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a monthly newsletter for the discerning gardener 

Vol. 1: No.3 

Managing Editor: TIM NORTH 

| BY=Yox=¥ 00] el-) am he ys | 

Production Editor: KEVA NORTH 

Editorial Office: C/o P.O. Box 279, EDGECLIFF, N.S.W. 2027 - Tel: (02) 326-1519 
Sold by subscription only $10.00 per year 

Plants - Places & People 

One fact has emerged very early from the correspondence 
we have received, that there is a large, and largely unsatisfied, 
demand among keen gardeners for what may be described, 
rather loosely, as ‘unusual’ plants, unusual in the sense that 
they are not normally found in commercial nurseries and 
garden centres. 

In the United Kingdom there are quite a number of small, 
privately owned specialist nurseries with all sorts of ‘unusual’ 
plants to offer. Beth Chatto’s marvellous nursery near 
Colchester in Essex is a supreme example. She issues a sixty- 
four page catalogue! But where are the counterparts in 
Australia? Do they exist? One or two certainly do, but clearly 
gardeners who wish to aquire plants a little out of the general 
run of mass produced garden centre lines face a problem. We 
will endeavour to track down sources of supply, either within 
the trade or from private gardens, and are making a start this 
month with a ‘Plants Wanted’ column. 

Perhaps not all those who are looking for unusual plants 
are aware of one of the benefits to be derived from membership 
of the Royal Horticultural Society of England, namely the 

right, as an overseas member, to receive up to fifty packets of 
seeds each year from the Society’s gardens at Wisley. A 
separate note on this appears in this issue. 

On a quite different theme, we are featuring this month, 
two separate and necessary brief accounts of two noteworthy 
land reclamation projects. One was completed in Vienna, 
several years ago, and involved transforming a former 
gigantic rubbish tip into a fine public park. The other, much 
nearer home, is taking place at this moment on the foreshore 
of Botany Bay. It is indeed encouraging to find that such far- 
sighted and imaginative reconstructions, as opposed to 
destruction, of our natural environment can still take place. 
We believe that, so far as the Botany Bay project is concerned, 
the Maritime Services Board of N.S.W. and everyone else 
who is, or has been connected with this work, deserve our 
thanks, and our congratulations. We hope to bring further 
news of this when it is completed. 

Now it’s time to say ‘Happy Christmas’ to all those reading 
this newsletter, and to thank you for your support so far. We'll 
be back in January 1982, and have some especially interesting 
features to come. 


- The traditions of 

The tradition of decorating a tree at Christmas goes back even 
to the pre-Christian era. In the Germano-Celtic Yuletide rites, 
which celebrated the winter solstice, evergreen trees were 
symbolic of eternal life; Yule logs, Yule cakes, gifts and greetings 
also played a part in these pagan rites. 

When St. Boniface completed the Christianization of Germany 
in the 8th century A.D. he dedicated a fir tree to the Holy Child. 
Because it so happened that the Nativity of Christ coincided with 
the pagan agricultural and solar observancies of mid-winter the 
tradition of the tree was perpetuated. 

The Christmas tree of modern times, however, really dates 
from the medieval German mystery plays. In these plays a tree 
(the Paradisebaum or Tree of Paradise) was used to symbolize 
the Garden of Eden: so the Germans used to set up a decorated 
tree, either at the entrances to their homes or inside, on the 24th 
December, the religious feast day of Adam ‘and Eve. When the 
mystery plays were eventually suppressed the tradition of 
decorating a tree with cakes and fruit, and later with candles, 
continued and spread to most of the countries of Northern 
Europe. Prince Albert, the German husband of Queen Victoria, 
is credited with introducing the Christmas tree into England, and 
German immigrants introduced it to the U.S. where it was 
adopted with enthusiasm. The trees most commonly used were 
firs, either the Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) or the Douglas Fir 
(Pseudotsuga menziesii). 

Mistletoe is also traditionally associated with Christmas, but 
it’s religious symbolism dates back to the time of the British 
Druids, who believed it had miraculous powers: it was supposed 
to be a cure forsterility and a remedy for poisoning. The Romans 
held it to be a token of peace, and believed that when enemies 
met under it they discarded their arms and declared a truce. 
From this grew the custom of kissing under the mistletoe. 

Holly, another traditional Christmas decoration was also 
endowed with unusual powers. According to one legend Christ’s 
crown of thorns was made of holly. 

These traditions handed down over many centuries are now 
an integral part of our celebrations of Christmas. Let us hope 
they continue to be for many years to come. 



Flowers and fruit - 
too few or too many? 

