Club  news  36 

New  distribution  records  for  two  species  of  Muricopsis  (Muricidae)  from  the  Panamic  Province 

Barbara  W.  Myers 37 

List  of  cypraeoidean  and  trivioidean  literature  1994  through  1999 
Lindsey  T.  Groves 


Page  36 


Vol.  XXXn(4):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - March  16,  2000 

President  Mike  Mason  called  the  meeting  to  order 
at  7:45  p.m.  The  minutes  of  the  February  meeting  were 
approved  as  published  in  The  Festivus. 

Mike  reminded  everyone  of  the  upcoming  Auction. 
The  potluck  sign-up  sheet  was  passed  around  and 
members  were  asked  to  give  their  donations  to  a board 
member.  Kay  Klaus  reported  on  new  library  holdings 
and,  as  historian,  Kay  pointed  out  that  pictures  from  the 
September  party  were  on  display.  Linda  Hutsell  said 
that  the  next  Botanical  Garden  Society  meeting  will  be 
on  May  11th.  A zoo  representative  will  discuss  the  plans 
for  expansion.  Everyone  is  invited  to  attend  and  bring 
his/her  concerns. 

Our  own  Kim  Hutsell  was  the  speaker  for  the 
evening.  He  discussed  the  Registry  of  World  Size 
Records  and  how  members  can  measure  their  shells  and 
the  importance  of  having  these  world  size  records. 
Kim,  Linda  and  Don  Pisor  took  on  this  project  because 
it  had  been  dropped  for  about  seven  years. 

Kim  explained  that  the  scientific  method  of 
measuring  the  length  of  a gastropod  is  from  the  tip 
through  the  axis  of  the  shell  and  for  a bivalve,  from  the 
umbo  to  the  ventral  margin.  For  the  Registry,  however, 
the  largest  measurement  attainable  is  used.  This  includes 
the  length  to  the  tip  of  the  spines  for  Spondylus,  for 
example.  The  maximum  length  of  any  shell  is  measured 
in  any  dimension.  The  Registry  accepts  a minimum 
size  for  mature  cowries,  marginellas  and  s trombus  only. 
Subspecies  are  used  only  if  they  are  recognized  in  the 
literature  and  all  entries  need  to  be  verified  by  a second 
party.  All  in  all,  the  publication  contains  about  6,000 
species  but  does  not  include  freshwater  or  terrestrial 
shells,  chitons  or  fossils.  The  book  is  fun  and  useful 
and  the  discussion  was  very  enjoyable.  Check  your 
shells  at  home  for  records! 

The  winner  of  the  drawing  was  Nancy  Schneider. 
Thanks  to  John  Bishop  and  Terry  Arnold  for  the 
delicious  refreshments. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  8:55  p.m. 

Silvana  Vollero 

Too  Late  for  the  Roster 

Lavaleye,  M.S.S.,  De  Ruyterstraat  58,  1792  AK 

Oudeschild,  The  Netherlands.  E-mail: 

Perini,  Maurizio  A.,  via  Pedrazza  9, 1-36010  Zane  (VI), 
Italy,  Phone:  39.0445.380378,  FAX: 

39.0445.384784,  E-mail: 

Change  of  Address 

Thompson,  Fred  G.,  P.O.  Box  117800,  Gainesville,  FL 

Upcoming  Mollusk  Meetings 

The  2000  Bay  Area  Malacologists  (BAM) 

The  gathering  will  be  held  on  Saturday,  April  29  in  the 
Trustees  Room  at  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences 
in  Golden  Gate  Park  in  San  Francisco.  The  meeting  will 
start  about  9:00  a.m.  Hosts  at  the  Academy  will  be  Dr. 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner  and  Dr.  Angel  Valdes.  For 
further  information  contact  Matt  James:  Phone 
707-664-2301;  e-mail  <  > 
AMS/WSM  Annual  Meeting  - see  March  issue. 

COA  2000  - Houston,  Texas 

The  annual  meeting  of  the  Conchologists  of  America 
will  be  held  in  Houston  from  June  22-26  at  the 
Wyndham  Greenspoint  Hotel.  In  addition  to  the  regular 
program,  there  will  be  a welcome  party,  banquet, 
bourse  and  field  trips.  For  further  information  contact 
Convention  chairperson  Lucille  Green  at  281-376-5630 
or  e-mail  at  <  > 

Molluscs  2000  meeting  in  Sydney,  Australia 
December  4-8,  2000.  For  the  latest  information,  e-mail 
http : / /www . austmus . gov . au/science/divis  ion/invert/m 
al/malsoc/confer3  .htm 

Club  Library  Receives  a New  Book 

The  Club  library  has  received  a new  copy  of  Saudi 
Arabian  Seashells  by  Doreen  Sharabati  published  in 
1981.  This  119  page,  hardcovered  book  is  attractive 
and  figures  some  of  the  mollusks  of  the  area.  It  is 
designed  as  a “layman’s  introduction  to  the  subject  of 
marine  molluscs  in  general  and  to  those  of  the  Red  Sea 
and  Arabian  Gulf  in  particular.”  There  is  generalized 
information  on  the  area  and  some  of  the  mollusks  are 
pictured  in  situ  others  in  artistic  arrangements. 

The  book  will  be  available  at  the  May  meeting. 

Vol.  XXXH(4):  2000 


Page  37 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

George  E.  Radwin  and  Anthony  D’Attilio  described 
Muricopsis  tulensis  (Figure  1)  in  the  Appendix  of  their 
book,  Murex  Shells  of  the  World  (1976:  233-234,  figs. 
184,  185).  The  type  locality  was  listed  as  Rancho  El 
Tule,  Baja  California,  Mexico.  The  holotype  and  four 
paratypes  were  from  Rancho  El  Tule  and  other 
paratypes  were  from  Cabo  San  Lucas  and  El  Pulmo 
Reef,  Baja  California  Sur.  These  three  localities  are  all 
at  the  tip  of  the  Baja  Peninsula;  Cabo  San  Lucas  is  at 
the  western  end  and  El  Pulmo  reef  is  at  the  eastern  tip. 
Centered  between  the  two  lies  Rancho  El  Tule.  There 
has  been  no  record  published  of  this  species  since  it  was 

A specimen  of  Muricopsis  tulensis  from  Los  Islotes, 
Isla  Partida,  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico,  collected 
by  Donald  R.  Shasky  of  Oceanside,  California,  30  July 
1975,  was  brought  to  my  attention.  I compared  it  with 
the  holotype  and  paratype  in  the  San  Diego  Natural 
History  Museum  and  found  it  conspecific.  Isla  Partida, 
in  the  Golfo  de  California,  is  approximately  150  km 
north  of  the  type  locality.  I also  identified  six 
specimens  in  the  Carol  Skoglund  Collection  as  M. 
tulensis.  These  specimens  were  collected  interti dally  in 
April  1977  at  Shipwreck  Beach  xh  to  1 mile  east  of 
Cabo  San  Lucas,  Baja  California  Sur.  The  maximum 
length  of  the  six  Skoglund  specimens  is  6.4  mm. 

A similar  species,  Muricopsis pauxillus  (A.  Adams, 
1854),  when  juvenile  (Figure  2),  often  bears  a close 
resemblance  to  M.  tulensis.  Muricopsis  pauxillus, 
however,  attains  a length  of  18  mm  compared  to  7.8 
mm  for  M.  tulensis.  Essentially,  M.  pauxillus  has  a 
black  shell  with  white  spiral  bands  and  M.  tulensis  is  a 

Figure  1.  Muricopsis  tulensis  Radwin  & D’Attilio,  1976.  Paratype, 
7.6  mm  L (SDNHM  61231),  collected  by  Faye  Howard  at  Rancho  El 
Tule,  Baja  California,  Mexico.  Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 

white  shell  with  chestnut  spiral  bands.  In  addition  to 
being  longer  and  broader  than  M.  tulensis,  the 
protoconch  of  M.  pauxillus  is  strongly  angulate 
whereas  M.  tulensis  has  a convex  protoconch. 

'Mailing  address:  3761  Mt.  Augustus  Avenue,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Page  38 


Vol.  XXXn(4):  2000 

Drawings  of  the  protoconchs  of  both  species  can  be 
found  in  Radwin  & D’Attilio  (1976). 

DuShane  and  Poorman  (1967)  recorded  M. 
pauxillus  from  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico.  Keen  (1971) 
restricted  its  distribution  to  the  southern  Golfo  de 
California  especially  around  Mazatlan.  Radwin  and 
D’Attilio  (1976)  extended  its  distribution  south  to 
Central  America.  Three  specimens  of  M.  pauxillus 
collected  by  D.  R.  Shasky  in  1989,  in  5 to  9 m off  an 
islet  in  front  of  Bahia  Saladita,  Guaymas,  Sonora  and 
four  specimens  (SDNHM  61873)  from  the  same  locality 
in  1 1 m (also  collected  by  Shasky)  confirm  the  northern 
distribution  to  Guaymas  on  the  mainland  side  of  the 
Golfo  de  California. 

M.  Mulliner  (1996)  reported  three  specimens  of  M. 
pauxillus  collected  in  50  to  60  m from  off  Isla  Danzante 
on  the  Baja  California  side  of  the  Gulf,  and  specimens 
in  the  Carol  Skoglund  Collection  (one  from  Bahia  San 
Nicolas  collected  in  1964  and  two  from  Puerto 
Escondido  collected  in  1977)  both  on  the  Baja  side  of 
the  Gulf,  extend  the  distribution  of  M.  pauxillus  across 
the  Golfo  de  California  to  the  Baja  Peninsula. 


I wish  to  thank  Donald  R.  Shasky  and  Carol 
Skoglund  for  the  opportunity  to  examine  their  specimens 
and  Carole  M.  Hertz,  who  located  the  photograph  of  the 
paratype  of  Muricopsis  tulensis.  My  thanks  to  David  K. 
Mulliner  for  permission  to  use  the  photo  of  M.  tulensis 
and  also  for  photographing  M.  pauxillus.  Lastly  I wish 
to  thank  the  San  Diego  Natural  History  Museum,  for 
providing  space  for  me  to  continue  my  work  in 
malacology,  especially  David  Faulkner,  Collection 
Manager,  Department  of  Entomology  in  whose 
department  I am  presently  a guest. 



1854.  Descriptions  of  new  shells  from  the  collection  of  H. 
Cuming,  Esq.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of 
London  for  1853  21:  69-74. 


1967.  A checklist  of  mollusks  for  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico. 
The  Veliger  9(4):  413-441  (Apr.l). 

Figure  2.  Muricopsis  pauxillus,  9.3  mm  L,  Bahia  Saladita,  Guaymas, 
Sonora,  Mexico,  in  5-9  m under  rocks,  Shasky  Collection. 
Photo:  D.  K.  Mulliner. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America.  Marine  Mollusks 
from  Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford  University 
Press,  Stanford,  xiv  +1064,  22  color  pis.,  numerous 


1996.  Dredging  around  Isla  Danzante,  Gulf  of  California, 
Mexico,  or  what  you  find  at  the  end  of  a line.  The 
Festivus  28(6):  62-70,  figs.  1-17. 


1976.  Murex  Shells  of  the  World.  An  Illustrated  Guide  to  the 
Muricidae.  Stanford  University  Press,  284  pp.,  32 
pis.,  192  text  figs. 

Vol.  XXXn(4):  2000 


Page  39 

LITERATURE  1994  through  1999 


Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County 
Malacology  & Invertebrate  Paleontology  Sections 
900  Exposition  Boulevard,  Los  Angeles,  California  90007,  USA 

ABSTRACT  Since  1993  at  least  552  publications  that  include  Recent  and  fossil  cypraeoideans  and  trivioideans 
were  published  subsequent  to  the  compilation  of  Groves  (1994).  Additionally,  383  earlier  publications  not  cited  by 
Schilder  & Schilder  (1971)  or  Groves  (1994)  are  listed. 


At  least  552  publications  that  deal  either  entirely  or 
partially  with  cypraeoideans  and/or  trivioideans  were 
published  from  1994  through  1999.  The  second  part  of 
this  report  lists  383  pre-1994  publications  not  listed  in 
Groves  (1994)  and/or  Schilder  & Schilder  (1971)  that 
also  deal  with  cypraeoideans  and/or  trivioideans. 
References  listed  include  those  that  emphasize 
cypraeoideans  and/or  trivioideans,  those  that  include 
them  in  faunal  surveys  and  lists,  and  general-interest 
books  and  articles.  Titles  marked  with  an  asterisk  (*) 
indicate  works  that  deal  entirely  or  in  part  with  fossil 
cypraeoideans  and/or  trivioideans.  Unless  otherwise 
noted,  all  references  are  in  English  and  those  non- 
English  tides  that  have  English  abstracts  and/or 
summaries  are  likewise  noted.  Entries  not  credited  to  an 
author,  editor,  or  publisher  are  referred  to  as 
"anonymous."  With  the  exception  of  theses  and 
dissertations,  unpublished  works  are  not  included. 

Despite  the  extensive  search  of  recent  literature, 
particularly  journals  and  other  publications  received  by 
the  Malacology  and  Invertebrate  Paleontology  Sections, 
Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County,  some 
titles  may  have  been  inadvertently  overlooked.  The 
author  requests  that  missed  titles  be  brought  to  his 
attention  for  inclusion  in  a future  compilation. 


Many  thanks  to  everyone  who  contributed  to  this 
compilation  as  follows.  Dirk  Fehse  (Berlin,  Germany) 
supplied  reprints  and  access  to  his 
cypraeoidean/trivioidean  literature.  Philippe  Massier 
(Museum  National  d'Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris) 
generously  provided  copies  of  the  journal 
Cossmanniana.  Mahalo  nui  loa  to  Makua  Bob  (aka 
Robert  Dayle)  (Honolulu,  Hawai'i)  for  including  my 
1994  list  of  cypraeacean  and  triviacean  literature  in  his 
superb  cowry  web  site 

[http : //  www . geocities . com/TheT  ropics/Shores/5 867/  (as 
of  1-1 1-00)].  James  McLean  (Natural  History  Museum 
of  Los  Angeles  County,  Malacology  Section)  kindly 
read  the  brief  manuscript.  Librarians  Mark  Herbert  and 
Don  McNamee  (Natural  History  Museum  of  Los 
Angeles  County,  Research  Library)  processed  numerous 
interlibrary  loan  requests. 


GROVES  L.T.  1994.  Cypraeacean  and  triviacean  literature 
1971-1993.  The  Cowry  n.s.,  Supplement  to  Volume  1,  38  p. 
SCHILDER,  M.  & F.A.  SCHILDER.  1971.  A catalogue  of 
living  and  fossil  cowries:  Taxonomy  and  bibliography  of 
Triviacea  and  Cypraeacea  (Gastropoda,  Prosobranchia). 
Institut  Royal  des  Sciences  Naturelles  de  Belgique  Memoires 

Page  40 


Vol.  XXXH(4):  2000 

LITERATURE  1994-1999 

* AKERS,  R.E.  & T.J.  AKERS.  1997.  Texas 
Cretaceous  gastropods.  Paleontology  Section,  Houston 
Gem  & Mineral  Society,  Texas  Paleontology  Series  6: 
iii  + 1-340,  figs.  1-294. 

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Shore  17(2):64-68,  74,  4 unnumbered  figs. 

ALMASI,  E.S.  1995.  My  treasure  of  Monte  Cristi.  Of 
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ALMASI,  E.S.  1995.  Dar  to  Mtwara  & on  to  Zanzibar. 
Of  Sea  & Shore  18(3):  125-132,  9 unnumbered  figs. 
ALMASI,  E.S.  1996.  Palawan,  beautiful  to  experience- 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Cypraea  coronata  (Schilder, 
1930).  American  Conchologist  22(4):  14,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
ANONYMOUS.  1994,  Finding  elusive  Hawaiian  shells. 
Hawaiian  Shell  News  42(2):5. 

ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Recent  finds.  Hawaiian  Shell 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  The  cowry-quiz.  La  Conchiglia 
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Conchiglia  26(273): 36,  figs.  1-2. 

ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Shells  on  stamps.  Of  Sea  & 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Origin  of  the  word  cowry.  Of 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Cowries  galore!  Strandloper 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Red  Sea  cowries.  Strandloper 

ANONYMOUS.  1994.  More  on  Chimaeria 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Massive  theft  of  sea  shells  in 
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ANONYMOUS.  1994.  Nova  species?  World  Shells 
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ANONYMOUS.  1995.  Recently  named  marine 
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ANONYMOUS.  1996.  Cypraea  (Zoila)  lobettiana  L.R. 
Massilia,  1995.  Of  Sea  & Shore  18(4): 206-207,  4 

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ANONYMOUS.  1998.  Recently  described  shelled 
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Vol.  XXXn(4):  2000 

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MEYER,  D.  & M.  MEYER.  1995.  Sea  shell  Museum  of 
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unnumbered  figs]. 

MIENIS,  H.K.  1994.  Cowries  and  coins,  2.  Levantina 

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MOCK,  D.K.S.  1996.  A new  species  of  Erronea  from 
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OMI,  Y.  1999.  A note  on  the  occurrence  of  Lyncina 
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ORR,  J.  1998.  Seeking  clues  in  clay:  Essays  from  a 
mollusc  watcher,  continued.  Of  Sea  & Shore  21(1):35- 
46,  figs.  1-13. 

ORR,  J.  1998.  Essays  from  a mollusc  watcher,  ID.  Of 
Sea  & Shore  2 1(2): 95 -105,  10  unnumbered  figs. 

ORR,  J.  1998.  Essays  from  a mollusc  watcher,  IV.  Of 
Sea  & Shore  21(3):  133-140,  figs.  1-9. 

ORR,  J.  1999.  Observations  of  a mollusc  watcher,  VI. 
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VH.  Of  Sea  & Shore  22(2):72-76,  figs.  a-g. 
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of  letters  and... poet.  World  Shells  21-22:98-102,  2 
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Malacological  Congress,  Abstracts,  p.  104. 

*OZAWA,  T„  K.  INOUE  & S.  TOMIDA.  1995.  Early 
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PEARSON,  G.  1994.  A bungee  jumping  cowry. 
Hawaiian  Shell  News  42(3):  1,  3,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
*PERILLIAT,  M.  del  C.  1996.  Occurrence  of  the 
Tethyan  gastropods  Campanile  and  Gisortia  in  the  lower 
Eocene  part  of  the  Tepetate  Formation,  Baja  California, 
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PETIT,  R.E.  1997.  A century-old  dispute  revisited. 
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*PETUCH,  E.J.  1994.  Atlas  of  Florida  fossil  shells. 
Graves  Museum  of  Archaeology  and  Natural  History: 
Sarasota,  Florida,  xii  + 394  p.,  20  figs.  100  pis. 
*PETUCH,  E.J.  1995.  Molluscan  diversity  in  the  late 
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extinction.  Science  270(52234):275-277,  fig.  1. 
*PETUCH,  E.J.  1996.  Calusacypraea,  anew,  possibly 
neotenic  genus  of  cowries  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae) 
from  the  Pliocene  of  southern  Florida.  The  Nautilus 
110(1):  17-21 , figs.  1-11. 

*PETUCH,  E.J.  1997.  Coastal  paleoceanography  of 
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Kendall/Hunt  Publishing  Co.:  Dubuque,  Iowa,  vii  -I-  373 
p.,  120  figs. 

*PETUCH,  E.J.  1997.  A new  gastropod  fauna  from  an 
Oligocene  back-reef  lagoonal  environment  in  west  central 
Florida.  The  Nautilus  110(4):  122-1 38,  figs.  1-72. 
PETUCH,  E.J.  1998.  The  molluscan  fauna  of  the  Wawa 
River  region,  Miskito  Coast  Nicaragua:  Ecology, 
biogeographical  implications,  and  descriptions  of  new 

taxa.  The  Nautilus  lll(l):22-44,  figs.  1-50. 
*PETUCH,  E.J.  1998.  New  cowries  from  the  Myakka 
Lagoon  System  and  the  Everglades  pseudoatoll 
(Pliocene  Okeechobean  Sea).  La  Conchiglia 
30(288):27-37,  figs.  1-20. 

PINN,  F.  1996.  The  money  cowry  of  the  Mai  dive 
Islands,  a miracle  of  reproduction^) . Of  Sea  & Shore 
1 8(4) : 2 1 7-2 1 8 . 

POLAND,  P.L.  1998.  Simnialena  uniplicata 
(Sowerby,  1848).  American  Conchologist  26(1):  back 
cover,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

POPE,  K.  1998.  The  aftermath  of  a hurricane.  Of  Sea 
& Shore  2 1(2): 80-82,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

POPPE,  G.  1995.  Double-handed  gloriamaris  and 
other  faked  shells.  La  Conchiglia  27(277):  12-16,  figs. 

POPPE,  G.T.  & P.  MARTIN.  1997.  A new  species  of 
Pustularia  from  the  Philippines  (Gastropoda: 
Cypraeidae).  Gloria  Maris  35(6):81-88,  pis.  1-2. 
1995.  Biostratigraphy  and  paleoecology  of  the 
Pleistocene  invertebrates  from  the  Leisey  Shell  Pits, 
Hillsborough  County,  Florida.  Bulletin  of  the  Florida 
Museum  of  Natural  History  37(5):  127-164,  figs.  1-6. 
PRATI  MUSETTI,  A.  1995.  Dr.  Luigi  Raybaudi 
Massilia.  World  Shells  15:112-121,  figs.  1-17. 
PREECE,  R.C.  1995.  The  composition  and 
relationships  of  the  marine  molluscan  fauna  of  the 
Pitcairn  Islands.  Biological  Journal  of  the  Linnean 
Society  56:339-358. 

PURTYMUN,  B.  1994.  Snorkeling  for  gems  on 
Majuro.  Hawaiian  Shell  News  42(2):6-7,  3 

unnumbered  figs. 

PURTYMUN,  B.  1994.  Shelling  in  the  rain.  Hawaiian 
Shell  News  42(3):8,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  G.1995.  "Roma  locuta... 
sententia  confutata."  Hawaiian  Shell  News  43(7):3,  7. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Crossia  iutsui 
atlantica  Raybaudi,  1988.  World  Shells  8:  inside 
cover,  figs.  2-3  + cover. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
marginata  (Gaskoin,  1848).  ID.  Revision  of  the  species 
and  its  subspecies.  World  Shells  8:16-24,  figs.  72-96, 
pis.  1-3. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Review  of  A Guide 
to  Worldwide  Cowries  by  Felix  Lorenz,  Jr.  & Alex 
Hubert.  World  Shells  8:47. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Review  of 
Australian  Marine  Shells  ( 1-Prosobranch-Gastropods ) by 
B.  Wilson.  World  Shells  8:67,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

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RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Luponia  castanea 
Higgins,  1868.  World  Shells  8:96,  5 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASS  ILIA,  L.  1994.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
marginata  (Gaskoin,  1848).  IV.  Revision  of  the  species 
and  its  subspecies.  World  Shells  9:19-24,  figs.  97-114. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Barycypraea  fultoni 
(Sowerby,  1903)  and  its  varieties.  World  Shells  9:34-41, 
figs.  1-8,  pis.  1-2. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Luponia  algoensis 
(Gray,  1825)  and  its  different  forms.  World  Shells  9:63- 
66,  figs.  1-12. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Erronea  (Adusta) 
pyriformis  (Gray,  1824),  quid  est  angioyoruml  World 
Shells  9:70-72,  figs.  1-6. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  World  Shells  9:97-105,  15  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Review  of  The 
Classic  Shells  of  the  World  by  T.C.  Lan.  World  Shells 
9:115,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Nucleolaria 
granulata  cassiaui  (Burgess,  1965),  Marquesas  Islands. 
World  Shells  9:  inside  front  cover  + 116-117,  5 
unnumbered  figs.  + cover. 

RAYBAUDI,  MASSILIA  L.  1994.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
marginata  (Gaskoin,  1848).  V.  Revision  of  the  species 
and  its  subspecies.  World  Shells  10:36-42,  figs.  115-128. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  II.  World  Shells  10:92-96,  11  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Again  on  Zoila 
marginata.  World  Shells  10:99-101,  figs.  1-7. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Cypraeovula- 

Luponia  fuscorubra  f.  sinistrorsa.  World  Shells  11: 
cover  + inside  front  cover,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Cypraeovula- 

Luponia  amphithales  (Melvill,  1888)  and  his  problems. 
World  Shells  11:9-13,  figs.  1-14  (+  3 unnumbered  figs, 
on  p.  49). 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  New  from  New 
Caledonie.  World  Shells  11:26,  4 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  New  from  New 
Caledonie.  World  Shells  11:51,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  HI.  World  Shells  11:78-82,  13  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  New  from  New 
Caledonie.  World  Shells  11:56,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994.  Zoila  (Zoila)  rosselli. 
World  Shells  11:105  + back  cover,  5 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Cover  quiz.  World 
Shells  12:  front  cover  & inside  front  cover,  2 
unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Crossia  iutsui 
Shikama,  1974,  Revision  of  Raybaudi  index  card  no. 
44  (1988).  World  Shells  12:17,  24-29,  figs.  1-16, 
inside  back  cover. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  IV.  World  Shells  12:76-81,  14  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  venusta. 
World  Shells  12:  inside  front  cover,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
+ front  cover. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Sua  altezza  reale 
il  Principe  di  Napoli  Vittorio  Emanuele  di  Savoia. 
World  Shells  13:4-9,  6 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
lobettiana  nova  species.  World  Shells  13:15-17,  15 
unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
venusta  (Sowerby,  1846).  World  Shells  13:25-35,  13 
unnumbered  figs.,  pis.  1-4. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  V.  World  Shells  13:77-81,  13  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Cover  quiz.  World 
Shells  13:  inside  back  cover,  3 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
venusta  (Sowerby,  1846)  (DI).  World  Shells  14:  32-43, 
figs.  1-10,  3 unnumbered  figs.,  pis.  5-8. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  teramadm  splendida 
f.  nigerrima.  World  Shells  14:52,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Two  new  great 
rarities  among  South  African  endemics.  World  Shells 
14:68-72,  figs.  1-20. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
venusta : Personal  digressions.  World  Shells  14:  77-80, 
4 unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  An  answer  to  Dr. 
Alex  Hubert.  World  Shells  14:90-95,  figs.  1-22. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Lyncina  leucodon. 
World  Shells  14:  inside  back  cover,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Crossia  iutsui 
atlantica.  World  Shells  15:  front  & inside  covers,  p. 
5,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
venusta  (Sowerby,  1846)  (ID).  World  Shells  15:13-25, 
figs.  1-13,  pis.  8-11. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Venusta  episema 
f.  sorrentensis  on  eggs.  World  Shells  15:25,  1 
unnumbered  fig. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  An  ugly  story. 
World  Shells  15:54,  92,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  What  is  there  in 
the  South  African  ocean?  World  Shells  15:57,  103,  4 

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Vol.  XXXH(4):  2000 

unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Cribrarula 
cribrarula.  World  Shells  15:79,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries  (VI).  World  Shells  15:136-140,  14  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995.  News  from  N. 
Caledonia.  World  Shells  15:142,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
ther sites  contraria  Iredale,  1935  a very  controversial 
taxon.  World  Shells  16:21-28,  figs.  1-23. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Comoedia,  immo 
fabula,  sydneyensis.  World  Shells  16:74-75. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Mea  culpa,  mea 
culpa,  mea  maxima  culpa.  World  Shells  16:82-88,  figs. 
A-B  + 6 unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
ther  sites  contaraia  Iredale,  1935  (II):  A very 

controversal  taxon.  World  Shells  17:3-15,  figs.  24-72. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Notadusta  katsiae— 
musumea—vicdani.  World  Shells  17:40-51,  figs.  1-26. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Notadusta  martini. 
World  Shells  18:  inside  front  cover,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
-I-  front  cover. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Erosaria 
(Paulonaria)  thomasi  Crosse,  1865:  An  enigma  solved. 
World  Shells  18:13-25,  figs.  1-30. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1996.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  VII.  World  Shells  18:70-81,  29  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries  (VIII).  World  Shells  20:45-59,  38  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  And  here  our 
opinion.  World  Shells  20:68,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Off  the  cuff.  World 
Shells  20:75-77,  3 unnumbered  figs,  (includes  "the 
diabolic  shell"  on  p.  44). 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Blasicrura  teres 
(Gmelin,  1791).  World  Shells  21-22:  front  cover  and 
inside  front  cover,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Erosaria  menkeana 
(Desahyes,  1863):  An  extremely  rare  and  unknown 
species.  World  Shells  21-22:80-84,  figs.  1-2. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Kwajalein  and  its 
cowries.  IX.  World  Shells  21-22:90-97, 22  unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Cribrarula  gaskoini 
(Reeve,  1846).  World  Shells  23:  front  cover  and  inside 
front  cover,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1997.  Zoila  venusta 
orientalis.  World  Shells  23:39. 

1994.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  8:71-73,  6 

unnumbered  figs. 

1994.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  9:54-58,  8 
unnumbered  figs. 

1994.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  10:64-68,  8 
unnumbered  figs. 


1994.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  11:62-66,  8 
unnumbered  figs. 


1995.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  12:62-66,  9 
unnumbered  figs. 

1995.  Cypraeidae  revision.  World  Shells  13:97-100,  8 
unnumbered  figs. 

* RAYMOND,  T.C.  1997.  Two  new  gastropods  from 
the  Pliocene  Pinecrest  beds  of  Florida.  Tulane  Studies 
in  Geology  and  Paleontology  29(3-4):  141-144,  pi.  1. 
RHO,  B.J.,  B.L.  CHOE,  J.  LEE  & H.J.  KIL.  1998. 
Malacofauna  of  Geojedo  Island,  Korea.  Korean  Journal 
of  Systematic  Zoology  14(3):257-278,  figs.  1-2 
[Korean  with  English  abstract]. 

RICE,  T.  1994.  Shells  on  stamps.  Of  Sea  & Shore 
16(4): 240-241,  numerous  unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1994.  To  Thailand  & the  Philippines.  Of  Sea 
& Shore  17(2):  109-1 17,  18  unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1995.  To  Anilao,  Balicasag  and  points  in 
between.  Of  Sea  & Shore  17(4):232-234,  5 unnumbered  figs. 
RICE,  T.  1995.  Mollusks  on  postage  stamps  update. 
Of  Sea  & Shore  18(1):  15-17,  numerous  unnumbered 

RICE,  T.  1995.  To  Anilao,  Balicasag  and  points  in 
between,  continued  from  the  last  issue.  Of  Sea  & 
Shore  18(l):23-26,  5 unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1996.  Shells  on  stamps.  Of  Sea  & Shore 
18(4):233-234,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

RICE,  T.  1996.  A checklist  of  mollusks  on  postage 
stamps.  Of  Sea  & Shore  Publications:  Port  Gamble, 
Washington.  89  p. 

RICE,  T.  1996.  Cinderella  stamps.  La  Conchiglia 
28(279):57-58,  7 unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1998.  Destination  paradise.  Of  Sea  & Shore 
21(1):  17-19,  54.  5 unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1998.  Drew  & Tom's  excellent  adventures. 
Of  Sea  & Shore  21(2):  107-1 1 1,  6 unnumbered  figs. 
RICE,  T.  1998.  Drew  & Tom's  excellent  adventures, 
continued.  Of  Sea  & Shore  21(3):  161-169,  15 
unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1999.  Travels  with  Tom.  Of  Sea  & Shore 

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Page  55 

22(l):45-55,  36,  17  unnumbered  figs. 

RICE,  T.  1999.  Memories  are  made  of  this:  Shelling 
throughout  the  years.  Of  Sea  & Shore  22(2):  101-1 13,  20 
unnumbered  figs. 

RINALDI,  A.C.  1997.  About  Erosaria  marginalis 
Dillwyn,  1827  (Cypraeidae,  Prosobranchia).  La 
Conchiglia  29(282):55-59,  figs.  1-6. 

RIOS,  E.  de  C.  1994.  Seashells  of  Brazil,  2nd  edition. 
Editoria  da  Furg:  Rio  Grande,  Brazil.  368  p.,  113  pis. 
ROBERTS,  T.  1996.  Shelling  in  Western  Australia: 
Margaret  River  to  Montebello.  Of  Sea  & Shore  19(1): 15- 
18,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

ROBERTS,  T.  1997.  Vietnam  - A different  world.  Of 
Sea  & Shore  20(3):  137-144,  7 unnumbered  figs. 
ROCHA,  C.  de  A.,  H.  MATTHEWS-CASCON  & H.R. 
MATTHEWS.  1994.  Estudo  morfologico  comparative 
de  Cyphoma  signatum  Pilsbry  e McGinty,  1939  e 
Cyphoma  macumba  Petuch,  1979  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda: 
Ovulidae).  Revista  Nordestina  de  Biologia  9(2):  149-161, 
figs.  1-8  [Portuguese  with  English  abstract  and 

ROSENBERG,  G.  1997.  Why  do  shells  have  their 
colors?  American  Conchologists  25(l):25-26,  1 

unnumbered  fig. 

ROSENBERG,  G.  1997.  Conchatenations:  What's  a 
good  name?  American  Conchologist  25(3):28-29. 
RUJDER,  B.  1994.  Two  more  Cypraea  lentiginosa 
reported  from  Habonim,  Israel.  Levantina  80:16. 
SAVAZZI,  E.  1998.  The  colour  patterns  of  cypraeid 
gastropods.  Lethaia  31:15-27,  figs.  1-7. 

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between  oceanic  islands  by  planktonic  larvae  of  benthic 
gastropod  Mollusca.  American  Malacological  Bulletin 
12(1/2): 67-75,  figs.  1-6. 

*SCHNEEDER,  N.  1997.  A late  Pleistocene  Cypraea 
(Macrocypraea)  cervinetta.  The  Festivus  29(6):53,  figs.  1-2. 
♦SCHNEIDER,  N.  1999  Not  all  shells  in  Baja  California 
are  Recent  (A  new  listing  of  molluscan  species  from  the 
Mulege  Formation  and  environs).  The  Festivus  31(1):3- 
16,  figs.  1-12. 

SCHWABE,  E.  1998.  Die  mollusken  fauna  von  Western 
Samoa.  Club  Conchylia  30(4/6):93-106,  36  unnumbered 
figs.  [German]. 

SENDERS,  J.  & R.  SENDERS.  1995.  Some  particular 
uses  of  seashells.  La  Conchiglia  27(276):  16-19,  figs.  1-8. 
SHIGEO,  H.,  E.  TSUCHIDA,  A.  GO  & K. 
NAKAGUCHI.  1999.  A record  of  Crenavolva 
(Cuspivolva)  mucronata  Azuma  & Cate  from  240-302  m 
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SIMONE,  L.R.L.  de,  1998.  Morphological  study  of 
caenogastropod  superfamilies  as  base  for  a 
phylogenetic  revaluation  [abstract].  In:  Bieler,  R.  & 
Mikkelsen,  P.M.  (eds.),  Abstracts  of  the  World 
Congress  of  Malacology,  p.  305. 

♦SIMONE,  L.R.L.  de  & S.  MEZZALIRA.  1994. 
Fossil  molluscs  of  Brazil.  Institute  Geologico  Sao 
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SIMONET,  O.  1994.  Cypraea  thomasi  Crosse,  1865: 
A Marquesan  cowrie.  Hawaiian  Shell  News  42(4):  1,  6- 
7,  1 unnumbered  fig,  pi.  1. 

SMALL,  M.  1994.  Clipperton  '94:  An  initial  report. 
The  Festivus  26(7): 78-83,  figs.  1-3. 

SMALL,  M.  1994.  Marine  gastropod  habitats  of 
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SMITH,  L.  1998.  An  exhibit  at  a hobbies  fair. 
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254:1,  6,  figs.  K1-K7,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
SMRIGLIO,  C.  & P.  MARIOTTINI.  1999.  An 
exceptional  specimen  of  Cypraea  grayana,  Schilder, 
1930.  La  Conchiglia  30(290):4748,  figs.  1-7. 
SNYDERMAN,  M.  1998.  California  Marine  Life. 
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SPRINGER,  M.  1994.  Collecting  in  the  Philippines. 
Of  Sea  & Shore  17(l):49-52,  figs.  1-11. 

SPRINGER,  S.  & M.  SPRINGER,  1996.  Shelling  in 
Costa  Rica.  Of  Sea  & Shore  19(l):21-22. 

♦SQUIRES,  R.L.  & R.A.  DEMETRION.  1994.  New 
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Formation,  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico.  The  Veliger 
37(2):  125-135,  figs.  1-22. 

♦SQUIRES,  R.L.  & J.L.  GOEDERT.  1994. 
Macropaleontology  of  the  Eocene  Crescent  Formation 
in  the  Little  River  area,  southern  Olympic  Peninsula, 
Washington.  Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles 
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from  the  Eocene  of  Washington.  The  Veliger 
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Vol.  XXXH(4):  2000 

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Crescent  Books:  New  York.  336  p.,  336  pis. 
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Museum  of  Natural  History,  Gainsville.  American 
Conchologist  22(1):  14-15,  24  unnumbered  figs. 
TAUBES,  G.  1998.  Wall  Street  smarts.  Discover 
19(10):  104-1 12.  Numerous  unnumbered  figs. 

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Vietnamese  shells.  Of  Sea  & Shore  21(l):20-26,  figs. 

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WEBB,  R.  1995.  After  reading  Sue's  article,  someone 
said  "So  what  shells  did  you  collect?"  Hawaiian  Shell 
News  43(9):  12,  2 unnumbered  figs. 

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Synthesis.  Fauna  of  Australia  5,  part  B.  CSIRO 
Publishing:  Melbourne,  Australia,  p.  780-786,  figs. 
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15.132-15.133  [Velutinoidea]. 

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Biological  Center  Special  Publication  15:45-50. 
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YOSHIMOTO,  D.  1999.  The  New  Banks  shell 
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Griffiths  and  his  cowry  journal.  The  Cowry  n.s. 
1(1):  1-4,  2 unnumbered  figs. 


The  following  pre-1994  cypraeoidean  and 
trivioidean  literature  was  overlooked  or  unknown  to 
the  author  at  the  time  of  publication  of  Groves  (1994). 

ABBOTT,  R.T.  1991.  Seashells  of  Southeast  Asia. 
Graham  Brash  (Pte)  Ltd.:  London.  145  p.,  52  pis. 
ABBOTT,  R.T.  1993.  Seashells  of  the  Northern 
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la  Formation  Montezuma  (Plioceno- 
Pleistoceno;  Costa  Rica).  Geologica  et  Palaeontologica 
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Vol.  XXXII(4):  2000 


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molluscan  species  from  the  Miocene  Kadonosawa 
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ANONYMOUS.  1970.  March  trip  to  Humpy  Island. 
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ANONYMOUS.  1970.  Correspondence  comer.  Keppel 
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ANONYMOUS.  1970.  Extract  from  a letter  from  Prof. 
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ANONYMOUS.  1989.  Display  of  endemic  Hawaiian 
marine  shells  presented  to  governor  of  Hawaii.  Hawaiian 
Shell  News  37(1):  1,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

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species.  Hawaiian  Shell  News  37(6):5,  2 unnumbered  figs. 
BRATCHER,  T.  1987.  Remote,  barren  Rowley  Shoals 
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figs.  21-30  [1988];  Part  HI,  Schilderia  achatidea  (Gray 
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Part  IV,  Erronea  caurica  Linneo,  1758,  6(4-5):85-92, 
figs.  86-95 [1990]. 

NOTE:  Parts  I & D were  erroneously  listed  as 

"Mauro,  D.  & Bruno,  M."  in  Groves  (1994)  due  to  a 
printing  error  in  Argonauta.  All  four  parts  are 
correctly  listed  above  with  my  apologies  to  the  authors. 
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Cia,  S.A.,  Mexico,  xlvi  + 524  p.,  numerous 
unnumbered  figs. 

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1758.  Keppel  Bay  Tidings  10(2):5,  1 unnumbered  fig. 
GERARD,  V.  1989.  Dredging  the  Gulf  of  Trieste. 
Hawaiian  Shell  News  37(11):  12,  5 unnumbered  figs. 
GHISELIN,  M.T.  1964.  Morphological  and  behavioral 
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prosobranch  gastropod.  The  Veliger  6(3):  123-124,  pi.  16. 
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extinction  in  tropical  American  molluscs:  Endemism, 
architecture,  and  the  Panama  land  bridge.  Malacologia 

VERMEU,  G.J.  & G.  ROSENBERG.  1993.  Giving  and 
receiving:  The  tropical  Atlantic  as  donor  and  recipient  for 
invading  species.  American  Malacological  Bulletin 
10(2):  181-194. 

VOSS,  G.L.  & N.A.  VOSS.  1955.  An  ecological  survey 
of  Soldier  Key,  Biscayne  Bay,  Florida.  Bulletin  of 
Marine  Science  of  the  Gulf  of  Caribbean  5 (3): 203-229. 
♦WALDROP,  J.S.  & D.  WILSON,  1990.  Late 
Cenozoic  stratigraphy  of  the  Sarasota  area.  In:  Allmon, 
W.D.  & Scott,  T.M.  (eds.),  Plio-Pleistocene  stratigraphy 
and  paleontology  of  south  Florida.  Southeastern 
Geological  Society  Guidebook  31:33  unnumbered  p., 
figs.  1-7. 

* WEAVER,  C.E.  MS  [1959].  Martinez  stage  in 
California  and  Baja  California.  640  p.,  37  pis. 

WEBB,  R.  & S.  WEBB.  1992.  Baja  blowout  Hawaiian  Shell 
News  40(10):9. 

WEBB,  R.  & S.  WEBB.  1992.  Mollusks:  Scene  through  a 
diver's  mask.  Hawaiian  Shell  News  40(1 1):7,  9. 

WETILAUF,  G.  1980.  Shallow  water  shelling  in  the  Red  Sea. 
Levantina  24:272-276. 

WEITLAUF,  G.  1980.  Red  Sea  shelling.  Levantina 

WILSON,  B.R.  & K.  GILLETT.  1971.  Australian  Shells. 

Charles  E.  Tuttle  Company:  Rutland,  Vermont.  168  p. 
34  figs.,  106  pis.  + frontis. 

WOLTZ,  C.C.,  Jr.  & D.B.  BELCHER.  1967.  Collecting 
cowries  in  Dar  es  Salaam.  Privately  published.  31  p.,  figs. 

WOOD-ANDERSON,  J.A.  1987.  Shelletter.  Hawaiian 
Shell  News  35(12):6. 

WOOD-ANDERSON.  J.A.  1988.  fultoni  rebuttal 
rebutted.  Hawaiian  Shell  News  36(6):  11. 
♦WOODRING,  W.P.  1966.  The  Panama  land  bridge 
as  a sea  barrier.  Proceedings  of  the  American 
Philosophical  Society  11 0(6): 425 -43 3,  figs.  1-3. 
♦WOODRING,  W.P.  & M.N.  BRAMLETTE.  1950 
[1951].  Geology  and  paleontology  of  the  Santa  Maria 
District,  California.  USGS  Professional  Paper  222:  iv 
+ 1-185,  figs.  1-9,  pis.  1-23. 

WU,  W.-L.  & Y.-R.  HUANG.  1989.  Studies  on  the 
radulae  of  Taiwan  molluscs.  ID.  Comparison  on  the 
radulae  of  lands  nails  and  marine  molluscs.  Bulletin  of 
Malacology,  Republic  of  China  14:63-92,  figs.  1-24. 
WUYTS,  J.  & J.  KRUYNIERS.  1973.  Een  zeldzame 
vormvarieteit  van  Cypraea  Camelopardalis  (Perry, 
1811).  Gloria  Maris  11:215-218,  6 unnumbered  figs. 

