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BULLETIN No. 123. APRIL, 1908. 








This bulletin gives formulas for the preparation of 
fungicides and insecticides, with directions for prevent- 
ing and controlling fungous diseases and insects. 

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J. LEw1is ELLSwWoRTH, W. W. RAwsSon, 



CHARLES A.GOESSMANN,PH.D.,LL.D.Honorary Directer and Consulting 
Chemical Expert. 

WILLIAM P. Brooks, Pu. D., Director and Agriculturist. 

JosEPH B. LINDSEY, Pu. D., Chemist. 

GEORGE E. STONE, PH. D., Botantst. 

CHARLES H. FERNALD, PH. D., Entomologist. 

FRANK A. WAuGH, M. S., Horticulturist. 

J: 2 OSTRANDER, C.E., Meteorologist. 

JAMES B. PAIGE, D.V.S., Veterinarian. 

HENRY T. FERNALD, PH. D., Associate Entomologist. 

EDWARD B. HOLLAND, M. S., A ssoctate Chemist (Research Div.). 

HENRI D. HASKINS, B. SC., Chemist in Charge (Fertilizer Div.). 

PuHiILie H. SmitTH, B. Sc., CaS & Charge (Feed and Dairy 

ERWEN S. FULTON, B.Sc, Assistant Agriculturist. 

EDWIN ©. GASKILL,“B. SC;, Assistant Agriculturist. 

ROBERT D. MACLAURIN, PH. D., Assistant Chemist (Research Div.). 

LEWELL S. WALKER, B. Sc., Asst Chemist (Feed and Dairy Div.) 

Pain V--GoOLDSMITH, |B. Sc. Assistant Chemist. 

JAMES C. REED, B. Sc. Assistant Chemist. 

GEORGE H. CHAPMAN, B. SC., Assistant Botantst. 

CARL S. POMEROY, PH. B., Assistant FHlorticulturzst. 

i Aver, B: Se, Florist. 


Roy F. GASKILL, Assistant in Animal Nutrition. 

JoHN N. SumMMERS, RB. Sc., Assistant in Entomology. 

Tt. A... BARRY; Observer. 

Annual reports and bulletins on a variety of subjects are published. 
These are sent free on request to all interested in agriculture. Part- 
ies likely to find publications on special subjects only of interest will 
please indicate these subjects. | Correspondence or consultation on 
all matters affecting any branch of our agriculture is welcomed. 
Communications should be addressed to the 



Fungicides, Insecticides and Spraying Directions 


The time has come when insects and fungi are so abundant that 
no crops can be neglected if.profitable returns are to be expected. 
More care in cultivation and the production of healthy, vig- 
orous plants is necessary, accompanied by spraying or special treat- 
ments for special cases, and it is the purpose of this bulletin to offer 
suggestions along these lines. 

It is now recognized that if plants are healthy, vigorous and in 
good condition, they can better resist the attacks of injurious insects 
and fungi than if in poor condition. Every effort should accord- 
ingly be made to get the soil into good condition ; to have it sup- 
plied with the proper fertilizers for the crop; to cultivate well and to 
use every means for the production of strong plants, which can re- 
sist attack and bring better results to the owner. 

This plan alone will do much good, but if supplemented by spray- 
ing or other treatments, made in the right way and at the right times, 
the results will become far more satisfactory, and any farmer who 
now neglects such an important part of his business as properly 
caring for his crops has only himself to blame for poor results. 

The more important fungi and insects on the different crops are 
listed below, with the treatment for each, and these treatments will 
also protect from the less important foes. [he number of applica- 
tions suggested is given for cases where the enemies are abundant, 
and where these are present only in small numbers the later treat- 
ments may frequently be omitted. In any case prevention is better 
and cheaper than cure. 

See that all spraying apparatus is in shape for immediate use be- 
fore the season opens. Have connections tight, the hose in good 
condition, the packing in the pumps perfect, and everything ready. 
The insects and diseases are ready; the farmer must also be ready 
if he is to keep them under control. 


Learn to know the insects and diseases by their appearance and 
their work, so as to apply the right treatment, for treatments differ 
for different foes and there is no one material which is effective for 
all insects and diseases any more than there is any one medicine 
good for every kind of illness with man. 

‘There is no one best pump or nozzle.” Almost any spray pump 
now on the market will do at least fair work. For Bordeaux mixture 
use a Bordeaux nozzle. For most insects use a Vermorel nozzle. 
There are many varieties of this, but in all the spray enters the 
chamber behind the outlet hole from one side and whirls around the 
chamber before escaping, and a nozzle made on this plan, whatever 
its name, should do the work. The smaller the outlet hole the bet- 
ter, unless it clogs, in which case use a cap with a slightly larger 
hole. The spray should be a fine mist or fog. 

One THOROUGH spraying at the right time is worth ten careless 
treatments. Most people who have given up spraying have done so 
either because they were not thorough enough and were disappointed 
in the results, or because they were lazy, and this country will soon 
have no place for the lazy farmer who thinks that planting, culti- 
vating and harvesting are the only things necessary to obtain a 

This bulletin contains a compilation of formulas for fungicides 
and insecticides taken from various sources, and the usual spraying 
directions. The treatments recommended are similar to those given 
in other Station bulletins of the same nature, but are based upon the 
personal observations of the authors covering a period of years. 
Many of these mixtures can be bought already prepared from 
reliable dealers, which saves much time and trouble in mixing them. 
The following precautions should be taken into consideration: 

1. Care should be taken to keep all substances employed in 
spraying where they cannot be used by mistake. All substances 
should be correctly labeled. : 

2. Solutions and mixtures containing copper sulfate, corrosive 
sublimate, and arsenate of lead, should be made in wood, glass or 
earthern vessels. . 

