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EDITED    r.Y 

(tJ^:OEGE    AA'.    AlARSIIAEE,    LE.D. 

rr.LI.OW    OV    THK    iuCIl.TY    UF    ANTIlJUAlilKS. 

voj;l\me  VI, 

],()NDn.\  : 

GEoitcK  ]u:ll  Axn  soxs, 

YORK    STKl.KT,    cnVENT    GARDEN, 

X  ?i'l&38 

P 11  E  F  A  C  E . 

lu  Lnngiug  to  a  close  the. Sixth  Volume  of  the  '  Cieiieahigist ' 
it  is  once  more  iny  pleawaut  duty  to  temlcr  my  thanl^s  to 
my  contributors  and  suUscrihi'rs  for  their  continued  assistanee 
and  support. 

The  Visitations  of  Lincolnshire  and  Berkshire,  and  the 
Calendar  of  Lambeth  Wills,  all  now  completed,  will  1  trust 
prove  of  iiei-manent  use  lo  the  genealogical  emiuiiers.  The 
series  of  JLarriage  l^ieences  from  tlie  Diocesan  llegistry  at 
Worcester  connnenced  in  this  volume  is,  with  the  exception 
of  I'avei-'s  collection  now  in  conrse  of  publication  hj  the 
Yorkshire  Archieological  Associati(m,  ]  believe,  the  iirst  attempt 
to  illustrate  one  of  tlio  most  valuable  sources  of  genealogical 
information,  and  will  serve  to  ih'aw  attention  to  the  use  of 
this  particular  class  of  Records.  By  devoting  the  greater 
IHirtioii  of  the  Genealogist  to  the  production  of  such  matti'r 
ns  may  be  of  us,.  to  'working'  genealogists,  J  hopr  to  juei-it 
the  continn.'d  ;ipp,vcialion  of  those  who  havr  enabled  me  to 
complete  six  Nolumi's  of  a  magazine  devoted  to  the  interests 
of  a   very   limited   ciicle  of  readers. 




8ir  Ak-xan.kT  Balliol  o!  Cavris.     Dy  John  A.  C.  ViNt  ent      1 

Family  of  Kekeu  icU.     By  W.  F.  Caktku      8 

The  Descendants  of  Alice  I. i.-le.     By  Hknuy  Maiiilliku 12 

Note  on  the  De  Braosc,  &c.  I'f.ligree.     By  Sir  Wn  i.iam  It.  Dhakk,  K.S.A lU 

Cradock  of  Lougliboroupl..     By  W.  0.  Di   (kk  Fletciikii,  M.A lii 

Calendar  of  Lamlieth  Wills -^iS,  127,  217 

Giants   nf   Arms    to    1{,    Orfoi  d-H,,lto,   Sir   S.dii^liUry   DaveD].urt,    and    Thomas 

Norelifle     .  . .  33 

Family  of  Tivells  3C 

Pedigree  of  Julian.      By  llKMiT  Waunek,  F.S.A f-l 

Canterbury  Wil'^  48 

Extracts  from  the  Kegister.-^  of  White  W.iltham.      By  F.  A.  Bi^iydhs    49 

Byper  of  L:uuice,-ton.      I'.y  Edwahi)  Ki-<.;,  B.A  ,  K.S.A.  Soot f.7,  123 

Visitation  of  lierkdiire,  IC^  4-G.      Edited  l.y  Wai,T];ii  C.,  F.S.A 65 

The  Origin  of  the  Foley  Family.      I'.y  H.  Svo-  kv  (!ii*ZKHHOOK 117 

I'-digrce  ..f  Castelion.      I'.y  J .  I'.  ICvinvAKKii         ,. 13G 

rrime  of  Iluntingdou.      I'.y  H  K-.uv  Mauii  Mir.  13S 

Vi.siiation  of  Eincolu.hire  U.'.rJ.      I'.diled  l>y  C.  MnvAl.FE,  F.S..\.        14u,  2.-,(i 
llruccs  of  Cultmaluudie,  Ac.     Bv  .Majuk  W.  Biu'eR  Akmst[ 102,  20J 


Pedigree  of  Boissier.     By  Hknby  Wauneh,  F.S.A 168 

M.-iri-iage   Licences  in  tlie   1  Hocesmi  Itegi-try  at  \V..ivostei\      \'y  T.   P.   Wadlkv, 

M.A 177,217,310 

Joseph  hciiiuel  Chester,  D.C.L.     By  Gki)i:ge  W,  Makshali IS'J* 

Tho  Kumnray  Match  of  EU/.al.eth  Courtenay,      By  John  A.  C  Vincknt  .    193 

Mr.  Joseph  Foster  on  the  Uetnrn  of  :\reinber.s  of  Parliament 2'JO 

Pedigree  of  William  Smith,  Kongo  Dragon  rur.-tiivai.t.   By  J.  Pail  Pslaniis.F.S.A.  --'ll! 

Feet  of  Fines.     By  Walter  Kve   5i2!t 

Do  Braose  Family.     By  Ui  dl.ey  G.  Carv  Klwks,  F.S.A 23G 

Mr.    Joseph   Foster   and   the    Lyon   Omce.     P,y  fifOli.iE  BniNlcri,  Lyon  King  of 

Arms    2di 

Pedigree  of  Orovis  of  Moseloy  Hall.      By  FvKK.vr.i.  Gueen,  F..S.A 3uJ 

Notice  of  the  Case  of  Hmiter    310 

Errata 329 

Notices  of  Books  : — 

Biijliotheca  Coinubien-is.     15y  G.  C.  Boase,  and  U'.  P.  Coikt.ney CI 

History  of  the  Wrays  .,f  Glcntworth.     By  Charles  Dalton (,i 

William  Penn'.,  tlriu'iii,ilPi.,pu,-,il  Iw,    fouii^hng  Philidelphia C,,; 

The  Genealogy  of  the  Fauiiiy  of  Il.iMcw.iod.      By  Kev.  F.  Haslewodd      ...      63 

The  Bibliographer     Ci 

I'reliminaries  to  a  Hi.-tnry  of   i  he  Cowley  Family f,4 

The  Earldom  of  Mar  in   Sunshine  ;iiid  in  Shade.     By  Ale.wnoeii,  Haul  ok 

CiLUVEOliU  and   iLiLCA.  i;e..     184 

Gene.dogical    Meinoii,-  ,,t   the    lieliliu    I'.onily.      I'.y   JouN   K.    Kciil.IN,    M.A.   188 

A  Memnrial  UlMnry  of  "lie  ( 'ain|  J.el]..^  ..f  Mell,,rt.      By  M.  A.  OA.irinLt 1  S'l 

Pede.5  I'inium.      I'.y  Walie:  Ku  IPO 

Bfcords    ..f  St.    MK-ha^lV    P.n;.~l.    Chiinl,,    P.i-liop's    St,.itfnrd.       By   J.    L. 

Gi.As.sturK    ]iiO 

Genealogy  of  the  Yonn-inan  I'amih.      Ilv  ll.w  ui  Vol  .\(  I'll 


Deeds  relating  to  Cluuities  .jf  WaiidsworUi,     By  Waij-er  Rye 191 

Reminisceuces  of  Jaiiies  C.  Ager.     Tliii-d  ]::dition.     By  Chari.ks  Cowley    . .  I'll 

The  Book  of  the  Varian  Family.     By  Sam.  Bmggs  192 

Memoir  of  the  JIoHiicux  Family.     By  Gjsbohxi;  Molineux     203 

Famou.s  Pivovces  of  All  Age.s.     By  Charles  Cot.'ley 254 

The  History   of  the   County   Palatine,   and  City   of   Chester.     By   George 

Orjierou.     Sc'Cund  Edition.     By  Tuo.mas  Helsry    322 

A  Deseription  of  the  Monument  and  Effigies  iu  Porlock  Church.     By  Maria 

^  Halliday 324 

Record.s  of  the  English  Province  of  the  Society  of  .Jcsns.  By  Henry  Foley.  325 

Chronogrami5,  5000  and  more  in  numlier.     By  James  Hilton,  F.S.A 32G 

A  Genealogical  Account  of  the  Mayo  and  Elton  Fainilie«.     By  C.  H.  Mayo, 

M.A : 328 

"lex    330 

Clje  #ei!ealcsgi0t» 


A  paper  in  the  last  Volume  (xiii)  of  Arcluvologia  Cuntiana, 
written  by  the  Rov.  W.  A.  Scott  Robertson,  describes  (among 
other  things)  the  remarlcablc  effigy  of  Isabel  tie  Cliilham, 
Countess  of  Atliole  (who  died  in  1202),  now  remaining  in  the 
crypt  of  Canterbury  Cathedral.  This  lady,  first  married  to  David, 
Earl  of  Atliole,  had  for  her  second  husband  Alexander  du  Balliol, 
of  Cavers  in  Roxburghshire,  whom  Mr.  Robertson,  following  the 
beaten  track  of  error,  sots  down  as  brother  of  the  Scottish  King 
in  the  following  passages : — 

"This  crown  had  been  packed  among  the  luggage  of  John 
Baliol,  claimant  of  the  Scottish  throne,  ■\sdiosc  sister-in-law, 
Isabel,  Countess  of  Athol,  had  been  buried  in  tliis  cryjit,  not  far 
from  Bcckct's  Tomb,  seven  years  before,  in  1202.  Alexander 
Baliol,  her  second  husband,  -was,  in  her  right,  lord  of  Chilliam 
Castle."  (p.  512.) 

"  Isabel  de  Chilham,  who  was  twice  married  ;  first  to  David, 
Earl  of  Athol,  and  secondly  to  Alexander  Baliol,  brotlier  of  the 
Scottish  king."  (p.  52:3.) 

It  is  true  that  Mr.  Robertson  is  supported  hj  Mr.  J.  R.  Scott 
who,  in  Memorials  of  Scott  of  Scois-hnU,  supplies  yet  one  more 
brotlicr  to  John  Balliol,  a  "  William  Baliol  le  Scot,"  called 
"youngest  surviving  brother  of  the  King  and  of  Alexander  Baliol, 
Lord  of  Chilham  Castle,  Kent."  This  personage,  though  a  clerk 
in  holy  orders,  is  appropriated  as  the  founder  of  the  Scott  family 
in  Kent ;  and  ]\Ir.  Scott  ingeniously  evades  any  difficulty  on  this 
score  by  i-emarking  that  lie  was  "  clerk  "  to  his  brother  Alexander. 
Granting  the  kinship  of  those  two,'  there  is  not  one  jiarticle  of 
proof  tliat  either  was  the  brother  of  John  Balliol,  King  of  Scotland. 

I  turn  with  reluctance  from  the  temptation  of  showing  that  the 

'  Tli.U  tl.oy  wei-o  brothci-H  is  by  a  voeonl  (Oh.-ii>toi-]Ioii30,  Soi.tcli  .locumeiit-i, 
Hox  100,  No.  187),  in  SL^;v^llso.■.l'.^  DociimaiLi  !c^.  i,  -235.  U.iboH  llavniii  (Heron), 
rector  of  ihi  clinroli  of  Kor.U-,  an  I  a-ljuuct  to  tlio  chunbjilain  of  Suotlan.l,  ucknuw- 
K'bro.i  Hint  ho  )ia.s  roceivcJ  on  Kri.liy,  21  Marcli,  1231-2,  'Mo  auiaino  AWk-  .lo 
lHll[ioIo]  Canici-ai-io  acociu  i.ei-  in  uuu  aoinini  Will'i  do  i!ai[iol^.]  fralri.i  oui,  c'.orici,  in 
I'arto  Bolnciouid  vailioruiu  inuoiuin,"  Vit  Us  8d. 

VOL.    VI.  1) 


basis  of  this  Scott  pedigree  is  utterly  delusive.  It  rests,  and  rests 
only,  on  hazy  tradition,  on  loose  conjectures  and  random  assertions 
by  Philipott,^  adopted  with  easy  credulity  by  Hasted  in  his 
History  of  Kent,'  and  then  quoted  by  the  family  historian  as 
"  authority,"  without  a  trace  of  anytliing  bearing  the  humblest 
likeness  to  evidence. 

In  order  to  fix  tlio  ideirtity  of  the  eminent  person,  whose  name 
heads  this  paper,  it  is  necessary  to  consider — 

1.  Who  were  the  brothers  of  John  Balliol ; 

2.  Was  Alexander,  of  Cavers,  one  of  them. 

In  appealing  to  Ed^\'ard,  as  Lord  Paramount,  the  several  com- 
petitors for  the  Scottish  crown  were  compelled  to  set  forth  their 
pedigrees.  There  are  extant  six  copies  of  the  Notarial  Record, 
which  details  the  proceedings  leading  up  to  the  judgment  given. 
Two  of  these  I  have  searched  for  that  part  of  Ealliol's  petition 
which  states  how  the  right  descemled  to  liim  from  his  mother. 
With  the  exception  of  a  slight  difference  in  spelling  her  name, 
and  the  use  of  capital  letters,  the  two  are  identical.  That  which 
I  now  proceed  to  quote  is  from  Tower  Miscellaneous  Rolls, 
No.  75,  m.  IS :—' 

"  De  Dervorgulda  descendit  ius  ct  dcbuit  descendere  Hugoni  ut 
filio  ct  heredi.  Hugo  obiit  sine  herede  do  corpore  suo,  et  descendit 
ius  et  debuit  descendere  Alano  ut  fratri  ct  heredi.  Alanus  obiit 
sine  herede  de  corpore  suo,  de  quo  descendit  ius  et  descendere 
dcbuit  Alex'o  ut  fratri  et  herede.  Alexander  obiit  sine  herede  do 
corpore  suo,  vnde  de  ipso  descendit  ius  et  descendere  debuit  Joh'i 
de  Balliolo  ut  fratri  et  heredi  qui  modo  petit  Jus  suum  ut  ille  qui 
exiit  de  sorore  primogenita  de  regno  impartibili.  Et  supplicat "  ic. 

John  de  Balliol,  dic(l=j=Dervorgoyl,  died  28 
before  27  Out.  12C8  I  Jaiiy.  1289-90  (Inq. 
(Iiiq.r.3H.III,u»43).     IS  Edw.  I,  n»  28). 

1.  Ill 


,gli,  died  ..p. 

1                                     1                                         1 
2.  Aim,  died  3.)i.     3.  Alexander,  heir  to     4.  John,  bro.   &  heir 


6G1I.  Ill,  nO 

(dead  at  dale  of     hh  bro.   Hugh,  died     of    Alexander  ;  aged 


,nd  before  10 

Inq.    on   ]lu;;li,     e.p.   before    13  Nov.     40on  29  Sept.  12S0  ; 

Apl.  : 

1271  (Fine  11. 

!.<•.    7    March,         (i  Edw.  1(1278).             became  King  of  Scot- 

.05  H. 

,  III,  in.  11). 

1271-2).                                                            land  in  1292. 

It  is  seen,  then,  that  John  l'.,alHol  had  tlu'ee  elder  brothers, 
whose  decease  without  issm^  liTt  liim  heir  to  whatever  right  was 
derived  from  his  mother;  ami  tliis  ]ioint,  being  matter  of  history, 
need  not  1)C  pursued  furtlier.  Dngdale  states  that  there  was  one 
more  brother;  and,  in  narrating  the  life  of  this  person  (Bar.  i, 

'  Rueli  as;— "whom  I  dare  aver  ii|ion  proliable  grounds  %vere  onV-inally  called 
BalioU  ;"  "and  it  id  probable  tliat  .  .  .  tbi..  I'ai.iily  .  .  .  altered  the  Xauie  of  IJalioll  .  ,  . 
and  .-iSEunied  f.n'  llie  f.iluie  (he  Name  of  Seot  '■  (  Villaye  Uantianum,  p.  313). 

'  Hasted,  uitliont  lu-evious  warning,  let-i  drop  the  words  "and  Philipott  adds," 
proclaiming  therel)y  the  Kourre  of  hi-i  information  (iii.  291). 

'  Trinted  in  Trynne,  iii,  filB.  For  the  ulhej-,  eeo  llyraer's  Fa'dcra  (now  Edit.) 
i,  pt.  2,  770, 


525),  distinguished  as  Alexander  Balliol  of  Cavers,  allildes  to  Ins 
"Ijcing  of  the  Retinue  with  that  niagniticcnt  prehite,  Anthony  Beke, 
Bishop  of  Duvliani,  and  Patiiarch  of  Jerusalem,  in  that  expedition 
wliicii  King  Edward  the  First  made  into  Flanders"  in  1297.  It 
miglit  have  been  added  that,  in  the  campaign  against  the  Scots 
winch  resulted  in  the  battle  of  Fallcirk,  he  was  again  with  the 
same  Bishop  who  led  the  second  division  of  the  English  army  on 
that  memorable  Saint  Margaret's  day  in  1298  ;  and  that  the  same 
Alexander  was  at  the  siege  of  Carlaverock  two  years  later.' 

Mr.  Scott,  knowing  that  conflicting  statements  have  been  made 
as  to  the  parentag'e  of  Alexander  of  Cavers,  assumes  in  an 
elaborate  note  the  tone  of  one  who,  after  carefully  weighing  the 
evidence  on  both  sides,  proceeds  to  deliver  judgment : — 

"  However,  the  derivation  and  circumstances  attending  the 
duplicate  names  of  Alexander  as  la-others  in  one  family  what 
tlioy  may,  it  is  clear  that  by  far  the  greater  numl>er  of  geirealogists 
have  given  an  unhesitating  opinion  that  Alexander,  Baron  Baliol 
of  Cliilham,  Kent,  was  brother  of  John  Baliol,  the  unfortunate 
King  of  Scotland,  before  his  excommunication  and  exile,  Baron 
Baliol  in  the  English  peerage.  Dugdale,  Burlcc,  Glover,  Boys  (in 
Patrician),  Wccvci-,  I\[orant,  Chauncy,  Hasteil  and  Philipott,  and 
many  others,  support  this  view ;  and,  lastly.  Sir  Harris  Nicolas,  in 
his  'Roll  of  Carlaverock,'  a  comparatively  recent  pviblication,-  in 
a  long  aird  exhaustive  biography  strongly  asserts  that  there 
were  two  Alcxandej's — the  elder  of  whom  lie  describes  from 
authority  as  'Alexander  illius  Johannis  de  Balliol,'  in  contra- 
distinction to  Alexander  de  Cavers,  afterwards  known  as  of 
Chilham,  'sons'  of  John  Baliol  of  Barnard  Castle,  founder  of 
Balliol  College,  and  Devorgilda,  niece,"  &c.  (Memorials,  kc. 
p.  S9  note). 

lie  seems  not  to  be  aware  that  the  repetition  of  a  statement 
by  any  number  of  persons  in  )io  way  adds  to  its  truth.  As  will 
be  seen  presently,  the  answer  to  this  long  list  of  writers  is  ample 
and  complete.  But,  to  take  one,  Sir  Harris  Nicolas.  In  spite  of 
his  acquiescence  in  the  general  belief,  what  does  he  feel  himself 
constrained  to  admit  ?     Why,  tliis : — 

"No  evidence'  has  been  discovered  to  establish  that  this 
Alexander  wa,s  the  brother  of  John,  King  of  Scotland,  but  not 
only  is  lie  so  described  by  Dugdale,  and  in  a  pedigree  in  the 
CVillege  of  Arms  compiled  by  Glox-er,  in  a  MS.  entitled  "  lUorum 
l^Ingnatunr  Steuunata  quorum  luereditas,  delicientibus  m.asculis, 
ad  fcoininas  devoluta  est."  Philipot,  No.  4.  ?«.  f.  -ll ;  but  many 
iacts  render  it  highly  probable,  as  they  show  that  Ik;  \vas  a  man 

liim.  Sir  J'iMiici.s  l>al-r.ive  u  tliuro  socn  to  Iwvo  cai-cruUy  sopaiidL-a  this  Ak-xamlcr 
U.'UiiU  otlu-r  ^^l,o  wa.s  the  son  of  Joliii  llalliul  (llio  ohU:r). 

■  .^'iryr  ,/  Cxrlam-ock  ^<y  Nicliolas  lliinis  Nicolas.     Loiuluii  :  1S23,  dto. 

'  Sir  JLirria's  own  itahcs. 


of  considerable  importance  in  Scotland,  and  for  some  years  held 
the  ofllce  of  Chamberlain  of  Scotland."  (Siege  of  Carlavcroch, 
p.  319,  note). 

As  if  tlie  man  himself  had  foreseon  what  mic;lit  happen,  he 
placed  on  record  the  names  of  botli  his  father  and  mother,  so  as 
to  leave  absolutely  no  room  whatever  for  doubt  or  difficulty.  In 
the  cartulary  of  Binham  Priory,'  Norfolk  (Cotton  I\ISS.,  Claudius 
D  xiii,  f.  151  b),  is  the  following: — 

"  Carta  Alex,  de  Balliolo  de  quibusdam  ten-is  et  tcnementis. 

Seiant  jiresentcs  et  futuri  quod  Ego  jUex.  de  Baliolo  filius  Ilenr. 
de  Balliol',  concessi  dedi  et  hac  presenti  carta  mea  confirmavi 
Domino  Cristiane  de  ilaunlea^  Amite  mee  omnes  terras  efc 
tenemcnta  cum  suis  pertiuenciis  sine  vllo  retinemento  quo  m' 
acciderunt  in  parte  jnea  Jure  hercditario  post  mortem  Domino 
Lore  jAiatris  mee  et  Gydonis'  fratris  mei  in  villa  de  Dersinghara 
in  Comitatu  ]Siorthf[olcie]  Habcnd.  et  tenend.  eidem  domine 
Cristiane  et  hercdibus  suis  et  suis  assignatis  omnes  terras  et 
tenemcnta  predicta  cum  suis  pertiuenciis  sine  vllo  retenemento  de 
Capitalibus  dominis  feodi  illius  libere  quiete  integre  bene  in  pace 
Jure  hercditario  in  pcrpetuum  Eeddendo  inde  annuatim  eisdera 
Capitalibus  dominis  tVodi  illius  servicia  inde  debita  et  consueta. 
Et  nichilominus  ego  predictus  Alex,  et  heredes  mei  Warantizabi- 
mus  acquietabimus  et  defendemus  omnes  predictas  terras  et  omnia 
predicta  tenemcnta  cum  omnibus  suis  pertincnciis  contra  omnes 
gentes  xp'ianos  ct  Judeos  inperpetuum.  Et  pro  prcdictis  concessiono 
donacione  Carte  mee  confirmacionc  warantizacione  acquietacione 
et  defensione  dedit  m'  predicta  domina  Cristiana  in  excamlium 
omnes  terras  ct  tenemcnta  sua  cum  omniljus  suis  pertiuenciis  sine 
vllo  retenemento  que  liabuit  in  Heyham  in  parochia  de  Wcl- 
comestowe  in  Estsex'.  In  cuius  Eei  testimonium  huic  Carte 
sigillum  mcTmi  apposui.  Hijs  testibus :  D'no  "Walt'o  de  Estsex' 
tunc  vie.  Estsex',  D'no  Will'o  de  Wilewe,  D'no  Henrico*  do 
Balliol',  D'no  Henrico  persona  de  Kemtone,  Will'o  de  Wales,  D'no 
Roberto  persona  de  Hertfortingeber',  D'no  Johanne  de  Kodeswelle, 
Joh'c  do  Gelham,  Calfr'  de  Say,  Petro  filio  Joh'is,  Petro  de  Wen- 
dene,  ct  aliis.  Dat.  apud  Ware  vj"  die  Aprilis  Aamo  Regni  Regis 
Henrici  filij  Regis  Joh'is  L"  sexto'"  [1272]. 

Nothing  can  lie  clearer  than  the  statement  here  made. 
Alexander  de  Balliol  declares  himself  to  be  the  son  of  Henry  and 
Lora  de  Balliol,  and  moreover  sliows  l^y  the  tonus  of  his  grant  tliat, 

I  Foun.lca  by  Peler  do  Va!o}-nc-3.     (Diig.lalc,  Mon.,  new  edit,  iii.  315). 

«  bo  the  name  ni.pcaid  Imo  ;  but  in  tlio  I'ublio  Itceords  1  fcdio  it  to  be  double  "u" 
— "w."     In  this  cartuhiiv  ^l.  150)  is  "  Cristi.iri  de  iiaulc." 

s  At  the  battle  of  ICv.-hani,  An-u^t  4,  12ii5,  uiidLT  .Simou  de  jrontfoH,  when  ;dl  lost,  Guy  do  llalliol.  hi.s  standard-bearei-,  refused  to  quit  tile  Held,  aud  died  with 
bi-s  master.     (Lord  llailes'  Amiah  of  iicolUiml,  i.  i;i5.) 

>  A  JItnry  do  r,alli..l  held  the  Kootory  of  Heidiigton  in  Hertfordshire.  On  tho 
voidaneo  of  tho  hviiiK'  by  hh  deatli,  Alexander  d.:  Ualliol  preaoutcd  Uia  sucecsaor 
Jauuoiy  11,  1291  (Cluttcrbuek's  UcrtjonUhire,  ii,  2SS). 


after  the  death  of  his  mother,  Lova,  ami  liis  l:)rothor,  Guj',  he 
acquired  an  estate  of  inheritance  in  wliich  his  aunt,  Christiana  de 
JIau]c,  was  a  co-parcener.  Elsewhere  in  this  cartulary  I  find  the  described  inditiorcntly,  as  "  Cristiail  de  Maulc,"  and  "  Cristi- 
nnanr  do  Valonijs"  (f.  LjO),  in  a  deed  dated  at  Sheringe  on  Sunday, 
7  Nov.,  1277  ;  and  "  Cristina  de  Valonijs  "  (f.  lol)  in  another  deed, 
dated  at  London  on  Monday,  14  Nov.,  1278.  So  that  we  begin  to 
surnrise  that  Lora  de  Balliol  and  Christiana  de  Maule  were  sisters 
and  co-licirs,  who  bore  before  nianiage  the  surname  of  Valoynes. 

In  a  quo  uuranio^  G  Edw.  I.  (Nov.  1278),  Clu-istiana  de 
Valoygncs  claimed  to  have  certain  liberties  in  her  manor  of  Hcrt- 
fordingbiri  (Plertingfordbury'),  which  she  held  "in  propartcm" 
of  the  inheritance  which  ^\-as  of  Peter  de  Valoygnes ;  and  she 
produced  in  evidence  the  charter  of  Henry  I,  granting  to  Peter 
all  lands,  fcc,  as  they  were  held  in  the  time  of  the  King's  father 
and  brother.  Slie  tendered  also  a  charter  of  Henry  II,  Avitncssing 
that  the  King  granted  to  Robert  do  Valoygnes  all  the  fee  and 
land,  &c.  which  Peter  his  brother  held.  Following  her  plea  that 
lier  said  antecessors  died  seised  of  these  liberties  Avhich  had 
descended  to  her,  a  verdict  with  judgment  was  given  in  her 
favou)-.  At  the  same  time  it  was  ordered  that  Alexander  de 
Balliol  and  William  Comyn  shoxild  .sliow  "quo  warranto"  they 
used  certain  liberties  in  other  manors  in  the  county,  which  they 
held  "  in  propartcm  de  hereditate  predicta." 

Again,  Cristiana  de  Maule"  says  that  she  liolds  the  manor  of 
Ilertfordyngebure  "in  projiartem  cunr  Alex,  de  Balliolo  et  Johanne 
Comjm."  On  account  of  John  Comyn  being  a  minor,  the  matter 
is  ]iostponed  untij  he  reach  his  lawful  age. 

^  Further  (Inq.  IG  Edw.  I,  No.  21),  it  is  shown  tiiat  Isabel  de 
Valoynes  was  one  of  the  heirs  of  the  barony  of  Viiloyncs,  that 
Gumiora  (wife  of  Robert  Fitz^^'alter),  was  formerly  heir  "  tocius 
Ixyonie  predicte;"  and  that  tlie  right  of  Isabel  descended  to 
William,  her  son  and  heir  (under  ago  at  his  motlicr's  death),^  and 
from  liim  to  the  John  Comyn  abo^"e  mentioned,  who  was  his 
(William)  son  and  heir. 

It  is  obviously  impossible  to  do  more  hero  than  glance  at  the 
proofs,  that  there  were  three  co-heirs  of  the  barony"  of  Valoynes, 
married  to  Balliol,  Maule,  and  Com;yaa  respectively;  but  the 
following  record,  which  brings  them  together,  can  scarcely  be 
omitted,  and  is  therefore  quoted  iir  full  :— 

'"Hom-icus  de  Baillool,  Lora  uxor  ejus,  David  Cumyn,  Isabella 
"xor  ejus,  Petrus  de  Jlaudon'  [s/t;]  et  Christiana  uxor  ejus  redduut 

f..r(r  i 

1  I'hicila  dc  quo  uriraiilo, 

(fnliolSlS),  11. 


i...„.l  1 

runf  (if    .such    NVITO    nc-L-.k 

<1)  of  the   iiitci 



,  repic 

ciUiiii;  onu  iuid  the  s.iuio 

l,or.un.     fl'ta. 

'la  dc  quo 


cJ  before  17  A|.ril,  12D3,  leaving  William,  Lcr  Eou  aud  litir,  aged  10,  or  17. 
en.  Ill,  u°  ib.) 


coinpotum  do  Ix  niavcis ;  .scilicet,  singuli  corum,  xx  m.  dc  fine  pi'o 
rclevio  ,s\io  do  tcrri.s  quas  CUiristiana,  (juo  fuit  uxor  W.  dc 
Mandovillc  quondam  coiuitis  Essex.,  de  rcgc  tonuit  in  capito.  In 
thcsauro  xx  m.  per  Hour,  dc  Jjailloel.  Et  debcnt  alii  xl  m."  (Pipe 
Koll,  17  Hen.  III.  Noif.  and  Suifolk.) 

Again ; — 

"ilex  pardoiavit  Henrico  do  Baylol  et  uxori  eius  terciam 
partem  Centum  libravum  per  quas  idem  Hcnricus  et  Petrus  do 
Mauulc  et  ]3avid  Guniyn  participes  ipsius  Henrici  finem  focerunt 
cum  Rcgc  pro  rclevio  suo  et  pardonavit  eidom  Henrico  terciam 
partem  C  marcarum  quas  idem  Hcnricus  et  participes  sui  pro- 
miscrunt  Pogi.  Et  mandatuni  est  Baronibus  de  Scaccario  quod 
ita  licri  ct  irrotulari  t'aciont.  Teste  ut  supra  (i.e.  apud  Wcstm.  x 
die  Jan.)"     [  Roll,  22  Hen.  III.,  m.  20.] 

The  ]neml)ers  of  the  Valoyncs  i'andlj'  had  a  remarkable  faculty 
of  mentioning  their  relations  witli  tlie  utmost  particularity  ;  and 
Christiana  dc  Jlandoville  inherits  this  quality  as  well  as  the  estate 
of  her  ancestors.  She,  describing  herself  (Piuham  Reg.,  f.  183  b.) 
as  Countess  of  Essex  and  a  widow,  speaks  oi  her  decca.sed  hus- 
bands, William  de  Mandcville,  Earl  of  E.ssex,  and  Reymund  de 
Burgh  (Burgo),  in  confirming  the  grants  to  Binham  Priory  made 
by  Robci't  do  Yaloynes,  lier  grandfather,  Robert  Eitzwaltcr,  her 
father,  and  Gunnora,  his  wife,  her  mother.  Among  the  witnesses 
to  this  deed  is  the  name,  "  Gondreda  de  Warenne  soror  mca,"  and 
Cluttcrbuck  (Counij/  of  Jleriford,  ii,  277),  apparently  on  no 
stronger  ground  than  the  bare  mention  of  her  name,  makes  this 
Gundrcd  the  niotlior  of  tlic  three  co-heirs  ;  overlooking  the  fact 
that  if  Waiter,  son  of  Robert  Fitz-'Walter,  had  been  (as  hcrcstated) 
by  Gunncira,  the  first  wife,  he  must  infallibly  have  inherited  his 
mother's  estate.  It  is  clear,  therefore,  that  he  could  liave  been 
only  of  the  half  blood.  Moreover,  Gundred,  whether  called  a 
sister,  as  being  of  the  half  blood,  or  as  otherwise  related,  was  not 
a  party  with  Christian  de  JIandcville  and  her  husband,  the  Earl 
of  Essex,  to  the  fine  levied  on  the  Octave  of  Saint  Martin,  5  Ilcn. 
HI.  (IS  Nov.  1220),  by  which  the  advowson  of  the  church  of 
We-stlcc  in  Norfolk  was  confirmed  to  the  Prior  of  Binliam  and  his 
successors  (Binham  Reg,  f.  140).  Nor  is  there  a  trace  of  her 
executing  any  deed  of  I'oloase  or  quit-claim,  joint  or  several,  so 
that  it  nuiy  be  concluded  that  in  Chri.stian  centred  the  inheritance 
of  the  whole  A'aloyncs  estate. 

More  direct  evidence  at  this  point  is  desirable,  for  it  must  be 
admitted  that  the  degree  of  relationshi]i  to  the  Countess  (;f  Essex 
is  ridt  made  out;  but,  seeing  that  the  three  co-heirs  undoubtedly 
li(irc  i]\>-  Mirname  of  Yaldynos,  the  natural  and  obvious  inference 
is,  (lint  liny  descended  from  a  vounger  son  of  the  main  line  of 

The  following  outline  pedigree  sets  forth  what  stands  on 
documentary  proofs.     The  first   three  generations  arc  duly  re- 


corded  in  deeds   quoted   in   Dugdale's  Ilonadicon  (ed.  Caley) 
vol.  iii,  p.  845  : — 

Peter  de  Valoynes,  ^emp.^pAlljreila,  sister  o£ 

Wm.  Conq.  and  Hen. 
living  in  llOS. 

EliJu  Dapifc 

William.  Roger  de  Valoyne?,  liviug  iu  1130=pAgne3,  who  surv 

(Pipe  Roll,  31  Hen.  1).  I  her  husband. 

I  I 

Peter  de  V.aloyiir?  Hubert  de  Valoym  ,s-=l 

ra.irried  Gundiod  dead   before   10  (_ 

de   Wareunc,    but  119-1  (Rot.  Cur.  l!c, 

died  s.p.  i,  11). 

(ieoftVev,  died 
(CI.  U.  i)  John, 

Gunnora  de  V.-'.loyiies,  sole  davi.=j=Robert  Fitz- Walter,  said  to=pHosc,  2nd 

lieir,  married  before  13  Oct. 
119l»  (Rot.  Cur.  Regis,  ii,  41), 
hcii-  to  her  uncle  GcofTrey  and 
living  27  Dec.  1207,  but  dead 
before  18  Nov.  1220. 

William  de  Mandc-= 
viUe,  Earl  of  Esse.x, 
died  before  10  Jan. 
122G-7  (Close  Roll,  11 
out  issue. 

-Christiana,  dau.'and  heir  of  Gunnora,=Reymund  de  Burgh, 
wife  of  Wm.  de  Slandeville  IS  Xov.  2nd  husband,  living  20 
1220  (r,i':]'-;i  i;-',  f.  MO),  wife  of  Get,  1227  (Fine  Roll,  12 
R.  de  I'.'i.  ;.  '■:■  ■■:  i.  '::j7  (CI.  R.  11  Hen.  Ill,  rn.  0.),  died 
Hen.  HI     1  :.  !  p.  before  25     before    17    Julv    1200 

May  12.;..  vi  lii.  i>.  I,   IKii.  Ill,  m.  S).     (Fine   R.  14   Hen.   HI, 
in.  4). 

The  special  descent  here  given  might  ho  greatly  strengthened  ; 
but  the  facts,  /is  they  stand,  arc  absolutely  impregnable.  What- 
ever further  proofs  may  be  discovered,  they  will  serve  l.iut  to 
confirnr  and  fortify  what  is  already  known.  In  order  to  bi'ing 
this  paper  within  a  reasonable  compass,  I  have  been  lurwillingly 
compelled  to  forego  quotations  from  printed  books  by  writers  of 
repute,"  who  have  buoj'cd  the  course,  and  warned  the  unwary  off  the  shoals  and  quick.sands  of  "authorities."  The 
curious  reader  may  consult  Dugdalc,  Eanks,  and  Nicolas  (ed. 
Courthope).  lie  will  then  see  how  they  are  all  hopelessly  wrong, 
and  how  one  and  all  have  failed  to  give  any  intelligible  account 
concerning  the  extinction  of  the  ancient  barony  of  Valoyncs.^ 

John  A.  C.  Vrn'cknt. 

'  I  will  refer  only  to  lIod^'M.n',;  A;,,-1!,,. 
rc.h^n-ec),  and  to  Riddell's  (Jolai)  'J'r.ids,  Ia 
'■■'■•■' '       183.1,  Svo.,  p.  217  (fnvOuy: 

nUvlaud,  vol.  ii 

Burko  iu  Ej^Urict  I'tcmQC  (ISOo)  altogether  uuait.i  the  ua 

p.  42  (lor  PalHol 
i/,  .(c,  rdiditc  tu  .-^cutlaiid. 


In  tlie  Visitation  of  Cornwall  p\il.i]islied  by  tlie  Ilarleian  Society, 
there  is  a  pedigree  of  the  Kekcwiches  of  Catchfrench,  which  is 
enlarged  by  some  materials  that  happened  to  come  under  my 
notice.  I  propose  therefore  to  give  aljstracts  of  these  proofs,  and 
also  to  add  one  or  two  stray  notes  relating  to  the  origin  and 
history  of  the  family.  In  Burke's  '  Landed  Gentry  '  it  is  said 
that  the  Kekewiches  came  out  of  Lancashire,  but  whether  this 
statement  is  founded  on  anything  inore  than  family  tradition  I 
do  not  know,  though  if  it  is  true,  the  Cornish  family  is,  I  prc-,ume, 
from  the  same  stock  as  that  of  which  the  following  jicdigree 
(proved  from  the  Townley  Collections)  is  given  in  volume  xcv 
of  the  Chctham  Society's  Publications. 

Joliii  lie  Kekewyke  of  Dorby=p... 
(iucom.  Lauc),  d.  13S3. 

John  de  KckwN-k  uf=j=... 
Claghtou.  I 

liiclinrd  de  Kelcwyk,  son  and 
and  a  minor  in  1411. 

These  Ivekewyks,  it  may  safely  be  presumed,  took  their  name 
from  Keckwick  or  Kcckewich  in  Bncklow  Hundred,  near  Runcorn, 
Cheshire,  a  small  manor  which  appears  to  have  belonged  to  the 
Buttons  from  the  time  of  Heniy  I  until  the  beginning  of  the 
sixteenth  century,  and  they  Avere  doubtless  of  tlie  same  family  of 
Kekewykcs  as  Simon  and  "W'illiani  do  Kekewyke  mentioned  in 
the  note  at  the  end  of  this  article. 

Wliether  a  younger  son  or  a  sub-tenant  of  the  Duttons  took 
the  name  of  Kekewick,  I  cannot  say,  but  the  latter  nltei'native 
seems  improbable,  as  the  ]3uttons  had  a  residence  in  the  manor, 
and  so  small  a  place  would  scarcely  contain  two  families  of 
importance.  Possiblj--  also  the  Lancashire  Kekwjdcs  may  have 
been  stray  .settlers  from  Kekwjdc  who  settled  in  the  neighbouring 
county,  thus  gaining  a  ]ilace-name  without  having  been  feudal 
projirietors  :  consid(;ring,  however,  the  raidi  to  which  they  had  so 
early  attained,  I  consider  this  last  supposition  the  least  probable 
of  the  three. 

In  the  notes  to  ihe  above  jiedigree  I  find  mention  of  a  deed, 
dated  oOth  Edw.  1 11,  bviwecn  William  do  Kecwyke,  chaplain,  and 
John  de  llaydceb  and  .li-li.'uina  his  wiiv,  daughter  of  Thomas  do 
Button,  so  that  llu-ii'  is  soiihthing  t<.i  sliinv  a  connection  between 
the  names  of  Kek\\yk  and  JJutlun,  ami,  qvAinlain  va.hat,  to 
strengthen  the  first  of  the  three  theories  1  liave  suggested. 


Accepting  then  the  descent  from  Lnncashiro,  it  seems  very 
probable  tho.t  the  ancestor  of  the  Cornish  KekcAviches  was 
some  adherent  of  the  Lancastrian  cause,  whoso  services  were 
rewarded  by  the  hand  and  dower  of  a  South-country  heiress,  and 
to  show  the  probabihty  of  this,  I  shall  point  out  hereafter  that 
the  match  with  an  heiress  of  Talcarn  may  have  taken  place 
between  1480  and  1490. 

In  the  absence  of  any  positive  proof  as  to  the  Lancashire 
oi-igin  of  the  Cornish  Kekcwichcs,  it  may  perhaps  be  worth 
while  mentioning  that  there  was  at  one  time  a  family  living  at; 
and  taking  their  name  from  Kenwick  or  Kenswick  in  Worcester- 
sliirc,  and  in  Nash's  History  of  that  county,  it  appears  that  the 
Ih-st  sjdlable  was  sometimes  reduplicated,  so  that  in  the  time  of 
]']dward  I  Walter  de  Kekynvidch  or  Ivekenwich  appears  as  a 
landowner  in  Kenwick. •  In  the  face,  however,  of  a  recognised 
family  tradition,  and  without  any  definite  information  to  decide 
the  point,  there  seems  oidy  a  very  remote  possibility  of  any 
connection  having  existed  between  the  Worcestei-shirc  and  the 
Cornish  familj^,  and  I  sliall  so.y  no  more  about  it. 

The  Yisitation  I  have  referred  to  above  assigns  the  following 
coat  of  ai'ms  to  the  Kekewiches  of  Catchfrench  :— 

Quarterly,  1  and  G,  Kekewich  ;  2,  Arg.,  three  bars  gcmmelles  ; 
o,  Talcarn  ;  4,  Bardfield  (Arg.  on  a  bend  Azure  three  fleurs-de-lys 
Or;  5,  Quarterly,  Or  and  Gu.  on  a  bordure  Sa.  eight  escallops  Arg. 
The  same  coat  as  the  second  quartering  is  assigned  by  Pajiworth 
to  Marshall  of  Lancashire,  but  it  is  curious  that  he  assigns  the 
same  coat,  with  the  addition  of  a  canton  Ermine,  to  the  name  of 
Lardwcll,  wliile^the  coat  here  assigned  to  Bardfield  is  by  Paj)worth 
a<;signed  to  (among  others)  Bradfield,  Delamere  of  Essex  and  (with 
the  bend  engrailed)  to  Holt  of  Sulfolk.  Perhaps  there  has  been 
some  mistake,  a]id  the  fourth  quartei-ing  was  for  Holt  and  brought 
in  the  fifth  quartering,  which  is  the  coat  of  a  SufTolli  family, 
namely  the  lleveninghams.  The  Visitation  pedigree  begins  with 
Ceorge  Kekewich,  who  is  doubtless  tlie  son  and  heir  mentioned 
in  the  following  Inquisitions  post  mortem  and  will : — 

I.  Liq.  p.m.  3Gth  Hen.  YIU,  No.  LSO,  Cornwall.  The  Jurors 
say,  that  John  Kekwieh  died  seised  of  the  ^Manor  of 
Talcarn  and  of  7  messuages,  .•j:)0  acres  of  land,  IGO  acres 
of  pasture,  4.5  acres  of  meadow,  21  acres  of  wood,  and  of 
"230  acr.  jampnorum  '■!.  biuere,"  frc.  And  Geoigc  Koke- 
wicli  is  his  son  and  hiir  .ifjcil  ihiriccn. 
II  Inq.  p.m.  3Gth  HeJi.  \'lll,  jNos.  G1,  0.").  From  which  it 
appears  that  vVliee  fninnTly  wife  of  John  Kekewich  had 
been  seised  of  iln'  ihiiiku-  nf  Duralburgh  and  of  lands  in 
Ay.sshcton  and  T1im_\  ms,  tliat  she  was  daur.  and  heir  of 

'  (•/.     TIic    AiiKlo-Kormiii.    ].rnm,    of   I.iin.-oln  .is  Liciiicolo   iu    ICing-slcy's 
Utrowiird  the  AN'ukv,'  chni).  x.\i. 


William  Innc,  Esq.,  son  timl  heir  of  Sir  Jolm  Inno,  tliat 
her  niarriayo  settlement,  on  marriage  ■with  John  Kekewich, 
Avas  dated  G  Hen.  VIII,  and  that  the  marriage  itseli'  took 
place  in  the  foUo-iving  year ;    that  she  was  dead  leaving 
no  issne  Lcfore  the  4tli  oi'  February  27  Henry  VIII,  when 
John  Kekewich  made  some  agreement  with  her  heir,  John 
Kenne,  Esq. 
John  Kekewich  is  found  to  have  died  in  the  year  of  the  Inqui- 
sitions, and  George  his  son  and  licir  is  aged  sixteen.     The  heir  of 
Alice,  the  late  wife  of  John  Kekewich,  is  found   to  be  John 
Kenne,   Esq.,  son   and  heir   oi  John  Ivennc,  son  and  heir  of  ... 
Kenno  and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  daughter  of  the  above-mentioned 
Sir  John  Inne. 

III.     Will   of   John   Kekewich    of   Margetting,   Esq,     P.C.C. 
(Alenger  34.) 
To  bo  buried  in  the  parish  church  of  J\Iai'getting.' 
George  my  son  £200    "&  all  my  plate  in  Cornwall  in 
th'ands  of  Sir  Robert  Sominer  late  pryor  of  S'  Germans." 
Mary  &  Agnes  my  daughters  each  200  marks, 
The  residue  to  my  wife  Thomasyn  and  she  Executrix. 
John  Blake  Gcntilman  Supervisor. 
Dated  lo^'-  September  34  Hen.  VIII. 
Before  giving  the  tabular  pedigree  derived  from  these  proofs, 
I  will  just  point  out  that  they  serve  to  throw  back  the  match 
with  Talcarn  at  least  as  far  as  the  father  of  John  KekcM'ich, 
since  it  is  plain  that  his  second  wife  Thomasyn  was  not  the 
heiress  of  Tjijcarn ;  had  she  been,  her  husl)and  would  not  have 
been  simply' seised  in  fee  of  the  ilanor  of  Talcai-n,  but  jointly 
with  or  in  right  of  his  wife."     It  may  be  therefore  that  John 
Kekewich  was  the  issue  of  a  match  with  tlie  heiress  of  Talcarn, 
and,  judging  by  the  date  of  his  marriage,  it  is  very  likely  that  his 
parents  were  married  about  1400.     The  foregoing  proofs  exhibit 
the  following  pedigree  : — 

Sir  Joljii  Iiine.=j=... 

I  I 

Elizabeth  !.=(=...  Kcime.  Willinm  Imic,  E?q. 

.'i.p.=Julin  K 
ry        M.rgarc 

I  I  II 

John  Keiino,  K,~q.  George  Kekewich,  Mary  K.  Agnes  K. 

cousin  &  licir  to  son  &  heir.     Luni 

Alice.  1029-32. 

1  DouUlcs.s  JI.uio,-,  lli,i;-iii  i:-ex. 

»  U  in  a  eiiriuii.,  ti  :  :  t'.  .  m  iho  Talcarn  iiciligrcos  no  i.ialcli  with  the  Kckcwiche.q 
is  fihowii,  ami  tlmt,  ili  ,;,  h  •  ti,  ,1  in  Kapex,  they  continued  to  bo  .styled  'J'alemn  of 
Talcarn  until  the  i.'.vuit'.vuth  erutury.  Terhaps  they  bruiighl  back  the  manor  from 
the  Kckcwiches. 


This  George  Kckcwicli  i.s  said  in  the  Harleian  Society  Visita- 
tion of  Corn-wall  to  have  manied  a  daughter  of  Edward  Courtenay 
of  Lkanrack,  but  in  Ilarl.  MS.  4031  are  some  notes  apparently 
taken  by  a  herald  from  the  information  of  his  son,  another 
Clcorge  Kckcwich,  and  from  these  it  appears  that  George  the  son 
)iad  seen  the  arms  of  Kekewich  at  their  ancient  dwelling  in 
Essex,  and  that  George  the  father  had  married  "  Buller's  daugh- 

William  Fowler  Oartee. 

Edgbaston,  Birmingham. 

Tlie  following  i.s  an  .ilmost  literal  copy  o£  an  abstract  of  five  deciU  relating  to 
Haltou,  near  liuncoru,  made  by  John  itarlantl,  E.sq.,  of  Manchester,  F.S.A.  The 
deeds  tUem.selves  are  in  the  pos.-je.ision  of  'William  Eeaniout,  E.=iri.,  of  Orford  Hall, 
Warrington,  who,  at  the  request  of  J.  Panl  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  kindly  lent  me  the 
abstracts  to  co]iy.  Of  these  five  decd.s,  only  No.  II  is  dated  ;  and  is  apparently  of  the 
same  date  as  Nos.  I,  III  and  V  ;  while  No.  IV  may  be  later  the  others. 

I.  I  Geoffrey  son  of  Robert  of  the  pajish  of  Ilaulton  have  given  etc.  to  William 
t;nn  of  Simon  de  Kekewyke  half  a  scli^.n  of  l.unl  lying  between  tlie  lands  of  AVilliam 
W.alena  and  Hugh  Oldknave  To  have  &e  of  the  chief  lord  of  his  fee  &o  Yielding 
tlierefor  yearly  to  the  lord  iu  capite  due  sei-vice  and  custom  &c.  Witnesses — Pct«r  de 
llovebrugge,  William  the  son  of  Gannet,  John  Pillekat,  John  the  Porter,  Hugh  the 
H.iy-ward  and  many  others. 

IL  I  John  Totau  of  H miUnn  Invn  .-iv^n  X-e  tn  William  =0,1  „f  Simon  de  Keke  vyko 
tlie  fourth  part  of  an  ,ici  ■  ■  f  1  ;  '  '  ■  -  .  :  ,  .•  ,.  |',,,.,.i  ,,,,.,..  ,  f  ..  :  j.h  one  end  abuts 
up  to  the  Kouwerande        1   ■'  -  >   1  ,     :        in  the  teiritory  o£ 

ll.milton  Tohave&e.  W.    .         .  ,  :        \         Ji    ,  \        '.-s  Simon  del 

IVter  de  Hovcbru?:^p,  V,  lui   ill  I :  ,  ,    .!  ',      1  ,1!      !i  1 1  vward  and  many 

olher.^.   Givinat  llai,iUouou\\''   :,  ,  ,     ;■  Mla-k  tlie 

in  thalOtl'  YL-avc.f  King  Kaw;i.l        :         i;.       1    ;  ■.      1     ..         ■      \    iillSl?) 

