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The  FTC 
Cigarette  Test 


Method  for 
Tar,  Nicotine, 
and  Carbon 
Monoxide  Yields 
of  US.  Cigarettes 

Report  of  the  NCI  Expert  Committee 


National  Cancer  Institute 


Cigarette  Test 


Method  tor 
Tar,  Nicotine, 
and  Carbon 
Monoxide  Yields 
of  US.  Cigarettes 



Report  of  the  NCI  Expert  Committee 

j I I 

bldg  10,  10  CENTER  ; I 


Public  Health  Service 
National  Institutes  of  Health 





In  response  to  the  emerging  scientific  evidence  that  cigarette  smoking 
posed  a significant  health  risk  to  the  user,  in  the  early  1950's  the  major 
cigarette  manufacturers  began  widespread  promotion  of  filtered  cigarettes 
to  reassure  smokers  that,  regardless  of  whatever  unhealthy  constituents 
were  in  cigarette  smoke,  filters  were  a "scientific"  breakthrough. 

Advertisements  for  Viceroy's  "health  guard  filter"  stated,  "DENTISTS 
ADVISE — Smoke  VICEROYS — ^The  Nicotine  and  Tars  Trapped  by  The  Viceroy 
Filter  CAN  NEVER  STAIN  YOUR  TEETH!"  and  "Leading  N.Y.  Doctor  Tells 
His  Patients  What  to  Smoke — Filtered  Cigarette  Smoke  Is  Better  For  Health. 
The  Nicotine  and  Tars  Trapped  . . . Cannot  Reach  Mouth,  Throat  Or  Lungs." 
Chesterfield  was  "Best  for  you — low  in  nicotine,  highest  in  quality,"  while 
L&M's  were  "Just  What  the  Doctor  Ordered."  Lorillard  Tobacco  Company 
stressed  its  science-based  Kent  micronite  filter  (the  original  micronite  filter 
was  made  of  asbestos)  and  claimed  it  removed  seven  times  more  tar  and 
nicotine  than  any  other  cigarette,  which  "put  Kent  in  a class  all  by  itself 
where  health  protection  is  concerned."  Of  course,  we  know  today  that  not 
only  were  these  claims  patently  false,  but  the  cigarette  companies  knew  it. 

In  the  early  1950's  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  challenged  a 
variety  of  health  claims  made  for  cigarettes  in  their  advertising,  including 
claims  about  tar  and  nicotine.  In  1955  FTC  published  advertising  guidelines 
that,  among  other  things,  prohibited  claims  by  cigarette  manufacturers 
that  a particular  brand  of  cigarettes  was  low  in  tar  and  nicotine  or  lower 
than  other  brands,  when  it  had  not  been  established  by  competent  scientific 
proof  that  the  claim  was  true  and  the  difference  was  significant.  Cigarette 
manufactures,  however,  continued  to  advertise  tar  numbers.  In  the  absence 
of  a standardized  test  methodology,  this  resulted  in  what  is  referred  to  as  a 
"tar  derby" — a multitude  of  inconsistent,  noncomparable  claims  that  did  not 
give  consumers  a meaningful  opportunity  to  assess  the  relative  tar  delivery 
of  competing  brands.  The  tar  derby  ended  in  1960  when  discussions  with 
FTC  culminated  in  an  industry  agreement  to  refrain  from  tar  and  nicotine 

In  1966,  however,  the  U.S.  Public  Health  Service  (PHS)  prepared  a 
technical  report  on  "tar"  and  nicotine  that  concluded,  "The  preponderance 
of  scientific  evidence  strongly  suggests  that  the  lower  the  'tar'  and  nicotine 
content  of  cigarette  smoke,  the  less  harmful  would  be  the  effect."  In  reaching 
this  conclusion,  the  report  noted  the  clear  relationship  between  dose  of 
cigarette  smoke  received  by  the  smoker  and  disease  risk.  Regardless  of  how 
dose  was  calculated — by  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day,  age  of 
initiation,  total  number  of  years  one  smoked,  or  depth  of  inhalation, 
mortality  rates  among  smokers  increased.  When  smokers  quit  smoking, 
their  risk  was  reduced  in  proportion  to  the  length  of  time  off  cigarettes. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Subsequent  to  the  PHS  statement,  FTC  reversed  its  decision  banning  tar 
and  nicotine  claims  in  advertising  and  established  a standardized  testing  ^ 

protocol  for  assessing  tar  and  nicotine  yields.  Today  that  protocol  is  widely  i 

known  as  the  FTC  test  method.  In  1980  the  protocol  was  broadened  to  i 

include  measurement  of  the  carbon  monoxide  yields  of  cigarettes  as  well.  i 

The  initial  protocol  adopted  by  FTC  was  largely  based  on  the  work  of  | 

U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture  chemist  C.L.  Ogg,  as  published  in  the  Journal  '■ 

of  the  Association  of  Official  Agricultural  Chemists  in  1964.  It  appears,  however,  j 
that  this  protocol  was  based  on  one  person's  observations  about  how  people  j 

smoked.  i 


Much  the  same  protocol  had  been  proposed  by  American  Tobacco  | 

Company  researchers  in  1936.  Writing  in  the  July  issue  of  Industrial  and  ^ 

Engineering  Chemistry,  J.A.  Bradford  and  colleagues  noted,  "The  present  i 

writer's  arbitrarily  selected  rate  is  a 35-cc  puff  of  2-second  duration  taken  I 

once  a minute."  i 

However,  cigarettes  consumed  at  that  time  were  vastly  different  from  I 

those  manufactured  and  marketed  later.  In  fact,  tar  and  nicotine  levels  j 

began  to  decline  during  the  1950's,  concurrent  with  the  mass  marketing  of 
filter  cigarettes.  Market  share  of  filter  cigarettes  increased  from  almost  zero  | 
in  1950  (0.6  percent  of  the  market)  to  50  percent  by  decade's  end.  Total  | 

cigarette  sales,  which  had  begun  to  decline  after  the  first  public  statements  | 

about  the  hazards  of  smoking  in  the  early  1950's,  rebounded  to  new  highs.  ! 


Although  filter  efficiency  may  have  contributed  to  some  of  the  reduction  I 
in  tar/nicotine  yields  in  the  1950's,  the  decline  resulted  mostly  from  less  I 

tobacco  being  used  to  make  filtered  as  opposed  to  unfiltered  cigarettes. 

However,  during  the  1960's  and  1970's  major  cigarette  design  changes 
resulted  in  significantly  lower  machine-measured  cigarette  yields.  The  j 

changes  included  increased  use  of  ventilated  tobacco  rods  and  filters,  I 

use  of  more  porous  cigarette  papers,  and  increased  use  of  expanded  and  | 

reconstituted  tobacco.  Concurrent  with  these  modifications  in  cigarette  i 

design,  cigarette  manufacturers  increasingly  made  use  of  additives  in  | 

manufacturing.  Today  about  600  different  compounds  are  routinely  j 

added  to  domestic  cigarette  brands,  yet  no  routine  testing  is  performed  , 

to  determine  whether  these  compounds  pose  any  additional  health  risk  j 

to  the  smoker  when  they  are  burned  in  a cigarette.  [ 

U.S.  market  share  of  cigarettes  yielding  15  mg  tar  or  less  went  from  I 

3.6  percent  in  1970  to  44.8  percent  by  1980.  The  sales-weighted  average  tar 
and  nicotine  yields  of  all  U.S.  cigarettes  are  now  approximately  12  mg  tar  and  i. 
0.9  mg  nicotine.  By  comparison,  sales-weighted  yields  in  the  early  1950's  | 

were  35  mg  tar  and  2.5  mg  nicotine.  j 

As  consumption  of  low-yield  cigarettes  began  to  proliferate,  the  public 
health  community  became  concerned  that  these  products  were  not  what 
they  seemed,  increasingly,  scientific  studies  documented  that  smokers  who 
switched  to  these  low-yield  products  smoked  them  differently,  thus  negating 



the  reason  many  of  them  changed  in  the  first  place — to  lower  their  health 

The  U.S.  Congress  also  voiced  its  concern  in  1978  when  it  enacted  the 
Health  Services  and  Centers  Act.  Section  403  of  that  legislation  directed  the 
U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  (DHHS)  to  conduct  a "study 
or  studies  of  (1)  the  relative  health  risks  associated  with  smoking  cigarettes 
of  varying  levels  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide;  and  (2)  the  health 
risks  associated  with  smoking  cigarettes  containing  any  substances  commonly 
added  to  commercially  manufactured  cigarettes."  The  Secretary  of  the 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  addressed  this  issue  as  part  of 
the  1981  Surgeon  General's  report.  The  Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  The 
Changing  Cigarette.  The  overall  conclusion  of  that  report  was  clear:  "There 
is  no  safe  cigarette  and  no  safe  level  of  consumption."  Although  the  report 
did  note  that  smoking  cigarettes  with  lower  yields  of  tar  and  nicotine 
reduces  the  risk  of  lung  cancer  to  some  extent,  the  benefits  are  minimal 
in  comparison  with  giving  up  cigarettes  entirely.  Evidence  relating  to  heart 
disease,  other  cancers,  or  chronic  obstructive  lung  disease  was  not  sufficient 
to  permit  conclusions  to  be  drawn.  As  to  the  accuracy  of  the  FTC  test 
method,  the  report  stated:  "The  'tar'  and  nicotine  yields  obtained  by  present 
testing  methods  do  not  correspond  to  the  dosages  that  the  individual  smokers 
receive:  In  some  cases  they  may  seriously  underestimate  these  dosages." 

Growing  numbers  of  questions  were  raised  about  the  accuracy  of  the 
FTC  test  protocol  to  measure  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  levels 
from  low-yield  cigarettes — questions  raised  not  just  by  the  public  health 
community  but  also  within  the  tobacco  industry.  Competitors  complained 
to  FTC  that  Brown  and  Williamson's  (B&W)  Barclay  brand  cigarette  did  not 
test  accurately  with  the  FTC  test  method.  They  argued  that  the  brand  was 
designed  with  unique  air  ventilation  channels  that  caused  it  to  test  low  on 
the  FTC  method.  The  ventilation  channels,  which  remained  open  when 
Barclays  were  smoked  on  the  FTC  machine,  were  rendered  inoperable 
when  a human  being  smoked  the  cigarettes.  In  April  1983  FTC  announced 
that  its  testing  method  understated  values  for  constituents  in  Barclay 
cigarettes,  and  as  a result,  until  new  testing  methods  were  developed,  FTC 
would  no  longer  report  an  official  rating  for  Barclay  cigarettes.  Later,  FTC 
took  similar  steps  with  respect  to  other  B&W  cigarette  varieties  that  used 
a filter  design  similar  to  Barclay's. 

Eventually  FTC  closed  its  cigarette  testing  laboratory,  in  part  because  of 
insufficient  expertise  within  the  agency  to  carry  out  an  increasingly  complex 
and  costly  testing  program.  Since  1987,  constituent  levels  for  domestic 
cigarette  brands  have  been  determined  for  the  manufacturers  by  the  Tobacco 
Institute  Testing  Laboratory  with  oversight  by  FTC.  The  Tobacco  Institute 
serves  as  a trade  organization  as  well  as  the  information  and  lobbying  arm 
of  the  tobacco  industry. 

In  June  1994  the  Chairman  of  the  House  Subcommittee  on  Health  and 
the  Environment  wrote  the  Director  of  the  National  Cancer  Institute  (NCI), 
asking  him  to  convene  a meeting  of  experts  to  ".  . . review  and  make 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

recommendations  on  the  accuracy  and  appropriateness  of  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission's  method  for  determining  the  relative  'tar'  and  nicotine  content 
of  cigarettes."  A similar  request  was  received  from  the  FTC  Chairman  asking 
that  NCI  convene  a consensus  conference  on  the  topic  and  outlining  several 
areas  it  wished  to  be  considered. 

On  December  5 and  6,  1994,  a meeting  of  the  NCI  ad  hoc  expert 
committee  was  convened  under  the  aegis  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel  to 
examine  this  issue.  The  committee  consisted  of  1 1 individuals  from  diverse 
scientific  backgrounds  and  experience.  The  committee  had  the  benefit  of 
excellent  presentations  from  14  experts  whose  professional  careers  were  not 
only  involved  in  research  on  smoking,  but  who  have  been  active  contributors 
to  this  field  of  scientific  inquiry.  Two  of  the  individual  participants  were 
cigarette  industry  scientists,  who  participated  in  all  discussions. 

From  the  outset  of  the  committee's  deliberations,  it  was  clear  that  the 
intent  of  the  meeting  was  not  to  redesign  the  FTC  testing  protocol  but,  rather, 
to  examine  the  protocol  and  make  suggestions  for  improvement,  if  warranted. 
To  provide  a framework  for  discussion,  the  committee  was  asked  to  consider 
three  basic  questions: 

1.  Does  the  evidence  presented  clearly  demonstrate  that 
changes  are  needed  in  the  current  FTC  protocol  for 
measuring  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide?  If  yes, 
what  changes  are  required? 

2.  Should  constituents  other  than  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon 
monoxide  be  added  to  the  protocol? 

3.  Does  the  FTC  protocol  provide  information  useful  to 
smokers  in  making  decisions  about  their  health? 

1.  The  committee  reached  the  following  conclusions  with  respect  to  the  first 


A.  The  smoking  of  cigarettes  with  lower  machine-measured  yields  has  a 
small  effect  in  reducing  the  risk  of  cancer  caused  by  smoking,  no  effect 
on  the  risk  of  cardiovascular  diseases,  and  an  uncertain  effect  on  the 
risk  of  pulmonary  disease.  A reduction  in  machine-measured  tar  yield 
from  15  mg  tar  to  1 mg  tar  does  not  reduce  relative  risk  from  15  to  1. 

B.  The  FTC  test  protocol  was  based  on  cursory  observations  of  human 
smoking  behavior.  Actual  human  smoking  behavior  is  characterized 
by  wide  variations  in  smoking  patterns,  which  result  in  wide  variations 
in  tar  and  nicotine  exposure.  Smokers  who  switch  to  lower  tar  and 
nicotine  cigarettes  frequently  change  their  smoking  behavior,  which 
may  negate  potential  health  benefits. 

C.  Accordingly,  the  committee  recommends  the  following  changes  to 
the  I'FC  protocol: 



1.  This  system  should  also  measure  and  publish  information  on  the 
range  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  that  most 
smokers  should  expect  from  each  cigarette  sold  in  the  United 

2.  This  information  should  be  clearly  communicated  to  smokers. 

3.  A simple  graphic  representation  should  be  provided  with  each  pack 
of  cigarettes  sold  in  the  United  States  and  in  all  advertisements. 

The  representation  should  not  imply  a one-to-one  relationship 
between  measurements  and  disease  risk. 

4.  The  system  must  be  accompanied  by  public  education  to  make 
smokers  aware  that  individual  exposure  depends  on  how  the 
cigarette  is  smoked  and  that  the  benefits  of  switching  to  lower 
yield  cigarettes  are  small  compared  with  quitting. 

D.  There  should  be  Federal  oversight  of  cigarette  testing,  but  such  testing 
should  continue  to  be  performed  by  the  tobacco  industry  and  at 
industry  expense. 

E.  The  questions  involved  in  the  purpose,  methodology,  and  utility 
of  the  FTC  protocol  are  complex  medical  and  scientific  issues  that 
require  ongoing  involvement  of  Federal  health  agencies,  including 
the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration, 
and  the  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention. 

F.  The  system  should  be  reexamined  at  least  every  5 years  to  evaluate 
whether  the  protocol  is  maintaining  its  utility  to  the  smoker. 

G.  When  a cigarette  manufacturer  makes  significant  changes  in  cigarette 
design  that  affect  yields,  it  should  notify  the  appropriate  Federal 

II.  With  regard  to  the  second  question,  the  committee  recommends  that  to 
avoid  confusing  smokers,  no  smoke  constituents  other  than  tar,  nicotine, 
and  carbon  monoxide  be  measured  and  published  at  the  present  time. 
Smokers  should  be  informed  of  the  presence  of  other  hazardous  smoke 
constituents  with  each  package  and  with  all  advertisements.  These 
constituents  should  be  classified  by  toxic  effects. 

III.  In  considering  the  third  question,  the  committee  reached  the  following 

A.  Information  from  the  testing  system  is  useless  to  smokers  unless 
they  have  ready  access  to  it.  The  information  from  the  testing  system 
should  be  made  available  to  all  smokers,  including  those  who  smoke 
generic  brands  and  other  brands  not  widely  advertised. 

B.  Brand  names  and  brand  classifications  such  as  "light"  and  "ultralight" 
represent  health  claims  and  should  be  regulated  and  accompanied,  in 
fair  balance,  with  an  appropriate  disclaimer. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

C.  The  available  data  suggest  that  smokers  misunderstand  the  FTC  test 
data.  This  underscores  the  need  for  an  extensive  public  education 

As  Chairman  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel  under  whose  aegis  this 
meeting  was  convened,  1 would  like  to  express  here  my  admiration  and  deep 
appreciation  to  the  members  of  the  NCI  ad  hoc  committee  and  its  expert 
consultants  for  a job  well  done.  In  transmitting  this  report  to  both  the 
U.S.  Congress  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission,  it  is  my  sincere  hope 
that  the  recommendations  contained  herein  will  receive  the  serious  and 
thoughtful  consideration  they  deserve. 

Harold  P.  Freeman,  M.D. 

Chairman,  President's  Cancer  Panel 


The  FTC  Cigarette  Test  Method  for  Determining  Tar,  Nicotine,  and  Carbon 
Monoxide  Yields  ofU.S.  Cigarettes:  Report  of  the  NCI  Expert  Committee  was 
developed  under  the  general  editorship  of  the  Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control 
Program  (STCP),  National  Cancer  Institute  (NCI),  Donald  R.  Shopland, 

In  organizing  the  December  5-6,  1994,  meeting  of  the  NCI  Ad  Hoc 
Committee  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel  on  the  FTC  Test  Method  for 
Determining  Tar,  Nicotine,  and  Carbon  Monoxide  Levels  in  Cigarettes,  NCI 
had  the  expert  advice  and  assistance  of  many  individuals  both  in  and  out  of 
Government  service.  In  particular,  the  Coordinator  and  STCP  staff  members 
would  like  to  acknowledge  the  following  individuals  who  served  as  part  of  an 
informal  planning  group  for  the  conference: 

Judith  Wilkenfeld,  Esq. 

Food  and  Drug  Administration 

Rockville,  MD 

Jack  E.  Henningfield,  Ph.D. 

Addiction  Research  Center 

National  Institute  on  Drug  Abuse 

Baltimore,  MD 

Michael  P.  Eriksen,  Sc.D. 

Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention 

Atlanta,  GA 

Shira  D.  Modell,  Esq. 

Federal  Trade  Commission 

Washington,  DC 

Special  recognition  is  due  John  M.  Pinney  and  Joseph  G.  Gitchell, 
Pinney  Associates,  Bethesda,  MD,  for  their  help  with  overall  conference 
organization  and  planning.  Mr.  Pinney  also  served  as  facilitator  for  all 
consensus  deliberations  by  the  expert  panel. 

We  would  like  to  express  our  sincere  appreciation  to 
the  following  memhers  of  the  NCI  Ad  Hoc  Committee  of 
the  President's  Cancer  Panel. 


President's  Cancer  Panel 

Executive  Secretary, 
President's  Cancer  Panel 

Harold  P.  Freeman,  M.D. 
Director  of  Surgery 
Harlem  Hospital  Center 
New  York,  W 

Maureen  O.  Wilson,  Ph.D. 
National  Cancer  Institute 
Bethesda,  MD 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Panelists  Fred  Bock,  Ph.D. 

Miami,  FL 

Dorothy  K.  Hatsukami,  Ph.D. 

Associate  Professor  of  Psychiatry 
University  of  Minnesota 
Minneapolis,  MN 

Sandra  Headen,  Ph.D. 

Social/Community  Psychologist 
University  of  North  Carolina  School  of 
Public  Health 
Chapel  Hill,  NC 

Dietrich  Hoffmann,  Ph.D. 

Associate  Director  and  Chief 
Division  of  Environmental  Carcinogenesis 
American  Health  Foundation 
Valhalla,  NY 

John  R.  Hughes,  M.D. 


Departments  of  Psychiatry,  Psychology, 
and  Family  Practice 
University  of  Vermont 
Burlington,  VT 

Diana  Petitti,  M.D.,  M.P.H. 


Division  of  Research  and  Evaluation 
Kaiser  Permanente 
Pasadena,  CA 

William  S.  Rickert,  Ph.D. 

Labstat,  Inc. 

Kitchener,  Ontario 

Saul  Shiftman,  Ph.D. 


Department  of  Psychology 
University  of  Pittsburgh 
Pittsburgh,  PA 

Maxine  L.  Stitzer,  Ph.D. 


Department  of  Psychiatry  and  Behavioral 

Johns  Hopkins  University  School  of  Medicine 
l-'rancis  Scott  Key  Medical  Center 
Baltimore,  MD 



Invited  Speakers 

Ray  Woosley,  M.D.,  Ph.D. 


Department  of  Clinical  Pharmacology 
Georgetown  University 
Washington,  DC 

Neal  L.  Benowitz,  M.D. 

Professor  of  Medicine  and  Chief 
Division  of  Clinical  Pharmacology  and 
Experimental  Therapeutics 
University  of  California,  San  Francisco 
San  Francisco,  CA 

Joel  B.  Cohen,  Ph.D. 

Distinguished  Service  Professor  and  Director 
Center  for  Consumer  Research 
University  of  Florida 
Gainesville,  FL 

Gary  A.  Giovino,  Ph.D.,  M.S. 


Epidemiology  Branch 

Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention 
Atlanta,  GA 

Michael  R.  Guerin,  Ph.D. 

Section  Head,  Organic  Chemistry 
Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory 
Oak  Ridge,  TN 

Jeffrey  E.  Harris,  M.D.,  Ph.D 
Massachusetts  General  Hospital 
Associate  Professor 
Department  of  Economics 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 
Cambridge,  MA 

Jack  E.  Henningfield,  Ph.D. 


Clinical  Pharmacology  Branch 
Addiction  Research  Center 
National  Institute  on  Drug  Abuse 
Baltimore,  MD 

Dietrich  Hoffmann,  Ph.D. 

Associate  Director  and  Chief 
Division  of  Environmental  Carcinogenesis 
American  Health  Foundation 
Valhalla,  NY 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Lynn  T.  Kozlowski,  Ph.D. 

Professor  and  Head 
Department  of  Biobehavioral  Health 
Pennsylvania  State  University 
University  Park,  PA 

C.  Lee  Peeler,  Esq. 

Associate  Director 
Division  of  Advertising  Practices 
Federal  Trade  Commission 
Washington,  DC 

Harold  C.  Pillsbury,  Jr. 

Rockville,  MD 

Jonathan  M.  Samet,  M.D.,  M.S. 


Department  of  Epidemiology 
Johns  Hopkins  University 

School  of  Hygiene  and  Public  Health 
Baltimore,  MD 

James  P.  Zacny,  Ph.D. 

Assistant  Professor 

Department  of  Anesthesia  and  Critical  Care 
University  of  Chicago 
Chicago,  IL 

Tobacco  Industry  J.  Donald  deBethizy,  Ph.D. 

Representatives  Vice  President,  Product  Evaluation 

R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company 
Bowman  Gray  Technical  Center 
Winston-Salem,  NC 

David  E.  Townsend,  Ph.D. 

Principal  Scientist 
R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company 
Bowman  Gray  Technical  Center 
Winston-Salem,  NC 

The  Coordinator  and  STCP  staff  members  also  gratefully 
acknowledge  the  authors  who  made  this  monograph  possible. 
Attributions  for  those  chapters  with  authors  follow. 

Chapter  1.  Cigarette  Testing  and  the  C.  Lee  Peeler,  Esq. 

Federal  Trade  Commission:  Federal  Trade  Commission 

A Historical  Overview  Washington,  DC 

A cknowledgmen  ts 

Chapter  2. 

Chapter  3. 

Chapter  4. 

Review  of  the  Federal  Trade  Harold  C.  Pillsbury,  Jr. 
Commission  Method  for  Rockville,  MD 

Determining  Cigarette  Tar 
and  Nicotine  Yield 

Changes  in  Cigarette  Design  Dietrich  Hoffmann,  Ph.D. 
and  Composition  Over  Time  American  Health  Foundation 

and  How  They  Influence  the  Valhalla,  NY 
Yields  of  Smoke  Constituents 

Mirjana  V.  Djordjevic,  Ph.D. 
American  Health  Foundation 
Valhalla,  NY 

Klaus  D.  Brunnemann,  M.S. 
American  Health  Foundation 
Valhalla,  NY 

Attitudes,  Knowledge,  and 
Beliefs  About  Low-Yield 
Cigarettes  Among 
Adolescents  and  Adults 

Gary  A.  Giovino,  Ph.D.,  M.S. 
Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

Scott  L.  Tomar,  D.M.D.,  Dr.P.H. 
Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

Murli  N.  Reddy,  M.S. 

Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

John  P.  Peddicord,  M.S. 

Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

Bao-Ping  Zhu,  Ph.D.,  M.B.B.S.,  M.S. 
Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

Luis  G.  Escobedo,  M.D.,  M.P.H. 
Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 

Michael  P.  Eriksen,  Sc.D. 

Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Atlanta,  GA 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Chapter  5. 

Cigarette  Smoke  Components 
and  Disease:  Cigarette 
Smoke  Is  More  Than  a 
Triad  of  Tar,  Nicotine, 
and  Carhon  Monoxide 

Jeffrey  E.  Harris,  M.D.,  Ph.D. 
Massachusetts  General  Hospital 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 
Cambridge,  MA 

Chapter  6. 

The  Changing  Cigarette  and 
Disease  Risk:  Current  Status 
of  the  Evidence 

Jonathan  M.  Samet,  M.D.,  M.S. 

Johns  Hopkins  University 

School  of  Hygiene  and  Public  Health 
Baltimore,  MD 

Chapter  7. 

Biomarkers  of  Cigarette 

Neal  L.  Benowitz,  M.D. 

University  of  California,  San  Francisco 
San  Francisco,  CA 

Chapter  8. 

Pharmacology  and  Markers: 
Nicotine  Pharmacology  and 
Addictive  Effects 

Jack  E.  Henningfield,  Ph.D. 
Addiction  Research  Center 
National  Institute  on  Drug  Abuse 
Baltimore,  MD 

Leslie  M.  Schuh,  Ph.D. 

Wayne  State  University 
Detroit,  MI 

Chapter  9. 

Perceptions  of  Federal  Trade 
Commission  Tar  Ratings 

Joel  B.  Cohen,  Ph.D. 
University  of  Florida 
Gainesville,  EL 

Chapter  10. 

Sensitivity  of  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  Test 
Method  to  Analytical 

Michael  R.  Guerin,  Ph.D. 

Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory 
Oak  Ridge,  TN 

Chapter  11. 

Human  Smoking  Patterns 

James  P.  Zacny,  Ph.D. 

University  of  Chicago 
Chicago,  IL 

Maxine  L.  Stitzer,  Ph.D. 

Johns  Hopkins  University  School 
of  Medicine 

Francis  Scott  Key  Medical  Center 
Baltimore,  MD 

Chapter  12. 

Compensation  for  Nicotine 
by  Smokers  of  Lower  Yield 

Lynn  T.  Kozlowski,  Ph.D. 
Pennsylvania  State  University 
University  Park,  PA 

Janine  L.  Pillitteri 
Pennsylvania  State  University 
University  Park,  PA 


Chapter  13. 

Cigarette  Design 
Technologies  Reduce  Smoke 
Yield  and  Expand  Consumer 
Choices:  The  Role  and  Utility 
of  the  FTC  Test  Method 

David  E.  Townsend,  Ph.D. 

RJ.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company 
Bowman  Gray  Technical  Center 
Winston-Salem,  NC 

SECTION  IV.  Overview  of  1980  to  1994 
Research  Related  to  the 
Standard  Federal  Trade 
Commission  Test  Method 
for  Cigarettes 

Michael  D.  Mueller,  M.S.P.H. 
R.O.W.  Sciences,  Inc. 
Rockville,  MD 

Finally,  the  Coordinator  and  STCP  staff  members  would  like  to 
acknowledge  the  significant  contributions  of  the  following  staff 
members  of  R.O.W.  Sciences,  Inc.,  Rockville,  MD,  and  MasiMax 
Resources,  Inc.,  Rockville,  MD,  who  provided  technical  and 
editorial  assistance  in  the  preparation  of  this  monograph.  In 
particular,  we  would  like  to  acknowledge  the  contribution  of 
Richard  H.  Amacher,  M.S.,  who  served  as  Project  Manager  from 
September  1989  through  August  1995  for  the  contract  under  which 
this  publication  was  produced.  We  would  also  like  to  thank 
Marilyn  M.  Massey,  M.P.H.,  MasiMax  Resources,  and  Jacqueline  M. 
Tressler,  R.O.W.  Sciences,  who  currently  serve  as  Project  Manager 
and  Subcontract  Manager,  respectively,  for  the  contract  under 
which  this  publication  was  produced,  for  their  valuable 
contribution  during  the  Dual  phases  of  the  mongraph's 
development.  Special  recognition  is  also  due  to  Janies  R.  Libbey, 
M.P.I.A.,  who  served  as  Managing  Editor  for  this  publication,  and 
Traci  Cherrier,  who  served  as  Senior  Conference  Specialist  for  the 
NCI  ad  hoc  committee  meeting  that  resulted  in  this  monograph. 

R.O.W.  Sciences,  Inc. 

Douglas  Bishop,  Art  Director 

Catherine  W.  Chapman,  Executive  Assistant 
Rebecca  A.  Charton,  Senior  Librarian 

Ruth  E.  Clark,  Word  Processing  Specialist 
Daria  T.  Donaldson,  Proofreader 

Catherine  Hageman,  Word  Processing  Supervisor 
Stephen  P.  Luckabaugh,  Information  Specialist 
Frances  Nebesky,  Senior  Copyeditor 
Sheila  Proudman,  Technical  Writer/Resource  Coordinator 

Esther  M.  Roberts,  Administrative  Assistant 
Donna  Selig,  Copyeditor/Proofreader 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Keith  W.  Stanger,  Graphics  Services  Coordinator 

Donna  Cay  Tharpe,  Quality  Control  Proofreader 

Sonia  Van  Putten,  Word  Processing  Specialist 

MasiMax  Resources,  Inc. 

Rebecca  H.  Razavi,  Copyeditor/Proofreader 

Aida  M.  Teymouri,  Administrative  Secretary 

This  volume  is  the  seventh  in  the  series  of  Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control 
monographs  published  by  the  National  Cancer  Institute  since  1991.  The 
monographs  were  specifically  established  by  NCI  to  provide  an  authoritative 
source  of  information  about  issues  important  to  those  individuals  and 
institutions  involved  in  smoking  and  tobacco  use  control. 

This  report  was  compiled  in  response  to  a request  to  the  National  Cancer 
Institute  by  the  then  Chairman  of  the  Subcommittee  on  Health  and  the 
Environment,  U.S.  House  of  Representatives,  asking  that  a scientific  panel  of 
experts  be  convened  to  review  and  make  recommendations  on  the  accuracy 
and  appropriateness  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission's  test  method  for 
assessing  constituent  yields  for  cigarettes  on  the  U.S.  market.  The  NCI 
received  a similar  but  more  detailed  letter  from  the  Chairman  of  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  in  which  the  Commission  outlined  several  areas  for  the 
NCI  ad  hoc  committee  to  consider  (see  page  xix). 

The  Coordinator  of  NCI's  Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Program,  who 
was  given  overall  responsibility  for  the  project,  established  a small  informal 
advisory  group  consisting  of  individuals  from  the  FTC  and  various  PHS 
agencies  to  help  organize  the  conference,  suggest  committee  members,  and 
plan  the  agenda. 

The  NCI  Ad  Hoc  Committee  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel  on  the 
FTC  Test  Method  for  Determining  Tar,  Nicotine,  and  Carbon  Monoxide 
Levels  in  Cigarettes  was  convened  December  5-6,  1994,  in  Bethesda,  MD. 
Harold  P.  Freeman,  M.D.,  Chairman  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel,  also 
chaired  these  proceedings. 

However,  prior  to  the  December  conference  the  1 1 members  of  the  NCI 
ad  hoc  committee  (these  individuals  are  identified  in  the  "Acknowledgments" 
to  the  monograph)  were  provided  several  resource  materials  in  support  of 
their  deliberations.  These  resources  included  copies  of  the  1981  Surgeon 
General's  report  The  Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  The  Changing  Cigarette. 

A Report  of  the  Surgeon  General,  a detailed  bibliography  of  the  relevant 
worldwide  scientific  literature,  and  a copy  of  an  NCI-commissioned  White 
Paper  titled  "Overview  of  1980  to  1994  Research  Related  to  the  Standard 
Federal  'Trade  Commission  Test  Method  for  Cigarettes."  The  White  Paper, 
which  is  published  as  Section  IV  of  this  monograph,  represents  a noncritical 


summary  of  those  research  findings  published  since  the  1981  Surgeon 
General's  report.  Full  copies  of  all  articles  were  made  available  on  demand 
to  members  of  the  NCI  ad  hoc  committee  by  NCI's  information  science 
contractor,  R.O.W.  Sciences,  Inc.,  of  Rockville,  MD. 

The  December  5-6,  1994,  conference  was  organized  similar  to  a consensus 
conference.  Prior  to  the  formal  opening  of  the  conference,  the  committee 
was  asked  to  consider  the  three  questions  laid  out  on  page  vi  of  the 

On  the  first  day,  subject  matter  experts  were  invited  to  make  formal, 
structured  presentations  before  the  NCI  ad  hoc  committee.  (See 
"Acknowledgments"  for  list  of  speakers.)  The  13  individual  chapters 
published  in  Section  1 of  this  monograph  are  based  on  these  presentations. 
Each  presentation  was  approximately  30  minutes  in  length,  followed  by  a 
question-and-answer  session.  Both  members  of  the  NCI  ad  hoc  committee 
and  invited  speakers  fully  participated  in  these  discussions.  During  the 
second  day  of  deliberations,  committee  members  and  invited  speakers 
participated  in  a more  open-ended  discussion,  with  the  goal  of  reaching 
consensus  on  the  three  questions. 

Open  discussions  ended  midday  December  6.  Members  of  the  NCI  ad 
hoc  committee  then  met  to  finalize  their  recommendations  and  findings; 
these  were  presented  to  the  public  during  a press  conference  midafternoon 
December  6.  The  FTC  Cigarette  Test  Method  for  Determining  Tar,  Nicotine,  and 
Carbon  Monoxide  Yields  of  US.  Cigarettes:  Report  of  the  NCI  Ad  Hoc  Committee 
is  the  culmination  of  that  effort. 

Individuals  wishing  to  receive  a copy  of  the  audiotapes  of  the  December 
meeting  may  order  these  directly  from  Caset  Associates  at  (703)  352-0091. 

The  cost  per  set  is  $75.  Those  individuals  interested  in  receiving 
a copy  of  the  written  transcript  should  contact  Mr.  Donald  R.  Shopland, 
National  Cancer  Institute,  Executive  Plaza  North,  Room  241,  6130  Executive 
Boulevard,  Bethesda,  MD  20892-7337. 






AA£ji  McMillan.  NOimi  Carolina 

(EX  OfMClOl 




WASHINGTON.  DC  20615-6118 


PHONE  (202)  226-4962 

June  7,  1994 

Dr.  Samuel  Broder 

National  Cancer  Institute 
National  Institutes  of  Health 
Building  31 
Room  11A48 
9000  Rockville  Pike 
Bethesda,  Maryland  20892 

Dear  Dr.  Broder: 

I am  writing  to  request  that  the  National  Cancer  Institute  sponsor  a scientific 
conference  which  would  review  and  make  recommendations  on  the  accuracy  and 
appropriateness  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission’s  method  for  determining  the  relative 
"tar"  and  nicotine  content  of  cigarettes.  As  you  know,  there  is  growing  concern  over  the 
current  testing  method  because  many  public  health  and  addiction  experts  believe  it  may 
mislead  smokers  about  the  relative  safety  of  a low  tar,  low  nicotine  product. 

It  has  been  suggested  that  a major  reason  for  reliance  upon  the  FTC  test 
procedure  is  to  allow  consumers  the  option  of  reducing  their  risk  of  disease  by  smoking  a 
brand  deemed  low  in  "tar"  and  nicotine.  Consumer  preference  for  low  tar  and  nicotine 
rated  cigarettes  accelerated  during  the  1970’s  when  NCI  supported  research  strongly 
suggested  that  such  cigarettes  offered  the  consumer  a reduced  risk  of  lung  cancer.  The 
shift  in  consumer  demand  to  these  newer  low  yield  cigarettes  was  quite  rapid.  In  1972 
less  than  2 percent  of  all  cigarettes  sold  in  the  U.S.  had  a tar  yield  of  less  than  15  mg. 
However,  the  major  cigarette  manufacturers  were  quick  to  use  the  FTC  tar  and  nicotine 
numtiers  in  their  advertising  and  by  the  end  of  the  decade  40  percent  of  all  cigarettes 
sold  were  under  15  mg.  During  the  1980’s  considerable  doubt  was  expressed  by  many 
public  health  officials  as  to  whether  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes  based  on  a 
protocol  developed  in  the  1950’s  accurately  reflect  actual  exposure  and  health  risk  levels 
when  smoking  today’s  cigarettes.  Today  approximately  60  percent  of  all  brands  are 
considered  low-tar. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

The  NCI  can  provide  an  invaluable  public  service  in  sponsoring  a scientific  forum 
to  address  these  issues  and  formulate  alternative  recommendations.  It  would  be 
particularly  helpful  if  a conference  on  this  matter,  perhaps  in  collaboration  with  the 
National  Institute  on  Drug  Abuse  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission,  could  be  convened 
by  October  1994. 

Your  consideration  of  this  request  is  greatly  appreciated.  Please  do  not  hesitate 
to  contact  me  or  Ripley  Forbes  of  the  Subcommittee  staff  if  we  can  answer  any  questions 
or  provide  assistance  in  developing  a conference  agenda.  I look  forward  to  hearing  firom 

With  every  good  wish,  I am 


Chairman,  Subcommittee  on 
Health  and  the  Enviroiunent 




Foreword iii 

Acknowledgments ix 

SECTION  I.  Invited  Papers 

Chapter  1.  Cigarette  Testing  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission: 

A Historical  Overview 1 

Question-and-Answer  Session 8 

References 8 

Chapter  2.  Review  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  Method  for 

Determining  Cigarette  Tar  and  Nicotine  Yield 9 

Question-and-Answer  Session 12 

References 14 

Chapter  3.  Changes  in  Cigarette  Design  and  Composition 
Over  Time  and  How  They  Influence  the  Yields 

of  Smoke  Constituents 15 

Introduction 15 

Background 15 

Changes  in  Cigarette  Design  and  Composition 18 

Summary 31 

Question-and-Answer  Session 33 

References 35 

Acknowledgments 37 

Chapter  4.  Attitudes,  Knowledge,  and  Beliefs  About  Low-Yield 

Cigarettes  Among  Adolescents  and  Adults 39 

Introduction 39 

Monitoring  National  Data 42 

Survey  Findings 43 

Health  Beliefs  and  Switching 47 

Quitting  Smoking 49 

Discussion 51 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Question-and-Answer  Session 53 

References 56 

Chapter  5.  Cigarette  Smoke  Components  and  Disease: 

Cigarette  Smoke  Is  More  Than  a Triad  of  Tar, 

Nicotine,  and  Carbon  Monoxide 59 

Introduction 59 

Mainstream  Vs.  Sidestream  Cigarette  Smoke 59 

Major  Health  Effects  of  Cigarette  Smoke 60 

Cancer 61 

Noncancerous  Lung  Diseases 62 

Atherosclerotic  Cardiovascular  Diseases 63 

Cigarette  Smoking  and  Human  Reproduction 65 

Absolute  Risk  Vs.  Relative  Risk 66 

Tar,  Nicotine,  Carbon  Monoxide,  and  Other 

Smoke  Constituents 66 

Smoke  Constituents,  Cigarette-Related  Disease, 

and  Modified  Labeling  of  Cigarettes  67 

Question-and-Answer  Session 70 

References 72 

Acknowledgment 75 

Chapter  6.  The  Changing  Cigarette  and  Disease  Risk: 

Current  Status  of  the  Evidence 77 

Introduction 77 

Epidemiologic  Evidence  on  the  Changing  Cigarette 

and  Disease  Risks 79 

Conclusions 86 

Question-and-Answer  Session 87 

References 91 

Chapter  7.  Biomarkers  of  Cigarette  Smoking 93 

Introduction 93 

Use  of  Various  Biomarkers 93 

Nicotine  Absorption  From  Cigarettes 93 



Nicotine  Content  of  Tobacco  Vs.  FTC  Yield 95 

Quantitating  Nicotine  Intake  in  Smokers 95 

Cotinine  Levels  and  Nicotine  Intake 98 

Ultralow-Yield  Cigarettes 101 

Nicotine  Intake  and  Machine-Determined  Yield 102 

Carbon  Monoxide  and  FTC  Yield 104 

Tar-to-Nicotine  Ratio 104 

Conclusions 106 

Question-and-Answer  Session 108 

References 110 

Acknowledgments Ill 

Chapter  8.  Pharmacology  and  Markers:  Nicotine 

Pharmacology  and  Addictive  Effects 113 

Introduction 113 

Cigarette  Smoking  as  Drug  Dependence 113 

Nicotine  Delivery  Systems 115 

Nicotine's  Effects 116 

Smoking  and  Nicotine  Dose 119 

A Proposal  for  More  Meaningful  Cigarette  Labeling 122 

Question-and-Answer  Session 122 

References 124 

Chapter  9.  Consumer/Smoker  Perceptions  of  Federal 

Trade  Commission  Tar  Ratings 127 

Introduction 127 

Tar  Level  of  Cigarettes 127 

Knowledge  of  Advertised  Tar  Numbers 128 

Smokers'  Interpretations  of  Tar  Numbers 130 

Smokers'  Use  of  Advertised  Tar  Numbers 132 

Conclusions 132 

Question-and-Answer  Session 132 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Chapter  10.  Sensitivity  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission 

Test  Method  to  Analytical  Parameters 135 

Introduction 135 

Standard  Machine  Smoking 135 

Influence  of  Smoking  Parameters 137 

Influence  of  Human  Smoking  Practices 141 

Conclusions ' 149 

Question-and- Answer  Session 149 

References  149 

Acknowledgments 150 

Chapter  11.  Human  Smoking  Patterns 151 

Introduction 151 

How  Do  Humans  Smoke? 151 

Which  Human  Smoking  Behaviors  Determine 

Smoke  Exposure? 152 

Are  Human  Smoking  Patterns  Dynamic  or  Static? 153 

Does  the  FTC  Method  Accurately  Reflect  Human 

Smoking  Patterns? 154 

Summary 156 

Question-and-Answer  Session 157 

References  159 

Chapter  12.  Compensation  for  Nicotine  by  Smokers  of 

Lower  Yield  Cigarettes 161 

Background 161 

Cigarette  Brand  Switching  in  Experimental  Research 161 

Research 162 

One  Repeated-Measures  Study  of  Self-Selected 

Brand  Switching 165 

Smokers  Can  Get  High  Yields  From  the  Lowest  of  the 

Ix)w-Yield  Cigarettes:  More  on  the  Issue  of  Vent  Blocking 165 

Graphic  Information  on  Far  and  Nicotine  Yields: 

1 he  Color-Matching  3'echnique 166 



Summary 168 

Question-and-Answer  Session 168 

References 171 

Chapter  13.  Cigarette  Design  Technologies  Reduce  Smoke 
Yield  and  Expand  Consumer  Choices:  The  Role 
and  Utility  of  the  FTC  Test  Method 173 

Background 173 

Cigarette  Design  and  Changes  in  the  Cigarette  Market 174 

Utility  of  the  FTC  Test  Method 176 

Question-and-Answer  Session 180 

References 191 

SECTION  II.  Transcript  of  Second-Day  Discussion 193 

SECTION  III.  Recommendations  and  Findings 239 

SECTION  FV.  Overview  of  1980  to  1994  Research  Related 

to  the  Standard  Federal  Trade  Commission  Test 

Method  for  Cigarettes 249 

Introduction 249 

Parameters  of  the  FTC  Test  Method  and  Current 

Smoking  Patterns 250 

Impact  of  Changing  Parameters  of  the  FTC  Test  Method 

on  Absolute  Yields  of  a Cigarette  Brand  and  Relative  Yields 

of  Different  Brands 252 

Tar  and  Nicotine  Yield  by  the  FTC  Test  Method  and 

Amounts  Delivered  to  Smoker 253 

Relative  Yields  of  Different  Brands  by  the  FTC  Test 

Method  and  Amount  of  Nicotine  Absorbed  by  Smokers 257 

Yield  by  the  FTC  Test  Method  and  Absorption  of  Nicotine 

in  Switchers 259 

Yields  by  the  FTC  Test  Method  and  Other  Constituents 

Using  FTC  Puff  Profile 270 

Proposals  To  Change  the  FTC  Test  Method 273 

References  273 


Chapter  1 

Cigarette  Xesting  and  the  Federal  Xrade 
Commission:  A Historical  Overview^ 

C.  Lee  Peeler 

Cigarette  manufacturers  began  advertising  their  products'  tar  and 
nicotine  content  before  there  was  a standardized  procedure  for  testing 
cigarette  output.  In  1955,  after  a series  of  cases  challenging  a variety  of 
claims  made  for  cigarettes  (including  tar  and  nicotine  claims),^  the  Federal 
Trade  Commission  (Commission  or  FTC)  published  cigarette  advertising 
guides.  Among  other  things,  the  guides  prohibited  claims  that  a particular 
brand  of  cigarettes  was  low  in  tar  and  nicotine  or  lower  than  other  brands 
"when  it  has  not  been  established  by  competent  scientific  proof  . . . that  the 
claim  is  true,  and  if  true,  that  such  difference  or  differences  are  significant" 
(Federal  Trade  Commission,  1988a). 

However,  cigarette  manufacturers  continued  to  advertise  tar  numbers. 

In  the  absence  of  a standardized  testing  methodology,  their  claims  resulted 
in  what  is  often  referred  to  as  the  "tar  derby" — a multitude  of  inconsistent, 
noncomparable  claims  that  did  not  give  consumers  a meaningful  opportunity 
to  assess  the  relative  tar  delivery  of  competing  brands.  The  tar  derby  ended 
in  1960,  when  discussions  with  the  Commission  culminated  in  an  agreement 
by  the  industry  to  refrain  from  tar  and  nicotine  advertising  (Federal  Trade 
Commission,  1988b). 

In  1964  the  first  Surgeon  General's  report  on  the  health  risks  of  smoking 
concluded  that  cigarette  smoking  was  a cause  of  lung  cancer  in  men  (U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1964).  In  1966  the  Public 
Health  Service  stated  that  "The  preponderance  of  scientific  evidence  strongly 
suggests  that  the  lower  the  tar  and  nicotine  content  of  cigarette  smoke,  the 
less  harmful  would  be  the  effect"  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1981,  p.  v). 

It  was  in  this  environment  that  the  Commission  initiated  two  major 
steps  in  1966  to  encourage  cigarette  manufacturers  to  provide  consumers 
with  comparative  information  about  their  products'  tar  and  nicotine  yields. 

' These  remarks  are  the  views  of  the  staff  of  the  Bureau  of  Consumer  Protection.  They  do  not  necessarily 
represent  the  view  of  the  Commission  or  any  individual  commissioner. 

^See,  e.g.,  R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Co.  v.  FTC,  192  F.2d  535  7th  Cir.  (1951)  (claims  that  Camel  does  not  impair  the 
physical  condition  of  athletes  and  aids  digestion);  American  Tobacco  Co.,  47  F.T.C.  1393  (1951)  (Lucky  Strike 
cigarettes  advertised  as  less  irritating  to  the  throat  than  competing  brands  and  containing  less  tar  than  four 
other  leading  brands);  P.  Lorillard  Co.,  46  F.T.C.  735  (1950)  (Old  Gold  cigarettes  advertised  as  lowest  of  seven 
leading  brands  in  nicotine  and  throat  irritating  tars,  and  Beech-Nut  cigarettes  as  providing  "definite  defense 
against  throat  irritation").  See  also,  e.g.,  Leighton  Tobacco  Co.,  46  F.T.C.  1230  (1950)  (Phantom  cigarettes 
represented  as  causing  no  irritation  of  any  kind). 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

First,  it  ended  the  ban  on  tar  and  nicotine  advertising  by  announcing  that 
factual  statements  of  the  tar  and  nicotine  content  of  mainstream  cigarette 
smoke  could  be  made  if  they  were  supported  by  tests  conducted  in  accordance 
with  the  so-called  "Cambridge  Filter  method"  and  if  they  were  not 
accompanied  by  claims  about  reduced  health  hazards  (Federal  Trade 
Commission,  1988a).  Second,  it  authorized  establishment  of  a laboratory  to 
analyze  cigarette  smoke  and  invited  public  comment  on  what  modifications, 
if  any,  should  be  made  to  the  Cambridge  Filter  method  for  purposes  of  the 
laboratory's  procedures  and  how  the  test  results  should  be  expressed  {Federal 
Register,  1966).  The  modified  Cambridge  Filter  method  ultimately  adopted 
by  the  Commission  is  often  referred  to  as  the  "FTC  method." 

By  mid-1967  the  laboratory  was  ready  to  begin  testing  cigarettes 
{Federal  Register,  1967).^  The  Commission  agreed,  pursuant  to  Senator 
Warren  Magnuson's  request,'*  to  report  the  test  results  to  Congress 
periodically,  a process  that  continues  today. 

From  the  outset,  the  testing  was  intended  to  obtain  uniform, 
standardized  data  about  the  tar  and  nicotine  yield  of  mainstream  cigarette 
smoke,  not  to  replicate  actual  human  smoking.  The  Commission  recognized 
that  individual  smoking  behavior  was  just  that — too  individual  to  gauge 
what  a hypothetical  "average"  smoker  would  get  from  any  particular  cigarette: 
"No  two  human  smokers  smoke  in  the  same  way.  No  individual  smoker 
always  smokes  in  the  same  fashion"  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1967).  The 
purpose  of  the  testing  was  "not  to  determine  the  amount  of  'tar'  and  nicotine 
inhaled  by  any  human  smoker,  but  rather  to  determine  the  amount  of  tar 
and  nicotine  generated  when  a cigarette  is  smoked  by  machine  in  accordance 
with  the  prescribed  method"  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1967).  Indeed,  the 
Cambridge  Filter  method  did  not  attempt  to  duplicate  an  "average"  smoker 
but  was  "an  amalgam  of  many  choices"  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1967). 
Because  no  test  could  accurately  duplicate  human  smoking,  the  Commission 
believed  that  the  most  important  thing  was  to  make  certain  the  results 
presented  to  the  public  were  based  on  a reasonable,  standardized  method 
and  could  be  presented  to  consumers  in  an  understandable  manner. 

The  Commission  next  attempted  to  increase  consumer  awareness  of  the 
ratings  produced  by  its  laboratory.  In  1970  it  proposed  a trade  regulation  rule 
that  would  have  required  disclosure  of  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  in  all  cigarette 

’ For  the  first  dozen  years  of  its  existence,  the  laboratory  tested  only  for  tar  and  nicotine.  In  1980  the  protocol 
was  modified  to  add  testing  for  carbon  monoxide. 

^ Expressing  the  opinion  held  at  that  time  by  many  people  in  the  Federal  Government,  Senator  Magnuson 
stated  that  "By  encouraging  smokers  to  switch  to  low  tar/nicotine  cigarettes,  we  can  contribute  meaningfully 
to  the  physical  health  of  our  nation.  Publication  of  the  Commission's  testing  results  is  one  important  facet 

I he  Commission  expressed  its  views  concerning  dissemination  of  tar  and  nicotine  figures  in  an 
Odober  1967  letter  to  the  National  Association  of  Broadcasters;  "The  Commission  favors  giving  smokers 
as  much  information  about  the  risks  involved  in  smoking  as  is  possible  and  to  that  end  favors  mandatory 
disclosure  of  tar  and  nicotine  content,  as  measured  by  a standard  test." 


Chapter  1 

advertising  {Federal  Register,  1970).  The  rulemaking  was  suspended 
indefinitely  a short  time  later,  when  five  of  the  major  cigarette  manufacturers 
and  three  small  companies  agreed  voluntarily  among  themselves  to  include 
the  ratings  produced  by  the  Commission's  protocol  in  their  advertisements. 
That  agreement,  modified  to  reflect  the  discontinuance  of  the  Commission's 
laboratory,  remains  in  effect  today.^ 

There  are  a number  of  ways  to  lower  a cigarette's  tar  and  nicotine  rating, 
including  adding  filters  that  literally  trap  some  of  the  constituents  of  the 
tobacco  smoke  before  they  reach  the  machine,  wrapping  the  tobacco  plug  in 
paper  that  burns  relatively  quickly,  and  placing  ventilation  holes  around  the 
circumference  of  the  filter  so  that  when  a smoker  or  smoking  machine  puffs 
on  the  cigarette,  air  is  drawn  into  the  filter  and  the  resulting  diluted  mixture 
of  air  and  smoke  yields  lower  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  than  an  undiluted  puff 
of  smoke  would  yield.  The  last  technique  is  often  referred  to  as  "aeration." 

These  types  of  changes  in  cigarette  technology  have  focused  the 
Commission's  attention  on  its  protocol  on  two  separate  occasions  since  1970. 
In  both  cases,  the  Commission  solicited  public  comments  on  certain  aspects 
of  the  FTC  method.  However,  in  neither  instance  did  the  information 
received  by  the  Commission  form  a sufficient  basis  for  changing  the  protocol, 
even  though  the  limitations  on  the  predictiveness  of  the  FTC  method  caused 
by  compensatory  smoking  were  clearly  recognized  by  the  mid-1980's. 
("Compensatory  behavior"  is  the  tendency  of  consumers  to  offset  the  benefits 
of  a positive  change  in  their  behavior  by  making  a second,  negative  change. 
For  example,  a smoker  who  switches  to  a brand  with  lower  tar  and  nicotine 
ratings  might  smoke  more  cigarettes  each  day  or  smoke  each  one  more 
intensively,  that  is,  inhale  more  deeply  and/or  take  more  puffs  per  cigarette.) 
Following  is  a review  of  the  two  events  referred  to  above. 

Aeration  first  became  an  issue  for  the  Commission  in  1977,  when 
Lorillard,  Inc.,  suggested  that  the  depth  to  which  cigarettes  were  inserted  in 
the  Commission's  smoking  machine  be  decreased  when  the  standard  depth 
would  block  some  of  a cigarette's  ventilation  holes,  thereby  impairing  its 
filtration  system  and  resulting  in  higher  ratings  than  if  the  holes  were  open. 
The  Commission  solicited  public  comments  on  this  question  and  also  on 
whether  the  insertion  depth  should  be  decreased  beyond  the  point  where 
consumers  cover  the  cigarette  with  their  fingers  or  lips  {Federal  Register,  1977). 

Of  the  seven  cigarette  companies  that  commented,  only  Lorillard 
supported  varying  the  standard  insertion  depth.  However,  none  of  the 
responders  addressed  the  question  of  whether  the  new  insertion  depth 
would  be  more  consistent  with  actual  smoking  practices.  After  reviewing 

^ The  American  Tobacco  Company  did  not  sign  the  voluntary  agreement,  but  similar  disclosures  have  been 
contained  in  its  advertisements,  pursuant  to  a 1971  consent  agreement  with  the  Commission.  [In  re  American 
Brands,  Inc.,  79  F.T.C.  255  (1971).] 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

the  comments,  the  Commission  noted  that  the  development  of  cigarettes 
with  ventilation  holes  near  the  tip  had  complicated  the  comparability  of  its 
tar  and  nicotine  ratings,^  but  "that  a change  in  the  insertion  depth  would 
cause  a lack  of  continuity  with  previous  test  results"  {Federal  Register,  1978, 
pp.  11856,  11857).  The  Commission  decided  not  to  modify  the  protocol  "in 
the  absence  of  information  indicating  that  a new  insertion  depth  would  be 
more  consistent  with  the  manner  in  which  smokers  insert  cigarettes  in  actual 
use"  {Federal  Register,  1978,  p.  11857). 

Another  controversy  concerning  the  test  method  arose  in  the  early  1980's 
and  involved  the  Brown  & Williamson  Tobacco  Corporation's  (B&W)  Barclay 
cigarette,  which  was  designed  with  a channel  ventilation  system  rather  than 
air  holes.^  Competitors  claimed  that  Barclay,  which  had  received  an  official 
FTC  rating  of  1 mg  tar  in  1981,  did  not  test  accurately  on  the  FTC  smoking 
machine  because  the  channels  remained  open  during  testing  but  were 
rendered  inoperable  in  practice.  After  careful  consideration,  the  Commission 
determined  that  its  present  test  method  did  not  accurately  measure  Barclay's 
tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  It  revoked  the  1-mg  rating,  estimating 
that  Barclay  should  be  rated  between  3 and  7 mg  of  tar  (based  on  testing  by 
independent  consultants)  and  invited  comments  on  a number  of  issues 
relating  to  possible  modification  of  its  testing  method,  including  using  new 
cigarette  holders  on  the  smoking  machine  that  would  simulate  the  reduction 
in  ventilation  that  occurred  when  people  smoked  Barclay  {Federal  Register, 
1983).  The  Commission  asked  which  modifications  would  yield  the  most 
appropriate  results  for  all  cigarettes  and  whether  modification  of  the  cigarette 
testing  method  would  result  in  unintended  consequences  and  affect  possible 
innovation  in  cigarettes  design  {Federal  Register,  1983). 

The  Commission  also  took  this  opportunity  to  reiterate  that  its  ratings 
were  relative;  that  the  amount  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  any 
particular  cigarette  delivered  depended  on  how  it  was  smoked;  and  that 
in  the  case  of  ventilated  filter  cigarettes,  delivery  would  be  increased  if 
ventilation  holes  were  blocked  {Federal  Register,  1983).  It  then  invited 

* Quoting  its  1967  statement  that  the  purpose  of  testing  was  not  to  determine  the  amount  of  constituents 
inhaled  by  a human  smoker  but  to  determine  the  amount  generated  when  a cigarette  was  smoked  by  a 
machine  in  accordance  with  a prescribed  protocol  (see  above),  the  Commission  noted  that: 

The  point  of  this  statement  was  that  the  1-TC's  "tar"  and  nicotine  values  represented  valid 
standards  for  making  comparisons  among  different  cigarettes.  Thus,  if  the  consumer  smoked 
each  different  cigarette  the  same  way,  he  would  inhale  "tar"  and  nicotine  in  amounts  propor- 
tional to  the  relative  values  of  the  FI'C  figures.  A person  who  smoked  a 10  mg  "tar"  cigarette 
would  ingest  half  the  "tar"  he  would  by  smoking  a 20  mg  "tar"  cigarette  providing  he  smoked 
the  same  way.  The  development  of  cigarettes  with  ventilation  areas  within  1 1 mm  of  the  tip 
has  complicated  this  simple  relationship.  (Federal  Register,  1978,  p.  11856) 

' In  conventional  aerated  cigarettes,  air  and  smiAe  mixed  together  as  they  passed  through  the  filter.  Outside  air 
drawn  into  liarclay's  channels,  however,  went  directly  into  the  smoker's  mouth  before  first  mixing  with  any 
smoke;  dilution  was  supposed  to  occur  in  the  mouth,  not  in  the  filter.  Competitors  alleged  that  because  the 
exit  holes  for  the  channels  were  close  to  the  smoker's  lips,  they  were  crushed  or  covered  by  lips,  thus  reducing 


Chapter  1 

comments  on  a wide  range  of  issues  concerning  compensatory  smoking 

Should  the  Commission  further  examine  the  implications  for  its 
testing  program  of  the  issues  raised  by  compensatory  smoking 
behavior,  including  hole  blocking,  when  consumers  smoke 
lower  "tar"  cigarettes?  What  is  the  evidence  that  smokers  use 
higher  "tar"  cigarettes  differently  than  lower  "tar"  cigarettes? 

What  is  the  evidence  regarding  the  extent  of  hole  blocking 
by  smokers  of  different  ventilated  filter  cigarettes?  Are  there 
problems  regarding  compensatory  smoking  behavior  which  are 
significant  enough  to  warrant  further  exploration  of  changes 
in  the  method,  beyond  those  necessitated  by  the  Commission's 
findings  concerning  Barclay?  What  lines  of  inquiry  would 
generate  the  most  useful  information  if  such  an  examination 
is  undertaken?  For  example,  should  the  Commission  explore 
a system  of  categories  or  "bands"  of  "tar"  content  rather  than 
specific  numerical  estimates?  Also,  should  consumers  be 
advised  that  the  cigarettes'  actual  "tar"  delivery  depends  on 
how  it  is  smoked?  {Federal  Register,  1983) 

Shortly  after  the  initial  comment  period  closed,®  a Federal  district 
court  issued  an  opinion  in  the  Commission's  action  against  B&W  over 
advertisements  that  continued  to  describe  Barclay  as  a 1-mg  tar  cigarette, 
despite  the  Commission's  revocation  of  Barclay's  1-mg  rating  [FTC  v. 

Brown  & Williamson  Tobacco  Corp.,  580  F.  Supp.  981  (D.D.C.  1983),  affd  in 
part,  remanded  in  part,  778  F.2d  35  (D.C.  Cir.  1985)].  During  that  litigation, 
B&W  contended  that  "recent  scientific  evidence  demonstrates  that  the 
FTC  system  is  so  flawed  that  it  is  itself  deceptive"  [580  F.  Supp.  at  984].^ 

The  court  recognized  that  compensatory  smoking  behavior  complicated 
the  ratings  question  but  rejected  B&W's  contention  that  the  system  provided 
no  benefit  to  consumers: 

The  FTC  system  attempts  only  to  determine  how  much  relative 
tar  and  nicotine  a smoker  would  get  in  his  mouth  were  he  to 
smoke  two  cigarettes  in  the  same  manner.  B&W  has  utterly 
failed  to  show  that  the  system  does  not  do  this.  Nor  has  it 
shown  that  a better  method  for  determining  the  relative  health 

* Comments  responsive  to  the  April  13,  1983,  Federal  Register  notice  were  originally  due  by  June  30,  1983. 

On  June  4,  1984,  however,  the  Commission  reopened  the  comment  period  because  certain  information 
that  was  relevant  to  the  questions  addressed  in  that  notice,  but  had  been  previously  under  a court-ordered 
seal,  was  now  publicly  available  (Federal  Register,  1984). 

’ B&W  argued  that  all  cigarettes  were  subject  to  compensatory  smoking  behavior  and  thus  all  tar  numbers 
were  "soft."  The  Commission  acknowledged  that  low-yield  cigarettes  were  subject  to  substantial  variations 
in  actual  smoker  intake  but  contended  that  Barclay  tested  differently  on  the  machine  from  other  cigarettes. 
The  Commission's  position  was  that  the  tar  ratings  provided  a rough  comparative  scale;  that  is,  a 1-mg 
cigarette  should  be  comparable  to  all  other  1-mg  cigarettes,  if  all  are  smoked  in  an  identical  manner. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

hazards  of  the  many  different  varieties  of  cigarettes  on  the 
market  is  currently  feasible  [580  F.  Supp.  at  985]. 

The  comments  ultimately  submitted  in  response  to  the  Commission's 
questions  about  compensatory  smoking  reflected  sharply  disparate  views. 

On  the  one  hand,  the  American  Heart  Association  (AHA),  American  Lung 
Association  (ALA),  and  American  Cancer  Society  (ACS)  identified  problems 
with  the  existing  methodology,  expressed  concern  over  the  impact  of 
compensatory  smoking  behavior,  and  suggested  extensive  research  to 
improve  the  current  testing  and  reporting  procedures.^® 

On  the  other  hand,  Philip  Morris,  R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company, 
and  American  Brands  asserted  that  compensatory  smoking  behavior  was 
not  relevant  to  the  testing  methodology  and  that  devising  a protocol  that 
accounted  for  compensatory  smoking  would  require  establishing  a profile  of 
the  average  smoker,  something  the  Commission  had  previously  declined  to 
do  because  of  the  impossibility  of  accounting  for  all  the  relevant  variables. 
Lorillard  stated  that  data  on  compensatory  smoking  were  very  limited  and 
therefore  recommended  that  the  existing  system  be  kept  intact.  Liggett  & 
Myers  suggested  that  perhaps  all  cigarette  testing  should  be  abolished  because 
smoking  behavior  could  seriously  affect  tar  and  nicotine  yields  and  smokers 
could  not  be  taught  to  change  their  behavior. 

In  response  to  the  Commission's  question  about  possible  implementation 
of  a "banding"  system  for  its  tar  and  nicotine  ratings,  B&W  (which  had 
just  had  Barclay's  rating  revoked)  argued  that  the  current  system  caused 
manufacturers  to  emphasize  small  differences  that  might  not  exist,  given 
the  realities  of  compensatory  smoking,  and  that  it  should  be  replaced  with 
a system  that  would  group  products  into  high-tar,  medium-tar,  low-tar,  and 
ultralow-tar  "bands."  Philip  Morris  and  American  Brands  argued  that  banding 
would  lead  to  a concentration  of  brands  at  the  upper  limit  of  each  category 
(in  contrast  to  the  existing  system,  which  encouraged  reductions  across  the 
board).  American  Brands  also  contended  that  banding  would  confuse 
consumers,  whereas  Philip  Morris  noted  that  it  would  substitute  the 
Government's  judgment  about  the  significance  of  differences  in  tar  ratings 
for  that  of  the  individual  consumer. 

the  ALA  stated  that  given  the  reality  of  compensatory  smoking,  lov^-tar  cigarettes  might  not  be  as  safe  as 
some  consumers  were  being  led  to  believe  and  that  the  Commission's  testing  and  reporting  procedures  were 
contributing  to  questionable  advertisements  for  "safe"  cigarettes.  The  ACS  stated  that  the  Commission's  test 
method  should  be  modified  to  reflect  current  understanding  of  compensatory  smoking  behavior.  The  AHA 
expressed  its  view  that  the  Commission's  testing  and  reporting  procedures  fostered  the  belief  among 
consumers  that  low-tar  cigarettes  were  safer  than  high-tar  brands.  However,  epidemiological  evidence 
showing  a correlation  between  the  risk  of  coronary  heart  disease  and  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked 
per  day,  but  not  a reduced  rate  of  such  disease  among  low-tar  smokers,  suggested  that  smokers  of  those 
cigarettes  might  be  engaging  in  compensatory  smoking. 

I he  ALA  and  ACS  recommended  that  research  be  conducted  to  determine  how  actual  intake  of  tar  and 
other  smoke  constituents  by  smokers  related  to  the  Fl'C's  ratings;  following  completion  of  this  research, 
the  Commission  should  test  each  cigarette  under  a range  of  conditions  replicating  actual  smoking  behavior 
and  report  those  results  with  a warning  that  individual  yield  depends  on  individual  smoking  patterns. 


Chapter  1 

In  short,  there  was  no  clear  consensus  as  to  specific  action  the 
Commission  could  (or  should)  take  to  eliminate  the  limitations  of  the 
test  method.  At  the  same  time,  abandoning  the  testing  system  without 
instituting  another  method  of  tar  testing  would  have  been  premature 
because  then-current  epidemiological  evidence  suggested  that  there  had 
been  a reduction  in  lung  cancer  deaths  that  might  be  attributable  to  declines 
in  average  tar  levels  that  had  occurred  since  the  1950's  (U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1981).^^  Accordingly,  at  that  time  the 
Commission  made  no  changes  to  its  cigarette  test  method  to  address 
compensatory  smoking. 

In  early  1987  the  Commission  decided  to  close  its  cigarette  testing 
laboratory.  The  Commission  found  that  closing  the  laboratory  was  necessary 
for  several  reasons,  chiefly  because  the  cost  of  the  laboratory  was  significant 
and  the  Commission  would  have  had  to  commit  significant  additional  funds 
to  continue  its  operation.  The  Commission  also  was  persuaded  that  the 
same  information  could  be  obtained  from  other  sources  and  that  other 
means  were  available  to  verify  the  accuracy  of  industry  testing  results.  In  fact, 
the  Commission's  operation  of  a testing  system  for  the  industry  at  taxpayer 
expense  was  highly  unusual.  The  common  scenario  is  for  the  industry  to 
conduct  its  own  testing  under  Government-specified  testing  protocols. 

Since  1987  the  Tobacco  Institute  Testing  Laboratory  (TITL)  has  continued 
to  test  most  cigarettes,  using  the  Commission's  approved  methodology;  the 
companies  report  the  results  to  the  Commission  pursuant  to  a compulsory 
request,  and  the  Commission  publishes  the  results.  TITL  keeps  the 
Commission  informed  of  proposed  changes  in  the  testing  procedure  and 
solicits  Commission  approval  for  all  significant  changes.  TITL's  work  is 
regularly  monitored  by  the  Commission's  contractor,  Harold  Pillsbury,  Jr. 

(this  volume),  who  has  virtually  unrestricted  access  to  the  laboratory  and 
makes  unannounced  visits  to  inspect  it  and  check  the  testing  process. 

Mr.  Pillsbury  also  checks  the  data  for  consistency  from  run  to  run  and  from 
year  to  year.  Most  industry  members  also  have  testing  facilities;  however,  the 
numbers  published  by  the  Commission  are  primarily  TITL  numbers.  (Generic 
and  private  label  brands,  as  well  as  new  cigarettes  and  cigarettes  that  are  not 
widely  available,  are  not  tested  by  TITL.) 

Since  the  closing  of  its  laboratory,  the  Commission  has  continued  to 
review  advertising  for  today's  low-  and  ultralow-yield  cigarettes  for  deceptive 
claims.  In  January  1995  the  Commission  approved  a consent  agreement  with 
the  American  Tobacco  Company,  settling  charges  over  advertisements  that 
allegedly  misused  the  Commission's  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  by  stating  that 
consumers  would  get  less  tar  by  smoking  10  packs  of  Carlton  brand  cigarettes 

” In  1954  the  tar  yield  of  the  sales-weighted  average  cigarette  was  37  mg  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1981).  By  1981  cigarettes  yielding  15  mg  of  tar  or  less  had  56  percent  of  the  domestic  market  (Federal 
Trade  Commission,  1984). 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

(which  are  rated  as  having  1 mg  of  tar  per  cigarette)  than  by  smoking  a single 
pack  of  certain  other  brands  of  cigarettes  (rated  as  having  more  than  10  mg 
of  tar  per  cigarette). 

The  Commission's  desire  to  ensure  that  smokers  have  accurate  and  useful 
information  about  their  cigarettes  led  to  its  request  for  the  conference,  whose 
reports  are  contained  in  this  monograph. 


Mr.  Peeler  conducted  a question-and-answer  session  simultaneously  with 
Mr.  Pillsbury;  see  page  12. 


Federal  Register.  31(215):  14278,  November  4,  1966. 

Federal  Register.  32(147):  11178,  August  1,  1967. 

Federal  Register.  35(154):  12671,  August  8,  1970. 

Federal  Register.  42(79):  21155,  April  25,  1977. 

Federal  Register.  43(56):  11856  and  11857,  March  22, 


Federal  Register.  48(72):  15953-15955,  April  13,  1983. 

Federal  Register.  49(108):  23120-23121,  June  4,  1984. 

Federal  Trade  Commission.  "Statement  of 

Considerations."  Press  release.  August  1,  1967,  p.  2. 

Federal  Trade  Commission.  Report  to  Congress  for  1981 
Pursuant  to  the  Federal  Cigarette  Labeling  and 
Advertising  Act.  Washington,  DC:  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  1984,  p.  30  (Table  11). 

Federal  Trade  Commission.  Trade  Regulation  Reporter. 

Vol.  6.  Chicago:  Commerce  Clearing  House,  Inc., 

1988a,  1 39,012.70. 

Federal  Trade  Commission.  Trade  Regulation  Reporter. 
Vol.  3.  Chicago:  Commerce  Clearing  House,  Inc., 
1988b,  1 7853.51  at  11730. 

U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare. 
Smoking  and  Health,  Report  of  the  Advisory  Committee 
to  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service. 

PHS  Publication  No.  1103.  Rockville,  MD:  U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  Public 
Health  Service,  1964. 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services.  The 
Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  The  Changing 
Cigarette.  A Report  of  the  Surgeon  General.  DHHS 
Publication  No.  (PHS)  81-50156.  Rockville,  MD: 
U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services, 
Public  Health  Service,  Office  on  Smoking  and 
Health,  1981. 


Chapter  2 

Review  of  the  Federal  Xrade  Gommission 
IVlethod  for  Determining  Cigarette  Xar  and 
Nicotine  Yield 

Harold  C.  Pillsbury,  Jr.^ 

The  "Federal  Trade  Commission  (Commission  or  FTC)  method"  is  the 
methodology  that  the  Commission  adopted  almost  30  years  ago  for  testing 
cigarettes.  This  methodology  is  still  used  today  by  the  Tobacco  Institute 
Testing  Laboratory  (TITL),  with  some  minor  modifications.  The  FTC  method 
determines  the  relative  yield  of  individual  cigarettes  by  smoking  them  in  a 
standardized  fashion,  according  to  a predetermined  protocol,  on  a smoking 
machine.  The  FTC  test  method  was  based  on  the  "Cambridge  Filter  method" 
developed  by  Ogg  (1964),  which  called  for  2-second,  35-mL  puffs  to  be  taken 
until  a 23-mm  butt  length  remained  on  the  cigarette.  More  about  how  these 
parameters  were  selected  is  presented  below. 

For  the  testing  procedure,  as  implemented  initially  by  the  FTC's  cigarette 
testing  laboratory  and  currently  by  TITL,  cigarettes  are  collected  by  an 
independent  firm  that  purchases  two  packages  of  each  cigarette  variety^ 
in  each  of  50  locations  throughout  the  United  States.  (If  some  varieties 
or  brands  are  not  available  in  certain  locations,  additional  packs  will  be 
purchased  in  locations  where  they  are  available.)  They  are  mailed  to  the 
testing  laboratory;  the  postmark  serves  as  verification  that  they  were 
purchased  in  different  locations.  Individual  cigarettes  to  be  tested  are 
selected  on  a random  basis,  two  from  each  pack.  Before  being  smoked, 
the  cigarettes  are  "conditioned"  by  being  placed  on  storage  trays  in  a room 
maintained  at  75  °F  and  60  percent  relative  humidity  for  not  less  than 
24  hours. 

The  machine  used  in  the  Commission's  laboratory  had  20  "ports" 
(openings);  the  smoking  machine  currently  used  by  TITL  also  has  20  ports. 
Each  opening  is  fitted  with  a filter  holder,  into  which  a cigarette  is  inserted 
for  smoking,  and  a filter  pad,  on  which  particulate  matter  from  the  cigarette 
smoke  is  collected.  Gases  pass  through  the  pad  and  are  collected  in  specially 
designed  plastic  bags. 

' These  remarks  are  the  views  of  the  staff  of  the  Bureau  of  Consumer  Protection.  They  do  not  necessarily 
represent  the  view  of  the  Commission  or  any  individual  commissioner. 

^ A particular  brand  of  cigarettes  may  have  more  than  a dozen  varieties,  depending  on  whether  it  is  available 
in  different  lengths,  in  regular  and  menthol  flavors,  in  hard  and  soft  packaging,  and  in  regular,  light,  and 
ultralight  versions.  For  example,  the  Commission's  1994  tar  and  nicotine  report  lists  20  varieties  of  Marlboro. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

The  machines  are  calibrated  to  take  one  puff  of  2-second  duration  and 
35-mL  volume  every  minute.  Cigarettes  are  smoked  to  a butt  length  of 
23  mm  or  the  length  of  the  overwrap  plus  3 mm,  whichever  is  longer. 

When  the  cigarette  has  been  smoked  down  to  the  prescribed  length,  it 
burns  through  a string  that  has  been  placed  on  that  mark;  this  causes  a 
microswitch  to  be  flipped,  which  in  turn  disconnects  that  particular  port 
of  the  smoking  machine.  (Although  this  seems  like  a fairly  unsophisticated 
way  of  terminating  the  test,  more  sophisticated  methods — such  as  infrared 
detectors  and  thermal  sensors — have  been  tried  and  rejected  over  the  years.) 

Five  cigarettes  of  each  variety  are  smoked,  one  at  a time,  using  the  same 
filter  holder.^  (A  total  of  100  cigarettes  of  each  variety  are  smoked  to  get  the 
official  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  ratings.)  After  the  smoke  from 
those  five  cigarettes  has  been  filtered  through  each  filter  pad,  the  holder  is 
removed  and  weighed.  The  difference  between  the  weight  of  the  holder 
before  and  after  the  smoking  process  divided  by  the  number  of  cigarettes 
smoked  is  the  total  particulate  matter  collected  from  the  cigarette  smoke. 

The  filter  pad  is  then  extracted  with  a solvent,^  and  the  moisture  content 
is  determined  by  injecting  a measured  amount  of  the  extract  into  a gas 
chromatograph  and  comparing  the  resulting  peak  against  the  standard  curve. 
Ratings  for  the  three  constituents  reported  by  the  Commission  are  then 
determined  as  follows: 

• Nicotine:  As  with  moisture,  a specified  amount  of  the  extract  from  the 
filter  pad  is  injected  into  a gas  chromatograph,  and  the  resulting  peak 
is  compared  against  the  standard  curve.^ 

• Carbon  monoxide:  The  gas  collected  in  the  plastic  bag  is  passed 
through  an  infrared  detector  to  determine  carbon  monoxide  levels. 

• Tar:  Tar  level  is  determined  by  subtracting  water  and  nicotine  levels 
from  total  particulate  matter. 

Tar  and  carbon  monoxide  figures  are  rounded  up  or  down  to  the  nearest 
milligram,  while  nicotine  figures  are  rounded  to  the  nearest  10th  of  a 
milligram.  Varieties  with  tar  and  carbon  monoxide  results  below  0.5  mg 
per  cigarette  or  nicotine  results  below  0.05  mg  are  reported  as  <0.5  mg  or 
<0.05  mg,  respectively,  because  the  FTC  test  method  is  not  sensitive  enough 
to  report  these  components  at  lower  levels. 

Although  the  ratings  are  based  on  100  cigarettes,  at  least  150  (and 
preferably  200)  cigarettes  of  each  variety  are  needed  for  the  test  to  ensure 

‘ To  make  certain  that  the  machine  is  working  properly,  at  least  4 of  the  20  ports  are  reserved  on  each  run  for 
"monitor"  cigarettes — cigarettes  with  known  yields  for  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide. 

* the  solution  contains  extractant  and  internal  standards:  2-propanol  containing  1 mg  anethole  per  mL  as 
an  internal  standard  for  nicotine  and  20  mg  ethanol  per  ml,  as  an  internal  standard  for  water. 

* Ultraviolet  spectroscopy  was  used  to  determine  nicotine  until  1980,  when  it  was  replaced  by  gas 


Chapter  2 

that  100  are  successfully  smoked.  Common  technical  problems  that 
can  cause  a filter  pad  to  be  discarded  include  lighting  failures  and  port 
leaks.  During  the  last  year  of  the  FTC  laboratory's  operation,  fewer  than 
300  varieties  of  cigarettes  were  tested,  and  the  testing  cycle  (which  included 
curing,  marking,  and  smoking  the  cigarettes,  etc.)  lasted  approximately 
12  months.  There  were  933  cigarette  varieties  rated  by  the  TITL  in  the 
Commission's  1994  report. 

The  author  once  had  the  opportunity  to  ask  Dr.  Ogg  (who  worked  as  a 
tobacco  chemist  for  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture)  how  he  came  up 
with  the  specific  parameters  of  his  protocol.  He  said  that  he  had  based  them 
on  observations  of  how  people  smoke  under  different  conditions.  He  had 
spent  a lot  of  time  watching  people  smoke  (at  the  office,  on  the  street,  etc.), 
sometimes  timing  them  with  a stopwatch.  His  observations  told  him  that 
people  smoked  differently  under  different  conditions.  For  example,  someone 
deep  in  thought  might  take  only  one  or  two  puffs  before  the  cigarette  burned 
out,  whereas  someone  who  seemed  extremely  nervous  might  puff  constantly. 
In  short,  there  was  no  such  thing  as  an  "average"  smoker  and  no  way  to 
derive  a set  of  testing  parameters  that  would  replicate  actual  human  smoking, 
so  Dr.  Ogg  had  to  select  parameters  that  seemed  reasonable  in  light  of  his 
observations.^  Dr.  Ogg  also  collected  cigarette  butts  from  ash  trays  in  hotels, 
restaurants,  and  offices  and  measured  how  long  they  were;  the  resulting 
average  length  became  the  butt  length  called  for  by  his  protocol. 

When  the  Commission  adopted  a slightly  modified  version  of  the 
Cambridge  Filter  method  in  1967  for  use  in  its  newly  opened  cigarette  testing 
laboratory,  it  was  the  author's  opinion  that  the  Commission's  procedures  (as 
implemented  on  the  20-port  smoking  machine  selected  by  the  Commission) 
were  clearly  superior  to  all  other  methods  currently  in  use  at  that  time.  The 
FTC  method  had  its  limitations,  most  significantly  that  the  information  it 
generated  would  not  tell  any  individual  smoker  how  much  tar  and  nicotine 
he  or  she  would  get  from  a particular  brand  of  cigarette.  However,  there  was 
simply  no  way  to  get  that  information,  and  the  FTC  method  did  provide  a 
smoker  with  accurate  comparative  information  about  the  relative  amounts 
of  tar  and  nicotine  delivered  by  various  cigarettes  when  they  were  smoked 
in  precisely  the  same  manner.  In  addition,  it  provided  a uniform  analytical 
procedure  that  could  be  replicated  in  different  laboratories  simultaneously 
and  in  the  same  laboratory  over  time;  therefore,  not  only  could  many  brands 
of  cigarettes  be  compared  with  each  other  at  any  time,  but  long-term  pictures 
of  tar  and  nicotine  levels  over  the  years  also  were  possible. 

® During  the  December  5-6,  1994,  National  Cancer  Institute  conference,  it  was  learned  that  a protocol  using 
the  same  parameters  for  the  testing  of  cigarettes  had  been  proposed  by  The  American  Tobacco  Company 
researchers  many  years  before  Dr.  Ogg  published  his  article  (Bradford  et  al.,  1936)  ("arbitrarily"  selecting  a 
2-second,  35-mL  puff  once  a minute,  although  another  researcher  who  had  studied  human  smoking  habits 
used  a 40-mL  puff). 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


DR.  HARRIS:  I was  curious  about  the  very  last  statement  on  the  tape:  The 
results  are  sent  to  the  cigarette  manufacturers  who,  in  turn,  report  the 
numbers  to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  Yes.  We  get  the  tar  and  nicotine  data  directly  from  the 
cigarette  manufacturers  so  that  we  can  hold  them  responsible  if  there  is 
anything  wrong  with  the  numbers. 

DR.  HARRIS:  To  your  knowledge,  do  the  numbers  reported  under  the 
compulsory  process  by  the  manufacturers  ever  deviate  from  those  that  are 
measured  in  the  Tobacco  Institute  laboratory? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  The  only  thing  I can  tell  you  is  that  they  are  checked. 

DR.  STITZER:  Could  you  remind  us  how  the  original  Cambridge  Filter 
method  was  altered  when  the  FTC  method  was  developed? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  The  original  smoking  machine  was  a four-port  smoker  that 
used  a column  of  water  to  draw  from  the  cigarettes.  When  this  new  machine 
came  out,  the  filter  pads  and  the  holders  were  pretty  much  the  same.  The 
only  thing  that  has  been  changed  is  that  the  machine  has  been  modified  so 
that  carbon  monoxide  can  be  analyzed  at  the  same  time  that  the  cigarettes 
are  being  smoked. 

DR.  STITZER:  So,  there  wasn't  a puffing  protocol  that  went  along  with  the 
original  method? 

MR.  PEELER:  We  published,  at  the  time  that  we  adopted  the  method,  a fairly 
detailed  protocol  for  how  the  test  was  supposed  to  be  done.  I suppose  the 
question  is,  did  that  protocol  that  we  published  differ  from  the  original 
method  in  the  parameters  that  were  required? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  No.  They  were  pretty  much  the  same  as  in  the  original 

DR.  RICKERT:  How  much  of  a difference  would  you  have  to  have  in  tar  yields 
between  two  brands  before  they  would  be  considered  to  be  different  in  the 
statistical  sense? 

MR.  PEELER:  We  publish  the  numbers  and  try  to  have  a large  enough  sample 
so  that  there  are  differences  in  those  numbers.  But  the  question  of  whether 
there  is  a significant  difference  in  those  numbers  is  what  we  need  to  know 
from  you. 

DR.  RICKERT:  What  I am  referring  to  is  that  on  the  tables  in  the  UK  there 
is  a footnote  that  reads,  "Ignore  differences  in  2 mg  in  tar  and  CO,"  and  I was 
wondering  whether  that  is  the  same  sort  of  position  that  we  have  here? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  Fhe  only  thing  that  is  done  is  they  are  rounded.  Five  and 
above  are  rounded  up;  four  and  down  are  rounded  down.  We  make  no 
criteria  as  to  whether  one  with  14  mg  is  better  for  you  than  one  with  15  mg. 
We  are  just  publishing  the  ratings  of  the  cigarettes  as  they  fall. 


Chapter  2 

MS.  WILKENFELD:  I think  the  answer  is  that,  at  least  originally,  we  used  to 
publish  the  table  with  a standard  deviation  and  that  therefore  there  was  a 
significance  between  each  degree  of  tar  yield.  We  do  not  have  confidence 
in  yields  below  .5,  and  that  is  announced  in  the  report. 

DR.  PETITTI:  About  how  long  does  it  take  to  finish  puffing  one  cigarette,  and 
what  is  the  difference  in  the  time  that  it  might  take  to  puff  a cigarette  that  is 
a very-high-tar  cigarette  vs.  a cigarette  that  is  very  low  tar? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  The  difference  in  the  length  of  time  it  takes  to  smoke  a 
cigarette  is  primarily  a factor  of  how  long  the  cigarette  is,  how  tight  the 
tobacco  is  packed,  how  hard  it  is,  and  how  much  gas  flows  through  the 
cigarettes.  Most  of  the  cigarettes  take  approximately  10  minutes  to  smoke. 
We  have  had  longer  cigarettes  that  have  gone  up  to  12  to  13  minutes. 

DR.  PETITTI:  Could  you  give  me  a range  of  the  shortest  vs.  the  longest? 

Is  it  5 minutes  vs.  15,  or  is  it  9 minutes  vs.  12? 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  Any  range  I would  have  to  give  you  right  now  would  be  a 
guess,  because  1 haven't  followed  the  range  that  closely.  But  1 believe  that 
probably  the  shortest  cigarette  we  have  ever  had  is  probably  around  6 or 
7 puffs  per  cigarette,  and  the  longest  one  ran  almost  15  puffs,  but  that  was 
a very  long  cigarette. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Could  you  explain  the  rationale  for  the  parameters  that  are 
used  in  the  current  method?  How  did  you  arrive  at  the  present  protocol? 

MR.  PEELER:  Let  me  ask  Mr.  Pillsbury  to  address  what  Dr.  Ogg's  rationale 
was  in  the  documents  because  he  actually  had  an  opportunity  to  discuss  that 
with  Dr.  Ogg.  1 think  that  if  you  look  at  the  documents  that  the  Commission 
published  at  the  time  of  the  adoption  of  the  testing  methodology  in  1967, 
the  Commission  is  fairly  clear  that,  whatever  Dr.  Ogg's  rationales  were,  it 
did  not  believe  it  could  replicate  average  smoking  conditions.  And  so  it  was 
picking  parameters  that  were  essentially  fairly  arbitrary. 

MR.  PILLSBURY:  When  we  first  started  the  lab,  I talked  to  Dr.  Ogg  to  quite 
some  extent  on  this  topic.  He  had  actually  gone  out  there  with  a stopwatch 
in  his  pocket  and  ridden  the  trains,  and  watched  people  in  meetings  and 
so  forth,  and  tried  to  get  some  feeling  for  how  they  were  smoking.  He  came 
back  rather  confused,  because  it  seemed  as  though  everybody  smoked 
differently:  from  the  fellow  who  got  on  the  train  and  looked  at  his 
newspaper  and  lit  his  cigarette  and  never  took  another  puff  on  it  until  it 
burned  down  to  the  man  who  was  sitting  down  arguing  with  somebody, 
smoking  like  mad.  So,  he  came  up  with  what  he  considered  a fairly  average 
way  of  smoking,  so  that  you  didn't  get  a big  long  firebox  on  the  end  of 
the  cigarette  and  you  kept  it  burning. 

As  far  as  the  butt  length  is  concerned,  they  went  out  and  picked  up 
cigarettes  from  ash  trays  in  hotels  and  restaurants  and  so  forth  and  did  actual 
measurements  on  those.  And  the  best  butt  length  that  they  could  come  up 
with  was  23,  or  the  overwrap  plus  3. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

MR.  PEELER:  Again,  by  the  time  the  Commission  adopted  the  methodology 
in  1967,  the  Commission  was  very  clear  that  it  was  not  trying  to  establish 
average  smoking  parameters. 

DR.  BOCK:  1 think  that  it  goes  back  to  the  1938  paper  by  the  American 
Tobacco  Company  group.  1 talked  with  Bradford  and  Harlan  in  Richmond 
in  1953,  and  they,  again,  had  gone  to  parties  and  watched  what  their  friends 
were  doing.  They  were  the  same  parameters,  1 believe,  and  it  was  based  on 
a group  of  probably  upper-middle-income-level  Richmondites. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  You  mentioned  that  the  original  FTC  action  on  this  was 
under  the  FTC's  general  authority  to  prevent  deceptive  advertising.  Now, 
at  the  moment,  you  are  also  reporting  the  results  of  these  tests  to  Congress. 
Has  there  been  any  evolution  in  the  FTC's  authority  in  this  area,  or  is  it 
still  under  this  broad  mandate? 

MR.  PEELER:  No.  The  FTC's  involvement  in  this  issue  continues  to  be  under 
its  authority  to  regulate  deceptive  or  unsubstantiated  claims  in  advertising. 
And,  in  the  case  of  tar  and  nicotine  testing  in  particular,  there  are  two 
variations:  (1)  We  do  have  a voluntary  agreement  from  the  industry  to 
include  this  information  in  their  advertising,  and  (2)  we  have  had  this 
longstanding  practice  of  sending  the  reports  of  this  testing  to  Congress, 
which  was  originally  established  in  response  to  requests  from  the  Commerce 
Committee.  But  the  only  legal  authority  that  we  have  in  this  area  is  our 
authority  to  require  claims  in  advertising  to  be  truthful  and  to  be 

DR.  COHEN:  1 want  to  return  to  the  point  of  the  statistical  significance  of  the 
yields.  1 think  that  is  a very  central  question  for  the  record.  1 would  just  like 
to  point  out  that  there  are  three  different  sources  of  variance  here  that  ought 
to  be  considered:  (1)  variance  due  to  product  characteristics,  such  as  product 
design  features;  (2)  variance  due  to  individual  smoking  characteristics;  and 
(3)  variance  due  to  testing  methodology. 

Each  of  those  sources  of  variance  can  be  estimated  separately,  and  it 
may  be  very  important  later  on,  as  the  panel  does  its  work,  to  consider  the 
implications  of  variance  in  each  of  those  three  separately. 


Bradford,  J. A.,  Harlan,  W.R.,  Hanmcr,  H.R.  Nature  of 
cigarette  smoke.  Technique  of  experimental 
smoking.  Industrial  and  Engineering  (Chemistry  28(7): 
836-839,  1936. 

Ogg,  C.L.  Determination  of  particulate  matter  and 
alkaloids  (as  nicotine)  in  cigarette  smoke,  foumal  of 
the  Association  of  Official  Agricultural  Chemists  47: 
356,  1964. 


Chapter  3 

Changes  in  Cigarette  Design  and  Composition 
Over  Xime  and  How  Xhey  Influence  the 
Yields  of  Smoke  Constituents 

Dietrich  Hoffmann,  Mirjana  V.  Djordjevic,  and  Klaus  D.  Brunnemann 

INTRODUCTION  Since  the  first  epidemiological  reports  on  the  association  of 

cigarette  smoking  with  lung  cancer,  the  composition  of  tobacco  blends 
and  the  makeup  of  commercial  cigarettes  in  the  United  States  as  well  as  in 
Western  Europe  have  undergone  major  changes.  Measured  on  the  basis  of 
standardized  machine  smoking  conditions,  the  sales-weighted  average  tar 
and  nicotine  deliveries  in  U.S.  cigarette  smoke  have  decreased  from  38  mg 
and  2.7  mg,  respectively,  in  1954  to  12  mg  and  0.95  mg,  respectively,  in 
1993.  The  lower  emissions  have  been  primarily  accomplished  by  using 
efficient  filter  tips  and  highly  porous  cigarette  paper  and  by  changing  the 
composition  of  the  tobacco  blend.  The  latter  includes  the  incorporation 
of  reconstituted  and  expanded  tobaccos  into  the  blend.  Concurrent  with 
the  reduction  of  tar  and  nicotine  in  the  smokestream,  there  also  occurred 
a reduction  of  carbon  monoxide,  phenols,  and  carcinogenic  polynuclear 
aromatic  hydrocarbons  (PAHs).  These  reductions  were  partially  tied  to  an 
increase  in  the  nitrate  content  of  the  tobacco  blend  used  for  U.S.  cigarettes. 
The  addition  of  nitrate  was  initially  targeted  at  decreasing  the  smoke  yields 
of  PAHs;  however,  that  this  also  would  cause  a gradual  increase  of  the 
carcinogenic,  tobacco-specific  N-nitrosamines  (TSNAs)  was  not  recognized 
until  there  was  awareness  of  those  compounds  as  smoke  constituents  in 
the  1970's. 