Flowering trees that produce too few or too many flowers may 
need help, according to Dr. Sydnol, of the Ohio Agricultural 
Research and Development Centre. 

Too few flowers may be due to excessive shade from 
surrounding trees, so pruning of these trees in order to admit 
more light may help. A more common reason, however, is 
excessive nitrogenous fertilizing of the lawn underneath the 
trees. Phosphorus is essential for flower production and is best 
incorporated into the soil in holes made with an augur. Use a 
slow-release phosphatic fertilizer such as Mag-amp or K-mag. 

On the other hand a tree that flowers far more heavily than 
usual may be in trouble. Flowering plants respond to a life- 
threatening stress by increasing flower production so as to 
produce seeds to reproduce themselves. The stress could be 
caused by borers, fungus diseases such as canker, improper 
feeding, inadequate water or other cultural factors, or mechanical 
injury. Maintaining the vigour of the tree is the best preventative 
against troubles of this kind. 

Fruiting trees respond in the same way. They need to be 
planted in full sun, with good air circulation around them, and as 
soon as they have a framework large enough to carry fruit, 
should be given a high-phosphate fertilizer once a year, preferably 
in summer. The following additional tip for increasing the 
quantity of fruit comes from an American fruit-growers journal, 
the North American Pomona:- rapid growing upright branches 
should be pulled down until their tips are level with the point at 
which they come out of the tree, if necessary the branches can be 
held down with plastic bottles filled with water tied to them; this 
can be done after the first year and must be done within ten days 
of blossoms opening, or alternatively, before the first buds for the 
following year are formed in winter or early spring. 


Plants, Places and People 

The Traditions. of Christmas .... Page 17 
Flowers & Fruit - ‘too few or too many . . . Page 18 
Book Review 


The Royal Horticultural Society 

The Port Botany Open Space Project 
Garden Gear 

Aerosols for the Home Gardener 

Rubbish Tip reclamation 

Grafting Native plants 

A novel way of reproducing 

Mycorrhizal fungi 

The Pyramid Appeal Art Union Winners 
Quick Tips 

Quote of the month 

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3 Shepson Printing (Letterpress & Offset) Pty. Ltd. 
Registered by Australia Post: 
Publication No. NBQ 4824 


‘The Gardens of Edna Walling’ 
by Peter Watts 

Not one name in the history of garden design in Australia 
stands outas that of Edna Walling. She introduced, to quote from 
this book ‘a totally new concept’ into the art, and insofar as a 
national style of garden design has evolved, the credit for this 
belongs to her. One cannot help but compare her with Gertrude 
Jekyll, more than fifty years her senior, and certainly there are 
many similarities in their styles, and Edna Walling clearly derived 
many of her ideas from Jekyll’s work. But the comparison must 
not be taken too far, for the two were quite dissimilar in their 
personalities. Gertrude Jekyll was artistic, literary, refined; Edna 
Walling was uncompromising, demanding, sometimes eccentric, 
considered by some to be aggressively masculine. She loved 
building with her own hands more than anything else, but she 
was a skilful and perceptive horticulturist, and at times a brilliant 

Peter Watts in his preface, says that this was not really the 
book he wanted to write: given the time he would have written a 
full length biography. But what he has written is a gem. He paints 
a clear picture of what this remarkable woman was really like and 
how she worked; and he speaks with authority and discernment 
of the elements of her style, and the influence this has had. He is 
well qualified to do this: an architect by training, he took a post- 
graduate diploma in landscape architecture at the Royal 
Melbourne Institute of Technology, and more recently undertook 
a two year survey of the historic gardens of Victoria on behalf of 
the National Trust and the State Government. He is now Director 
of the Historic Houses Trust of N.S.W. and honorary secretary of 
the Australian Garden History Society. 

Joan Law Smith contributes a beautifully written forward of 
great sensitivity. Mark Strizic’s coloured photographs of some of 
Edna Walling’s extant gardens are superb, and the book is also 
illustrated with reproductions - for the first time in colour - of 
many of her remarkably lucid water colour plans, complete with 
detailed planting notes. 

This is indeed a delightful book, and will appeal not only to 
those who are interested in the history of garden design in 
Australia, but also to all those who derive pleasure from beautiful 

‘The Gardens of Edna Walling’ is published by the National 
Trust of Australia (Victoria) Women’s Committee at a recomm- 
ended retail price of $19.95 plus $2.00 for postage. Profits from 
the sale of the book will go to the National Trust. This book is 
available from National Trust shops. 

Plants wanted 

Anyone having plants of the following is invited to write to: 
Mrs. Ann Gordon, 
Box 129, Irymple, 
Victoria, 3498. 

