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Full text of "The flora of the Dutch West Indian islands St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin"

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The Flora of the 
Dutch West Indian Islands St. Eustatius, 
Saba and St. Martin. 






Aan mijne Moeder 

en aan de nagedachtenis van mijn Vader. 


atMAIN @ | 

Gaarne de gewoonte volgend om ook op papier een woord 
te richten tot hen, die de leiders zijn geweest bij de studie in 
dat levenstijdperk, dat ligt tusschen de eerste inschrijving als 
Student aan eene Hoogeschool en de Promotie plechtigheid, is het 
mij een groot voorrecht hier dank te brengen aan U, Hooggeleerde 
Heeren Professoren in de Faculteit der Wis- en Natuurkunde aan 
de Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 

Geldt mijn dank in ’t algemeen U allen, ik hecht er veel 
waarde aan in ’t bijzonder U te noemen, Hooggeleerde Husrecut 

Maar boyenal Hooggeachte Promotor, Hooggeleerde Wen?, 
mijn dank aan U, bij wien ik het voorrecht heb gehad de laatste 
jaren van mijn studietijd assistent te zijn. Ik acht mij gelukkig, 
dat het einde van mijn student-zijn niet als dadelijk gevolg mee- 
sleept het einde van mijn assistentschap. 

De herinnering aan den grooten steun, dien ik van U mocnt 
ondervinden zal mij steeds bij blijven, tegelijk met die aan de 
aangename wijze, waarop Gij mij invoerde in de studie der Botanie. 

Met grooten dank voor hunnen steun bij mijne studiereis noem 
ik hier: de Maatschappij tot bevordering van het Natuurkundig 
Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Kolonién, de Koninklijke Akademie 
van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, de Commissie van het F. W. 
yan Hedenfonds en de Directie van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch 
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 

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Additions and Corrections. 


Pteridophyta 1, Gymnospermae 8, Monocotyledoneae 8, Dico- 
tyledoneae 44. 

St. Eustatius 211, Saba 214, St. Martin 214. 


Collection W. F. J. Suringar 216, Collections Mrs. J. van 
Grol—Meyers 217, Collection A. C. W. Lionarons 225, 
Collection I, Boldingh 229. 




Introduction 235, St. Eustatius 237, Saba 239, St. Martin 241, 
General notes 2438. 







x Contents. 





Introduction 265, St. Eustatius 266, Saba 271, St. Martin 276, 


Introduction 282, Eriodendronyegetation 282, Crotonvegetation 
286, Littoralvegetation 288, Vegetation of the Cultivated 
Region 291. 


Vernacular Names. 

Index to the First Part. 

Maps of the Dutch West Indian Islands. 







Sele LNG EAN, 


By de bestudeering van de Flora der West-Indi- 
sche Hilanden moet meer dan tot nu toe geschied is, 
gelet worden op de verspreiding der planten op elk 
eiland in ’t bijzonder. 


De indeeling der Antillen volgens EK. Suess is ook 
om floristische redenen te verkiezen boven die van 
Ea. Cleve. 


Conocarpus erectus Linn. is geen Mangroyeplant. 


Batis maritima Linn. behoort niet tot de Orde 
der Centrospermae. 



De nieuwere onderzoekingen over de embryozak 
der Phanerogamen verminderen de waarde der phylo- 
genetische beschouwingen, zooals die door O. Porsch 
zyn gegeven. 


Op phylogenetische gronden is het gebruik van 
het begrip ,Gesammtart” niet te verdedigen ; ook heeft 
het geene andere dan verwarrende uitwerking. (Ascher- 
son und Grabner: Synopsis der Mitteleuropadischen 


Onze kennis van de Bacteriaceae en Cyanophyceae 
is te onvolledig om daaruit conclusies te trekken om- 
trent de cytologie van de oercel. 


De Appendicularia zijn geen neotenische Asci- 


De Cetacea vormen eene monophyletische groep. 


Hyolithidae zijn verwant met Cephalopoda. 



De White Wall op St. Eustatius is ontstaan door 
plaatseljke opheffing. 


In een herbarium is alphabetische rangschikking 
van de Species eener zelfde Plantenfamilie de beste. 


I. The Flora of St. Eustatius, Saba and 
St. Martin. 


St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin 




Te Flora of St Bustatins, Saba a 
ML Marti 




WEI DY Ns L, Balt TON, 


Mrs. J. van Grol-Meyers, wife to Mr. G. J. van Grol, administra- 
tor of the Dutch West Indian Island St. Eustatius, sent to the 
»Xoloniaal Museum in Haarlem” a nice collection of dried plants 
collected in St. Eustatius in the years 1904—1906, 

She also gave such a collection to the Herbarium of the Bota- 
nical Laboratory of the University of Utrecht. 

The latter collection of about 350 numbers gave rise to a rene- 
wed investigation to the Flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands. 
I am glad to say that the collection made by Mrs. J. van Grol- 
Meyers is a very good one. The name of Mr. van Grol himself 
is well known to the student of the Melocacti of the Dutch West 
Indian Islands, and the work Mrs. van Grol did now, proved to 
be a great help for the study of the Flora of the Dutch West Indies 
Prof. Dr. F, A. F. C. Went, Director of the Botanical Laboratory 
and Garden of the University of Utrecht kindly intrusted to me 
the determination of the collection of the above mentioned West 
Indian Plants, and in 1905 he proposed to me to make a voyage 
to the three Dutch West Indian Islands St. Eustatius, Saba and 
St. Martin in order to get acquainted with the vegetation there 
and to get a collection of the plants from the three Islands. 

I wish to express my thanks to ,De Maatschappij ter Bevordering 
van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Kolonién 
(, Society for promoting Scientific Investigation in the Dutch Co- 
lonies”’), De Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Korthals- 
fonds) te Amsterdam, the ,Commissie van het F. W. van Eeden- 
fonds in Haarlem” and the , Directie van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch 
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen” (Provincial Utrecht 
Society of Art and Science), who subsided and so made it possible 
for me to undertake the above mentioned investigations. 

Most of all I am indebted to the kindness of Prof. F. A, F. C. 
Went who, after having taken the initiative for my study of the 

VI Preface. 

Flora of the Dutch West Indies, has helped me so energetically 
by his personal advice as well as by his influence with the above 
mentioned Societies. 

I am glad to have an opportunity now to express my thanks to 
all those who have helped me in any way in promoting my studies. 
As to the Dutch Antilles I thankfully mention the Governor of 
Curagao Jhr. J. O. de Jong van Beek en Donk and the admini- 
strators of St. Eustatius, G. J. van Grol, and T. G. Groebe, the ad- 
ministrator of Saba H. J. Beaujon, the administrator of St. Martin 
A. J. C. Brouwer and the maire of the French Part of St. Martin 
D. Beauperthuy. 

Moreover: in St. Kustatius: Mrs. J. van Grol-Meyers, Mr. J. Morgan 
Griffith, Rev. P. Delgueur, Mr. J. G. C. Every, Messr. Hill and 
Mr. Hassel; in Saba: Dr. A. C. W. Lionarons, Rev. Mulder and 
Mr. T. Holms; in St. Martin: Mr. J. A. Gravestein, Mr. L. A. van 
Romond, Mr. A. A. van Romondt, Mr. D. J. van Romondt, Mr. 
W. E. van Romondt, Mr. W. Netherwood and Mr. F. Morales. 
During my voyage to the West Indies I experienced much friendly 
help from Sir Daniel Morris, Mr. J. R. Bovell, R. P. Duss, Mr. 
Stephens and Mr. Shepherd. 

I also highly appreciate the assistance I got in Holland where 
I was informed with the greatest loyality by Mr. L. A. Bakhuis, 
Dr. J. Boeke, Dr. M. Greshoff, Dr. G. A. F. Molengraaff, Dr. J. 
Valckenier Suringar and Dr. C. E. A. Wichmann. 

According to the wishes of the ,Commissie van het F. W. van 
Kedenfonds” I paid much attention to the cultivated plants too; 
in a former publication: Lijst van Planten die door de bewoners 
van de drie Nederlandsche Antillen, St. Eustatius, Saba en St. 
Martin als geneeskrachtig worden beschouwd (Bull. Kolon. Mus. . 
Haarlem n. 388 (2907) p. 93—112), I wrote on the use made of 
certain plants and in this Flora now I have enumerated all the 
cultivated plants I met with and which I was able to determine. 
I also feel very much indebted to the following Directors of 
» 8 Rijks Herbarium’? at Leiden viz: Dr. J. M. Janse, Dr. J. P. 
Lotsy and Dr. J. W. C. Goethart, who greatly facilitated by their 
kind assistance my working there on the collection of Dr. F. W. 
R. Suringar. 

But most of all I kindly thank Prof. I Urban for his assistance 
when I was working in the magnificent Herbarium Krug et 
Urban in the Konigl. Bot. Garten und Museum Steglitz-Dahlem 

Although the time I could be there was only very short, my visit 

Preface. VII 

however has been of great use to me owing to the kind assistance 
of Prof. Urban in looking after doubtful determinations and un- 
determinated plants and in describing some new species. He has 
enabled me by his great knowledge to bring out the names of 
some plants that were collected without flowers or fruits. 

I feel inclined to express my thanks to Mr. O. E. Schulz and Dr. 
F. Niedenzu for the determination of some plants and to Dr. H. 
Hallier, Dr. A. A. Pulle and Dr. 8. H. Koorders for their advices. 
My best thanks also to Mr. 8. Perrin who has helped me in 
looking after the English text of this Flora. 

This Flora is divided in Three Parts; whereas the different Parts, 
Sections and Chapters need no further explanation a short account 
of the methods I foilowed in nomenclature, synonymy and distri- 
bution of plants is given here. 

The enumeration of Families and Genera is very nearly given 
after the order of De Dalle Torre et Harms: Genera siphonoga- 
marum ad systema Englerianum Conscripta (1908). 

In a few cases I thougt it better to follow: 

Urbin: Symbolae Antillanae vol. I, H, II, 1V (fasc. 1 and 2), ‘7, 
VI (fase. 1) and Urban: Additamenta ad Cognitionem Florae 
Indiae Occidentalis 1892—97. 

The names of the species used are mostly drawn from the two 
latter papers, Engler und Prant].: Die nattirlichen Pflanzenfamilie 
up to 1909, Engler: Regnum Vegetabile up to 1909, or from other 

Whenever I could not find any name in the above mentioned 
publications I took the name I thought best after the Internatio- 
nal rules for Botanical Nomenclature chiefly of Vascular Plants. 
Wien 1905. (Verh. Int. Bot. Congr. 1805 Wien.). 

Besides the names thus given I also mention the synonyms that 
are used in: Grisebach: Flora of the British West Indian Islands, 
Duss: Flore phanérogamique des Antilles frangaises, Millspaugh : 
Flora of the Island of St. Croix, and Jackson: Index Kewensis 
up to 1909 and in a very few cases still another one. 

I tried to get aim at the greatest completeness possible in giving 
the data about the names thus used, and I also mentioned the 
pages where the plants are given up in: Grisebach: Flora of the 

VIII Preface. 

British West Indian Islands, Duss: Flore phanérogamique des An- 
tilles francaises, Millspaugh: Flore of the Island of St. Croix and 
in a few cases still some other work. 

To every plant is added the name of the Dutch West Indian 
Leeward Island where it is found in this order: St. Eustatius, 
Saba, St. Martin; whenever I saw or collected it also on Anguilla 
this Island too is mentioned 4) and when the plant is also known 
from St. Croix this Island is named after Anguilla, 

I have mentioned as much as I could find about the distribution 
of the plants in all parts of the world, and these data are taken 
from the following publications in this order: 

Urban: Symbolae Antillanae Vol. I, II, III, IV (fasc. 1 and 2), V, 
VI (fasc. 1) and Additamenta ad Cognitionem Florae Indiae Occi- 
dentalis (1892—97), Engler: Regnum vegetabile up to April 1909, 
Engler und Prantl: Die Nattirlichen Pflanzenfamilien up to 1909, 
newer Monographs and Jackson: Index Kewensis up to 1909. 
For the abbreviated names see under Literature. 

Prof. Urban was so kind as to allow me the use of the not yet 
published data from the Herbar Krug et Urban Berlin (Steglitz- 
Dahlem). A few data are from ,’s Rijksherbarium” at Leiden. 
Whenever I could not find that a plant was known in other 
parts of the world besides the Antilles, then the names of all 
the Islands where it is found are enumerated. 

The Systematic Part consists of the plants belonging to the col- 
lections of Suringar, van Grol-Meyers, Lionarons and Boldingh. 
The numbers with B. added are from the collection Boldingh, 
marked G. are from the collection van Grol-Meyers when they 
belong to the collection in the Herbarium at Utrecht, marked H 
when they belong to the collection in the Koloniaal Museum at 
Haarlem; the numbers marked L. are from the collection Liona- 
rons and the numbers where no initials are added are from the 
collection Suringar. 

The numbers of the collections Suringar were not given by Suringar 
when he collected the plants (as Suringar dit not put any num- 
ber on the labels) but they are only the last ciphers of the long 
number that is fixed to the paper on which the plants are moun- 
ted in ,,’s Rijiks Herbarium” at Leiden. 

As I am sure that when giving the name under which the plant 

1) See Literature: Boldingh. 

Preface. IX 

is mounted and these ciphers the plant is sufficiently indicated, I 
thought it better not to give the long numbers that are used in 
» 8 Rijks Herbarium”. 

The plants collected in the different Islands are thus given: col- 
lection Boldingh, collection Suringar, both in the order of the day 
of collecting, collections Van Grol-Meyers and collection Lionarons. 
Not all the vernacular names people told me are given here, but 
the names I have given in this Flora are used without any doubt. 
The heights where the plants were collected are given with the 
greatest accuracy possible. 

Whenever a plant struck my attention although I did not think 
it necessary to collect it, I made some notes about it; these notes 
are also to be found in this Flora, printed with small type. 

As to the flowering and fruiting time of the plants I did not 
think it necessary to mention with every plant whether I col- 
lected flowers on fruits as the greater part of the plants are 
collected with flowers, either by Suringar, Van Grol-Meyers or 
by myself. 

I wish to draw the attention to the fact that I have tried to 
render this Flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands as complete 
as possible, both by what my own investigations have taught me 
and what I could find elsewhere. 
Only the genus Melocactus has not been studied with the same 
care, as I was sure I could not add anything to the work done 
by Suringar on this head by the data I could bring together with 
out giving too much time to it. So I refer to the studies of 
F. W. R. Suringar on Melocactus and those of J. Valckenier 

Botanical Laboratory of the University 

in Utrecht. 

June 1909. 

13 Line 
17 Line 

47 Line 
79 Line 
100 Line 
106 Line 
119 Line 
164 Line 

178 Line 

235 Line 

Additions and Corrections. 


from top. For 1859 read 1889. 

from top. After Millspauch 487 insert, Panicum lanatum 
Rottb. in Act. litt. univ. Hafn. I (1778) 269. 

from bottom. After 81 insert 60a. 

from top. For macrantha read, macracantha, 

a from top. Jnsert, St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3376 B. 
from bottom, After (Symb.). insert, Baham. (Hitche.). 
from top and line 8 from bottom. For 1885 read 1883. 
from top. For Antill., Cuba to French Islands. (Gris. 
F1.). read: Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, 
Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vin- 
cent, Barbados. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

from top. For Antill. (Gris. Fl.). read: St. Thomas, 
St. Jan, Guadeloupe, Desirade, Les Saintes, Marie- 
Galante, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent, Barbados. 
(Herb. Krug et Urban). 

9a from bottom. Insert, J. W. W. Spencer. Reconstruc- 

tion of the Antillean Continent. Bull. Geol. Soe. 
Amer. 6. 1894 p. 103—146. 

Map of St. Eustatius: Bengalen is to be put to the N. E. of the Quill. 
Map of The Dutch W. I. Islands: For Barbada read Barbuda. 
Map of Saba: For Marizot read Marigot. 


Additions and Corrections. 


Pteridophyta 1, Gymnospermae 8, Monocotyledoneae 8, Dico- 
tyledoneae 44. 


St. Eustatius 211, Saba 214, St. Martin 214. 


Collection W. F. J. Suringar 216, Collections Mrs. J. van 
Grol—Meyers 217, Collection A. C. W. Lionarons 225, 
Collection I. Boldingh 229. 



Introduction 235, St. Eustatius 237, Saba 239, St. Martin 241, 
General notes 243. 









XII Contents. 





Introduction 265, St. Hustatius 266, Saba 271, St. Martin 276. 

Introduction 282, Kriodendronvegetation 282, Crotonvegetation 
286, Littoralvegetation 288, Vegetation of the Cultivated 
Region 291. 

‘Literature. 292 
Vernacular Names. 295 
Index to the First Part. 304 

Maps of the Dutch West Indian Islands. 



Trichomanes Linn. 

Trichomanes alatum Sy. in Schrad. Journ. 1800. Il (1801) 77; 
Gris. Fl. 654. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2204 B., 2206 B., 1, 6. 

Antill., Amer. austral. (Symb.). 

Hymenophyllum Smith. 
Hymenophyllum hirtellum Sw. Schrad. Journ, 1500, 2. 100; 
Gris. Fl. 659. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1814 B., 1815 B., 1816 B., 2201 B., 7. 
Antill., Amer. centr., Mexico. (Christensen 1906.) 

Cyathea J. Ei. Sm. 

Cyathea arborea J. HE. Sm. in Mém. Acad. Scienc. Turin V 
(1790) 417; Gris. Fl. 704. 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1755 B. 

Antill., Bras. (Symb.). 

Cyathea serra Willd. Spec. Plant. V. I (1810) 491; Gris. FI. 704. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 1638, 164, 171, 172, 173, 
174, 175. 

I only saw two specimens of a Ferntree in the Quill, in a very deep 
ent and it was impossible for me to get a part of it; most probably it was 
Cyathea serra, 

Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n, 2170 B.; Ren- 
dez-yous Mountain: n. 46. 
Antill., Bras., Mexico, (Symb.). 

2 Cyatheaceae— Poly podiaceae. 

Hemitelia R. Br. 

Hemitelia horrida R. Br. Prodr. I (1810) 158; Gris. Fl. 706, 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2221 B., 2225 B., 165, 188 L., 189 L. 
Antill., Amer. austr. sept. (Symb.). 

Alsophila R. Br. 
Alsophila phalerata Mart. Ic. Cr. Bras (1834) 67 t. 30 f. I. 

t. 42. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2220B., 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 44, 
45, 170. 

Amer. trop. (Christensen 1906.). 

Poly podiaceae. 

Dryopteris Adans. 

Dryopteris opposita Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae IV (1903) 14. 

Aspidium conterminum Willd. Spec. Plant. V. J. (1810) 249; 
Gris. Fl. 691. 

Nephrodium oppositum Diels in Engl.-Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 
I. 4 (1889) 172 (non Hook). (Symb.). 

Saba: Gut near Bottom: n. 1484B.; Top of the Mountain: 
n. 1798 B., 1808 B., 2151 B., 2195 B.; Mountain near, Hellsgate: 
n. 2285a B.; Mountain: n. 182, 183, 184, 185; Rendez-vous Mountain: 
n. 186; Crespeen: n. 253 A; locality unknown: n. 1660a B., 220 L. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Dryopteris parasitica 0. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 (1891) 811. 
Aspidium molle Sw. Schrad. Journ. 18002. 34 (1801); Gris. FJ. 693; 
Millspaugh 468. 

St. Eustatius: slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 407 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 463 B.; Quill: n. 116, 122; locality un- 
known: n. 258 H., 258aG., 276 G.; Bengalen: n. 16. 

Saba: Gut near the Bottom: n. 1423aB., 1431a B.; Booby- 
hill: n. 1592@B.; Hellsgate to Sulphurmines: n. 1673 B.; Moun- 
tain: n. 1750a B., 1761aB.; Mountaintop: n. 1832 B.; Sulphurmi- 
nes to Marypoint: n. 2063a B.; Mountain near Hellsgate : n. 2282a B. ; 
Mountain: n. 224, 280, 234: Rendez-vous. 4—600 M.: n. 169; Jen- 
keygut: n. 15. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2644 B.: inan 

Hemitelia—Nephrolepis. 38 

orchard near Bellevue: n. 2832B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—3800 M.: n. 2895 B.; hill on the nor- 
thern side of Cul de sac: n. 3007a B.; Milldrumhill 8300—400 M.: 
n. 3182 B., 3183 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3239 B.; gut 
from Bethlehem to Cul de sac: n. 3413 B.; Centryhill: n. 76. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Bermud., Antill., Amer. trop., Africa, Asia austro- 
orient., Australia, Nova Zeal. (Symb.). 

Dryopteris reticulata Urb. Symboiae Antillanae IV (1908) 22. 
Meniscium veticulatun Sw. in Schrad. Journ, 1800, Il (1801) 
10; Gris. Fl. 687. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1822 B., 2215 B. 
Amer. trop. (Christensen 1906). 

Aspidium Sv: 
Aspidium Plumierii Presi. Rel. Haenk. I (1830) 29, 

Aspidium trifoliatum forma Gris. Flor. W. I. (1864) 695. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 123; Bengalen: n. 82; inner slope of 
the Quill: n. 437 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n, 2199 B., 1, 2; locality unknown: 
n. 212 L. 

Portorico, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent, 
Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

Aspidium trifoliatum Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800, IL (1801) 303; 
Gris. Fl. 695 (p.p.). (Symb.). 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1823B.; Mountain near Hellsgate 
600 M.: n. 2286 B.; Crespeen-Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 3, 4; Gain- 
bygut: n. 227. 

Antill., Amer. centr. and austr. (Symb.). 

Polybotrya H. ct B. 
Polybotrya cervina KIfs. Enum. (1824) 55. 

Olfersia cervina Kaze. in Regensb. Flora VII. I (1824) 312; 
Gris. Fl. 678. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1819 B., 1824 B., 1826 B., 2118a@ B., 
2202 B,, Mountain 6—800 M.: n. 70, 71, 72, 168, 202 L., 204 L. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Nephrolepis Schott. 
Nephrolepis exaltata Schott Gen. Fil. (1834) ad t. 3; Millspaugh 468, 

Aspidium exaltatum Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800. Il (1801) 32; 
Gris. Fl. 688. 

4 Polypodiaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 187; Top of the Quill : n. 138, 141, 142, 
148, 144; Gilboohill: n. 1125 B. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1802 B., 2194 B., 2197 B.; Moun- 
tain near Hellsgate 600 M.: n. 2285 B.; Mountain: n. 62, 63, 64, 
65, 66, 67; locality unknown: n. 172 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Amer. cont. trop, Afr. trop., Asia austro-orient., 
Polynes., Australia sept. (Symb.). 

Diplazium Sw. 

Diplazium semihastatum C. Christensen Index Filicum (1906) 239. 
Asplenium bipartitum Spr. Syst. TV (1827) 85. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 100. 
Cuba, Jamaica, Portorico. (Christensen 1906). 

Diplazium striatum Presl. Tent. pterid. (1836) 114. 
Asplenium striatum Linn. Spec. (1753) 1082; Gris. Fl. 686. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1833 B., 2203 B., 181, 238, 239. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Asplenium Linn. 

Asplenium auritum Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800 IT (1801) 52; 
Gris. Fl. 682. 

W. I.: Suringar: n. 240. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Ins. afric. orient., India orient. (Symb.). 
Asplenium cristatum Lam. Enc. 2. (1786) 310. 

Asplenium rhizophorum Linn. y cicutariwm Sw.; Gris. FI. 684, 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 332 B., 333 B.; inner 
slope of the Quill 850 M.: n. 419 B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: 
n. 436 B., 451 B.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near Ben- 
galen: n. 730 B.; Bengalen: n. 96, 97, 98; top of the Quill: n. 94; 
Quill: n. 106, 111, 112, 1138, 114; locality unknown: n. 95. 

Saba: Springbaygut: n. 2111 B.; Mount Paradis 8300—400 M.: 
n. 3230 B.; Gainbygut: n. 6; Hellsgategut near Devilshand: n. 7; 
Mountain: n. 2, 8, 4, 8, 10. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop. (Symb.). 
Asplenium monanthes Linn. Mant. (1767) 130, 

Saba: Marypointgut: n. 12. 

Amer. trop., Ins. Hawaii, Africa and Antlant. Ins. (Christen- 
sen 1906). 
Asplenium obtusifolium Linn. Spec. (1753) 1080; Gris. Fl. 681. 

$t. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 800 M.: n. 441 B., 467 B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.) 

Nephrolepis— Hemionitis. 5 

Asplenium pumilum Sw. Prodr. (1788) 129; Gris. Fl. 683, 

Saba: Hellsgate to Marypoint: n. 2041 B. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3178 B., 3181 B.; 
Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3215¢ B. 

Antill., from Mexico to Columbia. (Symb.). 

Asplenium serratum Linn. Spec. (1753) 1079; Gris. FI. 680. 

St. Eustatius: slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 387 B.; Bottom of 
the Quill 500 M.: n. 444 B., 450 B.; Quill: n. 179; Top of the 
Quill: n. 177, 178; locality unknown: n. 150. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 211 L. 

Antill.. Amer. centr. and austr., Ins. Societ. (Symb.). 

Blechnum Linn. 

Blechnum occidentale Linn. Syst. X ed. If (1759) 13822; Gris. 
FJ. p. 673; Millspaugh 469, 

St. Eustatius: slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 385 B.; inner 
slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1225 B.;Top of the Quill: n. 135; 
slope of the Quill: n. 78, 79, 136. 

Saba: Bottom 200 M.: n. 1449 B.; Hellsgate: n. 1689 B.; 
Springbaygut: n. 2113 B.; 2114 B.; Mountain near Windward 
side 600 M.: n. 2168 B., 2172 B.; Mountain: n. 35; Mountain 
6—800 M.: n. 23, 288; Peperpot: n. 25, 26; Crespeen—Rendez- 
vous 400 M.: n. 34; Gainbygut: n. 24. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2803 B.; Mount 
Paradis 300—400:M.: n. 3342 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Stenochlaena J. Sm. 

Stenochlaena sorbifolia J. Sm. in Hook. Journ. of Bot. IV 
(1842) 149; Gris. Fl. 674. 

St. Pustating: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 470 B., 453 B., 
Top of the Quill: n. 242@ B.; Quill: n. 130, 131, 182, 188; Boven: 
n. 80; Bengalen: n. 81. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain: n. 221; locality unknown: n. 181 L. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Asia austro-orient., Ins. 
Monsun., Polynes. (Symb.). 

Hemionitis Linn. 

Hemionitis palmata Linn. Spec. (1753) 1077; Gris. Fl. 678; 
Millspaugh 469. 

6 Poly podiaceae, 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50-200 M.: n. 2716 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 Min. 2898 B.; 
Milldrumhill 200—300 M.: n. 3118 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., from Mexico to Peru. (Symb.). 

Neurogramme Lk. 

Neurogramme calomelanos Diels in Engl.-Prantl Nat. Pflanzen- 
fam. I. 4 (1899) 264. 

Gymnogramme calomelanos Kaulf. Enum. Fil. (1824) 76; Gris. 
Il. 679; Millspaugh 469. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 68 B.; top of the 
Quill 380 M.: n. 270 B., 314 B.; slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 386 B.; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 744 B.; in a garden near 
Glassbottle: n. 1208 B.; top of Pangahill: n. 128; seashore: n. 125; 
Boven: n. 126, 127, 129; Greatgut: n. 124; locality unknown: 
n. 140 G., 189 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1502 B.; 1867 B.; along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 
1649 B.; Saddle: n. 1659 B.; Mountain 500 M.: n. 1795 B.; gut 
between Hellsgate and Masticgut 800—400 M.: n. 2060 B., 2069 B.; 
Springbaygut: n. 2089 B.; seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 
2148 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2167 B., 2179 B.; 
Ladderlanding: n. 232, 240; Greathill 200—400 M.: n. 18; Moun- 
tain: n. 167; Peperpot: n. 10; Crespeen-Rendez-vous: n, 17; locality 
unknown: n. 1473 B., 199 L. 

I saw Neurogramme calomelanos also: near the Sulphurmines; 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 8300—400 M.: n. 3177 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspauch. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Samoa. (Symb.). 

Chleilanthes Sw. 
Cheilanthes microphylla Sw. Syn. Fil. (1806) 127; Gris. Fl. 667; 
Millspaugh 469. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 943@ B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte; n. 118; Quill: n. 121; Oranjestad: n. 115. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1513 B.; 
seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1651 B.; Laddergut: n. 1996 B.; 
Bottom: n. 228. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 



Adiantum Linn. 


Adiantum tenerum Sw. Prodr. (1788) 135; Gris. Fl. 666; 
Millspaugh 469. Maidenhair. 

St. Eustatius: Mountain (dedit Mr. Falk): n. 104, 105, 106 ; 
Bengalen: n. 110; locality unknown: n. LO9. 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1373 B.; lower part of the Bottom 
Mountain 250 M.: n. 1412 B.; along roads between Bottom and 
Windwardside 200 M.: n. 1320 B.; Fee n. 229; Peperpot: n 
13; Greathill: n. 14, 15, 16; Gainbygut: 

St. tein © along roads from Coleba Ly - os an n. 324 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont.. trop. (Symb.). 


Pteris Linn. 
Pteris biaurita Linn. Spec. (1753) 1076; Gris. Fl. 669. 

Saba: Gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n 
2066 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2112 B.; Mountain near Hellsgate 600 M.: 
n. 2283 B.; Peperpot: n. 30, 36, 37, 38; Gainbygut: n. 27, 28, 29. 

Antil., Amer., Afr., Asia trop. (Symb.). 

Lonchitis Linn. 
Lonchitis hirsuta Linn. Spec. (1752) 1078. 
Pteris laciniata Willd. Spec. eet V.1 (1810) 397; Gris. Fl. 669. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 2218 B. 
Antill., Americ. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Vittaria Sw. 
Vittaria lineata Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800. IL (1801) 72; 
(unis TMG Merial 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 335 B.; slope of the 
Quill 3850 M.: n. 405 B.; top of the Quill: n. 157. 158. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. untill Florida, Afr. trop. 
untill Cap, Asia austro-orient. untill Japon. (Symb.). 

Heteropteris Fee. 
ef. Paltonium Presl. (Christensen 1906). 

Heteropteris lanceolata Iée ex Moore Ind. Fil. (1857) 343; Diels 
in Engl.-Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. 4. (1899) 805 fig. 161 K. 

Paltonium lanceolatum Pr. Epim. 156 (1849) 156. (Christen- 
sen 1906), 

Taenitis lanceolata R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 154; Gris. Fl. 671; 
Millspaugh 469. 

8 Polypodiaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 243 B., 316¢ B.; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 250 M.: n. 693 B. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 8300—400 M.: n. 3231 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. centr. (Symb.). 

Polypodium Linn. 
Polypodium aureum Linn. Spec. (1753) 1087; Gris. Fl. 698; 
Millspaugh 469. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n, 531 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 250 M.: n. 698 B. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1661 B.; lower part of the 
Bottom Mountain 800 M.: n. 1441 B.; Windwardside: n. 1948 B.; 
Mountain near Hellsgate 600 M.: n. 2287 B.; Quarter: n. 236. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2903 B.; Milldrumhill 8300—400 M.: n. 3134 B.: 
Mount Paradis 8300—400 M.: n. 3223 B., 3233 B., 3235 B. 

$t. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Polypodium brasiliense Poir. Enc. 5. (1804) 525. 

Polypodium neriifoliwm Schkuhr Kr. Gew. I. 14. t. 15. (1806); 
Gris. Fl]. 698. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 291 B., 300 B., 
321 B.; Top of the Quill 500 M.:n. 485 B., 83, 140; Quill :n. 134, 139. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1294 B.; Parishill 200—400 M.: n. 225, 226. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3144 B. 

Amer. trop. (Christensen 1906.). 

Polypodium crassifolium Linn. Spec. (1753) 1083; Gris. Fl. 703. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2193 B.; 48, 49, 51; locality un- 
known: n. 61 L. 

Antill, Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 
Polypodium loriceum Linn. ipa (1753) 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2191 B., 2 

Antill., Amer. cont. ane cs 
Polypodium lycopodioides Linn. Spec. (1753) 1082; Gris. F]. 702. 
Bastard catclaw. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 259 B., 266 B., 
408 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: n. 692 B.; Oe 
hill 200 M.: pn. 1051 B.; Slope of the Quill: n. 151, 153; Quill :1 
145, 152; Bengalen: n. 146, 147; locality unknown: n. 179 G., 261 i 

1086; Gris. Fl. 698. 
2, 237. 


Heteropteris—Polypodium. 9 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1374 B., 54; between Bottom and 
Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1499 B.; Mountain 600 M.:n. 1745 B., 
57; Windwardside: n. 1941 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2094 B.; Moun- 
tain near Hellsgate: n. 2282 B.; Peperpot :n. 55; Crespeen—Rendez- 
vous 400 M.: n. 60; locality unknown: n. 56, 49 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 200—260 M.: n. 2722 B., 2724 B.; 
Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M. : 
n. 2902 B.; Mount Paradis 300-400 M.: n. 3227 B., 3229 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—800 M.: n. 3318 B.; Centryhill: n. 75. 

Antill., Amer. cont. ae hte ., Java, Ins. Sandw. (Symb.). 

Polypodium phyllitidis Linn. Spec. (1753) 1085; Gris. Fl. 702; 
Millspaugh 470. 

St. Eustatius : Hop of the Quill 400 M.: n. 235 B., 320 B.; inner 
slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 462 B.; Top of the Quill 500 M.: 
n. 484 B.; Slope of the gui near Bengalen 250 M.: n. 704 B., 
705 B.; Slope of the Quill: n. 159; Quill: n. 101, 160, 161; Ben- 
galen: n. 162; locality ett Niky Mists} Cig, aw dale 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1667 B.; Springbaygut : 

2109 B.; Mountain 400—S00 M.: n. 52; aces n. 47. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300-—400 M.: n. 3138 B.; French fron- 
tien: m. 74. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., from Florida until Bras. (Symb.). 
Polypodium piloselloides Linn. Spec. (1753) 1080; Gris. Fl. 701; 
Millspauch 470. 

Lepicystis piloselloides Diels in KEngl.-Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 
I. 4 (1899) 323. 

Saba: Boobyhil! 300 M.: n. 1581 B.; Mountain 800 M.: n 
1804 B.; St. Giles: n. 1866 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 600 
M.: n. 2171 B.; Crispeen-Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 61, 235; Hells- 
gategut near Devilshand: n. 55. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n, 3218 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Polypodium plumula H. B. Willd. Sp. V (1810) 17s. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 222B., 237B., 

311B.; slope of the Quill 350M.: n. 406 B.; slope of the Quill 

near Bengalen 250 M.: n. 694B.; ae of the Quill: n. 89, 90; 
Quill: n. 85, 86, 88; Top of the Quill: 37; Bengalen: n. 84. 

Saba : Crispeen: Me 68t 
Florida, Amer. trop. (Christensen 1906). 

10 Polypodiaceae —Selaginellaceae. 

Polypodium serrulatum Mett. Fil. hort. Lips. (1856) 30, 
NXiphopteris serrulata Kaulf. Enum. (1824) 85; Gris. Fl. 708. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1834 B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr., Ins. Sandw. (Symb.). 

Polypodium squamatum Linn. spec. (1753) 1086. 

Lepicystis squamata J. Sm. Brit. and For. Ferns (1866) 80. 
St. Eustatius: slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 

n. 643'B:, 663 B. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 

n. 1306 B.; Mountain 600 M.: n. 1771 B.; Laddergut 0O—200 M.: 

n. 2021 B.; Paris: n. 32; Peperpot: n. 22; Mountain: n. 9; Gainby- 

gut: n. 21; Laddergut: n. 31; Hellsgategut: n. 33. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 

hill 200—300 M.: n. 2856 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3232 B.; 

French frontier: n, 77. 

Antill., Amer. cont. from. Mexico to Peru. (Symb.). 

Polypodium trichomanoides Sw. Prodr, (1788) 131; Gris, Fl. 701, 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1817 B., 1835 B., 1837 B. 

Antill., Amer. austr., Ascencion, Asia austro-orient. (Symb.). 

Elaphoglossum Schott. 

Elaphoglossum conforme Schott. Gen. ad. t. 14 (1534). 

Acrostichum conforme Sw. Syn. 10 192 t. 1 f. 1 (1806); Gris. 
Fl. 677. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 302B., 327B,, 
363 B., 384 B., 180; locality unknown: n. 1147a B. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1820 B., 450. 

Amer. trop. (Christensen 1906). 
Elaphoglossum latifolium J. Sm. in Hook. Lond Journ. bot. I 
(1842) 197. 

Acrostichum latifolium Sw. Prodr. (1788) 128; Gris. Fl. 677. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2208 B, 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Elaphoglossum petiolatum Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae V 
(1903) 61. 

Acrostichum viscosum Vent. ap. Sw. Syn. Fil. (1806) 193; 
Gris. Fl. 676. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 192a B., 248qa B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. until Argentinia, Africa trop., Asia 
austro-orient., Ins. Monsun. (Symb.). 

Poly podium—Selaginella. 11 

Gleichenia J. E. Smith. 
Gleichenia bifida Spreng. Syst. IV. I (1827) 27. 
Mertensia furcata Gris. Fl. W. I. (1861)651 (non Spreng.). (Symb.). 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2227 B., 69. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Ophioglossum Linn. 
Ophioglossum reticulatum Linn. Spec. (1755) 1063; Gris, Fl. 649, 

Saba: Mountain 6—S0O M.: n. 73. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Africa. (Symb.). 

Lycopodium Linn. 
Lycopodium taxifolium Sw. Prodr. (1788) 138; Gris. Fl. 647. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 479a B. 
Saba: op of the Mountain: n. 2200a@B., 27. 
Antill., Amer. cont. from Mexico to Brasil. austr. (Symb.). 
Lycopodium verticillatum Linn. fil. Suppl. (1781) 448 ; Gris, Fl. 647. 
Saba: Mountain 650 M.: n. 21, 26. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. austr. et orient., Polynesia. (Symb.). 

Psilotum Sv. 
Psilotum nudum Gris. Veg. Kar. (1857) 130. 
Psilotum triquetrum Sw. in Schrad. Journ. 1800 II (1801) 109; 
Gris. Fl. 648. 
Saba: Crespeen-Rendez-vous: n. 176laB., 30.; Paris: n. 20; 
Greathill: n. 15; Mountain: n. 25. 
Baham., Antill., Trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Selaginella Spring. 
Selaginella flabellata Spring Mon. Lyc. (1849); Gris. Fl, 646, 
Saba: Mountain: n. 1778a@B., 22, 24, 29, 214 L. 
Antill., Amer. merid. sept. (Pulle.) 

12 Selaginellaceae— Gramineae. 

Selaginella substipitata Spring. Mon. Lyc. (1849); Gris. Fl. 645, 
Saba: Mountain 6- 800 M.: n. 1813a¢B., 2206@B., 2221aB., 
22270 B., 23, 28. 

Antill., Panama to Brasil. and Peru. (Gris. Fl.). 


6. Pinaceae. 
45. Juniperus Linn. 

Juniperus bermudiana Linn. Spec. (1753) 1039. 
Cultivated [Bermudas, Barbados.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Juniperus virginiana Linn. Spec. (1753) 1039. 
Cultivated [Amer, septentr.| (Ind. Kew.). 


Il. Potamogetonaceae. 

60. Cymodocea (©. H. Konig. 

Cymodocea manatorum Aschers. in Sitzungsber. Ges. natur- 
forsch. Freunde, Berlin (1868) 19; Duss 473; Millspaugh 470. 

St. Martin: near Fort Amsterdam: n. 38; Simsonbay lagoon: 
n, 5260 B. 

Suringar saw the Cymodocea manatorum also in Simsonbay lagoon. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Bermud., Key West, Antill. (Symb.). 

19. Gramineae. 

102. Zea Linn. 
Zea Mays Linn. Spec. (1753) 971. 
Cultivated. [Amer. austr. Peru. ?] (Symb.). 
111. Saccharum Linn. 

Saccharum officinarum Linn. Spec. (1753) 54. 
Cultivated. [Asia austro-orient.?] (Symb.). 

Selaginella— Anthephora. 13 

134. Andropogon Linn. 

Andropogon bicornis Linn. Spec. (1753) 1046; Duss 530. 
Anatherum bicorne Beauy. agrost. (1812) 15; Gris. I'l, 559. 
Saba: Greathill: n. 214; between Bottom and Marypoint 

300 M.: n. 1480a B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Teneriffa. (Symb.). 

Andropogon contortus Linn. Sp. (1753) 1045; Duss 528. 
Andropogon secundus Willd. ex Nees. Agrost.- Bras. (1829) 364. 
Gris. Fl. 558. 
St. Eustatius: Near Boven 200 M.: n. 1238 B., 1239 B. 
Domingo, Haiti, Antigua, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

Andropogon glomeratus Britton, Stern. et Poggenb. Prel. Cat. 
(1888) 67. 
Andropogon macrouros Michx. Flor. bor. amer. I (1803) 56 
Anatherum macrourum Gris. Flor. W. I. (1864) 559. 
Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2169 B. 
Baham., Antill}, Amer. centr. and sept. (Symb.). 

Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn. Spec. (1753) 1046. 
Cultivated. [Ind. orient., Afr. trop., Asia.] (Hackel 1859). 

Andropogon sorghum Brot. Flor. lusit. I (1804) 88 
Cultivated. Creole corn, Guinea corn. 

Andropogon zizanioides Url). Symb. Ant. IV. (1903) 79. 
Andropogon squarrosus Linn. fil. Suppl. (1781) 483; Duss 529. 
Vetiveria arundinacea Griseb. Flor. W. 1. (1864) 559. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 287 @. 
Antill., Bras., from Ind. orient.? (Symb.). 

140. Anthephora Schreb. 

Anthephora hermaphroditica 0. Ktze. Rey. Il (1891) 759. 

Anthephora elegans Schreb. Beschr. Griis. III (1810) 105 t. 44: 
Gris. Fl. 556; Duss 527; Millspaugh 471. 

St. Eustatius: Along roads in Oranjestad: n. 559 B., 1094 B., 

Saba: Along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 13842 B.; Ladder: n. 376. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2427 B. 

$t. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Curacao, Aruba, Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

14 Gramineae. 

143. Tragus Hall. 

Tragus racemosus Haller. Hist. Stirp. Helv. II (1768) 208. 
Lappago aliena Spreng. Neue Entd. IL (1822) 15; Gris. Fl. 557. 
Nazia aliena Millsp. in Millspaugh 471. 

St. Eustatius: Between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff: n. 707 B.; Hill near Concordia: n. 946 B.; near 
White Wall: n. 1259 B. 

Saba: St. Giles: n. 1870 B. 

St. Martin: From Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2367 B.; Naked- 
boyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2676 B.; from Filipsburg to Point blanche: 
n. 3404 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Curacao, Aruba, trop. and subtrop. countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 

61. Paspalum Linn. 

Paspalum conjugatum Bergius in Act. hely. VII (1772) 129t. 8; 
Gris. F]. 541; Duss 591; Millspaugh 471. Crabgrass. 

Saba: Between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n, 1470 B.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n. 1776 B.; Gainbygut: n. 101. 

St. Martin Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2907 B.; Mount Paradis 8300—400 M,: n. 8242 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Paspalum fimbriatum H. B. kK. Noy. Gen. I (1815) 93 t. 28 
Gris. Fl. 542; Duss 511; Millspaugh 472. 

St. Eustatius : Acne roads in Oranjestad: n. 1109 B.; along 
roads near Glassbottle: n. 1213 B.; Slope of the Quill: n. 965. 

Saba: Along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1290 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1509 B.; 
along roads 200—300 M.: n. 1711 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 2017 B.; 
Peperpot: n. 1018; Crespeen-Rendez-vous: n. 988. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

Paspalum hemisphaericum Poir. in Lam. Enc. V (1804) 31. 
Paspalum panniculatum Willd. Spec. plant. I (1798) 331; (non 
Linn.) Gris. F]. 543; Duss 512. (Symb.). 

Tragus— Panicum. 15 

St. Eustatius: Along roads in Oranjestad: n, 553 B.; slope of 
the Quill 200 M.: n. 879B.; slope of the Quill on the side of 
White Wall 200 M.: n. 1167 B. 

Saba: Between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1525 B.; 
Laddergut: n. 2009B.; pastureground on Middle Island: n, 2247, 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2763 B., 2782 B.; in pasture 
ground near Bellevue: n. 2827 B.; between Belvedere and Oyster- 
pond: -n. 38068 B.; Lowlands: n. 3281 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Antill., warmer parts of Amer. (Symb.). 

165. Isachne Pr. Br. 

Isachne arundinaceae (Gris. TF]. W. I. (1864) 553; Duss 523. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain: n. 2196 B, 
Jamaica, Portorico, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Marti- 
nique, St. Vincent, Grenada. (Symb.). 
Isachne rigens Trin. Gram. Panic. (1836) 252; Gris. Fl. 553; 
Duss 524. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1386. 
Antill., Venezuela. (Gris. F1.). 

166, Panicum Linn. 
Panicum brevifolium Linn; Spec. (1753) 59; Gris. Fl. 552; 
Duss 522. 

Saba: Lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 14383 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. “Sign. 
Springbaygut: n. 2100 B., 2122 B. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Bras. (Gris. F1.). 

Panicum colonum Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 870; Gris. FI. 
545; Duss 515; Millspaugh 472 

Saba: Middle Island: n. 1613B., 1613aB. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2614B.; in pasture ground near 
Bellevue: n. 2841 B.; Centry hill: n. 606; Colebayhill: n. 207. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Curacao, trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph. 

Panicum diffusum Sw. Prodr. (1788) 23; Duss 518. 

St. Eustatius: Gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 839 B. 

St. Martin : from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2379B.; Marigotroad: 
n. 2808 B.; in orchard near Bellevue: n. 2838 B.; Mountain between 

16 Gramineae. 

Mont des Accords and Centry hill: n. 2864 B.; along roads from 
Colebayhill to Simsonsbay: n. 3015 B.; between Belvedere and 
Oysterpond: n. 8077 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3394 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix (Symb ). 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, St. Thomas, St. Jan. St. Bar- 
thelemy, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique. (Symb.). 

Panicum divaricatum Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1799) 871; Gris. 
Fl. 551; Duss 521; Millspaugh 472. Cane grass, wild cane. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 238 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 417 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 
150 M.: n. 676 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n, 
750 B.; seashore near White Wall: n. 850B.; from Little Moun- 
tain to Venusbay: n. 990 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 584; Sugarloaf: 
n. 564 B.; Quill: n. 194 G., 234 EL. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 400 M.: n. 1484 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut: n. 2070 B.; Peperpot: n. 
561, 589; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n.593; locality unknown: n, 303 L. 

St. Martin: Marigothill — Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2645B.; 
Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: 
n. 2896 B.; Milldrumhill: n. 3050 B.; near Bellevue: n. 3356a B. 
Centryhill: n. 559; near the French frontier: n. 568, 586. 

I saw Panicum divarieatum in St. Martin also on Mount Paradis 
300—400 M, hills on the northern side of Cul de Sae and Nakedboyhill 
100—200 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 
Panicum fuscum Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 23; Gris. FI. 
546; Duss 516; Millspaugh 472. 

St. Eustatius: in deserted plantations at the seashore near 
Bengalen: n. 598 B.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near 
Bengalen: n. 724 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1095 B.; Cul- 
tuurvlakte: n. 6LO. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1548 B., 
1562 B.; Boobyhill: 1583 B.; locality unknown: n. 147 bis L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill: n. 2699 B.; along roads near Beth- 
lehem: n. 2935 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica. (Ind. Kew.) 

Panicum geminatum Forsk. Flor. aeg. arab. (1775) 1S. 

Panicum paspaloides Pers. Syn. I (1805) 81; Gris, Fl. 
Duss 514; Millspaugh 473. 


Panicum. 17 

St. Martin: between Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3069 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh 473. 

Florida, Bermud., Baham., Antill., Aruba, trop countries of both 
hemisp. (excl. Australia.) (Symb.). 

Panicum insulare G. fF. W. Mey. Prim. Esseq. (1818) 60. 

Tricholaena insularis Gris. Flor. W. I. (1864) 557. 

Panicum leucophaeum H. B, Kk. Noy. Gen. 1(1815) 97; Duss 522. 

Syntherisma insularis Millsp. in Millspaugh 4387. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 67 B., 1063aB.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: n. 575 B., 1070 B., 1096 B.; slope of the 
lower part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 723 B.; slope of the 
Quill 300 M.: n. 8818B.; along roads near English Quarter: n. 
1000 B., 770; near Boven: n. 1251 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 771; 
Mountain near Bengalen: n, 772. : 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1579B.; Laddeigut 200 M.: n. 
2008 B.; Ladder: n. 1195; Greathill: n. 1206; locality unknown: 
n. 294 L. 

T saw Panicum insulare in great quantities also; Gut between Hells- 
gate and Masticgut; Crespeenhill; Flat point. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2397 B.; lower 
part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3175 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: 
Myeeooll B; 

I also saw Panicum insulare: Nakedboyhill; Marigothill—Marigot. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Baham., Amer. cont. from Texas to Patagonia. 

Panicum maximum Jacq. Ic. pl. rar. I (1781) 2, t. 13; Gris. 
Fl, 549; Duss 519; Millspaugh 472. Guineagrass. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1063 B.; slope of 
the Quill: n. 1404; Cultuurvlakte: n. 1402. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1580B.; Bottom: n. 1411; locality 
unknown: n. 240 L. 

St. Martin: Top of the hills on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac: n. 2988 B. 

I also saw Panicum maximum, and in great quantities: from Bethle- 
hem to Cul de Sac, Top of Mount Paradis 400 M. 

18 Gramineae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer, cont. trop., Afr. trop.and subtrop. (Symb.). 
Panicum molle Sw. Prodr. (1788) 2; Gris. Fl. 547; Duss 518. 
Panicum barbinode Trin. in Millspaugh 472. Paragrass, 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Glassbottle: n. 1201 B. 

I did not collect this plant in Saba, but from my notes it appears that 
I saw the plant cultivated in Windwardside. 

I do not remember that I saw this plant in St. Martin, but I believe 
that, as it is cultivated in St. Eustatius and Saba, I may not hold myself 
entitled to say that Panicum molle might not be found in St. Martin 
as well. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Curacao, Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Panicum prostratum Lam. IJ]. I (1791) 171; Gris. Fl. 546; 
Duss 515; Millspaugh 473. Runninggrass. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n, 2698 B.; between 
Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 38071 B.; Mount Paradis 150-400 
M.: n. 3190B., 200—300 M.: n. 8315 B.; lowerpart of Milldrum- 
hill: n. 3165 M.: n. 3165 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3377 B., 3383 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Curacao, trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 
Panicum sanguinale Linn. Spec. (1753) 57; Duss 522. 

Digitaria marginata Lk. Enum. I (1821) 102 et Digitaria seti- 
gera Roth. ap. R. et Sch. Syst. Il (1817) 474°: Gris. Fl. 544, 

Syntherisma sanguinale Dulac. Flor. Hautes-Pyrén. (1867) 77; 
Millspaugh 473. Haygrass. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 530 B., 1097 B.; 
Bengalen: n. 614 B. 748 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengaleu 50 M.: 
n. 662 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 1860; locality unknown: n. 2600. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1326 B.; lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.:n. 1430 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1560 B.; top of 
the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1604 B.; Laddergut 
0O—200 M.: n. 2013 B.; gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 
300—400 M.: n. 2068 B.; locality unknown: n. 2603, 273 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2363 B.; along 
the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2450 B.; from Filipsburg to Bel- 
vedere: n. 2599 B.; in pastureground near Bellevue: n. 2829 B.; top 
of the hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac 200—300 M.: n. 

Panicum — Setaria. 19 

2987 B.; pastureground near Belvedere: n. 3051 B.; lower part of 
Milldrumhill: n. 3114 B.; Lowlands: n. 3289 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 2601. 

I also saw Panicum sanguinale in Tintamarre. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

167. Ichnanthus Beauy. 

Ichnanthus pallens Munro ex Benth. Fl. Hongk. (1861) 414. 

Panicum pallens Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Oce. (1788) 23; Gris. FI. 
550; Duss 520. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain: n. 1794 B., 2213 B.; locality un- 
known: n. 206 L. 

§t. Martin: locality unknown: n. 34300 B. 

Antill., Guiana Gallica. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

169, Oplismenus Beauy. 

Oplismenus setarius R. et Sch. Syst. IL (1817) 481; Duss 514. 

Orthopogon setavius Spreng. Syst. I (1825) 306; Gris. Fl. 545, 
comp. Millspaugh 4738. Running mountaingrass. 

St. Eustatius : inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n.414 B.; Quill: 
n. 260 H., 274 G. 

Saba: Lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1408 B.; 
Bottom 200 M.: n. 1458 B.; Boobyhill 850 M.: n. 1600 B.; Moun- 
tain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2182 B.; locality unknown: 
nm. 53 L. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2643 B. 

T also saw Oplismenus setarius near Bellevue under old Mangifera trees 
and on the hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Amer. cont. trop, Asia trop. (Symb.). 

171. Setaria Beauy. 

Setaria glauca Beauy. Agrost. (1812) 51; Gris. Fl. 554; Duss 524. 
Chaetochloa glauca (Linn.) Scribn. in U. St. Dep. of Agr. Div. 
of Agrost. Bull. n. 4 (1897) 39; Millspaugh 473. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 523 B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 1108 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 435. 

20 Gramineae. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1289 B., 13828 B.; Mountain 600 M.:_n. 1772 B.; locality un- 
known: n. 133 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. F 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop. and temp. countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 

Setaria setosa Beauy. Agrost. (1812) 51; Gris Fl. 555; Duss 525. 

Chaetochloa setosa (Sw.) Scribn. in U.S. Dep. Agr. Div. Agrost. 
Bull. 4 (1897) 37; Millspaugh 473. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of Signalhill: n. 1054 B.; along roads in 
Oranjestad: n. 1130 B.; slope of Signalhill: n. 451; seashore: n. 586, 
389; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 452; locality unknown: n. 278 G. 

Saba: op of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill : n. 1608 B.; 
Mountain 800 M.: n. 1812 B.; Bottom: n. 1857 B.; gut between 
Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2064 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2688 B., 2694 B.; 
between Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3070 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Setaria viridis Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 51; Gris. Fl. 554. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2404 B. 
Jamaica, Europa and Asia sept. (Gris. Fl). 
174. Cenchrus Linn. 
Cenchrus tribuloides Linn. Spec. (1753) 1050; Gris. Fl. 556; 
Duss 526. Burrgrass. 

St. Bustatius: Slope of the lowér part of Signalhill: n. 109 B.; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n.673 B.; Fort de Wind: 
n. 802 B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 863 B.; lower part of 
the hills near Concordia: n. 984 B.; along roads near Bengalen : 
n. 1191 B.; locality unknown: n. 249 G., 265 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 
M.: n. 1283 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 
1539 B., 1563 B.; along roads: n. 1710 B.; Ladder: n. 13872. 

I also saw Cenchrus tribuloides in the gut between Hellsgate and 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2402 B.; Colebay 
(coll. George): n. 2518 B.; near Muiletpond: n. 2758 B., 2775 B.; 
in pasture ground near Bellevue: n. 2830 B.; along roads near 
Bethlehem: n. 2932 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3385 B. 

T also saw Cenchrus tribulvides: Top of Mount Paradis 400 M.; Naked- 

Setaria— Aristida. at 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Aruba, Bonaire, Amer. cont. trop. 

175. Pennisetum L. Cl. Rich. 

Pennisetum setosum Rich. in Pers. Syn. I (1805). 72; Gris. FI. 
bbb; Duss 525. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 241. 

Trop. countries of both hemisph. (Ind. Kew.). 

186. Pharus Linn. 
Pharus glaber H. B. K. Nov. Gen. I (1815) 196; Gris. Fl. 536; 
Duss 505; Millspaugh 474. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 330 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 413 B., 415 B., 1221 B.; Bottom of the 
Quill 800 M.: n. 908 B.; slope of the Quill: n, 1380; Quill: n. 1377, 
1385, 1879; Bengalen: n. 1382; locality unknown: n. 1881; Quill: 
mn. 225 G. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1573 B.; 350 M.: n. 1613 B.; lo- 
cality unknown: n. 54 L. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2855 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer, austr. (Symb.). 

208. Aristida Linn. 

Aristida americana Linn, Syst. X ed. II (1759) 879; Gris. Fl. 
534; Duss 503. 

Bouteloua juncifolia Lag. Gen. et Spec. nov. (1816). 5. 

Bouteloua litigosa Lag. Gen. et Spec. nov. (1816). 5. Millspaugh 
475. Mulegrass. 

St. Bustatius: between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 784 B.; gut near Fort de Wind: n. 829 B,; 
slope of the Quill: n. 1043, 1055, 1079; near Sugarloaf: n. 1084; 
locality unknown: n. 215 H. , 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1372 B.; along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: 
n. 1631 B.; along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1648 B., 
2147 B. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3275 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, Amer. cont. trop. 

22 Gramineae. 

230. Sporobolus hk. br. 
Sporobolus indicus R. Br. Prodr. I (1810) 170; Gris. Fl. 533; 
Duss 508; Millspaugh 474. Lizardgrass, 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1376 B.; between Bottom and Mary- 
point 100—200 M.: n. 1505 B.; Boobyhill 800 M.: n. 1618 B.; 
St. Johns 250 M.: n. 1730 B.; Windwardside: n. 1916 B.; Rendez- 
vous 400 M.: n. 725. 

St. Martin: Along roads from Marigot to Grande Case: n. 8356 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. sept., media, austro-occid., 
Afr., Australia. (Symb.). 

Sporobolus virginicus Kth. Rév. Gram. I (1823) 67; Gris. Fl. 
533; Duss 503; Millspaugh 474. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 12 B., 18 B, 
seashore near English Quarter: n. 1008 B.; near Boven 200 M.: 
n. 1236 B.; near White Wall: n. 1261 B.; Concordiabay: n. 568; 
Turtlebay: n. 566; Pastureground on the slope of the Quill: n. 305; 
White Wall: n. 302, 315. 

Saba: Ladderlanding: n. 562; Paris: n. 13876 B.; Laddergut 
SO) Mes ane, S/S) 18}, 

St. Martin: Along the Saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2239 B., 
2339a B., 2446 B., 2448 B.; Colebay (Coll. George): n. 2507 B.; Fort 
Willem: n. 2800 B.; Mountain between Mont des Accords and 
Centryhill 200—800 M.: n. 2905 B.; in pastureground near Colebay : 
n. 38024 B.; between Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3067 B.; Low- 
lands: n. 3276 B.; Fort Amsterdam: n. 500. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Aruba, Amer. cont., Afr. trop., 
Australia, Ins. Pacif. (Symb.). 

282, Cynodon Pers. 
Cynodon dactylon Pers. Syn. I (1805) 85; Gris. Fl. 540; Duss 
509; Millspaugh 474. Bahamagrass. 

St. Eustatius: Along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1061 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Glassbottle: n. 1200 B. 

St. Martin: Pastureground near Belvedere: n, 3050 B.; pasture- 
ground between Bellevue and Oysterpond: n. 3084 B.; along roads 
from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3093 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

This grass as I was told was introduced by Mr. Every from St. Martin 

Sporobolus—Eleusine. 23 

into St. Eustatius; in St. Eustatius it is cultivated on a very small seale, but 
in St. Martin I saw many pieces of pastureground that consisted chiefly of 
Cynodon dactylon. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Curacao, trop. and warmer countries 
of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

288. Chloris Sw. 
Chloris ciliata Sw. Prod. Veg. ind. oce. (1788) 25; Gris. I]. 539; 
Duss 508; Millspaugh 474, 
St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2877 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Mexico. (Gris FI,). 

Chloris paraguaiensis Steud. Gram. (1855) 204. 

Chloris barbata Sw. Flor. I (1797) 200; Gris. Fl. 549; Duss 508. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.;: 
n. 1299 B.; along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1644 B.; 
along roads 200--300 M.: n. 1712 B, 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2617 B.; along roads in Prince- 
Quarter: n. 2913 B. 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both hemisp. (Symb.). 
Chloris radiata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 26; Gris. Fl. 5389; Duss 507; 
Millspaugh 475. 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1777 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

304, Eleusine Girtn. 
Eleusine indica Gartn. Fruct. I (1788) 8; Gris. Fl. 540; Duss 
508; Millspaugh 475. Dutchgrass. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 554 B.; ina garden 
near Glassbottle: n. 1211 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1278 B.; 
Cultuurvlakte: n, 786; locality unknown: n. 264 G., 237 H. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1390 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 1890 B., 1917a B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 2014 B.; 
Bottom: n. 785; locality unknown: n. 23 L. 

St. Martin: Colebay (Coll. George): n. 2521 B.; Marigothill— 
Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2655 B.; in pastureground near Bellevue: 
n, 2823 B.; in pastureground between Belvedere and Oysterpond: 
n. 3086 B. 

I also saw Eleusine indica in Tintamarre. 

24 Gramineae. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, trop. and warmer countries 
of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

305. Dactyloctenium Willd. 

Dactyloctenium aegyptium Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. (1809) 
1029; Gris. Fl. 540; Duss 508; Millspaugh 475. 

Eleusine aegyptiaca Desf. Flor. Atl. I (1798) 85. 

St. Eustatius: seashore near Oranjestad: n. 39 B.; White Wall: 
iy, ote(0) IER WAGON 18h, 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1514 B.; 
along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1647 B, 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n, 2656 B.; in pas- 
tureground near Colebay: n. 3023 B.; Centryhill: n. 654. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, trop. and warmer 
countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

307. Leptochloa Beauv. 

Leptochloa filiformis Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71; Duss. 507. 

Leptochloa mucronata Kth, Réy. Gram. I (1829) 91; Gris. FI. 
537; Millspaugh 475. 

St. Martin: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1616 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Curacao, Amer. sept., Nova Granata, Asia 
and Afr. trop. (Symb.). 

Leptochloa virgata Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71; Gris. Fl. 538; 
Duss 507; Millspaugh 475. 

St. Eustatius: Lower part of the slope of the hills near Con- 
cordia: n. 940 B.; near Boven: n. 1250 B. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n, 1550 B,; 
Mountain 1751 B.; gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 500— 
400 M.: n. 2055 B.; Peperpot: n. 55, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. trop. cont. (Symb.). 

510. Pappophorum Schreb. 

Pappophorum alopecuroideum Vahl Symb. bot. III (1794) 10 
i OS (Cantsh INA aif 

EKleusine—Eragrostis. 25 

Pappophorum laguroideum Schrad, in Schult, Mant. If (1824) 
342; Duss 506. Crabgrass. 

St. Eustatius: Between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 772 B.; seashore near White Wall: 1 
856 B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1233 B.; near White Wall on the 
top of the Cliff: n. 1255 B.; Chit n. 1728; Concordiabay : n, 2236. 

Saba: Laddergut 50 M.: n. 1974 B.; Ladder: n, 2231; at the 
seashore: n. 2137 B. 

St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3386 B. 

Trinidad, La ‘Tinta, Bras. vi Uruguay (Gris, F.). 

341. Eragrostis Host. 

Eragrostis ciliaris Lk. Hort-Berol I (1827) 192; Gris. Fl. 552; 
Duss 502; Millspaugh 475. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 69 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 615 B.; between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of 
the Cliff 40.M.: n. 794 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1073 B.; 
Cliff: n. 2144; slope of the Quill: n. 21381; Cultuurvlakte: 
n. 2145. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n, 1362 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1561 B.; 
top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1602 B.; Moun- 
tain 600 M.: n. 1746 B.; Ladder: n. 2080. 

St. Martin: Colebay (Coll. Ceorge): n. 2511 B.; Nakedboyhill 
50—200 M.: n. 2686 B.; in an orchard near Bellevue: n, 2847 B.; 
Top of the hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac 200—300 M.: 
n. 2986 B.; in a plantation of cotton near Belvedere: n. 3409 B.; 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. trop., Afr. trop., Ind. orient. (Symb.). 

Eragrostis pilosa Beauy. Agrost. (1812) 71; Gris. Fl. 532; Duss 
502; Millspaugh 475. 
Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1308 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1767 B.; Windwardside in 1891 B.; 
St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2678 B.; between 
Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2942 B.; from Belvedere to 
Oysterpond: n. 3053 B.; lower part of the Milldrumhill: n, 3157 B. 
St, Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Eragrostis tephrosanthos Schult. Syst. Mant. II (1824) 316. 
Eragrostis poaeoides Gris. Fl. W. I. (1864) 532; (p. p.). (Symb.). 

26 sramineae—Cyperaceae. 

St. Martin: Fort Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2550B.; near Oyster- 
pond: n. 3053 B. 
Antill., Amer, austr. (Symb.). 

385. Festuca Linn. 

Festuca Myurus Linn. Spec. (1758) 74. 
St. Eustatius: from Signalhiill to Tumbledowndickbay: n, 
129a B.; Signalhill: n. 982a B., 1040B.; near Boven: n. 1237a B. 
Europa, Amer, and Asia boreal. (Ind. Kew.). 

20. Cyperaceae. 
Juncellus C. B. Clarke. 
(Chin Zs) Cay we rms Itai, SOCGin, 2 

Juncellus laevigatus C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. VI 
(1893) 596. 

Cyperus mucronatus Rottb. Descr. et Ic. (1773) p. 19 t. 8 fig. 
ale (Cubic, Hil, Bys2) 

St. Martin: near the saltponds of Filipsburg: n. 2444 B, 

Antill, in almost all warmer countries of both hemisph. 

459, Cyperus Linn. 

Cyperus distans Linn. Fil. Suppl. (1781) 103; Gris. Fl. 565; 
Duss 540. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill 200 M.: n. 28, 29. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain: n, 1745a B.; Rendez-vous Mountain : 
n. 209. 

Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Cyperus elegans Linn. Spec. (1762) 68. 
Cyperus viscosus Swartz Prod. (1788) 20; Gris. Fl. 563; 
Duss 537. 

Cyperus confertus Gris. Fl. W. 1. (1864) 563 pro magna parte, 
non Swartz. Millspaugh 476. (Symb.). 

St, Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 266 H. 

St. Martin: along the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2447 B.; 
Cul de Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2625 B.; Mountain between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—500 M.: n. 2906 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Antill., Bonaire, Curagao, Amer. centr., Argentinia. 

Eragrostis—Mariscus. 27 
Cyperus rotundus Linn. Spec. (1762) 67; Gris. FJ. 564; Mill- 
spaugh 477. Nutgrass. 

Cyperus purpureo-variegatus Boeck, Cyp. Novae. Heft 2 (1890) 
37; Duss 539. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1074 B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 35; locality unknown: n. 159 G. 

Saba: Top of the Cliff near the seashore of Boobyhill: n. 
1603 B.; Mountain 800 M.: n. 2186 B. 

St. Martin: in pastureground near Bellevue: n. 2828 B.; along 
roads near Bethlehem: n. 2936 B.; in pastureground between Bel- 
vedere and Oysterpond: n. 3085 B.. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 


Mariscus Girtn. 
cf. 459. Cyperus Linn. sect. 6. 
Mariscus brizaeus ©. B. Clarke in Symbolae Antillanae II 
(1900) 52. 
Cyperus bruneus Swartz FI. Ind. Occ. I (1797) 116 partim. 
(Symb.); Duss 539, Bullgrass. 
St. Eustatius: slope of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 
671 B., 699 B.; locality unknown: n. 115 G., 262 H. 
Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1343 B.; near Flat Point: n. 2129 B.; Greathill: n. 46. 
I also saw Mariscus brizaeus: Green Island. 
St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2786 B.; Tintamarre: n, 5369 B, 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Florida. (Symb.). 

Mariscus capillaris Vahl Enum. II (1806) 572. 

Syperus capillaris (Sw.) Millspaugh 476, » 

Saba: along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1632 B.; Mountain 
600 M.: n. 1788 B.; Springbaygut: n, 2097 B., 2101 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n, 2356 B.; along 
roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3103 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola. (Symb.). 

Mariscus flavus Vahl Enum. II (1806) 574. 
Cyperus flavus Nees. in Linnaea XLX (1847) 698; Millspaugh 476, 

28 Cyperaceae—Palmae. 

Cyperus flavomariscus Gris. FJ, W. I. (1864) 567 partim; 
Duss 542. (Symb.). 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1749 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., from Mexico and Texas to Patagonia. (Symb.). 

Torulinium Desy. 
cf, 459. Cyperus sect. 5. 
Torulinium confertum Desy. in Ham. Prodr. (1825) 15. 
Cyperus ferax L. C. Rich. in Acta Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris I 
(1792) 106; Duss 541. 
St. Hustatius: slope of the Quill: n. 43. 
Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1773 B. 
Bermud., Baham., Antill., Aruba, in warmer countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 
462. Kyllinga Rottb. 
Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. Descr. et Ic. (1773) p. 13 t. 4 fig. 3; 
Gris. Fl. 568; Duss 543; Millspaugh 475. 
Kyllinga monocephala Thunb. FI. Japon. (1784) 35; Gris. 
F], 568. 
St. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac: n. 2977 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 3206 B.; Retreat: n. 42. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Bermud., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

469. Heleocharis R. Br. 

Heleocharis capitata Boeck. in Vidensk. Meddel. Kjob, (1868—69) 
159; Duss 545; Millspaugh 477. 

Scirpus capitatus Linn. Spec. (1753) 48; Gris. Fl. 570 (partim.). 
St. Martin: along the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2451 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

471. Fimbristylis Vahl. 

Fimbristylis spathacea Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. (1821) 24. 
Scirpus obtusifolius Gris. Fl. W.1. (1864) 571. 
St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3298a B. 
Antill., in trop. contries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

473. Dichromena Vahl. 
Dichromena radicans Schlecht et Cham. in Linnaea VI (1831) 38. 

Mariscus— Phoenix. 29 

Rhynchospora Persooniana Gris. Fl]. W. 1. (1864) 577. 

Rhynchospora Humboldtiana Gris. Fl. W. I. (1864) 577 syn 
exc]. (Symb.). 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 800 M.: n. 1582 B.; 
Crespeen 400 M.: n. 1765 B.; Mountain 600 M.: n. 1775 B., 37. 

Antill., Amer. centr. (Symb.). 

489, Cladium Crantz. 

Cladium restioides Benth. in Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. II 
(1883) 1066. 

Machaerina restioides Vahl. Enum. II (1806) 288; Gris, FI. 573. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2210 B., 42, 208 L. 

Cuba, Hispaniola, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, 
Martinique, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 

492. Rhynchospora Vahl. 

Rhynchospora polyphylla Vahl. Enum. IT (1806) 230; Gris. Fl. 
575; Duss 551. 
Saba: Mountain 600—S800 M.: n. 1790 B., 49. : 
Antill., Amer. centr., Nova Granata, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

515. Scleria Berg. 

Scleria lithosperma Sw. Prod. (1788) 18; Duss 555; Millspaugh 
477. Mountaingrass. 

Scleria filiformis Sw. Prod. (1788) 19; Gris. FI. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 277a 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 
Scleria pterota Pres]. in Oken Isis X XI(1828) 268; Millspaugh 477. 

Scleria pratensis Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. Il pars I (1843) 
179 t. 23; Gris. Fl. 577; Duss 553. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1482 B.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n, 1747 B., 1750 B.; locality unknown: n. 51, 
1132 L., 184 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

a oe "969 H. 

21. Palmae. 
528. Phoenix Linn. 

Phoenix dactylifera Linn. Spec. (1753) 1188. 
Cultivated [Afr. sept.] (Symb.). 

30 Palmae— Bromeliaceae. 

536. Thrinax Linn. f. 

Thrinax spec. 
St. Eustatius: Gilboohill: n. 1120a B. 
Saba: Windwardside—Bottom: n. 298 L. 

613. Oreodoxa Willd. 

Oreodoxa caribaea Damm. et Urb. in Urban Symbolae Antil- 
lanae. LV. (1903) 129. 
Cultivated. [Portorico.] (Symb.). 

631. Euterpe Mart. 

Euterpe spec. (prob. Oenocarpus Mart.). 
Saba: Mountain: n. 135, 136, 137. 

663. Cocos Linn. 

Cocos nucifera Linn. Spec. (1753) 1188, 
Cultivated, [Amer. austr. sept. occid.?] (Symb.). 

23. Araceae. 

689. Anthurium Schott. 

Anthurium cordatum G. Don. in Sweet. Hort. brit. ed. Ill 
(1839) 633. Monkeytail. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 182 B., 232 Bi, 
294 B.; slope of the Quill 850 M.: n. 409 B.; slope of the Quill 
near Bengalen 250 M.: n. 697 B., 786 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 
31, 383, 34, 35; locality unknown: 195 G. 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n, 1741 B.; Paris: n. 32; locality 
unknown: n, 287 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 200—265 M.: n. 2720 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2857 B.; 
eut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n, 3415 B; 
locality unknown: n. 36. 

St. Croix (Engler 1898). 

Jamaica, St. Kitts, Martinique. (Engler 1898). 

739. Philodendron Schott. 

Philodendron dispar Schott. Syn. Ar. (1856) 79; Gris. I'l. 510; 
Duss 479. 

Thrinax— Bromelia. 81 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 298 B.; slope of 
the Quill 850 M.: n. 389 B.; Quill: n. 913 B.; Bottom of the Quill 
300 M.: n. 432 B., 468 B., 14, 29, 30; locality unknown: n. 220 G, 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1674 B.; gut between 
Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 -M.: n. 2034 B. 

Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 
Philodendron giganteum Schott Syn. Ar. (1856) 89; Duss 479. 

St. Eustatius: I saw Philodendron giganteum on the top of the Quill. 

Saba: Mountain: n. 2275a B. 

Portorico, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent. 

Philodendron oxycardium Schott Syn. Ar, (1856) 82 (vel. affin.). 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 298 B., 394 B., 389 B.; 
inner slope of the Quill: n. 457 B. 

Saba: Mountain: n. 2076a B.; gut near Devilshand: n. 2086 B, 

Antill., Guatemala. (Symb.). 

755. Colocasia Schott. 
Colocasia esculenta Schott Melet. I (1832) 1S. 
Cultivated. [India orient.| (Symb.). 
758. Xanthosoma Schott. 
Xanthosoma spec. 
; Cultivated. 

24. Lemnaceae. 

795. Lemna Linn. 

Lemna paucicostata Hegelm. ex Engelm, in A. Gray Man. Bot. 
V ed. (Jan. 1868) 681; Duss 484. 

Lemna minor Griseb. Fl. W. I. (1864) 512 (p. p.). (Symb.): 
Millspaugh 478. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3285 B.; near Vineyard: n, 3350a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer, cont., Afr., Asia austro-orient., Japon., Australia. 

32. Bromeliaceae. 
840. Bromelia Linn. 

Bromelia pinguin Linn. Spec. (1753) 285; Gris. Fl, 591; Millspaugh 
478. Ping wing. 



St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 103 G. 

I saw Bromelia pinguin in gardens in Oranjestad. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 2292 B.; Peperpot: n. 79, 80. 

I also saw Bromelia pinguin; Crespeenhill. 

St. Martin: along roads from Colebay to Simsonsbay: n. 3250 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont., Venezuela. (Symb.); also cultivated. 

851. Ananas Adans. 

Ananas sativus Schult. f. in R. et Sch. Syst. VII (1830) 1283. 
Cultivated. [Brasilia.] (Symb.). 

860. Wittmackia Mez. 

Wittmackia lingulata Mez. in Mart. FI. Bras. II. 3. (1891) 274; 
Duss 570. 
Aechmea lingulata Baker in Journ. Bot. XVII (1879) 164. 
Saba: Greathill: n. 1377a B., Paris 300 M.: n. 82; Bottom: 
n. 85; locality unknown: n. 293 L. 
St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3142 B.; Centryhill:n. 106. 
St. Thomas, Virgin. Isl, Viequez, Crabben Is]., St. Lucia, 
Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Vincent, Becquia, Antigua, Tobago, 
Trinidad. (Mez 1896). 

878. Pitcairnia |’ Heérit. 
Pitcairnia angustifolia Redoute Liliac. IL (1805) tab. 76; Gris, 
Fl. 594; Millspangh 478. Klapper. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 246 B., 304 B., 
366 B., 3883 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 529 B.; near Mary- 
glory 150 M.: n. 11384 B.; Quill: n. 89, 97; Bengalen: n. 113; 
Greatgut: n. 88. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1368 B; top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1609 B. ; 
Laddergut 0O—200 M.: n. 1973 B.; Paris: n. 115; Wellgut:n. 104. 

I also saw Piteairnia angustifolia: near the Sulphurmines: Hellsgate 

to Marypoint. 

$t. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, Grenada, St. Thomas, Antigua, Dominica, St. Vincent, 
Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Croix. (Mez 1896). 

Bromelia—Tillandsia. 83 

890. Tillandsia Linn. 

Tillandsia excelsa Gris. Flor. W. I. (1864). 597. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain: n. 2222 B. 

Cuba, Jamaica. (Mez 1896). 

Tillandsia fasciculata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 56; Gris. Fl. 595; 
Duss 572. 

Nada wc. John’s 250 M.7n. 1728 Be; Paris: n. 116; locality 
unknown: n. 21 LL. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 800—400 M.: n. 3145 B., Centry- 
hill: n, 105. 

Florida austral., Baham., Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr, and 
austro-sept. (Symb.). 

Tillandsia recurvata Linn. Spec. (1762) 410; Gris. F1.598; Duss 
574; Millspaugh 478. Old man’s beard. 

St. Eustatius: slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 108a B.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: 581 B.; Signalhill: n. 91, 96; locality 
unknown: n. 217 H. 

Saba: along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1634 B.; Bottom: n. 93. 

St. Martin: Princequarter (Coll. George.): n. 2486 B.: Cul de 
Sac: n. 2620 B.; Nakedboyhill 280 M.: n. 2736 B.; lower part of 
the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2937a B.; 
hills on the eastern side al Cul de Sac n. 3441 B. 

I also saw Tillandsia recurvata: gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., warmer countries of Amer. (Symb.). 
Tillandsia usneoides Linn. Spec. (1762) 411; Gris. Fl. 598; 
Duss 574; Millspaugh 478. Old man’s beard. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 295 G, 

I also saw Tillandsia usneoides near Boven. 

Saba: along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1633 B.; Peperpot: 
Meme oe. Parisi: ne 9d: 

St. Martin: Gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 
3416 B.; top of Centryhill: n. 107, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., warmer countries of Amer. (Symb.). 

Tillandsia utriculata Linn. Spec. (1753) 286; Gris. Fl. 596; Duss 
573; Millspaugh 478. Wild pine. 

St. Eustatius: Top of Signalhill 225 M.: n. 1031 B.; Top of 

Pongo: n. 90; Top of the Quill: n. 99, 


34 Bromeliaceae —Commelinaceae. 

Saba: Slope of the Mountain near St. John’s: n. 1735 B.; 
Paris 200 M.: n. 83, 84; Jenkygut: n. 114; locality unknown: 
iil oye 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 260 M.: n. 2729 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Baham., Antill., Curacao, Mexico, Venezuela, 
Guyana. (Symb.). 

891. Vriesea Lindl. 

Vriesea guadalupensis Mez in ©. de Candolle Monogr. vol. IX 
(1896) 596. (vel affin.). 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 245B., 315 B. 

Saba: Mountain near Windwardside: n. 2181 B.; St. John’s: 
mM, is: 

Guadeloupe. (Mez 1896). 

892. Catopsis Griseb. 

Catopsis nutans Griseb. Fl. W. I. (1864) 599; Duss 577. 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
57 B.; rocky slope of the hills near Tumbledowndickhay : n. 152 B.; 
top of the Quill: n. 303 B., 100, 101. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 
M.: n. 1858 B.; Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1622 B.; slope of the Moun- 
tain near St. John’s.: n. 1734 B. ! 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2709 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.:n. 2854 B.; 
Mount Paradis 800—400 M.: n. 3237 B. 