These  observations  were  based  on  measurements  of  yields  from 
cigarettes  that  were  smoked  under  standardized  laboratory  conditions, 
initially  established  in  1936,  and  adopted  by  the  U.S.  Federal  Trade 
Commission  (FTC)  in  1969.  These  conditions  do  not  reflect  the  smoking 
patterns  of  the  smokers  of  filter  cigarettes,  who  currently  account  for  the 
consumption  of  97  percent  of  all  cigarettes  produced  in  the  United  States. 

The  current  filter  cigarette  smoker  tends  to  smoke  more  intensely  and  to 
inhale  more  deeply.  Thus,  the  actual  exposure  to  toxic  and  tumorigenic 
agents  in  the  inhaled  smoke  of  filter  cigarettes  is  not  necessarily  in  line 
with  the  machine  smoking  data. 

BACKGROUND  In  1950  epidemiological  studies  reported  that  lung  cancer  was 

particularly  prevalent  among  cigarette  smokers  (Wynder  and  Graham,  1950; 
Doll  and  Hill,  1950).  These  observations  in  the  United  States  and  the  United 
Kingdom  were  confirmed  by  the  Royal  College  of  Physicians  (1962)  and  by 
the  U.S.  Surgeon  General  in  1964  (U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education,  and 
Welfare,  1964).  These  reports  and  the  emerging  knowledge  of  the  presence 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

of  carcinogens  and  tumor  promoters  in  cigarette  smoke  led  to  a gradual 
change  in  the  design  and  composition  of  commercial  cigarettes  in  North 
America,  Western  Europe,  and  other  developed  countries  (Hoffmann  and 
Hoffmann,  1994a;  Jarvis  and  Russell,  1985).  The  modifications  were  intended 
to  reduce  both  the  toxicity  and  the  carcinogenic  potential  of  the  cigarette 
smoke.  Although  research  on  the  changing  cigarette  was  pursued  in  several 
countries,  this  chapter  deals  primarily  with  the  developments  relating  to 
U.S.  cigarettes  between  1954  and  1993. 

At  the  basis  of  all  analytical  assessments  of  smoke  composition  lies  the 
standardization  of  machine  smoking  methods,  first  suggested  for  empirical 
cigarette  smoking  in  Europe  (Pfyl,  1933;  Pyriki,  1934).  In  the  United  States, 
Bradford  and  colleagues  (1936)  developed  a procedure  for  cigarette  smoking 
on  the  basis  of  "arbitrarily  selected"  parameters  of  a 35-mL  puff  volume, 
a 2-second  puff  duration,  and  one  puff  per  minute.  The  only  goal  of  this 
method  was  to  offer  a means  for  comparing  the  smoke  yields  of  various 
types  of  cigarettes;  there  was  no  intent  to  simulate  human  smoking  patterns. 
The  influences  on  smoke  yields  and  composition  that  are  exerted  by  the 
overall  physical  characteristics  of  a cigarette — including  its  length  and  the 
butt  length  to  which  it  is  smoked,  its  circumference,  whether  it  is  filtered 
or  nonfiltered,  and  the  effects  of  the  puff  volume,  puff  frequency,  and  puff 
duration;  the  type  and  cut  of  tobacco  used  as  a filler;  the  properties  of  the 
wrapper;  and  the  mode  of  precipitation  of  the  condensate — were  described 
in  many  research  papers  during  the  1960's  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1967). 

For  regulatory  purposes,  Pillsbury  and  colleagues  (1969)  adapted  in  principle 
the  method  of  Bradford  and  coworkers  (1936)  and  made  some  refinements 
to  establish  what  became  known  as  the  FTC  method;  the  smoking  parameters 
were  still  a 35-mL  puff  volume,  a 2-second  puff  duration,  and  a 1-puff-per- 
minute  frequency.  What  was  new  was  the  definition  of  the  butt  length  to 
which  a cigarette  was  to  be  smoked.  Butt  lengths  were  set  to  be  23  mm  for 
plain  cigarettes  and  length  of  the  filter  plus  overwrap  with  an  additional 
3 mm  for  filter  cigarettes.  CORESTA,  the  International  Organization  for 
Research  on  Tobacco,  developed  a comparable  method  that  is  widely  used 
in  most  of  the  developed  countries  (CORESTA,  1991-1993). 

This  chapter  describes  the  analytical  data  obtained  with  the  FTC  method, 
although  many  studies  (Russell,  1980;  Herning  et  al.,  1981;  Kozlowski  et  al., 
1982;  Fagerstrdm,  1982;  Haley  et  al.,  1985;  Byrd  et  al.,  1994)  have  shown 
that  the  standardized  machine  smoking  method  does  not  reflect  the  smoking 
habits  of  consumers  of  filter  cigarettes.  This  is  especially  so  for  filter  cigarettes 
with  low  and  ultralow  smoke  yields,  because  smokers  of  such  cigarettes 
tend  to  inhale  more  deeply  and  draw  puffs  more  frequently  to  satisfy  a 
physiologically  conditioned  need  for  nicotine  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1988). 

Figure  1 presents  the  sales-weighted  average  tar  and  nicotine  deliveries 
of  all  U.S.  domestic  brands  for  the  years  1954  through  1993  (Hoffmann  and 
Hoffmann,  1994a).  Fhis  figure  also  shows  the  major  changes  in  the  makeup 
of  U.S.  cigarettes,  such  as  the  introduction  of  filter  tips,  porous  cigarette 


Chapter  3 

Figure  1 

Sales-weighted  average  tar  and  nicotine  deliveries,  1 954-1 993 

All  Domestic  Brands  on  U.S.  Market 

Key:  RT  = reconstituted  tobacco;  F = filter;  ET  = expanded  tobacco. 
Source:  Hoffmann  and  Hoffmann,  1994a. 

paper,  reconstituted  tobacco,  filter  tip  ventilation,  and  use  of  expanded 
tobacco.  Similar  developments  occurred  in  most  industrialized  countries, 
albeit  at  a somewhat  slower  pace  and  about  5 to  10  years  after  the 
introduction  of  these  changes  in  the  United  States  (Hoffmann  and 
Hoffmann,  1994b;  Jarvis  and  Russell,  1985;  U.S.  Department  of  Health 


Nicotine  (mg) 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

and  Human  Services,  1988).  Jarvis  and  Russell  (1985)  first  observed  for 
English  cigarettes  that  the  smoke  delivery  of  nicotine  was  not  reduced  to 
the  same  extent  as  that  of  the  tar.  During  the  past  10  to  15  years,  the  same 
observation  was  made  for  U.S.  cigarettes.  Figure  1 does  not  reflect  the 
gradual  change  in  the  tobacco  blend  of  U.S.  cigarettes  with  regard  to  an 
increase  of  the  hurley  tobacco  share  from  about  35.9  percent  in  1950  to 
46.5  percent  in  1982;  the  remainder  of  the  tobacco  blend  consists  primarily 
of  bright  tobacco  with  about  5 to  8 percent  oriental  tobacco  and  1 percent 
Maryland  tobacco  (Grise,  1984). 


Cigarettes  With 
Filter  Tips 

Since  1955  the  U.S.  sales-weighted  average  smoke  yields  have 
declined  from  38  mg  tar  and  2.7  mg  nicotine  to  12  mg  and  0.95  mg, 
respectively  (Figure  1).  A major  reason  for  the  decrease  in  smoke 
yields  is  the  wide  acceptance  of  filter  cigarettes.  Their  use  steadily 
increased  in  America  from  0.56  percent  of  all  cigarettes  smoked  in 
1950  to  19  percent  in  1955,  51  percent  in  1960,  82  percent  in  1970, 
92  percent  in  1980,  and  more  than  97  percent  since  1993  (Figure  2) 
(Hoffmann  and  Hoffmann,  1994b;  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  1993). 
Most  filter  tips  (15  to  35  mm)  are  made  of  cellulose  acetate;  only  a low 
percentage  of  cigarettes  are  made  with  composite  filters  of  cellulose  acetate 
with  charcoal.  Since  about  1968,  increasing  proportions  of  the  cellulose 
acetate  filter  tips  are  perforated  with  one  or  more  lines  of  tiny  holes  placed 
near  the  middle  of  the  filter  tow.  Today  up  to  50  percent  of  all  cigarette 
filter  tips  in  the  United  States  have  various  degrees  of  perforations.  The 
conventional  filter  cigarettes  are  acceptable  to  consumers  with  a maximal 
draw  resistance  of  up  to  about  130  mm  water  column  (Kiefer  and  Touey, 
1967).  The  filters  reduce  primarily  the  smoke  yields  of  particulate  matter 
and  thus  the  nonvolatile  smoke  constituents.  The  efficiency  of  cellulose 
acetate  filters  for  total  particulate  matter  (TPM)  removal  can  be  increased  by 
reducing  the  diameter  of  the  filaments  without  increasing  the  draw  resistance 
(Table  la)  or  by  using  a longer  filter  tip  (Table  lb).  In  the  mainstream  smoke 
of  the  U.S.  blended  cigarette  with  a pH  below  6.3  to  6.5,  more  than  90  percent 
of  the  nicotine  is  present  in  the  particulate  matter  as  a salt  with  organic  acids 
(Kiefer  and  Touey,  1967;  Brunnemann  and  Hoffmann,  1974). 

Conventional  cellulose  acetate  has  the  capability  to  selectively  reduce 
some  of  the  volatile  and  semivolatile  compounds  in  the  smokestream, 
especially  when  the  filter  is  treated  with  certain  plasticizers,  such  as  glycerol 
triacetate.  Some  of  the  volatile  smoke  constituents  that  are  ciliatoxic  agents, 
such  as  acrolein,  are  removed  selectively,  even  beyond  the  reduction  of 
I'PM,  by  retention  on  such  treated  filter  tips.  Phenols  and  cresols,  a group 
of  semivolatiles,  also  are  removed  selectively  up  to  80  to  85  percent,  as  are 
the  highly  carcinogenic  dialkylnitrosamines,  of  which  up  to  75  percent  can 
be  retained  on  cellulose  acetate  filters  (George  and  Keith,  1967;  Brunnemann 
and  Hoffmann,  1977). 

Filter  tips  with  perforations  allow  dilution  of  the  smoke  with  air. 
Moreover,  drawing  puffs  through  perforated  filter  cigarettes  reduces  the 
velocity  of  the  air  drawn  through  the  burning  cone.  As  a result,  less  of  the 


Chapter  3 

Figure  2 

Percentage  of  all  U.S.  cigarettes  with  filter  tips 



inner  core  of  the  burning  cone  is  depleted  of  oxygen,  and  thus  the  levels 
of  carbon  monoxide,  hydrogen  cyanide,  and  some  other  volatiles  are 
selectively  reduced  in  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  with  perforated  filter  tips 
(Figure  3)  (National  Cancer  Institute,  1977).  Furthermore,  the  lower  velocity 
of  the  generated  smoke  increases  the  efficiency  of  the  filter.  However,  the 
tumorigenicity  of  the  resulting  tar  does  not  change  compared  with  that  of 
the  tar  of  a conventional,  nonperforated  cellulose  acetate  filter  cigarette 
(National  Cancer  Institute,  1977).  In  principle,  the  smoke  of  a cigarette 
can  be  diluted  to  an  unlimited  degree  by  air;  however,  the  consumers' 
nonacceptance  of  these  cigarettes  is  the  limiting  factor. 

The  use  of  charcoal  particles  in  one  of  two  or  three  sections  of  a filter 
tip,  or  sprayed  onto  the  cellulose  acetate,  also  offers  the  opportunity  to 
selectively  reduce  certain  volatile  smoke  constituents,  such  as  the  ciliatoxic 
hydrogen  cyanide,  acetaldehyde,  and  acrolein  (National  Cancer  Institute, 

1977;  Tiggelbeck,  1968).  However,  replacing  one  section  of  the  filter  tip 
with  charcoal  also  leads  to  less  reduction  of  TPM  than  can  be  achieved  with 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  1 a 

Effect  of  filament  diameter  on  filter  efficiency^ 


Pressure  Drop 

Tar  Removed 

Filament  Diameter  (p) 

(mm  of  H2O) 

















Table  1 b 

Effect  of  filter  length  on  efficiency** 

Filter  Length 

Pressure  Drop 

Tar  Removed 


(mm  of  H2O) 

















® Cellulose  acetate,  1 7 mm  in  length,  25-mm  circumference. 
“ Cellulose  acetate,  24.6-mm  circumference. 

Key:  n = micron  (W^  meter);  Hfi  = water. 

Source:  Kiefer  and  Touey,  1967. 

a filter  tip  of  the  same  length  but  made  entirely  of  cellulose  acetate  (Figure  4) 
(Brunnemann  et  al.,  1990).  Charcoal-containing  filter  tips  are  efficient  in 
selectively  reducing  certain  volatile  aromatic  hydrocarbons,  such  as  benzene 
and  toluene,  from  the  smoke  of  the  early  puffs;  yet,  they  release  these 
hydrocarbons  during  the  later  puffs  (Brunnemann  et  al.,  1990). 

I'oday,  more  than  70  percent  of  all  cigarettes  sold  in  Japan  have 
charcoal-containing  filter  tips  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1994).  Only  a few 
percent  of  the  cigarettes  sold  in  the  United  States  have  such  filters.  Although 
more  Japanese  men  smoke  comparable  numbers  of  cigarettes  per  day  than 
American  men  do  and  the  smoke  yields  per  cigarette  in  Japan  are  similar 
to  those  in  the  United  States,  Japanese  men  have  a significantly  lower  lung 
cancer  incidence  rate  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1994;  Wynder  et  al.,  1992). 
Among  other  factors,  the  lower  yields  of  ciliatoxins,  such  as  acrolein  and 
hydrogen  cyanide,  in  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  with  charcoal  filter  tips  may 
be  partly  responsible  for  the  lower  lung  cancer  rate  in  Japan. 


Chapter  3 

Figure  3 

Regression  lines  for  all  the  investigated  smoke  components 

10  20  30  40  50  60  70 

Dilution  (percent) 

Key:  CO  = carbon  monoxide;  tot.  aid.  = total  volatile  aldehydes;  NO  = nitrogen  oxide;  H^O  = water; 

00^  = carbon  dioxide;  HON  = hydrogen  cyanide. 

Source:  Norman,  1974. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  4 

Filtration  of  smoke  constituents 


15-mm  Single  Filters 




I 75 


a 50 




F C A P N 


F C A P N 


F C A P N 

Bonded  Carbon 

Acetate  + Paper 

7.5-  + 7.5-mm  Dual  Filters 

Acetate  + Paper/Carbon  Acetate  I + Paper/Carbon 

F C A P N 

Acetate  + Bonded  Carbon 


F C A P N 

F C A P N 

Acetate  -t-  Acetate/Carbon  Viscose  + Bonded  Carbon 


Key:  F = formaldehyde;  C = hydrogen  cyanide;  A = acrolein;  P = total  phenols;  N = nicotine. 
Source:  Williamson  et  al.,  1965. 


Chapter  3 

Cigarette  Paper  With  increasing  permeability,  porous  cigarette  papers  significantly 
reduce  tar,  carbon  monoxide,  and  nitrogen  oxides  but  not  low-molecular- 
weight  gas  phase  components  in  the  smokestream.  Perforated  cigarette 
paper  also  significantly  reduces  hydrogen  cyanide,  whereas  nicotine 
reduction  is  less  (National  Cancer  Institute,  1977)  (Figure  5).  In  a recent 
study  it  was  found  that  porous  cigarette  paper  reduces  not  only  smoke  yields 
of  carbon  monoxide  and  tar  but  also  of  volatile  nitrosamines,  TSNAs,  and 
benzo(fl)pyrene  (BaP)  (Brunnemann  et  al.,  1994).  However,  the  reduction 

Figure  5 

Percentage  change  in  smoke  yield  and  composition  with  perforated,  0.5  percent 
citrate  paper 

Key:  NO  = nitrogen  oxide;  CO  = carbon  monoxide. 
Source:  Owens,  1978. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

of  TSNAs  and  BaP  is  not  selective.  On  a gram-to-gram  basis,  the  tars  obtained 
from  cigarettes  with  high-porosity  paper  still  have  the  same  tumorigenic 
activity  as  does  the  tar  from  control  cigarettes  that  have  conventional 
cigarette  paper  (National  Cancer  Institute,  1977). 

Reconstituted  Reconstituted  tobacco  (RT)  was  first  used  after  World  War  11  as  a 

Tobacco  binder  for  cigars  and  until  the  beginning  of  the  1960's  on  a limited 

scale  for  cigarettes  (Halter  and  Ito,  1979).  The  interest  in  RT  grew  with 
the  observation  that  cigarettes  made  exclusively  from  RT  delivered  lower 
smoke  yields  of  tar,  phenols,  and  BaP.  On  a gram-to-gram  basis,  this  tar  had 
significantly  lower  tumorigenicity  on  mouse  skin  and  in  the  respiratory  tract 
of  hamsters  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1965).  In  1974  the  Research  Institute 
of  the  German  Cigarette  Industry  reported  that  forced  exposure  of  Syrian 
golden  hamsters  to  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  filled  exclusively  with  RT  gave 
significantly  lower  tumor  incidence  in  the  upper  respiratory  tract  of  the 
animals  than  treatment  with  the  smoke  of  a blended  cigarette  containing 
only  lamina  of  bright,  hurley,  and  oriental  tobacco  (Dontenwill,  1974). 

Reconstituted  tobacco,  or  homogenized  sheet  tobacco  as  it  is  sometimes 
called,  is  a paperlike  sheet  approaching  the  thickness  of  tobacco  laminae. 

RT  is  made  from  tobacco  dust,  fines,  and  particles  from  ribs  and  stems; 
various  additives  may  be  incorporated.  The  process  for  making  RT  can  be 
divided  into  four  general  classes.  The  first  two  relate  to  the  papermaking 
process;  the  third  involves  a slurry;  and  the  fourth  is  based  on  the 
preparation  of  a tobacco  paste  with  rollers  using  water  or  low-boiling 
solvents.  For  the  papermaking  process,  a mixture  of  fines,  midribs,  and 
sometimes  tobacco  stems  is  broken  up  and  extracted  with  water.  The  extract 
is  concentrated  by  evaporation.  The  insoluble  residue  is  macerated  further, 
and  the  resulting  material  is  formed  into  a paperlike  web  on  a papermaking 
machine.  The  web  is  dried  and  then  impregnated  with  the  concentrated 
extract;  this  web  is  then  further  dried  and  cut.  The  shredded  material  is 
added  to  the  tobacco  blend.  Because  the  water  extract  of  the  tobacco 
contains  nicotine  and  this  extract  is  added  in  concentrated  form  to  the 
tobacco  web,  this  process  has  been  considered  a "nicotine-enriching  process." 
In  one  papermaking  process,  cellulose  fiber  is  added  to  increase  the  filling 
power  and  stability  of  the  resulting  RT. 

In  making  RT  by  the  slurry  process,  dry  tobacco  materials  are  finely 
divided  and  often  mixed  with  small  amounts  of  adhesive,  then  suspended 
in  water.  The  resulting  slurry  is  placed  on  a metallic  band  on  which  it  is 
dried.  I'he  resulting  sheet  is  shredded  and  added  to  the  tobacco  blend.  In 
the  rolling  process,  only  small  amounts  of  water  are  added  to  the  mixture  of 
tobacco  fines,  dust,  and  finely  powdered  ribs;  this  paste  is  placed  onto  rollers 
with  different  speeds,  resulting  in  a sheet  with  limited  filling  power  and 
tensile  strength. 

The  potential  to  produce  RT  in  various  forms  with  different  densities 
and  filling  powers  and  thereby  to  modify  the  tumorigenicity  of  tars  and 
whole  smoke  encouraged  the  National  Cancer  Institute  (NCI)  in  the  1970's 
to  explore  the  use  of  various  types  of  R F for  recommendations  of  a less 


Chapter  3 

hazardous  cigarette.  The  results  documented  that  RT,  especially  RT 
resulting  from  the  paper  process  with  cellulose  fiber  as  an  additive,  offered 
an  opportunity  to  significantly  reduce  the  cigarette  smoke  yields  of  tar, 
nicotine,  phenols,  and  PAHs,  as  well  as  the  tumorigenicity  of  the  resulting 
tar.  The  most  encouraging  results  were  achieved  with  RT  resulting  from 
the  paper  process  using  only  tobacco  stems  (Table  2). 

Today,  most  blended  U.S.  cigarettes  contain  20  to  30  percent  RT,  which 
is  also  now  widely  used  in  Europe,  Canada,  and  Japan. 

Puffed,  Expanded,  In  the  early  1970's  a new  tobacco  preparation  was  introduced  for 
and  Freeze-Dried  the  blended  cigarette,  that  of  "puffed,"  "expanded,"  or  "freeze- 
Tobaccos  dried"  tobacco.  Using  these  materials,  less  tobacco  is  required 

to  fill  a cigarette.  The  principle  is  to  expand  the  tobacco  cell  walls  by  quick 
evaporation  of  water  and  other  vaporizable  agents.  This  causes  a rapid 
pressure  increase  in  the  cells  by  heat  and/or  the  reduction  of  external 

Table  3 summarizes  the  smoke  yields  of  experimental  cigarettes  made 
exclusively  from  puffed,  expanded,  or  freeze-dried  tobaccos.  The  smoke  data 
are  compared  with  those  from  the  smoke  of  the  control  cigarette.  The  tars 
from  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  made  from  expanded  and  freeze-dried  tobaccos 
were  significantly  less  tumorigenic  than  tar  from  the  control  cigarettes 
(National  Cancer  Institute,  1980). 

Table  2 

Smoke  yields  of  cigarettes  made  from  reconstituted  tobacco  (RT)  by  paper 
processes  and  from  control  cigarettes 



Stems  Only 




Weight  (mg) 


1 ,060.0 

1 ,226.0 

Tar  (mg) 




Nicotine  (mg) 




Carbon  Monoxide  (mg) 




NO,  (ixg) 




Hydrocyanic  acid  (pg) 




Acetaldehyde  (pg) 

1 ,027.0 


1 ,065.0 

Acrolein  (pg) 




Benz(a)anthracene  (ng) 




Benzo(a)pyrene  (ng) 




Key:  NO^  = N (>95  percent)  + NO^  (<5  percent). 
Source:  National  Cancer  Institute,  1976a  and  1976b. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  3 

Smoke  analysis  of  cigarettes  made  from  puffed,  expanded,  and  freeze-dried  tobaccos 
and  from  control  cigarettes 










Carbon  Monoxide  (mg) 





Nitrogen  Oxides  (^g) 





Hydrogen  Cyanide  (pg) 





Formaldehyde  (pg) 





Acetaldehyde  (pg) 





Acrolein  (pg) 





Tar  (mg) 





Nicotine  (mg) 





Benz(a)anthracene  (ng) 





Benzo(a)pyrene  (ng) 





Source:  National  Cancer  Institute,  1976b. 

The  use  of  puffed,  expanded,  or  freeze-dried  tobacco,  together  with  the 
use  of  filter  tips  and  reconstituted  tobaccos,  has  had  a major  impact  on  the 
amounts  of  leaf  tobacco  needed  per  average  U.S.  cigarette.  In  about  1950 
1,230  mg  of  leaf  tobacco  were  required  for  one  cigarette,  whereas  only 
785  mg  were  needed  in  1982  (Grise,  1984). 

Physical  As  the  length  of  a cigarette  increases,  there  is  more  opportunity  for  air 

Parameters  to  enter  through  the  paper  and  for  certain  gaseous  components,  for 

of  Cigarettes  example,  carbon  monoxide  and  hydrogen  cyanide,  to  diffuse  out  of  the 
paper  into  the  environment.  Assuming  that  all  other  factors  remain 
Length  the  same  and  only  the  length  of  the  cigarette  increases,  there  will  be 

a higher  smoke  yield  of  tar  and  nicotine  because  more  tobacco  is  burned 
(Moore  and  Bock,  1968).  In  the  past,  it  was  claimed  that  tobacco  absorbs 
only  slightly  less  of  the  smoke  particulates  than  a cellulose  acetate  filter  tip 
(Dobrowsky,  1960).  This  may  have  been  true  in  the  early  1960's,  but  modern 
cellulose  acetate  filter  tips  are  more  efficient  in  retaining  smoke  particulates 
than  the  tobacco  column  of  a cigarette. 

Circumference  With  the  packing  density  remaining  constant,  a decrease  in 

circumference  of  a cigarette  reduces  the  amount  of  tobacco  available  for 
burning.  As  a result,  tar  and  nicotine  yields  in  the  smokestream  are  reduced 
ri  able  4)  as  are  the  yields  of  carbon  monoxide  and  several  other  volatile 
smoke  constituents  (DeHardeleben  et  al.,  1978). 


Chapter  3 

Table  4 

Effect  of  cigarette  circumference  on  tar  and  nicotine  in  mainstream  smoke 

Circumference  (mm) 


Delivery  (mg) 














Source:  DeBardeleben  et  al.,  1978. 

Tobacco  Cut  Studies  have  shown  that  modifying  tobacco  from  fine  to  coarse  cut 
causes  the  number  of  puffs  per  cigarette  to  increase  (DeBardeleben  et  al., 
1978).  In  general,  cigarettes  that  are  filled  with  a more  coarsely  cut  tobacco 
burn  less  efficiently  than  those  made  with  fine-cut  tobacco.  One  report, 
comparing  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  filled  with  coarse-cut  tobacco  (1.27  mm) 
with  smoke  from  cigarettes  made  with  fine-cut  tobacco  (0.42  mm), 
showed  only  slight  differences  in  smoke  yields  (Spears,  1974).  However, 
a comparison  of  tars  from  cigarettes  with  given  tobacco  cut  at  rates  of 
20,  30,  or  50  cuts  per  inch  (1.27,  0.85,  and  0.51  mm,  respectively)  showed 
in  a bioassay  that  the  finer  the  cut  of  the  tobacco,  the  lower  the 
tumorigenicity  of  the  resulting  tar  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1965). 

Packing  Density  Increasing  the  mass  of  the  tobacco  in  a cigarette — increasing  the 

packing  density — causes  yields  of  tar  and  nicotine  in  the  smoke  to  rise. 
However,  packing  more  than  1.0  g of  tobacco  into  an  85-mm  cigarette  causes 
the  yields  of  tar  and  nicotine  in  the  smoke  to  decrease,  most  likely  because 
of  increased  retention  by  the  tobacco  acting  as  a filter  (Figure  6). 

Tobacco  Pesticides  Since  1969  the  use  of  chlorinated  pesticides  has  been  banned 

in  the  cultivation  of  tobacco  in  the  United  States.  As  a result,  1,1,1-trichloro- 
2-(4,4'-dichlorodiphenyl)ethane  (DDT)  and  l,l,-dichloro-2-2(4,4'- 
dichlorodiphenyl)ethane  (DDD)  in  tobacco  and  in  cigarette  smoke  have 
drastically  decreased.  In  the  tobacco  of  a cigarette  made  in  1965,  13.4  ppm 
DDT  and  20.2  ppm  DDD  were  measured,  and  in  the  tobacco  of  the  leading 
cigarette  brand  made  in  1993,  only  0.02  ppm  DDT  and  0.013  ppm  DDD 
were  detected,  a decrease  of  more  than  98  percent  (Djordjevic  et  al.,  1995). 
The  small  amounts  of  residual  DDT  and  DDD  in  more  recently  produced 
cigarettes  appear  to  originate  from  imported  tobaccos  used  for  blended 

It  was  reported  in  1981  that  U.S.  tobacco  contains  250  ppb  of  the 
carcinogenic  N-nitrosodiethanolamine  (NDELA).  This  nitrosamine  is  formed 
by  N-nitrosation  of  the  secondary  amine  diethanolamine  during  tobacco 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  6 

Effect  of  cigarette  weight/packing  density  on  particulate  matter 
























Key:  TPM  = total  particulate  matter. 
Source:  DeBardeleben  et  al.,  1978. 


Chapter  3 

processing.  The  major  source  of  diethanolamine  in  tobacco  in  1981  was 
the  sucker  growth  inhibitor  MH-30,  which  is  the  diethanolamine  salt  of 
maleic  hydrazide  (Brunnemann  and  Hoffmann,  1981).  Because  of  the  ban 
on  MH-30  for  tobacco  treatment,  NDELA  levels  have  decreased  to  less  than 
100  ppb  in  cigarette  tobacco  (Brunnemann  and  Hoffmann,  1991).  The 
remaining  NDELA  may  be  at  least  partially  due  to  the  contamination  with 
diethanolamine  from  packaging  materials. 

Several  pesticides  are  still  being  used  on  tobacco;  these  include 
insecticides,  fumigants,  and  insect  growth  regulators  (Benezet,  1989). 

There  is  only  limited  knowledge  about  the  residues  of  these  agents  on 
cigarette  tobacco  and  about  their  role  during  smoking. 

Additives  In  April  1994,  the  major  U.S.  cigarette  companies  released  a list  of 

599  additives  used  in  the  manufacture  of  cigarettes  (Tobacco  Reporter 
Staff,  1994).  Little  is  known  about  the  fate  of  such  additives  during  the 
smoking  of  cigarettes.  An  exception  is  menthol,  which  amounts  to  less 
than  2.5  mg  in  U.S.  mentholated  cigarettes  (Perfetti  and  Gordin,  1985). 
Menthol  is  not  carcinogenic  in  rodents  (National  Cancer  Institute,  1979), 
nor  does  this  readily  volatilized  compound  give  rise  to  measurable  amounts 
of  carcinogenic  hydrocarbons,  including  BaP,  during  the  smoking  of 
cigarettes  (Jenkins  et  al.,  1970). 

The  list  of  additives  also  contains  inorganic  salts,  such  as  ammonium 
and  potassium  carbonates,  and  bicarbonates.  These  additives  possibly 
increase  the  pH  of  cigarette  smoke.  Beyond  pH  6.0,  cigarette  smoke  contains 
increasing  amounts  of  unprotonated  nicotine;  with  smoke  pH  at  6.9,  about 
10  percent  of  the  nicotine  is  present  in  the  smoke  in  free  form;  at  pH  7.85 
this  rises  to  50  percent  (Brunnemann  and  Hoffmann,  1974).  The  free 
nicotine  is  present  predominantly  in  the  vapor  phase  of  the  smoke  and  is 
more  quickly  absorbed  through  the  oral  mucosa  than  nicotine  in  salt  form 
(Armitage  and  Turner,  1970).  Data  are  urgently  needed  for  examining  the 
change  in  pH  of  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  with  additives. 

Although  most  additives  that  are  used  as  flavor-enhancing  agents  are 
sprayed  onto  tobacco  in  milligram  amounts  and  may  therefore  generate  at 
most  microgram  amounts  of  toxic  or  tumorigenic  agents  in  the  smoke,  it  is 
nevertheless  important  to  document  the  fate  of  such  compounds  when  they 
are  added  to  cigarettes,  cigars,  or  pipe  tobacco. 

Tobacco  Blend  Most  U.S.  cigarettes  manufactured  worldwide  are  blended  cigarettes. 
The  composition  of  the  tobacco  blend  has  a major  influence  on  the  pH, 
toxicity,  and  tumorigenicity  of  the  smoke.  Many  tobacco  lines  are  available, 
including  about  60  species  and  about  1,000  different  tobacco  varieties  (Tso, 
1972).  The  wealth  of  this  source  permits  the  manipulation  of  the  tobacco 
plant  and  its  components  and  leads  to  selective  use  of  those  portions  of 
the  plant  that  enhance  or  reduce  specific  agents  in  the  smoke.  This  is  then 
reflected  in  the  toxicity  and/or  carcinogenicity  of  the  smoke.  For  example, 
there  are  flue-cured  tobacco  lines  that  contain  0.2  to  4.75  percent  nicotine 
and  hurley  lines  with  0.3  to  4.58  percent  nicotine  (Chaplin,  1975). 




Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Furthermore,  flue-cured  tobacco  leaves  harvested  from  the  lowest  stalk 
position  contain  0.08  to  0.65  percent  nicotine,  whereas  those  from  the 
highest  positions  contain  between  0.13  and  4.18  percent  nicotine  (Tso, 

1977).  The  resulting  smoke  differs  widely  in  its  concentration  of  toxic  and 
tumorigenic  agents  (Hoffmann  and  Hoffmann,  1994a).  Another  example 
is  the  BaP  content  of  the  smoke  generated  from  leaves  harvested  from  the 
lowest  stalk  position,  which  ranges  between  14.9  and  18.2  ng  per  cigarette, 
contrasted  with  BaP  in  the  smoke  from  the  leaves  of  the  highest  stalk 
position,  which  ranges  between  23.2  and  35.2  ng  per  cigarette  (Rathkamp 
et  al.,  1973). 

The  first  comparative  study  of  the  smoke  of  cigarettes  made  exclusively 
from  bright,  oriental,  hurley,  and  Maryland  tobacco  was  published  by 
Wynder  and  Hoffmann  (1963).  The  BaP  levels  in  the  smoke  per  cigarette 
(without  filter  tip)  were  53,  44,  24,  and  18  ng,  respectively.  The  tars  from  the 
smoke  of  cigarettes  made  with  bright  and  oriental  tobaccos  were  significantly 
more  tumorigenic  than  the  tars  from  hurley  and  Maryland  tobaccos  (Wynder 
and  Hoffmann,  1963).  A large-scale  study  by  NCI  confirmed  the  observation 
that  the  smoke  of  hurley  tobacco  is  lower  in  BaP  and  other  carcinogenic 
agents  than  the  smoke  of  bright  tobacco  and  that  the  tar  has  less  tumorigenic 
activity  than  the  tar  from  bright  tobacco  (National  Cancer  Institute,  1980). 

During  the  past  three  decades,  the  nitrate  content  of  the  U.S.  cigarette 
blend  increased  from  0.3  to  0.5  percent  to  0.6  to  1.35  percent  (U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1981;  Fischer  et  al.,  1990). 

During  smoking,  the  nitrates  in  tobacco  give  rise  to  nitrogen  oxides  that 
scavenge  C,H-radicals  and  thereby  inhibit  the  pyrosyn thesis  of  carcinogenic 
PAHs;  at  the  same  time,  nitrogen  oxides  are  involved  in  the  formation  of 
nitrosamines  from  secondary  and  tertiary  amines  in  tobacco  (Rathkamp  and 
Hoffmann,  1970;  Hoffmann  et  al.,  1994).  The  result  is  that  today  the  smoke 
of  the  U.S.  blended  cigarette  has  lower  concentrations  of  PAHs  but  higher 
concentrations  of  N-nitrosamines  than  the  smoke  of  the  U.S.  blended 
cigarette  three  decades  ago.  Figure  7 shows  the  decrease  per  cigarette  of 
BaP  from  50  ng  in  1965  to  20  ng  in  1992  and  the  concomitant  increase  of 
the  levels  of  the  organ-specific  lung  carcinogen  4-(methylnitrosamino)-l- 
(3-pyridyl)-l-butanone  (NNK)  from  110  ng  in  the  late  1970's  to  176  ng  in 
1992.  These  data  pertain  to  the  smoke  of  a leading  United  States  nonfilter 
cigarette.  NNK  is  formed  from  nicotine  during  tobacco  processing  and 
smoking  (Hoffmann  and  Hoffmann,  1994a).  In  laboratory  animals, 
carcinogenic  PAHs  induce  primarily  squamous  cell  carcinoma,  whereas 
NNK  elicits  mainly  adenocarcinoma  in  the  peripheral  lung.  One  major 
reason  for  the  steep  ascent  of  lung  adenocarcinoma  incidence  in  cigarette 
smokers  in  the  United  States  compared  with  the  more  modest  rise  of 
squamous  cell  carcinoma  may  lie  in  the  more  intense  smoking  of  the  low- 
nicotine  cigarette.  The  deeper  inhalation  of  the  smoke  from  these  cigarettes 
has  led  to  higher  yields  of  NNK  and  lower  yields  of  BaP  in  the  smoke  of  the 
more  recent  cigarettes.  Fhis  modification  has  created  a different  profile  of 
smoke  carcinogens  that  is  likely  reflected  in  the  changed  tumor  morphology 
that  has  emerged  since  the  1960's  (Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  1994). 


Chapter  3 

Figure  7 

BaP  and  NNK  In  mainstream  smoke  of  a leading  U.S.  nonfilter  cigarette,  1959-1992 





1955  1960  1965  1970 



1980  1985  1990 



Source:  Hoffmann  and  Hoffmann,  1994a. 

SUMMARY  Table  5 indicates  the  potential  roles  that  filter  tips,  perforated  filter  tips, 
cigarette  paper,  reconstituted  tobacco,  expanded  tobacco,  and  an  increase 
of  the  share  of  bright  and  hurley  tobacco  in  the  cigarette  blend  have  in 
affecting  the  smoke  yields  of  selected  toxic  and  tumorigenic  agents.  These 
observations  have  largely  been  taken  into  account  with  respect  to  the 
manufacture  of  blended  U.S.  filter  cigarettes,  which  accounted  for  97  percent 
of  all  cigarettes  sold  on  the  U.S.  market  in  1993.  The  result  is  a cigarette 
that  delivers  smoke  with  generally  lower  toxicity  and  tumorigenicity  than 
products  that  were  smoked  40  years  ago.  However,  all  the  measurements 
on  which  this  evaluation  are  based  were  obtained  by  standardized  machine 
smoking  with  parameters  that  are  not  in  line  with  the  real  practices  of  men 
and  women  who  smoke  the  modern,  low-yield,  filter-tipped  cigarettes 
(Russell,  1980;  Herning  et  al.,  1981;  Kozlowski  et  al.,  1982;  Fagerstrom,  1982; 
Haley  et  al.,  1985;  Byrd  et  al.,  1994).  Is  it  thus  safe  to  say  that  the  modern 
cigarette  is  really  less  harmful? 


NNK  (ng) 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  5 

Changes  in  cigarette  design  and  composition: 

Effects  on  smoke  yields  of  selected  toxic  agents 


































































































® Significant  decrease. 

“ Trend  for  increase. 

‘ Can  increase,  can  decrease. 

“ Trend  for  decrease. 

® More  than  a 50-percent  decrease. 

' Unknown. 

Key:  CO  = carbon  monoxide:  HCN  = hydrocyanic  acid;  PAHs  = polynuclear  aromatic  hydrocarbons; 
TSNAs  = tobacco-specific  N-nitrosamines;  NC  = no  significant  change. 

How  can  the  human  risk  from  cigarette  smoking  truly  be  assessed? 
Should  we  not  above  all  remember  that  the  only  way  to  prevent  smoking- 
related  diseases  is  abstinence  from  tobacco?  Meanwhile,  millions  of  smokers 
in  the  United  States  and  worldwide  continue  to  smoke  cigarettes  and  to  use 
other  forms  of  tobacco  because  of  their  dependence  on  nicotine.  Smoking 
cessation  efforts  have  had  success  for  many  but  are  not  likely  to  stem  the  tide 
of  an  enormous  epidemic  of  smoking-related  diseases  that  will  be  seen  in  the 
coming  decades  in  those  parts  of  the  world  that  have  hardly  begun  to  tally 
the  incidence  and  mortality  from  tobacco-related  illness. 

In  the  United  States,  we  have  today  several  sensitive  techniques  that  can 
assist  in  determining  uptake  and  even  an  individual's  capacity  for  activating 
vs.  detoxifying  xenobiotics,  such  as  the  toxins  and  carcinogens  from  tobacco 
smoke  (Bryant  et  al.,  1988;  Santella  et  al.,  1992;  Melikian  et  al.,  1993;  Hecht 
et  al.,  1994),  but  these  so|)histicated  methods  of  risk  assessment  are  research 
tools  that  for  now  do  little  to  guide  the  consumer.  One  may  agree  with  the 
content  of  an  editorial  published  in  the  New  York  l imes  (1989)  that  read: 
"Obviously,  no  smoking  is  better  than  smoking,  but  the  best  should  not  be 


Chapter  3 

the  enemy  of  the  good.  There  is  a strong  social  case  for  encouraging 
manufacturers  to  develop  safer  cigarettes  that  will  sell."  If  we  take  this 
premise  as  a realistic  approach  to  the  tobacco  and  illness  dilemma  in  our 
Nation,  how  can  our  regulatory  agencies  effectively  protect  the  consumer 
and  on  what  type  of  measurement  should  risk  assessment  from  cigarette 
smoking  be  based?  This  is  the  question  to  be  resolved.  The  authors  hope 
that  presentation  of  some  historical  background  will  assist  with  this  aim. 


DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Dr.  Hoffmann,  the  influence  of  some  parameters, 
such  as  increasing  puff  quantity,  would  be  pretty  obvious  for  their  impact; 
you  would  take  in  more  smoke.  But  what  about  the  factor  of  changing  the 
intensity  of  a puff?  For  example,  the  FTC  method  uses  35  mL  over  2 seconds, 
or  say  about  18  mL  per  second.  What  would  be  the  impact  of  tripling  the 
intensity  by  going  to,  say,  60  mL  per  1 second? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  This  has  been  done  by  various  groups,  including 
Dr.  Benowitz,  Dr.  Auston,  and  Dr.  Ogg.  All  have  shown  that  when  you 
smoke  more  intensely  (I  think  one  report  makes  up  to  four  or  five  puffs 
per  minute,  with  puff  volumes  up  to  55  mL),  you  obviously  increase  the 
smoke  yields  for  cigarette  smoke;  based  on  epidemiological  observations, 
but  you  inhale  deeper. 

Now,  this  is  reflected  in  the  yield  of  nicotine  respectively  as  one  of  its 
major  metabolites.  And  in  fact,  R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company  has  recently 
shown  a very  low  yielding  cigarette.  They  determined  90  percent  of  all 
metabolites,  and  I think  the  results  are  in  here.  They  have  shown  that  with 
the  very  low  yielding  cigarettes,  the  smoker  inhales  more  than  one  would 
expect  from  machine  smoking  data,  based  on  the  nicotine  metabolites. 

Machine  smoking  data  may  be  all  right  for  the  cigarette  without  a filter 
tip,  but  based  on  all  these  studies  (I  think  there  are  eight  all  total),  the 
smoker  of  a low  yielding  cigarette  inhales  deeper  and  takes  more  puffs, 
smokes  more  intensely. 

DR.  RICKERT:  Dr.  Hoffmann,  I think  you  were  intimately  involved  in  the 
NCTs  less  hazardous  cigarette  program  a number  of  years  ago.  Why  was 
that  program  abandoned? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  The  timing  was  not  right — I do  not  know  the  details. 

I work  in  the  laboratory,  and  that  is  outside  the  field.  It  was  purely  politics. 

DR.  HARRIS:  Dr.  Hoffmann,  you  presented  trends  in  some  cigarette  smoke 
components  over  time.  What  do  you  know,  if  anything,  about  gross 
characteristics  of  cigarette  smoke,  such  as  the  trends  in  the  pH  of  American 
cigarette  smoke  or  in  the  oxidation  reduction  potential  of  smoke? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  The  pH  has  increased  slightly;  it  is  slightly  higher  in 
filtered  cigarettes,  in  perforated  filter  cigarettes,  and  in  RT. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

There  has  been  a slight  increase  in  unprotonated  nicotine,  but  it  is  a 
minor  difference,  because  it  is  still  a blended  cigarette.  If  you  smoke  a 
French  cigarette,  which  are  the  black  or  burley  type  cigarettes,  they  have 
a pH  of  7.5,  or  40  percent  of  the  nicotine  is  unprotonated;  whereas,  in  our 
blended  U.S.  cigarettes,  less  than  5 percent  is  unprotonated.  As  an  English 
study  by  Turner  and  others  has  shown,  when  you  have  unprotonated 
nicotine,  most  of  it  has  a quicker  result  to  the  mucous  membrane,  especially 
of  the  oral  cavity.  In  other  words,  when  you  have  unprotonated  nicotine, 
not  in  salt  form  but  in  free  base,  most  of  it  is  in  the  water  phase,  and 
therefore  it  is  absorbed  more  quickly  by  the  surface  of  the  bronchial 
epithelium  or  the  oral  cavity. 

Therefore,  you  would  rarely  see  a Frenchman  taking  as  deep  inhalations 
as  a smoker  of  a blended  cigarette  with  an  active  filter  tip.  You  watch  a 
Paris  cab  driver  and  you  will  see  that  they  never  inhale;  he  just  dangles  the 
cigarette  on  the  side  of  his  mouth,  because  he  would  get  a tremendous 
nicotine  kick  if  he  inhaled. 

DR.  HARRIS:  Does  the  protonation  state  of  nicotine,  whether  it  is  protonated 
or  free  base,  affect  the  measurement  method  of  nicotine  as  currently  used  by 
the  FTC? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  No,  the  pH  is  not  measured.  1 do  not  see  the  need  because 
so  far,  in  our  U.S.  blended  cigarettes,  there  are  no  major  differences.  That 
may  change,  but  at  present,  it  is  not. 

DR.  HUGHES:  1 noticed  over  time  that  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields  have 
changed  somewhat.  What  is  your  opinion  about  how  feasible  it  is,  using 
existing  techniques,  to  change  that  ratio? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  The  first  study  was  performed  in  the  United  Kingdom 
by  Russell.  It  demonstrated  that  the  ratio  of  tar  to  nicotine,  which  was 
originally  100  to  6,  has  changed  to  100  to  10.  We  see  this  in  low  yielding 
cigarettes.  In  other  words,  the  nicotine  is  not  reduced  to  the  same  extent 
that  the  tar  is  reduced. 

DR.  HUGHES:  And  how  feasible  would  it  be  for  the  manufacturers  to 
deliberately  change  that  ratio  at  this  point? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  I'hey  can  do  it  easily  by  changing  the  tobacco  variety, 
which  is  high  in  nicotine.  We  have  heard  about  genetic  engineering  for 
a tobacco  variety  that  is  very  high  in  nicotine.  So  that  is  possible.  1 mean, 
the  manufacturer  has  everything  in  his  hand  to  have  high  nicotine  and 
low  tar  or  vice  versa. 

In  fact,  for  a brief  time,  there  was  a cigarette  on  the  market  that  was  free 
of  nicotine.  I he  nicotine  was  extracted  from  the  tobacco  with  supercritical 
fluid  transaction,  and  the  tobacco  was  then  used  for  cigarettes.  So,  the 
tobacco  industry  has  a whole  spectrum  from  high-  to  low-nicotine  yield. 

Fhat  depends  on  what  the  consumer  requests. 

Chapter  3 


Armitage,  A.K.,  Turner,  D.M.  Absorption  of  nicotine 
in  cigarette  and  cigar  smoke  through  the  oral 
mucosa.  Nature  226:  1231-1232,  1970. 

Benezet,  H.J.  Chemical  control  of  pests  in  stored 
tobacco.  Recent  Advances  in  Tobacco  Science  15:  1-25, 

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Chapter  3 

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  The  authors  greatly  appreciate  the  editorial  assistance  of 

Use  Hoffmann  and  Jennifer  Johnting.  The  authors'  work  cited  in  this  article 
was  supported  by  NCI  grant  CA-29580. 

Chapter  4 

I A^ttitudes,  Knowledge,  and  Beliefs  About 
j Low-Yield  Cigarettes  Among  Adolescents  and 
^ Adults 


Gary  A.  Giovino,  Scott  L.  Tomar,  Murli  N.  Reddy,  John  P.  Peddicord, 
Bao-Ping  Zhu,  Luis  G.  Escobedo,  and  Michael  P.  Eriksen 


, INTRODUCTION  Per  capita  consumption  of  cigarettes  in  the  United  States  increased 
1 rapidly  from  1900  to  1963  (Miller,  1981;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 

I Human  Services,  1989);  however,  since  the  January  1964  release  of  the 

I first  Surgeon  General's  report  on  smoking  (U.S.  Department  of  Health, 

Education,  and  Welfare,  1964),  cigarette  consumption  has  been  declining 
(Miller,  1981;  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  1987  and  1994).  In  1994  per 
capita  consumption  was  about  the  same  as  during  World  War  II  (Miller,  1981; 
U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  1994).  However,  the  prevalence  of  smoking 
I was  slightly  higher  in  the  1940's  (Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention, 

I 1994a;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988),  indicating 

that  smokers  in  the  1990's  consumed  more  cigarettes  per  day  than  did 
smokers  in  the  1940's  (Harris,  1994;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1980). 

Falls  in  per  capita  consumption  of  cigarettes  seem  linked  to  health 
concerns.  For  example,  in  the  early  1950's,  scientific  and  popular  articles 
led  to  increasing  concern  about  smoking-related  cancers.  American  and 
British  studies  provided  a scientific  foundation  for  the  mounting  health 
concerns  (Doll  and  Hill,  1950  and  1952;  Levin  et  al.,  1950;  Wynder  and 
Graham,  1950).  Articles  such  as  "Cancer  by  the  Carton,"  published  in 
the  Reader's  Digest  (Norr,  1952),  also  carried  the  message  to  many  people 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989). 

One  apparent  result  of  these  early  health  communications  was  the 
marked  increase  in  the  consumption  of  filter-tipped  cigarettes.  In  the  1940's 
few  people  smoked  those  varieties  (U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  1962), 
but  by  1992  about  97  percent  of  cigarettes  sold  had  filters  (Figure  1)  (Federal 
Trade  Commission,  1994).  Switching  to  filtered  cigarettes  was  promoted  by 
slogans  such  as  "Kent  with  the  micronite  filter  is  smoked  by  more  scientists 
and  educators  than  any  other  cigarette"  (Anonymous,  1985). 

The  release  of  the  first  Surgeon  General's  report  on  smoking  was  a 
major  turning  point  in  public  perception  of  the  health  threat  of  tobacco 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  1964;  U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989).  In  response,  cigarette  companies 
began  introducing  cigarettes  in  the  1960's  and  early  1970's  that  yielded. 


Figure  1 

Domestic  market  share  of  all  filter-tipped  cigarettes  and  those  filter-tipped  cigarettes 
yielding  si 5 mg  tar:  United  States,  1946-1992 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 














Sources:  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  1962;  Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994. 

j Chapter  4 

by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  method  (Pillsbury  et  al.,  1969), 

15  mg  or  less  tar  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994;  Slade,  1989;  Warner, 
1985).  By  1992  these  so-called  milder  cigarettes  had  captured  about 
69  percent  of  the  market  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994). 

The  lower  tar  cigarettes  were  accompanied  by  advertisements  such 
as  the  following: 

Vantage  is  changing  a lot  of  my  feelings  about  smoking.  I like 
to  smoke,  and  what  I like  is  a cigarette  that  is  not  limited  on 
taste.  But  1 am  not  living  in  an  ivory  tower.  1 hear  the  things 
being  said  about  high  tar  smoking  as  well  as  the  next  guy.  So, 

1 started  looking  for  a low  tar  smoke  that  had  some  honest-to- 
goodness  taste  (Anonymous,  1977). 

It  is  believed  that  the  Vantage  advertisements  targeted  "intelligent" 
smokers  (Pollay,  1990). 

Since  1974,  FTC  has  collected  data  on  advertising  and  promotion  of 
cigarettes  yielding  15  mg  or  less  tar  (Figure  2)  (Federal  Trade  Commission, 
1994).  As  pointed  out  by  Davis  (1987),  for  many  years  the  proportion  of 
advertising  and  promotional  expenditures  for  lower  tar  cigarettes  exceeded 

Figure  2 

Domestic  market  share  and  proportion  of  total  advertising  and  promotional  expenditures 
related  to  cigarettes  yielding  si  5 mg  tar,  by  year:  United  States,  1975-1992 

Source:  Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

market  share,  suggesting  an  attempt  to  increase  market  share.  As  shown  in 
Figure  2,  the  two  proportions  are  converging.  In  1992  lower  tar  cigarettes 
accounted  for  69  percent  of  market  share  and  71  percent  of  advertising 
expenditures  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994). 

One  major  purpose  of  the  marketing  of  these  varieties  of  cigarettes 
appears  to  have  been  to  alleviate  smokers'  health  concerns  (Pollay,  1990; 
Warner  1985).  The  advertisements  seem  to  have  achieved  a large  part  of 
their  goal.  In  1993  a Gallup  Organization  poll  posed  the  following  question: 
"Besides  selling  the  product,  what  message  do  you  think  cigarette  advertising 
is  trying  to  get  across  when  it  uses  terms  like  low  tar,  low  nicotine,  or  low 
yield?"  (Gallup  Organization,  Inc.,  1993,  pp.  22).  Fifty-eight  percent  of 
respondents  (56  percent  of  smokers  and  60  percent  of  nonsmokers)  answered 
that  the  message  indicates  a positive  health  benefit,  that  is,  that  the  brand 
is  safer,  healthier,  less  harmful,  not  as  bad  for  you,  or  less  cancerous  (Gallup 
Organization,  Inc.,  1993). 

MONITORING  Three  national  surveys  helped  shed  light  on  the  patterns  in  j 

NATIONAL  DATA  attitudes,  knowledge,  and  beliefs  about  low-yield  cigarettes:  i 

the  1986  Adult  Use  of  Tobacco  Survey  (AUTS),  the  1987  National  Health 
Interview  Survey  (NHIS)  Cancer  Control  Supplement,  and  the  1993  Teenage 
Attitudes  and  Practices  Survey  (TAPS).  The  1986  AUTS  was  a national 
telephone  survey  of  approximately  13,000  Americans  ages  17  years  and  ' 

older  (Pierce  et  al.,  1990).  The  nationally  representative  sample  of  the  1987  f 
NHIS  included  about  22,000  Americans  ages  18  years  and  older  who  were  j 
interviewed  primarily  in  their  homes  (Schoenborn  and  Boyd,  1989).  The  I 
1993  TAPS  sample  included  about  13,000  people  10  to  22  years  of  age  ! 

who  were  contacted  via  telephone  or  in  their  homes  (Centers  for  Disease  j 
Control  and  Prevention,  1994b).  The  1993  TAPS  included  a cross-sectional  | 
component  of  persons  10  to  15  years  of  age  in  1993  and  a followup  j 

component  of  a cohort  of  persons  first  interviewed  in  1989  who  were  15  ! 

to  22  years  old  in  1993  (Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  1994b). 

There  are  difficulties  in  using  the  1993  TAPS  data  to  make  prevalence  | 
estimates.  Some  participants  lost  to  followup  were  more  likely  to  be 
smokers  in  1989,  a phenomenon  that  would  be  likely  to  decrease  the  overall  !| 
prevalence  estimate  (Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  1994b).  j 
The  data  used  for  this  report  are  not  used  to  generate  smoking  prevalence 
estimates;  rather,  they  look  at  characteristics  of  persons  who  reported  that  ' 
they  were  currently  smoking.  !i 


'Fhe  1986  AU'FS  and  the  1987  NHIS  questions  used  to  determine  tar  : 
levels  assessed  items  such  as  brand  name,  filter  vs.  nonfilter,  pack  hardness,  f 
cigarette  length,  mentholation,  and  if  the  cigarette  was  regular,  light,  or 
ultralight.  Fhe  tar  level  assigned  is  based  on  responses  to  the  questions  using 
FTC  tables  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1985).  The  tar  categories  used  for  i 
this  report  are  (1 ) less  than  or  equal  to  6 mg,  (2)  7 to  15  mg,  and  (3)  16  mg 
or  more.  ( The  actual  cutpoints  used  here  are  6.99  mg  and  15.99  mg.)  ^ 



Chapter  4 

SURVEY  FINDINGS  The  percentage  distribution  of  tar  yield  of  the  usual  brand  of 

cigarettes  smoked  among  current  smokers  by  sex  and  age  is 
Use  of  Low-Tar  shown  in  Figure  3.  Female  smokers  were  more  likely  to  smoke 

or  Light  Cigarettes  lower  tar  yield  brands  than  men.  Smokers  18  to  24  years  of  age 
were  less  likely  to  use  the  lower  tar  brands  than  smokers  ages  25  to  44  or  45 
to  64.  These  patterns  were  similar  to  those  found  by  the  AUTS  for  both 
current  and  former  smokers. 

With  regard  to  race  and  ethnicity  (Figure  4),  white  Americans  who 
smoked  in  1987  were  more  likely  to  smoke  lower  tar  and  nicotine 
cigarettes  (76.8  percent)  than  Hispanics  (67.8  percent)  or  black  Americans 
(52.4  percent).  Education  is  a strong  correlate  of  smoking  cigarette  brands 
with  15  mg  or  less  tar  (Figure  4).  Beginning  with  persons  who  have 
completed  9 to  1 1 years  of  education,  as  education  increased,  smokers 
were  more  likely  to  smoke  low-tar  brands. 

In  the  1993  TAPS,  adolescents  and  young  adults  who  smoked  and 
usually  bought  their  own  cigarettes  were  asked  what  brands  they  smoked. 
Furthermore,  they  were  asked,  "Is  the  brand  you  smoke  regular,  light,  or 

Figure  3 

Prevalence  (by  percent)  of  current  smokers'  use  of  cigarette  brands^  with  5 mg  tar, 
by  sex  and  age:  Ages  18  and  older,  United  States,  1987 

■ s6  mg  tar  □ 7-1 5 mg  tar 










Male  Female 


1 8-24  25-44  45-64 

Age  (years) 



® Self-reported  usual  brand. 

Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  4 

Prevalence  (by  percent)  of  current  smokers'  use  of  cigarette  brands®  with  ^15  mg  tar, 
by  race  and  education:  Ages  18  and  older,  United  States,  1987 

Race/Ethnicity  Education  (years  completed)  | 

" Self-reported  usual  brand.  I 

Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

ultralight?"  Of  note,  "light"  and  "ultralight"  are  terms  used  in  advertising 
and  may  not  correlate  precisely  with  tar  and  nicotine  levels  (Davis  et  al., 

1990).  However,  these  are  terms  that  smokers  frequently  use  in  describing  i 
the  brands  they  smoke.  | 

I'here  are  two  key  findings  from  the  TAPS  data.  First,  among  10-  to 
18-year-olds  and  19-  to  22-year-olds,  females  were  more  likely  than  males  ^ 
to  smoke  light  and  ultralight  cigarettes  (Figure  5).  Very  few  males  smoked  ' 
ultralight  cigarettes.  Second,  the  proportion  of  males  and  females  using  these 
brands  increased  with  age.  This  pattern  among  young  persons  (increasing  ^ 
use  of  light  and  ultralight  brands  with  increasing  age)  is  reflected  in  both  jj 
the  1 987  NHIS  and  the  1993  FAPS. 


The  1993  TAPS  race  and  ethnicity  findings  are  similar  to  those  detected  I, 
by  the  NHIS:  White  youth  were  most  likely  to  smoke  light  cigarettes  j 

(52.6  percent),  followed  by  Hispanic  youth  (44.5  percent),  with  much  j 

smaller  pro[)ortions  of  black  youth  (15  percent)  reporting  use  of  these  brands  ! 
(Figure  6).  Anecdotal  evidence  also  indicates  that  African-American  youth  j 
begin  with  higher  tar  cigarettes  (Galkq)  International  Institute,  1992). 





I Chapter  4 



' Figure  5 

! Prevalence  (by  percent)  of  use  of  light  and  ultralight  cigarettes  among  current  smokers/ 
by  sex  and  age:  Ages  10  to  22,  United  States,  1993 

Male  Female  Male  Female 

1 0-  to  1 8-Years-Old  1 9-  to  22-Years-Old 

® Who  usually  buy  their  own  cigarettes. 

Source:  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  1993. 

In  the  1993  TAPS,  students  were  asked  to  rate  how  well  they  were  doing  * 

in  school;  the  categories  used  here  were  less  than  average,  average,  better  ' 

than  average,  and  much  better  than  average.  The  percentage  of  young 
smokers  who  smoked  light  or  ultralight  cigarettes  increased  with  level  of 
performance  in  school:  from  30  percent  for  those  who  performed  less  than 
average  to  66  percent  for  those  who  performed  much  better  than  average 
(Figure  6). 

Brand  Switching  Brand  switching  is  one  measure  of  the  perceived  health  risk 

associated  with  lower  tar  yield  cigarettes.  The  1986  AUTS  asked  the  following 
question  of  current  smokers:  "Thinking  of  your  entire  smoking  history, 
have  you  ever  switched  from  one  cigarette  to  another,  just  to  reduce  the 
amount  of  tar  and  nicotine?"  Former  smokers  were  asked,  "Did  you  ever 
switch  from  one  type  of  cigarette  to  another  just  to  reduce  the  amount 
of  tar  and  nicotine?"  Approximately  38  percent  of  current  smokers  and 
26  percent  of  former  smokers  answered  "Yes." 

The  1987  NHIS  asked  current  smokers,  "Have  you  ever  switched  to  a low 
tar  and  nicotine  cigarette  just  to  reduce  your  health  risk?"  About  44  percent 
of  current  smokers  answered  that  they  had  switched  for  that  reason.  As 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  6 

Prevalence  (by  percent)  of  use  of  light  and  ultralight  cigarettes  among  current  smokers,^ 
by  race/ethnicity  and  school  performance:  Ages  10  to  22  years.  United  States,  1993 

■ Ultralights  □ Lights 


White  Black  Hispanic  < Average  Average  > Average  » Average 

Race/Ethnicity  School  Performance 

* Who  usually  buy  their  own  cigarettes. 

Source:  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  1993. 

shown  in  Figures  7 and  8,  there  are  clear  trends  and  differences  by  sex,  age, 
race/ethnicity,  and  education.  Figure  7 shows  that  females  (48.4  percent) 
were  more  likely  to  switch  than  males  (39.4  percent).  Smokers  in  the  25-to- 
44  and  45-to-64  age  groups  were  most  likely  to  have  switched  to  lower  yield 
brands  (45.2  and  45.9  percent,  respectively),  followed  by  smokers  older 
than  age  64  (41.3  percent)  and  those  18  to  24  years  (36.4  percent).  Figure  8 
shows  that  whites  (47  percent)  were  more  likely  to  switch  than  Hispanics 
(30.9  percent)  or  African-Americans  (30.8  percent),  and  the  more  educated 
were  more  likely  to  switch  than  the  less  educated. 

Smokers  of  low-tar  yield  varieties  were  more  likely  to  have  switched. 

That  is,  among  smokers  consuming  brands  yielding  6 mg  or  less  tar, 

74  percent  of  current  smokers  in  the  1986  AUTS  had  ever  switched  compared 
with  19  percent  of  smokers  consuming  cigarettes  yielding  16  mg  or  more 
tar.  Fhese  patterns  were  similar  for  both  former  smokers  (as  reported  by 
the  AUTS)  and  current  smokers  (as  reported  by  the  NlllS). 

Persons  who  switched  brands  were  more  likely  to  smoke  low-tar  yield 
brands.  For  example,  according  to  the  1986  AUTS,  22  percent  of  switchers 
smoked  brands  yielding  6 mg  or  less  tar  compared  with  5 percent  of  people 


Chapter  4 

Figure  7 

Percentage  of  current  smokers  who  have  ever  switched  brands,^  by  sex  and  age: 
Ages  18  and  older,  United  States,  1987 

60  r 

50  — 48.4 

Male  Female  18-24  25-44  45-64  65+ 

Sex  Age  (years) 

® To  lower  tar/nicotine  brands  to  reduce  their  health  risks. 

Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

who  had  never  switched.  This  suggests  that  many  smokers  switch  to  lower 
tar  brands  rather  than  starting  with  those  brands. 

HEALTH  BELIEFS  Survey  data  on  health  beliefs  shed  light  on  possible  factors  that 
AND  SWITCHING  may  drive  or  influence  smokers'  switching  to  lower  tar  cigarette 
brands.  The  surveys  indicate  that  current  smokers  of  lower  tar  brands  and 
persons  who  had  switched  brands  were  more  likely  to  acknowledge  health 
risks  than  those  who  smoked  higher  tar  brands  or  who  had  not  switched 
brands.  Figures  9 and  10  illustrate  this  relationship  between  tar  yield  of  the 
smoker's  brand  and  beliefs  that  smoking  is  related  to  cancer  and  emphysema. 

It  is  worth  pointing  out  that  the  majority  of  smokers  of  high-tar 
cigarettes,  as  well  as  smokers  who  have  never  switched,  acknowledged  the 
health  risks  of  smoking  (Figure  10).  However,  there  is  an  inverse  gradient 
for  both  variables. 

Similarly,  concerns  about  health  risks  decrease  as  tar  yields  rise  (Table  1). 
Among  smokers  who  switched  brands,  85  percent  stated  that  they  were 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  8 

Percentage  of  current  smokers  who  have  ever  switched  brands/  by  race/ethnicity  and 
education:  Ages  18  and  older.  United  States,  1987 

White  Black  Hispanic  0-8  9-11  12  13-15  16+ 

Race/Ethnicity  Education  (years  completed) 

* To  lower  tar/nicotine  brands  to  reduce  their  health  risks. 
Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

concerned  about  the  health  effects  of  smoking  compared  with  70  percent  of 
those  who  had  never  switched.  Furthermore,  people  in  the  lower  tar  yield 
categories  and  those  who  switched  were  more  likely  to  respond  that  their 
health  had  been  affected  by  their  smoking,  and  they  were  more  likely  to 
report  that  a doctor  had  advised  them  to  quit. 

Moreover,  people  who  smoke  low-tar  cigarettes  and  those  who  switched 
were  more  likely  to  acknowledge  that  some  brands  are  more  hazardous  than 
others  (Table  1).  Smokers  of  low-tar  brands  were  more  likely  to  state  that 
their  brand  is  less  hazardous  compared  with  smokers  of  higher  tar  brands. 
Among  switchers,  33  percent  believed  that  their  brand  is  less  hazardous  than 
other  brands.  For  smokers  who  had  never  switched,  only  16  percent  held 
this  belief. 

In  the  1993  TAPS,  adolescents  and  young  adults  who  smoked  light  and 
ultralight  cigarettes  were  asked  why  they  smoked  those  brands.  Four  reasons 
were  most  commonly  cited:  Thirty-three  percent  of  respondents  said  that 


Chapter  4 

Figure  9 

Percentage  of  current  smokers  who  believe  that  low-tar  cigarettes  pose  reduced  cancer  risk, 
by  tar  yield  and  history  of  switching:  Ages  18  and  older,  United  States,  1987 

Tar  Yield  (mg)  History  of  Switching 

Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

they  smoked  light  or  ultralight  cigarettes  because  they  taste  better,  29  percent 
said  they  are  less  irritating,  21  percent  said  they  thought  these  cigarettes 
were  healthier  than  other  brands,  and  19  percent  said  they  "just  liked  them." 

QUITTING  SMOKING  The  surveys  revealed  some  interesting  trends  with  regard  to 
quitting.  In  the  1987  NHIS,  participants  were  asked  to  identify  techniques 
they  had  used  in  their  efforts  to  quit  smoking.  Among  participants  who  had 
switched  brands,  38  percent  said  they  had  ever  switched  to  lower  tar  and 
nicotine  cigarette  brands  as  a quitting  strategy;  62  percent  switched  for  other 
reasons  (Table  2).  Switchers  were  more  likely  to  have  tried  these  quitting 
strategies,  with  the  exception  of  quitting  cold  turkey,  than  smokers  who  had 
never  switched.  This  suggests  that  switchers  were  seeking  help  with  quitting. 
In  addition,  those  who  smoked  lower  tar  cigarettes  were  slightly  more  likely 
to  have  sought  help  during  previous  quit  attempts  than  were  persons  who 
smoked  higher  tar  cigarettes. 

However,  the  data  from  the  1986  AUTS  indicate  that  the  prevalence  of 
cessation  increases  with  increasing  tar  yield  (Figure  11).  That  is,  ever-smokers 
who  smoked  higher  tar  yield  brands  were  more  likely  to  have  quit  than 
people  who  smoked  lower  tar  brands.  Respondents  who  had  never  switched 
were  more  likely  to  have  quit  smoking  than  switchers. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  10 

Percentage  of  current  smokers  who  believe  that  cigarette  smoking  is  related  to  emphysema, 
by  tar  yield^  and  history  of  switching*’:  Ages  18  and  older.  United  States,  1987 

100  r 

s6  mg  7-15  mg  alBrng  Ever  Never 

Tar  Yield  (mg)  History  of  Switching 

* Of  current  brand. 

“ Ever  switched  to  lower  tar/nicotine  brands  to  reduce  health  risks. 
Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

Table  1 

Health  concerns  and  beliefs  of  current  smokers,  by  tar  yield  and  history  of  switching^, 
by  percent:  Ages  17  and  older.  United  States,  1986 

History  of 

Tar  Yield  (mg)  Switching 






Concerned  About  Health  Effects 






Some  Brands  More  Hazardous  Than  Others 






Their  Brand  Is  Less  Hazardous  Than  Others 






• Ever  switched  to  reduce  tar  and  nicotine. 
Source:  Centers  for  Disease  Control,  1986. 


^ Chapter  4 


Table  2 

Quit  strategies  ever  used  by  current  smokers,  by  tar  yield  and  history  of  switching®,  by  percent: 
Ages  18  and  older.  United  States,  1987 

Tar  Yield  (mg) 

History  of 






Switch  to  Low  Tar 






Special  Filters 






Gradual  Reduction 






Nicotine  Gum 






The  Great  American  Smokeout 






Cold  Turkey 


















I ^ Switching  to  lower  tar  and  nicotine  brand  to  reduce  health  risks. 
Source:  National  Center  for  Health  Statistics,  1987. 

Among  persons  who  had  ever  been  regular  smokers,  those  who  smoked 
low-tar  cigarettes  and  those  who  switched  to  lower  tar  brands  were  more 
likely  to  have  made  a recent  effort  to  quit  smoking  and  relapsed  and  were 
less  likely  to  be  former  smokers  (data  not  shown).  Among  smokers  who  had 
never  tried  to  quit,  smokers  of  low-tar  cigarettes  and  those  who  switched  to 
low-tar  cigarettes  were  more  likely  to  have  considered  quitting  (data  not 

DISCUSSION  These  data  seem  to  reflect  an  interplay  of  the  forces  of  motivation  to 

quit  and  nicotine  dependence  (Russell,  1981).  Smokers  of  lower  tar  cigarettes 
appear  to  be  especially  interested  in  quitting  and  are  more  actively  seeking 
help  than  smokers  of  higher  tar  cigarettes.  Perhaps  when  lower  tar  smokers 
were  unsuccessful  in  their  attempts  to  quit,  they  switched  to  a lower  tar  brand 
to  allay  their  fears  about  the  health  consequences  of  continuing  to  smoke. 

The  tacit  health  claims  associated  with  advertisements  of  the  lower  tar  brands 
may  have  allayed  smokers'  health  concerns  (Davis,  1987).  Because  of  the 
cross-sectional  nature  of  the  data,  however,  further  research  on  the  topic  is 

Not  all  switching  is  a step  toward  quitting.  Three  of  every  five  smokers 
who  had  ever  switched  to  lower  tar  and  nicotine  brands  did  not  do  so  as  a 
quitting  strategy.  Both  low-tar  cigarette  smokers  and  ever-switchers  were 
more  likely,  compared  respectively  with  high-tar  smokers  and  persons  who 
had  never  switched  brands,  to  (1)  acknowledge  the  dangers  of  smoking. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  1 1 

Prevalence  of  cessation  among  ever-smokers,  by  tar  yield  and  history  of  switching®: 
Ages  17  and  older,  United  States,  1986 

Tar  Yield  (mg)  History  of  Switching 

^ Ever  switched  to  reduce  tar/nicotine. 

Source:  Centers  for  Disease  Control,  1986. 

(2)  say  that  their  health  has  been  affected,  (3)  be  concerned  about  health 
effects,  and  (4)  believe  that  their  cigarettes  are  safer. 

The  data  on  prevalence  of  cessation  are  especially  intriguing,  given 
that  low-tar  cigarette  smokers  and  ever-switchers  are  better  educated  and 
it  is  known  that  persons  with  more  years  of  education  are  less  likely  to  be 
smokers  and  more  likely  to  have  quit  (Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Prevention,  1994a;  Giovino  et  al.,  1994).  These  data  and  the  Pollay  (1990) 
observation  that  the  tobacco  industry  seems  to  be  targeting  lower  tar  yield 
cigarettes  toward  more  highly  educated  smokers  deserve  consideration.  I'he 
innovation  of  quitting  smoking,  which  started  among  persons  with  more 
education,  may  have  been  replaced  by  the  innovation  of  switching  to  lower 
tar  brands  (Rogers,  1983;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services, 


Chapter  4 

As  stated  by  Samet  (this  volume),  available  evidence  indicates  that 
smoking  lower  tar  cigarettes  only  minimally  reduces  smokers'  health  risks. 
The  reduced  prevalence  of  cessation  among  smokers  who  have  switched 
brands  and  smokers  of  low-yield  cigarettes,  coupled  with  beliefs  among  some 
in  the  public  that  these  cigarettes  are  safer,  suggest  that  low-yield  cigarettes 
'I  have  kept  many  smokers  smoking  who  otherwise  might  have  quit.  The  net 

1 effect  of  the  introduction  and  mass  marketing  of  these  brands,  then,  may 

j have  been  and  may  continue  to  be  an  increased  number  of  smoking- 

attributable  deaths. 



! DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I don't  know  if  you  have  these  data,  but  1 am  wondering, 

! when  smokers  in  these  surveys  make  a deliberate  switch,  do  you  have  a sense 

j of  how  big  a jump  they  make  in  the  FTC  tar  and  nicotine  values? 


DR.  GIOVINO:  We  have  begun  to  look  at  the  issue  of  the  penultimate  brand 
! vs.  the  current  or  the  last  brand.  The  reason  I can't  give  you  a direct  answer 

is  because  we  looked  at  it  as  a function  of  whether  or  not  they  smoke  more 
now  or  less  now.  And  1 will  have  to  check  this,  but  I think  it  was  about 
.2  mg  nicotine. 

DR.  HOFFMANN;  We  know  now  that  nicotine  is  one  major  reason  that 
people  smoke  or  chew  tobacco.  Therefore,  you  could  have  classified  your 
groupings  according  to  nicotine,  which  I would  have  done,  because  that  is 
why  people  smoke;  it  is  not  for  the  tar. 

DR.  GIOVINO:  1 think  the  analysis  clearly  could  be  done  both  ways,  and 
I understand  your  reasoning.  The  reason  that  I felt  comfortable  with  tar  is 
because  it  is  based  on  perceptions.  A lot  of  this  is  based  on  perceptions  of 
health  risks. 

My  guess  is  that  they  are  so  highly  correlated  that  the  analysis  would 
find  very  similar  findings,  and  if  the  committee  would  like  me  to  do  that, 
we  can  certainly  do  that. 

DR.  PETITTI:  This  is  a pretty  technical  question,  but  your  last  slide  had  a 
conclusion  that  low-tar  smokers  are  less  likely  to  be  former  smokers  and 
switchers  are  less  likely  to  be  former  smokers.  1 presume  those  are  age 
I adjusted? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  We  did  age-specific  analyses.  We  did  not  have  time  to  do 
age-adjusted  analyses.  We  used  three  age  categories:  17  to  34  years,  35  to 
64  years,  and  65  plus  years.  For  switching,  the  relationship  held  in  every 
category;  for  low  tar,  it  held  in  every  category  except  the  17  to  34  category. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I wonder  if  you  have  any  information  on  smoking  of  the 
really  ultralows,  like  1 mg  and  below,  because  there  is  some  evidence  that 
the  yields  from  those  are  really  fundamentally  different,  and  I will  be  talking 
about  that  later.  But  do  you  Imow  anything  about  the  characteristics  of 
those  smokers? 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  GIOVINO:  The  numbers  in  those  categories  became  very  small.  You 
know,  at  6 mg  or  less,  it  was  10  or  12  percent.  At  1 mg,  the  numbers  would 
have  been  .... 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  So,  no  one  is  smoking  them. 

DR.  GIOVINO:  Very  small  numbers,  yes. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Do  you  have  any  guess  or  reason  why  young  black  males 
in  particular  are  smoking  so  much  less  today,  since  it  is  obviously  not  a 
function  of  education.  Do  you  have  any  sense  of  why  that  is  happening? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  What  Dr.  Freeman  is  referring  to  are  the  trends  in  the  High 
School  Senior  data,  in  National  Health  Interview  Survey  data  among  people 
18  to  24,  in  the  National  Household  Survey  on  Drug  Abuse  data,  the  Youth 
Risk  Behavior  Survey  data,  the  TAPS  data,  and  others,  that  show  that  African- 
American  youth  are  much  less  likely  to  smoke  than  white  youth. 

1 will  take  2 minutes,  because  it  is  an  interesting  study.  It  is  not  a school 
dropout  effect,  because  when  we  look  at  dropouts,  white  kids  who  have 
dropped  out  are  much  more  likely  to  smoke  than  African-American  kids. 
Also,  regardless  of  race  and  ethnicity,  all  kids  who  drop  out  are  more  likely 
to  smoke. 

We  don't  believe  that  it  is  because  they  have  switched  to  other  drugs. 

We  have  looked  at  Monitoring  the  Future  data,  and  it  does  not  look  like 
cigarette  smoking  has  been  replaced  by  an  increased  use  of  alcohol  and 
other  drugs. 

There  are  some  data  to  suggest  that  differential  misclassification  may 
explain  some  of  the  difference.  There  was  a paper  by  Karl  Bauman  in  the 
American  Journal  of  Public  Health  that  showed  that  African-American  youth 
may  be  a little  more  likely  to  differentially  underreport  in  a household 
survey.  Household  surveys  pose  the  most  serious  concerns  about 
confidentiality,  unless  serious  steps  are  taken  to  protect  confidentiality. 

We  see  lower  smoking  rates  among  blacks  in  school  surveys,  where 
there  is  greater  privacy.  And  even  in  Bauman's  household  survey,  mean 
validated  tobacco  use  was  three  times  higher  in  white  youth  than  in  African- 
American  youth. 

To  answer  your  question  in  more  detail,  variables  like  discretionary 
income,  parental  education,  importance  of  religion,  and  how  well  they  do 
in  school  do  not  explain  it.  In  other  words,  the  trends  seem  to  be  down  in 
African-Americans  more  than  white  youth  in  just  about  all  the  subcategories 
that  we  have  carved  out. 

There  are  ex[)lanations,  and  some  were  presented  in  the  1994  Surgeon 
General's  report:  There  have  been  changes  in  attitudes  about  smoking, 
and  the  attitudes  held  by  African-American  youth  changed  in  a much  more 
health-promoting  direction  than  the  attitudes  among  white  youth.  There 


Chapter  4 

appears  to  have  been  some  sort  of  social  climate  change,  such  that  cigarette 
smoking  does  not  appear  to  be  as  socially  acceptable  among  African- 
Americans;  there  are  certainly  some  reports  of  grassroots  involvement  at 
the  church  and  other  levels. 

There  also  appears  to  be  a differential  concern  about  the  potential 
weight-controlling  effects  of  cigarettes,  with  African-American  youth  being 
less  obsessed  with  slimness  than  white  youth. 

It  is  a very  intriguing  phenomenon  and  one  that  we  have  examined  in 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Is  this  reflected  in  the  18-  to  24-year-old  group? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  The  prevalence  trends  have  definitely  translated  into  the 
18-  to  24-year-old  age  group,  and  even  in  the  25  to  29  age  group.  African- 
Americans  start  smoking  about  a year  later  in  life,  but  the  differences  we 
are  seeing  are  not  enough,  and  we  are  definitely  seeing  translation  into  the 
young  adult  population. 

DR.  STITZER:  One  more  question  on  the  youth.  Your  data  seem  to 
contradict  the  popular  wisdom  that  youth  begin  with  light  cigarettes. 

I wondered  if  there  were  any  data  suggesting  that  they  do  play  some  role 
in  initiation  or  original  experimental  use? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  Some  of  that  dogma,  if  I understand  it  right,  is  that  it  might 
have  influenced  young  girls  starting  because  they  were  less  irritating,  and 
that  seems  to  be  part  of  the  scenario.  Young  girls  are  more  likely  to  have 
used  the  lights  or  the  ultralights,  to  the  extent  that  the  cross-sectional  data 
can  tell  us  exactly. 

I find  myself  thinking  this,  and  again,  this  is  hypothesis  generation: 

You  see  a lot  more  ads  for  regular  cigarettes  than  you  do  for  light  cigarettes, 
especially  if  you  think  about  Marlboros,  Camels,  Newports,  etc.  Regardless 
of  the  reason,  it  is  possible  that  they  start  on  the  regulars,  that  the  thought 
of  quitting  occurs  to  them,  they  have  difficulty  quitting  and  the  thought  is, 
"Well,  I have  got  to  do  something  here,  so  maybe  I will  switch."  It  is  a 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  A number  of  years  ago,  Fred  Silverstein,  Scott  Feldon,  and 
I published  a paper  in  the  Journal  of  Health  and  Social  Behavior  on  the  role  of 
low-yield  cigarettes  and  the  recruitment  to  smoking,  particularly  in  women, 
we  found,  in  a school  sample. 

And  you  have  to  think  that  there  were  some  young  women  who  were 
particularly  sensitive  to  the  effects  of  smoking.  Not  all  were.  In  other  words, 
a small  percentage  of  the  market  were  under  great  social  pressure  to  take  up 
smoking,  and  the  low-yield  cigarette,  smoked  without  vent  blocking  and  so 
on,  provided  a nice  trial-sized  dose.  So,  it  helped  some  people,  but  it  was  not 
across  the  board. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


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Chapter  5 

Cigarette  Smoke  Components  and  Disease: 
Cigarette  Smoke  Is  IVIore  Xhan  a Xriad  of  Xar, 
Nicotine,  and  Carbon  IVIonoxide 

Jeffrey  E.  Harris 

INTRODUCTION  Cigarette  smoke  is  a complex  mixture  of  chemicals.  Some  smoke 
components,  such  as  carbon  monoxide  (CO),  hydrogen  cyanide  (HCN),  and 
nitrogen  oxides,  are  gases.  Others,  such  as  formaldehyde,  acrolein,  benzene, 
and  certain  N-nitrosamines,  are  volatile  chemicals  contained  in  the  liquid- 
vapor  portion  of  the  smoke  aerosol.  Still  others,  such  as  nicotine,  phenol, 
polyaromatic  hydrocarbons  (PAHs),  and  certain  tobacco-specific  nitrosamines 
(TSNAs),  are  contained  in  the  submicron-sized  solid  particles  that  are 
suspended  in  cigarette  smoke. 

In  view  of  this  chemical  complexity,  cigarette  smoke  has  multiple, 
highly  diverse  effects  on  human  health.  It  is  not  unexpected  that  multiple 
chemicals  in  cigarette  smoke  can  contribute  to  any  single  adverse  health 

Thus,  HCN  may  affect  the  human  respiratory  system  by  its  toxic  effects 
on  the  cilia  that  line  the  respiratory  tract.  At  the  same  time,  HCN  may  cross 
the  placenta  and  have  toxic  effects  on  the  growing  fetus.  In  addition,  HCN 
also  may  cause  nerve  damage  in  cigarette  smokers  with  optic  neuropathy 
(Costagliola  et  al.,  1989).  Although  the  PAHs  and  TSNAs  in  the  particulate 
phase  of  cigarette  smoke  are  known  carcinogens,  catechols  and  phenols  in 
the  particulate  phase  also  are  considered  carcinogens  or  tumor  promoters. 
Benzene  and  formaldehyde  in  the  liquid-vapor  portion  of  the  smoke  also 
may  be  carcinogenic. 

Aside  from  specific  chemical  constituents,  certain  physical-chemical 
properties  of  smoke  may  participate  in  disease  processes.  Thus,  the  pH  of 
the  smoke  may  affect  the  site  and  degree  of  nicotine  absorption  as  well  as  the 
smoker's  depth  of  inhalation.  The  oxidation-reduction  state  of  the  smoke  can 
be  important  because  oxidants  influence  the  maturing  of  cholesterol-laden 
plaques  in  the  coronary  arteries  and  other  blood  vessels.  In  short,  cigarette 
smoke  is  far  more  than  a triad  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  This 
fact  needs  to  be  considered  carefully  in  any  discussion  of  the  adequacy  of 
current  cigarette  testing  methods  or  current  cigarette  labeling  practices. 

MAINSTREAM  VS.  Both  smokers  and  nonsmokers  can  incur  adverse  health 
SIDESTREAM  effects  from  the  smoke  of  burning  cigarettes.  Smokers  inhale 

CIGARETTE  SMOKE  mostly  mainstream  (MS)  smoke,  which  is  drawn  through 

the  burning  tobacco  column  and  filter  tip  and  exits  through  the  mouthpiece 
of  the  cigarette.  Nonsmokers  inhale  mostly  sidestream  (SS)  smoke,  which  is 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

emitted  into  the  surrounding  air  between  puffs  from  the  end  of  the  smolder- 
ing cigarette.  Sidestream  smoke  is  the  major  source  of  environmental  tobacco 
smoke  (ETS). 

Although  SS  and  MS  smoke  have  qualitatively  similar  chemical 
compositions,  the  respective  quantities  of  individual  smoke  constituents 
can  be  quite  different  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services, 

1987  and  1989).  For  example,  in  studies  of  nonfilter  cigarettes  smoked 
by  machines,  the  yield  of  CO  in  undiluted  SS  smoke  was  2.5-  to  4.7-fold 
that  of  MS  smoke,  whereas  the  corresponding  SS/MS  ratio  for  N- 
nitrosodimethylamine  (NDMA),  an  animal  carcinogen,  was  0.2 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989).  In  one  compilation 
of  toxic  and  tumorigenic  agents  in  cigarette  smoke,  the  SS/MS  ratio  ranged 
from  0.03  to  130  (Hoffmann  and  Hecht,  1990).  In  another  study,  the 
concentration  of  the  carcinogen  4-aminobiphenyl  in  undiluted  SS  smoke 
was  32-fold  that  of  MS  smoke.  The  SS  smoke  from  so-called  reduced-yield 
cigarettes  does  not  necessarily  have  reduced  emissions  of  toxic  and 
carcinogenic  chemicals  (Adams  et  al.,  1987;  Rando  et  al.,  1992). 

Whereas  exposure  to  SS  smoke  depends  on  the  distance  from  the 
burning  cigarette  and  conditions  of  ventilation,  the  higher  concentrations 
of  certain  toxic  and  carcinogenic  chemicals  in  SS  smoke  result  in  measurable 
levels  of  these  chemicals  in  nonsmokers  exposed  to  ETS.  For  example, 
nonsmokers  exposed  to  relatively  high  concentrations  of  SS  smoke  have 
detectable  urinary  levels  of  the  metabolites  of  the  tobacco-specific 
nitrosamine  4-(methylnitrosamine)-l-(3-pyridil)-l-butanone  (NNK) 

(Hecht  et  al.,  1993).  Young  children  exposed  to  ETS  via  their  smoking 
mothers  have  detectable  levels  of  PAH-albumin  adducts  in  their  blood 
(Crawford  et  al.,  1994). 

Exposures  to  specific  chemical  agents  in  ETS  can  in  turn  produce 
pathological  effects  in  humans  and  in  animal  models.  The  CO  in  SS  smoke 
reduces  the  blood's  ability  to  deliver  oxygen  to  the  heart,  an  effect  that  is 
especially  important  in  patients  with  coronary  heart  disease  (CHD)  (Sheps  et 
al.,  1990).  Secondhand  cigarette  smoke  activates  blood  platelets,  which  in 
turn  play  a role  in  the  development  of  atherosclerotic  plaques  in  CHD 
(Glantz  and  Parmley,  1995). 

I he  remainder  of  this  chapter  focuses  on  the  chemical  components  of 
MS  smoke  and  their  health  effects  on  cigarette  smokers;  however,  the 
components  of  SS  smoke  and  their  health  effects  on  nonsmokers  cannot 
be  ignored. 

MAJOR  HEALTH  The  major  health  effects  of  cigarette  smoke  include: 


noncancerous  lung  diseases; 

atherosclerotic  diseases  of  the  heart  and  blood  vessels;  and 
toxicity  to  the  human  reproductive  system. 




Chapter  5 


Other  health  effects  of  cigarette  smoke,  such  as  retardation  of  healing  of 
peptic  ulcers  and  interaction  with  certain  therapeutic  drugs,  are  not 
considered  in  detail  here. 

The  epidemiologic  evidence  on  the  degree  (if  any)  to  which  filter-tipped 
and  low-tar  cigarettes  have  reduced  the  risks  of  smoking-related  diseases  are 
reviewed  by  Samet  (this  volume). 

The  psychoactive  drug  in  cigarette  smoke  is  nicotine.  Cigarette  smoking 
is  a highly  controlled  form  of  self-administration  of  this  drug.  Nicotine  use 
is  self-reinforcing.  Attempts  to  stop  smoking  lead  to  craving,  withdrawal 
symptoms,  and  high  rates  of  relapse  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1988;  Harris,  1993).  The  psychoactive  effects  of  nicotine  are 
discussed  in  detail  in  chapters  by  Benowitz  (this  volume)  and  Henningfield 
and  Schuh  (this  volume). 

Cigarette  smoking  causes  cancers  of  the  lung,  esophagus,  larynx,  oral 
cavity,  bladder,  and  pancreas  in  male  and  female  smokers.  In  fact,  cigarette 
smoking  is  the  major  cause  of  lung  cancer  in  the  United  States,  accounting 
for  90  percent  of  cases  in  men  and  79  percent  in  women  (U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989).  Smoking  is  also  reported  to  increase 
the  risks  of  cancers  of  the  kidney,  liver,  anus,  penis,  and  uterine  cervix  as 
well  as  several  forms  of  acute  leukemia  (Garfinkel  and  Bofetta,  1990; 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1982,  1989,  and  1990). 

Numerous  epidemiological  studies  covering  the  experience  of  millions 
of  men  and  women  over  many  years  show  that  smokers'  risks  of  developing 
cancer  increase  with  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  daily,  the  lifetime 
duration  of  smoking,  and  early  age  of  starting  smoking.  Smoking  cessation 
gradually  reduces  cancer  risk,  although  a persistent  excess  risk  has  been 
observed  even  two  decades  after  cessation  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1989  and  1990).  Cigarette  smoke  interacts  with  other 
causative  agents,  including  alcohol,  asbestos,  radon  daughters,  certain  viruses, 
and  certain  workplace  exposures,  in  the  development  of  human  cancers 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1982,  1989,  and  1990). 

Condensates  collected  from  cigarette  smoke  cause  mutations  and  damage 
to  DNA  (deoxyribonucleic  acid)  in  laboratory  assays  of  mutagenesis  (Cairola, 
1982)  as  well  as  malignant  transformation  (in  laboratory  tests)  of  a chemical's 
ability  to  induce  malignant  changes  in  mammalian  cells.  The  most  widely 
used  experimental  system  is  the  mouse  skin  bioassay,  in  which  cancers  are 
induced  by  the  repeated  application  of  condensates  of  cigarette  smoke  to 
the  shaved  skins  of  mice. 

Humans  naturally  puff  on  cigarettes.  The  puffed  smoke,  in  a volume 
of  about  30  to  70  mL,  is  temporarily  retained  in  the  smoker's  mouth,  after 
which  it  may  be  inhaled  deeply  into  the  lungs.  By  contrast,  some  laboratory 
animals  breath  by  panting,  and  others  are  obligate  nose  breathers.  Even  with 
installation  of  smoke  through  artificial  airways,  it  can  be  quite  difficult  to 
get  the  animals  to  inhale  deeply,  as  human  smokers  do.  Accordingly,  the 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

distribution  and  retention  of  smoke  components  in  the  respiratory  systems 
of  laboratory  animals  may  not  mimic  natural  human  smoking.  Nevertheless, 
long-term  smoke  inhalation  regularly  induces  tumors  of  the  larynx  in  Syrian 
golden  hamsters.  Direct  installation  of  cigarette  tar  into  the  airways  of 
laboratory  animals  causes  lung  cancers  (Hoffmann  and  Hecht,  1990; 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1982). 

MS  cigarette  smoke  contains  more  than  three  dozen  distinct  chemical 
species  considered  to  be  tumorigenic  in  humans  or  animals  (Hoffmann  and 
Hecht,  1990;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1982  and 
1989).  Among  the  most  prominent  are  PAHs  such  as  benzo(fl)pyrene  (BaP); 
aza-arenes  such  as  dibenzo-acridine;  N-nitrosamines  such  as  NDMA;  aromatic 
amines  such  as  4-aminobiphenyl;  aldehydes  such  as  formaldehyde;  other 
organics  such  as  benzene;  and  certain  inorganic  compounds  such  as  arsenic, 
nickel,  and  chromium.  Some  of  these  chemicals  alone  are  capable  of 
initiating  tumors  in  laboratory  animals;  others  can  promote  the  development 
of  previously  initiated  cancers.  Still  others  indicate  direct  human 
epidemiological  evidence  of  carcinogenicity. 

Certain  chemical  components  of  smoke  may  contribute  to  specific 
cancers.  For  example,  TSNAs  may  contribute  to  cancers  of  the  lung,  larynx, 
esophagus,  and  pancreas,  whereas  4-aminobiphenyl  and  certain  aryl  amines 
may  contribute  to  cancer  of  the  bladder  (Vineis,  1991).  Benzene  in  cigarette 
smoke  may  play  a role  in  smoking-induced  leukemia  (Melikian  et  al.,  1993). 

