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Donated  by,- 

The  Department  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa, 
For  use  as  a  reference  book  on  fodder  and 
pasture  plants  and  to  remain  the  property  of,- 

Main  Lib  »r,PlC,  OFPT. 



GEO.  H.  CLARK,  B.S.A. 


M.  OSCAR  MALTE,  Ph.  D. 



Published  by  direction  of 

The  Honourable  Martin  Burrell,  Minister  of  Agriculture 

Ottawa,  191? 


Price,  50  Cents 




Preface 5 

Introductory 7 

Grasses 8 

Leguminous  Plants 13 

Seeding  to  Fodder  and  Pasture  Plants 19 

Corn 30 

Millets 35 

Common  Millet 36 

Foxtail  Millet 38 

Pearl  Millet 39 

Barnyard  Millet 40 

Reed  Canary  Grass 41 

Sweet  Vernal  Grass 42 

Knot  Root  Grass 43 

Timothy 44 

Meadow  Foxtail 48 

Red  Top 50 

Blue-joint  Grass 52 

Yellow  Oat  Grass 54 

Tall  Oat  Grass 56 

Orchard  Grass 58 

Crested  Dog's  Tail 60 

Canadian  Blue  Grass 62 

Kentucky  Blue  Grass 64 

Rough-stalked 66 

Wood  Meadow  Grass 68 

Fowl  Meadow  Grass 69 

Water  Meadow  Grass 70 

Red  Fescue 72 

Sheep's  Fescue 74 

Fine-leaved  Fescue 76 

Hard  Fescue \ 76 

Various-leaved  Fescue 77- 

Meadow  Fescue 78 

Tall  Fescue 78 

Reed  Fescue 81 

Awnless  Brome  Grass 82 

Field  Brome  Grass 84 

Fringed  Brome  Grass .  85 

Perennial  Rye  Grass 86 

Italian  Rye  Grass 88 

Western  Rye  Grass  90 

28549— 1J 


TABLE  OF  CONTENTS— Concluded. 


Western  Wheat  Grass 92 

Awned  Wheat  Grass 93 

Couch  Grass 93 

Virginia  Lyme  Grass 94 

Crimson  Clover 96 

Red  Clover  98 

White  Clover 106 

Alsike  Clover 108 

White  Sweet  Clover    112 

Alfalfa 114 

Yellow  Lucerne 121 

Variegated  Alfalfa 122 

Yellow  Trefoil ' 124 

Kidney  Vetch 125 

Sainfoin 126 

Common  Vetch 128 

Hairy  Vetch 130 

Horse  Bean 131 

Grass  Pea 132 

Flat  Pea 132 

Soy  or  Soja  Bean 134 

Rape 135 

Glossary 137 

Index 140 


Agriculture  is  an  art  that  renders  those  who  understand   it  rich,  but  leaves  those  who  do  not 
understand  it,  however  much  they  may  labour  in  it,  to  live  in  poverty. — Xenophon,  434-355,  B.C. 

When  we  consider  that  about  one-third  of  the  improved  land 
in  Canada  is  under  fodder  and  forage  crops,  the  importance  of  dis- 
seminating information  respecting  fodder  and  pasture  plants  must 
be  apparent  to  all.  That  the  interest  taken  in  these  plants  really  is 
very  great  is  amply  illustrated  by  the  numerous  inquiries  that  have 
been  received  during  recent  years  by  the  Department  of  Agriculture. 

It  is,  therefore,  the  purpose  of  this  book  to  provide,  in  a  form 
convenient  for  reference,  fairly  comprehensive  information  about 
those  grasses,  clovers  and  other  fodder  and  pasture  plants  that  are 
generally  acknowledged  to  be  of  value  in  Canada.  The  introduction 
into  Canada  from  time  to  time  of  different  fodder  and  pasture  plants 
which  are  of  more  or  less  importance  in  different  parts  of  Europe 
has  induced  the  authors  also  to  deal  with  a  number  of  plants  that 
are  not  as  yet  well  known  in  Canada,  but  for  some  reason  or  other 
might  prove  in  future  to  be  of  general  or  local  value. 

The  aim  of  the  book  being  to  present  only  well-established  facts 
and  practices,  no  attempt  has  been  made  to  advance  or  support  new 
or  questionable  ideas  or  theories.  It  has  been  the  endeavour  to 
bring  together  only  a  summary  of  authentic  information  that  may 
prove  interesting  and  helpful  to  farmers,  students  of  agriculture  and 
others  who  may  be  interested  in  the  development  of  the  vast  agricul- 
tural resources  of  Canada. 

As  the  book  has  been  written  with  the  intention  to  make  its 
contents  intelligible  to  all  classes  of  readers,  the  use  of  technical 
terms  has  been  avoided  as  much  as  possible.  It  has,  however,  been 
found  necessary  to  append  a  glossary  in  which  technical  or  semi- 
technical  terms  contained  in  the  text  are  listed. 


6  ,    '  \  -.-'  PREFACE. 

In  the  introductory  part  of  the  book,  the  principal  groups  of 
fodder  and  pasture  plants  have  been  dealt  with  in  a  half-scientific 
way.  The  plants  have  been  arranged  chiefly  in  accordance  with  the 
system  followed  in  the  last  edition  of  Gray's  Manual  of  Botany. 

The  authors  are  greatly  indebted  to  Leonard  S.  Klinck,  B.S.A., 
Professor  of  Field  Husbandry  at  Macdonald  College,  Que.,  who 
kindly  consented  to  examine  and  criticise  the  manuscript,  and  to 
C.  A.  Zavitz,  B.S.A.,  Professor  of  Field  Husbandry  at  the  Ontario 
Agricultural  College  at  Guelph,  who  has  given  the  authors  much 
valuable  information  on  fodder  and  pasture  plants  that  are  of  interest 
to  the  province  of  Ontario.  The  helpful  suggestions  given  by  these 
well-known  authorities  have  been  most  encouraging  and  are  greatly 

Recognition  for  much  arduous  detail  work  in  correcting  the  proof 
is  due  to  Mr.  E.  D.  Eddy,  B.S.A.  Miss  A.  L.  Brown,  who  also  com- 
piled the  quotations  from  old  writings  which  are  inserted  where 
the  space  would  otherwise  be  unoccupied,  as  the  text  is  paged  to 
suit  the  arrangement  of  the  plates. 

G.  H.  C. 

M.  O.  M. 
M.  B. 

Without  forage  no  cattle;    without  cattle  no  manure;    without  manure  no  crops. — Flemish 

Keep  the  dry  provender  which  you  have  laid  up  for  winter  and  think  how  long  a  winter  it  may 
be. — Cato,  95-46  B.C. 

A.  Furius  Chresimus,  a  freedman,  having  found  himself  able,  from  a  very  small  piece  of  land,  to 
raise  far  more  abundant  harvests  than  his  neighbours  could  from  the  largest  farms,  became  the  object 
of  very  considerable  jealousy  among  them,  and  was  accordingly  accused  of  enticing  away  the  crops 

of  others  by  the  practice  of  sorcery Apprehensive  of  being  condemned,  he  had  all  his 

implements  of  husbandry  brought  into  the  Forum,  together  with  his  farm  servants,  robust,  well- 
conditioned,  and  well  clad  people,  Piso  says.  The  iron  tools  were  of  first  rate  quality,  the  mattocks 
were  stout  and  strong,  the  plough-shares  ponderous  and  substantial,  and  the  oxen  sleek  and  in  prime 
condition.  When  all  this  had  been  done,  "Here,  Roman  citizens",  said  he,  "are  my  implements  of 
magic;  but  it  is  impossible  for  me  to  exhibit  to  your  view,  or  to  bring  into  this  Forum,  those  midnight 
toils  of  mine,  those  early  watchings,  those  sweats,  and  those  fatigues."  Upon  this,  by  the  unani- 
mous voice  of  the  people,  he  was  immediately  acquitted. — Pliny,  Natural  Histcry,  23-79. 

Fodder  and  Pasture  Plants. 


THE  dawn  of  civilization  is  closely  associated  with  primitive 
agriculture.  If  we  try  to  unveil  the  history  of  a  race  we 
often  find  it  hidden  in  myths  and  legends.  When  it  is 
accessible,  we  see  that  a  people,  after  slumbering  for  centuries  in  the 
night  of  barbarism,  advances  slowly  to  the  realization  of  higher 
ideals.  The  awakening  is  always  connected  with  the  cultivation  of 
the  soil,  and  agriculture  is  therefore  the  foundation  upon  which  the 
progress  of  humanity  rests.  Its  development  depends  upon  the 
climate  and  the  natural  possibilities  of  a  people.  Climate  is  largely 
responsible  for  the  fact  that  some  tribes  still  follow  the  migrating 
life  of  the  nomad,  while  others  have  settled  down  in  fixed  dwellings. 
In  the  warmer  parts  of  the  world,  where  it  is  easy  to  grow  cereals 
and  other  plants,  agriculture  is  much  older  than  far  north,  where 
climatic  conditions  are  less  favourable. 

At  first  only  such  plants  were  grown  as  would  serve  for  human 
food;  natural  meadows  and  pastures  provided  for  domestic  animals. 
Even  now  there  are  large  areas  where  no  special  efforts  are  made  to 
secure  food  for  stock.  With  increasing  population,  however,  more 
ground  must  be  devoted  to  cereals  for  human  food,  and  the  value  of 
land  rises.  Natural  pastures  largely  disappear  and  the  farmer  must 
grow  other  crops  as  food  for  stock  during  different  seasons.  The 
cultivation  of  fodder  and  pasture  plants  has  reached  its  greatest 
perfection  in  temperate  regions,  where  the  animals  cannot  graze 
during  the  winter. 

Compared  with  the  cultivation  of  cereals,  the  introduction  of 
artificial  meadows  is  very  recent.  The  oldest  known  were  those  of 
the  Romans.  Clovers,  which  form  their  most  essential  part,  came 
into  general  use  as  late  as  the  sixteenth  century,  since  which  time 
the  importance  of  forage  plants  has  been  more  and  more  realized. 

Two  groups  of  plants  are  used  for  fodder  and  pasture,  viz.,  the 
grasses  and  the  leguminous  plants,  representing  two  large  families 
botanically  known  as  Graminea  and  Leguminosa.  All  the  plants 
dealt  with  in  this  book,  except  Rape,  belong  to  one  of  these  families. 
Rape  belongs  to  the  Mustard  family,  Cruciferce. 



Name:  When  speaking  of  grasses  one  often  includes  such  plants 
as  Rib  Grass,  Poverty  Grass  and  Cotton  Grass,  which  botanically 
have  none  of  the  characteristics  of  true  grasses.  On  the  other  hand, 
many  people  do  not  regard  Corn  and  Millet  as  true  grasses.  Agricul- 
turally a  distinction  is  made  between  cereals  and  grasses,  but  botan- 
ically such  a  distinction  is  impossible,  rye,  barley,  oats  and  wheat 
being  grasses  as  truly  as  Meadow  Fescue,  Red  Top  and  Timothy. 

Seed:  If  with  a  sharp  knife  we  cut  through  a  corn  grain,  parallel 
to  its  broadest  side,  we  see  that  a  great  portion  of  it  consists  of  a 

white  or  yellow  mass,  in  which  the  naked 
eye  cannot  discover  any  distinct  structure. 
This  part  of  the  grain,  which  in  Fig.  I  is 
marked  End.  is  called  endosperm  and  pro- 
vides food  for  the  young  seedling.  The 
remaining  part  of  the  grain  is  dull-coloured, 
and  the  naked  eye  can  discern  three  dis- 
tinct sections.  This  is  the  embryo  or 
young  plant  before  germination.  It  con- 
sists of  a  so-called  cotyledon  (Fig.  I,  Cot.) 
which  lies  close  to  the  endosperm,  a  ter- 
minal bud  (Fig.  i,  B.)  from  which  the  stem 
and  leaves  of  the  germinating  plant  de- 
velop, and  a  radicle  (Fig.  I,  Rad.)  from 
which  the  first  root  is  formed.  The  por- 
tion lying  between  the  radicle  and  the 
terminal  bud  is  the  stem  of  the  embryo. 

Fig.  1.   Section  through  a 

grain  of  Corn. 
Four  times  natural  size. 
End. — Endosperm . 
Cot. — Cotyledon. 
B— Bud. 
Rad. — Radicle. 

Germination :  When  corn  germinates 
the  cotyledon  acts  as  a  sucker,  turning  the 
food  in  the  endosperm  over  to  the  embryo ; 
it  remains  enclosed  in  the  grain  during  germination.  The  other  parts 
of  the  embryo  soon  become  visible.  The  radicle  develops  into  a  root 
and  the  bud  soon  displays  a  number  of  green  leaves.  The  primary 
root  soon  dies  and  its  function  is  taken  by  secondary  roots,  which 
sprout  from  the  lower  parts  of  the  stem.  The  essential  features  of 
this  process  of  germination  are  characteristic  of  all  grasses. 

Root  System:  Most  fodder  and  pasture  grasses  are  perennial; 
that  is,  their  underground  parts  survive  from  year  to  year.  These 
surviving  parts  consist  of  underground  stems,  from  which  roots  and 
overground  stems  develop.  Sometimes  they  are  creeping  with  long 


internodes,  when  the  overground  stems  appear  scattered  and  the 
whole  plant  forms  a  more  or  less  spreading  mat,  as  in  Red  Fescue. 
In  other  cases  the  internodes  are  very  short.  The  overground  stems- 
are  then  close  together  and  the  plant  develops  into  one  of  the 
bunch  grass  type,  such  as  Sheep's  Fescue.  Although  characteristic 
of  a  certain  species,  the  type  may  be  modified  by  the  soil.  Thus, 
stiff,  compact  soil  is  apt  to  prevent  the  development  of  creeping 
rootstocks,  and  the  plant  may  assume  a  more  or  less  bunchy  appear- 
ance. On  the  other  hand,  bunchy  plants  often  develop  looser  tufts 
in  open,  loose  soil  than  in  stiff  clay. 

Sterns:  The  stems  of  the  grasses,  generally  called  culms,  are 
hollow,  except  in  corn,  in  which  they  are  solid,  but  are  closed  at 
intervals  by  variously  coloured  swollen  parts  called  nodes  or  joints. 
The  parts  of  the  stems  between  the  nodes  are  called  internodes. 
Immediately  above  the  nodes  a  small  portion  of  the  stem  remains 
soft  and  continues  to  grow  during  almost  the  whole  life  of  the  plant, 
but  the  upper  part  of  the  internode  soon  becomes  firm  and  stops 
growth.  This  enables  the  stems,  if  they  are  not  too  old,  to  regain 
their  upright  position  when  lodged  by  wind  or  rain. 

Leaves:  The  leaves  consist  of  two  distinct  parts.  The  lower 
encloses  the  stem  like  a  tight  case,  usually  open  along  one  side.  It 
is  called  the  sheath.  The  upper  part,  the  blade,  is 
generally  long  and  narrow.  Where  the  plants  have 
sufficient  moisture  the  blades  are  flat;  during  drought 
they  are  often  rolled  together  and  bristle-like,  turning 
their  upper  surface  outward.  A  plant  which  during 
excessive  drought  has  bristle-like  leaves  may  display 
flat  ones  if  moisture  becomes  abundant  in  either  air  or 
soil.  As  the  moisture  secured  by  the  root  evaporates 
chiefly  through  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaf,  the 
rolling  together  of  the  blade  during  drought  prevents 
loss  of  moisture  and  thus  saves  the  plant  from  perishing 
Fig.  2-Sheath  and  of  thirst.  Where  the  blade  is  attached  to  the  sheath 
lower  partjrf  leaf  tnere  js  genferany  a  tnin  membranous  appendage,  of 

Natural  size.         varying  size  and  shape,  called  the  ligule  (Fig.  2,  L.). 

L. — Ligule. 

Inflorescence:  The  flowers  are  in  inflorescences  which,  however 
different  they  may  look,  are  always  constructed  on  the  same  prin- 
ciple. That  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  is  typical  (Plate  10).  It 
consists  of  branches  arranged  in  whorls  at  the  upper  joints  of  the  main 
stem.  When  the  branches  are  elongated,  as  in  the  Blue  Grasses, 



Red  Top,  Fescues,  Oats,  etc.,  the  inflorescence  is  called  a  panicle. 
When  they  are  very  short,  as  in  the  Foxtail  Millets,  the  inflorescence 
has  the  appearance  of  a  spike.  Timothy  (Plate  3)  and  Meadow 
Foxtail  (Plate  4)  inflorescences  are  extremely  like  regular  spikes, 
but  even  in  these  the  type  is  that  of  the  ordinary  panicle.  This  is 
proven  by  the  fact  that  branched  inflorescences  occasionally  occur 
in  Timothy.  Even  an  ear  of  corn  is  a  modification  of  a  panicle, 
characterized  by  extremely  short  branches  from  a  fleshy  main  stem. 
The  panicles  of  many  grasses  are  differently  shaped  at  different 
stages  of  development.  Thus,  in  Red  Top  and  Sheep's  Fescue  the 
branches  spread  during  flowering  and  the  inflorescence  is  therefore 
open  and  broad.  When  flowering  is  over,  the  branches  close  in  to- 
ward the  main  stem,  making  the  inflorescence  contracted  and  narrow. 

— -JL 

Spikelets:  The  ultimate  branches  of  the  inflor- 
escence end  with  so-called  spikelets,  a  kind  of  partial 
inflorescence  (Fig.  3).  At  the  base  of  the  spikelet  are 
two  sterile  glumes  (Fig.  3,  Gl.),  though  Italian  and 
Perennial  Rye  Grass  have  only  one.  Above  them  are 
a  number  of  fertile  glumes,  called  lemmas  (Fig.  3,  L.), 
which  carry  a  flower  in  their  axils.  Each  flower  is 
Fig.  s.  Spikeiet  enclosed  by  a  delicate  glume  called  palea  (Fig.  4,  Pa.) 
of  Awnkss  Brome  ancj  consists  chiefly  of  three  stamens  (Fig.  4,  St.)  and 
Natural  size.  a  pistil  with  two  feathery  branched  stigmas  (Fig.  4,  P.). 
c^— Sterile  The  numDer  of  flowers  varies  in  different  grasses; 
L—  Lemma.  Awnless  Brome  has  seven  to  nine  in  each  spikelet, 
whereas  Red  Top  has  only  one.  In  the  latter  the  whole  spikelet 
consists  of  the  two  sterile  glumes  (Fig.  3,  Gl.),  the  lemma  (Fig.  4, 
L.)  and  the  palea  (Fig.  4,  Pa.)  enclosing  the  flower  proper. 

Fertilization:  Before  blossoming  the 
glumes  tightly  enclose  the  flowers,  and 
nothing  is  seen  of  the  stamens  and  pistil. 
At  flowering  time  the  glumes  generally 
open  wide  and  the  stamens  and  pistil  are 
visible  (Fig.  4).  Dustlike  masses  are  soon 
produced  from  the  stamens  and  carried 
away  by  the  wind.  This  is  the  pollen, 
which,  when  caught  by  the  branches  of 
Fig.  4.  Flower  with  enclosing  the  stigmas,  induces  the  lower  part  of  the 

FouSmes  nl™il0siz^rass'         pistil  or  ovary  (FiS-  4>  °0  to  develop  into 
L.— Lemma.       p.— Stigma,      fruit.     In  wheat,  oats  and  barley  the  pollen 

Pa— Palea.  O—  Ovary.         .  „  ,    . 

St.— Stamen.  is  generally  transported  to  the  stigmas  be- 

fore the  glumes  of  the  spikelet  begin  to  separate;  each  flower  is  con- 

GRASSES.  1 1 

sequently  fertilized  by  its  own  pollen.  This  is  never  the  case  with  the 
grasses  dealt  with  in  the  present  publication.  The  stamens  are  not 
ready  to  shed  their  pollen  until  after  the  glumes  have  separated,  and 
there  is  thus  always  a  chance  for  the  pistil  to  be  fertilized  by  pollen 
from  another  flower.  In  many  grasses  such  a  cross-fertilization  is 
favoured  by  the  fact  that  the  stamens  and  pistil  of  one  flower  are 
not  ripe  at  the  same  time. 

Fruit:  After  fertilization  the  ovary  of  the  grasses  develops  into 
a  fruit  enclosing  a  single  seed.  Properly  speaking,  the  grains  of  corn, 
wheat  and  rye  are  fruits  containing  a  seed,  just  as  the  hazel  nut  is 
a  fruit  enclosing  the  seed.  The  hulled  seed  of  Timothy  is  in  reality 
a  fruit  containing  a  single  seed.  In  most  grasses  the  fruit  remains 
enclosed  in  the  glumes  and  the  whole  thing  is  termed  seed.  This  is 
the  case,  for  instance,  in  Rye  Grasses,  Fescues,  Blue  Grasses,  Red  Top, 
unhulled  Timothy,  etc.,  the  seed  of  which,  properly  speaking,  is  a 
fruit  enclosed  in  the  glumes.  The  term  "seed"  being  generally  ap- 
plied, it  has  been  used  in  the  description  of  the  grasses  to  designate 
the  fruit  enclosed  by  the  glumes,  as  it  is  generally  found  in  commerce. 

Agricultural  Value:  Practically  any  wild  grass  will  serve,  in 
one  stage  or  another,  as  food  for  stock.  Even  the  grasses  of 
deserts,  or  other  inhospitable  localities,  which  are  dry,  woody  and 
unpalatable  the  greater  part  of  the  year,  may,  when  young  or  when 
refreshed  by  rain,  furnish  nutritious  fodder  or  pasture.  The  value 
of  wild  grasses,  however,  is  generally  considerably  lower  than  that  of 
the  cultivated  sorts.  The  latter  are  better  cared  for,  have  readier 
access  to  food,  less  of  a  struggle  for  existence,  and  so  are  apt  to 
grow  more  luxuriantly  and  yield  a  better  quality  of  hay  or  fodder. 

When  attempting  to  cultivate  a  wild  grass,  or  when  growing  a 
cultivated  variety,  one  should  consider  its  suitability  to  the  climate 
and  soil  and  to  the  purpose  for  which  it  is  grown.  Different  grasses 
make  different  demands.  All  of  course  require  sufficient  food  and 
water,  but  what  is  enough  for  one  may  bring  another  to  the  point 
of  starvation.  A  water  supply  which  produces  luxuriant  growth  in 
a  certain  grass  may  prove  injurious  to  another,  perhaps  closely  re- 
iated,  species.  Thus  Sheepvs  Fescue  can  make  a  comfortable  living 
where  Meadow  Fescue  would  surfer  seriously.  On  the  other  hand, 
Meadow  Fescue  and  Orchard  Grass  would  languish  in  wet  and  sour 
soil,  where  Blue-joint  Grass,  Meadow  Foxtail  and  Fowl  Meadow 
Grass  would  grow  luxuriantly.  It  is  therefore  important  to  choose 
varieties  to  suit  the  locality. 

Such  grasses  as  Red  Top,  which  have  a  creeping  root  system 
and  grow  from  early  spring  to  late  fall  if  the  weather  is  favourable, 
are  especially  fitted  for  pasture,  as  they  stand  tramping  and  provide 


green  food  the  whole  season.  On  the  other  hand,  they  are  not  good 
for  hay,  as  most  of  the  leaves  are  rather  close  to  the  ground.  Timothy 
and  similar  grasses  are  less  adapted  for  pasturing,  as  their  bunchy 
growth  and  shallow  root  system  make  them  liable  to  be  uprooted 
or  at  least  injured  by  tramping.  But  this  type  of  grass  furnishes- 
excellent  hay. 

The  development  and  duration  of  a  grass  are  also  factors  to  be 
considered.  Some  start  growth  very  early  in  spring,  and  are  valuable 
when  early  hay  or  pasture  is  required.  Others,  starting  late,  are 
rather  slow  and  are  desirable  for  late  hay  or  pasture.  Some  grasses. 
are  short-lived  and  die  after  the  first  or  second  year;  Italian  Rye, 
for  instance,  may  be  used  in  a  short  rotation,  but  is  of  no  use  for 
permanent  pasture.  Most  of  the  perennial  grasses  reach  full  de- 
velopment the  second  or  third  year  after  sowing,  and  are  valuable 
when  permanent  pasture  or  hay  is  desired. 

One  variety  is  rarely  grown  alone,  except  when  intended  for  seed, 
as  mixtures  of  grasses  or  grasses  and  clovers  generally  give  a  higher 
yield  of  better  quality.  Orchard  Grass,  for  instance,  is  generally 
grown  with  other  varieties.  If  grown  alone,  it  would  be  coarser, 
less  digestible  and  less  palatable.  The  farmer's  demand  for  the 
maximum  yield  of  the  best  obtainable  quality  has  led  to  the  use  of 
mixtures  which  give  the  heaviest  possible  returns  in  hay  or  pasture 
of  the  highest  feeding  value. 

To  obtain  a  heavy  yield  it  is  not  sufficient  to  choose  grasses- 
which  are  heavy  producers  when  grown  alone.  They  must  be  adapted 
to  the  soil  and  climate  and  be  able  to  thrive  together  and  make  the 
best  possible  use  of  every  inch  of  ground.  When  hay  is  desired, 
the  worth  of  the  mixture  depends  not  only  on  the  value  of  the  indi- 
vidual grasses,  but  also  on  their  ripening  together.  An  ideal  mixture 
is  composed  of  species  which  reach  the  flowering  stage  at  the  same  time. 
The  proper  time  to  cut  for  hay  is  generally  during  early  flowering. 
If  very  early  and  very  late  grasses  are  grown  together,  the  return 
will  be  comparatively  small  and  the  quality  of  the  hay  inferior.  Which 
species  should  be  used  depends  upon  the  soil,  rainfall,  and  other 

Clovers  are  often  grown  with  grasses  because  such  a  mixture  gives, 
a  better  balanced  feed  and  does  not  rob  the  soil  of  as  much  fertility 
as  would  grasses  alone,  which  are  heavy  feeders.  A  ton  of  Timothy 
hay  contains  about  eighteen  pounds  of  nitrogen,  six  and  one-half 
pounds  of  phosphoric  acid  and  from  twenty-eight  to  thirty  pounds 
of  potash.  This  is  rather  more  than  would  be  returned  to  the  land 
by  a  ton  of  ordinary  green  farmyard  manure.  If  no  fertilizers  are 
applied,  it  is  evident  that  continuous  crops  of  Timothy  would  rapidly 


deplete  the  soil,  and  the  same  is  true,  in  a  general  way,  of  other 
grasses.  Leguminous  plants  (see  page  18)  accumulate  nitrogen 
from  the  air  and  are  of  great  importance  as  soil  improvers.  Clovers 
return  nitrogen  to  the  soil,  and  thus  to  a  certain  degree  maintain  its 


Name:  These  plants  belong  to  a  large  family  of  a  distinct  type, 
called  Leguminosce.  Peas,  Vetches,  Beans,  Red  Clover,  Alsike  and 
Alfalfa  belong  to  this  great  family — that  is,  the  plants  which  farmers 
commonly  term  legumes  and  clovers.  As  generally  used,  the  name 
"clovers"  includes  Red  Clover,  Alsike,  Dutch  Clover,  Crimson 
Clover,  Alfalfa,  Trefoil,  Sweet  Clover  and  other  leguminous  plants. 
Botanically,  however,  only  the  first  four  are  clovers  in  the  true  sense; 
that  is,  they  belong  to  the  genus  Trifolium,  whereas  Alfalfa,  Trefoil 
and  Sweet  Clover  belong  to  other  genera. 

Seed:  When  splitting  a  bean  or  a  pea,  the  two  halves  seem 
to  be  kept  together  by  the  seedcoat  only.  One  of  them  has  a 

smooth,  more  or  less  shiny  surface,  on 
which  no  special  texture  can  be  dis- 
covered by  the  naked  eye.  Near  the 
upper  end  of  the  other  half  is  a  peculiar 
organ  consisting  of  two  distinct  portions. 
The  upper  is  a  bud  (Fig.  5,  B.),  which 
corresponds  to  the  similar  formation  in 
the  grass  embryo  (see  page  8).  The 
lower,  which  lies  close  to  the  seed- 
coat,  has  a  thicker  upper  part  (Fig.  5, 
St.)  and  a  tapering  end  (Fig.  5,  Rad.), 

Fig.  6.    Section  through  a  Bean.        the    former    being    the    Stem    of    the    em- 
Four  times  natural  size.  ,  ,,       i    ,  •  ,  j-    i          r> 

_  ,    T,   -  ,  bryo,  the  latter  its  root  or  radicle.     By 

B. — Bud.          Rad. — Radicle.  J  J 

s*.— Stem.  Cot—  Cotyledon,  far  the  greatest  part  of  the  seed  (Fig.  5, 
Cot.)  consists  of  the  two  cotyledons  of  the  embryo.  A  leguminous 
•embryo  has  thus  two  cotyledpns  whereas  a  grass  embryo  has  only  one. 
But  a  leguminous  plant  has  no  endosperm.  The  function  of  the  en- 
dosperm of  a  grass  seed,  as  stated  on  page  8,  is  to  supply  the  embryo 
with  food  during  germination.  This  function  in  a  leguminous  plant  is 
performed  by  the  two  cotyledons,  which  are  thick  and  filled  with  food. 

Germination :  When  the  seed  of  a  leguminous  plant  germinates, 
the  bud  (Fig.  5,  B.)  develops  into  stem  and  leaves  and  the  radicle 
(Fig.  5,  Rad.)  into  the  root  of  the  plant.  The  stem  of  the  embryo 


(Fig.  5,  St.)  acts  differently  in  different  plants.  In  beans  it  grows 
in  length  and  lifts  the  cotyledons  (Fig.  5,  Cot.),  which  gradually 
become  flat  and  thin,  above  the  ground.  In  peas  it  is  short,  and  the 
cotyledons  remain  hidden  in  the  soil  for  a  long  time,  enclosed  within 
the  seed  coat. 

Root  system:  Leguminous  plants  are  annual,  biennial  or  per- 
ennial. When  annual,  like  Crimson  Clover,  or  biennial,  like  Sweet 
Clover,  the  primary  root  of  the  embryo  always  develops  into  a  tap- 
root. When  they  are  perennial,  a  taproot  may  be  found,  or  the  under- 
ground system  may  consist  of  a  rootstock,  from  which  secondary 
roots  are  developed.  With  a  rootstock  the  system  is  generally 
shallow  and  the  plants  depend  on  the  surface  soil  for  their  food.  A 
taproot  usually  penetrates  to  a  considerable  depth  and  the  plant 
gets  much  of  its  food  from  the  subsoil.  Both  secondary  roots  and 
taproots  are  characterized  by  small  tubercles  or  clusters  of  nodules. 
The  significance  of  these  is  discussed  on  page  18. 

Stems:  The  stems  of  leguminous  plants  are  erect  or  ascending 
as  a  rule.  Only  in  a  few  cases,  as  in  White  Clover,  are  they  creeping 
and  able  to  develop  secondary  roots  from  their  joints.  Plants  of 
this  type  form  more  or  less  spreading  mats,  in  which  individuals  are 
difficult  to  recognize.  The  same  is  often  the  case  when  the  stems, 
as  in  Flat  Pea,  develop  from  a  spreading  and  extensively  branched 
rootstock.  In  some  species  and  genera,  as  in  Flat  Pea  and  Vetches, 
the  stems  are  weak  and  are  kept  from  falling  to  the  ground  by  special 
organs  on  the  leaves,  called  tendrils  (see  below). 

Leaves:  The  leaves  of  leguminous  plants  are  compound;  that 
is,  each  leaf  consists  of  a  number  of  leaflets  each  completely  separated 
from  the  others.  The  type — a  leaf  consisting  of  a  number  of  pairs 
of  leaflets  and  ending  with  an  odd  one — is  that  of  Sainfoin  (Plate  23). 
All  other  kinds  are  mere  modifications  of  this  type.  Thus,  when  the 
leaflets  are  only  three,  as  in  Red  Clover,  Alfalfa,  Sweet  Clover  and 
others,  the  well-known  trifoliate  leaf  is  obtained.  In  other  species, 
such  as  the  vetches  (Plates  24  and  25)  and  Flat  Pea,  the  blades  of 
the  upper  leaflets  are  not  developed ;  only  their  ribs  remain  and  they 
are  transformed  into  tendrils,  the  function  of  which  is  to  support  the 
weak  stems. 

Everybody  knows  that  the  plants  in  a  field  of  peas  or  vetches 
are  sometimes  so  firmly  tied  together,  when  the  stand  is  dense,  that 
to  pull  those  at  the  end  of  a  long  row  will  move  the  plants  at  the  other 
end.  This  is  because  the  tendrils  wind  about  the  stems  and  branches 
of  neighbouring  plants  and  bind  them  together.  These  tendrils  are 


marvellous  things.  Rub  one  gently  with  a  bit  of  straw  and  it  will 
answer  to  the  touch  by  bending.  Give  it  an  opportunity  to  grasp 
the  branch  of  an  adjoining  plant  and  it  will  embrace  the  branch  so 
firmly  that  it  will  be  impossible  to  loosen  the  plants  without  breaking 
the  tendril.  It  has  the  faculty  of  feeling  and  the  ability  to  act.  Its 
sensitiveness  is  so  great  that  some  tendrils  can  feel  a  weight  of  only 
a  quarter  of  a  milligram. 

Two  appendages, 
the  stipules,  are  at- 
tached to  the  base  of 
the  leaf  stalk  (Fig.  6, 
St.).  They  are  gener- 
ally narrow  and  in- 
significant, but  some- 
times, as  in  peas, 
they  are  shaped  like 
the  leaflets  and  are 
almost  as  large. 

C/         IW\^      IMSK1  Inflorescence:  The 

OZ. (9m AT          Vmmffl  fet         flowers  of  leguminous 

plants  are  in  clusters 
which,  however  dif- 
ferent in  appearance, 
are  always  construct- 
ed after  the  same 
principle.  Sometimes 
they  are  long  and 
comparatively  sparse- 
ly covered  with  flow- 
ers, as  in  vetches 

Fig.  6.   Leaf  of  Alsike  Clover.  (Plates    2A    and    25). 

Natural  size.  _,,  ,  ,,     . 

St.— Stipule.  They  are  then  called 

racemes.  In  other  plants  ^he  racemes  are  short  and  the  flowers 
crowded,  as  in  Red  Clover  and  Alsike.  The  inflorescences  are  then 
called  heads.  It  is,  however,  impossible  to  draw  a  sharp  line  between 
a  head  and  a  raceme,  the  inflorescences,  for  instance,  of  Alfalfa 
(Plate  21)  and  Crimson  Clover  (Plate  17)  being  as  much  like 
short  racemes  as  elongated  heads. 

Flowers:  The  flowers  of  all  leguminous  plants  are  alike  in  general 
construction  and  totally  different  from  the  flowers  of  other  plant 


families.  The  lower  part  (Fig.  7,  Sep.)  is  insignificant.  It  is  com- 
posed of  five  green,  toothlike  organs,  called  sepals,  connected  at  their 
base.  The  upper  part,  popularly  called  the  flower,  consists  of  five 
mostly  showy  petals.  One  of  these  is  much  larger  than  the  others 
and  encloses  them  in  the  bud.  It  is  called  the  standard  (Fig.  7,  St.). 
The  lateral  ones  are  irregular  in  shape  and  are  called  wings  (Fig.  7, 
W.).  The  two  others  grow  together,  forming  a  boatlike  organ  called 

Fig.  7 — The  different  parts  of  a  flower  of  Pea. 

Natural  size. 

Sep. — Sepals  W. — Wing.  St. — Stamens. 

S.— Standard.  K. — Keel.  O.— Ovary  of  pistil. 

P. — Stigma  of  pistil. 

the  keel  (Fig.  7,  K.),  which  encloses  the  stamens  (Fig.  7,  St.)  and  the 
pistil.  Nine  of  the  ten  stamens  grow  together  in  their  lower  parts, 
forming  a  tube  that  encloses  the  pistil.  Each  flower  has  only  one 
pistil.  It  consists  of  a  broad  lower  part,  the  ovary  (Fig.  7,  O.)  and 
.a  narrow  upper  part,  strongly  knee-bent  and  developed  at  its  top 
into  a  stigma  (Fig.  7,  P.). 

Fertilization:  Fertilization  in  leguminous  plants  is  never  per- 
formed by  air  currents.  In  a  few  genera,  such  as  peas  and  vetches, 
the  flowers  are  self-fertilized;  that  is,  the  pollen  automatically 
fertilizes  the  pistil  of  its  own  flower.  In  most  leguminous  plants, 
however,  the  pollen  is  transported  from  one  flower  to  another  by 
insects,  which  visit  the  blossoms  for  the  nectar  stored  at  their  base. 
When  the  flowers  are  large  and  showy,  the  standard  acts  as  a  sign, 
-announcing  to  the  insect  the  location  of  the  honey.  In  other  species 
the  comparatively  small  flowers  are  very  numerous,  and  are  thus 
visible  at  a  long  distance.  Still  others  have  insignificant  flowers 
borne  close  to  the  ground.  Such  plants,  like  Trefoil,  grow  under 
taller  neighbours,  and  are  therefore  more  or  less  hidden.  But  in 


spite  of  their  humble  appearance  and  secluded  position,  insects  are 
attracted  by  the  fragrance  of  the  blossoms. 

A  brief  description  of  the  fertilization,  which  varies  in  different 
genera,  is  given  in  connection  with  Alfalfa  on  page  114,  and  with 
Red  Clover  on  page  99. 

Fruit :  The  fruit  is  a  pod ;  that  is,  a  narrow  fruit  with  leathery  or 
papery  walls.  When  ripe  and  dry,  the  pod  splits  its  entire  length  and 
lets  the  seeds  out.  Its  two  halves  often  twist  like  a  corkscrew,  some- 
times with  such  violence  that  the  seeds  are  thrown  a  considerable 
distance.  In  some  species  and  genera  there  is  only  one  seed,  when  the 
pod  falls  off  without  breaking  up,  but  generally  the  seeds  are  numerous. 

Agricultural  value:  On  well  prepared  land,  stored  with  a  fair 
supply  of  plant  food,  especially  potash  and  phosphoric  acid,  legu- 
minous plants  yield  heavy  crops  of  great  nutritive  value,  relished 
by  all  kinds  of  stock.  Putting  aside  their  value  for  soiling,  legumin- 
ous plants  can  be  used  to  advantage  for  either  hay  or  pasture.  Their 
suitability  for  fodder  depends  largely  on  their  mode  of  development. 
As  a  rule  their  nutritive  value  is  highest  when  they  are  in  bloom  or 
shortly  before.  If  intended  for  hay  they  should  therefore  not  be 
cut  too  late.  It  is  true  that  sometimes  the  crop  is  larger  if  cutting 
is  delayed  until  shortly  after  the  plants  have  completed  flowering; 
but,  on  the  other  hand,  the  hay  is  coarse  and  more  or  less  woody. 
It  lacks  palatability  and  fat  and  milk  producing  constituents,  and 
in  spite  of  its  larger  quantity  it  is  of  smaller  total  value  than  if  cut 
at  the  proper  time.  Late  cutting  also  spoils  the  second  growth. 
When  Red  Clover  and  Alfalfa,  for  instance,  begin  to  bloom,  new 
shoots  start  from  the  crown  of  the  root.  If  cutting  is  delayed  until 
these  shoots  are  high  enough  to  be  caught  by  the  mower,  it  is  evid- 
ent that  the  second  growth  will  be  seriously  affected. 

Some  species,  like  White  Clover,  are  suitable  for  pasture,  as  the 
tramping  of  stock  encourages  the  plants  to  new  growth.  Others, 
like  Red  Clover  and  Alfalfa,  with  a  crown  a  little  above  the  ground, 
must  be  pastured  more  carefully,  tramping  being  apt  to  injure  the 
plants  if  the  soil  is  not  in  the  proper  condition.  As  the  new  growth 
starts  from  the  crown,  the  plants  should  not  be  pastured  too  close, 
at  any  rate  not  late  in  the  fall. 

It  is  well  known  that  leguminous  plants  enrich  the  soil.  This 
faculty  used  to  be  attributed  to  their  rather  deep  root  system.  It 
was  claimed  that  the  taproots  gathered  from  the  subsoil  great  quan- 
tities of  food  inaccessible  to  plants  with  shallower  roots.  The  sub- 
stances thus  removed  from  the  subsoil  were  said  to  be  used  in  building 



up  the  superficial  roots  and  the  overground  parts  of  the  plants, 
which  parts,  when  ploughed  down,  added  this  material  to  the  surface 
soil.  There  is  no  doubt  that  plant  food  is  removed  from  the  subsoil 
and  stored  in  the  upper  parts  of  the  plants  and  that  the  above  ex- 
planation should  be  considered.  But  the  soil-enriching  faculty  of 
leguminous  plants  is  connected  with  phenomena  that  render  this 
explanation  insufficient.  Generally  Alfalfa  will  not  thrive  on  soil 
where  it  has  never  been  grown  before.  The  plants  soon  stop  growth, 
turn  yellow  and  finally  die.  If,  however,  some  soil  from  an  old 
Alfalfa  field  is  sown  on  the  land,  a  crop  will  be  produced  without 
any  trouble.  If  the  plants  are  examined,  it  will  be  found  that  the 
roots  of  those  grown  on  old  Alfalfa  soil  are  provided  with  numerous 
nodules,  whereas  the  roots  of  weak  plants  on  virgin  soil  are  destitute 
of  them.  Only  quite  recently  have  the  origin  and  significance  of 
these  tubercles  been  understood.  It  has  been  proved  that  they  are 
a  kind  of  gall  produced  by  certain  bacteria.  These  bacteria  live  in 
the  ground,  attack  the  root  hairs,  break  through  their  thin  walls, 
and  make  their  way  to  the  interior  of  the  root  branches.  There 
they  propagate  rapidly,  forming  masses  within  the  nodules.  Later 
on,  most  of  the  bacteria  decompose  and  are  used  by  the  plants, 
which  thus  obtain  additional  food.  As  the  bacteria  are  very  rich  in 
nitrogenous  substances,  the  source  of  which  is  the  air  contained  in 
the  porous  soil,  leguminous  plants  are  able  to  secure,  indirectly  through 
the  bacteria,  their  nitrogen  from  the  air.  They  are  therefore  able  to 
accumulate  nitrogen  without  robbing  the  soil  and,  when  dying,  to 
leave  a  supply  of  nitrogenous  substances  for  succeeding  crops. 

When  soil  from  land  where  Alfalfa,  for  instance,  has  been  suc- 
cessfully grown  is  put  on  a  field,  that  field  is  supplied  with  the  bacteria 
necessary  for  the  development  of  Alfalfa.  The  amount  needed  is 
not  large,  two  hundred  pounds  being  sufficient  for  an  acre.  Instead 
of  soil  from  old  fields,  artificial  cultures  of  bacteria  are  now  available 
at  many  botanical  laboratories.  These  cultures,  with  directions  for 
their  use,  are  on  sale  in  bottles  at  a  low  price. 

Nodule-forming  bacteria  are  necessary  for  the  proper  development 
of  all  kinds  of  leguminous  plants.  But  this  does  not  mean  that 
bacteria  which  will  serve  for  a  certain  plant  will  satisfy  another  kind. 
On  the  contrary,  there  are  different  species  and  races  of  nodule- 
forming  bacteria,  and  each  species  or  race  is  able  to  produce  nodules 
only  on  a  certain  kind  of  leguminous  plant.  Thus  the  bacteria 
which  work  on  the  roots  of  Red  Clover  are  different  from  those 
which  produce  nodules  on  the  roots  of  Alfalfa  and  are  quite  unable 
to  benefit  the  latter  plant.  In  using  artificial  cultures  of  nodule- 
bacteria  therefore,  care  should  be  taken  to  procure  the  right  kind. 



The  preparation  of  the  soil  prior  to  seeding  with  grasses  and 
clovers  is  usually  intended  primarily  for  the  benefit  of  the  nurse 
crop.  To  get  a  good  catch,  it  is  important  that  the  surface  soil  be 
of  fine  tilth,  friable,  well-drained  and  contain  a  liberal  supply  of 
decaying  vegetable  matter.  The  tender  seedling  plants  require 
plenty  of  moisture,  though  they  are  injured  by  an  excess.  If  the 
soil  lacks  humus  and  a  hard  crust  is  formed  over  its  surface,  growth 
will  be  stunted  and  the  young  plants  will  suffer  from  even  a  few  hot, 
dry  days. 

Seeding  to  grasses  and  clovers  should  follow  a  cleaning  crop 
that  has  had  deep  and  thorough  cultivation.  The  suppression  of 
perennial  weeds  should  precede  the  making  of  a  meadow.  Such  a 
location  as  a  clayey  hillside,  where  the  soil  is  apt  to  become  hard 
after  heavy  rains,  may  be  greatly  improved  by  a  light  top-dressing 
of  rotted  stable  manure,  which  should  be  incorporated  with  the 
surface  soil  by  harrowing.  On  low,  wet  lands  the  best  possible 
surface  drainage  should  be  provided,  even  for  grasses  that  like 
abundant  moisture.  On  the  dryer  prairie  soils  the  subsoil  should 
be  packed  to  keep  the  moisture  near  the  surface  until  the  seedlings 
have  grown  robust. 

Nurse  crops  are  designed,  in  part  at  least,  for  the  protection 
of  seedling  plants  of  grasses  and  clovers.  When  all  the  soil  moisture 
does  not  have  to  be  saved  for  the  meadow,  a  light  nurse  crop  screens 
the  seedlings  from  the  burning  heat  of  the  sun;  it  helps  to  suppress 
weeds  until  the  grasses  have  sufficient  vigour  to  compete  with  them ; 
and  it  may  give  a  return  from  the  land  while  the  meadow  is  devel- 
oping. Wheat  or  barley  is  generally  considered  most  satisfactory 
as  a  nurse  crop.  Oats,  even  with  thin  seeding,  are  later  to  mature 
and  apt  to  make  too  much  shade.  Standing  in  a  nurse  crop,  one 
should  be  able  at  any  time  during  the  growing  season  to  see  the 
young  grass  ten  or  twelve  feet  away.  The  nurse  crop  should  be 
ready  to  harvest  as  soon  as  tl\e  grasses  commence  to  tiller  or  stool  out 
and  the  clovers  or  other  legumes  to  develop  new  shoots  or  branches 
from  the  crown. 

In  districts  where  the  rainfall  is  less  than  thirty  inches,  or  not 
well  distributed  throughout  the  growing  season,  the  nurse  crop  may 
rob  the  young  fodder  plants  of  necessary  moisture.  In  some  seasons 
a  good  stand  of  Red  Clover  is  difficult  to  obtain,  partly  because  of 
the  lack  of  humus  in  the  soil,  but  also  because  the  nurse  crop,  fre- 
quently oats,  robs  the  young  plants  of  the  available  moisture.  If 



the"meadow  is  of  more  importance  than  the  nurse  crop,  it  is  advisable 
in  a  dry  season  to  dispense  with  the  latter;  or,  if  planted,  to  cut  it 
for  fodder  before  the  seedlings  perish  from  thirst. 

The  depth  of  seeding  depends  on  the  kind  of  seed,  the  char- 
acter and  condition  of  the  soil,  and  the  moisture.  It  is  said  that 
no  seed  should  be  planted  deeper  than  four  times  its  diameter.  When 
growing  wild,  fodder  and  pasture  plants  drop  their  ripe  seeds,  which 
germinate  very  near  or  on  the  surface  of  the  soil.  But  nature  is 
more  wasteful  than  the  farmer  can  afford  to  be;  he  should  provide 
the  best  possible  conditions  for  the  development  of  a  perfect  seedling. 

Method  of  seeding:  When  the  soil  is  quite  firm,  as  for  spring 
seeding  on  fall  wheat  land,  harrowing  after  broadcast  seeding,  if 
the  land  is  reasonably  dry,  makes  a  good  tilth  and  covering  for  the 
grass  and  clover  seeds  and  is  beneficial  to  the  wheat  plants.  When 
seeding  after  deep  spring  cultivation,  the  fodder  crop  seeds  may  be 
sown  by  the  seeder  in  front  of  the  grain  drills  and  then  rolled  and 
given  a  stroke  with  a  weeder;  if  the  subsurface  soil  is  firm  and  the 
surface  in  fine  tilth  the  grain  drill  may  be  followed  by  a  weeder 
alone  to  level  the  soil  and  redistribute  the  seeds  that  have  been 
thrown  together  between  the  drills.  If  the  weather  is  favourable,  it 
is  sometimes  satisfactory,  although  bad  practice,  to  broadcast  the 
seed  after  the  nurse  crop  has  been  sown  and  depend  on  rains  to 
cover  and  protect  it  during  germination.  Any  method  that  will 
insure  its  even  distribution  and  a  covering  of  half  an  inch  is  prefer- 
able to  surface  seeding  without  covering.  Heavy  rains  are  apt  to 
wash  the  seed  lying  on  the  surface  into  the  furrows  and  ditches. 
Then,  too,  many  kinds  of  grass  seeds  that  require  two  or  more  weeks 
to  germinate  may  be  destroyed  if  exposed  on  the  surface.  Sowing 
from  one  to  one  and  a  half  inches  deep  is  sometimes  recommended 
for  Alfalfa  and  other  fodder  crops  on  prairie  soils.  In  semi-arid 
districts  Alfalfa  for  seed  crop  may  be  thinly  sown  in  drills  from 
twenty  to  thirty  inches  apart.  If  the  soil  is  very  dry  the  growth  will 
be  dwarfed,  but  their  deep  roots  enable  the  plants  to  get  moisture 
enough  to  produce  a  fair  yield  of  good  seed. 

Implements  are  specially  designed  for  sowing  grass  and  clover 
seeds.  Most  grain  seeders  are  fitted  with  an  attachment,  sometimes 
in  front  and  sometimes  behind  the  drill  tubes,  for  sowing  fodder 
plant  seeds.  If  the  surface  is  in  fine  tilth,  and  the  grain  drill  is  followed 
by  a  weeder  or  light  harrow,  to  level  the  soil,  the  fine  seeds  are  not 
apt  to  be  covered  too  deeply,  which  sometimes  happens  in  lumpy 
clay.  The  hand  broadcast  seeder,  with  a  revolving  disc  to  scatter 


the  seed,  is  a  satisfactory  implement  for  most  grass  and  clover  seeds 
and  is  quite  generally  used.  When  seeding  with  mixtures,  however, 
it  has  the  same  disadvantage  as  scattering  the  seed  by  hand;  the 
heavier  clover  seeds  are  thrown  so  much  farther  than  the  finer  grasses 
that  the  distribution  may  be  unequal. 