3. Arsenical sprays should not be applied to fruits, etc., within 
two weeks of the time they are to be used as food. 

4. Trees should not be sprayed when they are in blossom unless 
one wishes to reduce the crop. 


Directions for making and applying the different treatments 
follow. . 


Copper sulfate, (blue vitriol), 4 pounds. 
Lime, (unslaked), 4 pounds. 
Water, 25 to 50 gallons. 

Dissolve the copper in hot or cold water, using a wood or earthern 
vessel. Slake the lime in a tub, adding the water cautiously and 
only in sufficient amount to insure thorough slaking. After thor- 
oughly slaking, more water can be added and stirred in until it has 
the consistency of thick cream. When both are cold, dilute each to 
the required strength and pour both together in a separate receptacle 
and thoroughly mix. Before using, strain through a fine mesh sieve 
or a gunny cloth. 

The mixture is then ready for use. Considerable trouble has fre- 
quently been experienced in preparing the Bordeaux mixture. Care 
should be taken that the lime is of good quality and well burned and 
has not been air slaked. Lumps are far superior to the fine 
lime and are selected by masons for preparing finishing coats. 
Where small amounts of lime are slaked it is advisable to use hot 
water. The lime should not be allowed to become dry in slaking, 
neither should it become entirely submerged in water. Lime slakes 
best when supplied with just enough water to develop a large amount 
of heat, which renders the process active. If the amount of lime in 
the Bordeaux mixture is insufficient, there is danger of burning ten- 
der foliage. In order to obviate this the mixture can be tested with 
a knife blade or with ferro-cyanide of potassium (1 0z. to 5 or 6 oz. 
of water). If the amount of lime is insufficient, copper will be 
deposited on the knife blade, while a deep brownish-red color will 
be imparted to the mixture when ferro-cyanide of potassium is added. 
Lime should be added until neither reaction occurs. A slight excess 
of lime, however, is desirable, and it is seldom one has to apply 
these tests. 

The standard mixtures are: 

(a). 25 gallons (full strength mixture, or 4--4—25 formula), 
that is, 4 lbs. copper sulfate, 4 lbs. lime and 25 gallons 

(b). 50 gallons (half strength mixture, or 4—4—50 formula). 
(c). 6—4—50 formula. 
(d). 3—6—s0 formula. 
(e). 2—2—50 formula. 
(f). 3—g9—50 formula. 
d, e and f are suitable for peach and plum foliage, which are sus- 
ceptible to burn when full strength mixtures are used. 



Copper sulfate, 4 pounds. 
Water, 50 gallons. 
Add enough soda lye to make the mixture alkaline to test paper. 


Copper carbonate, 5 ounces. 
Ammonia (26° Beaumé.), 3 pints. 
Water, 50 gallons. 

Dissolve the copper carbonate in ammonia. This may be kept 
any length of time in a glass stoppered bottle, and can be diluted to 
the required strength. ‘The solution loses strength on standing. 


(Strong Solution.) 

Copper sulfate, 1 pound. 
Water, 25 gallons. 

Applied only on trees without foliage. 

(Weak Solution.) 

Copper sulfate, 2 to 4 ounces. 
Water, 50 gallons. 

For trees in foliage. 



Potassium sulfid, 3 ounces. . 
Water, ro gallons. 

Valuable for gooseberry mildews, etc. 

(for Potato Scab.) 

Corrosive sublimate, 2 ounces. 
Water, 15 gallons. 

Dissolve the corrosive sublimate in 2 gallons of hot water, then 
dilute to 15 gallons, allowing the same to stand 5 or 6 hours, during 
which time thoroughly agitate the solution several times. Place the 
seed potatoes ina sack and immerse in the solution for 1% hours. 
Dry before planting. 

Corrosive sublimate is very poisonous, consequently care should 
be taken in handling it, and the treated potatoes should not be kept 
within reach of stock.- The solution should not be made in metallic 

(For Potato Scab.) 
Formalin (40 per cent solution), 8 ounces. 

Water, 15 gallons. 

Used for the same purpose/as corrosive sublimate, but not poison- 
ous. Immerse the seed potatoes for 2 hours and spread out to dry 
before planting. 


Paris green, 1 pound. 
Flour, 20 to 50 pounds. 

Mix thoroughly and apply evenly ; preferably when dew is on the 


Paris green, 1 pound. 
Quicklime, 1 to 2 pounds. 
Water, 200 gallons. 

Slake the lime in part of the water, sprinkling in the Paris green 
gradually, then add the rest of the water. For the peach and other 

tender leaved plants use 300 gallons of water. Keep well stirred 
while spraying. 


White arsenic, 2 pounds. 
Sal-soda, 8 pounds. 
Water, 2 gallons. 

Boil till the arsenic all dissolves,—about 45 minutes. Make up 
the water lost by boiling and place in an earthern dish. For use 
take one pint of this stock, 2 pounds freshly slaked lime and 45 
gallons water, and spray. 


Arsenate of soda (50% strength), 4 ounces. 
Acetate of lead, 11 ounces. 
Water, roo gallons. 

Put the arsenate of soda in 2 quarts of water in a wooden pail, 
and the acetate of lead in four quarts of water in another wooden 
pail. When both are dissolved, mix with the rest of the water. 
Warm water in the pails will hasten the process. For the elm-leaf 
beetle use ro instead of roo gallons of water. 

A number of ready-made arsenates of lead are now on the 
market, and except when very large amounts are needed it will prob- 
ably prove cheaper to buy the prepared material than to make it. ~ 
With this ready-made material take 3 pounds to 50 gallons of water 
for codling moth, and 5 pounds to 50 gallons for the elm-leaf beetle 
and on potatoes. 



Potash whale oil soap, 2 pounds. 
Hot water, 1. gallon. 

For winter use only. 

tbe b 
Potash whale oil soap, 1 pound. 
Hot water, 6 gallons. 