111.  T  John  the   Porl'.n-  of  IL-     ■    •:    '  ■,,.,■.-      \\  .  ,,r,n   of  Simon  do 

Kekewyke  and  Felicia  his  will- ^-    ■  ,    .,,; 

of  thovillof  Ilaulton  near  thr  x,     •  >   

the  wife  of  Itobr-rt  tlie  Park.!-.  T^  !.,-.,'..  \>.V';  •  I:,  li  ,  1  ,  w  1 '- 
SUnvnvd  of  H.aulton,  Henry  del  Eiialie  O.rn  ivrrivcr,  Peter  de  Ib.vcbiuL': 
the  Miller  of  Haulton,  John  Pileat,  William  Brid,  Hugh  Massey  all  of  th. 
many  otliers. 

V     I  Richard  Lether  h.ave  given  f,c.  to  William  son  of  Simon  ,le  Kekev 
solion  of  landin  the  vill  .a    II      >  .    1  :  ■  :■,     it    '  1,  ■  W  i!  i.      I:.>\:'    i-t ,t 

'  There  waj  a  Peter  Kvl.«v.-I,e  who  took  the  B.A.  degree  at  Oxford  on  the 
flh  Julv,  ir.l.s.  Iu  Hari  M.S',  ].-,(■„;,  ;.  IS,  Auiie,  daughter  .and  heiress  of  ... 
i:.keuicli  of  lOsse.x  is  said  to  li.ive  Ijcen  married,— first,  to  John  Shciiu;;ton  of 
M.'.lhurn,  Wills,  and  their  gramlsoii  had  a  grown-up  f.unily  in  lOJl  ;— sccuudlv, 
to  Nicholas  Stephens  of  Cheseldeu,  \\'ilts. 



Having  been  for  some  time  past  engaged  on  the  same  rescai-ch 
as  your  correspondent,  Mr.  Stephenson,  I  am  aljle  to  give  the 
extended  and,  in  some  resjiects,  corrected  information  contained 
in  the  following  pedigree,  the  whole  of  which  is  capable  of  being 
verilled  from  parish  register.s,  wills,  &c.  The  one  point  on  which 
I  now  most  require  proof  is  the  same  as  that  raised  by  Mr. 
Stepheixson,  viz.,  the  marriage  of  Margaret  Lisle  with  a  Whitaker. 
There  really  seems  to  be  very  little  doubt  that  it  is  as  stated  in 
the  pedigree,  but  I  should  very  much  like  to  find  some  piece  of 
evidence,  such  as  the  register  of  the  marriage,  which  would  put 
it  entirely  beyond  question.  Lady  Alice  Lisle  (or  more  properly 
Dame  Alicia  Lisle)  in  the  codicil  to  her  will,  dated  in  1US2, 
mentions  her  daughter  Margaret,  the  wife  of  Mr.  Whitaker  ;  at 
the  same  time  there  was  living  at  Burgate  (Foi-dingbridge),  about 
four  miles  from  Moylcs  Court,  the  seat  of  the  Lisles,  liohert 
Whitaker,  and  from  the  entry  of  her  burial  in  the  parish  register.s 
of  Fordingbridge,  on  the  27th  of  March,  1G8G,  we  find  his  wife's 
name  to  have  been  Manjaret.  ]\Iust  not  this  Ije  Margaret  Lisle  ? 
We  have  yet  further  evidence  from  various  sources,  the  chief 
being  these  : — First. — Jeremiah  Whitaker  Newman,  an  old  and 
respected  resident  of  Ringwood,  who  died  in  lSo9,  and  was  a 
grandson  of  Jeremiah  Whitaker,  had  in  his  possession  a  copy  of 
Robert  Whitaker's  funeral  sermon,  and  on  it  he  had  written, 
"  My  great  gTandfatlv^r's  funeral  sermon  ;  he  married  Margai-et, 
daughter  of  John  Lisle,  Chancellor  of  England,  and  Alicia,  his 
wife,  who  was  beheaded  at  Winchester."  (Signed  J.  Newman). 
Second. — Tlio  Nicholson  branch  of  the  family  have  a  ring,  which 
has  always  been  handed  do\vn  from  mother  to  daughter,  and 
which  is  said  to  have  been  given  by  Alicia  Lisle  to  one  of  her 
daughters  on  the  eve  of  her  i.^xocution  ;  and  moreover  it  has 
always  been  understood  in  the  family  that  they  Avere  descended 
from  that  ill-fated  lady.  'J'h/rd. — Charles  Crooke  LLsle,  the 
grandson  of  Alicia  Lisle,  in  his  will  mentions  his  godson  Charles 
Lidc  Wliitaker,  who  is  proved  to  be  a  grandson  of  Robert  and 
ALargaret  Whitaker  ;  and  -l<'n'miah  Whitaker,  the  father  of 
Charles  Lisle  Whitaker,  in  his  will  leaves  memorial  lings  to 
"  Cha"  Crooke  Lisle  Esq.  fc  liis  Lady,"  as  well  a.s  to  Mrs. 
(Triphena)  Grove,  a  daughter  ol'  Alicia  Lisle,  Lady  Russell,  her 
daughter,  and  Miss  Russell,  the  daughter  of  the  latter.  It  is 
difficult  to  understand  this  cldsc  coiuiexion  between  tlicsc  two 
families,  cxccjit  by  believing  fiiat  Margaret  Lisle  did  marry 
Robert  Whitaker.  However,  as  this  has  been  questioned,  i 
should  be  very  much  obliged  if  you  or  any  of  your  numerous 
coiTcspondcnts  can  tell  me  wliei'c  to  find  the  necessary  proof  of 



the  marriage  of  ilai'garct,  dciuglder  of  Alicia  Lisle,  with  Robert 
Whitaker ;  or,  assuming  that  I  may  possibly  be  wrong,  with  a 
Whitakcr  oi"  any  otlicr  Cliristian  name.  At  the  same  time  I 
should  like  to  find  the  baptism  and  wii;e's  name  of  William 
Whitaker  of  Riugwood,  grandson  of  Robert  and  Margaret,  and 
wliose  life  must  have  been  compi-ised  within  the  years  1700  and 

Henry  Marillier. 
19,  Gotha-strcet,  South  Hackney,  E. 

1st,  Mary  Elizabctli,= 
dau.  of  Sir  Henry 
llobart,  Kt.  and  Bt. 
in  1630,  d.  17  Sop. 
1G33  iniiermothcr's 
liouso  at  llighgate, 
and  was  bur.  in  the 
chapel  there. 

=Jolin  Lisle,  Esq.,  2nd  son= 
of  Sir  Wni.  L.,  Knt.,  b. 
circa  1G09.  Took  the  Par- 
liauientary  side  in  theCivil 
War,  and  became  one  of  the 
Commissioners  of  tlic  Great 
Seal,  &c.  mider  Cromwell. 
Fled  at  the  Restoration, 
and  was  assassinated  at 
Lausanne  11  Aug.  IGCl. 


BridgetL.=plsl,  Re 


as  wife 
of...  lion 
in  1682, 

I    I 
Mary  L. 


L'lid,  He/ekiah  .Mahella 

Usher  of  Botli  livi 

Bi^ioton,  i\[as.s.  in  1GS2. 

John  L.  of  Moylos  Court,  Esq.,  ni.=T=C 
at  DiLdcn,  co.  Hants,  20  May  1 679, 
bur.  there  21  Aug.    1709.     A\'ill 
daUnl  17   Aug.  1709,  and  pr.  30 
of  same  month. 

dau.  of  ... 
Oct.  1C84. 

2nd,  Alicia,  elder  dau. 
and  co-heir  of  SirWhite 
Beconsawc  of  Moyles 
Court,  CO.  Hants,  b. 
circa  1G17,  m.  at  Eb 
lingham,  co.  Hants,  23 
Oct.  1636.  Executed 
at  Winchester  by  order 
1685.  AViU  ^dated  9 
June  1G82,  proved 
11  Xov.  1C89. 

Anne  L.     Xot  21 

in  1G82,  la 

llarfell.audd.  17 
Feb  1708. 

I    I 
Bi'consawe  L. 
living  in  lG3t: 

1  William  L., 
second  .son. 

Feb.  ICSO, 
1-iur.  there  8 
Mar.  1081. 

Ciias.  Crooke  L.,  of= 
iMoyles  Court,|., 
bap.  at  Dibden  18 
Oct.  1681, bur.  there 
20  Nov.  1721.  AVill 
dated  20  Nov.  1720, 
pr.  22  Dec.  1721. 

of  Tev 

CO.  iS( 



Triphena  L.= 
was  wife  of 
R J.  Lloyd  in 
1682,  a  wi- 
dow ill  1G94, 
and  in  1695 
wifoof  Robt. 
Gi'ovc  of 
Feme  Ila, 
CO.  Wilts. 

=Richd.  Llo,yd, 
citizen  &  linen 
draper  of  Lon- 
don. AVUl  da- 
tod  23  Jiily 
andpi'.  11 
Sept.  1686. 

]\Lav"arct=pRoljcrt  Whitaker,  son  of 

1st,  Lord  Jamcs= 
Russell,  5tli  son 
of  tlic  Duke  of 
Bedford  and  bro- 
ther of  the  un- 
fortunate Lord 
Wm.  Russell. 
Died  22  Mar. 

Will  da- 
ted 14 
173.5,  pr. 
29  iSIar. 

Triphena^Thomas  Scawi>n, 
Russell,       Esq.,  M.P.  for 
living  in     Kurrcy,  living 
1737.  1735. 

Lisle  was 
wife  of 
aker  in 
1682.  .See 
codicil  to 
her  mo- 

=2nd,  Sir 
Lart.,  of 
Tower,  CO. 
Lane.,  liv- 

W.,  b. 
M  A  up 

James  W. 
b.  10  June 

o.s.r.  in 


jMary  W.,  b. 
29  Dec.  1680, 

1,.  251)>T. 

Robt.  W.  of  Reade,  co. 
Lane.  Rap.  at  radiham 
19  ]\ray  1638.  Admitted 
at  Jfagd.  Coll.,  Camljr., 
30  June  1656.  Ejected 
by  the  Act  of  L^'nifuiinitv 
1662.  Settl,;d  at  Ihir- 
gate  (Fordingbridge),  co. 
Hants,  where  he  kept  an 
academy,  and  was  first 
nnnisterof  theDisscnting 
congTegationthcro  and  d. 
Jan.  1718.  His  wife 
Marqarei  Irar.  at  For- 
dingbridge 27  Mar.  1686. 

Jeremiah  Whitaker.   Born  at  P-nrgate^^ 
22  Apr.  1679,  bm'.  at  Charll.m  ^lar- 
.shal,  CO.  Dorset,  12  Aug.  1719.    Will 
dated  7  Aug.  1719,  pr.  IT  Feb.  1720. 

-ls(,  . 

Jeremiah  W.,       Jam.'s  AV.,  of  Ring- 
eldest  s<.u,  m.        wood,  living  176  7, 
and  had  issue.       m.,  no  issue. 


I  I 

JolmAV.,      J..lin  W., 

Robt.  AV.,  b.  M  :\rar. 
1680,  Independent 
minister  of  Ringwood. 
O.s.r.  in  1767': 

Ann,  dau.  of  John  llaskoll. 
Rur.  at  Cliarlton  .Marslml 
0  June  1718. 
,  living  in  1719. 



Elizabeth  "\V.,  Charles  izWe  W.,  William  Whitaker  of= 

bur.  at  Chavl-  bap.  at  Charlton  Ringwood,  second  son. 

ton  ]\Iavslial,  Marshal  21  Apr.  Wasdeadinl767.  Loft 

1  June  1715.  171 C, living  1720.  only  two  danghtcrs. 

Itlargarot  Whitaker,  elder  dau.,=j=II?nry  Maudsley,  bap.  at  Clapham, 
b.  ab'  1737,  m.  twice,  1st  Joseph     co.  York,  2  Feb.  1725,  ni.  20  July 
Laundy,  2nd  Henry  Maudsley,      176.3,  d.  at  Woolwich  22  Doc.  1780. 
d.  at  AVoohvich  2  Deo.  1792.  Had  seven  children. 

Isabella  Mauds-= 
lev,  b.  19  ]\Iay 
17GC,  d.  1830. 

Ann  Niclii 
son,  d.  in 

=Wni.  Nichol- 
son of  Roch- 
had  11  child 

=Rev.  II.  T.  Ella- 
combe,  Rector  of 
ClystSt.  George, 
CO.  Devon,  now 
living  (1881). 

Henry  Nicholson  Ellaeombe, 
Rector  of  Piitton,  oo.  Glouces- 
ter. l\Iar.  and  has  issue  .seven 
daughters  and  one  son,  Gilbert 
Wcmys  Henry,  1j.  in  1SG8. 

Ann   j\Iaudslev,=Wm.  Hartshorn. 

b.  10  Sep.  17C9, 
d.  31  Aug.  1846. 

Had  7  children. 

I  / 

Isabel  HartshorD,=i=IIenry  jNra]'illior, 
b.  20  Dec.  1793,  b.  26  Mar.  1803, 
m.  in  1827.  nowliving(1881) 

Charles  Henry  j\Iarillier,  b.  31  Aug. 
1834,  d.  30  JMar.  1875,  leaving  one 
son,  Henry  Currie,  b.  30  June  18G5, 
and  three  daughters. 


Henry  Jlaudslay  of  Lambeth,  the=f=Sarah,  dau.  of  Ed.  Tindalo  of 
celebratcdengineor,b.22Aug.l771,  I  Slcaford,  co.  Line.,  bap.  30  Apr. 
m.  20  Sept.  1791,  d.  25  Dec.  1831.      17G0,  d.  29  Mar.  1828. 

of  Lambeth^  Knight's 
Hill,  Norwood,  and  J3an- 
.'-teadPark,  co.  Surrey,  b. 
1 0  Juno  1792,  m.l  Sept. 
1821,  d.  23  Apr.  1864. 

Prime,  b. 
10  IMar. 
1789,  d.  4 
Mar.  1855. 

jNIaigaret  1\I., 
b.  25  Jlay 
1791,  d.  19 
May  1828. 


-George  John 
Jackson,  m. 
18  Nov.  1818. 

H.  nry  ]\raudslay,  M.= 
ln4.  C.&:\r.E.,  Chc- 
vili-rof  theOrderof 
Hirist  (Portugal),  b. 
15  June  1822,  m.  at 
alive  1881. 

=Emily,  dau.  of 
Stephen  Iluck- 
cnham  of  Lod- 
diin,  CO.  Norf., 
at  Loddon, 


5.  Stewai-t  J.,  m.  &  has  issue. 
4.  lli'iii'v  Lord  J.,  m.  iV:  has  issue. 
3.  JIaigaret  J.,  m.  John  Corlelt 

&  has  issue. 
2.  ■\Villiam  J.,  m.  &  has  issue. 
1.  Georg(!  Maud.slay  J.,  d.  1880, 

leaving  issue. 



By   SIR  WILLIA5I   R.    DRAKE,    F.S.A. 

Referring  to  Mr.  D.  G.  Gary  Elwes'  remarks  in  the  '  Genealogist,' 
vol.  V,  p.  147,  upon  the  discrepancy  between  the  statements 
of  one  of  the  authorities  cited  in  the  De  Braose  portion  of 
the  pedigree  appended  to  my  article  on  tlie  parentage  of  Blanche 
Audlcy  ('Genealogist,'  vol.  iv,  pp.  09-75),  and  the  result  of 
his,  Mr.  Ehves,  researches  (of  \^-hich  I  was  not  when  I  wrote 
it  aware)  into  the  liistory  of  the  De  Braose  family,  I  think  it 
right  to  state  that  Mr.  Elwes  did  me  the  favor  to  communicate 
with  me  on  the  subject  in  April  ISSO,  when  the  article  appeared 
in  the  '  Genealogist,'  and  that  in  reply  I  pointed  out  to  him  that 
my  object  in  writing  it  was  to  correct  an  error  which  occurs  in 
the  Heralds'  Visitation  of  Cornwall  in  li>20  as  to  the  parentage 
of  Blanche  Audley,  who  married  Robert  Hatch  of  WoUegh,  co. 
Devon,  but  that  I  thought  tlic  publication  of  the  abstract'  of  the 
King's  Writ  to  tlie  Sheriff  of  Devon  of  23  Nov.  1.392  might  bo 
useful  to  ariy genealogist  disj)osed  to  undertake  the  task  of  working 
out  the  pedigrees  of  some  of  the  baronial  families  I  mentioned, 
and  of  reconciling  the  conflicting  statements  in  the  several 
authorities  Avhich  I  quoted. 

I  further-pointed  out  to  ilr.  Elwes  that  my  authority  for  the 
sketch  pedigree  apj)ended  to  the  article,  so  far  as  the  portion  of 
the  statements  as  to  the  De  Braose  family  now  in  question  was 
concerned,  was  Glover's  pedigree,  Harl.  i\lS.  S07,  pp.  G9-70. 

I  avail  myself  of  this  opportunity  of  correcting  an  error  in 
relation  to  the  ilartyn  family,  which  inadvertently  crept  into 
the  sketch  pedigree  by  wlileh  1  illustrated  the  King's  Writ,  and 
in  the  revision  of  which  1  li;i\e  adopted  Mr.  Elwes'"view  of  the 
De  Braose  descent,  instead  of  that  given  by  Glover,  and  I  have 
inserted  some  adiliticin;il  dates  and  references  to  documents  in 
elucidation  of   the  piMli.'irr. 

Wini:-im  de  Brios,-, 
of  lir.imbor,  il.  TJl 


11  ,-M;.lil  1.1  di-  St.  V.iloiy,  strirved  to  dcalh 
1  l>y  King  John  at  Wiiulior  lilO. 

Lorcttii,C>mule.-.uf  r.rUvsf. 
Block,  CO.  n.'von,  to  Irriu.. 
niul  llu.  h.Av.-i  ut  her' 

>  in 


It  to 

low         Willinmdenrixnse.n 
.»■          .■M.'it  .■50U,  .sturvc.l 
•  UU         to  .loall.  ^vitl,    hi, 
mother  1210. 



rMitiM.i,  ilm.  of  Ralph 

Icy,  to.  SuiToV,  <1.  l.!IO. 



1)  1391. 

NOTE    ON    DE    BRAOSE. 

iHeniy  de  Tracy,  I. 

ill  fee  to  her  ami 

EurU8tai)le,  ob.   2  VAw.  I  |  lier   lieirs  of   Tawstuck   by  yift 
(1273-4).  from  her  nuiit  Loretta. 

Eva,  only  (1aughter.'=f  Guy  do  r.iian,'  ob.  35  I'.lw.  I  (1307).^ 
1st  husb.     ^Nicholas, found  next heir=p2nd  husb.    GcofTrey  de  Cam- 




b.     »Nicl 
of  Nicho 

olas    War-=f 
la.s  3rd  Ba- 



■tyn,    ol 

.    vit. 




>    'ul.nut 

;  :-,7, 




ore  l::.- 

,  (It 




wife  ,ra 



to  her  SI 

cond  hud 


ry  de  Tracy,  and  aged 
31  yearn  at  his  death' 
in  ]'273,  ob.  ante  7  and 
8  Edw.  I  (1270-80.)^ 

William  JIartyu,''  aged  25  on  death  of  lii.s  grand-=f  Eleanor  (stated  by  Dugdale 
father  Nichol.a.s  Baron  Martyn  in  1282,''  wliou  he  I  to   have  been  dau.  ot   \\'il- 
did  homage  to  the  King,^  aged  50  10  Oct.  2  Edw.  II,     liam  de  Mohun). 
1308,"  ob.  1325,  I 

nq.  p.m.  2  Edw.  I,  Xo.  32 

oil  2  Edw.  I,  m.   10,  cited  in   'C.den- 
inagc,'    vol.  i,   p.   729)  of  the  Ma.  lyii 

Malli,:,   I.....     ..    .  .,.      ,       ,   :;.    ■    ;.i.  .,.;   ::,  ■  .;...,    ,.      ;■;'..;,  !:..••■•     I      •      ,    ■       v.  .,.i 

d.  .and  li.  ol'  Ht-i„.v  .1.' 11.1.  .>.'     Jiul  U,i,  lo  ..1,  IU..1  ..,  ui.l  b.-    .    ■:  -il.r 

document  above  rnited   with   the  bl.itements   contained  iu  the    :  '    _.    i    ;    ,   I, 

No.  32,  Devon,  froia  whicli  it  appears  that  in  1274  (eight  yeai-.s  i./'.  ■        .,     i  i,'i 

.alleged  husband)  Maud  do  Bryan  ^vas  the  wife  of  (JeHeiy  do  Cai..M.,.  i  ...  i.iaid 
■to  bo  the  next  heir  of  her  Grandfather,  who  died  2  Edw.  I,  "or  Kin,,-,'  and  wlueli 
Maud  «:,,<  tlieii  31  vear.s  .1.1.      !She  was  dead  previous  to  1279-SO  (Coram  Kege  Koll, 


Nu.  49, 

,;.■.!    f..r 

Martin  and  bv  hi 

,  \ 


.1  r.ry 



U5    " 


1  11 


..11,  M 

Inq.  p.m. 

Inq.     p. Ill 


ct.  2 

.    Ill, 

iiy  17  Edx 

■.  111. 


10  1 


1,  X... 


0  !• 


,  m.  1 

In.j.  p.m. 

2  Iv 

w.   I 


•t  Ceiieal,'  vol.  vi,  ]..  152,  altl 
eat  predecessor,  conimittu.l  an 
the  christian  name   ol     "Wil 

Imas,  7-8  E.hv.  1,  N...  49,  m.  7. 
N,'.   51;    also    County  I'lacita, 

NOTE    ON    PK     BRAOSE. 

]stlius-=Eleanor,'  who  on  jartition  \vi 
h:\nA.        leinesent.-itivc  of  licr  sister  J.wii  as 
.,  Hast-     colieircascs  of  their  hn.ther  William 
iiigs.  Martyn.  became    entitled   to   'J'aw- 

stock.  Was  Uving  8  VAw.  HI,  wlien 
cm  20  January  1334-5  slie  and  her 
then  husband",  Philip  de  Culumbar, 
were  jtarties  to  a  Fine  to  uses  for 
settling  Tawstock  after  dealh  of 
lier  sister  in  law  Margaret  on  her- 
self and  her  hu.sband  ri.ili].  de  Co- 

lli the=2ndhusb. 
nan  as  Philip  de 
illiam     Cohun- 


William  Mar-=Margaret, 

tvn*   ^nc- 


ceeded  to  Taw- 

Lord  Has- 

stock    as   son 

tnigs,   sur- 

and heir,  and 

vived   her 


thereof  in  fee, 

and   liad 

ob.  13-2G=  3.p.' 


for   dower, 

«Joan,i  widow  of  He 
Laey,  Earl  of  Lineol 

T  2nd  husb.    Kicholas  do  Audloy  Baron 
I  Au.Uey  of  Helegh,  ob.  1319.-' 

AliccVl"^'''!'''       1st   wife.=pJamcs  de  Audley  of  Helcg 
riet      Joan,  da 

.,f  211  Januaiy  1331 
1300,  sp." 

h.,  obtained  .eisin  of  Taw- 
Jiasset  1300,  ub.  (13'Jl-2) 

nd  h,,  and-j=2nd  wife. 

jb.  1  Aj.iil  I   Isabel, 
liri:;r..',     dan.    of 

dcA  SMargaret,=rFulk  Fitz 

•  All  livin-  5       cventua.lly 

May    1370,        ch,   with 
Ide  '..and  all  dead       her    half 
sister  Joan 

AuaU.y.=  s  p.    ante 

-  January 

James    de     !  13'.ll-2.'- 

Fli/.abeth,  sis- 
ter and  h.  of 
John,  eon  &h. 
Sir  William 
Cogan,  Knt. 

1  Inq   p.m.  10  IMw.  Ill,  lat  No.  f.l ;  iil-o  County  Pbril.a,  Devon,  No 
Trinilv,  17  I'.dw.  HI. 

■'  Kill's  Writ  to  Sheiiirof  Devon  (IG  Rich.  H)  K!02. 

3  Inqs.  luu.  10  r.dw.  Ill,  No<.  f,0,  r.i. 

*    l-,(/,-  Coram  Koge  Koll,  Michaelmas,  7-8  Kdw.  I,  No.  49,  m.  7 

N0TI3    ON    DE     DUAOSE. 




Joan,'  eklei-  sistor=f=Sir  J 

.Im         Fulk   l^itzwaryn,'   found   li. 


nnrl  eventually  coh.     Tou.-l 

rt,           of  his  great  nnele  Tlionias  , 



with  her  half  sibtcr     ub.  IJ 

-0.           Aiulley.nn.l  then(13!ll--2)ag, 


Margaret   Fitz- 

2  years  and  npwards  (liad  Ta\ 



John  Tou-=r...     I'>'lk  FiU- 

l,it    wife.=  |-S;i-i:irl.:ndlr:uikfMrdr 

•^■2nd  wi 


warren,  7th 

Klizabrtli,    1  (,-...fSir!bn,vlI,ii,k- 

d:in.    1 

Baron   by 

heirother     fnnl  bv  hi.  «  li.  Kii/a- 


writ,    ob, 

br..ther        |  bah.  il.  ;,nd  li.  .-i  Su' 

of  H.ilL 


Fulk.            1  llidi.  ytavlaon). 

Jolni  'J'oucl 

ft,"  nni1cr=F.. 

William  liourchier,  Lord  Fitzwarin 


age  Jan.    1301-2  [Suni- 

jureuxoiis,3rd.sonof  William  L.n 




kJourcUicr,  Farl  of  Fwe,  by  Anne,  d. 


ron  Auillcy  in  1405]. 

and  h.  of  Thomas  of  Woodstock,  iJul 
of  OlouccKter. 



TliiK  family  is'cntly  a  luaiich  of  the  family  of  Cia<lock, 
of  Ricliuiond,  CO.  York;  of  whicli  pciligrces  will  Ijo  fouml  in 
P]antnc;(jiiei-HaiTi,soii'.s  York.shirc,  Suvtecs'  DurLam,  Nichols' 
LcierskTshire,  frc.  (Sec  'The  Gencaloo'ists'  Guide,'  pp.  118,  .'.07.) 
AVilliam  Cradock,  who  died  in  ISO-),  and  John  Cradock,  who  died 
in  1833,  Lotli  ibsed  liookplates  of  these  AliiiS:  Argent,  on  a  chev- 
ron A;^nre,  (lu'cc  p,'arhs,  '(Jr.  Ckest:  A  bear's  head  proper  nuizzlcd 
Gules.  Motto:  Nee  temere,  nee  tiniide.  How  this  branch  was 
connected  with  tlic  Richmond  family  is  not  certain:  perhaps  some 
correspondent  may  !>e  abk'  to  clear  u))  the  point. 

John  Cradock, "of  Richmond,  co.  York,  died  in  17')3.  Letters 
of  Aduion.  to  his  eliects  v/ere  ^lanted  by  the  Consistory  Court  of 
Richmond,  in  May  ]7"i3,  to  Ddiothy  Cradock,  his  widow  and 
relict.  The  Rondiiien  were  Ids  widow,  John  Cradock,  of  Rich- 
mond, o-entlenban,  and  Willi.nii  Crudock,  of  Lincoln'.s  Inn,  gentle- 
man,    Ry  his  wifi^  Dnnitliv,  h.'  h.'id  (wo  sons  — 

(1.)     John  Crn.luek,  of   birh ii.l,  -vni  loman,  born   1723-1; 

died  1  Fubrniiiy,  1777,  at  Lou-hborough  co.,  Leices- 
ter, a^t.  r)3;  biiiird  ui.  Luuohborou-li.  On  an  altar 
tomb  in  the  ( ^Imivli  yaid  he  is  called  "Jolni  Cradock, 
late  of  Riehmoihl,  iii  the  county  of  York."  He  was 
residuary  devisee  iiiidci-  the  Will  (proved  at  Richmond, 
G  November,  l7"ilM  of  his  "cousin,"  Richard  Fox,  of 
]3romi)ton  u]ion  Swnic,  s(m  of  Clnislopher  and  Dor- 
othy Fox. 

>  King'd  Writ  to  Slurilfof  1  Won  (I    Kieli   II)  Ki'.U. 


(2.)  AVilliani  Cradock,  of  wliom  next. 
William  Cradock  (secoml  .sou  oi'  John  and  Dorotliy,)  was  bap- 
tized at  Richmond,  4  June,  1727.  He  left  Riclnnond  early  iii 
life,  and  settled  in  Lougliliorou,L;'h,  wlicre  he  pur.sued  the  profes- 
sion of  Attoniey-at-law.  In  17'):>  ho  is  descrihcd  as  of  Lincolns' 
Inn,  Middlesex,  gentleman.  He  married  at  Longhhorough,  2 
September,  17G.5,  Elizabeth  2nd.  dau.  of  John  Davys,  of  Lough- 
borough, and  aunt  of  the  Ptt.  Rev.  George  Davys,  D.D.,  Lord 
JJisliop  uf  reterborougli,  descended  from  Edward  Davys,  elder 
brother  to  Sir  John  Davj-s,  the  poet  and  Attorney  General  for 
Ireland.  [Arms  of  Davys,  entered  at  Dublin,  Sable  a  fesse  ermine 
between  three  cimjuefoils  argent:  Pedigree  in  the  'Genealogist,  v. 
25.]  He  liad  estate.-^  at  Barrow  upon  Soar,  Hatlic^n,  and  Lough- 
borough, kc,  in  CO.  Leicester,  and  at  Richmond.  Ho  died  at  Lough- 
borough, 30  November,  ISO'),  ret.  78;  bin-,  at  Loughborough.  T.S. 
Will  proved  P.C.C.  11  March,  LSOG.  His  widow,  ICIizalirth,  died 
28  June,  1821,  ret.  71);  bur.  at  Loughborough,  T.S.  They  had 

(].)     John  Cradock,  of  whom  lieveafter. 
(2.)     William,  born  19  Feb.,  17C7,  bapt.  at  Loughborough  17 
April,  17G7;  lived  at  Belton,  co.  Leicester;  died  unni. 
2.5  May,  1S2G,  a,'t.  5!3;  bur.  2Sth  at  Belton. 
(o.)     Lucy,  born  G  Juno,  17G8,  m.  Rev.  William  Wilkinson, 
B.A.,  rector  of  South  Croxton,  co.  Leicester,  had  issue 
Jolni,  William  Cradock,  Sheldon,  and  2  daus.      Wm. 
A\'ilkinson  was  also  rector  of  Eolkesworth,  co.  Hunt., 
1807;  Losel>y,  co.  Leic,  1814;  and  Sproxton  and  Saltl jy, 
1§^8;  he  died  at  Spahling,  co.  Lincoln,  wliere  some  uf 
hi.s  descendants  are  .still  living. 
(4.^     Joscpli,  born  o  Jan.,  bapt.  at  Longhbur(jugli  20  ]\farL-h. 
1770;  lived  at  Leamington;  died  unm.  12  Aug.,  IN.]."), 
ajt.    Go;    bur.    17th   at   Loughborough.      T.S.      Will 
proved  P.C.C.  15  Oct.,  18:15. 
(5.)     Thomas,  born  S  June,  1772,  d.  4  Oct.,  1783,  set.  1 1,  bur. 

at  Lou-hborough.     T.S. 
(G.)     Eerdinan.lo,  born  29  Aug.,  1774;  d.  8  Feb.,  182G,  ajt 

52;  bur.  at  Loughborough.     'J'.S. 
(7.)     Elizabeth,  born  3  Feb.,  1/77;  d.  umn.  9  June,  1S3G,  ret. 

59;  bin-,  at  Loughborough.  'J'.S. 
(8.)  Sheldon,  born  21)  Sept.,  1778;  lived  at  Leicester;  mar. 
at  South  Croxton,  28  Jan.,  1810,  Elizabeth  Firmadgo, 
of  Leicester;  and  had  issue  Sheldon  Firmadgo,  who 
d.  young;  died  17  June,  18(j4;  buried  at  Scraptoft, 
CO.  Leicester;  Will  jn-oved  at  Leicester.  His  wife  and 
son  were  also  Ijuried  at  Scraptoft. 
(9.)  Thomas,  burn  ,,  ( )rt..b,.r,  178G,  at  Loughborough;  Lieut, 
in  27th,  alLi  rwaids  Captain  in  85th  Regt.,  and  hono- 
rary Major;  serve<l  throughout  the  whole  of  the  Pen- 


insular  AVar,  inelmlinL;-  tlio  two  sieges  of  Badajos,  and 
was  severely  woumled  at  Waterloo;  he  mar.  Florence 
Eliza,  dau.  of     .     .      .     .     ,  and  had  issue —   a  dau. 
Florence  who  ninr.      .     .     .      Horrock  and   died  s.p. 
He  was  afterwards  one  of  the  poor  Knights  of  Wind- 
sor; died  at  Leicester,  5  April,  1  Sol,  ret.  G(J;  bur.  at 
Lou'dihorough.     T.S.     There  is  a  stained  Avindow  in 
Loughborough  Chnreli,  erected  by  his  bruthor  Slieldon 
to  his  inemory.     His  widow  died  at   Nice  31   July, 
1877,  a3t.  82. 
John  Cradock  ('eldest  son  of  William  &  Elizabeth)  was  born 
2G  February,  17GG;   bapt.  at  Loughborough  1  April,  17GG;  lived 
at  Loughborough,  and  was  an  Attorney-at-law,  and  afterwards  at 
Woodliouse  Eaves;  he  mar.  2G  Jan.  1792,  at  St.  Peter's  Notting- 
ham, Mary,  dau.  &  coh.  of  the  Rev.  John  AUeyne.  [.See  Pedigree 
of  Alleyne  in    the  'Reliquary,'  vol.   xxi.,  2.5G.     Through  this  mar- 
riage tlie  Cradocks  have  a  direct  Royal  Descent  from  King  Henry 
HL];  he  died  28  March,  1833,  xt  G7;  bur.  at  Loughborough  23rd. 
T.S.     AVill  dated  25  Feb.,  1833.     Mr.  Cradock  was  Lord  of  the 
l\Ianor  of  Walton  on  the  Wolds,  co.  Leicester.     His  wife  died  11 
Aug.,  1807,  D?.t.  41,  and  was  bur.  at  Loughl:>orough.    T.S.    The 
Arms  of  Alleyne,  as  given  on  John  C's  bookplate,  were  Argent  a  moline  Sable.     They  had  issue, 
-     (1.)     John  Cradock,-bapt.  at  Loughborough   22  Sept.,  1792; 
lived  at  Loughborough,  and  was  an  Attorney-at-law; 
a  noted  foxlumter  with  tlie  Quorn  Hunt,  it  is  com- 
puted  that  he  rode  after  tlie  hounds  about  400  miles 
a  weer";  was   Lord  of  the   Manor  of  Walton  on    the 
Wolds;  mar.  llrmietta  Maria,   dau.  of  Robert  Piper, 
esq.,  of  Yorkshire;    died  k]\  17  June,  1838;    bur.  at 
Loughborougli.      T.S.     AVill    ]iroved   P.C.C.  7   June, 
1839.     His  widow  rcinanird  19  Jan.,  1842,  the  Rev. 
Joseph    Place,  Rectoi-  of    Gieat  Casterton,   and    died 
S    Aug,    1872,    leaving    two  sons    Robert  Place,  and 
Williain  Gordon  Place,  M.  A.,  Cantab.,  a  Solicitor  at 
Leicester,  and  two  dans. 
(2.)     William,  of   Melton  Place,  St.  Par 
borough   2G  April,  179!-;  died  t 
38;  bur.  27  Apiil,  1S33,  at  St.  J 
(3.)     Thoma.s,  of  whom  h.'reaftrr. 
(4.)     Edward,  of  Aslibv  de  la  Z:.ueli,  c 
Helen's,  A.shby 'do  la  Zuueli,  II 
of  Henry  WJiitby,  of  Alber~l..i 
Whitby,  in  'I'.urke'.s   handed   C 
Jan.,  1S.-..S;  bni'.  at  ANhby  de  I.n  ; 
25   March,  ]>S7(;,  at.  (i!).'    Tliev 
Liverpool,  gvnt.,  b.  12  .Maivh.'l^ 
Fry;  and  Mary  Catheiine  m.  a 

llCl-as;   bapt. 
unm.  Anril, 
lames'  West 

at  Lough- 
,  LS33,  ';et. 

-0.  Leicester 
Xuv„  183(1, 
lie,  M.  1\,   |1 

,  111.  at  St. 

]■: liza  dau. 

I'edi-ree  of 

id  .h.mI  is 

Jiad  issne,  ! 
hJS;  Klizalu 
it  Holy  Trii 

Sluddoll,  ,if 

•th  m.J..liii 
lilv,  Ashbv 

22         CKADOCK    0]'    LOUGH  r.OllOUGlI,    CO.    LEICESTER. 

dc  la  /uucli  9  Oct.,  1m7o,  James  ITemy  Young,  of  Alj- 
Loti  Hall,  N.  Lam-asliivo. 
(.5.)     FerdinaiKlo  Kolunt,    of    Louglilim-ouRli,  i^cnt.,  b.  tliovo 
April  17'.)S,  m.  lliivy  Smith  of  Loiighbovough ;  died  2 
July,  1S71',  ;et.  7G;  bur.  7tli  at  Loughborough;  they 
had  i.-sue,  John,  Ferdinando  George  (iu  New  Zealaud), 
111.  Amelia  Luiui,  .Alary  Ann  m.  Thomas  Heiuy  Barnes, 
Katherine   Siiiilh    m.    Leonard  Robert  Jjiirrow.s,  and 
Eliza  Aniol.l, 
(G.)     Mary  Pcnrlope,   m.  oO   May,  18:17,  Kdward  Mortimer 
Green,  of  Ashby  de  la  Zouc'h.    [Sec  Pedigree  of  "Green 
of  Od.slone  Hill,"  in  'Burke's  Landed  Gentry.'] 
(7.)     Cathci-iue  All' yn.',  m.  10  June,  1839,  Georgica  Hawkes, 
of  TaltoH  Ibjii  ;r,  eo.  Worcester,  esq.,  and  died  3  Aug., 
18J'2,  leaving  two  dans.  Clara  who  n\.  9,G  Nov.,  18*74, 
at  Newbohron  Stoure,  George  L.   Field,  17th  llegt., 
and  Catherine. 
(8.)     Joseph,  of  Stanford,  co.  Notts,  died  int.  and  unin.    13 

Nov.,  1838,  xt.  3'J;  bur.  at  Loughborough.     T.S. 
(0.)     Catherine  JMorris,  died  in  her  infancy;  bur.  at  Lough- 
borough.    T.S. 
Thomas  Cradock,  (3rd  son  of  John  and  Jlary)  of  Q,uorn  Court, 
CO.   Leicester;  bapt.    8  Sept,    17!):.;    m.   Oct.   1811,  ibxry  Oetavia 
dau.    of    Harry   Grovor,    of    lleuiel    Hempstead;    a    Solicitor   at 
Loughborough;  Lord  of  the.  Manors  of  Walton  on  the  Wolds  and 
Lough liorough ;  died  7  Sept.,  l.S(i3;  bur.  at  Quorndon.    T.S.    Will 
proved  at  Leicestu-r- 8  Oct.,  1803.     lie  hail  issue, 

(1.)  John  Davys,  of  Quorn  Court;  b.  G  April,  LS-i-'S;  Lord  of 
the  Manor  of  J.oughborough;  Cajjtain  of  Prince  Al- 
bert's Own  Lrjcrsteishire  Yeiniianry  Ca^'alry;  a  So- 
licitor at  Lo,v.hl.or.,uuli. 
(2.)  Thomas,  of  Triii.  Coll.  Cand.ridge,  m.  3  March,  187 -•'., 
at  Quinton,  (^-atl'ii'rine  Louise  Jane,  dau.  of  Corbett 
Holland-Corbett,  ol'  Admington  Hall,  co.  Gloucester, 
J.P.  and  ]).L.  I  Sec  I'r.liLTree  of  Holland-Corbett  of 
Admin-ton  Hall,  in  'I'nnke's  Lan.lrd  Cicntry'.] 
(3.)     Jlarv,  m.  Tlir  Krx.  (  ;|,;nlr.,  Geor-e  Ander.son,  Pvcctor  of 

(1.)     Catherinr  Olara.  m,  .lol,n   Henry  Paget,  of  Buck  Hill, 
Lou-hbon.u-h.     {Xi'v    I'rdi-ree   of 'Paget  of  Ibstock 
and'Huddiii'Mun,  in  •Innhrs  Landed  Gentry'.) 
(.").)     Ivhilv  Annr,  in.  ;;(!  .Iiinr,  1  ssO,  at  Quorndon,  J.  Hawkes 
Wi',  r„|.,  ,.r  Tniii,!.'  I'.alsail.  co.  Warwick. 
Some  acconnl  .if   (^hiMin  (',  (hr   present  seat  of  the  family, 
and  its  hi>toii,'  ,•>-,..  HI,-,  Hon  <.  n\MI  he  bmnd  in  T.  It.  Potter's  'Pain- 
blrs  round    L,md,l.:.|.ne;l,.' 

'I'hn   following    <\ill>,   \-e,,  oj'  Ciadoek   were    proved   at   Ivich- 


1G21.  Cradock  William,  of  Bal.lcrsdailc,  R.  W.  Inv.  S  May. 
[Brother  i'Mr.  Dr.  Cra.lock"   iiirntiMii.?.!.] 

1752.  "  Sheiaon,  of  Hartt'ovth  ;  p.  Gillin-,   cs'i.     Will 

17.5.'J.  "  .John,  of  Richmonil.     Admon. 

17.5G.  "  .Tohn,  of  lli.u'h  Fivmington.     Will. 

17G7.  "  Antony,  of  Harkasi.le.'p.  Grinton.     Adnion. 

17G9.  "  William,  of  Harka.sid(.',  p.  Grinton.     Adniun. 

1819.  "  Clui.stophcr,  uf  liartforth.     Admon. 

There  are  douhtlcss  Honic  Wills  of  Cradock  at  York;  and  the 
Eichniond  Vavhh  Registers  probably  contain  many  Cra^.loek 

W.  a.  DIMOCK-FLETCmCK,  M.A.,  Oxford. 

CALENDAR    OK   LA:\ri;KTn    WILLS. 

( Continued  from   Vol.   v,  p.    SiO;. 

Derby,    Robovfc.       Lanygablauefurd. 

Derby,  "Willimn.     Tyvyn,i,'loii. 
Dcrham,,  ]>nrM'. 
Dcspcnccr,  EdwarJ  li',  ]\.iit.    Tuwl^i-.lmiy. 
DcYiies,  Robort,  uf  Siulliurv. 
Dibbcn,  Tliomas,  uf  DhuIi.mI  St.  .AFarir. 
Digg,  Roger.      lI.Tliain. 
Diggo,  Jolni.      Rector  of  ]'.i^^]iniH..^l,nn!e. 
Dixon,  XicTiolas.     Rector  of  Chr.sthuut, 

Dockyng,  William.  Reclov  of  Codvclavr. 
Doayngtoii,  Jolui.      Caiimi  nf  l^x.'t.r. 
Dogct,  Waller.      Citizen  of  Lou, bm.     St. 

Leonard,  Eastclieap. 
Dole,   William,   of   r.-ltmie,   Co.    AMlt.s 

Dobnan,  sfr  SaAvtell 
Doubl.^,    Walter,    of    Conie.s   in    Sussex, 


Dounto)!,  Thomas,  g.'nf.   Ipswich.  M'hitr- 

friars,  London. 
Dowman,       Elizalietli,       nf       Ciiipcwie. 

Drane,  William.      Yoxfnnl. 
Drapur,  Hu^h,  of  Phr-lr  frM. 

DiVWe,    Unlnat.        Clli/rll    ,,f     P,:,(l,. 
Lr.'Well,    .Inlin.         .\lvh(|.Mrn,l    ,.f    KxrlrV. 

Dromniv,    John,    l;!.!,,,),   of.     St.     .Mary 

Somerset,  Loialon. 
]Jni,  Thomas,  of  SoUtllColeju.Vla  ReUvn-e. 


348"  Cllirlivle,  P. 

14. -IS 

4G1''   rili.lirlr,    4'. 

I  lO.s 

34-^  ^b.iion. 


1)0'  SudKun-. 

11.')  3 

301''  Eniipr. 


418^'  Wliit'^ifl,  1'. 


70'^  Sudhuvv. 


80''  Sudbury. 


1C9''  SlalTnrd. 


1C9''  flnclirlr,  V. 


170-  Aruudrl,  1>. 


•223'  Courleney. 


415'' Wliit-ifl,  P. 


50''  53''  J\ist  moi 



202''  l^empe. 

1  I'J'J 

40'  Mnrl,.n. 


57''  :\lni-t,ui 

1  108 

MS'  .\nnidrl,  P. 

1  i.-.o 

ISS'  Slntinid. 




437''  Cliuhele,  P. 


315'  Kempe, 

24                        CALKN]:»AU    01'    LAMDETll    WILLS. 

Pinvy,  Xiilu.Lis,  nf  Srl,rll,,n,l. 


72''  Sta 

])nlrV,    ]^.lM■ll,   tl,r    rhlrv.    of     1  1 .  ll  i-lnn. 

1  L)S 


PUUM.-Ililr,  AVllli;,l,l.     l;.T|M,nri),.ll,.f.,r,l. 

]  1 0  1 

221"  Annidol,  1'.  i. 

])urv,  H.-niv.      Virir  n[  Si.  .luM. 


394''  Chirhol,.,   P.   i. 

DulU.ii,  Tli.'.nins,  K,,l. 


293'- Chi.diclo,  1'.  i. 

])yrr,  T1i...„:h,  ,-,f   ^Vvlt,.n. 


202'-  Amndrl,  P.  ii. 

Dygou,  Tlio, n:,s. 


292^'  Kcnipe. 

lviMl:uiiulcr  r,i;„<   L.u.hI,,-     AVilli.ii,,  uf 

Scvrnoaks,  K.ut. 


197''  Land,  P.  i. 

Ivistman,  A-n<-=,  of   D.^viitm,. 


416''  AVhilgift,  P.  i. 

Katwe'll,      Thninas,       uf        Wyiitcilxune 



4I2MVliilyift,  P.  i. 

Eboracru,  I'liilii.iia,  ])url;,-,s  Pna  Ar  lu-ul 


Vocta.     V.mivA  at  AVr^niiusln-. 


4  28^'ChirlH.h.,  P.   i. 

Ecliyngl.ain,  Thomas,  Kut. 



Edd™,  John,  of  Saxlon,  (|.iohatr  only.) 


192^'  Anunlol,  V.  ii. 

Edmoi.,1,  Strph,.,,,  of  Monk.lon  in  ].k.  of 



385^'  Chi.dulc,  P.  i. 

*Eawara  111,  Kill-  of  Kn-lunl 


97''  Sndbnry. 

*Ea\val-.l,  I'rincr  of  W;,l,.s. 


90''  Sudlmvy. 

Eawanl,  Jolni,  .)f  Xonvi.h. 


05'  Stall'ord. 

Eilyjulon,  I'.islio,,  ,,f  AViurh.sUr.     I'.uri.a 



110'  Langhaui. 

Ekwilon,       Canon    of    Ex.'trv. 



175'' Avnndrl,  P.  ii. 

Ely,  John.  South  Lynn 


192''  Arnnd.  1,  P.  ii. 

Elyiiglni-,  Thomas.    Si'ntm.r  iv  \vil!  ,jf. 


l.-j'  Warliain. 

Elys,  Koh.'it,  of  X'orwi.h. 


23''  Morion. 

Emund,  TlK'JfTias,  cni.pllaniis.      Ayh'sliani. 

140  4 

540''  Arundd,  V.  i. 

Eii-ae,  Guyclianlus  ,h'.    Kail  of  iluntin-- 

don.     ,SVv'])'An'jlr. 

Evghuni,     Kalph      i;i.hoi,    of    r.atl,    and 



1G8'' Arnndrl,  P.  i. 

Eri.ynghaiii,  Tlionia.,  Knt.,  Xovwirh. 


40.3'  fhirh.lP,  P.  i. 

El'thuni,  flolH'ii.      lirrtor  ,,f   M.ailon. 


513''  Arnn.hl,  P.  i. 

E.-^cot,  John,      fili/rn  of    London. 


278''  Kcmiic. 

Esmond,,  .if  Aylfdiani. 


540''  Arund.  1,  P.  i. 

Estconii,  .lolin.      Dran'of  St.   :Mailin   lo 

CIrand,  I.nndnn. 


401''  ChiclRJe,  P.  i. 

Estfcld,  William,  Knl.      London. 

14  45 

139'  .Slallord. 

EslivfoHh,  ,Iohn.      Hon,,,.. 


192'' Arnndrl,  P.  li. 

]',n-r,  Cvlhrll,  of    Wadhmst. 


IIG'' tirynd.dl. 

Eyrn.s,  Xicliolas,  ,,f  llanislcy  in  pavLh  of 

■\Vindjovnc  :\iynslcv. 


288-'  AVhit-ifl,  P.  i. 

Ev.Tard,  Thoma-s  of   Ayl.shani. 


540''  Arnnd.  1,  P.  i. 

Evcvist,  Edward,  of  Chiddin-slonr,  Kmt. 


2G8'  Al.l.ol,  P.  i. 

Kuril,  Williani,of  Hrrn.niKrnl.yronian 

.     1589 

272'  Whiijill,  P.  i. 

Kxall,  An-u^lvu,  of   V..vrll,  Innhold,-,'. 

159  1 

4  11'  AVhii-ifl,  P.  i. 

*\:srUy,    .lohn     Holland     Dnkf     oL      St. 

j;ath.;iine  hy  the  Towcr. 


ICO'  Slallord. 


Exoter,  Thomas,  ]^ukc  of. 

LI  26 

399'^  Chicliele, 

P.  i.. 

Eyreinyii,  "William  dr.     Keclor  of  Castel- 

liishcby,  Nortliants. 