YAMAGUCHI,  M.  1991.  Molluscan  resources  from 
coral  reefs.  2.  Money  cowries.  Aqua-biology  13:287- 
291  [Japanese], 

YATES,  B.  1972  Radula  of  Erosaria  lamarckii 
lamarckii  (Gray,  1825).  Australian  Newsletter,  new 
series,  16:5,  figs.  la-2. 

YATES,  L.G.  1890.  The  Mollusca  of  Santa  Barbara 
County,  California.  Bulletin  of  the  Santa  Barbara 
Society  of  Natural  History  l(2):37-45. 

YATES,  L.G.  1904.  Pre-historic  California.  Bulletin 
of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences 
3(9):  153-158,  pis.  1-2. 

YOKOYAMA,  K.  1991.  Reflections.  Hawaiian  Shell 
News  39(3): 7,  1 unnumbered  fig. 

YOKOYAMA,  K.  1992.  Reflections:  upheavals. 
Hawaiian  Shell  News  40(2): 9. 

ZANN,  L.P.  1988.  Marine  Community 
Aquarium. T.F.H.  Publications:  Neptune  City,  New 
Jersey.  416  p.,  numerous  unnumbered  figs. 

ZIDEK,  J.  1991.  Should  "The  Cowry"  be  revived? 
Hawaiian  Shell  News  39(1 1):5. 

. F41Q 
v.  XXXII 

ISSN  0738-9388 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

Volume:  XXXII  May  11,  2000  Number:  5 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Kay  Klaus 
Kay  Klaus 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 
Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 
Club/index. html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Species  Identification:  A Discussion  of  Genetic  vs  Morphologic  Methods 

Club  member  Kent  Trego  will  give  a shell  and  animal  characters  and/or  genetic 

presentation  discussing  identification  of  species  using  characters.  He  will  illustrate  his  talk  with  slides. 

Big  Sale  of  New  Plastic  Boxes  (see  page  70) 

Meeting  date:  May  18,  2000 
Shells  of  the  month:  epitoniums 


Club  news  70 

The  Marquesas  Islands  (French  Polynesia)  - a preliminary  and  brief  account  of  molluscan  finds  resulting 
from  a recent  expedition. 

Clay  Bryce 71 

A record  size  for  the  razor  clam  Siliqua  patula 
John  A.  Bishop 


Page  70 


Vol.  XXXU(5):  2000 


The  Auction/Potluck 

The  affair  was  a huge  success!  Over  fifty  people, 
members  and  guests,  joined  at  Wes  Farmer’s  Clubhouse 
to  enjoy  another  auction/potluck  — and  enjoy  they  did. 
The  activities  began  at  5:00  p.m.  with  Dave’s  punch, 
soft  drinks  and  appetizers  as  members  socialized, 
perused  the  auction  table  with  all  its  treasures,  and  the 
silent  auction  loaded  with  bargains.  At  6:00  p.m.  the 
dinner  began  with  many  special  dishes  prepared  for  the 
occasion.  The  food  was  delicious  and  there  was  an 
abundance  of  it. 

By  7:00  p.m.  when  the  voice  auction  began,  all 
were  sated  and  mellow.  And  what  an  auction  it  was! 
Auctioneer  Carole  Hertz  opened  the  auction  with  the 
usual  instructions  and  then  chose  as  the  first  shell  on  the 
block,  a very  large,  beautiful  Voluta  nodiplicala  and  the 
game  began.  Bidding  was  fast,  fun  and  furious.  Even 
though  the  auction  began  promptly  and  moved  along 
rapidly,  it  didn’t  end  until  10:30  p.m.  And  very  few 
people  left  early  — there  were  still  gems  on  the  table  at 
the  very  end. 

Many  members  worked  hard  to  make  the  affair  the 
fun  it  always  is  --  the  board  members  that  prepare  the 
shells  for  the  auction  and  set  up  the  venue  and  those 
who  remain  to  help  with  the  cleanup.  Then  there  are 
those  friends  who  donated  the  shells  and  related  items 
that  make  the  auction  possible.  They  are:  Ed  Boyd, 
Marge  & Hugh  Bradner,  Twila  Bratcher-Critchlow, 
Billee  Gerrodette,  Carole  & Jules  Hertz,  Linda  & Kim 
Hutsell,  John  Jackson,  Scott  Jordan,  Kirstie  Kaiser,  Kay 
Klaus,  Mike  Mason,  Margaret  & Dave  Mulliner, 
Charlotte  & Hal  Norrid,  Rosemary  & Frank  Pierce, 
Jeanne  & Don  Pisor,  Chuck  Reitz,  Dale  Roberts,  Barry 
Roth,  Nancy  & Bill  Schneider,  Mark  Scott,  Carol 
Skoglund,  Kent  Trego  and  Charlie  Waters.  The  Club’s 
thanks  to  you  all. 

And  last  but  definitely  not  least  — a special  thank 
you  goes  to  Wes  Farmer  who  has  willingly  hosted  the 
party  year  after  year. 

Too  Late  for  the  Roster 

Waters,  Charles,  2703  Hutchison,  Vista,  CA  92084,  (760) 

Trego,  Kent  B.,  441  Ravina  St.,  Apt.  #3,  La  Jolla,  CA 
92037,  (858)  456-7655. 

Change  of  Address 

Levin,  Debra  J.,  1848  Rust  Ridge  PI.  #202,  Corona, 
CA  92881,  (909)  898-3945,  E-mail: 

The  46th  Annual  Greater  San  Diego  Science 
and  Engineering  Fair 

For  the  28th  consecutive  year,  the  San  Diego  Shell 
Club  has  participated  in  the  Science  Fair.  This  year  the 
Club  judges  were  Terry  Arnold  (chair),  Carole  Hertz 
and  Kim  Hutsell. 

Selected  as  this  year’s  Club  winner  was  Heather 
Elizabeth  Ibey,  a 12th  grader  at  Mt.  Miguel  High  School 
who  also  won  a first  place  in  zoology.  Her  winning 
research  project  is  entitled  Mucus  trails  of  marine 
mollusks  — biologically  expensive  or  an  investment? 

Elizabeth  will  choose  a book  award  (offered  each 
year  by  the  Club),  either  Barnes’  Invertebrate  Zoology, 
Ricketts,  Calvin  & Hedgpeth’s  Between  Pacific  Tides  or 
Morris,  Abbott  & Haderlie’s  Intertidal  Invertebrates  of 

A date  will  be  selected  for  Elizabeth  to  present  an 
overview  of  her  winning  project  to  the  Club  and  receive 
the  Club’s  book  award  of  her  choice. 

Plastic  Boxes  for  Sale  at  the  May  Meeting 

New  plastic  boxes  in  a variety  of  sizes  will  be 
available  for  sale  at  bargain  prices  at  the  May  meeting. 

As  always,  all  purchases  are  on  the  honor  system. 
Bring  your  money,  come  early  and  get  some  good  buys. 
The  sizes  are  as  follows:  lVt  x 2 x 1;  2 x 3 x 1 V4 ; 1 xh 
x lxVfc;  3x4x1;  114  x 1 !4x34;  lxlxVi. 
Available  also,  in  various  sizes,  are  used  plastic  boxes 
which  are  free  to  those  who  want  them. 

The  Club’s  remaining  t-shirts  and  sweatshirts  will 
also  be  on  sale.  The  range  of  sizes  is  limited,  however. 

The  Club’s  New  Library  Cabinets 

The  Club  now  has  two  of  the  standing  library 
cabinets  in  Room  104  in  addition  to  its  regular  portable 
library.  This  will  make  the  club’s  books  more  accessible 
to  members  as  well  as  providing  more  space  for  the 
Club’s  growing  library  holdings.  The  transfer  of  some 
of  the  books  to  the  new  cabinets  will  take  place  at  the 
May  meeting. 

Vol.  XXXII(5):  2000 


Page  7 1 




Department  of  Aquatic  Zoology,  Natural  Science 
Western  Australian  Museum 
Department  of  Aquatic  Zoology  (Molluscs),  Francis  St. 

Perth,  6000,  Western  Australia 
brycec@museum.  wa.  gov . au 

The  Marquesas  Islands  have  always  been  remote 
and,  to  most  travelers,  can  still  be  considered  well  off 
the  beaten  track.  The  islands  are  2500  miles  south  of 
Hawai'i  and  900  miles  north  east  of  Tahiti.  They  are 
high,  steep-sided  and  volcanic  in  origin.  The  islands  are 
divided  into  two  groups,  some  60  miles  apart,  and 
consist  of  15  islands  - only  6 are  inhabited  (Figure  1). 
Nuku  Hiva  is  the  largest  island  of  the  archipelago  and, 
like  all  the  rest  of  the  islands,  breathtakingly  beautiful. 
There  is  an  airport  on  the  northern  part  of  Nuku  Hiva, 
which  is  connected  to  the  main  village,  Taiohae,  by  a 2 
hour,  4- wheel  drive  trek  across  the  island  centre. 
Taiohae  is  the  administrative  capital  of  the  region  and 
has  a population  of  around  2000  people.  The  present 
day  population  of  the  Marquesas  Islands  is  around  7500 

The  islands  were  originally  named,  "Te  Henau 
Enana"  or  "Land  of  the  Men”,  by  the  first  inhabitants. 
Their  history  is  long  and  tragic.  It  is  thought  the  islands' 
were  originally  settled  around  AD  500  when 
Polynesians  migrated  from  Tonga  and  Samoa.  European 
contact,  with  all  its  nasties  (armed  conflict,  disease, 
enforced  religion  etc),  decimated  the  Marquesan  culture 
and  population,  which  then  numbered  around  50,000 

The  archipelago  rests  some  9 degrees  below  the 
equator  on  the  boundary  of  two  major  regions  - the  east 
Pacific  Ocean  and  the  west  Pacific  Ocean  faunal  zones. 
The  fauna  of  the  islands  has  many  species  common  to 
Hawai'i  and  the  Tuamotus  and  is  essentially  Indo-west 
Pacific  in  nature.  A degree  of  endemism,  as  a result  of 
geographic  isolation,  is  also  an  important  make-up  of 
the  molluscan  assemblage. 




Mount  tekao  . 

Nuku  Hiva 


Pacific  Ocean 


Fatu  Hiva 

"J-  \ Toa*a*  ’-urn  . 

* ***■ 

Figure  1.  Map  of  the  Marquesas  Islands.  Photo:  H.  Morrison. 

Page  72 


Vol.  XXXII(5):  2000 

Although  I have  not  researched  the  collecting 
history  of  the  islands  it  appears  that  over  the  last  century 
and  a half  organized  scientific  collecting  has  been 
spasmodic.  In  1848  the  sail  ship  "Sulphur",  under  the 
command  of  Captain  Belcher,  dredged  in  Taiohae  Bay, 
Nuku  Hiva  (Figure  2).  Over  a hundred  years  later,  in 
1964,  The  National  Geographic  Society  funded  the 

Smithsonian  Institution  and  the  Bishop  Museum  in  a 
joint  expedition  to  the  islands  on  board  the  "Pele". 
During  this  expedition  specimens  were  collected  by 
various  techniques  - dredging  to  768  feet,  scuba  to  70 
feet,  snorkeling  and  intertidal  collecting.  Nearly  3000 
lots  of  molluscs  were  collected  representing  a wide 
range  of  habitats.  The  Museum  National  d’  Histoire 

Figure  2.  Taiohae  Bay,  Marquesas  Islands. 

Naturelle,  Paris,  has  made  substantial  deep  water 
collections  from  dredging  and  also  some  intertidal 
collections . Private  shell  collecting  has  been  somewhat 
limited  due  to  the  islands  remoteness,  expense  of  getting 
there  and  the  lack  of  dive  operators.  As  such,  shell 
material  is  still  highly  sought  after  on  the  open  market. 

On  the  17th  October  1999  our  group  of  16  people 
arrived  at  Nuku  Hiva  airport  from  Tahiti  under  the 
watchful  and  attentive  care  of  our  travel  host,  Ann 
Fielding  of  Island  Explorations.  The  occupational 
breakdown  of  the  group  is  of  interest  as  it  consisted  of 
biologists  (malacologists,  an  ichthyologist  and  several 
entomologists),  institutional  associates,  holiday  makers 
and  private  shell  collectors.  Group  members, 
represented  to  varying  degrees,  six  institutions;  the 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Western 
Australian  Museum,  Bishop  Museum,  University  of 
Connecticut,  Smithsonian  Institution  and  the  Museum 
National  d’  Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris. 

The  original  itinerary  called  for  us  to  visit  3 islands 
over  15  days  with  a small  contingent  staying  an  extra  6 
days  to  visit  the  remote  island  of  Eiao.  This  plan 
became  the  victim  of  strong  winds  and  a denied 
collecting  permit  for  our  visit  to  Eiao.  A revised 
itinerary  resulted  in  only  2 islands  being  visited,  Nuku 
Hiva  and  Ua  Poa.  All  collecting  was  done  either  by 
snorkeling,  intertidal  collecting  or  by  scuba  from  a 
small  boat  operated  by  the  local  dive  shop  proprietor. 

Vol.  XXXn(5):  2000 


Page  73 

within  the  Indo-west  Pacific  region.  The  species 
identifications  listed  below  are  preliminary  but  still  of 
interest,  either  for  their  rarity,  distribution  status  or 
endemic  uniqueness. 

Cypraea  thomasi  Crosse,  1865  - was  originally 
collected  during  the  "Pele"  voyage  and  wrongly  labeled 
as  C.  beckii  Gaskoin,  1836.  Live  collected  specimens 
are  known  only  from  the  Marquesas  on  fine-rubble 

Cypraea  astaryi  Schilder,  1971  - a particularly 
vivid  color  form  (Color  plate  1,  figure  B). 

Cypraea  mappa  Linnaeus,  1758  - is  rare  with  a 
distinctively  blurred  color  pattern. 

Cypraea  contaminata  Sowerby,  1832  - first  record 
for  the  islands. 

Conus  bullatus  Linnaeus  1758  - very  large 
examples  of  the  species  around  2 inches  long  (Color 
plate  1,  figure  A). 

Conus  gauguini  Richard  & Salvat,  1973  - found 
buried  in  the  sand  pockets  on  rocky  slopes  (Color  plate 
1,  figure  C). 

Conus  nobilis  marchionatus  Hinds,  1843  - albino 
and  chocolate  form  (Color  plate  1,  figure  **). 

Chicoreus  thomasi  (Crosse  & Fischer,  1872)  - 
endemic  to  the  islands. 

Lambis  crocata  pilsbryi  Abbott,  1961  - an  endemic 
subspecies  (Figure  3). 

Cyrtulus  serotinus  Hinds,  1874  - an  endemic 
fasciolarid  (Figure  5) 

Terebra  trochlea  Deshayes,  1857  - endemic  to  the 
islands  (Figure  4). 

A collection  of  opisthobranch  mollusks,  with 
accompanying  photographs,  was  also  made  and  is 
lodged  with  the  Western  Australian  Museum. 

Figure  3.  Lambis  crocata  pilsbryi  Abbott,  1961. 

Figure  4.  Terebra  trochlea  Deshayes,  1857. 

Page  74 


Vol.  XXXII(5):  2000 

Phyllidia  tula  Er.  Marcus  & Ev.  Marcus,  1970 
(Color  plate  1,  fig.  E).  Although  the  coloring  is  paler 
than  normal,  dissection  of  the  forgut  clearly  shows  the 
two  longitudinal  stripes  on  the  oral  tube.  Known  only 
from  Micronesia,  this  record  constitutes  a huge  range 

Fryeria  guamensis  Brunckhorst,  1993.  (Color  plate 
1,  fig.  F).  Marginal  coloration  is  slightly  different. 

Preliminary  dissections  point  to  this  species.  This  is 
another  large  range  extension. 

DNA  tissue  samples  from  encountered  Cypraea 
species  were  also  taken  and  forwarded  to  researcher, 

Chris  Meyers  for  phylogenetic  analysis.  Three  other 
phyla  (fish,  echinoderms  and  insects)  were  also 
recorded  and  selectively  sampled  for  inclusion  in 
institutional  collections. 

The  logistics  of  the  trip  were  facilitated  by  several 
organizers  within  the  participating  group  and  by  the 
diligent  planning  of  Ann  Fielding  of  Island 
Explorations.  The  excellent  diving  services  and  advice 
offered  by  Xavier  Curvat  of  Centre  Plongee  Marquises 
are  also  acknowledged.  I would  also  like  to  thank  all 
members  of  the  expedition  for  the  effort  they  made  in 
collecting  opisthobranch  molluscs  after  my  sudden 
departure  and  to  John  Hoover  and  Kirstie  Kaiser  for  the 
photography  of  the  specimens. 

Figure  5.  Cyrtulus  serotinus  Hinds,  1874. 

Vol.  XXXn(S):  2000 


Page  75 


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Vol.  XXXn(5):  2000 


Page  77 



3026  Freeman  Street,  San  Diego,  Ca.  92106 

To  the  committed  malacologist,  going  on  a fishing 
trip  to  find  shells  might  not  seem  too  logical,  but  that  is 
the  way  it  happened.  In  June  of  1999  I went  with  four 
fishing  friends  to  a “new”  sportsman’s  lodge  located  in 
the  town  of  Sandspit,  in  the  Queen  Charlotte  Islands, 
Canada.  The  accommodation  and  food  were  first  class 
but  after  two  days  of  fishing  out  of  our  scheduled  five 
days,  the  owner’s  two  fishing  boats  were  out  of 
commission.  The  computer  controls  on  the  new  motor 
in  one  ceased  to  function  and  the  second  became 
inoperable  after  smashing  the  lower  unit  on  a rock.  In 
order  to  make  up  for  this  misfortune  he  gave  us  the  use 
of  his  four- wheel-drive  Suburban  and  an  ATV. 

The  Islands  are  a verdant  naturalists’  paradise  and 
the  home  of  the  Haida  Indians.  While  driving  over  the 
roads  we  saw  many  Sitka  black-tailed  deer,  frequent 
brown  bears,  and  a large  number  of  Bald  Eagles.  Along 
the  eastern  and  northern  parts  of  the  Islands  are  miles  of 
sandy  and  rocky  shores  ideal  for  shell  collecting  and 
accessible  by  car. 

On  one  of  our  days  we  crossed  to  the  northern 
island  by  ferry  and  drove  to  the  town  of  Masset.  East  of 
Masset  is  Rose  Spit  Ecological  Reserve  famous  for  its 
agates  and  shells.  A rutted  dirt  road  goes  for  about  20 
miles  along  this  beach  and  it  was  there  that  we  came 
across  a small  shack  in  front  of  a wilderness  home 
where  two  young  girls  were  displaying  their  wares. 
They  had  a good  selection  of  local  shells  but  the  one 
that  caught  my  eye  was  an  unusually  large  specimen  of 
the  razor  clam  Siliqua  patula  (Dixon,  1788)  (Figures  1, 
2).  They  gladly  parted  with  it  and  a number  of  others 
for  the  sum  of  three  American  dollars. 

On  returning  home  I searched  my  copy  of  Registry 
of  World  Record  Size  Shells , 2nd  edition,  by  Hutsell, 
Hutsell  & Pisor,  1999,  and  discovered  that  this  shell  is 
not  listed  there.  Review  of  current  publications  such  as 
Abbott  & Dance  (1986)  and  Abbott  (1974)  give  its  size 
as  130  mm  or  5 to  6 inches  respectively.  The 
measurement  of  this  specimen  is  172  mm  which  should 
make  it  an  undisputed  candidate  for  the  record  size. 

Figure  1.  Siliqua  patula  (Dixon,  1788),  exterior  view  of  a 172  mm 

Page  78 

The  Festlvus 

Received  on:  07-10-2000 


An  application  has  been  submitted  for  its  inclusion  in 
the  Registry. 


1974.  American  Seashells,  2nd  Edition.  Van  Nostrand  Reinhold 

Co.,  New  York  663  pp.,  24  color  pis.,  6405  figs. 

1986.  Compendium  of  Seashells  (Revised).  Madison  Publishing 
Associates,  411  pp.,  illustrated. 

1999.  Registry  of  World  Record  Size  Shells,  2nd  Edition.  Snail’s 
Pace  Productions,  San  Diego,  Ca.  131  pp. 

Figure  2.  Siliqua  paiula,  interior  view  of  specimen  in  Figure  1. 

. F418 
v.  XXXII 
no.  6 
June  8, 

Volume:  XXXII 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

June  8,  2000 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Number:  6 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Kay  Klaus 
Kay  Klaus 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scon 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 
Club/index,  html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Shelling  in  the  Marquesas 

Dr.  Henry  Chaney  of  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  trip  to  the  Marquesas  Islands.  He  will  accompany  his 

Natural  History  will  give  highlights  of  his  recent  dive  talk  with  slides. 

Meeting  date:  June  15,  2000 
Shells  of  the  month:  Shells  of  the  Pacific  islands 


Club  news  80 

Turridae  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda)  from  the  San  Felipe  area,  Baja  California,  Mexico,  in  the  Gemmell 

Carole  M.  Hertz,  Joyce  Gemmell  and  Barbara  W.  Myers 


Page  80 


Vol.  XXXH(6):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - May  18,  2000 

In  the  absence  of  President  Mike  Mason,  Kim 
Hutsell  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  7:45  p.m.  The 
minutes  of  the  March  meeting  were  approved  as  written 
in  The  Festivus. 

Treasurer  Linda  Hutsell  reported  that  the  Club  is 
financially  solvent.  The  Club  did  very  well  at  this  year’s 
auction.  More  color  issues  of  The  Festivus  are  planned, 
though  articles  are  always  needed.  Linda  also  mentioned 
our  new  permanent  library  cases.  Larry  Lovell  recently 
donated  two  SIO  mollusk  catalogs  to  the  library. 

Kim  Hutsell  announced  the  sale  of  new  plastic 
boxes  at  the  back  of  the  room  at  cut-rate  prices.  He 
also  read  a letter  from  member  Roger  Clark  on  a diving 
trip  he  is  leading  to  Ketchikan,  Alaska  and  another 
nearby  location  that  has  incredible  intertidal  collecting. 
The  trip  runs  from  28  July  to  4 August.  For  further 
information,  contact  Roger  Clark  at 
<  > . 

Terry  Arnold,  Chair  of  the  Club’s  Science  Fair 
judging  committee,  introduced  this  year’s  Club  winner, 
Heather  Elizabeth  Ibey,  who  gave  an  overview  of  her 
winning  project.  She  studied  the  mucus  trails  of 
turbans,  whelks,  chitons,  and  limpets.  She  found  that 
the  mucus  trails  serve  to  attract  prey  for  the  mollusks  to 
feed  on.  She  was  awarded  Barnes’  Invertebrate  Zoology 
for  her  project  prize.  She  will  be  studying  biology  at 
UCSD  this  fall. 

Kim  introduced  the  speaker  for  the  evening,  Kent 
Trego.  Kent’s  interest  is  in  Nautilus,  and  his 
presentation  included  slides  of  the  various  species. 
Nautilus  pompilius  is  banded  as  a juvenile  and  then  is 
banded  and  white  as  an  adult  shell.  Patterns  are  never 
found  in  the  albino  form  from  the  Philippines.  Nautilus 
scrobiculatus  has  some  pattern  variation;  it  has  no 
albino  form  and  has  accented  growth  lines.  Nautilus 

macrophyllus  has  no  albino  form,  has  a wide 
umbilicus,  and  is  a branch  formed  from  pompilius. 
Kent  mentioned  that  molecular  data  is  providing  useful 
information  about  systematics.  Kim  commented  that 
this  kind  of  data  is  revealing  that  there  are  not  as  many 
subspecies  as  previously  thought.  Kent  suggested  that 
this  varies  from  family  to  family.  There  was  a lively 
debate  on  this  subject;  it  will  require  a lot  more  study. 

The  winner  of  the  shell  drawing  was  John 
LaGrange.  Thanks  to  Ron  Deems  for  the  delicious 
refreshments.  The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  8:45 

Silvana  Vollero 

New  Members 

Clark,  Roger,  1839  Arthur  St.,  Klamath  Falls,  OR 
97603-4617,  (541)  883-7582,  E-mail: 

<  > . 

The  Bailey-Matthews  Shell  Museum,  P.O.  Box  1580, 
Sanibel  Island,  FL  33957,  (941)395-2233,  FAX 
(941)  395-6706,  E-mail:  < > . 

New  Bivalve  Book  Available  at  June  Meeting 

The  long-awaited  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western 
North  America  by  Coan,  Valentich  Scott  and  Bernard 
will  be  available  for  sale  at  the  June  meeting.  The 
profusely-illustrated  book  documents  over  470  species 
from  southern  California  to  northern  Alaska,  from  the 
intertidal  zone  to  depths  of  more  than  4,500  meters. 

Giant  Reprint  Sale 

There  will  be  a hugh  sale  of  reprints  of  papers  on 
mollusks  donated  by  the  June  King  estate.  In  addition, 
there  also  will  be  some  books  on  natural  history 

Rudolf  Stohler 
Ruth  D.  Turner 

Vol.  XXXD(6):  2000 


Page  81 



Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105-2936,  USA 


Ridgecrest,  13594  Highway  8,  Business,  Space  50,  Lakeside,  CA  92040,  USA 


Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105-2936,  USA 

Abstract:  Forty  species  of  turrids  in  24  genera  were  identified  in  the  Gemmell  Collection  from  the  San  Felipe  area. 
Nine  of  the  species  are  reported  for  the  first  time  in  the  northern  Golfo  de  California  (also  referred  to  herein  as  “the 

Introduction : Dali  ( 1 9 1 9) , in  his  major  review  of  the 

Turridae,  described  over  89  species  from  the  Panamic 
Province  fauna.  Powell  (1966)  monographed  the 
worldwide  turrid  genera  emphasizing  the  importance  of 
the  posterior  anal  sinus  for  classification.  McLean  in 
Keen  (1971),  the  last  major  study,  was  a revision  of  the 
eastern  Pacific  Turridae.  Since  that  time,  new  Panamic 
Turridae  have  been  described,  but  no  major  review  has 
been  undertaken  (see  Skoglund,  1992). 

In  our  continuing  study  of  the  mollusks  from  the 
Gemmell  Collection,  we  here  present  an  annotated 
listing  of  the  Turridae  species  collected  by  Gemmell 
from  San  Felipe  to  San  Luis  Gonzaga  in  the 
northwestern  Gulf  of  California  from  1965  to  1976. 
Specimens  were  either  dredged,  collected  in  grunge, 
from  sea  star  stomachs,  or  found  intertidally.  Unless 
otherwise  noted,  all  material  was  collected  by  Gemmell 
and  is  in  the  Gemmell  Collection.  It  is  housed,  at  this 
time,  in  the  San  Diego  Natural  History  Museum. 

Format:  The  species  are  arranged  in  taxonomic  order 
according  to  McLean  in  Keen  (1971)  and  Skoglund 
(1992).  An  asterisk  before  a species  indicates  a range 
extension.  Keen  numbers  are  used  to  facilitate  the 
finding  of  the  illustrations  in  Keen  (1971).  “Figured” 
indicates  the  species  was  not  illustrated  in  the  original 
description,  “Also  figured”  denotes  an  additional  figure 
reference  although  it  has  already  been  illustrated  in  the 
original  description. 

Each  species  entry  is  followed  by  the  original 
citation,  synonyms  if  present,  number  of  specimens  and 
size  range,  collecting  data  for  the  species,  remarks,  if 
any,  and  current  known  distribution. 

Under  Distribution,  we  refer  to  the  “head  of  the 
Gulf,”  “throughout  the  Gulf,”  “northern  Gulf,”  or  “the 
Gulf,”  all  referring  to  the  Gulf  of  California.  This  is  a 
result  of  the  varying  entries  in  Keen  (1971).  Hertz 
wrote  to  Dr.  Keen  concerning  these  different  entries, 
and  in  a letter  written  in  1981,  Dr.  Keen  stated,  “My 

^Mailing  address:  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

2Mailing  address:  3761  Mt.  Augustus  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Page  82 


Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 

recollection  of  what  I intended  about  ranges  ‘to’  and 
‘into’  the  Gulf  of  California  is  that  I deliberately  left  it 
a little  fuzzy.  If  I had  definite  records  of  species  in  the 
northern  end  of  the  Gulf,  I was  careful  to  say  ‘to  and 
through’  the  Gulf.  If  the  documentation  was  not  clear 
(many  older  workers  would  say  ‘Gulf  of  Calif.’  when 
they  really  only  meant  ‘West  Mexico’),  I left  it  for 
future  workers  to  determine  how  far  up  the  Gulf  the 
long-ranging  forms  might  go  ....” 

The  species  which  are  range  extensions  are  figured 
herein.  All  the  drawings  were  done  by  Gemmell  with 
the  aid  of  a camera  lucida  attachment  to  a Wild 


Genus  Hormospira  Berry,  1958 

Hormospira  maculosa  (Sowerby,  1834) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  (for 
1833):  135.  Figured:  Keen  #1575. 

Specimens  collected:  39  specimens  19.5-56.2  mm,  San 
Felipe  at  Ensenada  Blanca  and  Playa  Alicia  35  km 
(22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  January  1964,  intertidal  on 
sand  bars,  live  collected. 

Remarks:  Gemmell ’s  notes  state  “on  sand  bars  south  to 
Puertecitos  ....”  Hertz  & Hertz,  1975:  36,  figured  the 
species  and  its  egg  capsules. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico, 
to  Guayaquil,  Ecuador,  intertidally  to  30  m (McLean  in 
Keen,  1971);  Olsson  (1971)  extended  the  depth  to  117  m. 

Subfamily  DRILLINAE  Morrison,  1966 
Genus  Kylix  Dali,  1919 

Kylix  hecuba  (Dali,  1919) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  56: 
9,  pi.  20,  fig.  9.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1595. 

Specimens  collected:  49  specimens,  6.9-18.6  mm, 
Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  on 
sand  bar  on  minus  1.5  m (-5  ft)  low  tide,  26  April 

6 specimens,  6.0-10.0  mm,  dredged  by  fishing  boat 
Chamizal  I [station  C]  (31°20T8"N  to  31°02’30"N 
and  114°41’W  to  114°48’W),  1-8  km  (.75  to  5 mi) 
offshore,  N of  Pta.  San  Felipe,  in  sand  and  mud 

to  embedded  rock  rubble  in  20-48  m (11-26  fm), 
28  June  1968. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia  Concepcion  on 
west  coast  of  Baja  California  to  Puerto  Penas co,  Sonora, 
Mexico  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Bahia  San  Carlos, 
Sonora  (Poorman  & Poorman,  1988). 

Genus  Drillia  Gray,  1838 

Drillia  cunninghamae  McLean  & Poorman,  1971 

The  Veliger  14(1):  95,  fig.  14.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1619  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  20-22.5  mm,  Bahia 
San  Luis  Gonzaga,  dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal 
H [station  10]  (29°49'36”N,  114021'42"W),  E side 
of  Isla  Willard,  0.8  km  (0.5  mi)  N of  S end  of 
island,  in  sand  and  pumice  in  18-27  m (10-15  fin),  10  July 

Distribution:  Sonora  from  Rio  Tastiota  to  Guaymas 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  off  Nayarit,  (Reguero  & 
Garcia  Cubas,  1987);  across  Gulf  to  off  Isla  Danzante 
in  60-90  m (Skoglund,  1991). 

Drillia  roseola  (Hertlein  & Strong,  1955) 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 
107(2):  221-223,  pi.  2,  fig.  27.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1621  (syntype). 

Synonym:  Plewrotoma  rosea  Sowerby,  1834,  not  Quoy 
& Gaimard,  1833. 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  22.5-26.0  mm, 
dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  II  [station  10] 
(29049'36"N,  114°21'42"W),  E side  of  Isla  Willard, 
0.8  km  (0.5  mi)  N of  S end  of  island,  in  sand  and 
pumice  in  18-27  m (10-15  fin),  10  July  1969. 
Remarks:  Some  specimens  of  D.  roseola  have  spiral 
lines  but  they  are  much  finer  and  not  all  over  as  in  D. 
cunninghamae.  The  species  was  described  as  a 

Distribution:  Golfo  de  Tehuantepec,  Mexico,  Bahia 
Octavia,  Colombia  and  off  Cabo  Pasado,  Ecuador 
(Hertlein  & Strong,  1955);  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia 
Santa  Elena,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Bahia 
San  Carlos,  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico  (Poorman  & 
Poorman,  1988). 

Genus  Globidrillia  Woodring,  1928 

Vol.  XXXH(6):  2000 


Page  83 

Globidrillia  means  (Hinds,  1843) 

Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History  11:  18. 
Figured:  Keen  #1630. 

Synonym:  Elaeocyma  aeolia  Dali,  1919. 

Specimens  collected:  394  specimens,  4. 6-9. 6 mm, 
collected  intertidally  at  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi) 
S of  San  Felipe  on  minus  tides  -1.5  m (-5  ft),  on 
sand,  20  May  1967  to  April  1968  and  May  1971. 
Remarks:  From  GemmelTs  notes,  “Also  found  in 
seas  tar  stomachs  occasionally.” 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia  Santa  Elena, 
Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Subfamily  TURRINAE 
Genus  Polystira  Woodring,  1928 

* Poly  stir  a oxytropis  (Sowerby,  1834) 

(Figure  1) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  135.  Figured:  Keen  #1648  (holotype  of  P.  artia) 

Synonyms:  Pleurotoma  albicarinata  Sowerby,  1870; 
Pleuroliria  artia  and  P.  parthenia  both  of  Berry,  1957. 
Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  6.8  mm,  dredged  by 
fishing  boat  Chamizal  II,  [station  10]  (29°49'36"N, 

1 14°21 ,42"W),  E side  of  Isla  Willard,  Bahia  San 
Luis  Gonzaga,  in  18-27  m (10-15  fin),  in  sand  and 
pumice,  10  July  1969. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  on  the 
east  side  of  the  Baja  peninsula. 

Distribution:  Isla  Cedros,  Baja  California,  N in  Gulf 
to  Bahia  Tepoca,  Sonora,  Mexico,  and  S to  La  Libertad, 
Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Isla  Gorgona, 
Colombia  (Cosel,  1984);  off  Bahia  San  Carlos,  Sonora 
(Poorman  & Poorman,  1988). 

Subfamily  COCHLESPIRINAE  PoweU,  1942 
Genus  Knefastia  Dali,  1919 

Knefastia  dalli  Bartsch,  1944 

Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of  Washington  57: 
28.  Figured:  Keen  #1656. 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  45.1  & 55.5  mm, 
Puertecitos,  W side  of  bay,  28  December  1966,  live 

Figure  1.  Polystira  oxytropis  (Sowerby,  1834),  apertural  view  of 
juvenile  specimen,  6.8  mm,  dredged,  San  Luis  Gonzaga  in  18-27  m, 
10  July  1969. 

5 specimens,  24.0-49.6  mm,  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga, 
20  April  1966,  live  collected. 

21  specimens,  27.3-63.4  mm,  Playa  Namar,  8 km  (5 
mi)  S of  Agua  Chale  [Sulphur  Mine]  to  Bahia 
Willard,  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  1965-1967,  live 

1 specimen,  57.3  mm,  Puertecitos,  W side  of  bay  at  low 
tide,  March  1965,  live  collected. 

Remarks:  From  GemmelTs  notes:  “all  found  on  and 
among  mossy  rocks  ...  observed  small  orange 
specimens  with  large  brown  specimen  ...  Knefastia 
found  bumping  in  sand  around  base  of  rocks  north  of 
Puertecitos.  In  spring  March  ‘65  on  large  boulders 
bedded  in  sand  clustered  copulating  both  colors 
[together].  Dark  brown  periostracum  and  orange  or 
horn  colored.  ” 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Guaymas,  Sonora 
and  La  Paz,  Baja  California  Sur  (McLean  in  Keen, 

Genus  Crassispira  Swainson,  1840 

Page  84 


Vol.  XXXn(6):  2000 

*Crassispira  maura  (Sowerby,  1834) 

(Figure  2) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  134.  Figured:  Keen  #1676. 

Synonyms:  Turricula  nigricans  Dali,  1919;  Drillia 
inaequistriata  Li,  1930;  Crassispira  perla  M.  Smith,  1947. 
Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  38.3  mm,  Radar 

Beach,  San  Felipe,  leg.  P.  Clover,  June  1968, 
collected  dead. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  this  species  from 
San  Felipe.  This  specimen  is  now  in  the  Gemmell 

Distribution:  Bahia  de  los  Angeles,  Golfo  de  California 
to  Bahia  Santa  Elena,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen, 

Crassispira  unicolor  (Sowerby,  1834) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  138.  Figured:  Keen  #1679  (holotype  of  C. 

Synonyms:  C.  erebus  Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932;  C. 

tangolaensis  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951. 

Specimens  collected:  74  specimens,  12.0-26.3  mm, 
San  Felipe,  intertidal  among  rocks,  March  1968. 
Distribution:  The  species  is  reported  from  the  head  of 
the  Gulf  to  Bahia  Santa  Elena,  Ecuador  (McLean  in 
Keen,  1971). 

Crassispira  bifurca  (E.  A.  Smith,  1888) 
(Figures  3-7) 

Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History:  [series  6] 
2(10):  308-309.  Figured:  Keen  #1691. 

Synonym:  Crassispira  flavonodosa  of  authors,  not 
Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932. 

Specimens  collected:  108  specimens,  6.8-17.3  mm, 
Pta.  San  Felipe  and  south,  among  rods,  March  1968. 
Remarks:  Gemmell’s  notes  state  “also  at  Playa  Alicia, 
S of  San  Felipe.” 

We  had  difficulty  separating  this  species  from 
Pilsbryspira  nymphia,  both  from  the  head  of  the  Gulf, 
although  the  two  species  are  in  different  genera.  Both 
species  are  about  the  same  size  and  color  with  sculpture 
of  large  tubercles  on  the  periphery  and  a deep  anal 
sinus.  According  to  McLean  in  Keen  (1971:  720),  C. 

Figure  2.  Crassispira  maura  (Sowerby,  1834),  detail  of  aperture  of 
38.3  mm  specimen  showing  tubercle  on  parietal  wall.  Radar  Beach, 
San  Felipe,  collected  dead  by  P.  Clover,  June  1968.  Gemmell 

bifurca  has  a “parietal  callus  nearly  obstructing  the 
opening”  whereas  P.  nymphia  has  no  callus.  In 
specimens  with  an  immature  lip,  however,  this  is  often 
not  discernible.  We  found  the  sculptural  details  as 
shown  in  the  annotated  drawings  most  helpful  (Figures 
3-7).  In  Crassispira  bifurca  there  is  a row  of  large 
yellowish- white  nodes  at  the  periphery  of  each  whorl. 
Below  each  node  on  the  body  whorl  there  appears  to  be 
an  axial  riblet  which  is  actually  a double  row  of  smaller 
rounded  nodes,  hence  the  name  bifurca.  Pilsbryspira 
nymphia , by  contrast,  has  a row  of  large  bicolored 
nodes  on  the  periphery  which  are  orange  above  and 
white  below.  Immediately  beneath  these  nodes  on  the 
spire  is  a heavy  orange,  sinuous  cord  which  appears 
node-like  (Figure  6).  On  the  body  whorl  the  sinuous 
cord  is  absent  and  instead  there  are  rows  of 
disconnected  flattened  nodes,  elongate  horizontally. 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 

Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Guaymas, 
Sonora,  Mexico  (DuShane  & Poorman,  1967  [as 

Vol.  XXXD(6):  2000 


Page  85 

Figures  3-7.  (3-  5)  Crassispira  bifurca  (E.  A.  Smith,  1888),  6.8  mm,  Pta.  San  Felipe,  among  rocks,  March  1968.  (3)  apertural  view  (4)  detail 
of  aperture  (5)  detail  of  sinus  showing  callus  and  suture.  (6,  7)  Pilsbryspira  nymphia  (Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932),  5.5  mm,  Campo  Uno,  San  Felipe, 
November  1971  (6)  apertural  view  of  5.0  mm  specimen  (7)  detail  of  sinus  showing  sutural  slot  and  lack  of  callus. 

Crassipira  kluthi  E.  K.  Jordan,  1936 

Contributions  from  the  Department  of  Geology  of 
Stanford  University  1(4):  153,  pi,  18,  fig.l  Also 
figured:  Keen  # 1699  (holotype  of  S.  lucasensis ). 

Synonyms:  Clavatula  luctuosa  Hinds,  1843,  not 

Pleurotoma  luctuosa  Orbigny,  1842;  Striospira 
lucasensis  and  S.  tabogensis  both  of  Bartsch,  1950. 
Specimens  collected:  51  specimens,  11.6-18.0  mm, 
Pta.  San  Felipe,  between  and  under  stones. 

1 specimen,  12.4  mm,  San  Felipe,  June  1969,  from 
seas  tar  stomach. 

Distribution:  Isla  Cedros,  Baja  California,  outer  coast 
throughout  the  Gulf,  S to  Isla  Salango,  Ecuador 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Guaymas,  Sonora  (DuShane 
& Poorman,  1967). 

* Crassispira  xanti  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951 
(Figures  8,  9) 

Eastern  Pacific  expeditions  of  the  New  York  Zoological 
society.  XLIII.  Mollusks  from  the  west  coast  of  Mexico 
and  Central  America.  Part  X.  Zoologica,  NY,  36:  74- 
75,  pi.  1,  fig.  3.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1702  (holotype). 
Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  14.0  & 15.1  mm, 

Figures  8,  9.  Crassispira  xanti  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951,  14.3  mm 
specimen,  dredged  by  fishing  boat,  Chamizol  I,  off  Agua  Chale  in  2-3 
m,  27  June  1968  (8)  apertural  view  (9)  detail  of  spire. 

Page  86 


Vol.  XXXE(6):  2000 

dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  I,  [stations  4-5] 
(30°41'N  to  30°51'12"N  and  114°32'W  to 
1 14°4rW),  3-13  km  (2-8  mi)  off  Agua  Chale,  in  9- 
18  m (5-10  fm),  27  June  1968. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  this  species  in  the 
San  Felipe  area. 

Distribution:  Pta.  Lobos,  Sonora  to  Bahia  Santa  Elena, 
Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Puertecitos,  Baja 
California  (DuShane,  1962);  Guaymas,  Sonora 
(DuShane  & Poorman,  1967). 

Crassispira  pluto  Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932 

Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of 
Philadelphia  84:  49-50,  pi.  2,  fig.  12.  Also  figured: 
Keen  #1706  (holotype,  left). 

Specimens  collected:  25  specimens,  11.7-19.6  mm, 
Pta.  San  Felipe. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Guaymas,  Sonora, 
Mexico,  on  the  east  and  Cabo  San  Lucas  on  the  west 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Consag  Rock,  San  Felipe 
(DuShane  & Brennan,  1969);  Puertecitos  (DuShane, 
1962);  San  Luis  Gonzaga  (DuShane  & Sphon,  1968). 

Genus  Lioglypho stoma  Woodring,  1928 

^Lioglyphostoma  ericea  (Hinds,  1843) 

(Figures  10,  11) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  39.  Figured:  Keen  #1714. 

Synonyms:  Gtyphostoma  sirena  Dali,  1919;  Clathurella 
erminiana  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951. 