Thick  seeding,  especially  for  meadows  of  short  duration,  is 
commonly  recommended  by  seedsmen  and  experienced  farmers.  For 
hay  the  advantage,  as  a  rule,  is  not  in  an  increased  yield,  but  rather 
in  the  finer  quality  of  the  crop.  If  soil  and  weather  are  favourable, 
a  satisfactory  stand  of  Timothy,  Alsike  and  Red  Clover,  for  instance, 
may  be  had  by  sowing  four,  three  and  six  pounds  respectively  per 
acre.  By  sowing  six  pounds  of  Timothy,  four  of  Alsike  and  ten  of 
Red  Clover,  the  chance  will  be  better  for  securing  a  good  stand  of 
plants,  suppressing  the  weeds,  and  obtaining  a  large  yield  of  hay  of 
good  quality.  The  cost  of  the  additional  seed  should  be  considered 
as  inexpensive  insurance  of  satisfactory  results.  Thick  seeding  is 
not  recommended  for  a  seed  crop.  Both  yield  and  quality  of  the  seed 
are  inferior  when  the  stand  is  too  thick. 

Quality  of  seed  is  an  important  factor  in  making  a  meadow. 
The  rental  value  of  the  land  plus  the  cost  of  preparing  it  are  many 
times  greater  than  the  cost  of  the  seed ;  but  if  only  a  small  percentage 
of  the  seed  is  capable  of  germination  and  that  which  is  vital  is  not 
true  to  name,  or  if  it  is  infested  with  noxious  weed  seeds,  the  total 
outlay  may  result  in  a  loss,  or,  worse  still,  in  a  positive  injury. 

The  origin  of  growth  of  grass  and  clover  seeds  is  often  equiv- 
alent to  varietal  differences,  usually  in  point  of  hardiness.  Grass 
plants  grown  from  seeds  produced  in  a  warm  climate  are  more  easily 
winter  killed,  and  those  from  a  moist  temperate  climate  are  more 
susceptible  to  drought  than  are  thoroughly  acclimated  plants. 
Experiments  with  Alfalfa  at  Guelph  show  that  northern  grown  seed,, 
particularly  that  from  long-established  fields  in  the  district,  is  more 
hardy  than  seed  obtained  from  dryer  or  warmer  climates.  Red  Clover 
from  southern  Europe  or  from  Chili,  although  of  satisfactory  type,, 
will  not  stand  the  Canadian  winter  as  well  as  plants  from  home- 
grown seed.  Competent  seedsmen  should  know  the  origin  of  the 
grass  and  clover  seeds  they  sell,  and  purchasers  should  demand  seed 
of  northern  and,  if  procurable,  of  local  production. 

Varieties :  Few  Canadian  farmers  differentiate  between  varieties 
of  the  common  grasses  and  clovers.  In  fact,  varieties  of  Timothy, 


Orchard  Grass,  Western  Rye  Grass,  early  Red  Clover,  Alsike  or 
Alfalfa  are  little  known,  and,  with  the  exception  of  certain  strains 
of  Alfalfa,  are  not  commercially  available.  Such  varieties  are  of 
recent  production,  but  the  difference  in  point  of  earliness,  yield  or 
general  quality  is  quite  remarkable.  As  soon  as  reliable  seed  of  the 
best  varieties  is  available,  farmers  will  find  it  profitable  to  use  it 
instead  of  the  ordinary  seed  of  commerce. 

Percentage  vitality  in  grass  and  clover  seeds  is  an  important 
consideration  and  should  receive  special  attention  in  the  case  of  the 
finer  grasses.  Fully  ninety-five  per  cent,  of  the  fodder  crop  seeds 
used  in  Canada  consist  of  Timothy,  Orchard  Grass,  Brome  Grass, 
Western  Rye  Grass,  Red  Clover,  Alsike  and  Alfalfa,  and,  with  the 
exception  of  Brome  Grass,  commercial  seeds  of  these  kinds  are  sel- 
dom deficient  in  vitality.  Good  seed  of  Brome  Grass,  the  Blue 
Grasses,  Fescues  and  others  of  the  finer  grasses  should  germinate 
eighty  per  cent,  or  better;  but  commercial  samples  often  contain  less 
than  fifty  per  cent,  of  vital  seeds.  Seed  that  will  germinate  eighty 
per  cent,  or  better  is  really  cheaper  at  thirty  cents  per  pound  than 
seed  at  half  the  cost,  if  the  percentage  vitality  is  commensurately 
low.  Reliable  seedsmen  know  what  the  vitality  of  their  seeds  is, 
but  purchasers  of  the  finer  grass  seeds  should  buy  at  least  a  month 
before  planting  time  and  test  their  seeds.  Sow  two  hundred  average 
seeds  of  each  kind  in  light  soil  in  a  flower  pot  and  keep  them  slightly 
moist  in  a  living  room  temperature  in  a  sunny  window  for  about  three 

Purity:  The  value  of  grass  and  clover  seeds  is  affected  most  by 
the  nature  and  amount  of  their  impurities.  Unfortunately  it  is  diffi- 
cult to  obtain  these  seeds  free  from  weeds.  One  hundred  weed  seeds 
in  an  ounce  of  grass  or  clover  may  not  be  detected,  but  the  weeds  are 
very  evident  in  the  resultant  crop.  The  folly  of  purchasing  the  in- 
ferior qualities  is  not  always  clear  from  an  examination  of  the  seed 
itself;  and  although  the  weeds  may  be  quite  evident  in  the  meadow 
their  bad  effect  on  the  stock  is  seldom  fully  appreciated.  The  best 
available  seed  is  always  the  cheapest  in  the  end. 

The  suppression  of  noxious  weeds  in  meadows  is  most 
effectively  and  economically  accomplished  by  clean  cultivation  before 
fodder  crop  seeds  are  sown.  •  Perennial  weeds,  such  as  Daisy,  Thistle, 
Campion  and  Couch  Grass,  tend  to  increase  in  meadows.  In  a 
moist  climate  such  annual  and  biennial  weeds  as  Wild  Oats  and 
Blue  Weed  can  be  prevented  from  seeding  and  thus  effectively 
suppressed  by  leaving  the  land  in  meadow  for  five  years  or  more. 


In  a  dry  climate  weed  seeds  buried  in  the  soil  retain  their  vitality 
longer.  Mustards,  Ragweeds  and  other  annuals  may  be  reduced  by 
seeding  the  land  to  meadow  or  pasture  for  a  term  of  years,  though  it 
is  scarcely  possible  to  prevent  occasional  plants  from  ripening  a  few 
seeds  each  year. 

After  seeding  to  grass  and  clover  on  reasonably  clean  land,  an 
early  maturing  nurse  crop  can  usually  be  counted  upon  to  check 
weed  growth  and  prevent  the  seeds  from  maturing  before  the  crop 
is  harvested.  The  nurse  crop  should  be  ready  to  harvest  or  be  cut 
for  fodder  within  three  or  at  most  three  and  a  half  months  after 
seeding.  If  weeds  are  not  too  prevalent  when  the  nurse  crop  is 
harvested,  it  is  better  for  the  seedling  grass  and  clover  to  leave  a 
stubble  four  or  five  inches  high.  That  will  remove  the  seed  stalks 
of  the  taller  and  more  vigorous  weeds  and  will  enable  the  still  tender 
fodder  plants  to  gradually  adapt  themselves  to  altered  conditions. 
Autumn  weeds  may  be  largely  prevented  from  seeding  by  cutting 
with  a  mowing  machine  about  a  month  after  the  nurse  crop  is  har- 
vested, and  when  Ragweed  is  prevalent  this  is  especially  important. 

In  the  development  of  a  meadow  it  frequently  happens,  as 
a  result  of  unfavourable  weather,  irregular  seeding,  patches  of  too 
wet  or  too  hard  and  dry  soil,  or  a  heavy  nurse  crop  perhaps  lodging 
in  places,  that  the  seedling  plants  suffer  severely  or  are  killed  out 
in  small  areas.  As  soon  as  the  autumn  rains  commence,  or,  if  the 
soil  is  sufficiently  moist,  at  any  time  after  the  summer  heat  is  past, 
it  is  well  to  re-seed  such  patches  quite  thickly.  If  necessary,  apply 
a  thin  dressing  of  rotted  barnyard  manure  to  cover  the  seed,  to 
retain  moisture  and  to  insure  vigorous  autumn  growth.  If  the 
killed  out  areas  are  large,  it  is  sometimes  advisable  to  use  a  sharp 
harrow  to  make  a  good  seed  bed.  If  the  late  fall  is  favourable  and 
the  re-seeded  patches  are  well  protected  during  the  winter,  they 
should  make  a  fair  growth,  even  for  the  first  cutting,  and  succeeding 
crops  will  well  repay  the  trouble  and  expense. 

In  addition  to  the  suppression  of  weeds,  close  cutting  with  a 
mowing  machine,  not  later  than  the  third  week  in  September,  or 
about  a  month  after  the  nurse  crop  is  harvested,  stimulates  the  branch- 
ing and  stooling  out  of  the  clovers  and  grasses,  thus  insuring  a  thicker 
stand  and  a  more  uniform  growth  the  following  spring.  By  removing 
the  nurse  crop  stubble  and  the  autumn  weed  growth,  a  cleaner  and 
better  quality  of  hay  is  secured  from  the  first  cutting.  It  is  import- 
ant, however,  that  this  be  done  in  plenty  of  time  to  insure  a  good 
top  growth  for  winter  protection.  The  last  cut  of  Alfalfa  should  be 


made  not  later  than  the  third  week  in  August.  After  such  autumn 
cutting  the  young  meadow  should  not  be  pastured.  Early  the  fol- 
lowing spring,  if  the  land  is  sufficiently  well  drained,  the  use  of  a 
heavy  roller  is  often  beneficial. 

On  the  dryer  prairie  soils,  where  a  nurse  crop  may  not  be  used, 
two  or  three  cuttings  with  a  mowing  machine  will  suppress  the  weeds 
and  conserve  the  moisture,  but  the  crop  should  not  be  cut  after  the 
middle  of  August. 

The  lack  of  winter  protection  for  young  meadows  is  the  most 
common  cause  of  reduced  yields  and  inferior  quality  of  hay.  During 
dry  seasons,  when  natural  pastures  and  fodder  crops  are  short,  the 
use  of  newly  seeded  meadows  immediately  the  nurse  crop  is  removed 
sometimes  seems  unavoidable,  even  when  the  seedling  plants  are 
struggling  for  existence  and  much  reduced  in  vigour  by  their  com- 
petition with  a  nurse  crop  that  has  robbed  them  of  moisture  rather 
than  protected  them.  It  is  under  just  such  conditions  that  pasturing 
is  most  disastrous.  For  every  pound  of  forage  taken  from  the  young 
plants  more  than  ten  pounds  are  lost  in  the  hay  crop;  the  stand  will 
be  thinner  and  the  quality  of  the  hay  poorer.  The  young  plants 
should  completely  hide  the  ground  and  show  a  growth  of  six  inches 
or  more  before  the  autumn  season  is  past.  Only  when  there  is 
danger  of  smothering  the  crop  from  a  rank  growth  of  clover,  which 
rarely  occurs,  is  there  any  advantage  in  pasturing  a  young  meadow 
the  first  year. 

Grasses  and  other  fodder  plants  should  be  cut  when  the 
crop  has  reached  its  maximum  value,  in  yield  and  quality,  for  cured 
hay;  the  effect  on  the  aftermath  or  succeeding  crops  should  also 
be  considered.  The  main  natural  function  of  the  plant  is  to  repro- 
duce itself.  Until  its  seed-bearing  organs  have  been  fertilized,  it 
collects  nutriment  and  stores  it  up  in  its  tissues  for  the  development 
and  maturing  of  seeds.  As  soon  as  the  flower  is  fertilized,  the  seed 
draws  on  the  store  of  nourishment  in  the  stems  and  leaves  and  the 
plant  begins  to  harden.  With  some  kinds  of  fodder  plants,  such  as 
Blue-joint  Grass,  that  depend  largely  on  their  roots  for  reproduction 
and  bear  few  seeds,  the  hardening  of  the  plant  is  less  pronounced;  but 
in  nearly  all  the  most  valuable  kinds  the  change  from  succulent  and 
pliable  tissues  to  brittle  and  woody  stems  and  leaves  is  rapid  and 
marked.  Even  before  fertilization,  many  of  the  fodder  plants,  such 
as  Alfalfa,  Western  Rye  Grass  and  Timothy,  commence  to  harden. 

If  cut  before  the  flowers  are  ripe  for  fertilization,  the  plant  will 
renew  its  efforts  to  reproduce  itself,  and  the  aftermath  or  second  crop 


will  consequently  be  greater.  When  cutting  is  delayed  until  seeds 
have  started  to  develop,  the  natural  tendency  of  Red  Clover  and 
other  biennial  fodder  plants  is  to  die  down;  with  Timothy  and  other 
grasses  the  effect  is  apparent  not  only  in  the  aftermath  but  also  in 
the  crop  of  the  succeeding  year.  In  wild  nature  the  next  year's 
crop  would  consist  in  part  of  young  plants  from  seed  which,  under 
agricultural  conditions,  is  frequently  allowed  to  form  but  not  to  mature 
and  drop. 

From  the  standpoint  of  the  quality  of  the  hay,  nothing  is  gained 
and  much  may  be  lost  by  deferring  cutting  until  the  bloom  is  well 
advanced.  The  yield  per  acre  is  slightly  increased  during  the  few 
days  between  early  and  late  flowering,  but  that  small  increase  is 
obtained  at  the  expense  of  a  marked  depreciation  in  quality;  and  if 
the  aftermath  or  succeeding  crops  are  taken  into  account,  the  total 
yield  is  actually  reduced. 

When  fodder  crops  that  reach  the  early  flowering  stage  at 
different  times  are  sown  together,  as  Early  Red  Clover  and  Timothy, 
the  best  time  for  the  first  cutting  depends  on  the  proportion  of  each. 
It  will  usually  be  found  advisable,  and  in  the  end  most  economical, 
to  cut  when  the  early  maturing  clover  is  not  more  than  two  or  three 
days  past  its  best  condition  for  hay-making.  In  dry,  hot  weather 
fodder  crops  ripen  quickly,  and  a  few  days'  delay  may  then  do  as 
much  damage  as  a  much  longer  period  would  in  cool  weather  with 
a  moist  soil. 

For  hay,  cutting  is  best  done  by  machine  mowers.  The  harvest- 
ing of  grass  seed  is  commonly  done  with  self-binders,  the  sheaves 
being  stood  together  in  small  shocks  to  cure  and  ripen  the  seed. 

Close  cutting  for  hay  is  recommended.  When  the  fodder  crop 
consists  largely  of  clovers  and  is  heavy  and  lodged  in  patches,  the 
cutter  bar  should  be  so  adjusted  as  to  get  below  the  stalks,  else  the 
remaining  stubble  will  be  dangerous  to  the  machinery  in  tedding 
and  raking  and  will  leave  a  worthless  roughage  to  be  collected  with 
the  next  hay  crop.  The  advantage  of  a  smooth  surface,  produced 
by  the  use  of  the  weeder  following  the  grain  drill  and  by  spring 
rolling  across  the  furrows,  is  best  appreciated  when  a  heavy  and 
badly  lodged  crop  of  clover  is  to  be  cut. 

It  is  usually  convenient  to  cut  during  that  part  of  the  day  when 
the  dew  prevents  the  work  of  making  and  hauling.  When,  however, 
the  clover  crop  is  heavy  and  liable  to  collect  on  the  divider  when  wet 
with  dew,  late  afternoon  cutting  is  desirable.  Tedding  or  turning 
the  green  fodder  should  commence  soon  after  it  is  cut.  If  the  crop 


is  heavy,  tedding  should  be  continued  at  intervals  until  the  fodder 
is  sufficiently  cured  to  rake  into  coils  and  stack  into  small  cocks. 
If  at  all  possible,  this  should  be  done  the  day  it  is  cut,  or,  if  cut  in 
the  afternoon,  the  day  after.  Green  fodder,  when  cut  at  the  best 
stage  for  hay-making,  usually  contains  about  eighty  per  cent,  of 
moisture.  In  good  weather  even  a  heavy  crop  of  clover  may  be  dried 
sufficiently  in  one  day  to  be  ready  to  put  up  in  small  cocks  for  further 
curing.  The  moisture  in  hay  ready  to  store  commonly  ranges  from 
twelve  to  fifteen  per  cent.  A  larger  percentage  would  conduce  to 
sweating  and  mow-burning.  It  is  a  good  plan  to  cut  until  nine 
o'clock  in  the  morning  and  then  have  one  person  ted  and  rake  for 
the  balance  of  the  day;  hauling  and  storing  should  proceed  from 
nine  o'clock  until  four  or  four- thirty  in  the  afternoon,  the  remaining 
two  hours  or  less  to  be  devoted  to  putting  up  the  freshly  cured  hay 
into  cocks.  Plans  for  hay-making  are,  however,  often  interrupted 
by  showers,  which  add  to  the  labour  of  curing  and  are  often  more 
disastrous  to  the  quality  of  the  hay  than  extreme  dry  heat. 

Even  during  continued  rain  it  is  advisable,  by  tedding  or  turning 
with  a  fork,  to  keep  the  partly  cured  hay  loose  and  open  to  prevent 
it  from  packing  and  becoming  soaked.  Its  flavour  and  much  of  its 
nutritive  matter  are  more  liable  to  be  lost  if  it  lies  in  a  sodden  mass 
than  if  it  is  kept  loose  and  open  though  wet.  If  the  wreather  is  dry 
and  hot,  it  is  important  to  cut  and  cure  promptly.  Hay  dried  by 
the  burning  heat  of  the  sun  is  apt  to  lose  much  of  its  fine  quality; 
it  is  best  shaken  out  and  dried  by  light  winds.  In  dry,  hot  weather 
it  is  advisable  to  use  the  tedder  immediately  after  cutting  and  at 
frequent  intervals  and  to  rake  and  cock  while  the  fodder  is  still  quite 
moist.  Rapid  ripening  sometimes  makes  it  expedient  to  defer  hauling 
in  favour  of  cutting  and  curing.  It  is  then  advisable  to  put  it  up 
in  large  cocks. 

Because  of  the  scarcity  and  cost  of  farm  labour,  approved 
methods  of  curing  and  handling  have  to  be  modified,  and  such  im- 
plements as  hay  loaders  substituted  for  hand  labour  and  cocking. 
If  hauling  can  be  done  from  the  windrow,  as  soon  as  the  hay  is  suf- 
ficiently cured,  good  results  are  obtained. 

Compared  with  the  labour  of  hay-making  by  the  early  settlers, 
when  cutting  was  done  with  a  scythe,  curing  by  turning  with  a  fork, 
raking  with  wooden  rakes,  and  loading  and  unloading  by  hand, 
modern  hay-making  is  not  arduous.  Ten  acres  of  hay  meant  a  fairly 
large  undertaking  for  the  pioneer  farmer;  his  grandson,  with  less 
help  but  more  machinery,  can  make  light  work  of  five  times  that 
area.  When  operating  his  machines  he  is  not  troubled  with  stumps 


and  stones.  His  grandfather  built  fences  with  them.  Seated  on 
his  tedder,  he  can  shake  out  as  much  hay  in  an  hour  as  his  great- 
grandmother  and  her  daughters  could  in  a  day.  The  raking,  loading 
and  unloading  are  now  largely  done  by  horse-power. 

The  effect  of  meadow  weeds:  With  the  evolution  of  labour- 
saving  machinery  and  transportation  facilities  have  come  the  intro- 
duction and  dissemination  of  farm  weeds.  The  losses  due  to  weeds 
in  the  fodder  crop  are  not  well  understood.  The  farmer  can  estimate 
the  depreciation  in  the  yield  of  grain  caused  by  weeds,  but  the  total 
yield  of  cured  hay  may  be  actually  increased  by  their  presence. 

Badly  infested  pastures  are  good  places  in  which  to  study  weeds. 
It  will  be  observed  that  many  kinds  avoided  by  cattle  are  less 
objectionable  to  horses  and  are  sometimes  even  relished  by  sheep. 
Some  weeds,  as  Water  Parsnip,  are  very  poisonous.  Others,  such 
as  the  mustards,  docks  and  daisies,  are  not  dangerous  unless  con- 
sumed in  considerable  quantities  or  for  long  periods,  when  their 
poisonous  nature  is  made  evident  by  the  chronic  ill-health  of  the 
animals.  When  grazing,  unless  fodder  grasses  are  quite  depleted, 
live  stock  are  not  apt  to  consume  enough  weeds  seriously  to  impair 
their  health.  When  allowed  to  select  their  own  food  in  fields,  the 
animals,  especially  cattle,  usually  thrive  much  better  than  when 
provided  with  even  more  nutritious  rations  in  the  stable. 

The  acrid  flavour  of  Wormseed  Mustard,  False  Flax,  Shepherd's 
Purse  and  other  members  of  the  Mustard  family  is  well  known. 
They  contain  a  strong  irritant,  the  effects  of  which,  if  the  weeds  are 
consumed  in  quantity  with  cut  feed,  are  best  understood  by  those 
who  have  suffered  under  a  mustard  plaster.  When  fed  for  long  on 
hay  or  grain  that  contains  only  a  small  quantity  of  the  plants  or 
seeds,  the  effects  are  less  acute.  They  are  first  noticeable  in  the 
urine;  the  animal  finally  breaks  out  in  deep  ulcers,  which,  like  those 
sometimes  produced  by  prolonged  applications  of  mustard  plaster,  are 
slow  to  heal. 

Most  members  of  the  Cockle  family  contain  saponin,  which  is 
distinctly  poisonous,  and^  although  they  have  not  enough  to  prove 
fatal  to  horses  and  cattle  eating  cockle-infested  hay,  they  conduce 
to  an  unthrifty  condition  indicated  by  imperfect  digestion,  loss  of 
appetite,  lack  of  vigour,  a  hot  skin  and  gradual  loss  of  flesh. 

Buttercups  are  strongly  acrid  and  blister  the  mouths  of  animals; 
stock  will  not  pasture  where  they  are  prevalent.  When  consumed 
in  excess,  or  for  a  long  period,  they  are  said  to  cause  abortion  in  cows. 

Many  members  of  the  Sunflower  family  are  known  to  be  un- 
wholesome, and  some  of  them  positively  poisonous.  Ragweed  is  a 


strong  irritant.  Its  pollen  is  believed  to  cause  hay  fever.  Ragwort 
(Senecio  Jacoboea),  which  is  common  in  some  parts  ot  the  Atlantic 
provinces,  has  been  shown  to  be  the  cause  of  the  Pictou  cattle  disease. 
Like  many  other  weeds  poisonous  to  some  kinds  of  stock  and  harmless 
to  others,  this  is  not  injurious  to  sheep. 

The  objectionable  flavour  of  weedy  hay  induces  stalled  animals, 
which  have  no  option  but  to  eat  it  or  starve,  to  pick  over  their  fodder 
and  eat  only  the  palatable  part.  To  avoid  this  apparent  waste,  the 
cutting  box  is  used  to  turn  weedy  fodder  into  cut  feed.  The  feed 
so  prepared  is  rendered  unpalatable  and  often  unwholesome  by  the 
weeds.  Milch  cows  will  eat  only  enough  to  allay  hunger  and  will 
produce  a  gallon  of  milk  of  disagreeable  flavour  instead  of  three 
gallons  of  good  milk  per  day.  Chronic  ill-health  and  a  condition  of 
unthrift  in  the  live  stock,  particularly  in  the  cattle,  is  often  found 
on  a  weed-infested  farm.  The  value  of  a  fodder  crop  may  be  reduced 
or  even  destroyed  by  weeds.  In  establishing  a  meadow  then,  it 
is  most  important  to  suppress  objectionable  weeds  before  the  fodder 
crop  seeds  are  sown. 

The  duration  of  meadows  and  pastures  depends  on  the  kind 
of  farming,  soil  and  drainage.  For  naturally  well-drained  upland 
farms  under  mixed  crops,  short  rotations  with  two  years  in  Red 
Clover  and  grasses  are  recommended.  As  soon  as  the  hay  crop  of 
the  second  year  is  removed,  the  meadow  may  be  ploughed  and 
fallowed  for  the  balance  of  the  year  to  suppress  weeds.  An  application 
of  farmyard  manure,  shallow  ploughed  or  worked  into  the  surface 
soil,  should  fit  the  land  for  spring  planting  with  a  hoed  or  other 
cleaning  crop,  which  may  be  followed  by  a  nurse  crop  of  cereal 
grains,  and  again  seeded  to  Red  Clover  and  grasses  for  two  years 
of  meadow  and  pasture. 

Because  of  the  scarcity  of  farm  labour,  less  intensive  systems 
of  farming  are  popular  in  some  districts.  Large  returns  are  obtained 
from  Alfalfa  with  much  less  labour.  Hardy  strains,  particularly  of 
Variegated  Alfalfa,  are  available,  and  when  farmers  get  northern 
grown  seed  from  the  best  strains  they  can  count  on  satisfactory  crops 
for  years,  provided  the  land  is  well  drained  and  not  infested  with 
perennial  weeds.  In  districts  where  the  crop  is  protected  by  snow 
the  danger  of  winter-killing  is  reduced.  In  the  Niagara  peninsula 
fields  of  Variegated  Alfalfa  of  more  than  thirty  years  standing  still 
produce  large  yields  of  fodder.  Unless  well  protected,  pure  Alfalfa 
is  apt  to  be  killed  out  by  severe  winters  and  few  fields  continue  to 
give  satisfactory  crops  for  more  than  five  or  six  years. 

In  wet,  clayey  soils  and  river  flats  it  is  often  necessary  or  ex- 
pedient to  leave  the  land  to  permanent  meadows  or  pastures  for  long 


periods.  It  is  difficult  to  prepare  low-lying  wet  soils  for  cereals  in 
the  early  spring,  and  river  flats  are  apt  to  be  badly  washed  and 
furrowed  by  floods  unless  retained  by  sods.  The  annual  deposit  of 
sediment  from  spring  freshets  usually  maintains  the  fertility  of 
river  flats  left  in  permanent  meadow,  and  if  the  most  suitable  grasses 
are  well-established  large  yields  of  good  hay  may  be  obtained  for 
many  years. 

Fertilizing  meadows  of  long  duration  is  common  in  Europe, 
less  frequent  in  the  eastern  provinces  of  Canada,  and  not  at  all 
general  inland.  A  dressing  of  well-rotted  farmyard  manure  applied 
in  the  early  spring  every  two  or  three  years  is  highly  beneficial,  and 
is  the  best  way  to  maintain  an  upland  meadow  in  good  condition. 
The  decaying  manure  spread  over  the  surface  forms  a  mulch  that 
helps  to  retain  the  moisture.  Clovers  are  often  benefited  by 
potash  and  gypsum  or  other  form  of  lime,  but  are  little  affected 
by  nitrogenous  manures.  Old  meadows  respond  quickly  to  an 
application,  at  the  commencement  of  the  growing  season,  of  nitrate 
of  soda  at  the  rate  of  about  one  hundred  pounds  per  acre.  On 
low-lying,  naturally  moist  soil,  good  yields  may  be  had  by  sowing 
every  two  or  three  years  three  or  four  hundred  pounds  per  acre  of 
mixed  fertilizer  or  bone  meal  that  is  rich  in  nitrogen. 

Permanent  pastures  yield  a  small  revenue  when  compared 
with  thorough  cultivation  and  alternate  cropping.  If  used  for  soiling, 
ten  acres  of  good  Alfalfa  will  give  as  much  nutritive  fodder  as  forty 
acres  in  permanent  pasture.  The  waste  due  to  tramping  is  much 
greater  in  temporary  pastures,  such  as  Clover  and  Timothy,  than 
in  permanent  pastures  composed  of  grass  mixtures,  but  the  yield  is 
usually  much  larger  and  the  forage  is  more  easily  available  to  cattle. 
Permanent  pastures  are  of  greatest  value  for  sheep.  On  land  that 
is  easily  tillable  and  productive  under  alternate  cropping,  they  are 
not  recommended  for  cattle,  unless  it  is  impossible  to  procure  labour 
to  cultivate  the  land. 

Reseeding  and  renovating  are  seldom  necessary  when  proper 
•care  is  taken  of  a  meadow  and  natural  winter  protection  is  provided. 
On  some  soils  it  will  be  found,  however,  that  where  several  kinds  of 
grasses  and  clovers  are  sown,  one  or  two  sorts  will  predominate,  to 
the  practical  exclusion  of  the  others.  If  a  meadow  of  long  duration 
or  a  permanent  pasture  is  required,  it  may  be  necessary  to  supple- 
ment the  kinds  that  have  established  themselves  by  re-seeding  with 
•other  grasses.  These  must  be  selected  with  care  and  for  a  definite 
purpose;  Red  Top,  for  instance,  might  be  chosen  for  bottom  grass 
on  moist  lands  where  all  other  kinds  except  Timothy  have  been  killed 


out.  The  seeding  should  be  done  in  the  early  spring,  and,  if  the  land 
is  dry  enough,  a  sharp  harrow,  followed  by  a  heavy  roller,  may  be 
used  to  cover  the  seed  and  secure  a  smooth  surface. 

Hillsides  and  exposed  places  in  newly-seeded  as  well  as  long- 
standing meadows  and  pastures  often  need  renovating  and  re-seeding 
after  a  severe  winter.  A  liberal  re-seeding  followed  by  the  harrow 
or  roller,  or  both,  usually  gives  satisfactory  results.  If  the  soil  on 
the  re-seeded  patches  is  apt  to  become  hard  and  baked,  a  light  dressing 
of  well-rotted  stable  manure  is  necessary  to  insure  a  good  catch. 

Both  new  and  old  meadows  are  benefited  by  spring  rolling, 
especially  if  they  have  been  repeatedly  frozen  and  thawed  during 
the  early  spring. 

CORN  (Zea  Mays  L.) 
Other  English  names:  Indian  Corn,  Maize. 

Botanical  description:  Corn  is  one  of  the  tallest  and  most 
vigorous  of  the  annual  grasses.  The  stems,  which  vary  in  height 
in  different  types  and  varieties,  are  solid,  whereas  in  most  other  grasses 
they  are  hollow.  The  leaves  are  long  and  broad,  wavy  and  gradually 
tapering  towards  the  apex.  The  top  of  the  stem  bears  a  large  panicle 
with  spreading  branches,  each  of  which  forms  a  spike  with  numerous 
flowers.  These  flowers  contain  only  the  stamens-  or  male  organs 
and  are  normally  unable  to  form  seeds.  The  seeds  are  developed  in 
the  ear,  a  kind  of  fleshy  spike,  the  flowers  of  which  are  arranged 
in  distinct  rows  and  contain  only  the  pistils  or  female  organs.  When 
young  the  ears  are  enclosed  within  a  husk  of  broad  leaves  and  nothing 
can  be  seen  of  the  flowers.  At  flowering  time  a  cluster  of  long, 
slender,  yellowish-green  or  reddish  threads  protrude  from  the  top 
of  the  ear.  These  threads,  called  the  silk,  are  the  top  ends  of  the 
female  flowers  and  catch  the  dust-like  pollen  developed  in  the  male 
flowers  and  transported  by  the  wind.  The  development  of  the  ear 
starts,  as  in  all  other  inflorescences  of  grasses,  at  the  base  and  proceeds 
upwards.  Thus  the  first  visible  silk  threads  belong  to  the  lower 
flowers,  which  consequently,  under  normal  conditions,  are  fertilized 
earlier  than  the  upper  ones.  Should  the  weather  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  flowering  period  be  unfavourable,  the  pollen  will  not  be 
freely  transported  and  deposited  on  the  silk  and  the  upper  part  of 
the  ear  may  be  partly  or  wholly  barren,  as  the  seeds  are  unable  to- 
develop  properly  without  fertilization. 

CORN.  31 

Geographical  distribution  and  history:  Corn  is  undoubtedly 
of  American  origin.  It  was  grown  by  the  Indians  long  before  the 
discovery  of  America.  The  Incas  of  Peru  are  said  to  have  built 
large  storerooms  for  it,  to  prevent  famine  in  case  of  crop  failure. 
It  was  grown  as  far  north  as  the  St.  Lawrence  valley  when  the  first 
explorers  arrived  there.  Ears  of  corn  are  often  found  in  old  Indian 
tombs,  deposited  with  the  deceased  as  provision  for  the  long  journey 
to  the  happy  hunting  grounds. 

Where  or  when  it  was  first  cultivated,  or  from  what  wild  plant 
it  developed,  is  not  definitely  known.  It  is  generally  assumed  that 
its  cultivation  started  in  Central  America  and  spread  north  and 
south.  It  has  never  been  found  wild.  This  might  either  mean  that 
wild  corn  was  extinct  before  botanists  could  make  a  record  of  it,  or 
that  it  is  a  plant  so  different  from  the  cultivated  form  that  it  is  now 
impossible  to  recognize  it.  The  latter  assumption  is  the  one  generally 
favoured,  and  the  plant  mentioned  as  the  probable  primitive  form 
is  the  Mexican  Teosinte  (Euchlaena  mexicana  Schrad.).  Although 
very  different  from  corn  in  its  general  appearance,  Teosinte  is  evid- 
ently closely  related  to  it,  as  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  hybrids 
obtained  by  crossing  the  two  produce  germinable  seeds.  Though 
this  is  not  conclusive  proof,  it  is  evidence  that  corn  may  have  de- 
veloped from  Teosinte,  for  in  all  other  known  cases  hybrids  between 
distinct  grass  species  are  sterile. 

Climate:  Being  of  southern  origin,  corn  requires  a  warm,  moist 
climate.  In  the  north,  where  the  season  is  short  and  the  weather 
comparatively  cool,  only  the  earliest  varieties  reach  full  maturity 
under  ordinary  conditions. 

Soil:  It  demands  a  warm,  fertile  soil  and  thrives  best  in  a  deep, 
rich  loam,  well  drained  yet  stored  with  abundant  moisture.  A  good 
supply  of  organic  matter,  furnishing  readily  available  plant  food, 
will  increase  the  yield  considerably.  Poor  sandy  soils,  or  soils  with 
the  water  table  near  the  surface,  do  not  allow  the  roots  to  gather 
sufficient  nourishment.  In  stiff  clay,  or  in  soils  which  form  a  hard- 
pan  subsurface,  the  growth  is  slow  and  the  yield  uncertain,  especially 
in  dry  weather. 

Varieties:  Corn  includes  hundreds  of  agricultural  varieties. 
This  is  chiefly  due  to  the  readiness  with  which  cross-fertilization 
takes  place  between  individuals  of  different  types.  Some  varieties 
are  dwarfs,  no  more  than  eighteen  inches  high;  others  are  giants, 


reaching  a  height  of  from  twenty  to  twenty-five  feet.  In  some  the 
ears  are  only  an  inch  or  two  long;  in  others  as  much  as  sixteen  inches. 
The  number  of  kernel  rows,  which  is  always  even,  ranges  from  eight 
to  twenty-four  or  more,  according  to  variety.  Abnormal  individual 
ears  sometimes  have  as  few  as  four  in  some  varieties,  or  as  many 
as  forty-eight  in  the  large-eared  sorts.  The  size  of  the  kernels,  their 
shape,  colour,  chemical  composition,  etc.,  are  extremely  variable. 
According  to  Dr.  E.  L.  Sturtevant,  the  varieties  may  be  classified 
into  the  following  seven  principal  groups. 

1.  The  pod  corns  have  each  kernel  enclosed  in  a  pod  or  small 
husk  and  the  ear  thus  formed  is  also  enclosed  in  husks.     All  other 
groups  have  naked  kernels  within  the  husks.     It  is  doubtful,  however, 
whether  the  pod  corns  form  a  natural  group.     Possibly  the  husks 
surrounding  the  kernels  are  abnormal  and  might  be  found  in  any  of 
the  main  groups.     This  opinion  is  supported  by  the  fact  that  the 
kernel  structure  varies  in  the  pod  corns. 

2.  The  pop  corns  are  characterized  by  an  excessive  proportion 
of  the  corneous  endosperm;  that  is,   the  nutritious  matter,  which 
forms  the  greater  part  of  the  kernel  and  is  stored  for  the  use  of  the 
sprouting  germ,  contains  little  starch.     In  this  group  the  kernels  and 
ears  are  small.     The  property  of  popping  over  a  fire,  which  is  the 
complete  turning  inside  out  of  the  kernel  through  the  explosion  of 
its  moisture  content,  is  most  pronounced  in  varieties  which  have  a 
corneous  endosperm  throughout  and  is  less  marked  as  the  percentage 
of  starch  increases. 

3.  The  flint  corns  may  be  recognized  by  the  central  part  of 
the  endosperm  being  starchy  and  completely  surrounded  by  a  corn- 
eous coat,  varying  in  thickness  in  different  varieties.     Cartier  found 
varieties  of  this  group  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Montreal. 

4.  The  dent  corns  have  the  central  starchy  part  of  the  endo- 
sperm surrounded  by  a  corneous  layer  at  the  sides  of  the  kernel  only, 
the  starchy  endosperm  thus  extending  to  the  summit  of  the  kernel. 
When  the  endosperm  dries  and  shrinks,  various  indentations  are 
formed  on  the  summit  of  the  kernel.     The  dent  corns  are  extensively 
grown  in  the  United  States,  the  number  of  varieties  exceeding  that 
of  all  other  varieties  combined. 

.  5.  The  soft  corns  have  no  corneous  endosperm.  The  shrinkage 
in  ripening  is  therefore  uniform  in  all  parts  of  the  kernel.  To  this 
group  belong  the  mummy  corns  of  Peru  and  Chili. 

CORN.  33 

6.  The  sweet  corns  are   characterized   by  translucent,  horny 
kernels  and  their  more  or  less  crinkled,  wrinkled  or  shrivelled  con- 
dition.    These  corns  are  extensively  grown  for  canning,  especially  in 
the  eastern  parts  of  North  America. 

7.  The  starchy-sweet  corns  have  the  lower  part  of  the  kernel 
starchy,  the  upper  part  half-horny  and  translucent.     Little  is  known 
about  this  group. 

Agricultural  value:  When  Columbus  landed  in  the  West 
Indies,  he  was  presented  with  a  kind  of  bread  made  from  a  grain 
which  the  natives  called  "mahiz."  From  this  word  is  derived  the 
English  maize,  under  which  name  the  plant  is  known  in  Europe. 
Columbus  took  corn  home  with  him,  but  outside  of  Spain  and 
Portugal  the  plant  was  but  slowly  appreciated  in  Europe.  It  is 
now  grown  there,  especially  in  Italy,  where  corn  porridge  (polenta) 
is  the  working  man's  common  food,  in  Spain,  where  cakes  of  corn 
meal  (tortellas)  are  of  great  importance,  and  in  the  countries  along 
the  lower  course  of  the  Danube.  Latterly  it  has  been  grown  ex- 
tensively in  Europe,  East  India  and  Africa.  Its  cultivation  in 
Europe,  Asia  or  Africa,  however,  cannot  be  compared  with  its  cul- 
tivation in  America.  In  South  and  Central  America  and  in  the 
United  States  it  is  grown  for  both  grain  and  fodder.  Its  importance 
as  a  forage  plant  increases  northwards  with  latitude;  along  the 
northern  limits  of  the  corn  belt  it  is  grown  principally  for  that  pur- 

Fodder:  Corn  is  commonly  fed  green  as  a  supplement  to  pasture 
in  the  late  summer  and  autumn.  It  is  liked  by  all  kinds  of  stock, 
but  for  soiling  it  is  especially  valuable  for  cattle.  It  is  sometimes 
cut  green  and  cured  into  dry  fodder,  but  it  is  retentive  of  moisture 
and  difficult  to  store  for  winter  feeding 

When  grown  for  husking,  the  cured  fodder,  after  the  ripened 
grain  is  removed,  is  hard  and  woody.  When  cut  short  for  feeding, 
moistened  and  left  in  a  pile  until  fermentation  starts,  dry  corn  stover 
becomes  more  succulent,  is  wholesome,  and  is  a  cheap,  bulky  food 
for  store  cattle.  It  is,  however,  deficient  in  feeding  value  when 
compared  with  corn  cut  about  two  weeks  earlier  and  made  into 
ensilage  with  the  grain. 

In  Canada,  corn  is  grown  as  an  ensilage  crop  almost  to  the  ex- 
clusion of  all  others.  Even  along  the  northern  limits  of  the  corn  belt 
the  early  dwarf  flint  varieties,  such  as  the  common  Eight-rowed 
Yellow,  will  yield  a  larger  food  value  per  acre  than  any  other  forage 



crop.  The  type  and  variety  best  suited  to  the  production  of  ensilage 
in  any  locality  depend  on  the  length  of  the  growing  season  and  the 
natural  warmth  of  the  soil.  The  maximum  food  value  per  ton  is 
obtained  from  corn  that  has  reached  the  glazed  stage  of  maturity, 
or  that  stage  of  ripening  when  the  kernels  commence  to  form  a  hard 
crust  over  their  surface.  The  protein  or  flesh-forming  constituents 
are  then  of  the  greatest  amount  and  highest  quality,  having  developed 
from  nitrogenous  substances  of  a  much  lower  feeding  value,  which 
were  present  in  liquid  form  in  the  earlier  stages  of  ripening.  Ensilage 
made  from  corn  that  has  reached  only  the  early  milk  stage  is  commonly 
sour,  and  although  valuable  for  its  succulence,  it  is  markedly  de- 
ficient as  a  food  for  stock  when  compared  with  corn  that  has  nearly 
reached  maturity. 

It  is  of  first  importance  to  have  ensilage  corn  capable  of  reaching 
the  glazed  stage,  even  under  slightly  unfavourable  weather  con- 
ditions, in  plenty  of  time  for  harvesting  before  danger  of  frost;  it  is 
of  secondary  importance  to  obtain  a  large  yield  of  both  stalk  and 
grain.  As  a  rule,  the  most  profitable  variety  to  grow  for 
ensilage  on  average  soil — the  variety  that  will  give  the  largest  food 
value  per  acre — is  one  that  may  be  depended  upon  to  reach  full 
maturity  when  grown  on  a  warmer  soil  in  the  same  locality  or  on  a 
similar  soil  not  more  than  forty  or  fifty  miles  south  of  it.  Experience 
in  ensilage-making  invariably  demonstrates  the  wisdom  of  increasing 
the  acreage  of  early  varieties  rather  than  of  depending  on  large 
yielding  late  sorts  for  the  desired  tonnage. 

For  fodder,  corn  is  commonly  planted  in  drills  at  the  rate  of 
from  twelve  to  twenty  quarts  of  good  seed  to  the  acre.  The  drills 
should  be  not  less  than  thirty-six  inches  apart  for  the  short-growing 
early  sorts,  and  forty- two  inches  for  the  tall,  late  varieties. 

When  two  or  more  varieties  of  corn  for  ensilage  are  to  be  planted 
it  is  advisable  to  plant  them  separate,  especially  if  one  of  the  sorts 
is  taller  and  later  in  flowering  than  the  other.  When  the  smaller  and 
earlier  varieties  are  planted  in  mixture  with  the  larger  and  later  sorts 
the  smaller,  early  corns  are  usually  imperfectly  fertilized  and  the 
yield  of  grain  from  them  is  reduced. 

Seed:  Cross-fertilization  between  varieties  should  be  prevented 
if  possible.  The  pollen  is  carried  long  distances  by  wind,  and  seeds 
of  varieties  grown  within  four  hundred  yards  of  each  other  are  apt 
to  be  more  or  less  impure. 

Both  shelled  corn  and  corn  in  the  ear  are  very  retentive  of 
moisture;  unless  the  seed  is  thoroughly  dried  before  being  stored 
the  vitality  is  apt  to  be  injured  or  destroyed  by  heating  or  severe 


freezing.  When  fully  ripe,  seed  corn  should  be  cut  and  dried  on  the 
stalk  before  husking.  If  the  weather  is  damp  and  unfavourable  to 
drying  in  the  shock,  the  seed  should  be  dried  on  the  ear  by  artificial 
means;  it  should  be  protected  from  freezing  until  the  cob  is  quite 
dry  and  brittle.  A  dark  germ  with  a  wrinkled  covering  shows  that 
the  seed  has  been  injured  by  frost. 


The  millets  are  among  the  most  ancient  agricultural  plants, 
grown  from  time  immemorial  in  Asia  and  parts  of  Europe,  where 
the  seed  is  used  chiefly  as  human  food.  In  America  they  are  grown 
as  forage  plants.  In  Canada  they  are  seldom  used  in  the  regular 
rotation,  but  are  grown  as  catch  crops. 

All  millets  require  a  rich,  loamy  soil,  stored  with  plant  food 
near  the  surface  and  containing  a  liberal  amount  of  moisture.  Under 
favourable  conditions  the  growth  is  rapid  and  a  good  stand  is  obtained 
in  a  short  time.  The  crop  can  be  used  for  hay,  pasture  or  ensilage. 
The  numerous  varieties  grown  in  Canada  and  the  United  States 
belong  to  four  species  widely  different  in  general  appearance. 

When  the  sunne  shineth,  make  hay. — John  Heywood,  Proverbes,  1546. 

Some  persons  recommend  that,  before  housing  the  corn,  a  bramble  frog  should  be  hung  up  by 
one  of  the  hind  legs  at  the  threshold  of  the  granary.  To  me  it  appears  that  the  most  important  pre- 
caution of  all  is  to  house  the  grain  at  the  proper  time;  for  if  it  is  unripe  when  cut,  and  not  sufficiently 
firm,  or  if  it  is  got  in  in  a  heated  state,  it  follows  of  necessity  that  noxious  insects  will  breed  in  it. — 
Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 

Accuse  not  nature,  she  hath  done  her  part; 

Do  thou  but  thine,  and  be  not  diffident 

Of  wisdom;  she  deserts  thee  not,  if  thou 

Dismiss  her  not,  when  most  thou  need'st  her  nigh. 

— Milton,  Paradise  Lost,  1669. 

If  you  sow  one  Ground  still  with  the  same  Corn,  (I  mean  not  the  same  Corn  that  grew  upon  the 
same  Ground,  but  the  same  kind  of  Grain,  as  Wheat,  Barley,  &c.)  it  will  prosper  but  poorly;  therefore 
besides  the  resting  of  the  Ground,  you  must  vary  the  seed. — Bacon,  Natural  History,  1625. 

As  touching  the  various  ways  in  which  the  earth  itself  needs  treatment,  either  as  being  too  moist 
for  sowing,  or  too  salt  for  planting,  these  and  the  processes  of  cure  are  known  to  all  men:  how  in  one 
case  the  superfluous  water  is  drawn  off  by  trenches,  and  in  the  other  the  salt  corrected  by  being  mixed 
with  various  non-salt  bodies,  moist  or  dry.  Yet  here  again,  in  spite  of  knowledge,  some  are  careful 
of  these  matters,  others  negligent. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 


COMMON  MILLET  (Panicum  miliaceum  L.)* 
Plate  i;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  i. 

Botanical  description:  Common  Millet  is  an  annual,  generally 
from  two  to  four  feet  high.  The  stems  are  erect  or  ascending  from 
a  decumbent  base,  rather  stout  and  covered  with  outstanding  hairs. 
The  leaves,  which  are  also  hairy,  are  flat  and  broad.  The  flowers 
are  in  large  panicles,  which  are  often  drooping  and  contain  a  great 
number  of  spikelets.  As  a  rule  these  are  bright  green,  but  occasion- 
ally they  have  a  blackish  or  purplish  tint.  Each  spikelet  contains 
a  single  flower  with  a  bright  red  pistil. 

History:  The  wild  plant  from  which  the  cultivated  Common 
Millet  originated  is  not  known;  its  cultivation  goes  further  back 
than  history.  The  Swiss  lake  dwellers  grew  it  as  early  as  2000  B.C. 
and  it  has  also  been  traced  to  the  lake  dwellings  of  Italy.  It  is 
cultivated  in  eastern  and  southern  Europe,  and  is  of  great  importance 
in  east  and  south  Africa.  It  was  introduced  into  America  rather 
early,  but  has  never  been  extensively  grown  in  Canada. 

Varieties:  Like  all  other  long-cultivated  plants,  Common  Millet 
occurs  in  a  large  number  of  varieties,  differing  from  each  other  es- 
pecially in  the  shape  and  structure  of  the  panicle  and  the  colour  of 
the  seed.  In  some  the  panicle  is  open  and  erect,  in  others  it  is 
compact  and  headlike.  Broom  Corn  Millets  have  a  spreading  and 
drooping  panicle  which  resembles  the  seed  cluster  of  Broom  Corn. 
The  names  of  other  varieties,  such  as  White  and  Red  French,  refer 
to  the  colour  of  the  seed. 

Agricultural  value :  Common  Millet  is  better  suited  for  human 
food  than  any  other  of  the  millets  mentioned.  It  is  largely  grown 
for  that  purpose  in  the  eastern  parts  of  the  Old  World.  Before  the 
potato  was  known  it  furnished  the  main  part  of  the  poor  man's  food 
in  central  Europe.  At  present  it  is  of  practically  no  importance 
there  as  food  for  the  people.  In  North  America  it  is  used  exclusively 
as  a  forage  plant. 

When  intended  for  hay  it  is  important  to  cut  it  at  the  right  time. 

"This  plant  is  the  Common  Millet  of  Europe,  grown  there  from  time  immemorial.  Some 
confusion  has  arisen  from  the  fact  that  what  is  sometimes  called  Common  Millet  in 
America  is  not  the  Common  Millet  of  Europe  but  is  a  Foxtail  Millet,  in  Canada  chiefly  the 
Hungarian  variety. 

Plafe   I 


(  Panicum    miliaceum   L.) 


It  has  its  highest  nutritive  value  when  in  bloom;  after  that  the 
quality  of  the  hay  deteriorates  rapidly.  When  sown  for  hay  or 
pasture,  thirty  pounds  of  seed  should  be  used  per  acre;  when  grown 
for  seed,  twenty  pounds  are  sufficient. 

Seed:  The  seeds  of  Common  Millet  are  considerably  larger  than 
those  of  the  Foxtail  Millets.  They  are  about  one-eighth  of  an  inch 
long,  ovate,  somewhat  flattened,  with  the  outer  side  more  convex 
than  the  inner,  shiny  and  differently  coloured  in  different  varieties. 
The  ordinary  colours  are  white,  red,  yellow,  brown,  grey  and  black. 
The  seed  of  Japanese  Panicle  Millet,  which  is  the  most  widely 
grown  variety  of  Common  Millet  in  Canada,  weighs  sixty  pounds 
to  the  bushel. 

Even  though  the  earth  lie  waste  and  barren,  it  may  still  declare  its  nature;  since  a  soil  productive 
of  beautiful  wild  fruits  can  by  careful  tending  be  made  to  yield  fruits  of  the  cultivated  kind  as  beau- 
tiful.— Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 

Many  persons,  for  the  more  effectual  protection  of  millet,  recommend  that  a  bramble-frog  should 
be  carried  at  night  round  the  field  before  the  hoeing  is  done,  and  then  buried  in  an  earthen  vessel  in 
the  middle  of  it.  If  this  is  done,  they  say,  neither  sparrows  nor  worms  will  attack  the  crop.  The 
frog,  however,  must  be  disinterred  before  the  millet  is  cut;  for  if  this  is  neglected,  the  produce  will 
be  bitter.  It  is  pretended,  too,  that  all  seeds  which  have  been  touched  by  the  shoulders  of  a  mole 
are  remarkably  productive. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 

Be  suer  of  hay,  and  of  provender  some, 
For  labouring  cattle,  till  pasture  be  come. 
And  if  ye  do  mind,  to  have  nothing  to  sterve, 
Have  one  thing  or  other,  for  all  things  to  serve. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Poinles  of  Husbandrit,  1557. 

