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INHERITANCE IN See wonu’ I. Vernon Lyman Kelloge, Professor of Baiomolegy 
89 pp., 4 plates. 1908. Price $1.00. 

Braz. Frank Mace McFarland, Professor of Histology. 105 pp., 19 plates. _ 
1909. Price $1.00. ; 

cisco Peninsuta.~ John Pearce Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. 
70 pp., 1 map. 1910. Price 50c. 

Walter Weymouth. 64 pp., 14 plates. 1910. Price 50c. 

Tue Ostreotocy or Certain Scomprom Fisnes. Edwin Chapin Starks, Assistant ; 
Professor of Zoology. 49 pp., 2 plates, 1 text figure. 1911. Price 50c. 

A Pxysicau THeEory OF EZECTRIFICATION. Fernando Sanford, Professor of Physics. 
69 pp., 2 plates. 1911. Price 50c. 

Tue Matzke MemoriaL Votume. Papers by John Ernst Matzke, late Professor 
of Romanic Languages, ahd Thirtéén Colleagues. 162 pp. 1911. Price $1.00. 
Das HistoriscHE PrAsENS IN DER ALTEREN DrursCHEN SpracHE. Bruno Boe- 
zinger, Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages. 91 pp. 1912. Price 50c. 

Rate or GRowTH, AND THE LONGEVITY OF THE ALBINO Rat. James Rollin | 
Sloriaker, Assistant Professor of Physiology. 36 pp., 1 plate, 15 text figures, 
1912. Price 50c. 

CATALOGUE DE Tous LES Livres pe Feu M. CHAPELAIN. (Bibliothéque Nationale, 
Fonds Francais, Nouv. Acq., No. 318.) Colbert Searles, Associate Professor 
of Romanic Languages. 119 pp., 2 plates. 1912. Price 75c. 

Tut Dubtey MeMortat Votume. Papers by William Russell Dudley, late Pro- 
fessor of Botany, and Several Colleagues. 137 pp., 12 text figures, 9 plates. 
1913. Price $1.00. 

Tue FisHes of THE STANFORD Expepition To Braziz. Edwin Chapin Starks, Assist- 
ant Professor of Zoology. 77 pp. 15 plates. 1913. Price 75c. 

Tue Birps or THE Latin Porrs. Ernest Whitney Martin, Associate Professor of 
Gteck. 260 pp. 1914. Price $1.00. 

Smith, Professor of Paleontology. 30 pp., 15 plates. 1914. Price 75c. 

A MorrHotocicat Stupy or SomME MEMBERS OF THE GENUS PaLLavictnia. Douglas 
Houghton Campbell, Professor of Botany, and Florence Williams. 44 pp., 
23 text figures. 1914. Price 50c. 

America. Manuel de Oliveira Lima, Minister of Brazil to Belgium. 160 
pp. 1914. Price $1.00. 

Tue HemotympH Nopes or THE Surep. Arthur William Meyer, Professor of 
Anatomy. 74 pp., 1 plate, 4 colored plates. 1914. Price $1.00. 

TIONS. (Lane Medical Lectures.) Sir Edward Schafer, Regius . Professor 

‘of Physiology in the University of Edinburgh. 94 pp., 1914. Price 75c. 

Arthur Garfield Kennedy, Instructor in English Philology. 91 PP. 1915. 
Price $1.00. 

(Continued on third page of cover.) 

~-Oo ' 









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In the Sierra Santa Monica of Southern California is a body of 
sandstones and shales, which are considerably older than the diato- 
maceous deposits referred to the Monterey age of the Miocene period. 
The latter are sometimes segregated under the name of Puente. The 
fish-fauna of these earlier rocks is evidently much older than that of the 
Monterey deposits and of the lowest Miocene or possibly of the Oligocene 
age. As this peculiar fish-fauna is well developed in the fine sandstones — 
about Soledad! Pass, in the extreme northern part of Los Angeles County, 
we may provisionally call this group the Soledad deposits, using a new but 
temporary name, leaving the stratigraphical determination to geologists. 

From Soledad deposits as thus indicated the geological collection 
of Stanford University has received fossil fishes from four localities— 

1. Brown’s Cafion in the Sierra Santa Monica, four miles north of 
Soldiers’ Home and about ten miles northeast of the city of Santa Monica. 
The specimens from this locality are in a pale yellowish sandstone, and 
mostly fairly preserved. ETRINGUS SCINTILLANS is well represented, with 
two incomplete specimens and many detached scales of GANOLYTES CAMEO. 
There is also a single fine example and some fragments of AUXIDES 
SANCTZ-MONICH. The two small examples of BULBICEPS RANINUS come 
from Brown’s Cafion as also the type of RoGENITES BOWERSI. 

2. Moore’s Cafion in the same neighborhood, in soft, fine, white 
sandstone. The specimens found here are mainly RoGENIO SOLITUDINIS. 

3. Soledad Pass, near Lancaster, about forty miles north of Los 
Angeles. The numerous specimens are in rather fine, white shaly sand- 
stone, much like that of Moore’s Cafion. Here were found many examples 

1“The snowy hills where Silence, 
All unmoved by human uproar, 
Holds his court, on Soledad.” 
—Rhyme of the Palos Verdes, 1880. 
The name “Soledad” does not occur on recent maps, but the term was form- 
erly used for mountains in the region south of Lancaster, where the Southern 
Pacific Railway crosses the main chain of the Sierra Madre. 


examples of ErrinGus SCINTILLANS and scales of GANOLYTES CAMEO. 
The type example of RHomMuRUS FULCRATUS is from these deposits. 

4, Walnut, in Puente Valley (not Puente), a locality north of the 
Sierra Santa Monica. = 

It is a. matter of doubt whether these deposits which I call pro- 
visionally Soledad belong to the lower Miocene or to the Oligocene period. 
The following extracts from a letter of Dr. Frank M. Anderson, dated 
‘Berkeley, July 13, give the latest available information: 

I have endeavored to ascertain from some one some satisfactory information 
as to the locality at the head of Brown’s Canyon, said to be four miles north of 
the Soldiers Home. I note also what you have said regarding the probable age 
of the strata from which the specimens of this locality came. Recently I drove up 
this cafion as far as I could, and as far as it seemed necessary to go, for the 
necessary information regarding the possible occurrence of Tertiary or Cretaceous 
strata in this part of the Santa Monica range. I also drove up the next cafion 
west of Brown’s Cafion. 

The formations in the central and higher parts of the Santa Monica range 
here, and to the eastward, are all of Pre-Cretaceous age, and include some 
igneous rocks. The stratified rocks are slates and old semicrystalline sandstones, 
_ and not such as would likely contain fish remains, or any other organic forms. 

If there are any Tertiary strata near the head of the Brown’s cafion they 
might be on the north slope of the range, and therefore not in the cafion itself, 
or there might possibly be a very small remnant of the Tertiary strata left lying 
on the older rocks, but this seems to me to be unlikely. If such remnant is there, 
or if Tertiary strata are conceded to exist there at all, they are much more probably 
of lower Miocene, than of Oligocene age, since the former are found on both flanks 
of the range, while the latter have not been found, as far as known, about this range 
at all. aed le 3) beak, 

The locality mentioned near Olinda is quite accessible, but in this case the 
strata are all represented to be, and I believe are of Miocene age, and Middle, 
or lower Miocene. I am quite familiar with the locality and with the formations 
there, and have seen no very good reason to regard any strata very near Olinda 
as Oligocene, though Oligocene sandstone and shale, or such strata that may be 
of that age do occur about two miles east of Olinda. 

I have little or no information regarding the occurrence of Tertiary strata 
in the Soledad Pass. Sandstone, and perhaps shale do occur there, and they are 
doubtless of Tertiary age, but I do not know their age more definitely. Oligocene 
strata are well known on both sides of the Santa Clara Valley (of Ventura County), 
and as the Soledad cafion, and pass, are the axial continuation of the Santa Clara 
Valley toward the east, there is nothing improbable in their supposed occurrence in 
the Soledad Pass, though they have not been reported from there. 

I here enumerate the species known from the rocks of the group 
I call Soledad. The main reason for thinking that these deposits are 
older than the Miocene is that the whole fish fauna is distinct from that 
of the Monterey series. The genera are all extinct and mainly of Eocene 
type, while those from the overlying shales and diatomaceous deposits 


are distinctly modern. It may be, however, that the difference in con- 
ditions of life kept the offshore fishes away from the sheltered archipelago 
where the diatoms were piled up. 
The species here enumerated are the following (new names in 
italics) : 

1. ErrINGuS SCINTILLANS Jordan. Brown’s Cafion, Moore’s Cajion, 

Soledad Pass. 
2. Ganolytes cameo Jordan. Brown’s Cafion, Soledad Pass, Puente 

Valley. ; 

Family ROGENIID/. 

3. RocGenio sotitupiNnis Jordan. Soledad Pass, Moore’s Cafion. 

4. Rogenites BOWERSI (Jordan). Brown’s Cafion. 

5. Rhomurus fulcratus Jordan. Soledad Pass, Brown’s Cafion. 

6. Auxides sancte-monice Jordan. Soledad Pass, Brown’s Cafion. 

Family LIPARID. 
7. Bulbiceps raninus Jordan. Soledad Pass. 


1. Etringus scintillans Jordan. 
(Plate I; Plate III, fig. 1) 

In my paper on the “Fossil Fishes of California,”? a new genus of 
fishes is described under the name of Errtncus. Renewed examination 
of the original type (No. LIII, Stanford Collections, from Brown’s 
Cafion) and of numerous variously imperfect specimens from the Miocene 
of Brown’s Cafion, Soledad Pass, and Olinda necessitates certain changes 
in the original account. The rather large thin scales, about 35 in a 
longitudinal series, are covered with enamel (ganoine), and they are 
without ornamentation except the thin concentric circuli. The ridge 
along the side of the abdomen, taken for a lateral line in the original 
description, is fallacious, apparently due to irregularities in the rock. 
There is no evidence of a lateral line and no trace of ventral scutes. 
Apparently none of the scales are especially deepened, and they are 
nowhere arranged in hard and fast oblique rows, as is usually the case 
in the related genus, PHoLIpoPpHoRus. Vertebre 14+ 23=37, well 

2 University of California Publications, Geology, 5, 121, fig. 17, 1907. 


ossified, the neural and hemal spines rather strong, short, directed back- 
ward. The tail is not heterocercal. The fin rays cannot be exactly 
counted." The head is not well preserved in any specimen ‘except for 
the rather strong lower jaw and-the small eye. Its surface bones are 
enameled and smooth. Figure 20, entitled “A Clupeoid Fish, A,” repre- 
sents a specimen of ErrINGUS SCINTILLANS. Figures 18 and 19, labeled 
doubtfully Errincus scINTILLANs, belong, however, to a different fish, 

I present here a restoration of the species by Mr. William S. Atkin- 
son, and also a drawing of the tail vertebree from a specimen in which 
these are well preserved. The body vertebre are deeper than long, 
scarcely constricted, not hourglass-shaped. 

The species much resembles PHOLIDOPHORUS STRICKLANDI Agassiz, 

as figured by Agassiz and by Woodward. This species, from the Lower 
Lias of Leicester and Somerset, differs from the type of PHoLIDOPHORUS 
in having but few of its scales arranged in oblique series. EtTrinGus 
seems to differ from PHoLIpoPHORUS in the entire absence of this 
arrangement and in the strictly homocercal tail. It belongs to a more 
recent horizon than most of the other PHoLIpoPpHOoRIDA. The genus has 
also much in common with the LEPTOLEPID&, and it may really belong to 
that family. 

Cotypes are numbers LXV, LXVI, LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII, 
LXXXIX, XCV, XCVI, XCIX, CI, CII, and CIV from Brown’s Cajfion, 
and LXXXIV from Soledad. 

Four other specimens (No. XCVII, XCVIII, C, and CIII) from 
Brown’s Cafion differ in having the bones and scales entirely black, the 
scales not lustrous. This distinction appears to be due to the fact 
that these specimens lie in the surface where one stratum is separable 
from another, the change perhaps due to infiltration of water. The 
lustrous scales are from specimens hermetically sealed, within a stratum 
of fine sandstone. 

The name Etrincus is from jteov, abdomen, and tyyoc, short for 
ovoryyos, overyE, a tube, referring to the (fallacious) appearance of a 
lateral line along the abdomen. 

2. Ganolytes cameo Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate II, fig. 3; Plate IV, figs. 1, 2) 

The specimens figured on page 123, figures 18 and 19, in my 
“Fossil Fishes of California,” as probably belonging to ErrinGus scIN- 
TILLANS, certainly represent a different species, characterized by orna- 
mental sculpture of the relatively thick and strongly enameled scales. 
Of this fish, much larger than any specimen of ETRINGUS SCINTILLANS, 


we have numerous fragments. These show two segments of the side 
of the body with many detached scales. The type, No. LX, Stanford 
University Collection (fig. 18). Another example, from Brown’s Cajfion, 
represents the broken side of the head of a large example with a few 
of the scales behind the gill opening. These are considerably longer 
than deep, obliquely placed and finely striate, as is also the enameled 
surface of the opercle. The scales of the body are everywhere finely 
striate and some of them ornamented with radiating lines and occasionally 
the edge clearly serrated. The scales are not arranged in rigid oblique 
cross-series, and the frequency with which they have become detached 
would indicate that they are less firmly fixed than in Errincus. The 
vertebree must have numbered about thirty-five. They are hourglass- 
shaped, deeper than long and well ossified. 

We here present drawings of well ornamented scales. For this 
material I propose the name of GANOLYTES CAMEO, the genus GANOLYTES _ 
being separated from Errincus by the thick, sculptured scales, these 
next the head but not the others, being much deeper than long. The type 
of the species is the specimen represented in figure 18, page 123, in the 
“Fishes of California,” here reproduced as figure 4. The three principal 
specimens (much reduced in figs. 18 and 19) must be fragments of a 
fish between two and three feet long. The type of ErRINGUS SCINTILLANS 
is about six inches in length. 

I have fragments of this species from Brown’s Cafion, Soledad Pass, 
and Walnut. The body scales on the three “torsos” before me seem 
relatively smooth while the detached scales are highly ornamented. This 
apparent difference is due to the fact that on the specimens the inside 
of the scales (nearly plain) is shown, or else the inside imprint. 

LXXI, LXXIII, LXIV, XCI, XCII, and XCIII from Brown’s Cajion, 
LXII and LXXXIV from Soledad. We have also a specimen in dupli- 
cate, LXVII, from near Walnut, Puente Valley, Sierra Santa Ynez. 
This small specimen has neither scales nor fins, but small scales of 
GANOLYTES lie about it in the rock. Specimens from Olinda identifiable 
by the scales are numbered LXVIII and LXIX, but these may belong 

The name GANOLYTEs is from ydvos, brightness, splendor, hence the 

words ganoid and ganoine, used for enameled scales; Attys, one who 
loosens or casts off. 



3. Rogenio solitudinis Jordan. 
(Plate II, fig. 1) 

Of this little species, type LVI, Stanford Collections, we have more 
than thirty specimens, from the white sand-diatomaceous deposits 
from Soledad Pass, and from the fine sandrock of Moore’s Cajfion. All 
are in the form of very delicate imprints in the soft white matrix and 
none over two inches in length. The depth of body was probably not 
over six or eight times in the length, not ten as stated in the original 
account. The head is rather large, in the best preserved examples 
anteriorly pointed; the lower jaw seems to be the longer, the cleft of 
the mouth being at least half head. In all, the dorsal and anal are low, 
about equally developed, opposite each other, the front of the fin being 
near the middle of the body, the rays of each eight or ten. The caudal 
is well forked, apparently gephyrocercal, that is, without hypural bones; 
the vertebre slender, hourglass-shaped. We find no trace of pectoral 
or ventral fin in any specimen. We are unable to assign this genus to 
any recognized family. The resemblance to Cosiropsis, suggested in the 
original description, is probably fallacious. We find nothing nearer, 
however, and adopt the provisional family of RoGEeN1mp# for this genus 
and its possible allies. 

With the type (No. LVI) are many cotypes, all of about the same 
size. Other groups are LVII, LXXIX, and LXXXI from Soledad, and 
LXXXVII from Brown’s Cafion. There are about thirty-five specimens 
in all, but none show more characters than the original type. In all the 
head seems to be pointed, the anal is opposite the dorsal, near the middle 
of the body, and no pectoral nor ventral fin appears. The original figure 
of the type is here reproduced through the courtesy of Dr. John C. 
Merriam of the University of California. 

4. Rogenites bowersi Jordan,’ new genus. 
(Plate II, fig. 2) 

The little fish (No. LIX, Stanford University) described from the 
sandy shales of the Miocene age at Brown’s Cafion, under the name of 
ROGENIO BOWERSI cannot belong to the genus ROGENIO. 

Its salient characters are the long and slender form, the depth 
being eight to ten times in the length of the body, the short anal and 
dorsal very far back, inserted about opposite the 36th vertebra, the 
anal a shade the shorter and beginning a little farther back. What 
may be a small ventral fin is well behind the middle of the body, about 
opposite the 25th vertebra. There is no trace of pectoral fin or caudal, 

3 University of California Publications, Geology, 5, 130, fig. 24. 


the tail vertebre seeming to be progressively smaller, without hypurals. 
The mouth seems to be large, the mandible strong, more than half 
length of head, its base angular, and there is a shadowy trace of large 
teeth in front: this appearance may be elusive. The vertebre are small 
and numerous, upwards of sixty in all, longer than deep and little con- 

This fish may be related to RoGEeNnto, but additional specimens are 
needed to show its affinities. Meanwhile I take it as the type of a new 
genus, RoGeNITEs. There is a remote possibility that RoGENITEs is an 
ally of HEMIRAMPHUs. 

The original figure of the species is here reproduced. 


5. Rhomurus fulcratus Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate IV, figs. 3, 4; Plate V, fig. 1) 

The type (No. L, Stanford University) the print of a dainty little 
fish three inches long in a fine sandstone from Soledad Pass, the front 
of the head broken. Head 334 in length to base of caudal; depth about 
51%. Form lanceolate, the back little elevated, the greatest depth at 
the nape. Eye large, about equal to posterior part of head; jaws seem- 
ingly rather strong, the form of the mouth unknown. Vertebre 35, 
elongate, hourglass-shaped, growing shorter posteriorly; the last eleven 
with very strong neural and hemal spines, the last six neurals bearing 
projecting points or fulcra; no sign of hypural plate. Dorsal low and 
apparently short, inserted somewhat in front of middle of length from 
nape to base of caudal, its distance from nape 114 in its distance to base 
of caudal, its rays not to be counted; ventrals inserted just behind 
middle of dorsal; pectoral apparently very short and narrow, placed 
low; (the fin below the pectoral in the type apparently the left pectoral 
brought around by distortion); anal well behind the dorsal, mostly 
obliterated. Caudal fin broad, well forked, its rays fine and numerous. 

This little fish is well marked by the strong armature of its spinal 
column behind the anal fin. The restoration by Mr. William Sackston 
Atkinson gives a good idea of its form and its tail structure. The 
restoration of the head before the break in front of the eye is wholly 
uncertain. Below the eye a faint outline of the left eye seems to show 

Some traits of this fish suggest the genus Cosrropsis Sauvage. 
We may provisionally place it in the Coprropsip%, without deciding on 
the relationships of Coxpitopsis. It is probably, however, an ally of the 
more primitive IsosponpyLi or herring-like fishes. It has certainly no 


affinity with AMMODYTES, a group in which the ventrals, when present, 
are attached below the pectoral fins. The type specimen was presented 
to Stanford University by its discoverer, the late Dr. Stephen Bowers. 

Besides this specimen two others seem referable to the same species. 
-No. LXXIX from Brown’s Cafion is the vertebral column of a rather 
larger fish ; the vertebrz are very strong, with long and strong processes. 
XC from Brown’s Cafion is a strong tail with twenty vertebre and a 
very strong, well-forked caudal fin as long as the last seventeen vertebra. 
XCIV is an uncertain fragment from the same beds. 

