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iF “Ohh aa 

The Fossil 
Fields of 
W yoming 

Reports by Members 
of the 

Union Pacific Expedition 



Copyrighted for 
Union Paciric RaILrroaD CoMPANY 
Omaha, Neb., 
1900. , 

Was. C087, 208L | 
wa | 


The fossil fields of Wyoming are widely known in this 
country among the students of paleontology, and their peculiar 
value to scientists has been established for many years. The 
general characteristics of this region, its contour and formation, 
fauna and flora, and the particulars of the different strata found 
there have been given the public by many men eminent in their 
profession. Professor Marsh of Yale many years ago recorded 
the results of his researches, and F. V. Hayden, Clarence King 
of the U. S. Geological Survey, Arnold Hague, J. J. Stevenson, 
Marvin and Endlich, and others, have described the country 
in detail. 

In July, 1899, the passenger department of the Union 
Pacific Railroad sought to revive interest in the further explora- 
tion of this wonderful field, and to that end invited a number 
of scientific men to visit that part of Wyoming and make per- 
sonal investigation of the field. They went as guests of the 
Union Pacific and were escorted by an official of the company. 

Several of these gentlemen recorded their impressions and 
experiences, and in some instances embodied in their review a 
a critical and comprehensive account of their findings which 
form a valuable contribution to science; and it has been thought 
proper to make these papers public on account of their intrinsic 
worth and interest. 

At the time this expedition, or excursion, was made it 
was given full prominence in elaborate newspaper articles 
and in magazine reviews, and this seemed then to meet all re- 
quirements. But, more recently, inquiries have constantly been 
received asking for fuller and more detailed information if it 
was attainable. It is to meet this demand that these personal 
statements by members of the excursion are published. 

Passenger Department 

Omaha, 1909. 

BLBL Ul “OAAA ‘OWOD }B PUNO} SNinesoBays jo UO!}EIO}sSAYy 


HE first great fossil expedition in Wyoming was 
conducted in the summer of 1870 in what is now 
known as the Bridger Basin, near Fort Bridger. 
An immense amount of material was found at 

that time by Professor O. C. Marsh and his expedition. He 

obtained concessions from the Government and had an escort 
of two companies of United States soldiers. The material 

particularly searched for and found at that time was the bones 
of the early horses, the ancestors of the modern horse. 

In the lowest horizon of the Tertiary, at the foot of the 
Wasatch Mountains, was found a three and a four-toed horse. 
Above, in a later age, were found the bones of the toes draw- 
ing up, leaving one central toe. Many examples of this were 
found; and, as the Professor worked toward the upper Pliocene 
Tertiary, he found the horse as he is to-day with the exception 
of the size. The earliest of the horses, the three and four toed, 
were about as large as a fox. Several thousand feet higher in 
the upper Tertiary the horse had taken his form of to-day, but 
the size was not much increased; he was still small, a little larger 
than a fox. In searching for these bones of horses in which 
Professor Marsh was paiticularly interested, the bones of many 
other mammals were found, particularly camels, cats, dogs, bea- 
vers, and deer. These bones were all carefully taken up and 
shipped to the Yale Museum from Carter Station, on the Union 
Pacific. Several similar expeditions were sent into this field in 
the years from 1870 to 1877, and many wonderful discoveries 
were made. Still other expeditions going into this field in later 


times found something new to science; and | consider the field 
still exceedingly rich in this material, to anyone who wishes 
to investigate such things. 

On March 7, 1877, I found, one and one-half miles 
from Como Station, on the Union Pacific, the bones of some 
dinosaurs. These were the first found in the Rocky Moun- 
tain region. 1 commenced work on this material on the date of 
discovery and shipped one ton of these bones to Professor Marsh 
in the month of June the same year. Then Professor 
Marsh sent out Dr. S. W. Williston, now in the University of 
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, to look after the work for a short time. 
Dr. Williston and myself worked in this quarry about one year 
and took a good portion of three skeletons out of it. About 
this time Professor E. D. Cope of Pennsylvania put a party into 
the field and there was much competition between the 
Cope and Marsh parties for several years. Many valuable 
discoveries and a great addition to scientific information resulted. 
This material, collected from 1877 to 1888, was divided 
between the Smithsonian Institution, at Washington, and Yale 
Museum. Professor Cope’s collection was shipped to Phila- 
delphia where he investigated and made some valuable restora- 
tions. After his death the collection was sold to the American 
Museum, Natural History, New York, and is among its 
mort valuable possessions to-day. Since 1888 the American 
Museum, the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg, the Field Colum- 
bian Museum at Chicago, Harvard University, and Princeton 
University have had parties in this region nearly every year 
and an immense amount of fossils has been discovered and 
shipped to the different institutions. 

Wyoming University commenced in 1895 to collect material 
for a museum. ‘This has been carried on to the present time, 



and we now have in this collection about eighty tons of fossil 
bones, mostly of the reptilian kingdom, but also a large 
amount of Tertiary or mammalian bones. ‘These are being 
worked up and put on exhibition as fast as possible. 

The field is exceedingly rich, and, to me, after nearly forty 
years’ experience in this work, it seems just as good as before 
it had ever been touched. No party that makes a thorough 
investigation in one summer ever goes away empty-handed ; 
usually some exceedingly rare and rich fossils are found. 
There is no square on the earth as rich as Wyoming in its 
fossil forms of ancient life. From the Permian, at the close 
of the Paleozoic, to modern annals, nearly all the life that has 
ever lived upon the earth can be found within the limits of 
this State. Of course it takes, first, knowledge and, second, 
energy to find and bring these things to light; but that is all 
that is necessary to equip the fossil hunter for successful work 
in Wyoming. 

Welt REED 
Curator, Museum, University of Wyoming, 
Laramie, Wyo. 


In response to an invitation by the Union Pacific Railroad 
Company, a large party of scientists arrived in Laramie, one of 
the principal cities of Wyoming, on the 19th of July. The 
writer was at once impressed with the purity of the atmosphere 
of this country and the sparkling water trickling down the 
streets of this beautiful city, coming from a large spring two 
miles away. To fully appreciate its purity and deliciousness 
one must take a draught of it; no description will do it justice. 
Two days after arriving in Laramie, the expedition moved to 
the west, making a circle, the terminus of the trip to be the 
Grand Canon of the Platte River. We passed over excellent 
collecting grounds both in plant and invertebrate fossils, and on 
the eighth day of the trip we arrived at Aurora, the historic 
dinosaur field, where Professor Marsh of Yale, more than 
thirty years ago, discovered the bones of these immense lizards 
which are fully described in the sixteenth annual report of the 
Geological Survey. Here quite a number of specimens were 
found, and after remaining a day and two nights, we started 
for Freezeout Mountains, going by way of Medicine Bow, 
a small station on the Union Pacific Railroad. In these 
mountains the expedition was on virgin dinosaur fields and, so 
far as I know, every member of the party found and shipped 
some specimens of these bones. ‘The writer, in connection with 
Prof. S. B. Brown of West Virginia University, found five 
vertebrae, two large femora and quite a number of large pieces 
of other bones of these animals. In this region we saw the 
bones that are being excavated by the American Museum 
people, also the Field Columbian, the Wyoming University 
and Kansas University Museums. 



The hundreds of square miles of these beds containing 
thousands of tons of the bones of these huge vertebrates, some of 
which are exposed by erosion each year, impresses one with 
the vastness of the burying ground over which we were traveling 
and the history of its formation and inhabitants while it was a 
low marshy plain. These bones are imbedded in a pale 
bluish-green stratum of clay varying in thickness from twenty 
to fifty feet. This stratum is easily found and recognized, 
being immediately above the shale overlying the Triassic red 
sandstones, under which is a layer where the belemnites are 
found very abundantly. Above the dinosaur stratum is a thick 
layer of sandstone, and boulders from this often tumble down 
dragging the bones among the talus, often making it difficult to 
determine the exact point from which the bones came. 