A  soil  that  is  blackish  and  rich  under  the  entered  ploughshare,  and  whose  mould  is  loose  and 

crumbling,  for  this  we  aim  at  in  ploughing,  is  generally  best  for  corn That  land  which 

exhales  thin  mists  and  flying  vapour,  and  drinks  in  the  moisture,  and  emits  it  at  pleasure;  and  which, 
always  green,  clothes  itself  with  its  own  grass,  and  does  not  hurt  the  ploughshare  with  scurf  and  salt 

rust that,  you  will  find  by  experience,  to  be  both  suitable  for  cattle  and  fitted  for 

agriculture. — Virgil,  Georgics,  37  B.C. 

It  is  a  world  also  to  see  how  manie  strange  hearbs,  plants  and  annuall  fruits  are  dailie  brought 
unto  us  from  the  Indies,  Americans,  Taprobane,  Canarie  lies,  and  all  parts  of  the  world:  the  which, 
albeit  that  in  respect  of  the  constitutions  of  our  bodies  they  doo  not  grow  for  us,  because  that  God 
hath  bestowed  sufficient  commodities'upon  everie  countrie  for  hir  owne  necessitie  ;  yet  for  delectation 
sake  unto  the  eie,  and  their  odoriferous  savours  unto  the  nose,  they  are  to  be  cherished,  and  God  to 
be  glorified  also  in  them,  because  they  are  his  good  gifts,  and  created  to  doo  man  help  and  service. — 
William  Harrison,  1593. 


FOXTAIL  MILLET     (Setaria  italica  (L.)  (Beauv.) 

Plate  2;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  3. 
Other  Latin  name:  Ixophorus  italicus  (L.)  Nash. 

Botanical  description:  Foxtail  Millet  is  an  annual  with 
rather  stiff  and  erect  stems,  ordinarily  from  two  to  four  feet  high, 
but  sometimes  reaching  a  height  of  six  feet  or  more.  The  leaves  arc- 
broad  and  somewhat  similar  in  size  and  texture  to  those  of  Common 
Millet.  From  the  latter,  however,  this  plant  is  easily  distinguished, 
even  when  very  young,  by  its  lack  of  hairiness.  The  inflorescence 
is  a  contracted  panicle,  often  nodding  at  the  top;  on  account  of  its 
short  branches  it  resembles  a  spike.  Its  lower  branches,  as  a  rule, 
are  not  so  close  together  as  the  upper  ones.  The  spikelets  are 
crowded  and  mixed  with  stiff  bristles,  the  latter  representing  branches 
on  which  no  spikelets  are  developed.  These  bristles  are  generally 
long  and  often  reddish  or  purplish.  They  give  the  panicle  the 
appearance  of  a  foxtail,  which  is  the  common  name  for  cultivated 
millets  belonging  to  the  genus  Setaria.  Each  spikelet  contains  only 
one  flower  with  a  yellow  pistil. 

History:  It  is  generally  assumed  that  Foxtail  Millets  developed 
in  prehistoric  time  from  Green  Foxtail  or  Pigeon  Grass  (Setaria 
viridis  (L.)  Beauv.),  which  in  many  parts  of  Canada  is  a  trouble- 
some weed;  but  there  seems  to  be  no  conclusive  proof  of  this.  At 
any  rate,  its  cultivation  goes  very  far  back.  It  is  one  of  the  five 
holy  plants  which,  according  to  a  command  issued  2700  B.C.,  were 
sown  each  year  by  the  emperor  of  China  at  a  public  ceremony.  At 
present  it  is  grown  extensively  in  Central  Asia,  northern  East  India, 
China  and  Japan.  It  is  also  cultivated  in  southern  and  eastern 
Europe,  but  is  there  of  only  secondary  importance. 

Varieties :  There  are  a  great  many  so-called  varieties  of  Fox- 
tail Millet,  most  of  which,  however,  are  not  varieties  in  a  botanical 
sense  and  are  therefore  not  clearly  defined.  So-called  German  Millet 
illustrates  this  fact.  This  variety  is  so  variable  in  appearance  and 
habit  of  growth  that  practically  no  field  is  uniform.  Hungarian 
Millet  or  Hungarian  Grass,  Japanese  Millet,  Siberian  Millet,  Golden 
Wonder,  Holy  Terror,  Gold  Mine,  etc.,  are  more  or  less  distinct 
varieties  and  yet  are  not  really  uniform  within  themselves. 

Plate  2 


(Sehana   ihaiica  a.)  Betuu>.). 


Agricultural  value:  Foxtail  Millet  is  an  important  food  plant 
in  many  parts  of  Asia,  especially  in  northern  China,  where  the  seed 
is  ground  and  used  for  porridge.  In  America  it  is  not  used  for  human 
food.  The  best  time  to  cut  for  hay  is  when  the  majority  of  the 
plants  are  in  bloom,  as  the  nutritive  value  of  the  stems  and  leaves 
is  then  greatest.  When  the  plants  begin  to  blossom,  the  bristles  of 
the  spikes  are  still  soft  and  harmless,  but  when  the  flowering  period 
is  over  they  become  stiff  and  harsh,  produce  more  or  less  irritation 
in  the  digestive  tract  of  the  animals,  and  are  said  to  sometimes  form 
compact  balls  in  the  stomach,  causing  serious  trouble  or  even  death. 
When  used  for  pasture,  millet  should  be  grazed  before  the  heads  are 
formed.  When  grown  for  hay  or  pasture,  thirty  pounds  of  seed 
should  be  sown  to  the  acre ;  when  grown  for  seed  production,  twenty 
pounds  are  sufficient. 

Seed:  The  seed  varies  in  size.  It  is  always  smaller  than  the 
seed  of  Common  Millet,  but  is  of  the  same  general  shape,  though 
the  inner  side  is  more  decidedly  flat.  The  colour  varies  with  the 
variety,  ranging  from  orange  and  yellow  to  grey  and  black.  Some- 
times different  coloured  seeds  are  found  in  the  same  variety.  This 
is  especially  the  case  in  Hungarian  Grass,  the  seed  of  which  varies 
from  pale  yellow  to  black;  seeds  of  widely  different  colour  may 
occur  in  the  same  plant  and  even  in  the  same  head.  So  far  as  is 
known,  no  satisfactory  explanation  of  this  fact  has  been  offered.  It 
may  be  the  result  of  cross-fertilization  and  thus  correspond  to  the 
similar  phenomenon  observed  in  corn. 

A  bushel  of  Foxtail  Millet  seed  weighs  forty-eight  pounds. 

PEARL  MILLET  (Pennisetum  typhoideum  Rich.) 

Pearl  Millet  is  an  annual  plant  which,  on  rich  alluvial  soil  and 
under  favourable  climatic  conditions,  reaches  a  height  of  from  six  to 
fifteen  feet.  The  stems  are,  extremely  leafy  and  the  flowers  are  borne 
in  dense  spikes,  frequently  fourteen  inches  in  length.  The  plant 
somewhat  resembles  corn,  although  it  is  more  slender  and  more 

Pearl  Millet  is  a  native  of  tropical  Africa,  where  it  is  as  important 
as  wheat  is  in  America.  It  includes  a  considerable  number  of  var- 
ieties, none  of  which,  however,  has  proved  suitable  to  the  climate 
of  Canada. 


BARNYARD  MILLET  (Panicum  Crus-galli  L.). 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  2. 

Other  Latin  names:  Echinochloa   Crus-galli  (L.)  Beauv.;  Oplismcnus 
Crus-galli  Drum. 

Other  English  name:  Barnyard  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Barnyard  Millet  is  an  annual  which 
grows  to  a  height  of  from  one  to  three  feet.  The  stems,  often  knee- 
bent,  are  ascending  and  rather  stout.  It  differs  from  other  millets 
mentioned  by  having  the  sheaths  of  the  leaves  compressed  and 
sharply  keeled  and  by  the  presence  of  a  bunch  of  long  hairs  at  the 
base  of  the  leaf.  The  panicle  is  composed  of  numerous  one-sided 
clusters  of  spikelets,  varying  in  size,  colour  and  general  appearance. 
Each  spikelet  consists  of  a  single  flower,  which  generally  has  a  short 
stout  awn.  In  some  varieties  (for  instance,  Japanese  Barnyard 
Millet)  the  awn  is  wanting,  while  in  others  it  is  very  long. 

Geographical  distribution:  Barnyard  Millet  is  indigenous  to 
the  Old  World,  where  it  occurs  in  moist  fields,  in  gardens,  along 
roads  and  ditches,  in  waste  places,  etc.,  often  as  a  troublesome  weed. 
It  is  not  a  native  of  Canada,  but  was  introduced  early. 

Agricultural  value:  Being  a  coarse  grass  which  rapidly  deteri- 
orates in  quality  after  blooming,  Barnyard  Millet  should  be  cut  for 
hay  when  the  plants  are  in  flower,  or  even  earlier.  If  intended  for 
ensilage,  cutting  may  be  delayed  until  flowering  is  well  over. 

Twenty  pounds  of  seed  should  be  sown  to  the  acre  for  hay;  for 
seed  production,  twelve  and  a  half  pounds  are  enough. 

Meadow  land  will  grow  old  in  time,  and  it  requires  to  be  renovated  every  now  and  then,  by  sowing 
upon  it  a  crop  of  beans,  or  else  rape  or  millet,  after  which  it  should  be  sown  the  next  year  with  corn, 
and  then  left  for  hay  the  third. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 

The  sticks  and  the  stones  go  gather  up  clean, 
For  hurting  of  scythe,  or  for  harming  of  green. 

— Thomas  Tusser.  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie.  1557. 

Come  then,  let  your  sturdy  bullocks  forthwith  turn  up  the  rich  soil,  in  the  very  earliest  months 
of  the  year;  and  let  the  dusty  summer  with  its  strongest  suns  bake  the  clods  as  they  lie  exposed. 
But  if  the  land  be  not  rich,  it  will  be  enough  to  plow  it  lightly,  rather  before  the  rising  of  Arcturus; 
in  the  former  case,  lest  weeds  obstruct  the  healthy  corn;  in  the  latter,  lest  the  scanty  moisture  forsake 
the  unproductive  soil. — Virgil,  Georgies,  37  B.C. 


REED  CANARY  GRASS  (Phalaris  arundinacea  L.). 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  4. 

Botanical  description:  Reed  Canary  Grass  is  a  perennial 
plant  with  a  vigorous  creeping  rootstock,  from  which  long,  scaly, 
underground  runners  are  developed.  These  creep  extensively  and 
later  send  up  stout,  smooth  stems,  from  two  to  six  feet  high.  The 
leaves  are  broad,  almost  a  foot  long  and  sometimes  marked  with 
white  stripes.  The  panicle  is  large  with  rather  short  branches,  which 
are  spreading  during  flowering  time  but  later  become  erect.  The 
spikelets,  which  are  crowded  toward  the  end  of  the  branches,  are 
narrow,  pale  green,  sometimes  slightly  tinged  with  purple.  They 
are  generally  a  little  curved  and  contain  only  one  awnless  flower. 
The  panicle  resembles  that  of  Orchard  Grass,  but  is  readily  dis- 
tinguished by  the  one-flowered  spikelets. 

Geographical  distribution:  Reed  Canary  Grass  is  native  in 
almost  all  Europe  and  the  temperate  parts  of  Asia,  Siberia  and  North 
America.  It  is  fairly  common  in  Canada,  especially  in  the  Prairie 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  on  low,  wet  ground,  along  streams 
and  ditches,  and  in  marshes  and  sloughs.  Although  a  native  of 
wet  ground,  it  will  endure  considerable  drought.  It  is  little  affected 
by  frost. 

Agricultural  value:  This  grass  becomes  rather  coarse  and  stiff 
with  age  and  should  be  used  for  hay  or  pasture  when  comparatively 
young.  In  many  parts  of  the  great  plains  of  the  northern  United 
States  it  forms  a  large  part  of  the  native  hay. 

Biting  cold  would  never  let  grass  grow. — Shakespeare,  2  Henry  VI.,  Act  3,  Sc.  II,,  1592. 

What  is  good  tillage?  First,  to  plow  thoroughly:  second,  to  plow:  third,  to  manure.  The 
other  part  of  tillage  is  to  have  good  seed,  to  sow  plentifully,  and  to  take  up  all  the  weeds  that  may 
grow  during  the  season. — Cato,  95-46  B.C. 

If  after  you  have  put  the  seed  into  the  ground,  you  will  await  the  instant  when,  while  earth  is 
being  richly  fed  from  heaven,  the  fresh  green  from  the  hidden  seed  first  springs,  and  take  and  turn 
it  back  again,  this  sprouting  germ  will  serve  as  food  for  earth:  as  from  manure  an  inborn  strength 
will  presently  be  added  to  the  soil.  But  if  you  suffer  earth  to  feed  the  seed  of  corn  within  it  and  to 
bring  forth  fruit  in  an  endless  round,  at  last  it  will  be  hard  for  the  weakened  soil  to  yield  large  corn 
crops. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355,  B.C. 



SWEET  VERNAL  GRASS  (Anthoxanthum  odor  alum  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  5. 

Botanical  description:  Sweet  Vernal  Grass  is  a  perennial, 
with  a  short  rootstock  and  tufted  stems.  The  stems  reach  a  height 
of  from  half  a  foot  to  two  feet  and  carry  the  leaves  principally 
toward  their  base.  The  leaves  are  bright  green,  short  and  hairy 
along  the  margins,  especially  below.  The  flowers  are  arranged  in  a 
dense,  spikelike  panicle,  which  is  green  when  young  but  later  turns 
golden  yellow.  Each  spikelet  contains  three  flowers,  two  of  which, 
however,  are  barren  and  greatly  reduced.  Each  barren  flower  con- 
sists of  a  dark-coloured  glume  covered  with  dense,  stiff  hairs  and 
provided  with  a  strong  knee-bent  awn.  The  fertile  flower,  which  is 
placed  between  the  barren  ones,  is  of  the  ordinary  type,  but  contains 
only  two  stamens. 

Geographical  distribution:  Sweet  Vernal  Grass  is  distributed 
over  large  areas  of  the  Old  World.  It  is  common  in  most  European 
countries,  western  and  northern  Asia,  and  parts  of  northern  Africa. 
It  has  been  introduced  into  North  America  and  occurs  especially  in 
the  eastern  parts  of  Canada. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  meadows,  woods,  gardens,  and 
on  almost  any  kind  of  soil.  It  prefers  moist  sands  and  loams,  though 
it  is  little  affected  by  drought. 

Agricultural  value:  Sweet  Vernal  Grass  is  one  of  the  earliest 
grasses.  On  account  of  its  low  growth  and  short  leaves,  however, 
the  agricultural  value  is  not  great.  It  contains  a  sweet-smelling 
substance  which,  while  giving  the  hay  an  agreeable  odour,  makes 
the  taste  of  the  plant  bitter  and  not  liked  by  stock. 

It  is  the  best  plan  to  cut  hay  in  the  night  while  the  dews  are  falling. — Pliny,  Natural  History, 

Awake,  the  morning  shines,  and  the  fresh  field 
Calls  us,  we  lose  the  prime,  to  mark  how  spring 
Our  tended  plants         *         *         *         * 
How  nature  paints  her  colours,  how  the  bee 
Sits  on  the  bloom  extracting  liquid  sweet. 

— Milton,  Paradise  Lost,  1669. 

To  obtain  the  knowledge  the  farmer  needs,  he  must  not  only  think  about  planting,  but  he  must 
do  it. — Cato,  95-46,  B.C. 

KNOT    ROOT   GRASS.  43 

KNOT  ROOT  GRASS  (Muhlenbergia  racemosa  (Michx.)  BSP.) 

Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  6. 
Other  Latin  name :  Muhlenbergia  glomerata  Trin. 

Botanical  description:  Knot  Root  Grass  is  perennial  with  a 
vigorous  root  system.  Its  creeping  rootstocks  are  branched,  ir- 
regularly tubercled,  and  send  out  numerous  scaly  runners,  from  the 
ends  of  which  stems  develop.  The  stems  are  from  one  to  three  feet 
high,  rather  succulent  when  young,  becoming  hard  and  woody  when 
old.  They  are  freely  branched,  especially  below,  and  form  loose 
tufts  or  rather  dense,  extensive  mats.  The  leaves  are  narrow,  nu- 
merous and  crowded,  chiefly  towards  the  base  of  the  stems.  The 
panicles  are  narrow,  three  to  four  inches  long,  with  short,  upright 
branches.  The  latter  are  densely  crowded  with  narrow  spikelets, 
which  consist  of  two  awl-shaped  sterile  glumes,  enclosing  a  single 
flower  shorter  than  the  glumes. 

Geographical  distribution  and  habitat:  Knot  Root  Grass 
is  a  native  of  Canada,  distributed  practically  all  over  the  country. 
It  reaches  its  greatest  perfection  on  loose,  gravelly  or  sandy  soil 
and  does  not  thrive  where  the  ground  is  too  moist.  In  wet  soil  the 
stems  are  low  and  the  whole  plant  is  often  tinged  with  purple. 

Agricultural  value:  This  plant  has  been  subjected  to  experi- 
ments for  some  time,  but  no  conclusive  evidence  has  been  gained 
regarding  its  agricultural  value.  About  twenty  pounds  of  good  seed 
should  be  sown  to  the  acre  for  hay  or  pasture. 

Titania. — Or,  say,  sweet  love,  what  thou  desir'st  to  eat. 

Bottom. — Truly,  a  peck  of  provender:  I  could  munch  your  good  dry  oats.  Methinks  I  have  a 
great  desire  to  a  bottle  of  hay:  good  hay,  sweet  hay,  hath  no  fellow. — Shakespeare,  Midsummer 
Nigkt's  Dream,  Act  4,  Sc.  I.,  1505.  -." 

Good  provender,  labouring  horses  would  have, 
Good  hay  and  good  plenty,  plough-oxen  do  crave; 
To  hale  out  thy  muck,  and  to  plow  up  thy  ground, 
Or  else  it  may  hinder  thee  many  a  pound. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

The  term  "goods"  may  be  defined  as  something  that  is  serviceable  to  the  owner.  The  same 
things  therefore  are  goods  to  him  who  knows  how  to  make  use  of  them  but  not  goods  to  him  who 
does  not  know.  Land  certainly  can  not  be  called  a  part  of  a  man's  goods  if,  instead  of  supporting  him, 
i  t  brings  him  nothing  but  hunger. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355,  B.C. 


TIMOTHY  (Phleum  pratense  L.). 

Plate  3;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  7. 
Other  English  names:  Meadow  Cat's  Tail,  Herd's  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Timothy  is  a  perennial  grass  which 
has  a  very  short  rootstock  and  therefore  grows  in  more  or  less  compact 
tufts.  The  stems,  which  reach  a  height  of  from  one  to  four  feet  or 
more,  are  smooth  and  generally  erect.  Especially  on  dry  and  hard 
soil  the  base  of  the  stems  is  thickened  into  a  kind  of  bulb,  which 
contains  a  supply  of  nutritive  matter  of  a  peculiar  kind.  The  leaves, 
which  when  in  bud  are  rolled  inward  from  one  side,  are  generally 
short  compared  with  the  height  of  the  plant.  The  spikelets  are 
arranged  in  a  dense,  cylindrical,  spikelike  inflorescence,  each  spikelet 
containing  but  one  flower  enclosed  in  a  pair  of  acutely  keeled  glumes, 
which  are  not  fastened  together  as  in  Meadow  Foxtail.  In  shape 
and  size  the  spikes  of  Timothy  and  Meadow  Foxtail  are  somewhat 
similar,  but  that  of  Timothy  feels  rough  when  touched,  whereas  the 
spike  of  Meadow  Foxtail  is  very  soft.  When  in  flower  the  arrange- 
ment of  the  male  and  female  organs  is  conducive  to  cross-fertil- 
ization, which  is  effected  by  air  currents. 

Geographical  distribution:  Timothy  is  indigenous  to  Europe 
with  the  exception  of  Turkey.  It  is  also  a  native  of  northern  Africa 
and  large  portions  of  western  Asia  and  Siberia.  It  was  introduced 
into  North  America  with  the  early  settlers,  and  is  now  generally 
cultivated  throughout  the  northern  United  States  and  the  eastern 
provinces  of  Canada. 

History:  Although  a  native  of  Europe,  the  value  of  Timothy  was 
first  recognized  in  North  America.  It  was  brought  to  Maryland 
about  1720  by  Timothy  Hanson,  after  whom  it  was  named.  The 
name  Herd's  Grass,  which  is  used  in  New  England,  is  said  to  be 
derived  from  a  Mr.  Herd,  who  found  it  in  New  Hampshire  and 
introduced  it  into  cultivation. 

Cultural  conditions:  For  cold,  moist  or  wet  lands,  particu- 
larly for  heavy  clay  soils,  Timothy  is  superior  to  any  other  grass 
for  hay.  It  succeeds  best  on  moist  loams  and  clays.  It  does  not 
thrive  on  sour  lands  or  on  soils  liable  to  become  parched  during 
drought,  such  as  impoverished  sandy  soils  or  shallow  soils  over  rocks. 

Plate   3 


(  Pbleuro   prepense  L. 


Timothy  is  essentially  a  plant  of  temperate  climates  and  is 
affected  more  by  conditions  of  moisture  than  by  temperature.  It  is 
very  resistant  to  cold  and  bears  a  heavy  cover  of  snow  of  long  duration. 
Although  the  root  system  is  rather  shallow,  it  stands  drought  fairly 
well;  the  yields,  however,  are  light  under  too  dry  conditions. 

Varieties:  Timothy  includes  innumerable  types,  markedly  dif- 
ferent from  each  other  and  of  widely  different  agricultural  value. 
In  places  where  wild  Timothy,  or  Timothy  escaped  from  cultivation, 
has  established  itself,  hundreds  of  types  can  be  found  side  by  side 
under  exactly  the  same  conditions.  Giant  plants,  extremely  leafy 
and  consequently  of  great  economic  value,  may  be  found  cheek  by 
jowl  with  small,  dwarf  types  with  but  few  leaves  and  spikes  only 
half  an  inch  long.  Open  tufts  with  ascending  or  almost  decumbent 
stems  may  be  seen  in  company  with  dense  and  bunchy  tufts. 
Pale  green,  bluish  green  and  bluish  red  plants  may  be  found  growing 
side  by  side.  Early  types,  with  the  basal  leaves  brown  and  dead, 
may  occur  alongside  of  late  maturing  plants  with  an  abundance  of 
green  leaves. 

Habits  of  growth:  Timothy  is  rather  slow-growing  and  as  a 
rule  medium  to  late  in  maturing.  It  is  in  flower  early  in  July  in 
the  southwest  peninsula  of  the  province  of  Ontario  and  from  the 
middle  to  the  end  of  July  in  Manitoba  and  northeastern  Quebec. 
The  seed  is  ripe  about  a  month  after  flowering.  If  sown  with  cereals 
in  the  spring,  it  gives  a  satisfactory  hay  crop  the  following  year. 

Agricultural  value:  Timothy  is  used  in  Canada  almost  to  the 
exclusion  of  other  grasses,  largely  because  clean  seed  of  strong  vitality 
is  generally  available  at  a  low  price.  The  expense  per  acre  of  seeding 
is  less  than  with  any  other  grass. 

If  fed  alone,  it  is  of  low  nutritive  value  for  growing  animals  or 
for  milk  production,  because  it  is  deficient  in  flesh-forming  constit- 
uents; it  is  therefore  not  a  profitable  fodder  by  itself  for  those  pur- 
poses. A  liberal  mixture  of  clover  improves  it.  It  is  favoured  for 
work  horses  that  have  heavy  grain  rations  as  well,  and,  on  account 
of  its  digestibility,  it  is  the  standard  hay  for  livery  horses  required 
to  work  immediately  after  feeding. 

Except  on  rich,  moist  lands,  it  does  not  by  itself  develop  into 
a  thick  stand  of  plants,  and  for  uplands  it  is  better  sown  with  other 
grasses  or  with  Red  Clover.  When  a  fodder  crop  is  required  for  only 
two  years  in  a  short  rotation,  it  may  be  sown  alone  or  with  Alsike 


Clover  on  heavy,  moist  or  wet  soils,  and  with  Red  Clover  on  dryer 
and  lighter  land.  By  relatively  thick  seeding  a  grass  of  finer  texture 
is  produced,  which  should  be  cut  soon  after  the  spike  is  well  formed 
and  flowering  has  commenced.  If  left  until  late  flowering,  some  in- 
crease in  yield  is  obtained  at  the  expense  of  the  quality  and  feeding 
value  of  the  hay.  When  it  reaches  its  maximum  growth,  the  stalk 
becomes  hard  and  woody.  If  a  second  growth  is  wanted,  it  should 
be  cut  just  before  the  flowering  period,  as  this  makes  the  aftermath 

When  sown  alone,  from  nine  to  fifteen  pounds  of  good,  fresh 
seed  should  be  applied  per  acre. 

Timothy  is  not  a  desirable  pasture  grass,  except  as  a  part  of  a 
mixture.  On  account  of  its  shallow  root  system  and  somewhat 
bunchy  growth,  it  will  not  stand  tramping  as  well  as  other  grasses 
commonly  recommended  for  pasture.  In  the  dryer  uplands  it  will 
within  a  few  years  give  place  to  the  native  grasses,  especially  if  the 
fields  are  allowed  to  be  grazed  bare  by  sheep. 

Seed:  For  a  seed  crop  Timothy  should  be  harvested  as  soon  as 
possible  after  the  plant  has  reached  full  maturity — when  the  spike 
turns  from  green  to  yellowish.  If  harvested  too  early,  the  seed  will 
be  small,  undeveloped  and  of  poor  germinating  power.  If  harvested 
after  it  is  ripe,  the  seed  is  apt  to  hull  when  it  is  threshed  and  to  lose 
its  bright  silvery  lustre,  thus  giving  it  the  effect  of  old  seed. 

Timothy  is  commonly  threshed  with  an  ordinary  grain  thresher, 
although  the  best  obtainable  seed  is  harvested  by  hand  and  threshed 
by  flail.  It  is  grown  in  the  St.  Lawrence  valley  and  Georgian  Bay 
district,  and  the  quality  of  this  seed  from  the  standpoint  of  boldness 
and  bright  silvery  colour  is  not  surpassed.  It  is  sometimes  saved 
from  screenings  of  fall  wheat  sown  after  Timothy  sod,  but  such  seed 
is  generally  polluted  with  False  Flax  and  other  weed  seeds  not  common 
in  grass  lands. 

Seed  of  good  quality  is  of  a  bright  silvery  lustre,  and  only  a 
small  amount  is  hulled.  Dull-looking  seed  is  either  old  or  has  been 
harvested  or  stored  under  unfavourable  conditions.  When  newly 
threshed,  the  vitality  of  the  hulled  seeds  is  not  inferior  to  that  of 
the  unhulled ;  but  the  naked  seeds  lose  their  vitality  earlier  than  those 
enclosed  in  seed  coats.  If  fully  matured  seed  is  preserved  in  a  cool, 
dry  place,  it  retains  its  vitality  from  three  to  five  years;  even  when 
nine  years  old  it  gives  a  high  total  percentage  of  germinable  seeds, 
although  at  that  age  the  germ  is  usually  perceptibly  weakened. 


The  legal  weight  per  bushel  is  forty-eight  pounds. 

The  great  bulk  of  the  Timothy  seed  of  commerce  is  clean  when 
compared  with  the  seeds  of  other  grasses  and  clovers.  The  prin- 
cipal weed  seeds  to  be  guarded  against  when  purchasing  it  are  Ox- 
eye  Daisy,  False  Flax,  Mayweed,  Sheep  Sorrel,  Bladder  Campion, 
Perennial  Sow  Thistle,  Canada  Thistle,  Chickweed  and  Cinquefoil. 

Timothy,  like  many  other  species  of  grasses,  is  attacked  by 
Ergot  (Clamceps}.  Ergot  grains  (sclerotia)  vary  in  size  and  form 
according  to  the  species  of  grain  or  grass  on  which  they  develop. 
The  solid  bodies  are  dark  purple  and  may  readily  be  detected 
protruding  from  the  seedcoat  in  the  spike.  Meadows  infested  with 
Ergot  should  not  be  taken  for  seed. 

Mow  your  hay  in  the  proper  season  and  be  cautious  that  you  do  not  mow  it  too  late.     Cut 
before  the  seed  is  ripe. — Cato,  95-46  B.C. 

Here  may'st  thou  range  the  goodly,  pleasant  field, 
And  search  out  simples  to  procure  thy  heal, 
What  sundry  virtues,  sundry  herbs  do  yield, 

'Gainst  grief  which  may  thy  sheep  or  thee  assail. 

— Michael  Drayton,  Eclogue  VII.,  1563-1631. 

When  the  grass  is  cut  it  should  be  turned  toward  the  sun,  and  must  never  be  stacked  until  it  is 
quite  dry.  If  this  last  precaution  is  not  careiull  •  taken,  a  kind  of  vapour  will  be  seen  arising  from 
the  rick  in  the  morning,  and  as  soon  as  the  sun  is  .  /  it  w'.il  ignite  to  a  certainty,  and  so  be  consumed. 
— Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 

If  rreadow  be  forward,  Lc  mov.-rn     if  some, 
But  n:ow  as  the  makers  ".ay  well  :  'ercome. 
Take  heed  to  the  weather,  the  v\im   and  the  sky, 
If  danger  approacheth,  then  cock  apace,  cry. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

But  saltish  ground,  and  what  is  usually  called  sour — that  is  unproductive  of  corn  crops;  it  is 
not  rendered  kindly  by  ploughing,  nor  does  it  preserve  to  grapes  their  natural  good  qualities,  nor  to 
apples  their  character  and  name — will  give  you  the  following  indication.  Take  down  from  the  smoky 
roofs  baskets  of  close  woven  twigs  and  the  strainers  of  your  wine-press.  Into  these  let  some  of  that 
faulty  mould  and  sweet  water  from  the  spring  be  pressed  brimful;  you  will  find  that  all  the  water  will 
strain  out,  and  big  drops  pass  through  the  twigs.  But  the  unmistakeable  taste  will  prove  your  test, 
and  the  bitterness  will,  by  the  sensation  it  produces,  twist  awry  the  tasters'  faces,  expressive  of  their 
pain. — Virgil,  Georgics,  37  B.C. 


MEADOW   FOXTAIL  (Alopecurus  pratensis  L.). 
Plate  4;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  8. 

Botanical  description:  Meadow  Foxtail  is  a  perennial  much 
resembling  Timothy.  It  has  a  short  rootstock,  which  produces 
scaly,  underground  runners.  The  ends  of  the  runners  develop  into 
stems  and  leafy  shoots.  If  the  runners  are  very  short,  as  they 
generally  are  in  comparatively  dry  soils,  the  whole  plant  becomes 
tufted  almost  like  Timothy.  If  the  runners  grow  to  any  consider- 
able length,  as  they  often  do  in  wet  and  loose  soil,  the  tufts  are 
looser  and  less  marked.  The  stems  are  from  two  to  four  feet  high, 
sometimes  knee-bent  and  rooting  at  the  base.  They  are  smooth  and 
leafy  to  above  the  middle.  The  bulk  of  the  leaves  is  produced  by 
the  basal  shoots.  They  are  generally  long,  broad  and  soft,  the  sheaths 
of  the  upper  ones  often  being  swollen. 

The  flowers  are  in  a  spike  rather  like  that  of  Timothy.  The 
spike  of  Meadow  Foxtail  can,  however,  always  be  easily  recognized 
by  its  softness;  that  of  Timothy  is  rough.  The  softness  of  the  spike, 
which  has  given  the  plant  its  name,  is  due  to  the  spikelets  being 
covered  with  long,  soft  hairs.  Each  spikelet  contains  a  single  flower 
enclosed  within  two  acutely  keeled  glumes,  which  are  fastened 
together  at  their  base.  The  flower  carries  an  awn  at  its  back,  the 
awns  projecting  above  the  top  of  the  spikelets  and  giving  the  spike 
a  bristly  appearance.  Fertilization  being  accomplished  by  means 
of  air  currents,  there  is  a  chance  for  self-  as  well  as  cross-fertilization. 
The  latter  is  the  more  common  on  account  of  the  arrangement  of 
the  stamens  and  pistil  during  flowering. 

Geographical  distribution:  Meadow  Foxtail  is  indigenous  to 
the  greater  part  of  Europe,  northern  Africa  and  central  and  northern 
Asia.  It  is  distributed  throughout  eastern  and  central  Canada  and 
is  now  grown  in  practically  all  European  countries.  It  occurs  nat- 
urally in  moist  meadows,  marsh  lands,  along  catches  and  streams 
with  low  banks,  and  generally  in  moist  soil  rich  in  nutritive  matter. 

Cultural  conditions:  Although  preferring  wet  localities, 
Meadow  Foxtail  cannot  be  grown  successfully  where  water  remains 
stagnant  the  greater  part  of  the  year.  It  thrives  best  in  low-lying 
clays  and  loams  which  are  temporarily  flooded.  It  is  extremely 
resistant  to  frost  and  is  regarded  as  the  earliest  grass  for  eastern 
Canada.  It  starts  early  in  spring  and  has  reached  full  development 

Plate  4' 


(Alopecurus    prahensis  L.) 


before   most  other  grasses  have   made   appreciable   growth.     It   is 
useful  wherever  early  pasture  or  hay  is  required. 

Agricultural  value:  If  grown  for  hay  it  should  be  cut  when  in 
bloom.  The  stems  then  contain  a  great  amount  of  sugar,  making 
the  hay  sweet  and  nutritive.  After  flowering,  this  sugar  is  used  for 
the  formation  of  the  seed  and  the  feeding  value  of  the  hay  decreases 
rapidly.  If  grown  for  pasture,  Meadow  Foxtail  furnishes  an  abun- 
dance of  excellent  fodder  early  in  the  season  when  there  is  nothing 
else  to  graze  on.  All  kinds  of  stock  like  it.  Where  the  land  is  suit- 
able, it  is  no  doubt  one  of  the  most  valuable  grasses.  It  is  prac- 
tically always  grown  in  a  mixture. 

Seed:  Meadow  Foxtail  ripens  its  seed  very  quickly  but  rather 
unevenly.  This  makes  harvesting  comparatively  difficult.  In  many 
places  in  Europe  the  seed  is  stripped  off  by  hand.  Gathered  in  such 
a  way,  it  is  dried  in  an  airy  place  and  turned  daily  for  about  two 
weeks.  If  not  thus  treated,  germination  will  be  rather  low.  Com- 
mercial seed  is  generally  of  low  vitality,  owing  to  uneven  maturing. 
To  secure  a  large  amount  of  good  seed,  cut  the  crop  a  little  before 
full  maturity,  make  the  sheaves  small,  stand  them  nine  or  ten, 
together  in  round  shocks  and  leave  them  to  ripen.  When  grown 
alone,  twenty  to  twenty-five  pounds  of  seed  to  the  acre  are  sufficient. 

Good  seed  is  straw-coloured  and  weighs  from  six  to  twelve 
pounds  to  the  bushel. 

It  hath  been  noted  that  Seed  of  a  year  old  is  the  best,  and  of  two  or  three  years  is  worse;  and 
that  which  is  more  old  is  quite  barren,  though  (no  doubt)  some  Seeds  and  Grains  last  better  than 
others. — Bacon,  Natural  History,  1625. 

There  is  no  storm  that  may  them  deface, 

Nor  hail,  nor  snojy,  nor  wind  nor  frostCs  keen. 

— ChaucerrT/ie  Flower  and  the  Leaf,  1360. 

Meadow  lands  should  be  selected  in  a  rich,  or  else  a  moist  or  well-watered,  soil,  and  care  should 
be  taken  to  draw  the  rain-water  upon  them  from  the  highroad.  The  best  method  of  ensuring  a  good 
crop  of  grass,  is  first  to  plough  the  land,  and  then  to  harrow  it:  but,  before  passing  the  harrow  over 
it,  the  ground  should  be  sprinkled  with  such  seed  as  may  have  fallen  from  the  hay  in  the  hay-lofts 
and  mangers  The  land  should  not  be  watered,  however,  the  first  year,  nor  should  cattle  be  put  to 
graze  upon  it  before  the  second  hay-harvest,  for  fear  lest  the  blade  should  be  torn  up  by  the  roots. 
or  be  trodden  down  and  stunted  in  its  growth. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 


RfrD  TOP 
(AgrotHt  lib*     ' 

RED   TOP.  51 

North  America.  Its  cultivation  began  in  England  about  two  hundred 
and  fifty  years  ago,  but  it  is  only  since  the  middle  of  the  last  century 
that  it  has  been  commonly  grown  in  Europe. 

Cultural  conditions:  Red  Top  grows  naturally  in  all  kinds  of 
localities.  Some  of  the  varieties  persist  in  light,  sandy  soil  where 
little  moisture  is  available,  but  they  make  a  poor  growth  and  have 
no  agricultural  value.  Other  varieties  make  a  luxuriant  growth  in 
wet  places  and  are  of  great  importance.  As  the  yield  depends  almost 
entirely  upon  the  growth  of  the  creeping  root  system,  the  grass  does 
best  in  soil  where  the  roots  can  develop  freely.  This  they  will  do 
in  light  and  wet  soil,  whereas  in  heavy  dry  land  the  rootstocks  and 
runners  become  short  and  rather  unproductive.  Red  Top  makes  a 
splendid  growth  in  a  moist  climate.  It  is  therefore  suitable  for  low 
ground  not  far  from  the  seashore.  It  is  very  resistant  to  cold. 

Habits  of  growth:  In  proper  soil  it  makes  a  good  growth  the 
same  year  it  is  sown.  It  starts  comparatively  late  in  spring  but 
when  once  growing  it  keeps  on  until  late  in  the  fall. 

Agricultural  value:  When  mixed  with  other  species  for  hay, 
Red  Top  makes  a  splendid  bottom  grass  and  will  grow  in  places  too 
wet  for  most  other  grasses.  On  account  of  its  slow  start,  it  has  not 
as  a  rule  reached  full  development  when  the  other  grasses  in  the 
mixture  are  ready  to  cut.  On  the  other  hand,  it  produces  leaves  and 
stems  until  late  in  the  fall  and  is  valuable  where  a  second  growth 
is  required  for  pasture.  It  is  liked  by  all  kinds  of  stock  and  stands 
tramping  very  well,  being  even  induced  by  it  to  send  out  a  greater 
number  of  rootstocks  and  runners.  It  quickly  develops  into  a  dense 
and  even  sod,  but  if  allowed  to  grow  too  long  in  one  place  it  may  be 
difficult  to  suppress.  It  is  especially  valuable  for  lawn-making.  If 
used  alone,  twenty  pounds  of  good  seed  should  be  sown  to  the  acre. 

Seed:  When  grown  for  seed  it  should  be  harvested  when  the 
seeds  are  easily  rubbed  out.  Commercial  Red  Top,  as  a  rule,  con- 
tains a  great  amount  of  chaff.  So-called  recleaned  seed  is  nothing 
but  ordinary  seed  from  which  some  of  the  chaff  has  been  removed. 
Ordinary  commercial  seed  is  reddish  brown  with  a  silvery  sheen. 
The  more  silvery  the  lustre,  the  less  the  chaff  and  the  heavier  the 
weight.  When  the  proportion  of  chaff  is  large,  the  weight  is  rather 
low,  sometimes  not  more  than  eight  pounds  per  bushel.  Recleaned 
seed  containing  little  chaff  may  weigh  as  much  as  thirty-five  pounds 
a  bushel.  As  a  rule  the  seed  germinates  well  as  it  retains  its  vitality 
for  several  years. 


Agrostis  vulgaris     With. 

Botanical  description:  This  grass  has  often  been  confused 
with  the  preceding  one.  It  differs  from  Red  Top  in  the  following 
essential  respects. 

It  grows  in  bunches,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  rootstocks  are 
very  short  and  do  not  produce  creeping  runners.  All  the  branches 
of  the  panicle,  the  main  as  well  as  the  secondary  ones,  spread  after 
flowering,  and  as  the  lower  main  branches  are  generally  a  little 
shorter  than  the  middle  ones,  the  outline  of  the  panicle  is  more  that 
of  an  egg  than  of  a  pyramid.  The  ligule  is  extremely  short  and 
sometimes  wanting. 

Geographical  distribution:  It  is  doubtful  whether  this  plant, 
which  has  the  same  general  geographical  distribution  in  the  Old 
World  as  has  Red  Top,  is  indigenous  to  North  America. 

Habitat:  It  occurs  naturally  in  sandy  or  gravelly  soil  and  is 
more  adapted  to  dry  conditions  than  is  Red  Top. 

Agricultural  value:  There  is  about  the  same  relation  between 
the  agricultural  value  of  Agrostis  vulgaris  and  that  of  Red  Top  as 
there  is  between  the  value  of  Sheep  and  Meadow  Fescue.  In  other 
words,  Agrostis  vulgaris  is  a  rather  inferior  grass  which  should  not 
be  used  where  more  valuable  grasses  can  be  grown.  The  leaves  and 
stems  being  rather  short,  the  former  generally  crowded  near  the 
ground,  it  cannot  be  grown  to  advantage  for  hay.  Its  chief  value 
is  as  a  pasture  grass  on  poor  and  dry  soil. 

Seed:  The  seed  is  like  that  of  Red  Top,  though  as  a  rule  a  little 
smaller  and  more  yellowish.  In  many  cases,  however,  it  is  almost 
impossible  to  separate  the  seeds  of  the  two  species. 

BLUE-JOINT  GRASS  (Calamgrostis  canadensis  (Michx.)  Beauv.) 

Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  10. 

Other  Latin  name:  Deyeuxia  canadensis  Hook. 

Other  English  names:  Small  Reed  Grass,  Sand  Grass,  Canada  Bent- 

Botanical  description:  Blue-joint  Grass  is  perennial  with  a 
creeping  rootstock  which  sends  out  brown,  scaly,  underground 
runners.  The  runners  indicate  that  the  plant  does  not  growin  dense 


tufts.  The  stems  are  more  or  less  clustered,  the  clustering  depending 
on  the  character  of  the  soil.  They  are  rather  firm  in  texture,  from 
two  to  five  feet  high,  reddish-brown  or  bluish-red  below.  This  is 
why  the  plant  is  called  Blue-joint  Grass.  The  leaves  are  numerous, 
broad,  long  and  very  rough.  The  flowers  are  in  a  large  panicle, 
built  up  after  the  fashion  of  that  of  Red  Top,  and  generally  reddish- 
brown.  For  this  reason  Blue-joint  Grass  is  improperly  called  Red 
Top  in  many  places  in  western  Canada.  Although  the  panicles  are 
somewhat  alike,  the  differences  between  the  two  species  are  pro- 
nounced. The  easiest  and  most  accurate  way  to  identify  them  is 
to  examine  the  flowers.  Blue-joint  Grass  has  only  one  flower  in 
each  spikelet,  just  as  Red  Top,  but  the  flower  has  an  awn  and  is 
surrounded  at  its  base  by  a  tuft  of  white,  silky  hairs,  very  conspic- 
uous and  of  about  the  length  of  the  flower  itself.  Such  hairs  are 
never  present  at  the  base  of  the  flower  of  Red  Top. 

Geographical  distribution:  Blue-joint  Grass  is  indigenous  to 
Canada  and  the  northern  parts  of  the  United  States. 

Habitat:  It  occurs  naturally  in  moist  meadows  and  marches, 
along  rivers  and  creeks,  at  the  border  of  lakes,  etc.,  and  generally 
on  bottom  lands  where  the  ground  is  wet. 

Agricultural  value:  Sometimes  it  occupies  large  areas,  to  the 
exclusion  of  other  grasses.  Hay  from  such  areas  is  said  to  be  of  excel- 
lent quality  and  relished  by  all  kinds  of  stock.  It  is  also  said  to  be 
palatable  and  nutritious  a  long  time  after  flowering.  Although  experi- 
ments are  necessary  to  confirm  this  statement,  there  is  no  reason  to 
deny  it  and  there  is  some  evidence  to  support  it.  Attempts  to  grow 
Blue-joint  Grass  from  seed,  made  at  one  of  the  experiment  stations 
of  the  United  States,  were  unsuccessful,  the  seeds  seeming  to  lack 
vitality.  This  may  mean  that  no  seeds,  or  very  few,  are  developed, 
as  is  the  case  in  Reed  Grass  (Phragmites  communis  Trin.).  Should 
this  be  true,  it  would  be  easy  to  understand  how  the  grass  keeps  its 
nutritive  qualities  after  flowering.  As  has  been  pointed  out  in  the 
description  of  Meadow  Fextail,  the  nutritious  constituents  are  used 
for  the  formation  of  the  seed.  Should  no  seed  develop,  the  nutriment 
remains  in  the  hay,  thus  making  it  valuable  even  after  flowering. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  little  is  known  about  the  feeding  value  of 
Blue-joint  Grass.  It  may  be  an  important  addition  to  Canadian 
forage  plants,  but  nothing  positive  can  be  said  at  present.  It  is  of 
special  value  for  very  wet  soil,  as  it  grows  in  places  too  wet  for  even 
such  moisture-loving  plants  as  Red  Top. 


YELLOW  OAT  GRASS    (Trisetum  flavescens  (L.)  Beauv.) 

Plate  6;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  n. 
Other  English  names:  Yellow  False  Oat,  Golden  Oat  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Yellow  Oat  Grass  is  perennial  with  a 
short  rootstock  forming  loose  tufts.  The  stems  are  from  one  to  two 
feet  high,  very  slender,  and  leafy  to  about  the  middle.  Secondary 
shoots  develop  from  the  base  of  the  stems.  They  sprout  from  buds 
within  sheaths  of  old  leaves  and  are  at  first  enclosed  by  them.  In 
the  development  of  the  shoots  the  old  sheaths  burst,  and  thus  the 
base  of  the  stems  becomes  surrounded  by  the  ragged  remnants  of 
brown  old  sheaths.  The  secondary  shoots  produce  quite  a  number 
of  leaves.  These,  like  those  of  the  stems,  are  very  soft  in  texture 
and  covered  with  soft  hairs.  Their  sheaths,  as  a  rule,  are  also  hairy. 
The  flowers  are  arranged  in  a  panicle,  pyramidal  in  shape  and  with 
spreading  branches  during  flowering  time.  After  flowering,  the 
branches  turn  upwards  and  the  panicle  thus  becomes  contracted  and 
narrow.  The  numerous  spikelets  are  green  at  first,  but  toward 
flowering  time  they  turn  a  beautiful  golden  yellow — hence  the  name 
of  the  grass.  After  flowering  they  assume  a  duller,  yellowish-brown 
shade.  The  spikelets  contain  three  flowers,  each  of  which  is  enclosed 
by  two  glumes.  The  outer  glume  bears  on  its  back  a  delicate, 
somewhat  bent  and  twisted  awn.  The  fertilization  is  accomplished 
as  in  Tall  Oat  Grass. 

Geographical  distribution:  Yellow  Oat  Grass  is  indigenous 
to  Europe,  northern  Africa  and  the  temperate  parts  of  Asia.  It  has 
been  introduced  into  North  America.  It  has  been  recorded  only 
once  as  growing  wild  in  Canada. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  somewhat  dry  meadows,  along 
roadsides,  on  the  slopes  and  even  summits  of  mountains,  and  in 
mountain  valleys. 

Cultural  conditions :  Yellow  Oat  Grass  is  not  fastidious  about 
the  soil,  provided  that  other  conditions  are  favourable.  Although  it 
stands  some  drought,  it  makes  poor  growth  where  the  ground  is  too 
dry.  It  likes  a  fairly  moist  soil,  rich  in  organic  matter  and  lime. 
It  is  more  sensitive  to  excessive  moisture  than  to  drought,  stagnant 
water  having  always  an  injurious  effect. 

Plafe  6 


(Trisehcim  f  lave  see  ns  -UJ  x.&s.) 


Habits  of  growth :  Yellow  Oat  Grass  is  medium  early,  flowering 
a  little  later  than  Orchard  Grass.  When  soil  and  climate  are  suit- 
able, it  makes  a  good  stand  in  a  short  time  and  spreads  readily. 

Agricultural  value:  On  account  of  its  somewhat  tufted  habit, 
it  should  always  be  sown  with  other  grasses.  Its  principal  value  is 
for  bottom  grass  in  hay  mixtures,  as  it  increases  both  the  yield  and 
the  feeding  quality.  After  cutting  it  produces  a  great  number  of 
new  stems  and  leaves,  and  the  second  growth  may  be  profitably 
used  for  either  hay  or  pasture.  All  kinds  of  stock  like  it,  and  in 
some  parts  of  Europe  it  is  considered  one  of  the  most  valuable  fodder 
grasses.  Experiments  in  Canada,  however,  have  not  given  prom- 
ising results.  When  sown  alone,  twenty  to  twenty-five  pounds  of 
seed  should  be  applied  to  the  acre. 

Seed:  The  commercial  seed  of  Yellow  Oat  Grass  is  generally 
very  impure,  as  it  is  always  secured  from  mixtures  with  other  grasses,, 
especially  Tall  Oat  and  Orchard  Grass,  and  afterwards  separated  by 
sieves.  It  is  yellowish-brown  and  weighs  from  five  to  six  pounds  a 

These  keep 
Seeming  and  savour  all  the  winter  long. 

— Shakespeare,  Winter's  Tale,  A'-t  4,  Sc.  III.,  1592 

Over-luxuriance  in  corn  is  repressed  by  the  teeth  of  cattle,  but  only  while  it  is  in  the  blade;  in 
which  case,  if  depastured  upon  ever  so  often,  no  injury  to  it  when  in  the  ear  will  be  the  result. — Pliny, 
Natural  History,  23-79. 

The  elements  of  agriculture  are  the  same  as  those  of  the  world:  water,  earth,  air,  the  sun.  These 
things  are  to  be  understood  before  you  sow  your  seed,  which  is  the  origin  of  vegetation. — Marcus 
Terentius  Varro,  116-27  B.C. 