The name RHomurus is from ‘gun, strength; oved, tail. . 


6. Auxides sancte-monicz Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate V, fig. 2) 
(Type of the genus: THYNNUS PROPTERYGIUS Agassiz. ) 

From the sandstone of Brown’s Cafion in the Sierra Santa Monica, 
I have three broken sections of a mackerel-like fish about sixteen inches 
in length, which represents a genus new to science and apparently a new 
species also. A third specimen from Brown’s Cafion presents a crushed 
head with a part of the body as far as the end of the first dorsal fin. 
The torso represented anterior to the break in the accompanying figure 
(No. LI, Stanford Geological Collections, from Brown’s Cafion) is 
taken as the type of the species. It is not certain that the posterior part 
belonged to the same actual individual, but it is assuredly of the same 
species and approximately the same size. It is this posterior part which 
is noticed as No. 41, “a Scombroid fish,” on page 133 of my “Fossil 
Fishes of California.” A much abraded head of the same species is 
represented on page 128 of the same paper, figure 22, as a “Pterothrissoid 
fish.” Fragments are in the collection from Brown’s Cafion, Moore’s 
Cafion, and Soledad Pass. 

Head 414 in length to base of caudal; depth at first dorsal 434; 
dorsal with seven spines, the longest probably a shade more than half 
head; dorsals widely separated, the interspace probably two-thirds head; 
this not certain, as the soft dorsal is mostly obliterated; caudal deeply 
forked, its tips broken, angle of the lobes about as in ScomBeEr, much 
less than in Auxis. Vertebrz about 12 + 14=— 26, the number not quite 
certain, as two or three may be lost in the break, but certainly less than 
in SCoMBER (31); all the vertebre normal in form, with no trace of the 
peculiar “trellised” structure seen in Euraynnus and Auxis. Neural 
and hemal spines large and strong. Angle of preopercle enlarged, 
forming a conspicuous bony plate with strong radiating ridges. Mouth 


oblique, large, the mandible projecting, its length uncertain but one-third 
to one-half head. Second dorsal and pectorals mostly obliterated; anal 
entirely so; finlets all destroyed. Body formed about as in the mackerels, 
apparently evenly covered with small, smooth scales, larger than in 
Scombroid fishes generally, those of the pectoral region not modified 
to form a corselet, as is the case in Auxis, THUNNUS, etc.; twenty-five 
to thirty scales between the place the lateral line should occupy and the 
ventral edge. Scales on the narrow caudal peduncle apparently but little 
smaller than those near the head. 

In the “Poissons Fossiles,”’ V, part 1, 55, plate XXVII, Professor 
Agassiz figures from the Upper Eocene of Monte Bolca, a mackerel-like 
fish resembling our specimen almost exactly in all details, under the 
name of THYNNUS PROPTERYGIUS. The name THYNNUS is preoccupied 
and the smaller tunnies, once referred to it, now constitute the genus 
Eutuynnus of Liitken, while the great tunny and the albacore are 
placed in the genus THuNNus of South. Our species belongs to neither. 
Its dorsal fins are far apart and it has not the specialized corselet seen 
in THUNNUS, while its vertebre lack the extraordinary modification 
which is characteristic of EUTHYNNUS, well figured by Litken in “Spolia 
Atlantica.” Wey 

Kramberger, in 1882, doubtfully referred Agassiz’s THyNNUS PROP- 
TERYGIUS to the genus Auxis Cuvier, and in this reference, the doubt 
included, he is followed by Woodward (Cat. Fossil Fishes, IV, 464). 

But the species is much more related to the true mackerel or 
ScomBer. The only genera with the first dorsal short are ScoMBER 
and Auxis, and Auxis has modified vertebre as in EuTHyNNus, and 
also a much more widely forked caudal fin. It has likewise a pectoral 
corselet of modified scales, the rest of the body being nearly naked or 
very minutely scaled. There are thirty-nine vertebre in Auxis, and the 
tail is more slender, with a single strong keel. 

In ScomBerR the scales are very minute, with no pectoral corselet. 
The vertebre aré thirty-one, and the caudal keel is double and much 
smaller than in Auxis. The mouth is much larger than in Auxis, though 
smaller than in our specimen. 

I propose the new genus, AuxIDEs, with Agassiz’s THUNNUS PROP- 
TERYGIUS as type. It is distinguished from ScomsBer by the fewer 
vertebre, larger scales, stronger dorsal spines and more oblique mouth. 
To this genus I refer my species, as AUXIDES SANCTE-MONICH. 

A fish in many ways similar to AuxipEs is described in a subsequent 
paper by Jordan and Gilbert as TunitTa octravia. Tuwnita has a shorter, 
deeper body, tapering more rapidly backward, and stronger dorsal spines, 


the dorsal fins closer together. In making the restoration of the broken 
parts of the head of Auxipes the artist has drawn somewhat on the 
type of Tunita, which does not visibly differ from our idea of the head 
of AuxIpEs, and which, when the drawing was made, we supposed to be 
the same species. | 


7. Bulbiceps raninus Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate VI) 

In the sandstone from Soledad are two impressions (No. LVIII) 
of small tadpole-like fishes, each about two inches long. To all appear- 
ances they are Liparids or sea-snails. Little more than the general form 
can be described and the great size of the head may be due in part 
to the specimens having been pressed flat in the rock. 

Head 21% in length; depth of head 234; depth of body at front of 
dorsal four. Eye small, shorter than snout; mouth small; only a trace of 
dorsal and ventral left; anal and pectoral wholly obliterated; caudal fin 
well developed, 114 in head, apparently deeply forked in both examples. 
Traces of eight vertebre with their neural and hzmal spines visible; 
the total number apparently about twenty-five; apparently no hypural 
bones; skin smooth. 

Of the living genera of Liparids, ProgNurus Jordan & Evermann 
is the only one having a forked caudal, but the species in hand bears no 
other likeness to PRoGNURUS CYPSELURUS (Gilbert), a deep-water fish of 
the northern sea. I therefore place it in a separate genus, BULBICEPs, the 
complete characters of which await further study. 

I may here notice Eoperca Jordan, a new genus of Percip# from 
‘the Eocene of Wyoming, its type being MiopLosus MULTIDENTATUs Cope. 

The species from the Ree Hills, described by Cope * as MiopLosus 
MULTIDENTATUS, can hardly be retained in MiopLosus. It represents a 
new generic type, EopercA, midway between Mioptosus and the existing 
genus, Perca. From Mioptosus, as Cope points out, it differs in having 
twelve dorsal spines instead of nine, fourteen dorsal vertebrae instead of 
ten, and nine antrorse spines on the lower limb of the preopercle instead 
of five. 

In Perca, the dorsal spines are fourteen or fifteen, the vertebre 
20 + 21= 41, and the antrorse serrze are smaller, more than twelve in 
number. Like the perch, which it must have resembled, EopeRcA was 
a river-fish. All the others noticed in these pages were strictly marine. 

4 Amer. Nat., 25, 1891, p. 657. 




Southern California, as the term is used in this paper, includes all 
that-part of the state lying to the southward of the arbitrary straight 
line which forms the northern boundary of the counties of San Luis 
Obispo and Kern. Much of the surface rock of this region belongs to 
the Miocene age. This is especially true of large sections of the counties 
of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Kern. 

The most notable feature of the Miocene deposits lies in the fact ~ 
that in places hundreds of feet are composed solidly of diatoms, forming 
a very white shaly rock of low specific gravity and extremely friable. 
This is known as Celite, and the organic matter it once contained is 
thought to be a source of the oil which abounds in the same general 

In certain places these rocks, in the so-called Puente formation of 
the Monterey period, abound in remains of fossil fishes. These are mostly 
of small size and delicate structure, inhabitants of shallow bays, and while 
most of them represent extinct genera, the general character of the fish- 
fauna does not differ widely from that of the California fauna of today. 

The present writers will not venture on a discussion of the stratig- 
raphy of this region, nor on the conditions under which such prodigious 
masses of diatoms were deposited. It would appear that the region 
south of the Tehachapi range was composed of sheltered islands in, an 
arid region, the temperature not far from that of San Diego today. The 
diatoms may have been driven from the open ocean by the trade winds. 
The region must have been arid, else sand would have been washed in 
and mixed with the diatom deposits. In some districts this is the case. 

The small size of the fishes and the fact that all or most of them 
are shore species would indicate bays of small extent or an archipelago 
of small islands. Sharks’ teeth are common in rocks of this period else- 
where, but none have been found in the diatomaceous shales. These 
shales have been sometimes segregated as the Puente formation, a matter 
which we must leave to geologists. 

As to the nature of the deposits called Monterey or Puente, we have 
the following information from Dr. Frank M. Anderson: 


The white shales about Shorb and El Modena are well known to be diato- 
maceous and often considerable bodies of these rocks, that is, a considerable 
thickness of them is comparatively free from grit. I have been accustomed to 
regard these shales as of Puente age, as I believe they have been classified by Dr. 
Arnold, and I have been of the opinion that the Puente formation is middle or 
lower Miocene in age, and is the equivalent of the Montérey, taken in that sense. 

The Puente group is certainly not the base of the Miocene in the region 
about Los Angeles, and in the localities mentioned in your letter, namely, Shorb 
and El Modena, the beds are near the middle, or a little below the middle of the 
Miocene section. 

I presume you have some information regarding the large number of fossil 
fishes found in the diatomaceous beds of near the same horizon some three or 
four miles south of Lompoc, Santa Barbara County. The rock here is almost 
entirely made of diatom material some 600 to 800 feet thick. 

I believe that diatoms, or the marine species of the Monterey group, are, 
or were northern forms, and lived in the cooler waters of the north Pacific of 
the Miocene, and were brought south by the ocean currents of the time, and were 
trapped and impounded in such favorable places as were found along the Pacific 
coast of the period. 

Such favorable places were local, and more or less land-locked, or protected 
areas of sea, free from sedimentation from the land, and where the surface waters 
of the sea were free to enter and escape, but where they were detairied long 
enough to lose their contents of northern forms under conditions of temperature 
too high to permit their survival. It appears to me that the deposits of diatomaceous 
strata, as they are known in California, are all more or less local, and in their 
occurrence and distribution, conform to this idea. 

I have also imagined that the climatic conditions of the coast in middle 
Miocene times were different from those before and after, for there is a well 
known change in the character of the sediments of the Miocene, those of the 
middle being largely organic and those of the lower and upper Miocene being 
generally coarse detrital matter in which the organic contents are inappreciable. 

It may be that physiographic changes in the continental border and in the 
ocean currents could have brought about these differences in sediments, but there 
are certain established facts that point to great climatic changes during Miocene 
times. ; 

As to the length of time covered by any of the epochs of the past and 
embraced in the Miocene or Eocene, or in the interval between, I have no very 
exact idea. 

Strata of supposed Oligocene age have been found in the Santa Monica 
range, as well as Eocene, but I have no information at hand regarding their 

The following localities are represented in our collections: 

(1) Los Angeles. 

1. Los Angeles City. Collection of J. Z. Gilbert, of Ray G. Van Cleve, 
and of high-school students assisting. These are mostly from clay shales 
or thin sandstone. Of the species thus obtained, the new Blue-fish, 
LoPHAR MIOCZNUS, in Dr. Gilbert’s collection, is the most important. 


Several different localities within the city limits have yielded valuable 
specimens, as indicated under the descriptions of species. 

These may be enumerated as follows: 

a. Bairdstown, a hamlet midway between Los Angeles and South 
Pasadena, an outcrop of diatomaceous shale, mostly, not quite, pure and 
alternating with thin sandstone, in the hill above Titus Avenue. Many 
species obtained. | 

b. Los Angeles Brick-yard, 1000 Chavez Ravine Road; clay of the 
upper Miocene (LopHar). 

c. Reservoir Hill (Silverwood Hill), Elysian Hills, south of Chavez 
Ravine, uppermost Miocene sandstone (SCOMBERESOX EDWARDSI). 

(2) Shorb, Los Angeles County, about ten miles east of Los 
Angeles. Collection of Dr. Ralph Arnold. This collection contains 
numerous imprints of small fishes, all those which are identifiable being 

(3) El Modena,’ Orange County, at Hews Park. 

The fine collection of Mr. E. E. Hadley includes an unusual number 
of new species, as indicated below. The specimens are from chalky 
diatomaceous shales. This collection was placed temporarily by Mr. 
Hadley in the Lorquin Natural History Society of Los Angeles, the types 
of new species being transferred through the courtesy of Mr. Hadley 
and of the curator to the geological collections of Stanford University. 

(4) Lompoc (Sierra Santa Ynez) Santa Barbara County, in diato- 
maceous shale. Collection of Dr. Edward J. Porteous, of A. H. Krieger 
and of Miss J. M. Telford. Here the primitive flounder, EvestHEs 
JORDANI Gilbert, was obtained in 1909, 

(5) Santa Ana and Orange. Occasional sharks’ teeth in clay or 
sandstone deposits. 

(6) Pine Cafion, near Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, in clay 
shale, reputed to be of “Monterey” age. In this ForFEx HYPURALIS 
‘ occurs, 

5 The name El Modena applied to this village is unfortunate, as it is not 
correct Spanish.. There is no Spanish word Modena, and if there were, it would be 
a feminine noun, not preceded by El. The history of the name seems to be this, 
as derived from the postmaster of the town and from others. The station was 
first called “Earlham.” To this objection was made, and an Italian citizen sug- 
gested Modena, the name of a province in Italy. This became confused with 
Medina, and the suggestion was made by some one ignorant of Spanish to place 
“El” before it as in the neighboring village of El Toro. The name might be 
written correctly as El Modeno, La Modena, or, as suggested by Professor A. M. 
Espinosa, “El Médano,” the sandy tract. It might also be frankly meaningless, 
as Elmodena, yet it seems a pity that a locality of such interest in paleontology 
should have a name at once incorrect and meaningless. 


(7) Brea Cafion, one and a half miles from Olinda, Orange County, 
Collection of W. O. Clark. The rock at this locality is a very hard sand- 
stone of a dark greenish-gray color; a few fragments of fishes preserved, 
scarcely identifiable. In the Olinda rocks is found a single, small 
mussel, apparently an ally of Mytitus. In none of the other rocks have 
any animals other than fishes come to my notice. Of fishes there are 
several specimens of some CLuPEorD fish in poor condition, and a small, 
much crushed GANOLYTES, presumably G. CLEPSYDRA. 

(8) Miocene deposits of Kern County, Ocoya Creek, Oil City, 
Barker’s Ranch, Bena. From these deposits thousands of sharks’ teeth 
have been taken. We list these for completeness’ sake, but mostly with- 
out comment, referring the student to papers of Agassiz,® Jordan, 
Leriche,” and Jordan and Beal,® in which all that is known of these 
species is given. 

(9) Miocene deposits of Fresno County, at Coalinga and Zapata 
(10) Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County. 

We acknowledge our obligations to different naturalists and to the 
curators of local museums about Los Angeles, for their interest in this 
work and for the loan of specimens. The large collections of Mr. E, E. 
Hadley were placed for safe-keeping in the Museum of the Lorquin 
Natural History Society at Los Angeles. From these a series of types 
has been presented to Stanford University by Mr. Hadley. The speci- 
mens collected by Mr. Ray G. Van Cleve, Dr. Gilbert, and their 
sudents in the Los Angeles High School have also been presented 
from the Science and Arts Museum at the High School. Dr. Charles 
Lincoln Edwards has presented specimens from the museum of the city 
grade schools. Specimens of fossil pipe-fish have been borrowed from 
‘Professor H. H. Nininger of La Verne College, and specimens of living 
species from Professor William E. Ritter of the Seaside Laboratory at 
La Jolla. 

® Louis Agassiz: “Notice of Fossil Fishes Found in California by W. P. Blake,” 
American Journal of Sciences and Arts, 1856, pp. 272-275. Repeated with plates 
in Williamson’s “Report on Explorations in California,” U. S. Pacific R. R. Sur- 
vey for 1853, pp. 313-316. 

David Starr Jordan: University of California Publications, Geology, 5, 95-144, 

7 Maurice Leriche: “Observations sur les Squales Neogénes de la Californie,” 
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 36, 302, Dec. 1908. 

8 Jordan and Beal (Carl Hugh): “Supplementary Notes on Fossil Sharks,” 
University of California Publications, Geology, 7, 243-256, 1913. 


Unless otherwise noted, all specimens here described were collected 

by Dr. J. Z. Gilbert and by him presented to the department of Geology 
in Stanford University. 

From the deposits called Puente of the Monterey group the following 

species are described (new names in italics) : 

NDR w 

‘Oo © 








Wopn1ka ocoye Jordan, Bena, Kern County. 



Triaxkis beali Jordan, Kern Miocene. 
GALEOCERDO PRODUCTUS Agassiz, Kern Miocene. 
GALEORHINUS HANNIBALI Jordan and Beal, Kern Miocene. 

. CARCHARHINUS ANTIQUUS Agassiz, Kern Miocene. 


. CARCHARIAS CLAVATUS (Agassiz) Kern Miocene. 
. CARCHARIAS MORRICEI Jordan and Beal, Kern Miocene. 

Family LAMNIDZ. 

IsuRUS HASTALIS (Agassiz), Orange County, Fresno County, San 
Diego County. 

CARCHARODON RECTUS (Agassiz), Ocoya Creek, Kern Miocene. 

CARCHARODON ARNOLDI Jordan, Orange County, Kern Miocene, Los 

CARCHARODON MEGALODON Charlesworth, Santa Ana, Kern Miocene, 
Marin County. 



SQUATINA LERICHEI Jordan and Beal, Kern Miocene. 


MYLIOBATIS MERRIAMI Jordan and Beal, Kern Miocene. 
RHINOPTERA SMITHI Jordan and Beal, Kern Miocene. 












GANOLYTES clepsydra Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 


. RoGENIO vanclevei Jordan and Gilbert, Los Angeles. 

Family CLUPEID. 

. Xyne grex Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc, Bairdstown. 
. ELtLImMMA elmodene Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 
. EttimMa barbare Jordan and Gilbert, Carpinteria. 

. Alisea grandis Jordan and Gilbert, San Pedro. 

. CLupeA hadleyi Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 


. Smithites elegans Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown. 
. Quesita quisquilia Jordan and Gilbert, El] Modena. 
. Azalois angelensis Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown. 
. Lygisma tenax Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

SYNGNATHUS avus Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown. 

Forfex hypuralis Jordan, Pine Cajfion. 


ScoMBERESOX edwardsi Jordan and Gilbert, Elysian Hills. 
ScoMBERESOX acutillus Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

Zanteclites hubbsi Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown, Shorb. 


Eritima evides Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown. 

Family GEMPYLID/. 
TuyrsitEs kriegeri Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc. 

Tunita octavia Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

Family LUVARIDZ (?). 

Ozymandias gilberti, Jordan, San Pedro. 

Lophar miocenus Jordan and Gilbert, Los Angeles. 


Family APOGONID (?). 
40. Eclipes veternus Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

Family LUTIANID (?). 
41. Lur1tanus (?) hagari Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

. Family SCLZZENID/E. 
*42. Lompoquia retropes Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc. 

Family LABRIDZ. 
43. Xyrinius honlshs Jordan and Gilbert, Los Angeles. 

44, Sebastavus vertebralis Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 
45. Rhomarchus ensiger Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

46. Hexagrammos achrestus Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc. 

Family COTTID/E. 
47. Eoscorpius primevus Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown. 
48. Hayia daulica Jordan and Gilbert, Los Angeles. 

Family GOBIIDA. 
49. ABoMA antiqua Jordan and Gilbert, Bairdstown, Shorb. 