From our camp at Freezeout Mountains by three marches 
we arrived at the Grand Canon of the Platte. Here the Platte 
River has cut a channel with almost vertical sides a thousand 
feet deep, through the strata for a distance of nine miles. Owing 
to the arduous task of entering the canon, at many places this 
being impossible, the study of the exposed strata at close range, 
becomes somewhat difficult. The writer, in company with 
Lieutenant Murphy of Wyoming University, entered the canon 
and drank from the rushing river. None of our company were 
daring enough to attempt to go through the canon, although we 
were told that only one man had ever succeeded who attempted 
it. On approaching the canon it was seen that we were on a 
rolling plain, indented here and there with small streams that 
had made rather deep channels for this country. However, 
I am sure it would never occur to a stranger that only two or three 
hundred yards in front of him was a chasm a thousand feet deep. 
Almost instantly you perceive there is a great canon in front 


Right hind leg of largest Dinosaurus known, mounted in the museum, University of 
Wyoming. Found five miles south of Medicine Bow on Union Pacific Railroad 


where a moment ago you thought it was a perfect plain. Then 
you undertake to enter it through a ravine and travel many times 
the distance it was supposed to be, and of a sudden you find 
yourself standing on an immense strata of rock, a step more 
would land you six or seven hundred feet below in a stream 
which rushes madly, as it were, past the boulders that have 
fallen from the cliffs. If one has imagined that he would like 
to go through the canon his slightest wish quickly leaves him on 
seeing the danger of such an undertaking. The most sublime 
sight I ever beheld was to stand on the edge of this canon and 
see the tilted strata, the Archean to the left and below, and look 
to the right and see the great number of strata through the series 
to the characteristic red beds of the Triassic and above these 
the Jurassic. The scene impresses one in a way that words 
meagerly describe, but the feeling comes that here is an epitome 
of Nature’s records inviting one to read the history of these for- 
mations, see the principles of structural geology here unfolded, 
and conceive the great length of time necessary for their con- 

The noted Fremont fault is about three miles north of the 
canon. Here the carboniferous lime and sandstones are 
faulted and lying on the Jurassic, apparently, almost conform- 
able. Here are five hot springs, the temperature of the largest 
being 140 degrees. The entire route through Wyoming 
afforded a most excellent opportunity for studying geology. 
The great amount of tilted and eroded strata, and the sparse 
vegetation, enabled one often to follow for miles, with greatest 
ease, a single formation, or to cross a great many different ones 
in traveling only a short distance. 

In conclusion [ wish to say ! am very grateful to our leader, 
Prof. Wilbur C. Knight, for his able and efficient service 
and his many valuable suggestions, also to the Union Pacific 
Railroad Company for its many courtesies. 

Professor of Natural Sciences, Ottawa University, 
Ottawa, Kansas. 

—l] —. 


Front limb of Diplodocus in the museum, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. 
Found in Freezeout Hills, fourteen miles north of Medicine Bow, on 
Union Pacific Railroad 


Learning that the Union Pacific is to publish some of the 
results of the recent Fossil Field Expedition, so admirably 
planned and so successfully carried out by the railroad and 
Prof. W. C. Knight of the University of Wyoming, I hasten to 
add my testimony to its benefits. They may be briefly 
enumerated as follows: 

1. It enlarged greatly the stock of knowledge of every 
geologist enlisted, and of that sort best calculated to improve 
his teaching capacity. It substituted clear typical object 
lessons for the meager illustrations and halting descriptions of 
textbooks. Even those familiar with typical examples in the east- 
em part of our country were greatly impressed with the great 
advantage of the absence of vegetation and cleamess of 
atmosphere in Wyoming. Views were more comprehensive and 
details more distinctly exhibited. This was true particularly 
of folds, faults, wind work and stream work, stratification and 
concretions. It afforded opportunities for excellent acquaint- 
ance with most interesting formations and fossils not accessible 
in the east. 

The erosion forms, the work of untold ages on the granite 
axis of the continent; the carboniferous rocks without coal; 
the glowing red beds; the Jurassic, with its various horizons, 
including probably the oldest great fresh water lakes, with 
their huge dinosaurs; the stretches of Cretaceous with its sand- 
stone ridges and mesas, its gumbo plains and slopes, its chalk 
cliffs glaring across the waste, its swarms of fossil shells, its 
gigantic globular concretions, its coal beds with fossil palms 
and deciduous trees; the Tertiary lake beds, with their mon- 

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strous mammalian bones, remnants of Nature's efforts in pre- 
paring the various beasts of the present time; the gravel-spread 
and boulder-dotted terraces of the Pleistocene age, records of the 
former floods which worked so faithfully to humble the pride of 
the rising Rockies, and convey their grandeur to beautify and 
enrich the plains of the Mississippi—all these are now vivid 
realities in the minds of all who rode over them and worked 
about them with this expedition. 

2. It will furnish substantial contributions to science. It 
is not yet time to sum up results in this line. Months and _per- 
haps years may pass before we know what new species have 
been found, what conclusions are reached by many minds 
brought face to face with that wonderful region. It was not an 
unknown region. Many bright minds had already traversed it. 
Yet some new discoveries may be, at least, hinted. Numer- 
ous deciduous leaves were found mixed with abundant marine 
forms in the Fox Hills beds. A considerable fauna of fresh- 
water invertebrates was found in the dinosaur beds of the Jurassic. 
This will no doubt be fully presented by those more closely 
identified with the discovery. The opinion that the Fox Hills 
group is but a sandy local development of the Fort Pierre will 
be strengthened by the work of the expedition, and furthermore 
it may appear that the Laramie is but a local fresh water stage 
of the same. 

Several additional new features have been revealed in the 
dinosaur bones unearthed by this expedition. 

3. It has and will promote popular interest in science and 
education. ‘Thisis not only by the public press and the pictures 
and fossils scattered by the members of the expedition throughout 
the country, but by the individual articles and lectures and by 
the proposed illustrated history. 

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It calls fresh attention to the conclusions of geology concern- 
ing the building of the earth and the development of life-forms. 
It reveals to many a new world of the imagination. Science 
has swept into oblivion the whole brood of mythological 
monsters, centaurs, griffons, chimeras and dragons, that once 
delighted the lovers of the terrible and strange, but now it is sub- 
stituting the monsters of geological lore. It arouses new interest in 

“The fairy tales of Science and the long result of Time.” 

It will stimulate a more healthy interest in science for its own 

4. Let us hope that this expedition may arouse such lasting 
interest in scientists and the patrons of public museums in the 
wonders of the West that it may be but the first of a long series 
of similar vacation excursions which may prove of mutual 
advantage to all engaging in them and to the public at large. 

Es ODD; 
Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, 
University of South Dakota. 


It has become a proverb that for a geologist there are three 
requisites for success: The first is travel, the second is travel and 
the third is travel. 

The Union Pacific Railroad Company was thus contribut- 
ing to the success of a large number of geologists, when it 
made accessible to them that open book on geology, the Wyo- 
ming plains and mountains; and those who were so fortunate 
as to be able to accept the invitation gained results the value of 
which it would be hard to estimate. 

All forms of geological phenomena were so well presented in 
Wyoming as to be well nigh diagrammatic and it would be 
difficult to say in which department of the science the greatest 
interest was felt and the greatest profit attained. 

Students of structural geology, who were acquainted with 
Appalachian and Alpine mountain architecture alone, beheld 
such monoclines, synclines and anticlines as they had never seen 

Students of physiographic geology observed peneplanation 
on a world-wide scale, and had presented to their view splendid 
examples of erosion that varied from the cuttings of rivulets 
through non-resistant regolith to the powerful carving of the 
Grand Platte through tenacious Mesozoic sandstones and lime- 
stones, through Paleozoic rocks of similar character and 
through Archean quartzites and granite. 

The student of economic geology had opportunity to be- 
come acquainted with Wyoming coal deposits, gypsum beds, 
various building stones, railroad ballast and road material, and 



saw possible sources of carbonate of soda, magnesium sulphate 
and asphalt for commercial use. 

An excellent chance was afforded petrographers for collect- 
ing sedimentary rocks, representing geological periods all the 
way from Tertiary to Ordovician, and crystallines from the Pale- 
ozoic and Archean. 

The region traversed was not especially rich in mineral 
wealth, yet there was opportunity to collect fine quartz of 
many varieties, calcites and aragonites, graphite, gypsum and 
various iron-bearing minerals. ; 

Invertebrate paleontologists fared even better than the 
petrographers and mineralogists and the variety and quantity of 
their collections were among the chief rewards of the expedition. 

The chief interest of the general public in the expedition 
was in the vertebrate remains that were known to exist in the 
various geological horizons. “These the excursionists hoped to 
see exhibited in position in bed rock and to have opportunity 
to carry away with them to be used later for the convincing 
of the incredulous. 

Jurassic dinosaurs were looked for with the greatest enthusiasm 
and nearly every member of the party carried home some trophy, 
even though it may not have been more than a small fragment; 
and some members secured desirable material. The North- 
western University party sent home about two tons of specimens, 
the greater part of which consisted of the spinal column, ribs 
and pelvic arch of a dinosaur that is probably the form known as 
ceratosaurus. It was found in the Freezeout Hills, in the 
region of the Platte Canon. The same party located reptilian 
remains. But the absence of plaster and other means of saving 
the materials, as well as the remoteness of the region, made work 
in that locality appear undesirable. 