Specimens  collected:  1 specimen  (juv.),  9.0  mm, 
dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  II  [station  7] 
(30°04'54"N,  114°34'00”  W),  Wof  S end  of  El 
Muerto,  in  sandy  grunge  in  15  m (8  fin),  9 July  1969. 

1 specimen,  10.0  mm,  dredged  by  fishing  boat 
Chamizal  H [station  10]  (29°49’36"N, 

114°21,42"W),  E side  of  Isla  Willard,  0.8  km  (0.5 
mi)  N of  S end  of  island  in  fine  sand  and  pumice  in 
18-27  m (10-15  fin),  10  July  1969. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the 
northern  Golfo  de  California. 

Distribution:  Isla  Tiburon,  Golfo  de  California  to  Isla 
Gorgona,  Colombia  and  the  Islas  Galapagos  in  40-120 
m (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Genus  Miraclaxhurella  Woodring,  1928 

Figures  10,  11.  Lio gtyphostoma  ericea  (Hinds,  1843),  10.0  mm, 
dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  n,  E side  of  Isla  Willard,  San  Luis 
Gonzaga,  in  18-27  m in  sand  and  pumice,  10  July  1969  (10)  apertural 
view  (11)  detail  of  spire. 

Miraclathurella  bicanalifera  (Sowerby,  1834) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  136.  Figured:  Keen  #1719  (holotype  of 
Lioglyphostoma  acapidcanum) . 

Synonyms:  Pleurotoma  variculosa  Sowerby,  1834;  P. 
gracillima  Carpenter,  1856;  Lioglyphostoma 
acapulcanum  Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932. 

Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  19.9  mm,  off  Pta. 

Estrella,  San  Felipe,  in  seastar  stomach,  June  1968. 
Remarks:  Specimen  cited  in  Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers 
(1980:  46)  not  found. 

Distribution:  Consag  Rock,  San  Felipe,  Baja  California 
[as  Clathurella  acapulcana]  (DuShane  & Brennan, 
1969;  Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers,  1980);  to  Puerto 
Utria,  Colombia  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Genus  Carinodrillia 

Carinodrillia  hexagona  (Sowerby,  1834) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London  [for 
1833]:  139.  Figured:  Keen  #1725  (holotype  of 
Clathrodrillia  pilsbryi). 

Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 


Page  87 

Synonym:  Clathrodrillia  pilsbryi  Lowe,  1935 
Specimens  collected:  31  specimens,  12.7-25.4  mm, 
San  Felipe,  intertidal,  live  collected,  May  1976. 

37  specimens,  11.0-26.9  mm,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22 
mi)  S of  San  Felipe  and  Ensenada  Blanca,  San 
Felipe,  intertidal,  live  collected  on  outer  edges  of 
rocks,  May  1967  and  April-May  1973. 

1 specimen,  13.4  mm,  dredged  by  fishing  boat 
Chamizal  D,  [station  10]  (29°49'36nN, 

114021’42"W),  E side  of  Isla  Willard,  Bahia  San 
Luis  Gonzaga,  0.8  km  (0.5  mi)  N of  S end  of  island, 
in  18-27  m (10-15  fm)  in  sand  and  pumice,  10  July 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  La  Libertad,  Ecuador 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Genus  Strictispira  McLean,  1971 

Strictispira  stillmani  Shasky,  1971 

The  Veliger  14(1):  68-69,  fig.  3.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1728  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  7 specimens,  12.0-12.6  mm,  Pta. 
San  Felipe  and  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San 
Felipe,  1968,  collected  live. 

25  specimens  12.6-15.4  mm,  Pta.  San  Felipe  and  S, 
around  small  rocks,  collected  prior  to  1969. 
Remarks:  Gemmell’s  notes  state,  “alive  - San  Felipe 
Point  to  Puertecitos.” 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia  de  Panama 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Manabi  Province,  Ecuador 
(Shasky,  1984). 

Genus  Zonulispira  Bartsch,  1950 

Zonulispira  grandimaculata  (C.  B.  Adams,  1852) 

Catalogue  of  Shells  Collected  at  Panama,  pp.  143-144. 
Figured:  Turner  (1956,  vol.  2(20),  pi.  7,  fig.  9);  Keen 

Synonyms:  Crassispira  dirce  Dali,  1919;  Z.  reigeni 
Bartsch,  1950. 

Specimens  collected:  38  specimens,  8.0-20.0  mm,  Pta. 
San  Felipe,  live  collected. 

Remarks:  GemmeU’s  notes  indicate  specimens  found 

from  San  Felipe  to  Puertecitos  “not  common.  ” 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 

Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Genus  Compsodrillia  Woodring,  1928 

Compsodrillia  albonodosa  (Carpenter,  1857) 

Catalogue  of  the  Collection  of  Mazatlan  Shells  ...  p. 
397.  Figured:  Keen  #1733. 

Synonym:  Carinodrillia  kalis  soror  Pilsbry  & Lowe, 

Specimens  collected:  7 specimens,  6. 4-9. 6 mm,  Pta. 

Estrella,  San  Felipe,  May  1968. 

109  specimens,  5.0-18.7  mm,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22 
mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  live  on  sand  at  minus  1 m (-4  ft) 
tide,  March  1976. 

92  specimens,  6.7  - 18.7  mm,  San  Felipe,  live  on 
extreme  minus  tides,  19  April  1975. 

1 juvenile  specimen,  8.0  mm,  dredged  by  fishing  boat 
Chamizal  I,  [station  A]  (30°41'12"N, 
1 14°40'01  ”W),  3.2  km  (2  mi),  off  Pta.  Estrella,  San 
Felipe,  on  sand  in  9 m (5  fm)  from  seas  tar  stomachs, 
27  June  1968. 

Distribution:  Consag  Rock,  San  Felipe  (DuShane  & 
Brennan,  1969);  Guaymas,  Sonora  (Dushane  & 
Poorman,  1967);  Gulf  to  Bahia  Banderas  (McLean  in 
Keen,  1971);  Pta.  Estrella,  San  Felipe  from  seas  tars 
(Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers,  1980). 

Compsodrillia  alcestis  (Dali,  1919) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  18,  pi.  5,  fig.  6.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1734 

Synonym:  Carinodrillia  dariena  Olsson,  1971. 
Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  5.0  mm,  dredged  by 
fishing  boat  Chamizal  I,  [station  A]  (30°41'N  to 
30°51'12"N  and  114°32’W  to  114°41'W),  Pta. 
Estrella,  San  Felipe,  offshore  on  sand  in  9-18  m (5- 
10  fm),  from  seas  tar  stomachs,  27  June  1968. 
Remarks:  See  Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers  (1980:  46,  fig. 

Distribution:  Guaymas,  Sonora,  to  Puerto  Utria, 
Colombia  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Consag  Rock,  San 
Felipe  (DuShane  & Brennan,  1969);  Pta  Estrella,  San 

Page  88 


Vol.  XXXE(6):  2000 

Felipe  (Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers,  1980). 

Compsodrillia  haliplexa  (Dali,  1919) 

(Figures  12,  13) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  19,  pi.  5,  fig.  5.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1739. 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  19.4  & 24.2  mm, 
Campo  Uno,  Pta.  San  Felipe,  in  mud  at  minus  lm  (- 
4 ft)  tide,  16  January  1968. 

2 specimens,  25.0  & 26.3  mm,  Play  a Alicia,  35  km  (22 
mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  one  dead,  one  collected  living, 
17  March  1968. 

1 specimen,  12.7  mm,  Playa  Laguna,  San  Felipe,  leg. 
P.  Clover,  dead  collected,  Gemmell  Collection,  17 
March  1968. 

1 specimen,  15.5  mm,  Bahia  San  Felipe,  October  1971. 
Distribution:  Bahia  Magdalena,  outer  coast  of  Baja 
California,  through  the  Gulf  and  S to  Bahia  Santa  Elena, 
Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Pilsbryspira  Bartsch,  1950 

*Pilsbryspira  bacchia  (Dali,  1919) 

(Figures  14,  15) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  25,  pi.  6,  fig.  1.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1755. 

Specimens  collected:  82  specimens,  6.0-14.5  mm,  Pta. 
San  Felipe  to  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San 
Felipe,  around  and  under  stones,  in  mud,  collected 
living,  1967,  1968,  1973. 

Remarks:  Gemmell ’s  notes  state,  “collected  all  year 
round”  interti dally.  This  is  the  first  report  of  the 
species  living  at  San  Felipe. 

Distribution:  Guaymas,  Sonora  to  Cabo  San  Lucas, 
Golfo  de  California  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Manabi 
Province,  Ecuador  (Shasky,  1984). 

Pilsbryspira  nymphia  (Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932) 

(See  Figures  6,  7) 

Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 
Philadelphia  84:  51,  pi.  10,  fig.  11.  Also  figured:  Keen 

Specimens  collected:  30  specimens,  10.5-18.7  mm, 
from  Pta.  San  Felipe,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S 

12  13 

Figures  12,  13.  Compsodrillia  haliplexa  (Dali,  1919),  24.2  mm 
specimen,  Campo  Uno,  Pta.  San  Felipe,  intertidal,  minus  1.2  m tide, 
16  January  1968  (12)  apertural  view  (13)  view  of  protoconch. 

of  San  Felipe,  Puertecitos,  and  Bahia  San  Luis 

1 specimen,  5.5  mm,  Campo  Uno,  San  Felipe, 
November  1971. 

Remarks:  Gemmell ’s  notes  state,  “ C.  bifurca  more 
common”  [than  P.  nymphia]. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Guaymas  and  Cabo 
San  Lucas  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Bahia  Willard  and 
San  Luis  Gonzaga  (DuShane  & Sphon,  1968);  Guaymas 
(DuShane  & Poorman,  1967);  Puertecitos  (DuShane, 
1962);  off  Bahia  San  Carlos,  Sonora  (Poorman  & 
Poorman,  1988). 

Genus  Nannodiella  Dali,  1919 
Nannodiella  nana  (Dali,  1919) 

(Figures  16,  17) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  59-60,  pi.  20,  fig.  7.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1778  (holotype). 

Vol.  XXXH(6):  2000 


Page  89 

Figures  14-17.  (14,  15)  Pilsbryspira  bacchia  (Dali,  1919),  6.0  mm  specimen,  Pta.  San  Felipe,  living  around  and  under  stones,  1967  (14) 
apertural  view  (15)  detail  of  spire.  (16,  17).  NannodieUa  nana  (Dali,  1919),  4.9  mm  specimen,  dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  D,  W of  Isla 
Salvatierra,  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  in  fine  grunge  in  26  m,  8-9  July  1969  (16)  apertural  view  (17)  three  protoconch  views,  shown  from  above. 

Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  4.9  mm,  dredged  by 
fishing  boat  Chamizal  n,  [station  5] 
(29°57'48"N,114°28'00"W),  W of  Isla  Salvatierra, 
Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  in  fine  grunge  taken  on 
broken  shell  bottom,  in  26  m (14  fin),  8-9  July 

Distribution:  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  Golfo  de 
California  to  Isla  Gorgona,  Colombia  (McLean  in  Keen, 
1971);  Manabi  Province,  Ecuador  (Shasky,  1984). 

Genus  Glyphostoma  Gabb,  1872 
Glyphostoma  neglecta  (Hinds,  1843) 

(Figures  18-19) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society,  London  [for 
1843]:  45.  Figured:  Keen  #1781  (holotype  of 
Liogtyphostoma  armstrongi). 

Synonyms:  Defrancia  intercalaris  Carpenter,  1856; 
ClathureUa  aurea  Carpenter,  1857;  Glyphostoma  adria 
and  G.  adorn  Dali,  1919;  Liogtyphostoma  armstrongi 
Hertlein  & Strong,  1951;  Glyphostoma  myrakeenae 
Olsson,  1964. 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  13.8-15.1  mm, 
Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe, 

18  19 

Figures  18,  19.  Glyphostoma  neglecta  (Hinds,  1843),  15.0  mm, 
Playa  Alicia,  32  km  S of  San  Felipe,  living,  on  minus  tide.  May 
1970  (18)  apertural  view  (19)  dorsal  view. 

Page  90 


Vol.  XXXn(6):  2000 

collected  live  on  minus  tide,  May  1970. 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 
Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  off  Bahia 
San  Carlos,  Sonora  (Poorman  & Poorman,  1988). 

Subfamily  MANGELHNAE 
Genus  Kurtziella  Dali,  1918 

Kurtziella  antiochroa  (Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932) 
(Figures  20-26) 

Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of 
Philadelphia  84:  56,  pi.  3,  fig.  8.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1788  (holotype). 

Possible  synonym:  Mangelia  cymatias  Pilsbry  & Lowe, 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  2.0  & 3.0  mm, 
[station  D]  (31°  12’  12"  N to  31°  12' N and 
114°17'36"W  to  114°31’30"W),  dredged  by  fishing 
boat  Chamizal  I,  5 -16  km(3-10  mi)  from  Consag 
Rock,  in  20-38  m (11-21  fin)  on  sand  and  clay, 
in  seas  tar  stomachs,  29  June  1968. 

74  specimens,  4. 0-9. 8 mm,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi) 
S of  San  Felipe,  at  low  tide,  intertidal,  live-collected 
March  1976. 

Remarks:  In  Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers  (1980:  46),  we 
reported  on  two  juvenile  specimens  from  seas  tar 
stomachs  and  their  resemblance  to  the  synonym  K. 
cymatias , concluding  that  they  were  K.  antiochroa. 
Since  that  time,  we  have  examined  74  additional 
specimens  from  juvenile  to  adult  (4.0  to  9.8  mm) 
collected  interti dally  by  Gemmell  and  a lot  of  14 
specimens  collected  by  H.  N.  Lowe  as  cymatias  from 
Puerto  Penas co  in  18  m (10  fm)  (SDNHM  22335). 

We  compared  these  specimens  with  photographs  of 
the  holotypes  of  K.  antiochroa  and  K.  cymatias  (Figures 
20,  21)  as  well  as  paratypes  of  both  nominal  species  in 
the  SDNHM  collection  (SDNHM  51196  [ antiochroa ] 
and  50998  [cymatias])  which  appear  to  be  separate 
species  (Figures  22,  23). 

Some  of  the  Gemmell  specimens  have  a broader 
shell  (by  0.5  to  1.0  mm,  a periphery  with  a stronger 
peripheral  spiral  cord  with  pointed  tubercles  at  the  angle 
of  the  axial  ribs  and  a more  elongate-appearing 
aperture.  These  features  are  pronounced  in  K.  cymatias 
(Figures  21,  23).  The  holotype  and  paratype  of  K. 
antiochroa  appear  to  have  a more  slender  shell  with  a 
smaller  aperture  and  more  prominent  chocolate  colored 
bands  below  the  periphery. 

20  21 

Figures  20,  21.  (20)  Kurtziella  antiochroa  (Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932) 
holotype,  (ANSP  155190),  9.0  mm.  Photo:  V.  O.  Maes.  (21)  K. 
cymatias,  holotype,  (ANSP  155191),  6.0  mm.  Photo:  V.  O.  Maes. 

We  further  examined  the  protoconchs  of  paratypes  of 
the  two  nominal  species  and  the  Gemmell  specimens  and 
found  differences.  All  had  21A-2l/z  whorls.  In  K. 
antiochroa  the  two  whorls  are  smooth,  broadly  rounded 
and  brown,  sculpture  beginning  just  beyond  the  second 
whorl.  In  K.  cymatias  the  protoconch  is  more  conical, 
cream  colored,  the  first  whorl  is  smooth,  the  second 
smooth  but  for  the  beginning  of  a central  spiral  keel 
which  develops  into  the  mature  sculpture  by  2 Vi  whorls 
(Figures  24-26)).  The  protoconch  in  die  Gemmell 
specimens  is  like  that  of  K.  antiochroa. 

The  differences  in  the  protoconch  in  the  two  species 
and  the  sculptural  variation  creates  a question  as  to 
whether  or  not  K.  cymatias  should  be  considered  a 
synonym  of  K.  antiochroa.  Anatomical  work  would  be 
necessary  to  resolve  this  question.  Based  on  the 
protoconch,  the  Gemmell  specimens  are  K.  antiochroa. 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  La  Libertad,  Ecuador 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Kurtziella  powelli  Shasky,  1971 

Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 


Page  91 

2 2 23  24  2b  26 

Figures  22-26.  (22)  K.  anliochroa,  paratype  (SDNHM  511%)  (23)  K.  cymatias , paratype  (SDNHM  50998)  (24)  K.  cmtiochroa , 7.5  mm,  detail 
of  spire  of  Gemmell  specimen,  2 views  (25)  K.  aruiochroa,  8.5  mm  detail  of  spire  of  paratype  (SDNHM  51196),  2 views  (26)  K.  cymatias , 5.2 
mm,  detail  of  spire  of  paratype  (SDNHM  50998),  2 views. 

The  Veliger  14(1):  70-71,  fig.  7.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1790  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  13  specimens,  2.8  - 5.6  mm, 
dredged  by  fishing  boat  Chamizal  I [station  D] 

(31°12,12"N  to  31°12'N  and  114°17’36"W  to 
1 14°31 '30"W),  in  20-38  m (1 1-21  fin),  5-16  km  (3- 
10  mi)  S of  Consag  Rock,  on  sand  and  clay,  in 
seas  tar  stomachs,  29  June  1968. 

2 specimens,  4.1  & 4.7  mm,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22 
mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  in  drift,  March  1969. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 

Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Kurtziella  cyrene  (Dali,  1919) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  62-63,  pi.  21,  fig.  5.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1793  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  2.5-3. 1 mm,  Playa 
Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  in  grunge. 

Remarks:  From  Gemmell’ s notes,  “One  specimen 

trawled  by  shrimp  boat  in  60-80  ft  (18-24  m),  11 
November  1971,  from  seas  tar  stomachs  now  in  B. 
Draper  Collection”  (Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers,  1980:  46). 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia  San  Francisco, 
Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  off  Bahia  San 
Carlos,  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico  (Poorman  & 
Poorman,  1988). 

Tenaturris  Woodring,  1928 

Tenaturris  merita  (Hinds,  1843) 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society,  London  [for 
1843]:  42.  Figured:  Keen  #1798. 

Synonyms:  Cithara  fusconotata  Carpenter,  1864; 
CythareUa  nereis  Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932. 

Specimens  collected:  11  specimens,  7.1-11.2  mm, 
Campo  Uno,  Bahia  San  Felipe,  live  on  and  under 
mossy  rocks,  18  February  1968. 

1 specimen,  7.5  mm,  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga. 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 

Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Page  92 


Vol.  XXXE(6):  2000 

Genus  Kurtzia  Bartsch,  1944 
Kurtzia  arteaga  (Dali  & Bartsch,  1910) 

Canada  Department  of  Mines,  Geological  Survey 
Branch,  Memoir  no.  14-N:  11,  pi.  2,  fig.  4.  Also 
figured:  Keen  #1810. 

Synonyms:  Mangelia  arteaga  var.  roperi  Dali,  1919; 
Kurtzia  gordoni  Bartsch,  1944. 

Specimens  collected:  42  specimens,  2. 0-5.0  mm,  off 
Pta.  Estrella,  San  Felipe,  dredge  trip  on  Chamizal  I 
fishing  boat,  from  seastar  stomachs,  19  June  1968. 
3 specimens,  2. 0-6. 4 mm,  San  Felipe,  in  grunge. 
Distribution:  Vancouver  Island,  British  Columbia, 

throughout  the  Gulf  and  S to  the  Golfo  de  Tehuantepec 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  at  Consag  Rock  [as  Mangelia 
roperi\  (DuShane  & Brennan,  1969);  from  Guaymas, 
Sonora  [as  M.  roperi ] (DuShane  & Poorman,  1967). 

Genus  Agathotoma  Cossmann,  1899 
Agathotoma  alcippe  (Dali,  1918) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
54(2238):  333.  Figured:  Keen  #1816  (holotype  of 
Cytharella  euryclea). 

Synonyms:  Pleurotoma  parilis  E.  A.  Smith,  1888,  not 
Edwards,  1860;  Cytharella  euryclea  and  C.  pyrrhula, 
both  of  Dali,  1919. 

Specimens  collected:  26  specimens,  4.8  - 6.3  mm, 
Campo  Uno,  San  Felipe,  live  under  and  on  sides  of 
small  rocks  at  minus  1.5  m (-5  ft)  tide,  February 

4 specimens,  6. 1-7.0  mm,  San  Felipe. 

Remarks:  GemmelTs  notes  state  also  “Playa  Alicia 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Santa  Elena 

Peninsula,  Ecuador  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

*Agathotoma  neglecta  (C.  B.  Adams,  1852) 
(Figures  27,  28) 

Catalogue  of  Shells  Collected  at  Panama:  149,  R. 
Craighead,  N.Y.  Figured:  Turner,  1956,  pi.  8,  fig.  4; 
Keen  #1819  (holotype). 

Synonyms:  Defrancia  despecta  H.  & A.  Adams,  1853, 
unnecessary  new  name;  Cytharella  phryne  Dali,  1919. 
Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  3.4  mm,  Bahia  San 
Luis  Gonzaga,  dredged. 

Figures  27,  28.  Agathotoma  neglecta  (C.  B.  Adams,  1852),  3.4  mm 
specimen,  dredged,  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga  (27)  apertural  view  of 
specimen  with  outer  lip  broken  (28)  detail  showing  outer  lip  of  4.7 
mm  specimen,  C.  Skoglund  Collection. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the 
northern  Gulf. 

Distribution:  Islas  Tres  Marias,  Mexico,  to  Panama 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Bahia  San  Carlos,  Sonora 
(Poorman  & Poorman,  1988). 

* Agathotoma  stellata  (Morch,  1860) 

(Figures  29,  30) 

Beitrage  zur  Molluskenfauna  Central  Amerika’s. 
Malakozoological  Blatter  for  1860:  103.  Figured:  Keen 
#1821  (holotype  of  Cytharella  hippolita). 

Synonyms:  Cytharella  hippolita  Dali,  1919;  C. 

taeniomata  Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932. 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  3.6  & 4.5  mm,  San 
Felipe,  in  grunge. 

6 spec.,  3. 1-4.7  mm,  Radar  Beach,  on  hydroid. 
Remarks:  This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the 
San  Felipe  area.  The  specimens  were  identified  by  Dr. 
J.  H.  McLean. 

Distribution:  Pta.  San  Hipolito,  Baja  California, 

Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 


Page  93 

through  the  Gulf  and  S to  Santa  Elena  Peninsula, 
Ecuador.  “Morch’s  specimen  prabably  [s/c]  came  from 
Costa  Rica  or  Nicaragua”  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

Figures  29,  30.  Agathotoma  stellata  (Morch,  1860),  4.7  mm 
specimen  from  Radar  Beach,  San  Felipe,  on  hydroid  (29)  apertural 
view  (30)  detail  of  protoconch. 

*Agathotoma  (Vitricythara)  klasmidia  Shasky,  1971. 
(Figures  31,  32) 

The  Veliger  14(1):  71,  72,  fig.  8.  Also  figured:  Keen 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  5. 2-6.2  mm,  N of 
Ensenada  Blanca,  San  Felipe,  2 April  1973. 

1 specimen,  8.5  mm,  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga. 
Remarks:  .This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  from  the 
San  Felipe  area.  Identification  confirmed  by  C. 

Distribution:  Puertecitos,  Baja  California,  to  Bahia  de 
Panama  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Manabi  Province, 
Ecuador  (Shasky,  1984). 

Genus  Pyrgocythara  Woodring,  1928 

Pyrgocythara  danae  (Dali,  1919) 

(Figures  33-35) 

31  32 

Figures  31,  32.  Agathotoma  klasmidia  Shasky,  1971.  8.5  mm,  San 
Luis  Gonzaga  (31)  apertural  view  (32)  detail  of  protoconch. 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  63,  pi.  21,  fig.  6.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1825 

Possible  synonym:  Crocker ella  pederseni  Hertlein  & 
Strong,  1951. 

Specimens  collected:  3 specimens,  4. 4-4. 7 mm,  Bahia 

San  Felipe. 

Remarks:  As  can  be  seen  in  Figures  33,  34,  some  of 
the  Gemmell  specimens  more  closely  resemble  the 
illustration  of  the  synonym  Crockerella  pederseni  in 
Hertlein  & Strong  (1951:  78  , 79,  pi.  1,  fig.  5).  In 
Hertlein  & Strong’s,  description  of  C.  pederseni,  they 
mentioned  “ a slight  swelling  at  the  lower  edge  of  the 
anal  sulcus.”  This  is  apparent  on  the  Gemmell 
specimens  but  is  not  seen  or  mentioned  for  P.  danae. 

McLean  in  Keen  (1971)  illustrated  P.  danae  as  the 
holotype.  but  the  photo  appears  different  than  the 
illustration  of  P.  danae  in  Dali  (1919,  p.  63,  pi.  21  , 
fig.  6).  Both  have  the  same  holotype  number,  but 
Dali’s  measurement  of  4.5  mm  differs  from  the  4.8 
mm  reported  in  Keen.  Dali’s  figure  seems  to  have  an 
immature  lip  which  he  stated  is  smooth  within.  The 
figure  in  Keen  appears  to  have  a mature  lip.  If  there 
are  separate  species,  the  Gemmell  specimens  would 

Page  94 


Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 

be  P.  pederseni. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Guaymas,  Sonora, 
Mexico  and  Bahia  Agua  Verde,  Baja  California 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  as  Crockerella  pederseni  at 
Guaymas  (DuShane  & Poorman,  1967:  435). 

Figures  33-35.  Pyrgocythara  danae  (Dali,  1919),  6.0  mm  specimen, 
RaHa  San  Felipe,  from  seas  tar  stomach,  trawled  in  9.4  m,  June  1970 
(33),  apertural  view  (34)  detail  of  aperture  (35)  detail  of  protoconch. 

Pyrgocythara  emersoni  Shasky,  1971 
(Figures  36,  37) 

The  Veliger  14(1):  72,  fig.  10.  Also  figured:  Keen 

#1826  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  ±7.0  mm,  Radar 
Beach  near  Pta  Estrella  at  the  S end  of  Bahia  San 
Felipe  [Station  E],  intertidal  in  -1.5  m (-5.0  ft.)  low 
tide,  collected  from  seas  tar  stomachs,  1 June  1969 
(Gemmell,  Hertz  & Myers,  1980:  47). 

5 specimens,  5.2-7. 1 mm,  Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi) 
S of  San  Felipe,  in  intertidal  grunge. 

Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Guaymas  and 

Puertecitos  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971). 

* Pyrgocythara  scammoni  (Dali,  1919) 
(Figures  38-40) 

Figures  36,  37.  Pyrgocythara  emersoni  Shasky,  1971,  6.5  mm, 
Playa  Alicia,  35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  in  grunge  (37)  apertural 
view  (38)  detail  of  protoconch 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  57,  pi.  18,  fig.  1.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1832 

Specimens  collected:  18  specimens,  4. 5-7.0  mm,  Playa 
Cadena,  5 km  (3  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  in  intertidal 

grunge.  . . 

11  specimens,  3. 6-6. 7 mm,  Bahia  San  Felipe,  intertidal. 
4 specimens,  2.4-4. 1 mm,  Bahia  San  Felipe  from 
seas  tar  stomachs,  trawled  in  9.4  m,  June  1970. 

1 specimen,  5.4  mm,  from  seastar  stomach,  San  Felipe, 
June  1969 

Remarks:  The  one  5.4  mm  specimen  from  a seastar 
stomach  was  a problem  to  identify.  Finally,  the 
specimen  was  sent  to  Dr.  J.  H.  McLean  who  identified 
it  as  a freak  specimens  of  P.  scammoni.  He  noted  the 
“regrowth  after  the  final  Up  with  anal  notch  apparent  on 
the  dorsum  of  the  shell”  (Figure  40). 

This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the  San 
Felipe  area. 

Distribution:  Bahia  Magdalena  and  the  N end  of  the 
Gulf  as  far  as  Isla  Tiburon  (McLean  in  Keen,  1971); 
Bahia  la  Cholla,  Sonora  (Draper,  1975);  Bahia  San  Luis 
Gonzaga  (DuShane  & Sphon,  1968);  Guaymas,  Sonora 
(Poorman  & Poorman,  1988). 

Vol.  XXXII(6):  2000 


Page  95 

3 8 


Figures  38-40.  Pyrgocythara  scammoni  (Dali,  1919).  5.7  mm,  Bahia 
San  Felipe,  intertidal  (38)  apertural  view  (39)  detail  of  protoconch 
(40)  “freak”  specimen  from  seas  tar  stomach  showing  dorsal  sinus. 

Subfamily  Daphnellinae 
Genus  Daphnella  Hinds,  1844 

Daphnella  bartschi  Dali,  1919 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  74,  pi.  19,  figs.  4,  5.  Also  figured:  Keen 
#1837  (holotype). 

Specimens  collected:  2 specimens,  15.1  & 15.2  mm, 
Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  beach  specimens,  April  1967. 
Distribution:  San  Luis  Gonzaga  to  Barra  de  Navidad, 
Jalisco,  Mexico,  to  Islas  Galapagos  (McLean  in  Keen, 

Genus  Philbertia  Monterosato,  1884 
Philbertia  doris  Dali,  1919 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
56(2288):  55,  pi.  18,  fig.  4.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1843 

(holotype  of  Clathurella  crebriforma) . 

Synonym:  Galhwella  crebriforma  Shasky  & Campbell,  1964. 
Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  5.0  mm,  Playa  Alicia, 
35  km  (22  mi)  S of  San  Felipe,  in  intertidal  grunge. 
Distribution:  Head  of  the  Gulf  to  Bahia  de  Panama 
(McLean  in  Keen,  1971);  Manabi  Province,  Ecuador 
(Shasky,  1984). 

Genus  Microdaphne  McLean,  1971 

* Microdaphne  trichodes  (Dali,  1919) 

(Figures  41,  42) 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  56 
(2288):  62,  pi.  19,  fig.  3.  Also  figured:  Keen  #1848. 

Synonym:  Pleurotoma  hirsutum  De  Folin,  1867,  not 
Bellardi,  1848. 

Specimen  collected:  1 specimen,  3.7  mm,  San  Felipe, 
in  grunge. 

Remarks:  This  is  the  first  record  of  the  species  from 
San  Felipe. 

Distribution:  Puertecitos,  head  of  the  Gulf,  to  Isla 
Gorgona,  Colombia  and  the  Islas  Galapagos  (McLean  in 
Keen,  1971);  Isla  Cedros,  off  the  Pacific  coast  of  Baja 
California,  to  Peru  (Emerson,  1991). 

Figures  41,  42  Microdaphne  trichodes  (Dali,  1919),  3.7  mm,  San 
Felipe,  in  grunge  (41)  apertural  view  (42)  detail  of  protoconch. 

AM.  MUS.  NAT.  rllb  l . Litmfttti 
Received  oni  06-14-2(300 

Page  96 




1944.  Some  notes  upon  West  American  turrid  mollusks. 
Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of  Washington  57: 


1857.  Catalogue  of  the  collection  of  Mazatlan  shells  in  the 
British  Museum...  Paleonotolgical  Research  Institution, 
Ithaca,  NY,  xii  + 552  pp. (reprint  ed.,  1967) 


1984.  Moluscos  marinos  de  la  Isla  de  Gorgona  (costa  del 
Pacifico  Colombiano).  Anales  del  Instimto  de 
Investigaciones  Marinas  de  Punta  de  Betin  14:  175-257, 
figs.  M2. 


1919.  Descriptions  of  new  species  of  mollusks  of  the  family 
Turritidae  from  the  west  coast  of  America  and  adjacent 
regions.  Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National 
Museum  56(2288):  1-86,  pis.  1-24. 


1975.  Checklist  of  shells  collected  at  Cholla  Bay,  Sonora, 
Mexico.  The  Festivus  6(11):  67. 


1962.  A checklist  of  mollusks  for  Puertecitos,  Baja  California, 
Mexico.  The  Veliger  5(1):  39-50. 


1969.  A preliminary  survey  of  mollusks  for  Consag  Rock  and 
adjacent  areas.  Gulf  of  California,  Mexico.  The  Veliger 
11(4):  351-361,  1 map. 


1967.  A checklist  of  mollusks  for  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico. 
The  Veliger  9(4):  413-441. 


1968.  A checklist  of  intertidal  mollusks  for  Bahia  Willard  and 
the  southwestern  portion  of  Bahia  San  Luis  Gonzaga,  state 
of  Baja  California,  Mexico.  The  Veliger  10(3):  233-246, 
1 map. 


1991 . First  records  for  Cymatium  mundum  (Gould)  in  the  eastern 
Pacific  Ocean,  with  comments  on  the  zoogeography  of  the 
tropical  trans-Pacific  tonnacean  and  non-tonnacean 
prosobranch  gastropods  with  Indo-Pacific  faunal  affinities 
in  west  American  waters.  The  Nautilus  105(2):  62-80, 
figs.  1-24. 



1980.  Seas  tar  predation  on  mollusks  in  the  San  Felipe  Bay  area, 
Baja  California,  Mexico.  The  Festivus  12(3):  24-55,  figs. 


1951.  Eastern  Pacific  expeditions  of  the  New  York  Zoological 
Society  XLH1.  Mollusks  from  the  west  coast  of  Mexico 
and  Central  America.  Part  X.  Zoologica,  N.Y.  36:  67- 
120.  pis.  1-11. 


1975.  Eggs  of  Hormospira  maculosa.  The  Festivus  6(6):  36, 
figs.  1-3. 

McLEAN,  JAMES  H.  in  KEEN,  A.  MYRA 

1971.  Family  Turridae,  pp.  686-766  in  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical 
West  America.  Marine  mollusks  from  Baja  California  to 
Peru.  2nd  edition.  Stanford  University  Press.  1-xiv  +1064 
pp.  illustrated. 


1971 . Mollusks  from  the  Gulf  of  Panama  collected  by  R/V  John 
Elliott  Pillsbury,  1967.  Bulletin  of  Marine  Science  21(1): 
35-92,  103  figs. 


1932.  West  Mexican  and  Central  American  Mollusks  collected 
by  H.  N.  Lowe,  1929-31.  Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of 
Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia  84:  33-144,  pis.  1-17,  7 
text  figs.,  2 photos. 


1988.  A report  of  the  molluscan  species  in  the  San  Carlos 
rectangle,  Sonora,  Mexico,  collected  by  Forrest  L.  and 
Leroy  H.  Poorman  from  December  1953  to  December 
1983.  The  Festivus  20(6):  47-63, 1 map. 

POWELL,  A.  W.  B. 

1966.  The  molluscan  families  Speighdidae  and  Turridae.  Bulletin 
of  the  Auckland  Institute  and  Museum  5:  1-184,  pis.  1-23, 
179  text  figs. 


1987.  Sistemitica  y ecologia  de  moluscos  bentonicos  de  Nayarit. 
Memorias,  Sociedad  Mexicana  Malacologia  3:  31-47,  figs. 


1984.  A preliminary  checklist  of  marine  mollusks  from  Manabi 
Province,  Ecuador.  The  Western  Society  of  Malacologists 
Annual  Report  [for  1983]  16:  25-32. 


1991.  Panamic  range  extensions  for  Drillia  (Gastropoda: 
Turridae).  The  Festivus  23(6):  47. 

1992.  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  Gastropod  (Mollusca) 
Literature  1971  to  1992.  The  Festivus,  Vol.  24 
(Supplement):  169  pp. 


1956.  The  eastern  Pacific  marine  mollusks  described  by  C.  B. 
Adams.  Occasional  Papers  on  Mollusks,  Museum  of 
Comparative  Zoology,  Harvard  University  2(20):  21-135, 
pis.  1-21. 

. F4ia 
v.  XXXII 
no.  7 
July  13, 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

Volume:  XXXII 

July  13,  2000 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Number:  7 



Michael  L.  Mason 

Vice  President 

Kim  Hutsell 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Mark  Scott 

Secretary  (Record.) 

Silvana  Vollero 


Linda  L.  Hutsell 

Past  President 

Terry  S.  Arnold 



Kay  Klaus 


Kay  Klaus 



Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager 

Jules  Hertz 


David  K.  Mulliner 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Website  at: 
Club/index. html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Collecting,  Diving  and  Exploring  in  the  Philippines 

Club  members  Kay  Klaus  and  Mike  and  Karen  Philippine  Islands.  They  will  show  slides  of  some  of 
Mason  will  give  a talk  on  their  recent  vacation  in  the  the  areas  in  which  they  dived  and  visited. 

Meeting  date:  July  20,  2000 
Shells  of  the  month:  Philippine  shells 


Club  news  98 

New  distributional  records  of  opisthobranchs  from  the  Punta  Eugenia  region  of  the  Baja  California 
Peninsula:  a report  based  on  1997-1998  CONABIO-sponsored  expeditions 

Hans  Bertsch,  Orso  Angulo  Campillo  and  Jose  Luis  Arreola 99 

The  Veliger  - Stohler  Memorial  Fund 104 

Dr.  Rudolf  (Ruedi)  Stohler  December  5,  1901  - April  24,  2000 
Carole  M.  Hertz 


Page  98 


Vol.  XXXII(7):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - June  15,  2000 

President  Mike  Mason  welcomed  everyone  and 
called  the  meeting  to  order  at  7:45  p.m.  The  minutes  of 
the  May  meeting  were  approved  as  written  in  The 
Festivus,  with  a motion  by  Billee  Gerrodette  and 
seconded  by  Carole  Hertz. 

Linda  Hutsell  has  taken  over  as  our  new  Librarian. 
Editor  Carole  Hertz  continues  to  request  articles. 
Several  guests  were  recognized  and  welcomed. 

The  date  for  the  September  Party  is  the  16th,  (see 
col.  2).  Mike  also  announced  that  Tom  Rice's 
publication  list  is  available  and  anyone  interested  in 
being  included  in  Tom’s  Who's  Who  in  Malacology 
should  take  a form  and  send  it  to  Tom  Rice. 

Vice  President  Kim  Hutsell  introduced  Dr.  Henry 
(Hank)  Chaney  of  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  the  speaker  for  the  evening.  Hank  began  by 
introducing  the  release  of  the  long-awaited  book, 
Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America  by  Coan, 
Valentich  Scott  and  Bernard.  Copies  were  available  for 
sale  at  the  meeting.  In  addition  to  covering  the  bivalve 
mollusks  from  Alaska  to  southern  California,  the  book 
contains  an  excellent  bibliography. 

Hank  then  talked  about  his  recent  trip  to  the 
Marquesas  Islands,  a remote  set  of  islands  near  French 
Polynesia.  There  are  four  main  islands.  The  group 
visited  two  of  them  (Nuku  Hiva  and  Ua  Pou).  He  said 
that  the  islands  had  a rich  culture  and  were  very 
populous  until  Cook's  arrival.  From  then  on,  there  was 
much  more  disease.  Today  only  about  3,500  people 
occupy  the  islands.  He  and  the  others  in  the  group 
stayed  at  an  embayment  at  Taiohea.  It  was  windy  and 
there  were  sheer  cliffs  with  little  beach  area.  Although 
there  was  not  much  opportunity  for  intertidal  collecting, 
diving  was  productive.  The  area  is  quite  rich  especially 
because  of  its  forms  of  species  that  are  isolated  within 
these  islands.  For  example,  a subspecies  of  Lambis 
crocata  there  has  very  long  spines.  Often  when  a 
species  was  found,  many  of  them  were  found  together. 
There  was  a lack  of  bivalves  and  not  much  coral, 
though  there  were  many  sea  urchins.  His  favorite  shell 
from  the  trip  was  a beautiful  Chicoreus  thomasi. 

Hank’s  program,  with  his  fine  slides,  was  not  only 
very  entertaining  but  gave  a great  deal  of  information 
about  the  islands  and  their  history.  It  was  a program 

greatly  enjoyed  by  the  large  group  in  attendance. 

The  winner  of  the  shell  drawing  was  Margaret 
Mulliner.  Thanks  to  the  Masons  and  the  Schneiders 
for  the  delicious  refreshments.  The  meeting  was 
adjourned  at  8:40  p.m.  for  socializing  and  further 
browsing  of  reprints,  books  and  plastic  boxes  on  sale. 

Silvana  Vollero 

New  Member 

Pras,  Stephane,  15  Rue  Marbeau,  75116  Paris,  France 

The  September  Party 

The  September  party  will  be  held  on  Saturday 
evening  September  16th,  again  at  the  home  of  Terry 
and  Marty  Arnold.  It  will  be  another  fantastic  “Heavy 
Grazing”  affair.  Those  who  attend  are  asked  to  bring 
delicious  munchies  to  fill  the  cravings  of  the  always 
hungry  guests. 

Details  and  map  in  the  August  issue. 

A New  Club  Librarian 

With  this  issue,  our  friend  and  member,  Kay 
Klaus,  and  her  husband  Del  will  be  relocated  to  Texas. 
We  thank  Kay  for  her  considerable  help  as  interim 
librarian  and  appreciate  Linda  Hutsell ’s  willingness  to 
take  over  as  Club  librarian. 

We  will  all  miss  Kay  and  hope  that  she  will  keep 
her  promise  to  visit  us  often. 

Club  Historian  and  Host  Needed 

With  the  departure  of  member  Kay  Klaus,  the 
Club  needs  a historian.  It  is  not  a difficult  position  — 
keeping  the  historian’s  book  up-to-date  with  photos  and 
items  of  interest  pertaining  to  the  Club.  The  historian’s 
books  are  kept  in  the  new  permanent  library  cabinets 
and  available  for  viewing  by  members  at  meetings. 

The  Club  has  also  been  in  need  of  a Host  since  the 
beginning  of  last  year.  This  is  not  a difficult  job 
either.  If  you  attend  most  meetings  and  would  be 
willing  to  set  up  the  refreshment  table  each  time, 
please  contact  Mike  Mason  and  offer  to  take  over  the 
position  [E-mail:  <  > or 

phone:  (619-482-1098]. 

Vol.  XXXII(7):  2000 


Page  99 



Universidad  Autonoma  de  Baja  California  Sur, 

Aptdo.  Postal  19-B,  La  Paz,  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico  23080 

ABSTRACT  We  report  range  extensions  of  nine  opisthobranch  species  (Aptysiopsis  oliviae,  Thordisa  rubescens, 
Peltodoris  nayarita,  Platydoris  macfarlandi,  Crosslandia  daedali,  Flabellina  vansyoci,  Catriona  rickettsi,  Cuthona 
albocrusta,  and  Cuthona  lagunae ) to  the  central  Pacific  coast  of  the  Baja  California  Peninsula,  Mexico. 


Almost  30  years  ago,  the  southern  distributional 
limits  of  many  Californian  opisthobranchs  ended  at  La 
Jolla  or  San  Diego.  This  was  an  artifact  of  collecting 
activities  and  politics,  not  biology.  During  the  past  15 
plus  years,  the  opisthobranch  fauna  of  the  Pacific  coast 
of  the  Baja  California  Peninsula  has  become  much  better 
known  (e.g.,  Bertsch,  1990,  1991;  Bertsch  & Gosliner, 
1986;  and  Bertsch  & Will  an,  1986).  There  are  two 
distinct  faunal  provinces  along  this  coastline.  The 
northeastern  Pacific  coast  of  Baja  California  is  clearly 
part  of  the  warm  temperate  faunal  province  of  southern 
California,  which  ends  approximately  at  Punta  Eugenia. 
The  tropical  Panamic  (= eastern  Pacific)  Faunal 
Province  begins  at  Bahia  Magdalena  and  continues  south 
to  the  Islas  Galapagos  and  Peru  (Keen,  1971). 