50. Merriamina ectenes Jordan and Gilbert, El Modena. 

51. EvESTHES JORDANI Gilbert, Lompoc. 
52. Diatomeca zatima Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc. 

53. Emmachere rhachites Jordan and Gilbert, Lompoc. 

PHOCENA occipUA (Leidy), San Pedro, Lompoc. 


i. Wodnika ocoyz Jordan, new species. 
(Plate VII, fig. 8) 

The type, a single tooth, 15 millimeters long by 10 broad, elliptic-oval, 
perfectly smooth, without ridges or furrows, but with a softly rounded 
and finely reticulate but smooth surface. This specimen resembles a 
large brown bean. It is in the collection of the California Academy of 


Sciences, obtained by Dr. F. M. Anderson from the lower Miocene 
of Kern County, the locality listed as 543, the west side of a high hill 
three miles northwest of the village of Bena. 

It is obviously the tooth of a HETERopoNTID (CEsTRACIONT) shark 
but it differs from Hereropontus and related genera by the entire 
absence of ridges and furrows on the tooth, which evidently comes from 
the middle of the side of the jaw. — 

The genus Wopnika Minster is defined as having the teeth. all 
large and adapted for crushing, the coronal surface smooth and gently 
rounded. The latter character applies to the specimen before us, but 
we are not sure as to other teeth. 

WoDNIKA ALTHAUSI Miinster comes from the upper Permian 
(Kupferschiefer) of Reichelsdorf, Germany. 

It is very likely that additional material may place this specimen 
in some other genus. 

The specific name ocoy# recalls the locality (Ocoya Creek) in 
Kern County from which Dr. Blake obtained for Agassiz the aor 
examples of California Miocene sharks. 

2. Heptranchias andersoni. 

Of Kern Miocene. Perhaps the same as HEPTRANCHIAS PRIMIGENIUS 
(Agassiz) of Europe. 


3. Triakis beali Jordan, new species. 
(Plate VII, fig. G) 

The type, a single tooth in the collections of the California Academy, 
from the Kern River Miocene, is quite unique. It is triangular, almost 
equilateral, the sides slightly convex. It is nearly erect, but notched on 
the outer margin, beyond which is a strong denticle, narrower than the 
main tooth, but similar in form and about two-fifths its height. The 
main tooth is finely serrate on both edges; the denticle is entire. It is 
probable or more other denticles existed and have been broken 
off, on the outer side of the tooth, but there were none on the inner 
side. The total height of the tooth is ten millimeters. The main tooth 
from the base downward to the outer notch is five millimeters, the 
diameter two and one-half. This tooth indicates relation to the species ; 
of TRIAKIS, but its pertinence to that genus doubtful. 

The species is named for Carl Hugh Beal, a student who worked 
with me on fossil sharks in 1912. 


4. Galeocerdo productus Agassiz. 
Of Kern County. Perhaps identical with GALEOCERDO ADUNCUS 
Agassiz of Europe. 

5. Galeorhinus hannibali Jordan and Beal. 
Of Kern County, Temescal Cafion, Sierra Santa Monica, in Pliocene 
rocks; the type from the Miocene of Kern County. 

6. Hemipristis heteropleurus Agassiz. 
From different localities in Kern County, Ocoya Creek, Oil City, 
Barker’s Ranch. Perhaps the same as HEMIPRISTIS SERRA of Europe. 

7. Carcharhinus antiquus (Agassiz). 
From the Miocene of Kern County. 


8. Carcharias clavatus (Agassiz). 

Of Kern County Miocene. Perhaps the same as CARCHARIAS CUSPI- 
patus (Agassiz), of the European Miocene and Oligocene. 

9. Carcharias morricei Jordan and Beal. 
Of the Kern Miocene. 


10. Isurus hastalis (Agassiz). 
(Plate VII, figs. A, B, C, D, H) 
SMITHI Jordan.) 

Numerous sharks’ teeth of the genus Isurus of various sizes and 
forms were obtained in Orange County from Miocene deposits. They 
seem to be referable to the European fossil shark described as OxyRHINA 
HASTALIS Agassiz. 

Teeth like these have been described by Agassiz as OxyRHINA 
PLANA and OxyRHINA TUMULUS from Kern County Miocene. These 
were figured in Jordan’s paper of 1907, being referred to the genus 
IsuRUS, a name older than OxyrHINA. Some of the teeth called Isurus 
TUMULUS came from near Santa Ana, in Orange County. Dr. Leriche 
is probably right in regarding Isurus TuMULUS as the lower teeth, 
IsURUS PLANUS as the upper teeth, and IsuRUS SMITHI as the sharp 
median teeth of the same species, the widely distributed Isurus HASTALIS 
of Europe and of South America. In Isurus the teeth from different 
parts of the same jaw differ greatly, more than teeth of different species. 


11. Carcharodon rectus Agassiz. 

This species of the Kern Miocene seems to differ from CARCHARODON 
ARNOLDI, by the presence of a small, blunt, lateral denticle at base on 
each side. It is not common. ~ 

12. Carcharodon arnoldi Jordan. 
(Plate VIII, fig. 1) 

Two very perfect teeth of the form called CARCHARODON ARNOLDI 
(No. CXXVIII) were found in the shales of the upper Pliocene at 
Fourth and Hill Streets, Los Angeles. These are slightly flexuous with- 
out distinct median ridge, no basal denticle, and about forty-five sharp 
serrations on each side, these serrations extending to the tip. 

From deposits Miocene or Pliocene in Orange County we have 
also seven specimens of sharks’ teeth corresponding to the type of 
CARCHARODON RIVERSI. The type of this species is from the Santa Monica 
range near Santa Monica. Another is from Port Los Angeles in rock 
regarded by Dr. J. J. Rivers as of Pliocene age. 

The essential feature of CARCHARODON ARNOLDI lies in the small 
number of the serrations, thirty to fifty on each side, the teeth being 
small and of varying width, some (outer) being much narrower than 
the median teeth. There is no median ridge on any of these teeth. One 
very small (outer) tooth is very narrow and flexuous, looking like a 
tooth of Isurus, but it has about thirty serre on each side, while the 
teeth of IsuRus are smooth-edged. 

It is on the whole likely that C. RIvVERSI represents outlying or 
imperfect teeth of the species called CARCHARODON ARNOLDI. 

13. Carcharodon megalodon Charlesworth. 

This giant shark was described in the University of California Publi- 

cations, Geology, 1907, p. 116, as CARCHARODON BRANNERI, the type 
being from Bolinas Bay, Marin County, the co-type from Santa Ana, 
Orange County. We have examined others from the Miocene of Kern 
County. ‘ 
The sole difference between C. BRANNERI and the still more huge 
C. MEGALODON from South Carolina and elsewhere, lies in the srnaller 
number of serrations on the teeth of C. BRANNERI, there being 80 to 100 
on each side, and 100 to 120 in C. MEGALopoN. Later comparison makes 
this distinction doubtful, the median teeth having more serrations than 
the smaller outer ones. ‘ 


There probably have been four distinct species of the Great White 
Sharks in California, one of these (CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS) still 

These may be thus distinguished : 

a. Base of tooth on each side with a serrated protuberance or 
denticle—tip of tooth without serrations ; serrations 50 to 60 on each side. 
Miocene of Kern County. RECTUS. 

aa. Base of tooth without denticle ; tip ie tooth serrate, like the sides. 

b. Serrations few, mostly 20 to 50 on each side; teeth small, less than 
3 inches high. 

c. Species living; seigutions 20 to 40; teeth ‘relatively narrow. 

cc. Species extinct; teeth broader; serrations 30 to 40 (RIvERsI), 45 

bb. Serrations 80 or more; teeth broad, 4 to 7 inches long. (Ser- 
rations 80 to 90,.very fine, BRANNERI, or 100 to 120, rather coarse ; MEGA- 
14. Scymnorhinus occidentalis (Agassiz). 

Of Kern Miocene. This genus should apparently stand as Scym- 
NORHINUS. SCYMNUs is preoccupied and the type of DALatTtAs is prob- 
ably a species of CENTROPHORUS. 

15. Echinorhinus blakei Agassiz. 
Of Kern Miocene. I have seen no teeth referable to this genus. 


16. Squatina lerichei Jordan and Beal. 
(Plate VII, fig. E) 
Of Kern Miocene. 


17. Myliobatis merriami Jordan and Beal. 
Of Kern Miocene. 

18. Rhinoptera smithi Jordan and Beal. 
Of Kern Miocene. 

19. Ganolytes clepsydra Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XI, fig. 1) 
Type a specimen (VI) from El Modena, Hadley collection, 7 or 8 
inches long in life. _Head about 3% in length to base of caudal; depth, 


3%. Vertebre about 17 + 2542, the number of caudal vertebre not 
to be exactly counted. Dorsal apparently small, inserted slightly behind 
the middle of the body, nearly opposite the ventral fin, which is short. 
Pectoral short, of 14 rays; inserted low, its length 3% times in depth 
of body; caudal forked. The stout, shortish ventral seems to contain 
more than six rays. The opercle is rather strong and*rounded behind; the 
occipital crest is rather high and the mandible seems strong. The bones 
of the head cannot be made out. The vertebre are strony, numerous, and 
distinctly hourglass-shaped, with rather strong neural spines; ribs mod- 

The scales are characteristic, rather large, thick, and covered with 
ganoine, almost as in GANOLYTES CAMEO, They seem to be regularly ar- 
ranged, between 12 and 18 in a cross series. Some of the scales show 
traces of digitate markings, but less distinctly than in GANOLYTES CAMEO. 


20. Rogenio vanclevei Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XXXI, fig. 3) 

Type a little fish 114 inches long (No. XXIII), from a gritty diato- 
maceous shale of Miocene age at Bairdstown, near Los Angeles. | 

Except for the much greater distinctness of its various bones it can- 
not be distinguished from the genus RoGENto, the type species of which 
abounds in the Soledad deposits. 

Body elongate, lanceolate, deepest anteriorly, the depth about eight in 
length. Head large, depressed, its length 4449 to base of caudal; bones 
of head obliquely placed; jaws long, subequal, the maxillary extending to 
beyond the eye; opercle strongly’ convex behind; vertebrz 32 or 33, 17 
behind the vent; dorsal fin inserted about midway from nape to base of 
caudal, its rays not well shown, about eight in number, rather low; anal 
similar, inserted a shade behind the dorsal, caudal peduncle behind these 
fins much longer than their base, the length greater than depth of body. 
Pectoral imperfectly shown, inserted rather low, not much shorter than 
head but narrow and slender; a vague trace of a small ventral midway 
between pectoral and anal; this perhaps fallacious; ribs delicate, well 
preserved; neural and hzmal spines strong; hypural plate not evident; 
caudal deeply forked, as long as head. 

This fish probably is congeneric with ROGENIO SOLITUDINIS, with 
which it agrees in the anterior insertion of the anal, almost exactly opposite 
the dorsal. Its relations to any group of living fishes are uncertain. 

The type was collected at Bairdstown in diatomaceous shale by a class 
of students from the Los Angeles High School under direction of Mr. Ray 


G. Van Cleve, science teacher. It is presented to the Museum of Stanford 

21. Xyne grex Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate IX, fig. 1; Plate X, fig. 2; Plate XI, figs. 2, 3) 

Type No. CVIII, block of diatomaceous shale from Lompoc, about 
20 inches by 16, containing 24 skeletons of a herring-like fish, besides 
fragments, each specimen about 6 inches in length, presented to Stanford 

No. XXXIV, seven similar skeletons also in rock of absolutely pure 
diatom substance without sand or grit, was obtained at Bairdstown, near 
Los Angeles; as also a third slab (No. XXVIII), with five skeletons of 
similar character. A fourth slab (No. XV), with four specimens, is from 
Lompoc. In these the scattered loose scales give the fish a rather curious 
resemblance to an ear of Indian corn or maize surrounded by loose kernels. 
Another large block, altogether similar to CVIII, also from Lompoc, and. 
containing 16 fine skeletons, is in the Academy of Sciences at San 

The species has the general form of a herring, rather deeper than in 
CLUPEA HADLEYI or in any living species of herring, the ventral outline 
more convex than the back, but not prominent. 

Head about 3% in length to base of caudal; depth 3 to 3449; body 
cavity very long, the region provided with ribs, about equal to distance 
from last rib to base of caudal; length of a rib 334 in length of body. 
Ribs strongly curved, hair-like, finer than in CLupea. Mouth rather large, 
oblique, the lower jaw somewhat projecting. Vertebre 17 to 19 + 28= 
45 to 47 in number, small, slender, constricted, subequal, nearly as deep 
as long, not reduced posteriorly ; each with two strong longitudinal ridges 
on each side; opercles rounded, smooth, with enameled surface; rather 
deep, smaller than the very broad preopercle; ventral scutes strong, with 
entire edges, evident in three specimens, lost in the others ; the scutes large, 
pointed, enameled; no trace of dorsal scutes. Neural bones rather long 
and strong for a herring, directed moderately backwards, interspersed 
with fine, hair-like intermuscular bones set very obliquely. Opercle finely 
and evenly striate under the glass. 

Dorsal median, of moderate size, its insértion slightly nearer base of 
caudal than snout, about twenty rays traceable, ventral inserted slightly 
before dorsal; anal rays apparently about twelve; pectoral sixteen. 

Scales cycloid, of moderate size, apparently about sixty in a longitudi- 
nal series, regularly placed, thin, but more or less enameled; many loose 
scales scattered about most of the specimens. 


For this genus we suggest the name XyNE (Evvoc, Evvyn, comrade). 
XYNE is allied to CLupEA, from which it differs in its thicker enameled 
scales, enameled opercular bones and in the strong ventral scutes. It has 
marked affinities with the Cretaceous genus, ScomBrocLuPEA Kner, the 
opercular bones and ventral scutes being similar. XyNe differs, however, 
in the much larger mouth, and in the absence of any suggestion of finlets 
behind dorsal or anal. The type of ScomprocLuPeEA should be known 
as S. PINNULATA Kner (1863), not as S. MACROPHTHALMA (Heckel), 
the earlier name, CLUPEA MACROPHTHALMA Heckel (1843) being pre- 
occupied by CLUPEA MACROPHTHALMA Ranzani (1842), a living species 
of the West Indies. 

22. Ellimma elmodenz Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XII, fig. 1) 

Type No. XLVII, a small double-armored herring, about four inches 
long, taken at El Modena by Mr. Hadley, in a matrix of pale diatomaceous 
shale. Its structure agrees closely with that of the genus ELL1mMa Jordan, 
differing in the smaller size and greater number of the vertebre. 
ELLiMMA Jordan is a substitute name, proposed® in placed of ELLipEs 
Jordan,?® which was preoccupied by Extipes Scudder," a genus of 

ELLIMMA ELMODEN# is a short, deep, compressed fish, formed much 
as ELLIMMA BRANNERI, the type of the genus. It has 27 + 17=—=44 
vertebre. Head 2% in length, depth 2%, eye 4% in head; snout 4, dorsal 
rays 18, anal 18; ventral 10, pectoral 15. Length of longest rib 1% in 
head; mouth moderate, slightly oblique, the lower jaw prominent, strong, 
slightly projecting ; dorsal scutes moderate, about 14 in number, apparently 
simple ; ventral scutes sharply defined, 12 + 12 = 24 in number; back not 
elevated ; the profile nearly straight from dorsal to snout; belly very con- 
vex ; dorsal fin low and small, its base seven in length, its posterior rays at 
end of first third of length to caudal. Eighteen rays apparent, the first 
simple, ventral small, inserted opposite middle or dorsal, about equal to 
pectoral, which is inserted very low. Ribs long, fine, and numerous. No 
scales are preserved. Spinous serratures on belly short and stout, followed 
by twelve weaker ones behind ventrals. 

Anal fin very weak, base ten in length to base of caudal. It begins at 

posterior fifth of length to caudal; first ray short, spine-like, second 

longest, about half the height of dorsal, sixteen rays corresponding to 

nine vertebre; lower lobe of caudal only preserved; this is equal in 

length to longest rib; ribs long, fine, and numerous; eye large, in front 

of middle of head; opercle strongly developed, broadly convex pos- 
® Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., p. 79, 1913. 

10 Ann. Carnegie Mus., 7, 1910. 
11 Psyche, 9, 308, 1902. 

— ee 


teriorly ; preopercle strong, as high as the opercle, its upper limb vertical ; 
branchiostegals apparently broad; no teeth are shown and no scales are 
preserved. . 

Length to base of caudal . : . i ‘ 96 mm. 
Depth midway . : ' } ; ; . 38 mm. 
Length of head. ; : : ; . 37 mm. 
Length of longest rib. . ; ; ‘ 28 mm. 
_ Length of caudal, lower lobe. : 3 . 28 mm. 
Diameter of eye... : ; ‘ ; i 8 mm. 

ELLIMMICHTHYs Jordan, new genus. 

As compared with the type of the genus ELLimMa, E. BRANNERI Jor- 
dan, from the lower Eocene at Riacho Doce, Alagoas, Brazil, the Califor- 
nia species has a much greater number of vertebre (16+ 17 = 33 in E. 
BRANNER1), but is otherwise very similar, and it may probably be placed in 
the same genus. The dorsal fin, small in E. BRANNERI, larger in E. RIA- 
CENSIS, is very small in E. ELmopEN#&. All three of these species lack 
the sharply elevated back of E. toncicostatum (Cope). This species, in 
fact, cannot be retained in ELLIMMA and may be made the type of a 
distinct genus, ELLIMMicHTHys Jordan. It comes from the upper 
Cretaceous near Itacaranha, Brazil. 

The type specimen of ELLIMMA ELMODEN2 is presented to Stanford 
University by Mr. E. E. Hadley. 

23. Ellimma barbare Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate IX, fig. 3) 

Type a small fish, 334 inches long (No. XXXII) from fine-grained 
Miocene sand shales at Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County, loaned by Mr. 
Martin, principal of the Carpinteria High School. 

Form of ELLIMMA ELMODEN#: head nearly 4 in length, depth 2%, 
eye 3 in head, half longer than snout. Dorsal rays about 12, five visible. 
Anal rays 12 to 14; ventral serratures 11 or 12+ 8 or 10; dorsal scutes 
mostly obliterated. Vertebre 22 to 24-+ 14— 36 to 38. Body deep, 
compressed, the ventral outline prominent; head rather short, depressed 
above eye; mouth moderate, apparently oblique, the jaws subequal; no 
trace of teeth; eye rather small, but longer than the short snout; opercle 
higher than long, scarcely angled; preopercle striate; body cavity very 
large, crossed by long, moderately curved ribs, each a little longer than 
head; caudal region very short, little longer than head; ventral serrze 
strong; a few traces of dorsal scutes; back feebly arched; vertebre 
rather weak, scarcely deeper than long, maintaining their strength well 


Dorsal fin beginning about midway of length to base of caudal; its 
height about equal to its base, the anal apparently smaller and weaker; 
pectoral inserted low, in advance of posterior border of opercle, its rays 
broken ; ventral fins mostly oblitérated; inserted about under middle of 
dorsal; caudal broken, apparently forked. 

This species apparently belongs to the genus ELtimma. From 
ELLIMMA ELMODENZ# it seems to differ in the notably shorter head, and 
caudal region, the larger body cavity, stronger ventral serratures and 
fewer caudal vertebre. The vertebre are 27 + 1744 in ELttimma 
ELMODENZ, and 16+ 17==33 in ELLIMMA BRANNERI, the Brazilian 
Eocene type of the genus ELLIMMA. 

24. Alisea grandis Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XVII, fig. 3) 

Type No. CXXXV, from San Pedro, in hard, flinty sandstone of 
Miocene age. 

It is the posterior part of a large shadlike fish, the fragment pre- 
served being 23 inches long, the whole fish in life upwards of 234 feet. 

Body elongate, compressed, no trace of protuberant ventral region; 
ventral scutes, if present, all obliterated. 

Insertion of dorsal fin nearly midway from nape to base of caudal, 
the depth at that point 2%4 times in distance from insertion of dorsal to 
base of caudal fin. As the anterior region is wanting the different meas- 
urements may be compared with the greatest depth. Length of base of 
dorsal uncertain, the posterior part obliterated. 