NONCANCEROUS  Cigarette  smoking  is  the  main  cause  of  chronic  obstructive  lung 

LUNG  DISEASES  disease  (COLD),  also  called  chronic  obstructive  pulmonary  disease 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984a).  Smoking  accounts 
for  84  percent  of  COLD  deaths  in  men  and  79  percent  in  women  (U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989). 

COLD  is  a slowly  progressive  illness  that  develops  after  repeated  insults 
to  the  lung  over  many  years.  In  the  early  years  after  starting  to  smoke,  an 
individual  may  report  no  symptoms.  However,  even  at  this  early  stage 
breathing  tests  can  often  detect  abnormalities  in  the  small  terminal  airways 
of  the  lung  (Beck  et  al.,  1981;  Seely  et  al.,  1971;  U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1984a),  and  these  abnormalities  have  been  directly 
observed  in  autopsy  studies  of  young  smokers  who  died  suddenly 
(Niewoehner  et  al.,  1974).  For  smokers  in  their  twenties,  there  is  already  a 
dose-response  relationship  between  the  extent  of  abnormal  lung  tests  and 
the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  daily.  In  random  population  surveys,  from 
17  to  60  percent  of  adult  smokers  younger  than  age  55  have  detectable  small 
airway  dysfunction  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984a). 

Over  the  course  of  an  individual's  two  decades  or  more  of  smoking,  a 
constellation  of  chronic  respiratory  changes  develops.  I'hese  chronic  lung 
injuries  include  (1 ) mucus  hypersecretion  with  chronic  cough  and  phlegm;  , 
(2)  airway  thickening  and  narrowing,  resulting  in  obstruction  to  airflow  I 
during  expiration;  and  (3)  emphysema,  that  is,  abnormal  dilation  of  the  air  i 
spaces  at  the  end  of  the  res[)iratory  tree,  with  destruction  of  the  walls  lining 


Chapter  5 

the  air  sacs,  resulting  in  further  airflow  obstruction.  These  changes  can 
cause  significant  respiratory  impairment,  disability,  and  death.  Although 
individual  patients  vary  in  the  relative  contribution  of  these  three  changes, 
those  with  clinically  severe  COLD  typically  have  all  three. 

Although  a minority  of  cigarette  smokers  will  develop  clinically 
severe  COLD,  some  chronic  deterioration  in  lung  structure  or  function  is 
demonstrable  in  most  long-term  smokers  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1984a).  Some  smokers  show  more  chronic  cough  and 
phlegm,  others  more  airway  obstruction.  In  general,  breathing  function 
declines  with  the  increase  in  a person's  cumulative  exposure  to  smoke, 
measured  in  pack-years  (Dockery  et  al.,  1988). 

Cigarette  smoke  produces  pathological  changes  in  the  lungs  of  smokers 
by  a number  of  different  mechanisms  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1990).  Cigarette  smoke  is  toxic  to  the  cilia  that  line  the 
central  breathing  passages.  These  cilia,  in  combination  with  mucus 
secretions,  defend  against  deep  inhalation  of  foreign  material  (U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984a).  Smoking  also  induces 
many  abnormalities  in  the  inflammatory  and  immune  systems  within  the 
lung  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1985).  In  particular, 
cigarette  smoke  causes  inflammatory  cells  to  produce  an  enzyme  called 
elastase,  which  in  turn  breaks  down  elastin,  an  important  protein  that  lines 
the  elastic  walls  of  the  air  sacs  (Fera  et  al.  1986;  U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1984a).  Moreover,  oxidants  present  in  cigarette  smoke 
can  inactivate  a separate  protective  enzyme  called  alpha^-antitrypsin,  which 
inhibits  the  destructive  action  of  elastase  Qanoff,  1985;  U.S.  Department  of 
Health  and  Human  Services,  1984a). 

Many  organic  and  inorganic  chemicals  in  the  gaseous,  volatile,  and 
particulate  phases  of  cigarette  smoke  appear  to  contribute  to  smoke's 
toxicity  to  the  respiratory  system,  including  hydrocarbons,  aldehydes, 
ketones,  organic  acids,  phenols,  cyanides,  acrolein,  and  nitrogen  oxides. 

Some  components  contribute  to  the  development  of  chronic  mucus 
hypersecretion  in  the  central  airways,  whereas  others  play  a greater  role 
in  the  production  of  small  airway  abnormalities  and  emphysematous  injury 
to  the  peripheral  air  sacs.  Oxidizing  agents  in  smoke  inhibit  the  enzymes 
that  defend  against  the  destruction  of  lung  elastin  (U.S.  Department  of 
Health  and  Human  Services,  1984a). 

ATHEROSCLEROTIC  Cigarette  smoking  is  a major  contributing  cause  to  CHD,  stroke, 

CARDIOVASCULAR  and  other  atherosclerotic  diseases  of  the  circulatory  system  (U.S. 

DISEASES  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984b  and  1989). 

Atherosclerosis  is  a chronic  disease  that  can  affect  the  arterial  blood 
vessels  in  virtually  every  part  of  the  human  body.  The  most  important 
form  of  atherosclerosis  in  the  United  States  is  coronary  atherosclerosis. 

Its  manifestations,  which  include  angina,  heart  attack,  heart  failure,  and 
sudden  death,  are  described  by  the  inclusive  term  coronary  heart  disease. 
Atherosclerosis  involving  the  arteries  supplying  the  brain  is  a form  of 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

cerebrovascular  disease.  Atherosclerosis  involving  the  arteries  to  the  limbs  is 
called  peripheral  vascular  disease  (PVD). 

In  numerous  epidemiologic  studies  of  millions  of  people,  cigarette 
smokers  have  been  found  to  have  higher  rates  of  heart  attack,  sudden  death, 
and  other  manifestations  of  CHD.  They  also  have  higher  rates  of  stroke,  PVD, 
and  other  atherosclerotic  lesions  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1984b  and  1989;  U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare, 
1979).  In  the  Cancer  Prevention  Study  II  (CPS-II)  of  more  than  1 million 
people  followed  from  1982  through  1986,  men  currently  smoking  had  a 
94-percent  greater  risk  of  CHD  than  lifelong  nonsmokers,  whereas  women 
currently  smoking  had  a 78-percent  greater  risk.  In  smokers  younger  than 
age  65,  men  had  a 181-percent  greater  risk  and  women  a 200-percent  greater 
risk  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989). 

Cigarette  smoking  is  sometimes  called  an  independent  risk  factor  for 
CHD  because  smokers'  CHD  rates  are  found  to  be  higher  even  when  other 
risk  factors  such  as  gender,  blood  pressure,  and  cholesterol  level  are  taken  into 
account.  It  is  sometimes  called  a modifiable  risk  factor  because  one  can 
reduce  or  stop  smoking.  Although  smoking  obviously  cannot  be  a cause  of 
CHD  in  someone  who  never  smoked,  it  can  be  an  important  contributor  to 
CHD  in  a smoker.  Among  548,000  deaths  from  CHD  in  the  United  States  in 
1985,  an  estimated  115,000  would  not  have  occurred  but  for  the  presence  of 
cigarette  smoking  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989). 

Cigarette  smoke  appears  to  enhance  the  atherosclerotic  process  by  several 
different  mechanisms  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1990; 
Glantz  and  Parmley,  1995).  Cigarette  smoking  affects  cholesterol  metabolism. 
Smokers  repeatedly  have  been  observed  to  have  lower  levels  of  the  protective 
high-density  lipoprotein  (HDL)  cholesterol  (Willett  et  al.,  1983),  and  smoking 
cessation  raises  HDL  cholesterol  (Rabkin,  1984).  In  animal  models,  cigarette 
smoke  can  damage  the  inner  lining  of  blood  vessels,  thus  enhancing  the 
transfer  of  low-density  lipoprotein  (LDL)  cholesterol  particles  across  the 
arterial  wall  and  into  the  developing  cholesterol-laden  plaque  (Krupski  et  al., 
1987;  Zimmerman  and  McGeachie,  1987;  Penn  et  al.,  1994).  Cigarette 
smoking  also  can  affect  the  blood  clotting  system,  including  the  adherence 
of  blood  platelets  to  the  lining  of  arterial  blood  vessels  (Pittilo  et  al.,  1984; 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984b;  Burghuber  et  al., 

1986)  and  the  formation  of  blood  clots  that  block  a narrowed  artery.  Acrolein 
in  cigarette  smoke  may  be  partly  responsible  for  its  platelet-adhering  effects 
(Selley  et  al.,  1990).  Cigarette  smoke  also  can  cause  spasm  of  the  coronary 

Many  chemical  components  of  cigarette  smoke  have  been  implicated  in 
the  development  of  atherosclerotic  disease.  Nicotine,  the  major  psychoactive 
component  of  smoke,  causes  powerful  changes  in  heart  rate  and  blood 
circulation.  Nicotine  appears  to  cause  injury  to  the  arterial  lining  (Krupski  et 
al.,  1987).  Carbon  monoxide  in  cigarette  smoke  binds  to  the  hemoglobin  in 
red  blood  cells,  thereby  reducing  the  oxygen-carrying  capacity  of  the  blood 
(Sheps  et  al.,  1990).  PAHs,  such  as  7,12-dimethylbenz(«,/;)anthracene  and 



Chapter  5 

BaP,  have  been  found  to  accelerate  the  development  of  atherosclerosis  in 
animal  models;  this  suggests  that  cell  injury  and  cell  proliferation  (or 
hyperplasia)  may  contribute  to  the  development  of  the  growing  plaque 
(Glantz  and  Parmley,  1991).  Hydrogen  cyanide,  nitrogen  oxides,  and 
chemical  components  of  cigarette  tar  also  have  been  implicated.  Free 
radicals  in  cigarette  smoke,  which  are  highly  reactive  oxygen  products, 
are  damaging  to  the  heart  muscle  cells  (Church  and  Pryor,  1985). 

CIGARETTE  SMOKING  Cigarette  smoking  adversely  affects  sexual  and  reproductive 

AND  HUMAN  function  in  women  in  a number  of  different  ways.  Cigarette 

REPRODUCTION  smoking  appears  to  impair  female  fertility  (Baird  and  Wilcox, 

1985;  Daling  et  al.,  1987;  Mattison,  1982;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1980).  Among  the  possible  mechanisms  are  direct  toxicity 
to  eggs,  interference  with  motility  in  the  female  reproductive  tract,  and 
alterations  in  immunity  that  predispose  female  smokers  to  infections  that 
block  the  Fallopian  tubes  (Chow  et  al.,  1988). 

Maternal  cigarette  smoking  has  serious  adverse  effects  on  the  outcome 
of  pregnancy.  These  include  retarded  fetal  growth;  low  birth  weight; 
spontaneous  abortion;  certain  complications  of  pregnancy,  labor,  and 
delivery,  such  as  bleeding  during  pregnancy  and  prolonged  premature 
rupture  of  membranes;  and  infant  death  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1980,  1989,  and  1990;  U.S.  Department  of  Health, 
Education,  and  Welfare,  1979).  Direct  nicotine  toxicity  has  been  suggested 
as  a mechanism  for  spontaneous  abortion  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1990).  Although  a smoking-induced  reduction  in  maternal 
weight  gain  contributes  to  fetal  growth  retardation  (U.S.  Department  of 
Health  and  Human  Services,  1980;  Werler  et  al.,  1985),  the  evidence  points 
to  oxygen  starvation  of  the  fetus  and  placenta  as  important  factors.  Carbon 
monoxide  in  cigarette  smoke  can  cross  the  placenta  and  bind  to  the 
hemoglobin  in  fetal  blood.  Smoking  causes  constriction  of  the  umbilical 
arteries,  impairing  placental  blood  flow.  Nicotine,  which  also  crosses  the 
placenta,  can  have  a number  of  toxic  effects  on  the  fetus  (U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1980).  The  carcinogen  4-aminobiphenyl 
crosses  the  placenta  in  a mother  who  smokes  and  adducts  with  the 
hemoglobin  in  the  fetus'  blood  (Coghlin  et  al.,  1991).  Cyanide,  another 
component  of  cigarette  smoke,  also  has  been  implicated. 

Women  currently  smoking  enter  nonsurgical  menopause  about  1 to 
2 years  earlier  than  nonsmokers  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1990).  Heavy  smokers  experience  an  even  earlier  menopause  than 
light  smokers.  This  effect  has  important  consequences  for  women's  health, 
because  the  rates  of  osteoporosis  and  atherosclerotic  cardiovascular  diseases 
increase  after  menopause.  One  proposed  mechanism  for  early  menopause  is 
that  PAHs  in  smoke  are  directly  toxic  to  ovarian  follicles  (Mattison,  1980). 

Cigarette  smoking  also  may  affect  male  reproductive  performance.  In 
several  studies,  men  who  report  impotence  (i.e.,  the  inability  to  maintain  an 
erection  sufficient  for  intercourse)  were  more  likely  to  be  cigarette  smokers. 
This  association  between  smoking  and  impotence  is  particularly  common 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

among  men  who  have  high  blood  pressure  or  diabetes  and  appears  to  be 
a consequence  of  increased  atherosclerotic  disease  in  the  blood  vessels 
supplying  the  genitalia  rather  than  an  effect  on  sexual  drive. 

ABSOLUTE  RISK  Human  epidemiology  can  be  used  to  estimate  quantitatively  the 
VS.  RELATIVE  risk  of  specific  diseases  to  human  smokers.  For  example,  in  the 
RISK  CPS-11  study  of  smoking  practices  and  mortality  rates  among 

1.2  million  U.S.  adults  followed  from  1982  through  1986,  about  0.8  percent 
of  current  male  smokers  ages  65  or  older  died  of  lung  cancer  each  year  (U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989),  whereas  the  comparable 
annual  lung  cancer  death  rate  was  about  0.04  percent  among  men  ages  65  or 
older  who  never  smoked.  These  quantitative  risk  estimates  are  often  termed 
"absolute  risks."  That  the  continuing  smokers'  risk  of  lung  cancer  was 
twentyfold  that  of  nonsmokers  is  an  expression  of  "relative  risk." 

Estimating  relative  risks  from  analyses  of  chemical  composition  of 
different  cigarettes  is  far  more  complicated.  For  example,  the  smoke  from 
cigarette  A might  contain  0.05  mg  of  BaP,  a known  carcinogen,  whereas 
the  smoke  from  cigarette  B might  contain  0.02  mg  of  BaP.  To  estimate 
human  lung  cancer  risks  from  these  data  alone  would  require  a number  of 
assumptions  relating  the  dose  of  BaP  to  the  incidence  lung  cancer  in  humans. 
Whereas  cigarette  A had  2.5-fold  as  much  BaP  as  cigarette  B,  it  cannot  be 
concluded  automatically  that  the  relative  risk  of  getting  lung  cancer  for 
those  smoking  cigarette  A is  2.5-fold  greater  than  those  smoking  cigarette  B. 
The  relative  concentrations  of  benz(a)anthracene,  another  carcinogen  in  the 
PAH  group,  might  be  higher  or  lower. 

Toxicity  studies  in  nonhuman  species  also  can  give  estimates  of 
relative  risk,  but  applying  these  estimates  directly  to  humans  requires 
caution.  The  fact  that  the  smoke  from  cigarette  C might  produce  twice  as 
many  revertants  as  cigarette  D in  a particular  strain  of  the  Ames  salmonella 
assay  is  an  indicator  that  C contains  higher  concentrations  of  certain 
mutagens.  Likewise,  if  cigarette  E produced  three  times  as  many  tumors  as 
cigarette  F in  a mouse  skin  carcinogenesis  assay,  we  can  conclude  that 
cigarette  E contains  higher  concentrations  of  certain  carcinogens,  including 
tumor  initiators  and  tumor  promotors  (DuMouchel  and  Harris,  1983). 

TAR,  NICOTINE,  Some  studies  (e.g.,  Adams  et  al.,  1987)  suggest  that  the  yields 

CARBON  MONOXIDE,  of  most  toxic  agents  in  cigarette  smoke  are  correlated  with 
AND  OTHER  SMOKE  their  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  deliveries.  Still  other  studies 

CONSTITUENTS  show  the  correlation  to  be  weak  at  best.  Kaiserman  and 

Rickert  (1992)  found  a 0.89  correlation  between  the  declared  tar  level  and 
the  BaP  delivery  of  35  brands  of  Canadian  cigarettes.  However,  for  16-mg 
tar  brands,  the  measured  BaP  ranged  from  15  to  28  ng  per  cigarette.  Fischer 
and  colleagues  (1991)  found  no  correlation  between  tar  delivery  and  the 
concentration  of  certain  TSNAs  in  170  Imropean  cigarettes. 

I he  lack  of  a perfect  correlation  between  tar  values  and  specific  chemical 
yields  is  not  simply  an  artifact  of  measurement  error.  As  Hoffmann  and 
colleagues  (this  volume)  report,  there  are  many  alternative  methods  to  reduce 


Chapter  5 

cigarette  smoke  constituents,  including  various  filter  designs,  changes  in 
paper  porosity,  mixing  of  tobacco  species,  and  the  use  of  reconstituted 
tobacco  sheets  and  expanded  tobacco.  However,  all  these  methods  do  not 
reduce  every  smoke  constituent  uniformly.  For  example,  perforated  filter 
tips  selectively  reduce  the  volatile  and  gaseous  components  of  cigarette 
smoke,  whereas  reconstituted  tobacco  sheets  reduce  BaP  and  tar  but  not 
acrolein  or  acetaldehyde.  Likewise,  as  reported  by  Hoffmann  and  coworkers 
(this  volume),  the  increased  hurley  tobacco  content  (and  with  it,  the  nitrate 
content)  of  at  least  one  marketed  cigarette  resulted  in  an  increase  in  the 
delivery  of  NNK,  a tobacco-specific  nitrosamine,  over  the  course  of  three 

In  a study  of  cigarette  brands  sold  in  the  United  Kingdom  from  1983 
through  1990,  Phillips  and  Waller  (1991,  p.  469)  concluded  that,  "with  the 
exception  of  nitrogen  monoxide,  which  is  strongly  dependent  upon  the 
type  of  tobacco,  and  the  delivery  of  some  phenols  and  PAHs,  which  may 
be  affected  to  a minor  extent  by  the  design  of  cigarette,"  the  three  routinely 
monitored  smoke  components  (tar,  nicotine,  and  CO)  provided  "an  adequate 
guide"  to  the  yields  of  the  other  chemical  entities  examined.  However,  as 
the  foregoing  review  of  cigarette  smoke  constituents  and  disease  suggests, 
the  exceptions  may  prove  the  rule.  It  would  be  unscientific  to  claim  that 
the  absolute  human  risk  or  even  the  relative  risk  of  a particular  brand  of 
cigarettes  is  lower  merely  because,  on  average,  everything  but  TSNAs,  phenols, 
and  PAHs  seems  to  be  lower.  With  phenols  and  related  flavorant  compounds 
implicated  in  smoke-induced  chromosomal  damage  Qansson  et  al.,  1988), 
it  would  seem  that,  at  minimum,  biological  testing  would  be  warranted. 

As  discussed  elsewhere  in  this  volume,  the  yields  of  nicotine  and  carbon 
monoxide  are  significantly  influenced  by  the  smoker's  style  or  "topography" 
of  smoking,  including  number  of  puffs,  interval  between  puffs,  velocity  and 
volume  of  each  puff,  depth  of  draw,  length  of  cigarette  smoked,  depth  of 
inhalation  into  the  lungs,  and  other  factors.  It  is  possible  that  these 
differences  in  smoking  topography  might  selectively  influence  the  yields 
of  some  smoke  chemicals  more  than  others.  Fischer  and  colleagues  (1989) 
found  that  TSNA  yields  depended  on  the  total  volume  of  smoke  inhaled 
by  the  smoker  and  that  total  smoke  volume  was  increased  for  smokers 
of  low-  and  medium-tar  cigarettes.  Studies  of  smokers'  exposure  to  specific 
carcinogenic  compounds  (e.g.,  by  measurement  of  PAH  adducts  to  DNA)  do 
not  always  show  a relationship  between  exposure  and  self-reported  smoking 
intensity  (Santella  et  al.,  1992). 

SMOKE  CONSTITUENTS,  Henningfield  and  colleagues  (1994)  recently  proposed 

CIGARETTE-RELATED  modified  labeling  of  cigarettes.  Their  proposed  new 

DISEASE,  AND  MODIFIED  new  cigarette  label  included  a warning  statement; 

LABELING  OF  CIGARETTES  categorization  of  nicotine  yield;  nicotine  content;  tar, 
nicotine,  and  CO  deliveries  (average  and  maximal);  harmful  additives;  and 
information  about  factors  affecting  nicotine  delivery.  The  use  of  a nicotine- 
yield  category  was  intended  to  replace  such  marketing  terms  as  "light"  and 
"ultralight."  These  authors  noted,  "An  additional  strategy  that  could  be  used 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

to  assist  consumers  in  making  informed  decisions  would  be  to  fully 
disclose  the  tobacco  smoke  constituents  of  potential  health  significance, 
analogous  to  harmful  constituent  disclosure  of  foods"  (Henningfield  et  al., 
1994,  pp.  312-313). 

The  new  nutritional  labels  mandated  by  the  Food  and  Drug 
Administration  (FDA)  on  all  packaged  foods  contain  information  on  a 
wide  array  of  vitamins,  minerals,  cholesterol,  total  fat,  and  saturated  fat. 
These  labels  reflect  the  product's  characteristics.  They  make  no  pretense 
that  any  two  individuals  will  eat  breakfast  cereal  in  the  same  way.  Nor 
do  they  imply  that  each  and  every  consumer  will  understand  or  want  to 
understand  each  and  every  entry  on  the  label. 

In  the  same  way,  the  author  has  designed  a "mock"  cigarette  label 
(Figure  1)  to  indicate  what  such  an  FDA-style  label  for  cigarettes  might  look 
like.  This  is  a sample  and  is  not  intended  to  reflect  any  current  brand  on  the 
market.  The  opening  box  gives  an  explanation  as  well  as  a warning  about 
the  ways  in  which  a smoker  can  obtain  higher  yields  by  changing  his  or  her 
style  of  smoking.  Then  some  "basic  cigarette  facts"  would  be  included,  such 
as  length,  type  of  filter,  and  weight  of  tobacco.  In  addition  to  data  on  the 
range  of  yields  of  tar  (total  particulates  less  nicotine)  and  nicotine,  the  label 
would  show  the  range  of  yields  of  important  smoke  chemicals. 

The  concept  of  full  disclosure  of  cigarette  characteristics  is  entirely 
consistent  with  the  current  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  method.  In 
fact,  the  current  FTC  measurements  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  are  included 
in  the  proposed  mock  label.  In  addition,  as  we  move  to  an  era  where  both 
short-  and  long-term  biological  testing  have  become  commonplace  in 
industry,  one  might  imagine  a rating  system  based  on  the  Ames  test,  skin 
painting,  and  other  studies.  Illustrative  results  for  such  biological  testing 
are  included  in  the  mock  label. 

One  might  object  that  such  detailed  disclosure  of  cigarette  characteristics 
will  confuse  the  smoker.  Such  an  assertion  is  unscientific  and  unfair.  To 
publish  a label  that  discloses,  for  example,  the  tobacco-specific  nitrosamine 
contents  of  a particular  brand  of  cigarettes  is  no  more  confusing  or 
complicated  than  printing  a label  that  discloses  the  riboflavin  and  potassium 
yields  of  a particular  brand  of  breakfast  cereal.  It  would  be  remarkable 
to  discover  cereal  manufacturers  or  consumer  advocates  arguing  that  the 
vitamin  contents  or  trace  metal  levels  of  cereals  should  be  withheld  from 
consumers  because  vitamin  E and  zinc  levels  might  correlate — at  least 
roughly — with  dietary  fiber  contents. 


I'o  a limited  degree,  researchers  have  studied  consumers'  responses  to 
advertised  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  of  cigarettes.  But  there  are  no  data — at 
least  in  the  public  domain — on  the  possible  effects  of  providing  consumers 
with  additional  cigarette-specific  information  of  the  type  considered  in  the 
mock  label. 


i Chapters 

Figure  1 

1 "Mock"  cigarette  label 

; Our  tar/nicotine  label  has  changed!  The  Food  and  Drug  Administration  now  requires  each  pack  of 
1 HARRIS  Ultras  to  display  the  deliveries  of  the  most  important  chemicals  in  your  cigarette  smoke.  Your 
i own  smoke  intake  of  these  chemicals  may  vary  from  low  to  high  depending  on  the  size  of  your  puffs, 
the  number  of  puffs  per  minute,  the  depth  of  your  draw,  and  how  far  you  smoke  your  cigarette  down  to 
• the  filter  overwrap.  For  a factsheet  about  the  new  cigarette  label,  write  to:  New  Cigarette  Label 

Factsheet,  P.O.  Box  7551,  Brookline,  MA  02146. 

1 Basic  Cigarette  Facts 

1 Cigarette  Length 

100  mm 

i Cigarette  Diameter 

8 mm 

1 Length  of  Filter  Plus  Plugwrap 

20  mm 

: Total  Cigarette  Weight 

1 .20  gm 

! Tobacco  Weight 

0.90  gm 

i Type  of  Filter 

Cellulose  Acetate 

Design  of  Filter 


U.S. -Grown  Tobacco 


Cigarettes  Per  Pack 


Delivery  Per  Cigarette 



i Nicotine 

1.0  mg 

1.5  mg 

; Carbon  Monoxide 

14  mg 

20  mg 

Carcinogenic  PAHs 

0.1  pg 

0.2  pg 

Tobacco-Specific  Nitrosamines 

0.3  pg 

2.0  pg 

Hydrogen  Cyanide 

0.4  mg 

0.6  mg 


60  pg 

140  pg 


20  pg 

100  pg 

Nitrogen  Oxides 

0.1  mg 

0.4  mg 


200  pg 

400  pg 


45  pg 

60  pg 


0.1  pg 

0.2  pg 

Total  Particulates  Less  Nicotine 

6 mg 

16  mg 

Redox  Potential  of  Smoke 

160  mV 

240  mV 

1 pH  of  Whole  Smoke 



' Biological  Test  Results 

: Ames  Salmonella 


ii  Tracheal  Installation 


1 Mammalian  Cell  Transformation 


' Syrian  Golden  Hamster  Inhalation 


i!  Mouse  Skin  Carcinogenesis 


1 Antielastase  Test 


INGREDIENTS:  Domestic  flue-cured,  Burley,  and  oriental  leaf  tobaccos;  flavorants  (including  menthol 

in  HARRIS  ULTRAGREENS),  and  humectants,  including  diethylene  glycol.  Citric 
acid  added  to  cigarette  paper.  Residues  of  maleic  hydrazide  (a  suckercide  used  in 

1 tobacco  growing)  less  than  1 part  per  million. 


1 WARNING:  Keep  out  of  reach  of  children! 

Key:  PAHs  = polyaromatic  hydrocarbons. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

In  any  case,  smokers  constitute  only  the  demand  side  of  the  cigarette 
market.  On  the  supply  side  are  a handful  of  cigarette  manufacturers  who, 
so  far  as  is  known,  go  to  considerable  lengths  to  determine  the  detailed 
characteristics  of  competitors'  products.  From  time  to  time,  a cigarette 
manufacturer  will  disclose  the  level  of  a particular  chemical  in  a particular 
brand.  One  classic  example  is  the  claim  by  one  manufacturer,  in  the  early 
1960's,  that  a particular  brand  delivered  smoke  with  reduced  phenol,  an 
announcement  that  coincided  with  scientific  reports  that  the  phenol  in 
cigarette  smoke  inhibited  the  cilia  lining  in  the  respiratory  tract.  However, 
without  systematic  and  complete  disclosure  requirements,  such  "competition" 
will  remain  haphazard  at  best.  In  1989  the  tar  content  was  listed  on  only 
14  percent  and  the  nicotine  content  on  only  11  percent  of  U.S.  cigarette 
packages  (Davis  et  al.,  1990). 

Enhanced  and  complete  disclosure  of  cigarette  characteristics  by  a 
standardized  label  would  create  a basis  for  more  effective  competition  among 
manufacturers.  If  Hoffmann  and  colleagues'  (this  volume)  data  are 
generalizable,  then  the  growing  trend  toward  use  of  hurley  tobaccos  in 
American  cigarettes  might  have  resulted  in  increased  deliveries  of  TSNAs, 
even  as  other  smoke  constituents  have  declined.  Without  specific  disclosure 
of  tobacco-specific  nitrosamines,  it  is  unclear  how  this  deleterious  trend 
would  be  reversed  or  even  detected.  As  economists  know,  competition  among 
manufacturers  over  a specific  brand  characteristic,  such  as  a cigarette's  TSNA 
delivery,  does  not  require  that  the  average  smoker — or  even  most  smokers — 
know  what  a "nitrosamine"  is. 


DR.  HOFFMANN;  We  go  through  stages  in  all  research;  so  we  go  through 
stages  in  tobacco  research.  The  first  stage  was  to  identify  those  agents  that, 
in  the  laboratory  animal,  cause  disease.  The  second  stage  we  are  in  now  is  a 
biomarker  stage.  This  gives  us  4-aminobiphenol,  bihemoglobin,  and  tobacco- 
specific  nitrosamines. 

I do  think  we  are  now  in  a better  position  to  judge  the  relationship  between 
smoke  components  and  disease.  One  should  not  forget  that  we  have  now 
moved  past  the  stage  of  biomarkers  where  it  is  solely  the  identification  of 
agents,  and  I do  think  one  should  not  have  such  a negative  outlook. 

DR.  HARRIS:  Yes.  I did  not  include  as  possible  endpoints  by  which  to 
compare  individual  cigarettes  the  possibility  that  these  components  may 
be  found  bound  to  the  hemoglobin  and  red  cells,  or  circulating  proteins, 
or  albumen  in  the  blood.  It  is  a fact  that  certain  biomarkers,  certain 
hydrocarbons,  4-aminobicarbons,  and  other  compounds,  have  been  now 
found  bound  to  blood  proteins  or  other  compounds,  not  only  among  those 
who  smoke  cigarettes,  but  recently,  in  the  Journal  of  the  National  Cancer 
Institute,  among  those  who  are  expo.sed  passively  to  cigarette  smoke. 

Whether  those  can  be  used  for  a com[)arative  analysis  of  different  cigarettes 
I do  not  know.  Hut  1 would,  in  order  at  least  to  be  provocative  or  speculative. 

Chapter  5 

state  that  we  will  soon  be  entering  an  era  when  we  can  make  comparisons 
among  cigarettes  by  more  than  merely  standards  of  chemical  constituents. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  I imagine  that  the  HARRIS  ULTRA  is  an  ultralow-tar 
cigarette,  and  it  is  perforated.  And  so,  like  other  current  1-mg  tar  cigarettes, 
it  might  be  80  or  90  percent  perforated,  so  you  get  air  dilution  of  between 
80  and  90  percent.  1 am  disappointed  that  the  label,  in  talking  about 
compensatory  smoking  factors,  does  not  mention  the  issues  of  vent  blocking 
and  staying  away  from  the  vents,  because  in  fact,  increased  puff  numbers 
would  have  a relatively  small  effect,  if  this  90-percent  dilution  factor  was 
not  eliminated. 

DR.  HARRIS:  In  designing  that  mock  label,  I did  not  attempt  to  be 
scientifically  precise  as  to  absolutely  everything  one  would  put  in  about 
proper  directions  for  use  or  factors  that  might  affect  yield.  Actually,  your 
yields  could  vary,  and  then  afterward  put  in  a perforated  tip.  If  you  will 
look  carefully,  it  was  a 6-mg  tar  cigarette  but  with  very  high  nicotine — 

1 mg  of  nicotine. 

One  could  argue,  however,  that  if  one  is  to  continue  to  publish  what 
basically  are  the  FTC  data,  expanded  possibly  to  include  a high  or  low  range, 
or  to  include  other  constituents,  that  there  ought  to  be  something  about 
directions  for  appropriate  use. 

DR.  HEADEN:  Dr.  Harris,  in  proposing  a possible  design  for  a cigarette  label, 

I would  like  to  know  your  opinion  of  who  you  think  the  audience  is  for  that 
label.  Is  it  the  tobacco  industry  and  other  regulators  who  might  possibly  be 
able  to  interpret  the  information  that  you  have?  Is  it  the  consumer,  who 
might  smoke  that  cigarette,  many  of  whom  have  lower  educational  levels, 
or  would  it  be  both? 

DR.  HARRIS:  I think  it  would  have  to  be  considerate  of  everyone  and, 
although  it  may  sound  as  if  I would  add  the  results  of  additional  constituents 
just  to  satisfy  some  intellectually  rarified  audience,  I raise  the  question,  why 
do  we  put  such  a large  array  of  constituents  on  our  ordinary  food  supply? 
Some  people  might  argue  that  we  should  not  insult  consumers  by  assuming 
that  they  cannot  pick  and  choose,  to  understand  or  use  meaningfully  some 
forms  of  information  rather  than  others.  At  this  point,  unless  there  is  a 
solid  confirmation  that  all  those  constituents  of  smoke,  or  characteristics 
of  cigarettes,  are  simply  summarized  by  the  amount  of  tar,  one  wonders 
whether  the  lack  of  that  information  is  at  least  deceiving  some  people. 

That  is  the  best  I can  do  to  answer  that. 

DR.  SONDIK:  Dr.  Harris,  the  label  is  intriguing,  and  I would  not  want  to 
spend  too  much  time  on  it,  but  a couple  of  points  might  differentiate  it 
from  the  FDA  label,  which  I happen  to  believe  is  one  of  the  major  advances 
in  nutrition.  The  FDA  label  is  designed  to  aid  people  in  developing  their 
diets.  Their  diet  consists  of  all  types  of  food,  and  the  idea  is  to  integrate 
all  of  these  things  together,  which  is  the  idea  behind  putting  all  of  these 
different  measurements  on  it,  not  just  a single  measurement,  such  as 
calories,  for  example,  or  total  fat. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

The  second  thing  is,  that  label  must  have  education  along  with  it.  And 
that  is  part  of  the  program  in  NCI,  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  the  FDA, 
and  others  who  are  involved  in  a very  intense  education  program — to  try  to 
be  sure  that  the  public  knows  how  to  interpret  a label  like  this.  So,  in  a 
sense,  that  label  is  more  complex  and  aimed  at  a variety  of  types  of  decisions. 

I would  think  that  a label  such  as  you  proposed  would  be  aimed  at 
perhaps  a single  decision,  which  is  whether  or  not  this  is  a useful  thing  for 
me  to  do,  trading  off  whatever  my  immediate  gain  might  be,  and  pleasure, 
vs.  long-term  health  effects.  Is  there  a way  of  getting  that  onto  the  label? 

DR.  HARRIS:  1 do  not  know.  It  also  has  occurred  to  me  that  once  more 
dimensions  to  cigarettes  are  specifically  disclosed,  that  would  be  the  basis  of 
further  competition  among  cigarette  manufacturers.  So,  the  manufacturers 
would  then  be  seeing  not  only  whether  a cigarette  is  low  or  high  in  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide,  but  in  other  specific  components,  too. 

That  means  that  while  the  consumer  does  not  specifically  choose  among 
high-  or  low-benzo(u)pyrene  cigarettes,  the  disclosure  of  such  contents 
provides  an  incentive  for  manufacturers  to  try  to  reduce  that  component. 
This  is  the  same  way  that  the  disclosure  of  saturated  fat  contents  in  certain 
breakfast  cereals  or  other  foods,  even  without  consumer  knowledge, 
provides  an  incentive  for  some  manufacturers  to  try  to  reduce  that  content. 
Nevertheless,  it  provides  some  incentive  on  the  supply  side,  not  just  the 
demand  side. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I know  that  you  are  not  intending  to  be  totally 
comprehensive  about  your  mock  insert,  or  label,  and  I think  it  is  worthwhile 
keeping  in  mind  the  parallel  with  foods.  If  you  are  talking  about  limiting 
intake,  there  really  are  only  two  contents  that  we  know  about  that  might 
limit  intake.  One  is  the  amount  of  the  tobacco  in  the  cigarette,  which  you 
did  put  down,  and  the  other  is  the  amount  of  nicotine  contained  in  there, 
which  is  something  that  people  do  not  often  think  about.  But  the  amount 
of  nicotine  in  tobacco  limits  what  a person  can  get.  And  the  intake  of 
nicotine  is  not  necessarily  correlated  at  all  with  the  yield. 

So,  I think  that  when  we  think  about  any  sort  of  labeling  for  content, 
the  nicotine  content,  which  is  the  maximum  available  dose  one  could  get, 
should  really  be  a part  of  it. 

DR.  HARRIS:  1 noticed  that  that  was  in  your  original  proposal,  and  1 am  not 
an  expert  on  the  degree  to  which  nicotine  content  is  very  limiting  for  how 
many  smokers.  1 would  rather  defer  that  to  a later  discussion,  as  to  how 
irn[)ortant  that  is. 


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Chapter  5 

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT  Financial  support  from  the  National  Cancer  Institute  is 
acknowledged,  but  the  contents  of  this  manuscript  are  the  author's  sole 



Chapter  6 

Xhe  Changing  Cigarette  and  Disease  Risk: 
Current  Status  of  the  Evidence 

Jonathan  M.  Samet 

INTRODUCTION  Since  the  early  1950's  when  filter  tip  cigarettes  were  first  widely 
introduced,  the  cigarette  has  evolved  continually  through  modifications 
intended  to  reduce  yields  of  tar  and  nicotine  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1991).  Following  the  introduction  of  the  filter  tip  cigarette, 
sales-weighted  averages  of  tar  and  nicotine  deliveries  show  a temporal  trend 
of  declining  yield,  which  continues  to  the  present  (Figure  1).  In  the  face 
of  continued  modifications  of  the  cigarette  and  the  seemingly  associated 
changes  in  exposure  of  smokers  to  cigarette  smoke  components,  questions 
have  been  raised  concerning  the  implications  of  the  changing  cigarette  for 
disease  risks  in  smokers. 

Only  epidemiologic  studies  can  provide  information  on  modification  of 
the  risks  of  smoking  as  the  cigarette  has  evolved,  and  only  epidemiologic  data 

Figure  1 

Tar  and  nicotine  content  of  U.S.  cigarettes,  sales-weighted  average  basis,  1957-1987 

1955  1960  1965  1970  1975  1980  1985  1990 


Source:  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1989. 



Sales-Weighted  Nicotine  (mg) 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

can  measure  the  risks  of  cigarettes  under  the  "natural"  circumstances  of  use. 
However,  the  dynamic  nature  of  the  exposure  (Figure  1)  challenges  the 
epidemiologic  researcher  to  classify  accurately  the  pattern  of  cigarette  use 
when  changes  are  made  that  may  not  be  indexed  by  tar  and  nicotine  yields 
measured  with  a smoking  machine. 

In  considering  the  health  implications  of  the  changing  cigarette, 
the  concepts  of  exposure  and  dose  are  fundamental.  Exposure  has  been 
defined  by  the  National  Research  Council  (1991)  as  the  amount  of  material 
potentially  available  for  interaction  with  a human,  that  is,  material  in  contact 
with  a person  at  a boundary,  whether  that  boundary  be  the  skin,  lung,  or  the 
alimentary  tract.  On  the  other  hand,  dose  is  the  amount  of  material  that 
enters  the  organism.  Dose  may  be  further  classified  as  the  internal  dose 
(i.e.,  the  amount  of  material  deposited)  or  as  the  biologically  effective  dose 
(i.e.,  the  amount  of  material  delivered  to  some  biologically  relevant  site). 
Changes  in  the  cigarette  can  be  interpreted  as  potentially  leading  to  changes 
in  exposure;  the  health  consequences  of  changing  exposure  vary  with  any 
resultant  changes  in  dose  of  components  of  cigarette  smoke  that  cause  disease. 

The  physiological  functioning  of  the  lung  is  also  relevant  to 
understanding  the  linkages  in  changes  in  the  cigarette  to  changes  in 
exposure  and  dose.  The  lung  is  a complex  organ  with  several  different 
"compartments,"  including  the  upper  airway  that  extends  from  the  nose 
and  mouth  to  the  larynx;  the  airways  of  the  lung  itself,  which  include  the 
trachea,  bronchi,  and  bronchioles;  and  the  parenchyma  of  the  lung,  which 
includes  the  interstitium  and  the  airspaces,  or  alveoli.  The  lung  behaves  as 
a filter  that  absorbs  and  deposits  gaseous  and  particulate  components  of 
smoke  throughout  its  surfaces  during  the  act  of  smoking.  The  sites  and 
extent  of  deposition  of  inhaled  mainstream  components  vary,  depending 
on  solubility  and  other  characteristics  of  gas  phase  components  and  the 
sizes  of  the  particles.  Cigarette  smoke  is  a dynamic  mixture  in  the  respiratory 
tract,  changing  with  humidification  of  the  mixture,  growth  of  particles, 
and  changing  composition  as  components  are  selectively  removed  by  the 
filtration  process  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1984). 

These  physiological  considerations  imply  that  there  is  no  simple  relationship, 
linear  or  nonlinear,  between  reported  tar  and  nicotine  yields — a measure 
of  exposure — and  biologically  effective  doses  of  toxic  smoke  components 
delivered  to  the  sites  of  injury  in  the  respiratory  tract. 

The  measures  of  cigarette  smoking  used  in  epidemiologic  research  on 
smoking  and  health  can  be  classified  as  estimating  either  exposure  or  dose. 

I he  most  widely  used  measures,  for  example,  information  on  cigarette 
smoking  (duration  of  smoking,  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day,  and 
type  or  brand  of  cigarettes  smoked),  are  exposure  measures.  Biomarkers  that 
can  be  inter{)reted  as  indicators  of  dose  include  levels  of  carboxyhemoglobin,  1 
nicotine,  and  cotinine  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  i 

1990).  Thus,  for  ei)idemiological  i)urposes,  researchers  use  exposure  measures,  ^ 
typically  obtained  by  questionnaire,  and  dose  measures,  based  on  biomarkers.  i 
l or  exam[)le,  cigarettes  smoked  j)er  day  is  an  exposure  measure,  whereas  f 


Chapter  6 

pack-years  (packs  smoked  per  day  multiplied  by  the  number  of  years  smoked) 
is  a cumulative  exposure  measure.  An  estimate  of  kilograms  of  tar  deposited 
in  the  lung  is  an  absorbed  dose  measure;  nanograms  of  benzo(a)pyrene,  for 
example,  reaching  basal  cells  might  be  considered  a biologically  effective  dose 
for  carcinogenesis.  New  markers  take  dose  measures  to  the  molecular  level 
(Vineis  and  Caporaso,  1995). 

To  assess  the  consequences  of  changes  in  the  cigarette,  it  is  necessary  to 
have  information  on  how  changes  in  tar  and  nicotine  yield,  as  assessed  by 
the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  method,  affect  dose  measures,  extending 
to  the  molecular  level.  Any  new  approach  to  testing  cigarette  yields  should 
be  designed  to  be  informative  both  as  an  exposure  measure  and  as  an 
indicator  of  biologically  relevant  doses  of  cigarette  smoke  components. 



Epidemiologic  evidence  is  available  on  the  effect  of  the  changing 
cigarette  on  all-cause  mortality  and  on  three  major  categories  of 
disease  caused  by  cigarette  smoking:  lung  and  other  cancers, 
nonmalignant  respiratory  diseases,  and  cardiovascular  disease 
(CVD).  The  Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  The  Changing  Cigarette. 
A Report  of  the  Surgeon  General  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1981)  addressed  the  changing  cigarette,  covering 
the  relevant  toxicologic  and  epidemiologic  evidence.  This  chapter  considers 
key  epidemiologic  publications  since  that  report  but  does  not  provide  a 
systematic  overview  of  the  many  studies  on  the  changing  cigarette. 

The  principal  study  designs  that  have  been  used  to  address  the  health 
consequences  of  the  changing  cigarette  are  the  ecological  study,  a descriptive 
approach  conducted  at  the  group  level,  and  cohort  and  case-control  studies, 
analytic  approaches  conducted  at  the  individual  level.  Cross-sectional  studies 
have  proven  informative  in  investigating  nonmalignant  respiratory  diseases. 
The  ecological  approach  is  exemplified  by  a comparison  of  temporal  changes 
in  rates  of  smoking-related  diseases  with  patterns  of  consumption  of  various 
types  of  cigarettes.  The  American  Cancer  Society  (ACS)  studies  of  large 
groups  of  volunteer  participants  are  cohort  studies;  the  participants  were 
enrolled,  information  about  smoking  was  obtained  on  enrollment  and 
periodically  thereafter,  the  population  was  followed  over  time,  and  mortality 
was  ascertained.  Some  of  the  earliest  evidence  on  smoking  and  lung  cancer 
was  obtained  in  the  classic  case-control  studies  conducted  by  Doll  and  Hill 
(1950)  and  Wynder  and  Graham  (1950).  In  these  studies,  the  smoking  habits 
of  patients  hospitalized  with  lung  cancer  were  compared  with  the  smoking 
habits  of  control  patients  having  another  disease. 

Evidence  from  epidemiologic  studies  has  well-known  strengths  and 
limitations  (Rothman,  1986).  Epidemiologic  research  has  had  a central  role 
in  characterizing  the  consequences  of  the  changing  cigarette  because  it 
supplies  direct  information  on  the  consequences  of  varying  tar  and  nicotine 
yield  products.  Thus,  the  findings  inherently  consider  compensatory 
changes  in  inhalation  patterns  or  in  numbers  of  cigarettes  smoked  and 
provide  the  evidence  needed  to  answer  the  question  of  immediate  public 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

health  relevance:  whether  disease  risk  varies  with  cigarette  tar  and  nicotine 
yield  as  determined  by  the  FTC  method. 

Exposure  misclassification  is  a potential  threat  to  the  validity  of  studies  I 
of  the  changing  cigarette.  Typically,  the  exposure  of  smokers  to  cigarettes  I 
of  varying  tar  and  nicotine  yields  is  estimated  based  on  information  on  | 

brands  and  types  of  cigarettes  smoked.  However,  smokers  may  not  be  able  ; 

to  provide  a fully  accurate  history  of  brands  used  throughout  their  lifetimes;  , 

therefore,  estimates  of  tar  and  nicotine  yield  are  potentially  subject  to  error 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1990).  The  consequences 
of  misclassification  include  biased  estimates  of  the  effect  of  tar  and  nicotine 
yields  and  reduction  of  statistical  power.  Additional  methodological  concerns  I 
include  the  possibility  of  selection  bias  if  smokers  affected  by  symptoms 
or  disease  tend  to  switch  to  lower  yield  products;  another  concern  is 
confounding  by  other  aspects  of  lifestyle  if  smokers  of  lower  yield  cigarettes  j 
differ  substantially  in  lifestyle  characteristics  from  those  smoking  higher  yield  ; 
products.  However,  the  research  challenge  of  studying  the  consequences  of 
the  changing  cigarette  is  no  different  from  the  challenge  posed  by  other  j 
complex  mixtures  of  inhaled  agents,  and  epidemiologic  research  has  the  j 
advantage  of  integrating  the  effects  of  the  mixture,  even  though  individual  j 
components  may  be  interacting  in  ways  that  are  difficult  to  characterize.  | 


Lung  Cancer  The  ACS's  Cancer  Prevention  Study  I (CPS-I)  provided  early  evidence  j 
on  the  risks  of  lower  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes  (Hammond  et  al.,  1976).  j 

CPS-1  included  about  1 million  volunteers  who  were  followed  from  1960  to  i 

1972.  Mortality  was  examined  by  three  categories  of  tar  intake — high,  jj 

medium,  and  low.  For  all  causes  of  mortality  and  for  lung  cancer  mortality,  jj. 
the  standardized  mortality  ratios  declined  as  estimated  tar  or  nicotine  intake  jiii 
declined  (Table  1).  The  findings  were  similar  for  males  (Table  1)  and  for  jl 

females  (data  not  shown).  However,  comparison  with  mortality  in  never-  i| 

smokers  shows  that  smokers  of  even  the  lowest  tar  and  nicotine  products  ‘j 
nonetheless  had  substantially  higher  mortality  rates.  : 

Other  studies  have  had  similar  findings  for  lung  cancer.  Wynder  and  jf 
colleagues  at  the  American  Health  Foundation  have  conducted  an  ongoing  ! 
case-control  study  of  smoking  and  lung  cancer  that  provides  information  on  ' 
cigarette  type  and  lung  cancer  risk  over  decades  since  the  1950's.  Reports  i 
from  this  study  have  consistently  shown  that  smokers  of  lower  tar  products,  I 
indexed  in  a variety  of  ways,  have  reduced  lung  cancer  risk  (Wynder  et  al.,  : 
1970;  Wynder  and  Rabat,  1988).  For  example,  in  a recent  report  based  on 
cases  from  the  late  1970's  and  early  1980's,  risks  were  examined  separately  ■; ! 
for  persons  with  squamous  cell  and  sniall  cell  carcinomas  of  the  lung  j' 

(Kreyberg  1)  and  adenocarcinoma  of  the  lung  (Kreyberg  11)  (Wynder  and 
Rabat,  1988).  .Smoking  was  classified  as  100  percent  filter,  100  percent  j 

nonfilter,  or  intermediate,  by  number  of  switchers  from  nonfilter  to  filter. 

For  smokers  of  filter  cigarettes  only,  risks  were  approximately  10  to  30  percent 
less  than  those  of  smokers  of  nonfilters  only  ( Fable  2).  I 


;|  Chapter  6 

Table  1 

Standardized  mortality  ratios  for  men  in  Cancer  Prevention  Study  I for  total 
mortality,  lung  cancer,  and  coronary  heart  disease  (CHD)  by  tar  and  nicotine 

Tar  and  Nicotine  Intake 





Total  Deaths 









Lung  Cancer 


















® High  = 2.0  to  2.7  mg  nicotine  and  25.8  to  35. 7 mg  tar. 
Medium  = intermediate. 

Low  = <1.2  mg  nicotine  and  tar  generally  <17.6  mg. 
Source:  Hammond  et  al.,  1976. 

Table  2 

Adjusted  odds  ratios  and  95-percent  confidence  intervals  for  males  in  the 
American  Health  Foundation  case-control  study,  by  level  of  filter  smoking 

Pattern  of  Smoking 

Tumor  Type 

Kreyberg  1 

Kreyberg  II 











Nonfilter  Only 




Switchers  (1-9  years) 




0.61  - 1.51 

Switchers  (10-t-  years) 


0.49  - 0.90 


0.53  - 1.18 

Filter  Only 


0.37  - 1 .27 


0.43  - 1 .54 

Source:  Wynder  and  Kabat,  1988. 

A multicenter  case-control  study  conducted  in  Europe  during  the  late 
1970's  also  provided  information  on  cigarette  type  and  lung  cancer  risk 
(Lubin  et  al.,  1984).  In  this  study,  risk  for  lung  cancer  increased  progressively 
! in  both  males  and  females  as  the  proportion  of  filter  use  declined  from 

I 100  percent.  Findings  were  similar  in  a case-control  study  that  was 

conducted  in  New  Mexico  from  1980  through  1983,  although  a linear 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

dose-response  relationship  between  lung  cancer  risk  and  the  extent  of  filter 
cigarette  smoking  was  not  observed  (Pathak  et  al.,  1986).  Other  recent  case- 
control  studies  have  provided  comparable  results  (Wilcox  et  al.,  1988; 
Kaufman  et  al.,  1989). 

Temporal  patterns  of  lung  cancer  rates  also  have  been  interpreted  as 
indicating  lower  lung  cancer  risks  among  smokers  of  lower  tar  and  nicotine 
cigarettes.  It  has  been  suggested  that  the  recent  decline  in  lung  cancer 
mortality  rates  among  younger  males  may  reflect  changes  in  the  cigarette 
(World  Health  Organization,  1986).  This  downturn  has  been  observed  in 
the  United  States  and  other  countries  (Gilliland  and  Samet,  1994). 

Nonmalignant  Cigarette  smoking  has  diverse  effects  on  the  structure  and  function  of 

Respiratory  the  lung  and  is  a cause  of  chronic  bronchitis  and  chronic  obstructive 

Diseases  pulmonary  disease  (COPD)  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 

Services,  1984).  The  persistent  obstruction  to  airflow  in  the  lung  that  is  the 
hallmark  of  COPD  reflects  underlying  changes  in  the  small  airways  of  the 
lung  and  emphysema,  which  is  the  permanent  destruction  of  the  air  spaces 
of  the  lung.  Chronic  bronchitis,  a condition  of  chronic  sputum  production, 
reflects  hyperplasia  of  the  lining  of  the  airways  of  the  lung  and  mucous  gland 
proliferation.  Compared  with  nonsmokers,  smokers  have  a greater  frequency 
of  cough  and  production  of  phlegm,  manifestations  of  the  inflammation  of 
the  lung  and  increased  mucus  production  secondary  to  smoking,  and 
wheezing;  smokers  also  have  lower  lung  function. 

A significant  number  of  adults  in  the  United  States  have  COPD,  which 
now  causes  more  than  60,000  deaths  annually  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1984).  The  natural  history  of  this  disorder  has  been 
described  through  longitudinal  investigations  that  have  monitored  lung 
function  over  time  in  smokers  and  nonsmokers  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1984;  Sherman  et  al.,  1993).  In  nonsmokers,  lung 
function  increases  through  late  adolescence  and  early  adulthood,  maintains 
a plateau  across  the  third  and  fourth  decades,  and  then  begins  to  decline. 

In  smokers,  the  decline  begins  at  a younger  age  and  tends  to  be  steeper. 

The  rate  of  decline  increases  with  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day 
but  varies  widely  among  smokers.  With  continued  smoking,  those  with 
more  rapid  rates  of  decline  eventually  deteriorate  to  a level  of  lung  function 
associated  with  impairment,  and  COPD  is  diagnosed.  Although  cessation 
earlier  in  the  evolution  of  the  disease  is  followed  by  return  of  the  rate  of 
decline  to  that  of  nonsmokers  (U.S.  Dej)artment  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1990),  smoking  cessation  at  this  point  in  the  natural  history  of 
the  disease  is  not  followed  by  im[)rovement  in  lung  function. 

l indings  have  been  reported  that  provide  insights  concerning  tar  and 
nicotine  yields  and  res[)iratory  sym[)toms  and  lung  function  level.  Auerbach 
and  c(41eagues  (1979)  quantitated  smoking-related  changes  in  the  lungs  of 
men  having  autopsies  at  a Veterans  Administration  hospital  in  New  Jersey.  In 
a rigorously  investigated  series  of  autopsied  lungs,  these  investigators  showed 
that  smokers  from  a period  during  which  cigarettes  had  com{)aratively  high 
yields  (A  tar  and  nicotine  (1955  to  1960)  had  more  changes  in  the  airways  at 


Chapter  6 

various  smoking  levels  compared  with  smokers  from  a later  period  (1970  to 
1977).  They  interpreted  this  temporal  pattern  as  indicating  that  cigarettes 
with  lower  tar  and  nicotine  yields  had  less  effect  on  lungs  than  did  higher 
yield  cigarettes. 

A number  of  studies  have  shown  that  smokers  of  lower  yield  cigarettes 
have  comparatively  lower  rates  of  respiratory  symptoms.  Respiratory 
questionnaire  data  collected  in  the  late  1970's  from  approximately 
6,000  Pennsylvania  women  are  illustrative  (Schenker  et  al.,  1982).  The  brand 
of  cigarettes  currently  smoked  was  determined  and  used  with  FTC  tar  yield 
information  to  classify  the  smokers  by  tar  exposure.  Tar  yield  was  positively 
associated  with  cough  and  phlegm  but  not  with  wheezing  or  shortness  of 
breath.  For  cough  and  phlegm,  there  were  consistent  exposure-response 
relationships  with  an  approximate  doubling  of  symptom  frequency  from 
the  lowest  to  the  highest  exposure  category  (Table  3).  The  findings  of  other 
studies  are  similar.  For  example,  a large  study  of  civil  servants  in  the  United 
Kingdom,  the  Whitehall  study,  showed  that  the  percentage  of  smokers 
reporting  phlegm  increased  with  tar  yield  within  each  stratum  of  cigarettes 
smoked  per  day,  even  the  lowest  (Higenbottam  et  al.,  1980). 

Table  3 

Absolute  and  relative  risks  of  chronic  cough  and  chronic  phlegm  in  Pennsylvania 
women  by  smoking  status,  cigarettes  smoked  per  day  (CPD),  and  tar  yield  of 
current  brand 

Chronic  Cough 

Chronic  Phlegm 




Relative  Risk 


Relative  Risk 











Current  Smokers 
1-14  CPD 

7 mg  tar 





1 5 mg  tar 





22  mg  tar 





15-24  CPD 

7 mg  tar 





1 5 mg  tar 





22  mg  tar 





25+  CPD 

7 mg  tar 





1 5 mg  tar 





22  mg  tar 





Source:  Schenker  et  al.,  1982. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Respiratory  morbidity  also  has  been  investigated.  Follovymp  of  outpatient 
visits  by  enrollees  in  a Kaiser-Permanente  group  over  1 year  showed  that  there 
was  a reduced  risk  for  pneumonia  and  influenza  but  not  other  respiratory 
conditions,  associated  with  use  of  low-tar  and  -nicotine  products  (Petitti  and 
Friedman,  1985a).  However,  in  comparison  with  nonsmokers,  smokers  using 
low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarettes  had  an  increased  risk  for  pneumonia, 
influenza,  and  COPD. 

Not  all  studies  show  less  disease  associated  with  lower  yield  cigarettes. 

One  recent  study  from  Finland  found  that  symptom  levels  in  young  smokers 
who  were  just  initiating  smoking  did  not  depend  greatly  on  tar  yield  (Rimpela 
and  Teperi,  1989).  In  this  6-year  followup  study,  the  youths  were  surveyed 
on  several  occasions,  and  the  relationship  between  tar  yield  and  symptom 
onset  was  determined.  There  was  little  evidence  of  less  symptom  occurrence 
in  the  new  smokers  using  low-tar  cigarettes  in  comparison  with  those 
smoking  higher  tar  cigarettes.  Moreover,  symptoms  were  far  more  frequent 
in  the  smokers  of  low-tar  cigarettes  in  comparison  with  nonsmokers.  In  a 
randomized  trial  in  the  United  Kingdom,  lower  tar  cigarettes  were  not 
associated  with  either  lower  symptom  frequency  or  higher  level  of  ventilatory 
function,  as  assessed  by  measuring  the  peak  expiratory  flow  rate  (Withey  et 
al.,  1992a  and  1992b).  The  investigators  monitored  urinary  nicotine 
metabolites  and  concluded  that  compensation  led  to  comparable  levels 
across  the  trial  period. 

The  evidence  does  not  suggest  a relationship  between  tar  yield  and  lung 
function  level.  For  example,  in  the  Whitehall  study  (Higenbottam  et  al., 
1980),  there  was  no  cross-sectional  relationship  between  tar  yield  and  level 
of  the  forced  expiratory  volume  in  1 second.  In  the  Normative  Aging  Study 
(Sparrow  et  al.,  1983),  a longitudinal  study  of  U.S.  veterans,  tar  yield  of  the 
usual  brand  of  cigarettes  smoked  was  not  associated  with  decline  of  forced 
expiratory  volume  in  1 second. 

C:ardiuva.vcular  Harris  (this  volume)  discusses  mechanisms  by  which  cigarette  smoking  causes  CVD.  Through  some  of  these  mechanisms,  cigarette 

smoking  is  anticipated  to  increase  the  incidence  of  new  cases  (i.e.,  to  cause 
more  disease),  whereas  other  mechanisms  are  anticipated  to  exacerbate  the 
status  of  those  who  already  had  disease  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1990).  Thus,  factors  promoting  atherogenesis  would 
increase  incidence,  whereas  factors  such  as  sympathomimetic  stimulation 
by  nicotine  or  impairment  of  oxygen  delivery  by  carbon  monoxide  might 
be  expected  to  have  more  immediate  effects  and  contribute  to  morbidity 
and  mortality  among  those  with  coronary  artery  disease. 

Strong  evidence  does  not  exist  for  either  lower  incidence  or  less  morbidity 
from  coronary  heart  disease  (CUD)  among  smokers  of  lower  yield  cigarettes. 

In  the  American  Cancer  Society's  Cd’S-1  study  (Hammond  et  al.,  1976), 
smokers  (A  lower  tar  |)roducts  did  have  lower  mortality  from  heart  disease 
('fable  1 ).  On  the  other  hand,  two  case-control  studies  carried  out  during 


Chapter  6 

the  1980's,  one  involving  men  (Kaufman  et  al.,  1989)  and  the  other 
involving  women  (Palmer  et  al.,  1989),  did  not  show  evidence  of  reduced 
risk  for  smokers  smoking  lower  nicotine  products.  Both  studies  included 
persons  with  a first  and  nonfatal  myocardial  infarction.  In  the  1980-1981 
study  of  men  younger  than  54,  neither  nicotine  nor  carbon  monoxide  yields 
of  current  brand  were  associated  with  risk  of  myocardial  infarction  (Table  4). 
From  1985  to  1988,  a similar  case-control  study  of  women  as  old  as  65  with 
nonfatal  myocardial  infarction  also  showed  no  relationship  between  nicotine 
or  carbon  monoxide  yields  of  current  brand  of  cigarettes  and  risk  of 
myocardial  infarction  (Table  5). 

The  study  of  Kaiser-Permanente  enrollees  also  supplied  relevant 
information  (Petitti  and  Friedman,  1985b).  Hospitalization  for  a variety 
of  cardiovascular  outcomes  was  assessed  in  relation  to  type  of  cigarettes 
smoked,  after  adjusting  for  other  predictors.  Using  a multivariate  regression 
model,  the  investigators  found  relatively  small  increases  in  risk  for 
hospitalization  as  tar  yield  increased. 

Table  4 

Relative  adjusted  risk  of  myocardial  infarction  in  men  by  nicotine  and  carbon 
monoxide  yield  of  cigarettes  smoked 

Smoker  Status 

Relative  Risk 






2.5  - 6.7 

Current  Smoker 
Nicotine  yield  (mg) 

< 0.8 


2.3  - 6.5 



2.5  - 6.7 

1. 0-1.1 


2.2  - 5.3 

1.2-1 .4 


1.5 -3.8 



1.9 -5.6 

Carbon  monoxide  yield  (mg) 

< 10 


1.9 -6.6 



2.6  - 7.5 



2.1  -5.0 



1.8 -4.5 

a 19 


1.8 -6.0 

Source:  Kaufman  et  al.,  1983. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  5 

'Relative  adjusted  risk  of  myocardial  infarction  in  women  by  nicotine  and  carbon 
monoxide  yield  of  cigarettes  smoked 

Smoker  Status 

Relative  Risk 






Current  Smoker 
Nicotine  yield  (mg) 

< 0.40 


2.8 -8.0 



2.3  - 4.8 



2.2  - 4.5 



3.4  - 6.5 



2.6  - 5.0 

1 .07-1 .29 


3.4  - 7.5 



2.4  - 7.2 

Carbon  monoxide  yield  (mg) 

< 4.8 


2.9  - 8.2 



2.4  - 4.9 



2.7  - 5.4 



2.7  - 5.2 



2.9  - 5.7 



2.9  - 6.2 

> 18.0 


2.8 -8.1 

Source;  Palmer  et  al.,  1989. 

CONCLUSIONS  The  Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  The  Changing  Cigarette:  A Report 

of  the  Surgeon  General  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1981) 
offered  conclusions  on  these  three  major  classes  of  disease.  Do  these 
conclusions  remain  tenable  in  light  of  more  recent  evidence? 

With  regard  to  cancer,  the  report  concluded  that: 

Today's  filter-tii)ped,  lower  'tar'  and  nicotine  cigarettes  produce 
lower  rates  of  lung  cancer  than  do  their  higher  'tar'  and 
nicotine  predecessors.  Nonetheless,  smokers  of  lower  'tar'  and 
nicotine  cigarettes  have  much  higher  lung  cancer  incidence  and 
mortality  than  do  nonsmokers  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1981,  p.  18). 

The  more  recent  case-control  evidence  remains  consistent  with  the  first 
compofient  of  this  conclusion. 

With  regard  to  COIM),  the  report  concluded  that  it  was  unknown 
whether  risk  was  lower  for  smokers  of  low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarettes 


Chapter  6 

compared  with  risk  for  smokers  of  higher  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes.  There  is 
no  consistent  evidence  that  risk  for  this  disease  is  associated  with  the  tar  and 
nicotine  yield  of  the  cigarettes  smoked. 

For  CVD,  the  1981  conclusion  remains  appropriate:  . . . the 
overall  changes  in  the  composition  of  cigarettes  that  have 
occurred  during  the  last  10  to  15  years  have  not  produced  a clearly 
demonstrated  effect  on  cardiovascular  disease,  and  some  studies 
suggest  that  a decreased  risk  of  CHD  may  not  have  occurred 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1981,  p.  125). 

Our  research  needs  have  changed  little  from  the  agenda  set  out 
in  that  report  15  years  ago.  The  report  called  for  further  surveillance 
of  the  characteristics  of  smoke  in  relation  to  the  type  of  cigarettes, 
further  characterization  of  compensatory  changes  in  smoking,  better 
understanding  of  doses  of  tobacco  smoke  components  delivered  to  the 
lung,  and  additional  epidemiologic  research.  Ongoing  characterization  of 
the  health  consequences  of  the  changing  cigarette  should  be  implemented 
and  maintained  through  cohort  studies  such  as  CPS-I  or  case-control 
methods.  New  biomarkers  of  exposure  and  dose  should  be  applied  to 
better  understand  the  relationships  of  FTC  tar  and  nicotine  yields  with 
biologically  effective  doses  of  smoke  components. 


DR.  PETITTI:  It  actually  does  amaze  me  that  the  conclusions  of  this  report 
are  the  same  as  they  were  in  1981.  It  also  amazes  me  how  little  information 
has  developed  in  this  field  over  the  past  14  years. 

I wanted  you  to  comment  on  an  issue  that  was,  I think,  not  particularly 
well  addressed  in  the  1981  report  and  has  troubled  me  about  the 
epidemiological  data.  It  has  to  do  with  the  tendency  to  examine  the 
risk  of  lung  cancer  in  strata  defined  by  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per 
day.  When  you  define  smoking  by  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day, 
you  do  take  into  account  compensation  by  inhalation  and  amount  smoked, 
but  you  don't  take  into  account  any  kind  of  compensation  that  might 
occur  because  of  a tendency  to  smoke  an  increased  number  of  cigarettes 
per  day  and  smoking  a lower  yield  brand.  That  would  suggest  that  in  order 
to  take  that  into  account  in  the  epidemiology,  you  would  have  to  move 
people  to  a different  category  of  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day. 

Do  you  think  that  epidemiology  can  address  this  issue,  and  how  do  you 
think  that  places  limitations  on  the  first  conclusion  related  to  lung  cancer, 

DR.  SAMET:  It  is  a good  question  and  I think  much  of  the  discussion 
about  smokers'  behavior  that  will  follow  will  get  at  just  how  complex  the 
physiology  is  and  how  difficult  it  is  to  make  these  determinations  in  the 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Then,  if  you  think  about  trying  to  develop  approaches  that  might  be 
used  in  epidemiological  studies,  based  around  questionnaires  to  try  to 
develop  tools  that  would  provide  a better  measure  of  dose,  which  I think 
is  what  you  are  calling  for,  it  becomes  very  difficult. 

You  know,  using  some  of  our  nested  approaches,  one  might  begin  to  use 
biomarkers  within  studies,  within  cohort  studies,  probably  particularly,  to 
sort  this  out.  But  1 think  you  are  pointing  to  a significant  limitation  of 
approaching  this  question  in  large  population  studies. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  The  biggest  effect  was  clearly  in  the  lung  cancer  data,  and 
the  lung  cancers  occurred  as  a result  of  cigarettes  smoked  a long  time  ago. 

Is  there  any  evidence  that  there  is  any  difference  in  risk  if  you  looked  at 
modern  or  filtered  cigarettes? 

DR.  SAMET:  Let  me  see  if  1 can  rephrase  the  question.  Are  you  asking,  has 
there  been  an  attempt  to  assess  whether  some  estimate  of  tar  dose,  or  tar 
received,  is  a better  predictor  of  lung  cancer  risk  than  simply  proportion  of 
filter  use? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes.  What  1 am  wondering  is,  is  there  any  relevance  to 
the  data  when  people  were  mostly  smoking  nonfiltered  cigarettes  to  today's 
cigarette  market,  where  they  are  filtered?  Can  the  whole  thing  be  done  just 
by  adding  a filter? 

DR.  SAMET:  Probably  the  right  answer  to  the  question  is:  1 do  not  know. 

But  if  we  think  we  could  begin  to  use  the  information  from  studies  of 
smokers  of  old  nonfiltered  products,  through  smokers  of  newer  products, 
to  try  and  define  some  kind  of  an  exposure-response  relationship,  then 
I suppose  it  could  be  done.  But  1 think  that,  if  we  were  to  do  that,  it  would 
be  subject  to  a great  deal  of  uncertainty. 

DR.  HARRIS:  1 noticed  that  one  of  the  studies  omitted  from  your  review 
was  the  second  American  Cancer  Study,  CPS-11,  which  followed  people  from 
1982  to  1986.  1 am  wondering  if  anyone  knows  whether  that  study  will  be 
analyzed  in  terms  of  the  yield  or  type  of  cigarette  and  health  outcomes. 

DR.  SAMET:  There  has  already  been  a paper  describing  the  demographics  of 
tobacco  use  in  that  study  and  predictors  of  tar  yield  by  various  demographic 
predictors.  1 would  anticipate  seeing  such  an  analysis  eventually. 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  We  have  already  heard  this  morning  how  the  marketing  and 
the  promotion  of  the  low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarettes  have  been  toward  the 
more  highly  educated  portion  of  the  population.  We  have  already  seen  how 
they  responded  to  that  by  switching.  We  have  already  heard  how  they  have 
expressed  greater  concern  for  their  overall  health. 

I have  a serious  concern.  Do  you  feel  the  data  have  adequately  addressed 
the  possibility  that  you  are  looking  at  a subset  of  the  population  who  have 
done  something  else  to  modify  their  health  risks  and,  therefore,  have  looked 
at  a selected  population  with  decreased  negative  outcomes  because  of  these 


Chapter  6 

other  factors,  and  that  we  really  have  not  seen  any  influence  of  the  cigarettes 

DR.  SAMET:  1 referred  to  that  set  of  concerns  under  the  rubric  of  selection 
bias.  That  is,  people  may  select  themselves  to  products  based  on  either 
their  response  to  what  they  were  smoking  or  other  characteristics  that  are 
relevant — an  argument  in  epidemiology  called  confounding. 

I think  you  are  right;  these  are  concerns.  1 think,  on  the  other  hand,  in 
many  of  the  studies  there  have  been  attempts  to  "adjust,"  to  the  extent  one 
can,  for  such  differences  in  the  characteristics  of  those  using  different  types 
of  products.  As  you  look  across  the  consistency  of  the  evidence  in  different 
populations  with  different  approaches  to  controlling  for  such  factors,  and 
different  study  designs,  a consistency  emerges,  1 think  at  least  for  lung 
cancer,  that  would  suggest  some  modest  reduction  of  risk  for  those  using 
the  lower  delivery  products. 

Could  there  be  some  element  of  residual  bias  in  there?  1 certainly 
could  not  exclude  it.  But  when  we  weigh  the  evidence  in  an  attempt 
to  understand  those  other  factors,  the  socioeconomic  indices  and  other 
measures  in  different  studies  would  support  that  conclusion. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I think  that  is  the  most  important  issue  that  we  have  to 
address  here  today.  If  labeling  something  low-tar  and  -nicotine  implies 
improved  health  compared  with  higher  tar  and  nicotine,  I think  those 
confounders  have  the  most  impact  on  that  decision. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  With  regard  to  Dr.  Benowitz'  question  to  me,  it  is  rather 
interesting  to  see  that  multiple  studies  have  shown  that  the  increase  in 
adenocarcinoma  today  is  much  higher  than  previously,  because  the  nature 
has  changed.  So,  to  me,  this  has  something  to  do  with  the  cigarette.  You  get 
more  adenocarcinoma  in  the  peripheral  lung  than  in  former  times;  it  is  a 
ratio  of  20  to  1 squamous  cells,  and  today  you  have  1 to  1.  So,  I think  at 
least  the  type  of  lung  cancer  that  appears  today  has  something  to  do  with 
the  change  in  cigarettes. 

DR.  SAMET:  But  certainly  the  histologic  distribution  of  lung  cancers  has 
changed  and  1 agree;  we  would  like  to  know  why. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Your  data  about  the  relationship  between  nicotine  and 
cardiovascular  disease  are  curious  to  me,  because  most  of  the  data  in  the 
literature  show  that  people  who  smoke  low-yielding  cigarettes  actually 
absorb  less  nicotine.  Could  you  comment  on  the  fact  that  you  do  not  see 
any  dose-response  relationship  there? 

DR.  SAMET:  I am  not  sure  how  you  would  like  me  to  comment.  1 am 
describing  the  findings  of  a case-control  study  that  describes  how  risks  of 
nonfatal  myocardial  infarction  varied  with  the  level  of  nicotine  or  carbon 
monoxide  intake,  as  estimated  by  what  brand  was  being  smoked  at  the 
time  of  the  infarct. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

These  are  not  biomarker  data,  so  there  is  no  inference  in  these  particular 
subjects  as  to  what  the  level  of  nicotine  or  carbon  monoxide  may  have 
been.  The  question  is,  again,  looking  at  the  yield  or  brand  as  an  estimate  of 
exposure,  there  was  simply  no  relationship  observed  in  these  observational 

DR.  HUGHES:  In  most  of  these  studies,  the  control  group  is  labeled 
nonsmokers.  Is  that  usually  never-smokers? 

DR.  SAMET:  In  most  of  the  studies  that  are  labeled  nonsmokers,  that  is 
a never-smoker  group.  You  basically  will  see  two  contrasts:  vs.  never- 
smokers  or,  in  some  of  the  studies,  the  contrast  has  been  made  between 
sort  of  the  lower  exposure  group  vs.  the  higher  exposure  group. 

DR.  HUGHES:  The  reason  1 asked  that  is,  it  seems  to  me  that  using  controls 
of  ex-smokers  would  be  important  for  two  reasons.  One,  it  would  be  a 
control  for  the  confounds  that  Dr.  Woosley  mentioned  earlier.  Second, 
all  your  studies  have  to  do  with  switching  cigarettes.  None  of  them  has 
to  do  with  the  alternative  of  either  quitting  or  switching  to  a low-nicotine 
cigarette.  Are  there  data  to  inform  the  consumer  of  the  question,  how  much 
do  1 want  to  improve  my  health  by  quitting,  vs.  how  much  do  1 improve  my 
health  by  switching  to  a low-tar  cigarette? 

DR.  SAMET:  Certainly,  there  are  abundant  data  on  how  risks  of  diseases  vary 
following  cessation.  1 do  not  want  to  complicate  this,  and  it  was  the  subject 
of  the  1990  Surgeon  General's  report.  These  risks  vary  in  complex  ways  for 
different  diseases,  depending  on  the  age  at  which  the  smoker  stopped 
smoking  and  the  duration  of  successful  abstinence  from  smoking. 

So,  it  is  somewhat  difficult  to  capture  a single  number  that  describes  the 
risk  in  ex-smokers.  It  has  to  be  done  in  a far  more  complex  way.  But,  on 
the  other  hand,  there  are  data  sets,  like  the  American  Cancer  Society  data 
sets,  that  would  allow  one  to  describe  how  risks  change  following  smoking 
cessation,  for  example.  And  it  would  be  possible  to  derive  some  quantitative 
contrast  between  what  might  happen  to  smokers  of  different  ages,  different 
prior  smoking  histories,  with  switching  products  vs.  cessation. 

DR.  RICKERT:  On  your  emphysema  slide,  the  one  that  dealt  with  the 
changes  in  lung  function,  there  was  a label  that  said,  "never  smoked  and 
not  susceptible  to  the  effects  of  tobacco  smoke."  Do  you  have  any  idea 
what  proportion  of  the  population  of  smokers  fell  into  the  category  "not 

DR.  SAME'!’:  Such  numbers  are  not  readily  available.  1 think  most  people 
who  work  in  this  field  would  guess  that  with  regard  to  COED,  perhaps  20  to 
25  percent  of  continued  smokers  seemed  to  fall  into  this  grouj)  of  ra[)id  lung 
function  decline. 

DR.  RICKER  T:  Are  there  any  |)ostulated  mechanisms  why  smokers  should 
be  in  that  grou[)? 


Chapter  6 

DR.  SAMET:  There  are  many  postulated  mechanisms,  some  of  which 
Dr.  Harris  already  surveyed.  They  are  essentially  mechanisms  having  to 
do  with  the  balance  between  factors  in  the  lung  that  injure  it  and  those 
that  protect  it,  and  how  that  balance  may  be  shifted  in  individual  smokers, 
either  by  virtue  of  genetics  or  aspects  of  smoking,  toward  destruction  rather 
than  susceptibility.  It  is  the  subject  of  a great  deal  of  research. 

DR.  HEADEN:  The  next  Surgeon  General's  report  will  be  on  smoking  and 
tobacco  use  among  ethnic  minorities.  1 want  to  remind  the  group  that  some 
smoking  patterns  among  ethnic  minorities,  particularly  African-Americans, 
differ  substantially  from  smoking  patterns  of  whites.  For  example,  African- 
Americans  have  extremely  low  daily  rates  of  smoking,  but  they  smoke  very 
high  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes.  Thus,  it  suggests  that  perhaps  we  need  some 
new  data,  oversampling  for  African-Americans  and  perhaps  other  ethnic 
groups,  particularly  males,  to  find  out  what  the  relationships  would  be  for 
these  subgroups. 

DR.  SAMET:  1 would  certainly  agree. 


Auerbach,  O.,  Hammond,  C.,  Garfinkel,  L.  Changes  in 
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Respiratory  Disease  148(1):  98-102,  1993. 


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of  the  American  Medical  Association  213:  2221-2228, 


Chapter  7 

Biomarkers  of  Cigarette  Smoking 

Neal  L.  Benowitz 

INTRODUCTION  This  chapter  addresses  the  following  question:  To  what  extent  do 
smoking-machine-derived  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  ratings  of 
cigarettes  predict  how  much  of  those  substances  smokers  actually  absorb 
into  their  bodies? 

Two  issues  need  to  be  clarified.  First  is  the  difference  between  delivery 
and  content:  What  a cigarette  delivers  to  the  smoker  is  not  the  same  as  what 
is  present  in  the  cigarette  tobacco.  Second  is  the  issue  of  compensation  vs. 
regulation  or  titration:  Kozlowski  and  Pillitterri  (this  volume)  focus  on 
compensation — the  individual's  smoking  behavioral  response  to  a change 
in  a cigarette  brand;  this  chapter  focuses  on  cigarettes  that  people  have 
self-selected  to  smoke.  Whether  behavioral  adjustment  to  nicotine  yields 
indicates  regulation  or  titration  or  compensation  is  not  important.  What  is 
important  is  the  relationship  between  what  people  choose  to  smoke  and 
their  intake  of  various  tobacco-derived  toxins. 

USE  OF  The  biomarkers  most  widely  used  to  quantitate  exposure  to  tobacco 

VARIOUS  smoke  include  nicotine,  its  metabolite  cotinine,  carbon  monoxide, 

BIOMARKERS  and  with  less  success,  thiocyanate.  Recent  investigation  has  focused 
on  various  hemoglobin  and  DNA  (deoxyribonucleic  acid)  adducts  and 
excretion  of  nitrosamines  in  the  urine.  These  latter  measures  represent 
important  future  directions,  but  there  are  inadequate  data  in  large  enough 
populations  to  make  conclusions  about  the  relationship  between  these 
measures  and  U.S.  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  yields.  The  use  of 
mutagenic  activity  of  the  urine  is  discussed  to  address  the  utility  of  the 
tar-to-nicotine  ratio  that  is  computed  from  the  "FTC  method"  in  predicting 
relative  human  exposure  to  tar  and  nicotine.  This  is  an  important 
consideration  in  estimating  human  risks  from  different  types  of  cigarettes. 

NICOTINE  Nicotine  is  rapidly  absorbed  from  cigarettes.  It  enters  arterial 
ABSORPTION  circulation  first,  then  venous  circulation;  nicotine  levels  then  fall 
FROM  relatively  quickly  as  it  is  redistributed  from  the  bloodstream  to  various 

CIGARETTES  body  tissues.  Subsequently,  nicotine  levels  fall  off  with  an  elimination 
half-life  of  about  2 hours  (Benowitz,  1988). 

The  intake  of  nicotine  from  a single  cigarette  can  be  approximated  by 
measuring  the  nicotine  blood  concentration  profile  after  a person  smokes 
a single  cigarette.  The  area  under  the  plasma  concentration-time  curve  is 
a reflection  of  systemic  dose.  The  24-hour  nicotine  consumption  also  can 
be  estimated.  Volunteer  smokers  have  been  studied  smoking  cigarettes  on  a 
research  ward,  where  blood  levels  could  be  sampled  frequently.  Blood  levels 
rise  with  smoking  in  the  morning,  more  or  less  plateau  through  the  latter 
part  of  the  day,  and  then  fall  overnight  (Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1984a). 

Carbon  monoxide  levels  also  build  up  during  the  day,  plateau,  and  then 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

fall  overnight.  By  sampling  blood  periodically  throughout  the  day  for 
measurement  of  nicotine  levels,  it  is  possible  to  estimate  daily  exposure  to 
nicotine  in  human  smokers. 

The  metabolic  disposition  of  nicotine  in  humans  has  been  determined 
based  on  urine-recovery  studies  plus  infusion  studies  of  nicotine  and  cotinine 
(Figure  1)  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1994).  On  average,  about  70  to  80  percent  of 
nicotine  is  converted  to  cotinine,  which  is  the  main  proximate  metabolite. 
Most  studies  of  nicotine  intake  from  cigarettes  producing  different  yields 
have  used  cotinine  as  the  marker  of  nicotine  intake.  Cotinine  is  extensively 
metabolized,  primarily  to  hflMS-3'-hydroxycotinine.  Nicotine,  cotinine, 
and  hydroxycotinine  also  are  conjugated  as  glucuronides.  In  the  urine,  a 
relatively  small  amount  of  cotinine  is  excreted  unchanged  compared  with 
the  total  amount  generated.  However,  in  general,  urine  cotinine  is  well 
correlated  with  plasma  cotinine  so  that  urine  cotinine  can  be  used  as  a 
surrogate  for  plasma  cotinine  concentration  Qarvis  et  al.,  1984).  Saliva 
cotinine  also  is  highly  correlated  with  plasma  cotinine  and  has  been  used 
in  the  same  way. 

Plasma  cotinine  levels  fluctuate  somewhat  throughout  the  day.  There 
is  about  a 15-percent  change  in  cotinine  levels  from  morning  to  night. 

Figure  1 

Quantitative  scheme  of  nicotine  metabolism,  based  on  average  excretion  of  metabolites  as 
percentage  of  systemic  dose  during  transdermal  nicotine  application 











33.6% : 

Note:  Compounds  in  ovals  indicate  excretion  in  urine,  and  associated  numbers  indicate  percentage  of  systemic  dose 
of  nicotine. 

Source:  BenowiU  et  al.,  1994 


Chapter  7 

reflecting  the  approximately  16-hour  half-life  of  cotinine  (Benowitz  et  al., 
1983a).  Because  of  the  relatively  small  circadian  variation,  cotinine  levels 
can  be  measured  at  various  times  of  the  day,  and  this  value  can  be  used  as 
representative  of  the  average  daily  cotinine  level. 

It  is  possible,  by  measuring  all  the  metabolites  in  the  urine,  to  account 
for  an  average  of  90  percent  of  the  nicotine  dose  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1994). 

An  approach  to  estimating  nicotine  consumption  is  to  measure  all  the 
metabolites  in  the  urine  and  sum  them  up.  At  steady  state  (where  the  rates 
of  intake  of  drug  and  generation  of  metabolism  are  the  same  as  rates  of 
elimination  of  drug  and  metabolites),  this  sum  of  all  metabolites  in  a 
24-hour  urine  excretion  reflects  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  a person  takes 
in  each  day. 

NICOTINE  CONTENT  As  noted  earlier,  cigarette  content  is  not  the  same  as  cigarette 
OF  TOBACCO  VS.  yield  or  delivery.  Figure  2 shows  data  from  a 1983  study 

FTC  YIELD  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1983b)  that  investigated  the  nicotine  content 

of  tobacco.  The  nicotine  concentration  of  tobacco  averaged  1.6  percent. 

There  was  no  relationship  between  nicotine  content  in  the  whole  tobacco 
rod  and  the  FTC-predicted  nicotine  yield.  There  was  a significant  inverse 
relationship  between  the  concentration  of  nicotine  and  the  FTC  nicotine 
yield.  Thus,  the  yield  as  measured  by  smoking  machine  gives  no  information 
whatsoever  about  the  content  of  nicotine  or  other  potential  toxins  in  the 
tobacco.  The  content  of  nicotine  in  the  tobacco  simply  represents  the 
ultimate  limit  of  the  nicotine  dose.  The  FTC  method  provides  no  information 
about  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  could  be  obtained  from  the  tobacco  if 
a person  smoked  it  in  a way  to  optimize  intake. 

QUANTITATING  There  are  four  general  methods  for  quantitating  the  intake  of 
NICOTINE  INTAKE  nicotine  from  tobacco:  (1)  In  circadian  fashion,  measure  blood 
IN  SMOKERS  nicotine  levels  during  cigarette  smoking  (Benowitz  and  Jacob, 

1984a  and  1984b).  If  the  clearance  of  nicotine  also  is  measured  by 
intravenous  infusion  of  nicotine,  blood  levels  during  smoking  can  be 
converted  to  an  absolute  daily  dose  of  nicotine.  (2)  The  same  can  be  done 
with  blood  level  data  after  a person  has  smoked  one  or  two  cigarettes 
(Benowitz  et  al.,  1991).  (3)  Blood  cotinine  levels  during  ad  libitum  cigarette 
smoking  have  been  used  widely  to  estimate  nicotine  intake,  which  is 
discussed  below.  (4)  Finally,  as  mentioned  by  Byrd  and  colleagues  (1995), 
measuring  urine  nicotine  and  metabolites  during  ad  libitum  smoking  can  be 
used  to  estimate  nicotine  intake.  These  four  ways  can  be  used  to  address  the 
question  of  how  much  nicotine  is  being  taken  into  the  body  from  smoking. 

Table  1 presents  a summary  of  data  on  the  dose  per  cigarette  from 
the  first  three  methods.  The  first  method  was  used  to  study  44  smokers, 
measuring  blood  levels  during  24  hours  of  smoking,  at  steady  state  (Benowitz 
and  Jacob,  1984a,  1984b,  and  1985).  The  dose  was  estimated  to  be  about 
1 mg  per  cigarette,  with  a range  of  0.37  to  1.60  mg  per  cigarette. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  2 

Nicotine  content  of  cigarettes  as  compared  with  FTC-determined  values 
(regression  analysis) 

Note:  “Nicotine  intake  per  cigarette  (mg)”  indicates  total  amount  of  nicotine  in  the  length  of  cigarette 
tobacco  rod  smoked  in  the  standard  FTC  smoking  machine  assay. 

Key:  NS  = not  significant. 

Source:  Benowitz  et  al.,  1983b. 

The  second  method  is  based  on  studies  of  persons  smoking  one  or  two 
cigarettes  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1994).  This  method  produced  an  average  dose  of 
2.3  mg  per  cigarette,  with  a range  of  0.37  to  3.47  mg.  The  study  paradigm 
was  one  in  which  smokers  were  deprived  overnight  and  given  only  one  or 
two  cigarettes  to  smoke  in  the  morning.  These  were  the  only  cigarettes 
allowed  all  day.  The  unusually  high  dose  per  cigarette  most  likely  reflected 


Chapter  7 

Table  1 

Summary  of  absolute  bioavailability  of  nicotine  from  cigarette  smoking  studies 

Systemic  Dose 













Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1 984a 





Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1 984b 





Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1 985 






Benowitz  et  al.,  1991 





0.22-1 .92 

Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1994 

the  smokers'  anticipation  of  no  more  cigarettes  becoming  available  that  day. 

This  finding  illustrates  the  tremendous  range  of  nicotine  intake  a smoker 

has  when  there  is  a need,  or  an  anticipated  need,  for  nicotine.  The  intake 

of  nicotine  per  cigarette  in  this  study  was  double  that  typically  consumed  , 

from  ad  libitum  daily  smoking.  Consistent  with  this  observation  was 

another  study  in  which  subjects  tripled  their  intake  of  nicotine  per  cigarette 

by  smoking  more  intensely  when  the  number  of  cigarettes  allowed  to  be 

smoked  per  day  was  limited  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1986a).  " 

The  third  method,  that  is,  measuring  blood  cotinine  concentrations,  J 

resulted  in  an  estimated  dose  of  about  0.9  mg  of  nicotine  per  cigarette,  with  1 

a range  of  0.22  to  1.92  mg  per  cigarette  (Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1994).  What  is  ; , 

the  quantitative  relationship  between  nicotine  intake  and  yield?  Figure  3 "j 

shows  nicotine  intake  data  from  volunteer  smokers  studied  whose  plasma 
nicotine  levels  were  measured  while  they  smoked  their  usual  brand  of  '' 

cigarettes  ad  libitum  while  in  a research  ward  (Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1984a). 

There  was  no  correlation  between  the  FTC-measured  nicotine  yield  and 
study-measured  intake  of  nicotine.  The  only  yield  that  turned  out  to  be 
accurate  was  1 mg,  which  is  fortuitous  because  it  represents  the  average 
consumption.  Also,  most  smokers  of  nonfiltered  cigarettes  took  in  less 
nicotine  than  predicted  from  the  FTC  yield.  People  who  smoked  low-yield 
cigarettes  took  in,  on  average,  more  nicotine  than  predicted  by  FTC  yield. 

It  is  possible  that  in  the  1940's  and  1950's,  when  people  smoked  cigarettes 
with  a nominal  yield  of  2.5  mg  or  higher  of  nicotine,  they  may  in  fact  have 
been  undersmoking  those  cigarettes  and  taking  in  considerably  less  smoke 
per  cigarette  than  they  do  now.  That  behavior  might  explain  the  change  in 
lung  cancer  pathology  over  the  years.  That  is,  a change  in  depth  of  inhaling 
and  intensity  of  smoking  may  affect  the  location  of  the  lung  tumor. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  3 

Regression  analysis  of  relationship  between  nicotine  intake  per  cigarette  and 
machine-determined  nicotine  yield 

FTC  Machine  Nicotine  Yield  (mg) 

Key:  solid  line  = regression  line;  broken  line  = line  of  identity,  which  indicates  points  at  which 
measured  nicotine  intake  per  cigarette  equals  machine-determined  nicotine  yield; 

NS  = not  significant. 

Source:  Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1984a. 

COTININE  What  is  the  quantitative  relationship  between  cotinine  levels  and 
LEVELS  AND  the  intake  of  nicotine  from  smoking?  To  address  this  question,  dual 
NICOTINE  infusions  of  deuterium-labeled  nicotine  and  cotinine  were  given  to 

IN'I  AKE  smokers  (Benowitz  and  Jacob,  1994).  From  resultant  blood  level  data, 

it  was  possible  to  calculate  the  percentage  of  nicotine  that  is  converted  to 
cotinine  and  the  clearance  of  cotinine  per  se.  From  these  [)arameters  can  be 
derived  a factor  (K)  that  relates  a given  blood  level  of  cotinine  at  steady  state 


Chapter  7 

to  a given  daily  intake  of  nicotine,  a factor  that  averages  0.08.  Thus,  for  a 
typical  smoker  with  a level  of  300  ng/mL,  nicotine  intake  is  estimated  to  be 
24  mg  per  day.  Based  on  average  cigarette  consumption,  that  represents  an 
intake  of  about  1 mg  of  nicotine  per  cigarette.  This  K factor  did  not  vary  as  a 
function  of  whether  a person  was  a smoker  or  nonsmoker,  brands  of  cigarette 
smoked,  or  gender.  Thus,  the  author  is  aware  of  no  bias  in  using  this  K factor 
to  estimate  the  dose  of  nicotine  based  on  a plasma  cotinine  concentration. 

Data  from  a study  of  136  smokers  entering  a smoking  cessation  program 
are  shown  in  Figure  4 (Benowitz  et  al.,  1983b).  There  was  a weak  relationship 
between  FTC  yield  and  cotinine  level.  The  slope  of  this  relationship  was 
shallow  and,  in  this  study,  not  significant.  From  the  lowest  to  the  highest 
yield  of  cigarettes,  there  was  only  a 5-  to  10-percent  change  in  cotinine  level, 
reflecting  a 5-  to  10-percent  change  in  nicotine  intake.  There  was  a much 
stronger  correlation  between  cigarettes  per  day  and  cotinine  level  (or  nicotine 
intake).  Thus,  the  greater  the  number  of  cigarettes  a person  smokes,  the  more 
nicotine  is  taken  in.  This  is  important  because  some  studies,  such  as  that  of 
Rosa  and  colleagues  (1992),  purport  to  show  a strong  relationship  between 

I Figure  4 

; Afternoon  blood  cotinine  concentrations  (Group  1)  as  compared  by  regression  analysis  with  the 

Note:  These  smokers’  values  were  so  similar  that  plots  of  individual  values  overlapped.  The  total  number  of  subjects 
shown  in  Panel  B is  lower  because  data  for  a few  subjects  were  incomplete.  Morning  blood  cotinine 
concentrations  (Group  2,  not  shown)  were  on  average  slightly  lower  but  had  similar  correlations  with  the  number 
of  cigarettes  (r  = 0.45)  and  the  FTC  yield  (r  = 0.06). 