However,  the  opisthobranch  fauna  of  the  central 
Pacific  coastline  of  the  Baja  California  Peninsula 
(between  Punta  Eugenia  and  Bahia  Magdalena)  remains 
one  of  the  lesser-studied  in  the  northeastern  Pacific. 
During  the  mid-1980s,  joint  expeditions  of  the 
California  Academy  of  Sciences  (San  Francisco, 
California)  and  the  Universidad  Autonoma  de  Baja 
California  (Ciencias  Marinas,  Ensenada,  Baja 
California)  yielded  significant  new  information  for  this 

region  (see  Bertsch,  1985;  Gosliner,  Ghiselin  & 
Bertsch,  1985;  Gosliner,  1994;  and  data  incorporated  in 
Behrens,  1991). 

The  area  between  Punta  Eugenia  and  Bahia 
Magdalena  represents  a zone  of  provincial-level  faunal 
overlap  (Bertsch,  1993).  Although  the  fauna  is  still 
greatly  unknown,  one  can  predict  a mixture  of 
temperate  southern  California  and  tropical  Golfo  de 
California  species.  Almost  no  data  exist  on  seasonal 
variation  for  this  region.  In  this  ecotonal  region 
southern  range  extensions  of  Californian  temperate 
species  and  northern  range  extensions  of  tropical 
Panamic  Province  species  are  expected  to  be 

Our  grant  from  the  Mexican  federal  biodiversity 
agency  (Comision  Nacional  para  el  Conocimiento  y Uso 
de  la  Biodiversidad  = CONABIO)  involved  two  areas 
of  research  directly  impacting  this  area: 

a)  First,  a field  study  of  the  intertidal  and  subtidal 
biodiversity  of  opisthobranchs  in  Mexican  federally 
designated  Regiones  Prioritarias  # 5 (Vizcaino-Cedros- 
E1  Barril,  basically  from  Isla  Cedros  to  Punta  Eugenia, 
including  Bahia  Tortugas),  and  # 7 (Cabo  San  Lucas, 
Bahia  de  La  Paz  and  Loreto).  Results  from  region  # 7 


Mail  correspondence  to  all  authors  to:  192  Imperial  Beach  Blvd.  M,  Imperial  Beach,  CA  91932,  USA. 

Page  100 


Vol.  XXXn(7):  200 

are  found  in  Angulo  (2000,  thesis,  UABCS),  and 
Bertsch  & Valdes  (in  preparation).  In  this  report  we 
present  significant  new  data  and  range  extensions  for 
opisthobranch  mollusks  from  Region  Prioritaria  # 5 . 

b)  The  second  aspect  of  our  grant  involved  the 
" repatriacion  de  daws”  by  which  we  were  able  to 
examine  the  collections  of  the  three  major  natural 
history  museums  in  California  (California  Academy  of 
Sciences  [CAS],  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural 
History  [SBMNH] , and  Los  Angeles  County  Museum 
of  Natural  History  [LACM]),  and  recorded  the 
collecting  data  of  all  opisthobranch  specimens  from 
Pacific  Mexican  waters.  This  information  has  been 
incorporated  into  the  Mexican  National  Biodiversity 
Data  Base  that  will  be  available  online  through  the 
auspices  of  CONABIO. 

Our  CONABIO-sponsored  field  and  museum 
research  expeditions  yielded  new  distributional  records 
of  opisthobranchs.  In  Bertsch,  Angulo  & Arreola, 
1999,  we  published  reports  and  a discussion  of  new 
records  of  Pleurobranchus  areolatum  (Morch,  1863), 
Spurilla  neapolitana  (Delle  Chiaje,  1823),  and 
Aeolidiella  indica  Bergh,  1888,  from  Baja  California 
Sur  (BCS). 

In  this  article,  we  report  range  extensions  of  nine 
opisthobranch  species  (from  the  Golfo  de  California  or 
the  lower  Baja  California  Peninsula,  and  from  southern 
California)  to  the  Punta  Eugenia/Bahia  Tortugas  region 
of  Baja  California  Sur.  Our  intertidal  collecting  site  at 
Bahia  Tortugas,  is  situated  at  27°  41.6'  N;  114°  53.3’ 
W;  Punta  Eugenia  is  at  approximately  27°  51'  N;  115° 
05'  W. 

Voucher  specimens  are  in  the  collections  of  the 
Marine  Biology  Department  of  the  UABCS,  La  Paz, 
BCS,  Mexico,  with  the  exception  of  Platydoris 
macfarlandi  which  is  in  the  collections  of  the  LACM; 
color  slides  are  in  the  collection  of  the  senior  author. 


Aptysiopsis  oliviae  (MacFarland,  1966) 

Material  Examined:  1 specimen,  5 mm  in  length; 
El  Morro,  Isla  Cedros  (28°  01’  N;  115°  11'  W); 
intertidal,  on  Sargassum\  23  April  1998;  leg.  Orso 
Angulo  Campillo  (OAC)  & Jose  Luis  Arreola  (JLA). 

Description  and  Discussion:  The  dark  coloration 
and  distinctive  rhinophore  shape  are  diagnostic  features 
for  this  species. 

Its  previous  known  range  had  been  from  Saltspring 

Island,  British  Columbia,  Canada  (Millen,  1980),  to 
Monterey  Bay,  California  (MacFarland,  1966).  Our 
specimen  represents  a southern  range  extension  of  over 
1 150  km,  and  the  first  report  from  off  the  Pacific  coast 
of  the  Baja  California  Peninsula,  Mexico. 


Thordisa  rubescens  Behrens  & Henderson,  1981 

Material  Examined:  1 specimen,  6 mm  total 

length;  Las  Gavilanes,  Punta  Eugenia,  BCS  (27°  51.22’ 
N;  115°  04.38'  W);  subtidal,  5 m deep;  7 October 
1998;  leg.  Hans  Bertsch  (HB)  and  OAC. 

Description  and  Discussion:  Distinctive  external 
features  of  this  species  are  the  variously-sized  dorsal 
papillae,  and  the  brilliant  red-orange  body  color  mottled 
with  gold  flecks  behind  the  rhinophores,  along  the 
midline  of  the  dorsum,  and  around  the  branchial 

Although  this  species  may  reach  90  mm  in  total 
length,  our  specimen  measured  only  6 mm. 

Our  specimen  matched  exactly  the  descriptions  of 
T.  rubsecens  from  southern  California  (Palos  Verdes 
and  San  Clemente  Island),  and  represents  a southern 
range  extension  of  more  than  550  km  and  its  first  report 
from  Mexican  waters. 

Pelwdoris  nayarita  Ortea  and  Llera,  1981 

Material  Examined:  1 specimen;  18  mm;  about  1 
km  NE  of  Punta  Eugenia,  BCS;  6 m deep;  15  August 
1998  (74°  F water  temperature);  leg.  HB  and  OAC. 

Description  and  Discussion:  The  orange  red  body 
with  brown  splotches  match  the  original  description,  as 
do  also  the  tubercles  covering  the  dorsum,  and  the 
obviously  elevated  pockets  surrounding  the  rhinophores 
and  gills.  Dr.  Angel  Valdes  informs  me  that  our 
specimen  exactly  matches  specimens  of  this  species 
which  he  has  collected  south  of  the  type  locality. 

The  original  description  of  this  species  was  based 
on  only  a single  specimen  collected  from  Isla  Isabela, 
Nayarit,  Mexico.  In  addition  to  being  only  the  second 
specimen  ever  reported,  our  organism  represents  a 
significant  northward  range  extension  of  nearly  1300  km 
from  the  center  of  the  Panamic  Faunal  Province,  and  its 
first  reported  occurrence  in  nearly  20  years.  It  should 
also  be  noted  that  our  specimen  from  the  Punta  Eugenia 
region  was  collected  during  a period  of  warm  water  for 
this  region. 

Vol.  XXXII(7):  2000 


Page  101 


Platydoris  macfarlandi  Hanna,  1951 

Material  Examined:  2 specimens;  74  and  64  mm 
total  preserved  length;  Bahia  San  Cristobal,  BCS  (27° 
24'  28"  N;  114°  39'  40"  W);  30  m deep;  April  1950;  in 
the  collections  of  LACM  (1949-50). 

Description  and  Discussion:  This  flat,  disk- 

shaped dorid  is  distinctive  for  the  minute  villiform 
papillae  which  give  it  a velvety  smooth  appearance 
(Behrens,  1991).  It  has  been  reported  only  twice  from 
the  southern  California  bight  region.  Hanna  (1951) 
described  the  species  based  on  three  preserved 
individuals  which  had  been  dredged  from  157-201  m 
(86-110  fm)  depth  off  Pismo  Beach,  California. 
Behrens  & Henderson  (1983)  described  two  live 
specimens  trawled  from  55-1 13  m depth  in  the  Redondo 
Canyon  (33°  50'  20"  N;  118°  25’  20”  W),  which  had 
been  on  the  yellow  sponge  Subarites  ficus  (Johnson, 
1842).  Now,  nearly  50  years  after  the  original 
description  of  the  species,  we  report  a southern  range 
extension  of  over  700  km  for  this  species,  based  on 
specimens  deposited  in  the  collections  of  the  LACM  a 
year  before  the  species  was  named  and  its  first  record 
from  the  Pacific  coast  of  BCS. 

The  "rarity"  of  this  species  may  well  be  an  artifact 
of  collecting  activity.  Most  nudibranch  researchers 
study  the  intertidal  and  (only  recently)  scuba-accessible 
subtidal  depths,  not  the  deeper  sub  tidal  and  continental 
shelf  depths  from  which  the  specimens  of  P. 
macfarlandi  have  been  reported.  This  is  similar  to 
known  records  of  Bathydoris  aioca,  which  had  been 
reported  only  once  from  the  Isla  Guadalupe,  Baja 
California,  Mexico,  holotype  by  Marcus  & Marcus 
(1962),  before  the  deep  water  Oregon  records  published 
by  Valdes  & Bertsch  (2000). 

The  patronymy  and  authorship  of  this  species  recall 
a most  poignant  moment  in  the  history  of  west  coast 
malacology.  California  Academy  of  Sciences 
paleontologist  G Dallas  Hanna,  and  original  member  of 
the  Editorial  Board  of  The  Veliger,  named  this  species 
in  honor  of  Dr.  Frank  Mace  MacFarland.  Dr.  Hanna 
published  only  this  single  nudibranch  article  in  his  entire 
professional  life.  He  prefaced  it  with  the  following 

"A  few  minutes  before  Dr.  F.M.  MacFarland 
collapsed  on  February  21,  1951,  he  discussed 
with  me  the  generic  position  of  a rather 
remarkable  species  of  nudibranch  which  had 
been  collected  a few  weeks  previously.  He 

unquestionably  would  have  described  this 
animal  in  his  very  thorough  manner  had  fate 
permitted.  As  a poor  substitute,  I will 
endeavor  to  place  it  on  record  and  it  seems 
fitting  that  it  be  named  for  him. " 

The  history  of  science  and  our  understanding  of  the 
unknown  is  often  made  by  such  personal  interactions. 


Crosslandia  daedali  Poorman  & Mulliner,  1981 

Material  Examined:  One  specimen,  10  mm  total 
length;  Malarrimo,  Punta  Eugenia,  BCS  (27°  47.98'  N; 
114°  43'  W);  2 m deep;  17  August  1998;  leg.  HB  & 

Description  and  Discussion:  The  body  shape  and 
coloration  patterns  are  quite  distinctive  for  C.  daedali : 
the  wide  winglike  lobes  extend  laterally  along  the 
middle  half  of  each  side;  they  have  numerous 
fimbriating  retractable  branchial  tufts  irregularly  placed 
on  the  inside  surface  of  the  lobes  and  the  adjacent  dorsal 
surface.  The  color  is  greenish  brown-orange,  with 
brilliant  blue  small  round  spots  medially  along  the  side 
of  the  body  (Poorman  & Mulliner,  1981:  96-97). 

This  species  had  previously  been  reported  only 
from  the  Sonoran  shores  of  the  Golfo  de  California, 
slightly  north  of  Guaymas:  Tinajas,  Bahia  Baco- 
chimbampo,  and  Punta  Cuevas,  Bahia  de  San  Carlos. 

Our  specimen  of  C.  daedali  from  the  Punta  Eugenia 
region  (on  the  outer  Pacific  coast  of  the  BC  Peninsula) 
represents  the  first  record  other  than  the  type  locality 
region,  the  first  report  of  this  species  from  outside  the 
Golfo  de  California,  and  its  first  finding  in  almost  20 
years  since  the  original  description.  Intermediate 
localities  need  to  be  examined  for  additional  records  and 
to  establish  its  biology  and  natural  history. 


Flabellina  vansyoci  Gosliner,  1994 

Material  Examined:  3 specimens,  14,  15  and  18 
mm  in  total  length;  reef  by  lighthouse  at  Campitos 
(Punta  Eugenia  region,  BCS,  21°  49.42’  N;  114° 
51.07'  W);  6 m deep;  3 October  1998;  leg.  HB  & 

Description  and  Discussion:  This  northward 

range  extension  of  over  450  km  is  significant  because 
our  specimens  are  the  first  report  of  this  species  outside 

Page  102 


Vol.  XXXE(7):  2000 

the  limits  of  the  Panamic  Province.  Its  only  previous 
reports  have  been  from  Bahia  Magdalena  and  south  to 
Isla  Ladrones,  Panama  (Gosliner,  1994).  This  record 
(and  that  of  C.  daedali)  emphasizes  the  provincial-level 
ecotonal  nature  of  the  region  between  Bahia  Magdalena 
and  Punta  Eugenia  discussed  in  the  Introduction  of  this 

This  species  has  been  illustrated  with  a color 
photograph  as  Flabellina  sp.  2 (Species  #173,  Behrens, 


Catriona  rickettsi  Behrens,  1984 

Material  Examined:  2 specimens,  4 and  5 mm 
total  length;  Piedras  Blancas,  islands  northeast  of  Punta 
Eugenia,  BCS  (approx.  27°  51.8'  N;  115°  02'  W); 
subtidal,  13  m deep;  18  August  1998;  leg.  HB  & OAC. 

Description  and  Discussion:  This  distinctively 
brilliandy  colored  eolid  has  previously  been  reported 
only  from  San  Francisco  Bay  and  La  Jolla,  California 
(Behrens,  1984).  Our  specimens  are  the  first  report 
from  the  Pacific  BC  coast  of  Mexico,  and  represent  a 
southward  range  extension  of  over  500  km. 

Cuthona  albocrusta  (MacFarland,  1966) 

Material  Examined:  1 specimen,  4 mm  total 

length;  in  front  of  the  former  PESCA  station,  Bahia 
Tortugas,  BCS  (approx.  27°  41.6'  N;  114°  53.3'  W); 
intertidal;  24  February  1998;  leg.  HB  & OAC. 

Description  and  Discussion:  The  white  frosting 
markings  on  the  body  and  cerata  are  specific  diagnostic 

This  species'  previously  known  range  is  from  the 
San  Juan  Islands,  Washington,  to  Palos  Verdes, 
California  (Behrens,  1991).  Our  specimen  represents  a 
southward  range  extension  of  approximately  650  km, 
and  the  first  report  of  this  species  from  the  Mexican 
waters  of  the  Pacific  coast  of  the  BC  Peninsula. 

Cuthona  lagunae  (O’Donoghue,  1926) 

Material  Examined:  1 specimen,  5.5  mm  total 
length;  reef  in  front  of  former  PESCA  facility,  Bahia 
Tortugas;  intertidal;  25  December  1997;  leg.  HB  & 

Description  and  Discussion:  The  orange-red 

coloration  on  the  rhinophores  and  on  the  tips  of  the 
cerata  are  distinctive.  Overall  body  coloration  is 
whitish,  with  black  ceratal  cores. 

This  species  has  been  reported  from  Curry  County, 

Oregon,  USA,  to  Islas  San  Benito,  BC,  Mexico 
(Behrens,  1991).  Although  our  specimen  represents 
only  a very  small  southeastward  range  extension,  it  is 
important  in  establishing  a possible  long-term  presence 
of  this  species  along  the  Pacific  coast  of  the  BC 


Publication  of  range  extensions  may  sometimes 
appear  problematic,  trivial,  or  less  than  significant. 
However,  this  perhaps  well-meaning  perspective  falters 
when  natural  history  is  considered.  Our  knowledge  of 
marine  invertebrate  distributions  is  significantly  limited. 
One  only  needs  to  look  at  field  guides  for  mammals, 
birds  or  reptiles  to  see  a distinct  difference  in  the 
biological  understanding  of  the  natural  history  of 
different  groups  of  organisms.  If  you  or  I see  an 
unidentifiable  bird  or  mammal,  a simple  perusal  of 
distributional  maps  will  usually  allow  us  to  properly 
identify  it.  By  contrast,  the  complete  or  changing 
distributions  of  many  opisthobranch  species  are 
unknown  (as  this  paper  demonstrates).  Seasonal  or 
yearly  variation  based  on  various  climatic,  substrate  or 
other  factors,  are  only  partially  understood.  One  cannot 
rely  on  known  distributional  maps. 

We  are  in  a marvelous  period  of  discovery  that  will 
lead  to  significant  information  about  the  geographic  and 
temporal  variation  of  opisthobranch  species.  If  we 
properly  record  variations  in  occurrences  of  species  and 
improve  our  knowledge  of  the  biodiversity  of 
interrelated  marine  habitats,  we  will  better  understand 
the  long-term  selective  and  chance  processes  that  impact 
evolutionary  processes  and  how  we  can  act  to  preserve 
them  rather  than  push  organisms  to  the  verge  of 

Therefore  I propose  an  ongoing  research 
publication  project  concerning  marine  molluscan 
biodiversity.  Scientific  journals  (such  as  The  Veliger, 
The  Festivus,  Journal  of  Molluscan  Studies,  etc.),  and 
electronic  sites  (such  as  Mike  Miller's  Opisthobranch 
Site,  <>,  with  its  multiple 
online  linkages),  should  publish  more  collecting  data 
from  various  research  expeditions.  These  data  should 
not  languish  in  individual  record  logs,  but  should  be 
incorporated  into  accessible  scientific  databases. 

With  these  data  we  can  begin  to  understand  the 
population  dynamics  of  marine  species  that  may  have 
even  a greater  ecosystem  role  than  some  of  the  more 

Vol.  XXXn(7):  2000 


Page  103 

engaging  species  (i.e.,  those  with  the  brown-eyed  fuzzy 
factor)  that  conservation  biologists  need  to  present  for 
public  support  of  environmental  protection  programs. 
Since  the  earth  is  blue  (the  oceans  cover  over  70%  of 
earth's  surface)  we  need  to  pay  greater  attention  to  the 
slimy  details  of  marine  invertebrate  diversity  (Wilson, 
1988;  Reaka-Kudla,  Wilson  & Wilson,  1997). 


We  are  grateful  to  CONABIO  for  the  grant  which 
allowed  us  to  perform  this  research;  the  assistance  of 
the  staff  at  the  fishing  cooperatives  in  Bahia  Tortugas: 
including  Manuel  Higuera  Serrano  of  La  Purisima,  and 
Francisco  Robles  of  Cooperativa  Natividad;  to 
Francisco  Javier  Zacatzi  Ayala  and  his  family  and  crew 
at  the  Restaurant/Hotel  Vera  Cruz;  and  for  the  great 
warmth  and  hospitality  shown  us  by  all  the  inhabitants 
of  the  area  who  asked  more  than  once,  "What  are  you 
looking  for?  ^Babosas  del  mar?" 

We  also  thank  the  curators  and  collection  managers 
of  the  California  natural  history  museums  (CAS:  Robert 
van  Syoc;  SBMNH:  Henry  Chaney  and  Paul  Valentich 
Scott;  LACM:  Lindsay  Groves)  for  their  invaluable 
assistance,  and  Dr.  Terrence  M.  Gosliner  (CAS)  for  his 
valued  comments  on  the  manuscript. 

As  with  any  scientific  expedition,  we  extend  special 
thanks  to  our  families  and  loved  ones  who  remained 
behind  while  we  endured  the  rigors  of  the  field. 



2000.  Determinaci6n  de  los  moluscos  opistobranquios  (Mollusca: 
Opisthobranchia)  de  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico.  Thesis, 
Universidad  Auttinoma  de  Baja  California  Sur,  La  Paz. 

1984.  Notes  on  the  tergipedid  nudibranchs  of  the  northeastern 
Pacific,  with  a description  of  a new  species.  The  Veliger 
27(1):  65-71. 

1991 . Pacific  coast  nudibranchs,  second  edition.  Sea  Challengers, 
Monterey,  107  pp. 


1981.  Two  new  cryptobranch  dorid  nudibranchs  from  California. 
The  Veliger  24  (2):  120-128. 

1983.  Redescription  of  Platydoris  macfarlandi  Hanna,  1951,  a 
rare  deepwater  doridacean  nudibranch.  The  Veliger  25  (4): 


1985.  An  international  reconnaissance  expedition:  Marine 
zoogeography  of  Baja  California  Sur.  Environment 
Southwest  508:  18-23. 

1990.  Malacological  explorations  along  the  inner  and  outer  coasts 
of  Baja  California.  Western  Society  of  Malacologists, 
Annual  Report  22:  27. 

1991.  Biodiversity  of  the  dorid  nudibranch  (Mollusca: 
Opisthobranchia)  fauna  of  the  Pacific  coast  of  the  three 
Califomias:  systematic  and  zoogeographic  comments.  In: 
Murray  Dailey  and  Hans  Bertsch  (eds.).  Proceedings  Vm 
International  Symposium  of  Marine  Biology,  Ensenada, 
Baja  California,  Mexico.  Pp.  107-115. 

1993.  Opistobranquios  (Mollusca)  de  la  costa  occidental  de 
Mexico.  In:  S.I.  Salazar  Vallejo  y N.E.  Gonzalez  (eds.), 
Biodiversidad  Marina  y Costera  de  Mexico.  CONABIO  y 
CIQRO,  Mexico.  Pp.  253-270. 



1999.  Opisthobranchs  of  Bahia  Tortugas,  Baja  California  Sur, 
Mexico  (27°  41.6'  N;  114°  53.3'  W):  Preliminary  report 
on  1997-1998  CONABIO-sponsored  expeditions. 
Opisthobranch  Newsletter  25  (2):  5-7. 


1986.  Anatomy,  distribution,  synonymy,  and  systematic 
relationships  of  Aiagema  alba  (O'Donoghue,  1927) 
(Nudibranchia:  Doridacea).  The  Veliger  29  (1):  123-128. 


1986.  Occurrence  of  the  nudibranch  Diaphorodoris  lirulato cauda 
in  northwest  Mexico.  The  Festivus  18  (10):  145. 


In  prep.  Morphology  and  distributional  records  of  Doriopsis  viridis 
and  Facelina  steamsi  (Mollusca:  Nudibranchia)  from  the  La 
Paz  region  of  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico. 


1994.  New  records  of  Flabellinidae  (Opisthobranchia:  Aeolidacea) 
from  the  tropical  Americas,  with  descriptions  of  two  new 
species.  Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences 
48(9):  171-183. 



1985.  Opisthobranch  mollusks  of  the  Punta  Eugenia  region,  with 
a discussion  of  their  biogeographic  affinities.  Western 
Society  of  Malacologists,  Annual  Report  17:  11. 


1951.  A new  west  American  nudibranch  mollusk.  The  Nautilus 
65  (1):  1-3. 


1971.  Sea  shells  of  tropical  west  America:  Marine  mollusks  from 
Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford  University  Press, 
Stanford,  CA,  xiv  + 1064  pp. 


1966.  Studies  of  opisthobranchia te  mollusks  of  the  Pacific  coast  of 
North  America.  Memoirs  of  the  California  Academy  of 
Sciences  6:  xvi  + 546  pp. 


1980.  Range  extensions,  new  distribution  sites,  and  notes  on  the 
biology  of  sacoglossan  opisthobranchs  (Mollusca: 
Gastropoda)  in  British  Columbia.  Canadian  Journal  of 
Zoology  58:  1207-1209. 


1981.  Un  nuevo  d6rido  (Mollusca:  Nudibranchiata)  de  la  Isla 
Isabel,  Nayarit,  Mexico.  Iberus  1 : 47-52. 


1981.  A new  species  of  Crosslandia  (Nudibranchia: 
Dendronotacea)  from  the  Gulf  of  California.  The  Nautilus 
95  (2):  96-99. 


O.  WILSON  (eds.). 

1997.  Biodiversity  H:  Understanding  and  protecting  our  biological 

Page  104 


Vol.  XXXn(7):  2000 

resources.  Joseph  Henry  Press,  Washington,  D.C.  v + 
551  pp. 

valdes.  Angel  & hans  bertsch. 

2000.  Redescripton  and  range  extension  of  Bathydoris  aioca 

Marcus  & Marcus,  1962  (Nudibranchia: 
Gnathodoridoidea).  The  Veliger  43  (2):  210-216. 
WILSON,  EDWARD  O.  (ed.). 

1988.  Biodiversity.  National  Academy  Press,  Washington,  D.C. 
xiii  + 521  pp. 


A memorial  fund  has  been  set  up  in  honor  of  Dr. 
Rudolf  (Ruedi)  Stohler.  Appropriately,  it  honors  him 
by  insuring  that  The  Veliger,  the  prestigious  journal 
which  he  nurtured  from  its  modest  beginning,  will 
continue  to  be  able  to  help  young  malacologists  as  it  has 
done  in  the  past. 

“...  Ruedi ...  laid  the  solid  foundation  on  which  we 
continue  to  build.  In  its  early  years,  he  personally 
financed  The  Veliger,  and  with  the  help  of  Jean  and 
Crawford  Cate,  and  other  friends,  built  an  endowment 
that  continues  to  subsidize  the  journal’s  publication 

The  Veliger  Board  met  recently  and  discussed 
options  for  honoring  our  founding  editor.  We  decided 
to  create  a memorial  fund  and  invite  our  members  and 
friends  to  make  a contribution  in  his  memory.  These 
donations  will  be  used  to  enhance  the  endowment  that 
provides  grants  to  students  with  limited  resources  to 
cover  their  page  charges.  Ruedi  provided  many  of 
today’s  prominent  malacologists  with  their  first 
opportunity  to  publish  in  a scientific  journal,  and 

we  think  it  highly  appropriate  to  continue  this  important 
tradition  in  his  name.  We  plan  to  dedicate  the  October 
issue  in  his  memory,  and  contributors  who  make 
donations  before  July  31  will  be  acknowledged  in  this 

Please  make  your  tax-deductible  contributions  to: 

The  Veliger  - Stohler  Memorial  Fund 

Dr.  Henry  Chaney,  Secretary 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road 

Santa  Barbara,  CA  93105-2936,  USA” 


Dr.  William  K.  Emerson 

Chair,  Rudolf  Stohler  Memorial  Fund 

Dr.  Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

President,  California  Malacozoological  Society,  Inc. 

Vol.  XXXEI(7):  2000 


Page  105 

December  5,  1901  - April  24,  2000 

It  is  with  sadness  that  we  report  the  passing  of 
Rudolf  Stohler  at  the  age  of  98.  He  died  on  24  April  of 
heart  failure  at  his  home  in  Berkeley,  California. 
Ruedi,  bom  and  raised  in  Basel,  Switzerland,  was 
interested  in  nature  from  early  childhood  and  was  a 
collector  of  all  manner  of  objects  natural  and  otherwise. 
He  attended  universities  in  Basel  and  Geneva  and  earned 
PhDs  in  both  Zoology  and  Botany. 

Dr.  Stohler  first  came  to  the  United  States  in  1928 
on  an  International  Exchange  Fellowship  at  the  Hooper 
Foundation  for  Medical  Research  in  San  Francisco.  It 
was  there  that  he  worked  on  the  problem  of  paralytic 
shellfish  poisoning,  proving  that  the  red  tide  flagellates 
ingested  by  mussels  and  clams  made  them  poisonous 
and  that  all  other  organisms  feeding  on  the  bivalves 
would  also  be  toxic  (Smith,  1983).  It  was  as  a result  of 
his  work  that  public  health  officials  began  a monitoring 
program,  posting  warnings  during  the  occurrences  of 
the  toxic  micro-organisms  affecting  the  clams  and 
mussels.  At  the  September  1964  meeting  of  the  San 
Diego  Shell  Club,  Ruedi  spoke  of  his  work 
lightheartedly,  advising  members  about  eating  mussels 
safely.  He  said,  “...boil  them,  drain  off  the  liquid,  then 
open  and  discard  the  shells  — now,  throw  away  what 
remains  "(Anon.  1964). 

It  was  during  his  time  at  the  Hooper  Foundation 
that  he  met  and  married  Genevieve  J.  Emerson,  a 
premedical  student  working  there  as  a laboratory 
technician.  They  went  back  together  to  Switzerland 
when  Ruedi’ s fellowship  was  over  and  returned  to  the 
United  States  in  1932.  Ruedi  then  became  a citizen  of 
this  country,  and  together  they  raised  a family  of  five 
children.  In  1933  he  was  made  a Research  Associate  at 
the  University  of  California,  Berkeley,  where  he  started 
teaching  a class  in  cytology  and  courses  in  zoology  and 
biology  at  the  university  extension.  He  was  the  Curator 
of  the  Museum  of  Invertebrate  Zoology  at  the  university 
until  his  retirement  in  1969. 

He  began  collecting  shells  in  1941,  being  most 
interested  in  speciation  and  population  genetics.  With 
several  colleagues,  he  founded  the  Northern  California 
Malacozoological  Club  in  1952  and  The  Veliger,  the 
Club’s  newsletter,  was  bom  in  1958.  Ruedi  named  it 
The  Veliger  because  he  “hoped  it  would  always  continue 

Dr.  Rudolf  Stohler.  Photo:  James  H.  McLean.  With  kind  permission 
of  the  California  Malacozoolocical  Society,  Inc.  [The  Veliger ]. 

to  grow”  (Cate,  1964).  Ruedi  became  editor  with 
Volume  2,  doing  the  typing  on  an  electric  typewriter 
(the  latest  in  technology  then),  collating  on  the  dining 
room  table,  pre-addressing  and  sorting  the  envelopes, 
filling  the  mailbags  by  zip  code  and  delivering  them  to 
the  post  office.  For  a fascinating  read  on  these  early 
years,  see  Cate,  1989.  Under  Ruedi ’s  editorship 
(through  Volume  25,  in  1983)  the  mimeographed 
newsletter  grew  to  become  the  distinguished  journal  we 
know  today. 

Besides  being  the  founding  editor  of  the  premier 
journal,  The  Veliger,  and  a respected  scientist  (Cate, 
1964,1989;  Smith,  1983),  Ruedi  was  a good  friend  to 
the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  an  Honorary  Life  Member 
since  1965.  Long-time  members  of  the  Club  remember 
him  with  great  affection;  he  spoke  to  the  Club  on 
several  occasions  in  the  1960s,  wrote  articles  for  The 
Festivus,  made  the  Club  a part  of  his  research  on 
Olivella  biplicata,  and  through  his  efforts,  the  News  of 
the  Western  Association  of  Shell  Clubs  was  bom  in  1961 

Page  106 


Vol.  XXXn(7):  2000 

and  continued  until  1969  as  a vehicle  for  west  coast 
shell  clubs  to  share  news.  The  four  west  coast  clubs 
sent  their  news  to  Dr.  Stohler’s  daughter  Heidi,  who  put 
the  bimonthly  publication  together  and  sent  it  out  to 
member  clubs. 

The  “Olivella  Dives,”  the  Club’s  pan  in  Dr. 
Stohler’s  research  on  growth  in  the  species  Olivella 
biplicata  (Sowerby,  1825),  were  a great  adventure  for 
those  members  who  participated  during  the  nine  years 
of  the  project  from  27  July  1959  to  13  July  1968.  See 
the  writeups  in  News  of  the  Western  Association  of  Shell 
Clubs  [San  Diego  Shell  Club]  listed  below.  His  early 
work  on  O.  biplicata  was  published  in  The  Nautilus 
(Stohler,  1952,  1959c,  1960a,  b)  and  the  results  of  the 
O.  biplicata  project  were  published  in  The  Veliger 
(Stohler,  1962,  1969). 

Ruedi  was  known  for  his  many  kindnesses  to 
students  and  amateurs,  encouraging  them  to  publish 
their  first  papers,  many  in  The  Veliger.  The  Festivus 
has  received  letters  and  phone  calls  from  Ruedi 
expressing  his  pleasure  in  issues  he  had  received.  Even 
after  he  was  totally  blind,  he  told  me  that  his  wife, 
Genevieve,  read  every  issue  of  The  Festivus  to  him. 
The  malacological  world  has  lost  a giant  of  a man. 

Molluscan  Species  Described  by  Rudolf  Stohler 

Astraea  (Uvanilla)  rupicollina  Stohler,  1959  = A. 
turbanica  (Dali,  1910). 

Macrarene  coronadensis  Stohler,  1959  = Arene 
(Macrarene)  coronadensis  (Stohler,  1959)  = ? Arene 
(Macrarene)  calif omica  (Dali,  1908). 

Taxa  named  in  honor  of  Rudolf  Stohler 

Subgenus  Stohleria  Coan,  1984 
Lepidozona  (Lepidozona)  stohleri  Ferreira,  1985 
Terebra  stohleri  Bratcher  & Burch,  1970 
Acanthodoris  stohleri  Lance,  1968  = A.  pina  Marcus  & 
Marcus,  1967. 

Flabellina  stohleri  Bertsch  & Ferreira,  1974  = F.  telja 
Marcus  & Marcus,  1967. 

Papers  on  Molluscan  topics  by  Rudolf  Stohler 

1930.  Beitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  Geschlechtszyklus  von 
Mytilus  calif omianus . Zoologischer  Anzeiger 
90(9-12):  263-268.  (15  September) 

1950.  Studies  on  mollusks  populations:  I.  The 
Nautilus  64(2):  47-51.  (October) 

Figure  2.  Lepidozona  (Lepidozona)  stohleri  Ferreira,  1985.  Bahia  de 
los  Angeles,  Golfo  de  California,  dredged,  70-130  ft..  May  1976. 
Photo:  Paul  Skoglund. 

1952.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations:  n.  The 

Nautilus  65(4):  135-137.  (April) 

1955.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations  — IE. 

[Abstract]  Annual  Report  of  the  American 
Malacological  Union  #22:  15.  (31  December) 
1958.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations:  Ilia.  The 

Nautilus  71(4):  129-131,  pi.  10.  (April) 
1959a.  Why  rules  of  priority.  The  Veliger  1(3):  17- 
18.  (1  January) 

1959b.  Two  new  species  of  west  North  American 
marine  gastropods.  Proceedings  of  the 

California  Academy  of  Sciences  29(11):  423- 

444,  figs.  1-10.  (27  February) 

1959c.  Why  rules  of  priority?  The  Veliger  1(4):  36- 
38.  (1  April) 

1959d.  Range  extension  of  some  west  N.A.  marines. 

The  Nautilus  72(4):  127-130.  (April) 

1959e.  Why  rules  of  priority?  The  Veliger  2(1):  17- 
18.  (1  July) 

1959f.  The  Red  Tide  of  1958  at  Ensenada,  Baja 

Vol.  XXXH(7):  2000 


Page  107 

California,  Mexico.  The  Veliger  2(2):  32-35, 
pis.  6,  7.  (1  October) 

1959g.  How  to  build  a private  collection  which  is 
scientifically  valuable.  The  Veliger  2(2):  39- 
40.  (1  October) 

1 95 9h . Studies  on  mollusk  populations : 4 . The  N autilus 
73(2):  65-72h,  figs.  1-3,  tables  1-3.  (October) 
1960a.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations:  IV  (cont’d). 

The  Nautilus  73(3):  95-103.  (January) 

1960b.  Fluctuations  in  mollusk  populations  after  a red 
tide  in  the  estero  de  Punta  Banda,  Lower 
California,  Mexico.  The  Veliger  3(1):  23-28, 
pi.  4.  (1  July) 

1961a.  To  describe?  - or  NOT  to  describe?  The 
Veliger  3(3):  84-87.  (1  January) 

1961b.  What’s  the  difference?  The  Veliger  3(4):  113- 
114.  (1  April) 

1961c.  Comments  on  the  proposal  to  place  the  generic 
name  Gari  Schumacher,  1817,  on  the  official 
list  unemended.  Bulletin  of  Zoological 
Nomenclature  18:  299.  (November) 

1962a.  Preliminary  report  on  growth  studies  in 
Olivella  biplicata.  The  Veliger  4(3):  150-151, 
pi.  36.  (1  January) 

1962b.  What’s  the  difference?  Genotype  - Phenotype. 

The  Veliger  4(3):  162-163.  (1  January) 

1962c.  What’s  the  difference?  Holotype  - Paratype  - 
Syntype  - Hypotype.  The  Veliger  4(4):  217- 
218.  (1  April) 

1962d.  What’s  the  difference?  Topotype  - Homeotype 
- Plastotype  - Lectotype  - Neotype.  The 
Veliger  5(1):  58-59.  (1  July) 

1962e.  The  disposition  of  type  specimens.  The  Veliger 
5(2):  95-97.  (1  October) 

1963.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations.  V.  — Tegula 
rugosa  (A.  Adams,  1853).  The  Veliger  5(3): 
117-121,  4 text  figs.  (1  January) 

1964.  Studies  on  mollusk  populations  VI.  — Tegula 
funebralis  (A.  Adams,  1855).  The  Veliger  6 
(Supplement)  pp.  77-81,  figs.  1-5.  (15 

1969a.  Growth  study  in  Olivella  biplicata  (Sowerby, 
1825).  The  Veliger  11(3):  259-267,  1 map,  1 
text  fig.,  11  tables.  (1  January) 

1969b.  The  type  of  Tegula  funebralis  (A.  Adams, 
1855).  The  Veliger  11(4):  406407,  figs.  1-10, 
1 table.  (1  April) 

1969c.  Growth  studies  on  Olivella  biplicata  (Sowerby, 
1825)  [Abstract].  In  Proceedings  of  the  Third 
European  Malacological  Congress  (Vienna,  4-6 

Figure  3.  Terebra  stohleri  Bratcher  & Burch,  1970,  holotype,  21.4 
mm.  From  Living  Terebras  of  the  World.  With  the  kind  permission 
of  Twila  Bratcher  Critchlow. 

September  1968).  Malacologia  9(1):  290. 

1986.  Watch  your  language.  The  Festivus  18(5):  54. 
(8  May) 

1987.  Common  shell  names.  The  Festivus  19(4):  36, 
37.  (9  April) 

1964b.  The  biology  of  Tegula  funebralis  (A.  Adams, 
1855).  Abbott,  D.  P.,  L.  R.  Blinks,  J.  H. 
Phillips  & R.  Stohler,  editors.  The  Veliger  6 
(Supplement)  pp.  1-82.  (15  November) 

Literature  Cited 


1964.  And,  Dr.  Rudolf  Stohler.  News  of  the  Western 
Association  of  Shell  Clubs  [San  Diego  Shell  Club] 
5(6):  D22.  (1  November) 

1966a.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  7(3):  D12.  (1  May) 

1966b.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  7(5):  D16.  (1  September) 

1968a.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  9(1):  P6.  (1  January) 

1968b.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  9(3):  D16.  (1  July) 

1963.  New  ecological  record?  News  of  the  Western 
Association  of  Shell  Clubs  [San  Diego  Shell  Club]. 
4(6):  D22.  (1  November) 


1966a.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  6(7)  [sic]  7(1):  D53,  54.  (1 

1966b.  Olivelia  dive.  ibid.  7(6):  D17.  (1  November) 

1968.  Olivella  dive.  ibid.  9(4):  D19,  20.  (1  October) 

BREWER,  BLANCHE  [editor] 

1969.  Activity  report,  ibid.  10(2):  D2.  (1  April) 


1964.  Biographical  sketch  Rudolf  Stohler.  News  of  the 
Western  Association  of  Shell  Clubs  [Conchological 
Club  of  Southern  California]  5(1):  S1-S3.  (1 

1989.  A personal  history  of  The  Veliger  and  the  California 
Malacozoological  Society,  Inc.  The  Veliger  32(2): 
101-108,  figs.  1,  2.  (3  April) 

DILWORTH,  BILLEE  (aka  Billee  Gerrodette) 

1967.  Olivella  dive.  News  of  die  Western  Association  of 
Shell  Clubs  [San  Diego  Shell  Club]  8(5):  D15.  (1 

SMITH,  R.  I. 

1983.  Our  thanks  to  Rudolf  Stohler.  The  Veliger  26(1):2- 
4,  2 figs.  (1  July) 

. F418 

v.  XX) 
no.  8 






tW  A publication  of  the  San  Diego 


Shell  Club 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Volume:  XXXII 

August  10,  2000 

Number:  8 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Linda  Hutsell 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at: 
Club/index. html  Email: 

Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Meanderings  in  the  Vizcaino  Biosphere  Reserve 

Dr.  Hans  Bertsch  will  present  an  illustrated  talk  on  regions  of  the  Baja  California  peninsula  — Punta 

marine  biology  research  in  one  of  the  most  isolated  Eugenia,  Bahia  Tortugas  and  the  nearby  Isla  Cedros. 

Meeting  date:  August  17,  2000 


Club  news  110 

New  molluscan  range  extensions  and  an  undescribed  thyasirid  from  Isla  San  Marcos  in  the  Golfo 
de  California,  Mexico 

Margaret  Mulliner Ill 

Addition  and  Correction  Ill 

Catalog  of  Recent  and  fossil  Cypraeidae  and  Eocypraeinae  (Ovulidae):  1994  through  1999 

Lindsey  T.  Groves 116 

Map  for  detaching 

Page  110 


Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - July  20,  2000 

President  Mike  Mason  welcomed  everyone  and 
called  the  meeting  to  order  at  7:45  p.m.  Guests  for  the 
evening,  Jeremy  and  Christine  Hutsell,  were  welcomed. 
The  minutes  of  the  June  meeting  were  approved  as 
written  in  The  Festivus. 

Librarian  Linda  Hutsell  said  that  the  club  purchased 
a copy  of  the  recently  published,  Chitons  of  the  World. 
It  will  be  available  for  circulation  at  the  next  meeting. 
The  new  bivalve  book.  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western 
North  America,  is  available  for  purchase  for  $99  plus 
tax.  A copy  has  been  donated  to  the  club  by  the  authors 
and  the  book  will  be  reviewed  in  The  Festivus.  Paul 
Valentich  Scott  will  be  the  speaker  at  the  October 
meeting  and  will  also  sign  his  books. 

Nancy  Schneider  is  considering  accepting  the 
position  of  Historian.  The  September  Party,  another 
“Munchie  Madness,”  will  again  be  at  the  Arnold's 
house  and  garden  on  Saturday  evening,  September  16th. 
[For  further  information,  see  map  on  last  page  of  this 

Kim  Hutsell  introduced  members  Kay  Klaus  and 
Mike  Mason,  who  spoke  to  the  group  about  their  recent 
trip  to  the  Philippines.  They  visited  three  areas:  Luzon, 
Bohol,  and  Cebu.  On  their  first  day,  they  toured  a cave 
in  Bohol.  They  also  showed  pictures  of  a very 
interesting  set  of  limestone  mounds  called  the  Chocolate 

Kay  learned  to  dive  during  this  trip  to  the 
Philippines  and  showed  some  underwater  pictures. 
Mike  said  that  Cebu  and  all  of  the  Mactan  Island  area  is 
overpopulated.  Dynamite  fishing  is  done  on  a regular 
basis,  devastating  entire  areas.  There  were  almost  no 
shells  and  no  coral.  Bohol  was  quite  different.  A guide 
is  required  to  dive  there  and  certain  areas  were  closed 
to  divers.  Mike  said  that  Cabalau  was  the  best  dive  spot 
that  they  went  to.  A discussion  ensued  about  the 
devastation  of  the  natural  habitats  given  the  poor 
conditions  of  the  country's  residents. 