Anal fin better preserved, its insertion about under tenth ray of 
dorsal, at distance from front of dorsal about two-fifths of depth of 
body; the hzmal spines, however, being very oblique, their insertion 
much behind (five or six vertebre behind) insertion of dorsal neurals; 
length of anal fin from first ray to the last ray shown, about equal to 
depth of body. Anal rays not far from thirty, the longest (anterior) 
two and a half in depth of body. 

Vertebre moderate, subequal, hourglass-shaped. Caudal vertebrz 
twenty-eight, fourteen indicated in advance of these, the total number of 
vertebrz not far from fifty. Last visible anal ray attached to the sixteenth 
vertebra from the last, the fin covering about sixteen vertebre; caudal 
vertebre with strong, very oblique, neural and hemal spines. Hypural 
obscured, apparently much as in a shad. 

Caudal fin very long and widely forked with numerous accessory 
rays, the upper lobe pointed, its length one-fourth or more greater than 
depth of body; lower lobe broken. 

Scales very small, smooth, cycloid, present on most of the body and 
scattered in the rock about the back. The number was not far from 


35-200-40.. Over forty scales in a cross series below dorsal, caudal 
fin largely’ scaly. 

Whether ventrals are present or not we have no means of knowing. 

Least depth of caudal peduncle about seven and a half times in the 
length of the caudal region, about three times in its own length, and 
about five times in length of the caudal lobe. The caudal fin of a second 
specimen is preserved on the block containing PHoc#NA OCCIDUA. 

This large, shadlike fish belongs evidently to the family of Ciu- 
PEIDZ. Its elongate body and long anal fin place it in the vicinity of 
the genus Ix1sHa, from which it differs obviously in the insertion of the 
dorsal fin notably in advance of the anal and apparently in the short- 
ness of the anal fin-itself, but of that we are not sure, nor can we tell 
how long is the dorsal fin itself. 

In Ir1sHa Gray the anal fin is inserted under about the tenth ray 
of the dorsal, but the fin extends farther back, with forty-eight rays. : 
In the section PELLoNA Cuvier & Valenciennes, the anal fin is shorter, of 
about forty rays, and the anal is inserted farther back. 

From both groups, IL1isHa and PELLoNA, our fish is separated by the 
minute scales, smaller than in any living form of herring or shad: There 
is no evidence of scutes in front of the dorsal fin, and the species is 
probably not one of the double-armored herrings. In case it should 
prove to be such, it will be distinguished from CopEicHtTHys (DIPLo- 
MysTuUS) of the Eocene by its very small scales. 

We give the genus the name of AttsEa, Alise being a Hindu name 
of a related species, ILISHA MOTIUS. 

25. Clupea hadleyi Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XIII) 

Type No. XXXV, the well-preserved skeleton and impression of a 
herring found in the diatomaceous deposits in Hews Park near’ El 
Modena, by Mr. E. E. Hadley. The type specimen lacks the head and 
most of the fins, the body and the caudal fin being well-preserved. The 
number of vertebre indicated is 58, about 33+ 25—58, a very few 
being lost with the head. Depth about 414 in length to base of caudal; 
length of caudal lobes more than half greatest depth. Ventral small, 
eight-rayed, inserted behind middle of body, midway between opercle 
and base of caudal, about under middle of dorsal, which is mostly oblit- 
erated; dorsal higher than anal, of about equal length and number of 
rays, anal very low, its base as long as the caudal lobe or the base of the 
dorsal; seventeen rays are counted. Ribs moderate, slender, shorter 
than in CLUPEA PALLASI, the living species. The neural processes are 
much shorter than in the latter, barely two-thirds as high, and straight, 


instead of curving backwards. This species has a few more vertebre 
than any known herring, but it can hardly be placed in any genus other 
than CLupea. For the present, we leave it among the true herrings, to 
which it seems most closely related. The California Sardine, SARDINIA 
C#RULEA (Girard) has still weaker spinal processes and ribs. It has 
fifty vertebre. The California herring (CLUPEA PALLAsI, Cuv. & Val.), 
has fifty vertebra. The Atlantic herring (CLUPEA HARENGUS L.) has 56, 

A second specimen in almost all respects identical with the type and 
lacking also the head was also obtained by Mr. Hadley. (No. CVII.) 

Length (estimated) to base of caudal F : 285 mm. 
Depth ; ; ‘ ; , : : ; ‘ 60 mm. 
Length of head (estimated) ; i : ‘ 75 mm. 
Length of caudal lobe. : ; , ; ‘ 40 mm. 


26. Smithites elegans Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXIX, fig. 3) 

A small slender fish two and a half inches long (No. IV), well-pre- 
served, the snout and front of the jaws lost, the anal fin obliterated; no 
scales present. From the diatomaceous shales of Bairdstown. Head about 
434 in length to base of caudal, the greatest depth 534. Dorsal rays, 
about six present, some of the last rays obliterated ; ventrals extremely well 
preserved, with six rays. Vertebre apparently 25 + 32—57, perhaps 
53 to 55; the neural and hemal spines well developed for the whole length 
of the vertebral column. Caudal fin large, deeply forked, its lobes one 
and a quarter times greatest depth of body. Eye moderate, about four in 
head ; mouth apparently rather large; pectorals moderate, one and a quar- 
ter in depth; ventrals about two in depth, inserted under middle rays of 
dorsal; dorsal rather low and short, its insertion about midway between 
tip of snout and base of caudal; anal entirely obliterated. 

This species much resembles the little fish of the Gulf of Mexico, 
known as JENKINSIA STOLIFERA (Jordan and C. H. Gilbert). It has 
much in common with the genus JENKINSIA, which is a near ally of the 
East Indian SpRATELLOIDES Bleeker. But the vertebre in JENKINSIA 
number but forty-two, a feature indicating generic distinction and accord- 
ing with the supposed fact that the Monterey fauna lived in relatively cold 
water. It must therefore be placed in a distinct genus which we name in 
honor of Dr. James Perrin Smith, paleontologist of Stanford University. 


27. Quesita quisquilia Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate VIII, fig. 3; Plate X, fig. 2; Plate XVII, fig. 1) 

Type three and a quarter inches in length (No. XVII) from El 
Modena, E. E. Hadley, the head, fins and spinal column fairly well pre- 
served. Head 4% in length to base of caudal; depth nearly 6; eye 31% in 
head ; snout nearly 314; dorsal about 12; anal 10-12; vertebrae 24 + 14= 
38, relatively strong, not decreasing rapidly backward, the neural spines 
unusually well-developed posteriorly, not evident anteriorly. Head large, 
the jaws subequal.or the lower rather longest, the maxillary reaching 
front of orbit, jaws with traces of fine teeth; dorsal opposite ventral, its 
insertion midway from snout to base of caudal; dorsal short and rather 
low, opposite five or six vertebrz, the ventral about as high as dorsal; anal 
longer and lower than dorsal ; caudal forked, the last eight or ten vertebrze 
with strong neural spines, those of the rest of the spinal column obscure. 
Hypural plate ill defined, but apparently rather strong, triangular. 

The relationships of the genus Quz#siTA are obviously with the her- 
ring group. At present we place it in among the “Round Herrings” or 
DussuMERIID2, near SMITHITES, from which it differs in the much 
smaller number of vertebre. 

Nine other examples of this species found at El: Modena by Mr. 
Hadley are before us. These range from 1%4 inches in length to 314 
(Nos. XCII to CXX). The insertion of the dorsal in all is very 
slightly nearer the base of caudal than the snout; the ventrals slightly 
behind the first dorsal rays. The dorsal is short, of about ten rays, its 
insertion about twice as far from the base of caudal as from the nape and 
about over the thirteenth vertebra. 

The posterior vertebre are strong, those behind the anal fin having 
especially long and strong hzemal and neural processes. Hypural plate 
apparently broad, thin. The number of verterbre is about thirty-six. 
The caudal fin is moderate and forked. The eye is large, about as long 
as snout, three and a half in head. 

Specimen No. CXIX shows the dorsal and ventral fins very well 
as well as the tail and caudal fin. The anal is imperfectly shown, and the 
vertebre are partly obliterated. 

No. CXVI, a good specimen, shows the head; the eye nearly four in 
its length, the mouth short, very oblique, reaching to opposite front of 
eye, the maxillary about as long as eye, and the jaws equal. Head four in 
length. Ventrals opposite about fourth ray of dorsal, tail with its verte- 
bral spines well developed, the caudal moderate, one and a fifth in head. 

No. CXVIII, also good, shows the head and the vertebral column, 
with the pectoral and ventral fins and the strong hemal and neural spines ; 
the pectorals are narrow and inserted low, as usual in herring-like fishes. 
No. CXII shows the dorsal and anal, with the tail; the head is partly 
shown. CXIII shows the form of the vertebral column and parts of the 


dorsal, both ventrals and the anal. No. CXV shows a broken head with 
the vertebral column; the tail as usual well preserved; CXX is shadowy, 
showing a broken head, part of the dorsal fin and a well-preserved tail. 
No. CXVII is a very small example, poorly preserved. Most of these 
specimens have been returned to the Lorquin Natural History Society, 
the type and some others retained at Stanford University. 

To this species we refer provisionally a block containing a school of 
little fishes about thirteen in number, 134 inches in length (No. XVII) 
variously distorted, also from El Modena, E. E. Hadley, and imbedded in 
diatomaceous shales. The characters as well as we can make them out 
are as follows: 

Head large, 3 in length; depth 544; snout pointed; jaws long, sub- 
equal, extending to opposite the very large eye; edge of upper jaw appar- 
ently curved, with small teeth; vertebree about as deep as long, about 
forty in number, fourteen behind front of anal fin; posterior vertebre 
with well developed neural and hemal spines, hypural plate small, appar- 
ently present ; caudal deeply forked, two-thirds length of head, the rays 
about eight to ten; caudal peduncle about equal to space between dorsal 
and anal; a detached pectoral contains five rays, slender, two-thirds length 
of caudal lobes; a pectoral fin in place is attached rather high to the 
middle of the opercular border, its position probably due to distortion. 
Dorsal small, rather low, six or eight rays visible, inserted a little in front 
of middle of body, its first ray over the ventrals which are also small, 
with eight or ten rays; anal fin very obscurely shown, its insertion well 
behind the dorsal. 

These specimens are no doubt the young of Qu&SITA QUISQUILIA, as 
we see no characters by which they can be separated. 

On the same block with these (lower left-hand corner) is a small 

28. Azalois angelensis Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XV, fig. 2) 

A little fish (No. XLII) about two and a half inches long, from 
Bairdstown, in diatomaceous shales. The form of the body and the head 
are fairly well preserved. In outline it bears considerable resemblance to 
the figure of YARRELLA BLACKFORDI Goode & Bean, though differing 
widely in details. In technical characters it approaches Quasira. 

Head about 4 in length to base of caudal, depth 5%, eye 3% in head; 
depth in head 1%; snout 3; vertebrae 26+ 16—42. Body moderately 
elongate, deepest before the dorsal fin, probably considerably compressed ; 
body depth sustained well backward, the caudal peduncle more slender ; 
head large; the mouth large, oblique, the mandible projecting, and with 



a sharp projecting knob at its insertion, its length about half head; side 
of the mandible apparently with broad-based, uniform, rounded, sharp- 
edged teeth, rather low and apparently incisor-like, eight to ten in num- 
ber ; no canines (it is possible that these teeth are misinterpreted) ; opercles 
well developed, snout short and blunt. Eye large, the orbit crossed by a 
narrow depression’ (a bony interorbital shelf). Fin rays not to be ac- 
curately counted; dorsal small, with about twelve rays, nearly midway 
between occiput and base of caudal; ventrals short but with numerous 
rays, nearly half length of mandible, inserted a shade in advance of 
front of dorsal. Anal partly obliterated, with perhaps seven rays trace- 
able; no trace of adipose fin, caudal fin crushed, apparently large and 
forked. No certain trace of scales on body, one loose scale large, nearly 
circular, its edges indistinct. About twenty vertebre shown behind front 
of ventral fin, nearly as many before it being obliterated. Vertebre 
deeper than long, with weak spines; no ribs preserved; hypural oblit- 

This form apparently belongs to the IsosPONDYLI, but it seems to fit 
into no existing genus. The dentition, if correctly interpreted, is unique 
in the group. We leave this genus with Qu#sira provisionally among 

(The name is from Cadets, not stormy, that is, living in a sea free 
from Cddoc, muddy foam.) 

29. Lygisma tenax Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate VIII, fig. 2; Plate XIV, fig. 1) 

Type (No. XVI) 314 inches in length, from the Hadley collection at 
El Modena. It shows the head from above with the vertebral column and 
the long, strong caudal fin complete. The other fins are scarcely indicated. 
Head large, broad, about five in length, a little longer than caudal fin; ver- 
tebree about forty-three, well ossified and hourglass-shaped, the column 
holding firmly together; eyes very large, longer than the bluntish snout 
and broader than the concave interorbital space; post-temporal bones 
present; no spines on head; caudal strong, well forked, the lobes nearly 
as long as head. No trace of other fins preserved. In the example before 
us the vertebral column fully intact is much distorted and twisted in a 
fashion almost comical. The neural spines seem weak. Hypural strong, 
but ill-defined. 

A second example (No. CVII) shows the same species from a differ- 
ent angle. The large head, seemingly three and a half in length, is badly 
crushed, but indicates a conical form, with large eyes, and apparently 
short, oblique mouth; the depth is not far from five in length; pectoral 
inserted low, the fin split, about 6 rays in each half; ventrals long, both 


being shown; each of about six soft rays, the insertion far behind front of 
dorsal and slightly nearer tip of snout than base of caudal; insertion of 
dorsal: midway between gill opening and base of ventrals, the fin broken, 
only six rays being visible; vertebral column much bent posteriorly, as 
in the type specimen, vertebre strong, the neurals weak, caudal fin broken ; 
no trace of anal fin. No scales preserved. 

The genus LycisMa is probably related to the herrings, although the 
vertebral column is much stronger than in these. It may find a temporary 
place among the DussUMIERIIDH, with which it has probably no close 

The name is from Avytova, a twisted object. 


30. Syngnathus avus Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XXIX, fig. 2) 

The fossil pipe-fish, here described (Nos. V, XLVI, etc.) as new, 
was obtained in the Miocene chalk-shale near Titus Avenue, Bairdstown, 
a suburb of Los Angeles. The material consists of twelve specimens 
more or less complete. All are apparently of the same species. 

Head seven in length to base of caudal; body rings 18+ 4361; 
dorsal 36; dorsal on rings %-+7%; pouch rings 22; caudal 6; 
pectoral 12; snout 1.8 in head; eye 10.6; depth 3.1; dorsal base in 
head 1.3; dorsal height in its length 4.25; caudal in head 4.4; body in 
tail 2.4; extent of latter 1 line to 22. 

Body long and slender, covered with bony plates united in rings, 
as usual in SYNGNATHUS; egg-pouch, sub-caudal; dorsal fin beginning 
slightly in advance of the vent, its base short; head in line with axis 
of body, caudal straight. Dorsal-lateral caudal ridge not continuous 
with lateral line nor with the dorsal ridge; pectoral fin well developed; 
caudal fin small, having more than six rays; gill-cover striz coarse; 
ridges prominent; lattice-work of the plates ci stellar platelets 
angularly oval, dorsal high. 

This species is evidently closely related to the living species of 
the California coast and seems nearest to SYNGNATHUS LEPTORHYNCHUS 
Girard, a species common from San Francisco to San Diego, and to 
' S. CALIFORNIENSIS Storer. It has more dorsal rays (36 instead of 
30 to 32), and its rings are 18 + 43, instead of 17 to 18+ 36 to 41. 
The snout also is longer, length in adult 12.5, young 10.6, while in S. Lep- 
TORHYNCHUS 15.4 and 17.2. The lateral line extends farther in the 
type (twenty-second ring) than in either of the related living forms 
(nineteenth ring) and the dorso-lateral caudal ridge divides earlier, 


| dropping to the side at the thirty-third ring, while in the living forms 

this occurs on the twenty-seventh. The type further differs from 
S. CALIFORNIENSIS, in the greater depth of head, fewer dorsal rays and 
rings, less extent of brood pouch and in the total number of rings. 

S. GRISEOLINEATUS Ayres, also common along the coast, has its 
dorsal on 0+ 9 or %+9 caudal rings instead of %+7¥%, as in 
S. avus. The latter deviates furthermore in having fewer dorsal rays 
and shorter snout. S. BARBAR® Swain differs from the type in having 
its dorsal on 0+ 8 rings. S. AuLiscus Swain has its dorsal on 1+ 8 
rings, with fewer rays (29 to 33), fewer rings, and shorter head (in length 
being 9.4 instead of 7). The Atlantic and Gulf Coast species of pipe- 
fish have the dorsal farther forward on 4 + 5 rings, and head in length 9. 
The common European species, S. acus L. is much like the species 
from California. S. avus thus differs from each of the living forms 
in essential points, standing unique in its stouter body, deeper head, 
greater number of caudal fin rays, greater extent of the lateral line, 
distinctness of ridges, coarseness of the gill-cover striz, larger eye, 
angularly oval stellar platelets, the higher and shorter dorsal fin, and 
the faintly latticed scales. 

The large number of vertebre in S. avus suggests that it lived 
in a cool sea, and a few fossil seaweeds imprinted in the chalky matrix 
indicate habits similar to those of living species. 



A B Cc 
Length to caudal fin in mm.. 225 128 141 
Length to vent Sud OF} ween ses 72 
Length of ‘head 32 20 22 
Length of snout 18 12 13 
Greatest depth snout lg, a a 
Least depth snout 3 
Diameter of eye 3 2 3 
Greatest depth trunk 10.5 4.4 7 
Length dorsal base..... 17 
Length brood pouch 75 
Depth of head ise es Beater Mt 
Dorsal Rays SO) Pals 
Dorsal fin rings 5 A ol OD Y%+7+% 
Rings 18 18+-43 
Pouch rings : 22 
Caudal fin rays : 6+ 10+ 10+ 
Pectoral fin rays 8 BE OE Noses cease dy 
Extent of lateral line 16 ae | POS LR 



31. Forfex hypuralis Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate XIV, fig. 3) 

Type (No. CV) a small fish from soft clay shales of Monterey age, 
obtained in Pine Cafion, Santa Maria oil-fields, Santa Barbara County, 
by Mr. R. E. Cullom. 

The total length of this specimen, including beak and caudal fin, 
must have been 100 millimeters or about four inches. Head, exclusive 
of the slender beak, 334 to 4 times in length to base of caudal; depth 
about five, eye about one-third of head exclusive of beak. 

Vertebre about 38, about 12 of those under front of dorsal fin 
being obliterated; the vertebrz small and little constricted, the anterior 
short, the posterior longer than deep, those toward base of caudal with 
small, oblique dorsal and hzmal spines, much weaker than in RHOMURUS; 
no trace of ribs preserved. 

Head badly broken, low and elongate, evidently ending in a very 
slender beak, the broken parts of which are distorted and displaced. 
This must, however, have been as long as the rest of the head. The 
jaws are provided with small, sharp teeth, visible only under the lens, 
not close set and apparently in one row, an occasional one twice as 
high as the others; a bone, apparently the opercle, small, quadrate, with 
shining surface. Pectoral fin short and narrow. Seven rays apparent, the 
fin inserted higher than in soft-rayed fishes generally, but not so high as 
in the BELONID#; ventral fins obliterated, perhaps represented by two 
slight marks about midway between gill opening and front of dorsal; 
dorsal fin long, of moderate height. The distance from insertion to gill 
opening 1%% in the distance from insertion to base of caudal; length 
of base of dorsal, 24%49 in body from gill opening to base of caudal; the 

rays apparently 1, 16 in number, the first short and spinous, the rest 

soft rays, and the anterior soft rays apparently highest. Anal repre- 
sented by three or four broken rays just behind middle of dorsal on 
posterior third of body, the rest obliterated. Caudal fin long and broad, 
apparently truncate, certainly not forked; the upper lobe a little longer 
than head—without beak; the rays 7, 14, 7, the slender outside rays 
graduated. Hypural plate broadly triangular, unusually large and dis- 
tinct, bearing all the long rays of the caudal, a narrow line of division 
between the parts. Obscure prints of rather large scales occur in parts 
of the body. There were perhaps forty in a lengthwise series. 