188''  Arundel, 

P.  i. 

Eacy,    William.       St.     Coluiub     Major, 



191-  Stafford. 

Ealstofi;  Thoinas.      I'.ishop  of  St..  J)avi.l',^. 

LurioJ  al  St.  David'.'^. 


173-  Islep. 

Fane,  John,  of  Clicrinqton,  co.  Wills. 


415'' Whit-ift 

,  P.  i. 

y-.uw,  Peter,  of  Wileott. 


412''  Whitgift, 

P.  i. 

Eantlcroy,  Juhann,  W"  of  Jiilin. 


125- Stad'ord. 

Faueoncr,  "William,  Ivnt.      C'aleys. 


278-  Chichele, 

P.  i. 

Eehri'^  Jolm.      Kector  of   AViiit'ert.m. 


543''  Arun.lel, 

P.  i. 

Fold,  Thomas.     Dean  of   Hereford. 


322''  Chiehele, 

P.  i. 

Fen,  Christian,  W°  of  Kirkhy  Cane. 


64-  Staflord. 

Eenys,  James,  Kt.,  Dfis  de  Saye  and  Sele. 

Greyfrlars,  London. 


190''  Staffor.l. 

Fcriby,  John,  Esq.     Chertesey. 


473-  Chiehele, 

,  1'.  i. 

Ferrers,    William    d(!,    Diis    de     Grohy. 

]juried  at  Ulnescrofto. 


128''  AVhitllrs 


]'\'rrys,  lvo2,ev,  Knt.     Ilurslmonccaux. 


178-  Stailord. 

Ferrers,  William,  Dns  de  Crohy. 


127-  Stailord. 

Ferrars,  dna  ■Slargaret,  wife  of  Sir  William 

of  Groby. 


81''  Sudbury. 

Ferronr,  William.     Citizen  of  London. 



Ferthyn-e,  John,  capellanus.     Oleiford. 


Ill''  Stalinrd. 

Fetplace',  Walter,  of  Southamiiton. 



Feyth,  John.     Cilizen  of  London. 

1 153 

310"  Kenipe. 

Finnis,  Willian),  of  St.  Margaret  at  Cliife, 



273''  Whit-ift 

,  P.  i. 

Fische,  Jolni,  of  I'akenham. 


54"  Morton. 

Fischer,  John.      ]]urgcy3  of  Thetford. 


11''  .Morton. 

Fisslier,  Jolin.    Fulliam. 


259- Kemp,.. 

Fitz  Ilerberd,  Edmund,  Knt.     Shennan- 



219''  Courlen, 


Fi(z  ILi-h,  Robert.      Bishop  of  London. 



,'P.  i. 

Fitz  ]?auf,  John,  Kid. 


171''  Chichele 

',   1'.   i 

Fitz  Eol)ert,  Pobert.     Lond,.n.  1434  445'' Cliieh(4e,  p.  i. 

Fitz-Wauter,  Walter.      Dunni.iw.  1131  432- Chichele,  P.  i. 

Fitz  Water,  Walter,  Dns  FilzAVat.r.  1408  254-  Arundel,  ]'.  i. 

Fitz  Waryn,  Ivo,  Knt.  1412  270- Chichele,  P.  i. 

Flory,  John.      Cloford,  Soiu,  i:M.  14  15  144'' Stailord. 

Foog,  Joan,  W"  of  Sir  Tho,,,,. ,,  Ki.l.  1  120  337''  Chichele,  P.  i. 
Forde,  William  de.   Eector.if  All  Hallows, 

Bread  St.  London.  1107  253''  Arundel,  ]'.  i. 

Fordhani,,      Bishop  ,,f  Kl  v.  Mii,",  389- Chi,  lei,.,  p.  j. 
F.ireman,  Pi,lKir,l,  ,,f  .Mvll,niii  parish  ,,f 

Pritw,ll,  CO.  J.:ss.s\.      ■  1571  296"  Parki^r,  P.  i. 

Fosl.'r,  Pi,|,ai,l.       Bath.  1123  36.5-  Chieliele,  P.  i. 

l"oul,shui>l,  J.,hann.      Bertumh'y.  1415  290- Chiehele,  P.  i. 
Founder,  srr  Caime. 


Fowlcv,  Eainuiul,  of  Kyko.  1199  58''  :\rnitoii. 

Fowler,  Jului.  1445  G9^  StiiUor.l. 

Foxe,  Jolni,  of  Eccl.js.  1498  24'' M,.it.m. 

Frainptun,  Walk'r.      lliistul.  1388  227"  Cuurl.'ury. 
Fraiicklyii,  John,  of  Secnde  Ucwv,  co. 

Wilts.  1j91  41G'  Wliil-ift,  V.  i. 

Frajiks,  Joliii,  clerk     Salisluny.  1433  477''  ChicliLlr,  1'.  i. 

Frcrc,  AVilliani,  of  Keppvs.  144.-)  G8'' Staliurd. 

FreslifonI,  Meliola.s.     Freslifor.I.  1591  447^'  Vriiitgift,  P.  i. 

Fretoii,  Kegel'.     Dean  of  Chiehe.sler.  1381  '195",  203"  Courteiiey. 

Frilona,  Wallrr.     Koctor  of  AMvutun.  137G  83'Siun,u,v. 

Frye,  Julm,  of  Salisbmv.  1407  40''  Ar;;iuli4,  P.  ii. 

Frysourc,  Philip,  of  WeMcv.  1452  310"  Iveiiipc. 

Fulcombo,  Alice,  of  llitlie  in  ICeiit.  1588  2C1"  WHiitgift,  P.  i. 

Fulford,  James.  1581  207''  Whitgift,  P.  iii. 
Fuller,    Thomas,    of    Great    Yaniioutli, 

Shipman.  1418  177KSlaflnv,l. 

Furbeshow,  ilargery,  of  AVesloii.  1445  GP'  Sinllnrd 

Fuy.stour,  William,      Citi/ru  of  Salisbury.  1419  332''  Chieliele,  P.  i. 

Fylcole,  Johaiin,  of  l,nnl.>n,  W".  1453  295"  Xempe. 

Fynchaiii,  John,  of  I'vnch.iin,  grnt.  1499  34"  IMortoii. 

Fysher,  TlMaa;,.,  ,,f  1;  lili.n:.;  Mil.  15',ll  4  17''  Wliit-ift,  P.  i. 

Fyiu-halii,  WilHaui.     J'ai,-,-iM.r  Cli.'ha.tliaiu.  ll'J'.J  GO''  IMullou. 

Calaiule,  William.      Ke.t..v  .,f  li,.,l,4nril. 
Ga'iot,    i\lice,    wiLh.w    of    Thomas.       St. 

]\fichael  (iwm,  Loi;.lnii.  1435  4G1''  Cliidiclr,  ]'.  i. 
GamuU,  John.     Canon  ..f  Welk      Keelur 

of  Yevill. 
Gardyner,  Jnhii,  of  PmuMne. 
Garmoncle,  Thomas,  ti[  L'lrwvr,  gi'nt. 
Gaye,  William.      Stokehold. 
Geen,  see  Smvth. 

GcflVeye,  Agnie.s,  of  Charinge,  co.  Kent,  W".  1 559  309"  l'„rker,  1'.  i. 

Gclys,  Alice,  wife  of  Henry  Gely-s.  1423  3G4"  Chichele,  ]'. 

Gcnotto,  Kobert.     :\lildenhale.  1410  192"  Arundel,  P. 
Gerard,  Ivateriue,  ■w"  of  John,  jVldeniian 

ofKorwich.  1451  191'' Sla (lord. 

Gcrveys,  John.     Cirencester.  U53  281"  K.'Uip. 

Gcwise,  John,  of  Congham.  1499  4G"  :\lorlon. 

Geyst,  Thomas.      (Probate  onl v.)  1113  191'' -Arnndrl,  P. 

Gilbert,  John,  of  Penenden,  in  Kml.  15S'J  205"  ■\\-liil.;ift,  P. 

Gilbert,  John.      Pishop  of  St.  1  lavids.  1393  IGO' Annul.  1,   P. 

CJilh.vl,  Poher).      P.ish..p  of  L.iud.iii.  M4S  1U5»  Stallord. 

(;,   Kdward.      ];,4wviidni,.  MPS  17.V'  Slalb.rd. 

Ginnn-,  lin-.r,  <,f  r.u.kfril.i,  vmnian.  P'-sO  li".)''  Crvn.l.ill. 

Girling,  Pi.-haid,  (.f   .NnilhlM.irnham.  1115  7  1"  SlMinrd. 

Gisors,  John.      St.   .Mailni   Viulrv,  London.  I:;SI)  lU7  '  .^udlairv. 

Glaser,  John.     Krelor  of  Slisted,  i;,  140'J  107"  Arundel,  P. 


251"  .\nind-l,  P. 

PI  02 

197'  .\rui..dol,  P. 


410'  Wliif.,in,  !■ 

J 112 

4S7''  OorhrL',   P 


Glasbrokc,  James,  of  Harrow  on  Uic  Hill, 

taylor.  1558      10'' Post  inortcm  Poli. 

*Gluur(.st..r,  Aliniora  Ducliess  of.  l.^D'J     10.",'  Avunad,  V.  i. 

Oloucvslav,  Thomas,  Esq.  U4G      1  If.''  .Stall'or.l. 

Glover,  Jolni,  of'nacn  in  Kent.  155'J      1  !'■  Post  mortem  Puli. 

Gobet,  :\rawte,  W".      St.  Ck'orge  Colgate, 

Norwicli.  '"  1-1'JO     28''  :\r(.rtoii. 

Goa,  Jolili,  of  AVol,viil-e,  in  Pari-^li  of  St. 

James  near  Taunton.    Glie.lJun.  1591      «  )'' AVliit^iff,  P.  i. 

G.Klestre,  Roqer.  13G8     129''  Whitllesev. 

Go.l.wvk,  Joim  dc.     Pvector  of  Clyve.  i:!97     15(1"  Arundrl,  P.  i. 

Godefiave,  Tliomns.     Old  Romney.  142G     4-G'' CJiicliele,  P.  i. 

Godfrey,  Jolni,  of  Tenterden.  1589     2G5''  WliitKift,  P.  i. 

Godvey,  Edmund.     Kcctov  of  Roungliton.    1445     G7^' Stalford. 
Goglie,  lo>'_;c'r.    A'icar  of  M.awncell  Gamorgc  1558     GO''' Pole. 
G.ilafre,  Jolni,  Knt.     Friars  minors,  O.xon.  1393     155^  Arundel,  P.  i. 
Golandre,  William.     Hector  of  Pedrford.      1422     3G7'^  Cliichele,  P.  i. 
Gold.-,  John,  capollanus.     I'.o.xele.  1406     331'' Arundel,  P.  i. 

Gohlsmyth,  John,  of  Sholtisham.  1498     IG'' :\[orton. 

Goldyngton,  Robert  de,  Ent.  1383      20G^'  Courteney. 

Gooddaye,  Robert,  of  .Sabrid-eworih,   in 

Hartford.shire,  yeoman. 
Goodiu,  "William,"  of  Otterdeii,  co.  Kent, 

Goodl.ihe,  GeollVey.      Isleworth,  :\liddx. 
(loold,',  John,  clerk. 
(ioo.S  ];!nd.      Citizen  of  Xorwieli. 
Gore,  William.      Aldrvn-lon. 
Gorgis,  Theobald  de.   '  Wiuton. 
Gouide,  Joanc,  W"  of  Estbrent. 
Goundenhnm,    Thomas.       Langford, 

Gowcr,   John.      Tiii^    Pokt.       St.    Mary 

Overy,  Southwark. 
Ginvty,  John,  of  Cley.     Norfolk'. 
Graey,  Hugh,  capellanus.     Eondon. 
Grailii,  John,  Knt.     Major  Lrml.  :;,ilii. 
(irandisson,    John.       T.ishop    of     l.xeter. 

Buried  at  I'lxeter, 
Grandis.TOn,   Otto  de,   Knt.      Oltriy   St. 

jNIarv,  ]">evon. 
Grate,  John,  of  Ij-iswich. 
Grainicestre,  Thomas.   Connim  for  |.rn\  lie; 

will  of. 
Gray,  William.      Pisho),  of  l.ineoh,. 
Gray,  R.,bert,  of  M'ellvs. 
Greene  aH.fx  Ibwne,  Eli/ibrlh,  of  ( 'oin- 

inrrford.'  in  jiaridi  of  L'alnr,  ,■,..  Wills.       1590       I  IG''  ^\•lli^i^,  P.  i. 
I'.irni,.,  j'.dinond,  of  Svs.'well.  )  199     51)''  Mnilm,. 

';ivgo,i,  ]{,,b,.it  ■  1413     ISG^' Auindel,  P.  ii. 

Greue,  ,rr  Paylly. 


85''  Post  mortem  Poli. 

14  52 
1  380 

309'^  Park.T,  P.  i. 


211''  Aniiid.l,  ]>.  i. 

172''    ChirlM.Js  ]'.   ii. 
4S7'  Cldrh.4.',  p.  i. 

IOC'  Sudlairv. 
43V''  Whitgih,  P.  i. 


51 '  Arundrl,  P.  ii. 

1  lOS 
14  45 

25G'',\rui,drl,  P.  i.  • 
7(1''  Stalloril. 



182'  Arumh'l,  P.  i. 


103'>  Whitlleseye. 


1  18^'   Islr], 

13''  .Morton. 


217'' Courteney. 
45S''  (l,i,l„.l,,' P.  i. 
4  2''Mortn„. 


Grcnc,  Jolui.     Citizon  of  Lon.lon.  1-152  2GC' Kciiipo. 

Grene,  Joliii.     Keclur  of  CastiKninLe.  1115  130'' StMHonl. 

Greue,  Jolm.     Kootor  of  Cli,-n vii-  ll:U  41'.)- Cliirli.'lc,  T.  i. 

Grenu,  John,  of  Stivtliaiu.  M12  103''  Aiun.ld,  P.  ii. 

Grwie,  Rifltanl,  piccst.    St.  Gll.'s,  Xnrwicli.  M'J9  I'J-  ]\lorton. 

Grcnc,  EMuii-a,  of  .Soutlielniliam.  1499  55'>  .^lorton. 

Grcne,  William,  of  Asslic.  1499  58''  Morton. 

Grevcll,  William.     Campcacn.  1401  183^  Anuulcl,  R  i. 

Grevylo,  John,  Esq.   Dioccsr  of  AVorccstcv.  1445  128"  .Stalford. 

Grey,  Kichard.    Dns  de  WvRon  supur  Wye.  1442  488^^  Chichcl.-,  P.  i. 

Grey,  Robert.     Demynstrc.  1419  340' Chijlirl..,  P.  i. 
Griffith,   lulward.      Parson  uf  Pusper,  in 

Su.?sex.  1558  47''  Post  morlem  Poli 
Grofhert,  Rarah  dc.      (widow  of  K.^ljurt.)  1371  120' Whitllcscyc. 
Gryndham,  "William,   capellanus,  of  Liid- 

garsalc.  1444  125'''  Stafford. 

Gunner,  Roger.  1580  129''  Grindall. 

Gwyford,  Sir  RoLert.  1372  igi"  Conrteiiej'. 

Gyliby.s  John,  of  P  ran  cast  re.  1498  22'' Morton. 

Gyl.bes,  Walter.      Canon  ,if  ICxi'ter.  1411  1C7''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

Gylloid,  John.      St.  P.^t.^r,  ExrU'i:  1492  130''  jNlorton. 

Gyftord,  R..beit,  i:>.|.   W.-tni,  und.r  E--e.  ]  I  IG  114'' 

Gy-Mcs,  Richard.      .Al,.,vl,ai,t.f  Lvnn.  ■"■"  1J53  285'' Kempe. 
Gyldcwyn,    Gilbert    <le.        .^f.    ^leliolas, 

Rochester.  13G9  103''  Whillh'seye. 
Gylvt,  Ayues,  of  Winisboi-,AVe   in   Kent, 

W".  1587  27P  Wliil-ift,  P.  i. 

Iladbnch,  William.     St.  .[n],n,  Clnkenwell 
JLulde,  Richard,  of  Ke.lrr.-ne  in  Kent. 
Uaggar,  Geo,,;,,  of  Kppi...^  i:-..x,  1  ),aper 
Ilalden,    AViliiani.       Abl-v    of     "I'.miit 

Halfpenny,  AVilliam,  of  P.  pll,,!d,  baker. 
Hall,   :Sidi,Jas,  of   Stone   in   ll^e    Vie   of 

Oxney  in  Kent. 
Halle,  Amicia.      Or.-,  Sie   .■x. 
Halle,  John.      ]Iel]i,e_l.v,  Su.   ex. 
Hallnm,  Robert.     Hi.le>|..,i  S.di.lmiv. 
Halsham,  lluL;h,  Knl.      W.    eo.-,...t,de. 
Hanforth,  lb-;,rv.      SI.  IMm.],,  IX.-t,.,-. 
Hankefoid,   ^Viiliaul,   Knl,      Mnnklri-],, 

Hanlev,  William  <le,  el.-ilc 
Hanslap,  Henry,  clerk.      ^Vil.dna•, 
Harbur-h,  Henry.      Cahnii  of  S,,li  .buiv. 
Hanlvie,',  Thomas,  ,,f  In-hun. 
llaid'vn-,  John,  of  (.■l,\v.le. 
Hareu.ll,    John.       lji,-h..p    of    Pall,    and 

^Vclk-•.  138G     2l8''Conrlenev. 




ol,    P.    ii. 

15  so 



ift,    1',    i. 




P.    i. 








ift,  1^  i. 




ift,  P.  i. 


4  2G' 


de,   P.  i. 



Chi  eh 

■Ir,    p.    i. 

1  117 



■le,  P.  i, 

1  111 


h;  P.  i. 

11 '.12 






h;  P.  i. 

1 3S3 




]  l-"i2 

1  ■"■  1 ' 





dr,    P.    i. 




I.',    P.    i. 


llarlyng,  Tliomas.     Canon  of  C'liirlirstcr.  1122  SCS"-  Chicliule,  V.  i. 
llnrman,  Agnes,  "\V°.    St.  Petor  .Mancroft, 

Norwich.  1499  J  C' Morton. 

Harris,  Joanp,  of  Sontli  Pethorton.  1591  217''  AVhilyift,  P.  ii. 
llarrjson,  Henry,  of  St.  Savionr's  Soutli- 

warko.  1.558  92''  Post  nir)rtcm  Poli. 

Hart,  A^icholas,  of  Snargato  in  Kent.  1589  2GG''  Wliitgift,  ]'.  i. 
Haryngtoii,    Jolni    de,     Knt.       Dns     .b 

Aklyiigham.  1117  31P  Chicliele,  P.  i. 

llasec,  Henry.     .Sv.lvnglionrne.  1-107  3G^^  Arundel,  P.  ii. 
Haseley,   Thomas,"  Xni:     Sulmiaishal   of 

England.      Cnil-le'd  F,i  „-,  i,..„don.  1119  174- Stafford. 
Hash.y,  Joliu.  nf  Cliirhrsl.r.  1411  157'' Arundel,  I',  ii. 
Hastynges,  Agnes  de.      Countess  of  Pem- 
broke.    Minorosscs,  London.  I.jGS  119'' Langhani. 
*Hastvnges,  Jolm  do.     Earl  of  Pendjrokc.  1376  gP-  99"  Sudl.ury. 
Hathewev,  Thomas.     Marloburgh.  1424  378''  ChieliMe,  P.  i. 
Hattfrhl,  Thomas.     Bishop  of  Durham.  1381  107'>  Sudhurv. 
Haustine  >,Iia>i  Pye,  Eicliard,  of  Cloford.  1591  439-  Wl.it_;ift,  P.  i. 
Hawley,  Thomas,  Knt.    liurgh  super  Payne.  1419  333-  Chiehele,  1'.  i. 
llawyle,    Jolm.       Kector    of     llimwoi'th, 

Norfolk.  1407  543-  Arundel,  P.  i. 
Haxoy,    Thomas.       Treasurer    of    York 

Cathedral.  1424  382- Chiehele,  P.  i. 

Hayton,  Thomas.     Morton.  1431  42.3'' Chiehele,  P.  i. 

Havwode,  Tliomas.     Vicar  of  Poun.lestowo.  1431  444-  Chichide,  P.  i. 
lle-litedburv,   William,    S.T.P.      Urduv 

of  Irkhani  and  Canon  of  Sarum.  1372  12G''  Whittleseve. 

ll.'isaunt,  Alexan.ler.  1452  2GG'' JC.'.npe. 

Ibdr,  :\Iattlie«-  atte.      Prituvll,  Essrx.  1390  207'' Cnuilcney. 

llele,  AVilliam  atte.     Prilcwvll.  1390  237'' Court.'n.'V. 
llelles,    Gilbert    de.      Hells    in    jarish    of 

"\Voodnesborou-h,  Kent,  liuii.'d  at  Cod- 



20G-  Islep. 

Helwoldyng,  Nielmlas,  of  Heme. 



-,  P.  i. 

llehvoldyng,    Agnes,    w"  of   Nicholas,  of 



420-  Chicheh 

_■,  P.  i. 

Henbri-ge,  Piehard.      Sei-cant  at  Ann.s. 

St.  Mary  .Matfehai,  London. 


15G'' Anindrl 

!,  P.  ii. 

Ibaidye,  Kobnt,  of  Troll.'. 


417-  Whilgif 

1,  P.  1. 

H.'nneslhor]r,  John   dr,  r\ryl:,   :\faslc'r  of 

St.  Katherine  by  the  Tower. 


1G,3- Arundel 

,  P.  ii. 

Heron,  William  Knt.     Lo,d  Say. 


219''  Arundrl 

1,  P.  i. 

Herrison,  John,  of  Thornb  on  I'.i'jiop. 

1  115 

G2''  .Stalioi'd. 

Herst,  or  llur>t,  Agnes,  of  l.ondo:,,  \V". 

1  1.M5 

31G''  Kempe. 

Hert  alkiK  Kaynold,  ,,r  Di'vins. 

14. -.2 

298-  K..M,p>.. 

Hetersete,  John.      Rector  of    \\l,.lt,.a,iv. 

11 OG 

3G'' Arundrl, 

P.  ii. 

Hevy,  Thomas.     Kector   of  St.  ^Margaret 

Patens,  London. 


29G''  Keliipe. 

Hewes,  John,  of  ITumstede  in  Kent. 


Gl-  Post  moi- 

Irni  Pol 

Hewk,  John,  of  Poton, 


153-  Arunde 

1,  P.  ii, 


Hoyclon,     Yicav  of  Lan-ham. 
Iloyward,  Jolin,  of  IJiooustliorpe. 
Ilcywortli,  William.     ]!i.sliop  of  Covcutiy 

and  Liclifiekl. 
Hillary,    Kntlioviiie,    ^vifo    of    ]^>-er. 

Waleshalc  All  Saiiit,^. 
Hillary,    Roger,    soninr,         Chief 

Justice  of  King's  13encli.      A\'al.sak'. 
Hillary,  ilargarot,  w"  of  Rog.T. 
Hillc,'Ko1)ert.     Oatyngliangor. 
Hill,  John  of  Spaxton. 
Hill,  AVilliam.     N.irwicli.     (I'lol.atc  only). 
Ililles,  William,  of  I'liuldcy  and  I'eving- 

ton  iu  ]vent. 
Hodges,  Agno.'!,  of  Stowgui-.<-('y. 
Hodges,  William,  of  Hnnspill 
Hody,    John,    Knt.       Woollavington, 

*noland,  Thomas.    Iviil  of  Kent.    Buried 

at  ISrunc,  Lincoln. 
Holden,  Thomas.     Oxford. 
Holden,  John,  of  Great  Yaiinnulh. 
Holder,  John,  the  older,  of  Churcham. 
Hole,   William  de  la,      Yirar   in    llxeter 

Holme,  Richard  de.      Cau'.n  of  York. 
Holle,  Richard,  of  Colrythe. 
Honcston,  William.     Coidinm. 
Honyng,    John.       Rcctr.r    of    Snoryng. 

Hoolhe,  Rol)i.rt.    Citizen  and  Y'axchandh' 

of  Norwich. 
Horc,  Richard.     Provost  of  ^Vells. 
Home,  John. 

Hor.sham,  Richard,  of  Upchiicli.',  co.  Ken! 
Horsman,    Richard,   of    V.rvUni   Jlcndii;),, 

Horton,  Roger.      Cruxhale. 
Hortcrest,    Andrew,    of    IJeynham    Kt. 

Honiide,  liichard.     St.  Andnw.-s  Churche 
Houton,  Adam.      I'.islmp  of  .St.  David.^ 
Howard,    Margar.'f,    A\'",    I'.ast    A\-iuch, 

Howell,  Hughap  liice  ap. 
HowFc,  William, of  Criddade  Kt.  Sanip.on; 

CO.  Wilts. 
Howys,  John,  of  (;launiford. 
Huhl.erd,  Elizahelh,  of  Deeclcs,  AV". 
Hugelct,  Richard,  of  Ksl  Techam. 
Hngham,  William.      Yicar  of  Norlhgale, 



Arundel,  1 
Arundel,  1 

P.   i. 
'.  ii. 








31  S'' 



P.  ii. 

P.  i. 
P.  ii. 


413^'  AVIiit-ift, 
438''  Whitgift, 

P.  i. 
P.  i. 
P.  i. 



'  Clnehele, 

P.  i. 



'  Arundel, 
■  Chiehele, 
'  Cranmer. 

]'.  i. 
P.  i. 




'  I'rrkham. 

'  Chirli,:),., 
'■  Siallnrd. 

P.  i. 
P.  i. 



'■  Aruiehl, 

P.  ii. 




,.  1399 



^'  Sfairord. 
-  I'ailcrr. 

P.  i. 



■'  Chiehele, 

,  1'.  i. 



I'nst  morl, 
'•Com  tun, 

cm  Poli 

15  GO 



!■'   Cliirhrk 
1'  I'aikev. 

■y,  r-  ii 



411''  Wliituift 
3i;''  M.aln,,. 

59''   .Mnllnll. 

220''  Arundel 

,  p.  i. 
,  p.  i. 


29S''  Chiehek 

-,  p.  i. 




340-^  Chichflo,  P.  i. 



17:2'  Chich.Io,  P.  ii, 



249''  Ai-undul,  P.  i. 

1,  Liii- 


236"  Aruiulel,  l\  i. 


114^  Stafibrd. 


1  111 

152^^  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


403''  Wliilgift,  1".  i. 

risli  of 


404''  Wliit-ift,  P.  i. 


430^  Cliicl,.!.,  P.  i. 



225"  Bancroft. 


153''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

nugw'ctl,  Jolin,  of  Cliartham. 
llulvcrston,  AVilliam,  of  Ilevenyngl 
lluinbleton,  Alan.     Kector  of  Kow] 
Ilundclby,  Robert,  clerk,  of  Alford 

Huiigcrford,  Sir  Walter. 
Ilungerford,  Joliann,  w"  of  Sir  Tl 

rinnt,  Simon,  of  Enford. 
Hunt,  John,  of  "Woodsliawe  in  par 

Wotton  Bassett,  yeoman. 
Ilnntc,  Ralph.     Citizen  of  Bath. 
Ilnrst,  see  llcrst. 
llutclicn,  Agnes,  of  Ycadingc  in 

of  Hayes,'w 
Ilutchin.'!,  see  Chappcll. 
llydo,  John  atto,  of  Sudbury. 

James,  Robert,  Esq.     Dfis  do  Borslall.  1431 

James,  John,  of  Cholsey.  1590 
Janson,  Clementc,  of  Boneragc,  co.  Dorset, 

in  par  Crambornc.  1571 

Jasper,  Robert,  of  Asshc  dioc.  Rochester.  1389 

Jens,  Robert,  of  Fordle.  1499 

Jcspar  Jones  (sie),  W.  Rie.  1558 

Jcssopc,  Andronicus,  of  Penshcrst.  1615 

Jewc,  John.     Wyflesconibe.  1415 

lucent,  Androwe,  of  Ilalden,  co.  Kent.  1566 

Ingclosc,  Henry,  Knt.     Horsham  prior}'.  1451 

Inglond,  John,  of  Stanton.  1498 

Ingloso,  Henry,  Knt,      Xorwirh.  1451 

Joce,  Isabel,  widnv.     St.  Paul's,  Londi.n.  1449 
*Johanna,  Pi'iucess  of  Wales.    (Fair  Afaid 

of  Kent).               1385 

John,  "procurator  eeclic  do  Bisshop.  sans  date 
John,  Canon  of  Wells.  1411 
Jones,  Alice,  of  St.  Martins  in  the  Fii4ds.  1558 
Jones,  John,  of  Luekington,  husbandman.  1591 
Joscp,  John.  Snoryng' Magna.  1499 
Ilsley,  Edward,  of  Allesford'^,  co.  Southamp- 
ton, shoe-maker.  1635 
Islcp,  Ralph,  capcllan'us.  Canterbury.  M20 
Isely,  John.  Sundre-ssh.  1375  7S' Siidbi 
*.)ule,rs,'    I'lizaboth,    Countess   of    Kent. 

Winchester.  1411      151'' Arm 

425"  Chichele,  P.  i. 
409''  Whitgift,  P.  i. 

43'  Parker,  P.  ii. 

356''  Courteney. 

56''  :Morton. 

54-'^  Post  Mortem  Poll 

274^  Abbot,  P.  i. 

294"  Chichele,  P.  i. 


192-^  Stafford. 

IS*-  Morton. 

297"  Kcmpo. 

308''  Kcmi)e. 

213  Courtenc)'. 
51'' Arand.4,  P.  ii. 
162"ArundrJ,  P.  ii. 
84^' Post  :\fortei]i  P,.li, 
417''  Whitgift,  1'.  i. 
44''  jAIorlon. 

143''  Laud,  P.  i. 
3;!G^  Chi.hrle,  P.  i. 

1,  P.  ii. 

Kegw.nih,  Ro-rr. 

Kelly,  ,K,hn.      Kuclor  of  Caudu.,: 

Kendal,  AVilliam,  of  Stone. 

1418  32^Chichel, 
1417  ISP'Slallnrd 
1413     201'  Arundel 


Kcndalc,  Roger.    Citizen  of  London.    St. 

Paul's.  1453     30l>'  Ivempo. 

Kent,  Lncy,  countess  of  142-4     371''  Cliieliele,  P.  i. 

Kent,  Robert,     lledccorn.  14S3     109''  "Wavliani. 

Kent  alias  Bradford.     Adam.  1559     48''  Post  niortcni  Poll 

Kent,  Countess  of.     Sre  Julrr.s. 

Kentwode,  Reginald.    Dean  of  St.  Paul's, 

London.  1441      47G''  Cliieliele,  P.  i. 

Korvile,  Robert,  Knt.     Wyggenale.  1418     325'' Cliiehele,  P.  i. 

Kinge,   Margarete,  W",   of    j.awliugc   in 

Essex.  1590     270''  Wliit-ift,  P.  i. 

Kiricl,  John,  Knt.  137G     9(5-'  Sudlniry. 

Knap,  John.     Prode  Sunmicrford.  1558     75'' Post  mortem  Poli 

Knighton,  Marmaduke,  of  IJunlicd  Jfarie.     1591      418''  AVliitgift,  P.  i. 

Knolles,  Thomas,  senr.  Cili/.en  of  Lon- 
don. 1435     450-^  Cliieliele,  P.  i. 

Knolle.s,  Thomas.     Citizen  and  grocer,'of 

London.  1445     154'' StalTonl. 

Knolles,  Robert,  Knt.  AVliilefriars,  Lon- 
don. 1404     24.5%247''Aiundel,P.i 

ICnolle,  Thoma.s  of  Lynstod,  co.  Kent.  15C0     309''  Parlcef,  P.  i. 

Knyght,  John,  of  Metyugham.  1498     41'' Morton. 

Kryel,  Letitia,  wife  of  Sir  John,  Kt. 

KykhiU  (?),  ^ee  Rykhill. 

Kynipton,  John,  of  11  worth,  co.  Cambridg 

Kyng,  Katerine,  of  Wighlyngham.  (Pro 
bate  only). 

K;yng,  AViiliam.     Citizen  of  Xorwieh. 

Kymvoi'th,  Riehard.  Ciliz(m  of  London. 
St.  Mieha.4,  Cornhill. 

Kynwolnuusli,  ^Villi:nn,  eh'ik,  treasurer. 
St.  I\Iarlin  le  grand,  Lnjidoii. 

Laadc,  William,  of  Terynglon  St.  Clement 

Lacy,  Peter,  Rector  of  Xorllillel.^.  L'575  88''  SmllMiry. 

Ladde,   Androwe,  of  All   Saints  in  dioc. 

of  Chichester.  1580  ISO'Cryndall. 
Lanibc,   Richard,   of   Langfoid,   jiusband- 

man.  1499  2()'  .^^ll■ton. 

Lamberds,  John,  of  AVlirpslidc  1199  53'  .Mmluii. 
♦Lancaster,  Henry   J)uke  of.      Iliuied   at 

Leicester.  13G1  172'  l.slei.. 
Landefer,  Thomas  i.f  LyiHliam,  ,0.  Wilts, 

husbandman.  1590  415MVliilL;ifl,  P.  i. 

Lane,  Riehar.l,  of  Fi-  li.  boin,.  in  Sll^.v^-.  ir.5y  50'  I'ost,  moit,.iii  I'ol 

Langedon,  Thomas.    I'.i-lio,,  of  l;o,i,r-l,  r.  ).1:{3  402'' flii.hrjr,  ]'    i 

*Langeleo,  Edmund  <.f,  Duk,-  of  York.  1402  191''  .\iini,lel,  1'   i 

Lanvode,  Katerine,  of  llriin;;l,,nii.  1415  09-  Stalloid, 



104''  Arundel,  P.  ii 


318''  AVhitgift,  P.  1 


198''  .Arundel,  P.  ii 


188^'  Stafl'ord. 


352''  Clii.4iele. 


31''  Morton. 


TRINITY  COLLEGE,  CA:\II1R1DGE,   1st  AUGUST,  1825.' 

To  All  and  Sixcular  to  -wlioiu  lliese  presents  shall  couic  »SV/-  Gi-ovjc 
Ktujlcr  Knight  Gakter  Printii)al  King  of  Arms  Ruliih  Biijland  Es(nurc 
Clarekceux  King  of  Arms  ;uid  Edmund  Ludgo  Esquire  Norroy  King 
of  Arms  send  Greeting.  Whereas  His  ^Majesty  by  Warrant  nndor  His 
Royal  Signet  and  Sign  INIannal  Viearing  date  the  tenth  day  of  Jnne  last 
siguiacd  unto  tlie  :NIost  Noble  Bcrunrd  Edicanl  Duke  of  Norfolk  Earl 
iSiarshal  and  Hereditary  Marshal  of  England  tliat  He  had  been  graciously 
pleased  to  give  and  grant  unto  Richard  Orford  of  Trinity  College  Caui- 
Inldge  Esquire  only  son  of  John  Oi-fvvd  of  Mancliester  in  the  County 
Palatine  of  Lancaster  Esquire  by  Elizabetli  his  wife  now  deceased  llio 
only  .surviving  dauglitor  of  Ruhck  JLHl  of  Chamber  House  in  the  Paiisli 
Roclidalo  in  tlie  said  County  Palatine  of  Lancaster  Esquire  also  deceased 
His  Royal  Licence  and  Authority  that  lie  and  las  Issue  may  in  compliance 
with  a  clause  contained  in  tlio  last  Will  and  Testament  of  liis  said  late 
^Maternal  Grandfather  Robert  Holt  deceased  take  and  use  tlie  surname  of 
HoLTE  in  addition  to  that  of  Ori'ord  and  boar  the  Arms  of  Holtb 
Quarterly  witli  tliosc  of  Ohford,  Hoi.te  in  the  first  Quarter,  sucli  Arms 
lieing  first  duly  exemplified  according  to  the  Laws  of  Arms  and  Recorded 
in  the  Heralds  Olllce  otherwise  the  said  Licence  and  Permission  to  lie  void 
and  of  none  oflcct.  And  forasmuch  as  tlie  said  Earl  jMarshal  did  by 
AVarrant  under  his  hand  and  seal  bearing  date  the  twenty -first  day  of  July 
last  authorize  and  direct  Us  to  grant  and  cxenqilify  such  Arms  accordingly 
Kkow  Ye  therefore  that  We  the  said  Garter  Claresceux  and  Norroy 
in  obedience  to  His  Jlajesty's  command  in  pursuance  of  His  Grace's 
AVarrant  and  by  Virtue  of  the  Letters  Patent  of  Our  several  Offices  to 
each  of  Us  respectively  granted  under  the  Great  Seal  of  the  United 
Kingdonr  of  Great  Ih'itain  and  Ireland  do  liy  these  presents  grant  and 
exemplify  nnto  the  said  Richard  Orford  now'  Richard  Orford-IIoJtr  the 
Arms  following  that  is  to  .say  Quarb^ily  First  and  Fouith  Eriniii''  tiro  JJar.-; 
I'litjrailcd  Ay.nrc  over  all  a  File  Oidr.i  thcrron  tiro  Crof:.ic^  Fufiy.  in  r/iiif 
and  a  Phcoii  iu  ha-^e  Or  for  llollr,  S,  ,:.,ik1  and  Third  Or,  tiro  rhrrn-onct.< 
fahle  between  three  Fleurs-dedis  Arnr,'  orn-  nil  a  Fens  Vert  thereon  a  (in  i/- 
hoinul  current  Arr/enf  for  Orfird,  And  for  the  Crest  of  Holte,  On  a 
Wreath  of  the  Colours,  Ui»iii  a  Mount  Vert  a  Hqnirretl  xijnnt  projier 
charijrd  on  the  Shoulder  irith  a  Cms^  Fatee  Or  .-iuji/.ortiui/  irith  tlie  forr- 
jiair.-!  a  Pheon  mounted  on  a  Staff  and  jUqhted  tia'  Head  don-nirard^  Or. 
And  for  the  Crest  of  Oisford,  On  a  A\'reath  of  the  Colours,  Out  ofRii.<hi:i 
proper  a  Demi  C'rei/Jwund  An/ml  rhara-d  mi  the  Keel-  irith  tiro  Chrre- 
romh  >:,d>tc  holdimi  brficeeu  the  j,a,r.  a  'Fli'iir-dedi.<  Azure  as  the  sam.'  are 
iu  the  Margin  hereof  more  plainly  .lr,,i,-(,d  to  be  borne  and  usrd  for  ev.T 
hereafter  by  him  the  .-aid  Rirhard  Orf-rd  Iloll,-  and  by  hisl^sue  pursuant 

'Jrr.  Orfora  H.,ltu  (who  bailt  ,-111.1  i,M,lr,l  ;it,  Toikington  LuJ-u,  ikmi-  Stcukpoit 
C.I.  Cluster)  miinict  Aim,.,  d.ui-lit.i-  ,.i  Mr.  Tli„iii;is,  of  .M.u|.I.-,  C, 
f'li.-t.)-,  li\it  (lu'd  witlumi,  i.s.siii'  ;  th.;  ;inas,  lluid'orf,  caiuiut  now  be  boi  ac  by  ;\iiy 
l'iv-..)i  i.iilKr  singly  or  .is  quarU-liiiys. 

34  GRANTS   OF   ARMS. 

to  the  tenor  of  His  Mnjesty's  said  Sign  Manual  and  according  to  the 
Laws  of  Arms.  In  Witxess  wliercof  Wo  tho  said  Garter  Claren'oeux 
and  iSToRROY  Kings  of  Arras  liavc  to  these  Presents  subscribed  Our  Names 
and  affixed  tlic  Seals  of  Our  several  Offices  this  First  day  of  August  in 
tho  Sixth  Year  of  the  Keign  of  Our  Sovereign  Lonl  George  the  Fourtli 
by  the  Grace  of  God  of  [the]  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Ih-itain  and 
Ireland  King  Defender  of  the  Faith,  &c.,  and  in  the  Year  of  Our  Lord 
One  thousand  eight  hundred  and  twenty-live. 

George  Nayler,  Garter, 

Principal  King  of  Arms. 
Kalpii  r.iGLAN'D,  Ckirenceuj;, 

King  of  Arms. 
Edmd.  Lodge,  Norroij, 

King  of  Arms. 
Solicited  by  James  Catiiekowe  Disney 

Somerset  Heralh 
Recorded  in  tlio  College  of  Arms  London. 
CiiAS.  Geo.  Young, 

York  llcraU  and  Register. 


iimrpnRErs),  c.i;.,,  p.c,  I'^-c,  and  da:\ie  maria 

ins  WIFE,  17  MAY,  1S3S. 

To  ALL  AND  SINGULAR  to  whoni  tlicsc  Presents  shall  come,  Sir  Enljih 
Bighind,  Knight  Garter  Principal  King  of  Arms,  Sir  William  Woods, 
Kniglit,  Clarbnceux  King  of  Arms,  and  Edmund  Lodge  Esquire,  Norroy 
King  of  Arms  send  Grecti'ug,  "Whereas  Her  jMajesty,  by^Varrant  under 
Her' Royal  Signet  and  Sign'^ Manual,  bearing  date  tho  Fourth  day  of  iSlay 
Instant,  signified  unto  the  jNlost  Noble  Bernard  Edicard,  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk, YyMl  "^Marshal  and  Hereditary  ^Slarshal  of  England,  Knight  of  tlic 
]\Iost  Noble  Order  of  the  Garter  and  One  of  Her  Majesty's  Most 
Honourable  Privy  Council,  that  she  had  been  graciously  pleased  to  give 
and  grant  to  Sir  Satnahuni  rri/ce-nnmjdirei/g,  of  Brandiall  Hall,  in  the 
County  Palatine  of  Chester,  Kn'i-lit  (Coui]. anion  of  the  :Mo3t  llonouralile 
Mihtary  Order  of  the  Uatu,  ili'lilary  Kniglit  Commander  of  the 
Hanoverian  Guelphie  Order  and  Rear  Admiral  of  the  Fleet),  and  unto 
name  Maria,  his  Wife,  natural  daughter  of  William  l)aren]iort,  late  of 
Bramhall  Hall  aforesaid,  Es.iuirc,  deceased.  Her  Royal  Licence  and 
Authority  that  thev  may  from  motives  of  aifectionate  regard  to  the 
Memory'of  tlio  said  Wi/liam  Darenport,  hmccioith  take  and  use  the 
Surname  and  Arms  of  Darmport  only,  and  that  the  said  Surname  and 
Arms  may  in  like  manner  lie  taken  and  borne  by  the  issue  of  their 
]\Iarriage,  f.\\^V  Arms  beim;  lirst  d>dy  exeuiplilled  .according  to  the  Laws 
of  Arms  and  recorded  iu'thc  Herald's  Office,  otherwise  tlic  .said  Royal 
Licence  to  1)C  void  and  of  none  cfl'ect.  And  forasmuch  as  the  said  Earl 


j\LiKlial  did  by  Wnrrant  under  His  linnd  and  Seal  Leaving  date  the 
eleventh  day  of  the  same  month  authorize  and  direct  Us  to  exemplify 
unto  the  said  Sir  Salashimj  Pnjri'-n/oiqiJ/rei/s,  now  Sir  Scdii^huri/  Dacm- 
pnrt,  and  to  grant  and  exemplify  unto  the  said  Dame  Alaria  I'njce- 
Jlinnjihrei/s,  now  Dame  Maria  Davenport  the  Arms  of  Davenport  rer- 
jiectively,  Know  ye  theeefoke  that  "We  the  said  Garter,  Clarexceux 
and  NoRROY,  in  ohediencc  to  tlic  Royal  Command  in  pursuance  of  His 
Grace's  Warrant  and  liy  Virtue  of  tlic  Letters  Patent  of  Our  several 
Offices  to  each  of  Us  respectively  granted,  do  by  these  Presents  exemplify 
unto  the  said  Sir  Saluahnrij  Davenport  the  Arms  following  that  is  to  say 
Argent,  a  Oheveron  lietu-een  tliree  Cross  Crosslets  fitehee  Sul'le,  a  Cantoii- 
Anire  for  distinetion,  And  for  Crest,  On  a  Wreath  of  the  Colvnr^  A 
Man's  Head  propter,  around  the  neeli  a  ropo  Or,  cliarged  (for  distinction) 
on  the  Neelc  with  a  Cross  Crosslet  fdeliee  Salle,  as  the  same  are  in  tho 
]\Iargin  hereof  more  plainly  depicted  to  be  borne  and  used  for  ever  here' 
after  by  liinr  the  said  Sir  Saluslruri/  Davcn2wrt,  and  by  the  issue  of  his 
said  jVIarriage,  And  AVe  do  further  by  tho  Authority  aforesaid  grant  and 
exemplify  unto  the  said  Dame  Maria  Davenport,  the  Arms  following 
that  is  to  say  Anjent  a  Chevron  hetu:een  three  Cross  Crosslets  fifclire  Sah'le, 
irithiii  a  hordurc  vmvij  Axure,  as  the  same  are  in  the  ilargin  hereof  im- 
paled with  those  of  her  said  llusband  to  be  borne  and  used  by  her  the 
said  Dame  Maria  Davenport,  the  whole  pursuant  to  the  Tenor  of  .the  said 
Royal  "Warrant  and  according  to  the  Laws  of  Arms.  Ix  AVitnesm 
"Whereof  We  tho  said  Garter,  Clarenceux  and  Xorroy  Kings  of  ArDis 
have  to  these  Presents  subscribed  Our  Xamcs  and  affixed  the  Seals  of  Our 
several  Offices,  tliis  seventeenth  day  of  May  in  the  First  Year  of  the 
Reign  of  our  Sovereign  Lady  Victorlv  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  tho 
United  Kingdom  of  Great  IJritain  and  L'oland,  Queen  Defender  of  the 
Faith,  &c.,  and  in  the  Year  of  Our  Lord  One  thousand  eight  hundred 

(Signed)  Ligland,  Garter. 

William  AVoons,  Ctarenveaj; 

Edmd.  Lodge,  Isorroy. 

Recorded  in  tlic  College  of  Arms,  London,  this  sixtli  day  of  June  1S3S. 
CuAS.  Geo.  Young, 

Yoric  Herald  ^y  Poyjistn: 

Forasmirch  as  the  vertimi.-:  and  wrll-dcscrvinge  are  and  onglit  in  all 
oquitio  to  be  distinguished  fnim  imu  of  meaner  and  ba.ser  coiuliliou  and 
in  all  ages  and  all  Comonweallhrs  it  liathe  been  houldon  as  a  liegular  of  proeoadinge  for  tlie  encouragmcnt  of  others  to  addi:  tn  tlic 
Worlhie  some  tribcn  or  sigiic  of  Imniiure  lo  rcmayne  to  jiostrrilie.  Tn 
ivgard  thereof  1  Richard  S'.  C'^.-r  Xnimv  Kingo'f  Arms  (hrin-  (ivwhv 

informed  by  per.wns  of  g lC,v,|,lr..r  il,,.  o-,,,,,!  laudable  and   v,-i1r,,us 

Gnndition  as  al.-;o  the  Gnililni  inlil.r  raiiia;;'  an.l,.  of  .■\Ia,;is(rarvr  the 
whichc  Thomas  Korclille  of  Cu.ale  (iomcivall  in  the  CuuuLeye  of  Voikc 

36  FAMILY    OF    T WELLS. 

Esqiiior  liatli  long  tiiuo  boviic  and  exorcisod,  do  by  tlie^e  presents  gevo 
graimte  and  Assigne  unto  hym  tlie  said  Thomas  Xorcliflo  and  to  liis 
yssue  and  postoritic  Cortcn  Anncs  and  Ensigiies  witli  Blazijn  Holme  and 
Tymbro  as  manifesto  tokens  and  evident  Demonstrations  tlierof  vilz. 
Azure  five  Lozaunges  voided  in  Crosse  Or  a  Cliicfe  Erniyne.  And  to  bis 
Creaste  on  a  Torco  Or  and  Azure  a  CJreyliowndc  seiaunte  Or  (sustayning 
•with  his  righto  forefooto  a  Lozaunge  jVrgente)  collcred  Azure,  Jilanteled 
Azure  Doubled  Argcntc  As  in  the  JIargent  here  depicted  more  plainely 
appcaretli,  To  have  and  to  lioulde  to  the  saido  Thomas  Norcliffe  and 
to  liis  saide  yssue  and  posteritie  tp  beare  and  shcwo  for  Crcast  and 
Anns  of  tliem  with  their  proper  Dilferances  in  Shield  Coat  Armour  and 
other^\^se  and  therein  to  be  invested  at  their  libortie  without  impcdimcnto 
letto.  or  interruption  of  any  person  or  persons. 

In  witness  whereof  I  the  saide  Richardc  S'.  George  Norroye  Kinge  of 
Armes  have  to  these  presents  put  to  my  hande  and  Seale  of  my  Office  the 
XI"'  dayo  of  .Julye  in  the  yeares  of  the  Raignc  of  oure  gratious  Soveraigne 
Lordo  James  by  the  grace  of  God  Kinge  of  Englando  France  and  Irelando 
Deffender  of  y"  Faitho  &c.  the  fowrthe  and  of  Scotland  the  XXXIX"'. 

The  arms  and  crest  of  Xorcliffc  arc  depicted  in  the  margin,  and  there  is 
an  elaborate  border  in  colour,  with  the  portcullis  and  crown,  rose  and 
crov\ni,  and  tlie  thistle  cro^\■nod,  and  eiglit  flowers  of  various  kinds.  There 
is  also  the  following  inscription  :  "  Scno  and  allowed  in  the  Visitation 
taken  31  Augiist  in  Anno  1612,  by  me  Eichard  S';  Goorg,  Xorroy  King 
of  Amies." 

The  seal  bears  the  usual  coat  of  arms  of  Norroy  and  the  inscription, 
"  S.  Officii  jSTorroy  Kegis  Armorum  Boreal.  " 


In  the  'East  Anglian,'  vol.  iv,  p.  31  ;  (lie  '  Gencalogisi,'  vol.  i,  p.  35  ; 
and  in  the  'Reliquary,'  vol.  vii,  p.  14G,  some  notices  of  tliis  uncommon 
surname  will  be  found.  I  can  add  a  few  particulars  to  them,  and  shall  be 
glad  of  any  other  notes  on  the  name. 