Ruta graveolens - ‘Jackman’s Blue’ 
Salvia officinalis - ‘Tricolor’ 


Louis XIII of France once composed a gavotte which he called 
‘Amaryllis’, because, he said, these flowers reminded him of 
dignified ladies courtseying. In less complimentary fashion they 
have been christened ‘Naked Ladies’, because of their habit of 
sending up long ‘naked’ flower stems after all the foliage has died 

It is generally believed that there is only species in the genus, 
Amaryllis belladonna, but in it’s native South Africa it produces 
different varietal forms, and also hybridizes readily with certain 
other genera of the Amaryllidaceae, particularly Brunsvigia and 
Crinum. A further complication is it’s ability to produce large 
quantities of parthenogenetic seed - that is seed produced by 
spontaneous growth of the female germ cell without fertilization 
by the male organs: this results, in the case of hybrids, in a 
perpetuation of the maternal line. 

Many of these Amaryllis hybrids have been produced in 
Australia, notably the so-called ‘multiflora’ hybrids, and the 
climate of the temperate eastern states seems to be especially 

The best known of the early hybrids was the so-called ‘Kew 
Belladonna’, orA. x parkeri. It was given to Kew Gardensin 1889 
bya Miss Arbuckle, of Stanwell House, Richmond, near London. 
Miss Arbuckle had acquired this house from Sir Henry Parker, 
who had been Premier of New South Wales from 1856 to 1857. 
This particular hybrid, however, had been shown to the Royal 
Horticultural Society fourteen years earlier by Sir Henry’s 
gardener, Mr. Boivell. It was then described as a seedling raised 
in Australia by Lady Parker from A. belladonna and Brunsvigia 
josephinae. However, itis likely that this cross was first made, not 
by Lady Parker, but by Mr. Bidwell, the Director of the Botanic 
Gardens in Sydney. It has also been attributed to Mr. Bradley, a 
Sydney nurseryman. Mr. Bidwell, writing in the English 
‘Gardeners’ Chronicle’ in 1850 describes how Dean Herbert, in 
1843, gave him some bulbs raised from ‘A. blanda x A. 
josephinae’ (sic). A. blanda had been collected by Banks at the 
Cape of Good Hope, and had flowered at Chelsea as early as 
1754, after which it seems to have disappeared for a time; both 
Dean Herbert and Elwes believed it to be a separate species. 
Elwes had also collected a tall, early-flowering form of Amaryllis 
from an undisclosed source, which he called A. elata. 

John Baptist was another Sydney nurseryman who, around 
the middle of the nineteenth century, was hybridizing Amaryllis 
and Brunsvigia. One hybrid he produced he called B. x multiflora, 
but it was questioned at the time whether this was, in fact, a 
hybrid, as it displayed no marked Brunsvigia characteristics, nor 
was a pronounced Brunsvigia throwback reported. 

Going back to Mr. Bidwell, we know that he raised a large 
number of seedlings, but it is not clear whether he used the A. 
belladonna type to produce parkeri, or whether he used blanda 
or €lata; it may also be that parkeri contains something of both 
Brunsvigia josephinae and B. x multiflora. It is known, however, 
that a chance pollination of A. x parkeri with A. x multiflora 
(another of Mr. Bidwell’s hybrids) resulted in the first white 
Amaryllis, which was called ‘Hathor’. It seems that this cross 
broke down a number of genetic barriers, because it was followed 
bya whole range of hybrids, from broad-petalled types not unlike 
some of the Hippeastrums to some very unusual Brunsvigia 
types - the Brunsvigia characteristics, however, being almost 
wholly recessive. 

At Kew the A. belladonna and B. josephinae cross was 
repeated and in 1909 Mr. van Tubergen described the reverse 
cross. In 1911 Sanders and Son of St. Albans showed 
‘Brunsdonna Sanderae alba’, which received an Award of Merit, 
and Mr. Lionel de Rothschild also received an Award of Merit 
with A. x parkeri alba. 

As already mentioned, Australia is the home of the multiflora 
hybrids, the direct descendents of Bidwell’s plants. A. x Glory is 
one of the best of these, a very large plant with thirty or more 
blooms on each of it’s umbels: some seedlings produce flowers 
with a ruffled edge. A x multiflora alba is the sole source of white 
forms, the lack of pigmentation being recessive. 