The relations of this singular fish are uncertain. Probably the form 
of the hypural plate will give the final clue. Externally it bears some 
resemblance to the BELONIDA, but its dorsal fin is much farther advanced 

ee eee ee, ee 



than in any of these, the caudal is not forked, the teeth are smaller. 
The pectoral is a shade lower in insertion than in any of the living 
SYNENTOGNATHOUS fishes. We may provisionally record it as the type 
of a new family, ForFICIDz, 


32. Scomberesox edwardsi Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XVIII) 

This stout form of skipper (No. XXXVI) was found fossil in the 
Elysian Hills of the uppermost Miocene formation in the hard sand 
shale in the city of Los Angeles. The type was picked up by a student 
and loaned by Dr. Charles L. Edwards for identification and description. 
Only the head and a few vertebre are preserved. 

Snout in head 1.15; depth of head at middle of opercle in head 2.56; 
eye 12.82; no fins shown; body stout, elongate, cylindrical, covered with 
oblong scales much larger than in S. ACUTILLUs or in the living S. saurus 
of the Atlantic, each set with many concentric striz; ribs weak and hair- 
like; vertebre comparatively weak, angularly diamond-shaped, 814 in 
25 mm. space; without zygapophyses, and curved upward toward the 
head; opercle deeper than long, sub-opercle small; upright limb of the 
preopercle broad and vertical, rising to two-thirds height of opercle. 
Jaws unequal, very strong, increasing in strength rapidly backward, set 
with uniform teeth, stout, sharp, and strongly recurved, thirty-five teeth 
in the space of 10 mm. below and weaker above and on adjoining parts. 
Structures resembling teeth occur on the very ends of the jaws, and 
structures resembling preorbital plates occur in the region between and 
in front of the eyes. The mandible does not extend to the eyes. 

This specimen was probably over a foot long. It differs from 
S. SAURUS in its shorter, stouter snout, stouter head and body, shorter 
opercle, and the more nearly vertical upright limb. It is named for its 
discoverer, a former student of the senior author, Dr. Charles Lincoln 
Edwards, now in charge of science teaching in the graded schools of 
Los Angeles. It was presented to Stanford University by Dr. Edwards. 

33. Scomberesox acutillus Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XIV, fig. 2) 

This long-nosed skipper (No. XLIII) is from the diatomaceous 
shale of the Miocene age at El Modena. The type was obtained by 
Mr. E. E. Hadley. The anterior half only of the type specimen is 
preserved. A second specimen (No. XLIV), four and a half inches 
long, shows more of the body, but the head is crushed. Both are con- 
sidered in this description, the first being the type. Head two and a third 


in length to base of caudal. Snout in head 1.56; depth of head in its 
length 4.42; eye 12; pectoral 12; ventral 6; anal 64-1; vertebra 56; depth 
of head in head 4.42; body slender, cylindrical, covered with very small 
scales ; ribs and spines of hair-like slenderness ; vertebree diamond-shaped, 
without zygapophyses ; scales small and silvery, each with many minute 
concentric strie; beak with faint traces of very fine teeth; jaws weak, 
unequal, pointed; premaxillary free; upper jaw four-fifths length of 
lower; preopercle very oblique, broadening rapidly downward, while 
from its lower margin from a center radiates a number of fine striz; 
subopercle and branchiostegals broad. Ventral rays 6, the fin midway 
between eye and base of caudal, shorter than pectoral; anal rays 
6+ V., inserted slightly nearer ventral than caudal fork, followed 
by traces of five finlets. Caudal represented by trace of lower border, 
four vertebre supporting fin elements; dorsal obliterated. The second 

specimen is rather deeper than the type, though beak apparently rather 

stronger. This specimen resembles the living skipper, ScoMBERESOX 
sAURUS L., an example of the latter from Woods Hole, being used for 
comparison. It differs from it in the more slender head and body, 
longer beak, and slenderer pectoral fin, which stands oblique. The 
association of this fish with the pipe-fish and algz indicates its resort to 
shallow sea and seaweeds for shelter and food. 


Column 1, S. saurus; 2, S. acutittus; 3, S. EDwARDsI. Measure- 
ments of S. saurus are taken from figure 355 in Jordan’s “Fishes.” 

1 2. 3 
mm. mm mm 
Length of head 31 53 77 
‘Depth of head 8 12 30 
Depth of body 10.5 15 32 
Length of snout 19 34 53 
Snout in head 1.64 1.56 1.15 
Depth of head in head 3.87 4.42 2.56 
Length of eye 3 4 6 
Eye in head : 10.3 13.2 13— 
Length of pectoral fin rays 7.3 ye lal FP of 
Length of vertebrz. 1.66 3 
Length of upper jaw from orbit 17 28 43 




34. Zanteclites hubbsi Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XV, fig. 3; Plate XVI) 

A little fish about four inches long (No. XLV, Stanford Geological 
Collection), from Bairdstown, with the head crushed, certainly belongs 

Head about 3 in length; to base of caudal, the depth 5; D VIII—? 
A I, 7 or 8; scales about 34; vertebre about 16+ 20—36. Body 
moderately elongate, formed as in ATHERINA, mouth apparently oblique, 
the jaws subequal, extending to below posterior part of eye; faint 
traces of small uniform teeth on a fragment of the mandible. (In 
another specimen, No. 1, from Shorb, the premaxillary border appears 
straight, as in ATHERINA and Hepsetus, very slightly bent downward 
at tip.) 

First dorsal fin median, entirely before the anal, the fin relatively 
large, the first spine very short, the second and third moderate, the other 
spines filamentous and flexuous for more than half their length, their 
height about equal to depth of body and greater than length of base of 
fin. Dorsals close together, the soft dorsal inserted slightly in front 
of anal; the fin, except for three rays, obliterated, the longest rays about 
one and a half in depth of body. Caudal well forked, the length of 
lobes about equal to depth of body; pectorals inserted high, narrow and 
very long, some of the rays streamer-like, reaching middle of base of 
first dorsal. Ventrals partly destroyed, inserted midway between base 
of pectoral and that of anal, under the fifteenth vertebra and opposite 
middle of spinous dorsal. Scales moderate, smooth, evident over most 
of body, nearly circular, with fine concentric strie crossing a few 
low radiating ridges, the edges crenate rather than ctenoid. Neural 
and hzmal spines short. 

Caudal fin with twenty-four rays, deeply forked and filmy, with 
weak rays. The hypural is peculiarly branched; it divides into the two 
general halves with a diamond-shaped space between. These hypural 
parts branch again into a major and a minor part. The major supports 
the middle portion of fin rays on either side, the minor branch supports 
the shorter, fewer, innermost rays, while the neural spines of the last 
vertebra support the longest and external rays, and the next to the 
last vertebra joins in supporting the most external, short, stout, Ae 
like rays. 

Branchiostegals moderate in breadth, with irregular margins; sub- 
opercle strong. | 

In the diatomaceous shales at Shorb a number of fragments of this 
species also occur. One of these shows the mouth parts fairly well. The 


mouth is rather large, its cleft oblique, the outline of the premaxillary 
slightly convex downward near the tip, otherwise nearly straight, the 
very tip a little protruding. The form is therefore much as in ATHERINA 
and Hepsetus and in general similar to that of the more slender and 
short-nosed genera among the MELANOTANIIN#. It is quite unilke the 
American types. 

In its filamentous dorsal spines and in the approximation of the 
two dorsals, this genus agrees with some of the MELANOTANIINZ& of 
Australia, notably with PsEupomucit Kner. In another paper written 
before the discovery of ZANTECLITES, Jordan and Hubbs have regarded 
the MELANOTZNIIN# as probably the most primitive of ATHERINIDA. 

The name ZANTECLITES recalls its possible affinity with MrLANo- 

TANIA Gill, an Australian genus, of which the-name ZANTEcLA Castelnau’ 

is a synonym. An account of this genus is given by Jordan and Hubbs 
in a paper which should soon follow the present one. 

The species is named for Carl Leavitt Hubbs of the Field Museum, 
who has made a careful study of the type specimen. Mr. Hubbs is 
himself a graduate of the Los Angeles High School, as well as of 
Stanford University. 


35. Eritima evides Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XXIII, fig. 1) 

A small fish (No. XX XI) about four inches long, with a large head, 
deep body, and delicate fins, obtained from sandy diatomaceous shales 
at Bairdstown. 

Head 314 in length to base of caudal; depth 3. Body rather 
deep, compressed; head large; the large mouth oblique, the jaws sub- 
equal or the lower projecting; teeth rather small, even, but evident; 
snout bluntish; preopercle strong, entire, the lower limb with fine, 
sharp, radiating lines; bones of head slender, unarmed; opercle obtuse, 
unarmed. Eye small, the orbit crowned by a slender ridge. 

Vertebrez slender, short, 10 + 14— 24 in number, the neural spines 
straight, weak, directed backward, the hemal spines rather stronger. 

Dorsal inserted a little nearer tip of snout than base of caudal fin, 
of about twenty slender rays, none of them appearing spinous, its 
height half greater than length of its. base, and rather less than depth 
of body; the distal part of the rays filmy and flexible. There may 
have been another dorsal fin before or behind this, but of this there 
is no evidence. Anal inserted well forward, nearly under middle of 
dorsal, its rays about fifteen, all slender, except the first, which is short 
and spine-like, much shorter than the second, which is the longest and 


strongest; the fin shorter and smaller than the dorsal. Pectoral slender, 
inserted high, of about twelve slender rays, the fin narrow, reaching 
nearly to the front of the anal. The fin is high and the rays filmy at tip. 

Ventral fins, jugular, of about seven rays, certainly more than I, 5, 
inserted very slightly before the pectoral. Caudal peduncle broad ; caudal 
fin short, apparently lunate; the rays filmy, about twenty in number, 
evenly branched, the margin broken, the upper rays having the strongest 
supports; hypural plate evident; no trace of scales preserved. 

Just below this specimen (which is preserved in duplicate, the 
impression of both sides distinct) there is a caudal fin, with four vertebrz, 
apparently of the same species, belonging to another fish. 

The jugular ventrals and the absence of spines in the fins would 
seem to ally this fish with the BroruLipa or Gapipz. The tail vertebrae 
are, however, unlike those of these fishes. The small number of verte- 
bree seems to indicate a-widely different affinity. The few vertebrz, the 
jugular ventrals with more than six rays, and perhaps the make-up of 
the tail point towards the TRACHICHTHYIDZ or some other aberrant ally 
of the Berycip#. Except for the ventral rays, it might be left with the 

It is thought that the Sunset Bluff, from which this fish was taken, 
belongs to the lower Pliocene rather than to the Miocene. It has been 
classified with the “Fernando” deposits. 

(The name égitivoc (high-prized) was used by Aristotle for some 
fish, not now known.) 


36. Thyrsites kriegeri Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XVII, fig. 2) 

The tail of a long and slender fish from the diatomaceous Miocene 
of Lompoc, loaned by Mr. A. H. Krieger of Lompoc (No. XXXIII) 
through the courtesy of Mr. Starr and Mr. Porteous. The portion 
preserved is eleven inches in length to base of caudal; the whole fish 
must have been three feet long. The depth at base of the soft dorsal 
is 35% inches. Dorsal with 18 soft rays; anal with III, 18 to 20. 

Caudal vertebre strong, twenty-four in number. Soft dorsal fin 
inserted over the first of these and somewhat in advance of the anal; 
its height about equal to depth of the body below it, the fin weakly 
falcate; first three rays short, the next rays high, close set, the last 
rapidly shortened; anal fin apparently similar to the soft dorsal, the 
first rays shorter and apparently simple, the insertion of the fin opposite 
middle of dorsal; no trace of finlets; caudal peduncle long, slender and 
with strong vertebre; its least depth eleven times in caudal region, six 
in length of a caudal lobe, and 3%% in depth of body under dorsal. 


Caudal broadly forked, its rays about twenty-two, equal and about 
half greater than depth of body, its lobes slender and strong. Hypural 
plate evident but short. 

We place this interesting species provisionally in the living genus, 
TuyrsitEes of Cuvier, with which it seems to agree fully so far as the 
parts preserved are concerned. From the type of THyrsiTEs (ATUN) 
it seems to differ in the larger caudal fin and possibly slightly longer, 
soft dorsal and anal. The slender form excludes it from the genus 


37. Tunita octavia Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XII, fig. 2) 

From the diatomaceous shales at El Modena, Mr. E. E. Hadley 
has obtained several fragments of a mackerel about a foot in length 
and having much in common with AUXIDES SANCT#-MONIC# already 
described from the Soledad deposits near Santa Monica. 

The type, No. VII, is a torso about seven inches long, representing 
the body from the preopercle to the end of the anal, a fish of about 
a foot in length. The depth is half the distance from the gill opening 
to the last ray of the anal fin. In this distance about twenty-two vertebrz 
are included, about twelve in the abdominal region. These have strong 
spinous processes and short and strong ribs. Body tapering rapidly 
backward, the depth at last ray of dorsal little more than half that under 
first dorsal spine; dorsal fin beginning over about the third or fourth 
vertebra; its spines eight in number, the first being highest, two and 
a quarter in depth of body. Second dorsal fin beginning close behind 
the first, barely the length of two vertebre intervening, of fourteen to 
sixteen soft rays; anal fin similar, its insertion farther back, at the end 
of the first third of soft dorsal; the rays about fourteen; ventral fins 
well developed, inserted directly below first dorsal spine, somewhat behind 
the pectorals which are broken; scales rather large for a mackerel, 
cycloid, not forming a corselet. Bones of head obscure, the broad pre- 
opercle with radiating ridges obliterated. 

Another example (No. CXXI, from El Modena) shows the head 
with long oblique mouth, subequal jaws, and with a large plate with 
strong radiating ridges at the angle of the preopercle as in AUXIDES. 
The torso ends at the last dorsal spine; the two ventrals are well shown. 
Some of the details in our restoration of the head of AUXIDES SANCT2#- 
MONIC# are drawn from this specimen, which proves to belong to a 
genus distinct from Auxmpes. The small smooth scales of the anterior 


part of the body are fairly shown. The vertebre are strong, not longer 
than deep, and without the peculiar structure called “trellised” in Auxis 

No XII is another torso, similar, but with the dorsal fin and the 
preopercle obscured; depth about one and a half in head; no scales 
shown; dorsal with about eight spines visible, the first opposite sixth 
vertebra and opposite ventrals. A short or broken pectoral and ventral, 
so distorted as to lie close together, the pectoral shorter than the snout, 
the ventral a little shorter; lower jaw strong and projecting. 

No. X consists of two caudal fins relatively perfect, each with one 
or two basal vertebree. The rays cannot be exactly counted. 

No. VIII is the posterior portion of a large fish, supposed to be 
from the diatomaceous shale at Lompoc, loaned from the collection of 
Miss J. M. Telford. Twelve vertebre are shown and about ten dorsal 
rays. The scales and other fins are obscure, but the species is evidently 
the same as the Tunita of El Modena. 

The genus Tunira differs from Auxis, AuxIpES and ScomBER, the 
latter its nearest relative, in the close approximation of the two dorsal 
fins, the first short and high, of eight spines only, and in the rapid 
tapering of the body backward. From Avuxis and EuTHyNnNnus it 
differs in the simple form of the vertebre. 

We propose for this genus the name of Tunirta, a local Spanish 
term, for the smaller tunnies (EUTHYNNUS). 

Family LUVARIDZ (?).2? 

38. Ozymandias gilberti Jordan, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXII) 

Type a large fossil collected at San Pedro, in rocks now regarded 
as of Miocene age. No. CXXXII. 

This consists of part of a robust vertebral column of a fish which 
must have been nearly six feet in length in life. These vertebre pre- 
served are about twenty-four in number. The largest is two and a half 
inches long and one and a half in depth, decreasing in size backward 
but not much in length. Traces of strong neural spines. There were 
probably about forty vertebre in life. The vertebre are very robust, 
more or less hourglass-shaped. No traces of head or fins remain. While 
in a general way this suggests a scombroid fish, there are no data to 
indicate that it belongs to Luvarus or any other recognized genus. 

To draw attention to this large fish, I attach to the type the name 
of OZYMANDIAS GILBERTI, the specific name in honor of its discoverer, 
Dr. James Z. Gilbert. The generic name refers to the heroic giant 

12 Luvarus species (?). Jordan: “Fossil Fishes of California,” 1907, p. 134. 


noticed by Shelley, of whom nothing is known save the feet of his 
gigantic statue in the desert. 

Through the courtesy of the University of California, we repro- 
duced the original plate of the species. 

The type of OzyMANDIAS GILBERTI was found on the Third “Moon 
Beach” at about 2000 feet from the lighthouse at Point Firmin, south- 
west of San Pedro. There occur five moon-shaped beaches from the 
lighthouse to the foot of the breakwater. The rock from which the 
specimen was taken was not im situ but near a ledge of similar structure 
and appearance. The matrix is of a hard volcanic material overlying 
sandstone which is readily cleavable. 


39. Lophar miocznus Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate III, fig. 2; Plate XIX; Plate XX) 

Type (No. XLVIII) from the Puente division of the Monterey 
formation in Los Angeles. It is closely allied to the existing Blue-fish, 
PoMATOMUS SALTATRIX (L.), differing generically in the dentition, the 
teeth being of more robust character, without sharp unequal canines; 
preopercle also somewhat differently formed and the supra-occipital 
crest notably lower. 

The specimen was found in the sand shales of the Miocene age by 
workmen of the Los Angeles Brick Company, No. 1000 Chavez Ravine 
Road. | 

The type specimen is a very perfect imprint on clay suitable for 
brick-making, 1534 inches long, 12% to base of caudal. It was preserved 
in the collection of the Southern California Academy of Sciences at 
Los Angeles. The restoration here attempted is by Mr. William S. 

Head 3 in length to base of caudal; its depth 3.27 in its length; 
eye 5 in head; snout 3; D. —, I. 20; V. 1.5; P. 11; C. 34; A. (II) I, 28. 
Body elongate, fusiform, compressed, developed slightly more below 
the axial line than above it; scales (mostly lost) incompletely ctenoid ; 
mouth oblique, rather large and terminal, with lateral cleft, lower jaw 
projecting; teeth stout, conical, unequal, the outer rather strong; no 
sharp canines; opercle well developed, preopercle finely serrate; ventral 
fin inserted slightly in advance of the pectoral; pectoral fin entire; anal 
fin probably with three spines (but one evident), this connected with 
the many soft rays; length of base of anal one-third the length of the 
fish to base of caudal; anal and dorsal fins long and low, opposite each 


other from the insertion; a single spine of the dorsal present, this joined 
by a membrane to the soft rays (the rest obliterated). No traces of 
finlets, armed lateral line or barbels. 

Ventral fin with its spine beneath the third vertebra, the Abi 
beneath the fourth and fifth. The ventral has one spine and five soft 
rays, the spine being short and strong; shorter than the pectoral. 

Dorsal fin D.—1I, 20, with one evident spine of medium strength, 
opposite the fourteenth vertebra. Presumably the other spines have 
been lost, as interneural impressions begin opposite the seventh vertebra 
and doubtful traces of an external fin here are shown. Base of soft dorsal 
slightly longer than anal and very similar to it. In both the anterior 
rays are moderately elevated; the other rays decrease rapidly backward. 
Dorsal spine is half the length of snout and three-fourths the orbit. 

Pectoral fin entire, acutely pointed, the upper rays quite long, lower 
quite short, the middle of the base rather low. 