The  pedigree  given  in  the  'Genealogist'  is  a  copy  of  that  in  the  1G84 
Visitation  of  Cambridgeshire.  To  this  I  add,  that  Aiiue  wife  of  William 
Lyng,  was  buried  at  Fulbourn,  Soth  ISlarch,  1G83  (Elomefield's  Collec- 
tanea, p.  37)  ;  and  that  the  will  of  j\Iathias  Twells,  :\Iayor  of  Lymi 
Eegis  in  IGGG,  is  dated  27th  February,  1G7G.  Testator  is  described  as 
'of  King's  Lynn,  co.  Xorfolk,  merchant.'  jSIontions  his  lands  at  Ter- 
rington  St.  Clement  and  Terrington  St.  .John.  Ilis  four  children— Robert, 
Elizabeth,  Frances,  and  }»lary;  his  wife's  brother,  :Mr.  John  Uirno ;  his 
wife  Mary;  she  proved  the  will  in  P.C.C,  27th  April,  1G77.  (Ilale  42). 
This  ].edigree,  to  which  I  can  add  the  folluwing  notes,  is  continued  from 
Kolvit  Tw<^lls,  of  Wisbech,  in  the  'East  Anglian.' 

i:iizalK'tli  (daughter  of  Richard  Baldwer,  "and  wifu  of  Robert)  Twells, 
mad.'  her  will,  3  Octob.T,  1G75.  She  mentions  her  late  husband  Robert 
Twells,  of  Wisbech,  deceased,  gent.,  his  last  will  dated  3  April,  1GG7. 
My  two  eldest  daughters,  :Nrargarct,  now  wife  of  Edward  Leigh,  Dr.  of 
riiysic,  and  Elizabeth  now  wife  of  Ciabricl  Armstrong,  E.,.|.,''aud  men- 


tions  the  deaths  of  Jane  ami  Katliciiiie  their  late  sisters.  IMy  daugliter 
Jlary.  My  brother  James  Bahhvcr,  gcut.i  My  sons  Jolm,  ami  Koljert 
Twcils,  under  ago.  John  to  go  to  Univcrsitj'-,  and  to  he  allowed  £C0  a 
year  till  he  is  21  for  his  maintenance.  20s.  apiece  for  rings  to  my 
brothers  and  sisters,  James  r.akhver,  Kichard  Ijaldwer,  and  John  Baldwcr, 
Margaret,  Jane,  and  r)orothy  lialdwcr,  and  Jane  wife  of  my  brothur 
James.  Adm'on,  in  P.G.C.,  to  James  Baldwer  guardian  to  Jolm  Twulls 
the  executor  a  minor,  20  .June,  1G7C.  Proved  by  said  John  Twells, 
3  April,  1680.     (Benco  73.) 

This  Jolm  Twolls  was  of  "Wisbech  at  the  time  of  the  Visitation  in 
IGSl,  and  after  of  Brougliton  Astley,  co.  Leic'r.  Sec  his  monumental 
iiisciiption,  Nichols'  Leicestershire,  vol.  iv,  p.  G2.  His  will  dated  ."0 
i\lay,  1720,  was  proved  by  his  son  John=  Twells  in  P.C.C,  27  Octolier, 
1721  (Buckingham  191).  He  mcntioms  his  daughters  Mary  Twell.s, 
and  Jane  Twells.  Mary  was  'of  Leicester,  spinster.'  Will  dated  7 
Novcml.ier,  1755,  by  which  she  bcrpieaths  to 'niece  JNIrs.  IMary  Giffard 
who  now  lives  with  me  £500.'  To  Ann  Cleypole  wife  of  Edward  Cley- 
]iolo  of  Belton,  co.  Kutland,  gent'n  £50.  Land.s  at  Cambridge  to  Edward 
Twells  of  Royston,  Esij.  tjister  Jane  Twells  of  AVaiuflcet,  co.  Lincoln. 
John  sou  of  said  Edward  Twells.  Clodfrcy  another  son  of  said  l'jb\-avd 
Twells.  Appoints  Edward  Twells  executor,  and  he  proved  in  P.C.C. 
y  Februarv,  1758.     (liutton,  57.) 

Kobcrt  Twcils  (son  of  Robert  Twells  and  Elizabeth  Baldwer)  was 
buried  at  Wisbech,  sec  ]\L  L  Watson's  'History  of  Wisbeacb,'  p.  268. 
His  will  is  registered  in  P.C.C.  (Isham,  82).  He  mentions  his  daughters 
Ann,  ^Margaret,  Camilla,  and  Dorothv.  This  will  was  proved  by  his  son 
Ed^val■d  Twells. 

Dorolliy  Twills'  made  her  will  as  of  Leicester,  sjiinstcr,  21  January, 
1750.  She  mentions  her  .sister  Ann  and  her  husband  George  Law  ;  her 
."lister  Camilla  and  her  husliand  Thomas  Law  ;  and  her  sister  JMargaret 
Twells.  Her  nephew  ]Mr.  Thomas  Life.  Her  brother  Edward  Twells 
proved  the  will  in  P.C.C.  13  July,  1751.     (Busby,  221.) 

I  have  the  following  notes  of  wills  of  Twells  in  Nottinghamshire  : — 

John  Twellcs  the  eldest  of  Watnaw  Cantlawe  in  parish  of  Gresloy,  co. 
Nottingham.  Gives  to  Mr.  Westaliio  six  shillings  to  preach  funeral 
sermon.  Lease  of  farm  -\vhcre  1  m'w  dwell  to  Elizabeth  my  wife. 
Daughter  Elizabeth.  Two  younpxM  dniglitris.  AVifc  to  be  executrix. 
Brother  Charles  Jameson.  Wilin's  rs,  William  Jameson  and  Patrick 
Cocke.  Proved  by  relict  10  Fel)nuiry,  1628,  in  Exchequer  Court  at 
York.     (Vol.  40,  fo.  311.) 

The  will  of  William  Twells  of  Burton  Jorce,  co.  Notts,  yeoman,  is 
dated  13  Nov.  161G,  To  be  buried  in  the  church  of  Burton  Jorce. 
Eldest  .son  James  Twells.     Second  son  John  Twells.     Tliivd  sou  William 

'  J.iiacs  r.iMw.r.  vlll  Yv.xca  in  r.O.O.  G  ^\.r:.  l':i-,  .;Mi;  ,1  l-^^i-'l,  ,1,.,,  .,t 
lV-t.Tl\,l„„,,    ...l  ,      ,  :     ,.,^  i;i.-l.anni:,ia»vr,  :^.'  i    ■  r    .-    i       '-:■.■'■       1    :':.,■. 

'Iwri-  (if  Lung  Sutton  admon.  of  wliosc  c.stvlo  was  gniuted  to  Jolm  Ti 

M.'l.  in'  xi.liol.V  Lulcoacr,  iv.  0-2. 

Uiiiicil  nt  All  S.iiut^,  Lciccilor,  ^7  Jaiuuay,  1750-51.     Pai:  Jiijiskr 


Twolls.  FouvUi  son  Xirliolas  Twells.  Youngest  son  George  Twclls. 
Anne  Foxe  and  John  Voxc  hvv  son.  ,lolin  Mooio  my  sister's  son.  Sons 
James  and  John  executors.  ]5rotlier  Thonrns  Twells,  and  John  Lilly  my 
brother  in  law,  supervisors.  Proved  in  Exchequer  Court  at  York,  15  May, 
1617.    (Vol.  31,  fo.  533.) 

"Will  of  Charles  Twells  of  Xottingliam,  dated  19  October,  1625.  To 
be  buried  in  churchyard  of  St.  i\Iarie.s.  Gives  timber,  etc.,  to  son  John 
Twells  and  makes  hiin  executor.  Son  'William  Twells.  Daughter  Eliza- 
beth Twells.  ;Mv  lease  at  Lenton  for  two  acres.  Proved  bv  said  execu- 
tor in  Exchequer  court  at  York,  4  Jlay,   1G26.     (Vol.   39,  fo.   400.) 

"  Ellen  Twells  of  Xottingham  servant  with  Elizabeth  Trivett  of  the 
parish  of  St.  Peter's  Nottingham,"  in  her  will  dated  22  July,  1598, 
desires  to  be  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Peters.  Bc({uoaths  to 
brother  "  ^Nicholas  Twells  of  Candjridgc  20''  Avhich  my  brother  Charles 
owetli  me."  To  sister  ilargaret  10''  which  niy  brother  Charles  oweth  nie. 
To  my  brother  John  2^  Names  Antliony  Eginglon.  "  ily  sister  ^Mai'gery, 
licr  child  Elizabeth  Birclio."  Dost  gown  to  sister  Lirchc.  To  my  brother 
Thomas  liirche  lO"  to  buy  him  a  bible,  and  appoints  him  executor.  lie 
proved  in  Exchequer  Court  at  York,  4  August,  1598.     (Vol.  27,  fo.  355.) 

I  have  examined  the  ■wills  and  administrations  at  Lichfield  of  pcopJc 
of  this  name  from  1656-1820,  and  the  following  are  all  I  could  find  there. 

Thomas  Twells  of  Codnor  in  the  parish  of  Ile.ynor,  co.  Derliy,  labourer, 
Adm'on  to  his  widow  ilary  Twells,  G  October,  1721.  Goods  appraised 
at  XS  13s.  6d. 

Adm'on  of  Elizabeth  Twells  of  Taniworth,  dated  13  January,  1730-31. 

"Will  of  ]\ratthew  Twells  of  Kingswintord,  co.  Stafford,  glass-engraver, 
dated  7  JS'ovember,  1800.  Devises  his  real  estate  at  'ChiUwcll,  co. 
Kottingbani,  to  his  sons  John  Twells  and  James  Twells  in  trust  to  sell, — 
interest  to  wife  i\jin  Twells  for  life', — remainder  to  lu's  children  Jlathew 
T,  John  T,  ISUij  T,  James  T,  and  Charles  T.  Proved  by  John  and 
James  Twells  llie  executors  named  in  the  will,  9  April,  1801. 

Besides  the  wills  already  mentioned  I  have  noted  in  the  Prerogative 
Court  of  Canterbury,  the  adm'on  of  Christopher  Twell  (.vv'c)  of  Pinchbeck, 
CO.  Lincoln,  to  George  Twell  his  son,  Katherine  Twell  his  relict  having 
rononnccd.  (Act  book  for  1058,  fo.  30.)  Also,  adm'on  of  Richard 
Twelves  (.s7'f)  of  PJackwall  in  the  i.nri -li  «f  Stepnoy,  co.  IMiddlesex,  tolas 
daughter  Anne  wife  of  John  liowyr,  2:!  .May,  1  GG5. 

The  will  of  John  Twell  (.s/V)  ,,r'  lli,'  iKnisli'uf  Christchurrh,  Citi;^en  and 
Draper  of  London,  is  dated  20  .liilv,  172S.  To  bu  lavd  in  Ihc  diurchyard 
of  the  ])arish  of  Camberwell.  To  uiv  uiro.  >[ary  Applcvard  living  with 
me  £100  at  her  age  of  21.  M''  Mary  Ibiwson  of  Ifacknev,  sjunslcr. 
Madam  Booth  of  Hackney.  iM'VAnn  II..UM,n  nf  lVterborouL;Yi.  Brother 
Stcplien  Twell  attorney  at  Law  al  l.inr.Jn.  AVife  Jane  Twell  executrix 
■         -  -  -  ■  n-,  1732.     (Bedford  298.) 

.if  Clnistehureh,  London, 
->latn,.,  mad.'  h.  v  will  2G 
nf    Lniul,,,,    AVall.       Hi; 

;i.iik  nf  Ad.ii.'  Hill.    :\p- 

■1  Williams  and  his  wife. 
vile.  Daingerlicld  Taylor 
or,    lie  proved  3  August, 

and  residuary  legatee.     Slio  ]i\n\ 

.r,\  -1)   11 

Jane  Tw,..ll  of  "Warwick  La„ 

r    in    the 

who  T  take,  1u  be  lli(!  widow  ol    1 

llr  la.l   ,. 

Odobrr,     17  IS.        :\l(.iiliniis,     fl 

ani'i  .     N 

daughlrvs  Ann  ami  .laim   Nruh. 

n.      M'' 

Join,  Woh'sbm  of   Waiwhk    1  .a 

nc.       M' 

Godson  Kobcrt  llorue.     ,losr,ih 


of  street  residuary  h'g.i 

ter,  and 

1758,     (llultou  252.) 

FAMILY    OF    TWELLS.  39 

Tlic  will  of  George  Twcll  of  St.  fliles  without  Cripi.L'gato,  Innkeeper, 
in  wliicli  he  mentions  his  brothers  Stephen,  Christopher  and  John;  his 
son  George  ;  and  appoints  liis  Avife  Ann  executrix',  is  registered.  Heme  14. 

The  Avill  of  John  Twells  of  the  parish  of  Saint  George  the  Martyr  in 
the  CO.  of  Surrey,  gentleman,  is  dated  29  Is^ovcmher,  173.3.  The  only 
persons  mentioned  in  it  arc  his  brother  Joseph  Twells,  and  his  (testator's) 
wife  Isalx'll  who  is  appointed  executrix.  She  proved  29  December,  1733. 
(Price  322.) 

The  will  of  Richard  Twells^  of  Xcwark  upon  Ti-ent,  co.  Xottingham, 
gentleman,  dated  24  April,  1744,  was  proved  in  P.C.C.  by  Sarah  Twells 
Ins  relict,  1 1  Scpteml.icr  following.  He  devises  lands  upon  trust  to  the 
Kcv''  Mr.  James  Gibson  of  Kirtlington,  co.  Kott"'  clerk.  T^Ieiitions  Ids 
\vife,  and  his  tliree  daughters  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  and  Mary  Twells,  and  his 
estate  at  Sutton  St.  JNIary  which  he  had  with  his  wife.  ]]y  a  codicil 
dated  12  July,  1744,  lie  devises  his  estates  to  James  Gibson,  John  "Wych 
of  Stamford,  and  the  Revd.  jNIr.  Warburton  of  Erougliton  in  trust  to 

Amongst  my  miscellaneous  notes  on  the  surname  of  Twells,  I  find 
the  following. 

Thomas  Twells  gave  money  to  Ihe  poor  of  Castle  Doningtou,  by  will, 
in  1700.  (Nichols'  Leicestershire.)  John.  Jonathan,  John,  and  Thomas 
Twelves,  all  residing  at  Castle  Donington,  voted  at  the  Poll  taken  for  the 
CO.  of  Leicester  17  Dec.  1719.  (Poll  for  co.  of  Leicester,  London,  1720, 

In  the  list  of  Bankrupts  in  the  'Echo'  newspaper  for  8tli  Seiif  1S69, 
occurs  "Twells,  John,  Exeter,  Commercial  Traveller." 

ilr.  Richard  Lionel  Grose,  of  Grove  Villa,  Ealing,  assumed  some  iev 
years  since,  prajjrio  niolii,  the  surname  of  Twells.  He  was  of  St.  John's 
CoU.  Cambridge,  and  in  no  way  related  to  any  person  of  the  naine.  The 
prol.iablc  reason  for  this  change  of  name  was  that  his  mother  Jilrs.  Grose, 
married  for  her  2'"'  husband,  the  Rev''  John  Twells,  Prebendary  in  Lin- 
coln Cathedral  and  Rector  of  Gamston,  co.  Nott'",  liy  whom  she  had  no 

In  the  printed  list  of  Cambridge  Graduates,  I  am  rinalle  to  identify 
the  following  persons;  John  Twells  of  Christ's,  A.L.  1691;  Leonard  of 
Jesus,  A. B.  1704;  Thomas  (fellow)  of  Johms'  A.B.  174  1,  A.^sl.  1748, 
S.T.B.  175G. 

Leonard  Twells'  was  made  M.A.  liy  Diploma  at  Oxfonl,  7  Dec.,  1733, 
and  D.D.  July  7,  1740.  Leonard  Twells  of  Brasenose  was  B.A.  4  Nov. 
1736.  Some  letters  of  Leonard  Twells  of  Jesus  College,  Cambridge, 
will  be  found  in  Xichol's  'Literary  Anecdotes,'  vol.  i,  p,  465. 

In  the  General  Cemetery,  Nottinghain,  there  is  a  monument  to 
'Alfred  Twells,  died  23  June,  1874,  agl'd  67  ;  and  Eliza  Twells,  relict  of 
tlic  above,  died  3  Feb.  1877,  aged  69.' 

The  following  arc  iiotes  of  nionumcidal  inscriptions  in  the  churehyard 
at  Loughborough,  co.  Leicester: — 

John  Twells  died  22  Aug.  1812,  aged  82.  Sarah  his  wife  died  24 
Jan.  7,  1831,  aged  76. 

'  Sec  h'u  biiriiil,  ]k  43. 
'    "-  Uector  of  St.  JbiUliew,  F li.Iay-stri-i't.     S.-,-  his  buri:.l,  p.  IG.    Aatli.a-  of  ;i  Lock  i>u 
Di'iuouiat's,  and  other  work>.     Ste  Watt's  BiHiytiiuta  IJiitauuica,  vul.  ii,  v.  I'-ti. 

40  FAMILY   OF    T WELLS. 

Josepli  Twnlls' died  2i  April,  1831,  a-cd  40;  and  llannali  liis  uifc 
did  26  April,  1831,  a-od  35.  Jolm  Twcll.s,'  Tarisli  Clerk,  diixl  31  July, 
18G2,  aged  73  (liariud  in  the  cemetery.) 

John  Twell.-^,  juu^  eldest  son  of  Jolui  Twells,  cLu'lc  of  this  parish,  and 
I'Jizaheth  his  wife,  accidentally  drowned  in  the  river  Soar,  in  the  evening 
of  Friday,  June  23,  1837. 

Edward  TwelLs  sou  of  John  Uie  clerk,  died  5  July,  18G7,  aged  31 
years;  and  Joseph  Twells,  another  of  his  son.s,  died  21  March,  1SG7, 
aged  17  years.  James  Twells,  Accountant,  and  General  Commission 
Agent,  also  a  son  of  the  clerk,  was  liA'ing  at  51  Church  gate,  Lough- 
horough,  ill  1878. 

The  following  notes  of  probates  and  adni'ons  arc  from  the  Act  Books 
at  York  :— 
1713.     Juno  20.     Probate  of  "Will  of  John  Twells  of  Kewark,  gent.,  to 

Sara  Twells  his  relict.— iV,'/r,,r/,-  Ad  Bool: 
lCGG-7.     :March  8.     William  Twells  of  Xottingham.     Adni'ou  to  Eliza- 

betli  his  x^\ict.—Nvt(!i,q]nmi  rmn  Bhiqhni,,  Art  Bnol: 
1GG8.     October  29.     Matthew  Twells  of  AVatnall.     Adm'on  to  ]\rary  his 

widow. — Iliid. 
1G71.     Xov.  4.      Probate  of  will  of  Henry  Twells,  gent.,  of  Nottingham, 

to  Anno  Twells  his  relict.— //;/.?. 
1G77.     May  15.     Probate  of  will  of  Anne  Twclcs  of  Nottingham,  widow, 

to  Kichard  Greasley  her  nephew  and  universal  legatee. — Ihid. 
1G77.     November  22.     Probate  of  will  of  William  Twells  of  Nottingham 

to  Mary  his  relict  and  .sole  cx'x.—lbid. 
1G85-G.     March  22.     Probate  of  will  of  John  Twels  of  Nottingham  to 

Jlary  Twels  Ids  relict.— //</<?. 
1730-1.     January  11.     Probate  of  nuncupative  will  of  .Alary  Twells  of 
Barton  to  Robert  Perkins  and  ^Mary  wife   of  Charles  Freeman, 
1734,     Decendjcr  7,     Probate  of  will  of  William  Twells  of  Nottin-liam 
to  Mary  Twells  his  relict.— /A/-/. 
^Matthew  Twells  is  charged  for  two  liearths  in  Auston,  co.  York,  in 
Subsidy  Poll  ;.;{;,  AVest  Riding,  co.  York,  IG  Car.  11, 

John  Twells,  clerk,  is  charged  for  four  liearths  in  AYeston,  co,  Lincoln, 
in  Subsidy  Roll  lit. 

Twell  or  Twells  was  a  name  eoiinuoii  in  Lincolnshire,  and  is  no  doubt 
an  abbreviation  of  Atwell.  A  pedigree  of  At^^■eli  is  entered  in  the  15G2 
AHsitation  of  Lincnlushire,  ncc  '  Genealogist,'  vol.  iii,  p.  345.  The  will  of 
AVilliam  Attwell  of  AYainileet  is  registered  in  the  Consistory  Court  at 
Lincoln,  vol.  for  1.^75,  book  ii,  fo.  190;  and  that  of  Thomas  Attewell 
of  llorncastle  in  the.  vol.  for  1G17,  book  i,  f...  7G.  The  undermentioned 
will  of  Twells's  will  also  be  found  in  the  records  of  the  Consistory  Court 
at  Liiieohi. 

Yol.  for  ICll,  book  ii,  fo.  39.  Richard  Twell  nf  Quadrin-,  hushand- 
maii.      Dated  21  Alay  IGll.      Son  Kdnmnd  Twrll,  ui.d.a' age.     My  father 

li  ,111.1  .loUn  wav  brutliors.  Tliey  smiH  of  .Mui  'I'wcIIh  nf  Kegwcill,. 
,ij;c!  is  eiitcreiliu  the  K,.;istci-  nf  HI.  M.irlin's,  Linuinglmni,  -Julm  Twi-lti 
itli,  ljiicln;lui-,  iiiKl  ihuy  lliadL41  of  tUi.s  ])ari,sli,  miiuster,  married  tSeiit.  9Lh. 


Kicliaid   Blades.     EJmond   Cols.      Edmoiid  Twcll  my  brollier.     ^Vifc 
Joan  executrix.     Slic  proved  25  June,  1611. 

A^ol.  for  IGll,  Look  ii,  fo.  16'!''.  Kobcrt  Twcll  of  Eullingljorowc. 
Undated.  Katlierine  wife  of  Thomas  Annger,  and  their  two  children. 
Ellen  my  daughter  the  wife  of  John  Morric.  Edward  son  of  my  said 
daughter ;  the  other  three  children  of  said  daughter.  Wife  Agnes,  and 
.son  Richard  exccntors.     Loth  proved  13  September,  IGll. 

Vol.  for  1G30,  fo.  477.  Augustin  Twoll  of  Donington,  co.  Lincoln, 
husbandman.  Dated  15  July',^  1630.  To  be  buried  in  churchyard  of 
Donington.  To  James  Skiner  my  sister's  son  £i  ^^•hcn  twenty  years  of 
age.  Jane  Skiner  my  sister's  daughter.  Joliu  Twcll  my  son,  nnder  age. 
lilary  Twell  my  daughter.  The  tlii-ec  children  of  Edward  TweU  my 
brother.  The  four  children  of  Lcnard  Twell  my  brother.  The  two 
children  of  William  Browne  of  Quadringe.  "Wife  jAlary  solo  executrix 
and  residuary  legatee.  Eobcii  Shepard  and  John  Belton,  supervisors. 
Proved  by  relict'l7  Nov.  1030. 

Vol.  for  1631,  book  ii,  fo.  206,  John  Twells  of  Linwood,  co.  Lincoln, 
labourer.  Dated  3  i\Iay,  ICSl.  Wife  Anno  TweUs  executrix.  Father 
in  law  Robert  lilowe  and  John  Blowe  my  brother  supervisors  (no  probate). 
Vol.  for  1639,  fo.  777.  Richard  TweU  of  "Wigtoft,  labourer.  Dated 
13  Nov.  1638.  Son  Richard  TweU.  Sou  "Wili'iam  TweU,  under  age. 
Daughter  Frances  Twell,  under  20.  Bridgit  Parkin  my  daughter  in  law, 
ruidor  20.     "Wife  Frances  sole  executrix  (no  probate). 

Vol.  for  1615-6,  fo.  453.  Richard  Twell  of  Billingborough,  Taylor. 
Vol.  for  1619,  fo.  91.  Toljias  Twelves  of  Edenham,  co.  Lincoln,  hus- 
bandman. Dated  5  Nov.  1618.  Grandchild  Alice  Twelves.  Daughter 
Anne  wife  of  Humphrey  Priest.  Sons  Peregrine  and  Thomas.  The 
children  of  Humphrey  Pilest  and  Anno  his  wife.  Son  Edward  and 
daughter  Alice  executors.  Witnesses  Edw.  Queeny,  Jolm  llockerstone. 
Proved  by  liolh  executors  21  April,  1649. 

Vol.  for  IGGl,  fo.  857.  Tweles  of  Trusthorpe,  labourer. 
Vol.  for  1662,  f.i.  333.  Robert  Twellos  of  Long  Leadenham,  co.  Lin- 
coln, yeoman.  Dated  3  Feb.  1662.  Son  John  Twelles,  eldest  daughter 
Anno  TweUes,  youngest  daughter  Mary  Twelles,  aU  under  age.  I\bu-y  my 
now  wife  sole  executrix.  Proved  27  Feb.  1662.  At  fo.  327  of  this  Vol. 
there  is  a  lioud  entered  of  jMary  Avidow  of  Robert  TavcUcs. 

Vol.  for  1663,  fo,  94.  Robert  Twcll.s  of  Little  Hale,  labourer. 
Vol.  for  1668,  fo.  219.  John  Twells  of  Whickeuby,  in  co,  Lincoln, 
yeoman.  Dated  21  January,  1668.  To  be  buried  in  churchyard  of 
Whickeuby.  Elinor  TwoUs  of  Stainfrild  my  mother.  Sister  Elizabeth 
Twells  of  Stainfield.  Brother  Williaiu  Twells.  Brother  Jerome  Twells. 
Wife  JIary  sole  executrix.  She  pr.jved  11  Feby.  1G6S.  This  is  from  the 
original  will  which  is  .seeded  with  a  .swau,  not  however  drawn  as  a  crest, 
there  being  no  torco.  When  the  Twells's  of  Cambridge  in  1681  tried  to 
persuade  the  Heralds  that  they  ^\i■y>\  ciilitlcil  to  coat-armour,  Iho  crest  to 
which  thej''  laid  claim  was  a  sw.m  ]iiMpfr.  iS'C  '  ( Icuealogist,'  i,  35. 
Vol.  for  1669,  fo.  10.   Charles  Twll,  (,r  (uvat  Hale. 

„  „       fo.  2SS.    Slr|,|„n 'I'wellsof  ,Swluesheud(nuueupative). 

„  1670,  fo.  nOT'.  ,loliii  Tw^llrs,  ,,t  Long  Leadenham,  yeoman. 
„  1671,  fo.  150.  ];i<:liard'i'w.H,;,,.f  Long  Leadenham,  yeoman, 
„        1673,  fo.  140.   George  Twell,  of  Creat  Hale. 





.   Jnl, 




lanl  'I 



.  9. 




Vol.  for  1C75,  fo.  20.5.  Robert  TavoILs  of  ]  relprinqlunu. 
„       1G77,  fo.  2G3.  John  Twdls,  of  Helpringliam. 
„        1C79,  fo.  592.  Eicliard  Twell,  of  Bicker. 
„       1G81,  fo.  142.  Eoljert  Twcll,  of  LiUiiigl.orougli,  tailor. 
„  „      fo.  492.  Elizabctli  Twoll,  of  Heoldiigtoii. 

(Examined  to  1085.) 

Fro.m  the  r.vMSii  llEGisTEns  ov  Newaek,  Nons.i 
Tivolla  and  Mrs.  Sarah  M.ison. 
i\rll.-<  and  Flizabcth  Twentyman.- 
,rJ  TwcUs  and  Jlrs.  Elizabotli  WUarburtoD.' 
1683-4.  Jan.  3.  Leonard     s.  Mr.  John  Twclh.* 
16S5.   Sep.  10.  Mary  d.  „ 

1658.  May  8.  Thomas         s.  „ 
1692.  Dee.  30.  Sarah          d. 
1693-4.  Meh.  23.  Kichard  b. 
1691-5.  Mch.  7.  Joseph 
1713.  July  27.  John 
1716.  Dec.  6.  Sarah 
1718.  June  12.  John           b.  „ 
1719-20.  Mch.  5.  Joseph    p. 

1721.  Aug.  26.  Ehzabctli  d. 
1723.  Sep.  24.  Twentyiiian  e. 

1724-5.  Mch.  18.  Itiehard  s.  „  )  rr,-^^ 

Hannah  d.  „  J  ^'""'• 

1727-8.  Feb.  10.  Jlary       d. 

1730.  May  21.  Sarah  d. 

1731.  June  17.  JIary  d. 
1734.  April  6.  George  s. 
1734  5.  Mch.  21.  Ann       d. 

16S6-7.  Feb.  16.  Flizabcth  d.ui.  of  Mr.  John  Twell.s. 
1687.  Aug.  IS.  M.ary  „ 

1659.  Dec.  24.  Mary  wife  „ 
1696.  Oct.  1.  John  son  „ 
170S-9.  Feb.  10.  Jo,?cph  Twelk. 
1712-13.  Jan.  1.  Mr.  John  Twcll.s.'' 

1720.  July  16.  A  cliild  of  Mr.  Fdchard  Twelves. 

1722.  Aug.  19.  Sarah  dau.  of     „ 

„      Sep.  25.  Child  of  Mr.  Twelves. 

„     Nov.  26.  iTohn  son  of  „ 
1725.  Dec.  22.  Elizabeth  wife  of  Mr.  Eicliard  TutIv,^. 
1728-9.  Jan.  3.  Child  of  .Mr.  Twell.^. 
„       Fob.  II. 

•  For  these  and  mo.^t  of  the  subsequent  citraota  I  liavo  to  thank  Col.  Choster, 

=  Mar.  lie.  ArcMcaconni  of  Noitimjhum.  Kichard  Twells  of  Newark,  gent,  and 
Elizabeth  Twciityuiau  of  H,ime  .<^pin3ter  aged  22.  Thomas  Twells  of  Newark  '  phar- 
ni.acopojia'  bound.     2  Jan.  1715. 

ni.acopojia'  bound.     2  Jan.  1715. 

3  1726.     Feb.    2.     liichanl  Twells   of   Newark,   Att..rnev   nl. 

Law,  aged  30,  and 

Klizabeth  Wavburtcn  ..f  same  spinster  aged  26.     Mm:  lie.  Arclnh 

ac'nini  of  N<4tm. 

*,:  ArelnUaconrn  „f  Knlli„:,hn,„.      1678.    1 ).  e.  -J.     .b.I.i 

,  TwJlls  ..f  Newark, 

m.xsler  <if  the  l'"ice   Silii.c.l   of   Newark,    aiul   Mi.iy    Wighlmau  .> 

1    Newark,    spinster, 

dau'r  of  -W  illian.  of  Newark,  Ivci". 

Mon.    )i,s"   for  John    Twrll.s    about  39  years  nia.^ter  of  Newa 

ik  School  who  tUed 

i  Jan.  1713,  aged  61.     Sa  'Dickinson's  Newark,'  page  2i 


1720-30.  Mch.  24.  Twonlvmnn  son  of  Mr.  Richard  Twolls. 

1732.  June  16.  Ckild  of  Mr.  Twells. 

1734-5.  Feb.  5.  Georgn  son  of  Kichard  Twelves. 

1735.  Aug.  (— )  Ann  daughter  of  Mr.  lliohard  Twelves. 

1736.  Sept.  21.  Child  o£  Mrs.  Richard  Twels. 

1737.  Jlay  23.  Elizabeth,  irife  of  Mr.  Twell.s. 

1741.  Nov.  6.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Mr.  Richard  Twelv.s. 
1743-4.  Feb.  21.  Richard  Twelves,  jr. 
1744.  July  20.  5Ir.  Richard  Twells. 
1750.  May  12.  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Twelves. 

Mar.  Licensks,  from  AEc,'HDEACO^'RY  of  Notiingham. 
1G7J.  June  9.  George  Twolls  of  St.  Maiy'-s  parish,  Nottingham,  labourer,  a  bachelor, 

aged  22,  and  Isabel  Simons  of  same,  spinster,  aged  19. 
1726.    Ocf   1.    'William  Twells  of    Kingston  on   Soar,  co.   Nottingham,  Bhoemaker, 

bachelor,  aged  about  28,  and  Mary  Rcet  of  same,  spinster,  aged  aljout  27. 

From  the  Parish  Reolsters  of  All  Saints,  Leicester. 

Saplisms.  y 

1731,  Nov.  SO.  Mary  dau'r  cf  William  and  Mary  Twelves. 
1736.  March  13.  Martlia  dau'r  of  William  and  Maiy  Twells. 
1739.  Jau'y  28.  Ann  dau'r  of  William  and  Jlary  Twells. 

1730.  Sept.  22.  William  Twelves  and  Mary  AUcu. 

From  the  Parish  Registers  of  Wisbeach.' 

1704.  Aug*  25.  Anne  dau'r  o£  Rob'  and  Marg'  Twelves. 

1705.  Oct.  10.  Elizabeth  dau'r  of  same. 
1700.  Dec.  19.  Margaret  dau'r  of  same. 
1707-8.  Jani  6.  Mai ie  dau'r  of  same. 

1708-9.  Feb.  16.  'Camilla  filia  Roljti  Twells,  gcnerosi  et  Margaretro  uxoris  ejus." 

1710 'Edwardus  filius  Rob"  Twells  gcnerosi  etMargt"  uxoris  ejus.' 

1715.  April  7.  'Dorathia  filia  Robt'  TweUs,  Arm.  et  5Iargt»'  ux'is  ejus.' 

1640.  Dec.  16.  Katlierine  Twells,  wife  of  Edward  Twells,  gent. 

In  1662  Robert  Twells  signs  as  churchwarden.     William  Twells  signs  as  church- 
warden in  the  vears  1621,  1622-3,  1037,  and  1638. 
1709.  April  3.  Maria  lilia  Rob'-  Twells  gen". 

From  the  Pauisii  Registers  op  St.  Margaret's,  Lynn  Regis.' 
1656.  March  6,  Mathias  .son  of  Mr.  M.^lliia.-.  Twells,  born  25  Feb. 
1C57.  M.iySI.  Eliz.Jjclh  Twelve?  d' of  Mr.  Mathias  Twells. 

1659.  April  23.  Francis  dau.  of  Mr.  Jlathias  Twelves. 

1660.  Nov.  8.  I'obort  Twelves  sou  of  Mr.  Mathias  (the  name  is  corrected  to  Twells  iu 
a  later  hand.) 

1661.  Nov.  14.  John  Twells  the  son  of  Mr.  IMathias. 
1665.  Aug.  16.  Mai7  Twelves  d"-  of  Mr.  Blathias,  Aid". 

1667.  May  1.  Mary  Twells  d-  of  ]\Iatlu,ts  Twells,  Esq.,  Major. 
1C67.  May  10.  Jlathiaa  son  of  Mathias  Twells,  Esq.,  Major. 
1G91.  Aug.  27.  Mrs.  Mary  Twells. 

From  the  Parish  IlEoisTKiis  of  St.  Mary's,  Nottikgham. 
1504.     July  21.  Robert  Ilawtou  and  Elizabrth  Twelles. 
1596.     June  12.  Thomas  liiroh  and  Maiyorv  'I'wellcs. 
1610-11.     Feb.  G.  Robert  Twells  and  Ulizabei 

'  These  extracts  add  to  tlu^  pedigrees  iu  t! 
^  The  burials  for  1666  aud  1667  are  ccrtifi 









I  by 

.„t  Angli 



nd  the 
;lls,  E 

J  '0 


44  FAMILY    OF    TWELLS. 

1625.  May  18.  Thcma.s  Twolk's  m<\  Marpcarct  Smyth. 

1629.  Aug.  1.3.  John  Dclx'll  and  J'.liz.ibeth  Twclls. 

1633.  Oct.  5.  WilUara  Watson  and  Elizabeth  TwcUi 

1635.  Aug.  3.   George  Tw.-Us  and  Mary  Turner. 

1637.  Aug.  15,  Henry  Twelts  and  Margaret  Kirke. 
(Examined  to  1754.) 


1592.     Aug.  24.    Edmoud  ton  of    Henry  Twellci. 
1594-5.     Mch.  17.  Katheriuo  of      „         „ 
1698.     May  26.  William  .son 

1599.  Oct.  28.  Elizabeth  dau.  of  John  Twills. 

1600.  Nov.  16.  George  eon  of  Henry  Twell.s. 

1601.  Oct.  11.  Anne  dau.  of  John  Twells. 
1601-2.     Feb.  6.  AViUiam  .son  of  Cliarles  TwoUs. 
1603.     Apl.  25.  sou  of  Heni-v  Twells. 

Kov.  6.  Mary  dau.  of   John  Twells. 
1603-4.     Mch.  8.  Eliz.abeth  dau.  of  Cliarles  Twells. 
1604-5.     Feb.  15.  Leonard  sou  of  Henry  Twclls. 
1606-7.     Feb.  21.  Fulcke  son  of  John  TwcUs. 
1607.     Mch.  25.  Dorothy  dau.  of  Henry  Twelk. 
1609.     Apl.  20.  George   son       „         „         „ 
1612.     Kov.  15.  Thomas  „        „        „        „ 
1618.     June  7.  AViUiam  son  of  Edward  Tn-ell.s. 
1627.     May  6.   Tliomas  sou   of  Thomivs  Twclls. 
1629.     Apl.  19.  Theodora  d,au.  „         „  „ 

1631.     Apl.  24.  Amie  „     „         „  „ 

1634.  Sep.  14.  Samuel  son     „         „  „ 

1635.  Ucc.  13.   Bridget  dau.  of  Thomas  &  Margaret  Tw 

1636.  Juno  12.  Elizabeth    „     „         „         „         „  , 

1637.  July  23.  Samuel  .son.       „         „  „  „  , 

1638.  Sop.  30.  Kichard  son  of  George  &  Alice  Twella. 
1039-40.     Jan.  19.  Mary  of  George  Twells. 

1674.  Dec.  11.  Samuel  sou  of  Mr.  John  ,t  Su^.onia  Twel 

1718.  Aug.  24.  John  son  of  Willi:iin  ,',   ■'.:',,  T.v.lvcs. 

"  Oct.  23.  Ann  dau.  of  Hcni\  „   '  '..>lve; 

1720.  Nov.  2.  John  son  of  Hemv  c\  '  ,:      i  .  ■  !•. 



1500.     Oct.  25.  lleury,  infant  of  Henry  Twells. 

1603.     Apl.  10.  Fuleko  .sou  of  Johu  Twell.s. 

1614.     Juno  8.  Anne  wife  of  Charles  Twells. 

1610.     Apl.  10.  Edward  Twells. 

1617-18.     Mch.  8.  K.athcrine  dau.  of  Heiuy  Twclls 

1623.     Juno  15.  Isabel,  sister  of  Cliaile.s  Twclls. 

1024-5.     Jan.  25.  Henry  Twclls. 

1026-7,     Mch.  2.  Johu  Twells,  a  poor  man. 

1029.     July  8.  AVilliara  Twcllcs,  wlicclw.ii^lit. 

,,  „     22.  Mary  dau.  of  l!..l..-it  Twells. 

1630.     Apl.  27.  Thomas  son  of  Tln.mas  Twrll.s. 
1G34.     Sep.  16.  Sanuiel  .son  of  Tlioma.i  Twclls. 

1635.     Nov.  10.  Anne  d.ui. , 

1630.     Apl.  26.  Bridget    , 

1066-7.     Feb.  18.  Mr.  William  Th.IIs. 

1677.     Oct.  20.  !\Ir.  William  Tw.  Kcs. 

174S-9.      Feb.  27.  Marv,  wile  of  .Mi.  Thomas  TwcU 

175.>*.     Mch.  15.  Thomas  .son  of     „ 

1761.     Mch.  S.  Catherine  dau.  „     „ 

„     Oct.  £0.  Mr.  Thomas  Txvdls. 

(Eiumiucd  to  28  Feb.. 


Fkom  the  Papish  REoiSTi;rs  of  St.  Peter's,  Nottikoqam. 
1C2C.    July  8.  John  Twelles  k  Elizalictli  Liuley. 
1029.     Apl.  18.  Jmnes  Wiitkinson  &  lOlizabetli  Twelle.^. 
1G44.     Apl.  22.   Uobei-t  Vcrnum  &  Klizabeth  TwcUes. 
ICJJ.    Bee.  2tf.  ^Villiam  Caguloy  &  Tlieo.lorc  TwolLs. 
(Examiuca  to  1743-9.) 
157S.     Dec.  21.  Nicholas  son  of  llichard  Twels. 
1C26.     May  7.  Elizabeth  dau.  of  Thomas  Twells. 
1C50.     Dec.  11.  George  son  of  George  <t  Mary  Twells,  of  St.  Mary'a. 
1052.     Apl.  7.  John  son  of  John  &.  JIary  Twells,  of  St.  Mary's. 
(Examined  to  1710-1.) 
\t,7S-9.     Moh.  12.  Richard  Twells. 
l.TOS.     Jtdy  25.  Ellen  Twells. 
1G03.     Dec.  23.  Margaret  Twells. 
1054.     Nov.  7.  Margaret,  wife  of  Henry  Twelves. 
1G71.     July  28.  Henry  Twells,  Gent. 
1C7C.     Nov.  23.  Mrs.  Anne  Twelves,  widow.  I 

1CS4.     Apl.  11.  Jane  Twelves,  ^^'U\o^v. 

(Examined  to  1740.) 

From  the  Parish  Registkhs  or  St.  Nicholas,  NoiTiNcnAM. 
1C31.     Aug.  21.  Robert  Twells  &  Jane  Rowland. 

(Examined  to  1754.) 
1611.     Dec.  8.  William  son  of  Robert  Twells. 
1613-14.  31.  Jolni      „ 
1016.     July  23.  Marydau.  of  R.i.-t  T'r.iu,. 
1019-20.  Eeb.  11.  Robertson  ^i  r  \  ■  i 

1632.    Apl.  25.  Alice  dau.  of  1' 
1035      Mch.  30.  Thomas  audi: 
1037-8  Mch.  4.  Henry  son  of  J 1 
1038.     Nov.  4.  Mary  dau.  of  R. 

.   M       .,.;    i;..l,ert&Janor,. 
i.nv  .V  TaxlJ\'S. 

(Examined  to  1754.) 

1624.     Dec.  24.  Eliz.abcth  wife 
1031-2.  Jan.  27.  Mary  7'«r//«, 
1039-40.   Feb.  23.   Henry  son  of 
1054.  Nov.  7.  JIargaret  wife  of 

of  Robert  Twclfcs. 

Henry  Twells. 
Henry  Twells. 
(Examined  to  1754.) 

From  the  Parisi 

I  Registers  ok  Soutiiweli.,  co 

ISOl.     Nov.  30.  William  Twell 
tliis  pari.^h-by  banns. 

Is,  of  St.  Mary's,  Nottinghanr 

1722-3.  .Tan.  22.  William  son  ol 

t  M^  wi"   -1  :'  i;:'i.,,i,u--Tw 

and  Ann  Robinson  of 

1724.     Dec.  28.   Kallieriue.lau.  of  .M'.  t:  :    I. 

1725-0.  Mch.  14.  William  son  of  TUm,., 

1727-S,  Feb.  20.  Mary  son  of  .Mr.  Tb.-n,  .    ,',    K   i:i.  . 

1722-3.  Jan.  24.  William  .son  of  William  Twells. 
17-JO.     Juno  7.  William  son  of  Jlr.  Thomas  Twells. 
1757.     May  31.  Mr.  Twells,  a),..thooarv. 
1779.     Jleh.  13.     Jlrs.  C.itbaiine  Twells  widow. 
1793.     Feb.  21.     Amy  Twells. 
liO:).     Nov.  12.     MaryTvyells. 
1S07.     Ajil.  3.  Calhoriue  Twells. 

'  E.wmincd  to  ISC; 


MARnuQE  Licence  -Bishop  of  London's  Registry. 
1703-4.  Feb.  9.  ^Valter  W0II3,  of  St.  Clement  Danes,  bachelor,  aged  30,  and  M'rs. 
Dorothy  Twclls  of  Bomo,  sijuister,  agod  21,  with  consent  of  her  father  Jlr.  John 
Twells  :  to  inarry  at  St.  Andrew'<j,  Holboru. 


BO.sTON,  CO.  lil.NCOLN. 

ICSC.     May  2.  Charles  Twelves  &  Abigail  Quinsey. 

1019-50.  Fob.  21.  Sarah  dau.  of  William  Twelves. 
IGOO.     Sept.  20.  Mary  dau.  of  ^\'illiara  &  Mary  Twelves, 

1085.     Dec.  22.  William  Twells,  sojourner. 

St.  Giles,  City  of  Oxford. 
I7IS-IO,  Jan.  22.  Edw.ard  Twells  &  Ann  l^nglish— by  Banns/ 
St.  MAEQAnET's,  Westmikstkr. 
1740-1.  Feb,  10.  Jolni  Twells  &  Margaret  Coats— by  licence. 
St.  James, 
1G97.     Aug.  3.  Tlionias  Tweh  of  Ca.stlo  Douington  co.  Leicester  and  Jlaiy  rre3ton  of 
St.  Clement  Danes— Lie.  Bp.  Lond. 

St.  Gile.s,  CniprLEGATE,  London. 
1GC7,     Not.  7.  Robert  son  of  Robert  Twelves,  merchant- consiimption. 
„  „     13.  Elizabeth  wife  of  Thomas  Twells— childbed— St.  Foster's. 

St.  Matthew,  Fiiiday  Street,  London. 
1741-2.  Feb.  24.  Leonard  Twclls,  D.D.  Rector— chancel  vault. 
St.  Anne,  Blackfriars,  London. 
1701.     July  30.  Elizabeth  dau.  of  John  &  Sarah  Twelves. 

St.  Mahtin  in  tttf  Fields,  Middlesex. 

1GG3.    Nov.  12.  Charles  .son  of  a..-   .   ;    1        ',  :i,  Twelves— born  10"'. 
1CC6-7.  Jan.  24.  Williamson  of  tir..        ,     i         -  :h  Twclls-born  22^. 
1G78.     Aug.  25.   Charles  son  of  Jtlni  :  .;  i  .\.  ;i   i  calves- born  28  July. 
1080.     Oct.  0.    Tobias      „     „      „       „       „  „      —born  5"'. 

ICGl.     Oct.  G.   Charles  Twelves-infant. 
1G71.     Oct.  30.  John  Twells,  "  imer." 
1C71-2.  Jan.  S.  Charles  Twells,  ■' puer." 
1G7C.     July  21.  Jane  Twelves,  "  i.uella." 
„        Nov.  17.  Richard  Twelves,  "  i.uer." 

Lexton,  CO.  Notts. 

l.-.SO-l.  Jan.  10.  J'..i,Ui..l,,i,iew  Twells  &  Barkwood. 
1027.     May  2?.  Aull,.ii,v  'I'l^well  >V  l-:ii/.ab,-th  Tw.-lls. 

Dec.  3.    Kichard  Hulhwrtt  k  Amie  Twells. 
1712.     Aug.  1.  Tliomas  Twelv.s  &  Amy  Xewham,  ..pinster,  both  of  Newark. 

15S5.     July  30.  Joane  wife  of  Bartholomew  Twells, 



Conimunicatcd  by  HICNIIV  WAGXER,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 

Jacob  Jullian,  Huguenot  Rofugoo,=j=JcanBC  Gourgaz,  of 
eettled  in  Geneva,  Switzerland.  I  Somniicrcs,  in  Lan- 
Dead  in  1719.  I  Ruedoc,  France. 

Jcau  Jullian,  soltled  in  Lonilon,  in=f=]\Iarguerilho,  dau.  of  Antoino 
parish  of  S. Bartholomew's,  and  elected  Elisson,  of  Sommitres,  after- 
a  Director  of  the  French  Hospital  G  wards  of  Bern,  m.  circ.  1720 
Jan.  1748,  d.  ...  1754.  Letlo's  of  (betrothed  at  Bern,  22  Nov. 
admon.  granted  to  his  widow  Jlar-  1719).  "Will  of  21  Jan.,  jiro. 
garet,  2G  Mar.  1751.  in  P.C.C.  13  Juno,  1771 
(258  Trevor.) 

Peter   Bartholomew   Jullian, =i=^Iavy,  dau.  of  Henry  Jacomb,  son  and 

b.  at  Geneva,  10  Dec.,  and 
there  bapt.  in  the  Temple 
Ncuf  31  Dec.  1723,  d....  1776 
or  '77,  and  bur.  in  Churchyard 
of  S.  Bartholomew's,  London. 

I  nil  child  of  "William  and  Mary  Jacomb, 
and  grandson  to  Dr.  Thomas  Jacomb, 
one  of  the  Puritan  Coadjutors  at  the 
Savoy  Conference  of  IGGl,  b.  2  May 
1730,  m.  at  All  Hallows'  on  the  Wall, 

II  May  1757. 

Kev.  Peter  Jullian,  B.  in 
Hatton  Court,  Thrcadnecdlo 
St.,  1  March  1758,  Jesus 
Coll.,  Oxford,  B.A.  1790, 
M.A.  1792,  and  a  Fellow 
of  Dulwich  College,  d,  unm. 
...  1813. 

T.cAvisa  !Mary, 
b.    24    Jan. 
1 759,  and  d. 
in  infancy. 

Frances  jMarga- 
retta  Mary,  b. 
21  Dec.  17G], 


b.  2G  Sejit. 
17G3,  anJd. 
in  infancy. 

jMary  Aunc  Han  if, 
IMarcli  and  bapt.  :it 
not  Find;  1  April  1 
at  .Mullock,  c/i.  D. 
Oct.  17 9G,  d.  at 'J'r 
Dec.  1811. 

I.  b.  7-rRov.  David  Bird  Allen,  Trim 
Coll.,  Oxf.,  B.A.  1791,  M.A. 
1794,  Rector  of  Burton  in 
Rhos,  CO.  Pembroke,  and  J.P. 
JO  for  CO.,  Prebendary  of  Brecon, 
and  Rural  Dean,  b.  IG  Feb, 
17G9,  d.  31  Dec.  1S31. 

Issue,  C  sons,  of  wlumi  5  married  and  have  issue. 
For  continuation,  see  Burke's  Lamlcd  Gcnlnj, 
under  Allen  of  Bicton. 



