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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 15 cents 





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) Tue Forrest Propucts Lasora- 

TORY Is a unit of the research or- 
ganization of the Forest Service, United 
States Department of Agriculture. It 
is the only institution in the United 
States concerned wholly with the in- 
vestigation of wood and wood products 
and their adaptation to diversified fields 
of use. It was the first and for several 
years the only institution in the world 
conducting general research on wood 
and its utilization; other Governments 
have since followed the lead of the 
United States in developing labora- 
tories along similar lines. 

Importance of 
wood utilization 

The forest, distinct from all its other 
services and. benefits, supphes a basic 
raw material—wood—which from the 
earliest times has furnished mankind 

with necessities of existence and with 
comforts and conveniences beyond 
number. Forests will return maximum 
values to the people of the United 
States, only if they are fully and profit- 
ably utilized and at the same time are 
maintained in vigorous condition for 
the continuous production of timber 

Nearly one-third of the continental 
United States is either in forest or suited 
by nature mainly or solely to the grow- 
ing of forests. In a broad sense, the 
erowing of forests appears to be the 
only economic use to which this enor- 
mous area, amounting to over 600 mil- 
lion acres, can be put. The fullest 
development of this use is of profound 
importance to the country’s prosperity. 
Aside from providing timber, forested 
land affords benefits of far-reaching 1m- 
portance, through its favorable influence 
on stream flow atid in preventing exces- 

The perpetuation of forest resources and their proper utilization are essential 

to the country’s welfare. 



Employment and wages for thousands of workers are bound up with continued and 
increasing usefulness of wood in modern life. 

sive erosion, in providing shelter and 
protection for homes, crops, and live- 
stock against wind and drought, in pro- 
viding forage, in supplying recreational 
needs, and in furnishing the environ- 
mental conditions upon which wildlife 
of the country depends. In addition it 
is desirable that a reasonable area of 
forested land be reserved in its virgin 
condition for scientific and recreational 
use. All these benefits, though not easily 
appraised, in the aggregate represent 
ereat values to the public. 

While the growing of timber on these 
lands for the many products demanded 
by modern civilization represents the 
more tangible economic value or use, 
the mere production of an increased 
timber supply does not satisfy the de- 
mands of economic forestry. The util- 


ity value of wood must also be main- 
tained and increased. From this stand- 
point the actual and potential value of 
these lands as a source of wealth and 
employment must be gaged in a large 
measure by the utility value of this prin- 
cipal product. The better adaptation 
of wood to modern consumption re- 
quirements is a matter of direct concern 
to consumers, whose proper housing and 
standards of living are bound up with 
the satisfactory use of wood products; 
to workmen, who need the hundreds of 
millions of dollars in wages furnished by 
employment in the woods, the sawmil 

the pulp mills, and broadly diversified 
fields of wood construction and manu- 
facture; to farmers and other timber- 
land owners, large and small, seeking 
market outlets for materials from their 



Improved timber harvesting and utilization methods mean increased income to farmers, 
whose woodland holdings throughout the country amount to 185 million acres. 

vast ageregate acreage of woodlands; to 
local communities, counties, States, and 
the Nation, all of which have a vital in- 
terest in stable revenues from forests, 
forest lands, and successful forest indus- 
tries. In our national forests alone, the 
investment in land and timber and the 
responsibility for a wise utilization of 
the products require a broad program of 
research looking to the broadening and 
stabilization of markets for forest 

Purpose of 
Laboratory research 

Answering to these major economic 
needs, the research of the Forest Prod- 
ucts Laboratory is directed toward the 
better and more efficient and diversified 
utilization of forest materials. Scien- 
tific research is the means that must be 
used to gain a more thorough knowledge 
of wood in its chemistry, growth, and 
structure, and to determine the techni- 

America’s huge volumes of logging and sawmill wastes are potential sources of 

useful products. 

M-S7-F, M-—31511-F 

cal properties of the hundreds of Ameri- 
can wood species and their variations 
of quality within the stand and in the 
tree itself. Research must aid in solv- 
ing many difficult problems—how to 
utilize more efficiently the small-sized 
and second-growth trees which will 
form the bulk of our future forests; 
how to secure useful service from the 
many wood species that are now used 
httle if at all; how to turn to economic 
account the large wastes that occur in 
the conversion of trees into commodi- 
ties; how to secure greater service and 
economy from wood through selection 
of material, control and modification of 
its properties, improvement of treating 
processes, and the development of new 
and better methods of wood fabrication 
and conversion. 

with University 

The Forest Products Laboratory was 
established by the Forest Service in 
Madison, Wis., in 1910, following ac- 


Laboratory utility building of plywood with glued arches, the first structure of this type 
in the United States. 

ceptance of the offer of the University 
of Wisconsin to provide a building with 
necessary light, heat, and power serv- 
ices. This arrangement made possible 
the coordination and systematic de- 
velopment of Forest Service research 
activities that had previously been car- 
ried on in a number of small labora- 
tories in various parts of the country. 
A cooperative relationship between the 
Laboratory and the University of 
Wisconsin was thus begun which has 
continued to the present, assuring 
collaboration in scientific matters and 
interchange of research facilities for staff 
and graduate students. The original 
building was occupied by the Labora- 
tory for 20 years, and additional tem- 
porary quarters were provided by the 
university as increasing work required. 

Present building € 

In 1930 the long-felt need of adequate 
permanent quarters for the Laboratory 
was recognized by Congress and con- 
struction funds were granted. The 

present main building was completed in 
1932, representing with later additions 
to its equipment an investment of well 
over $1,500,000. The fine site of 10 
acres on which it stands, overlooking 
the city and Lake Mendota, was pro- 
vided by the State of Wisconsin through 

1e board of regents of the university. 

In general plan the main building is 
U-shaped, about 275 feet in length and 
over-all breadth, with wings flanking a 
central court. In its five stories and 
eround floor it contains a total area of 
175,000 square feet, or approximately 
4 acres. The Laboratory is provided 
with plant facilities and experimental 
equipment suited to the handling, proc 
essing, testing, and investigation of 
wood in many forms, from the raw 
material of the log to lumber, pulp, 
paper, turpentine, plastics, and other 
conversion products. 