It is clear that, under favourable climatic conditions, as exist in 
South Africa and the temperate eastern part of Australia, A. 
belladonna is inclined to produce varietal forms, and blanda is 
probably the best of these. Many crosses have no doubt occured 
naturally, though many too are the result of deliberate hybridization. 
Particularly unusual hybrids result when B. josephinae is used as 
the male parent and A. belladonna as the female - this may be 
due to partial parthenogenesis. The late Sir Frederick Stern once 
described a hybrid B. josephinae he had seen in Adelaide: the 
bulb, he said, was 6-8 ins. in diameter and weighed nearly 10 lbs: 
the leaves were larger than those of Amaryllis, and the blooms 
double the size of the type, and of a deep apricot-pink colour. 
Apparantly it was self-sterile. Sir Frederick also described a wine- 
red Brunsvigia he saw in Melbourne. 

We would welcome information on any unusual Amaryllis or 
Brunsvigia types readers may have growing in their gardens.. 

The Royal Horticultural Society 

The Royal Horticultural Society of England is one of the 
oldest and most prestigious horticultural societies in the world. 
Membership is open to all keen gardeners wherever they may 

Membership entitles one to - 

— free admission to all the Society's shows at Vincent Square, 
London, and to the Chelsea Show, held in the last week of May 
each year (2 tickets). 

— free admission for up to three people to the Society's gardens 
at Wisley, in Surrey. 

— a copy each month of the Society’s journal ‘The Garden’, 
which contains many authoritative and interesting articles on 
plants and gardens. 

For overseas members, however, one of the most important 
entitlements is that of receiving, free of charge each year, up to 
fifty packets of seeds from Wisley Gardens. These can be 
selected from a list which is sent to all overseas members at the 
end of each year. Some seeds are available only in very small 
quantities, so there is no guarantee of receiving the whole of 
one’s first choice. To give some idea of the variety of seeds 
offered the last list issued included seeds of 1,236 species; there 
were, for example, 15 species of Allium, 18 species of Campanula, 

14 of Iris, 19 of Primula and no fewer than 123 Rhododendron 

species. : 

These seeds are normally distributed in March or April. The 
annual subscription covering these entitlements is £14 (about 
$23.00) per year, and cheques on Australian banks in Australian 
currency are accepted. Further details can be obtained from - 
The Secretary, The Royal Horticultural Society, Vincent Square, 
London, SWIP 2PE, England. 


The Maritime Services Board of New South Wales, in it’s 
initial planning of the Port Botany Development in 1975, 
adopted a policy that significant areas of the foreshore to be 
reclaimed should be set aside for development as a public open 
space. The reasoning behind this policy was that this open space 
would provide a buffer between the new port areas and the 
developed residential zone, and would soften the appearance of 
what would otherwise be purely functional port facilities. It would 
also afford some compensation for the changes in the former 
environment that the port development would bring. Furthermore, 
there wasa relative sparsity of open green spaces in the area, due 
in part to urban and industrial development, and in part to the 
denudation of the natural environment by the severe sea coast 

The alignment of the proposed foreshore roadway was fixed 
at some considerable distance from the former northern foreshore 
of Botany Bay, so as to enclose a fairly large area for development 
as a public space. Botany Municipal Council stipulated that a 
continuous mound, not less than 4-5 metres in height, should be 
formed north of the roadway to screen the port area from the 
new parkland and from the residential area: covered with grass 
and vegetation, this mound would reduce the noise from traffic 
using the roadway. Using sand dredged from the Bay during the 
construction of the new container berths, the area along the 
foreshore was reclaimed and the mound was roughly formed. 
The Department of Main Roads then constructed the foreshore 

There was thus created, between the road and the existing 
residential area, a space some 2.5km long by an average 200 
metres wide. With the addition of the contiguous existing areas of 
Sir Joseph Banks Park, the Banksmeadow Golf course and the 
former Esplanade Reserve, this offered and eventual total of 
46.3 hectares of public open space. 

The Port Botany open space project 

The Maritime Services Board then retained Bruce Mackenzie 
and Associates, the Sydney based firm of consulting landscape 
architects, to prepare a design for the landscaping of the new 
parkland area. 

The design that was decided on was based ona simulation of 
the natural bayshore environment of an earlier age - the scene, in 
fact, that Captain Cook might have encountered. The various 
parts of this design included a grassed sand dune system, a 
chain of ponds, lagoons and reedbeds, native heath shrubbery 
and woodland and paperbark swamps. 

The sand dune system in this design was, in fact, rather larger 
than that which might have formed naturally, butit’s exaggerated 
size would provide a strong enclosure for the parkland, sheltering it 
from the southerly winds that sweep across the bay. 