The  winner  of  the  shell  drawing  prize  was  Bill 
Romer.  The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  8:55  p.m. 

Silvana  Vollero 

A Generous  Donation  to  the  Club 

Member  Gladys  Weber  of  Modesto,  California, 
has  donated  some  fine  books  and  several  boxes  of 
shells  to  the  Club.  The  shells  will  make  their  way  into 
the  next  Club  auction  and  any  of  the  books  not  already 
in  the  Club’s  library  will  be  placed  there  and  the  rest 
sold,  with  the  proceeds  to  be  used  to  purchase  new 
books  for  the  library. 

The  Club  is  indebted  to  Gladys  for  her  generous 

Additional  Plastic  Boxes  Donated  to  the  Club 

Two  additional  cartons  of  used  plastic  boxes  and 
one  box  of  new  plastic  boxes  have  been  donated  to  the 
Club  by  Ursula  and  Don  Shasky.  The  new  boxes  will 
be  available  for  sale  along  with  the  others  they 
donated.  The  used  boxes  will  be  set  out  at  meetings, 
free  to  those  who  can  use  them. 

The  Club’s  thanks  to  the  Shasky s,  once  again,  for 
this  useful  donation. 

A New  Book  for  the  Club  Library 

A copy  of  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North 
America  Marine  Bivalve  Mollusks  from  Arctic  Alaska 
to  Baja  California  will  be  available  for  circulation  in 
the  Club  library  at  the  August  meeting. 

The  book  was  kindly  donated  to  the  Club  by 
authors,  Eugene  V.  Coan  and  Paul  Valentich  Scott.  A 
review  of  the  volume  will  appear  in  the  September 
issue  of  The  Festivus. 

The  Western  Society  of  Malacologists  — 2001 

The  next  annual  meeting  of  the  Western  Society  of 
Malacologists  (WSM)  in  2001  will  be  held  here  in  San 
Diego  from  27  to  30  June  2001. 

President  Hans  Bertsch  has  already  reserved  a 
convenient  meeting  site  at  the  Ramada  Inn  and 
Conference  Center  in  Kearny  Mesa. 

This  will  be  a fine  opportunity  for  Club  members 
to  participate  in  this  conference.  Stay  tuned. 

Vol.  XXXII(8):  2000 


Page  1 1 1 



5283  Vickie  Drive  San  Diego,  CA  92109,  USA 

In  October  1999  my  husband  and  I went  on  our 
annual  dredging  trip  to  Baja  California  and  found  a new 
area,  Isla  San  Marcos,  15  km  south  of  Santa  Rosalia, 
Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico.  We  camped  at  the  San 
Lucas  RV  Park,  spending  about  20  days  dredging  off 
the  west  side  of  Isla  San  Marcos. 

The  following  list  is  of  the  15  range  extensions  of 
molluscan  species  and  one  undescribed  species  that  we 
dredged  in  20-50  m,  on  sand  and  broken  shell/rubble 
bottom.  The  specimens  are  all  in  the  Mulliner 

The  taxonomic  arrangement  is  by  Keen  (1971)  as 
modified  by  Vaught  (1989)  and  Skoglund  (1991,1992). 
Numbers  from  Keen  (1971)  are  used  where  possible. 
Identification  of  material  was  confirmed  by  Carol 
Skoglund  of  Phoenix,  Arizona.  All  material  was 
collected  dead.  Number  of  specimens  and  previously 
published  distributional  records  for  each  species  are 

I wish  to  thank  Eugene  Coan,  Kim  Hutsell,  Paul 
Valentich  Scott  and  Carol  Skoglund,  for  help  in 
identifying  the  species,  Dave  Mulliner  for  photography 
and  Carole  Hertz  for  help  in  setting  up  the  paper. 



1976.  Living  Chamidae  of  the  eastern  Pacific  (Bivalvia: 
Heterodonta).  Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles 
Contributions  in  Science  278:  1-43,  figs.  1-12. 

1991.  Distribution  and  zoogeography  of  the  Bivalvia  of  the 
eastern  Pacific  Ocean.  Canadian  Special  Publication  of 
Fisheries  and  Aquatic  Sciences  112,  60  pp.,  figs.  1-29. 

1971.  The  Terebridae  (Gastropoda)  of  Clari6n,  Socorro, 
Cocos  and  Galapagos  Islands.  Proceedings  of  the 

California  Academy  of  Sciences  37(21):  537-566,  figs. 


1987.  Living  Terebras  of  the  World.  A Monograph  of  the 
Recent  Terebridae  of  the  World.  American 
Malacologists,  Inc.  240  pp.,  68  pis. 


1997.  Checklist  of  the  marine  bivalves  of  the  northeastern 
Pacific  Ocean.  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural 
History  Contributions  in  Science  1:  1-28,  12  figs. 

1984.  Moluscos  marinos  de  la  Isla  de  Gorgona  (costa 
del  Pacifico  Colombiano).  Anales  del  Instituto  de 
Investigaciones  Marinas  de  Punta  de  Betin  14:  175-257, 
figs.  1-42. 


1962.  A checklist  of  moll  us  ks  for  Puertecitos,  Baja  California, 
Mexico.  The  Veliger  5(1):  39-50. 


1969.  A preliminary  survey  of  mollusks  for  Consag  rock  and 
adjacent  areas.  Gulf  of  California,  Mexico.  The  Veliger 
11(4):  351-363,  1 map. 


1967.  A checklist  of  mollusks  for  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico. 
The  Veliger  9(4):  413-441. 


1985.  Preliminary  faunal  list  of  the  marine  mollusks  of  the 
Galapagos  Islands.  Institut  Royal  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  de  Belgique.  Documents  de  Travail  20:  50 



2000.  Turridae  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda)  from  the  San  Felipe 
area,  Baja  California,  Mexico,  in  the  Gemmell 
Collection.  The  Festivus  32(6):  81-96,  figs.  1-42. 

1977.  Systematic  review  of  fossil  and  Recent  Crepidula  and 
discussion  of  the  evolution  of  the  Calyptraeidae. 
Malacologia  16(2):  353-420,  figs.  1-28. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America.  Second  edition. 
Stanford  University  Press,  Stanford,  CA  i-xiv  +1064 
pp.,  22  color  pis.,  ca  4000  text  figs. 


Page  112 


Vol.  XXXH(8):  2000 

1975.  "Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America":  additions  and 
corrections  to  1975.  The  Western  Society  of 
Malacologists  Occasional  Paper  1,  66  pp. 


1988.  Biogeographical  notes  on  the  genus  Terebra 
(Gastropoda:  Terebridae)  at  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica. 
Revista  de  Biologia  Tropical  36(2B):  569-574,  figs.  1-13. 


1983.  A revision  of  the  Recent  Xenophoridae  of  the  world 
and  of  the  Australian  fossil  species  (Mollusca: 
Gastropoda).  Australian  Museum  Memoirs  17:  126 
pp.,  figs.  1-42. 


1988.  A report  of  the  molluscan  species  in  the  San  Carlos 
rectangle,  Sonora,  Mexico,  collected  by  Forrest  L.  and 
Leroy  H.  Poorman  from  December  1953  to  December 
1983.  The  Festivus  20(6):  47-63,  1 map. 


1974.  Intertidal  marine  Mollusca  of  Cape  Tepoca,  Sonora, 
Mexico.  Unpublished  Master  of  Science  Thesis, 
Arizona  State  University,  17  pp. 

1990a.  Panamic  Province  molluscan  range  extensions  from 
Bahia  Cocos,  Costa  Rica.  The  Festivus  22(9):  100. 

1990b.  Molluscan  range  extensions  to  Playas  de  Villamil, 
Guayas,  Ecuador.  The  Festivus  22(11):  119-121. 

1991a.  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  bivalve  (Mollusca) 
literature  1971  to  1990.  The  Festivus  22  (supplement 
2).  74  pp. 

1991b.  Panamic  range  extensions  for  Drillia  (Gastropoda: 
Turridae).  The  Festivus  23(6):  47. 

1992.  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  gastropod 
(Mollusca)  literature  1971  to  1992.  The  Festivus  24 
(supplement).  169  pp. 


1989.  A Classification  of  the  Living  Mollusca.  American 
Malacologists,  Inc.  Melbourne,  Florida.  195  pp. 

Keen  No.  Species  and  Remarks 

117  Tucetona  strigilata  (Sowerby,  1833),  1 

specimen,  previously  known  from  Guaymas, 
Sonora,  Mexico,  to  Ecuador  (Keen,  1971);  Isla 
del  Coco,  Costa  Rica  (Bernard,  McKinnell  & 
Jamieson,  1991).  This  brings  the  range  across 
the  Gulf  (Figure  1). 

301  Thyasira  sp.,  11  valves.  Undescribed  (pers. 
com.,  Valentich  Scott,  June  2000)  (Figure  2). 

310  Amerycina  cultrata  Keen,  1971,  1 specimen, 
previously  known  from  Isla  Partida,  Isla 
Espiritu  Santo,  near  La  Paz,  Baja  California  Sur 
(Keen,  1971);  north  to  Guaymas,  Sonora, 
Mexico  (Keen  & Coan,  1975)  (Figure  3). 

Figure  1.  Tucetona  strigilata  (Sowerby,  1833),  29.9  mm.  Photo:  D.K 

Figure  2.  Thyasira  species  undescribed,  10.1  mm.  Photo.  D.  K. 

Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 


Page  113 

Figure  3.  Amerycina  cultrata  Keen,  1971,  14.6  mm.  Photo:  D.  K. 

353  Arcinella  calif omica  (Dali,  1903),  2 top  valves, 
previously  known  from  Isla  Cedros,  Baja 
California  to  Panama  (Keen,  1971);  into  the 
Golfo  de  California  at  Bahia  San  Carlos, 
Sonora,  Mexico  (DuShane  & Poorman,  1967); 
south  to  Colombia  (Bernard,  1976).  This  brings 
the  range  across  the  Golfo  de  California. 

Figure  4.  Niso  interrupta  (Sowerby,  1834),  29.5  mm.  Photo:  D.  K. 

614  Solecurtus  guaymasensis  Lowe,  1935,  13  valves 
+ 1 specimen,  previously  known  from  Bahia 
San  Carlos,  Sonora,  Mexico  (DuShane  & 
Poorman,  1967);  off  Isla  Cedros,  Baja 
California,  to  Golfo  de  Chiriqui,  Panama  (Keen, 
1971);  Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador  (Finet,  1985); 
to  southern  California  (Coan  & Scott,  1997). 
This  brings  the  range  across  the  Golfo  de 


750  Niso  interrupta  (Sowerby,  1834),  10  specimens, 
previously  known  from  Isla  San  Pedro  Martir, 
off  Sonora,  Mexico,  to  Guayaquil,  Ecuador 
(Keen,  1971).  This  brings  the  range  across  the 
Golfo  de  California  (Figure  4). 

814  Crepidula  onyx  Sowerby,  1824,  1 specimen, 
previously  known  from  Southern  California  to 
Chile  (Keen,  1971);  San  Pedro,  California,  to 
Costa  Rica  and  possibly  Panama  (Hoagland, 
1977);  Isla  Gorgona,  Colombia  (Cosel,  1984); 
Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador  (Finet,  1985).  This  is 
the  first  published  report  of  the  species  in  the 
Golfo  de  California. 

837  Xenophora  conchyliophora  (Bom,  1780),  1 
specimen,  previously  known  from  Guaymas, 
Sonora,  to  La  Paz,  Baja  California  Sur,  Golfo 
de  Tehuantepec,  Mexico  (Keen,  1971);  Puerto 
Penasco  to  Golfo  de  Panama  (Ponder,  1983); 
Guayas  Province,  Ecuador  (Skoglund,  1990b). 
This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  north  of  La 
Paz  on  the  Baja  side  of  the  Golfo  de  California. 

Page  114 


Vol.  XXXII(8):  2000 

1522  Terebra  armillata  Hinds,  1844,  13  specimens, 
previously  known  from  Puertecitos  (DuShane, 
1962);  Bahia  Santa  Maria,  Baja  California, 
Mexico,  to  Peru  (Keen,  1971);  Islas  Galapagos, 
Ecuador  (Bratcher  & Burch,  1971);  Isla  del 
Coco,  Costa  Rica  (Montoya  & Kaiser,  1988). 
This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  on  the  Baja 
side  of  the  southern  Golfo  de  California. 

Terebra  guayaquilensis  E.  A.  Smith,  1880, 
[Keen  #1535,  left  figure],  9 specimens, 
previously  known  from  Roc  a Consag  [as  T.  ira 
Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932]  (DuShane  & Brennan, 
1969);  west  coast  of  Baja  California,  Mexico, 
to  Ecuador  (Bratcher  & Cemohorsky,  1987); 
Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica  (Montoya  & Kaiser, 
1988);  Islas  Galapagos,  Ecuador  (Finet,  1985). 
This  is  the  first  report  of  the  species  in  the 
southern  Golfo  de  California  on  the  Baja 
California  side. 

Figure  5.  Terebra  variegata  Gray,  1834,  37.9  mm.  Photo:  D.  K. 

Figure  6.  Diptychophlia  occaia  (Hinds,  1843),  9.9  mm.  Photo:  D.  K. 

1571  Terebra  variegata  Gray,  1834,  11  specimens, 
previously  known  from  Puertecitos  (DuShane, 
1962);  Bahia  Santa  Maria,  Baja  California  Sur, 
Mexico,  Islas  Galapagos  (Bratcher  & 
Cemohorsky,  1987);  Isla  del  Coco,  Costa  Rica 
(Montoya  & Kaiser,  1988).  This  is  the  first 
report  of  the  species  on  the  Baja  side  of  the 
southern  Golfo  de  California  (Figure  5). 

1579  Calliclava  alcmene  Dali,  1919),  1 specimen, 
previously  known  from  the  northern  Golfo  de 
California  at  Isla  Tiburon  to  Isla  Espiritu  Santo 
in  the  south  (Keen,  1971).  This  brings  the  range 
north  from  Espiritu  Santo  on  the  Baja  side  of  the 
Golfo  de  California. 

1627  Drillia  salvadorica  (Hertlein  & Strong,  1851), 
2 specimens,  previously  known  from  the 
northern  Golfo  de  California  at  Isla  Tiburon  to 

Vol.  XXXH(8):  2000 


Page  115 

La  Libertad,  El  Salvador  (Keen,  1971);  off 
Golfito,  Puntarenas  Province,  Costa  Rica 
(Skoglund,  1991b).  This  brings  the  range  across 
the  Golfo  de  California  to  off  Isla  San  Marcos. 

1655  Cochlespira  cedonulli  (Reeve,  1843),  1 

specimen,  previously  known  from  the  northern 
Golfo  de  California  at  Isla  Tiburon,  to  Puerto 
Utria,  Colombia  (Keen,  1971).  This  brings  the 
range  across  the  Golfo  de  California  to  off  Isla 
San  Marcos. 

1702  Crassispira  xanti  Hertlein  & Strong,  1951, 

2 specimens,  previously  known  from  Agua 
Chale  (San  Felipe  area)  (Hertz,  Gemmell  & 
Myers,  2000);  Punta  Lobos,  Sonora,  Mexico  to 
Santa  Elena  Bay,  Ecuador  (Keen,  1971).  This 
brings  the  range  south  on  the  Baja  side  of  the 
Golfo  de  California. 

1773  Diptychophlia  occata  (Hinds,  1843),  1 

specimen,  previously  known  from  Guaymas, 
Sonora,  Mexico  to  Puerto  Utria,  Colombia 
(Keen,  1971).  The  brings  the  range  across  the 
Golfo  de  California  to  Baja  California 
(Figure  6). 


Addition:  Thanks  to  a note  from  Lindsey  Groves  of  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  of  Los  Angeles  County,  we 
learned  of  an  additional  genus  and  species  named  for  the  late  Rudolf  Stohler  which  should  be  included  in  C.M.  Hertz 
(2000)  [The  Festivus  32(7):  105-107]  — a valid  species  of  ovulid,  Stohleroma  stohleri  Cate,  1973. 

Correction:  It  has  just  been  brought  to  our  attention  that  in  Skoglund  (2000)  [Spondylus  linguaefelis  Sowerby, 
1847  ...  in  the  Panamic  Province,  with  notes  on  the  occurrence  of  Spondylus  nicobaricus  Schreibers,  1793  [The 
Festivus  32(1):  3-7,  pi.  1 & figs.  1-3)],  there  is  a reversal  of  photographs.  On  Page  5,  Figure  3 is  the  Roca  Partida 
specimen  and  Figure  2 is  the  Isla  Jicarita  specimen.  We  apologize  to  the  author  and  thank  Kirstie  Kaiser  for  notifying 
us  of  the  error. 

Page  116 


Vol.  XXXII(8):2000 

EOCYPRAEINAE  (OVULIDAE):  1994  through  1999 


Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County 
Malacology  & Invertebrate  Paleontology  Sections 
900  Exposition  Boulevard,  Los  Angeles,  California  90007,  USA 


Groves  (1994a)  published  a lengthy  catalog  of 
cypraeid  and  eocypraeid  taxa  described  subsequent  to 
Schilder  & Schilder  (1971).  Herein  is  a list  of  taxa 
described  since  Groves  (1994a),  those  inadvertently 
omitted,  and  additional  information  received  and/or 
determined  after  publication.  Four  taxa  described  prior 
to  1971  that  were  not  included  in  Schilder  & Schilder 
(1971)  are  also  included.  Names  introduced  without 
descriptions  are  not  included. 

Seventy-six  taxa  of  cypraeids  and  eocypraeids  are 
treated  herein,  of  which  28  are  Recent  taxa  and  48  are 
fossil  taxa.  Of  the  Recent  taxa  23  were  described  as 
new,  two  were  not  included  in  Groves  (1994a),  and 
three  are  updated.  Of  the  fossil  taxa  42  are  described  as 
new,  four  were  not  included  in  Groves  (1994a),  and  two 
are  updated.  Taxonomic  allocations  listed  in  the 
Remarks  sections,  unless  cited  otherwise,  represent  the 
opinion  of  the  author. 


The  following  abbreviations  are  used  herein  for 
locality  and/or  type  numbers. 

AMNH  = American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New 
York,  NY,  USA. 

FAU  = Florida  Atlantic  University,  Boca  Raton, 
Florida,  USA. 

GMANH  = Graves  Museum  of  Archaeology  and 
Natural  History,  Dania,  Florida,  USA. 

HNC  = Haus  der  Natur,  Cismar,  Germany. 

HUJ  = Hebrew  University,  Jerusalem,  Israel. 

IO  = Institute  of  Oceanology,  Academica  Sinica, 
Qingdao,  China. 

KB  IN  = Koninklijk  Belgisch  Instituut  voor 

Naturuwetenschappen,  Brussels,  Belgium. 

LACMIP  = Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles 
County,  Invertebrate  Paleontology  Section,  Los 
Angeles,  California,  USA. 

MFM  = Mizunami  Fossil  Museum,  Mizunami,  Gifu 
Prefecture,  Japan. 

MNHN  = Museum  National  d'Histoire  Naturelle, 
Paris,  France. 

MUG  = Miyagi  University  of  Education,  Department 
of  Geology,  Sendai,  Japan. 

NSMT  = National  Science  Museum  Tokyo,  Japan. 
NHB  = Naturhistorisches  Museum,  Basel,  Switzerland. 
PRI  = Paleontological  Research  Institution,  Ithaca, 
New  York,  USA. 

SBMNH  = Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
Santa  Barbara,  California,  USA. 

SMF  = Senckenberg  Museum,  Frankfurt,  Germany. 
UCMP  = University  of  California,  Museum  of 
Paleontology,  Berkeley,  USA. 

UF  = Florida  Museum  of  Natural  History,  University 
of  Florida,  Gainsville,  Florida,  USA. 

USNM  = National  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington  DC,  USA. 


Many  thanks  to  all  who  contributed  to  this  project. 
Jiri  Zidek,  editor  of  the  now  defunct  The  Cowry  new 
series  (New  Mexico  Bureau  of  Mines  & Mineral 
Resources,  Socorro,  New  Mexico)  suggested  the 
original  catalog  (Groves,  1994a)  and  subsequent 
updates.  Andre  Delsaerdt  (Aarschot,  Belgium),  Dirk 
Fehse  (Berlin,  Germany),  Richard  Goldberg  (Columbia, 
Maryland),  Felix  Lorenz  (GieBen,  Germany),  Eduard 
L.  Heiman  (Rehovot,  Israel),  Hitoshi  Ikeda  (Kanagawa, 
Japan),  Luc  Notelteirs  (Belgium),  Werner  Massier 

Vol.  XXXII(8):  2000 


Page  117 

(Cape  Town,  South  Africa),  Ed  Petuch  (FAU),  and 
Susumu  Tomida  (Tokyo,  Japan)  provided  reprints  and / 
or  pertinent  papers.  Richard  E.  Petit  (North  Myrtle 
Beach,  South  Carolina)  provided  pertinent  pages  of  an 
extremely  obscure  reference  [Tessier,  1952].  James  H. 
McLean  (LACM,  Malacology)  reviewed  the  original 

Family  Cypraeidae 

albanyensis  [Zoila  (Zoila)  marginata]  Raybaudi, 
[1985:9,  fig.  7A],  1994b:21-23,  figs.  103-109.  King 
George  Sound,  Albany,  Western  Australia.  Holotype 
presumably  in  the  collection  of  L.  Raybaudi  Massilia, 
Rome,  Italy;  1 paratype  in  the  Tokyo  Institute  of 
Malacology,  Tokyo,  Japan. 

Remarks:  Groves  (1994a)  considered  the  following 
subspecific  taxa  of  the  Zoila  marginata  "group"  to  be 
synonymous  with  the  nominal  species:  Z.  marginata 
albanyensis  Raybaudi,  1994b;  Z.  m.  ketyana  Raybaudi, 
1978;  and  Z.  m.  raybaudii  Lorenz,  1992.  However,  the 
recent  works  of  Biraghi  (1993;  1994),  Raybaudi  (1993a- 
c;  1994a-c),  Lorenz  (1992),  Lorenz  & Hubert  (1993), 
and  Wilson  (1993)  clearly  demonstrate  that  there  are  at 
least  four  distinct  subspecies  within  the  group.  Zoila 
marginata  consueta  Biraghi,  1993  is  considered  to  be  a 
junior  synonym  of  Z.  marginata  s.s.  (Wilson,  1993). 

Raybaudi  (1985)  originally  introduced  the 
subspecific  name  Z.  marginata  albanyensis  in  a price 
list  without  a valid  description,  designation  of  type 
material  and/or  type  locality,  and  without  comparison  to 
similar  species.  In  1994b  he  officially  described  the 
subspecies  and  designated  type  material  and  type 

alfrediana  [Cypraeovula-Luponia  amphithales ] 

Raybaudi,  1994d:  12-13,  figs.  10-14.  Presumably  from 
off  Port  Alfred,  Cape  Prov.,  South  Africa  but  not 
designated.  Type  material  not  designated. 

Remarks:  Apparent  hybrid  of  Cypraeovula  capensis 
(Gray,  1828)  and  C.  alfredensis  Schilder  & Schilder, 
1929).  This  name  is  invalidated  as  per  ICZN,  Article 
1(b)  (3),  which  states  that  hybrids  are  excluded  from  the 
provisions  of  the  code.  Therefore,  this  taxon  is 
considered  a junior  synonym  of  C.  amphithales 
(Melvill,  1888). 

androyensis  [ Palmadusta ] Blocher  & Lorenz,  1999:13- 

14,  fig.  1,  pi.  3,  figs.  1-3.  Between  deltas  of  Mandrare 
and  Manambovo  Rivers,  southwest  of  Fort  Dauphin, 
southern  Madagascar.  Holotype  HNC  52872,  1 paratype 
HNC  52873,  2 paratypes  in  the  collection  of  M. 
Blocher,  Duisburg,  Germany,  1 paratype  in  the 
collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany. 

bealsi  [ Erronea ] Mock,  1996:63-66,  figs.  1-6.  In  fish 
trap  from  220-260  m off  Talikud  Id.  [=  Talicod  Id.], 
Davao  Gulf,  Davao  Province,  Mindanao  Id. , Philippines 
(approx.  6°89'N,  125°69'E).  Holotype  SBMNH 
143416,  1 paratype  SBMNH  143417,  1 paratype  in 
collection  of  M.  Beals  (Inglewood,  California). 
Remarks:  Probably  a deep  water  form  of  E. 
hungerfordi  (Sowerby,  1888). 

clavicola  [Bistolida  stolida ] Lorenz,  1998:56-58,  figs. 
73  [radula],  74  [right  fig.],  pi.  26,  figs.  1-6.  Off 
Nungwi  village,  northern  Zanzibar,  Tanzania.  Holotype 
HNC  48715,  3 paratypes  HNC  48716-48718,  7 
paratypes  in  collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany. 
Remarks:  Possibly  a junior  synonym  of  B.  stolida 
(Linne,  1758). 

delicatura  [Zoila]  Chandler  & DuRoss,  1997:65,  15 
unnumbered  figs.  Off  the  northwest  shelf  of  Western 
Australia,  near  the  Monte  Bello  Islands.  Holotype  in 
Western  Australian  Museum,  Perth. 

Remarks:  Probably  a junior  synonym  of  Z.  eludens 
Raybaudi,  1991. 

donghaiensis  [Erronea  (Adusta)]  Ma,  1997:78-79,  260- 
261,  pi.  6,  fig.  3.  In  90-100  m depth,  northeast  of 
Okinawa,  East  China  Sea  (27°50'N,  126°00'E). 
Holotype  IO  M37330. 

Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  E.  (A.)  hungerfordi 
(Sowerby,  1888). 

ganteri  [Cribrarula  cribraria ] Lorenz,  1997:1-2,  pi.  1, 
figs.  1-7.  Beach  at  Mount  Lavinia,  10  km  south  of 
Colombo,  Sri  Lanka.  Holotype  HNC  44662,  7 
paratypes  in  collection  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany. 
Remarks:  Possibly  a junior  synonym  of  C.  cribrarula 
(Linne,  1758). 

gonubiensis  [Cypraeovula  capensis ] Massier,  1993:21- 
26,  fig.  1 (left  fig.)  [radula],  pi.  5,  figs.  1-7,  13. 
Gonubie,  northeast  of  London,  Cape  Province,  South 
Africa.  Holotype  HNC  30807,  1 paratype  HNC  30809, 
2 paratypes  in  the  collection  of  W.  Massier,  Margate, 

Page  118 


Vol.  XXXD(8):  2000 

Natal,  South  Africa,  and  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of 
F.  Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany. 

Remarks:  Possibly  a junior  synonym  of  Cypraeovula 
capensis  (Gray,  1828).  Treated  as  a form  by  Lorenz  & 
Hubert,  1993. 

Hiraseadusta  Shikama,  1971:103.  Type  species: 
Cypraea  hirasei  Roberts,  1913. 

Remarks:  Subjective  synonym  of  Nesiocypraea  Azuma 
& Kuroda,  1967. 

iutsuina  [Cypraeovula-Crossia  amphithales]  Raybaudi, 
1995c:70-72,  figs.  13-17.  Presumably  from  deep  water 
off  Algoa  Bay /Port  Alfred,  Cape  Prov.,  South  Africa. 
Holotype  in  the  collection  of  L.  Raybaudi  Massilia, 
Rome,  Italy. 

Remarks:  Apparent  hybrid  of  Cypraeovula  (Crossia) 
iutsui  Shikama,  1974  and  C.  capensis  (Gray,  1828). 
This  taxon  is  considered  a junior  synonym  of  C.  iutsui 
Shikama,  1974  (see  ICZN  note  on  p.  117). 

jandeprezi  [Pustularia]  Poppe  & Martin,  1997:81-88, 
pi.  1,  figs  1-5.  South  of  Borongan,  Samar,  the 
Philippines.  Holotype  MNHN,  1 paratype  KB  IN, 
Brussels,  Belgium,  1 paratype  AMNH,  4 paratypes  in 
collection  of  G.  Poppe,  Berchem,  Belgium,  1 paratype 
in  collection  P.  Martin,  Brussels,  Belgium,  and  4 
paratypes  in  the  collection  of  J.  Deprez,  Belgium. 
Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  P.  bistrinotata  Schilder 
& Schilder,  1937. 

ketyana  [Cypraea  (Zoila)  marginata ] Raybaudi,  1978. 
Remarks:  A valid  subspecies  of  Z.  marginata  (Gaskoin, 
1849)  (see  albanyensis,  [Z.  marginata ]).  See  Groves 
(1994a)  for  type  material,  type  locality  and  original 

Kurodadusta  Shikama,  1971:103.  Type  species: 
Erronea  (Zoila?)  teramachii  Kuroda,  1938. 

Remarks:  Subjective  synonym  of  Nesiocypraea  Azuma 
& Kuroda,  1967. 

levissima  [Crossia  iutsui ] Raybaudi  Massilia  1995a:29, 
fig.  15.  In  300-380  m depth,  off  Hondeklipbaai,  Cape 
Province,  South  Africa.  Type  material  presumably  in 
the  collection  of  L.  Raybaudi  Massilia,  Rome,  Italy. 
Remarks:  Regarded  as  a junior  synonym  of 
Cypraeovula  (Crossia)  iutsui  (Shikama,  1974). 

lobettiana  [Zoila  (Zoila)]  Raybaudi,  1995b:  15-17,  10 

unnumbered  figs,  on  p.  16-17.  From  200  m,  Great 
Australian  Bight,  South  Australia.  Holotype  in  the 
collection  of  F.  Lobetti  Bodoni,  Italy,  1 paratype  in 
the  collection  of  L.  Raybaudi  Massilia,  Rome,  Italy. 
Remarks:  Regarded  as  a deep-water  junior  synonym  of 
Z.  rosselli  Cotton,  1948. 

merguina  [Mauritia  arabica]  Lorenz  & Huber,  1993:47- 
50,  pi.  9,  figs.  1-8.  Mergui  Archipelago,  Myanmar  (= 
Burma).  Holotype  HNC  31642,  1 paratype  HNC,  3 
paratypes  in  the  collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen, 
Germany,  3 paratypes  in  the  collection  of  F.  Huber, 
Schwanestadt,  Germany. 

omii  [Notadusta]  Ikeda,  1998:263-266,  fig.  2 [radula], 
pi.  1,  figs,  la-lc.  In  100-120  m depth,  off 
Tosashimizu,  Kochi  Prefecture,  Shikoku,  Japan 
(32°46'N,  132°57'E).  Holotype  NSMT  Mo-71297, 
paratype  NSMT  Mo-71298. 

oryzaeformis  [ Purpuradusta ] Lorenz  & Sterba,  1999:3- 
6,  figs.  5 (radula),  8,  pi.  1,  figs.  1-3.  Raroia,  Tuamotu, 
French  Polynesia.  Holotype  HNC  44694,  1 paratype 
HNC  44695,  8 paratypes  in  the  collection  of  F. 
Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany,  1 paratype  in  the  collection 
of  G.  Sterba,  Markkleeberg,  Germany. 

pellisserpentis  [ Cribrarula ] Lorenz,  1999b: 37-3 8,  pi.  7, 
figs.  1-3.  15  to  35  m from  an  area  south  of  Tulear  to 
Fort  Dauphin,  southern,  Madagascar.  Holotype  HNC 
52874,  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  M.  Chiapponi, 
Lecco,  Italy,  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  M.  Blocher, 
Duisberg,  Germany,  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  J. 
van  Heesvelde,  Gent,  Belgium,  1 paratype  in  the 
collection  of  L.  Gabrielli,  Neuss,  Germany. 

perdentata  [Cypraeovula-Luponia  amphithales ] 

Raybaudi,  1995c:68-70,  figs.  5-8.  Presumably  from 
deep  water  off  Algoa  Bay  /Port  Alfred,  Cape  Prov., 
South  Africa.  Holotype  in  the  collection  of  Dr. 
Stimpson,  USA. 

Remarks:  Apparent  hybrid  of  Cypraeovula  fuscodentata 
(Gray,  1825)  and  C.  capensis  (Gray,  1828).  This  taxon 
is  considered  a junior  synonym  of  C.  fuscodentata 
(Gray,  1825)  (see  ICZN  note  on  p.  117). 

pseudolutea  [Palmadusta  (Palmadusta)]  Ma,  1997:96, 
261,  pi.  6,  fig.  5.  Sanya,  Hainan  Province,  China. 
Holotype  IO  M36886. 

Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  P.  (P.)  saulae  (Gaskoin, 

Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 


Page  119 


raybaudii  [Zoila  marginata ] Lorenz,  1992. 

Remarks:  A valid  subspecies  of  Z.  marginata  (Gaskoin, 
1849)  (see  albanyensis  [Zoila  marginata ]).  See  Groves 
(1994a)  for  type  material,  type  locality  and  original 

sanfrancisca  [Cypraeovula  algoensis]  Chiapponi, 
1999:41-42,  figs.  1-2.  Near  Cape  St.  Francis,  Cape 
Prov.,  South  Africa.  Holotype  HNC  52875,  3 paratypes 
in  collection  of  M.  Chiapponi,  Malgrate,  Italy,  2 
paratypes  in  collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen,  Germany. 
Remarks:  Possibly  a junior  synonym  of  C.  algoensis. 

sharmiensis  [Lyncina  Camelopardalis ] Heiman  & 
Mienis,  1999:41-42,  figs.  3-8.  Ras  Nasrani,  near 
Sharm-el  Sheikh,  northeastern  Red  Sea,  Egypt. 
Holotype  HUJ  31867,  paratype  HUJ  39164,  3 paratypes 
in  the  collection  of  E.  Heiman,  Rehovot,  Israel. 
Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  L.  Camelopardalis  (Perry, 

sinensis  [Erosaria  (Erosaria)]  Ma,  1997:44-45  , 259- 
260,  pi.  6,  fig.  1.  Chaoyang  Guangdong  Prov.,  China. 
Holotype  10  M37222. 

Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  E.  (E.)  erosa  (Linne, 

sublitorea  [Erosaria]  Lorenz,  1997:11-13,  fig.  2,  pi.  5, 
figs.  5,  10.  Viasala,  Savai'i,  Western  Samoa.  Holotype 
HNC  44663,  33  paratypes  in  collection  of  F.  Lorenz, 
GieBen,  Germany. 

Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  E.  annulus  (Linne,  1758). 

tenuidon  [Lyncina  leucodon ] Lorenz,  1999a:  16-17,  pi. 
4,  figs.  1-2.  200  m,  southern  Andaman  Sea.  Holotype 
HNC  52871,  1 paratype  in  collection  of  M.  Chiapponi, 
Lecco,  Italy,  1 paratype  in  collection  of  L.  Gabrielli, 
Neuss,  Germany. 

Remarks:  Junior  synonym  of  L.  leucodon  (Broderip, 

Family  Cypraeidae 

Akleistostoma  Gardner,  1948:213-214.  Type  species: 
Cypraea  carolinensis  Conrad,  1841. 

Remarks:  Proposed  by  Gardner  (1948)  as  a section 

within  the  genus  and  subgenus  Cypraea  (Cypraeorbis) 
and  elevated  to  subgeneric  status  by  Petuch  (1998). 

alligator  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:266,  pi.  30,  figs. 
A-B.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  8),  Tamiami  Formation.  APAC  pit, 
Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  subgenus  Akleistostoma  by 
Petuch  (1998). 

briani  [ Calusacypraea ] Petuch,  1996:18-20,  figs.  1-2. 
Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit 
7),  Tamiami  Formation.  Phase  7 pit.  Quality 
Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida. 
Holotype  UF  68248,  2 paratypes  in  GMANH,  3 
paratypes  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  genus/subgenus 

Siphocypraea  (Calusacypraea)  by  Petuch  (1998). 

bulbus  [ Cypraeorbis ] Garvie,  1996:56-57,  pi.  13,  figs. 
5-6.  Early  Eocene  [lower  Claibomian  (=  early 
Ypresian)],  Marquez  Member,  Reklaw  Formation.  Joe 
Taylor  Branch  of  Two  Mile  Creek  Creek,  NE  of  Gause, 
Milam  County,  Texas.  Holotype  PRI  30371,  1 paratype 
PRI  30372. 

Calusacypraea  Petuch,  1996:17-18.  Type  species: 
Calusacypraea  duerri  Petuch,  1996. 

Remarks:  Originally  proposed  as  full  genus  and  later 
redesignated  by  Petuch  (1998)  to  subgenus  of 

cannoni  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:266-267,  pi.  27, 
figs.  A-B,  I.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  uppermost 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  3),  Tamiami  Formation. 
Phase  6 pit.  Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota, 
Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  66221. 

cathyae  [Zonaria  (Pseudozonaria)]  Groves,  1997:154, 
pi.  1,  figs.  9-10.  Early  Pliocene,  Esmeraldas  beds, 
Onzole  Formation.  Quebrada  Camarones,  Esmeraldas 
Province,  Ecuador  [LACMIP  loc.  16944].  Holotype 
LACMIP  12433. 

chathamensis  [Bemaya]  Cemohorsky,  1971. 

Remarks:  Cemohorsky  (1994)  reported  that  the  original 
label  accompanying  the  holotype  of  Bemaya 
chathamensis  incorrectly  dated  the  specimen  as  from 
early  Pliocene  deposits.  It  was  not  realized  until  recently 

Page  120 


Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 

that  most  of  the  marine  Tertiary  sequence  of  the 
Chatham  Islands  was  of  Paleocene  to  early  Eocene  age. 
The  aperture  of  the  holotype  of  B.  chathamensis  is  filled 
with  Red  Bluff  Tuff  matrix  which  is  of  early  Eocene 
(Waipawan)  age  (Beu  & Maxwell,  1990).  See  Groves 
(1994a)  for  type  material,  type  locality  and  original 

cowlitziana  [ Nucleolaria ] Groves,  1994b: 247-248,  figs. 
6-7.  Middle  to  upper  Eocene  ("Tejon  Stage")  Cowlitz 
Formation.  East  of  Vader,  Lewis  County,  Washington 
[UCMP  loc.  D-8040] . Holotype  UCMP  39837. 

crocodila  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:267,  pi.  30, 
figs.  J-K.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  lowermost 
Pinecrest  beds  fauna  (Petuch  unit  10),  Tamiami 
Formation.  Phase  6 pit,  Quality  Aggregates,  Inc., 
Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  subgenus  Akleistostoma  by 
Petuch  (1998). 

diegelae  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:267-268,  pi.  32, 
figs.  J-K.  Pliocene,  Kissimmee  beds  Tamiami 
Formation.  Kissimmee  River  dredgings  at  Okeetantie, 
Okeechobee,  Okeechobee  County,  Florida.  Holotype 
UF  66232. 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  sub  genus  Akleistostoma  by 
Petuch  (1998). 

dimasi  [Siphocypraea  (Siphocypraea)]  Petuch,  1998:33- 
34,  figs.  19-20.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest 
beds  (Petuch  unit  3),  Tamiami  Formation.  Florida  Rock 
Industries,  Inc.,  Naples  Quarry  (=  Mule  Pen  Quarry), 
Naples,  Collier  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  84987, 
1 paratype  GMANH,  2 paratypes  in  collection  of  E. 
Petuch  (FAU). 

duerri  [Calusacypraea]  Petuch,  1996:20,  figs.  3-4,  10. 
Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit 
10),  Tamiami  Formation.  Phase  6 pit.  Quality 
Aggregates  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida. 
Holotype  UF  68249,  3 paratypes  in  GMANH,  3 
paratypes  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU),  1 paratype 
in  collection  of  R.  Duerr,  Hollywood,  Florida. 
Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  genus/subgenus 

Siphocypraea  (Calusacypraea)  by  Petuch  (1998). 

emmakingae  [Zonaria  ( Zonaria )]  Groves,  1994b: 246, 
figs.  2-3.  Lower  to  middle  Miocene,  Topanga  Canyon 

Formation.  South  side  of  Old  Topanga  Road,  central 
Santa  Monica  Mountains,  Los  Angeles  County, 
California  [LACMIP  loc.  5136].  Holotype  LACMIP 

eniwetokensis  [Jenneria  (Projenneria)]  Dolin,  1996 
[1997]:22,  24,  figs.  3a-c.  Early  Miocene  (Aquitanian- 
Burdigalian).  Drill  hole  E-l,  Parry  Id.,  Eniwetok  Atoll, 
Ralik  Chain,  Marshall  Ids.  Holotype  USNM  174971. 

erici  [Siphocypraea  (Akleistostoma)]  Petuch,  1998:28- 
29,  figs.  1-3.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian)  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  10),  Tamiami  Formation.  Phase  6 pit. 
Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County, 
Florida.  Holotype  UF  84981,  3 paratypes  in  GMANH, 
3 paratypes  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 
Remarks:  Possible  subspecies  of  S.  (A.)  carolinensis 
(Conrad,  1841). 

furoni  [Cypraea  (Umbilia)]  Tessier,  1952:380,  pi.  35, 
figs.  1-3,  7.  Paleocene.  Margot  de  Balling,  Senegal. 
Type  material  presumably  in  the  Centre  de 
Documentation  du  Laboratoire  de  Paleontologie  du 
Museum,  Marseille,  France. 

Remarks:  This  taxon  was  probably  overlooked  and/or 
ignored  because  it  was  described  in  a published  doctoral 
dissertation.  Not  listed  in  Schilder  & Schilder  (1971). 
Currently  in  the  genus  Bemaya. 

goedertorum  [Proadusta]  Groves  & Squires,  1995:114- 
115,  figs.  2-5.  Middle  lower  Eocene  ("Capay  Stage"), 
upper  part  of  the  Crescent  Formation.  Larch  Mountain 
area.  Black  Hills,  Thurston  County,  Washington 
[LACMIP  loc.  16655].  Holotype  LACMIP  12375,  1 
paratype  LACMIP  12376. 

goettingi  [Mauritia]  Lorenz,  1999c:57-58,  pi.  11. 
Pliocene.  Waso  Hills,  Tanzania.  Holotype  HNC53152, 

1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen, 
Germany,  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  K.  Gotting, 
GieBen,  Germany. 

grovesi  [Siphocypraea  (Siphocypraea)]  Petuch,  1998:34, 
figs.  15-17.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  4),  Tamiami  Formation.  Florida  Rock 
Industries,  Inc.,  Naples  Quarry  (=  Mule  Pen  Quarry), 
Naples,  Collier  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  84988, 

2 paratypes  GMANH,  2 paratypes  in  collection  of  E. 
Petuch  (FAU). 