For summer use. 


Hard soap, shaved fine, % pound. 
Water, 1 gallon. 
Kerosene, 2 gallons. 

Dissolve the soap in the water, which should be boiling ; remove 
from the fire and pour it into the kerosene while hot. Churn this 
with a spray pump till it changes to acreamy, then to a soft butter- 
like mass. Keep this as a stock, using one part in nine of water for 
soft bodied insects such as plant lice, or stronger in certain cases. 


Pulverized resin, 5 pounds. 
Concentrated lye, 1 pound. 
Fish or other animal oil, 1 pint. 
Water, 5 gallons. 

Place the oil, resin and 1 gallon of hot water in an iron kettle and 
heat till the resin softens; then add the lye and stir thoroughly ; now 
add 4 gallons of hot water and boil till a little will mix with cold 
water and give a clear, amber colored liquid; add water to make up 
5 gallons. Keep this as a stock solution. For use, take 

Stock solution, 1 gallon. 
Water, 16 gallons. 

Milk of lime, 3 gallons. 
Paris green, 14 pound. 


The object of this preparation is to obtain an adhesive material 
which will cause the poison to adhere to smooth leaves. It has been 
highly recommended by the New York State (Geneva) Experiment 

The stock solution No. 15 can also be used in making the resin- 
Bordeaux mixture by taking two gallons and adding it to ro gallons 
of water. This is mixed with 4o gallons of Bordeaux. 


Fresh stone lime, 20 to 22 pounds. 
Flowers of sulfur or sulfur flour, 18 to 20 pounds. 
Water, 45 to 50 gallons. 

Slake the lime with some of the water in a large iron kettle, 
sprinkling in the sulfur gradually. Start a fire under the kettle to 
continue the heat begun by the slaking lime, and boil till the mixture 
becomes dark orange in color, adding water till 35 or 40 gallons are 
in the kettle. Boiling should probably take from 40 minutes to an 
hour. Stir frequently and a successfully prepared lot should have 
little sediment on the bottom when the boiling is finished. Strain 
through a fine meshed strainer into the spray pump, adding the rest of 
the water, and spray while warm. It is generally better to use only 
the freshly prepared wash, though good results have sometimes been 
obtained with it when it has stood over night. This should not be 
applied to trees after the leaves have opened. 


Hard soap shaved fine, 1 pound. 
Water, 1 gallon. 
Crude carbolic acid, 1 pint. 
Dissolve the soap in boiling water ; add the carbolic acid and churn 
as for kerosene emulsion. Use one part of this with 30 parts of 


Hellebore, t ounce. 
Water, 1 to 2 gallons. 
Steep the hellebore in a pint of water and gradually add the rest 
of the water. Hellebore may also be dusted over the plants, either 
pure or mixed with flour or plaster. 


Mix with half its bulk of flour and keep in a tight can for 24 
hours ; then dust over the plants. Or, 
Insect powder, roo grains. 
Water, 2 gallons. 
Mix together and spray. 



Paris green if pure, 6 ounces; more if necessary. 
Bordeaux mixture, 50 gallons. 


Prepare the arsenate of lead as directed above, but instead of add- 
ing the arsenate of soda and acetate of lead to the water when dis- 
solved, mix them together and then add to 50 gallons of Bordeaux 
mixture. On potatoes, use 20 ounces of arsenate of soda and 55 
‘ounces of acetate of lead to 50 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. With 
ready prepared arsenate of lead use 5 pounds to 50 gallons of 
‘ Bordeaux. 


Arsenite of lime (made by formula No. rr), 13 quarts. 
Bordeaux mixture, 50 gallons. 


Ivory soap (ro cent size), 1 bar. 
Water, 15 gallons. 
Apply warm as it thickens on cooling. 
Recommended for rose mildew, plant lice, etc. 


Evaporate one pound of carbon bisulfid to every thousand cubic 
feet of space. This is done by pouring the bisulfid into shallow 
dishes placed in the upper part of the place to be fumigated, and 
closing everything tightly and leaving 24 hours. Then open, air for 
ten minutes before entering or using anything which has been fumi- 
gated. This treatment is effective for infested grain, weevily seed, 
clothes moths, carpet beetles, etc., in closets, trunks, tight boxes or 
wherever these substances are kept or in which they may be placed 
for treatment. Caution: Do not use carbon bisulfid near a fire, 
or where there is much heat, as it takes fire easily, even from a 
lighted pipe or cigar. 

For Nursery Stock. 
Potassic cyanid (98 or 99%). 
Sulfuric acid (1.83 sp. gr. commercial). 

Multiply the number of cubic feet to be fumigated, by .2 or .25, 
giving the number of grams of cyanid needed for the house or box ; 
divide the answer by 28.35, giving the weight of the cyanid in 
ounces. ‘Take twice as many fluid ounces of acid and four times as 
many fluid ounces of water as was taken in ounces by weight of the 
cyanid. Mix the water and acid in an earthern or granite-ware jar, 
then by loose bag and string drop inthe cyanid after tightly closing 
the place to be fumigated. Leave closed 40 minutes, then open 
from the outside and air for at least ten minutes before entering. 

for Empty Houses. 
Potassic cyanid (98 or 99%) 1 oz. per 100 cu. ft. 
Sulfuric acid (1.83 sp. gr. commercial), 2 fluid oz. 

per TOO; Cus at. 
Water, 4 fluid oz. per 100 cu. ft. 

Mix as directed under Number 25. 


for Empiy Houses. 

Close the house tightly and burn 200 grams (about 6 0z.) to 1000 
cu. ft. of space. Keep the house closed at least twelve hours. 

For Houses with Growing Plants. 

Evaporate a small quantity in a kettle over a kerosene stove, tak- 
ing care that it does not catch fire. Or, better, paint some of the 
heating pipes occasionally with a mixture of sulfur and oil. 