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Great credit is due Prof. Wilbur C. Knight for his 

untiring efforts and skill in conducting the expedition, and all 
members of the party appreciate his work and feel under great 
obligation to him. 

The thought was indeed most happy which led the Union 
Pacific Railroad to organize the expedition as it did. 
Every member of the party returned to his work invigorated 
in body, enthusiastic in spirit and furnished with an increased 
fund of illustration for teaching and material for investigation. 
So that every student who comes in contact with these tourists— 
and they number thousands—will profit by the generosity of 
the Union Pacific. Further than this some contributions to 
scientific knowledge will result. Consequently the Union 
Pacific Railroad is to be congratulated upon having contribu- 
ted to the progresss of civilization in this regard also, and to 
it is due the heartfelt thanks of others than those who were 
the most immediate and evident gainers in this generous and 
well planned expedition. 

A. R. COOK, 

Professor of Mineralogy, Northwestern University, 
Evanston, Ill. 



When the Union Pacific Railroad proffered an invitation 
to the geologists of various colleges and universities in the United 
States to visit what are now considered the most prolific fossil 
fields of the world, it rendered an undoubted service to science. 
On July 19th we reached Laramie City via Denver, where we 
were pleasantly quartered and on the night of our arrival were 
given an enjoyable reception by the citizens of Laramie. As 
outlined in the letter of invitation sent us, we were to travel by 
wagon from Laramie. Prof. Wilbur C. Knight had with keen 
foresight secured twenty or more farm wagons and drivers 
who were well acquainted with the territory over which we 
were to travel. We divided up into messes of ten, with drivers, 
cooks, tents, bedding, etc., and on the morning of July 2[st, 
we left Laramie, with about eighty people in the company, 
there being about sixty geologists and students from colleges 
in all parts of the United States: California, Minnesota, 
Texas, Alabama, New York, etc. The National Museum, 
Washington, D. C., was ably represented by Prof. Schuchart. 
At Fox Creek, in the adjacent mountains, were found thousands 
of gastropoda, mollusca and concretions, also beautiful speci- 
mens of quartz in all colors; many fine amethysts were 
picked up. We lingered here until Monday morning; again we 
moved to the north. About noon we reached the coal fields 
of Carbon County. The entire party halted and we were 
soon busy collecting leaf impressions which overlay the coal to 
a thickness of at least four feet; the impressions are so perfect 
that the most minute markings of the leaves are as clear as the 
dried leaves of the various trees would show. We next went 



into camp at Rock Creek, a most beautiful grassy valley. Rock 
Creek might well be called a river, as a large volume of clear 
water is constantly flewing through its channel. Beautiful 
snow-capped Elk Mountain was ever to our left, and Laramie 
Peak to our east. From Rock Creek camp, side trips were 
made to the great chalk cliffs and the ammonite and gastropod 
fields nearby. Many hundreds of pounds were collected, care- 
fully packed in boxes and shipped from Rock Creek station, by 
the various college representatives. “The writer was so fortu- 
nate as to find a mollusk, twelve inches in diameter, showing 
all the colors as bright as it could have been in the Tertiary. 
After a three days’ halt at Rock Creek camp, we traveled 
directly north and at the end of the day reached the great dino- 
saur beds, or fields, of Wyoming, and went into camp not over 
two thousand feet from where Professor Marsh, of Yale College, 
discovered and successfully removed one of the largest dino- 
saurs discovered in the world. Professor Knight of Wyoming 
University and Professor Williston of Kansas University have 
recently made some valuable finds at this place. Several of our 
party secured some valuable specimens of femora and vertebra. 
Professor Yates of Ottawa, Kan., University and Professor 
Brown of Virginia, also Professor Charlton of Texas, were highly 
successful in securing specimens for their colleges. “This section 
of the Freezeout Mountains shows many wenders in the various 
folds and wnconformities. [ake Como and Como Station were 
nearourcamp. Alter a two days’ extremely interesting stop, we 
moved northwest and, at Medicine Bow, I, through press of 
other business, was reluctantly compelled to leave the party 
and return to “Sunny Kansas,’ much benefited in health and 

knowledge. H. L. T. SKINNER, 

Ottawa, Kansas. 

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Traveling westward along the Union Pacific Railroad, we 
reach Cheyenne and find that we are 6,050 feet above the 
sea. Thirty-three miles farther west, we are at Sherman, on 
the summit of the Laramie Mountains, a little over 8,000 
feet above sea level. “Twenty-four miles farther on, we descend 
upon the Laramie Plains and are 7,149 feet above the 
sea. Then, for 270 miles farther, our route over the railroad 
will pass along the valleys scalloped out of the plains and undu- 
lating between 7,100 and 6,740 feet, until, on descending the 
valley of Green River, we are 6,077 feet above tide. For 
100 miles of this distance the road traverses the well-known 
Laramie Plains. The Laramie Plains are bounded on the 
east and north by the Laramie Hills, on the south and west 
by the Medicine Bow Mountains and their extensions. The 
plains may be 25 to 40 miles wide, and, beginning near the 
line of Colorado and Wyoming, they extend northwardly 
for 100 miles, thence northwestwardly for 50 miles. On the 
west, the Medicine Bow Range forms a prominent barrier as 
far north as Elk Mountain, thence it drops off into valleys con- 
tinued beyond in the Seminole, Shirley and Indian Grove 
Mountains to the Grand Canon of the North Platte. These 
mountains are all granitic; Elk Mountain is 11,000 feet alti- 
tude. The granite of the Seminole, and similar ranges north, 
is a coarse, red feldspathic and would undoubtedly afford an 
excellent quarry rock. 

The plains near Laramie City are from 7,100 to 7,500 feet 
above the sea, but northwardly they are from 6,500 to 7,000 


feet elevation. The hills just south of Como rise 400 feet above 
the plain, caused by uptilting of strata. Within ten miles north 
of Medicine Bow, hills appear on the left and twenty miles 
north we are in the Freezeout Mountains; a few miles farther 
are the Freezeout Hills. By quaquaversal upthrusts this 
region has been thrown up and tilted so as to form beautiful 
anticlinals, bringing to view the Triassic and Jurassic, capped 
by Dakota Cretaceous. Viewed from several miles east, the 
Freezeout Mountains present an interesting panorama, the strata 
toward the southeast end dipping southeast, while that south a 
few miles off dips south, with the central portion very much 
eroded, the whole a beautiful illustration of an anticlinal valley. 
The eroded hills, formed of Jurassic beds capped by Dakota 
sandstone, afford picturesque scenery near Rock Creek, Little 
Medicine and the Freezeout Hills northwardly to the Seminole 
Mountains. In this region are beautiful exhibitions of anticlines, 
synclines, faults and erosion. The plains are mostly underlaid 
by later cretaceous. The Dakota group consists chiefly of 
sandstone. The Fort Benton group is chiefly clay shales with 
fish scales and teeth. The Niobrara crops out in the lower hills 
of the plains. The Fox Hills group consists chiefly of sandstone 
and shales with some hard concretionary masses of calcareous 
sandstone, often containing fossil mollusca. 

The Laramie Plains are traversed by tributaries of the 
North Platte, including Laramie, Rock Creek and Medicine 
Bow, all swiftly flowing streams, with an abundant supply of 
clear, cool water. These streams all originate in the Medicine 
Bow Range. Occasional small lakes occur on the plains; 
Cooper's Lake is the largest. Como is also a pretty body 
of water. Some of the lakes contain valuable deposits of soda. 



The surface of the plains generally consists of two to three ter- 
races, the higher one often flat on summit and with scant grass. 
Most of the terraces are sandy and frequently are strewn with 
water-worn pebbles. The valleys along the streams are wide 
and often slope up gently to the terraces above. Grass abounds 
on the valleys, and, with judicious irrigation, can furnish plenty 
of hay and also good grazing. Most of the valleys of the tribu- 
taries of both the Platte and the Laramie may be considered 
as valuable for grazing purposes. 

The “sagebrush” is common, growing on good soil. The 
“grease wood is rather common on alkali soils. Cactus abounds 
on the dry slopes. Along the running streams are willows, 
cottonwood and birch. Pines abound on the mountains and 
also occur in the valleys of the hills. 

The Medicine Bow Mountains are clothed with a dense 
growth of pines, chiefly P. Contorla. In many places the 
ground may be covered with a dense mass of fallen logs, often 
apparently one-fourth as many as are standing. High up on the 
mountains the pine gives place to the spruce, growing large and 
very straight. In wet mountain valleys, the quaking aspen 
abounds. Cedar is also common. 