Everyone  will  tell  you  that  manure  is  the  best  thing  in  the  world  for  agriculture,  and  every  one 
can  see  how  naturally  it  is  produced.  Still,  though  the  method  of  production  is  accurately  known, 
though  there  is  every  facility  to  get  it  in  abundance,  the  fact  remains  that,  while  one  man  takes  pains 
to  have  manure  collected, 'another  is  entirely  neglectful.  And  yet  God  sends  us  rain  from  heaven,, 
and  every  hollow  place  becomes  a  standing  pool,  while  earth  supplies  material  of  every  kind;  the 
sower,  too,  about  to  sow,  must  cleanse  the  soil,  and  what  he  takes  as  refuse  from  it  needs  only  to  be 
thrown  into  water  and  time  itself  will  do  the  rest,  shaping  all  to  gladden  earth.  For  matter  in  every 
shape,  nay,  earth  itself ,  in  stagnant  water  turns  to  fine  manure. — Xenophon,  The  Econcmist,  434~355 


TALL  OAT  GRASS  (Arrhenatherum  elatius  (L.)  Beauv.) 
Plate  7;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  12. 

Other  English  names:  Oat  Grass,  False  Oat  Grass,  Meadow  Oat 
Grass,  Tall  Meadow  Oat  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Tall  Oat  Grass  is  perennial  with  a 
short  rootstock  from  which  leafy  stems  and  sterile  shoots  develop. 
Sometimes  the  rootstock  is  swollen  and  the  shoots  bulblike  at  the 
base.  The  rootstock  being  short,  the  shoots  become  crowded  and 
the  plant  therefore  grows  in  tufts.  These  are,  however,  rather  loose. 
The  stems  are  from  two  to  five  feet  high,  often  knee-bent  at  the  base, 
generally  dark  green.  They  are  leafy  to  above  the  middle.  The 
leaves  are  long  and  broad,  rather  soft  in  texture,  and  usually  bright 
green,  almost  yellowish.  When  mixed  with  other  grasses,  Tall  Oat 
Grass  may  be  recognized  by  this  peculiar  colour.  The  flowers  are 
in  a  spreading  panicle,  which  somewhat  resembles  that  of  oats — 
hence  the  name  Oat  Grass.  The  general  appearance  of  the  spikelets 
is  also  similar  to  oats.  Each  spikelet  contains  two  flowers  which 
are  very  unlike.  The  lower  one  has  only  stamens,  is  consequently 
sterile,  and  its  glume  bears  a  long,  bent  awn;  the  glume  of  the  upper 
one  has  generally  no  awn,  both  stamens  and  pistil  are  developed, 
and  the  flower  is  thus  fertile.  Each  spikelet  consequently  produces 
only  one  grain.  Rarely  both  flowers  are  awned  and  sometimes  a 
third  flower  is  developed  above  the  two  normal  ones.  Stamens  and 
pistil  are  ready  for  fertilization  at  the  same  time.  There  is  there- 
fore a  chance  for  self-fertilization,  although  cross-fertilization  is 
probably  quite  frequent. 

Geographical  distribution:  Tall  Oat  Grass  is  indigenous  to 
the  greater  part  of  Europe  and  to  northern  Africa  and  western  Asia. 
It  was  introduced  into  North  America  from  Europe. 

Habitat:  It  grows  in  meadows  and  on  hills,  in  open  fields  and 
in  openings  in  woods,  along  seashores  and  on  mountains. 

Cultural  conditions:  Tall  Oat  Grass  can  be  grown  on  almost 
any  kind  of  soil,  provided  it  is  fairly  moist.  It  does  well  on  high, 
dry,  gravelly  soils,  but  will  not  make  a  satisfactory  growth  on  very 
wet  ground.  It  gives  the  best  returns  on  light,  moist  loams  and  on 
clays  not  too  stiff  and  wet.  As  the  roots  go  deep,  it  will  stand  con- 
siderable drought.  It  is  fairly  winter  hardy. 

Plafe  7 


( Arrbenahberum    elahus  <L.)Beauv.    ) 

TALL   OAT   GRASS.  57 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  rather  easy  to  secure  a  good  stand  of 
Tall  Oat  Grass.  The  young  plants  make  a  vigorous  and  rapid  growth, 
sometimes  producing  flowers  the  first  year.  If  competition  with 
other  grasses  is  not  too  keen,  it  is  productive  for  many  years.  Tall 
Oat  Grass  starts  early  in  the  spring  and  requires  about  the  same  time 
as  Orchard  Grass  for  its  development. 

Agricultural  value:  When  grown  for  hay  it  does  well  when 
mixed  with  Orchard  Grass,  Meadow  Fescue  and  Red  Clover.  As  it 
grows  in  tufts,  it  should  not  be  sown  alone  but  always  with  other 
grasses.  It  should  be  cut  when  in  bloom  if  used  for  hay.  If  left 
only  a  few  days  after  flowering  is  over,  its  feeding  value  is  consider- 
ably lessened  as  the  stems  get  hard  and  woody  and  quickly  lose 
their  nutritive  constituents. 

Pasture:  Tall  Oat  Grass  makes  a  quick  start  after  cutting  and 
stands  pasturing  well.  In  spite  of  this,  it  is  not  as  suitable  for  pas- 
ture as  for  hay,  because  the  green  plants  have  a  rather  bitter  taste 
which  makes  them  unattractive  to  stock  until  the  animals  are  accus- 
tomed to  the  flavour.  In  a  pasture  it  should  therefore  be  used  only 
in  small  quantities  with  other  forage  plants.  When  grown  alone 
for  hay  or  pasture,  thirty  to  thirty-five  pounds  of  seed  should  be  sown 
to  the  acre. 

Seed:  When  grown  for  seed,  Tall  Oat  Grass  should  be  cut  as 
soon  as  the  spikelets  begin  to  take  a  yellowish  tinge.  Like  Wild  Oats, 
it  drops  its  seed  very  readily,  which  makes  early  cutting  advisable. 
The  seed  may  be  harvested  and  threshed  like  oats. 

Quality  of  seed :  Good  commercial  seed  is  greenish-yellow  with 
a  brownish  or  reddish  tint.  It  weighs  about  ten  pounds  per  bushel. 

Cold  biting  winter  mars  our  hop'd  for  hay. — Shakespeare,  3  Henry  VI.,  Act  4,  Sc.  VIII,  1592. 

Let  pasture  Be  stored  and  fenced  about, 
And  tillage  set  forward,  as  needeth  without; 
Before  ye  do  open  your  purse,  to  begin 
With  any  thing  doing,  for  fancy  within. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

The  Transmutation  of  Species  is,  in  the  vulgar  Phylosophy  pronounced  impossible:  And  certainly 
it  is  a  thing  of  difficulty,  and  requireth  deep  search  in  Nature:  But  seeing  there  appear  some  manifest 
instances  of  it,  the  opinion  of  Impossibility  is  to  be  rejected,  and  the  means  thereof  to  be  found  out. — 
Bacon,  Natural  History,  1625. 



ORCHARD  GRASS  (Dactylis  glomerata  L.). 

Plate  8;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  13. 
Other  English  name:  Cocksfoot. 

Botanical  description :  Orchard  Grass  is  perennial  with  a  very 
short  rootstock.  The  stems,  which  are  from  two  to  three  feet  high, 
are  crowded  and  surrounded  at  the  base  by  numerous  leafy  shoots. 
The  leaves  are  long,  broad  and  flat,  rather  soft  in  texture,  and  for 
this  reason  often  overhanging,  especially  in  dry,  hot  weather.  Orchard 
Grass  can  be  easily  recognized,  even  at  a  very  early  stage  of  de- 
velopment, by  the  basal  shoots  which  are  flat  and  double-keeled. 
This  peculiar  shape  of  the  shoots  is  due  to  the  leaves  in  the  bud 
being  folded  together  along  the  middle  line.  The  flowers  are  in  a 
short  panicle,  which  as  a  rule  has  only  two  or  three  stout  and 
rather  short  main  branches.  When  in  bloom  the  branches  spread 
like  the  toes  of  a  bird's  foot — hence  the  English  name  Cocksfoot. 
During  the  ripening  period  they  gradually  move  upward,  after  the 
manner  of  arms  being  lifted  over  the  head,  so  as  to  form  a  rather 
narrow  panicle.  The  branches  of  the  panicle  are  naked  below, 
carrying  the  spikelets  at  their  top  in  dense,  one-sided  clusters.  The 
spikelets  are  compressed,  the  one  side  being  slightly  hollow,  the  other 
rounded.  They  contain  from  two  to  five  flowers,  each  of  which  is 
enclosed  within  two  strongly  keeled  and  sharply  pointed  glumes.  The 
stamens  are  developed  a  trifle  later  than  the  pistil.  Thus  there  is 
a  possibility  of  cross-fertilization  between  flowers  of  different  plants. 
The  flowers  of  a  panicle  are,  however,  very  crowded  and  self-fertiliz- 
ation probably  takes  place  to  a  great  extent. 

Geographical  distribution:  Orchard  Grass  is  indigenous  to 
Europe,  the  temperate  zone  of  Asia  and  northern  Africa.  It  was 
introduced  into  North  America  very  early.  When  it  was  first  grown 
for  fodder  in  England,  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  years  ago,  the 
seed  was  obtained  from  Virginia.  It  is  now  grown  in  temperate 
regions  all  over  the  world. 

Habitat:  Orchard  Grass  grows  naturally  in  meadows,  waste 
places,  along  roadsides,  etc.  It  occurs  in  woods  as  well  as  in  open 
fields,  and  is  more  adapted  to  shady  situations  than  other  meadow 
grasses.  Its  frequent  occurrence  in  orchards  has  given  it  its  name. 

Plate  8 


(  Dachylis   glonoeraha  L.) 


Agricultural  value:  Orchard  Grass  is  no  doubt  one  of  the 
best  fodder  grasses  and  is  highly  esteemed  by  farmers.  It  thrives 
remarkably  well  in  almost  any  kind  of  soil,  provided  it  is  not  too 
wet;  it  is  very  resistant  to  drought. 

It  is  rather  slow  in  getting  established.  The  first  year  the  plant8 
are  small  and  poor-looking,  consisting  chiefly  of  leafy  shoots  from 
the  short  rootstock.  The  second  year  the  shoots  appear  in  greater 
number  and  flowering  stems  arise  in  their  midst,  but  it  is  only  from  the 
third  year  that  its  high  yielding  power  is  manifest.  If  slow  to  reach 
full  development,  when  once  established  it  keeps  on  giving  a  heavy 
yield  for  many  years.  It  is  an  early  grass  and  ready  to  cut  before 
Timothy.  For  this  reason  it  is  better  sown  with  Red  Clover. 

Orchard  Grass  is  scarcely  surpassed  in  feeding  value,  provided 
that  it  is  cut  at  the  right  time.  Its  nutritive  quality  is  highest  and 
its  yield  heaviest  if  cut  when  in  bloom,  or  even  a  little  earlier.  It 
becomes  woody  after  flowering  is  over  and  loses  its  feeding  value. 
It  recovers  quickly  after  cutting,  the  numerous  leafy  shoots  fur- 
nishing an  excellent  pasture  for  horses  and  cattle.  The  second 
growth,  however,  should  not  be  allowed  to  develop  too  far  as  it 
loses  its  palatability  with  age.  There  is  little  danger  from  pasturing 
too  close  except  in  an  extremely  dry  season;  on  the  contrary,  close 
pasturing  prevents  the  plants  from  getting  coarse  and  woody. 

If  given  sufficient  space  and  nourishment,  its  short  rootstock 
causes  Orchard  Grass  to  develop  into  dense  tufts.  This  is  an  un- 
desirable quality  that  should  be  suppressed,  either  by  comparatively 
heavy  seeding  or  by  sowing  it  with  other  forage  plants.  In  either 
case  the  tuft  formation  will  be  less  marked  and  a  grass  of  finer 
texture  and  of  superior  quality  will  be  obtained.  When  sown  with 
other  forage  plants,  only  varieties  which  reach  maturity  at  the  same 
time,  such  as  early  Red  Clover,  Tall  Oat  Grass  and  Meadow  Fescue, 
should  be  chosen.  When  seeded  alone  for  hay  or  pasture,  twenty- 
eight  to  thirty  pounds  of  good  seed  should  be  used  to  the  acre;  a 
little  less  for  seed  production. 

Seed  growing:  When  grown  for  seed,  the  same  field  can  be 
harvested  for  five  or  six  years,  the  greatest  yield  being  obtained  the 
third  and  fourth  seasons.  The  yielding  power  is  considerably  in- 
creased if  the  field  is  top-dressed  with  manure  every  year.  Orchard 
Grass  is  ready  to  cut  for  seed  three  or  four  weeks  after  it  has  flowered. 
To  determine  the  proper  time,  beat  some  heads  in  the  palm  of  the 
hand.  If  a  small  quantity  of  seed  shakes  out,  it  is  ready  to  harvest. 
Cutting  too  early  means  inferior  quality.  It  can  be  harvested  with 


an  ordinary  grain  binder  and  the  sheaves,  which  must  be  rather 
small,  should  be  set  three  to  five  together  in  small  shocks.  They 
should  be  left  to  cure  from  two  to  six  weeks,  depending  on  the 
weather,  and  then  threshed  without  stacking. 

Quality  of  seed:  Good  seed  is  bright  straw-coloured  and  con- 
tains only  a  small  amount  of  hulled  seed  and  whole  spikelets,  or 
groups  of  seed  not  loosened  from  each  other  in  threshing.  It  keeps 
its  vitality  fairly  well  for  two  years.  Seed  older  than  that  should 
not  be  used  as  the  germs  are  considerably  weakened. 

CRESTED  DOG'S  TAIL  (Cynosurus  cristatus  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  14. 

Other  English  name:  Dog's  Tail  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Crested  Dog's  Tail  is  perennial  with 
a  short  rootstock  and  grows  in  loose  tufts,  consisting  chiefly  of  leafy 
shoots.  The  stems  are  very  slender,  from  one  to  two  feet  high,  and 
comparatively  few  in  number.  The  leaves  are  narrow,  those  of  the 
stems  shorter  than  those  of  the  basal  shoots.  They  are  folded  in 
the  bud  and  are  generally  slightly  concave  when  fully  developed. 
The  flowers  are  arranged  in  a  panicle  of  peculiar  shape  and  con- 
struction. The  branches  are  very  short  and  turned  towards  the  same 
side,  thus  giving  the  panicle  the  appearance  of  a  one-sided  spike. 
Each  branch  carries  two  spikelets  which  are  extremely  unlike.  One 
is  composed  of  three  or  four  normal  flowers  which  have  stamens  and 
pistils  and  consequently  are  fertile.  The  other  consists  of  a  number 
of  sharp-pointed  scales,  arranged  in  two  rows,  like  the  teeth  of  a  two- 
sided  comb.  This  spikelet  has  neither  stamens  nor  pistils  and  is 
consequently  sterile.  When  the  panicle  is  young  the  fertile  spikelets 
are  hidden  by  the  sterile  ones  and  the  panicle  has  a  crested  appear- 
ance. This  look  and  the  shape  of  the  panicle  have  given  the  plant 
its  name. 

Geographical  distribution:  Crested  Dog's  Tail  is  indigenous 
to  almost  all  parts  of  Europe  and  to  southwestern  Asia.  It  has 
been  introduced  into  North  America  but  is  found  only  occasionally 
in  Canada. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  meadows,  on  hills  and  mountain 
slopes,  along  seashores  and  roadsides,  etc. 


Cultural  conditions:  It  requires  soil  of  medium  quality  and 
is  especially  adapted  to  fairly  moist  low  land.  It  does  not  thrive  in 
extremely  dry  localities  although  its  rather  deep  roots  enable  it  to 
stand  drought. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  reaches  full  development  the  second  and 
third  years  after  sowing.  It  is  medium  late  in  starting  and  the 
greatest  yield  is  secured  from  the  second  growth. 

Agricultural  value:  On  account  of  its  low  and  somewhat 
bunchy  growth,  Crested  Dog's  Tail  may  be  used  as  bottom  grass 
with  other  grasses.  It  is  of  special  value  in  pastures.  The  excellent 
feeding  quality  of  the  pastures  of  England,  Holland  and  Schleswig- 
Holstein  is  claimed  to  be  largely  due  to  this  grass.  It  is  commonly 
used  in  mixtures  for  lawn-making. 

Seed:  Seed  of  Crested  Dog's  Tail  is  generally  secured  from 
wild  plants.  It  is  yellowish-orange  to  reddish  or  greyish  brown.  In 
commercial  samples  different  coloured  seeds  are  mixed  together, 
giving  a  mass  effect  of  yellowish  brown.  The  weight  ranges  from 
twenty  to  thirty-two  pounds  per  bushel. 

To  the  dales  resort,  where  shepherds  rich. 
And  fruitful  flocks,  be  everywhere  to  see. 

— Spencer,  Shepherd's  Calendar,  1 579. 

In  the  newly  opened  spring,  when  cold  moisture  descends  from  the  snow-covered  hills,  and  the 
soil  loosens  and  crumbles  beneath  the  western  breeze;  then  let  my  steers  begin  to  groan  under  the 
entered  plough,  and  the  share  to  glitter,  polished  by  the  furrow.  That  field  especially  answers  the 
expectations  of  the  greedy  farmer  which  twice  hath  felt  the  sun,  and  twice  the  cold;  the  immense 
harvests  of  such  a  field  are  wont  to  burst  the  barns. — Virgil,  Georgia,  37  B.C. 

Friend,  alway  let  this  be  a  part  of  thy  care, 
For  shift  of  good  pasture,  lay  pasture  to  spare. 
So  have  you  good  feeding  in  bushets  and  leaze, 
And  quickly  safe  finding  of  cattle  at  ease. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

Creation  was  not  by  the  Curse  made  altogether  and  for  ever  a  Rebel,  but  in  virtue  of  that 
charter  "In  the  sweat  of  thy  face  shalt  thou  eat  bread,"  it  is  now  by  various  labours  (not  certainly  by 
disputations  or  idle  magical  ceremonies,  but  by  various  labours)  at  length  and  in  some  measure  subdued 
to  the  supplying  of  man  with  bread;  that  is,  to  the  uses  of  human  life. — Bacon,  Novum  Organum, 


CANADIAN  BLUE  GRASS  (Poa  compressa  L.) 
Plate  9;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  15. 

Other  English  names:  Canada  Blue  Grass,  English  Blue  Grass,  Wire 
Grass,  Creeping  Poa,  Smaller  Blue  Grass,  Virginia  Blue  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Canadian  Blue  Grass  is  perennial. 
The  underground  rootstock  is  extensively  creeping,  sending  out 
numerous  branches  in  all  directions.  Where  a  plant  has  an  oppor- 
tunity to  develop  undisturbed  for  some  years,  it  will  generally  form 
a  circular  patch.  The  overground  part  of  such  a  patch  consists  of 
scattered  stems  and  leafy  shoots,  making  a  dense  sod  more  like  a 
continuous  mat  than  a  loose  tuft.  The  stems  are  from  one  to  two 
feet  tall,  often  knee-bent  at  the  base.  They  are  wiry,  few  leaved  and 
strongly  flattened.  No  other  cultivated  species  of  the  genus  Poa 
having  flattened  stems,  Canadian  Blue  Grass  may  be  recognized  by 
this  peculiarity.  The  leaves  are  from  one  to  three  inches  long,  not 
as  broad  and  numerous  as  those  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass.  They 
are  bluish-green,  sometimes  quite  glaucous.  The  flowers  are  in  a 
panicle  unlike  that  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass.  In  the  latter  species 
it  is  generally  broadly  pyramidal,  the  lower  branches  being  numerous 
at  each  joint.  When  in  bloom  the  panicle  of  Canadian  Blue  Grass 
is  generally  oblong,  or  narrowly  egg-shaped,  the  branches  being 
short  and  only  one  or  two  from  each  joint.  When  flowering  is  over, 
the  panicle  becomes  contracted  and  narrow  with  erect  branches. 
The  spikelets  are  like  those  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  and  fertilization 
takes  place  in  the  same  way. 

Geographical  distribution :  Canadian  Blue  Grass  is  indigenous 
to  all  European  countries  and  to  southwestern  Asia.  It  was  intro- 
duced into  North  America  and  was  found  in  Canada  more  than  a 
hundred  years  ago.  It  is  now  grown  to  a  considerable  extent  in 
southern  and  central  Ontario. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  dry  and  sunny  places,  along 
roadsides,  on  rocks  and  stony  hills,  and  from  the  sea  level  to  high  up 
in  the  mountains.  It  often  occurs  in  poor,  gravelly  soil  where  other 
plants  find  it  difficult  to  get  a  foothold. 

Cultural  conditions:  In  Canada,  stiff  rather  sterile  clay  or 
clay  loam  is  the  soil  in  which  it  is  preferably  grown,  often  because 
it  makes  a  fairly  good  growth  where  other  plants  fail  to  give  a  yield 
worth  mentioning. 

Plate   9 


(Poa,   compressa.   L.) 


Climate:  It  is  rather  insusceptible  to  climatic  conditions. 
Severe  drought  that  would  be  disastrous  to  most  other  forage  plants 
makes  it  die  down,  but  with  the  advent  of  rain  it  starts  again,  ap- 
parently unharmed,  developing  new  stems  and  leaves  from  its  root- 
stock.  It  is  resistant  to  frost  and  stands  freezing  and  thawing  without 
injury.  This  explains  the  frequent  occurrence  of  Blue  Grass  patches 
in  low-lying  parts  of  poorly  drained  Alfalfa  fields  in  the  Blue  Grass 
sections  of  southern  Ontario. 

Habits  of  growth:  In  its  manner  of  propagating  itself  and  bear- 
ing unfavourable  conditions  without  injury,  Canadian  Blue  Grass 
closely  resembles  certain  weeds,  especially  Couch  Grass.  In  rich 
soil  where  forage  plants  such  as  Alfalfa  can  be  successfully  grown, 
Canadian  Blue  Grass  is  really  nothing  but  a  weed,  hard  to  get  rid 
of,  and  many  farmers  look  upon  it  as  a  pest. 

Agricultural  value:  In  yielding  power  and  general  feeding 
value  it  cannot  compete  with  Kentucky  Blue  Grass,  and  on  rich 
limestone  soil  the  latter  is  superior  beyond  comparison.  On  poor 
clays,  however,  Canadian  Blue  Grass  is  apt  to  succeed  much  better 
than  Kentucky  Blue  Grass. 

Fodder:  On  account  of  the  rather  low  yield,  it  is  not  much  used 
for  hay  though  it  is  claimed  to  be  wholesome  and  highly  nutritious 
for  horses. 

Pasture:  Its  chief  value  is  as  a  permanent  pasture  grass.  It 
should  not  be  allowed  to  get  too  old  as  it  becomes  less  palatable. 
There  is  no  danger  in  pasturing  it  close;  close  grazing  encourages 
the  growth  and  makes  it  more  attractive  to  stock.  As  a  pasture 
grass  it  is  rich  and  nourishing,  especially  for  the  production  of  beef 
or  mutton;  it  can  also  be  used  to  advantage  for  milk  production. 
It  is  recommended  as  a  lawn  grass  for  stiff  clay  soils  deficient  in  lime, 
and  it  is  commonly  used  as  an  ingredient  in  commercial  lawn  mix- 
tures. Twenty  to  thirty  pounds  of  seed  are  sufficient  for  an  acre. 

Seed  growing:  When  grown  for  seed  the  heaviest  yield  is 
generally  obtained  from  new  fields  or  from  volunteer  crops  after 
wheat  or  other  grain.  It  should  be  cut  when  the  panicles  are  deep 
yellow.  Curing  and  threshing  are  easy  and  can  be  done  in  the  same 
way  as  for  Timothy.  The  grain  thresher  or  clover  huller  may  be 
used,  the  latter  being  preferred  as  a  rule. 


Quality  of  seed:  The  seed  is  yellowish-brown  in  bulk,  some- 
what dull  and  a  little  darker  than  that  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass; 
otherwise  the  seeds  are  very  similar  in  the  trade.  Generally  Cana- 
dian Blue  Grass  seeds  are  blunter,  with  a  broad  end,  and  the  side 
nerves  of  the  glumes  are  wanting  or  indistinct. 

The  legal  weight  of  a  bushel  of  seed  is  fourteen  pounds. 

KENTUCKY  BLUE  GRASS   (Poa  pratensis  L.) 
Plate  10 ;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  16. 

Other  English  names:  Blue  Grass,  June  Grass,  Spear  Grass,  English 
Grass,  Green  Grass,  Bird  Grass,  Smooth-stalked  Meadow  Grass, 
Common  Meadow  Grass. 

Botanical  description :  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  is  perennial  with 
a  widely  creeping  rootstock.  This  produces  runners  and  leafy  shoots. 
The  runners  are  underground  stems,  carrying  colourless  scales  instead 
of  green  leaves.  They  creep  under  the  surface  of  the  ground,  rooting 
from  the  joints  and  finally  producing  upright,  leafy  stems  from  their 
ends.  The  leafy  shoots  are  upright  from  the  beginning  and  arise 
in  bunches  from  the  very  base  of  the  stems.  They  are  round  and 
have  at  first  only  leaves  but  develop  later  into  flower-bearing  stems. 
The  stems  are  from  one-half  to  three  feet  high,  perfectly  smooth. 
The  stem  leaves  are  comparatively  short,  only  one  or  two  inches 
long,  and  their  apex  is  contracted  somewhat  after  the  fashion  of  the 
end  of  a  canoe.  The  leaves  of  the  basal  shoots  are  longer  and 
generally  narrower  than  the  stem  leaves.  Although  showing  con- 
siderable variation  in  colour,  shape  and  size,  the  leaves  have  always 
this  characteristic  in  common,  that  the  ligule  is  very  short  and  blunt. 
The  flowers  are  in  a  panicle,  pyramidal  in  shape  during  blossoming 
time  and  afterwards  more  or  less  contracted.  Each  branch  of  the 
panicle  carries  several  spikelets.  These  are  generally  bluish-green — 
hence  the  name  Blue  Grass — but  sometimes  they  have  a  purplish  or 
violet  shade.  A  spikelet  has  as  a  rule  four  or  five  flowrers,  each  of 
which  is  enclosed  within  two  glumes  of  equal  size.  Although  the 
arrangement  of  stamens  and  pistils  indicates  that  cross-fertilization 
would  be  easy,  no  doubt  much  self-fertilization  takes  place. 

Geographical  distribution:  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  is  a  cos- 
mopolitan plant,  distributed  all  over  the  world  outside  of  the  tropics. 


Plate   10 


(Poa  prahensis  L.) 


Thus  it  is  a  native  of  Europe,  northern  Africa,  Siberia  and  North 
America.  It  is  also  indigenous  to  Australia  and  the  most  southern 
parts  of  South  America. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  practically  all  localities  and  is 
able  to  live  under  the  most  trying  conditions.  Its  natural  home  is 
the  meadow,  but  it  is  also  common  in  other  places.  Thus  it  grows  along 
roadsides  and  borders  of  woods,  on  dry  hills  and  in  wet  marshes, 
along  seashores,  at  the  foot  of  Greenland  glaciers  and  on  the  summits 
of  mountains  in  Sahara.  It  is  largely  grown  in  almost  every  country 
where  agriculture  is  of  importance. 

Cultural  conditions:  For  its  proper  development,  Kentucky 
Blue  Grass  requires  good  soil.  Extremes  check  its  growth,  and  poor, 
sandy  or  gravelly  soil  suits  it  as  little  as  do  hard  clays.  On  bottom 
lands,  where  the  soil  is  loose  and  rich  in  humus,  it  attains  its  highest 
perfection,  especially  if  the  ground  contains  sufficient  lime.  In  the 
limestone  regions  of  Kentucky  and  Tennessee,  Blue  Grass  is  regarded 
as  the  king  of  pasture  grasses,  and  it  is  said  in  some  American  states 
that  whoever  has  the  limestone  land  has  also  Blue  Grass. 

Climate:  It  prefers  medium  moist  conditions  though  it  is 
resistant  to  drought.  It  is  extremely  hardy,  bearing  severe  frost 
and  a  long  covering  of  snow  without  injury. 

Habits  of  growth:  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  is  rather  slow  in  get- 
ting established.  The  first  year  it  produces  no  stems  and  only  a  few 
leafy  shoots,  appearing  in  small,  scattered  tufts.  The  second  year 
the  tufts  are  less  scattered  because  the  underground  runners  have 
developed  new  leafy  shoots,  occupying  most  of  the  room  between 
the  branches  of  the  first  year's  growth,  and  a  few  flowering  stems 
have  developed.  From  the  third  year  on,  if  conditions  are  favour- 
able, a  thick,  dense  sod  is  formed,  covering  the  ground  entirely. 
Growth  starts  quite  early  in  the  spring  and  the  plants  usually  flower 

about  the  same  time  as  Orchard  Grass. 


Agricultural  value:  If  grown  for  hay,  Kentucky  Blue  Grass 
should  be  cut  when  in  flower,  its  feeding  value  being  greatest  at  that 
time.  After  cutting,  it  starts  rather  slowly,  and  as  the  second  growth 
consists  chiefly  of  leaves,  it  cannot  be  relied  upon  for  a  second  crop 
of  hay.  In  mixtures,  however,  it  makes  a  good  bottom  grass  and 
adds  considerably  to  the  bulk  of  hay  in  the  first  cutting.  It  is  one 
of  the  best  grasses  for  lawn  making. 



Pasture:  As  a  pasture  grass  it  is  highly  esteemed.     It  start 
early  in  spring,  provides  superior  feed,  is  eagerly  grazed  by  all  kinds 
of  stock  and  is  of  high  fattening  value.       If  sown  alone  for  hay  or 
pasture,  twenty  to  thirty  pounds  of  seed  should  be  applied  per  acre. 

Seed :  Commercial  seed  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  nearly  all  comes 
from  a  few  counties  of  Kentucky,  in  the  heart  of  the  Blue  Grass 
region.  It  is  harvested  by  hand  or  by  machine  strippers  which 
rake  off  the  seed  and  at  the  same  time  collect  it.  The  crop  is  ready 
for  stripping  when  the  panicles  are  yellow.  The  seed  is  then  fairly 
ripe  and  when  stripped  will  reach  full  maturity  during  the  curing 
process.  To  cure  it,  the  seed  must  be  stirred  frequently,  during  the 
first  days  at  least  three  times  a  day,  to  give  the  air  admission  to 
every  part  and  thus  prevent  heating.  If  not  cured  carefully,  the 
seed  will  take  on  a  grey,  dusty  appearance  and  a  musty  smell  and 
its  vitality  will  be  considerably  lessened  or  even  completely  destroyed. 

Quality  of  seed:  Good  commercial  seed  is  yellowish-brown. 
When  taken  from  the  spikelets  the  seeds  have  a  bunch  of  long, 
cobweb-like  hairs  attached  to  their  base.  Such  hairs  are  wanting  in 
Canadian  Blue  Grass  seed,  and  it  is  therefore  easy  to  separate  it 
from  the  Kentucky  seed  when  fresh  from  the  spikelets.  During 
curing  and  cleaning,  however,  these  hairs  are  generally  rubbed  off 
and  commercial  seed  of  Kentucky  and  Canadian  Blue  Grass  are 
very  much  alike.  As  a  rule,  the  seed  of  the  former  is  sharp-pointed 
and  the  nerves  of  the  enclosing  glumes  distinct,  while  the  seed  of  the 
latter  is  blunt  and  the  nerves  of  the  glumes  inconspicuous. 

The  legal  weight  per  bushel  of  seed  is  fourteen  pounds. 

ROUGH-STALKED  MEADOW  GRASS  (Poa  trivialis  L.) 

Botanical  description:  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  is  very 
like  the  Kentucky  Blue.  It  is  perennial  with  a  short  rootstock 
from  which  stems  and  leafy  shoots  develop.  The  latter  are  either 
upright  or  creeping.  The  upright  shoots  appear  in  great  number 
at  the  base  of  the  stems,  making  the  plant  more  conspicuously  tufted 
than  is  Kentucky  Blue  Grass.  The  creeping  shoots  arise  in  the  same 
way  but  take  a  horizontal  direction.  They  thus  correspond  in  a 
way  to  the  runners  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass.  The  differences,  how- 
ever, are  quite  material.  The  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  shoots  are 
underground  and  scaly  while  the  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass 
shoots  always  creep  on  the  surface  and  carry  normally  developed 


green  leaves.  They  root  at  the  joints  and  their  ends  finally  bend 
upwards  and  produce  normal  leafy  shoots,  the  development  of  which 
is  quite  similar  to  that  of  the  corresponding  shoots  of  Kentucky 
Blue  Grass.  All  young  shoots  of  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  are 
distinctly  flattened,  whereas  those  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  are 
round.  The  stems  are  from  one  to  three  feet  high,  leafy  to  above 
the  middle,  and  generally  rough  immediately  below  the  panicle — 
hence  the  name  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass.  The  leaves  are 
numerous,  generally  dark  green,  with  mostly  rough  sheaths  and  long 
acute  ligule.  The  panicle  is  similar  to  that  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass, 
but  is  generally  more  spreading  and  dark  green. 

Geographical  distribution:  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  is 
indigenous  to  the  temperate  regions  of  the  Old  World.  It  was 
introduced  into  North  America. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  rich  and  wet  meadows,  along 
the  borders  of  woods,  roads  and  ditches,  and  in  thickets,  gardens  and 
cultivated  fields,  from  sea  level  to  high  up  in  the  mountains. 

Cultural  conditions  :  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  is  es- 
pecially adapted  to  low-lying  land  where  the  soil  is  rich  and  the 
moisture  abundant. 

Climate:  It  cannot  stand  drought  as  well  as  can  Kentucky 
Blue  Grass.  This  is  partly  due  to  the  creeping  shoots  being  over- 
ground and  more  exposed  than  are  the  underground  runners  of 
Kentucky  Blue  Grass.  It  recovers  quickly  after  drought,  however, 
and  can  be  grown  on  irrigated  land  under  favourable  conditions. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  much  easier  to  start  than  is  Kentucky 
Blue  Grass.  During  the  first  year  the  plants  produce  creeping 
shoots,  which  root  at  the  joints  and  develop  into  upright  branches. 
The  growth  being  rapid,  the  ground  quickly  becomes  covered.  The 
second  year  the  plants  fyave  reached  full  development  and  give  the 
highest  yield. 

Agricultural  value:  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  has  its 
highest  fodder  value  when  in  bloom  and  should  be  cut  for  hay  at 
that  stage.  On  wet  land,  however,  it  is  advisable  to  cut  it  earlier 
because  the  stems  easily  rot  at  the  base.  It  is  a  valuable  addition 
to  hay  mixtures  cut  once  a  year.  When  more  than  one  crop  is 
required,  it  should  be  replaced  by  some  other  grass  as  its  second 


growth  is  insignificant.     As  a  pasture  grass  it  is  of  considerable  value. 
It  makes  a  vigorous  and  rapid  growth  and  stands  tramping  well. 

Seed:  In  central  Europe  the  seed  of  Rough-stalked  Meadow 
Grass  is  generally  secured  from  wild  plants,  in  which  case  it  is  simply 
stripped  off  by  hand  when  ripe.  In  Denmark  the  seed  is  grown  for 
commerce  on  a  comparatively  large  scale.  The  same  field  is  har- 
vested from  two  to  four  years.  Fifteen  to  twenty  pounds  of  seed 
per  acre  are  sown  as  a  rule. 

Quality  of  seed :  The  seeds  are  provided  with  cobweb-like  hairs 
similar  to  those  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  and  the  seeds  are  alike 
in  other  respects,  the  only  difference  being  that  in  the  seed  of  Rough- 
stalked  Meadow  Grass  the  glumes  have  more  prominent  nerves. 

The  seed  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  being  much  cheaper,  it  is 
often  used  as  a  substitute  for  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  pure  seed  of  the  latter  is  difficult  to  obtain. 

WOOD  MEADOW  GRASS  (Poa  nemoralis  L.) 

Botanical  description:  Wood  Meadow  Grass  is  perennial, 
with  a  short  rootstock,  and  grows  in  loose  tufts.  The  tufts  consist 
chiefly  of  flower-bearing  stems,  sterile,  leafy  shoots  being  developed 
late  in  the  season,  usually  after  the  seed  is  ripe.  The  stems  are  more 
slender  than  in  the  other  species  of  Poa  herein  described,  and  the 
stem  leaves  are  much  longer.  The  leaves  are  very  narrow,  usually 
about  as  broad  as  the  stem,  and  their  ligule  is  extremely  short  or 
even  wanting.  The  panicle  is  thin,  oblong  to  egg-shaped  when  in 
bloom,  but  later  contracted  and  narrow.  The  spikelets  are  one- 
coloured,  generally  green  to  bright  brownish.  They  contain  one  to 
five  flowers. 

Geographical  distribution :  Wood  Meadow  Grass  is  indigenous 
to  Europe  and  temperate  Asia  and  is  claimed  to  be  a  native  of  Canada. 
This,  however,  is  doubtful,  the  Canadian  plants  generally  named 
Poa  nemoralis  being  widely  different  from  the  true  European  type. 
Thus,  the  Canadian  Poa  nemoralis  is  found  in  meadows,  along 
borders  of  woods,  and  even  on  the  open  prairie.  The  true  Wood 
Meadow  Grass  occurs  in  woods  and  will  not  thrive  in  exposed  places, 
at  least  not  on  open  prairies.  It  is  especially  common  in  beech  woods, 
where  the  shade  is  heavy,  or  under  other  deciduous  trees. 

Agricultural  value:  Wood  Meadow  Grass,  being  a  resident  of 
shady  localities,  is  evidently  of  no  agricultural  value,  either  for  hay 


or  pasture,  except  in  shady  parks  and  open  woodlands  where  forage 
is  required.     It  can  be  used  to  great  advantage  for  lawns  under  trees. 

Seed :  Most  of  the  seed  of  the  trade  is  obtained  from  Germany, 
where  it  is  collected  from  wild  plants  and  cleaned  by  hand. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seeds  are  much  like  those  of  Kentucky 
Blue  and  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass,  but  differ  in  having  faintly 
nerved  glumes.  In  this  respect  they  closely  resemble  those  of  Fowl 
Meadow  Grass,  from  which  they  differ  in  having  sharply  pointed 
glumes.  They  are  bright  yellowish  brown,  sometimes  with  a  purplish 

FOWL  MEADOW  GRASS  (Poa  palustris  L.) 

Other  Latin  names:   Poa  flava  L.,  Poa  serotina  Ehrh.,   Poa  trifiora 

Other  English  name:  False  Red  Top. 

Botanical  description:  Fowl  Meadow  Grass  is  perennial  with 
short  runners  which  produce  few  and  short  leafy  shoots.  It  looks 
rather  like  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass,  but  the  plants  form  looser 
tufts,  consisting  chiefly  of  flower-bearing  stems.  These  are  rarely 
quite  upright  but  are  ascending,  their  base  lying  flat  on  the  ground. 
At  the  base  they  produce  roots  and  secondary  branches  which  de- 
velop into  ordinary  leafy  stems.  The  stems  are  from  two  to  five 
feet  high,  leafy  to  above  the  middle.  The  stem  leaves  are  long  and 
narrow,  soft  in  texture  and  bright  green  in  colour.  Their  ligule  is 
generally  long  but  blunt.  The  panicles  are  large,  with  numerous 
branches  from  the  joints.  At  flowering  time  the  branches  are  widely 
spreading;  later  they  are  upright  and  form  a  narrow  panicle.  Each 
spikelet  contains  three  to  six  flowers  of  a  peculiar  colour.  The 
lower  part  is  green  and  the  top  is  yellow  or  brown  with  a  golden  or 
bronze  lustre.  The  spikelets  are  thus  two-coloured,  and  the  effect 
of  the  whole  panicle  is  characteristic  and  quite  different  from  that 
of  either  Kentucky  Blue  or  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass. 

Geographical  distribution:  Fowl  Meadow  Grass  is  a  native 
of  Europe,  temperate  Asia  and  North  America. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  moist  meadows,  in  ditches  and 
along  seashores  and  streams,  etc. 


Cultural  conditions:  It  reaches  perfection  in  wet  meadows 
where  the  soil  is  rich  in  organic  matter,  and  it  makes  good  growth 
on  clays  or  clay  loams  which  are  flooded  from  time  to  time.  Stagnant 
water  will  not  hurt  it  and  it  is  therefore  preferable  to  Rough-stalked 
Meadow  Grass  in  marshy  and  swampy  localities,  where  the  latter  is 
apt  to  rot  at  the  base  of  the  stems. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  rather  easy  to  start  the  plants  from 
seed  but  it  takes  them  two  or  three  years  to  reach  full  development. 
If  the  soil  and  other  conditions  are  favourable,  it  will  in  time  crowd 
out  other  grasses  and  form  a  dense  and  persisting  sod.  It  starts 
growth  later  than  does  Kentucky  Blue  Grass  and  generally  blooms 
some  weeks  later.  It  is  peculiar  in  remaining  green  and  fairly 
succulent  a  long  time  after  flowering. 

Agricultural  value:  Fowl  Meadow  Grass  is  generally  grown 
for  hay,  and  in  low-lying  localities,  with  abundant  water,  the  bulk 
produced  is  very  great.  It  gives  a  rich  fodder,  relished  by  all  kinds 
of  stock.  As  it  gives  a  good  second  growth,  it  is  evident  that  it  is 
of  considerable  value  as  a  forage  plant.  It  is  usually  sown  with 
other  grasses  such  as  Red  Top  and  Timothy. 

Seed:  Fowl  Meadow  Grass  is  grown  for  seed  to  only  a  limited 
extent,  the  most  important  cultures  being  established  in  Bohemia, 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seeds,  which  have  a  tuft  of  cobweb-like 
hairs  attached  to  their  base  before  being  cleaned,  are  yellowish- 
brown,  often  with  a  reddish  or  purplish  tinge.  They  differ  from 
Kentucky  Blue  and  Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  seeds  principally 
in  the  glumes,  which  are  rather  blunt  and  have  indistinct  nerves. 

WATER  MEADOW  GRASS  (Glyceria  aquatica  (L.)  Wahlb.) 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  17. 

Botanical  description:  Water  Meadow  Grass  is  perennial, 
with  a  very  long  and  thick  creeping  rootstock.  The  stems,  which 
generally  root  at  the  base,  are  stout  and  up  to  nine  feet  high.  They 
are  leafy  to  above  the  middle;  the  leaves  are  long  and  broad.  The 
whole  plant  has  a  peculiar  bright  green  or  yellowish-green  colour. 
Water  Meadow  Grass  may  also  be  readily  recognized  by  the  two 
yellow  or  yellowish-brown  spots  at  the  upper  end  of  the  sheaths. 
The  flowers  are  in  a  spreading  panicle,  which  is  sometimes  a  foot  and  a 


half  long  and  almost  as  broad.  Its  branches  are  numerous  and  carry 
a  great  number  of  spikelets.  These  are  at  first  yellowish-green  but 
after  flowering  they  are  bright  brown,  sometimes  with  a  touch  of 
purple.  A  spikelet  contains  from  five  to  eight  flowers,  each  of  which 
is  enclosed  by  two  glumes. 

Geographical  distribution:  Water  Meadow  Grass  is  in- 
digenous to  almost  all  Europe  and  temperate  Asia.  In  North 
America  a  closely  related  species,  Glyceria  grandis  Wats,  chiefly 
distinguished  by  its  smaller  flowers,  takes  the  place  of  Glyceria 
aquatica  and  may  be  of  equal  agricultural  value. 

Habitat:  Water  Meadow  Grass  occurs  along  muddy  shores  of 
lakes  and  streams,  where  it  sometimes  occupies  vast  areas  to  the 
exclusion  of  other  grasses.  It  makes  splendid  growth  in  shallow 
waters  with  loose  and  swampy  bottom,  where  the  creeping  root- 
stocks  do  not  meet  any  resistance.  In  dry  ground,  where  the  root- 
stocks  cannot  develop  properly,  the  growth  is  checked  and  the 
quality  of  the  grass  is  poor. 

Agricultural  value:  Although  stout,  Water  Meadow  Grass  is 
rather  soft  in  texture  and  can  be  closely  pastured  by  horses  and  cattle. 
Especially  when  young,  the  stems  and  shoots  are  palatable  and 
greatly  relished  by  stock.  They  are  then  sweet  and  highly  nutritious. 
Although  its  value  as  a  forage  plant  was  recognized  in  some  European 
countries  in  the  eighteenth  century,  it  is  not  extensively  grown. 

Seed  :  The  seed  is  scarce  and  often  only  the  rootstocks  are 
available  in  commerce.  The  seeds  are  broadly  oblong.  The  outer 
of  the  two  glumes  is  very  blunt  and  provided  with  seven  prominent 
nerves.  The  unhulled  seed  is  generally  greenish  to  yellowish-brown. 
The  hulled  seed  is  shining  blackish  brown,  ovate  to  oblong,  and  about 
the  length  of  Alfalfa  seed. 


Least  of  all  shall  I  stand  to  speak  of  the  care  he  took  in providing  that  the  tenderer 

sort  of  Plants  might  receive  no  dammage  by  the  Winters  cold. — Pierre  Cassendi,  The  Mirrour  of  True 
Nobility  and  Gentility,  1592-1655. 

The  crops  of  corn  die;  a  prickly  forest  of  burrs  and  caltrops  rises  instead,  and  amidst  the  trim 
and  healthy  grain,  wretched  darnel  and  barren  wild  oats  assert  their  sway.  But  unless  you  persecute 
the  weeds  by  continual  harrowing,  and  frighten  away  the  birds  by  noises,  and  with  the  pruning  knife 
keep  down  the  foliage  which  shades  the  ground,  and  by  prayers  invoke  the  showers,  alas,  in  vain  will 
you  view  another's  ample  store,  and  solace  your  hunger  with  acorns  in  the  woods. — Virgil,  Georgia. 


RED  FESCUE  (Festuca  rubra  L.) 
Plate  11;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  18. 
Other  English  name:  Creeping  Fescue. 

Botanical  description:  Red  Fescue  is  perennial  with  long, 
creeping,  underground  rootstocks,  from  the  joints  of  which  the 
overground  stems  and  shoots  arise.  For  this  reason  no  real  tufts  are 
formed,  but  more  or  less  extended  mats  with  scattered  stems  develop. 
The  latter  are  from  eighteen  to  thirty-six  inches  high,  smooth  and 
round.  Secondary  shoots  arise  from  buds  within  the  sheaths  of  old 
basal  leaves.  When  developing,  the  shoots  break  through  the  sheaths 
at  their  base,  tearing  them  into  strips.  The  ragged  brown  scales  and 
threads,  which  are  always  present  at  the  base  of  the  stems  and 
shoots  of  Red  Fescue,  represent  the  remnants  of  the  sheaths.  Red 
Fescue  can  easily  be  distinguished  from  Sheep's  Fescue  by  these 
tattered  sheaths.  The  leaves  are  rolled  up  in  the  bud,  as  in  Sheep's 
Fescue;  but  while  in  the  latter  all  the  leaves  are  permanently  rolled 
up,  in  Red  Fescue  only  the  basal  ones  persist  in  that  condition,  the 
stem  leaves  being  flat  when  developed  except  in  very  dry,  hot 
weather.  The  flowers  are  in  a  panicle  like  that  of  Sheep's  Fescue, 
although  as  a  rule  it  is  larger  and  often  a  little  nodding.  The  spike- 
lets,  each  of  which  contains  from  four  to  six  flowers,  are  variously 
coloured  but  often  reddish-brown — hence  the  name  Red  Fescue.  The 
outer  glume  of  the  flower  has  an  awn,  which  is  generally  longer  than 
in  Sheep's  Fescue. 

Geographical  distribution:  It  is  distributed  about  the  same 
as  Sheep's  Fescue. 

Habitat :  Red  Fescue  grows  naturally  in  meadows  and  pastures, 
along  seashores  and  on  mountains,  and  in  open  fields  as  well  as  in 

Cultural  conditions:  It  is  a  little  more  particular  about  the 
soil  than  is  Sheep's  Fescue;  it  does  not  thrive  in  extremely  dry  or 
too  compact  land,  or  where  it  cannot  develop  its  creeping  root 
system.  It  does  best  in  loose,  sandy  or  gravelly  soil,  when  sufficient 
moisture  is  available.  It  is  fairly  resistant  to  drought,  although  not 
in  the  same  degree  as  is  Sheep's  Fescue,  and  it  stands  severe  cold 
without  injury.  Its  creeping  root  system  being  superficial,  it  is  able 
to  develop  in  shallow  soil. 



(  Feshuca      rubra  L.) 

RED    FESCUE  73 

Habits  of  growth:  Red  Fescue  does  not  start  so  early  in  spring 
as  does  Sheep's  Fescue.  Its  nutritive  value  is  highest  at  flowering 
time,  as  the  basal  leaves  dry  up  or  get  hard  and  unpalatable  soon 
after  that.  It  recovers  quickly  after  being  cut  or  pastured  and  de- 
velops numerous  new  leaves  from  the  underground  rootstocks.  For 
this  reason  it  makes  a  fairly  good  bottom  grass  in  hay  mixtures. 

Agricultural  value:  Although  its  feeding  value  is  rather  low, 
Red  Fescue  has  some  qualities  that  make  it  especially  fitted  for 
pastures  and  lawns.  It  stands  tramping  and  close  cutting  well  and 
develops  firm  and  lasting  mats  of  tough  sod  which  serve  as  soil 
binders  on  sandy  or  gravelly  land.  Dwarf  varieties  of  extra  fine 
texture  are  cultivated  and  the  seed  saved  for  lawns. 

Seed :  The  seed  of  Red  Fescue  is  commonly  gathered  from  wild 
plants.  It  is  straw-coloured,  often  with  a  red  or  violet  tint,  and  is 
generally  a  little  longer  than  Sheep's  Fescue  seed.  It  weighs  from 
ten  to  fifteen  pounds  per  bushel. 

Here's  too  small  a  pasture  for  such  store  of  muttons. — Shakespeare,  Two  Gentlemen  of  Verona, 
Act  I,  Sc.  I.,  1591 

The  seed  is  long  buried  and  hidden  in  the  earth;  little  by  little  it  comes  to  maturity.  But  if  it 
bear  an  ear  before  its  stem  is  knit,  it  is  imperfect,  and  is  only  a  plant  of  the  garden  of  Adonis. — Epictetus 
Maxims.  No.  360,  (ist  century  A.D.) 

Who  soweth  in  rain,  he  shall  reap  it  with  tears, 
Who  soweth  in  harms,  he  is  ever  in  fears: 
Who  soweth  ill  seed,  or  defraudeth  his  land, 
Hath  eye-sore  abroad,  with  a  corsie  at  hand. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Poinles  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

There  is  naught  which  earth  displays  with  intent  to  deceive,  but  in  clear  and  simple  language 
stamped  with  the  seal  of  truth  she  informs  us  what  she  can  and  cannot  do.  Thus  it  has  ever  seemed 
to  me  that  earth  is  the  best  discoverer  of  true  honesty,  in  that  she  offers  all  her  stores  of  knowledge 
in  a  shape  accessible  to  the  learner,  so  that  he  who  runs  may  read.  Here  it  is  not  open  to  the  sluggard, 
as  in  other  arts,  to  put  forward  the  plea  of  ignorance  or  lack  of  knowledge,  for  all  men  know  that 
earth,  if  kindly  treated,  will  repay  in  kind.  No!  there  is  no  witness  against  a  coward  soul  so  clear  as 
that  of  husbandry;  since  no  man  ever  yet  persuaded  himself  that  he  could  live  without  the  staff  of 
life.  He  therefore  that  is  unskilled  in  other  money-making  arts  and  will  not  dig,  shows  plainly  he  is 
minded  to  make  his  living  by  picking  and  stealing,  or  by  begging  alms,  or  else  he  writes  himself  down 
a  very  fool. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 



SHEEP'S  FESCUE  (Festuca   ovina  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  19. 