On general principles the practice of spraying greenhouse plants 
cannot be recommended, since the control of their diseases is possible 
to a large extent by maintaining favorable or hygienic conditions. 
This requires skill obtained from long experience in greenhouse man- 
agement. When greenhouses are about to be emptied or before 
replanting, fumigation can be practised to advantage with Nos. 26 
and 27. 

Red Spiders and Mites. 

Drench the plants with 2 ounces of common salt in a pailful of 
’ water. No really satisfactory treatment for these pests has yet been 

Plant Lice: Aphids. 

Burn tobacco stems ; when the house is empty, fumigate by any 
fumigant, such as Nos. 26 or 27. 


Nikoteen 4 cc. (4 02.) as 
Water 150 cc. (5 fl. 02.) | Per tooo cubic feet. 

Mix and vaporize in the house at night ; will kill most of the 
White Fly. 

Fumigate as for Nursery Stock above, No. 25, except that instead 
of using .2 or .25 gram of cyanid per cubic foot, use .o07 to .or 


gram according to how tight the house is. Use the corresponding 
proportions of sulfuric acid and water, fumigate at night for three 
hours, and then ventilate. Repeat the fumigation two weeks later 
and a third time two weeks later. This treatment must be used with 
caution, as tender plants may under exceptional conditions be some- 
what injured. 

Eel Worms. 

For eel worms on cucumbers, melons, violets, tomatoes, roses, etc. 
change the soil, or freeze or sterilize it. Excess of water in soil or 
drenching it for a few days has a marked repressive effect on eel- 
worms. Avoid manure containing greenhouse refuse or that con- 
taminated with eel worms. 

Mildews and Leaf Spots. 

Mildews and leaf spots can be controlled by paying careful atten- 
tion to details of heat, light, ventilation and moisture. Powdery 
mildew of cucumbersis brought on by lack of light and too much 
moisture in the atmosphere during the short days in winter. Downy 
mildew of cucumbers is a summer trouble and does not survive the 
winter in the greenhouse. It affects both out-door and indoor crops 
about the middle of August in this State. In order to avoid downy 
mildew in the greenhouse, crops should not be planted until Septem- 
ber or October, and what holds true of downy mildew on cucumbers 
is also applicable to outbreaks of bacterial wilt on greenhouse 
cucumbers. Anthracnose occurs usually about the middle of March 
on greenhouse cucumbers and is induced by too much moisture in the 
atmosphere and lack of light and ventilation. If cucumbers are 
affected with anthracnose, apply sulfur and oil to the pipes. 

Leaf blight of tomatoes (scab) is caused by a too moist atmosphere 
and lack of light. The leaf spot of the tomato (Cylindrosporium) 
results from crowding and shading. ‘To prevent the leaf blight, 
avoid excessive moisture, and give sufficient light and ventilation. 
If present, paint the pipes with sulfur. For the leaf spot, (Cylin- 
drosporium), prevent crowding of the plants and allow access of air 
and sunshine. For chrysanthemum leaf spots, (Cylindrosporium), 
give the same treatment as for tomato leaf spot. For rose mildew 
evaporate sulfur or paint the pipes occasionally with a mixture of 
sulfur and oil. 



For blossom end rot of tomatoes (bacterial, Fusarium, etc.), give 
the plants plenty of water when the fruit is forming. Keep the 
atmosphere of the house fairly moist, although not enough so to induce 
scab. In general a house should not be kept too moist during the 
night, as infection is likely to result. The foliage of greenhouse 
plants should be watered only on bright, sunshiny mornings, when it 
will dry off quickly. For chrysanthemum stem rot prevent over- 
crowding and give sufficient light and air. For carnation dry rot 
(Fusarium), select healthy cuttings and avoid planting in infected 
soil, extreme forcing and adverse conditions in general. Outdoor 
culture seems to be more favorable for dry rot than greenhouse cul- 
ture. For lettuce rot (Sclerotinia) and Rhizoctonia of lettuce, 
radishes, and carnations (wet rot), and timber rot of tomatoes and 
cucumbers (Sclerotinia) sterilize the soil. 


For chrysanthemum rust select healthy stock and _ pick off all 
rusted leaves. In outdoor culture avoid exposure to dews and exces- 
Sive moisture on the foliage. Carnation rust is best avoided by 
selecting rust-free stock and avoiding excessive moisture on the 
foliage during periods when there is no sunshine. The application 
of lime to the foliage and sub-irrigation have proved successful in 
checking the rust. 

Burns, Wilts, Etc. 

For lettuce top-burn maintain low temperatures on cloudy and 
succeeding days. The principal feature in lettuce growing is main- 
taining low night temperatures, when the plants are making their 
most rapid growth, and avoiding too high day temperatures. The 
night temperature for lettuce may range from 35° to 45°, depending 
upon conditions. On cloudy days it should not exceed 65°, but dur- 
ing periods of bright sunshine, the temperature may run higher in 

the daytime. 

' Extreme cases of cucumber wilt are caused by insufficient light, 
too high temperatures and lack of air. Leaf burns are often brought 
about by an excess of certain chemical constituents in the soil. To 
prevent leaf curl, stem curl, contorted leaves and various other mal- 
formations occasionally seen in greenhouses, avoid too concentrated 


manure. Unless one has an extended knowledge of soil fertility, it 
is best to avoid the use of all commercial fertilizers in green- 
house culture. Greenhouse soils are as arule provided with so 
much plant food that the addition of fertilizers is not absolutely 
necessary, and the formulas given for out door crops cannot be 
followed. If it is desired to use fertilizers on greenhouse crops, con- 
sult station authorities familiar with the subject of soil fertility. 



Leaf Spots, Sooty Mold, Scab. 