The Dakota sandstone, along the Front Range in Colorado 
and New Mexico, forms the prominent “‘hog-back” ndge. On 
Rock Creek it affords excellent beds for building purposes. 
The other Cretaceous groups above are mostly shaly; the 
Fox Hills everywhere is easily recognized. 

The following named fossils were collected, all of them 
mollusca: Helicoceras vespeieones, Ancylocevas uncum, A. 
annulatum, A. Jenneyi, Scaphiits nodosus var. plenus, ‘Bacu- 
lites ovatus, £8. compressus, Hammea minor, H. occiden- 
talis, ‘Pseudobuccinum Debrascense, Fasciolaria cretacza, 

— th 


Bones of Diplodocus as found in the quarry in Six Mile Gulch, two miles north of Wilcox, Wyo., on 
Union Pacific Railroad 


F. buccinoides, F. Culbertsoni, Anisomya borealis, Limatia 
occidentalis, _Chemnitzia centhiformis, Limopsis paraoul, 
Axinea subimbricata, Cardium speciosum, “Pteria (oxytomia) 
erecta, ‘P. perpleura, ‘P. linguiformus, PCactra_nitidula, 
Nucula subplana, Pteria gastrodes, Yoldia scitula, Y. 
evansi, Pteria fibrosa, Trigouarcar obliqua, Endocostea 
typica, Inoceranus altus, I. Howelli, I. crispii, [tenuilineatus, 
I. Balchii, I. tenuirostratus, 1. Vanuxemi, I. problematicus, 
I. deformis, I. Sagensis, I. proxinus, I. Simpsoni, I. barabini. 
The indurated Fox Hills strata are often entirely made up 
of Inocerami, some very large. 
The following is a section of strata seen in the Como anti- 
1. 45 feet of mostly brown sandstone forming the crest 
of the hill—Dakota. 
2. 55 feet of shales, may also be Dakota. 
3. 2 feet gray sandstone. 
4. 60 feet marine Jurassic. Soft gray and chiefly a sandy 
5. 5 feet of red shales. 
6. 10 feet of yellow sandstone. 
7. 5 feet of red shales. 
8. 10 feet of yellow sandy layers. 
9. 44 feet of red banded beds. 
Contains thin calcite plates. 
10. 18 feet of blue laminated clay. 
11. 5 feet, one bed of gray sandstone. 
12. 18 feet of blue shales, with occasional solid layers. 
Contains plates of calcite. 
13. 6 feet of yellow sandstone. 
14. 250 feet of dark, soft laminated shales. 

— 90s 

ajeym Aue uey} iadie] Sem 19WIWIMS SiY | *PeBOslIeY }108q4 UOjUL) yo you puno4 
*BUIWOAAA 40 APISI@AIUP) ‘UINESNLU a4} U| Pe}UNOW ‘BuUO| joa} aul ‘sMinesneUl|ese|\| & $0 Seppe BY 
a ————————______ 


15. Gray sandstone. 

16. 16 feet of shales. 

17. 4 feet of gray shales. 

18. 75 feet of red beds. 

19. | foot of gray beds. 

20. 11 feet of red beds. 

21. 5 feet of gray npple-marked sandstone. 
22. 12 feet of soft red shales. 

23. 11 feet of gray sandstone. 

24. 22 feet slope to railroad station. 
In above sections | and 2, Dakota............. 100 feet 
Nos. 3 to 17, inclusive, are Jurassic.............2,201 feet 
PiccambOutony 4 are: Lriassies 260. a. onice es Uctakes, GAA feet 

Although no fossils have been found as yet in the Triassic 
of the West, yet its thickness, well developed, and its uniform red 
beds cause it to be easily recognized. I have seen it on the 
Colorado River in Texas, in New Mexico, and at the Garden 
of the Gods in Colorado, where it forms such curious figures 
and stands on edge, forming spires over 200 feet high. Here 
it is largely pebbly. It is often beautifully rpple-marked and 
often contains beds of gypsum. On the southern border of the 
Laramie Plains, I observed 36 feet of white gypsum with about 
1,000 feet of red beds above and yellow beds below. Near 
the Grand Canon of the North Platte, there are undoubtedly 
several hundred feet of Triassic, including the bright brick-red 
strata, some of it beautifully ripple-marked. Att its base are shaly 
beds with numerous chalcedonic concretions. Some of these, if 
cut and polished, would form beautiful, agate-like ornaments. 
Below this was observed about 40 feet of drab and buff lime- 
stone, containing in the upper part numerous minute geodes. 


ul Mou sauog 



The Jurassic beds are well exposed in the Como anticlinal, 
in the Freezeout Mountains, and the Freezeout Hills, and on 
Little Medicine. In the upper portion chest layers are occa- 
sionally present. [ower down are found mollusca of the fol- 
lowing species, viz: | Camptonectes extenuatus, C.  bellis- 
triata, Ostrea strigilicula, Pecten Newberryi, ‘Belemnites 
densus, Belemnites ACucronata, Trapezium subaequalis. 

But it is the upper Jurassic that has made this formation 
pre-eminently interesting, that has attracted people from every 
direction to Wyoming, to dig out and view the wonderful fossil 
treasures, the saurians small and large, and dinosaurs over 100 
feet long. The world wonders at the discoveries. I only saw 
portions of the skeletons, including a femur of a brontosaur, at 
Laramie University, 69 inches long. I obtained the vertebral 
joint of a dinosaur one foot in diameter. The leg bones of the 
brontosaur would indicate a height of at least 15 feet. 

Fifty species of saurians have been taken from these 
beds. Some of the dinosaurs were reptile-footed, some were 
bird-footed, some were beast-footed. Some were related to 
the crocodile, others presented the characteristics of birds. 
Some were carniverous, others herbiverous. Some were cov- 
ered with bony plates, others had horns. The stegosaur had 
a series of pointed plates rising as spines three feet high along 
the dorsal ridge. ‘The atlantosaur of Marsh had a thigh-bone 
over six feet long. 

Twenty-five years ago Prof. O. C. Marsh of Yale Univer- 
sity quarried from the beds at Como bones of larger animals 
than had yet been found. They were chiefly saurians and 
varied from the size of a small animal to that of the atlantosaur, 
130 feet long. After that for ten years Professor Marsh worked 
more or less at these beds. 



The various Government surveys have at some period 
within the last thirty-five years examined the geology in part 
of the Laramie Plains and vicinity. In 1842, Captain (after- 
ward General) John C. Fremont and party passed down the 
North Platte Canon and barely came out with their lives, losing 
nearly all their outfit. 

Fremont in his report speaks of passing through North Park 
and the Laramie Plains, and of the wonderful variety and beauty 
of the flora. 

In the following pages I quote from the reports of Clarence 
King, Amold Hague, F. V. Hayden, J. J. Stevenson, Marvin 
and Endlich. 

Amold Hague, in “Geology of 40th Parallel,” speaking of 
the Laramie Plains, says: ‘“They may be 80 by 30 miles and 
are limited on the north by the hills at Como. On the south 
they are shut in by the coming together of the Medicine Bow 
and Laramie Ranges near the 41st parallel. The plains are 
elevated from 6,800 to 7,300 feet above the sea and the surface 
is so undulating that in the distance it seems to be apparently 
level, with ridges 100 to 200 feet high. 

“The Laramie Hills on the east are a continuation of the 
Colorado Range and are scarcely |,500 feet above the plains. 
The Medicine Bow on the west rises 3,000 to 4,000 feet 

Clarence King, in the “Geology of the 40th Parallel,” says: 
“The Laramie Plain is essentially a broad, level upland of the 
Colorado cretaceous.” 

Hague further says: “The Laramie Hills lie chiefly 
between 41° and 42° north latitude, extending to Laramie 
River on the north and Cache la Poudre on the south, having 



a broad summit and an altitude of 7,800 to 8,300 feet above 
the sea, with only one peak as high as 9,000 feet. 

“The drainage from the Laramie Hills is all eastward and 
no streams flow west,. with a few springs at the base of the hills 
that afford a small supply of water.” 

“There are but few trees on the summits, with some pines 
in the valleys and on the slopes. 

“The Laramie Hills form a single anticlinal range, its central 
mass a heavy body of metamorphic granites of Archean age, 
with Paleozoic rocks on the flanks resting at 4° to 10° against 
the west side of the slopes.” 