In  Part  I  of  the  Appendix  to  the  Eiglith  Report  of  tlic  Historical 
MSS.  Commission  will  be  found  two  lists  of  Wills  which  M-ere 
proved,  dm-ing  vacancies  of  tlic  See  of  Canterbury,  before  the 
Commissary  of  the  Prior  and  Chapter  of  Canterbury,  to  whom 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  Archbishop's  Prerogative  Court  reverted, 
"  Sedo  vacante." 

These  Wills  are  481  in  number,  and  as  they  relate  to  persons 
who,  for  the  most  part,  possessed  considerable  property,  and  Avho 
died  in  various  parts  of  the  province  of  Canteibury,  tliuy  arc  of 
great  and  general  value. 

The  report  states  that  these  Wills  "never  came  within  the 
cognizance  of  the  officials  of  the  Archbishop's  Prei-ogative  Court," 
and  that  "  it  would  be  in  vain  to  make  a  search  in  the  Will  Office 
in  London  ....  for  information  concerning  them  ; "  and,  "  in 
fact,  this  register  contains  four  hundred  Wills  which,  up  to  the 
present  time,  have  been  unknown  to  genealogists." 

But  an  examination  of  the  Prerogative  Court  registers,  now  at 
Somerset  House,  shows  that  of  the  4S1  AVills  thus  entered  in  the 
Prior-and-Chapter's  book  at  Canterbury  422  are  registered  (and 
indexed)  in  the  London  series,  and  these  have  been  coiistantly 
used  by  genealogists  and  others. 

Amongst  the  remaining  59  Wills,  wliich  are  registered  in  the 
Canterbury  book,  but  not  in  the  London  series,  will  be  found 
several  interesting  names — e.g.,  Tho.  Barnardiston,  Knt.  of  Bar- 
nardiston  ;  Wm.  Sutton,  Rector  of  St.  Stephen's,  Walbrook, 
London  ;  John  Legh,  gent,  of  Addington ;  Wm.  Purches,  Lord 
Mayor  of  London  in  141)7  ;  Adiian  Whetliill  (father  of  Sir  Richard 
W.) ;  Geoffrey  ^Dormer,  of  Thame ;  and  Hugh  Pemberton,  Alderman 
of  London. 

Readers  of  tho  'Genealogist'  who  possess  a  copy  of  the  Report 
should  note  therein  that  the  .5!)  Wills  which  are  not  to  be  seen  in 
London  are  as  follows  (the  names  mentioned  being  inclusive) : — 
P.  332,  column  i. — John  Tyall  of  Colchester,  and  from  J.  llervy. 

Dean  of  Hereford,  to  Tho.  Hynton. 
P.  334,  column  ii. — John  Gooday,  Tho.  Barnardiston,  Kt.,  and  John 

Merecroft,  gent. 
P.  33.J,  cohunn  i. — Eli/,:  Charles  to  John  Legh,  and  Will:  Purches 

to  Geoffrey  ])ornicr. 
P.  33.J,  column  ii. — Ric;  Dawson  to  Rubert  Welymet. 

J.  C.  C.  S. 


Commuuicatcd  liy  F.  A.  BLAYDES,  V.^q. 

1505.     Sept.  14,   was  Ixiplised  lillizalictli  Logging  y"  danglitor  of  Simon 

Loggius,  gout. 
15C7.     Sept.   2i,  was  baptized  Joaiio  Dcffyckc,    y"  da\rL:litev   of   .Tho. 

Deffycke,  cleako  of  Eatooii  Colledgc  (.John  Drthick,  puLliquc 

iiotai-ie  of  Aeton  College.) 
1571.     Sept.    16,  was    baptized  Elle,n   Loggins    y    daughter   of    Siniu 

Loggins,  gent. 
157  1.     July  7,  wa.s  baptized  Rafc  Noiys  y<=  soimc  of  Robert  Xorry.s. 
157G.     Feb.  4,  Itiu,  was  baptized  Joyce  tlic  doclitcr  of  Robert  Xoris. 

1 578.  Jail.  16,  Edwarde  Paule  tlie  soiino  of  Richard  Paulc  was  Baptised. 

1579.  Juno  14,  Elizabeth  Blower  the  daughter  of  John  Blower  vicar 

was  baptised. 
1579.     Juuo  28,  Roberte  Norris  Uio  sonn  of  Rol.)ert  Xorris  was  baptised. 
1581.     Ootob.    29,    Woldon  Xorris  the    souue    of  R.iberte    Xorris  was 

15SI.     Aug.    26,  Thomas   Pagett   tlic    Soime   of    ^^'illialn    Pagctt   was 

]  581.     Poc.  2,  :\rary  Blower  the  daughter  of  Jolin  Blower  vicar  of  "Wliilo 

AValltliam  was  baptized. 
]58(.     Dec.  25,  Elizabeth  Pagett  tiie  daugliter  of  William   Pagvlt  was 

1;)90.     Nov.  9,  Thomas  Xewberyc  the  soune  of  Thomas  Newberyo  was 


1591.  March  4,  Isabcll  daughter  of  Thomas  Xewliery  baptized. 

1592.  ]\[ay  18,  Hughe  sonne  of  Leonard  Avelin  gent.  Bapti. 
15'j:',.     ^ilay  12,  Katherino  Daugliter  of  .John  Blower  vicar  bapti. 
1."'95.     Oct.  29,  Ursula  the  dan-htcr  Tliomas  Xcwbcary  was  baptyzc.l. 
1597.     June   25,    Margaret    the   daughter   of    TIkuikis    Xewljmy   was 


IGOO.  March  8,  Thomas  tho  sonne  of  Roberte  Xorris  was  Baptized. 

IfiOl.  I\Iay  11,  Robert  tho  Sonne  of  Thomas  Xcwbcrrv. 

lGi)2.  May  13,  Xicholas  the  sonuo  of  :Mathewe  Frewiii. 

IGOl.  Xov.  2.5,  William  tlic  sonc  of  Willin.  Fhiddyer. 

IGOG.  Sept.  28,  Roberte  Xewberry  the  sonne  of  Roiicrte  Xcwlicia'v. 

1G09.  Oct.  15,  Katlierine,  the  daughter  of  Robert  Xewbcrv. 

IGIO.  Krpt.  21,  Thomas  the  sonne  of  I'luddyer. 

IGll.  Sriil.  1,   Anne  the  daughter  of  Robert  Xewben-y. 

1  G  1  ■■'..  Oel.  :',,   l-:iiz:d.eth  the  dau-htei-  of  Robert  X,.\vl)Jrry. 

lGl:i.  J'rb.  C,   Su.-;anna  the  dau-liter  of  Fnniris  Xewl.evi'v  nviil. 

\'>\  I.  .Se],!.  -Jl,   Elizabeth  the  daugliter  of   Framis  Xewl.'eiry  eeiit, 

1G15.  (Ki.  l:(,   Kathcrine  the  Daughter  of  Rob  a  !e  ^ewbeiry!^ 
VOL.    VI.  E 


IGIG.  Feb.  17,  Charlus  the  soiuic  of  Francis  Newberry  gont,  was  bap- 
tized aiul  was  burriod.  the  23  day  followiiiij;. 

1C17.  June  23,  I^Iargarctt  the  Daughter  of  Lewis  James  gout,  was 

1G17.  Aug.  17,  Tlionias  tlic  sonne  of  Richardc  Welden  gent,  was  bap- 

IGIS.     Sept.  G,  Maiia  lilia  Ludoviei  James  gencr.  Baptizata  fuit. 

1622.     Sept.  12,  Kadulplius  lllius  Roberti  Xewborry. 

1622.  Jan.  9,  Margareta,  filia  Roberti  Wiuclic  serui  Regii, 

1623.  March  1  i,  !Mavia  liha  Francisci  Xewborry  goner. 

1624.  Feb.  20,  Gratia  sine  Gracia  filia  Roberti  Wiuclie. 
1627.     June  16,  Elizal,etha,  fiha  Roberti  Winche. 

1630.  Dec.  21,  Tlionias  hlius  Dni  E.hnundi  Sawyer  miUtis. 
1G32.     July  1,  Riehanl  y"-'  son  of  Robert  Winch. 

1632.  Sept.  11,  George  the  sonne  of  John  Lightfoot  of  Woodstrcot 
London  Esquire. 

1632.  Dec.  19,  Su.-sanna,  the  Daughter  of  Ilcnry  Xewborry  gent. 

1633.  Sejit.  20,  Robert  the  sonne  of  Sr.  Edmond  Sawyer  Kniglit. 

1634.  Oct.  22,  FraneiR  the  sonno   of  Ilcnry  Xowbcry  gent.   &  Francis 

liis  wife. 

1631.  Fob,  3,  Anne  the  daughter  of  S''.  Edmond  Sawyer  Kt.  .and  Anne 

liis  Lady  wife. 
1C35.     Feb.  19,  John  yi;  sonne  of  Henry  Xewborry  gout,  &  Francis  liis 

1C35.     Feb.  23,  Arthur  ye  sonne  of  Sr.  Edmond  Sawyer  Kt.  and  Anne 

his  Lady  wife. 
1637.     Aug.  15,  ilary  daughter  of  Sr.  Edmond  Sawyer  and  Dame  Anne 

his  Lady  wife. 

1635.  Oct.  13,  llonry  the  sonne  of  Ilonry  Newberry  gent. 

1038.     Jan.  21,  Elizabeth,  the  daughter  of  Sr.  Edmond  Sawyer  Kt.   & 

the  Lady  Anne  his  wife. 
1611.     Xov.  24,  Aiinc  the  daughter  of  ^y.    Edward   Laker  gent  was 

1613.     Jan.  25,  .Alargarot  the  daughter  of  Sr.   Edmund  Sawyer  Kt.   & 

Anne  his  Lady. 
1  G  IS.      .starch  16,  Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  :Mr.  J,.hn  Leigh  &  Elizabeth 

his  wife. 
1671.     Jan.  — ,  John  the  son  of  ,  ffinch  Esq-'.  &   Dame  Sarah  his 

1C73.      June  24,   Chapman  and  Joaiia  being"(Twines  the  soim  &  dauglitor 

of  John   ilineh  of  llVens  Esq.   &  Dame  Sarah  his  wife  were 

Baptized  one  Mi.hom.'r  Day. 
167r).     July  13,  ir.nry  the  sunn  of  John  Finch  of  n'eeiis  Esq'.  &  Dame 

Sarah  his  wilV, 
1678.      June  25,   lf,,iin;,li  llie  Daie.'.hler  of  Thomas  ^^lontaguo  of  Lanlons 

gent  c^-  ibninah  his  wile. 
167S.      June  20,   Edn, 1    tlie    souu   ,.f   Ihncb    of  Focus   Esq   and 

Dame  S;u;l1,  1,,s  „  ile  was  liaptizcd  and  was  buried  the  3  day 

of    July    inlloui,,;.:. 

IGSl.  June  13,  ,l,nie  the  d.uediti  I  of  Thomas  Mountaguc  of  Lintoons 
Gent  \-  Hannah  his  wife. 


ICSl.     Oct.    IS,  Sarah  tlic  aauglitev  of  Edmund  Sawyer   of  Iloywoo.l 

Esq.  &  Dame  Mary  his  wife. 
1C81.     Oct.  2G,  Finch  tlie  son  of  Edmond  Sawyer   of  Heywood  Esq. 

and  ])amc  Alary  his  wife. 
1G33.     Marcli  27,  Jlartha  yo  Dauyhter  of  Thomas  jNIountaguy  &  Hannah 

liis  Avifc. 
1CS3.     Nov.  22,  Eihnund  the  sonne   of  Edmund  Sawyer  of  llcywood 

Esq.  and  Dame  Jlary  his  wife. 
1GS5.     July  8,  Jolni  tlic  sonno  of  Edmund  Sawyer  of  Heywood  Es(j.  & 

Dame  I\rary  his  wife. 
IGRG.     ]\Iarch  27,  Mary  tlie  daughter  of  Edmund  Sawj-er  of  Heywood 

Esq.  and  ])ame  Jlary  his  -wife. 
1GS7.     July  1,  Geo)'gc  the  sonno  of  Edmund  Sawj'cr  of  Heywood  Esq. 

and  Dame  Mary  his  wife. 
ICSS.     Oct.  31,  Francis  the  sonne  of  Constantine  Phlipps  Esq.  &  Calli 

crine  his  wife. 
1C89.     July  26,  Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  Edmund  Sawyer  E.sq  Sc  D. 

Mary  his  wife. 
1701.     Jan.  28,  Thcophilis  the  .son  of  Richard  :\Ianlove  Esq.  and  Dame 

I\rary  his  wife. 
1703.     Aug.  29,  Eobcrt  the  son  of  Richard  Maidove  Esq''  &  ^b.  ^Mary 

his  wife. 
1701.     Juno  4,  Thomas  the  son  of  Thomas  Loveday  of  fleens  gent  and 

Sarah  his  wife. 
170.">.     Apl.  29,  William  the  son  of  Thomas  Loveday  of  fleens  g(;nt.  and 

Sarah  his  wife. 

1707.  Aug.  10,  Selby  the  .son  of  Thomas  Loveday  of  fleens  gent,  and 

Sarah  liis  wife. 

1708.  Sept.  19,  Thomas  the  son  of  Thomas  Loveday  of  ffecns  gent  and 

Sarah  his  wife. 

1709.  Doc  19,  Mary  the  d.aughter  of  John  Sawyer   uf  Heywood  Esq. 

Sc  Dame  Anne  his  wife. 

1717.  Feb.  27,  Sarah  the  Daughter  of  John  Sawyer  of  Heywood  Esq. 

fc  Dame  Anne  his  wife. 
1719.     Apl.  4,  Jane,  the  daughter  of  John  Sawyer  of  Heywood  Esq.  & 

Dame  Anne  his  wife. 
1719.     July  PS   Arabella  the  daughter  of  James  Hayes  Esq.  &  Dame 

Mary  his  wife. 
1721.     July  19, 'Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  Charles  Winch  and  Suanah 

his  wifr. 
1727.     Aug.  1,  Robt.  son  of  ye  Honble.  Col.  Jno.  Sawyer  &  'SI".  Anne 

his  wife. 

1730.  Feb.  21,  Herbert  son  of  Jno.  Sawyer  ]■:sq^  au,l  Ann  his  wife. 

1731.  .May  27,  Sarah  Daugh''.  of  Char:  &  llli/.:  Wiiieli. 

17  IG.     Dec.  30,  James  the  son  of  M^  John  Lee  of  W.-.-ky  and  Mary 
his  wife. 

1718.  Oct.  23,  Anne  the  daughter  of  M^  John  Lee  of  Woollry  and 

I\lary  his  wife. 
n.-'l.     Xov.  17,   Anne  the  Daughter  of  Stephen  Lamport  and  Elizabdli 
his  wife. 

52  EXTKACTS     FnO^r    rAPtTSH    ■REGISTERS. 

1755.     Jan.    27,  William  "\Vol)l)  the  .=;oii  of  John   W.^iman  awl  Mavy 

ThcoaoMu  hi.,  wife. 
1757.     Feb.  10,  Chai'lcs  Uk;  .^ou  of  John  Weniuan  and  Mavy  Thco.losia 

his  wifu. 
1759.     July  2,  jMary  Thoodosia  the  daughter  of  John  Wennian  &  :^[ary 

Thcodosia  his  wife. 
17C;l     ^lay  18,  John  Lee  son  of  the  Rev'i.  Ric'.  Ileye.^  &  Lois  his  wife. 
17GC.     Feb.  U,  Xathaniel  Cowpcr  tlie  son  of  Thomas  Luuchicv  &  Catli- 

c-rinc  his  wife. 
17GS.     June.  7,  Anne,,  Daughter  of  ilr.  John  Leo  &  Dorothy  his  wife. 
1700.     Aug.  14,  Dorothy  „ 

1770.     Sept.  4,  n.'uvy   i'iuk  the   son  of  Ih:  John  Lee  &  Dorothy  his 


1772.  Feb.  2,  John  the  son  of  ^Fr.  John  Lee  &  Dor.ilhy  his  wife. 

1773.  iMay  7,  Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  2^Ir.  John  Lee  &  Dorothy  his 


1774.  Oct.  31,  :\rary  and  I\Iartha  the  Twin  Daughters  of  W.   John 

Lee  &  Dorothy  his  wifi'. 

177C.  July  17,  Thomas  the  son  of  :Mr.  John  Lee  of  Woolley  &  Doro- 
thy his  wife. 

1789.  Sept.  29,  AVliitmore,  the  second  son  of  Bajitist  Hniart  Esq.  e<t 
Sophia  his  wife  whose  maiden  name  was  Wliitmore  was  born 
&  baptized. 

1770.     .Sept.  IG,  I'bipps  Vansittart  the  son  &  thirtheenth  child  of  the 
Rev  ])'■.  Arthur  Onslow  Vicar  of  this  Parish  &  Francos  his 
wife  (whose  maiden  name  was  Phipps)  was  born  the  2'"'.  & 
baptized  the  IGtli  of  September. 

15G5.     June  11,  .llio  Dellykc  clrk  &  Dorithe  Beeche. 

15CG.      ?>lav  C,   weiv  marryed  Tho  :\r<iontagve  .t  Katlicrine  Tamo. 

15G0.     ,luiie  12,   wu'  maried  Rafl'e  Xvebcryeet  Kathei'inc  llatche. 

15S9.  Apl.  10,  Henry  IMitchell  gent,  and  :\largarett  Sharpe  wydowc 
were  married. 

15S9.      Nov.  9,  Thomas  Newberye  and  A'rsula  drove  were  mar. 

1590.  Xov.  21,  ]\liehael  Sidiiham  gent,  and  Dnrotliy  lludsun  wiilowe 
were  mar. 

1500.  Dec.    9,    Thomas   Durrham    of   llurstc   gent,    ami    Edith   Webb 

(„r  ]V,lh,/)hY  viitue  of  a  licence. 

1501.  Oet.  27,  .lohn  CrnwtiOi.'  aii.l  I'.lizalieth  Ilodsde.n  were  mar. 
1595.      Sr].t.  7,  Mader  I'.dwaidr  Dawes  of  Londianle  streetc  in  London 

nuMvrvaud  .Misliirs  ^W'lldou  Daughter  of  Thomas 

Wellden  of  Shotesbronl;,.  j:s,|„vcv  Wr.v  inar. 

1509.     ^]i\\    28,    Thiimas    ^\'r^^ f    iV,  Idn^    in    tlie    Counlie   cf 

'SonimersrU  gent,   and   .M''^   Ebzalielh   .\nneys  tl,e  dau.;hl..r 

au,l   li.vic   of  ,luhn   Xi.rreys  of  lleywoodde  in    this  parrish 

(if  WhUr  W-.Mv.un  I'.sipivrc  were  mar. 
IGOI.      Oil.  2.'.,  AVllliam  l-lu.l.lwr  aiid  Chiistyne  Oltwell  were  married. 
IGOl.      Nnv.  21,  Xcwlu'iTve  and  Anne  Xuwb.arve 
IGOG.      Aug.    1,    Vin.vllt(;oddard.■^vido^v>■rand^•rsula^\•^vberrye  widowe 

IGU,     0.4.  20,  Rnbrrt  Powle  and  I'dizalielh  Manhoode  wore  mar. 


IGIG.      .Sq>t.  10,   Kirhanl  AWlUrii  yvid.  and  :\rilliLv„l  .l;,i,„s  w,  ,v  ,„:,v, 
lC-21.     July  10,  Kichaid   Sluwiloii  gcut.  and    M'".   l".ly/.al.ulli    Ihuwii.: 

were  mill'. 
1G21.     Oct.  29,  Eobort  XewLcrry  .senior  and  :\rary  Thompson  ^vydo\v 

were  mar. 
1G27.     Jan.  28,  Jdanncs  Poole  gener.  et  Anna  Duyilalo  vidua  eoimlali 

fuevunt  in  coniugio. 

1030.  June  1  I,  Thomas  Newberry  et  Elizaljetha  :\renre  coniuncU  fuerunt 

in  jnalrimonio. 

1031.  Apl.  II,   Nightingale  et   Jolianna   Newberry    coniuncti 

1G31.      Kept.  22,  James  Winch  and  Anne  Blackc  were  mar. 
IGIO.      :\ray  31,  Thomas  Bennett  of  liray  gent  and  ]-,ar!)ani  Taylor  uf 

the  foresavde  i)'ish  by  virtue  of  a  licence  M-eiv  mar.  licit'. 
IClo.     Apr.  10,  :Mi'.  iiVauci.s  Steplicn..  ni  Ib.nley  in  111.'  County  nf  Oxfm-d 

gent,  and  ^l'"".  Jane  Simp^nu  ,,f  tliis  ji'i-h  wen'  iiiar.  licre. 
1G19.     Feb.  10,   Christopher  Goi'i'oway  A"  .\nue  Newberry  ^^■ere  mar. 
IG.jO.     jSfay  27,  Kobort  Bennett  &  EIi/:il>etli  Wincli  wiildo\v  were  mar. 
lO.jl.     June  1,  John  Coaker  ,t  Isabella  Newberry  were  mar. 
ICOl.      Nov.  25,   Thomas  Grove  w"'  Hannah  Winch  of  Biav. 
1002.     Feb.  20,   Kichaid    Winch    of   Bray    '.^'cnt.   w"'   Auw   Winch    of 

]\ravdeidiea,l  and'   p'isli   bv  verlue   of  a  licence  fro'  the 

Lord  7\rch  Bishopp. 
IGGl.     June  20,  William  Newberry  .\:  Susan  Enlrs  bolh  of  Laurence 

Waltham  by  vertuc  ofaliccnc  liom  Ihe  Lord  Arrh  I'.rdiopp. 
1051.      Apr.  3,  John  Noble   widdowcr  and    b.ln.r    laireis  widdow   were 

married  by  lii.s  honour  Ihe  gourrnor  of  -.vindsoiv. 
105f.     Aug.  7,  Kaljili  Ih'ownc  of  New  AVnelM.,'  widwoor  .^  b.llm  Ncw- 

1051.      Nov.  29^  Mr.  Charles  AVeldone  gmlJcman  and  Alargraelt  Dewell 

■n  of  Laurence  AValllia'  ^ent.  .t  Elizabeth 
of  liichard  l-.dwards  of  tliis  p'ish. 
ver   ..f    Ileywood    Es.f   and    Dame    Alary 
■   the'  .MTOud  dauidil-r-  <.f  .b.hii    llinch  of  ircnis   J-.s,p  Both   of 
this  parish  were  mar. 
1G!SG.     Jan.  20,   Er.ancis  Chorry  of  Shotlesbrooke  l-.sq  with  Dame^   I'diza- 

bclli  Fincli  of  lliis  I'ar. 
1G9I.      July  10,   Edward  f)a1by   uf   S.iint  Laurcn.e   I'ari.-h  in    Heading 

'gent,  ami  Airs  Joanna  lllneli.  uf  this  I'ari.sli  were  niav. 
170:;.      Alay  2,   Cliarles   AVeidon    of   llie    Parisli    of    Sholtesbrooke    and 

]\lary  Sawney  of  I, Ids  i'.irish  were  mar. 
1712.      Apr.  •JL'.bimrs  AVinrh  and  .\nne  i.oek  of  AViiiklirld  were   mar; 
bv  liconrr. 

1731.     Srp(.'-_'G,   Siinoi,  Coihrl,  ..out,  and  Afi-.  Alary  AVoodward. 

K'.IL'.      .Inly   9,   K.V'.    Cleulc;    Snolb    of    Alderii.anbnrv    .V    Al' :    Ann 

widowe  was  burird. 
■f  Thoma..  Newbcrr> 



1.  19,  Charl 


I'dwards  d 




i(.  2,  Ediiiu 

id    s 



13,  Airs. 



!,    Alaieai 



17,   Kobe 


1C05.     Juno  S,  Ilciuy  Norreys  gout  was  bur. 

IGIO.     June  13,  A-inoiulcsliam  tlic  sonnc  of  Willyaiu  Dayc  of  Erayc 

Es(iuvi;r  was  Imr. 
1G12.     Oct.  18,  iluglic  Davics  gent,  was  buried. 
1G12.     Dec.  2,  KoLcrt  llig^'cs  gent  was  bur. 
1G12.     Dec.  20,  Sir  .Joliu  Xorrcys  knight  Decca.^od  at  Ilcywooddc  the 

Twcutietli  day  of  Deo"-.   1G12  but  lyelh  Interred  att  Bray 

Anicmgst  liis  Anccstor.s  there. 
IGl-J.     Feb.  28,  Susaiuia  tlio  daughter  of  Francis  Newberry  gent  was 

bur.  tlie  last  day  of  February. 
IGIG.     :^rar.  19,  ,To]in  Iliggs  gent,  was  bur. 
1618.     Dec.  16,  Thomas  Browne  gener.  sepultus  erat. 
1G18.     Mar.  18,  Anna  uxor  Roberti  Newberry  sepulta  fuit. 

1620.  Dec.  5,  M''.  Siniou  Rous  deji'ted  this  naturall  lyfc  tlic  vth  day  of 

December  Anno  Dni  1G20  at  Westminster  and  there  lyeth 
Interred  in  St.  jMargarett's  clmrche. 

1G21.  Apr.  27,  Tlic  Right  Honorable  Lady  Elizabctli  Countess  of 
Kelley  departed  tliis  naturall  lyfe  27  Aprilis  1C21  at  Ilcy- 
wooddc but  lyeth  Interred  att  Ingleflelde. 

1C23.  May  6,  Edward  Norreys  gent  departed  this  naturall  lyfe  in  white 
waltham  the  vjth  day  of  ISlay  1G23  but  was  carryed  to  Bray 
and  there  lyeth  InteiTcd  amungst  his  ancestors. 

1623.     July  22,  Maria  filia  Fraucisci  Newberry  gener.  sepulta  fuit. 

1G2-J:.     Aug.  9,  Radulphus  iilius  Eoberti  Newberry  sep.  erat. 

1621.  Sept.  3,  Johainia  uxor  Thomaj  -Montague  sep.  fuit. 
1626.     Apr.  2G,  Catlierina  fdia  Roberti  Newberry  .sep.  fuit. 
1G29.     July  4,  Catherine  lliggcs  sepulta  fuit. 

1630.  Aug.  23,  Elizabetha  Norreys  vidua  sc]).  fuit. 

1G3G.  May  22,  Arthur  ye  sonne  of  Sr  Edniond  Sawyer  Kt.  was  bur. 

1637.  Juno  13,  Thomas  !Montegue  was  Inii'. 

1637.  j\Iarch  21,  Thomas  the  sonne  of  John  Knight  gent  was  bur. 

1638.  Aug.  9,  Thomas  Iliggs  was  bur. 

163S.     Jan.  21,  Sarali,  the  daughter  of  John  Knight  gent,  was  bur. 
1640.     June  26,  Charies  the  son  of  Charles  Longfield  gent  was  bur. 
1643.     Nov.  10,  WiUiani  the  son  of  Sr.  lulmond  Sawyer  Kt.  was  bur. 
1645.     March  7,  M'\  Elizabeth  Gardiner  the  wife  of  M--.  Roger  Gardiner 

gent,  was  bmr. 
IGIG.     Aug.  20,  Richard  We.stcott  sen.  .L;eiit  was  bur. 
IGIG.     Jan.  23,  M".  Anne  Newbury  was  biirycd. 
1GI7.     Sept.  29,  ffrancis  the  wife  oi"  M^.  Richard  Cleer  was  buried. 
lG,-)7.     May  2,   :srr.  Phillips  was  bur. 
lCii7.     June  1,  iM''".  Tree  was  bur. 
IC.V.i.     May  13,  Tho.  Sawyer  Genllcmanc  buried. 
1G;V.).     Sept.  11,   ^Mr.  Tho.  Sawyer's  child  was  bur. 
IGGl.     Mav  22,  Roi,'er  son  of  Roger  Gardner  Esq. 
IGGl.     ,lan".  21,   Ric'liavd  We.stcol't  sen.  gent. 
1GG.\      Scj,(.  7,   Gen,;,,.  Sawyer  nf  l',allin-h;i'  in  the   county  of  neref.u-d 

F.Ml'-.  d\in.;  Ilicre  b,. in- the  .-.onne  >l-  lieire  of' Sir  Edmuiul 

S;,wv.T,  «.,.  buried  hen'. 
IGGG.      Ai-I.   19,    M.iiy   I'rideaux  widduw  the   Relict  of  Jolin   Fridcau.x 

late  bad  r.i.-hnpp  of  Worcester. 
IGGG,      Dec.  2,  Ann  the  \vife  of  Mr.  John   ^\\■stou. 


1009.     Fob.  It,  IMr.  Eilnmml  .Snwvor  sounc  of  ,Sr  lulnmiul  Sa^vvn-  Knt. 

1070.  Au-.  2,   ^ViUKiiii  Xc.ile  s,.nne  .^-  liciiv  to  Sr.  Taul  Xril.^  juit. 

1071.  Jnn.  3,  .Tolm  tlin  infant  .sonn  of  John  liiucli  Esiiuire  ^V:  Dame 

Sarali  his  ^\•ifc. 

1072.  May    18,  was    lluricd    ]\ri',    Riclianl   Ifavdiii-''    vican'j   dc  Alb. 


1072.  Fell.  28,  Mistres Chapman  of  liincs. 

1073.  Juno   1.^,  Kichard  Wtslcotc  .sen'",  of  llcidoy  viion  Tlianies  was 

1674.     Oct.  1,  Chapman  the  .sonn  and  lieirc  of  .J<.hn  llinch  of  llecns  Esq 
was  Bur. 

1074.  March  14,  Thomas  Camusa  child  ye  sonnc  of  flrancis  Bickerlon 

of  Chancery  Lane  London  was  lluried  heiv. 

1075.  Jlay  31,  .Tohn  the  sonnc  and  lieire   of  .John  Leo  of  ye  Inner 

Temi>le  London  Esq.  was  licer  Lnried. 
107.T.     July  1,  iSaniUpll  drove  of  London  Esqr  was  beer  Buried. 
107G.     June  21,  Sir  Edmund  Sawyer  of  Ifeywood  ICnight  was  Bur. 
1070.     Feb.  7,  Henry  ye  Sonne  and  heire  of  John  flineh   of  il'eens  Esq. 
1078.     July  3,  Edmond  the  soiin  and  Heire  of  John  liincli  of  il'eens  Esq. 
1078.     Aug.  0,  Dorothy  tho  wife  of  Roger  Gardner  of  Kingstone  vppou 

Thames  gent  was  bur:  hccr. 

1080.  I\Iay  28,  Richard  Westcot  gent  decca.'iin<;  v]ii>n  Thames  was  Bur. 

1081.  Aug.  11,  Dn)uc  Elizabeth   flinch  widow  of  the  i)ari,^h  of  West 

Ham  Bernells  in  vc  County  of  Essex  was  Bur. 

1082.  Oct.  10,  John  IHnch  of  flVens  Esij.  was  Bur. 

1083.  July  12,  Martha  an  infant  ye  Daughter  of  Thomas  [Montague  of 

Lanpooney  gent  wa-^  liur. 
1083.     Dec.  14,   Finch  the  sonne  and  heire  of   I'.dmoud  .^.iwyer  of  H.-y- 

wood  Esq  wa-s  Bur. 
1085.  June  12,  Edward  the  sonne  ,<;■  lu^ire  of  luhvard  Sawyer  of  lleywood 

1085.     Oct.  20,  Richard   Cleare  Clrk   vicar  of  this  parish  living    and 

deceasing  in  tlie  parish  of  Shottcsbrook  was  there  liuryed. 
1085.     :\Larc]i  0,  Sarah  the  wife  of  John  Leigh  of  Ileens  Esq.  was  ]5ur. 
1088.     Xov.  2,  Francis  tho  wife  of  Constantine  Phipps  Esii.  was  Bin-. 
1G90.     June  18,  Thomas,  son  of  Constantine  I'hipps  of  the  I'.iiish  of  St 

Dunstans  in  the  West  J>ondon  was  Ihiryed  here. 
1091.     Xov.  26,  Constantino  the  son  of  Constantine  I'hipps  of  \hr  VmIAi 

of  St  Andrews  irolborue,  Lond(jn  Esq^   in  llie  Coimly  of 

Middlesex  was  B.uiyed. 
1097.     Jan.  10,  Edward  Sawyer  of  Ileyworul  I'sr,  was  Bur. 
1701.      March  22,   [Mrs  Sarah  Carbonell  of  (lie  r,  ,.f  Si.  Dlavc's  Hart 

street  Lnn.lon,  was  i;ur. 
1701.      Sept.  7,   Anne  n„.  dau.^htcr  of  Constantine  Thippsof.St.  Andrew's 

linlbnn,  London  Ivq.  was  bur. 
no:!.      .Tan.  29,    Mrs.    M.ny    Sa«  ycr   of    llic    pal  i  I,    of    Saint   Audivus 

Holl,on,    i.ondim    in   \r    Conolv   of    ,\|,    widou-    was 

Buried  here. 
1707.     Aug.  23,  Martha  an  infant  dau^^htc  ,.f  :\l,.  Thomas  llaws,.!  the 

Parish  of  Chri.4,  Church  London  was  buiycd. 
1707.     Oct.  13,  Kichard  Manloyc  Esq.  was  Bur. 


r08.     Sept..  27Ui,   ^hs.  Anne  Yraton  of  tlic  paiisli  of  Saint  IMicliacl- 

Koyall  in  the  City  of  London  was  y>m: 
10.     Jan.  19.  Mrs.  iMary  Ca.sli  of  the  parisli  of  Saint  Andrews  llolbom 

London  was  ]jur. 
'12.     Aug.  23,  "William   Yieldall   gent,   died   here  and   was   buried  at 

■13.     :\ray  1,  ;\rrs.  Janc  Pliipps  who  died  in  the  Taiish  of  St  Andrews 

llolborn  London  was  Buried  licrc. 
'11.     Sept.  15,  Penelope  the  wife  of  Stcplieii  Lamport  Gent,  was  Bur. 
'1 1.     Nov.  27,  Janc  the  daughter  of  Jolm  Sawyer  Esq.  was  Bur. 
'I.').     Sept.  S,  Thomas  Hawes  of  the  Pari-sh  of  Christ  Churclr  Cittizen 

of  London  was  Bur. 
I  20.     ^ilareh  2.5.  John  an  Lifani  son  of  Jolm  Sawyer  Esq.  was  Bur. 
r21.     Sept.  14,  Th.'ophillus  I\fanlove  of  Eastliamstead,  r.ent.  was  Bur. 
]May  2t,  William   York   of    the    Saiut   ?>lacliell    in    the  eilty  of 

Oxford  Esq.  was  Buried  here. 
"24.     ISLiy  12,  Jane  Puncom  wid.  was  Bur. 
■2G.     Jan.  6,  j\lr.  Richard  Bassett. 
'27.     Sept.  17,  Mr.  John  Hawcs  Citizen  of  London. 
'28.     Nov.  G,  Lady  Dowager  Phipps. 
'28.     Marcli  19,  ^Nlrs.  York  of  St.  Giles's  Oxon. 
29.     Feb.  G,  Wra.  Phipps  Esq. 
■33.     June  17,  Jeriiiiiah  Oakley  Esq. 
'33.     S''-  16,  ]\irs.  iSIary  ?iIanlovc  of  Esthampsted  ^^■idow. 
IG.     June   1."),  .Alary,   tlie  daughter  of  Francis  Lee   &  Elizabelli  liis 

wife,  an  Lifant. 
17.     ?iiay  3,  James  Phi]ips  Esq. 

17.  Fell  19,  'William  JMaekwovth  Prned  one  of  tlie  f...undlings. 

18.  X,jv.  8,  i\rary  the  wife  of  .Mr.  John  Lee  of  WooUey. 

■'>0.  Sept.  f),  John  Sawyer  Esq.  of  llevwood  buried  in  Linnen. 

■''  I.  Aug.  IS,  ]\fr.  John  Lee  of  AYoulley. 

.-.G.  Aug.  27,  Mi:  Goodall  Tarn.'. 

r>'.l  :\Iarch  2,  James  Theobald  l'>q. 

r,'X  June  2o,  jSIrs.  Elizabetli  Theobald, 

709.  June  ,5,   j\lrs.  Elizab-lb  Tlirnl.dd  (■<;,■.) 

709.  Oct.  4,  ]\Irs.  :\laill,,,,  Mairintt. 

rCO.  March  G,  Henrv  S.wy.T  ll,..  eldest  son  of   Anthony  Sawyer  Esq. 

"70.  Apr.  11,  ]\Iv.  l.aiiivi,,,.  |;,iron. 

'70.  Oct.  20,   :\rrs.  AiiiM'  Sawver  lleliet  of  J„1hi  Sawyer  Esq. 

'70.  Oct.  20,   :\Irs.  Aiiiir  Tii;v;  I'^m   in  lliis  l'ari.,li  and  died   in   it  SO 

Dec.  13,   Antlioiiy   Sawyer  I'.sq,    of    Ileywood   Lodge   buried  in 

Aug.  12,   Sl>-|,l,rn  l.:iiii|, 

Nov.  22,    Mrs.  Alirr  (;,;,„|. 

N.A-.   10,    Mi^.   I  I,/., brill  lliiniell  n-ed  SO. 

.bill.  21,   .b.|,„    I'.nnnH  i:  ,|. 

i-rb.  C,    .Mis.   Maiv  Can... 

An;;.  12,   Lniii...!  riiailollr  .MMiitolieu  an  infant, 

June  10,   Mr.  Henry  Ealwa-.-er. 

rvrER.  57 

1797.  Jan.  8,  Sir  Ecnjamin  TeLLs  Knight. 

1707.  Aug.  -i,  :\Irs.  ])urotliy  Li'e. 

1708.  Jan.  28,  ^h:  Eubcrt  Laurmco  I?acon  from  Keading. 
1800.  May  2G,  llcnry  Eucl;slonc  Esq. 

1800.  Aug.  17,  Mr.  William  Fahvas.scr. 

1801.  July  11,  Mr.  John  Windsor. 

1801.  Nov.  27,   !Mr.s.  ElizahcUi  Ycanion  Buek.stonc. 

1803.  Eel).  3,  Mr.  Eusebias  Windsor. 

1803.  ilar.  4,  Mi-a  Elizahoth  Windsor. 

1803.  May  3,  John  Ecc  Esq. 

1803.  j\ray  11,  Mr.  Francis  Falwasscr. 

1803.  Nov.  23,  Mr.  Ruhcrt  Canu. 

1804.  Jan.  IG,  John  Greene  Esq. 

1807.  Aug.  9,  Susanna  TcLbs  wife  of  Sir  Eenjarain  Tebh.s. 

1808.  Nov.  G,  Mr!3.  Jane  Bacon  aged  48. 
1808.  Dec.  15,  Mr.  Basset  Leo  aged  68. 
1811.  June  1,  Mr.  Francis  Stanley  Grant. 

1811.  Oct.  25,  Mrs.  Ann  Eailcy. 

1812.  Sept.  26,  JMrs.  Sarah  Falwasser. 


By  the  l!ov,  EDWAKD  KIXO,  L.A.,  F.S.A.,  Scut. 

Tlii.s  family  socm.s,  at  one  time,  to  have  lieeii  of  .some  import- 
ance in  Launccston  and  the  ncighbourliood.  Tliey  possessed 
Madford,  in  Launce.ston ;  TreRmarrow,  in  South  Petlierwin  ; 
Pipcr'.s  Hill,  in  Wemngton ;  Trcdawl,  in  Altarnnn ;  and  live 
parts  of  Coleshill,  in  Li.skeard.  There  ^Ya.s  also  a  branch  at  St. 
Steplicn'8-by-Salta,sh.  At  what  date  they  settled  at  Lannce.ston 
i.s  uncertain. 

The  of  the  family  there,  of  ^vhom  mention  i.s  found,  \va.s 
Sampson  Pypcr,  one  of  the  eight  aldermen  named  in  the  Charter 
of  Confirmation  of  the  Municipal  Borough  of  Dunheved,  other- 
wise Launccston,  in  the  year  i^>rio.  This  is  probably  the  .same 
Sampson  Pyper  whose  name  appears  in  the  fifth  entry  in 
Registers   as   father  of  Digory   Pyper,  baptised  in    1559. 

The  In-st  of  the  Launccston  and  Tresmai'row  line  was  Phillippa, 
sole  cln'ld  and  heiress  of  Hugh  I'ypcr,  Esq.  Slie  married  Richard 
Vyvyan,  Recorder  of  Launccston,  second  son  of  Sir  Richard 
Vyvyan,  oV  Trclowarrcn,,  and  died  l\n.y  7th,  177E  Jiy 
her  Tnsm.'irrow,  Trcdawl,  and  the  five  parts  (if  Coleshill,  ])assed 
to  the  Vyxyans. 

It  secnis"strnuge  that  no  ixdign'o  of  th.'  Pyjirr  family  n]>p.'ars 
in  any  of  the  Jleralds'  Visitations;  and  this  ■omis.sicm  is' the  more 
•singular,  inasmuch  ;is  John  Estcott,  of  .Lamiccston,  father-in-law 

58  pypER. 

of  Sir  Iliigli  Pypcr,  was  Deputy  Herald  for  Devon  and  Corinvall. 
There  ai-c  merely  two  or  three  incidental  notices.  In  Harleian 
MS.  3288,  fol.  1(33,  the  marriage  of  Sampson  Piper,  gen.,  with 
Elianor,  dan.  of  William  Stowford,  i.s  given;  again,  in  3281,  fol.  2-">, 
in  the  pedigree  of  Charles  of  Plymouth  arc  three  generations  of 
a  younger  son — 

EuANouAM    (Stowkoud)   NUPTAM  SAMrSONI. 
Pyficr  do  Lauiiccstou,  gcur. 

Johein.  Piper=p"' 
Attayntcd.       I 

In  the  Additional  MS.  18,4'i8,  is— 

PiPKR  OK  Tr.EsMERE  £500  Per  Ann. 
■■•  Pijier  of  LaiincCbU)n=f=-- 

Sir  Hugh  Piper  nf=f=D.i.  of  P.irr  of 
Trcsmere.  I  ICxetcr. 

Philip  ripcr=pl'^i.  of    Cut   of 

}h,gh  Plpor. 

In  the  Vitfiiatiou  of  Cornwall,  in  1G20,  undrr  (he  family  ..f 
Uotson,  of  Hey,  is  a  William  Piper,  who  marrii/d  iilizabeth  dan. 
of  John  Dotson,  of  Hey. 

These  are  the  only  notices  of  the  family  in  the 
Such  being  the  case,  the  following  extracts  from  the  Registers  of 
St.  Mary  iMagdalcn,  Launceston,  and  copies  of  the  monumental 
inscriptions  there,  may  he  of  some  interest.  extracts  aic 
not  brought  down  to  the  present  time,  as  the  elder  line  merged 
into  the  Vyvyans  ;  whilst  some  of  the  younger  branches  seem  to 
liave  died  out,  and  others  to  have  sunk  veiy  nmch  in  the  social 
scale,  and  to  liave  become  "  day  labourei's,"  &c. 

The  baptismal  entries  are  here  given  only  d(nvn  to  1700 ; 
the  marriages  are  tals'cn  as  low  a.s  17oG  ;  whilst  the  burials 
are  given  to  1754,  in  order  to  include  those  of  the  main  lino  who, 
previous  to  1700,  appear  in  the  baptisms  and  marriages. 

Of  the  Yyvyan  entries  such  are  appended  a.s  have  been 
incidcnlally  met  with, 


155U.  D.Tciulici.  Till'  xxx'i'  dnye  Digory  llic  .somic  of  Saiiip.suu  I'ypcr 
15GI.     June.     Tlic  .\ii.i"'  daye  John  the  «oiuie  of  .Saiii)'::.on  Pyiier. 

PYPER.  59 

15G3.     Julie.     The  third  daic  A.qncs  the  dnn^'hter  of  Snni]ison  Pypcr. 
15GS.     Julie.     The  viij"'  daic  Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  Saiusou  J'iper. 
1570.     December.     The  xiij'-''  daic  Grace  the  daughter  of  .Sainp.son  TipcT 

1573.  Aprill.     The  xxviij"'  daic  Honour  dauglitcr  Sampson  Piper. 

1574.  Jlarch.     The  xxnj"'  dale  Elner  daughter  of  Sampson  Piper. 

1574.  June.     The  xxj"'  daio  Hugh  the  ponne  of  Arthur  I'iper. 

1575.  April.     The  xxviij"'  dale  .Jane  daughter  of  Sampson  Piper. 

1575.  December.     The  xxv"'  daie  Grace  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1576.  February.     The  xxiij"'  daie  Henry  sonno  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1576.  March.     The  xiii,j*'>  daie  John  sonnc  of  Sampson  Piper  gen'. 
1579.  October.     The  x"'  daie  Jane  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1581.  January.     Tlie  xxvij  daie  Katherine  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1584.  October.     The  v'''  daic  :Mary  daughter  of  Arthur  I'iper. 

1586.  April.     The  vij"'  daie  Dorothy  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1587.  January,     xxv"'  daie  Eliner  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1589.  December.     Tlie  iiij  daie  Honor  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1591.  June.     The  xj  daie  Arthur  son  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1593.  Xovember.     The  xix  daie  Sampson  sonne  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1596.  March.     The  xxx"'  daie  George  base  sonne  of  Honour  Piper. 

(Kcgister-s  defective  from  1610—1614.) 

1617.  October.     The  elcventli  day,  Maria  daughter  of  Arthur  Pijier  gent. 

1620.  November.     The  xxvj  daie  Will'"  son  of  Arthur  Piper  gent. 

1622.  I^Iarch.     First  daie  Arthur  son  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1625.  !Mny.     xix'''  day  Honor  da:  of  Arthur  Pyj>er  gont. 

1628.  Octolier.     Tlio  12  daic  Roger  sonne  of  Arthur  Piper  gen*. 

1G34.  August.     The  24  day  Eicliard  sonnc  of  Sampson  I'iper. 

1641.  The  22"^  August.    Arthure  the  son  of  Hugh  Piper  gent. 

1649.  November.     The  5.     Hugh  sonne  of  Arthur  Pijipcr  gcnl. 

1651.  I\rareh.     28  Thomas  tlie  sonne  of  Arthur  Pijicr  gent. 

1654.  The  20"'  of  Juno  wag  borne  Mary  the  daugliter  of  Arthur  piper 


1655.  November.     Tlie  Cth  day  was  borne  Emliey  dau:  of  Arthur  piper 

165G.     February.     Tlio  Third  was  bonie  Margaret  the  daughter  of  Arthur 

Piper  gent. 
1G58.     November.      11th  was  borne  Grace  the  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper 

gent,  and  bapt  the  23"''^  day  of  the  same  monlli. 
1661.     December.     The  6""  Homier  the  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper  gent. 
1663.     Julye.    The  13'"  Arthur  the  sonnc  of  Arthur  Piper  gent. 
16G4.     September.     The  4""  the  same  day  William  the  sonne  of  Arthur 

Piper  gent. 
1668.     August.     Y'  23"'  Robert  the  son  of  Arthur  Piper  gent. 

1670.  January.     Yc  l''  Honer  yc  d.aughter  of  Arthur  Piper  gent. 

1671.  Dccendjcr.    Yc  3"'  Hugh  yc  son  of  I'liillipp  Piper  gent  entered  info 

y"  book.      (This  entry  occui-.s  again  in  the  licgiiniing  of  tlic  mw 

IGG,").     Feljruary.     Y"  1''  Sampson  y'"  son  of  Arthur  Piper. 
167G.     IMareh.     Y"  11"'  Pobert  y"  .«on  of  Arthur  Piper. 
1G78.     Noveiid^er.     '^'e  da  :  of  Arthur  I'iper. 
1G79.      Ffiauccs.     X"  da.  of  Arthur  I'ijier  gent. 

60  PYPEE. 

1C81.     Jnmwry  22.     "William  yc  son  of  Arthur  Pipor. 
1700.     iMavcli  27.     ElizalicUi  yc  tlui.i^htpv  of  Saiiii)son  Piper. 

There  arc  iiuiiierous  other  entries  of  this  name,  but  after  this  time  the 
family  seems  to  have  docayeJ,  and  become  "day  labourers,"  etc. 

1593.     October.    The  5'i'  dale  were  maryed  John  Guld.son  and  Elizabeth 

1596.     A]iri]l.     The  xix  dale  were  maryed  Thomas  Collyns  and  Honour 

1599.     Septemljer.     Tlie  .xxij"'   daie   were  maryed  "William  Seamer  and 

Katherinc  Piper. 
1G04.     September.     The   .second  daic  were    maryed    Hugh    Piper   and 

1605.     July.     The  xv"'  daie  were  maryed  Thomas  "Wise   and  Deliorah 

Piper,     vid.' 
1607.     June.     The  xv"'  daic  were  maryed  Anthony  Dennis  gent  and 

]\fary  Piper. 
1612.     j\laie.     The  xxv"'  daic  were  maryed  Arthur  Piper  and  Ffrancis 

1675.     June.     Y'='21"'  Arthur  Piper  gent  and  Hester  Vigurs. 
1G85.     April.     Y"  25"'  Thomas  Piper  and  ^Mary  Dennings  of  Poughill. 
1736.     Nov^     Y'  27'''  Joseph  Pyper  gent  and  Elizabeth  llelson,  Licence 

dated  ^'ov•■  ye  26  1736! 

L.MViiiTTOx  Eegisteiw. 

1610.  Hugh  Piper  and  Mary  Escot  wero  marr;  8  of  May. 

Anno  dfii  15G2.      :\faye. 