These can be controlled by spraying with Bordeaux mixture. 


Remove diseased twigs. Early spraying before the leaves appear 
with lime and sulfur wash or strong copper sulfate solution (No. 4) 
is most effective for this trouble. Allow no rotten fruit to remain 
on the ground. (See apple maggot.) 


This is becoming more common. Buy nursery stock free from 
the disease, and if the young stock is affected, destroy it. 

Apple Maggot or Railroad Worm. 

Gather and destroy all fallen fruit once every day, or let fowls or 
hogs run under the trees. They eat the maggots both in the fruit 
and on the ground. 

Bud Moth. 

Spray with a stomach poison (No. 10, 11 or 12) when the buds 
first open. Repeat just after the blossoms fall. 

Canker Worms. 

Band the trunks with tree tanglefoot: Oct. 1st for the fall canker 
worm ; band on the first warm day in March for the spring canker 
worm, or, spray as soon as the leaves open with a stomach poison 
(No. ro or 12). 

Codling Moth (Apple Worm.) 

Spray with a stomach poison (No. 12) just before the blossoms 
open. Repeat as soon as they fall. Repeat in two weeks. 

Oyster-Shell Scale. 

Spray trunk, branches and twigs thoroughly about June 5 in aver- 
age seasons with No. 13a or 14, varying the date according to the 
season. Repeat two weeks later. Old scales may remain all sum- 
mer after successful treatment. 

Plum Curculio. 

Eats leaves in early spring and punctures small apples, causing 
hard spots with woody places inside them. Spray with a stomach 
poison (No. 12) just before the blossoms open. Beginning about 
ten days after the blossoms fall, jar the trees about sunset and early 
in the morning, spreading a white cloth beneath and killing the insects 
which fall. 

Round-Headed Borer. 

Look for “sawdust ”’ at the base of the trunk in October and from 
this find and cut out the borers. Make a cone of wire mosquito 
netting, fitting the trunk about two feet from the ground and setting 
the other end in the ground, keeping the borers off. This will also 
protect from mice in winter. 

San Jose Scale. 

Spray during the winter with lime-sulfur wash (No. 16) covering 
every part of the tree thoroughly. If this treatment is impossible 
for lack of facilities for making, or the number of trees to treat is 
very small, use ‘“‘Scalecide”’ 1 part, water 14 parts. In either case 
use anozzle giving a very fine, misty spray and apply very thor- 
oughly. ‘The lime-sulfur wash has given better results than “ Scale- 
cide” at this Station. Home-made “soluble oils” are still in an 
experimental stage, in the opinion of the writer, and are not recom- 
mended for that reason. 

Woolly Aphis. 

White, woolly places on limbs in fall with lice beneath ; they may 
also be present on the roots. Remove the soil to the top roots two 


feet each way from the trunk, and if lice are present, apply 15% ker- 
osene emulsion liberally, then replace the earth. For those on the 
limbs spray with the emulsion. 

The apple is comparatively free from diseases in Massachusetts 
and in well-kept and thoroughly cultivated orchards one spraying in 
the spring with the lime-sulfur wash for the scale before the leaves 
appear, followed by one or two sprayings for codling moth, is usually 
sufficient. If sooty mold or scab is troublesome, midsummer spray- 
ing with Bordeaux is advisable. ‘The lime-sulfur treatment has proved 
the most successful of any for fungous diseases of the apple. 

Rust, summer stage. 

Avoid planting new beds on too dry soil, and in preparing a bed 
incorporate considerable organic matter, occasionally applying stable 
manure. Maintain the highest degree of fertility possible and dur- 
ing dry seasons cultivate thoroughly. 

Asparagus Beetle. 

Keep cutting beds closely cropped, leaving a few stalks for the 
beetles to lay their eggs on. Destroy these once a week and take 
others for the purpose. Spray the fruit stems thoroughly with 
arsenate of lead about once a month during the summer. Let fowls 
run in the beds. 

Asparagus Miner. 

A maggot mining in and often girdling the stems near or below 
the surface of the ground. Leave a few plants in spring for the fly 
to lay eggs on, destroying these by pulling up and burning about 
the end of June. 

Select clean seed. Spray with Bordeaux mixture when the leaves 
first expand, and repeat two or three times if occasion demands. 
Some varieties are more susceptible to anthracnose than others. 


Weevils in Seed. 

Place the seed in a tight box on gathering, and add a teaspoonful! 
of carbon bisulfid for every cubic foot of space in the box. Keep 
closed 24 hours; then store for the winter. During treatment keep: 
the box away from any fire. 

Leaf Spot. 

This is not as a rule troublesome in Massachusetts, butif so, apply’ 
Bordeaux mixture when four or five leaves are formed, and repeat, if 
necessary, at intervals of 10 to 14 days. 

Flea Beetle. 

Spray with Bordeaux mixture as needed. 


Cut out badly infested canes. ‘The Bordeaux spray may be used 
at intervals after growth has commenced. 

In bad cases of rust remove and destroy infected plants. Both 
anthracnose and rust are difficult to control by spraying. ‘The in- 
telligent application of fertilizers and frequent cultivation are the 
best treatment for raspberries and blackberries. 

Rose Scale. See Rose. 


Start seedlings in uninfected soil, and for planting select land free: 
from clubfoot if possible. If the soil is infected, use lime, 50 to 75 
bushels per acre. 

Black Rot. 

Treat seeds with formalin, one pound to 20 gallons of water for 
I5 minutes. Avoid infected soil. 



If noticed while preparing the ground for the crop, finish prepara- 
tion, then cut some clover and sprinkle it heavily with a stomach 
poison (No. 10), and scatter the clover over the ground for the cut- 
worms to feed on. If they appear after the cabbages are set, make 
a mash of 60 pounds of bran or middlings, 1 pound of Paris green, 
water to make a dough and molasses enough to sweeten. Place a 
little of this at the base of each plant, and keep fowls away. The 
cutworms will eat the sweet, poisoned mash in preference to the 

Root Maggot. | 
Apply disks of tarred paper to the stems of the plants when set- 

ting them. Powdered hellebore placed at the base of each plant 

about once:a week is often a successful treatment. 