Hayden in his report, 1867-1869, says that the Laramie 
Range forms one of the most complete and beautiful anticlinals 
seen in the Rocky Mountains. It extends from a point near 
the Sweetwater, southeastwardly, curving around until lost in 
the main range near Long's Peak, but Hayden considers the 
Laramie Plains to be not over 100 miles long. The nucleus 
of the Laramie Hills is red syenite, flanked on each side by 
Paleozoic and Mesozoic, with Tertiary in some places, inclin- 
ing at different angles. A vast deposit of Cretaceous and Ter- 
tiary was formed in this region with a small percentage of 
calcareous material. “The Cretaceous amounted to 5,000 feet. 

Clarence King in the ‘Geology of the 40th Parallel” con- 
siders the Medicine Bow granite later than that of the Colorado 
and Laramie. The extension of the Medicine Bow south of 
Wyoming is overflowed by a rhyolite mass. Medicine Peak 
consists chiefly of white quartzite nearly 2,000 feet thick, trending 
north 20° to 25° east and dipping east, the quartz being 
cut by a dioryte dyke. In the rocks of the Laramie and Medi- 
cine Bow are found quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, hornblende, 
mica, chlorite and calcite. In other respects the ranges difler. 


Skulls of Titanotheriums in the museum, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. 
Found forty miles north of Rawlins, Wyo., on Union Pacific Railroad 


Graphite occurs in the Laramie Hills. Among the western 
foothills near Brush and Cottonwood creeks are quartz veins 
which carry small quantities of gold, also magnetite and red 
and brown garnets. At several points along the Laramie 
Range the Upper Carboniferous is found resting directly on the 
Archean. This has been mentioned also by Hague. 

Amold Hague’s general section of the Jurassic and Cre- 
taceous as published in ‘“‘Geology cf the 40th Parallel” is as 

Section southern part of Laramie plains, 

Jurassic — 

1. Friable white sandstone 
2. Reddish brown sandstone with thin layers of va- 

riegated clays and marls ( 100 feet. 
3. Cream-colored sandstone and marls J 
4. Bluish gray cherty limestone + 25 feet. 
5. Grayish white sandstone r 75 feet. 
6. Yellowish red sandstone 
7. Fine deep red sandstone \ 375 feet. 
8. Argillaceous sand and shales with interstratified | ote 
gypsum, one gypsum bed of 22 feet J ae 
9. Red compact sandstone. t 250 feet. 

10. Reddish gray sandstone. 

11. Thin bed of gray cherty limestone. 

12. Coarse friable ash colored sandstone with pebble |. 225 feet 
of angular chert and Archean fragments J ner 

The Como anticlinal consists of a steep mural face on the 
north, sloping to the south, the main axis trending east and west. 
Ridge bears north 609; east dip 20° to 25°. Hague section 

Jurassic — 

1. Compact yellowish brown sandstone, Dakota, 
with some conglomerate layers. 

Gray sandy marl. 

Cream colored marls with thin sandy layers. 

Bluish drab cherty limestone. 



Jurassic (Continued) — 

5. Fine ash-colored marls with thin beds of light 
colored cherty limestone. 

6. Gray and orange-colored marls with intercala- 
tions of coarse sandy layers. 

7. Reddish yellow sandstone. 
Triassic — 

8. Brick-red compact sandstone, Triassic. 

Como Lake occupies an anticlinal valley. 

In the marls both above and below the sandstone, a little 
above the middle of the series, are Jurassic fossils, as Pentacrinus 

astericus, Belemnites densus, Tancredia W arrenana, Trigonia 

The Trias is included in the belt of conformable strata 
wrapped around Elk Mountain, with Carboniferous beneath 
and Jurassic above. 

The west side of Rawlins quaquaversal uplift is marked by 
concentric monoclinal ridges, the Trias showing above 700 
feet thickness, with pink sandstone at base and deep red above. 

Clarence King further says that nearly up to the 41st 
parallel the red beds lie directly on the Archean from 300 to 
800 feet thickness. They are also often seen resting conform- 
ably on the Paleozoic. 

“The Trias is essentially sandstone and includes both clays 
and shales, and is of a prevailing brick red color. Next to 
color the most noticeable feature is cross-bedding, which is 
marked in the upper beds, but not seen near contact with the 
Archean. Conglomerate zones appear in the lower part. 
No organic remains have been found, but a few obscure pieces 
of half-petrified and half-carbonized wood. 

“On the east side of the valley of Laramie River, near the 
Wyoming and Colorado line, are seen | ,200 feet of beds dipping 
slightly north and west, and presenting a high, abrupt wall of 



nearly | 000 feet, with some gypsum outcrops in front. Gypsum 
occurs in the Jurassic, but not so abundantly as in the Tnias, 
and only in thin layers, the thickest being two feet. 

“The Jura beds are more shaly, with some limestone layers, 
while the Trias is essentially sandy.” 

Hayden, in his report for 1870, speaks of a fine exhibition 
of Mesozoic resting on the red syenite on Big Laramie River, 
35 miles southwest of Fort Sanders, and for 20 to 30 miles 
from its source the Laramie flows in a synclinal valley, the red 
beds dipping on each side. 

In Hayden’s report, 1873, A. R. Marvin, U. S. Geo- 
logical Survey, speaks of the Trias as coarse grits and 
moderately coarse sandstone with sometimes fine examples 
of cross-bedding, and with conglomerates near the base. 
A dark red color prevails. When uptilted and eroded they 
form curious forms, as in the Garden of the Gods and Red 
Buttes. The Jurassic forms a narrow zone in Colorado; north- 
wardly it increases in width. 

In the ‘Geology of the 40th Parallel,’ all the Cretaceous, 
from the Dakota to the Fox Hills inclusive, are spoken as of 
being well developed near the mountains, and are thus esti- 

Laramie—1,500 feet. 

Fox Hills—1,500 feet. 

Colorado, including Fort Benton, Niobrara and Pierre— 
1,000 feet. 

Dakota—300 feet. 

The base of the Dakota is fine grained, passing into a brown 

In Hayden's report for 1874, he states that the Dakota 
forms the ‘‘hog-back”’ of the front range and is from 200 to 400 

-39 — 

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Yyou sajius AjuaM} puNnoy “OAAA ‘altuBIe] ‘BUIWWOAAA 40 AjISi@AlUP) ‘WUNaSNW 2u} Ul SO1BD0UIYY 40 |[N4S 


feet thick. Along the margin of the mountains east of the 
Wasatch it is generally present. Hayden says that it is doubtful 
if any geologist would ever make three divisions of Nos. 2, 
3 and 4 if he had first studied them in the mountains. Hence 
the name ‘‘Colorado”’ used to include them seems appropriate. 

After passing Cooper Station, five miles due east, black 
clays of the Lower Cretaceous appear and six miles south- 
east of Como on the railroad are excellent sandstone quarries, 
and numerous vegetable impressions occur. 

Clarence King, in his 40th Parallel Report, gives a gen- 
eralized section of Cretaceous east of the Colorado range, 
from the base up. 

Number II. Fort Benton. |st—Dark plastic ferruginous and 
argillaceous clays. 

2d. Grayish blue clays, becoming dark calcareous near the 
top, 200 to 500 feet. 

No. III. Niobrara. 1Ist—Argillaceous limestone, some- 
times merging into the dark Benton shales. 

2d-—Light variegated marls; yellow color prevails. 

3d—Yellow, white and cream colored marls with gypsum. 

4th—Whitish gray marls. 

5th—Yellow marls, with intercalated limestone. 

6th—Bluish gray, soft, earthy beds, calcareous and argilla- 
ceous of variable thickness, 100 to 200 feet. 

No. IV. Fort Pierre. 1Ist—Black, carbonaceous, shales 
and marls. 

2d—Marly black arenaceous shales. 

3d—Interstratified clay and sand, 250 to 300 feet. 

Total, Colorado, 600 to 1,000 feet. 

King, in 40th Parallel Survey, says that the Fort Benton 
Cretaceous occurs as dark plastic clays and thin shales. The 


Niobrara is yellowish white chalky marls and impure limestone. 
The Fort Pierre consists chiefly of clay beds. The Fox Hills 
Cretaceous is a coarse argillaceous sandstone. Fish scales 
occur in the Colorado clay beds. 