Accessory structures 

Several minor structures on the 
Laboratory’s grounds have been pro- 
vided for operating or demonstrational 
purposes. Among these are a receiving 
and utility building of plywood units 
framed on glued laminated wood arches, 
a concrete fire-testing house, a veneer- 
cutting plant, and open and closed 
sheds for lumber storage. 

Personnel and 
research divisions 

The personnel of the institution is 
divided about equally into technical 
staff, comprising research specialists and 
assistants, and nontechnical staff, in- 
cluding administrative, operating, and 
clerical workers. The entire organiza- 
tion centers around and is contributory 
to the work of eight research divisions, 

In many investigations the Laboratory’s sawmill plays a necessary pari. 


whose fields of investigation are de- 
scribed in the following pages—timber 
harvesting and conversicn; silvicultural 
relations; chemistry, composition, and 
derived products of wood; timber me- 


chanics and structural research; wood 
seasoning and moisture control; wood- 
treating processes for protection and 
service; wood pathology; and pulp and 


TurouGH hasty and wasteful exploita- 
tion, millions of acres of forest lands 
have been left denuded, idle, and 
abandoned which otherwise might to- 
day be supporting their quota of pros- 
perous communities. To obtain better 
values from existing resources and to 
safeguard future timber crops require 
basic changes In timber cutting and 

conversion practice, presenting many 
problems which research must help to 

Selective logging 

Laboratory field crews have demon- 
strated on many lumbering operations, 
north and south, that the cutting of 

Turning of wooden turpentine cups points the way to profitable utilization of 
much worked-out timber. 


young and undersized trees ranging 
from 10 to 16 inches in diameter, ac- 
cording to the stand, is destructive not 
only of future forest values but actually 
of present profits, since the small trees 
do not yield enough high-quality lum- 
Mer to repay costs of handling and man- 
ufacture. By selective cutting, taking 
only the larger trees and leaving the 
smaller trees to grow, better lumber is 
produced and a basis is maintained for 
profitable timber crops in the future. 
The findings are beginning to be ap- 
plied in the practice of both large and 
small operators, with increasing pros- 
pects of restocking and reseeding of 
stands, repeated cuttings, and the eco- 
nomic benefits arising from sustained 
forest productivity. The studies need 
to be extended to a wider range of tim- 
ber types and to the production of com- 
modities other than standard lumber. 

Reduction of waste 

Research projects to reduce the per- 
centage of waste in harvesting the forest 
crop approach the problem from sev- 
eral directions—the use of less destruc- 
tive machinery, the conversion of woods 
and mill waste into useful products, and 
profitable alteration of the form of the 
product. The production of dimension 
stock cut to size for factory use makes 
possible the salvaging of a large volume 
of clear material from slabs, edgings, 
and defective lumber. Saving in freight 
on waste, and reduction of cutting re- 
quired in the factory, have proved to be 
Important factors in reduction of costs 
to the user. The further development 
of methods for producing high-quality 
dimension stock, including its sawing, 
seasoning, and bundling, is under in- 

Development of lightweight power equip- 
ment brings nearer the economic possibility 
of pruning branches and securing growth of 
wood free of knots earlier in the life 
of the tree. 

Farm woodlands 
and small holdings 

To make possible the production of 
better lumber by the farm community, 
a new type of portable sawmill with 
band saw is under development, and 
an economical and effective small dry 
kiln has been designed and tested. Ex- 
periments are being made in the use of 
small material for the production of 


glued laminated building panels and 
other commodities for local and general 
markets. Selective logging investiga- 
tions and the development of portable 
power pruning equipment offer to the 
small owner possibilities of early and 
sustained yield of merchantable lumber 
from his holdings. The turning of gum- 
collecting cups from southern pine trees 
that have been ‘worked out” in turpen- 
tining operations indicates the possibil- 
ity of replacing metal cups, at a con- 
siderable saving to woods owners. Util- 
ization of the worked-out timber for 
rosin barrels and for fruit and vegetable 
crates is also being studied. 

Machining studies 

Many American hardwoods, particu- 
larly those from the lowlands and river 
bottoms, are rejected by users on ac- 
count of difficulties in seasoning and 
woodworking. To aid in converting 

Woodworking tests determine machining 
qualities of woods now little used. 

such material from a lability to an 
asset, a broad program of research is 
maintained. In addition to chemical 
seasoning, studies of typical machining 
operations are carried on together with 
investigations of physical and mechan- 
ical properties of the woods and their 
adaptability to varied commercial uses 
such as furniture, automobile bodies, 
and food containers. 

Measuring power required in boring various woods affords one index of 
woodworking properties. 



IN ANY EFFORT to increase the utiliza- 
tion value of wood, testing and selection 
ssume essential and immediate impor- 
tance. Fundamental, however, to the 
general program of forestry and wood 
use 1s the problem of control of wood 
quality atits source. Its solution must 
be found in the conditions of tree 
growth, and at this point the research 
of the Laboratory makes close contact 
with silvicultural experiments and prac- 
tices in the field. 

Growth and quality 
of wood 

The wide variations in strength, hard- 
ness, shrinkage, and other properties of 
wood produced within a tree species as 
a result of growth under different con- 
ditions have prompted the Laboratory 
to investigate the possibilities of im- 
proving wood quality at the source, 
that is, while the tree is growing. 
Wood grown under different natural 
conditions or under conditions artifi- 
cially modified with respect to soil, 
moisture, density of stand, and asso- 
ciated species, is tested and compared 
in order to find the best conditions to 
produce the best type of wood for given 
uses. Although many years are re- 
quired to grow trees of merchantable 
size, a change in growth conditions, 
such as may be effected by removal of 

neighboring trees, drainage, or pruning, 
}. reflected in the character of the an- 
nual growth rings subsequently formed, 
thus affording a ready means of com- 
paring wood before and after the change 
was made, the other variables remain- 
ing unchanged. The resulting infor- 

mation can be beneficially applied to 
second-growth timber which is still in 
the formative stage. For instance, 
softwoods make their best development 
as to strength and other desirable prop- 
erties when spaced moderately close, 
whereas the quality of hardwoods is 
sustained or improved by increased 
opening up of the stand. 