The parkland itself was designed to provide carparks and path 
systems, picnic and recreational areas, ponds for paddling in, 
and reedbeds and swamps to attract water birds. It would also 
include such novel features as a 4km long cycle-way, meandering 
around the dunes and hollows, timber structures utilizing heavy 
poles and beams, to provide observation decks gaining 
panoramas of the Bay and port areas, log-walled billabongs and 
passages through the dune system, achildren’s adventure land, a 
boardwalk elevated on piles just clear of the water surface in an 
area of paperbark and reed swampland, and a whole section 
given over to a look of wild, unspoilt nature. 

The first stage of the development, which was basically an 
earth-moving project, involved the reshaping of the sand-fill 
reclamation to form dune-shaped ridges and undulations, as well 
as flat areas for the future parkland, and the excavation below the 
natural watertable to form the chain of ponds. This work was 
performed by Leighton Contractors and was completed early in 
1980. The Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales was 
then engaged to plant Spinifex and Marram Grass on the 
seaward side of the main dune bank. 

A view of part of 
= the parkland under 
neal re +2" 4 construction. 
Watt, Ray! ie oy Photograph by 
ee 2 Ebi: aa "David Whitworth of 

Sects pe te Sata on WE a _ Whitworth-Laurie P/L 


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Perspective drawing of the parkland’ 
showing one of the log-walled billabongs. on 
Reproduced by permission of Bruce MacKenzie and Associates." 

The contract for the landscaping of the 32.4 hectare park, 
worth 2.6 million dollars, is the largest landscaping contract ever 
awarded in Australia. It was given to the Sydney firm of 
landscape contractors Whitworth-Laurie Pty. Ltd. This work, 
which was started about eleven months ago, is scheduled to be 
completed in early 1982. After that there will be a two year 
maintenance period, during which parts of the park will 
progressively be opened to the public, with the entire area being 
open early in 1984. 

‘This landscaping has involved covering the areas to be 
planted with 15cm of soil and humus - a total volume of 40,000 
cu.m. of material - and rotavating this in; the construction of the 
various bridges, billabongs etc; the installation of a permanent 
automatic watering system for some grassed areas and of a 
complex irrigation system for hand watering of all tree and shrub 
areas during the maintenance period. 

Plant groupings have been carefully worked out to accord 
with the varying land profiles - for example, low profile dune, 
taller profile dune, low profile heath, taller profile heath, upper 
canopy drier zone and upper canopy moister zone, and humid 
forest mixture. In addition differing grass mixtures have been 
specified for different areas. Over fifty species of native shrubs 
and trees will be represented, the most important ones being 
Leptospermum laevigatum (12700 plants), Melaleuca armillaris 

(10600 plants), Banksia integrifolia (2670 plants), Acacia 
sophorae (5400 plants), and Angophora costata (2475 plants). 
Three Casuarina species, C. distyla, C. glauca and C. littoralis, 
between them account for 4500 plants. Eight Eucalyptus species 
(mainly E. botryoides) are included, and five Acacia species. Less 
common plants include Acacia browni, and A. Uulicifolia, 
Leptospermum rotundifolium and Melaleuca nodosa. 

In all some 60,000 tube sized plants will be used plus about 
8,000 aquatics. In addition to this 28,000 sq.m. will be direct 
seeded with seeds of similar species. The process that has been 
developed for this involves covering the seed with a 1cm thick 
layer of humus and spraying this area with Curasol, a plastic 
emulsion which has the effect of stabilizing the surface, but which 

‘ breaks down after quite a short period of time. 

All the plants for this project are now being grown under 
contract by Tharwa Propagation Nursery, of Terry Hills. Planting 
is expected to start in the very near future. 

Oncompletion of the project itis expected that the land will be 
transferred to the Department of Lands, who will place it under 
the care of Botany Municipal Council. 

This is a bold and imaginative plan for the public utilization of 
an area which otherwise would have remained a barren wind- 
swept and thoroughly degraded length of foreshore, with the 
new port facilities as the only dominant feature. 

Another view of the work under construction. 
Photograph by David Whitworth. 5 


Capillary Mats 

House plant and green house growers have been using 
capillary mats for several years with increasingly better results. 
Numerous absorbent materiais have been used from felt and 
fake fur to carpeting. 

Fibreglass is one material with an added advantage in that it 
‘bounces’ light upwards to help plant growth. 

The elimination of moisture stress through the use of capillary 
mats results in faster growth and improved plant quality: it also 
stimulates root growth, with vigorous roots reaching right out to 
the pot wall, which, because of the constant moisture, is 
prevented from becoming hot and dry. 