»* In Hayden’s report, for 1874, he says that a few species 
of plants probably began their existence in the Fox Hills and 
continued on up into the Lignitic where they reached their 
highest development. Remarkable concretionary masses often 
characterize the upper Fox Hills beds, weathering so as to 
leave caps at top. The Fox Hills is important in a biologic 
view, for no animal and but few vegetables pass above. A 
few plants began in the Fox Hills and continued up into the 

King, in 40th Parallel Survey, says that the valleys of Big 
Laramie, Little Laramie, Dutton and Rock Creeks are eroded 
through Colorado shales and marls. North of the 41st 
parallel, the Fort Pierre is the uppermost Cretaceous. South 
of it, the Fox Hills sandstones form a broad belt extending 
southwardly beyond the 40th parallel. On Laramie Plains, the 
Fox Hills lie north and east of the Medicine Bow Range, 
chiefly on Rock Creek and Mill Creek. South of Mill Creek, 
the brownish gray sandstones carry carbonaceous shales with 
seams of coal and impressions of deciduous leaves. On the 
north side of Cooper Creek are thin seams of lignite. On 
Cache la Poudre Creek, the Fox Hills attains a thickness of 
1,200 to 1,500 feet, consisting of friable sandstone, rendered 
impure by the presence of clay. From Medicine Bow to Car- 
bon the Fox Hills forms the surface rock. Near Separation 
Peak, the Fox Hills Cretaceous may be 3,500 feet thick to 
4,000 feet south of Fort Steele. Four miles northeast the Fox 

ais pe 


Hills is quite ferruginous and nearby the Platte River cuts 
through nearly horizontal beds of Fox Hills. 

The Fox Hills sandstones imperceptibly pass into the Lara- 
mie above, which is largely of sandstone but contains more 
clay and frequent carbonaceous shales. 

East of the Rocky Mountains, the Fox Hills contains one 
coal bed near its eastern limit. On Cooper and Rock Creek 
are several coal seams. At Coalville, the workable coal is 
Fox Hills. The upper limit of the Fox Hills is known by the 
cessation of true Pelagic forms. 

King says: “From the west, eastwardly, the Cretaceous 
series rests with absolute conformity upon the Jura.” 

At the Dutton coal bank the coal is overlaid by a very 
friable, somewhat carbonaceous shale, full of dicotyledonous 
leaves. This is again overlaid by a soft yellowish brown sand- 
stone with fossil leaves in the lower beds. I did not have 
an opportunity of examining the Laramie beds at any other 

Lesquereux divided the Laramie into three sub groups. 

I st—Bitter Creek, or lower group, flora Eocene. 

2d—Evanston, or second group, flora Miocene. 

3d—Carbon, the third group, upper Middle Miocene. 
Dinosaurs have been reported from the uppermost Laramie. 

All the various geologists, who have spoken of the Laramie 
group, assign its position at the top of the Cretaceous, with the 
exception of Hayden and Lesquereux. They consider it to 
be basal Tertiary, considered so by Lesquereux on account of 
the fossil plants found therein. 

In Wyoming and on the plains east of the Rocky Moun- 
tains and south of the 41st parallel, the Laramie rests conform- 
ably upon the Fox Hills Cretaceous. 


‘OAAA ‘Y891D 981] AUO7 Jo jsamM Sa||W Al} JUBLUdIBOSA 



Lesquereux, in Hayden’s Report for 1872, tells how 
peat bogs are formed and discusses, in a full and interesting 
manner, their formation, and also the Lignitic formations of 
the Rocky Mountains. In this article he speaks of the coals of 
New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. He says that the 
Cretaceous, four miles west of Medicine Bow, passes under the 
barren Lignitic sandstone. From this to Carbon the strata is 
continuous in repeated undulations, forming basins, which 
contain the Upper Lignitic, with remarkably thick beds of 
combustible material. ‘The shaft at Carbon shows: 

Ist—Clay shale and sandstone at top, 35 feet. 

2d—Ferruginous shale with dicotyledonous leaves, 3 feet. 

3d—Clay shale and sandstone, plants at top, 18 feet. 
4th—Main coal, 9 feet. 

5th—Fire clay, shale and dicotyledonous plants, 20 feet. 

6th—Coal, 4 feet. 

7th—Fire clay and shale, 8 feet. 

8th—Coal, 4 feet. 

In the above there are included 17 feet of coal in 101 feet of 
depth. One mile west of Carbon, the upper coal is seen in a 
cut under a thick layer of compact gritty sandstone with fossil 
wood and streaks of coal near the base. Over the sandstones 
are beds of fire-clay with silicified wood, and fossil dicotyledo- 
nous leaves occur in the overlying shale. 

At Point of Rocks the Lignitic series overlies Cretaceous No. 
4, these constituting the axis of an anticlinal. Dipping west the 
Upper Lignite strata is brought to the surface at Rock Springs. 
At Point of Rocks, 80 feet of the Cretaceous below the Lignitic 
is exposed and this is conformably overlaid by 185 feet of 
Lignitic sandstone, bearing fucoidal remains. Twenty-five 
feet above the base of this sandstone there is a bed of coal 8 
feet thick. 



Half a mile east of Black Buttes we see at top: 
Ist—Shaly sandstone, 10 feet. 
2d—Argillaceous shales and clay, 7 feet. 

3d—Coal streak, 3 inches. 

4th—Argillaceous and sandy shale, yellowish, with many 

dicotyledonous leaves, 10 feet 9 inches. 

5th—Main coal, 8 feet. 

6th—Chocolate colored fire clay, 5 feet. 
7th—Black laminated shale, 10 feet. 

8th—Coal, 4 feet. 

9th—Shales and fire clay, 16 feet. 

10th—White concretionary sandstone with many fucoids, 

also is somewhat cavernous, 118 feet. [welve feet of coal is 

here included. 

The section at Rock ee shows: 

Ist—-Main coal .... 

4 ft. 

At 117 feet dew afer, passing eherd Aire 
shaly sandstone and clay. 

2d —Coal worked two miles east ............. 

3d —at 149 feet, coal... A Cee, See OR Ot) eae 

4th—at 268 

5th—at 324 “ 

6th—at 353 
8th—at 420 
Vih—at 447 
10th —at 476 
1 1th —at 485 
1 2th—at 577 
13th—at 606 
14th—at 640 
1 5th— at 668 
16th—at 728 

Total coal. “latin Pe | ) | | | 

Emr N a ai ea 

aD iestamiew=aian =a pr semen 

— — 
lee ae il det 




Soapstone and sandstone between all the coals. 

Below to 1,180 feet all sandstone. The record shows an 
extraordinary development of coal strata, sixteen beds of 
coal aggregating 48 feet. Some of this coal J saw last summer 
in coal bins at Medicine Bow station and it certainly is a 
beautiful and pure looking coal. 

Lesquereux considers the Laramie of carbon to be Miocene 
at Evanston; Upper Eocene at Raton, and Golden, Lower 
Eocene. The vegetation he considers Oligocene; at Black Butte 
and Rock Springs, Lower Eocene; at Point of Rocks, Rock 
Creek and Evanston, Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene form 
the flora. 

These coals are often termed lignitic. Some even have 
over |2 per cent of water in their composition, which would 
show a relation to the English brown coals. The percentage of 
ash is low, being from 2 to 6 per cent. Marvin, in Hayden’s 
report for 1873, speaks of this, and also of their remarkable 
purity. Iron pyrites occur in exceedingly small quantity. A 
mineral resin is sometimes found. The following analyses are 
from Hayden’s report, 1873: 

pneu ateee i Vol os Fics Carba| (Ach . | 5 [coeality 
(ea SCkr eee Af weal cd. SE ale Conner Wie: 
133 | 6 toll 37 038) 490 51 | 68 |{ rep 
1.31 | 46 50 3.22 | BI. Butte 
1.34 8.5 130 to 50! 46 to 50 3to8 | Pt. of Rocks 
1.29 7 36 fh. 5M (IGF ae Rock 
1.23 6.25 39 th 2°52 SEG | Sa 

Columbia, Mo. 

47 — 

Bul WOK AA Ul ‘HBeAg B|WWBIB7 JO JOO} je YO|Ny 1Bvag dn Buiyoo7 


Few regions of the United States are so well fitted for topo- 
graphical study as that of southern and central Wyoming, 
through which the “Fossil Fields Expedition” passed. The 
scenery is constructed on a generous scale; the immensity of 
the high plains and the great size of the terraces are notable 
features. ‘There is little vegetation to obscure the details of 
the topography; the semi-arid climate tends at once to develop 
and preserve these details, so that all of them stand out in clearest 

Taking up the prominent types of topography in turn, we 
may discuss each briefly: 

MOUNTAINS: ‘These features are the most conspicuous in 
the state, the frontal range of the Rocky Mountains and the 
central portion of many other ranges are granitic; these are ordin- 
arily characterized by their rounded summits, forming the well 
known dome type of topography, so marked a trait of granitic 
regions. ‘Their general appearance recalls the mountains of 
Scotland or of Norway. Long slopes of waste cover the flanks 
well up toward the top, and often only the summits are com- 
posed of solid rock, and even here the process of weathering is 
so rapid that they are destined soon to be wholly buried in 
their own debris. The exfoliation of the granite is notice- 
able in many cases and this accounts for the rounded summits 
already mentioned. Because the mountains have become 
thus weathered, they have lost many of the sharper features of 
youth and have taken on the softer and block-like topography 
of old age. This feature of the mountains dominates all of the 
Wyoming scenery. 