I Key:  NS  = not  significant;  0=7  observation;  • = 2 observations;  A = 3 observations;  □ = 4 observations. 
i Source:  Benowitz  et  al.,  1983b. 




Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

predicted  nicotine  intake  and  cotinine  levels.  But  nicotine  intake  was 
calculated  by  Rosa  and  colleagues  as  the  multiple  of  cigarettes  per  day  times 
FTC  yield.  The  strength  of  the  relationship  between  this  hybrid  parameter  ! 
and  FTC  yield  derives  primarily  from  the  cigarettes-per-day  term  rather  than 
from  the  FTC-yield  term. 

Figure  5 presents  data  by  Gori  and  Lynch  (1985)  based  on  a population  I 

of  more  than  800  smokers  recruited  at  shopping  malls.  These  were  not  ' 

smokers  who  were  trying  to  stop  smoking.  Plasma  cotinine  and  nicotine  j 
concentrations  were  measured.  The  average  cotinine  concentration  was  j 
about  300  ng/mL.  Again,  there  was  only  a shallow  slope  in  the  relationship  | 
between  FTC  nicotine  and  cotinine  level,  with  little  difference  in  cotinine 
level  comparing  the  lowest  and  the  highest  FTC  nicotine  yields.  I 

Figure  5 

Mean  plasma  nicotine  and  cotinine  concentrations  as  a fraction  of  FTC  nicotine 
yield  of  cigarettes  smoked:  n = 865 

FTC  Nicotine  (mg/cigarette) 

Key:  solid  line  = mean;  broken  line  = 95-percent  confidence  intervals. 
Source:  Gori  and  Lynch,  1985. 

Plasma  Nicotine  (ng/mL) 

Chapter  7 

ULTRALOW-YIELD  Yields  from  the  ultralow  cigarette  may  differ  from  yields  from 
CIGARETTES  other  cigarettes.  Figure  6 shows  data  from  another  study  of 

smokers  of  cigarettes  of  different  5delds  compared  by  category  of  FTC  nicotine 
(Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b).  The  high-yield  category  was  1.0  mg  of  nicotine  or 
higher;  the  low  was  0.60  to  0.99  mg;  the  very  low  was  0.20  to  0.59  mg;  and 
the  ultralow  was  less  than  0.20  mg  nicotine  per  cigarette  by  FTC  method. 







Figure  6 

Expired  carbon  monoxide,  plasma  thiocyanate,  blood  nicotine,  and  cotinine 
concentrations  in  248  habitual  smokers  of  cigarettes  according  to  FTC  yield 










<0.20  0.20-0.59  0.60-0.99  al.OO 

FTC  Nicotine  Yield  (mg) 

® Significant  difference  compared  with  other  yields. 

Key:  ppm  = parts  per  million. 

Source:  Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

The  ultralow  cigarettes  are  typically  rated  1 mg  of  tar  or  less.  Smokers  of 
ultralow-yield  cigarettes  smoked  on  average  a few  more  cigarettes  per  day 
than  other  smokers.  This  appears  to  be  one  way  in  which  these  smokers  are 
compensating  for  lower  nicotine  yields.  Of  note,  carbon  monoxide  levels  ! 
were  similar  for  all  yields.  Thiocyanate,  nicotine,  and  cotinine  levels  were  the 
same  for  smokers  of  cigarettes  with  nicotine  yields  of  0.20  mg  and  higher. 

Only  in  the  ultralow  group  was  there  any  reduction  in  nicotine  exposure, 
about  30  percent.  Thus,  cotinine  levels  produced  by  smoking  ultralow-yield 
cigarettes,  instead  of  averaging  300  ng/mL,  averaged  about  200  ng/mL. 

Gori  and  Lynch  (1983)  presented  similar  findings  in  a larger  group  of  smokers. 
Smokers  of  the  low-yield  cigarette  brand  had  the  same  mean  cotinine  levels 
as  smokers  of  all  other  cigarette  brands.  In  contrast,  smokers  of  ultralow-yield 
cigarettes  had  lower  cotinine  levels,  averaging  about  200  ng/mL.  Note  that 
200  ng/mL  still  corresponds  to  a daily  intake  of  16  mg  of  nicotine  per  day.  i 
If  the  FTC  yield  of  0.1  mg  nicotine  per  cigarette  were  correct,  one  would  ' 

need  to  smoke  160  cigarettes  per  day  to  achieve  an  intake  of  16  mg.  These  i 

smokers  were  not  smoking  160  cigarettes  per  day.  Thus,  the  FTC  information 
on  the  ultralow-yield  cigarette  does  not  provide  meaningful  quantitative  > 

information,  although  there  may  be  a difference  between  the  ultralow-  and  i 
higher  yield  cigarettes.  fi 


NICOTINE  INTAKE  Table  2 provides  a summary  of  several  studies  of  nicotine 

AND  MACHINE-  intake  vs.  machine-derived  yields.  These  are  studies  that  have  i 

DETERMINED  YIELD  examined  the  relationship  between  FTC  machine  yield  and  [ 

nicotine  intake  measured  either  by  cotinine  concentrations  or  by  nicotine  j 
concentration.  Rickert  and  Robinson  (1981)  reported  plasma  cotinine  i 

concentrations  vs.  machine  nicotine  yield  and  found  no  relationship. 

Russell  and  coworkers  (1980)  studied  330  subjects  and  found  a weak 
relationship  between  plasma  nicotine  concentration  and  yield.  Benowitz 
and  colleagues  (1983b)  studied  272  smokers  interested  in  smoking  cessation 
and  found  no  significant  relationship  between  plasma  cotinine  and  yield.  i 
Lbert  and  coworkers  (1983)  found  a shallow  relationship  between  plasma 
nicotine  and  yield.  Gori  and  Lynch  (1985)  found  a very  shallow  slope  with  t 
865  subjects  but  also  found  significant  relationships  because  of  the  large  j 
number  of  subjects.  In  a study  by  Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1986b),  cotinine  I 
concentrations  were  virtually  the  same  for  any  cigarette  with  a yield  of  *■ 

0.2  mg  and  more  and  were  a third  less  for  the  ultralow  cigarettes.  In  a study  I 
by  Russell  and  coworkers  (1986),  the  392  smokers  studied  showed  a shallow  ^ 
relationship  between  cotinine  level  and  nicotine  yield.  Rosa  and  colleagues  I 
(1992)  found  a shallow  slope  relating  cotinine  level  vs.  ITC  yield,  similar  to  '| 

that  of  other  studies.  However,  when  Rosa  and  coworkers  (1992)  combined  I 
cigarettes  per  day  times  I'FC  yield,  they  found  a strong  relationship,  which  ‘ 
they  interpreted  as  supporting  the  utility  of  the  machine  test  method.  f 

In  298  Hispanics,  Coultas  and  coworkers  (1993)  showed  findings  similar 
to  those  of  the  other  studies. 

The  Byrd  and  colleagues  study  (1995)  was  the  only  study  with  different  ' 
results;  thirty-three  volunteers  were  asked  to  [)rovide  24-hour  urine  sam|)les 
in  wfiich  nicotine  and  metabolites  were  measured.  I'he  nicotine  intake  was 


Chapter  7 

Table  2 

Studies  of  nicotine  intake  compared  with  machine  nicotine  yield 



Yields  (mg) 


IRickert  and  Robinson, 
‘ 1981 

84  during  routine  medical 

0.25-1 .3 

PCOT  vs.  Mach-N 
r = 0.08 

I Russell  et  al.,  1980 

330  from  smokers’  clinics 
or  research  volunteers 


PNIC  vs.  Mach-N 
r = 0.21® 

iBenowitz  et  al.,  1983b 




272  seeking  smoking 
cessation  therapy 

<0.1-1 .9 

r = 0.15  (n  = 137) 
r = 0.06  (n  = 123) 

1 Ebert  et  al.,  1983 

76 — mix  of  smoking  cessation, 
hospital  employees, 
ambulatory  patients 


PNIC  vs.  FTC-N 
r = 0.25® 

j Gori  and  Lynch,  1 985 


865  recruited  from  shopping 
malls;  10  or  more  cigarettes 
per  day 


PNIC  vs.  FTC-N 
r = 0.37® 

PCOT  vs.  FTC-N 
r = 0.23® 

Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b 

248  seeking  smoking 
cessation  (1 37  from 
previous  study) 


BCOT  values  similar  for 
FTC-N  0.21  to  > 1.0 
BCOT  2/3  of  others  for 
FTC-N  < 0.20 

Russell  et  al.,  1986 

392  from  smokers’  clinics 

BCOT  vs.  Mach-N 
r = 0.13® 

BNIC  vs.  Mach-N 
r = 0.26® 

Rosa  etal.,  1992 


125  attending  military 
medical  center 


BCOT  vs.  Mach-N 
r = 0.30 

1 Coultas  et  al.,  1993 


298  from  Hispanic 
household  survey 


SCOT  vs.  FTC-N 
r = 0.12 

! Byrd  et  al.,  1995 



33  volunteers 


Urine  N + metabolites 
vs.  FTC-N 
N/24hr:  r = 0.68® 
N/cig:  r = 0.79® 

^ p < 0.05. 

j Key:  PCOT  = plasma  cotinine  concentration;  Mach-N  = smoking-machine-determined  nicotine  yield;  PNIC  = plasma 
j nicotine  concentration;  BOOT  = blood  cotinine  concentration;  FTC-N  = machine  yield  by  FTC  method; 

I BNIC  = blood  nicotine  concentration;  SCOT  = saliva  cotinine  concentration;  N = nicotine. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

taken  on  the  basis  of  total  recovery.  This  study  found  a strong  relationship 
between  yield  and  nicotine  intake  per  cigarette  per  day  that  was  totally 
different  from  any  other  study's  findings.  There  are  serious  methodological 
concerns  that  might  affect  these  conclusions.  First,  there  were  only 
33  subjects,  and  recruitment  procedures  were  unclear.  In  contrast,  data 
already  presented  involving  2,000  individuals  have  shown  a weak  or  no 
relationship  between  cotinine  and  FTC  nicotine  yields,  so  there  is  a problem 
of  generalizability  of  the  Byrd  data.  Second,  an  examination  of  particular 
data  in  the  1-mg  tar  group  results  in  an  average  intake  of  9 mg  nicotine. 
However,  the  studies  of  Gori  and  Lynch  (1985)  and  Benowitz  and  colleagues 
(1986b)  showed  an  average  cotinine  concentration  of  200  ng/mL  for  large 
groups  of  smokers  of  the  same  ultralow-yield  cigarettes.  A cotinine  level 
of  200  ng/mL  would  correspond  to  an  average  daily  intake  of  15  or  16  mg, 
not  the  9 mg  reported  by  Byrd  and  colleagues  (1995).  Thus,  even  if  only 
one  group  is  studied,  the  subjects  are  not  representative  of  the  much  larger 
numbers  of  subjects  that  have  been  studied  by  other  investigators. 

CARBON  Gori  and  Lynch  (1985)  have  provided  data  on  carbon  monoxide  levels  in 
MONOXIDE  a large  group  of  smokers  of  cigarettes  of  different  yields  (Figure  7).  Their 
AND  FTC  study  and  other  studies  have  found  virtually  no  relationship  between 

YIELD  carbon  monoxide  levels  and  FTC  yields,  even  for  the  ultralow  group. 

Thus,  FTC  carbon  monoxide  yield  appears  to  be  of  no  value  in  predicting 
human  carbon  monoxide  exposure. 

TAR-TO-NICOTINE  The  tar-to-nicotine  ratio  also  must  be  considered.  Some  authors 
RATIO  have  argued  that  even  if  there  is  only  a small  reduction  of 

nicotine,  because  the  machine  tar-to-nicotine  ratios  are  lower  for  low-yield 
cigarettes,  there  is  a disproportionately  greater  overall  health  benefit  due 
to  reduced  tar  exposure  (Russell  et  al.,  1986).  The  question  is  whether 
machine-determined  tar-to-nicotine  ratios  predict  ratios  of  exposure  in 
human  smokers. 

The  author  attempted  to  examine  this  question  by  studying  mutagenic 
activity  of  urine  by  Ames  test.  This  test  involves  culturing  salmonella  bacteria 
that  are  unable  to  generate  histidine  and  therefore  cannot  grow.  However, 
if  the  bacteria  are  mutated  so  that  they  can  make  histidine,  they  can  grow. 
Growth  can  be  quantitated  by  the  number  of  colonies  on  a culture  plate, 
and  the  number  of  colonies  can  be  used  as  a measure  of  mutagenic  activity 
of  chemicals  that  were  added  to  the  salmonella  culture  before  incubation. 

It  is  well  known  that  the  urine  of  cigarette  smokers  is  mutagenic,  presumably 
reflecting  exposure  to  chemicals  found  primarily  in  cigarette  smoke  tar 
(Yamasaki  and  Ames,  1977). 

Figure  8 shows  urine  mutagenicity  data  from  one  individual  smoking 
his  or  her  own  brand  of  cigarettes  who  switched  to  a Camel  (1  mg  nicotine) 
cigarette,  then  switched  to  a I'rue  (0.4  mg  nicotine)  cigarette,  and  followed 
with  a period  of  no  smoking  (al)stinence).  Urine  mutagenicity  was  fairly 
stable  for  the  individual,  and  there  was  no  difference  between  smoking  the 
Camel  and  True  cigarettes. 


Chapter  7 

Figure  7 

Mean  expired  air  carbon  monoxide  values  as  a function  of  FTC  carbon  monoxide  yield  of 
cigarettes  smoked 

Key:  solid  line  = mean;  broken  line  = 95-percent  confidence  intervals. 
Source:  Gori  and  Lynch,  1985. 

Figure  9 shows  data  from  a crossover  study  of  urine  mutagenicity  and 
nicotine  intake  from  smokers  smoking  their  own  brand,  high-yield  (Camel), 
and  low-yield  cigarettes  (True)  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b).  The  mutagenic 
activity  of  the  urine  was  lower  for  both  Camel  and  True  compared  with 
the  usual  brand,  most  likely  because  smokers  did  not  like  these  other  brands 
of  cigarettes  as  much  as  they  liked  their  own.  However,  the  mutagenicity 
values  for  Camel  and  True  were  similar.  The  ratio  of  mutagenic  activity 
over  the  24-hour  period  under  the  nicotine  plasma  concentration-time  curve 
(the  latter  being  an  estimate  of  daily  nicotine  intake)  was  used  as  a surrogate 
for  tar-to-nicotine  ratio  and  was  the  same  in  all  conditions,  although  the 
machine-predicted  ratios  were  14.8  for  smoker's  own,  15.1  for  Camel,  and 
11.5  for  True.  Thus,  the  in  vivo  tar-to-nicotine  ratio  did  not  correspond  to 
differences  in  the  machine-determined  tar-to-nicotine  ratios  for  different 

Figure  9 also  shows  similar  data  when  switching  to  Carlton,  which  is  an 
ultralow-yield  cigarette.  There  was  a small  difference  in  the  ratio  of  mutagenic 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  8 

Urinary  mutagenicity  based  on  24-hour  urine  collections  in  a habitual  smoker 
smoking  his  or  her  own  brand.  Camel  (high-yield),  and  True  (low-yield)  cigarettes 

Own  Camel  True  Abstinence 

Note:  Mutagenic  activity  tends  to  be  constant  from  day  to  day  and  falls  to  the  DMSO  control  value 
(similar  to  that  of  nonsmokers)  rapidly  after  stopping  smoking. 

Key:  DMSO  = dimethyl  sulphoxide. 

Source:  Benowitz,  1989. 

activity  to  tar  for  Carlton  compared  with  other  cigarettes,  but  the  difference 
was  not  near  the  values  of  13.5,  15.4,  and  7.3,  which  were  predicted  by  FTC 

rhe  data  of  Rickert  and  Robinson  (1981)  shown  in  Table  3 explain  the 
discrepancy  between  measured  and  predicted  tar-to-nicotine  ratios.  These 
data,  based  on  smoking  machine  tests,  show  that  when  cigarettes  are  smoked 
more  intensely,  the  tar-to-nicotine  ratio  of  low-yield  cigarettes  increases 
substantially.  Fhus,  when  smokers  compensate  for  low-yield  cigarettes  by 
smoking  them  more  intensely,  the  tar-to-nicotine  ratio  increases.  I'herefore, 
tar-to-nicotine  ratios  published  by  the  FT’C  method  cannot  be  used  to  make 
estimates  of  what  the  overall  tar  exposure  will  be  for  actual  smokers. 

CX)NCLUSIONS  The  suggestion  that  there  is  a meaningful  quantitative  relationship 
between  FTC-measured  yields  and  actual  intake  is  misleading.  I'here  do 
appear  to  be  differences  in  nicotine  ex[)osure  comparing  high-  vs.  low-yield 

I Chapter  7 


Figure  9 

Average  urine  mutagenicity  and  ratio  of  mutagenic  activity  to  nicotine  exposure  for  subjects  in 
high-low  yield  (Group  1)  and  high-ultralow  yield  (Group  2)  studies 

Group  1 Group  2 

^Indicates  significant  difference  (p  < .05,  repeated  measures  analysis  of  variance)  compared  with  own  brand. 
“Indicates  significant  difference  compared  with  high-yield  cigarettes. 

Note:  Despite  lower  ratios  of  tar  and  nicotine  based  on  FTC  testing  for  low-  and  ultralow-yield  cigarettes,  ratios  of 
mutagenic  activity  to  nicotine  exposure  were  not  different  while  subjects  smoked  high-,  low-,  or  ultralow-yield 
cigarettes.  Also,  bars  indicate  standard  error  of  the  mean. 

Key:  AUC^i^  = ratio  of  mutagenic  activity  to  nicotine  exposure;  rev  = revertant  colonies:  nic  = nicotine;  O = smoker's 
own  brand;  H = high-yield  cigarettes  (Camel):  L = low-yield  cigarettes  (T rue);  UL  = ultralow-yield  cigarettes 
(Cambridge  or  Carlton). 

Source:  Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b. 

Table  3 

Influence  of  intensity  of  smoking  on  tar-to-nicotine  ratio,  based  on  smoking  machine  studies 

Standard  Yield  Tar-to-Nicotine  Ratio  Under 

(mg)  Different  Smoking  Conditions 










< 2 








0.2 -0.5 







0.5  - 0.9 







0.8  - 1.0 







0.9-  1.0 




“p  <0.05  compared  with  standard  smoking  machine  conditions. 
Key:  N = number  of  brands  tested. 

Source:  Rickert  et  al.,  1983. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

cigarettes,  but  the  differences  are  small  and  not  quantitatively  proportional 
to  nominal  yield.  Tar  and  nicotine  ratings  are  poor  predictors  of  human 
intake,  except  for  those  cigarettes  that  happen  to  be  rated  by  smoking 
machines  as  1 mg  nicotine  per  cigarette,  in  which  case  that  rating 
fortuitously  fits  the  population  average.  Tobacco  manufacturers  have 
stated  that  the  FTC  method  was  never  intended  to  measure  intake  in  any 
individual.  The  author  agrees.  However,  data  for  2,000  people  summarized 
here  indicate  that  the  FTC  method  does  not  work  for  the  general  population 
of  smokers  either. 

In  general,  the  FTC  method  underestimates  human  exposure.  Smoking- 
machine-derived  tar-to-nicotine  ratios,  which  have  been  used  to  argue  the 
benefit  of  switching  to  low-yield  cigarettes,  are  not  of  value  because  these 
ratios  change  with  changes  in  smoking  behavior.  On  the  other  hand, 
because  there  is  some  relationship  between  yields  and  nicotine,  and  although 
the  slope  of  that  relationship  is  shallow,  it  is  not  recommended  that  smokers 
regress  to  smoking  higher  yield  cigarettes. 


DR.  RICKERT:  When  we  first  looked  at  this  back  in  1981,  there  was 
absolutely  no  relationship  between  yields  and  uptake  as  measured  by 
cotinine.  And  then,  as  you  follow  the  studies  from  1981  through  to  1994, 
there  seems  to  be  a growing  tendency  toward  an  association  of  some  sort, 
and  at  the  end  you  pointed  out  there  was  a shallow  slope.  Is  this  just  a 
spurious  change  with  time,  or  do  you  feel  this  may  be  related  to  changes  in 
product  characteristic  because,  obviously,  the  product  that  was  smoked  in 
1981  is  not  the  product  that  is  smoked  in  1994. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  when  you  look  at  the  earlier  studies,  they  show 
basically  the  same  slope  that  studies  that  were  done  in  1989  and  1990  are 
showing.  So,  I think  when  we  have  a large  enough  population,  we  are 
probably  seeing  it  even  back  in  the  1980's.  Prior  to  that,  1 have  no  idea. 

DR.  BOCK:  Dr.  Benowitz,  you  were  quoted  as  saying  something  to  the  effect 
that  compensation  over  the  long  term  does  not  appear  to  be  persistent.  Is 
that  your  opinion? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Fhat  statement  was  made  in  dealing  with  the  question  of 
when  people  are  shifting  from  one  cigarette  to  a lower  yield  cigarette,  will 
there  be  permanent  overcompensation?  And  the  only  studies  that  1 found  (1 
think  Dr.  Kozlowski  is  going  to  talk  about  these)  looked  at  carbon  monoxide 
levels  and  the  amount  of  compensation.  At  least  in  one  study,  carbon 
monoxide  levels  went  up  and  then  went  down  again. 

But  if  you  look  at  the  issue  of  compensation  broadly,  how  do  you 
interj)ret  the  fact  that  people  smoke  a cigarette  with  an  FFC  yield  of  .2  the 
same  as  the  one  that  has  the  FFC  nicotine  yield  of  1 .5,  and  tliey  have  the 
same  nicotine  cotinine  levels?  If  you  do  not  call  it  comj)ensation,  you  have 
to  think  of  something  to  call  it. 


Chapter  7 

At  some  point  in  time,  I do  think  people  will  be  limited  by  how  much 
smoke  they  take  into  their  lungs.  I do  not  think  it  is  relevant  to  modern 
cigarettes  as  currently  marketed,  but  it  could  be  relevant  to  a low-nicotine 

DR.  BOCK:  You  made  a distinction  just  now  and  said  "overcompensation." 
Is  that  what  you  intend  to  imply? 


DR.  BOCK:  Because  there  is  a little  bit  of  a difference  between 
overcompensation  and  compensation. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  I know.  It  is  a good  point. 

DR.  HATSUKAMI:  In  the  studies  where  you  looked  at  the  FTC  yield  and  the 
actual  intake,  have  any  of  the  studies  differentiated  people  who  actually 
initiated  with  low-tar  and  low-nicotine  cigarettes  and  those  who  switched? 
Are  there  any  differences  in  terms  of  slopes  between  those  two  groups  of 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I have  never  seen  that,  but  obviously  that  is  a very 
interesting  question  in  terms  of  initiation.  The  earlier  data  that  we  heard 
from  Dr.  Giovino  suggest  that  most  low-yield  cigarette  smokers  are  people 
who  switched  from  higher  yield,  which  I think  is  quite  interesting.  But  I 
do  not  know  the  percentage  of  people  who  start  with  low-yield  cigarettes. 

It  would  be  a good  question. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Would  you  say  that,  on  average,  the  people  who  smoke 
lower  yielding  cigarettes  absorb  less  nicotine? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  but  the  slope  is  very  shallow. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  So,  if  people  are  smoking  very  low-yielding  cigarettes,  they 
are  absorbing  less  nicotine  and  the  data  do  speak  to  that.  So,  compensation 
is  incomplete;  there  is  not  a flat  line. 

One  of  the  studies  that  you  pointed  out  up  there  said  that  people 
absorbed,  on  average,  1 mg  of  nicotine  from  cigarettes.  And  I think  that 
it  is  important  to  point  out  that  people  who  smoke  lower  yielding  cigarettes 
do  absorb  less  nicotine. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  although  it  is  unclear  where  the  break  is.  Some  of  our 
data  have  suggested  that  the  break  is  actually  with  the  very,  very  low-yield 
cigarettes,  rather  than  the  cigarettes  most  people  smoke.  But  I would  accept 
the  fact  that  there  is  a shallow  relationship.  Understand,  however,  that  you 
are  talking  about  a 10-percent  variation  in  nicotine  intake,  going  across 
yields  from  0.1  to  1.6.  So,  there  is  some  reduction  in  nicotine  intake  per 
cigarette  on  average,  but  it  is  very  small. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  The  other  point  I want  to  make  is,  you  do  rightfully  point 
out  that  I will  discuss  a little  later  why  our  study,  which  is  the  Byrd  study, 
may  be  unique  from  the  plasma  cotinine  studies,  in  the  fact  that  it  is  done 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

with  a completely  different  method  and  what  we  think  is  a more  precise 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  1 think  the  point  you  make  is  that  the  predictive  accuracy  of 
any  yield  numbers,  except  at  the  low  end  of  the  scale,  is  useless,  and  1 think 
that  is  the  most  important  message  that  1 got  out  of  your  presentation. 

The  other  message  1 have  gotten  out  of  the  presentation  was  that  this 
indicates  that  the  differences  in  mortality  that  we  saw  earlier,  which  had  the 
potential  to  be  confounded,  are  very  likely  to  be  confounded  because  of  the 
lack  of  a difference  in  exposure  that  your  data  indicate. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 would  certainly  agree  with  that.  On  the  coronary  heart 
disease  data,  for  example,  with  the  low-yield  cigarettes,  I think  you  can 
virtually  assume  that  their  exposure  to  everything  was  substantially  the  same. 
It  is  no  surprise  that  there  is  no  protective  effect  of  smoking  low-yield 
cigarettes  for  heart  disease. 

DR.  RICKERT:  How  relevant  do  you  feel  the  absorption  of  nicotine  is  to  the  I 
levels  of  other  harmful  constituents,  such  as  benzo(a)pyrene  and  biphenyl, 
which  are  probably  more  related  to  disease  processes  than  nicotine  per  se? 

DR.  BENOWITZ;  I think  there  is  considerable  variability,  and  one  has  to  look  i 

at  that  issue.  I don't  think  there  are  enough  data  to  know  for  the  range  of  ! 

products.  I 


Benowitz,  N.L.  Pharmacologic  aspects  of  cigarette 
smoking  and  nicotine  addiction.  New  England 
Journal  of  Medicine  319:  1318-1330,  1988. 

Benowitz,  N.L.  Dosimetric  studies  of  compensatory 
cigarette  smoking.  In:  Independent  Scientific 
Committee  on  Smoking  and  Health:  Nicotine,  Smoking, 
and  the  Low  Tar  Programme,  London,  November  18- 
20,  1986,  N.  Wald  and  P.  Froggatt  (Editors).  Oxford: 
Oxford  University  Press,  1989,  pp.  133-150. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Hall,  S.H.,  Herning,  R.I.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill, 
Jones,  R.T.,  Osman,  A.-L.  Smokers  of  low-yield 
cigarettes  do  not  consume  less  nicotine.  New 
England  joumal  of  Medicine  309:  139-142,  1983b. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  III.  Daily  intake  of  nicotine 
during  cigarette  smoking.  Clinical  Pharmacology  and 
Therapeutics  35:  499-504,  1984a. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  III.  Nicotine  and  carbon 
monoxide  intake  from  high-  and  low-yield 
cigarettes.  Clinical  Pharmacology  and  Therapeutics 
36:  265-270,  1984b. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  111.  Nicotine  renal  excretion 
rate  influences  nicotine  intake  during  cigarette 
smoking.  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Exjierimental 
Therapeutics  234:  153-155,  1985. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  III.  Metabolism  of  nicotine  to 
cotinine  studied  by  a dual  stable  isotope  method. 
(Uinical  PharmuLology  and  Theraj)eutics  56(5):  483- 
493,  1994. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Denaro,  C.,  Jenkins,  R. 

Stable  isotope  studies  of  nicotine  kinetics  and 
bioavailability.  Clinical  Pharmacology  and 
Therapeutics  49:  270-277,  1991. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Fong,  L,  Gupta,  S.  | 

Nicotine  metabolic  profile  in  man:  Comparison  I 
of  cigarette  smoking  and  transdermal  nicotine. 

Jourtjal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  i 

Therajreutics  268:  296-303,  1994.  | 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Yu,  L.  j 
Influence  of  smoking  fewer  cigarettes  on  exposure  I 
to  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  New  j 

England  Journal  of  Medicine  315:  1310-1313,  1986a.  | 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Yu,  L.,  Falcott,  R.,  Hall,  | 
S.,  Jones,  R.'F.  Reduced  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  j 
monoxide  exposure  while  smoking  ultralow- but  ji 
not  low-yield  cigarettes.  Journal  of  the  American 
Medical  Association  2S6:  241-246,  1986b. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Kuyt,  F.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Jones,  R.'F.,  > 

Osman,  A.-L.  Cotinine  disposition  and  effects. 

Clinical  Pharmacology  and  Therajreutics  34:  604-61 1, 

198.3a.  I 

Byrd,  G.D.,  Robinson,  J. 11.,  (Caldwell,  W.S.,  | 

DeBethizy,  J.D.  (lomparison  of  measured  and  | 

FTC-predicted  nicotine  uptake  in  smokers. 
Psychopharmacology  \22:  9S-U)3,  1995. 


Chapter  7 

Coultas,  D.B.,  Stidley,  C.A.,  Samet,  J.M.  Cigarette 
yields  of  tar  and  nicotine  and  markers  of  exposure 
to  tobacco  smoke.  American  Review  of  Respiratory 
Disease  148:  435-440,  1993. 

Ebert,  R.V.,  McNabb,  M.E.,  McCusker,  K.T.,  Snow,  S.L. 
Amount  of  nicotine  and  carbon  monoxide  inhaled 
by  smokers  of  low-tar,  low-nicotine  cigarettes. 
Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association  250: 
2840-2842,  1983. 

Gori,  G.B.,  Lynch,  C.J.  Smoker  intake  from  cigarettes 
in  the  1 mg  Federal  Trade  Commission  tar  class. 
Regulatory  Toxicology  and  Pharmacology  3:  110-120, 

Gori,  G.B.,  Lynch,  C.J.  Analytical  cigarette  yields  as 
predictors  of  smoke  bioavailability.  Regulatory 
Toxicology  and  Pharmacology  5:  314-326,  1985. 

Jarvis,  M.,  Tunstall-Pedoe,  H.,  Feyerabend,  C.,  Vesey, 
C.,  Salloojee,  Y.  Biochemical  markers  of  smoke 
absorption  and  self  reported  exposure  to  passive 
smoking.  Journal  of  Epidemiology  and  Community 
Health  38(4):  335-339,  1984. 

Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C.  Estimating  the  hazards  of 
less  hazardous  cigarettes.  11.  Study  of  cigarette  yields 
of  nicotine,  carbon  monoxide,  and  hydrogen 
cyanide  in  relation  to  levels  of  cotinine, 
carboxyhemoglobin,  and  thiocyanate  in  smokers. 
Journal  of  Toxicology  and  Environmental  Health  7: 
391-403,  1981. 

Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C.,  Young,  J.C.,  Collishaw, 
N.E.,  Bray,  D.F.  A comparison  of  the  yields  of  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  of  36  brands  of 
Canadian  cigarettes  tested  under  three  conditions. 
Preventive  Medicine  12:  682-694,  1983. 

Rosa,  M.,  Pacific!,  R.,  Altieri,  L,  Pichini,  S.,  Ottaviani, 
G.,  Zuccaro,  P.  How  the  steady-state  cotinine 
concentration  in  cigarette  smokers  is  directly 
related  to  nicotine  intake.  Clinical  Pharmacology 
and  Therapeutics  52:  324-329,  1992. 

Russell,  M.A.,  Jarvis,  M.J.,  Feyerabend,  C.,  Saloojee,  Y. 
Reduction  of  tar,  nicotine  and  carbon  monoxide 
intake  in  low  tar  smokers.  Journal  of  Epidemiology 
and  Community  Health  40(1):  80-85,  1986. 

Russell,  M.A.H.,  Jarvis,  M.,  Iyer,  R.,  Feyerabend,  C. 
Relation  of  nicotine  yield  of  cigarettes  to  blood 
nicotine  concentrations  in  smokers.  British  Medical 
Journal  5:  972-976,  1980. 

Yamasaki,  E.,  Ames,  B.N.  Concentration  of  mutagens 
from  urine  by  absorption  with  the  nonpolar  resin 
XAD-2:  Cigarette  smokers  have  mutagenic  urine. 
Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences  of  the 
United  States  74:  3555-3559,  1977. 

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  This  research  was  supported  by  grants  DA-02277,  CA-32389, 
DA-01696,  and  RR-00083  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health.  The  author 
thanks  David  Greene  for  editorial  assistance. 


Chapter  8 

Pharmacology  and  IVIarkers:  Nicotine 
Pharmacology  and  A^ddictive  Effects 

Jack  E.  Henningfield  and  Leslie  M.  Schuh 

INTRODUCTION  Dosing  characteristics  of  cigarette  brands  are  estimated  using 

machines  that  smoke  representative  cigarettes  from  each  brand  according 
to  a protocol  termed  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  method  (Peeler, 
this  volume;  Pillsbury,  this  volume).  This  technology  and  methodology 
provide  tar-  and  nicotine-dosing  estimates  of  cigarettes  that  are  misleading 
to  consumers  and  do  not  accurately  predict  what  level  of  tar  and  nicotine 
intake  consumers  will  obtain  by  smoking  a given  brand  of  cigarettes 
(Henningfield  et  al.,  1994).  An  understanding  of  the  dependence-producing 
and  other  behavior-modifying  effects  of  cigarette  smoke  is  necessary  to 
understand  why  the  FTC  method  is  a poor  predictor  of  the  nicotine,  tar, 
and  carbon  monoxide  levels  people  obtain  from  cigarettes.  Cigarette 
smoking  behavior  is  influenced  by  nicotine  dose,  and  smokers  tend  to 
maintain  nicotine  intake  within  upper  and  lower  boundaries  (Kozlowski, 
1989).  In  brief,  nicotine  produces  dose-related  tolerance,  physical 
dependence,  and  discriminative  effects  (i.e.,  effects  that  people  can  feel, 
which  modify  mood  and  physiology),  and  smokers  change  their  behavior 
in  response  to  these  effects.  Unlike  human  smokers,  machines  are  not 
nicotine  dependent,  nor  do  they  modify  their  behavior  based  on  the  flavor 
of  the  smoke. 

The  FTC  method  was  developed  in  the  1960's  to  provide  a relative 
ranking  of  nicotine,  tar,  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  from  various  cigarettes 
(Peeler,  this  volume;  Pillsbury,  this  volume).  This  ranking  has  provided 
consumers  with  the  false  sense  that  they  can  tell  precisely  the  amount  of 
these  substances  they  will  obtain  from  a given  cigarette.  Since  the  1960's 
there  have  been  many  advances  in  the  understanding  of  nicotine  and 
smoking  behavior  that  can  be  useful  in  reforming  this  methodology.  This 
chapter  provides  an  overview  of  relevant  research,  including  (1)  physiological 
and  behavioral  pressures  to  sustain  nicotine  intake;  (2)  the  relationship 
between  smoking  and  nicotine  dose;  (3)  determinants  of  compensatory 
behavior,  including  the  role  of  nicotine  and  other  factors,  such  as  flavor; 
and  (4)  measurement  of  smoking  and  nicotine  intake. 


Addiction  Severity 

Several  findings  bear  on  the  issue  of  the  strength  of  dependence 
on  cigarettes.  Although  70  to  90  percent  of  smokers  are 
interested  in  quitting,  only  one  in  three  succeeds  before  age  65 
(Fiore,  1992).  There  is  good  and  bad  news  about  coronary 
bypass  surgery  and  even  a lung  removal.  The  good  news  is 
that  these  traumatic  events  are  among  the  most  powerful  incentives  to  quit 
smoking.  If  one  intervenes  with  patients  who  undergo  these  procedures, 
about  one-half  of  them  quit.  However,  the  bad  news  is  that  the  other  half 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

or  more  soon  return  to  smoking  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1988).  There  are  two  lessons  here.  First,  incentives  and 
motivation  are  important  factors  in  the  treatment  of  nicotine  and  other 
drug  dependencies.  Second,  incentives  and  motivation  have  limitations; 
even  the  threat  of  death  is  not  sufficient  for  half  these  smokers  to  stop 

This  is  a tenacious  addiction  in  which,  despite  so  many  people  wanting 
and  trying  to  quit,  fewer  than  1 in  10  has  a 1-year  success,  and  this  means 
that  only  2 to  3 percent  of  smokers  stop  smoking  each  year  (Fiore,  1992). 
Indeed,  as  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1989)  show,  more  than  half  of  heroin 
and  cocaine  users  and  alcoholics  rate  smoking  cigarettes  as  harder  to  give 
up  than  these  other  drugs.  Thus,  there  are  strong  biological  pressures  in 
nicotine-dependent  humans  that  do  not  exist  in  machines  to  sustain 
addictive  levels  of  nicotine  intake. 

Clinical  As  with  dependence  on  other  drugs,  cigarette  smoking  tends  to  be  a 

Characteristics  progressive,  chronic,  relapsing  disorder  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1988).  The  most  notable  distinction  between  cigarette 
smoking  and  other  drug  dependencies  is  that  a much  higher  percentage  of 
people  who  start  smoking  escalate  and  graduate  to  dependent  levels  than 
with  other  addictive  drugs.  About  1 in  10  smokers  in  this  country  is  a low- 
level  smoker,  termed  a "chipper,"  who  smokes  5 or  fewer  cigarettes  per  day 
(U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988);  most  of  the  rest 
show  evidence  of  dependence.  This  is  in  contrast  to  alcohol  use,  where 
10  to  15  percent  of  alcohol  drinkers  are  problem  drinkers;  the  rest  generally 
drink  in  moderation  and  at  times  of  their  own  choosing  (U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988). 

People  do  not  start  smoking  a pack  of  cigarettes  per  day.  They  likely 
would  become  ill  at  that  level  of  nicotine  intake.  Rather,  they  start  out 
with  low  levels.  Over  months  and  years,  most  people  progress  to  higher 
and  higher  nicotine  intake.  They  become  tolerant;  that  is,  nicotine  loses 
effectiveness  with  its  continued  presence  in  the  body,  and  it  is  necessary  to 
increase  the  dose  to  maintain  its  effectiveness  after  repeated  administrations. 
Eventually,  smokers  do  more  than  simply  tolerate  high  nicotine  doses;  they 
need  continued  nicotine  to  feel  normal  and  function  satisfactorily.  At  this 
point,  smokers  may  go  to  great  lengths  to  continue  smoking  and  sustain 
their  nicotine  intake  within  upper  and  lower  boundaries  so  that  their  intake  ! 
does  not  fall  low  enough  that  they  experience  withdrawal  symptoms  or  ! 
high  enough  to  produce  adverse  effects  (Kozlowski,  1989). 

An  important  aspect  of  the  chronic  nature  of  tobacco  dependence  is 
related  to  daily  patterns  of  nicotine  blood  levels.  When  smokers  wake  up 
in  the  morning,  some  residual  nicotine  remains  in  their  blood  from  smoking 
on  the  previous  day.  Blood  concentrations  rise  as  they  smoke  until,  by 
midafternoon,  most  smokers'  intake  equals  metabolism  and  excretion,  and 
nicotine  level  stabilizes,  l.evels  fall  rapidly  overnight,  and  the  cycle  resumes 
the  next  day.  I'hus,  blood  concentrations  never  reach  zero  unless  the  person 
quits  smoking  for  more  than  a few  days.  Moreover,  cotinine,  an  active 

1 14 

Chapter  8 

nicotine  metabolite,  has  a half-life  of  about  20  hours  (Cummings  and 
Richard,  1988;  Jarvis,  1989;  Jarvis  et  al.,  1987)  and  therefore  persists  in  the 
body  even  longer. 

It  is  difficult  to  disrupt  these  patterns  when  people  have  access  to 
cigarettes.  In  a study  by  Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1986a),  people  switched 
from  30  to  5 cigarettes  per  day.  Because  they  tended  to  smoke  these 
5 cigarettes  much  more  intensely,  they  reduced  carbon  monoxide  levels 
by  only  one-half  and  nicotine  levels  by  only  about  one-third.  Thus,  nicotine 
intake  remained  high  enough  to  sustain  dependence. 

After  quitting  smoking,  most  people  relapse  quickly,  and  about  one-third 
of  the  people  who  have  quit  smoking  and  remained  abstinent  for  1 year 
relapse  (Fiore,  1992).  As  with  alcohol  and  heroin,  most  nicotine  relapses 
occur  during  the  first  3 months  of  abstinence  (Hunt  et  al.,  1971).  In  fact,  the 
determinants  of  relapse  (e.g.,  degree  of  dependence  and  negative  emotional 
states)  and  remission  (e.g.,  substance-associated  health  problems  and  learning 
to  manage  cravings)  are  also  similar  across  these  three  classes  of  drug 
dependence  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988). 

Relapse  to  nicotine  dependence  has  been  studied  in  greater  detail  than 
relapse  to  heroin,  cocaine,  and  alcohol  dependence.  Data  from  a Mayo  Clinic 
study  showed  that,  with  minimal  treatment  intervention,  one-quarter  of  the 
people  relapsed  in  2 days  and  about  one-half  in  the  first  week  (Kottke  et  al., 
1989).  More  recent  data  on  people  who  quit  on  their  own  showed  that  about 
two-thirds  relapse  within  3 days  (Hughes  et  al.,  1992).  The  withdrawal 
syndrome  can  be  debilitating  in  its  own  right,  but  in  the  long  run,  its  worst 
health  consequences  may  be  that  most  efforts  to  quit  smoking  never  survive 
the  withdrawal  phase  (Hughes  et  al.,  1992),  thereby  dooming  one-half  of 
persistent  smokers  to  die  prematurely  because  of  their  tobacco  use  (Peto  et  al., 
1994).  Much  of  the  benefit  of  current  nicotine  medications  is  providing 
adequate  nicotine  replacement  for  that  formerly  provided  by  cigarettes  to 
help  more  people  remain  nonsmokers  during  the  important  first  few  weeks 
of  tobacco  abstinence. 

NICOTINE  Tobacco  products  come  in  many  different  forms.  All  have  toxicities  and 
DELIVERY  dependence  potential,  and  there  is  variation  related  to  the  type  of  tobacco 
SYSTEMS  product  and  route  of  administration.  Although  the  focus  here  is  on 

cigarettes,  at  some  point  similar  issues  must  be  addressed  with  other  tobacco 
products  that  currently  have  no  dosage  labeling.  For  example,  moist  snuff 
products  vary  widely  in  their  nicotine-dosing  capabilities,  and  there  is 
evidence  that  the  variation  is  accomplished  primarily  by  manipulation 
of  the  pH  level  of  the  products  by  tobacco  manufacturers  (Henningfield 
et  al.,  1995;  Djordjevic  et  al.,  1995),  but  neither  tobacco  companies  nor 
governmental  agencies  provide  any  form  of  nicotine  dosage  information 
to  consumers  except  in  cigarette  advertising. 

The  cigarette,  which  may  be  conceived  of  as  a nicotine  dispenser  with 
smoke  as  the  vehicle,  is  the  most  toxic  and  dependence-producing  form  of 
nicotine  delivery.  Nicotine  is  volatilized  at  the  tip  of  a burning  cigarette  from 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

which  it  is  carried  by  particulate  matter  (tar  droplets)  deep  into  the  lungs 
with  inspired  air.  The  nearly  2,000  °F  microblast  at  the  cigarette's  tip  is  also 
the  source  of  carbon  monoxide  and  many  other  toxicologically  significant 
pyrolysis  products.  Nicotine  is  rapidly  absorbed  in  the  alveoli  of  the  lungs, 
concentrated  in  the  pulmonary  veins  as  a bolus,  and  pumped  by  the  left 
ventricle  of  the  heart  throughout  the  body.  Absorption  characteristics  are 
similar  to  those  of  gases,  such  as  oxygen,  that  are  exchanged  in  the  lung 
from  inspired  air  to  venous  blood  (Henningfield  et  al.,  1993).  Thus,  smoke 
inhalation  produces  arterial  boli  that  may  be  10  times  more  concentrated 
than  the  levels  measured  in  venous  blood  (Henningfield  et  al.,  1990  and 

Psychoactive  effects  have  rapid  onset  and  short  duration,  dissipating 
within  a few  minutes.  This  short  duration  requires  the  user  to  self-administer 
the  drug  repeatedly,  perhaps  taking  hundreds  of  puffs  per  day.  The  cigarette 
allows  the  smoker  very  fine,  "fingertip,"  dose  control.  The  powerful  engulfing 
sensory  effects  are  also  important  in  dependence.  It  is  not  just  the  drug  but 
the  conditions  and  the  cues  that  become  associated  with  the  drug  that  make 
nicotine  dependence  so  tenacious.  Finally,  the  cigarette  is  a convenient, 
portable  system  that  permits  easily  repeated  dosing. 

Benowitz  (this  volume)  reviewed  the  pharmacokinetics  of  various 
nicotine  delivery  systems.  Briefly,  a cigarette  produces  a rapid  spike  of 
nicotine  in  the  arterial  blood.  Smokeless  tobacco  products  are  also  rapid, 
especially  the  higher  pH  tobacco  products,  and  they  require  little  practice 
for  the  user  to  achieve  high  nicotine  levels.  Whereas  the  nicotine  dose 
obtained  from  a cigarette  is  largely  determined  by  the  behavior  of  the  user, 
the  nicotine  dose  obtained  from  a "chew"  of  smokeless  tobacco  is  largely 
controlled  by  the  product  (Henningfield  et  al.,  1995).  In  contrast  to  delivery 
from  tobacco  products,  delivery  of  nicotine  from  polacrilex  (nicotine  gum) 
is  slower  and  takes  a great  deal  of  practice  and  work  to  achieve  even  modest 
nicotine  plasma  levels.  Transdermal  nicotine  medications  (patches)  provide 
slow  absorption — so  slow  that  users  cannot  reliably  detect  nicotine's  effects. 
Fhe  speed  of  delivery  is  clearly  an  important  determinant  of  addictive  effects, 
and  the  cigarette,  like  crack  cocaine,  provides  an  explosive  dose  of  nicotine. 

NK^OTINE'.S  Nicotine  is  a fascinating  psychoactive  drug.  It  was  used  to  help  map  the 

EFFECT'S  cholinergic  nervous  system  early  in  the  20th  century.  Much  of  receptor 
theory  and  many  of  the  methods  used  to  study  competitive  agonists  and 
antagonists  were  developed  at  the  turn  of  the  century  using  nicotine  (Langley, 

Nicotine  has  diverse  effects,  not  only  in  the  brain  but  also  in  the 
adrenals  at)d  skeletal  muscles.  I'hese  diverse  effects  may  ex{)lain  why  a 
smoker  re[)orts  that  on  some  occasions  cigarettes  have  relaxing  effects  and  on 
other  occasions,  stimulating  effects.  Lhis  has  been  referred  to  as  a [raradoxical 
effect,  but  it  is  not  paradoxical  at  all;  other  drugs  generally  referred  to  either 
as  sedatives  or  stimulants  also  produce  both  sedating  and  stimulating  effects 
((hhnan  et  al.,  1990).  Like  tfie  effects  of  these  other  drugs,  nicotine's  effects 
are  conqrlicated;  tliey  de[)end  on  tfie  dose,  tfie  time  since  dosing,  how  the 

Chapter  8 

drug  was  administered,  which  responses  are  being  measured,  and  other 
factors  (Henningfield  and  Keenan,  1993;  Pomerleau  and  Rosecrans,  1989). 

If  people  with  histories  of  drug  abuse  are  given  nicotine,  they  like  the 
nicotine;  that  is,  liking  scale  scores  increase  with  greater  doses  within  a 
certain  range  of  parameters  (Henningfield  et  al.,  1985).  Among  drug  abusers, 
similar  findings  are  reported  for  morphine  and  amphetamines  but  not  for 
drugs  that  have  little  psychoactivity  (Fischman  and  Mello,  1989).  Such 
psychoactive  effects  are  predictive  of  addiction  potential  and  are  correlated 
with  the  ability  of  a drug  to  serve  as  a reinforcer  for  animals  and  humans 
(Griffiths  et  al.,  1980).  Nicotine  is  psychoactive  in  humans  and  is  readily 
discriminated  by  animals;  several  forms  of  nicotine  delivery  have  been  shown 
to  serve  as  reinforcers  for  animals  and  humans  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1988). 

Physical  The  cellular  and  neurological  changes  that  lead  to  tolerance 

Dependence  also  lead  to  physical  dependence  so  that  when  people  abruptly 

and  Withdrawal  discontinue  tobacco  use,  withdrawal  occurs  (U.S.  Department  of 
Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  Withdrawal  onset  begins  within  a few 
hours  of  the  last  cigarette;  symptoms  include  decreased  cognitive  capabilities 
and  heart  rate  and  increased  dysphoria  or  depressed  mood,  insomnia, 
craving,  anxiety,  irritability,  restlessness,  appetite,  and  tendency  to  smoke 
(American  Psychiatric  Association,  1994;  Hughes  and  Hatsukami,  1992). 
Altered  brain  electrical  potentials  and  hormonal  output  are  generally  opposite 
in  direction  of  those  produced  by  acute  nicotine  administration,  and 
decrements  in  evoked  electrical  potentials  of  the  brain  indicate  impaired 
information  processing  capabilities  (Pickworth  et  al.,  1989;  U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988). 

Nicotine  dependence  seems  to  be  mediated  primarily  by  the  activation 
of  nicotinic  cholinergic  receptors  in  the  brain  (U.S.  Department  of  Health 
and  Human  Services,  1988)  and  secondarily  through  the  cascading  effects 
of  nicotinic  systems  to  modulate  levels  of  hormones  such  as  epinephrine 
(adrenaline)  and  cortisol  (Pomerleau  and  Pomerleau,  1984;  U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  The  mesolimbic  dopaminergic 
reward  system,  which  mediates  the  ability  of  cocaine  to  produce  dependence, 
also  has  been  implicated  in  nicotine  dependence  (Corrigall,  1991;  U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  The  cells  of  this  system 
are  located  in  the  ventral  tegmental  area  of  the  midbrain.  Axons  project  to 
the  limbic  system — specifically,  to  the  nucleus  accumbens,  olfactory  tubercle, 
nuclei  of  the  stria  terminalis,  and  parts  of  the  amygdala.  Behaviors  followed 
by  such  neural  activation  can  become  extremely  persistent.  Cortical  effects 
of  nicotine  administration  include  changes  in  local  cerebral  metabolism 
(London  and  Morgan,  1993)  and  electroencephalogram  results  Qones,  1987). 
Prominent  endocrine  effects  include  release  of  catecholamines,  serotonin, 
prolactin,  growth  hormone,  arginine  vasopressin,  beta-endorphin,  and 
adrenocorticotropic  hormone  (Pomerleau  and  Pomerleau,  1984;  U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  These  effects  mediate 
both  the  positive  nicotine  reinforcement  sought  by  smokers  and  even 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

animals  (Corrigall,  1991;  Henningfield  and  Goldberg,  1983;  Pomerleau,  1992;  ; 
U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988)  and  the  negative 
reinforcement  of  withdrawal  symptoms  that  also  fuel  the  compulsion  to 
smoke  (Hughes  and  Hatsukami,  1992;  Pomerleau  and  Pomerleau,  1984).  i 
Nicotine  also  produces  increased  expression  of  brain  nicotinic  receptors  in 
humans  and  animals  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  | 
Taken  together,  these  physiologic  effects  confirm  that  nicotine  exposure  alters  ■ 
the  structure  and  function  of  the  nervous  system  and  leads  to  modification  of  ( 
behavior.  Thus,  there  are  physiological  factors  that  drive  smokers  to  sustain 
continued  nicotine  intake  across  changing  delivery  systems. 


Smokers  may  report  that  they  feel  impaired  and  distracted  after  only 
a few  hours  of  abstinence,  and  their  performance  on  various  cognitive  and 
psychomotor  tasks  can  decline  within  approximately  4 hours  (Heishman  et 
al.,  1994).  Symptoms  are  rapidly  reversed  with  resumed  smoking  or  nicotine 
replacement,  thus  providing  a potentially  powerful  source  of  reinforcement  i 
for  continued  smoking.  The  degree  of  reversal  is  generally  proportional  to  j 
the  percentage  of  plasma  nicotine  that  is  replaced  (Pickworth  et  al.,  1989;  i 
U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  ■) 

Data  from  a performance  study  indicated  that  when  patients  abstained 
from  cigarettes  and  used  placebo  gum,  they  made  more  errors  and  took  ^ 
longer  to  complete  a task  than  during  their  smoking  baseline.  When  they  j 

were  given  2 mg  gum,  their  performance  returned  to  baseline.  With  4 mg  j 

gum,  they  did  not  do  significantly  better  than  at  baseline,  but  4 mg  appeared  j 
to  produce  somewhat  more  reliable  clinical  effects  than  2 mg  (Snyder  and  1 
Henningfield,  1989).  jj 

The  same  pattern  of  effects  occurs  with  theta  power,  a measure  of  brain  I 
function  (Pickworth  et  al.,  1989).  This  nicotine-withdrawal-induced  deficit  j 
can  be  completely  reversed  with  nicotine  replacement.  When  other  ! 

volunteers  resumed  smoking,  electrocortical  potentials  recovered  quickly  ! 
in  all  volunteers.  Interestingly,  these  people  did  not  like  the  gum,  and  they  i{; 
were  not  trying  to  quit  smoking.  The  lesson  is  that  nicotine  replacement  |l' 
can  maintain  physiological  function  and  cognitive  performance.  The  j|:' 

conclusion  relating  to  performance  is  not  that  nicotine  makes  the  user 
perform  better,  faster,  or  more  intelligently  but  that  nicotine  deprivation 
results  in  impairments  that  are  quickly  and  dose-dependently  reversed  by  || 
nicotine  readministration  (Heishman  et  al.,  1994).  ,| 

I'he  nicotine-withdrawal-induced  decline  in  performance  has  practical  | 
ramifications  in  policy  decisions.  Currently,  the  Federal  Aviation  | 

Administration  is  examining  its  policies  on  smoking  by  pilots  in  the  ft 

flight  decks  of  commercial  airlines.  Because  of  the  time  course  of  nicotine  \] 
withdrawal,  if  smoking  were  eliminated  in  the  flight  deck,  acutely  deprived  | 
pilots  might  suffer  withdrawal-induced  performance  declines  on  flights  I 

longer  than  approximately  4 hours.  Thus,  the  nicotine  withdrawal  syndromej  ! 
poses  a potential  safety  hazard  if  it  is  not  rationally  addressed  by  appropriate  , 1 
strategies  to  detoxify  pilots  safely  and  treat  their  withdrawal  symptoms  with  ^ i 
nicotine  replacement  medications.  , 

i'  1= 


Chapter  8 

The  duration  of  the  nicotine  withdrawal  syndrome  varies  across 
individuals,  but  on  average,  the  acute  physical  syndrome  is  worst  during 
the  first  month.  Gross  and  Stitzer  (1989)  studied  the  time  course  of  the 
nicotine  withdrawal  syndrome  in  detail.  In  their  study,  people  quit  smoking 
and  received  either  active  or  placebo  nicotine  gum.  People  who  received 
active  gum  chewed  an  average  of  6.9  pieces  of  2 mg  gum  per  day,  which 
provided  less  nicotine  than  they  were  obtaining  by  smoking  cigarettes. 

People  given  placebo  gum  gradually  decreased  their  intake  from  6.8  pieces 
per  day  during  the  first  week  of  treatment  to  4.9  pieces  per  day  by  the 
10th  week.  The  nicotine  gum  substantially  reduced  withdrawal  symptom 
severity  relative  to  that  observed  in  placebo  subjects. 

Nicotine's  Nicotine  provides  many  effects  that  cigarette  smokers  may  consider  useful. 

Beneficial  These  include  weight  control,  mood  control,  and  preventing  withdrawal 

Effects  symptoms  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  The 

issue  of  whether  nicotine  would  provide  substantial  cognitive  enhancement 
in  healthy  persons  who  had  never  been  nicotine  dependent  is  controversial. 
In  nonsmokers,  nicotine  administration  can  increase  finger-tapping  rate 
and  slightly  (but  significantly  in  some  studies)  attenuate  the  deterioration 
in  attention  that  occurs  during  protracted  testing  (Heishman  et  al.,  1994). 
However,  complex  cognitive  performance  may  be  impaired  by  nicotine  in 
cigarette  smokers  as  well  as  nonsmokers  (Heishman  et  al.,  1994).  On  the 
other  hand,  there  is  no  question  that  nicotine  intake  restores  withdrawal- 
induced  deficits  (Snyder  and  Henningfield,  1989).  Nicotine  intake  also  may 
provide  some  level  of  cognitive  enhancement  in  persons  who  are  cognitively 
impaired  by  Alzheimer's  disease  (Heishman  et  al.,  1994;  Sahakian  et  al.,  1989; 
Newhouse  and  Hughes,  1991). 

One  of  the  Brown  and  Williamson  Tobacco  Corporation  (B&W) 
documents  made  available  for  the  National  Cancer  Institute  conference  on 
the  FTC  cigarette  test  method  also  supported  the  conclusion  that  nicotine's 
central  nervous  system  effects  contribute  to  the  strong  motivation  to  use 
tobacco  products.  The  document  concluded  that 

to  understand  smoking,  just  as  any  other  behavior,  it  is  necessary 
to  consider  it  as  a process  embedded  within  everyday  life  ....  It 
is  apparent  that  nicotine  largely  underpins  these  contributions 
through  its  role  as  a generator  of  central  physiological  arousal 
effects  which  express  themselves  as  changes  in  human 
performance  and  psychological  well  being.  (Brown  and 
Williamson,  1984) 

SMOKING  AND  Nicotine  dosage  is  an  important  factor  in  smoking  behavior. 

NICOTINE  DOSE  Currently  available  cigarettes  allow  people  to  fairly  easily  administer 
the  nicotine  dose  they  need  or  desire  (Henningfield  et  al.,  1994).  This  was 
true  of  a low-content  cigarette,  NEXT,  that  was  marketed  a few  years  ago  and 
removed  from  the  market  following  poor  sales,  even  though  taste  and  draw 
characteristics  were  similar  to  conventional  cigarettes.  With  that  cigarette, 
the  nicotine  content  was  so  low  that  no  amount  of  compensatory  puffing 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

and  inhaling  could  result  in  the  extraction  of  substantial  amounts  of  nicotine 
(Butschky  et  al.,  1995). 

Compensatory  Compensation  is  nicely  described  in  the  B&W  documents  (Brown  and 
Behavior  Williamson,  1984)  as  "the  tendency  for  a smoker  to  obtain  similar 

delivery,  intake  and  uptake  of  smoke  constituents  on  a daily  basis  from  a 
variety  of  products  with  different  standard  (machine-smoked)  deliveries." 

As  the  B&W  researchers  noted,  if  smokers  are  dependent,  then  the 
nicotine  they  receive  from  cigarettes  can  be  supplemented  by  other  forms, 
and  this  will  reduce  smoking.  Likewise,  cigarettes  of  different  strengths  are 
smoked  differently;  that  is,  smokers  given  low-delivery  cigarettes  smoke 
them  more  intensively  and  vice  versa. 

In  fact,  this  is  what  has  been  found  in  many  studies  (U.S.  Department 
of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988).  Cigarette  consumption  increases 
in  response  to  reduced  nicotine,  and  most  compensation  occurs  at  the 
individual  cigarette  level,  not  by  cigarettes  per  day.  Whereas  people  given 
cigarettes  of  lower  nicotine  yield  also  may  smoke  a few  more  cigarettes 
per  day,  they  smoke  each  of  the  cigarettes  more  intensely  to  obtain 
proportionately  more  nicotine  than  the  rating  of  nicotine  yield  would 
suggest  (Hill  and  Marquardt,  1980;  Russell  et  al.,  1980;  Benowitz  et  al.,  1983; 
Robinson  et  al.,  1983). 

When  people  are  given  nicotine  gum  and  their  smoking  is  measured, 
smoking  decreases  as  the  nicotine  gum  dose  increases  (Nemeth-Coslett  and 
Henningfield,  1986).  When  mecamylamine  is  administered  to  antagonize 
nicotine's  effects,  people  smoke  more  cigarettes,  take  more  puffs  per  cigarette, 
and  take  in  more  total  smoke,  as  can  be  seen  by  increased  carbon  monoxide 
level  (Nemeth-Coslett  et  al.,  1986;  Rose  et  al.,  1989).  Taste  and  other  sensory 
factors  are  also  important  modulators  of  human  smoking  behavior  (Butschky 
et  al.,  1995;  Rose  and  Behm,  1987;  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1988). 

This  finding  addresses  why  the  nicotine  dependence  issue  is  relevant  to 
why  the  FTC  method  of  measuring  tobacco  smoke  constituents  is  seriously 
flawed.  Simply  put,  the  FTC  method  uses  machines  that  do  not  change  their 
behavior  to  self-administer  a preferred  nicotine  dose  or  in  response  to  the 
taste  of  the  smoke,  as  human  smokers  do.  It  may  be  an  accurate  predictor  of 
what  smoking  machines  obtain  under  specifically  programmed  conditions, 
but  it  is  not  an  accurate  predictor  of  what  people  get  from  cigarettes. 

I'he  dose-response  relationship  between  FTC  ratings  and  plasma  nicotine 
levels  is  weak,  except  at  low  doses  (Russell  et  al.,  1980  and  1986;  Rickert  and 
Robinson,  1981;  Benowitz  et  al.,  1983  and  1986b;  Robinson  et  al.,  1983; 

Gori  and  Lynch,  1985;  Maron  and  Fortmann,  1987;  Coultas  et  al.,  1993). 

I he  relationship  between  cigarette  dosage  ratings  and  plasma  nicotine  levels 
may  be  better  in  studies  using  research  cigarettes  where  nicotine  content 


Chapter  8 

varies.  With  other  drugs,  compensation  can  be  diminished  when  the  cost 
of  compensation  increases.  That  is,  if  a drug  becomes  too  costly  in  terms  of 
expense  or  physical  difficulty  in  sustaining  intake,  users  may  not  compensate 
as  effectively  and  will  not  administer  as  much  of  the  drug  as  they  did  when 
the  cost  was  lower  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988; 
Lemaire  and  Meisch,  1985;  Bickel  et  al.,  1993).  Thus,  if  cigarettes  have  low 
enough  nicotine  contents,  smokers  would  be  expected  to  adjust  over  time 
to  lower  nicotine  levels  rather  than  spend  the  time  and  money  necessary  to 
maintain  constant  dose  intake.  Conversely,  most  smokers  probably  would 
not  smoke  160  to  200  low-nicotine-content  cigarettes  per  day  to  continue 
to  receive  the  intake  that  they  previously  obtained  from  conventional 

Measurement  of  The  role  of  dependence  is  assumed  by  the  authors  and  the  tobacco 

Smoking  and  industry  to  be  important  determinants  of  nicotine  intake.  Brown 

Nicotine  Intake  and  Williamson  (1983)  noted 

the  basic  assumption  is  that  nicotine,  which  is  almost 
certainly  the  key  smoke  component  for  satisfaction,  is 
fully  released  to  the  body  system  before  exhalation  takes 
place.  It  is  essential,  therefore,  to  quantify  the  change 
in  chemical  composition  between  inhaled  and  exhaled 
smoke  under  different  smoking  conditions. 

Cigarette  dose  determination  is  indeed  complicated,  and  some  may 
suggest  that  it  is  so  complex  that  use  of  the  flawed  FTC  method  might  as 
well  continue  simply  because  it  has  been  used  for  nearly  30  years.  However, 
such  a conclusion  contradicts  the  enormous  research  advances  made 
over  the  past  30  years.  This  research  can  be  used  to  devise  a better  method. 
Furthermore,  the  complexity  of  dose  determination  is  not  unique  to 
cigarettes.  The  Food  and  Drug  Administration  (FDA)  faces  this  issue 
routinely  whenever  a manufacturer  submits  a new  drug.  Unless  the  drug 
is  injected  into  a vein,  determination  of  dosing  is  complicated.  If  the  drug 
is  delivered  by  an  inhaler  or  oral  capsule,  many  factors  must  be  and  are 
considered  so  that  consumers  are  provided  with  realistic  estimates  of  what 
they  will  get.  In  particular,  they  are  provided  with  information  relevant  to 
the  maximal  doses  that  they  are  likely  to  receive  from  a drug-delivering 

To  provide  accurate  dosing  information  for  drug  delivery  systems,  FDA 
uses  different  methods  as  indicated  by  the  chemical  and  its  delivery  system; 
moreover,  verification  of  dosing  estimates  is  accomplished  in  human 
bioavailability  testing  studies  because,  in  the  final  analysis,  we  care  about 
the  dose  that  people  receive,  not  the  machine-derived  dose.  Also,  if  there 
are  factors  that  produce  major  changes  in  bioavailability,  such  as  whether 
the  drug  is  taken  with  food  or  on  an  empty  stomach,  this  can  be  indicated 
in  the  labeling. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


One  approach  to  more  meaningful  cigarette  labeling  is  that  described 
by  Henningfield  and  colleagues  (1994).  This  approach  was  adapted 
from  that  used  by  FDA  to  label  food  products  with  constituents  of 
health-related  relevance.  One  issue  that  FDA  addressed  in  food 
labeling  was  serving  size.  In  the  case  of  cigarettes,  research  has 
indicated  the  need  for  larger  and  more  intense  puffs  from  the  machine  to 
more  closely  parallel  smokers'  behavior  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and 
Human  Services,  1988).  A second  issue  for  cigarette  labeling  is  the  need  to 
use  biologically  meaningful  categories.  For  example,  labels  might  specify 
"no  nicotine"  or  "low  nicotine"  instead  of  including  numerical  values  that 
imply  that  differences  of  a few  percentage  points  have  practical  meaning  and 
provide  the  consumer  with  the  illusion  that  she  or  he  will  obtain  different 
doses  from  different  cigarettes.  Similarly,  terms  such  as  "light"  should  be 
banned  altogether  because  they  imply  health  benefits;  these  terms  are 
permitted  with  foods  only  if  the  food  type  provides  a health  benefit  relative 
to  the  conventional  type  of  food  in  a given  category.  Actual  nicotine 
content  of  the  cigarettes  also  should  be  provided  to  consumers  because  the 
content  determines  the  absolute  limit  of  nicotine  that  could  be  extracted. 

Nicotine  delivery  ratings  also  could  be  linked  to  other  factors  having 
health  effects,  for  example,  tar.  Thus,  a low-nicotine-delivering  cigarette 
could  not  be  labeled  "low  nicotine"  unless  it  was  also  low  in  tar  and  carbon 
monoxide  delivery.  A comparable  situation  in  food  labeling  is  that  a label 
may  not  use  the  phrase  "fat  free"  if  a product  contains  cholesterol.  Finally, 
nicotine  yield  estimates  from  standardized  machine  tests  should  be  validated 
with  bioavailability  testing,  as  is  done  with  other  drugs,  because  what  is  of 
interest  is  the  dose  obtained  by  smokers. 

This  approach  would  not  in  itself  solve  the  health  problem  posed  by 
tobacco  use,  but  it  would  at  least  provide  consumers  with  what  they  have 
come  to  expect  in  the  United  States,  namely,  honest  labeling  that  gives  them 
the  information  on  which  to  make  decisions  about  the  products  they  use. 
Three  decades  of  research  on  cigarette  smoking,  nicotine  dependence,  and 
measurement  of  tobacco  constituent  intake  have  provided  the  means  to 
give  consumers  such  information. 


DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Dr.  Henningfield,  you  really  did  not  speak  very  much 
to  the  FTC  method,  but  I think  it  is  important  to  point  out  that  the  FTC 
method  was  never  intended  to  measure  nicotine  uptake. 

1 also  agree  with  you.  I think  we  can  do  better  in  terms  of  measuring 
nicotine  uptake  when  we  want  to  do  that.  I think  the  methods  that  have 
been  used  in  the  past  are  estimates.  1 think  the  study  that  1 will  tell  you 
about  a little  bit  later  is  a step  in  that  direction,  and  I will  be  looking 
forward  to  sharing  that  with  you. 


I would  like  to  make  a point  about  your  proposal  to  measure  content. 

I have  heard  that  a number  of  times  today,  and  we  have  to  remember  that 
people  do  not  eat  cigarettes;  they  smoke  cigarettes.  And  there  is  no 
indication  that  people  obtain  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  is  contained 
in  a cigarette. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  On  content,  I think  that  the  most  important  thing 
is  bioavailability  tests.  Again,  that  is  the  gold  standard:  what  people  are 
likely  to  get  and  generally  under  maximum  conditions.  The  importance 
of  content,  though,  is  that  content  limits  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  you 
can  get.  If  it  is  not  there,  you  cannot  get  it. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I think  the  important  thing  is  the  FTC  method  is  set  up  to 
provide  relative  ranking,  so  that  consumers  can  get  an  idea  of  what  different 
cigarettes  will  yield.  It  was  not  intended  to  measure  uptake. 

Now,  if  you  want  to  measure  uptake  and  evaluate  the  FTC  method, 
that  is  a different  activity,  and  I think  that  we  need  to  make  sure  that  we 
distinguish  those  two  activities.  One  is  to  provide  a relative  ranking.  The 
FTC  method  has  done  an  excellent  job  of  that  over  the  years. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I am  not  addressing  the  method,  but  I think  it  is  pretti- 
clear  that  it  has  not  done  a good  job  of  telling  people  what  they  will  have  in 
their  bloodstream.  And  that  is  what  I am  addressing:  that  what  people  get 
in  their  bloodstream  does  not  bear  much  relation  to  the  FTC  yields.  So,  I am 
not  sure  how  much  use  that  has  been. 

DR.  HARRIS:  I see  the  dispute  as  distinguishing  between  an  ordinal  ranking 
and  a cardinal  ranking.  An  ordinal  ranking  merely  says  one  brand,  to  some 
degree,  delivers  more  or  less  nicotine  than  another;  whereas,  a cardinal 
ranking  would  say,  this  brand  delivers  one-fifth  as  much  or  five  times  as 

And  what  I understand  the  dispute  to  be  about  is  that  the  FTC  ranking 
actually  may  preserve  an  ordinal  ranking  in  the  roughest  sense,  but  it  does 
not  preserve  the  cardinal  ranking.  From  what  I can  gather,  a 10-percent 
increase  in  FTC  nicotine  corresponds  with,  at  most,  about  a 2-percent 
increase  in  blood  nicotine,  roughly  speaking,  and  that  that  is  where  the 
problem  lies. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  It  is  not  even  that  good,  because  if  the  slope  were 
constant,  you  could  maybe  say  there  is  an  ordinal  ranking.  That  still  may 
not  tell  you  if  it  is  meaningful  if  it  was  so  trivial.  But  what  Dr.  Benowitz 
showed  was  if  there  is  a break. 

In  other  words,  at  the  ultralow  end,  those  cigarettes  are  in  a slightly 
different  category.  From  the  data  I have  seen,  it  is  not  even  a meaningful 
ordinal  ranking.  It  is  a pretty  flat  ranking.  The  slope  is,  I would  contend 
until  proven  otherwise,  biologically  trivial. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


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Snyder,  F.R.,  Henningfield,  J.E.  Effects  of  nicotine 
administration  following  12  h of  tobacco 
deprivation:  Assessment  on  computerized 
performance  tasks.  Psychopharmacology  97(1):  17- 
22,  1989. 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services.  The 
Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  Nicotine  Addiction.  A 
Report  of  the  Surgeon  General,  1988.  DHHS 
Publication  No.  (GDC)  88-8406.  Rockville,  MD: 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services, 
Public  Health  Service,  Centers  for  Disease  Control, 
Center  for  Health  Promotion  and  Education,  Office 
on  Smoking  and  Health,  1988. 

Chapter  9 

Consumer/Smoker  Perceptions  of  Federal 
Trade  Commission  Tar  Ratings 

Joel  B.  Cohen 

INTRODUCTION  A telephone  survey  among  a national  probability  sample  of 
1,005  adults  (502  men  and  503  women)  18  years  of  age  and  older  was 
conducted  between  November  17  and  20,  1994.  Data  were  weighted  by 
age,  sex,  geographic  region,  and  race  so  that  each  respondent  was  assigned 
a single  weight  based  on  the  relationship  between  the  actual  population 
proportions  of  the  listed  characteristics  and  the  comparable  sample 

The  author's  estimate  of  every-day  smoking  (23  percent)  matches  current 
assessments  of  adult  U.S.  smoking  prevalence  (22  percent).  When  every-day 
and  some-days  smokers  were  combined,  the  current  smoking  percentage 
(28.7  percent)  was  slightly  higher  than  the  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and 
Prevention  (CDC)  (1994)  comparable  estimate  of  26.5  percent  for  1992.  This 
sample  reported  somewhat  higher  current  smoking  percentages  for  females 
(29  percent)  than  did  the  1992  CDC  surveys  (24.6  percent).  Total  smoking 
reported  by  whites  (29  percent)  was  slightly  higher  than  in  the  1992  CDC 
surveys  (27.2  percent),  whereas  total  smoking  reported  by  blacks  in  this 
sample  (27  percent)  was  virtually  identical  (27.8  percent).  A high  percentage 
of  those  who  report  having  attended  but  not  graduated  from  college  were 
some-days  smokers.  When  added  to  every-day  smokers,  this  total  was 
substantially  higher  (36  percent)  than  that  reported  in  the  CDC  surveys 
(24  percent)  and  was  closer  to  the  CDC  estimate  for  high  school  graduates 
(31  percent).  College  graduates  in  this  sample  were  also  somewhat  more 
likely  to  smoke  (19  percent  compared  with  15.5  percent  reported  in  CDC 
surveys).  Age  breakdowns  were  not  entirely  comparable  among  the  surveys, 
but  the  author's  sample  reported  a higher  incidence  of  smoking  among 
18-  to  24-year-olds  (32  percent  compared  with  26.4  percent). 

TAR  LEVEL  OF  Table  1 reports  the  tar  levels  of  cigarettes  last  smoked,  determined  by 

CIGARETTES  asking  the  brand,  size,  and  other  characteristics  of  the  cigarette.  These 
answers  were  compared  with  actual  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  tar 
ratings.  In  15  percent  of  the  cases,  respondents  could  not  provide  sufficiently 
detailed  product  information  to  make  this  comparison  ("Cannot  Determine" 
respondents).  These  respondents  were  likely  to  come  disproportionately  from 
lower  tar  categories.  A four-category  designation  of  tar  levels  was  selected. 

It  allowed  for  somewhat  greater  differentiation  among  lower  tar  users,  had 
an  equal  number  of  rating  scale  points  in  each  of  the  low-tar  categories,  and 
was  consistent  with  a recently  proposed  four-category  nicotine  and  tar  rating 
system.  Unweighted  cell  sizes  for  the  five  tar  categories  (including  "Cannot 
Determine")  shown  in  Table  1 were  small:  28,  75,  70,  116,  and  48  for  those 
smoking  cigarettes  in  the  past  2 to  3 years. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  1 

Tar  level  (percent)  of  cigarette  last  smoked 

Tar  Levels  (mg) 

Smoker  Classification 
(weighted  data)  (N) 

Very  Low 









Current  Smokers 

Some-days  smokers  (56) 





Every-day  smokers  (232) 






Recent  (2  to  3 years)  quitters  (36) 






Those  Smoking  in  the  Past  2 to  3 Years 

All  smokers  (325) 






Male  (152) 






Female  (174) 






White  (268) 






Black  (28) 






Hispanic  (26) 







High  school  or  less  education  (1 07) 





At  least  some  college  education  (1 46) 






Smokers  of  regular  size  cigarettes  (145) 






Smokers  of  longer  cigarettes  (173) 





1 1 

Smokers  of  soft  pack  cigarettes  (1 80) 






Smokers  of  hard  pack  cigarettes  (1 33) 






Smokers  of  plain  cigarettes  (223) 







Smokers  of  menthol  cigarettes  (101) 





Fifty-eight  percent  of  current  smokers  smoked  a cigarette  with  15  mg  or 
less  of  tar,  and  9 percent  smoked  a cigarette  with  1 to  5 mg  of  tar.  Recent  I 
quitters  tended  to  come  from  relatively  higher  tar  categories,  consistent 
with  evidence  suggesting  that  switching  to  the  lowest  tar  cigarettes  was  a [ 

substitute  for,  rather  than  a stepping  stone  to,  quitting.  High-tar  cigarette  j] 

use  was  more  frequent  among  males,  blacks,  and  Hispanics  and  decreased  | 

markedly  with  educational  attainment. 

KNOWLEDGE  OF  Those  smoking  cigarettes  in  the  past  2 to  3 years  were  asked  to  tell  j 

ADVERTISED  the  interviewer  the  tar  number  of  their  most  recently  smoked  ; 

TAR  NUMBERS  cigarette.  Seventy-nine  percent  indicated  that  they  did  not  know. 

rhis  increased  to  about  90  percent  for  those  having  less  than  a high  school  ^ 
education,  smokers  ages  55  and  older,  and  black  smokers.  Respondents 
answering  "do  not  know"  then  were  asked  to  come  as  close  as  they  could,  < 

and  interviewers  were  to  probe  for  their  "best  guess."  Fifty-eight  percent  still  j 
reported  not  knowing.  ' 

Initial  responses  were  slightly  more  likely  to  be  underestimates  (9  percent) 
than  correct  answers  (defined  as  plus  or  minus  1 mg  from  the  actual  tar  level)  ; : 


Chapter  9 

or  overestimates  (6  percent  in  both  of  the  latter  two  categories).  When 
probed  responses  were  included  in  the  analysis,  there  was  a substantial 
increase  in  responses  that  underestimated  tar  levels  (from  9 to  20  percent); 
there  were  only  small  changes  in  correct  answers  or  overestimates.  When 
actual  tar  numbers  were  regressed  against  respondents'  initial  and  probed 
answers,  the  relationships  were  weak  (r  = .26  and  .20,  respectively). 

Smokers  of  very-low-tar  cigarettes  had  a much  greater  awareness  of  their 
cigarettes'  tar  numbers.  Thirty-nine  percent  of  those  who  smoked  1-  to  5-mg 
tar  cigarettes  were  correct  initially,  increasing  to  50  percent  with  probing. 
These  figures  stand  in  marked  contrast  to  responses  of  smokers  of  cigarettes 
with  6 to  10  mg  tar,  whose  comparable  percentages  of  correct  responses  were 
4 and  9 percent,  respectively. 

To  assess  "knowledge  in  practice"  (in  addition  to  recall-based  knowledge), 
half  the  members  of  the  sample  were  asked  whether  a 16-mg  (or,  for  the  other 
half,  a 5-mg)  tar  cigarette  is  lower  in  tar  than  most  other  cigarettes  on  the 
market.  The  correct  answers  are  "no"  for  the  16-mg  tar  cigarette  and  "yes" 
for  the  5-mg  tar  cigarette.  Table  2 shows  respondents'  answers  cross-tabulated 
by  the  tar  level  of  their  most  recently  smoked  cigarette.  Whereas  35  percent 
of  the  smokers  of  1-  to  5-mg  tar  cigarettes  did  not  know  that  a 16-mg  tar 
cigarette  was  not  lower  in  tar,  between  55  and  66  percent  of  all  other  smokers 
either  did  not  know  or  gave  incorrect  responses  to  this  question.  For  those 

Table  2 

Interpretation  of  Federal  Trade  Commission  tar  numbers  corresponding  to  lower  tar  levels 

Tar  Levels  (mg) 


Very  Low 









Believe  That  a 1 6-mg  Tar 
Cigarette  Is  Lower  in  Tar 
Than  Most  Other  Cigarettes 
(N  = 179) 

% Correct 











% Incorrect 






% Do  not  know 






Believe  That  a 5-mg  Tar 
Cigarette  Is  Lower  in  Tar 
Than  Most  Other  Cigarettes 
(N  = 158) 

% Correct 











% Incorrect 






% Do  not  know 











Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

smoking  cigarettes  having  more  than  5 mg  of  tar,  between  56  and  74  percent 
either  did  not  know  that  a 5-mg  tar  cigarette  was  lower  in  tar  than  most  other 
cigarettes  or  said  that  it  was  not  lower  (with  10  to  20  percent  incorrect). 

SMOKERS'  Two  approaches  were  used  to  better  understand  how  smokers 

INTERPRETATIONS  interpreted  the  advertised  tar  numbers.  In  the  first,  half  the 
OF  TAR  NUMBERS  sample  members  were  asked  whether  a pack-a-day  smoker  could 
significantly  lower  his  or  her  health  risks  due  to  smoking  by  switching  from 
a 20-mg  tar  cigarette  to  a 5-mg  tar  cigarette;  for  the  other  half,  the  switch 
was  to  a 16-mg  tar  cigarette.  In  total,  56  percent  of  smokers  thought  that  a 
switch  to  a 5-mg  tar  cigarette  would  significantly  lower  health  risks,  whereas 
28  percent  thought  that  a switch  to  a 16-mg  tar  cigarette  would  significantly 
lower  health  risks. 

Table  3 cross-tabulates  answers  to  these  questions  against  the  actual  tar 
levels  of  smokers'  cigarettes.  For  the  substantive  shift  to  a 5-mg  cigarette, 
light-to-heavy  tar  cigarette  smokers  are  evenly  divided  between  believing 
there  would  be  a significant  reduction  in  health  risks  and  either  believing 
this  would  not  be  the  case  or  being  unsure  about  this.  Whereas  more  than 
60  percent  of  smokers  did  not  think  switching  to  a 16-mg  tar  cigarette  would 
lead  to  a significant  reduction  in  health  risks  due  to  smoking,  a sizable 
proportion  of  light-to-heavy  tar  cigarette  smokers  either  thought  it  would 
or  did  not  know. 

Table  3 

Inferences  (percent)  about  health  risks  as  a result  of  switching  to  lower  tar  cigarettes 

Tar  Levels  (mg) 


Very  Low 









Switching  From  a 20-mg  to  a 5-mg  Tar  Cigarette 
Would  Significantly  Reduce  Health  Risks 






Switching  From  a 20-mg  to  a 5-mg  Tar  Cigarette 
Would  Not  Significantly  Reduce  Health  Risks 






Do  Not  Know 






Switching  From  a 20-mg  to  a 16-mg  Tar  Cigarette 
Would  Significantly  Reduce  Health  Risks 






Switching  From  a 20-mg  to  a 16-mg  Tar  Cigarette 
Would  Not  Significantly  Reduce  Health  Risks 






Do  Not  Know 






Relative  Difference  in  Health  Risks  Between  Those 
Asked  About  Switching  to  a 5-mg  and  Those 
Asked  About  Switching  to  a 16-mg  Tar  Cigarette 






Chapter  9 

The  interpretation  of  data  in  Table  3 is  complicated  by  almost  certainly 
differing  beliefs  of  smokers  in  the  four  tar  categories  regarding  the  risks  of 
smoking  a 20-mg  tar  cigarette  and  hence  about  the  decrease  in  risk  from 
any  reduction  in  tar  level.  Because  the  belief  factor  is  likely  to  be  a constant 
in  the  two  versions  of  this  question,  it  is  useful  to  examine  the  relative 
reduction  in  health  risk  (i.e.,  the  difference  in  benefits  between  switching 
to  the  5-mg  tar  alternative  compared  with  the  16-mg  alternative),  shown  in 
the  last  row  of  Table  3.  Once  again,  the  evidence  points  to  a clear  difference 
between  smokers  of  cigarettes  with  1 to  5 mg  of  tar  and  all  other  smokers. 
These  very-low-tar  smokers  believe  that  it  takes  a substantial  reduction  in 
tar  yields  to  significantly  reduce  health  risk,  whereas  this  belief  does  not 
appear  to  be  held  by  a substantial  number  of  smokers  in  other  categories. 
Unfortunately,  this  belief  also  may  support  a judgment  that  a substantial 
reduction  in  tar  levels  may  be  a reasonable  substitute  for  quitting. 

In  the  second  approach,  we  examined  smokers'  understanding  of  the 
distinction  between  tar  yield  and  delivery,  together  with  their  willingness  to 
treat  the  numerical  information  as  if  it  had  ratio-scale  properties  rather  than 
merely  ordinal  properties.  Many  of  those  supporting  the  dissemination  of 
tar  numbers  have  assumed  that  consumers  would  use  these  numbers  in  an 
ordinal  fashion,  essentially  as  if  they  were  simply  rank-ordered  data.  Ordinal 
scales  do  not  possess  the  property  that  each  numerical  interval  is  of  the  same 
magnitude  (i.e.,  the  difference  between  1 and  2 being  precisely  equal  to  the 
difference  between  10  and  11).  The  FTC  method  may  produce  tar  ratings 
that  have  this  interval  scale  property  for  tar  yields,  but  it  cannot  be  said  to 
do  so  for  actual  deliveries  of  tar  because  smokers'  inhalation  patterns  seem 
to  vary  as  they  move  lower  on  the  scale.  A ratio  scale  has  the  further  property 
of  having  a genuine  zero  point  so  that  it  is  proper  to  regard  a scale  score  of 
10  as  being  twice  as  high  as  a scale  score  of  5. 

Respondents  were  asked  to  assume  that  a person  switched  from  a 10-mg 
tar  cigarette  to  a 1-mg  tar  cigarette.  Then  the  three  statements  shown  in 
Table  4 were  read  twice,  and  respondents  were  asked  to  decide  which  of  these 
came  closest  to  their  opinion.  Primacy  and  recency  effects  were  controlled 
by  rotating  the  order  of  the  first  and  third  statements.  The  first  answer  is  the 
correct  choice,  whereas  the  second  answer  suggests  some  reluctance  to  rely 
on  the  absolute  numerical  values  when  thinking  about  such  tradeoffs. 

The  general  conclusion  to  be  drawn  from  these  data  is  that  at  least  one- 
quarter  of  smokers  (i.e.,  those  selecting  the  third  interpretation)  clearly  have 
been  misled  about  the  meaning  of  the  tar  yield  numbers.  Interestingly,  this 
increases  to  44  percent  for  smokers  of  very-low-tar  cigarettes,  in  line  with 
other  evidence  presented  here;  it  also  increases  concern  about  the  safety 
reassurances  that  such  very-low-tar  cigarettes  appear  to  provide. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  4 

Inferences  (percent)  about  tradeoffs  between  tar  deliveries  and  number  of  cigarettes  smoked 

Tar  Levels  (mg) 

Inference  (relative  to  a 10-mg  tar  cigarette) 












Person  Probably  Could  Smoke  More  Than  One, 
but  These  Numbers  Cannot  Tell  You  How 
Much  Less  Tar  the  Person  Would  Take  in 
From  the  1-mg  Tar  Cigarette 






Person  Could  Smoke  More  Than  1 or  2 but  Less 
Than  9 or  10  of  the  1-mg  Tar  Cigarettes  Without 
Taking  in  More  Tar 






Person  Could  Smoke  About  10  of  the  1-mg  Tar 
Cigarettes  Without  Taking  in  More  Tar 






None  of  These/Do  Not  Know 






SMOKERS'  USE  The  final  issue  under  study  in  this  survey  was  whether  smokers 
OF  ADVERTISED  reported  having  used  these  tar  numbers  to  make  judgments  about 
TAR  NUMBERS  the  relative  safety  of  different  brands  of  cigarettes.  In  answering 

this  question,  only  14  percent  of  the  sample  indicated  doing  so.  Once  again, 
the  smokers  of  1-  to  5-mg  tar  cigarettes  were  different:  56  percent  of  them 
reported  using  advertised  tar  numbers  to  make  judgments  about  the  relative 
safety  of  various  cigarettes. 

CONCLUSIONS  This  study  demonstrates  inherent  difficulties  in  using  advertised  tar 
yield  numbers  to  communicate  meaningful  information  to  consumers. 

Most  smokers  do  not  seem  to  pay  careful  attention  to  the  numerical  values 
per  se,  even  to  the  extent  of  having  a strong  sense  of  the  range  of  numerical 
values.  Smokers  of  cigarettes  with  low-  to  high-tar  content  had  considerable 
uncertainty  about  the  health  implications  of  switching  to  lower  tar  cigarettes. 
However,  very-low-tar  numbers  seem  to  have  a strong  appeal  to  a particular 
group  of  smokers  and  may  convey  a message  of  absolute  safety. 


DR.  TOWNSEND:  Dr.  Cohen,  can  you  tell  me  if  you  also  asked  the  subjects 
the  category  of  cigarettes  that  they  smoked;  for  example,  was  it  regular  or  | 
lights  or  ultralights?  I 


DR.  COHEN:  We  did  not  ask  them  their  perception  of  their  cigarette.  We  I 
asked  them  exactly  what  they  smoked  in  terms  of  the  size  and  whether  their  | 
cigarettes  were  menthol  or  plain  and  hard  pack  or  soft  pack — but  we  did  not  1 
ask  them  their  perception.  i 


Chapter  9 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I am  not  speaking  about  their  perception.  I am  speaking 
about  the  advertising  associated  with  the  cigarettes  that  smokers  purchase. 

For  example,  if  you  go  into  a store  to  buy  cigarettes,  you  can  buy  Winston 
regulars,  Winston  Lights,  or  Winston  Ultra  Lights.  And  of  course,  those 
relative  categories  are  based  on  FTC  tar  numbers.  So,  you  did  not  ask  them 
a question  like  that? 

DR.  COHEN:  No,  we  didn't  ask  that  specific  question. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  My  experience,  in  talking  with  a lot  of  consumers,  is  that 
they  do  know,  very  clearly,  the  category  of  cigarettes  that  they  are  smoking, 
even  though  some  of  them  do  not  know  the  accurate  numbers  of  the 
cigarettes  that  they  are  smoking. 

DR.  COHEN:  I would  not  disagree  with  you. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  And  that  ranking  of  categories  is  based  on  the  FTC 
numbers.  So,  I think  that  your  conclusion  that  the  numbers  are  useless, 

I certainly  do  not  agree  with. 

I think  another  example  of  that  is  in  my  recent  purchase  of  a hot  water 
heater.  1 certainly  used  the  energy  efficiency  ratings  in  making  that  choice. 

I cannot  tell  you  today  what  the  energy  efficiency  rating  actually  is. 

DR.  COHEN:  If  we  are  here  looking  at  the  utility  of  the  FTC  tar  numbers 
in  advertising,  then  I think  it  is  fair  to  ask  if  people  are  taking  away  this 
information.  The  assertion  is  made  that  this  information  has  value  to 
people.  I am  examining  that  assertion. 

Now,  if  you  are  saying,  well,  it  is  not  the  numbers  they  care  about;  it  is 
the  categories,  then  you  can  present  information  that  says  they  are  done  in 
four  categories. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  In  addition  to  that,  you  also  said  that  there  is  at  least  one 
category  where  a high  percentage  of  those  smokers  do  look  at  those  numbers 
very  carefully.  So,  I think  your  conclusion  that  the  FTC  numbers  are  useless 
is  certainly  not  true. 

DR.  COHEN:  I do  not  know  that  I went  that  far;  I stopped  a little  short  of 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  And  I think  another  very  practical  example  of  the  utility 
of  the  FTC  relative  numbers  is,  in  fact,  what  has  happened  to  the  industry 
over  the  past  40  years.  We  have  reduced  the  level  of  tar  delivery,  by  the 
FTC  method,  from  about  38  mg  down  to  about  12  mg.  I think  Dr.  Hoffmann 
spoke  to  that  very  clearly. 

What  has  happened  to  cause  that  dramatic  a change  is  that  people  trade 
off  taste.  The  lower  tar  cigarettes  generally  have — or  always  have — fewer 
taste  characteristics.  And  people  find  that  more  acceptable.  So,  they  are 
making  this  tradeoff  in  the  marketplace  of  taste  and  something  else. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  COHEN:  I appreciate  your  position,  though  I think  we  are  talking  about 
different  issues  here.  I am  talking  about  the  utility  of  this  information 
presented  in  this  form  as  numbers.  I am  not  talking  about  the  utility  of 
providing  information  about  tar. 

MS.  WILKENFELD:  1 do  want  to  add  one  thing  to  the  mix  to  make  it  more 
complicated.  You  said  they  had  to  tell  you  the  name  of  the  cigarette  they 
were  smoking.  And  in  order  to  get  the  actual  tar  number,  they  would  have 
had  to  report  specifically  about  the  category,  for  example,  Marlboro  and 
Marlboro  Lights.  So,  they  may  have  reported  correctly. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I have  found  out  that  a lot  of  people  in  the  United  States 
who  do  not  smoke  somehow  have  the  impression  that  tar  and  nicotine 
ratings  are  printed  on  the  packs  of  cigarettes.  They  are  in  some  places,  for 
example,  in  Canada,  but  not  in  the  United  States.  I think  the  one  notable 
exception  is  the  ultralow-tar  cigarettes.  You  know,  when  you  test  Carlton 
as  low  as  1 mg  tar,  they  are  right  on  the  pack. 