Anal fin (II) I, 28, slightly shorter than the dorsal, its posterior 
elements very weak. The single stout spine present seems joined by 
membrane to the soft rays. There are three interhemals for spines 
plainly visible, the middle one of which is the strongest, suggesting the 
probability of three spines in the original fish, as in the living Blue-fish. 

Caudal fin of thirty-four rays, is deeply forked with a hypural divided, 
with a long diamond-shaped space between. Each part supports nine 
strong rays and eight short weak rays on either side, supported also by 
the last vertebra; the stronger support is given to the upper rays. 

Preopercle apparently finely serrate, ending in a single, blunt, flat- 
tened point, in front of which it is broadly rounded. 

Lower jaw projecting, set with decidedly stout conical teeth of 
moderate length, in definite sockets, and comparatively uniform in 
size. Each tooth is slightly appressed, feebly curved inward and back- 
ward, armed with a smooth cutting edge fore and aft, the posterior 
edge being the more sharply so; some small teeth are found among the 
larger ones and not all seem to be in the same direct row. No distinct 
canines are found, and teeth are shown only on the premaxillaries and 
dentaries, the other bones not being visible. The articulation of the 
mandible occurs just before the front of the eye. 

Eye large, set midway in head. 

Scales ctenoid, judging, however, by only one incomplete scale. It 
has eleven or twelve coarse radiating ridges crossed near the margin by 
very fine concentric striz. The distribution cannot be determined, since 
nearly all are lost. The scale occurs in the matrix near the caudal fin. 

Vertebre, 11+ 1425 in number, decreasing slightly from the 
fourth forward; caudals from the twentieth backward diminishing to the 


hypural, which in turn has no neck but branches quickly into the twu 
supporting elements; the upper 5 mm. longer than the lower and sup- 
porting the longer fin rays. Strength of the vertebre carried far back- 
ward (to the twentieth), the intervertebral cartilage plates standing quite 
oblique in the middle region. 

Subopercle and interépercle strong, the former half-way to the base 
of the pectoral from the opercle and ending with a rounded obtuse angle. 
The outlines of other bones of head not defined and the backward extent 
of the maxillaries is not shown. The extent of the teeth cannot be 
determined since the premaxillary is broken and the inferior arrange- 
ment of the teeth is much distorted. 

Five teeth occur in the maxillaries in the space of 7 mm. and ten 
teeth or definite impressions of teeth occur in the mandible in a space 
of 20 mm., and spaces apparently for two more are found, one between 
the fourth and fifth and the other between the last two. The faintest 
impressions of tiniest structures appear back of this row and to one 
side which may have been made by groups of villiform teeth. Between 
the two jaws lie broken fragments of teeth and impressions of others 
likely from the dentary. The dental surface is two-fifths of the length 
of the lower jaw, which is nearly half the length of the head. 

The genus LopHar agrees with Pomatomus in the general form, 
in the number of vertebre, the form of the mouth, the weak spinous 
dorsal (obliterated in the type) the feeble anal spines and especially in 

the long and low soft dorsal and anal which are about equal in form and 

extent. This condition is not found among the PercrFrorm fishes, and 
but rarely outside of the allies of CARANxX and some other aberrant 
mackerels. The CARANGIN# all show caudal scutes, of which no trace 
is found on our specimen. As in Pomatomus, the preopercle seems to be 
weakly serrated. 

LopHARI (Aomaet), according to Forskal, is the modern Greek name 
of the Blue-fish (PoMatomus SALTATRIX L.) at Constantinople. At 
Athens, as shown by Hoffman and Jordan,’* it is youpdgu or yopdg, 
a name probably more primitive than Aomdg. and which Hoffman derives 
from yéuqos, a spike. 

13 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, p. 230. 



Length (to first ae 12th, 186) . : d - -' § 314 mm. 
Length over all . ; é A 396 mm. 
Depth at 11th vertebra (esitadiat jedniaetes 34) , ; 96 mm. 
Depth to middle of spinal column, and to a line from end 
snout to middle hypural . : : : i : 139 = mm. 
Head . : é ; : : : : : ‘ 107s mm. 
Eye : : : ; : j ; ; : . 21 =mm. 
Lower jaw. ; y : ; ; Re 50 mm. 
Dorsal spine 15, gi : : : ; : ; ; 41 mm. 
Ventral spine 11, fin. 2 Matern } Sheth 30 =mm. 
Anal spine 16, fin . ; : Retina d ! 36 mm. 
Caudal fin, upper fork 96, sive fork : ; ’ : 85 mm. 
(from last vertebra.) 
Pectoral fin, below 12, above . ° j ee : 42 mm. 
Hypural, above 20, below : : : : ; , 15 mm. 
Vertebral column . ; 220 mm. 

Vertebra, Ist 5 (?), 2d 5.5, 3d a 10th 9, 14th 9.5, 20th 10, 
25th 6.5 mm. 

Length of head to first vertebra . ; f : P 92(?)mm. 
Depth of head at posterior margin of orbit . : ‘ 68 mm. 
Depth at posterior margin, sub-operculum . : : 87s mm. 
Length of orbit. , - i : ‘ : 21 = mm. 
Length of teeth in oremavdllany é : , . : 2.11 mm. 
Width at base . ‘ : eres : ’ 1.05 mm. 
Length of tooth in ivandibte, 6th ‘ - ‘ : : 2.42 mm. 
Width at base . E } : : A = : ; 1.25 mm. 


40. Eclipes veternus Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate VIII, fig. 4) 

Type a small fish (No. IX), two inches long, from the diatomaceous 
shales of El Modena. Coll. E. E. Hadley. It has the head distorted, 
the fins partly obliterated, and the body with a short median break. 
Head 334 in length; depth 4; a little greater than length of head. 
Snout 3 in head; vertebree 9 + 16, visible, about 26 in all, perhaps two 
or three others obscured with the head; vertebre strong, with strong 
‘neural and hemal spines, directed strongly backward. Body lanceolate, 
the back somewhat elevated under the first dorsal. Head large, apparently 
pointed anteriorly; the jaws apparently equal; the mouth rather large, 


oblique ; the broad maxillary 2%% in head; traces of small teeth in bones of 
lower jaw; bones of head not evidently serrate. Dorsal fin apparently with 
eight to ten short and slender spines, beginning not far behind head; 
soft dorsal obliterated; pectoral inserted high, narrow, and long, about 
as long as head, reaching apparently to front of anal, perhaps through 
distortion; ventrals apparently I, 5, almost obliterated, inserted well 
behind pectoral (a feature also perhaps due to distortion); anal fin 
long, beginning well forward, with traces of one or two spines, and the 
bases of ten to fifteen rays, the number not to be counted; caudal badly 
broken, the hypural plate obscure, the posterior vertebrz smaller than 
the anterior and with the neurals and hemals smaller. Traces of rather 
small scales on sides of head and on front of body. 

We are unable to indicate the relationships of this fish. With a 
general resemblance to ATHERINIDA, it has the relatively few strong 
vertebre of a percoid fish, but the long anal seems to separate it from 
the living forms of Apoconip#, to which it has most resemblances. 
It has also traits in common with ParaPercis and others of the PTERop- 
SARIDZ. Its narrow pectorals exclude it from the Gobies and Blennies. 
The name is from éxAutis, overlooked. 


41. Lutianus hagari Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XIV, figs. 1, 4) 

Two little fishes, about two and a half inches long (No. XIX), from 
El Modena, Hadley collection, have the external form and marks of 
species of HamuLip or LUTIANIDA. 

Head about 224 in length; depth 3144. Eye 4% in head; vertebre 
strong, 10+ 12 or 14=24. Dorsal rays visible, VIT+. 6+, A. 
III, 6, the spines very weak, the rays more or less obliterated so that 
‘these numbers are tentative only. V..I, 5. Dorsal spines slender, higher 
than the anal spines, which seem slender and graduated. Caudal well 
preserved, strongly forked, its rays about sixteen, the middle rays half 
length of the others. Ventrals apparently somewhat behind pectorals, 
behind front of dorsal. 

Body elevated at the shoulders, tapering evenly backward; parts 
of head obliterated. 

There can be no doubt of the relationship of this fish to the 
HaMuLip& or to the Lutianip™. The slender dorsal and anal spines 
differentiate it from most of the living genera of each family. The - 
apparent shortness of the soft dorsal and anal, with the seeming presence 
of three spines in the anal fin, exclude this species from the Scl#Nnipz&, 
with which it has much in common. 


The species is named for Dr. Harry Hagar, long interested in the 
paleontology of Southern California, associated with Dr. Gilbert in 
the discovery and exploration of the fossil beds of Rancho La Brea, 
where many extinct mammals were found buried in asphalt; these 
described by Dr. John C. Merriam. 


42. Lompoquia retropes Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. | 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 1) 

Type (No. CXXXIX) from Lompoc, Mr. Edward J. Porteous. A 
specimen, of which about six and a quarter inches from the snout to the 
end of dorsal is preserved. 

The form is slender, perch-like in general appearance. The head 
(2% inches long) is 234 times in length to end of dorsal fin and a little 
greater than depth of body at front of dorsal fin. The head is not well 
preserved, its bones apparently all entire and apparently somewhat cavern- 
ous; profile above not depressed; the nuchal region low; the line from 
the bluntish snout to the dorsal nearly straight. The mouth seems rather 
short, its cleft about three in head, but the lower jaw is strong and as 
long as the upper. No teeth visible; preopercle with its posterior limb 

Pectoral fin short and rather narrow, inserted high, with about 
eighteen slender rays, forming an angle below, the part preserved about 
four in head. Ventrals inserted well behind pectoral, at a distance nearly 
equal to their own length; the rays I, 5, the length about equal to that of 

Spinous dorsal inserted opposite ventral, the first part of slender 
spines, the second part apparently distinct, of rather strong rays; the 
dorsal covering eleven vertebree. . 

Anal fin mostly obliterated, the insertion opposite that of the soft 

Twenty vertebre shown, twelve belonging to the abdominal region, 
the total number probably twenty-six to thirty. Vertebrz rather small, 
slender and longer than deep, the centrum deeply fluted with three or 
four ridges on either side. Neural and hemal spines rather small, turned 
backward and not strongly curved. 

Traces of small scales on the head. 

This fish is evidently one of the PERcormpE!, and on the whole it 
seems most likely to be one of the Sct#nip#. Its salient features are 
the posterior insertion of the ventrals, the entire and probably cavernous 
bones of the head, and the fluted vertebre. 


Family LABRIDZ. 

43.-Xyrinius houshi Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXXI, fig. 2) 

A very small fish 1144 inches in length (No. XXV), from fine- 
grained sandstone of the Monterey-Puente formation of Los Angeles, 
obtained by Mr. R. G. Van Cleve. 

Head 31% in length, depth 24%; vertebre apparently 12 + 16=—28, 
the anterior ones not certainly counted. General form of the Razor-fish, 
XYRICHTHYS PSITTACUS—the body very deep at the nape, the front 
approaching the vertical, the suborbital very deep, the rather small eye 
high and the opercle very short and deep. Mouth small, horizontal, 
placed very low; outlines of body behind the shoulder nearly straight, 
the form tapering rapidly backward. Spinous dorsal lost, a few rays 
present near middle of body. Vertebre stout, the interhemals of the 
ventral region notably so; pectorals vaguely shown; ventrals thoracic, I 5, 
Caudal rather large, its length a little more than half greatest depth of 
body, the fin apparently truncate. Traces only of large cycloid scales. 
The fine hair-like bones are well preserved. 

The characteristic form of the body of this little fish leaves not 
much doubt of its close relation to the Razor-fishes, XyRICHTHYINZA. 
From Xyricutuys it differs in the number of vertebre, there being at 
least twenty-eight or’ more, perhaps thirty-four. This would indicate a 
more northern range than that of the tropical species of XyRICHTHYS, 
in which the vertebre are 9-++ 16=— 25, the standard number of tropical 
Lasrip#&. The increased number of vertebre with the apparent rela-_ 
tionship to XyricHTHYS may define the new genus XYRINIUS. 

The generic name is from Evgov, a razor ; iviov, the nape. The species 
is dedicated to William H. Housh, principal of the Los Angeles High 
_ School. 


44. Sebastavus vertebralis Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXXI, fig. 1) 

Type an immature fish, less than three inches long (No. III), 
lacking the head and anterior part of the body about to the middle 
of the spinous dorsal. It is from the diatomaceous shales at El Modena, 
presented by E. E. Hadley. 

Body robust, the depth probably sboltt 31% in length; caudal peduncle 
stout. Dorsal fin deeply notched, the anterior part of stiff spines, of 
moderate height, the highest two in depth of body, the soft part of 
I, 11 rays, the highest two in depth of body. Anal fin well preserved, 
its rays about ten, its spines rather small and graduated; anal beginning 


behind front of soft dorsal; caudal well developed, slightly lunate; scales 
rather small, present from the middle of the soft dorsal backward, 
thirteen or fourteen in a cross series; vertebrze small with short hemal 
and still shorter neural spines ; vertebre as preserved 10 + 20 in number; 
the total being apparently about thirty-two. The vertebral column is 
directed strongly upwards posteriorly in the type specimen, an appear- 
ance due to distortion. 

This species must belong to the SEBASTIN#, as no other fishes 
with stiff dorsal spines found in the North Pacific unite the character 
of small scales with that of more than twenty-four vertebre. More 
than twenty-seven vertebre are found in the genera SEBASTES and 
SEBASTOLOBUS only, and: with these genera our specimen has no spceial 
affinity. These northern forms have much smaller scales, and a much 
shorter anal with stronger anal spines. So far as external characters 
go, the species which seems to come nearest to ours is SEBASTODES or 
SEBASTOSOMUS MYSTINUS Jordan and Gilbert (C. H.), but that again 
has much smaller scales, a shorter anal and a longer soft dorsal, besides 
the generic difference of twenty-seven vertebre instead of about thirty- 
two. We therefore propose for this extinct species the generic name of 
SEBASTAVUS, distinguished from SEBastosomus by its more numerous 

A second specimen (No. XLI), apparently of the same species, 
shows a broken and distorted head, without. evident spines, the chief 
feature being the broad, pectoral fin of twelve to fourteen rays, its 
tip broken, and its position brought very low by distortion; the other 
fins are indicated by obscure shades; the caudal region is wanting, and 
there is no trace of scales. The vertebre seem much as in the type 
of SEBASTAVUS VERTEBRALIS, to which species this example probably 

45. Rhomarchus ensiger Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXXI, fig. 5) 

Two small fishes from the diatomaceous shales of El Modena belong 
apparently to the Scorp#Nnipm, being allied more or less closely to 
SCORPANODES Bleeker (Sexpastopsis Gill) and to other forms with 
strong spines. The present genus is especially characterized by the 
very long second anal spine and by the small number of vertebre. 

The type is the larger specimen (No. XLIX), about four inches long, 
‘the smaller (No. CX XIV) about two and a half. Head crushed in both 
examples, apparently large, two and a half in length; depth of body 
about the same, the form robust. Dorsal fin apparently continuous but 
notched ; twelve spines shown in the larger example, there being prob- 


ably no more, the longest being the eighth, which is about half the depth 
of the body; last spines shorter; soft dorsal short, lower than spinous 
dorsal. Anal inserted well forward, about under the eighth dorsal spine; 
its second spine very long, strong, and curved, four-fifths the depth of 
the body ; third spine slender, nearly as long; rest of fin obscurely shown; 
pectoral and ventral obliterated; caudal fin long, one and a fourth in 
depth of body, obliquely truncate; its rays about fifteen; the caudal is 
well preserved in the smaller example, the anal spine mostly obliterated. 
Vertebre strong, with strong hzmal and neural spines, the number not 
more than eighteen in all; hypurals weak, obscure. 

This genus can hardly be placed elsewhere than among the Scor- | 
PENID#, although its head characters are lost. In this family it is 
uniquely distinguished by its few, strong vertebre and its very large 
anal spine. 

The name is from ‘g@pn, strength ; Geyxoc, for anal fin. 


46. Hexagrammos achrestus Jordan and Gilbert, new species. 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 2) 

Type No. CXL from Lompoc, on a block of celite, a torso from 
which the head and tail have been unfortunately cut away. What there 
is left seems to agree in all respects with the living genus HEXAGRAMMOS, 
abundant northward from Point Concepcion to Alaska. The species may 
be placed provisionally with that group. 

Body elongate, the depth at front of anal three inches, which is the 
length of eleven and a half vertebre; twenty vertebra, representing most 
of the caudal series, appear, the total number probably being about forty. 
_ Vertebre strong, not fluted, not much constricted, about as long as deep, 
those posteriorly being longer. Neural processes rather short, wholly 
straight; hzmal processes longer, weakly curved. The dorsal seems 
continuous but deeply notched in the middle; the anterior part of rather 
long, slender spines; the posterior part of slender rays, rather higher. 
The rays represented are XIV, 16== 30, but the actual number of both 
must have been somewhat larger. Dorsal spines 134 in depth at front of 
anal, 114 in base of first dorsal. Anal inserted slightly behind front of 
second dorsal, its rays about 18, rather lower than the dorsals. Inter- 
neurals straight and slender, shorter than the straight and slender inter- 
hemals. No stiff spines anywhere. No trace of scales. Caudal, ventrals 
and pectoral lost, as also the head. 


Family COTTIDZ. 

47. Eoscorpius primevus Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXX) . 

This form was obtained from the diatomaceous rock or Miocene 
sand shale at Bairdstown. In the imprint the head is crushed, the 
caudal region behind the anal is wanting and the body interiorly is 
much confused, being crushed at the shoulder girdle. The fossil (No. 
XXXIX, from Bairdstown, J. Z. Gilbert) permits the following charac- 
terization : ; 

Head (205 mm., approximated) in length to the anal fin 1.6 times; 
depth at ventral fin about 2.5 in head; at the anterior dorsal 2.7; D. rays 
roughly counted X — 20; P. 12 (?); V. 1, 5 (?); A. III, —; vertebre 
19-20-+-6 (?). Body rather elongate; scales comparatively small, 
with coarse, radiating ridges on the exposed surfaces, crossed by very 
fine concentric strie, without spinous or pectinated margin shown, but 
few present and not clearly defined; mouth large, oblique, terminal ; 
the mandible apparently extending behind the eye, which is rather large; 
teeth small, pointed, equal, sharp, and recurving; opercle below the eye 
well developed; a well-developed suborbital stay, without spines, its sur- 
face striate and rising to a blunt point in the center; ventral fin weak, 
its rays about I, 5, inserted in front of the pectoral, its place perhaps due 
to distortion, and even its existence questionable; pectoral practically 
oblitérated and displaced, of perhaps eleven rays; vertebre as deep as 
long, with weak spines and frail ribs, the number to front of anal 
apparently twenty-two, probably about forty in all. 

The dorsal fin had probably about thirty-three rays; the anterior 
part consists of about ten short and rather sharp spines; the inter- 
neurals are about as strong as the neural spines; the soft rays following 
are weaker, as indicated by the interneurals, the rays themselves being 
obliterated. The dorsal begins about opposite the fourth vertebra; the 
two dorsals may have been connected; the second has strong rays indi- 
cated by the interneurals, but no subsequent rays are shown, all the 
posterior region being broken away; the total number may have been 
from eighteen to twenty-two. 

The anal fin is indicated by three rather strong and three weaker 
interhemals. The last of the three slender spine-like rays is stoutest 
and longest, perhaps equal in length to the rays which follow. The anal 
fin lies immediately below the middle of the base of the second dorsal, 
opposite the 22d, 23d, and 24th vertebre. The interhemal spines would 
indicate a fin about equal in height to the dorsal, but the rays themselves 
are lost. The anal was probably shorter than soft dorsal. The eye was 


apparently rather large; the jaws, badly crushed, seem to be stout; no 
teeth are shown except in a fragment on the side which shows very 
small, even, sharp, recurved teeth. The opercle has the posterior margin 
very oblique, feebly convex, making a greater than a right angle with 
the inferior border. The angle is rounded and the bones show no spines. 
The suborbital stay, the large bone below and behind the eye, is well 
developed, conspicuous, and with entire edges, with a central elevation 
scarcely spine-like. 