Cabbage Worm. 

Spray with a stomach poison (No. ro or 12) till the heads form, 
then dust with hellebore as needed. 


Start seedlings in soil free from infection. If spraying is necessary, 
use Bordeaux mixture on young plants and continue its use at inter- 
vals throughout the season. 

Brown Rot, Etc. See Plum and Peach. 

Curculio. See Apple. 

Plant Lice. 

Spray with kerosene emulsion (No. 14) when the lice first appear, 
before the leaves curl. Repeat as needed. 

Spray with a stomach poison (No. 10 or 12) when the slugs appear. 


Fall plowing and thorough pulverizing of the soil for several years. 
Rotation of crops. ‘Trapping in early summer with freshly cut clover 
dipped in Paris green water and placed under boards in the field. 
This is a very difficult pest to control. 

Rots, etc. 

Consult Bulletin 110, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D.C. 

Cranberry Insects. 

Send for Bulletin No. 115, Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment 

Leaf Blights. 

Spray with Bordeaux before the leaves start, and continue to spray 
if the disease is troublesome after the leaves have formed. 

Currant Worm. 

Apply a stomach poison (No. ro) either wet or dry, or hellebore,. 
FREQUENTLY, as new lots of the worms may appear shortly after a 

Imported Currant Borer. 

Works along the centers of the stems. Cut off and burn all in- 
jured stems. 

San Jose Scale. See Apple. 

Bacterial Wilt. 

Occasionally present in Massachusetts. Destroy cucumber beetle, 
which is largely responsible for the distribution of the disease. 

Downy Mildew. 

Appears about August 15th. It is controlled by spraying with 
Bordeaux mixture every ten days or two weeks, commencing about 
August roth. 


Occasionally more or less troublesome. Partly controlled by 



Spraying is practically useless. 

For further advice in reference to these diseases, write this Ex- 
periment Station. 

Striped Cucumber Beetle. 

Keep under netting till well started. Apply a stomach poison 
(No. 10 or 12), wood ashes or air-slaked lime thoroughly and fre- 
quently. Burn plants as soon as crop is gathered. 

Squash Bugs. 
Keep under netting till well started. Pick and destroy bugs and 
eggs. Burn plants as soon as crop is gathered. 

Squash-vine Borer. 

Plant summer squash early to attract this insect. Keep main 
crop under netting till well started. Cover stems with earth at the 
joints to start roots at these places. Cut out borers, splitting the 
stem lengthwise. Harrow lightly in fall and plow at least six inches 
deep the following spring. 


Anthracnose, Black Rot, Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew. 

Spraying with Bordeaux is successful in the treatment of these 

Flea Beetle. 

Spray with a stomach poison and repeat if necessary. 

Rose Bug or Rose Chafer. 

Hand picking; spray with arsenate of lead 5 lbs., water 50 gal- 
lons. A very difficult pest to control. 

For the control of fungous and insect pests of the grape, the fol- 
lowing treatment is recommended: Before the buds unfold in the 
-Spring, spray with copper sulfate (No. 4). After the leaves have 


expanded, spray with Bordeaux (No. 1 b). When the fruit has set, 
spray with Bordeaux (No. 1 b) and repeat this once or twice until the 
fruit is mature. If insects are troublesome, use a combined fungi- 
cide and insecticide (No. 21). 




Infects young seedlings but not transplanted onions, or sets. 100 
pounds sulfur thoroughly mixed with 50 pounds lime per acre, 
applied with a seeder in drills, has proved beneficial; also ground 
lime drilled in with a fertilizer drill at the rate of 75 to 125 bushels 
per acre, is helpful. The best results have been obtained with the 
use of formalin, r pound (pint) to 30 gallons of water (1-240) or 1 
ounce to1 gallon of water (1-128), thoroughly sprinkled over the 
seeds before covering them. A drip attachment on the seeder, 
treating two rows at once, is a cheap and efficient method of apply- 
ing formalin. One gallon of formalin solution will treat about 4oo 
feet of drill. 


Apply carbolic acid emulsion around the base of the plants, when 
these first appear, using enough to wet the ground well on all sides of 
the stems; repeat three or four times at weekly intervals. 

Thrips. (Blight.) 
Spray very thoroughly with kerosene emulsion when the insects 
first appear ; repeat as needed. 


Place the seed in a sack and immerse in formalin, r pound (1 pt.) 
to 36 gallons of water, for ten minutes, after which spread out and 
dry for two or three days. This has proved very successful in pre- 
venting oat smut. 


Pea Weevil. See Bean Weevil. 

Peach Leaf Curl, Twig Blight, (Cladosporium and Monilia.) 

If the lime-sulfur wash for the San Jose scale has not been applied, 
spray in March or April before the buds swell with strong Bordeaux 
(No. 1a), or the copper sulfate solution (No. 4.) 

Shot=-Hole Fungus. 

Thorough spraying in the spring with the lime-sulfur wash is very 
beneficial. If Bordeaux mixture is used when the tree is in foliage, 
use formula (No. 1d, e or f.) 

Brown Rot. 

In this region brown rot is seldom troublesome in well-kept peach 
orchards except when the fruit is ripening. Allow no over-mature 
fruit to remain on the trees. If the season is muggy and damp, 
spray with ammoniacal copper carbonate before the fruit is mature and 
repeat if necessary. The lime-sulfur wash applied in the early 
spring has proved the best remedy for all fungous troubles of the 

Peach Yellows and Rosette. 