If  it  is  not  on  packs,  if  a brand  is  not  advertised,  or  a person  does  not  see 
an  ad,  how  in  the  world  would  they  know  what  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields 

DR.  COHEN:  I think  there  is  a fundamental  problem.  I do  not  think  the  scale 
has  integrity.  We  had  a scale  that  goes  from  1 to  27.  People  don't  care  about  j| 
tar;  they  don't  know  what  it  is.  They  care  about  harmfulness;  they  care  about  || 
smoking  risk.  r 

If  you  don't  present  information  to  people  along  a dimension  that  they 
care  about,  they  are  not  going  to  pay  as  much  attention  to  it.  And  if  you 
don't  present  information  to  people  in  a way  so  that  they  know  how  to 
use  it,  where  the  numbers  have  some  meaningful  quality,  they  will  not  pay 
attention  to  it.  Then  people  are  not  going  to  be  able  to  do  as  much  with  it. 

1 think  there  is  a fundamental  problem  with  providing  information. 

It  may  be  the  wrong  information  presented  the  wrong  way.  Other  than 
that,  it  is  OK. 


Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention.  Cigarette 
smoking  among  adults — United  States,  1992,  and 
changes  in  the  definition  of  current  cigarette 
smoking.  MMWR.  Murbiclity  and  Mortality  Weekly 
Report  4:i(\9):  M2-.i46,  1994. 


] Chapter  10 

Sensitivity  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission 
Test  ^4ethod  to  .Analytical  Parameters 

' Michael  R.  Guerin 

I INTRODUCTION  The  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  test  method  for  determining 
j the  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  of  commercial  cigarettes 

I was  designed  to  characterize  and  compare  brands.  Relevance  to  human 

smoking  was  a consideration  in  choosing  the  test  method,  but  the  principal 
objective  was  to  select  a method  that  provided  the  most  accurate  and 
reproducible  result.  Relevance  to  human  smoking  was  addressed  by  using 
intermittent  puffing  and  by  choosing  puff  volume,  puff  duration,  puff 
frequency,  and  butt  length  based  on  observations  of  human  smokers. 
Accuracy  and  reproducibility  were  addressed  by  selecting  a single  set  of 
smoking  conditions,  demanding  narrow  tolerances  for  variation  in  the 
conditions,  and  standardizing  everything  from  cigarette  selection,  to  the 
smoking  environment,  to  the  laboratory  analytical  chemical  methods. 

Requirements  associated  with  producing  a standard  method  tend  to 
conflict  with  those  associated  with  maximizing  relevance  to  the  human 
situation.  Bradford  and  colleagues  (1936)  recognized  from  the  beginning 
that  humans  smoke  cigarettes  in  different  and  varying  ways,  but  a 
standardized  procedure  requires  that  variables  be  set  and  controlled. 

For  practical  purposes,  only  one  set  of  conditions  could  be  selected. 

At  least  two  factors  have  led  to  an  increased  concern  about  the  relevance 
of  the  FTC  test  procedure.  First,  FTC  results  increasingly  have  been  viewed 
as  a measure  of  human  exposure  and  therefore  health  risk.  The  problem 
is  compounded  by  the  assumption  that  even  a small  difference  in  FTC 
results  signifies  a meaningful  difference  in  human  exposure.  Second,  a much 
greater  variety  of  cigarettes  is  available  today.  They  range  from  nonfilter  and 
filter  cigarettes  similar  to  those  available  when  the  method  was  adopted,  to 
j increasingly  popular  products  with  very  low  FTC  yields.  Behavioral  research 

j has  demonstrated  that  low-yield  products  are  consistently  smoked  differently 

than  are  higher  yield  products  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1989). 

This  chapter  reviews  the  nature  of  the  FTC  test  procedure  and  the 
influence  of  changes  in  its  specifications  on  yields.  Smoking  parameters 
likely  to  be  different  for  humans  from  FTC  machine  smoking  are  emphasized. 

STANDARD  The  quantities  of  tar,  nicotine,  carbon  monoxide,  and  other  constituents 
i MACHINE  in  cigarette  smoke  are  measured  using  smoking  machines.  One  or  more 
j SMOKING  cigarettes  are  smoked  by  a machine,  the  constituents  of  interest  are  collected 
' in  a suitable  trap,  and  the  contents  of  the  trap  are  chemically  analyzed, 

j The  quantity  in  the  trap  is  divided  by  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  to 

j compute  a yield  (or  delivery)  per  cigarette.  In  the  case  of  the  FTC  procedure. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

the  particle  phase  of  the  smoke  is  collected  on  glass  fiber  (Cambridge)  filters, 
and  the  gas  phase  (passing  through  the  filter)  is  collected  in  gas  sampling 
bags.  Carbon  monoxide  is  measured  in  the  gas  sampling  bags.  The  filter  is 
weighed  to  yield  a measure  of  total  particulate  matter  (TPM)  and  is  analyzed 
for  nicotine  and  water  content.  Tar  (or  nicotine-free  dry  particulate  matter) 
is  computed  by  subtracting  the  weights  of  nicotine  and  water  from  the 
weight  of  TPM. 

The  principal  reason  for  using  smoking  machines  is  to  maximize  the 
reproducibility  of  results  (DeBardeleben  et  al.,  1991).  This  is  particularly 
important  for  quality  control  and  product  comparison  and  is  essential  for 
interlaboratory  comparisons.  However,  machine  smoking  is  limited  in  that 
it  provides  results  accurate  only  for  the  specific  set  of  smoking  conditions 
employed  by  the  machine. 

Smoking  parameters  used  in  the  FTC  procedure  are  based  largely  on 
empirical  observations  of  smokers  reported  by  Bradford  and  colleagues 
(1936).  They  suggested  a nominal  35-mL  ("mL"  is  used  interchangeably  in 
the  literature  with  "cc")  puff  volume  of  a 2-second  duration  taken  once  per 
minute  to  a 23-mm  butt  length.  Current  FTC  smoking  conditions  (Federal 
Trade  Commission,  1994)  specify  a puff  volume  of  35  ± 0.5  mL,  a puff 
duration  of  2.0  ± 0.2  seconds,  and  a puff  frequency  of  1 per  60  ± 1 second. 
Butt  length  is  specified  as  23  mm  for  nonfilter  cigarettes  and  the  length  of 
filter  overwrap  plus  3 mm  for  filtered  cigarettes.  The  international  standard 
method  (Thomsen,  1992)  ISO  3308  currently  uses  the  same  conditions  but 
requires  more  stringent  tolerances.  Puff  volume  is  35  ± 0.25  mL,  puff 
duration  is  2.0  ± 0.05  second,  and  puff  frequency  is  1 per  60  ± 0.5  second. 

Machine-smoking  parameters  are  only  one  of  several  conditions  that 
have  been  specified  to  constitute  standard  FTC  testing.  Other  conditions 
include  the  number  and  manner  of  selection  of  cigarettes  to  be  tested, 
cigarette  conditioning  (see  below),  the  smoking  environment,  and  the 
methods  and  instrumentation  used.  FTC  testing  specifies  the  analysis  of 
100  cigarettes  selected  at  random  from  two  packages  purchased  at  each  of 
50  geographical  locations  throughout  the  United  States.  Cigarettes  must  be 
conditioned  at  60  percent  relative  humidity  and  24  °C  for  at  least  48  hours 
before  smoking  and  must  be  smoked  in  a room  maintained  under  the  same 
conditions.  Smoking  is  performed  using  a Phipps  and  Bird  20-port  linear 
smoking  machine,  thus  specifying  by  default  that  "restricted"  rather  than 
"free"  (butt  end  closed  rather  than  open  to  the  atmosphere  between  puffs) 
smoking  be  performed.  Finally,  the  air  flow  across  the  cigarettes  must  be 
reproducible  and  controlled  to  control  the  rate  at  which  the  cigarette  burns 
between  puffs. 

The  introduction  of  cigarettes  with  ventilated  filters  has  made  it 
necessary  to  pay  additional  attention  to  the  depth  to  which  the  cigarette  is 
inserted  into  the  holder.  The  cigarette  must  be  inserted  sufficiently  deep  to 
hold  it  firmly  for  the  smoking  j)rocess  but  not  so  deep  as  to  occlude  the 
ventilation  holes. 

1 36 

Chapter  1 0 

j Standardization  has  produced  a remarkably  reproducible  procedure 

I given  that  the  process  involves  the  combustion  of  highly  processed  and 

I packaged  plant  material.  This  is  illustrated  by  the  data  shown  in  Table  1. 

I Individual  laboratories  typically  generate  results  with  a precision  of 

i ±5  percent  (relative  standard  deviation)  or  better  for  tar,  nicotine,  and 

I carbon  monoxide  yields  of  high-tar  products.  Interlaboratory  agreement 

j is  generally  within  4 and  8 percent  of  the  mean,  depending  on  the 

constituents  and  number  of  cigarettes  considered.  Precision  and 
interlaboratory  agreement  as  a percentage  of  the  mean  are  poorer  for 
very-low-delivery  (e.g.,  1 mg  tar)  products,  but  the  absolute  error  is  similar. 
The  procedure  is  sufficiently  reproducible  to  allow  rounding  of  FTC  results 
for  tar  and  carbon  monoxide  to  the  nearest  whole  milligram  based  on  a 
] difference  between  brands  of  only  0.1  mg  (0.4  mg  or  less  reported  as  <1  mg 

or  below  detection  limit  of  the  method,  0.5  mg  or  more  rounded  up  to  1 mg, 

I 1.04  mg  rounded  down  to  1 mg,  etc.).  Results  for  nicotine  are  rounded  to 

the  nearest  tenth  mg.  Those  with  0.05  mg  or  greater  are  rounded  up, 
whereas  those  with  0.04  mg  or  less  are  rounded  down,  as  above. 

INFLUENCE  Each  parameter  specified  in  the  FTC  testing  procedure  influences 
OF  SMOKING  the  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  Restrictive 
I PARAMETERS  tolerances  specified  for  acceptable  puff  volume,  puff  duration,  and 
so  forth  are  required  to  allow  comparison  of  similar  products  and  to  allow 
interlaboratory  comparability.  Parameters  such  as  cigarette  conditioning 
prior  to  smoking  are  specified  to  accommodate  the  realities  of  laboratory 
measurements:  in  this  case,  that  the  cigarettes  are  likely  to  be  analyzed  after 
long  periods  of  cold  storage.  Minor  variations  in  any  of  these  parameters  can 
result  in  detectable  differences  in  yields.  Realistic  (comparable  with  human 
smoking  practices)  variations  also  can  result  in  large  differences  in  yields. 

Darrall  (1988)  has  reported  a systematic  study  of  the  influence  of  smoking 
parameters  on  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  Puff  durations 
of  1.6  seconds  and  2.3  seconds  produced  essentially  the  same  yields  for  very- 
low-tar  (^4  mg)  cigarettes  and  almost  indistinguishable  yields  for  higher  tar 
products  (Table  2).  No  clear  trend  toward  increasing  or  decreasing  yields 
was  noted.  Changing  puff  volume  from  35  to  40  mL  produced  a small  but 
generally  consistent  increase  in  tar  and  nicotine  (Table  3).  Low-tar  products 
I yielded  1 to  3 mg  more  tar  and  0.1  to  0.3  mg  more  nicotine  at  40-mL  puff 

j volumes  than  at  35-mL  puff  volumes.  Higher  tar  products  increased  yield 

by  2 to  5 mg  of  tar  and  0.1  to  0.5  mg  of  nicotine.  The  increases,  although 
small,  still  may  be  larger  than  would  be  found  using  the  standard  FTC 
method  because  the  investigator  in  Darrall's  study  (1988)  smoked  at  2 puffs 
per  minute,  thus  increasing  the  number  of  puffs  per  cigarette.  Larger  changes 
in  puff  volume  produce  larger  changes  in  yields.  Browne  and  colleagues 
(1980)  reported  that  particulate  matter  yield  increased  from  29  mg  to  55  mg 
for  a U.S.  blend  experimental  cigarette  when  the  puff  volume  was  changed 
I from  17.5  mL  to  50  mL  under  otherwise  standard  conditions.  Carbon 

monoxide  yields  were  9 mg  and  20  mg  for  puff  volumes  of  17.5  mL  and 
: 50  mL,  respectively. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 ■* 
























^ O 


fO  o 

I-  u 


































































T — 



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lo  “2 

O)  CO 
*r^  *D 















1 — 










C3)  (D 



























T3  +1 











0)  0 














;c  CD 
^ CO 





































































































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Chapter  10 

Table  2 

Influence  of  puff  duration  on  machine  yields 

Yield  (mg/cigarette)® 



Carbon  Monoxide 

Brand  1 .6  2.3 

(FTC  tar)  Seconds  Seconds 

1 .6  2.3 

Seconds  Seconds 





B (1  mg) 







D (4  mg) 







E (6  mg) 







G (9  mg) 







K (13  mg) 







T (15  mg) 







X (25  mg) 







® 35-mL  puff,  30-second  interval. 

Source:  Darrall,  1988. 

Table  3 

Influence  of  puff  volume 


machine  yields 

Yield  (mg/cigarette)^ 



Carbon  Monoxide 

Brand  (FTC  tar) 

35  mL  40  mL 

35  mL 

40  mL 

35  mL 

40  mL 

(B)  KS-UM-V  (1  mg) 







(D)  KS-EM-V  (4  mg) 







(G)  KS-V  (9  mg) 







(H)  Regular-V  (12  mg) 







(K)  KS-V  (13  mg) 







(0)  KS-NV  (14  mg) 







(P)  KS-NV  (14  mg) 







(W)  Regular-NF  (16  mg) 







P<)  Regular-NF  (25  mg) 







® 2.3-second  duration,  30-second  frequency. 

Key:  KS  = king  size;  UM  = ultramild  (<  4 mg  tar);  V = ventilated;  EM  = extra  mild  (4  to  7 mg  tar);  NV  = nonventilated; 
NF  = nonfilter. 

Source:  Darrall,  1988. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Puff  frequency  (Table  4)  and  filter  ventilation  (Table  5)  were  found  to 
have  the  greatest  effect  on  yields.  Decreasing  the  puff  interval  from  60  to 
40  seconds  increased  the  deliveries  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  by 
20  to  50  percent  on  a per-cigarette  basis.  Using  a puff  interval  of  30  seconds 
increased  deliveries  by  40  to  90  percent.  Blocking  the  ventilation  system  of 
ventilated  filter  cigarettes  has  similar  effects  for  products  using  a low  degree 
of  ventilation  and  a much  greater  effect  for  highly  ventilated  products.  This 
is  particularly  important  for  very-low-delivery  (e.g.,  si  mg  tar)  products 
because  they  typically  use  highly  ventilated  filters.  Darrall  (1988)  reported 
that  complete  blockage  of  the  filter  ventilation  of  a nominally  4.0-mg  tar 
product  resulted  in  a tar  yield  of  10  mg  (Table  5);  nicotine  increased  from 
0.5  to  0.8  mg,  and  carbon  monoxide  rose  from  4 to  13  mg.  Lower  yield 
products  employ  more  highly  ventilated  filters  than  in  Darrall's  (1988) 
example,  and  the  influence  of  filter  blockage  would  be  expected  to  be 
greater  for  such  products. 

The  importance  of  filter  ventilation  to  FTC  testing  is  illustrated  by  the 
results  summarized  in  Figure  1.  Nonfilter,  filter  (F),  and  ventilated  filter  (VF) 
commercial  cigarettes  were  smoked  (see  next  section,  "Influence  of  Human 
Smoking  Practices")  under  standard  FTC  conditions  and  again  under  standard 
conditions  but  with  23  mm  of  the  butt  end  taped  (FTC+).  All  cigarettes. 

Table  4 

Influence  of  puff  frequency  on  machine  yields 

Percentage  Increase  Over  Standard  Federal  Trade  Commission  Method 
40  Seconds  30  Seconds 

Carbon  Carbon 









Regular  (M-H) 









Regular  (M-H) 









KS-UM-V  (L) 









KS-EM-V  (L) 









KS-EM-V  (L) 









KS  (L) 









KS-NV  (L-M) 









KS-NV  (M) 









IS-NV  (L-M) 









Key:  M-H  = middle  to  high  tar  (23  to  28  mg):  KS  = king  size;  UM  = ultramild  (<4  mg  tar);  V = ventilated;  L = low  tar  (0  to 
10  mg):  EM  = extra  mild  (4  to  7 mg  tar);  NV  = nonventilated;  L-M  = low  to  middle  tar  (11  to  16  mg):  M = middle  tar 
(17  to  22  mg);  IS  = international  size. 

Source:  Darrall,  1988. 


Chapter  10 

Table  5 

Influence  of  ventilation  on  machine  yields 

Yield  per  Cigarette  (mg) 

Percent  Blockage 







A (55%) 









Carbon  monoxide 




B (35%) 









Carbon  monoxide 




Source:  Darrall,  1988. 

including  nonfilter,  were  taped.  Nonfilter  cigarettes  and  filter  cigarettes 
with  little  or  no  ventilation  were  seen  to  be  only  slightly  affected  by  the 
tape.  Some  effect  would  be  expected  for  nonfilter  cigarettes  because  taping 
blocks  air  flow  through  the  cigarette  paper,  but  the  changes  observed  were 
barely  statistically  significant  for  the  experimental  design  used.  The  effect 
on  ventilated  filter  cigarettes  (VF-A  to  VF-F  in  Figure  1)  was  significant  and 
major.  Products  rated  as  FTC  1 mg  tar  yielded  5 mg  or  more  of  tar  when 
the  ventilation  was  completely  occluded.  Products  rated  at  2 to  4 mg  of 
tar  delivered  up  to  10  mg  of  tar.  In  the  case  of  brand  F-F,  the  substantial 
increase  in  delivery  when  cigarettes  were  taped  suggested  that  the  filter 
incorporated  ventilation  even  though  it  was  not  obvious  from  visual 
inspection.  Trends  for  nicotine  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  were  generally 
parallel  to  those  for  tar. 

INFLUENCE  OF  Standardized  machine  smoking  was  developed  to  ensure  that 

HUMAN  SMOKING  differences  in  yields  among  cigarettes  were  caused  by  the  nature 
PRACTICES  of  the  cigarettes  and  not  by  differences  in  the  measurement 

method.  The  FTC  adopted  standardized  machine  smoking  to  maximize 
its  ability  to  discriminate  accurately  among  brands.  The  FTC  test  has  been 
successful  for  this  purpose  but  is  accurate  only  where  cigarettes  are  smoked 
as  prescribed  by  the  method. 

The  relevance  of  the  FTC  test  parameters  to  human  smoking  practices 
has  been  called  into  question  as  FTC  ratings  have  increasingly  been  viewed 
as  a measure  of  human  exposure.  This  concern  is  heightened  by  the 
increasing  popularity  of  low-tar  and  ultralow-tar  products  relying  largely 
on  filter  ventilation  and  by  a better  understanding  of  compensatory  smoking 
practices.  Observation  of  more  recent  smoking  practice  showed  that  filter 
ventilation  was  commonly  compromised,  puff  volume  was  somewhat  greater 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  1 

Tar  yields  using  standard  (FTC)  smoking  conditions  and  FTC  smoking  conditions 
with  tips  taped  (FTC+) 

Cigarette  Brand 

Key:  NF  = nonfilter;  F = fitter;  VF  = ventilated  filter. 

Source:  Jenkins  et  al.,  1982. 

than  the  standard  35  mL,  and  a puff  frequency  of  2 to  3 per  minute  was  more 
common  than  was  1 per  minute  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human 
Services,  1988). 

Jenkins  and  colleagues  (1982)  surveyed  the  influence  of  major  changes 
in  smoking  parameters  on  the  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide 
by  commercial  cigarettes.  Results  are  given  in  Fables  6 through  8. 


Yield  (mg/cigarette  ± one  standard  deviation) 

Chapter  10 















O)  L_ 







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"O  ^ 

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o CO 

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^ o 
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1 — 




















































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y — 





























































































































































































































































1 — 













































































® Below  reporting  limit. 

^ Not  determined. 

Key:  VF  = ventilated  filter;  F = filter;  NF  = nonfilter. 

Yield  (mg/cigarette  ± one  standard  deviation) 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


ip  Taped 
mL,  3 Se 









































+ 1 



















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E 0- 


























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o 1- 

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CM  r^ 



■M-  in  CO 
















< CD 









Q UJ  U_ 
















ventilated  filter;  F = filter;  NF  = nonfilter. 

Yield  (mg/cigarette  ± one  standard  deviation) 

Chapter  10 


























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Q-  c\j 


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00  o 
-Si  u 
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1 — 


























































































































t — 





















































-t — 




































































































Key:  VF  = ventilated  filter;  F = filter;  NF  = nonfilter. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Smoking  parameters  were  chosen  to  represent  less  intense  smoking  (17-mL, 
1-second  puffs,  once  per  minute),  conditions  considered  to  be  "average" 
smoking  (45-mL,  2-second  puffs,  twice  per  minute)  at  the  time,  and  extreme 
("high")  smoking  (75-mL,  3-second  puffs,  three  times  per  minute)  conditions. 
These  results  were  compared  with  results  generated  using  the  standard  FTC 
conditions,  FTC  conditions  with  23  mm  of  the  butt  end  of  each  cigarette 
taped  to  completely  occlude  tip  ventilation  (FTC-i-),  and  the  extreme 
conditions  with  the  tips  taped  (high+).  Yields  under  high+  conditions 
were  viewed  as  the  maximum  practical  yields  of  the  cigarettes. 

The  cigarettes  chosen  for  analysis  were  selected  by  weight  and  pressure 
drop  (the  differential  pressure  from  end  to  end  when  air  is  drawn  through  a 
cigarette  at  a rate  of  1,050  mL  per  minute  [equivalent  to  a 35-mL  puff  taken 
over  a 2-second  period])  from  two  cartons  purchased  locally;  they  were 
conditioned  and  smoked  under  FTC-specified  environmental  conditions. 

The  smoke  was  trapped  and  analyzed  using  FTC  methods  except  that  carbon 
monoxide  was  determined  using  gas  chromatography  (Horton  and  Guerin, 
1974)  rather  than  nondispersive  infrared  spectroscopy.  A single-port  and 
a linear  four-port  Filimatic  smoking  machine  were  used  rather  than  the 
standard  20-port  machine,  and  one  to  six  cigarettes  were  smoked  per  port 
depending  on  the  smoking  conditions  used.  At  least  four  ports  of  cigarettes 
were  smoked  per  brand  or  condition,  but  the  precision  of  the  results  remained 
2 to  3 times  poorer  than  would  be  expected  using  the  standard  20-port 

Results  for  tar  deliveries  are  diagramed  in  Figure  2.  Results  for  nicotine 
and  carbon  monoxide  generally  parallel  those  for  tar  (although  carbon 
monoxide  yields  are  more  scattered  and  less  systematically  varied).  Several 
observations  are  apparent.  First,  the  trend  toward  decreasing  yields  generally 
parallels  the  decrease  in  FTC  yields  regardless  of  the  conditions  used  for  most 
products.  Second,  products  with  barely  detectable  yields  of  tar  measured  by 
the  FTC  method  produce  readily  detectable  quantities  of  tar  when  smoked 
under  reasonable  conditions.  Third,  even  the  lowest  FTC  tar  products  can 
yield  10  to  20  mg  of  tar  under  sufficiently  aggressive  smoking  conditions. 
Products  with  very  low  FTC  tar  yields  that  depend  largely  on  filter  ventilation 
are  those  most  subject  to  underestimation  of  practical  yields  by  the  FTC 

Several  investigators  have  reported  on  the  influence  of  more  relevant 
combinations  of  smoking  conditions  on  the  yields  of  tar  and  nicotine. 

Fable  9 summarizes  some  of  these  observations  for  tar.  Rickert  and  colleagues 
(1983)  reported  that  increasing  the  puff  volume  to  48  mL  and  decreasing 
the  puff  interval  to  44  seconds  resulted  in  an  increase  of  approximately 
40  to  90  percent  in  the  yield  of  tar  over  that  found  using  standard  ITC 
conditions.  Using  the  same  conditions  but  also  occluding  50  percent  of  the 
filter  ventilation  resulted  in  an  increase  of  from  70  to  500  percent  depending 
on  the  product.  Percentage  increase  in  yield  tended  to  correlate  inversely 
with  yield  of  ITC  tar;  that  is,  the  lower  the  ITC  yield,  the  greater  the 
{)ercentage  increase. 


Chapter  10 

Figure  2 

Influence  of  smoking  parameters  on  constituent  yield 


Key:  low  = 1 7-mL  puff  volume,  1 -second  duration,  1 puff/minute;  FTC  = 35-mL  puff  volume,  2-second  duration,  1 puff/ 
minute:  FTC+  = same  as  FTC  plus  butt  end  taped;  average  = 45-mL  puff  volume,  2-second  duration,  2 puffs/ 
minute;  high  = 75-mL  puff  volume,  3-second  duration,  3 puffs/minute;  high-r  = same  as  high  plus  butt  end  taped; 
NF  = nonfilter;  F = filter;  VF  = ventilated  filter. 

Source:  Jenkins  et  a!.,  1982. 






The  Rickert  and  colleagues  (1983),  Darrall  (1988),  and  Jenkins  and 
colleagues  (1982)  studies  all  considered  the  effect  of  increasing  the  puff 
frequency  from  one  per  minute  to  two  per  minute.  Puff  volumes  varied 
from  40  to  48  mL  across  the  studies,  but  the  results  were  similar.  Smoking 
at  two  puffs  per  minute  approximately  doubled  the  tar  yield  for  most 
products  tested. 

Filter  ventilation  also  has  been  considered.  The  Jenkins  and  colleagues 
(1982)  data  illustrated  that  100  percent  ventilation  blockage  increased  the 
tar  delivery  by  a factor  of  10  to  20  for  very  low  (<  1 mg)  FTC  tar  products 
if  all  other  smoking  parameters  were  kept  constant.  Kozlowski  and 
coworkers  (1982)  reported  increases  of  a factor  of  20  to  40  using  conditions 
of  100  percent  blockage,  a 47-mL  puff  volume,  and  a 44-second  puff  interval 
for  products  rated  as  <1  mg  FTC  tar.  The  influence  of  ventilation  blockage 
was  smaller  but  still  important  for  products  rated  as  1 to  6 mg  FTC  tar  (2  to 
6 times  increased  delivery  compared  with  that  measured  using  the  FTC 
method  without  ventilation  blockage),  was  readily  detectable  for  products 


Table  9 

Influence  of  "more  relevant"  smoking  parameters  on  tar  yields 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No. 










' w 







g 03 






O « 

g CJ3 


^ "to 


03  CO 

^ 03 



03  CO 
_ OO 
^ 03 




03  CO 
^ 00 
^ CJ3 






}=  ra 




















P 00  § 

CM  LO  ° 









































































T — 














































't — 

1 — 
































































c:  iU 




CL  D_ 







Key:  NV  = nonventilated. 

Chapter  1 0 

rated  up  to  10  mg  FTC  tar,  and  became  insignificant  for  products  rated  as 
15  mg  FTC  tar  and  higher.  It  is  conceivable  that  a higher  tar  (e.g.,  > 10  mg) 
product  exists  that  incorporates  a highly  ventilated  filter.  Such  a product 
would  be  affected  by  ventilation  blockage  similar  to  the  way  lower  tar 
products  are  affected. 

CONCLUSIONS  The  FTC  procedure  for  measuring  the  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon 
monoxide  yields  of  cigarettes  provides  an  accurate  measure  of  yield  for 
cigarettes  smoked  in  the  specified  manner.  It  serves  the  purpose  of  comparing 
the  yields  of  brands  smoked  under  the  same  (specified)  conditions.  The  utility 
of  the  procedure  for  measuring  human  exposure  is  doubtful  because  it  is 
unlikely  that  all  brands  are  smoked  in  the  same  way.  This  is  especially  the 
case  given  the  wide  variety  of  products  currently  available.  Results  using 
realistic  combinations  of  puff  volume,  puff  frequency,  and  filter  ventilation 
blockage  suggest  that  human  smoking  conditions  can  produce  from  two  times 
(nonfilter  and  standard  filter  brands)  to  ten  times  (low-tar  and  very-low-tar 
ventilated  filter  brands)  the  yields  of  tar  that  are  measured  by  the  FTC  test. 
Nicotine  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  vary  similarly. 

The  current  FTC  test  procedure  must  continue  to  be  used  if  there  is  a need 
to  compare  current  products  with  those  of  the  past.  New  or  additional  sets  of 
smoking  parameters  must  be  adopted  if  a more  accurate  measure  of  human 
exposure  is  desired. 


DR.  RICKERT:  There  was  a question  I had  asked  earlier  today  and  I wonder  if 
you  could  answer  it.  It  looks  as  though  you  have  some  information  about 
interlaboratory  variation,  plus  within-lab  variation,  plus  variation  over  time. 

If  you  measure,  for  example,  a 12-mg  cigarette — how  different  would  another 
brand  have  to  be  before  you  would  be  comfortable  in  calling  it  truly  different? 

DR.  GUERIN:  Certainly  it  would  have  to  be  more  than  10  percent  different.  I 
think  that  it  is  more  like,  at  that  range,  about  2 mg  different. 

DR.  RICKERT:  So,  you  would  say  that,  for  example,  10  mg  would  be 
considered  different  from  one  that  was  14;  but  other  than  that,  there  would 
be  virtually  no  difference. 

DR.  GUERIN:  Right. 


Bradford,  J. A.,  Harlan,  W.R.,  Hanmer,  H.R.  Nature  of 
cigaret  smoke.  Technic  of  experimental  smoking. 

Industrial  and  Engineering  Chemistry  28(7):  836-839, 


Browne,  C.L.,  Keith,  C.H.,  Allen,  R.E.  The  effect  of 
filter  ventilation  on  the  yield  and  composition  of 
mainstream  and  sidestream  smokes.  Beitrage  zur 
Tabakforschung  International  10:  81-90,  1980. 

Darrall,  K.G.  Smoking  machine  parameters  and 
cigarette  smoke  yields.  Science  of  the  Total 
Environment  74:  263-278,  1988. 

DeBardeleben,  M.Z.,  Wickham,  J.E.,  Kuhn,  W.F.  The 
determination  of  tar  and  nicotine  in  cigarette 
smoke  from  an  historical  perspective.  Recent 
Advances  in  Tobacco  Science  17:  115-149,  1991. 

Federal  Trade  Commission.  "Tar,  Nicotine,  and 
Carbon  Monoxide  of  the  Smoke  of  933  Varieties  of 
Domestic  Cigarettes."  Internal  report  prepared  for 
the  National  Cancer  Institute.  Washington,  DC: 
Federal  Trade  Commission,  1994. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Horton,  A.D.,  Guerin,  M.R.  Gas-solid 

chromatographic  determination  of  carbon 
monoxide  and  carbon  dioxide  in  cigarette  smoke. 
Journal  - Association  ofOfpdal  Analytical  Chemists 
57:  1-7,  1974. 

Jenkins,  R.A.,  Pair,  D.D.,  Guerin,  M.R.  "Deliveries  of 
Tar,  Nicotine,  and  Carbon  Monoxide  of  Selected 
U.S.  Commercial  Cigarettes  Smoked  Under  'More 
Relevant'  Smoking  Parameters."  Oak  Ridge 
National  Laboratory  (ORNL)  Project  Topical  Report 
No.  120.  Unpublished  report,  available  from  the 
authors.  Oak  Ridge,  TN,  1982,  13  pp. 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Heatherton,  T.F.,  Frecker,  R.C.,  Nolte, 
H.E.  Self-selected  blocking  of  vents  on  low-yield 
cigarettes.  Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and  Behavior 
33(4):  815-819,  1989. 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Rickert,  W.S.,  Pope,  M.A.,  Robinson, 
J.C.,  Frecker,  R.C.  Estimating  the  yield  to  smokers 
of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  for  the 
"lowest  yield"  ventilated  filter  cigarettes.  British 
Journal  of  Addiction  77:  159-165,  1982. 

Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C.,  Young,  J.C.,  Collishaw, 
N.E.,  Bray,  D.F.  A comparison  of  the  yields  of  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  of  36  brands  of 
Canadian  cigarettes  tested  under  three  conditions. 
Preventive  Medicine  12:  682-694,  1983. 

Thomsen,  H.V.  International  reference  method  for  the 
smoking  of  cigarettes.  Recent  Advances  in  Tobacco 
Science  18:  69-94,  1992. 

U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services.  The 
Health  Consequences  of  Smoking:  Nicotine  Addiction: 

A Report  of  the  Surgeon  General,  1988.  DHHS 
Publication  No.  (CDC)  88-8406.  Rockville,  MD:  U.S. 
Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  Public 
Health  Service,  Centers  for  Disease  Control,  Center 
for  Health  Promotion  and  Education,  Office  on 
Smoking  and  Health,  1988. 

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  This  is  to  thank  Ms.  Andi  Palausky  of  our  group  for  the 
graphic  summaries  of  data  from  the  Jenkins  and  colleagues  (1982)  study. 

This  work  was  sponsored  by  the  National  Cancer  Institute  under  Interagency 
Agreement  DOE  No.  0485-FO53-A1  under  U.S.  Department  of  Energy 
contract  DE-AC05-840R21400  with  Martin  Marietta  Energy  Systems,  Inc. 


Chapter  1 1 

Human  Smoking  Patterns 

James  P.  Zacny  and  Maxine  L.  Stitzer 

: INTRODUCTION  It  has  been  established  that  human  exposure  to  tobacco  smoke 

constituents  does  not  reflect  package  yield  characteristics  of  cigarettes  as 
determined  by  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  smoking  machine  methods. 

I This  chapter  describes  some  reasons  for  this  discrepancy  by  examining 

! features  of  human  smoking  behavior  and  how  smoking  behavior  interacts 

* with  cigarette  yield  characteristics.  The  chapter  is  divided  into  four  sections. 

I The  first  section  describes  the  topography  of  cigarette  smoking;  the  second 

I identifies  the  parameters  of  smoking  topography  that  influence  smoke 

I exposure;  the  third  shows  that  human  smoking  patterns  are  dynamic  rather 

than  static;  and  the  fourth  draws  conclusions  about  the  relevance  of  the 
FTC  methodology  to  human  smoking  patterns. 

HOW  DO  The  first  behavioral  aspect  of  smoking  involves  holding  the  cigarette, 
t HUMANS  When  smoking  low-yield  cigarettes  (nicotine  yield  < 0.9  mg),  smokers 

' SMOKE?  may  knowingly  or  unknowingly  block  some  or  all  the  filter  vents  with 

their  fingers  or  lips.  Blockage  of  these  vents  increases  the  density  of 
mainstream  smoke  that  enters  the  mouth  from  the  cigarette  rod  because  S 

the  opportunity  for  air  to  be  drawn  into  the  smoke  stream  via  the  vents  is  " 

reduced.  Vent  blocking  essentially  can  turn  a low-yield  cigarette  into  a high- 
yield  cigarette.  Over  the  past  10  years,  Dr.  Lynn  Kozlowski  has  performed 
a series  of  studies  in  which  cigarette  butts  were  assessed  for  vent  blocking. 

He  obtained  these  butts  from  public  access  places  such  as  shopping  malls.  j 

From  his  butt  analyses,  he  estimated  the  extent  to  which  smokers  in  the 
United  States  engage  in  vent  blocking.  In  one  study  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1988),  . 

the  incidence  of  partial  or  complete  vent  blocking  of  ultralow-yield  cigarettes  j, 

(0.1  to  0.4  mg  of  nicotine)  was  58  percent.  In  a more  recent  study,  Kozlowski  » 

and  colleagues  (1994)  collected  butts  of  so-called  "light"  cigarettes  (0.5  to 
I 0.8  mg  of  nicotine  yield)  and  found  that  53  percent  of  the  butts  showed 

I evidence  of  some  degree  of  vent  blocking.  Vent  blocking  can  be  detected  by 

j looking  at  the  filter  stain:  Cigarettes  that  are  not  vent  blocked  have  a dark 

stain  in  the  middle  of  the  filter  toe  with  a visible  white  ring  surrounding  the 
; stain  (i.e.,  "bulls-eye"  pattern);  cigarettes  that  are  vent  blocked  have  filter 

1 stains  that  encompass  to  varying  degrees  not  only  the  middle  of  the  filter 

j toe  but  also  the  periphery. 

! What  are  other  features  of  smoking  behavior?  The  smoker  draws  on 

the  cigarette,  inhales  the  smoke  into  the  lungs,  then  exhales.  Drawing  or 
puffing  parameters  that  can  be  measured  include  the  size  of  the  puff  (puff 
volume),  the  duration  of  the  puff,  and  the  interval  between  puffs.  Inhalation 
I parameters  that  can  be  measured  include  the  amount  of  air  that  is  mixed 

] with  the  smoke  as  it  is  inhaled  into  the  lungs  (inhalation  volume,  also 

I referred  to  as  inhalation  depth),  the  duration  to  peak  inhalation,  and  any 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

breath  holding  that  occurs.  Exhalation  parameters  include  exhalation 
volume  and  duration.  These  smoking  parameters  can  now  be  measured 
with  technologies  that  have  been  developed  over  the  past  20  years.  Puffing 
parameters  can  be  measured  with  a plastic  flowmeter,  which  is  attached  to 
a pressure  transducer;  this  system  measures  pressure  differences  between 
two  points  in  the  flowmeter  as  the  cigarette  is  puffed.  Respiratory  parameters 
can  be  measured  with  noninvasive  respiratory  inductive  plethysmography. 
Essentially,  the  degree  of  movement  of  the  chest  and  abdomen  after 
calibration  procedures  is  directly  proportional  to  volumes  of  smoky  air 
inhaled  and  exhaled.  Thus,  smoking  is  a complex  behavior  with  a number 
of  discrete,  measurable  elements. 

WHICH  HUMAN  It  is  important  to  identify  which  specific  elements  of 

SMOKING  BEHAVIORS  smoking  behavior  influence  smoke  exposure  to  focus  on 

DETERMINE  SMOKE  relevant  parameters  of  the  FTC  testing  procedures  vs. 

EXPOSURE?  human  smoking  comparison.  Stitzer,  Zacny,  and  other 

colleagues  over  the  past  several  years  have  conducted  three  studies  (Zacny 
et  al.,  1986  and  1987;  Weinhold  and  Stitzer,  1989)  that  have  examined 
the  relative  importance  of  various  smoking  topography  parameters  in 
determining  smoke  exposure.  Smoke  exposure  is  measured  by  determining 
the  amount  of  carbon  monoxide  (CO)  and  nicotine  absorbed  from  smoking 
a single  cigarette — these  parameters  are  called  CO  boost  and  nicotine  boost, 

In  these  studies,  smokers  were  trained  to  puff  and  inhale  the  cigarette  in 
a standardized  fashion.  The  procedure  of  the  standardization  is  simple:  The 
computer  involved  in  the  measurement  of  smoking  topography  parameters 
can  be  programmed  to  beep  when  a specified  level  of  a smoking  parameter 
has  been  reached.  The  investigator  programs  the  computer  to  give  the 
smoker  feedback  as  to  when  to  (1)  stop  puffing  (this  controls  puff  volume), 
(2)  stop  inhaling  (this  controls  inhalation  volume),  and  (3)  start  exhaling 
(this  controls  breath-hold  duration).  After  practice  with  this  biofeedback 
system,  the  smoker  is  able  to  reproduce  a given  smoking  pattern  that 
includes  a fixed  puff  volume,  inhalation  volume,  and  breath-hold  duration. 

In  the  first  study  (Zacny  et  al.,  1986),  an  ultralow-yield  cigarette  was 
smoked  in  this  standardized  fashion,  and  the  number  of  vents  that  were 
blocked  was  varied.  In  this  way,  the  effect  of  vent  blocking  on  smoke 
exposure  could  be  determined,  as  measured  by  CO  boost.  Either  no  vents 
were  blocked  with  tape,  50  percent  of  vents  were  blocked,  or  100  percent  of 
the  vents  were  blocked.  Smokers  took  eight  fixed-volume  puffs  (60  mL)  from 
the  cigarette,  inhaled  to  a certain  volume  (25  percent  of  vital  capacity), 
held  the  breath  for  a certain  duration  (10  seconds),  and  then  exhaled.  Any 
differences  in  CO  boost  could  be  attributed  to  manipulation  of  vent  blocking 
because  other  smoking  topography  parameters  were  controlled.  The  authors 
found  a systematic  increase  in  CO  boost  as  a function  of  number  of  vents 
blocked.  In  a second  study,  Weinhold  and  Stitzer  (1989)  varied  the  number 
of  puffs  (from  8 to  16)  taken  from  a cigarette.  CO  boost  again  increased  in 
a linear  fashion  as  a function  of  number  of  puffs  taken.  In  a third  study 


Chapter  1 1 

(Zacny  et  al.,  1987),  three  parameters  were  systematically  manipulated: 
puff  volume  (15,  30,  45,  and  60  mL),  inhalation  volume  (0,  20,  40,  and 
60  percent  of  vital  capacity,  respectively),  and  breath-hold  duration  (0,  4,  8, 
and  16  seconds,  respectively).  As  puff  volume  increased,  the  amount  of 
nicotine  and  CO  absorbed  from  a cigarette  increased  in  a systematic  fashion. 
However,  varying  the  amount  of  air  mixed  with  the  smoke  as  it  was  inhaled 
(inhalation  volume)  did  not  affect  nicotine  or  CO  boost;  exposure  was  as 
great  with  a shallow  inhalation  as  with  a deep  inhalation.  Breath-hold 
duration  increased  CO  boost  but  had  no  effect  on  nicotine  boost.  In 
summary,  the  smoking  topography  parameters  that  appear  to  have  the  larger 
effect  on  smoke  exposure  are  vent  blocking  of  low-yield  cigarettes  and  the 
number  and  size  of  puffs  taken  from  any  cigarette. 


Much  literature  indicates  that  human  smoking  patterns  are  dynamic 
and  different  from  the  static  FTC  smoking  method.  Puffing  parameters 
change  during  the  course  of  smoking  a single  cigarette.  Initially, 
smokers  take  larger  and  longer  puffs  from  the  cigarette,  but  as  they 
smoke  down  the  rod,  the  puffs  get  shorter  and  smaller.  Interpuff 
intervals  are  shortest  at  the  beginning  of  the  cigarette  and  longest  near  the 
end  of  the  cigarette.  Smokers  engage  in  activities  that  can  have  an  influence 
on  smoking  topography.  Hatsukami  and  colleagues  (1990)  developed  a 
portable  device  that  measures  number  of  puffs,  interpuff  intervals,  and  puff 
durations  and  assessed  these  parameters  in  a smoker's  natural  environment. 
They  found  that  variables,  including  mood  of  the  smokers  (relaxed  vs. 
stressed)  and  activities  of  the  smoker  (working  vs.  socializing),  influenced 
smoking  topographies.  Psychoactive  drugs  other  than  tobacco  (e.g., 
stimulants,  alcohol,  opioids)  also  can  influence  smoking  topographies. 

Several  investigators  have  noted  changes  in  smoking  topography  as  a 
function  of  alcohol.  Keenan  and  associates  (1990)  studied  smoking 
topography  in  alcoholic  and  nonalcoholic  smokers:  Alcoholic  smokers 
took  more  puffs  from  their  cigarettes  than  did  the  nonalcoholic  smokers, 
indicating  more  intensive  smoking  and  suggesting  higher  exposure  levels 
per  cigarette. 

Two  other  examples  demonstrate  that  smoking  is  a dynamic  process. 

In  the  first  example,  Fant  and  associates  (1995)  studied  smoking  deprivation. 
The  number  of  cigarettes  that  subjects  were  permitted  to  smoke  varied  from 
0 to  11  during  a 6-hour  period.  The  number  of  puffs  taken  was  directly 
related  to  the  interval  between  cigarettes  and  inversely  related  to  the  number 
of  cigarettes  smoked.  In  the  second  example,  the  authors  reviewed  studies 
over  the  past  15  years  that  examined  smoking  topography  as  a function  of 
cigarette  yield.  We  included  only  those  studies  that  assessed  the  smoking  of 
commercially  available,  as  opposed  to  research,  cigarettes.  We  also  arbitrarily 
defined  high-yield  cigarettes  as  having  nonventilated  filters  and  an  FTC 
nicotine  yield  of  0.8  mg  or  more  and  low-yield  cigarettes  as  having  ventilated 
filters  and  an  FTC  nicotine  )deld  of  0.6  mg  or  less.  Table  1 summarizes  the 
seven  studies  that  fit  these  criteria.  A consistent  finding  in  these  studies  is 
that  puff  volume  and  puff  number  are  both  larger  when  low-yield  compared 
with  high-yield  cigarettes  were  smoked.  Overall,  it  is  clear  that  smoking 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  1 

Studies  that  assessed  smoking  topography  across  different  cigarette  yields,  using  commercially 
available  cigarettes 





Puff  Volume 

Puff  Number 







p Value 





p Value 

Bridges  et  al.,  1986 

5 vs.  65^ 

0.3-1. 1 







Woodman  et  al.,  1987 


0.6-1. 4 







Zacny  and  Stitzer,  1988 


0.1-1. 1 







Nil  and  Battig,  1989 









Hofer  et  al.,  1991 









Kolonen  et  al.,  1991 









Kolonen  et  al.,  1992 


0.3-1. 0 

















® Cross-sectional  study;  the  sample  size  in  these  studies  represents  each  group  of  smokers  studied  within  a yield 

Note:  All  studies  were  conducted  with  filtered,  commercial  brand  cigarettes:  low-yield  brands  were  all  ventilated  and 
ranged  in  nicotine  yield  from  0. 1 to  0.6  mg,  and  high-yield  brands  were  all  unventilated  and  ranged  in  nicotine 
yield  from  0.8  to  1.4  mg. 

Key:  ns  = not  significant. 

topography  is  dynamic  and  changes  in  response  to  several  factors,  including 
yield  characteristics  of  the  cigarette. 








The  FTC  machine  takes  2-second,  35-mL  puffs  every  minute  until 
a certain  point  has  been  reached  along  the  length  of  the  cigarette  (i.e., 
filter  overwrap  plus  3 mm).  The  length  of  the  cigarette  plays  a large 
role  in  how  many  puffs  are  taken  by  the  smoking  machine,  although 
porosity  of  the  cigarette  paper  and  tobacco  burn  rate  also  play  roles. 
How  does  the  FFC  method  of  smoking  compare  with  how  humans 
smoke  cigarettes?  A table  in  the  1988  Surgeon  General's  Report  on 
smoking  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988)  summarizes 
results  from  32  studies  that  assessed  ad  libitum  human  smoking  topography. 
Fable  2 lists  the  average  values,  along  with  the  range  of  puffing  parameters 
observed  in  each  study.  Average  puff  duration  across  the  32  studies  was 
1.8  seconds,  which  is  fairly  close  to  the  smoking  machine  value.  Human 
puff  volumes  tend  to  be  larger  than  the  35  ml.  used  in  standard  FTC  smoking 
machine  assays.  The  biggest  difference  between  human  and  FTC  machine 
smoking  parameters  was  in  the  rate  of  puffing.  The  average  interpuff  interval 
in  the  human  studies  was  34  seconds,  whereas  FTC  testing  used  a 60-second 
interval.  Fhus,  humans  took  [)uffs  at  nearly  twice  the  rate  of  smoking 




I ' Chapter  1 1 

Table  2 

Published  values  of  common  measures  of  smoking 

Number  of 

Reference  Subjects 












Rawbone  et  al.,  1978 





Rawbone  et  al.,  1978 






Woodman  et  al.,  1986 






Nemeth-Coslett  et  al.,  1986a 





Nemeth-Coslett  et  al.,  1986b 





Nil  et  al.,  1986a 






Jarvik  et  al.,  1978 



Russell  et  al.,  1980 




Ashton  et  al.,  1978 




Schulz  and  Seehofer,  1 978 





Schulz  and  Seehofer,  1 978 





Henningfield  and  Griffiths,  1981 





Stepney,  1981 




Battig  et  al.,  1982 






Epstein  et  al.,  1982 





Russell  et  al.,  1982 






Gritz  et  al.,  1983 






Ossip-Klein  et  al.,  1983 




Ossip-Klein  et  al.,  1983 




Guillerm  and  Radziszewski,  1978 






Gust  et  al.,  1983 






Adams  et  al.,  1983 





Moody,  1980 






Nil  et  al.,  1984 






McBride  et  al.,  1984 






Medici  et  al.,  1985 






Burling  et  al.,  1985 





Nil  et  al.,  1986b 






Hughes  et  al.,  1986 




Bridges  et  al.,  1986 




Puustinen  et  al.,  1986 






Hilding,  1956 











1. 0-2.4 





Note:  Data  were  taken  from  the  baseline  phase  (or  placebo  treatment)  of  studies  involving  an  experimental 

manipulation  with  at  least  eight  subjects.  Values  are  rounded  off  to  the  nearest  unit  and,  in  some  cases,  were 
calculated  from  other  variables  or  estimated  from  data  presented  in  figures;  missing  values  indicate  that  the 
variable  was  not  measured  or  was  not  presented  in  the  published  study. 

ii  Source:  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  1988. 

I i 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

machine  rates  used  in  standardized  testing.  Across  the  32  studies,  there 
appears  to  be  a large  degree  of  variability  in  the  values  (as  shown  by  the 
range  of  values  listed  at  the  bottom  of  the  table)  that  is  not  reflected  in  the 
FTC  method.  The  average  number  of  puffs  taken  per  cigarette  by  human 
smokers  was  11;  FTC  does  not  publish  the  number  of  puffs  taken  from  a 
cigarette  by  the  machine.  Differences  in  puffing  rates  suggest  that  the 
FTC  method  probably  underestimates  the  number  of  puffs  taken  from 
a cigarette  by  humans. 

It  is  possible  to  estimate  the  number  of  puffs  used  to  determine  FTC 
cigarette  yield  by  having  cigarettes  machine-smoked  in  a research  laboratory. 
The  authors  had  a low-yield  cigarette  brand,  Now,  smoked  according  to  the 
FTC  method  at  the  Tobacco  and  Health  Research  Institute  in  Lexington, 
Kentucky.  Two  hundred  cigarettes  were  smoked;  the  average  number  of  puffs 
taken  per  cigarette  was  6.8.  This  same  procedure  was  repeated  with  a high- 
yield  cigarette.  Camel,  and  an  average  of  8.3  puffs  was  taken.  Thus,  the 
machine  took  more  puffs  from  the  high-yield  than  from  the  low-yield 
cigarette,  which  is  at  odds  with  the  human  data  presented  in  Table  1 in 
which  the  opposite  occurs.  Therefore,  there  appears  to  be  a discrepancy 
between  the  FTC  method  of  smoking  and  the  way  humans  smoke  different- 
yield  cigarettes:  Machines  tend  to  puff  less  smoke  from  low-yield  than  from 
high-yield  cigarettes,  and  humans  tend  to  compensate  for  air  dilution  by 
puffing  more  smoke  from  low-yield  than  from  high-yield  cigarettes.  Thus, 
humans  smoke  low-yield  cigarettes  in  a manner  that  attenuates  machine- 
determined  yield  differences. 

SUMMARY  In  conclusion,  we  have  shown  that  the  number  and  size  of  puffs  are  key 
factors  that  determine  per-cigarette  smoke  exposure.  Vent  blocking  is 
another  important  smoking  behavior  that  can  occur  with  low-yield 
cigarettes.  Human  smoking  behavior  is  dynamic,  not  static.  There  is 
between-smoker  variability  in  smoking  topography,  and  there  are  dynamic 
changes  in  response  to  smoking  deprivation,  cigarette  characteristics,  other 
drugs,  and  situational  determinants.  The  evidence  suggests  that  the  FTC 
method  does  not  accurately  reflect  human  smoking  patterns.  The  FTC 
method  takes  smaller,  fewer,  and  more  widely  spaced  puffs  than  do  humans, 
on  average.  The  underestimation  of  puff  volume  is  exaggerated  with  low- 
yield  cigarettes  because  people  tend  to  increase  both  the  size  and  number  of 
puffs  drawn  from  lower,  as  compared  with  higher,  yield  cigarettes,  whereas 
smoking  machines  decrease  the  number  of  puffs  drawn  while  holding  puff 
size  constant.  In  addition,  the  IH  C method  does  not  take  into  account  the 
important  behavior  of  vent  blocking  of  low-yield  cigarettes.  Fhus,  there  are 
important  differences  between  FTC  and  human  smoking  that  result  in  the 
machines  underestimating  the  amount  of  smoke  drawn  by  humans  from 
low-yield  as  compared  with  high-yield  cigarettes. 


Chapter  1 1 


DR.  HOFFMANN:  How  did  you  cover  half  of  the  ventilation  holes? 

DR.  ZACNY:  We  did  not  tape  half  of  the  cigarette.  We  put  little  pieces  of 
square  tape  all  the  way  around  it,  so  that  approximately  half  the  holes  were 

DR.  HARRIS:  Why  is  it  that  it  is  not  how  big  a puff  they  took  once  it  was  in 
their  mouths,  but  how  deeply  they  drag  that  puff  into  the  lungs? 

DR.  STITZER:  I think  the  explanation  is  that  the  dose  of  nicotine  that  is 
drawn  in  with  the  puff  is  the  critical  determinant.  The  amount  of  air  that  is 
breathed  in  along  with  it,  which  is  what  determines  the  depth,  is  how  much 
additional  volume  of  air  was  breathed  in  with  the  smoke.  That  does  not 
seem  to  be  relevant  with  nicotine. 

DR.  ZACNY:  Even  with  a shallow  inhalation,  the  surface  volume  of  the  lungs 
is  pretty  huge. 

DR.  HARRIS:  I understand.  It  is  all  in  that  1.8-second  drag  on  the  cigarette. 
DR.  STITZER:  Yes. 

DR.  HARRIS:  Once  the  smoke  is  in  your  mouth,  then  you  can  jump  up  and 
down;  it  does  not  matter. 

DR.  STITZER:  No,  once  it  is  in  your  lungs.  Once  you  have  made  that 
inhalation  maneuver,  because  if  you  just  hold  it  in  your  mouth,  that  was 
the  zero  inhalation  condition. 

DR.  HARRIS:  So,  as  long  as  you  inhale  it,  it  does  not  matter  how  much  air 
goes  in  with  it. 

DR.  RICKERT:  One  important  point  is  that  you  haven't  looked  at  tar.  Tar 
may  react  differently.  Depth  of  inhalation  and  volume  of  inhalation  might 
be  more  important.  Deposition  of  tar  is  not  nearly  as  efficient  as  for  water- 
soluble  vapors  and  gases.  In  one  of  the  documents  that  we  received  from 
the  tobacco  industry,  there  is  a study  that  has  been  cited  by  Stitzer,  which 
says  that,  on  1,631  cigarette  butts,  only  .1  percent  were  completely  blocked. 
.The  information  that  you  have  provided  today  suggests  that  it  is  somewhere 
between  53  and  58  percent.  What  is  the  reason  for  the  discrepancy? 

DR.  ZACNY:  The  reason  for  the  discrepancy  is  that  those  1,600  butts  are 
from  only  10  subjects.  We  had  them  smoke  the  ultralow  cigarettes  for  a 
week  and  save  the  butts.  We  then  analyzed  the  stain  patterns. 

We  were  looking  at  the  acute  effects  of  smoking  these  ultralow  cigarettes 
in  the  field,  and  there  may  be  a lower  incidence  of  blocking  than  what  you 
see  when  Lynn  Kozlowski  does  his  cross-sectional  studies — when  people  have 
been  normally  smoking  these  cigarettes  for  a long  time.  Plus,  our  data  were 
from  only  10  subjects. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  RICKERT:  Do  you  feel  that  this  blocking  is  something  that  we  should  be 
concerned  about? 

DR.  ZACNY:  Yes. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  One  of  the  issues  that  you  raised  that  we  have  not  discussed 
much  is  variability  within  a given  smoker,  due  to  brand  switching,  for 
example.  Can  you  give  us  some  quantitative  estimates  of  the  degree  of 

DR.  ZACNY:  1 believe  Dr.  Stitzer  would  be  the  best  person  to  answer  this 

DR.  STITZER:  In  one  example,  it  was  shown  for  deprivation  to  be  10  to 
15  puffs.  And  that  makes  quite  a big  difference  when  you  multiply  it  by  the 
puff  volumes,  leading  to  a substantial  difference  in  cumulative  puff  volume. 

DR.  HATSUKAMl:  Also,  one  subject  after  meals  typically  took  about  eight 
puffs  per  cigarette,  whereas  on  the  telephone,  they  would  take  about  five 
puffs  from  the  cigarette. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Dr.  Zacny,  1 am  a bit  confused  about  the  whole  blockage 
question.  Is  the  measure  that  you  used  to  determine  hole  blockage  just  the 
staining  at  the  mouth  end  of  the  filter? 

DR.  ZACNY:  Yes.  Different  cigarettes  have  different  types  of  what  we  call 
tipping  and  different  types  of  perforations.  The  perforations  differ  largely 
in  the  number  of  holes  and  the  size  of  those  holes. 

Those  parameters  of  ventilation,  in  fact,  determine  to  a large  degree  the 
staining  pattern  in  the  first  place.  So,  it  is  possible  to  make  a highly  air- 
diluted  cigarette  with  many  ventilation  holes  that  are  very  small  and,  in 
fact,  see  relatively  uniform  staining  patterns  right  at  the  mouth  end  of  the 

If  you  are  interpreting  that  as  vent  blocking,  then  1 think  that  is  probably 
an  incorrect  conclusion,  because  of  the  design  of  that  specific  filter.  Filters 
with  large  though  very  few  holes  will  tend  to  force  the  smoke  to  the  center 
of  the  filter,  and  you  will  see  that  bullet  shape  right  at  the  mouth  end  that 
was  shown  in  one  of  the  slides. 

Fhe  concern  is  that  not  all  cigarettes  are  built  in  the  same  way  and  so 
that  it  is  probably  a bit  premature  to  conclude  that  there  is  vent  blocking 
solely  on  the  basis  of  filter  observation. 

DR.  STITZER:  The  data  that  were  presented  in  this  talk  showed  what 
happened  to  smoke  exposure  when  the  vents  were  experimentally  blocked 
with  tape.  Dr.  'I'ownsend  is  asking  a different  kind  of  question  about 
measurement  of  blocking  in  the  natural  environment. 

DR.  I'OWNSEND:  So,  these  were  not  with  actual  subjects,  then? 

DR.  S'n  rZER:  Fhey  were  with  natural  subjects,  but  we  blocked  the  vents. 

Chapter  1 1 

DR.  ZACNY:  You  were  talking  about  the  first  study  when  we  looked  at  50 
and  100  percent  of  hole  blocking. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  1 understand.  1 would  like  to  talk  with  you  some  more 
about  this,  because  we  have  some  data  at  R.J.  Reynolds  where  we  have  gone 
directly  to  an  inhydrin  staining  test  where  the  saliva  on  the  filter,  in  fact, 
stains  with  inhydrin;  therefore,  we  can  visually  see  how  much  saliva  has 
gotten  up  to  the  vents. 

What  we  have  seen  in  a study  with  a number  of  subjects  is  that  the  spent 
butts  show  some  blockage,  but  it  is  a very  infrequent  phenomenon.  So,  I 
would  like  to  talk  to  you  further  about  that.  Perhaps  we  can  propose  doing 
some  additional  studies. 


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Public  Health  Service,  Centers  for  Disease  Control, 
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on  Smoking  and  Health,  1988. 

Weinhold,  L.L.,  Stitzer,  M.L.  Effects  of  puff  number 
and  puff  spacing  on  carbon  monoxide  exposure 
from  commercial  brand  cigarettes.  Pharmacology, 
Biochemistry  and  Behavior  33:  853-858,  1989. 

Woodman,  G.,  Newman,  S.P.,  Pavia,  D.,  Clarke,  S.W. 
Inhaled  smoke  volume,  puffing  indices  and  carbon 
monoxide  uptake  in  asymptomatic  cigarette 
smokers.  Clinical  Science  71(4):  421-427,  1986. 

Woodman,  G.,  Newman,  S.P.,  Pavia,  D.,  Clarke,  S.W. 
Response  and  acclimatization  of  symptomless 
smokers  on  changing  to  a low  tar,  low  nicotine 
cigarette.  Thorax  42:  336-341,  1987. 

Zacny,  J.P.,  Stitzer,  M.L.  Cigarette  brand-switching: 
Effects  on  smoke  exposure  and  smoking  behavior. 
Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental 
Therapeutics  246:  619-627,  1988. 

Zacny,  J.P.,  Stitzer,  M.L.,  Brown,  F.J.,  Griffiths,  R.R. 
Human  cigarette  smoking:  Effects  of  puff  and 
inhalational  parameters  on  smoke  exposure.  Journal 
of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Theraj)eutics  240: 
554-564,  1987. 

Zacny,  J.P.,  Stitzer,  M.L.,  Yingling,  J.E.  Cigarette  filter 
vent  blocking:  FTfccts  on  smoking  topography  and 
carbon  monoxide  exposure.  I'harmacology, 
Biochemistry  and  Behavior  2S:  1245-1252,  1986. 

Chapter  12 

Compensation  for  Nicotine  by  Smokers 
of  Lower  Yield  Cigarettes 

Lynn  T.  Kozlowski  and  Janine  L.  Pillitteri 

BACKGROUND  The  question  has  been  asked  whether  brand-switching  smokers 
oversmoke  lower  nicotine  cigarettes.  The  Federal  Trade  Commission 
(FTC)  testing  method  is  a per-cigarette  test  and  should  be  judged  as  such. 
(Forty  truly  low-calorie  candy  bars  together  could  be  high  calorie  and  still, 
individually,  be  low  calorie.)  The  FTC  test  cannot  be  blamed  because 
smokers  smoke  more  cigarettes  when  they  switch  to  those  having  a lower 
5deld.  Therefore,  for  this  review  compensation  data  were  adjusted  to  per- 
cigarette  values.  However,  such  per-cigarette  adjustments  only  approximate 
what  would  happen  if  the  number  of  cigarettes  were  fixed  for  smokers. 

If  smokers  have  already  compensated  by  smoking  many  more  cigarettes, 
then  presumably  they  would  have  less  need  to  smoke  more  of  each  cigarette. 
In  the  five  studies  included  in  the  authors'  main  review,  the  compensatory 
percentage  change  in  cigarettes  per  day  averaged  15  percent  (±6,  95-percent 
confidence  interval).  No  studies  showed  a decreased  number  of  cigarettes 
smoked  with  a lower  yield  brand  of  cigarettes. 

Experimental  brand-switching  studies  offering  measures  of  nicotine 
and  cotinine  were  reviewed.  An  index  of  compensation  was  calculated 
using  a sequence  of  formulas  developed  by  Russell  and  colleagues  (1982). 
Calculation  of  these  formulas  first  requires  information  on  the  machine- 
smoked  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes  to  calculate  (a)  the  percentage  change 
in  nicotine  yields.  Information  on  the  measured  level  of  nicotine  (or 
cotinine)  in  body  fluids  is  then  used  to  calculate  (b)  the  percentage  change 
in  nicotine  (or  cotinine)  intake.  Finally,  three  consecutive  formulas  are 
used  to  calculate  (c)  the  actual  compensatory  increase  in  smoke  intake 
[(b/a  - 1)  X 100];  (d)  the  increase  in  smoke  intake  necessary  for  complete 
compensation  [(1-  a)/a  x 100];  and  (e)  using  the  values  obtained  in  (c)  and 
(d)  above,  the  degree  of  compensation  [(c/d)  - 100]. 

CIGARETTE  BRAND  Research  on  brand  switching  makes  use  of  repeated-measures 
SWITCHING  IN  designs.  With  these  designs,  the  same  smokers  get  different 

EXPERIMENTAL  cigarettes.  This  controls  for  individual  differences  in  drug 

RESEARCH  metabolism  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1982)  and  for  important  biases 

in  brand  selection,  which  usually  are  not  controlled  for  in  cross-sectional 
research.  This  issue  has  been  discussed  by  others  (e.g.,  Giovino  et  al.  [this 
volume];  Cohen  [this  volume]).  Wynder  and  coworkers  (1984)  explored  the 
demographics  of  smokers  of  the  low-yield  cigarettes  and  showed  that  age, 
sex,  race,  education,  and  religion  were  strongly  related  to  the  selection  of 
low-tar  cigarettes.  Wynder  and  colleagues  (1984)  reported  that  education 
is  negatively  associated  with  tar  for  males,  but  not  for  females.  (Tar  and 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

nicotine  are  highly  correlated  across  the  full  range  of  tar  and  nicotine  yields.) 
People  who  smoke  low-  and  ultralow-yield  cigarettes  may  be  more  health 
conscious,  have  better  diets,  and  be  interested  in  smoking  less.  A random 
sample  of  persons  does  not  select  ultralow-yield  cigarettes. 

Despite  their  advantages,  experimental  brand-switching  studies  have 
important  limitations.  Outside  of  laboratories,  smokers  select  their  own 
brands.  There  is  a free  market  for  most  purchases  of  cigarettes.  An 
unsatisfying  brand  is  likely  to  be  rejected  for  a satisfying  brand.  Persons 
trying  an  ultralow-yield  cigarette  may  feel  that  they  are  puffing  on  air,  so 
they  decide  not  to  smoke  these  cigarettes  and  probably  will  not  buy  more 
than  one  pack.  Some  compensatory  smoking  techniques  (e.g.,  vent  blocking 
[Kozlowski  et  al.,  1980  and  1989])  may  take  time  to  be  learned  by  trial  and 
error.  Short-term  studies  (i.e.,  less  than  1 week  of  exposure  on  lower  yield 
brands)  do  not  provide  an  adequate  indication  of  the  nature  of  compensatory 
smoking  in  self-selected  smokers.  All  reviewed  studies  involved  brand 
manipulations  (change  of  "treatment"  or  brand  in  experimental  study) 
of  more  than  7 days. 

Studies  of  brand  switching  also  have  biased  samples.  Who  does  and 
does  not  volunteer  for  these  studies?  One  of  the  five  studies  reviewed 
(Guyatt  et  al.,  1989)  showed  a dramatic  number  of  dropouts  following 
informed  consent.  Of  the  people  who  went  to  at  least  one  session  in  this 
study,  81  percent  dropped  out.  Another  study  on  brand  switching  (Benowitz 
et  al.,  1986a)  required  that  participants  be  hospitalized  for  14  days.  Some 
smokers,  knowing  that  they  were  going  to  get  ultralow-yield  cigarettes, 
either  might  not  have  wanted  to  smoke  them  or  spend  14  days  in  the 
hospital.  One  must  wonder  who  would  be  available  to  participate  in  a 
14-day  study  requiring  confinement  to  a hospital  room.  Most  studies  of 
brand  switching  also  have  small  samples  (mean  = 22  subjects).  As  for 
demographic  differences,  there  is  no  way  to  represent  the  complexities  of 
age,  sex,  race,  and  education  adequately  in  a sample  of  22  participants. 

According  to  the  boundary  model  of  dmg  regulation,  plasma  nicotine 
levels  are  not  precisely  regulated  (Kozlowski  and  Herman,  1984);  there  are 
aversive  upper  and  lower  limits  or  boundaries  on  intake  for  dependent 
smokers.  At  the  upper  limit,  when  people  are  smoking  a great  deal,  it  is 
difficult  for  them  to  smoke  more  due  to  overdose  or  toxic  effects  of  nicotine. 
When  they  are  smoking  a little,  it  is  hard  for  them  to  smoke  less  than  the 
lower  limit  because  of  insufficient  nicotine  intake.  However,  within  these 
broad  limits  or  boundaries,  psychosocial  factors  primarily  (i.e.,  the  presence 
of  others  smoking)  determine  nicotine  ingestion,  and  dose  manipulations 
tend  to  have  a smaller  effect  on  smoking  behavior  (Kozlowski  and  Herman, 
1984;  Kozlowski,  1989)  and  how  smokers  feel  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1986b). 

RESEARCH  fable  1 shows  the  five  studies  reviewed  and  gives  a summary  of  their 

results.  The  following  studies  were  not  included  in  the  review  because  they 
were  either  too  short  term  or  used  cigarette  holders,  which  could  interfere 
with  natural  smoking  behavior:  Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1986a),  Kolonen 


lary  of  five  experimental  brand-switching  studies  demonstrating  changes  in  cigarette  yields  due  to  compensation 

Chapter  12 

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Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

and  colleagues  (1991),  Russell  and  colleagues  (1975),  and  Zacny  and  Stitzer 

Figure  1 shows  the  pattern  of  results  across  the  five  studies.  The  solid 
line  summarizes  results  from  the  studies  after  adjusting  for  changes  in  the 
number  of  cigarettes  smoked.  As  nicotine  yields  go  below  the  usual 
"normal"  levels  (1.0  to  1.4  mg  nicotine),  more  compensation  takes  place 
until  the  lowest  yield  is  reached.  At  this  point,  too  much  work  may  be 
required  of  smokers  to  achieve  substantial  compensation.  This  kind  of  dose- 
response  pattern  is  consistent  with  that  for  other  reinforcers.  It  may  not  be 
important  to  compensate  for  a 0.9-mg  nicotine  cigarette;  it  easily  provides 
adequate  levels  of  nicotine.  The  dashed  line  shows  what  happens  when 
there  is  no  adjustment  for  changes  in  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked. 

This  shows  that  compensation  also  is  supported  by  an  increase  in  cigarettes 
per  day  in  these  brand-switching  studies  (the  0.4-mg  nicotine  cigarette  now 
shows  close  to  80  percent  compensation). 

Figure  1 

Pattern  of  results  illustrating  percentage  compensation  across  the  five  reviewed  studies, 
unadjusted  (dashed  line)  and  adjusted  (solid  line)  for  number  of  cigarettes 


Chapter  12 

The  short-term  study  by  Zacny  and  Stitzer  (1988)  (not  included  in  our 
review)  examined  smokers  who  had  been  given  three  different  lower  yield 
brands  (i.e.,  0.1  mg,  0.4  mg,  0.7  mg  nicotine).  This  study  produced  a pattern 
of  compensation  similar  to  that  in  Figure  1. 

For  consumers,  the  average  percentage  compensation  may  be  less 
important  than  the  likelihood  of  substantial  compensation.  If  1 in  2,  1 in  5, 
1 in  10,  1 in  50,  or  even  1 in  100  smokers  shows  compensation  of  25,  33,  55, 
or  75  percent,  then  a problem  exists.  If  automobile  brakes  failed  at  a rate  of 
even  1 in  1,000,  this  rate  would  be  of  great  concern  to  manufacturers, 
consumers,  and  regulatory  agencies. 

ONE  REPEATED-  Lynch  and  Benowitz  (1987)  conducted  a self-selected  brand- 

MEASURES  STUDY  switching  study  of  participants  who  spontaneously  switched 
OF  SELF-SELECTED  cigarette  brands.  The  study  included  62  people  who  had 
BRAND  SWITCHING  lowered  their  standard  yield.  When  they  had  been  studied 

earlier,  they  had  had  plasma  measures  taken,  and  they  were  recontacted  3 to 
6 years  later.  In  this  group,  the  low-yield  cigarette  was  62  percent  of  the 
former  usual  cigarette  yield  of  nicotine  (.68  mg  versus  1.09  mg).  Plasma 
cotinine  per  cigarette  was  unchanged:  10.3  ng  per  mL  for  the  low-yield 
cigarette  versus  10.2  ng  per  mL  for  the  former  usual  cigarette.  This  represents 
a compensation  of  103  percent! 



Some  points  should  be  made  about  vent  blocking  and  the 
possibility  of  getting  high  yields  from  ultralow-yield  brands. 

In  one  study,  14  people  were  smoking  ultralow-yield  cigarettes 
(Kozlowski  et  al.,  1989),  and  half  the  smokers  were  vent 
blockers.  Two  of  the  seven  vent  blockers  smoked  about 
25  cigarettes  per  day  and  each  blocker  showed  carbon 
monoxide  scores  of  37  parts  per  million,  which  are  very  high. 

Salivary  cotinine  levels  of  303  and  385  ng  per  mL,  from  a 
nominally  .01-mg  nicotine  cigarette,  are  also  very  high.  Therefore,  there 
were  high  exposures  from  a very-low-yield  cigarette,  clear  evidence  that  some 
smokers — if  only  two — were  able  to  get  substantial  levels  from  the  lowest  of 
the  low-yield  cigarettes. 

Some  submissions  from  the  cigarette  industry  have  indicated  that  vent 
blocking  is  not  a substantial  problem.  In  contrast,  four  laboratories  have 
produced  eight  peer-reviewed  studies  that  found  evidence  of  vent  blocking 
(Hofer  et  al.,  1991;  Kozlowski  et  al.,  1982a,  1988,  1989,  and  1994;  Lombardo 
et  al.,  1983;  Robinson  et  al.,  1983;  Zacny  and  Stitzer,  1988).  In  these  studies, 
the  prevalence  of  "extreme"  vent  blocking  ranged  from  1 to  210  per  1,000 
(median  = 19  percent),  and  the  prevalence  of  "at  least  some  blocking"  ranged 
from  61  to  580  per  1,000  (median  = 50  percent). 

One  submission  from  the  cigarette  industry  notes  that  ventilation  has 
changed  a great  deal  recently.  However,  invisible  laser  ventilation  has  been 
available  for  at  least  a decade.  From  a consumer's  point  of  view,  it  is  unclear 
why  invisible  ventilation  techniques  should  be  viewed  as  appropriate. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Smokers  can  block  the  vents  inadvertently  if  they  do  not  know  where  the 
vents  are  and  what  they  do.  If  smokers  know  where  the  vents  are  located, 
they  can  decide  to  avoid  blocking  the  vents.  There  are  real  questions  about 
who  is  most  advantaged  by  laser  techniques  and  invisible  perforations. 

Marlboro  Lights,  Winston  Lights,  Camel  Lights,  and  Newport  Lights 
("lights"  in  general)  are  ventilated-filter  cigarettes.  Much  of  the  focus  of 
research  has  been  on  the  ultralight  cigarettes  of  5 mg  of  tar  or  less.  Unlike 
the  ultralights,  these  light  cigarettes  are  best  sellers,  but  like  the  ultralights, 
they  are  ventilated-filter  cigarettes.  Therefore,  the  principle  of  informing  the 
consumer  that  these  are  ventilated  cigarettes,  discussing  how  the  vents  work, 
and  warning  about  blocking  the  vents  with  the  fingers  or  lips  is  relevant  to 
lights  as  well  as  ultralights. 

Anyone  who  is  skeptical  about  vent  blocking  of  ultralow-yield  cigarettes 
should  take  the  lowest  tar  challenge:  Light  a 1-mg  tar  cigarette,  placing  your 
lips  on  the  filter  as  close  to  the  smoker  end  as  possible.  Keep  your  fingers  off 
the  filter  so  your  fingers  do  not  get  in  the  way  (i.e.,  do  not  block  the  vents 
with  your  fingers)  and  take  a puff.  Consider  its  taste,  temperature,  and  feel. 
Now  put  your  lips  at  least  three-quarters  of  the  way  to  the  tobacco  column 
(i.e.,  block  the  vents  with  your  lips)  and  take  another  puff  of  similar  size. 

(In  our  butt  collection  studies  [Kozlowski  et  al.,  1988  and  1994],  we  regularly 
have  found  lipstick  stains  beyond  the  filter  vents,  on  the  filter  end  of  the 
cigarette,  showing  how  far  the  cigarette  had  been  put  into  the  mouth.) 
Compare  the  second  puff  to  the  first.  See  for  yourself  how  easy  it  is  to  block 
the  vents  and  how  much  difference  it  makes  to  real  tobacco  pleasure  by 
doing  this.  Those  onlookers  who  prefer  not  to  take  a puff  of  cigarette  smoke 
can  usually  see  the  difference  in  the  smoke  that  is  exhaled  by  someone  else 
because  blocked  vents  produce  a "juicy"  mouthful  of  smoke  that  billows  out 
from  a noninhaled  puff  of  smoke.  With  unblocked  vents,  onlookers  will  see 
only  a little  smoke  exhaled. 

GRAPHIC  In  1982,  a study  was  published  on  a color-matching  technique  to 

rNFORMATION  provide  better  information  on  tar  and  nicotine  yields  to  smokers 

ON  TAR  AND  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1982b).  The  color-matching  technique  can  be 

NICOTINE  YIELDS:  used  to  estimate  the  number  of  puffs  taken  on  a cigarette,  and 

THE  COLOR-  thus  tar  and  nicotine  yields,  by  comparing  the  color  intensity  of 

MATCHING  the  end  of  a spent  cigarette  filter  with  a color  scale.  The  study 

TECHNIQUE  demonstrated  a strong  relationship  between  the  "darkness"  of 

color  of  the  filter  and  the  tar  and  nicotine  yield  of  the  cigarette.  Figure  2 
illustrates  a modified  version  of  the  color-matching  scale  that  the  authors 
incorporated  on  a cigarette  package.  Three  different  color  papers  (meant  to 
represent  tar  stains  of  low,  standard,  and  high  yields)  developed  by  the 
authors  from  the  Fantone  by  Letraset  Color-Matching  System  are  used  to 
compare  the  filter  stain  colors  from  spent  cigarettes.  The  low  (Pantone 
127U),  standard  (Pantone  117U),  and  high  (Pantone  139U)  colors  are 
mounted  on  the  scale  at  points  2,  5,  and  8,  respectively.  Smokers  rated  the 
filter  stain  color  on  the  O-to-lO  scale,  moving  from  the  lower  to  the  higher 
intensity  color  blocks.  Ihey  decided  "whether  the  filter  looked  lighter. 


Chapter  12 

Figure  2 

The  color-matching  technique  scale  shown  on  a cigarette  package.  (Pantone- 
colored  papers  representing  low,  standard,  and  high  yields  at  scale  locations  2,  5, 
and  8,  respectively.)  The  appearance  of  an  unblocked  vented  filter  is  shown  in  the 
bull's-eye  stain;  the  uniform  stain  on  the  filter  end  indicates  extreme  vent  blocking. 

1 L 


1 1 


1 1 




1 1 

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 

Low  Medium  i 



9 10 


To  use  scale,  filter  must  look 
like  (^,  not  O 




darker,  or  about  the  same  as  each  of  the  colored  blocks,  and  then  selected 
the  most  appropriate  scale  number"  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1982b). 

Figure  2 also  shows  how  stain  patterns  on  spent  filters  can  be  used  to 
indicate  whether  vent  blocking  has  taken  place  on  a conventional  ventilated 
filter  cigarette  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1980).  The  bull's-eye  tar  stain  on  the  left 
indicates  no  vent  blocking.  (Diluting  air  rather  than  smoke  has  been  drawn 
through  the  periphery  of  the  filter.)  The  uniform  tar  stain  on  the  right 
indicates  extreme  vent  blocking.  On  ventilated-filter  cigarettes,  vent 
blocking  decreases  filter  efficiency  so  that  the  amount  of  stain  left  in  the 
filter  underestimates  the  amount  of  smoke  that  has  gone  through  the  filter; 


in  other  words,  the  color-matching  technique  requires  the  assumption  that  I i 
vents  remain  unblocked.  Because  vent  blocking  alters  yields  dramatically,  1 1! 
the  graphic  reminder  not  to  block  vents  also  may  be  useful  in  its  own  right.  I !| 

The  color-matching  technique  is  a tool  that  can  be  used  in  future  studies 
on  compensation.  Figure  2 also  demonstrates  how  the  color-matching  lii 

technique  and  the  stain-pattern  technique  could  be  included  on  cigarette  p; 
packaging  for  consumer  use.  Color-matching  information  may  better  reflect  I ji 

the  actual  cigarette  yields  to  smokers  than  the  alternative  FTC  method.  The  | ji 

FTC  machine  estimates  of  tar  and  nicotine  yields  can  be  unreliable  given  the  ||  j 

variability  among  smokers  and  the  various  methods  of  compensation. 

Further  developmental  work  is  needed  on  this  color-matching  technique. 

In  the  land  of  a largely  blind  FTC  testing  method,  even  a one-eyed  color- 
matching technique  could  be  king  (Kozlowski  and  Rickert,  1984).  It  is  not 
necessary  to  be  perfect  in  providing  the  consumer  with  better  information 
about  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes  to  improve  on  the  current 
standard  method.  A color  scale  attached  to  cigarettes  can  emphasize  to  the 
consumer  that  the  yields  from  a cigarette  depend  on  how  the  cigarette  is 
smoked.  Graphically,  a color  scale  helps  smokers  see  that  yields  are  not 
captured  by  any  one  tar  or  nicotine  number,  and  thus  smokers  can  get  a 
sense  of  where  they  stand  in  relation  to  the  standard. 

SUMMARY  Our  review  of  brand-switching  studies  indicated  that  smokers  increase 
nicotine  intake  from  lower  yield  cigarettes  by  compensatory  behavior, 
including  filter-vent  blocking.  This  behavior  is  a neglected  issue  for  smokers 
of  light  and  ultralight  cigarettes.  The  current  FTC  testing  method  used  to 
estimate  average  tar  and  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes  is  compromised  by 
compensatory  smoking  behavior  and  individual  variability  among  smokers.  i 
Graphic  techniques  (e.g.,  the  color-matching  technique  and  the  stain-pattern 
technique)  also  need  to  be  explored  as  ways  to  provide  estimates  of  tar  and 
nicotine  yields  to  smokers  of  lower  yield  cigarettes.  Simple  graphic  materials 
may  help  these  smokers  realize  that  a low-yield  cigarette  can  provide  high 
yields  when  smoked  in  certain  ways.  i 


DR.  BENOWITZ:  Lynn,  you  said  that  in  one  study  about  half  the  people 
were  vent  blockers.  My  work  and  the  Gori  study  suggest  that  people  are 
taking  in,  on  average,  about  .7  mg  of  nicotine  per  cigarette,  which  is  1 

tremendously  more  than  would  be  possible  taking  more  puffs.  So,  I think  ' 
virtually  everyone  who  smokes  ultralow-tar  cigarettes  must  be  blocking. 

And  how  many  of  the  holes  do  these  ultralow-tar  cigarette  smokers  block? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  'Fhe  story  1 like  is  the  student  of  mine  in  class  who  said  •' 
his  aunt,  who  smokes  an  ultralow-tar  cigarette,  keeps  a roil  of  transparent  fl 

tape  on  her  coffee  table.  When  offering  a cigarette  to  a friend  she  will  say,  ■ 

"Do  you  want  that  taped  or  untaped?"  Bizarre  as  that  might  be;  it  happens.  I 

It  illustrates  that  peo[)le  do  not  understand  what  ventilation  does  to  K 

their  cigarette.  I had  a call  years  ago  from  an  angry  executive  as  a result  of  l! 

Chapter  12 

some  media  exposure  about  the  results  of  some  of  these  studies.  He  said, 

"I  have  a 1-mg  tar  cigarette,  and  yes,  I block  the  vents  on  that  cigarette,  and 
yes,  it  makes  it  taste  better  and  it  is  easier  to  light,  but  1 thought  it  was  a 
1-mg  tar  cigarette;  it  says  so  right  on  the  pack." 

Ventilation  is  not  the  only  manufacturing  technique  that  contributes  to 
an  ultralow-yield  cigarette.  There  can  be  other  differences  that  mean  that, 
even  with  blocking,  the  smoker  will  not  necessarily  get  the  same  really  high 
levels  that  you  might  with  some  other  cigarettes.  But  it  is  clear  that  it  is  a 
major  factor;  it  is  clear  that  smokers  can  subvert  it  completely  or  even 

Lombardo  did  a study  years  ago  with  people  staining  their  fingers  with 
printer's  ink.  And  he  found  that,  as  the  cigarette  coal  burns  down,  and  your 
fingers  are  getting  away  from  it,  they  start  to  get  in  the  way  of  the  vent  holes, 
It  is  also  interesting  that  those  last  few  puffs  are  the  richest,  and  if  you  were 
to  block  those  holes,  that  would  be  a particularly  good  time  to  do  that  to  get 
higher  yields. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Dr.  Kozlowski,  how  did  you  measure  the  vent  blockage? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  We  have  done  it  a few  ways.  Most  of  the  time  it  is  a stain 
pattern  method. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  On  the  mouth  end  of  the  filter? 


DR.  TOWNSEND:  What  I do  not  understand  about  something  you  just  said 
is  that  people  will  purposefully  tape  holes  closed.  I think  my  experience  with 
consumers  is  that  they  clearly  know  the  tradeoffs  between  tar  delivery  of  a 
cigarette  and  taste  characteristics. 

It  would  really  surprise  me  that  consumers  would  make  that  purposeful 
change  to  the  design  of  a cigarette  and  not  understand  that  they  are 
increasing  tar.  Besides,  they  have  the  choice  to  go  out  into  the  market  and 
buy  a higher  tar  product  if  that  is  what  they  choose;  so  I do  not  understand 
the  rationale  or  the  psychology  here. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I think  it  is  something  to  be  surprised  about. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  About  the  compensation  issue,  there  is  another  answer 
that  I do  not  completely  understand. 

Let's  assume  that  compensation  occurs  to  a very  large  degree,  and  people 
get  essentially  the  same  deliveries  from  a low-tar  cigarette  that  they  get  from 
a higher  tar  cigarette.  Then,  why  do  consumers  complain  to  us  that  the  taste 
of  low-tar  cigarettes  is  weaker,  milder,  less  strong,  and  less  acceptable? 

Again,  their  perception  is  that  tar  and  taste  go  together.  As  a smoker, 

I can  fairly  accurately  estimate  the  tar  yield  of  a cigarette  by  smoking  it,  and 
I can  get  within  a couple  of  milligrams. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

I think  many  smokers,  while  they  may  not  be  as  accurate  in  estimating 
FTC  tar  yields,  still  can  rank  cigarettes  by  tar.  Now,  how  could  they  possibly 
do  that  if  compensation  were  extensive? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  I think  you  do  not  want  to  think  of  compensation  as 
something  that  influences  everybody's  smoking  behavior.  What  we  found 
in  the  Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and  Behavior  study,  half  of  the  people  block 
vents  quite  a lot,  and  the  other  half  did  not  block  them  at  all. 

And  if  you  looked  further  at  those  who  did  not  block,  you  found  that 
they  did  not  smoke  as  many  cigarettes  per  day.  If  you  did  taste  ratings  and 
how  they  liked  the  taste  of  the  cigarette,  they  seemed  to  be  consumers  who 
were  after  a really  low-yield  smoke.  They  weren't  blocking  the  holes.  Not 
everybody  smoking  a low-yield  cigarette  blocks  the  vents.  But  this  gets  back 
to  the  issue  of  subject  self-selection  biases.  We  have  to  expect  that  there  are 
individual  differences  in  how  much  nicotine  a person  might  want  and  also 
to  the  extent  that  a person  is  smoking  for  nicotine. 

So,  half  of  those  subjects  who  were  smoking  ultralow-yield  cigarettes 
in  the  long  term  were  not  blocking  vent  holes;  they  did  not  smoke  many 
cigarettes  per  day;  and  they  had  low  CO  levels.  The  other  half  smoked 
a lot  more  cigarettes  a day,  smoked  earlier  in  the  morning,  and  got  higher 
nicotine  levels.  You  average  them,  and  you  get  the  kind  of  figures  that  are 
commonly  described  as  "intermediate."  Some  people  were  showing  a lot 
of  compensation;  some  were  showing  very  little;  and  that  figure  of  mean 
compensation  can  be  misleading. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 think  you  have  pointed  out  an  important  fact:  No 
machine-smoking  method  can  predict  individual  behavior.  This  method 
was  never  intended  to  predict  individual  behavior,  and  it  does  not.  I think 
people  use  different  strategies  when  they  smoke  cigarettes,  and  it  is  rather 
obvious  in  the  data  you  presented  today. 

DR.  COHEN:  Is  it  your  intuition  that  a great  many  people  who  compensate 
are  just  following  classic  learning  theory  and  do  not  even  know  they  are 
doing  it? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  Some  people  are  not  aware  they  are  doing  it;  that  is  clear. 
They  are  not  aware  they  are  blocking  the  holes.  I think  that  some  people 
find  the  cigarettes  relatively  difficult  to  light.  You  push  it  a bit  further  in 
your  mouth  and  it  is  a lot  easier  to  light.  Blocking  could  get  started  in  a 
number  of  ways. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  We  have  all  been  struggling  with  the  issue  of  variability 
within  a given  product  or  products  of  equal  FTC  yield,  I think,  in  talking 
about  compensation  and  in  the  difference  between  the  machine  yield  and 
the  human  biological  exposure. 

Now,  with  this  issue  of  color  matching,  you  are  introducing  something 
that  I think  has  to  do  with  true  exposure  rather  than  FFC  yield.  1 wonder 
what  you  could  tell  us  about  the  prospects  of  using  a system  like  this  to 


Chapter  12 


estimate  exposure,  the  differences  that  might  be  due  to  things  other  than 
number  of  puffs,  and  all  the  kinds  of  things  we  think  a compensating  smoker 
might  do. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  1 think  Dr.  Rickert  might  be  able  to  comment  intelligently 
on  that. 

DR.  RICKERT:  One  of  the  things  that  we  have  done  is  to  look  at  the  yield  of 
a cigarette  in  relationship  to  the  color  of  the  filter  itself.  We  have  established 
that  there  is  an  extremely  good  regression  between  the  measured  color 
characteristic  of  the  filter  and  the  FTC  yield.  We  have  done  that  on  the 
smoking  machine  and  for  the  actual  filter  on  cigarettes.  We  have  looked 
at  yields  under  87  different  conditions  to  cover  a wide  range  of  potential 
behavioral  conditions.  And  we  have  looked  at  the  yields  under  those 
conditions  and  have  looked  at  the  relationship  between  that  and  color. 

And  color  of  the  filter  is  a very  good  predictor  of  yields  under  a wide  variety 
of  conditions. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  1 would  just  like  to  point  out  that  the  kinds  of 
compensation  that  you  see  are  consistent  with  what  Dr.  Zacny  was  talking 
about,  the  dynamic  smoker,  what  1 was  talking  about,  the  addicted  and 
behavior-modified  smoker.  But  it  is  also  very  similar  to  what  you  see  in  the 
animal  laboratory,  with  addictive  drugs  like  alcohol,  sedatives,  and  opiates. 

What  you  see  is  that  as  you  push  the  dose  up,  you  get  some  downward 
compensation.  As  you  decrease  the  dose,  you  get  some  upward.  But  it  is 
within  a boundary.  It  is  rarely  perfect,  because  as  you  increase  the  dose,  the 
animals  tend  to  get  a little  more  drug.  If  you  decrease  the  dose  to  a certain 
point,  the  behavior  can  kind  of  just  fall  apart  and  get  very  erratic.  It  just 
struck  me  how  similar  it  was,  what  we  see  with  animals  and  addictive  drugs, 
and  what  you  are  seeing. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  1 agree. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  It  looks  like  a basic  biological  phenomenon,  in  other 


i Ashton,  H.,  Stepney,  R.,  Thompson,  J.W.  Self-titration 
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I Benovvitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.,  Jones,  R.T.,  Rosenberg,  J. 

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368-372,  1982. 

Benovvitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.,  Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Yu,  L. 
Influence  of  smoking  fewer  cigarettes  on  exposure 
I to  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide.  New 
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Benovvitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.,  Yu,  L.,  Talcott,  R.,  Hall,  S., 
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monoxide  exposure  while  smoking  ultralow-  but  not 
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Guyatt,  A.R.,  Kirkham,  A.J.T.,  Mariner,  D.C.,  Baldry, 
A.G.,  Gumming,  G.  Long-term  effects  of  switching 
to  cigarettes  with  lower  tar  and  nicotine  yields. 
Psychopharmacology  99:  80-86,  1989. 

Hofer,  I.,  Nil,  R.,  Battig,  K.  Ultralow-yield  cigarettes  and 
type  of  ventilation:  The  role  of  ventilation  blocking. 
Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and  Behavior  40:  907-914, 



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Kolonen,  S.,  Tuomisto,  J.,  Puustinen,  P.,  Airaksinen, 
M.M.  Smoking  behavior  in  low-yield  cigarette 
smokers  and  switchers  in  the  natural  environment. 
Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and  Behavior  40:  177-180, 

Kozlowski,  L.T.  Reduction  of  tobacco  health  hazards 
in  continuing  users:  Individual  behavioral  and 
public  health  approaches.  Journal  of  Substance  Abuse 
1:  345-357,  1989. 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Frecker,  R.C.,  Khouw,  V.,  Pope,  M. 

The  misuse  of  "less-hazardous"  cigarettes  and  its 
detection:  Hole-blocking  of  ventilated  filters. 
American  Journal  ofPiMic  Health  70:  1202-1203, 


Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Heatherton,  T.F.,  Frecker,  R.C.,  Nolte, 
H.E.  Self-selected  blocking  of  vents  on  low-yield 
cigarettes.  Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and  Behavior 
33:  815-819,  1989. 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Herman,  C.P.  The  interaction  of 
psychosocial  and  biological  determinants  of  tobacco 
use:  More  on  the  boundary  model.  Journal  of  Applied 
Social  Psychology  14:  244-256,  1984. 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Pillitteri,  J.L.,  Sweeney,  C.T.  Misuse 
of  "light"  cigarettes  by  means  of  vent  blocking. 
Journal  of  Substance  Abuse  6:  333-336,  1994. 

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vents.  American  Journal  of  Public  Health  78:  694-695, 

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Kozlowski,  L.T.  A comparative  study  of  the  amount 
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Does  switching  to  an  ultra-low  nicotine  cigarette 
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Wynder,  E.L.,  Goodman,  M.T.,  Hoffmann,  D. 
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Zacny,  J.P.,  Stitzer,  M.L.  Cigarette  brand-switching: 
Effects  on  smoke  exposure  and  smoking  behavior. 
Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics 
246(2):  619-627,  1988. 