Antill., Amer. centr. (Symb.). 

33. Commelinaceae. 
896. Commelina Linn. 

Commelina virginica Linn. Spec. (1762) 62; Millspaugh 478. 

Commelina elegans H. B. k. Noy. Gen. I (1815) 259; Gris. FI. 
525; Duss 498. Watergrass. 

St. Eustatius: seashore near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 158 B.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: n. 565 B.; slope of the Quill near Ben- 
galen 50—200 M.: n. 640 B., 653B., 654 B.; Signalhill 150 M.: 
n. 1053 B.; Mountain near Bengalen: n. 262; Cultuurvlakte: n. 
281; locality unknown: n. 2H., 2G. 

I also saw Commelina virginica at the seashore near Oranjestad. 

Tillandsia—Rhoeo. 35 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1471 B., 
1531 B.; Mountain 400 M.: n. 1770 B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 
2015 B.; Windwardside: n. 2318 B.; Peperpot: n. 284; Jenkeygut: 
n. 285; Bottom: n. 280; locality unknown: n. 15 L. 

St. Martin: From Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2381 B.; Moun- 
tain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 0—200 M.: n. 
2853 B.; along roads from Colebay to Simsonsbay: n. 3249 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3307 B.; roads near Colebayhill : 
n.. 264; John Ednyhill: n. 263. 

T also saw Commelina virginica near Saline; near Bellevue; Nakedboyhill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Curagao, warmer countries of Amer. cont. (Symb.). 

911. Tradescantia Linn. 

Tradescantia geniculata Jacq. Enum, (1760) 18; Gris. Fl. 523; 
Duss 495, 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3141B.; Mount 
Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3222 8B., 38345 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 3622 B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., from Mexico to Paraguay, Ins. 
Sandw. (Symb.). 

912. Callisia Linn. 

Callisia repens Linn. Spec. (1752) 62; Gris. Fl. 524; Duss 497; 
Millspaugh 479. 

St. Eustatius: cultuurvlakte: n. 261. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100-200 M.: n. 1459a B.; 
‘Springbaygut: n. 2099B.; Bottom: n. 273; locality unknown: 
inl, RoE 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2380 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2591 B.; hill on the northern side of 
Cul de Sac 0O—100 M.: n. 3000 B. 

I also saw Callisia repens: on the hill between Mont des Accords and 
Centryhill; top of Mount Paradis 400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr., Venezuela, Peru, Bras. (Symb.). 

916. Rhoeo Hance. - 

Rhoeo discolor Hance Misc. in Walp. Ann, III (1852—’53) 660. 
Cultivated. |Mexico, Antill.] (Symb.). 

36 Commelinaceae— A maryllidaceae. 

918. Zebrina Schnizl. 

Zebrina pendula Schnizl. in Bot. Zeitg. VII (1849) 870; Mill- 
spaugh 479. 

Saba: Lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1416 B.; 
along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: n. 1335 B.; 
Windwardside n. 1936 B., 2314 B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n. 282; 
Gainbygut: n. 283; locality unknown: n. 42 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr. (Symb.). 

38. Liliaceae. 

1026. Aloe Linn. 

Aloe vera Linn. Spec. (1753) 320. 

Aloe vulgaris Lam. Ene. I (1783) 86; Gris. Fl. 582; Duss 566; 
Millspaugh 479. Aloe. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 3589 B,, 102 G. 

I also saw Aloe vera on Signalhill. 

St. Martin: I saw Aloe vera: along roads from Filipsburg to Naked- 
boyhill; along roads near Bethlehem; along roads near Belvedere. 

Bermud., Antill., Indig. in mediterr. countries and Ins. Canar. 

1049. Allium Linn. 
Allium ascalonicum Linn. Amoen. Acad. IV (1759) 454. 

Cultivated. [Everywhere cultivated.] (Ind. Kew.) Charlotten. 

1103. Yucca Linn. 

Yucca aloifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 319; Gris. Fl. 582; Duss 557. 
Adam’s needle. Spanish dagger. 

St. Martin: Near Orientbay: n. 2922a B., 3358 B. 

Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Tobago. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

1110. Sanseviera Thunb. 

Sanseviera guineensis Willd. Spec. Plant. I] (1799) 159 Rhammi. 
Cultivated. [Afr. trop.| (Symb.). 

Zebrina—Crinum. 37 

1151. Smilax Linn. 
Smilax coriacea Spr. Syst. Veg. II (1825) 103. 

Smilax havanensis Gris. Flor. W. I, (1864) 586 (pro parte) — 
non Jacq. (Symb.). White withe. 

St. Eustatius: inner slope of the Quill 850 M.: n, 412 B. 1227; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M,: n. 678 B., 735 B; loca- 
lity unknown: n. 188G., 263 H. 

St. Croix. (Symb.) 

Haiti, Domingo, Portorico. (Symb.). 

Smilax guianensis Vitman Summa Plant. Y (1791) 422. 

Smilax macrophylla Willd. Spec. Plant. [LV 2 (1806) 786; Gris. 
Fl. 586; Duss 560. Basket hoop. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n, 189B.; Quill: n. 2022; 
Bengalen 150—200 M.: n. 2019. 

Saba: Lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1423 B.; 
Hellsgate: n. 2023, 

Antill., Guiana. (Symb.). 

Smilax ilicifolia Kth. Enum. V (1850) 171. 

Smilax havanensis Griseb. Flor. W. I. (1864) 586 (p. p. non L.) 
(Symb.); Millspaugh 479. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac 200—300 M.: n. 3013 B.; Lowlands: n. 3262 B., 3277 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba. (Symb.). 

40. Amaryllidaceae. 

1181. Zephyranthes Herb. 

Zephyranthes carinata Herb. in Bot. Mag. LIL (1825) t. 2594. 

Amaryllis carinata Spreng. Syst. Cur. post (1827) 132; Gris. 
Fl. 584; Duss 562. White snowdrop. 

St. Bustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 42 H. 

I also saw Zephyranthes carinata: slope of the Quill near Glassbottle. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 3, 4, 5. 

St. Martin: slope of Centryhill: n. 6. 

Antill., Mexico. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

1189. Crinum Linn. 

Crinum americanum Linn. Spec. (1753) 292. 
Cultivated. [Amer. austr.] (Ind. Kew.). 

38 Amaryllidaceae— Musaceae. 

1194. Hymenocallis Salisb. 

Hymenocallis caribaea Herb. App. Bot. Reg. (1821) 14; Duss 
559; Millspaugh 480. 

Pancratium caribaeum Linn. Spec. (1753) 291; Gris. Fl. 583. 
White lily. 

St. Eustatius: Glassgut near Oranjestad: n. 51 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 674 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: 
n. 1148 B.; Oranjestad: n. 25; locality unknown: n. 298 H., 298a G. 

Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1572 B.; along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: 
Ne W6s5s3-5 Botvomiaenh co: 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2429 B.; Mountain between Mont 
des Accords and Centryhill 0O—200 M.: n. 2851 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Baham., Antill. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

1196. Eucharis Planch. 

Eucharis grandiflora Planch. et Linden in FI. des Serres. Sér. 1 
(LX) (1853—1854) 255. 

Cultivated. [New Granada.] (Ind. Kew.) 

Hucharis lily. 

1208. Hippeastrum Herb. 

Hippeastrum puniceum Urb. in Symb. Antill. [V. (1908) 151. 

Amaryllis equestris Ait. Hort. Kew. I (1789) 417; Gris. FI. 

Hippeastrum equestre Herb. App. Bot, Reg. (1821) 31; Duss 
561; Millspaugh 480. 

St. Eustatius: Little Mountain: n. 15; locality unknown: 
n. 23. 

Saba: Peperpot: n. 14; Bottom: n. 24, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. trop. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

1222. Fourcroya Vent. 

Fourcroya gigantea Vent. in Bul. Soc. Philom. I (1798) 65; 
Gris. Fl. 582; Duss 558: Karata, Pita. 
St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 101 G. 

I also saw Fourcroya gigantea: on the top of the Cliff near Gallowsbay ; 
Bergje; slope of Signalhill. 

Hymenocallis— Musa. 39 

St. Martin: along roads near Belvedere: n. 3359 B. 
Antigua, French Islands to Bras. (Gris. FL.) 

1230. Hypoxis Linn. 

Hypoxis decumbens Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 986; Gris. FI. 
5859; Duss 562. (procumbens errore). 
Saba: Mountain 600—800 M.: n. 1785 B., 1796 B., 2191 B.; 
Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2161 B.; Jenckygut: n. 2. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

43. Dioscoreaceae. 
1252. Dioscorea Linn. 

Dioscorea alata Linn. Spec. (1753) 1033; Gris. Fl. 587. Yams. 
St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 245 H. 
Saba: Mountain near Windwardside: n. 2157 B. 
Antill. Patria veris. Asia austro-orient. (Symb.). Also cul- 
Dioscorea trifida Linn. f. Suppl. (1781) 427; Gris. FI. 587. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1789 B.; Mountain near 
Windwardside: n. 2155 B. 
Antill., Patria Amer.-austral. (Symb.). 

44. Iridaceae. 
1285. Belamcanda Adans. 
Belamcanda punctata Moench. Meth. Suppl. (1794) 214. 
Cultivated. [China.] (Ind. Kew.). 
1292. Eleutherine Herb. 
Eleutherine plicata Herb. in Bot. Reg. (1848) t. 57. Red root. 
Cultivated. [India occid.] (Ind. Kew.) 
45. Musaceae. 
1318. Musa Linn. 

Musa paradisiaca Linn. Spec. (1753) 1043. 
Musa sapientium Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 1308. 
Cultivated. [India orient.] (Symb.). 

40 Musaceae— Orchidaceae. 

1321. Heliconia Linn. 
Heliconia Bihai Linn. Mant. II (1771) 211;*Gris. Fl. 600; Duss 
579. Wild banana. 
St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 449 B.; Quill: 
ily IMO by, 28ay BAoer 
Saba: Mountain S00 M.: n. 2223 B. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

46. Zingiberaceae. 
1357. Costus Linn. 

Costus speciosus Sni. in Trans. Linn. Soc. I (1791) 249, Shell 
Cultivated. [Ins. Malay.| (Schumann 1904.). 

47, Cannaceae. 
1363. Canna Linn. 

Canna indica Linn. Spec. (1753) 1. Cannon, Indian shot. 
Cultivated. [Cosmop. trop.] (Ind. Kew.). 

48. Marantaceae. 
1370. Maranta Linn. 

Maranta arundinacea Linn. Spec. (1753). 2. A Lrrowroot. 
Cultivated. [Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop.| (Symb.). 

50. Orchidaceae. 
1490. Spiranthes L. Cl. Rich. 
Spiranthes elata L. Cl. Rich. Orch. Eur, Adn. (1818) 37; Gris. 
Fl. 641. 
St. Martin: Centryhill: n. 72. 
Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

1493. Stenorrhynchus L. Cl. Rich. 
Stenorrhynchus orchioides L. Cl. Rich. Orch. Eur. (1817) 37; 
Gris. Fl. 642. 

Stenorrhynchus lanceolatus L. Cl. Rich. |. ¢.; Gris. Fl. 642. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 229aB. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Heliconia—Epidendrum, 4] 

1498. Physurus L. Cl. Rich. 

Physurus hirtellus Lindl. Gen. and Spee. Orch. (1840) 501; Gris. 
Fl. 642; Duss 606. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 65, 66. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Portorico, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, 
St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.). 
Physurus plantagineus Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. (1840) 503; 
Gris. Fl. 648; Duss 605. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.:; n. 229B. 

Saba: Mountain near Hellsgate: n. 2284a B.; Mountain 600— 
SUOMMi ens 1.2) 3: 4, 67, 68. 69) 1761: 

Cuba, Jamaica, Portorico, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, 
St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

1527. Prescottia Lindl. 
Prescottia stachyoides Lindl. in Bot. Reg. (1834) sub t. 1915; 
Gris. Fl. 639; Duss 608. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 71. 
Antill., Amer. centr., Bras. (Symb.). 

1553. Microstylis Nutt. 
Microstylis spicata Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. (1830) 19; Gris. 
Fl. 612; Duss 590. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 6—800 M.: n. 1828 B., 2224 B., 
2228 B. 
Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Martinique. (Symb.). 

1565. Polystachya Hook. 
Polystachya luteola Hook. Exot. Flor. (1825) tab 103; Gris. FI. 
628; Duss 597. 
St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 70. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. trop. (Symb.). 

1614. Epidendrum Linn. 
Epidendrum anceps Jacq. Sel. (1763) 224 t. 188. 
Hpidendrum fuscatum Sm. Spic. bot. (1791) 21 t. 23; Gris. 
Fl. 617; Duss 591. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 250 8B.,381 B.; top 
of the Quill: n. 92, 93, 95; Quill: n. 96; locality unknown: n. 94. 
Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1666 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: 

49 Orchidaceae. 

hn. 1763 B.; Mountain 800 M.: n. 1818 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2090 
B., 2108 B.; Mountain 600 M.: n. 117; Mountain 800 M.: n. 97; 
Masticgut: n. 119; Wellridge: n. 118. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3149 B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Epidendrum ciliare Linn. Syst. X ed. (1759) 1246; Gris. FJ. 615; 
Duss 590; Millspaugh 481. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 715 B.; 
top Panga hill: n. 101; top of the Quill: n. 102; Boven: n. 105; 
locality unknown: n. 281 G., 268 H., 308 G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 250 M.: n. 1554 B.; 
Boobyhill 300 M.; n. 1597 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1727 B.; Paris 
2—400 M.: n. 80, 99; Greathill 2—400 M.: n. 81; Rendez-vous 
400 M.: n. 100; Hellsgate: n. 98; locality unknown: n. 165 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 200—260 M.: n. 2727 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.:n. 2897 B.; 
Milldrumhill 800—400 M.: n. 3154 B.; gut from Bethlehem te 
Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3421 B.; Centryhill: n, 104, 105; 
French frontier: n. 106. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. austr-sept. and centr. (Symb.). 

Epidendrum difforme Jacq. Enum. (1760) 29; Duss 592. 
Epidendrum wmbellatum Sw. Prodr. (1788) 121; Gris. Fl. 618. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 241 B., 107, 108. 
Antill., Amer. trop. (Symb.). 

Epidendrum globosum Jacq. Enum. (1760) 29; Gris. Fl. 619; 
Duss 594. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 83. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1827 B.; Mountain near Wind- 
wardside 600 M.: n. 2177 B.; Mountain: n. 82; Rendez-vous 400 
M.: n. 84. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Epidendrum papilionaceum Vahl in West St. Croix (1793) 303. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill: n. 110 B.; Boven: n. 112; locality 
unknown: n. 280a G. 

Saba: Forthbay 30 M.: n. 5. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2784 B.; Lowlands: n. 3254 B., 
3278 B. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

Epidendrum —Oncidium. 43 

Epidendrum strobuliferum Reichb. f. in Neder]. Kruidk. Archief. 
LY. (1859) 333; Gris. Fl. 618; Duss 592. 

Saba: Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 109. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, Trinidad, Guiana. (Gris. FI.) 

1619. Brassavola R. Br. 
Brassavola cucullata Rh. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. Il V. (813) 
216; Gris. Fl. 620; Duss 594. 

St. Eustatius: Lower part of the slope of the hills near Con- 
cordia: n. 941 B.; Boven: n. 90. 

Saba: Greathill 2—400 M.: n. 91; Masticgui: n. 110. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3139 B.; gut from 
Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3419 B.; Centryhill: n. 111. 

Antill., Mexico to Venezuela. (Gris. Fl.). 

Brassavola rigida (com). novy.). 

Tetramicra rvigida Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orch. (1831) 119; Gris. 
Fl. 622. 

St. Eustatius: Gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.:n. 825 B.; Little 
Mountain n. 75; Greatgut: n. 73, 74, 75; locality unknown: n. 
Tos Gy alk tale 

Ind. occid. (Ind. Kew.). 

1733. Ornithidium Salish. 
Ornithidium coccineum Salish. in Trans. Hort. Soc. 1 (1512) 293; 
Gris. Fl, 626; Duss 596. 
Saba: Mountain S00 M.: n. 1801 B. 
Antill., Venezuela. (Symb.). 
1779. Oncidium Sw. 
Oncidium Spec. veris: 1) 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 134*** B., 1049 B***.; near 
White Wall: n. 849*** B.; Signalhill—Red Cliff: n. 56*, 58*, 60*; 
slope of Signalhill: n. 61***; Signalhill: n. 57*; Red Cliff: n. 627; 
White Wall: n. 63*; Grandgut: n. 64*; locality unknown: n. 50°** H, 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1469*** B., 
2039" B.; Laddergut: n. 53***: Peperpot: n. 54**: Paris: n. 55™* 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 280 M.: n. 2733*** B.; Centryhill: n. 
o2°*; Princequarter: n. 51**, 59; road near Oysterpond: n. 50™. 

Antill. (Symb.). 

1) *) Oncidium yariegatum Sw. m Act. Holm. XXI (1800) 240. 

**) Oncidium sylvestre Lindl. m Ann. and Mog. Nat. Hist, IT Ser. I (1858) 332. 
"*) Oncidium tetrapetalum W. (L.) Gris. Fl. 631, 

44 Casuarinaceae— Piperaceae. 


51. Casuarinaceae. 

1855. Casuarina Linn. 

Casuarina equisetifolia Linn. Amoen. IV (1759) 143. Casuarine. 
Cultivated. | Afr. occid., Australia, Ins. Pacif. and Malay.}.(Symb.). 

53. Piperaceae. 
1862. Piper Linn. 

Piper dilatatum L. Cl. Rich. in Act. Soc. Hist. nat. Par. (1792) 105. 
Artanthe Bredemeyeri Griseb. Flor. W. Ind. (1859) 170. 
Piper Bredemeyert Jacq. Hclog. (1811—44) 125 f. 84; Mill- 

spaugh 481. 

St. Eustatius: Inner slope of the Quill 350M.: n. 416B., 
424 B. top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 491 B., slope of the Quill near 
Bengalen 200 M.: n. 706; Quill 2566, 2560, 2501; locality unknown: 
n. 174G. 

Saba: Lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1439 B.; 
Bottom 200 M.: n. 1451 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 1964 B.; gut 
between Masticgut and Hellsgate 8300—400 M.: n. 2061; Crespeen— 
Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 2511; Hellsgategut: n. 2569. 

St. Martin: Hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: 
n. 2981 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3219 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Costarica, Panama, Columbia, Venezuela, 
Bras. (Symb.). 

Piper marginatum Jacq, Ic. rar. II (1786) 2 t. 215. 

Schillera caudata Kunth in Linnaea XIII (1839) 716; Gris. Fl. 170. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 159 L. 

Antill., Panama, Surinam., Guiana gallica, Venezuela, Bras., 
Peru. (Symb.). 

Piper medium Jacq. Ic. rar. I (1781) 2 t. 8. 

Piper ceanothifoium Kunth. in H. B. K. Noy. Gen. I (1815) 
26; Duss 177. 

Iinckea Siebert Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 177 (p. p.) (Symb.). 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 459 B. 

Antill., Amer. cont. (Symb.). 

Casuarina— Peperomia. 45 

Piper peltatum Linn. Spec. (1753) 30. 
Heckeria peltata Kunth in Linnaea XIII (1839) 565. 
Pothomorphe peltata Miq. Comm. phyt. (1838) 37; Gris. FI. 
169; Duss 175; Millspaugh 481. 
Saba: Mountain 500 M.: n. 899; Gainbygut: n. 888, 889, 895. 
Antill., Amer. cont. centr. and austral. (Symb.). 

Piper reticulatum Linn. Spec. (1753) 29. 

FEnckea smilacifolia Griseb. Flor. W. Ind. (1859) 169. (excl. syn. 
Willd.) (Symb.). 

Piper smilacifolium C. DC. Prodr. XVI, 1 (1869.) 245; Duss 
175; — non H. B. K. (Symb.). Wild cane. 

St. Eustatius: Inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 423 B., 
459 B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 911 B.; Quill: n. 78 H.,; 
2553, 2527, 925, 2529, 922, 926, 939. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1617 B.; Springbaygut:n. 2083 B., 
2106 B., locality unknown: n. 159 L. 

Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

1866. Peperomia Ruiz. et Pay. 

Peperomia acuminata C. DC. in Symb. Antill. IIT (1902) 242. 
Peperomia glabella Griseb. Flor, W. Ind. (1859) 165, (Symb.). 
Peperomia glabella var. nigropunctata Duss FI. phan. (1897) 172. 

(Symb.). : 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 178B,, 317B., 

near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1160 B.; Missionhouse road: n. 551. 
Saba: Greathill 400 M.: n. 1382B.; Paris n. 315, 321; John 

Ednyhill: n. 302; locality unknown: n. 103 L, 171 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill: n. 2725 B.; Mountain between Mont 

des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n, 2898 B. 

Antill., Columbia, Guiana. (Symb.). 

Peperomia emarginella C. DC. Prodr. XVI. 1 (1869) 437. 
Peperomia exilis Griseb. Flor. W. Ind. (1859) 164. (Symb.); 
Duss 170. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1813 B; Mountain 6—800 M. : n. 19. 
Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, 
Martinique, St. Vincent, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

Peperomia glabella A. Dietr. Sp. I (1831) 156; Gris. Fl. 165 
p.p. (Symb.). Orchidspurslane. 

46 Piperaceae— Ulmaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 180 B., 334 B.; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M. : n. 679 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 1023 B., 193) G.; Quill: n. 646, 593, 620, 638, 1054; Boven: 
ie WMO} ¥3}5 

Saba: Along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1852 B.; Gainbygut: n. 1445a B.; ape 300) M.: n- 161258 
ae the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1625 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: 

. 1723 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2105 = 2110 B.: Windwardside : 
. 2321 B.; Peperpot: n. 1052. 

St. Martin - Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2886 B.; top of the hill on the northern side 
of Cul de Sac 200—300 M.: n. 3008 B., Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: 
n. 3135 B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: n. 3192 B., 3196 B., 
3340 B. 

I also saw Peperomia glabella on Nakedboyhill 100—200 M. 
Antill., Costarica, Amer-austr. (Symb.). 

Peperomia hernandifolia A. Dietr. Sp. 1 (1831) 157; Duss 172, 
Saba: Mountain SOO M.: n. 1808 B.; Mountain 6—S00 M.: 
n. 634, 140; locality unknown: n. 174 L. 
Antill., Costarica, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Peperomia Langsdorffii Miq. Syst. (1843) 116. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 278 B.; lower 
parts of the hills near Concordia: n. 974 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 200—265 M.: n. 2717 B., along 
roads near Colebayhill: n. 53041 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul 
de Sac O—100 M.: n. 3414 B.; Milldrumhill 100 —200 M,:n. 3117 B.: 
-Colebayhill: n. 141. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Haiti, St. Domingo, Portor:co, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Tortola, 
Antigua. (Symb.). 

Peperomia obtusifolia A. Dietr. Sp. 1 (1831) 154; Duss 173. 

Peperomia magnoliaefolia A. Dietr. Sp. 1 (1851) 153; Duss 1738. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 242B., 353 B.; 
Quill: n. 277, 293, 279, 278, 291, locality unknown: n. 290. 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1757 B.; Springbaygut : n. 2102 B.; 
Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n, 3146 B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., (Florida, Mexico, Venezuela.) (Symb.). 

Peperomia—Celtis. 17 

Peperomia petiolaris C. DC. in Seem. Journ. of Bot, LV (1866) 
138. Wall purslane. 

St. Eustatius: In a garden in Oranjestad: n. 63B.; at the 
seashore near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 155 B.; on walls in Oranje- 
Stag: n. 69) G. 

Saba: Along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 13841 B.; lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.:n. 1410 B.:; 
Windwardside: n. 1893 B.; Bottom: n. 2245 B.; locality unknown : 
il, at Ie 

Cuba, Paraguay. (Symb.). 

Peperomia scandens R. et Pay. Fl. Per I (1798) 32 t. 51 fig b. 
Peperomia vepens Kth. in H. B. K. Nov. gen. I (1815) 65; 
Gris. Fl. (1859) 165. (Symb.). 
St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 434 B. 
Antill., Amer. cont. austral. (Symb.). 

Peperomia urocarpa [isch. et Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1V 
(1837) 42. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1825 B., 594, 647. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

2362. Batis Linn. 

Batis maritima Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 1380; Gris. Fl. 61; 
Duss 92; Millspaugh 486. Wild banana. 

St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n. 2338 B.; road near Fort Am- 
sterdam: n. 47. 

Talso saw Batis maritima: near Simsonsbay village; Oysterpond; Green Key. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. orient., Californ., 
Ins. Sandw. (Symb.). 

63. Ulmaceae. 

1898. Celtis Linn. 

)5) G4. 
Celtis aculeata Sw. Prodr. (178 ae Gris. El 1493 Duss 152% 

Millspaugh 482. Snaky. 

Celtis Iguanacea Sarg. Silva VII (18% 
38) 5 

4§ Ulmaceae— Moraceae. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 219B.; ao of 
the Quill 300 M.: n. 895 B.; top of Signalhill 225 Mek . L029 BS 
Red Cliff—Tumbledowndickbay: n. 229. 

Saba: Bottom—Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1476 B.; Windwardside: 
n. 1950 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2116 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2389 B., 2399 B.; 
from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2572 B.; Nakedboyhill 50-200 M.: 
n. 2680 B.; between Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3079 B.; Mount 
Paradis 100—200 M.: n. 3298 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

1902. Trema Lour. 

Trema Lamarckianum BI. in Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. IT (ca 1858) 58. 

Sponia Lamarckiana Dene. in Nouv. Ann. Mus, Paris IIT (1834) 
498; Gris. Fl. 150; Duss 153. 

St. Eustatius: Gilboohill 150 M.: n. 1123 B, 

Saba: Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2040 B. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 
Trema micranthum Bl. in Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. II (ca 1853) 58; 
Millspaugh 482 (?). 

Sponia ee Dene. in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Paris III (1834) 
498; Gris. Fl. 150; Duss 152. 

St. eee Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 186 B., 308 B, 

Saba: Gainbygut: n. 292, 293; Laddergut: n. 130, 294. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

64. Moraceae. 
1931. Dorstenia Linn. 
Dorstenia contrajerva Linn. Spec. (1753) 121; Gris. Fl. 154; 
Duss 159. 
St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3344 B, 
Antill., from Mexico to Peru. (Symb.). 
1946. Artocarpus Linn. 
Artocarpus incisa Linn. f. Suppl. (1751) 411. 
Artocarpus communis Worst. Char. Gen. (1776) 100. Bread 
Forel oILITee. 
Cultivated, [Ins. Pacif.] (Symb.). 

Jeltis—Ficus. 49 

1961. Ficus Linn. 

Ficus Krugiana War). in Urb. Symb. Antill. IIL (1903) 487. 

Ficus lauwrifolia Duss Fl. Ant. franc. (1897) 153. (haud Lam.). 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 207 B.; bottom of 
the Quill 300 M.: n. 907 B. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1875 B. 

Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 
Ficus omphallophora Warb. in Urb. Symb. Antill. II] (1903) 466, 

Ficus pertusa Gris. (naud L. f.) Flor. W. I. (1859) 152 (p. p.); 
Duss 155. 

Ficus pallida Gris. (haud Vahl) Fl. W. I. 859) 151 (p. p.); (Symb.). 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1827a@ B. 

St. Eustatius, St. an chic ete: Dominica, Martinique, 
St. Vincent, Grenada. (Symb.). x 
Ficus populnea Willd. Sp. Pl. [VY (1806) 1141; Gris. Fl. 151; 
Millspaugh 483. 

Ficus laevigata. Vahl. Enum, II (1805) 183; Gris. F]. 151; 
Millspaugh 483. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 103 B.; 
top of the Quill: n. 207 B., 371 B., 378 B.; along roads in Oranje- 
stad: n. 914 B.; along roads near Concordia: n, 1091 B.; near 
Boven 200 M.: n. 1247B.; Quill: n. 732, 846, 883; top of the 
OuMlleene ish. 738s Clits nee738, 788: 

Saba: Bottom: n, 2233 .B.; from Windwardside to Hellsgate: 
n, 1681 B. 

St. Martin: in a garden in Filipsburg: n. 2552 B.; from Filips- 
burg to Belvedere: pn. 2577 B.; Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 
2820 B.; Lowlands: n. 3284B.; Mount Paradis 100—200 M:: 
n. 3297 B.; 300—400 M.: n. 3324 B.; Mary’s Fancy: n. 705; Centry- 
hill: n, 888; Prince quarter: n, 838. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

Ficus Urbaniana Warh. in Urb. Symb. Antill. IIT (1903) 459. 

St. Eustatius; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 897 B.; Boven: 
n, 2331, 23/1; Quill: n. 2322; locality unknown: n. 2395. 

Saba: Gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n 
2026 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2080 B. 

St. Martin: Point Blanche (coll. George): n. 2495 B.; Mount 
Paradis 150—-400 M.: n. 3200 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de 
Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3423 B.; John Ednyhilll: n. 2347. 

50 Moraceae — Urticaceae. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 
Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 

1971. Cecropia Linn. 

Cecropia peltata Linn. Syst. X. ed. II (1759) 1286; Gris. FI. 
153; Millspaugh 498. Wild papaw. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 254 B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: 
n. 904 B., 955 B., 105 H.; Quill: n. 2438, 219. 

Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2158 B. loca- 
lity unknown: n. 192 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela, Guiana. (Symb.). 

65. Urticaceae. 
1978. Urera Gaudich. 

Urera caracasana Gris. Flor. W. I, (1859) 154; Duss 161. 

Urera alceaefolia Gaudich. in Freyce. Voy. (1826) 479. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 438 B., 903 B., 
909 B., 130 H., 222 G. 

Saba: Mountain 6—800 M.: n. 1949; Hellsgategut: n. 1950; 
locality unknown: n. 194 L. 

‘Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

1982. Fleurya Gaudich. 

Fleurya aestuans Gaudich. in Freye. Voy. (1826) 497; Gris. FI. 
154; Duss 160; Millspaugh 483. Stinging nettle. 

St. Eustatius: Glassgut near Oranjestad: n. 47 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 1079 B.; Oranjestad: n. 2532; locality unknown 
a, 11335) Cr, 

Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1703 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 154 L. 

I also saw Fleurya aestuans: Windwardside. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill in plantations 300 M.: n, 3132 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Ind. Sundan. 

1984, Pilea Lindl. 

Pilea microphylla Liebm. in Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Kopenh. V. 
Ser. Vol. Il (1851) 286; Gris. Fl. 155; Duss 161. 

Ficus—Pilea. 51 

Adicea microphylla O. Ktze. Rey. Il (1891) 622 ; Millspaugh 483. 

Pilea muscosa Lindl. Coll. Bot. (1821.) t. 4. Lace plant. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 137 B.; near Maryglory 
150 M.: n. 1156 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1269 B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 1059; Signalhill: n. 1037; Boven: n. 1058; locality 
unknown: n. 150 G., 301 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1330 B.; slope of the Mountain near St. Johns 250 M.: n. 1733 
B.; Windwardside: n. 1900 B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 2020 B.; 
between Hellsgate and Masticgut: n. 2072 B.; Mountain near Wind- 
wardside 600 M.: n. 2173 B.; Ladder: n. 1038; Greathill: n. 1039; 
Crespeen-Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 1026; locality unknown: n. 142 L. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2900B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 
3235a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. 

Pilea obtusata Liebm. in Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Kopenh. V Ser. 
Vol. IE (1851) 300. 

Pilea pubescens Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 159 (non Liebm.); 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1783aB., 1786aB., 
2218a B. 

Portorico, Montserrat, Martinique. (Symb.). 

Pilea parietaria Bl. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. II (1856) 48; Gris. Fl. 156. 
Pilea ciliaris Wedd. in Ann. Sc. nat. II] Sér. XVIII (1852) 
209 Gris. Fl. 156. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1800 B. 
Antill., Guatemala, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Pilea semidentata Wedd. in Ann. Sc. nat. IIL Sér. X VIII (1852) 
mipreGris. Hi. 157. 

Pilea elegans Wedd. in Ann. Sc. nat. III Sér. XVIII (1852) 
215; Gris. Fl. 157. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 175 B., 340B., 
351 B., 568 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M.: n. 685 B.; 
Quill: n. 244, 1102, 192G., 273 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 1538 B.; from Marypoint to Bottom: n. 2063 B.; Gainbygut : 
n. 1190. 

52 Urticaceae—Polygonaceae. 

Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, Guadeloupe, Dominica, 
Martinique. (Symb.). 

1990. Boehmeria Jacq. 

Boehmeria ramiflora Jacq. Enum. Pl. carib. (1760) 31; Gris. 
Fl. 160; Duss 163. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 447 B.; Ben- 
galen: n. 1152, 1172, 1202, 1222, 1242; Quill: n. 1192, 1225, 1233. 

Saba: Mountain S00 M.: n. 2219 B. 

Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent, Grenada, 
3arbados. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

2009, Rousselia Gaudich. 

Rousselia humilis Urb. in Symb. Antill. V (1905) 205. 
Rousselia lappulacea Gaudich. in Bot. Freyce. Voy. (1826) 503 ; 
Gris. Fl. 160, 
Saba: from Hellsgate to the Sulphurmines: n. 1669a B. 
Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

67. Loranthaceae. 
2089. Phoradendron Nutt. 

Phoradendron trinervium Gris Flor. W. I. (1860) 314; Duss 328. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 135 B., 1048 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 672 B.; gut near Fort de 
Wind 50 M.: n. 843 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 26; Red Cliff: n. 14; 
White Wall: n. 13; locality unknown: n. 209G. 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1371 B.; Saddle: n. 1660 B.; Paris 
2—400 M.: n. 27. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2888 B.; hills on the eastern side of Cul de 
Sac: n. 3443 B. 

Antill., Costarica. (Symb.). 

72. Olacaceae. 
2129, Schoepfia Schreb. 

Schoepfia Schreberi J. F. Gmel. Syst. (1791). 376. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 201 B., 364 B., 
a15 B., 377 B.; inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1226 B: 

Pilea—-Coccoloba. 53 
Saba: Bottom 200 M.: n. 1447 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2085 B., 
2125 Bi; Wellgut:*n. 31. 
Antill., Mexico? San Salvador? Venezuela. (Symb.). 

74. Aristolochiaceae. 

2174. Aristolochia Linn. 

Aristolochia odoratissima Linn. Spec. (1763) 1362. 
Cultivated. {Jamaica.| (Ind. Kew.). 

Aristolochia trilobata Linn. Spec. (1753) 960; Gris. Fl, 299; 
Duss 314; Millspaugh 454. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n, 3337 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. cent. and austr. trop. (Symb.). 

77. Polygonaceae. 
2209. Coccoloba Linn. 

Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Enum. Syst. (1760) 19; Millspaugh 484. 
Coccoloba punctata Gris, (non L.) Flor. W. J. (1859) 165, 
Coccoloba barbadensis Jacq. Enum. Syst. (1760) 37; Duss 166. 
Coccoloba diversifolia Gris, (non Jacq.) pr. p. Flor, W. I. (1859) 

163 (Symb.). Redwood. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 179B., 210B., 
312.B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 
1172 B.; Boven: n. 37; Little Mountain—Red Cliff: n. 36, 38, 156; 
top of the Quill: n. 28; Gilboohill: n. 25. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1418 B.; 
Windwardside— Hellsgate: n. 1665 B.; St. Giles: n. 1860 B.; Moun- 
tain near Windwardside 600 M.: n, 2175 B.; Paris—Greathill: n. 
29, 30, 31; Peperpot: n. 24; locality unknown: n, 340 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Curagao. (Symb.). 

Coccoloba Krugii Lindau Mon. Cocc. (1892) 145. 
St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n, 2756 B. 
Anguilla Boldingh. 

Baham., Portorico, Barbuda. (Symb.). 
Coccoloba nivea Jacq. Enum. Syst. (1760) 19; Gris. Fl. 163; 
Millspaugh 454. 

Coccoloba eacoriata Linn. Spec. (1762) 524; Duss 168, Suga- 

54 Polygonaceaé—Chenopodiaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: mn. 142; from Signalhill to Venusbay: 
n. 964 B. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1582 B.; Windwardside—Hells- 
gate: n. 1688 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2087 B.; Windwardside: n. 
2316 B.; Bottom: n. 187, 188, 189; locality unknown: n. 101 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2579 B.; lower 
part of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: 
n, 2961aB.; top of the hill at the northern side of Cul de Sac 
200—800 M.: n, 2993 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3228 B., 
3319 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3420 B.; 
John Ednyhill: n. 3. 

I also saw Coccoloba nivea: along roads near Grande Case. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Barthélemy, 
Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados (culta), Grenada, To- 
bago, Trinidad. (Sym)b.). 

Coccoloba obtusifolia Jacq. Enum. Syst. 19. 
Coccoloba punctata Griseb. (non L.) pr. p. Flor. W. I. (1859) 163. 
Coccoloba punctata Griseb. y microstachya in Flor. W. 1. 
(1859) 163; (Symb.). 
Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1569 B., 1571 B. 
Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

Coccoloba uvifera Jacq. Enum. Syst. 19; Gris. Fl. 161; Duss 
165; Millspaugh 484. Sea grape. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 17 B.; top of the 
Quill 400 M.: n. 263 .B.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near 
Bengalen: n. 717 8B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1057 B.; near 
White Wall: n. 1257 B.; Concordiabay: n. 183; Venusbay: 185; 
locality unknown: n. 120H., 198 G. 

I also saw Coccoloba uvifera: slope of the Quill on the side of White 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1370 B.; Bottom: n. 1988 B.; Ladder: 
n. 186; locality unknown: n. 360 L. 

I also saw Coecoloba uvifera: Green Island. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2432 B.; at the seashore near Sim- 
sonsbay village: n. 3082 B. 

I also saw Coccoloba uvifera in Lowlands; Marigothill to Marigot. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Coccoloba—Salicornia. 55 

Bermud., Florida, Baham., Antill., Mexico, Amer, centr., Ve- 
nezuela, Guiana, (Symb.). 

2205, Antigonon Endl. 

Antigonon cinerascens Mart. et Gal. in Bull. Ac. Brux. X. 14, 
Cultivated. |from Mexico to Guatemala.| (Symb.). 

Antigonon leptopus [look. et Arn. Bot. Beech. (1541) 305 t. 69; 
Gris. F]. 164; Duss 612. Coralita. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1071 B., 18 H., 21 G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1931 B.; Bottom: n. 2242 B.; loca- 
lity unknown: n. 461L., 299 L. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n, 2670 B. 

Jamaica. (Gris. Fl.) Cultivated and escaped. 

78. Chenopodiaceae. 
2223. Chenopodium Linn. 

Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn. Spec. (1753) 219; Gris. FI. 
60; Duss 51; Millspaugh 485, Wormbush. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad : n. 938 B.;in a garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 1085 B.; locality unknown: n. 5 G., 5 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1921 B., 1301 B.; Bottom: n. 1846 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: 
n. 1955 B.; seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 2149 B,; Paris: 
n. 223; Bottom: n. 224; locality unknown: n. 235 L. 

St. Martin: along roads from Marigot to Grande Case: n. 8355 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Chenopodium murale Linn. Spec. (1753) 219; Gris. Fl 60; 
Duss 51; Millspaugh 485, Sprainbush. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 578 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 9G., 9 H.; seashore: n. 244; Village: n. 243. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2344a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., indig. in the Old world. (Symb.). 

2257. Salicornia Linn. 
Salicornia herbacea Linn. Spec. (1762) 5. 
St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2749 B. 
Anguilla Boldingh. 
Amer. sept., Europa, Afr., Asia. (Symb.). 

56 Amarantaceae. 

79. Amarantaceae. 
; 2292. Celosia Linn. 
Celosia argentea Linn. Spec. (1753) 205. 

Cultivated. [Antill., Amer., Afr., Asia trop.) (Symb.). 
Celosia nitida Vahl Symb. II (1791) 44; Gris. Fl. 62; Duss 53; 
Millspaugh 485. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2666 B.; Marigotroad: np. 
28034 B. 

Florida austral., Antill., Mexico, Calif. peninsula, Amer. centr. 

2299, Amarantus Linn. 
Amarantus gracilis Desf. Tabl. I ed. (1804) 45. 

Buxolus caudatus Moq. in DC. Prodr. XIII. H (1849) 247; 
Gris. Fl. 68; Millspaugh 486. 

Amarantus caudatus Linn. Spec. (1753) 990, 

St. Eustatius: in a garden: n. 547. 

St. Martin. (Symb.). 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Bonaire, Curagao, trop. countries of both he- 
misph. (Symb.). 

Amarantus paniculatus Linn. Spec. (1762) 1406, Princeplum, 
Cultivated. {Baham., Guiana., trop. countries of both hemisph.|} 
(Gris. F1.). 

Amarantus polygonoides Linn. Pl. Jam. Pugil. IH. (1759) 27; 
Millspaugh 486. 

Amblogyne polygonoides Raf. Fl. Tellur II] (1836) 42; Gris. 
Fl. 68; Duss 58. White polly. 

St. Eustatius: near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1135 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 19G. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 559. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2406 B.; in an 
orchard near Bellevue: n. 2839 B.; between Mount Vernon and 
Orientbay: n. 2931 B., 3360 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3584a@ B., 3398 B.; 
near Filipsburg: n. 595. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Key, Baham., Antill., Aruba, Curacao. (Symb.). 
Amarantus spinosus Linn. Spec. (1753) 991; Gris. Fl. 68; Duss 
58; Millspaugh 486. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1066 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 18G. 

Celosia—Achyranthes. 57 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 1323 B.; Bottom 200 M.: n. 1454.B.; Windwardside: n. 1918 B., 
2327a B.; Bottom: n. 568, 569; locality unknown: n. 252 L. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 100—200 M.: n. 3295 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Amer. cont., Afr. trop., Asia trop. to Japon. 
and N, Guinea. (Symb.). 

Amarantus tristis Linn. Spec. (1753) 989; Gris. Fl. 69; Duss 59; 
Millspaugh 486. Calaloe. 

Amarantus gangeticus Linn, Syst. ed. X. (1759) 1268. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 84 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 551 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 576; in a garden; n. 
575; locality unknown: n. 16H., 17G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1462 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 1919 B.; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 580; Bottom: 
n. 577.3 locality unknown: n. 33 

St. Martin: between Mont Chambord and the Saline: n. 2923°B. ; 
lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3163 B.; Marigotroad: n. 552, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Chile. (Symb.). 

23258. Achyranthes Linn. 

Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam. Ene. I (1783) 545. 

Achyranthes aspera Linn. var. obtusifolia Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 
220; Millspaugh 485. Man better man. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 82.8B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 1067 B.; lower part of the Quill: n. 515; 
Cliff at the seashore: n. 514; English quarter: n. 513; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 560 B.; locality unknown: n. 40a B., 93 G., 176 H. 

I also saw Achyranthes obtusifolia on the seashore near Oranjestad; 
slope of the Chiff. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1671 B.; Windwardside: 
n. 1885 B.; locality unknown: n. 254 L. 

I also saw Achyranthes obtusifolia: Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2583 B.; Marigot- 
road: n. 516. 

T also saw Achyranthes obtusifolia in Cul de Sae; Marigothill—Marigot ; 
in pastureground near Bellevue. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Afr., Asia-trop., Ins-Paul. (Symb.). 

58 Amarantaceae. 

2335, Alternanthera Forsk. 

Alternanthera crucis Com). Nov. 

Telanthera crucis Moq. in DC. Prod. XIII. IL. (1849.) 362; 
Ginicew haa Gie 

St. Martin: Pointe Blanche: n. 3407 B. 

St. Croix. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

Alternanthera repens 0. Ktze Rey. II (1591) 540. 

Alternanthera achyrantha R. Br. Prodr. I (1810) 417; Gris. 
KF]. 67; Duss 57; Millspaugh 485. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 83 B.; Cultuur- 
Vlakte: n. 522; in a garden: n. 521; locality unknown: n. 520. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint L00—200 M.:n. 1458 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 1892 B., 1897 B.; Bottom: n. 524, 525. 

St. Martin: along roads from Colebay to Sinsoteteys nD. 
3246 B.; from Filipsburg to Point Blanche: n. 3407 B.; gut from 
Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3421 B.; Colebayhill : 
Mm. 523. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont., Ins. Canar., Hispania. (Symb.). 


2338. Gomphrena Linn. 

Gomphrena globosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 224. Bachelor’s button. 
Cultivated. [Indig. Asia orient. et austr. from Ins. Sundaic. to 
Nova Guinea.]. (Symb.). 

2339. Iresine Linn. 

Iresine elatior L. Cl. Rich. ap. Willd. Spec. LY (1506) 766; Gris. 
Fl. 64; Duss 55; Millspaugh 485. White snowplant. 
St. Eustatius: Cultuurvlakte: n. 591; road near Sugarloaf: 
594 ; locality unknown: n. 1118 B. 
Saba: Peperpot: n. 592, 
St. Martin: Colebayhill: n. ; from Filipsburg te Guanabay : 
n, 2396 B.; Nakedboyhill 100 rage . 2692) B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Venezuela, Nova Granata. (Symb.). 

Iresine paniculata 0. Ktze. Rey. II (1891) 542. 
Tresine celosioides Linn. spec. (1763) 1456; Gris. Fl. 64; 
Duss 55. 

Alternanthera—Lithophila. 59 

St. Eustatius: from Signalhill to Tumbledowndickbay 200 M.: 
n. 125 B.; deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay :n. 151 B. ; 
near Maryglory 150 M.:; n. 1164 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 585; 
Boven: n. 586. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1455 B.; Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1577 B.; 
Hellsgate: n. 1698 B.; Ladder: n. 590; Greathill 2—400 M.: 
n. 589; Rendez-vous: n. 588; locality unknown: n. 146 L. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2817 B.; lower part 
of the Milldrimhill: n. 3176 B.; Centryhill: n. 587. 

Baham., Antill.. Amer. cont. from Un. Stat. to Argentinia. 

Philoxerus Kk. br. 

cf. 2389. Iresine Linn. sect. 1. 

Philoxerus vermicularis R. Br. Prodr. I (1510) 410; Gris, FI. 65 ; 
Duss 56. 

Lithophila vermiculata Uline in Field Col. Mus. Bot. IL (1900) 
39; Millspangh. 485. 

St. Martin: Oysterpond: n. 9; locality unknown: n. 2523 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Key ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., 
Afr. occid. (Symb.). 

Lithophila Sw. 

Lithophila muscoides Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 14; Gris. 
IF]. 66; Duss 56; Millspaugh 485. 

Alternanthera muscoides Benth et Hook. f. Gen. III (1880) 39. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 20 B.; deserted 
plantations near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 167 B.; Concordiabay : 
n. 534; seashore: n, 5338, 586aB.; Cliff near Fort Amsterdam: 
n. 5382; locality unknown: n. 408a B. 

Saba: along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n, 1645 B.; 
Laddergut: n. 1977 B.; seashore near Flat Point: n. 2136 B.; Lad- 
dene ne 30) 53. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2376 B.; aiong 
the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2449 B.; Green Key: n. 3368 B.; 
Filipsburg—Fort Amsterdam: n. 536; Guanabay: n. 535, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba. (Symb.). 

60 Nyctaginaceae. 

80. Nyctaginaceae. 
2347. Mirabilis Linn. 

Mirabilis Jalapa Linn. Spec. (1753) 177; Gris. F]. 69; Duss 59; 
Millspaugh 456. Four o'clock. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1253 B., 88, 
153°H\, 15H; 239)G.., 240/G., 247 G. 

Saba: cia of the ss Mountain 250 M.: n. 1417 B.; 
Peperpot: n. 34, 57; Bottom: n. 53; locality unknown: n, 112 L. 

St. ect (Symb.). 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop.. (Symb.). Cultivated and 

2349, Boerhaavea Linn. 

Boerhaavea erecta Linn. Spec. (1753) 3; Gris. F], 69; Duss 60; 
Millspaugh 456. 

St. Eustatius : eae n. 25, 26, 27; locality unknown: 
mn, 601° B:, S6'G", 223 Hy 2238 

St. Martin: from Tilipatite to Guanabay: n. 2405 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer, cont. (Symb.). 

Boerhaavea hirsuta Willd. Phytogr. (1794) 1; Gris. F].69; Duss 
60. Potta potta, Hog meat. 

Boerhavia repens Linn, Spec. (1753) 3. 

St, Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 40 B.; ina garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 85 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 20, up : besinis unknown: 
is 0 (Cro IG) Dele 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1508 B; 
Laddergut 200 M.; n. 1995 B., 22. 

St. Martin: along roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3098 B. 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

Antill., Amer. sept. and centr, (Symb.). 

Boerhaavea paniculata L. Cl. Rich. in Act. Hist. Nat. Par. | 
(1792) 105; Gris. Fl. 69; Duss 60; Millspaugh 487. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 524 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 632.B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 872 B.; Fairplay: n 
61; Oranjestad: n. 3; locality unknown: n. 1011 B., 1019B., 
62, 64. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n, 1347 B.; along roads 200 M.: n, 1884 B.; between Bottom and 

Mirabilis —Pisonia. 61 

Marypoint 100--200 M.: n. 1534 B.; gut between Hellsgate and 
Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2056 B.; locality unknown: n. 31 L. 
St. Martin: Fort Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2537 B.; Fort Amster- 
dam: n. 39; road to Guanabay: n. 4; locality unknown: n, 2305 B, 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. centr. and Austral. (Symb.). 

Boerhaavea poe Linn. Spec. (1753) 3; Gris. Fl. 69. 

St. Martin: Colebay (Coll. George): n. ae near lort 
Amsterdam: n. 10, 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Baham., Antill., Curacao, Amer. cont. from Arizona to Pern. 

2354. Pisonia Linn. 

Pisonia aculeata Linn. Spec. (1753) 1026; Gris. Fl. 70; Duss 61; 
Millspaugh 487. Cockspur. 

St. Eustatius: from Little Mountains to Venusbay: n. 957 B.; 
along roads near Oranjestad: n, 1002 B.; slope of the hills near 
Concordiabay: n. 89; Venusbay: n. 35. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1425 B.; 
Boobyhill: n. 1610a@ B.; Rendez-vous: n. 90; Quarter 300 M.:n. 36; 
locality unknown: n. 148 L. 

I also saw Pisonia aculeata: Springbaygut; Flat Point. 

St. Martin: Princequarter (Coll George): n. 2467 B.: from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere; n. 2556 B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2873 B.; Colebayhill: n. 32. 

I also saw Pisonia aculeata in: Lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount 
Paradis; along roads near Nakedboyhill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Baham., Antill., trop. contr. of both hemisph. 
(excl. Afr. cont.) (Symb.). 

Pisonia fragrans Dumont Cours. Bot. Cult. I] ed. vol. VII 
(1814) 114. 

Pisonia obtusata Sw. Flor. Ill (1806) 1960 (non Jacq. 1798); 
Gris. Fl. 71 (p. p.) (Symb.); Duss 62. 

Pisonia inermis Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 7 (p. p., non Jaeq.) 
(Symb.); Millspaugh 487. Black Loblolly tree. 

St. Eustatius: along the road from Oranjestad to White Wall: 
n. 4 B.; top of the Quill 400 M.: 33/7 B.; 450 M.: n. 357 B., 

62 Nyctaginaceae— Phytolaccaceae. 

362 B.; inner slope of the Quill 850 M.: 425 B; top of the Quill 
500 M.: n. 478B., 489B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n, 
707 B.; 200 M.: n. 738 B.; from Signalhill to Venus bay: n. 959a B; 
near Boven 200 M.: n. 1236«B.; Cultuurvlakte—Pango: n, 9; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 20; locality unknown: n. 180G., 17. 

Saba: Marypoint: n. 37. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2649B.; Na- 
kedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2704 B.; lower part of the hills between 
Mount Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2918 B., 2921 B.; between 
Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2927 B.; along roads from Grande 
Case to Marigot: n. 3091 B.; Milldrumhill 8300—400 M.: n, 3186 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3312 B.; gut from Bethlehem to 
Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: n. 3418 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 1; 
John Ednyhill: n. 23, 

I also saw Pisonia fragrans on the hill between Mont des Accords and 
Centryhill; near Saline. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida austr., Antill., Amer. centr., Columbia, Guiana. (SymD.). 

Pisonia subcordata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 60; Gris. Fl. 70; Duss 61; 
Millspaugh 487. Mappoo., 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 25 B.: Top of the 
Quill 400 M.: n. 185 B., 370 B.; in deserted plantations at the 
seashore near Bengalen: n. 596 B.; slope of the lower part of 
the Quill near Bengalen: n. 714 B.; locality unknown: n, 181 G., 
322 HH, 

I also saw Pisonia subcordata: in Signalhill 200 M.; top of the Cliff 

between Oranjestad and White Wall; gut near Fort de Wind; Tumbledown- 
dickbay—Venusbay : Bergje. 

Saba: Between Bottom and Marypoint 350 M.: n. 1498 B. 

I also saw Pisonia subcordata: Forthbaygut; Tentgut; Sadlle; Cris- 
peenhill ; Bottom—Windwardside ; Gilesgut; Springbaygut ; Flatpoint. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2373 B.; Prince 
quarter (Coll. George.): n. 2471 B. 

I also saw Pisonia subeordata: along roads near Bethlehem; along 
roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill; Marigothill—Marigot ; Nakedboyhill; 
Fort Willem; hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac; along roads from 
Filipsburg to Simsonsbay: along roads near Grande Case; Vallée des Peres ; 
lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis 800 —400 M.; Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Pisonia—— Villamilla. 63 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Barthélemy, St. Kitts, Antigua, 
Guadeloupe, Désirade, Martinique. (Symb.). 

83. Phytolaccaceae. 
2370, Rivina Linn. 

Rivina humilis Linn. Spec. (1753) 121; Millspaugh 486. 

Rivina laevis Linn. Mant. I (1767) 41; Gris. Fl. 59; Duss 49. 

St. Eustatius: Inadeserted plantation near Tumbledowndickbay : 
n. 170B.; Bengalen: n. 611B., 636B.; slope of the Quill near 
Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 646 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 939 B.: 
Village: n. 176; locality unknown: n. 161G., 211 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1339B.; along roads 200—300 M.: n. 1713 B.; Laddergut 200 
M.: n. 1993B.; Peperpot: n. 173; Bottom: n. 174, 175; locality 
unknown: n. 32 L. | 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2904 B.; along roads in Cul de Sac: n. 2997 B, 

I also saw Rivina humilis in Mount Paradis 100—200 M.; gut from 
Bethlehem to Cul de Sac. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. et subtrop. 

Villamilla R. et P. 
Cig, BEL Tiny auMle Iii SOCt 2 

Villamilla octandra Hook f. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Plant III 
(1880) 51; Millspaugh 486. 

Rivina octandra Linn. Cent. plant. Il (1756) 9; Gris, FI. 59; 
Duss 50. White hoop. 

St. Eustatius: deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay : 
n. 169 B.; slope of the hills near Concordiabay: n. 191, 192, 194; 
Red Cliff—Tumbledowndickbay: n. 193; locality unknown: n. 3823 H. 

Saba: Top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1610 B.: 
Hellsgate: n. 1698 B.; gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 
300—400 M.: n. 2053 B.; Crispeen Rendez-vous: n. 127; Hellsgate 
n. 177, 178, 179; locality unknown: n. 236 L. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac along roads: n. 2966 B.; Centryhill: 
n. 126; French frontier: n. 190. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

64 Phytolaccaceae—Portulacaceae. 

2371. Petiveria Linn. 
Petiveria alliacea Linn. Spec. (1753) 342; Gris. Fl. 59; Duss 50; 
Millspaugh 486. 

St. Eustatius: near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 139 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 238 H., 260 G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1591 B.; Laddergut: n. 2001 B.; Peper- 
pot: mn. 152, 153; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 151; Bottom: n, 150; 
locality unknown: n. 72L., 328 L. © 

St. Martin: Marigothill: n. 2615 B.; gut from Bethlehem to 
Cul de Sac: n. 3422 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

2372. Microtea Sw. 
Microtea debilis Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Oce. (1788). 53; Gris. FI. 
59; Duss 49; Millspaugh 4586. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n.89 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 569B., 1086 B.; Oranjestad: n, 195; locality 
unknown: n. 48G., 22. 

St. Martin: From Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2588 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Panama to Peru, Bras. equat. and Guiana. (Gris. Fl.). 

2380. Phytolacea Linn. 
Phytolacca icosandra Linn. Syst. X. ed. Il (1759) 1040; Gris. 
Fl. 58; Duss 49. : 
Saba: Mountain S00 M.: n. 2214 B.; locality unknown: n. 169 L., 
175 L., 209 L. 
St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n, 3211 B, 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

84. Aizoaceae. 

2387. Mollugo Linn. 

Mollugo verticillata Linn. Spec. (1753) 89; Gris. FI. p. 56. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1098 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 196. . 

Antill., Amer. cont. (Symb.). 

2394, Sesuvium Linn. 
Sesuvium portulacastrum Linn. Syst. X ed. Il (1759) 1058; Gris. 
Fl. 57; Duss 47; Millspaugh 487. 

, , 

Petiveria—T'alinum. 65 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Bengalen: n. 585 B.; near White 
Wall: n. 851 B., 855 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1162 B.; 
seashore near Turtlebay : n. 93, 94. 

Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1703a@ B.; seashore near 
Laddergut: n. 2132 B, 

St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n, 2336a@B.; near Mulletpond : 
n. 2763a B.; Tintamarre: n. 3389 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Curacao, trop. and subtr. countries 
of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

2395, Trianthema Linn. 

Trianthema portulacastrum Linn. Spec. (1753) 223. 

Trianthema monogynum Linn. Mant. | (1767) 69; Gris. FI. 58 ; 
Duss 48; Millspaugh 487. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1058a B., 104, 90 G. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill: n. 2707a@B.; road near Simsonshay : 
n, 3247a B.; Colebayhill: n. 108. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key, Antill., Curagao, Amer. cont. trop., Afr., and Asia trop. 

85. Portulacaceae. 
2406. Talinum Adans. 

Talinum paniculatum Girtn. Fruct. Il (1791) 219 t. 128. 

Talinum patens Willd. Spec. IL (1800) 863 (var z) (Symb.); 
Gris. Fl. 57; Duss 46; Millspaugh 487. 

Saba: Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 1952 B.; Peperpot: n. 40; 
locality unknown: n, 124 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Talinum triangulare Willd. Spec. II (1800) 862; Gris. Fl. 56; 
Duss 46; Millspaugh 487. 

$t. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 612 B.; along roads in Oranjestad : 
n. 1132 B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1241 B.; locality unknown: 
ine, (oye 

Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1701 B.; Mountain 400 M.: 
n. 1768 B.; Bottom: n. 2232 B.; locality unknown: n. 256 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2569 B.; from 
Belvedere te Oysterpond: n. 3044 B.; Prince quarter: n. 42; 
Cul de Sac: n. 41; locality unknown: n. 3613 B. 

66 Portulacaceae —Nymphacaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

2421, Portulaca Linn. 

Portulaca halimoides Linn. Spec. (1762) 639; Gris. Fl. 57; 
Duss 47; Millspaugh 488. Silk cotton purslane. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 86B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 549 B, 1080 B.; seashore near White Wall: 
n. 853 B.; old Fort: n. 67; White Wall: n. 66; locality unknown: 
iM, 11389) el. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2522 B.; between Mount 
Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2943B.; Green Key: n. 3862B.; Fort 
Amsterdam: n. 57; Guanabay: n. 58. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico. (Symb.). 

Portulaca oleracea Linn. Spec. (1753) 445; Gris. Fl. 57; Duss 
46; Millspaugh 487, 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 41 B.; ina garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 88 B., 521 B ; Bengalen: n. 635 B.; slope of the 
lower part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 722 B.; seashore near 
Venusbay: n. 966 B.; near Boven: n. 200 M.; seashore: n. 72,73; 
locality unknown: n. 28G., 29 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 

1329 B.; Windwardside— Hellsgate: n. 1664 B.; near Flat Point: 
n, 21380 B.; Windwardside: n. 2320 B.; locality unknown: n. 80 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2413 B.; along 
roads near Prince quarter: n. 2912 B.; between Mount Vernon and 
Orientbay: n. 2940 B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3052 B.; 
Tintamarre: n. 3387 B.; locality unknown: n., 68. 

_ T also saw Portulaca oleracea: in pastureground near Belvedere; Naked- 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop, and warmer countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 

Portulaca pilosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 445; Gris. Fl. 57; Duss 47; 
Millspaugh 487. 

Saba: along roads 200 M.: n. 1383B.; Bottom: n. 2264 B., 
2299) B: 

Talinum— Nymphaea. 67 

$$. Martin: 1 also saw Portulaca pilosa: along roads near Bethlehem. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Antill., Mexico. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 
Portulaca poliosperma Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae [V (1905) 282. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3286a B. 

Portorico. (Symb.). 
Portulaca quadrifida Linn. Mant. I (1767) 73. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 559 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 1022 B. 

St. Martin: along roads from Bethlehem to Mont Chambord: 
n. 2917 B.; lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and 
Mount Vernon: n. 2917 B.; Marigotroad: 'n. 79. 

Trop. countries of the Old world. (Ind. Kew.). 

86. Basellaceae. 
2427, Boussingaultia H. B. K. 

Boussingaultia baselloides H. B. K. Noy. Gen. et Spec. VII 
(1825) 196 t. 645. 
Cultivated. [Amer. trop.] (E. & P.). 

87. Caryophyllaceae. 
2452. Drymaria Willd. 
Drymaria cordata Willd. ap. R. et Sch. Syst. V (1819) 406; 
aris. Fl. 56; Duss 45; Millspaugh 468. White snow. 
Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1287 B.; Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1670 B,; Windwardside: 
n. 2306 B.; Bottom: n. 200; Peperpot: n. 198; Crispeen—Rendez- 
vous 400 M.: n. 199. 
I also saw Drymaria cordata: Laddergut. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. and Asia trop. (Symb.). 

88. Nymphaeaceae. 
2513. Nymphaea Linn. 

Nymphaea spec. 

68 Menispermaceae—Anonaceae. 

94. Menispermaceae. 
2574, Cissampelos Linn. 

Cissampelos Pareira Linn. Spec. (1753) 1031; Gris. Fl. 10; 
Duss7; Millspaugh 488. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 574 .B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 667 B.; slope of the lower 
part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 710 B.; seashore near White 
Wall: n. 848 B.; slope of thé Quill: n. 55, 56; locality unknown: 
me Als} lale 

Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1702 B. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.; n. 2885 B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: n. 3191 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 3620 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr., Asia trop. (Symb.). 

2622. Hyperbaena Miers. 

Hyperbaena domingensis Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. 
II (1861) 50. 
Cocculus domingensis DC. Syst. I (1818) 528: Gris. Fl. 10; 
Duss 7. ; 

Pachygone domingensis Kichl. in Flora XLVII (1564) 394. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 426 B., 891 B., 
896 B.; top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 486 B.; slope of the lower 
part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 708 B.; seashore: n. 57; 
Quill; n. 58, 73. 

Saba: Springbaygut: n. 2092 B. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, Guadeloupe, 
Dominica, Martinique. (Symb.). 

08. Anonaceae. 
2729. Anona Linn. 

Anona montana Macf. Flor. Jam. I (1837) 7; Gris Fl. 4. 

St. Eustatius: near Bengalen: n. 1188 B., locality unknown: 
n. 274 H.; slope of Signalhill: n. 21. 

Saba: along the Forthgut n. 1638 B.; Ladder: n. 20. 

Antill., Guiana. (Symb.). 
Anona muricata Linn. Spec. (1758) 536; Gris. Fl. 4; Duss 2; 
Millspaugh 488. Sour sap. 

Cissampelos—Anona. 69 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad; n. 54 B.; 
along the lower part of Signalhill: n. 121 B.; lower part of 
the slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 745 B.; along roads in 
Oranjestad: n. 1279 B.; locality unknown: n. 89H., 175G. 

I also saw Anona muricata on the slope of the Quill on the side of 
White Wall. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1455 B.; 
Bottom: n. 1844B.; Springbaygut: n. 2078 B.; Marypoint: n. 22; 
locality unknown: n. 3 L. 

I also saw Anona municata: between Bottom and Marypoint; Fortbaygut ; 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2463 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2593 B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2880 B.; lower part of 
Mount Paradis: n. 3554 B. 

I also saw Anona muricata: Marigothill—Marigot; Nakedboyhill; hill on 

the northern side of Cul de Sac; from Belvedere to Oysterpond; one of the 
islands in Simsonsbaylagoon; Top of Mount Paradis 400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill.; cult. in Amer. trop. Asia trop. and Afr. occ. (Symb.). 
Also cultivated. 

Anona reticulata Linn. Spec. (1757) 537; Gris. FI. 5; Duss 4; 
Millspaugh 488. Custard apple. 

St. Bustatius: Slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1219 B. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1632aB.; Bottom: n. 1842 B. 

I also saw Anona reticulata: Laddergut. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; cult. in Amer., Afr. and Asia trop. (Symb.). 
Also cultivated. 

Anona squamosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 537; Gris. Fl. 5; Duss 3; 
Millspaugh 488. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n, 525 B.; in deser- 
ted plantations at the seashore near Bengalen: n. 595 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 88 H., 91G. 

I also saw Anona squamosa in Signalhill. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1848 B., 2256 B. 

I also saw Anona squamosa: Laddergut, Forthbaygut. 

70 Anonaceae— Papaveraceae. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2847 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill: n. 2869 B.; from Bel- 
vedere to Oysterpond: n. 3049B.; Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: 
Mle Oo09) Bs 

I also saw Anona squamosa: along roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboy- 
hill; Margothill—Marigot; near Bellevue; lower part of Milldrumhill; Vallée 
des Péres; one of the islands in Simsonsbaylagoon. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; cult. in Amer. cont. trop., Afr., Asia trop. (Symb.). 

Also cultivated. 

102. Lauraceae. 
2783. Persea Giirtn. 

Persea americana Mill. Gard. Dict. VIII ed. (1768). 

Persea grasissima Gartn. f. Fruct. ILI (1807) 222 tab. 221; 
Gris. Fl. 280. Duss 298. 

Persea Persea Cock. in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XIX (1892) 95; 
Millspaugh 489. Pear tree, Avocado. 

St. Bustatius: in deserted plantations near Tumbledowndick- 
bay: n. 141B., 146B.; top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 223 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 652B.; in a garden 
near Glassbottle: n. 1210 B.; locality unknown: n. 112H., 146G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1928 B.; Mountain near Windward- 
side 600 M.: n. 2153 B.; locality unknown: n. 1565 B., 149 L. 

I also saw Persea americana in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: along roads near Anse des Péres: n. 3107 B.; Mount 
Paradis 150—400 M.: n. 3193 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. © 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham. Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph., Ind. in Mexico, 
(Symb.). Also cultivated. 

2785. Phoebe Nees. 
Phoebe elongata Nees. Syst. (1836) 116; Duss 298. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 256aB., 410 B., 898 B. 

Cuba, Hispaniola, Portorico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vin- 
cent, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

2790. Nectandra Roland. 

Nectandra coriacea Griseb. in Flor. W. I. (1860) 281; Duss 301. 
Nectandra Wildenoviana Nees. Syst. (1836) 321. Sweet wood. 

Anona—Argemone. 71 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 221B., 256B., 
272 B., 288 B., 289 B.; slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 410 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 648 B., 680 B,, 696 B., 
728 B., 751 B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 893B., 902 B.; 
lower part of the Hills near Concordia: n. 981 B.; Glassbottle 
150 M.: n. 1114B.; top of the Quill: n. 248; Cliff: n. 243; slope 
of the Quill: n. 247; Quill: n. 168G., 116 H.; locality unknown: 
n, 244, 245, 

Saba: Paris 2—400 M.: n. 242; Windwardside: n. 1947 B. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mount des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—800 M.: n. 2855 B., 2898a B.; Milldrumhill 800—400 M.: 
n. 3125 B.; Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3306 B., 3320 B.; lo- 
cality unknown: n. 3584 B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Florida, Baham., Antill., Yucatan. (Symb.). 

Nectandra Krugii Mez in Jabrb. Bot. Gart. Berl. V (1889) 422. 

Nectandra discolor Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 282 non Nees. 
(Symb.). Black sweet wood. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 477B., 487 B.; 
Quill: n. 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 22; locality unknown: n. 17, 18, 
23, 24, 25, 215, 246. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1575 B.; Windwardside: n. 1946 B.; 
near Devilshand: n. 2074 B.; near Flat Point: n. 2140 B. 

Portorico, Guadeloupe, Dominica. (Symb.). 

104, Papaveraceae. 
2852. Argemone Linn. 

Argemone mexicana Linn. Spec. (1753) 508; Gris. Fl. 13; Duss 
8; Millspaugh 489. Thistle. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 43 B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 124; locality unknown: n. 20G., 17 H. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 2271 B.; locality unknown: n. 155 L. 

St. Martin: I saw this plant: near Filipsburg and in pastureground 
near Bellevue. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. and from there 
in trop. countries of the Old world. (Symb.). 


2 Cruciferae—Capparidaceae. 

105. Cruciferae. 
2883. Lepidium Linn. 

Lepidium virginicum Linn. Spec, (1753) 645; Gris. FL 14; 
Duss 9; Millspaugh 489. 

St. Eustatius: along roads near Glassbottle: n. $85 B.; slope 
of the Quill: n. 3840. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 1292 B., 1363 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2164 B.; 
Ladder: n. 342.; Peperpot: n. 341; locality unknown: n. 123 L. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2901 B.; hill on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac 0—100 M.: n. 38004B.; Milldrumhill 200—300 M.: n. 3121 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. sept. from Canada to ‘Texas. 

2920. Cakile Juss. 

Cakile lanceolata 0. E. Schulz. in Urb. Symb. Antill. II] 
(1908) 504. 

Cakile aequalis L’Hérit ap. DC. Syst. II (1821) 430; Gris. FI. 
14; (Symb.); Duss 10; Millspaugh 489. 

St. Eustatius: Turtlebay: n. 328. 

Saba: between Hellsgate and Marypoint: n. 2044 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Columbia. (Symb.). 

2949, Brassica Linn. 

Brassica integrifolia 0. E. Schulz in Urb. Symb. Antill. II 
(1903) 509. 

Sinapis brassicata Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 14; Millspaugh 489. 

Sinapis juncea Hichl. in Mart. FJ. Bras. XIII. 1. (1865) 306. 
(non L.). (Symb.); Duss 10. Mustard. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 141 H., 292G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1884 B.; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 325, 
326; locality unknown: n. 26 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; Indig. in Asia austr. and orient. (Symb.). 

Lepidium—Capparis. ifs! 

107. Capparidaceae. 
3087. Gynandropsis DO. 
Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC. Prodr. I (1824) 238. 
Cleome pentaphylla Linn. Spec. (1763) 938; Gris, Fl. 15; 
Duss 11; Millspaugh 489. Massamby. 
St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 547 B., 933 B.; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 205, 185; locality unknown: n. 29H., 33G. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 1841 B.; locality unknown: n. 155 L.; Bot- 
tom: n. 186. 
St. Martin: Colebayhill: n. 188; Prince quarter: n. 189. 

I also saw Gynandropsis pentaphylla: Mount Paradis 100—200 M. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill.. Amer. cont. calid.; Indig. in Afr. and Asia 
trop. (Symb.). 

3090. Polanisia Raf. 

Polanisia viscosa DC. Prod. I. (1824) 242. 

Cleome graveolens Rafin. in Journ. phys. (1819) 98. 

Cleome viscosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 672; Gris. F], 16; Duss 12. 

Polanisia icosandra Wight et Arn. Prod. (1834) 22; Millspaugh 
490. Wild massamby. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 535 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 28 H., 32G. 

I also saw Polanisia viscosa along the seashore near Oranjestad. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1393 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2401 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2558 B.; Colebayhill: n. 190. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; introduced from South. China and Senegamb. (Gris. F1.). 

3101. Capparis Linn. 

Capparis Breynia Jacq. Sel. Amer. (1763) 161 t. 108; Duss 13. 
Capparis amygdalina Lam. Enc. I (1788) 608; Gris. FI. 17. 
St. Eustatius: Gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 832 B.; from 
Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 995 B.; along roads in Oranje- 
stad: n. 1068B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 
200 M.: n. 1178B.; Pangohill: n. 168; Little Mountain—Boven: 
n. 166, 167. 
I also saw Capparis Breynia on Signalhill, 

74 Capparidaceae. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint: n. 1466 B.; Springbay- 
gut: n. 2120 B.; Windwardside: n. 2319 B. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George.): n. 2460 B., 2481 B.; 
Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2695B., 200—265 M.: n. 2730B., 
2721 B.; Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2815 B.; Mountain between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2889B.; gut 
from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac: n. 3433 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: 
n. 148; behind Centryhill: n. 144. 

I also saw Capparis Breynia on Mount Paradis LOO—200 M. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 
Antill., Amer. centr., Nova Granata, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Capparis coccolobifolia Mart. ap. Eichl. in Mart. Fl. bras. XIII. 
1. (1865) 284. 

Capparis cynophallophora var. latifolia Griseb. Flor. W. I. 
(1859) 18 (p.p.) (Symb.). 

St. Eustatius: in deserted plantations near Tumbledowndick- 
bay: n. 145 B. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2478 B.; Mill- 
drumhill 8300—400 M.: n. 3147 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 109; 
Centryhill: n. 129; Guanabay: n. 108; locality unknown: n, 3612 B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Antill., Curacao, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Capparis cynophallophora Linn. Spec. (1762) 721; Gris. Fl. 18; 
Duss 13; Millspaugh 490. Mustard tree, Man of war bush. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 118 B.; 
seashore hear Oranjestad: n. 27 B.: slope of the Quill near Ben- 
galen 200 M.: n. 691 B., 695 B., 734 B.; along roads in Oranjestad : 
n. 925 B.; from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 988 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 749B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1145 B; Seinpost: n. 124; 
Red Cliff: n. 125; Boven: n. 127; locality unknown: n. 46 H., 
191 G. 

IT also saw Capparis cynophallophora on Signalhill; in a garden in 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 1305 B.; along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1626 B.; along 
roads 200—300 M.: n. 1714B.; slope of the Mountain near St. 
John’s: n. 1736 B.; St. Giles: n. 1859 B.; Bottom: n. 1882 B.; gut 
between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—-400 M.: n. 2059 B.; Wind- 
wardside: n. 2310 B.; Great Hill: n. 202; Quarter: n. 128. 

I also saw Capparis cynophallophora in Springbaygut. 

Capparis. 75 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2606 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2772 B.; 
hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n, 3436 B. 

I also saw Capparis cynophallophora: Cul de Sac; Marigothill—Marigot ; 
Nakedboyhill 100—200 M.; near Saline; hills on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac; along roads from Filipsburg to Simsonsbay; from Belvedere to Oyster- 
pond; lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis L00—400 M. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida austral., Antill., Panama, Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

Capparis frondosa Jacq. Enum. (1760) 24; Gris. Fl. 19; Duss 
14; Millspaugh 490. Churchblossom. 

St. Eustatius: in deserted plantations near T’umbledowndick- 
bay: n. 140B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 445 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 50 M.: n. 655 B.; hills near Concordia: 
n. 967 B.; slope of Signalhill: n. 157; Cultuurvlakte: n. 158; near 
Seinpost: n. 159; Red Cliff: n. 160; Quill: n. 16], 162, 201; Wa- 
terrock: n. 162; locality unknown: n. 189 G, 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1334 B.; lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1445 B.; 
Laddergut 200 M.: n. 2007 B.; Peperpot: n. 148, 163; Cresp.— 
Rendez-vous: n. 164; Marypointgut: n. 152. 

T also saw Capparis frondosa in Forthbaygut and Springbaygut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2383 B.; Prince- 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2461 B., 2482 B.; lower part of the hills 
between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2961 B.; from 
Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3058B.; Centryhill: n. 145; John 
Ednyhill: n. 146. 

I also saw Capparis frondosa along roads near Bethlehem; Mount Paradis 
100—200 M.; lowerpart of Milldrumhill; Nakedboyhill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Amer. centr., Nova Granata, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Capparis jamaicensis Jacq. Enum. (1760) 23; Gris. Fl. 18; 
Duss 13; Millspaugh 490. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill above White Wall 350 M.: 
n. 3B.; slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 105 5B.; top of 
the Quill 400 M.: n. 305B.; top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 485 B., 
494 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1139B.; near White Wall: n. 
1256a B.; Boven: n. 133, 134, 185; Greatgut: n. 174. 

76 Capparidaceae— Rosaceae, 

Saba: Boobyhill 3800 M.: n. 1621 B.; St. Giles: n. 1862 B.,; 
Windwardside: n. 155; Wellridge: n. 179, 180; Bottom: n, 222; 
locality unknown: n. 48 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2368 B., 2382 B., 
2412 B., 2417 B.; Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2466 B., 2476 B., 
2480 B.; Fort Willem O0—50 M.: n. 2539 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 
M.: n. 2712 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2771 B.; near Fort Willem: 
n. 2797 B.; lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and 
Mount Vernon: n. 2960 B., 2965 B.; between Belvedere and Oyster- 
pond: n. 3075B., 3078 B.; Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3136 B. 
Centryhill: n. 178,170; Oysterpond: n. 177; Prince quarter: n. 171; 
John Ednyhill: n. 175; road to Guanabay: n. 176. 

I also saw Capparis jamaicensis along roads from Filipsburg to Simsons- 
bay, in the Lowlands and near Saline, 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

3104. Morisonia Linn. 

Morisonia americana Linn. Spec. (1753) 503. Gris. Fl. 19; Duss 
14; Millspaugh 490. Wild misple. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n, 114 B.; 
from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 965 B.; Little Mountain: 
n. 195; Boven: n. 218; locality unknown: n. 217. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint !00—200 M.: n. 1556 B.; 
Cow pasture: n. 196. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2483 B.; fron 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2568 B.; Colebayhill: n. 219, 197. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. : 

Antill., Nova Granata. (Gris. FI.). 

109. Moringaceae. 
3128. Moringa Juss. 
Moringa oleifera Lam. Enc. I (1783) 398. 
Moringa pterygosperma Gartn. Fruct. Il (1791) 314 t. 147f.2; 
Gris. Fl. 16; Duss 12. 
Moringa moringa Millsp. in Field. Col. Mus. Bot. I (1902) 490. 
Millspaugh 490. Moringo. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 66 B., 227G. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 1878 B. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2576 B. 
T also saw Moringa oleifera along roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill. 

Capparis—Chrysobalanus. 77 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., trop countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). Indig. 
in India orient. Also cultivated. 

115. Crassulaceae. 
3165. Bryophyllum Salisb. 

Bryophyllum pinnatum 8. Kurz. in Journ, As. Soc. Beng. XL. 
(1871) Il 52; Millspaugh 490. 

Bryophyllum calycinum Salish. Parad. Lond. (1805) t. 3; Gris. 
Fl. 308; Duss 319. Leaf of live. 

St. Eustatius: along the lower part of Signalhill: n. 120a B.; 
Cultuurviakte: n. 335, 336, 287 H., 297 H. 

Saba: Great Hill 400 M.: n. 1379 B.; top of the Cliff near the 
seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1607 B.; Peperpot: n. 337; locality un- 
known: n. 288 L. 

IT also saw Bryophyllum pinnatum: gut between Hellsgate and Mas- 
tiegut; Crispeénhill; Windwardside; Laddergut; Springbaygut. 

St. Martin: I did not collect the plant on this island, but I saw it: 
along roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill; Marigothill—Marigot ; from Bel- 
yedere to Oysterpond; Mount Paradis 400 M. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., trop. and subtrop. countries of both hemisph. 

126, Rosaceae. 
3396. Prunus Linn. 