Botanical  description:  Sheep's  Fescue  is  perennial,  forming 
dense  tufts.  The  stems  are  numerous  and  slender,  more  or  less 
angular,  and  from  eight  to  twenty-four  inches  high.  They  are  sur- 
rounded at  their  base  with  numerous  secondary  shoots,  arising  from 
buds  within  the  persisting  sheaths  of  old  root  leaves.  The  shoots 
appear  from  the  mouth  of  the  sheaths,  not  from  their  base,  as  in 
Red  Fescue.  For  this  reason  the  sheaths  are  not  cut  into  strips,  as  in 
Red  Fescue,  but  are  entire,  except  in  their  upper  part,  and  the  base 
of  the  stems  is  not  surrounded  by  tattered  scales  and  strips.  The 
leaves  are  very  narrow  and  generally  pale  green,  those  of  the  basal 
shoots  three  to  four  inches  long,  those  of  the  stem  only  about  an 
inch.  They  are  rolled  up  in  the  bud  and  persist  in  this  condition 
even  when  fully  developed.  This  is  the  reason  why  the  leaves  of 
Sheep's  Fescue  always  have  a  bristly  appearance.  The  flowers  are 
in  a  one-sided  panicle,  one  to  four  inches  long.  The  branches  of  the 
panicle  spread  during  flowering  but  later  become  erect  so  as  to  give 
it  the  appearance  of  a  narrow  spike.  The  spikelets  are  green,  often 
with  a  violet  tint.  Each  spikelet  contains  three  or  four  flowers 
and  each  flower  is  enclosed  within  two  glumes.  The  outer  scale 
carries  a  short  awn  at  its  top. 

Geographical  distribution:  Sheep's  Fescue  is  indigenous  to 
the  Old  World,  its  range  extending  from  England  to  Japan  and  from 
Spitzbergen  and  Iceland  to  North  Africa  and  the  Himalayas.  It  is 
native  to  Canada  and  some  parts  of  the  United  States ;  many  of  the 
cultivated  forms,  however,  have  been  introduced  from  Europe  where 
it  has  been  grown  since  about  1820. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  any  dry  locality — in  dry  pas- 
tures and  sandy  fields,  on  rocks,  etc.,  from  the  seashore  to  the  Alpine 
region  of  the  mountains.  In  Europe  it  is  found  eight  thousand  feet 
above  sea  level. 

Cultural  conditions:  Sheep's  Fescue  flourishes  on  dry  and 
sterile  ground  where  most  other  grasses  cannot  get  a  foothold  or,  if 
established,  perish  from  drought  and  lack  of  nourishment.  It 
endures  practically  all  the  hardships  of  nature  without  being  seriously 
damaged  and  recovers  quickly  after  long  periods  of  suffering.  Lack 
of  moisture  brings  it  to  a  standstill;  severe  drought  may  make  its 


leaves  so  dry  that  they  break  off  at  the  slightest  touch ;  but  give  the 
plant  a  little  water  and,  though  seemingly  dead,  it  will  immediately 
make  a  fresh  start. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  produces  a  light  stand  the  year  it  is 
sown  and  its  yield  steadily  decreases  after  the  third  year.  It  starts 
early  in  the  season  and  keeps  on  growing  until  late  in  the  fall. 

Agricultural  value:  It  is  only  of  secondary  importance  as  a 
forage  plant  and  its  use  is  rather  limited.  On  account  of  its  low 
growth,  the  leaves  being  short  and  crowded  near  the  ground,  it 
cannot  be  used  for  hay.  Its  principal  value  is  as  pasture  for  sheep 
on  poor  land  where  more  valuable  grasses  cannot  be  successfully 
grown.  The  growth  being  bunchy  and  the  roots  rather  shallow,  it 
will  not  stand  tramping  and  should  always  be  mixed  with  other 
grasses  or  clover.  If  sown  with  White  Clover,  for  instance,  a  firm 
sod  is  obtained  and  the  clover  improves  the  quality  of  the  pasture. 

Seed:  Sheep's  Fescue  is  one  of  the  cheapest  grasses,  the  plants 
being  heavy  seed  producers  and  the  seed  easy  to  harvest.  If  allowed 
to  get  too  ripe,  the  seed  scatters.  It  is  ready  to  cut  when  the  spikelets 
break  up  easily. 

Quality  of  seed:  Good  commercial  seed  is  straw-coloured — a 
trifle  more  yellowish,  as  a  rule,  than  Red  Fescue.  It  weighs  from 
ten  to  fifteen  pounds  a  bushel. 

A  herd  of  beeves,  fair  oxen  and  fair  kine. 

From  a  fat  meadow  ground. — Milton,  Paradise  Lost,  1669. 

Each  Soil  hath  no  liking,  of  every  grain. 
Nor  barley  and  wheat,  is  for  every  vein: 
Yet  know  I  no  country,  so  barren  of  soil. 
But  some  kind  of  corn  may  be  gotten  with  toil. 

Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

I  have  indeed  seen  many  when  sowing  artificially  prepare  their  seeds,  and  steep  them  first  in  soda 
and  black  lees  of  olive  oil,  that  the  produce  might  be  larger  in  the  usually  deceptive  pods:  and  that 
they  might  be  sodden,  to  hasten  their  growth,  on  a  fire,  however  small.  I  have  seen  those  seeds  on 
whose  selection  much  time  and  labour  had  been  spent,  nevertheless  degenerating  if  men  did  not  every 
year  rigorously  separate  with  the  hand  all  the  largest  specimens.  So  it  is:  all  things  are  fated  to 
deteriorate,  and,  losing  their  ground,  to  be  borne  backwards. — Virgil,  Georgia,  37  B.C. 


FINE-LEAVED  SHEEP'S  FESCUE    (Festuca  ovina  L.,  var. 

tenuifolia  Sibth.) 

This  variety,  as  a  rule,  is  of  lower  stature  than  ordinary  Sheep's 
Fescue.  The  leaves  are  extremely  fine  and  hairlike.  It  is  distin- 
guished from  Sheep's  Fescue  by  its  awnless  flowers. 

It  has  no  special  agricultural  value  but  could  be  used  in  mixtures 
for  lawns. 

HARD  FESCUE  (Festuca  ovina  L.  var.  duriuscula  (L.)  Koch.) 
Other  Latin  name:  Festuca  duriuscula  L. 

Hard  Fescue  is  only  a  vigorous  variety  of  Sheep's  Fescue,  with 
which  it  agrees  in  all  essential  points.  It  is  a  strongly  tufted  peren- 
nial with  all  its  leaves  rolled  up  like  Sheep's  Fescue,  but  the  leaves 
of  the  basal  shoots  are  longer,  thicker  and  firmer  in  texture — hence 
the  name  Hard  Fescue.  The  panicles  and  spikelets  are  a  little 
larger,  but  no  fixed  marks  can  be  given  to  distinguish  this  plant 
from  ordinary  Sheep's  Fescue.  It  has  about  the  same  geographical 
distribution  and  value.  It  is  adapted  to  sandy  soil  but  should  not 
be  grown  unless  the  land  is  too  poor  for  better  grasses.  The  basal 
leaves  being  rather  long,  it  may  be  used  to  a  limited  extent  on  poor 
land  as  a  bottom  grass  for  hay  mixtures. 

The  seed  of  Hard  Fescue  is  very  like  that  of  Sheep's  Fescue 
but  often  has  a  bluish  tint. 

For  they  counte  this  the  moste  juste  cause  of  warre,  when  anye  people  holdethe  a  piece  of  grounde 
voyde  and  vacaunt  to  no  good  nor  profitable  use,  kepyng  other  from  the  use  and  possession  of  it,  the 
whiche  notwithstandyng  by  the  lawe  of  nature  ought  thereof  to  be  nouryshed  and  relieved. — Thomas 
More,  Utopia,  1515. 

The  greeng  grass. 

So  small,  so  thick,  so  short,  so  fresh  of  hue, 
That  most  like  to  green  wool,  I  wot,  it  was. 

— Chaucer,  The  Flower  and  the  Leaf,  1560. 

It  is  less  creditable  for  a  man  to  remain  in  the  house  than  to  attend  to  things  out  of  doors.  The 
pursuit  of  agriculture  is  at  once  a  means  of  enjoyment  and  of  increasing  resources;  and  it  is  also  an 
exercise  for  the  body,  such  as  to  strengthen  it  for  discharging  the  duties  that  become  a  man  of  honour- 
able birth.  For  though  it  offers  blessings  in  the  greatest  plenty,  it  does  not  permit  us  to  take  them  in 
idleness,  but  requires  us  to  accustom  ourselves  to  en'dure  the  colds  of  winter  and  the  heats  of  summer; 
to  those  whom  it  exercises  in  manual  labor  it  gives  an  increase  of  strength,  and  in  such  as  only  oversee 
the  cultivation  of  it,  it  produces  a  manly  vigor  by  requiring  them  to  rise  early  in  the  morning  and 
forcing  them  to  move  about  with  activity. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355.  B.C. 


VARIOUS-LEAVED  FESCUE  (Festuca  heterophylla  Lam.) 

Botanical  description:  Various-leaved  Fescue  is  perennial, 
forming  dense  tufts.  The  stems,  which  are  from  two  to  four  feet 
high,  are  thin  and  weak.  They  are  surrounded  at  their  base  by 
leafy  shoots,  which  arise  from  buds  within  the  sheaths  of  old  leaves 
and  appear  from  their  mouth  as  in  Sheep's  Fescue.  The  shoots  are, 
however,  much  more  numerous  than  in  the  latter.  The  leaves  are 
very  long,  permanently  rolled  up  and  bristle-like,  but  soft  in  texture. 
The  leaves  of  the  stems  are  at  first  folded  and  bristly,  like  those  of 
the  basal  shoots,  but  they  soon  become  flat  and  look  very  different. 
This  is  why  the  plant  is  called  Various-leaved  Fescue.  The  flowers 
are  in  a  panicle  which  is  often  nodding  at  the  top  and  generally 
larger  and  more  open  than  those  of  Sheep's  and  Hard  Fescue.  Each 
spikelet  contains  three  to  nine  flowers,  which  have  awns  half  or  quite 
as  long  as  the  glumes  that  carry  them. 

Geographical  distribution :  Various-leaved  Fescue  is  a  native 
of  southern  Europe.  In  Asia  it  is  indigenous  in  the  Caucasus  and 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  open  woods  and  along  their 

Cultural  conditions:  It  prefers  low-lying  land  where  sufficient 
moisture  is  available,  though  it  is  able  to  stand  considerable  drought 
provided  the  soil  is  not  too  poor  and  sandy. 

Agricultural  value:  It  gives  the  heaviest  yield  the  second  year 
after  sowing  and  when  old  develops  into  cushion-like  tufts  several 
inches  high.  It  is  a  rather  good  pasture  grass  for  woodland  parks 
where  the  soil  is  not  sandy.  It  prefers  shaded  localities  to  open 

Seed:  The  commercial  supply  is  collected  from  wild  plants 
living  in  woods.  The  seed  is  similar  to  that  of  Red  Fescue,  but 
usually  a  little  larger. 

Good  pasture  makes  fat  sheep. — Shakespeare,  As  You  Like  It,  Act  3,  Sc.  II.,  1601. 

In  the  Fabian  district  where  they  are  in  the  habit  of  irrigating  the  fields, 

it  is  a  very  singular  thing  that  the  water  kills  all  the  weeds,  while  at  the  same  time  it  nourishes  the  corn, 
thus  acting  in  place  of  the  weeding  hook. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 


MEADOW  FESCUE,  TALL  FESCUE  (Festuca  elatior  L.) 

Plate  12;  Seed,  Plate  26,  Fig.  20. 

Other  Latin  name:  Festuca  pratensis  Huds. 

Other  English  names:  English  Blue  Grass,  Evergreen  Grass,  Randall 

Much  confusion  has  resulted  from  the  two  Latin  names  for  this 
grass.  Festuca  elatior  means  Tall  Fescue,  and  Festuca  pratensis 
means  Meadow  Fescue.  Seedsmen  generally  term  Tall  Fescue 
Festuca  elatior  and  Meadow  Fescue  Festuca  pratensis,  thus  support- 
ing the  widely  spread  opinion  that  Tall  Fescue  and  Meadow  Fescue 
are  two  botanically  distinct  plants.  This  is  not  the  case.  They  are 
merely  agricultural  varieties  of  one  plant,  the  correct  Latin  name  of 
which  is  Festuca  elatior  L.,  just  as  Banner  and  Abundance  are  two 
agricultural  varieties  of  oats,  Avena  saliva  L. 


Botanical  description:  Meadow  Fescue  is  perennial  with 
long,  strong  roots.  It  has  rather  short  rootstocks  and  is  therefore 
tufted  but  not  so  much  as  Orchard  Grass.  The  stems,  which  are 
from  eighteen  to  thirty-six  inches  high,  are  smooth  and  rather  slender. 
Most  of  the  leaves  are  produced  by  numerous  sterile  shoots  from  the 
rootstocks,  the  stems  carrying  only  a  few.  The  leaves  are  dark  green, 
rather  long  and  broad,  weak  in  texture  and  often  overhanging.  They 
are  rolled  up  in  the  bud,  and  the  young  shoots  are  therefore  round 
and  not  flattened,  as  in  Orchard  Grass,  where  the  young  leaves  are 
folded  together  along  the  middle  line.  The  flowers  are  in  a  panicle, 
with  two  branches  of  different  size  from  each  joint.  The  branches 
spread  only  during  flowering  time;  before  and  after,  the  panicle  is 
narrow,  with  erect  branches.  Brome  and  other  grasses  have  panicles 
similar  to  that  of  Meadow  Fescue.  The  latter  is  recognized  by  the 
nodding  panicle  at  the  top  and  the  branches  turned  toward  one  side. 
The  spikelets  are  oblong  and  often  with  a  touch  of  violet.  One 
contains  seven  or  eight  flowers,  each  enclosed  within  two  glumes 
which  are  smooth  and  slightly  rounded.  When  flowering,  the  sta- 
mens and  pistil  appear  at  the  same  time.  There  is  therefore  a 
chance  for  both  self-  and  cross-fertilization. 

Geographical  distribution:  Meadow  Fescue  is  indigenous  to 
Europe  up  to  the  polar  circle  and  in  the  temperate  parts  of  Asia. 

Plate   12 




It  was  introduced  into  North  America,  probably  from  England  where, 
its  cultivation  began  about  1820. 

Habitat:  As  indicated  by  its  name,  Meadow  Fescue  is  a  com- 
mon grass  in  meadows  in  the  Old  World;  it  also  grows  naturally  in 
waste  places,  along  roadsides,  railways  and  river  banks. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  does  especially  well  in  soil  rich  in 
organic  matter.  It  is  well  adapted  to  clay,  although  perhaps  not 
so  well  as  Orchard  Grass,  and  it  can  be  successfully  grown  on  sandy 
land  if  sufficient  moisture  is  available  and  the  soil  is  not  too  shallow. 
It  is  better  fitted  for  medium  wet  soil  than  is  Orchard  Grass,  especially 
in  a  pasture,  as  it  stands  tramping  better.  On  the  other  hand,  on 
account  of  its  rather  deep  root  system,  it  is  fairly  resistant  to  drought. 
Generally  speaking,  Meadow  Fescue  will  grow  on  almost  any  soil, 
provided  it  is  reasonably  moist  and  not  too  poor.  As  it  stands  cold 
remarkably  well,  it  might  be  used  to  advantage  in  many  parts  of 

Habits  of  growth:  If  sown  with  other  grasses  or  with  Red 
Clover,  Meadow  Fescue  is  rather  slow  in  growth,  reaching  full  de- 
velopment the  second  or  third  year  after  sowing.  If  sown  alone,  a 
good  catch  may  be  secured  the  first  year.  It  keeps  its  yielding 
power  for  many  seasons,  especially  when  given  a  light  top-dressing 
of  manure  once  a  year.  It  starts  growth  early  and  is  ready  to  cut 
about  the  same  time  as  Orchard  Grass  or  a  few  days  later. 

Agricultural  value:  Hay  from  Meadow  Fescue  is  somewhat 
inferior  to  that  from  Orchard  Grass.  The  nutritive  value  is  highest 
when  the  grass  is  in  flower  and  it  should  therefore  be  cut  when  in 
full  bloom  or  a  little  earlier.  If  left  until  flowering  is  over,  the  stems 
get  hard  and  woody,  losing  their  nutritive  value  rapidly  and  becoming 
unpalatable.  After  cutting,  the  grass  quickly  recovers,  giving  a  fair 
second  growth,  principally  of  leaves  from  the  basal  shoots.  It  is 
therefore  valuable  for  summer  and  fall  pasture,  especially  as  it  stands 
tramping  well  and  does~not  get  bunchy  as  does  Orchard  Grass. 

Meadow  Fescue  is  a  fairly  good  milk  producer  but  its  chief 
value  is  for  fattening  cattle.  It  should  not  be  used  alone  for  driving 
horses  as  it  is  slightly  laxative.  Like  Orchard  Grass,  it  should  be 
grown  with  other  forage  plants;  with  Red  Clover  and  Timothy,  for 
instance,  it  considerably  increases  the  feeding  value  of  the  mixture. 
When  sown  alone  for  hay  or  pasture,  forty  to  forty-five  pounds  of 
good  seed  should  be  used  to  the  acre. 


Seed:  Growing  Meadow  Fescue  for  seed  is  quite  a  profitable 
business.  The  cost  of  labour  is  small,  as  heavy  crops  can  be  taken 
from  the  same  field  for  at  least  three  years.  Besides  the  value  of 
the  seed  secured,  there  is  an  additional  income  from  the  second  growth, 
as  it  can  be  pastured  without  injuring  the  seed  crop  the  following 
year,  provided  the  pasturing  is  not  too  close  or  continued  too  late 
in  the  fall.  The  crop  should  be  cut  when  the  panicles  begin  to  turn 
brown  and  the  whole  field  looks  like  ripening  grain.  The  seed  easily 
shatters  out  if  cut  too  late,  and  this  tendency  makes  it  necessary  to 
handle  the  crop  very  carefully  after  cutting.  What  has  been  said 
about  curing  and  threshing  Orchard  Grass  seed  applies  also  to 
Meadow  Fescue. 

Quality  of  seed:  Good  commercial  seed  is  of  a  rather  dull 
greyish  brown  colour.  It  keeps  its  vitality  for  only  a  comparatively 
short  time;  it  is  not  advisable  to  use  seed  more  than  three  years  old. 
When  sown  for  seed,  ten  to  fifteen  pounds  should  be  used  to  the  acre. 
The  weight  per  bushel  varies  from  twelve  to  twenty-six  pounds. 

Diseases:  Meadow  Fescue  is  sometimes  affected  by  rust.  This 
does  not  usually  appear  until  the  crop  is  cut  for  seed,  when  it  may 
damage  the  aftermath  to  such  an  extent  as  to  spoil  not  only  the 
pasture  but  the  next  year's  seed  crop,  by  weakening  the  plants  and 
preventing  them  from  coming  through  the  winter  in  good  condition. 


As  stated  above,  Tall  Fescue  is  closely  related  to  Meadow 
Fescue  and  cannot  be  distinguished  from  it  by  any  fixed  botanical 
characteristics.  It  is  generally  a  little  taller  and  somewhat  coarser 
in  texture.  The  second  growth  is  heavier,  thus  making  it  a  good 
pasture  grass.  Investigations  in  the  United  States  indicate  that  it 
is  more  resistant  to  rust  than  is  Meadow  Fescue.  But  these  advan- 
tages are  offset  by  its  unevenness  in  maturing,  some  seeds  of  a  panicle 
being  ripe  while  others  are  still  soft.  It  must  be  cut  early  to  avoid 
waste,  but  a  great  percentage  of  the  seed  thus  obtained  is  not  ripe 
and  the  general  quality  is  rather  poor. 

It  is  ill  work  fighting  against  heaven.  Certainly  not  by  dint  of  sowing  and  planting  what  he 
himself  desires  will  he  meet  the  needs  of  life  more  fully  than  by  planting  and  sowing  what  the  earth 
herself  rejoices  to  bear  and  nourish  on  her  bosom. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 

REED   FESCUE.  8 1 

REED   FESCUE    (Festuca  arundinacea  Schreb.) 

Reed  Fescue  is  practically  unknown  in  Canada.  It  sometimes 
goes  under  the  name  of  Tall  Fescue  and  is  often  regarded  as  a  variety 
of  Meadow  Fescue.  It  is,  however,  a  well  separated  botanical 
species  and  the  name  Tall  Fescue  should  never  be  used  for  this  grass 
as  it  leads  to  confusion. 

Botanical  description:  Reed  Fescue  is  a  tall  grass,  reaching 
a  height  of  four  feet  or  more,  with  an  abundance  of  broad  and  long 
leaves.  It  looks  like  Meadow  Fescue  but  is  much  coarser;  the 
stems  soon  become  rather  woody  and  the  leaves  get  hard  and  stiff. 
After  flowering  it  is  easily  distinguished  from  Meadow  Fescue  by  its 
large  panicle  with  spreading  branches. 

Geographical  distribution:  Reed  Fescue  occurs  in  Europe 
almost  to  the  polar  circle,  in  northern  Africa  and  in  western  Asia. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  is  common  along  seashores  and  loves 
wet  ground  more  than  does  Meadow  Fescue.  It  can  therefore  be 
grown  in  wet  places  where  the  latter  would  certainly  fail. 

Agricultural  value:  Its  feeding  value  is  inferior  to  that  of 
Meadow  Fescue  and  cattle  generally  refuse  to  pasture  on  it  if  other 
grasses  are  available. 

The  proper  time  for  mowing  grass  is  when  the  ear  begins  to  shed  its  blossom  and  to  grow  strong: 
care  must  be  taken  to  cut  it  before  it  becomes  dry  and  parched.  Some  persons  turn  the  water  upon 
it  the  day  before  mowing,  where  it  is  practicable  to  do  so. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  23-79. 

Ill  husbandry  trusteth 
To  him  and  to  her; 
Good  husbandry  lusteth 
Himself  for  to  stir. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Poinies  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

Now  I  will  tell  you  by  what  means  you  may  distinguish  each  soil.  If  you  desire  to  know  whether 
it  be  loose  or  unusually  close,  since  the  one  is  favorable  for  corn,  the  other  for  wine;  first,  you  will 
select  a  place  beforehand  and  order  a  pit  to  be  sunk  deep  where  the  soil  is  unbroken,  and  you  will 
restore  to  its  place  again  all  the  clay,  and  with  your  feet  will  tread  the  mould  till  it  be  level  on  the  top. 
If  the  mould  shall  prove  deficient,  the  soil  will  be  loose  and  better  suited  for  cattle  and  for  the  kindly 
vine;  but  if  it  refuses  to  go  into  the  space  it  formerly  occupied,  and  if,  after  the  pit  has  been  filled, 
any  surplus  of  earth  remain,  the  land  will  be  close:  look  for  stubborn  clods  and  stiff  ridges,  and  break 
up  the  earth  with  strong  bullocks. — Virgil.  Ceorgics,  37  B.C. 


AWNLESS  BROME  GRASS  (Bromus  inermis  Leyss) . 
Plate  13;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  23. 

Other  Latin  name:  Schedonurus  inermis  (Leyss)  Beauv. 

Other  English  names:  Brome  Grass,  Smooth  Brome  Grass,  Hungarian 
Brome  Grass,  Hungarian  Fodder  Grass,  Aus- 
trian Brome  Grass,  Austrian  Brome  Hay. 

Botanical  description:  Awnless  Brome  Grass  is  perennial 
with  a  creeping  rootstock  which  produces  numerous  scaly  runners. 
These  are  a  kind  of  underground  stems,  the  leaves  of  which  are 
reduced  to  mere  scales.  They  are  much  branched,  root  at  the  joints 
and  produce  numerous  upright  stems  of  the  ordinary  type.  The 
runners  being  long  and  widely  creeping,  the  upright  stems  produced 
from  them  are  scattered  and  the  plants  are  therefore  not  tufted  but 
form  loose  mats.  This  is  especially  the  case  in  light,  loose  soil. 
The  stems  are  numerous  and  rather  stout.  They  are  from  one  to 
four  feet  high  and  carry  many  spreading  leaves.  These  are  long 
and  broad,  smooth,  and  vary  from  light  to  dark  green.  The  panicle 
is  generally  large  with  branches  spreading  in  all  directions.  After 
flowering  it  usually  becomes  narrow  and  sometimes  one-sided  with 
nodding  branches.  The  spikelets,  which  are  about  an  inch  long, 
are  generally  brownish-red  when  old.  One  spikelet  contains  seven  to 
nine  flowers,  each  enclosed  by  two  more  or  less  blunt  glumes.  The 
grass  is  called  Awnless  Brome  because  the  outer  glume  of  the  flower 
has  no  awn,  although  occasionally  forms  are  found  which  have 
awned  glumes,  like  most  other  species  of  the  genus. 

Geographical  distribution:  Awnless  Brome  Grass  is  a  native 
of  central  Europe  and  Asia,  extending  from  Holland  and  France  to 
China.  Although  its  range  of  distribution  is  very  wide,  the  wild 
form  occurs  in  rather  scattered  localities.  In  recent  years,  however, 
it  has  been  introduced  in  a  great  number  of  places  and  is  now  fairly 
common  in  practically  all  European  countries.  It  was  introduced 
into  Canada  about  twenty  years  ago  and  is  widely  distributed,  es- 
pecially in  the  Prairie  Provinces. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  dry,  gravelly  places,  on  river- 
banks  and  hills,  along  borders  of  woods,  etc.,  and  more  rarely  in 

Cultural  conditions:  Awnless  Brome  Grass  does  not  require 
a  heavy,  good  soil  but  thrives  on  loose  and  comparatively  poor  land 

Plate  13 


(Bronous     inerrois 


where  more  valuable  grasses  would  make  a  poor  stand.  Although  it 
succeeds  in  medium  wet  soil,  it  is  generally  used  where  moisture  is 
rather  scarce.  It  is  highly  prized  on  account  of  its  drought-resisting 
qualities;  in  dry  summers  it  produces  more  green  feed  than  any 
other  grass.  Especially  in  those  parts  of  the  Prairie  Provinces  where 
the  rainfall  is  light,  Awnless  Brome  Grass  is  desirable.  It  is  adapted 
to  western  Canada  on  account  of  its  hardiness  and  its  ability  to  stand 
sudden  and  great  climatic  changes.  It  is  extensively  grown  in 
Hungary,  where  the  climate  is  much  like  that  of  the  Canadian  west. 

Habits  of  growth:  Like  most  other  perennial  grasses,  Awnless 
Brome  Grass  grows  rather  slowly  the  year  it  is  sown.  The  second 
year  the  crop  is  heavy  and  the  third  year  it  usually  reaches  its 
maximum.  Owing  to  the  great  stooling  power  of  the  rootstock,  the 
ground  soon  becomes  sod-bound  and  it  is  necessary  to  renew  the 
field  in  order  to  keep  up  the  yield.  When  once  established  it  is  per- 
sistent and  thorough  cultivation  is  required  to  suppress  it.  It  starts 
growth  early  in  spring  and  keeps  on  producing  stems  and  leaves  until 
late  in  fall. 

Agricultural  value:  Its  ability  to  furnish  green  feed,  even  in 
a  hot,  dry  summer,  makes  it  valuable  for  pasture,  although  its  nu- 
tritive value  cannot  be  compared  with  that  of  Kentucky  Blue  Grass, 
for  instance.  Its  indifference  to  the  tramping  of  cattle  and  sheep 
makes  it  especially  important  in  sandy  and  gravelly  pastures. 

Fodder:  Although  opinions  of  the  feeding  value  of  the  hay  differ, 
it  is  safe  to  say  that  it  can  scarcely  be  compared  to  medium  quality 
Timothy.  In  a  dry  climate  it  is  generally  advisable  to  sow  it  alone 
for  hay  and  without  a  nurse  crop.  Ten  or  twelve  pounds  of  seed 
to  the  acre  have  been  found  sufficient  at  the  Indian  Head  experi- 
mental farm.  More  seed  will  give  a  better  crop  the  first  year  but 
less  afterwards,  as  the  roots  thicken  up  and  produce  a  dense  sod. 
It  should  be  cut  before  flowering  as  it  becomes  hard  and  less  palat- 
able after  that  and  leses  much  of  its  nutritive  value.  Under  favour- 
able conditions,  two  crops  of  hay  can  be  secured  during  the  season, 
the  second,  however,  being  rather  light  and  consisting  chiefly  of 
leaves.  The  hay  is  relished  by  all  kinds  of  stock.  It  may  be  fed 
for  milk  as  well  as  for  beef  production.  On  account  of  its  laxative 
properties  it  is  less  suitable  for  working  horses. 

Seed:  Awnless  Brome  Grass  should  be  cut  for  seed  when  the 
spikelets  have  a  brownish-violet  tint.  If  cut  too  early  the  seed  will 


be  light  and  of  poor  quality.  It  is  safe  to  let  it  ripen  thoroughly 
before  cutting  as  the  grass  holds  the  seed  well.  The  same  methods 
of  harvesting  and  curing  may  be  used  as  for  cereals. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seeds  are  light  brown  with  a  character- 
istic purple  tint,  almost  half  an  inch  long,  flat  and  light.  The  glume 
has  sometimes  a  short  awn  at  the  top,  but  as  a  rule  it  is  awnless 
and  blunt.  The  seed  usually  contains  a  good  deal  of  chaff  and  broken 
straw.  Good  seed  weighs  fourteen  pounds  per  bushel. 

FIELD  BROME  GRASS  (Bromus  arvensis  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  21. 

Botanical  description:  Field  Brome  Grass  is  annual,  or  some- 
times biennial,  with  stems  one  to  three  feet  high,  generally  standing 
many  together,  and  with  rather  broad,  soft  leaves.  The  whole 
plant  has  a  characteristic  greyish  green  colour.  It  is  easily  distin- 
guished from  other  Brome  grasses  by  the  soft  hairs  covering  its 
lower  parts.  The  panicle  is  large,  spreading  even  after  flowering, 
and  of  a  characteristic  purple  tinge.  The  outer  glumes  of  the  flower 
are  provided  with  long  awns;  otherwise  the  spikelets  are  similar  to 
those  of  Awnless  Brome  Grass. 

Geographical  distribution:  Field  Brome  Grass  is  a  native  of 
Europe,  Siberia  and  Asia  Minor.  It  has  been  sparingly  introduced 
into  America. 

Habitat:  It  is  found  in  waste  places,  along  roads  and  paths, 
and  in  fields  where  it  sometimes  grows  like  a  weed. 

Agricultural  value:  Attempts  have  been  made  to  cultivate 
this  grass.  On  account  of  its  brief  duration,  it  can  be  used  only 
in  short  rotations.  It  makes  rapid  growth  and  gives  an  abundant 
yield;  for  this  reason  it  may  be  used  as  a  catch  crop.  Its  value  for 
Canada  has  not  been  sufficiently  tested. 

We  make  (by  Art)  in  the  same  Orchards  and  Gardens,  Trees  and  Flowers  to  come  earlier  or  later 
than  their  seasons,  and  to  come  up  and  bear  more  speedily  then  by  their  natural  course  they  do.  We 
make  them  also  (by  Art)  much  greater,  their  nature,  and  their  Fruit  greater  and  sweeter,  and  of 
differing  taste,  smell,  colour  and  figure  from  their  nature;  and  many  of  them  we  so  order,  that  they 
become  of  Medicinal  use.  We  have  also  means  to  make  divers  new  Plants  differing  from 

the  Vulgar,  and  make  one  Tree  or  Plant  turn  into  another. — Bacon,  New  Atlantis,  1676. 


FRINGED  BROME  GRASS  (Bromus  ciliatus  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  22. 

Botanical  description:  Fringed  Brome  Grass  is  perennial 
with  short  rootstocks  and  grows  in  loose  tufts.  The  stems  are  from 
two  to  four  feet  high,  rather  slender  and  generally  covered  with  stiff 
hairs  below.  The  leaves  are  broad,  bright  or  almost  yellowish  green 
in  colour,  soft  in  texture,  and  covered  with  soft,  short  hairs  on  both 
sides.  The  panicles  are  generally  one-sided,  their  long,  over-hanging 
branches  carrying  the  spikelets  chiefly  at  their  ends.  The  spikelets 
are  usually  green  and  readily  distinguished  from  those  of  all  other 
species  of  Bromus  by  having  their  glumes  fringed  with  long,  out- 
standing hairs.  The  lemma  (see  page  10)  has  a  rather  short, 
straight  awn. 

Geographical  distribution:  Fringed  Brome  Grass  is  a  native 
of  North  America.  It  is  common  in  the  eastern  parts  of  Canada. 

Habitat:  It  occurs  in  moist  woods,  in  thickets,  on  riverbanks, 
etc.,  and  prefers  shady  localities. 

Its  agricultural  value  is  little  known. 

The  gardeners,  look,  are  hoeing  vines  to  keep  them  clean  and  free  of  weeds;  but  they  hoe  so 
sorrily  that  the  loose  stuff  grows  ranker  and  more  plentiful.  Can  you  call  such  a  hoer  aught  but  an 
idle  loon? — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 

Straight  mine  eye  hath  caught  new  pleasures 

Whilst  the  landscape  round  it  measures; 

Russet  lawns,  and  fallows  gray, 

Where  the  nibbling  flocks  do  stray, 

Mountains,  on  whose  barren  breast 

The  lab'ring  clouds  do  often  rest; 

Meadows  trim  with  daisies  pied, 

Shallow  brooks,  and  rivers  wide.  — Milton,  L' Allegro,  1634. 

It  is  the  Seed,  and  the  Nature  of  it,  which  locketh  and  boundeth  in  the  Creature,  that  it  doth  not 

expatiate Therefore  you  must  make  an  account,  that  if  you  will  have  one  Plant  change 

into  another,  you  must  have  the  Nourishment  over-rule  the  seed.  And  therefore  you  are  to  practice 
it  by  Nourishments,  as  contrary  as  may  be,  to  the  Nature  of  the  Herb;  so  nevertheless  as  the  Herb 
may  grow;  and  likewise  with  Seeds  that  are  of  the  weakest  sort,  and  have  least  vigor.  You  shall  do 
well  therefore  to  take  Marsh-Herbs,  and  plant  them  upon  the  top  of  Hills  and  Champaigns;  and  such 
Plants  as  require  much  moisture,  upon  Sandy  and  very  dry  grounds. — Bacon,  Natural  History,  1625. 


PERENNIAL  RYE  GRASS  (Lolium  perenne  L.) 

Plate  I4A;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  24. 
Other  English  names:  English  Rye  or  Ray  Grass,  Common  Darnel. 

Botanical  description :  This  grass  is  perennial  with  a  creeping 
rootstock  from  which  bunches  of  leafy  stems  and  sterile  shoots 
develop.  The  plants  thus  grow  in  spreading  tufts,  which  consist  of 
minor  tufts  connected  by  the  elongated  branches  of  the  rootstock. 
The  stems  are  strictly  upright  or  more  or  less  knee-bent  ascending. 
They  are  slender,  smooth,  and  generally  one  or  two  feet  high.  The 
leaves  are  usually  dark  green  and  folded  together  when  in  bud.  In 
this  respect  they  differ  from  those  of  Italian  Rye  which  are  rolled 
in  the  bud.  The  flowers  are  arranged  in  a  characteristic  spikelike 
inflorescence,  composed  of  a  number  of  flattened  spikelets  in  two 
rows.  The  spikelets  are  solitary  at  each  joint  and  the  spike  is  there- 
fore somewhat  similar  to  that  of  Western  Rye  and  Couch  Grass. 
In  Perennial  Rye,  however,  the  spikelets  turn  their  narrow  side 
toward  the  main  stem,  whereas  in  Western  Rye  and  Couch  Grass 
they  turn  their  broad  side  toward  the  stem.  For  this  reason  the 
spike  of  Perennial  Rye  becomes  strongly  flattened,  those  of  Western 
Rye  and  Couch  Grass  being  more  cylindrical.  A  spikelet  contains 
from  five  to  nine  flowers,  each  enclosed  within  two  awnless  glumes. 

Geographical  distribution:  Perennial  Rye  Grass  is  indigen- 
ous to  almost  all  Europe,  northern  Africa  and  the  temperate  parts 
of  Asia.  It  was  introduced  into  Canada  and  the  United  States  and 
is  now  widely  distributed,  especially  in  the  eastern  provinces. 

Habitat:  It  occurs  naturally  in  waste  places  and  cultivated 
fields,  on  roadsides,  in  meadows  and  along  borders  of  woods. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  prefers  moist,  rich  clays  and  loams 
and  in  suitable  soil  the  growth  is  luxuriant.  It  can  be  successfully 
grown  on  marshy  land  or  on  any  good,  well-drained  soil.  Stagnant 
water  has  a  disastrous  effect  upon  it.  It  becomes  tough  and  wiry 
on  dry,  sterile  soil  and  generally  disappears  after  the  second  year. 

Climate:  Although  able  to  stand  considerable  drought,  it  can- 
not be  recommended  for  districts  where  the  summer  is  hot  and  dry, 
and  for  this  reason  it  will  never  be  of  importance  for  the  Prairie 

Plate  14 


(  Lolium   perenne  L.  )  (Loliurn   mulhflorurr)   La,m. 


Provinces.  As  it  loves  a  moist  climate,  it  may  be  of  some  value  for 
the  Maritime  Provinces  and  the  Pacific  slope,  especially  on  heavy 
soil  of  good  quality. 

Habits  of  growth:  Perennial  Rye  Grass  is  sometimes  rather 
difficult  to  start.  This  is,  however,  not  a  general  characteristic;  it 
is  often  due  to  poor  seed.  If  conditions  are  favourable  and  the  seed 
of  good  quality,  its  development  is  rapid  and  a  good  growth  can  be 
obtained  in  a  few  weeks.  It  reaches  its  maximum  yield  the  year 
after  sowing  but  may  continue  to  give  fair  returns  for  several  years. 

Agricultural  value:  It  is  one  of  the  oldest  forage  plants  of  the 
Old  World.  It  was  cultivated  in  England  almost  two  hundred  and 
fifty  years  ago  and  is  highly  esteemed  in  the  countries  surrounding 
the  North  Sea.  Although  of  only  medium  yield  and  nutritive  value, 
in  some  parts  of  Europe  it  is  grown  in  preference  to  any  other  fodder 

Fodder:  On  account  of  its  rapid  development  and  short  du- 
ration, Perennial  Rye  is  useful  in  hay  mixtures,  pastures,  or  lawns 
where  quick  results  are  wanted  while  more  valuable  and  permanent 
grasses  are  becoming  established.  Its  greatest  nutritive  value  is 
immediately  before  flowering.  Being  rather  early,  it  should  be  mixed 
with  other  early-flowering  grasses,  such  as  Orchard  Grass. 

Pasture:  Grazing  should  begin  before  the  stems  are  too  far 
advanced.  Under  favourable  conditions  it  recovers  quickly  and 
keeps  on  producing  green  feed  until  late  in  the  fall.  It  stands  rough 
treatment  better  than  almost  any  other  grass,  tramping  acting 
rather  as  a  stimulant.  When  used  alone,  thirty  pounds  of  good  seed 
are  enough  for  an  acre. 

Seed:  Most  of  the  seed  is  grown  in  Scotland  and  England. 
When  a  crop  is  wanted,  the  best  land  should  be  used,  for  the  seed  is 
cheap  and  good  returns  must  be  secured  to  make  the  business  a 
profitable  one.  A  field  can  be  harvested  for  seed  only  once.  A 
crop  of  hay  is  secured  early  in  the  season  and  the  second  crop  is 
set  apart  for  seed  production.  Cutting  too  early  gives  a  light  seed 
which  is  worth  little,  as  the  price  depends  upon  the  weight.  On  the 
other  hand,  if  cutting  is  started  too  late,  loss  will  result  from  shelling. 
The  right  time  is  about  a  month  after  flowering,  when  the  seeds 
begin  to  be  leathery. 


Quality  of  seed:  The  colour  is  light  brown,  rather  similar  to 
that  of  Meadow  Fescue.  It  is,  however,  not  as  dull  as  the  seed  of 
the  latter  and  has  a  silvery  lustre.  The  seeds  are  blunter  and  flatter 
and  always  destitute  of  awns. 

The  weight  varies,  the  best  seed  ranging  from  twenty-five  to 
thirty-five  pounds  a  bushel,  poor  seed  sometimes  not  exceeding 
fifteen  pounds. 

ITALIAN  RYE  GRASS  (Lolium  multiflorum  Lam.) 

Botanical  description:  Italian  Rye  is  perennial  and  very  similar 
to  Perennial  Rye  Grass  in  general  appearance.  The  tufts  are  alike, 
but  the  branches  of  the  Italian  Rye  rootstock  are  generally  shorter 
and  the  whole  plant  forms  a  denser  tuft.  The  stems  on  an  average 
are  higher  and  more  delicate  than  those  of  Perennial  Rye,  from  which 
they  also  differ  in  being  decidedly  rough  to  the  hand  when  rubbed 
upwards  below  the  inflorescence.  When  the  plants  are  young  they 
can  be  distinguished  from  those  of  Perennial  Rye  Grass  by  the  leaves 
being  rolled  together  when  in  bud.  When  fully  developed,  the 
leaves  are  comparatively  broad,  soft  in  texture  and  bright  green. 
The  inflorescence  has  the  same  general  appearance  as  that  of  Peren- 
nial Rye  but  differs  in  some  important  points.  Thus  a  spikelet 
contains  a  greater  number  of  flowers,  generally  from  ten  to  thirty. 
When  the  spike  is  developed,  the  grass  can  be  easily  distinguished 
from  Perennial  Rye  by  the  flowers.  These  are  enclosed  within  two 
glumes  like  those  of  Perennial  Rye,  but  the  outer  glume  carries  a 
long  awn  at  its  top.  Some  varieties,  however,  are  awnless  and  may 
be  distinguished  by  their  rolled  young  leaves  and  upwardly  rough 

Geographical  distribution:  Italian  Rye  Grass  is  indigenous 
to  western  and  southern  Europe,  northern  Africa  and  Asia  Minor. 
It  has  been  sparingly  introduced  into  North  America  and  is  found 
in  only  a  few  places  in  Canada. 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  meadows,  along  ditches  and 
roads,  in  gardens,  openings  in  woods,  etc. 

Cultural  conditions:  Italian  Rye  Grass  is  productive  on  soil 
rich  in  humus,  sandy  and  calcareous  loams,  and  on  marls  with  enough 


moisture.  It  does  not  do  well  on  stiff,  heavy  clays  or  on  very  dry 
soil.  No  grass  repays  fertilizers  as  well  as  does  Italian  Rye  and 
where  the  soil  is  kept  rich  by  liquid  manure  the  returns  are  very 
large.  In  the  valley  of  the  river  Po,  in  northern  Italy,  where  the  rich, 
loamy  land  is  irrigated,  and  on  the  sandy  soil  in  the  vicinity  of 
Edinburgh,  Scotland,  irrigated  by  the  sewage  from  the  city,  it  yields 
almost  incredible  quantities  of  forage.  Although  of  more  southern 
origin  than  Perennial  Rye,  it  thrives  comparatively  far  north.  It  is 
doubtful,  however,  whether  it  is  of  any  general  importance  for 
Canada.  It  may  be  of  value  for  the  Pacific  coast. 

Habits  of  growth:  The  perennial  quality  of  Italian  Rye  is  not 
so  outstanding  as  that  of  Perennial  Rye  Grass.  It  is  rather  short- 
lived and  generally  disappears  after  the  second  year,  especially  if  it 
is  allowed  to  produce  seed.  It  starts  early  in  the  spring  and  where 
liquid  manure  is  given  the  growth  is  so  rapid  that  ten  tons  of  grass 
to  the  acre  have  been  obtained  six  weeks  after  sowing.  It  loses  its 
flavour  and  nutritive  value  more  quickly  than  does  Perennial  Rye 
and  for  this  reason  it  should  be  cut  when  the  spikes  begin  to  develop. 
Where  conditions  are  favourable  it  may  be  cut  three  or  four  times 
in  a  season. 

Italian  Rye  Grass  was  probably  first  cultivated  in  northern  Italy. 
It  is  recognized  as  a  good  fodder  plant  in  most  European  countries 
and  is  grown  extensively,  especially  in  England  and  Scotland. 

Agricultural  value:  On  account  of  its  early  start  and  rapid 
growth,  Italian  Rye  is  a  hay  grass  of  outstanding  merit,  where  the 
climate  is  favourable,  either  alone  or  with  other  grasses  or  clovers. 
It  is  a  fine  pasture  grass  for  short  rotation,  relished  by  all  kinds  of 
stock.  Sheep,  on  being  turned  into  a  field  sown  with  Italian  Rye  and 
Red  Clover  and  cut  for  hay,  prefer  the  grass  to  the  clover.  It  makes 
a  valuable  feed  for  dairy  cows,  and,  in  spite  of  its  succulence,  does 
not  produce  purging  in  the  animals.  On  account  of  its  high  yield 
it  is  said  to  be  unrivalled  among  the  grasses  for  soiling,  and  its  rapid 
growth  makes  it  useful  for  the  suppression  of  noxious  weeds. 

Seed:  What  has  been  said  about  growing  Perennial  Rye  Grass 
seed  applies  to  Italian  Rye,  though  the  latter  has  a  far  greater  dis- 
position to  shell  its  seed  and  for  this  reason  must  not  be  cut  too  late. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seed  of  Italian  Rye  Grass  is  similar  to 
that  of  Meadow  Fescue  and  very  like  that  of  Perennial  Rye.  It 



may  readily  be  distinguished  from  the  latter  by  its  long,  slender  awn. 
It  is  also  a  trifle  lighter  in  colour,  and  the  shiny  lustre,  characteristic 
of  the  seed  of  Perennial  Rye,  is  much  less  conspicuous.  The  weight 
of  the  seed  varies,  sixteen  pounds  per  bushel  being  the  average  for 
good  seed;  it  sometimes  rises  to  twenty-four  pounds  per  bushel. 

WESTERN  RYE  GRASS  (Agropyron  tenerum  Vas.) 

Plate  15;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  26. 
Other  English  names:  Slender  Wheat  Grass,  Bald  Wheat  Grass. 

Botanical  description:  Western  Rye  Grass  is  perennial  with 
a  very  short  rootstock  not  creeping,  like  that  of  Couch  Grass,  which 
Western  Rye  in  other  respects  closely  resembles.  On  account  of 
the  shortness  of  the  rootstock,  the  stems  and  shoots  become  crowded 
and  the  whole  plant  grows  in  dense  tufts.  Western  Rye  is  therefore 
a  bunch  grass.  Besides  a  great  number  of  strong  roots  from  the 
short  underground  rootstocks,  numerous  stems  and  sterile  shoots 
are  produced.  Both  stems  and  sterile  shoots  are  strictly  upright, 
the  former  being  from  two  to  four  feet  high,  the  latter  varying  with 
individual  plants  and  in  different  localities.  Western  Rye  Grass 
varies  in  many  other  respects.  Thus  the  foliage  of  some  individuals 
is  poor  and  confined  almost  entirely  to  the  base  of  the  plant,  whereas 
in  others  it  is  about  as  rich  as  that  of  ordinary  Timothy  and  dis- 
tributed along  the  stems  to  above  the  middle.  Plants  with  narrow, 
dry  leaves  may  be  found  growing  beside  individuals  with  broad  and 
rather  soft  leaves ;  and  greyish  or  bluish-green  plants  occur  side  by  side 
with  bright  green  ones.  The  flowers  are  in  a  long,  spike-like  inflor- 
escence which  has  the  flattened  spikelets  solitary  at  each  joint  and 
thus  somewhat  resembles  that  of  Perennial  and  Italian  Rye  Grass. 
As  the  two  latter  grasses  turn  the  narrow  side  of  the  spikelets  toward 
the  main  stem,  whereas  the  spikelets  of  Western  Rye  (like  those  of 
all  other  species  of  the  genus  Agropyron)  turn  their  broad  side 
toward  the  main  stem,  there  is  little  danger  of  confusion.  Moreover, 
in  the  spikelets  of  a  species  of  Agropyron  there  are  two  sterile  glumes 
(see  page  10);  whereas  the  species  of  the  genus  Lolium  have  only 
one  sterile  glume.  In  Western  Rye  the  two  sterile  glumes  are  about 
as  long  as  the  whole  spikelet  and  sometimes  enclose  it  completely. 
The  spikelets  are  always  strongly  appressed  to  the  main  stem,  making 
the  whole  inflorescence  narrow  and  slender — hence  the  name  Slender 
Wheat  Grass.  At  first  they  are  green  but  toward  ripening  time 

Plate  15 


(   Agropyroo    henerum 




they  turn  straw-coloured.  A  spikelet  generally  contains  from  four 
to  six  flowers,  each  enclosed  within  two  glumes.  The  outer  glume 
is  similar  in  shape  and  texture  to  the  sterile  glumes  at  the  base  of 
the  spikelet.  It  is  generally  awnless  but  sometimes  carries  a  short 
awn  at  its  top. 

Geographical  distribution:  It  is  indigenous  to  all  Canada, 
from  coast  to  coast,  and  to  the  northern  and  western  parts  of  the 
United  States.  As  its  name  indicates,  it  is  especially  common  in  the 
west,  extending  from  the  dry  belts  of  British  Columbia  to  New 
Mexico  and  southern  California. 

Cultural  conditions:  Western  Rye  Grass  grows  naturally  in 
dry  soil  and  thrives  best  where  only  a  limited  amount  of  water  is 
available.  It  cannot  stand  long  flooding  but  responds  readily  to 
careful  irrigation.  It  is  one  of  the  few  grasses  that  are  not  checked 
by  a  large  amount  of  alkali  in  the  ground.  The  root  being  rather 
deep  and  very  strong,  it  stands  severe  drought  without  injury.  It 
is  insusceptible  to  extreme  cold,  and,  generally  speaking,  bears 
unfavourable  climatic  conditions  better  than  most  other  fodder 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  easy  to  grow  and  makes  a  ready  start 
from  the  seed.  If  sown  in  spring,  it  is  well-established  in  one  season 
and  might,  if  conditions  are  favourable,  head  out  late  in  the  fall  of 
the  same  year.  It  generally  gives  the  heaviest  crop  the  third  year, 
the  yield  depending  to  a  certain  extent  on  the  amount  of  seed  sown. 