Tamilies, genera, and many individual 
species of wood may be identified as 
readily by cell and pore arrangement as 
by the botanical characteristics of the 
tree. The specialized service provided 
by the Laboratory in wood identifica- 
tion is widely used. About 3,000 sam- 
ples per year are identified. Frequently 
important questions of use and even 


Width of annual rings and quality of the 

wood are correlated with factors of climate 
and soil affecting growth of the tree. 


lawsuits hinge on the result of an ex- 
amination of a few chips or shavings, 
sawdust, or wood flour. In criminal 
cases the careful identification of pieces 
of wood may furnish valuable evidence; 
an outstanding example was the Labo- 
ratory’s discovery of the source of the 
wood from which the ladder used in 
the Lindbergh kidnaping was made. 

Naval stores 

A major forest industry of the United 
States is the production of gum resin 
and turpentine, the naval stores of 
commerce, from the longleaf and slash 
pines of the South. The United States’ 
world leadership in output has unfor- 
tunately been gained and held at a high 
cost in destructive working of stands 
and impairment of prospects for future 
yields. In research looking to the im- 
provement of this situation the Lab- 
oratory works in collaboration with the 
Southern Forest Experiment Station. 
Field tests and microscopic examina- 
tion of wound response have shown the 
practicability of maintaining the flow 
of oleoresin by light, narrow chipping 
at as high a yield as by heavy chipping. 
The establishment of this fact is having 
wide influence in securing a _ longer 
working life for turpentine stands, with 



Thousands of wood specimens submitted to 
the Laboratory are identified by their micro- 
scopic structure. 

ereater returns per tree in both naval 
stores and wood products. 

Biochemical research reveals the 
course of formation of the resin-yielding 
compounds in the tree; microscopic 
research seeks to identify and trace the 
occurrence of these mother substances 
in the cells of the wood and of the 
phloem, orinner bark. Progressin both 
lines of investigation encourages the 
hope that high-yielding strains may be 
further developed in oleoresin-producing 
tree species. 

ee eee 



Wubstance must ultimately determine 
its possibilities as well as its limitations 
in use. The chemical composition of 
wood, the arrangement of the constit- 
uent parts in the wood cells, and the 
variation of all such characteristics 
according to species and growth con- 
ditions are investigated for the aid and 
insight they afford in all fields of wood 
research—in silvicultural control of the 
material and its properties, in its selec- 
tion, its seasoning and handling, its 
impregnation with preservatives, its use 
in construction, and its conversion into 
pulp and derivative products of all 


All wood is composed of cells, and 
visible under higher magnifications are 
smaller structural units. These sub- 
divisions are being carefully explored. 
The cell walls are made up of concentric 
layers, which in turn are composed of 
fibrils arranged spirally. The fibrils 
are the smallest units that become 
evident through any simple mechanical 
disintegration, but by careful chemical 
treatment they themselves may be 
subdivided into spindle-shaped fusi- 
form bodies and the latter into minute 
spherical units. The spherical unit— 
oe: ultimate visible component of 

he cell wall—is about one hundred- 
thousandth of an inch in diameter, and 
beyond it the microscope cannot pene- 
trate. It is possible, however, by indi- 
rect methods using the ultracentrifuge 


and the X-ray, to determine the 
approximate size and arrangement of 
submicroscopic units. 

To the chemist, wood is a storehouse 
of raw materials only partially devel- 

Top, Cross section of wood, magnified; cen- 
ter, cellulose fibers of wood, with lignin re- 
moved; bottom, lignin structure of 
wood, cellulose removed. 

M—2968, M—2960, M—9401—F 

oped. It may be analyzed, broadly, as 
cellulose and lignin, with extractives or 
infiltrated substances such as resins, 
gums, tannins, waxes, or the like present 
to a greater or less extent. 


Cellulose, the most abundant con- 
stituent of wood, is also the best known 
and the most extensively developed in 
commercial processes. It includes the 
cottonlike substance of the fiber, which 
is the basis of refined paper pulps and 

M-—8534-F, M-—7931—F 

Wood fiber structure: Top, Concentric layers 

of the cell wall; bottom, ‘‘sleeve’ 
revealed by endwise slippage. 


the modern family of products includa- 
ing rayon, lacquers, cellophane, photo- 
eraphic films, gunpowder, and a long 
list of nitrate and acetate plastics. 
This cellulose, although closely related 
to the simple sugar, glucose, is because 
of its complex molecular structur 
extremely stable. It is known to exist’ 
principally in the fibrils of the cell 
wall, but there is associated with it a 
less stable group of materials amount- 
ing to almost 40 percent of the total 
carbohydrate content of the wood and 
containing pentose sugars and uronic 

M-—10296—-F (B6), M—10330—-F (F1) 

Wood fiber structure: Top, Filamentlike 
winding on outer wall of fiber; bottom, the 
filament removed, showing convolutions. 


acids. The Laboratory’s studies aim 
at characterizing the less stable bodies 
accurately and devising treatments that 
will include them in useful products 
along with the stable cellulose. Special 
possibilities in cellulose conversion are 

ffered by hydrolysis and fermentation 

“with yeasts or bacteria, which the 

Laboratory has already successfully 
used in the production of industrial 
alcohol, acetic acid, and lactic acid from 


Next to cellulose, the greatest bulk 
constituent of wood is lignin, the 
material that surrounds the cellulose 
fibers and forms a continuous matrix 
or honeycomb throughout the wood. 
Lignin has always been considered a 
waste in the pulping process and as such 
is discarded. Its use is limited by the 
fact that its chemical character and 
relationships have never been clearly 
determined. The attack on this chem- 
ical problem is gradually overcoming 
obstacles. Special treatments are pro- 
ducing lignin apparently free from 
degradation products of the cellulose 
and showing a recognizable chemical 
structure; characteristics of hardwood 
and softwood lignins are being more 
sharply differentiated; and increasing 
knowledge of the material indicates 
possibilities of its conversion into useful 

Conversion products 

Vast increases of forest market values 
await the greater development of useful 
products from wood waste. The best 
opportunities in this direction seem to 
be offered by the hydrolysis, condensa- 
tion, and fermentation processes and 

the development of special pulp prod- 
ucts and wood plastics. The fact that 
the cell-wall substances of wood are 
readily convertible into sugars has led 
to the experimental processing of saw- 
dust as an ingredient of cattle feed. As 
a further example of the utilization of 
waste wood, a molding powder of true 
plastic propertiesis being developed from 
sawdust, in which the condensing and 

Top, Wood fibers resolved into their compo- 
nent fibrils; center, the fibril subdivided into 
fusiform bodies; bottom, spherical units of 
cellulose, the smallest components of the 
fiber substance visible under the microscope. 