1574.  «rptemb,.r.     Tin 


1582.  February.     The  1 1 "'  daie  was  buryed  John  son  of  Arthur  1  'iper. 

1588.  August.     The  10"'  daie  buried  Elnor  daughter  of  Arthur  Piper. 

1590.  Jaimary.     The  20th  daie  was  buryd  Piper  Cai.taine. 

1592.  August.      The  second  daio  was  buryed  :\rr.  Sampson  Pi]icr  g.'ut. 

1593.  Deeendjcr.      The   22"'  daie  was  buryd  .SainpM.n  son  nf  Arthur 

1605.      April.     The  second  daie  was  buryrd  Huit;h  Piper  gen'. 
1620.     Januarie.     The  17  daic  Arthur  I'iprr  tie-  cldrr  gm'. 
1G29.     June.     The   13  daie  burird  l^ogcr  the  sun  nf  Arthur  Piper 


1630.  December.     The  M  day  was  P.urvcd  Ifranrrs  wife  .,f  Arthur  piper. 

1631.  April.  The  9  day  was  P.uryed  Ij.mour  da:  of  Arthur  piper  g.-nl. 
1633.  Decemlier.  The  7"'  day  was  P.uryed  Mrs.  .Margaret  D:  Y. 
1639.     October.     The  .".O  was  iiuried  Henry  Piper  gent. 

1611.  August.  The  last,  day  was  burye.l  Mary  wile  nf  ]|n-h  Piper  -en. 
16-12.     NoVendjer.     The   2  day  was  buryed  Arthur  son  of  llu-h  Piper 


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V\\Kr,  died  iu  Ai-riK  1000. 

The  .XX 

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^cticiJS  of  3tiol\ 

BiBLioTiiiyjA  ConxuniENsis,  a  Catalogue  of  Works  relating  to  the 
County  of  Counwall.  By  G.  C.  Boase  and  W.  P.  Courtney. 
Vol.  III.     Loiuloii :  Loiignians,  Green  and  Co.,  1S82,  8vo. 

Although  the  first  two  volumes  of  tlie  Bibliotlioca  Cornubicnsis  have  been 
some  time  before  tlie  public,  it  may  not  be  useless  to  remind  our  readers 
tliat  thoy  arc  of  much  wider  vangi'  than  their  primary  title  would  lead  us 
to  suppose.  They  comprise  "  n  rafnlr„iiip  of  ilc  irr/'/iJu/.-i,  both  manuscript 
aiidpniitn!,  of  Corinshno  n,  ami  •>/  „;,,■!■.-■  i-rlaluhj  tn  flir  Guunfij  of  C'oni- 
H-uU,  wi'/Ji  hinijraphiad  mrinni-nn,Jo  and  cnpl.jii,:  I'trrnri/  rcfn-cnces."  How 
comi)letely  and  consciontiou.sly  this  titlo-page  description  of  their  contents 
has  been  carried  out,  may  bo  seen  by  a  glance  at  the  three  well  filled  and 
well  printed  volumes  which  form  the  sum  of  ^Messrs.  Boase  and  Courtney's 
labours.  The  enormous  amount  of  time,  industry,  and  patience,  necessary 
to  the  compilation  of  such  a  book  is  not  likely  to  meet  with  pecuniary 
reward,  but  it  deserves,  and  will  doubtless  obtain,  one  more  lasting,  the 
credit  of  having  for  tlie  first  time  made  a  County  Bicliotheca,  wortliy 
the  name. 

It  is  difficult  to  realise  how  so  much  information  can  Vie  condensed 
into  so  small  a  space.  The  most  obscure  tract,  penny  broadside,  news- 
jiaper,  or  magazine  article,  printed  in  our  time,  or  in  the  unrcmembered 
past,  worthy  of  remembrance,  or  worthless,  are  all  calendared  here.  This 
book  is  to  each  of  these  a  Bibliographer's  Manual  which  supplies  a  complete 
collation,  and  of  their  author.s,  a  complete  Biograpliical  Dictionary.  How 
the  authors  have  managed  to  find  out  so  many  genealogical  particulars 
concerning  obscure  and  unknown  writers  is  perfectly  astonishing.  This 
work  will  be  consulted  with  profit  by  students  of  all  classes  interested  in 
Cornwall,  whetliev  tlieir  hubby  be  History,  Biography,  Genealogy, 
:\Iiiu.ralogv,  Theology,  or  any  otlirr  subject. 

Thr  third  volmn.'  toMi;.Vi.,  ■  b  I  ;  of  Acts  of  Parliament,  civil  war 
tracts,  papcis  ivLitiiig  lo  niihiu:;,  inw. papers  and  sucli  like,  and  a  supple- 
mentary catalogue  of  aulhoi,-,  cinid  iu  extent  to  that  in  cither  of  the 
other  volume.'^. "  The  list  of  civil  war  tracts  will  save  future  historians  an 
immense  amount  of  labour,  and  tin;  heading  "  Mining"  may  Vie  consulted 
with  erpial  advantage.  A  very  useful  index  concludes  the  volume,  but  if 
we  can  delect  signs  of  iucoin)ih't,rii. ■ss  it  is  here.  "\Ve  think  that  an  index 
livble  lli,j  size  might  have  \>rvu  m.ide  with  advantage,  and  that  the 
references  should  have  been  iiiaile  on  a  more  comprehensive  plan.  For 
instance,  there  is  as  much  iircd  of  a  ivfiavnce  to  "Pattens  worn  by 
women,"  p.  25.3,  as  there  is  of  "  I'astics  /.c  divisions  of  an  orange,"  p. 
1313.  It  is  also  jaizzling  tu  know  wliv  iu  tlic  body  of  tlie  work  the  pedigree 
of  Leigh  should  1)C  referred  to  as  jainted  in  the  :\[iscellanea  Gencalogica 
only,  when  it  is  also  to  be  found  in  Col,  Vivian's  book,  the  Harleiau 
Society's  Visitation,  and  in  that  conuiieiiced  by  Sir  N.  II.  Nicolas, 

G2  NOl'ICES    OP    BOOKS. 

Tlicso  aro,  indood,  merely  oversights,  tlic  wondor  is  how  jMcssrs.  Boaso 
and  Courtney  have  managed  to  compile  so  exliaustive  a  work.  It  ouglit 
to  be  placed  on  tlie  shelf  of  every  Cornisliman,  as  veil  as  on  those  of  all 
■who  are  interested  in  the  history  of  the  county. 

History  of  the  Whays  of  Glentworth,  1523 — 1S52,      By  Ciiaru;s 
Dalton,  F.R.G.S.    Vol.  II.    A.  King  &  Co.,  Aherdecn.     1881,  8vo. 

We  have  already  noticed(vol.  iv.,p.  130),  the  first  volume  of  this  work.  Mr. 
Dalton  is  content  (vide  preface)  to  frankly  acknowledge  the  mistakes  he 
made  in  his  former  volume,  to  defy  his  critics,  whose  "  province  it  is  to 
find  out  mistakes,"  and  to  discontinue  ^;?(i'Zi's7i»i^  his  Look.  The  volume 
before  us  is  privately  printed,  because  "  there  are  so  very  few  of  the  many 
descendants  of  the  AVrays  who  take  any  interest  in  tlieir  progenitors." 
Though  vain  enough  to  fancy  that  we  are  able  to  detect  matter  for 
criticism,  we  feel  that  under  the  circumstances  it  would  be  as  uselesa 
to  point  out  errors  to  I\Ir.  Dalton  as  to  throw  water  upon  a  duck's 
back.     "\Ye  congratulate  him  upon  the  completion  of  his  labours. 

This  volume  is  divided  into  three  parts  and  an  appendix,  and  concludes 
with  a  very  useful  index  to  both  this  and  the  previous  volume. 

Part  I.  contains  an  account  of  Sir  John  A^'ray,  3rd  Baronet  of  dent- 
worth,  a)id  of  Capt.  John  Ilothanr,  the  Parliamentary  Connnander.  Of 
Sir  John  but  little  is  known,  save  that  he  made  two  good  marriages — 1st 
with  laizabeth,  widow  of  Sir  Symonds  D'Ewes,  and  2ndly  with  Sarah, 
d.aughter  of  Sir  John  Evelyn.  Capt.  Ilotham  married  Frances,  daughter 
of  Sir  Juhn  "Wray,  2nd  Baronet  of  Glentworth.  His  untimely  end  is  a 
matter  of  history,  and  the  details  of  his  career,  culled  by  Mr.  Dalton 
from  various  printed  sources,  form  an  interesting  chapter  in  his  book. 

Part  II.,  chapter  i.,  details  the  lustory  of  Sir  "William  "Wray,  1st 
Baronet  of  Ashljy,  who,  like  his  father,  Sir  Christopher,  was  a  zealous 
Parliament  man.  In  1C45  he  was  elected  M.P.  for  Great  Grimsby  in  the 
place  of  Gcrvase  Holies.  He  was  created  a  Baronet  at  the  restoration, 
and  died  in  1GG9.  This  creation  became  extinct  about  March,  1GS5-C. 
Chapter  ii.  gives  an  account  of  Sir  Henry  Vaue,  whose  writings,  says 
Clarendon,  "treat,  all  of  them,  of  religious  subjects,  and  arc  absolutely 
unintelligible.  JS'o  traces  of  eloquence, 'or  even  of  common  sense,  appear 
in  them."  Chapter  iiL  is  devoted  to  Sir  Drury  "Wray,  9tli  Baroi\et  of 
Glentworth,  who  was  Lieut,  in  Hemy  Cromwell's  life  guard,  and  settled  in 
Ireland.  j\Ir.  Dalton  calls  him  one  of  the  le;uling  characters  in  the  "Wray 
family,  as  from  him  aro  descended,  through  the  feuude  line,  the  represen- 
tatives of  some  of  the  best  families  in  Ireland.  Kather  an  emjity  honour. 
Chai)ter  iv.  gives  particulars  of  the  Selwyns  and  Faringlons,  drawn  from 
Mr.  Bazeley's  "Records  of  Matson  and  of  the  Selwyns." 

Part  III.  This  is  the  most  interesting  portion  of  the  book,  the  first 
chapter  devoted  to  Sir  Cecil  "Wray  (13th  Bart.)  ]M.P.  for  "Westminster,  is 
as  annising,  as  the  second  chapter,  which  details  the  history  of  the  last 
AYrays  of  Glentworth,  is  pathetic.  Sir  Cecil  was  succeeded  by  his  first 
cousin,  the  Kev.  Sir  A\'m.  TJUithorne  Wray,  who  only  enjoyed  the  title 
for  three  years,  and  died  at  tho  age  of  87.  His  son.  Sir  "\\'illiam  James 
Wr.ay  (15th  Bart.),  died  just  a  year  after  him,  at  the  King's  Head  Inn  at 
Coventry,  and  with  lii.m  the  family  became  extinct.     i\Ir.  l)alton  has  not 

NOTICES    OF    BOOKS.  63 

troubled  himself  to  discover  even  the  n<ainn  of  his  wife,  or  the  place  of 
his  burial ;  but,  apropos  of  his  death  at  an  inn,  iudulf,'os  in  repeating  the 
oft-contradicted  story  about  the  Duke  of  liuckinghani'a  dying  "  iu  the 
worst  inn's  worst  room." 

lit  an  Appendix  is  given  the  will  of  Sir  Christopher  Wray,  Lord  Chief 
Justice,  a  grant  of  arms  to  Leonard  "Wray,  and  some  register  extracts. 
The  History  of  the  Wrays  is  an  amusing  liook  and  worth  reading,  but 
evidently  not  intended  for  tho  critical  in  matters  of  pedigree. 

William  Penn's  okiginal  Troposal  and  Plan  for  the  FotJNniNQ 
AND  Building  of  PniLADELriiiA.  James  Coleman,  Tottenham, 
1881.     8vo. 

This  reprint  will  no  doubt  be  of  great  interest  to  many  of  our  American 
subscribers  and  friends.  Few  booksellers  know  better  than  ilr.  Coleman 
how  to  cater  for  the  taste  of  our  Transatlantic  cousins.  Besides  containing 
a  general  description  of  tho  province  of  Pennsylvania,  its  soil,  air,  ^vatcr, 
seasons,  and  produce,  both  natural  and  artificial,  and  "  the  good  encrcaso" 
thereof,  with  plan  of  tho  city  "newly  laid  out,"  there  are  lists  of  tho 
original  purchasers  of  1000  acres  and  upwards,  many  of  whose  descendants 
sur\-ivc  at  the  present  day,  and  who  are,  we  presume,  tho  present 
aristocracy  of  Philadelphia.  To  this  is  added  a  list  of  persons  holding 
property,  about  1720-30,  with  particulars  of  their  holdingsj;  and 
another  of  "  tho  good  and  true  men"  who  signed  the  original  Declaration 
of  Independence  in  1770.  On  the  last  page  Mr.  Coleman  has  added  a 
short  account  of  Pliiladelphia,  in  which  we  are  told  that  as  a  manufacturing 
city,  no  city,  with  the  oxcejition  of  London,  in  the  world,  can  compa  c. 
AVith  such  a  recommendation  ^Ir.  Coleman's  little  book  ouglit  to  find 
more  than  enough  Philadelphians  to  speedily  exhaust  this  edition. 

The  Genealogy  op  tue  Family  of  IIaslewood,  .Stafkordriure  and 
Warwicksuike  Branches,  also  the  Bai!Baik)i:s  I'.raxch.  By 
Revd.  Francis  Haslewood,  London  ;  ]\Iitchell  &  Hughes. 
1881.     4to.  10s. 

The  readers  of  tho  'Genealogist'  aro  doubtless  already  well  acquainted 
with  tlie  carefully  drawn  pedigree  of  Sir  Thomas  Haslewood  which 
appe.ared  in  our  first  vohnne,  and  also  witli  tho  genealogy  of  the  Shropshire 
bi-auch,  which  appeared  iu  the  '  jMiscellanea  Gcnealogica.'  In  the  present 
broi'hure,  wliich  is  privately  printed,  tlie  descent  of  the  Stall'ordshiro, 
^Varwickshire  ami  Barbadoes  families  of  the  name  is  traced  with  that 
caro  and  accuracy  which  ren<lers  Mr.  llaslewood's  previous  contributions 
to  tho  genealogy  of  the  name  of  permanent  value.  Tlie  oidy  point  which 
appears  to  need  explanation  is  the  engraving  of  the  arms  of  Mrs.  King.sley, 
who  was  a  daughter  of  Richard  Haslewood,  of  the  Barbadoes  branch. 
Tiio  arms  of  Kingsley,  with  a  shield  of  pretence,  are  there  impaled  with 
Hazlewood.  It  would  be  interesting  to  know  why  the  shield  of  lu-etmee 
appears,  and  also  on  what  authority  tlic  arms  of  Haslewood  were  usrd  by 
Ibis  branch,  whoso  pedigree  only  begins  in  17 1>0.  .'Vu  index,  worthy  all 
praise,  completes  the  volume. 


Mr  Ilaslowood  is  still  prosccutiuK  his  researches  into  tlie  history  of 
tho  B.amc,  and  will  be  much  obligc.l  to  any  of  our  readers  wIkj  can 
assist  him  with  register  extracts,  wills,  monumental  inscriptions,  or  other 
material  relating  to  it ;  and  also  to  the  Dcring  family,  llis  address  w 
—St.  Matthew's  Rectory,  Ipswich. 

The  Eibliogeapher,   a  Journal  of  Look-I.oee.     No.    1.     December 

1881.  Elliott  Stock,  62,  Paternoster  liow.  Price  l.s. 
Similar  in  size  and  type  to  his  popular  magazine,  "  The^AntiquaiT,"  Mr. 
Elhot  Stock  now  comes  forward  as  tlic  champion  of  Bibliography  with 
"Tho  r.iblio-a-apher."  The  taste  for  collecting  rare  and  curious  books  is 
Ho^icw;  the  taste  for  studying  their  history  and  their  contents  is  of 
modern  orowtli.  If  we  wish  to  estimate  the  future  of  jNIr.  Stock  s  Aiaga- 
Einc  by  the  contents  of  the  first  number,  it  is  only  necessary  to  direct 
tlio  attention  of  our  reader.s  to  Mr,  Lradshaw's  article  on  Clodfned  van 
derlla-^en  Mr.  Blades  on  ]]ercula,  and  to  the  columns  headed  JNotcs 
and  Nc^vs,"  which  present  a  irmtnA  of  what  is  doing  in  the  Biljliographic 
World.     Mr.   Stock  has  foreseen  a  want,  and  provided  for  it  well. 


1881,  120  pp.  35. 
Tins  little  tract  is  of  necessity  of  a  very  cL.'mentary  charaeler.  ^  It 
commences  with  the  assertion  that  the  Cowley  Family  nzay  ha^'e  existed 
Ion"  before  the  lloman  Conquest,  and  identifies  it  with  Culego  in  the 
Doomsday  survey.  "The  English  language  had  been  eniiched  with  the 
letters  <p  and  i/  long  before  cither  of  them  embellished  this  ancient 
cor'nomen."  It  proceeds  to  enumerate  various  persons,  more  or  less 
notable,  of  the  name  in  this  country  and  America,  and  of  cwrse  starts 
upon  the  popular  delusion  that  all  persons  of  the  same  naiiK'  iuv  dusc-ndud 
from  a  conunon  ancestor. 

Stephen  Cowley,  an  admirer  of  J. .ha  AVeslry,  wlio  died  early  in  tlui 
present  century,  is  tho  founder  of  the  American  family  as  to  wlioso 
ancestors  and  descendants  the  writer  seeks  information.  The  Kev.  Edwai^l 
Cowley,  founder  of  the  Shepherd's  and  Children's  Folds,  New  York,  is 
the  most  notable  member  of  the  f.mjil)'.  He  is  compared  with  '  tlio 
sahitly  Bishop   Camus,  who  r-pe...t...lly  declined  bishoprics  of  the  lust 

"  ''*^Jud"e  Cowley,  of  the  Boston  Bar,  well  known  as  a  writer  on  Divorces 
and  Divorce  Courts,  is  another  worthy  representative  of  tins  surnanie. 
Information  relating  to  the  family  should  be  addressed  to  the  Ivev. 
Edward  Cowley,  100,  i::ist  .VJnd  Slnvl,  New  York  City.  A\  e  ].rcsume 
hois  the  writer  of  this  lilLlr  look,  and  ro-phil:,nthropi.^l  of  the  Saintly 




(■Continual  fi-nm    Vul.  v,  j).  2RS.) 

MUXDY  c.f   Xfwbury. 
MMS.—SaU;  on  a  cros^  cn'jmilrJ  Anjcnl  fu-n  Jozovjc^,  of  lh'\fi>lJ. 
CuKST.— ^1    lorqxmTs  head   cnaol    !<'-ihh'   hemiiia',   fire   i.-^otiii'j  fn 
vioidh  proper. 

Hem-y  Mimdy  of-=j=Ainici.,  da.  of  ...  I'.cckon- 
Biapsdeii,  CO.  1  sli;nvu  of  liurgli  Clt-avc, 
Wilts.  CO.  South'toii. 

I I    I 

Anthony  Mun(ly=f=Tlorotliy,   da.    to    ...  John. 
of   Bidcsden,    3     I  ISlasun  of  Tidworth,  — 

son.  CO.  Wilts.  I'Mnu 

Anthony.  John  Mundy,  an-f=Judith,  da.  to       Winifivd,  relic 

Attorney  at  Law-  '  '■■■■'■'    -'        ''  '''"  '-— 


JVLLUlili-'^    ilUlJtH>U     I      ...       r  K'lCl      01  01     iJ'.HIll    lux    Oi 

andnow^Iayorof     Peniston,  co.        Salisbury. 
Ncwhnrv,  IGGi.    |  Y.irlc^ 

r  I 

Robert  Clarrard,  now  reimly-=Judith.  ]■  lizalioth. 

Steward  of  Newbury. 

KKLSOX   of    Chadleworih. 

Ail.MS.— &<We,  a  ero^sflor'j  Or,  a  h'uJ  Gahs. 

William  Nelson  of  L(.udoii,-f=-d)<-irotlij',  da.  of  John 
Chief  Prothonotary  of  tlie  I  Suiith,  Serjeant  at  Law, 
Conion  Picas.  j  of  ]juclnnghani. 

Thomas  Nelson  of  Chadleworthr-r^larv,  da.  to  Stei,hen  Puckett 
CO.  13erks,  ob.  1G17.  of  Colne,  co.  Wilts. 

I'dizabeth,  the  relict  of 
Thomas  Castilion  of  Ben- 
ham  \'aleiu;e. 

I\Iary,  ux.  Tle.mas 
Pda^rave,  Re(;tor  of 
lluiley  in]?erk.s. 

iK.rnlhv,  da. 
l'o-H;k  of  \V, 
P.  Iks.   '1   UV. 


•.f  Jnhn-pY'illi.ini  Xrl-on  of  (/had 

la.  of  Kieliard 

L.bbnf  1! 

I  r 


!:)  Mar,  UU 

.1.,    1 


I  M  1 

Thomas  Nel-on,  sou  Atme.      Jane 

and  lirir,  a't.  -Jt,  2LI 

Mar    ICG  I.  Mary. 



NEVILL  of   Jlilliiigbcre, 
Arms.— C^H  a  saliirc  Or. 
Chest. — A  hull  jwssaut  picl. 

Sir  Henry  Xcvill,  Kt,  of  Billing 
here,  Scig'r  AnibnssaLlor  in  France 
ok  10  July  1G15. 

=Ann,  da.  to  Sir  Henry 
Killigrcw  of  Cormvall, 

3.  Richard 
Doctor  of 
the  Civil 
Law  ;  lie 
had  a  da. 

1.    Elizahoth, 
iix.  Sir  Henry 
Berkley    of 
Yarlington,  co- 
Somerset,  Kt. 

Sir  Eichard  Brookes     Edv.-ard  Lcwknui 
of   Norton,    co.  of  Deiiham  Hall 

Chcshtre.  eo.  Suilulk,  Kt. 

y   of 

2.    Frances, 
Eichard    AV 
Apledorcombe  in  the 
Isle   of   Wight,  Kt., 
and  Barl. 

5.  Dorothy,  ux.   Eich- 
ard C:itelyn  of  AVing 

Sir  Henry  NeviJl  oi=j=ElizaLeth,  da.  of  Sir=Sir  John  Thorow- 
Billinghere  in  co.  Jolni  Smith  of  good  of  St.  John's, 
Berks,  Kt,  ob.  29  Ostcn  Hanger,  co.  Clcrkcnwell,  2  vir. 
June  1C29.  Kent.,  Kt. 


1.  Katherino, 
ux.  Sir  Tho- 
mas Lunsford, 
Lieut,  of  the 
Tower  of  Lon- 

2.  INIary, 

3.  Philli 
pa,  ux. .. 


2.    Hoiiry^^Elizabeth,   sole    da. 


and  heir  of  Richard 
and  niece andheir  of 
Edward  Staverton 
of  Heatldey  Hall, 
"Warfield,  co.  Berks. 

L  Eichard  Nevill  of  I'.ellingbore,=|=Ann,  cldrst  da.  of  Sir 
Esq.,  now  one  of  the  Justic(\s  of  John  Haydon  of  Ba- 
the Peace,  and  Deputy  Lieut.  |  conthorpc,  co.  Norfolk, 
for  tliis  CO.,  ret.  '18,  28  Mar.  Kt.,  Lieut,  of  the  Or- 
1CG5.  dinancetoKingCh.  L 

I    I 
L   Anne,  In 
M  Feb.  Ifil 


1     1 
3.  Elizabi-lh,boi 

1     5.  Frances, 


2:i    July 

G  iMay  1G57. 




2.  l^u 

i.ird,  bom 

4.    K.atherine, 
burn    23    Jun.- 

12  Oe 

.  IGfif). 




NOKE  of   rreisUiill. 

Arms.— Or,  on  a  ffss  Sahle  hetwp.en   time  le.npards   faci.-i  Gules  a.f  many 

crowns  of  the  fiel'l 
Ciii;sT. — A  lion's  gamh  erased  Gules  entiled  with  a  croirn  Or,  Imldinrj  an 

arrow  Gold  harhed  and  fligltted  Arr/cnt. 

Richard  Nokc  of  nray,=f=Dorotliy,  da. 
CO.  IJcrks.  I  of  ... 

William    Koke    of=Margaret,   da.   to 
rrcisthiIl,co.l3iTk.?,     The.   Kodkyii  of 
Gent.,    ob.    circa.         Grcystocko. 

John  Nokc  of  Stan-^ 
field  {?  Stanfor.l)  co. 

William  Nokc=r^rartha,    da.    of 

of    London, 
CJent.,  ob.  circa 

■1.  Henry  Noke, 
bur.  at  isiiahan 

l^dmund  Hunt 
of  Nurf ,  one  of 
the  Att'ies  of 
the  Exch. 

Agnc.=?,   ux.   "Wil- 
liam   Lloyd    of 
Olfley,  CO."  Hunts. 

Stamford  (? 

3.  Cliarles  Noke, 
bar.   in   the   l!ar- 
badoes,    lGGl-5, 

2.  William  Nokc  of  Lon- 
don, jMcrch.ant,  ob.  s.p., 
and    bur.   at    Surralt  in 
the  Indies  1G58. 

\.  Richard  Noke  of  London,  Cient 
eldest   son,  now  going  to   live  i 
Earbadoes,  tet.  45,  Nov.  2,  IGCG. 

Anne.=[=Simon  Hopper  of 
Richmond,    co. 

\.  Robert. 

I  I 

Martha.  Jai 

NOYES  of   Trunkwood. 
Xnws.—Argnit,  three,  cross  cros.lrl.-^  in  lend  Sahle. 
CM-.iT.—A  dure  Argent,  in  tar  hal;  an  olive  hranch    Vert. 

Peter  Noy,.s= 
of  Andnvor, 
CO.  Hant^. 

=AgneR,  da 

•of  .T„ 



IVtiT  Xojr.s  iil'-plCli,inoi', 


of  Jkisiug,  CO.  Hants. 

I  "      I 

Peter   Xoyos  of-f^Wiiiifivd,  da.  of  ,To]ui  2.  John 

Trunkwood,  fct.      AVliite    of    tin.'    liniui-  Noyes. 
39,  1GG4.                T.inple,  Esq. 

I  II  I  II  I 

Peter  Xoyc,';,     John.  Samuel.        "Winifred.  Katherine. 

eldest  son.  —  — 

"William.  Susan. 

OFFL]' Y  of   Woodley   in   Summing. 

Am\»..—A,;jri,t,   on  a  crns.^   flnrij  hiiu-m,    fun,-   Cnnil^li   diou./h-:    prnji. 
a  lion  rampant  ijanhuif  Or,  k   mullet  fur  'h'lf'civiicr. 

"William  Ofllcy  of  Putney,  =p]Margaret,  da.  and  heir  to 
CO.  Surrey,  Esq.  Kalph  Crew,  of  Co.  Chcsh. 

"William  Oniey^rSu.^ 

anna,  cla.  ani 
of  ...  "WarJall. 

Anne,  ux.  Xevill  Lora- 
more  of  London,  Citizen 
and  j\Ierehant. 

"Will  am  Oflley  of  "Wood--T=Annc,  da.  of  Julm 
levin  Sunning  parish,  co.  I  Harrison  of  Hur,-<t, 
Perks,  D.C.L.  co.  Ik'rk.s. 

William  Oniey,  a:t.  5,  Anne. 

25  Mar.  1GG5. 

OX  LEY  of   "Windsor. 

AuM.s.  —  (J,;  throp  piles  wrrtiiuj  near  the  Ini.^c  Gules. 

a  mnllet  Sahle. 
Cmz^i.—Oul  (,f  a  ilurul  rurunrt  Or  an  ra,jh  prope. 

John  Onlcy  of  ...,-|-J:inc,  da    of. 
CO.    Ncilirinn.  I  ^Varrni. 

a  ennton  Ar.ient 



I    I 

I'ranccs,  ux.  (h 

Aline,  ux.  "\Vi 
Gooiluinn,  citiz 


citizen  of 

KirhMxl    Onley,-=t-Ai 


TayL.r  of 


o     -1    „^-   rnnv.rn         Sniiuel  Onloy  of  Wind-=rK'>lli"-ine,   da.   te 
Samh,  ux.  Ocoige         ^^^^^^^^  ^^  MercliautTjohn  Davenport, 
l.Tof  Lonaon,fet.  50,     ^^rereliant  Taylor 
30'Mav.   1GG5.  of  London. 

Oiigley  of  Mayd-         so 
stone,  CO.  Kent.  Ti 

John,  son  and  lie 
9,  30  I^Iar.  1GG5. 

PACKER  of    Sliillingfoid. 
,,.-G^dc,,  a  cross  h::e,gii   Or,  h:{,re<nf.nn-  ,-.-.  ^^''r'^^^^^V^;^^^ 
Per  chevron  Azuro  and  Or  n,  r]u>'f  /"o  .hilruns  .,f  tlu  ..,u,,i. 

John  Packer  of  Westminster,  oneT=Philipra,  da.  nf  1 
of  thcClerkcsof  tlie  Privy  Seale. 

■is  Mills 

,f  Sonthami> 

John  Pac-     1.  3'>lizaheth,  ux.  John 
rv,  ]^r.   of       Ihwvnc,  Esij.,  now 
hiVick.  Gierke  to  the  Lords' 

House  of  Parliament. 

obcrt  Packer  of  Shil- 
iiuford,  CO.  Berks, 
,sq.,  -MV.  for  Wai- 
n-ford, ret.  53,  20 

da.   e: 


-1.  "William Pac---=rJane,  da.   of 

ton,  CO.  15erkf 

Tho.   Saun 
ders  of  Wool- 


I  I 

Im  P.aekev,  son  Anne, 

dheir,  .Tt.'.l,  20  dyed 

ilv  IGCG.  oun' 

1.  Kohert. 

2.  John. 

"I    I 

L  Isah 

2  Kalh.,  ux.  John 
(loll,  Esq.,  (if  Hor- 
ton,   CO.   Derby. 

-  Philip  Parker-rT-al.el.da.of.SiiPohert 
of  Ci.H.mbrid-e,  I  l'.ail;l;y,Kt.,somelime 
CO.   Kent.     •  one  of  the  J.  J.  of  the 


3.  Ka 
1.  Tel 



PAGE  of   Biay. 

Jolin  l';ic;o,  AVurdrol.u  Keepcr-=T=:\lavy,  da.  and  lu'ir  fif  ...  Fowler, 
to  Kin-  Henry  YIII.  Alderman  of  L(nulon. 

2.    Kandolpli   Page   of^...   da.  to  ...  Edri.lgo 
3!]av,  CO.  licrlcs.  I  of  ....  co.  Midd.x. 

1.  Arthur, 
ob.  .s.p. 

I  .11 

Jolin    Page  of=j=Janp,  da.  to  Simon      Mary,  nx.  ...        >Toyco,  iix. 

Bra)',  olj.  165G.     Wincli  of  Pray.  Powney.  I'owney. 

Jane,  u> 

I  I 

2.  Tliomas=Franccs,  da.  of  ...  Koy-  Llianor,  ux. 

of  Piaj'.         .^ton    of    Culliam,    co.  Samuel  Nel- 

Oxon.  son. 

]'.lizal)olli,  da.  Rieliard=j=].  Simon  Page  of-pElizabeth,  da.  to  Hugh  Web.s- 
Uo))^  of  ^^'e■^t  AViek-  I  P.ray,  fct.  -lO,  28  ter,  citizen  of  London  and 
ham,  CO.  P.ueks.  Mar.  16G5.  relict  of  Winder  of  Winlield, 

John,  son  and   heir,  sot.     Sarali 
15,  28  1\Iarc]i  1CC5. 

r  "I 

Eazarus         Elizabeth. 

PALMER  of  Wokinc'har 

Ai;m.s.  — Quarterly,  1  and  1,  Chcqiii/  Or  and  B<thl,\  on  a  clurf  Gtdc.-i  tico 
mulfrf.^  of  Ihr  fird  ;  2  and  3,  a  fc^s  hdwcm  three  unnulds. 
V.  Sir  Edw.  ]'.y«he,  Clar.  10  Car. 

Ciii;sT.-  A  lalbot  svjunt  Ermiiwk. 

Pieliard    Palmer   of=t=Eliwbelh,  da,  of  John  Pall 
AVokingham.  of  Wokingham. 

-S      Ki 


of     John  Pal- 

.-.p.        ..f  W..kingl 
oil.  1G37. 

Kuhard  :\Iead  of     nier    of 
Soullirrry,    co.  Kyc,  co. 

Pucks.  Sussex. 

da.    of    ... 
Gary  of 
Lewes,  CO. 







A  MHO. 





heir  0 


i-istoratLaw,  now 

iMsll  I 

in    Coin,    for  tlic 



Peace    of    this 
Cuuntv,    a't.    53 



of  Oliver 

I    I 



Piclianl  r^ 
son  and  he 





da.  of 

Kichurd.     Mark. 

PALMER  of  Ilatford. 
Ahm.s. — Bahl<\  a  chevron  Or  between  three  ere/cents  Anjeiit. 
Chest. — A  dragon  Gules. 

William  Palmer^ 
of  Wadsdcii,  co. 

pFrances,  da.  of  ... 
CO.  Bucks. 


'Thomas  Palmer  of  Newcastle^ 
uponTyno,ob.  1G40.  Matilda, 
da.  of   ...  Andrew  Millard  of 
London,  Sur;;eoii,  3  ux. 

■■...  da.  of  ...  Copley 
of  Long  Langford, 
CO.  Berks. 


Thomas  Palmor-pJoano,  da.  of  Ral 

-f    llatf. 
P.<rks,at.  IG,  IS 
:\Iar.  IGCL 

Pi-oll  of  Chav 
(Cliarlow),  CO. 




11  ja- 









I  I 



Thoma,-?,  .son 
and  h.' 
19,  18   Mar. 





PJ-.ACOCK]-.  uf    Cliawloy. 

llobeil  I'eMcockc,  T.uia=f=... 
Mavor  cif  York.  | 

unvnj   lo::evr 

AViUiam   Tcacocko,    a-p. 
younger  son.  I 

Richard rcacockeof-rMav^^avet,  da.  of  ^JichoU 
Scotter,  CO.  line.       1  Allcmson. 

2.  jihn   Peacocko^pMary,  da.  of^TUcona.  l^  JV.nian. 

of    ChawlPY,    CO. 
]^,crks,  oh.  1615. 

1.  An.,,nx^Tho„i.. 
]),.,l,r,  luctor  of 
Audlrv,  en.  Oxon. 

Citiz('n  and  Jlcrchant  Tailor  of 

2.  Mary,  ux.  John  ElizahcUi,   nx. 

^loorc  of  Clicstor-  George  Lrown, 

ton,  CO.  Oxon.  of  co.  Kent. 

.,..lnn-,ux.  5.    SuLnna,     jllm  reacoekc^Martl.  d.aud     GM 

,1„1,„    AV.--  nx.    Thomas  of   Chawley  in 

t.nnf  Thistle-  Holt,  Kernr-  the   of 

^v,.rlh   (L-le-  derofAhing-  Cnnn.e.r,  a  Ma- 

u..lh),    eo.  don.  j.,rof]'uol. 

liuir    of    John     garet. 
TuV)old    idia^ 
Theohald   of 
Chilswell,  CO. 

I    I 

,-    '    ■    TT         1        i.-v.n,r.,.s    ill    of  Edward       Anne, 
yranrisreacocke.pli.nicis    iia     oi    j    n 

of    Chinvlev,    1-1.   Ml.lynof  M.n.sterLovell 
58,  10  Mar.  If.lll    I  eo.  Oxon. 

1  I 


l-van.-i..         Thomas.        Itehn,!. 
CK^rhs,         Koherl.  .l-hu. 

Ui'liaiu.       Sanmel         V'.dwaid. 

■1  111 

1  enrv.      Mar 

Kli/.ahrlh.  Anne. 




PJ'AKCK  of  OaklieM 

Tlionias  IV'iircf  uf=f=. 
...  CO.  ])ucks.         I 

of  ...   Yoke 

Tlioiuas;  IVarso  of=j=].)nrothv,    da.    of   ... 
Xcw  Wiiulsur.       I  (?  Xokc)  of  ...,  co.  .Sii 

Charlc?  Pfarco  of=T=l-:iizabet]i,    da.   and    sole  Godfrey. 

WoklicM,    (Oak-     licir  to  RowlaiidJolin.-iou  — 

field),  CO.  Berk.^.       of  I.ondon.  J-JizaLctli,  s.p, 

inc.  Doi'uth 

PEKKIXS   of  Ufloii. 
Akm,S.  — 0;-,  rt/r'.-w  ,hinnilrr  hrt,n;:n  .o'.r  hilht.-  Kninn.' 
Chk«t. — A  ii'utn  aj'i>Ii'  ■•'faU.-'rl  and  IrarrJ  /,r"/"r. 

Franci.s   Perkins  of^- 
Uflon,    CO.    IVrk.s 


'uinf  Ca 

of    JnllU 

moiv,  CO. 



s,  Ks,,. 

1    '~  ' 

3.  iM-anccs,  iix. 
Kdu-.  Codiin;.'- 
loiiinco.  Wills. 

2.   Klizal.dh,   ux. 
William     ISlouiit 

of    Wclhnus,.,  rn. 





1.  :Mar-ai 
...  St.  Ci 
CO.  llrrts 


JUlllrr  ..f 

I  I  i 

G.    Mary,     ux.  f..   Winifivd,   ux.  Pranris  IV.-^ 

■Inlm   liide    ..r  Arlliur    Mamvar-  kins,    o1,. 

Hid...  Pud,  CO.  in-uf  I'.r.MMJill,  lOflO. 

P.crks.  Ivn. 

Pr.niris    Pn-kiiis  ,,f   Uftoa,  cm. 
.P>crk.s,  a't.  11,  25  Mar,  IGC"). 

=Pranccs,  vo. nicest    d.i 

to  lltinAAVillrll-Mlldi 

of    liur-ldcliair   (Pmr 
klrlunv),  .-,,.  lU'iks. 



PIGOTT  of    iriitfora  aiul    ]\Iarcli;un. 

Arms.  -Qiuulerly  of  6,  1,  Snhfc,  Hirer  vrillplrl-:^  Anjcnt  ;  2,  Air/ait,  three 
hitgle  Iwrns  Sahlo,  driuncd  Or;  3,  Anjcnf,  <i.  t^nltlro  cvcjraihd 
Sable,  on  a  chief  of  ihe.  second  ficn  vudlefs  of  the  field;  i, 
Argent,  on  a  cro.'^s  mo/rculed  Bahle  another  plain  of'th<i  field 
hetwcen  four  innlkln  of  the  second;  5,  Azure,  a  linn  rampant 
within  an  orle  of  cross  crosslets  fifchee  Or ;  6,  Gnles,  freity 
Argent,  on  a  chief  Or  a  lion  ramjinid  gordant  of  the  field. 

Chest. — A  grc^'hound  couchant  ib'ahle. 

Francis  Pigoll  of  iratfonl,=[=:\Iargavet,  da,  of  Allan  ]]ullcr  of 
CO.  IJcrks.  Aston,  co.  Xoiili'ton,  E.sq. 

Alban  Tigolt  of= 
]\Iardiam  ami  of 

Jane,  nx.  Tho- 
mas I'.aynavd 
of  "Wnnslrow 
in  Sonieisclsl). 

■Jlargarc't,  da.  and 
colicir  of  Randolpli 
A\'colov  of  London, 

Ralpli  Pigott=pElizabeth,  da. 

of  West  Char- 

of  ...  Goro  of 
Wallop,    CO. 

2.,ludith,    lOdf.t 
Pigolt.         da.  of  Dr.  Paul, 
l^.ishop  of  Ox- 

I     I 

3.  Ealph  Pi- 
golt of  Ful- 
forJ  in  I\Iar- 
chani  Parish. 

I\Iary,  nx.  Bal- 
thazar iJcar  of 

Francis  Pigott  of=Elizabelh,  da.and 
Marchani,  Esq.,  hcirof ...Lawson, 
now  one  of  the  Citizen  and  Mer- 
Deputy   Licuten-     chant   Tailor   of 

ants  and  Ju.stico 
of  the  Peace  for 
the    County    of 
Berks,  :et.  50,  IG 
Mar.  ICGl. 

London,   and  re- 
lict  of   Francis 
AVafson  of  Chinch 
A.ston,  CO.  Salop. 

PILE  of  Okcniarsli. 
AuMH.-Argrid,  a  rro.^s  hrtirern  four  pre<sion  nails  Gnles. 
CitrsTs,  — ()///  nfn  coronet  on  oidel,,pe\,  he,,d  Or  horned  Gnle. 
Old  of  a  coronet  a  jvJiran  in  her  pietg. 

Sir   Gahri.l   Pile  of^^... 
Couijilnn,  CO.  Bucks. 



Sir  Francis  Pile  of=T=Eliziiboth,  da.  to  Sir  Francis  ropliam 
Compton,  Bart.  of  Ilounsticet,  co.  Som. 


Sir  Seymour  Pile  of 
Cliilton,  CO.  Wilts, 
mar.  Elizabeth,  3 
da.  to  Sir  Hunry 

Cabricl  Pile  of=Francc.s  t  .la. 
Okemaishintlie  tr,  Sir  Henry 
l>arishofChaiUe-  Jfoore  of  ]"a\v-  ]]crks.     ley,  co.  Lerks. 

Joane,  da.  to  ...=|-Sir  Francis  Vi 
Still,  2  ux.  Kt.  and  13an. 

=Mary,  da.  to  Samuel  Dinicli 
of  Puscy,  1  ux. 


PLOMER  of  New  Windsor. 

AiiMS. — Per  f'fs  florii  rovntcrJlor>j,  three  marthjts. 
Crest. — A  dcmi-liuti  mmpanl  Gulo!  holdiii'j  a  garh  Ur 

Walter  Plomer,  Citizen=|=...  da.  to  ... 
of  London.  I  dc  la  Cice. 

3.   Thomas, 

1                             1 
2.  Edmund,         ].    Jnlm- 


1,1.   to- 


mar....  3  da. 

mar.  ...  da,         PI.,.,,,., 

John    Pa 

'e    of 



to    ...    Sly-        of   Lm„ 

Harrow  (. 

n  the 


of   London, 

ford.                      don. 




Win.lsor,  al 
I^Iar.  icon. 



da.  t, 







id    (.t 




■...  Mi 


CO.  Hei 

I'lict  ..f   W; 
(if  Mockh; 

Jolni   Plomer,  son        A), lie. 

and  heir,  al.  0,  30 

Mar.  1CG5.  Elizabelli. 

I    I 




PLUMl'TON   of    New   ■\Vina.-;or. 

ARyii.—A^urr,  jlrrf„.;U  :„/.:,  Or  '.">rh  r/uir.jr,!  ,r!th  m,  ,>r,il!„p  Gale 

Hum-y]'lumiitoi,,Ciliz.-n=pAiiiio,  ,l;i.  I.,  Aii.licw  Olioinc,  Citizen 
ami  Baiter  of  Londdii.       I  aiul  Mercliaiil  T^iyk.r  of  Lou,lnn. 

1.  Ilcmy  riuiup-  Elizal.etli,  .b.= 
ton,  mar.  Cliri^-  to  Kieli.  ?*Iar- 
tian,  da.  to  llciuy  shall,  Citizen 
Ap  Price.  anin)rapi'rof 


=A7uUew  l'luni]i— =Marv,  da.  to  Tlio. 
toiiofNcwAViiid-  ]  fairs  uf  l'.rl;e- 
sor,  cTt.  G2,  ;J0  l.nin..,  en.  IWrks 
Mar.  1CG5.  (Kent),    relict   of 

Citizen  and  i^Ier- 
ehant    Taylor  of 

t    I  I  II,, 

AVilliam.  Ricliard  riinnplon,  IMargaret.  London. 

—  eldest  sun. 

Andri'W.  Elizabeth. 

I'OKDAGE  of    ]!i;,.llii 

AhMS.  — -i/-./'7//,  <>    fr,,  rhnjH,/   Or  mo?    a,:lr.<,  In  rlnrf   ihrn 

of    thr   h-l. 

Clll-ST.  — .1  'lr<vj'jii'.<  lira,)    Or  rnniHliifj  jhiiiir.<  nf  jirr  pmin 

Samuel,  Citizen=f=Eliza1ielh,  da.  ...  Tayln 
and  Grocer,  London.  I  Citizmi  of  London. 


John    rordai;e=f=:\rarv,    .la.    (o   ... 


of    L.radfield, 

Lanr  nf  Trdliurv 

r.'lirt    of 


CO.    y,rYk^,    .Tt. 

(Tenhuvy),    <-n. 

Thomas  Fal- 

GO,   2.')    ]\rarch 


dn,.,  Citizen 


Imry,  co.  (iloc). 

of  L..n,lon. 

Ill  I 

duhn.  KamuellVrda.4e,snn=r1)niras,  vnnn-osl  d,i, 

—  and  heir,  a't.  30,  'J.')  I  AVdli.nn     l.anjm,,,,. 

William.  March  1GG.5.  Lnndmi,  Mrrcliant. 


Charles  Povdage,  :et.  3. 

I     I     I 
in         :\rarv. 




I'OTTKNGKR  of   Jlui-l.nrl,!. 

Amts.—Prf  hcwl  Or  ami  Suhh;  a  h,iul  hcpw/t/  Aiynit  iiml  Gtilcs  hrtwoen 
mx  Jlcnrs-drMs  cn„nfrn-hai>grd. 
A  Putt.,  p.  Sr.  Kdw.  I'.ysshe. 
Chest.— .4  Jkur-ilr-Us  S>M-  c!wn/,J.  ,r!lh  Ihr  •<■  hccngc^  A,;jnnt. 
Motto. — •"  (Innli.-;  n'/a  finis  ila." 





r   of^ 




.  to 


itts  and 







■  t     u{ 







way    of 

John.  2  .son,  juar.  RichaRlPof--j=Aravy,  da.  to  John         'Ma 

Anno,da.  toWil-  tcn-cr,    ol. 

liani    AVithns  (,f  1C59,  1  .s,j 

ManyDownr,  CO. 

I    I 


I    I 

I     I 

J!rowne    of    llur-  William 

clcrc(l!ur-hckTc),         Turner  of 

CO.  liant.^.  Kuadin-. 

Walter  ]^l-=--=],  da   to  . 
longer.  (i)ven\vay  of   Mid: 

liam  (CO.  Peik.s). 

I     I 

Sarah,  late 

Kalhcrine,  w.  to  Ifopkin 
Vau-han  of  Cdhiit  ('?  Cal- 
dicott),  c.  MoiiniouUi.Esii. 

POU^'T  of   South  Moreton. 

AUMS.— n,iarlcrly,  1  an.l  4.  Oiilr-^,  lim  in-,„js  cmijun,,;!  Aninil,  a  hu,;hi 

engrailed  Or  ;   2  and  ?,,  Azurr,  a  luurr  Argr,,/. 
CinWT.— J  ,jrnjlu„ind\<  had  wing.d  Anj.  ,d  gurgrd  Or. 

Gcor-e  Pount  of  Pianipton.-pMar-ery,  .la.  i>f 
CO.  llnnt.s.  ...  C!o,-liii''. 

I  11 

Ifenrv   Pount    of-|"l)..rolh\vla.  ..f  Pi.liaol  An.hew,        Clor 

So>illnH.>rl.m,  ai.   I   Whisll.r  ..f  Suulhuior-  s.;,.  f.-^y 

78,  M  Mar.  ItiGl.     t.iu. 



Susanna,  da.  tn-f-TucharaPounl,— :Nravy,  ib.  of        2 
Clcnicut    Mav-     son    ami    lu'ir       AViliiani 
tin,  lately  one     at.  3l',  1 J  ]\Iar.      Tippinc;  of 
His  Majesties       1GC4.                     Draycutt,i;o. 
rensioncis.                                         Oxen,  1  ux. 



II                          II 
Susanna.                Ilenriotla 

rOWLE  of    Shotleslnook. 

Arms. — A:it)r;  ( 

/(V.S  Ermine  hdwa 


thr(jp  lions  rami 

a„f  Or. 

CitEST. — A  iinkorn's  hcail. 

Henry   Powlo  of-^Aun,   da.  to 

Colno  Aliens  (S. 

...   Poole  of 

Ahhvin's),    CO. 

Cotes,    CO. 



Henry  Po\Yle=i 

rK.atherine,        2.  Wi 

liam,       !Mary,  r 

X.      Ann,  ux.  .. 

of   Shots- 

da.   of    I\Ia-       s.|i.                      ...  Ijarl 

or     Ilinson    of 

broolce,    co. 

thew    Ilar-                                  of  Ihn> 

t.       Ahlsworth, 


bert  of  Mon- 

CO.  Gloc. 

Sir   Kiel 


larJ          2.    ITi^nrvM- Elizahotli,    si.'^ler 



TowleofSlioLs.     T.,wl,.. 

tothel-ord  New- 

(lied young. 

Lrooke,   \k\.  of 

port   of    lli.uli 

the    liath    to 


K.  Charles  II, 


aH.  35,  28  Mar, 




PEATT  of   Cukvsliill. 

AuMS. — Argent,  on  a  cliecron  Suhh:  hcticceu  three  pell nts  earh  cliure/ed  with 
n  martlet  of  the  fiel'l,  as  rnrmy  rnasclei  Or.  The  hidgc  of 

Ckest. — A  wolf's  head  per  pale  Arg-'nt  and  Sable  gorged  Or. 

Sir  Henry  Pratt,  sometimc=j=i\rary,    da.    to 
Slierift'    and    Alderman    of  I  Thomas  Adams 
London,     Ivt.     and     IJart.,     of    Wisbitch, 
created  28  Jidy  IGIO.  eo.  Carnbr. 

F.lizabetli,  1  mar.   to  Edward 

Sir   Gcorgo=f=]\Lirgaret,  da. 


l;.il;erof  Tew,  CO.  SomVett;  2, 


to  Sir  Ilum- 

Pratt,  had 

to  Henry   Pratt  of    Wcldon, 

ret.    58,    9 

jihrey    For.-;- 

only  Jilar- 

CO.   Xorth'ton;   3,  to  Edwin 

iMar.    1G65 

ter  of  Aldcr- 


IV'iiIe  of  London ;  4,  to  Francis 

(?of  Coles- 

maston,   co. 

I'liibps  of  the  Middle  Temple, 

hill.    See 

]!erks,    Ki. 

Loudon,  Esq. 



and  Part. 

Sir  Henry   Pratt,   son    and   heir,   ;et.   IG  IvLay. 

anno  snpradict.  [dyed  Jan.  the  10,  1G73-'1.] 