Chapter  13 

Cigarette  Design  Technologies  Reduce  Smoke 
Yield  and  Expand  Consumer  Ch  oices:  The 
Role  and  Utility  of  the  FTC  Test  AFethod 

David  E.  Townsend 

BACKGROUND  The  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  test  method  for  measuring  tar 
and  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes  provides  accurate  and  reliable  information. 
Comparison  of  yields  of  various  brands  is  a key  factor  consumers  use  to  make 
objective  choices  in  the  marketplace.  Another  key  factor  is  the  taste  of  the 
cigarette,  which  in  most  cases  is  related  to  the  tar  and  nicotine  yield. 

Calls  for  reduced  tar  yields  from  cigarettes  came  from  the  popular  press, 
the  scientific  literature,  and  the  public  health  community  beginning  in  the 
late  1950's.  Many  of  these  included  statements  that  tar  reduction  would 
reduce  the  relative  risks  for  certain  diseases. 

The  implementation  of  FTC  testing  for  tar  and  nicotine  in  1967  was  an 
important  step  for  cigarette  manufacturers  to  communicate  information  on 
lower  tar  products  to  consumers  for  them  to  use  to  make  informed  decisions 
in  the  marketplace. 

Even  at  that  time,  FTC  understood  the  limitations  of  standardized 
machine  smoking  and  recognized  that  no  standard  method  would  be  able 
to  take  into  account  the  wide  range  in  human  smoking  behavior: 

No  two  human  smokers  smoke  in  the  same  way.  No  individual 
smoker  smokes  in  the  same  fashion.  The  speed  at  which  one 
smokes  varies  both  among  smokers,  and  usually  also  varies  with 
the  same  individual  under  different  circumstances  even  within  the 
same  day.  Some  take  long  puffs  (or  draws);  some  take  short  puffs. 

That  variation  affects  the  "tar"  and  nicotine  quantity  in  the  smoke 
generated  (Federal  Trade  Commission,  1967). 

The  FTC  also  recognized  that  the  FTC  method  could  not  predict  the 
absolute  smoke  yield  any  individual  smoker  might  receive  from  a particular 

No  test  can  precisely  duplicate  conditions  of  actual  human 
smoking  and,  within  fairly  wide  limits,  no  one  method  can  be 
said  to  be  either  "right"  or  "wrong."  The  Commission  considers 
it  most  important  that  the  test  results  be  based  on  a reasonable 
standardized  method  and  that  they  be  capable  of  being  presented 
to  the  public  in  a manner  that  is  readily  understandable  (Federal 
Trade  Commission,  1967). 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Daniel  Oliver,  chairman  of  FTC,  confirmed  FTC's  position  on  cigarette 
testing  in  a statement  before  a congressional  committee: 

As  a general  matter,  I believe  that  advertisements  that  accurately 
convey  information  on  "tar"  and  nicotine  content  can  be  a 
valuable  source  of  information  to  consumers.  Advertising  that 
provides  comparative  information  on  different  "tar"  and  nicotine 
levels  can  be  especially  useful  (Oliver,  1988). 

CIGARETTE  The  cigarette  industry  response  to  the  public  demand  for 

DESIGN  AND  reduced  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes  is  evident  in  the  dramatic 

CILANGES  IN  THE  decline  in  sales-weighted  average  tar  yields  over  the  past  40  years 

CIGARETTE  (Figure  1).  In  the  early  1950's  the  average  tar  yield  of  cigarettes 

MARKET  was  around  38  mg  per  cigarette.  Today  that  average  is  about 

12  mg  per  cigarette.  Nicotine  yields  also  have  been  reduced  in  a similar 
fashion,  although  to  a slightly  different  degree  because  the  available 
techniques  reduce  tar  and  nicotine  yields  with  slightly  different  efficiencies. 

The  techniques  to  reduce  tar  over  the  years  include  filtration,  more 
efficient  filtration  (through  different  filter  materials,  fiber  type  and  density, 
and  filter  length),  filter  ventilation,  expanded  tobacco,  tobacco  weight 
reduction,  increased  paper  porosity  or  permeability,  reconstituted  tobacco, 
faster  burning  cigarette  papers,  and  reduction  of  cigarette  circumference. 

Figure  1 

Sales-weighted  average  tar  and  nicotine  yields,  1954-1993 







Nicotine  Yield  (mg/cigarette) 

Chapter  13 

The  physics  and  chemistry  of  a burning  cigarette  are  exceedingly 
complex.  For  example,  filter  ventilation  involves  two  mechanisms.  In  the 
first,  fresh  air  from  the  outside  is  admitted  to  the  filter  and  mixes  with  the 
smoke.  As  a result  of  this  ventilation,  a smaller  effective  puff  is  drawn  on 
the  burning  end  of  the  cigarette  and  less  tobacco  is  then  consumed  during 
the  puff.  In  addition,  the  smoke  velocity  in  the  cigarette  is  dramatically 
reduced,  and  the  filter  efficiency  upstream  of  the  ventilation  holes  increases. 
Similarly,  in  the  second,  a higher  paper  porosity  also  allows  more  outside  air 
to  enter  the  smokestream,  also  reducing  the  effective  puff  volume  at  the  fire 
cone.  The  various  cigarette  design  parameters  result  in  many  interactive 
effects  on  the  performance  of  the  cigarette. 

The  changes  in  cigarette  design  to  reduce  tar  and  nicotine  yields  have 
not  been  limited  to  low-tar  and  ultralow-tar  products.  Even  today's 
nonfiltered  cigarettes,  the  so-called  high-tar  brands,  have  about  half  the 
tar  yield  of  their  1950's  counterparts. 

As  a result,  consumers  today  have  a much  wider  range  of  choices  in  tar 
and  nicotine  than  they  did  previously,  and  all  cigarettes  are  substantially 
lower  in  tar  yields  than  they  were  in  past  years  (Figure  2).  Cigarette  design 
changes  have  resulted  in  an  overall  major  reduction  in  smoke  yields. 

Figure  2 

R.J.  Reynolds  Tobacco  Company  offers  smokers  a range  of  tar  levels  (1955-1993, 
in  5-year  intervals) 

1955  1960  1965  1970  1975  1980  1985  1990  1993 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

UTILITY  OF  Although  it  has  been  clear  that  humans  do  not  smoke  like  machines, 

THE  FTC  TEST  it  is  also  clear  that  changes  in  the  FTC  smoking  conditions  do  not 

METHOD  alter  the  relative  ranking  of  cigarettes.  The  FTC  conditions  include 

a 35-cc  puff  of  2 seconds  duration,  taken  once  per  minute.  If  the  puffing 
conditions  are  changed,  the  relative  ranking  or  yields  of  the  cigarettes  are 

For  example.  Figure  3 shows  tar  yield  as  a function  of  puff  volume. 

In  this  chapter,  puff  volumes  of  35  cc,  45  cc,  and  55  cc  were  chosen  for 
comparison  of  four  cigarette  products,  one  each  from  the  lowest  tar, 
ultralight,  full-flavor  light,  full-flavor  categories.  The  35-cc  puff  is  the 
FTC  condition  and  is  not  intended  to  represent  the  lowest  smoker  puff 
volume;  the  other  two  conditions  were  arbitrarily  chosen.  As  the  puff 
volume  increases,  tar  yield  of  the  product  in  each  category  increases. 
However,  the  ranking  of  the  categories  is  preserved.  For  example,  the 
tar  yield  of  an  ultralow-tar  product  at  a 55-cc  puff  volume  is  lower  than 
the  tar  yield  of  a low-tar  product  at  the  same  puff  volume. 

Changing  the  puff  frequency  from  one  puff  per  minute  to  one  puff  every 
45  seconds  or  one  puff  every  30  seconds  also  increases  the  tar  yield  in  each 
category,  yet  the  ranking  of  the  cigarettes  is  intact  (Figure  4).  Puff  duration 
has  little,  if  any,  effect  on  the  actual  yields  (Figure  5). 

Figure  3 

Effect  of  puff  volume  on  observed  tar  yields 











Brand  Style 

Note  The  puff  duration  for  this  experiment  was  2 seconds;  the  puff  frequency  was  one  every  60  seconds. 


Chapter  13 

j Figure  4 

I Effect  of  puff  frequency  on  observed  tar  yields 









Puff  frequencies  studied 
(one  puff  taken  every  “x”  seconds): 
11  60  seconds 

□ 45  seconds 

□ 30  seconds 

Lowest  Tar  Ultralight  Full  Flavor  Light  Full  Flavor 

Brand  Style 

Note:  The  puff  volume  for  this  experiment  was  45  cc;  the  puff  duration  was  1. 7 seconds. 

Figure  5 

Effect  of  puff  duration  on  observed  tar  yields 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figures  6 through  8 show  smoke  nicotine  yields  for  the  same  set  of 
cigarettes;  however,  the  smoking  machine  puffing  conditions  are  different 
for  each  figure.  Like  tar  yield,  the  nicotine  yield  goes  up  with  increased  puff 
volume  and  increased  puff  frequency,  and  the  relative  yields  among  the 
categories  remain  ordered.  Puff  duration  also  has  little  if  any  effect  on 
nicotine  yields. 

Standard  methods  are  used  to  provide  information  to  consumers  for 
products  other  than  cigarettes.  A classic  example  is  the  estimated 
Environmental  Protection  Agency  (EPA)  gas  mileage  ratings  for  vehicles. 
Depending  on  driving  habits,  conditions,  maintenance,  and  fuel  type,  a 
vehicle  may  get  more  or  less  mileage  than  indicated  by  the  EPA  estimate. 
Although  few  drivers  will  achieve  the  actual  mileage  listed  for  a vehicle,  the 
mileage  ratings  do  provide  a means  of  relative  comparison  among  vehicles. 

A potential  buyer  can  use  the  information  to  determine  if  a particular  vehicle 
would  fit  into  his  or  her  particular  transportation  and  economic  needs. 

Similarly,  smokers  have  two  primary  considerations  in  making  their 
choices  in  the  cigarette  marketplace.  The  FTC  method  provides  comparative 
smoke  yield  information  that  is  an  essential  part  of  that  process.  The  second 
factor  of  taste  is  an  individual  preference  that  is  made  with  the  comparative 
information  in  mind. 

Figure  6 

Effect  of  puff  volume  on  observed  nicotine  yields 

Lowest  Tar  Ultralight  Full  Flavor  Light  Full  Flavor 

Brand  Style 

Note:  The  puff  duration  for  this  experiment  was  2 seconds;  the  puff  frequency  was  one  every  60  seconds. 


j Chapter  13 

Figure  7 

Effect  of  puff  frequency  on  observed  nicotine  yields 

Puff  frequencies  studied 
(one  puff  taken  every  V seconds): 













H 60  seconds 

□ 45  seconds 

□ 30  seconds 

Lowest  Tar  Ultralight  Full  Flavor  Light  Full  Flavor 

Brand  Style 

Note:  The  puff  volume  for  this  experiment  was  45  cc;  the  puff  duration  was  1.7  seconds. 


! Figure  8 

I Effect  of  puff  duration  on  observed  nicotine  yields 









I E 






Puff  durations  studied: 
0 1 .4  seconds 

□ 1 .7  seconds 

□ 2.0  seconds 

Lowest  Tar  Ultralight  Full  Flavor  Light  Full  Flavor 

Brand  Style 


Note:  The  puff  volume  for  this  experiment  was  45  cc;  the  puff  frequency  was  one  every  30  seconds. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 


DR.  BENOWITZ:  How  do  you  reconcile  the  differences  between  your  data 
and  other  data  that  show  when  you  get  down  to  very  low  yields  of  nicotine, 
you  are  getting  to  a cotinine  level  of  225  vs.  maybe  325  or  so  at  the  higher 
levels,  in  over  2,000  people.  Do  you  think  that  is  less  accurate  than  your 
data  in  33  subjects? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 think  that  the  method  of  measuring  plasma  cotinine  is 
a less  accurate  measure  of  nicotine  uptake. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  What  bias  do  you  think  there  is  in  cotinine  that  could 
explain  the  tremendous  difference  in  findings? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 do  believe  the  data  that  we  have.  And  1 am  surprised  at 
them,  based  on  what  1 know  about  the  cotinine  data  in  the  field  studies. 

Now,  that  does  not  mean  that  the  data  we  have  are  wrong;  it  may  be  that 
at  lower  yielding  products,  that  what  people  do  over  the  course  of  an  entire 
24-hour  period  is  different  from  what  would  be  measured,  say,  at  either 
9:00  o'clock  in  the  morning  or  3:00  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  depending 
on  where  people  are  measuring  those  plasma  samples.  So,  1 would  say  that, 
yes,  the  number  is  much  larger  for  those  plasma  cotinine  studies.  But  the 
point  is  that,  even  with  those  studies,  compensation  is  incomplete.  People 
smoking  lower  yielding  cigarettes  absorb  less  nicotine.  Now,  1 would 
conclude  the  same  thing  from  both  data  sets. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 want  to  go  back  to  your  statement  when  you  said  the 
FTC  method  is  accurately  reflecting  intake,  because  1 think  that  is  patently 
wrong.  It  is  not  whether  there  is  some  reduction;  it  is  whether  you  can  look 
at  those  cotinine  levels,  which  would  indicate  that,  when  you  get  below  1 mg 
nicotine,  that  the  FTC  method  is  underestimating  consistently  based  on 
cotinine  levels  in  a couple  of  thousand  people. 

What  ! am  arguing  about  is,  is  it  reasonable  to  generalize  from  your 
33  subjects  and  say  that  is  more  valid  than  the  2,000? 

Cotinine  levels,  as  you  know,  vary  throughout  the  day,  but  not  more 
than  10  or  15  percent  if  you  are  smoking  regularly.  So,  there  is  no  way  that 
10  or  15  percent  can  explain  the  difference,  even  if  there  were  the  worst  bias 
that  you  can  imagine. 

DR.  DEBE'I’HIZY:  1 think  that  we  can  generalize  from  the  data.  I do  not 
think  we  can  give  those  data  the  weight  that  10  years  of  analysis  has 
provided  us  with.  But  I think  that  if  we  look  at  the  [)lasma  cotinine  data, 
peo[)le  smoking  lower  yielding  cigarettes  absorb  less  nicotine.  I'hose  data 
clearly  show  that. 

1 hey  do  not  show  that  peo[)le  get  the  same  amount  of  material  from  all 
the  wide  range  of  nicotine-yielding  cigarettes;  would  you  agree  with  that? 


Chapter  13 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  There  is  a slope  such  that  there  is  not  100  percent 
compensation,  although  it  may  be  close  in  some  studies.  But  1 would  agree 
that  there  is  a slope. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  And  1 think  that  what  we  have  done  is  taken  things  to  the 
next  step,  what  Dr.  Henningfield  called  for  earlier  in  his  talk,  which  is  to 
apply  a technique  that  is  used  for  other  materials. 

If  you  were  asking  what  the  amount  absorbed  of  a pharmaceutical 
product  in  a 24-hour  period  would  be,  you  would  measure  the  total  amount 
excreted  and  sum  it  up.  That  is  all  we  have  done,  and  I think  that  the  data 
deserve  consideration.  I think  that  additional  work  will  determine  whether 
that  slope  will  stay  as  steep  as  it  is  now. 

I think  you  will  notice  that  there  were  people  above  and  below  that,  so 
there  is  wide  variation.  But  the  point  is  that  people  smoking  lower  yielding 
products  are  absorbing  less.  How  much  less,  I do  not  know,  and  I suspect, 
even  with  our  own  data,  we  see  some  evidence  that  at  the  lowest  yields,  they 
are  absorbing  more  than  FTC  would  predict. 

DR.  RICKERT:  First  of  all,  in  looking  at  your  data  on  the  FTC  yield  and  the 
nicotine,  one  is  impressed  by  the  fact  that  it  looks  like  there  are  basically  two 
points  on  that  regression.  One  is  at  the  very  low  .1  mg  and  the  other  one  is 
up  at  1.4. 

It  seems  to  me  that,  for  the  bulk  of  the  data,  there  is  no  relationship,  that 
it  is  really  a two-pronged  display,  with  one  at  the  bottom  and  one  at  the  top 
and  in  the  middle. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  And  I think  that  what  you  are  looking  at  is  the  fact  that  the 
two  center  groupings  are  very  close  in  nicotine  and  tar  yield,  but  of  course 
there  is  a full  range  of  products  out  there  on  the  market,  and  that  is  what  we 
wanted  to  address  with  that. 

DR.  RICKERT:  In  reading  the  industry  documents,  it  has  been  stated  time 
and  time  again  that  consumers  understand  the  FTC  tar  numbers.  And  my 
reading  of  the  literature  and  what  I have  heard  today  suggest  that  is  not  so. 
And  I was  wondering  whether  there  is  industry  information  that  supports  the 
hypothesis  that  consumers,  indeed,  understand  FTC  numbers  of  tar  and 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  How  could  the  industry  have  changed  so  dramatically 
over  the  years  and  people  traded  taste,  if  tar  levels  were  not  a consideration 
in  their  choice? 

People  tell  us,  in  focus  groups  and  in  other  ways,  "Yes,  I am  concerned 
about  what  I believe  are  health  risks  in  smoking."  They  have  been  told  that 
for  40  years,  and  they  respond  by  looking  at  the  tar  levels  of  the  products 
that  they  choose  in  the  marketplace. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  RICKERT:  I guess  the  question  I am  asking  is,  How  do  you  reconcile 
that  point  of  view  with  the  information  that  has  been  provided  here  today, 
which  suggests  that  the  majority  of  smokers  do  not  understand  FTC 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I am  convinced  that  they  understand  tar  ratings  as  a 
relative  comparison,  the  same  as  1 think  we  understand  ERA  gas  mileage. 
When  you  go  buy  a new  car,  ERA  gas  mileage  estimates  are  determined 
by  a number  of  factors,  including  the  type  of  engine,  how  you  drive,  how 
properly  you  inflate  the  tires,  how  well  you  maintain  it,  how  good  your 
mechanic  is,  and  even  maybe  the  region  of  the  country  in  which  you  live, 
because  gasoline  engines  are  more  efficient  in  certain  climates  than  others. 

1 do  not  take  ERA  gas  mileage  ratings  to  mean  that  is  what  1 am  going 
to  get.  The  same  as  1 was  referring  to  earlier,  1 do  not  think  I am  necessarily 
getting  the  same  efficiency  on  my  hot  water  heater  as  it  is  rated. 

1 think  these  ratings  are  for  comparison  purposes.  And  I think  that  is 
what  most  consumers  look  for  in  the  marketplace,  and  1 think  that  is  the 
way  they  interpret  the  FTC  numbers. 

DR.  RICKERT:  Let's  assume  for  a moment  that  the  FTC  numbers  are  a perfect 
predictor  of  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  is  obtained  from  a cigarette.  How 
do  you  think  that  relates  to  the  other  components  that  may  be  of  concern? 
There  are  a whole  host  of  chemicals  that  are  related  to  various  disease 
phenomena.  How  do  you  think  the  blood  nicotine  levels  will  act  as  a 
predictor  of  the  absorption  of  these  other  constituents? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 think  that  one  of  the  things  about  nicotine  as  a marker 
is  that  nicotine  represents  probably  the  upper  limit  for  a particular  phase 
for  constituents.  But  one  thing  that  1 want  to  remind  everybody  is  that  the 
FTC  method  was  never  intended  to  measure  or  assist  people  with  the  actual 
uptake.  It  is  to  provide  a relative  ranking  of  cigarettes.  And  1 think  it  has 
reliably  done  that  for  a long  time. 

It  also  gives  us  a way  that  we  can  standardize  the  analysis  of  cigarette 
smoking,  so  that  we  can  compare  work  done  in  our  laboratory  with  work 
done  in  your  laboratory.  And  it  has  done  that  very  well  for  a long  time. 

DR.  HARRIS:  1 wondered  if  you  could  show,  once  again,  one  of  your  slides 
showing  the  trends  in  the  sales-weighted  tar  and  nicotine  averages  over  time. 
And  also,  you  might  put  up  the  one  of  unfiltered  Camels  also,  if  you  have  it. 
It  is  not  essential  which  one,  and  I think  Dr.  Hoffmann  even  had  one. 

Dr.  Hoffmann  showed  a similar  slide,  although  the  axes  were  labeled 
somewhat  differently.  And  1 have  also  looked  at  data  on  sales-weighted 
average  nicotine,  using  the  ITC  numbers,  at  least  those  that  were  provided 
at  various  times  to  the  Federal  Frade  Commission. 

And  I have  been  led  to  the  general  conclusion  that,  while  the  F'FC-based 
numbers  declined  substantially  during  the  I9.S()'s  and  continued  to  decline. 


Chapter  13 

to  some  degree,  during  the  1960's,  in  the  last  10  years,  there  has  been 
basically  no  change  in  the  sales-weighted  average,  whether  you  measure  it 
by  the  distribution  of  tars  with  a percentage  of  brands  under  15  mg  or  by 
the  sales-weighted  average  nicotine. 

And  in  fact,  data  for  1992,  and  what  1 can  estimate  myself  from  1993 
and  1994,  are  a slight  upturn  in  the  sales-weighted  average  nicotine. 

If  you  show  your  slide  on  Camel  nonfilters,  the  graph  ends  in  1982  at  a 
tar  level  of  20.6.  It  would  be  interesting  to  have  the  data  for  after  1982. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  The  tar  delivery  for  Camel  nonfilter  is  virtually  flat  from 
1982  to  the  present.  This  is  a chart  that  I prepared  for  something  else,  not 

DR.  HARRIS:  And  my  question  is  really.  What,  if  any,  observations  you 
might  want  to  make  about  what  appears  to  be  progress  in  the  decline  in 
FTC  yields  during  the  last  30  years,  a progress  of  which  is  really  confined 
to  the  preceding  two  decades,  with  no  change  in  the  last  decade? 

If  this  had  been  a meeting  on  mileage  in  the  car  industry,  somebody 
would  be  waving  a finger  and  saying,  "What  have  you  guys  done  in  the 
last  10  years  with  your  car  model?" 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  My  response  to  your  question,  first,  is  that  I believe  this 
clearly  points  out  to  me  the  need  for  the  industry  to  respond  with  low-tar 
products  that  have  improved  taste  characteristics.  Clearly  that  is  what 
consumers  have  told  me:  "I  trade  in  tar  for  what  I perceive  as  a possible 
benefit,  and  what  I get  is  less  taste."  The  concept  of  low  tar,  great  taste, 
does  not  wash  with  consumers. 

There  are  taste  deficiencies  in  the  lowest  end.  Some  people  choose  to 
make  that  trade  because,  again,  they  weigh  both  factors  in  the  marketplace: 
taste  and  tar  levels. 

But  I think  both  factors  are  important  in  their  choice,  because  there  are 
many,  many  smokers  who  do  buy  products  in  the  lowest  category;  again, 
back  to  the  need  for  some  useful  and  valid  comparative  information  on  tar 
levels,  and  that  is  already  in  the  market.  The  FTC  test  method  provides 
valid  and  reliable  information. 

First,  beginning  in  1981  or  1982,  the  price  of  cigarettes  in  the  United 
States  began  to  rise  much  faster  than  the  rate  of  inflation.  And  at  the  same 
time,  we  saw  a dramatic  increase  in  generic  and  branded  discount  cigarettes. 

To  some  degree,  the  apparent  stagnation  in  tar  and  nicotine  levels 
may  reflect  smokers  choosing  to  go  from  branded  to  discount  and  generic 
cigarettes.  In  fact,  from  what  data  I have  seen,  the  major  source  of  brand 
switching  in  the  last  10  years  has  been  to  the  discount  and  generic  segment 
of  the  market,  which,  as  you  know,  is  about  35  percent  of  the  market  in 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Another  possibility  that  has  been  raised  by  some  is  whether  some  brands 
have  had  their  nicotine  levels  and  tar  levels  actually  reconstituted  upward 

A third  is  the  changing  demographics  of  the  market.  As  some  people 
quit  and  other  people  start,  the  average  smoker  is  a different  person  who 
would  intend,  on  average,  to  smoke  a higher  tar  or  higher  nicotine  cigarette. 

Finally,  there  is  the  question  of  whether  or  not,  in  fact,  there  is  a limit 
that  smokers  are  willing  to  tolerate,  given  the  current  cigarette  array  of 

How  does  your  hypothesis  relate  to  the  question  at  hand:  What  is  the 
meaningfulness  of  the  FTC  test,  and  is  it  useM  in  the  market? 

DR.  HARRIS:  There  are  several  points  you  make.  One  is  whether  the  test  is 
useful,  but  also  whether  the  industry  has  accomplished  anything  in  reducing 
tar  and  nicotine  levels.  And  I think  that,  since  that  was  a preamble  of  both 
talks  and  it  is  certainly  an  issue  that  I have  been  puzzling  over,  I thought  it 
was  important  to  wrestle  with  the  question  of  why  have  tar  and  nicotine 
levels  not  fallen  in  the  last  10  years,  and  is  there  anything  that  can  be  done 
about  it. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  You  have  very  much  emphasized  the  issue  of  consumer 
choice  and  consumers  making  a choice  based  on  accurate  information. 

I take  it,  then,  that  if  consumers  could  be  provided  with  better,  more  accurate 
information  about  yields,  that  is  something  that  you  would  favor. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I believe  that  what  the  consumer  needs  is  there.  The  FTC 
method  provides  reliable  comparative  information. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  You  do  not  want  them  to  have  better  information? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Convince  me  that  there  is  better  information.  I am  not 
convinced  that  there  is. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I am  asking  it  as  a hypothetical  question. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  If  there  is  important  information  that  the  consumer  needs 
to  make  choices  in  the  marketplace,  then  I want  to  know  it. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  We  have  seen  individual  variability  around  the  trend  line, 
and  if  we  were  able  to  provide  individuals  with  information  about  where 
they  stood  on  that,  then  would  that  be  an  improvement  that  you  might  be 
able  to  support? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  That  is  a tall  order  for  any  sort  of  standardized  method. 

DR.  RE'n  rri:  Your  talk.  Dr.  deBethizy,  referenced  the  historical  context  of 
the  development  of  the  F'FC  measures.  And  the  historical  context  was  the 
claim  that  these  measures  would  significantly  reduce  the  risk  of  disease. 

Do  you  think  that  the  data  so  far  support  a claim  that  these  ITC  measures 
predict  or  are  meaningfully  related  to  disease  risk? 


Chapter  13 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Personally,  I do  not  know.  But  what  1 would  say  is  that 
the  data  that  I saw  Dr.  Samet  present  today,  which  were  largely  taken  from 
the  1981  Surgeon  General's  report,  their  conclusion  was  that  people  smoking 
lower  yielding  products  have  reduced  relative  risk  for  lung  cancer. 

DR.  PETITTI:  I think  that  you  saw  the  quotes  from  Dr.  Wynder  and  some 
of  the  earlier  commentators.  They  mentioned  40-percent  reductions  in  tar 
might  lead  to  large  reductions  in  lung  cancer.  I just  want  to  get  a sense  of 
the  magnitude  in  the  reduction  of  disease  risk  with  differences  in  tar  levels 
over  the  range  we  are  talking  about. 

I just  want  to  make  the  point  that  adjustment  is  the  problem;  when  you 
adjust,  you  assume  people  smoke  the  same  number  of  cigarettes,  whether 
they  smoke  high  yield  or  low  yield.  And  it  is  very  difficult  to  handle 
statistically  and  is,  I think,  one  of  the  problems  in  the  original  data  that 
were  published  in  the  1981  report. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  But  you  know,  on  average,  that  people  smoking  lower 
yielding  products  do  not  smoke  more  cigarettes. 

DR.  BOCK:  I am  having  a little  bit  of  a problem.  You  had  mentioned  some 
observations  with  staining  of  saliva  regarding  ventilation  and  hole  blockage. 
It  seems  to  be  the  opposite  from  what  was  reported.  Can  you  give  me  some 
details  of  how  you  know  you  got  saliva  on  the  area  covered  by  the  lips  in 
every  case,  or  most  cases? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  What  I can  do  is  give  you  detailed  information  on  the 
whole  experiment.  And  I will  have  to  do  that  privately,  because  I don't  have 
the  information  with  me  today. 

What  I said  earlier  is  the  case.  We  saw  infrequent  hole  blockage,  but 
there  was  hole  blockage  in  some  cases,  and  we  determined  that  by  an 
inhydrin  staining  process.  And  I cannot  recall  the  details  and  the  numbers, 
because  I really  was  not  responsible  for  that  experiment.  I would  be  happy 
to  follow  up  with  you  on  that,  if  you  are  interested. 

DR.  COHEN:  Let  me  quickly  state  what  I think  the  premises  are  of  your 
presentation.  Dr.  Townsend,  and  see  if  you  disagree  with  where  I disagree. 

Suppose  we  accept  the  premise  that  the  FTC  system  provides  useful 
ranking  information,  everyone  understanding  the  difference  between 
ranking  and  other  kinds  of  information.  Let's  say  the  system  does  that. 
Suppose  we  also  accept  the  premise  that  truly  individual  smoking 
characteristics  are  beyond  the  scope  of  such  a rating  system. 

Now,  you  have  established  that  there  are  product  design  features — type 
of  paper,  type  of  tobacco,  etc.,  that  lead  to  different  yields  because  of 
smoking  parameters  that  vary  with  such  product  design  elements,  such  as 
puff  rate,  puff  volume,  etc. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Doesn't  this  mean  that  a numerical  scale — say,  from  1 to  27 — is 
necessarily  misleading  and  that  a categorical  rating  system  would  be  a more 
valid  way  to  report  such  information?  You  had  four  categories,  1 believe,  and 
you  showed  variance.  What  I am  saying  is,  I was  following  that,  and  it 
looked  to  me  like  you  were  about  to  recommend  a four-category  system. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  The  whole  idea  of  a categorical  system,  or  so-called  banded 
system,  has  been  put  on  the  table  by  a number  of  people  in  the  past. 

Conceivably,  that  accomplishes  the  same  endpoint  with  one  exception, 

1 believe.  The  same  endpoint,  of  course,  is  that  it  provides  a comparative 
ranking  for  consumers.  The  flaw  in  that  approach,  if  that  is  the  only 
ranking,  and  discrete  numbers  are  not  also  included,  is  that,  of  course, 
you  would  expect  products  to  come  up  against  the  ceiling  of  each  band. 

DR.  COHEN:  I thought  you  established,  with  your  own  analysis,  that 
individual  numbers  were  inherently  misleading? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I did  not  say  that  individual  numbers  were  misleading. 

In  fact,  1 believe  individual  numbers — a numerical  rating  system — is,  in  fact, 
the  best  and  that  is  what  the  FTC  test  method  is. 

With  those  data,  then,  manufacturers  have  advertised  their  products  as 
light  or  ultralight,  to  fit  some  range  of  tar  numbers. 

DR.  COHEN:  I think  you  missed  my  point. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  The  FTC  method  is  the  method  that  provides  the  useful 
comparative  information  for  the  smoker. 

DR.  COHEN:  1 thought  you  established  with  your  charts  that  there  was 
variance  due  to  what  is  technically  an  interaction  between  product  design 
characteristics  and  smokers'  adaptations  to  them.  Is  that  correct? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Okay,  you  are  confusing  me.  Let  me  put  the  chart  back 
up.  Standard  deviation  for  replicate  measures  of  that  particular  product. 
Different  particular  puff  frequencies.  Puff  frequency  of  60  seconds  happens 
to  be  blue  bars,  45  seconds  is  the  red  bars,  30  seconds  is  the  yellow  bars. 

So,  the  ultralight  product  that  was  smoked  at  30-second  frequency — in  fact, 
this  is  the  variability  we  saw  in  10  replicate  measures  of  that  one  cigarette. 

DR.  COHEN:  Okay,  then  1 did  misunderstand  that,  but  a lot  of  the 
presentations  today  have  essentially  suggested  that  smokers  respond  to 
product  design  characteristics  by  modifying  behavior.  And  1 am  not  talking 
about  idiosyncratic  behavior,  but  standard  ways  that  you  put  up — puff 
frequencies,  puff  duration,  number  of  puffs. 

Ihat  creates  variance  around  a point  estimate.  And  would  it  not  be 
more  valid  to  acknowledge  that  those  variances  exist  when  you  provide  this 
information  to  consumers?  Ranking  is  the  least  informative  scale. 

DR.  rOWNSEND:  You  are  talking  about  something  like  the  EPA  gas  mileage 
ranking,  where  you  have  highway  and  city. 


Chapter  13 

DR.  COHEN:  Ranking  information  has  only  an  ordinal  property.  The 
absolute  numbers  have  no  significance,  nor  do  the  units  of  measurements 
between — like  16,  17,  18,  19.  In  a ranking  system,  you  never  assume  those 
units  are  equal. 

In  this  system,  presented  to  consumers,  consumers  have  a right  to 
assume  equal  appearing  units — 16,  17,  18,  19.  It  goes  beyond  a ranking 
system.  If  you  just  want  a ranking  system,  then  there  are  ways  to  do  that, 
to  build  on  this  kind  of  variance. 

So,  if  all  you  want  is  a ranking  system,  the  one  that  is  in  place  now 
attempts  to  do  more  than  that,  and  I thought  your  evidence  indicated  that 
it  did  not  do  it  with  great  validity. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  What  variance  are  you  speaking  of? 

DR.  COHEN:  The  interaction  of  human  smoking  topography  and  cigarettes 
having  different  design  features. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Have  you  quantified  that? 

DR.  COHEN:  1 have  not  done  it.  1 think  we  have  discussed  it  today.  I am 
not  a technical  expert  on  it.  1 am  asking  from  the  standpoint  of  consumer 

If  a ranking  system  could  be  preserved  to  meet  your  objectives  that 
you  set  out  and,  at  the  same  time,  it  would  have  more  validity  because  it 
wouldn't  represent  units  that  do  not  exist  because  there  is  too  much  variance 
around  them;  it  is  only  a ranking  system. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  It  sounds  like  you  have  put  a proposal  on  the  table,  and 
my  impression  is  that  is  what  we  will  do  tomorrow. 

DR.  COHEN:  It  sounded  like  you  were  saying,  "Well,  if  it  achieves  its 
purpose  as  a ranking  system  and  leaves  consumers  to  know  which  brands 
are  lower  and  which  are  higher,  and  that  is  fine." 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  And  we  think  that  the  current  method  does  that.  So,  I will 
be  looking  forward  to  the  discussion  tomorrow  about  alternative  methods. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  This  is  actually  a nice  introduction  to  my  point. 
Compensation  is  one  of  the  reasons  that  you  get  a good  correlation  with 
machines  and  a lousy  correlation  with  humans.  It  is  not  validated  that  the 
FTC  method  predicts  what  humans  get. 

But  you  have  seemed  concerned  that  compensation  was  not  perfect, 
as  though  the  fact  that  it  was  not  imperfect  rejected  the  notion  of 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 think  what  1 was  doing  was  challenging  the  notion  that 
people  get  the  same  amount  from  every  cigarette  on  the  market. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Do  you  know  of  any  drug  study  with  humans  with 
addictive  drugs  where  you  do  get  perfect  compensation? 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I just  do  not  even  see  a reason  to  address  that  question 
because  smoking  is  a habit  that  people  engage  in,  and  people  enjoy  smoking. 
1 think  we  have  a situation  where  people  enjoy  smoking;  they  have  a wide 
range  of  products  to  choose  from;  they  can  choose  lower  yielding  products. 
The  data — whether  it  is  plasma  cotinine  or  total  urinary  uptake — show 
that  they  get,  when  they  smoke  lower  yielding  cigarettes,  less  material, 
on  average. 

Now,  the  FTC  method  was  never  intended  to  address  that  question. 

It  was  intended  to  address  the  relative  ranking  of  cigarettes. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Actually,  what  your  data  show  is  that  within  the  broad 
range  in  which  sales  are  actually  concentrated — let's  say  from  .4  to  about  1.0, 
1.2,  FTC  nicotine — people  are  getting,  on  average,  the  same,  regardless  of  the 
nominal  yield.  So,  in  fact,  your  own  data,  as  Dr.  Rickert  pointed  out  earlier, 
suggest  that,  in  fact,  the  numbers  do  not  track. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  What  your  data  show  is  that  people  who  smoke  cigarettes 
of  .1  are  very  much  lower  than  people  smoking  1.4.  But  if  you  look  at  the 
middle  range,  we  could  probably  compute  the  correlation  by  tomorrow,  but 
1 would  warrant  that  it  is  close  to  zero. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  And  the  middle  range  is  a very  narrow  range  of  tar  and 
nicotine  yield. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Let  me  just  bring  closure  to  my  point,  because  what 
I see — and  I think  Dr.  Shiftman  is  pointing  out,  too — is  that  what  you  see 
with  humans  with  other  addictive  drugs,  and  what  you  see  in  animals,  is 
compensation  that  is  partial.  And  that  seems  to  be  what  we  are  seeing  here: 
another  case  of  an  addictive  drug  that  controls  behavior,  and  you  do  get 
compensation,  although  it  is  not  perfect.  That  seems  to  be  the  biological 
process  going  on. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  And  I think  you  and  I fundamentally  disagree  about 
that,  because  it  is  like  coffee  drinking.  I do  not  see  myself  as  being,  if  I drink 
1 cup  of  coffee  1 day  and  10  cups  of  coffee  the  next  day,  I do  not  see  that 
as  compensation.  I just  see  that  as  responding  to  different  situations  and 
choosing  to  drink  coffee  under  those  different  environmental  conditions. 
And  I see  smoking  as  a very  similar  activity  that  people  engage  in. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I his  is  a supplement  to  Fred  Bock's  question  and  point. 
Years  ago,  in  Foronto,  we  tried  to  do  a saliva  test,  1 think  similar  to  the  one 
you  did.  We  collaborated  with  the  forensic  laboratory  for  the  Province  of 
Ontario,  and  a Ph.D.  student  in  pharmacology  worked  on  it. 

And  we  never  ()ublished  it  because  we  did  not  find  it  useful,  in  part 
because  the  lii)s,  in  general,  were  too  dry  and  were  not  depositing  that 
much  saliva  and  were  doing  it  in  a very  soggy  manner. 

We  found  that  a much  more  straightforward  technique  would  be  to  take 
cha()stick  or  li[)  gloss,  and  that  would  stain  the  filter  overwrap.  You  could 


Chapter  1 3 

then  dissect  the  cigarette  and  count  the  holes  that  have  been  blocked  by 
that.  We  tried  that  technique  and  abandoned  it  as  unsuccessful. 

Just  months  ago,  we  published  in  Pharmacology,  Biochemistry  and 
Behavior  a validation  of  the  stain  pattern  technique  using  Marlboro  Lights, 
Winston  Lights,  Marlboro  Ultralights — I am  not  sure  about  the  four  or  five 
other  brands.  They  worked  just  fine. 

Even  with  ventilated  filter  cigarettes,  which  may  be  ventilated  in  the 
20-  to  30-percent  range  rather  than  80  or  90,  you  can  get  a team  of  raters 
to  do  reliable  judgment. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I think  what  is  important  is  that  some  individuals  may 
block  holes  when  they  smoke  cigarettes.  What  is  important  is  what  happens 
over  the  course  of  their  entire  smoking  day  and  what  happens,  on  average, 
with  people.  And  I think  there  has  been  an  incredible  emphasis  placed  on 
blocking  holes  here  today,  and  I think  that  Dr.  Townsend's  talk  clearly 
showed  that  there  are  many,  many  other  techniques  used  to  lower  tar  and 
nicotine,  techniques  that  could  not  be  overcome  by  the  smoking  behavior 
of  the  individual. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  What  I am  going  to  do  is  say  to  cut  this  at  this  point  and 
maybe  we  can  continue  it  tomorrow.  We  were  due  to  be  finished  about 
20  minutes  ago.  It  may  be  a little  hard  on  these  two  gentleman,  who  have 
been  very  gracious  in  answering  these  questions.  We  do  not  want  to  put 
them  under  too  much,  but  we  would  like  to  bring  you  back  tomorrow,  if 
you  do  not  mind,  for  further  discussion.  But  let's  have  these  two  questions. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  There  has  been  some  suggestion  about  providing  the 
consumer  with  more  information,  such  as  making  ventilation  holes  visible 
so  that  people  can  see  them  and  not  block  them,  and  give  them  information 
about  what  intense  smoking  would  do,  which  you  could  simulate  by 
machines.  Are  there  any  negative  aspects  about  doing  those  things,  from 
your  perspective,  and  why  not  provide  more  information  like  that? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I think  Dr.  Townsend  addressed  it  earlier  when  he 
responded  that  we  would  consider  any  reasonable  proposal  as  long  as  there 
were  some  data  to  support  that  proposal. 

And  I am  assuming  that  is  what  you  all  will  do,  and  at  least  start  the 
process.  And  you  all  may  conclude  that  the  FTC  method  is  fine  as  it  is,  but 
I certainly  do  not  have  any  problem  with  looking  at  reasonable  proposals. 

We  have  a motto  at  our  company  that  we  work  for  smokers.  And  if  we 
can  be  convinced  that  it  is  meaningful  for  the  consumer,  that  might  warrant 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  But  you  understand  that  we  believe,  today,  that  the  FTC 
test  method  is  useful  for  the  consumer;  that  its  presence  has  been  beneficial 
for  consumers  making  choices  and  also  for  driving  the  industry  to  reduce  tar 
and  nicotine  levels  to  this  great  extent  that  we  have. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Then  the  other  point,  too,  ISO — the  International  Standards 
Organization — of  course,  adopted  a standard  test  method  that  is  used 
throughout  the  world,  that  is  essentially  the  same.  And  they,  in  the 
investigations,  particularly  in  Germany  and  the  UK,  had  many  of  the 
same  questions  here. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  But  there  is  no  drawback  for  providing  more  information. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Oh,  absolutely.  I think  we  always  have  to  look  at  new 
information  that  is  available,  and  look  at  it  in  depth,  critique  it,  and  see  if 
anything  is  there. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  I am  somewhat  puzzled.  I have  seen  the  tobacco  field  for 
decades,  and  I always  found  the  tobacco  industry  to  be  flexible.  The  pressure 
from  the  consumer  and  from  the  scientific  community  led  to  the  industry 
changing  the  cigarette.  And  you  have  in  Science  the  outstanding  study  by 
Dr.  Benowitz. 

We  all  agree  that  there  is  some  compensation,  and  I find  that  you  are 
inflexible.  We  have  to  work  on  it;  there  is  a way.  I am  surprised.  I have, 
in  all  the  X years  I have  been  working  in  this  field,  I have  never  seen  such 
an  inflexible  thing  as  this,  where  you  stick  to  the  FTC  method. 

I think  we  can  always  improve,  and  U.S.  scientists  know  this  just  as 
well  as  I. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Let  me  ask  this  question.  Have  you  seen  a proposal  put 
on  the  table  that  seriously  would  improve  on  the  current  method? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  The  advances  in  the  research  have  been  done  by  both 
sides — by  industry  as  well  as  the  scientific  community.  Suddenly,  I find  that 
you  say,  "No,  the  FTC  method  is  the  final  word." 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  1 think  that  clearly  what  we  have  said  is  that,  with  30  years 
in  a standardized  method  that  has  been  incredibly  valuable  to  consumers, 
the  industry,  and  the  scientists  that  we  have  not  seen  any  reason  to  walk 
away  from  that.  I would  just  give  it  back  to  the  group  and  say,  let's  see  a 
serious  proposal. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  1 am  sorry  that  you  are  misreading  this  as  being  inflexible. 
1 think  the  fact  is  that  the  F'l'C  method  has  worked  for  a long  time,  and  it 
continues  to  work. 

But  demonstrate  what  the  proposal  is,  and  how  it  adds  to  what  we  have 
now,  to  make  things  better,  or  to  provide  some  more  information.  For 
example,  one  of  the  proposals  that  was  floated  this  morning  included  a 
min  and  max  level.  Okay,  let's  smoke  a cigarette  at  FTC  conditions,  and 
then  let's  go  to  a more  intensive  smoking  condition,  to  report  min  and  max. 

What  is  going  to  happen  from  that  is  that  you  get  exactly  the  same 
ranking;  it  is  just  more  numbers,  but  it  is  the  same  ranking.  And  consumers 
are  making  their  choices  based  on  ranking. 


Chapter  13 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  But  you  have  shown  here,  in  your  paper,  it  is  very  detailed. 
It  is  for  the  low-yielding  figure  and  compensation. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Yes,  and  you  are  right  about  that. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  So,  this  is  not  a reason  that  we  should  work  together? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  And  we  are  quite  willing  to  work  with  anybody,  and  that  is 
why  we  are  here  today. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Townsend,  I just  want  to  ask  one  question,  and  it  may  be 
a little  naive.  Several  times  you  have  mentioned  the  value  of  tar  in  cigarettes 
because  you  say  it  is  associated  with  taste.  Even  conceding  that  although  it 
seems  to  be  a thing  that  is  killing  people. 

But  what  about  nicotine?  What  it  is  the  value  of  nicotine  and  cigarettes, 
and  why  could  it  not  be  dramatically  reduced? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Nicotine,  of  course,  is  part  of  the  smoking  sensation.  It 
does  provide  a sensation  to  the  smoker.  I think  one  of  our  competitors  found 
that  tobacco  that  had  been  treated  to  remove  all  the  nicotine  was  not 
successful  in  the  marketplace. 

More  than  that,  just  as  I cannot  look  into  the  components  of  tar  and  say, 
this  is  a very  important,  tasteful,  and  flavorful  compound.  You  know,  I am 
not  equipped  as  a chemist  to  say  nicotine  is  an  important  compound  for  this 
aspect  of  taste  characteristics. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  We  will  stop  at  this  point. 


Federal  Trade  Commission.  "FTC  To  Begin  Cigarette  Oliver,  D.  Prepared  statement  by  the  Federal  Trade 

Testing."  News  release.  August  1,  1967,  p.  2.  Commission  chairman  before  the  U.S.  House 

Subcommittee  on  Transportation,  Tourism,  and 
Hazardous  Materials,  Committee  on  Energy  and 
Commerce.  May  4,  1988,  p.  11. 


Section  II 

Transcript  of  Second-  Day  D 


DR.  FREEMAN:  Good  morning,  everyone.  I would  like  to  welcome  all  of  the 
speakers  and  panel  members  and  the  audience  back  to  these  deliberations. 
We  will  continue  to  deliberate  concerning  the  FTC  test  method,  and  we  will 
begin  this  morning  with  continuation  of  the  dialog  that  we  were  having 
with  Dr.  Townsend  and  Dr.  deBethizy,  who  represent  the  tobacco  industry. 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 would  like  to  follow  up  with  two  questions  on  why  the 
results  from  the  study  of  33  subjects  relating  the  total  nicotine  recovery  vs. 
the  FTC  yield  from  cotinine  studies  are  so  different.  The  first  question  is, 
since  these  results  were  so  different,  it  would  be  very  interesting  to  have 
measured  cotinine  levels  in  these  smokers,  as  well  as  looking  at  urinary 
metabolites,  and  I would  like  to  know  if  that  was  done  and  if  we  could 
see  those  data.  The  second  thing  1 was  wondering  was,  since  this  question 
of  yield  versus  intake  has  been  so  important  for  so  many  years  and  since 
R.J.  Reynolds  has  the  capability  of  doing  it,  I wonder  if  they  have  ever  done 
a study  like  the  ones  that  1 showed  where  they  looked  at  cotinine  levels 
vs.  yields  in  a large  population  just  to  see  if  their  own  work  would  replicate 
the  work  of  other  people,  and  it  seems  like  a very  straightforward  study 
that  would  be  something  they  might  have  done. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  The  answer  to  your  first  question  is  no,  we  did  not  measure 
plasma  cotinine  in  those  studies.  We  were  studying  nicotine  metabolism 
interindividual  variation.  That  was  how  we  got  into  that  work,  and  we 
extended  it  then  to  ask  the  question  across  the  tar  categories.  In  the  study 
that  we  are  currently  doing,  we  are  actually  measuring  salivary  cotinine. 

We  made  a conscious  decision  not  to  measure  plasma  cotinine  because  we 
did  not  want  to  interfere  by  taking  a blood  sample.  So,  we  are  doing  salivary 
cotinine  in  that  study  to  answer  the  exact  question  that  you  have  raised. 

I think  that  is  a good  question  to  ask.  In  subjects  where  we  see  lower  total 
nicotine  output,  are  the  plasma  concentrations  higher?  That  is  a good 
question.  And  your  second  question  was? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  There  were  data  from  Dr.  Gori's  work  that  I presented  that 
were  supported  by  Brown  and  Williamson,  I believe.  We  basically  looked  at 
cotinine  levels  vs.  yields  for  a large  population,  and  I think  those  data  were 
very  important.  I was  wondering  if  R.J.  Reynolds  has  ever  done  such 
a study,  and  if  any  data  are  available  addressing  that  question? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  We  have  not  done  a field  study.  There  were  so  many  field 
studies  in  the  literature  already,  we  just  have  never  done  a study  like  that. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Just  to  follow  up  on  that  study,  a couple  of  us  were  pointing 
out  that  the  relationship  seemed  to  be  very  much  driven  by  the  extremes, 
and  I took  the  liberty  of  computing  what  the  correlation  would  be  in  those 
same  data  if  one  excluded  the  very  extremes.  I had  to  impute  the  data  from 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

the  graph,  but  if  you  look  at  the  data  above  .13  and  at  or  below  1.02  FTC 
yield,  the  correlation  is  .16.  In  other  words,  except  for  the  extremes  in  your 
own  data,  there  is  no  relationship. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Yes,  it  is  interesting  to  me.  1 think  what  we  have  done 
is  taken  the  best  available  technology,  done  what  Jack  Henningfield  asked 
people  to  do,  which  is  to  take  a look  at  things  using  modern  techniques,  and 
we  have  done  a study  that  1 think  causes  us  to  stop  and  think  about  what 
the  previous  data  have  shown.  We  can  manipulate  those  data  to  get  them 
to  look  like  what  the  other  data  look  like,  or  we  can  take  them  on  their  own 
merits,  and  1 think  that  what  we  need  to  do  is  follow  this  study  up  with 
further  work,  and  that  is  why  we  are  doing  that,  and  1 have  encouraged 
Dr.  Benowitz  to  do  the  same  thing.  1 have  encouraged  the  Swedish  Tobacco 
Company,  which  has  the  capability  to  do  the  same  thing. 

1 think  rather  than  doing  some  data  selection  on  this  particular  study 
we  should  take  it  on  its  own  merit.  It  is  a 33-person  study.  It  suggests  that 
when  smokers  can  freely  do  their  activities,  people  consuming  lower  yielding 
cigarettes  absorb  less  nicotine.  Now,  it  also  suggests  that  there  is  large 
interindividual  variation,  and  I think  lots  of  people  have  pointed  that  out. 

When  you  do  a study  like  this,  you  are  going  to  get  extremes  because 
people  smoke  cigarettes  across  a wide  range,  and  I think  you  have  to  include 
those  people,  and  I think  as  we  and  others  fill  the  data  in  over  time  we  will 
find  out  whether  this  correlation  or  the  slope  of  this  line  is  as  steep  as  it  is 
now  or  whether  it  is  shallower,  and  I just  think  we  need  to  continue  to  do 
that  work.  We  have  worked  hard  to  develop  a state-of-the-art  technique, 
and  I think  it  has  merit. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I think  it  has  merit,  too,  and  I applaud  you  for  doing  it. 

At  the  same  time  we  ought  to  be  clear  on  what  the  data  show,  and  the  data 
show  that  people  smoking  brands  above  1.03  are  getting  more  than  people 
smoking  brands  at  about  .13  and  that  in  the  middle  range  there  is  no 
relationship  to  the  FTC  yield. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz,  does  that  answer  both  of  your  questions? 


DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  In  the  media  recently,  the  cigarette  Eclipse  was  described,  and 
it  is  obvious  from  the  media  description  that  the  cigarette  is  going  to  pose 
some  challenges  for  the  FTC  methodology,  in  particular  because  it  does  not 
burn  down  to  a fixed  butt  length.  J'here  are  some  other  challenges  that  may 
be  posed  by  that  cigarette  to  the  ITC  methodology,  and  in  particular  I am 
wondering  about  the  distribution  of  nicotine  between  the  gas  phase  and  the 
particulate  phase.  That  is,  in  the  current  I'l'C  methodology  when  testing  the 
Eclipse  cigarette,  will  the  amount  of  nicotine  that  is  being  delivered  by  that 
cigarette  be  trapped  using  the  traditional  Cambridge  Filter  method? 


Section  II 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I do  not  think  we  really  know  the  answer  right  now  to 
the  question  of  nicotine  distribution  between  the  gas  and  particulate  phase. 

1 do  think  we  have  confidence  that  the  FTC  method  can  provide  useful  data 
for  Eclipse.  Certainly  the  FTC  method  will  have  to  be  accommodated  for 
that  product  in  much  the  same  way  that  the  FTC  considered  accommodating 
the  method  for  Barclay  and  the  use  of  different  holders.  That  proposal 
was  certainly  up  for  discussion.  The  FTC  method  as  it  stands  with  some 
modification,  particularly  for  the  fact  that  Eclipse  does  not  burn  down, 
can  provide  useful  data  for  that. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  In  dealing  with  the  smokeless  tobacco  issue,  which 
has  no  labeling,  and  1 think  that  is  a problem,  it  struck  me  yesterday  that  I 
am  not  sure  what  is  worse,  having  no  labeling  or  having  labeling  that  might 
be  misleading  to  consumers  about  relative  risks.  In  trying  to  deal  with  the 
relative  risk  issue  yesterday,  you  spent  a lot  of  time  talking  about  your 
technologies  that  address  health  concerns  and  implying  that  there  was  some 
health  benefit,  and  I would  like  to  know  what  your  estimate  is  as  to  the 
number  of  cancer  deaths,  for  example,  caused  by  standard  cigarettes  and 
how  many  lives,  if  any,  would  be  saved  if  people  were  using  cigarettes  with 
these  advanced  technologies  of  filtration  and  so  forth  that  you  were  talking 
about  yesterday?  In  other  words,  how  many  people  die  of  cancer  in  your 
estimation  from  the  higher  yield  cigarettes,  and  how  many  fewer,  if  any, 
would  die  from  the  lower  yield  cigarettes? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I think  what  you  did  was  completely  mischaracterize  what 
I said  yesterday.  What  1 said  was  that  the  Surgeon  General  and  the  public 
health  community  called  for  the  reduction  in  tar  and  nicotine  yields  from 
cigarettes,  and  I said  that  the  industry  and  R.J.  Reynolds  responded  to  that 
consumer  demand  through  major  design  changes  to  the  product,  and  we 
successfully  reduced  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields  from  the  very  high  30's, 
as  a sales-weighted  average,  down  to  currently  about  12  mg. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  To  follow  up  on  the  question,  do  you  think  that  fewer 
people  die  based  on  the  changes  that  you  have  made? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  1 am  not  an  epidemiologist.  The  Surgeon  General  in  1981, 
in  his  report,  did  say  that  reduced-tar  products  pose  a reduced  health  risk. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I would  like  to  follow  this  though  because  the  words 
"light"  and  things  like  that  are  only  used  with  foods  when  there  is  a health 
benefit.  Your  industry  is  using  those  terms  relating  them  to  FTC  yields,  and 
I would  like  to  know  what  your  estimate  of  the  health  benefit  is.  To  know 
that,  we  have  to  know  what  your  estimate  of  the  death  rates  are  with  the 
different  products. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I just  said  that  I was  not  an  epidemiologist.  I happen  to 
be  a chemist.  I do  know  what  the  Surgeon  General  and  epidemiologists  have 
said.  Many  smokers  have  heard  the  same  thing. 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I would  like  to  ask  your  opinion  about  ordinal  vs.  cardinal 
scales  because  I think  that  was  not  made  clear  yesterday.  You  compared 
the  FTC  method  to  the  ERA  gas  mileage.  If  I buy  a car  that  has  38  miles  per 
gallon  and  my  sister  buys  a car  with  19, 1 get  twice  what  she  gets.  Now, 
even  your  own  data  show  that  is  not  true  with  tar  and  nicotine  yields. 

When  you  have  a tar  yield  that  is  twice  another  cigarette,  you  do  not  get 
twice  the  tar.  So,  I find  those  numbers  misleading.  I think  the  normal 
consumer  when  they  see  a cigarette  that  says,  "1  milligram  tar,"  and  they 
see  another  cigarette  that  says,  "8,"  they  think  they  are  getting  one-eighth 
the  tar,  and  that  is  not  true.  It  seems  to  me  if  that  is  the  case,  and  all  you 
want  is  rankings,  that  we  should  do  away  with  the  numbers  because  they 
are  misleading,  and  I would  like  to  hear  your  thoughts  about  that. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  A relative  ranking  of  cigarette  yields  is  what  is  essential 
in  the  marketplace.  To  date  we  believe  that  the  FTC  method  provides  useful 
information  for  the  consumer.  Do  you  really  believe  that  your  car  gets 
19  miles  per  gallon  when  you  drive  it? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I believe  that  my  car  that  gets  19  gets  half  the  mileage  of 
somebody  else's  car  that  gets  38,  and  I think  most  consumers  would  believe 
that  if  they  saw  the  numbers  19  and  38. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  But  what  else  is  on  that  label?  The  other  part  that  is  on 
there  is,  "Your  actual  mileage  may  vary,"  and  that  is  important  because  again 
this  particular  method  was  not  set  up  to  predict  what  an  individual  will  get. 

It  was  set  up  for  relative  ranking,  and  I think  it  is  really  important  to  stick 
with  that. 

DR.  HUGHES:  I agree,  and  with  relative  ranking,  when  you  have  rankings 
and  ordinal  categories,  you  do  not  have  numerals  attached. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  You  just  gave  a good  example  of  that  when  you  gave  ERA 
gas  mileage. 

DR.  HUGHES:  ERA  gas  mileage  is  a cardinal  system.  It  is  not  a relative 
ranking.  The  ERA  gas  mileage,  38,  cars  that  have  38  miles  per  gallon  do, 
in  fact,  get  twice  the  mileage  as  cars  of  19. 

DR.  DEBE3  HIZY:  Only  if  driven  under  standard  conditions. 

DR.  HUGHES:  No.  You  are  confusing  variability  around  the  mean  with 
ordinal  vs.  ranking. 

DR.  DEBE'FHIZY:  I think  I understand  the  difference,  and  I think  that  we 
could  argue  about  this  all  day,  but  I think  that  the  I'FC  method  was  intended 
as  a machine-based  standardized  method  to  provide  relative  ranking,  no 
more  than  that. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield? 

Section  II 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Then  if  we  play  by  your  rules,  what  is  wrong  with 
putting  on  the  cigarettes,  "Your  intake  may  vary  on  a cigarette  that  is  so- 
called  an  'ultralow'"  and  put  right  on  the  cigarette,  "You  may  get  up  to 
3 mg  of  nicotine  and  80  mg  of  tar  from  this,  depending  on  how  you  smoke 
it"?  What  would  be  wrong  with  that?  Wouldn't  that  just  provide  honest 
information  to  consumers  so  that  they  would  know?  Maybe  even  giving 
them  a little  bit  of  information  that  you  folks  know  and  we  know  about 
what  pushes  it  up  there,  such  as  smoking  harder  and  things  like  that;  what 
is  wrong  with  that? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  As  I said  yesterday,  we  are  quite  willing  to  consider  any 
reasonable  proposal,  and  1 suspect,  Mr.  Chairman,  we  are  going  to  move  into 
that  mode  eventually  where  we  will  discuss  those  proposals,  and  that  is  a 
proposal  to  put  on  the  table  and  discuss. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I am  not  sure  that  is  an  issue  right  now,  but  so,  you 
would  not  object  to  that  concept? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I would  not  object  to  putting  that  proposal  on  the  table 
because  my  understanding  of  what  this  panel  is  supposed  to  do  is  to  make 
recommendations  like  that  for  serious  study  and  consideration. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  Let  me  just  say  that  a lot  of  the  discussion  proceeds  from 
what  experts  know  about  the  FTC  method  and  what  it  was  designed  to 
do.  I think  the  real  question  is  what  consumers  think  the  numbers  mean. 

So,  the  important  issue  is  how  do  consumers  understand  these  numbers, 
and  I think  it  would  come  as  a shock  to  them  that  these  are  only  to  be  taken 
as  rankings.  That  would  come  as  a great  shock,  and  I think  we  should  keep 
that  in  mind. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  That  is  a point.  Dr.  Cohen,  where  we  clearly  disagree. 

DR.  COHEN:  Do  you  have  any  data  that  show  that  consumers  only  think 
about  these  numbers  as  rankings? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  It  is  clear  to  us  that  consumers  look  at  tar  information; 
they  also  look  at  the  category  of  cigarettes  they  smoke,  whether  it  is  a light 
or  an  ultralight  or  regular,  and  they  make  decisions  in  the  marketplace.  The 
actual  fact  is  that  in  the  market,  sales-weighted  tar  and  nicotine  yields  have 
declined  dramatically  over  the  years,  and  people  have  traded  taste  to  do  that. 

DR.  COHEN:  Let  me  say,  in  response,  that  that  is  perfectly  consistent  with 
consumers  believing  that  these  are  real  numbers,  not  rankings.  Your  scenario 
fits  a situation  in  which  consumers  think  that  by  going  down  to  a very-low- 
yield  cigarette  that  these  are  cardinal  numbers  and  real  numbers.  I am  asking 
you  whether  your  company  or  any  cigarette  company  has  data  that  indicate 
that  consumers  only  think  about  these  as  rankings.  The  answer  is  either  yes 
or  no. 






Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  It  is  clear  to  us  from  talking  with  consumers  that  they 
understand  the  notion  of  tar  and  nicotine  yield,  that  they  make  choices  in 
the  marketplace.  I am  not  about  to  talk  about  our  consumer  information  at 
this  point.  I am  not  a marketing  expert,  but  it  is  clear  to  us  that  consumers 
use  the  information  from  the  FTC  test  method  in  one  form  or  another,  and 
even  in  your  words,  some  use  the  numbers,  and  yes,  those  people  who 
actually  use  the  quantitative  numbers  may  be  more  skewed  to  the  ultralight 
category,  but  consumers  do  use  the  numbers  or  they  use  the  category 
rankings  of  cigarettes,  whether  it  be  ultralight  or  regular. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Petitti? 

DR.  PETITTI:  I am  intrigued  by  the  EPA  mileage  analogy  and  also  by  the 
water  heater  analogy,  but  I think  the  difference  is  one  about  consumer 
information.  When  you  drive  your  38-miles-per-gallon  EPA-rated  car,  you 
know  as  you  drive,  based  on  measurements  that  you  can  make,  whether  or 
not  you  are,  indeed,  getting  38  miles  per  gallon  or  19  miles  per  gallon  based 
on  your  mileage,  the  way  you  actually  use  that  car.  Similarly  for  your  water 
heater,  you  get  your  bill  every  month,  and  you  can  tell  whether  or  not  you 
are  exceeding  or  not  exceeding  the  conditions  that  are  printed  on  your  label. 
How  does  the  cigarette  consumer  know  whether  or  not  they  are  or  are  not 
getting  what  is  on  the  package? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  I think  the  point  of  the  analogy  is  not  exactly  where  you 
are  coming  from.  The  point  of  the  analogy  is  that  consumers  do  not  expect 
to  get  exactly  that  EPA  gas  mileage.  I know  I do  not  because  yes,  you  are 
right,  I can  measure  it,  and  I do  not,  but  I do  use  the  EPA  gas  mileage 
numbers  to  a degree  in  making  choices  in  the  marketplace  in  helping  guide 
my  purchases.  I said  yesterday  that  I recently  bought  a new  hot  water  heater. 

I used  the  energy  efficiency  rating  in  helping  me  make  that  choice,  and  I 
actually  paid  more  for  a more  efficient  hot  water  heater,  but  that  tag  also 
said  that  the  average  price  or  the  price  you  would  expect  to  pay  for  running 
this  hot  water  heater  is  $358  per  year.  Do  I believe  that  is  what  it  is  costing 
me?  No.  So,  it  is  a matter  of  providing  me  guidance  for  making  choices 
and  in  no  way  do  I believe  that  represents  an  absolute  number  that  predicts 
my  power  bilk 

DR.  PETITTI:  I think  you  already  answered  this  question,  but  I do  think  that 
both  for  the  EPA  mileage  example  and  your  water  heater,  and  perhaps  also 
for  cigarettes,  that  it  would  be  useful  to  the  consumer  to  know  the  specific 
range  that  they  might  expect  under  certain  specified  driving  conditions  and 
perhaps  we  are  going  to  get  to  that  in  terms  of  the  proposals  that  we 
consider.  | 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  And  I believe  that  is  a question  on  the  table  because  the  } 
ITC  test  method  was  not  intended  to  do  exactly  that. 

DR.  PETHTI:  Can  you  explain  to  me  just  once  again  your  view  of  what  the 
FI’C  method  was  meant  to  do  in  the  context  of  health?  You  keep  saying  that 
it  was  not  meant  to  do  that.  1 am  having  a hard  time  understanding  your  ■ 
view  of  what  it  was  meant  to  do.  f l 



DR.  TOWNSEND:  Consumers  responded  to  the  calls  for  reduced-health- 
risk  products  for  reduced-tar  products  that  were  made  by  the  Surgeon 
General,  Wynder  and  Hoffmann,  and  other  members  of  the  public  health 
community.  Consumers  responded  to  that  information,  and  they  demanded 
of  the  industry  a reduction  in  tar  and  nicotine  yields  from  cigarettes.  A 
standardized  comparative,  accurate,  and  reliable  test  method  was  required 
to  accomplish  that,  and  that  was  the  purpose  of  the  FTC  method,  to  provide 
those  comparative  data. 

DR.  PETITTI:  So  they  could  make  decisions  about  health? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  So  they  could  make  decisions  about  tar  yields  in  the 
marketplace,  which  they  were  told  by  the  public  health  community  were 
related  to  health. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  1 think  there  are  great  concerns  about  how  many 
consumers  are  getting  the  information  about  tar  and  nicotine  yields  as  they 
exist  now.  1 think  at  the  last  testing,  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  reported 
tar  and  nicotine  yields  on  upward  of  900  cigarettes.  According  to  the  rules, 
the  tobacco  industry  is  not  required  to  print  tar  and  nicotine  yields  on 
cigarette  packs.  They  are  only  in  ads.  What,  in  fact,  is  the  percentage  of 
cigarettes  that  are  not  advertised  at  all  so  that  there  is,  in  fact,  no  way  for 
the  consumer  to  know?  1 think  that  may,  indeed,  vary  from  manufacturer 
to  manufacturer,  but  also  in  a related  point  some  data  have  shown  that 
it  is  on  the  ultralow  tars  that  people  are  most  likely  to  know  the  yields. 

It  is  also  the  fact  that  it  is  on  the  ultralow  tars  that  the  yields  themselves 
are  likely  to  be  printed  on  the  packs.  Does  the  FTC  know  what  percentage 
of  brands  are  unadvertised  and  therefore  consumers  have  no  access  to 
information  on  yields? 

MR.  PEELER:  We  do  not  have  those  data,  but  we  can  get  them  for  the  panel 
if  they  like. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Shiftman? 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I take  it  in  a sense  that  we  have  a significant  degree  of 
consensus.  I have  heard  the  gentlemen  from  R.J.  Reynolds  say  that  they 
would  be  sympathetic  to  proposals  that  would  provide  more  information  for 
the  consumer  to  make  informed  choices,  and  so,  accordingly,  I suggest  that 
we  shift  from  a mode  of  asking  questions  of  them  to  a mode  of  considering 
proposals  that  would  accomplish  that  goal  on  which  we  seem  to  have  some 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Mr.  Chairman,  it  might  help  if  Mr.  Peeler  would  clarify 
what  the  purpose  of  the  FTC  method  is.  I think  there  has  been  some 
confusion  here.  I know  I have  been  asked  10  times  what  the  purpose  is,  and 
if  you  do  not  mind  doing  that,  I think  if  you  could  do  that  concisely,  that 
would  help. 

MR.  PEELER:  I would  go  back  to  the  statement  that  I started  with  yesterday, 
and  that  is  to  say  that  the  purpose  of  the  FTC  rankings  when  they  were  put 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

together  was  to  establish  a comparative  basis  for  consumers  choosing  among 
cigarettes.  The  reason  the  Commission  asked  the  National  Cancer  Institute 
to  commence  this  review  of  the  cigarette  testing  methodology  was  to  review 
whether  that  approach  is  still  the  correct  approach,  and  obviously  we  are 
very  interested  as  an  agency  in  the  types  of  questions  that  Dr.  Cohen's 
research  raises,  which  is  how  consumers  actually  use  and  view  these  data. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Mr.  Peeler,  is  it  implied  in  what  you  said  that  the  FTC  was 
ultimately  interested  in  what  was  happening  to  the  American  public  in  terms 
of  health?  Is  that  implied  in  what  you  say,  or  was  it  separate  from  that  or 
were  you  as  an  agency  concerned  about  what  is  happening  to  the  American 

MR.  PEELER:  If  you  look  at  the  history  of  the  establishment  of  the  current 
tar  and  nicotine  testing  system,  it  was  clearly  driven  by  concerns  about 
health.  It  was  clearly  driven  by  the  Surgeon  General's  findings  that  were 
valid  at  that  time,  that  lower  tar,  lower  nicotine  cigarettes  had  a health 
benefit  for  consumers.  So,  clearly  one  of  the  issues  that  the  Commission 
asked  this  panel  to  address  is  whether  those  health  considerations  are  still 
valid  in  light  of  research  that  has  occurred  since  the  1981  Surgeon  General's 
report  reviewed  those  issues  and  reported  them. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  So,  then  we  would  conclude  that  there  is  a clear  connection 
in  the  work  of  this  committee,  not  only  to  measure  appropriately  what 
cigarettes  contain,  no  matter  what  method  is  used,  but  the  end  result  that 
we  are  looking  for  is  how  can  we  help  people  in  America  with  respect  to 
avoiding  disease  and  death,  which  means  we  would  have  to  communicate 
appropriately  to  them  in  order  to  accomplish  that.  Is  that  a fair  statement? 

MR.  PEELER:  Most  of  the  data  that  I have  looked  at  indicate  that  there  is  a 
large  group  of  consumers  who  are  concerned  about  tar  and  nicotine  ratings 
because  of  health  reasons.  So,  clearly  if  the  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  are 
communicating  that  to  consumers,  the  FTC  would  want  to  make  sure  that 
these  numbers  are  accurately  delivering  that  benefit  to  consumers. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Mr.  Chairman,  1 think  I am  confused  at  this  point  because 
what  1 just  heard  is  different  from  what  1 heard  in  your  opening  statement, 
and  so  1 pulled  out  the  copy  of  your  opening  statement,  which  says,  "The 
primary  purpose  of  this  meeting  is  not  to  redesign  the  FTC  testing  protocol 
but  rather  to  examine  the  protocol  and  make  suggestions  for  improvements, 
if  warranted."  Your  opening  statement  does  not  really  go  to  actual  changes. 

DR.  FREF^MAN:  You  failed  to  go  far  enough  in  the  opening  statement.  We 
posed  three  questions,  the  third  of  which  dealt  with  what  1 was  just  speaking 
of,  in  other  words,  how  does  this  translate  to  the  American  public  in  terms  of 
their  perceptions  in  the  opening  statement. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Ihank  you. 

DR.  DEBE'FHIZY:  I have  a question  for  Mr.  Peeler  on  the  relationship 
between  the  FTC  and  the  Surgeon  General's  warnings.  Could  you  clarify 


Section  II 

that  relationship  for  me?  I was  just  curious  about  that  because  the  questions 
that  have  been  asked  of  me  and  that  we  have  been  getting  into  are  the  health 
implications  of  FTC  numbers,  and  I was  just  curious  about  whether  the  FTC 
method  is  there  to  clarify  the  Surgeon  General's  warning,  or  is  it  related  at 
all,  or  are  they  just  two  completely  separate  issues? 

MR.  PEELER:  The  FTC  method  as  it  was  conceived  and  implemented  was 
designed  to  provide  consumers  with  comparative  information  about  the 
relative  tar  and  nicotine  content  of  cigarettes.  We  know  from  the  studies 
that  we  have  seen  that  some  groups  of  consumers  look  at  those  numbers 
as  indicating  a health  benefit,  which  is  why  the  Commission  has  asked 
the  panel  to  look  at  the  question  of  whether  there  is,  for  example,  a dose- 
response  relationship  between  the  FTC  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  and  specific 
smoking-related  diseases. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Let  me  come  back  to  what  I consider  to  be  items  of 
substantial  consensus  and  maybe  that  will  help  us  move  on.  I have  not 
heard  anyone  speak  against  providing  the  consumer  with  more  information, 
and  so  it  seems  to  me  that  the  appropriate  education  of  the  American 
smoking  consumer  is  something  we  can  all  agree  on,  and  that  it  is  part  of  the 
intention  of  the  FTC  system,  to  give  the  consumer  appropriate  information. 

It  seems  to  me  that  an  important  aspect  is  providing  appropriate  education 
to  the  consumer  about  the  meaning  of  whatever  information  is  conveyed  in 
this  labeling. 

The  second  item  on  which  I think  we  have  considerable  consensus  is 
that  in  human  smoking  of  particular  cigarettes  there  is  a considerable  range 
or  variability  in  what  the  consumer  will  actually  extract  from  the  cigarette. 
That  was  seen  not  only  in  some  of  the  talks  from  past  studies  but  also  in 
the  R.J.  Reynolds  study.  So  it  seems  to  me  the  second  item  of  substantial 
consensus  is  that  no  single  number  can  completely  represent  the  true 
human  yield  from  a cigarette.  Therefore,  it  seems  to  me  that  the  direction 
in  which  we  should  be  trying  to  move  is  to  represent  to  the  consumer  the 
sense  of  that  range  in  variability  and  to  accompany  that  with  appropriate 
educational  measures  so  that  we  are  providing  the  consumer  with  the  kind 
of  information  on  which  to  make  informed  choices,  and  I think  that  is  the 
basis  on  which  we  ought  to  go  forward. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  Dr.  Shiffman,  could  I ask  if  you  would  be  willing  to  modify 
your  view  just  a bit?  I think  that  to  start  exactly  at  that  point  is  not  the  right 
place  to  start  because  I think  consumers  want  to  know  two  things.  They 
want  to  know  if  1 smoke  at  all,  how  risky  is  it,  and  does  that  level  of  risk  vary 
with  the  kind  of  cigarette  I smoke.  They  want  to  know  that.  Now,  that  may 
be  impossible  to  provide.  That  is  not  my  field,  but  they  do  want  it.  We 
cannot  finesse  that  issue. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I quite  agree  with  you,  and  I think  that  part  of  what  might 
go  into  an  educational  campaign  would  be  about  the  meaning  of  these 
numbers  or  ranges  in  relation  to  health  outcomes. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  COHEN:  But  it  begs  the  question:  Is  there  a way  to  provide  two  types 
of  information,  either  in  advertising  or  on  the  cigarette  packages  or  both? 

The  first  type  is  the  level  of  risk  for  that  particular  kind  of  cigarette  or  the 
level  of  harmfulness,  and  the  second  one  is,  can  we  give  them  a better  sense 
of  the  relative  magnitudes?  I do  not  know  the  answer  to  either  question, 
but  I think  that  if  we  are  going  to  wonder  what  we  can  do  to  help  consumers, 
I think  we  should  think  long  and  hard  about  the  need  for  those  two  different 
pieces  of  information. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  At  this  point  we  are  going  to  shift  gears  a little  bit  and  get 
into  the  essence  of  the  deliberations,  and  we  thank  the  members  of  the 
tobacco  industry  for  receiving  those  questions.  We  will  go  to  the  next  phase 
of  this  discussion,  which  is  the  main  phase  and  that  is,  as  you  remember 
from  yesterday,  we  posed  three  questions  that  we  were  supposed  to  answer 
during  these  deliberations,  and  we  are  going  to  look  at  each  of  those  three 
questions  and  get  your  comments  on  each  one. 

Question  1.  Does  the  evidence  presented  clearly  demonstrate  that  changes 
are  needed  in  the  current  FTC  protocol  for  measuring  nicotine, 
tar,  and  carbon  monoxide,  and  if  so,  what  changes  are  required? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  A lot  has  been  made  in  this  conference  of  the  trends  over 
time  in  the  FTC  yield  in  terms  of  tar  and  nicotine  with  a very  large  decline 
between  the  1950's  and  1980,  roughly,  and  then  a leveling  off,  and  from  the 
data  that  have  been  presented  at  this  conference,  I have  to  wonder,  especially 
given  Dr.  Guerin's  comments,  what  would  that  curve  look  like  if  consumer 
changes  in  puff  frequency,  puff  volume,  hole  blocking,  and  vent  blocking 
were  incorporated?  Dr.  Guerin  and  Dr.  Zacny  have  shown  that  the  yields  can 
be  changed,  given  various  factors,  and  I see  that  trend  as  a measure  of  yes, 
a standardized  measure,  but  one  that  may  not  be  as  relevant  now  as  it  was 
40  years  ago. 

So,  I have  to  ask  the  panel  to  consider  in  its  deliberations  the  issue  of  the 
usefulness  of  those  trend  data,  given  as  was  demonstrated  yesterday  the  wide 
range  of  products  now  available  and  the  different  degrees  of  compensation 
that  can  happen  with  those  products. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  May  I respond  to  that?  I believe  that  the  trends  that 
you  saw  yesterday  in  the  chart  are  useful  today  as  they  always  have  been. 

One  thing  that  I think  there  is  consensus  on  within  this  panel  is  that  if 
you  change  puffing  conditions,  what  you  do  is  shift  the  tar  and  nicotine 
yields  up  or  down  depending  on  to  what  level  you  change  those  puffing 
conditions.  Even  if  you  block  the  vents,  you  shift  the  tar  and  nicotine  yields 
up,  but  in  general  the  relative  ranking  does  not  change.  If  the  relative 
ranking  does  not  change,  you  are  only  changing  the  absolute  values.  Then 
that  is  going  to  have  no  substantive  effect  on  the  trend  charts  that  showed 
nicotine  and  tar  yield  decreases  over  the  years. 

DR.  GIOVINO:  1 have  to  wonder,  given  the  situation  40  years  ago  when  tar 
and  nicotine  levels  were  so  high,  if  those  behaviors  would  have  been  so 


Section  II 

,}  common.  The  relative  rankings  may  be  accurate  for  any  given  year,  but  the 

I range  was  so  different  40  years  ago  than  it  is  now  that  the  actual  amount  of 

I some  of  the  compensatory  behaviors  may  have  been  much  less  frequent 

j 40  years  ago  than  now. 

The  range  in  tar  values  and  nicotine  values  was  so  much  higher  in  the 
I 1950's  and  the  1960's  given  the  FTC  yield  that  people  may  not  have  had  to 

perform  the  compensatory  behaviors  and  wouldn't  have  even  had  the  ability 
I to  hole  block  because  it  is  my  understanding  that  there  were  no  holes  then. 

; So,  my  concern  is  that  those  trend  data,  while  representing  what  the  FTC 

I has  presented,  are  not  representing  even  what  the  consumer  is  taking  out 

' of  the  cigarette,  let  alone  getting  into  their  lungs. 


* DR.  GUERIN:  1 am  not  sure  that  was  ever  the  case  anyway.  In  trend  data, 

what  you  are  looking  at  are  the  characteristics  of  the  average  cigarette,  not 
how  the  cigarette  was  used,  and  that  is  all  those  data  mean. 

I DR.  GIOVINO:  Exactly.  1 think  the  panel  understands  this,  that  the  trend 

I data  represent  what  the  FTC  method  gives.  The  reality  is  that  trends  over 

! time  in  terms  of  what  the  consumer  is  taking  out  are  quite  different. 

' DR.  BOCK:  At  the  very  earliest  time  that  yield  data  were  collected,  the 

standard  deviations  were  given,  which  had  big  meaning  for  the  analysts 
but  obviously  did  not  have  much  meaning  for  people  out  in  the  street. 

But  the  variability  of  smoking,  which  is  part  of  the  fact  that  people  in  the 
street  really  need  to  know,  the  range  of  values  for  each  cigarette,  has  not 
been  provided  by  the  data.  The  labeling  might  have  incorporated  that 
type  of  information,  which  would  in  large  part,  1 think,  answer  some  of 
the  criticisms. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Before  you  go  on,  let  me  follow  up  on  that.  Are  you 
suggesting  then  that  might  be  a change  in  this  Question  1 concern? 

I DR.  BOCK:  It  would  indicate  that  maybe  there  should  be  a change  in  the 

j protocol  and  the  way  the  data  are  collected,  and  there  should  be  provision 

j made  for  a range. 

I DR.  FREEMAN:  Measuring  the  same  elements  but  giving  the  range. 

i DR.  BOCK:  With  different  smoking  parameters. 


j DR.  FREEMAN:  That  is  a point  of  discussion.  Dr.  Woosley? 

j DR.  WOOSLEY:  1 think  in  answering  that  first  one  I have  to  agree  with 

Dr.  Giovino  that  things  have  changed  over  the  years,  and  I think  that  is 
what  the  FTC  is  actually  asking  us.  There  was  this  huge  range  of  difference 
30  years  ago  or  so,  and  the  ability  for  this  method  to  predict  something  was 
great  then,  but  now  that  most  of  the  tobacco  products  have  come  down  to 
I some  very  homogeneous  group,  the  variance  is  quite  tight,  and  the  ability 

I of  this  numerical  ranking  to  have  any  meaningful  information  or  carry  any 

I meaningful  information  to  the  public  is  gone,  in  my  estimation.  Data 

i yesterday  were  very  convincing  for  me  that  numerical  ranking  does  not 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

really  convey  the  exposure  that  occurs  because  of  compensation.  So,  to  me 
the  answer  to  the  first  question  is  pretty  clear.  The  current  system  must  be 
changed  in  some  way. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  1 do  not  understand  your  comment  that  cigarettes  today 
are  a more  homogeneous  group.  From  the  data  1 showed  yesterday  the 
spread  in  tar  deliveries  in  1954  was  really  quite  narrow.  Cigarettes  were 
really  quite  similar  then.  Today  there  is  a huge  range  of  products  available 
to  the  consumer.  1 see  that  as  less  homogeneous. 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  1 was  referring  to  the  potential  range  of  intake,  not  the  range 
that  the  tobacco  industry  provided  us. 

DR.  RICKERT:  One  of  the  things  that  people  are  concerned  about  is  the  fact 
that  consumers  tend  to  misinterpret  the  information.  One  of  the  ways  of 
coming  to  grips  with  this  problem  is  to  deal  with  a range  of  potential  values 
rather  than  specific  numbers.  This  problem  was  first  noted,  I think,  back 
in  the  1981  Surgeon  General's  report  when  at  that  time  there  was  a call  for 
publishing  maximal  values  in  addition  to  the  values  that  are  obtained  under 
FTC  methodology.  A more  recent  paper  in  1994  has  called  for  the  same 
approach,  and  1 think  serious  consideration  should  be  given  to  this  question 
of  range,  how  one  might  express  these  upper  limits,  and  if  maximum  were 
to  be  used,  how  that  maximum  would  be  determined. 

DR.  GUERIN:  If  one  examines  Question  1 that  we  are  addressing,  the 
question  says,  "Is  there  any  evidence  that  changes  are  needed  in  the  current 
ITC  protocol  for  measuring  tar  and  nicotine  and  CO?"  I have  not  necessarily 
seen  much  evidence  for  changes  in  measuring  it,  but  a lot  of  reasons  for 
changes  in  how  we  communicate  it.  Do  we  have  to  change  the  testing 
protocol  to  achieve  this,  or  do  we  have  to  have  a better  way  of 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  It  says,  "Constituent  yields,"  and  1 think  the  yield  from  that 
method  is  probably  inadequate.  We  need  data  on  the  yield  to  the  smoker. 

DR.  ZACNY:  1 just  want  to  go  back  to  something  that  Dr.  Townsend  said 
about  5 minutes  ago  and  that  we  spent  some  time  on  yesterday  when  he 
showed  charts  where  you  increase  puff  volume  from,  1 guess  35  to  55  mL, 
and  the  relative  rankings  would  not  change  if  puff  volume  were  increased 
across  the  different  yields.  1 think  things  change  when  you  talk  about  filter 
vent  blocking  and  maybe  altering  parameters  for  extensive  filter  vent 
blocking  because  there  is  a fundamental  difference  between  lower  yield 
cigarettes  and  high-yield  cigarettes. 

I he  high-yield  cigarettes  do  not  have  filter  vents,  and  so  you  could, 
by  manipulating  this  parameter,  turn  a low-yield  cigarette  into  a high-yield 
cigarette;  the  relative  rankings  then  would  not  be  preserved. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 


Section  II 

DR.  RICKERT:  I think  there  is  one  issue  that  we  have  not  really  looked  at, 
and  that  is,  there  is  something  else  that  happens  when  you  move  from 
standardized  FTC  testing  conditions  to  other  testing  conditions.  We  always 
consider  what  happens  to  the  quantity  of  particulates,  like  tar,  for  example; 
what  should  be  also  considered  is  what  happens  to  the  quality  of  that  tar. 

For  example,  in  the  Brown  and  Williamson  documents  that  I received,  it 
seemed  that  moving  from  standard  conditions  to  behaviorally  defined 
conditions  resulted  in  an  increase  in  mutagenicity  of  the  tar  fraction  on  a 
gram-per-gram  basis  using  the  salmonella  assay,  and  so  I think  focusing 
totally  on  the  changes  in  the  relative  ranking  misses  the  point  that  the 
biological  activity  on  a per-gram  basis  may  be  changing  as  well. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I would  like  to  follow  up  on  a point  that  Dr.  Woosley 
made.  I agree.  My  impression  is  that  what  people  want  to  know  is  what  gets 
into  people,  not  into  machines.  There  is  only  one  way  to  do  that,  and  that  is 
to  do  what  you  do  with  any  other  drug:  Test  what  gets  in  people,  and  that  is 
the  only  way  that  you  can  validate  the  upper  range.  There  is  no  way  you  can 
do  that  with  a machine.  You  have  to  put  the  system  in  people  to  see  what 
they  actually  get. 

Also,  1 think  you  need  to  do  that  because  as  we  have  seen,  with  almost 
any  system  you  come  up  with,  the  industry  might  come  up  with  a creative 
way  to  beat  that  machine.  Testing  in  humans  is  essential.  The  question  for 
Dr.  deBethizy  is,  when  we  were  discussing  providing  a wide  range  of  values, 
and  there  seems  to  be  some  leaning  that  that  would  be  a useful  thing  to  do, 
you  seemed  to  agree  that  was  worth  considering,  but  that  the  FTC  method 
was  not  up  to  that  task.  1 think  that  is  what  you  said.  If  that  is  what  you 
said,  why  is  the  FTC  method  not  up  to  the  task? 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  I did  not  say  that.  What  I said  was  that  it  seemed  like  a 
reasonable  proposal  to  put  on  the  table.  1 did  not  say  anything  about  not 
providing  the  FTC  number.  1 think  the  FTC  number  is  a good  number.  It 
has  been  a standardized  number  we  have  used  for  a long  time  to  provide 
relative  ranking.  If  somebody  is  proposing  that  a range  also  be  determined, 
with  a low  and  a high  end,  then  let  us  discuss  that. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Let  us,  indeed,  discuss  that.  It  seems  to  me  that  the  FTC 
assay  method  may  be  adaptable  to  this  goal  in  the  sense  that  if  one  looked 
at  a different  set  of  parameters,  if  one  included  the  potential  vent  blocking 
as  part  of  a protocol  for  maximum  extraction  or  maximum  yield,  perhaps  it 
would  be  possible  to  use  the  machine  testing  method  to  adequately  describe 
or  estimate  the  range  of  human  exposures  from  a particular  cigarette,  and 
that  could  well  be  more  informative  to  smokers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Before  we  get  other  comments,  that  seems  to  be  a recurrent 
point  of  discussion  about  the  range  being  an  important  point  to  consider  as 
a possible  suggestion,  and  1 would  like  to  zero  in  on  that  particular  point  and 
discuss  it.  Is  there  anyone  who  wants  to  discuss  that  point? 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  A number  of  the  studies  in  the  literature  argue  that 
the  rankings  would  be  preserved  if  you  had  a heavy  smoke  setting  on  the 
machine.  1 think  if  you  consider  Zacny's  data  and  other  data,  the  idea  of 
tuning  every  cigarette  up  to  the  same  maximum  puff  volume  or  maximum 
puff  rate  is  probably  not  a good  model  of  human  smoking  behavior;  the 
higher  yield  cigarettes  may,  in  fact,  be  undersmoked  relative  to  the  lower 
yield  cigarettes.  Zacny's  data  on  the  puff  volume  show  clearly  that  the  puff 
volumes  are  bigger  on  the  ultralights  than  on  the  higher  yield  cigarettes,  so 
that  when  you  have  studies  that  just  tune  everything  up,  and  you  see  the 
ranking  preserved,  the  fact  of  the  matter  is  that  if  the  human  behavior  is 
more  appropriately  modeled  you  may  well  see  that  some  of  the  higher  yield 
brands  go  down,  the  lower  yield  brands  go  up,  and  it  would  get  a lot  flatter 
than  simply  jacking  up  all  the  settings  of  the  machine  regardless  of  what  the 
strength  of  that  cigarette  is  to  begin  with. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 think  perhaps  the  question  and  my  own  opinion  as  1 am 
posing  it,  given  a particular  cigarette,  would  be  what  is  the  range  of  possible 
exposure  of  that  cigarette  compared  to  any  other  cigarette?  The  question 
I would  like  some  consideration  of  is,  is  that  a reasonable  thing  to  measure; 
is  that  a reasonable  approach  to  take  as  to  what  we  should  measure? 

Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 think  that  is  a reasonable  approach.  I think 
Dr.  Kozlowski's  point  of  view  is  very  well  taken,  but  1 think  in  practical 
terms  it  really  is  impossible  because  you  would  have  to  study  large  numbers 
of  people  smoking  every  single  brand  of  cigarettes  to  be  able  to  get  individual 
parameters.  We  know  what  he  says  occurs.  It  seems  to  me  that  the  idea  of 
having  the  standard  condition  and  an  intensive  smoking  condition  with  and 
without  hole  blocking  would  be  very  useful,  but  what  it  has  to  be  coupled 
with  is  information  for  consumers  about  how  their  smoking  of  the  cigarette 
will  influence  the  yields.  For  example,  if  they  block,  this  is  what  is  going  to 
happen,  and  if  they  puff  intensively  or  take  a lot  of  puffs,  then  this  is  what 
is  going  to  happen,  and  I think  that  would  be  the  best  we  could  do  to  say, 

"If  you  smoke  in  this  way,  you  are  going  to  get  the  maximum  yields."  And 
that  way  we  could  pick  what  we  think  would  be  an  intensive  condition  and 
say,  "If  you  smoke  in  this  way,  this  is  what  your  yield  is  going  to  be." 

DR.  FREEMAN:  With  a given  cigarette? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  With  a given  cigarette,  because  I do  not  think  it  is  feasible, 
although  I would  like  to,  either  to  measure  puffing  parameters  for  every 
brand  of  cigarette  or  even,  as  Dr.  Henningfield  suggested,  to  do  human 
exposure  studies  if  you  have  900  brands  of  cigarettes.  I do  not  think  that 
would  be  practical.  I think  we  should  test  maybe  some  brands  of  cigarettes 
to  see  how  well  we  are  doing,  but  I do  not  think  it  is  going  to  be  feasible  for 
all  these  brands  to  do  anything  other  than  a standardized  testing. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Putting  that  forward  as  a point  of  discussion,  does  anyone 
disagree  with  what  Dr.  Benowitz  has  said,  that  we  should  perhaps 


Section  II 

recommend  that  a given  cigarette  should  be  tested  to  see  what  its  range  of 
possible  exposure  would  be  using  whatever  techniques  make  sense;  is  there 
any  disagreement  with  putting  that  forward?  Dr.  Hoffmann? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  1 think  that  Dr.  Benowitz'  old  studies  concentrated  on 
nicotine,  but  1 think  when  we  test  on  humans  and  try  to  see  how  they 
smoke,  we  should  not  limit  it  to  nicotine.  There  are  other  carcinogenic 
toxic  agents,  and  1 think  that  the  work  done  by  Dr.  Benowitz  on  nicotine 
is  outstanding,  but  it  is  nicotine,  and  when  we  deal  with  cancer,  at  least, 
that  is  my  area  of  expertise,  there  are  agents  that  are  just  as  important. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 did  not  understand  that  you  were  speaking  only  of 
nicotine.  Were  you  not  speaking  of  tar  and  the  three  things  that  are 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  in  terms  of  the  machine  testing  I was  certainly 
speaking  of  all.  In  terms  of  human  bioavailability  testing,  1 think  as 
Dr.  Hoffmann  says,  if  we  have  tools  to  measure  tar  exposure,  we  definitely 
should  do  that.  Right  now  the  only  practical  tools  for  large-scale  studies 
are  nicotine  and  CO,  but  when  we  get  tar  measurement  tools  where  we  can 
do  it  on  hundreds  of  people,  that  should  be  included. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  If  1 could  respond,  my  reaction  to  your  proposal  is  that 
if  we  provide  to  the  consumer  an  FTC  number  and  a maximum  deliverable 
number  by  hole  blocking  and  a more  intense  puffing  regimen,  which  1 
believe  is  your  proposal,  then  from  what  I know  about  cigarette  design  those 
two  are  going  to  very  closely  parallel  each  other,  and  the  ranking  of  cigarettes 
will  be  largely  preserved.  My  question  then  is,  does  that  provide  additional 
and  useful  information  to  the  consumer? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I would  like  to  respond  to  that.  1 do  not  believe  that 
the  ranking  will  be  preserved.  If  you  have  the  old-style  cigarettes  that  are 
nonfilter  cigarettes,  no  matter  what  you  do,  the  ranking  is  going  to  be 
preserved,  but  if  you  are  comparing  a nonfilter  cigarette  and  then  a cigarette 
that  has  extensive  ventilation  and  you  block  holes,  you  might  see  one 
surpass  the  other.  I just  do  not  believe  that  when  you  are  dealing  with  a 
cigarette  that  has  90  percent  ventilation  in  a standard  test  and  people  have 
the  possibility  of  reducing  that  to  zero  percent  ventilation,  and  you  are 
comparing  that  to  cigarettes  with  no  ventilating  filters,  the  ranking  will 
be  preserved. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  As  a cigarette  designer,  1 believe  that  it  will  be  largely 
preserved,  and  I guess  what  1 am  hearing  you  say  is  that  this  is  your 
suspicion,  but  1 guess  my  question,  is  do  you  have  data  that  support  that, 
and  1 guess  the  obvious  direction  1 am  going  in  with  this  question  is,  should 
we  collect  data  to  see  whether  the  ranking  is  largely  preserved  to  convince 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I think  we  have  a question  over  here. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  HATSUKAMI:  You  mentioned  changing  the  intensity  of  smoking. 