Capillary watering is preferable to wick watering because the 
mat also adds humidity to the growing area. Algal growth on the 
mats can be prevented by using a slow-release fertilizer, such as 
Osmocote. Plants that require a dry period should, of course, be 
removed from the mat during that period, and in cool weather it 
may be necessary to discontinue using the mat to avoid too high 
humidity. It is essential that pots have a flat base, with no raised 
edges or ridges. 

Colan Products Pty. Ltd., of Guildford N.S.W., market a 
capillary matting made of a chemically bonded, non-woven, 
natural fibre. This matting is about 1.5cm thick and holds about 7 
litres of water per square metre. A sheet of black polythene under 
the matting ensures maximum water retention. This material is 
available in a special home gardener one square metre pack 
which includes the black polythene and which sells for about 
$5.00 per pack. ‘ 

Erica Vale Australia Pty. Ltd., of Jannali, N.S.W. market an 
English made capillary mat called a ‘Plant Caretaker’, made of 
fibre, and measuring 60cm x 45cm. It too, comes with a sheet of 
black polythene and sells for about $5.00. 

Capillary mats are one answer to the problem of what to do 
with pot plants while you go on holiday. 

Aerosols for the home gardener 

The main advantage of the aerosol is its convenience. The 
product comes ready to use, there is no need for mixing and 
nothing to clean up. No extra attachments are needed to apply 
it, and as the aerosol can is effectively sealed there is no 
contamination of the product, which leads to a longer shelf life. 
Aerosols are especially convenient to people who live in units or 
who have tiny gardens, since there is very little wasting of the 

But this does not mean that aerosol sprays can be used 
indiscriminately or carelessly. Most aerosol insecticidal sprays 
are based on relatively harmless pyrethrins or pyrethroids which 
have a very low residual effect. Some, however, particularly 
some of those which are used against crawling insects like 
cockroaches, and which, therefore, are likely to be used more in 
the house than in the garden, contain carbamates or organ- 
ophosphorus compounds. These are ‘anti-cholinesterase’ 
compounds- that is they inhibit the production of cholinesterase, 
which is an enzyme essential for the transmission of nerve 
impulses. Although they are used in household and garden 
sprays only in very small quantities, well below what has been 
accepted as permissible limits, they can be absorbed through the 
skin and are in fact, more toxic when absorbed or inhaled than 
when swallowed. The greatest danger lies in low-level exposure 
over a long period. 

One of these organo-phosphorus compounds used is 
dichlorvos, which is unusual in that it has a short residual life, and 
may, therefore, be considered to be relatively safe. However, 
Professor Lofroth at the Radiobiology Department of the 
Biochemistry Institute at the University of Stockholm, has 
suggested that dichlorvos may be mutagenic. This has by no 
means been proved, but nor has it been disaproved, so for the 
moment doubts must exist about the safety of dichlorvos. In any 
case, all aerosol sprays which contain either carbamates or 
organo-phosphorus compounds should be treated with exactly 
the same degree of care as any spray containing the same 
compounds, in other words rubber gloves and mask should be 
worn. : 

Back in 1974 another controversy broke out over aerosols - 
over the widespread use of fluorocarbons as propellants. The 
controversy started when two scientists at the University of 
California showed that fluorocarbons could damage the earth’s 
ozone layer, which shields us from harmful ultra-violet radiation. 
In 1979 the use of fluorocarbons in most types of aerosol was 
prohibited in the U.S. and similar restrictions were imposed in 
some other countries. In Australia no restrictions were imposed, 
but in fact fluorocarbons have come to be used less and less in 
aerosols. Whether or not they do harm the ozone layer is still 
unclear and there is much conflicting evidence on the subject. 
The U.S. National Academy of Science, for example, has 
calculated that the ozone layer will be reduced by 16% over the 
next twenty years, and have recommended even stricter measures 
over fluorocarbons, while N.A.S.A. claim that the ozone layer has 
actually increased. The balance of scientific opinion at present 
seems to be that while fluorocarbons may be harmful in the long 
term, no harm will be done by waiting for a few more years while 
more evidence is collected. 

Unfortunately, the main alternative to fluorocarbons as an 
aerosol propellant, that is the hydrocarbons such as butane, are 
highly inflammable, which is another reason for using them 

These are some of the aerosol products now available for 
garden use:- Hortico ‘Leaf Shine’ and Lane ‘Leaf Gloss’ make 
leaves of indoor plants shine; the spray doesn’t clog leaf pores or 
interfere with the growth of the plant. Clean the leaves with a 
damp cloth before spraying and use only on hard-leaved plants. 