PUREFOY  r,f   Wadley. 

arterly,  1,  Qnarterhj,  one  and  jovr,  Aznrr,  three  stirruj^s  Or 
(Purefoy);  in-o  and  three,  Sahle,  three  pairs  of  de.rler  hand.^ 
conjoined  Argent  (Purefoy).  2,  Qnarterli/,  one  and  four, 
Ermine,  two  and  three,  paUj  of  si.c  Or  and  Unle,-:  (Knighiley), 
3,  A::ura,  on  a  fcss  Or  hetieeen.  threr  s/irarheads  Argent  a 
greyhound  courant  Salle  (Unton).  •(,  Sitl:h\  a  chevron  Ermine 
between  three  crescents  Argent  (Clover).  ( In  an  esciitche<in 
of  pretence.  Quarterly,  l'  and  1,  Or,  tim  bars  Gnbv  each 
charged  irlth  three  'water  bnwirtr.  Arand  ( Willonebby). 
2  and  3,  A::,ire,  three  el mpir-fni'l.,  Ar,,<ul  n-ilhin  an  arte' of 
eight  rn.,,  cn>^<lr/.  Or  (l^n..]],.,..    !  Tilurv). 

dcrtcr  ganiillrl  gra.:j>ing  a  J-ralu-ii  tilling  .y.rar  all  jirojicr. 

I'dward  Purefoy  of  Sli: 
(SliaLlone),  eo.  Puck.s. 

-I  .ioyee,  ,1a.  a 
I   Puiefny  „f 

r.-^  ,.f  Gef 
n,  CO.  L( 



EJv-ard  PuiefdV,  Mcc. 


1    1 


tor   of   Kiittesfuia    (? 





Latsfonl,     CO.    nine), 



oh.  s.p. 


mar.  ...da. 


'    of 

(,f  Cal. 

wickc  of  Laii^'funl,  to. 



cott    ii 




Dorotliy,  sister  to  K(lwanl,=r;corL;erun'foy-=f=>r^irv,  Aa.  ami  lieir  of  Sir 
Lord  Denny,  relict  of  Kd-  of  Dravlon,  nl,.  |  \-,,l,'ntinc  Kniglillry  of 
ward  Piirc-foy  (?  Hnrvc^y)  of     1G22.  |  ^\^ nAUj    (co.     IJ^-rks),     o1). 

Wonnlry,  co.  llrrtfor.i.  I  1G17,  1  u.x. 

Anne, da.  and  eolieii^C; 
of  Sir  Francis  Darcy     l.ornll  Jan.lGO.^i, 
of  P,ronffor.l,  co.    '       ob.  1600. 
Midd.,  Kt.,2ux. 

Piuvfny,=[=Anne,da.  and  colieir    Eclwan 
of  Sir  TliMMias  (llo-    ol,.  .s.p. 
v,T    of     Hav.-,    CM. 
Midd.,  1   ux. 

ilM  I  I 

2.  Henry.      Knightlev    I'ure-  1.  Jane, 

—  foyofSlialdcston,  ux.  Cliris 
4.  Thomas,    niar.     Maw,     da.  tophcr 

—  coheir    of  ",Sand-  Ilalcs  of 
.5.  William,  ford  of   Pohhin-  Covculrv 

—  CO.  Kent. 
C.  Valentine. 

George  Purefoy= 
a't.  35,  21  Mar 

Kalherino,  da.  a 
coheir  of  Sir  Uci 
Willonghoy  of  ]; 

2.  ]\ran 
ax.  The 
na.s  Jer- 
,ard,  cc 

1.  ICliz.ahclh, 
ux.  Anlhonv 

CO.  Warw. 

X  Anin>,  nx. 
of  Pcmvar- 
Iham,    CO. 

r..  ])ov.,ihv, 

nx.  William 
I'lU'efoV    of 
CO.    ^Varu•. 


"I     I 
4,  liubert. 

I     I 
C.  Charle.'^ 

3.  Knighllc 
now  liviu''. 

Lorn    M 
Aug.  lGri2. 



rUSEY  of  Pusey. 
XuMB.—Guks,  ihrcc  hars  Anjmf. 
Cnr^sT. — A  leoj'anl  jxtssani  grinhiitf,  Enniii''. 

Richard  Tusoy  of  Puscy,=pMaiUm,  iLi.  of 

CO.  Leiks 

,=T-,Haium,  H:i.  01  , 
Aider  of  Wantfl 

n 1  I  I  I 

Thomas.        liichard  rusoy=T=^ravv,  da.  of  ]MarLha.  J^Iary,  ux, 

_  of    rusr.y,    ob.      ...  Bla.c^raveof         —  , 

^V)lliam.       2  Aug.  10.55.        Wantage,  co.  iMavgarct.  Alderman 

]!erks.  of  London. 

Richard  Pusey,  .Tt.  11, 
18  Mar.  ICGl. 

PYE  of   Pariiigdon. 

A115I3.— Quarterly  of  C,  1  and  G,  Eniuna,  a  h.nul  fnxllij  dnlf^  ;  l',  tiahh',  a 
lion  paminf  Anjciil  ;  3,  J'it  pale  Uuhts  and  A::uri;  a  liuit. 
ratiipant  Sahh-  ■•<(ipiiii(iliiii  b/'licccii  tin'  pans  a  tree  eradiadeil 
Vert;  4,  Gide^  titrrc  i<tirnqis  Or;  5,  On,  a  cliOLrron  helwcen 
three  ravens  Snh/e  a-i  mninj  emdlnps  Or  (Croker). 

CUINT.— .4  CrogS-Cr0s4rt  fddtr.r  hriirrn,  two  Wlnij.i  Anj^'id. 

John  Pyo  of  the  Muc 
CO.  lleref.,  Gent. 

Andrews  of 

:ieir  of  Rogci 
CO.  lleref. 

John  Pyo   of  lhc=rAnne,  da.  of  Richard  de  la  P.ero 
Mrcnd,' Gent.         I  in  Hereford,  Kt. 

Walter  Pve  of=t=^r 

Walter   I've  ol=T=.\laii'arel,  cUdesi 
the  Meend.  to  Pliili)!  Price. 

lest  da.  and  cohei 

'     i  I 

Waltor=pJ,,ano,  da.  of  jMavy,  <la.   and=|=Sir  Robert  Pyo  of   Far- 

William  Rud-       leir  tu  Jiihn 
liallof  Rud-  (Jinlcrnfllatis- 

hall,  CO.  lleref.        lonl,  ,  n.  Gloc., 

^^ii  W,.!t,r  I'v,.  of  -Kalh 
•d.-M-nd.  Kl.  Saun, 

ingdon,  CO.  Perks,  XL, 
Auditor  of  tlic  receiiit  of 
tlie  ]'A-ehe,|ner  U^  JC. 
.lanirs  and  K.  Cirarhs 
1  and  11. 



Sir  Rolicrt  Tye  of= 
Faringdon,  Kt., 
one  of  tlio  equer- 
ries to  liis  inc.'lie. 

^Anno,  (la.  of         2.  vSir  Juim  Pye,=i=Rcbccca,  da.  of 

John]Iaiiipdcii     Kt.    and  Lt.,  of 
of  ][a;n}ideii,         Ilenie,  co. 
CO.  ]jucks.  ])erby. 

Nioholas  Kaynton 
of  luifield,  CO. 

II                  I                  Ml                 I  II  II 

Edmniid.       Hampden     Joliii.  CliarlesPye,  l\Iary.  Eliz.iljctli, 

—              Pye,  eldest        —  eldest  son,  —  — 

lliclianl.       son.               Pobert.  act.  12, 1GC4.  Pebecca.  Anne. 


READ  of  Aploford. 
Akms. — GuJes,  a  saUire  hcticceii  four  garhs  Or. 
CnnsT. — On  the  shimp  of  a  trcn  raguUc  a  falcon  with  icin'js  crjyandcd  all 

Sir  Thomas  Read  of  Barton, =i=Mary,  da.  and  coheir  to  Sir  John  Brockctt, 
near  Abington,  co.  Perks,  Kt.  I  Kt.,  of  Brocketts  Hall,  co.  Herts, 


Thomas  Pcad,=f=j\Iary,  da.   lo  Sir  Thomas  Cornwall, 
-son  and  heir.      I  Kt.,  Baron  of  Burford,  co.  Saloii. 


=:jarv,  dr... 

Edward  Read 

=JanG,  da.  of 


ton   Read 

of  Sir  Gil- 

of Ipston,  CO. 

Thomas  Ac- 

da. to  John 

of    Ship- 

bert  Corn- 

Oxon, ajt.  37, 

ton   of 

Allen   of 

ton,    CO. 

wall,  Ba- 




Ox  on. 

ron   of 

CO.  Wore,,  1 

Berks,  Esq., 



2  ux. 

1    1 


1.  Anne,  ux. 



l\rary,  ux. 


ob.  young. 

ux.    Brid- 

John  Corn- 



stock  Hait- 

wall,  3  son 

Ob.  S.p. 


ford    of 

of  Gilbert 

to  Sir  Gil- 



beit.  Baron 

of  Burford, 

Anne,   da.  and  colieir  of=j=3. 
ller.ry  Knap  of  Oxford.       Be 

fhomas  Ivead  of  A]ih'ford,  co. 
iks,  :et.  30,  M  >Iar.  lGG-1. 






READ  of    :\Iarc]inni. 

Arms." 0/J  a  hend  three  shoveUers. 

Thomas  Kcid  of  Cray's  Iiiii,=j=... 
CO.  Midil.,  ]) 

Enianuell   Ri'ad=i=^rargai'et,  da.   of  Edmond  Broome 
of  London.  I  of  Jloltoii,  CO.  Oxon. 

John  Read,  Vicar  of= 
Marcham,  co.  Berks, 
a3t.  42,  IG  May  1GC4. 

^Amy,  cddcst  da.  of  Untou 
Crook  of  i^Iarston,  co.  O.^on, 


II  I       . 

Union.  Francis. 


I  i    I  I    I 

Jolm  Read,      .Jane.         Bridgelt. 

ret.  13.  Anne.        Cliristian. 

RICJIE  of   Sunning. 

Ahm.s. — 0/',   on  a  saUire  raguU   Guh'n,   fii-o  cro-^s  nnssMs  filclire  of  fhe 

field,  in  chief  the  hmlrje  nf  u'htcr.—Pcr  Garter,  1G5G. 
Conlirmcd  ayain  by  Sir  Edw.  Jjyssli,  Clm:  K.  (f  Arme.s,  to  Sir 

William  liich,   Bart.,   and  I)amo  i\Iary,  -wife  to  Sir  Robert 

Gayer  of  Stoko,  November  tlio  ...  1GG3. 
Cui:bT.— ,1«  imned  iu-m  and  hand  jmipi^r  holdimj  a  crvsg  cron.^Iel  fdchre 


Tliomas  Riclie  of  (]ic-f=Anno,  da  lo  Thonia^A 
City  of  GIoc.  ^Macliin  of  co.  Gloc. 

Barb.ira,  da.= 
lo   Gilbert 
Moru-ood  of,    CO. 

.-et.  C3,  11   Marc 
ICCl,  ob.  1GG7. 


rElizaboth,  da. 
to    William 
Cockayn    of 
Luiidun,  ]\Ier- 

Anue,    1   mar.  to 
Toby  Clements  of 
Cloe.,  2  to  John 
llanbury  of  Fec- 

Leic,  1  ux. 

chant,  i  ux. 

kenhani,    co. 



Sir  William  Rii 
Bait.,    a_'(.    10, 
March  IGGl. 



,      I\Iary,   ux.  Si 
of   .St..];e,    CO 
the  Bath  lo  1 

r   Rnbert   Caver 

Buck.,  Kt.'of 

uii-  Chailcsll. 



ROBINSON  of   Cooldiam. 

Arms. —  Verf,  a  rherron  Ernnne  Mircru  thin  hticl-fl  frippoid  Or. 

Cm:si.—Onf  <•]'  a  mural  corvnd  G>'l>j.-:  a  >hmi-ln'cl;  salient  Or. 

of  Cookham. 

i=j=!Margaret,  da. 
to  ...  Potter. 

EicliardRobinsoii=j=Cliristian,  da.  to  ... 
of  Cookliam.  Fishor  of  Cookham. 

Richard  Holunson  of   Cookh 
.Tt.  CO,  28  Mar.  166r>. 

=Aiin,  da.  to  riiilip  Dorrcll  {1  Darrell), 
one  of  the  Auditor.-;  of  his  ^Majesty's 
Court  of  Excliequcr. 

Pliilip,  son  and  heir, 
ret.  16,  28  Mar.  1GG5. 




ROGERS   of   AVar-ravo, 

Amis.—Arr/rnt,  a  dr<(./on's  hwl  rrn.<p,J  Vai  hnblliiQ  in  the  mouth  a  <Jr:,if 
■  hand  cq^paum'r  rru.ol  Gvltv. 

Roger  Yau,L;han,  3  .sou  of  Phihp  Yaughan=f=... 
of  Tretour  (Tretowerj,  co.  Brecknock. 

Jolni  Rogers  c,f  I,l,uiLalli.':r-=,-Jane,  da.  of  ...  'Whitehall 
(Lanvaehcs),co.Moni]iouth.      of  Bloxwieh,  co.  Stafford. 

Nathan  Rogersof=^S 
Ford    House    in 
CO.  P.erk.s  a-t,  L'7, 
L'.5  Mar.  1005. 

.':anna,  da.  Hannah,  ux. 

d  ;:ole  luir  Thomas  lierington 

f  ll.iny  Knj-d  of  ]lishopt(.n,"co. 

[JMud  Hou,-e.  Hereford. 

Ford  RoL;er.s,  sun  am 
heir,  a'l.   I. 



KUDYARD  of  Wostwooaiiay. 

Arms.— Quarterly,  1  ami  1,  Argcnf,  frdh/  Sa!'!r  a  caid-m.  aiil:< ;  2,  a 
hear  sal! i:nt ;  3,  Gii/rs,  on  a  Iimd  t/irr,- frr/oi/-^  s',),pr,l  ]'crf, 
OH  a  canfon  Or  a  lion's  fare  of  tin- fulJ. 

Cki:-3T. — A  Saracen's  head  proi)er. 

Sir  rjcujaiiiin  RuJyarJ,  soinctimo  Surveyor^KIizaLelli,  da.  lo  Sir 
to  the  Court  of  Wards  and  Livorics.  I  Henry  Harrington. 

William     Rudyard    of    "\Vcst=j=Sara]i,  da.  and  coheir  of  Sir  Stephen 

Woodey  (Woodhav)  cu. 
Esq.,  Ob.   ICGl. 

Harvey  of  Xorthton,  Kt.  of  tlio  llatli 
to  K.  Charirs  I. 

2.  William,       Ik-njaniin  liudyard,  pod  and        Jlarv.        Elizabeth, 
heir,  ret.  9,  23  11m:  IGGl. 

SALTER   of   Cookhani. 

Robert  Salter  of  Cookham,=^=Elizabeth,  da,  of  Chi 
ob.  1G4,5.  I  Grove  of  Pen,  eo.  ]5ii 


Robert  Saltcr= 
of  Pray, 

Jilizabetli,  da.  to 
Thomas  Grcnc  of 
Amerdeu  in  the 
CO.  Bucks. 

John  Salter  of  Elizabell),  mar. 

Rhemenham,  George  Grove 

CO.  Perks,  and  of  Pen,  co. 

of  Pen,  CO.  Pucks. 

SAMPOP^E  of  ]\loulsf,ad. 
AiiMs.— yl,-,/.'/(/,  o  cliei-mii  Snhl'  hrlinrn  lln-rr  nnilhls  A.jiire  j.irrrnl  Or. 
CkioT,— /I  hull's  hrml  erased  holding  in  Ihr  Mouth  three  ears  if  wheat. 
Thomas Sanibornc  of  Sunning, ^= 

co.  Perks  and  O.xon, 




Thiv..  I       Kichar,!  S:unbo.-no  of==Klizal.cth,an^c,f  Richard 

Slok'rs  Farm,  near  Stanger   of  Cholscy, 

bcldn.'hani.  '  Berks. 

ll,,my  SauilH:,rucn=-\nn,  da.  of  AViUiaui 
of  Moukford,  I  Talker  of  Suunu.g, 
CO.  15crks.  I'-sq. 

KieLvd  Saml,on>e,  xi.  7G,yPoroU,y,  <ln-'£  Kicl.ard 
2.3  IMarch,  1G65.  I  tomyns  of  Gliol.ey. 

Henry  Saniborne,  son=^Iary,  da.  to  ... 
and  heir,  a't.  13,  1 005.     Terry  of  Ahmgton. 

Joseph.     Ecujauiin. 


SAUX])EKS  of   Woolston. 
.',//,/■■    nnd    Ar^r-nt,    three    cl^h' 


Thomas    Saunde! 
AYoolston,  CO.  Be 

:dt-  cnt-xd 

John   Saunders  Thomas  Sannders=f=Martha,  da    of 

a   15arrcslcr   at  of  Woolsion,  son  |  ...  lleydell  ol 

Lawc.  -1"^^  lioir. 



3.    Thomas, 

2.  Anlliony, 

mar.  Plufbo, 

mar.   ...  the 

da.  to  Alexau- 

widow  of  ... 

Cleevo    of 


Bhn.sden,  co. 



1                     1 

John            Tho 


uuiders.          son , 

Jolin  Saunders 
of  WooLslon, 
.Tt. -14,  21  Mar. 

Cleeve  of 
CO.  AVills, 

of     Jane,   ux. 


Packer  of 


ton,    CO. 


.s    Saunders, 

1  heir,  at.  20 

aun.  2i:*lar.  ICGl. 





In  IJi-PiN-CTdX  Church  in  the  County  of  Bciksliire,  on 
lyiii-  in  tlie  middle  of  the  nav  of  the  churcli  (on  a  bnv 

Here  lycth  t!ie  Lodyes  of  John  Saund.Tt:  &  | 
Anne    his    wife     buth    Lome    in    thid    Tarisli 
w'cli  I  Jolm    had    Two    wives    th'ono    named 
Joanc'  I  &  liad  issue  by  his  1  wife  5  sons  & 
2  j  dau,   who  departed   this  life  the   2G   day 
of  December  Ao.  jrui  1599. 
]n  the  west  wall  of  the  South  crosso  of  this  Chuivh  is  a  fayre  Ar 
iiMuument  adorn'd   w'^^  carved  worke  &  Guilded  but  noe  Coat  of  A 
whrr.'iu  lyes  the  Statue  of  a  man  in  a  Barrester'.s  Gowiie  and  over 
this  Ins.'ription  : — 

Reader  this  monument  presents  |  the  Iileraory  of  Juhn 
Saunders  of  Woolston  in  tlie  County  of  Derlcs  Estp, 
Justice  of  the  Peace  in  that  county  &  well  experienced 
in  the  com'on  lawos  of  En;4and  ;  hec  rendered  his 
Soule  to  God  the  29th  day  of  April  1G3S  and  this 
portion  of  sacred  earth  preserves  his  Body  Vi-'ch  is 
scqucslred  for  the  resurrection.  Hec  was  happy  in 
his  marriage  with  Margaret  one  of  the  dau.  of  John 
Evclyii  of  Godstonc  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  Esq., 
att  wlicse  charge  this  monument  was  erected  and  by 
whomc  hec  had  children,  Elizabeth,  Marg'tt,  Thomas, 
Elizabeth  and  Letticc. 
Mr.  Saunders  of  :Mid,T;iam,  lately  a  IJurgesse  of  rarliament  fur 
lin^ford  is  son  to  this  John. 


SEYMOUK  of  Eamborne  ^V.)odlands. 

Thomas  Seymour  of=]=Jano,  da.  to  Jolm  We 
Lambornc Woodlands,  I  of  Stodley  (Studeley),^ 
CO.  Berks.  Wilts. 

1.  Thomas, 

2.   R.I 

'er    .'■ 





of    Ed. 



..1,  s.p. 

of  Lar 


■  AVf 




of     ^lu 






c,  eo.  IJ 


Thomas    Sev n     nr-pTan<',    .la.    (o    John  Edue.nd, 

LamliurneW.Mdh.nds,  I   Kv.4nu  of  Euubornc          now  liv- 
ift.  37,  21  :\lar.  IGill.       Woodlands.  ing,  ICCl. 

i     I 

:i  Ey^te 

I     I 
■1.  Join 

I     I 







SlIEEWOOD  of   East  ircn.Iml. 

AlMH.—Ar.fjif,  <i  chrrmit  Gules  hctircen  IJimc  (oi-trniir. 

Cl!i:.ST.— J  )'hnnr  of  six  j'ro.cnds'  fiothrr--  prop>'r. 

,J..liu  Slicnvood  of  East=j=.,.  da.  ami  liuir  of  ...  Y. 
Ik'ndred,  CO.  ]Viks.        I  of  llwidrcd. 

Edward  Sherwood  of=rCoH.*limcc,  da.   of  Willi, 

East  Hem 

1.  An,  ux.    Xirholas  Ooldinn'of 
the  City  of  Wiiiclicstcr. 

2.  .loan,  u.x.  AVilliam  Yaldeii  of 
Luviii-loii,  CO.  ^Vilts. 

Saunders  of  Xewlm 

.".   Coustancp,  relict  of  Xalhauiel 
■\ViImorc,  Citizen  of  Lomlon. 

l-.lizalielli,  ux.  Kichard  Os^'ood  of 
Duuu.'tl  (Duiiliead),  co.  Wilts. 


John  Shr 


•,  da.  to 

2.  Edward,  mar. 

3.  Wil 




1.  Vatrs 

Ilannali,  da.  to 

mar.  .. 

a;t.  i:>,  -1 


of  !■ 


...  Forstcr,  Citizen 



of  London. 

I  I 

Edward  Sherwood.       ^[ar^ 
ret.  5,  sou  and  heir. 

Sin-.liWOOD  of  Ea>t   Hendred. 
AitM.i  aud  Ci;est  as  in  Ihr  last  redigree,  ('  crcscnd  for  dlifcmicc. 
John  Sherwood  of  J'ast  Hendred,  eo.  ISerks.-,-... 

ThouiasShrrwood,2son,of=^Katherine,  da.  lo  ...  Head 
E.ast  Hendred,  oh.  IG.^  ^'     ' 

2.  Chvisliau, 
of  Keadin-. 

of  Chilton,  CO.  I'.erks 


?,.  Constance, 


.fEa,t  Hendred.      of  Chnlsey, 
CO.  Lerks. 




Ali<;e,  rulict  of=Tliomas- 
Tlioiiiiis  Good-     Shcr- 
wiii  of  Coiiip-     wood. 
l"ii,  CO.  Lurks. 

Jolm  Sherwood  of= 
Eerks,  xt.  51,  21 
Mar.  1GG4., 
da.  to  John  Clarke 
of  Ardiii"toi),  2  ux. 

John  Sliorwood,  1  sod,  ;ft.  15. 

S;\IALBOXE  of   Sluvciitoii. 

=Amjr,  da.  tq 
Tliomas  "Web- 
ster, Citizen  of 
London,  1  ux. 

William    Snia 
of  Stcvcntoii. 

ie=rlsal)<l,  da.  of  , 
I  of  Stevcnton. 

I  I 

2.    William,  .John    Knial- 

niar.   "Marv,  bone  of  Ste- 

da.    of  Eil-  venfon,    ;ef. 

niond Weeks  40,  IG   IVLiy 

of  Drayton.  IGGl. 

^Plnllis,  d;i.  4.  Henry,  mar. 
of  In-aiieis  INIargaiet,  da. 
Truelock  of  to  Thomas  Stc- 
Aplefnrd.  yens  of  Steven- 






1    Rmalbf 
heir,   a'l. 


1    1 


SMALliONi;   of   ."^f 

Edward  Small..a.r    ..f-Y'Alir,.,    ,1a.    of 
Stevcnton,  co.  I'.iaks.       ...  Stowe. 

Kirhard     >Small..a,r^-Kath.iin.',  da,  of  ...  KowL.nd 
of  .Stevontun.  I  of  ll.uvwell,  eo.  link.-. 




Kicli.inl    .S)nMll)onc=j=Jane,  da.  to  John  St^'vcns 
of  Stuvcnton.                of  Stevcnton. 

IJidiarJ   Snial-=Elizal.ctl.,  da. 
bone  c.f. Si. ■veil-     of    Tli.nnas 
ton,  ,Tf.  35,  21     Stevens    of 
HJar.  IGGl.            Slcvenlon. 

2.  Edward.  =-~=Katlierin.,   da 
of  ...Kol.iii'ni 
of    East   Ilau- 

1    1 



3.  Anne,  iix. 
AVood  of 

4.  Eli7,al.elll, 

ii.x.   ]{icliard 

5.  Editli, 
ux.  Kicli- 
ard  ILird- 

dndgc  of  ];icw 

SMALEONE  of  Boeldnylon. 
Jolm  SnialLoncof  j;oekliauipton=f-Dorolhy,  da.  of  AVilliani  :\r..lyncs 

(?  liockinglon).  CO.  V, 

)f    .Al,,nj.,y\vell    (M. 

]{oeklianipton,  :et. 
40,  23  Mar.  IGGl. 

Eliz.abetli,  da.  to 
K.iwland  .Seudaiiii 
of  Trewor-an,  co. 

Alarv,  u\-.  Afaiti 
I'ysion  of  I,onj 
more,  near  Keat 


I     I 

I    I 
■1.  Clure. 

I  II  I 

Cliarles.     John.  Tlionias  Siiialbor 

—  .Sou  and  heir,  wt.  21.  —  — 

Henry.  3.  Francis.        5.  Mary. 

C'ovlificil  liy  —  Kmalcbonc. 

.S.ME.ATON    ..f    Tbakliam. 
AlMS.—A::ior,  rt/(w  hctirmi  tln-rr  /J,,>i,,h  ^-Ii'im  Oi: 
CnKST.— .'1  j,anut  Vcr/. 

da.  ( 

Thunias  Sniealnn  of, 
the  ^•orlh  Kidin-,  CO.  Yoik. 





2.    Lconanl=j=I'<.ilK-l,  ilii.  of  Robeii 

Thomas  Siiicatou     KosaTuoinl, 

Sinenton  of 

Soutliby  ofTocklin-- 

of  Ciiltoii,  .'^oii          ux.  Tliomas 

tlic  North 

loii,  in  the  East  Kul- 

aud  heir.                   Jackson. 


in-   CO.  Yf.vk. 

1                 1    1 
-William        Ann.       ^\avy,   (Ia.= 


t  Siucalon  of=^Auu,  da.  to  Joliu 

SmrMtoii             —     of  John 


ick  iu  tlic            Winchcomhe  of 

of  llewth-     :\rary.    I'.lacklra.  li 


of  Thatchaui,     llcmvick  (co. 

^vait,  sou                     ofl!atli,co. 

CO.  y, 

■rks,  n^t.  .'il,         J'.crks),  rdict  of 

and  lii'ir.                   .Soiiicrsut, 

23  M 

irch  1664  ;           Alexander  Cusand 

1  ux. 


Jane,  da.  to         of  Cusand  (sic,  hut 

"William  Eyston  of      q>ierc'),  co.  South- 
Est  Ilenwike,  co.         ton,  2  ux. 
Berks,  3  ux. 

John,  sou  and  heir,  a?l.  1  S, 
23  Mar.  1661. 

SMYTH  of  Euscott. 

Thomas  Smyth  of  Euscott,=pE]izabeth,  da.  of  ...  Ivehlewhhc 
CO.  Eerks.  j  of  Kodburne,  co.  A\'ilts. 

Thomas  Smvlh  of  Eu.scntt,=j-Anne,  da,  of  E.dmon.l  ("Ir.'-ory  of 
ob.  1650.      "  Coxham  (Cuxliam),  co.  O.von. 

1.  Ehccbe,  ux.  3.  An,  ux.  Ed- 
llcnry  Gregory  mund  Gregory 
of  London.  of  Euscott. 

•1.  James,  mar.  An,  da.  of 
AVilliam  Gregory  of  Lon- 

2.  Tvfary,  ux.  E. 
bort  l!abl)of 
CO.  Berks. 


1.  Elizabetli,  late 
wife  to  Eobe.rt 
Rogers  of  IJean, 
CO.  Hants. 


.1  .b.lni,inar da 

■  lulm  Clark  of  llun. 

George  Smith  of= 
Em  scot  1,  at,  ;iS, 
18  Mar.  1661. 

=Lettice,  da.  ..f  Edw: 
Heylvn  of  Eurfor.l, 
CO.  Oxou. 

5.  Eavd,  of  Eisseler 
(Bicester,  CO.  Oxon), 

2.  Th( 

I     I 

Ileylyu  S, 
—  and  heir,  : 

3.  Edward.       .Afar.  1601 

'\    \ 


-SOUTUBY  of  Aplcton. 

Arms. — Or,  a  chevron  hriiccni  thrvc  <ijijiJc.-<  C,'iilc.<,  a  Midi'/ /or  difference. 

Ceest. — A   demi-lwn   raiiijKiuf   Or  hohlhui   in   Hie  de.rter  pan;  an  (q)iilG 

Eicliard  SoutliLy  of  Carcswell,  co.  Berks.=T=... 

1.  Jolm  Soutliby      Kobcrt  Soutliby=j=Aii]ie,  da.  of     2.  Tlioiuas  Soutliby 
of  Cnrcswell  r.sT"     of  Ai.leton.rct.  CO,     Jolm  :\ra volt    of  Abini^don. 
next  Pedigree.)         10  Mar.  IGGl.  ofAbin-don. 




Kobcrt  Soutliby,  .=ni 
and  heir,  tot   20,  IG 
Mar.  IGGJ. 



SOUT]ir>Y   .if   Caioswrll, 

Arms.— Scutum  Gontilitiuui  sivc  Palludimintuiii  ct  Chri.'.ta  Joh'is 
Sout]il>y  dc  Careswell  in  co.  Jl.jrks,  Gen.  fil.  ct  hniTcdis 
]{ic'i  Southby,  til.  Jo.  Southby,  Exojuiilifieal.i  .singula  sibiq. 
lierf(libu.s  pnsterisq.  snis  conlirmata  in  ]i'pclnuni  unacuui 
jiropria  cornndom  dcscripta  jier  moo,  GuiliL'hn.  Scajjar,  Garter: 
]\-incipidern  Jie.ijnn  Arnmr'ni  dat.  sub  nianu  nu';1  ct  sigillo 
odicii  mc),  decimo  die  monsis  Fob.  An°  Kogni  Regis  Caroli 
7  A°  iJ'ni  1G31  ;— II  port  d'Ur,  una  cherrron  eidra  tred 
roniines  de  G'iieide'<  ot  ])ouv  son  tynibrc  sur  unc  Heaulme  et 
fortillon  de  scs  coulcur.s  Une  demij  lion  ramii'l  d'ur  tenant  en 

sun  jiidtee  vne  poiw  de 
Argent;  par  nioy,  Guillau 
d'ATine.-<  dr,  Anglni... 

inrnle^,   Ic   ]\Iantealc  rouge  doubK 
me  Sengar,  GartUrr  ]'rincipall  Bo; 

J.)lin  Ruulhbv  . 
CO.  ];vrk.. 

f    Care..well,=r--- 

liicbard  S.mlbby  ..f-rJ:"!'',  <ddest  da.  ..f 
Careswell.ob.  IGOG.  1   I'V.uar.l  Keat  of 

Locking,  CO.    Berk,-, 




Ti^wlctt  of==2.  Thouias  Soiillil.y^-^fary,  da.  of 
CoUfls,  CO.  of  Stanford.      (Sec     Sir  "William 

"Wilts."  nextPcdujnc).  Gardiner  of 

...,  CO.  Surrcj'. 

3.  EoLertSouUi- 
by  of  Apk'ton, 
CO.  Berks. 

1.  JohnSouthby  of  Care.swcll=T=Eli/-aljetli,  da.  and  licir  of 

in  parisli  of  JBuckland, 
Berks,  Esq.,  now  a  Juslico 
of  Peace  for  tliis  covinly, 
cTt.  G7,  18  I^Iar.  IGGl. 

William  "Wiseman  of  Ste- 
venton  and  Sarah,  da.  and 
heir  of  Giles  Crouch  of 


Kalhorine,  ux.  Gi'oflry 
Daniel  of  St.  :\!ar;j:a- 
rcts.  CO.  Wilts. 


Anthony.=Anne,  eldest  da.  of 
\\'illiamlveinp,  an 
Attorney  of  the 
Marshalls  Court. 

Southby.-rK'^'l'C""^  'l'^-  'i"'^  '^''^^^''  ""■■•  ^^''11'-"^^  '^''■"'^^ 

heir,  :rt.      heir  of  Robert  of  Denford  in  the  parish  of 

Strange  of  Somer-  Kintbury,  co.  Berks. 

ford,  CO.  Wilts,  Esq. 

son  and 

I     I 

Strange.        John  Southbv,  1  s.m,       Kathe 

_  a't.  12,  IG  Mar.  IGGl. 

Richard.  Sarah. 

SOUTH  I;Y    of   Stanford. 
AUMS  and  Cni:sT  as  under  Soiilhby   cf   Apletoii,   cwli   charirJ   "uth   a 
crr.rrut  fur  <l!jlcn  un, 

Thomas  Sonlhbv  of  Stanford,  1!  snn.-,'Mary,  di.  of  Sir  AVilliam  Gardiner 

John  Soulliliy,  .snn=f=Su^;u 
and  heir,  :et.  28,  da.  I. 
IGMar.  IGGl.  ...  1' 

Jane,  ux.  Vincent   Barrev, 
son  of  Yinc.iil  I'.arrey  of 
Thame  in  Ox.m. 

Thomas  Soulhby,  son  and  hrir,  ict.  3,  IC  Mar.  ICGl.  Susanna. 


SPARK E  of  Fincliamsl('il 

Kiehai'd  Sparku  of  Widiliiigton  nall,=f=.. 
CO.  Essex,  Lairistiu'  at  Law.  I 

EoLcTl  Spavke  of  AV 

-.11  n.all.=|=KIiMlietli, 

.1  I 

Riciiai'd  Spaiko='>raUicw,  da.  Peter  Spaikc  of^-^.JoaiiP,  da.  to 

of  Widdhigtoii       to  ...  AVanl  Fincliainsti'd,  Pliilip  Martin 

Hall.  ofAVctliers-  co.Pxn-ks,  tvLSf),     of  ^ravlborow, 

field,  CO.  11  Mar.  1601.        co.  AVilt.-:^. 

SPIER  of  Waigr.LVi'. 

Amts.— 0/',   tioo  rhi^iron.<:    A:jmr   hdvpn,    tlvm   irrfnlj.,  ..Ilppd   J'r/, 
cresceid  for  diffcri'iia: 

Richard  Spifi  of  TTolcoml)C=T=?irar.garft,  da.  nf  Anlliony 
GraiiOT,  CO.  Oxon,  I  Elincs  of  Poidiicv,  co.  Oxon. 

Anlhonv  ^pirv  of  nol,:i,i,iLc=p=r.arlKu-a,  cld<  st  da.  of  Sir  Franris  Castiliou 
Graiine.'ol).  1041.  I  of  Penliaiu  Valrucc,  co.  i;.rk.<. 

Anthony,  now=]-'ranr,;.s,ih 

of  Oakinqliam.     to  Thomas 

Pryan  of 

Tliame,  co 

2.  lu'ancis=:\rary,  da,  of     ?,.  :\rary,  ux. 
Spi,'r.  HulJIi       ]-:.lniund 

of  lhv>irn,      Sinitiiof 

CO.  Perl 


I  I  I 

2.  Parhava,  nx.      1.  ^Ln-.arcl,  ux.         Richard  Spioi 
Daniel  IVrot         William  Sclhai  of  War-rave, 

oflJravfon,  of  Everslcy,  co.         co.  Perks,  a't 

CO.  Oxon.  Hants.  32,  11  Mar. 


d'.lizaheth,  da.  of 
R..h,rt  Turner 
atlas  Ferrers  of 
CO.  Perks. 

'^   Aiilhony.      'I.Charles.    Richard,  snu  and     Elizaheth.     Susan. 

__      '  lieir,   ;rl.    12,    11 

3.  John.  Mar.  IGGl. 



SQUIl'.]',  of  H.^iling. 

Arms.— Or,  ilirrn  hnlh  pa-^smit  Sahlc. 

John  Squibb  of  Whitchui'cli,^Aiinc,  da.  to  Jolm  Spamor  (Scyiuer) 
CO.  Doiset.  I  of  llanforil,  co.  Uoreet. 

Eobert  Squibb  of=rFi-ancc.s  .la.  of  E.hvarJ        ,Tr,lm  Squibb  of 
Eca.biig,  'jA.   58,  I  Castlo  of  Truro,  co.  Wliitcliurch. 

11  Mar.  1GG4.  Corn  wall 

II  III                                       I                    II 

Arthur.  Joliii.        Robert  Squilili,  son  EHzabctJi.     Anno. 

—  —         and  lieir,  ajt.  22,                                   — 

Edward.  Arnold.     11  ."Mar.  ICGl.                                 Judith 

STAFFORD   of   Eradfiold. 

AiiMS.— Quarterly,  1,  Or,  a  chrvron  Guhv  ^i  caiit<r„  Ermhir ;  1,  rnlij  of 
six  Gules  and  Or,  oiin  cldef  Azure  a  Inm  j'H-^-anit  e/anlnit  of 
iho  second  ;  3,  Argent,  a  clirrron  hrtirrrv.  Hirer  engloi'  licads 
erased  Sahle ;  4,  Anjeut,  a  dieenni  Gidrs  heia-een  ihrec 
unicorns'  Iirads  Ar.urc. 

Thomas  Staflbrd  of  Bradficld,=pAnn, 
CO.  IJerks,  Ivsq. 

Sir  Franris 
Kt.,  15'J9. 

licst  of  London. 

Sir  Read=}iral).d,  da.  to  Richard 
Stadbrd,  Staffi.-rton  of  "\A'ai'liel(l 
Kt.,  ob.  and  relict  to  Nicholas 
s.p.  Williams    of     Burgh- 


2.  ]':d\vard  Staflbrd, -pAnn,  da.  t.)  ...  Doewray  of 
I  Chamber  House,  co.  ]!.'rks. 

Sir   l',dv,ard-|-Al:n-v,  sole  ,hi.  tn  Sir 
Stallbr.l,  Kt.  I  ^Villiam  Forster  of 

Aldermaston,  Kt.  of 

the  liath. 

IJridgeb         ^biry,  ux".  ...  Aslon 
of  Lond<in,  draper. 



3.  Willi.ira=Elizabcth,  da.  to 
Stafford.  ...  Anderson. 

I  i    I 

2.IIunipliry        Mary.  ^  ^y^^^i 
Stafford.  —      V  young. 

Anne.  I 

FAlward  Stafford,=t=Eliz.iljetli,  da.  to  Charles 
E^.j.  I  Chiehc.ster  of  Ireland. 

Edward  StallV,rd,=  ..,  da.  to  2.  Charles  Slaff:.rd, 

Mar.  1CC5. 

STA'MPE  of  Speenliamland.^. 
eounu't  Ar.jrnt  ;  2  and  3,  Oiil'.^,  frrlhj  Anjruf,  a  d,trj  oj  lit- 

Chest.— .4  ih-ini-hor^c  rampant  Arijnif,  a  lu/iJhl  for  dljjrrcncc. 

Tliomas  St.anipc= 
of  rcasnioro, 
CO.  Lerks. 

::*rary,  sister  1..  Tlmr 
I)enloii  of  Chiveley, 
CO.  I'.erks. 

John  Slanipc=pElizab.'th,  da.  to       ^lary,  late  wife         Ann,  rtdict  of 
of  reasnioie,      Jo.  ISomne  of  to  ^Villian,  Clrovc     lUrnard  Lyfor 

ob.  1G22.  Charlin;;  (f'        of  Crove.  ofWanta-e, 


Thomas  Stann.e  of  Abi-ail,  ux.  tleorpe  Ooodwyn 

Spoenhandands  let.        of  jiiadford,  eo.  Wilts. 
23.  2:'.  Mar.  I  GUI. 

I    I  I 

1.  Elizabeth.  4.  Phillis. 

3.  ^birv. 



STROUGiriLL  of   T.arkham. 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  between  six  esenlhips  Gules] 
Crest. — An  nrm  in  armour  embowe'l  pmper  hol<llng  a  spear  Or  point 
Argent  downwards. 

John  Stroucihill  of  Lida^pSibil],  da.  of   ... 
(LyJd),  CO.  Kent.  I  -Wilco.x  of  Li.lJ. 

Jolm   Stronghill  of=pSusan,  da.  to  Alexander  Slioplioard  of 
Lidd,  ob.  1G18.  I  Pea.?einai'sh,  co.  Sussex,  Esq. 

Juditli,  3  da.  to  IIcnry= 
Colt  of  Colt  Hall,  CO. 
2  ux. 

Laildiaiii,  CO.  11: 
xt.    50,    11    :\Iar. 

of=j=:>ra-daluiie,  2  da.  t.) 
,SoiiUiCote,co.  J]el-ks, 
Kt.,  1  ux. 

I    I    I  1  I 

Juditli.  Henry  Stvou-liill,  John, 

—  ret.  9,    11    JMarcli         ob.  s.p 

Lridgctt.  IGGl. 


Ma-d;dene,  mar. 
to  Jolm  Dean  of 
Oxemvood,  co. 
"Wilts  (Berks). 

TAILEUR  rdias  DANYILL  of  Windsor. 

William  Taihur alius  Da 
of  ...,  CO.  Es.*ex. 

=^Joanc,  da,  of  Sir  Jolm  Awbrey 
of  ...,  CO.  Glani'ir. 

AVilliam  Tailcui'=T=^rary,  da.  to  Nicholas  Williams 

alias  Danvil 

1.  I\Iary,  ux. 
Wcldon  of  (;,if,k. 
liani,  CO.  I'.crks. 

4.  Jane,  ux.  Walte 
r.arnes  of  Sliaftos- 

of  Llanfoist,  co.  IMon 

I  I 

2.  Joyce,  ux.  :\Ialhew  3.  Mar-aroi,nx. 
Wild,  Cit.  and  Leather-  ...  Pope,  Hector 
seller  of  London.  of  Milbury,  co. 


5.  Martha,  ux.  John  Tailcuv, 

Samuel  Davis  b.d.,  ob.  21 

of  Chester.  Dec.  IGGl. 




"William  Tiiilruv,   .d;,(.  1  ),nivill,=T=l'>ancps=,  da.  and  cnliciv 
now  Suvvi'yor  ,,1'  tli.'  Wial;,-;  ..f  I  of  Sir  William  Park- 
Windsor  Ca<^tl.'   and  St,  uaid  ■>{     liiiisl,  ,,n\v  Wavdni   ..f 
the   Forp^^t  of   AViiidsor    ;,„d    i  |  his.  Alaj-sti,.;  Mini. 
Coll.    of  Foot   in  tin;  Ariiiv    ..f  '. 
K.C.  L,  ret.  53,  30  ^hn:  IGC"..    I 

2.  John.        AVilliani,  son  and,         Anne,  nx.  Tlioni.i,-.  Va( 
rrt.  17,  30  Mav.  1005.  of  C»\\r\,  co.  I'.fik.s  ]•- 

TKTTF.KSIIALL  of  lMnulKL!ni..4oad. 
ArMa—Sahh;  u  chrffvii  hda-cca  lltrce  thjns j,n.<m,d  Or 

George  Tuttorsliell=|=Katliorinc,  da.  to 
ofFinchanisled,  ...    Perkins  of 

CO.  ISerks.  Uftoii,  co.  J'.erk-^. 


Coustanco,  nx. 


Gcor-o  Tettpi 

^hall=rKlizal.uth,  ,1 

1.  of      Elizahoth,  nx. 

■\VilIiam  Smith 

of  Fineham.slL 



'.i-L;c     John  l)onca.stl 

of  Hardwirkr, 

oL.  IGC.ti. 

of  .Sla|ilefor 
CO.  Wilt?. 

1,            of, 
CO.  Perks. 

George  Tcttorshall  of=j=:Mary,  da.  of  Henry 
Fincliamsted,    lilsq., 
;et.  CI,  8  Mar.  IGGl 

Marv,  ux.  John 
Aslill  of   llastlcdon         Lvford  of  ..., 
(Pasildcn),  CO.  iierks.       co".  iJcrk.s. 

Mary,  nx.  Cliailes  Howard,  iv 

4  hrother  to  Thoma.-,  Duke         2 
of  Norfolk. 

TIPI'IXn  of  Kinlhnrv  K; 

Amis.— Quarlcrlv,  1  and  -1,  Or,  nn  a  Irml  nuircvird  Vrrt  Ihrrr  ),hr,„u  o/ 
thrjU.l  ;  2  ami  3,  Ar.j.'ui  a  rhn'n,,,  j>„hi  of  six  A::nrr  and  Or. 

CnvsT.—  Out  nf  a   r,,yu,i,l   Or  ,ui  unlrhq,r\-^  l,nid   V,  rl  all !rrd  and  inaurd 
of  tlir  Jir.^l. 

VISITATION    or    BERKSinr.E. 


r.artliolomew  Tipinng  of-r^Iavtlia,  da.  to  Rolicvt  Doyloy 
Sliabington,  co.  Dei-I;s.      |  of  ^rcrton,  co.  Oxon. 

r.artliolomew  Tipping^ 
of  Stokenchurcli  (co. 
Oxon),  2  son. 

John  Tipping 
of  Stokencliuvc 
CO.  Oxon. 

■EHzabctli,  da.  of      Thomas  Tipping,  cldost  son, 
John  Barker  of        mar.  Katherine,  da.  to  Henry 
Hurst,  Esn.  Samborne  of   :Moulsford  (co. 


Elizal)oth,  relict 
of  John  Whistler 
of  ll.'nley. 

Tipping  of         da.  to... 
Kiiitlnny  .Icnnys  of 

I'.aton,  CO.  llarewoU, 

Ijorks.  CO.  Berks. 

Martha,  late  wife  to  Frances, 
...  Stokes  of  Had-  ob.  num. 
nam,  co.  Bucks. 

TOOKER  of   Abingdon. 

Abms.— T''/'/,  oil  a  bend  Arf/f^nl,  ihnc  human  hearts  Gules. 

Cur.ST.— yl    hinnaii   heart  Anjnd  encircled   lelth  a  ducat   coronet    Gules ; 

Aniitlirr,  atiiinian  It- art  (Juh's  sunuouuted  hi/  a  ducal  coronet 


Charles  Tookcr  of 

Charh's   Tn„kcr   of 
Abingdon,   H't.   21, 
iG  Mar.  1CG4. 

Annc,   da.    and    coheir    of 
Delaliaye,  in  eo.  Hereford. 

Clnistiau,  dx  to  John  S.iUthby       K.^bcrl  Tookr 

II         M    . 

Anne.        Chri.^lian. 



TOOK  Eli  of  ]'ai;„. 

Jolin  Tookor  of  Exeti 

Thomas  Tookcr,  soiuc-i 
time   .Sheriir  of   the 
City  of  Exetjr. 

Ilem-y  "Wliito  of=r\Iavy. 
llcntlaiid  (Ileii- 
Ihin),   CO.    rc'iu- 

^'icholasTo(jkcr=T=.Mi!ic(.nl,  .In.  of  Job 
of Slioibomc,co.  Jl.'ck,  Miiiist.-i'  of 
Gloc.  Stan  way,  co.  Oloc. 

Gabriel  Tooker  of  thc= 
Park  of  Earintjilon,  ret 
35,  18  Mar.  IGCl. 

'Mary,  da.  of  John 
Cox   of   Colcsliill, 

CO.  Berks. 

Jolni,  son,  ami  lieir,  a't.       1.  Susa 
9,  18  ^lar.  ICCl. 

2.  Marv.       3.  Anne. 

4.  I\Iar 

TKU.MEULL  of   East  Ilanii^teaa. 

Arms. — Argctif,  ihi-ct  hidls' hraih  cruscl  Salle,  liorncil  and  Janr/iird  Azure. 

Crest. — A  hiiU's  lipcij  cnisod  SaUe,  honied  Azure  hreidhhuj  fire  proper. 

John    Trumbull    of=j=Elizabetli,  ,1a.  to  ... 
Ciaven,  cu.  Yoik.       I  of  Yurksh. 

William  Trumbull  of  East  llanii.stea.l,  co.  15crks.,=f=Debor 

sometime    Af;ent    bi 

Ih    for    K.    Jauies     and    K. 


Cbarle.s  I  at  Eruxels  in   Eiabnnt,  an,l  al.o  one  „f 

of    1 

-llriii.^',    CO. 

tlic  CkTks  of  his  Ma'ties  I'lixy  Cnmsell,  ol..  1C05. 


Jolni      Elizabeth,  (la.=f-^^'illlam   Trumbnll,=Marv,  da. 

and         to  Oeor-e  Ko- 

of    llast    HampsteLl,      of  Kiehard 

Ki.'h.  AVhit- 

Elisa-     duli-b   AVerk- 

iinNv     (,ne     of    the       Libb   of 


betli,      lierlin   of    the 

('l.ol,^:ollheSi-nrtt     CO.    Oxon,,   CO. 

ob.           citvofAVestin. 

and   III   Commissi. .n      Es.|.,  2  ux. 


E.l).            EsiJ.,  1  uv. 

of  llie  r.M.ef.irtlds 
('o.,a'l.  GO,  30  Mar. 


II            II            1                  M            1 

2.  Kalpli.       .l.Chailes.     ^Villi,,m             1,  Eliz.ibetli.      3.  M. 

1    1 

r-     4.  Anno. 

■—          'J'nimbull,                 —              garet. 


3.  Geor-c.     Ti.  IVter.        snnaudhcir,      2.  Deborah. 

5.  D.iro- 

a't.  21. 




TU15B  of  East  ClmllMW. 

Jole.  Tul.b  of  Cliallow,=T=Eli7-'^ljclli,  .Ix  to  ...  Strattnu 
CO.  r.oiks.  of  Kiiigjtou  Lisle  in  co.  IJurks. 

Jolin  TuM.    of  P.nst  Chalk.Ny,= 
tot.  7<i,  21  Mar.  IGGl. 

2.  Richard,  mar.  Elizal)elh, 
da.  to  Joliii  Ca.stle  of  AVooscy 
{I  AVoolev,  G  miles  S.E.  of 

lie,  da.  to  ...  El-arof  Ortou 
the  iiarisli  of  Kiiilbury. 