Prunus myrtifolia Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae V (1904) 93. 
Prunus sphaerocarpa Sw. Prodr. (1788) 80; Gris. Fl. 251. 
St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill 400 M.: n. 272aB. 
Antill., Brasilia. (Symb.). 

3398. Chrysobalanus Linn. 

Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. Spec. (1753) 513; Gris. Fl. 229; Duss 
257; Millspaugh 490. Cocoa plum, Fat pork. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 339B.; slope of 
the Quill 300 M.: n. 880B.; slope of the Quill 150 M.: n. 252, 
247; slope of the Quill: n. 255, 256, 257, 258; Grandgut: n. 259; 
locality unknown: n. 254, 73 H., 155 H., 224G., 246G. 

78 Rosaceae—Leguminosae. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 350 M.: n. 1491aB.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n. 1739B.; Bottom: n. 2290 B.; Long peak: 
n. 249; locality unknown: n. 18L., 335°L. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2514 B.; seashore near 
Simsonsbay: n. 3036 B.; Lowlands: n. 3273 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Baham., Antill., Amer. austr., Afr. austr. 

3403. Hirtella Linn. 

Hirtella triandra Sw. Prodr. (1788) 51; Gris. Fl. 250; Duss 258. 
Hairy plum. 

Saba: Mountain near Hellsgate 600 M.: n. 2277 B. 

Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

128, Leguminosae. 

3436, Inga Willd. 

Inga laurina Willd. Spec. IV. 2 (1806) 1018; Gris. Fl. 227; Duss 
255; Millspaugh 491. Red wood. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 183B., 205B., 
380 B., 481 B., 483 B., 498 B., 863a B., 367 B., 395 B.; slope of the 
Quill near Bengalen: n. 726 B.; Kant: n. 312, 313, 314; locality 
unknown: n. 51, 100. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1421 B.; 
Boobyhill 3800 M.: n. 1578 B.; Windwardside: n. 1611 B., 2142 B.; 
Peperpot: n. 79, 80. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis: n. 3214 B., 3226 B., 3327a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, St. Kitts, Antigua, 
Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barba- 
dos, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

3440. Enterolobium Mart. 
Enterolobium Timbouwa Mart. Flora XX (1827) 128. 
Cultivated. [Antill., Amer. austr.] (E. & P.). 
3441. Pithecolobium Mart. 

Pithecolobium unguis-cati Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 
III (1844) 200; Gris. Fl. 226; Duss 254; Millspaugh 491. Crab- 

Chrysobalanus —Acacia. 79 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 106 B.; 
between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 
40 M.: n. 768 B.; Signalhill 200 M.: n. 1035 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 
1250; slope of the Quill: n. 1369; Boven: n. 1363; Gilboohill: n. 
1379; road to English Quarter; n. 1372; locality unknown: n. 
284 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1541 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Mastigut 300—400 M.: n. 2054 B.; 
Hellsgategut: n. 1361, 1370; pasture: n. 1368. 

St. Martin: From Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2394 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2569aB.; Nakedboyhill: n. 2681 B.; 
near Mulletpond: n. 2754 B.; hill on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac O—100 M.: n. 2971 B. 

I also saw Pithecolobium unguis-cati: Marigothill—Marigot; from Bel- 
vedere to Oysterpond; along roads near Grande Case; Lowlands; Mount 
Paradis 800—400 M.; Tintamarre; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Key Ins., Antill., Venezuela, Nova Granata. 

3443. Albizzia Durazz. 

Albizzia lebbek Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. III (1844) 87. 
Cultivated. [Baham., Antill., Curacao, Asia austr. and orient., 
Afric. trop.] (Symb.). 

3446. Acacia Willd. 

Acacia Farnesiana Willd. Spec. IV. 2 (1806) 1088; Gris. Fl. 222; 
Duss 250; Millspaugh 491. Casha. 

St. Eustatius: Red Cliff: n. 390. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100 —200 M.:n. 1460 B.; 
ot. Giles: n. 1864 B.; Paris 2—400 M.: n. 372; Bottom: n. 414. 

St. Martin: from Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2434 B.; Fort 
Willem O—50 M.: n. 2545 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2778 B.; Green 
Key: n. 33865 B.; Filipsburg: n. 251; Fort Amsterdam: n. 386. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 
Acacia macrantha Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. Spec. Plant. IV 
(1805) 1080; Gris. Fl. 221; Duss 249. French casha, Cre- 
ole casha, Spanish casha. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 15B., 38 B.; top 

80 Leguminosae. 

of the Quill 400 M.: n. 216a@B., 318 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: 
n. 5438B., 567 B.; Bengalen: n. 630B.; between Oranjestad and 
Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 781 B.; near White 
Wall: n. 858B.; near Zeelandia: n. 253; slope of the hills near 
Concordia: n. 260; top of Pangohill: n. 259; Seafeathersbay: n. 
263; locality unknown: n. 86 H., 39 H., 50G., 304 G. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n, 2454B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2552a B.; between Belvedere and 
Oysterpond: n. 3076 B.; lower part of Mount Paradis: n. 3291 B.; 
Colebayhill: n. 49. 

Antill., Mexico, Venezuela, Equador, Peru, Buenos Ayres, 
Galapagos. (Gris. F1.). 

Acacia riparia H. B. kK. Noy. Gen. VI (1823) 276; Duss 248. 

Acacia sarmentosa Gris. Kar. (1857) 64; (non Desyv.) (Symb.); 
Gris. F]. 221. 

St. Eustatius: near Bengalen: n. 600a B. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2455 B.; Naked- 
boyhill 200—265 M.: n. 2732 .B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2862 B.; Colebey—Centry- 
WMS til, TAS 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.. Amer. austr. trop. (Symb.). 

Acacia tortuosa Willd. Spec. Plant. IV (1805) 1083; Gris, Fl. 222; 
Millspaugh 491. Dutch casha. 

St. Eustatius: in deserted plantations at the seashore. near 
Bengalen: n. 583 B., 590 B., 600 B.; between Oranjestad and Fort 
de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 780 B.; along roads 
near English Quarter: n. 1004 B.; Signalhill 150 M.: n. 1024 B., 
1026 B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: 
n. 1175 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 383, 395; seashore: n. 384;: Red 
Cliff: n. 3878; locality unknown: n. 371. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Venezuela, Hquador, Galapagos. (Gris. Fl.). 

3447. Leucaena Benth. 

Leucaena glauca Benth. in Hook. Journ. Bot. IV (1842) 416; 
Gris. Fl. 220; Duss 247; Millspaugh 491. Mimosa, Tantan. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 23 B.; slope of the 
lower part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 719 B.; in a garden in 
Oranjestad: n. 1274B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 317, 318; locality un- 
known: n. 37 H., 44G. 

Acacia— Desmanthus. 81 

I also saw Leucaena glauca on the slope of the Cliff; Signalhill; 
deserted plantations near Bengalen., 

Saba: Laddergut: n. 318; locality unknown: n. 129L., 136 L. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2590 B. 

I also saw Leucaena glauca: hill between Mont des Accords and 
Centryhill; near Saline; hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac; along roads 
near Grande Case; lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis 300—400 M_; 
hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Curagao, warmer countries of both 
hemisph.; in Amer. trop. indig? (Symb.). 

3449. Mimosa Linn. 

Mimosa pudica Linn. Spec. (1753) 518; Gris. Fl. 219; Duss 244; 
Millspaugh 492. Shame lady shame. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 
200 M.: n. 1154 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 1192 B.; locality 
unknow: n. 216 H, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Asia trop. (Symb.). 

3450. Desmanthus Willd. 

Desmanthus depressus Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. Spec. Plant. 
IV (1805) 1046; Gris. Fl. 218; Duss 244. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 450 M.: n. 347 B.; lower part 
of the slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 721 B.; Fort de Wind: 
n. 797a B.; along roads near English Quarter: n. 999B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 282. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2677 B.; Marigot road 
near Marigot: n. 2812 B.; lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3167 B.; 
Tintamarre: n. 3375 B., 3402 B. 

Florida, Antill., Texas to Peru, Galapagos. (Gris. FI.). 
Desmanthus virgatus Willd. Spec. IV. 2 (1806) 1047; Gris. FI. 
218; Duss 244; Millspaugh 492. Wild tantan. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 71 B.; seashore 
near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 161 B.; Bengalen: n. 603 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: n, 741 B.; along roads in Oranje- 
stad: n. 1075B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1244 B.; Cultuurylakte: 
n. 296; locality unknown: n. 162G., 302 G. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1614B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: 
n. 1967 B., 2012 B.; Paris 200—400 M.: n. 99. 

82 Leguminosae. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2371 B.; Cul de 
Sac—Marigothill O—200 M.: n. 2633 B.; between Belvedere and 
Oysterpond: n. 3080 B.; slope of Centryhill: n. 98; French frontier 
n. 295. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

(Bermud.), Baham., Antill., (Amer. cont. trop. and subtrop. 
India-orient.). (Symb.). 

3451. Neptunia Lour. 

Neptunia plena Benth. in Hook. Journ. Bot. IV (1842) 355; Gris. 
Fl. 218; Duss 248. Waterthistle. 

St. Martin: near Marigot: n. 2627a Bb. 

Antill., Curacao, Amer. austr., Asia trop. (introd.) (Symb.). 

3459. Adenanthera Linn. 

Adenanthera pavonina Linn. Spec. (1753) 354. 
Cultivated. [Asia trop.] (Symb.). 

3499, Hymenaea Linn. 

Hymenaea courbaril Linn. Spec. (1753) 1192; Gris. Fl 213; 
Duss: 238; Millspaugh 492. Locust. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 
n. 649 B.; slope of the Quill 250 M.: n. 889 B.; slope of the Quill: 
n. 461, 2947; locality unknown: n. 75 H., 175 H., 216 G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 2532 B.; locality unknown: n. 348 L, 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: 2592 B.; Cul de Sac: 
n, 2995 B.; Centryhill: n. 472; French frontier: n. 462, 

I also saw Hymenaea courbaril on the hills on the northern side of 
Cul de Sae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont, trop. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

8508. Tamarindus Linn. 

Tamarindus indica Linn. Spec. (1753) 34; Gris. Fl. 218; Duss 
237; Millspaugh 492. Tamarind. 

St. Eustatius: Scashore near Oranjestad: n. 29 B.; slope of the 
lower part of Signalhill: n, 112 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 
1065 B., 40 H., 47 G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1547 B.; 
Bottom: n. 1873 B., 1874 B.; locality unknown: n. 117 L. 

Desmanthus—Cassia. §3 

) ) 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2350 B.; Prince- 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2468 B. 

I also saw ‘Tamarindus indica: Marigothill—Marigot; Fort Willem; near 
Saline; along roads from Filipsburg to Simsonsbay; Vallée des Peres; one 
of the islands in Simsonsbaylagoon. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trop. countries of both hemisph.; Ind. veris. in Africa. trop. 
(Symb.). Also cultivated. 

3528. Bauhinia Linn. 

Bauhinia Kappleri Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat. VI Sér. vol. XIII 
(1882) 317. 
Cultivated. [Asia austro—orient.}. (Symb.). 

3536. Cassia Linn. 

Cassia alata Linn. Spec. (1753) 378. 
Cultivated. [Cosmop. trop.]. (Ind. Kew.). 

Cassia bicapsularis Linn. Spec. (1753) 376; Gris. Fl. 207; Duss 
231; Millspaugh 492. Blydog. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 26 B., 50 B.; slope 
of the iower part of Signalhill: n. 113@B.; in deserted plantations 
at the seashore near Bengalen: n. 591 B.; between Oranjestad and 
Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 793 B.; gut near 
Fort de France: n. 846 B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 1214 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 25 G.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 329; near Sein- 
post: n. 325. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1891 B.; Peperpot: n. 330; Great- 
hill: n. 315; locality unknown: n. 28h. 

T also saw Cassia bicapsularis: in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2370 B.; lower 
part of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: 
n. 2955 B.; Cul de Sac: n. 320.; Guanabay: n. 313. 

I also saw Cassia bicapsularis: along roads from Filipsburg to Naked- 
boyhill; Marigothill to Marigot; Nakedboyhill; in pastureground near Bellevue; 
lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis 300-400 M.; one of the islands 
of Simsonsbaylagoon; Lowlands. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Curacao., Amer. cont. trop., Inquil. 
in India Orient. and Madeira. (Symb.). 

84 Leguminosae. 

Cassia fistula Linn. Spec. (1753) 877. Liquorice plant. 
Cultivated. [Asia trop.]. (Symb.). 

Cassia glandulosa Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 1017; Gris. Fl. 
211; Duss 233. 

Chamaecrista glandulosa Greene in Pitton. IV (1899) 28; Mill- 
spaugh 495. Wild peas. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 390 M.: n. 499B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 666 B.; between Oranjestad 
and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 787 B.; near 
White Wall: n. 1262 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 740; Little Mountain : 
n. 1768; slope of the Quill: n. 992, 1763; locality unknown: n. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1350B.; between Windwardside and Hellsgate: n. 1680 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 2324 B.; Peperpot: n. 1770, 732; Crespeen—Ren- 
dez-vyous: n. 991. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2651 B.; Cen- 
tryhill: n. 260; Marigotroad: n. 993. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

Cassia. obovata Collad.; Gris. Fl. 209. 

St. Martin: alone the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2441 B.; 
Guanabay: n. 274. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

From Africa trop. (Gris. Fl.). 

Cassia occidentalis Linn., Spec. (1753) 377; Gris. Fl. 209; Duss 
235; Millspaugh 492. Bitterroot. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near White Wall: nm. 859 B.; along 
roads near Glassbottle: n. 864 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 
562a B., 1103 B.; locality unknown: n. 4G., 4H. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom mountain 250 M.: n. 1394 B.; 
Bottom: n. 2243B.; Gainbygut: n. 10385; locality unknown: n. 
G2 Wey 2 Ibi 

St. Martin: along roads near Fort Willem: n. 2525 B.; Mari- 
gotroad near Marigot: n. 2819 B.; in pastureground near Bellevue: 
n. 2848 B.; Prince quarter: n. 1034; locality unknown: n, 2524 B. 

I also saw Cassia occidentalis: Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Cassia — Poinciana. 85 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida austr., Baham., Antill., Amer., Africa, Asia 
trop. (Symb.). 
Cassia polyadena DC. Pl. Rar. Jard. Genév. 2 Rapp. (1825). 12; 
Gris. Fl. 210. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3272 B., 3274 B., 3288 B. 

Baham., Cuba, Domingo, Jamaica, St. Barthélemy, Guadeloupe. 
(Herb. Krug et Urban). 

3548. Krameria Loefl. 

Krameria ixina Linn. (1762) 117; Gris. Fl. 31; Wild senna. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 126 B.; between Oranje- 
stad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 763 B.; 
near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1163B.; near White Wall on the top 
of the Cliff: n. 1256 B.; Cultuurvlakte near Golden Rock: n. 181; 
slope of the hills near Fort Amsterdam: n. 164; Signalhill—Red 
Cliff: n. 163; locality unknown: n, 200 H. 

Hispaniola, St. Thomas, Antigtia, Curacao, Columbia. (Symb.). 

3551. Parkinsonia Linn. 

Parkinsonia aculeata Linn. Spec. (1753) 375; Gris. Fl. 204; Duss 
227; Millspaugh 493. Wonder tree, Jeruzalem thorn. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 915 B., 63, 73, 
150 H., 73 G. 

St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n. 2340 B, 

I also saw Parkinsonia aculeata on Mount Paradis 100—200 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key ins., Antill., Amer. cont. trop.; escaped in Afr. and Asia 
trop. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

3552. Haematoxylon Linn. . 
Haematoxylon campechianum Linn. Spec. (1755) 384; Gris. FI. 
204; Duss 226; Millspaugh 493. Log wood. 
St. Eustatius: along a road near Oranjestad: n. 1254 B; loca- 
lity unknown: n. 291 H. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cent. et Austr. sept. (Symb.). 

3556. Poinciana Linn. 
Poinciana regia Boj. ex Hook. Bot. Mag. (1829) tab. 2284. July 
tree, Flamboyant. 
Cultivated. [Madagascar.]. (Symb.). 

86 Leguminosae. 

35959, Caesalpinia Linn. 
Caesalpinia ciliata Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae VI (1900) 275. 

Guillandina Bonduc Gris. Kar. (1857) n. 466 p. 60 et quoad 
specim. Guad. Flor. p. 240; non Linn. (Symb.). 

Guillandina Grisebachiana Kr. et Urb. in Duss Flore. Ant. 
france. (1897) 229. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 21 B.; seashore 
near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 156 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: 
n, 1090 B., 69 H. 

Saba: O. Kuntze (Symb.). 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2501 B.; near Mullet- 
pond: n. 2766 B. : 

Barthélemy, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Desirade, Marie Galante, 
Martinique. (Symb.). 

Caesalpinia coriaria Willd. Spec. Plant. IH (1799) 532; Mill- 
spaugh 493. 

Lebidibia coriaria Schlecht. in Linnaea V (1830) 193; Gris. 
Fl, 2315 Duss 231, Divi diva. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n, 64B., 245G. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 301 L.; Windwardside: n. 2331 B. 

St. Martin: along roads from Colebayhill to Simsonsbay: n. 
3016 B., 3017 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Curacao, Mexico, Venezuela, Nova Granata. 

Caesalpinia Crista Linn. Spec. I ed. I (1753) 380; Millspaugh 493. 

Guillandina glabra. Griseb. Flor. W. I. (1860) 205 (quoad. 
specim. Martin. a. Cl. Sagot. non Duchassaing missum.); Duss 228; 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 306 B.; slope of 
the Quill 50 M.: n. 635; locality unknown: n. 160G. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1409 B.; 
Bottom: n. 634; locality unknown: n. 854 L. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2788 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermuda., Key ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Asia 
austro-orient., Nova Guinea, Australia. (Symb.). 

Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw. Obs. (1791) 166; Gris. Fl. 205; 
Duss 230; Millspaugh 493. Pride of Barbados. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1088 B., 67 H., 

68 H., 74 G., 75G, 

Caesalpinia—Crotalaria. 87 

Saba: St. Giles: n. 1871 B.; locality unknown: 223 L. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2598 B. 

I also saw Caesalpinia pulecherrima on Marigothill near Bellevue. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Asia 
trop. Patria ignot. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

3669. Crotalaria Linn. 

Crotalaria incana Linn. Spec. (1758) 716; Gris. Fl. 150; Duss 193 ; 
Millspaugh 494. Small yellow popbush. 

St. Eustatius: along roads: n. 256 H., 596a B. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 2144 B. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—3800 M.: n. 2872 B.; roads from Marigot to Filipsburg: 
n. 3110 B.; French frontier: n. 2294. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. 

Crotalaria retusa Linn. Spec. (1753) 715; Gris. FI. 179; Duss 
193; Millspaugh 494. Big yellow popbush. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.:n, 231 B.; White Wall: 
n. 810 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 1187 B.; Fairplay: n. 625; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 6385; slope of the fate n. 645; along roads: 
nN. 285G., 286 H. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.:n. 1387 B.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n. 1753B.; Laddergut 0O—-200 M.: n. 1961 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 66 L. 

St. Martin: from Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2436 B.; Point 
Blanche (coll. George): n. 2491 B.; from Filipsburg to Belvedere: 
n. 2600 B.; in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2848 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Asia austro- 
orient., Austral. (Symb.). 

Crotalaria verrucosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 715; Gris. Fl. 178; 

Duss 192; Millspaugh 494. Purple popbush. 3 
$t. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 923 B.; Fairplay: 1 

1634; slope of the Quill: n. 1614, 1624; locality unknown: n. 285 H. 
St. Martin : along roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n, 3108 B. 
Antill.; from the East Indies. (Gris. FL). 

88 Leguminosae. 

3688. Medicago Linn. 

Medicago sativa Linn. Spec. (1753) 778. 
Cultivated. [Europa]. (Ind. Kew.). 

3702. Indigofera Linn. 

Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. Gard. Dict. VIII ed. (1768) n 

Indigofera anil Linn. Mant. II (1771) 272; Gris. Fl. 181; Dae 
194; Millspaugh 494. Wild indigo. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 73 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 609 B.; along roads near English Quarter: n. 1001 B.; Fairplay: 
n. 290; Cultuurvlakte: n. 221; slope of the Quill: n. 231, 241; 
locality unknown: n. 172G., 157 H., 219G. 

Saba: between ae and Marypoint 100—200.: n. 1524 B.; 
along roads 200—300 M.: n. 1709 B.;-St. Giles: n. a ee Hells- 
gate—Marypoint: n. 2947 i gut near Devilshand: n. 2077aB.; 
Ladder: n. 251; locality unknown: n. 87 1L., 251 L. 

I also saw Indigofera suffruticosa on Crespeenhill. 

St. Martin: along roads near Filipsburg: n. 2528 B. 

I also saw Indigofera suffruticosa near Grande Case. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. calidior; ing. in the trop, Old 
world. (Symb.). 

3/718. Tephrosia Pers. 

Tephrosia cathartica Urb. Symb. Antill. [V (1905) 283. Senna. 
St. Eustatius: Seashore near English Quarter: n. 1010B.; 
Hnglish Quarter: n. 1497, 1508; road to English Quarter: n. 1495; 
locality unknown: n. 158G., 240 H. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 2236 B.; locality unknown: n. 91 L. 
Baham., Antill., Bay of Honduras, Cartagena. (Symb). 

Tephrosia cinerea Pers. Syn. II (1807) 328; Gris. Fl. 182; Duss 
195. Senna. 

St. Eustatius: Fort de Wind: n.801B.; White Wall: 1.812 B., 
814 B., 821 B.; near Boven: 200 M.: n. 12438 B.; slope of the Quill: 
n. 1580. 

St. Martin: Point Blanche (coll. George): n. 2478 B. 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

Baham., Antill., Curagao, Amer. cont. trop, (Symb.). 

Medicago—Stylosanthes. 89 

3745. Cracca Benth. 

Cracca caribaea Benth. ex Oerst. in Kjob. Vidensk. Medd. (1853) 9; 
Gris. Fl. 183; Duss 195. 

Benthamantha caribaea O. Ktze. Rev. IL 2 (1898) 53: Mill- 
spaugh 494, 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 920 B.; near 
Maryglory 150 M.; n, 1151 B. 

St. Martin: Marigot road near Marigot: n. 2813 B.; lower part 
of Mount Paradis: n. 3290 B.; hills on the eastern side of Cul de 
Sac: n. 3444 B.; road near Fort Amsterdam: n. 1133 B.; Colebay- 
hill: n. 1148; Prince quarter: n. 1098; road to Guanabay: n. 1123. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. centr., Venezuela, Equador. (Symb.). 

3747. Sesbania Scop. 

Sesbania grandiflora Pers. Syn. II (1807) 316. Tiger tongue. 
Cultivated. [India orient., Austral. sept.]. (Symb.). 
Sesbania sericea P. D.C. Prodr. II (1825) 266; Gris Fl. 184; 
Duss 196. 
St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2520 B.; near Simsons- 
baylagoon: n. 3037 B. 
I also saw Sesbania sericea near Marigot along a Saltpond. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

3802. Stylosanthes Sw. 

Stylosanthes hamata Taubert Mon. Stylos. (Noy. 1889) 22; Mill- 
spaugh 495. 

Stylosanthes procumbens Sw. Prodr. (1788) 108; Gris. FI]. 188; 
Duss 202. Wild clover. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 130B.; in a garden in 
Oranjestad: n. 755 B.; between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on 
the top of the Cliff 40 M.: m. 758 B.; hills near Concordia 100 M.: 
n. 954B.; lower part of Gilboohill: n. 1306; near Sugarloaf: n. 
1310; English Quarter: n. 1386; locality unknown: n. 174 H., 179 H., 
252 G., 300 G. 

Saba: along Forthgut 150.200 M.: n. 1628 B.; along roads 
200—300 M.: n. 1716 B.; seashore near Flatpoint: n. 2138 B.; 
Marypoint: n. 1328. é 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2358 B.; Point 
Blanche (coll. George): n. 2490 B.; Cul de Sac—Marigot 0—200 M.: 

90 Leguminosae. 

hn. 2623 B.; in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2449a B.; between 
Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2939 B.; Colebayhill: n, 1308; 
road to Guanabay: n. 1316. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. sept., Mexico, Amer. centr., Nova 
Grenata. (Symb.). 

3803. Arachis Linn. 

Arachis hypogaea Linn. Spec. (1753) 741; Gris. Fl. 189; Duss 
203; Millspaugh 495. Pea nut. 

Saba: Mountain 600 M.; n. 1778 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cult. in tropical countries. Patria ignota. (Sym).). 

3804. Zornia Gmel. 

Zornia diphylla Pers. Syn. Il (1807) 318; Gris. Fl. 185; Duss 198. 
St. Eustatius: along roads near Bengalen: n. 1186 B. 
St. Croix (Symb.). 
Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

3807. Desmodium Desv. 

Desmodium axillare P. DC. Prodr. [1 (1525) 334; Gris. Fl. 186; 
Duss 200. 

Meibomia axillaris O. Ktze. Rev. I (1891) 195; Millspaugh 495, 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1501 B.; 
Mountain 800 M.: n. 1807 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: 
n. 2184 B.; Mountain 600—800 M.: n. 2011; Gainbygut: n. 2018; 
locality unknown: n. 201 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Costarica, Venezuela, Nova Granata, Chili, Guiana, 
Brasil. (Symb.). 

Desmodium scorpiurus Desy. Journ. Bot. I (1813) 122; Gris. Fl. 
187; Duss 201. : 

Meibomia scorpiurus O, Ktze. Rey. 1(1891) 198; Millspaugh 495. 

St. Eustatius: Fairplay: n. 1346; seashore: n. 13845; Cultuur- 
vilakte: n. 1344. ; 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill,, from Mexico to Peru. (SymD.). 

Stylosanthes—Desmodium. 9] 

Desmodium spirale P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 332; Gris. Fl. 158; 
Duss 201; 

Meibomia spiralis O. Ktze. Rev. I (1891) 197; Millspaugh 495. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n, 1327B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 1969 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 262 L. 

St. Martin: hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n, 3446 B., 
34450 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop., Ind. or. and Ins. pacif. 

Desmodium supinum P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 382. 

Desmodium incanum DC. Prodr, II (1825) 332; Gris. Fl. 186; 
Duss 200. Wild peas. 

Meibomia incana Ktze. Rev. I (1891) 197; Millspaugh 495. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 273B., 278B.; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 642 B., n. 
675 B.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 
725 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1093 B.; near Maryglory 
150 M.: n. 1142 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 1786, 1807, 1817; Cul- 
tuurvlakte: n. 1778; locality unknown: n. 329 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1281 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint: 100—200 M.: n. 
1517 B.; top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1605 B.; 
Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2166 B.; Ladder: n. 1776, 
1796; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 1806, 1848; Gainbygut: n. 1816; 
locality unknown: 25 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2702 B.; along roads 
in Cul de Sac: n. 2998 B.; top of the hill on the northern side 
of Cul de Sac 200—300 M.: n. 3012 B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: 
n. 3199 B., 3343 B.; Colebayhill: n. 1777; French frontier: n. 1787; 
road to Guanabay: n. 1797. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. trop. (Symb.). 
Desmodium tortuosum P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 332; Gris. F]. 15s. 

Saba: Ladder: n. 171, 181; Gainbygut 191. 

Antill., Amer. cent. and austr. sept. (Symb.). 

Desmodium triflorum P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 334; Gris. Fl. 186; 
Duss 198. Sisternweed. 
Meibomia triflora O. Ktze. Rey. I (1891) 197; Millspaugh 495, 
St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 249 H, 

92 Leguminosae. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2875 B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: n. 
3198 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afric. trop., Asia austr.-orient. 

Desmodium uncinatum P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 325. Gris. Fl. 187. 
Saba: from Marypoint to Bottom 100—200 M.: n. 1504a B. 
Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola. (Herb. Krug et Urban). Sonora to 

Bolivia, Venezuela to Uraguay. (Gris. FI.). 

3810. Alysicarpus Neck. 

Alysicarpus nummularifolius P. DC. Prodr. I] (1825) 353. 

Alysicarpus vaginalis P. DC. Prodr. Il (1825) 353; Gris. FI. 
185; Duss 199; Millspaugh 494, Sistern peanut. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 250 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1549 B., 
1550 B.; seaside of Tentguthi]l 100 M.: n. 1655 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2359 B.; lower 
part of Milldrumhill: n. 3115. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; Patria Ind. or. (Symb.). 

3834. Lonchocarpus H. Bb. K. 

Lonchocarpus violaceus H. B. K. Noy. Gen. et Sp. VI (1823) 
383; Gris. Fl. 200; Duss 219. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 176B., 345 B.,; 
Quill: n. 45; slope of the Quill: n. 888 B. 

Amer. austr. (Ind. Kew.), Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

3839, Piscidia Linn. 

Piscidia piscipula Sarg. in Gard. and For. IY. (1891) 436. 

Piscidia erythrina Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 1115; Gris. FI. 
200; Duss 220. 

Ichthiomethia piscipula Hitche. in Gard, and For. IV. (1891) 
472; Millspaugh 495. Dogwood, Stinkwood. 

St. Eustatius: from Tumbledowndickbay to Signalhill: n. 164 B.; 
White Wall: n. 823B.; slope of the hills near Concordiabay: n. 
705; Seinpost: n. 715; Boven: n. 706, 725; locality unknown: 
n. 210@G., 314H., 724. 

Desmodium—Clitoria. 93 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2477 B.; Fort 
Willem: n. 2544 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: 
n. 3424 B. 

I also saw Piseidia piscipula: Marigot to Marigothill; Nakedboyhill; 
hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac; near Saline: one of the i lands in 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florid. austr., Key ins., Baham., Antill., Mexico austr. and 
Amer. austro-sept. (Symb.). 

3841. Andira Lam. 

Andira jamaicensis Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae [V (1905) 298. 

Andira inermis H. B. K. Nov. Gen. VI (1823) 385 in obs.; 
Gris FI. 202; Duss 224. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 442 B., 906 B.; near Sighalhill: n. 1252 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 42. 

Antill., Amer. cont. trop., Afr. oce. (Symb.). 

3856. Abrus Linn. 

Abrus precatorius Linn. Syst. XII ed. II (1767) 472; Gris. Fl. 190; 
Duss 204; Millspaugh 496. Jumbybeans, Liquorice plant. 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
5d B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 572 B.; slope of the Quill near 
Bengalen 250 M.: n. 702 B.; along roads: n. 26; slope of the Quill: 
n. 24; locality unkuown: n. 23, 26 H., 235 G. 

I also saw Abrus precatorius: in deserted plantations near Bengalen ; 
Signalhill 100 M. 

Saba: Bottom 200 M.: n. 1450.; Laddergut 200 M.: n. 2006 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 3121. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2459 B.; Marigot- 
hill—Marigot O—200 M.: n. 2640 B.; along roads from Bethlehem 
to Mont Chambord: n. 29108B.; Colebayhill: n. 25; locality un- 
known: n. 3619 B. 

I also saw Abrus preeatorius on Nakedboyhill; top of Mount Paradis 
300—40) M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. calid., Africa, Asia calidisr. (Symb.). 

3857. Clitoria Linn. 

Clitoria ternatea Linn. Spec. (1753) 753. 
~Cultivated. [Afric. orient.]. (Symb.). 

94 Leguminosae. 

3858. Centrosema Benth. 
Centrosema virginianum Benth. in Ann. Wien. Mus. II (1838) 
1205 Gris. HE 193- Duss) 209) 

Bradburya virginianum O. Ktze. Rev. 1 (1891) 164; Mill- 
spaugh 3800. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 265 B.; slope of the 
Quill near Bengalen 50--200 M.: n. 639 B., 661 B., 683 B.; between 
Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 
777 B.; gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 844B.; slope of the 
Quill 200 M.: n. 878B.; lower part of the hills near Concordia: 
n. 979 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1131 B.; along roads near 
Bengalen: n. 11938 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 151, 161; slope of the 
Quill: n. 211; locality unknown: n. 104 H., 2386 G. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1414 B; 
Bottom 200 M.: n. 1452 B., 152; locality unknown: n. 69 L. 

I also saw Centrosema virginianum in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay; n. 2387 B.; Point 
Blanche (coll. George): n. 2494 B.; from Filipsburg to Belvedere: 
n. 2574 B.; Nakedboyhill: 2682 B.; lower part of Milldrumhill: n. 
3172 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 0—100 M.; n. 8412 B.; 
Cul de Sac: n, 213; Centryhill: n. 162. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. from the South U. §. 
to Argentin., Afr. trop. occ. (Symb.). 

3866. Teramnus Sw. 
Teramnus labialis Spreng. Syst. III (1826) 235; Gris, Fl. 193; 
Duss 209; Millspaugh 496. 
St. Martin: in pastureground near Bellevue: n. 2824 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2563 B.; locality unknown: n, 3500a B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Africa trop. to the Cape, East Indies. (Gris. F1.). 

3870. Erythrina Linn. 

Erythrina corallodendron Linn. Spec. (1753) 706; Gris. Fl. 199; 
Duss 217; Millspaugh 496. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n, 1411 B.; 
St, John’s 250 M.: n. 1729 B. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2653 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr. and austro-sept. (Symb.). 


3877. Mucuna Adans. 

Mucuna pruriens P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 405. 
Cultivated. [trop. countries of both hemisph.| (lH. a, P.). 

3882. Galactia Adans. 

Galactia dubia P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) p. 238. 

Galactia filiformis Griseb. Flor. W. I. (1860) 194 (p. p.). (Symb.) ; 
Duss 210 (p. p.). 

St. Eustatius: Top of the hills near Concordia 100 M.: n. 945 B.; 
between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: 
n. 789 B.; Fort de Wind: n. 795aB.; White Wall: n.818a B.; gut 
near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 827 B., 850 B.; 

St. Martin: near Mullet pond: n. 2779 B.; along roads in Cul 
de Sac: n. 2999 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, Guadeloupe, Antigua, Desirade, Marie- 
Galante. (Symb.). 

Galactia longifolia Benth. in Ann. Wien. Mus, IT (1838) 127. 

Galactia angustifolia Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 194; Duss 210; — 
non Kth. (Symb.). > 

Galactia tenwiflora Wight et Arn. var. Benth. in Mart. Flor. Bras. 
XY. I (1859) 143. (Symb.); Millspaugh 495. 

St. Eustatius: Fairplay: n. 300; slope of the Quill: n. 301, 
2755; Cultuurvlakte: n. 302; locality unknown: n. 503. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antigua, Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante. (Symb.). 

Galactia nummularia Urb. in Symb. Antillanae VI. (1909) 12. 

St. Martin near Guanabay: n. 2428 B. 

Galactia rubra Urb. in Symb. Antillanae, I. (1900) 509, 

Galactia longiflora Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) p. 194 (p.p.); Duss 
210, — non Arn. (Symb.). 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill on the side of White 
Wall 200 M.: n. 1174 B.; Tree gut: n. 204 H., 282 G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 350 M.: n. 1496 B.; 
slope of the Mountains near St. John’s: n. 1737 B.; along roads 
200—300 M.: n. 1715 B.; Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2042 B.; Ladder- 
gut: n. 2760. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 
200—300 M.: n. 2994 B.; French frontier: n. 76, 78. 

St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique. (Symb.). 

96 Leguminosae. 

3891. Canavalia P. DC. 

Canavalia obtusifolia P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 404; Gris. Flor. 197; 
Duss 215; Millspaugh 496. Sea peas. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 22 B., 33 B.; near 
Boven 200 M.: n. 1231 B.; Cultuurvlakte near Golden Rock: n. 
381; locality unknown: n. 119 H. 

T also saw Canavalia obtusifolia on the top of the Cliff near Gallowsbay. 

Saba: I saw Canavalia obtusifolia near Flat Point. 

St. Martin: Point Blanche (coll. George) n, 2489 B.; seashore 
near Mulletpond: 2767 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Bermud., Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 

Canavalia spec. 
St. Eustatius: n. 244 G. 

3892. Cajanus P. DC. 

Cajanus indicus Spreng. syst. III] (1826) 248; Gris. Fl. 191; 
Duss 205. 

Cajanus cajan Millsp. in Field. Col. Mus. Bot. II (1900) 55; 
Millspauch 497, 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 55G., 210 H. 

Saba: Hellsgate: n. 1696 B.; locality unknown: n. 16 L. 

I also saw Cajanus indicus: Laddergut. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Warmer countries of both. hemisph. (Symb.):° Also cultivated. 

3897. Rhynchosia Lour. 

Rhynchosia minima P. DC. Prodr. II (1825) 385; Gris. Fl. 190; 
Duss 205. 

Dolicholus minimus Medic. Vorles. Churpf. Phys. Ges. II (1787) 
304; Millspaugh 496. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 450 M.: n. 354 B,; slopeeof 
the Quill: n. 1429, 1449; Cultuurvlakte: n. 1459. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1504 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 

Canavalia— Vigna. 97 

Rhynchosia reticulata P. DC. Prodr. If (1825) 385; Gris. Fl. 
(1859) 190. 

Dolicholus veticulatus Millsp. in Field Col. Mus. Bot. II (1900) 
58; Millspaugh 496. Pea withe. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 215 B., 276 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen 50 M.: n. 660 B.; hills near Concordia 
100 M.: n. 944 B.; along roads near English Quarter: n. 1005 B.; 
Red Cliff—Tumbledowndickbay : n. 1549; slope of the Quill: n. 1529, 
1552, 1539. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1346 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1718 B.; Laddergut 200 M.: 1972 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2027 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 2311 B.; Ladder: n. 1522, 1561; Paris 2—400 M.: 
n. 1542; Mountain 400—800 M.: n. 1542. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2470B.; Cul de 
Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2634 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: 
n. 2693 B.; Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 
200—300 M.: n. 2870B.; lower part of the hills between Mont 
Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2947 B.; lower part of the Mill- 
drumhill: n. 3173B.; hills on the eastern side of Cul de sac: n. 
3439 B.; French frontier: n. 1512. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

8901. Phaseolus Linn. 

Phaseolus lathyroides Linn. Spec. (1763) 1018. 

Phaseolus semierectus Linn. Mant. I (1767) 100; Gris. FI. 197; 
Duss 214; Millspaugh 497. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n, 1101 B.; Fairplay: 
n. 590; Cultuurvlakte: n. 472, 580. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Curacao, Amer. centr. et austr., India orient., 
Malaya. (Symb.). 
Phaseolus lunatus Linn. Spec. (1753) 724. White beans. 

Cultivated. [All. trop. countries.] (Symb.). 

Phaseolus vulgaris Linn. Spec. (1753) 723. Snijboontjes. 
Cultivated. [Everywhere.] (Ind. Kew.). 

3905. Vigna Savi. 
Vigna repens O. Ktze. Rey. I (1891) 212; Millspaugh 497. 
Vigna luteola Benth. in Mart. Flor. Bras XY. I (1859) 194 t. 
bom. Ils Gris) Fl. 195-Duss 201. 

98 Leguminosae —Zygophyllaceae. 

Vigna glabra Savi. Mem. Phas. III (1882) 8 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of the Quill near Ben- 
galen: n. 716B.; locality unknown: n. 1 G., 66 H.; slope of the 
Quill: 1548, 1549, 2005, 2015. 

St. ne ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Amer. calid. from U. 5. to Argentin., Afr. 
trop., Asia trop., Australia. (Symb.). 

3909. Lablab Adans. 

Lablab vulgaris Savi Diss. (1821) 

Dolichos lablab Linn. Spec. ( 
212; Millspaugh 497. 

St. Eustatius: Cultuurvlakte: n. 1891; slope of the Quill: 
i) SEI 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1887 B.; Bottom: n. 2240 B.; Crispeen- 
Rendez-vous: n. 1927; locality unknown: n. 167 L., 304 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trop. countries of both. hemisph.; Ind. veris. in Afr. trop. 
(Symb.). Also cultivated. 

130. Oxalidaceae. 

3936. Oxalis Linn. 
Oxalis corniculata Linn. Spec. (1753) 485; Gris. Fl. 183; Duss 
134; Millspaugh 497. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Glassbottle: n. 1206 B.; 
slope of the Quill: n. 131, 132. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1400 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1515 B.; Booby- 
hill 800 M.: n. 1620B.; locality unknown: n. 50L.; Crespeen— 
Rendez-vous: n. 130; St. John’s: n. 134; Hellsgate: n. 133. © 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill O—200 M.: n. 2868 B.; hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 
O—100 M.: n. 3001 B. 

I also saw Oxalis corniculata on the top of Mount Paradis 300—400 M. 

WS) ee tS) ti. 

1 (2); (Gris) HEC Ea Duss 


St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 
Oxalis Martiana Zucc. in Denkschr. Akad. Miinch, IX (1823— 
24) 144, 

Cultivated. [Madagascar]. (Ind. Kew.). 

Vigna—Kallstroemia. 9g 

134. Erythroxylaceae. 

3956. Erythroxylum Linn. 

Erythroxylum brevipes DC. Prodr. [ (1824) 573; Millspaugh 497. 

St. Martin: Colebayhill: n. 2014; Prince quarter: n. 2018: John 
Ednyhill: n. 2015, 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

Cuba, Hispaniola, St. Thomas, St. Barthélemy, Guadeloupe. 

Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. Enum, Pl. Carib. (1760) 21. 

Erythroaylum obtusum DC. Prodr, I (1824) 574; Gris. Fl. 115. 
p. p. Symb.). Bracelet. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 217B., 329B.; 
500 M.: n. 495B.; from Little Mountains to Venusbay: n. 958 B. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1478 B.; 
Springbaygut: n. 2118 B.; Laddergut: n. 2017. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3155B.; Mount 
Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3314 B. 

Cuba, Isla de Pinos. (Symb.). 

135. Zygophyllaceae. 

3968. Guaiacum Linn. 

Guaiacum officinale Linn. Spec. (1753) 381; Gris. Fl. 134; Duss 
156; Millspaugh 498. 

St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3370 B., 3378 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Amer. austr. (Symb.). 

3978. Tribulus Linn. 

Tribulus cistoides Linn. Spec. (1753) 387; Gris Fl. 134; Duss 
. 1386; Millspaugh 498. 
St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n. 2388 B.; Fort Willem: n. 2548 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida austr., Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. 
3979. Kallstroemia Scop. 

Kallstroemia maxima Wight et Arn. Prodr, I (1834) 145; Mill- 
spaugh 498. 

Tribulus maximus Linn. Spec. (17538) 386; Gris. Fl]. 154; 
Duss 136. 

100 Zygophyllaceae—-Rutaceae. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n.511 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 616 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 243, 248, 249; locality unknown: 
n. 30G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1951 B.; Bottom: n, 247. 

§t. Martin: from Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2437 B.; along 
roads near Filipsburg: n. 2530 B.; Centryhill: n. 246; Marigot- 
road: n. 244, 245, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. from the Southern U.S. to 
Bolivia. (Symb.). 

137. Rutaceae. 

3991. Fagara Linn. 

Fagara flava Kr. et Urb. in Engl. Jahrb. X XI (1896) 571. 

Xanthoxylum flavum Vahl. Eclog. Ill (1807) 48; Duss 140; 
Millspaugh 499. Yellow saunder. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Key Ins., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 
Fagara martinicensis Lam. Il]. I (1791) 334 n. 1639 t. 811 f. 1. 

Xanthoxylum clava Herculis Sw. Obs. (1791) 375 (non Linn.); 
Gris. F]. 1388; Millspaugh 499. 

Xanthoxylum martinicense P, DC. Prodr. I (1824) 726; Duss 
141, Yellow prickle. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 190B., 416aB., 1. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1942B.; Mountain near Hellsgate: 
1, TAS) 18), ; 

St. Martin: along roads in Cul de Sac: n. 2989a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, 
Tortola, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Desirade, Martinique, St. Lucia, 
Trinidad. (Symb.). 

Fagara spinifex Jacq Fragm. (1809) p. 10 t. 6 f. 2. 

Fagara microphylla Desy. Tabl. I ed. (1804) 200; Gris. Fl. 137 
(excl. syn. -Br. et L.). (Symb.); Duss 139; Millspaugh 499. 

Xanthoxylum spinifex P. DC. Prodr. I (1824) 728. 

St. Martin: between Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2928 B.; 
from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3062 B.; Mount Paradis 100— 
200 M.: n. 3296 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 100—200 M.: 
n, 3425 B.; Prince quarter: n. 2, 3. 

Kallstroemia—Triphasia. 101 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela. (Symb.). 

Fagara trifoliata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 33. 

Tobinia ternata Desv. in Ham. Prodr. (1825) 57; Gris. Fl. 136, 

Tobinia punctata Gris, Flor. W. I. (1859) 137; Duss 138; Mill- 
spaugh 499. 

NXanthoxylum ternatum Sw. Flor. I (1797) 570. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 204 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2386 B.; Point 
Blanche (coll. George): n. 2492B.,; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.; n. 
2708 B.; lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and 
Mount Vernon: n. 2953B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n, 
3056 B., 3074 B., 3081 B., 3082 B.; Prince quarter: n. 4, 10,11, 12, 
13; Centryhill: n. 15. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Barthélemy, Antigua, Mont- 
serrat, Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, Desirade, Les Saintes, Dominica, 
Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barbados, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

4084. Amyris Linn. 

Amyris elemifera Linn. Syst. X ed II (1759) 1000; Duss 183. 
St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3391 B., 3395 B. 
St. Croix (Symb.). 
Baham., Florida austr., Key West, Antill. (Symb.). 

4090, Murraya Linn. 

Murraya exotica Linn. Mant. [1 (1771) 563; Duss 152; Millspaugh 
499. Boxwood. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 937B., 40G.; 
Little Mountain—Boven: n. 14. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1908 B.; locality unknown: n. 281 L. 

St. Martin: Hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n. 3446a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; Ind. in Asia austro-orient., Austral. sept., Polynes. 

4094. Triphasia Lour. 

Triphasia trifoliata P. DC. Prodr. I (1824) 536; Duss 132; Mill- 
spaugh 499. Myrtle lemon. 

102 Rutaeceae— Burseraceae. 

Triphasia aurantiola Lour. Fl. Cochinchin. (1790) 158. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 538 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 613 B.; seashore: n.. 24, 26; locality unknown: n. 226G. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1856 B.; locality unknown: n. 97 L. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2622 B.; hills 
on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n. 3447 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill.; Indig. in India orient. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

4100. Citrus Linn. 

The author was not yet able to find out with a security so great, to make 
it possible to mention it in this Flora the names of the different species of 
Citrus that are cultivated in the gardens. 

Only one plantation of Citrus Limonum Risso in Saba be mentioned. 

138. Simarubaceae. 
4106. Suriana Linn. 

Suriana maritima Linn. Spec. (1753) 284; Gris. Fl. 58; Duss 48; 
Millspaugh 499, 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Concordiabay: n. 36; near Sea- 
feathersbay: n. 35; 

I also saw Suriana maritima at the seashore near English Quarter. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 1643. B; from Belvedere 
to Oysterpond: n. 3043 B. 

1 also saw Suriana maritima near Mulletpond. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. 

4121. Picrasma Blume. 

Picrasma antillana Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae V (1908) 378. 

Picraena excelsa Gris, in Flor. W. I. (1859) 140 (p. p.); Duss 
143; (Symb.). : 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 448B., 461aB.; locality unknown: 
n. 210aG, 

Saba: from Bottom to Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1465@B.; 
near Hellsgate: n. 1697a B.; locality unknown: n, 2078a B., 341L.; 
Cresp.— Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 44. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis: n. 3219a B. 

Triphasia— Bursera. 103 

St. Croix (Symb.). 
St. Thomas, St. Jan, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Marti- 
nique, St. Vincent, Barbados. (Symb.). 

4131. Picramnia Sw. 

Picramnia pentandra Shiv llkong all (alaSiq)) PROS (Gaus IMG TKO)e 
Duss 142. Wild coffee, Bastard bough. 

St. Martin: Marigothill— Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2639 B.; Naked- 
boyhill 50—200 M.: n, 2690 B., 2697 B., 2714 B,; Mountain between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2878 B.; lower 
part of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: 
n. 2956 B., 2962 .B.; top of the hill on the northern side of Cul 
de Sac 200-300 M.: n. 3010B.; Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 
3184 B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: n. 3197 B., 3299 B., 3345 B.; 
Centryhill: n. 92, 98; Prince quarter: n. 90; French frontier: n. 
37, 38, 39; locality unknown: n. 3621 B., 91. 

I also saw Picramnia pentandra: from Belvedere to Oysterpond. 

Florida austr., Key Ins., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

139. Burseraceae. 
4150. Bursera Linn. 

Bursera simaruba Sarg. Gard. and For. III (1890) 260. 

Bursera gummifera Jacq. Sel. (1763.) 94 t. 65; Gris. Fl. 3 
Duss 181; Millspaugh 500. Gum tree, Balsam tree, Lime 

St. Eustatius: near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 139aB., 146a B.; 
top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 202 B.; slope of the Quill on the side 
of White Wall 200 M.: n. 1182 B.; locality unknown: n. 106 H., 200 G. 

I also saw Bursera simaruba in a gut near Fort de Wind. 

Saba: Seashore near Saddle: n. 1652aB.; gut near Devils- 
hand: n. 2078a B.; locality unknown: n. 290 L. 

I also saw Bursera simaruba: in Hellsgate, Tentgut, Springbaygut. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad: n. 2819a@ B.; French frontier: n. 71, 72. 

I also saw Bursera simaruba: Top of Nakedboyhill; near Saline; along 
roads from Filipsburg to Simsonsbay; Vallée des Péres; Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Curacao, from Mexico to 
Nova Granata and Venezuela. (Symb.). 

104 Meliaceae —Malpighiaceae. 

140. Meliaceae. 

4164. Swietenia Jacq. 
Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. Enum. (1760) 20; Gris. Fl. 181; 
Duss 130; Millspaugh 500. Mahagony. 
St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 216 B.; ina 
garden in Oranjestad: n. 1072 B.; locality unknown: n, 82 H. 
Saba: Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 1978B.; Greathill: n. 92; 
locality unknown: n. 12 L. 

I also saw Swietenia mahagoni: near Marypoint. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr., Peru. (Symb.). 
Also cultivated. 

4175. Melia Linn. 

Melia azedarach Linn. Spec. (1753) 384; Millspaugh 500. 

Melia sempervirens Sw. Prodr. (1788) 67; Gris. Fl. 128; Duss 
AG eliaaivanc: 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 44 H., 139G. 

I also saw Melia azedarach in the slope of the Cliff. 

Saba: Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1722 B.; Mountain near Windward- 
side 600 M.: n. 2163B.; Peperpot: n. 93; Crispeen—Rendez-vyous 
400 M.: n. 92; locality unknown: n. 125 L. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2661 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. 
(Symb.). Also cultivated. 

141. Malpighiaceae. 

4226. Heteropteryx Juss. 

Heteropteryx purpurea H. B. K. Noy. Gen. V (1821) 163; Duss 
116; Millspaugh 498. 

St. Bustatius: Hills near Concordia 100 M.: n. 950 B.; from 
Little Mountains to Venusbay: n. 990a B.; slope of the Quill on 
the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 1179B.; Pongo—Signalhill: 
n. 1965; Red Cliff: n. 1969; Sugarloaf: n. 1966, 1967, 1968. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela, Colombia. (Symb.). 

Swictenia—Malpighia. 105 

4228. Stigmatophyllon Juss. 

Stigmatophyllon ciliatum A. Juss. in A. St. Hil. Fl. Bras. Mer. 
III (1827) 49. 
Cultivated. [Jamaica, Brasil.|. (Gris. Fl.). 

Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium A. Juss. Malp. Syn. (1540) 290; 
Gris. Fl. 119; Duss 116; Millspaugh 498. Goat bush. 

St, Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 31 B.; ina garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 96 B.; deserted plantation near Tumbledowndick- 
bay: n. 142B., 171 B.; top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 191 B., 212B,; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M.; n. 686 B.; between Oranje- 
stad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 791 B.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: n. 922 B.; lower part of the hills near 
Concordia: n. 980 B.; Signalhill 150 M.: n. 1042 B., 1052 B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 1129 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 608, 609, 619, 
630; locality unknown: n. 137G., 144 H. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2407 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2557 B.; Cul de Sac—Marigothill 
0—200 M.: n. 2629B.; lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3171 B.; 
Tintamarre: 3398; Vineyardhill: n. 618; Cul de Sac: n. 6389; 
Colebayhill: n. 94. 

I also saw Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium on: Marigothill—Marigot; 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, 
Antigua, Martinique, St. Lucia. (Symb.). 

Stigmatophyllum sericeum Wrightex. Gris. Cat. Pl. Cub. (1866) 43. 

Stigmatophyllum diversifolium A. Juss. in Arch. Mus. Par. II] 
(1843) 381. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3286 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Cuba (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

4244. Galphimia Cav. 
Galphimia gracilis Bartl. in Linnaea XIII (1839) 552. 
Cultivated. |[Mexico.]. (Symb.). 
4251. Malpighia Linn. 

Malpighia angustifolia Linn. Spec. (1762) 610; Gris. Fl. 117; 
Duss 113. Bastard cherry. 

106 Malpighiaceae— Euphorbiaceae. 

St. Martin: lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord 
and Mount Vernon: n. 2920B,; along roads from Grande Case to 
Marigot: n. 3090 B. 

I also saw Malpighia angustifolia near Saline. 

St. Thomas, St. Jan, Antigua, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia. (Nie- 
denzu 1899). 

Malpighia punicifolia Linn. Spec. (1762) 609; Gris. Fl.116; Duss 
Lis. Chiemniy,. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 28 B.; slope of the 
lower part of Signalhill: n. 107 B.; Oranjestad: n. 97; Gilboohill: 
n. 38; along. the road to Sugarloaf: n. 87; locality unknown: 
n. 63 H., 78 G. 

I also saw Malpighia punicifolia: top of Signalhill; top of the Cliff 
between Oranjestad and White Wall. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1546 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 1477 B., 334 L. 

St. Martin: from Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2435 B.; Mari- 
geotroad near Marigot: n. 2809 B., 2810 B.; Prince quarter: n. 47, 
57, o8. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix (Symb.). 

St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Barthelemy, Guadeloupe, Martinique, 
Trinidad, Margarita, Bonaire, Curacao. (Symb.). 

4252. Bunchosia L. Cl. Rich. 

Bunchosia jamaicensis Urb. et Ndz. Index Lect, in Lyc, Reg. 
Hos. Brunsb. de Genere Bunchosia (1898) 10. 

Bunchosia Lindeniana Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 115. 

Saba: Seaside of Tentguthill 100 M.: n. 1655 B.; Windward- 
side: n. 1943 B. 

Antill., Mexico, Costarica, Guiana. (Gris. FI.). 

Bunchosia nitida L. Cl. Rich. ap. Juss. in Ann. Mus. Par. XVIII 
(1811) 481. 

St. Martin: between Mont Chambord and the Saline: n. 2924 B.; 
lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Ver- 
non: n. 29638 B.; near Simsonsbayvillage: n. 8257 B.; Mount Para- 
dis 800—400 M.: n. 3322 B, 

Hispaniola, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent, 
Bequia, Barbados, Grenada. (Symb.). Surinam. (Pulle). 

Malpighia—Phyllanthus, 107 

4255. Byrsonima L. Cl. Rich. 

Byrsonima crassifolia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. V (1821) 149; Gris. 
FJ, 114. (vel.-B. martinicensis Kr. et Urb. ?) 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 238la B. 

Antill., Amer. austr. sept. (Symb.). 

Byrsonima lucida L. Cl. Rich. ap. Juss. in Ann, Mus, Par. 
eV (otlh4el Grist Fl TiS sDuss) Wu. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3621 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Key Ins., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 
Byrsonima spicata L. Cl]. Rich. ap. Juss. in Ann, Mus. Par. vol. 
XVIII (1811) 481; Gris. Fl. 115; Duss 111; Millspaugh 497. 
Holly hock. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 253 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1229B.; Quill: n. 80H. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1679 B.; Windwardside: 
n, 1944 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Panama, Venezuela, Guiana, Brasilia. (Symb,). 

147, Euphorbiaceae. 

4299. Phyllanthus Linn. 

Phyllanthus distichus Mill. Arg. in DC. Prodr. XV. 2 (1866) 
413; Millspaugh 500. 

Cicca disticha Linn. Mant. I (1767) 124; Gris. F]. 32; Duss 20. 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
52B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 90 H., 148G. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1876 B.; locality unknown: n. 116 L., 238 L. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac 200—300 M.: n. 2992 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

 Antill.; Indig. in India orient? (Symb.). Also cultivated. 
Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus Linn. Spec. (1763) 1392; Duss 25. 

Phyllanthus falcatus Sw. Flor. IL (1800) 1115; Gris. Fl. 35. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2502 B.; shore of the 
Simsonsbaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 2744 B.; near Mulletpond: 
n. 2785 B. 

I also saw Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus: Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

108 Euphorbiaceae. 

Phyllanthus niruri Linn. Spec. (1753) 981; Gris. Fl. 34; Duss 
23; Millspaugh 501. Surinaam bitter. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 76 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 579 B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 871 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 41G., 34 H. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1429 5.; 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2408 B.; lower 
part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3166 B.; in a plantation of Cotton 
near Bethlehem: n. 3410 B. 

I also saw Phyllanthus niruri in pastureground near Bellevue. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Baham., Antill., almost all warmer countries of both 
hemisph. (Symb.). 

Phyllanthus nobilis Mill. Arg. in DC. Prodr. XV 2 (1866) 114; 
Millspaugh 501 

Cicea antillana A. Juss. Tent. Euphorb. (1824) 108 t. 4 f. 
13 Be Grisy Ne 33; Duss Zi G cose bier y. 

Saba: Gainbygut: n. 2074; locality unknown: 43 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill: n. 2735a B.; Mount Paradis: n. 3202a B, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana. (Symb.). 

4348. Croton Linn. 

Croton astroites Dryand. in Ait. Hort. Kew. I ed. vol. IIL (1789) 
375; Gris. Fl. 42; Duss 33; Millspaugh 501. Wild marrow.. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill above White Wall: n. 2B.; 
slope of the lower part of White Wall: n. 97 B.; Signalhill 200 M.: 
n. 128B.; gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 826B.; along a road 
in Oranjestad: n. 930B.; hill near Concordia 100 M.: n. 949 B.; 
top of Signalhill 225 M.: n. 1030 B.; Signalhill 200 M.: n. 1047 B.; 
near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1147 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 
1194 B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1239a@B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 125; 
Pangohill: n. 122,123; Gilboohill: n. 124; Sugarloaf: n. 128; loca- 
lity unknown: n. 150aB., 269 B., 171 G., 3577 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2362 B,; Fort 
Willem 50 M.: n. 2536B.; locality unknown: n. 3611 B.; near 
Fort Amsterdam: n. 126, 127. 

I also saw Croton astroites: Cul de Sae; Nakedboyhill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, St. Barthélemy, St. Kitts, 
Antigua, Guadeloupe, Desirade. (Symb.). 

Phyllanthus—Croton. 109 

Croton betulinus Vahl Symb. II (1791) 98; Duss 32; Millspaugh 
501. Black sage. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2802 B.; in pasture- 
ground near Bellevue: n. 2826 B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill: n. 2865 B.; along roads near Colebay: n. 
3025 B.; shore of the Simsonshaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 
2739 B., 2743 B., 2746 B.; Lowlands: n. 3265 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3384 B. 

I also saw Croton betulinus: one of the islands in Simsonsbaylagoon. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida austr., Antill. (Symb.). 

Croton flavens Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 1276; Gris. Fl. 38; 
(excl. syn. Willd.). (Symb.); Millspaugh 501. Marrow, Yellow 

Croton balsamifer Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760); Duss 31. 

$t. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Gallowsbay: n. 
61B.; in deserted plantations at the seashore near Bengalen: 
n. 582B., 584B., 594B., 597B., 599B.; slope of the Quill near 
Bengalen 200 M.: n. 737 B.; between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind 
on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 775 3B., 778B., 785 B., 792 B.; 
Fort de Wind: n. 795 B.; seashore near Venusbay: n. 968 B.; 
Gilboonill 150 M.: n. 1124 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 1195 B.; 
slope of the hills near Concordiabay: n. 151; Cultuurvlakte: n. 
130, 132; Tumbledowndickbay: n. 153; Venusbay: n. 154; Sugar- 
loaf: n. 140; locality unknown: n. 54H., 120G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1321 B.; along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1627 B.; along the 
lower part of the Forthgut: n. 1643@B.; St. Giles: n. 1865 B.; 
Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 1971 B.; Ladderlanding: n. 185, 136; 
Greathill 200 M.: n. 141; Quarter 300 M.: n. 249; Marypoint: n. 
250; locality unknown: n. 315 L. 

$t. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2351 B.; Guana- 
bay: n. 24381 8B.; Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2469B.; Fort 
Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2531 B., 2543 B.; near Bethlehem: n. 2662 B., 
shore of the Simsonsbaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 2741 B.; 
road near Fort Willem: n. 2796 B.; between Mount Vernon and 
Orientbay: n. 2937B.; near Simsonbayvillage: n. 5256 B.: Green 
Key: n. 3364 B., 3867 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3382 B.; Filipsburg: n. 
137; Centryhill: n. 138; Vineyardhill: n. 139; locality unknown: 
n. 387. 

110 Euphorbiaceae. 

I also saw Croton flavens: from Belvedere to Oysterpond; between 
Mount Vernon and Saline; Nakedboyhill. 

Anguilla: Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan. (Symb.). Baham. 
(Herb. Leiden). 

Croton lobatus Linn. Spec. (1753) 1005; Gris. Fl. 42; Duss 33; 
Millspaugh 501. Lilacbush. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 74B., 1276 B.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: n. 564 B.; Fairplay: n. 167; slope of 
the Quill: n. 164, 165, 166; locality unknown: n. 92G., 177 H. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1839B., 1843 B. 

St. Martin: Colebayhill: n. 161. 

I also saw Croton lobatus near Belvedere. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, Amer, cont. trop. (Symb.). 

4358. Ditaxis Vahl. 

Ditaxis fasciculata Vahl ap. A. Juss. Tent. Huph. (1824) p. 110 t. 
7 f. 24; Gris. Fl. 44; Millspaugh 501. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter: (coll. George) n. 2457 B.; near 
Nakedboyhill: n. 2566B., 2733aB.; Point Blanche: n. 3405 B.; 
Vineyardhill: n. 769; locality unknown: n. 21. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan. (Symb.). 

4360. Argithamnia Sw. 

Argithamnia candicans Sw. Prodr. (1788) 39; Gris. Fl. 44; Mill- 
paugh 502, 

St. Martin: Fort Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2540 B.; Nakedboyhill 
50—200 M.: n. 2700B.; lower part of the hills between Mont 
Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2959 B.; Mount Paradis 200— 
300 M.: n. 3317 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3401 B.; Colebayhill: n. 2075; 
Centryhill: n. 767. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., (Hitche.), Antill. 

Croton— Acalypha. 111 

4374. Bernardia Adans. 

Bernardia corensis Miill—Arg. in Linnaea XXXIV. (1865, 66) 
i773; Duss 35. 

Polyboea corensis Wlotsch. in End. Gen. Suppl. [V. III (1850) 
88. Gris. Fl. 46. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.:n. 195 B., 226 B., 398 B., 
404 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 665 B.; Sig- 
nalhill 200 M.: n. 1050 B. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3224 B.; Mount 
Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3303 B. 

Haiti, St. Barthélemy, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe, 
Grenada, St. Vincent, Curacao. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

4397. Adelia Linn. 

Adelia ricinella Linn. Syst. X. ed. II (1759) 1298; Gris. FI. 
45; Millspaugh 502. 

St. Martin: Filipsburg near the Saltponds: n. 2357 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Fort Amsterdam: n. 2566 B.; Prince quarter (coll. 
George): n. 2457 B.; top of Nakedboyhill: n. 2711 B.; Point Blanche: 
n. 38405B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 750; Colebayhill: n. 751; 
Prince quarter: n. 752. 

St. Croix ex Millspauch. : 

Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan. 

4407. Acalypha Linn. 

Acalypha chamaedrifolia Miill. Arg. in DC. Prodr. XV. 2. (1866) 
879; Duss 35, 

Acalypha veptans Sw. Prodr. (1788) 99; Gris. Fl. 48; Mill- 
spaugh 502. Bastard nettle. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 552 B., 921 B. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1519a@ B., 
1520 B., 1540 B.; Hellsgate: n. 1692 B.; Laddergut 0O—200 M.: n. 
1962 B.; Windwardside: n. 2334 B. 

St. Martin: in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2850 B.; from 
Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3092 B.; lower part of Milldrumhill: 
n, 3159 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austral., Antill. (Sym)b.). 

Acalypha Poiretii Spreng Syst. II] (1826) 879. 
St. Martin: near Grande Case: n. 3092 B. 

112 Euphorbiaceae. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Thomas, Curacao. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

Acalypha Wilkesiana Miill—Arg. in DC. Prodr. XV. 2. (1866) 817. 
Cultivated. [Ins. Pacif.]. (Symb.). 

4416. Tragia Linn. 

Tragia volubilis Linn. Spec. (1753) 980; Gris. Fl. 48; Duss 36; 
Millspaugh 502. 

$t. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 225 B., 252 B., 282 B.; 
inner slope of the Quill near Bengalen 350 M.: n. 703 B. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1467 B.; 
Mountain 600—800 M.: n. 1791 B.; Laddergut 0O—200 M.:n. 2011 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2710 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2894a B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3308 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Curagao, Amer. cont. trop., Afr. occ. (Symb.). 

4422. Dalechampia Linn. 

Dalechampia scandens Linn. Spec. (1753) 1054; Gris. Fl. 51; 
Duss 40; Millspaugh 502. 

St. Eustatius: near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1143 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 280 M.: n, 2735 B, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amei. cont. trop., (Afr. trop. and Ind. or.) (Symb.). 

4424, Ricinus Linn. 

Ricinus communis Linn. Spec. (1753) 1007; Gris, Fl. 37; Duss 
30; Millspaugh 502, Castoroil plant. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 23 H., 26 G., 27 G,, 258 G,, 
288 H., 289 H. 

I also saw Ricinus communis: Seashore near Oranjestad. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1586 B.; locality unknown: n, 64 L.; 

I also saw Ricinus communis: Laddergut. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Indig. veris. in Africa. (Symb.). Also cultivated. 

Acalypha—Jatropha. 113 

4428. Aleurites lorst. 
Aleurites moluccana Willd. Spec. Pl. IV. 1 (1805) 590. Wild 
Cultivated. |Asia austr. orient. and Ins. pacific.] (Symb.). 

4433. Jatropha Linn, 

Jatropha curcas Linn. Spec. (1753) 1006; Gris. Fl. 36; Duss 27; 
Millspaugh 502. Grave physic nut. 

St. Bustatius: between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 771 B.; along roads near Glasshbottle: 
n. 1209 B.; seashore: n. 242, 2073; Cultuurvlakte: n. 244; locality 
unknown: n. 52G., 168 H. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 248. 

I also saw Jatropha cureas in Forthbaygut; Hellsgategut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2595 B., 2601 B.; 
along roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3106 B.; Cul de 
Sac: n. 245. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

Jatropha gossypifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 1006; Gris, Fl. 36; 
Duss 25; Millspaugh 502. Physic nut. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 19 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 570 B., 558 B., 1126 B.; in deserted plantations 
near Bengalen: n. 589B.; seashore: n. 247, 249; Cultuurvlakte: 
n. 246; locality unknown: n. 132G., 1383G., 196H., 197 H. 

I also saw Jatropha gossypifolia: on Signalhill 200 M.; top of the Cliff 
between Oranjestad and White Wall. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M,: 
n. 1360B.; along the Forthgut O—150 M.: n. 1639 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 241 L., 313 L. 

I also saw Jatropha gossypifolia in: Laddergut. 

St. Martin: lower part of Milldrumhill: n. 3113 B. 

I also saw Jatropha gossypifolia: along roads from Filipsburg to Naked- 
boyhill; in pastureground near Bellevue. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Curacao, Aruba, Amer. cont. trop. 
Africa occ. (Symb.). 

Jatropha multifida Linn. Spec. (1753) 1000. Coral plant. 
Cultivated. [Amer. cont. trop.] (Symb.). 

114 Euphorbiaceae. 

4444, Manihot Adans. 

Manihot utilissima Poh! Plant. Bras. I (1827) p. 32 t. 24. Cas- 
Cultivated. [Amer. cont. trop.]. (Symb.). 

4454. Codiaeum A. Juss. 

Codiaeum variegatum Bl. Bijdr. XII (1825) 606. Croton. 
Cultivated. [Ins. Sundaic.]. (Symb.). 

4483. Sapium Jacq. 

Sapium spec. (without flowers or fruits). 
Saba: Top of the Mountain 600 M.: n. 2189 B. 

4486. Hippomane Linn. 
Hippomane mancinella Linn. Spec. (1753) 1191; Gris. Fl. 50; 
Duss 37; Millspaugh 503. Mangeniel tree. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 16 B.; Concordia- 
bay: n. 184; seashore: n. 182; locality unknown: n. 1014 B., 324 H. 

I also saw Hippomane mancinella: seashore near Tumbledowndickbay. 

Saba: Seashore near Flat Point: n. 2133 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2345 B.; near 
Fort Willem: n. 2799 B. 

I also saw Hippomane mancinella: along roads from Filipsburg to 
Nakedboylill; Cul de Sae; Fort Willem; near Mont Chambord; near Saline; 
near Grande Case; Vallée des Péres; one of the islands in the Simsonbay- 
lagoon; Lowlands; Green Key; Tintamarre. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Baham., Antill., Curacao, from Mexico to 
Venezuela. (Symb.). 

4488. Actinostemon Mart. ex Klotzsch. 

Actinostemon caribaeus Gris. in Goett. Abh. VII (1857) 168. 
Hxcoecaria caribaea Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 51; Duss 40. 
St. Eustatius: Great gut: n. 748, 749. 
St. Martin: Milldrumhill: n. 3143a B., 3148 B.; John Ednyhill: 
n. 345, 346, 347, 348, 2051. 
Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban); Amer. cont. (Herb. Leiden). 

4492. Gymnanthes Sw. 

Gymnanthes lucida Sw. Prodr. (1788) 96: Millspaugh 503, 
Hacoecaria lucida Sw. Flor. II (1800) 122; Gris. Fl. 50; Duss 89. 

Manihot— Euphorbia. 115 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 450 M.: n. 348B., 372 B.; 
Signalhill: n. 1036 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1152 B., 1161 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 333 H. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austy., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

4493. Hura Linn. 
Hura crepitans Linn. Spec. (1753) 1008; Gris. Fl. 50; Duss 38; 
Millspaugh 593. Sandbox tree. 
St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 546 B., 142 H.. 147 G. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2596 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

4098. Euphorbia Linn. 
Euphorbia articulata Burm. ex Aubl. Pl. Gui. I (1775) 480; 
Gris. Fl. 53; Millspaugh 503, 

Huphorbia linearis Retz. Obs. IIL (1791) 32; Duss 41. 

St. Eustatius: between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 767 B.; gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: 
n, 847 B.; lower part of the hills near Concordia: n, 976 B., 2071; 
Tumbledowndickbay: n. 2070; White Wall: n. 2068, 2069. 

Saba: Green Island: n. 2131 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, Culebra Island, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, 
Martinique, St. Vincent. (Herb. Krug. et Urban). 

Euphorbia buxifolia Lam. Encyc. I] (1786) 421; Gris, Fl. 53; 
Duss 42; Millspaugh 503. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 811 B.; seashore near White 
Wall: n. 854 B.; seashore: n. 2065; Seafeatersbay: n. 2076, 2077; 
White Wall: n. 2064. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2517B.; Green Key: 
n. 3361 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and Mexico and throughout the West Indies 
(Hemsley 1884). 

Euphorbia heterophylla Linn. Spec. (1753) 453; Gris. Fl. 54; 
Duss 44. 

Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. Comm. Gotting. VII (1786) 81; 

Millspaugh 503. Joseph’s coat. 

116 _ Euphorbiaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Glassgut at the seashore near Oranjestad: n. 
49B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 576B., 2096, 32 H., 36G,; 
Oranjestad: n. 2098; Cultuuryvlakte: n. 2097; locality unknown: 
n. 2078. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2668 B.; along roads from 
Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3095 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermudas, Eastern North-America, from Illinois southward 
and through the West Indies and Mexico to Peru and Brazil. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

Euphorbia hypericifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 454; Gris. Fl. 54; 
Duss 43; Millspaugh 503. ; 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 602B.; along roads near Glass- 
bottle: n. 869 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 2079, 2080, 2095. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1399 B.; 
Laddergut 200 M.: n. 2008 B.; Peperpot: n. 2081; Crespeen— 
Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 2085 B.; Bottom: n. 2082; locality unknown: 
my 28s GI: 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2654 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermudas, Hastern States of North-America, West Indies, 
Mexico and South-America. (Hemsley 1884). 

Euphorbia petiolaris Curt. Bot. Mag. (1795) 883; Millspaugh 503. 

Huphorbia verticillata Poir. Encye. Supp. Il (1811) 611; Duss 
45. Black mangeniel. 

St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n. 3341 B.; from Filipsburg to 
Belvedere: n. 2567 B., 2573 B.; Marigothill—Marigot O—200 M.: 
n. 2652 B.; near Simsonsbaylagoon: n. 3033 B.; along roads from 
Colebay to Simsonsbay: n. 3253 B.; Filipsburg: n. 2031; Vineyard- 
hill: n. 2032; Cul de Sac: n. 2083, 2084. 

I also saw Euphorbia petiolaris: along roads near Bethlehem; along 
roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill; Nakedboyhill; hill between Mont 
des Accords and Centryhill; near Saline; along roads from Belvedere to 
Oysterpond; near Grande Case; lower part of Milldrumhill; Lowlands; lower 
part of Mount Paradis; top of Mount Paradis. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug. et 

Euphorbia pilulifera Linn. Spec. (1753) 454; Gris. Fl. 54; Duss 
42; Millspaugh 5038. Chickenweed., 

Euphorbia—Pedilanthus. 117 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 75 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 512 B., 577 B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 
875 B.; locality unknown: n. 8G., 8H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1459 B.; 
along the lower part of Forthgut: n. 1640 B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: 
n. 1963 B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n, 2037; locality unknown: 
n. 239) L. 

St. Martin: in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2840 B.; Centry- 
hill: n. 349. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All tropical countries. (Gris. F1.). 

Euphorbia prostrata Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. I. Il. (1789) 139; 
Gris. F]. 53; Duss 42; Millspaugh 504. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2433 B.; near Mulletpond: n, 2776 B., 
2780 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermudas, Louisiana and '’exas southward to Peru and Brazil.; 
also in tropical Africa and naturalised in Sicily and elsewhere. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

Euphorbia Bulehecnims Willd. ex Klotzsch, in Otto et Dietr. 
Allg. Gartenz. II (1834) 27. Star of Bethlehem. 
Cultivated. |Mexico.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Euphorbia thymifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 454; Duss 42; Millspaugh 
504; Children chickenweed. 
St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 229 H., 25: 
St. Martin: Lowlands near Cherrycap: n. 325% 
All tropical countries. (Gris. F'l.). 

4501. Pedilanthus Neck. 

Pedilanthus tithymaloides Poit. in Ann. Mus. Par. XIX (1812) 
390. t. 19; Gris. Fl. 52; Duss 41; Millspaugh 504. Parakiet. 

St. Eustatius: along the lower part of Signalhill: n. 123 B.; 
gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 842 B.; along roads near Signal- 
hill: n. 1128 B. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 2250 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2377 B.; Prince 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2465 B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: 
n, 3054 B,; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 2072, 

118 Euphorbiaceae—Celastraceae., 

I also saw Pedilanthus tithymaloides: along roads near Bethlehem; 
Marigothill to Marigot; Nakedboyhill; near Bellevue; hill between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill; near Saline; hill on the northern side of Cul de Sae: 
Mount Paradis 300—400; Lowlands; lower part of Mount Paradis; Tinta- 
marre; hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent, Barbados, 
Grenada, Tobago. (Herb. Krug et Urban.). 

153. Anacardiaceae. 
4545. Mangifera Linn. 

Mangifera indica Linn. Spec. (1753) 200; Gris. Fl. 176; Duss 187; 
Millspaugh 504. Mangotree. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 57H., 130G.,, 
3590 B. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 156 L., 196 L., 302 L. 

I also saw Mangifera indica: Laddergut; Bottom; Marypoint. 

St. Martin: I saw Mangifera indica: Marigothill—Marigot; from Cul de 
Sac—Marigot; Vallée des Péres; lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis 
300—400 M.; Lowlands. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

India orient, Malaya, Mexico, Amer. centr. et merid—sept. 
Antill. (Engler 1883). Also cultivated. 

4546, Anacardium Rotbdéll. 
Anacardium occidentale Linn. Spec. (1753.) 383; Gris. Fl. 176; 
Duss 189; Millspaugh 505. Cashew, Cherry. 
St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of the Quill near Ben- 
galen: n. 718 B.; locality unknown: n. 45 H., 207G. 

I also saw Amnacardium occidentale: on the slope of the Quill on the 
side of White Wall; top of the Quill; top of Signalhill. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 227 H. 
I also saw Anacardium occidentale: Laddergut; near Marypoint. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2597 B.; Low- 
lands: n. 3267 B. 

I also saw Anacardium oecidentale: along roads from Filipsburg to 
Nakedboyhill; Nakedboyhill; lower part of Milldrumhuill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Pedilanthus—Maytenus. 119 

In all warmer countries of America. (Engler 1885). Also culti- 

4552. Spondias Linn. 

Spondias lutea Linn. Spec. (1753) 6138. Yellow plum. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill: n. 125@B.; in a garden in Oranje- 
stad: n. 1016 B. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1873aB., 1877 B., 2234 B. 

Antill., Mexico, Amer. cont. austr., Malay. (Engler 1883), Also 
Spondias purpurea Linn. Spec. (1753) 613. Red plum, Ja- 
maica plum. 

Cultivated. |Antill., Mexico, Peru, Nova Granata.| (Engler 1883). 

4590. Comocladia Linn. 

Comocladia ilicifolia Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 17; Gris. 
Fl. 176; Duss 184; Millspaugh 504. Red man, Centepee 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 822B.; Signalhill 150 M.: n. 
1041 B., 99; Gilboohil: n. 100; locality unknown: n. 111 H., 332 H. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1852a B.; Springhaygut: n. 2096 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n,. 2369 B.; Centry- 
hill: n. 101, 102; near Point Blanche: n. 104; near Guanabay: n. 103. 

TI also saw Comocladia ilicifolia: along roads near Bethlehem; along 
roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill; Nakedboyhill 100—200 M.; hill between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill; near Saline; from Belvedere to Oysterpond; 
lower part of Mount Paradis. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Domingo, Guadeloupe, Antigua, 
St. Lucia. (Engler 1885). 

158. Celastraceae. 
4626. Maytenus Molina. 

Maytenus elliptica Kr. et Urb. in Duss I). Ant. franc. (1897) 
145 (excl. syn. Griseb.). 

St. Bustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 2383B., 344aB., 
369 B.; Quill: n. 412a@B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 
744a@ B.; near Signalhill: n. 952a B. 

120 Celastraceae—Sapindaceae. 

St. Martin: Top of Nakedboyhill: n. 2713 B.; Milldrumhill: n. 
3152 B., 3182a B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Montserrat, 
Guadeloupe, Marie Galante, Martinique, St. Vincent, Becquia. 

4648. Gyminda Sarg. 

Gyminda latifolia Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae V (1904) 80. 
Myginda latifolia Sw. Prodr. (1788) 39; Gris. Fl. 146; Duss 148. 
Myginda pallens Sarg. Forest Trees N. Amer. LX 38; Duss 147 

(non Sm.); (Symb.). 

Rhacoma latifolia Loesener in Engl.-Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 

Ill. 5 (1892) 217. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 375aB., 393 B. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. Ceorge): n. 2512 B.; near Simonsbay: 
n. 3035a B. 