I would  like  to  know  how  you  determine  those  parameters;  how  do  you 
determine  the  number  of  puffs  that  should  be  taken,  the  range  of  puffs  that 
should  be  taken,  or  the  volume  that  should  be  taken;  what  should  that  be 
based  on? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 have  not  looked  at  the  current  studies  to  see  what  is 
available,  but  1 think  you  could  do  that  on  the  basis  of  looking  at 
observations,  say  in  people  who  are  smoking  low-yield  cigarettes  and  seeing 
what  they  do. 

DR.  HATSUKAMI:  With  the  minimum  and  the  maximum  ranges  in  terms  of 
number  of  puffs? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 do  not  think  a minimum  is  really  necessary.  I actually 
believe  that  we  should  continue  to  report  the  standard  FTC  method  mostly 
because  1 would  like  to  know  how  current  cigarettes  compare  to  cigarettes 
marketed  20  years  ago  so  we  could  have  that  as  sort  of  a minimum  because 
in  fact,  you  know,  it  is  my  belief,  based  on  the  evidence,  that  for  the  vast 
majority  of  cigarettes  the  FTC  method  underestimates  exposure.  So,  we 
could  still  have  that  as  a minimum  exposure,  and  then  we  could  have  the 
test  method  to  show  what  a smoker  might  get  if  they  smoke  in  an  intense 
way,  which  could  then  be  specified. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Bock? 

DR.  BOCK:  It  does  not  make  a lot  of  difference  to  me  whether  the 
ranking  is  changed  or  not.  When  you  put  down  an  average  and  a standard 
deviation,  sophisticated  people  can  understand  whether  the  differences  in 
the  average  are  important,  and  a range  will  give  that  kind  of  information 
to  unsophisticated  people,  and  that  is  where  I think  the  big  advantage  of 
a range  is.  Whether  it  changes  the  ranking,  it  will  say  that  if  the  cigarettes 
are  very  closely  ranked  one  above  the  other,  it  really  does  not  matter  very 
much  which  is  the  reality  of  the  situation. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  You  asked  if  there  is  any  disagreement.  I have  a little  bit  of 
a disagreement,  in  that  1 am  still  worried  about  reporting  numbers.  1 could 
go  along  with  numbers  if  there  were  a disclaimer  that  says  that  10  mg  of 
tar  does  not  cut  your  risk  in  half  compared  to  20  mg  of  tar.  1 am  still  very 
concerned  that  even  if  we  give  ranges  that  people  are  going  to  look  at  the 
averages  and  think  that  10  gives  you  half  the  health  risk  of  a 20,  but  it  does 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes,  what  would  you  recommend  in  that  case? 

DR.  HUGH  US:  You  could  go  with  either  the  nonnumerical  system  where 
you  certainly  had  a band  and  put  them  in  or  numbers  as  long  as  there  is  a 
disclaimer  that  these  are  not  cardinal  numbers.  That  can  be  communicated 
fairly  easily  by  doing  that. 


Section  II 

DR.  FREEMAN:  So,  you  favor  going  with  numbers  or  not  going  with 

DR.  HUGHES:  We  have  a long  morning  ahead  of  us;  I can  be  persuaded  either 
way.  My  only  point  is  there  must  be  some  information  to  the  consumer  that 
10  mg  is  not  half  the  risk  of  20.  As  long  as  that  is  in  there,  1 am  agreeable. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 think  it  is  conceivable  that  whatever  we  decide  here  could 
also  be  accompanied  by  something  in  writing  to  explain  and  educate  the 
public.  1 think  we  should  assume  that  could  be  done. 

DR.  HUGHES:  I would  like  to  see  if  maybe  Dr.  Shiffman  or  Dr.  Benowitz 
could  give  us  a more  concrete  proposal  here  to  make  sure  that  we  know  what 
is  going  on  because  what  1 hear  people  saying,  and  I just  want  to  make  sure 
we  are  all  saying  the  same  thing,  is  that  having  a testing  method  that  has  a 
range  of  values,  1 do  not  know  whether  you  want  to  call  it  the  95  percent  vs. 
the  5 percent  or  something  like  that,  some  range  of  values  based  on  doing 
different  things,  blocking  holes  and  that  sort  of  thing,  but  we  are  also  talWng 
about  one  thing  (I  was  unclear),  is  still  reporting  a mean  or  not  reporting  a 
mean?  That  is  what  I am  confused  about. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  You  are  suggesting  that  the  current  FTC  system  would 
represent  a band? 

DR.  HUGHES:  So,  not  a range.  So,  is  it  from  the  50th  to  the  95th  percentile? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I do  not  think  the  current  FTC  is  the  50th. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Yes,  I do  not  think  we  want  the  current  FTC  method  to  be 
the  bottom.  I mean  if  you  are  talking  about  a range,  the  range  has  a low  and 
a high,  and  the  FTC  number  is  in  the  middle.  So,  I think  that  is  important. 

If  you  are  going  to  talk  about  a range,  you  have  to  talk  about  the  whole  range. 

DR.  HUGHES:  I think  you  have  to  have  a range,  but  whether  the  FTC  ends 
up  in  the  middle  I do  not  know.  Let  me  suggest  that  I do  not  think  that  just 
getting  an  upper  and  a middle  is  fair  to  the  consumer  because  there  are 
consumers  at  the  lower  end  who  are  getting  more  health  benefit,  if  there  is 
any,  from  the  low-yield  cigarettes  than  the  average  smoker,  and  I do  not  think 
it  is  fair  to  not  portray  that  to  them.  So,  I would  like  to  see  the  full  range. 
Everybody  thinks  they  are  the  average.  I would  like  to  see  it  not 
have  a mean. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  I would  guess  that  I am  thinking  ahead  to  what  might  happen 
in  the  marketplace,  both  competitively  and  with  respect  to  smokers  who  are 
also  consumers.  I think  that  we  have  to  understand  that  whatever  analysis 
is  done  for  internal  purposes  among  specialists  is  one  thing,  but  when 
information  is  presented  to  consumers  in  a form  that  they  cannot  handle, 
we  cannot  underrate  the  difficulty  of  educating  them  about  that.  It  is  not 
going  to  be  easy  to  explain  the  idea  of  a range  to  consumers.  I would  ask 
the  panel  to  consider  a slightly  different  alternative,  and  that  would  be  to 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

vary  the  test  parameters  and  produce  a range  of  reasonable  smoking 
responses  on  say,  tar,  maybe  using  the  machine  and  then  to  pick  some 
number  like  the  mean  plus  a standard  deviation,  let  us  say,  just  to  throw 
something  out  for  discussion,  because  this  would  represent  a number  that  a 
reasonable  number  of  smokers  might  really  encounter.  In  other  words,  that 
would  be  the  tar  level  that  a substantial  number  of  smokers  would  actually 
encounter  in  smoking  a cigarette,  and  if  that  were  presented  to  consumers, 
yes,  it  would  err  a little  bit  on  the  high  side  for  some  consumers,  but  1 think 
our  duty  may  be  to  give  consumers  information  that  serves  to  protect  a 
reasonable  number  of  those  who  are  ingesting  more. 

1 think  that  if  that  number  were  provided,  1 do  not  want  to  call  it  a 
maximum,  you  would  find  that  firms  would  have  an  incentive  to  modify 
cigarettes.  They  have  a lot  of  design  features  they  can  use  to  modify  low- 
yield  cigarettes  to  be  sure  that  the  mean  plus  one  standard  deviation  would 
be  as  low  as  possible,  and  1 do  not  think  we  should  underestimate  the 
importance  of  what  is  done  here  on  the  design  of  cigarettes  in  the  future. 

1 do  not  think  we  should  underestimate  that,  and  I think  if  we  give  them 
something  along  the  lines  of  what  we  are  talking  about,  they  have  the  ability 
to  see  that  their  cigarettes  come  in  at  as  low  a number  as  possible. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  May  1 ask  you.  Dr.  Cohen,  how  would  you  reach  the  mean  in 
such  a method? 

DR.  COHEN:  1 am  certainly  not  technically  competent,  but  in  listening  to 
the  discussions  and  reading  the  papers,  if  the  FTC  testing  method  were 
adjusted  to  deal  with  such  things  as  puff  number,  puff  interval,  and  puff 
volume  and  this  were  done  based  on  an  observation  of  how  smokers  smoke, 
just  as  it  was  done  when  the  original  Cambridge  Filter  method  was  set  up 
in  the  first  place,  then  you  would  be  able  to  know  what  the  magic  number 
would  be  for  two-thirds  of  the  sample  or  some  arbitrary  number,  and  it 
would  be  greater  than  the  mean.  I think  that  number  would  probably  be 
a lot  easier  to  communicate  than  a range,  and  it  would  have  the  side  benefit 
of  better  informing  smokers  as  to  what  their  potential  risk  might  be,  and  it 
would  also  provide  great  incentives  to  the  industry  to  make  cigarettes  that 
came  in  at  as  low  a number  as  possible. 

If  one  of  the  major  problems  with  the  low-tar  cigarettes  is  where  the  filter 
holes  are  and  how  they  work  and  the  fact  that  they  can  be  covered,  then  if 
this  testing  protocol  were  followed  and  the  mean  plus  one  standard  deviation 
for  that  cigarette  the  way  it  was  smoked  were  a fairly  large  range  and  if  the 
company  making  that  cigarette  did  not  like  that  large  a number,  it  has  the 
capability  of  reducing  that  number  by  putting  the  filter  holes  in  such  a way 
that  they  are  not  going  to  be  blocked. 

I would  say  that  it  is  very  important  to  consider  the  impact  of  what  is 
done  here  on  what  they  do. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Shiftman? 


Section  II 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I very  much  share  your  concern  that  we  come  up  with  a 
system  that  is  communicative  and  that  is  grasped  by  the  smokers  whom  we 
are  trying  to  reach.  Part  of  what  is  attractive  about  a range  is  that  it  also 
communicates,  to  borrow  a phrase,  that  their  "mileage"  will  vary.  My 
concern  about  any  one  number,  no  matter  where  you  put  it  on  the  spectrum, 
is  that  it  does  not  communicate  that  and  implies  that  this  is  exactly  what 
this  cigarette  will  deliver.  So,  1 think  it  is  a significant  challenge  to  health 
education,  public  education,  and  advertising  people  to  design  a system  that 
communicates  this  idea  of  range  and  the  idea  that  range  is  to  some  degree 
under  the  control  of  the  smoker  and  his  or  her  behavior.  Part  of  what  is 
attractive  to  me  about  that  range  is  communicating  exactly  that,  that  the 
human  yield  is  variable  and  that  it  is  variable  to  some  degree  according 
to  the  behavior  of  the  smoker.  That  is  something  1 would  like  to  see 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Stitzer? 

DR.  STITZER:  1 just  want  to  support  that  point.  1 think  that  we  are  dealing 
with  a situation  where  the  public  is  very  lacking  in  knowledge,  and  the  one 
particular  thing  that  is  not  understood  by  smokers,  1 believe,  is  that  the 
way  they  smoke  their  cigarette  determines  the  yield  that  they  get  from  it. 

1 think  the  basis  of  the  system  we  design  should  be  to  convey  a very  basic 
piece  of  information,  and  some  of  these  ideas  about  ranges  and  so  forth 
are  important.  The  fact  of  the  matter  is  that,  with  low-yield  cigarettes, 
these  ranges  are  going  to  be  very  wide.  They  are  going  to  be  completely 
overlapping  with  the  higher  yield  brands,  but  that  is  exactly  the  information 
that  we  want  the  consumers  to  know. 

Now,  the  unfortunate  part  is  that  consumers  do  not  have  any  good 
way  of  knowing  where  they  in  particular  fit  along  any  range  that  we  might 
present,  and  that  is  a different  problem. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  1 would  also  like  to  support  Dr.  Shiftman's  comments  and 
just  say  that  we  could  be  specific  about  this,  and  1 think  we  should  be.  For 
example,  we  can  say  that  if  you  block  these  ventilation  holes,  this  is  what 
your  exposure  will  be,  and  if  you  do  not,  this  is  what  your  exposure  will  be, 
and  we  can  also  request  that  ventilation  holes  be  marked  to  make  them 
obvious  to  the  smoker.  Make  them  bright  red  or  orange  or  something  to 
minimize  your  exposure;  1 am  all  for  ultralow-yield  cigarettes  if  people  will 
smoke  them  that  way.  1 think  that  is  great.  You  have  to  make  it  possible 
for  them  to  do  that,  and  we  could  with  labeling. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I also  agree  that  the  range  is  basic,  honest,  accurate 
information,  but  it  is  clear  that  it  has  to  be  coupled  with  education  on  what 
factors  may  affect  your  intake:  how  consumers  can  change  their  behavior 
in  ways  that  might  be  helpful.  But  a really  important  point  of  Dr.  Cohen's 
I think  should  be  considered,  and  that  is  the  importance  of  providing  an 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

incentive  to  the  industry  that  may  serve  people.  Drs.  Benowitz  and 
Kozlowski  and  I had  this  embedded  in  our  Journal  of  the  American  Medical 
Association  proposal:  the  notion  that  right  now,  in  our  estimation,  virtually 
all  cigarettes  you  throw  into  the  regular  category,  but  by  providing  the 
incentive  to  get  that  label  of  low,  which  could  be  a really  nice  selling  point 
and  may  be  of  health  benefit,  you  would  have  to  work  to  redesign  cigarettes 
in  such  a way  that  1 think  would  be  useful,  and  what  you  would  have  to 
do  is  redesign  them  in  a way  that  would  make  sure  that  the  upper  level  was 
lower.  And  that  brings  me  again  to  the  reason  that  I think  we  need  some 
bioavailability  testing.  1 agree  with  Dr.  Benowitz,  not  necessarily  on  900 
brands,  but  you  need  to  anchor  it  at  some  point  to  what  people  get,  and  you 
need  an  agency  that  can  oversee  that  properly  and  also  require  it  on  demand; 
that  is  the  only  way  you  are  going  to  prevent  another  Barclay  cigarette  type 
of  scam,  the  notion  that  somebody  comes  up  with  a design  that  seems  to 
meet  the  low  category,  and  they  have  just  done  it  by  beating  the  machine. 

The  only  way  you  are  going  to  check  that  is  by  seeing  what  people  get. 

DR.  GUERIN:  Dr.  Henningfield,  as  a good  example,  the  FTC  test  is  what 
discovered  the  Barclay  scheme.  The  FTC  test  has  been  successful  in 
identifying  those  kinds  of  problems. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield,  I take  that  perhaps  as  an  additional 
proposal  that  you  address  a different  issue  than  we  have  been  talking  about, 
which  is  the  use  of  words  like  "light,  low,  ultralight"  in  advertising  and  the 
importance  of  making  those  accurate  and  not  deceptive  or  confusing  to  the  i 
consumer,  and  that  I think  is  something  we  ought  to  address.  That  the  | 

information  that  is  presented  to  the  public  in  advertising  goes  beyond  the 
small  numbers  printed  in  the  corner  to  the  large  "light,"  "ultralight,"  "low" 
printed  in  bold  print,  and  I think  that  is  something  we  ought  to  look  at.  I 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Yes,  I think  those  words  should  be  banned.  j 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I would  disagree  that  they  should  be  banned.  They  should 
be  regulated  so  that  they  are  accurate. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert?  ' 

DR.  RICKERT:  I think  it  is  obvious  that  many  consumers  choose  their  brands 
on  the  basis  of  some  perceived  risk  to  health,  and  it  is  also  obvious  that  the 
ITC  numbers  do  not  and  never  were  designed  for  that  particular  purpose.  ^ 

1 share  Dr.  Hoffmann's  concern  in  that  our  measure  of  dose  is  often  based  on  j 
nicotine,  which  may  or  may  not  tell  us  about  other  constituents  in  tobacco  ; 
smoke.  Specifically,  at  the  level  of  molecular  epidemiology,  there  are  certain  i 
constituents  that  now  can  be  tracked,  and  Dr.  Hoffmann  has  mentioned  i 

NNK  in  urine.  There  is  the  constituent  4-amino-biphenyl,  which  is  present  [ 
in  tobacco  smoke  and  which  in  smokers  ends  up  as  a hemoglobin  adduct.  | 

I here  is,  also,  bcnzo(fl)pyrene,  which  in  smokers  ends  up  being  bound  to 
albumin.  So,  there  are  a number  of  traceal)lc  constituents  in  tobacco  smoke  ■ 
that  have  known  toxic  or  carcinogenic  properties,  which  also  then  can  be  i 
related  to  uptake  in  smokers  and  nonsmokers  alike.  | 


Section  II 

DR.  FREEMAN;  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  I would  like  to  return  to  the  point  that  Dr.  Henningfield  was 
just  talking  about  and  the  point  that  1 raised  a few  minutes  ago.  1 think  it 
is  very  important  not  to  put  the  burden  in  the  wrong  place. 

If  we  are  going  to  put  the  burden  on  consumers  to  respond  to  whatever 
design  changes  industry  makes  and  then  educate  them  each  time  industry 
makes  a clever  change,  as  to  where  they  put  the  holes  or  what  kind  of  paper 
they  use  or  whatever,  we  are  fighting  a losing  battle.  1 think  that  the  best 
approach  here  is  really  to  allow  the  industry,  which  is  able  to  modify  its 
product,  to  modify  it  in  order  to  obtain  the  maximum  benefit  to  their  sales 
from  a low  rating.  They  have  an  incentive  to  do  that,  and  so,  if  the  panel 
deems  it  appropriate,  1 would  suggest  that  coming  up  with  a rating  system 
that  reports  to  consumers  a number  within  the  range,  which  is  not  at  the 
midpoint  of  the  range  but  is  tilted  toward  those  who  do  compensate,  is  the 
smartest  thing  that  can  be  done  because  that,  in  fact,  will  offer  guidance 
to  consumers  who  after  all  should  not  have  the  primary  responsibility  for 
outsmarting  the  designers  of  cigarettes,  and  1 think  that  it  would  also  provide 
the  cigarette  industry  an  opportunity  to  modify  their  design  in  order  to 
achieve  the  numbers  that  are  most  beneficial  for  them. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hoffmann? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  Before  we  got  this  upper  limit  and  extreme,  we  should  ask 
Dr.  Guerin  how  far  we  can  go.  We  have  heard  yesterday  that  the  low-tar 
cigarette  smoker  may  take  up  to  60  to  65  mL  per  puff  and  up  to  6 or  7 puffs 
per  minute;  is  that  possible  with  our  current  equipment? 

DR.  GUERIN:  Current  instrumentation  would  have  to  be  modified 
somewhat  to  reach  some  of  the  extremes  in  terms  of  volumes. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  You  can  do  more  than  50  mL? 

DR.  GUERIN:  Right. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  With  the  machine? 

DR.  GUERIN:  No,  1 said  that  you  can,  but  it  would  require  some 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  New  machinery? 

DR.  GUERIN:  To  reach  some  of  the  extremes  in  terms  of  puff  volumes, 
frequencies  for  a 20-port  system  would  be  too  high.  You  can  purchase 
systems  of  smaller  capacity  that  have  that  flexibility. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  But  the  standard  machine  we  have  now  cannot  go 
through  these  extremes? 

DR.  GUERIN:  It  would  not  be  able  to  go  through  all  the  extremes  without 
some  modifications. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  BOCK:  The  cost  of  the  machine  really  is  not  something  to  use  as  a basis 
for  this  discussion.  It  is  so  small  compared  to  the  cost  of  labor  that  it  is 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  We  have  been  talking  about  these  numbers  and  as  scientists 
we  like  to  talk  about  numbers,  and  maybe  we  will  get  to  this  with  the  third 
question.  My  major  concern  is  conveying  how  much  health  benefit  people 
get  by  these  lower  nicotine,  lower  tar  cigarettes  because  what  1 saw  in  the 
1981  Surgeon  General's  report  and  what  1 saw  Dr.  Samet  present  yesterday 
suggest  to  me  that  it  is  not  great,  and  it  is  not  very  large,  and  1 think  when 
the  normal  consumer  switches  to  a 1-mg  cigarette,  they  think  they  are  doing 
themselves  a great  benefit,  and  my  concern  is  that  the  magnitude  of  that 
effect  be  conveyed  to  the  consumer. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  At  the  present  time,  FTC  methodology  is  providing  us  with 
information  on  tar  and  nicotine  and  CO;  when  we  are  talking  about  lower 
yield  cigarettes,  we  tend  to  link  tar  and  nicotine  explicitly  together,  and 
while  there  is  an  obvious  relationship  between  these  variables,  there  is  also 
extreme  variation. 

All  one  has  to  do  is  take  the  933  brands  that  were  just  published  recently 
in  the  FTC  report  and  look  at  various  plots  of  CO  vs.  nicotine  or  tar  vs. 
nicotine,  and  you  cannot  help  but  be  struck  by  the  fact  that  there  is  a wide 
range  of  variation  as  far  as  specific  nicotine  level. 

For  example,  if  you  look  at  that  report  and  brands  delivering  .9  mg 
of  nicotine,  there  were  54  brands  with  varying  tar  yields.  So,  1 think, 
in  addition  to  the  issue  of  tar  and  nicotine,  that  the  issue  of  how  one 
communicates  simultaneously  changes  in  all  three  variables  because  you 
can  have  the  situation  where  it  could  be  high  tar-low  nicotine  or  low 
tar-high  nicotine,  and  by  constantly  linking  the  two  together,  1 think 
one  is  missing  the  point  about  the  other  two  variables. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Stitzer? 

DR.  STITZER:  I was  going  to  pick  up  on  Dr.  Hughes'  point  because  it  is 
an  important  one,  but  I think  it  is  very  much  intertwined  with  the  whole 
discussion  about  reporting  of  the  machine  testing  yields.  If  the  smoker 
can  visualize  the  fact  that  the  actual  yield  from  this  low-yield  cigarette  is 
completely  overlapping  with  the  yield  from  this  other  high-yield  cigarette, 
then  1 think  that  can  more  easily  bring  home  the  other  health  message, 
which  is  that  switching  to  these  cigarettes  may  not  have  any  benefit 
whatsoever.  I think  that  there  is  a dose-response  problem  there. 

DR.  I REEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I think  that  it  would  be  great  if  we  could  put  something 
in  about  health  risks.  1 think  the  data  seem  very  clear  that  smoking  any 


Section  II 

cigarette  is  so  much  greater  risk  than  smoking  none  that  it  will  be  impossible 
to  quantitate  it,  and  1 think  that  should  be  communicated.  But  at  the  same 
time,  even  if  there  is  a small  difference  in  exposure  from  high-  to  low-yield 
cigarettes,  if  you  are  talking  about  a huge  population  of  smokers,  it  is 
worthwhile  to  encourage  as  many  possible  to  get  as  low  a yield  as  possible, 
even  though  it  is  not  going  to  have  nearly  the  effect  of  stopping  smoking. 

It  still  is  of  some  benefit.  So,  1 think  we  should  warn  people  that  switching 
to  low-yield  cigarettes  is  not  going  to  remove  the  risk  of  smoking,  but  still 
try  to  encourage  that  somehow  people  do  that. 

DR.  DEBETHIZY:  Dr.  Benowitz,  you  are  raising  an  important  issue.  It  is  that 
whatever  change  that  gets  recommended  here  today  to  the  FTC,  it  is  going  to 
require  some  research  and  some  study  to  make  sure  that  some  unintended 
things  do  not  occur.  For  instance,  if  ranges  were  recommended,  and  put 
on  in  advertising,  would  that  have  the  effect  of  discouraging  people  from 
switching  down?  As  a scientist,  1 think  it  is  important  for  us  to  understand 
the  ramifications,  and  1 am  assuming  that  this  is  just  the  start  of  a process, 
that  recommendations  will  be  made,  and  that  the  FTC  will  consider  those 
using  research  techniques. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Shiftman? 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  Just  to  proceed  on  the  point  that  Dr.  Hughes  and 
Dr.  Benowitz  made,  we  have  said  a couple  of  times  that  the  idea  of  educating 
smokers  is  very  important.  1 think  educating  them  not  only  about  these 
numbers  or  ranges  but  also  about  the  comparative  benefit  of  not  smoking 
at  all  vs.  lowering  the  received  yield  is  an  important  part,  and  1 think  it 
deserves  some  discussion,  though  perhaps  not  here,  about  the  degree  to 
which  that  can  be  done  in  this  sort  of  labeling  rating  system  or  whether, 
in  fact,  we  need  other  media  as  well.  There  is  limited  information  we  are 
going  to  get  on  a pack  or  in  an  ad,  but  1 think  there  is  a responsibility  to 
educate  smokers  so  that  they  do  make  those  informed  choices. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Woosley? 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  1 agree  slightly  with  the  representative  from  the  tobacco 
industry  that  we  have  to  make  sure  there  are  no  adverse  consequences  from 
anything  that  we  try  to  do  in  a meaningful  way,  and  one  of  the  most  serious 
concerns  1 have  is  that  we  do  not  want  to  give  a false  impression  about 
health  risks.  1 think  one  of  the  most  disturbing  pieces  of  data  that  I saw 
yesterday  was  the  indication  that  people  who  were  on  the  ultralows  had 
a lower  cessation  rate,  and  1 am  concerned  that  potential  means  that  the 
recommendations  that  come  out  of  this  panel  may  encourage  people  to  go 
to  low  yield  instead  of  stopping  smoking,  and  1 think  that  overall  will  be 
a terribly  adverse  health  risk  or  adverse  effect  on  the  overall  health  of  the 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Mr.  Peeler? 

MR.  PEELER:  In  line  with  that  discussion  1 just  wanted  to  throw  out  two 
pieces  of  information  for  the  panel's  consideration.  The  first  is  from  the  time 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

the  ban  on  tar  and  nicotine  claims  in  advertising  was  lifted,  the  FTC  basically 
prohibited  any  health  claims  in  the  advertising.  So,  what  you  are  seeing  is 
really  what  consumers  are  inferring  from  the  low-tar  and  -nicotine  systems. 
The  other  thing  that  we  have  focused  on  and  thought  about  in  this  area  is 
the  fact  that  the  Government's  position  for  many,  many  years  has  been  that 
people  who  are  concerned  about  their  health  should  stop  smoking.  There 
is  actually  a warning  on  the  packages  right  now  that  says  that.  Stopping 
smoking  now  increases  your  health,  but  it  is  a very  difficult  communications 
conundrum,  as  Dr.  Shiftman  has  indicated,  about  whether  you  can  talk  about 
relative  risk  from  tar  and  nicotine  and  not  send  an  unintended  message  that 
Dr.  Woosley  is  talking  about,  that  this  is  the  better  way  to  go. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Kozlowski? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I think  it  is  pretty  clear  that  smokers  currently  are  turning 
to  so-called  "light"  and  "ultralight"  brands,  believing  that  they  are  doing 
themselves  a favor  with  respect  to  their  health.  1 think  there  is  a real  concern 
about  health-conscious  smokers  who  want  to  try  to  do  something.  They  now 
have  the  impression:  How  could  a light  cigarette  kill  anybody;  how  could 
an  ultralight  cigarette  kill  anybody,  and  there  is  no  deadly  connotation  to 
the  terms  "light"  or  "ultralight."  By  providing  better  information  the  hope 
is  that  some  of  the  people  who  out  of  health  concerns  are  turning  to  lower 
yield  cigarettes  will  see  something  of  the  risks  of  that,  and  they  may  be  in  a 
fool's  paradise,  and  they  maybe  should  stop  altogether.  The  pamphlet  that 
was  passed  out  in  an  earlier  version  about  10  years  ago  was  titled  "Tar  and 
Nicotine  Ratings  May  Be  Hazardous  to  Your  Health:  Information  for  Smokers 
Who  Aren't  Ready  to  Quit  Yet."  A smoker  who  is  smoking  a 1-mg  tar 
cigarette  and  enjoying  it  may  think,  "My  God,  1 am  smoking  the  lowest 
yield  cigarette  on  the  market;  how  could  that  do  me  any  harm?  1 have  really 
done  something."  If  that  smoker  then  sees,  "1  blocked  the  vent  holes,"  and 
so  on  and  so  on,  the  hope  is  that  becomes  an  inducement  to  stop.  1 think 
you  expressed  some  reservations  about  use  of  the  term  "consumers,"  but  1 
think  it  is  important  that  continuing  smokers  be  treated  in  part  as  consumers 
and  be  given  information  similar  to  what  consumers  have  expected  about 
automobiles  and  things  like  that. 

DR.  COHEN:  Could  1 follow  up  with  some  numbers?  1 have  some  evidence 
exactly  on  the  point  that  you  just  made,  and  it  may  be  useful  to  the  panel  to 
hear  the  evidence.  1 apologize,  again,  because  you  couldn't  read  the  numbers 
so  clearly  yesterday.  In  my  survey,  83  percent  of  those  smoking  1-  to  5-mg  tar 
cigarettes  thought  that  switching  from  a 20-mg  tar  cigarette  to  a 5-mg  tar 
cigarette  would  significantly  lower  that  person's  health  risks  due  to  smoking 
for  someone  who  smokes  a pack  a day.  More  than  25  percent  of  those 
smoking  cigarettes  with  6 or  more  mg  of  tar  thought  that  switching  from  a 
20-mg  tar  cigarette  to  a 16-mg  tar  cigarette  would  significantly  lower  that 
person's  health  risk  due  to  smoking  for  someone  who  smokes  a pack  a day. 

DR.  DEBFTHIZY:  I would  not  be  surprised  at  that  because  the  Surgeon 
General  said  in  1981  that  if  you  reduced  your  tar  intake,  you  reduce  risk. 


Section  II 

It  has  been  communicated  pretty  clearly  that  if  you  cannot  stop  or  are 
unwilling  to  stop,  then  reducing  your  tar  intake  is  a good  idea. 

DR.  GIOVINO:  I would  like  the  Surgeon  General's  comments  to  be  put  on 
the  record  so  that  they  could  be  stated  exactly  and  hopefully  they  will  be 
used  exactly  as  stated.  The  Surgeon  General  said: 

The  Public  Health  Service  policy  on  lower  tar  and  nicotine 
cigarettes  must  remain  unchanged.  The  health  risks  of  cigarette 
smoking  can  only  be  eliminated  by  quitting.  For  those  who 
continue  to  smoke,  some  risk  reduction  may  result  from  a 
switch  to  a lower  tar  and  nicotine  cigarette  provided  that 
no  compensatory  changes  in  style  of  smoking  occur. 

I would  ask  that  caveat  be  used  when  these  types  of  statements  are  made. 

I would  also  remind  us  that  while  the  relative  risk  studies  on  lung  cancer 
may  have  controlled  for  number  of  cigarettes  a day,  and  I am  not  sure  of  the 
methodology  on  those,  they  certainly  have  not  controlled  for  changes  in  puff 
frequency  or  puff  volume.  So,  one  point  I want  to  make  is,  let  us  make  sure 
that  we  provide  in  any  statements  we  make  about  the  Surgeon  General's 
statements  the  caveats  that  the  Surgeon  General's  report  provides,  and  the 
second  point  I would  like  to  make  is  that  the  categorization  of  light  and 
ultralight  cigarettes  in  advertising  and  promotion  is  not  always  consistent. 
There  are  many  exceptions  to  those  rules  that  Ron  Davis  pointed  out  in  his 
article  in  the  American  Journal  of  Public  Health,  and  the  current  system  of 
light  and  ultralight  seems  not  totally  consistent  at  times  with  the  tar  and 
nicotine  ratings. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Headen? 

DR.  HEADEN:  I want  to  go  on  record  in  support  of  the  color-coded 
representation  of  the  FTC  information  for  the  consumer  and  to  go  on  record 
in  support  of  a range  rather  than  a single  number.  I would  ask  us  to  consider 
the  point  that  Dr.  Cohen  made.  It  is  important  to  design  this  information  in 
a way  that  would  encourage  the  tobacco  industry  to  redesign  cigarettes  to 
conform  to  whatever  standard  we  adopt,  but  I do  believe  that  if  there  is  a 
range  that  there  will  be  an  incentive  on  the  part  of  the  industry  to  lessen  the 
width  of  that  range.  A cigarette  brand  that  has  a very  broad  range  gives  a 
very  clear  message  to  the  consumer  that  the  yield  is  variable,  particularly 
when  they  consider  the  upper  limit,  and  that  there  would  be  a high  incentive 
for  the  industry  to  narrow  the  range  of  whatever  yield  there  is  for  each  of  the 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Thank  you  very  much.  Because  we  have  two  other  major 
elements  to  consider  today,  and  it  does  not  mean  we  cannot  discuss  more 
of  this,  we  want  to  go  to  the  second  question,  and  you  can  continue  to  raise 
ideas  on  the  first  question  as  we  go  along  because  they  do  overlap  a bit. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Question  2.  Should  constituents  other  than  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon 
monoxide  be  added  to  the  protocol? 

Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I do  not  think  we  have  the  information  to  decide  the 
entire  list,  but  we  probably  have  some  ideas  of  things  that  should  be  added. 

I would  suggest  that  the  procedure  be  used  as  the  FDA  uses  for  food  labeling, 
which  is  that  substances  that  an  organization  or  committee  with  specialty  in 
toxicology  agrees  are  of  toxicological  significance  be  added.  And  with  foods, 
under  the  category  of  other  flavorings  and  ingredients,  industries  are  not  free 
of  listing  things  that  are  of  toxicological  significance  just  because  they  call  it 
a flavoring,  as  occurs  with  cigarettes.  Rather  an  outside  body  decides  what  is 
of  toxicological  significance.  I do  not  know  if  they  are  of  toxicological  levels, 
but  that  should  not  be  decided  by  the  tobacco  industry,  in  my  opinion.  That 
should  be  decided  by  a regulatory  agency  with  toxicology  experts. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I think  Dr.  Henningfield's  comments  are  well  taken,  but 
I would  just  like  to  go  on  record  in  support  of  the  sort  of  labeling  that 
Dr.  Harris  showed  us  yesterday,  which  I thought  is  very  informative  to 
consumers  when  you  see  all  the  cyanide  and  arsenic  and  all  those  things  in 
cigarettes.  I think  it  just  helps  to  provide  more  information  to  a consumer 
about  the  mix  of  what  is  in  their  tobacco  smoke.  I am  sure  they  are  not 
going  to  read  every  bit  of  it,  but  anytime  they  are  interested  in  looking  and 
they  see  a list  of  30  cancer-causing  compounds,  I think  it  is  useful  for  them 
to  know  that.  So,  I am  in  favor  of  having  that  sort  of  listing  available. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  May  I try  to  understand  what  you  said,  that  you  would  not 
present  measurements  in  the  way  that  we  are  measuring  the  three  elements, 
but  you  would  simply  list  them  as  carcinogenic  or  harmful  to  health?  How 
would  you  do  this? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I think  you  could  do  it  either  way.  It  would  be  relatively 
straightforward  to  measure  those  and  just  list  how  many  micrograms  or 
whatever  was  there,  or  you  could  just  list  them.  I do  not  have  a very  strong 
feeling  about  it  just  as  long  as  it  is  made  clear  to  people  what  the  types  and 
the  mix  of  toxic  chemicals  they  are  taking  in  their  smoke. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  What  I mean  is,  you  would  treat  them  differently  from  the 
way  we  are  treating  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  I do  not  think  we  need  to  provide  information  about 
standard  and  maximum  exposures,  for  example.  I just  think  if  we  had  one 
number  or  one  list  it  would  be  adequate. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I see.  Thank  you.  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKER'F:  I think  there  should  be  additional  communication  of 
information.  I question  whether  or  not  it  should  be  in  the  form  of  an 
absolute  number.  For  example,  it  could  be  categorized  in  terms  of 


Section  II 

ciliatoxic  agents  and  hydrogen  cyanide,  for  example.  It  could  be  categorized 
as  carcinogens  and  then  certain  carcinogens.  I think,  given  all  the 
discussion  that  we  have  had  both  yesterday  and  today  about  the  potential 
misinterpretation  of  numbers,  it  would  seem  to  me  that  to  add  to  that 
confusion  by  a whole  new  set  of  numbers  would  not  be  serving  the  interests 
of  the  consumer. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Thank  you.  Dr.  Rickert.  Dr.  Stitzer? 

DR.  STITZER:  I am  totally  in  favor  of  more  information  being  given  to  the 
consumer,  but  I want  to  bring  up  priorities  and  to  point  out  that  cigarette 
packs  are  not  very  big,  and  personally  I think  it  is  more  important  to  convey 
the  information  about  the  variability  of  yield  in  some  prominent  way  on  a 
cigarette  package  rather  than  using  that  space  to  list  hundreds  of  chemicals. 

Now,  what  I would  be  interested  in  seeing  is  a kind  of  package  insert 
disclosure  information  that  would  be  put  in  cigarette  cartons.  That  might 
be  a better  format  for  delivering  the  information. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Petitti? 

DR.  PETITTI:  I would  like  to  provide  support  for  both  of  the  prior 
statements,  particularly  that  perhaps  cigarettes  need  to  have  prominently 
displayed  the  fact  that  they  contain  some  list  of  selected  carcinogens  but 
not  to  portray  that  information  in  a quantitative  fashion.  I do  not  think  we 
have  the  ability  to  decide  which  of  the  numerous  carcinogens  in  cigarette 
smoke  is  the  one  or  the  ones  that  quantitatively  are  related  to  the  various 
forms  of  cancer  caused  by  cigarettes  and  that  we  would  be  further  misleading 
the  consumer  by  making  them  believe  that,  for  example,  a cigarette  with  low 
levels  of  chemical  X is  better  for  them  than  a cigarette  with  a higher  level  of 
chemical  X.  I do  not  think  we  will  ever  have  the  epidemiological  database 
that  will  allow  us  to  link  these  various  carcinogens  quantitatively  with  risk 
of  any  of  the  human  cancers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Guerin? 

DR.  GUERIN:  If  we  had  a list  of  common  cigarette  smoke  toxins  on 
packages,  would  that  not  discourage  the  industry  from  producing  products 
that  have  undetectable  quantities?  Wouldn't  we  need  some  kind  of  a level 
of  detection  to  determine  when  we  are  at  basically  nothing  because  there 
are  advanced  products  that  are  being  marketed  or  may  be  being  marketed? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Let  us  go  to  Dr.  Hughes  first. 

DR.  HUGHES:  People  are  interested  in  function.  They  do  not  care  about  the 
names.  They  care  about  what  these  things  do.  So,  my  proposal  would  be  to 
get  the  word  "cancer-forming"  agents  on  there.  That  is  the  important  thing, 
not  whether  it  is  this  long  name  or  that  long  name  or  whatever  because  that 
is  the  important  thing  that  consumers  need  to  know. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Townsend? 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman.  In  the  U.S.  market,  cigarettes 
with  comparable  blends,  in  fact,  show  similar  ratios  of  most  smoke 
constituents  per  milligram  of  tar.  What  that  means  is,  as  you  bring  the  tar 
level  down  in  a cigarette,  these  constituents  also  come  down  more  or  less 

I guess  the  question  then  that  leads  me  to  is,  are  we  providing  really 
useful  information  for  the  consumer  to  use,  or  are  we  just  giving  them  a lot 
of  information  that  they  are  going  to  ignore,  like  I think  Dr.  Harris  indicated 
that  he  did  not  read  all  the  information  on  the  food  labeling.  There  is  a lot 
of  information  there.  Is  it  useful  information?  That  is  just  a question  I am 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I understand.  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  I agree  with  what  Dr.  Guerin  has  said,  in  the  sense  that  it 
would  seem  that  if  there  are  new  products  being  developed  that  would  have 
a zero  yield  of  various  carcinogens  or  ciliatoxic  agents  that  must  be  allowed 
for,  and  I think  for  that,  for  the  agent  to  appear  on  the  package,  there  would 
have  to  be  some  consideration  given  to  analytical  detection  limits  and  things 
of  this  nature.  So,  I do  not  think  it  should  necessarily  be  a blanket  piece  of 
information  that  comes  with  every  brand  of  cigarette,  but  there  should  be 
some  differentiation  based  on  the  individual  products  of  the  cigarettes. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  There  always  has  to  be  a threshold  for  whether  you 
list  something,  whether  you  are  listing  the  lead  in  flour  or  rat  droppings  or 
whatever  it  is.  So  that  is  a basic  concept,  but  I think  the  important  thing  is 
that  an  agency  or  panel  with  expertise,  not  the  industry  being  regulated, 
make  the  decision.  So  if  BHT  is  listed  on  flour  or  cookies,  you  know,  we  do 
not  have  to  worry  about  how  much  of  it  is  in  there;  I agree,  that  would  be 
confusing,  but  another  group  decides  if  the  cyanide  should  be  listed  as 
one  of  the  "also  contains"  ingredients,  for  example,  "also  contains  cyanide, 
formaldehyde,  lead."  You  have  somebody  else  decide  what  is  of  potential 
significance  and  therefore  should  be  listed,  and  that  is  what  is  done  with 
food  labeling. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  So,  in  principle  what  are  you  saying  that  we  should  do? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Of  course  there  is  a threshold,  but  that  threshold  does 
not  necessarily  affect  the  labeling  on  the  pack  in  the  sense  of  the  number 
because  you  are  not  putting  any  numbers  in  the  same  way  that  for  potato 
chips  you  are  not  putting  how  much  BHT  is  in  there.  You  are  listing  the 
milligrams  of  things  that  groups  decide  are  very  important  to  list  by 
milligrams  like  cholesterol  and  sodium,  and  then  you  have  the  list  of  other 
ingredients  as  Dr.  Harris  showed  on  his  label,  and  what  the  thresholds  are; 
to  merit  listing,  another  group  decides  that — a group  with  toxicology 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 


Section  II 

DR.  RICKERT:  I am  not  really  quite  sure  whether  it  is  a toxicological 
consideration  or  whether  it  is  a chemistry  consideration.  If  you  take 
cholesterol,  for  example,  in  order  to  earn  a label  of  cholesterol-free,  there 
has  to  be  a certain  level.  I mean  in  the  instmment  you  can  measure  this 
level,  but  it  is  cholesterol-free  if  it  is  less  than  that  level.  So,  I think  the 
issue,  from  my  point  of  view  anyway  is  more  of  a chemical  issue,  rather 
than  a toxicological  issue. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Shiftman? 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I would  like  to  come  back  to  an  issue  that  I think  we 
discussed  but  perhaps  had  not  gotten  closure  on,  which  is  the  consumer 
information  or  misinformation  that  is  conveyed  outside  the  formal  label  in 
the  form  of  brand  names  like  "light"  and  "ultralight,"  and  I guess  what  I was 
hearing  from  several  people  was  a proposal  that  the  use  of  those  terms  be 
regulated  in  a manner  parallel  to  the  FDA's  recent  regulations  of  such  labels 
on  foods.  That  is  my  own  view — that  those  labels  ought  to  be  allowed.  They 
have  the  potential  to  provide  a smoker  with  meaningful  information,  but 
they  should  be  regulated  so  that  they  represent  a particular  number  or  range 
in  the  ratings  and  so  that  they  have  a common  meaning  across  brands  and 
across  manufacturers.  I would  like  to  hear  other  people  address  that  issue. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I think  that  is  a good  comment.  Dr.  Shiftman.  Where  I keep 
seeing  the  break  is  at  .5.  The  ones  less  than  .5  are  different  from  those 
above  .5.  So  I would  like  to  see  the  categories  only  be  on  those  that  are 
less  than  .5  mg  of  nicotine  with  the  comparable  tar. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I think  the  general  question  here  is,  should  constituents 
other  than  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  be  added  to  the  protocol  for 
testing?  It  sounds  to  me  as  though  you  have  said  that  they  should  not  be 
added  for  testing  or,  if  testing  is  done,  it  should  be  done  by  either  chemists  or 
toxicologists  but  not  in  the  same  way  as  for  the  other  three  major  substances. 
There  is  a question  of  whether  certain  substances  should  be  listed  in  some 
way  on  the  tobacco  pack  or  in  some  other  way,  so  the  American  public 
would  know  that  there  are  harmful  ingredients  in  tobacco  other  than  the 
three  elements. 

Let  us  try  to  get  closure  on  that  particular  point  before  we  go  on. 

DR.  GUERIN:  I think  that  tar  and  nicotine  and  CO  in  terms  of  quantitative 
measurements  are  adequate.  I have  one  question  for  Dr.  Hoffmann.  Of 
all  of  the  constituents  that  might  not  necessarily  correlate  very  well  with 
tar,  the  N-nitrosamines  stand  out.  Should  we  consider  an  N-nitrosamine 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  When  you  find  another  HCN,  benzo(fl)pyrene,  you  will 
always  get  from  our  friends  of  the  tobacco  industry,  "Yes,  but  this  can  come 
from  air  pollution."  Carcinogens  that  derive  from  nicotine  can  come  only 
from  tobacco,  and  I think  that  should  be  cited.  Benzo(a)pyrene  comes  from 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

every  combustion.  Hydrogen  cyanide  comes  from  every  combustion  of  a 
protein-containing  component.  Phenol  comes  from  any  combustion.  The 
tobacco-specific  nicotine-derived  nitrosamines,  which  are  strong  carcinogens, 
come  only  from  tobacco.  I think  the  consumer  should  know  that. 

DR.  GUERIN:  To  my  knowledge  that  is  the  one  class  of  chemicals  that  might 
be  considered  in  addition,  although  it  would  be  very  difficult  to  do,  relative 
to  tar  and  nicotine  and  CO  measurements. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  I personally  do  not  think  we  confuse  the  smoker.  1 think 
we  can  let  them  know  on  the  package  that  cigarette  smoke  contains  toxic 
agents:  hydrogen  cyanide  and  known  carcinogens,  chloraminobiphenyls, 
benzo(fl)pyrene,  and  the  nicotine-derived  nitrosamines.  We  should  say  that, 
though  not  quantitatively.  Giving  numbers  is  only  confusing  here. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Before  we  entertain  other  questions,  I would  like  to  have  the 
committee's  sense  of  whether  you  support  what  Dr.  Hoffmann  has  just  said, 
which  seems  to  be  a good  summary  of  what  we  have  said  so  far?  Is  there  any 
disagreement  with  what  Dr.  Hoffmann  has  just  said? 


Then  we  will  take  that  as  a consensus,  and  we  will  go  on  to  consider  it 
further  in  the  latter  part  of  the  day. 

You  had  another  comment.  Dr.  Petitti? 

DR.  PETITTI:  Just  to  emphasize  that  this  information  should  not  be 
quantitatively  presented  to  the  consumer  because  of  the  potential  for 

DR.  FREEMAN:  My  understanding  relative  to  Question  2 is  that  there  are 
certain  elements  that  are  proven  to  be  harmful  to  human  beings  that  are 
within  tobacco  that  should  be  listed,  though  this  panel  is  not  recommending 
which  specific  compounds;  that  they  should  not  be  listed  according  to 
quantity;  and  that  they  should  not  undergo  the  same  testing  that  we  are 
recommending  for  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO.  I will  take  that  as  a consensus  at 
this  point. 

If  that  is  sufficient  for  that  question,  I would  like  to  go  on  now  to  the 
third  question  that  we  have  been  asked  to  consider. 

Question  3.  Docs  the  FTC  protocol  provide  information  useful  to  consumers 
in  making  decisions  about  their  health? 

Yes,  Dr.  Petitti? 

DR.  Idn  rrri:  I think  that  in  the  context  of  the  purpose  of  the  FTC  protocol, 
which  is  to  provide  information  that  allows  consumers  to  choose  cigarettes 
that  reduce  their  risk  of  disease,  the  current  M C protocol  is  misleading  in  at 
least  two  important  ways.  I’irst,  it  presents  the  consumer  with  a single 
number,  thus  implying  that  the  consumer  will  receive  exactly  that  exposure. 
.Second,  I think  that  the  numbers  when  [)resented  as  numbers  implicitly 


Section  II 

suggest  that  there  is  a ratio-scaled  relationship  between  machine-measured 
yield  and  disease  risk.  1 think  that  these  numbers  could  be  made  more  useful 
by  remedying  these  misleading  aspects  of  the  current  FTC  protocol  in  ways 
that  we  have  been  discussing  throughout  the  morning. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Specifically  what  do  you  recommend? 

DR.  PETITTI:  First,  present  a range  of  numbers,  thereby  correcting  the 
problem  of  a single  number  implying  that  the  consumer  will  receive 
exactly  that  amount  of  exposure;  and,  second,  provide  some  kind  of  graphic 
presentation  of  this  information  to  the  consumer  in  a way  that  takes  away 
the  numerical  aspect  of  "9  is  9 times  higher  than  1 and  20  is  20  times  higher 
than  1." 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert  and  then  Dr.  Ffughes. 

DR.  RICKERT:  1 agree.  1 think  the  issue  is,  can  the  FTC  protocol  provide 
useful  information  rather  than  does  it?  In  other  words,  are  there  ways  that 
we  can  take  this  kind  of  information  and  convey  it?  One  of  the  options 
that  has  been  discussed  and  also  appears  in  the  literature  is  this  idea  of  using 
the  color  of  tar  to  communicate  the  range  of  variation  that  one  can  get  in 
tar  yields  and,  also,  to  allow  individual  smokers  to  gauge  what  they  are 
receiving  from  the  cigarette.  1 think  a lot  of  us  feel  that  if  it  were  possible 
for  low-yield  smokers,  that  is  those  who  are  smoking  the  less-than-5-mg 
cigarettes,  to  achieve  a low-yield  smoke  from  that  cigarette,  there  may  be 
an  accompanying  health  benefit  to  that  achievement.  At  the  present  time, 
however,  there  is  no  means  for  the  smoker  to  ascertain  what  the  yield  is. 

If  there  were  some  sort  of  graphic  technique  for  them  to  visualize  this 
process,  then  that  may  confer  a health  advantage  to  them. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I have  a question  for  Mr.  Peeler.  I was  struck  by  the  remark 
that  talking  about  health  benefits  implies  a health  claim,  which  I understand 
the  tobacco  industry  has  not  made  with  this  product.  Therefore  my  question 
to  you  is,  can  the  FTC  require  such  health  education  to  come  from  the 
tobacco  manufacturers  when  they  have  not  made  that  health  claim? 

MR.  PEELER:  The  numbers  clearly  communicate  some  health  benefit  to 
some  portion  of  consumers.  If  we  were  able  to  determine  that  a significant 
number  of  consumers  were  being  misled  by  that,  we  could  require  some 
corrective  information  or  provide  some  corrective  information.  I think  the 
concern  has  always  been  the  one  that  we  started  out  with  in  1960,  that  as 
a result  of  that  position,  there  basically  were  not  any  tar  and  nicotine 
numbers  being  made  available  to  consumers. 

In  terms  of  our  present  status  right  now,  our  jurisdiction  is  simply  to 
require  that  claims  made  in  advertising  be  substantiated.  Currently,  there 
is  not  an  FTC  rule,  an  FTC  case,  or  any  legislation  requiring  the  disclosure 
of  tar  and  nicotine  data  either  on  labels  or  in  advertising. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  HUGHES:  If  some  surveys  or  several  surveys  showed  that  most 
consumers  inferred  a claim  of  health  benefits  from  these  cigarettes,  would 
that  be  important  information  for  the  FTC  to  know  when  considering 
whether  to  force  the  tobacco  companies  to  put  in  health  information? 

MR.  PEELER:  Consumer  survey  information  is  absolutely  vital  to  everything 
the  FTC  does  in  the  regulation  of  advertising  and  labeling.  Therefore,  the 
answer  to  the  first  question  is  yes.  The  next  question  is  this  point  that  we 
raised  earlier:  whether  there  would  be  the  ability  to  compel  disclosure  of 
tar  and  nicotine  information  absent  a health  claim.  You  do  get  back  to  the 
tension  between  having  no  information  out  there  at  all  and  having  just  the 
accurate  tar  and  nicotine. 

DR.  HUGHES:  I think  you  are  misunderstanding,  because  I am  not  talking 
about  whether  they  report  the  numbers  or  not.  Suppose  there  was  a proposal 
that  the  FTC  would  require  all  cigarette  advertisements  that  state  anything 
about  tar  to  have  a statement  that  reads  something  like,  "Switching  to  a low- 
tar  cigarette  is  a very  small  health  improvement  compared  to  stopping 

MR.  PEELER:  There  is  a legal  analysis  under  the  Commission's  unfairness 
authority  that  could  be  used  to  require  disclosure  of  that  information, 
assuming  the  correct  factual  predicate  could  be  established. 

DR.  HATSUKAMI:  Regarding  health  benefits,  it  seems  that  based  on 
Dr.  Cohen's  presentation  there  are  significant  numbers  of  people  who 
believe  that  there  are  benefits  to  switching  to  a lower  tar  and  nicotine 
cigarette,  and  yet  some  of  the  data  do  not  show  this  relationship  between 
tar  yield  and  health  benefits,  with  the  exception  possibly  of  lung  cancer. 
Therefore,  I agree  with  Dr.  Hughes  in  requiring  some  kind  of  label  on  the 
package  explaining  that  switching  to  a low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarette 
may  or  may  not  provide  health  benefits,  thereby  hopefully  correcting 
an  apparent  misconception. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I would  just  like  to  emphasize  that  such  language  has  to 
be  stated  very  carefully;  I believe  for  an  individual  there  is  very  little  benefit 
to  switching.  For  the  society  of  all  smokers  there  may  be  benefit,  and  I 
would  not  want  to  lose  that  benefit.  We  have  to  walk  that  line  of  warning 
individuals  that  this  is  not  going  to  help  you  very  much,  but  still  encourage 
the  whole  society  of  smokers  to  reduce  their  tar  and  nicotine  intake.  We 
need  to  find  language  that  will  serve  both  purposes. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Kozlowski? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I would  like  to  encourage  the  panel  to  note  in  the  report 
that  there  is  a fundamental  deficiency  in  that  the  current  procedures  are 
linked  to  cigarette  advertising.  A number  of  presenters  mentioned  that 
currently  one-third  of  cigarette  brands  are  generics.  There  is  no  requirement 
that  a cigarette  brand  be  advertised.  I here  is  no  law  that  says  that  you  must 


Section  II 

advertise  a cigarette,  and,  if  it  is  not  advertised,  there  is  no  option  for  any 
kind  of  brand-yield  information  or  any  kind  of  FTC  method.  I think  one 
might  see  the  linking  of  consumer  information  solely  to  advertising  as  a 
loophole  in  the  system.  1 would  encourage  the  panel  to  ask  the  FTC  to  try  to 
provide  some  estimate  of  what  percentage  of  brands  are  not  advertised  at  all. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Mr.  Peeler,  can  you  address  that  question? 

MR.  PEELER:  As  1 said  earlier,  we  do  not  have  that  information  today. 

We  could  certainly  get  that  for  the  panel,  if  the  panel  would  like  it. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Are  there  a significant  number  of  brands  that  are  out  in  the 
market  but  are  not  being  advertised? 

MR.  PEELER:  There  has  been  a very  large  increase  in  the  number  of  brands 
that  we  have  been  reporting  because  of  the  increased  number  of  generic 
brands,  which  are  frequently  not  advertised. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  And  is  it  true  that  the  FTC  does  not  require  that  those  brands 
undergo  the  same  analysis? 

MR.  PEELER:  Again,  we  have  to  go  back  to  the  beginning.  The  disclosure  of 
tar  and  nicotine  is  provided  for  under  the  FTC's  general  authority  to  regulate 
advertising  and  to  require  substantiation  of  claims  in  advertising.  At  one 
point  there  was  an  FTC  proposal  to  require  the  disclosure  of  tar  and  nicotine 
content  in  all  cigarette  advertising.  Cigarette  labeling  is  largely  regulated 
by  separate  Federal  statute  called  the  Federal  Cigarette  Labeling  Act.  The 
rulemaking  was  suspended  when  the  cigarette  industry  voluntarily  agreed  to 
put  this  information  in  all  their  cigarette  advertising.  So  that  is  the  current 
status  of  disclosure.  Many  companies  do  put  that  information  on  their 
packs,  particularly  with  respect  to  their  lower  yield  cigarettes.  1 do  not 
have  an  estimate  of  how  many  packs  that  is. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Then  it  is  conceivable  that  there  could  be  cigarettes  sold  that 
do  not  have  this  labeling? 

MR.  PEELER:  1 believe  it  is  likely  that  there  are  many  cigarettes,  particularly 
generics,  that  do  not  have  these  labels. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 think  that  is  a very  significant  point.  If  the  FTC  does  not 
regulate  that,  who  does? 

MR.  PEELER:  The  content  of  the  cigarette  label  is  largely  regulated  by  the 
Federal  Cigarette  Labeling  Act,  which  is  a Federal  statute  that  requires  a 
certain  number  of  disclosures,  for  example,  the  Surgeon  General's  disclosure, 
and  then  basically  says  that,  for  other  statements  relating  to  smoking  and 
health,  only  Congress  can  impose  those  additional  statements. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Thank  you.  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  1 think  we  have  a model  with  the  recent  food  pyramid.  That 
labeling  change  was  accompanied  by  a massive  educational  campaign,  and 
1 do  not  know  who  did  that,  but  it  seems  to  me  that  we  need  a similar  effort 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

with  tar  and  nicotine.  I want  my  patients  to  know  about  nicotine  yield 
much  more  than  I want  them  to  know  about  riboflavin  and  cholesterol  and 
that  sort  of  thing.  My  question  is,  why  have  we  not  had  the  same  public 
education  campaign  around  nicotine  yield,  spending  at  least  as  much 
money  as  we  did  on  the  food  pyramid? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKl:  To  respond  to  that,  there  is  a question  of  in  whose 
jurisdiction  does  that  campaign  fall.  1 think  it  is  not  within  the  FTC  brief 
in  any  explicit  sense  to  do  an  extensive  education  campaign  on  it,  and  you 
have  just  heard  that  cigarette  labeling  falls  under  quite  a different  procedure. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Townsend? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  In  response  to  Dr.  Kozlowski's  concern  and  your  obvious 
concern  about  generics  or  unadvertised  cigarettes  being  out  there  in  the 
marketplace  without  any  information,  that  really  is  not  true.  While  the 
specific  numbers  are  not  advertised,  the  generic  products  are  broken  into 
categories  of  tar  deliveries,  the  same  as  other  brands.  For  example,  you  can 
find  a generic  sold  as  regular,  lights  or  ultralights.  There  is  information  out 
there,  even  if  there  is  no  advertising  that  carries  with  it  specific  absolute 
FTC  tar  numbers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Would  you  clarify  this  point  because  1 am  a little  confused. 
What  would  be  the  difference  on  the  labeling  of  the  generic  product  vs.  the 
one  that  is  advertised? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Let  me  take  one  example  with  the  generic  cigarette  brand 
Doral.  The  packages  are  in  different  colors,  the  same  as  other  brands,  with 
dark  green  for  the  regular,  light  green  for  the  lights,  and  a real  light  green 
or  a white  for  the  ultralights;  and  their  tar  category  is  stated  on  the  package. 
That  is  a comparative  measure  of  the  FTC  tar  yield  for  those  cigarettes  even 
though  there  is  no  advertising  that  carries  the  FTC  number  with  it. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  That  is  how  they  are  similar.  How  do  they  differ? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  What  1 am  saying  is  that  there  is  a distinction  in  the 
marketplace  by  virtue  of  what  is  written  on  the  pack,  that  it  is  a light  or 
an  ultralight  or  a regular. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 understand. 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  And  by  the  color  of  the  pack. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  But  other  than  that,  the  numbers  are  not  there? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  Because  many  of  these  products  are  not  advertised,  the 
numbers  in  some  cases  are  not  available  to  consumers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  You  have  clarified  my  point.  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWrrZ:  One  of  the  central  recommendations  of  this  panel  should 
be  that  cigarette  labeling  include  these  warnings.  The  other  issue  that 
concerns  all  of  us  is  consumer  information,  and  even  though  it  is  not  a 


Section  II 

direct  charge,  I think  we  should  make  a strong  recommendation  that  there  be 
labeling  about  yields  and  the  other  issues  we  have  been  talking  about. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Are  you  speaking  also  on  the  generic  cigarettes? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  on  all  cigarettes. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  That  is  your  recommendation? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  Yes,  because  the  FTC  can  regulate  advertising,  but  what 
we  are  really  talking  about  is  labeling  on  the  cigarette  packs.  If  there  is  no 
vehicle  for  doing  that  now,  1 think  we  should  recommend  there  be  one. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  1 would  certainly  support  what  Dr.  Benowitz  is  saying, 
particularly  given  the  amount  of  confusion  that  sometimes  arises  over  the 
use  of  the  terms  "light,"  "ultralight,"  and  so  on.  Unless  these  terms  have 
been  defined  with  some  specific  tar  range  associated  with  them,  the  use  of 
the  terms  without  that  tar  information  is  certainly  open  to  the  potential  for 
misleading  consumers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Woosley? 

DR.  WOOSLEY:  1 agree  with  both  of  those  statements  wholeheartedly,  but 
1 am  concerned  by  the  reality  of  labeling  being  proscribed  by  legislation  so 
that  it  is  not  to  be  touched  by  anyone  but  Congress.  If  1 am  interpreting 
that  correctly,  that  is  a terrible  situation  to  be  in.  Let  me  just  go  on  to  say 
that  1 believe  the  use  of  the  terms  "light"  and  "ultralight"  in  advertising  are 
perceived  as  a claim.  1 think  there  needs  to  be  a very  strong  message  from 
this  committee  that  those  are  perceived  claims,  and  they  carry  with  it  the 
impression  of  improved  health,  and  1 think  that  is  a form  of  advertising. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Townsend,  can  you  give  the  committee  any  sense  of 
what  percentage  of  cigarettes  sold  in  America  are  in  the  generic  category  as 
opposed  to  the  advertised  category? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  No,  1 really  cannot.  There  are  some  generic  products  or 
low-cost  products  that  are  advertised;  most,  however,  are  not.  1 cannot  give 
you  an  exact  percentage  right  now. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Thank  you.  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  Dr.  Townsend,  are  you  asserting  that  for  cigarettes  the  color  of 
the  package  is  intended  to  convey  the  tar  level  of  the  cigarette? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  In  practice,  if  you  look  at  products  that  are  in  the  market 
currently,  in  addition  to  having  the  category  defined  as  regular,  lights,  or 
ultralights  on  the  pack  and  in  the  advertising,  in  many  cases  the  packs  are 
different  colors.  If  you  look  within  one  brand  family,  particular  brands 
within  that  brand  family  that  are  in  the  different  tar  categories  do  have 
different  pack  colors. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  COHEN:  Is  there  an  intention  on  the  part  of  cigarette  manufacturers  to 
convey  information  about  tar  yields  by  using  color  on  packages,  as  well  as 
terms  such  as  "light"  and  other  descriptive  adjectives? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  There  is  an  intention,  in  my  opinion,  by  the  cigarette 
industry  in  general  to  convey  tar  information  to  the  consumer  so  that  they 
can  make  choices.  In  some  brands  the  different  colors  are  intended  to 
convey  the  different  tar  category  in  which  they  fall,  and  that  category  is 
stated  explicitly  in  the  advertising. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I have  been  informed  by  staff  that  approximately  40  percent 
of  cigarettes  sold  in  America  are  of  the  generic  category.  If  that  is  true,  then 
I think  this  is  a major  issue  to  be  considered  here. 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  It  appears  that  Dr.  Townsend  is  indicating  that  the 
designations  light  and  ultralight  are  in  a sense  being  used  as  surrogates  in 
a broad  sense  for  tar  and  nicotine  ratings  and  that  they  are  carrying  tar  and 
nicotine  rating  information.  My  question  is,  are  there  industry  standards  or 
R.J.  Reynolds  standards  for  what  numbers  are  required  before  a cigarette  is 
called  light  or  ultralight  or  is  there  variance  across  the  industry  and  in  what 
products  get  the  label  "light"? 

DR.  TOWNSEND:  It  is  my  understanding  that  the  definition,  of  course,  has 
changed  a little  bit  over  the  years,  but  today  the  definition  is  really  quite 
consistent.  Cigarettes  under  6 mg  constitute  ultralights,  those  from  6 to  15 
are  lights,  and  above  15  are  regulars. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Henningfield? 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  I have  a recommendation  and  a question  for 
Mr.  Peeler.  The  recommendation  is  that,  on  discovering  that  FTC  does  not 
have  the  means  to  put  on  the  labeling  this  information  that  we  are  saying 
is  so  important,  I recommend  that  the  FTC  use  all  means  at  its  disposal 
to  get  this  information  and  make  it  readily  available  to  consumers.  My 
question  for  Mr.  Peeler  is,  what  kinds  of  things  can  you  do?  For  example, 
could  you  put  your  tar  report  information  at  all  points  of  sale,  or  do  people 
just  have  to  write  for  the  catalog? 

MR.  PEELER:  Let  me  clarify  about  the  labeling.  The  place  where  we  are 
preempted  on  cigarette  labeling  and  where  everyone  is  preempted  on 
cigarette  labeling  is  on  statements  relating  to  smoking  and  health,  and  there 
is  a question  about  exactly  where  that  is.  I would  think  if  there  were  a 
misrepresentation,  for  example,  on  a label  of  the  tar  content,  and  that  is 
all  that  there  was,  that  would  be  something  on  which  the  PTC  could  take 
action.  The  question  of  exactly  how  much  information  the  ITC  can 
affirmatively  require  to  be  disclosed  absent  a representation  by  the  company 
is  a whole  other  issue  that  we  would  have  to  look  at  in  light  of  the  panel's 
recommendations.  For  example,  in  the  1970's  when  the  PTC  required 
that  health  warnings  start  appearing  in  advertising,  these  requirements 
were  based  on  allegations  that  the  advertising  at  that  point  was  making 


Section  II 

representations  about  the  cigarette's  healthfulness.  The  FTC's  actions 
resulted  in  settlements  between  the  FTC  and  a number  of  companies  that 
provided  for  the  health  warnings  in  advertising,  which  ultimately  became 
required  by  statute  in  1984. 

The  FTC  does  not  have  the  FDA-type  of  regulatory  power  over  the 
cigarette  industry.  We  have  the  power  to  prevent  deceptive  statements,  and 
we  have  the  power  to  require  the  disclosure  of  certain  types  of  information 
when  a failure  to  disclose  that  information  would  be  unfair. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  Can  you  only  regulate  what  appears  in  a magazine  ad? 
How  do  we  get  it  to  the  consumers  who  do  not  read  the  magazine  ads  or  for 
the  cigarettes  that  are  not  advertised? 

MR.  PEELER:  If  you  are  talking  about  information  about  the  relationship  of 
cigarettes  to  health,  then  the  advertising  and  the  labeling  right  now  contain 
warnings,  and  our  authority  to  require  additional  warnings  or  descriptions 
would  be  triggered  by  what  representations  are  made. 

DR.  HENNINGFIELD:  So  you  could  not  require  that  a label  like  the  one 
Dr.  Harris  showed  be  put  on  cigarette  packages? 

MR.  PEELER:  Again,  what  we  are  here  for  is  to  hear  the  committee's 
recommendations  and  take  those  back  to  the  five  commissioners  who 
run  the  agency.  I think  what  you  ought  to  be  doing  is  making  those 
recommendations  that  you  think  are  right,  and  then  it  will  be  up  to  the 
five  commissioners  to  sort  through  them  in  terms  of  what  is  within  the 
FTC's  authority  and  what  is  not  within  the  FTC's  authority.  Clearly  the 
focus  of  our  concern  and  the  reason  that  we  are  here  is  there  has  been  a 
lot  of  concern  that  the  current  tar  and  nicotine  labeling  system  is  not 
serving  its  intended  purpose,  and  because  we  are  putting  those  numbers 
out  every  year,  that  is  going  to  be  the  first  thing  that  we  focus  on. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  you  have  a comment? 

MS.  WILKENFELD:  In  the  seventies  and  early  eighties  when  the  Commission 
published  its  number,  the  Office  on  Smoking  and  Health  made  a large  chart 
that  was  available  at  point  of  purchase  in  pharmacies  and  other  places  where 
cigarettes  were  sold  so  that  there  was  educational  information  at  the  point 
of  sale.  Whether  you  call  that  labeling  or  the  Commission  would  call  it 
advertising,  I do  not  know.  But  the  money  ran  out  and  that  stopped. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I would  like  to  just  express  a personal  concern  here.  I think 
all  of  us  here  should  be  concerned  with  the  effect  of  a lethal  product  on  the 
American  public  with  respect  to  morbidity  and  mortality.  On  the  other 
hand,  this  meeting  has  been  called  by  the  FTC  along  with  the  Congress.  My 
concern  is  that  our  human  concerns  do  not  become  engulfed  in  bureaucratic 
problems.  The  40  percent  of  people  in  America  who  are  smoking  cigarettes 
that  you  do  not  oversee  still  are  smoking  cigarettes  and  still  have  the  same 
lethality  for  those  40  percent.  I hope  that  although  we  are  governed  by  the 
bureaucracy  in  a certain  way,  and  you  have  limits,  and  we  certainly  respect 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

that — we  do  have  a Congress  that  can  rule  one  way  or  another.  I think  we 
should  speak  to  the  general  problem  while  we  are  giving  you  direction. 

MR.  PEELER:  1 would  certainly  agree  with  that. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Thank  you.  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  Consumers  want  information  that  they  can  use  to  make 
meaningful  decisions.  Assume  the  consumer  wants  to  make  the  meaningful 
decision  as  to  whether  switching  to  a particular  kind  of  cigarette,  say  a 1-  to 
5-mg  tar  cigarette,  would  lead  to  a significant  reduction  in  health  risks.  Can 
this  panel,  given  the  state  of  the  art,  attempt  to  provide  information  that 
would  be  helpful  to  the  consumer  as  to  the  relative  risk  of  smoking  different 
kinds  of  cigarettes?  If  the  answer  is  no,  then  it  is  no,  but  I think  that  is  more 
important  information  than  the  information  currently  available  through  tar 
numbers  because  tar  numbers  do  not  tell  consumers  information  that  is 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  If  you  tell  people  that  if  they  take  in  less  tar,  there  is  a small 
benefit,  it  is  not  one  that  should  be  denied,  but  I think  it  is  misleading.  I do 
not  think  we  can  tell  people  that  you  are  going  to  reduce  your  hazard;  you  are 
going  to  live  longer  if  you  shift  to  low-yield  cigarettes.  So,  we  are  caught  in 
a bind.  We  want  to  encourage  people  to  minimize  the  risk,  but  we  cannot 
really  tell  them  it  is  going  to  make  a huge  difference. 

DR.  COHEN:  I think  frankly  that  this  is  a subject  that  ought  to  command 
the  attention  of  the  panel  because  consumers,  like  it  or  not,  are  using  these 
numbers  as  if  they  had  absolute  significance  as  numbers.  The  numbers  mean 
almost  nothing.  The  panel  has  to  address  the  question  of  is  there  a way  of 
informing  consumers  as  to  the  relative  risk,  and  perhaps  the  answer  is  to  let 
us  inform  them  that  there  is  not  a lot  of  gain;  doing  that,  frankly,  would  be 
very  useful  and  maybe  more  useful  than  telling  them  exactly  what  the  tar 
differences  are. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  I think  the  committee  has  thought  about  that  to  a large 
extent,  and  I think  there  is  a consensus  that  what  is  really  needed  is  a rather 
large  public  health  education  campaign  to  try  to  communicate  that  very 
information  to  consumers. 

You  are  also  asking  for  information  about  risk,  and  generally  this  comes 
from  epidemiological  studies,  which  by  their  very  nature  are  extremely 
long  and  do  not  provide  information  that  we  can  use  immediately.  The 
information  that  we  have  today  has  been  gleaned  over  a number  of  years 
with  respect  to  relative  risk,  and  as  we  have  seen,  there  is  not  much  change. 

Now,  if  one  is  going  to  ask  what  is  the  effect  with  today's  cigarettes,  then 
we  are  talking  about  a period  of  time  that  will  be  measured  in  tens  of  years. 


Section  II 

Unfortunately,  we  have  to  come  to  grips  with  the  problem  today,  and  we 
cannot  wait  for  tens  of  years  to  pass  to  obtain  accurate  information  about 
today's  cigarettes. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  1 would  like  to  respond  very  concretely  to  what  you  said. 

Dr.  Cohen,  and  it  is  my  opinion  that  if  there  is  not  information  that  you 
suggest  about  the  health  benefits  of  switching,  the  whole  system  should  be 
junked.  My  concern  is  that  we  are  going  to  say,  "Yes,  there  should  be  this 
big  public  health  campaign,"  and  nothing  will  happen.  NCI  says,  "We  don't 
have  money  for  it."  FTC  says,  "We  don't  have  the  bureaucracy  to  do  it." 

The  FDA  says,  "We  have  other  more  important  things  to  do,"  and  this  whole 
education  campaign  does  not  get  done.  We  come  up  with  a range  of  values 
that  still  has  numbers  on  them,  and  people  still  think  that  they  are  doing 
themselves  a big  benefit,  and  1 would  rather  junk  the  entire  system  than 
to  have  that  happen. 

The  only  way  around  it  1 can  see  is  that  the  FTC  decides  that  all 
claims  of  light  and  ultralight  imply  a health  claim  and  therefore  require 
a disclaimer.  That  is  the  only  way  out  of  it  1 can  see,  to  make  sure  that 
that  happens. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  What  form  of  disclaimer? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I do  not  want  to  micromanage  with  the  wording.  Whether 
we  say,  "You  may  get  a small  benefit"  or  "You  will  get  very  little  benefit 
compared  to  stopping  smoking,"  is  a tough  question,  and  1 do  not  think 
we  need  to  decide  on  that  wording.  My  point,  again,  is  to  reiterate  what 
Dr.  Cohen  said,  which  is  that  the  system  is  bankrupt  unless  there  is  some 
statement  about  the  magnitude  of  health  benefit  that  you  will  receive  by 
switching  to  a low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarette. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Stitzer? 

DR.  STITZER:  I want  to  return  to  a point  I made  earlier.  It  seems  to  me 
that  we  would  be  doing  a great  service  if  we  could  implement  a new  testing 
technique  that  involved  ranges  that  could  display  and  convince  smokers  that 
light  cigarettes  are  the  same  or  can  be  exactly  the  same  as  a regular  cigarette. 

I think  the  data  show  us  that  all  the  cigarettes  from  .4  mg  up  can  look  exactly 
the  same.  They  basically  are  occupying  the  same  place  in  space.  The  range 
of  variability  is  the  same,  and  that  there  is  no  health  benefit  for  switching  to 
light  cigarettes  because  of  this  dose  variation,  but  there  are  also  some  data 
suggesting  that  the  ultralight  cigarettes,  those  .1  mg  and  below,  do  produce 
a different  level  of  exposure. 

Now,  those  cigarettes  are  not  popular.  They  capture  a very,  very  tiny 
segment  of  the  market,  but  they  may  make  a difference.  We  do  not  have 
the  health  data,  but  if  there  is  a dose  effect  for  health,  those  are  the  only 
cigarettes  that  are  going  to  make  a difference,  and  it  seems  to  me  that  a 
new  labeling  system  could  potentially  convey  that  kind  of  information. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  FREEMAN:  To  play  devil's  advocate,  there  seems  to  be  a point  on  the 
other  side  that,  if  the  American  public  becomes  confused  about  the  value  of 
low  dose  vs.  high  dose,  would  it  defeat  the  purpose  of  encouraging  people 
to  switch,  assuming  there  is  a benefit  to  low-dose  cigarettes?  1 think  I am 
hearing  those  two  arguments.  Yes,  Dr.  Giovino? 

DR.  GIOVINO:  1 think  part  of  any  disclaimer  that  would  be  given  if  you 
decided  to  do  that  would  include  the  statement  that  I read  earlier  from 
the  Surgeon  General's  report  that  any  cigarette  smoking  is  dangerous,  that 
quitting  is  absolutely  the  best  thing  a person  could  do  to  protect  his  or  her 
health,  and  that  reducing  to  these  brands  "may."  And  that  is  exactly  what 
the  Surgeon  General's  report  says,  "May  pose  reduced  risk,  provided  that 
no  compensation  occurs."  1 think  those  two  caveats  are  absolutely  essential, 
that  quitting  is  better  than  switching  and  that  provided  no  compensation 
there  may  be  reduced  risk. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  I think  there  is  a second  function  that  the  FTC  testing  does 
perform,  and  that  is  to  mold  what  the  tobacco  companies  provide.  I do 
think  that  there  has  been  a reduction  in  lung  cancer  if  you  compare  1950's 
cigarettes  to  modern  cigarettes,  and  I would  not  want  to  lose  that  pressure 
to  keep  yields  as  low  as  possible.  I think  whatever  we  do,  we  do  not  want 
to  lose  that  by  saying  that  it  does  not  matter  at  all.  The  other  argument 
is  if  there  is  a 10-percent  reduction  of  health  hazard — which  would  be  very 
difficult  to  measure  by  epidemiological  means — if  you  are  applying  it  to 
about  40  million  smokers,  that  can  be  substantial.  And  I would  not  want 
to  lose  that  for  the  population  either. 

1 do  not  want  to  be  misleading.  I certainly  appreciate  Dr.  Hughes'  point 
of  view,  but  1 think  we  somehow  should  not  let  things  slide  the  other  way. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Is  there  any  way  that  you  can  bring  the  two  points  of  view 
together?  I think  this  is  a very  important  point.  We  need  to  settle  it  here. 

DR.  STITZER:  There  is  just  one  other  thing.  The  only  way  that  this 
information  can  be  relevant  to  the  individual  consumer  is  if  there  is  a way 
for  that  individual  to  judge  where  he  or  she  falls  along  the  dose  continuum. 
Now,  that  could  be  accomplished  with  a lovely  sophisticated  method  like 
Dr.  Rickert  has  described  with  the  color  coding.  I do  not  know  whether  that 
technology  is  sufficiently  available  to  incorporate  into  our  recommendations, 
but  it  could  be  part  of  our  recommendation  that  we  try  to  develop  a system 
that  allows  the  individual  smoker  to  know  where  they  fall  on  the  exposure 
and  dose  continuum. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Hughes? 

DR.  HUGHES:  I disagree  a little  bit  with  you.  Dr.  Stitzer.  F,ven  if  people 
could  tell  exactly  where  they  were  on  the  dose  continuum,  that  does  not 
solve  the  problem  of  the  dose  response-health  benefits  curve  being  so 
shallow.  Alsr),  1 want  to  respond  to  your  comment.  1 am  not  saying  that 


Section  II 

there  is  no  benefit,  and  I do  not  think  we  should  say  that  there  is  no  benefit 
because  I agree  the  public  health  argument  is  there.  But  the  physician  in 
me  says,  "Always  oversell  your  case,"  because  people  do  not  change  very 
much.  Again,  I do  not  care  what  kind  of  disclaimer  or  how  it  is  worded, 
but  there  has  to  be,  again,  something  about  health  benefits  to  the  consumer 
in  all  of  this. 

DR.  FREEMAN;  Dr.  Shiftman? 

DR.  SHIEFMAN;  I think  the  two  issues  we  have  struggled  with  most  recently 
are  related.  While  the  system  as  now  constituted  has  its  focus  on  advertising 
and  on  showing  a single  number  for  an  FTC  measure  of  tar  and  nicotine 
values,  in  fact  there  are  implicit  claims  being  made  both  in  advertising 
proper  and  in  brand  names,  which  are  a form  of  advertising  that  imply 
a health  claim.  Therefore,  it  seems  to  me  we  ought  very  strongly  to 
recommend  both  that  the  use  of  those  terms,  like  "light"  and  "ultralight," 
be  regulated  and  that  when  they  are  used,  they  be  accompanied  in  fair 
balance  by  a disclosure  of  the  sort  that  Dr.  Hughes  has  suggested. 

I think  there  is  a middle  ground  that  allows  us  to  proceed  based  on  what 
we  know  and  based,  I think,  on  regulatory  authority  that  already  exists. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Zacny? 

DR.  ZACNY:  Based  on  Dr.  Rickert's  point  about  state-of-the-art 
epidemiological  studies  not  being  done  at  this  time  where  you  can  say  with 
any  degree  of  certainty  what  the  relationship  is  between  nicotine  dose  and 
risk  of  disease  with  the  brand  of  cigarettes  we  are  dealing  with  now — the  low- 
yield  cigarettes  and  the  ultralow-yield  cigarettes — I disagree  slightly  with 
Dr.  Hughes  when  he  says  that  the  relationship  may  be  very  shallow.  As 
scientists,  in  any  claims  we  make  we  can  just  say  that  we  do  not  know  at 
this  time  what  the  relationship  is  because  it  takes  10  or  20  years,  but  based 
on  what  we  know,  it  would  be  best  not  to  block  vent  holes,  to  take  smaller 
puffs,  etc. 

DR.  EREEMAN:  That  would  be  an  educational  campaign? 

DR.  ZACNY:  Yes.  Maybe  I am  wrong,  but  it  seems  that  there  may  be  a dose- 
response  relationship  between  risk  of  lung  cancer  and  how  much  smoke 
people  take  into  their  system,  and  they  may  realize  a substantial  benefit  with 
the  ultralow-yield  cigarette.  I do  not  think  we  know  with  certainty,  and  in 
the  absence  of  that,  I think  the  formulations  that  we  are  putting  forth  with 
bands  and  ranges  are  a good  idea. 

DR.  EREEMAN:  Dr.  Kozlowski? 

DR.  KOZLOWSKI:  I would  like  to  draw  an  analogy  to  the  FDA  nutritional 
labeling.  For  a lot  of  the  items  on  those  labels,  there  is  not  persuasive 
epidemiological  research  to  show  the  dose-response  curves  for  a lot  of  the 
things  that  are  listed  as  of  interest.  I think  we  do  not  want  to  be  held  to  a 
higher  standard.  Epidemiology  takes  time.  It  has  its  limitations,  and  the 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

basic  point  is  there  is  a lot  of  labeling  that  pertains  to  risks  that  are  only 
approximately  known. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Benowitz? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  To  follow  up  on  Dr.  Zacny's  comments,  what  we  really 
would  like  to  know  is  not  brands  vs.  risk;  we  would  like  to  know  actual 
exposure  level.  If  we  were  able  to  measure  cotinine  or  adducts  of  different 
compounds  or  whatever  in  smokers  vs.  their  yields,  then  we  would  have  the 
basis  for  recommending  that  individuals  should  reduce  their  exposure.  Since 
there  is  such  an  overlap  with  the  yields  as  marketed  now,  1 do  not  think  we 
are  ever  going  to  see  a difference  by  yield — that  does  not  mean  that  the 
rationale  for  an  individual  reducing  their  intake  is  not  valid,  and  so  at  this 
point  in  time  we  may  have  to  go  forward  based  on  scientific  rationale  and 
plausibility  for  reducing  exposure  to  toxic  materials. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hoffmann? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  1 think  there  is  a misunderstanding.  It  has  been  shown 
in  dozens  of  studies  that  there  is  a dose  response  with  respect  to  cancer  of 
the  lungs  and  the  upper  respiratory  tract  by  number  of  cigarettes  smoked 
per  day,  length  of  time  smoking,  and  groups  of  cigarettes.  This  continues 
for  ultralow,  low,  and  average  cigarettes.  There  is  a dose  response  with 
respect  to  cancer  but  not  with  respect  to  coronary  artery  disease.  Any 
cigarette  is  harmful.  But  ultralow  cigarettes  have  a lower  risk  than 
nonfiltered  regular  cigarettes  when  you  smoke  them  for  10  or  more  years. 

We  should  not  say  that  there  is  no  dose  response. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Hoffmann,  just  to  follow  up  on  what  you  said,  as  far  as 
the  science  is  concerned,  you  indicated  that  in  there  is  no  apparent  dose 
response  for  coronary  heart  disease? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  We  do  not  know  from  the  literature  any  benefit  with 
respect  to  coronary  heart  disease. 

DR.  STITZER:  Dr.  Benowitz  can  speak  to  this.  Is  there  a dose  effect  based 
on  light  vs.  heavy  smoking  for  coronary  disease? 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  No,  there  is  not.  I would  like  to  add  that  1 agree  with 
Dr.  Hoffmann  that  this  dose  response  would  provide  a rationale  for  what 
we  are  doing  here  today.  There  are  data  in  pregnancy  showing  the  dose 
response  between  cotinine  level  and  the  weight  reduction  of  the  newborn, 
and  therefore  that  is  another  rationale  for  another  disease  that  there  is  a 
dose-response  relationship,  and  therefore,  even  though  we  cannot  say  that  a 
particular  brand  is  going  to  be  less  hazardous  than  some  other  brand,  we  can 
say  that  lowering  your  exposure  in  general  will  be  beneficial,  and  then  we 
just  have  to  help  people  to  do  that. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Didn't  Dr.  Samet  state  yesterday  that  there  is  no  evidence 
that  coronary  heart  disease  is  reduced  by  lowering  the  nicotine  or  tar  content 
in  cigarettes? 


Section  II 

DR.  BENOWITZ:  He  said  that  there  was  no  evidence. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  That  may  be  the  case,  but  that  we  have  no  evidence. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I think  we  should  respect  those  data  because  I think  more 
than  100,000  people  die  each  year  from  cardiac  death  due  to  smoking.  1 do 
not  know  the  exact  numbers,  and  that  is  a very  significant  point  to  argue 
that  even  smoking  low-nicotine,  low-tar  cigarettes  will  not  protect  you  as  far 
as  we  know  from  dying  from  coronary  heart  disease.  Is  that  a fair  statement. 
Dr.  Hoffmann? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  No,  I think  we  do  not  know. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Let  me  narrow  down  the  point.  Are  you  saying  that  there  is 
no  distinction  between  the  low-tar  and  -nicotine  smokers  and  the  high  with 
respect  to  death  from  coronary  disease? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  There  is  no  evidence. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  No  evidence  that  there  is  a difference? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  No  evidence  that  1 am  aware  of.  We  discussed  it  last 
night,  and  nobody  came  up  with  any,  but  there  may  be.  1 am  not  aware  of  it. 

DR.  PETITTI:  Since  we  are  relying  so  heavily  on  the  1981  Surgeon  General's 
report,  and  very  few  data  have  come  out  since  then,  1 would  like  to  read  the 
statement  specifically  about  cardiovascular  disease: 

The  overall  changes  in  the  composition  of  cigarettes  that 
occurred  during  the  last  10  or  15  years  have  not  produced 
a clearly  demonstrated  effect  on  cardiovascular  disease,  and 
some  studies  suggest  that  a decreased  risk  of  CHD  may  not  have 
occurred.  Evidence  on  the  association  between  CHD  and  filter 
cigarettes  is  somewhat  conflicting.  One  major  study  showed  a 
reduction  of  10  to  20  percent  of  coronary  deaths  among  persons 
smoking  lower  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes  as  compared  with 
those  smoking  higher  yield  cigarettes. 

That  was  the  CPS-1  study,  but  other  surveys  have  shown  a slightly 
increased  risk  of  coronary  mortality  in  people  who  smoke  filter  cigarettes 
or  those  who  smoke  nonfilter  cigarettes.  Recent  unpublished  data  from  the 
Framingham  study  that  were  ultimately  published  do  not  show  a lower  CHD 
risk  among  smokers  of  filter  cigarettes.  It  is  not  that  there  are  no  data.  The 
data  that  exist  show  no  association  of  smoking  lower  yield  cigarettes  with 
reduction  in  coronary  heart  disease  morbidity  and  mortality. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 think  that  is  a very,  very  important  point  that  ought  to  be 
factored  into  this  discussion.  Dr.  Cohen? 

DR.  COHEN:  1 was  very  pleased.  Dr.  Hoffmann,  to  hear  you  clarify  an  issue 
for  me.  1 heard  you  say  that  we  can  inform  people  about  lung  cancer,  at 
least.  Now,  lung  cancer  is  a major  issue  for  people,  and  what  1 am  wondering 
is,  since  people  use  tar  as  a surrogate  for  relative  harmfulness,  might  it  make 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

some  sense  to  restrict  their  usage  of  tar  by  maybe  getting  rid  of  tar  and 
talking  about  cancer-causing  compounds  or  some  other  component  and  let 
these  numbers  communicate  meaningful  information  about  something  we 
do  know  something  about,  rather  than  where  we  do  not  know  anything 
about  it  that  is  conclusive?  Would  it  be  possible,  in  other  words,  to  indicate 
people's  relative  risk  with  respect  to  lung  cancer  for  smoking  these  different 
yield  cigarettes? 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  As  1 see  it,  the  public  associates  tar  with  cancer. 

DR.  COHEN:  1 think  they  do  it  more  broadly  and  associate  it  with  overall 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  They  are  not  well  informed.  The  American  Cancer  Society 
did  a fantastic  job,  publishing  this  over  and  over  again,  and  the  public  is  well 
informed  with  respect  to  smoking  and  lung  cancer.  There  has  not  been  the 
same  level  of  information  communicated  about  coronary  risk. 

DR.  COHEN:  In  your  view  though,  is  it  possible  to  relate  the  differences  in 
tar  yield  in  cigarettes  to  a reduction  in  cancer  risk?  If  the  answer  is  yes,  it 
seems  to  me  that  one  of  the  things  the  panel  might  consider  doing  is  trying 
to  convey  that  or  recommending  that  be  conveyed. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Dr.  Rickert? 

DR.  RICKERT:  1 would  be  somewhat  reluctant  to  do  that  for  several  reasons. 
First  of  all,  the  information  with  respect  to  lung  cancer  and  risk  reduction  is 
from  the  1981  Surgeon  General's  report  that  relates  to  cigarettes  that  were 
consumed  10  to  20  years  prior  to  that  date.  My  other  concern  is  in  terms  of 
"tar  is  tar  is  tar,"  that  is,  is  the  quality  of  the  tar  from  today's  ultralow-yield 
cigarette  the  same  as  the  quality  or  the  carcinogenic  potential  of  tar  from  a 
cigarette  from  many  years  ago?  1 do  not  think  we  know  that  the  tar  of 
today's  cigarette  is  the  same  as  the  tar  of  the  cigarette  many  years  ago  that 
was  being  related  to  lung  cancer. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  With  respect  to  your  first  point.  Dr.  Rickert,  there  was 
an  International  Agency  for  Research  on  Cancer  monograph  in  1986  that 
presented  15  studies  that  all  show  between  a 13-  and  30-percent  reduction. 

I here  are  also  reports  from  the  World  Health  Organization,  and  there  is  the 
Fluropean  study  by  the  National  Cancer  Institute.  It  did  not  end  with  1981. 

DR.  RICKER  F:  i am  not  uncomfortable  with  the  idea  that  there  is  a risk 
reduction.  What  1 am  suggesting  is  that  we  really  do  not  have  enough 
information  about  the  tar  characteristics  of  today's  cigarettes  to  directly 
compare  them. 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  You  can  do  only  risk  biomarkers.  Otherwise  you  cannot 
do  it. 

DR.  RICKERT:  1 agree. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  Dr.  Hoffmann. 


Section  II 

DR.  HOFFMANN:  I believe  that  we  should  do  better  education.  1 do  not 
think  that  including  whether  it  is  plus  or  minus  3 mg  or  5 mg  helps  the 
public.  The  public  has  to  be  much  better  informed. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  It  appears  from  what  I have  heard  here  on  the  question  of 
does  the  FTC  protocol  provide  information  useful  to  consumers  in  making 
decisions  about  their  health,  that  the  answer  seems  to  be  not  sufficiently  so, 
and  we  have  had  an  interesting  discussion  and  debate  here  this  morning 
concerning  various  aspects  of  that  decision. 

Things  that  stand  out  in  my  mind  are  what  do  the  numbers  mean  to 
the  public?  Dr.  Cohen  has  been  eloquent  in  raising  that  issue.  What  is  the 
value  of  projecting  a range  per  type  of  cigarette  to  the  public?  What  is  the 
value  of  any  kind  of  color  coding  to  the  public?  What  would  be  the  value 
of  presenting  a graph  to  the  public  so  a person  could  see  by  graph  form  what 
the  differences  in  cigarettes  are?  We  also  have  heard  this  morning,  unknown 
to  me  before,  that  approximately  40  percent  of  cigarettes  are  not  looked  at 
by  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  because  they  are  not  advertised. 

MR.  PEELER:  They  are  looked  at,  and  they  are  tested.  The  results  are 
reported,  but  unless  the  manufacturer  either  voluntarily  puts  that 
information  on  the  label  or  unless  they  advertise,  those  numbers  aren't 
necessarily  communicated  directly  to  consumers. 