M-8617—-F, M-—9053-F, M-—15639—F 

Equipment of industrial type for chemical 
wood conversion. 


Lignin comprises approximately one-fourth 
the weight of wood. A waste material at 
present, its utilization depends on a better 
understanding of its composition and 

chemical relationships. 


By simple chemical means sawdust is 

changed into a molding compound that 

can be formed into sheets or shaped articles 
under heat and pressure. 


A specimen of wood plastic coming @ 
from the mold. 

adhesive properties of lignin appear to 
be the formative agency. By pressing 
the processed sawdust under heat, a 
sheet material is formed that offers wide 
possibilities of use as floor tile, wall- 
board, switchboard panels, and a vari- 
ety of other products, at a cost per 
square foot estimated to be equivalent 
to the general price level of lumber. 

Antishrink treatments 

Marked improvements in wood utili- 
zation will be possible if practical treat- 
ments can be perfected, independent of 
or supplementary to seasoning, that 
will eliminate its tendency to shrink or 
swell with changes in moisture condi- 
tions. The results of such processing 
can easily be foreseen in broader and 
more secure markets for wood, espe- 
cially in its finer and more exacting 
uses, as in brush backs, cabinet work, 
sporting equipment, shoe lasts, and the 
like. Recent chemical investigations 
indicate that the desired nonshrinking 
quality can be secured by the formation 
and deposit of synthetic resin com- 
pounds within the wood substance, so 
that its subeapillary structure is per- 
manently bonded with a water-resistant 
ing with the aim of determining minimal 
amounts of materials required for this 
purpose, and otherwise cheapening the 
treating process. 

Further research is proceed-* 


SIXTY PERCENT OR MORE of the Nation’s 
awed timber production is used in 
building and housing. The foundation 
of proper and efficient use of wood for 
construction purposes is accurate knowl- 
edge of its mechanical properties—its 
strength in tension, bending, compres- 
sion, and shear, its toughness, rigidity, 
and other qualities that determine its 
resistance to all kinds of stresses. In 
these respects, asin others, wood was for 
long the ‘unknown material.’ Vari- 
able factors of species and growth were 
not accurately accounted for in strength 

determinations, and the rough esti- 
mates and traditional practices of the 
past have led to wasteful and unsatis- 
factory use of untold millions of feet of 

Strength tests 

To supply dependable data, it was 
first necessary for the Laboratory to 
devise proper mechanical and statistical 
methods for evaluating strength prop- 
erties and then to proceed with a long 
and laborious testing program. The 

Data from mechanical tests of wood set standards for selection, grading, 
and engineering design. 



general result of this work, extending 
over many years, has been to place wood 
on a technical footing with other 
modern engineering materials. Hun- 
dreds of thousands of tests have 
defined and differentiated the various 
kinds of strength of more than 160 
wood species, including all the more 
important woods produced for the 
Nation’s markets. Both the methods 
and the results of this research have 
been adopted as standard by engineer- 
ing authorities in the United States and 
abroad. The data provide a funda- 
mental basis for design, for selection of 
species for particular uses, and for find- 

Modern metal connectors act as dowels or 
keys in the construction of strong 

timber joints. 


ing servicable substitutes for the scarcer 
and higher-priced woods. Many minor 
species remain to be investigated, and 
problems of the strength of second- 
erowth material are assuming larger 
importance with the changing character 

of the American timber stand. ry 

Structural investigations 

On the foundation of reliable strength 
values for the principal species, Labora- 
tory research is able to deal effectively 
with problems of wood structures and 
structural parts, in which the form, size, 
and condition of members must be 
taken into account. Tests of full-sized 
timbers have demonstrated in quantita- 
tive fashion the influence of common 
defects, such as knots and checks, on 
strength, with the result that structural 
designers have been supplied with more 
efficient working-stress values, building 
codes are being modernized, and timbers 
are bought and sold on the basis of 
strength grades, by which they can be 
rationally and economically selected for 
their intended loadings. The value of 
the Laboratory’s contributions to struc- 
tural practice is further illustrated by 
the development of a special formula for 
wood-column design, which has re- 
placed the less accurate ones formerly 
in wide use, and by the discovery of a 
new engineering principle applying to 
beams under shear loading, by which 
large savings of material are made 
through the improved design of railway- 
and highway-bridge stringers and other 
large members. 

Joints and fastenings @ 

Since the joints of a structure are 
usually its critical points, the strength 
of the fastenings used in wood is fully 
equal in engineering importance to the 

A timber radio tower 326 feet high, framed with modern connectors. 

strength of wood itself. Investigations 
of the common timber fastenings afford 
detailed data on the holding power of 
nails, screws, and spikes driven in 
various kinds of wood and at different 
angles to the grain. Tests of bolted 
joints also cover a wide range and have 
removed a large factor of uncertainty 
and hazard from timbered construction. 
A new field of engineering construction 
has been opened by the investigation 
of modern plate and ring connectors 
that act as dowels or keys in wood 
framing. By means of these connec- 
tors new types of large timber struc- 
tures are coming into being throughout 
the country, including long-span high- 
way bridges, radio and lookout towers, 
oil-field equipment, and public buildings. 