Key ins., Antill., Mexico. (Symb.). 

Rhacoma Linn. 
cf. 4649. Myginda Jacq. syn. 

Rhacoma crossopetalum Linn. Syst. X. ed. Il (1759) 896. 

Myginda rhacoma Sw. Prodr. I (1788) 89; Gris. Fl. 146; 
Duss 147. 

Myginda pallens Smith in Rees Cycl. XXV (1813) n. 4; Gris. 
Fl. 146; Millspaugh 505. 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 900 M.: n. 129 B.; deserted plantations 
near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 144B.; White Wall: n. 816 B.; gut 
near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 841 B.; seashore near White Wall: 
n. 860 B.; Signalhill 50 M.: n. 1028 B.; Berg Amsterdam: n. 115; 
top Pongo: n. 113, 114; Pongo—Signalhill: n. 112; White Wall: 
n. 111; Crookwell: n. 110; Little Mountain—Boven: n. 116; Su- 
garloaf: n. 117. 

_ Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1391 B.; 
gut between Masticgut and Hellsgate 300—400 M.: n. 2029B.; 
RAnISeiee eile 

St. Martin; near Mulletpond: n. 2751 B., 2753 B.; near Beth- 
lehem: n. 2600a B.; Tintamarre: n. 3397 B., 3400 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florid. austral., Key, Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

Maytenus—Allophylus. 121 

4653. Schaefferia Jacq. 

Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. Enum. (1760) 33; Gris. Fl. 146; Duss 
148; Millspaugh 505. Boxwood. 

St. Eustatius: deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay : 
n. 147B.; from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 962 B.; Boven: 
mn, 215. 

Saba: along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 16386 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Cul de Sac: n. 2610 B.; Mari- 
gothill—Marigot O—200 M.: n. 2647 B.; Mountain between Mont 
des Accords and Centryhill 200--300 M.: n. 2859 B.; lower part 
of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 
2964 B.; Colebayhill: n. 210; Centryhill: n. 1, 2,3; French frontier: 
n. 5; locality unknown: n. 4, 7. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florid. austral., Key, Baham., Mexico, Nova Granata, Antill. 

165. Sapindaceae. 

4726. Cardiospermum Linn. 

Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Spec. (1753) 366; Gris. Fl. 
122; Duss 118; Millspaugh 505. Sprainbushwine. 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 618 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: 
n. 1106 B.; near the seashore: n. 146; slope of the Quill: n. 148; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 147; locality unknown: n. 154G., 294 H. 

Saba: St. Giles: n. 1868 B.; Windwardside: n, 2307 B. 

St Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2421 B.; Point 
Blanche (coll. George): n. 2496 B.; Cul de Sac —Marigothill O—200 M.: 
n. 26382 B.; along roads from Marigot to Filipsburg: n. 3112 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n. 3316 B.; Marigotroad: n. 150, 151, 152. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

4734. Allophylus Linn. 

Allophylus occidentalis Radlk. in Sitzungsb. phys. math. Cl. 
Bayer. Acad. Wiss. XX (1890) 230. 

Schmidelia occidentalis Sw. FI. Ind. Oce. Il (1800) 665; Gris. 
Fl. 126; Duss 122; Millspaugh 506. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 213 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 455 B., 1215 B., 329 H.; locality unknown: 
n, 50, 51, 52, 

122 Sapindaceae— Rhamnaceae. 

Saba: Boobyhill 800 M.: n. 1591 B.; gut between Hellsgate 
and Masticgut 3800 M.: n. 2057 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba to Minaes Geraes. (Gris. Fl.). 

4760. Melicocca Linn. 

Melicocca bijuga Linn. Spec. (1762) 495; Gris. Fl. 127; Duss 123; 
Millspaugh 505. Kinnuptree. 

St. Bustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 1386 B., 165 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 633 B.; lower part of the hills near Concordia: n. 978 B.; along 
the slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 143; Oranjestad: n. 
144, 86 H., 204 H. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1872 B.; locality unknown: n. la L. 

I also saw Melicocca bijuga in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: I saw Melicocca bijuga: along roads from Filipsburg to 
Nakedboyhill; near Bellevue. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trinidad, Jamaica, Guiana, Nova Granata. (Gris. Fl.). 

Also cultivated. 

4831. Dodonaea Linn. 

Dodonaea viscosa Linn. Mant. (1767) 228; Gris. Fl. 127; Duss 
123; Millspaugh 506. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill above White Wall 350 M.: 
n. 1B. between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of the 
Cliff 40 M.: n. 7668B.; White Wall: n. 804 B.; gut near Fort de 
Wind: n. 828 B., 835aB.; slope of the Quill on the side of White 
Wall 200 M.: n. 1199 B.; near Sugarloaf: n. 154, 155, 162; near 
White Wall: n. 156, 157, 163; locality unknown: n. 3635 B. 

St. Martin: at the seashore near Simsonsbayvillage: n. 3031 B.; 
Colebay (coll. George): n. 2504 B.; Simsonsbay: n. 159, 161. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In almost all warm countries. (Hemsley 1554). 

4833. Hypelate Swartz. 

Hypelate trifoliata Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 61; Gris. Fl. 127. 
St. Martin: near Simsonsbaylagoon: n. 2738a B. 
Anguilla Boldingh. 
Baham., Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 


Allophylus—Gouania. Li 

1608. Balsaminaceae. 

4856. Impatiens Linn. 

Impatiens Balsamina Linn. Spec. (1753) 938. 
Cultivated. {India orient?]. (Ind. Kew.). 

169. Rhamnaceae. 

4861. Zizyphus Adans. 

Zizyphus Jujuba Lam. Encycl. III (1789) 318; Duss 94. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2398a B.; near 
Filipsburg: n. 2337a B. 

India. orient., Malay. (Ind. Kew.). 

4575a. Krugiodendron Urb. 

Krugiodendron ferreum Urb. Symb. Ant. III (1902) 314; Mill- 
spaugh 506. 

Condalia ferrea Gris. Flor. W. I. (1859) 100; Duss 92. Iron- 

St. Eustatius: from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 963 B.; 
Boyen: n. 192; locality unknown: n. 337 G. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2773 B.; Mount Paradis: n. 
3313 B.; French frontier: n. 191. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh, 

Florida, Key Ins., Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

4882. Colubrina L. Cl. Rich. 

Colubrina ferruginosa Brong. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér. I X (1827) 
086, t. 15 f. 3; Gris. Fl. 100; Millspaugh 506. 

Saba: St. Giles: n. 1866a B. 

Florida, Antill. (E. a. P.). 

4902. Gouania Jacq. 

Gouania domingensis Linn. Spec. (1763) 1663; Gris. Fl. 101; 
Duss 93; Millspaugh 506. White root. 

St. Eustatius: from Tumbledowndickbay to Signalhill; n. 168 B.; 
near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1136 B. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1444 B.; 
Hellsgate: n. 189. 

124 Rhamnaceae—Tiliaceae. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—-200 M.: n. 2636 B.; Mari- 
gotroad near Marigot: n. 2811 B.; lower part of the hills between 
Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2954 B.; lower part of 
Colebayhill: n. 153, 190. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer, trop. (E. a. P.). 

170. Vitaceae. 

4918. Cissus Linn. 

Cissus obovata Vahl Symb. Bot. III (1764) 19; Gris. Fl. 102. 
St. Martin: Top of Mount Paradis: n. 3236 B., 8350 B. 
St. Croix. (Planchon 1888). 
Portorico. (Planchon 1883). 

Cissus sicyoides Linn. Syst. ed. X. (1759). 897; Gris. Fl. 102; 
Duss 95; Millspaugh 506. Pudding withe. 

Vitis sicyoides Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I. (1868) 83. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 44 B.; slope of 
the hills near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 153 B.; top of the Quill 
880 M.: n. 284B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 
668'B., 709 B, 727 B.; Cultuurvlakte: mn, 5; seashore: ny Gieie 
locality unknown: n. 129 H., 155G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1344 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 190—200 M.: n. 1506 B.; 
eut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2051 B., 
2076 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2107 B.; Bottom: n. 14, 15; locality 
unknown: n. 104 L. 

I also saw Cissus sicyoides in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2384 B.; along 
the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2443 B.; from Filipsburg to Bel- 
vedere: n. 2589B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac: n. 3434 B.; 
hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n. 3437 B.; Centryhill: 
n. 17; Cul de Sac: n. 16. 

I also saw Cissus sicyoides: in Marigothill—Marigot; Nakedboyhill; in 
pastureground near Belvedere; hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill; 
hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac; from Belvedere to Oysterpond; 
Mount of Paradis 300—400 M. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Americ. trop. (Planchon 1887). 

Gouania--Triumfetta. 125 

174. Tiliaceae. 

4953. Corchorus Linn. 
Corchorus acutangulus Linn. Wneye. (1756) Il 104; Gris. FI. 97; 
Millspaugh 507. 
St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 607 B.; Fort de Wind: n. 803 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
In all tropical countries (KH. a. P.). 

Corchorus hirsutus Linn. Spec. (1753) 530; Gris. Fl. 97; Duss 507. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 656a B.; 
from Little Mountains to Venusbay: n. 994 B.; Signalhill 200 M.: 
n. 1044 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1273 B. 

St. Martin: (coll. George:) n. 2495aB.; near Mulletpond: n 
2762 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3245 B.; Fort Amsterdam : 
n. 252; French-frontier: n. 225. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Aruba, Bonaire. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

Corchorus olitorius Linn. Spec. (1758) 529; Gris. FI. 97. 
St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 269G. 
In all tropical countries. (EH. a. P.). 

Corchorus siliquosus Linn. Spec. (1753) 529; Gris. Fl. 97; Duss 
89; Millspaugh 507. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul EGE: 
n. 3005 B.; Marigotroad: n. 248. : 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Florida to Texas, Panama, Nova Granata. (Gris. F'l.). 

4975. Triumfetta Linn. 

Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 22; Gris. 
Fl. 96; Millspaugh 507. Wild maho. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 185 H., 210.; slope of the 
Quill: n. 247. 

Saba: Ladder: n. 246. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 
Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 22; Gris. 
F]. 96; Duss 89; Millspaugh 506. 

St. Eustatius: Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 56 B.; top of the Quill 
400 M.: n. 198 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 

126 Tiliaceae— Malvaceae. 

n. 645 B.; 711 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 155; slope of the Quill: n. 229, 
230, 231, 232; Quill: n. 243, 245; locality unknown: n. 244. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1898 B., 
1415 B.; Windwardside— Hellsgate: n, 1663 B.; Mountain 600—800 M.: 
n. 1792 B.; gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 
2062 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2162 B.; Peper- 
pot: n, 236; Gainbygut: 235. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2635 B.; 
near Bethlehem: n. 2665 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2705 B.; 
Mount Paradis 3800—400 M.: n, 3215 B., 3243 B.; Centryhill: n. 
234; Marigotroad: n. 233. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

175. Malvaceae. 
4983. Abutilon Adans. 
Abutilon crispum Sweet. Hort. Brit: ed. 1(1827)53; Gris. Fl. 79; 
Duss 68. 

St. Eustatius: English Quarter: n. 606, 616, 626, 636, 

St. Vincent, New Mexico, Texas, Cuba and Mexico to Vene- 
zuela, East Indies. (Gris. Fl.). 

Abutilon indicum Sweet. Hort. Brit. ed. I. (1827) 54; Gris. Fl. 78; 
Duss 67; Millspaugh 507. 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 627B., 1188 B.; along roads in 
Oranjestad: n. 932 B.; Concordia: n. 255; English Quarter: n. 287; 
locality unknown: n. 201 H. 

Saba: locality unknown: n. 75 L. 

St. Martin: along roads from Bethlehem to Mont Chambord: 
n. 2915 B.; Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 3204 B. 

I also saw Abutilon indicum: along roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboy- 
hill; hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Panama, Niger, Nubia to Mozambique, Hast Indies. 
(Gris. FI.). 

4991. Althaea Linn. 

Althaea officinalis Linn. Spec. (1753) 686. 

Cultivated. [Europa orient.) (Ind. Kew.). 

4995. Malvastrum A. Gray. 

Malvastrum spicatum A. Gray. in Mem. Am. Acad. N. 8. IV 
(1849) 22; Gris. Fl. 72; Duss 62; Millspaugh 508. 

Triumfetta —Sida. 127 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 90 B.; Fort de 
Wind: n. 799 B,; locality unknown: n. 256 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1804 B.; Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2046 B, 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanahay: n. 2846 B.; near 
Bethlehem: n. 2663 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Texas to Brazil., Cape Verde Islands, East Indies, 
New Holland. (Gris. Fl.). 

Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. Gray Pl. Wright I (1852) 16; 
Gris. Fl. 72; Duss 63. 

Malvastrum coromandelianum Garcke Bonplandia V (1857) 297; 
Millspaugh 508. 

St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 901 B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Cosmop. trop. (Ind. Kew.). 

4998. Sida Linn. 
Sida carpinifolia Linn. f. Suppl. (1781) 307; Gris. Fl. 73; Duss 63; 
Millspaugh 508. 

Sida acuta Burm. f. Fl. Ind. (1768) 147. Soapbush. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 91 B., 568 B.; 
Bengalen: n. 620B.; Fairplay: n. 1505; Cultuurvlakte: n. 1502; 
slope of the Quill: n, 1506; locality unknown: n. 1507, 15 H., 16 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1340 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1503 B.; 
top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1601 B.; Windward- 
side: n. 1901 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 2018 B.; gut between Hells- 
gate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2028 B.; locality unknown: 265 L. 

St. Martin: from Guanabay to Filipsburg: n. 2439 B.; lower 
part of Milldrumhill: n. 3170 B. 

I also saw Sida carpinifolia on the hill between Mont des Accords and 
Centryhill; between Mount Vernon and Saline; near Grande Case; Mount 
Paradis 300—400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Florida, Bermud., Cuba and Guatemale to Nova Granata 
and Brazil., trop. Afr., Canary Islands, East Indies. (Gris. Fl.). 
Sida ciliaris Linn. Syst. Ed. X (1759) 1145; Gris. Fl. 73; Duss 
64; Millspaugh 509. 

St. Eustatius: on the top of the Cliff between Oranjestad and 
Fort de Wind: n. 756 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1153 B.; near 
Boven 200 M.: n. 1245 B. 

128 Malvaceae. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2562 B.; between 
Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2938 B.; lower part of Colebay- 
hill: n. 470 A. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

$t. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela. (Gris. Fl.). 

Sida cordifolia Linn. Spec. (17538) 684; Gris. Fl. 76; Duss 67; 
Millspaugh 509. Mash mellow. 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 623 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 511, 524; 
English Quarter: n. 510; locality unknown: n. 3582 B., 182 G. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1662 B.; Hellsgate: n. 
1695 B. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2462 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2559 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 
2679 B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3048 B.; along roads 
from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3094 B.; locality unknown: n. 
3097 B, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Peru and Brazil., Cape Verde 
Islands, Niger, Nubia, Cape, East Indies, Canton. (Gris. F.). 

Sida glomerata Cay. Diss. I (1785) 18 t. 2 f. 6; Gris. Fl. 73; 
Duss 64. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 275 H. 

Bermud., Antill., Mexico. (Hemsley 1884). 

Sida rhombifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 684; Gris. FJ. 74; Duss 75; 
Millspaugh 509. 

St. Martin: from Flat Point to Windwardside: n. 2143 B.; 
Mount Paradis: n. 3203 B. 

Trop. countries of both hemisph. (Ind. Kew.). 

Sida spinosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 683; Gris. Fl. 74; Duss 64; 
Millspaugh 509. 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 617 B.; hill near Concordia 100 M.: 
n. 945 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 181, 205. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2616 B.; near Bethlehem: n. 2664 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Afr., Asia, America. (E. a. P.). 
Sida supina L’Hérit. Stirp. Noy. (1784) 109bis, t. 52; Gris. FI. 
75; Millspaugh 509, 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 918 B.; near 
Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1155 B. 

Sida— Hibiscus. 129 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1396 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1457 B.; Ladder- 
gut 200 M.: n. 2005 B.; Peperpot: n. 658. 

St. Martin: near Fort Willem: n, 2542 B., 2793 B.; lower part 
of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n, 2948 B.; 
along roads in Cul de Sac: n. 2967 B.; lower part of the Mill- 
drumhill: n. 3168 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Haiti and Mexico to Venezuela and Lima, Galapagos 
Islands. (Gris. F].). 

5006. Urena Linn. 

Urena lobata Linn. Spec. (1753) 692; Gris. Fl. 81; Duss 70. 
Urena americana Linn, Pl. Surin, I (1775); Millspaugh 509. 
Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1559 B., 

1472 B.; Mountain 800 M.:; n. 1799 B., 1803 B., 19, 31. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all tropical countries. (E. a. P.). 

5007. Pavonia Cay. 

Pavonia spinifex Cay. Diss. II] (1787) 133; Gris. Fl. 82; Duss 
72; Millspaugh 508. Ginger bush. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1401 B.; 
Windwardside: n, 1592 B., Crespeen—Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 29; 
Middle island: n. 30. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2650 B.; lower 
part of Mount Paradis: n. 3188 B., 3302 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Antill., Amer. merid. (Hemsley 1884). 

5013, Hibiscus Linn. 
Hibiscus esculentus Linn. Spec. (1753) 696, 
Cultivated. [In all trop. countries]. (Ind. Kew.). 
Hibiscus radiatus Cav. Diss. III (1787) 150 t. 54 f.2. Hawthorn. 
Cultivated. [Asia and Austral. trop.|. (Ind. Kew.). 
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis Linn. Spec. (1753) 694. Hibise. 
Cultivated. {Trop. countries of the Old world]. (Ind. Kew.). 
Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn. Spec. (1753) 695. 
Cultivated. {'Trop. countries of the Old world]. (Ind. Kew.). 


130 Malvaceae—Sterculiaceae. 

Hibiscus schizopetalus Hook. f. Bot. Mag. (1880) t. 6524. Bas- 
ket hibise. 

Cultivated. [Afr. trop.]. (Ind, Kew.). 
Hibiscus tiliaceus Linn. Spec. (1753) 694. 

Paritium tiliaceum St. Hill Fl. Bras. Mer. I (1827) 256; Gris. 
Fl. 86; Duss 79; Millspaugh 508. 

St. Eustatius: at the seashore near Concordiabay: n. 1089 B. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3326 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All tropical countries. (E. a. P.). 

5014. Abelmoschus Médik. 

Abelmoschus moschatus Médik. Maly. (1787?) 46. 
Cultivated. [Trop. countries of the Old world]. (Ind. Kew.). 

5018. Thespesia Soland. 

Thespesia populnea Soland. ex Correa in Ann. Mus. Par. [X 
(1807) 290; Gris. Fl. 87; Duss 79; Millspaugh 509. 
St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 30B.; seashore 
near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 154 B.; slope of the Quill 50 M.:n. 35. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 2246 B., 36; locality unknown: n. 233 L. 
St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigothil! 0O—200 M.: n: 2625a B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., East Indies, North coast of Austral., New South 
Wales, Senegambia. (Gris. FI.). 

5020. Gossypium Linn. 

Gossypium barbadense Linn. Spec. (1753). 693. Creole 
Cultivated. [Amerika]. (KH. a. P.). 

177. Bombacaceae. 

5023. Adansonia Linn. 

Adansonia digitata Linn. Spec. (1753); 1190. Guinea tama- 
[Africa]. (E. a. P.). 

Hibiscus—Melochia. ea 

5026. Ceiba Médik. 

Ceiba pentandra Girtn. Fruct. II (1791). 244 t. 133. 

Hriodendron anfractuosum DC. Prod. I (1824) 479; Gris. Fl. 88; 
Duss 80; Millspaugh 510. Silkcottontree. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 224 B.;ina garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 321 H. 

I also saw Ceiba pentandra; at the seashore near Oranjestad: Bottom 
of the Quill. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2619 B. 

IT also saw Ceiba pentandra: near Grande Case; Vallée des Péres. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Mexico, Antill., Guiana, Afr., Malay. (E. a. P.). 

Also cultivated. 

5033, Quararibea Aubl. 

Quararibea turbinata Poir. Encycl. Suppl. 1V. 636. 

Myrodia turbinata Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 102; Gris. 
F]. 88; Duss 82; Millspaugh 510. Millerwood. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill: n. 424a B., 896a B., 113 H., 
217 G., 118, 119, 120, 121, 122. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Brazil. (Ind. Kew.). 

178. Sterculiaceae. 

5057. Melochia Linn. 

Melochia nodiflora Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 97; Gris. 
Fl. 94; Duss 87; Millspaugh 510. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 
200—300 M.: n. 2989 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3392 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Panama. (Gris. F',). 

Melochia pyramidata Linn. Spec. (1753) 674; Gris. Fl. 93; Duss 
86; Millspaugh 510. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1076 B.; slope of 
the Quill: n. 198, 199; Cultuurvlakte: n. 197, 200; in a garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 200, 39G. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Mexico, Texas, Venezuela, Guayaquil, Brazil. 
(Gris. FI.). 

132 Sterculiaceae— Maregraviaceae. 

Melochia tomentosa Linn. Syst. ed. X (1759) 1140; Gris. Fl. 938; 
Duss 86; Millspaugh 510. Black toarch. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 102 B.; 
Signalhill 200 M.: n. 127 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 924 B.; 
along roads near Concordiabay: n. 975 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 204; 
along roads: n. 232 H. 

Saba: I saw Melochia tomentosa on Crispeenhill. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2354 B.; Prince 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2472a B.; Fort Willem O—50 M.: 2532 B., 
2795 B.; lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and 
Mount Vernon: n. 2945 B.; Colebayhill: n. 205; Prince quarter: 
n. 116. 

I also saw Melochia tomentosa: along roads from Nakedboyhill to 
Filipsburg; Nakedboyhill; from Belvedere to Oysterpond; Tintamarre. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Venezuela and Brazil. (Gris. F1.). 

5059. Waltheria Linn. 

Waltheria americana Linn. Spec. (1753) 673; Gris. Fl. 95; Duss 87. 

Waltheria indica Linn. Spec. (1753) 673; Millspaugh 511. 
Mash mellow. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 37 B.; top of the 
Quill 400 M.: n. 508B. in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 509 B.; 
Bengalen: n. 619B.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near 
Bengalen: n. 720 B.; on the Cliff between Oranjestad and Fort de 
Wind: o. 757 B., 763aB.; Pongohill: n. 48; slope of the Quill: 
n. 44, 45, 46; Cultuurvlakte: n. 42, 47; along roads in Oranje- 
Shadsniee) Oa EIe 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1528 B.; 
Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1685 B. 

St. Martin: near Fort Willem: n. 2794 B.; in an orchard near 
Bellevue: n, 2844 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In tropical and subtropical countries. (Hemsley 1584). 

5063. Ayenia Loefl. 

Ayenia pusilla Linn. Syst. ed. X (1759) 1247; Gris. Fl. 92; Mill- 
spaugh 510. 

Melochia— Maregravia. 133 

St. Bustatius: ‘lop of the Cliff between Gallowsbay and 
White Wall: n. 761 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Point Blanche: n, 3400a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Peru. (Ind. Kew.). 

5068. Theobroma Linn. 

Theobroma Cacao Linn. Spec. (1753) 782; Gris. Fl. 91; Duss 
85; Millspaugh 510. Cocoa. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 350 M.: n. 446 B., 1217 B.; 
Quill: n. 123, 124, 125, 102 H., 214G., 221G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1937 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. cent. and merid., Curagao(?) (E. a. P.). 

5081. Helicteres Linn. 

Helicteres jamaicensis Lam. Hnceyc. [IV 87; Gris. FJ. 89; Mill- 
spaugh 510. 

Helicteres Isora Linn. Spec. (1753) 963, 

St. Martin: Prince quarter: n. 501. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Asia et Austral. trop. (Ind. Kew.). 

182. Ochnaceae. 

5126. Sauvagesia Linn. 

Sauvagesia erecta Linn. Spec. (1753) 203; Gris. F], 112; Duss 108. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1821 B., 2209 B., 134; gut between 
Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2025 B, 
In all tropical countries. (E. a. P.). 

184. Marcgraviaceae. 

5137. Maregravia Linn. 

Marcgravia umbellata Linn. Spec. (1753) 503; Gris, FI. 110; 
Duss 106. 

Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.:n. 2159 B., 2160 B.; 
Mountain 800 M.: n. 2207B., 58, 59; Mountain near Hellsgate 
DOOM Mesaneearo Ss 12216) Be 

Antill., Guiana and Columbia. (Urban 1896.), 

134 Theaceae—Canellaceae. 
186. Theaceae. 

5135. Ternstroemia Mutis ex Linn. f. 

Ternstroemia peduncularis DC. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Genéy. I 
(1822) 409. 

Ternstroemia elliptica Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 81; 
Gris. Fl. 103; Duss 96; Millspaugh 511. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 5B., 228 B., 248 B., 
264 B., 323 B., 359 B., 401 B., 504 B., 222, 223, 224, 225, 227,228. 
inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1228 B.; locality unknown: 
m. 130, 226. 

St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3271 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Panama. (Gris. F'.). 

Freziera Sw. 
cf. 5157. Eurya TPhunb. subg. II. 
Freziera undulata Willd. Sp. Plant. II. (1799) 1179; Gris, Fl. 104; 
Duss 97. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2211 B., 64, 65. 
St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. 
Vincent, St. Lucia, Grenada, Trinidad. (Urban 1896). 

187. Guttiferae. 

5164. Marila Swartz. 
Marila racemosa Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Oce, (1788) 84; Gris. Fl. 
111; Duss 107. 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1829 B. 
Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominica, St. Vincent. (Herb. Krug 
et Urban). 

5176. Mammea Linn. 

Mammea americana Linn. Spec. (1753) 512; Gris. Fl. 108; 
Duss 102; Millspaugh 511. Mammie. 

St. Eustatius: along the lower part of Signalhill: n. 120B.; 
inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 461 B.; slope of the Quill near 
Bengalen 150—200 M.: n. 651 B.; Quill: n. 9; locality unknown: 
n. 70H., 184 G. 

Saba: Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1619 B.; locality unknown: n. 114 L. 

I also saw Mammea americana; Hellsgate. 

Ternstroemia—Canella. 135 

St. Martin: I saw Mammea americana: Mount Paradis 300—400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana, Nova Granata; in warmer parts of Amer. 
Afr. and Asia cultivated. (Vesque 1893). 

Also cultivated. 

5181. Clusia Linn. 
Clusia alba Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 34; Gris. Fl. 107; 
Millspaugh 511. Wild mammie. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 193B., 376 B., 8, 
LOS MOO E:, 185 G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 350M.: n. 1489B.; 
Hellsgate: n. 1705 B.; Mountain near Hellsgate 600 M.: n. 2288 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 357 L. 

I also saw Clusia alba: on Gates Hill; in Gut between Hellsgate and 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

St. Kitts, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe. (Vesque 1893). 
Clusia rosea Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 34; Gris. FJ. 107; 
Duss 99; Millspaugh 511. 

St. Martin : Nakedboyhill 200—265 M. :n. 2718 B.; Centryhill: n. 12. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Venezuela, Panama, Carolina. (Vesque 1893). 
Clusia spec. nov. without flowers and fruits. 

Saba: Greathill: n. 11. 

194. Bixaceae. 

5249. Bixa Linn. 
Bixa Orellana Linn. Spec. (1753) 512; Gris. Fl. 20; Duss 14; 
Millspaugh 511. Roucou. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 533 B., 140 H., 
231 G, 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1426 B.; 
Bottom: n. 1850 B., 2241 B.; locality unknown: n. 245 L., 292 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Amer. trop. (E. a. P.). Also cultivated. 

197. Canellaceae. 
5254. Canella Swartz. 

Canella alba Murr. Syst. ed. XIV (1784) 443; Gris. FI. 109; 
Duss 103; Millspaugh 511. Pepper cinnamom. 

136 Canellaceae—Turneraceae. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2503 B., 2505 B.; shore 
of the Simsonsbaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 2740 B.; near Mul- 
letpond: n. 27698B.; near Vischvijver: n. 2926 B.; near Simsons- 
baylagoon: n. 3038 B.; Milldrumhill 300—400 M.: n. 3126 B.; Low- 
> lands: n. 3282 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida, Antill. (E. a. P.). 

199, Flacourtiaceae. 
5307. Prockia Linn. 

Prockia Crucis Linn. Syst. ed. X (1759) 1074. 
Cultivated. [Amer. trop.]. (E. a. P.). 

5320, Xylosma [orst. 

Xylosma buxifolium A. Gray in Mem. Am, Acad. N. 8. VIII. 
(1860) 155. 
Myroxylon buaxifolium Krug et Urban in Additamenta ad Cogni- 
tionem Florae Indiae Occidentalis I (1893) 300; Duss 15, Cockspur. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 450 M.: n. 373 B., 43, 
Baham., Antill. (Urban 1893). 

5337. Samyda Linn. 
Samyda serrulata Linn. Spec. (1762) 558; Gris. Fl. 25; Duss 17; 
Millspaugh 512. Banso, Wild guave. 

St. Bustatius: Signalhill 150 M.: n. 1025B.; near Maryglory 
150 M.: n. 1146 B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 
PAOO) Wiles tak, WINS) 13%, 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2352 B., 2372 B., 
2390 B.; Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2425a B., 2458 B.; Fort 
Willem: n. 2532a B.; Cul de Sac: n. 2605 B.; Nakedboyhill 
50—200 M.: n. 2687 B.; 200—265 M.: n. 2723B.; lower part of 
the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2951 B.; 
Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 3207 B.; 100—200 M.: n. 3801 B.; 
200—800 M.: n. 38305 B.; locality unknown: n, 3614 B.; Centry- 
hill: n. 30, 88; Colebayhill: n. 32; Vineyardhill: n. 31,33; French 
frontier: n. 89. 

I also saw Samyda serrulata: near Saline; from Belvedere to Oyster- 
pond; along roads near Grande Case; Lowlands. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Barthélemy, 
Trinidad. (Herb, Krug et Urban), 

Canella—Piriqueta, 137 

5343. Casearia Jacy. 

Casearia parvifolia Willd. Sp. Pl. Il (1799) 628; Gris, Fl. 23; 
Duss 16; Crack open. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 220B., 236B., 
299B.; top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 496B.; slope of the Quill 
near Bengalen 150 M.: n. 677 B., 682 B.; slope of the Quill near 
Glassbottle: n. 867B.; Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 892 B.; 
top of the Quill: n. 160, 166; locality unknown: n. 196 G. 

I also saw Casearia parvifolia: slope of the Quill on the side of White 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 13845 B.; Greathiill 2—400 M.: n. 168; Paris: n. 161, 162; Gain- 
bygut: n. 164; Cowpasture: n. 165; locality unknown: n. 327 L. 

I also saw Casearia parvifolia: Forthbaygut; gut between Hellsgate and 
Masticgut; Springbaygut. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2638 B., 2646 B.; 
Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M. : 
n. 2894 B.; Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 3310 B.; Centryhill: 
n. 29; John Ednyhill: n. 28; French frontier: n. 27. 

T also saw Casearia parvifolia: on the hills on the northern side of Cul 
de Sac; from Belvedere to Oysterpond. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana, Pernambuco, (Gris. FI.). 

Casearia sylvestris Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. IL. (1800) 752; Gris. Fl. 
23; Millspaugh 512. 

St. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac O—100 M.: 
n. 3005a B.; 200—300 M.: n. 3011 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: 
n. 3201 B., 3241 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In tropical America. (E. a. P.). 

201. Turneraceae. 
5357. Piriqueta Aubl. 
Piriqueta villosa Aub]. Pl. Gui. I (1775) 298 t. 117. 

Piriqueta cistoides G. F. W. Mey ex Steud. Nom. ed. II (1841) 
344; Gris. Fl. 298; Duss 314. 

St. Eustatius: along roads near English Quarter: n. 997 B., 
998a B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: 
n. 1185B.; slope of the Quill: n. 237, 238; locality unknown: 
n. 236. 

Antill., Cuba and Panama to Brazil. (Gris. FI.). 

138 Turneraceae— Begoniaceae. 

5860. Turnera Linn. 

Turnera ulmifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 271; Gris. Fl. 296; Mill- 
Spaugh 512. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 808 B.; gut near Fort de Wind: 
n. 835B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1237 B.; White Wall: n. 240; 
Greatgut: n. 241. 

Saba: Flat Point: n. 2134 B. 

St. Martin: between Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2925 B.; 
' Tintamarre: n, 3403 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
From Mexico and the Antill. to Argentinia.’ (E. a. P.). 

203. Passifloraceae. 
5372. Passiflora Linn. 

Passiflora foetida Linn. Spec. (1753) 959: Gris. Fl. 294; Duss 
313; Millspaugh 512. 

St. Eustatius: Fairplay: n. 2305; seashore: n. 1974, 2881; 
road near Sugarloaf: n. 2397. 

Saba: Gut near Marypoint: n. 2048 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. Fl.). 

Passiflora laurifolia Linn. Spec. (1753) 956; Gris. i'l. 293; Duss 
312; Millspaugh 512. Bell apple. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 249B., 290 B.; in 
a garden in Oranjestad: n. 526 B.; slope of the Quill near Ben- 
galen 250 M.: n. 701 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 1439; slope of the 
Quill: n. 1426; Boven: n. 85; locality unknown: n. 1429, 1442, 
1443, 24G., 79 H., 144G. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 2272 B.; Jenkygut—Hellsgate: n. 87; loca- 
lity unknown: n. 2 L., 170 L. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3333 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Nova Granata, Guiana, Brazil. (Gris. Fl.). Also culti- 

Passiflora maliformis Linn. Spec. (1753) 956; Gris. Fl. 298; 
Duss 313. 
Saba: Mountain 200 M.: n. 1904; locality unknown: n. 305 L. 
Antill., Haiti to Nova Granata (Gris. F1.). 

Turnera— Begonia. 13 

Passiflora quadrangularis Linn. Syst. ed. X. (1759) 1248. Gra- 

Cultivated. [Antill., Panama, Peru, Brasil.]. (Gris. Fl.). 
Passiflora rubra Linn. Spec. (1753) 956; Gris. Fl. 292; Duss 312; 
Millspaugh 512. Snakeberry wine. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1488 B., 
1494 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1764 B.; gut between Hellsgate and 
Masticgnt 300—400 M.: n. 2024 B.; Mountain 800 M.: n. 2217 B. 

St. Martin: lower part of Mount Paradis: n. 3292 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Panama, Venezuela, Nova Granata. (Gris. F'.). 

Passiflora suberosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 958; Gris. F]. 290; Duss 
311; Millspaugh 512. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 192B., 313B,, 
342 B.; 500 M.: n. 490 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: 
n. 690 b.; slope of the lower part of the Quill near Bengalen: 
n. 713B.; gut near Fort de Wind: 50 M.: n. 837 B.; slope of the 
Quill: n. 2417; locality unknown: n. 188 H., 271 G. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1668 B.; Bottom: n. 2546, 
2571; locality unknown: n. 314 L. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 200—260 M.: n. 2721 B., 2734B.; 
near Mulletpond: n. 2757 B., 2764 B.; inan orchard near ‘Bel levue: 
n, 2834 B.; Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 
200—300 M.: n. 2871 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Panama, Venezuela. (Gris. F1.). 

205. Caricaceae. 

5377. Carica Linn. 

Carica Papaya Linn. Spec. (1753) 1026. Papao. 
Cultivated. [Amer. trop.]. (E. a. P.). 

208. Begoniaceae. 

5397. Begonia Linn. 

Begonia domingensis DC. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér IV. XI (1859) 
124 (vel. affin.); Gris. F]. 304. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 450 M.: n. 382B., 472B.; 
Bengalen: n. 193, 194; Quill: n. 192. 

140 Begoniaceae—Cactaceae. 

Saba: Mountain 600—800 M.: n. 1787B., 1809B., 2212 B., 
169, 189, 190, 191; locality unknown: n, 173 L. 
Dominica, Haiti. (Gris. FI.) 

210. Cactaceae. 
5401. Cereus Mill. 

Cereus grandiflorus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 11; 
Gris. F]. 8301; Duss 317; Millspaugh 513. 

St. Eustatius: Jenkinsbay: n. 1253a B. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 2242a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, Caraiben, Haiti, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Sonora. (Schu- 
mann 1905). 

Cereus Peruvianus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 4. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad. 
St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 3438a B. 
Antill., Mexico, Bras., Guiana. (Schumann 1903). 

Cereus triangularis Haworth. Syn. Pl. Suce. (1812) 180; Gris. FI. 
301; Duss 317; Millspaugh 513. 

Cereus compressus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 10, 
Slingercactus, Strawberry. 

Saba: St. John’s: n. 1871a B.; Windwardside: n. 1917a B.; near 
Devilshand: n. 2097a@ B. 

St. Martin: near Oysterpond: n. 3089a@B.; Mount Paradis: 
n. 3322a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Florida, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Asia. (Schumann 19038). 

Cereus spec. 
St. Eustatius: n. 141, 153. 
Saba: locality unknown: n, 1660a B, 

5409. Melocactus Link et Otto. 

Melocactus communis Link et Otto in Verh. Preuss. Ver. 
Gartenb. III (1827) 417 t. 11; Gris. Fl. 300; Duss 317; Millspaugh 513. 

St. Eustatius: I saw Melocactus communis: Top of Signalhill; near 
Tumbledowndickbay ; Gilboohill. 

Saba: I saw Melocactus communis: near the Sulphurmines. 

St. Martin: I saw Melocactus communis: near Filipsburg; near Guana- 
bay; along roads from Filipsburg to Nakedboyhill; top of Nakedboyhill; 
Lowlands; Green Key. 

Begonia—Opuntia. 141 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill. (Schumann 1908). 

5417. Opuntia Mill. 

Opuntia Ficus indica Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 2; 
Gris. FJ. 302; Sweet prickle. 

St. Eustatius: along roads: n. 151G. 

I saw Opuntia Ficus indica: in deserted plantations near Bengalen; 
roads along the lower part of Signalhill; Signalhill. 

Saba: I saw Opuntia Fieus indica: St. Giles; Laddergut. 

St. Martin: 1 saw Opuntia Ficus indica; near Filipsburg; Nakedboy- 
hill; Fort Willem; Green Key. 

Mexico, warmer countries of both hemisph. (Schumann 1993). 

Opuntia spinosissima Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 8; 
Gris. Fl. 802; Duss 318; Millspauch 518. 

St. Eustatius: I saw Opuntia spinosissima: on the top of the Cliff 
near Signalhill; on the White Wall. 

St. Martin: I saw Opuntia spinosissima: Top of Nakedboyhill; Tinta- 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Ind. Occid. (Schumann 1903). Baham. (Hitche.) ° 

Opuntia triacantha Haworth. (1812); Gris. Fl. 302. Spanish lady. 

St. Eustatius: English Quarter: n. 1004a@B.; Gilboohill: n. 
1126a@ B.; Jenkinsbay: n. 1230a B. 

I saw Opuntia triacantha: Slope of Signalhill; roads along the lower 
part of Signalhill; top of the Cliff between Oranjestad and White Wall. 

Saba: Paris: n. 1384aB. 

IT also saw Opuntia triacantha: Laddergut. 

St. Martin: near Fort Willem: n. 255laB.; near Nakedboy- 
hill: n. 2577a B. 

T also saw Opuntia triacantha: near Filipsburg; along roads near Beth- 
lehem; one of the islands in Simsonsbaylagoon. 

Ind. Occid. (Schumann 1903). 
Opuntia Tuna Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII. (1768) n. 3; Gris. FI. 
302; Duss 318; Millspaugh 513. Sour prickle. 

St. Eustatius: along roads: n. 152. 

Saba: I saw Opuntia Tuna: Giles gut; near the Salphurmines; Green 

St. Martin: I saw Opuntia Tuna: Nakedboyhill; Fort Willem; one of 
the Islands in Simsonsbaylagoon. 
India Oceid., California? (Schumann 1908). 

142 Cactaceae—Combretaceae. 

5418. Nopalea Salm-Dyck. 

Nopalea coccinellifera Salm-Dyck Cath. Hort. Dyck. ed. II 
(1850) 64. Curagao prickle. 
Cultivated. |Mexico]. (Schumann 1908). 

5421. Peireskia Mill. 

Peireskia aculeata Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768). 
Cultivated. [warmer countries of Amerika]. (Schumann 1903). 

Peireskia bleo DC. Prod. III (1828) 475. 
Cultivated. [Nova Granata, Brasilia]. (Schumann 1903). 

214. Thymelaeaceae. 
5449. Daphnopsis Mart. et Zuc. 
Daphnopsis caribaea Gris. Flor. W. I., (1860) 278; Duss 297. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 197B., 251B., 
397 B.; slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 
1177 Bs Quills n. 154. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1359B.; Greathill 400 M.: n. 13886 B.; seaside of Tentguthill 
100 M.: n. 1654 B.; Hellsgate: n. 1699 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2077 
Paris 2—400 M.: n. 233, 284, 235. 

I saw Daphnopsis caribaea: Gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut ; Saddle. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2604 B.; Milldrumhill 200—300 M.: 
n. 3119 B., 3124 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3240 B. 

I also saw Daphnopsis caribaea: Top of Nakedboyhill; near Saline. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Martinique, Guadeloupe, 
Margareta, Dominica. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

216. Lythraceae. 

5493. Lagerstroemia Linn. 
Lagerstroemia indica Linn. Spec. (1762) 734. Queen of Crib- 
Cultivated. [Japan, China, Molukk., Australia|. (Koehne 1908). 

5494. Lawsonia Linn. 


Lawsonia inermis Linn. Spec. (1758) 349. Miminet. 
Cultivated. [Africa, Asia, Australia]. (Koehne 1903). 

Nopalea—Conocarpus. 143 

218. Punicaceae. 
5501. Punica Linn. 

Punica Granatum Linn. (1753) 472. Pomegranate tree. 
Cultivated. [Balkan and Himalaya]. (H. a. P.). 

220. Rhizophoraceae. 
5523. Rhizophora Linn. 

Rhizophora Mangle Linn. Spec. (1753) 443; Gris, Fl. 274; Duss 
292; Millspaugh 514. 

St. Martin: near Colebay (coll. George): n. 2498a B.; from 
Filipsburg to Simsonsbay: n. 3027 B. 

I saw Rhizophora Mangle: at Simsonshaylagoon; Oysterpond. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

America. (E. a. P.). 

221. Combretaceae. 

5541. Quisqualis Linn. 

Quisqualis indica Linn. Spec. (1762) 556. Different colou- 
red jessamine. 

Cultivated. [Ind. orient., Ins. Philipp., Afr. trop. orient., Gui- 
nea]. (HE. a. P.). 

5544. Terminalia Linn. 

Terminalia Catappa Linn. Mant. II (1771) 519. Almond tree. 
Cultivated. [Madagascar, Malay arch., Nova Guinea]. (E. a. P.). 

5548. Conocarpus Girtn. 

Conocarpus erectus Linn. Spec. (1753) 76; Gris. Fl. 277; Duss 
295; Millspaugh 516. Button wood. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore at Venusbay: n. 970 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2378 B.; Colebay 
(coll. George.): n. 2515 B.; shore of the Simsonsbaylagoon near 
Cul Piquard: n. 2747B.; near Simsonsbayvillage: n. 3029 B., 
3029 B.; Simsonsbay: n. 160.; Lowlands: n. 5266 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

144 Combretaceae— Myrtaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Florida to Brazil., Galapagos, Marianne Islands, trop. 
coast of Africa. (Gris. Fl.). 

5551. Laguneularia Giirtn. 

Laguncularia* racemosa Giirtn. f. Fruct. III (1805) 209 t. 217 
f. 2; Gris. FJ. 276; Duss 295; Millspaugh 515. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2497 B.; from Filipsburg 
to Cul de Sac along the Saltpond: n. 2612 B.; shore of the 
Simsonsbaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 2748 B.; along the Simsons- 
-baylagoon near the village: n. 3028 B., 3285 B.; Oysterpond n. 376. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. trop. to Florida, trop. Africa. (E. a. P.). 

222. Myrtaceae. 

5559. Psidium Linn. 

Psidium Guajava Linn. Spec. (1758) 470; Gris. Fl. 241; Duss 261; 
Millspaugh 515. Guava tree. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 512B., 41 H., 
48 G.; slope of the Quill: n. 62, 63, 64; road near English 
Quarter: n. 41, 

Saba: Boobyhill 350 M.: n. 1615 B.; Ladder: n. 40; Longpeak: 
n. 61; locality unknown: n. 119 L. 

I also saw Psidium Guajava: in a gut between Hellsgate and Mastiegut; 
between Bottom and Marypoint; Crespeenhill, A 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2582 B.; Cul de 
Sac: n. 60. 

I also saw Psidium Guajava: Marigothill to Marigot; Nakedboyhill; 
lower part of Milldrumhill; Mount Paradis 3—400 M.; Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill. from Mexico to Brasilia, (Urban 1895). 

Amomis Berg. 

Gh. 5566) Pailmentasliimale siecle 

Amomis caryophyllata Kr. et Urb. in Urban. Additamenta ad 

Cognitionem Flore Indiz Occidentalis II (1895) 573; Duss 262. 
Pimenta acris Kostel. Allg. med. pharm. Fl. IV (1835) 1526; 

Gris. Fl. 241; Millspaugh 515. Cinnamom tree, Bayberry. 

Conocarpus—Myrcia. 145 

St. Bustatius: Top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 493 B., 56, 57; 
Bengalen: n. 53. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n, 1479 B., 
1557 B.; Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1596 B.; Bottom: n. 1987 B.; Great- 
hill: n. 54; Bottom: n. 51, 52; Masticgut: n. 55. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 800—400 M.: n. 3156 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Venezuela, Guiana; cult. in Baham. and Ind. Orient. (Urb. 1895). 

5573, Myrcia DC. 

Myrcia paniculata Kr. et Urb. in Urban Additamenta ad Cogni- 
tionem Florae Indiae Occidentalis II (1895) 577; Duss 263. 

Myrcia coriacea DC. Prodr. II] (1828) 243; Gris. Fl. 234; 
Millspaugh 515. Redwood, Birdsberry. 

St. Bustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 173B, 188B., 
260 B., 346 B., 505 B.; locality unknown: n, 114 H. 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1369 B.; Mountain near Windwardside 
600 M.: n. 2180 B.; locality unknown: n. 1568 B., 140 L.; Well- 
gut: n. 45. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2715 B.; lower part 
of Mount Paradis: n. 3189 B.; Mount Paradis 800-400: n. 3221 B., 
3352 B.; Lowlands: n. 3268 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Brazil. (Urb. 1895). 

Myrcia splendens DC. Prodr. III (1825) 244; Gris. Fl. 234; 
Duss 265. Surinaam cherries. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 200B., 285B., 
358 B.; inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 420B., 1218 B., 1222 B,; 
slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 656 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 150 M.: n. 684B.; slope of the Quill 
150 M.: n. 1112 B.; Quill: n. 44, 46, 47; slope of the Quill: n. 45; 
Little Mountain: n. 44; locality unknown: n. 177G., 215 G. 

Saba: along roads 200-—-300 M.: n. 1711la B.; Windwardside: 
n. 19458B.; Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2043 B:; Crespeen—Rendez- 
vous: n. 48. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 150—400 M.: n, 3195 B.; Tinta- 
marre: n. 3396 B. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, 
Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad. 
(Urban 1895). 


146 Myrtaceae. 

5575, Calyptranthes Swartz. 

Calyptranthes Boldinghii Urb. in Symbolae Antillana VI (1909) 22. 
St. Martin: Lowlands: n. 3270 B. 

5578. Eugenia Linn. 

Eugenia axillaris \illd. Spec. II (1800) 970; Gris. Fl. 236; Duss 
270; Millspaugh 514. Choakyberry, Pigeonberry. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 
n. 641 B.; Gilboohill 150 M.: n. 1120 3B; Boven: n. 19, 20 top 
of the Quill: n. 20; locality unknown: n. 55 H. 

Saba: Top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1607a B.; 
Mountain 400 M.: n. 1740 B.; Windwardside: n. i883 B.; Laddergut : 
n. 2000 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2117 B.; Greathill: n. 22. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2392 B.; from 
Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3055 B., 3072 B.; Lowlands: n. 3263 B.; 
Tintamarre: n. 33888 B.; top of Centryhill: n. 39. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida, Key, Baham., Antill. (Urban 1895). 

Eugenia cordata DC. Prodr. III (1828) 272; var. Sintensii Kr. 
et Urb. in Additamenta ad Cognit. Fl. Ind. Occ. (1895) 656. 

Hugenia sessiliflora DC. Prodr. III (1828) 273; Gris. Fl. 236. 

St. Eustatius: from Signalhill to Venusbay: n. 960 B.; Gilboo- 
hill: n. 1121 B.; near White Wall: n. 1266 B. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

St. Domingo? Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Tortola, Antigua, 
Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Mustique Island, Becquia 
Island. (Urban 1895). 

Eugenia floribunda West St. Croix (17938) 290; Gris. FI]. 239; 
Duss 273; Millspaugh 514. Guaveberry. 

St. Eustatius: locality unknown: n. 200aG.; 40. 

St. Martin: in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2831 B.; Mount 
Paradis 8300—400 M.: n. 3320a B. 

St. Croix. (Urban 1895). 

Antill., Guiana, Brazil. (Urban 1895). 

Eugenia fragrans Willd. Spec. (1800) 964. 
Anamomis fragrans Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 240. 
Anamomis punctata Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 240. 
St. Martin: Top of Nakedboyhill: n. 2715 B. 
Florida, Antill. (Urban 1895). 

Calyptranthes— Eugenia, 147 

Eugenia Jambos Linn. Spec. (1753) 470. 

Jambosa vulgaris DC. Prod. III (1828) 286; Gris. Fl. 235; 
Duss 274. 

Jambosa Jambos Millspaugh 515. Plum rose. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50.—200 M.: 
n. 644 B., 26; locality unknown: n. 103 H. 

Saba: Crespeen—Rendez-yous 400 M.:n. 27; locality unknown: 
MeelOOMER 321 Tr. 

I also saw Eugenia Jambos: Bottom; Laddergut. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3347 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Asia austro-orient. and Australia. (Urban 1895), 
Also cultivated. 

Eugenia ligustrina Willd. Spec. Il (1800) 962; Gris. Fl. 289; 
Duss 268; Millspaugh 514. Blackberry, Blackcherry. 

St. Eustatius: deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay : 
n. 148 B.; slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 892B.; top of the Quill 
500 M.: n. 473B., 497 B.; hill near Concordia 100 M.: n. 952 B.; 
from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 986B., 992 B.; slope: of 
Signalhill: n. 28; Quill: n. 29; Venusbay: n. 30; top of the Quill: 
n. 31, 32; locality unknown: n. 109 H. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2411 B.; Prince 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2484 B.; from Filipsburg to Belvedere: 
n. 2584 B.; Cul de Sac: n. 2607 B.; lower part of the hills between 
Mont Chambord and Mount Vernon: n. 2946 B., 2952 B.; Mill- 
drumhill 8300—400 M.: n. 3187 B.; Lowlands: n. 3280 B.; near Fort 
Amsterdam: n. 36; Vineyardhill: n. 33, 35; Prince quarter: n. 34; 
Guanabay: n. 34 b, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Brazil. (Urban 1895). 

Eugenia monticola DC. Prodr. III (1828) 275. 

Hugenia Poiretii Berg. in Linnaea X XVII (1856) 186 (excl. 
svn. Cand., Poir., Spreng.); Gris. Fl. 236; (ex deser.). 

Hugenia obtusata Willd. ex Berg. in Linnaea XX VII (1856) 
240; Gris. Fl. 237 ;. (ex deser.). ; 

Eugenia buxifolia Gris. Flor. W. I. (1850) 236; (excl. syn.), 
— non Willd. 

Hugenia pallens Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 287; (specim. Guad.), 
— non DC. (Symb.). Duss 269; Millspaugh 515. Birdsberry. 

148 Myrtaceae—Melastomataceae. 

St. Martin: Filipsburg near the Saltpond: n. 2365 B.; Naked- 
boyhill 200 M.: n. 2585 B.; Marigothill: n. 2609 B.; near Simsons- 
baylagoon: n. 2745 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2768 B.; hill between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill: n. 2863 B.; near Oysterpond: 
n. 3073 B.; Milldrumhill: n. 3116 B.; Mount Paradis: n. 3220B, 
3330 B.; Lowlands: n. 3283 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham, (Hitche.); Antill. (Urban 1899). 

Eugenia procera Poir. in Lam. Enc. Suppl. Il (1813) 129; Gris, 
Fl. 238; Millspaugh 515. Bastard black-berry. 

St. Eustatius: deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay : 
n. 149 B.; Signallhill 200 M.: n. 1037 B. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 1356 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2098 B.; Peperpot: n. 38. 

St. Martin: along roads from Grande Case to Marigot; n. 3100 B.; 
Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3321 B.; Colebayhill: n. 37. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, 
St. Jan, Antigua, Martinique, Barbados. (Urban 1895). 

Eugenia rhombea Kr. et Urb. in Urban. Additamenta ad Cog- 
nitionem Florae Ind. Oecid. JIT (1895) 665. 

- St. Eustatius: Seinpost: n. 39; Wittehoek: n. 40. 

Florida, Key West, Baham., Antill. (Orban 1895). 

Eugenia uniflora Linn. Spec. (1753) 470; Gris. Fl. 239. Honey- 
berry, Surinaam cherries, 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 117 B.; 
deserted plantations near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 143 B.; top of 
the Quill 400 M.: n. 172 B., 177 B., 326 B.; in a garden in Oranje- 
Stadi:h i coOlmpre5 50) Ben oll 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1424 B.; 
Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1720 B.; locality unknown: n. 70 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida, Antill. (Urban 1895). 

223. Melastomataceae. 

5633. Tibouchina Aubl. 

Tibouchina strigosa Cogn. in Monogr. Phan. VII. (1891) 266. 
Chaetogastra strigosa DC. Prod. III (1818) 134; Gris, Fl. 266. 

Hugenia— Miconia, 149 

Chaetogastra chironioides Gris. Flor. W. I. (1860) 267 (p. p.); 
Duss 288. 

Tibouchina ornata Baill. Adansonia XII (1877) 74. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 18. 

Antill., British Guiana. (Cogniaux 1891). 

5749. Charianthus D. Don. 

Charianthus crinitus Naud. in Ann. Se. Nat. Sér. 8. X VIII (1852) 
Ill; Gris. Fl. 264. 

Charianthus nodosus ‘Triana Melastom. in ‘Trans. Linn. Soc. 
XXVIII (1871) 99, var crinitus Naud; Duss 286. 

Saba: Mountain 600—S800 M.: n. 1784 B.; 187 L., 197 L., 2038 L. 
I, Pa hs 

Antill. (Cogniaux 1891), 

5758. Tetrazygia Rich. 
Tetrazygia discolor DC. Prod. Il] (1828) 172; Gris. Fl. 255; 
Duss 280, 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 16, 17. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1486 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1551 B.; Gainby- 
guts nm. 14, 15. 

Antill., French Guiana (Cogniaux 1891). 

5759. Miconia Ruiz. et Pav. 

Miconia impetiolaris D. Don. in Mem. Wern. Soc. LV (1823) 316; 
Gris. Fl. 256; Duss 284; Millspaugh 516. 

$t. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 310B.; Bottom of 
the Quill 800 M.: n. 469 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Bolivia, Panama, Costarica, Honduras, Guatamala, 
Mexico, (Cogniaux 1891). 

Miconia laevigata DC. Prod. III (1828) 188; Gris. Fl. 257; Duss 
281; Millspaugh 516. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 208 B., 262 B., 
338 B., 344 B., 506 B.; slope of the Quill 350 M.: n.388 B.; Bottom 
of the Quill 300 M.: n. 452 .B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 
200 M.: n. 742'B.; slope of the Quill: n. 9, 10, 11. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1406 B.; 
Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1682 B.,-1683 B.; Mountain 800 M.: 
n. 1825aB., 2216 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2119B.; Peperpot: n. 8; 

150 Melastomataceae——-Plumbaginaceae. 

Mountain: n. 5; Crespeen—-Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 6, 7; locality 
unknown: n. 41L., 216 L., 306 L. 

St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de 
Sac 200—800 M.: n. 3006 B.; along roads from Grande Case to 
Marigot: n. 8100a@B.; Milldrumhill: n. 3180B.; Mount Paradis 
300—400 M.: n. 3208 B., 3341 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Guatamala, Costarica, Venezuela, Surinam, 
Guian., Brazil. (Cogniaux 1895). 

227. Araliaceae. 

5883. Panax Linn. 

Panax fruticosum Linn. Spec. (1763) 15153. 
Cultivated. [Asia trop., Malaya, Polynes.] (Ind. Kew.). 

228. Umbelliferae. 
5923. Eryngium Linn. 
Eryngium foetidum Linn. Spec. (1753) 232; Gris. I'l. 308; Duss 524. 
Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1537 B.; 
Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.:n. 2176 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 371. 
St. Martin: Top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 
200—800 M.: n. 2985 B.; Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 3205 B. 
Antill., Cuba and Panama to Nova Granata and Brazil. (Gris. F1.). 

6062. Foeniculum Adans, 

Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 1. 
Cultivated. [Europa]. (Ind. Kew.). 

235a. Theophrastaceae. 
6282. Jacquinia Linn. 
Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 15; Gris. FI. 
397; Duss 383; Millspaugh 517. Picrous bark. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 807B.; hill near Concordia: 
n. 953 B.; seashore near Venusbay: 969 B., 254, 285. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: 2418 B.; Prince quarter 
(coll. George): n. 2508 B.; near Mulletpond: n, 2774 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill: n. 2908 B.; between 
Mount Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2929B.; from Belvedere to 

Miconia—Plumbago. 151 

Oysterpond: n, 3061 B.; Mount Paradis 200—300 M.: n, 3304 B.; 
near Colebayhill: n. 65, 187; Prince quarter: n. 606; Guanabay : 
Myon. 192: 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Jamaica, St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, 
St. Barthélemy, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, St. Vincent, 
Mustique, Cannouan, Barbados, Grenada, Tobago, Curacao, Bonaire. 
Jacquinia Berteri Spreng. Syst. I (1825) 668. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2781 B.; Lowlands: n. 
3283a B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

236. Myrsinaceae. 
6285. Ardisia Swartz. 

Ardisia coriacea Sw. Prod. (1788) 48; Millspaugh 517. 

Ardisia guadalupensis Duchass. et Walp. apud Gris. Flor. W. I. 
(1861) 396; Duss 382. Bastard cinnamom. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 196 B., 244 B., 
399 B., 44; locality unknown: n. 30, 45. 

Saba: Hellsgate: n. 1704 B.; gut between Masticgut and Hells- 
gate 300—400 M.: n. 2032 B.; Jenkygut: n. 46; Hellsgate: n. 43; 
locality unknown: n. 76L., 183 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Tortola, Guadeloupe, Dominica, 
Martinique, St. Lucia. (Symb.). 

6314, Rapanea Aubl. 
Rapanea ferruginea Mez in Symbolae Antillanae II (1901) 429, 

Myrsine laeta Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 392. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1886a B.; Rendez-vous 
Mountain 600 M,: n. 2150a B.; Mountain near Hellsgate: n. 2278 B. 

Antill. Amer. trop. from Mexico to Bolivia. (Symb.). 

238. Plumbaginaceae. 

6342. Plumbago Linn. 

Plumbago capensis Thunb. Prod. I Pl. Cap. (1794) 33. Quaker- 
Cultivated. [Afr. australis]. (Ind. Kew.). 

152 Plumbaginaceae—Symplocaceae, 

Plumbago scandens Linn. Spec. (1762) 215; Gris. F]. 390; Duss 
380; Millspaugh 517. Blisterbush. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 13 B., 42 B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 561 B.; in deserted plantations at the 
seashore near Bengalen: n. 5928B.; gut near Fort de Wind: n. 
845 B.; Cultuurvlakte: 354; locality unknown: n. 31 4H., 35G. 

I also saw Plumbago scandens: along the lower part of Signalhill; top 
of Signathill. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1852 B.; Laddergut 200 M.: n. 1995@ B.; 
Peperpot: n. 149, 356; Ladder: n. 352; locality unknown: n. 819 L. 

I also saw Plumbago scandens: Forthbaygut. 

St. Martin: along roads in Prince quarter: n, 2933 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico to Brazil and Chili, Galapagos. (Gris. F1.). 

239. Sapotaceae. 

6361. Achras Linn. 

Achras sapota Linn. Syst. X ed. II (1759) 988; Millspaugh 517. 
Sapota Achras Mill. Gard. Dict. VIII ed. (1768) n. 1; Gris. Fl. 
399; Duss 385. Mispel, Sapodille. 
St. Eustatius: lower part of Signalhill: n. 115 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Baham., Antill., Curacao from Mexico to Guiana. (Symb.). 
Also cultivated. 

6363. Lucuma A. DC. 

Lucuma multiflora A. DC. Prodr. VIII (1844) 168. 
Saba: near Hellsgate: n. 1675 B.; Windwardside: n. 2313 B. 
St. Croix. (Symb.). 
Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, 
Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

6368. Sideroxylon Linn. 

Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. Enum. (1760) 15. 
Sideroxylon mastichodendron Jacq. Coll. II (1788) p. 253 t. 17 
f. 5; Gris. Fl. 399; Duss 386; Millspaugh 518. Mastictree. 
Saba: Hellsgate: n. 2049 B.; Masticgut: n. 46; Jenkygut: n. 40. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida, Key, Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

Plumbago—Symplocos. 153 

6373. Dipholis A. DC. 
Dipholis salicifolia A. DC, Prodr. VIII (1844) 188; Gris. Fl. 401; 
Duss 385; Millspaugh 518. 
St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 
200 M.: n. 1168 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Florida, Key, Baham., Antill., Yucatan. (Symb.). 

6374. Bumelia Sw. 

Bumelia obovata A. DC. Prodr. VIII (1844) 191. 

Bumelia cuneata Sw. Flor. I (1797) 496; Gris. Fl, 401; Duss 
613; Millspaugh 517. 

St. Eustatius: from Little Mountain to Venusbay: 985 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 338 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1535 B. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2765 B.; at the seashore ot 
Simsonsbay: n. 3035 B.; Colebayhill: n, 49. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, St. Domingo, Portorico, St.Thomas, Tortola, St. 
Barthélemy, Antigua, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Desirade, Marti- 
nique, St. Lucia. (Symb.). 

6377. Chrysophyllum Linn. 

Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. Enum. (1760) 15; Duss 385. 

Chrysophyllum glabrum Jacq. Enum. (1760) 15; Gris. Fl. 398; 
Duss 385. 

Saba: Gut near Devilshand: n. 2115 B. 

Cuba, Haiti, St. Domingo, Portorico, Antigua, Montserrat, 
Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent, 
Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.). 

242. Symplocaceae, 
6418. Symplocos. Jacq. 

Symplocos martinicensis Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 24; Gris. 
Fl. 403; Duss 389. Blue berry. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 297 B.; top of the 
Quill 500 M.: n. 474B.; locality unknown: n. 126, 127, 128, 129. 
Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2152 B.. 
2185 B. 

154 Symplocaceae— A pocynaceae. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Do- 
minica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. 
(Brand 1901). 

243. Oleaceae. 
6427. Forestiera Poir. 
Forestiera Eggersiana Kr. et Urb. in Bot. Jahrb. XV (1895) 539, 

St. Martin: Prince quarter: n. 1, 2. 
St. Thomas. (Urban 1893). 

6425. Linociera Swartz. 
Linociera compacta R. Br. Prod. (1810) 523; Gris. FI. 405. 
Bridgo tree. 

Mayepea caribaea O, Ktze Rev. Gen. (1891) 411; Duss 391; 
Millspaugh 518, 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 181 B., 261B., 
301 B., 38438 B., 352 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 250 M.: 
n., 700 B.; slope of the Quill near Glassbottle 150 M.: n. 1113 B., 
1117 B.; Quill: n. 3845; slope of the Quill: n. 343, 344; top of the 
Quill: n. 336, 337; locality unknown: n. 77 H., 169G., 40. 

I also saw Linoeciera compacta: Gilboohill. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1419 B., 
1422 B; Jenkeygut: n. 540. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill; n. 3151 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana. (Urban 1893). 

6440, Jasminum Linn. 
Jasminum azoricum Linn. Spec. (1753) 7. 
Cultivated. [Ins. Azor. and Madeira]. (E. a. P.). 

Jasminum pubescens Willd. Sp. Pl. I (1798) 37. 
Cultivated. [Asia trop.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Jasminum undulatum Ker. Gawl. in Bot. Reg. t. 436. Orebian 
Cultivated. [Himalaya, China]. (Ind. Kew.). 

245. Loganiaceae. 

6453. Spigelia Linn. 

Spigelia Anthelmia Linn. Spec. (1753) 149; Gris. F]. 351; Duss 336. 
St. Eustatius: I saw Spigelia Anthelmia at Bengalen. 

Sy mplocos—Plumiera, 155 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 800 M.: n. 1427 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n, 1522 B., 1529 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut: 300—400 M.: n. 2050 B. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M.: n. 2876 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Antill., Amer. austral. (E. a. P.). 

246. Gentianaceae. 

6541. Leiphaimos Cham. et Schlecht. 

Leiphaimos aphylla Gilg in Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam. IV. 
2. (1895) 104. 

Voyria uniflora Pers. Syn. I (1805) 284; Gris. Fl. 425; Duss 402. 

Voyria aphylla Pers. Syn. I (1805) 254. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 296 B.; 450 M.: 
n. 365 B., 402 B.; top of the Quill: n. 40. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 1831 B., 2226 B. 

Antill., Guiana, Brazil. (HE. a. P.). 

247. Apocynaceae. 

6560. Allamanda Linn. 

Allamanda cathartica Linn. Mant. II (1771) 214. Yellow bell. 
Cultivated. [Antill., Amer. centr. Brazil.] (E. a. P.) 

6578. Plumiera Linn. 

Plumiera alba Linn. Spec. (1753) 210; Gris. Fl. 411; Duss 395; 
Millspaugh 518. White frangepane, Pigeonwood. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 49 H., 67 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwarside 200 M.: 
n. 1854 B, 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2374 B.; Prince- 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2464 B.; Fort Willem: n. 2534 B.; near 
Fort Amsterdam: n. 237, 238. 

I also saw Plumiera alba: along roads from Filipsburg to Simsonsbay ; 
from Belvedere to Oysterpond; lower part of Milldrumhill; Lowlands; Tinta- 
marre; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Portorico, St. Thomas, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, 
Grenada. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

156 Apocynaceae. 

Plumiera rubra Linn. Spec. (17538) 209. Red frangepane. 
Cultivated. {Mexico and Venezuela]. (K. a. P.). 

6597. Lochnera Reichb. 

Lochnera rosea Reichhb. Comp. Ms 828) 13 

Vinca rosea Linn. Syst. ed. X (1759) O44: Gris. Fl. 410; Duss 
395; Millspaugh 519. Churchy oa pleco 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 36 B.; along roads 
in ee ae n. 571 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 252; in a garden, 

; locality unknown: n. 22G., 60 H., 330 H. 

ay along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
pn. 1349B.; Springbaygut: n. 2104 B.; seashore near Forthbaylan- 
ding: n. 2146B.; Ladder: n. 254; locality unknown: n. 74 L., 90 L. 

St. Martin: alone the saltpond near Filipsburg: n. 2440 B.; 
Colebay (coll. George): n. 2510 B. 

I also saw Lochnera rosea: along roads near Bethlehem; along roads 
near Grande Case. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all trop. countries. (E. a. P.). 

6603. Tabernaemontana Linn. 

Tabernaemontana citrifolia Jacy. Sel. Am. St. Hist. (1768) t 
W7beteles pe sek Criss E409 Duss 395. eM alikay sGnierey 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 284 B.; inner slope 
of the Quill 350 M.: n. 464 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n 
527 B.; slope of the Quill 300 M.: n. 886 B.; slope of the Quill 
near Glassbottle: n. 1207B.; top of the Quill: n. 244, 245, 246, 

ieee along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1357B.; Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1676 B.; Springbaygut: 

sat Be Crispeen— Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 241; Hellsgategut: 

| 243; Marypointgut: n. 242. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2671 B.; Mountain between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill 0-200 M.: n. 2867 B.; Mount 
Paradis 800—400 M.: n. 3218 B., 3325 B. 

Antill., Mexico. (Gris. F1.). 

Tabernaemontana coronaria Wilid. Enum. Hort. Berol, (1809) 275 
Cultivated. {India orient.| (Ind. Kew.). 

Tabernaemontana Cumingiana A. DC. Prod. VIII (1844) 573. 
Cultivated. {[Ins. Philipp.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Plumiera—Urechites. 157 

6619. Rauwolfia Linn. 

Rauwolfia Lamarkii DC. Prod. VIII. (1844) 337; Gris. Fl. 408; 
Duss 398; Millspaugh 519. Snakeberry tree, Billy ache, 
Antigua balsam. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 480 B.; slope of 
the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: n. 647 B., 739 B.; gut near 
Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 840 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n 
935 B., 1069B.; near Boven: 200 M.: n. 1235 B., 240; slope of 
the Quill 200 M.: n. 239; near Roundhill: n. 37; locality unknown : 
Meat, 2a1 G., 203 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1468 B; 
locality unknown: n. 270 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2361 B.; Fort 
Willem 50 M.: n. 2541 B.; Nakedboyhill rae 0 M.: n. 2684 B.; 
in pastureground near Bellevue: n. 2812a B., 2825 B.; lower part 
of Milldrumhill: n. 3164 B. 

I also saw Rauwolfia Lamarkii: along roads from Filipsburg to Naked- 
boyhill; near Saline; in pasture ground near Belvedere; Lowlands; Mount 
Paradis 100—200 M.; Tintamarre. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Equador. (Gris. F'.). 

6632. Thevetia Adans. 

Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. Il. Il (1841) 680. 
Cultivated. [Antill. and Mexico to Brazil.] (E. a. P.). 

6661. Urechites Miill.—Arg. 

Urechites suberecta Miill.—Arg. in Benin XXX (1859-60) 444. 

Eehites suberecta Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 18; Gris. FI. 
415; Millspaugh 518. Bitterpot. 

St. Eustatius: on the top of the Cliff between Oranjestad and 
Fort de Wind: n. 759B., 776B.; Signalhill 200 M.: n. 1045B,; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 248; near Brookswell: n. 247; near Sugarloaf: 
n. 249; locality unknown: n. 184 H. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1595 B. 

St. Martin: Fort Willem 50 M.; n. 2549 B.; near Fort Amster- 
dam: n, 250. 

I also saw Urechites suberecta: Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

158 Apocynaceae—Convolvulaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts. 
(Herb. Krug et Urban). 

6687. Nerium Linn. 

Nerium Oleander Linn. Spec. (1753) 209. Oleander. 
Cultivated. [From Portugal to Mesopotamia]. (E. a. P.). 

248. Asclepiadaceae. 
6736. Cryptostegia R. Br. 

Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. in Bot. Reg. t. 435 (1819). 
Cultivated. |Patria ignot.] (Symb.). 

6791. Asclepias Linn. 

Asclepias nivea Linn. Spec. (1753) 215; Gris. Fl. 419. 

Asclepias Curassavica Linn. Spec. (1753) 215; Gris. Fl. 419; 
Duss 398; Millspaugh 519. Ipecacuanha. 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 1H., 184G.; slope of the 
Quill: n. 52, 222, 223. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1517a B.; 
Paris 200—400 M.: n. 221; locality unknown: n. 160 L. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 200—800 M.: n. 3120 B.; Mount 
Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3329 B.; Mary’s Fancy: n. 220. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill.; widely dispersed in both hemisph. (Symb.). 

6792. Calotropis R. Br. 
Calotropis procera R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. Ed. 2 (1811) II 
78; Gris. Fl. 420; Duss 399; Millspaugh 519. Liberty tree, 
Sprain leaf. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 475 B.; in deserted 
plantations near English Quarter: n. 998 B.; locality unknown: 
n. 43 H., 54G. 

Saba: along the seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1646 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 118 L. 

I also saw Calotropis procera: Flat Point. 

St. Martin: near Simsonsbayvillage: n. 3255 B.; locality un- 
known: n. 3610 B. 

I also saw Calotropis procera: on Mount Paradis 100—200 M. 

Urechites—Cuscuta. 159 

Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Indig. in Africa sept. and Ind. Orient. (Symb.). 

6798. Metastelma It. Br. 

Metastelma parviflorum RK. Br. in Wern. Soc. I (1809) 52; 
Duss 398. 

Metastelma Paralias Dene in DC. Prodr. VIII (1844) 514; 
Gis. Fl. 417. 

Metastelma Schlechtendalii Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 417; (nec 
Dene); (Symb.); Millspaugh 519. 

$t. Martin: juxta salinas prope Filipsbourg, Febr. 1821: Pleé; 

Lowlands: n. 3267a B. 

Baham. (Hitche.); Antill. (Symb.). 

6907. Hoya R. Br. 

Hoya carnosa R. Br. in Mém. Wern. I (1809) 27. 
Cultivated. [Ins. Malay.| (Symb.). 

6938. Ibatia Dene. 
Ibatia maritima Dcne. in DC. Prodr. VIII (1844) 599; Mill- 
spaugh 519. 

TIbatia muricata Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 421; Duss 400. 

Lachnostoma maritimum Nichols. Dict. Gardn, Il 236. Maria- 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 634 B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 
1232 B.; locality unknown: n. 225 H., 277G. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2400 B.; near 
Fort Willem 50 M.: n. 2789 B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2861 B. 

I also saw Ibatia maritima: Mount Paradis LOO—200 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Haiti, St. Domingo, St. Thomas, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Domi- 
nica, Martinique, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 

249. Convolvulaceae. 
6968. Cuscuta Linn. 

Cuscuta americana Linn. Spec. (1753) 124; Gris. Fl. 476; Duss 
443; Millspaugh 519. Love wine. 

160 Convolvulaceae. 

St. Eustatius: in deserted plantations at the seashore near 
Bengalen: 587 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 141; seashore: n. 140; locality 
unknown: n. 99 H., 156 G. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1413 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 106 L. 

I also saw Cuscuta americana in Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2349 B.; from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2578 B.; between Mont Chambord and 
the Saline: n. 2922 B.; Cul de Sac: n. 295. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. FI.). 

Cuscuta umbellata H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et Spec. III (1818) 
121; Gris. Fl. 476. 

Saba: near Vischvijver: n. 2922 B. 

Jamaica, New Mexico to Brazil (Gris. F.). 

6973. Evolvulus Linn. 

Evolvulus argyraeus Choisy Conv. Rar. (1838) 153. 
St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3371 B. 
Equador. (Ind. Kew.). 

Evolvulus glaber Spreng. Syst. I (1825) 862. 

Evolvulus mucronatus Sw. ex Wikst. in Vet. Acad. Handl. 
Stockholm (1827) 61; Gris. Fl. 475; Millspaugh 520. 

St. Martin: along roads from Bethlehem to Mont Chambord: 
n. 2916 B.; between Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3066 B.; near 
Fort Amsterdam: n. 150; locality unknown: n. 151. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Portorico to Peru. (Gris. Fl.). 
Evolvulus sericeus Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 55; Gris. Fl. 
475; Duss 442. 

Evolvulus incanus Pers. Syn. I (1805) 288. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 380B.; top of the Cliff 
between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind: n. 760 B.; White Wall: n. 43. 

St. Martin: along roads from Colebayhill to Simsonsbay: n. 
3014 8.; Fort Willem: n. 2793aB; Tintamarre: n. 3371 B. 

Baham., Antill., Texas to Montevideo. (Gris. F1.). 

6986. Porana Burm. 

Porana paniculata Roxb. Hort. Beng. (1814) 18. White coralita. 
Cultivated. [India orient. Malay.) (Ind. Kew.). 

Cuscuta—Ipomoea. 161 

6991. Jacquemontia Choisy. 

Jacquemontia pentantha G. Don. Gen. Syst. LV (1838) 283; 
Millspaugh 521. 

Jacquemontia violacea Choisy in Mém. Soc. Phys. Genév. VIII 
1. (1838) 61; Duss 442. 

Convolvulus pentanthus Jacq. Coll. [V. 210; Gris. Fl. 474. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near White Wall: n. 852 B.; near 
Concordia: n. 948 B.; Gilboohill: n. 1119 B., 1128a@ B.; Little Moun- 
tain: n. 1163a B.; Golden Rock: n.55; locality unknown: n, 222 H. 

Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1576 B. 

Portorico, Becquia, St. Thomas, Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Marti- 
nique, St. Vincent, Grenada, Barbados. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

6999, Operculina Silva. 

Operculina ventricosa Peter in Engl. u. Prantl. Natiirl. Pflan- 
zenfam. IV. 3a. (1891) 82. Hoofdpijnblad. 
Cultivated. [Antill.| (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7003. Ipomoea Linn. 

Ipomoea arenaria Steud. Nom. Ed. II. 1. (1841) 815. 
St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2777 B.; Lowlands: n. 3264 B. 
St. Croix (Herb. Krug et Urban). 
Cuba, Portorico, St. Thomas. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

Ipomoea batatas. Poir. Encycl. VI (1804) 14. Sweet potatoes. 
Cultivated. [Amer. centr.] (E. a. P.). 

Ipomoea dissecta Pers. in Linn. Syst. ed. XIV (1797) 207 in 
nota; Fl. 467; Duss 435. 

Ipomoea sinuata Orteg. Hort. Matr. Dec. (1800) 84; Millspaugh 520. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 
200 M.: n. 1183 .B.; Fairplay: n. 1, 3; locality unknown: n. 164 G. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 4. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2628 B.; 
French frontier: n. 2; locality unknown: n. 3598 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All trop. countries. (Gris. Fl.). 

Ipomoea fastigiata Sweet. Hort. Brit. ed. I. (1823) 288; Gris. 
FP]. 468; Duss 436; Millspaugh 520. Wild potatowine. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: n. 
689 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 177; locality unknown: n. 220 H., 
226 G.., 270 G. 


162 Convolvulaceae— Borraginaceae. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.:n. 1445 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1464 B.; Mountain 
600 M.: n. 1745 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 2010 B.; Windward- 
side: n. 2281 B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n. 179; Rendez-vous 
400 M.: n. 178; locality unknown: n. 68L., 218 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2391 B,; along 
roads in Prince quarter: n. 2913 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antil]., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. FI.). 

Ipomoea Nil Roth. Catalect. Fasc. I (1797) 36; Gris, Fl. 473; Duss 441, 
Pharbitis Nil Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. VI (1883) 
441; Millspaugh 521. 
Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. Coll, I (1786) 124. 
St. Eustatius: inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 458 B. 
Saba: Slope of the Mountain near St. John’s 800 M.: n. 1732 B. 
St. Martin: Mount Paradis 100—200 M.: n. 3294 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
In warmer countries of both hemisph. (Hemsley 1884). 

Ipomoea pentaphylla Jacq. Coll. II (1788) 297; Gris. Fl. 467; 
Duss 486; Millspauch 520. Noyeaux. 

St. Eustatius: Cultuurvlakte: n. 196; locality unknown: n. 
Niel, Prshl lel. 

I also saw Ipomoea pentaphylla: on the slope of the Cliff. 

Saba: Locality unknown: n. 30 L., 363 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela, Equador, Pacif. Isl., Asia trop. and Africa. 
(Gris. Fl). 

Ipomoea pes caprae Roth. Noy. Pl. Sp. (1821) 109; Gris. Fl. 
470; Duss 488; Millspaugh 520. 

Ipomoea biloba Forsk. Fl. Aegypt. Arab. (1775) 44. Sea wine. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 10 B., 32 B., 152 H.; 
seashore near White Wall: n. 857 B.; seashore: n. 162, 168. 

I also saw Ipomoea pes caprae: Seashore near Tumbledowndickbay. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2425B.; near Fort Amsterdam: 
n. 164. 