Vol.  XXXH(8):  2000 


Page  121 

henunenorum  [ Zonaria ].  Lorenz  & Groh,  1998:112,  fig. 
6 [holotype  (left  figs.),  paratype  (right  figs)].  Middle 
Miocene  ("Vindobonian").  Northwest  of  Porto  de  Cais, 
near  Portinha,  Ilheu  de  Cima,  Porto  Santo,  Madeira 
Archipelago.  Holotype  SMF  310  772,  1 paratype  in  the 
collection  of  J.  Hemmen,  Wiesbaden,  Germany,  1 
paratype  in  the  collection  of  F.  Lorenz,  GieBen, 

itoigawai  [Cypraea  (Zoila)]  Tomida,  1989:93,95,  pi. 
11,  figs.  3a-c,  4a-b.  Miocene/Pliocene,  Senhata 
Formation.  East  side  of  Okumotona  Quarry,  Kyonan- 
cho,  Awa-gim,  Chiba  Prefecture,  Japan  (35°9'20"N, 
139°51'20"E).  Holotype  MFM  110104,  paratype  MFM 

Remarks:  Represented  by  poorly  preserved  internal 
molds  and  should  possibly  be  considered  a nomen 
dubium.  It  is  unlikely  that  Zoila  existed  outside  of 
Australia  and  southeast  Asia  (T.  Darragh,  pers. 
commun.,  1999). 

jacqueti  [ Gisortia ] Tessier,  1952:378,  pi.  34,  figs.  2-3. 
Lower  middle  Eocene  (Lutetian).  Daffe,  Senegal.  Type 
material  presumably  in  the  Centre  de  Documentation  du 
Laboratoire  de  Paleontologie  du  Museum,  Marseille, 

Remarks:  This  taxon  was  probably  overlooked  and/or 
ignored  because  it  was  described  in  a published  doctoral 
dissertation.  Not  listed  in  Schilder  & Schilder  (1971). 

jenniferae  [Siphocypraea  (Akleistostoma)]  Petuch, 
1998:29,  figs.  4-6.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian), 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  4),  Tamiami  Formation. 
APAC  pit,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida. 
Holotype  UF  84982,  1 paratype  in  GMANH,  2 
paratypes  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 

josiai  [ Siphocypraea ] Fehse,  1997:39,  pi.  13,  figs.  4a- 
5.  Lower  Pliocene,  Pinecrest  beds.  Clewiston,  Hendry 
County,  Florida.  Holotype  HNC  44659,  1 paratype 
HNC  44660,  6 paratypes  in  the  collection  of  D. 
Fehse,  Berlin,  Germany. 

Remarks:  Petuch  (1998)  states  that  this  species  is 
actually  from  early  Pleistocene  (Calabrian), 
Caloosahatche  biozone  (Petuch  unit  1),  Okeechoee 

kalafiiti  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:268,  pi.  31,  figs. 
G-H,  J.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  upper  Pinecrest 
beds  (Petuch  unit  4),  Tamiami  Formation.  Phase  7 pit, 

Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County, 
Florida.  Holotype  UF  6623 1 . 

kelleyi  [Siphocypraea  (Calusacypraea)]  Petuch, 
1998:33,  figs.  13-14.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian), 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  3),  Tamiami  Formation. 
Phase  6 pit.  Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota, 
Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  84986,  3 
paratypes  GMANH,  3 paratypes  in  collection  E.  Petuch 

Remarks:  Possible  subspecies  of  S.  (C.)  briani  Petuch, 

kendrewi  [ Cypraeorbis ] Petuch,  1997:129,  figs.  22-23. 
Early  Oligocene  (Latdorfian),  Suwannee  Formation. 
Terramar  Pit,  Polk  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 
75981,  1 paratype  in  the  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 

ketteri  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:268-269,  pi.  31, 
figs.  C-D,  I.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  8),  Tamiami  Formation.  APAC  pit, 
Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  subgenus  Akleistostoma  by 
Petuch  (1998). 

kissimmeensis  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:269,  pi.  29, 
figs.  G-H,  L.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest 
beds,  Tamiami  Formation.  Kissimmee  River  dredgings, 
Fort  Basinger,  Highlands  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

Remarks:  Possible  subspecies  of  S.  transitoria  Olsson 
& Petit,  1964. 

macbrideae  [Siphocypraea  (Akleistostoma )]  Petuch, 
1998:29,  32,  figs.  9-10.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian), 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  4),  Tamiami  Formation. 
APAC  pit,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida. 
Holotype  UF  84983,  2 paratypes  in  GMANH,  1 
paratype  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 

mansfieldi  [Siphocypraea  (Akleistostoma)]  Petuch, 
1998:32,  figs.  7-8.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian), 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  7),  Tamiami  Formation. 
Phase  6 pit,  Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota, 
Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  84984,  1 
paratype  in  GMANH,  1 paratype  in  collection  of  E. 
Petuch  (FAU). 

marilynae  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:269,  pi.  30, 

Page  122 


Vol.  XXXD(8):  2000 

figs.  H-I.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  uppermost 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  2),  Tamiami  Formation. 
Phase  7 pit,  Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota, 
Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  66227. 
Remarks:  Figured  by  Falconieri  (1994)  as 

Siphocypraea  robbieae  Petuch,  1993,  a manuscript 

metae  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:269-270,  pi.  32, 
figs.  E-F.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  4,  = "Black  layer"),  Tamiami  Formation. 
APAC  pit,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida. 
Holotype  UF  66230. 

ohiroi  [ Cypraea ] Masuda,  1967:6,  pi.  1,  figs.  28a-b, 
29.  Miocene,  Higashi-Innai  Formation.  Noto  Peninsula, 
Ishikawa  Prefecture,  Honshu,  Japan  [loc  30].  Holotype 
MUG  4598,  1 paratype  MUG  4599. 

Remarks:  Currently  in  the  genus  Lyncina.  Not  listed 
in  Schilder  & Schilder  (1971). 

palmula  [. Luria ].  Lorenz  & Groh,  1998:110-111,  fig.  4 
[holotype].  Middle  Miocene  ("Helvetian").  "Pico  de 
Juliana  auf  Porto  Santo  b.  Madeira. " Holotype  NHB 

parodizi  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:270,  pi.  28,  figs. 
G-H,  L.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  uppermost 
Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch  unit  3),  Tamiami  Formation. 
Phase  6 pit,  Quality  Aggregates  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota 
County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  66223. 

Remarks:  Possible  subspecies  of  S.  cannoni  Petuch, 

penningtonorum  [ Siphocypraea ] Petuch,  1994:270,  pi. 
28,  figs.  E-F,  J.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest 
beds,  Tamiami  Formation.  Kissimmee  River  dredgings, 
Fort  Basinger,  Highlands  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

philemoni  [ Siphocypraea ] Fehse,  1997:38,  pi.  12,  figs, 
la-c,  pi.  13,  figs.  3,  6.  Lower  Pliocene,  Pinecrest  beds, 
Tamiami  Formation.  Clewiston,  Hendry  County, 
Florida.  Holotype  HNC  44657,  1 paratype  NHC  44658, 
9 paratypes  in  collection  of  D.  Fehse,  Berlin,  Germany. 
Remarks:  Petuch  (1998)  states  that  this  species  is 
actually  from  early  Pleistocene  (Calabrian),  Upper 
Caloosahatche  biozone,  Okeechoee  Formation. 

pittorum  [Zonaria  (Zonaria)]  Groves,  1997:153-154,  pi. 
1,  figs.  7-8.  Lower  Pliocene,  Esmeraldas  beds,  Onzole 
Formation.  Camarones,  Esmeraldas  Province,  Ecuador 
[LACMIP  loc.  16882],  Holotype  LACMIP  12432. 

Projenneria  Dolin,  1996  [1997] :22.  Type  species: 
Cypraea  ludoviciana  Johnson,  1899. 

pygodentata  [Proadusta].  Lorenz  & Groh,  1998:112- 
113,  fig.  7.  Middle  Miocene  ("Helvetian").  Southeast 
coast  N Portinho,  Dheu  de  Baixo,  Porto  Santo,  Madeira 
Archipelago.  Holotype  SMF  310  774,  1 paratype  NHB 

Remarks:  Currently  in  the  genus  Propustularia. 

rilkoi  [ Siphocypraea  (Akleistostoma)]  Petuch,  1998:32- 
33,  figs.  11-12.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest 
beds  (Petuch  Unit  3),  Tamiami  Formation.  Phase  6 pit, 
Quality  Aggregates,  Inc.,  Sarasota,  Sarasota  County, 
Florida.  Holotype  UF  84985,  3 paratypes  GMANH,  2 
paratypes  in  collection  of  E.  Petuch  (FAU). 

santoensis  [Luria].  Lorenz  & Groh,  1998:110,  fig.  3. 
Middle  Miocene.  Northwest  of  Porto  do  Cais, 
southwest  coast  of  Porto  Santo,  Dheu  de  Cima,  Madeira 
Archipelago.  Holotype  SMF  310  773. 

sarasotaensis  [Siphocypraea]  Petuch,  1994:271,  pi.  30, 
figs.  C-D.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds 
(Petuch  unit  6),  Tamiami  Formation.  APAC  pit, 
Sarasota,  Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  subgenus  Calusacypraea  by 
Petuch  (1998). 

sorrira  [Zonaria].  Lorenz  & Groh,  1998:111,  fig.  5. 
Middle  Miocene.  Southeast  coast  No.  Portinho,  Dheu  de 
Baixo,  Porto  Santo,  Madeira  Archipelago.  Holotype 
SMF  310  771,  1 paratype  in  coDection  of  J.  Hemmen, 
Wiesbaden,  Germany. 

tequesta  [Calusacypraea]  Petuch,  1996:  20-21,  figs.  7- 
8.  Late  Pliocene  (Piacenzian),  Pinecrest  beds  (Petuch 
unit  4),  Tamiami  Formation.  APAC  pit,  Sarasota, 
Sarasota  County,  Florida.  Holotype  UF  68250,  1 
paratype  in  GMANH,  2 paratypes  in  collection  of  E. 
Petuch,  (FAU). 

Remarks:  Assigned  to  the  genus/subgenus 

Siphocypraea  (Calusacypraea)  by  Petuch  (1998). 

Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 


Page  123 

Family  Ovulidae,  Subfamily  Eocypraeinae 

elongata  [Eocypraea  bartlettiana  Maury  var.]  Tessier, 
1952:379,  pi.  32,  figs.  25-26.  Paleocene.  Margiot  de 
Balling,  Senegal.  Type  material  presumably  in  the 
Centre  de  Documentation  du  Laboratoire  de 
Paleontologie  du  Museum,  Marseille,  France. 
Remarks:  This  taxon  was  probably  overlooked  and/or 
ignored  because  it  was  described  in  a published  doctoral 
dissertation.  Not  listed  in  Schilder  & Schilder  (1971). 


BEU,  A.G.  & P.A.  MAXWELL.  1990.  Cenozoic  Mollusca  of  New 
Zealand.  New  Zealand  Geological  Survey,  Paleontological  Survey 
Bulletin  58:1-518,  figs.  1-23,  pis.  1-57. 

BIRAGHI,  G.  1993.  Zoila  marginata  (Cypraeidae):  Notes  on  the 
nominal  subspecies  with  the  creation  of  a new  subspecies.  La 
Conchiglia  25(266):39-42,  5 unnumbered  figs. 

BIRAGHI,  G.  1994.  Again  on  C.  marginata.  La  Conchiglia 
26(271):52-54,  figs.  1-5. 

BLOCHER,  M.  & F.  LORENZ.  1999.  A new  living  species  of 
Cypraeidae  from  southern  Madagascar  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda: 
Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  13:13-15,  fig.  1,  pi.  3. 
CERNOHORSKY,  W.O.  1971.  Fossil  and  Recent  Cypraeacea 
(Mollusca:  Gastropoda)  of  New  Zealand  with  descriptions  of  new 
species.  Records  of  the  Auckland  Institute  and  Museum  8:103-129, 
figs.  1-19. 

CERNOHORSKY,  W.O.  1994.  Age  of  Bemaya  chathamensis . The 
Cowry  n.s.  1(2):42. 

CHANDLER,  J.  & C.  DuROSS.  1997.  A new  Zoila  discovered. 
World  Shells  20:65-67,  21  unnumbered  figs. 

CHIAPPONI,  M.  1999.  A conchological  intermediate  between 
Cypraeovula  edentula  and  C.  algoensis  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda: 
Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  13:41-42,  figs.  1-2. 
DOLIN,  L.  1996  [1997].  Jenneria  (Projenneria)  eniwetokensis 
subgen.  nov.,  sp.  nov.:  a western  Pacific  new  occurrence  for  the 
genus.  Cossmanniana  4(l-2):20-24,  figs.  l-10b. 

FALCONIERI,  A.  1994.  Genus  Syphocypraea  Heilprin,  1887.  World 
Shells  11:83-90,  2 unnumbered  pis. 

FEHSE,  D.  1997.  Two  new  fossil  Siphocypraea  from  Florida, 
U.S.A.  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  10:38-44,  pis.  12-13. 
GARDNER,  J.  1948.  Mollusca  from  the  Miocene  and  lower  Pliocene 
of  Virginia  and  North  Carolina.  Part  2.  Scaphopoda  and  Gastropoda. 
U.S.  Geological  Professional  Paper  199B:  iii  + 179-310,  pis.  24-38. 
GARVIE,  C.L.  1996.  The  molluscan  macrofauna  of  the  Reklaw 
Formation,  Marquez  Member  (Eocene:  Lower  Claiborina),  in 
Texas.  Bulletins  of  American  Paleontology  11 1(352):  1-177,  figs.  1- 
6,  pis.  1-23. 

GROVES,  L.T.  1994a.  Catalog  of  fossil  and  Recent  Cypraeidae  and 
Eocypraeinae  (Ovulidae)  described  since  1971,  The  Cowry  n.s. 

GROVES,  L.T.  1994b.  New  species  of  Cypraeidae  (Mollusca: 
Gastropoda)  from  the  Miocene  of  California  and  the  Eocene  of 
Washington.  The  Veliger  37(3):244-252,  figs.  1-13. 

GROVES,  L.T.  1997.  A review  of  cypraeiform  gastropods  from 
Neogene  strata  of  northwestern  Ecuador  with  the  description  of  two 
new  species.  Tulane  Studies  in  Geology  and  Paleontology  30(3):  147- 
157,  fig.  1,  pi.  1. 

GROVES,  L.T.  & R.L.  SQUIRES.  1995.  First  report  of  the  genus 
Proadusta  Sacco,  1894  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae)  from  the  western 
hemisphere,  with  a description  of  a new  species  from  the  Eocene  of 
Washington.  The  Nautilus  109(1):  113-116,  figs.  1-6. 

HEIMAN,  E.  & H.K.  MEENIS.  1999.  Lyncina  Camelopardalis 
sharmiensis  n.ssp.  from  the  east  coast  of  Sinai,  Red  Sea  (Gastropoda: 
Prosobranchia:  Cypraeidae:  Cypraeinae).  La  Conchiglia  30(290): 39- 
42,  56,  figs.  1-8. 

IKEDA,  H.  1998.  Notadusta  omii , a new  cowry  (Gastropoda: 
Cypraeidae),  from  Japan  with  a review  of  Notadusta  katsuae  and  N. 
musumea.  Venus  57(4):259-269,  figs.  1-3,  pi.  1. 

LORENZ,  F.,  Jr.  1992.  A new  subspecies  of  Zoila  marginata 
(Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  5:13-18,  fig. 
1,  pis.  4-5. 

LORENZ,  F.,  Jr.  1997.  A new  subspecies  of  Cribrarula  cribraria 
from  Sri  Lanka  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur 

Malakozoologie  10:1-3,  pi.  1. 

LORENZ,  F.,  Jr.  1997.  Eine  neue,  der  ringkauri  Erosaria  annulus 
morphologisch  ahnliche  art  von  West  Samoa.  Schriften  zur 
Malakozoologie  10:11-14,  figs.  1-2,  pi.  5. 

LORENZ,  F.  1998.  Kauris  von  Ostaffika.  Schriften  zur 
Malakozoologie  11:1-150,  figs.  1-121,  pis.  1-26. 

LORENZ,  F.  1999a.  A western  subspecies  of  Lyncina  leucodon 
(Broderip,  1832)  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur 
Malakozoologie  13:16-18,  pi.  4. 

LORENZ,  F.  1999b.  Another  new  species  of  Cypraeidae  from 
Madagascar  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur 
Malakozoologie  13:37-40,  pi.  8. 

LORENZ,  F.  1999c.  Eine  Pliozane  Mauritia  aus  Tansania 
(Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  13:57-59, 
pi.  11. 

LORENZ,  F.  Jr.  & K.  GROH.  1998.  Five  new  species  of  Cypraeidae 
from  the  middle  Miocene  ("Vindobonian")  of  Porto  Santa,  Madeira 
Archipelago.  Archiv  fur  Molluskenkunde  127(1/2):  107-1 14,  figs.  1- 

LORENZ,  F.,  Jr.  & F.  HUBER.  1993:  A new  subspecies  of 
Mauritia  arabica  from  Birma  [sic]  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae). 
Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  6:47-50,  fig.  1,  pi.  9. 

LORENZ,  F„  Jr.  & A.  HUBERT,  1993.  A Guide  to  Worldwide 
Cowries.  Verlag  Christa  Hemmen:  Wiesbaden,  Germany.  571  p.,  53 
figs.  + numerous  unnumbered  figs.,  122  pis. 

LORENZ,  F.  & G.  STERBA.  1999.  Purpuradusta  oryzaeformis 
sp.nov.  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae):  An  overlooked  species 
in  the  family  Cypraeidae.  Schriften  zur  Malakozoologie  13:3-8,  figs. 
1-9,  pi.  1. 

MA,  X.  1997.  Fauna  Sinica:  Superfamily  Cypraeacea.  Science  Press: 
Beijing,  China,  viii  + 283  p.,  96  figs.,  12  pis. 

MASSIER,  W.  1993.  Description  of  a new  subspecies  of  Cypraeovula 
capensis  (Gray,  1828)  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Schriften  zur 
Malakozoologie  6:21-26,  fig.  1,  pi.  5. 

MASUDA,  K.  1967.  Molluscan  fauna  of  the  Higashi-Innai  Formation 
of  Noto  Peninsula,  Japan-Ill;  Description  of  new  species  and  remarks 
on  some  species.  Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the 
Palaeontological  Society  of  Japan  (N.S.)  65:1-18,  pis.  1-2. 

MOCK,  D.K.S.  19%.  A new  species  of  Erronea  from  the  Filippine. 
World  Shells  18:63-66,  figs.  1-10. 

PETUCH,  E.J.  1994.  Atlas  of  Florida  Fossil  Shells.  The  Graves 
Museum  of  Archaeology  and  Natural  History:  Sarasota,  Florida,  xii 
+ 394  p.,  20  figs.,  100  pis. 

PETUCH,  E.J.  19%.  Calusacypraea,  a new,  possibly  neotenic  genus 
of  cowries  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae)  from  the  Pliocene  of  southern 
Florida.  The  Nautilus  1 10(1):  17-21 , figs.  1-11. 

Page  124 


Vol.  XXXn(8):  2000 

PETUCH,  E.J.  1997.  A new  gastropod  fauna  from  an  Oligocene 
back-reef  lagoonal  environment  in  west  central  Florida.  The  Nautilus 
110(4):  122-138,  figs.  1-72. 

PETUCH,  E.J.  1998.  New  cowries  from  the  Myakka  Lagoon  System 
and  the  Everglades  Pseudoatoll  (Pliocene,  Okeechobean  Sea).  La 
Conchiglia  30(288):27-37,  figs.  1-17. 

POPPE,  G.  & P.  MARTIN.  1997.  A new  species  of  Pustularia  from 
the  Philippines  (Gastropoda:  Cypraeidae).  Gloria  Maris  35(6):81-88, 
pis.  1-2. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1978.  Cypraea  (Zoila ) marginata 
Gaskoin,  1849.  La  Conchiglia  10(106-107):  1 1-14,  figs.  1-10,  + 
card  2 + cover. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1985.  Cypraeidae:  Catalogo 

specializzato  delle  cipree.  Connoisseur  of  Seashells  1:3-9,  numerous 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1993a-b-1994a-c.  Zoila  (Zoila) 
marginata  (Gaskoin,  1849).  I.  Revision  of  the  species  and  the 
subspecies.  World  Shells  6:3-14,  figs.  1-47,  pis.  A-B  [1993a];  D.  7:3- 
14,  figs.  48-71  [1993b];  HI.  8:16-24,  figs.  72-96,  pis.  1-3  [1994a]; 
IV.  9:19-24,  figs.  97-114  [1994b];  V.  10:36-42,  figs.  115-128 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1993c.  Once  again  on  the  holotype  of 
Zoila  (Zoila ) marginata.  World  Shells  7:95-96,  8 unnumbered  figs. 
RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1994d.  Cypraeovula  - Luponia 

amphilhales  (Melvill,  1888)  and  his  problems.  World  Shells  11:9-13, 
figs.  1-13. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995a.  Crossia  iutsui  Shikama,  1974. 
Revision  of  Raybaudi  index  card  no.  44  (1988).  World  Shells  12:17, 
24-29,  figs.  1-16. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995b.  Zoila  (Zoila ) lobettiana  nova 
species.  World  Shells  13:15-17,  15  unnumbered  figs. 

RAYBAUDI  MASSILIA,  L.  1995c.  Two  new  great  rarities  among 
South  African  endemics.  World  Shells  14:68-72,  figs.  1-19. 
SCHILDER,  M.  & F.A.  SCHILDER.  1971.  A catalogue  of  fossil  and 
Recent  cowries.  Institut  Royal  des  Sciences  Naturelles  de  Belgique 
Mdmoire  85:1-246. 

SHIKAMA,  T.  1971.  On  a new  cowry  from  South  China  Sea. 
Science  Report  of  the  Yokosuka  City  Museum  18::  101-103,  fig.  1. 
TESSEER,  F.  1952.  Contributions  a la  stratigraphie  et  a la 
paleontologie  de  la  partie  ouest  du  Senegal  (Cr6tace  et  Tertiaire). 
Universite  d'Aix-Marseille,  France.  1:1-269,  pis.  1-14;  2:273-569, 
pis.  15-40. 

TOMIDA,  S.  1989.  Fossil  molluscan  assemblage  from  the  Neogene 
Senhata  Formation  around  Nokogiriyama,  Boso  Peninsula,  Japan. 
Bulletin  of  the  Mizunami  Fossil  Museum  16:85-108,  figs.  1-2,  pis. 

WILSON,  B.  1993.  Australian  Shells,  v.  1.  Odyssey  Publishing:  Perth, 
Western  Australia.  408  pp.,  numerous  unnumbered  figs.,  44  pis. 

The  Festivus 

fterpived  on:  08-24-2000 

. F418 
v.  XXXII 
no.  9 
14,  2000 

Volume:  XXXII 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

September  14,  2000 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Number:  9 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Linda  Hutsell 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

Calif omia  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at:  Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Club/index. html  Email:  Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


The  Club’s  annual  September  party  — “Munchie  of  Marty  and  Terry  Arnold  on  Saturday  evening 
Madness”  — will  again  be  held  at  the  home  and  garden  September  16th  with  festivities  beginning  at  6:00  p.m. 

There  will  be  no  regular  meeting  this  month. 


Club  news 126 

Katherine  “Kate”  Stephens  (c.  1853-1954) 

Ginger  Dethloff 127 

Report  of  the  combined  AMSAVSM  meeting 

Jules  Hertz 133 

Book  news:  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America  ...  by  Coan,  Valentich  Scott  & Bernard,  reviewed 

Nora  Foster,  reviewer 135 

In  Memoriam:  Bertram  (Bert)  C.  Draper 136 

Page  126 


Vol.  XXXH(9):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - August  17,  2000 

In  President  Mike  Mason's  absence,  Vice  President 
Kim  Hutsell  called  the  meeting  to  order.  The  minutes 
of  the  July  meeting  were  approved  as  written  in  the 
Festivus.  Kim  reminded  everyone  that  the  September 
Party  will  be  on  September  16  at  the  Arnold's  house. 
[See  map  in  August  issue.] 

Librarian  Linda  Hutsell  had  various  flyers  and 
newsletters  for  members  to  look  at.  She  also  announced 
that  the  new  Chiton  and  Bivalve  books  are  available  to 
be  checked  out. 

Carole  Hertz  mentioned  that  the  Club  has  received 
a donation  from  the  collection  of  Gladys  Weber.  Items 
from  the  collection  will  be  in  the  next  Auction. 

Kim  introduced  Hans  Bertsch  as  the  speaker  for  the 
evening.  Hans  spoke  about  the  marine  research  grant 
he  received  from  Mexico  and  his  recent  trips  to 
Guerrero  Negro,  Bahia  Tortugas  and  Isla  Cedros  to 
collect  the  data.  His  work  focused  on  nudibranchs  but 
there  are  many  other  types  of  organisms  found  in  the 
area.  He  discovered  many  range  extensions,  most  of 
which  were  found  in  Bahia  Tortugas. 

There  is  a biosphere  reserve  as  well  as  a salt 
processing  plant  in  this  area.  The  area  is  about  one-half 
way  down  the  coast  and  much  of  it  is  dirt  road.  He 
commented  that  the  abalone  cooperatives  there  are  doing 
very  well. 

The  winner  of  the  shell  drawing  was  John  Bishop. 
The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  8:40  p.m.  with  a motion 
by  Carole  and  second  by  Kim.  Thank  you  to  Mike 
Mason,  Dave  and  Peg  Mulliner,  and  John  Bishop  for 
the  delicious  refreshments. 

Silvana  Vollero 

A Change  in  Some  Subscription  Rates 

As  a result  of  postal  increases  for  overseas  surface 
mail,  The  Festivus  is  forced  to  increase  the 
membership/subscription  rate  for  overseas  surface  mail 
subscribers  from  $18  to  $20  beginning  in  2001.  All 
other  membership  rates  will  remain  the  same.  See  front 
page  for  other  membership  information. 

Molluscs  2000  Meeting  in  Sydney,  Australia 

The  Molluscs  2000  meeting  in  Sydney,  Australia 
“ Understanding  Molluscan  Biodiversity  in  our  Region 
into  the  21st  Century”  will  be  held  on  the  4th  - 8th 
December,  2000. 

Three  main  symposia  are  planned:  1)  Describing 
Molluscan  Biodiversity  - taxonomy  and  phylogeny  and 
their  role  in  biodiversity  studies  2)  Assessing 
Molluscan  Biodiversity  - ecology,  life  history  and 
genetics  3)  Humans  and  Molluscan  Biodiversity  - 
impacts,  commercial  utilization,  pests  and  diseases. 

Information  is  now  available  on  the 
Malacological  Society  of  Australasia's  website 
(http : //www.  austmus  .gov . au/malsoc/)including 
registration  forms  and  abstract  formatting  details. 

Payment  can  be  made  by  credit  card.  Abstracts  are 
due  by  the  30th  October.  A late  fee  for  registrations  of 
$Aust  22.00  will  be  imposed  after  the  15th  of  October. 

Hard  copy  or  e-mail  versions  of  the  registration 
forms  and  other  details  will  be  sent  on  request. 

International  Shellfish  Conference 

The  Fourth  International  Shellfish  Conference  will 
be  held  from  November  15-19,  2000  at  the  Crown 
Plaza  Resort,  Hilton  Head  Island,  South  Carolina.  The 
focus  will  be  the  restoration  of  molluscan  shellfish  and 
their  habitat 

For  further  information  see  the  website  at: 
<> . 

The  Club’s  Annual  Christmas  Dinner  Party 

The  Club  Christmas  Party  will  be  held  on  Saturday 
evening  December  2nd  with  festivities  beginning  at  6:00 
p.m.  This  year  the  event  will  be  held  at  the  Admiral 
Kidd  Club.  Details,  menus  etc.  will  be  in  the  October 
issue  with  a map  to  the  Club  in  the  November  issue. 

Save  the  date.  This  is  always  a very  special  event. 

Membership  Renewal 

Lindahl,  Marge  and  Ken,  202  Grand  Canal,  Balboa 
Island,  CA  92662.  Phone:  714-675-5858. 

Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 


Page  127 

(c.  1853-1954) 


San  Diego  Natural  History  Museum,  Research  Library, 
P.O.  Box  1390,  San  Diego,  California  92112,  USA 
blueginger@home . com 

Katherine  "Kate"  Stephens  (nee  Brown)  (Figure  1) 
was  a nationally  recognized  naturalist  and  amateur 
paleontologist  who  served  as  Curator  of  Collections  for 
the  San  Diego  Society  of  Natural  History  and  in  1920 
became  the  first  paid  curator  of  the  Department  of 
Mollusks  & Marine  Invertebrates  at  the  San  Diego 
Natural  History  Museum  (SDNHM  Collection 
Management  Handbook,  1994). 

Born  in  England,  Kate's  interest  in  natural  history 
was  cultivated  by  frequent  visits  to  the  museums  of 
London.  She  worked  for  a time  at  the  British  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  and  in  1890  she  left  England  to  live 
with  her  cousin  in  San  Diego  County.  She  settled  in  the 
small  town  of  Witch  Creek  (between  Ramona  and 
Julian)  where  she  began  teaching  school.  It  was  also  at 
this  time  that  her  interest  was  sparked  in  the  shells  of 
San  Diego.  She  collected  and  studied  both  terrestrial 
and  marine  mollusks  of  the  San  Diego  region  and  was 
regarded  as  a resident  authority  on  the  subject.  In  1907 
she  took  part  in  a University  of  California  expedition  to 
Alaska.  Many  lots  of  Alaskan  mollusks  in  the  Museum 
collection  resulted  from  Kate’s  work  there. 

In  August  1898,  Kate  married  Frank  Stephens  with 
whom  she  shared  a great  interest  in  natural  history.  In 
the  early  1900s,  Frank  was  an  active  member  of  the  San 
Diego  Society  of  Natural  History,  an  ornithologist  and 
an  accomplished  Pacific  Coast  mammalogist.  In  1910, 
the  Society  hired  Kate  as  curator  for  its  collections, 
wherein  she  assumed  responsibility  for  the  care  and 
conservation  of  specimens  including  those  from  her 
husband’s  mammal  collection.  She  remained  diligent  in 
her  duties  and  in  October  1923  she  completed  a 
comprehensive  overhaul  of  the  Museum's  large 
collection  of  shells.  For  eleven  years,  Kate  and  Frank 

Figure  1.  Mrs.  Kathryn  “Kate”  Brown  Stephens  in  her  later  years. 
Photograph  from  the  SDNHM  Research  Library  Archives. 

‘Intern  at  SDNHM  Research  Library  (while  a graduate  student  at  the  University  of  San  Diego). 


Vol.  XXXH(9):  2000 

Page  128 

collaborated  to  create  original  museum  exhibits  and 
together  they  did  much  of  the  work  expanding  and 
caring  for  the  collections. 

From  1924-1928  Kate  worked  to  identify  the  fossil 
shells  of  San  Diego  County  in  connection  with  the 
paleontological  study  conducted  by  the  Society  with 
U.S.  Grant  IV  and  Frank  Stephens.  [See  Frank 
Stephens,  (1929)  Notes  on  the  Marine  Pleistocene 
Deposits  of  San  Diego  County,  California.  Transactions 
of  the  San  Diego  Society  of  Natural  History  5(16): 
245-256  (5  August).]  In  May  of  1925,  she  prepared  an 
exhibit  of  the  Chaney  collection  of  very  small  shells 
collected  near  San  Diego;  in  June  she  prepared  a sponge 
exhibit  with  local  specimens  and  in  December, 
rearranged  the  gorgonian  "Sea  Fan”  exhibit.  In  1927 
and  1928  Kate  updated  the  Museum’s  collections  by  re- 
labeling specimens  to  correspond  with  the  new 
nomenclature  in  addition  to  preparing  “an  exhibit  on 
ammonites  or  fossil  shells  of  the  Chambered  Nautilus 

Excerpts  from  Kate’s  contributions  to  the  Annual 
Reports  of  San  Diego  Society  of  Natural  History  from 
1923  to  1926  give  a view  of  collection  curation  at  the 
time,  the  work  and  growth  of  the  collections  in  her  care, 
and  a glimpse  of  Kate  Stephens  as  an  environmentally 
forward  looking  individual. 

“1923  has  been  a year  of  steady  progress, 
both  in  material  and  interest.  Several  donations 
have  been  received,  of  which  one  is  a small 
collection  of  shells  from  Brazil,  gathered  in 
1865  by  the  late  Orestes  St.  John,  one  of  the 
early  Government  Paleontologists.  Mrs.  Carrie 
L.  Simons,  a member  of  the  San  Diego  Society 
of  Natural  History,  has  increased  her  donations 
of  beautifully  mounted  microscopic  shells  from 
Lower  California,  including  one  new  species, 
Amphathalamus  [s/c]  stephensae  [Figure  2]. 

We  also  received  a very  valuable 
collection  of  120  specimens  of  the  interesting 
genus  Oreohelix  from  Mr.  Junius  Henderson  of 
the  University  of  Colorado.  These  shells  are 
particularly  desirable,  as  they  complement  the 
already  large  collection  of  Oreohelix  given  to 
us  by  Mr.  Hemphill,  the  original  student  of 
these  peculiar  snails.  Mr.  Henderson’s 
specimens  were  in  exchange  for  Eocene  fossils 
from  Rose  Canyon,  San  Diego  .... 

The  most  pressing  need  at  the  present 

Figure  2.  Amphithalamus  stephensae  Bartsch,  1927.  Holotype,  1.1 
mm.  Type  locality:  Bahia  Magdalena,  Baja  California,  Sur,  Mexico. 
Illustration  from  the  Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National 
Museum  70(1 1):  pi.  4,  fig.  5.  Paratypes  are  in  the  San  Diego  Natural 
History  Museum  mollusk  type  collection. 

time  is  cabinets  for  the  card  catalogues  of  this 
department.  The  catalogues,  numbering  many 
thousand  cards,  are  at  present  contained  in 
temporary  boxes,  where  they  are  in  danger  of 
being  lost  or  destroyed. 

I would  recommend  that,  during  the 
coming  year,  more  attention  be  given  to  other 
branches  of  invertebrates,  particularly  to  fish 
parasites  and  lower  crustaceans  generally. 
Owing  to  the  enthusiastic  co-operation  of  Mr. 
Gillette,  the  Museum's  Preparator,  who  is 
preserving  such  specimens  of  these  orders  as 
are  received  in  his  department,  this  branch  can 
now  be  profitably  studied  and  would  provide 
results  of  great  economic  value.  It  is  also 
desirable  that  the  littoral  fauna  of  Lower 
California  should  receive  more  intense 
collecting  than  heretofore.  Much  valuable  work 
can  be  done  in  this  field.” 

1924  “has  on  the  whole  been  progressive. 
Much  time  has  been  given  to  routine  work. 
Some  cases  in  the  exhibition  hall  have  been 
renovated,  some  rebuilt,  and  one  new  case  of 
corals  has  been  installed.  The  public  has  shown 
an  increasing  interest  in  the  exhibits  and  in  the 
study  of  sea  life,  as  compared  with  past  years. 
About  300  shells  were  identified  for  one  visitor 
from  the  east,  and  about  200  for  another;  and 
a number  of  other  persons  have  had  shells 
identified  and  instruction  given  them. 

The  Society  has  received  several 
donations— two  or  three  of  considerable 
interest.  One  of  them,  a donation  from  C.A. 
Pinkham,  of  Los  Angeles,  is  a collection  of 
remarkably  fine  fossils  from  Coyote  Mountain, 

Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 


Page  129 

including  several  specimens  that  are  new  to  our 
collection,  in  addition  to  those  not  yet 
identified.  A few  shells  were  received  from  the 
estate  of  the  late  Orestes  St.  John,  and  a 
collection  of  interesting  shells,  chiefly  foreign 
and  new  to  the  Society,  from  the  late  Dr.  J.P. 
Iddings.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.D.  Cleveland,  of 
Altadena,  through  whose  kindness  these  shells 
were  given,  also  donated  a collection  of  corals. 
These  are  not  yet  installed. 

The  chief  work  of  this  department, 
however,  has  been  the  commencement  of  a 
systematic  study  of  the  paleontology  of  San 
Diego  County.  This  promises  to  be  very 
instructive,  but  has  not  as  yet  progressed  far 
enough  to  give  definite  results.  Hitherto  little 
work  has  been  done  in  this  field  since  the  early 
days  of  Cooper,  Stanton,  Fairbanks  and  others. 
If  possible,  this  work  should  be  extended  into 
Lower  California  in  the  coming  year.” 

1925  “has  been  one  of  steady  growth  in 
the  department  of  Mollusks  and  Marine 
Invertebrates,  although  no  great  or  particularly 
valuable  gifts  have  been  received.  A new 
exhibit  of  sponges  has  been  installed,  of  which 
the  central  feature  is  a large  sponge  from 
Lower  California  waters  donated  by  Mrs.  B. 
Rashin.  An  additional  case  of  corals  has  also 
been  installed,  and  the  case  of  gorgonias  has 
been  rearranged  and  card-catalogued.  Through 
Mrs.  Clara  C.  Seaver  a collection  of  shells 
from  the  estate  of  the  late  Mrs.  E.M.  Chaney 
of  La  Jolla  was  received  by  the  Museum.  This 
accession  made  possible  the  installation  of  a 
case  of  very  small  shells  which  were  arranged 
on  140  small  black  disks  and  provide  a rather 
striking  exhibit.  There  is  material  on  hand  for 
an  additional  case  of  Crustacea. 

After  the  routine  work  of  identifying 
specimens  for  students  and  bringing  the 
catalogues  up-to-date,  the  chief  work  of  the 
year  has  been  with  fossil  shells.  A considerable 
number  of  local  fossils  has  been  collected  by 
Mr.  Stephens,  many  of  which  have  been 
identified  and  a number  of  species  new  to  the 
collection  listed.  A great  many  specimens  have 
also  been  named  for  Mr.  Charles  H.  Sternberg. 
So  much  study  and  preliminary  cataloguing  of 
fossils  has  been  done  that  I feel  I am  now 

familiar  enough  with  our  local  fossils  to  speak 
with  some  confidence  about  them. 

I wish  to  speak  very  earnestly  on  the 
subject  of  imported  mollusks.  Four  species  of 
imported  mollusks  have  been  allowed  to  enter 
California.  One,  Vivipara  annulata,  has  been 
acclimated  several  years.  Nevertheless,  in 
Japan  and  China  this  species  is  a great  pest  in 
the  rice  fields.  If  it  should  get  started  in  the 
rice  fields  in  Sacramento  Valley,  it  probably 
would  be  as  great  a pest  there.  Another  shell, 
Planorbis  comeus,  a European  species,  has 
been  imported  for  the  purpose  of  cleaning  moss 
that  grows  on  the  glass  inside  aquariums.  We 
have  a native  species  that  will  do  the  work  just 
as  well,  which  can  be  picked  up  in  almost  any 
pond  or  stream.  Another  species,  Helix  lacta 
[Otala  lactea ],  a European  species,  was 
through  the  promptness  of  the  Horticultural 
Commissioner  immediately  destroyed.  I cannot 
speak  too  strongly  as  to  the  possible  danger  of 
these  importations.  Surely  the  loss,  annoyance 
and  expense  to  which  the  Country  has  been 
subjected  in  the  introduction  of  Helix  pisana  at 
La  Jolla  should  be  sufficient  reason  for 
caution.  ” 

1926  “The  Department  of  Mollusks  and 
Marine  Invertebrates  is  in  satisfactory 
condition.  Much  work  has  been  done  in 
identifying,  mounting  and  labeling  the  Eocene 
and  other  fossils.  Several  hundred  sets  of  these 
fossils  have  been  placed  in  order  and 
catalogued  and  are  now  available  for  study. 

An  earnest  class  of  students  of  shells 
meets  every  Friday  in  my  room,  and  another 
class  meets  at  intervals.  Many  visitors  bring 
shells  for  identification. 

Dr.  Fred  Baker  has  given  to  the  Society 
about  150  species  of  Hawaiian  shells,  most  of 
which  are  new  to  the  Society's  collections. 
Several  small  donations  from  others  have  been 
received  from  time  to  time.  As  heretofore  I 
would  urge  the  collecting  of  Lower  California 
marine  fauna.  This  would  coordinate  with  the 
Society's  already  large  collections  from 
California  and  would  make  our  collections 
compare  with  the  best  on  the  east  coast.  A 
small  collection  of  shells  picked  up  last  spring 
on  the  Gulf  of  California  at  San  Felipe  by  Mr. 

Page  130 


Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 

Abbott  and  Mrs.  May  Canfield  gives  an 
indication  of  the  rich  field  that  can  be  worked 

A rare  crab  ( Uca  monolifer  a)  from  the 
Gulf  of  California,  donated  by  Griffmg 
Bancroft,  was  new  to  the  Society’s  collection. 
A.W.  Galloway  has  taken  up  the  task  of 
collecting  isopods  for  the  Society  and  we  have 
hopes  of  great  help  from  him. 

A noteworthy  happening  this  year  is  the 
finding  for  the  first  time  of  fresh  water 
crawfish  in  San  Diego  County.  A specimen 
taken  August  13  in  a pool  in  the  Escondido 
River  at  Escondido  was  given  to  the  Society  by 
Frank  Gander,  of  the  O'Rourke  Zoological 
Institute.  Another  specimen  of  the  same 
species,  donated  by  Philip  C.  Barney,  was 
found  by  him  on  September  26  in  the  head  of 

Spooks  Canyon,  about  five  miles  from  Rancho 
Santa  Fe.  I have  not  yet  identified  the 
specimens,  but  Dr.  Myrtle  Johnson,  of  the  San 
Diego  State  College,  and  Samuel  Harter,  of 
our  own  Society,  have  donated  material  for 
comparison  toward  that  end.” 

Kate  traveled  with  her  husband  Frank  on  many,  if 
not  all,  of  his  collecting  trips  after  they  were  married. 
Due  to  Frank’s  poor  hearing  and  reputation  as  a careless 
driver,  Kate  forbade  her  husband  to  make  collecting 
trips  alone.  During  the  trips  she  would  assist  as  his 
secretary  recording  their  travels  and  specimen 
collections  (Figure  3). 

Excerpts  quoted  from  Kate’s  diary  in  May  1902  tell 
a bit  of  what  is  was  like  to  go  on  a scientific  collecting 
trip  [starting  in  Witch  Creek  in  San  Diego  County]  in 
those  early  days. 

Figure  3.  Kate  at  the  campsite  on  a collecting  trip.  Photograph  from  the  SDNHM  Research  Library  Archives. 

Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 


Page  131 

“May  5— Started  this  morning  for  a four 
months  collecting  trip  for  the  Biological  Survey 
Department  of  Agriculture.  A fine  day,  got  off 
without  mishap  about  half  past  nine.  Our  party 
consisting  of  myself,  three  horses— George, 
Dick  and  Flora,  the  little  dog  Bobs,  Carl  Field 
the  cook  and  teamster,  and  Mr.  Stephens  our 
head,  called  in  the  official  papers  "Field 
Specialist",  but  to  us  our  leader  and  our  sole 
dependence  for  we  are  as  helpless  as  sheep  in 
everything  pertaining  to  camping  out  and 
hunting.  Our  [turn  out]  looked  uncommonly 
fine  our  wagon  with  its  new  coat  of  black  and 
yellow  paint  and  brand  new  white  duck  cover. 
While  Carl  came  gaily  behind  draging  poor 
little  Bobs  with  a string  tied  round  his  neck.  A 
short  visit  to  the  courthouse  and  many  good 
byes  and  good  luck  as  we  are  really  off  our 
faces  headed  north  we  travel  the  main  road. 
Dick  our  new  horse  has  lived  in  a pasture  for 
several  months  and  is  trying  now  to  out  travel 
all  and  everything.  Mr.  Stephens  has  to  try  to 
hold  him  in  all  the  time  tho  the  horse  does  not 
act  bad  at  all,  only  very  eager  to  go.  And  Flora 
who  is  in  the  wagon  with  him  is  an  old  horse 
whom  we  only  expect  to  play  third  fiddle 
anyway.  In  the  afternoon  we  twice  see  a 
kangaroo  rat  dead  in  the  road.  A man  stoped 
and  gave  us  a paper  in  which  I see  that  Queen 
Willemina  is  likely  to  die  and  a bad  battle  with 
the  Moros  in  Mindano.  We  did  not  go  to 
Delmar  [Del  Mar]  thinking  the  main  road  north 
might  be  the  best  road.  There  is  just  a few 
Torrey  Pines  to  be  seen  on  the  top  of  the  blufs 
after  leaving  Soronta  [Sorrento]  on  the 
left-hand  side  of  the  road.  (The  Torrey  Pine 
grows  on  one  of  the  Pacific  Coast  Islands  and 
from  La  Jolla  is  about  20  miles  north  of 
Delmar.  Being  one  of  the  most  restricted 
species  of  trees  known.)  I may  as  well  say  here 
that  these  Torrey  Pines  are  a species  found 
nowhere  but  on  the  California  Coast.  They  are 
not  a handsome  tree  as  most  pines,  as  living  on 
the  top  of  blufs  close  to  the  ocean  the  wind 
beats  against  them  and  contorts  their  branches 
and  head  till  they  look  skruby  trees.  They  are 
also  very  difficult  to  raise  from  seed  so  that  it 
is  quite  likely  that  in  a few  years  they  will  be 
extinct.  Late  in  the  afternoon  we  were  caught 
in  a great  swarm  of  starving  mosquitos.  They 

made  a great  meal  off  us  and  the  horses.  These 
mosquitos  are  very  large;  they  must  be  twice 
as  large  as  the  ordinary  kind  that  come  in  the 
houses.  They  flew  around  till  we  went  to  bed. 

Set  out  a few  traps.  Traveled  22  miles.” 

“May  7— All  day  driving  through  Santa 
Margarita  Ranch  we  were  told  there  is  10,000 
cattle  on  the  Ranch  and  we  are  not  yet  out  of 
San  Diego  County  tho  I believe  very  nearly. 

We  still  see  many  black  birds.  The 
grasshoppers  will  be  bad  this  year  for  there  is 
a great  number  of  half-grown  ones  now  and  we 
saw  many  hawks  feeding  on  them.  This 
morning  we  passed  San  Onofre.  Here  there  is 
a large  walnut  orchard.  The  trees  are 
apparently  only  lately  set  out  there  must  be 
several  acres,  a somewhat  sandy  place.  At 
noon  we  came  to  the  ocean  a nice  sandy  beach 
with  round  boulders  at  near  low  tide  had  a few 
minutes  collecting.  I think  it  would  have  been 
profitable  to  have  had  a good  hunt  there.  I have 
collected  nothing  but  a few  beetles  which  I saw 
eating  the  wild  convulvus  [convolvulus,  a 
genus  of  morning  glories].  Cockchaffers  [any 
kind  of  scarab  beetle]  seem  to  be  plentiful, 
there  is  four  or  five  on  and  around  my  book  as 
I write.  After  camping  we  were  turned  off  our 
place  by  the  caretaker  as  we  had  camped  near 
to  where  the  cattle  come  to  drink  and  we  have 
to  camp  now  at  a regular  camp  ground,  which 
is  never  quite  so  nice  as  being  alone.  There  is 
one  wagon  and  two  bicyclers  here  tonight. 
Here  we  have  our  bed  clothes  filled  with 
stickers  and  we  see  a goffer  come  to  the 
surface  of  his  hole.  It  seems  quite  unheed  the 
light  of  the  lanthoms  and  we  try  to  trap  it  but 
it  filled  the  trap  with  dirt  and  after  awhile 
something  frightened  it  and  it  went  down  not  to 
come  up  again.  This  place  is  called  San  Mateo 
Creek.  We  can  hear  Sea  Lions  roaring  and 
hope  to  catch  a glimpse  of  them  tomorrow.  We 
also  hear  that  there  is  deer  to  be  found  in  the 
mountains  round.  Frank  has  set  traps  tonight 
for  mice  and  shrews.  Traveled  16  miles.” 

In  addition  to  cataloguing  numerous  collections  and 
preparing  many  exhibits,  Kate  also  taught  natural 
history  to  the  local  children  of  San  Diego.  Students 
who  were  given  their  first  taste  of  natural  history  by 

Page  132 


Vol.  XXXU(9):  2000 

Kate  Stephens  included  Laurence  M.  Huey,  who  later 
became  the  Museum's  Curator  of  Birds  and  Mammals, 
as  well  as  Carl  L.  Hubbs.  Dr.  Hubbs  became  a 
world-class  ichthyologist  and  biology  professor  at 
Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  in  addition  to  a 
Trustee  for  the  San  Diego  Society  of  Natural  History. 

In  honor  of  Kate’s  contributions,  five  molluscan 
species  were  named  for  her  — Amphithalamus 
siephensae  Bartsch,  1927  (Figure  2);  Cerithiopsis 
stephensae  Bartsch,  1909  (Figure  4);  Gafrarium 
siephensae  Jordan,  1936  (Figure  5);  Odostomia 
Stephens'!  Dali  & Bartsch,  1907  (Figure  6)  and  Rissoina 
stephensae  Baker,  Hanna  & Strong,  1930  (Figure  7). 

Figures  4,  5.  (4)  Cerithiopsis  stephensae  Bartsch,  1909.  Holotype,  9 
mm.  Type  locality:  Port  Frederick,  Chichagoff  Is.,  Alaska.  Photo 
from  Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
37(171 1):399.  Paratypes  are  in  the  San  Diego  Natural  History 
Museum  mollusk  type  collection.  Originally  the  species  name  was 
stephensi,  but  since  it  was  named  for  Kate,  the  species  was  later 
emended  to  stephensae.  (5)  Gafrarium  stephensae  Jordan,  1936. 
Holotype,  5.8  mm.  Type  locality:  Bahia  Magdalena,  Baja  California 
Sur,  Mexico.  Photo  from  Contributions  from  the  Department  of 
Geology  of  Stanford  University  1(4):  pi.  19,  fig.  11.  Now  considered 
a synonym  of  Gouldia  californica  Dali,  1917. 

In  1936,  after  30  years  of  service  to  the  museum, 
Kate  retired  from  her  curatorial  position.  In  all,  she 
served  as  the  Society's  Curator  of  Collections,  Assistant 
Director,  Secretary,  Librarian,  and  as  Curator  of 
Mollusks  and  Marine  Invertebrates.  The  Natural  History 
Museum  Bulletin,  No.  1 1 1 (February  1936)  claimed  that 
"In  fact,  it  can  be  truly  said  that  were  it  not  for  the 
devotion  of  Mrs.  Stephens  and  her  husband,  Frank 
Stephens,  there  may  be  no  Natural  History  Museum  in 
San  Diego  today." 

Figures  6,  7.  (6)  Odostomia  stephensi  Dali  & Bartsch,  1909. 

Holotype,  5.3  mm.  Type  locality:  Bear  Bay,  Baranoff  Island,  Alaska. 
Illustration  from  Bulletin  of  the  United  States  National  Museum  68, 
pi.  24,  fig.  5.  The  species  was  named  for  Kate  even  though  the 
species  is  stephensi.  It  is  now  considered  a synonym  of  O. 
termisculpta  Carpenter,  1864.  (7)  Rissoina  stephensae  Baker,  Hanna 
& Strong,  1930.  Holotype,  4 mm.  Type  locality:  Cabo  San  Lucas, 
Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico.  Illustration  from  Proceedings  of  the 
California  Academy  of  Sciences,  4th  ser.,  19(4):  pi.  1,  fig.  4. 
Paratypes  are  in  the  San  Diego  Natural  History  Museum  mollusk  type 

Kate  once  claimed  that  "Frank  taught  me  all  I know 
of  Natural  History  as  a science. " In  her  own  right,  she 
possessed  a considerable  knowledge  of  general  natural 
history  with  a focus  on  marine  invertebrates.  Kate  was 
fully  acquainted  with  living  mollusks,  both  marine  and 
non-marine  and  developed  an  expertise  in  the  fossil 
field,  not  only  of  mollusks  but  also  of  invertebrate 
paleontology  in  general.  Although  retired,  Kate 
remained  active  in  her  conchology  research  well  into  her 
90th  year.  Over  100  years  old  at  the  time  of  her  death, 
she  was  the  Society's  oldest  living  member  both  in  years 
and  length  of  membership.  The  personal  collections  of 
Kate  and  Frank  Stephens  were  donated  to  the  museum 
posthumously  in  1955. 


I would  like  to  thank  Margaret  Dykens,  Scientific 
Librarian  at  the  Museum’s  Research  Library  and 
Archives,  for  her  assistance  on  this  project.  This  article 
originated  as  a biography  of  Kate  Stephens  for  the  San 
Diego  Natural  History  Museum’s  website  and  was 
modified  for  publication  in  The  Festivus  by  Carole  M. 
Hertz,  Associate  in  the  Department  of  Marine 

Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 


Page  133 



Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

The  66th  American  Malacological  Society  (AMS) 
and  33rd  Western  Society  of  Malacologists  (WSM)  Joint 
Congress  entitled  “Crawling  Towards  the  New 
Millennium”  was  held  July  7-12  at  San  Francisco  State 
University,  San  Francisco,  California.  There  were 
approximately  100  people  in  attendance.  There  were 
social  events  and  field  trips  in  addition  to  two  symposia, 
general  sessions,  and  a poster  session.  The  meeting 
opened  with  registration  and  a Welcoming  Reception, 
on  the  7th. 

The  symposium,  “The  Place  of  Malacology  in 
Comparative  Biology,”  was  convened  by  Michael 
Ghiselin  on  the  8*  and  its  papers  filled  the  entire  day. 
Many  of  them  were  historical  reviews  by  noted  experts 
in  their  fields  and  were  philosophical  in  nature.  The 
one  I found  outstanding  was  “Chemical  Defense  in 
Opisthobranchs:  From  Comparative  Chemistry  to 
Comparative  Biology”  by  Guido  Cimino  et  al.  He 
summarized  20  years  of  work  including  current  projects 
being  conducted  worldwide.  He  stated  that,  “Now  it  is 
possible,  knowing  the  chemical  structure  of  a compound 
present  in  the  extract  of  an  unknown  opisthobranch,  to 
suggest  the  order,  and  sometimes  even  the  family  or  the 
genus  of  the  mollusc  ....  Chemical  compounds  present 
in  molluscs  can  be  derived  from  their  habitual  diet.  The 
chemistry  of  opisthobranchs  is  very  often  the  chemistry 
of  sponges,  algae,  soft  corals,  tunicates  and  so  on. 
However,  not  all  secondary  metabolites  from 
opisthobranchs  have  a dietary  origin.  In  fact,  some 
species  are  able  to  modify  dietary  metabolites  whereas 
others  are  able  to  biosynthetize  de  novo  their  chemical 

On  the  following  day,  Angel  Valdes  convened  the 
second  symposium,  “Systematics  and  Ecology  of 
Opisthobranch  Gastropods.”  A very  interesting  paper 
in  the  Symposium  by  Cynthia  Trowbridge  was  entitled 

Figure  1.  David  R.  Lindberg  presenting  his  paper. 

“Changes  in  Host-plant  Use  of  Ascoglossan  ( = 
Sacoglossan)  Sea  Slugs  on  Introduced  Macroalgae.”  She 
found  that  the  sea  slug  Elysia  viridis  on  Scottish  shores 
preferred  to  associate  with  and  consume  the  introduced 
green  macroalgae  Codium  fragile  rather  than  the  native 
alga.  Recently  metamorphosed  juvenile  E.  viridis  (from 
Codium  fragile-feeding  parents)  were  generally  not  able 
to  feed  or  grow  on  the  native  alga. 

In  a General  Session  that  afternoon,  I was 
fascinated  by  a paper  by  Erika  Iyengar  entitled 
“Kleptoparasitism  by  the  Marine  Snail  Trichotropis 
cancellata  on  Tubiferous  Marine  Polychaete  Worms.” 
She  showed  slides  of  the  snails  astride  the  tube-dwelling 

1 Mailing  address:  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

Page  134 


Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 

polychaete  worms  using  their  proboscis  to  steal  food 
from  the  worms  while  the  worms  were  in  the  act  of 
suspension  feeding.  She  concluded  that  Trichotropis 
cancellata  is  a facultative  kleptoparasite  and  her  field 
work  indicates  that  this  is  the  dominant  feeding  mode  of 
this  snail.  A second  paper  I found  controversial  and 
thought-provoking  was  David  Lindberg’s  “An 
Introduction  to  the  Patellogastropoda  of  the 
Northeastern  Pacific,  or  Forget  (almost)  Every  Binomial 
Name  You  Ever  Learned  for  This  Group.”  Lindberg 
(Figure  1)  was  one  of  the  most  prolific  authors  at  the 
meeting,  either  authoring  or  co-authoring  four  papers. 
He  has  disowned  his  previous  work  in  favor  of  a 
cladistic  approach  based  on  DNA. 

The  auction,  the  second  of  the  three  social  events 
for  the  meeting,  was  held  that  evening.  The  auction 
material  consisted  of  books,  papers  and  shell-related 
items.  The  auctioneers  were  Hans  Bertsch  and  Pablo 
Penchaszadeh  and  they  were  very  entertaining  in  their 
attempts  to  get  the  most  money  for  a rather  meager 
supply  of  auction  material.  Wine  and  soft  drinks  were 
available  and  the  audience  got  into  the  mood  of  reckless 
bidding  and  some  of  the  items  went  for  outrageous 
prices.  The  money  raised  goes  to  support  student  grants 
and  everyone  had  a very  enjoyable  evening. 

The  following  day  consisted  of  General  Sessions  of 
contributed  papers,  many  of  them  presented  by  the  large 
number  of  students  attending  the  meeting.  Eugene  V. 
Coan  presented  the  first  paper  of  the  meeting  on 
taxonomy  discussing  the  “Eastern  Pacific  Species  of  the 
Venerid  Genus  Cyclinella  (Bivalvia).”  His  research 
based  on  morphology  concluded  that  despite  the  number 
of  available  names,  there  are  only  three  eastern  Pacific 
species  of  Cyclinella.  Other  papers  of  the  General 
Session  which  were  of  interest  to  me  were  Steven 
Lonhart’s  “The  Changing  Ranges  of  Eastern  Pacific 
Marine  Invertebrates:  The  Influence  of  Oceanographic 
and  Anthropogenic  Mechanisms”  and  Audrey 
Aronowsky’s  paper,  “Phylogenetic  Relationships  of 
Moon  Snails  (Gastropoda:  Naticidae).”  She  used  55 
extant  taxa  (45  naticid,  10  outgroup)  and  106  characters 
to  reconstruct  a hypothesis  of  relationship  within  the 
family  and  examine  the  family’s  position  within  the 
Gastropoda.  Results  support  the  placement  of 
Eunaticina  in  Polinicinae  rather  than  in  Sininae.  Sister 
group  relationships  support  a pre-Cretaceous  origin  for 

The  afternoon  of  the  11th  was  devoted  to  a Poster 
Session.  The  quality  of  the  posters  was  excellent.  I 
was  particularly  impressed  by  Daniel  Geiger’s 

“ABMAP:  Abalone  Distribution  on  the  Web.”  You 
could  sit  in  front  of  the  computer  screen  and  select  any 
part  of  the  world,  find  out  which  species  occur  there, 
and  then  get  information  about  them  and  look  at  large 
photographs  of  those  species.  An  interesting  future 
project  was  one  by  Jose  Leal  (Figure  2)  entitled, 
Morphological  Systematics  of  the  Mactridae  (Bivalvia: 
Mactroidea):  a Research  Proposal.” 

Figure  2.  Jose  H.  Leal  in  front  of  his  poster. 

The  Banquet  was  held  on  the  evening  of  the  1 1th  at 
the  California  Academy  of  Sciences.  It  was  an 
outstanding  event  in  a magnificent  setting.  It  started 
with  an  hour  of  hors  d’ oeuvre  and  an  open  bar,  and  was 
followed  by  a marvelous  gourmet  dinner.  The  only 
thing  missing  was  a keynote  speaker. 

On  the  last  morning,  there  were  field  trips  to  the 
Monterey  Bay  Aquarium  and  to  San  Bruno  Mt.  and  Pt. 
Reyes  National  Seashore. 

The  next  annual  meeting  of  WSM  will  be  held  in 
San  Diego,  California  from  27-30  June  2001. 

Vol.  XXXII(9):  2000 


Page  135 


Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America 

Marine  Bivalve  Mollusks  from  Arctic  Alaska  to  Baja  California 

by  Eugene  V.  Coan,  Paul  Valentich  Scott  and  Frank  R.  Bernard.  2000. 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History  Monographs  Number  2. 

Studies  in  Biodiversity  Number  2 

viii  + 754  pages,  124  plates,  numerous  text  figures. 

Price:  $99  plus  tax  and  handling  [$12US;  $17  international] 

Order  form  available  at: atlas/bivbook.htm 

A comprehensive  monograph  on  the  Pacific  coast 
bivalve  fauna  has  been  needed  for  a long  time,  and  so  it 
is  a real  pleasure  to  have  Bivalve  Seashells...  in  hand. 
This  massive  volume  has  been  in  the  works  since  1965, 
begun  by  Frank  R.  Bernard,  and  completed  by  Eugene 
V.  Coan  and  Paul  Valentich  Scott.  I have  been 
privileged  to  see  and  comment  on  draft  sections,  starting 
in  the  mid-1980s  (as  I am  sure  have  many  of  the  readers 
of  The  Festivus).  The  authors  have  incorporated 
contributions  from  well-known  worldwide  experts,  for 
example,  R.G.B.  Reid  for  Solemyoidea,  A. I.  Kafanov, 
J-M  Poutiers,  and  J.A.  Schneider  for  Cardiidae. 

The  authors’  purposes,  stated  in  the  introduction, 
are  “(1)  to  aid  in  the  identification  of  northeastern 
Pacific  bivalves,  (2)  to  provide  access  to  the  published 
information  about  these  species,  and  (3)  to  pose 
questions  we  feel  require  additional  study.”  The  book 
succeeds  superbly  in  all  three. 

A brief  history  of  the  scientific  study  of  Pacific 
coast  mollusks  puts  this  work  into  historical  perspective. 
“It  is  difficult  to  understand  why  a region  so  long 
studied  by  numerous  prominent  workers,  and  which 
attracted  so  many  students,  and  collectors,  should  lack 
a comprehensive  monograph  of  the  marine  molluscan 
fauna.  ” The  introduction  continues  with  a laundry  list  of 
problems  awaiting  further  research.  Well-written 
sections  on  biogeography,  nomenclature,  origin,  and 
techniques  for  the  study  of  Bivalvia  follow.  The 
thorough  and  well  illustrated  presentation  of  bivalve 
anatomy  leads  logically  to  sections  on  life  habits  and 
classification.  All  these  sections  are  highly 
recommended  reading.  Glen  Jameson,  of  the  Pacific 
Biological  Station  in  Nanaimo,  contributed  an 
interesting  section  on  clam  fisheries,  toxicity,  and 
habitat  disturbance,  all  clam-human  interactions. 

The  heart  of  the  book,  a comprehensive  scholarly 
identification  guide  to  northwestern  Pacific  bivalves, 

begins  with  an  artificial  key  to  bivalve  superfamilies. 
While  I haven’t  had  occasion  to  use  the  key,  it  is 
designed  to  present  novice  users  with  clear  choices,  and 
the  hinges,  muscle  scars,  ribs,  and  striae  of  bivalve 
shells  are  illustrated  within  the  key,  where  they’re 

In  the  systematic  section  that  follows,  subclasses 
and  superfamilies  higher  taxa  are  arranged  in  a familiar 
order,  reflecting  the  current  state  of  inferred 
phylogenetic  relationships.  Dichotomous  keys  lead  the 
user  to  family  or  genus.  Character  tables  present  a 
comparison  of  species  within  a subfamily,  and  (with  my 
limited  testing)  work  well.  Characteristics  that  delineate 
class,  superfamily,  family,  and  genus  are  described 
succinctly.  A list  of  the  relevant  literature  concludes  the 
description  of  each  taxon.  For  most  genera,  there  is  an 
illustration  of  “soft  part”  anatomy:  placement  of 
muscles,  gills  and  siphons.  Each  species  merits  a superb 
photograph.  I was  very  pleased  with  the  clarity  of  these 
illustrations.  Texture,  hinge  structure,  and  muscle  scars 
are  well-lighted,  so  that  the  pictures  are  quite 

The  book  is  comprehensive,  Beaufort  Sea 
Atlantic-Arctic  species  that  barely  make  it  into  the 
northeastern  Pacific  fauna,  {Bathyarca  glacialis; 
Boreacola  maltzani)  as  well  as  west  Pacific  species 
whose  North  American  distribution  extends  only  as  far 
as  the  eastern  Aleutians  ( Chlamys  albida;  Astarte 
vernicosa ) are  included.  My  colleagues  working  at  the 
other  extreme  should  surely  find  similar  examples. 
Intriguing  deep  water  species  are  also  given  their  due  - 
delicate  pristiglomids,  glass  scallops,  verticordiids  and 
poromyids.  Three  new  species,  Adontorhina  lynnae, 
Tellina  cadieni,  and  Tresus  allomyax  are  described 
here.  The  authors  have  been  thorough  in  their 
scholarship  to  find  more  appropriate  names  for 


Page  136 


some  familiar  species:  Macoma  golikovi,  Mendicula 
ferruginosa,  for  example. 

The  volume  concludes  with  a thorough  Guide  to 
Literature:  well-selected  regional  works,  the  relevant 
publications  on  bivalve  anatomy,  classification,  growth 
and  form,  genetics,  reproduction  and  larval  growth, 
ecology  and  biogeography.  The  Literature  Cited  section 
is  massive. 

There  is  much  to  be  learned  about  these  fascinating 
animals.  In  the  introduction  and  throughout  the  text, 
questions  are  posed  to  malacologists.  Unmentioned,  but 
also  deserving  our  attention  are  the  several  species 
designated  “sp.  A”  and  a number  of  genera  for  which 
an  illustration  of  internal  anatomy  is  lacking. 

The  book’s  format  is  most  attractive.  Marie 
Murphy  and  Patricia  Sadeghian  deserve  praise  for  the 
book’s  design  and  images.  In  a work  this  massive  some 
errors  are  probably  inevitable:  there  are  a few  seeming 
inconsistencies  in  the  format  (that  for  the  descriptions  of 
the  three  new  species,  for  example,  and  errors  in 
geographic  place  names).  This  is  a large,  heavy  book, 
designed  to  be  used.  The  thick  glossy  pages  will  lie  flat 
and  open  on  your  work  table.  The  wide  margins  invite 
annotation,  perhaps  to  begin  to  answer  the  questions  the 
authors  pose. 

Nora  Foster 
2998  Gold  Hill  Road 
Fairbanks  99709,  Alaska 

In  Memoriam 

Bertram  (Bert)  C.  Draper 
April  30,  1904  - August  7,  2000 

It  is  with  sadness  that  we  report  the  passing,  at  96  years,  of  Bert  Draper.  Bert  was  active  in 
malacology  for  many  years  and  a longtime  member  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club  among  other 
malacological  societies.  Those  of  us  who  knew  him  remember  his  beautiful,  labeled  displays  of 
micro-mollusks,  his  wonderful  micro-photography  and  his  presentations  on  different  groups  of  tiny 
mollusks  at  national  malacological  meetings.  His  papers  appeared  in  publications  such  as  The 
Veliger  and  The  Tabulata.  The  Festivus  was  the  fortunate  recipient  of  seven  of  his  articles  on 
minute  shells  [see  below] . Bert  had  an  enthusiastic  and  friendly  nature  and  will  be  missed  by  all 
who  knew  him. 

1971.  Minute  shells.  2(5):  1-4. 

1972.  Check  list  of  shells  found  in  scrapings  from  Spondylus  princeps  taken  at  a depth  of  40  feet, 
southeast  of  Santa  Rosalia,  Baja  California,  1969.  3(4):  5-7. 

1975.  Checklist  of  shells  collected  at  Cholla  Bay,  Sonora,  Mexico.  6(11):  67. 

1982a.  Observations  of  living  Caecum  crebricinctum.  14(2):  29-32,  figs.  1-8. 

1982b.  Notes  on  Turveria  encopendema , a parasite  on  sand  dollars.  14(11):  129-131,  figs.  1-7. 

1985.  Mollusks  which  truncate  their  shells  and  how  they  plug  the  openings.  17(1):  3-9,  figs.  1-19. 

1986.  The  family  Barleeidae  in  the  eastern  Pacific  according  to  the  "Review  of  the  Genera  of  the  Barieeidae..." 
by  W.  F.  Ponder  (1983).  18(2):  16-18. 

. F418 
v.  XXXII 
no.  10 
12,  2000 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Volume:  XXXII 

October  12,  2000 

Number:  10 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Linda  Hutsell 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 

Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $20.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

Calif omia  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

Calif  omia  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at:  Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Club/index. html  Email:  Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 



Paul  Valentich  Scott,  of  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of 
Natural  History  and  coauthor  of  the  new  bivalve  book,  will 
give  the  program.  It  will  be  in  a workshop  format  with  folks 
thinking  about  shell  books  THEY  have  dreamed  of  publishing, 
and  bringing  the  ideas  to  the  meeting.  Paul  adds,  “Also,  of 

course,  anyone  is  welcome  to  bring  NE  Pacific  bivalves  and 
I will  be  happy  to  help  with  identification.  This  would  include 
going  through  the  superfamily  key  and  family  character  tables 
for  those  that  want  to  learn.”  He  is  also  very  willing  to  sign 
any  of  his  books  which  members  have  purchased. 

Meeting  date:  October  19,  2000 


Club  news 138 

Report  of  COA  2000 

Kim  C.  Hutsell 138 

Algae  in  shells  of  Pododesmus  macrochisma  (Deshayes,  1839) 

Roland  C.  Anderson 139 

The  habitat  of  Plesiothyreus  osculans  (C.B.  Adams,  1852)  (Gastropoda:  Phenacolepadidae) 

Carol  Skoglund 143 

Two  juvenile  Spondylus  species  in  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico 
Kim  C.  Hutsell 


Page  138 


voi.  xxxnqo):  2000 


The  Club’s  Annual  Christmas  Dinner  Party 

The  Club  Christmas  Party  will  be  held  on  Saturday 
evening  December  2nd  in  the  Crystal  Room  of  the 
Admiral  Kidd  Club  with  festivities  beginning  at  6:00 
p.m.  A map  to  the  Club  will  be  in  the  November  issue. 

On  the  menu  there  are  three  choices  of  entree: 
Prime  Rib  of  Beef  (English  Cut  au  jus),  Chicken  Kiev 
(boneless  breast  of  chicken  filled  with  herb-flavored 
butter)  or  Broiled  Halibut  (steak  basted  with  lemon 
butter  sauce).  These  are  all  served  with  tossed  green 
salad,  bread  and  butter,  vegetable,  and  coffee  and/or 
tea.  Dessert  choices  are:  Old  fashioned  Cherry  Cobbler 
or  New  York  Style  Cheescake. 

The  cost  of  the  dinner  including  gratuity  is  $21.00. 
Further  details  including  information  on  the  shell  gift 
exchange  and  map  will  be  in  the  November  issue. 

Save  the  date.  This  is  always  a very  special  event! 

Changes  to  the  Roster 

New  Member 

Fomer,  Monika  M.,  575  Otay  Lakes  #32,  Chula  Vista, 
CA  91913.  619-397-0970. 

Changes  of  Address 

Underwood,  Doris  K,  698  Sheridan  Woods  Dr.,  West 

Melbourne,  FL  32904. 

King,  Robert  L.,  2635  2nd  Ave.,  #205,  San  Diego,  CA 

The  September  Party 

“Munchie  Madness,”  held  at  the  home  of  Marty 
and  Terry  Arnold  on  Saturday  evening  the  16th,  was  a 
lovely  affair.  The  Arnold’s  garden  was  pleasantly  cool 
and  the  friendships  decidedly  warm.  The  munchies 
were  delicious  and  plentiful  as  always,  and  the 
conversations  most  enjoyable.  All  who  attended  had 
a very  good  time. 

Our  thanks  to  Marty  and  Terry  for  hosting  this 
event  once  again. 

A Change  in  Some  Subscription  Rates 

As  a result  of  postal  increases  for  overseas  surface 
mail.  The  Festivus  is  forced  to  increase  the 
membership/subscription  rate  for  overseas  surface  mail 
subscribers  from  $18  to  $20  beginning  in  2001.  All 
other  membership  rates  will  remain  the  same.  See 
front  page  for  other  membership  information. 

All  memberships  received  after  October  1 will  be 
applied  to  the  year  2001. 

REPORT  OF  COA  2000 

Without  question,  the  COA  Convention  for  the  year 
2000  held  in  Houston  Texas  at  the  Green’s  Point 
Wyndham  Hotel  was  a resounding  success.  Hosting  the 
annual  convention  is  no  small  matter,  but  the  volunteers 
who  organized  and  ran  the  show  this  year  made  it  look 
easy.  They  not  only  put  on  a great  convention,  they 
proved  that  Texas  hospitality  is  no  myth.  Along  with  a 
full  slate  of  programs,  field  trips  and  silent  auctions 
(which  ran  continuously  throughout  the  week),  there 
still  seemed  to  be  plenty  of  time  for  shell  talk  with 
friends  old  and  new.  If  that  wasn’t  enough,  the  voice 
auction  alone  brought  in  the  greatest  dollar  amount  for 
any  single  event  in  COA  history,  an  astounding 


At  the  COA  club  rep.  meeting,  the  main  topic  of 
discussion  once  again  was  the  problem  of  shrinking 
membership  numbers  among  the  various  clubs.  The 
number  one  reason  returned  on  surveys  about  this 
problem  was  that  members  (past  and  present)  felt  too 
much  time  was  devoted  to  “official  club  business.”  In 
short,  they  wanted  less  time  devoted  to  organizational 
matters  during  regular  meetings  and  more  time  to 
simply  discuss  their  favorite  subject  - shells  - with  other 
members,  which  is  why  most  members  join  shell  clubs. 
Failure  to  respond  to  this  is  resulting  in  the  continuing 
decline  in  membership  of  many  clubs  nationwide. 

Kim  C.  Hutsell 

Vol.  XXXII(IO):  2000 


Page  139 




Seattle  Aquarium,  Alaskan  Way,  WA  98101-2059,  USA. 
E-mail:  anderson@ci. Seattle. 

The  green  false-j ingle,  Pododesmus  macrochisma 
(Deshayes,  1839),  is  one  of  what  I feel  are  neglected 
mollusks,  animals  that  are  common  but  have  been 
little  studied  in  recent  years,  especially  as  to  their 
natural  history.  I like  to  look  at  things  that  are 
uncommon,  or  that  few  other  people  are  working 
with.  Since  we  have  numerous  P.  macrochisma 
growing  in  the  tanks,  pipes  and  filters  of  the  Seattle 
Aquarium,  and  since  they  are  also  common  in  my 
local  waters  of  Puget  Sound,  Washington  State,  USA, 
I took  a look  at  what  had  previously  been  done  with 
the  jingle  shell  to  see  if  there  was  something 
interesting  about  it  that  hadn’t  been  investigated  yet. 

There  are  only  a couple  of  major  works  in  the 
literature  on  Pododesmus  macrochisma.  Numerous 
authors  have  discussed  the  nomenclature  of  these 
shells,  and  a good  summary  is  found  in  Chace  (1972). 
He  presents  a compelling  argument  for  considering  all 
West  Coast  animals  to  be  one  genus  and  species  - 
Pododesmus  Philippi  1839,  type  species  Monia 
macrochisma  Deshayes  1839.  Carpenter  (1872) 
mistakenly  changed  the  spelling  to  macroschisma. 
Modem  taxonomists  (e.g.  Coan,  et  al.,  2000)  have 
gone  back  to  the  original  spelling. 

Kellogg  (1915)  published  a work  on  the  ciliary 
mechanisms  of  bivalves.  He  found  the  distortion  of 
the  soft  body  parts  of  P.  macrochisma  interesting.  He 
ascribed  said  asymmetry  to  the  arrangement  of  the 
byssus  in  the  lower  (right)  shell,  the  animal's  habit  of 
conforming  to  the  surface  it  adheres  to,  and  its  severe 
left-right  compression.  The  lower  shell  grows  around 
the  byssus  and  meets  to  form  a teardrop-shaped  hole 
through  which  the  byssus  attaches  to  a firm  surface. 
He  said  of  its  ciliary  mechanism  "in  no  case  has  a 
more  furious  ciliary  action  been  observed."  I know 
from  personal  experience  that  P.  macrochisma  must 
have  an  efficient  feeding  system,  since  it  is  able  to 

survive  and  thrive  handily  in  the  filtered  sea  water 
systems  at  the  Seattle  Aquarium  which  strain  out 
particles  as  small  as  10  micrometers  (Anderson, 
1987).  Its  "furious  ciliary"  action  may  contribute  to 
its  feeding  under  such  conditions. 

The  comprehensive  monograph  by  Yonge  (1977) 
delineated  form  and  evolution  in  the  superfamily 
Anomiacea.  He  posited  that  Pododesmus  were  the 
most  primitive  of  the  superfamily  and  further 
described  in  great  detail  the  shells,  their  structure,  and 
their  probable  evolution  and  internal  organs.  Carter 
(1990)  summarized  the  shell  microstructure  of  the 

Essentially,  all  other  references  about 
Pododesmus  macrochisma  are  from  shell 
identification  manuals  (e.g.,  Quayle,  1960;  Rice, 
1973;  Abbott,  1974;  White,  1976;  Foster,  1991;  Coan 
et  al.,  2000)  and  such  natural  history  guides  as 
Ricketts  & Calvin  (1968),  MacGinitie  & MacGinitie 
(1968)  and  Kozloff  (1983).  Little  else  of  substance 
has  been  published  on  P.  macrochisma,  with  the 
possible  exception  of  Haderlie  & Abbott  (1980).  In 
addition  to  a general  description  of  the  animal,  they 
state  "the  green  color  inside  the  upper  (and  sometimes 
lower)  valve  is  due,  at  least  in  part,  to  minute  algae 
living  within  the  shell."  None  of  the  other  references 
mention  this  alga  in  the  shell  nor  do  the  references 
they  cite,  so  this  referral  to  the  algae  may  be  original 
material.  I haven’t  been  able  to  find  any  other 
references  to  algae  in  the  shells  of  P.  macrochisma, 
nor  in  any  other  shells. 

Now,  aside  from  its  asymmetry  and  “furious 
ciliary  action,”  I found  this  aspect  interesting.  The 
idea  of  algae  living  in  the  shell  titillated  me.  What 
good  could  come  from  the  alga  from  living  in  the 
shell  matrix?  Is  this  an  example  of  symbiosis, 
commensalism,  parasitism,  or  none  of  the  above?  In 


Vol.  XXXn(lO):  2000 

Page  140 

other  cases,  algae  live  in  the  tissues  of  corals, 
Tridacna  clams  and  sea  anemones  (Zann,  1980). 
There  are  even  parasitic  marine  algae,  e.g.,  those  that 
grow  in  the  tissues  of  sea  pens  of  the  Pacific 
Northwest  and  eventually  kill  them  (Birkeland,  1968). 

I started  my  investigations  by  trying  to  confirm 
that  algae  live  in  the  shells.  I collected  live  jingle 
shells  (Figure  1)  from  two  depths  (3  m and  30  m)  by 
scuba  diving  near  the  Hamma  Hamma  River  on  Hood 
Canal,  a branch  of  Puget  Sound,  and  from  the  raw  sea 
water  filters  of  the  Seattle  Aquarium.  The  jingles 

Figure  1.  Green  false-j  ingles,  Pododesmus  macrochisma,  growing 
on  a rock  from  3 m deep  water  in  Hood  Canal  (Washington  State). 

from  within  the  filters  had  lived  totally  in  the  dark. 
The  inlet  for  the  filters  is  10  m deep  at  the  Aquarium. 
They  have  obviously  been  thriving  in  the  filters 
(Figure  2).  The  upper  shells  were  pried  off  the  rocks 
or  filter  surface  with  a knife.  Any  epibiota  was 
scraped  off  the  shells  and  they  were  scrubbed 
thoroughly  with  a stiff  brush  in  running  sea  water, 
dried  and  examined.  Compared  subjectively,  I 
couldn't  tell  that  there  was  much  difference  in  the 
color  (Plate  1,  figure  1). 

I then  took  a shell  from  the  3 m depth,  pulverized 
it  in  a mortar  and  pestle,  added  the  powder  to  sea 
water  in  a beaker,  shook  and  stirred  the  liquid  and 
looked  at  a drop  of  the  slurry  under  a compound 
microscope.  At  1000  power  I saw  clumped  cells  along 
with  shards  of  shell  material  on  the  slide.  The 
presumptive  algal  cells  were  light  green  with  an 

Figure  2.  Green  false-j ingles,  sea  anemones  and  barnacles 
growing  in  the  sea  water  filters  of  the  Seattle  Aquarium. 

orange-red  dot  in  the  center.  They  superficially 
resembled  the  Chlorella  that  Cooke  (1975)  found 
in  the  tissues  of  the  heart  cockle  Clinocardium 
nuttallii  (Conrad,  1837).  I also  used  a vital  stain  (rose 
bengal,  which  stains  living  tissue)  on  the  condensate. 
It  caused  various  other  bits  and  pieces  to  be  stained 
red  but  which  could  not  be  determined  as  algal  cells. 

Harkening  back  to  my  high  school  biology 
classes,  I recalled  that  green  chlorophyll  is  soluble  in 
alcohol,  so  I decided  to  see  if  there  was  a comparative 
difference  spectrophotometrically  that  I could  detect 
between  the  shell  samples  from  the  three  depths.  The 
shells  (N  = 10  each)  were  individually  pulverized, 
and  1 g of  the  shell  material  was  added  to  25  ml  of  a 
70%  solution  of  ethyl  alcohol.  The  samples  were 
stirred  and  allowed  to  sit  overnight.  The  green  color 
was  not  all  leached  out  by  the  alcohol;  this 
corroborates  that  the  green  may  be  partly  due  to  color 
in  the  nacre.  The  next  day,  the  absorbance  of  each 
sample  was  read  with  a spectrophotometer  at  500  and 
600  nanometers  (nm);  "green"  as  we  see  it  is  550  nm. 

There  was  a considerable  difference  between  the 
3 m samples  and  the  others  (Table  1).  The  difference 
was  significant  at  the  500  nm  frequency  (F,  lg=4.49, 
p< 0.046),  but  not  at  the  600  nm  level  (F,  lg=3.30, 
p<  0.083),  using  multivariate  analysis  of  the  variance 
(Sigma  SoftR  software,  version  3.5,  1995). 

What  does  this  tell  us?  First  of  all,  it  tells  us  that 
algae  in  the  shell  are  growing  in  the  shallow  water 

Vol.  XXXD(IO):  2000 


Page  141 

layers  and  not  the  deeper.  This  may  seem  rather 
obvious,  but  there  are  algae  that  can  live  in  deeper 
waters.  Many  filter  feeders  can  live  on  phytoplankton 
well  below  the  photic  zone,  including  P.  macrochisma 
itself.  We  don't  know  precisely  what  P.  macrochisma 
eats,  but  presumably  it  eats  plankton  and  suspended 
matter  like  other  bivalves  (Morton,  1967). 

It  also  tells  us  that  algae  once  in  the  shell 
probably  continue  to  grow  rather  than  constantly 
being  added  to  the  shell.  We  can  know  this  because  of 
the  difference  between  the  shallow-water  shells  and 
the  shells  from  the  filters.  The  filter  jingles  were 
growing  in  the  dark,  but  still  were  exposed  to  the 
unfiltered,  well-mixed  surface  waters  of  Puget  Sound, 
presumably  containing  algal  cells.  Therefore,  there 
was  an  opportunity  for  the  alga  to  be  added  to  the 
shell,  but  presumably  they  were  not  surviving  due  to 
the  dark  conditions. 

The  fact  that  P.  macrochisma  lives  down  to  at 
least  35  m deep  (Quayle,  1960)  means  it  is  eating 
something  other  than  surface  plankton.  This  is 
corroborated  by  the  jingles  that  are  growing  in  the 
tanks  supplied  by  the  filtered  sea  water  at  the  Seattle 
Aquarium.  Our  sand  filters  are  designed  to  filter 
particulate  matter  as  small  as  10  micrometers.  There 
are  certainly  nanoplankton  smaller  than  this  (Smith, 
1977),  and  these  may  be  what  P.  macrochisma 
collects  and  eats  with  its  “furious  ciliary  action.” 

I'm  afraid  these  elementary  observations  raise 
more  questions  than  they  answer.  If  Pododesmus  are 
the  most  primitive  of  the  Anomiidae  as  Yonge  (1977) 
suggests,  does  that  mean  they  have  been  around  the 
longest  unchanged,  and  hence  would  have  the  greatest 
possibility  of  evolution  working  on  it  or  its 
commensals?  What  does  P.  macrochisma  actually  eat? 
What  is  the  identity  of  the  alga  living  in  the  shell? 
Does  the  jingle  actively  or  passively  incorporate  the 
alga  into  its  shell,  is  it  accidental,  or  does  the  alga 
actively  seek  out  the  shell  to  settle  in?  How  is  the  alga 
incorporated  into  the  shell  matrix?  How  does  the  alga 
reproduce?  Who  benefits  from  this  relationship?  I 
don’t  know  - maybe  the  alga  benefits  by  not  being 
eaten  by  the  jingle  or  other  filter  feeders.  I hope  these 
questions  might  stimulate  further  research  on  this 
“neglected  mollusk.” 


Paul  Valentich  Scott,  Alan  Kohn,  and  Eugene 
Coan  provided  thoughtful  comments  on  this  project. 

Shawn  Larson  performed  the  statistical  analyses, 
Katherine  A.  Krogslund  completed  the 
spectrophotometric  analyses  and  Leo  Shaw  took  the 
photographs.  I thank  the  Seattle  Aquarium  for 
allowing  me  to  carry  out  these  investigations. 



1974.  American  Seashells.  Van  Nostrand  Reinhold  (N.Y.). 
603  pp. 


1987.  Marine  biofouling  at  the  Seattle  Aquarium.  AAZPA 
1987  Annual  Proceedings,  pp.  253-257. 


1968.  Reciprocal  interactions  between  a single  prey  species, 
Ptilosarcus  gurney , and  its  complex  of  predators.  MS 
Thesis,  University  of  Washington  (Seattle,  WA).  68 



1872.  The  mollusks  of  western  North  America.  Smithsonian 
Institution  Miscellaneous  Collections  10(252): 
325  + 13  + 121. 

CARTER,  J.G.  (ed.). 

1990.  Skeletal  Biomineralization:  Patterns,  Processes  and 
Evolutionary  Trends.  Van  Nostrand  Reinhold  (NY). 
832  pp. 


1972.  Pododesmus  complex  on  the  west  coast.  The 
Tabulata.  5(2):  3-10. 


2000.  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America.  Santa 
Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History  (Santa  Barbara, 
CA).  764  pp. 


1975.  The  occurrence  of  an  endozoic  green  alga  in  the 
marine  mollusc,  Clinocardium  nuttallii  (Conrad, 
1837).  Phycologia.  14(1):  35-39. 