Length of head, approximated . ; : 205 mm. 
Length of snout, estimated .. 4 ; t 30 mm. 
Length from anterior border of eye— 
to posterior end of opercle. ; : 175 mm. 
to the anal fin ; : , é ; 303 mm. 
to the dorsal fin . ; : ; ; 197. mm. 
to the ventral , L : : ; 130 mm. 
to the first caudal . ; ; ; : 278 mm. 
Depth at ventral fin. ‘ , , ; 82 mm. 
Depth at first dorsal fin : : ‘ : 76 mm. 
Length of base of dorsal fins A ot SOO) 
Length of 12th vertebra. ‘ ‘ : 6.5 mm. 
Depth of 12th vertebra . ‘ ; ; o- ih Oe: 
Vertebre in 113 mm. . : ; i ‘ 19 
Body vertebre . .. ; : f F 19 

If we correctly interpret the characters of this fish, it is a member 
of the Corrip, and the number of its ventral rays, if accurately stated, 
suggests affinity with the relatively primitive genus ScorPANICHTHYS 
Girard, represented by a large species (S. MARMORATUS Ayres) on the 
coast of California. 

. Geologically the family of Cottmp# is very recent, the oldest genus 
known (Eocorrus Woodward) dating from the Upper Eocene of 
Monte Bolca. 

As currently understood, the family seems to represent two main 
lines of descent. The typical Cotrm are large-headed forms, with 
irregular scutes or bony plates, if armed at all, never regular scales. 
The slender, small-headed forms, with weak armature and the body 
primitively covered with small scales, form a distinct group. 

The most primitive living genus of the true Cortm# is probably 
ScorP£NIcHTHYs Girard. It has typical armature of the head and 
the ventral rays I, 5, as in most spiny-rayed fishes. The skin is without 
scales. The oldest known fossil of this type is Eoscorprus, if we have 


properly interpreted the remains of that form. Among the principal 
genera of this group are MyoxocePpHatus Steller and its reduced fresh- 
water representative, Corrus L. While in some of the genera bony 
plates or detached prickly scales are developed, none of the known species 
has a regular squamation. The affinities of the true Corr with the 
ScorP#NID# are apparent. 

The other and doubtless more primitive group may be known as 
IcELIDA. The most primitive of its living genera is JorDANIA Starks, 
-a slender fish with the ventral rays I, 5, and the body covered with 
normal scales. The extinct genera, Eocorrus Woodward and Lepino- 
coTtus Sauvage are related to Jorpanra. The living genera of ZANIo- 
LEPIDA (ZANIOLEPIS Girard and XANTocLES Jordan) may have sprung 
from similar stock. The living species of IcELID# are numerous in the 
North Pacific. Among the principal genera are IceLus Kroyer, IcELINUS 
Jordan and Trictors Reinhardt. Arrepius Girard and HEMILEPIDoTUS 
Cuvier probably belong to this group, though approaching Myoxo- 
CEPHALUS in general form. 

Through the courtesy of Professor Theodore D. A. Cockerell we 
present a photograph of a specimen of LEeprpocotTus BREvis (Agassiz) 
(Plate XXXI, fig. 4) from its type locality, the upper- Miocene at 
Oeningen, Baden. 

Of a specimen of some fish frden Lompoc, Coll. Miss J. M. Telford, 
XI we present the photograph. The species may be CorrTorp, but we 
are unable to restore it or to indicate its relationship (Plate XXIII, fig. 3). 

48. Hayia daulica Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXIII, fig. 2) 

Head and anterior region of a large fish (No. XX VII) from fine gray 
shales in Los Angeles. The part preserved is seven and a half inches in 
length, the head five inches. The whole fish must have been over two feet 

Head triangular in outline, its depth at nape one and four-fifths in 
its length. Mouth long, oblique, the mandible apparently projecting, the 
maxillary oar-shaped, slightly emarginate behind; its length about four in 
head; no teeth preserved; bones of head much confused; a rather sharp 
bony ridge running horizontally back from the eye, and apparently a 
broader bony ridge on temporal region behind this; opercle large, rough, 
but without spines, the lower part with coarse, radiating ridges. Verte- 
brze very strong, deeper than long, with strong interneurals. Six neural 
spines visible under the spinous dorsal, its insertion is opposite third and 
fourth vertebra, the spines stout (broken), the number not to be ascer- 
tained ; the highest about half depth of head; some broken spines out of 
place about the head; imprint of a rather broad pectoral obscure. 


The character and make-up of the bones of the head suggest the 
genus Aspicottus, but this resemblance may be wholly elusive, and the 
fish may not belong to the Cortip. The spines on the head if present are 
all broken. Some moderate, thin scales, apparently cycloid, are scattered 
about, but they may not belong to this fish. 

It is named for Dr. Oliver Perry Hay, who has contributed much to 
our knowledge of fossil fishes. 

49. Aboma antiqua Jordan and Gilbert, new species, 
(Plate XXIX, fig. 1) 

Two specimens of a small goby from the diatomaceous shales at 
Bairdstown, Dr. J. Z. Gilbert. These are two and three inches in length. 
Two others, about three and a half inches long, were obtained by Dr. Ralph 
Arnold in the same rock at Shorb, California. The largest of the speci- 
mens (No. II) from Bairdstown may be taken as the type of the species. 
The description is drawn from all. The figure is from a photograph of 
the type. Head about 4% times to base of caudal; depth about 4. D. VII 
or VIII —9 to 12 (probably VIII — 12) ; anal destroyed; ventrals fully 
united, each I, 5; pectoral short and narrow, about 12. Scales about 35-9, 
rather large, probably ctenoid, each with about three marked striz; no 
scales seen on head; vertebre apparently about 14+ 1630 to 32; 
mouth low, rather small, the jaws subequal; the snout rather pointed ; eye 
moderate; dorsal fins low, the spines slender; about as high as the 
soft rays; ventral rather large (the fin displaced in the specimen photo- 
graphed), its insertion as usual well in front of dorsal; caudal rather large, 
rounded, the lower edge cut obliquely, the upper rays being longer. 

The species, so far as may be seen, agrees with the genus ABOMA 
Jordan and Starks, now represented on the Pacific shore of Mexico and in 

50. Merriamina ectenes Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXVI, figs. 1, 3) 

Type (No. XIII) an example about 814 inches in length from El 
Modena, Hadley collection. A smaller specimen from the same collection 
44%, inches long is No. XIV. In both the head is badly crushed and the 
fins more or less broken, but the posterior parts are well preserved. 

In the type the head is nearly 4 in length, the depth about 5, 1% in 
head. Vertebrz obscured anteriorly, 24 visible, the total number appar- 
ently about 36; in the smaller specimen there are one or two more; the best 
count (No. CVII) shows 42 to 44. Body elongate, lanceolate, deepest at 
the shoulder, tapering to a slender tail, dorsal and ventral outlines corre- 
sponding and nearly straight. Dorsal fin beginning well forward, not far 


behind the nape, and extending to the base of the caudal, with which it is 
possibly joined (the caudal region broken on the smaller example (No. 
XIV), the tail being detached) ; dorsal rays subequal, the highest posteri- 
orly, opposite longest rays of the anal; tail becoming very narrow, the 
caudal short, weak, truncate, its rays about as long as the longest of dorsal 
and anal, one and a half in depth and not far from two in head; last rays of 
dorsal and anal reach a little beyond base of caudal; pectoral narrow and 
long, inserted high, on the axis of the vertebral column, reaching fully to 
front of dorsal, its length equal to depth of body and about half more than 
the other fin rays; pectoral rays twelve to fifteen; a trace of jugular ven- 
trals well in advance of the pectorals ; anal fin originating before middle of 
body, similar to the dorsal but much shorter. Vertebrz strong, with well- 
developed neural and hemal spines which grow short backward; no evi- 
dent hypural plate. No scales preserved. What seem to be small, pointed 
teeth occur on a fragment which seems to belong to the mandible. 
Cranium apparently rounded above, opercle well rounded behind. 

Of this species five other examples, more or less perfect, have been 
found by Mr. Hadley in the diatomaceous shales of El Modena. These 
range from three to four inches in length. 

No. CVII has body parts well shown; the vertebrae are about 
19 + 25 = 44, posterior vertebre elongate and hourglass-shaped; anal 
rays 20+, pectoral rays about 10; ventrals 7+, the rays very slender 
and branched; pectorals inserted high, the long and slender ventrals 
directly below them, their tips almost reaching front of anal, which is in- 
serted at a point nearer tip of snout than base of‘caudal. Dorsal rays 
about 5-37, the first rays seemingly detached from the others. _ Body 
growing slender posteriorly, the caudal narrow and short, apparently 

No. XXXVIII is a broken tail with part of the dorsal fin. 

Another example (No. CIX) is very similar, but has the fins less 
clearly shown; the head is less crushed, but shows little save that the 
bones are thin and entire, and the form seems conical. 

No. CX is still less perfect, little more than the vertebral column, 
which has 40 + segments, being traceable. 

No. CXI is still worse crushed, but is identifiable by the many-rayed 
dorsal and anal and the slender tail. 

This fish’ is apparently a Brotulid, not very different from the exist- 
ing types, but not identical with any of the numerous living genera so far 
as we can see. It may be not very far from the existing California genus, 
BrosMopHycis Ayres, but the form is more elongate. 

The name MERRIAMINA is given in honor of Dr. John C. Merriam, 
paleontologist of the University of California. 



51. Evesthes jordani Gilbert. 
(Plates XXV, XXVI) 

This remarkable flounder, described in the University of California 
Publications, Geology, 5, 407, Nov., 1910, was found in diatomaceous 
shales in the Miocene of Lompoc, on the north side of the Sierra Santa 
Ynez in Santa Barbara County. It is probably the most primitive flounder 
known, related to the living genus, PARALICHTHYs Girard, but with fewer 
fin-rays, fewer vertebrz, and especially a much larger body-cavity. 

The original plates of this species are here reproduced through the 
courtesy of Dr. John C. Merriam. 

52. Diatomeeca zatima Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXIV, fig. 3) 

It is a custom at Lompoc to cut the diatomaceous celite into large 
blocks or bricks for the trade. On the surface of these bricks are often 
found fossil fishes, especially specimens of LoOMPOQUIA AGILE. 

On the surface of one of these blocks presented by Mr. Edward J. 
Porteous is the torso of a large flounder which we call Diatomaca 

Type No. CXXXIII, Lompoc, Edward J. Porteous, the part pre- 
served six and three-eighths inches in length. This specimen shows the 
usual flounder structure in the backward curve and close approximation 
of the hzemal spines before the anal fin. But this condition is much more 
pronounced than in EvESTHES JORDANI, from the same deposits. The 
specimen shows twenty-two of the caudal vertebre, the total number 
having been probably twenty-six. These are very stout, much stronger 
than in Evestues, deeper than long, not constricted, and with fine roughish 
longitudinal ridges. The neural and hemal processes are remarkably 
long, the latter especially, and all are strongly curved. The processes in 
EvesTHEs are much shorter and nearly straight, while the vertebre are 
fewer in number, slender, and much longer than deep. The depth at front 
of anal fin is almost equal to the length of twenty vertebre. 

The dorsal rays are slender, rather low, twenty-four of them in four 
and a half inches of the length of the body. The rays are close set, de- 
creasing rapidly backward. The anterior rays are obliterated. The anal 
fin is represented by the bases of a few anterior rays. There was appar- 
ently no procurrent spine before the fin. The few ribs represented are 
long, slender'and bent backward. The head, with the pectorals, ventrals, 
and caudal, was unfortunately cut off in preparing the slab.  , 

There is not much doubt that these remains represent a large flounder, 
probably big-mouthed, and allied to the PARALICHTHYS group. It is not 
possible to determine in which side the eyes were. 


Two other torsos of large fishes (CXLIII) with strong vertebre 
have been sent to us by Mr. Porteous. ' All seem to be new to science, 
but the characters shown do not allow us to venture on giving them 
places in the system. 

Family LOPHIIDZ (?). 

53. Emmachere rhachites Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXVIII, fig. 2) 

Type (No. CXLIII) the torso of a large fish, lacking the head, 
remarkable for the large dagger-shaped interneurals, found in diato- 
maceous deposit at Lompoc, Mr. Edward J. Porteous. Head and anterior 
region wanting; fourteen vertebre preserved, these very stout and 
straight, about as long as deep, without expanded interhemal; depth 
at front of anal (3 inches) equal to length of 8% vertebre. First 
dorsal, if present, now obliterated. Soft dorsal with short, stout rays; 
anal inserted 3 vertebre in front of it, showing traces of about sixteen 
rays, decreasing rapidly backward; anterior interhemals long and stout ; 
- interneurals present very strong, dagger-shaped with edges somewhat 
expanded at base. Caudal represented by part of lower lobe, its rays 
strong; hypural plate divided, the lower part broadly triangular, ‘the 
distal truncated border nearly equal to its length. 

We cannot place this fish with certainty, but as its vertebral column 
and appendages bear a degree of resemblance to like parts in Lopuius, 
we place it provisionally among the Pediculate fishes. A comparison 
of interneural bones and vertebre should finally determine its affinities. 

The name is from év, within; payatets, a dagger. 

Phoczena occidua (Leidy). 
(DELPHINUs occinuus Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1868, p. 197.) 
(Plate IX, fig. 2; Plate XXVIII, figs. 1, 3) 

Besides the fishes described in this paper we have also the posterior 
part of the vertebral column of a species of dolphin. Our knowledge of 
the group does not permit us to assign it to any particular species, or even 
genus. We see, however, no difference from the living genus, PHOCENA. 

No. CXXXVI, from San Pedro, in rocks of Miocene age, a 
friable sandstone shale. ; 

This fossil is broken into two pieces on the same slab. It represents 
in the first part the imprint of eight segments with traces of three others, 


the animal lying prone; in the second part, of nine segments, these lying 
supine, the two parts preserved being 15% inches in length. Each seg- 
ment in the anterior part is 214 times as broad as long, in the smaller part 
about 1144, the anterior ones being about 214 inches in length, the posterior 
tapering very rapidly backward. | 

The anterior part is the imprint of vertebre lying supine, the blunt 
lateral wings appearing as quadrate imprints on the side of each verte- 
bra. The posterior vertebre lack these wings, and their position is 
reversed. The impressions of these vertebrze, which are without lateral 
processes, are marked on the anterior part of each segment by three 
rounded knobs, becoming more distinct posteriorly. Each of these knobs 
was a rounded depression in the living animal. These markings on the 
posterior vertebre and the flanges on the anterior vertebre correspond 
almost exactly to the structures on the skeleton of a living California 
species before us. The latter we suppose to be the Harbor Porpoise, 
PHOCZHNA PHOCAENA L., although we are not sure as to the identification. 

Near the posterior end of the vertebral column of the type specimen 
appear a few small vertebrz and part of the caudal fin of a large fish, 
ALISEA GRANDIS, of the same period. It is evident that this fin does not 
belong with the rest of the fossil. 

Since these pages were in type we have received from Mr. Edward 
J. Porteous of Lompoc two bricks of celite containing remains of the ver- 
tebral columns of a porpoise, doubtless the same as the one noted above. 

No. CXXXVII shows a series of nine large vertebre as seen from 
the side and showing the strong dorsal processes. Each vertebra has 
the length of seven-eighths of an inch and the depth of one and one-eighth 
inches. ; 

No. CXXXVIII shows seven large vertebre, apparently from the 
caudal region, as seen from below. These measure one and a fifth 
inches in length and one and a half in depth. The articular surface is 
spherical, deeply concave. The margins of the centrum are roughened 
by many ridges and what seems to be a deep V-shaped neural canal. 

We have no means of comparing this porpoise with DeELPpHINUS 
_occipuus Leidy, known from a jaw in the Miocene at Half Moon Bay. 



A small number of fishes has been obtained about Los Angeles from 
sandstones and shales which lie above the Puente or Monterey deposits 
and which are regarded as of Pliocene age. In these rocks there are no 
diatomaceous deposits and the fishes are of a different character from 
those found imbedded in the masses of diatoms. 

The following localities are represented: 

1. Sunset Bluff, near Broadway Tunnel:. sandy shales of the lower 
Pliocene. ARNOLDINA. 

2. Third Street Tunnel: clay shale of the upper Pliocene. Ecrasis. 

3. Fourth and Hill Streets: clay shale, upper’ Pliocene. Car- 

4. Temescal Cafion, Sierra Santa Monica. 

5. Rustic Cafion, Sierra Santa Monica. 

6. Port Harford. 

The following species were obtained from rocks of Pliocene age (new 
names in italic) : 

1. GALEORHINUS HANNIBALI Jordan and Beal, Temescal Cafion. 

2. CARCHARODON ARNOLDI Jordan, Los Angeles, Rustic Cafion. 

3. SCYMNORHINUS OCCIDENTALIS (Agassiz), Temescal Cafion. 

4, UROBATIS HALLERI (Cooper) (?), San Pedro. 

5. Ectasis proriger Jordan and Gilbert, Third Street Tunnel. 

6. SEBASTODES ROSA Eigenmann, Port Harford. 


Family GADID 
7. Arnoldina iniistia Jordan and Gilbert, Sunset Bluff. 

1. Galeorhinus hannibali Jordan and Beal. 

Recorded from Pliocene deposits in Temescal Cafion, the type from 
the Miocene of Kern County. 

Family LAMNIDZ, 
2. Carcharodon arnoldi Jordan. 
In Pliocene deposits in Los Angeles, also recorded as CARCHARODON 

RIVERSI Jordan, from Quaternary deposits about Santa Monica and San 
Pedro. The actual age of these detached teeth may be uncertain. 

3. Scymnorhinus occidentalis (Agassiz). 

Recorded by Jordan and Beal from the Pliocene of Temescal Cafion. 
The type is from the Miocene of Kern County at Ocoya Creek. 

4. Urobatis halleri (Cooper) (?). 

Dr. Ralph Arnold records from San Pedro the sting of a ray not 
distinguishable from that of the living species, UROBATIS HALLERI. 

5. Ectasis proriger. Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXII) 

The type of this species (No. CXXV) is a long slender fish from 
the Pliocene of the Los Angeles clayey shale at the Third Street Tunnel. 
It is 21 inches long to base of caudal; caudal and pectoral fins lost ; bones 
of the head indistinct. 

Head in length 34%, depth in head a little more than 2; in length 
of body 634; D. 18; A. 20 or more; vertebree 36 + 22 =58; snout 414 
in head; eye nearly 4 in head; mandible extending to eye. Body long and 
slender; scales small, cycloid, their characters indistinct; bones of head 
shadowy, apparently heavy and with entire edges ; mouth apparently large, 
oblique, terminal, mandibles strong. Eye comparatively large; no teeth 
plainly visible, but very doubtful traces of strong blunt teeth appear at © 
one point ; opercle back of the eye well developed, the angle rounded pos- 
teriorly ; preopercle indistinct ; branchiostegals apparently broad; pectoral 
and ventral fins obliterated. 


The dorsal fin begins exactly midway in the length to base of the 
caudal ; it is small, with at least twelve weak rays distinct, their basal swell- 
ing conspicuous, the anterior rays longest and nearly equal in height to 
length of base, which in turn is shorter than that of the anal. This latter is 
weaker than the dorsal, its first rays inserted midway between the begin- 
ning of the dorsal and the base of caudal. There are apparently more 
than twenty rays, but much of the fin is obliterated, the bases of about 
fifteen rays distinct. The remnant of the caudal is the inferior lobe, indi- 
_ cating strong, widely divergent rays well supported at the base; hypural 
lost. : 

The vertebre are strong, markedly wider than long, maintaining 
their strength well backward, weaker near the head, strongest below the 
dorsal fin, where the neurals and back of which the hzemals are stoutest 
and recurved. Anterior vertebrz not modified. 