The flanks of the range are frequently bedded rocks; in 
such cases their topography is much more rugged than that of 
the central portion. 

The variation so noticeable in the topography of the moun- 
tains, as one range after another is visited, is due to differences 
in the composition and the hardness of the rocks; differences 
also in dip often make sharp contrasts in the topography of 
closely associated areas. 

Some of the ranges visited were well dissected anticlines 
without a granitic core. The Freezeout Hills is a fine 
example of this—it is well worthy of the visit of every geologist; 
nothing in the country is more impressive than this magnificent 
arch, opened up by subsequent erosion until the whole structure 
is plainly seen on the lofty cliffs that wall in the subsequent 
valley. Not only is the extent of the erosion shown but the 
successive steps of its history are plainly indicated. 

Toward the west the anticline that forms the Freezeouts 
is barely notched—just a beginning has been made in the great 
arch of red sandstone—but toward the east the anticline is more 
and more deeply dissected as one approaches the older portions 
of the streams that have accomplished the erosion. A pano- 
rama of age-long activities lies before the observer as he looks 
along the axis of this great anticline. 

Passing away from the major folds which form the more 
conspicuous elevations, one meets with numerous lesser folds, 
which gradually die out as the distance from the mountains 
increases. These minor folds are generally opened up by 
erosion, so that the anticlines are well dissected. The hard 
rocks have not been reduced to the general level of the country, 
but stand up as rampart-like walls which sweep about as 
they pass from anticline to syncline, in great curves, forming 


the most conspicuous topography to be seen on the Piedmont 
plains. No vegetation obscures them; there is nothing in this 
country of magnificent distances to hide the sweep of these 
natural ramparts as they wind back and forth across the country. 
The softer rocks are quite fully removed as a rule, leaving the 
depressions characteristically found where hard and soft rocks 
alternate. The classic area of anticlines and synclines in 
the Appalachian system of mountains is not only equaled but 
excelled by those of Wyoming. There is a general tendency 
in these smaller folds to be unsymmetrical; ordinarily the 
steepest side is most completely removed, leaving the gentler 
sloves standing as escarpments. 

A fine example of this feature is seen at Aurora, where a 
plunging anticline has had its steepest side removed, while 
the less abrupt slope stands as an escarpment, several feet high, 
in which lie the dinosaur beds made famous by the researches 
of Marsh and others. 

So well dissected is this particular anticline that a subse- 
quent lake lies in its axis. 

THE PLAINS: On passing away from the mountains 
the folds gradually disappear, and the strata assume either a 
horizontal position or they are inclined in some definite direction, 
ordinarily away from the mountains. As a rule the strata are 
monoclinal in this section of Wyoming, and as is usual in ~ 
such conditions the region is characterized by escarpments and 
dip slopes. These features are especially prominent in the neigh- 
borhood of streams, where subsequent erosion has had an 
opportunity to work back along the strike of the rocks and 
develop the escarpment feature. Away from the drainage 
lines the plains are characterized by simplicity of topography, 
though this depends largely on the nature of the underlying 


BU|WOAAA Ul ‘BjOH Sa}eg ‘yoins vy 


rocks. In some localities as on the rim of Bates Hole, complex 
bad-land topography is found in the soft Tertiary rocks in 
close association with the simple and smooth topography of 
the harder Mesozoic rocks. 

The present surface of the plains as a whole is discordant 
with the underlying rock structure, that is the surface of the 
plains does not agree with the dip of the rocks but rather bevels 
off the dip. This feature indicates, beyond question, that the 
region has been base-leveled. 

Inasmuch as the Tertiaries are unconformable with the 
Cretaceous rocks and are laid down upon these inclined Meso- 
zoics in a horizontal position, it would appear that the base 
leveling must have been post-Cretaceous. 

The plains are covered by a thin, but effectual, layer of 
gravel, which is largely siliceous in character, and largely local 
in origin, as similar types are abundantly found in the still un- 
weathered rocks. 

This is especially well shown in the neighborhood of the 
Fox Hills formation, where the great nodules, which character- 
ize that formation, are found scattered about the surface of 
the ground, left behind in the decay of the rocks. As the 
mountains are approached, the character of the gravel changes, 
there is a great accession of rocks which form the mass of the 
mountains themselves; in such cases the gravel is of drift origin 
in whole or in part. 

TERRACES: The terraces are another of the important 
topographic features of the region. The streams in most 
instances are bordered by them, In many instances, as at 
Cooper's Creek, there are three terraces lining the stream. They 
are usually broad and reach heights of from fifty to one hundred 
feet. The valleys in which these terraces are found are also 

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broad as a rule; even in the case of small streams they may be 
several miles wide. In these broad valleys the streams are 
almost lost and they meander back and forth in the most devious 
way, indicating that the streams have well nigh reached local 
base level. The broad undissected terraces contribute much 
to form the block-like topography of the plains region. In 
addition to the stream terraces, there is also a series of terraces 
at the foot of the mountains. In most cases these are made up 
ot confluent fans, which stretch along at the base of the moun- 
tains for miles, parallel to their trend and only occasionally 
sending out a tongue of gravel into the plain beyond. The 
terraces of this sort are composed of coarse gravel where they 
join the mountains, but this becomes finer as the plain is 

The fronts of these terraces are often modified by stream 
action. In such cases they possess steeper slopes than is other- 
wise the case, for unless stream action has been present they pass 
by gradual degrees into the plain. All of the terraces are modi- 
fied more or less by subsequent drainage. “It is interesting to 
note how many of these drainage lines have originated. In 
most instances they have been located by the old-time buffalo 
trails and by the more modern cattle trails. “These animals 
passed from their grazing grounds on the higher lands down 
to the streams by fixed trails which became deeper and deeper 
with constant use. It was not long before a deep trail became 
a passageway for water and soon grew into a regular water way, 
which soon developed into a permanent stream, or at least 
became a draw or gully. These draws can be seen in all 
stages of development, from the slightly eroded cattle trail to 
the well-developed ravine. 

BASINS: Perhaps no feature attracts the attention of the 
geologist to a greater degree than the basins which abound on 


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every hand and are the most characteristic thing to be seen in 
the region. They are usually oval in form; frequently they 
have no outlet. They may or may not be occupied by water; 
in the former case there is usually a wide belt of alkali surround- 
ing the pond. These basins owe their origin to a number of 
causes. Usually the basins occur in drainage channels and are 
formed by the ponding of the streams by the debris carried in 
by tributaries. 

As is often the case, the tributaries work back along the 
strike of the soft rocks and thus are enabled to carry down great 
quantities of detritus, which the parent stream is unable to 
handle. Under such circumstances a basin will result sooner 
or later. In a few localities there was evidence of basins being 
formed by tectonic agencies. The best example of this was 
a basin in the neighborhood of Cooper's Creek, which had 
been formed by the uplift of a small fold across the stream. 

In the neighborhood of Harper, there were a few basins 
that had been formed by wind action; indeed, the process of 
construction could be seen going on in the strong wind which 
swept the region a good share of the time. A characteristic 
of such basins is that the coarse gravel is left behind, while the 
fine debris, such as sand and fine pebbles, is swept away; 
hence the bottoms of such basins are distinguished by the coarse 
character of the gravel. In a few instances, solution basins 
were observed; these were the round or oval-shaped basins 
which occurred in limestone regions; they had no apparent 
outlet. Such basins are not numerous, and they are not a 
special feature of the region. No basins were observed that 
could be attributed to glacial action; local glaciers have 
doubtless occurred in the region, but they have left no well- 
defined basins behind them as an evidence of their occupation. 

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VALLEYS: None of the valleys calls for special attention 
except that portion of the Platte Valley known as the Grand 
Cain of the Platte. 