Samuel Taylor ‘Leaf Plus’ is a balanced foliar fertilizer in a 
water-based system, which allows an even distribution of 
nutrients over the exposed parts of the plant. ‘Leaf Plus’ should 
be used regularly and at the same time as you water your plants. 
Mortein ‘House and Garden’ is a water-based insecticide with a 
wide range of pest-control applications. Other insecticides are 
Lane ‘House Plant Spray Insecticide’ and Rentokil ‘For Home 
and Garden’, both based on pyrethroids and natural pyrethrins. 
Regular spraying (about every four or five days) is recommended. 
Lane ‘Spot Weeder can be used outdoors on small weeds. The 
spray can be directed accurately onto the weed and so is ideal for 
getting at isolated weeds in lawns, paths, near fences and in 
rockeries. Rentokil ‘Snail Shooter can be sprayed direct onto the 
plant rather than on the ground, because most snails do not 
come down to feed on ordinary bait until the plant has been 
eaten. This snail killer is harmless to pets. 

Lane ‘Spider Killer kills all spiders, including funnel webs and 
redbacks. Lane ‘Clear White Oil Garden Insecticide’ is a 
convenient way to control most scale insects, as well as white fly, 
citrus thrips, mealy bugs and aphids. 

Hortico ‘Stop Rot’ pruning spray protects grafts and pruning 
cuts. It provides a watertight seal which prevents the entry of 
disease organisms and insects. 


Rubbish tip reclamation 

One of the great problems of an urban society is the disposal 
of refuse. Giant rubbish tips are to be found on the perimeter of 
every major city, but what happens to these tips when finally they 
can take no more rubbish? 

One of the most notable achievements in modern times is the 
reclamation of the 250 acre Donau Park in Vienna. Once the 
centre of an island in the Danube, it was a real river forest. All 
traces of the forest have long since disappeared, and over a 
period of years it became a gigantic city rubbish tip, covered with 
refuse of every kind and a myriad of shanty huts. 

Reclaiming this area involved the massive application of 
horticultural measures. 560,000 cubic metres of specially 
enriched soil together with 26,000 cubic metres of leaf mould 
and compost were brought in. Two million flowering shrubs, 
eight hundred and fifty thousand trees, one and a half million 
tulips and three thousand kg. of daffodil bulbs were planted - as 
well as many other bulbs, including eighteen thousand iris. As 
well as this vast planting, playgrounds, sports grounds, amuse- 
ment centres and other installations were provided. 

More recently, other areas on the outskirts of Vienna have 

been reclaimed and turned into attractive municipal parks. 
Characteristics of these areas are extremely close planting of 
shrubs - much closer than would normally be advocated in this 
country, and the skilful association of flowering trees and shrubs. 
One particularly effective combination is Silver Birch with 
flowering cherries. 

Vienna is not alone itit’s record of reclaiming rubbish tips. For 
Example, the South Coast Botanic Gardens in Pales Verdes, 
California, is built on one, and now boasts an internationally 
known collection of sub-tropical plants. 

Is it too much to expect that one day all our municipal rubbish 
tips will become parks - or botanic gardens? 

Grafting native plants 

The University of New England recently held two Seminars 
on Grafting Native Plants as part of its Ecofest activities. The 
Seminars were conducted by Don Burke who has spent some 
years grafting a large number of Grevilleas as well as Brachychitons, 
Hakeas, Agonis and other genera. Recent work on cutting grafts 
was highlighted and students practiced this promising method. 

This method of grafting involves joining two pieces of plant 
material together and striking the result as a cutting. It is cheap, 
easy and fast. 

This is probably the first really commercial method of grafting 
and it has already been used to graft Prostanthera spp onto 
Westringia and various Grevilleas onto one another. 

A cutting-graft costs about twice as much as a cutting to strike, 
but thereafter its cost is the same. That is, the wholesale price of 
say a grafted Mint Bush in an ‘advanced’ container would be 
about $3.00 as against $2.60 for a cutting grown plant. Many 
previously hard-to-grow natives will probably become available 
in the future, grafted by this method. 

Don Burke has successfully grown ‘impossible’ plants such as 
Grevillea dryandrii by grafting them onto Silky Oaks (G. dryandrii 
has 0.5m or 18” long red, pink or white flower spikes carried 
above the foliage). 