I also saw lpomoea pes caprae: at Simsonsbay. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
In all trop. and subtrop. countries. (Llemsley 1854). 

Ipomoea—Cordia. 163 

Ipomoea sphenophylla Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae V (1908) 474. 
St. Eustatius: Signalhill: n. 1038 B. 
St. Eustatius. (Symb.). 

Ipomoea violacea Linn. Spec. (1758) 161. 
St. Martin: Tintamarre: n. 3374 B. 
Venezuela, Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7004. Calonyction Choisy. 

Calonyction speciosum Choisy Conv. Or, (1834) 59, 

Ipomoea bona nox Linn. Spec. (1762) 288; Gris. Fl. 466; Duss 
434; Millspaugh 520. Lilac bell. 

St. Bustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 165; locality unknown: 
n. 280 H. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. trop. (Ind. Kew.). 

Calonyction tuba Colla. Nov. Spec. Calon, (1840) 15. 

Ipomoea tuba G. Don. Gen. Syst. LV. (1838) 271; Gris. FI. 467; 
Duss 434; Millspaugh 521. 

Ipomoea grandiflora Lam. Tabl. Eneye. I (1791) 467. 

St. Bustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
59 B.; seashore near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 163 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana. (Gris. FI.). 

7005. Quamoclit Moench. 

Quamoclit vulgaris Choisy Mem. Soc. Phys. Geney. VI (1833) 484. 
Cultivated. [India orient.] (EH. a. P.). 

251. Hydrophyllaceae. 

7037. Hydrolea Linn. 
Hydrolea jamaicensis Raeusch. Nom. Ed. III (1797) 76. 
Nama jamaicense Linn. Spec. ed. X (1759) 950; Gris. Fl. 477; 
Duss 444; Millspaugh 521. 
St. Eustatius: near English Quarter: n. 1021 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Bermud., Florida, Texas, Mexico, Antill. (Hemsley 1854). 

252. Borraginaceae. 
7038. Cordia Linn. 
Cordia salvifolia Juss. in Poir. Encye. VII (1806) 46; Gris. FI. 
480; Duss 447. 

164 Borraginaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Little Mountain: n. 1141 B., 1154 B.; slope of 
the Quill above White Wall: n. 1173 B., 1176 B. 

Saba: Hellsgate: n. 1686B.; St. Giles quarter: n. 1861 B.; 
gut near Devilshand: n. 2088 B. 

Guadeloupe, Martinique. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 
Cordia Sebestena Linn. Spec. (1753) 190. Scarlet accordia. 

Cultivated. [Baham., Antill., Cuba to Guiana and Nova Gra- 
nata]. (Gris. Fl.). 
Cordia sulcata DC. Prod. IX. (1845) 488; Gris. Fl. 480; Mill- 
spaugh 522. Manjack. 

St. Bustatius: Quill: n. 93. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 3800 M.: n. 1477B., 
1495 B.; Windwardside: n. 1938 B.; Gainbygut 500 M.: n. 90, 91, 92. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba to French Islands. (Gris. FI.). 

Cordia tremula Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 479. 
Saba: from the Sulphurmines to Marypoint: n. 20380a B. 
Antigua, Martinique, St. Vincent, Grenada, Barbados, Tobago. 
(Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7042. Beureria Jacq. 
Beureria succulenta Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 14; Gris. Fl. 
481; Duss 449. 

Ehretia Bourreria Linn. Spec. (1762) 275; Millspaugh 522. 
White chank. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1983 B.; from Sulphurmines to Marypoint: 
n. 2031aB.; gut near Devilshand: n. 2093aB.; locality unknown: 
n. 307 L. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2805 B., 2807 B.; 
lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3174 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3379 B., 
3380 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac O—100 M.: n. 38415 B.; 
Colebayhill: n. 63, 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham. (Herb. Leiden).; Antill., Cuba to French Islands, Cu- 
racao., (Gris. Fl). 

7045. Rochefortia Swartz. 

Rochefortia acanthophora Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 482; Mill- 
spaugh 525. 

St. Bustatius: Little Mountain: n. 1140a B. 

Cordia —Tournefortia. 165 

St. Martin: Filipsburg near the saltponds: n. 23560 B.; Mount 
Paradis: n, 3244a B. 
St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Jan. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7051. Tournefortia Linn. 
Tournefortia bicolor Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 40; Gris. 
Fl. 483; Duss 451. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 2237B; Quarter: n. 147; Gainby gut: 
n. 146. 
Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. F1.). 

Tournefortia caribaea Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 484. 

Saba: Hellsgate: n. 148, 149. 

Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent, Barbados. (Herb. Krug et 

Tournefortia foetidissima Linn. Spec. (1753) 140; Gris. Fl. 483; 
Duss 450; Millspaugh 523, 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill: 300 M.: n. 443. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1431 B.; 
Mountain 800 M.: n. 1810 B.; gut between Hellsgate and Mastic- 
ent 3800—400 M.: n. 2030B.; Gainbygut: n. 150, 151; locality 
unknown: n. 186 L. 

St. Martin: Marigothill: n. 2649a B.; Marigotroad: n. 2806 B.; 
hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac: n, 2996 B.; Mount Pa- 
radis: n. 8317a B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac: n. 3411 B, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Hispaniola, Portorico, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique. (Herb. 
Krug et Urban). 

Tournefortia gnaphalodes R. Br. Prod. (1810) 496; Gris. Fl. 
483; Duss 450; Millspaugh 523. White lavendel, Sea purs- 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 809 B.; Concordiabay: n. 154; 
seashore: n. 267 H. 

Saba: Bay: n. 66. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2426 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2770 B.; 
near Fort Amsterdam: n. 152. 

I also saw Tournefortia gnaphalodes: Green Key. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and throughout the West Indies. (Hemsley 

166 Borraginaceae— Verbenaceae. 

Tournefortia hirsutissima Linn. Spec. (1753) 140; Gris. Fl. 483; 
Duss 450; Millspaugh 523. 

St. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac O—100 M.: 
n. 2976B.; top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 
200—300 M.: n. 2990 B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3330 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. Fl.). 

Tournefortia volubilis Linn. Spec. (1753) 140; Gris. Fl. 484; 
Duss 451; Millspaugh 528. 

St. Eustatius: between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the 
top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 762 B., 788 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: 
n. 1144 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2565 B., 2566a B.; 
near Fort Willem: n. 2791 B.; from Belvedere to Oyaterpananae 
3064 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3381 B.; locality unknown: n. 164, 165. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela to Brazil. (Gris. FI.). 

7052. Heliotropium Linn. 

Heliotropium curassavicum Linn. Spec. (1753) 130: Gris. Fl. 
486; Duss 453; Millspaugh 523. Sealavendel. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 9 B.; seashore 
near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 166 B.; Signalhill: n. 1055 B.; sea- 
shore near Fairplay: n. 97. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2422B.; near Fort Amsterdam: 
ns Bt2) 

Talso saw Heliotropium curassayicum: at Simsonsbay village; Oysterpond. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Amer. trop. and subtrop., Marokko, the Cape, Australia. (H. a. P.). 

Heliotropium indicum Linn. Spec. (1753) 180; Gris. Fl. 485; 
Duss 452; Millspaugh 523. Eye bright. 

St. Eustatius: Bengalen: n. 631B.; along roads near Glass- 
bottle: n. 887 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 115; English Quarter: n. 
119; locality unknown: n. 14 H., 15G. 

Saba: Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1726 B. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2672 B.; between Mount Ver- 
non and Orientbay: n. 2941B.; Mary’s Fancy: n. 74; locality 
unknown: n. 73. 

Tournefortia—Lantana. 167 

| also saw Heliotropium indicum: Mount Paradis 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All trop. countries. (K. a. P.). 

Heliotropium microphyllum Sw. ex Wikstr. in Vet. Acad. 
Handl. Stockh. (1827) 58; Gris. Fl. 486. 

St. Martin: in deserted plantations near Simsonsbayshore: n. 
3034 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3372 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Antigua, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug et Urban). Baham. (Hitche.). 
Heliotropium parviflorum Linn. Mant. Il (1771) 201; Gris. FI. 
485; Duss 452; Millspaugh 523. Eyebright. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 80 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 517 B.; Bengalen: n. 622 B.; slope of the lower 
part of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 732 B.; slope of the Quill: 
n. 72; in a garden: n. 129; locality unknown: n. 7G., 7 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1361 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1721 B.; Laddergut 0--200 M.: n. 
1956 B.; Bottom: n. 130. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2344 B.; Priére- 
gut: n. 128. 

I also saw Heliotropium parviflorum: on Nakedboyhill. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida and Texas to Peru and Brazil. (E. a. P.). 
Heliotropium peruvianum Linn. Spec. (1762) 187. 

Cultivated. [Peru]. (Ind. Kew.). 

253. Verbenaceae. 

7138. Verbena Linn. 

Verbena chamaedrifolia Juss. in Ann, Mus. Par. VII (1806) 73. 
Lilac verbena. 
Cultivated. [Argentin. and South Brazil.] (lH. a. P.). 

7144, Lantana Linn. 

Lantana Camara Linn. Spec. (1758) 627; Gris. Fl]. 495; Duss 463; 
Millspaugh 524. Sage. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 209 B., 267 B.; near 
Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1159B.; slope of the Quill on the side of 

168 Verbenaceae. 

White Wall 200 M.: n. 1166 B.; Oranjestad: n. 165, 166; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 167, 168, 169, 170; locality unknown: n. 171, 88 G., 110 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1293 B.; Greathill 400 M.: n. 1380 B.; along the Forthgut 
150—200 M.: n. 1624 B.; Laddergut 200 M.: n. 2002 B.; Bottom: 
n. 2255B.; Ladder: n. 172; Bottom: n. 1738; locality unknown: 
n, 253 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2364 B.; Prince- 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2472 B.; Fort Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2535 B.; 
from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2564 B; Mountain between Mont 
des Accords and Centryhill 200—3800 M.: n. 2881 B.; from Belve- 
dere to Oysterpond: n. 3046 B., 3083 B.; along roads from Grande 
Case to Marigot: n. 3105 B.; Vineyardhili: n. 175; Guanabay: n. 174. 

I also saw Lantana Camara on: Nakedboyhill; lower part of Milldrum- 
hill; hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all warmer countries of America; also in the Old world. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

Lantana involucrata Linn. Cent. Pl. Il (1756) 22; Gris, Fl. 496; 
Duss 464; Millspaugh 524. Sage. 

St. Bustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 14 B.; slope of the 
lower part of Signalhill: n. 101 B.; seashore near Tumbledown- 
dickbay: n. 160B.; top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 218 B., 508 B.; 
along roads in Oranjestad: n. 580 B., 1100 B.; slope of the Quill 
near Bengalen 100 M.: n. 664 B., 670 B.; 200 M.: n. 7394 B.; between 
Oranjestad and Fort de Wind on the top of the Cliff 40 M.: n. 
773 B., 779 B., 786 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 194, 195, 196; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 197, 198; English Quarter: n. 199, 200; locality un- 
known: n. 56 H., 89G. 

Saba: along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1637 B.; Hellsgate— 
Marypoint: n. 2036 B.; Marypoint: n. 201. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George.): n. 2556 B., 2485 B.; 
Fort Willem 0—50 M.: n. 2538 B.; from Filipsburg to Belvedere: 
n, 2560B.; shore of the Simsonsbaylagoon near Cul Piquard: n. 
2742 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2761 B.; Mountain between Mont des 
Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2882 B.; between Mount 
Vernon and Orientbay: n. 2980 B.; Mount Paradis 100—200 M.: 
n. 3353 B.; Green Key: n. 3363 B.; Tintamarre: n. 3399 B.; hills 
on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n. 38440 B.; near Fort Amster- 
dam: n. 202; Colebayhill: n. 203; French frontier: n. 204, 212. 

I also saw Lautana involucrata: on one of the Islands in Simsonsbay lagoon. 

Lantana—Stachytarpheta. 169 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and Antill., Mexico and northern part of 
Amer. austr. (Hemsley 1884). 

7145. Lippia Linn. 

Lippia reptans H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. II (1817) 263; 
Gris. Fl. 495; Duss 462. 

St. Martin: nea: Filipsburg: n. 2336B.; from Filipsburg to 
Guanabay: n. 2419 B.; Guanabay: n. 186. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Antill., Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. F1.). 

7148. Bouchea Cham. 

Bouchea Ehrenbergii Cham. in Linnaea VII (1832) 253; Gris. 
Fl. 493; Millspaugh 523. Vervine. 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 299G., 228 H. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1922 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. and Afric. (H. a. P.). 

7151. Stachytarpheta Vabl. 

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Vahl. Enum. [ (1804) 206; Gris. FI. 
494; Duss 461. 

Stachylarpheta indica Vahl. Enum, I (1804) 206. 

Valerianoides jamaicensis Medic. Phil. Bot. I (1789) 177; Mill- 
spaugh 525. Purple wormbush. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 92 B.; Bengalen: 
n. 6058B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M.; n. 685a B.; 
White Wall: n. 817 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 227, 229; slope of the 
Quill: n. 228; locality unknown: n. 293 H., 305G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1351 B.; top of the Cliff near the seaside of Boobyhill: n. 1606 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 2323 B.; Ladder: n. 230; locality unknown: n. 
346 L. 

I also saw Stachytarpheta jamaicensis: Crispeen. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2581 B. 

I also saw Stachytarpheta jamaicensis: Margothill—Marigot; in pasture- 
ground near Bellevue; hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill; lower 
part of the Milldrumhill; Lowlands. 

170 Verbenaceae. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and Mexico to Brazil.; also in Afr, trop. and 
Asia. (Hemsley 1584), 

7153. Priva Adans. 

Priva echinata Juss. in Ann. Mus. Par. VII (1806) 69; Gris. Fl. 
493; Duss 461. 
Priva lappulacea Pers. Syn. Il (1807) 139; Millspaugh 524. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 557 B.; along 
roads near Glassbottle: n. 873 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 
1275 B.; Quill: n. 219; locality unknown: n. 220, 221, 222, 38 G. 

Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1594 B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 2019 B.., 
223; Peperpot: n. 224; Bottom: n. 225, 226. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2814 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and Mexico to Brazil. (Hemsley 1584). 

7161. Citharexylum Mill. 

Citharexylum quadrangulare Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 26; 
Gris. Fl. 497; Duss 465; Millspaugh 524. Susannaberry. 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
53 B.; seashore: n. 152; Quill: n. 153; top of the Quill 400 M.: 
n. 271 B., 641aB.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 746 B.; 
hills near Concordia: n. 984a B.; locality unknown: n. 107 H., 121 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1314 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1527 B.; 
Paris: n. 154; locality unknown: n. 182 L., 190 L., 336 L. 

St. Martin: Prince quarter (coll. George): n. 2478a B.; from 
Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2385 B., 2409 B.; Marigotroad near 
Marigot: n. 2818 B.; Centryhill: n. 155. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana. (Gris. Fl). 

7162. Duranta Linn. 

Duranta repens Linn. Spec. (1753) 637; Millspaugh 524. 
Duranta Plumiert Jacq. Select. Am. (1763) 186 t. 176 f. 76; 
Gris. F]. 498; Duss 465. Adonis. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1058 B.; near 
Maryglory 150 M.: n. 1137 B., 1157 B.; locality unknown: n, 139 H.. 
298 G., 1013 B. 

Stachytarpheta—Clerodendron. 171 

Saba: Springbaygut: n, 2095 B.; Windwardside: n. 2305 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 364 L. 

St. Martin: Point Blanche (coll. George): n. 2488 B.; along 
roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3097 B, 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

From Bolivia and Brazil. to Mexico and the Antill. (E. a. P.). 

Also cultivated. 

7178. Aegiphila Jacq. 

Aegiphila martinicensis Jacq. Obs. Bot. Il (1767) 3; Gris. Fl. 
500; Duss 466; Millspaugh 523. Bastard white root. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 246; top of the Quill: 
n. 386a B., Quill: n. 894 B.; locality unknown: n. 137 H., 212. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Panama to Guiana. (Gris. F.). 

7191. Clerodendron Linn. 

Clerodendron aculeatum Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 500; Duss 467; 
Millspaugh 524. Haguebush. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 24 B., 60 B.; Ben- 
galen: n. 637 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 158, 159, 161; Cliff near 
Oranjestad: n. 162; locality unknown: n. 95G., 147 H., 226 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
mn. 1851 B. 

I also saw Clerodendron aculeatum: along Forthbaygut 
St. Martin: Fort Willem O0—500 M.: n. 2547 B., 2792 B.; Fort 
Amsterdam: n. 160, 
I also saw Clerodendron aculeatum near Mont Chambord. 
Anguilla Boldingh. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Amer. trop. (KE. a. P.). 
Clerodendron fallax Lindl. Bot. Reg. (1844) t. 19. 
Cultivated. [Java]. (Ind, Kew.). 
Clerodendron fragrans Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. (1809) 659. 
Cultivated. [China]. (E. a. P.). 
Clerodendron Thomsonae Balf. Edinb. New. Phil. Journ. N.S. 
XV (1862) 238. 
Cultivated. [Afr. trop.] (Ind. Kew.). 

172 Verbenaceae — Labiatae. 

7205. Avicennia Linn. 

Avicennia nitida Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib, (1760) 25; Gris. Fl. 502; 
Duss 470; Millspaugh 523. Saltpond tree. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2498 B.; along roads 
from Bethlehem to Mont Chambord: n, 2911 B.; along Simsons- 
haylagoon near the village: n. 3026 B.; Oysterpond: n.135; Prince 
quarter: n. 136. 

IT also saw Avicennia nitida: near Fort Amsterdam; one of the Islands 
in Simsonsbaylagoon. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba to Brazil., Afr. trop. (Gris. F1.). 

254. Labiatae. 

7264. Leonotis R.Br. 

Leonotis nepetaefolia R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. IL. ILI. 
(1811) 409; Gris. Fl. 492; Duss 460; Millspaugh 525, Adonis 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 93B., 1105 B; 
Bengalen: n. 621 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 56; locality unknown: n. 
1338'G 72 El. 4 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n, 1300B.; Ladder: n. 216; Bottom: n. 57; locality unknown: 
n. 247 L. 

St. Martin: along roads near Vilipsburg: n. 2529 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill. to Brazil. Afr. and Asia trop, (Gris. Fl.) 

7268. Leucas R. Br. 

Leucas martinicensis R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 504; Gris. Fl. 491; 
Duss 459; Millspaugh 525, 

Saba: Bottom: n. 61. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2342 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Haiti to Brazil., Afr. trop. to the Cape and East 
Indies. (Gris. F.). 

7373. Leonurus Linn. 

Leonurus sibiricus Linn. Spec. (1753) 584; Gris, Fl. 525; Duss 459 ; 
Millspaugh 525, 

Avicennia—Salvia. 173 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 94B.; along 
roads near Glassbottle: n. 865 B.; n. 865 B.; seashore: n. 58; loca- 
lity unknown: n, 136G., 194 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1312 B.; Ladder: n. 60. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2587 B.; Mount 
Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3238 B.; Prince quarter: n, 214. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Europa and Siberia and naturalised in many other countries. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

7290. Salvia Linn. 

Salvia occidentalis Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ, (1788) 14; Gris. Fl. 
490; Duss 458; Millspaugh 526. Rabbit meat. 

St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 536 B.; Cultuur- 
Viakte: n. 74, 75, 78; Quill: n. 76, 77; Oranjestad: n. 72, 73; 
locality unknown: n. 292 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1313B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1480 B.; 
eut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300-—400 M.: n. 2065 B.; 
Peperpot: n. 80; Crespeen-——Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 79; locality 
unknown: n. 35 L. 

St. Martin: I saw Salvia occidentalis: hill between Mont des Accords 
and Centryhill; Mount Paradis 300—400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida, Antill., and Mexico to Peru. (Hemsley 1884). 

Salvia serotina Linn. Mant. I (1767) 25; Gris. Fl. 490; Millspaugh 
526. Cat nip. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 95 B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte n. 81; locality unknown: n. 33H., 37G.; along roads near 
Glassbottle: n. 868 B. 

Saba: Seaside of Tentguthill 100 M.: n. 1652 B.; Springhayeut: 
n. 2103 B.; Bottom: n. 2257 B.; Greathill: n. 83; locality unknown: 
n. 35 L., 320 L. 

St. Martin: along roads to Fort Willem: n. 2526 B.; Simsons- 
bayvillage: n. 2838 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n.84; Prince quarter: 
n. $2; 

I also saw Salvia serotina: on a hill between Mont des Accords and 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

174 Labiatae—Solanaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Bermud., Florida austr. and throughout the West Indies. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

7342. Hyptis Jacq. 

Hyptis pectinata Poit. in Ann. Mus. Par. VII (1806) 474 t. 30; 
Gris. Fl. 489; Duss 457. 

Mesosphaerum jpectinalum O. Ktze. Rév. Gen. (1891); Mill- 
spaugh 525. Holly stalk. 

St. Bustatius: Bengalen: n. 628B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 42; 
slope of the Quill: n. 43, 2010; locality unknown: n. 241 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1481B., 
100—200 M.: n. 1536 B.; St. Giles: n. 1858 B.; gut between Hells- 
gate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2052 B; Ladder n. 44; Gainby- 
gut: n. 45. 

I also saw Hyptis pectinata at Flat Point. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2603 B.; hills on 
the northern side of Cul de Sac 0—100 M.: n. 2980 B.; between 
Belvedere and Oysterpond: n. 3088 B.; locality unknown: n. 
3599 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

From Mexico to Brazil., and in the Old world. (E. a. P.). 

7355. Coleus Lour. 

Coleus amboinicus Lour. Fl. Cochinch. II (1790) 372; Gris. Fl. 
487; Duss 455; Millspaugh 525. 

Coleus aromaticus Benth. in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. II (1832) 16. 
Stinging thyme. 

St. Eustatius: on the road along the lower part of Signalhill: 
n. 119B., 1183 B., 87; Cultuurvlakte: n. 38. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1392 B.; 
Laddergut 200 M.: n. 1994 B.; Peperpot: n. 39; Bottom: n. 2009; 
locality unknown: n. 286 L. 

St. Martin: along roads near Colebayhill: n. 3042 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in the East Indies. (Gris. FI). 

Coleus scutellarioides Benth. in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. IL (1832) 16. 
Cultivated. [Malaya, Australia]. (Ind. Kew.). 


Salvia—Physalis. 17 

7366. Ocimum Linn. 

Ocimum basilicum Linn. Spec. (1753) 597. Basil. 

Cultivated. [Asia occid. and trop.| (Ind. Kew.). 
Ocimum gratissimum Linn. Spec. (1753) 597. 

Cultivated [India orient.] (Ind. Kew.). 
Ocimum micranthum Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. (1813) 630; 
Gris. Fl. 487; Duss 454; Millspaugh 525. Mosquito basil. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n.805B.; slope of the Quill 200 M.: 
n. 877 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1271 B_; slope of the Quill: 
n. 62; locality unknown: n. 63, 64, 181 G., 233 G., 233a G., 296 H. 

Saba: Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 2016 B.; Bottom: n. 2254 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 327 L. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: 2613B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M., 
n. 2701 B.; Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2816 B.; near Colebayhill : 
n. 66; Marigotroad: n. 65. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil. (Gris. FI.). 

256. Solanaceae, 

7379. Lycium Linn. 
Lycium americanum Jacq. Stirp. Am. (1763) 50. 
St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2430 B., 2438 B.; near Fort Willem: 
n. 2790 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 105, 106, 
Anguilla Boldingh. 
Hispaniola, Cuba, St. Domingo. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7381. Acnistus Schott. 

Acnistus arborescens Schlecht. in Linnaea VII (1832) 67; Gris. 
Fl. 485; Duss 410. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1297 B.; Rendez-vous 400 M.:; n. 107, 108. 

Antill., Mexico, Venezuela, Nova Granata, Brazil., Peru. 
(Gris. FI.). 

7401. Physalis Linn. 

Physalis angulata Linn. Spec. (1753) 183; Gris. Fl. 486; Duss 
411; Millspaugh 527, 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 206, 207. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2659 B.; between Belvedere 
and Oysterpond: n. 3065 B. 

176 Solanaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., from U.S.A. to Brazil., East Indies. (Gris. F1.). 

Physalis pubescens Linn. Spec. (1753) 183; Gris. Fl. 435; Mill- 
spaugh 527. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 205; from Windwardside to Bottom: n. 
2058a B.; gut near Bottom: n. 1430a B. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad: n. 208. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. (natural. in other trop. countries). (Gris. F'l.). 

7404. Capsicum Linn. 

Capsicum ceratocarpum Fing. Monogr. (1832) 22. 
Cultivated. (Patria ignot.). 

Capsicum dulce Hort. ex Dun. in DC. Prod. XIII. I (1852) 428. 
Cultivated. |Trop countries]. (Ind. Kew.). 

Capsicum frutescens Linn. Spec. (1753) 189; Gris. Fl. 436; 
Duss 411; Millspaugh 526. 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 51 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1336 B.; locality unknown: n. 7L., 8L. 

St. Martin: lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3158 B.; Mount 
Paradis 800—400 M.: n. 3217 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Trop. countries. (Gris. Fl.). Also cultivated. 

7407. Solanum Linn. 

Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. Coll. I (1786) 100; Gris. Fl. 442; 
Millspaugh 527. 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 190 H., 263G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 13809 B.; Bottom: n. 1855 B., 209; Windwardside: n. 1923 B.; 
locality unknown: n, 244 L, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Widely spread in Amer. trop. and subtrop. (Hemsley 1884). 
Solanum lanceaefolium Jacq. Coll. II (1788) 286; Gris. Fl. 440; 
Duss 414. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n, 227B., 268B., 
295 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 470a B.; top of the Quill 300 M.: n. 
882 B.; Quill: n. 216. 

Physalis —Solanum. 177 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1816 B., 1296 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2093 B.; Hellsgategut: n. 215; 
Crespeen— Rendez-vous: n. 129; Hellsgate: n. 218. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400: n. 3216 B. 

Antill., Venezuela. (Gris. F.). 

Solanum lycopersicum Linn. Spec. (1753) 185. 

Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 2; 
Gris. Fl. 486; Duss 412; Millspaugh 527. Tomate. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore: n. 196; in a garden in Oranjestad: 
TipeOMEe431G., 227 E., 230/G. 

Saba: Locality unknown: n. 145 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Amer. austral. (E. a. P.). Also cultivated. 

Solanum Melongena Linn. Spec. (1753) 186. Boulanger. 
Cultivated. (Patria ignota). 

Solanum nigrum var. nodiflorum. Linn. Spec. (1753) 186. 

Solanum nodiflorum Dunal Hist. Sol. (1813) 151; non Jacq.; 
Gris. Fl. 437; Duss 412. 

Solanum nigrum nodiflorum A. Gray; Millspaugh 527. Wild 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 81 B.; along roads 
in Oranjestad: n. 1078B.; slope of the Quill near Glassbottle: 
n. 1202 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 75; slope of the Quill: n. 219; near 
Roundhill: n. 220; locality unknown: n. 282 G. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1400qa B.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n. 1779 B.; Windwardside: n. 1904 B.; Ladder- 
gut O—200 M.: n. 1957 B.; Bottom: n. 2247 B.; Crespeen—Rendez- 
vous 400 M.: n. 222; locality unknown: n. 251 L. 

St. Martin: Marigotroad near Marigot: n. 2804 B; hill on the 
northern side of Cul de SacO—100 M.: n. 2979 B., 2983 B., 2983 B.; 
Marigotroad: n. 76. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All trop. countries. (Gris. Fl.). 

Solanum racemosum Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 15; Gris. FI. 
439; Duss 414; Millspaugh 527. Canckerberry. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 11 B.; slope of the 
_ lower part of Signalhill: n. 98 B., 113 B.; along roads in Oranje- 
stad: n. 556 B.; in deserted plantations at the seashore near Ben- 
galen: n. 586B., 593B.; Bengalen: n. 608 B.; Fort de Wind: n. 
797 B.; hill near Concordia 100 M.: n. 955a B.; from Little Moun- 


178 : Solanaceae. 

tain to Venusbay: n. 987 B.; Signalhill 150 M.: n. 1043 B.; slope 
of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 1180B.; Ve- 
nusbay: n. 2238. 

Saba: Seashore near Forthbaylanding: n. 1650 B.; Springbay- 
gut: n. 2084 B. 

St. Martin: Guanabay: n. 2424B.; along the saltpond near 
Filipsburg: n. 2452 B.; lowerpart of Milldrumhill: n. 3160 B ; Mount 
Paradis 8300—400 M.: n. 3210 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill. (Gris. FI.). 

Solanum racemosum Jacq. var igneum (Linn.) O. E. Schulz. !) 

Solanum igneum Linn. Spec. (1762) 270; Gris. Fl. 440; Mill- 
spaugh 527. 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n. 35 B., 46 B,; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 566 B., 573 B., 926 B.; in deserted planta- 
tions at the seashore near Bengalen: n. 588 B.; top of the Clift 
between Fort de Wind and Oranjestad: n. 774 B.; gut near Fort 
de Wind: n. 833B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 2138; slope of Signalhill: 
n. 114; seashore: n. 211, 212; locality unknown: n. 46G., 47 H. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1468 B.; 
Bottom: n. 1838 B.; Ladder: n. 214; locality unknown: n. 141 L., 
362 L. 

St. Martin: near Filipsburg: n. 2337B.; along the saltpond 
near Filipsburg: n. 2442B.; near Bethlehem: n. 2667 B.; near 
Mulletpond: n. 2787 B.; in pastureground near Bellevue: n. 2821 B.; 
lower part of the hills between Mont Chambord and Mount Ver- 
non: n. 2958B.; along roads from Colebay to Simsonsbay: n. 
3251 B.; gut from Bethlehem to Cul. de Sac 200 M.: n. 3428 B., 
3430 B.; Cul de Sac: n. 210. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba to Guiana. (Gris. Fl.). 

Solanum torvum Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 47; Gris. Fl. 
441; Duss 415; Millspaugh 527. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 226. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain: n. 1402 B.; between 
Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1533 B.; Windwardside— 
Hellsgate: n. 1678 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 1959 B., 224. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac: n. 2618 B.; along roads from Bethle- . 

1) Det. O. EB. Schulz. 

Solanum—Cestrum. 179 

hem to Mont Chambord: n. 2909 B.; hills on the eastern side of 
Cul de Sac: n. 3448 B.; Prince quarter: n. 225, 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Bermud., Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Brazil and Equador. 
East Indies. (Gris. Fl.). 
Solanum tuberosum Linn. Spec. (1753) 185, Potatoes, 
Cultivated. [Amer. austr.] (E. a. P.). 

7415. Datura Linn. 

Datura fastuosa Linn. Syst. ed. X (1799) 932; Gris. Fl. 434; 
Duss 409; Millspaugh 526. Fire weed. 

Saba: Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1766 B.; locality unknown: n. 260 L. 

St. Martin: near Bethlehem: n. 2660 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Afr. trop., East Indies. (Gris. F'l.). 
Datura Metel Linn. Spec. (1753) 179; Gris. FI. 484; Duss 408; 
Millspaugh 526. Fire weed. 

St. Eustatius: along roads near Oranjestad: n. 563B.; in a 
garden in Oranjestad: n. 1015 B., 1081 B., 190, 12 H., 13G. 

St. Martin: along roads near Filipsburg: n. 2527 B.; Guana- 
bay: n. 189. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Haiti and Mexico to Brazil and in the Old world. 
(Gris. FI.). 
Datura Stramonium Linn. Spec. (1753) 179; Gris. Fl. 484; Mill- 
spaugh 526. Fire weed. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 542 B.; Cultuur- 
vlakte: n. 194; locality unknown: n. 12G., 14G., 138 H., 3592 B. 

Saba: Bottom: n. 1991 B., 195; locality unknown: n. 83L., 
260 L. 

St. Martin: Mary’s Fancy: n. 193. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Europa, Asia, Africa and Amer. sept. (E. a. P.). 

7420. Cestrum Linn. 

Cestrum laurifolium 1|’Hér. Stirp. Noy. (1784) 69. t.-34; Gris. 
FI, 444; Duss 416; Millspaugh 526. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 211B., 239B., 
240 B., 374B.; Quill: nm. 102, 103, 118; Boven: n. 104; locality 
unknown: n. 3638 B. 

180 Solanaceae— Bignoniaceae. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n, 1442 B.; 
along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M,: n. 1288 B.; 
Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1723aB.; Springbaygut: n. 2124 B.; Bottom: 
n. 22528B.;: Paris 300 M.: n. 109; Greathill 2—400 M.: n. 112; 
Rendez-vous: n. 110; Crispeen—Rendez-vous: n. 111; Rendez-vous 
Mountain: n. 67; locality unknown: n., 68. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, Antigua, 
Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad. 
(Herb. Krug et Urban). 

7434. Nicotiana Linn. 

Nicotiana Tabacum Linn. Spec. (1753) 180. 
Cultivated. [Amer. austr.] (KE. a. P.). 

7436. Petunia Juss. 

Petunia violacea Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1626. 
Cultivated. [Argentinia]. (Ind. Kew.). 

7450. Brunfelsia Linn. 
Brunfelsia americana Linn. Spec. (1753) 191. Lady of the 
Cultivated. {Antill.] (Gris. Fl.). 

257. Scrophulariaceae. 

7470. Angelonia Humb. et Bonpl. 
Angelonia angustifolia Benth. in DC. Prodr. X (1846) 254. Snap- 
Cultivated. [Mexico]. (Gris. Fl.). 

7487. Maurandia Ortega. 
Maurandia semperflorens Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. III (1800) 20. 
Saba: Gut near Bottom: n. 1388 B. 
Antill. [Mexico]. (Ind. Kew.). 

7496. Russelia Jacq. 
Russelia juncea Zuccar in Flora XV (1832) II Beibl. 99. Bugal 
Cultivated. |Mexico]. (Ind. Kew.). 

7574. Capraria Linn. 
Capraria biflora Linn. Spec. (1753) 628; Gris. Fl. 427; Duss 403; 
Millspaugh 527. Wild tea. 

Cestrum—Bignonia. {81 

St. Eustatius: Seashore near Oranjestad: n, 34 B.; ina garden 
in Oranjestad: n. 70B.; seashore near Tumbledowndickbay: n. 
162 B.; Bengalen: n. 624 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 929 B.; 
Cultuurvlakte: n. 39; locality unknown: n. 11G., 11 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1319 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 
1510 B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 19538 B., 54; Bottom: n. 55. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2348 B.; Filips- 
burg—-Cul de Sac: n. 2611 8B.; Mount Paradis 200—400 M.: n. 
3202 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Floridaand Mexico to Brazil and Peru. (Hemsley 1884). 

7576, Scoparia Linn. 

Scoparia dulcis Linn. Spec. (1753) 116; Gris. Fl. 427; Duss 403; 
Millspaugh 528. Sweet broom. 

St. Eustatius: along roads near Glassbottle: n. 883 B., 1205 B.; 
Cultuurvlakte: n.85; slope of te Quill: n. 86,87; locality unknown: 
val, MOE, Oak 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1523 B.; 
Ladder: n. 78; Peperpot: n. 79; Mountain: n. 80; Gainbygut: 
n. Sl. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

All tropical countries. (Gris. Fl.). 

258. Bignoniaceae. 

7705. Bignonia Linn. 
Bignonia Ungius-cati Linn. Spec. (1753) 623; Gris. Fl. 448; Duss 
421; Millspaugh 528. Cat claw. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 194B., 281 B., 
283 B., 350 B.; Bottom of the Quill 350 M.: n. 454 B.; Red Cliff— 
Tumbledowndickbay: n. 202; Quill: n. 41, 42, 102; slope of the 
Quill: n. 196, 197; locality unknown: n. 178G., 259 H. 

I also saw Bignonia Ungius-eati in deserted plantations near Bengalen. 

Saba: Boobyhill 3800 M.: 1599B.; Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 
1966 B.; between Hellsgate and Marypoint: n. 2071 B.; pasture- 
ground: n. 40; Middle Island: n. 149. 

St. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac O—150 M.: 
n. 2970 B.; gut from Betlehem to Cul de Sac 200 M.: n. 3435 B.; 
John Ednyhill: n. 198, 199, 200. 

I also saw Bignonia Ungius-cati on Mount Paradis 300—400 M. 

182 Bignoniaceae—Gesneriaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill. (Gris. Fl.); Amer. cont. (Herb. Leiden.). 

Bignonia spec. without flowers and fruits. 
St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 488a B. 

7733. Tecoma Juss. 

Tecoma capensis Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1117. 
Cultivated. [Afr. austr.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Tecoma leucoxylon Mart. ex DC. Prod. IX (1845) 219; Gris. 
Fl. 447; Duss 420; Millspaugh 528. White ceder. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 72 B.; slope of 
the lower part of Signalhill: n. 104B.; top of the Quill 400 M.: 
n, 214B., 331 B., 355 B.; between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind: 
n. 782B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 919B.; along roads near 
English Quarter: n. 1003 B.; slope of the Quill near Glassbottle: 
n. 1116 B.; slope of the hills near Concordiabay: n. 206; Tumble- 
downdickbay: n. 216; near Sugarloaf: n. 217; locality unknown: 
n. 52 H., 109G. i 


I also saw Tecoma leucoxylon: on Gilboohill; near Jenkinsbay. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1500 B.; 
Boobyhill: n. 1570B.; Green Island: n. 2145 B.; Windwardside: 
n. 2333 B.; locality unknown: n. 284 L. 

I also saw Tecoma leucoxylon: Sulphurmines; Bottom—Windwardside ; 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2513 B.; from Filipsburg 
to Belvedere: n. 2555 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2675 B. 

I also saw Tecoma leucoxylon: Marigothill to Marigot; hill between 
Mont des Accords and Centryhill; hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac: 
Mount Paradis 300—400 M.; Lowlands. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Cuba to Guiana. (Gris. F1.). 

7740. Stenolobium D. Don. 

Stenolobium stans Seem. Journ. Bot. I (1863) 58. 

Tecoma stans Juss. Gen. (1789) 139; Gris. Fl. 477; Duss 420; 
Millspaugh 529. Yellow blossom. 

St. Eustatius: Gut near Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 834 B,; hill 
near Concordia 100 M.: n. 956 B.; Cultuurvlakte: n. 209; locality 
unknown: n, 100G., 178 H. 

Bignonia—Kohleria. 183 

I also saw Stenolobium stans: slope of the Cliff; slope of the Quill 
on the side of White Wall. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 800 M.:n. 1440 B.; 
Laddergut 200 M.: n. 1998 B., 211; locality unknown: n. 134 L. 

I also saw Stenolobium stans; between Bottom and Marypoint; Forth- 
baygut; Bottom —Windwardside. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3323 B.; Cul de 
Sac: n. 210. 

I also saw Stenolobium stans: on Marigothill—Marigot; Nakedboyhill; 
hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill; hill on the northern side of 
Cul de Sac; along roads near Grande Case; lower part of Milldrumhill. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Tucuman. (Gris. Il.). 

7759. Crescentia Linn. 
Crescentia Cujete Linn. Spec. (1753) 626; Gris. Fl. 445; Duss 418; 
Millspaugh 528. Calabash. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 149 G., 255 H. 
I saw Crescentia Cujete in deserted plantations near English Quarter. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1920 B.; locality unknown: n. 65 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2554 B.; Mount 
Paradis 300-—-400 M.: n. 3338 B. 

I also saw Crescentia Cujete: near Saline. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill. and Amer. austr. (EH. a. P.). 

262. Gesneriaceae. 


839. Besleria Linn. 

Besleria lutea Linn. Spec. (1753) 619; Gris. F]. 463; Duss 431. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 500 M.: n. 47laB., 479a B. 
Saba: Gut near Bottom: n. 1424a@ B.; Mountain 600 M.: n. 

1782 B., 41, 42, 48, 208. 

Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. 

Vincent, Grenada, (Symb.). 

7880. Kohleria Regel. 

Kohleria hirsuta Reg. in Regensb. Flor. XX XI (1848) 250. 
Isoloma hirsuta Reg. in Bot. Zeit. TX (1851) 583; Gris. Fl. 459. 

184 Gesneriaceae— Acanthaceae. 

Saba: Locality unknown: n. 60L., 331 L. 
Cultivated ? 
Trinidad, Venezuela. (Symb.). 

7891. Gesneria Linn. 

Gesneria ventricosa Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 89. 
Pentarhaphia longiflora Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub. t. 1110; Gris. 
F]. 460; Duss 450. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 471 B.; top of the 
Quill 500 M.: n. 479 B.; top of the Quill: n. 325, 326, 327, 328. 
Saba: Mountain 600 M.: n. 1758 B., 1783 B., 332, 333. 
Jamaica, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Marti- 
nique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent. (Symb.). 

264. Lentibulariaceae. 
7901. Utricularia Linn. 

Utricularia alpina Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. (1760) 11. 
Utricularia montana Jacq. Select. Am. (1763) 7 t. 6; Gris. F]. 390, 
Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2229 B. 
Antill. and Amer. austral. (E. a. P.). 

266. Acanthaceae. 
7914. Thunbergia Retz. 

Thunbergia affinis Moore var. pulvinatus Moore in Journ. Bot. 
XVITI (1880) 431. 
Cultivated. [Africa]. (Herb. Berlin). 

Thunbergia alata Boj. in Hook. Exot. FI. 1823 t. 17; Duss 428. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1311 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100--200 M.: n. 1548 B.; 
locality unknown: n. 1593 B., 36 L., 10; Village: n. 283. 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Indig.. in Africa orient. (Symb.). 

Thunbergia fragans Roxb. Pl. Corom. I (1795) 47 t. 67; Gris. 
Fl. 458; Duss 428; Millspaugh 530, 
St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1092 B., 183 H. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 284; locality unknown: n. 17 L. 
St. Martin: along roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n, 3102 B, 

Kohleria—Ruellia. 185 

St, Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Indig. in Asia trop. (Symb.). 

7919. Sanchezia R. et Pav. 

Sanchezia nobilis Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5594. 
Cultivated, [Equador]. (Ind. Kew.). 

7930. Blechum Juss. 

Blechum Brownei Juss. in Ann. Mus. Par. 1X (1807) 270; Gris. 
Fl. 453; Duss 424. 

Blechum Blechum Millspaugh 529, 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 304 H.; slope of the Quill: 
n. 258. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1295 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1507 B.; 
Mountain 600 M.: n.1744 B.; Bottom: n. 1847 B., 1984 B.; Ladder: 
n. 260; Laddergut: n. 260 bis; locality unknown: n. 316 L. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac —Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2626 B.; 
in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2846 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Amer. trop. (Symb.). 

7965. Ruellia Linn. 

Ruellia tuberosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 635; Gris. Fl. 452; Duss 
423; Millspaugh 529. Devil’s bit, Fever root. 

St. Eustatius: along roads near Glassbottle: n. 862 B.; Cul- 
tuurvlakte: n. 272; Concordia: n. 274; locality unknown: n. 83 H., 
129 G. 

I also saw Ruellia tuberosa on Signalhill. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1512 B.; 
Hellsgate: n. 1697B.; locality unknown: n. 297L.; Bottom: 
n, 273. 

I also saw Ruellia tuberosa in the Laddergut. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2375 B: from 
Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2553 B.; along roads near Bethlehem: 
n. 2934 B.; Centryhill: n. 12. 

I also saw Ruellia tuberosa: on Nakedboyhill; hill between Mont des 

Accords and Centryhill; in pastureground near Belvedere; in pastureground 
near Belleyue; Lowlands. 

186 Acanthaceae— Rubiaceae. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., from Guiana, Venezuela, Peru and Columbia to Mexico. 

7990. Stenandrium Nees. 

Stenandrium rupestre Nees. in DC. Prodr. XI. (1847) 283. 
St. Martin: in an orchard near Bellevue: n. 2835 B.; lower 
- part of the hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac: n. 3442 B. 

I also saw Stenandrium rupestre on the hill between Mont des Accords 
and Centryluill. 

Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

8012. Graptophyllum Nees. 

Graptophyllum pictum Griff. Notul. IV. (1851) 159. 
Cultivated. [Nova Guinea]. (Symb.). 

8094. Justicia Linn. 

Justicia sessilis Jacy. Enum. (1760) 11. 

Dianthera sessilis Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 455; Duss 426. 
Prickly balsam. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 99 B.; 
lower part of the hills near Concordia: n. 977 B.; near Maryglory 
150 M.: n. 1150 B.; near Boven 200 M.; n. 1246 B.; Cultuurvlakte: 
n. 13, 262, 263, 264; slope of the Quill: n. 265, 266; locality un- 
known: n. 74H., 111 G., 141G. 

Saba: Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1667 B.; Laddergut 200 M.: 
n. 2004 B.; Paris: n. 267; 

St. Martin: along roads near Bellevue: n. 2842 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 0—200 M.: n. 2866 B.; 
from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3057 B. 

I also saw Justicia sessilis: on the lower part of the Milldrumhill; Mount 

St. Croix. (Symb.). 

Hispaniola, Portorico, St. Thomas, Antigua, Guadeloupe. (Symb.). 

8098. Beloperone Nees. 
Beloperone eustachiana Benth. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. I 
(1876) 1111. 

Justicia eustachiana Jacq. Enum (1760) 11; Gris, Fl. 456; 
Duss 426, 

Ruellia— Hillia. 187 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: n. 
752 B.; top of Signalhill 225 M.: n. 1038 B.; near Maryglory 150 M.: 
n. 1138 B., 1149 B.; locality unknown: n. 166G., 248 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1286 B.; Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1684 B.; Paris 2—400M.: 
n. 256; Greathill: n. 255; Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 257; Bottom: 
n. 1; locality unknown: n. 24 L. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—3800 M.: n. 2860 B.; along roads from Colebay to Sim- 
soushbay: n. 3248 B.; Green Key: n. 3366 B. 

St. Barthélemy, Antigua, Montserrat, Guadeloupe. (Symb.). 

267. Myoporaceae. 
8111. Bontia Linn. 

Bontia daphnoides Linn. Spec. (1753) 635. 
Cultivated. [Antill.] (EK. a. P.). 

269. Plantaginaceae. 
8116. Plantago Linn. 
Plantago major Linn. Spec. (1753) 112; Gris. Fl. 389; Duss 379; 
Millspaugh 530. 
Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1566 .B.; Windwardside: n. 2327 B.; lo- 
cality unknown: n. 178 L. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
In almost all parts of both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

270. Rubiaceae. 

8136. Oldenlandia Linn. 
Oldenlandia herbacea DC. Prod. LV. (1830) 425; Gris. FI. 330; 
Duss 335; Millspauch 531. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2580 B.; along 
roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3104 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Amer. trop., Afric., Asia, Malay, Kaiser Wilhelmsland. (E. a. P.). 

8208. Hillia Jacq. 
Hillia longiflora Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 58; Gris. FI. 
325; Duss 334, 
Hillia parasitica Jacq. Enum. Pl, Carib. (1760) 18. 

188 Rubiaceae. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill: n. 247 B., 68, 69, 70. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2192 B., 2198 B.; locality unknown: 
ile 14P/ Ib, 

Antill., Amer. austral. (E. a. P.). 

8219. Exostemma L, C. Rich. 

Exostemma caribaeum Roem. et Schult. Syst. V (1819) 18; 
Gris. Fl. 324; Duss 333; Millspaugh 531. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2500 B.; Nakedboyhill 
200—260 M.: n. 2726B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2783 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhil]l 200—800 M.: n. 2891 B.; 
from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3045 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill. (Herb. Krug er Urban); Key West (Melvill.); Babam. 

Exostemma spec. 
Saba: locality unknown: n. 107 L. 

$238. Mussaenda Linn. 

Mussaenda frondosa Linn. Spee. (1753) 177. 
Cultivated. [India orient.|] (Ind. Kew.). 

8239. Gonzalagunia Ruiz. et Pay. 

Gonzalagunia hirsuta Schumann. in Mart. Fl. Bras. VI 6 (1889) 291. 

Gonzalea spicata DC. Prodr. IV (1880) 437; Gris. Fl. 321; 
Duss 332. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 350 M.: n. 1493 B., 
1552 B.; Mountain near Hellsgate: n. 2284 B.; Mountain: n. 171, 
172; Devilshand: n. 173. 

Antill., Guiana, Bahia. (Gris. Fl.). 

8283. Randia Linn. 

Randia aculeata Linn. Spec, (1753) 1192; Gris. Fl. 318; Duss 330; 
Millspaugh 531. Fishing rod, Black cherry. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the lower part of Signalhill: n. 100 B.; 
top of the Quill 400 M.: n, 280B.; slope of the lower part of 
the Quill near Bengalen: n. 712 B.; bk Oranjestad and Fort 
de Wind. on the top of the Cliff: n. fake ee of Signalhill: 
n. 125, 182; Quill: n. 181; White walt ; Little Mountain: 
n, 126; Gilboohill: n, 124; locality ae he dIfMeEr, ISh5) Jel 

Hillia—Guettarda. 189 

I also saw Randia aculeata: on the slope of the Quill on the side of 
White Wall; Tumbledowndickbay—Venusbay. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1519 B.; 
Saddle: n. 1658 B.; Hellsgate: n. 120; locality unknown: n, 125. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n, 2416 B.; Prince 
quarter (coll. George): n. 2474B.; near Fort Willem: n. 2798 B.; 
top of the hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac 200—300 M.: 
n. 2991 B.; Milldrumhill 8300—400M.: n. 3140B.; Vineyardhill: 
Mm. 121, 122. 

I also saw Randia aculeata: Marigotthill—Marigot; top of Nakedboyhill; 
near Bellevue; hill between Mont des Accords and Centryhill; along roads 
near Grande Case; Mount Paradis 800—400 M.; Lowlands. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida, Antill. (Hemsley 1884). 

8361. Guettarda Linn. 

Guettarda parvifolia Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. II (1806) 1958; Gris. Fl. 
333; Duss 337; Millspaugh 531. Wild cherry. 

St. Eustatius: from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 961 B.; 
slope of the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 1181 B. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.:n. 1464 B.; 
Springbaygut: n. 2079 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2571 B.; Naked- 
boyhill 280 M.: n. 2737 B.; mountain between Mont des Accords 
and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 2887 B.; lower part of the moun- 
tains between Mount Vernon and Mont Chambord: n. 2950 B.; 
Milldrumhill 200—3800 M.: n. 3122 B.; hills on the eastern side of 
Cul de Sac: n. 3438 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Venezuela. (Gris. FI.). 

Guettarda scabra Lam. Tabl. Encycl. Il (1793) 218. t. 154 f. 3; 
Gris. Fl. 332; Duss 337; Millspaugh 531. Candle wood, Wild 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 380 M.: n. 255B., 319B., 
502 B.; from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 993 B.; Signalhill: 
n. 76; Quill: n. 78. 

IT also saw Guettarda scabra on the slope of the Quill on the side of 
White Wall. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint LO0O—200 M.: n. 1463 B.; 
Greathill: n. 75 A.; Hellsgate: n. 75; locality unknown: n. 77. 

190 Rubiaceae. 

I also saw Guettarda scabra: in the gut between Hellsgate and Mastie- 
gut; Crespeenhill. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3224a B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill., Yucatan, Brazil. (Gris. F.). 

8371. Erithalis Linn. 

Erithalis fruticosa Linn. Syst. ed. X (1759) 930; Gris. Fl. 336; 
Duss 338; Millspaugh 530, Flambeau. 

St. Eustatius: from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 973 B.; 
top of Signalhill 225 M.: n. 1032 B.; White Rock: n. 87; slope of 
the Quill near White Wall: n. 86; White Wall: n. 83, 151; 
Sugarloaf: n. 152; Boven: n. 84; Oranjestad n. 85. 

St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2499B.; near Mullet- 
pond: n. 2752 B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3047 B.; 
Tintamarre: n. 3590 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban); Key West (Melvill.); Baham. 

8376. Chiococca Linn. 

Chiococca racemosa Jacq. Select. Am. (1763) 68; Gris. FI. 336; 
Duss 339; Millspaugh 530. Buckroot. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 199 B., 336B., 
400 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 200 M.: n. 688 B.; from 
Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 972 B.; slope of the Quill on 
the side of White Wall 200 M.: n. 1170B.; top of the Quill: n. 
141, 142, 148, 152; Quill: n. 156; locality unknown: n. 157, 
187.G., 271 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n, 1855 B.; Greathil! 400 M.: n. 1885 B.; between Bottom and 
Marypoint 350 M.: n. 1497 B; Boobyhill 300 M.: n. 1574 B.; 
Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2038 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2081 B., 2082 B.; 
Paris: n. 154, 155, 159; Rendez-vous: n. 158; Middle Island: n. 
153; Wellgut: n. 151; locality unknown: n. 137 L., 309 L. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2637 B.; moun- 
tain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—300 M.: n. 
2879 B.; top of the hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac 200— 

Guettarda—Psychotria. 191 

800 M.: n. 3009 B.; from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3060 B.; 
Milldrumhill 200—300 M: n. 31283 B.; 800—400 M.: n. 8153 B,; 
Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3225 B.; 100—200 M.: n. 3298 B.; 
gut from Bethlehem to Cul de Sac 200 M.: n. 3429 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Mexico, Amer. austr. (E. a. P.). 

8381. Coffea Linn. 

Coffea arabica Linn. Spec. (1753) 172; Gris. Fl. 838; Duss 341. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 900B,; inner 
slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1220 B., 101 H., 215G. 

Saba: Windwardside: n. 1935B.; Gainbygut: n. 98; Hells- 
gategut: n. 99. 

Indig. in Abyssinia, Angola and Mosambique. (4. a. P.). 

8384. Ixora Linn. 

Ixora coccinea Linn. Spec. (1753) 110. 
Cultivated. [Asia trop.] (Ind. Kew.). 

Ixora Jucunda ‘I'waithes Enum. Pl. Zeyl. (1864) 155. Riceplant. 
Cultivated. (Zeylan.| (Ind. Kew.). 

8391. Strumpfia Jacq. 
Strumpfia maritima Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. (1760) 28; Gris. FI. 
336; Duss 338. 
St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 813 B., 1264 B., 138. 
St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2519 B. 
Anguilla Boldingh. 
Baham., Antill., Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

8399. Psychotria Linn. 

Psychotria horizontalis Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 144; 
Gris. Fl. 344; Duss 344; Millspaugh 531. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 
n. 6090 B., 657 B.; slope of the Quill above White Wall: n. 1191a@ B.; 
locality unknown: n. 218G, 

Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1701a@B.; near Devilshand: 
n. 2075 B., 2076 B.; Springbaygut: n. 2123 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2575 B., 2586 B.; 
Marigothill— Marigot 0O—200 M.;: n. 2642 B.; Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: 
n. 2689 B.; mountain between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 

192 Rubiaceae. 

200—300 M.: n. 2883B.; along roads in Cul de Sac: n. 2968 B:; 
from Belvedere to Oysterpond: n. 3063 B.; lower part of Mill- 
drumhill: 3161 B.; along roads from Colebay to Simsonsbay: n. 
3252 B.; Mount Paradis 100—200 M.: n. 3800 B.; French frontier: 
n. 149. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana. (Gris. Fl.). 

Psychotria pendula Urb. Symb. Ant. I (1900) 445. 

Psychotria parasitica Sw. Prodr. (1788) 44; Gris, FJ. 344 (p. p.); 
Duss 344. 

Mapouria parasitica K. Sch. in Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. 
Ham. IV. 4. (1891) 112: 

Psychotria crassa Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 344 (p. p.); Duss 
344. (Symb.). 

Saba: Mountain S00 M.: n. 148, 153. 

Cuba, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, 
St. Vincent, Grenada. (Symb.). 

Psychotria rufescens H. B. et K. Noy. Gen. et Sp. III (1818) 
364; Gris. Fl. 842. Bastard canckerberry. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 174B., 349B., 
403 B., 500 B., 117; locality unknown: n. 116, 175 G., 213 1. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1353 B.; Bottom: n. 1456 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1762 B.; Mary- 
point: n. 118; Jenkinsbay: n. 114. 

St. Martin: Centryhill: n. 115. bi 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Nova Granata. (Gris. F1.). 

Psychotria uliginosa Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ, (1788) 43; Gris. 
FI], 840; Duss 342. 

St. Eustatius: Bottom of the Quill 300 M.: n. 899 B. 

Saba: alone roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1306a B., 1365 .B.; Bottom: n. 1448 B.; Mountain: n. 119; Gain- 
bygut: n. 150. 

Antill., Amer. centr., Guiana. (Gris. FI.). 

8401. Palicourea Aubl. 

Palicourea Pavetta DC. Prodr. IVY (1830) 525; Gris. Fl. 346; 
Duss 345; Millspaugh 531. 

St. Eustatius: inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: n. 1216B., 
1224 B.; Quill: n. 146, 147. 


Psychotria—Hemidiodia. 193 

Saba: along roads from Bottom to Windwardside: n. 1313a B., 
1364 B.; Mountain: n. 1755a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Jamaica, St. Thomas, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

8456, Faramea Aubl. 
Faramea odoratissima DC, Prod. IV (1830) 496; Gris. Fl. 338 
Duss 341; Millspaugh 531. 
Saba: from Marypoint to Bottom 300 M.: n. 2071aB. 
Antill., Mexico. (EH. a. P.). 

8468. Ernodea Swartz. 

Ernodea litoralis Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Oce. (1788) 29; Gris. Fl. 
347; Duss 347; Millspaugh 530. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 806B., 1263 B.; White rock: 
n. 96; locality unknown: n. 97, 

Saba: Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2037 B. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2759 B.; Lowlands: n. 3279 B.; 
near Orientbay: n. 3357 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham., Antill. (Gris. Fl.). 

8471. Diodia Linn. 
Diodia rigida Cham. Schlecht. in Linnaea III (1828) 341; Gris. 
Fl. 348. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Cliff between Gallowsbay and White 
Wall: n. 765 B. 
Amer. austr. (Ind. Kew.). 

8472. Hemidiodia K. Schum. 

Hemidiodia ocimifolia Kk. Schum. in Mart. Fl. Bras. IV. 4 
(1888) 29. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen 50—200 M.: 
n, 650 B.; slope of the Quill 200 M.: n. 876B., 72, 73. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 13837 B.; Hellsgate: n. 1691 B.; Mountain 800 M.: n. 1806 B.; 
Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n. 2174 B., 2183 B.; Ladder: 
n. 74a; Gainbygut: n. 74; locality unknown: n. 188 L., 205 L. 

St. Martin: Marigothill—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2648 B.; hill 
on the northern side of Cul de Sac: n. 2982 B. 

Antill., Mexico. (KE. a. P.). 

194 Lubiaceae—Cucurbitaceae.. 

8473. Borreria G. F. Mey. 

Borreria ocymoides DC. Prodi. LV (1830) 544. 
Saba: Hellsgategut: n. 196. 
Amer., Africa, Asia. (IK. a. P.). 

Borreria podocephala DC. Prodr. 1V (1830) 542; Gris. Fl. 350; 
Duss 349. 
St. Eustatius; White Wall: n.815 B., 818) B.; near Signalhill: 
n. 948a B., 1039 B.; seashore near English Quarter: n. 1009 B. 
Cuba, Pinos, Desirade, Antigua, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug et 

8475. Spermacoce Girtn. 

Spermacoce tenuior Linn. Spec. (1753) 102; Gris. Fl. 349; Duss 
347; Millspaugh 532. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M: n. 230B.; Bengalen: 
n. 625 B.; in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 1084 B.; along roads near 
Glassbottle: n. 1115 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 133 A.; locality un- 
known: n. 301 G. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1428 B,; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1521 B.; along 
the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 16380 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2683 B.; in an orchard 
near Bellevue: n. 2849B.; Mount Paradis 300—400 M.; n. 3382 B,; 
Colebayhill: n. 183. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. centr. (E. a. P.). 

8479. Mitracarpus Zucc. 

Mitracarpus polycladus Urb. in Symbolae Antillanae III (1903) 389. 

Saba: along roads from Bottom to Windwardside n, 1322 B,; 
Paris: n. 1877 B.; Laddergut: n. 1966a@ B., 175; locality unknown: 
n. 86 L. 

Portorico. (Symb.). 
Mitracarpus villosus Cham. et Schlecht. in Linnaea II] (1828) 
363; Gris. Fl]. 350. 

Mitracarpus hirtus DC. Prod. TV (1830) 572; Duss 349. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 164; road in Oranjestid: 
ie WSK 

Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Equador and Venezuela. (Gris. F1.). 

Borreria—Cucumis. 195 

271. Caprifoliaceae. 
8515. Sambucus Linn. 

Sambucus canadensis Linn. Spec. (1753) 269. Elder. 
Cultivated. [Amer. sept.] (E. a. P.). 

8523. Lonicera Linn. 

Lonicera japonica Thunb. Fl. Jap. (1784) 89. White hone y- 
Cultivated. [Himalaya]. (Ind. Kew.). 

275. Cucurbitaceae. 
8562. Melothria Linn. 

Melothria fluminensis Gard. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. I (1824) 173. 
St. Eustatius: Quill: n. 453 B.; inner slope of the Quill 350 M.: 
n. 418 B. 
Saba: Windwardside: n. 1933 B.; Gainbygut: n. 35. 
Antill., Amer. cent. and austral. (Cogniaux 1881). 

8591. Momordica Linn. 

Momordica Charantia Linn. Spec. (1753) 1009; Gris. FI. 287; 
Duss 307; Millspaugh 533. Maidenapple. 

St. Eustatius: on the slope of the Cliff near Oranjestad: n. 
58 B.; along roads in Oranjestad: n. 562 B., 35 H., 42 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1525 B., 1706; locality unknown: n. 163 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all trop. and subtrop. countries. (Cogniaux 1881). 

8599, Cucumis Linn. 

Cucumis Anguria Linn. Spec. (1753) 1011; Gris. Fl. 288; Duss 
309; Millspaugh 532. Pumpkin. 

St. Eustatius: Locality unknown: n. 156 G. 

Saba: along roads: n. 1707 B.; locality unknown: n. 276 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Florida austr., Antill., Texas, Amer. centr. and austr. sept. 
(Cogniaux 1881). 

196 Jucurbitaceae—Compositae. 

8610. Lagenaria Ser. 

Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geney. II. 1 (1825) 
25; Gris. Fl. 288; Duss 808; Sweet gourd. 

Saba: Mountain 800 M.: n. 2230 B.; locality unknown: n. 
275 L., 308 L. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Afr. trop. and India orient. (Cogniaux 1881). Also 

8622. Cucurbita Linn. 

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne in Lam. Hneye. II (1786) 151, 
Cultivated. [Asia merid.] (Cogniaux 1881). 

8636. Sechium Juss. 

Sechium edule Sw. Fl. Ind. Oce. I] (1800) 1150; Gris. Fl. 286; 
Duss 306, 

Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1567 B.; Windwardside: n. 1595 B.; Moun- 
tain 800 M.: n. 2198a B. 

Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr., Panama., Nova Granata, Vene- 
zuela, Brasilia. (Cogniaux 1881). Also cultivated. 

277. Goodeniaceae 
8716. Scaevola Linn. 
Scaevola Plumieri Vahl Symb. Il (1791) 36; Gris. Fl. 388; Duss 
378; Millspaugh 533. 
Scaevola Lobelia Murr, Syst. ed. XIII (1774) 178. 
St. Martin: Colebay (coll. George): n. 2503a B.; near Simsons- 
baylagoon: n. 8035) B. 
Bermud., Baham., Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

280. Compositae. 

8751. Vernonia Schreb. 

Vernonia punctata Sw. ex Wikstr. in Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockh. 
(1827) 72; Gris. Fl. 353; Duss 351. 

Vernonia longifolia Pers. Syn. 11 (1807) 404. Wild tobacco, 

St. Eustatius: Signalhill 200 M.: n. 138B.; top of the Quill 
400 M.: n. 206 B., 309 B., 328 B.; slope of the Quill near Bengalen 
50—200 M.: n. 658 B., 669 B.; along roads near English Quarter: 
n. 1006 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 1197 B.; slope of the 
Quill: n. 55, 57; slope of Signalhill: n. 56; locality unknown: n. 
19S, 272'G. 

Lagenaria—Eupatorium. 197 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1280 B.; Crespeen 400 M.: n. 1719 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 
1968 B.; Ladder: n. 54. 

$t. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2420 B.; Marigot- 
hill—Marigot 0O—200 M.: n. 2641 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2755 B.; 
hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac: n. 2975 B.; from Belve- 
dere to Oysterpond: n. 3059B.; Mount Paradis 150—400 M,: n. 
3194 B., 3348 B.; Centryhill: n. 319. 

Antill., Mexico, Honduras. (Gris. F1.). 

8775, Elephantopus Linn. 

Elephantopus spicatus Aubl. PI. Guian, IT (1775) S08; Duss 352. 
Distreptus spicatus Cass. in Bull. Soc. Philom. (1817) 66; Gris. 
Fl. 355; Millspaugh 534. 
St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n.71la B. 
Saba: Boobyhill: n. 1590a B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n, 199; 
Rendez-vous— Mountain 4—600 M.: n. 198. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Cuba and Mexico to Venezuela and Peru. (Gris, FI.). 

8795, Ageratum Linn. 

Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Spec. (1753) 839; Gris. FI, 356; 
Duss 353; Millspaugh 533. White cap. 

St. Eustatius: in a garden near Oranjestad: n. 77 B.; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 545B.; slope of the Quill: n. 290, 291, 
292; locality unknown: n. 6G., 6H., 230 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1318 B.; Greathill 400 M.: n. 1378 B.; Mountain 600 M.:n. 1781 B.; 
Laddergut 0—200 M.: n. 2022 B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n. 289; 
Gainbygut: n. 288; locality unknown: n. 20L., 135 L. 

St. Martin: Mountain between Mont des Accords and Centry- 
hill 200—300 M,: n. 2899 B.; Milldrumhill in plantations 800 M.: 
ils pileOIes 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In ali warmer countries of both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

8816. Eupatorium Linn. 

Eupatorium canescens Vahl. in West Bidr. St. Croix (1798) 
302; Gris. Fl. 360; Duss 355. 
Eupatorium sinuatum Lam. Encyel. I (1786) 407; Millspaugh 534, 

198 Compositae. 

St. Eustatius: Gut near Fort de Wind: n. S41aB.; White 
Wall: n. 814a B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Cuba, Domingo, Portorico, Antigua, Guadeloupe. (Herb. Krug 
et Urban). 

Eupatorium conyzoides Vahl. Symb. Bot. III (1807) 96; Gris. 
Fl. 358. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 184B., 258B., 
501 B.; along roads near Bengalen: n. 1196 B.; slope of the Quill: 
n. 25, 26, 288; road to Roundhill: n. 24. 

Saba: Crispeen 400 M.: n. 1717B.; Laddergut: n. 1999 B.; 
Flatpoint: n. 2126 B.; Peperpot: n. 23; Mountain: n. 290; Gainby- 
gut: n. 289. 

St. Martin: lower part of the Milldrumhill: n. 3162 B.. 

Bermud., Florida austr., Antill., Mexico to Brazil. (Hemsley 

Eupatorium iresinoides H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et Spec. IV 
(1820) 105. t. 340; Gris. Fl. 360; Duss 355. 

Saba: Bottom: 200 M.: n. 1446 B.; from Bottom to Marypoint 
100—200 M.: n. 1515a@ B.; Hellsgate: n. 1690 B.; Crispeen 400 M.: 
n. 1725 B.; Peperpot: n. 29; Crispeen Rendez-vous: 400 M.: n. 28. 

Antill., Panama to Venezuela. (Gris. FI.). 

Eupatorium macranthum Sw. FI. Ind. Occ. Il (1806) 13815. 
St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 307 B., 32, 30, 293. 
Saba: Mountain near Windwardside 600 M.: n, 2154 B., 2178 B.; 
Crespeen— Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 31, 293. 
St. Kitts. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

Eupatorium macrophyllum Linn. Spec. (1763) 1175; Millspaugh 534. 

Hebeclinium macrophyllum DC. Prodr. V (1836) 1386; Gris. FI. 
356; Duss 353. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 300 M.: n. 1487 B.; 
100—200 M.: n. 1511 B.; Laddergut O—200 M.: n. 1965 B.; Gain- 
bygut: n. 33. 

St. Martin: Mount Paradis 300—400 M.: n. 3349 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., throughout the Antill. and southward to Brazil. 
(Hemsley 1884). 

Eupatorium paniculatum Schrad. Ind. Sem. Hort. Gotting. (1832) 
2; Gris. FJ. 362; Duss 356. 
Eupatorium guadalupense Spreng. Syst. III (1826) 414. 

Supatorium— Baccharis. 199 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n, 1805 B.; Hellsgate: 
n. 291; Marypointgut; n. 27. 
Antill., Honduras, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil. (Gris. I I.). 

8901. Erigeron Linn. 

Erigeron bonariensis Linn. Spec. (1753) 863; Gris. Fl. 365; 
Duss 360. 

Saba: Mountain 6—800 M.: n. 11. 

Antill., Amer. centr. to Buenos Ayres, (Gris. I'l.). 

Erigeron canadensis Linn. Spec. (1753) 863; Gris. Fl. 3865; Duss 
360. Foxtail. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n.13; Cultuurvilakte: n. 12; 
locality unknown: n, 145G., 173 H. 

Saba: Hellsgate—Marypoint: n. 2033 B.; Rendez-vous 400 M.: 
n. 296; locality unknown: n. 248L., 259 L. 

St. Martin: near Mulletpond: n. 2760 B.; lower part of Mill- 
druinhill: n. 3169 B. 

Bermud., Canada to Brazil, and naturalised in many other 
countries of both hemisph. (Hemsley 1584). 

Erigeron spathulatus Vahl. in West. Bidr. St. Croix (1793) 803; 
Gris. Fl. 365; Duss 359; Millspaugh 534. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1502 B., 
1558 B.; Laddergut 0O—200 M.: n. 1958 B., 286; Peperpot: n. 20; 
Crespeen— Rendez-vous: n. 19; Gainbygut: n. 287. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill in plantations 800 M : n, 3128 Bb, 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Hispaniola, Portorico, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Trinidad. (Herb. 
Krug et Urban). 

8915. Gundlachia A. Gray. 

Gundlachia domingensis A. Gray Bot. Contr. in Proc, Amer. 
Acad. XVI (1880) 100. 
Baccharis dioica Gris, kar. (1857) 85; Gris. Fl. 566; Duss 361. 
Saba: near the Sulphurmines: n. 1700 B. 
Baham., Antill. (Symb.). 

8933. Baccharis Linn. 
Baccharis cotinifolia Urb. in Urb. Symbol. Antill. IIL (1903) 406 ; 
Gris. Fl. 366; Duss 360. 
Saba: Top of the Mountain: n. 274. 
Antill., Costarica. (Symb.). 

200 Compositae. 

8941. Pluchea Cass. 

Pluchea odorata Cass. in Dict. Sc. Nat. XLII (1826) 3; Gris. 
F]. 366; Duss 361; Millspaugh 535. Wild tobacco. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Cliff near Gallowsbay: n. 62B.; 
seashore: n. 380; locality unknown: n. 61 H., 116@G. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1526 B.; 
Crispeen—Rendez-vous 400 M.: n. 3803; locality unknown: n. 
228L., 234 Li. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill in plantations 300 M.: n. 3127 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Guiana., Amer. centr. (Hemsley 1884). 

Pluchea purpurascens DC. Prod. V (1836) 452; Gris. Fl. 367; 
Duss 362; Millspaugh 535. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2621 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Bermud., Florida and Mexico, Antill., to Nova Granata. (Hems- 
ley 1884). 

8992. Gnaphalium Linn. 

Gnaphalium purpureum Linn. Spec. (1753) 854. vel. affin. 

Gnaphalium americanum Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. VIII (1768) n. 

Saba: Paris 400 M.: n. 1875 B.; between Bottom and Mary- 
point 100—200 M.: n. 1502aB.; Greathill: n. 37; Jenkeygut: 
n. 36. 

Amer. and warmer parts of Africa, Asia and Australia. 
(Buas P): 

9101. Lagascea Cav. 

Lagascea mollis Cay. in Anal. Cienc. Nat. VI (1803) 333 t. 44. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1310B.; along roads 200—300 M.: n. 1708 B.; Windwardside: 
ne coos 16%. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2408 B., 2415 B.; 
Cul de Sac—Marigothill 0—200 M.: n. 2631 B.; hill on the nor- 
thern side of Cul de Sac: n. 2972 B.; French frontier: n. 68; Ma- 
rigotroad: n. 69, 299. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

Indig. in Amer, centr. (E. a. P.). 

Pluchea— Xanthium, 201 

9117. Clibadium Linn. 

Clibadium erosum DC. Prod. V (1836) 506; Gris, Fl. 368; 
Duss 362. 

Saba: Mountain 6—800 M.: n. 179. 

Portorico, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent. (Herb. Krug et 

9130. Acanthospermum Schrank. 

Acanthospermum humile DC. Prod. V (1836) 522; Gris, Fl. 869; 
Millspaugh 533. 

St. Martin: Cul de Sac—Marigot 0—200 M.: n. 2657 B.; along 
roads from Filipsburg to Marigot: n. 3109 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Panama. (Gris. F1.). 

9138. Parthenium Linn. 

Parthenium Hysterophorus Linn. Spec. (1753) 985; Gris, FI. 369; 
Duss 365; Millspaugh 535, 

St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 79 B., 10; along 
roads in Oranjestad: n. 520 B., 3G., 5 H. 

Saba: Laddergut: n. 1954 B., 11; Mountain near Windward- 
side 600 M.: n. 2165 B.; locality unknown: n. 56L., 95 L. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2898 B. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Amer. sept. and centr., and in other parts of both 
hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

9146. Ambrosia Linn. 
Ambrosia hispida Purch. Fl. Am. Sept. Suppl. (1814) 743. 
Ambrosia crithmifolia DC. Prod. V (1836) 525. 
St. Eustatius: in a garden in Oranjestad: n. 157G., 1102 B. 
Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 13803 B.; Windwardside: n. 1949 B. 
St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Belvedere: n. 2561 B. 
Florida. (Ind. Kew.). Also cultivated. 

9148. Xanthium Linn. 

Xanthium orientale Linn. Spec. (1763) 1400; Duss 364. 
Saba: Bottom: n. 62. 
In almost all warmer countries of both hemisph. (HE. a. P.). 

202 Compositae. 

9155. Zinnia Linn. 

Zinnia elegans Jacq. Coll. Il] 152. 
Cultivated. |Patria ignota.|. 

9166. Eclipta Linn. 
Eclipta alba Hassk. P]. Jay. Rar. (1848) 528; Gris. Fl. 370; Duss 
366; Millspaugh 534. 
Eelipta erecta Linn. Mant. II (1771) 286. 
St. Martin: lower part of Mount Paradis; n. 3187 B. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
In the warmer countries of both hemisph. (H. a. P.). 

9191. Borrichia Adans. 

Borrichia arborescens DC. Prod. V (1836) 489; Gris. Fl. 371; 
Duss 366; Millspaugh 533. 

Saba: Peperpot: n. 278. 

St. Martin: Point Blanche (coll. George): n. 2493 B.; Colebay 
(coll. George): n. 2506 B.; near Mulletpond: n. 2750 B.; near Sim- 
sonsbayvillage: n. 8030B.; Tintamarre: n. 3373 B.; Oysterpond: 
n. 3806; Guanabay: n. 304, 305. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Antill., Bermud., Key of Florida, seashore of the Carib. Sea 
to Peru, (Hemsley 1884; E. a. P.). 

9192. Wedelia Jacq. 
Wedelia buphthalmoides Gris. in Goett. Abh. VII (1857) 235; 
Gris. Fl. 872; Duss 367; Millspaugh 536. Yellow sage. 

St. Eustatius: Top of the Quill 400 M.: n. 274 B., 286 B.; slope 
of the Quill near Bengalen 150 M.: n. 681 B., 687 B.; gut near 
Fort de Wind 50 M.: n. 8386B.; along roads near Glassbottle: 
n. 8665B.; from Little Mountain to Venusbay: n. 996 B.; slope of 
the Quill on the side of White Wall 200 M.: n, 1171 B.; along 
roads near Bengalen: n. 1198 B.; Gilboohill: n. 58; Sugarloaf: n. 
317; locality unkown: n. 165G., 233 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1284 B., 1298 B.; between Bottom and Marypoint 200 M.: n, 
1553 B.; Helsgate: n. 1694 B.; Laddergut 0—-200 M.: n. 1960 B.; 
gut between Hellsgate and Masticgut 300—400 M.: n. 2058 B.; 
Windwardside: n. 2815 B.; Peperpot: n. 318; Paris 2—400 M.: n. 
61; Crespeen—Rendez-vous: n. 60; locality unknown: n. 316, 29 L, 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2410 B.; Naked- 

Zinnia—Bidens. 203 

boyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2703 B., 200—260 M.: n. 2719 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—800 M.:n. 2854 B.; 
hills on the northern side of Cul de Sac: n. 2954 B.; lower part of 
Mount Paradis: n. 3291aB.; Colebayhill: 59; John Ednyhill: n. 315, 

I also saw Wedelia buphthalmoides: on the top of Mount Paradis 400 M.; 
hills on the eastern side of Cul de Sac. 

Anguilla Boldingh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Baham. (Hitche.); Antill. (Herb. Krug et Urban). 

9196. Tithonia Dest. 

Tithonia tagetiflora Desf. in Ann. Mus. Par. I (1802) 46. t. 4. 
Cultivated. [Mexico]. (E. a. P.). 

9207. Spilanthes Jacy. 

Spilanthes uliginosa Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1758) 110; Gris. 
Fl. 876; Duss 370. 

St. Eustatius: near Knelish Quarter: n. 1018 B. 

Warmer countries of both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

9224. Synedrella Girtn. 
Synedrella nodiflora Gartn. Fruct. II (1791) 456. t. 171; Gris. 
Higesiis Duss av. 

Ucacoua nodiflora Hitch. in Missouri. Bot. Gard. Rep. LY (1893) 
100; Millspaugh 535, 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 47; locality unknown: 
n. 242 H. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
1332 B.; lower part of the Bottom Mountain 250 M.: n. 1397 B.; 
along the Forthgut 150—200 M.: n. 1629 B.; Mountain 600 M.: 
n. 1754 B. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2706 B.; mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 0—200 M.: n. 2852 B., 
200—300 M.: n. 2892 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Amer, trop.; dispersed in the Old world. (E. a. P.). 

9237. Bidens Linn. 

Bidens bipinnatus Linn. Spec. (1753) 832; Gris. Fl. 373; Duss 369; 
Millspaugh 533. 

204 Compositae. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M. : 
n. 13383 B., 1866 B.; Rendez-vous: n. 275; Rendez-vous—Crespeen : 
n. 276; locality unknown: n. 255 L. 

St. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac O—100 M.: 
n. 3003 B.; along roads from Grande Case to Marigot: n. 3099 B.; 
French frontier: n. 295. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Amer., dispersed in the warmer countries of the Old 
world. (H. a. P.). 

Bidens leucantha Willd. Sp. Pl. III (1800) 1719; Gris. Fl. 873; 
Duss 368; Millspaugh 533. 

Bidens pilosa Linn. Spec. (1753) 832. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 302. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1282 B.; Windwardside—Hellsgate: n. 1672 B.; seashore near 
Flat Point: n. 2139 B.; Crespeen—Rendez-vous n. 301; Gainby- 
gut: n. 303. 

$t. Martin: Hill on the northern side of Cul de Sac O—100 M.: 
n. 2978 B.; Marigotroad: n. 279; locality unknown: n. 3602 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Indig. in Amer., dispersed in the warmer countries of the 
Old world. (E. a. P.). 

9238. Cosmos Cav. 

Cosmos sulfureus Cav. Ic. I (1791) 56 t. 79. Poppy. 
Cultivated. from Cuba and Mexico to Brazil.] (Gris. F1.). 