DR.  EREEMAN:  Thank  you  for  that  correction.  The  bottom  line  is  the  public 
does  not  know  those  numbers. 


Section  III 

Recommendations  and  Findings 

DR.  FREEMAN;  Good  afternoon,  I am  Dr.  Harold  Freeman.  I am  the 
chairman  of  the  President's  Cancer  Panel.  At  the  request  of  the  Congress 
and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission,  an  ad  hoc  committee  of  the  President's 
Cancer  Panel  has  met  over  the  last  2 days  to  consider  the  Federal  Trade 
Commission  test  method  for  determining  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon 
monoxide  levels  in  cigarettes.  Before  1 get  into  our  statement,  1 would  like 
to  put  the  problem  of  tobacco  into  perspective.  Tobacco  use  is  the  number 
one  cause  of  preventable  death  in  America.  Cigarette  smoking  is  responsible 
for  more  than  400,000  premature  deaths  every  year  in  this  country  and 
causes  one-third  of  cancer  deaths  and  one-third  of  heart  disease  deaths. 

Although  smoking  is  declining  among  adults  in  the  United  States,  it  is 
discouraging  that  smoking  is  not  declining  among  children,  and  in  fact, 
smoking  prevalence  among  adolescents  has  changed  little  for  more  than 
a decade. 

1 have  with  me  Dr.  Saul  Shiftman  of  the  Department  of  Psychology, 
University  of  Pittsburgh;  Dr.  Diana  Petitti,  director  of  the  Division  of 
Research  and  Evaluation,  Kaiser  Permanente;  and  Dr.  William  Rickert  of 
Labstat,  Inc. 

This  committee  reviewed  articles,  studies,  and  other  documents  and 
heard  presentations  from  a variety  of  experts,  including  tobacco  industry 
scientists,  on  the  subject  of  the  FTC  test  method  for  determining  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  levels  in  U.S.  cigarettes.  We  have  deliberated 
with  the  goals  of  answering  questions  and  making  recommendations.  Our 
deliberations  centered  around  the  following  three  summary  questions: 

1.  Does  the  evidence  presented  clearly  demonstrate  that 
changes  are  needed  in  the  current  FTC  protocol  for 
measuring  tar,  nicotine,  and  carhon  monoxide?  If  yes, 
what  changes  are  required? 

2.  Should  constituents  other  than  tar,  nicotine,  and  carhon 
monoxide  he  added  to  the  protocol? 

3.  Does  the  FTC  protocol  provide  information  useful  to 
smokers  in  making  decisions  ahout  their  health? 

1.  The  committee  reached  the  following  conclusions  with  respect  to  the 

first  question. 

A.  The  smoking  of  cigarettes  with  lower  machine-measured  yields  has 
a small  effect  in  reducing  the  risk  of  cancer  caused  by  smoking,  no 
effect  on  the  risk  of  cardiovascular  diseases,  and  an  uncertain  effect 
on  the  risk  of  pulmonary  disease.  A reduction  in  machine-measured 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

tar  yield  from  15  mg  tar  to  1 mg  tar  does  not  reduce  relative  risk  from 
15  to  1. 

B.  The  FTC  test  protocol  was  based  on  cursory  observations  of  human 
smoking  behavior.  Actual  human  smoking  behavior  is  characterized 
by  wide  variations  in  smoking  patterns,  which  result  in  wide 
variations  in  tar  and  nicotine  exposure.  Smokers  who  switch  to  lower 
tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes  frequently  change  their  smoking  behavior, 
which  may  negate  potential  health  benefits. 

C.  Accordingly,  the  committee  recommends  the  following  changes  to 
the  FTC  protocol: 

1.  This  system  should  also  measure  and  publish  information  on 
the  range  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  yields  that  most 
smokers  should  expect  from  each  cigarette  sold  in  the  United 

2.  This  information  should  be  clearly  communicated  to  smokers. 

3.  A simple  graphic  representation  should  be  provided  with 
each  pack  of  cigarettes  sold  in  the  United  States  and  in  all 
advertisements.  The  representation  should  not  imply  a one-to- 
one  relationship  between  measurements  and  disease  risk. 

4.  The  system  must  be  accompanied  by  public  education  to  make 
smokers  aware  that  individual  exposure  depends  on  how  the 
cigarette  is  smoked  and  that  the  benefits  of  switching  to  lower 
yield  cigarettes  are  small  compared  with  quitting. 

D.  There  should  be  Federal  oversight  of  cigarette  testing,  but  such  testing 
should  continue  to  be  performed  by  the  tobacco  industry  and  at 
industry  expense. 

E.  The  questions  involved  in  the  purpose,  methodology,  and  utility 
of  the  FTC  protocol  are  complex  medical  and  scientific  issues  that 
require  the  ongoing  involvement  of  Federal  health  agencies, 
including  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  Food  and  Drug 
Administration,  and  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention. 

I’.  The  system  should  be  reexamined  at  least  every  5 years  to  evaluate 
whether  the  protocol  is  maintaining  its  utility  to  the  smoker. 

G.  When  a cigarette  manufacturer  makes  significant  changes  in  cigarette 
design  that  affect  yields,  it  should  notify  the  appropriate  Federal 

11.  With  regard  to  the  second  question,  the  committee  recommends  that 
to  avoid  confusing  smokers,  no  smoke  constituents  other  than  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  be  measured  and  published  at  the 
j)resent  time.  Smokers  should  be  informed  of  the  presence  of  other 
liazardous  smoke  constituents  with  each  package  and  with  all 


Section  III 

advertisements.  These  constituents  should  be  classified  by  toxic 

111.  In  considering  the  third  question,  the  committee  reached  the  following 

A.  Information  from  the  testing  system  is  useless  to  smokers  unless 
they  have  ready  access  to  it.  The  information  from  the  testing  system 
should  be  made  available  to  all  smokers,  including  those  who  smoke 
generic  brands  and  other  brands  not  widely  advertised. 

B.  Brand  names  and  brand  classifications  such  as  "light"  and 
"ultralight"  represent  health  claims  and  should  be  regulated  and 
accompanied,  in  fair  balance,  with  an  appropriate  disclaimer. 

C.  The  available  data  suggest  that  smokers  misunderstand  the  FTC  test 
data.  This  underscores  the  need  for  an  extensive  public  education 

1 would  like  to  underscore  two  major  points:  First,  the  health  benefits 
of  switching  to  low-tar  and  -nicotine  cigarettes  are  minimal  compared  to 
quitting  entirely,  and  finally,  in  effect,  how  you  smoke  is  much  more 
important  than  what  you  smoke. 

We  have  deliberated  for  2 days.  We  believe  these  findings  are  very 
important  to  the  health  of  the  American  public.  We  are  dealing  with  a 
product  that  is  lethal,  that  needs  to  be  controlled,  and  we  believe  that 
these  recommendations  will  lead  to  some  control.  1 would  open  it  up 
for  questions  to  my  colleagues  or  to  myself. 

PARTICIPANT:  Dr.  Freeman,  what  do  you  expect  to  be  the  next  step  in  the 
educational  process  for  consumers? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  The  findings  from  the  deliberations  of  this  committee  will 
be  reported  to  the  Director  of  the  National  Cancer  Institute,  who  will  then 
formulate  a report  that  will  be  passed  on  with  the  help  of  the  President's 
Cancer  Panel  to  the  appropriate  agencies  and  the  Congress. 

PARTICIPANT:  That  is  a lot  of  reporting.  Can  you  predict  what  might 
happen  next? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I do  not  think  we  can  predict  what  is  going  to  happen  in  the 
future,  but  our  hope  is  that  since  the  FTC  methodology  has  been  in  effect 
from  1967  and  was  based  on  findings  that  relate  to  1936,  and  since  in  the 
last  25  years  there  has  been  a considerable  change  in  our  knowledge  through 
research,  as  well  as  in  the  type  of  cigarettes  that  are  being  smoked,  we  now 
believe  that  these  changes  are  very  essential  and  should  be  put  into  effect 
very  soon. 

No  one  can  predict  because  we  are  dealing  with  the  FTC,  possibly 
other  agencies  of  the  Government,  and  the  Congress,  and  no  one  on  this 
committee  can  predict  how  rapidly  these  changes  may  take  place,  but  we 
believe  they  are  very  important. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

PARTICIPANT:  Are  you  saying  that  you  are  recommending  keeping  the 
current  FTC  testing  method  and  expanding  it  in  some  way  or  are  you  talking 
about  a whole  new  testing  system? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Let  me  reemphasize  that  we  are  recommending  the  keeping 
of  the  basic  parts  of  the  FTC  testing  methodology  with  the  exception  that 
we  want  to  expand  testing  to  show  the  ranges  of  possible  effects  of  the  three 
substances  that  are  being  measured.  The  reason  that  we  believe  this  is 
important  is  that  the  research  has  shown  that  people  who  smoke  cigarettes 
that,  for  example,  are  labeled  as  having  low  tar  can  get  a much  higher  dose 
from  that  cigarette  than  the  label  may  indicate.  For  example,  if  you  have  a 
low-yield  cigarette,  the  way  you  smoke  it,  the  rapidity  of  the  puffing,  the 
depth  of  the  puffing,  whether  you  block  the  ventilation  holes,  etc.,  can  have 
an  extraordinary  effect  on  the  real  dose  to  the  patient.  Disease,  we  believe, 
is  related  to  the  dose  of  carcinogens  and  other  toxins. 

PARTICIPANT:  The  impetus  for  this  effort  came  from  Congressman 
Waxman,  a Democrat  in  the  Congress.  Now  the  Congress  is  primarily 
Republican.  What  effect  do  you  think  this  is  going  to  have  on  your 

DR.  FREEMAN:  It  is  conceivable  that  people  in  power  who  have 
philosophies  that  are  different  from  Congressman  Waxman's  could  present 
barriers  to  our  recommendations.  We  are  hopeful  though  that  even  with 
these  changes  that  the  logic  of  what  we  are  saying  will  make  sense  even  to 
people  who  may  disagree  with  what  we  are  recommending  in  principle. 
There  are  people,  for  example,  who  may  wish  to  diminish  the  fight  against 
tobacco,  and  I am  sure  you  are  referring  to  them.  I am  hopeful  that  even 
such  people  will  listen  to  the  logic  of  reporting  to  the  American  public  the 
truth  of  a finding  that  is  responsible  for  400,000  deaths  a year  and  give  the 
public  the  chance  of  making  an  intelligent  decision.  We  are  not  saying, 
"Eliminate  cigarettes."  We  are  not  saying,  "Stop  using  the  methodology  that 
has  been  present  for  25  years."  We  are  saying,  "Give  an  honest  report  to  the 
American  public  and  show  them  the  range  of  the  risk  that  they  are  subjected 
to."  1 hope  that  everybody.  Democrat,  Republican,  conservative,  or  liberal, 
will  follow  that  logic. 

PAR'nCIFAN'F:  You  are  suggesting,  in  addition,  putting  the  CO  on  cigarettes 
and  also  putting  other  ingredients? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  One  of  the  recommendations  that  I read  to  you  indicates 
that  we  believe  that  in  addition  to  putting  the  ranges  of  the  tar,  nicotine, 
and  carbon  monoxide  that  are  now  being  measured  with  one  number,  we 
want  to  change  that  to  a range  because  that  is  a more  truthful  statement. 

Fhis  committee  is  also  recommending  that  certain  key  harmful  substances 
known  to  be  in  cigarettes  (we  are  not  saying  which  ones  should  be  listed) 
should  be  given  as  information  to  everyone  who  buys  a package  of  cigarettes. 
We  believe  that  if  this  is  done  in  food,  which  does  not  apparently  have  the 
toxic  effect  of  tobacco,  then  we  believe  it  should  be  done  in  this  lethal 


Section  III 

PARTICIPANT:  Could  you  explain  the  graphics  that  you  would  put  on  the 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I am  going  to  refer  this  question  to  Dr.  Rickert. 

DR.  RICKERT:  There  are  a number  of  different  ways  of  looking  at  that 
particular  problem.  The  graphics  could  involve  a number  of  different  issues; 
for  example,  it  could  involve  a color  representation  of  the  cigarette  filter. 

It  could  represent  some  icon  that  illustrates  putting  all  of  this  information 
together.  A number  of  different  possibilities  were  discussed,  and  I do  not 
think  that  the  committee  recommended  any  specific  procedure.  I think 
the  feeling  was  that  there  should  be  some  way  of  communicating  the 
information  to  smokers  without  total  reliance  on  numbers  themselves. 

PARTICIPANT:  What  would  be  the  purpose?  I do  not  understand  the 
purpose  of  the  graphics  overall. 

DR.  RICKERT:  The  graphics  would  make  several  points.  First  of  all,  the 
point  that  yields  to  smokers  depend  on  how  the  cigarette  is  used;  that  is, 
if  you  have  a graphic,  it  gets  away  from  the  idea  that  there  is  a fixed  amount 
of  whatever  the  constituent  happens  to  be.  The  purpose  of  the  graphic  is 
to  illustrate  the  variable  nature  of  the  smoking  characteristics. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  If  I may  add,  we  thought  it  was  very  important  to 
communicate  to  American  smokers  that  what  you  get  depends  on  how 
you  smoke  and  that  any  system  that  simply  gives  one  number  is,  therefore, 
inherently  misleading.  So,  we  envisioned  a graph  that  would  show  you 
a band  within  which  your  particular  exposure  might  lie  and  that  will 
give  smokers  information  on  which  they  can  make  more  accurate,  more 
reasonable  comparisons  among  brands.  We  think  they  will  find  that  there 
is  a good  deal  of  overlap  among  brands  that  they  now  consider  to  be 

PARTICIPANT:  You  said  "light"  and  "ultralight."  Some  people  say  that 
those  words  represent  health  claims.  Could  you  explain  a little  bit  more 
about  that?  How  does  that  represent  a health  claim,  and  what  kind  of 
disclaimer  would  be  used? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  It  is  the  committee's  belief  that  the  public  infers  health 
claim  meanings  from  these  labels,  whether  they  be  light,  ultralight  or 
whether  they  be  the  numbers  in  tar  and  nicotine.  It  is  anecdotal,  and  also 
studied,  that  people  look  at  these  numbers  and  these  claims  and  translate 
them  into  what  it  means  for  their  own  destiny.  The  information  gathered  at 
this  meeting  indicates  that  smokers  should  not  be  making  these  predictions, 
first  of  all,  and  second,  if  the  labeling  by  the  cigarette  industry  of  ultralight 
implies  that  you  are  better  off  according  to  health,  if  that  is  so,  and  we 
believe  that  this  is  so,  then  that  represents  a health  claim  on  the  part  of  the 
advertiser.  If  it  is  a health  claim,  it  should  be  followed  by  a disclaimer  saying 
that  it  is  not  a health  claim,  if  it  is  inferred  to  be  a health  claim. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I think,  again,  specifically  we  want  to  be  sure  that  the 
smoker  understands  that  smoking  a cigarette  that  is  labeled  as  light  or 
ultralight  does  not  necessarily  protect  them  from  the  health  risks  of  smoking 
and  that,  in  that  sense,  cutting  down  in  this  way  may  not  keep  people  from 
being  cut  down  eventually  by  their  smoking  habit.  We  do  think  that  the 
public  perceives  those  labels  as  implicit  health  claims. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  It  is  even  conceivable  that  a low-tar  cigarette  smoked  in  a 
certain  way  may  have  the  same  health  risk  as  a regular  cigarette,  and  we  have 
pointed  out  in  what  I have  already  said  that  there  is  no  scientific  evidence 
that  any  level  of  tar  in  cigarettes  protects  one  against  death  due  to  coronary 
heart  disease. 

PARTICIPANT:  The  other  substances  that  you  referred  to,  are  you  going  to 
talk  about  numbers? 

DR.  RICKERT:  I think  that  what  the  committee  felt  in  that  area  was  that  at 
the  present  time,  since  there  is  evidence  that  consumers  tend  to  misinterpret 
the  existing  numbers,  that  to  add  additional  numbers  may  add  to  that 
confusion.  At  the  same  time  there  was  the  concern  that  there  are  additional 
agents,  other  than  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide,  that  have  definite 
implications  for  health.  It  was  anticipated  that  these  compounds  would  be 
classified  in  various  ways,  for  example,  "carcinogens,"  and  then  there  may 
be  a list  of  several  carcinogens.  There  would  be  a list  based  on  toxicological 
effects  but  not  including  any  numerical  measurement. 

PARTICIPANT:  Can  the  machinery  that  is  currently  used  to  test  cigarettes  be 

DR.  FREEMAN:  We  were  told  by  an  expert  today  that  there  may  be  some 
fine  tuning  that  will  be  necessary  to  use  the  current  equipment  to  do  this 
kind  of  testing. 

PARTICIPAN'F:  Who  would  determine  what  that  range  was  and  how  many 
times  the  machine  smoked  or  how  long  the  puffs? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  This  committee  did  not  go  into  that  kind  of  detail.  We  are 
talking  about  the  principle,  and  the  principle  is  that  we  know  that  human 
smokers  smoke  in  different  patterns.  Some  smokers  puff  many  times  in  a 
minute,  and  some  smokers  may  puff  once  a minute.  Some  smokers  puff 
deeply,  and  there  are  other  factors  that  1 could  mention.  While  we  are  not 
trying  to  micromanage  how  this  should  be  done,  the  principle  is  that  we 
would  like  the  machine  measurement  to  more  closely  mimic  the  variation 
that  humans  evidence  in  their  patterns  of  smoking  to  give  a more  honest 
range  of  what  a given  milligram  of  tar  really  represents  in  range.  We  do  not 
believe  it  is  accurate  at  all;  in  fact,  it  is  misleading  to  give  one  number  when 
the  pattern  of  smoking  can  change  that  number  radically  with  respect  to 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  What  the  [)anel  intended  was  that  the  range  represent  the 
range  of  human  smoking  of  |)articular  brands  so  that  the  machine  would 


Section  III 

model  that  under  different  parameters,  which  might  include  things  that  are 
now  not  dealt  with  in  the  FTC  protocol,  such  as  the  blocking  of  ventilation 
holes  that  are  used  to  dilute  the  smoke  in  some  brands  that  now  list  as  being 
low  yield,  but  in  fact  can  become  high  yield  when  a human  finger  or  a 
human  lip  blocks  those  vents. 

PARTICIPANT:  Can  you  tell  us  what  the  role  of  other  Federal  agencies  is 
going  to  be? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  1 am  not  an  expert  on  the  bureaucracy  of  America.  However, 
we  did  get  somewhat  of  a description  of  the  FTC  role  in  our  meeting  here 
today,  which  is  a role  that  I understand  deals  with  truth  in  advertising  as 
one  of  its  major  roles.  And  to  make  a personal  statement  here,  I think  that 
is  a limited  role  with  respect  to  what  we  are  trying  to  accomplish  for  the 
American  public. 

We  found  out  today  that  40  percent  of  cigarettes  smoked  in  America  are 
generics,  and  these  for  the  most  part  are  not  advertised.  However,  the  FTC 
in  most  of  its  role  is  limited  to  making  statements  about  cigarettes  that  are 
advertised.  So  that  if  nearly  half  the  cigarettes  smoked  in  America  are  not 
advertised,  it  diminishes  the  FTC's  role.  Yet,  the  American  public  needs  to 
know  about  the  lethal  nature  of  all  cigarettes. 

Now,  as  far  as  the  FDA  is  concerned,  again,  I am  not  an  expert  on  what 
they  do,  but  I think  their  role  is  different  from  the  FTC  and  may  get  more 
into  the  range  of  health  concerns,  hopefully.  So,  I cannot  give  you  a finite 
answer.  Perhaps  my  colleagues  can  help  me  out. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I would  just  add  that  the  current  FTC  system  operates 
under  a voluntary  agreement  with  the  tobacco  industry  and  cigarette 
manufacturers,  and  the  representatives  of  that  industry  who  addressed  us 
during  this  meeting  expressed  an  interest  on  the  part  of  the  industry  of 
keeping  consumers  and  smokers  informed.  We  expect  that  they  would 
follow  through  on  that  then  in  taking  this  step  to  make  sure  that  accurate, 
useful  information  is  available  to  smokers. 

PARTICIPANT:  Is  it  your  understanding  that  if  the  regulatory  agencies 
wanted  to  do  this,  that  legislation  would  be  necessary? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  To  do  exactly  what? 

PARTICIPANT:  To  carry  out  your  recommendations? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  It  is  our  belief  that  most  of  what  we  have  recommended 
could  be  carried  out  by  the  FTC  without  congressional  change.  Our  worry 
is  that  40  percent  of  cigarettes  are  not  regulated  in  a similar  manner.  Our 
concern  is  about  the  health  of  the  American  public  and  that  the  bureaucracy 
that  we  must  go  through  to  accomplish  some  of  these  things  sometimes 
is  a barrier  to  that.  The  FTC  has  regulations;  the  FDA  has  regulations,  but 
sometimes  what  must  be  done  or  what  should  be  done  to  save  lives  is 
beyond  the  confines  of  a certain  agency,  and  this  is  somewhat  of  a problem. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

PARTICIPANT:  You  said  that  this  information  would  be  useless  unless 
smokers  had  ready  access  to  information,  including  smokers  of  generic 
brands.  In  view  of  what  you  said  about  the  FTC's  jurisdiction,  how  do 
you  anticipate  getting  that? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  This  came  up  very  honestly  today.  We  have  not  had 
time  to  think  in  depth  about  it.  This  was  probably  a surprise,  even  to  this 
committee,  that  that  problem  is  so  large,  that  40  percent  of  cigarettes  are  of 
the  generic  type,  and  honestly  I do  not  have  a good  answer  to  that  question. 
It  may  be  that  the  FDA  and  other  agencies  could  help  in  some  respects,  but 
I will  refer  this  question  to  my  colleagues  to  see  if  there  is  an  answer  to  that. 

DR.  PETITTI:  I could  only  repeat,  I think,  what  we  heard  this  morning, 
which  is  that  some  of  these  changes  might,  in  fact,  require  congressional 
action,  particularly  if  they  resulted  in  changes  in  the  labeling  law.  We  are 
saying  that  there  may  be  the  need  to  put  things  on  cigarette  packs  in  order 
to  adequately  inform  the  American  public  about  the  FTC  protocol. 

PARTICIPANT:  Looking  ahead  to  the  next  5-year  review,  do  you  see  any  gaps 
in  research  areas  that  need  to  be  addressed? 

DR.  FREEMAN:  Yes,  we  do.  First  of  all,  we  have  this  paper.  Where  we  are 
now  with  respect  to  our  current  knowledge,  of  course,  is  based  on  research, 
not  perfect  research,  but  we  know  a lot  more  now  than  we  knew  in  1950, 
when  Ernst  Wynder  and  others  showed  that  tobacco  is  associated  with 
death.  So,  research  is  a critical  element  and  at  any  time  I think  we  must  act 
on  what  we  know,  but  we  must  always  move  forward  to  finer  knowledge. 

For  example,  further  research  is  needed  to  determine  the  extent  to  which 
smokers  of  lower  tar  and  nicotine  cigarettes  are  less  likely  to  attempt  to  quit 
smoking.  There  is  some  preliminary  evidence,  for  example,  that  low-tar 
smokers  may  have  less  tendency  to  quit  smoking.  This  would  be  very  bad 
if  it  turns  out  to  be  true.  It  needs  further  research. 

Next,  to  adequately  understand  and  evaluate  the  impact  of  what 
is  called  compensation,  research  is  required  to  assess  the  extent  to  which 
other  biomarkers  are  correlated  with  machine-measured  yields  of  the  same 
substance.  By  compensation  we  refer  to  the  point  that  low-tar  smokers 
frequently  smoke  more  cigarettes  apparently  to  get  the  physiological  dose 
of  nicotine,  which  of  course  is  an  addictive  substance.  Compensation  needs 
to  be  studied  further  to  see  what  effect  it  may  have,  and  certain  biomarkers 
may  come  in  handy  to  help  us.  Third,  the  differences  in  smoking  patterns 
in  different  ethnic  groups  should  be  studied  for  the  implications  for  health 
education  and  consumer  information.  We  know,  for  example,  that  African- 
Americans  tend  to  smoke  cigarettes  that  are  higher  in  tar  and  tend  to  smoke 
mentholated  cigarettes.  Other  examples  could  be  given.  Poor  Americans 
tend  to  smoke  higher  tar  cigarettes.  Educated  Americans  tend  to  smoke 
lower  tar  cigarettes.  These  are  all  very  important  questions  that  we  only 
have  preliminary  information  on,  and  these  things  need  to  be  studied  much 
more  deeply.  Finally,  a system  should  be  developed  to  help  smokers  gauge 


Section  III 

where  their  individual  smoking  behavior  places  them  on  a dose  continuum. 
What  diseases  you  develop,  whether  it  be  cancer  or  anything  else,  is  often 
associated  with  the  dose  that  you  receive,  and  individuals  need  to  know 
what  dose  they  are  receiving.  There  may  be  other  research  questions,  and 
I will  open  it  up  for  Dr.  Rickert  and  Dr.  Shiffman  to  comment. 

DR.  SHIFFMAN:  I would  add  only  that  in  addition  to  refining  our  knowledge 
in  these  areas  that  there  may  be  some  very  different  products  for  smokers  on 
the  horizon.  We  heard  some  indication  of  those  in  the  press,  and  the  system 
would  have  to  be  very  carefully  considered  in  order  to  properly  evaluate  new 
kinds  of  products  aimed  at  smokers. 

DR.  FREEMAN:  I think  using  research  in  a different  way,  we  need  to  better 
understand  the  way  the  people  in  power  deal  with  tobacco  in  America.  It  is 
a substance  that  is  high  in  the  economy. 

If  cigarettes  were  invented  today,  they  probably  would  be  outlawed  since 
they  kill  400,000  people  a year.  However,  it  is  deeply  integrated  into  our 
economy.  It  affects  policymaking.  Sometimes  there  is  a conflict,  in  my 
opinion,  between  making  regulations  and  trying  to  balance  the  budget. 

America  in  one  of  its  Government  roles  is  saying  that  tobacco  kills 
400,000  American  people.  Other  parts  of  Government  are  selling  it  overseas 
and  growing  it  in  America.  These  are  deep  problems.  They  require  further 
research  and  knowledge  and  action. 

Are  there  other  questions? 

If  not,  I would  like  to  conclude  by  expressing  my  privilege  of  chairing 
this  committee.  We  brought  together  the  best  experts  in  America  on  the 
subject.  Dr.  Dietrich  Hoffmann,  for  example,  is  one  of  the  pioneers  in  the 
study  of  tobacco,  and  there  were  others,  and  it  is  a privilege  to  chair  this 
committee.  It  is  our  hope  that  these  deliberations  will  have  an  effect  on  the 
American  public  with  respect  to  saving  lives  and  preventing  disease. 

Thank  you  very  much. 




Section  IV 

Overview  of  1980  to  1994  Research 

Related  to  the  Standard  Federal  Xrade 
Commission  Xest  IMethod  for  Cigarettes 

Michael  D.  Mueller 

INTRODUCTION  This  chapter  provides  an  overview  of  the  major  studies  related 
to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC)  test  method  for  determining  tar, 
nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  (CO)  yields  of  cigarettes  compared  with 
yields  experienced  by  smokers,  with  special  reference  to  low-tar  and  low- 
nicotine  cigarettes.  Most  of  the  studies  reviewed  here  were  published  since 
1980;  studies  published  prior  to  1980  were  extensively  reviewed  in  the  1981 
Surgeon  General's  report  (U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services, 

The  apparent  differences  between  stated  yields,  as  measured  by  the 
FTC  test  method,  found  in  cigarette  advertising  and  on  some  cigarette  packs 
and  actual  amounts  received  by  smokers  appear  to  be  largely  attributable  to 
compensation  behaviors  related  to  nicotine  and  possibly  other  substances 
in  cigarette  smoke.  For  example,  when  smokers  switch  to  low-tar  and  low- 
nicotine  cigarettes,  they  tend  to  increase  the  volume  of  inhaled  smoke  per 
cigarette  or  increase  the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  so  as  to  maintain  a 
steady-state  level  of  nicotine  in  their  blood.  They  may  also  increase  the 
volume  by  changing  their  puffing  behavior  and  increase  yield  by  blocking 
ventilation  holes  in  filters. 

Changes  in  puffing  patterns  can  substantially  alter  tar  and  nicotine 
yields,  as  reported  by  Rickert  and  colleagues  (1983),  who  investigated  the 
impact  of  varying  levels  of  butt  length,  puff  duration,  puff  interval,  puff 
volume,  and  blocking  of  ventilation  holes. 

The  differences  in  advertised  tar  and  nicotine  yields  of  cigarettes 
compared  with  the  amounts  received  by  smokers  result  largely  from 
differences  between  the  smoking  parameters  of  the  FTC  test  method  and 
actual  smoking  behaviors.  These  differences  can  substantially  alter  the 
amounts  of  tobacco  smoke  constituents  that  smokers  inhale.  The  FTC 
method  was  devised  in  1967,  and  it  is  not  clear  whether  these  parameters 
were  based  on  actual  human  smoking  patterns  and  behavior.  Furthermore, 
cigarettes  have  undergone  substantial  changes  in  design  and  content  over 
the  past  40  years.  Also,  much  more  is  currently  known  about  smoking 
behavior;  pharmacodynamics  and  pharmacokinetics;  and  the  measurement 
of  tar,  nicotine,  CO,  and  other  substances  in  cigarette  smoke  as  well  as  in 
blood,  plasma,  urine,  and  expired  air  in  smokers. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Rickert  and  Robinson  (1981,  p.  401)  emphasize  that 

even  if  compensation  [changes  in  smoking  patterns  to  increase 
smoke  intake  per  cigarette]  did  not  occur,  it  is  likely  that 
smoking  machine  parameters  fixed  about  20  [years]  ago  no 
longer  represent  the  average  smoker,  who  probably  takes 
puffs  of  more  than  45  mL  every  40  s instead  of  a 35-mL 
puff  every  58  s. 

There  are  harmful  substances  in  tobacco  and  tobacco  smoke  other  than 
tar,  nicotine,  and  CO.  These  include  hydrogen  cyanide  (HCN),  acrolein,  total 
aldehyde,  and  tobacco-specific  nitrosamines  (TSNAs).  Levels  of  some  of  these 
harmful  substances  in  low-tar  and  low-nicotine  cigarettes  probably  differ 
among  brands  and  may  also  differ  within  brands  when  cigarettes  are  smoked 

Smoking  patterns  may  be  influenced  by  factors  other  than  nicotine 
dependence.  Pomerleau  and  Pomerleau  (1984)  pointed  out  that  there  is 
substantial  evidence  that  many  cigarettes  are  smoked  for  reasons  other  than 
to  receive  nicotine.  They  cite  research  indicating  that  smoking  patterns  are 
influenced  in  part  by  environmental  situations,  emotions,  personality,  and 

Robinson  and  coworkers  (1983)  found  that  smoking  compensation 
behaviors  may  lead  to  disproportionate  increases  in  CO  and  HCN  when 
smokers  switch  to  low-nicotine  cigarettes. 

Thus,  research  over  the  past  15  years  has  created  multiple  arenas  within 
which  scientists  and  policymakers  may  reexamine  the  accuracy  and  relevance 
of  the  FTC  testing  method  and,  if  necessary,  redesign  it. 


The  current  FTC  test  method  is  based  on  four  parameters: 
puff  frequency  (every  60  seconds),  puff  volume  (35  mL), 
puff  duration  (2  seconds),  and  a butt  length  that  varies  with 
cigarette  type.  Darrall  (1988)  noted  that  these  parameters 
were  set  as  long  ago  as  1936  and  were  not  based  on  observed 
smoking  patterns.  For  individual  smokers,  puff  volume  has  been  reported  to 
range  from  23  mL  to  60  mL;  puff  duration  is  known  to  vary  from  0.8  seconds 
to  3.0  seconds.  Typically,  butt  length  is  set  at  23  mm,  or  filter  and  overwrap 
plus  3 mm,  whichever  is  longer;  however,  the  FTC  reported  that,  for  135  of 
176  brands  tested,  butt  length  was  more  than  30  mm  (Kozlowski,  1981). 

Cigarette  design  has  undergone  significant  change  over  the  past  several 
decades.  Cigarette  manufacturers  can  influence  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and 
other  substances  through  changes  in  wrapping  paper  porosity;  tobacco 
packing  density;  and  filter-related  factors  such  as  ventilation,  particulate 
matter  retention,  and  pressure  drop.  Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1983)  noted 
that  delivery  of  tobacco  substances  also  may  be  influenced  by  how  fast  the 
paper  burns  because  this  may  determine  how  long  a cigarette  is  smoked. 
Study  results  indicate  substantial  differences  in  yields  when  I'l'C  test  method 
[)arameters  are  varied  ( Fable  1 ). 


Table  1 

Variation  of  puffs  and  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  yields  with  puff  frequency 

Section  IV 




























































-1 — 




























1 — 


































































































































1 — 





























































~l — 








































1 — 

1 — 


1 — 

1 — 
















































' — 

' — 


— ' 













> > ^ 










































^ OC 



X ^ 







































Key;  P = puffs  count;  T = far  yield;  N = nicotine  yield;  CO  = carbon  monoxide  yield;  Mini  = minicigarette;  Reg  = nonfilter;  KS  = king  size;  UM  = ultramild; 
EM  = extra  mild;  IS  = international  size;  PI  = plain;  V = ventilated;  NV  = nonventilated;  M = middle  tar;  M-H  = middle  to  high  tar;  L = low  tar; 

L-M  = low  to  middle  tar. 

Source:  Darrall,  1988. 

Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Gori  (1990a)  noted  that  machines,  unlike  humans,  smoke  each  cigarette 
in  exactly  the  same  way.  Smokers  usually  inhale  after  taking  a puff,  and 
inhalation  seems  to  be  largely  under  the  influence  of  nicotine  demand. 

When  smoking  machines  were  invented,  little  was  known  about  inhalation 
patterns.  Today,  inhalation  can  be  measured  with  various  biological  markers, 
such  as  CO  and  cotinine  (an  indicator  of  nicotine  intake). 

In  a study  of  eight  smokers.  Gust  and  colleagues  (1983)  observed  that  the 
number  of  puffs  and  the  duration,  volume,  and  time  between  puffs  varied 
with  each  smoker.  All  these  factors  affect  the  amount  of  smoke  constituents 
to  which  the  smoker  is  exposed.  Gust  and  colleagues  also  noted  that  smoking 
patterns  can  vary  as  a smoker  smokes  a single  cigarette. 

Observations  of  smoking  behavior  reveal  that  smoking  patterns  are 
influenced  by  a wide  range  of  factors,  including  degree  of  nicotine 
dependence,  environmental  cues,  stress  levels,  and  personality  variables. 

A survey  of  1,200  randomly  selected  smokers  and  ex-smokers  in  the 
United  States  and  Europe  showed  that  consumers  believe  that  the  tar  yields 
stated  on  cigarette  packages  accurately  represent  what  is  received  by  the 
smoker  (Gori,  1990b).  The  majority  of  respondents  indicated  a belief 
that  the  published  yield  is  equal  to  the  amount  consumed  per  cigarette. 
However,  tar  intake  is  related  to  nicotine  intake,  and  individual  intake 
of  tar  varies  according  to  the  nicotine  levels  of  cigarettes  and  the  level  of 
nicotine  dependence  of  smokers. 

Guyatt  and  coworkers  (1989a,  p.  192)  studied  the  changes  in  puffing 
behavior  during  the  smoking  of  a cigarette.  The  researchers  reported 

The  most  important  change  in  puffing  behavior  during  a single 
cigarette  is  the  reduction  in  puff  volume  since  this  directly 
affects  smoke  uptake.  Most  subjects  showed  this  effect,  but  the 
proportional  change  was  independent  of  the  tar  level  of  the 
cigarette  smoked  or  the  sex  of  the  subject  and  was  consistent 
between  sessions.  However,  there  were  significant  between- 
subject  differences  indicating  that  each  individual  had  [an] 
idiosyncratic  pattern.  Most  subjects  control  puff  volume  by 
varying  the  duration,  mostly  by  truncating  the  latter  part  of 
the  puff. 


paramf:ters  of  the  ftc 


Schlotzhauer  and  Chortyk  (1983)  examined  the 
influence  of  varying  smoking  machine  parameters 
on  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  other  selected 
smoke  constituents  from  an  ultralow-tar  cigarette. 
The  smoking  machine  parameters  were  changed 
to  reflect  the  deeper  inhalation,  more  frequent 
puffs,  and  vent  l)locking  evident  among  smokers  of  lower  yield  cigarettes. 
•Specifically,  volume  was  varied  from  the  standard  3vS  ml.  to  45  ml.  and 
55  ml.;  frequency  of  {)uffs  was  doubled;  and  puff  duration  was  increased 
from  2.0  to  3.0  seconds.  Only  one  parameter  was  varied  at  a time;  yields 
were  measured  with  vent  holes  both  unl)locked  and  completely  blocked. 


Section  IV 

As  shown  in  Tables  2 through  4,  changing  one  parameter  at  a time 
produces  substantial  increases  in  yields,  and  when  cigarettes  were  machine 
smoked  at  the  average  of  the  parameters  used  in  Tables  2 through  4,  as 
shown  in  Table  5,  total  particulate  matter  (TPM)  yields  were  approximately 
doubled,  and  increases  of  96  to  271  percent  in  the  individual  components 
were  observed. 


The  issue  of  compensation  has  become  a central  concern  in 
assessing  intake  of  tar,  nicotine,  CO,  and  other  constituents 
constituents  of  tobacco  smoke,  particularly  with  regard 
to  cigarettes  described  as  low  tar  and  low  nicotine.  Various 
researchers  have  reported  no  correlation  between  cigarette 
brand  yield  and  actual  exposure  and  substantially  higher  relative  exposures 
from  low-delivery  cigarettes  than  indicated  by  quantitative  differences  in 
stated  yields  (Rickert  and  Robinson,  1981). 

The  current  primary  measurement  of  the  carcinogenic  potential  of  a 
cigarette  is  its  tar  yield.  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1980a)  noted  that  tar 
yield  depends  in  part  on  the  number  of  puffs  per  cigarette  and  that  a major 
factor  in  tar  reduction  has  been  reduced  cigarette  length,  which  results  in 
fewer  puffs  per  cigarette  during  standard  FTC  testing.  Increasing  the  number 
of  puffs  can  lead  to  substantial  increases  in  tar  yields. 

Table  2 

Effect  of  increased  puff  volumes  on  cigarette  mainstream  smoke  under  FTC  conditions  of  puff 
frequency  (60  seconds)  and  puff  duration  (2  seconds) 






Change  (±%) 
From  FTC 



Change  (±%) 
From  FTC 

Cigarettes  Smoked 






Total  Puffs 






Puffs/Cigarette  (average) 






Total  Volume  Inhaled  (mL) 






TPM  (mg) 






TPM/Cigarette  (mg) 






TPM/Puff  (pg) 






Phenol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Glycerol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Catechol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Hydroquinone/Cigarette  (pg) 






Nicotine/Cigarette  (pg) 






Neophytadiene/Cigarette  (pg) 






Palmitic  Acid/Cigarette  (pg) 






C^g  Acids/Cigarette  (pg) 






Key:  TPM  = total  particulate  matter. 

Source:  Schlotzhauer  and  Chortyk,  1983. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  3 

Effect  of  increased  puff  frequency  and  increased  puff  duration  on  cigarette  mainstream 
smoke  composition 








3-Second  Puff 



Cigarettes  Smoked 






Total  Puffs 






Puffs/Cigarette  (average) 






Total  Volume  Inhaled  (mL) 






TPM  (mg) 






TPM/Cigarette  (mg) 






TPM/Puff  (pg) 






Phenol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Glycerol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Catechol/Cigarette  (pg) 






Hydroquinone/Cigarette  (pg) 






Nicotine/Cigarette  (pg) 






Neophytadiene/Cigarette  (pg) 






Palmitic  Acid/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 17 



C,g  Acids/Cigarette  (pg) 






Key:  TPM  = total  particulate  matter. 
Source:  Schlotzhauer  and  Chortyk,  1983. 

Table  4 

Effect  of  obstructing  tipping  paper  ventilations  on  cigarette  mainstream  smoke  composition 




FTC  With  Obstructed 



Cigarettes  Smoked 




Total  Puffs 




Puffs/Cigarette  (average) 




Total  Volume  Inhaled  (mL) 




TPM  (mg) 



+ 198 

TPM/Cigarette  (mg) 



+ 198 

TPM/Puff  (pg) 




Phenol/Cigarette  (pg) 




Glycerol/Cigarette  (pg) 




Catechol/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 107 

Hydroquinone/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 130 

Nicotine/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 122 

Neophytadiene/Cigarette  (pg) 




Palmitic  Acid/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 143 

C,0  Acids/Cigarette  (pg) 



+ 130 

• 35-mL  puff  volume,  60-second  puff  frequency,  2-second  puff  duration. 
Key:  TPM  » total  particulate  matter. 

Source:  Schlotzhauer  and  Chortyk,  1983. 


Section  IV 

Table  5 

Effect  of  combined  compensatory  parameters  on 

yields  of  mainstream  smoke  components 








Cigarettes  Smoked 




Total  Puffs 




Puffs/Cigarette  (average) 




Total  Volume  Inhaled  (mL) 


1 1 ,564 


TPM  (mg) 




TPM/Cigarette  (mg) 




TPM/Puff  (ng) 




Phenol/Cigarette  (ng) 




Glycerol/Cigarette  (pg) 




Catechol/Cigarette  (pg) 




Hydroquinone/Cigarette  (pg) 




Nicotine/Cigarette  (pg) 




Neophytadiene/Cigarette  (pg) 




Palmitic  Acid/Cigarette  (pg) 




C^g  Acids/Cigarette  (pg) 




® Averaged,  reported  compensatory  smoking  parameters  (49-mL  puff,  38-second  frequency,  2.5-second  puff  duration) 
set  on  smoking  machine. 

Key:  TPM  = total  particulate  matter. 

Source:  Schlotzhauer  and  Chortyk,  1983. 

In  a subsequent  study  of  four  popular  king  size  cigarettes  (see  Table  6), 
Kozlowski  (1981,  p.  159)  found  that 

the  same  cigarette  can  easily  rise  from  a low-tar  to  a high-tar 
category  [through  an  increase  in]  the  number  of  puffs  taken 
from  it,  within  the  range  of  puffs  per  minute  consistent  with 
human  smoking  behavior.  Based  on  the  standard  assay,  brand 
B has  1 7 percent  more  tar  than  brand  C;  however,  based  on  a 
10-puff  estimate,  their  tar  deliveries  are  identical.  Those 
smokers  who  take  14  puffs  per  cigarette  are  getting  58  percent 
more  tar  than  would  be  expected  from  the  standard  yields. 

Rawbone  (1984),  in  a study  of  400  middle-tar  and  low-tar  smokers  in 
the  United  Kingdom,  found  that  tar  delivery  varied  significantly  between 
middle-  and  low-tar  cigarettes  but  noticeably  less  than  expected.  That  is, 
where  a 46-percent  lower  tar  delivery  was  expected  with  the  low-tar 
cigarettes,  a 32-percent  reduction  was  observed.  Furthermore,  with  regard 
to  tar  delivery,  98  percent  of  the  middle-tar  cigarette  smokers  fell  within  the 
established  bounds  of  16.50  to  22.49  mg  delivery,  whereas  only  70  percent 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Table  6 

Tar  yields  (mg)  as  a function  of  number  of  puffs  taken  by  smoking  machines 


Number  of  Puffs 

























® Four  of  the  most  popular  brands  of  king-size  filter  cigarettes. 

“Mean  number  of  puffs  for  the  standard  assay  for  these  cigarettes:  A,  8.6  puffs;  B,  9.3;  C,  8. 1;  D,  8.9. 
“ These  brands  are  mentholated. 

Source:  Kozlowski,  1981. 

of  the  low-tar  cigarette  smokers  were  experiencing  a delivery  at  or  below 
the  upper  limit  of  10.49  mg  set  for  low -tar  cigarettes  (with  30  percent 
experiencing  a higher-than-expected  tar  delivery). 

Rickert  and  colleagues  (1986)  machine-analyzed  the  nicotine,  tar,  and 
CO  yields  of  10  cigarette  brands  under  27  different  conditions  (the  standard 
condition  and  26  variations).  Tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  yields  increased  with 
volume  of  smoke  produced  per  cigarette,  but  yields  per  liter  of  smoke  were 
relatively  constant  across  the  27  conditions. 

Woodward  and  Tunstall-Pedoe  (1992)  investigated  the  smoking  patterns 
of  2,754  smokers  (1,133  males  and  1,621  females)  to  determine  intake  of 
smoke  components  by  smokers  of  low-tar  cigarettes.  This  study,  perhaps 
the  largest  naturalistic  investigation  of  smoking  behavior  ever  undertaken, 
included  smokers  of  low-,  middle-,  and  high-tar  cigarettes.  The  researchers 
concluded  that  tar  yield  does  not  accurately  reflect  the  amount  of  smoke 
components  consumed  by  the  smoker.  Specifically,  tar  intake  increased 
with  tar  yield  but  much  less  than  anticipated;  expired-air  CO  and  cotinine 
seemed  to  peak  among  middle-tar  smokers.  For  women,  thiocyanate 
increased  from  low-  to  middle-tar  smokers,  and  for  men,  from  middle-  to 
high-tar  smokers.  I he  researchers  found  that  smokers  of  middle-tar  cigarettes 
may  consume  more  of  some  smoke  components  than  smokers  of  high-tar 
cigarettes.  Middle-tar  smokers  were  noted  to  have  higher  levels  of 
expired-air  CO  and  cotinine. 

Armitage  and  colleagues  (1988)  investigated  the  influence  of  changes 
in  tar  yield  when  nicotine  yield  was  maintained.  I’wenty-one  smokers  of 
middle-tar  cigarettes  were  studied,  with  randomization  to  three  categories: 
low  tar  and  low  nicotine,  low  tar  and  medium  nicotine,  and  medium  yields 
of  tar  and  nicotine.  With  regard  to  nicotine  uptake,  there  were  no  significant 
differences  noted  between  rniddle-tar  and  nicotine-maintained  cigarettes,  but 
there  were  significant  differences  between  low-tar  and  nicotine-maintained 


Section  IV 

cigarettes.  The  mean  total  puff  volume  of  the  nicotine-maintained  cigarette 
was  significantly  greater  than  that  recorded  for  middle-tar  cigarettes.  There 
was  no  difference  in  mean  total  puff  volume  between  low-tar  cigarettes  and 
nicotine-maintained  cigarettes. 


Ebert  and  colleagues  (1983)  undertook  a study  of 
76  smokers  to  determine  correlations  between  levels  of 
plasma  nicotine  and  alveolar  CO  and  the  nicotine  and 
CO  yields  of  cigarettes.  The  correlations  were  found  to  be 
poor  (Figures  1 and  2).  For  the  24  smokers  of  low-nicotine, 
low-tar  cigarettes,  nicotine  levels  were  statistically  lower 
for  smokers  of  low-nicotine  cigarettes,  but  the  levels  were  only  slightly  lower 
and  there  was  great  overlap  in  individual  plasma  nicotine  values;  there  was 
no  difference  in  the  mean  alveolar  CO  levels  between  the  low-nicotine 
smokers  and  smokers  of  regular  cigarettes. 

Research  by  Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1983)  on  272  subjects  about  to 
enter  a smoking  treatment  program  revealed  that  the  correlation  between 
stated  nicotine  yield  and  actual  blood  cotinine  levels  was  not  significant. 
Furthermore,  it  was  determined  that  nicotine  concentration  in  the  unburned 
tobacco  and  amount  of  nicotine  in  an  unburned  cigarette  are  not  correlated 
positively  with  FTC-determined  yields  and  that  tobacco  in  low-yield  cigarettes 
did  not  contain  less  nicotine  than  tobacco  in  higher  yield  cigarettes. 

Figure  1 

Relationship  between  plasma  nicotine  concentration  in  smokers  and  nicotine  yield 
of  cigarettes  smoked 

80  I 


£ 60 

S 50 

I 40 


m 30 


iS  20 



Source:  Ebert  etal.,  1983. 

• • 

• • 

• ^ 


• • 
• • 

• • 

J L 

J I I L 

0.2  0.4  0.6  0.8  1.0  1.2  1.4  1.6  1, 

Nicotine  Yield  (mg) 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  2 

Relationship  between  carbon  monoxide  (CO)  concentration  of  alveolar  air 
in  smokers  and  CO  yield  of  cigarettes  smoked 






















5 10  15  20  25 

CO  Yield  (mg) 

Source:  Ebert  etai,  1983. 

Ventilation  and  burning  characteristics  are  the  primary  determinants  of 
machine-measured  yields,  and  these  characteristics  can  be  controlled  by 
smokers.  Benowitz  and  colleagues  acknowledged  that  blood  cotinine  is  not 
a "perfect  marker,"  but  a full  range  of  cigarettes  was  included  in  the  study 
and  there  is  no  reason  to  suspect  that  brand  is  related  to  nicotine  and 
cotinine  metabolism. 

Russell  and  colleagues  (1986)  examined  blood  nicotine,  cotinine,  and 
carboxyhemoglobin  (COHb)  levels  among  392  smokers  whose  regular  brands 
varied  from  low  tar  to  middle  tar.  Tar  levels  were  estimated  from  blood 
nicotine  levels  and  cigarette  tar  yields.  The  authors  reported 

Smokers  of  LT  [low-tarj  cigarettes  had  a lower  intake  of  tar, 
nicotine,  and  CO  than  the  smokers  of  higher  yielding  brands.  On 
average,  their  estimated  intake  of  tar  was  about  25  percent  lower, 
their  intake  of  nicotine  was  about  15  percent  lower  (17  percent 
and  12  percent,  as  measured  by  blood  nicotine  and  cotinine, 
respectively),  and  their  intake  of  CO  was  about  10  percent  lower. 

I'hese  differences  are  substantially  less  than  the  reductions  in  the 
standard  machine-smoked  yields  of  their  cigarettes  (47  percent, 

39  percent,  and  34  percent  for  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  yields, 
respectively),  and  this  indicates  the  extent  to  which  the  LT 
smokers  were  smoking  and  inhaling  more  intensively,  {)resumably 
to  corn[)ensate  for  the  lower  yields.  However,  it  is  clear  that 


Section  IV 

despite  such  compensatory  changes  in  smoking  behavior, 
their  intake  of  the  three  major  smoke  components  was  still  lower 
to  a statistically  and  clinically  significant  degree  (Russell  et  al., 

1986,  p.  83). 

Maron  and  Fortmann  (1987)  examined  the  relationship  of  FTC 
machine-estimated  nicotine  yield  by  cigarette  brand  with  the  level  of 
cigarette  consumption  and  two  biochemical  measures  of  smoke  exposure 
(expired-air  CO  and  plasma  thiocyanate)  in  a population  of  713  smokers. 
These  investigators  found  that  the  lower  the  nicotine  yield,  the  greater 
the  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day.  Smokers  of  ultralow-nicotine 
cigarettes  experienced  smoke  exposures  that  were  not  significantly  different 
from  those  of  smokers  of  higher  yield  brands.  Only  after  adjustment  for 
number  of  cigarettes  smoked  daily  did  nicotine  yield  become  significantly 
related  to  expired-air  CO  and  plasma  thiocyanate.  The  number  of  cigarettes 
smoked  per  day  accounted  for  28  and  22  percent  of  the  variance  in  observed 
expired-air  CO  and  plasma  thiocyanate  levels,  respectively,  whereas  nicotine 
yield  accounted  for  only  1 and  2 percent  of  the  variance,  respectively.  The 
authors  concluded  that  machine  estimates  suggesting  low  nicotine  yield 
underrepresent  actual  human  consumption  of  harmful  cigarette  constituents. 

In  a study  of  289  smokers  of  cigarettes  in  the  1-mg  FTC  tar  class,  Gori 
and  Lynch  (1983)  observed  that  nicotine  intake  (measured  by  plasma 
cotinine)  varied  widely,  from  undetectable  to  about  800  ng/mL.  The 
findings  indicated  that  smokers  of  low-yield  brands  tend  to  take  in  more 
nicotine  than  posted  FTC  values.  This  observation  is  illustrated  in  Figure  3. 
Brand  A was  .9  tar  and  .18  nicotine,  whereas  brand  B was  .5  tar  and 
.10  nicotine. 

Coultas  and  colleagues  (1993),  working  with  a population  of  298  mostly 
Hispanic  smokers,  studied  the  relationship  between  yields  of  cigarettes 
currently  smoked  and  levels  of  salivary  cotinine  and  expired-air  CO. 
Spearman's  correlation  coefficients  (Snedecor  and  Cochran,  1980)  between 
the  current  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  and  cotinine  or  CO  were  higher 
than  correlations  between  the  FTC  nicotine  data  and  these  same  markers. 

In  multiple  linear  regression  models,  the  current  number  of  cigarettes 
smoked  was  the  most  important  predictor  of  cotinine  and  CO  levels 
(p  < 0.0001),  and  the  addition  of  FTC  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  to  the  models 
explained  little  about  the  variability  in  cotinine  and  CO  levels. 

In  a large-scale  study  of  2,455  cigarette  smokers  who  smoked  their  usual 
brands,  Wald  and  colleagues  (1984)  observed  that  nicotine  and  CO  intake 
was  relatively  constant  across  brands,  regardless  of  stated  yield,  although  tar 
intake  appeared  related  to  tar  yield. 

YIELD  BY  THE  FTC  TEST  As  pointed  out  by  many  researchers,  cigarette 

METHOD  AND  ABSORPTION  smoking  has  the  hallmarks  of  drug-dependent 
OF  NICOTINE  IN  SWITCHERS  behavior,  with  strong  evidence  that  nicotine  is 

the  dependence-producing  component  (Benowitz  et  al.,  1989).  Nicotine  is 
rapidly  absorbed  into  the  blood  and  quickly  delivered  to  the  brain,  where 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  3 

Observed  and  expected  baseline  plasma  cotinine  values  as  a function  of  FTC 
nicotine  delivery  of  brands  A and  B 

Key:  SEM  = standard  error  of  the  mean. 
Source:  Gori  and  Lynch,  1983. 

it  produces  a range  of  mental  effects  on  the  smoker.  This  quick  absorption 
and  effect  permit  the  smoker  to  control  the  nicotine  level  carefully;  however, 
nicotine  is  rapidly  eliminated  from  the  body,  which  means  the  smoker  has 
to  deliver  regular  doses  to  the  blood. 


Section  IV 

Robinson  and  colleagues  (1982  and  1983)  studied  the  smoking  patterns 
of  22  cigarette  smokers  divided  into  treatment  and  control  groups,  with  the 
treatment  group  switching  twice  to  cigarettes  of  successively  lower  nicotine 
yields.  Compensation  behavior  was  measured  noninvasively  (average 
number  of  daily  cigarettes,  daily  mouth-level  nicotine  exposure,  butt  length, 
expired-air  CO,  and  saliva  thiocyanate)  and  invasively  (COHb,  serum 
cotinine,  and  plasma  thiocyanate).  As  shown  in  Figure  4,  there  were  no 
major  differences  between  smokers  in  treatment  and  control  groups.  The 
near-complete  compensation  was  attributed  to  upward  changes  in  smoking 
intensity,  depth  of  inhalation,  and  cigarette  consumption.  In  addition,  there 
was  an  observed  tendency  of  smokers  of  lower  delivery  cigarettes  to  smoke 
cigarettes  down  closer  to  the  overwrap  and  to  block  ventilation  holes. 

In  a different  approach,  Gritz  and  colleagues  (1983)  looked  at  the  puffing 
behavior  of  eight  smokers  presented  with  cigarettes  at  two  and  four  times 

Figure  4 

Average  daily  exposure  and  standardized  exposure  measures  by  period  for  treatment  and 
control  groups 

Treatment  groups  Control  groups 

Note:  Average  nominal  nicotine  deliveries  are  shown  as  horizontal  lines  in  Panel  H.  Abbreviated  variable  names  have 
been  used.  The  increase  of  “standardized"  exposure  measure  for  the  treatment  group  (Panels  F and  G)  during 
period  three  (P^)  does  not  represent  an  increase  in  exposure.  The  exposure  remains  fairly  constant  during  the 
entire  study,  as  Panels  C and  D indicate.  Panels  F and  G illustrate  the  extent  of  compensation  necessary  to 
maintain  this  constant  exposure.  See  text  for  details. 

Key:  MLE  = mouth-level  exposure;  CO  = carbon  monoxide. 

Source:  Robinson  et  al.,  1982. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

their  normal  smoking  rates.  All  eight  smokers  compensated  to  some  degree. 
Despite  being  presented  with  twice  the  usual  number  of  cigarettes,  the 
smokers  titrated  their  nicotine  intake  down,  largely  by  changing  their  number 
of  puffs,  puff  volume,  and  puff  duration  per  cigarette.  Gritz  and  coworkers 
disputed  the  view  that  some  smokers  may  be  compensators  and  others  may 
be  noncompensators,  arguing  that  these  two  groups  of  smokers  represent  the 
opposite  ends  of  a continuum. 

Henningfield  and  Griffiths  (1980)  studied  the  effect  of  tobacco  product 
concentration  on  puffing  rate  and  total  number  of  puffs.  Tobacco 
concentration  levels  were  set  at  100,  50,  25,  and  10  percent  by  means  of 
ventilated  holders  (identified  in  Figures  5 and  6 as  holders  0,  1,  2,  and  4). 

As  shown,  puffs  at  holder  4 were  about  double  those  of  holder  0.  In  addition, 
there  were  substantial  increases  in  puff  rate. 

Compensation  via  alterations  in  puffing  patterns  does  not  explain  all 
observed  changes,  however.  In  their  investigation  of  puffing  and  inhalation 
patterns  and  yields.  Nil  and  colleagues  (1986)  found  that  changes  in  puff 
volume  account  for  only  about  one-fifth  of  the  difference  in  smoke  yields; 
no  significant  changes  were  found  in  inhalation  patterns.  On  the  other  hand, 
with  lower  yield  cigarettes,  there  was  nearly  complete  compensation  based 
on  alveolar  CO  uptake,  and  the  degree  of  increased  heart  rate  was  viewed 
as  a nearly  complete  compensation  for  nicotine  intake. 

McBride  and  colleagues  (1984)  measured  changes  in  smoking  behavior 
and  ventilation  when  subjects  smoked  cigarettes  of  varying  nicotine  yields. 
Nine  smokers  were  studied,  and  the  test  order  was  randomized.  Puff  volume 
was  noted  to  increase  significantly  during  the  smoking  of  low-nicotine 
cigarettes.  In  a study  of  170  male  smokers  and  170  age-matched  male 
nonsmokers.  Bridges  and  colleagues  (1986)  observed  that  total  puff  volume 
was  significantly  greater  for  smokers  of  cigarettes  lower  in  nicotine  yields. 

As  shown  in  Figures  7 and  8,  total  puff  volume  was  significantly  correlated 
with  nicotine  yield  and  plasma  cotinine. 

Researchers  have  observed  that  smokers  can  substantially  alter  tar, 
nicotine,  and  CO  delivery  of  cigarettes  by  blocking  the  ventilation  holes  in 
the  filters.  In  a two-part  study  of  smokers  of  low-yield  cigarettes,  Kozlowski 
et  al.  (1982a)  observed  hole-blocking  behavior  and  measured  tar,  nicotine, 
and  CO  levels.  The  investigators  reported  that  44  percent  of  39  smokers  of 
low-yield  cigarettes  blocked  the  ventilation  holes  to  various  degrees  with 
their  fingers  or  lips;  5 of  33  females  left  hole-blocking  lipstick  on  the  filters. 

In  the  second  part  of  their  study,  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1982a) 
evaluated  the  effect  of  hole  blocking  on  the  tar,  nicotine,  and  CO  yields  of 
American,  British,  and  Canadian  cigarettes  of  lowest  or  near-lowest  yields. 
After  videotaping  48  smokers,  the  researchers  defined  actual  smoking 
behaviors  and  reset  smoking  machine  parameters  to  reflect  these  real-life 
patterns  for  puff  interval  (44  seconds)  and  puff  duration  (2.4  seconds). 
Machine  [)uff  volume  was  set  at  47  ml.  (2  to  13  ml,  below  the  smokers' 
estimated  average)  because  this  is  the  maximum  obtainable  from  most 


Section  IV 

Figure  5 

Mean  total  puffs  per  session  (N  = 4)  and  standard  error  values  for  each  subject  as 
a function  of  cigarette  holder  number 

I Ventilated  Holder 

Note:  The  approximate  concentrations  of  delivered  tobacco  product  are  indicated  by  the  holder 
number  in  which  0=  100  percent,  1 = 75  percent,  2 = 50  percent,  and  4 = 10  percent.  The 
’ abbreviations  ST,  ED,  and  GR  represent  three  paid  female  volunteers  who  participated  in  the 

1 study. 

Source:  Henningfield  and  Griffiths,  1980. 

i machines.  Ventilation  holes  were  blocked  with  tape.  The  researchers 

! compared  standard  yields  of  cigarettes  to  yields  resulting  from  the  study- 

determined  parameters  and  blocked  ventilation  holes;  they  observed  that 
"tar  increases  from  15-  to  39-fold,  nicotine  from  8-  to  19-fold  and  CO  from 
10-  to  43-fold"  (Kozlowski  et  al.,  1982a,  p.  159).  Five  cigarette  brands  similar 
I in  tar  yield  were  found  to  differ  substantially  when  parameters  were  changed 

' and  holes  blocked. 

I In  a later  study  of  14  subjects,  Kozlowski  (1989)  detected  hole  blocking 

' by  half  the  sample.  Subjects  blocking  the  ventilation  holes  of  ultralow-yield 



Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  6 

Mean  number  (N  = 4)  of  cigarettes  smoked  by  each  subject  during  3-hour  sessions 
as  a function  of  holder  number  (upper  frame)  and  mean  rate  of  puffing  (puffs/ 
minute)  per  cigarette  (lower  frame) 

Ventilated  Holder 

Note:  Standard  error  values  for  each  subject,  in  both  frames,  are  indicated  by  the  brackets.  The 

approximate  concentrations  of  delivered  tobacco  product  are  indicated  by  the  holder  number  in 
which  0 = too  percent,  1 = 75  percent,  2 = 50  percent,  and  4=10  percent.  The  abbreviations 
ST,  ED,  and  GR  represent  three  paid  female  volunteers  who  participated  in  the  study. 

Source:  Henningfield  and  Griffiths,  1980. 


Section  IV 

Figure  7 

Relationship  of  total  puff  volume  per  cigarette  with  the  nicotine  yield  of  the 
cigarette  smoked 

Nicotine  Yield  (mg/cigarette) 

Source:  Bridges  et  a!.,  1986. 

Figure  8 

Relationship  between  plasma  nicotine  concentration  and  total  volume  puffed 
per  cigarette  in  a population  smoking  a single  brand  of  cigarette  (nicotine  yield  = 
1 .05  mg/cigarette) 

Total  Puff  Volume/Cigarette  (mL) 

Source:  Bridges  et  a!.,  1986. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

cigarettes  were  found  to  have  higher  CO  and  salivary  cotinine  levels. 

Rickert  and  colleagues  (1983)  found  that  blocking  half  the  ventilation  holes 
increased  the  delivery  of  TPM  by  60  percent,  and  full  occlusion  increased 
TPM  delivery  by  150  percent. 

The  effect  of  blocking  on  perforation  ventilation  (ventilation  holes  in  the 
filter)  and  channel  ventilation  (longitudinal  air  channels  around  the  filter) 
was  studied  by  Hdfer  and  colleagues  (1991).  The  researchers  compared 
results  of  lip  smoking  and  holder  smoking  of  cigarettes  among  72  smokers, 
divided  equally  by  ventilation  type  of  cigarette  smoked.  Hdfer  and 
colleagues  (1991,  p.  910)  found  that 

under  normal  lip  contact  conditions,  the  CO  and  nicotine 
deliveries  of  the  channel-ventilated  cigarettes  were  higher  than 
those  of  the  perforation-ventilated  cigarettes  and  higher  than 
with  holder  smoking.  With  holder  smoking,  both  types  of 
cigarettes  delivered  comparable  amounts  of  CO  and  nicotine 
(t-tests,  n.s.). 

It  appeared  that  the  nicotine  boost  from  channel-ventilated  cigarettes  was 
twice  that  of  perforation-ventilated  cigarettes;  differences  in  CO  exposure 
were  less  well  defined.  The  researchers  judged  that  there  was  evidence 
of  blocking  in  86  percent  of  the  channel  filter  cigarette  smokers  and  in 
33  percent  of  the  perforated  filter  cigarette  smokers. 

In  a novel  approach  to  the  study  of  hole  blocking  among  smokers 
of  ultralow-tar  cigarettes,  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1988)  collected 
135  discarded  filters  from  ashtrays  in  shopping  malls.  It  was  found  that 
58  percent  of  the  filters  showed  some  evidence  of  hole  blocking  (as  measured 
by  tar  stain  patterns);  19  percent  showed  evidence  of  extreme  hole  blocking; 
and  42  percent  showed  no  signs  of  hole  blocking.  Kozlowski  and  colleagues 
(1994)  extended  this  research  to  "light"  cigarettes  (about  9 to  12  mg  tar, 
about  15  to  30  percent  vented):  Twenty-seven  percent  of  collected  filters 
indicated  extreme  blockage;  26  percent  showed  some  blocking;  and 
47  percent  showed  no  vent  blocking.  Although  defeat  of  the  air  vents 
will  have  a relatively  small  effect  on  light  rather  than  ultralight  cigarettes, 
the  greater  sales  of  light  cigarettes  contribute  to  its  significance  for  public 
health.  In  an  earlier  report,  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1980b)  examined 
the  effect  of  hole  blocking  on  nicotine,  tar,  CO,  and  puffs  (Table  7),  noting 
that  ventilated  filters  have  been  developed  primarily  as  a way  to  make  less 
toxic  cigarettes  but  that  smoking  behavior  can  sabotage  the  benefits  of 
these  filters. 

Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1989)  demonstrated  that  some  smokers  of 
vented  filter  cigarettes  are  lighter  smokers  who  appear  to  be  seeking  lower 
smoke  doses  and  do  not  block  vents,  whereas  others  are  generally  heavier 
smokers  who  block  vents  and  derive  high  daily  doses  of  nicotine.  Two 
smokers,  who  were  vent  blockers,  of  a 1-mg  tar,  0.1 -rng  nicotine  cigarette 
achieved  salivary  cotinine  levels  (303  and  385  ng/mL)  consistent  with 
smoking  a high-yield  cigarette. 


Section  IV 

Table  7 

Effects  of  blocking  the  ventilation  holes  on  the  yields  of  a popular,  low-yield  cigarette^ 






Fully  Blocked 


Nicotine  (mg) 


0.73  ± .06 

0.98  ± .06® 

Tar  (mg) 


7.03  ± .04 

12.60  ±.20® 

Carbon  Monoxide  (mg) 


7.80  ± .24 

17.70  ±.40® 



10.50  ± .20 

9.20  ± .40® 

® Half-blocked  vs.  fully  blocked  comparison  (\.-test,  2-tailed)  p < .01.  Values  are  means  ± standard  deviations. 
Government  figures  for  the  June-July  1979  assay  were  used  as  the  unblocked  control;  variances  were  not  reported, 
but  those  found  in  similar  analyses  imply  that  all  within-row  comparisons  would  be  statistically  significant.  All 
analyses  in  the  table  were  performed  by  the  same  laboratory  employing  the  same  techniques. 

Source:  Kozlowski  et  al.,  1980b. 

Bridges  and  colleagues  (1990)  studied  170  male  smokers  to  determine 
the  influence  on  yield  of  smoking  topography  (i.e.,  total  smoking  time  per 
cigarette,  number  of  puffs,  interpuff  interval,  puff  duration,  volume  per  puff, 
total  duration  per  cigarette,  total  volume  per  cigarette,  flow  rate).  The 
smokers  were  divided  into  six  groups  according  to  stated  nicotine  yields 
of  their  cigarettes.  The  first  four  groups  were  most  similar  in  age,  smoking 
history,  and  alcohol  and  coffee  consumption.  There  were  significant 
negative  correlations  between  nicotine  yield  and  mean  puff  volume,  total 
duration  and  volume,  and  flow  rate.  That  is,  as  nicotine  yield  decreased, 
mean  puff  volume,  total  duration  and  volume,  and  flow  rate  increased 
significantly.  These  statistical  relationships  are  shown  in  Figure  9.  Multiple 
regression  analysis  showed  that  nicotine  yield,  alone  or  in  combination  with 
other  factors,  is  a significant  predictor  of  number  of  puffs  or  total  puff 
volume  per  cigarette. 

Figure  9 is  of  special  interest  because  it  represents  smoking  topography 
changes  in  a subpopulation  for  which  nicotine  yield  was  held  constant 
to  control  for  the  possible  confounding  effects  of  nicotine  on  smoking 
behavior.  Cumulative  puff  volume  for  a cigarette  is  significantly  correlated 
with  plasma  nicotine,  an  indication  that  increased  inhalation  results  in 
increased  absorption.  For  the  same  group,  the  interpuff  interval  was 
negatively  correlated  with  plasma  nicotine  levels  (i.e.,  when  time  between 
puffs  went  down,  plasma  nicotine  level  went  up). 

According  to  Bridges  and  colleagues  (1990,  p.  31) 

Smokers  smoking  the  lowest  yield  cigarettes  (Group  1)  had 
significantly  higher  total  puff  volume  per  cigarette  than  did  the 
other  groups,  and  significantly  higher  mean  puff  volume  and 
flow  rate  . . . than  Groups  3 and  4.  Smokers  of  lower  yield 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Figure  9 

Linear  relationships  between  nicotine  yield  and  puffing  topography  measures: 
(A)  number  of  puffs  per  cigarette,  (B)  total  puff  duration  per  cigarette,  (C)  total 
puff  volume  per  cigarette 


Nicotine  Yieid  (mg/cigarette) 


Nicotine  Yieid  (mg/cigarette) 


Nicotine  Yieid  (mg/cigarette) 

Note:  The  graphical  representation  for  each  of  these  relationships  includes  the  equation  for  the 
inserted  least-squares  best  fit  line,  the  correlation  coefficient  (r),  and  the  level  of  significance 
for  the  correlation.  The  data  are  for  groups  1-4,  n = 108. 

Source:  Bridges  et  al.,  1990. 


Section  IV 

cigarettes  also  tended  to  have  higher  numbers  of  puffs  per 
cigarette,  decreased  interpuff  interval,  increased  duration  per 
puff,  and  increased  duration  per  cigarette,  but  these  differences 
did  not  reach  statistical  significance.  These  results  are  consistent 
with  changes  in  puffing  topography  to  compensate  for  lower 
}deld  cigarettes. 

In  addition,  there  were  significant  negative  correlations  between 
nicotine  yield  and  mean  puff  volume,  total  duration  and  volume,  and  flow 
rate.  That  is,  as  nicotine  yield  decreased,  mean  puff  volume,  total  duration 
and  volume,  and  flow  rate  increased  significantly.  In  addition,  multiple 
regression  analysis  showed  that  nicotine  yield,  alone  or  in  combination 
with  other  factors,  is  a significant  predictor  of  number  of  puffs  or  total  puff 
volume  per  cigarette. 

Creighton  and  Lewis  (1978)  examined  changes  in  smoking  patterns 
when  cigarettes  were  varied  according  to  nicotine  delivery.  Specifically, 

16  smokers  were  monitored  for  3 months.  The  first  month,  they  all  smoked 
medium-delivery  cigarettes  of  about  1.4  mg  nicotine;  then  the  group  was 
split  for  1 month,  with  half  smoking  lower  delivery  cigarettes  (about 
1.0  mg  nicotine)  and  half  smoking  higher  delivery  cigarettes  (about  1.8  mg 
nicotine).  During  the  third  month,  the  panel  of  16  smokers  returned  to 
the  1.4  mg  nicotine  cigarettes.  Significant  changes  were  found  in  smoking 
patterns  among  the  16  smokers:  either  the  increased  smoking  intensity 
when  smoking  lower  delivery  cigarettes  or  decreased  intensity  when  smoking 
higher  delivery  cigarettes.  However,  the  researchers  reported  that  the 
smokers  did  not  equalize  nicotine  and  TPM  delivery  when  they  switched 
to  lower  delivery  cigarettes,  as  was  the  case  when  they  switched  to  higher 
delivery  cigarettes.  The  number  of  cigarettes  smoked  per  day  remained 
about  the  same  throughout  the  study. 

Russell  and  colleagues  (1982)  looked  at  changes  in  nicotine,  cotinine, 
COHb,  thiocyanate,  and  tar  when  12  smokers  switched  to  low-tar,  low- 
nicotine  cigarettes  for  12  weeks.  Plasma  nicotine  and  cotinine  were  both 
reduced  by  about  30  percent  and  tar  by  15  percent;  plasma  thiocyanate 
and  COHb  did  not  change  significantly.  Although  mouth  level  of  nicotine 
intake  from  low-tar,  low-nicotine  cigarettes  was  similar  to  the  standard 
machine  yield,  the  blood  levels  of  30  percent  were  substantially  less  than 
the  anticipated  level  of  46  percent  based  on  machine  yields.  There  was 
no  compensatory  increase  in  smoke  intake  at  the  mouth  level,  but  blood 
measures  showed  the  increase  in  inhalation  between  32.1  and  40.8  percent. 

Similarly,  Ashton  and  coworkers  (1979)  found  that,  when  switched  from 
medium-  to  high-  or  low-nicotine  brands,  smokers  compensated  for  about 
two-thirds  of  the  difference  in  standard  yields.  Specifically,  when  nicotine 
yield  was  reduced  by  50  percent,  nicotine  intake  was  about  15  percent  lower. 
Furthermore,  based  on  machine  yields,  it  was  anticipated  that  the  nicotine 
yield  of  low-nicotine  cigarettes  would  be  32.6  percent  that  of  high-nicotine 
cigarettes;  however,  in  the  laboratory  the  observed  yield  was  59  percent  that 
of  high-nicotine  cigarettes. 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

Benowitz  and  colleagues  (1986)  looked  at  differences  in  tar,  nicotine, 
and  CO  exposure  when  smokers  switched  from  their  regular  brand  to  high-, 
low-,  and  ultralow-yield  cigarettes.  The  researchers  detected  no  differences 
in  exposure  among  the  high-  and  low-yield  smokers.  However,  for  smokers 
of  ultralow-yield  cigarettes,  there  were  substantial  reductions  in  exposure  to 
tar  (49  percent),  nicotine  (56  percent),  and  CO  (36  percent).  Despite  these 
reductions,  the  investigators  reported  that  the  relative  exposure  to  tar  and 
nicotine  from  ultralow-yield  compared  with  higher  yield  cigarettes  was  much 
greater  than  predicted  by  FTC  machine-determined  yields. 

Kolonen  and  colleagues  (1991)  examined  puffing  patterns  of  36  smoking 
students,  with  different  smoking  histories,  in  a natural  environment.  The 
subjects  included  18  smokers  of  low-yield  cigarettes,  10  smokers  of  medium- 
yield  cigarettes,  and  8 smokers  who  had  switched  from  medium-  to  low-yield 
cigarettes.  Subjects  smoked  their  regular  brand  for  the  first  week,  a low-yield 
brand  for  the  second  week,  and  a medium-yield  brand  for  the  third  week. 

All  three  groups  had  the  highest  daily  puff  volumes  when  smoking  low-yield 
cigarettes,  and  the  correlations  between  urine  cotinine  concentration  and 
daily  puffing  in  the  three  groups  were  poor.  However,  the  urinary  cotinine 
concentration  was  significantly  lower  for  low-yield  smokers  compared  with 
the  switchers.  The  investigators  concluded  that  cotinine  excretion  results  in 
the  switchers'  group  were  in  line  with  earlier  reports  showing  that  long-term 
switchers  have  no  significant  decreases  in  plasma  and  urine  cotinine. 

In  a longer  study  of  switching  effects,  Guyatt  and  coworkers  (1989b) 
monitored  28  smokers  who  switched  to  cigarettes  with  lower  tar  and  nicotine 
yields.  The  researchers  concluded,  after  monitoring  subjects  for  about 
1 year,  that  most  effects  of  the  switch  to  lower  yield  cigarettes  did  not  persist 
beyond  36  weeks.  The  drop  in  cotinine  levels  was  only  40  percent  of  what 
was  expected  from  stated  nicotine  yields;  mean  puff  volume  increased  by 
16  percent;  and  smokers  seemed  to  achieve  about  60  percent  compensation 
when  smoking  lower  tar  cigarettes. 

YIELDS  BY  THE  FTC  Carbon  monoxide  yields  follow  somewhat  surprising 

TEST  METHOD  AND  OTHER  dynamics.  For  example,  as  Rickert  and  colleagues 
CONSTITUENTS  USING  (1980)  reported,  efficient  filters  may  substantially 

FTC  PUFF  PROFILE  reduce  tar  yields  of  cigarettes  but  lead  to  increased 

delivery  of  CO. 

In  a study  of  reduced-draw-resistance  cigarettes,  Dunn  (1978)  found  that 
smokers  can  substantially  vary  their  inhalation  patterns,  leading  to  marked 
changes  in  the  amount  of  smoke  that  reaches  the  lungs  as  measured  by 
alveolar  CO  levels.  Although  increased  levels  of  alveolar  CO  were  expected 
with  reduced  draw  resistance,  CO  levels  decreased,  possibly  because  of 
increased  delivery  of  nicotine.  Dunn  proposed  that  the  level  of  CO  in 
exhaled  air  may  be  a good  measure  of  depth  of  inhalation. 

There  appears  to  be  substantial  natural  variation  in  the  amount  of 
CO  inhaled  by  smokers,  even  when  numbers  of  cigarettes  smoked  are 
approximately  equal.  Burling  and  colleagues  (1985)  studied  12  matched 


Section  IV 

pairs  of  smokers,  each  pair  smoking  a similar  number  of  cigarettes  but  with 
different  levels  of  CO  (one  high-CO-level  subject  and  one  low-CO-level 
subject).  The  CO  boost  per  cigarette  was  found  to  be  significantly  different 
for  the  matched  pairs  of  smokers.  The  CO  boost  for  the  high-CO  group  was 
6.9  ppm  per  cigarette  and  for  the  low  CO  group  4.4  ppm. 

The  study  found  no  differences  between  the  high-CO  and  low-CO  groups 
in  terms  of  number  and  duration  of  puffs.  Given  the  significant  differences 
in  CO  levels,  the  researchers  speculate  that  the  difference  may  reside  in  puff 
intensity,  puff  volume,  or  inhalation  characteristics.  These  influences  on  CO 
levels  are  relevant  to  low-nicotine  yields  and  changes  in  smoking  behavior; 
Herning  and  colleagues  (1983)  reported  that  CO  boost  appears  correlated  to 
blood  nicotine  levels. 

In  an  earlier  study.  Burling  and  coworkers  (1983)  found  that  a smoker's 
CO  level  is  influenced  by  factors  other  than  the  FTC-determined  CO  yield 
of  cigarettes.  The  researchers  reported  that  the  CO  level  is  significantly 
related  to  interpuff  interval,  cigarette  duration,  time  since  last  cigarette,  and 
self-rated  estimate  of  depth  of  inhalation.  This  research  underscores  the 
likelihood  that  CO  levels  may  be  determined  by  multiple  factors,  not  just 
stated  yield.  However,  the  finding  suggests  that,  when  numbers  of  cigarettes 
are  held  equal,  a person  smoking  cigarettes  with  a higher  CO  yield  will  likely 
have  higher  CO  levels  than  a person  smoking  cigarettes  of  lower  CO  yield. 
Furthermore,  Wald  and  colleagues  (1984)  reported  that  smokers  of  filter 
cigarettes  have  a 60-percent  higher  intake  of  CO  than  do  those  who  smoke 
nonfilter  cigarettes. 

Russell  and  colleagues  (1982),  in  a study  of  long-term  switching  to  low- 
tar,  low-nicotine  cigarettes,  observed  complete  compensation  as  measured  by 
CO  uptake,  and  Robinson  and  coworkers  (1983)  reported  that  COHb  levels 
did  not  change  significantly  after  smokers  switched  to  cigarettes  with  15-  and 
72-percent  lower  CO  deliveries. 

Robinson  and  colleagues  (1984)  examined  exposure  among  22  smokers 
of  high-nicotine  cigarettes  who  switched  to  cigarettes  of  similar  nicotine 
yield  but  with  reduced  5delds  for  tar,  CO,  and  hydrogen  cyanide.  Cotinine 
levels  remained  about  the  same;  however,  although  reductions  of  40  to 
50  percent  in  CO  and  HCN  were  expected,  the  measured  reductions  were 
5.3  percent  for  expired-air  CO,  12.2  percent  for  COHb,  2 percent  for  saliva 
thiocyanate,  and  1 percent  for  plasma  thiocyanate. 

Darrall  (1988)  found  that  a 50-percent  blockage  of  ventilation  holes 
produced  small  changes  in  tar  and  nicotine  yields  but  greater  changes  in  CO. 
Nil  and  coworkers  (1986),  in  a study  of  117  regular  smokers,  reported  that 
the  CO  boost  of  cigarettes  appeared  to  remain  steady  among  smokers  despite 
controlled  switching  to  cigarettes  of  higher  or  lower  yields. 

Fischer  and  colleagues  (1989),  in  an  investigation  of  six  different 
cigarette  brands  (filter  and  nonfilter  and  very  low  to  medium  tar  yields), 
found  that  puff  volume  and  puff  frequency,  the  key  determinants  of  total 


Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

volume  inhaled,  significantly  affect  the  smoker's  exposure  to  tobacco-specific 
nitrosamines.  According  to  the  investigators, 

The  medium-tar  cigarette  using  standard  smoking  conditions 
delivered  TSNA  values  that  were  close  to  the  calculated  average 
intake  by  smokers.  The  calculated  average  TSNA  intake  for  the 
low-tar  cigarette,  however,  was  about  double  the  value  determined 
under  standard  smoking  conditions  (Fischer  et  al.,  1989,  p.  1065). 

The  researchers  concluded  that 

since  the  standard  smoking  conditions  cannot  reflect  the  real 
behavior  for  low-  and  very-low-tar  cigarettes,  especially  with 
respect  to  the  total  inhalation  volume,  risk  evaluation  has  to 
consider  the  increase  in  TSNA  intake  with  increasing  total 
volume  (Fischer  et  al.,  1989,  p.  1065). 

In  a subsequent  study,  Fischer  and  colleagues  (1991)  investigated 
170  types  of  American,  European,  and  Russian  cigarettes.  The  findings 
revealed  that  the  amounts  of  two  TSNAs — NNN  (N-nitrosonornicotine) 
and  NNK  (4-methylnitrosamino-l-[3-pyridinyl]-l-butanone) — in  cigarette 
smoke  are  not  correlated  with  tar  or  nicotine  delivery  and  the  amounts  of 
TSNAs  in  mainstream  smoke  are  related  to  the  amount  of  preformed 
nitrosamine  in  the  tobacco. 

In  an  investigation  of  compensation  behaviors  among  smokers  switching 
to  lower  delivery  cigarettes,  Robinson  and  coworkers  (1983)  noted 
disproportionate  increases  in  HCN  levels.  The  researchers  concluded  that 
machine-determined  "standardized"  deliveries  do  not  reflect  potential 
exposure  to  HCN. 

Rickert  and  Robinson  (1981),  in  a study  of  delivery  by  low-hazard  and 
high-hazard  brands  and  actual  levels,  found  that  differences  in  HCN  and 
CO  yields  of  the  two  different  delivery  types  varied  much  more  widely  than 
actual  levels  of  COHb  and  plasma  thiocyanate  obtained  from  smokers  of 
each.  High-hazard  cigarette  smokers  had  nearly  four  times  the  HCN  of 
low-hazard  cigarette  smokers;  however,  the  actual  levels  differed  by  only 
20  percent.  These  differences  were  not  statistically  significant,  possibly 
due  to  small  sample  size  (n  = 31). 

Rickert  and  colleagues  (1983)  looked  at  variations  in  smoking  patterns 
and  reported  that  HCN  delivery  is  influenced  by  blocking  of  ventilation 
holes  and,  to  a lesser  degree,  by  puff  duration,  puff  volume,  and  butt  length. 
Blocking  half  the  ventilation  holes  increased  HCN  yield  by  70  percent; 
covering  all  the  holes  produced  a 250-percent  increase  in  yield.  Fhese 
investigators  determined  that  HCN  yield  for  the  cigarette  brand  investigated 
ranged  from  5 to  241  pig,  depending  on  variations  in  smoking  parameters, 
although  the  mean  HCN  yield  was  39  ng.  For  115  Canadian  cigarettes,  the 
average  HCN  yield  varied  from  2 to  233  pig.  Fhis  impact  of  smoking  pattern 
on  HCN  yield  was  cited  by  Rickert  and  colleagues  as  a possible  explanation 


Section  IV 

for  the  poor  correlation  between  HCN  yield  and  levels  of  plasma  thiocyanate 
and  saliva  thiocyanate. 

Rickert  and  colleagues  (1980)  indicated  that  aldehydes,  gas-phase 
constituents  of  tobacco  smoke,  are  known  to  be  ciliatoxic  and  may  not  be 
removed  to  a substantial  degree  from  cigarette  smoke  by  filters.  Acrolein,  a 
toxin  restricted  in  occupational  and  industrial  settings,  also  may  contribute 
to  the  chemical  toxicity  of  tobacco  smoke.  In  a study  of  102  brands  of 
Canadian  cigarettes,  Rickert  and  colleagues  found  that  tar  level  was  a poor 
predictor  of  total  aldehydes  and  acrolein  delivery.  The  effect  of  changes  in 
smoking  patterns  on  phenol,  glycerol,  catechol,  hydroquinone,  palmitic  acid, 
and  neophytadiene  are  shown  in  Tables  2 through  5 (Schlotzhauer  and 
Chortyk,  1983). 

PROPOSALS  TO  At  least  three  proposals  have  been  published  for  changes  in  the 
CHANGE  THE  FTC  FTC  cigarette  test  method.  Kozlowski  and  colleagues  (1982b) 
TEST  METHOD  made  a proposal  addressing  the  issue  of  the  variability  in  human 
smoking  behavior.  These  investigators  suggested  a three-level  (i.e.,  light, 
average,  and  heavy)  machine  regimen  linked  to  a color-matching  technique 
to  help  smokers  gauge  the  extent  of  puffing  on  a given  cigarette — the  darker 
the  stain,  the  greater  the  exposure,  with  the  tar  stains  keyed  to  a range 
of  tar  doses.  Rickert  and  colleagues  (1986)  proposed  an  estimate  based 
on  average  yields  of  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon  monoxide  per  liter  of  smoke. 
Henningfield  and  coworkers  (1994)  proposed  that  multiple  tests  be  used: 
an  average  smoking  test  and  a heavy  smoking  test.  The  heavy  smoking  test 
would  include  vent-blocking  conditions  for  those  cigarettes  incorporating 
ventilation  holes  and  if  it  is  possible  for  those  holes  to  be  blocked  by  the 
smoker's  lips  or  fingers. 


Armitage,  A.K.,  Alexander,!.,  Hopkins,  R.,  Ward,  C. 
Evaluation  of  low  to  middle  tar/medium  nicotine 
cigarette  designed  to  maintain  nicotine  delivery  to 
the  smoker.  Psychopharmacology  96{4):  447-453, 

Ashton,  H.,  Stepney,  R.,  Thompson,  J.W.  Self-titration 
by  cigarette  smokers.  British  Medical  Journal  2(6186): 
357-360,  1979. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Hall,  S.M.,  Herning,  R.I.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill, 
Jones,  R.T.,  Osman,  A.L.  Smokers  of  low-yield 
cigarettes  do  not  consume  less  nicotine.  New 
England  Journal  of  Medicine  309(3):  139-142,  1983. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Jacob,  P.  Ill,  Yu,  L.,  Talcott,  R.,  Hall, 

S.,  Jones,  R.T.  Reduced  tar,  nicotine,  and  carbon 
monoxide  exposure  while  smoking  ultralow-  but 
not  low-yield  cigarettes.  Journal  of  the  American 
Medical  Association  256(2):  241-246,  1986. 

Benowitz,  N.L.,  Porchet,  H.,  Jacob,  P.  111.  Nicotine 
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Pharmacokinetic  and  pharmacodynamic 
investigations.  Progress  in  Brain  Research  79:  279- 
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Bridges,  R.B.,  Combs,  J.G.,  Humble,  J.W.,  Turbek,  J.A., 
Rehm,  S.R.,  Haley,  N.J.  Puffing  topography  as  a 
determinant  of  smoke  exposure.  Pharmacology, 
Biochemistry  and  Behavior  37:  29-39,  1990. 

Bridges,  R.B.,  Humble,  J.W.,  Turbek,  J.A.,  Rehm,  S.R. 
Smoking  history,  cigarette  yield  and  smoking 
behavior  as  determinants  of  smoke  exposure. 
European  Journal  of  Respiratory  Disease  146(Suppl): 
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Burling,  T.A.,  Lovett,  S.B.,  Richter,  W.T.,  Frederiksen, 
L.W.  Alveolar  carbon  monoxide:  The  relative 
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brand,  and  smoking  topography.  Addictive 
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Burling,  T.A.,  Stitzer,  M.L.,  Bigelow,  G.E.,  Mead,  A.M. 
Smoking  topography  and  carbon  monoxide  levels 
in  smokers.  Addictive  Behaviors  10:  319-323,  1985. 

Coultas,  D.B.,  Stidley,  C.A.,  Samet,  J.M.  Cigarette 
yields  of  tar  and  nicotine  and  markers  of  exposure 
to  tobacco  smoke.  American  Review  of  Respiratory 
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Smoking  and  Tobacco  Control  Monograph  No.  7 

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Livingstone,  1978.  pp.  289-300. 

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Dunn,  P.J.  The  effects  of  a reduced  draw  resistance 
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Ebert,  R.V.,  McNabb,  M.E.,  McCusker,  K.T.,  Snow,  S.L. 
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Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association  250(20): 
2840-2842,  1983. 

Fischer,  S.,  Spiegelhalder,  B.,  Preussmann,  R.  Influence 
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specific  nitrosamines  in  cigarette  smoke — A 
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Carcinogenesis  10(6):  1059-1066,  1989. 

Fischer,  S.,  Spiegelhalder,  B.,  Preussmann,  R.  Tobacco- 
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Gori,  G.B.  Cigarette  classification  as  a consumer 
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Gori,  G.B.,  Lynch,  C.J.  Smoker  intake  from  cigarettes 
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Gritz,  E.R.,  Rose,  J.E.,  Jarvik,  M.E.  Regulation  of 
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Gust,  S.W.,  Pickens,  R.W.,  Pechacek,  T.F.  Relation  of 
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Guyatt,  A.R.,  Kirkham,  A.,  Mariner,  D.C.,  Baldry,  A.G., 
Gumming,  G.  Ixmg-term  effects  of  switching  to 
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Guyatt,  A.R.,  Kirkham,  A.J.  I .,  Baldry,  A.G.,  Dixon,  M., 
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Henningfield,  J.E.,  Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Benowitz,  N.L. 

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Herning,  R.L,  Jones,  R.T.,  Benowitz,  N.L.,  Mines,  A.H. 
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Hofer,  L,  Nil,  R.,  Battig,  K.  Ultralow-yield  cigarettes 
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Kolonen,  S.,  Tuomisto,  J.,  Puustinen,  P.,  Airaksinen, 
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Kozlowski,  L.T.  Tar  and  nicotine  delivery  of  cigarettes: 
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Kozlowski,  L.T.  Evidence  for  limits  on  the  acceptability 
of  lowest  tar  cigarettes.  American  Journal  ofPiMic 
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Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Frecker,  R.C.,  Khouw,  V.,  Pope,  M.A. 
The  misuse  of  "less-hazardous"  cigarettes  and  its 
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American  Journal  of  Public  Health  70(11):  1202-1203, 

Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Heatherton,  T.F.,  Frecker,  R.C.,  Nolte, 
H.E.  Self-selected  blocking  of  vents  on  low-yield 
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Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Pillitteri,  J.L.,  Sweeney,  C.T.  Misuse  of 
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Kozlowski,  L.T.,  Pope,  M.A.,  Lux,  J.E.  Prevalence  of  the 
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Kozlowski,  L.  r.,  Rickert,  W.S.,  Pope,  M.A.,  Robinson, 
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Kozlowski,  L.'F.,  Rickert,  W.S.,  Pope,  M.A.,  Robinson, 
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Kozlowski,  L.'F.,  Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C., 
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American  Journal  of  Public  Health  77(5):  546-549, 



Section  IV 

McBride,  M.J.,  Guyatt,  A.R.,  Kirkham,  A.J.,  Gumming, 
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Nil,  R.,  Buzzi,  R.,  Battig,  K.  Effects  of  different  cigarette 
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Rawbone,  R.G.  Switching  to  low-tar  cigarettes:  Are  the 
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Rickert,  W.S.,  Collishaw,  N.E.,  Bray,  D.F.,  Robinson, 
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Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C.  Estimating  the  hazards 
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D.F.  Estimating  the  hazards  of  "less  hazardous" 
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Rickert,  W.S.,  Robinson,  J.C.,  Young,  J.C.  Estimating 
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Robinson,  J.C.,  Young,  J.C.,  Rickert,  W.S.  A 
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Robinson,  J.C.,  Young,  J.C.,  Rickert,  W.S.  Maintain 
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