Ob. cfabricated housing 

The provision of easily erected, eco- 
nomical, and comfortable homes for 
families of small means is one of the 

most urgent needs of our economic era, 
and the development of more efficient 
use of wood for this purpose presents a 
broad responsibility for research. An 
intensive study of prefabricated housing 
is In progress, centering on structural 
problems and extending into related 
fields of investigation, such as season- 
ing, moisture control, painting, and fire 
resistance. A complete house of ply- 
wood unit panels has been worked out 
and demonstrated. Structural systems 
and accessory features are being devel- 
oped for house prefabrication with lum- 
ber as well as sheet materials, with a 
view to speed of erection, durability, 
and comfort at minimum cost to the 

Laminated construction 

The modern era of wood construc- 
tion looks forward to new forms, new 
methods, and new standards of service, 
while changes in the forest stand neces- 


sitate more efficient use of material 
from smaller trees. These conditions 
give constantly increasing importance 
to Laboratory investigations and tests 
of laminated and plywood construction 
in all its phases, from simple veneer 
samples to built-up wall and floor sec“ 
tions and laminated wood arches sub-™ — 
jected to loadings of thousands of 
pounds. Tests are made to determine 
the strength of plywood of different 
combinations of species, the effect of 
increasing the number of plies, of vary- 
ing the ratio of core thickness to total 
panel thickness, and of joining with 
various kinds of glues. Possibilities of 
spliced, laminated, and composite con- 
struction of beams, panels, columns, 
and arches built up by both nailing and 
gluing are under investigation with a 
MpeolbeEe view to increasing the economy of wood 
Testing the strength of a glued laminated construction through the utilization of 
wood arch. small pieces and material of low grades. 
New types of construction embodying 
these principles are demonstrated, such 

Development of wood prefabricated house 

ae Sica oar as the utility building of plywood 
Nene e ee ln aneees supported by glued arches, now under- 
a 7 going service tests on the Laboratory 


Shipping containers 

An essential service performed by 
wood in commerce and daily life is in 
the form of containers for commodity 
shipments. The work of the Labora- 
tory in improving the strength and 
serviceability of boxes and crates has 
promoted the more efficient utilization 
of billions of board feet of lumber, and 
has led to savings to the consuming k 
public, in freight handling charges, ~~ 
losses, and damage to goods, amounting 
to millions of dollars a year. 

It is frequently possible to redesign 
a container so as to reduce the amount 

of material required, to save shipping 
weight and warehouse space, and at the 
same time to make it stronger and safer. 
The principal American wood species 
have been classified for box making, 
box designs have been standardized and 
pecifications prepared for the proper 

SMhumber, size, and spacing of nails. 

Through the cooperation of railway 
companies, box makers, and shippers, 
the Laboratory’s findings and recom- 
mendations are widely used. 

Container investigations are carried 
on with the aid of special equipment, 
including dummy loading materials and 
testing machinery which subjects pack- 
ages to repeated shocks and vibrations 
such as they would receive in transit. 
In addition to studies of the design and 
fabrication of wooden, veneered, and 
composite containers and the improve- 
ment of commercial specifications, the 
work has been extended to the broad 
field of fiberboard containers, in which 
increasing quantities of wood are being 
used in the form of pulp. The investi- 
gation includes strength tests of the 
component papers, the formation of 
commercial and experimental types of 

Revolving drum for testing boxes and crates. 

boards, and the production and test- 
ing of finished boxes, with the purpose 
of bringing to this important class of 
containers the engineering principles and 
methods that are so largely improving 
the service of wooden containers. 

Equipment for corrugating and gluing fiber container board. 



Woop IN NATURE is a material com- 
bined with one-third to two and a half 
times its weight of water; a freshly cut 
log 16 feet long and 18 inches in diam- 
eter may have a liquid content of more 
than 100 gallons. 

For most uses of wood it is imperative 
that the greater part of this water be 
removed, a requirement that gives rise 
to the complex problems of seasoning. 
When wood dries, it shrinks. The 
amount of shrinkage is different in 
different directions in the piece, and 
the result of uncontrolled drying 1s more 
or less severe damage by checking, 

Three of the Laboratory’s dry kilns for 


splitting, and change of shape. Unsuc- 

cessful seasoning is the cause of theg 

nonuse of many wood species and tre- 
mendous losses of material of other 
species, and is aprolific source of difficul- 
ties and dissatisfaction with wood in 
service. To improve this. situation 
through adequate control of seasoning 
operations is a major task of scientific 


Seasoning in the open air may be 
termed the natural method of wood 

experimental seasoning of lumber. 


drying, and under proper safeguards it 
remains the most economical method 
for many hardwoods and the bulk of 
lower grades of softwoods. Long series 
of tests have shown the common sources 
of loss and damage in this field and 

! eans of bringing them under control. 
~ Important factors determined are prop- 

er exposure of the pile with respect to 
sun and wind, proper spacing of lumber 
at different stages of drying, adequate 
support to prevent warping and bend- 
ing, and measures to prevent stain and 
decay, including elevated pile founda- 
tions and proper yard drainage. 


The development of the lumber dry 
kiln arose from the need of speeding up 

the seasoning process. Very generally, 
however, its use has been attended with 
serious problems and variable results, 
owing to the lack of precise technique. 
The Laboratory’s kiln-seasoning in- 
vestigations are centered on underlying 
physical principles, together with the 
development of apparatus and methods 
to perform the drying efficiently. A 
number of completely equipped experi- 
mental dry kilns with accurate control 
of temperature, humidity, and air cir- 
culation are in constant use to test every 
desired variation of conditions in the 
seasoning of sample lots of lumber. 
Substantial accomplishments are 
shown as a result of the work thus far. 
Practical methods have been developed 
for seasoning the principal commercial 
hardwoods and softwoods, many of 

Wood samples are removed and weighed to determine moisture conditions in walls. 



which were previously considered in- 
capable of being kiln-dried from the 
green condition. The engineering de- 
sign of dry kilns has been radically 
improved. More than 5,000 commer- 
cial kilns embodying principles devel- 
oped at the Laboratory are in opera- 
tion, and new installations so designed 
by far outnumber all other types. 

It is estimated that improvements 
in kiln seasoning resulting from the 
Laboratory’s research are already sav- 
ing American wood users more than 
$10,000,000 annually, and even larger 
savings are possible as the findings are 
more widely applied. Further investi- 
gations are under way toward the adap- 
tation of kiln practice to many difficult 
species and to special sizes, including 
precut dimension stock. Work has 
begun on a broad program of research 
to correlate the more severe conditions 
of drying with their effects on wood 
quality, with the aim of setting up 
higher ranges of speed for the safe kiln 
seasoning of all species. 

A necessary supplement to seasoning 
research is the improvement of methods 

of lumber storage and handling. All 
the care expended in the original drying 
may be wasted because of reabsorption 
of moisture by the stock while in 
transit or awaiting sale. Studies of 
this problem are pointing the way to 
better protection of lumber at all stages. 
from the mill yard to the finished™ 
structure. Special attention is being 
given to control of moisture content of 
lumber in closed sheds. 