9306. Gaillardia Fouger. 

Gaillardia aristata Purch. Fl. Am. Sept. II (1814) 573, 
Cultivated. [Amer, bor.] (Ind. Kew.). 

9316. Porophyllum Adans. 

Porophyllum ellipticum Cass. Dict. XLII] (1826) 56. 
Porophyllum ruderale Gris. Flor. W. I. (1861) 379; Duss 372. 
(p. p-). (Symb.). 
St. Eustatius: along roads in Oranjestad: n. 1111 B.; slope of 
the Quill: n. 36, 37, 38; locality unknown: n. 277 H., 284 G. 
Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1435 B.; 
between Bottom and Marypoint 100—200 M.: n. 1555 B.; locality 
unknown: n. 269 L. 

Bidens—Erechthites. 205 

St. Martin: Locality unknown: n. 3603 B. 
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 

9319. Pectis Linn. 

Pectis febrifuga van Hall. in Ann. Hort. et Bot. ou Flore Jard. 
des Pavs-Bas vol. IV (1861) 33 cum tab. 

Pectis linifolia Less. in Linnaea VI (1831) 709. (excl. syn.); 

Pectis Swartziana Borg et Pauls. Veget. Dansk-vestind. Oer 
(1898) 110 — non Less; (Symb.). 

Saba: Seashore near Forthbay: n. 1641 B. 

Antill., Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, Columbia. (Symb.). 

Pectis humifusa Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. (1788) 114; Gris. FI. 
378; Duss 372; Millspaugh 535. 

St. Eustatius: White Wall: n. 824 B.: Gilboohill 150 M.: n. 
1122 B.; near Boven 200 M.: n. 1249B.; near White Wall: n. 
1258 B.; Venusbay: n. 20; locality unknown: n. 3586 B. 

Saba: along the lower part of Forthgut; n. 1642 B.; St. Giles: 
n. 1869 B. 

St. Martin: from Filipsburg to Guanabay: n. 2366 B., 2414 B., 
19; near Fort Willem: n. 2801 B.; near Fort Amsterdam: n. 18. 

Anguilla Boldiugh. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

St. Domingo, Portorico, St. Thomas, St. Jan, St. Barthélemy, 
St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Desirade, Marie—Galante, Domi- 
nica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Mustique, Barbados. 

9376. Neurolaena R. Br. 

Neurolaena lobata R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XV (1817) 120; 
Gris. Fl. 381; Duss 373. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill above White Wall: n. 1188 B. 

Saba: Top of the Mountain 800 M.: n. 1836 B.; locality un- 
known: n. 210 L. 

Antill., Mexico, Columbia. (E. a. P.). 

9389. Erechthites Raf. 

Erechthites hieracifolia Raf. ex DC. Prodr. VI (1837) 294; Gris. 
Fl. 381; Duss 374; Millspaugh 534. 
Hrechthites praealta Raf. Fl. Ludoy. (1817) 65, 

206 Compositae. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill near Bengalen: n. 9. 

Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 3800 M.: n. 1485 B,; 
Gainbygut: n. 10. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all warmer parts of Amer., also in the Old world. (E. a. P.). 

Erechthites valerianaefolia DC. Prod. VI (1887) 295. 
Saba: between Bottom and Marypoint 850 M.: n. 1491 B, 
Mountain 600—800 M.: n. 1786 B.; locality unknown: 166 L., 1938 L. 
Amer. centr. and sept., Java. (Herb. Berlin). 

9411. Senecio Linn. 

Senecio sonchifolius Moench. Meth. Suppl. (1802) 231. 

Emilia sonchifolia DC. Prod. VI (1887) 302; Gris. Fl. 381; 
Duss 374; Millspaugh 534. 

St. Eustatius: near Boven 200 M.: n. 1234B.; locality un- 
known n. 126 G. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1285 B., 1848 B.; Windwardside: n. 2809 B. 

I also saw Senecio sonchifolius in the Laddergut. 

St. Martin: Nakedboyhill 50—200 M.: n. 2707 B.; Mountain 
between Mont des Accords and Centryhill 200—800 M.: n. 2890 B.; 
Milldrumhill in plantations 300 M.: n. 8129 B. 

I also saw Senicio sonchifolius: Mount Paradis 300—400 M. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Indig. in the trop. of the Old world, (E. a. P.). 

9529, Chaptalia Vent. 

Chaptalia nutans Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. IL 255; Mill- 
spaugh 538. 

Leria nutans DC. Ann. Mus. Par. XIX (1812) 68; Gris. FI. 
383; Duss 375. 

St. Eustatius: Slope of the Quill: n. 310. 

Saba: along roads between Bottom and Windwardside 200 M.: 
n. 1315 B.; Mountain 400 M.: n. 1769 B., 1774 B., 308; Crespeen— 
Rendez-vous: n. 307, 309. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill 300 M: n. 3179B.; Mount Paradis 
300— 400 M.: n. 3339 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

In all warmer countries of Amer. (KE. a. P.). 

Erechthites—Lactuca. 207 

9595. Sonchus Linn. 

Sonchus oleraceus Linn. Spec. (1753) 794; Gris. Fl. 384; Duss 
375; Millspaugh 5385. Wild salad. 

St. Eustatius: Glasseut at the seashore near Oranjestad: 
n. 485.; Bengalen: n. 606 B.; along roads near Glassbottle: n. 
884 B.; slope of the Quill: n. 41; Roundhill: n. 302. 

Saba: lower part of the Bottom Mountain 300 M.: n. 1430 B.: 
Mountain 600 M.: n. 1750B.; Bottom: n. 40; locality unknown: 
n. 40 L. 

St. Martin: Milldrumhill in plantations 300 M.: n. 3133 B. 

St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 

Widely dispersed in both hemisph. (E. a. P.). 

9596. Lactuca Linn. 

Lactuca intybacea Jacq. Ic. P]. Rar. 1 (1781) t. 162; Millspaugh 534. 
Brachyrhamphus intybaceus DC. Prod. VIL (1838) 177; Gris. 
Fl. 884; Duss 376. 
St. Eustatius: Cultuurvlakte: n. 57; seashore: n. 307. 
St. Croix ex Millspaugh. 
Antill., Nicaragua, Hast Indies, Africa trop. (Gris. FI.). 







The following persons have given informations about the 
Flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands. Liter. Urban Symbolae An- 
tillanae Vol. | and Vol. II. 

St. Eustatius. 

J, b. Labat, between 1694 and 1705. 

J. B. Labat in his: Nouveau voyage aux isles de l’Amérique.... 
Editio 1724. La Haye, does not give any compendium of the 
vegetation of the Dutch Antilles. 

N. J. Jacquin between 1755 and 1757. 

N. J. Jacquin in his: Selectarum stirpium americanum historia, in 
qua ad Linnaeanum systema determinatae descriptaeque sistuntur 
plantae illae, quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo aliisque 
et in vicinae Continente parte observavit rariores; adjectis iconi- 
bus in solo natali delineastis. Vindobonae 1765, mentions only 6 
plants found in St. Eustatius, of which I point out only those 
quoted by Grisebach in his: Systematische Untersuchungen tiber 
die Vegetation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe: 
Justicia sessilis. 

Justitia eustachyana. (Beloperone ecustachiana Benth.). 
Heliotropium gnaphaloides. (Tournefortia gnaphalodes R. Br.). 
Coccoloba nivea. 

Cactus triangularis. (Cereus triangularis Haw.). 

(Herb. Banks. Brit. Mus. London; Herb. Willd. Berlin). 

F’. Masson 1780. . 

IT only saw Masson mentioned by 0. Swartz in his: Flora Indiae 
occidentalis, concerning Microtea debilis. 

(Brit. Mus. London). 

212 Historical. 

S. Fahlberg between 1785 and 1834. 

I only saw Fahlberg mentioned by O. Swartz in his Flora Indiae 
occidentalis with reference to a few plants from St. Barthé- 

(Herb. Swartz. Stockholm; herb. Thunberg Upsala). 

Placide Duchassaing de Fontbressis about 1848, 

P. D. de Fontbressis collected only a few plants in St. Eustatius ; 
I saw the following mentioned in Grisebach: Systematische Unter- 
suchungen iiber die Vegetation der Karaiben, insbesondere der 
Insel Guadeloupe: 

no. 16. Lepidium virginicum Linn. 

no. 22. Polanisia viscosa DC. 

no. 24. Capparis cynophallophora Linn. y attenuata. 

no. 162. Sida spinosa Linn. 

no. 286. Tribulus maximus Linn. (Kallstroemia maxima Wight 
et Arn.). 

no. 386. Stylosanthes procumbens Sw. (Stylosanthes hamata Tau- 

no. 942. Cyphiacanthus barbadensis Ns. (Ruellia tuberosa Linn.). 
no. 1047. Heliophytum indicum DC. (Heliotropium indicum Linn.). 
no. 1074. Lantana camara Linn. 

no. 1076. Lantana involuecrata Linn. 

(Herb. Géttingen). 

B. A. Huphrasen 1788. 

B. A. Euplirasen in his: Beskrifning 6fver Svenska vestindiska 
én St. Barthélémi samt darne St. Eustache och St. Christopher. 
Stockholm 1798, makes also mention of a few plants from St. 
Eustatius. I did not think it necessary to quote them here as, 
according to the statement of Urban (Symbolae Antillanae I 
p. 49) it is impossible to control the determination of Kuphrasen. 

F, L. 0 Hermimer 1815. 

M. D. Feenstra about 1836. 

The few botanical data I could take from his: De Nederlandsche 
West-indische eilanden in derzelver tegenwoordigen toestand, Am- 
sterdam, 1836—1887 are of no use to the Systematic Part. In des- 
cribing the vegetation in the Third Part I shall say something 
about this paper of Feenstra. 

Historical Sketch. 213 

W. F. R. Suringar 1885. 

W. F. R. Suringar made a botanical investigation on the Dutch 
West Indian Islands in 1885. 

Further details about this expedition will be found in Chapter II 
of the Historical Part of this Flora, 

(Herb. Leiden, Herb. Krug et Urban Berlin). 

J. J. Walch about 1889. 

In the Report of the 60 meeting of the Br. Ass. f. Adv. Sc. Leeds 
1890 p. 448 the following is said about the collection Walch: A 
small collection of plants numbering 143 specimens, was received 
from Mr. J. J. Walch, R. N. This collections includes plants from 
Dominica, St. Martin, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Gre- 
nada. Most of the plants consisted of common West Indian spe- 
cies, presumably such as would be met with in the more acces- 
sible spots in the various places visited. 

(Herbar. Kew.). 

Aria CO. Went 1902 

F. A. F. C. Went is his: Rapport omtrent den toestand van land- 
en tuinbouw op de Nederlandsche Antillen, bijlage V van het Ko- 
loniaal verslag van Curacao van 1902, gives some observations 
on the vegetationof St. Eustatius; in so far as these observations 
will be interesting to us I shall deal with them in the Third Part 
of this Flora. 

J. van Grol-Meyers 1904—1906. 

Two collections of plants gathered by Mrs. van Grol-Meyers will 
be treated more fully in Chapter Il of the Historical Part of this 
Flora. : 

(Herb. Utrecht; Herb. Koloniaal Museum Haarlem). 

I, Boldingh 1906. 
The botanical investigations I made in 1906 will more largely 
be dwelt on in Chapter II of the Historical Part of this Flora. 

Besides the above mentioned data I found in Grisebach: Flora of 
the British W. J. Islands that the following plants were also 
collected in St. Eustatius: 

p. 66. Lithophila muscoides Sw. 

p. 75. Sida ulmifolia Cav. 

And in Grisebach: Systematische Untersuchungen tiber die Vege- 
tation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe I found: 
1472. Aspidium macrophyllum Sw. (Aspidium martinicense Spr.). 

214 Historical. 


J. H. Labat between 1694 and 1705. 
Conformable to what I mentioned under St. Eustatius. 

J. HE. Forsstrom 1805—1812. 

I saw Forsstrém mentioned only in reference to a few plants in 
Urban, Symbolae Antillanae. 

(Herb. Swartz and Herb. Stockholm). 

M. D. Feenstra about 1886. 
Conformable to what I mentioned under St. Eustatius. 

Placide Duchassaing de Fontbressis about 1848. 

According to Grisebach: Systematische Untersuchungen tber die 
Vegetation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe, 
P. D. de Fontbressis collected in Saba: n. 187. Guazuma tomen- 
tosa Kth. 

O. Kuntze 1874. 

Besides at Caesalpinia ciliata Urb. I did not see O. Kuntze men- 
tioned at the label of any plant in the Herbarium of Krug and 
Urban in Berlin. In his: Um die Erde. Reisebericht eines Natur- 
forschers, Leipzig 1881, Kwnzc mentions only Melocactus communis 
Link et Otto. 

(Herb. Krug et Urban Berlin). 

W. F. R. Suringar 1885. 

Fr. A. F. C. Went 1902. 

I. Boldingh 1906. 

For these three persons I refer to what was said under St. 

A, C. W. Lionarons 1907, 

The plants gathered by Lionarons will fully be treated in Chapter 
II of the Historical Part of this Flora. 

St. Martin. 

J. B. du Tertre about 1650—1656. 
J. B. Labat between 1694 and 1705. 
Conformable to what I mentioned under St. Eustatius. 

N. J. Jacquin between 1755 and 1757, 
N. J. Jacquin in his: Select. Stirp. Amer., does not mention but 
8 plants found in St. Martin. I will quote only the plants enu- 

Historical Sketch. 215 

merated in Grisebach Systematische Untersuchungen tiber die Ve- 
getation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe: 
Myginda uragoga cf. Symb. Antill. V. p. 80. (Rhacoma crosso- 
petalum Linn). 

Rhamnus colubrinus (Colubrina ferruginosa Brong.). 

Malpighia linearis (Malpighia angustifolia Linn.). 

Corchorus hirsutus Linn. 

Lobelia Plumieri (Scaevola Plumieri Vahl). 

A, Plée 1821. 

After a discussion I had with Prof. I. Urban, 1 think it super- 
fluous to quote the few plants that are collected by Mr. Plee. 
(Herb. Mus. Paris). 

M. D. Feenstra about 1836. 

W. F. R. Suringar 1885. 

J. J. Walch about 1889. 

HeeAn Ha OC. Went 1902° 

T. Boldingh 1906. 

For these 5 persons I refer to what was said under St. 

According to Grisebach: Systematische Untersuchungen tiber die 
Vegetation der Karaiben, insbesondere der Insel Guadeloupe, 
also the following plants were collected in St. Martin: 

n. 868. Metastelma paralias Decs. (Metastelma parviflorum Rh. Br.). 
n. 1009. Cuscuta americana Linn. 

According to the notes I made about the persons and col- 
lections afore said I did not think it desirable to treat any of 
the smaller collections. The difficulties in getting all these plants 
would not be in proportion to the small amount of greater com- 
pleteness of the plants then mentioned in this Flora. 

So I have treated in the Systematic Part only the collections made 
by Suringar, van Grol-Meyers, Boldingh and Lionarons. 

It will appear from these collections that I have about 5000 
numbers of plants at my disposal, a big number when we take 
into consideration that the surface of the 3 Islands does not sur: 
pass 140 0 km. 

Collection W. F. R. Suringar. 

Dr. J. Valckenier Suringar was so kind as to allow me to make 
use of the diary written by his father Prof. W. F. R. Suringar 
during his botanical investigations of the Dutch West Indian 
Islands in 1885. 

From these notes together with the data drawn from the labels 
attached to the collected plants I was enabled to make the fol- 
lowing list of the localities visited by Swringar and the numbers 
of plants collected there. 

St. Eustatius: April Sth—18th and May 7th—18th. 
April 8th. Concordiabay, Turtlebay. | 

» 15th. Fairplay, English Quarter. coll. 70 nos. 
May “7th. Bengalen. | 
April 9th. Signalhill and environment. 

» 11th. Little Mountain, Tumbledowndickbay. 

» 17th. Boven, Little Mountain. coll. 50 nos. 
May 8th. Fort Amsterdam. | 
9th. Gilboohill. 

April 8th, Seashore. | 

» lOth. Seashore. | 

» llth. Sugarloaf and White Wall. | 
May 11th. Sugarloaf. | 
April13th. | 

coll. 60 nos. 

coll. 385 nos. 

» 14th. 

» 16th. Quill. coll. 170 nos. 
May 18th. 

> _lsidar 

On his 16 excursions through St. Eustatius Sewringar has evi- 
dently collected 385 nos. 
All the localities visited by Swringar were also investigated by me. 

Notes on the larger Collections. 217 

In proportion to the other two islands St. Eustatius was inves- 
tigated by Suringar best of all, thanks to a longer stay there. 

Saba: April 21—28th. 
April 22th. Paris and Greathill and surroundings of the Bottom. 
coll. 50 nos. 
» 22th. Peperpot near Springbaygut. coll. 35 nos, 
»  2eth. Top of the Mountain. coll. 100 nos. 
» 26th. Surroundings of the Bottom. coll. 50 nos. 
»  2oth. | 
»  2dth. Gainbygut. coll. 30 nos. 
27th. Round the Island. coll. 90 nos. 
»  2@th. Laddergut. coll. 40 nos. 
Suringar has evidently collected during these 9 excursions 
395 nos. 
I myself saw all the localities visited by Suwriugar. 


St. Martin: April 30th—May 5th. 

April 30th. Saltpond and Fort Amsterdam. coll. 40 nos. 

May 1st. Centryhill and Surroundings. coll. 45 nos. 

2nd. from Filipsburg to Simsonshbay. coll. 50 nos, 

3rd. Nakedboyhill, Princequarter. coll. 25 nos. 

7 4th. from Filipsburg to Cul de Sac and French frontier. 
coll. 60 nos. 

5th. from Filipsburg to Guanabay. coll. 20 nos, 

Suringar has collected during these 6 excursions 240 nos. 

The short time Suringar could spend on St. Martin is the reason 

why this island was explored but on a very small scale; the 

French part of St. Martin has not been studied; all the loca- 

lities named by Suringar were also visited by me. 

The collection Suringar is preserved is ,’s Rijks-herbarium” at 
Leiden; duplicates are to be found in the collection Herb. Krug 
et Urban in Berlin (K. Bot. Gart. und Museum Steglitz-Dahlem). 
The greater part of the Suringar plants were determinated by 
I. Urban before I took up the study of the West Indian Flora 
and another part was determined by him afterwards. 

Collections Mrs. J. van Grol-Meyers. 

The two collections of dried plants given by Mrs. J. van 
Grol-Meyers to the Koloniaal Museum at Haarlem and the Her- 

218 Historical. 

barium of the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Utrecht 
consist both of about 350 numbers of well dried plants with 
ample notes on the colour of flowers and on the way the in- 
habitants of St. Eustatius make use of these plants. 

In my paper: Lijst van Planten, die door de Bewoners van 
de drie Nederlandsche Antillen St. Hustatius, Saba en St. Martin 
als geneeskrachtig worden beschouwd. Bull. Kolon. Mus. Haarlem 
n. 38 (1907) p. 983—112, these notes have been of great use to me. 

As might be expected the greater part of the plants in these 
collections are common tropical plants growing in the more acces- 
sible parts of the Island; there is moreover a fine collection of 
plants from the Quill. The examination these plants before I en- 
tered upon my voyage, has rendered it easy for me to recognise 
them in their natural state. 

The cultivated plants sent in by Mrs. van Grol facilitated 
my paying attention also to these plants, and this was the 
more agreable for me as I could thus the better comply with 
the wishes of the ,Commissie van het F. W. van Heden-fonds.” 

Thanks to the great number of flowers and fruits occurring 
in the collection van Grol-Meyers it was not too difficult for 

me, though beginning with the study of the West Indian Flora 
to find out the names. 

The following list contains the names of the plants collec- 

ted by Mrs. J. van Grol-Meyers. 

1. Collection J. van Grol-Meyers of the Koloniaal Museum 
at Haarlem. 

1 Asclepias nivea. 15 Sida carpinifolia. 

2 Commelina virginica. 16 Amarantus tristis. 

83 Parthenium Hysterophorus. 17 Argemone mexicana. 
4 Cassia occidentalis. 18 Antigonon leptopus. 
5 Chenopodium ambrosioides. 19 Ipomoea pentaphylla. 
6 Ageratum conyzoides. 20 Triphasia trifoliata. 
7 Heliotropium parviflorum. 21 Passiflora quadrangularis. 
8 Euphorbia pilulifera. 22 Cassia bicapsularis. 
9 Chenopodium murale. 23 Ricinus communis. 
10 Scoparia dulcis. 24 Capsicum dulce. 

11 Capraria biflora. 26 Abrus precatorius. 

12 Datura Metel. 28 Polanisia viscosa. 
13 Datura Stramonium. 29 Gynandropsis pentaphylla. 


14 Heliotropium indicum. Poinciana regia. 


Notes on the larger Collection. 

Plumbago scandens. 
Euphorbia heterophylla. 
Salvia serotina. 
Phyllanthus niruri. 
Momordica Charantia. 
Acacia macracantha., 
Leucaena glauca. 
Terminalia Catappa. 
Acacia macracantha. 
Tamarindus indica. 
Psidium guajava. 
Zephyranthes carinata. 
Calotropis procera. 
Melia azedarach. 
Anacardium occidentale. 
Capparis cynophallophora. 

Solanum racemosum igneum. 

Plumiera rubra. 
Plumiera alba. 
Oneidium spec. 
Brassavola rigida. 
Tecoma leucoxylon. 
Picrasma antillana. 
Croton flavens. 
Eugenia axillaris. 
Lantana involucrata. 
Mangifera indica. 
Punica Granatum. 
Achras sapota. 
Lochnera rosea. 
Pluchea odorata. 
Malpighia punicifolia. 
Vigna repens. 
Caesalpinia pulcherrima. 
Caesalpinia pulcherrima, 
Caesalpinia ciliata. 
Mammea americana. 
Spondias lutea. 
Spondias purpurea. 
Chrysobalanus icaco. 
Justicia sessilis. 
Hymenaea Courbaril. 



Kugenia uniflora. 
Linociera compacta, 
Piper reticulatum. 
Passiflora laurifolia. 
Byrsonima spicata, 
Cassia glandulosa. 

2 Byrsonima spicata. 

Ruellia tuberosa. 
Opuntia Ficus indica. 
Melicocca bijuga. 
Citrus spec. 

Anona squamosa. 
Anona muricata. 
Phyllantus distichus. 
Moringa oleifera. 

3 Foeniculum vulgare. 

Carica Papaya. 
Solanum lycopersicum. 
Solanum lycopersicum. 
Solanum esculentum. 
Cuscuta americana. 
Clusia alba. 
Coftea arabica. 
Theobroma Cacao. 
Kugenia Jambos. 
Centrosema virginianum. 
Cecropia peltata. 
Bursera simaruba. 
Citharexylum quadrangu- 
Artocarpus incisa. 
Kugenia ligustrina. 
Lantana Camara. 
Comocladia ilicifolia. 
Persea americana. 
Myrcia paniculata. 
Nectandra coriacea. 
Heliconia Bihai. 
Tillandsia utriculata. 
Canavalia obtusifolia. 
Coccoloba uvifera. 
Costus speciosus. 


Aristolochia odoratissima. 
Verbena chamaedrifolia. 
Lawsonia inermis. 
Lawsonia inermis. 
Brunfelsia americana. 
Amarantus paniculatus. 
Cissus sicyoides. 
Urera caracasana. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Phaseolus lunatus. 
Phaseolus vulgaris. 
Antigonon cinerascens. 
Aegiphila martinicensis. 
Althaea officinalis. 
Duranta repens. 
Bixa Orellana. 
Brassica integrifolia. 
Hura crepitans. 
Jasminum spec. 
Stigmatophyllum periploci- 
Cordia Sebestena. 
Fourcroya gigantea. 
Clerodendron aculeatum. 
Plumbago capensis. 
Parkinsonia aculeata, 
Quisqualis indica. 
Ipomoea pes caprae. 
Mirabilis Jalapa. 
Mirabilis Jalapa. 
Chrysobalanus icaco. 
Picrasma antillana. 
Indigofera suffruticosa. 
Coleus scutellarioides. 
Cosmos sulphureus. 
Sambucus canadensis. 
Hibicus Rosa—sinensis. 
Nopalea coccinellifera. 
Opuntia Tuna. 
Gomphrena globosa. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 



Jatropha curcas. 
Hibiscus radiatus. 
Nymphaea spec. 
Jatropha multifida. 
Leonotis nepetaefolia. 
Erigeron canadensis. 
Stylosanthes hamata. 
Hymenaea Courbaril. 

175aBoerhaavea hirsuta. 


Achyranthes obtusifolia. 
Croton lobatus. 
Stenolobium stans. 
Stylosanthes hamata. 
Waltheria americana. 
Sida cordifolia. 
Thunbergia fragans. 
Urechites suberecta. 
Triumfetta rhomboidea, 
Passiflora suberosa. 
Neurogramme calomelanos. 
Solanum aculeatissimum, 
Lonicera japonica. 
Clerodendron fallax. 
Sesbania grandiflora. 
Leonurus sibiricus. 
Randia aculeata. 
Jatropha gossypifolia. 
Jatropha gossypifolia. 
Vernonia punctata. 
Krameria ixina. 
Abutilon indicum. 
Rauwolfia Lamarckiana. 
Galactia rubra, 

Cajanus indicus. 

Rivina humilis. 
Aegiphila martinicensis. 
Psychotria rufescens. 
Andropogon Schoenanthus. 
Aristida americana. 
Mimosa pudica. 
Tillandsia recurvata. 
Cissampelos Pareira. 


Notes on the larger Collections. 

Ipomoea fastigiata. 
Porana paniculata. 
Jacquemontia pentantha. 
Boerhaavea erecta. 
Operculina ventricosa. 

5 Ibatia maritima. 

Solanum lycopersicum. 
Bouchea Ehrenbergii. 
Euphorbia thymifolia. 
Ambrosia hispida. 
Russelia juncea. 
Melochia tomentosa. 
Wedelia buphthalmoides. 
Panicum divaricatum. 
Clitoria ternatea. 
Eleusine indica. 
Petiveria alliacea. 
Allophylus occidentalis. 
Tephrosia cathartica. 
Hyptis pectinata. 
Synedrella nodiflora, 
Medicago sativa. 
Gossypium barbadense. 

5 Dioscorea alata. 

Beloperone eustachyana, 
Desmodium triflorum. 
Hibiscus esculentus. 
Hibiscus esculentus. 
Canna indica. 
Canna indica. 
Crescentia Cujete. 
Crotalaria incana. 
Polypodium phyllitidis. 
Dryopteris parasitica. 
Bignonia ungius-cati. 
Oplismenus setarius. 
Polypodium lycopodioides. 
Mariscus brizaeus. 
Smilax coriacea. 
Xanthosoma spec. 



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Cenchrus tribuloides. 
Cyperus elegans. 
Tournefortia gnaphalodes. 
Epidendrum ciliare. 
Scleria lithosperma. 
Chiococca racemosa, 
Allium ascalonicum. 
Pilea semidentata. 

Anona montana. 

Sida glomerata, 
Porophyllum ellipticum. 
Allamanda cathartiea. 
Calonyetion speciosum. 
Ipomoea pentaphylla. 
Maranta arundinacea. 
Cucurbita maxima. 
Pithecolobium ungius-cati. 
Crotalaria verrucosa. 
Crotalaria retusa. 

7 Bryophyllum pinnatum. 

Ricinus communis. 
Ricinus communis. 
Manihot utilissima. 
Haematoxylon campechi- 
Salvia occidentalis. 
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. 
Cardiospernum halicacabum. 
Aloe vera. 
Ocimum micranthum, 
Bryophyllum pinnatum, 
Hymenocallis caribaea. 
Eucharis grandiflora. 
Sanseviera guineensis. 
Pilea microphylla. 
Pilea microphylla. 
Blechum Brownei. 
Jasminum pubescens. 
Panax fruticosum. 
Panax fruticosum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 


Codiaeum variegatum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Gaillardia aristata. 
Piscidia piscipula Sarg. 
Angelonia angustifolia. 
Hibiscus schizopetalus. 
Bromelia pinguin. 
Ceiba pentandra. 
Pisonia subcordata. 
Villamilla octandra. 




Hippomane mancinella. 
Musa paradisiaca. 
Verbena chamaedrifolia. 
Desmodium supinum. 
Lochnera rosea. 

Panax fruticosum. 
Comocladia ilicifolia, 
Musa paradisiaca. 
Nerium Oleander. 
Portulaca halimoides. 

Collection J. van Grol-Meyers of the Herbarium of the 
Botanical Institute of the University in Utrecht. 


bo Bo B Lo 


Vigna repens. 
Commelina virginica. 

Parthenium Hysterophorus. 

Cassia occidentalis. 

Chenopodium ambrosioides. 

Ageratum conyzoides. 
Heliotropium parviflorum. 
Euphorbia pilulifera. 
Chenopodium murale. 
Scoparia dulcis. 
Capraria biflora. 

Datura Stramonium. 
Datura Metel. 

Datura Stramonium. 
Heliotropium indicum. 
Sida carpinifolia. 
Amarantus tristis. 
Amarantus spinosus. 
Amarantus polygonoides. 
Argemone mexicana. 
Antigonon leptopus. 
Lochnera rosea. 
Capsicum dulce. 
Passiflora quadrangularis. 
Cassia bicapsularis. 
Ricinus communis. 
Ricinus communis. 
Portulaca oleracea. 

Portulaca oleracea. 
Kallstroemia maxima. 
Jasminum azoricum. 
Polanisia viscosa. 
Gynandropsis pentaphylla. 
Poinciana regia. 
Plumbago scandens. 
Euphorbia heterophylla. 
Salvia serotina. 

Priva echinata. 
Melochia tomentosa. 
Murraya exotica. 
Phyllanthus niruri. 
Momordica Charantia. 
Microtea debilis. 
Leucaena glauca. 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Solanum racemosum igneum. 

Tamarindus indica, 

> Psidium Guajava. 

Allamanda cathartica. 
Acacia macracantha. 
Capsicum frutescens. 
Jatropha curcas. 
Cordia speciosa. 
Calotropis procera. 
Cajanus indicus. 
Clerodendron fallax. 


Notes on the larger Collections. 

Brunfelsia americana, 
Ixora Jucunda. 
Solanum torvum. 
Lagerstroemia indica, 

2 Canna indica. 

Talinum triangulare. 
Plumbago capensis. 
Quisqualis indica. 
Jatropha multifida. 
Clusia alba. 
Plumiera rubra. 
Peperomia petiolaris. 
Peireskia aculeata. 
Kleutherine plicata. 

Verbena chamaedrifolia. 

Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Caesalpinia pulcherrima. 
Caesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Ixora coccinea. 
Punica Granatum. 
Malpighia punicifolia. 
Sambucus canadensis. 
Panax fruticosum. 
Panax fruticosum., 
Panax fruticosum, 
Citrus spec. 

Tabernaemontana coronaria. 

Boerhaavea erecta. 
Boerhaavea hirsuta. 
Lantana Camara. 
Lantana involucrata. 

Trianthema portulacastrum. 

Anona squamosa. 
Croton lobatus. 

Achyranthes obtusifolia. 

Lonicera japonica. 

Clerodendron aculeatum. 

Bauhinia Kappleri. 
Jasminum undulatum. 
Gaillardia aristata. 
Cassia glandulosa. 
Stenolobium stans. 




Fourcroya gigantea. 
Aloe vera. 
Bromelia pinguin. 
Phoenix dactylifera. 

Amarantus paniculatus. 

Achras sapota. 
Codiaeum yariegatum. 
Nerium Oleander. 
Tecoma leucoxylon. 
Artocarpus incisa. 
Russelia juncea, 
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis. 

Hippeastrum puniceum. 

Mariscus brizaeus. 
Pluchea odorata. 
Coleus scutellarioides. 
Angelonia angustifolia. 
Croton flavens, 
Althaea officinalis. 
Foeniculum vulgare. 
Begonia spec. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Senecio sonchifolius, 
Cassia fistula. 


Citharexylum quadrangulare. 

Ruellia tuberosa. 
Mangifera indica. 
Ocimum micranthum. 
Jatropha gossypifolia. 
Jatropha gossypifola. 
Asclepias nivea. 
Fleurya aestuans. 
Leonurus sibiricus. 

Stigmatophyllon periplocifo- 

Leonotis nepetaefolia. 
Melia azedarach. 

Neurogramme calomelanos. 

Justicia sessilis. 
Nicotiana Tabacum. 
Solanum lycopersicum. 

224 Historical. 

144 Passiflora laurifolia. 186 Cuscuta americana. 

145 Erigeron canadensis. 187 Chiococca racemosa. 

146 Persea americana. 188 Smilax coriacea. 

147 Hura crepitaps. 189 Capparis frondosa. 

148 Phyllanthus distichus. 190 Capparis cynophallophora. 

149 Crescentia Cujete. 191 Capparis cynophallophora. 

150 Pilea microphylla. 192 Pilea semidentata. 

151 Opuntia Ficus indica. 193 Peperomia glabella. 

152 Opuntia Tuna. 194 Panicum divaricatum. 

154 Cardiospermum halica- 195 Anthurium cordatum. 
cabum. 196 Casearia parvifolia. 

155 Cissus sicyoides. 198 Coccoloba uvifera. 

156 Cucumis Anguria. 199 Carica Papaya. 

157 Ambrosia hispida. 200 Bursera simaruba. 

158 Tephrosia cathartica. 201 Mussaenda frondosa. 

159 Cyperus rotundus. 202 Eucharis grandiflora. 

160 Caesalpinia crista. 203 Codiaeum variegatum. 

161 Rivina humilus. 204 Codiaeum variegatum, 

162 Desmanthus virgatus. 205 Carica Papaya. 

163 Medicago sativa. 206 Allium ascalonicum. 

164 Ipomoea dissecta. 207 Anacardium oecidentale. 

165 Wedelia buphthalmoides. 209 Phoradendron trinervium. 

166 Beloperone eustachyana. 210aPiscidia piscipula. 

167 Maranta arundinacea, 213 Myrcia splendens. 

168 Nectandra coriacea, 214 Theobroma Cacao. 

169 Linociera compacta. 215 Caesalpinia coriaria. 

170 Cassia glandulosa. 216 Hymenaea Courbaril. 

171 Croton astroites. 217 Quararibea turbinata. 

172 Indigofera suffruticosa. 218 Tabernaemontana citrifolia. 

173 Anona muricata. 218aPsychotria horizontalis. 

174 Piper dilatatum. 219 Indigofera suffruticosa. 

175 Psychotria rufescens. 220 Philodendron dispar. 

176 Randia aculeata. 221 Theobroma Cacao. 

177 Myrcia splendens. 222 Urera caracasana, 

178 Bignonia ungius-cati. 223 Boerhaavea erecta. 

179 Polypodium lycopodioides. 2238aHeliconia Bihai. 

180 Pisonia fragans. 224 Chrysobalanus icaco. 

181 Pisonia subcordata. 225 Pharus glaber, 

182 Sida cordifolia, 226 Triphasia trifoliata. 

183 Polypodium phyllitidis. 227 Moringa oleifera. 

184 Mammea americana. 228 Gomphrena globosa. 

185 Clusia alba. 229 Hibiscus radiatus. 

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Notes on the larger Collections. 

Solanum lycopersicum. 
Bixa Orellana. 

Boussingaultia baselloides. 

Ocimum micranthum. 
Lawsonia inermis. 
Abrus precatorius. 

Centrosema virginianum. 
Rauwolfia Lamarckiana. 

Mirabilis Jalapa. 
Mirabilis Jalapa. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Cosmos sulphureus. 
Canavalia spec. 
Caesalpinia coriacea. 
Chrysobalanus icaco. 

7 Mirabilis Jalapa. 

Antigonon cinerascens. 
Cenchrus tribuloides. 
Gossypium barbadense. 
Stylosanthes hamata. 
Operculina ventricosa. 
Melicocea bijuga. 
Euphorbia thymifolia. 
Malvastrum spicatum. 
Ricinus communis. 
Cassia alata. 

Petiveria alliacea. 
Ocimum Basilicum. 

Solanum aculeatissimum. 

Eleusine indica, 

Ipomoea fastigiata. 
Ipomoea fastigiata. 
Cucurbita maxima. 

Achyranthes obtusifolia. 

Corchorus olitorius. 


270 Ipomoea fastigiata. 

271 Passiflora suberosa. 

272 Vernonia punctata, 

274 Oplismenus setarius. 
276 Dryopteris parasitica. 
277 Ibatia maritima. 

278 Setaria setosa. 

279 Oplismenus setarius. 
280aKpidendrum papilionaceum. 
281 Epidendrum ciliare. 
282 Galactia rubra. 

283 Capsicum dulce. 

284 Porophyllum ellipticum. 
285 Crotalaria retusa. 

286 Citrus spec. 

287 Andropogon zizanioides. 
289 Andropogon Schoenanthus. 
290 Sesbania grandiflora. 
291 Sesbania grandiflora, 
292 Brassica integrifolia. 
294 Lawsonia inermis. 

295 Tillandsia usneoides. 
296 Celosia argentea. 

297 Porana paniculata. 
298uHymenocallis caribaea. 
299 Bouchea Ehrenbergii. 
300 Stylosanthes hamata. 
301 Spermacoce tenuior, 
302 Desmanthus virgatus. 
303 Crotalaria verrucosa. 
304 Acacia macracantha. 
305 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. 
306 Musa paradisiaca. 

307 Phaseolus lunatus. 

308 Epidendrum ciliare. 

Collection Lionarons. 

A, CO. W. Lionarons, gouy. physician of Saba, made in 1907 a collection 
of about 350 plants and gave it to the Koloniaal Museum at Haarlem. 
Dr. M. Gresho/f, Director of this Museum was so kind as to give 
me an apportanity to study these plants. 


226 Historical. 

The greater part of the plants are cultivated and another part 
has evidently been collected on the top of the Mountain. 

There are some interesting plants, which I myself saw but once 
during my rambles through Saba. 

The following list gives the names of the plants collected by 

1 Anona muricata. 49 Polypodium lycopodioides. 
laMelicocea bijuga. 50 Oxalis corniculata. 

2 Passiflora laurifolia. 538 Oplismenus setarius. 

4 Jasminum azoricum. 55 Canna indica. 

7 Capsicum frutescens. 56 Parthenium Hysterophorus. 
8 Capsicum frutescens. 57 Sambucus canadensis. 

9 Capsicum ceratocarpum, 61 Polypodium crassifolium. 
2 Swietenia Mahagoni. 63 Carica Papaya. 

15 Commelina virginica. 64 Ricinus communis. 

16 Cajanus indicus. 65 Crescentia Cujete. 

17 Thunbergia fragans. 66 Crotalaria retusa. 

18 Chrysobalanus icaco. 67 Manihot utilissima. 

21 Tillandsia fasciculata. 68 Ipomoea fastigiata. 

22 Carica Papaya. 69 Centrosema virginianum. 
23 Eleusine indica. 72 Petiveria alliacea. 

24 Beloperone eustachyana. 74 Lochnera rosea. 

25 Desmodium supinum. 75 Abutilon indicum. 

26 Brassica integrifolia. 76 Ardisia coriacea. 

28 Cassia bicapsularis. 78 Allium ascalonicum. 

29 Wedelia buphthalmoides. 79 Allium ascalonicum. 

50 Ipomoea pentaphylla. 80 Portulaca oleracea. 

31 Boerhaayea paniculata. 2 Operculina ventricosa. 

32 Rivina humilis. 85 Plumbago capensis. 

33 Amarantus tristis. 87 Indigofera suffruticosa. 
34 Pharus glaber. 88 Aleurites moluccana. 

35 Salvia occidentals. 90 Lochnera rosea. 

36 Thunbergia alata. 91 Tephrosia cathartica. 

37 Eryngium foetidum. 92 Zinnia elegans. 

39 Peperomia petiolaris. 93 Jasminum azoricum. 

40 Sonchus oleraceus. 95 Parthenium Hysterophorus. 
42 Zebrina pendula. 96 Nicotiana Tabacum. 

44 Foeniculum vulgare. 97 Triphasia trifoliata. 

46 Antigonon leptopus. 99 Punica Granatum. 

47 Gossypium barbadense. 101 Coccoloba nivea. 

48 Capparis jamaicensis. 103 Peperomia acuminata. 


Notes on the larger Collections. 22 

Cissus sicyoides, 
Cuscuta americana. 
Eugenia Jambos,. 
Quisqualis indica. 
Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis. 
Mirabilis Jalapa. 
Calotropis procera. 
Mammea americana. 
Tamarindus indica. 
Manihot utilissima. 
Psidium guajava. 
Lepidium virginicum. 
Talinum paniculatum. 
Melia azedarach. 
Hillia longiflora. 
Euphorbia hypericifolia. 
Leucaena glauca. 
Scleria pterota. 
Setaria setosa. 
Stenolobium stans. 
Ageratum conyzoides. 
Leucaena glauca. 
Chiococca racemosa. 
Myrcia paniculata. 
Pilea microphylla. 
Hibiscus schizopetalus. 
Solanum lycopersicum. 
Iresine paniculata. 
Panicum brevifolium. 

147bPanicum fuscum. 


Pisonia aculeata. 

Persea americana, 
Tecoma capensis. 
Gynandropsis pentaphylla. 
Fleurya aestuans. 
Argemone mexicana. 
Mangifera indica. 
Maranta arundinacea. 
Piper reticulatum. 

159aPiper marginatum. 


Asclepias nivea. 
Euphorbia hypericifolia. 

162 Cassia occidentalis, 
163 Momordica Charantia. 
164 Foeniculum vulgare. 
165 Epidendrum ciliare, 
168 Belamcanda punctata. 
169 Phytolacca icosandra. 
170 Passiflora laurifolia. 
171 Peperomia acuminata. 
172 Nephrolepis exaltata. 
174 Peperomia hernandifolia. 
175 Phytolacca icosandra. 
176 Physurus plantagineus. 
177 Casuarina equisetifolia. 
178 Plantago major. 

181 Stenochlaena sorbifolia. 
182 Citharexylum quadrangulare. 
183 Ardisia coriacea, 

184 Scleria pterota. 

186 Leucaena glauca. 

187 Charianthus crinitus. 
188 Hemitelia horrida. 

189 Hemitelia horrida. 

192 Cecropia peltata. 

194 Urera caracasana. 

196 Neurogramme calomelanos. 
196aMangifera indica. 

197 Charianthus crinitus. 
201 Desmodium axillare. 
202 Polybotrya cervina. 
203 Charanthus crinitus. 
204 Polybotrya cervina. 
206 Ichnanthus pallens. 
208 Cladium restioides. 
209 Phytolacca icosandra. 
210 Neurolaena lobata. 

211 Asplenium serratum. 
212 Aspidium Plumierii. 
214 Selaginella flabellata. 
216 Miconia laevigata. 

218 Ipomoea fastigiata. 
220 Dryopteris opposita. 
221 Colocasia esculenta. 

228 Historical. 


Nerium Oleander. 
Caesalpinia pulcherrima. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Codiaeum variegatum. 
Anacardium occidentale. 
Quisqualis indica. 
Ausselia juncea. 
Nicotiana Tabacum. 
Gossypium barbadense. 
Thespesia populnea. 
Pluchea odorata. 
Villamilla octandra. 
Cassia occidentalis. 
Phyllanthus distichus. 
Euphorbia pilulifera. 
240 Panicum maximum. 

. 241 Jatropha gossypifolia. 
245 Bixa Orellana. 

247 Leonotis nepetaefolia. 

two wo Ww WH WH WW PO Ww Lo 
9 0) 09 CO DO DH bo DW WO LD 
Dor © O J OU ke Ww DO 

2 0 © 

[3 ) X 
5S © I 

bo bo bo 
o Oo CO 

nS bo 

251 Solanum nigrum nodiflorum. 

25lalndigofera suffruticosa. 

254 Achyranthes obtusifolia. 
56 Talinum triangulare. 
Jatropha multifida. 
Datura fastuosa. 
Desmodium spirale. 

65 Lawsonia inermis. 

69 Mussaenda. frondosa. 
9YaPorophyllum ellipticum. 
O Rauwolfia Lamarckil. 

3 Panicum sanguinale. 

6 Cucumis Anguria. 
Quisqualis indica. 

9 Galphimia gracilis. 
Brunfelsia americana. 
Murraya exotica. 
Sanchezia nobilis, 

284 Tecoma leucoxylon. 

285 Rhoeo discolor. 

286 Coleus amboinicus. 

So DO bo 
o> or 
Rot es! 

bo bo fo bo WD DW DW DL dD 


bo pO DO bo 
CO CO © 


287 Anthurium cordatum. 
288 Bryophyllum pinnatum. 
290 Bursera simaruba. 
291 Solanum tuberosum. 
292 Bixa Orellana. 
293 Wittmackia lingulata. 
294 Panicum insulare. 
297 Ruellia tuberosa, 
298 Thrinax spec. 
299 Antigonon leptopus. 
301 Caesalpinia coriaria, 
302 Mangifera indica. 
303 Panicum divaricatum, 
305aColocasia esculenta. 
306 Miconia laevigata. 
309 Chiococea racemosa. 
311 Callisia repens. 
312 Abrus precatorius. 
313 Jatropha gossypifolia, 
315 Croton flavens. 
316 Blechum Brownei. 
320 Salvia serotina. 
321 Eugenia Jambos. 
322 Colocasia esculenta. 
324 Colocasia esculenta. 
325 Colocasia esculenta. 
328 Petiveria alliacea. 
330 Codiaeum variegatum. 
330aLochnera rosea. 
335 Chrysobalanus icaco. 
336 Citharexylum quadrangu- 
337 Casearia parvifolia. 
338 Aleurites moluccana. 
39 Codiaeum variegatum. 
340 Coccoloba diversifolia. 
343 Panicum divaricatum. 
345 Codiaeum yariegatum. 
346 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. 
348 Hymenaea Courbaril. 
354 Caesalpinia crista. 
356 Poinciana regia. 

Notes on the Jarger Collections. 229 

357 Clusia alba. 361 Canna indica. 
359 Albizzia lebbek. 363 Ipomoca pentaphylla. 

360 Coccoloba uvifera. 

Collection I. Boldingh. 

[ do not think it necessary to give more details about my own 
excursions; the different data, which are found in the Systematic 
Part are all taken from my notes and collections made during 
my rambles. 

The following list may give an idea of the localities visited by me. 
In the Third Part Section C. I give a detailed description of the 
vegetation also taken from my personal observations. 

St. Eustatius: May 25th—July 5th. 

May 25th. Signalhill, Tumbledowndickbay. 
» 26th. round the Quill. 
» 2tth. Quill. 
, 28th. Seashore near Oranjestad. 
29th. Seashore near Oranjestad, Gallowsbay. 
, 380th. Tumbledowndickbay. 
» 3lst—June 5th. Quill. 
June 6th—S8th. Quill. 
»  9th—10th. Cultuurvlakte. 
, 12th. Bengalen—seashore. 
, 1sth—14th. Quill near Bengalen. 
, 15th—16th. White Wall and seashore. 
» Lith. Quill. 
» 19th. Cultuurvlakte. 
, 21st. Schotsenhoek, Concordia, Venushbay. 
» 22nd, English Quarter and seashore. 
, 2eth. Signalhill. 
» 25th. Cultuurvlakte. 
, 26th. Gilboohill, Venusbay. 
» 27@th. Schotsenhoek, Maryglory, Bergje, Jenkinsbay. 
» 28th. Quill. 
» 30th. Jenkinsbay, Bergije. 
July 2nd. White Wall. 
, orth. Zeelandia, Concordiabay. 
» 5th. Bengalen. 

July 6th. 













Saba: July 6th—29th. 

St. John’s. 

Windwardside, Paris, Great hill. 

Bottom to Marypoint. 


Bottom, Forthbaygut, Saddle. 

Hellsgate, Sulphurmines. 

Mountain, Crespeenhill. 


St. John’s, Giles gut. 



Bottom, Windwardside, Hellsgate, Marypoint. 

Sulphurmines, Green Island, Flat Point. 
Mountain, Windwardside. 



Mountain, Hellsgate. 

Windwardside, Bottom. 

Martin: August 14th—September 14th. 

August 4th. Filipsburg, Marigot. 
6th. Filipsburg, Guanabay. 
Sth. Filipsburg, Belvedere, Mont Chambord, Grande Case, 



Marigot, Filipsburg. 

17th. Fort Willem. 

18th. Prince quarter. 

19th. Filipsburg, Cul de Sac, Marigothill, Marigot, Colebay. 
20th. Bethlehem. 

21st. Nakedboyhill, Fort Willem. 

22nd. Simsonsbay, Cherry cap, Anse des Bourgaux. 
23th. Fort Willem. 

24th. Bellevue. 

25th. Hill between Centryhill and Marigothill. 
27th. Mont Chambord, Orientbay. 

28th. Hills on the north of Cul de Sac. 

29th. Filipsburg, Simsonsbay. 

30th. Oysterpond. 

Notes on the larger Collections. 231 

September 4th. Filipsburg, Grande Case, Milldrumhill. 
5th—7th. Anguilla, 






Grande Case, Anse des Peres, Marigot, Filips- 

District Colombier, Mount Paradis. 

Lowlands, Simsonsbaylagoon. 

Bethlehem, Mount Paradis. 

Green Key, Tintamarre. 

. Point Blanche, Bethlehem, Cul de Sac. 


_ = 


a. ey 






Section A. Orological, Geological 

and Meteorological 





A. Orological, Geological and 


In making notes on the Geology and Orology of the above menti- 
oned Islands I have made use of the following treatises: 

P. T. Cleve. On the Geology of the Northeastern West Indian 
Islands, Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 1870. Bd. 9. no. 12. 
aeOMat t. 

A. G. Hoégbom, Zur Petrographie der Kleinen Antillen. Bull. Geol. 
Institution of Upsala, VI. 1905. p. 228—229. 

E. O. Hovey. Volcanoes of Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Saba. 
Report Sth Internat. Geogr. Congress. 1904. London, p. 447—451. 
H. O. Hovey. Volcanoes of St. Vincent, St. Kitts, and Statia. ibid., 
p. 452—454. 

G. A, F. Molengraaff. De Geologie van St. Eustatius, 1886, Leiden 
[Dissertat. Utrecht]. 

G. A. F. Molengraaff. Het Geologisch verband tusschen de West- 
Indische eilanden, Handelingen van het eerste Nederlandsche 
Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres 1888, p. 288. 

G. A. F. Molengraaff. Uber vulkanischen Schwefel aus West- 
Indien. Zeitschr. f. Krystallogr. XIV. 1888, p. 48—48. 

J. W. W. Spencer. On the Geological and Physical Development 
of Anguilla, St. Martin, St. Bartholomew, and Sombrero. Quar- 
terly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 1901. vol. 57. 
p. 520 a. f. 

J. W. W. Spencer. On the Geological and Physical Development 
of the St. Christopher Chain and Saba Banks. Quarterly Journal 
of the Geological Society of London, 1901. vol. 57. p. 534. a. f. 
K. Sapper. Ein Besuch von St. Eustatius und Saba. Centralblatt 
fiir Mineralogie etc. 1908, p. 314—818. 

236 Phytogeographical. 

K. Sapper. In den Vulkangebieten Mittel Amerika’s und West- 
Indien. Stuttgart 1905, 

It will appear that our geological and orological information 
about St. Eustatius is sufficient, whereas Saba is all but ab- 
solutely unknown in literature, so that almost all that 1 can 
communicate rests on my personal observation with the addi- 
tion of some information borrowed from maps. 

St. Martin is somewhat better kwown than Saba but a good 
description has not yet appeared. The maps from which | borro- 
wed different data ar the following: 

St. Eustatius: MJolengraaff 1886 }. c. pl. I. 

Saba: 1. Admiralty Chart surveyed by Lieut. G. 6. Lawrance 1850. 
London 1564. 

2. West Indies. den Haag. ed. Nov. 1908 by the Navy-De- 

3. A. map of Saba borrowed from one of the inhabitants, evi- 
dently made by G. B. Lawrance afore said. 

St. Martin: 1. West Indies. den Haag. ed. Nov. 1903 by the Navy 

2. A map of St. Martin borrowed from Mr. 4. J. C. Browwer, 
Administrator of St. Martin. 

3. Molengraaff 1888 |. c. p. 288. 

4. C. J. Hudig, the Saltworks in the Isle of St. Martin. de In- 
genieur May 24. 1905. 

From these maps it appeared to me that there is reason for 
calling to mind the words spoken by Kan) in 1888: It can 
»hardly be called superfluous to refer to the value of a good 
»map.... both for science and practice.... 

,ln time of peace such a map might of course render invaluable 
yservices in agricultural and industrial enter prises, in making 

1) O. M. Kan. Onze aardrijkskundige kennis van de Molukken. Handelingen yan 
het Werste Ned. Nat. en Geneesk. Congres. Haarlem 1888, p. 285: 

,Het kan schier overbodig geacht worden... op de waarde eener goede kaart... 
te wijzen. In vredestijd kan zulk een kaart natuurlijk onschatbare diensten bewijzen: 
bij cultures en industrieele ondernemingen, bij den aanleg yan wegen, mijnontgin- 
ningen, regeling van grondbezit en belastingen, aanleg van openbare en waterstaat- 
werken, enz. enz. 

Doch evengroot is het nut van zulk een kaart voor verschillende beoefenaars 
der wetenschap, dus niet enkel voor den geograaf. Hebben niet de H.H. Martin en 
Suringar op meer dan een der W, I, eilanden het gemis van goede kaarten gevoeld?” 

Geological and Orological Notes. 237 

yroads in working mines, in settling landed property and taxes, 
yand in public works. 

yotill not only for the geographer but also for those who apply 
,themselves to any science, such maps are of great use. 

»Haye not Messrs Martin and Suringar in more than one of the 
» West Indian Islands felt’ the want of good maps’ ? 

In my rambles I also greatly felt the want of really good maps. 
By means of panorama photos I tried to see my way in different 
points of the islands. Probably these photos may not be of any 
use in making a topographic map, still [ dare say they have 
had for me such results as to hold myself entitled to deviate 
sometimes from the maps consulted by me. In this way I per- 
haps contributed a little to obtain a somewhat clearer description 
of Saba and St. Martin. 

St. Eustatius. 

The Isle of St. Eustatius extends from 17° 28’ 12” to 17° 31’ 35” N. 
and from 62°56’ 25” to 62°59’.48” W. 

The greatest length runs from N.W. to 8.E. whereas the breadth 
from §. to W. except a small narrowing in the middle gradually 
decreases: the length of St. Eustatius amounts to 7.8 km. 
whereas the breadth in the southern part amounts to 3.7 km. 
in the middle decreases to 2.6 km. and in the northern part 
it does not exceed 2.7 km. The Surface is 28 0 km. 

The structure of St. Eustatius is occasioned by rocks belonging to 
one and the same geological period. 

Still from their relative age we can sharply trace out two parts 
viz. the northern hills on one side and the principal vuleano 
with its eruptions on the other side. These two groups of moun- 
tains are clearly separated from each other by a wide plain. The 
hilly soil taking up the whole northern part of the islands con- 
sists of remnants ot old vulcanoes. 

The southern part chiefly consists of a single very regularly built 
mountain which has the form of a truncated cone. The highest 
point of this mountain, named Quill is 581 m. above the level 
of the sea. On the top of it is found a circular valley shut in 
on all sides and of which the bottom is 297 m. above the surface 
of the sea. 

The inner slopes of the crater are very steep and in most parts 
inaccessible on account of numerous perpendicular cliffs; the 

238 Phytogeographical. 

slope has here a declivity of 34° to 36° the average slope in 
other places being 67° to 78°. 

The bottom of the crater is in general tolerably flat but uneven 
on account of the numerous pieces of rock that have fallen 
down from the sides. The whole surface is covered with a bed 
of humus. 

The fragments of rock that have served in the structure of the 
crater are for the greater part Augite—Audesite only here and 
there occurs Hornblende— Augite—A ndesite. 

The Quill is bordered on all sides by very steep, not seldom per- 
pendicular rocks. The browns ot these rocks form a ridge which 
has a width of only a few m. and the height of which varies 
between 391 and 581. On the outside the slope of the hill is 
at first, in general, very steep, but it is gradually declining to 
shelve away at last in a plain in a northwestern direction 
or to be suddenly cut off by the steep sea coast. On the southern 
side only inaccessible rocks called the White Wall, which with 
a declivity of 45° rising from the sea disturb the regularity of 
the profile of the mountains. 

The second group of mountains taking up the N. W. part of the 
island consists of a great number of hills of which the highest 
called ,Boven” has a height of 295 m. 

The very steep coast that begins near Heiligenbaai bordering 
the further northern side of the island, is formed by a gigantic, 
perpendicular wall of lava (Augite—Andesite.) 

By a deep ravine Boven is separated from Gilboohill. This hill 
174 m high, is formed partly from ashes and partly from solid 
voleanic matter. The other hilly ground consists out of a num- 
ber of more or less sharp tops which are connected by a ridge. 
This ridge runs close to the seashore from Boven to Tumble- 
downdickbay and extends from there in eastern direction as 
far as Mary Glory, the highest top of the range. Going east- 
ward from there we perceive that the ground is considerably 

To the northern hills of St. Eustatius belongs also a crater, the 
exact form of a horse shoe lying south of the Tumbledowndick- 
bay and facing the town. The highest eastern top of this crater 
is Signalhill (226 m.) the northwestern one is called Pilothill. 

As to petrography the northern part of St. Eustatius offers but 
little variety; the mineral most occurring is Augite—Andesite. 
Almost the whole northern part of the island is covered with a 
kind of good humus, produced from volcanic ashes mostly mixed 

Geological and Orological Notes. 239 

with lapilli and pumice. The slopes of these hills especially on 
the seaside are generally very steep, as a rule even inaccessible. 
Of the plains that are to be found in St. Eustatius only the large 
one that connects the two mountainous parts is of importance. 
If we include in the plain that part only of which the general 
declivity does not surpass 4 degrees, the extent of it may be 
estimated at 5 OJ km. A small plain at 0.5 0 km. may more- 
over be found in the Quill whereas there are some level parts 
in the Concordiavalley and the Venusvalley. 

The formation of dells takes place on a small scale. In the northern 
part of the island are of importance the two large valleys that 
open upon the Venusbay, the Concordiabay and Tumbledown- 

These valleys are bordered by rocks suddenly rising from the plain. 
The ayerage declivity of these rocks is seldem less than 30° 
and often exceeds 50°. 

In the southern part of the island few dells are to be found. 
The outside of the principal volcano is furrowed by numerous, 
narrow and deep ravines, the so called ,guts’’ which show a 
beginning of dell formation by erosion. 

Running water is found nowhere in St. Eustatius but during the 
heavy showers that will sometimes fall in the rainy season 
all aforesaid valleys and ravines are turned into beds of strong 
currents which by their havy fall and temporary considerable 
masses of water possess a great force in carrying off. 

The coast of St. Eustatius is partly a steep coast. partly a flat 
one bordering the precipices. 

A steep coast occurs in the whole northern part except in places 
where valleys face the sea. In the southern part a steep coast is 
found on the eastern border ot the White Wall as far as Gallows- 
bay and moreover in some places east of the White Wall. A flat 
coast bordering the precipices occurs near Oranje Bay and on the 
other side of the island near Concordiabay, Turtlebay and further 
in most places on the south-eastern and southern side. An easily 
practicable sandy beach, nowhere broader than 50 m. is to be 
found only near Oranjebay the Concordiabay and Turtlebay. 

The beach on the south-eastern side is no more than 10 to 20m. 
wide and is covered by pieces of rock worn by the seawater. 


The isle of Saba extends from 17° 37’ 10” to 17°39’ 18” N. and 
from 68° 119’ 25” to 63°15'5” N. 

240 Phytogeographical. 

Round the island may be drawn a parallelogram of which the 
longer diagonal going from Ladderpoint to Flat Point has a 
length of 5.25 km.; the other from Torrents Bay to South- 
East Point 4.5 km. The surfaces is 16 O) km. 

In order to get a better insight in the geological condition I col- 
lected a number of minerals during my rambles on this island. 
I am greatly indebted to Prof. Dr. C. E. A. Wichmann at Utrecht 
for his determination of these minerals. It proved to me that I 
brought only Andesites except some stones containing sulphur. 
which, especially with a view to the geological condition of 
St. Eustatius, was however to be expected. 

As far as may result from my observations the rocks rising steeply 
from the sea consist of Andesites. 

The conical mountain (of which Mountain Peak is 580 m. above 
the sea-level), rising steeply from the sea, perfectly commands 
the form of the island. Its top lies in the intersection of the 
mentioned diagonals and ends in an almost sharp summit that, 
viewed from St. Barthelemy seems somewhat level. To the 
North this mountain is sloping almost down to the seashore, 
higher up at an angle of 30° lower it is less steep; only near 
Flat point there is a tolerably large plain where the sea may be 

Also on the other sides of the island the rocks rise from the sea 
at a steep angle but do not go up to the Mountain top. They 
rise as far as 300, 400 or 500 m. and end in different cones 
which seem to rest on the central part of the island at 200—300 
m. above the level of the sea. 

Southwestward of Mountain Peak there is the small plain where 
the chief village. The Bottom, is to be found. I estimate its 
surface at 0.5 0) km. 

South East of Mountain Peak lies another plain of still smaller 
surface where the little village Windwardside is situated about 
300 m. above the level of the sea. 

On one of the least steep parts of the conical mountain Mary- 
point, a knot of houses is built N.W. of the Peak at about 400 m. 
above the sea level whereas a group of houses, Hellsgate is built 
on a gentle slope N. H. of the Mountain Peak. 

So the Bottom is surrounded on all sides by mountain tops and 
the situation is such as might easily be taken for the bottom 
of the crater. 

In the sulphurmines that extend in the vicinity of Hellsgate near 
Flat Point, occurs Andesite, changed into Opal. 

Geological and Orological Notes. 241 

Here as well as in St. Eustatius there is but little dell formation ; 
very narrow dells, so called ,guts” extend in all directions from 
the mountain top towards the sea. So there are two issuing 
from the Bottom viz. Laddergut and Forthbaygut. Hellsgategut 
is one of the most characteristic and especially at the seashore 
wider than the others; all ravines abound in big stones. 

Except near Flat Point and the immediate vicinity there is every 
where a steep coast in front of which are found bowlder stones 
to a height of 2 m. 

The Mountain Peak and neighbouring tops are covered with a thick 
bed of humus; going downward it is getting gradually thinner 
and on the proper arable land on the steep slopes it must be 
heaped up in many places, whereas in more favorable places the 
immense quantity of stones must be removed. In the neighbour- 
hood of the sulphurmines the soil consists of very fine tuff. 

St. Martin. 

The isle of St. Martin extends from 18° to 18° 7’ 20” N. and from 
63° 1’ 20” to 63° W. The greatest distance in the direction N. 
to 8. is 13.5 km. and from W. to E. 15 km. The surface (the 
large lagoons not included) is about 90 O km. 

Te form of St. Martin is chiefly commanded by a number of 
ridges that extend in the direction from N. to S.; the eastern 
ridge is running pretty near the shore from Oysterpond to Point 
Blanche (Nackedboyhill 280 m.). 

A valley 2.5 km. wide separates this ridge from the other 
mountainous land of the Island. This mass of hills reaches in 
Mount Paradis (412 m.) its highest point and in all directions 
extend ridges of which Mont Chambord, Mont Vernon and Mill- 
drumhill (880 m.) end very near the seashore in the nortwestern 
part of the Island; separated from it by a cross valley there is 
somewhat lower hilly country in the northern part of St. Martin. 
Two ridges extend from Mount Paradis to the District Colombier, 
whereas the two largest ranges separate Cul de Sac from the 
large plain and Colebay District. The ridge of hills between Cul 
de Sac and the plain ends in Fort Willem and Fort Amsterdam: 
the highest tops are 250 m. above the sea level. The largest 
ridge of hills east of Cul de Sac rises in Centryhill to 408 m. 

Of great importance in the structure of St. Martin is a sedimen- 
*tary formation, visible to the naked eye (Pointe Blanche for- 


242 Phytogeographical. 

mation) consisting alternately out of Breccia, Sandstone and Li- 
mestone with a large proportion of Flint. 

In general the Pointe Blanche formation covers the northern 
slope of the large range of hills and the south eastern slope of the 
small range. These older sedimentary layers are probably of Creta- 
ceous origin. Later sediments have but a short extension on 
St. Martin. On the promontary near Simsonsbay a hard lime- 
stone is found which perhaps is Miocene. 

The Lowlands separated by Simsonsbaylagoon from the other 
part of the Island is almost flat with some hills of which the 
highest rises to about 90 m. and consist for the greater part 
of a horizontal layer of soft marly limestone: it is of Miocene 
age and quite resembles the Miocene formation of Anguilla. 

The minerals I brought from this island were also determined 
by Prof. Wichmann and proved to contain nothing particular for 
this island; I only mention gypsum, which I found on Green Key. 
Plains of some importance are found between the eastern and 
western ridges of hills, in the southern part (Prince quarter) 
however bordered by a few isolated conical hills. By a gentle 
slope the plain gradually passes into the western ridge of 
hills. Cul de Sac as an important plain is bounded on the east- 
northern- and western side by rather steep hills; especially Cen- 
tryhill and surrounding is much more steep than the other part 
of the hilly country of St. Martin. 

The principal rocks of the Island are composed of Quartz-diorite, 
Mica-diorite or Phonalite; the part that is exposed to view is 
generally found unchanged only on the seacoasts. In the large 
plain it is broken up 1 m. deep into a coarse-grained sand, 
containing a large proportion of mica. It was not however 
regularly crumbled down for there are a great many conical 
parts that resisted the breaking up. These continued to stand 
out when the wasted part was carried down by the water. So 
the plain contains for the greater part an abundance of frag- 
ments of rocks of considerable dimension. They form a real 
»elsenmeer” as is frequently met with on granitic soil. 

Further there are some pieces of flat land between the ends of 
the different ridges of the hilly country between Grande Case and 

In some places from Bethlehem to Mount Paradis deep valleys 
are found whereas the valley in the District Colombier is one of 
the few spots in St. Martin where a typical tropical vegetation is 
met with. Especially here in the District Columbier and also near 

Geological and Orological Notes. 243 

Mont Chambord are some small currents when the weather is not 
too dry. 

The larger valleys open on a bay and there the coast is flat 
whereas almost everywhere else a rather steep coast is to be 

The size of these bays is in direct proportion to the plains that 
end in them. The larger bays are separated from the sea by 
shoals and the inner seas thus formed are made use of as 

The largest bays are found near the transversal valley Grande 
Case, near Orientbay and at Filipsburg, which is built on a 

General notes. 

Whereas the map added indicates the distances between the 
islands, the following may serve to inform. 

Cleve 1) says: , The islands north of Guadeloupe from two parallel 
ychains from North-west to South-east. The western chain com- 
»mences with Saba and consists of St. Eustatius, St. Kitts, Nevis, 
»hedonda and Montserrat. All of those islands are volcanoes and 
»if the line were extended farther to the north it would reach 
»the island of Amegada, of postpliocine date and all the volea- 
,noes seem to be of the same or nearly the same geological time. 
,Hast of the volcanic range is another completely different range 
yot islands. They are not volcanic and commence with Sombrero 
ycomprising Anguilla, St. Martin, St. Bartholomew, Barbuda and 
»yAntigua. All of these islands are of the tertiary age, eocene, mio- 
ycene and pliocene.” 

Although I do not agree with Cleve here, who wants to separate 
the group of St. Martin from the Virgin Islands and denies as such, 
that a connection might have existed between the great Antilles 
and the group St. Martin I want to state that we see clearly 
mentioned here how wide a difference there exists between the 
two groups the St. Martin plateau and the Christoffer chain. 

About the connection between Anguilla and St. Martin Spencer 2) 
ylhe same limestone (we find in St. Martin) also occurs a short 

1) Cleve: On the Geology of the Northeastern West Indian Islands p. 19. 
2) Spencer: On the Geological and Physical Development of Anguilla, St. Martin, 
St. Bartholomew and Sombrero p, 526, 

244 Phytogeographical. 

,distance away in the island of Anguilla, which was once evi- 
,»dently a part of the coastal plain extending from the mountains 
yof St. Martin. Tintamarre, an adjacent outlier of St. Martin, re- 
»presents a fragment of the dissected coastal plain. It is underlain 
»by the same white limestones.” 

According to Spencer the various heights and depths of the diffe- 
rent groups of St. Martin plateau and St. Christoffer chain seem to 
agree. As to the connection between the Caribean isles he says !): 
»---- if this inference be true, then the modern islands of the 
» West Indies formed an elevated plateau bridge between the two 
»Americas during the two epochs of elevation, namely in the 
»Pliocine and Pleistocine period.” 

1) Spencer: Reconstruction of the Antillean Continent p. 132. 


There is not much known about the climate of the Dutch West 
Indian Islands. 

As they form part of the Caribean Islands it will be sufficient 
for me to give all I found about the climate of these Islands 
in Hann, Handbuch der Meteorologie, 2e Aufl. Stuttgart 1897. 
The direction of the winds does not change very much and 
throughout the year there is generally the N. E. tradewind. 

The amount of rain is mostly about 1200—2000 mm. a year; 
the maxima of rainfall are in May and October; the dry months 
are February and March. The mean temperature varies from 
24—¥6° in January and 26—28° in July. 

The following list shows the quantity of rain that will fall on the 
Dutch West Indian Islands and the neighbouring Islands St. 
Croix and St. Kitts. 

246 Phytogeographical. 

Rainfall in mm. of the West Indian Islands St. Croix, 
St. Kitts, St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. 

| Average quantity. | 1906. 4) 

gb ai 
= 3 : 2 
Ny) s| —_ lon! a= 
a a $ = | Ss 
Rolge| eo a a Z 

Tr a * uD a a 
s le la la le |= | coo 
DN N vp io) N op) nN n 

VENER 5 6 6 m ¢ 72) 103 631) 61)" GOH) 56) O00) Raed 
He bRWaL yee eer 61) 48) 433) 28) 40) 16) Sea ee 

WRENS a bo oe 24) 55] 40] 21 338] 55| 67) 31 
ANyalll 6 6 6 0 0 6 7G) 90) 160) 932) 70 Leo ees 
WERT ty Bivo <5) .4 ka 79), 198) 106) 89)|) 118) 123) aS ae 
JUIN Gg a fo 6 126| 92) 96] 78) 80] 123) 538) 124 
UWS So)" 6 bb LOU LOS) |) 11S) 121) 8b 270) Ga oo 
/ATIEUS 6 os! S6 112} 144) 126; 148] 116] 83); 30/ 61 
September... . 123} 154) 189) 189] 145] 368) 465] 419 
OQOWOINHE 0 a 5 4 6 156} 173) 121] 128) 128] 48] 66) 66 
November = 2): 181} 134] 181) 162] 139] 137) 88] 98 
Decomberm-ans. ae 82} 96) 82) 72) 69} 214] 2238) 148 

Total . . . . §1284|1294/1125|1119| 1084]1213| 1282 |1159 

1) and 2) from Hann l. ec. 

8) from Went Rapport 1. c. 

4) from Inspectie van den Landbouw in West-Indie, Meteorologische Waarnemingen 
gedaan op de Meteorologische stations in de kolonien Suriname en Curagao in 
het jaar 1906. 

As appears from the preceding list there is a great harmony 
about the data concerning the rainfall on the different Islands 
and especially when we take in consideration that the first 
data about the rainfall in the Dutch West Indian Islands are 
most probably not s) accurate as the last, there is almost the 
same amount of rain on each of them. 

Moreover I am sure (and here I[ quite agree with what Went 
says in his Report) that the quantity of rain that falls on the 
higher parts of the Mountain in St. Eustatius and Saba is much 
more than elsewhere on these Islands. 


Section B. Distribution of the Wild Plants 

enumerated in the First Part 

B. Distribution of the Wild Plants enume- 
rated in the First Part 



; Ss)  |L sl : 
Pe MES Geared Stas 
3 | 

Hymenophyllaceae ..|... | 2 2 
@yabHeaicedeyn a aot) wl ee 4 4 
Polypodiaceae .... 13) |) 22 2 37 
Gleicheniaceae . . . ee | 1 
Ophioglossaceae .. . 1 1 
luycopodiaceae ... . 1 ey 2 
IBSiOLACCHO. «6. a). 1 ; 1 
Selaginellaceae. . ../]... 2 2 
BOLAMOSEtONACCAG 2-4 -\|) dos os betes Wn ce 1 sea 1 
Gramineae. 2 6 ws | O30 allO 4), 46 
Wyerdcedeh ua... 8 5 ee hee BN AKG 
Pane CHO Met a brit ay cts age Meloni pee emt NMC Dar are ae 
Lemnaceae. ..... 1 See fo eerste Res sie ecules elles eae a he 1 
Bromoliacéac. . 6.0% |... |. 6 | ao) 
Commelinaceae. .. . 1 3 Jag 4 
HWM ACEAO ee «eho 1 1 3 5 
Amaryllidaceae. 4 1 apse 
Dioscoreaceae ... . 1 ] 2 
Musaceae 1 5 1 
Orchidaceae . . ial 1 4 16 
Piperaceae. . 11 3 14 
Batidaceae. . .-. . . 1 ts ] 
Ulmaceae . . 2 1 aif 3 
Moraceae 2 1 3 6 
Urticaceae. . . 1 3 1 3 8 
Loranthaceue 1 1 



Olacaceae . 

Aristolochiaceae . 

Polygonaceae. . 
Amarantaceae . 
Nyctaginaceae . 
Phytolaccaceae . 
Aizoaceae . 
Anonaceae . 
Lauraceae . 
Cruciferae . 
Moringaceae . 
Crassulaceae . 
Rosaceae. . 
Leguminosae . 

Erythroxylaceae . 

Zygophyllaceae . 
Burseraceae . 
Euphorbiaceae . 
Anacardiaceae . 
Celastraceae . 
Sapindaceae . 
Rhamnaceae . 
Tiliaceae. . 

ee oO 


tt RO ee eo RD * 

of America. 

— — 

me ODP 







Kee CO,’ 




Distribution of all the Wild Plants enumerated in the First Part. 251 

oe ees Bel og p 
eer ae eas even | eo ed 
ee i(e-|ge|s2| 2 | = 
a 5) | | 

Bombacaceae. 1 1 2 
Sterculiaceae 2 5 7 
Ochnaceae . 2 1 
Marcgraviaceae 1 5 1 
Theaceae 1 1 2 
Guttiferae . 2 2 4 
Bixaceae Cea sWeee ligthae. te Lia 1 
Canollaccaer s (iy aes gs as wien aks 1 1 
migcourtiaceae . .. |. «..| 2 |e. 1 1 4 
MunNeraceae 4. 5. « |a. - 29). 2 
gassitloracede) «| sas «|e. Dele so 5 
IBEROMIACEACK: sc. ce ee ls 6 alee he | 1 1 
@acttceses 5... 5 . 1 Be mien: 1 2 if 
Thymelaeaceae . Rae 1 1 
bizophoraceae. <1. . |. « - em) ] 
Gombretaceae . ...| 2 |... ie 2 
MivibACeAOs. (66a ste 5 4 1 4 15 
Melastomataceae . 4 1 5 
Umbelliferae . areas A. a 1 
Mecopihinashaceae’ .) chsh. fa Malar! fore es 1 1 2 
Myrsinaceae . 1 il 2 
Plumbaginaceae 1 eee il 
Sapotaceae 2 1 6 
VAM LOCACCAG™ cite erste |bes ve te | oeelliese es meel|fyay pian Pe 1 il 
EHECAGY ssl)! be sts 1 1 2 
Loganiaceae . 1 1 
(Gembiamacedeh mi ue le see eel 5 6 1 
Apocynaceae ee pa 2 2 5 
Asclepiadaceae . 2 sid 2 4 
Convolvulaceae .. 4 9 3 16 
Hydrophyllaceae . . 1 1 
Borraginaceae 2 4 1 2 6 15 
Verbenaceae.... . 4 7 11 
Hhabiataey eile) Ss dD 2 1 8 
oOlamaceaen 4. se. 9 4 3) 16 
Scrophulariaceae . . . 1 2 3 

252 Phytogeographical. 
; #3 aH . 
eai\l2e|/Se8|/ae@] 3 6 
"Sieo\e= |42 ) aa 
——— — — — oe — 
IBYFEAMOVNIEKES RN, ob 6 ob iow oo 4 | 4 
Gesnerianceae:y steer Feo Fleer es lie rae ol freon llieee teas 2 2 
Mentilbulaniaceac mere einen ree een vies oe 1 
Acanthaceae . 2 2 1 ee 7 
Plantaginaceae . I ewe | 1 
Rubiaceae . 3 13 1 4 4 25 
Cucurbitaceae 2 3 | 5 
Goodeniaceae el eens fe: 1 
Compositae .... . 17 14 1 2 6 40 
Total | 207 | 3801 | 18 | 34 | 10 0Mere 
508 148 

I have enumerated in the Systematic Part 806 species;. 132 of 
these are cultivated, and as will be seen from the list before 
given there are 674 wild plants, 166 of these are West Indian 
plants, of which 114 only are known on the Antilles. Another 
34 are distributed in the Antilles and the other Atlantic Islands, 
whereas 18 are to be found both in the Antilles, the other 
Atlantic Islands and Southern Florida. From the 508 plants 
that are not restricted to the West Indies, there are 301 that 
occur on the Continent of America, whereas another 207 are 
to be found as well in the Continent of America as in the 
Old world. 

From the plants enumerated in the Systematic Part there are 
550 named in Gvrisebach: Flora of British West Indian Islands, 
I could make out by what I found in Grisebach: Die geographische 
Verbreitung der Pflanzen West Indiens, that from these 550 
plants there are about 180 indigenous in the Antilles and the 

When the results given by Grisebach in 1865 had not been 
changed by more recent investigations on the Flora of the 
West Indian Islands than the number of indigenous plants I 

Distribution of all the Wild Plants enumerated in the First Part. 253 

enumerate is this Flora ought to be between 180 and 304 = 
(180 + 124). As it appears that my number is but 148, it is 
evident that the data we had in 1865, abouth the West Indian 
plants have changed by the newer collections we have got from 
the West Indies and the neighbouring countries. 

Whereas I draw this conclusion from our knowledge about the 
Dutch West Indian Islands so I believe that a similar study 
of the other Antilles would show us that there would be a 
still greater difference between what we know now and what 
Grisebach stated as the result of his studies on the West Indies 
in 1865, 

In order to show that there is probably not a very large number 
of plants of the Dutch Antilles St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin 
that might have been overlooked by Suringar and myself I give 
the next list where I compare the numbers of the species from 
the larger families of the Island of St. Croix (Hggers: Flora of 
St. Croix and the Virgin Islands, 1879) and the Dutch West Indian 
Islands above named. 

Dutch West Indian Islands. St. Croix. 
Leguminosae 60 57 
Gramineae 46 39 
Compositae 40 36 
Poly podiaceae 37 34 
Euphorbiaceae 32 33 
Rubiaceae PAS) 26 
Ulmaceae iy 14 
Convolvulaceae 16 Pit 
Cyperaceae 16 18 
Malvaceae 16 25 
Solanaceae 16 13 
Borraginaceae 15 20 
Myrtaceae 15 22 
Caryophyllaceae | 12 10 
Portulaceae | 

Amarantaceae 12 18 

254 Phytogeographical. 

The following list may give any idea about the percentage of 
the species of the larger families in the Flora of the Islands 
St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. 

Leguminosae 9 °/, 

Gramineae Gros) 
Compositae Gunny 
Polypodiaceae 5.5 °/, 
Euphorbiaceae 4.5 °/, 
Rubiaceae 3.5 °/, 
Borraginaceae 2.5 °/, 
Convolvulaceae 2.5 °/, 
Cyperaceae PAS cfs 
Malvaceae 2.5 °/, 
Myrtaceae Denna 
Orchidaceae eebiee 
Piperaceae eae ba 
Solanaceae 240! ofa 

As may be seen from the following list there is no great diffe- 
rence between the numbers of plants known from each of the 
Islands St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. 