Here, unknown to most, is one of the masterpieces of canon 
topography in America. Not only is the scenery of the highest 
order, but the structural features revealed are of extreme 
interest. Here, in magnificent vertical section, the whole range 
of rocks, from the Archean up, can be studied in almost unbroken 
series. In the region of the cafion, the rocks dip quite uniformly 
in a northerly direction. ‘The river crosses the strike as a whole, 
though it meanders more or less as it passes through the cafion. 
From a topographical point of view there are two especially 
interesting points to be observed. First is the contrast of the 
topography between the granite portion of the canon and the 
sedimentary rock portion. In the former case the river is nar- 
row and confined between vertical walls of granite a thousand 
or more feet high. The canon resembles a vertical cleft in the 
ground, recalling in some of its features the well-known Canon 
Diabolo of Arizona. On the other hand, as the river enters 
the region of bedded rocks, the cafion takes on an entirely 
different aspect; the walls recede from the stream in relatively 
gentle slopes; the river itself has worn a broader channel; the 
topography of the walls in this portion is also much more varied 
than in the granite portion, since the clastics vary greatly among 
themselves in regard to composition and character of bedding, 
as well as in hardness. Here are brought out in great variety and 
detail that common feature in cafions, namely, the combination 
of platform, cliff and talus slope. The topographic beauty of the 
canon is greatly enhanced by the gorgeous colors of the rocks, 
especially those of the Triassic, with their brilliant reds and 
browns. The second noticeable feature is the meandering 


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character of the stream, pointing to its superimposed origin. 
The Tertiary rocks lie horizontally upon the inclined Paleo- 
zoics and Mesozoics. ‘The topography of the country indicates 
that the river has been superimposed upon the earlier rocks 
through the overlying Tertiaries. “The unconformity indicates 
this, the fact that the Tertiary rocks have been more extensively 
eroded on one side than the other, and that, on the side in which 
the monocline plunges toward the river, the erosive forces have 
been much more active down the pitch of the plunging strata. 

The two points mentioned above are, perhaps, most notice- 
able, though there are many others of interest. 

No attempt has been made in this bare outline of the topog- 
raphy of southern Wyoming to give a scientific account of the 
surface features of the region; its only object is to call attention 
to some of its salient characteristics with the hope that it will 
influence others to study in detail the features, which the mem- 
bers of the Union Pacific expedition were enabled to study only 
in the most hasty and imperfect way. 


Referee in Topography, Logan Museum, 
Beloit, Wis. 


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About the various points of interest on ‘‘The Overland 
Route’ can be secured by addressing any of the follow- 
ing agencies of Union Pacific Railroad Company: 

ATLANTA, GA.—Candler Building., 121 Peachtree Street— 

Ti, TRS WANIN) IRUDIN SS DIDIMDIRS SS Re oooh oo conus cdbogoe ee General Agent 
BOSTON, MASS.—176 Washington Street— 

WILLARD MASSEY. _New England Freight and Passenger Agent 
CHEYENNE, WY0O.—Depot—. 

IDs LR. MBA DIISICIAIEE. 2 ie ame ache eleaniecia id Ono mer erG Ticket and Freight Agent 
CHICAGO, ILL.—120 Jackson Boulevard— 

RUDI MIN NVI aby Reactor ecctcrs ees, rons aMistad nian s oyalslete see ss General Agent 
CINCINNATI, OHIO—53 East Fourth Street— 

Will. TERS EGU INN G ROSE Re aie einer are ear ara General Agent 
COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA—s522 Broadway— 

JJs (CW NENOIS OD) Bees canes er eeein DoS Orioles City Ticket Agent 

Tel Ao EN ANP ATSC O)S Oh qisieholetia 6 Uae ae cure cma renny peo cci Ticket Agent 
DENVER, COLO.—o035-—41 Seventeenth Street— 

DES MOINES, IOWA—=3r10 West Fifth Street— 

Je ASIN ORY DOs a on a eeciel n cro ead 6 pele ptencan Traveling Passenger Agent 
DETROIT, MICH.—11 Fort Street West— 

[BEER CEN OUNCES rat x cy toys caste ets ake a ee ne et Sunae te fone Bes fend, she General Agent 

HONG KONG, CHR es Building— 
. Gen. Pass’r Agent, San Francisco Overland Route 

Seen ee ACNG) BRON iz, 5 fear c cea eres Gen. Pass’r Agent,G., H. & S. A. R’y 
KANSAS CITY, MO.—oor Walnut Street— 

1 RC Ce 52/20 11 ee ee i een Ass’t Gen. Fr’t and Pass’r Agent 
LEAVENWORTH, KAN.—o and 11 Leavenworth Nat’! Bank Building— 

TAR io 1s Wed 2A ON 0 Dea a ore Aao eaciciic oc eClcioi caeeoneiae Seen General Agent 

LINCOLN, NEB.—1044 O Street— 

Bye OOS SON erate, fetuses nararots ets eneiavecaieirars aire ss russel, 01 af General Agent 
LOS ANGELES, CAL.—557 South Spring Street— 

Eee ©) Se Vue SOU son tien oie evelal a cosh atesertut orale a oder ucts General Agent 
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—a2r South Third Street— 

FeTiste ee SC ARRAY Beer poy ay ox ct cay cee ottaye, ero oye ....District Passenger Agent 
NEW ORLEANS, LA.—227 St. Charles Street— 

rise PARSONS i oder dered ic Gen. Pass’r Agent, M., L. & T. R’y 
NEW YORK CITY—287 Broadway— 

Nines 2) BERGE Sie Nae apiece dhedey estoy ce ease General Eastern Agent 

NORFOLK, NEB.—104 South Fourth Street— 

Vet ies ACR Grit Rew Ris ice 2 ee ee ers ...Commercial Agent 
OAKLAND, CAL.—1122 Broadway— 

Heo Ve BLASDE lb ae i nis .........Agent Passenger Department 
OGDEN, UTAH—Union Depot— 

ASS DLO Lavi murs ok Traveling Pass’r Agent, O. S. L. R. R. 


PiCRPERCIVIAW tes antes ceatiecchste a creche semi Agent O. R. & N. Co. 
OMAHA, NEB.—1324 Farnam Street— 

ILA IEVEUN DOU boa pabaodmoDlbec City Passenger and Ticket Agent 
PHILADELPHIA, PA.—830 Chestnut Street— 

SACs IMME B © UIRINI a easc crc siete eycte eee ee rsieieencie rei etiate General Agent 
PITTSBURG, PA.—707-709 Park Building— 

GAGS AIR RUIN Gee Sai acre hae ert Ae ore oe ..General Agent 
PORTLAND, ORE.—Third and Washington Streets— 

CRiWeSHEIIN Gis Rep eee oto eee City Ticket Agent, O. R. & N. Co. 
PUEBLO, COLO.—312 North Main Street— 

1 MEU © RS ree Vas esa an ene se, kag. Bier ree Commercial Agent 
ST. JOSEPH, MO.—sos5 Francis Street— 

CIS UIVIMIG: Rae eee .Ass’t Gen. Pass’r Agent, St. J.& G.I. R.R. 
ST. LOUIS, MO.—o03 Olive Street, Century Building— 

GPO Wikre So 18 sate Se Oe Ee eon eae ...General Agent 
SACRAMENTO, CAL.—1007 Schon Sirect= 

SAUDIS S WAV VEACRIREA C Kea es eee 3 .Freight and Passenger Agent 

TD) SEER REA GY GR Ds cp. ec Teteg Acne RA i. | ee een General Agent, O. S. L. R. R. 
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—42 Powell Street— 

SEGES EBOOMIE, aioe peers c 5 soar ae Pea con ete kee eee General Agent 
SAN JOSE, CAL.—1r1o North First Street— 

IFS) Wize, SAGIN GTB RGe on Re Scr alas Pe egos rls Agent Passenger Department 
SEATTLE, WASH.—608 First Avenue— 

Ee a OEIC Ss erie ee ee en ees General Agent, O. R. & N. Co. 
SPOKANE, WASH.—426 Riverside Avenue— 

15 OOP LON ISOIN ISS eheain aHolnss os Wp mee City Ticket Agent, O. R. & N. Co. 

Vie SOP RO UM eres ees Toe eee Australian Passenger Agent 
TACOMA, WASH.—Berlin Building—- 

NACE Dee byl DH Open be Minten Sela a daaiome oops odes Agent O. R. & N. Co. 
TORONTO, CAN.—Room 14 Janes Building— 

jt O2'GOODSEE Leer a sos cee ae Traveling Passenger Agent 

YOKOHAMA, JAPAN—,4 Water Street— 
General Passenger Agent, San Francisco Overland Route 


Vice- President and General Manager. General Passenger Agent. 
Assistant General Passengér Agent. Assistant General Passenger Agent. 

2-I-I9g10-10M, OMAHA, NEB.