Chemical seasoning 

The steeping of wood in a salt solu- 
tion preliminary to drying in the kiln 
or in the yard offers a new approach to 
the most difficult seasoning problems. 
The treatment brings about a state of 
moisture equilibrium in which the wood 
dries from the center outward, reversing 
the usual direction, and in the final dry 
condition the salts absorbed act in some 
way to hold the wood against shrinkage 
and change of shape. By this method 
large timbers have been dried practi- 
cally without checking—a result never 
before attained—and wood of several 

Salt treatments offer new means of seasoning the most difficult wood species. 

of the most refractory species has been 
seasoned rapidly and with little dam- 
age. Further work is being done to 
perfect the process, which holds among 
its possibilities the release of millions 
of feet of little-used hardwoods for 
@batisfactory service. 

Moisture control 

By whatever means it is accom- 
plished, the seasoning process has one 
main purpose—to fit wood for the mois- 
ture conditions it will meet in service. 
Research is contributing to this end in 
many ways. Instruments for the quick 
determination of wood-moisture con- 
tent have been developed and are now 
manufactured and sold commercially. 
By extensive field tests the principal 
wood-moisture climates of the United 
States have been charted as a guide to 
seasoning for different regions. Defi- 
nite moisture tolerances are thus deter- 
mined for lumber according to localities 
and uses and are finding an increasing 
place in commercial specifications. 

The modern development of air- 
conditioning systems for homes and 
other buildings is introducing serious 
winter problems of moisture transfu- 
sion, sweating, and ice formation in 
walls. A thorough investigation has 
been undertaken to determine the rate 


Results of salt seasoning of swamp oak. 

Upper group, salt seasoned; lower, speci- 

mens from the same planks seasoned by 
erdinary, methods. 

of moisture movement in wood wall 
panels of different types at various 
temperatures and humidities and the 
effectiveness of sheet barrier materials 
in bringing it under control. 



SURFACE or impregnation treatments of 
wood to protect it or to increase its 
service value in other ways are a com- 
mon necessity and have been practiced, 
with varying success, from the earlest 
times. With the increasing volume 
and diversity of wood uses in the mod- 
ern era, the aid of research in examin- 
ing, improving, and developing all 
kinds of treating processes has become 
increasingly important. 

Protection against decay 

Decay is by far the greatest destroyer 
of wood in service. Practical methods 
of preventing it mean large money sav- 
ings to wood users, more lasting and 
satisfactory wood structures and utili- 
ties, and the curbing of a heavy drain 
on forest resources. The effectiveness 
and relative cost of coal-tar creosote, 
zine chloride, mercury salts, and many 
other preservatives in protecting wood 
against decay, insects, and other de- 
structive organism are studied in experi- 
mental treatments and field tests of 
great numbers of treated specimens, 
including railway ties, piling, poles, 
posts, and building timber. Research in 
impregnation processes is leading the 
way to better treating methods and 
greater certainty of long-service life of 
wood at lower cost. These studies are 
of additional benefit in extending pre- 
servative treatment to wood species 
not before successfully treated. 

Simple and inexpensive preservative 
processes for fence posts and structural 
timber on the farm have been devised 


and are being further developed for use. 
with various woods and new an 
cheaper preservatives. Large numbers 
of inquiries are received annually re- 
garding the relative value of wood- 
treating chemicals and methods. Au- 
thoritative and impartial information 
in such cases is bringing substantial 
savings to thousands of wood users. 

Fireproofing tests 

Fireproofing investigations stand high 
in potential importance. If by the 


= SSeS \ 


The effectiveness of wood-preservative ma- 
terials is determined by impregnation 

addition of chemicals the combustion 
of wood can be materially retarded, the 
danger of spread of fire in and by 
wooden structures can be largely de- 
creased. Laboratory research in this 
field extends over a wide range of chem- 

ical treatments and types of fire-resis- 
6... construction. ‘Treated wood speci- 
mens are tested in specially designed 
combustion apparatus.  Full-sized 


In fireproofing investigations full-sized house 
parts are subjected to test in a panel furnace. 

house parts are subjected to flame test 
in a separate building equipped with a 
panel furnace having 67 large gas 
burners. Although highly effective fire- 
proofing treatments are now available, 
they are too expensive for general con- 
struction purposes. The objective of 
research is to reduce costs and to bring 

the benefits of fire-retardant wood 

within reach of the average home 

Painting and 


The Laboratory is making definite 
contributions toward more lasting and 
satisfactory service of paints and other 
coatings used on wood. The relative 
efficiency of large numbers of moisture 
retardants and varnishes has been deter- 
mined. Exposure tests of painted 
panels in many locations have demon- 
strated the relative paint-holding power 
of the principal commercial wood 
species. Useful discoveries have been 
made in methods of applying paint to 
wood and the choice of priming mate- 

Examination of numerous failures in 
the repainting of houses shows, how- 
ever, that the life of a coating cannot be 
wholly predicted from the immediate 
conditions of appheation, but that the 
service given depends on a proper or 
improper combination of the new paint 
with coats that have preceded it. 
his tact, pots to the jmeeds of- a 
thoroughgoing classification of house 
paints according to the long-time 
maintenance programs of home owners. 
The work of classification, recently 
begun, involves a wide range of chem1- 
eal research and service tests. The 
findings already indicate that by a 
proper distinction of paint types the 


complexity of present paint markets 
may be greatly simplified, with result- 
ing benefits to the user in lower costs 
and better service. 


Gluing is a process as old as the wood 
working art, and in the era of composite 
and laminated construction that is now 
beginning its importance is destined to 
increase. Many problems of wood 
gluing have been solved by Laboratory 
research. Effects of the many varia- 
bles involved in gluing—temperature, 
glue consistency, kind of wood, kind of 
glue, thickness of spread, time of 



Protective efficiency of paints on wood is 
studied by exposure of panels. 

~ SK 



spreading, time in press—have been 
isolated and evaluated, and the result 
is that by proper observance of these 
factors all commercial woods can today 
be glued with animal, vegetable, blood, 
or casein glue in joints that are stronger 
than the wood itself. Woodworking 
@raustries are applying the findings of 
research, with corresponding benefit 
to users, in better products, more eco- 
nomical service, and reduced waste of 

Problems of far-reaching importance 
that remain for investigation pertain 
to the permanent water resistance of 
elue joints and to fundamental improve- 
ments in the nature of adhesives. 
Glues that contain no water are being 
developed. The active aid of research 
is needed to make them cheaper, better, 
and more generally adaptable. 