St. Eustatius | Saba St. Martin | 249 
St. Eustatius | Saba | 91 
St. Eustatius | St.Martin | 65 
Saba St. Martin | 26 

St. Kustatius | 59 
| Saba 100 

St. Martin | 84 

464 | 456 424 | 674 

pee Se 
Se -_——X — x oe — 
—---- —-—~x-----=-x 
K==XxXX=XX- == == x= X=--- 
Oe 2 == 
Bee eS | ae 
——— v4 —_— —x< xX — —— — —- X— 
EBS gE K XX X-=xX-—— == xX 
- ~—XxXX=-—XXX 
Ee ee Be 
eS Se —==X=X= 
SOx a 
== =x So =X 
x XR KS = = = Xx x 
‘Luvd LSuld HL NI GaLVYaWNANa 



* eIpojloye Boon yz 

* sisuedniepens Baselt A 
wmne{uesIs UoOIpUEpOTIyd 
iedstp wo1puepoliyd 
wnjep.oo WHLIMNyqUy 

* Seplolyysel WMNIpr[D 

> stieypideo snosiieyy 
wnsnyip wnoweg 

* sng10ju09 uosodoipuy 
Terug wnipidsy 






Smilax ilicifolia. 
Physurus hirtellus . 
Physurus plantagineus. 
Microstylis spicata . 
Piper reticulatum 
Peperomia emarginella 
Peperomia Langsdorffii . 
Ficus Krugiana . 
Ficus omphallophora 
Ficus Urbaniana 
Pilea obtusata 

Pilea semidentata 
Boehmeria ramiflora 
Coccoloba nivea’. 
Alternanthera crucis 
Pisonia subcordata . 
Portulaca poliosperma . 
Hyperbaena domingensis 
Phoebe elongata. 
Nectandra Krugii 
Inga laurina. 
Caesalpinia ciliata 

St. Eustatius, 

St. Kitts. 

Sie Bee 
#8 en 
gees iceesess 
mie e 
pene eg ee eg 
Hip@) islet Gr Gh se ao Eh itr) Gs! 

ie ry ee 
noes cee ts 
Ss so goa 7S 
Ct, Yoh fost Gn as 
Gass niaits meen apn Coton 
oe ~ ~~ =—S FS 
ee = OA 
ONS a SS Se Se 
é CK 9 tO 
= OK 
ee —-xXx- 

<—— xX 

5 es OR 
“™N “N\ 

xX X=XXX=— 



Distribution of the Antill. Plants enumerated in the First Part. 257 



yuaoULA "IS 

‘erony 4S 
onbraryae yy, 




“SuIyeySNGy 4S 

une IS 

-X10I19) 4S 

‘aee 4S 



* eolndije snuszARyy 
“saployeursyyty snyqueliped 
stivjorjed viqaoydng 
eqenoyae Biq1oydngy 
meitog vydAjeoy 


*  *s9710.198SB U0J01D 
 Bljoysnsuey viysid[ey 
‘wneortes UoTTAydoyeUIsyS 
mnsfoprooydired uoj[Aydoqewmsiys 



- gsueuvAey wumnyAxomyy Aig 

-  -gediaoiq wnyAxXo.1gy AIG 
eiqni BIyoR[eyH 


. . 

. . . . . 


? ae . 
ae al, Cae, eee ee eee, 
go figpad BPSSe ieee sas gs 
ghSgo3 2 ot ee eee gee eae 
CIERME GONWENE! 5 56 « 6 o 0 0 9 === Me = Mee ooo See SSeS SSS = 
Freziera undulata . . . . . . . ~———~————— x--—-xk-xk-xXK-xXx<-—xX—-& 
Marila racemosa . . . . . 2. 2. =————~———— Cee SO ee 
Clusiasalbaysaoe. =o eee es SSS 2 SCM SSS SS 
Samyda serrulata . . . . . . . ——=XXxX—xX—-—X—&XkK=——&K=- == x 
Begonia domingensis . . . . . . —=~X—————— — Sf ne te 
Daphnopsis caribaea . . . . » «© ———XX—X—XK—-XK-—-— KX KH HH 1 
Myrcia splendens . ee on OOOO SS OS OK ee 
Calyphanthes Boldinghii na niGe ast Rete 6S cae ee Ne ee oe ee 
IDK, COMOENBs ~~ 6 o Gc. o 5 o To XXXXX a VS SS VSS eh Mae SH) SIG). 
BEVIN), (MOC 6 oo 5 wep 5 So >Serere ee a SS Re SS 
JEXCo wove) EnmuaIWOS ~ 5 5 6 95 5 4 x SOK OO OOO LOS: 
Atrdisiay COniaceH 51 eee ee eK eK a a . a De 
ILjuicivbanees FommUnnMKOAY GG 6 aK ee CNC IESE Ca 
IBveNANE NM ONOeNE, 5-4 oF of G. 0 0 = ><>do< =X — SOC SOK NC ———— 5, 6. 
Chrysophyllum argenteum. . . . . X—xxK————— x= ===Xx <x CS ST 
Symplocos martiniconsis . 9. . 9.9. === KX =—=—=—xK— x X— xX— XxX XK K— DR? SK 
Forestiera Eggersiana. . . . . 2. -—-~—X———X—-—————-—-— 
leliwyanveney Bulle 5 bo 8 —~~=XX=XxXXX—X——-—X—XX=-X—= 
Urechites suberecta. . . . . . . X*XXX&K—-XXX&—& MK --H- - 
IONE) Tome HME S 5 Bs Gs Be oA eR CN sr 

Jacquemontia pentantha . . . . . ——=—xXXK————xX—X—X——X-—X-—XXxX-—— #& 


Distribution of the Antill. Plants enumerated in the First Part. 

‘a1leuog = Gc] 
‘uBnouuey) = FT 
‘purlsy anbysnyy = et 

. b, 6 
Sige 39) 

“RjaIRS1e yy = 
‘purlsy Brqe[ND = TT 
‘oRdRIND = OT 

‘sayuleg say = 6 
‘SOULd 9p BIST =8 
‘aluryey) Ley = 2 


——-—~—X—XX—————— = x—-—-- x= 
x----—— x =xX-—= xX -xX---xk = 
ih aT Me ae Cee aes op. aes <> Spee at Lae Le 
——-~-— ——-—XX-—--—xX-—-—--—XxX--x-=-- 

a aaa — ee One Deen Cee 
———---— x X=--xX--— ——-—x 
== == 5 ee EE 
—~—X-X-xXxXX—xX-—xX—-—X=—------- x 
———————— XK XS Oe 
——-———-—— xX =-—--xk—XxK-=X-XXxX=—— 
——-—-XXXXX=-—k—xXxX=K——-=--—- = x- 
ee ee ey x= 
— xx----xk-—&x 
Se XX X—---— xk — XK X= &K- =X KH 
—-——-XX-xxK-——-—---- a ——-- 
= x--xk--xk-xX-—-— 

xX XX =X —-&K---- x——----- es 
BK ee ee 
————~— ee 
SS SS SS oe a ees xXx=-- 
Se “=x =X kK = =X 
Bo es BOP cies Seo eens ier ee ay 
SSE SSOP Skog er SREP SE oe Seso Fw 
BQ Pees bos Oe 2S Ss Te Sed palmate a 
soOMQ85 6 2.5 = eatin rs REO ro = oe 
Di On Oem Om Om Onli Rinse Stn ee et op = es & 
ia pg leton dota mt aaa eat og Sie cork ST io) eens 


‘apR.usa(] = 9 

“‘purlsy ueqqrig = @ 
‘zanbat, =Z% 
‘Spureysy UrdatA = T 

"RLOWOL = ¢ 
‘einboag = 

“esnjruny siy0eg 

wmnso.1e WHIpeqygD 
snyernyyeds uos1es aig 

* uNygue.loRM wntIoyedng 
* suedsouBd WntIojedng” 
“snpepoAlod sndavoeyTy 
eeydeoopod eiie110g 
“BqoAeg PvaInod[eq 
Rupued viiqoyoAsg 
euelyoeysne auoslodoleg 

* SI[ISSes Blolsn¢ 
Bon] BILe|Seq 
wnjoulesvl uNURlOg 

* exoydoyjueoe BIyLOJOYIOY, 


* eytAydoueyds veoutody 

< BlIvUuaIe BIOWOd] 

260 Phytogeographical, 

The list given in this chapter needs no further explanation. 

As may be seen from the great amount of plants occurring in 
such a small number of different Islands it will be clear that 
our knowledge of the Flora of the West Indian Islands is far 
from being complete. 

That is the reason why I will not try to draw any conclusion 
about the distribution of the different species except a single 
one and this with all kinds of reserve. 

I draw the attention to the data that may be gathered from the 
following lists. 

On the Islands only to the north of the Dutch West Indian 
Islands together with these Islands are collected: 

St. St. 
Martin. Eustatius. 

Diplazium semihastatum 
Mariscus capillaris . 
Tillandsia excelsa 

Yucca aloifolia 

Smilax coriacea . 

Smilax ilicifolia . 
Alternanthera crucis 
Portulaca poliosperma . 
Erythroxylum havanense . 
Stigmatophyllon sericeum . 
Ditaxis faxiculata 

Adelia ricinella . 
Acalypha Poiretii 

Cissus obovata 

Forestiera Eggersiana 
Ipomoea arenaria : 
Rochefortia acanthophora. . . . x = x 
Lycium americanum 
Mitracarpus polycladus. 

| x 
| | 

| X 
x | 

Distribution of the Antill. Plants enumerated in the First Part. 261 

On the Islands only to the south of the Dutch West Indian 
Islands together with these Islands are collected: 

St. Saba ae 
Martin. : Eustatius. 

Piiodendron dispar = =: «| .« = x x 
Vriesea guadalupensis. . . . . = x * 
Pipemmeneulatum . + . . « -« — x x 
PNCNSMRHUCIANA = 95  « @ ms « = x x 
Ficus omphallophora . . . . . = x x 
Boehmeria ramiflora = x 4 
Caesalpinia ciliata Sond ws x x x 
Galachiaehibna 5° 4° s 9. «5 « x 4 * 
Freziera undulata = x = 
Mamilaeracemosi. “  . « «© 9 « = x = 
Condiaasalvifolia, 5 . 94 «94 . = x x 
Condiamoremulay: G1 Mil ws = x = 
Roumerortia caribaea 5 =. 5 = . = x = 
Beloperone eustachiana . .. . x x x 
Eupatorium macranthum . . . . = x SZ 

As may be seen from these two lists the greater number of the 
plants found on the northern Islands only are but to be met 
with on St. Martin, the greater number of the plants found 
on the southern Islands only are but to be met with on Saba 
and St. Kustatius. 

In conclusion, I believe the different indigenous plants of the 
Antilles make it sufficiently clear that the vegetation of St. 
Martin has been influenced by some other circumstances than 
the vegetation of Saba and St. Martin. 

Species only known from the Dutch West Indians Islands are: 

Galactia nummularia St. Martin. 
Calyptranthes Boldinghii St. Martin. 
Ipomoea sphenophylla St. Eustatius. 


Section C. The vegetation of St. Eusta- 
tius, Saba and St. Martin 

Zi hu = 


C. The vegetation of St. Eustatius, 
Saba and St. Martin 




The vegetation of St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin is that 
of a tropical zone, without any pronounced dry season. As 
may be seen from the meteorological data the quantity of rain 
is almost sufficient to make possible the existence of a tropical 
rainforest vegetation. 

The N. E. tradewinds however are of great influence upon 
the vegetation; where these winds are not broken by mountains 
we may meet with the typical vegetation of trees blown in a 
certain direction as well as with the Cactaceae and thornplants, 
characteristics of a dry climate. 

From the edaphic factors that exert influence upon the charac- 
ter of the different Plantformations I will in this chapter only 
draw the attention to the amount of humus that covers the rocks. 
It is one of the principal factors, as there are a great number of 
localities where but a small quantity of humus is to be found. 
Only there were no strong wind is blowing, where the atmos- 
phere is humid and where the quantity of humus has surpassed 
a minimum the tropical vegetation shows itself in its wellknown 
typical features. 

But the above named factors have not exclusively determined 
the plantcovering of the Islands; one of the greatest factors has 
been the influence of man, who has been destroying the woods and 
introducing many plants in culivating the soil. So there are a 
great number of plants introduced that have superseded the pri- 
mitive vegetation. 

266 Phytogeographiecal. 

When taking the vegetation in general and without entering into 
details we may consider it to be identical on the three Islands. 
From the short notes however I give in this chapter on the as- 
pect of the different Islands it will be obvious that on each of 
the three Islands a particular Formation gives a predominant cha- 
racter to each of them. 

St. Eustatius. 

The monotony of the level part of St. Eustatius is relieved 
by some plantations surrounded by trees and by roads also bor- 
dered by trees and shrubs, 
The formation that predominates in the ,Cultuurvlakte” is a 
dry shrubby vegetation of a greyish aspect that I will call the 
Croton vegetation, following the nomenclature of Eggers in his 
Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. 
The greater part of the hills near Signalhill and Concordia are 
also covered with the same vegetation. 
Only the higher parts of these hills as well as the Quill are 
covered with a greenish wood that I will call the Hriodendron 
vegetation also in analogy with Hggers 1. c. 
These two parts of the vegetation are not wholly separated 
and both of them are intermixed with those plants which form 
the vegetation of the cultivated region. 
The impracticable parts of the rocky cliffs covered only with 
few plants form a typical vegetation with thicker or more coria- 
ceous leaves in close relation with the vegetation of the seashore; 
the latter is not very well developed in St. Eustatius as there is 
but a small beach and the Cultuurvlakte is about 40 m. above 
the sealevel. 
Without entering into details we can practically divide the ve- 
getation of St. Eustatius in: 

1. Vegetation of the higher parts of the mountains. 

2. Vegetation of the Cultuurvlakte and the lower parts of 

the mountains, 
3. Vegetation of the seashore and the rocky localities of the 
4. Vegetation of the cultivated region. 

Whereas a survey of the vegetation of St. Eustatius based 
on these principles is given in the following lists it may be men- 
tioned here that an almost synomical list could be given, viz: 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of St. Eustatius. 267 

1. Eriodendron vegetation. 

2. Croton vegetation. 

3. Littoral vegetation. 

4, Hriodendron- and Croton vegetation intermixed with and 
partly replaced by plants of the cultivated region. 
We will see in Chapter II of this Section that these two series of 
names do not quite agree and this is the reason why I use the first 
mentioned names when in the following lists I give a survey of 
the distribution of the plants on the different parts ot St. Eustatius. 
In these lists as well as in the other ones I give in this Chap- 
ter the West Indian plants are printed in italics whereas the 
plants that are cultivated on the Dutch West Indian Islands are 
printed in small type. 

1. Vegetation of the Higher Parts of the Mountains 

of St. Eustatius. 

Acacia macracantha, Acacia tortuosa, Aegiphila martinicensis, 
Allophylus occidentalis, Amomis caryophyllata, Anacardium occi- 
dentale, Andira jamaicensis, Anona muricata, Anona reticulata, 
Anthurium cordatum, Aspidium Plumieri, Asplenium cristatum, 
Asplenium obtusifolium, Asplenium serratum, Bernardia corensis, 
Besleria lutea, Bignonia ungius cati, Blechnum occidentale, Buwmelia 
obovata, Bursera simaruba, Byrsonima spicata, Calotropis procera, 
Capparis Breynia, Capparis cynophallophora, Capparis frondosa, 
Capparis jamaicensis, Casearia parvifolia, Cassia glandulosa, Catopsis 
nutans, Cecropia peltata, Ceiba pentandra, Celtis Iguanacea, Cen- 
trosema virginianum, Chiococca racemosa, Chrysobalanus icaco, 
Cissus sicyoides, Citharelyxum quadrangulare, Clusia alba, Coccoloba 
diversifolia, Coccoloba nivea, Coccoloba uvifera, Coffea arabica, 
Corchorus hirsutus, Cordia salvifolia, Crotalaria retusa, Croton 
astroites, Cyathea serra, Daphnopsis caribaea, Desmanthus depressus, 
Desmodium supinum, Dipholis salicifolia, Dodonaea viscosa, Elapho- 
glossum conforme, Hlaphoglossum petiolatum, Epidendrum anceps, 
Epidendrum difforme, Hrithalis fruticosa, Erythroxylum havanense, 
EKugenia axillaris, Hugenia cordata, Eugenia ligustrina, Eupatorium 
conyzoides, Hupatorium macranthum, Fagara martinicensis, Fagara 
trifoliata, Ficus Krugiana, Ficus populnea, Ficus Urbaniana, Galactia 
dubia, Gesneria ventricosa, Guettarda parvifolia, Guettarda scraba, 
Gyminda latifolia, Gymnanthes lucida, Heliconia Bihai, Heteropteris 
lanceolata, Heteropteryx purpurea, Hillia longifolia, Hyperbaena 
domingensis, Inga laurina, Impomoea dissecta, Jacquemontia pen- 
tantha, Krugiodendron ferreum, Lantana camara, Lantana involu- 

268 Phytogeographical. 

crata, Leiphaimos aphylla, Linociera compacta, Lonchocarpus vio- 
laceus, Lycopodium taxifolium, Mammea americana, Maytenus ellip- 
ticus, Melothria fluminensis, Miconia impetiolaris, Miconia laevigata, 
Mimosa pudica, Morisonia americana, Myrcia paniculata, Myrcia 
splendens, Nectandra coriacea, Nectandra Krugti, Neurogramme ca- 
lomelanos, Oplismenus setarius, Palicowrea Pavetta, Panicum divarica- 
tum, Panicum insulare, Paspalum hemisphaericum, Passiflora laurifolia, 
Passiflora suberosa, Pectis humifusa, Peperomia acuminata, Pepero- 
mia glabella, Peperomia Langsdorffii, Peperomia obtusifolia, Pepero- 
mia scandens, Persea americana, Pharus glaber, Philodendron dispar, 
Philodendron oxycardium, Phoebe elongata, Physurus plantagineus, 
Picrasma Antillana, Pilea semidentata, Piper dilatatum, Piper me- 
dium, Piper reticulatum, Piriqueta villosa, Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia 
fragans, Pisonia subcordata, Pitcairnia augustifolia, Polypodium bra- 
siliense, Polypodium lycopodioides, Polypodium phyllitides, Poly- 
podium plumula, Polystachya luteola, Prescotria stachyoides, Prunus 
myrtifolius, Psychotria horizontalis, Psychotria rufescens, Psycho- 
tria uliginosa, Randia aculeata, Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Rhynchosia 
reticulata, Samyda serrulata, Schaefferia frutescens, Schoepfia 
Schreberi, Scleria lithosperma, Smilax coriacea, Smilax guianensis, 
Solanum lanceaefolium, Solanum racemosum, Solanum racemosum ig- 
neum, Spermacoce tenuior, Stenochlaena sorbifolia, Stenolobium stans, 
Stenorrhynchus orchioides, Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium, Swie- 
tenia mahagoni, Symplocos martinicensis, Tabernaemontana citri- 
folia, Tecoma leucoxylon, Ternstroemia peducularis, Theobroma 
Cacao, Tournefortia foetidissima, Tragia volubilis, Trema Lamarcki- 
anum, Trema micranthum, Triumfetta rhomboidea, Urera Caracasana, 
Vernonia punctata, Vittaria lineata, Vriesea guadalupensis, Waltheria 
americana, Wedelia buphthalmoides, Xylosma buaxifolium. 

2. Vegetation of the Cultuurvlakte and the Lower Parts 
of the Mountains of St. Eustatius. 

Acacia macracantha, Acacia tortuosa, Amarantus polygonoides, 
Andira jamaicensis, Andropogon contortus, Aristida americana, 
Ayena pusilla, Beloperone eustachyana, Bernardia corensis, Borreria 
podocephala, Brassavola cucullata, Canavalia obtusifolia, Capparis 
cynophallophora, Capparis frondosa, Capparis jamaicensis, Cassia 
bicapsularis, Cassia glandulosa, Catopsis nutans, Celtis Iguanacea, 
Cenchrus tribuloides, Centrosema virginianum, Citharexylum qua- 
drangulare, Coccoloba uvifera, Commelina virginica, Comocladia 
ilicifolia, Corchorus hirsutus, Cordia salvifolia, Cracca caribaea, 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of St. Eustatius. 269 

Croton astroites, Croton flavens, Cuscuta americana, Dactyloctenium 
aegyptium, Dalechampia scandens, Desmanthus depressus, Des- 
manthus virgatus, Desmodium supinum, Diodia rigida, Dodonaea 
viscosa, Duranta repens, Zpidendrum papilionaceum, Wragrostis ciliaris, 
Hrithalis fruticosa, EKrnodea litoralis, Hugenia cordata Sintensit, 
Hugenia ligustrina, Hugenia procera, Hugenia uniflora, Euphorbia 
articulata, Evolvulus sericeus, Fourcroya gigantea, Galactia dubia, 
Gouania domingensis, Gymnanthes lucida, Heteropteryx purpurea, 
Hymenocallis caribaea, Ipomoea sphenophylla, Jacquemontia pentantha, 
Jacquinia armillaris, Jatropha cureas, Jatropha gossypifolia, Justicia 
sessilis, Krameria Ixina, Lantana camara, Lantana involucrata, 
Malpighia punicifolia, Malvastrum spicatum, Maytenus elliptica, 
Melicocca bijuga, Melochia tomentosa, Melocactus communis, Morisonia 
americana, Opuntia Ficus indica, Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia Tuna, 
Panicum insulare, Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Pectis humifusa, 
Phoradendron trinervium, Phyllanthus distichus, Pilea microphylla, 
Pisonia fragans, Pisonia subcordata, Pitcairnia augustifolia, Pithe- 
colobium ungius cati, Polypodium lycopodioides, Portulaca oleracea, 
Randia aculeata, Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Rhacoma crossopetalum, 
Rhynchosia reticulata, Rochefortia acanthophora, Samyda serrulata, 
Schaefferia frutescens, Setaria setosa, Sida ciliaris, Sida supina, 
Solanum vracemosum, Solanum racemosum igneum, Sporobolus 
virginicus, Stenolobium stans,  Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium, 
Strumpfia maritima, Stylosanthes hamata, Talinum triangulare, 
Tamarindus indica, Tecoma leucoxylon, Tephrosia cinerea, Tournefortia 
volubilus, Tragus racemosus, Turnera ulmifolia, Urechites suberecta, 
Vernonia punctata, Waltheria americana. 

3. Vegetation of the Seashore and Rocky Parts 
of St. Eustatius. 

Amarantus polygonoides, Andropogon contortus, Argemone mexi- 
cana, Aristida americana, Borreria podocephala, Caesalpinia crista, 
Calonyction tuba, Canavalia obtusifolia, Cassia bicapsularis, Como- 
cladia ilicifolia, Conocarpus erectus, Hrnodea litoralis, Eupatoriwm 
canescens, Huphorbia articulata, Euphorbia buxifolia, Evolvulus 
sericeus, Heliotropium curassavicum, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Hippo- 
mane mancinella, Ipomoea pescaprae, Jacquinia armillaris, Litho- 
phila muscodes, Malpighia punicifolia, Melocactus communis, Opuntia 
Ficus indica, Opuntia spinosissima, Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia 
Tuna, Panicum diffusum, Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Rhacoma 
crossopetalum, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Setaria setosa, Sirumpfia 

270 Phytogeographical. 

maritima, Tephrosia cinerea, Thespesia populnea, Tournefortia gna- 

4. Vegetation of the Cultivated Region of St. Eustatius. 

Abrus precatorius, Abutilon indicum, Acacia macracantha, Acacia 
riparia, Acacia tortuosa, Acalypha chamaedrifolia, Achras sapota, 
Achyranthes obtusifolia, Ageratum conyzoides, Alternanthera 
repens, Amarantus spinosus, Amarantus tristis, Ambrosia hispida, 
Anona montana, Anona muricata, Anthephora hermaphroditica, 
Antigonon leptopus, Boerhaavea hirsuta, Boerhaavea paniculata, Bryo- 
phyllum pinnatum, Calotropis procera, Capparis Breynia, Capparis 
cynophallophora, Capraria biflora, Cardiospermum halica¢abum, 
Cassia occidentalis, Cenchrus trihuloides, Centrosema virginiana, 
Cheilanthes microphylla, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium 
murale, Cissampelos Pareira, Clerodendron aculeatum, Coccoloba 
uvifera, Coleus amboinicus, Commelina virginica, Corchorus acu- 
tangulus, Corchorus hirsutus, Cracca caribaea, Crotalaria verrucosa, 
Croton astroites, Croton flavens, Croton lobatus, Cynodon dactylon, 
Cyperus rotundus, Datura Metel, Datura Stramonium, Desman- 
thus depressus, Desmanthus virgatus, Desmodium supinum, Eleu- 
sine indica, Eragrostis ciliaris, Hupatorium conyzoides, Euphorbia 
heterophylla, Euphorbia hypericifolia, Euphorbia pilulifera, Festuca 
Myurus, Fleurya aestuans, Gynandropsis pentaphylla, Haematoxy!on 
campechianum, Hehotropium indicum, Heliotropium parviflorum, 
Hura crepitans, Hyptis pectinata, Jbatia maritima, Indigofera suffru- 
ticosa, Jacquemontia pentantha, Jatropha go-sypifolia, Kallstroemia 
maxima, Lantana involucrata, Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonurus sibi- 
ricus, Leucaena glauca, Lochnera rosea, Malvastrum spicatum, Meli- 
cocea bijuga, Melocactus communis, Melochia pyramidata, Melochia 
tomentosa, Microtea debilis, Mimosa pudica, Mirabilis Jalapa, Mollugo 
verticillata, Momordica Charantia, Hydrolea jamaicensis, Neuro- 
gramme calomelanos, Ocimum micranthum, Opuntia Ficus indica, 
Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia Tuna, Panicum insulare, Panicum 
maximum, Panicum sanguinale, Parthenium Hysterophorus, Pas- 
palum fimbriatum, Paspalum hemisphaericum, Passiflora laurifolia, 
Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Peperomia petiolaris, Phaseolus lathy- 
roides, Phyllanthus niruri, Pilea microphylla, Piriqueta villosa, 
Plumbago scandens, Polanisia viscosa, Polypodium aureum, Poro- 
phyllum ellipticum, Portulaca halimoides. Portulaca oleracea, Por- 
tulaca quadrifida, Priva echinata, Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Rhynchosia 
reticulata, Rivina humilis, Salvia occidentalis, Salvia serotina, 
Setaria glauca, Setaria setosa, Sida carpinifolia, Sida cordifolia, 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of Saba. 271 

Sida supina, Solanum nigrum nodiflorum, Solanum racemosum, 
Solanum racemosum igneum, Sonchus oleraceus, Spermacoce tenuior, 
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium, Sty- 
losanthes hamata, Talinum triangulare, Tamarindus indica, Tecoma 
leucoxylon, Tephrosia cathartica, Thunbergia fragans, Tillandsia recur- 
vata, Vernonia punctata, Waltheria americana, Wedelia buphthal- 
moides, Zornia diphylla. 


The Island of Saba makes a very different impression as St. 
Eustatius does, especially by the total absence of a level country 
like the Cultuurvlakte on the latter Island. 
Owing to the conical form of Saba there are only steep slopes 
of hills and these hills are covered by the same vegetation as 
those in St. Eustatius, viz.: the Eriodendron vegetation. Moreover 
there is a good quantity of almost naked rock where a very 
poor flora is to be found. 
According to the fact that almost in all the localities that 
are apt for cultivation the soil is occupied by the inhabitants, 
there is a well developed vegetation of the cultivated region inter- 
mixed with the Eriodendronvegetation. 
The Croton vegetation is only to be seen in a very few localities 
and nowhere on Saba it is so predominant as in St. Eustatius. 
That part of the Mountain higher than 500 m. above the sea- 
level, though also greatly influenced by ruderal plants has a 
very well developed tropical rainforest which, without losing 
the typical character of the St. Eustatius forests is characterised 
by its great number of Ferntrees. 
The vegetation of the seashore is very poor and has no influence 
on the general aspect of the Sabavegetation. 
Whereas it is not so easy to make a sharp difference between the 
four Plantformations still I] think it better also to trace out here 
the four following typical groups: 

1. Vegetation of the Mountain top and the greater part of 

all the slopes of the Island. 

2. Vegetation of some arid hills. 

3. Vegetation of the seashore and rocky localities. 

4. Vegetation of the cultivated region. 

Referring to page 267 we might take take the same series 
of names I gave there for the first three divisons whereas the 

272 Phytogeographical. 

fourth division could be replaced by: Hriodendronvegetation inter- 
mixed with and partly replaced by ruderalplants. 

1. Vegetation of the Mountaintop and the Greater Part 
of the Slopes of Saba. 

Ageratum conyzoides, Alsophila phalerata, Amomis caryo- 
phyllata, Andropogon glomeratus, Anona muricata, Anthurium 
cordatum, Aspidium Plumierii, Aspidium trifoliatam, Asplenium . 
cristatum, Baccharis cotinifolia, Begonia domingensis, Besleria lutea, 
Beureria succuleata, Blechnum occidentale, Blechum Brownei, Boeh- 
meria ramiflora, Bromelia pinguin, Bryophyllum pinnatum, Bursera 
simaruba, Callisia repens, Capparis Breynia, Capparis cynophal- 
lophora, Casearia parvifolia, Cecropia peltata, Celtis Iguanacea, Ces- 
trum laurifolium, Chaptalia nutans, Chiococca racemosa, Chloris 
radiata, Chrysobalanus icaco, Chrysophyllum argentewm, Cissus 
sicyoides, Cladium restioides, Clusia alba, Coccoloba dwersifolia, Coc- 
coloba nivea, Commelina virginica, Comocladia ilicifolia, Cordia sal- 
vifolia, Crotalaria retusa, Cyathea arborea, Cyathea serra, Cyperus 
distans, Cyperus rotundus, Daphnopsis caribaea, Desmodium axillare, 
Desmodium supinum, Dichromena radicans, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea 
trifida, Diplazium striatum, Dryopteris opposita, Dryopteris reti- 
culata, Duranta repens, Elaphoglossum conforme, Elaphoglossum lati- 
folium, Epidendrum anceps, Epidendrum ciliare, Epidendrum 
globosum, Eragrostis ciliaris, Eragrostis pilosa, Erechthites vale- 
rianaefolia, Eryngium foetidum, Erythroxylon havanense, Eugenia 
axilluris, Eugenia procera, Eupatorium iresinoides, Hupatorium 
macrantum, Kupatorium paniculatum, Fagara martinicensis, Ficus 
omphallophora, Ficus Urbaniana, Freziera undulata, Gesneria ven- 
tricosa, Gleichenia bifida, Gonzalagunia hirsuta, Guettarda parvi- 
folia, Heliconia Bihai, Heliotropium indicum, Heliotropium parvi- 
florum, Hemidiodia ocimifolia, Hemitelia horrida, Hillia longifolia, 
Hirtella triandra, Hyperbaena domingensis, Hypoxis decumbens, 
Ichnanthes pallens, Indigofera suffruticosa, Ipomoea fastigiata, 
Tsachne arundinacea, Isachne rigens, Lagascea mollis, Lagenaria vulgaris, 
Leiphaimos aphylla, Lepidium virginicum, Leptochloa virgata, Loch- 
nera rosea, Lycopodum taxifolium, Marcegravia umbellata, Maris- 
cus capillaris, Mariscus flavus, Melia Azedarach, Melochia tomentosa, 
Miconia laevigata, Microstylis spicata, Myrcia coriacea, Nectandra 
Krugii, Nephrolepis exaltata, Neurogramme calomelanos, Neurolaena 
lobata, Oplismenus setarius, Opuntia triacantha, Ornithidium cocci- 
neum, Panicum brevifolium, Palicourea Pavetta, Paspalum conjuga- 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of Saba. 273 

tum, Passiflora foetida, Passiflora rubra, Peperomia acuminata, Pepe- 
romia emarginella, Peperomia glabella, Peperomia hernandifolia, 
Peperomia obtusifolia, Peperomia urocarpa, Plilodendron giganteum, 
Philodendron oxycardium, Physurus plantagineus, Phytolacca icosan- 
dra, Picrasma antillana, Pilea microphylla, Pilea obtusata, Pilea parie- 
taria, Piper reticulatum, Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia subcordata, Poly- 
botrya cervina, Polypodium aureum, Polypodium crassifolium, Poly- 
podium lycopodioides, Polypodium phyllitidis, Polypodium pilosel- 
loides, Polypodium squamatum, Polypodium serrulatum, Polypodium 
trichomanoides, Psilotum nudum, Psychotria horizontalis, Psycho- 
tria rufescens, Pteris biaurita, Rapanea ferruginea, Rhynchosia 
reticulata, Rhynchospora polyphylla, Sauvagesia erecta, Salvia 
serotina, Schoepfia Schreberi, Scleria pterota, Sechium edule, Selagi- 
nella flabellata, Selaginella substipitata, Setaria glauca, Setaria 
setosa, Solanum lanceaefolium, Solanum nigrum nodiflorum, Sola- 
num racemosum, Sonchus oleraceus, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, 
Synedrella nodiflora, Symplocos martinicensis, Tabernaemontana 
citrifolia, Talinum triangulare, Tecoma leucoxylon, Tibouchina strigosa, 
Tillandsia excelsa, Vorulinium confertum, Tournefortia foetidissima, 
Tragia volubilis, Trichomanes alatum, Triumfetta semitriloba, Urena 
lobata, Utricularia alpina, Vernonia punctata, Vriesea guadalupensis, 
Wedelia buphthalmoides. 

2. Vegetation of Dry Hills of Saba. 

Acacia Farnesiana, Anona muricata, Capparis cynophallophora, 
Capparis jamaicensis, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Cissampelos 
Pareira, Coccoloba diversifolia, Colubrina ferruginosa, Cordia salvi- 
folia, Croton flavens, Ernodea litoralis, Gundlachia domingensis, 
Indigofera suffruticosa, Melocactus communis, Opuntia Ficus indica, 
Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia Tuna, Pectis humifusa, Pisonia subcor- 
data, Polypodium piloselloides, Psychotria horizontalis, Sesuvium 
portulacastrum, ‘Talinum  triangulare, Tecoma leucoxylon, Tragus 

3. Vegetation of the Seashore and Rocky Parts of Saba. 

Aristida americana, Bursera simaruba, Calotropis procera, Cana- 
valia obtusifolia, Capraria biflora, Cheilanthes microphylla, Cheno- 
podium ambrosioides, Chloris paraguaiensis, Coccoloba uvifera, 
Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eupatorium conyzoides, Huphorbia 
articulata, Hippomane mancinella, Lithophila muscoides, Lochnera 
rosea, Mariscus brizaeus, Melocactus communis, Neurogramme calo- 
melanos, Opuntia Ficus indica, Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia Tuna, 


274 Phytogeographical. 

Panicum insulare, Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Pectis febrifuga, 
Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia subcordata, Portulaca oleracea, Sesuvyium 
portulacastrum, Sida rhombifolia, Solanwm racemosum, Stylosanthes 
hamata, Tecoma leucoxylon, Turnera ulmifolia. 

4. Vegetation of the Cultivated Region of Saba. 

Abrus precatorius, Acacia Farnesiana, Acalypha chamaedrifolia, 
Acnistus arborescens, Achyranthes obtusifolia, Adiantum tenerum, 
Ageratum conyzoides, Alternanthera repens, Alysicarpus nummu- 
larius, Amarantus paniculatus, Amarantus spinosus, Amarantus 
tristus, Ambrosia hispida, Anacardium occidentale, Anona montana, 
Anona muricata, Anona reticulata, Anona squamosa, Anthephora herma- 
phroditica, Antigonon leptopus, Argemone mexicana, Aristida ameri- 
cana, Asclepias nivea, Asplenium pumilum, Beloperone eustachiana, 
Besleria lutea, Beureriad succulenta, Bidens bippinatus, Bidens leucantha, 
Bignonia ungius-cati, Bixa Orellana, Blechnum occidentale, Blechum 
Brownei, Boerhaavea hirsuta, Boerhaavea paniculata, borreria 
podocephala, Bouchea Ehrenbergii, Boussingaultia baselloides, Brassica 
integrifolia, Bromelia pinguin, Bryophyllum pinnatum, Bumelia obovata, 
Bursera simaruba, Byrsonima spicata, Caesalpinia crista, Cajanus indicus, 
Callisia repens, Capparis Breynia, Capparis cynophallophora, Cap- 
paris trondosa, Capparis jamaicensis, Capraria biflora, Cardiosper- 
mum halicacabum, Casearia parvifolia, Cassia bicapsularis, Cassia 
glandulosa, Cassia occidentalis, Catopsis nutans, Celtis Iguanacea, 
Cenchrus tribuloides, Centrosema virginianum, Cestrwm lawrifolium, 
Chaptalia nutans, Cheilanthes microphylla, Chenopodium ambro- 
sioides, Chiococca racemosa, Chloris paraguaiensis, Chrysobalanus 
icaco, Cissus sicyoides, Citharexylum quadrangulare, Clerodendron 
aculeatum, Clusia alba, Coccoloba diversifolia, Coccoloba nivea, 
Coccoloba obtusifolia, Coccoloba uvifera, Coleus amboinicus, Com- 
melina virginica, Comocladia ilicifolia, Cordia salvifolia, Cordia 
sulcata, Cordia tremula, Crescentia Cujete, Crinum americanum, Crota- 
laria incana, Crotalaria retusa, Croton flavens, Croton lobatus, 
Cucumis Anguria, Cuscuta americana, Cyperus rotundus, Dactyloc- 
tenium aegyptium, Daphnopsis caribaea, Desmanthus virgatus, 
Desmodium axillare, Desmodium spirale, Desmodium supinum, 
Desmodium uncinatum, Dichromena radicans, Drymaria cordata, 
Dryopteris opposita, Duranta repens, Eleusine indica, Epidendrum 
anceps, Epidendrum ciliare, Hpidendrum papilionaceum, Eragrostis 
ciliaris, Eragrostis pilosa, Erechthites hieracifolia, Erechthites 
valerianaefolia, Erigeron canadensis, Hrigeron spathulatus, Eryngium 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of Saba. 275 

foetidum, Hrythroaylum havanense, Eugenia axillaris, Eugenia Jambos, 
Hugenia procera, Hugenia uniflora, EKupatorium conyzoides, Kupa- 
torium iresinoides, EKupatorium macrophyllum, Euphorbia hy- 
pericifolia, Kuphorbia pilulifera, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Fagara mar- 
tinicensis, Faramea odoratissima, Ficus Krugiana, Ficus omphal- 
lophora, Ficus populnea, Ficus Urbaniana, Fleurya aestuans, 
Galactia rubra, Gonzalagunia hirsuta, Gouania domingensis, Guet- 
tarda parvifolia, Guettarda scabra, Gynandropsis pentaphylla, 
Heliotropium parviflorum, Hemidiodia ocimifolia, Hymenaea Courbaril, 
Hymenocallis caribaea, Hyptis pectinata, Inga laurina, Ipomoea 
fastigiata, Ipomoea Nil, Indigofera suffruticosa, Iresine paniculata, 
Jacquemontia pentantha, Jatropha cureas, Jatropha gossypifolia, 
Justicia sessilis, Kallstroemia maxima, Lagascea mollis, Lantana 
Camara, Lantana involucrata, Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonurus sibi- 
ricus, Lepidium virginicum, Leptochloa virgata, Linociera com- 
pacta, Lochnera rosea, Malpighia punicifolia, Malvastrum spicatum, 
Mammea americana, Mariscus brizaeus, Mariscus cupillaris, Melothria 
fluminensis, Miconia laevigata, Mitracarpus polycladus, Momordica 
charantia, Morisonia americana, Myrcia coriacea, Myrcia splendens, 
Nectandra coriacea, Nectandra Krugii, Neurogramme calomelanos, 
Ocimum micranthum, Oncidium spec., Oplismenus setarius, Oxalis 
corniculata, Palicourea Pavetta, Panicum brevifolium, Panicum diva- 
ricatum, Panicum insulare, Panicum maximum, Panicum molle, 
Panicum sanguinale, Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Parthenium 
Hysterophorus, Paspalum conjugatum, Paspalum fimbriatum, Pas- 
palum hemisphaericum, Passiflora laurifolia, Passiflora rubra, Passi- 
flora suberosa, Pavonia spinifex, Pectis humifusa, Pedilanthus 
tithymaloides, Peperomia glabella, Peperomia petiolaris, Petiveria 
alliacea, Pharus glaber, Philodendron dispar, Philodendron oxy- 
cardium, Phoradendron trinervium, Phyllanthus niruri, Physalis 
pubescens, Picrasma antillana, Pilea microphylla, Pilea semidentata, 
Piper dilatatum, Piper reticulatum,Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia subcordata, 
Pitcairnia angustifolia, Pithecolobium ungius-cati, Plantago major, 
Pluchea purpurascens, Plumbago scandens, Plwmiera alba, Polanisia 
viscosa, Polypodium aureum, Polypodium brasiliense, Polypodium 
lycopodioides, Polypodium phyllitidis, Polypodium piloselloides, 
Polypodium squamatum, Porophyllum ellipticum, Portulaca oleracea, 
Portulaca pilosa, Priva echinata, Psidium Guajava, Psychotria 
rufescens, Psychotria uliginosa, Pteris biaurita, Randia aculeata, 
Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Rhacoma crossopetalum, Rhynchosia reti- 
culata, Rivina humilis, Ruellia tuberosa, Salvia occidentalis, Salvia 
serotina, Sauvagesia erecta, Schaefferia frutescens, Schoepfia 

276 Phytogeographical. 

Schreberi, Scleria pterota, Scoparia dulcis, Sechium edule, Senecio 
sonchifolius, Setaria glauca, Setaria setosa, Sida carpinifolia, Sida 
cordifolia, Sida supina, Sideroxylon foetidissimum, Smilax guianensis, 
Solanum aculeatissimum, Solanum lJanceaefolium, Solanum nigrum 
nodiflorum, Solanum racemosum igneum, Solanum torvum, Son- 
chus oleraceus, Spermacoce tenuior, Spigelia Anthelmia, Sporo- 
bolus indicus, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Stenolobium stans, Sty- 
losanthes hamata, Synedrella nodiflora, Tabernaemontana citrifolia, 
Talinum paniculatum, Talinum triangulare, Tamarindus indica, Tecoma 
leucoxylon, Tephrosia cathartica, Tetrazygia discolor, Thespesia 
populnea, Thunbergia alata, Tillandsia fasciculata, Tillandsia recuryata, 
Tillandsia usneoides, Tillandsia utriculata, Towrnefortia foetidissima, 
Tragia volubilis, Trema Lamarckianwn, Triumfetta semitriloba, 
Urechites suberecta, Urena lobata, Vernonia punctata, Villamilla 
octandra, Waltheria americana, Wedelia buphthalmoides, Wittmackia 
lingulata, Zebrina pendula. 

St. Martin. 

Widely different from the former two Islands the vegetation 
of St. Martin is chiefly composed of a Crotonvegetation much more 
developed than on St. Eustatius, whereas the tropical woods 
that are to be found on St. Eustatius and Saba are not to be 
met with on St. Martin. 

The greater part of the Island being cultivated the ruderal- 
plants are dispersed in almost the whole Island, along the roads 
and on the plantations and meadows, except in the typical Croton- 
vegetation which on the outer parts of St. Martin is gradually 
changing into a well developed Littoralflora. 

This Littoralflora together with the Crotonvegetation commands 
the whole aspect of St. Martin. 

Only where the hills are a little higher the Eriodendronvege- 
tation like that one of the northern part of St. Eustatius is to be 

The vegetation in the neighbourhood of the Saltponds with 
species that are not to be seen on the other Islands has also a 
typical aspect. 

According to the results I got in studying the vegetation of St. 
Martin more minutely I dare say that we can also trace out here 
the following formations. 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of St. Martin. 277 

1. Vegetation of the tops of the hills. 
2. Vegetation of the level parts of the Island and of the lower 
slopes of the hills. 

3. Vegetation of the seashore and the rocky parts. 

4, Vegetation of the cultivated region. 
Referring to page 267 we could substitute for the first three divisions 
the same names I gave there, whereas the fourth division is almost 
synonym with: Crotonvegetation and in some cases also Hrioden- 
dronvegetation intermixed with, and partly replaced by ruderal 

1. Vegetation of the Tops of the Hills of St. Martin. 

Abrus precatorius, Acacia macracantha, Acacia riparia, Acti- 
nostemon caribaeum, Adelia ricinella, Ageratum conyzoides, Ama- 
rantus spinosus, Amomis Caryophyllata, Anona muricata, Anona 
squamosa, Anthurium cordatum, Argithamnia candicans, Aristolochia 
trilobata, Asclepias nivea, Asplenium cristatum, Asplenium pumi- 
lum, Beloperone eustachiana, Bernardia corensis, Bignonia unguis— 
cati, Blechnum occidentale, Brassavola cucullata, Bryophyllum 
pinnatum, Bunchosia nitida, Bursera simaruba, Callisia repens, Canella 
alba, Capparis Breynia, Capparis coccolobifolia, Capparis cynophal- 
lophora, Capparis jamaicensis, Capraria biflora, Capsium frutescens, 
Cardiospermum halicacabuim, Casearia parvifolia, Casearia sylvestris, 
Cassia bicapsularis, Catopsis nutans, Cenchrus tribuloides, Chaptalia 
nutans, Chiococca racemosa, Chloris ciliata, Cissampelos Pareira, 
Cissus obovata, Cissus sicyoides, Clusia rosea, Coccoloba nivea, Com- 
melina virginica, Comocladia ilicifolia, Corchorus hirsutus, Corcho- 
rus siliquosus, Crotalaria incana, Croton betulinus, Cyperus elegans, 
Dalechampia scandens, Daplhnopsis caribaea, Desmodium supinum, 
Desmodium triflorum, Dorstenia contrajerva, Epidendrum anceps, 
Epidendrum ciliare, Erigeron spathulatus, Eryngium foetidum, Ery 
throxylum havanense, Eugenia fragrans, Eugenia Jambos, Hugenia 
monticola, Hugenia procera, Eupatorium macrophyllum, Huphorbia 
petiolaris, Exostemma caribaewm, Ficus populnea, Ficus Urbaniana, 
Fleurya aestuans, Guettarda parvifolia, Guettarda scabra, Hemi- 
onitis palmata, Heteropteris lanceolata, Hymenocallis caribaea, 
Inga laurina, Krugiodendron ferreum, Kyllinga brevifolia, Lantana 
Camara, Lantana involucrata, Leonurus sibirica, Lepidium virgini- 
cum, Leucaena glauca, Loniciera compacta, Mammea americana, Mangi- 
fera indica, Maytenns ellipticus, Miconia laevigata, Myrcia paniculata, 
Myrcia splendens, Neurogramme calomelamos, Oncidium spec., Oplis- 

278 Phytogeographical. 

menus setarius, Oxalis corniculatus, Panicum diffusum, Panicum di- 
varicatum, Panicum insulare, Panicum maximum, Panicum prostra- 
tum, Panicum sanguinale, Paspalum conjugatum, Passiflora laurifolia, 
Passiflora suberosa, Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Peperomia acuminata, 
Peperomia glabella, Peperomia obtusifolia, Pharus glaber, Phora- 
dendron trinervium, Phyllanthus nobilis, Phytolacca icosandra, 
Picramnia pentandra, Picrasma antillana, Pilea microphylla, Piper 
dilatatum, Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia fragrans, Pisonia subcordata, 
Pithecolobium ungius-cati, Pluchea purpurascens, Polypodium 
aureum, Polypodium brasiliense, Polypodium lycopodioides, Poly- 
podium phyllitidis, Polypodium piloselloides, Polypodium squama- 
tum, Psidium Guajava, Psychotria horizontalis, Randia aculeata, 
Rhynchosia reticulata, Rivina humilis, Rochefortia acanthophora, 
Ruellia tuberosa, Samyda serrulata, Schaefferia frutescens, Senecio 
sonchifolius, Sida carpinifolia, Sida rhombifolia, Smilax ilicifolia, 
Solanum lanceaefolium, Solanwm racemosum, Sonchus oleraceus, 
Spermacoce tenuior, Spigelia Anthelmia, Spiranthes elata, Sporo- 
bolus virginicus, Stenolobium stans, Synedrella nodiflora, Tabernae- 
montana citrifolia, Tecoma leucoxylon, Tillandsia fasciculata, Tilland- 
sici recurvata, Tillandsia utriculata, Towrnefortia foetidissima, Tour- 
nefortia hirsutissima, Tradescantia geniculata, Tragia volubilis, 
Triumfetta rhomboidea, Vernonia punctata, Wedelia buphthalmoides, 
Wittmackia lingulata. 

2. Vegetation of the Level Parts and of the Lower Parts 
of the Hills of St. Martin. 

Abrus precatorius, Abutilon indicum, Amarantus polygonoides, 
Amarantus tristis, Amyris elemifera, Anacardium occidentale, Anona 
muricata, Anona squamosa, Argithamnia candicans, Beloperone eusta- 
chiana, Beureria succulenta, Boerhaavea paniculata, Bunchosia nitida, 
Bursera simaruba, Calotropis procera, Calyptranthes Boldinghti, Canella 
alba, Capparis cynophallophora, Capparis frondosa, Capparis jamai- 
censis, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Cassia bicapsularis, Cassia 
occidentalis, Cenchrus tribuloides, Centrosema virginianum, Chloris 
paraguaiensis, Chrysobalanus icaco, Cissus sicyoides, Clusia rosea, 
Coccoloba uvifera, Commelina virginica, Comocladia ilicifolia, Cono- 
carpus erectus, Crotalaria retusa, Croton astroites, Croton betulinus, 
Croton flavens, Cuscuta americana, Cyperus elegans, Cyperus rotun- 
dus, Desmanthus depressus, Ditaxis fasciculata, Dodonaea viscosa, 
Eleusine indica, Epidendrum papilionaceum, Eragrostis ciliaris, Era- 
grostis pilosa, Eragrostis tephrosanthos, Erigeron canadensis, 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of St. Martin. 279 

Hrithalis fruticosa, Bugenia axillaris, Hugenia monticola, Kuphorbia 
buxifolia, Huphorbia petiolaris, Euphorbia thymifolia, Evolvulus 
glaber, Evolvulus sericeus, Hxostemma caribaeum, Fagara spinifex, 
Fagara trifoliata, Ficus populnea, Ficus Urbaniana, Gouania domin- 
gensis, Guajacum officinale, Guettarda parvitolia, Gyminda lati- 
folia, Heliotropium indicum, Heliotropium microphyllum, Hymeno- 
callis caribaea, Ipomoea fastigiata, Jacquinia armillaris, Krugioden- 
dron ferreum, Lantana Camara, Lantana involucrata, Lemna pauci- 
costata, Leucaena glauca, Lochnera rosea, Malpighia augustifolia, 
Malpighia punicifolia, Mangifera indica, Melochia nodiflora, Melochia 
tomentosa, Myrcia paniculata, Panicum diffuswm, Panicum prostra- 
tum, Panicum sanguinale, Paspalum hemisphaericum, Passiflora 
suberosa, Pectis humifusa, Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Picramnia 
pentandra, Piscidia piscipula, Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia fragrans, 
Pisonia subcordata, Pithecolobium unguis-cati, Plumiera alba, Portu- 
laca halimoides, Portulaca oleracea, Portulaca poliosperma, Portulaca 
quadrifida, Psidium Guayava, Randia aculeata, Rauwolfia Lamarkii, 
Rhacoma crossopetalum, Rhynchosia reticulata, Rochefortia acantho- 
phora, Ruellia tuberosa, Salvia serotina, Samyda serrulata, Schaefteria 
frutescens, Sida carpinifolia, Sida ciliaris, Sida cordifolia, Sida supina, 
Smilax ilicifolia, Solanum racemosum, Solanum racemosum igneum, 
Solanum torvum, Sporobolus virginicus, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, 
Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium, Stigmatophylion sericeum, Stylosan- 
thes hamata, Tamarindus indica, Tecoma leucoxylon, Ternstroemia pe- 
duncularis, Tillandsia recurvata, Tournefortia volubilis, Tragus race- 
mosus, Tribulus cistoides, Vernonia punctata, Waltheria americana. 

3. Vegetation of the Seashore and Rocky Parts of St. Martin. 

Acacia Farnesiana, <Alternanthera crucis, Anthephora herma- 
phroditica, Aristida americana, Avicennia nitida, Batis maritima, 
Borrichia arborescens, Bumelia obovata, Byrsonima crassifolia, 
Caesalpinia ciliata, Caesalpinia crista, Canavalia obtusifolia, Cassia 
obovata, Cassia polyadena, Clerodendron aculeatum, Coccoloba Krugii, 
Coccoloba uvifera, Conocarpus erectus, Hrnodea littoralis, Euphorbia 
prostrata, Fimbristylis spathacea, Galactia dubia, Heleocharis capi- 
tata, Heliotropium curassavicum Hippomane mancinella, Hypelate 
trifoliata, Ipomoea arenaria, Jpomoea pes caprae, Jacquinia Berteri, 
Juncellus laevigatus, Laguncularia racemosa, Lithophila muscoides, 
Lycium Americanum, Mariscus brizaeus, Melocactus communis, Meta- 
stelma parviflorum, Opuntia Ficus indica, Opuntia triacantha, 
Opuntia Tuna, Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Phyllanthus epiphyl- 

280 Phytogeographical. 

lanthus, Plumbago scandens, Rhizophora Mangle, Salicornia herba- 
cea, Scaevola Plumieri, Sesbania sericea, Sesuvium portulacastrum, 
Suriana maritima, Tephrosia cinerea, Tournefortia gnaphalodes, 
Turnera ulmifolia, Urechites suberecta, Yucca aloifolia. 

4. Vegetation of the Cultivated Region of St. Martin. 

Abrus precatorius, Abutilon indicum, Acacia macracantha, Aca- 
cia riparia, Acalypha chamaedrifolia, Acalypha Poiretti, Acantho- 
spermum humile, Achyranthes aspera, Adelia ricinella, Adiantum 
tenerum, Alternanthera repens, Alysicarpus nummularifolius, Ama- 
rantus polygonoides, Amarantus tristis, Ambrosia hispida, Anacar- 
dium occidentale, Anona muricata, Anona squamosa, Antigonon leptopus, 
Ayenia pusilla, Beloperone eustachiana, Beureria succulenta, Bidens 
bipinnatus, Blechnum occidentale, Blechum Brownei, Boerhaavea 
erecta, Boerhaavea hirsuta, Boerhaavea paniculata, Boerhaavea 
scandens, Brassayola cucullata, Bromelia pinguin, Bryophyllum pin- 
natum, Bursera simaruba, Caesalpinia coriaria, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, 
Callisia repens, Calotropis procera, Capparis Breynia, Capparis 
coccolobifolia, Capparis cynophallophora, Capparis frondosa, Cap- 
paris jamaicensis, Capraria biflora, Capsicum frutescens, Cardiosper- 
mum halicacabum, Casearia parvifolia, Cassia bicapsularis, Cassia 
glandulosa, Cassia occidentalis, Catopsis nutans, Ceiba pentandra, 
Celosia nitida, Celtis Iguanacea, Cenchrus tribuloides, Centrosema 
virginianum, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium murale, Chio- 
cocca racemosa, Chloris paraguaiensis, Chrysobalanus icaco, Cissus 
sicyoides, Citharexylum quadrangulare, Coccoloba nivea, Coccoloba 
uvifera, Coleus amboinicus, Commelina virginica, Comocladia ilici- 
folia, Corchorus hirsutus, Cracca caribaea, Crotalaria incana, Crota- 
laria retusa, Crotalaria verrucosa, Croton astroites, Croton betulinus, 
Croton flavens, Croton lobatus, Cuscuta americana, Cyperus elegans, 
Cyperus rotundus, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Datura fastuosa, 
Datura Metel, Desmanthus depressus, Desmanthus virgatus, Des- 
modium spirale, Desmodium supinum, Ditawxis fasciculata, Duranta 
repens, Eleusine indica, Eragrostis ciliaris, Hragrostis tephrosanthos, 
Erigeron canadensis, Hrithalis fruticosa, Erythroxylon brevipes, Ery- 
thrina corallodendron, Hugenia axillaris, Hugenia monticola, Hugenia 
procera, Eupatorium conyzoides, Euphorbia buxifolia, Euphorbia 
heterophylla, Euphorbia hypericifolia, #uphorbia petiolaris, Euphorbia 
pilulifera, Evolvulus glaber, Evolvulus sericeus, Hxostemma caribaeum, 
Fagara martinicensis, Fagara spinifex, Fagara trifoliata, Ficus 
populmea, Galactia rubra, Gouania domingensis, Guettarda parvi- 

Notes on the Aspect of the Vegetation of St. Martin. 281 

folia, Gyminda latifolia, Gynandropsis pentaphylla, Heliotropium 
indicum, Heliotropium parviflorum, Hemidioda ocymifolia, Hippo- 
mane mancinella, Hura crepitans, Hymenaea Courbaril, Hyptis pectinata, 
Ipomoea dissecta, Ipomoea fastigiata, Indigofera suffruticosa, Lre- 
sine elatior, Jacquinia armillaris, Jatropha cureas, Jatropha gossypi- 
folia, Justicia sessilis, Kallstroemia maxima, Krugiodendron ferreum, 
Kyllingia brevifolia, Lagascea mollis, Lantana Camara, Lantana in- 
volucrata, Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonurus sibiricus, Lepidium vir- 
ginicum, Leucaena glauca, Leucas martinicensis, Lippia reptans, 
Lithophila muscoides, Lochnera rosea, Malpighia augustifolia, Malpighia 
punicifolia, Malvastrum spicatum, Mangifera indica, Mariscus capilla- 
ris, Melia azedarach, Melicocea bijuga, Melochia tomentosa, Microtea de- 
bilis, Moringa oleifera, Morisonia americana, Murraya exotica, Neptunia 
plena, Ocimum micranthum, Oldenlandia herbacea, Oplismenus 
setarius, Panicum colonum, Panicum diffusum, Panicum geminatum, 
Panicum insulare, Panicum prostratum, Panicum sanguinale, Par- 
kinsonia aculeata, Parthenium Hysterophorus, Paspalum hemisphae- 
ricum, Pavonia spinifex, Pectis humifusa, Pedilanthus tithymaloides, 
Peperomia Langsdorffii, Persea americana. Petiveria alliacea, Philo- 
xerus vermicularis, Phyllanthus niruri, Physalis angulata, Picram- 
nia pentandra, Piscidia piscipula, Pisonia aculeata, Pisonia fragans, 
Pisonia subcordata, Pithecolobium unguis cati, Plwmiera alba, Plumiera 
rubra, Polanisia viscosa, Portulaca halimoides, Portulaca oleracea, 
Priva echinata, Psidium Guajava, Psychotria horizontalis, Randia 
aculeata, Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Rhacoma crossopetalum, Rhynchosia 
reticulata, Rivina humilis, Ruellia tuberosa, Salvia serotina, Samyda 
serrulata, Schaefferia frutescens, Setaria setosa, Setaria viridis, Sida 
carpinifolia, Sida ciliaris, Sida cordifolia, Sida supina, Solanum 
nigrum nodiflorum, Solanum racemosum igneum, Solanum torvum, 
Spermacoce tenuior, Sporobolus indicus, Sporobolus virginicus, 
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Stenandrum rupestre, Stenolobium stans, 
Stigmatophyllion periplocifolium, Stylosanthes hamata, Talinum 
triangulare, Tamarindus indica, Tecoma leucoxylon, Teramnus labialis, 
Thespesia populnea, Thunbergia fragans, Tillandsia recurvata, Towrne- 
fortia foetidissima, Tournefortia volubilis, Tragus racemosus, Tri- 
bulus cistoides, Triumfetta rhomboidea, Vernonia punctata, Villa- 
milla octandra, Waltheria americana, Wedelia buphthalmoides, 
Zizyphus Jujuba. 




In chapter I of the Third Part I divided the vegetation of the 
Dutch West Indian Islands into three regions: 1. the higher parts, 
2. the level plains and the lower part of the slope of the hills, 
3. the slope of the hills joining the seashore together with the 
seashore. Whereas I refer for further details to the Geographi- 
cal Part J draw the attention to the fact that on St. Eustatius 
the three regions are well developed. In Saba, however there is 
almost no level plain to be seen, whereas in St. Martin there is 
but a very small part of the Island that belongs to the first 
There is a close connection between the above given data and 
the development of the three typical forms of the vegetation. 



The first two names are taken from Eggers Flora of St. Croix and 
the Virgin Islands. 


This type of vegetation is best characterised by the following 
trees: Capparis cynophallophora, Capparis frondosa, Capparis jamai- 
censis, Ardisia coriacea, Rauwolfia Lamarkiana, Linociera compacta, 
Pisonia fragans, Daphnopsis caribaea, Coccoloba diversifolia, Clusia 
alba, Ternstroemia peduncularis, Nectandra coriacea, Inga laurina, 
Picrasma antillana, Ficus populnea, Ficus Urbaniana, Ficus 
Krugiana, Allophylus occidentalis, whereas Eugenia axillaris, 
Eugenia cordata, Eugenia ligustrina, Myrcia splendens, Palicourea 
Payvetta, Psychotria horizontalis, Psychotria rufescens, Chiococca 

Description of the Different Types of the Vegetation. 288 

racemosa, Samyda serrulata, Casearia parvifolia, Byrsonima spicata, 
Erythroxylon havanense, Vernona punctata, are the most predomi- 
nant shrubs. In very humid localities the soil 1s covered by Pe- 
peromia glabella, Peperomia obtusifolia and Pilea semidentata, 

St. Eustatius. 

The Hriodendronvegetation is well developed on the higher parts 
of the Quill and on those parts of the northern hilly country 
that are shut in between the higher tops, viz the ravines. 
Quill. The higher parts of the Quill are covered bya forest of ever- 
green plants and interspersed beween these evergreens there are 
some species with deciduous leaves; all the plants named on pag. 
282 and 283 as typical for the Eriodendronvegetation are to be 
seen here. 

The lower parts of this region show some plants that occur also in 
the Crotonvegetation viz. Acacia, Croton, Lantana, Solanum, Shrubs 
and smaller trees: Chrysobalanus icaco, Symplocos martinicensis, 
Rauwolfia Lamarckiana, Tabernaemontana critrifolia, Lonchocarpus 
violacea, Casearia parvifolia, are forming a dense mixture and 
gradually pass into the forest of the higher tops; there we see 
a real tropical rainforest with its typical features. The trees 
that dominate on this top are: Linociera compacta, Nectandra 
coriacea, Inga laurina, Myrcia paniculata, Myrcia splendens, 
Psychotria rufescens, Eugenia ligustrina, Micoma laevigata, Byr- 
sonima spicata, Clusia alba, Ceiba pentandra, Pisonia fragans, Coc- 
coloba diversifolia, Ardisia guadalupensis, Daphnopsis carabaea, 
Bursera simaruba, Ficus Krugiana, Cestrum laurifolum, Allophylus 
occidentalis, Tecoma leucoxylon, Celtis Iguanacea, Casearia parvi- 
folia, Persea gratissima, Ternstroemia peduncularis, Tabernaemon- 
tana citrifolia, Guettarda scabra, Ficus laevigata. On humid locali- 
ties we see the following plants: Peperomia glabella, Pilea semi- 
dentata, Anthurium oxycardium. Especially the eastern part of the 
Top of the Quill is very humid and there Clusia alba, Linociera 
compacta and Myrtaceae are covered with Tillandsia recurvata. 
The inner slope of the Quill has the same plants, which occur 
on the outer slope, but moreover the following plants are to be seen 
here: Ceiba pentandra, Piper reticulatum and Piper dilatatum, 
Urera Caracasana, Pharus glaber, Panicum divaricatum, Oplis- 
menus setarius, Smilax coriacea, Stenochlaena sorbifolia, Cyathea 
serra, Begonia domingesis, Phoebe elongata, Hyperbaena domin- 
gensis, Pisonia aculeata, Psychotria uliginosa, Palicourea Pavetta, 

284 Phytogeographical. 

Heliconia Bihai, Asplenium obtusifolum, Asplenium cristatum, 
Asplenium serratum, Stenochlaena sorbifolia, Polypodium Phylliti- 
dis, Polypodium lycopodioides, Dryopteris parasitica, whereas 
Boehmeria ramiflora, Peperomia scandens together with Araceae 
cover humid rocks. There occur in the Quill also Coffea arabica, 
Theobroma Cacao, Spondias lutea and Mammea americana. 
Northern hilly country. In the northern hilly country the Erio- 
dendronvegetation is to be found in the ravines and other parts 
which are not exposed to the heavy winds and where a certain 
amount of humus is covering the rocks. 

It may easily be recognised here by the great amount of smaller 
trees and shrubs mentioned on page 282 and 283, whereas the 
higher trees that are to be seen in the Quill are almost absent. 
Moreover there is a great quantity of trees, which certainly are 
not wild here, intermixed with the lower shrubs viz: Tamarindus 
indica, Melicocca bijuga, Moringa oleifera, Spondias purpurea, 
Persea americana. 

The species that predominate here in the northern Eriodendron- 
vegetation are: Rhacoma crossopetalum, Hugenia ligustrina, Eugenia 
procera, Samyda serrulata, Eugenia axillaris, Trema Lamarckiana, 
Pithecolobum unguis-catis, Celtis _Iguanacea, Guettarda parvifolia, 
Schaefferia frutescens, Krugiodendron ferreum, Chiococca racemosa, 
Randia aculeata, Erythroxylon brevipes, Erythroxylon havanense, 
Pisonia aculeata, Guettarda scabra, Bumelia obovata, Anona muri- 
cata, Anona squamosa, Rauwolfia Lamarckiana. 

Here in the northern hilly country no sharp difference can be 
traced between the Eriodendronvegetation and the Crotonvegetation, 
nor between the latter and the Vegetation of the rocky slopes of 
the hills. 

Where this Crotonvegetation begins to change into the Hriodendron- 
vegetation we see the following plants: Lantana Camara, Lantana 
involucrata, Croton flavens, Croton astroites, Bernardia corensis, 
Wedelia buphthalmoides, Melochia tomentosa, Fourcroya gigantea, 
Vernonia punctata, Stylosanthes hamata, Portulaca oleracea, Pani- 
cum divaricatum, Melocactus communis, Tragus racemosus, Ruellia 
tuberosa, Pectis humifusa, Desmanthus virgatus, Sida ciliaris, 
Justicia sessilis, Commelina virginica, Setaria setosa, Jatropha gos- 
sypifolia, Opuntia triacantha, Cordia sulcata, Gouania domingensis, 
Cissus sicyoides, Rhynchosia reticulata, Stigmatophyllon periplo- 
cifolium, Tillandsia utriculata, Phoradendron trinervium. 

The are very few herbaceous plants; only in humid localities 
some species of Peperomia are to be seen. 

Description of the Eriodendronvegetation. 285 


On Saba the Eriodendronvegetation is well developed in the guts 
and those parts of the lower slopes of the hills which are not 
used for cultivation. The plants typical for this vegetation are 
Eugenia axillaris, Pisonia obtusata, Anona muricata, Stenolobium 
Stans, Lantana Camara, Tournefortia foetidissima, Chiococca race- 
mosa, Trema Lamarckiana, Pithecolobium unguis-cati, Allophylus 
occidentalis, Nectandra Krugii, Schoepfia Schreberi, Capparis cyno- 
phallophora, Casearia parvifolia, Hyperbaena domingensis, Pisonia 
aculeata, Celtis Iguanacea, Symplocos martinicencis, Coccoloba 
diversifolia, Myrcia coriacea, Tabernaemontana citrifolia, Coccoloba 
nivea, Capparis frondosa, Chrysobalanus icaco, Inga laurina, Ery- 
throxylon havanense, Picrasma antillana, Daphnopsis caribaea, 
Amomis caryophyllata, Clusia alba, Miconia laevigata, Ardisia 
coriacea, Citharexylum quadrangulare, Cestrum laurifolum, Tecoma 
leucoxylon, Psychotria rufescens. 

It must however be understood that there are but few parts of 
Saba where the HEriodendronvegetation has the same feature as 
that of the northern hilly country of St. Eustatius. Whereas the 
shrubs of the latter contain some Myrtaceae, these plants do 
not occur in Saba in a great quantity; the trees that give a 
typical aspect to the Quill vegetation viz. Linociera compacta, 
Nectandra coriacea, do not occur on Saba except sporadically. 
There is however another part of the Eriodendronvegetation in 
Saba covering the higher tops of the Mointain, where the typical 
plants of a real tropical rainforest occur. 

The greater part of the plants we meet in this part of Saba are 
not known from St. Eustatius and St. Martin and chiefly occur 
in Guadaloupe and other Antilles with high mountains. The feature 
of this rainforest is given to it by the Treeterns: Hemitelia hor- 
rida, Alsophila phalerata, Cyathea serra, Cyathea arborea together 
with Euterpe. 

On the most humid localities occur: Psychotria pendula, Hillia 
parasitica, Marcgravia umbellata, Heliconia Bihai, Fagara martini- 
censis, Nectandra Krugii, Psychotria rufescens, Besleria lutea, 
Gesneria ventricosa, Charianthus crinitus, Peperomia emarginella, 
Peperomia urocarpa, Peperomia hernandifolia, Hymenophyllum 
hirtellum, Trichomanes alatum, Polypodium trichomanoides, Utri- 
cularia alpina, Ornithidium coccineum. The soil is densely covered 
by: Dryopteris parasitica, Dryopteris reticulata, Aspidium Plu- 
mierii, Aspidium trifoliatun, Polybotrya cervina, Neptrolepis exal- 

286 Phytogeographical. 

tata, Diplazium striatum, Blechum occidentale, Stenochlaena sor- 
bifolia, Neurogramme calomelanos, Lonchitis hirsuta, Polypodium 
brasiliense, Polypodium crassifolium, Polypodium loriceum, Poly- 
podium piloselloides, Elaphoglossum conforme, Elaphoglossum lati- 
folium, Gleichenia bifida. 

St. Martin. 

The well developed Eriodendronyegetation of Saba and St. Kusta- 
tius with its typical plants is not so pronounced in St. Martin. 
Small remnants of an in former times well developed Kriodendron 
vegetation are to be found on the tops of the Milldrumhill, Mount 
Paradis, Nakedboyhill, Centryhill and on the higher parts of the 
road from Filipsburg to Marigot. The following plants make it 
sure that these parts are covered by the Eriodendronvegetation : 
Panicum divaricatun, Peperomia obtusifolia, Peperomia glabella, 
Polypodium aureum, Daphnopsis caribaea, Miconia laevigata, 
Tabernaemontana citrifolia, Samyda serrulata, Inga laurina. 
Moreover there are to be seen the following plants: Guettarda scabra, 
Myrcia coriacea, Casearia parvifolia, Pisonia fragrans, Peperomia 
Langsdorffii. Especiallly typical for St. Martin are the many indivi- 
duals that may be found of Samyda serrulata, Coccoloba nivea, 
Pisonia fragrans, Comocladia ilicifolia, Schaefteria frutescens and of 
the following ones unknown from St. Eustatius and Saba: Picram- 
nia pentandra, Bunchosia nitida, Casearia sylvestris, Eugenia mon- 
ticola, Tournefortia hirsutissima,. 

Coccoloba ‘iversifolia, Allophylus occidentalis, Ardisia coriacea, 
Linociera compacta, Cestrum laurifolium do not occur onSt. Martin. 
Where the Crotonvegetation comes in connection with the Krioden- 
dronvegetation, especially in the northern parts of St. Martin we 
find another number of plants not known on the other Dutch 
West Indian Islands viz. Malpighia augustifolia, Bunchosia nitida, 
whereas there occur also in great quantity, Samyda serrulata, Pi- 
sonia subcordata, Capparis frondosa and Capparis jamaicensis. 


The Crotonvegetation is characterised by Croton, Acacia, Lantana, 
Solanum racemosum, Melochia tomentosa, Opuntia triacantha, 
Opuntia Tuna, Opuntia Ficus indica and Melocactus. 

St. Eustatius. 

The level country and the lower parts of the slopes of the hills 


Description of the Eriodendron- and Crotonvegetation, 287 

which are not used by man for agricultural purposes, are covered 
with the Crotonvegetation. Moreover this vegetation is to be 
seen also in the northern hilly country as well on the slopes of 
the hills as on the higher localities viz. Boven. 

Especially in the hilly country there is not a great difference between 
a poorly developed Crotonvegetation and that of the rocky slopes. 
The Crotonvegetation on St. Eustatius has not the same aspect 
over the whole Island. 

Where Croton flavens is predominant and but a few trees like 
Pisonia subcordata are growing among the lower shrubs, the 
Crotonvegetation has a very monotonous aspect and it is not 
very difficult to walk through it; we find this form of the Croton- 
vegetation near Boven. 

In the lower parts of St. Eustatius the Croton is much more 
intermixed with other plants such as Acacia tortuosa, Solanum 
racemosum and igneum, Pisonia subcordata, Tecoma leucoxylon, 
Crescentia Cujete, Ceiba pentandra, Leucaena glauca, Plumbago 
-scandens, Randia aculeata, Jatropha gossypifolia, Lochnera rosea, 
Cassia bicapsularis and other ruderalplants. From the Cactaecae 
there are to be seen Opuntia Tuna, Opuntia Ficus Indica, Opuntia 
triacantha and Melocactus communis. 

Moreover there is a great quantity of Lantana Camara, Lantana 
involucrata, Waltheria americana, Melochia tomentosa, Stigmato- 
phyllon periplocifolium and Tournefortia volubilis. This type op 
the Crotonvegetation, is to be seen especially near Bengalen and 
between Oranjestad and Fort de Wind. 

Still another feature of the Crotonvegetation is to be mentioned 
where Krameria ixina is predominant; this typical Crotonvegeta- 
tion is only to be seen near Fort de Wind; here the plants are 
much smaller and the soil is covered bij ruderalplants. 


The Crotonvegetation of Saba is not well developed; from the 
plants typical for this vegetation on St. Eustatius Acacia Farne- 
siana is not to be seen in Saba, whereas the other plants although 
they occur in Saba are nowhere in such quantities as to predo- 
minate and to form a real Crotonvegetation. 

St. Martin. 

The level part of St. Martin as far as it is not used for agricul- 
tural purposes and the slopes of the surrounding hills are covered 
with the Crotonvegetation. 

288 Phytogeographical. 

This Crotonvegetation has another aspect as the one of St. Eusta- 
tius, owing to different other plants that are intermixed with the 
St. Eustatiusplants viz. Croton betulinus, Euphorbia petiolaris, 
Plumiera alba, Fagara spinifex, Fagara trifoliata, Ditaxis fasciculata, 
Argithamnia candicans, Adelia ricinella, Comocladia ilicifolia, 
Melochia tomentosa, Phyllanthus epyphyllanthus, Coccoloba Krugii, 
Jacquinia Berteri. 

Here also the Crotonvegetation shows some likeness with the 
Kiiodendronvegetation and especially in the Lowlands and near 
Orientbay we see the Crotonvegetation gradually intermixed with 
or replaced by the Eriodendronvegetation; there we find the 
following plants: Eugenia axillaris, Capparis frondosa, Chiococca 
racemosa, Picramnia pentandra, Capparis cynophallophora, Pithe- 
colobium ungius-cati, Comocladia ilicifolia, Casearia parvifolia, 
Samyda serrulata, Croton flavens, Melochia tomentosa, Plumiera alba, 
Acacia Farnesia, Lantana Camara, Lantana involucrata, Argithania 
candicans, Rauwolfia Lamarkiana, Clerodendron aculeatum, Como- 
cladia ilicifolia, Capparis jamaicensis. Byrsonima lucida, Eugenia 
axillaris, Myrcia coriacea, Calyptranthes Boldinghii, Terntroemia 
peduncularis, Chrysobalanus Icaco, Eugenia ligustrina, Ficus lae- 
vigata, Clusia alba, Psidium Guajava, Randia aculeata, Pisonia 
subcordata, Bursera simaruba, Euphorbia petiolaris, Cassia polya- 
dena, Paspalum paniculatum, Stigmatophyllon sericeum, Croton 
betulinus, Ruellia tuberosa, Cassia occidentalis, Stachytarpheta 
jamaicensis, Melocactus communis. 

The Littoralvegetation may easely be divided into: 

1. Vegetation of the beach. 
2. Vegetation of the rocky slopes near the seashore. 
3. Vegetation of the lagoons and the saltponds. 

I. Vegetation of the Beach. 

This vegetation is characterised by: 

Hippomane mancinella, Erithalis fruticosa, Exostemma caribaeum, 
Suriana maritima, Canella alba, Tournefortia gnaphalodes, Scaevola 
Plumieri, Coccoloba uvifera, Ipomoea pescaprae, Heliotropium curas- 
savicum, Sporobolus virginicus. 

Description of the Croton- and the Littoralvegetation. 289 

St. Eustatius. 

This vegetation is only to be seen at the different Bays. 

The trees which mostly occur are Hippomane mancinella and 
Coccoloba uvifera. The smaller plants are Tournefortia gnapha- 
lodes, Suriana maritima and Clerodendron aculeatum, Ipomoea pes- 
caprae, Canavalia obtusifolia, Sporobolus virginicus, Heliotropium 
curassavicum and Lithophila muscoides. 

On localities where the ruderal plants have also invaded into 
the seashore we see the following plants: Caesalpinia ciliata, Ja- 
tropha gossypifola, Lantana Camara, Acacia macracantha, Plum- 
bago scandens and Solanum racemosum igneum. Where the 
seashore does not consist of sand but only of stones the vege- 
tation is still less developed and we only find Portulaca halimoi- 
des, Euphorbia buxifolia, Tephrosia cinerea and Borreria podoce- 


The seashore and accordingly also the Seashorevegetation is al- 
most not developed on Saba; only at Flatpoint there is a small 
beach and the plants to be found there are: Lithophila muscoi- 
des, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Stylosanthes hamata and Turnera 

St. Martin. 

Here the beach is very well developed along the southern part 
of the Island near Grande Case and near Orientbay; the typical 
plants to be met with are: Hrithalis fruticosa, Exostemma cari- 
baeum, Canella alba, Borrichia argentea, Jacquinia armillaris, Su- 
riana maritima, Chrysobalanus icaco, Conocarpus erectus, Strumpfia 
maritima, Jacquinia Berteri, Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus, Caesal- 
pinia ciliata, Caesalpinia crista, Tournefortia gnaphalodes, Scaevola 
Plumierii, Bumelia obovata, Coccoloba uvifera, Ernodea litoralis, 
Ipomoea pescaprae, Heliotropium curassavyicum, Sporobolus virgi- 

Il. Vegetation of the Rocky Slopes near the Seashore. 

I refer to the Geographical and Orological Section where may be 
seen where these rocks are to be found. 

The plants typical for this vegetation are: Coccoloba uvifera, 
Jacquinia armillaris, Tecoma leucoxylon, Rhacoma crossopetalum, 

Conocarpus erectus, Erythalis fruticosa, Melocactus communis, Pe- 

290 Phytogeographical. 

dilanthus tithymaloides, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Aristida 

St. Eustatius. 

This vegetation is formed here by the following plants: Pedilan- 
thus tithymaloides, Fourcroya gigantea, Opuntia spinosissima, 
Lochnera rosea, Croton flavens, Jacquinia armillaris, Erythalis fru- 
ticosa, Melocactus communis, Opuntia triacantha, Opuntia Tuna, 
Opuntia Ficus indica, Jacquinia armillaris, Conocarpus erecta, 
Acacia macracantha, Tecoma leucoxylon, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, 
Pappophorum alopecuroideum, Euphorbia articulata, Hragrostis 
ciliaris, Aristida americana, Pectis humusa. Ernodea littoralis and 
Strumpfia maritima are to be seen on the White Wall only. 