Agricultural  value:  It  is  no  doubt  the  most  valuable  of  the 
western  native  hay  grasses,  and,  like  most  other  fodder  grasses,  in- 
cludes many  different  types.  Some  of  them  give  only  a  small  quantity 
of  poor  fodder;  others  produce  much  nutritious,  succulent  hay.  As 
grown  at  present,  Western  Rye  is  a  mixture  of  types  and  the  return 
is  therefore  comparatively  small.  By  proper  selection  and  breeding, 
varieties  could  be  produced  which  in  yield  and  nutritive  value  would 
far  surpass  the  average  grass  now  grown  in  the  Prairie  Provinces. 

Fodder:  Western  Rye  is  preferably  a  hay  grass.  It  should  be 
cut  just  when  it  begins  to  bloom,  or  even  earlier,  as  it  is  most  palat- 
able and  has  its  greatest  nutritive  value  before  flowering.  After 
that  it  becomes  tough,  hard  and  decidedly  woody.  Only  one  crop 
of  hay  can  be  taken  each  year.  It  has  its  greatest  value  as  horse  feed. 
It  is,  however,  not  as  much  relished  as  is  the  hay  from  Brome  Grass, 


perhaps  because  the  types  now  grown  have  rather  poor  foliage  on 
the  stems. 

Pasture:  It  is  of  little  value  for  pasture,  as  the  second  growth 
is  poor. 

When  sown  alone,  ten  to  fifteen  pounds  of  good  seed  should  be 
used  to  the  acre.  No  advantage  in  yield  is  gained  by  seeding  more 
thickly  on  dry  soils;  on  the  contrary,  it  is  apt  to  lessen  the  yield  in 
succeeding  years. 

Seed:  It  is  ready  to  cut  for  seed  when  the  spikelets  are  of  a 
greenish-straw  colour,  which  stage  is  reached,  under  normal  conditions, 
three  to  four  weeks  after  flowering.  It  can  be  cut  with  a  binder, 
cured  like  Timothy  and  threshed  in  a  grain  thresher. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seed  is  bright  straw-coloured,  from  a 
third  to  half  an  inch  long,  awnless  or  with  a  short,  straight  awn  at 
the  tip. 

WESTERN  WHEAT  GRASS  (Agropyron  occidental  Scribn.) 

Other  Latin  name:  Agropyron  Smiihii  Rydb. 

Other  English  names:  Colorado  Blue-stem,  Blue-joint,  Alkali  Grass. 

Western  Wheat  Grass  is  strongly  perennial  with  a  creeping  root- 
stock  similar  to  that  of  Couch  Grass.  The  plants  do  not  grow  in 
tufts,  like  Western  Rye  Grass,  but  form  an  open  sod  with  scattered 
stems  and  leafy  shoots  like  Couch  Grass.  The  whole  plant  is  bluish 
green  which  accounts  for  the  names  Blue-stem  and  Blue-joint. 
The  stems  are  from  one  to  four  feet  high  and  rather  stout.  The 
leaves  are  comparatively  long,  firm  in  texture,  flat,  or  in  dry  localities 
rolled  together.  The  inflorescence  is  strongly  flattened,  broader  and 
denser  than  that  of  Western  Rye  Grass.  The  spikelets  are  about 
twice  as  long  and  contain  a  greater  number  of  flowers — generally 
about  eight.  In  a  spikelet  of  Western  Rye  the  two  lowest  glumes 
are  about  as  long  as  the  whole  spikelet,  whereas  in  Western  Wheat 
they  are  about  half  as  long. 

Western  Wheat  Grass  is  indigenous  to  western  Canada  from 
Saskatchewan  to  the  Rocky  Mountains.  In  the  United  States  it 
extends  westward  from  Michigan  and  Kansas. 


Like  Couch  Grass,  it  is  not  very  particular  about  soil  and  locality, 
occurring  on  the  open  plains  as  well  as  on  the  foot  hills.  Although 
extremely  resistant  to  drought,  it  is  not  found  as  a  rule  on  very  sandy 
or  dry  soil.  It  prefers  rich  land  and  makes  a  luxuriant  growth 
where  sufficient  moisture  is  available.  As  the  name  Alkali  Grass 
indicates,  it  does  better  than  most  other  hay  or  pasture  grasses  on 
saline  soil. 

The  agricultural  value  of  Western  Wheat  Grass  is  little  known. 
In  some  of  the  western  states  it  is  considered  valuable,  especially  for 
pasture,  and  it  is  thought  to  be  highly  nutritive.  Its  creeping  root" 
stock  and  its  spreading  habit  are  apt  to  make  it  sod-bound,  however, 
and  it  may  not  be  worth  cultivation. 

AWNED  WHEAT  GRASS  (Agropyron  Richardsonii  Schrad.) 
Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  27. 

Awned  Wheat  Grass  has  a  short  rootstock  and  therefore  grows 
in  tufts  like  Western  Rye  Grass.  It  is  easily  distinguished,  however, 
by  the  long  awns  on  the  flowering  glumes  and  the  arrangement  of 
the  flowers  in  a  one-sided  spike.  It  is  common  in  the  Prairie  Prov- 
inces, especially  outside  the  semi-arid  regions.  It  is  generally  coarser 
than  Western  Rye  and,  on  account  of  its  long,  stiff  awns,  less  suitable 
for  fodder. 

COUCH  GRASS  (Agropyron  repens  (L.)  Beauv.) 
Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  25. 

Couch  Grass  is  strongly  perennial,  with  a  widely  running  root- 
stock  and  numerous  leafy  shoots  which  form  large  matted  beds. 
It  is  similar  to  Western  Wheat  Grass  in  its  mode  of  growth  but  differs 
in  being  brighter  green  and  having  smaller  spikelets.  It  is  a  native 
of  Europe  and  has  unfortunately  been  introduced  into  Canada,  in 
the  eastern  districts  of  which  it  has  become  well  established.  Al- 
though of  some  agricultural  value,  it  is  one  of  the  most  noxious 
weeds  and  should  be  carefully  guarded  against. 

I  know  precisely  that  for  either  object,  whether  to  bring  the  weeds  and  quitch  grass  to  the  surface 
and  to  wither  them  by  scorching  heat,  or  to  expose  the  earth  itself  to  the  sun's  baking  rays,  there  can 
be  nothing  better  than  to  plough  the  soil  up  with  a  pair  of  oxen  during  mid-day  in  summer. — Xenophon, 
The  Economist,  434~355  B.C. 


VIRGINIA  LYME  GRASS  (Elymus  virginicus  L.) 

Plate  16;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  28. 
Other  English  names:  Bald  Rye  Grass,  Wheat  Grass,  Terrell  Grass. 

Botanical  description :  Virginia  Lyme  Grass  is  perennial  with 
a  very  short  rootstock  and  therefore  grows  in  dense  tufts.  The 
stems,  which  are  generally  from  two  to  four  feet  high,  are  numerous 
and  densely  crowded,  smooth  and  rather  slender,  leafy  to  the  top 
and  often  tinged  with  purple.  The  leaves  are  long  and  broad,  the 
colour  varying  from  bright  green  to  glaucous.  The  lower  leaves 
soon  become  brown  and  dry  and  at  flowering  time  are  usually  all 
dead.  The  flowers  are  in  a  spikelike  inflorescence.  The  spikelets 
are  not  solitary  at  each  joint,  as  in  the  genus  Agropyron,  but  are 
generally  in  pairs,  making  the  inflorescence  dense  and  crowded. 
Each  spikelet  has  two  sterile  glumes  at  its  base  and  there  are  con- 
sequently four  sterile  glumes  at  each  joint.  They  are  thick  and 
clawlike,  bent  below,  and  make  a  characteristic  mark  by  which 
Virginia  Lyme  can  be  easily  distinguished  from  other  Lyme  Grasses. 
A  spikelet  contains  two  or  three  flowers,  each  enclosed  within  two 
narrow  glumes.  The  outer  flowering  glume,  the  lemma,  is  awnless 
or  with  a  short  awn  at  its  tip.  When  the  awn  is  present  the  whole 
spike  somewhat  resembles  that  of  rye;  when  it  is  absent  the  spike 
is  more  like  that  of  wheat — hence  the  names  Bald  Rye  Grass  and 
Wheat  Grass. 

Geographical  distribution:  Virginia  Lyme  Grass  is  indigenous 
to  practically  the  whole  North  American  continent.  In  Canada  it 
extends  from  Nova  Scotia  to  the  Rocky  Mountains. 

Habitat:  It  occurs  on  river  banks,  along  borders  of  woods  and 
thickets,  etc.  It  is  rather  common  in  open  woodlands  but  rare  in 
open  ground.  This  is  why  it  is  more  frequent  in  the  Maritime 
Provinces,  Quebec  and  Ontario  than  in  the  Prairie  Provinces. 

Cultural  conditions:  Virginia  Lyme  Grass  stands  drought 
and  severe  cold  without  injury  and  makes  quite  a  vigorous  growth 
on  light,  dry  soil  where  many  other  grasses  give  a  poor  return. 

Agricultural  value:  Its  agricultural  value  is  rather  doubtful. 
It  is  nutritive  and  succulent  when  young,  but  it  quickly  loses  its 

Plafe  16 


(Elynous  virginicus  L.) 


feeding  value  and  palatability  as  it  gets  woody  and  the  basal  leaves 
soon  dry  up  and  turn  brown.  If  intended  for  pasture  it  should 
therefore  be  grazed  early,  and  if  grown  for  hay  it  should  be  cut 
quite  green — long  before  the  plants  have  started  to  flower.  Its 
value  as  a  pasture  or  hay  grass  is  considerably  lessened  by  its  inability 
to  produce  a  reasonable  second  growth. 

When  sown  alone,  fifteen  pounds  of  seed  should  be  used  to  the 

The  strain  on  the  soil  will  be  an  easy  one  by  alternating  the  crops,  provided  only  that  you  are  not 
chary  in  saturating  the  parched  earth  with  rich  manure,  or  in  scattering  unsightly  ashes  upon  the 
exhausted  fields;  thus,  too,  your  land  is  refreshed  by  changing  the  crops,  and  in  the  meantime  there  is 
not  the  unproductiveness  of  unfilled  land. — Virgil,  Geargics,  37  B.C. 

Where  cattle  may  run  about  roving  at  will, 
From  pasture  to  pasture,  poor  belly  to  fill, 
There  pasture  and  cattle,  both  hungry  and  bare. 
For  want  of  good  husbandry  worser  do  fare. 

— Thomas  Tusser,  Five  Hundreth  Pointes  of  Husbandrie,  1557. 

The  calicular  leaves  enclose  the  tender  flowers,  and  the  flowers  themselves  lie  wrapped  about  the 
seeds,  in  their  rudiment  and  first  formations,  which  being  advanced,  the  flowers  fall  away;  and  are 
therefore  contrived  in  variety  of  figures,  best  satisfying  the  intention;  handsomely  observable  in 
hooded  and  gaping  flowers,  and  the  butterfly  blooms  of  leguminous  plants,  the  lo\,e  leaf  closely 
involving  the  rudimental  cod,  and  the  alary  or  wingy  divisions  embracing  or  hanging  <_"er  it. — Sir 
Thomas  Browne,  The  Garden  of  Cyrus,  1658. 

And  tryed  time  yet  taught  me  greater  thinges; 

The  sodain  rising  of  the  raging  seas, 
The  soothe  of  byrdes  by  beating  of  their  winges, 

The  powre  of  herbes,  both  which  can  hurt  and  ease; 
And  which  be  wont  t'enrage  the  restless  sheepe, 
And  which  be  wont  to  worke  eternal  sleepe. 

— Spenser,  Shepherd's  Calendar,  1579. 

Some  of  the  Ancients,  and  likewise  divers  of  the  Modern  Writers,  that  have  labored  in  Natura 
Magick,  have  noted  a  Sympathy  between  the  Sun,  Moon,  and  some  principal  Stars;  and  certain 
Herbs,  and  Plants.  And  so  they  have  denominated  some  Herbs  Solar,  and  some  Lunar,  and  such  like 
toys  put  into  great  words.  It  is  manifest,  that  there  are  some  Flowers  that  have  respect  to  the  Sun 
in  two  kinds;  the  one  by  opening  and  shutting,  and  the  other  by  bowing  and  inclining  the  Head. 

Of  this,  there  needeth  no  such  solemn  Reason  to  be  assigned,  as  to  say,  that  they  rejoyce 

at  the  presence  of  the  Sun,  and  mourn  at  the  absence  thereof.  For  it  is  nothing  else  but  a  little  loading 
of  the  Leavs,  and  swelling  them  at  the  bottom,  with  the  moisture  of  the  Air;  whereas  the  dry  Air 
doth  extend  them.  And  they  make  it  a  piece  of  the  wonder.  That  Garden  Claver  will  hide  the  Stalk, 
when  the  Sun  sheweth  bright,  which  is  nothing  but  a  full  expansion  of  the  Leavs. — Bacon,  Natural 
History,  1625. 


CRIMSON  CLOVER  (Trifolium  incarnatum  L.) 

Plate  17;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  29. 
Other  English  names:  Scarlet  Clover,  Italian  Clover,  German  Clover. 

Botanical  description:  Crimson  Clover  is  an  annual  plant 
with  a  strong  taproot  provided  with  the  nodules  characteristic  of 
all  leguminous  plants.  From  the  crown  of  the  root  numerous  up- 
right stems  develop  which  reach  an  average  height  of  one  or  two  feet. 
They  are  soft  in  texture  and  covered  with  soft  hairs.  The  leaflets 
are  somewhat  similar  in  shape  to  those  of  common  Red  Clover,  but 
are  shorter,  broader,  covered  with  short  hairs  and  toothed  in  their 
upper  parts.  The  flowers  are  in  a  prolonged,  spikelike  head  which 
has  a  peculiar  bluish  green  tint  before  flowering.  The  head,  which 
is  from  one  to  two  inches  long  when  fully  developed,  contains  a  great 
number  of  flowers,  the  development  of  which  gradually  proceeds 
from  the  base  to  the  top.  The  flowers  are  rich  scarlet  or  crimson 
and  somewhat  longer  than  those  of  the  common  Red  Clover. 

Geographical  distribution:  Crimson  Clover  is  indigenous  to 
Europe  where  it  occurs  in  France,  Italy,  Spain  and  in  the  valley  of 
the  Danube.  In  many  cases,  however,  it  is  doubtful  whether  the 
plant  is  really  wild  or  has  only  escaped  from  cultivation.  Its  cul- 
tivation, which  for  a  long  time  was  confined  to  northern  Italy, 
southern  France  and  the  country  around  the  Pyrenees,  is  now  rapidly 
spreading.  The  northern  limit  of  the  plant,  which  was  approx- 
imately northern  Italy  before  its  cultivation  began,  is  now  extended 
to  southern  Sweden.  In  America  it  is  grown  in  practically  all  the 
eastern  states  of  the  Union,  especially  southward.  In  Canada  it  is 
only  grown  to  a  limited  extent  and  is  scarcely  found  except  in  southern 
Ontario  and  British  Columbia,  except  as  a  cover  crop  in  orchards. 

Cultural  conditions:  Crimson  Clover  is  well  adapted  to  poor 
soils.  This  may  be  partly  due  to  its  strong  root  system,  which  en- 
ables the  plants  to  gather  nourishment  from  a  large  area.  On  light, 
sandy  soils,  where  Red  Clover  would  not  thrive,  Crimson  Clover 
may  yield  large  crops.  This  is  especially  true  if  the  plants  are  given 
sufficient  lime  and  water.  It  thrives  best  on  sandy  loams  which 
contain  a  rich  supply  of  plant  food,  and  on  such  soils,  if  the  climate 
is  favourable,  it  will  produce  a  luxuriant  growth.  On  heavy  or 
moist  cold  clay  the  return  is  scanty. 

Plafe   17 


(Trifoliunn    incarnahum     / 


Habits  of  growth:  Being  a  resident  of  southern  Europe,  it  is 
evident  that  Crimson  Clover  likes  a  warm  climate.  When  found 
wild,  it  is  a  so-called  winter  annual;  that  is,  the  seeds  germinate  in 
the  fall  or  during  the  summer  and  the  young  plants  reach  full  develop- 
ment relatively  early  the  following  season.  In  Canada  only  the 
southern  parts  of  British  Columbia  are  mild  enough  to  insure  the 
plants  living  through  the  winter.  Even  in  southwestern  Ontario 
the  returns  from  late-sown  seed  are  uncertain.  It  is  therefore  the 
general  practice  to  sow  Crimson  Clover  early  in  spring  and  harvest 
the  crop  the  same  season.  Although  it  requires  a  warm  climate  and 
is  able  to  make  a  surprisingly  good  growth  in  sandy  soil,  Crimson 
Clover  cannot  endure  severe  drought.  It  does  well  in  light  soil  that 
can  be  irrigated  during  the  growing  season. 

Agricultural  value:  Crimson  Clover  has  a  high  nutritive  value 
and  can  be  used  for  either  hay  or  pasture.  It  is  valuable  for  soiling 
purposes  in  short  rotations  and  in  orchards,  as  the  green  matter 
produced  is  heavy  and  the  roots  penetrate  deep  into  the  ground. 

Fodder:  Crimson  Clover  hay  is  readily  eaten  by  all  kinds  of 
farm  animals  and  is  claimed  to  be  especially  suitable  for  those  doing 
heavy  work.  Like  other  clovers,  it  has  its  highest  nutritive  value 
when  in  flower  and  should  not  be  cut  for  hay  later  than  in  full  bloom. 
The  blossoms  are  provided  with  a  great  number  of  rather  long  hairs, 
soft  and  harmless  before  the  plant  has  reached  the  flowering  stage. 
When  it  blossoms  these  hairs  become  stiff  and  may  cause  serious 
indigestion.  Experience  has  therefore  shown  that  it  is  advisable  to 
cut  Crimson  Clover  a  little  earlier  than  in  full  bloom.  Harvesting 
may  be  done  in  the  same  way  as  for  Red  Clover. 

Pasture:  Where  the  winters  are  mild  enough  to  allow  Crimson 
Clover  to  be  sown  late  in  the  summer,  it  can  be  pastured  the  same 
fall  and  then  early  next  spring.  Where  the  climate,  as  in  south- 
western Ontario,  makes  spring  sowing  necessary,  pasturing  must  be 
limited  to  one  season.  In  those  sections  of  Ontario  where  Crimson 
Clover  is  grown,  it  i§  commonly  used  as  pasture  for  hogs.  Fifteen 
to  twenty  pounds  of  seed  should  be  used  to  the  acre. 

Seed:  As  Crimson  Clover  plants  produce  a  great  number  of 
heads,  containing  numerous  blossoms,  a  large  amount  of  seed  is 
generally  developed.  Favourable  weather,  however,  is  necessary 
during  harvesting,  as  the  quality  of  the  seed  is  affected  by  rain. 
The  seeds  are  easily  shed  and  it  is  therefore  advisable  to  cut  when 
the  heads  are  wet  with  dew,  to  handle  the  crop  with  the  utmost  care 



and  to  thresh  it  as  soon  as  possible.     The  average  crop  is  from  four 
to  five  bushels  to  the  acre. 

Quality  of  seed:  Crimson  Clover  seeds  are  much  larger  than 
those  of  Red  Clover.  They  are  egg-shaped,  plump  and  shiny  yellow- 
ish brown  with  an  orange  tint.  The  legal  weight  is  sixty  pounds 
per  bushel. 

RED  CLOVER  (Trifolium  pratense  L.) 
Plate  18;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  30. 

Botanical  description:  Red  Clover  is  mainly  biennial.  The 
year  the  seed  germinates,  only  short  leaves  and  stems  are  produced 
and  no  flowers.  The  second  year  the  flowers  are  developed  and  the 
seed  formed,  and  after  ripening  the  seed  the  plant  dies.  As  with  most 
biennial  plants,  the  root  is  a  taproot;  that  is,  the  single  main  root 
gradually  tapers  downward  and  produces  numerous  side  branches. 
On  these  are  developed  the  small,  rounded  or  egg-shaped  nodules 
which  contain  the  bacteria  necessary  for  the  proper  development  of 
the  plant.  From  the  upper  end  of  the  taproot,  which  is  somewhat 
enlarged  and  generally  known  as  the  crown,  are  formed  more  or  less 
numerous  buds  which  develop  into  leafy  stems.  These  as  a  rule 
are  from  one-half  to  two  feet  high,  strictly  upright  or  ascending  from 
a  decumbent  base,  the  latter  being  the  normal  growth  of  stems 
developed  from  the  outer  margin  of  the  crown.  The  stems  are 
generally  branched  above  the  middle  and  the  leaves  are  single  at 
each  joint.  The  three  leaflets  of  which  each  leaf  consists  are  oblong 
or  egg-shaped  and  usually  marked  with  a  white  spot  of  varying  size 
and  shape.  The  stipules  (see  page  15)  attached  to  the  base  of  the 
leaf  stalk  are  triangular  at  the  base  and  suddenly  contracted  into 
an  awnlike  point.  This  peculiar  shape  is  a  characteristic  by  which 
Red  Clover  can  be  readily  distinguished  from  Zigzag  Clover*  (Tri- 
folium medium  L.),  which  it  closely  resembles  and  is  often  confused 
with.  The  stipules  of  Zigzag  Clover  are  narrow  throughout.  The 
Red  Clover  flowers  are  in  a  dense  head,  which  is  about  an  inch  in 
diameter  when  fully  developed.  They  vary  from  bright  red  to  pur- 
ple but  are  sometimes  white. 

*  Zigzag  Clover,  so-called  after  the  zigzag  bending  of  the  stems,  has  much  narrower 
leaves  than  has  Red  Clover.  It  is  a  perennial  plant,  common  in  Europe  where  it  grows 
along  borders  of  woods  and  in  open  woodlands.  The  so-called  Simpson's  Perennial  Red 
Clover  from  Prince  Edward  Island  and  Couch  Grass  Clover  from  the  Maritime  Provinces 
are  of  this  species. 

Plate  18 


(Trifolium      prahense   /..) 

RED    CLOVER.  99 

Biology  of  flower:  If  Red  Clover  is  isolated  during  flowering 
time,  so  that  no  insects  can  visit  the  blooms,  no  seeds  will  be  formed, 
as  it  depends  upon  insects  to  transport  the  pollen  from  one  flower  to 
another.  Bumble  bees,  which  visit  the  flowers  in  order  to  secure  the 
nectar,  are  especially  active  in  this  transportation.  The  blossoms 
of  Red  Clover  are  peculiarly  sensitive;  when  a  bumble  bee  in  search 
of  honey  forces  its  proboscis  down  and  touches  the  lower  parts  of  a 
flower,  such  a  touch,  if  the  flower  is  fully  developed,  makes  the  sta- 
mens and  pistil  protrude  from  the  interior  of  the  blossom  into  the 
open  air.  The  bending  of  the  stamens  and  pistil  brings  their  upper 
ends  into  close  contact  with  the  body  of  the  insect,  which  thus  be- 
comes powdered  with  pollen  from  the  stamens.  The  pistil  protrudes 
a  little  beyond  the  stamens.  This  might  seem  an  insignificant  fact, 
but  it  means  that  the  pistil  has  a  better  chance  to  come  in  contact 
with  the  pollen  from  other  plants,  already  deposited  on  the  body  of 
the  insect,  than  to  come  in  contact  with  the  pollen  of  its  own  flower. 
As  the  insect  travels  from  one  plant  to  another,  carrying  pollen  from 
different  individuals,  the  pistils  of  one  are  apt  to  be  fertilized  by 
pollen  from  another.  Such  cross-fertilization  must,  in  fact,  take 
place  before  seed  can  be  developed.  In  other  words,  Red  Clover  is 
completely  self-sterile.  The  pollen  is  unable  to  fertilize  the  pistils  of 
the  plant  on  which  it  is  produced. 

As  a  rule,  the  insect  carries  enough  pollen  from  different  in- 
dividuals to  give  the  pistils  an  opportunity  to  be  powdered  from  other 
plants.  There  is,  however,  a  chance  that  a  single  visit  from  one 
insect  would  be  insufficient.  To  provide  a  greater  opportunity  for 
every  flower  to  be  fertilized,  nature  has  made  it  possible  to  have 
each  Red  Clover  blossom  visited  by  insects  many  times.  In  Alfalfa 
each  flower  has  only  one  chance  to  be  fertilized  (see  page  115),  as  the 
stamens  and  the  pistil,  after  the  explosion  of  the  flower,  do  not 
return  to  their  original  positions.  A  Red  Clover  blossom  has  many 
chances,  as  the  pistil  and  stamens  protrude  for  only  an  instant,  after 
which  they  move  back  to  their  original  positions.  Their  sensibility 
is  not  lost  after  the  first  visit  of  an  insect;  a  second  or  third  visit 
will  have  the  same-effect,  and  the  chances  of  the  pistil  being  properly 
fertilized  will  last  as  long  as  it  remains  in  a  condition  to  receive  the 

Bumble  bees  are  the  only  insects,  with  the  exception  of  some 
butterflies,  with  a  proboscis  long  enough  to  reach  the  nectar  at  the 
bottom  of  the  flower  tube.  As  is  well  known  by  bee-keepers,  the 
ordinary  honey  bee  is  not  able  to  gather  honey  from  Red  Clover, 
its  proboscis  being  far  too  short.  In  spite  of  this,  however,  the  ord- 
inary honey  bee  is  of  considerable  importance  in  the  fertilization  of 


Red  Clover.  Though  it  cannot  reach  the  honey,  it  can  reach  the 
pollen,  and  when  securing  this  for  bee  bread  it  comes  in  contact  with 
the  pistil  and  thus  has  an  opportunity  to  assist  fertilization. 

The  result  of  the  fertilization  of  the  flower  is  the  development  of 
a  small,  straight  pod  containing  one  seed.  When  fully  ripe  this  is 
released  by  the  falling  off  of  the  upper  caplike  part  of  the  pod. 

Red  Clover  and  all  other  species  of  the  genus  Trifolium  behave 
in  a  rather  peculiar  way  after  flowering.  Their  flowers  do  not  fall 
off  but  remain  withered  on  the  head  during  the  whole  season,  giving 
the  ripened  heads  their  characteristic  brown  appearance.  This  pe- 
culiarity makes  it  easy  to  distinguish  the  genus  Trifolium  from  the 
genus  Medicago,  the  flowers  of  the  latter  not  being  persistent.  The 
pods  of  Alfalfa  and  other  species  of  Medicago  are  exposed  while 
ripening,  whereas  the  pods  of  Red  Clover  and  other  species  of 
Trifolium  are  not  visible. 

Geographical  distribution:  Red  Clover  is  a  native  of  Europe, 
southwestern  Asia,  parts  of  Siberia  and  northern  Africa. 

History:  It  was  introduced  into  culture  comparatively  late.  In 
Italy  and  Spain  its  cultivation  was  established  during  the  fifteenth 
and  sixteenth  centuries.  It  was  introduced  into  Holland  from 
Spain  during  the  sixteenth  century  and  from  there  it  made  its  way 
to  England  during  the  first  half  of  the  seventeenth,  the  English  name 
being  derived  from  the  Dutch  "Klafver."  It  was  introduced  into 
North  America  during  the  last  decennium  of  the  eighteenth  century. 

Cultural  conditions:  Being  a  resident  of  the  temperate  zone, 
Red  Clover  succeeds  best  where  the  summers  are  not  too  hot  nor 
the  winters  too  severe.  Although  the  roots  go  rather  deep,  the  plant 
is  injured  by  long  and  continuous  drought.  It  needs  sufficient  rain 
during  the  growing  period  to  enable  it  to  flourish  during  the  whole 
season.  As  Red  Clover  is  rather  cosmopolitan,  a  great  number  of 
varieties,  adapted  to  different  climates,  have  been  developed.  The 
suitability  of  a  variety  for  a  northern  climate  like  that  of  Canada 
depends  to  a  great  extent  upon  its  hardiness.  Chilean  Red  Clover 
or  other  varieties  originating  in  countries  with  a  mild  climate  are 
invariably  killed  by  the  Canadian  winter,  except  in  the  southern 
parts  of  the  country.  It  is  therefore  important  to  secure  seed  of 
northern  origin.  If  possible,  Canadian  grown  seed  should  be  obtained 
because  as  a  rule  homegrown  seed  gives  the  best  results. 


Soil:  Red  Clover  can  be  successfully  grown  on  many  kinds  of 
soil,  the  most  suitable  being  clay  loams  with  a  certain  amount  of 
lime  and  plenty  of  organic  matter.  Sandy  loams  also  give  good 
returns,  especially  on  limestone  foundation;  but  generally  speaking, 
Red  Clover  prefers  the  heavier  soils.  It  can  be  grown  even  on  stiff 
clay,  provided  the  subsoil  is  open.  For  its  proper  development  Red 
Clover,  like  Alfalfa,  depends  a  good  deal  upon  the  subsoil.  This 
must  be  open  and  well-drained.  Stagnant  water  near  or  on  the 
surface  is  decidedly  injurious.  Water-soaked  soil  excludes  the  air 
necessary  for  the  respiration  of  the  roots  and  is  in  a  bad  physical 
condition  to  meet  the  alternate  thawing  and  freezing  of  early  spring. 
As  is  well  known,  water  expands  when  changing  into  ice,  and  if  the 
surface  soil  contains  an  abundance  of  water  it  will  consequently 
expand  when  freezing.  The  overground  parts  of  the  plants  will  be 
lifted  up  with  the  freezing  soil.  As  the  lower  roots  are  anchored  in 
the  subsoil  and  therefore  unable  to  follow  the  upward  movement, 
they  will  be  stretched  and  sometimes  broken.  The  disastrous  effects 
of  alternate  freezing  and  thawing  make  it  evident  that  one  of  the 
first  conditions  of  successful  clover  growing  is  well-drained  soil. 

Habits  of  growth:  Being  a  biennial,  Red  Clover  devotes  the 
first  season's  growth  to  the  development  of  its  root  system  and  the 
accumulation  of  strength  to  meet  the  winter's  hardships.  It  there- 
fore produces  a  strong  tap  root,  which,  if  soil  and  weather  are  favour- 
able, penetrates  to  a  considerable  depth.  The  overground  parts  of 
the  plants  consist  at  first  of  only  a  few,  short,  upright  stems  which 
carry  leaves  but  no  flowers.  Later  in  the  season,  short  leafy  shoots 
are  developed  which  generally  lie  flat  on  the  ground  and  are  known 
as  the  winter  tuft.  At  the  same  time  the  tap  root  begins  to  contract 
until  its  original  length  is  reduced  by  more  than  ten  per  cent.  As 
the  end  of  the  root  is  firmly  anchored  in  the  ground,  the  result  is 
that  the  overground  parts  of  the  plant  are  pulled  down.  This  process, 
which  has  been  observed  in  other  plants  such  as  carrots  and  parsnips, 
is  evidently  meant  to  bring  the  stems  and  leaves  into  close  contact 
with  the  ground  wKere  they  are 'best  protected  against  frost  and 
wind.  Early  in  the  spring  of  the  second  year  the  branches  of  the 
winter  tuft  develop  into  flower-bearing  stems,  which,  if  not  cut  or 
pastured,  produce  seed  and  late  in  the  fall  die.  The  great  mass  of 
clover  plants  are  thus  biennial.  Red  Clover  types  exist,  however, 
which  show  a  decided  tendency  to  live  longer,  especially  if  the  plants 
are  kept  from  seeding  by  continual  cutting  or  pasturing.  The  best 
known  of  these  perennial  types  is  Mammoth  Clover. 


Agricultural  value:  No  forage  plant  has  been  so  important 
to  agriculture  as  has  Red  Clover.  This  is  due  not  only  to  its  high 
feeding  value,  which  is  surpassed  by  few  plants,  but  also  to  its  service 
as  a  fertilizer  and  improver  of  soil  texture.  No  other  leguminous 
fodder  plant  is  equal  to  it  for  these  two  purposes. 

Fodder:  Red  Clover  has  its  highest  feeding  value  when  in  full 
bloom  and  should  be  cut  for  hay  before  the  heads  begin  to  turn 
brown.  If  cut  late,  the  stems  become  woody,  lose  their  palatability 
and  the  general  value  is  considerably  lessened.  The  quality  of  the  hay 
depends  to  a  great  extent  on  the  way  it  is  cured.  Careless  handling 
causes  the  leaves  to  shatter.  Exposure  to  rain  or  heavy  dew  dis- 
colours the  hay,  dispels  its  fine  aroma  and  reduces  its  nutritive  value. 
Over  exposure  to  sunshine  also  reduces  its  feeding  value.  In  curing 
Red  Clover  hay  methods  should  therefore  be  employed  by  which 
the  drying  is  done  as  much  as  possible  by  the  wind. 

Pasture:  As  a  pasture  plant,  Red  Clover  is  not  surpassed  by 
any  other  legume.  It  is  relished  by  all  kinds  of  farm  animals.  On 
account  of  the  tenderness  of  the  young  plants  and  the  necessity  to 
have  them  start  the  winter  in  good  condition,  it  is  not  advisable  in 
the  Prairie  Provinces  to  pasture  Red  Clover  the  same  year  it  is 
sown.  In  some  parts  of  Ontario,  where  it  may  grow  rather  rank  the 
latter  part  of  the  first  year,  the  field  is  usually  pastured;  to  what 
extent  depends  upon  conditions.  Grazing  too  late  in  the  fall  or  pas- 
turing too  close  by  sheep  is  apt  to  reduce  the  succeeding  crop. 
Grazing  the  second  year  may  begin  early  in  the  spring  and  continue 
until  late  in  the  fall. 

When  cattle  and  sheep  are  turned  into  a  field  of  Red  Clover, 
there  is  always  danger  of  bloating,  especially  if  it  is  wet  with  dew 
and  the  animals  start  grazing  on  empty  stomachs. 

Sowing  for  hay  and  pasture :  In  Ontario  Red  Clover  is  always 
sown  with  a  nurse  crop.  Tests  at  the  experimental  farms  of  Mani- 
toba and  Saskatchewan,  particularly  at  Indian  Head,  indicate  that 
in  the  Prairie  Provinces  a  nurse  crop  should  not  be  used.  In  a  dry 
climate  or  on  dry  soils  it  acts  as  a  robber  rather  than  as  a  nurse  in 
depriving  the  young  plants  of  moisture.  The  result  is  that  the  plants 
are  weak  at  the  beginning  of  the  winter  and  are  more  liable  to  be  killed 
by  the  frost.  When  sown  alone,  ten  to  twelve  pounds  of  good  seed 
should  be  used  to  the  acre. 

Seed :  Except  in  southwestern  Ontario,  Red  Clover  seed  is  only 
grown  to  a  very  limited  extent  in  Canada.  Whether  or  not  a  field 

RED    CLOVER.  1 03 

should  be  used  for  seed  production  depends  on  conditions.  If  these 
are  favourable,  all  or  certain  parts  of  the  field  are  commonly  left  for 
seed.  Success  depends  on  many  factors.  If  the  latter  part  of  the 
summer,  when  the  seed  is  ripening,  is  rainy,  there  is  far  less  chance 
of  producing  good  seed  than  if  the  weather  is  warm  and  dry.  Cold, 
stiff  soils,  which  may  produce  luxuriant  growth,  are  not  as  a  rule 
satisfactory  for  seed  production.  The  best  soils  are  sandy  loams 
with  an  abundance  of  lime  and  a  fair  supply  of  potash  and  phos- 
phates. A  thick  stand  of  clover  improves  the  quality  of  the  hay 
but  produces  only  a  scant  amount  of  seed.  A  relatively  thin  crop 
will  give  a  heavier  yield  and  the  seed  produced  is  of  a  better  quality. 
A  smaller  amount  should  therefore  be  sown  for  seed  production  than 
for  hay  or  pasture. 

The  first  cut  of  Red  Clover  gives  a  small  return  of  seed  because 
the  bumble  bees,  which  fertilize  the  blossoms,  are  less  numerous 
during  the  early  part  of  the  summer  than  later.  For  this  reason  the 
first  growth  is  cut  for  hay  or  pastured  and  the  second  growth  left  for 
seed.  By  cutting  or  pasturing  the  first  crop,  the  weeds  are  checked 
and  the  second  growth  is  cleaner. 

Red  Clover  should  be  cut  for  seed  when  most  of  the  heads  have 
turned  brown  and  the  stems  begin  to  dry  up.  The  seeds  in  most  of 
the  heads  are  then  ripe  and  of  a  pronounced  colour.  By  cutting 
earlier,  a  large  proportion  of  the  seeds  will  be  immature  and  shrunken, 
the  vitality  will  be  low  and  the  general  colour  and  appearance  in- 
ferior. It  can  be  cut  with  an  ordinary  mowing  machine.  The  heads 
and  flowers  are  easily  broken  by  careless  handling,  especially  in  dry, 
hot  weather.  Threshing  should  be  done  in  cold,  dry  weather  as  it 
is  difficult  to  separate  the  seeds  from  the  pods  when  it  is  damp. 

Quality  of  seed :  The  colour  of  ordinary  commercial  Red  Clover 
seed  is  mixed,  some  seeds  being  yellow,  others  purple,  and  others 
bright  in  one  end  and  dark  in  the  other.  In  some  samples  the  bright 
colours  prevail  while  in  others  the  dark  seeds  are  most  common. 
It  is  a  popular  belief  that  bright  coloured  seeds  are  not  fully  mature 
and  that  samples  which  contain  a  large  proportion  of  them  are  in- 
ferior. This,  however,  is  an  error.  All  seeds  gathered  from  any 
individual  plant  are  of  the  same  general  colour.  In  some  plants  all 
the  seeds  are  yellow,  in  others  deep  violet,  and  in  others  uniformly 
two-coloured.  Bright  yellow  seeds  are  just  as  ripe  as  dark  purple 
ones.  The  mixed  colour  of  the  ordinary  commercial  sample  there- 
fore does  not  mean  that  the  seeds  are  not  uniformly  ripe.  It  simply 
means  that  it  is  composed  of  seeds  of  different  types,  each  type  having 


its  own  colour.  Although  the  darker  seeds  are  more  popular,  the 
colour  should  not  be  taken  as  an  index  of  value  as  the  most  desirable 
plant  types  may  have  pale  yellow  seeds. 

Good  Red  Clover  seed  should  have  a  shiny  lustre  and  contain 
only  a  small  proportion  of  undeveloped,  shrunken  seeds.  The  legal 
weight  is  sixty  pounds  per  bushel. 

Impurities:  Red  Clover  seed  too  often  contains  noxious  weed 
seeds.  Among  the  most  troublesome  are  Ragweed,  Night-flowering 
Catchfly,  Bladder  Campion,  Canada  Thistle,  Curled  Dock  and 
Ribgrass.  Other  less  harmful  seeds  are  Green  Foxtail,  Lamb's 
Quarters,  Lady's  Thumb,  Pale  Plantain,  Yellow  Foxtail,  Sheep 
Sorrel  and  Smart  weed. 

Diseases:  Red  Clover  has  many  enemies.  Insects  are  trouble- 
some and  often  do  considerable  damage.  Weevils  and  other  insects 
feed  on  the  leaves  and  the  clover  root  borer  attacks  the  roots.  The 
latter,  which  fortunately  does  not  seem  to  be  prevalent  in  Canada, 
eats  out  the  central  parts  of  the  roots  and  is  a  serious  pest  where  it 
is  abundant.  The  clover  midge,  which  feeds  on  the  young  seeds, 
frequently  causes  serious  loss.  Where  it  threatens  to  be  troublesome 
the  clover  should  be  pastured  or  cut  early. 

Various  kinds  of  dodder  live  on  Red  Clover.  The  kind  found 
in  commercial  seed  is  chiefly  determined  by  the  place  of  the  seed  pro- 
duction. It  is  most  frequently  introduced  into  Canada  with  Chilean 
Red  Clover  seed.  This  dodder  (the  Latin  name  of  which  is  Cuscuta, 
racemosa  Mart.  var.  chiliana  Engelm.)  is  quite  different  from  Alfalfa 
dodder  (see  page  120).  It  is  true  that  the  dodders  resemble  each 
other,  but  their  effects  on  the  plants  are  quite  different.  Although 
introduced  several  times  and  widely  distributed  in  the  seed  producing 
districts  of  Ontario,  the  Chilean  dodder  seems  unable  to  establish 
itself  and  is  practically  harmless.  Other  species  of  dodder  may  be 
introduced,  however,  and  prove  troublesome  with  Red  Clover. 


Red  Clover  consists  of  thousands  of  types,  differing  in  botanical 
characteristics,  biological  behaviour  and  practical  value.  From  a 
botanical  standpoint,  two  main  types  can  be  distinguished  which 
might  be  termed  the  American  and  the  European.  The  latter  has 
smooth  stems  whereas  the  stems  of  the  former  have  stiff,  outstanding 


hairs.  This  hairiness  makes  the  American  type  somewhat  inferior 
for  hay,  as  it  is  apt  to  be  dusty.  Within  either  type  numerous  vari- 
eties can  be  recognized,  differing  in  such  practical  qualities  as  yielding 
power,  hardiness,  maturity,  stooling  after  cutting  and  duration. 
Most  varieties  are  merely  geographical  ones.  Such  names  as  Chilean, 
English,  Swedish,  French,  South  or  North  Russian  Clover  do  not 
mean  that  the  varieties  are  botanically  distinct,  but  simply  that  the 
seed  is  of  a  certain  origin  and  that  the  plants  are  adapted  to  the 
countries  for  which  they  are  named. 

Mammoth  Clover,  called  Cow  Grass  in  England,  is  one  of 
the  best  known  varieties.  It  has  sometimes  been  called  Trifolium 
medium  L.,  but  this  is  not  correct,  Trifolium  medium  L.  being  a  dis- 
tinct species,  clearly  distinguished  from  Red  Clover  in  many  essen- 
tials (see  page  98).  As  indicated  by  its  name,  Mammoth  Clover  is 
a  large  variety  of  Red.  It  is  more  decidedly  perennial  and  has  there- 
fore been  called  Trifolium  pratense  var.  perenne,  or  Peiennial  Red 
Clover.  The  stems  are  long,  coarse  and  generally  spreading.  The 
leaves  usually  lack  the  white  blotch  characteristic  of  common  Red 
Clover.  This  cannot,  however,  be  used  as  a  distinguishing  mark, 
as  the  common  Red  is  often  without  the  spot.  Mammoth  Clover 
is  decidedly  later;  it  blooms  from  ten  days  to  three  weeks  after 
common  Red  Clover.  It  grows  slowly  after  mowing  and  can  generally 
be  cut  only  once  in  a  season.  It  requires  the  same  soil  and  climate 
as  Common  Red,  but  on  account  of  its  stronger  root  system  and 
perennial  tendency  it  is  more  apt  to  thrive  under  adverse  conditions. 
Its  coarser  growth  makes  the  hay  less  relished  by  stock;  on  the  other 
hand,  its  greater  luxuriance  makes  it  a  better  soil  improver. 

It  is  not  possible  to  separate  seed  of  Mammoth  Red  Clover  from 
that  of  Common  Red. 

A  modern  improvement  in  this  country  is  the  laying  their  lands  down  with  clover  and  trefoile 
for  two  years,  and  keeping  it  fed  well  down  with  sheep,  by  which  means  many  pernicious  weeds  which 
used  to  trouble  them  greatly-ere  got  under,  and  their  lands  kept  clean  and  in  good  order. — Arthur 
Young,  A  Six  Months  Tour  Through  the  North  of  England,  1769. 

Store  of  Bees  in  a  dry  and  warm  Bee-house,  comely  made  of  Firboards,  to  sing,  and  sit,  and 
feede  upon  your  flowers  and  sprouts,  make  a  pleasant  noyse  and  sight.  For  cleanly  and  innocent  Bees, 
of  all  other  things,  love  and  become,  and  thrive  in  an  Orchard.  If  they  thrive  (as  they  must  needs 
if  your  Gardiner  be  skillfull,  and  love  them:  for  they  love  their  friends,  and  hate  none  but  their 
Enemies)  they  will  besides  the  pleasure,  yeeld  great  profit,  to  pay  him  his  wages.  Yea,  the  increase 
of  twenty  Stocks,  or  Stooles  with  other  fees,  will  keep  your  Orchard.  You  need  not  doubt  their 
stings,  for  they  hurt  not,  whom  they  know,  and  they  know  their  keeper  and  acquaintance.  If  you 
like  not  to  come  amongst  them,  you  neede  not  doubt  them:  for  but  neere  their  store,  and  in  their 
owne  defence,  they  will  not  fight,  and  in  that  case  onely  (and  who  can  blame  themP  they  are  manly 
and  fight  desperately. — William  Lawson,  A  New  Orchard  and  Garden,  1618. 


WHITE  CLOVER  (Trifolium  repens  L.) 

Plate  19;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  31. 
Other  English  name:  Dutch  Clover. 

Botanical  description:  White  Clover  is  a  perennial  which  in 
its  natural  state  grows  in  patches.  The  stems  are  creeping  and  root 
at  the  joints.  A  single  plant  has  thus  the  faculty  of  spreading  over 
a  wide  area.  From  the  stems,  trailing  along  the  surface  of  the  ground, 
are  developed  upright  leaves  and  flower-bearing  heads,  both  pro- 
vided with  long  stalks.  In  daytime  and  under  normal  conditions 
the  three  leaflets  of  which  each  leaf  consists  spread  on  the  same 
level,  giving  the  plant  its  well-known  deep  green  shade.  Toward 
evening,  however,  the  plants  take  on  quite  a  different  look.  The 
three-cleft  leaves  seem  to  have  disappeared  and  to  be  replaced  by 
small  leaves  of  a  bluish  grey  colour.  When  the  sun  begins  to  set, 
the  two  lateral  leaflets  move  down  toward  the  leaf  stalk,  at  the  same 
time  turning  so  as  to  stand  finally  face  to  face.  The  central  leaflet 
leans  over,  turning  its  bluish  grey  lower  side  upward  so  as  to  cover 
the  two  lateral  leaflets.  When  the  lateral  leaflets  are  face  to  face 
and  the  central  leaflet  turned  over  their  edge,  the  leaf  is  said  to  be 
asleep.  Similar  movements  may  be  observed  in  any  of  the  common 
species  of  clover  and  in  a  great  number  of  other  plants.  They  are 
especially  conspicuous  in  the  Shamrock. 

The  heads  of  White  Clover  develop  from  the  lower  parts  of  the 
stem,  the  heads  of  Alsike  from  the  upper.  White  Clover  heads  are 
smaller  than  those  of  Alsike  and  the  flowers  are  pure  white.  As  in 
other  clover  species,  the  flowering  starts  from  the  base  of  the  head. 
As  the  blossoms  turn  brown  and  remain  so  without  falling,  the  same 
head  may  be  white  in  the  upper  part  and  brown  in  the  lower. 

Biology  of  flower:  White  Clover  is  fertilized  by  insects  which 
carry  pollen  from  one  flower  to  another.  Seeds  will  not  develop 
unless  the  flowers  are  fertilized  by  pollen  from  another  plant.  The 
blossoms  are  rich  in  honey,  and  as  this  can  be  reached  by  the  ordinary 
honey  bee,  White  Clover  is  of  great  importance  to  beekeepers.  When 
ripe  the  pods  are  oblong  and  contain  three  to  five  seeds. 

Geographical  distribution:  White  Clover  is  indigenous  to  all 
Europe,  southwestern  Asia,  Siberia  and  northern  Africa.  It  is  also 
claimed  to  be  native  to  Canada  and  the  United  States,  but  this  is 
doubtful.  The  locations  where  it  occurs  naturally  in  Canada  are 

Plate  19 


(Trifoliuro    repens  JL  .) 


those  in  which  it  may  have  escaped  from  cultivation;  and  the  fact 
that  all  undoubtedly  native  species  of  Trifolium  are  found  only  in 
British  Columbia  and  that  these  form  a  group  widely  different  from 
the  European  ones  indicates  that  White  Clover  is  not  indigenous  to 
this  country  but  was  introduced  by  the  early  settlers. 

History:  White  Clover  was  first  cultivated  in  Holland — hence 
the  name  Dutch  Clover.  It  is  at  present  grown  in  all  European 
countries  and  practically  all  over  North  America. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  occurs  naturally  in  meadows  and  pas- 
tures, along  roads  and  rivers,  in  valleys  and  on  mountains.  It  will 
grow  on  a  great  variety  of  soils,  from  sand  and  gravel  to  rich  loam  and 
clay.  It  does  best  on  moist,  well-drained  loams  which  contain  lime 
and  humus.  It  will  not  succeed  if  the  soil  is  too  stiff  or  wet. 

Climate:  White  Clover  is  especially  adapted  to  a  rather  moist 
and  medium  warm  climate.  When  other  conditions  are  favourable, 
it  will  endure  severe  cold  without  injury.  It  is  also  able  to  stand  a 
long  spell  of  drought,  provided  the  subsoil  retains  some  moisture. 
It  is  true  that  most  of  the  roots  are  rather  superficial  and  that  the 
growth  is  therefore  affected  by  dry  weather;  but  the  main  taproot 
penetrates  to  a  considerable  depth,  and  the  plants  will  survive  with 
sufficient  moisture  in  the  subsoil.  In  Canada  White  Clover  succeeds 
best  in  the  Maritime  Provinces,  in  the  Great  Lakes  region  and  on  the 
Pacific  slope.  It  is  not  well  adapted  to  the  Prairie  Provinces. 

Habits  of  growth:  When  once  established,  it  covers  the  ground 
rapidly.  The  creeping  stems  branch  freely,  develop  numerous  roots 
and  readily  form  large  patches.  The  heads  produce  many  seeds  which 
fall  to  the  ground  and  keep  their  vitality  a  long  time.  A  few  seeds 
dropped  on  the  ground  are  thus  able  within  a  few  years  to  make 
surprisingly  large  patches.  This  easy  propagation  accounts  for 
much  White  Clover  in  places  where  it  has  not  been  planted  and 
explains  why  it  has  been  considered  indigenous  to  Canada. 

Development  is  slow  in  dry  weather  but  growth  starts  quickly 
when  rain  falls.  If  germinating  early  in  spring,  the  plants  generally 
blossom  in  the  fall  of  the  same  year.  The  second  and  following 
years  they  produce  an  abundance  of  heads,  which,  if  the  plants  are 
kept  back  by  grazing,  continue  to  appear  during  practically  the  entire 

Agricultural  value:  On  account  of  its  low  growth,  White 
Clover  cannot  be  used  to  any  extent  as  a  hay  plant.  Its  chief  value 


is  for  pasture,  either  alone  or  as  bottom  grass  in  mixtures.  It  is 
remarkably  well  suited  for  the  latter  purpose.  It  covers  the  ground 
quickly,  providing  a  pasture  of  high  nutritive  value,  relished  by  all 
kinds  of  stock.  It  stands  tramping  well  and  close  grazing,  instead 
of  being  harmful,  stimulates  it  to  a  stronger  growth.  If  the  moisture 
is  sufficient,  it  gives  good  pasture  from  spring  to  late  summer.  On 
account  of  being  perennial,  it  is  especially  suited  for  permanent 
pastures  and  lawns.  Six  to  eight  pounds  of  seed  will  cover  an  acre. 