Veneer and plywood 

Plywood is sheet material made by 
gluing together thicknesses of veneer 
with the grain of successive layers at 
right angles. Present-day utilization 
trends point to increasing importance 
of plywood in construction and fabri- 
cation. Factors in its favor are its 
strength, the uniformity of its prop- 
erties, and the large lightweight units 
in which it can be produced. There is 
need for a more exact determination of 
the properties of plywood as they are 
affected by the kind, quality, and 



Mechanical spreading of glue. 

_dimensions of veneer, the number of 

plies, gluing and pressing technique, 
and other manufacturing variables. 
A comprehensive investigation of these 
problems is under way. The sheet 
material is obtained from the log in the 
Laboratory’s veneer-cutting plant. The 
veneer is glued up into plywoods of 
various types and thicknesses, which are 
tested singly and in structural combina- 
tions. The tests include determina- 
tions of strength, resistance to weather- 
ing, and moisture and heat diffusion, 
as well as the effectiveness of different 
glues and gluing methods used in mak- 
ing the plywood. 



and wood products caused by fungus 
infection are conducted at the Labora- 
tory by the Division of Forest Path- 
ology, Bureau of Plant Industry, United 
States Department of Agriculture, in 
correlation with other Laboratory 

Wood-destroying fungi 

The effects of wood-destroying fungi 
upon the structure and service life of 
wood are examined, and temperature 
and moisture conditions favorable and 
unfavorable to fungus growth are de- 
termined. The causes of decay in 
buildings and wood products are in- 
vestigated. Rules of construction for 
the avoidance of decay have been de- 
veloped, with consequent large savings 
to thousands of home owners. 

Toxicity of preservatives 

The toxicity or fungicide value of 
wood-preservative chemicals is deter- 
mined by their effects on typical wood- 
destroying and staining fungi grown 

A blue-stain fungus in wood (magnified). 


in pure cultures. The adaptation of 
various chemicals to mechanical or 
hand-dipping treatments of freshly 

sawed lumber is a phase of the study j 

having wide commercial application in 
the prevention of sap stain during air 

Yard sanitation 

Heavy losses to users occur as a 
result of the storage of wood under 
improper conditions of drainage, ven- 
tilation, and exposure. Studies and 
recommendations are made, in coopera- 
tion with other divisions of the Lab- 
oratory, for improving storage of gen- 
eral lumber stocks at sawmills and 
retail yards and for the better storage 
of pulpwood and pulp, box lumber, 
veneers, staves, vehicle parts, and 
other wood products. 


A decay fungus in wood (magnified). 


THe puRPOSE of the Laboratory’s 
pulp and paper investigations is_ to 

increase possibilities of economical pro- 
oe... higher yield, and better pulp 
quality from our native woods, in- 
cluding those now little used or unused. 
Millions of tons of pulp and paper are 
imported annually into the United 
States from abroad to supplement 
waning supplies of eastern spruce, 
balsam fir, and hemlock, which have 
heretofore been the mainstay of the 
domestic industry; meanwhile, other 
American woods are being wastefully 
used or neglected which, if adapted to 
pulping purposes, could supply our 
present paper requirements several 
times over. Alteration of these con- 
ditions would mean better returns to 
forest management through the utiliza- 
tion of small trees and_ thinnings, 
profitable yields from lands now idle, 
and employment and wages for thou- 
sands of workers. 

The need of a broad and dependable 
domestic basis of pulp supply seems 
destined to become more and more 
urgent as time goes on. The utiliza- 
tion of pulp products in the United 
States reached 13 million tons in 1929. 
Despite a temporary recession it is 
again on the increase, with a prospective 
annual consumption of 25 million tons 
within this century. The develop- 
ment of new paper commodities and 
pulp conversion products such as rayon 
ae cellopahne is mounting in volume 

and variety. Meanwhile, world con- 
sumption of pulp is also increasing 
with changing habits and standards 
of literacy in many countries abroad, 
and it is entirely possible that, as 

American requirements approach a 
maximum, cheap and abundant pulp 
imports such as we enjoy at present 
may no longer be forthcoming. 

These considerations emphasize the 
importance of better and more adequate 
utilization of our own pulpwood re- 
sources. Toward its accomplishment 
the Laboratory has mobilized a varied 
research attack. 

Additional species 
for pulping 

By systematic pulping tests the 
Laboratory determines basic data for 

Wood is reduced to pulping size by use of a 
mechanical chipper. 


American woods as regards their adap- 
tability to standard pulp-manufactur- 
ing processes, their yields, chemical 
consumption, bleaching characteristics, 
and other factors of production. Ap- 
plying and amplifying the results, 
present studies are centered on the 
development of useful pulps from 
important species and regional groups. 
In the Northeastern and Lake States 
the stands of second-growth hard- 
woods—maple, birch, beech, and aspen 
—that have sprung up in the wake of 
logging offer possibilities as a sup- 
plementary source of pulpwood. Ex- 
periments with these woods are being 


Pulping experiments over a wide range of 

chemical concentrations and pressures are 

made possible by use of a chrome-nickel 
lined digester. 


carried forward. It has been shown 
that in the grinding of hardwoods a 
proper dressing of the stone surface 
will pulp the wood with minimum 
destruction of fiber length, and also 
that if the high pentosan content of 
these species is retained in chemical 
pulps, much stronger papers can b 
produced from them than had been 
thought possible. Studies of aspen 
pulping have been especially helpful 
in increasing paper production from a 
prolific species that at present has few 

The Laboratory has devoted special 
attention to the production of news- 
print from southern woods. Because 
of the large tonnage of newsprint 
consumed by the United States and 
the fact that much of this is imported 
from abroad, the possibilities of devel- 
oping a domestic source of supply, 
particularly from the plentiful southern 
species, has commanded increasing 
interest. However, certain disadvan- 
tages such as poor color and high resin 
content in the pines, particularly the 
older stands, in contrast with the 
eminently suitable properties and cheap- 
ness of northern spruce have retarded 
any realistic development of a news- 
print industry in the South, although 
experimental sulphite and ground-wood 
pulps of newsprint grade were produced 
at the Laboratory more than 20 years 

Increasing costliness of spruce and 
balsam, combined with the fact that 
the young second-growth pine is fairly 
free from heartwood and relatively low 
in resin, has tended to renew research 
efforts in newsprint production and 
experiments at the Laboratory and 
elsewhere. By selecting young pine 
trees of limited heartwood and resin 
content, newsprint-grade papers have 


been produced on a laboratory and 
semicommercial basis from combina- 
tions of sulphite and ground-wood 
pulps, such as are normally used by 
the industry in manufacturing this 
type of paper. 