A novel way of reproducing 

It is known that cytokinins, which are growth-regulating 
substances, produce ‘Keikis’ or plantlets when applied to 
dormant buds on certain types of orchids as well as other tropical 
plants. Phalaenopsis, which form numerous dormant buds on 
flower spikes, respond especially well, and the technique has 
been described in the American Orchid Society Bulletin: the 
bract around the bud is carefully cut with a sharp sterilized knife, 
then removed with tweezers; a small amount of the cytokinin 
preparation is then applied with a flat toothpick to the bud and 
the tissue immediately around it. A ‘Keiki’ will normally be 
produced on each bud treated in this way: it can be separated 
and potted up when it has three or four roots about 1.5cm long. It 
is recommended that the plant receives a high nitrogen fertilizer 
while ‘Keikis’ are forming. 

Bob Kundtz, of the Florida Cypress Gardens in the U.S., 
however, has developed a slightly different technique. He 
reports that soaking pandanus, bromeliads and ferns in a 
solution of one birth control pill in one quart of water makes them 
sprout new plantlets complete with root systems. He believes the 
oestrogen in the pills is responsible, and is now testing it on fruit 
trees and vegetables to see if it will give increased yields. 

Mycorrhizal fungi 

Mycorhizae live in a symbiotic - that is mutually beneficial - 
partnership on plant roots. In return for certain photosynthetic 
products they send out hyphal stands into the soil which act like 
an extended root system. 

According to Dr. Fred T. Davies jnr. of Texas A. & M. 
University, these mycorrhizal fungi ‘reduce transplant shock and 
increase plant growth through improved water retention, more 
efficient use of low nutrient levels, better disease resistance, 
increased plant growth regulator production, and enhanced 
growth of woody cuttings’. One American company is now 
producing mycorrhizal inoculum for experimental purposes, 
with a view to selecting high performance strains and re- 
evaluating fertilizing, watering and pest control practices, because 
the use of mycorrhizae makes possible greater conservation of 
these materials. 

Until soil inoculation is a practical proposition for home 
gardeners, mycorrhizal activity can be encouraged by adding 
organic matter to the soil, and mulching to prevent high soil 
temperatures which are harmful to them. When putting in new 
plants it’s a good idea to mix in some soil from an area where you 
have similar plants growing to assure a supply of mycorrhizae. 

The great pyramid appeal art union 

Prizes in the Art Union (see Vol. 1 - page 4) have now been 
drawn. The winners are:- 1st: (return trip for 2 to Egypt) to Mrs. 
Schicht of Normanhurst — 2nd: (return trip for 2 to Mexico) to W. 
Marks of Kings Cross — 3rd: (return trip to Thailand) to Mr. 
Barrington of Bellevue Hill. 

Though the Art Union has closed, the appeal for funds to 
build the two new pyramid glass houses still has a long way to go 
before the target of $1.2 million dollars is reached. Donations 
may be sent to the Great Pyramid Appeal, Mrs. Macquarie’s 
Road, Sydney, 2000 - (02) 27 4347. 


Quick tips 

Luffa sponges make good nozzles for gently watering garden 
beds. Cut off one end of a sponge, insert the hose end about half 
way into it and secure with string or a rubber band. 

(from the U.S. publication ‘Organic Gardening) 

Foam rubber carpet underlay cut into small squares and placed 
around young cabbage plants will give 100% control of the 
cabbage root fly. 

(from the U.K. National Vegetable Research Station) 

Incorporate shredded garlic plants in the compost heap. Ground 
on which the resultant compost is applied will be free of 

(from Mr. M. Morrison of Dubbo, N.S.W.) 

Quote of the month 

(from a Chinese Proverb) eee (7) ee 
If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk. 
If you want to be happy for three days, get married. 
If you want to be happy for eight days, kill your pig and eat it. 
If you want to be happy for ever, make a garden. 

Garden Cuttings is published monthly on a subscription only 
basis. The annual subscription is $10.00 including postage. To 
become a subscriber simply send your name and address, 
together with a remittance for $10.00 to the address at the foot of 
this page, or use the application form enclosed with this 
newsletter. Your subscription will commence with the next issue. 

Up to September 1982, we are offering a year’s subscription - 
free to anyone who likes to enrol ten or more other subscribers. 
Just send the names and addresses of the ten or more people, 
with their subscriptions (or one remittance to cover all subscrip- 
tions) together with your own name and address, and you will 
receive Garden Cuttings free for one year. 

In addition commissions are available, up to September 
1982, to retail nurseries, garden centres, horticultural and 
specialist plant societies, garden clubs and other organizations, 
who distribute application forms to their customers or members, 
provided that these forms are clearly marked with an identifying 

Commission will be at the rate of 5% of the total subscriptions 
received, over and above ten. That is, a total of sixty subscriptions 
for example, from any one source will earn a commission of 


P.O. Box 279, Edgecliff, 
N.S.W. 2027. 


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