Seed :  In  reasonably  moist  seasons  the  production  of  White 
Clover  for  seed  is  quite  a  profitable  business,  as  the  price  is  higher 
than  that  of  other  clover  seeds.  In  case  of  prolonged  drought  the 
crop  is  light.  The  average  yield  is  four  or  five  bushels  per  acre. 

When  grown  for  seed,  it  is  generally  grazed  down  during  the 
spring;  sometimes  it  is  cut  for  hay  early  in  the  season  to  encourage 
the  production  of  heads,  As  the  plants  continue  to  blossom  for  a 
long  time,  the  ripening  is  somewhat  uneven.  The  seed  crop  should 
be  cut  when  most  of  the  heads  have  turned  a  dark  brown  and  should 
be  handled  with  the  greatest  care. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seed  of  White  Clover  is  yellowish  red  in 
general  appearance;  any  sample  consists  of  a  mixture  of  red  and 
yellow  seeds.  It  is  generally  assumed  that  good  seed  is  bright  yellow 
and  that  the  red  seeds  are  old  and  of  a  low  germination.  Tests  made 
with  yellow  and  red  seeds  picked  out  of  commercial  samples  have 
shown,  however,  that  there  is  no  essential  difference  in  the  germin- 
ation, provided  the  latter  are  plump  and  otherwise  normally  devel- 
oped. The  legal  weight  is  sixty  pounds  per  bushel. 

ALSIKE  CLOVER  (Trifolium  hybridum  L.) 
Plate  20;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  32. 

Botanical  description:  Alsike  Clover  is  perennial  with  erect 
or  generally  ascending  stems  which  do  not  root  at  the  base  as  do 
those  of  White  Clover.  They  usually  reach  a  height  of  one  or  two 
feet  and  branch  in  their  upper  parts.  The  whole  plant  is  hairless 
and  for  this  reason  is  brighter  in  colour  than  is  Red  Clover.  The 
leaflets  are  shorter  and  comparatively  broader.  The  flowrer  heads 
have  much  longer  stalks  than  those  of  Red  Clover  and  in  this  way 
are  more  like  those  of  White  Clover.  They  differ  from  the  latter, 

Plate  20 


(TriFoliuro    hybHduno    /..) 


however,  in  coming  from  the  upper  parts  of  the  stems,  generally  close 
to  the  top  of  the  branches.  In  colour  the  flowers  are  between  those 
of  Red  Clover  and  White.  It  must  not  be  concluded  from  this  fact, 
however,  that  Alsike  is  a  hybrid,  although  its  Latin  name  suggests 
the  idea;  the  conclusion  is  entirely  erroneous.  The  colour  of  the 
flowers  varies  from  white  to  rose,  usually  in  the  same  head,  because 
they  are  white  when  young  and  gradually  turn  rose-coloured.  In 
all  clover  species  the  development  of  the  flowers  begins  at  the  base 
of  the  head.  As  Alsike  flowers  are  rose-coloured  when  fully  developed 
and  white  when  young,  it  is  easy  to  understand  how  a  blossoming 
head  is  generally  rose-coloured  in  its  lower  part  and  white  toward 
the  top. 

Biology  of  flower:  Like  other  clovers,  Alsike  is  fertilized  by 
insects.  As  the  nectar  is  accessible  to  the  ordinary  honey  bee,  as 
well  as  to  the  bumble  bee,  the  former  is  of  more  importance  to  Alsike 
than  to  Red  Clover.  When  visited  by  a  bee,  the  flower  acts  as 
does  that  of  Red  Clover.  It  will  not  produce  seed  if  it  has  access 
only  to  its  own  pollen.  Cross-fertilization  between  diferent  plants 
must  therefore  take  place. 

After  blossoming  the  persistent  flowers  turn  brown  and  bend 
more  or  less  downwards.  The  individual  flowers  easily  fall  off,  es- 
pecially when  the  heads  are  dry;  in  Red  Clover  the  ripened  flowers 
are  more  firmly  attached  to  the  heads.  The  pod  of  Alsike  is  longer 
than  that  of  Red  Clover.  It  protrudes  a  little  above  the  top  of  the 
flower  and  contains  from  two  to  four  seeds. 

Geographical  distribution:  It  is  indigenous  to  the  Old  World, 
occurring  from  northern  Italy  to  northern  Sweden  and  from  central 
France  to  southern  and  central  Russia.  It  is  also  found  in  south- 
western Asia  and  in  some  parts  of  northern  Africa.  It  grows  naturally 
along  roads  and  streams,  in  moist  meadows  and  on  mountain  sides. 

History:  Alsike  Clover  obtained  its  name  from  a  small  parish 
in  central  Sweden,  called  Alsike,  where  its  cultivation  began  about 
a  hundred  years  ago.  It  came  into  general  use  in  Europe  about  the 
middle  of  the  nineteenth  century  and  is  now  commonly  grown  in 
practically  all  European  countries  except  the  most  southern  ones. 
In  Canada  it  is  cultivated  to  a  noteworthy  extent  only  in  the  eastern 
provinces.  It  frequently  occurs,  escaped  from  cultivation,  in  the 
Maritime  Provinces,  Quebec,  Ontario  and  British  Columbia. 


Cultural  conditions:  Alsike  prefers  localities  where  moisture 
is  abundant  in  the  soil  and  in  the  air.  The  most  suitable  soil  is  a 
moist  clay  loam  or  clay.  Like  Red  Clover,  it  requires  time  for  its 
development.  In  central  Ontario  certain  gravelly  clay  soils,  rich  in 
lime,  are  especially  well  adapted  to  it.  It  can  be  grown  to  advantage 
where  the  soil  is  too  wet  for  ordinary  Red  Clover.  On  poorly  drained 
land,  where  Red  Clover  would  be  a  certain  failure,  Alsike  will  succeed, 
provided  other  conditions  are  suitable. 

Climate:  Alsike  has  not  been  successfully  grown  in  Manitoba 
and  Saskatchewan.  This  may  be  due  either  to  the  severe  winter  or 
to  the  dry  growing  season,  or  to  both.  European  experience  indi- 
cates that  the  dry  summers  may  be  the  chief  cause  of  the  failure  of 
Alsike  in  the  Prairie  Provinces.  Prolonged  drought  prevents  the 
young  plants  from  making  a  good  growth  before  cold  weather  and  thus 
renders  them  susceptible  to  winter-killing.  Even  old,  well-established 
plants  are  more  seriously  affected  by  drought  than  is  Red  Clover. 
This  is  doubtless  due  to  the  rather  shallow  root  system  of  Alsike ;  it  is 
not  able  to  collect  the  moisture  from  the  subsoil.  In  dry  districts 
which  are  irrigated  good  returns  are  obtained. 

Habits  of  growth:  Under  favourable  conditions  Alsike  will 
flower  late  in  the  autumn  of  the  season  it  is  sown.  Commonly, 
however,  the  plants  enter  the  winter  in  the  same  stage  of  develop- 
ment as  do  those  of  Red  Clover.  The  following  spring  the  plants 
start  comparatively  late  and  do  not  bloom  as  early  as  ordinary  Red 
Clover.  Usually  they  are  two  weeks  later  and  blossom  about  the 
same  time  as  Mammoth  Clover.  If  cut  for  hay,  the  aftermath 
develops  quickly  but  is  rarely  sufficient  to  warrant  a  second  cutting. 

Agricultural  value:  When  grown  for  hay  Alsike  is  generally 
mixed  with  Red  Clover  and  grasses  such  as  Timothy  and  Red  Top; 
on  account  of  its  spreading  growth,  it  is  liable  to  lodge  if  grown  alone. 
When  in  mixtures,  the  stronger-growing  grasses  and  clovers  support 
the  Alsike  and  the  hay  produced  is  of  a  finer  quality.  The  common 
mixture  in  Ontario  is  two  pounds  of  Alsike,  eight  of  Red  Clover  and 
four  of  Timothy  to  the  acre.  As  a  rule  ordinary  Red  Clover  is  used 
although  it  is  earlier  than  the  other  two.  If  the  mixture  is  cut  for 
hay  when  Red  Clover  is  at  the  proper  stage,  Alsike  and  Timothy  are 
not  ready,  and  if  cut  when  the  latter  are  at  their  best  the  feeding 
value  of  Red  Clover  has  decreased.  Alsike  should  be  cut  for  hay 
when  it  is  in  full  bloom  or  a  little  later;  that  is,  when  the  earliest 
flowering  heads  begin  to  turn  brown.  Late  cutting  will  not  lessen 
the  value  of  Alsike  hay  as  much  as  that  of  Red  Clover,  as  Alsike 


plants  keep  green  and  succulent  for  a  comparatively  long  time. 
Usually  only  one  crop  of  hay  can  be  taken  in  a  season.  Harvesting 
can  be  done  as  for  Red  Clover.  As  a  rule,  however,  the  curing  is 
less  difficult,  especially  if  the  Alsike  is  grown  with  grasses. 

Pasture:  Although  not  eaten  with  the  same  eagerness  as  is 
Red  Clover,  Alsike  is  highly  esteemed  for  pasture  on  account  of  its 
high  feeding  value.  Grazing  can  begin  as  soon  as  the  plants  have 
made  a  good  start  and  it  should  never  be  delayed  long  enough  to 
let  them  blossom.  Given  favourable  weather,  early  grazing  will 
make  the  pasture  last  longer  than  if  the  plants  are  allowed  to  develop 
more.  On  account  of  being  perennial,  it  is  preferable  to  Red  Clover 
for  permanent  pastures.  When  grown  alone,  six  to  eight  pounds  of 
seed  should  be  used  to  the  acre. 

Seed  growing:  Growing  Alsike  for  seed  is  quite  a  profitable 
business  where  conditions  are  favourable.  The  plants  produce  a 
large  number  of  heads  and  the  flowers  are  pretty  certain  to  be  fer- 
tilized as  both  bumble  bees  and  ordinary  honey  bees  are  at  work. 
The  soil  should  contain  a  reasonable  amount  of  lime,  potash  and 
phosphates  and  must  not  be  too  wet.  Very  moist  soil  produces 
rank  growth  and  plants  liable  to  lodge.  As  a  result  the  seed  crop 
wrill  be  comparatively  light  and  of  poor  quality.  The  seed  is  gener- 
ally secured  from  the  first  crop.  Sometimes  the  fields  are  clipped 
or  pastured  early  in  the  season.  This  delays  ripening  but  enables 
the  plants  to  be  better  stocked  and  to  produce  a  larger  amount  of 
seed.  To  prevent  lodging,  which  lessens  the  seed  on  the  prostrate 
branches,  as  much  as  six  pounds  to  the  acre  is  sometimes  sown  with 
good  results.  This  heavy  seeding  is  recommended  by  seed  growers 
for  heavy,  comparatively  moist  soil. 

Alsike  is  ready  to  cut  for  seed  when  most  of  the  heads  are  brown 
and  the  flowers  can  be  easily  stripped  off.  As  the  blossoms  fall  off 
separately  when  the  seed  is  ripe,  care  in  harvesting  is  necessary  to 
prevent  shelling.  The  danger  is  greatest  when  the  heads  are  per- 
fectly dry  and  it  is  therefore  advisable  to  cut  when  the  plants  are 
wet  with  dew.  For  the  same  reason  the  subsequent  handling  of  the 
crop  must  be  careful.  The  threshing  should  be  done  during  dry 
weather.  As  a  rule,  only  one  crop  of  seed  is  taken  from  a  field; 
sometimes,  however,  seed  can  be  advantageously  harvested  for  two 
or  even  three  successive  years. 

Quality  of  seed :  Commercial  seed  in  bulk  is  greenish  or  yellow- 
ish, or  sometimes  very  dark.  Every  sample  contains  different 
coloured  seeds;  some  of  them  are  yellowish  green,  others  almost  black, 


but  the  bulk  is  intermediate  between  these  two  extremes.  As  in  Red 
Clover,  these  different  colours  do  not  generally  indicate  that  some 
seeds  are  riper  than  others.  Alsike,  like  Red  Clover,  consists  of  a 
great  number  of  types,  which  differ  not  only  in  the  general  appear- 
ance of  the  plants  but  also  in  the  colour  of  the  seed.  If  all  the  seeds 
from  a  single  plant  are  collected,  it  will  be  found  that,  irrespective  of 
age,  they  are  all  the  same  colour.  In  some  plants  the  seeds  are 
yellowish  green,  in  some  they  are  black,  and  in  others  they  are  green 
at  one  end  and  greenish  black  at  the  other.  The  mixed  colour  of  an 
ordinary  sample  is  therefore  as  a  rule  not  due  to  the  seed  having  been 
gathered  at  different  stages  of  development,  but  to  the  different  types 
that  are  mixed  together. 

The  legal  weight  of  a  bushel  is  sixty  pounds. 

Impurities:  Alsike  as  a  rule  contains  more  weed  seeds  than 
does  Red  Clover,  this  being  due  to  the  fact  that  Alsike  seed  is  taken 
from  the  first  crop,  whereas  Red  Clover  is  secured  from  the  second. 
The  noxious  weed  seeds  found  in  Alsike  are  Night-flowering  Catch- 
fly,  Bladder  Campion,  Canada  Thistle,  False  Flax,  Curled  Dock  and 
Ribgrass.  Other  weeds  common  in  it  are  Green  Foxtail,  Lamb's 
Quarters,  Sheep  Sorrel,  Mayweed  and  Chickweed.  Although  Black 
Medick  cannot  be  considered  a  noxious  weed,  it  is  an  undesirable 
impurity  when  itjs  as  common  as  it  often  is  in  Alsike. 

WHITE  SWEET  GLOVER  (Melilotus  alba  Desr.) 

Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  33. 
Other  English  name:  Bokhara  Clover. 

Botanical  description :  Sweet  Clover  is  biennial  with  a  strong 
taproot  and  numerous  leafy  stems.  The  latter,  which  are  generally 
much  branched  and  spreading,  reach  a  height  of  from  two  to  five 
feet.  When  the  plants  are  young  they  look  like  Alfalfa,  but  are 
readily  recognized  by  their  peculiar  sweet  odour.  The  leaves  are 
similar  to  those  of  Alfalfa  but  not  so  numerous.  When  in  bloom 
the  plants  are  easily  identified  by  their  white  flowers  arranged  in 
long,  narrow  and  spike-like  racemes.  The  flowers  are  small  and 
more  simple  in  construction  than  those  of  Red  Clover  and  Alfalfa; 
they  are  more  open  and  consequently  give  easier  access  to  pollen- 
gathering  insects.  The  pod  is  brown  when  ripe  and  generally  con- 
tains only  one  or  two  seeds.  Like  that  of  Trefoil  it  falls  off  without 


The  whole  plant  has  a  characteristic  fragrance — hence  the  name 
Sweet  Clover — especially  noticeable  when  in  bloom  and  when  the 
stems  and  leaves  are  cured  into  hay. 

Geographical  distribution:  Sweet  Clover  is  a  native  of  the 
Old  World  where  it  occurs  practically  all  over  the  temperate  zone. 
It  was  probably  introduced  into  America  with  the  early  settlers  and 
is  now  spread  all  over  the  continent.  It  is  common  everywhere  in 
Canada,  especially  in  the  eastern  provinces. 

Cultural  conditions :  Sweet  Clover  is  generally  found  in  waste 
places,  along  roads  and  railways,  on  river  banks  and  in  cultivated 
fields.  It  grows  readily  on  almost  any  soil  and  wrill  do  well  where 
practically  nothing  else  will  flourish.  This  ability  to  thrive  almost 
anywhere,  combined  with  its  faculty  of  reseeding  itself  abundantly, 
is  apt  to  give  it  the  character  of  a  troublesome  weed  where  it  is  not 
desired.  It  does  well  in  almost  any  climate  and  will  live  under  very 
adverse  conditions. 

Agricultural  value:  When  Sweet  Clover  is  young  it  is  succu- 
lent, but  as  soon  as  it  flowers  the  stems  get  woody  and  lose  their 
palatability.  Its  peculiar  flavour  is  distasteful  to  stock,  which  will 
eat  it  only  when  nothing  else  is  available.  Milk  and  butter  obtained 
from  cows  fed  on  green  Sweet  Clover  have  a  peculiar  taste  disliked 
by  most  people.  Furthermore,  as  the  yield  of  hay  is  not  high,  Sweet 
Clover  makes  a  poor  forage  plant.  Its  chief  value  is  to  enrich  the 
soil  and  to  improve  its  mechanical  condition.  Like  other  leguminous 
plants,  the  tubercles  on  its  roots  are  filled  with  nitrogen-collecting 
bacteria.  There  seems  to  be  conclusive  evidence  that  these  bacteria 
are  identical  with  those  of  Alfalfa.  At  any  rate,  they  act  in  exactly 
the  same  way  and  can  therefore  be  used  for  the  inoculation  of  Alfalfa 
fields.  Six  to  eight  pounds  of  seed  are  sufficient  for  an  acre. 

Seed:  Sweet  Clover  seeds  are  common  in  commercial  samples 
of  Red  Clover  and  "Alfalfa  and  are  sometimes  found  in  Alsike.  They 
are  dull  yellow  and  very  like  those  of  Trefoil,  from  which  they  may 
be  distinguished  by  their  larger  size  and  a  V-shaped  light  mark 
running  from  the  scar. 

There  is  no  seed  more  prolific  than  that  of  ocimum;  it  is  generally  recommended  to  sow  it  with 
the  utterance  of  curses  and  imprecations,  the  result  being  that  it  grows  all  the  better  for  it;  the  earth 
too,  is  rammed  down  when  it  is  sown,  and  prayers  offered  that  the  seed  may  never  come  up. — Pliny, 
Natural  History,  23-79. 



ALFALFA  (Medicago  saliva  L.) 

Plate  21 ;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  34. 
Other  English  name:  Lucerne. 

Botanical  description:  Alfalfa  is  a  strongly  perennial  plant 
which  is  able  to  live  thirty  years  or  more  under  favourable  conditions. 
It  has  a  typical  taproot;  that  is,  the  root  system  consists  of  a  strong 
main  root  from  which  secondary  side  roots  branch  off.  As  there  are 
no  runners  or  creeping  roots,  all  the  overground  branches  start  from 
the  uppermost  part  of  the  taproot  which  generally  protrudes  above 
the  ground  and  is  known  as  the  crown.  With  increasing  age,  the 
crown  is  apt  to  split  into  two  or  more  branches,  the  upper  ends  of 
which  are  free  and  form  a  kind  of  tuft,  sometimes  of  considerable 
circumference.  The  main  root,  which  when  old  is  an  inch  or  so 
thick  and  rather  woody,  finds  its  way  down  to  a  considerable  depth 
if  the  soil  permits.  On  the  roots  are  found  the  nodules,  typical  of 
the  leguminous  plants.  They  are  on  the  finer  branches  and  are 
clustered  together  into  irregular  bunches.  The  stems,  which  in  old 
plants  are  exceedingly  numerous,  are  generally  from  two  to  three  feet 
high  at  flowering  time.  As  a  rule,  they  are  little  branched,  especially 
when  the  stand  is  dense.  They  are  round  below,  more  or  less  angular 
towards  the  top,  and  usually  smooth.  The  leaves,  which  are  alter- 
nate (that  is,  solitary  at  each  joint  and  scattered  along  the  stem), 
consist  of  three  leaflets  like  those  of  Red  Clover.  The  leaflets  are 
rather  narrow,  two  to  three  times  as  long  as  broad,  and  sharply 
toothed  in  their  upper  part.  The  middle  one  has  a  short  stalk 
whereas  in  the  cultivated  species  of  Trifolium  the  central  leaflet  has 
no  stalk.  Occasionally  leaves  with  four  or  five  leaflets  are  found 
but  not  so  often  as  in  Red  Clover. 

Biology  of  flower:  The  flowers  are  in  a  short  and  somewhat 
one-sided  cluster.  Each  cluster  contains  from  ten  to  twenty  purple 
flowers  of  the  ordinary  leguminous  shape,  as  described  on  page  15- 
They  are  fertilized  by  means  of  insects,  especially  certain  kinds  of 
bees.  In  all  leguminous  plants  fertilized  in  this  way,  the  stamens 
may  come  into  close  contact  with  the  body  of  the  insect.  A  bumble 
bee,  for  instance,  visits  Alfalfa.  The  nectar  being  in  the  bottom  of 
the  flower,  it  has  to  poke  its  proboscis  down  to  the  bottom  of  the 
flower  tube.  When  it  comes  in  contact  with  the  lower  part  of  the 
blossom,  it  works  like  a  touch  on  the  trigger  of  a  gun.  The  cluster 
of  stamens  is  set  like  a  spring,  and  the  touch  throws  the  upper  part 
of  stamens  and  pistil  forward  with  a  jerk.  An  insect  sitting  on  the 

Plate  21 


(  Medicago    sahva  L,.  ) 

ALFALFA.  1 15 

flower  will  thus  be  hit  and  his  body  powdered  with  pollen.  When 
visiting  another  flower  the  same  thing  happens;  the  pistil  comes  in 
contact  with  the  pollen  on  the  body  of  the  insect.  The  pistil  is  thus 
fertilized  and  more  pollen  is  deposited  on  the  insect.  It  is  evident 
that  cross-fertilization  must  frequently  occur.  As  an  insect  will 
probably  visit  many  flowers  of  a  plant  and  travel  from  one  plant  to 
another,  an  individual  may  be  fertilized  by  its  own  pollen  as  well  as 
by  pollen  from  another.  Whether  self-  or  cross-fertilization  is  most 
beneficial  has,  however,  not  yet  been  proved.  Should  a  flower  not 
be  visited  by  any  insect  strong  enough  to  open  it,  it  will  not  be 
fertilized,  not  being  able  to  explode  by  itself.  The  production  of 
seed  thus  depends  largely  upon  insects.  The  weather  is  also  a  factor, 
the  flowers  being  almost  insensible  in  cold,  rainy  weather,  whereas 
in  sunshine  they  will  promptly  respond  to  the  slightest  irritation. 
In  common  Red  Clover  the  stamens  and  pistil  gradually  resume  their 
original  positions;  as  their  elasticity  is  not  affected  by  one  or  two 
visits,  there  is  always  a  chance  for  proper  fertilization.  In  Alfalfa 
there  is  no  second  chance;  if  an  insect's  first  visit  has  no  effect,  the 
flower  will  not  produce  seed.  After  the  pollen  has  been  discharged, 
the  pistil  does  not  turn  back  to  its  original  position ;  its  top  remains 
firmly  appressed  to  the  standard  of  the  flower.  It  therefore  develops 
into  a  curved  fruit,  although  it  is  perfectly  straight  so  long  as  it  is 
enclosed  within  the  flower.  Its  bending,  which  starts  with  the 
explosion  of  the  flower,  increases  with  its  growth,  and  when  the  fruit 
is  ripe  it  has  the  shape  of  a  twisted  shell. 

Geographical  distribution  and  history :  The  home  of  Alfalfa 
is  Asia,  probably  the  southwestern  parts.  It  has  been  grown  in 
Persia  from  time  immemorial  and  is  perhaps  the  oldest  forage  plant 
in  the  world.  It  was  highly  esteemed  as  fodder  for  horses,  its  Persian 
name  meaning  horse  fodder.  From  Persia  it  was  brought  to  Greece 
about  500  B.C.,  whence  it  spread  to  Italy.  It  was  introduced  to 
western  Europe  by  way  of  northern  Africa.  The  Arabs  carried  the 
plant  to  Spain  in  the  seventh  century.  From  Spain  it  was  intro- 
duced into  France.  It  is  now  grown  in  all  European  countries 
except  the  most  northern.  It  was  introduced  by  the  Spaniards  into 
Mexico,  whence  it  spread  to  the  western  United  States  and  to  South 
America,  and  by  the  English  and  other  colonists  to  the  eastern  parts 
of  North  America.  It  is  now  cultivated  all  over  the  United  States. 
In  Canada  it  is  confined  to  small  areas,  southern  Ontario  and  southern 
Alberta  being  the  two  districts  where  it  is  grown  extensively. 

Origin  of  name:  Alfalfa  is  a  Spanish  version  of  the  Arabian 
"Alfacfacah"  which  means  "The  best  sort  of  fodder."  Some  have 


thought  it  to  be  derived  from  the  Arabian  "Al-chelfa,"  which  means 
"That  which  grows  after  something  else,"  and  is  generally  applied 
to  plants  which  thrive  after  the  spring  growth  has  disappeared. 
The  latter  name  would  signify  the  ability  of  the  plant  to  grow  during 
the  hot  summer  and  perhaps  refer  to  its  power  of  producing  many 
crops  during  the  season.  The  first-mentioned  derivation,  however, 
is  probably  the  correct  one,  the  Spanish  "Alfalfa"  having  been  iden- 
tified with  the  Arabian  "Alfacfacah"  in  the  I5th  century  by  Fray 
Pedro  de  Alcala,  a  prominent  specialist  on  the  Arabian  language. 

In  Europe  Alfalfa  is  always  called  Lucerne.  The  origin  of  this 
word  is  uncertain.  It  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  Swiss  state  as  the 
name  was  used  before  the  plant  was  known  in  Switzerland.  It  is 
not  likely  that  it  was  derived  from  the  Lucerna  valley  in  northern 
Italy,  as  is  generally  assumed  by  American  authors.  An  old  Spanish 
name  for  the  plant  is  "Userdas,"  which  is  possibly  identical  with 
the  name  "Louzerdo,"  used  in  southern  France.  More  likely  the 
name  Lucerne  comes  from  "lucerno,"  which  is  an  old  Provengal 

Varieties:  A  great  many  varieties  of  Alfalfa  occur  in  the  trade, 
some  of  which  are  real  botanical  varieties;  that  is,  they  can  be  dis- 
tinguished by  fixed  botanical  characteristics.  Turkestan  Alfalfa,  for 
instance,  has  short,  round  leaflets  and  dull  seeds.  Others  are  only 
geographical  varieties;  their  names  merely  signify  that  the  seed  has 
been  grown  in  a  certain  country.  Several,  however,  show  decidedly 
practical  qualities,  such  as  hardiness,  resistance  to  drought  and 
disease,  stooling  power,  seed  production,  etc.  For  Canada  only 
hardy  varieties  are  of  importance.  Arabian  or  Peruvian  Alfalfa,  for 
instance,  will  be  winter-killed,  and,  generally  speaking,  varieties  of 
a  southern  origin  will  suffer.  When  buying  seed  the  farmer  should 
therefore  make  sure  that  the  variety  offered  him  is  suitable  for  the 
climate.  It  is  always  advisable  to  choose  a  variety  grown  in  a  coun- 
try with  a  climate  similar  to  that  where  the  plant  is  to  be  grown. 

Cultural  conditions:  The  proper  development  of  Alfalfa 
largely  depends  on  the  soil.  It  can  be  grown  on  many  kinds,  from 
sand  or  sandy  loams  to  heavy  clays.  It  thrives  best  in  deep  loams 
with  open  porous  subsoil  where  the  taproots  are  not  hindered.  As 
the  roots  penetrate  to  a  considerable  depth,  the  quality  of  the  sub- 
soil is  of  great  importance.  If  it  is  compact  and  impenetrable  it  will 
be  a  serious  obstacle  to  successful  Alfalfa  growing.  For  the  same 
reason,  there  is  little  chance  of  a  good  stand  on  shallow  soil  on  rock 


unless  the  roots  can  find  their  way  through  cracks.  Alfalfa  will 
stand  a  certain  amount  of  alkali  in  the  ground,  but  it  should  be 
leached  out  from  the  surface  before  the  seed  is  sown,  and  afterwards 
should  be  kept  from  five  to  six  feet  below  by  irrigation.  Acidity 
has  always  a  detrimental  influence.  Where  the  soil  is  sour,  an  appli- 
cation of  lime  will  prove  beneficial. 

Climate:  As  the  roots  go  deep,  Alfalfa,  although  dwarfed  in 
growth,  is  not  seriously  affected  by  severe  drought.  It  likes  a 
reasonable  amount  of  moisture  but  is  sensitive  to  an  excess.  If  the 
subsoil  is  impervious,  so  that  after  a  heavy  rain  the  surface  water 
cannot  drain  off  rapidly,  the  accumulation  will  prove  disastrous  or 
will  at  least  reduce  the  vitality  of  the  plants.  The  soil  must 
therefore  be  kept  well  drained,  especially  in  early  spring.  In  poorly 
drained  fields,  Alfalfa  will  be  injured  and  sometimes  killed  in  the 
low  spots  where  water  has  accumulated.  An  excess  of  water  in  the 
ground  will  at  least  keep  the  plants  back  and  prevent  them  from 
making  an  early  start.  Where  the  drainage  is  poor,  alternate  freez- 
ing and  thawing  does  more  harm  than  in  well  drained  land  as  the 
heaving  of  the  soil  injures  the  root  system.  The  strain  is  often  so 
great  that  the  taproot  is  ruptured  and  the  plant  dies. 

Inoculation:  Like  other  leguminous  plants,  Alfalfa  depends 
for  its  vigorous  development  on  the  bacteria  in  the  nodules  of  the 
roots,  which  are  closely  related  to,  or  perhaps  identical  with,  those 
on  Sweet  Clover;  it  thrives  well  on  soil  where  Sweet  Clover  has  been 

Habits  of  growth:  Alfalfa  is  generally  sown  in  the  spring. 
The  young  plants  are  delicate  and  succeed  best  where  there  is  no 
competition.  The  land  should  therefore  be  as  free  as  possible  from 
weed  seeds.  As  the  plants  are  rather  tender  the  first  y<  ar,  they 
should  be  given  every  chance  to  become  as  strong  as  possible  to 
withstand  the  winter.  It  is  therefore  not  advisable  to  cut  or  pasture 
Alfalfa  the  first  season.  During  the  second  and  following  years  the 
growth  starts  early  "and  continues  until  late  in  the  fall,  new  branches 
developing  from  the  crown  of  the  root.  Under  favourable  conditions 
Alfalfa  reaches  a  great  age  and  gives  large  returns. 

Agricultural  value:  The  feeding  value  of  Alfalfa  was  recog" 
nized  in  Persia  long  before  the  Christian  era  and  it  was  highly  es- 
teemed by  the  Arabians.  At  present  no  fodder  plant  is  known  which 
can  compete  with  it  in  nutritive  value  and  general  importance  for 
feeding.  It  is  relished  by  all  kinds  of  stock,  horses,  cattle,  sheep 


and  hogs  eating  it  with  eagerness.  Even  Red  Clover  is  inferior  to 
it  in  nutritive  value,  the  protein  content  being  greater  in  Alfalfa.  It 
can  be  fed  to  greatest  advantage  to  dairy  cattle  but  is  also  important 
for  fattening  all  kinds  of  farm  animals,  especially  sheep  and  hogs. 

Fodder:  Farmers  sometimes  say  that  Alfalfa  does  not  make 
good  hay,  but  such  statements  are  usually  the  result  of  cutting  at 
the  wrong  time.  Its  value  for  hay  depends  upon  its  nutritive  value 
and  its  power  of  producing  a  number  of  crops  in  the  season.  As  with 
most  forage  plants,  the  quality  rapidly  deteriorates  after  the  plants 
have  begun  to  blossom.  The  stems  then  lose  their  succulence,  be- 
come hard  and  woody,  and  the  leaves  are  apt  to  fall  off.  When  the 
plants  begin  to  form  their  blossoms,  new  secondary  stems  are  devel- 
oped from  buds  at  the  crown.  As  it  is  upon  this  secondary  growth 
that  the  second  cutting  depends,  the  first  cutting  must  be  done  before 
the  secondary  stems  have  grown  tall  enough  to  be  cut  off  by  the 
mower.  For  this  reason  it  is  advisable  to  cut  a  little  earlier  than 
the  nutritive  value  and  yield  of  the  hay  demand.  If  it  is  cut  at  the 
beginning  of  the  flowering  period,  the  yield  of  the  first  crop  will  be 
a  little  lessened,  but  the  second  growth  will  develop  more  quickly 
and  the  return  will  be  greater.  Early  cutting  gives  a  greater  total 
crop  of  better  hay  than  late  cutting.  Where  the  season  is  long  and 
the  weather  favourable,  five  or  six  cuttings  a  year  can  be  secured. 
In  northern  countries  such  as  Canada,  two  or  three  cuttings  a  year 
may  be  expected.  In  irrigated  districts  or  in  places  where  hay- 
making time  is  dry,  it  is  not  difficult  to  cure  Alfalfa  into  bright  green 
hay  of  excellent  quality.  Where  rains  or  heavy  dews  are  frequent 
after  cutting,  the  hay  is  apt  to  turn  yellow  or  brown.  Its  nutritive 
value  is  considerably  lessened  and  its  palatability  lost.  Curing  is 
generally  done  in  the  same  way  as  for  Red  Clover.  Alfalfa  should, 
however,  be  handled  more  carefully,  as  the  leaves  easily  fall  off  and 
their  shattering  causes  a  considerable  loss  of  fodder. 

Pasture:  When  Alfalfa  is  grown  for  pasture,  which  is  only  done 
to  a  limited  extent  in  Canada,  it  is  important  to  get  the  plants  well 
established  before  turning  the  stock  into  the  field.  It  is  never  ad- 
visable to  pasture  Alfalfa  before  the  third  year.  Even  in  old  fields 
care  must  be  taken  to  prevent  the  plants  being  killed  in  spots.  Al- 
falfa has  a  single  taproot,  the  crown  of  which  generally  stands  a  little 
above  ground.  Being  thus  exposed,  it  might  easily  be  injured  by 
tramping,  especially  when  the  ground  is  soft  from  heavy  rains.  As 
the  new  stems  come  from  the  crown,  Alfalfa  is  liable  to  be  seriously 
damaged  by  close  pasturing  with  sheep.  It  is  not  advisable  to  pasture 


late  in  the  fall,  as  that  would  leave  the  crown  exposed  and  apt  to  be 

Like  Red  Clover,  Alfalfa  when  pastured  may  cause  bloating, 
especially  in  cattle  and  sheep,  if  the  animals  do  not  become  accus- 
tomed to  it  gradually.  The  danger  is  especially  great  on  wet  days 
or  when  the  plants  are  moist  with  dew.  It  is  highly  esteemed  as 
a  pasture  for  hogs.  If  the  field  is  divided  into  two  or  three  parts 
and  pastured  in  rotation,  Alfalfa  is  given  a  chance  to  recover  and  a 
large  number  of  hogs  can  be  fed  without  injury  to  the  field. 

Sowing  for  hay  or  pasture:  Alfalfa  can  be  sown  with  or 
without  a  nurse  crop,  according  to  the  climate  and  the  soil.  In 
Ontario  barley  is  generally  used.  Tests  at  the  experimental  farm  at 
Indian  Head,  Sask.,  show  that  in  the  Prairie  Provinces  it  is  advisable 
to  sow  without  any  nurse  crop,  thus  giving  the  plants  the  benefit 
of  all  the  moisture  in  the  ground.  The  amount  of  seed  to  be  sown 
depends  upon  its  quality  and  the  soil,  twenty  to  twenty-five  pounds 
to  the  acre  being  considered  a  reasonable  amount.  Good  stands  are 
obtained  by  using  a  smaller  amount  of  seed,  but  thick  sowing  will 
produce  hay  and  pasture  of  finer  quality. 

Seed:  At  present  Alfalfa  is  grown  for  seed  to  only  a  compara- 
tively small  extent  in  Canada.  Its  successful  cultivation  depends 
above  all  on  the  weather  during  flowering  and  ripening  time.  If 
moisture  is  abundant  the  plant  will  make  a  strong  development  of 
its  vegetative  organs  and  the  seed  will  be  insignificant  and  poor. 
The  heaviest  production  is  obtained  when  there  is  only  enough  moist- 
ure in  the  soil  to  allow  the  seed  to  mature  fully.  The  plants  also 
require  plenty  of  light  and  room  and  for  this  reason  a  smaller  amount 
of  seed  should  be  sown  than  for  hay  or  pasture;  ten  to  twelve  pounds 
of  good  seed  gives  the  best  results.  Any  one  of  the  season's  crops 
can  be  used  for  seed,  although  there  are  several  objections  to  the 
first  cutting.  The  insects  which  fertilize  the  flowers  are  less  numerous 
then  than  later,  and  the  seed  crop  would  therefore  be  rather  light. 
The  flowering  of  the  first  crop  is  comparatively  uneven,  and  the 
quality  of  the  seed  is  inferior.  Leaving  the  first  crop  for  seed  means 
a  loss  in  hay,  because  after  Alfalfa  has  produced  seed  the  amount  of 
hay  or  pasture  that  can  be  secured  is  rather  small.  For  these  rea- 
sons, it  is  advisable  to  cut  the  first  crop  for  hay.  Which  of  the 
subsequent  crops  should  be  used  for  seed  will  depend  upon  the  length 
of  the  season  and  the  weather.  In  Canada,  the  second  crop  will  give 
the  best  results. 


Alfalfa  is  ready  to  cut  for  seed  when  about  half  of  the  pods 
have  turned  brown  and  the  seeds  can  be  easily  rubbed  out.  If  al- 
lowed to  develop  too  far,  some  of  the  earliest  ripened  and  most 
valuable  seeds  will  be  lost  by  shattering. 

Harvesting  can  be  done  as  for  Red  Clover  seed,  the  handling 
of  the  crop  being  as  careful  as  possible  to  avoid  shattering.  For 
threshing,  an  ordinary  threshing  machine  may  be  used,  though  a 
clover  huller  is  better. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seeds  are  kidney-shaped  and  yellowish 
brown,  about  twice  as  long  as  broad.  In  ordinary  Alfalfa  their 
surface  is  shiny;  in  the  Turkestan  variety,  owing  to  a  coat  of  waxy 
substance  which  can  be  easily  rubbed  off,  the  surface  is  dull.  The 
standard  weight  is  sixty  pounds  to  a  bushel. 

Impurities :  Alfalfa  plants  are  very  tender  when  young  and  are 
easily  crowded  out  by  weeds.  Running  the  mowing  machine  over 
the  field  several  times  during  the  first  season  not  only  destroys  the 
weeds  but  also  strengthens  the  young  Alfalfa  plants.  Although  in 
old  fields  the  plants  are  generally  very  vigorous,  they  are  sometimes 
choked  out  in  spots  by  aggressive  weeds.  To  avoid  this,  the  seed 
should  be  as  clean  as  possible.  The  weed  seeds  most  commonly 
found  in  commercial  Alfalfa  are  Green  Foxtail,  Ribgrass,  Ragweed, 
Lamb's  Quarters,  Chicory,  Yellow  Foxtail  and  Smartweed.  Noxious 
weed  seeds  less  frequently  found  are  Docks,  Wild  Mustard,  Night- 
flowering  Catchfly,  Bladder  Campion,  False  Flax  and  Canada 

Diseases:  Alfalfa  is  less  troubled  with  diseases  than  is  Red 
Clover.  It  worst  enemy  is  Dodder.  Alfalfa  Dodder,  which  is 
generally  Cuscuta  Epithymum  Murr.,  is  a  yellowish  parasite  without 
leaves,  consisting  of  a  mass  of  fine  threads  from  which  are  developed 
numerous  roots  called  suckers.  These  suckers  penetrate  the  Alfalfa 
stems  where  they  absorb  the  food  ready  for  the  use  of  the  host  plant. 
The  flowers  are  white  and  crowded  into  rounded  clusters.  Dodder 
appears  at  first  in  insignificant  patches  scattered  throughout  the 
field.  These  patches,  however,  steadily  increase  and  after  a  few 
years  a  field  may  be  so  badly  infested  that  the  crop  is  ruined.  The 
best  way  to  avoid  this  pest  is  to  secure  seed  absolutely  free  from  it. 
Should  Dodder  have  established  itself  in  a  field,  however,  the  infested 
plants  should  be  immediately  destroyed.  Mowing  will  only  remove 
the  Dodder  on  the  upper  parts  of  the  Alfalfa;  it  will  not  affect  that 
on  or  near  the  crown  where  it  lives  during  the  winter. 


This  may  explain  its  disastrous  spreading.  It  is  of  course  also 
possible  that  those  parts  which  are  not  removed  by  cutting  have  a 
chance  to  set  seed  which  makes  new  plants  the  next  year.  In  which 
of  these  two  ways  Alfalfa  Dodder  is  spreading  in  Canada  is  not  yet 

YELLOW  LUCERNE  (Medicago  falcata  L.) 

Botanical  description:  Yellow  Lucerne  is  closely  related  to 
Alfalfa.  It  is  strongly  perennial  with  a  deep  taproot  and  numerous 
stems.  The  stems  are  quite  different  from  those  of  Alfalfa.  They 
are  seldom  strictly  upright,  but  are  ascending  or  often  even  decum- 
bent. They  are  more  slender  than  the  stems  of  Alfalfa  and  more 
woody,  especially  toward  the  base.  The  leaves  are  similar  but  gener- 
ally have  narrower  leaflets.  The  flowers  are  in  a  cluster  shaped  like  the 
inflorescence  of  Alfalfa  but  generally  shorter  and  containing  a  smaller 
number  of  flowers.  They  are  bright  yellow  and  somewhat  smaller 
than  Alfalfa  blossoms.  The  fruit  is  not  twisted  like  that  of  Alfalfa 
but  only  slightly  curved  like  a  sickle — hence  the  name  Sickle  Medick, 
sometimes  used  by  English  writers. 

Geographical  distribution:  Yellow  Lucerne  is  indigenous  to 
the  Old  World  where  it  is  rather  common.  It  occurs  in  England, 
through  western  and  central  Europe,  in  southern  and  central  Scan- 
dinavia and  Russia,  and  in  practically  all  parts  of  Asia  north  of 
the  Himalayas. 

Habitat  and  cultural  conditions:  It  generally  occurs  in  poor, 
sandy  or  gravelly  soil  and  stands  drought  and  severe  cold  better 
than  Alfalfa;  it  is  thus  better  suited  to  an  adverse  climate  and  a 
poor  soil. 

Agricultural  value:  It  will  never  be  as  valuable  as  Alfalfa 
because  of  its  decumbent  or  even  creeping  tendency  and  its  com- 
paratively low  yield...  It  is  a  poor  seed  producer  as  a  rule,  the  small 
quantity  developed  being  considerably  diminished  by  shattering. 

Yellow  Lucerne  consists  of  a  large  number  of  different  types 
which  vary  greatly  in  their  mode  of  growth  and  are  therefore  of  dif- 
ferent agricultural  value.  As,  however,  they  all  have  the  above- 
mentioned  drawbacks  more  or  less  pronounced,  none  of  them,  as  far 
as  is  known  at  present,  can  compete  with  Alfalfa.  In  spite  of  this, 
Yellow  Lucerne  is  of  great  agricultural  importance,  as  will  be  readily 
understood  from  the  description  of  Variegated  Alfalfa. 



VARIEGATED  ALFALFA  (Medicago  falcata  L.  X  saliva  L.) 

Other  Latin  names:  Medicago  media  Pers.,  M.  silvestris  Fr. 
Other  English  name:  Sand  Lucerne. 

Botanical  description:  Yellow  Lucerne,  as  indicated  above, 
is  closely  related  to  Alfalfa,  and  the  two  species  have  in  fact  been 
regarded  by  some  authors  as  only  one,  chiefly  because  there  are 
intermediates  between  them  which  seem  to  make  separation  difficult 
or  even  impossible.  These  may  all  be  included  under  the  general 
name  Variegated  Alfalfa.  There  is,  however,  no  doubt  that  Yellow 
Lucerne  and  Alfalfa  are  two  distinct  species  which  can  be  readily 
distinguished  by  the  colour  of  their  flowers  and  the  shape  of  their 
fruits.  Variegated  Alfalfa,  which  might  seem  to  contradict  this 
statement,  is  not  a  variety  of  either  Alfalfa  or  of  Yellow  Lucerne. 
It  is  a  cross  product  of  the  two  species,  just  as  the  mule  is  a  cross  pro- 
duct of  the  horse  and  the  ass. 

On  account  of  its  hybrid  origin,  Variegated  Alfalfa  is  like  Alfalfa 
in  some  ways  and  in  others  is  like  Yellow  Lucerne.  It  is  generally 
easily  distinguished  by  its  flowers.  Being  a  cross  between  a  yellow 
and  a  purple  species,  its  flowers  are  a  mixture  of  yellow  and  purple. 
The  blend  results  in  a  peculiar  dirty  yellowish  green  colour,  which  is 
characteristic  of  the  great  bulk  of  the  primary  hybrid,  or  the  product 
obtained  by  crossing  pure  Alfalfa  and  pure  Yellow  Lucerne.  In  a 
field  of  Variegated  Alfalfa,  however,  the  flowers  are  found  in  all  colours 
from  yellow  to  dark  greenish  purple,  depending  to  some  extent  on 
their  stage  of  development ;  the  same  flower  generally  changes  its 
colour  with  age,  so  all  shades  may  be  represented  in  one  plant.  The 
chief  cause  of  the  variation,  however,  is  the  manner  in  which  the 
blossoms  are  fertilized.  Variegated  Alfalfa  is  unlike  most  other 
hybrid  plants  in  being  fertile;  it  is  able  to  produce  an  abundance  of 
seed  of  good  quality.  The  flowers  of  any  plant  of  the  primary 
hybrid  may  be  fertilized  in  many  different  ways;  for  instance,  by 
other  flowers  of  the  same  plant,  by  flowers  of  another  primary 
hybrid,  or  by  flowers  of  pure  Alfalfa  if  it  grows  in  the  neighbourhood. 
In  any  of  these  cases,  the  result  will  be  a  blending  or  re-combination 
of  the  original  colours. 

Habitat:  Variegated  Alfalfa  occurs  naturally  where  ordinary 
Alfalfa  and  Yellow  Lucerne  grow  together. 


Cultural  conditions:  It  is  of  agricultural  value  only  where 
the  climate  is  too  severe  or  the  soil  too  poor  for  ordinary  Alfalfa, 
as  it  inherits  some  of  the  hardiness  of  Yellow  Lucerne.  Its  European 
name,  Sand  Lucerne,  indicates  that  it  is  suitable  for  poor,  dry  soil. 

Climate:  Its  fame  has  been  established  by  its  ability  to  stand 
severe  cold  better  than  ordinary  Alfalfa,  which  makes  it  of  partic- 
ular interest  to  Canada. 

Agricultural  value:  The  value  of  the  primary  hybrid  for  fodder 
is  inferior  to  that  of  the  ordinary  Alfalfa;  the  yield  is  lower  and  the 
feeding  quality  is  not  so  good.  The  decumbent  growth  which  it  often 
inherits  from  Yellow  Lucerne  affects  both  yield  and  quality.  The 
danger  of  lodging  is  greater  than  with  ordinary  Alfalfa,  especially 
where  the  growth  is  rank.  Its  spreading  habit  makes  it  more  difficult 
to  cut,  the  mower  being  often  unable  to  get  below  the  stems. 

Varieties:  On  account  of  its  hybrid  origin,  Variegated  Alfalfa 
varies  extremely.  There  are  many  commercial  "varieties"  of  a 
somewhat  different  agricultural  value.  The  most  famous  and  at 
present  undoubtedly  the  most  important  of  these  is  Grimm's  Alfalfa, 
which  is  hardy  for  the  Alfalfa-growing  districts  of  Canada  and  the 
northern  United  States.  Of  special  interest  for  Canada  is  Canadian 
Variegated  Alfalfa,  which,  according  to  experiments  conducted  by 
Prof.  C.  A.  Zavitz  at  the  Ontario  Agricultural  College,  is  equal 
to  Grimm's  Alfalfa  and  decidedly  hardier  than  any  ordinary  variety. 

Grimm's  and  Canadian  Variegated  Alfalfa,  like  all  other  varieties 
of  Variegated  Alfalfa,  are  by  no  means  uniform  but  include  plants 
of  very  different  value.  Some  of  them  are  like  ordinary  Alfalfa  in 
growth  and  yield,  others  are  like  Yellow  Lucerne.  On  account  of 
this  variation,  there  are  great  possibilities  of  obtaining  by  selection 
high-yielding  varieties  that  will  combine  the  desirable  qualities  of 
true  Alfalfa  with  the  hardiness  of  Yellow  Lucerne. 

Behold  the  Flowers  are  divers  in  Stature,  in  Quality,  and  Colour,  and  Smell,  and  Virtue;  and 
some  are  better  than  some:  Also  where  the  Gardener  hath  set  them,  there  they  stand,  and  quarrel 
not  one  with  another. — John  Bunyan,  Pilgrim's  Progress,  1628-88. 

A  noble  plant  suits  not  with  a  stubborn  ground. — George  Herbert,  Jacula  Prudenlum,  or  Out- 
landish Proverbs,  1593-1632. 

Nor  do  I  think  that  men  will  ever  reach  the  end  and  far-extended  limits  of  the  vegetable  kingdom; 
so  incomprehensible  is  the  variety  it  every  day  produces,  of  the  most  useful  and  admirable  of  all  the 
aspectable  works  of  God. — John  Evelyn,  A  Discourse  of  Sallels,  1620-1706. 


YELLOW  TREFOIL  (Medicago  lupulina  L.) 

Plate  22;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  35. 
Other  English  name:  Black  Medick. 

Botanical  description:  Trefoil  is  closely  related  to  the 
Lucernes  but  is  shorter  lived.  It  is  generally  biennial  but  sometimes 
lives  only  one  year.  It  has  a  taproot  with  comparatively  few 
branches,  about  a  foot  deep  on  an  average.  The  stems,  which  are 
developed  in  great  number  from  the  crown  of  the  root,  are  decumbent 
or  ascending.  They  often  creep  along  the  surface  of  the  soil  but 
do  not  produce  secondary  roots.  The  plants  are  therefore  spreading 
in  habit,  especially  as  the  stems  are  usually  much  branched.  The 
leaves  consist  of  three  leaflets,  each  of  which  has  a  short  stalk.  The 
flowers  are  yellow,  much  smaller  than  those  of  the  other  species  of 
Medicago  mentioned,  and  in  a  short  cylindrical  head.  Trefoil  closely 
resembles  certain  yellow-flowered  species  of  clover  (Trifolium)  but 
can  be  readily  distinguished  from  them.  In  true  clovers  the  blossoms 
do  not  fall  off  when  flowering  is  over,  but  remain,  withered,  until 
the  fruit  is  ripe,  making  the  heads  brown  and  hiding  the  pods.  In 
Trefoil  the  blossoms  fall  off  as  soon  as  flowering  is  passed  and  the 
pods  are  therefore  visible  while  ripening.  They  are  small,  kidney- 
shaped,  rough-ridged  and  black — hence  the  name  Black  Medick. 
Each  pod  contains  only  one  seed  and  falls  off  without  breaking. 