Saba and St. Martin. 

Whereas the plants occurring on the rocky parts of these Islands 
do not differ from those on St. Eustatius this vegetation needs 
no further description. 

I will only mention that Jacquinia armillaris has not been seen 
on Saba. The following summary of the plants found on the small 
Islands Green Island, Green Key and Tintamarre may give an 
idea of the vegetation there. 

On Green Island I collected the following plants: 

Euphorbia articulata, Coccoloba uvifera, Tecoma leucoxylon, Ma- 
riscus brizaeus, Opuntia Funa. 

On Green Key I collected the following plants: Euphorbia buxi- 
folia, Portulaca halimoides, Lantana involucrata, Croton flavens, 
Acacia Farnesiana, Beloperone eustachiana, Lithophila muscoides, 
Tournefortia gnaphalodes, Batis maritima, Hippomane mancinella, 
Opuntia Ficus indica, Melocactus communis, Coccoloba uvifera. 
The vegetation is a mixture of Croton- and Littoralvegetation. 
The Island of Tintamarre that partly is used for cultivation of Cot- 
ton and consists also out of limestone I saw the following plants: 
Mariscus brizaeus, Guajacum officinale, Evolvulus argyraeus, Helio- 
tropium microphyllum, Borrichia arborescens, Jacquemontia pen- 
tantha, Desmanthus depressus, Fagara flava, Panicum prostratum, 
Beureria succulenta, Tournefortia volubilis, Plumiera alba, Pedi- 
lanthes tithymaloides, Bignonia ungius-cati, Hippomane mancinella, 
Rauwolfia Lamarckii, Melochia tomentosa, Croton flavens, Croton 
betulinus, Amarantus polygonoides, Cenchrus tribuloides, Pappo- 
phorum alopecuroideum, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Erithalis fruti- 

Description of the Different Types of the Vegetation. 291 

cosa, Myrcia splendens, Rhacoma crossopetalum, Stigmatophyllon 
periplocifolium, Argithamnia candicans, Turnera ulmifolia. 

On this Island as may be seen from the above mentioned species 
there is a typical Littoral- and Crotonvegetation which wholly 
resembles the one on St. Martin. 

Ill. Vegetation of the Lagoons and the Saltponds. 

This Vegetation is to be seen on St. Martin only; the typical 
plants are Rhizophora Mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia 
nitida. Accordingly we find here a Mangrovevegetation whereas 
in the neighbourhood of the Saltponds are to be seen Batis mari- 
tima, Pycreus flavescens, Eleocharis capitata together with other 
small plants of the beach. 


This vegetation needs no further explanation as it is of no phy- 
togeographical interest; for further details I refer to page 270, 274, 
275, 280 and 281. 

‘From the data given by Feenstra in his: De Nederlandsche West- 
Indische eilanden etc. as well as from the data gathered by my- 
self when collecting the plants on the different parts of the Is- 
lands it is evident that in former time a much greater part of 
St. Eustatius was in cultivation; I refer also to the Rapport of 
Went; not only the northern hilly country but also the inner part 
of the Quill shows some plants that certainly were introduced 
there by man. 

The greater part of the localities of Saba that are apt for culti- 
vation is used for that purpose whereas on St. Martin the greater 
part of the level plains and the lower slopes of the hills are in 
cultivation; the top of Mount Paradis certainly was used in for- 
mer times for the same purposes. 

The well developed meadows in St. Martin take up a great part 
of this Island. 


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Vol. VI. fase. I. 1909: 

Urban 1893 = I. Urban: Additamenta ad cognitionem florae Indiae 

occidentalis in Engler’s Botan. Jahrb. I. in vol. XV (1892) p. 


Urban 1895 = J. Urban: Additamenta ad cognitionem florae Indiae 

occidentalis in Engler’s Botan. Jahrb. II. in vol. XTX (1894—95) 

p. 562—681. 

Urban 1896 = J. Urban: Additamenta ad cognitionem florae Indiae 
occidentalis in Engler’s Botan. Jahrb. III. in vol. X XI (1896). 
p. 514—638. 

Vesque 1893 = J. Vesque. Guttiferae in De Candolle Monographiae 
Phanerogamarum, vol. VIII. 1893. 

F. A. F. C. Went: Rapport omtrent den toestand van land- en 
tuinbouw op de Nederlandsche Antillen, bijlage V van het 
Koloniaal verslag van Curagao van 1902. 


Adam’s needle = Yucca aloifolia Linn. 36. 
Adonis =- Duranta repens Linn. 170. 

Adonisabbot — Leonotis nepetaefolia R. Br. 172. 
Almond tree = Terminalia Catappa Linn. 143. 
Aloe = Aloe vera Linn. 36. 

Antigua balsam = Rauwolfia Lamarkii DC. 157. 
Arrowroot = Maranta arundinacea Linn. 40. 
Avocado = Persea americana Mill. 70. 

Bachelor’s button = Gomphrena globosa Linn. 58. 
Bahama grass = Cynodon dactylon Pers. 22. 
Balsam tree = Bursera simaruba Sarg. 103. 
Banso = Samyda serrulata Linn. 136. 

Basil = .Ocimum basilicum Linn. 175. 

Basket hibisc = Hibiscus schizopetalus Hook. f. 130. 
Basket hoop = Smilax guianensis Vitman. 37. 
Bastard black berry = Eugenia procera Poir. 148. 
Bastard bough = Picramnia pentandra Sw. 103. 

Bastard cuncker berry = Psychotria rufescens H. B. et K. 

Bastard catclauw = Polypodium lycopodioides Linn. 8. 
Bastard cherry = Malpighia augustifolia Linn. 105. 
Bastard cinnamom = Ardisia coriacea Sw. 151. 
Bastard nettle = Acalypha chamaedrifolia Miill-Arg. 110. 
Bastard white root = Aegiphyla martinicensis Jacq. 171. 
Bayberry = Amomis caryophyllata Kr, et Urban. 144. 
Bellapple = Passiflora laurifolia Linn, 138. 
Big yellow popbush = Crotalaria retusa Linn. 87. 
Billyache = Rauwolfia Lamarkii DC. 157. 
Bitterroot = Cassia occidentalis Linn. 84. 
Birdsberry = Eugenia monticola DC. 147. 

= Myrcia paniculata Kr. et Urban. 145. 
Bitterpot = Urechites suberecta Miill-Arg. 157. 
Blackberry = Eugenia ligustrina Willd, 147. 


296 Vernacular Names. 

Blackcherry = Eugenia ligustrina Willd. 147. 

= Randia aculeata Linn. 188. 
Black lobloly tree = Pisonia fragrans Dumont. 61. 
Black mangeniel = Euphorbia petiolaris Curt. 116. 
Black sage = Croton betulinus Vahl. 109. 
Black sweetwood = Nectandra Krugii Mez. 71. 

Black toarch = Melochia tomentosa Linn. 132. 
Blisterbush = Plumbago scandens Linn. 152. 
Birdpepper = Capsicum dulce Hort. 176. 
Blueberry = Symplocos martinicensis Jacq. 153. 
Blydog = Cassia bicapsularis Linn. 83. 
Boulanger = Solanum Melongena Linn. 177. 
Boxwood = Murraya exotica Linn. 101. 

= Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. 121. 
Bracelet = Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. 99. 

Breadfruit tree = Artocarpus incisa Linn. f. 48. 
Bridgo tree = Linociera compacta R. Br. 154. 
Bruckroot = Chiococca racemosa Jacq. 190. 
Bugal plant = Russelia juncea Zuccar. 180. 
Bullgrass = Mariscus brizaeus C. B. Clarke. 27. 
Burrgrass = Cenchrus tribuloides Linn. 20. 
Button wood = Conocarpus erectus Linn. 143. 
Calabash = Crescentia Cujete Linn. 183. 
Calaloe = Amarantus tristis Linn. 57. 
Canckerberry = Solanum racemosum Jacq. 177. 

Candle wood — Guettarda scabra Lam. 189. 
Cane grass = Panicum divaricatum Linn. 16. 
Cannon — Canna indica Linn. 40. 

Casha = Acacia Farnesiana Willd. 79. 
Cashew = Anacardium occidentale Linn. 118. 
Cassave = Manihot utilissima Pohl. 114. 
Castoroil plant — Ricinus communis Linn. 112. 
Casuarine = Casuarina equisetifolia Linn. 44. 
Cat claw = Bignonia unguis—cati Linn. 181. 
Cat nip = Salvia serotina Linn. 173. 
Centepeeplant — Comocladia ilicifolia Sw. 119. 
Charlotten = Allium ascalonicum Linn. 36. 
Cherry = Anacardium occidentale Linn. 118. 
= Malpighia punicifolia Linn. 106. 
Choaky berry = Eugenia axillaris Willd. 146. 
Chickenweed = Euphorbia pilulifera Linn. 116. 
Children chickenweed = Huphorbia thymifolia Linn. 117. 

Blackcherry—Goatbush. 297 

Churchblossom = Capparis frondosa Jacq. 75. 
Churchyardblossom = Lochnera rosea Reichb. 156. 
Cinnamon tree = Amomis caryophyllata Kr. et Urban. 144, 
Cockspur = Pisonia aculeata Linn. 61. 

= Xylosma buxifolium A. Gray 136. 
Cocoa = Theobroma Cacao Linn. 133. 
Cocoaplum = Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. 77. 
Coffee = Coffea arabica Linn. 191. 
Coralita = Antigonon leptopus Hook. et Arn. 55. 
Coralplant = Jatropha multifida Linn, 113. 
Crabgrass = Pappophorum alopecuroideum Vahl. 24. 

= Paspalum conjugatum Bergius, 14. 

Crabwood = Pithecolobium unguis-cati Benth. 78. 
Crack open = Casearia parvifolia Willd. 137. 
Creole casha = Acacia macracantha Humb. et Bonpl. 79. 

Creole corn — Andropogon sorghum Brot. 13. 
Creole cotton = Gossypium barbadense Linn. 130. 
Croton = Codiaeum variegatum BI. 114. 
Curacao prickle = Nopalea coccinellifera Salm-Dyck. 142. 
Custard apple = Anona reticulata Linn. 69. 
Devil’s bit = Ruellia tuberosa Linn. 185. 
Different coloured jessamine = Quisqualis indica Linn. 143, 
Divi divi = Caesalpinia coriaria Willd. 86. 
Dogwood = Piscidia piscipula Sarg. 92. 
Dutch casha = Acacia tortuosa Willd. 80. 
Dutch grass = Eleusine indica Girtn. 23. 
Elder = Sambucus canadensis Linn. 195. 
Eucharis lily = Eucharis grandiflora Planch. et Linden. 38. 
Eye bright = Heliotropium indicum Linn. 166. 
= Heliotropium parviflorum Linn. 167. 

Fat pork = Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. 77. 
Fire weed = Datura fastuosa Linn. 179. 

= Datura Metel Linn. 179. 

= Stramonium Linn. 179. 
Fishing rod — Randia aculeata Linn. 183. 
Flambeau = Erithalis fruticosa Linn. 190. 
Flamboyant = Poinciana regia Boy. 85. 
Four o’ clock = Mirabilis Jalapa Linn. 60. 
Fox tail = Erigeron canadensis Linn. 199. 
French casha = Acacia macracantha Humb. et Bonpl. 79. 
Gingerbush = Pavyonia spinifex Cay. 129. 
Goatbush = Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium A. Juss. 105. 

298 Vernacular Names. 

Gooseberry = Phyllanthus nobilis Mtill-Arg. 108. 
Granadilla = Passiflora quadrangularis Linn. 139. 
Grave physicnut — Jatropha curcas Linn. 113. 
Guaveberry = Eugenia floribunda West. 146. 
Guave tree = Psidium Guayava Linn. 144. 
Gum tree = Bursera simaruba Sarg. 108. 
Guineacorn = Andropogon sorghum Brot. 13. 
Guineagrass = Panicum maximum Jacq. 17. 
Guinea tamarind — Adansonia digitata Linn. 130. 
Haguebush = Clerodendron aculeatum Gris. 171. 
Haryplum = Hirtella triandra Sw. 78. 
Hawthorn = Hibiscus radiatus Cay. 129. 
Haygrass = Panicum sanguinale Linn. 18. 
Hibisc = Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis Linn. 129. 
Hog meat = Boerhaavea hirsuta Willd. 60. 
Hollyhock = Byrsonima spicata L. Cl. Rich. 107. 
Hollystalk = Hyptis pectinata Poit. 174. 
Honeyberry = Eugenia uniflora Linn. 148. 
Hoofdpijnblad = Operculina ventricosa Peter. 161. 
Indian shot = Canna indica Linn. 40. 
Ipecacuanha = Asclepias nivea Linn. 158. 
Ironberry = Krugiodendron ferreum Urb. 128. 
Jeruzalem thorn = Parkinsonia aculeata Linn. 85. 
Joseph’s coat = Euphorbia heterophylla Linn. 115. 
July tree = Poinciana regia Boj. 85. 
Jumbybeans = Abrus precatorius 93. 
Jumby pepper = Rivina humilis Linn. 63. 
Karata = Fourcroya gigantea Vent. 38. 
Kinnup tree = Melicocca bijuga Linn. 122. 
Klapper = Pitcairnia angustifolia Redouté 32. 
Lace plant = Pilea microphylla Liebm. 50. 
Lady of the night = Brunfelsia americana Linn. 180. 
Leaf of live = Bryophyllum pinnatum 8. Kurz. 77. 
Lemongrass = Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn. 18. 
Liberty tree = Calotropis procera R. Br. 158. 
Lilac = Melia azedarach Linn. 104. 
Lilac bell = Calonyction speciosum Choisy 163. 
Lilac bush = Croton lobatus Linn. 110. 
Lilac verbena = Verbena chamaedrifolia Juss. 167. 
Lime tree = Bursera simaruba Sarg. 103. 
Liquorice plant = Abrus precatorius Linn. 93. 

= Cassia fistula Linn. 84. 

Gooseberry—Orebian Jessamine. 299 

Lizardsgrass = Sporobolus indicus R. Br. 22. 
Locust = Hymenaea Courbaril Linn. 82. 
Logwood = Haematoxylon campechianum Linn. 85. 
Longgras = Panicum insulare G. F. W. Mey 17. 
Love wine = Cuscuta americana Linn. 159. 
Mahagony = Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. 104. 
Maho = Daphnopsis caribaea Gris. 142. 
Maidenapple = Momordica Charantia Linn. 195. 
Maidenhair = Adiantum tenerum Sw. 7. 
Mammie = Mammea americana Linn. 134. 
Man better man = Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam. 57. 
Man of war bush = Capparis cynophallophora Linn. 74. 
Mangeniel tree = Hippomane mancinella Linn. 114. 
Mango tree = Mangifera indica Linn. 118. 
Man jack = Cordia sulcata DC. 164. 
Mappoo = Pisonia subcordata Sw. 62. 
Maria pompoen — Ibatia maritima Dene. 159. 
Marrown = Croton flavens Linn. 109. 
Mash mellow = Sida cordifolfa Linn. 128. 

= Waltheria americana Linn, 132. 
Massamby = Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC. 73. 
Milky tree — Tabernaemontana critifolia Jacq. 156. 
Mastic tree = Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. 152. 
Millerwood = Quararibea turbinata Poir. 131. 
Miminet — Lawsonia inermis Linn. 142. 
Mimosa = Leucana glauca Benth. 80. 
Mispel = Achras sapota Linn. 152. 
Monkeytail = Anthurium cordatum G. Don. 30. 
Moringo = Moringa oleifera Lam. 76. 
Mosquito basil = Ocimum micranthum Willd. 175. 
Mountaingrass = Scleria lithosperma Sw. 29. 
Mulegrass = Aristida americana Linn. 21. 
Mustard = Brassica integrifolia O. E. Schulz 72. 
Mustard tree = Capparis cynophallophora Linn. 74. 
Myrtle lemon = Triphasia trifoliata P. DC. 101. 
Noyeaux = Ipomoea pentaphylla Jacq. 162. 
Nutgrass = Cyperus rotundus Linn. 27. 
Old man’s beard = Tillandsia recurvata Linn. 33. 

= Tillandsia usneoides. Linn. 33. 

Oleander = Nerium Oleander Linn. 158. 
Orchids purslane = Peperomia glabella A. Dietz. 45. 
Orebian jessamine = Jasminum undulatum Ker. Gawl. 154. 

300 Vernacular Names. 

Papao = Carica Papaya Linn. 189. 
Paragrass = Panicum molle Sw. 18. 
Parakiet — Pedilanthus tithymaloides Port. 117. 
Pea nut — Arachis hypogaea Linn. 90. 
Pea withe = Rhynchosia reticulata P. DC. 97. 
Pear tree = Persea americana Mill. 70. 
Pepper cinnamon = Canella alba Murr. 135. 
Physicnut = Jatropha gossypifolia Linn. 118. 
Picrous bark = Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. 150. 
Pigeonberry = Eugenia axillaris Willd. 146. 
Pigeonwood = Plumiera alba Linn. 155. 
Pingwing = Bromelia pinguin Linn. 3]. 
Pita = Fourcroya gigantea Vent. 38. 
Plum rose = Eugenia Jambos Linn. 147. 
Pomegranate tree = Punica Granatum Linn. 143 
Popehead = Melocactus communis Link et Otto 140. 
Poppy = Cosmos sulfureus Cav. 204. 
Potatoes = Solanum tuberosum Linn, 179. 
Potta potta — Boerhaavea hirsuta Willd 60. 
Prickly balsam = Justicia sessilis Jacq. 186. 
Pride of Barbados = Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw. 86. 
Prince plum = Amarantus paniculatus Linn. 56. 
Pudding withe = Cissus sicyoides Linn. 124. 
Pumpkin = Cucumis Anguria Linn. 195, 
Purple popbush = Crotalaria verrucosa Linn, 87. 
Purple wormbush = Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Vahl. 169. 
Quaker blossom = Plumbago capensis Thunb. 151. 
Queen of Cribflower = Lagerstroemia indica Linn. 142. 
Rabbitmeat — Salvia occidentalis Sw. 173. 
Red frangepane = Plumiera rubra Linn. 156. 
Red man = Comocladia ilicifolia Sw. 119. 
Red plum = Spondias purpurea Linn. 119. 
Red wood = Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. 53. 

= Inga laurina Willd. 78. 

= Myrcia paniculata Kr. et Urban 145. 
Rhamni = Sanseviera guineensis Willd. 36. 
Rice plant = Ixora Jucunda Twaithes 191. 
Roucou = Bixa Orellana Linn. 135. 
Runninggrass = Panicum prostratum Lam. 18. 
Running mountaingrass = Oplismenus setarius R. et Sch. 19. 
Sage = Lantana Camara Linn. 167. 

= Lantana involucrata Linn. 168. 

Papao—Susanna Berry. 301 

Saltpond tree = Avicennia nitida Jacq. 172. 
Sandbox tree — Hura crepitans Linn. 115. 
Sapodille — Achras sapota Linn. 152. 
Scarlet accordia = Cordia Sebestena Linn. 164. 
Sea grape = Coccoloba uvifera Jacq. 54. 
Sea lavendel — Heliotropium curassavicum Linn. 166. 
Sea peas — Canavalia obtusifolia P. DC. 96. 
Sea purslane = Tournefortia gnaphalodes R. Br. 165. 
Sea wine — Ipomoea pescaprae Roth. 162. 
Senna — Tephrosia cathartica Urb. 88. 
— Tephrosia cinerea Pers. 88. 

Shame lady shame — Mimosa pudica Linn. 81. 
Shellplant — Costus speciosus Sw. 40. 
Silk cotton purslane = Portulaca halimoides Linn. 66. 
Silk cotton tree — Ceiba pentandra Girtn, 131. 
Sistern pea nut = Alysicarpus nummularifolius P. DC. 92. 
Sistern weed = Desmodium triflorum P. DC. 91. 
Slingercactus — Cereus triangularis Haworth 140. 
Small yellow popbush == Crotalaria incana Linn. 87. 
Snakeberry tree — Rauwolfia Lamarckii DC. 157. 
Snaky = Celtis Iguanacea Sarg. 47. 
Snap dragon = Angelonia angustifolia Benth 180. 
Snijboontjes = Phaseolus vulgaris Linn. 97. 
Soapbush — Sida carpinifolia Linn. f. 127. 
Sour prickle = Opuntia Tuna Mill. 141. 
Sour sap = Anona muricata Linn. 68. 
Spanish casha — Acacia macracantha Humb. et Bonpl. 79. 
Spanish dagger — Yucca aloifolia Linn. 386. 
Spanish lady = Opuntia triacantha Haworth. 141. 
Sprainbush — Chenopodium murale Linn. 55. 
Sprainbush wine = Cardiospermum halicacabum. Linn 121. 
Sprain leaf — Calotropis procera R. Br. 158. 
Star of Bethlehem — Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. 117. 
Stinging nettle — Fleurya aestuans Gaudich. 50. 
Stinging thyme = Coleus amboinicus Lour. 174. 
Stinkwood — Piscidia piscipula Sarg. 92. 
Strawberry — Cereus triangularis Haworth. 140. 
Sugarygrape = Coccoloba nivea Jacq. 53. 
Surinaam bitter — Phyllanthus niruri Linn. 108. 
Surinaam cherries = Eugenia uniflora Linn, 148. 

= Myrcia splendens DC. 145. 
Susanna berry — Citharexylum quadrangulare Jacq. 170. 

302 Vernacular Names. 

Sweet broom = Scoparia dulcis Linn, 181. 
Sweet gourd = Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. 196. 
Sweet potatoes = Ipomoea batatas Poir. 161. 
Sweet prickle = Opuntia Ficus indica Mill. 141. 
Sweetwood — Nectandra coriacea Griseb. 70. 
Tamarind = Tamarindus indica Linn. 82. 
Tantan = Leucaena glauca Benth, 80. 
Thistle = Argemone mexicana Linn. 71. 
Tomate = Solanum lycopersicum Linn. 177. 
Tiger tongue = Sesbania grandiflora Pers. 89, 
Vervine = Bouchea Ehrenbergii Cham, 169. 
Wall purslane = Peperomia petiolaris C. DC. 47. 
Waterthistle = Neptunia plena Benth. 82. 
Watergrass —= Commelina virginica Linn. 34. 
White beans = Phaseolus lunatus Linn. 97. 
White cap = Ageratum conyzoides Linn. 197. 
White ceder = Tecoma leucoxylon Mart. 182. 
White coralita = Porana paniculata Roxb. 160. 
White frangepane = Plumiera aiba Linn. 155. 
White honeysuckle = Lonicera japonica Thunb. 195. 
White hoop = Villamilla octandra Hook. f. 63. 
White lavendel = Tournefortia gnaphalodes R. Br. 165. 
White polly = Amarantus polygonoides Linn. f. 56. 
White root — Gouania domingensis Linn, 128. 
White chank = Beureria succulenta Jaeq. 164. 
White snow = Drymaria cordata Willd. 67. 
White snowdrop = Zephyrantes carinata Herb. 37. 
White snowplant = Iresine elatior L. Cl. Rich. 58. 
White withe = Smilax coriacea Spr. 37. 
Wild banana — Batis maritima Linn. 40. 

= Heliconia Bihai Linn. 40. 
Wild cane = Panicum divaricatum Linn. 16. 

= Piper reticulatum Linn. 45. 

Wild cherry = Guettarda parvifolia Sw. 189. 
Wild clover = Stylosanthes hamata Taubert. 89. 
Wild coffee = Picramnia pentandra Sw. 103. 
Wild date = Aleurites moluccana Willd. 113. 
Wild guave = Guettarda scabra Lam. 189. 

= Samyda serrulata Linn. 136. 
Wild indigo = Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. 88. 
Wild maho = Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. 125. 
Wild mammie = Clusia alba Jacq. 135. 

Sweet Broom—Yellow Saunder. 803 

Wild marrow = Croton astroites Dryand. 108. 
Wild massamby = Polanisia viscosa DC. 73. 
Wild misple = Morisonia americana Linn. 76. 
Wild papaw = Cecropia peltata Linn. 50. 
Wild peas = Cassia glandulosa Linn. 84. 

= Desmodium supinum P. DC. 91. 
Wild pepper = Solanum nigrum nodiflorum Linn. 177. 
Wild pine = Tillandsia utriculata Linn. 33. 
Wild potatowine = Ipomoea fastigiata Sweet 161. 
Wild salad = Sonchus oleraceus Linn. 207. 
Wild senna = Krameria ixina Linn. 85. 
Wild tantan = Desmanthus yirgatus Willd. 81. 
Wild tea = Capraria biflora Linn. 180. 
Wild tobacco = Vernonia punctata Sw. 196. 
Wonder tree = Parkinsonia aculeata Linn. 85. 
Wormbush = Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn. 55. 

Yellow balsem — Croton flavens Linn. 109. 
Yellow bell — Allamanda cathartica Linn. 155. 
Yellow blossom — Stenolobium stans Seem. 182. 

Yellow plum = Spondias lutea Linn. 119. 

Yellow prickle = Fagara martinicensis P. DC. 100. 
Yellow sage = Wedelia buphthalmoides Gris. 202. 
Yellow saunder = Fagara flava Kr. et Urb. 100. 


*Abelmoschus moschatus Médik. 

Abrus precatorius Linn. 93. 

Abutilon crispum Sweet. 126. 

Abutilon indicum Sweet. 126. 

Acacia Farnesiana Willd. 79. 

Acacia macracantha Humb. et 
Bonpl. 79. 

Acacia riparia H. B. K. 80. 

Acacia sarmentosa Gris. 80. 

Acacia tortuosa Willd. 80. 

Acalypha chamaedrifolia Miill- 
iNvess WAIL 

Acalypha Poiretii Spreng. 111. 

Acalypha reptans Sw. 111. 

*Acalypha Wilkesiana Miill-Arg. 

Acanthaceae 184. 

Acanthospermum humile DC. 

Acnistus arborescens Schlecht. 

*Achras sapota Linn. 152. 

Achyranthes aspera var. obtusi- 
folia Gris. 57. 

Achyranthes obtusifolia Lam. 

Acrostichum conforme Sw. 10. 

Acrostichum latifolium Sw. 10. 

Acrostichum viscosum Vent. 10. 

Actinostemon caribaeum Gris. 

*Adansonia digitata Linn. 130. 
Adelia pedunculosa A. Rich. 111. 
Adelia ricinella Linn. 111. 
*Adenanthera pavonina Linn. 82. 
Adiantum tenerum Sw. 7. 
Adicea microphylla O. Ktze, 51. 
Aechmea lingulata Baker. 32. 
Aegiphila martinicensis Jacq. 
Ageratum conyzoides Linn. 197. 
Aizoaceae 64. 
*Albizzia lebbek Benth. 79. 
*Aleurites moluccana Benth. 113. 

! *Allamanda cathartica Linn. 155. 

*Allium ascalonicum Linn. 36. 

Allophylus occidentalis Radek. 

Aloe vera Linn. 36, 

Aloe vulgaris Lam. 36. 

Alternanthera achyrantha R. Br. 

nov. 58. 

Alternanthera muscoides Bent. et 
Hook, 59. 

Alternanthera repens O.Ktze. 58. 

Alsophila phalerata Mart. 2. 

*Althaea officinalis Linn. 126. 

Alysicarpus nummularifolius P. 
DC: 92. 

Alysicarpus vaginalis P. DC. 92. 

Amarantaceae 56. 

crucis. Comb. 


Amarantus caudatus Linn. 56. 
Amarantus gangeticus Linn, 57. 
Amarantus gracilis Desf. 56. 
*Amarantus paniculatus Linn. 56. 
Amarantus polygonoides Linn, 
Amarantus spinosus Linn. 56. 
Amarantus tristis Linn. 57. 
Amaryllidaceae 37. 
Amaryllis carinata Spreng. 37. 
Amaryllis equestris Ait. 38. 
Amblogyne polygonoides Raf. 56. 
Ambrosia crithmifolia DC, 201. 
*Ambrosia hispida Purch 201. 
Amomis caryophyllata Kr. et 
Urb. 144. 
Amyris elemifera Linn. 101. 
Anacardiaceae 118. 
*Anacardium occidentale Linn. 
Anamonis fragrans Gris. 146. 
Anamonis punctata Gris. 146. 
*Ananas sativus Schult. 32. 
Anatherum bicorne Beauv. 13. 
Anatherum macrourum Gris. 18 
Andira inermis H. B. K. 93. 
Andira jamaicensis Urb. 93. 
Andropogon bicornis Linn. 13. 
Andropogon contortus Linn. 13. 
Andropogon glomeratus Britton. 
Andropogon macrouros Micha. 13. 
“Andropogon Schoenanthus Linn. 
Andropogon secundus Willd. 13. 
*Andropogon sorghum Brot. 13. 
Andropogon squarrosus Linn, f. 
Andropogon zizanoides Urb. 13. 
“Angelonia angustifolia Benth. 
Anonaceae 68. 


Anona montana Macf. 68. 
*Anona muricata Linn. 68. 
*“Anona reticulata Linn. 69. 
*“Anona squamosa Linn. 69. 
Anthephora elegans Schreb. 13. 
Anthephora hermaphroditica O. 
Ktze. 13. 
Anthurium cordatum G. Don. 30. 
*Antigonon cinerascens Mart. et 
Gal. 55. 
Arn. 55. 
Apocynaceae 155. 
Araceae 30. 
“Arachis hypogaea Linn. 90. 
Ardisia coriacea Sw. 151. 
Ardisia guadalupensis Duchass. 
Argemone mexicana Linn. 71. 
Argithamnia candicans Sw. 110. 
Aristida americana Linn. 21. 
Aristolochiaceae 53. 
“Aristolochia odoratissima Linn. 
Aristolochia trilobata Linn. 
Artanthe Bredemeyeri Gris. 
Artocarpus communis Forst. 
Artocarpus incisa Linn. fil. 
Asclepiadaceae 158. 
Asclepias Curassavica Linn. 
Asclepias nivea Linn. 158. 
Aspidium conterminum Willd. 2. 
Aspidium exaltatum Sw. 3. 
Aspidium molle Sw. 2. 
Aspidium Plumierii Presl. 3. 
Aspidium trifoliatum Sw. 3. 
Asplenium auritum Sw. 4. 
Asplenium bipartitum Spr. 4. 
Asplenium cristatum Lam. 4. 
Asplenium monanthes Linn. 4. 
Asplenium obtusifolium Linn. 4. 
Asplenium pumilum Sw. 5. 

leptopus Hook. et 


Asplenium rhizophorum Linn. 4. 
cicutarium Sw. 4. 
Asplenium serratum Linn. 5. 
Asplenium striatum Presi. 4. 
Avicennia nitida Jacq. 172. 
Ayenia pusilla Linn. 132. 
Baccharis cotinifolia Urb. 199. 
Baccharis dioica Gris. 199. 
Balsaminaceae 1238. 
Basellaceae 67. 
Batidaceae 47. 
Batis maritima Linn. 47. 
*Bauhinia Kappleri Sagot. 83. 
Begoniaceae 139. 
Begonia domingensis DC. 189. 
*Belamcanda punctata Moench.39. 
Beloperone eustachiana Benth. 
Benthamantha caribaea Benth.89. 
Bernardia corensis Miull-Arg.111. 
Besleria lutea Linn. 185. 
Beureria succulenta Jacq. 164. 
Bidens bipinnatus Linn. 203. 
Bidens leucantha Willd. 204. 
Bidens pilosa Linn, 204. 
Bignoniaceae 181. 
*Bignonia Unguis-cati Linn. 181. 
Bignonia spec. 182. 
Bixaceae 135. 
*Bixa Orellana Linn. 135. 
Blechnum occidentale Linn. 5. 
Blechum Blechwm Millsp. 185. 
Blechum Brownei Juss. 185. 
Boehmeria ramiflora Jacq. 52. 
Boerhaavea erecta Linn. 60. 
Boerhaavea hirsuta Willd. 60. 
Boerhaavea paniculata L. Cl. 
Rich. 60. 
Boerhaavea repens Linn. 60. 
Boerhaavea scandens Linn. 61. 
Bombacaceae 130. 
“Bontia daphnoides Linn. 187. 

Index to the First Part. 

Borraginaceae 164. 

Borreria ocymoides DC, 194. 

Borreria podocephala DC. 194. 

Borrichia arborescens DC. 202. 

Bouchea Ehrenbergii Cham. 169. 

“Boussingaultia baselloides H. B. 
It, (7h 

Bouteloua juncifolia Lag. 21. 

Bouteloua litigosa Lag. 21. 

Brachyrrhamphus intybaceus DC. 

Bradburya virginianum O. Ktze. 

Brassavola cucullata R. Br. 43. 

Brassavola rigida comb. noy. 43. 

Brassica integrifolia O. HE. Schulz. 

Bromeliaceae 31. 

*Bromelia pinguin Linn. 31. 

*Brunfelsia americana Linn. 180. 

Bryophyllum calycinum Saltisb. 

Bryophyllum pinnatum 8. Kurz. 

Bumelia cuneata Sw. 1538. 

Bumelia obovata A. DC. 153. 

Bunchosia jamaicensis Urb. et 
Niedenz. 106. 

Bunchosia nitida L. Cl. Rich. 106. 

Burseraceae 103. 

Bursera gummifera Jacq. 103. 

Bursera simaruba Sarg. 108. 

Byrsonima crassifolia H. B. K. 

Byrsonima lucida L. Cl. Rich. 

Byrsonima martinicensis Kr. et 
Urb. 107. 

Byrsonima spicata L. Cl. Rich. 

Cactaceae 140. 

Caesalpinia ciliata Urb. 86. 

Asplenium—Chenopodium. 307 

Caesalpinia coriaria Willd. 86. 
Caesalpinia crista Linn. 86, 

*“Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw. 86. 

Cajanus cajan Millsp. 96. 
*Cajanus indicus Spreng. 96. 
Cakile aequalis L’ Herit. 72. 

Cakile lanceolata O. E. Schulz. 72. 

Callisia repens Linn, 35, 

Calotropis procera R. Br, 158. 

Calonyction speciosum Choisy. 

Calonyction tuba Colla. 163. 

Calyptranthes Boldinghii Urb. 

Canavalia obtusifolia P. DC. 96. 

Canavalia spec. 96. 
Canellaceae 135. - 
Canella alba Murr. 135. 
Cannaceae 40. 

Canna indica Linn. 40. 
Capparidaceae 73. 

Capparis amygdalina Lam. 73. 

Capparis Breynia Jacq. 73. 

Capparis coccolobifolia Mart. 74. 
Capparis cynophallophora Linn. 


Capparis cynophallophora var. 

latifolia Gris. 74. 
Capparis frondosa Jacq. 75. 

Capparis jamaicensis Jacq. 75. 

Capraria biflora Linn. 180. 
Caprifoliaceae 195. 
*Capsicum dulce Hort. 176. 

*Capsicum frutescens Linn. 176. 

Cardiospermum halicacabum 
Linn, 121. 

Caricaceae 139. 

*Carica Papaya Linn. 139. 

Caryophyllaceae 67. 

Casearia parvifolia Willd. 137. 

ceratocarpum Fing. 

Casearia sylvestris Sw. 137. 

*Cassia alata Linn. 83. 

Cassia bicapsularis Linn. 83. 

*Cassia fistula Linn. 84. 

Cassia glandulosa Linn. 84. 

Cassia obovata Collad. 84. 

Cassia occidentalis Linn, 84. 

Cassia polyadena DC. 85, 

Casuarinaceae 44. 

“Casuarina equisetifolia Linn. 44. 

Catopsis nutans Griseb. 34. 

Cecropia peltata Linn. 50. 

“Ceiba pentandra Gartn. 131. 

Celastraceae 119. 

*Celosia argentea Linn. 56. 

Celosia nitida Vahl. 56. 

Celtis aculeata Sw. 47. 

Celtis Iguanacea Sarg. 47. 

Cenchrus tribuloides Linn. 20. 

Centrosema virginianum Benth. 

Cereus compressus Mill. 140. 

Cereus grandiflorus Mill. 140. 

Cereus Peruvianus Mill. 140. 

Cereus triangularis Haw. 140. 

Cereus spec. 140. 

Cestrum lJaurifolium L’Hér. 179. 

Chaetochloa glauca Linn, 19. 

Chaetochloa setosa Sw. 20. 

Chaetogastra chironioides Gris. 

Chaetogastra strigosa Cogn. 148. 

Chamaecrista glandulosa Linn. 

Chaptalia nutans Hemsl. 206. 

Charianthus crinitus Naud. 148. 

Charianthus nodosus crinitus 
Naud. 149. 

Cheilanthes microphylla Sw. 6. 

Chenopodiaceae 55, 

Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn. 


Chenopodium murale Linn. 55. 

Chiococca racemosa Jacq. 190. 
Chloris ciliata Sw. 23. 
Chloris paraguaiensis Steud. 23. 
Chloris radiata Sw. 23. 
Chrysobalanus icaco Linn. 77. 
Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. 
Chrysophyllumglabrum Jacq. 153 
Cicca antillana A. Juss. 108. 
Cicca disticha Linn. 107. 
Cissampelos Pareira Linn. 68. 
Cissus obovata Vahl, 124. 
Cissus sicyoides Linn. 124. 
Citharexylum quadrangulare 
Jacq. 170. 
*Citrus limonum Risso. 102. 
Cladium restioides Benth. 29. 
Cleome graveolens Rafin. 73. 
Cleome pentaphylla Linn. 73. 
Cleome viscosa Linn. 73. 
Clerodendron aculeatum Gris. 
Clerodendron fallax Lindl. 171. 
Clerodendron fragans Willd. 171. 
Clerodendron Thomsonae Balf. 
Clibadium erosum DC. 201. 
*Clitoria ternatea Linn. 93. 
Clusia alba Jacq. 135. 
Clusia rosea Jacq. 135. 
Clusia spec. 135. 
Coccoloba barbadensis Jacq. 53. 
Coccoloba diversifolia Gris. 53. 
Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. 53. 
Coccoloba excoriata Linn. 53. 
Coccoloba Krugii Lindau. 53. 
Coccoloba nivea Jacq. 53. 
Coccoloba obtusifolia Jacq. 54. 
Coccoloba punctata Gris. 53, 54. 
Coccoloba punctata var. microsta- 
chya Gris. 54. 

Index to the First Part. 

Coccoloba uvifera Jacq. 54. 
Cocculus domingensis DC. 68. 
*Cocos nucifera Linn, 39. 
*Codiaeum variegatum Bl. 114. 
Coffea arabica Linn. 191. 
Coleus amboinicus Lour. 174. 
Coleus aromaticus Benth. 174. 
*Coleus scutellarioides Benth. 
*Colocasia esculenta Schott. 31. 
Colubrina ferruginosa Brong. 123. 
Combretaceae 143. 
Commelinaceae 34. 
Commelina elegans H. B, K, 34. 
Commelina virginica Linn. 34. 
Comocladia ilicifolia Sw. 119. 
Compositae 196. 
Condalia ferrea Gris. 123. 
Conocarpus erectus Linn, 143. 
Convolvulaceae 159. 
Convolvulus pentanthus Jacq. 161. 
Corchorus acutangulus Lam. 125. 
Corchorus hirsutus Linn. 125. 
Corchorus olitorius Linn. 125. 
Corchorus siliquosus Linn. 125. 
Cordia salvifolia Juss. 164. 
*Cordia Sebestena Linn. 164, 
Cordia sulcata DC. 164. 
Cordia tremula Gris. 164. 
*Cosmos sulphureus Cay. 204. 
“Costus speciosus Sm. 40, 
Cracca caribaea Benth. 89. 
Crassulaceae 77. 
Crescentia Cujete Linn. 183. 
*Crinum americanum Linn. 387, 
Crotalaria incana Linn. 87. 
Crotalaria retusa Linn. 87. 
Crotalaria verrucosa Linn. 87. 
Croton astroites Dryand. 108. 
Croton balsamifer Jacq. 109. 
Croton betulinus Vahl. 109. 
Croton flayens Linn. 109. 

Chenopodium— Elaphoglossum. 

Croton lobatus Linn. 110. 

Cruciferae 72. 

*“Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Br, | 

Cucumis Anguria Linn. 195. 
Cucurbitaceae 195. 
*Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. 
Cuscuta americana Linn, 159. 

Cuscuta umbellata H. B. et K. 

Cyatheaceae 1. 
Cyathea arborea J. E. Sm. 1. 
Cyathea serra Willd. 1. 

Cymodocea manatorum Aschers. 

Cynodon dactylon Pers. 22. 
Cyperaceae 26. 
Cyperus bruneus Sw. 27. 
Cyperus capillaris Sw. 27. 
Cyperus confertus Gris. 26, 
Cyperus distans Linn. fil. 26. 
Cyperus elegans Linn. 26. 
Cyperus ferax L. C. Rich. 28. 
Cyperus flavus Nees. 27. 

Cyperus flavomariscus Gris, 28. 

Cyperus mucronatus Rottb. 26. 

Cyperus purpurco-variegatus 
Boeck. 27. 

Cyperus rotundus Linn. 27, 

Cyperus viscosus Sw, 26. 

Dactyloctenium aegyptium 
Willd. 24. 

Dalechampia scandens Linn. 112. 
Daphnopsis caribaea Gris. 142. 

Datura fastuosa Linn, 179. 
Datura Metel Linn. 179. 

Datura Stramonium Linn. 179. 

Desmanthus depressus Humb. 
et Bonpl. 81. 

Desmanthus virgatus Willd. 81. 
Desmodium axillare P. DC. 90. 


Desmodium incanum P. DO. 91. 
Desmodium scorpiurus Desy. 90. 
Desmodium spirale P. DC. 91. 
Desmodium supinum P, DC. 91. 
Desmodium tortuosum P. DC. 91. 
Desmodium triflorum P. DC. 91. 
Desmodium uncinatum P. DC. 92. 
Dianthera sessilis Gris. 186. 
Dichromena radicans Schlecht. 
Dicotyledoneae 44. 
Digitaria marginata Lk. 18. 
Digitaria setigera Roth. 18. 
Diodia rigida Cham. 198. 
Dioscoreaceae 39. 

| *Dioscorea alata Linn. 39. 

Dioscorea trifida Linn. 39. 
Dipholis salicifolia A. DC. 153. 
Diplazium semihastatum C. 
Christensen. 4. 
Diplazium striatum Presl. 
Distreptus spicatus Cass. 197. 
Ditaxis fasciculata Vahl. 110. 
Dodonae viscosa Linn, 122. 
Dolicholus minimus Medic. 96. 
Dolicholus reticulutus Millsp. 97. 
Dolicholus lablab Linn. 98. 
Dorstermia contrajerva Linn. 48. 
Drymaria cordata Willd. 67. 
Dryopteris opposita Urb. 2. 
Dryopteris parasitica O, Ktze. 2. 
Dryopteris reticulta Urb. 3. 
Duranta Plumieri Jacq. 170. 
Duranta repens Linn. 170. 
Echites suberecta Jacq. 157. 
Eclipta alba Hassk. 202. 
Eclipta erecta Linn. 202. 
Ehretia Bourreria Linn. 164. 
Elaphoglossum conforme Schott. 
Elaphoglossum latifolium J.Sm. 


Elaphoglossum petiolatum Urb. 

Elephantopus spicatus Aubl. 
Eleusine aegyptiaca Desf. 24. 
Eleusine indica Girtn. 23. 
“Eleutherine plicata Herb. 59. 
Emilia sonchifolia DC. 206. 
Enckea Siebert Gris. 44. 

Enckea smilacifolium C. DC. 45. 
*“Enterolobium Timbouwa Mart. 

Kpidendrum anceps Jacq. 41. 
Epidendrum ciliare Linn. 42. 

Epidendrum difforme Jacq. 42. 

Epidendrum fuscatum Sm. 41. 

Epidendrum globosum Jacq. 42. | 

Vahl 42. 

Epidendrum — strobuliferum 
Reichb. f. 48. 


Epidendrum umbellatum Sw, 42. 

Eragrostis ciliaris Lk. 25. 
Eragrostis pilosa Beauv. 25. 
Eragrostis poaeoides Gris. 25. 

Eragrostis tephrosanthos Schult. 


Erechthites hieracifolia Raf. 205. 

Erechthites praealta Raf. 205. 

Erechthites valerianaefolia DC. 


Erigeron bonariensis Linn. 199. 
Erigeron canadensis Linn, 199. 
Erigeron spathulatus Vahl 199. 
Eriodendron anfractuosum DC. 

Erithalis fruticosa Linn. 190. 
Ernodea litoralis Sw. 198. 

Eryngium foetidum Linn. 150. 
Erythrina corallodendron Linn. 

Erythroxylaceae 99. 

Index to the 

First Part. 

Erythroxylum brevipes P. DC. 

Erythroxvlum havanense Jacq. 

Erythroxylum obtusum DC. 99. 

| *Hucharis grandiflora Planch. 38. 

Eugenia axillaris Willd. 146. 
Bugenia buxifolia Gris. 147. 
Eugenia cordata var Sintensii 
Kr. et Urb. 146. 
Eugenia floribunda West. 146, 
Eugenia fragrans Willd 146. 
Eugenia Jambos Linn. 147. 
Eugenia ligustrina Willd. 147. 
Eugenia monticola DC. 147. 
Eugenia obtusata Willd. 147. 
Bugenia pallens Gris, 147. 
Hugenia Poiretit Berg. 147. 
Eugenia procera Poir. 148. 
Hugeniarhombea Kr. et Urb. 148. 
Hugenia sessiliflora DC. 146. 
Eugenia uniflora Linn. 148. 
Eupatorium canescens Vahl 197. 
Eupatorium conyzoides Vahl 198. 
EHupatorium  guadalupense 
Spreng. 198. 

Eupatorium iresinoides H. B. et 

Eupatorium macrophyllum Linn. 
Eupatorium paniculatum Schrad. 
Eupatorium sinuatum Lam. 197. 
Euphorbiaceae 107. 
Euphorbia articulata Burm, 115. 
Euphorbia buxifolia Lam, 115. 
Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. 
Euphorbia heterophylla Linn. 

macranthum Sw. 


Euphorbia Linn. 
Huphor bia 
Huphorbia verticillata Poir. 116. 

Kuterpe spec. 30. 

Euxolus caudatus Moq. 56. 

Evolvulus argyraeus Choisy 

Evolvulus glaber Spreng. 160. 

EHvolvulus incanus Pers. 160. 

Hvolvulus mucronatus Siw. 160. 

Evolvuius sericeus Sw. 160. 

Excoccaria caribaea Gris. 114. 

Excoecaria lucida Sw. 114. 

Exostemma caribaeum Roem. 
et Schult. 188. 

Exostemma sp. 188. 

Fagara flava Kr. et Urb. 100. 


linearis Retz. 115. 

petiolaris Curt. 116. 
pilulifera Linn. 116. 
prostrata Ait. 117. 
pulcherrima Willd. 

Fagara martinicensis Lam. 100, 

Fagara microphylla Dess. 100. 
Fagara spinifex Jacq. 100. 
Fagara trifoliata Sw. 101. 
Faramea odoratissima DC. 198. 
Festuca Myurus Linn. 26. 
Ficus Krugiana Warb. 49. 
Ficus laurifolia Duss. 49. 
Ficus laevigata Vahl. 49. 
Ficus omphallophora Warb. 49. 
Ficus pallida Gris. 49. 

Ficus pertusa Gris. 49. 

Ficus populnea Willd. 49. 
Ficus Urbaniana Warb. 49. 

Fimbristylis spathacea Roth. 28. 

Flacourtiaceae 136. 
Fleurya aestuans Gaudich. 50. 
*Foeniculum vulgare Mill. 150. 

thymifolia Linn, 117. 


Forestiera Hggersiana Kr. et 
Urb. 154. 

Fourcroya gigantea Vent. 38. 

Freziera undulata Willd. 134. 

*Gaillardia aristata Purch. 204. 

Galactia angustifolia Griseb. 95. 

Galactia dubia P. DC. 95. 

Galactia filiformis Griseb. 95. 

Galactia longiflora Griseb. 95. 

Galactia longifolia Benth. 95. 

Galactia nummularia Urb. 95. 

Galactia rubra Urb. 95, 

Galactia tenuifloraWight. et Arn. 

*Galphimia gracilis Bartl. 105. 

Gentianaceae 155. 

Gesneriaceae 183. 

Gesneria ventricosa Sw. 184. 

Gleicheniaceae 11. 

Gleichenia bifida Spreng. 11. 

Gnaphalium americanum Mill. 

Gnaphalium purpureum Linn. 

*“Gomphrena globosa Linn. 58. 

Gonzalagunia hirsuta Schumann 

Gonzalea spicata DC. 188. 

Goodeniaceae 196. 

| *Gossypium barbadense Linn. 130. 

Gouania domingensis Linn. 125. 
Gramineae 12. 

*Graptophyllum pictum Griff, 186. 
Guaiacum officinale Linn. 99. 
Gundlachia domingensis A. Gray 

Guettarda parvifolia Sw. 189. 
Guettarda scabra Lam. 189. 
Guillandina Bonduc Gris. 86. 
Guillandina glabra Gris. 86. 
Guillandina Grisebachiana Kr. et 
Urb. 86. 

312 Index to the First Part. 

Guttiferae 154. 

Gyminda latifolia Urb. 120. 

Gymnanthes lucida Sw. 114. 

Gymnogramme calomelanos 
Kaulf. 6. 

Gymnospermae 12. 

Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC.75. 

Haematoxylon campechianum 
Linn. 85. 

Hebeclinum macrophyllum DC. 

Heckeria peltata Kunth. 465. 

Heleocharis capitata Boeck. 28. 

Heliconia Bihai Linn. 40. 

Helicteres Isora Linn. 133. 

Helicteres jamaicensis 133. 

Heliotropium curassavicum 
Linn. 166. 

Heliotropium indicum Linn. 166. 
Heliotropium microphyllum Sw. 


Heliotropium parviflorum Linn. 


“Heliotropium peruvianum Linn, 


Hemidiodia ocimifolia K. Schum, 

Hemionitis palmata Linn. 5. 
Hemitelia horrida R. Br. 2. 

Heteropteris lanceolate Fee. 7. 
Heteropteryx purpurea H. B. K. 


“Hibiscus esculentus Linn. 129. 

*Hibiscus radiatus Cav. 129. 

“Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis Linn. 

“Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn. 129. 

“Hibiscus schizopetalus Hook. 

Hibiscus tiliaceus Linn. 130. 

Hillia longiflora Sw. 187. 

Hillia parasitica Jacq. 187. 

Hippeastrum equestre Herb. 38. 
*Hippeastrum puniceum Urb. 38. 
Hippomane mancinella Linn.114. 
Hirtella triandra Sw. 78. 

*Hoya carnosa R. Br. 159. 

Hura crepitans Linn. 115. 
Hydrolea jamaicensis Raeusch. 
Hydrophyllaceae 163. 
Hymenaea Courbaril Linn. 82. 
Hymenocallis caribaea Herb. 38. 
Hymenophyllaceae 1. 
Hymenophyllum hirtellum 
Sw. 1. 
Hypelate trifoliata Sw. 122. 
Hyperbaena domingensis 
Benth. 68. 
Hypoxis decumbens Linn. 39. 
Hyptis pectinata Poit. 174. 
Ibatia maritima Dene 159, 
Ibatia muricata Gris. 159. 
Ichnanthus pallens Munro. 19. 
Ichthiomethia piscipula Hitche. 92. 
“Impatiens Balsamina Linn. 123. 
Indigofera anil Linn. 88, 
Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. 88. 
Inga laurina Willd. 78. 
Ipomoea arenaria Steud. 161. 
“Ipomoea batatas Poir. 161. 
Ipomoea biloba Forsk. 162. 
Ipomoea bona nox Linn, 163. 
Ipomoea dissecta Pers. 161. 
Ipomoea fastigiata Sweet. 161. 
Ipomoea grandiflora Lam, 163. 
Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. 162. 
Ipomoea Nil Roth. 162. 
Ipomoea pentaphylla Jacq. 162. 
Ipomoea pes caprae Roth. 162. 
Ipomoea sinuata Orteg. 161. 
Ipomoea sphenophylla Urb. 163. 
Ipomoea tuba G. Don. 1638. 
Ipomoea violacea Linn, 163. 


Tresine celosioides Linn. 58. | 
Tresine elatior L. Cl. Rich. 58. 
Iresine paniculata O. Ktze 58. 
Iridaceae 39. | 
Isachne arundinacea Gris. 15. 
Isachne rigens Trin. 15. 
Tsoloma hirsuta Reg. 184. 
“Ixora coccinea Linn. 191. 
“Txora Jucunda Thwaites 191. 
Jacquemontia pentantha G. Don. 
Jacquemontia violacea Choisy. 
Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. 150. 
Jacquinia Berteri Spreng. 151. 
Jambosa Jambos Millsp. 147. 
Jambosa vulgaris DC. 147. 
*Jasminum azoricum Linn. 154. | 
“Jasminum pubescens Willd. 154. 
“Jasminum undulatum Ker. 
Gawl. 154. 
Jatropha cureas Linn. 113. 
Jatropha gossypifolia Linn. 113. 
“Jatropha multifida Linn. 113. | 
Juncellus laevigatus C. B. Clarke 
*Juniperus bermudiana Linn. 12. 
“Juniperus virginica Linn. 12. 
Justicia eustachiana Jacq. 186. 
Justicia sessilis Jacq. 186. 
Kallstroemia maxima Wight et 
Arn, 99. 
*Kohleria hirsuta Reg. 183. 
Krameria ixinia Linn. 85, 
Krugiodendron ferreum 
Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. 28. 


Kyllinga monocephala Thunb. 28. 

Labiatae 172. 

Lablab vulgaris Savi 98. 

Lachnostomamaritimum Nichols. 


Lactuca intybacea Jacq. 207. 
Lagascea mollis Cay. 200. 
Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. 196. 
*Lagerstroemia indica Linn. 142. 
Laguncularia racemosa Gértn. 
Lantana Camara Linn. 167. 
Lantana involucrata Linn. 168. 
Lappago aliena Spreng. 14. 
Lauraceae 70. 
Lawsonia inermis Linn, 142. 
Lebidibia coriaria Schlecht. 86. 
Leguminosae 78. 
Leiphaimos aphylla Gilg. 155. 
Lemnaceae 31. 
Lemna minor Griseb. 31. 
Lemna paucicostata Hegelm. 31. 
Lentibulariaceae 184. 
Leonotis nepetaefolia R, Br. 172. 
Leonurus sibiricus Linn. 172. 
Lepicystis piloselloides Diels 9. 
Lepicystis squamata J. Sm. 10. 
Lepidium virginicum Linn. 72. 
Leptochloa filiformis Beauv. 24. 
Leptochloa mucronata Kth. 24. 
Leptochloa virgata Beauv. 24. 
Leria nutans DC. 206. 
Leucaena glauca Benth. 80. 
Leucas martinicensis R. Br. 172. 
Liliaceae 36. 
Linociera compacta R. Br. 154. 
Lippia reptans H. B. et K. 169. 
Lithophila muscoides Sw. 59. 
Lithophila vermiculata Uline. 59. 
*Lochnera rosea Reichb. 156. 
Loganiacea 154. 
Lonchitis hirsuta Linn. 7. 
Lonchocarpus violaceus H. B. 
et K. 92. 
*Lonicera japonica Thunb. 195. 
Loranthaceae 52. 
Lucuma multiflora A, DC, 152. 


Lycium americanum Jacq. 175. | 

Lycopodiaceae 11. 

Lycopodium taxifolium Sw. 11. 

Lycopodium verticillatum Linn. 
iaill Wate 

Lythraceae 142. 

Machaerina restioides Vahl. 29. 

Malpighiaceae 104. 

Malpighia angustifolia Linn. 105. 

Malpighia punicifolia Linn. 106. 

Malvaceae 126. 

Malvastrum  coromandelianum 
Garcke 127. 

Malvastrum spicatum A. Gray 



Gray 127. 

Mammea americana Linn. 134. 

*Mangifera indica Linn. 118. 

“Manihot utilissima Pohl. 114. 

Mapouria parasitica K. Sch, 192. 

Marantaceae 40. 

*Maranta arundinacea Linn. 40. 

Marcegraviacea 133. 

Marcgravia umbellata Linn. 133. 

Marila racemosa Sw. 134. 

tricuspidatum A, 



Mariscus capillaris Vahl. 27. 
Mariscus flavus Vahl. 27. 
Maurandia semperflorens Jacq. 

Mayepea caribaea O. Ktze. 154. 




sativa Linn. 88. 
axillaris O. Ktze 90. 
incana O, Ktze 91, 
scorpiurus O, Ktze 90. 
Meibomia spiralis O. Ktze 91. 
Meibomia triflora O. Ktze 91. 
Melastomataceae 148. 

Mariscus brizaeus C. B. Clarke | 

Maytenus elliptica Kr. et Urb. | 

Index to the First Part. 

Meliaceae 104. 

*Melia aredarach Linn. 104, 

Melia sempervirens Sw. 104, 

*Melicocca bijuga Linn. 122. 

Melocactus communis Link. et 
Otto 140. 

Melochia nodiflora Sw. 131. 

Melochia pyramidata Linn. 131. 

Melochia tomentosa Linn. 132. 

Melothria fluminensis Gard. 195. 

Meniscium reticulatum Sw. 3. 

Menispermaceae 68. 

Mertensia furcata Gris. 11. 

Mesosphaerum pectinatum O. 
Ktze 174. 

Metastelma Paralias Dene 159. 

Metastelma parviflora R. Br. 159. 

Metastelma Schlechtendalii Gris. 


Miconia impetiolaris D, Don. 149. 

Miconia laevigata DC. 149. 

Microstylis spicata Lindl. 41. 

Microtea debilis Sw. 64. 

Mimosa pudica Linn. 81. 

*Mirabilis Jalapa Linn. 60. 

Mitracarpus hirtus DC. 194. 

Mitracarpus polycladus Urb. 194. 

Mitracarpus villosus Cham. et 
Schlecht. 194. 

Mollugo verticillata Linn. 64. 

Momordica Charantia Linn. 195. 

Monocotyledoneae 12. 

Moraceae 48. 

Moringaceae 76. 

Moringa moringa Millsp. 76. 

*Moringa oleifera Lam. 76. 

Moringa pterygosperma Gdrtn. 

Morisonia americana Linn. 76. 

| *Mucuna pruriens P. DC. 95. 


| *Murraya exotica Linn. 101. 

Musaceae 39. 


Musa sapientium Linn, 39. 
*Musa paradisiaca Linn. 39. 
*Mussaenda frondosa Linn. 188. 
Myginda latifolia Sw, 120, 
Myginda pallens Sarg. 120. 
Myginda pallens Smith 120. 
Myginda rhacoma Sw. 120, 
Myoporaceae 187. 
Myrcia coriacea DC, 145. 
Myrcia paniculata Kr. et Urb.145. 
Myrcia splendens DC. 145. | 
Myrodia turbinata Sw. 130. 
Myroxylon buxifolium Kr. et 
Urb. 136. 
Myrsinaceae 151. 
Myrsine laeta Gris, 151. 
Myrtaceae 144. 
Nama jamaicensis Linn. 163. 
Nazia aliena Millsp. 14. 
Nectandra coriacea Gris. 70. | 
Nectandra discolor Gris. 71. 
Nectandra Krugii Mez. 71. 
Nectandra Wildenoviana Nees. 70. 
Nephrodium oppositum Diels. 2. 
Nephrolepis exaltata Schott. 3. | 
Neptunia plena Benth. 82. 
*Nerium Oleander Linn. 158. 
Neurogramme calomelanos 
Diels. 6. 
Neurolaena lobata R. Br. 205. 
“Nicotiana Tabacum Linn. 180. 
“Nopalea coccinellifera Salm- | 
Dyck 142. | 
Nyctaginaceae 60. 
Nymphaeaceae 67. 
Nymphaea spec. 67. 
Ochnaceae 133. 
*Ocimum basilicum Linn, 175, | 
*Ocimum gratissimum Linn. 175, | 
Ocimum micranthum Willd.175. | 
Olacaceae 52. | 
Oldenlandia herbacea DC.. 187. | 


Oleaceae 154. 
Olfersia cervina O. Ktze. 3. 
Oncidium silvestre Lindl. 43. 
Oncidium tetrapetalum W. 43. 
Oncidium variegatum Sw. 43. 
*“Operculina ventricosa Peter. 161. 
Ophioglossaceae 11. 
Ophioglossum reticulatum Linn. 
Oplismenus setarius R. et Sch. 19. 
Opuntia Ficus indica Mill. 141. 
Opuntia spinosissima Mill, 141. 
Opuntia triacantha Haworth. 
Opuntia Tuna Mill. 141. 
Orchidaceae 40. 

| *Oreodoxa caribaea Damm. et 

Urb. 30. 
Ornithidium coccineum Salisb. 
Orthopogon setarius Spreng. 19. 
Oxalidaceae 98. 
Oxalis corniculata Linn. 98. 
*Oxalis Martiana Zucc. 98. 
Pachygone domingensis Hichl. 68. 
Palicourea Pavetta DC. 192. 
Palmae 29. 
Paltonium lanceolatum Pr. 7. 

| *Panax fruticosum Linn. 150. 

Pancratium caribaewm Linn, 38. 
Panicum barbinode Trin, 18. 
Panicum brevifolium Linn. 15. 
Panicum colonum Linn. 15. 
Panicum diffusum Sw. 15. 
Panicum divaricatum Linn. 16. 
Panicum fuscum Sw. 16. 
Panicum geminatum Forsk. 16. 
Panicum insulare G. Ff. W. Mey. 
Panicum lanatum Rottb. 17. 
Panicum leucophaeum H. B. K.17. 
Panicum maximum Jacq. 17. 

316 Index 

Panicum molle Sw. 18. 
Panicum pallens Sw. 19. 
Panicum paspaloides Pers. 
Panicum prostratum Lam, 18. 
Panicum sanguinale Linn. 18 
Papaveraceae 71. 
Pappophorum alopecuroideum 
Vahl. 24. 
Pappophorum laguroideuwm 
Schrad. 25. 

Paritium tiliaceum St. Hill. 130. 
*Parkinsonia aculeata Linn, 85. 

Parthenium Hysterophorus 
Linn. 201. 

Paspalum conjugatum Bergius. 


Paspalum fimbriatum H. B. K. 


Paspalum hemisphaericum Poir. 


Paspalum paniculatum Willd. 14. 

Passifloraceae 138. 
Passiflora foetida Linn. 138. 
*Passiflora laurifolia Linn. 138. 

Passiflora maliformis Linn. 138. 
“Passiflora quadrangularis Linn. 

Passiflora rubra Linn. 139. 
Passiflora suberosa Linn. 189. 
Pavonia spinifex Cav. 129. 

Pectis febrifuga van Hall. 205. 

Pectis humifusa Sw. 205. 
Pectis linifolia Less. 205. 

Pectis Swartziana Borg et Pauls. 


Pedilanthus tithymaloides Poit. 

Wau f 
*Peireskia aculeata Mill. 142. 
*Peireskia bleo DC. 142. 
Pennisetum setosum Rich. 21. 
Pentarrhaphia longiflora Lindl. 

to the First Part. 

Peperomia acuminata C. DC. 45. 

Peperomia emarginella C. DC, 45. 

Peperomia exilis Griseb. 45. 

Peperomia glabella A. Dietr. 45. 

Peperomia glabella Griseb. 45, 

Peperomia glabella var. nigro- 
punctata Duss. 45. 

Peperomia hernandifolia A. Dietr. 

Peperomia Langsdortfii Miq. 46. 

Peperomia magnoliacfolia A. 
Dietr. 46. 

Peperomia obtusifolia A. Dietr. 

Peperomia petiolaris C. DC. 47. 

Peperomia repens. Kth. 47. 

Peperomia scandens R. et Pay. 

| Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. et 

Mey. 47. 

| *Persea americana Mill. 70. 

Persea gratissima Gdrtn. 70. 
Persea Persea Cock. 70. 
Petiveria alliacea Linn. 64. 
*Petunia violacea Lindl. 180. 
Pharbitis Nil Choisy. 162. 
Pharus glaber H. B. K. 21. 
Phaseolus lathyroides Linn. 97. 
*Phaseolus lunatus Linn. 97. 
Phaseolus semierectus Linn. 97. 
*Phaseolus vulgaris Linn. 97. 
Philodendron dispar Schott. 30. 
Philodendron giganteum Schott. 
Philodendron oxycardium 
Schott. 31. 
Philoxerus vermicularis R. Br. 
Phoebe elongata Nees. 70. 
*Phoenix dactylifera Linn. 29. 
Phoradendron trinervium Gris. 

Panicum—Polypodium. 317 

Phyllanthus distichus Mill.-Arg. 

Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus 
Linn. 107. 

Phyllanthus falcatus Sw. 107. 

Phyllanthus niruri Linn. 108. 

Phyllanthus nobilis Mull.-Arg. 

Physalis angulata Linn. 175. 

Physalis pubescens Linn. 176. 

Physurus hirtellus Lindl. 41. 

Physurus plantagineus Lindl. 41. 

Phytolaccaceae 63. 
Phytolacca icosandra Linn, 64. 
Picraena excels Gris. 102. 

Picramnia pentandra Sw. 103. | 

Picrasma antillana Urb. 102. 
Pilea ciliaris Wedd. 51. 
Pilea elegans Wedd. 51. 
Pilea microphylla Liebm. 50. 
Pilea muscosa Lindl. 51. 
Pilea obtusata Liebm. 51. 
Pilea parietaria Bl. 51. 
Pilea pubescens Gris. 51. 
Pilea semidentata Wedd. 51. 
Pimenta acris Kostel. 144. 
Pinaceae 12. 
Piperaceae 45. 
Piper Bredemeyeri Jacq. 44. 
Piper ceanothifoliwm Kunth. 44. 
Piper dilatatum L. Cl. Rich. 44. 
Piper marginatum Jacq. 44. 
Piper medium Jacq. 44. 
Piper peltatum Linn. 45. 
Piper reticulatum Linn. 45. 
Piper smilacifolium P. DC. 45. 
Piriqueta cistoides G. F. W. 
Mey 137. 
Piriqueta villosa Aubl. 137. 
Piscidia erythrina Linn, 92. 
Piscidia piscipula Sarg. 92. 
Pisonia aculeata Linn. 61. 



Pisonia fragans Dumont 61. 
Pisonia inermis Gris. 61. 
Pisonia obtusata Sw. 61. 
Pisonia subcordata Sw. 62. 
Pitcairnia angustifolia Redouté 
Pithecolobium ungius-cati 
Benth. 78. 
Plantaginaceae 187. 
Plantago major Linn. 187. 
Pluchea odorata Cass. 200. 
Pluchea purpurascens DC, 200. 
Plumbaginacaea 151. 
*Plumbago capensis Thunb. 151. 
Plumbago scandens Linn. 152, 
Plumiera alba Linn. 155. 
*Plumiera rubra Linn. 156, 

| *Poinciana regia Boj. 85. 

Polanisia icosandra Wight et 
Arn. 73. 

Polanisia viscosa DC. 73. 

Polyboea corensis Klotsch. 111. 

Polybotrya cervina Klfs. 3. 

Polygonaceae 53. 

Polypodiaceae 2. 

Polypodium aureum Linn. 8. 

Polypodium brasiliense Poir. 8. 

Polypodium crassifolium Linn. 8. 

Polypodium loriceum Linn. 8. 

Polypodium lycopodioides 
Linn. 8. 

Polypodium neriifolium 
Schkuhr. 8. 

Polypodium phyllitidis Linn. 9. 

Polypodium piloselloides Linn. 9. 

Polypodium plumula H. B. 
Wild. 9. 

Polypodium serrulatum Mett. 10. 

Polypodium squamatum 
Linn. 10. 

Polypodium trichomanoides 
Sw. 10. 


Polystachya luteola Hook. 41. 
*Porana paniculata Roxb. 160. 

Index to the First Part. 

Rhacoma latifolia Loesener 120. 
Ramnaceae 123. 

Porophyllum ellipticum Cass. 204 | Rhizophoraceae 143. 

Porophyllum ruderale Gris. 204. 
Portulacaceae 65. 

Portulaca halimoides Linn. 66. 
“Portulaca oleracea Linn. 66. 
Portulaca pilosa Linn. 66. 
Portulaca poliosperma Urb. 67. 
Portulaca quadrifida Linn. 67. 
Potamogetonaceae 12. 
Pothomorphe peltata Mig. 45. 

Rhizophora Mangle Linn. 143. 

| *Rhoeo discolor Hance 35. 

Prescottia stachyoides Lindl. 41. | 

Priva echinata Juss. 170. 
Priva lappulacea Pers. 170. 
*Prockia Crucis Linn. 136. 
Prunus myrtifolia Urb. 77. 
Prunus sphaerocarpa Sw. 77. 
Psidium Guajava Linn, 144. 
Psilotaceae 11. 

Psilotum nudum Gris. 11. 
Psilotum triquetrum Sw. 11. 
Psychotria crassa Gris. 192. 

Psychotria horizontalis Sw. 191. | 

Psychotria parasitica Sw. 192. 
Psychotria pendula Urb. 192. 

Psychotria rufescens H. B. et | 

Psychotria uliginosa Sw. 192. 
Pteridophyta 1. 
Pteris biaurita Linn. 7. 
Pteris laciniata Willd. 7. 
Punicaceae 143. 
*Punica Granatum Linn. 143. 
*Quamoclit vulgaris Choisy 1638. 
Quararibea turbinata Poir, 131. 
*Quisqualis indica Linn. 148. 
Randia aculeata Linn. 188. 
Rapanea ferruginea Mez. 151. 
Rauwolfia Lamarckii DC. 157. 
Rhacoma crossopetalum Linn. 


Rhynchosia minima P. DC, 96. 
Rhynchosia reticulata P. DC. 

Rhynchospora Humboldtiane 
Gris. 29. 
Gris. 29. 
Rhynchospora polyphylla Vahl. 

*Ricinus communis Linn, 112. 
Rivina humilis Linn. 68. 
Rivina laevis Linn, 63. 
Rivina octandra Linn. 63. 
Rochefortia acanthophora Gris. 
Rosaceae 77. 
Rousselia humilis Urb. 52. 
Rousselia lappulacea Gaudich. 52. 
Rubiaceae 187. 
Ruellia tuberosa Linn. 185. 
*Russelia juncea Zuccar. 180. 
Rutaceae 100. 


| *Saccharum officinarum Linn. 12. 

Salicornia herbacea Linn. 55. 
Salvia occidentalis Sw. 173. 
Salvia serotina Linn. 173. 
*Sambucus canadensis Linn. 195, 
Samyda serrulata Linn. 136. 
Sanchezia nobilis Hook. 185. 
*Sanseviera guineensis Willd. 36. 
Sapindaceae 121. 

Sapotaceae 152. 

Sapota Achras Mille 152. 
Sauvagesia erecta Linn. 133. 
Scaevola Lobelia Murr. 196. 
Scaevola Plumieri Vahl. 196. 
Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. 121. 



Schmidelia occidentalis Sw. 121. 
Schoepfia Schreberi J. I’. Gmel. 

Scirpus capitatus Linn, 28. 
Scirpus obtusifolius Gris. 28. 
Scleria filiformis Sw. 29. 
Scleria lithosperma Sw. 29. 
Scleria pratensis Nees. 29. 
Scleria pterota Pres]. 29. 
Scoparia dulcis Linn. 181. 
Scrophulariaceae 1580. 
Sechium edule Sw. 196. 
Selaginellaceae 11. 

Selaginella flabellata Spring. 11. 
Selaginella substipitata Spring. 

Senecio sonchifolius Moench. 
*Sesbania grandiflora Pers, 89. 
Sesbania sericea P. DC. 89. 

Sesuvium portulacastrum Linn. 

Setaria glauca Beauv. 19. 
Setaria setosa Beauy. 20. 
Setaria viridis Beauv. 20. 
Sida acuta Burm. 127. 
Sida carpinifolia Linn. 127. 
Sida ciliaris Linn. 127. 
Sida cordifolia Linn. 128. 
Sida glomerata Cay. 128. 
Sida rhombifolia Linn. 128. 
Sida spinosa Linn. 128. 
Sida supina l’Herit. 128. 
Sideroxylon foetidissimum 
Jacq. 152. 
Sideroxylon mastichodendron 
_ Jacg. 152. 
Simarubaceae 102. 
Sinapis brassicata Gris. 72. 
Sinapis juncea Hichl. 72. 
Smilax coriacea Spr. 37. 

Smilax guianensis Vitmann 37. 

Sterculiaceae, 319 
Smilax havanensis Gris. 37. 
Smilax ilicifolia Kth, 37. 
Smilax macrophylla Willd. 37. 
Solanaceae 175. 
Solanum aculeatissinum Jacq. 
Solanum igneum Linn. 178. 
Solanum lanceaefolium Jacq. 176. 
*Solanum lycopersicum Linn. 177. 
*Solanum Melongena Linn, 177. 
Solanum nigrum nodiflorum A. 
Gray 177. 
Solanum nigrum 
Ibinatag NEM 
Solanum nodiflorum Dunal 177. 
Solanum racemosum Jacq. 177. 
Solanum racemosum Jacq. ig- 
neum (Linn.) O. E. Schulz. 178. 
Solanum toryvum Sw. 178. 
*Solanum tuberosum Linn. 179. 
Sonchus oleraceus Linn. 207. 
Spermacoce tenuior Linn. 194. 
Spigelia Anthelmia Linn. 154. 
Spilanthus uliginosa Sw. 203. 
| Spiranthes elata L. Cl. Rich. 40. 
*Spondias lutea Linn, 119. 
*Spondias purpurea Linn. 119. 
Sponia Lamarckiana Dene 48. 



Sponia micrantha Dene 48. 
Sporobolus indicus R. Br. 22. 
Sporobolus virginicus Kth. 22. 
Stachytarpheta indica Vahl 169. 
| Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 
Vahl 169. - 
Stenandrium rupestre Nees 186. 
| Stenochlaena sorbifolia J, Sm. 5. 
| “Stenolobium stans Seem, 182. 
| Stenorrhynchus lanceolatus L. Cl. 
Rich. 40. 
Stenorrhynchus orchioides L. Cl. 
| Rich. 40. 

| Sterculiaceae 131. 


Stigmatophyllon ciliatum A. 
Juss. 105. 
Stigmatophyllon periplocifolium 
A. Juss. 105. 
Stigmatophyllon sericeum 
Wright 105. 
Strumpfia maritima Jacq. 191. 
Stylosanthes hamata Taubert 89. 
Stylosanthes procumbeus Sw. 89. 
Suriana maritima Linn. 102. 
*Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. 104. 
Symplocaceag 153. 
Symplocos martinicensis Jacq. 
Synedrella nodiflora Girtn. 2038. 
Syntherisma insularis Millsp. 17. 
Syntherisma sanguinale Dulac. 
Tabernaemontana citrifolia 
Jacq. 156. 
*“Tabernaemontana coronaria 
Willd. 156. 
*Tabernaemontana Cumingiana 
A. DC. 156. 
Taenitis lanceolata R. Br. 7. 
Talinum paniculatum Girtn, 65. 
Talinum patens Willd. 65. 
Talinum triangulare Willd. 65. 
*Tamarindus indica Linn. 82. 
*Tecoma capensis Lindl. 182. 
Tecoma stans Juss. 182. 
*Tecoma leucoxylon Mart. 182. 
Telanthera crucis Mog. 58. 
Tephrosia cathartica Urb. 88. 
Tephrosia cinerea Pers. 88, 
Teramnus labialis Spreng. 94. 
*Terminalia Catappa Linn. 143. 
Ternstroemia elliptica Sw. 134. 
Ternstroemia peduncularis DC. 


Index to the First Part. 

Tetramicra rigida Lindl. 48. 
Tetrazygia discolor DC. 149. 
Theaceae 134. 
Theobroma Cacao Linn. 133. 
Theophrastaceae 150. 
Thespesia populnea Soland. 130. 
*Thevetia neriifolia Juss. 157. 
Thrinax sp. 30. 
*Thunbergia affinis pulvinatus 
Moore 184. 
*Thunbergia alata Boj. 184. 
*Thunbergia fragans Roxb, 184. 
Thymelaeaceae 142. 
Tibouchina ornata Baill. 149. 
Tibouchina strigosa Cogn. 148. 
Tiliaceae 125. 
Tillandsia excelsa Gris. 33. 
Tillandsia fasciculata Sw. 33. 
Tillandsia recurvata Linn. 33. 
Tillandsia usneoides Linn, 33. 
Tillandsia utriculata Linn. 33. 
“Tithonia tagetiflora Desf. 203, 
Tobinia punctata Gris. 101. 
Tobinia ternata Desv, 101. 
Torulinium confertum Desv. 28. 
Tournefortia bicolor Sw. 165. 
Tournefortia caribaea Gris. 165. 
Tournefortia foetidissima Linn. 
Br, 165. 
Tournefortia hirsutissima Linn. 
Tournefortia volubilis Linn. 166. 
Tradescantia geniculata Jacq. 35. 
Tragia volubilis Linn. 112. 
Tragus racemosus Haller 14. 
Trema Lamarckianum Bl. 48. 
Trema micranthum Bl. 48. 
Trianthema monogynum Linn. 65. 
Trianthema portulacastrum 
Linn. 65. 

gnaphalodes R. 

Stigmatophyllon—Zygophyllaceae. 321 

Tribulus cistoides Linn, 99. 
Tribulus maximus Linn. 99. 
Tricholaena insularis Gris. 17. 
Trichomanes alatum Sw. 1. 

Triphasia aurantiola Lour. 102. 
*Triphasia trifoliata P. DC. 101. 

Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. 

Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. 125, 

Turneraceae 137. 

Turnera ulmifolia Linn, 1388. 

Ucacoua nodiflora Hitche. 203. 

Ulmaceae 47. 

Umbelliferae 150. 

Urechites suberecta Miill.-Arg. 

Urena americana Linn. 129, 

Urena lobata Linn. 129. 

Urera alceaefolia Gaudich. 50. 

Urera caracasana Gris. 50. 

Urticaceae 50. 

Utricularia alpina Jacq. 184. 

Utricularia montana Jacq. 184. 
Valerianoides jamaicensis Medic. 

Verbenaceae 167. 
*Verbena chamaedrifolia Juss. 
Vernonia longifolia Pers. 196. 
Vernonia punctata Sw. 196, 
Vetiveria arundinacea Gris. 13. 
Vigna glabra Savi 89. 
Vigna luteola Benth. 97. 
Vigna repens O. Ktze 97. 

Villamilla octandra Hook, 63. 

Vinea rosea Linn. 156. 

Vitaceae 124. 

Vitis sicyoides Mig. 124. 

Vittaria lineata Sw. 7. 

Voyria aphylla Pers. 155. 

Voyria uniflora Pers. 155. 

Vriesea guadalupensis Mez. 34. 

Waltheria americana Linn. 132, 

Waltheria indica Linn. 132. 

Wedelia buphthalmoides Gris. 

Wittmackia lingulata Mez 32. 

Xanthium orientale Linn. 201. 

*Xanthosoma spec. 31. 

Xanthoxylum clava Herculis 
Sw. 100. 

AXanthoxylum flavum Vahl. 100. 

Xanthoxylum martinicense P. 
DC. 100, 

Xanthoxylum spinifec P. DC. 

Xanthoxylum ternatum Sr. 101. 

Xiphopteris serrulata Kaulf. 10. 

Xylosma buxifolium A. Gray 136. 

Yucca aloifolia Linn. 36. 

*Zea Mays Linn. 12. 

Zebrina pendula Schnizl. 36. 
*Zephyranthes carinata Herb. 37. 
Zingiberaceae 40. 

*Zinnia elegans Jacq. 202. 
Zizyphus Jujuba Lam. 123. 
Zornia diphylla Pers. 90. 
Zygophyllaceae 99. 

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