The relations of this genus are with the Clupeiform fishes, but it is not 
clear to what family it belongs. The skeleton has much in common with 
that of .NoToGONEUS OSCULUS Cope, a large fresh-water fish of the Green 
River Eocene. But the form of the mouth is quite different if we can trust 
the shadowy tracing on the fossil. | 

With the family of GonorHYNCHID# we may provisionally, and very 
doubtfully, associate the genus Ecrasis. The name is from &xtaotc, 

But one living genus of GONORHYNCHID# is known. The fossil 
genus CHARITOSOMUS is evidently related to GONoRHYNCHUs. But Noro- 
GONEuS diverges considerably from GoNoRHYNCHUs, and Ecrasis, far 
more if we can trust the outlines of the,mouth as indicated in the fossil 


6. Sebastodes rose Eigenmann."* 

A preopercle of some Sebastes-like fish was found by Dr. Carl H. 
Eigenmann, in Tertidry deposits at Port Harford, the port of San Luis 

Family GADIDZ. 

7. Arnoldina iniistia Jordan and Gilbert, new genus and species. 
(Plate XXVII, fig. 2) 

A small, slender fish (No. XX VI), 314 inches in length, from Plio- 
cene deposits of soft shale at Sunset Bluff, near Broadway Tunnel, Los 
' Angeles, the skeleton perfectly preserved, the fins partly obliterated, the 
first dorsal well indicated. It was collected by High School students 
under direction of Mr. Ray G. Van Cleve. 

14 Eigenmann; “Zoe,” 1, 17. 


Head about 4 in length to base of caudal, depth 5% to 6; a little more 
than half head; eye moderate, about half snout, 5 in head; snout nearly 3. 
Snout rather pointed, the jaws subequal, mouth oblique, the maxillary — 
about reaching posterior border of orbit ; opercle rounded behind ; branchi- 
ostegals apparently few and large; bones of head apparently entire; first — 
dorsal of about eight slender rays or spines, its height almost equal to 
depth of body, its insertion at the nape, not far behind gill opening, over 
third vertebra; the middle rays highest, but all high; pectoral insertion 
moderately high; nine rays visible, the fin apparently narrow, about as 
long as snout; second dorsal, caudal, anal and ventrals obliterated ; certain 
marks under the throat indicating perhaps jugular ventrals. Vertebrz 
thirty-nine to forty-one, small and even, growing smaller posteriorly, with 
short processes and few ribs, one or two of the last vertebre with base of 
caudal obliterated. 

This fish seems to belong to the Gapip#, the short, anterior dorsal 
inserted at the nape, the unarmed head and the narrow pectorals placed 
rather low, showing some resemblance to the genera PoLLacnius and 

The genus is named for Dr. Ralph Arnold, in recognition of his 
admirable work on the fossil Mollusks of Southern California. 


Figure 1. Errincus scINTILLANS’ Jordan; type Lu’ (Brown’s Cajfion). 

Figure 1 

Figure 2 

Figure 3 

Figure 1. RoGENIO SoLITUDINIS Jordan; type Lvt (Soledad Pass). 
Figure 2, ROoGENITES BOWERSI (Jordan); type Lrx (Brown’s Cafion). 
Figure 3. GANOLYTES CAMEO Jordan; type Lx (Brown’s Cafion). 


Figure 1. Errincus scintTiLLANs Jordan (restoration). 
Figure 2. LopHar mioc®Nus Jordan & Gilbert (restoration). 


Figures 1 and 2. GANoLyTEs CAMEO Jordan (scales). 
Figure 3. RHOoMURUS FULCRATUS Jordan (tail vertebra). 
Figure 4. RHoMuURUS FULCRATUS Jordan; type L (Soledad Pass). 


Figure 1. RuomurRus FULCRATUS Jordan (restoration). 
Figure 2, AuUxIpEs SANCT#-MONICH Jordan; type LI (Brown’s Cafion). 


a ee Ei me meee 



) (Soledad Pass). 


type Lv (restorat 



IsuRUS HASTALIS Agassiz, A, B, C, D, H (teeth from different parts of mouth). 
SQUATINA LERICHEI Jordan & Beal, E (Kern River). 

WopbnikKa ocoy Jordan, F; type, California Academy of Sciences (Bena). 
TRIAKIS BEALI Jordan, G; type, California Academy of Sciences (Kern River). 

_— te CF TREES) 


Figure 1. CARCHARODON ARNOLDI Jordan; cxxviit (Los Angeles). 

Figure 2. LyGisMA TENAX Jordan & Gilbert; type xvr (El Modena). 
Figure 3. QuasITA gutsguitia Jordan & Gilbert; type xvit (El Modena). 
Figure 4. Eciipes vETERNUS Jordan & Gilbert; rx (El Modena). 


Figure 1. XYNE GREX Jordan & Gilbert; type cvitt (Lompoc). 
Figure 2. PHoca#na occipuA (Leidy) (San Pedro). 
Figure 3.. ELLIMMA BARBARA Jordan & Gilbert; type xxxir (Carpinteria). 

Figures 1 and 2. Xyne Grex Jordan & Gilbert; xvimm and xxxiv (Bairdstown), 



Figure 1. GANoLYTES CLEPSYyDRA Jordan & Gilbert; type v1 

Figures 2 and 3. 

XYNE GREX Jordan & Gilbert; xV (Lompoc), 




Figure 1, ELLIMMA ELMOpENa: Jordan & Gilbert; type xivi (El Modena). 
Figure 2. Tunita ocrAviA Jordan & Gilbert; type vit (El Modena). 


CLUPEA HADLEYI Jordan & Gilbert; type xxxv (El Modena). 

Rte ne Sa Sh RAL Aiyse 



Figure 1. LycisMA TENAX Jordan & Gilbert; cvir (El Modena). 
Figure 2. ScoMBERESOX ACUTILLUS Jordan & Gilbert; xtiv (El Modena). 
Figure 3. ForrFEX HYPURALIS Jordan; type cv (Pine Cafion). 

Figure 1. 






LuTIANUS HAGARI Jordan & Gilbert; type x1x (El Modena). 
AZALOIS ANGELENSIS Jordan & Gilbert; type x~u (Bairdstown). 
ZANTECLITES HUBBSI Jordan & Gilbert; type xtv (Bairdstown). 
LUTIANUS HAGARI Jordan & Gilbert; x1x (El Modena). 

' ZANTECLITES HUBBSI Jordan & Gilbert (restoration). 



~ "+ XXXII 

Figure 1. Qu.esira ouisouiILia Jordan & Gilbert; type xvii (El Modena). 
Figure 2. THyYRSITES KRIEGERI Jordan & Gilbert; type XXx11t (Lompoc). 

igure 3. ALISEA GRANDIS Jordan & Gilbert; type cXxxv (San Pedro). 

PLATE =X Vili 

SCOMBERESOX EDWARDsI Jordan & Gilbert; type xxxvr (Elysian Hills). 




Lyiit (Chavez Rav 

Ibert; type x 

2NUS Jordan & Gi 




of XLVI 

iP 4¥ 

rt ( 


LopHarR Mioc&NUs’ Jordan & Gil et 






OzYMANDIAS GILBERTI Jordan; type cxxxr (San Pedro). 


EcTasis PRoRIGER Jordan & Gilbert; type cxxv (Los Angeles). 

tl Mi i ee 

Da i 


Figure 1. Eririma rvines Jordan & Gilbert; type Xxx1 ( Jairdstown ). 
Figure 2. Haya pautica Jordan and Gilbert; type xxvit (Los Angeles). 
Figure 3. Undetermined; x1 (Lompoc). 


— = oer a 

i a 

— — 



oY eo. 

ee Chet oe 

can the a Le I 

OE Se ee ee 


1, Lompoguia rETRoPEs Jordan & Gilbert; type cxxx1x (Lompoc). 
Figure 2. HEXAGRAMMOs AcCHRESTUS Jordan & Gilbert; type cxt (Lompoc). 


Figure DIATOM@cA ZATIMA Jordan & Gilbert; type cxxx11 (Lompoc). 


EvestHES JORDANI Gilbert; type (Lompoc). 

EvestHES jorDANI Gilbert (restoration). 

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 

MERRIAMINA ECTENES Jordan & Gilbert; type x1 (EI Modena). 
ARNOLDINA INUSTIA Jordan & Gilbert; type xXvr (Sunset Bluff). 
MERRIAMINA ECTENES Jordan & Gilbert; x1v (El Modena). 

, Sys 
" Pp ee ad 

a ph uP 


Figures 1 and 3, PHocna occipua (Leidy) ; cxxxvit and cxxxvut (Lompoc). 
Figure 2, EMMACH#&RE RHACHITES Jordan & Gilbert; type cxL11 (Lompoc). 



; Figure 1. ApoMaA antigua Jordan & Gilbert; type u (Bairdstown). 
Figure 2. SynGnatHus Avus Jordan & Gilbert; type XLVI (Bairdstown). 
Figure 3. SmiruHires ELEGANS Jordan & Gilbert; type Iv (Bairdstown). 
Figure 4. ZAnrectires HUBBsI Jordan & Gilbert; 1 (Shorb). 



PRIMEVUS Jordan & ( 




0 eae 




SEBASTAVUS VERTEBRALIS Jordan & Gilbert; type m1 (El Modena). 
XYRINIUS HOUSHI Jordan & Gilbert; type xxv (Los Angeles). 
ROGENIO VANCLEVE! Jordan & Gilbert; xxi (Los Angeles). 
Lepipocorrus BREvIs (Agassiz) QC£ningen. 

RHOMARCHUS ENSIGER Jordan & Gilbert; type xL1x (El Modena). 

Aboma, 56 
antiqua, 56 
Alisea, 28, 60 
grandis, 60 
Ammodytes, 10 
Apogonide, 48 
Arnoldina, 63 
iniistia, 63 
Artedius, 55 
Aspicottus, 56 
Atherina, 39 
Atherinide, 39 
Auxides, 10, 43 
propterygius, 10 
sancte-monice, 10 
Auxis, 10, 11 
Azalois, 32 
angelensis, 32 
Belonide, 37 
Brosmophycis, 58 
Brotulide, 57 
Bulbiceps, 12 
Caranx, 47 
Carcharias, 21 
clavatus, 21 
morricei, 21 
Carcharhinus, 21 
antiquus, 21 
Carchariide, 21 
Carcharodon, 22, 23 
arnoldi, 22, 23 
branneri, 22 
carcharias, 23 
megalodon, 22, 23 
riversi, 22 
Charitosomus, 63 
Clupea, 29 
hadleyi, 29 
macrophthalma, 26 
pallasi, 29 
Clupeidze, 25 
Cobitopside, 9 
Cobitopsis, 9 


_ Copeichthys, 29 

Cottidee, 53, 55 
Dalatias, 23 
Dasyatide, 62 
Delphinidze, 60 
Delphinus, 60 
occiduus, 60 

. - Diatomeeca, 58 

zatima, 58 
Diplomystus, 29 
Echinorhinide, 23 
Echinorhinus, 23 

blakei, 23 
Eclipes, 48 

veternus, 48 
Ectasis, 62 

proriger, 62 

_Ellimma, 26 

barbarz, 27 
branneri, 26, 27 
elmodenz, 26, 27 
longicostatum, 27 
riacacensis, 27 - 
Ellimmichthys, 27 
longicostatus, 27 

| Ellipes, 26 
_Emmachere, 59 

rhachites, 59 — 

| Eocottus, 55 

Eoperca, 12 
multidentata, 12 

Eoscorpius, 53, 55 
primevus, 53 

| Eritima, 41 

evides, 41 

| Etringus, 5 

scintillans, 5 
Euthynnus, 10, 11, 44 
Evesthes, 58: 

jordani, 58° 
Forfex, 36 

hypuralis, 36 

| Forficide, 36 


— Gadide, 63 

- Galeocerdo, 21 

aduncus, 21 
productus, 21 
Galeorhinidz, 20, 62 

| Galéorhinus, 21, 62. 

-hannibali, 21, 62 
Ganolytes, 6, 23 
cameo, 6, 24 
~ clepsydra, 23 
Gempylide, 42 
Gobiide, 56 
Gonorhynchide, 62 
Hemulide, 49 
Hayia, 56 
daulica, 56 
Hemilepidotus, 55 
Hemipristis, 21 
heteropleurus, 21 
serra, 21 
Hemiramphus, 9 
Hepsetus, 40 
Heterodontide, 19 
Hexagrammide, 52 
Hexagrammos, 52 
achrestus, 52 
Heptranchias, 20 
andersoni, 20 
primigenius, 20 
Hexanchide, 20 
Icelidee, 55 
Icelinus, 55 
Icelus, 55 
[lisha, 29 
motius, 29 
Isurus, 21 
hastalis, 21 
planus, 21 
smithi, 21 
tumulus, 21 
Jenkinsia, 30 
stolifera, 30 
Jordania, 55 


Labride, 50 
Lamnidz, 21, 62 
Lepidocottus, 55 
brevis, 55 
Liparide, 12 
raninus, 12 
Lompoquia, 49 
retropes, 49 
Lophar, 44, 47 
miocenus, 44 
Lophiide, 59 
Lutianide, 49 
Lutianus, 49 
hagari, 49 
Luvaride, 44 
Luvarus, 44 
Lygisma, 33 
tenax, 33 
Melanotzenia, 40 
Merriamina, 57 
ectenes, 57 
.Mioplosus, 12 
multidentatus, 12 
Myliobatidz, 23 
Myliobatis, 23 
merriami, 23 
Myoxocephalus, 55 
Notogoneus, 63 
Ozymandias, 44 
— gilberti, 44 
Oxyrhina, 21 
plana, 21 
smithi, 21 
tumulus, 21 
Paralichthys, 58 
Parapercis, 48 
Pellona, 29 
Perca, 12 
Percidee, 12 
Phoczena, 60 
occidua, 60 
phoceena, 60 
Pholidophoride, 5, 23 
Pholidophorus, 5 
stricklandi, 6 

Pleuronectide, 58 
Pollachius, 64 - 
Pomatomide, 44 
Pomatomus, 45, 47 
saltatrix, 45, 47 
Prognurus, 12 
Pseudomugil, 40 
Queesita, 30, 31 
quisquilia, 30, 32 
Rhinoptera, 23 
smithi, 23 
Rhomarchus, 52 
ensiger, 52 
Rhomurus, 9 
fulcratus, 9 
Rogeniide, 8, 24 
Rogenio, 8, 24 
bowersi, 8 
solitudinis, 8, 24 
Rogenites, 8 
bowersi, 8 
vanclevei, 24 
Scizenide, 49 
Scomber, 11, 44 
Scomberesocide, 38 
| Scomberesox, 38 
| acutillus, 38 
edwardsi, 38 

saurus, 38 
Scombroclupea, 25 
macrophthalma, 25 
pinnulata, 25 
Scorpenichthys, 55 
Scorpzenide, 44, 63 
Seymnorhinide, 23, 62 
Scymnorhinus, 23, 62 
occidentalis, 23, 62 
| Scymnus, 23 
Sebastavus, 51 
__vertebralis, 51 
- Sebastodes, 51, 63 
rose, 63 
Sebastosomus, 51 
mystinus, 51 
Squatinide, 23 

| Thyrsites, 42 

| Trachichthyide, 41 
~Triakis, 20 

| Xantocles, 55 
| Xyne, 25 

~Tunita, 11, 42 


Squatina, 23 
lerichei, 23 
Spratelloides, 30 
Syngnathide, 34. 
Syngnathus, 34 
acus, 35 
auliscus, 35 
avus, 35 
barbare, 35 ae 
californiensis, 35 
-griseolineatus, 3500 
leptorhynchus, 35 

| Theragra, 64 

Thunnus, 11 
Thynnus, 11 . 
-propterygius, 11. 

kriegeri, 42 

beali, 20 
Triglops,°55. > “~> 

octavia, 11, 42 
Urobatis, 62 

halleri, 62 — 
Wodnika, 19, 20 

althausi, 20 

ocoyre, 19 

“grex, 23, 
Xyrichthys, 50, 51. 
psittacus, 50 
Xyrinius, 50 
houshi, 50 
Yarrella, 32 
blackfordi, 32 
Zaniolepis, 55 
Zantecla, 40 
Zanteclites, 39 
hubbsi, 39 » 


Kellogg, Professor of Entomology, and Gordon Floyd Ferris. 74 pp., 18 
text figures, 8 plates. 1915. Price 75c. 

Tue Firicen Memorta Votume. Papers by Ewald Fliigel, late Professor of Eng- 
‘lish Philology, his Colleagues and Students. 232 pp. 1916. Price $1.50. 

Starks, Assistant Professor of Zoology. 40 pp., 15 text figures. 1916. 
Price 50c. 


Reining, Instructor in German. 142 pp. 1916. Price $1.00. 

_ Tue Parnotocy or Nepuritis. William Ophiils, Professor of Pathology. 103 pp., 

64 text figures and plates. 191€. Price $1.00. ~ 

_ Bone anv Jornt Stupies, I. Leonard W. Ely, Associate Professor of Surgery, and 
John Francis Cowan, Assistant Professor of Surgery. 139 pp. 41 text 
figures and plates. 1916. Price $1.00. 

A Srupy oF THE Macmatic Sutrip Ores. C. F, Tolman, Jr., Associate Professor 
of Economic Geology, and Austin F. Rogers, Associate Professor of Mineral- 
ogy and Petrography. 76 pp., 7 text figures, 20 plates. 1916. Price $1.00. 

Tue GENERA oF FisHEs, rrom Linnzus to Cuvier, 1758 to 1833 (sEVENTY-FIVE 
YEARS), WITH THE ACCEPTED TYPE OF EACH. David S:arr Jordan, Chancellor 
Emeritus. 161 pp. 1917. Price $1.00. 

Tue Use or YE IN THE Function or THou 1n Mippte Enciism LiterRATURE FROM 
MS. AucHIntecKk To MS. Vernon. Russell Osborne-Stidston, late Acting 
Instructor in English. 95 pp. 1917. Price 75c. 


THE PHILOSOPHY OF ITS CHIEF E: 2ONENT. Henry David Gray, Associate Pro- 
fessor of English: 110 pp. 1917. Price 75c. 

Tue Neo-Crassic MoveMENT IN Spain Durinc THE Xvi Century. Robert E. 
Pellissier, late Assistant Professor of Romanic Languages. 187 pp. : 1918. 
Price $1.00. 

THE ORIGINAL VERSION oF “Love's Lasour’s Lost,” with a CONJECTURE AS TO 
“Love's LApour’s Won.” Henry David Gray, Associate Professor of Eng- 
lish. 55 pp; 1918. Price 75c. 

THe CatirorwiA Species or Meaty Bucs. Gordon Floyd Ferris, Instructor in 
Entomology. 78 pp., 16 text figures, 3 plates. 1918. Price $1.00. 

fessor of Philosophy: 72 pp. 1918. Price 75c. 

Tue DERIVATION oF THE Fiona or Hawa. Douglas Houghton Campbell, Pro- 

- fessor of Botany. %4 pp. 1919. Price 50c. 

States. Gordon Floyd Ferris, Instructor in Entomology. 66 pp., 38 text 
figures. 1919, Price $1.00. 

Tue GENERA OF FisueEs, Part IJ, rrom AcAssiz To BLEEKER, 1833 To 1858 (TWENTY- 
SIX YEARS), WITH THE ACCEPTED TYPE OF EACH. David Starr Jordan, Chancellor 
Emeritus. Pp. 163-284, with Index. 1919, Price $1.00. 

Tue ELectricAL CHarces of Atoms AND Ions. Fernando Sanford, Professor of 
Physics. 130 pp. 1919. Price $1.00. 

fossi, FisHEes or SOUTHERN CaLiForNIA. David Starr Jordan and James Zaccheus 
Gilbert. 64 pp. and 31 plates. 1919. Price $1.00. 

é Hane 


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