1991.  Intertidal  Bivalves;  a Guide  to  the  Common  Marine 
Bivalves  of  Alaska.  University  of  Alaska  Press 
(Fairbanks,  AK).  152  pp. 


1980.  Bivalvia:  the  clams  and  allies.  In:  Morris,  R.H.,  D.P. 
Abbott  & E.C.  Haderlie.  Intertidal  Invertebrates  of 
California.  Stanford  University  Press  (Stanford,  CA). 
690  pp. 


1915.  Ciliary  mechanisms  of  lamellibranchs.  Journal  of 
Morphology.  26:  625-701. 


1983.  Seashore  Life  of  the  Pacific  Northwest;  an  Illustrated 
Guide  to  Northern  California,  Oregon,  Washington 
and  British  Columbia.  University  of  Washington 
Press  (Seattle,  WA).  370  pp. 

MacGENITCE,  G.E.  & N.  MacGINlTTE. 

1968.  Natural  History  of  Marine  animals.  McGraw  Hill 
(NY).  523  pp. 


1967.  Molluscs.  Hutchinson  and  Co.  (London).  244  pp. 

Page  142 


Voi.  xxxnqo):  2000 

I960.  The  Intertidal  Bivalves  of  British  Columbia. 
British  Columbia  Provincial  Museum  (Victoria, 
B.C.).  104  pp. 

RICE,  T. 

1973.  Marine  Shells  of  the  Pacific  Coast.  Erco,  Inc. 
(Tacoma,  WA).  102  pp. 


1968.  Between  Pacific  Tides.  Stanford  University  Press 
(Stanford,  CA).  614  pp. 


1977.  A Guide  to  Marine  Coastal  Plankton  and  Marine 
Invertebrate  Larvae.  Kendall/Hunt  Publ.  (Iowa).  161 



1976.  Seashells  of  the  Pacific  Northwest.  Binfort  and  Mort 
(Portland,  OR).  127  pp. 


1977.  Form  and  evolution  in  the  Anomiacea  (Mollusca: 
Bivalvia)  - Pododesmus,  Anorrda,  Patro,  Enigmonia 
(Anomiidae);  Placunanomia,  Placuna  (Placunidae 
Fam.  Nov.).  Royal  Society  of  London,  Philosophical 
Transactions  B276(950):  453-523. 

ZANN,  L.P. 

1980.  Living  Together  in  the  Sea.  T.F.H.  Publ.  (N.J.).  416 


MEAN  ABSORBANCE  (+/-  0.005  absorbance  units)  OF  THE  SHELL/ALCOHOL 
SOLUTION  (N  = 10  each) 


500  nm 

600  nm 

3 m 



30  m 



Aquarium  filters 



Note:  the  color  “green”  as  we  see  it  is  550  nm 

Vol.  xxxn(10):  2000 


Page  143 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  California  93105-2936,  USA. 


C.  B.  Adams  named  Crepidula  osculans  from  a 
single  specimen  from  an  unknown  habitat  in  Panama. 
The  limpet-like  shell  was  placed  in  the  new  genus 
Phenacolepas  by  Pilsbry,  1891,  who  noted  that  the 
term  Phenacolepas  means  “a  deceptive  limpet”. 
Synonyms  are  Plesiothyreus  cancellata  (Pease,  1860), 
and  P.  tenuisculpta  (Thiele,  1909)  (Christiaens,  1988). 

In  his  monograph  on  the  Phenacolepadidae, 
Christiaens  (1989),  synonomized  the  genus 
Phenacolepas  with  Plesiothyreus  Cossmann,  1888,  and 
figured  the  radula.  He  comments  that  phenacolepid 
specimens  are  rarely  found  alive,  and  that  he  does  not 
know  if  some  Phenacolepadidae  are  parasites  as  are 
some  Capulidae. 

Little  has  been  written  on  the  habitat  of 
Plesiothyreus  osculans  (C.  B.  Adams,  1852).  The 
pinkish-red  animals,  which  can  be  seen  through  the 
shells  have  tentacles  almost  as  long  as  their  shells  (Plate 
1 , figure  2).  They  live  in  small  colonies  attached  to  the 
undersides  of  smooth,  clean  appearing  rocks.  These 
rocks  are  deeply  bedded  in  a mixture  of  gravel  and  sand 
in  the  intertidal  areas  where  the  receding  tide  leaves  a 
small  stream  of  water  as  it  ebbs.  Animals  from  Bahia  la 
Cholla  and  Puerto  Lobos,  Sonora,  and  San  Felipe,  Baja 
California,  Mexico,  all  seem  to  prefer  this  habitat.  The 
fragile  shell  is  clear  and  almost  transparent.  The  largest 
shell  in  my  collection  is  from  Bahia  la  Cholla,  Sonora, 
Mexico,  and  measures  7.4  mm  in  length. 

Keen  (1971)  gives  the  distribution  of  P.  osculans 
as  from  the  northern  end  of  the  Golfo  de  California, 

Mexico,  to  Panama.  This  distribution  was  extended 
south  to  ManabI  Province,  Ecuador  (Shasky,  1984),  and 
includes  Hawaii,  Fiji,  Hong  Kong,  Cook  Islands, 
Reunion,  and  the  Red  Sea  (Christiaens,  1988).  Live 
animals  were  taken  in  the  Islas  Las  Perlas,  Panama 
(Skoglund  & Koch,  1993). 

The  photo  was  taken  by  the  late  Paul  Skoglund. 


1852.  Catalogue  of  shells  collected  at  Panama,  with  notes  on 
synonymy,  station,  and  habitat.  Annals  of  the 
Lyceum  of  Natural  History  of  New  York  5:  229-549. 

1988.  Revision  of  the  Phenacolepas  of  the  Red  Sea.  Gloria 
Maris,  Belgian  Society  for  Malacology  27(5-6):  65- 
82,  figs.  1-25. 

1989.  The  Phenacolepadidae  Gastropoda:  Neritoidea  Pan  2. 
Gloria  Maris,  Belgian  Society  for  Malacology  28(2-3): 
17-48,  figs.  1-42. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America:  Marine 
Mollusks  from  Baja  California  to  Peru.  Stanford 
University  Press,  i-xiv  + 1064  pp.,  ca.  4000  figs. 

1891.  On  the  use  of  the  generic  name  Scute  Ulna.  The 
Nautilus  5(8):  88-89. 


1984.  A preliminary  checklist  of  marine  mollusks  from 
Manabi  Province,  Ecuador.  The  Western  Society  of 
Malacologists  Annual  Report  [for  1983]  16:  25-32. 

1993.  New  distributional  information  for  Panamic  Province 
Archaeogastropoda  (Mollusca).  The  Festivus  25(11): 

'Mailing  address:  3846  E.  Highland  Ave.,  Phoenix,  AZ  85018,  USA. 

Page  144 


Vol.  xxxn(10):  2000 



Associate,  Department  of  Invertebrate  Zoology,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA. 


Two  of  the  most  aesthetically  pleasing  species  of 
Spondylus  in  the  Golfo  de  California  are  Spondylus 
princeps  (Broderip,  1833)  and  S.  calcifer  (Carpenter, 
1857).  Unfortunately,  even  the  meticulously  cleaned 
adult  specimens  of  these  two  species  show  the  scars  of 
predation  and  erosion  from  encrusting  organisms. 
Normally,  spines  and  surface  sculpture  on  the  early 
portions  of  the  valves  are  completely  absent  on  adult 
specimens.  Longer  spines,  too,  suffer  damage  from 
attempted  predation  by  fish,  octopus  and  rays,  or  as  a 
result  of  careless  handling  during  and  after  collection. 
Few  specimens  of  either  species  make  it  into  the 
collector’s  cabinet  in  pristine  condition.  The  most 
spectacular  display  of  S.  princeps  and  S.  calcifer  can  be 

seen  only  in  carefully  collected  juvenile  specimens  such 
as  the  specimens  shown  here  in  Plate  1,  figures  3-6. 

Spondylus  princeps  is  found  from  Isla  Cedros,  on 
the  Pacific  coast  of  Baja  California,  Bahia  de  Los 
Angeles  on  the  Baja  side  of  the  Golfo  de  California  and 
at  Isla  San  Pedro  Nolasco,  on  the  mainland  side  of  the 
Golfo  de  California  south  to  Isla  La  Plata,  Ecuador. 
Spondylus  calcifer  ranges  from  the  upper  Golfo  de 
California  at  Puerto  Lobos  to  Peru. 

For  further  information  on  these  remarkable 
bivalves,  see  “The  genus  Spondylus  (Bivalvia: 
Spondylidae)  of  the  Panamic  Province”  by  Skoglund  & 
Mulliner  (1996)  [The  Festivus  28(9):  93-107,  4 color 

'Mailing  address:  5804  Lauretta  St.,  M2,  San  Diego,  CA  92110-1670,  USA. 


Plate  1,  figures  1-6.  Figure  1.  Pododesmus  macrochisma , a random  assortment  of  the  top  shells  of  the  green  false-jingle  from  3 m deep  and 
30  m deep  showing  their  green  color,  some  of  which  is  due  to  algae  in  the  shells.  Photo:  Leo  Shaw,  Seattle  Aquarium.  Figure  2.  Plesiothyreus 
osculans,  7 mm,  Bahia  la  Cholla,  Sonora,  Mexico.  Photo:  Paul  Skoglund.  Figures  3,  4.  Spondylus  princeps,  32.2  mm  juvenile,  taken  in  40 
m on  rock  rubble  off  Isla  Danzante,  Golfo  de  California.  Figure  5.  Spondylus  calcifer,  41.5  juvenile,  taken  in  10  m on  coralline  algae  rubble 
in  Bahia  Concepcion,  Golfo  de  California.  Figure  6.  S.  calcifer,  37.5  mm  juvenile,  taken  in  10  m on  coralline  algae  rubble  in  Bahia  Concepcion. 
Photos  3-6:  taken  by  Linda  Hutsell  with  a Sony  Mavica  88  digital  camera. 

Vol.  XXXII(IO):  2000 


Page  145 

Mi  $ 

m iU 

1 ft  iJr  l 

The  Festivus 

Received  on:  10-24-00 

v.  XXXII 
no.  11 
9,  2000 


A publication  of  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club 

Volume:  XXXII 

November  9,  2000 

ISSN  0738-9388 

Number:  11 



Vice  President 

Secretary  (Corres.) 

Secretary  (Record.) 


Past  President 




Michael  L.  Mason 
Kim  Hutsell 
Mark  Scott 
Silvana  Vollero 
Linda  L.  Hutsell 
Terry  S.  Arnold 

Linda  Hutsell 


Editor  Carole  M.  Hertz 

Business  Manager  Jules  Hertz 

Photographer  David  K.  Mulliner 

Annual  dues  are  payable  to  San  Diego  Shell  Club. 
Membership  (includes  family).  Domestic  $15.00; 

Overseas  (surface  mail):  $20.00,  (air  mail):  $30.00; 

Mexico/  Canada  (surface  mail):  $18.00,  (air  mail):  $20.00. 
Address  all  correspondence  to  the  San  Diego  Shell  Club,  Inc., 
c/o  3883  Mt.  Blackburn  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92111,  USA. 

The  Festivus  is  published  monthly  except  December. 
The  publication  date  appears  on  the  masthead  above. 
Single  copies  of  this  issue:  $5.00  plus  postage. 

Rudiger  Bieler 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago 
Henry  W.  Chaney 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Eugene  V.  Coan 

Research  Associate 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
Douglas  J.  Eemisse 

California  State  University,  Fullerton 
William  K.  Emerson 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York 
Terrence  M.  Gosliner 

California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco 
George  L.  Kennedy 

Department  of  Geological  Sciences 

San  Diego  State  University, 

James  H.  McLean 

Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Barry  Roth 

Research  Associate 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Paul  Valentich  Scott 

Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Emily  H.  Vokes 

Emerita,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans 

Website  at:  Meeting  date:  third  Thursday,  7:30  PM, 

Club/index. html  Email:  Room  104,  Casa  Del  Prado,  Balboa  Park,  San  Diego 


Abalone  in  Time  and  Space 

Daniel  Geiger,  of  the  Los  Angeles  County  Museum  geography,  fossil  record  and  placement  of  Haliotidae  in 

of  Natural  History,  will  give  a presentation  on  the  bio-  Vetigastropoda.  His  talk  will  be  accompanied  by  slides. 

Election  of  Officers 
Meeting  date:  November  16,  2000 


Club  news 148 

Raeta  plicatella  (Lamarck,  1818)  (Bivalvia:  Mactridae)  a first  report  from  the  Panamic  Province 

Carol  Skoglund  . . 149 

Range  extensions  and  size  records  of  bivalves  from  the  Panamic  Province  in  the  Norrid  Collection 

Charlotte  Carey  Norrid 151 

A reoccurrence  of  Nodipecten  subnodosus  (Sowerby  I,  1835)  in  California 

Kim  C.  Hutsell 153 

In  Memoriam:  Robert  Koch 154 

Selected  index  to  2000  155 

Map  for  detaching 

Page  148 


Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 


Minutes  of  the 

San  Diego  Shell  Club  Meeting  - October  19,  2000 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  at  7:40  P.M.  by 
Vice  President  Kim  Hutsell.  After  introduction  of 
guests  there  was  a brief  business  meeting  during  which 
the  slate  of  officers  for  2001  was  presented.  They  are 
as  follows:  President,  Kim  Hutsell;  Vice  President, 
Jules  Hertz,  Recording  Secretary,  Silvana  Vollero; 
Corresponding  Secretary,  Monika  Fomer;  Treasurer, 
Linda  Hutsell.  Nominations  from  the  floor  and  election 
of  officers  will  take  place  at  the  November  meeting. 

Kim  then  introduced  the  speaker  for  the  evening, 
Paul  Valentich  Scott  of  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of 
Natural  History.  Chairs  were  set  up  in  an  informal 
discussion  circle  and  Paul  gave  insights  on  the  many 
kinds  of  books  and  the  ins  and  outs  of  writing  one  based 
on  his  experiences.  Members  asked  many  questions  and 
also  contributed  their  ideas.  John  Jackson,  who  is  a 
publisher,  gave  additional  insights  into  the  processes  of 
preparing  color  plates.  It  was  an  interesting  exchange 
of  ideas. 

The  shell  drawing  was  won  by  Joanne  Romer  and 
the  delicious  refreshments  were  provided  by  President 
Mike  Mason,  who  had  to  work  but  dashed  in  to  bring 
the  goodies.  Following  the  meeting  there  was  time  to 

enjoy  the  beautiful  shell  displays  by  Mark  Scott  and 
guest  Mark  Kirwin  as  well  as  the  sweets. 

The  Club’s  Annual  Christmas  Dinner  Party 

The  Club  Christmas  Party  will  be  held  on  Saturday 
evening  December  2nd  in  the  Crystal  Room  of  the 
Admiral  Kidd  Club  with  festivities  beginning  at  6:00 
p.m.  and  dinner  at  7:00  p.m.  A map  to  the  Club  is  on 
the  last  page  of  this  issue. 

There  are  three  choices  of  entree:  Prime  Rib  of 
Beef  (English  Cut  au  jus).  Chicken  Kiev  (boneless 
breast  of  chicken  with  herb-flavored  butter)  or  Broiled 
Halibut  (steak  with  lemon  butter  sauce).  All  are  served 
with  tossed  green  salad,  bread  and  butter,  vegetable, 
coffee  and/or  tea.  Dessert  choices  are:  Old  fashioned 
Cherry  Cobbler  or  New  York  Style  Cheesecake. 

The  cost  of  the  dinner  including  gratuity  is  $21 .00. 
Reservations  with  check  and  listing  of  choice  of  entree 
and  dessert  must  be  received  by  November  27th  . 

As  is  customary,  there  will  be  a shell  gift 
exchange.  Bring  a gift-wrapped  shell  with  only  very 
general  locality  on  the  outside  (data  should  be  inside) 
to  place  under  the  tree.  Only  those  who  bring  a gift 
can  participate.  Plan  to  come  to  the  Christmas  Party  - 
it  is  always  a very  special  event! 


Saturday  January  20th  , Times  Mirror  Room  - 10  AM 
Natural  History  Museum  of  Los  Angeles  County,  900  Exposition  Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90007 

Hosts:  George  Davis  and  Lindsey  Groves 

SCUM,  an  informal  association  of  Southern 
California  professional,  amateur,  and  student 
malacologists  and  paleontologists,  active  or  interested  in 
molluscan  research,  meets  annually  to  keep  one  another 
informed  of  research  activities  and  opportunities.  There 
are  no  dues,  no  officers,  and  no  publications. 

This  year's  meeting  will  be  at  the  Natural  History 
Museum  of  Los  Angeles  Country.  All  persons  interested 
in  Recent  and/or  fossil  mollusks  are  invited.  Informal 
presentations  and  discussions  covering  current  research 
interests  are  encouraged.  (Attendees  will  have  a 
surprise  presentation.)  A slide  projector  and/or 
overhead  projector  will  be  available. 

Coffee,  tea,  and  breakfast  somethings  will  be 
provided.  We  will  break  for  lunch  at  noon.  The 
Curator's  Cafe  (the  museum  cafeteria)  will  be  open  as 
will  other  food  establishments  nearby. 

Parking  in  the  Museum's  east  Lot  will  be  free; 
mention  at  the  staff  entrance  that  you  are  with  SCUM. 

Please  phone,  FAX,  or  e-mail  your  RSVP  so  we 
can  have  enough  ‘breakfast  somethings’  on  hand. 
Contact  either:  George  E.  Davis,  Ph.:  213-763-3450; 
FAX:  213-746-2999;  e-mail:  or 
Lindsey  T.  Groves,  Ph.:  213-763-3376  (Malacology), 
213-744-3485  (Invert.  Paleontology);  FAX:  213- 
746-2999;  e-mail: 

Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 


Page  149 



Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History,  2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road, 

Santa  Barbara,  California  93105,  USA 

The  known  distribution  of  Raeta  plicatella 
(Lamarck,  1818)  has  been  along  the  Atlantic  coast  from 
North  Carolina  to  Florida,  Texas,  and  from  the  West 
Indies  to  Argentina,  in  3 to  6 m (Abbott,  1974).  This 
is  the  first  report  of  its  occurrence  within  the  Panamic 

Harry  (1969)  figured  the  shell  and  described  the 
anatomy.  He  also  listed  the  following  species  as 
synonyms  of  R.  plicatella : Lutraria  canaliculata  Say, 
1822;  Mactra  campechensis  Gray,  1825;  and  Raeta 
perspicua  Hutton,  1873. 

Three  lots  of  Raeta  plicatella  in  the  Skoglund 
Collection  came  from  within  a few  miles  of  each  other 
around  Bahia  Matenchen,  Nayarit,  Mexico.  I found  two 
complete  specimens  and  three  valves  in  the  drift  at  the 
high  tide  line  at  Playa  Matenchen  in  December  1965 
(Figure  1).  The  same  area  was  collected  earlier  by  Iva 
Barker  in  1962.  Barker  collected  a total  of  16  valves 
which  she  later  glued  into  mismatched  pairs.  My 
husband  Paul  and  I dredged  on  the  far  side  of  the  bay 
from  Santa  Cruz  toward  Platanitos  in  both  1978  and 
1979.  We  took  nine  valves  (Figure  2).  I also  found  a 
single  valve  far  to  the  north  at  Puerto  Lobos,  Cabo 
Tepoca,  Sonora,  in  1969.  No  live  specimens  were 

All  of  the  above  shells  were  in  the  Skoglund 
Collection,  but  some  have  now  been  placed  in 
museums.  The  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  San 
Francisco,  has  a single  valve  from  the  dredged  lot 
(CASIZ  121634)  and  the  Bailey-Matthews  Shell 
Museum,  Florida,  has  two  of  the  Barker  mismatched 
pairs  (15001). 

In  addition,  I have  seen  several  lots,  collected  by 
old  friends,  that  are  now  at  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum 

Figure  1.  Raeta  plicatella,  specimen  32.5  mm  maximum  length, 
Playa  Matenchen,  Nayarit,  Mexico.  Photo:  D.K.  Mulliner. 

of  Natural  History,  Santa  Barbara,  California:  1 pair 
from  the  Margaret  Cunningham  Collection  trawled  by 
shrimpers  near  Guaymas,  Sonora,  Mexico,  in  1961 
(SBMNH  134765);  20  valves  collected  by  Gertrude  and 
Ervin  Wahrenbrock  at  Playa  Novillero,  Nayarit,  in  1970 
(SBMNH  345471);  2 pair  collected  by  Ervin 
Wahrenbrock  at  Teacapan,  Nayarit,  in  February,  1967 
(SBMNH  134157)  and  1 pair  collected  by  Ted  Phillips 
at  Ensenada  Blanca,  San  Felipe,  Baja  California, 
Mexico,  in  1972  (SBMNH  345472).  The  Phillips 
specimen  was  the  largest  seen,  with  a length  of  67  mm 
and  a height  of  50  mm. 

There  was  no  other  collecting  data  on  any  of  the 
museum  lots,  but  from  knowing  the  collectors,  I can 
safely  say  that  all  except  the  Cunningham  lot  were 
found  by  beach  combing.  Many  of  us  loved  the  more 

'Mailing  address:  3846  E.  Highland  Avenue,  Phoenix,  Arizona,  USA. 

Page  150 


Vol.  xxxn(ll):  2000 

Figure  2.  Raeta  plicatella,  interior  of  2 valves,  dredged  in  6-18  m, 
mud  bottom,  Santa  Cruz  to  Platanitos,  Nayarit,  Mexico.  Photo:  D.K. 

than  40  miles  of  flat  beach  at  Playa  Novillero  where  you 
could  drive  safely  on  the  hard  sand  and  find  a thick 
windrow  of  shells  at  the  high  tide  line.  Teacapan  is  just 
across  an  estuary  at  the  north  end  of  Playa  Novillero 
and  shellers,  including  the  Wahrenbrocks,  who  stayed 
there  would  get  a local  boatman  to  take  them  across  to 

the  far  north  end  of  Playa  Novillero  where  they  would 

Raeta  plicatella  occupies  a small  area  in  Nayarit, 
Mexico,  from  Bahia  Matenchen  in  the  south  to  Playa 
Novillero  in  the  north.  A few  scattered  lots  would  seem 
to  bring  the  species  north  in  the  Golfo  de  California  to 
Puerto  Lobos  and  San  Felipe,  but  I would  prefer  to  wait 
for  more  material  from  the  Golfo  de  California  to  be 

Dr.  Jose  Leal  of  the  Bailey-Matthews  Shell 
Museum  identified  the  shells.  Paul  Valentich  Scott 
loaned  material  from  the  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of 
Natural  History.  David  K.  Mulliner  took  the 
photographs.  My  thanks  to  all  of  them. 


1974.  American  Seashells;  the  Marine  Mollusca  of  the  Atlantic 
and  Pacific  Coasts  of  North  America.  2nd  ed.  Van 
Nostrand  Reinhold,  New  York,  663  pp.,  24  pis., 
numerous  text  figs. 


1969.  Anatomical  notes  on  the  mactrid  bivalve  Raeta  plicatella 
Lamarck,  1818,  with  a review  of  the  genus  Raeta  and 
related  genera.  The  Veliger  12(1):  1-23,  figs.  1-20. 

Announcement  of  a Supplement  to  Volume  32  of  The  Festivus 

The  Festivus  is  pleased  to  announce  the  upcoming  supplement  to  Volume  32  by  Carol 
Skoglund  entitled, 

Panamic  Province  Molluscan  Literature : Additions  and  Changes 
from  1971  through  2000  I.  Bivalvia  II.  Polyplacophora 

This  book  of  over  140  pages  will  be  released  early  in  2001  and  will  be  available  free  of 
charge  to  all  interested  current  (2000)  member/subscribers.  The  supplement  updates  the  bivalves 
and  chitons  in  Keen’s  (1971)  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America  and  includes  all  the  information 
in  Skoglund’ s (1991)  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  Bivalve  (Mollusca ) Literature  1971  to 
1990  and  her  (1989)  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  Chiton  Literature  - 1971  through  1988. 

Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 


Page  151 



233  East  Cairo  Drive,  Tempe,  Arizona  85282,  USA 

For  the  past  thirty-five  years,  my  husband  Hal  and 
I have  traveled  around  Mexico.  We  enjoyed  meeting 
the  people  and  learning  about  their  cultural  background, 
we  visited  the  Aztec  and  Mayan  ruins,  and  most  of  all 
we  enjoyed  camping,  swimming,  snorkeling,  and 
shelling  on  the  beautiful  beaches  of  the  Golfo  de 
California  and  Baja  California. 

We  have  retired  from  active  shelling,  so  I thought 
it  would  be  a good  time  to  inventory  the  shells  in  our 
collection.  I have  completed  the  list  of  the  bivalves  and 
entered  each  species  found  into  the  computer.  Each 
shell's  description  and  its  location  were  compared  to  the 
description  found  in  Keen  (1971)  and  to  modifications 
found  in  Skoglund  (1991).  The  size  of  the  largest  shell 
from  each  species  was  compared  to  the  listings  in  the 
Registry  of  World  Record  Size  Shells  by  Hutsell, 
Hutsell,  & Pisor  (1999). 

I was  delighted  to  fmd  that  we  have  three  range 
extensions  and  twelve  shells  of  record  size.  Several  of 
the  size  records  were  for  species  not  listed  in  the 
Registry , so  I imagine  if  other  readers  submit  the 
measurements  for  their  shells,  some  of  my  records  will 
not  stand.  The  range  extensions  were  to  locations  in  the 
Golfo  de  California  that  were  not  mentioned  in  Keen 
(1971)  nor  modified  by  Skoglund  (1991). 

I want  to  thank  Carol  Skoglund  for  confirming  the 
identification  and  measurements  of  the  shells  and  my 
husband  Hal  Norrid  for  pulling  up  the  sometimes  very 
heavy  dredge  in  sometimes  very  rough  seas. 


Keen  no.  Species  and  Remarks 

295  Diplodonta  cornea  (Reeve,  1850),  six  valves 
found  at  El  Golfo,  Sonora,  in  1974,  largest 

measuring  19.3  mm.  Keen  (1971)  noted  that  the 
shell  was  not  common  north  of  San  Ignacio, 
Baja  California.  Gemmell,  Myers  & Hertz  (1987) 
list  this  species  in  the  San  Felipe,  Baja  California 
area.  This  brings  the  range  across  the  Golfo  de 
California  from  San  Felipe  to  El  Golfo. 

414  Pitar  frizzelli  Hertlein  & Strong,  1948,  valves 
found  off  Isla  Danzante,  Golfo  de  California, 
dredged  in  45-75  m in  1991,  and  dredged  in  60- 
90  m at  Isla  Smith,  Bahia  de  los  Angeles,  Baja 
California  in  1993.  Nine  valves  collected,  largest 
43  x 33.2  mm.  Keen  (1971)  noted  only  a few 
specimens  had  been  dredged  off  the  southern  end 
of  the  Golfo  de  California.  F.  and  L.  Poorman 
(1988)  extended  the  distribution  north  to  Bahia 
San  Carlos,  Sonora.  This  extends  the  range 
across  the  Golfo  de  California  to  Baja  California. 

— Solamen  megas  (Dali,  1897),  two  valves,  the 
larger  30  mm,  dredged  in  60-90  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  in  1991. 
Distribution  from  Santa  Barbara  Islands, 
California,  into  the  Golfo  de  California  and  south 
to  Panama.  Size  given  as  26  mm.  This  species 
has  long  been  confused  with  Crenella 
columbianum  Dali,  1903  (Coan,  Valentich  Scott 
& Bernard,  2000).  This  is  both  a range  extension 
and  a size  record. 


9 Ennucula  Columbiana  (Dali,  1908),  a 9 mm 
valve  was  dredged  in  100  m off  Isla  Danzante, 
Golfo  de  California,  in  1995.  Previous  published 

Page  152 


Voi.  xxxnqi):  2000 

size,  4.5  mm  (Keen,  1971).  Bernard  (1983)  lists 
the  holotype  at  6 mm. 

271  Here  excavata  (Carpenter,  1857),  a 20.7  mm 
valve,  dredged  in  60-90  m off  Isla  Smith,  Bahia 
de  los  Angeles,  Baja  California,  in  1993.  Keen 
(1971)  lists  an  immature  shell  at  10  mm. 

350  Chama  sordida  Broderip,  1835,  cluster  of  valves, 
largest  45  mm,  dredged  in  60-90  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  after  1980. 
Length  listed  in  Keen  (1971)  is  37  mm. 

403  Pilar  perfragilis  (Pilsbry  & Lowe,  1932),  3 
valves,  largest  13  mm,  dredged  in  150  m off  Isla 
Smith,  Bahia  de  los  Angeles,  Baja  California  in 
1992.  Draper  (1972)  lists  the  size  as  11.4  mm. 

460  Lirophora  mariae  (Orbigny,  1846),  group  of 
valves,  largest  29.5  mm,  dredged  in  100  m off 
Isla  Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  after  1980. 
Keen  (1971)  gives  size  as  23  mm. 

503  Mulinia  coloradoensis  Dali,  1894,  several  valves, 
largest  70  x 49  mm,  found  in  Teacapan,  Sinaloa, 
in  1981.  Size  given  in  Draper  (1987)  is  63.4 

509  Tellina  carpenteri  Dali,  1900,  several  valves, 
largest  27.6  mm,  dredged  in  125  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  in  1991.  Keen 
(1971)  lists  size  as  25  mm.  Hutsell,  Hutsell  & 
Pisor  erroneously  list  a 49.5  mm  shell.  That 
shell  was  misidentified  (Skoglund,  pers.  comm., 
August  2000). 

517  Tellina  meropsis  Dali,  1900,  several  valves, 
largest  19.2  mm,  dredged  in  50  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  in  1994.  Draper 
(1987)  lists  size  as  15.1  mm. 

529  Tellina  inaequistriata  Donovan,  1802,  several 
pairs  of  valves,  largest  24  mm,  dredged  in  60-90 
m off  Isla  Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  after 
1980.  Keen  (1971  lists  size  as  23  mm. 

546  Tellina  pristiphora  Dali,  1900,  many  valves, 
largest  41  mm,  dredged  in  100  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  in  1991.  Keen 
(1971)  lists  size  as  36  mm. 

552  Tellina  zacae  Hertlein  & Strong,  1949,  largest 
valve  44  x 22  mm,  dredged  in  60-90  m off  Isla 
Danzante,  Golfo  de  California,  in  1992.  Keen 
(1971)  lists  size  as  33  x 15  mm. 



1983.  Catalogue  of  the  living  Bivalvia  of  the  eastern  Pacific 
Ocean:  Bering  Strait  to  Cape  Horn.  Canadian  Special 
Publication  of  Fisheries  and  Aquatic  Sciences  61:  1- 



2000.  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America,  Marine 
Bivalve  Mollusks  from  Arctic  Alaska  to  Baja 
California.  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Monographs  No.  2.  Studies  in  Biodiversity  No.  2., 
764  pp.,  124  pis. 


1972.  Check  list  of  shells  found  in  scrapings  from  Spondylus 
princeps  taken  at  a depth  of  40  feet,  southeast  of  Santa 
Rosalia,  Baja  California,  1969.  The  Festivus  3(4):  5-7. 

1987.  Lost  Operculum  Club  list  of  champions.  Conchological 
Club  of  Southern  California:  1-43  pp. 



1987.  A faunal  study  of  the  bivalves  of  San  Felipe  and 
environs.  Gulf  of  California,  from  the  Gemmell 
collection  (1965  to  1976).  The  Festivus  18  (Suppl.):  1- 
72,  figs.  1-78. 


1999.  Registry  of  World  Record  Size  Shells,  Second  Edition, 
Snail’s  Pace  Productions,  San  Diego,  California, 
U.S.A.:  i-vii  +132  pp. 


1971.  Sea  Shells  of  Tropical  West  America.  Second  Edition. 
Stanford  University  Press,  Stanford,  CA.  i-xiv  + 1064 
pp.,  ca.  4000  figs.,  22  color  pis. 


1988.  A report  of  the  molluscan  species  in  the  San  Carlos 
rectangle,  Sonora,  Mexico,  collected  by  Forrest  L.  and 
Leroy  H.  Poorman  from  December  1953  to  December 
1983.  The  Festivus  20(6):  47-63,  1 map. 


1991.  Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  Bivalve  (Mollusca) 
Literature,  1971  - 1990.  The  Festivus  22  (Suppl.  2):  1- 

Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 


Page  153 



Associate,  Santa  Barbara  Museum  of  Natural  History, 

2559  Puesta  del  Sol  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  California  93105-2936,  USA 

In  July  of  2000,  Paul  Kanner  of  Los  Angeles, 
California  contacted  me  with  information  concerning 
two  scallops  collected  off  the  California  coast.  He  was 
certain  the  species  was  Nodipecten  subnodosus 
(Sowerby  I,  1835).  Since  the  northern  most  range  for 
this  species  normally  doesn’t  extend  beyond  the  28th 
parallel  on  the  Pacific  coast  of  Baja  California,  Mexico, 
Kanner  extended  an  invitation  to  examine  the  shells.  A 
few  weeks  later,  I had  the  opportunity  to  visit  Paul  at 
his  home  where  he  explained  the  circumstances  under 
which  the  two  specimens  were  found. 

While  on  a dive  trip  to  San  Clemente  Island,  diver 
Shanna  Holzer  collected  the  paired  valves  of  two  dead 
scallops  in  an  area  known  as  “Little  Flower” 
(approximately  32°50'N,  118°21.8’W).  The  first 
specimen  was  found  on  June  9th  and  the  second  on  June 
10*.  Both  specimens  were  on  sand  between  rocks  at  a 
depth  of  17  to  18  m (55-60  ft).  Holzer  noted  that  the 
first  specimen  was  very  clean  while  the  second  was 
heavily  encrusted,  indicating  to  her  that  the  animals  had 
died  at  different  times.  Kanner  went  on  to  explain  that 
Holzer  was  not  a shell  collector,  so  she  had  given  one 
of  the  specimens  to  another  diver  and  brought  one  to 
him  for  identification.  Paul  was  kind  enough  to  retrieve 
the  other  specimen  and  make  both  available  to  me  for 
examination  and  photographs.  The  specimen  figured  is 
the  second  of  the  two  N.  subnodosus  collected  by 
Holzer  at  San  Clemente. 

It  is  infrequent  but  not  unusual  that  a species 
sometimes  appears  outside  its  normal  range.  N. 
subnodosus , in  fact,  once  thrived  in  the  coastal  waters 
of  what  is  now  Southern  Californian.  Fossil  specimens 
have  been  reported  from  the  Cenozoic  as  far  north  as 

the  Channel  Islands  off  Los  Angeles,  California  (J.  T. 
Smith,  1989).  Coan  & Scott  (2000:  242-243,  pi.  45)  cite 
a report  from  California  Fish  and  Game  (Strachan  et 
al.,  1968)  in  which  N.  subnodosus  occurs  as  far  north 
as  Santa  Catalina  Island  during  El  Nino  years.  But  the 
occurrence  of  Recent  N.  subnodosus  in  this  area  is  rare. 
Few  collectors  are  aware  that  N.  subnodosus  occurs  off 
of  Southern  California  and  fewer  still  have  actually  seen 
a recently  collected  specimen. 

Nodipecten  subnodosus,  111.8  mm  H,  119.4  mm  W.  Photo:  Linda 



2000.  Bivalve  Shells  of  Western  North  America.  Santa  Barbara 

1 Mailing  address:  5804  Lauretta  Street  #2,  San  Diego,  CA  92110,  USA. 

Page  154 


Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 

Museum  of  Natural  History  Monographs  No.  2,  Studies  in 
Biodiversity  No.  2,  viii  + 764  pp.,  124  pis. 


1991.  Cenozoic  giant  pectinids  from  California  and  the  Tertiary 
Caribbean  Province:  Lyropecten,  “Macrochlamys,  ” 
Vertipecten,  and  Nodipecten  species.  United  States, 

Department  of  the  Interior,  Geological  Survey, 
Professional  Paper  1391:  155  pp.,  38  pis. 


1968.  Two  fishes  and  a mollusk,  new  to  California’s  marine 
fauna,  with  comments  regarding  other  anomalous 
occurrences.  California  Fish  and  Game  54(1):  49-57. 


It  is  with  great  sadness  that  we  report  the  passing  on  September  29th  of  Robert  Koch, 
longtime  Club  member,  supporter  of  The  Festivus  and  good  friend.  Bob  was  an  avid  student  of 
Panamic  gastropods,  especially  enjoying  micromollusks  which  he  carefully  sorted  and  identified 
under  his  microscope  and  arranged  in  his  cabinets  as  gems  in  a jewel  case.  Bob  and  his  wife 
Wendy  took  many  trips  to  Mexico,  Panama,  Costa  Rica  and  other  areas  of  the  Panamic  Province 
hunting  the  elusive  sea  shell.  It  was  on  one  of  those  trips  that  Bob  discovered  an  undescribed  typhid 
species  which  was  later  described  and,  at  his  request,  named  for  Wendy. 

One  trip  to  Costa  Rica  found  the  Koch,  Skoglund  and  Hertz  families  together  in  Playas  del 
Coco  in  Guanacaste  Province.  We  were  in  a small,  lovely  hotel  which  we  had  almost  to  ourselves. 
We  spent  the  days  at  the  beach  shore  collecting  and  dredging,  the  late  afternoons  discussing  our 
exciting  finds,  and  the  evenings  enjoying  wonderful  meals.  It  is  a precious  memory. 

Our  hearts  go  out  to  Wendy  and  their  three  sons,  Robert,  Richard  and  James. 

Bob’s  beautiful  and  scientifically  valuable  collection  has  been  donated  to  the  Santa  Barbara 
Museum  of  Natural  History  where  it  will  be  available  to  researchers.  His  short  papers,  many  with 
amusing  titles,  made  for  enjoyable  and  informative  reading  in  The  Festivus  during  the  first  half  of 
the  1990s.  They  are  listed  below. 

1990.  Panamic  puzzles:  those  terrifying  turbonillas.  22(5):  63-70,  figs.  1-5  + illustrated  key. 

1991a.  A new  distribution  for  Lepidozona  (Lepidozona ) skoglundi  (Ferreira,  1986)  (Mollusca:  Polyplacophora).  23(3): 

1991b.  A question  of  size:  a note  on  dwarfing  in  Typhisopsis  coronatus  and  Typhisala  grandis.  23(5):  39. 

1991c.  Panamic  puzzles:  a didymous  Terebra  petiverianaP  23(6):  42-44,  figs.  1-12. 

1992a.  Panamic  puzzles:  Terebra  argosyia  and  T.  robusta.  24(1):  3-7,  figs.  1-4. 

1992b.  Panamic  puzzles:  Oliva  kerstitchi  — yes,  no  or  maybe?  24(3):  31-33,  figs.  1-5. 

1992c.  Panamic  puzzles:  those  peripatetic  eulimids.  24(9):  97-100,  figs.  1-4. 

1993a.  Panamic  puzzles:  a singular  Cingulina.  25(4):  39-41,  figs.  1-4. 

1993b.  Geographic  locations  supplementing  "Additions  to  the  Panamic  Province  gastropod  (Mollusca)  literature  - 
1971-1992"  by  Carol  Skoglund.  25(7):  60-64. 

1994.  Panamic  puzzles;  a question  of  assignment  ( Odostomia  vs.  Turbonilla).  26(5):  53-55,  figs.  1-6. 

1996a.  Panamic  puzzles:  those  enigmatic  A laba.  27(1):  7-9,  figs.  1-5,  1 table. 

1996b.  Panamic  puzzles:  valid  or  variant  vitrinellids?  27(3):  30-31,  figs.  1-4. 

Vol.  XXXII(ll):  2000 


Page  155 



Algae  in  shells  of  Pododesmus  macrochisma  (Deshayes,1839) 139 


New  distributional  records  of  opisthobranchs  from  the  Punta  Eugenia  region  of  the  Baja  California  Peninsula: 

a report  based  on  1997-1998  CONABIO-sponsored  expeditions  99 


A record  size  for  the  razor  clam  Siliqua  patula 77 


The  Marquesas  Islands  (French  Polynesia)  - a preliminary  and  brief  account  of  molluscan  finds  resulting  from 

a recent  expedition  71 

CHANEY  HENRY  W.  (reviewer) 

Book  News:  Catalogue  and  Bibliography  of  the  Marine  Shell  Bearing  Mollusca  of  Japan  11 

Book  News:  The  Wentletrap  Book:  Guide  to  the  Recent  Epitoniidae  of  the  World  by  Weil,  Brown  & Neville 24 


Katherine  “Kate”  Stephens  (c.  1853-1954) 127 

FOSTER,  NORA  (reviewer) 

Book  news:  Bivalve  Seashells  of  Western  North  America  ...  by  Coan,  Valentich  Scott  & Bernard  135 


List  of  cypraeoidean  and  trivioidean  literature  1994  through  1999  39 

Catalog  of  Recent  and  fossil  Cypraeidae  and  Eocypraeinae  (Ovulidae):  1994  through  1999  116 

HERTZ,  CAROLE  M.  (editor) 

Correction  to  Skoglund  (1999):  The  gemsAlexania  (Gastropoda:  Epitoniidae)  in  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico  ....  2 

The  Veliger-Stohler  Memorial  Fund 104 

Addition  and  Correction 115 

In  Memoriam:  Bertram  C.  Draper  136 

In  Memoriam:  Robert  Koch  154 


Turridae  (Mollusca:  Gastropoda)  from  the  San  Felipe  area,  Baja  California,  Mexico,  in  the  Gemmell  Collection  ....  81 

An  unusual  population  of  Muricopsis  pauxillus  (A.  Adams,  1854)  at  Platanitos,  Nayarit,  Mexico  22 


New  distributional  records  from  Bahia  Magdalena,  Baja  California  Sur,  Mexico  15 

Fourth  annual  SCUM  meeting 33 

Report  of  the  combined  AMS/WSM  meeting  133 


Report  of  COA  2000  138 

Two  juvenile  Spondylus  species  in  the  Golfo  de  California,  Mexico 144 

A reoccurrence  of  Nodipecten  subnodosus  (Sowerby,  I,  1835)  in  California  153 


New  molluscan  range  extensions  and  an  undescribed  thyasirid  from  Isla  San  Marcos  in  the  Golfo  de  California, 

Mexico Ill 


New  distributional  record  for  Favartia  (Murexiella)  mildredae  Poorman,  1980  (Gastropoda:  Muricidae) 9 

New  distribution  records  for  two  species  of  Muricopsis  (Muricidae)  from  the  Panamic  Province 37 


Range  extensions  and  size  records  of  bivalves  from  the  Panamic  Province  in  the  Norrid  Collection 151 


Spondylus  linguaefelis  Sowerby,  1847  (Bivalvia:  Spondylidae)  in  the  Panamic  Province,  with  notes  on  the  occurrence 

of  Spondylus  nicobaricus  Schreibers,  1793  3 

Growth  series  of  three  species  of  Pitar  (Hysteroconcha)  with  comments  on  a fourth  species  (Bivalvia:  Veneridae) 

from  the  Panamic  Province 27 

The  habitat  of  Plesiothyreus  osculans  (C.B.  Adams,  1852)  (Gastropoda:  Phenacolepadidae) 143 

Raeta  plicatella  (Lamarck,  1818)  (Bivalvia:  Mactridae)  a first  report  from  the  Panamic  Province  149 



The  Festivus. 

American  Museum  of  Natural 

Received  on:  12-27-00