Remove all diseased trees. 
Plant Lice. See Cherry.: 

Peach Borer. 

Cut out borers in the tree as early in the spring as they can be 
found. Mound up earth about 18 inches high around the trunks the 
last of June and leave till in September. 

Plum Curculio. See Apple. 

San Jose Scale. See Apple. 

The use of the lime-sulfur wash on peach trees has proved of the 
greatest value. It is remarkable for its control of peach leaf curl 
and twig blights caused by Monilia and Cladosporium, which are 
very common on peaches. In well-kept orchards no other spray is 
as a rule necessary except occasional treatment for brown rot. 


Remove all affected branches. Early spring spraying before the 
buds swell with the lime-sulfur wash, copper sulfate (No. 4), or Bor- 
deaux is beneficial. 

Leaf Blights and Fruit Spots. 

Spray with Bordeaux at intervals. 

Sooty Mold of Twigs. 
When the pear psylla is abundant, sooty mold is often very 
troublesome. For prevention see pear psylla. 

Pear Psylla. 

Spray with kerosene emulsion as soon as the blossoms have 
fallen. Repeat twice more at intervals of a week. Winter treat- 
ment with the lime sulfur wash, or whale oil soap, 1 pound; water, 
1 gallon, is helpful, 

Pear Slug. See Cherry. 

San Jose Scale, Scurfy Scale, Codling Moth. See Apple. 

The pear in general can be treated like the apple. 


Brown Rot, Leaf Curl, and Shot-Hole Fungus. See Peach. 


Early spring spraying with copper sulfate (No. 4) or the lime-sul- 
fur wash has proved beneficial in holding the knot in check. When 
knots are present they should be removed. In the young stage they 
may be dug out and painted, which will check their development. 

Curculio, San Jose Scale. See Apple. 

Peach Borer. See Peach. 

For general treatment of the plum see peach. 



Early Blight. 

Spray with Bordeaux mixture when the potatoes are five or six 
inches high, about June 2oth, or preferably with Bordeaux and Paris 
green or arsenate of lead, (Nos. 20 or 21). Repeat application 
every two weeks. 

Late Blight. 

A continuation of the treatment recommended for early blight 
answers for this blight. To prevent the rotting of tubers, avoid 
poorly drained soil. 


To destroy germs on seed potatoes soak one and one-half hours 
in corrosive sublimate, (No. 7) or two hours in formalin (No. 8.). 
Dry the potatoes after soaking in formalin or corrosive sublimate. 
Avoid fertilizers containing stable manure, and as scab develops 
freely in alkaline soils do not use fertilizers containing free lime. 
The tendency to produce scabby potatoes may be lessened by the 
use of such fertilizers as acid phosphate and sulfate of ammonia. 

Cf. Wheeler et al. in R. I. Bulletins Nos. 26, 33 and qo. 

Potato Beetle. 

Spray with a strong stomach poison (Nos. 9, 10, 11 or 12); repeat 
as needed. 

Flea Beetle. 

Spray with Bordeaux mixture and Paris green or arsenate of lead. 

For the control of blights and insects on potatoes it is best to use 
a combined fungicide and insecticide, (either No. 20 or 21) as potato 
beetles are usually troublesome. Paris green acts more quickly on 
the potato beetle than arsenate of lead, but the latter is more adhe- 
sive than Paris green, and many growers are using formula No 21 in 
preference to No. 20. 


Leaf Blight. 

Spray with Bordeaux when the blossom buds appear, and repeat 
at intervals, if necessary. 


Remove all affected fruit, etc., from the tree. _ 

Borer, San Jose Scale. See Apple. 

Leaf Hoppers, Plant Lice. 

Kerosene emulsion, whale oil soap or tobacco water applied: 
thoroughly and frequently. 

Red Spider. 

See under Treatment of Greenhouse Plants. 

Rose Scale. 

Cut out badly infested stems, spray with whale oil soap 1 pound, 
water 1 gallon late in the fall or during the winter; also spray the: 
following April with whale oil soap 1 pound, water two gallons. 
During the summer whale oil soap 1 pound, water five gallons about. 
every three weeks may be used. 

See Cucumber. 
Leaf Blight. 
Attention to cultivation and fertility is much more important than: 
spraying for the development of healthy plants. Mulch thoroughly 
to prevent winter killing. 

White Grub. 

Rotation of crops or destruction by hand. Salty fertilizers may 
be of some value. 


‘Leaf Blight and Fruit Rots. 

Leaf blights and fruit rots are only partially controlled by spray- 
ing. The blossom end rot is more common upon dry soil and dur- 
ing dry seasons than wet, and some varieties are more susceptible 
‘than others. Irrigation has proved successful during the time of 
‘fruit ripening. 

Flea Beetle. See Potato. 

Cutworms. See Cabbage. 

Root Rot. 

Plant seeds in beds sterilized with steam or treated with formalin, 
one pound to12 or15 gallons of water, using about a gallon for 
each square foot of surface treated. Cover the soil for 24 hours to 
hold the formalin vapors, then remove cover and allow to air after- 
wards. . 

Cut Worms. See Cabbage. 

‘Tobacco Worm. 

Hand picking, or spraying with a stomach poison (No. 12.) 


Shade trees have to contend with various difficulties,* many of 
-which can be prevented if proper treatment can be given in time. 


Elm-Leaf Beetle. . 
Spray about the middle of June with arsenate of lead 5 pounds, 
~water 50 gallons. 

‘Leaf Eating Insects, Caterpillars, etc. 

Spray as necessary with a stomach poison. 

*There are many substances applied to shade trees which have proved very injurious, 
“much injury having been caused by the use of banding substances,—gas oil, kerosene and 
“water, etc. Only those substances which have been thoroughly tested and proved to be 

reliable should be used. 


Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths. 
For advice in regard to these pests address the Superintendent of 
the Gypsy Moth Commission, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. 

Spruce Gall Louse. 

Swellings at the bases of the smaller twigs, fresh and soft in May. 
Pick off and burn. Spray thoroughly with kerosene emulsion in 
April. . 

Woolly Aphis on Maple. 
Spray with kerosene emulsion. 

Leaf Spots. 

There are many leaf spots more or less common to shade trees, 
viz: the linden leaf spot (Cercospora), the sycamore blight (Gloeos- 
porium), oak blight (Gloeosporium,) horse chestnut blight (Phyllos- 
ticta) and the English hawthorne leaf spot (Entomosporium), which 
can undoubtedly be controlled to a large extent by spraying with any 
good fungicide, but the question of treatment depends upon whether 
the tree is valuable enough to warrant it. 

Sun Scorch. 

Some shade trees are subject annually to sunscorch and wilts. 
which are the result of strong, warm winds when the soil moisture 
supply is low. Trees growing on lawns in rich soil seldom suffer 
from these troubles, as the conditions are unfavorable for their devel- 
opment. When soil is very dry water may be applied by means of 
a sub-irrigation system installed near the feeding roots. 


By far the greatest amount of injury to trees from fungi is due to 
lack of antiseptic treatment of wounds caused by poor pruning and 
mechanical injuries. When large pieces of bark are removed from 
the trunk of the tree an old European method of treatment is some- 
times used, consisting of carefully scraping the wound and covering 
it with a mixture of one part lime, two parts cow-manure and 2 parts 
clay, which is securely bandaged with burlap. Whatever other 
virtue it has, this mixture probably assists in keeping the parts moist, 
which would help in the process of healing. 



Attention should be given to the removal of all dead limbs on 
‘shade trees and all wounds should be antiseptically treated with a 
thick coat of paint or coal tar. 


If there are cavities formed by decay in a tree which is of value 
they should be carefully dug out, scraped and treated first with cre- 
-osote, and then with tar. If it is necessary to fill the cavity, Port- 
land cement should be used, for the rough work employing grouting, 
—one part cement to five of sand and gravel,—and for the surface 
‘one part cement to two of sand. It is essential that the cavity 
should be thoroughly treated and filled and all moisture prevented 
‘from entering. If it is not desired to fill the cavity, it can remain 
‘open or be closed over with tin. In no case of filling should the 
cement extend beyond the wood. 

Chaining and Bolting. 

When trees show a tendency to split, they may be strengthened 
by bolts and chains, but whichever are used, care should be taken 
‘to have the work done thoroughly to prevent infection from fungi. 
When bolts are put through the tree, they may be treated with tar 
and the washers and nuts imbedded in tar and elastic cement, flush 
with the wocd. An extension bit is valuable for this purpose. 


To prevent injuries from electric wires, wooden or porcelain insul- 
ators should be used to protect the trees. Wires should not be 
allowed around trees in any form which would cause girdling. 



Plants like chickweed, moneywort and other running weeds can 
be largely eradicated from lawns by treatment with nitrate of soda, 
which should be used strong enough to kill the weeds’. This may 
also kill the grass, but a good growth of grass will come in again to 
the exclusion of the weeds. 

Dandelions on lawns can be sprayed with iron sulphate at the 
rate of 1% to 2 pounds tox gallon of water. Mechanical devices 
are also used for injecting acids and chemicals into the crowns of ° 
plants like the dandelion and plantain. The midsummer application 
of lawn fertilizers is beneficial in maintaining a strong growth of 
grass and keeping certain fall weeds out. 

Mowings and Cultivated Fields. 

Golden hawkweed in mowings has been more or less successfully 
treated by the application of 3,000 pounds of salt per acre. For 
wild mustard, smartweed, pigweed, cocklebur and ragweed in oat 
fields or mowings, spray with sulphate of iron at the rate of 100 
pounds to 52 gallons of water. The sulphate of iron application is 
said to cost 20 or 25 cents per acre, 52 gallons being sufficient for 
I acre. Special spraying appliances are used for this work. Lime 
and wood ashes are valuable for sorrel, mosses, ferns, etc. which 
grow in acid soil. 

Tennis Courts, Walks, Etc. 

The weeds on tennis courts, gravel walks, drives, etc. can be suc- 
cessfully removed by treatment with arsenate of soda at the rate of 
2 pounds to 10 gallons of water. This amount will cover about one 
square rod and can be applied with a watering can or spraying 
machine. On tennis courts in use it is generally sufficient to treat 
only 6 or 8 feet of the edges. It can also be applied to railroad 
beds where grass and troublesome weeds interfere with traffic. By 
treating a strip of grass 4 to 6 inches wide close to the foundation 
of buildings with arsenate of soda much hand trimming may be 
obviated.. Arsenate of soda is poisonous and care should be used 
in handling it. It should not be applied too freely near valuable 

There are many proprietary compounds on the market known as 
“ Herbicide”, ‘‘ Weedicide,” etc. which are effectual weed killers. 

: 3? 
Poison Ivy, Etc. 

Arsenate of soda can be used very successfully in killing ivy on 
large trees, stone-walls, buildings, etc. Two or three applications of 
the strength already given are generally sufficient. In treating trees 
it is sometimes advisable to remove the sod for a distance of 1 foot 
around the base and apply the solution in this space. It is not 
advisable to apply this treatment to small trees under 6 to 10 inches 
in diameter. 

Arsenate of soda may also be used for killing trees, and for this 
purpose holes should be bored in the trunk of the tree with an 
auger, arsenate of soda put in and the holes plugged up with corks. 
In some cases the spring of the yearis the best time to apply this 
substance. ‘The practical advantage of this method of treatment if 
it is successfully applied, is that sprouting from the stump may be 
effectually prevented, which obviates the necessity of digging out the 


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