Since production of newsprint by 
his method requires specially selected 
wood, which is an added cost and leaves 
much heart-bearing cull wood to be 
disposed of, the Laboratory has devel- 
oped the use of semibleached sulphate 
pulp as a substitute for the sulphite, 
and has proved the effectiveness of this 
procedure by extended tests. The 
alkaline sulphate process readily re- 
duces heartwood, does not require 
light-colored wood, and practically elim- 
inates the possibility of pitch diffi- 
culties. The currently proposed news- 
print developments in the South are in 
practically all cases tending toward this 
latter method of conversion. 

The Laboratory has not only pro- 
duced newsprint from various com- 
binations of pine but has also used 
mixtures of pine with such southern 
hardwoods as gum. These develop- 
ments offer possibilities for use of the 
southern hardwoods and for minimizing 
pitch troubles should these arise in 
mill operations. 

In the forests of the Pacific North- 
west, the Nation has other great 
supplies of actual and potential pulp- 
woods. Enough Douglas fir is left on 
the ground as logging waste each year 
to duplicate almost our entire pulp 
output from domestic sources—if 
Douglas fir can be adapted to diversi- 

ed pulp production. The Laboratory 
is working to secure this result by 
special modifications of the sulphate 
and other processes. Experimental 
papers of good quality and strength 
have been obtained. Pulping experi- 

On the way to the paper machine the pulp, 
after bleaching, is further refined 
in the beater. 

ments also with western larch, white 
fir, red cedar, Sitka spruce, and other 
western species are returning a promis- 
ing variety of book, writing, wrapping, 
and newsprint papers. 

Improvement of 
pulping processes 

As urgently needed as the extension 
of pulping to new species is the pro- 
eressive improvement of pulping opera- 
tions, looking to the more efficient 
utilization of woods of all species. 
Studies of chemical pulping are carried 
on constantly and are showing the way 
to substantial increases of yields and 
improvement of pulp quality. Appli- 
cation of the findings is resulting in 
more satisfactory and economical pro- 
duction through a proper balance of 


the factors of time, temperature, and 
concentration of chemicals in cooking. 
Research in wood grinding is likewise 
establishing useful principles of control 
which are having a wide effect in im- 
proved quality of pulp and lower power 
consumption; an extended program o 
grinding studies is in progress with m 
and complete equipment. 

A special contribution of the Labora- 
tory to the procurement of high yields 
from the standard and less-used pulping 
species is the development of the so- 
called semichemical processes. Where- 
as the usual chemical methods return 
only 40 to 50 percent of the wood as 
useful fiber, the new processes return 
from 55 to 80 percent. In one of them 
neutral chemicals are used, in another 
acid sulphite liquors, and in a third al- 
kaline reagents. In each process the 
pulping of the partially cooked wood is 
completed in a rod mill or other disin- 
tegrating device. An interesting appli- 
cation is the conversion of extracted 
chestnut chips into container board, 
now proceeding commercially on a large 

The use of a soda or ammonia base 
for sulphite pulping offers a distinct 
advantage over the use of the customary 
lime base, in that the liquors can be 
effectively applied in cooking not only 
the common pulpwood species but also 
the more resinous woods not now reduci- 
ble by the sulphite process. The Labor- 
atory is advancing the technique of the 
new method, by means of which much 
additional raw material for white papers 
may be made available to both north- 
ern and southern mills. Yurthomo@ 


The tensile test—one cf many tests used in 
evaluating paper quality. 


An experimental Fourdrinier machine, with 
press and drier rolls and calender, trans- 
forms the pulp into finished paper. Oper- 
ating elements are under precise control. 


definite progress is being made in the 
development of a recovery system to 
return the used chemicals cheaply. This 
step is necessary to the general adopt- 
tion of the new bases. Its successful 
accomplishment will be of immense pub- 
r benefit by making possible the elimi- 

nation of sulphite waste-liquor dis- 
charges, which at present are a major 
source of stream pollution. 

Pulp refinement 
and paper making 

The utility of a given wood species 
for paper production is not determined 
by its pulping behavior alone but by 

the possibilities of adapting the pulp 
to the varied requirements of paper 
making. Laboratory research is there- 
fore intimately concerned with all the 
other manipulations involved—bleach- 
ing, beating, refining, paper-machine 
operations, and finally the testing of the 
finished product and the salvaging of 
waste fiber and chemicals. Many tasks 
lie ahead, as for instance the correla- 
tion of fiber properties with intensity 
of beating, the improvement of multi- 
stage bleaching processes, and the analy- 
sis of some 30 machine variables in 
relation to the strength, finish, inking 
quality, glare, and moisture resistance 
of the finished paper. 


ALL THE INFORMATION that the Forest 
Products Laboratory has gained through 
years of research is available to the 
public. Every year thousands of in- 
quiries are answered by letter and 
problems are discussed with those who 
come to the Laboratory seeking advice 
on problems of wood utilization. 

In cases where the problem presented 
is of such scope and difficulty as to 
warrant a cooperative research project, 
the work will be undertaken if consistent 
with the Laboratory’s public objectives 
and subject to advance agreement as to 

ethods and payment of costs. The 
Laboratory’s guiding purpose in such 

studies is to secure facts that will pro- 
mote the best use of wood. A pamphlet 
explaining the cooperative service more 
fully is obtainable on request. 

Laboratory publications are available 
covering the main findings of its re- 
search work, and classified mailing lists 
are maintained for the distribution of 
current information in different fields 
of wood use. General visitors are con- 
ducted through the Laboratory at 
regular hours. 

Inquiries should be addressed to the 
Director, Forest Products Laboratory, 
Madison, Wis. 