Geographical  distribution:  Trefoil  is  indigenous  to  all  Europe 
except  its  most  northern  parts,  to  northern  Africa  and  to  western 
Asia.  It  is  not  a  native  of  North  America  but  is  rather  common 
all  over  the  continent,  mostly  growing  like  a  weed. 

History:  It  has  been  cultivated  in  England  for  about  one 
hundred  and  fifty  years.  From  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth 
century  it  began  to  be  better  known  as  a  forage  plant  over  central 
Europe.  It  is  not  cultivated  in  Canada  to  any  extent.  In  the 
eastern  provinces  it  is  commonly  found  as  an  impurity  in  Red  Clover 
and  Alsike  and  must  then  be  considered  a  weed,  as  it  is  overripe  when 
the  clovers  are  ready  to  cut. 

Cultural  conditions:  On  account  of  its  rather  shallow  root 
system,  Trefoil  is  more  independent  of  the  subsoil  than  the  lucernes 
and  most  clovers.  It  makes  fairly  good  growth  on  rather  poor  land 
but  succeeds  best  on  soils  not  too  stiff  and  wet.  Lime  is  necessary 
for  its  proper  development  and  a  liberal  amount  of  potash  and 
phosphoric  acid  are  beneficial. 

Plate  22       - 

(  Medicago    lupuline*  L.) 


Climate:  Although  the  roots  are  not  very  deep,  Trefoil  will 
endure  a  certain  amount  of  drought  without  serious  injury.  It  is 
only  fairly  resistant  to  cold  weather.  It  prefers  a  medium  warm 
climate  and  makes  a  splendid  growth  where  moisture  is  abundant 
in  the  air  and  the  soil. 

Agricultural  value:  On  account  of  its  biennial  or  even  annual 
character,  Trefoil  is  most  suitable  for  short  rotations.  Its  decumbent 
branches  and  spreading  habit  make  it  of  little  value  for  hay  as  much 
of  the  plant  escapes  the  mower.  Its  chief  value  is  for  pasture.  It 
starts  earlier  than  most  pasture  plants,  grows  up  quickly,  and  pro- 
duces quite  a  valuable  green  fodder.  It  stands  close  cropping  re- 
markably well  and  for  this  reason  is  good  for  sheep. 

Its  feeding  value  and  yielding  power  being  not  comparable  to 
those  of  Alfalfa  or  Red  Clover,  it  should  not  be  grown  where  these 
plants  succeed.  It  should  not  be  used  alone  for  pastures  and  only 
to  a  limited  extent  in  mixtures;  too  large  a  proportion  is  apt  to 
prove  detrimental  to  the  other  constituents.  Although  rather  short- 
lived, it  produces  abundant  seed  and  may  consequently  choke  out 
other  pasture  plants.  Twenty  pounds  of  good  seed  are  sufficient  to 
cover  an  acre. 

Seed :  The  seed  of  Trefoil  is  relatively  cheap  and  it  is  therefore 
sometimes  used  to  adulterate  Red  Clover.  It  is  often  found  in 
commercial  samples  of  Red  Clover,  Alsike  or  Alfalfa.  Its  colour  is 
like  that  of  Alfalfa  seed,  with  which  it  is  sometimes  confused. 
Black  Medick  seeds  are  thicker  and  shorter,  being  egg-shaped  while 
Alfalfa  seed  is  kidney-shaped  or  sometimes  irregularly  angled. 

The  seed  weighs  sixty  pounds  per  bushel. 

KIDNEY  VETCH  (Anthyllis  Vulneraria  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  36. 

Botanical  description:  Kidney  Vetch  is  perennial  with  a 
short-branched  rootstock  from  which  numerous  overground  stems 
arise,  from  one-half  to  one  foot  high.  The  leaves  are  numerous, 
consisting  of  a  number  of  leaflets  in  pairs  and  an  odd  one  much 
larger  than  the  others.  The  flowers  are  in  dense  heads  which  are 
generally  in  pairs.  They  are  commonly  yellow  but  sometimes  white 
or  red.  It  is  a  honey  plant  frequently  visited  by  insects  which  carry 
pollen  from  one  flower  to  another.  But  if  the  plants  are  isolated, 
so  as  to  make  visits  by  insects  impossible,  the  flowers  are  automatic- 
ally fertilized  by  their  own  pollen. 


Geographical  distribution:  It  is  indigenous  to  all  Europe, 
except  the  most  northern  parts,  southwestern  Asia  and  northern 

Habitat:  It  grows  naturally  in  dry  pastures,  along  roads  and 
paths,  on  hills  and  mountains  and  in  open  woods. 

Cultural  conditions:  Kidney  Vetch  makes  a  good  stand  on 
sandy  or  gravelly  soil  too  poor  for  most  leguminous  plants.  It 
reaches  its  highest  perfection  on  land  rich  in  lime.  It  bears  extreme 
drought  without  injury  and  is  little  affected  by  alternate  freezing 
and  thawing. 

Agricultural  value:  In  some  parts  of  Europe,  where  the  soil 
is  too  poor  for  Red  Clover,  Kidney  Vetch  is  quite  valuable.  It  is 
used  for  both  hay  and  pasture  and  is  relished  by  stock.  The  yield, 
however,  is  rather  low.  Its  suitability  for  Canada  is  not  known. 

SAINFOIN  (Onobrychis  saliva  Lam.) 

Plate  23;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  37. 
Other  English  name:  Esparsette. 

Botanical  description:  Sainfoin  is  perennial  with  a  vigorous 
taproot  which  becomes  rather  woody  and  much  branched.  The 
stems  are  numerous,  erect  or  ascending,  and  reach  a  height  of  from 
one  to  two  feet.  The  leaves  are  compound  and  generally  consist  of 
a  great  number  of  leaflets,  which,  with  the  exception  of  the  terminal 
odd  one,  are  in  pairs  along  the  midrib.  The  flowers  are  in  a  rich, 
spike-like  inflorescence  which  gradually  becomes  long  and  thin.  The 
flowers,  which  are  very  showy,  are  pink  with  darker  veins.  They 
are  rich  in  honey  and  allow  the  ordinary  honey  bee  and  other 
insects  to  reach  the  bottom  of  the  tube  where  the  nectar  is  stored. 

Geographical  distribution:  Sainfoin  is  indigenous  to  tem- 
perate Europe,  from  the  Baltic  in  the  north  to  the  Mediterranean 
in  the  south,  from  the  Atlantic  in  the  west  to  the  border  of  Asia 
in  the  east.  It  is  also  a  native  of  southern  Asia. 

History:  Sainfoin  has  been  cultivated  in  France  for  more  than 
four  hundred  years,  whence  its  cultivation  spread  to  other  European 
countries,  especially  Italy,  England,  Switzerland  and  Germany, 

Plafe  23 


(  Onobrychis    sahiva, 


where  it  is  now  considered  an  important  forage  plant.  It  was  intro- 
duced into  the  United  States  about  ninety  years  ago.  The  results 
of  fifteen  years'  work  at  the  Central  Experimental  Farm,  Ottawa, 
favour  its  introduction  into  certain  parts  of  eastern  Canada. 

Cultural  conditions:  In  central  Europe  Sainfoin  grows  nat 
urally  on  dry,  sunny  hills,  along  borders  of  woods,  etc.,  wherever  the 
soil  is  rich  in  lime.  Lime  is  necessary  to  its  development  and  it 
can  be  successfully  grown  almost  anywhere  where  the  supply  is 
sufficient.  It  should  succeed  in  many  districts  of  eastern  Canada 
where  there  is  a  limestone  foundation.  It  makes  an  excellent  growth 
on  a  deep,  porous,  well-drained  loam  containing  a  fair  proportion  of 
lime.  Heavy  clays  are  less  suitable  as  growth  is  generally  too  slow, 
and  low-lying  land  covered  with  water  during  any  part  of  the  season 
is  as  bad  as  swampy  land  or  land  with  a  wet  subsoil. 

Climate:  Sainfoin  is  best  adapted  to  a  temperate  climate  with 
a  medium  amount  of  moisture.  On  account  of  its  deep  root  system, 
however,  it  is  extremely  resistant  to  drought  and  makes  a  surprisingly 
good  stand  when  most  other  forage  plants  would  suffer  severely  from 
lack  of  moisture.  Once  established,  it  stands  the  winters  of  the 
Ottawa  valley  fairly  well. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  sometimes  difficult  to  obtain  a  good 
stand  of  Sainfoin.  The  seed  is  often  poor  and  yields  only  a  small 
percentage  of  strong,  vigorous  plants.  Weeds  are  liable  to  crowd  out 
young  Sainfoin  and  it  is  important  that  the  land  be  kept  clean. 
When  it  is  well  established  on  suitable  soil,  it  will  produce  crops  for 
many  years.  In  Germany  it  is  by  no  means  rare  to  find  fields 
twenty  years  old.  Tests  at  the  Central  Experimental  Farm,  Ottawa, 
however,  indicate  the  advisability  of  allowing  it  to  remain  for  three 
years  only. 

Agricultural  value:  It  can  be  best  compared  with  Alfalfa, 
but  it  has  the  advantage  of  making  a  better  growth  on  poor  land. 
Its  name,  which  is  of  French  origin  and  was  originally  written  Sain 
foin,*  means  "Wholesome  hay." 

Fodder:  Sainfoin  should  be  cut  for  hay  when  in  bloom.  The 
stems  get  woody  after  flowering  is  over  and  the  hay  is  poorer.  Oc- 
casionally two  crops  can  be  taken  the  second  year.  After  the  last 

*  The  name  has  sometimes  been  erroneously  written  Saint  Foin  and  has  thus  led  to 
the  misconception  that  it  means  "  Holy  hay." 


cutting  the  plants  should  have  time  to  produce  a  reasonable  growth 
for  winter  protection. 

Pasture:  Sainfoin  starts  very  early  in  the  season  and  can 
therefore  be  pastured  at  least  as  soon  as  Alfalfa.  It  makes  an  ex- 
cellent pasture,  especially  liked  by  sheep.  It  does  not  cause  bloating 
and  is  therefore  preferable  to  Alfalfa  for  cows  and  sheep.  When 
grown  for  hay  or  pasture,  three  to  five  bushels  of  seed  should  be  sown 
to  the  acre. 

Seed  growing:  Old  fields  which  give  a  comparatively  small 
yield  of  hay  give  the  best  crop  of  seed.  It  is  ready  to  cut  when  the 
pods  are  bright  brown.  Late  cutting  causes  considerable  loss  as 
the  old  pods  easily  fall  off,  even  with  the  most  careful  handling. 

Quality  of  seed:  Commercial  seed  is  almost  always  unshelled; 
that  is,  the  seeds  are  enclosed  in  the  pods.  The  pods  are  almost 
semi-circular  and  somewhat  flattened,  about  an  eighth  of  an  inch 
long  and  a  little  less  in  width.  Their  surface  is  covered  with  a  mesh- 
like  netting,  which  stands  out  in  bold  relief  and  is  frequently  armed 
with  scattered  spines.  The  outer  edge  of  the  semi-circle  is  flattened 
into  a  well-defined  rim  with  strong,  sharp  teeth.  Well-ripened  pods 
are  reddish-brown  and  have  a  characteristic  metallic  lustre,  espec- 
ially when  not  too  old.  The  unshelled  seed  weighs  about  twenty-six 
pounds  per  bushel.  The  real  seeds,  of  which  there  is  only  one  in 
each  pod,  are  kidney-shaped  and  olive-brown  to  chestnut. 

COMMON  VETCH  (Vicia  saliva  L.) 

Plate  24;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  38. 
Other  English  names:     Tare,  Spring  Vetch. 

Botanical  description:  Common  Vetch  is  an  annual  plant 
closely  related  to  peas.  The  stems,  which  generally  branch  from 
near  the  base,  are  on  an  average  from  two  to  three  feet  high,  angular 
and  more  or  less  hairy.  The  leaves  are  numerous  and  compound, 
consisting  of  a  number  of  separate  leaflets  arranged  in  pairs  along 
the  midrib ;  in  the  upper  part  only  the  midribs  of  the  leaflets  are  de- 
veloped. They  are  transformed  into  sensitive  threads  called  tendrils, 
which  wind  themselves  round  any  object  they  come  in  contact  with 
and  thus  help  to  support  the  weak  stems  of  the  plant.  The  leaflets 
are  oblong,  square  at  the  end,  with  a  minute  narrow  point.  The 

Plate  24 


(  Vicia    sah  va  L  .) 


flowers  are  in  pairs  at  the  base  of  the  leaves.  They  have  very  short 
or  no  stalks.  They  are  generally  purple  to  rose-coloured  but  are 
sometimes  entirely  white.  The  fertilization,  like  that  of  pea  flowers, 
is  independent  of  insects,  the  pistil  of  a  flower  being  fertilized  by  the 
pollen  of  the  same  flower.  Vetches  are  seldom  cross-fertilized. 

Geographical  distribution:  Common  Vetch  is  a  native  of 
Europe  where  it  is  abundant  except  in  the  most  northern  parts. 
It  is  also  common  in  some  parts  of  northern  Africa  and  southwestern 
Asia.  It  is  not  indigenous  to  North  America  but  has  been  intro- 
duced from  Europe.  Its  value  as  a  forage  plant  was  realized  by 
the  old  Romans  and  it  is  now  cultivated  all  over  Europe.  In  Canada 
it  is  grown  to  only  a  limited  extent,  principally  in  southwestern 

Habits  of  growth:  Although  peas  and  vetches  are  closely 
related,  their  development  is  remarkably  different.  The  main  stem 
of  the  pea  plant  grows  during  the  whole  life  of  the  plant,  but  the 
branches  are  less  vigorous.  In  a  vetch  the  main  stem  soon  stops 
and  strong  side  branches  are  developed  from  the  base.  In  this  respect 
it  acts  like  those  plants  which  start  growth  late  in  the  season,  rest 
during  the  winter  and  finish  development  the  next  year.  They  are 
called  winter  annuals  and  require  a  period  of  rest  in  order  to  develop 
properly.  With  Common  Vetch,  which  is  sown  in  spring  on  account 
of  its  tenderness,  the  resting  period  is  very  short.  However,  if  the 
first  part  of  the  summer  is  cool,  the  plant  may  remain  in  a  typical 
seedling  stage  for  many  weeks,  thus  proving  its  relation  to  winter 

Varieties :  Like  peas,  Common  Vetch  consists  of  a  great  number 
of  varieties,  differing  from  each  other  in  development,  flowering 
time,  colour  of  flower  and  seed,  etc. 

Agricultural  value:  As  fodder  for  dairy  cows,  green  Common 
Vetch  is  highly  esteemed  for  its  nutritive  value  and  its  quality  of 
increasing  milk  production.  It  has  long  been  a  common  belief  that 
it  checks  milk  production  when  fed  ripe,  but  late  experiments  have 
shown  that  it  has  no  unfavourable  influence  on  either  the  quantity 
or  quality  of  milk  produced. 

Seed:  The  seeds  are  round  and  flattened,  black  in  most  varieties 
but  grey,  white  or  reddish  in  others. 



HAIRY  VETCH  (Vicia  villosa  Roth.) 

Plate  25;  Seed,  Plate  27,  Fig.  39. 
Other  English  name:  Winter  Vetch. 

Botanical  description:  As  indicated  by  its  name,  this  plant 
is  a  winter  annual  (see  page  137).  It  grows  from  two  to  four  feet 
high,  winding  and  trailing  in  all  directions  like  Common  Vetch,  from 
which  plant  it  is  easily  distinguished,  even  if  no  flowers  are  developed, 
by  its  hairiness,  the  whole  plant  being  covered  with  long,  soft,  spread- 
ing hairs  which  often  give  it  a  white-woolly  appearance.  The  leaves 
are  compound,  like  those  of  Common  Vetch,  but  the  leaflets  gradually 
taper  towards  the  apex  and  the  tendrils  are  more  branched.  The 
flowers  are  in  rich,  long-stalked  clusters,  smaller  than  those  of  Com- 
mon Vetch  and  purple  to  pale  blue  in  colour. 

Geographical  distribution:  Hairy  Vetch  is  indigenous  to 
Europe  and  southwestern  Asia.  Its  cultivation  in  Europe  began 
about  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century,  at  about  which  time  it 
was  introduced  into  North  America.  It  is  grown  to  a  limited  extent 
in  Canada,  almost  exclusively  in  the  fruit-growing  districts  of  southern 

Cultural  conditions:  Hairy  Vetch  does  not  require  as  good 
soil  as  does  Common  Vetch.  It  can  be  grown  on  poor,  sandy  soil, 
but  will  of  course  give  heavier  returns  on  rich,  well  prepared  land. 
It  is  decidedly  hardier  than  Common  Vetch  and  stands  southern 
Ontario  winters  without  injury. 

Habits  of  growth:  It  is  generally  sown  in  the  summer,  the 
exact  time  depending  on  the  climate.  The  main  object  is  to  obtain 
a  good  stand  before  the  cold  weather  begins.  The  plants  pass  the 
winter  in  southern  Ontario  without  being  killed  and  start  growth 
early  in  the  spring. 

Agricultural  value:  In  Ontario  it  is  grown  almost  exclusively 
as  a  cover  and  green  manure  crop  in  orchards.  It  produces  a  great 
bulk  of  green  matter  and  is  apt  to  grow  too  rank  to  be  easily  ploughed 
under.  Half  a  bushel  of  good  seed  per  acre  is  sufficient  to  produce 
a  fair  stand  of  plants.  When  grown  for  seed  it  is  either  sown  alone 
or  with  winter  rye,  which  supports  the  vines  and  retards  the  splitting 

Plate  25 

HAIRY     VE-TCtt 

(Vicia    villosa    Roth.} 

HORSE  BEAN.  131 

and  curling  of  the  early  ripe  pods  because  of  which  the  yield  of  seed 
is  always  relatively  small.  The  high  price  of  commercial  seed  makes 
this  desirable  plant  unpopular  as  a  fodder  crop. 

Seed:  The  seeds  are  somewhat  smaller  than  those  of  Common 
Vetch,  round,  not  flattened,  varying  in  colour  from  dark  brown  to 
greyish  black. 

HORSE  BEAN  (Faba  vulgaris  Moench.) 

Botanical  description:  Horse  Bean  is  an  annual  plant  which 
generally  reaches  a  height  of  from  two  to  three  feet.  It  grows  strictly 
upright  and  is  neither  winding  like  beans  nor  climbing  like  peas 
and  vetches.  The  leaves  are  composed  of  from  one  to  three  pairs 
of  large  broad  leaflets.  They  have  no  tendrils.  The  flowers  are 
borne  in  clusters,  two  to  five  together.  They  are  large  and  showy, 
white  with  two  large  deep  purple  or  black  spots.  The  pods,  which 
are  sometimes  as  much  as  five  inches  long,  enclose  five  or  six  large 
seeds  separated  from  each  other  by  a  soft,  spongy  tissue. 

History:  Horse  Bean  is  an  old  agricultural  plant,  the  origin  of 
which  is  not  known.  It  is  said  to  be  a  native  of  Persia  but  the 
evidence  is  not  conclusive.  It  was  grown  in  central  Europe  thou- 
sands of  years  before  the  Christian  era,  and  large  quantities  of  seed 
have  been  found  in  excavations  at  Troy.  It  is  still  of  some  import- 
ance in  southern  and  central  Europe,  England  and  Egypt,  but  is 
being  gradually  replaced  by  other  legumes. 

Varieties:  There  are  a  number  of  varieties,  chiefly  distinguished 
from  one  another  by  the  size  of  the  seeds. 

Agricultural  value:  Horse  Bean  was  grown  by  the  old  Greeks 
and  Romans  and  the  seeds  were  used  to  make  bread,  cakes  and  por- 
ridge. In  those  parts  of  Europe  where  its  cultivation  is  of  some 
importance  it  is  still  used  for  human  food  as  well  as  for  fodder.  In 
Canada  it  is  principally  valuable  as  a  cover  crop  in  young  orchards, 
where,  when  sown  in  summer,  it  uses  up  the  soil  moisture  and  thus 
checks  the  late  growth  of  fruit-tree  wood  and  forces  the  spring  growth 
to  ripen  before  serious  danger  from  frost.  Being  a  nitrogen  gatherer 
it  also  enriches  the  soil,  and  although  it  is  killed  by  autumn  frosts 
the  stalks  help  to  retain  the  snow. 

Seed:  In  some  varieties  the  seeds  are  almost  three-quarters  of 
an  inch  long  and  half  an  inch  broad,  flat  with  a  deep  scar  at  one  end. 
They  are  generally  reddish-brown. 


GRASS  PEA  (Lathyrus  sativus  L.) 
Seed,  Plate  25,  Fig.  40. 

Botanical  description:  Grass  Pea  is  an  annual.  The  stems 
are  flattened  and  more  slender  than  those  of  ordinary  peas,  reaching 
a  height  of  from  two  to  three  feet.  The  leaves  consist  of  one  or 
two  pairs  of  narrow,  grass-like  leaflets  and  have  branched  tendrils. 
The  flowers  are  solitary  and  white.  The  pods  are  about  an  inch 
long  and  half  an  inch  broad,  flat,  and  contain  three  or  four  seeds. 
The  latter  are  sharply  angular,  generally  yellow  or  yellowish  green. 

Geographical  distribution:  Grass  Pea  is  a  native  of  central 
Europe.  It  is  grown  to  some  extent  in  southern  Ontario. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  prefers  a  loamy  soil,  not  too  heavy, 
and  does  best  when  moisture  is  not  excessive. 

Agricultural  value:  In  some  places  it  is  used  extensively  as 
a  fodder  plant,  giving  a  healthy  food  that  has  never  proved  injurious 
to  stock.  It  resists  the  pea  weevil  and  is  therefore  important  when 
the  ordinary  pea  cannot  be  grown  on  account  of  this  pest. 

FLAT  PEA  (Lathyrus  silvestris  L.) 

Botanical  description:  Flat  Pea  is  perennial  with  a  vigorous 
root  system  consisting  of  a  strong  rootstock  which  sends  out  numer- 
ous side  branches  and  secondary  roots.  The  stems,  which  reach  a 
height  of  from  two  to  six  feet,  are  decumbent  or  ascending,  climbing 
and  winding  in  all  directions.  They  are  much  branched,  angular, 
and  provided  with  two  broad  wings.  Each  leaf  consists  of  one  pair 
of  leaflets  and  a  group  of  tendrils  at  the  end  of  the  elongated  midrib 
of  the  leaf.  The  flowers  are  showy,  dark  rose-coloured  and  a  trifle 
smaller  than  those  of  ordinary  peas. 

Geographical  distribution:  Flat  Pea  is  indigenous  to  Europe. 
It  grows  naturally  in  woodlands,  on  stony  hillsides,  among  shrubs, 
at  the  borders  of  woods,  in  thickets,  etc. 

Cultural  conditions:  It  does  not  require  particularly  good 
soil  but  can  be  successfully  grown  on  poor  land.  Sandy  loam  will 

FLAT    PEA.  133 

produce  the  heaviest  crop  but  good  returns  can  be  obtained  from 
stiff  clay  or  sand.  As  the  roots  go  deep,  the  character  of  the  subsoil 
is  more  important  than  that  of  the  surface.  A  well  drained  subsoil 
is  necessary  for  the  proper  development  of  the  plant  and  stagnant 
water  has  always  an  injurious  effect.  The  roots  penetrate  so  far 
that  the  Flat  Pea  is  very  resistant  to  drought. 

Agricultural  value:  The  wild  plant  has  a  bitter  taste  and  is 
not  liked  by  stock.  It  is  also  claimed  that  it  is  apt  to  cause  serious 
illness.  The  cultivated  variety  has  no  bitter  taste;  it  is  richer  in 
nutritive  constituents  and  its  feeding  value  is  much  greater. 

The  agricultural  value  of  Flat  Pea  is  somewhat  disputed.  It 
is  claimed  that  it  is  a  valuable  forage  plant,  especially  when  used  as 
hay  in  mixtures,  but  the  results  obtained  from  experiments  do  not 
encourage  its  being  grown  on  a  large  scale.  It  cannot  be  recom- 
mended for  short  rotations. 

Fodder:  When  grown  for  hay  it  should  be  cut  as  soon  as  the 
flowers  begin  to  appear  or  the  stems  begin  to  lodge.  As  growth 
starts  early  in  spring  and  continues  during  the  whole  season,  two 
or  three  cuttings  can  be  taken  from  the  second  year  on. 

Seed  growing:  The  best  results  are  obtained  on  light,  sandy 
soil,  the  crop  reaching  its  full  size  during  the  third  and  fourth  years. 
Harvesting  is  difficult  because  the  pods  ripen  unevenly  and  break  up 
in  hot  weather,  scattering  the  seeds.  They  are  generally  hand  picked 
as  soon  as  they  are  ripe. 

Quality  of  seed:  The  seeds  are  about  the  same  size  and  shape 
as  those  of  vetches,  brown,  their  surface  being  finely  roughened  by 
a  delicate  net-like  system  of  curved  and  branched  veins. 

Husbandry  is  an  art  so  gentle,  so  humane,  that  mistresslike  she  makes  all  those  who  look  on  her 
or  listen  to  her  voice  intelligent  of  herself  at  once.  Many  a  lesson  does  she  herself  impart  how  best 
to  try  conclusions  with  her.  See,  for  instance,  how  the  vine,  making  a  ladder  of  the  nearest  tree 
whereon  to  climb,  informs  us  that  it  needs  support. — Xenophon,  The  Economist,  434-355  B.C. 

Methought  I  came  to  consider  the  wonderful  actions  which  the  Sovereign  has  commanded  Nature 
to  perform,  and  amongst  other  things  I  gazed  upon  the  branches  of  the  vines,  peas  and  gourds  which 
seemed  to  have  some  feeling  and  knowledge  of  their  weakly  nature;  for  being  unable  to  support  them- 
selves, they  threw  out  certain  small  arms,  like  threads,  into  the  air,  and  finding  some  small  branch  or 
bough,  proceeded  to  bind  and  attach  themselves  to  it,  without  separating  from  it  again,  in  order  to 
support  the  parts  of  their  weakly  nature. — Bernard  Palissy,  Jardtn  Delectable,  1508-89. 


SOY  or  SOJA  BEAN  (Glycine  hispida  Maxim.) 

Botanical  description:  Soy  Bean  is  an  annual.  It  resembles 
ordinary  field  beans  but  can  be  easily  recognized  by  its  more  or  less 
dense  hairiness.  The  stems,  which  branch  from  the  base,  reach  a 
height  of  from  one  to  four  feet.  They  bear  a  great  number  of  large 
leaves,  each  consisting  of  three  leaflets  similar  in  size  and  shape  to 
those  of  ordinary  beans.  The  flowers,  which  are  in  dense  clusters, 
are  of  the  ordinary  leguminous  type  and  are  whitish  to  purplish  in 
colour.  The  pods  have  short,  stiff  hairs  and  usually  contain  two  or 
three  seeds. 

Geographical  distribution:  Soy  Bean  is  not  known  in  the 
wild  state.  It  is  probable  that  it  has  been  developed  from  Glycine 
Soja  Sieb.  et  Zucc.,  a  closely  related  species  growing  wild  in  Man- 
churia, China  and  Cochin  China.  That  its  cultivation  is  very  old 
in  China  and  Japan  is  evident  from  the  fact  that  a  great  number  of 
varieties  have  been  produced  there.  It  has  been  grown  to  a  small 
extent  for  about  a  hundred  years  in  southern  Europe  and  was  quite 
recently  introduced  into  the  United  States  and  Canada. 

Agricultural  value:  In  China  and  Japan  it  is  used  largely  for 
food.  The  beans  are  roasted  or  otherwise  cooked  or  ground  for 
baking  purposes. 

Cultural  conditions:  Soy  Beans  do  best  on  loams  rich  in 
organic  matter,  well  drained  and  free  from  acid.  The  soil  should 
be  inoculated  with  the  proper  bacteria.  The  plants  are  not  very 
sensitive  to  drought. 

Varieties:  The  numerous  varieties  differ  in  growth,  time  of 
development,  colour  of  flowers  and  seed,  and  in  their  adaptability 
to  climatic  conditions.  Medium  Green,  a  high-yielding  variety  of 
outstanding  merit  for  hay  as  well  as  for  seed  production,  is  best 
suited  to  Canada. 

The  plant  got  its  name  from  Soy,  a  product  obtained  by  a  long 
and  complicated  fermentation  of  a  mixture  of  cooked  Soy  Beans, 
ground  wheat  and  steamed  rice  or  barley,  to  which  later  is  added 
water  and  salt.  Soy  is  the  principal  constituent  of  Worcester  and 
other  sharp  sauces. 

RAPE.  135 

Fodder:  Soy  Beans  cannot  compete  with  Red  Clover  as  a  hay 
maker  in  the  regular  farm  rotation  but  can  be  used  in  case  some 
spring  crop  fails.  The  hay  is  of  high  nutritive  value  if  the  crop  is 
cut  at  the  proper  stage.  This  is  when  the  pods  begin  to  develop. 
If  they  are  advanced,  the  hay  will  be  woody  and  unpalatable  and  the 
leaves,  which  constitute  the  most  nutritious  part,  will  be  shattered. 
From  one  and  a  half  to  two  bushels  of  seed  to  the  acre  are  required 
when  intended  for  hay. 

Seed  growing:  If  handled  right,  Soy  Beans  give  a  profitable 
return  when  grown  for  seed.  As  the  pods  break  up  when  fully  ripe, 
late  cutting  causes  loss,  especially  with  the  Medium  Green  variety 
which  shatters  the  seed  badly.  The  plants  should  be  cut  for  seed 
when  the  pods  begin  to  turn  yellow.  One  bushel  of  seed  should  be 
sown  to  the  acre. 

Quality  of  seed:  In  some  varieties  the  seeds  are  like  peas  in 
shape  and  size,  in  others  they  are  twice  as  large,  and  in  still  others 
they  are  like  small  beans.  The  colour  may  be  yellow,  white,  green, 
brown  or  black.  The  seed  is  rich  in  protein  and  oil,  and  can  be  used 
in  the  same  way  as  other  concentrated  protein  and  oil  feeds. 

RAPE  (Brassica  Napus  L.) 

Botanical  description:  Rape,  especially  when  young,  looks 
like  varieties  of  Swedish  turnips.  Its  root,  however,  is  not  fleshy 
but  is  more  like  the  root  of  a  cabbage,  penetrating  the  soil  to  a  con- 
siderable depth.  The  leaves  are  numerous,  large  and  spreading, 
bluish  green,  sweet,  succulent  and  tender.  The  flowers  are  in  a  large 
open  inflorescence,  bright  yellow  and  about  half  an  inch  wide  when 
fully  developed.  They  are  fertilized  by  insects. 

Geographical  distribution:  Wild  Rape  is  indigenous  to  nor- 
thern Europe,  where  it  occurs  especially  along  seashores.  It  is 
grown  practically  all  over  Europe,  in  northern  Asia,  the  United  States 
and  eastern  Canada. 

Cultural  conditions:  Rape  requires  a  good  rich  soil,  well 
cultivated  and  with  sufficient  moisture.  Best  results  are  obtained 
on  clay  loams  which  contain  large  amounts  of  organic  matter.  On 
light  sandy  soil  or  stiff  clay  the  returns  are  generally  small.  It  likes 


a  moist  and  not  too  hot  climate  but  can  be  grown  in  comparatively 
dry  and  hot  regions  if  the  soil  is  rich  and  holds  some  moisture. 

Varieties:  Rape  is  either  annual  or  biennial.  The  annual 
varieties  are  grown  principally  for  their  seed  and  are  called  summer 
rape;  winter  rape,  such  as  Dwarf  Essex,  is  biennial.  Only  the 
latter  varieties  are  important  as  fodder  plants  for  Canada. 

Habits  of  growth:  The  development  of  Dwarf  Essex  and  other 
fodder  varieties  is  not  dissimilar  to  that  of  turnips.  The  seed  should 
be  sown  at  about  the  same  rate  per  acre — two  to  four  pounds — and 
at  about  the  same  time,  either  in  drills  or  broadcast.  The  foliage 
is  ready  for  pasture  during  the  autumn.  If  protected  against  severe 
cold  during  the  winter,  the  remaining  stalks  produce  seed  the  follow- 
ing year. 

Agricultural  value:  Rape  has  a  high  feeding  value  for  sheep, 
pigs,  store  and  fattening  cattle.  As  it  is  very  succulent — that  is, 
contains  a  large  percentage  of  water — it  is  difficult  to  cure  it  into 
hay  and  when  cured  it  is  of  comparatively  little  value  as  the  leaves 
crumble  to  powder.  It  is  principally  used  for  pasture  and  to  some 
extent  as  a  soiling  crop.  It  is  not  much  used  for  ensilage. 

The  rape  is  by  no  means  difficult  to  please  in  soil,  for  it  will  grow  almost  anywhere,  indeed  where 
nothing  else  can  be  sown.  It  readily  derives  nutriment  from  fogs  and  hoar-frosts,  and  grows  to  a 
marvellous  size;  I  have  seen  them  weighing  upwards  of  forty  pounds. — Pliny,  Natural  History,  25-79. 

With  first  approach  of  light  we  must  be  risen. 
And  at  our  pleasant  labour,  to  reform 

Yon  flowery  arbours,  yonder  alleys  green, 

That  mock  our  scant  manuring,  and  require 

More  hands  than  ours  to  lop  their  wanton  growth: 

Those  blossons  also         *         *         *         * 

That  lie  bestrown  unsightly  and  unsmooth, 

Ask  riddance,  if  we  mean  to  tread  with  ease. — Milton,  Paradise  Lost,  1669. 

Some  old  men  in  Surrey report.  That  they  knew  the  first  Gardiners  that  came 

into  these  parts,  to  plant  Cabbages,  Colleflowers,  and  to  sowe  Turnips,  Carrels,  and  Parsnips,  to  sowe 
Raith  or  (early  ripe)  Rape,  Pease,  all  of  which  at  that  time  were  great  rarities,  we  having  few,  or  none 
in  England,  but  what  came  from  Holland  and  Flanders.  These  Gardiners  with  much  ado  procured 
a  plot  of  good  ground,  and  gave  no  lesse  than  8  pound  per  Acre;  yet  the  Gentleman  was  not  content, 
fearing  they  would  spoil  his  ground  ;  because  they  did  use  to  dig  it.  So  ignorant  were  we  of  Gardening 
in  those  dayes. — Samuel  Hartlib,  The  Compleat  Husbandman,  1659. 




Plate  27 


fro/ott'  ^ft/ar  *>t 
















AWN — 





Sharp  at  the  end ;  pointed. 

(of  leaves,  etc.) — Not  opposite  each  other  but  dis- 
tributed at  different  heights  along  the  stem  or 

Of  only  one  year's  duration.  Winter  annual,  a 
plant  which  sprouts  in  the  fall,  blooms  the  following 
spring,  fruits  and  then  dies. 

The  top  or  tip  of  the  leaf,  flower,  etc. 

Something  added  to  or  accompanying  a  principal  or 
greater  thing  though  not  necessary  to  it. 

Lying  close  and  flat  against. 

Curving  upward. 

A  bristle-like  appendage. 

The  angle  formed  by  a  leaf  or  branch  with  the  stem. 

A  class  of  extremely  small  plants  visible  only  by  the 
aid  of  a  microscope. 

Fruitless ;  incapable  of  bearing  seeds. 
Connected  with  or  belonging  to  the  base. 

That  extremity  of  a  leaf,  fruit,  etc.,  at  which  it  is 
attached  to  its  support. 

A  biennial  plant  requires  two  seasons  to  complete  its 
growth.  The  first  is  spent  in  collecting  and  storing 
up  nourishment  and  the  second  in  producing  flowers 
and  seeds,  after  which  the  plant  dies. 

A  stiff,  sharp,  roundish  hair. 

Composed  of  two  or  more  similar  parts  united  into 
one  whole.  Compound  leaf,  one  divided  into  sepa- 
rate leaflets. 

Horny;  horn-like. 
See  pages  8  and  13. 

Running  along  at  or  near  the  surface  of  the  ground 
and  rooting. 

CROSS-FERTILI-    The  fertilization  of  a  plant  by  pollen  from  another 
ZATION —          individual. 











Bending  or  lying  down,  but  with  the  summit  ascend- 

The  part  of  the  seed  which  develops  into  a  plant. 
See  page  8. 
Straight;  upright. 
To  make  fruitful. 

-The  process  by  which  the  pollen  renders  the  ovule 
fertile;  fruit-making. 

An  assemblage  of  species  possessing  certain  charac- 
teristics in  common. 

Smooth ;  destitute  of  hairs. 

Of  a  sea-green  or  grayish-blue  color. 

See  page  10. 

An  animal  or  plant  produced  from  the  mixture  of 
two  species. 

Native  to  a  certain  country  or  district. 

The  flowering  part  of  a  plant,  and  especially  the 
mode  of  its  arrangement. 

To  furnish  the  soil  with  certain  kinds  of  bacteria. 

The  portion  of  a  stem  between  two  adjacent  nodes. 

A  central  ridge,  like  the  keel  of  a  boat ;  see  also  page  16. 

Bent  so  as  to  form  an  angle. 

Proceeding  from  the  side. 

A  single  division  of  a  compound  leaf. 

A  single  seed  vessel,  having  the  seeds  attached  along 
one  side  only. 

Pertaining  to  a  legume  or  to  the  Leguminostz. 

See  page  10. 

See  page  9. 

The  central  or  main  rib  of  a  leaf. 

The  joint  of  a  stem,  or  the  part  where  a  leaf  or  several 
leaves  are  attached. 

A  little  knot  or  lump. 

The  part  of  the  pistil  in  which  the  seeds  are  formed. 

See  page  10. 



PANICLE —  A    loose,    irregularly-compound    inflorescence    with 

flowers  or  groups  of  flowers  on  distinct  stalks. 

PERENNIAL —  Lasting  more  than  two  years. 

PETAL —  See  page  16. 

PISTIL —  See  page  16. 

POLLEN —  The  fecundating  powder  produced  in  the  stamens. 

RACEME —  An   inflorescence   bearing   stalked    flowers   along   a 

common,  more  or  less  elongated,  main  stalk. 

RADICLE —  Rootlet;  see  page  13. 

ROOTSTOCK —      Underground  stem,  rooting  at  the  nodes  and  gener- 
ally creeping  near  the  surface. 

RUNNER —  A  slender  creeping  branch,  from  the  base  of  the  stem 

or  from  a  rootstock,  which  is  capable  of  forming 
independent  plants. 

ZATION—  The  fertilization  of  a  plant  by  its  own  pollen. 

SELF-STERILE —  Unable  to  produce  seed  unless  fertilized  by  another 

SHEATH —  A  tubular  envelope,  as  the  lower  part  of  the  leaf  in 


SPECIES —  A  class  of  individuals  possessing  the  same  forms  and 

properties  which  they  transmit  to  their  offspring. 

SPIKELET —  See  page  10. 

STAMEN —  The  male  organ  of  a  flower;  see  page  10. 

STANDARD —  See  page  16. 

STERILE —  Barren;  unable  to  produce  seed. 

STIPULE —  See  page  15. 

TAPROOT—          A  root  which  is  the  prolongation  downwards  of  the 

TRIFOLIATE —      Having  three  leaflets. 
TUBERCLE —        A  nodule. 

WHORL —  An  arrangement  of  leaves,  etc.,  in  a  circle  around 

the  stem. 



Agricultural  Value  of  Grasses 1 1 

Agricultural  Value  of  Leguminous 

Plants 17 

Agropyron  occidentale 92 

repens 93 

Richardsonii 93 

Smithii 92 

tenerum 90 

Agrostis  alba 50 

stolonifera 50 

vulgaris 52 

Alfalfa 114 

Arabian 116 

Canadian  Variegated 123 

Grimm's  Variegated 123 

Peruvian 116 

Turkestan 1 16 

Variegated 122 

Alkali  Grass 92 

Alopecurus  pratensis 48 

Alsike 108 

American  Red  Clover 104 

Anthoxanthum  odoratum 42 

Anthyllis  Vulneraria 125 

Arabian  Alfalfa 116 

Arrhenatherum  elatius 56 

Austrian  Brome  Grass 82 

Austrian  Brome  Hay 82 

Awned  Wheat  Grass 93 

Awnless  Brome  Grass 82 

Bacteria 18 

Bald  Rye  Grass 94 

Bald  Wheat  Grass 90 

Barnyard  Grass 40 

Barnyard  Millet 40 

Bean,  Horse 131 

Soja 134 

Soy 134 

Bent-grass,  Creeping 50 

White 50 

Bird  Grass 64 

Black  Medick 124 

Blue  Grass 64 

Canada 62 

Canadian 62 

English 62 

Kentucky 64 

Smaller  . .  62 


Blue  Grass,  Virginia 62 

Blue-Joint 92 

Blue-joint  Grass 52 

Bokhara  Clover 112 

Brassica  Napus 135 

Brome  Grass 82 

Austrian 82 

Awnless 82 

Field 84 

Fringed 85 

Hungarian 82 

Smooth 82 

Bromus  arvensis 84 

ciliatus 85 

inermis 82 

Calamagrostis  canadensis 52 

Canada  Bent-grass 52 

Canada  Blue  Grass 62 

Canadian  Blue  Grass 62 

Canadian  Variegated  Alfalfa 123 

Chilean  Clover 105 

Claviceps 47 

Clover,  American  Red 104 

Alsike 108 

Bokhara 112 

Chilean 105 

Crimson 96 

Dutch 106 

English 105 

European  Red 104 

French 105 

German 96 

Italian 96 

Mammoth 105 

North  Russian 105 

Perennial  Red 105 

Red 98 

Scarlet 96 

South  Russian 105 

Swedish 105 

Sweet 112 

White 106 

White  Sweet 112 

Zigzag 98 

Clovers 13 

Cocksfoot 58 

Colorado  Blue  Stem 92 

Common  Darnel 86 

Common  Meadow  Grass 64 




Common  Millet 36 

Common  Vetch 128 

Corn 30 

Dent 32 

Flint 32 

Indian 30 

Pod 32 

Pop 32 

Soft 32 

Starchy-sweet 33 

Sweet 33 

Couch  Grass 93 

Cow  Grass 105 

Creeping  Bent-grass 50 

Creeping  Fescue 72 

Creeping  Poa 62 

Crested  Dog's  Tail 60 

Crimson  Clover 96 

Cuscuta  Epithymum 120 

racemosa  var.  Chiliana 104 

Cynosurus  cristatus 60 

Dactylis  glomerata 58 

Dent  Corn 32 

Deyeuxia  canadensis 52 

Dodder 104,  120 

Dog's  Tail  Grass 60 

Dutch  Clover 106 

Dwarf  Essex  Rape 136 

Echinochloa  Crus-galli 40 

Elymus  virginicus 94 

English  Blue  Grass 62 

English  Clover 105 

English  Grass 64 

English  Ray  Grass 86 

English  Rye  Grass 86 

Ergot 47 

Esparsette 126 

European  Red  Clover 104 

Evergreen  Grass 78 

Faba  vulgaris  . .~: 131 

False  Oat  Grass 56 

False  Red  Top 69 

Fertilization  of  Grasses 10 

Fertilization  of  Leguminous  Plants  1 6 

Festuca  arundinacea 81 

duriuscula 76 

elatior 78 

helerophylla 77 

ovina 74 

ovina  var.  duriuscula 76 


Festuca  ovina  var.  tenuifolia 76 

pratensis 78 

rubra 72 

Fescue,  Creeping 72 

Fine-leaved  Sheep's 76 

Hard 76 

Meadow 78 

Red 72 

Reed 81 

Sheep's 74 

Tall 78,80 

Various-leaved 77 

Field  Brome  Grass 84 

Fine-leaved  Sheep's  Fescue 76 

Fiorin  Grass 50 

Flat  Pea 132 

Flint  Corn 32 

Flowers  of  Leguminous  Plants 15 

Fowl  Meadow  Grass 69 

Foxtail  Millet 38 

French  Clover 105 

Fringed  Brome  Grass 85 

Fruit  of  Grasses 1 1 

Fruit  of  Leguminous  Plants 17 

German  Clover 96 

German  Millet 38 

Germination  of  Grasses 8 

Germination  of  Leguminous  Plants  13 

Glyceria  aquatica 70 

grandis 71 

Glycine  hispida 134 

Golden  Oat  Grass 54 

Golden  Wonder  Millet 38 

Gold  Mine  Millet 38 

Grasses 8 

Grass  Pea 132 

Green  Grass 64 

Grimm's  Variegated  Alfalfa 123 

Hairy  Vetch 130 

Hard  Fescue 76 

Herd's  Grass 44 

Holy  Terror  Millet 38 

Horse  Bean 131 

Hungarian  Brome  Grass ^  .  .  82 

Hungarian  Fodder  Grass 82 

Hungarian  Grass 38 

Hungarian  Millet 38 

Implements 20 

Indian  Corn 30 

Inflorescence  of  Grasses 9 




Inflorescence  of  Leguminous  Plants  15 

I  talian  Clover 96 

Italian  Rye  Grass 88 

Ixophorus  italicus 38 

Japanese  Millet 38 

June  Grass 64 

Kentucky  Blue  Grass 64 

Kidney  Vetch 125 

Knot  Root  Grass 43 

Lalhyrus  sativus 132 

silvestris 132 

Leaves  of  Grasses 9 

Leaves  of  Leguminous  Plants 14 

Leguminous  Plants 13 

Lolium  multiflorum 88 

perenne 86 

Lucerne 114 

Sand 122 

Yellow 121 

Maize 30 

Mammoth  Clover 105 

Meadow  Cat's  Tail 44 

Meadow  Fescue 78 

Meadow  Foxtail 48 

Meadow  Grass,  Common 64 

Fowl 69 

Rough-stalked 66 

Smooth-stalked 64 

Water 70 

Wood 68 

Meadow  Oat  Grass 56 

Tall 56 

Meadows,  Cutting 24 

Development  of 23 

Duration  of 28 

Fertilizing 29 

Re-seeding  and  renovating. ...  29 

Winter  protection 24 

Medicago  falcata 121 

X    saliva 122 

lupulina 124 

media 122 

saliva 114 

silveslris 122 

Medick,  Black 124 

Sickle 121 

Melilolus  alba 112 

Millet,  Barnyard 40 

Common 36 

Foxtail 38 


Millet,  German 38 

Hungarian 38 

Japanese 38 

Pearl 39 

Siberian 38 

Millets 35 

Muhlenbergia  glomerala 43 

racemosa 43 

North  Russian  Clover 105 

Nurse  Crops 19 

Oat  Grass 56 

False 56 

Golden 54 

Meadow 56 

Tall 56 

Tall  Meadow 56 

Yellow 54 

Yellow  False 54 

Onobrychis  saliva 126 

Oplismenus  Crus-galli 40 

Orchard  Grass 58 

Panicum  Crus-galli 40 

miliaceum 36 

Pastures,  Duration  of 28 

Permanent 29 

Re-seeding  and  renovating. ...  29 

Pearl  Millet 39 

Penniselum  lyphoideum 39 

Perennial  Red  Clover 105 

Perennial  Rye  Grass 86 

Pea,  Flat 132 

Grass 132 

Peruvian  Alfalfa 116 

Phalaris  arundinacea 41 

Phleum  pratense 44 

Phragmiles  communis 53 

Poa  compressa 62 

flav  a 69 

nemoralis 68 

paluslris 69 

pralensis 64 

serolina 69 

Iriflora 69 

Irivialis 66 

Pod  Corn 32 

Pop  Corn 32 

Randall  Grass 75 

Rape 138 

Summer 136 

Winter 136 



Red  Clover 98 

American 104 

European 104 

Mammoth 105 

Perennial 105 

Red  Fescue 72 

Red  Top 50 

False 69 

Reed  Canary  Grass 41 

Reed  Fescue 81 

Reed  Grass 53 

Root  System  of  Grasses 8 

Root  System  of  Leguminous  Plants     14 
Rough-stalked  Meadow  Grass  ....     66 

Rye  Grass,  Bald 94 

English 86 

Italian 88 

Perennial 86 

Western 90 

Sainfoin 126 

Sand  Grass 52 

Sand  Lucerne 122 

Scarlet  Clover 96 

Schedonurus  inermis 82 

Sclerotia 47 

Seeding   to    Fodder    and    Pasture 

Plants 19 

Seed  of  Grasses 8 

Seed  of  Leguminous  Plants 13 

Setaria  italica 38 

Sheep's  Fescue 74 

Siberian  Millet 38 

Sickle  Medick 121 

Slender  Wheat  Grass 90 

Small  Reed  Grass 52 

Smaller  Blue  Grass 62 

Smooth  Brome  Grass 82 

Smooth-stalked  Meadow  Grass..  .  .     64 

Soft  Corn 32 

Soja  Bean 134 

South  Russian  Clover 105 

Soy  Bean ? 134 

Spear  Grass 64 

Spikelets  of  Grasses 10 

Spring  Vetch 128 

Starchy-sweet  Corn 33 

Stems  of  Grasses 9 

Stems  of  Leguminous  Plants 14 

Summer  Rape 136 

Swedish  Clover 105 

Sweet  Clover... .  .    112 


Sweet  Corn 33 

Sweet  Vernal  Grass 42 

Tall  Fescue 78,  80 

Tall  Meadow  Oat  Grass 56 

Tall  Oat  Grass 56 

Tare 128 

Terrell  Grass 94 

Timothy 44 

Trefoil,  Yellow 124 

Trifolium  hybridum 108 

incarnatum 96 

medium 98 

pratense 98 

repens 106 

Trisetum  flavescens 54 

Turkestan  Alfalfa 116 

Variegated.  Alfalfa 122 

Various-leaved  Fescue 77 

Vetch,  Commom 128 

Hairy 130 

Kidney 125 

Spring 128 

Winter 130 

Vicia  saliva 128 

villosa 130 

Virginia  Blue  Grass 62 

Virginia  Lyme  Grass 94 

Water  Meadow  Grass 70 

Weed  Seeds 22 

Weeds,  Effect  on  stock 27 

Suppression  in  meadows.. .  .  22 

Western  Rye  Grass 90 

Western  Wheat  Grass 92 

Wheat  Grasss 94 

Awned 93 

Bald 90 

Slender 90 

Western 92 

White  Bent-grass 50 

White  Clover 106 

White  Sweet  Clover 112 

Winter  Rape 136 

Winter  Vetch 130 

Wire  Grass 62 

Wood  Meadow  Grass 68 

Yellow  False  Oat 54 

Yellow  Lucerne 121 

Yellow  Oat  Grass 54 

Yellow  Trefoil 124 

Zea  Mays 30 

Zigzag  Clover 98 

L    U7IUO 