Jane,  \ix.  Jolm  Smith  of 
West  lldsley  (lisle  v,  co. 

John  Tiibh  of  I'-ast  Cliallow,=j=:Mar,c;aret,  da.  to  John 

CO.  P.erks,   son  and  heir,  fet. 
45,  21  Mar.  1C61. 

l^.landv  of  Lctcoml) 
Basset't  (CO.   IJerks). 

I  I 

Anne.  Margaret. 


TUCKER  of  Farington  Townc. 
\m^.—A:.inr;     on    a    chn-ron    cmUdtkd    and  counlir-ni^latilrd  Argcni 
hdurcn  (hn-e  .^k  hoivu-:  naiaut  i.ropvrfira  ijuttvaf  dc  poix. 

Ci;,-sT,— ^  dcmi  hors"  huWing  a  iridad,  cdl  j-ypcr. 

TULL  of  Draddeld 

Giles  Tull  of  Midgiam,=f=^I; 

to  \Villiani  ].\\ane 


IMavv,  da.  to--=Jethro  Tull 
...  Earnior         of  W..all,uru. 
of  Cholsey,       co.  I'.eiks. 
CO.  P.erks. 

of  rKniyhursl,  Hants. 

James  Tull  of  r,radfield,=-.. 
CO.  Ilcrks,  .<;on  and  heir. 

I  I 

;ilrsTull  Susan, 

'f  Wallmgton.     Jo.  Eai 

Sarah,  lix.  "Walter         T^Iaiy,  nx. 
Diekini-'.  Thomas  Paly, 



TUKP-EKYILL  of  ]]ray. 
Ai\yK.—Ch'qii>j  Or  and  Gnlcs,  a  y>.-'.y  Enninc,  a  trefoil  sUppcdjur  dl. 

CiiEST.— /I//  cinjh  dl.phiiiol  Snhic,  tin-  .same  dlffcrcHCL 
William  Turhurvill  of=r=... 


?lci-,  CO.  Gloe. 

of  Civcnccstci-, 
ob.  1G18. 

=Anu,  .la. 
of  lUay. 

1                            1 
M           2.  P'ranccs,  ux.      1.  Ann,  laic  ux 
iuili     John  Chcii-y          AVillia]u  llallaj 
of  Cook-luun.         of  Windsor. 




Avon  of 

1                                               1 
"\Villiain=Y=]rannah,           Ann,  iix. 
Turborvill      dn.  toJolm       ...Carcw 
of]!ray,;et.      Whil field          of  IpsAvicl 
32,28^far.      of  liray.             co.  .SuU'. 

Hannah,  about  3  months  old. 

To  Sir  ]■d^vard  Eys^^hc,  Kt.,  Clarcnccux  King  of  Armos. 

ThLs  is  to  certify  that  'Williani  Turhcrvill,  late  of  Cirencester  in  the 
County  of  Gloucester,  Grandfather  to  AVilliani  Turbervill,  now  of  r>ray  in 
the  County  of  Berks,  was  con.-jlantly  and  assuredly  reputed  by  myself  and 
my  father  to  be  a  branch  of  our  family  l.iy  a  yomiger  son,  though  I  cannot 
directly  express  of  what  younger  son  he  is  deserridud ;  to  the  end,  there- 
fore, that  Ihe  memory  of  himself  and  his  deseeiulaut.s  may  be  henceforth 
bettor  preserved,  my  earnest  re.iuest  is  that  he  may  be  allowed  to  bear  the 
arms  of  our  family  with  such  a  distinction  as  you  shall  think  most  proper, 
and  -without  doing  wrong  to  any  others  of  our  house.  lu  witness  whereof 
I  have  hereunto  .subscribed  my  n.ami-  and  put  to  my  seal  of  armcs  the 
eight  and  twentieth  day  of  ]\Iarch  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1CG5. 

Ill  the  presence  of  David  I'.arrv,  Antiiony  Tukbekvill. 

John  Turbervill,  lien,  r.esllaud. 

TUKBErvYIT.L  of   I'.radley  in  Cookham. 

-Qu:.rleily,  1,  Turbervill,  vUlonit  fh"  dlf-rnire;  2,aules,  three 
clivennnh  Anjcnt;  3,  aaarlerhj,  Argent  and  Onhs,  in  the 
.second,  and  third  qtiorterg  a  fret  Or  over  all  a  fes.s  A::ure  ;  2, 
Ar^/enf,  a  vheeron  between  three  eajles'  heads  craned  iSablc. 
Over  the  ichole  shield  a  bend  sinit-ter. 



Cliristoi.hiT    Turl.rrvill    of-,-1  )fnius,  ,1a.  to 
]'ii:llyiu',  CO.  {.i]aiiio)-L,';ni.       I  LcAvis  '\Viuue. 


ti.  ^ratUicw  llar- 

beit  of  .Swanscv,, 

Cliristoplier  TurLurvill,  Es.].-i=Mavv,  da.  to  Sir  Echvard  i\raiiscll 
I  of  ^loryaii,  CO.  GlaiDoi'gaii. 

Anthony  TuiLm 
]5radlcy    in    Co 
and  ]\.nllync. 

vill  of^ 


']\Iai'y,  da.  and  licir  of 
JolmEarmerof  Lrad- 

Joliii,  pon  ami  heir,  at.  32,=f=Annc,  da.  to  Christopher  Andcrlon 
28  ^l;n:  106,").  I  of  Lostock,  co.  Lane. 

I  I  I 

Anthony.  Jolm.  Chn.'itoi)licr  Turhcrvill,  1 

TYLER  of    Clewor. 
A  HMS. — On  n  frst!  hrtirccit  (iro  Uoiif!  jiassciiit  ij'iyi'anl  jidhlrc  ilirce  crescci/l/. 

Cr.ic^T. — A  dcvii-l/nn  rarnjiant  Anjpiit  pvllclrr  liolJItig  hrticccn  the  iiaics  a 

Tliomas  Tyler,   Citi/i'i 
llaherdash'er  of  Lmd, 

-pJudilh,  da.  of  George 
l'']ynt  of  Lcindun. 

I  I  II  II 

AVilliain=^=^ravy,  da.  of     2.   Josc),h    Ty-=pAnno,    da.    to        Aniyc 


Tho,     .Miller 
of    Km 


liMunic  of  Al-  Ellen. 
dersgateStrecf,  — 

J.ondon.  Ileste: 

1  I  J'"li'l' 

AViilia.n,  .M,n  and  heir,  Judith, 

eel.   If.,  oU  Mar.   lOCr.. 



YACIIELL  of   New  "Windsor. 

.\ini?.— Quaiicrlj-,  1  aiid  4,  JlcniJi/  of  !>ix  Ermine  and  Azure;  2 

Anjrnt  a  c/ici;v,i  Sahlc  hrttrcni  three  cods  Gules. 
Ckkm.— yl   huir,-!  [/ainb  cuiqiol  ai  tlie  kme  Arrjent  hoiqied   Or. 

Thomas  Vaclioll  of  Colley,=T=Asnos,  da.  to  William 
CO.  ISerk.?,  Esii.  I  Justice  of  Keading. 

1.  "\Valtc-i==F,lizaljetb,  da.  of  RoLcit     3.  rrancis-j= 


Luc  of  CO.  Lucks,  Kl. 

.  l<rancis-j=...     -J..  Joliii  vaciiei 
raclicll.      I  ob.  s.p. 

Thomas  Vach 
ob.  1C.58. 

=l\rarqarot,  da.  to  CHwc 
IMcverel],  j\r.D. 

Thomas  Vachcll=Annc,  da.  to  William 
of  Now  "Windsor,  Taileur,  ulias  Danvill, 
rot.  23,  30  Mar.  now  Surveyor  of  the 
1665.  workcs    of   Wind.sor 


Lotitia,  ux.  Tho- 
mas  Denton   of 
Warnell,   co. 

WARNFOKD  of   Euckland. 

-Per  f'ss  ewlxittlrd  Argcid  ard  Salle  i>ix,  crosses  patec  coun/e 

...  da.  of  .Sh 
Avard  Fcttip 

,  Kt. 

^Thomas  Wamford: 
of  Scvcnhampton, 
CO.   Ecrks  (Wilts). 

='Mary,  da.  to  Henry 
Shelley  of  Warming- 
luirst,  CO.  Sus,scx. 




Tilary,  iix.  Albon,     Ifenry    Warn-=i=Ann,  da.   of  Judith, 

l-ilrs  of  Ecctory     ford  of   Euck-  I  ...  Eisherof  iix.  Tho- 

lif    llolton,    CO.        land,p.'t.38,  18  I  Eiddiii-ton  masEetti- 

Oxuii.  l\lar.  106!.  I  M'irk,    co.  j.lacc    of 

"Wills.  Feruham, 

I  Esq. 

ud  Warn f(ird, son  and     Jh- 
ut.  10,  18  Ilia:  IGGl. 



WATERMAN  of  Holt. 
Hugh  Watcrrann  of  Taiigley,  co.  Hauls/ 

John  "Walcrman  of  Tangley.-pDorothy,  da.  lo  Thomas  Xoycs  of  Charlctou 
ob.  Sc'iit.  1GG5.  I  in  tlic  p'sh  of  Amlovcr. 

II  I  I 

Thon-as.        Anne,  xix.     John    AVaternian=j=Elizabcth,         Dorothy 
—  William       of    Holt    in    tli        " 

Walter  of     p'sh  of  Kiutlniry 
Tangloy.       a.t.   40,    23  Mai 



a.  to  Rich.      nx.  Jo. 
Elandey  IlaskerJs. 

of  Holt. 


Jolin,       Blandoy  Waterman,  son  and  heir,      Elizahclh.       Mary. 
2  son.       £ut.  13,  8  Mar.  1C65. 

WELEECK  of  Reading. 

Leonard  Welbcckc  of  Gari^ington,  eo.  Oxon.=j=Frances  ... 


Richard    Wclbecke=T=Dorothy,  da.  of  E.lward      AViliiam  Wclbeck, 
of  Reading,  8  son,  I  Dant  of  Eaubury.  eldest  son. 

ob.  1GC2.  " 

j  ^  ^1 

Leonard    Welbecke^pMargery,  da.  of  George      L  Richard.       Robert, 
of  Ra'ading,  ret.  59,     Winthurst   of    Stonr- 
11  Mar.  IGGl.  bridge,  co.  AVorccster. 

I  I  I  I  I  I 

Leonard  Wclbeck,        Sarah.       Ann.     Elizabeth.      Mary.      I^Iar 
ret.  [). 

WEl.TiQX  of  Sliottesbrook. 

AiiMs. — Quarterly,  1  and  'i,  Argcnf,  a  c.ivqucfoil  Gidrs  on  a  cldcf  of  the 
second  a  dcmi  lion  nmi}i<tid  of  ilie  fidd ;  2  and  3,  Arijcid,  on 
a  chevron  Scd'lo  three  i!-callo2'(:  Or  on  a  chief  of  the  t-ccond  a 
lion  pa^^sniit  rcjurdant. 

Lrest. — A  de: 

(uqicad  Anjent  [/iittcc  dc  Mmj. 



William  V^Mun  .:.f  Sliutti.sbrooko,= 
CO.  Jierl;.^. 

■].    John==Su.saiiiia,  da.  to  Thoi 

AVcldon.     jNTarliii  of  Lawrriice 


^rai-niet,  ,li.  and  .nlirir  of  B. 
Clarke  of  Stivallcv,  c...  ]!ci'ks. 

I     I 

I  I  I 

G.  CI 

7.  Tlioiiias.       2.  Iviclianl,  s. 
5.  KoLevt,  s,n 

I  .III 

GcorL;c  M  cliliin^=LlizabL'tli,  1.  Ann,  iix.  2.  Joyci',  Elizalu 

of  Shotti.^;l)io(ikL-.     da.  to  John  ... 'Wcslbury  iix.  ...  ux.  ... 

Hwscy  of  of  Clnisl-  Ti-il.ick  (Jkin-l 

Win^diuld,  cliuicli  ill  oflluilcy.  co.  I'.i'i 

and  lianas-  llainpnliirL'. 
tor  at  Law. 

AVKLIXIN  nf  Cookham. 
AiiM.s  and  C'iii«T  as  in  tlic  iircicdiiiL,'  rciligvec. 

Ann,  da.  I 
For.-l.rof  ( 
liani,  1  iix. 

=pOcoi-e  Weldon  nf-i=:\riu-v,  da.  (o  William 
C.-,„khaiii,co,  T.rik.s  I  SeiT'anl  of  Waldridgc 
ob.  circa  IGIG.  co.  I'.ucks,  2  nx. 

I  I  I 

Gooi-o  Wrldon— Maiv,  da.  of  William  Wcldui,  Cbw 

of  Cookliam.  William  of  Cookbam,a-1. 51, 

T:nhuv,i/iaj  28  Mar.    IGC.-.. 


WESTllOlir  of   Xcw   Wiu.lsor. 

.  to  Sir  iM-anci.s  Ci:nvlcy 

Clcor-c  Wcslliovp   of--, -A 
Conii.m-li,  CO.  York.  I  n\ 

]'ranci.s    Wc-thorp    of  ,  S, 
Stanslicld,  CO.  Suir.        I  of 

o  Thos.  Lil 
ai,  CO.  Snir. 

IS  WcslhoriM.f  XrW- 

AVilHl-or,rO.    1',: 

ao  :\iar.  iGcr.. 

Susanna,  d.i.  to  ,1,,],: 


Jolm.      3.  Clcor-c.       Thomas,  son  and  heir,     Susanna.       Eli/a 

ait.  17,  30  iAIar.  1CG5. 



MIIITE  of    Fyfiekl. 

Akms.— 6'///w  an  unmiM  Or  icithni  a  l>n,:J,ii-r  S>il.f,j  dnnyr,/  irill,  rUihl 
ivtoilcs  ofilicfichi  on  a  canton  lynti,,';  a  lion  nunj'nnl  of  lh<' 

Ckest.— yl«  ostdch  Argent  hakol  and  h^fjed  Or. 

I'raucis    AVliitc    of=j^?*ravi4;ivot,  sistur  to  Sir  Thomas 
Fifu-kl  in  Iluiks.         I  I!aa-liot  in  co,  Gloc. 

Tlionia.s   AVliito  of  FinLkl,,lilli,  .la.  to  Sir  Cliavl,  .^  AViscnian 
oil.  circa  lGt2.  of  Sparsh.jU  Court,  co.  I'.crk.s 

1  I  \        n 

Mary,    1      mar.     to  John     Charle.s=j=Janc,  da.       1  rancis  !Margarc 

Aklworthof  Let  comb  KcL,'is,     AVhitc, 
CO.  Derks,  and  nc\t  to  ^"ich.     oh. 
Mallclt  of  the  :\Iidaie  Tcjn-     16G: 
pic,  2  sou  to  Sir  Thomas 
Mallett,  Kt,,  sometime  one 
of  the  Justices  of  the  Jvin^'s 

if.lolin  White  of 

:^lallett  Fitield,  Jane, 

of    En-  ret.  24,  IG 

more,  CO.  r^Iar.  ICGl. 

Charles  AVliite,  ict.  G,         Frar 
IG  :\Jar.  IGCJ. 


WHITE  of    WokiuL'liani. 

M^\^.—Arii,nt,acli<^rron  Gnh^,   l.lum,    Hum  j,oi,lnj<vj^    Vnl  nilhlna 
burJarc  A::nrr  rhoro.,]  ,.;//,  i.n  hcMut^. 

Sir  Thomas  Wliil^'  nf  Snutl 
Warnborowe,  co.  llant.<i,  Kt. 

Sir    IJichard    T^Hute   ofT=])orothy,  eldest  da.  of  Franri,.  Wine 
South  Warnborowc,  Kt.    I  condje  of  IJucklebury,  c.   I'.iicks. 

I     I  I 

Thnnins|  ,lohn  While  ,.f  AVokiii-- 

—       V'j.p.  ham,   CO.  ]'.crks,  son  and 

Henry     )  heir. 

=.lovce,  .■Idesl  da.  of  Gilbert 
C'.min.;.bv  .if  :\b.nin^|..u'.s 
Court,  CO.  llercfor.L 

I  I  AVhite,  AViiiifre.l 

.son  and  heir. 



WIGIITWICKE  of   Marostoii, 

Ani;3. — Quart ovly,  1  awl  4,  Azure,  on  a  chnn-on  Arrjoat  hdwcen  ihrec 
plipnin;  Or  as  miau/  cro.-'scs  ]iutco  Gidc.-i;  2,  Ar</ent,  three  hiuirs' 
hewh  coiq'cl  Snbh,  a  chi>'/  of  the  second;  3,  Azure,  a  (ju.rh 
Or  hetweea  three  liezants. 

Crest. — A  demi  tiger  ranqmnt  Azure  holding  heiween  the  jwjcs  a  pheon  Or. 

Francis   "VVigiitwicke   of=j=]\rai'f,'ai'ot.,  da.  to  ^NFatliew  Moretou 
Wightwicko,  co.  Staff.       |  of  Int^k-ton,  co.  Staff. 

SamurnVigl.twirkr,  3  ?ou,  of  :\ra 
iiiilo;;  X.E.  of  Xewljur}'),  Esq.,  ol 

i=j=.\iai'f,'ai'ot.,  (li 
of  Iiigk'ton, 

-Ion  (n^ 

= Abigail,  da.  to  ...  Wriyht 
of  ...  CO.  Essex. 

.Tolm"\Viglit-=Jaiie,   da.    and     3.  Ilunificy,     2.  Francis  Abij,'ail,    ux. 

mar.   to  Le-     mar.  Tho-  Ilcnry    AVil- 

titia,   da.   to     inasine,  liams  of  Gwcr- 

da.    to  ...  iicvitco, Brcck- 

Dcnvs.  nock. 

cko   of  coheir  to  Edw. 

Marcston,  Pricliard    of 

fTt.    34,    23  Llancavach.c 

Mar.  1GG4.  Glamorgan. 

WILCOX  of  Lray. 

-Gidrx^   a   lion  rampant  Argent,  on   a  clii< 
Cornish  choughs,  Hable  (?  Colubrooke). 

Richard  AVilcox  of- 
Tysoo,  CO.  Warw. 


I\Iary,  da.  to  l?obcrt=j=Thomas "Wilcox  of  Crcswnll=j=Jndith,  da.  to  ... 
Scroop  of  LewL'nor,  in  the  parish  of  Bray,  co.  I  Bland,  citizen  of 
CO.  Oxon.  Berks,  oh.  9  Sept.  1GG2.  London,  1  ux. 

Joyce,  \Tx.  Till 
Lane  of  Brad 
CO.  Berks. 

Katherine,  ux.  John 
Curie  of  Buttermere, 
CO,  AVilt.-^liire. 

I  I 

Marv,  ux.  Thonias= 

I'.dward  llarhert    Wilcox, 
of  Arhorflcld, 
o.  Oxon, 

J':ii:^,al)eth,  da.  to  reregrine==Marv,  da. 

Thomas  ll.aM-es  AViloox  of      to  Willian 

of  the  parish  of  Crrswell,         Hester 

St.  :Martins  in  fri.   11,  28      of  Thaim', 

the  Fields,  Mar.  ICCJ.      co.  Oxon. 
CO.   :\Iid.lx. 

Anne.       2.  'Williaiu.      Peregrine,  ict.  11,  son  and  heir. 



WILKINSON  of  Lawrence  Walthaui. 

AnMS.— fi'/fK  af-ss  Vail-  in  chief  a  vnicorn  covrant  Or. 

CnE:iT.—A  wolfs  head  Or  holding  in  (he  mouth  a  wing  erased  Argent. 
Thomas  \Vilkinsoii=f=IsaLel,  da.  and  heir  to  Cluistoplicr 
of  Eland,  CO.  York.    I  Wilkinson  of  Eland. 

Galuicl  Wilkin.son  of  Upper  Winchingdon=f=^rargory,  da.  of  Richard 
and  liy.slmp  "Woodburne  (Wrst  orBishoi ' 
Woburn),  CO.  VmcU,  ob.  17  Dec.  10-38. 

3.  Eichard=Katlicrine,  da.  of 
Wilkinson.     Thcmuis  Holme.'? 
of  Wexliam, 
CO.  Uucks. 

1.  Thomas  Wilkinson,=nc.'>ter,  da.  of 
Vicar  of  La\Yrencc  WilliamUawloyn 

Waltham,  co.  Iterks,        of  Gookham, 
ict.  5.J,  IS  Fob.  1CG4.      co.  Berks. 

liak-erof  Uxbrid-e, 
CO.  .Mid^ 

2.  John=Su.^anna, 
Wilkinson,      da.  of  ... 

4.  lSIathc\v= 

Gabriel.        IVfarv,  ux.  Thomas  Collier  of  Fulpl 
(,v/r/but  1  Eullirnok),  eo.  Oxon. 

WIL^IOTT  of  Cl.arlelr.n. 

Ahms.— ylr;/'/(/,  on  «/',«  Gnles  hetween  three  eagles'  heads  erased  Bahlc  a 
■iinieorn  couchant  between  two  Jleurs  de  lis  Or. 

Crkst.— ^  drmi  panther  rampant  gardant  proper  holding  a  hattle  a.rc 

Sir  George  Wilmott  of   Cliarl(;lun,'p>rar.;aret,  da.  of  Kiehard  Aldworlh, 
Kt.,  Ki.  G3,  21  Mar.  IGGI.  I  Citi/.eu  of  London. 

J*rary,Ja.  to  Edw. 
llnngcrford  of 
CO.  Wilts. 

W'iiliam   \Vilmott,-=nelena,  da.  of  John, 

21  -M: 

iS,     Lord  I'  ..f  lliuton 
yt.  Cieorge,  CO.  .Soni. 

George  Wiliiioll,  dy,'d  ijonnge. 
CerlifieJ  l.y  Sir  Oeo.  Wiluiot,  Kt. 



AVIXCII  of  FifieM  in  T.ray. 

^HMs.— Quarterly  of  G,  1  ami  G,  Anjcnt  on  a  fr.<,  a,ih:s  fhr.-e  ,-,v-x.s-  rmg-<H.'< 
Or,  OH  a  canfov  A::in-r  fin-  flcinv  ,/■'  lis  „f  ihc  ihnd  (Wiurli)  ; 
2,  Or  a  Jinn  rmnpmit  S'i'l,lr,  a  chirf  ni,h„/.  .1  of  iJu-  srn.,,,1 
(Loggins);  3,  Qwntrrhj  j,cr  >.«  iwh  nfr,/  !,,  Ihr  jir.l  </:,arla- 
an  Clone's  hcul  miscJ  S„hlr  (Loggins)  ;  -1,  Ar<j"»l  a.  clwcroa 
hrlurni  thrrr  i„,i,i i,,-],is  Soh/r  (Stalirrton)  ;  r>,  Aiytiit  a  rro/s 
tiahh-  in  dr.drr  cliirj  ,i  jhnr  ,lr  li.  „/!/„:  ,r,;,n.l  (llayaock). 

CiiKST.— ^  lion's  h'Wl  affroiiire  ihuyilhi  rroniicd  Or  lda\-t'n  iiro  "pmrs  of 
the  so-oml  headed  Ar<jrnt. 

Robert  Wincli  of=^...,  da.  of  llobcrt  Lutnian 
•    Bray,  co.  JVrks.     1  ..f  Cnokliam,  w.  I'.irks. 

Simon  ^Vinr 
of  I'.iav. 

.=Ann,  (la.  r,f 
...  iMonta- 
guo  (if 

Elianor,  .la.  ami  lu'ir  of  Kob-rl  Loggins 
f,f  Str.m.l  in  lUay  [wliicli  Robert 
Loggins  mar.  Ilic  da-  and  htir  of 
Stiiil'iilon  (if  Warfiuld,  whoso  ancestor 
mar.  tlju  da.  and  hdr  of  ...   ITydocki-.] 

1.  ]-:iizali..4li,  2.    I'.lianor,  nx.  Sim 

n.\-.  AVilliani  Lccklry  of  Lilield 

I'owm-'V  (.if  r.ray. 

3.  Jane,  ux.        Riib 

Thonws  Pago     of  ]" 

of  ]>ra)'.  ]'ra} 


rdWinch-r^rarv,  da.  of 

4.  Mary,  nx.  Jolm 

Tliomas  Maryott       Teriman  of  Farn- 
(if  Culham,  CO.         liam  Royal,  co. 
O.xon.  lUick.^. 


Wineb  (if=i 


da.  to 



,  ux 




ret.  31, 


rt  Lish. 

p      Jubn 



28  Mai 

.  IGC.".. 

nf  i; 

of  R. 



I  I 

Richard.       3.  RoIm 

Simon  Winrh,  son  ; 
Kt.  G,  'JS  Mar.  IGG." 

rir,     :*r:i 


AVINCirCO.Mr.E  of   liacklebury. 

Ai!M3. — Azuro  on  a  cJiriron  engrailled  hetween  Hirer;  Cornish  chow/J/s  as 
many  cinqu/'foils  of  the  fi'hl,  on  a  chief  of  iha  second  a 
flenr  de  lis  hetuceii  t/ro  .tpr-ar  heads  of  the  first,  on  a  canton 
'Anji-ut  the  had>jc  of  Ul/lcr. 

Ci:est.— /I  sta,i's  head  qnaricrJij  Or  and  Aznrr  ]„,ras  c<mnlerchaii<i<'d 
holding  in  thr  mouth  a  hranclt    Vrrl.      Vide  ]'att.,  libr.,  3G'. 







irv,    ( 


of    ■\V 





all. 11 

,rv  (Ha. 





of  ^^'u 





IJerks,  i: 



1,   CO. 



II  I.I  I 

Anne,  ux.     ^[;iiv,  ux.      i.  A\  illiam.        ]lcni'\-=j=Lliz,iboth,         I'l-ances, 
JMinon.!        Ynmv\>  Winch"-     da.    of  iix.  Fi'an- 

Jirunin^,'        ]  lililc-^liv  conibc,       CJeorge  cis    I'cr- 

.,f    ...  'in      of    Little  Esq.  :\rillri'of  kins  of 

llamp-  Stoke,  co.  |  .Swallow-  Uftdn 

.sliiiv.  Oxon.  lirld.  Court,  co. 

I  I5^'l»- 

ll.nrv  Winchconil.c  of   liur-liull.nvv   (r,acklc-=f=France,s     cLlcst,    da.    to 
l.uiv),  I{1,  and  Ikivt,,  ob.    1G07.     ,SV^,////   aj,nd  I  Cull  Thomas  ][uwar.l,  i 
l;ur_;hulliuiy  i)ec.  IGGT.  son  to  the  Eavl  of   Duik- 


ITenrv,  son  and  heir, 
at.  .<  1GG5. 

WIS];M.\N  of  .Spaishnjt  Park. 

AliMS. — S'd.Ie,  a  rherr,ni  Ermine  hrtn:ccn  Hirer,  walnid  leares  f?  rrowls) 

Ci!i;sT.— .1  tn„;r  Or  /.,.rl  Arge„l  on  the  tnp  a  dnni  Mnor  hahit.'d  in  mad 
all  /.,■.,/„  ,-,  ///  thr  ,h,-trr  hand  a  dart  and  in  the  sinister  hand 
a  Jh.nnin.hirld  of  tlm  jirst. 

C.'ilifieai.y  I'diii.  WLscnian,  ICsq. 

F.dnnu.d  Wi.<enMn  of  Slrvenb.n,  co.  IVvk-s-r-Aniie,  da   and  heir 
Ks,|.,  a  y..„n,Lvi' snn  of  Tle.nias  Wiseman  nf      t„  AVilliam  Hawkins 
Tluirnham,  co.  .Sulk  j  of  Lnndon. 



Mary.  Ja.  of  AiithoiiY=j=Sir  Charles  '\Viseman=j=Lc'c,da.of  XicholasCon 
Blagravc  of  BuImaKh,  of  Stovoiiton,  Kt.,  oli.  I  of  Liustcdo,  co.  Bor 
CO.  Berks.  1635.  (Suff.),  1  ux. 

4.  Francc.<?,  «x.  Tho- 
mas Hall,  now  carvoi 
to  liis  Highness  the 
Duke  of  Yorke. 

C.  Letticc,  1  ux.  (o 
Edw.  Gottrcll  of 
Wanting,  2  to  Kichard 
Pcttifer  of  "Wanting. 

.1  i    I 

Elizaheth,  ux.  !Mary,  ux.  Bennett  Ilohlj.s  of 

Francis  Knowlcs  Ardiiigton,  co.  Berks. 

of  Stanford,  

CO.  Burks.  Lee,  died  unni. 

2.  Judith,  ux.  Geor-o 

5.  Kather 

Goodlalce  of  Letcouibe 

liiel.anl  1 


of  Soulh't 


I  I 

7. Bridget, ux.  ...Unton,  3.  dane,  ux.  Tliomas 

2  son  to  Union  Crooke,  Wliitc,  Beeb-r  of 

Serjeant  at  Law.  "Whitney,  co.  Oxon. 

Susanna,  da.  (o  John=i 
Clark  of  A)(liiigton, 


j=Edniond  Wiseman    of-= 
Sl,ar.sholt   Bark,  Esq., 
;et.  4.2,  21  :\rar.  IGCl. 

r^Duleihelln,  2 
of  , Samuel  L) 
of  Tusev. 

1         1         1        1 

Katliorino.     Su.^anna.     John.     Edward. 

I  I  I 

Charles  "Wiseman,  Samuel.         Wi 

1  son,  ffit.  18,  — 

21  Mar,  1G61.  Edmund. 

Mary.  Am 


AVOLLA SCOTT  of   Sutton  Courtney. 

An-sfx—Sahlr,  a  lend  hdwrcn  Rix  martlcU  Or. 

"William  AV,.llascott-j=-.- 
of  Shinheld. 



Edimiiid  "Wollns- 
cott  of  Tidmarsli, 
CO.  Berks. 


'Mary,  da.  and  co- 
licir  of  Tliomas 
IIiilso  of  Sutton 

William  Wol-=:\rary,  da. 
lascott  of  Shin-  and  lirir 
field.  of  (Edwar.l) 


I  II  I 

Edmund.      Dorutli}'.       Thomas   ■\VolIascott=f=Eli/.alicth,  da.  of  Alexander 
ofTidHiaiv-h,ob.circa     Plirtiiihu/e    (Fettiplacc)    of 
Susanna.       1G50.  Swinconilio,  co.  Oxon. 

Ill  I 

Edward.      James=FranccP,  da.  Tliomas    Wol-=|-Xallu 

—  Wol-        of  Kalph  El-  lascott  of  Sut- 

Franci.?.     lascott.     drington,  ton    Courtnov, 

Citizen  of  »t.  34,  IG  Uiu: 

London.  IGCl. 

(.f  ^\'illiam 


of  Sliiidield, 





jMartin  Wolla.seolt, 
son  and  heir,  ret.  3. 

I    I 


I    I 



WOLLASCOTT  of   Woolhami.ton. 

Aior.s.—Qunrtrrlv  of  G,  1  ami  G,  Wolla.^cott ;  2,  Or,  a  Uov  p,t>imni  SahJr  ; 
3,  (/,il.:-:,,sho,!cl/erA,ycnl;  i,  Argr,,/,  a  clirrrt,n.  (  br/aroi 
finrr  I.Hijh'  honis  Saiiln  ;  ,5,  Anfiil,  on  a  head  ^Sahln  cotused 
Enniws  llirec  cinqwfoHn  Or. 

CliEST.  — ()/;/  ,,f  „  rnrnncf  Or  nil  r,v/h-\i  ],md  A:: 

Wollasu^ttofvAnn,  da 

rc-iccnf  for  (h'jl'crcnce. 
heir  to  i:dward 

Sliinfield,  eo.  IJerl^a 


•jhvaid   i-  A 


la.rnlt.       1'. 

Will  aui 

vol,.    VI. 

Marlili  AVollasc.ilt  of 
.SlMiilivld,  -.vl.  70,  -J,-) 
.Mareli  1GG5. 


VISITATION    OF    ]!Er!KSlIirvi:. 

SlW.Ul,    da.    of    Sir    Ka-=-AVilli:nil  AVnll:,so.ti-T-Sus:,„,     ,l;l.      of 

WimI  L'hivkc  of  I'uvin--     of    M'olliainptnii,       Mlriiiv    I'nvv, 
ton,  CO.  ]'.in'l<s,  2  ux.        J'',sij.  l)o(  t,ir  .if  i'hy- 

sic,  1  ux. 

I  1 

Mary,  iix.Jolin  Haw-       William    A\'jl--=f=li 
kinsof  XasliiuKcnt.       la^.otl.  I  ]' 


Kathfl-il.P,  .la. 
1.1  Thomas  \\'«: 

AVOODDESOX  of  Now   Win.l 

■William  Wood.I.'^ou  of--,- 
11)0  Cilyof  Wiiichosl.T,  1 

Ivonar.l  W,.n,l.l,..o.i„  of  Xow^ 
Wiu.lsni-  .,1,.  IGJG. 

2.    :\rai-avol,  ux.  Willi; 
AV..i'tliin-(nii,  Ci(i/,.-u  a 


.\iino,  .1:1.  ami  h.'ir  t...r.,lm  C 
of  Siiil.'l.'V  (si,:,  1iul  ?  Su.jkl.'N 
c...  Woro.' 

r,.  Kli/ali.-tli,  ux.  Audi 
l'aiaii'4(oii,,  and  la 
K,.cloi-of  ilrav. 


1.  Anno,  ux.  T 

.liia,^  p. .lie 

■,     }>lai-avot,  da.  an.l- 


pl..hll    Wo,,d.l,'S.,l 

Jiool.n-of  I'.inii, 


S      c.laav     of     .lam.'.^ 

.if  X.'w  Wiii,l..,i 

1    vii-.  ;    Jol.ii 


,      I'linlant.ifClrWor, 

:<■[.  .-.1,  :-!0  .Mar. 

lloctorof   Xi'.; 

it.iu  (.\il..i 

,      c...  Jioiks. 


to.  Ifaiil.s),  an. 

i;,o.,  1' vii- 
•    llayr.^    , 

and    Alrxan.], 

f                          1     ] 

""  r  1 

Clowov,  3  vir. 

5.  ]{icliard. 

.'!.  c;o..i-.'. 

C.  Leonard. 

4.  Samuol. 

I  MM 

,T..liii  W.v..l,l.....-,n,  .^on  ].  Sarah.       3.  :\larffiivt, 
an.l,   at.    21,    I'-O  —  — 

Mar,  IGG.-i.  2.  Marlha.     1.  Su-anna. 



YAT]'    (if  Ihuldaiul. 

An.MS. —Quarterly,  l,r/  fcs^  liedrrr,,.  flm-e  ijatp.<;  2,  Sal'h;  a  ,■]„.■  rmn  1 
hrln-riM  ihi'co  orsceiifg  Enmiifl  (Goddanl)  ;  3,  A:::irr,  a  /,; 
Jifr  hx.'i'jii/i'fi  hctwecn  ilirce  hidcW  h/fuJs  ('/■nsi  J  ;  1,  Or,  a 
cminul'il  coiisod  Sable;  on  an  eaciichcon  of  ^'ft'-nr'-  tl"'  '" 
of  Uhirr. 

Chest.— O^/  of  a  ronmct  Anjnit  a  <junt'.->  h>wl  Snllc  Innial  nf  /!,, 
collaml  Or. 

Sir  Edward  Yatc=|=]\a(horine,  sistor  of  Sir  llonry 
of  Buckland,  Dart.  I  JJakur  of  Sisinghurst,  co.  Kent, 
Xt.  and  Eart. 


Sir  Jolin  Y;,te  o 
Buckhmd,  ]!avt. 

Olary,  da.  and  colicir  of  !^^ary,  nx.  Charles 

lluniiiliry  Packington  Vm-U  of  Linton  in 

of  Clmdde.sley  Corbelt,  CaiuLridge. 
CO.  "Wore. 

I  I  I 

Edward, -nn  Al.igail,  ux.  SirCharle.s  Yatc^ 

and  heir,  .li,d  Charles,  Vis-  of Euckland.Kt. 

at  rari.s  IGIJ,  count  Fairfax  andl!arl.,:et.  30, 

M,.  of  Ireland.  18  M;ir.  IGGl. 


=EranceR,  da.        A] 
ofSirTlionias     Ini 
Gage  of  Ferle, 
];art.  [ob. 

I  I  I 

John,  son  and  heir,  fet.  .3,     jMary.      Elizal> 
IG^]      18  Mar.  IGGl. 

(,SVv  r.iuki 

it  iind  Kdinct  Baroiu-tru-s). 

YATE^^  of   Westbrooke. 
AliMs  and  CiiKST,  without  the  quartering^;,  same  as  Yate  of  Eueklam' 

dolin   Yates  of  plane,  da.  and  eoheir  to  Kirhard 
l.vfnrd.  I  Go.ldav.l  of  Ul.hani,  eo.  Wilts. 

Davlliolnuirw  Yateof  F..rMha,i 
Jinks,  Mast.rof  Arlsin  Oxf. 


riiilip  Yates  of  AV.'st.l.v, 
in  F:iriiiit;li'n,  i.L.  1G.')G 

Ill,  ,1.1.  ..f   ...  Fisl 



ro.   AVllN. 

I'liiiipi.;!,  ux.  Kli/alH.tli,  Thnniii 

AVilHaiuM-rs  ux.    .Inlm  Yatr<, 

of    l[o.Uli.m  Saaicr    of          ob.  .^.p. 

(lIo<ls.m),  r,,  Chilton, 

AVilts.  CO.  ^Vilt.<. 

Vat..s..[  AV. 

ZIXZAX  of   Tylrliurst. 
AUMS.— J:-«/v',    a   fal-nu    u-ilh    irimjs-  r.ri.i,,,^.!  j„:>,vr  o„    a  ror].-  ( 

dexter  Clu-rf    un  e^tnll.    nf    ihr    /,/../. 

Sir  Robert  Zinzan  of=p...  ila.  of  ...  AVestcolt  of  ]Ian.=:aker, 
St.  Albania,  co.  llerls.      Kail,  co.  Statlnra. 

3.  llumy  Zin-=Elizabeth, 
zan  of  Walton  do.  of  ... 
upon    'i'liamcf!,     Aklur    fif 

CO.  Sum 

:\rarv,  ux.     Dulcibella, 
...IHyby.     ux.  ...AVil- 
lianis  of  St- 

S--  Si.'is7nun.l  Ziuzan  of  ^role=;cy,=(=:srar--aret,  fla,  of  Sir  riiili] 
CO.  SurrcY,  oli.  1  023.  I  Slorley  (Sli,lley)  nf  co.  Xc 



4.  Cliaili'S  Ziuzan,  luar. 

1.  :\[ar^^arct, 


1  Klizabrtb,  aa.  to  ... 

ux.    Itobirt 

ux.    Jol 


riuuic    of    K.scx,    :; 


Kllnn    ( 

Elizabeth,    da.    tn    ... 


5.  John. 

Stanton,  ],.i).,3  ...  da. 
of    ...    ]Io-'  of   Scot- 
land,  ^vherc  he  lives. 


r-^,  one  nf  the  das. 
,       „f  Sir  P,.|,.r  Vanlore  of 
J.      Tvh-h,u..t,  Kt.  andlLirl. 



ux.   Eobe 

of  Tvhli 

CO.  J  HI  k.-^ 




nf  I'hysie 

I  I 

Su.sanna.  1  da.,  ux.  I'elei 

Loouanl  Lawrence,  — 

Citizen  and  Jeweller  lleni 
of  London. 


Ifcnry,  snu  and        -Maiy.  Jane, 
lieir, '.et    28,  25 

:\lareh,  IGG.A            Llizabetlr  France 




Li  "Xoifs  nn.l  Qunirs,"  :,tli  s.  ii,  p.  2(;2,  I  exjnvsscd  luv  lirlk-f 
tliat  RiclianI  Foley,  tlio  aneLvstor  of  the  ciuioblr-llaiiiily  of  that 
name,  was  a  native  uf  IJiidloy,  and  Jiot  of  Stouiljiiili^'c  as  is 
generally  supposed. 

According-  to  the  pedigree  given  in'.s  '  Worcestershire,'  lie 
was  the  son  of  Edvxird  P'oley  of  Stourbridge;  but  not  only  is 
there  no  trace  of  this  Edward  in  the  Parish  Registers  of  OM 
Swinford  (the  parish  in  which  the  town  of  Stourbridge  is 
situat';<l),  but  tlie  very  tirsfe  Foley  entry  therein  is  tlie  baptisui, 
in  10:!!,  tif  Richai'd's  j'oungest  son  John,  who  was  living  un- 
iiiarriecl  and  aged  oO,  at  the  Visitation  of  ^Vorcestcrshire  taken 
in  l(i.s2. 

Sir  Simon  Degge  informs  us  that  Richard  Foley  was  "  first  a 
seller  of  nails,  afterwards  a  forge-master,  and  a  very  honest  man 
at  Stourbridge  in  Worcestershire."  He  died  July  (i,  10-57,  ari'l 
was  buried  at  OMswinfoi'd  on  Thursday,  July  9.  He  is  stated  to 
have  ac(iuired  his  wealth  and  position  by  disco\"ering  the  method 
— then  a  secret —cm]iloyed  by  the  Swedish  (or  the  Dutch)  f'.'r 
slitting  ii-on  into  rods  for  the  ]iurposeof  making  nails  ;  an<l  in  tiie 
article  before  referred  to  1  gave  one  versiun  i,f  Die  sbay  <.f  Ids 
adventures  in  se.nrli  nf  ilii<  s.Mnvt.  Aii.itli^'r  vri-si..;!  is  -ivcii  in 
riayfair's  'Rrltish  Family  xVnti.piities,'  ii,  217.  V,n[h  .lescil.e 
hin\  as  a  man  of  very  lunnble  position.  In  the  one  he  i>  'a 
ii<ldler  li\ing  ni'ar  Stourbridge,"  who  wandered,  as  a  strolling 
minstrel,  b.  Iliill,  and  thence,  without  funds,  worked  his  i)a<-ajV; 
to  the  Swedish  in.ll  port,  '  he  "l,rgg,'d  mA  Ii. Idled  his 
wav"  to  the  in.ii-works,  where  bv  jiretendin-'  to  Im^  li;dr-wir:-.d, 
he  "was  received  by  the  v.nA.'mrn  without  suspicion,  and 
ex'entuall}'  succeedcl  in  acipiiriiig  the  knowledge  he  \\  as  in  search 

]u  Playfair's  version  he  is  "  one  Richard  Folev,  a  nailer,  and 
rather  addiete.l  b.  the  alediouse,"  Jle  i.  s.-iid  to'  have  been 
day  drinking  wh.'ii  his  wif.'  enler.Ml  to  tell  him  that  the  cow  v,  a.s 
sei/.ed  f(jr  rent. 

"  Up  rose  Kicli.wl,  and  fw,,,,.  tlul  lie  slinuld  iirwv  he  l.,M  so  ,._aii, 
and  Mwav  he  w.-ut,  and  wa  ;  ,>nl,  s,-.,,  ,,.aiu  for  ll,,v,.  vravs,  u  k  ::  he 
lelunuMl  fniia  Jlollaml  willi  lli.-  luvnljn,,  of  tlir  dillin-  iiiill.  ii  iiad 
Avnrked  l,is  i.assa-e  out  tlnir,  aii.l  inaintaiiHMl  l,n„M.lf  l,vhr;';s,.  sii.l 
ptivi.i:'  nuay/»/f.      In  ll.i>  inauu.'Hir  «    at  in(ri-\  al -,    in  lla:    i-'    '-of 

^liUin-  null  ^vhi'i'c  no  sU.ur'cl.s  were  allow cd  to  eiiUa'. 


"Tlie  f.inlisli  lui.n- Avas  lint  rulmitlra  f,,i-  ,a  -rcat  liMi-fli  of  lime,  Init 
after  two  veais  ivtuiiiiii'4  at  iiilcrviils,  ahvays  longer  ami  loii-iT,  lie  was 
Ictin,  lui.l'saw  tlie  iiatuvo  of  tlic  iiiacliiiu",  which  imleeil  is  ulMliat  is 
necessary  to  sec  in  order  to  get  it  made.  AVlicn  lie  returned  to  ]'!uglaiid, 
ho  .soon  found  luonied  penph^  to  support  him  ;  for  it  is  clear  he  must  liave 
been  a  man  of  great  mind  and  ingenuity. 

"Before  lie  died  lie  huilt  and  endowed  an  hospital,  still  maintained,  on 
a  great  scale  for  an  individual." 

This  afiaii'  is  said  to  liave  luippenod  in  tlic  rcio-n  of  Cliavlos  II, 
whereas  Richai-d  Foley  died  liet'ore  tlic  Rcstoi-atioir ;  and  as  early 
a,s  the  year  IGKi  was  of  suilieicnt  social  importance  to  be  deemed 
Avorthy  to  fill  the  oliice  of  ilayov  of  his  iwtive  to^vu,  Dndley. 
Moreover  tlio  liospital  of  -which  Playfair  speaks  was  built  and 
endowed  by  his  son  Thomas  in  the  3'ear  KiTO. 

According'  to  his  monument  in  Oldswinford  church  I^oley  was 
aged  77  at  his  death  in  lGo7.  This  would  place  his  birth'  in  or 
about  the  j'ear  1580.  Thore  is  no  difliculty,  therefore,  in 
identifying  liim  witli  "  Richard  sonne  to  Richard  Foly,"  who  was 
baptized  at  Dudley  in  that  year ;  and  it  is  certain  that  he  lived 
at  Dudley  until  about  the  year  1G30,  when  he  removed  to 

There  is  no  doubt  that  his  father  was  "Richard  b'ooley,  of 
Duddeley,  Najder,"  whose  M'ill  Avas  proved  at  ^Vorcester, 
March  4,  IGOO. 

The  testator  directs  his  body  to  be  buried  in  the  parisli  church- 
j'-ard  of  St.  Thomas  in  Dudley,  and  ho  gives  to  Anne  his  wife 
two  kine,  a  lieifer,  a  bolster,  a  pillow,  and  liis  best  brass  pot. 
"  To  the  four  children  I  ]md  by  her  two  weynling  calves  and  two 
pieces  of  pewter.  To  my  dauglitcr  Katherhie  Robyiison  my 
wliite-faced  heifer,  and  the  greate  cliestc  that  standeth  in  Gerry 
Smitli's  shop."  To  his  two  sons  John  and  Edward  Foole}^ 
featlier,  Szc.  Residue  to  Richard  Fooley,  his  son,  whom  ho 
apjioints  sole  executor.  Richard  Shawe,  of  Dudley,  and  John 
Fonley,  testator's  brother,  to  be  overseers. 

The  following  entries  occur  in  the  Dudley'  registers  : — 

1577,  Dec.  24,  Katharen  dau.  to  Richard  Foly^bapt. 

1580,^'  ....  nirhioxl  Sonne  to  Richard  F„b/  ha jd. 

]5S1,  Dec.  13,  Edward  son  to  Richai'd  Foley  bapt. 

1501,  Oct.  9,  Thomas  Mason  and  Katherine  Foley  mariicd. 

The  last  entry  refers,  undoubtedly,  to  Richard's  daughter 
Katlierinc  Robinson,  for  I  learn  from  other  sources  that  ilason 
was  "(dins  Robinson." 

The  long  will  of  "llichard  Foley,  of  Stourbridge,  in  the 
comity  (,f 'Woreo.trr,  Clent.,"  is  dated  27  June,  1G57,  and  was 
pro^ed   in   un  the  7th  of  Decendier  following  by  Alice 

'  M.u-.Tv,  wii'c  to  Kiclunl  Foly,  wai  .il.ju  Ijuiiul  tlierc  iu  FL-briuiry,  liS8. 

I'UE    OIllGIX    or   THE    rOLEV    rAJIJLY. 


if  St 

i\-.  JScsiJos  liis  fliil.livn,  \:e„  .V-c,  lie 
,  tlioi  acc.'asr.l,  iiii.l  Ills— trstatov's— 
lii-.ithrr  IvhvaiM.  \\r  al-o  nanir^  tlio 
u,l.ri.l"v  ,.,v,.(r,l  l,v  liiiu  in  which  li:- 
Iswinfoi-.l  ail. I  Stnm-hri,Iuv  purcliasol 
Jlocko,  ami  Nidiohis  .A.M,'nhnj,.k,;. 
Dvi.llcv,  Kowlrv,  \-c.  His  OVITSCCI-S 
Ihihci't,  nii.lhi,^'s,,u.s  iiihnv  Ivhvavd 
'J'lie  will  is  attrstr,l  l,v  Daiiirl 
uas  .l.'wkcs,  nii.l  i;olau.l  Al]Hn-t. 
hajitisiu   1    have  not,  was  also  a 

Anmist  >S,  1G41,  a.uil  it 

kS.  lie  -ivL'.s  to  !iis 
cliildiTH,  K.lwar.l,  Jolm,  Richard,  aii.l  Alico,  five  .shillings  each, 
and  Ids  dw.dhn--  lious.',  with  stabk',  shojis.  orchard,-;,  bams,  .Vrc, 
in  Dudlrv,  to  Ids  wclM.clovcd  wifr  Alic,  whom  hr  makes  sole 
executrix'.  His  lav,thrr  Tdchard  to  he  overseer:  and  the 
inventory  was  nia-le  (uitcr  oUns)  hy  "  Richard  Foley,  of  Stour- 
bridge, y'eoii, an." 

.Richard   l-'oley  was  twice  niai'ried.     1  liavc   not   hecn   able  to 
discover  the  name  and   i.arenta-e   of  his    tirst  wife,  but   lie   had 

his   jeliet   and    ,s,,le 
mentions   his   broth 
,e-,,d.son    Richard,  s,„ 
mansion  in  the  t  iwi 
then  lived,  and  lands  in 
of   Sanuicl   lloltofte,  Jo' 
Likewise    lands  in    ]vin\ 
were  las  sons  Thomas  ; 
Ty.son    an.l    Henry    (llo 
Titterie,  dohn  Tlindev,  T 

John,  the  i,rother.  Whose  baptism  1  1 
nailer  at  Dudley.  He  nia.lo  his  will 
M-a.s  pr(r^■ed   at    Worcester   in  October, 

1.  ];ichard,  bajitize.l  at  Dudley,  27  :\larch,  lOOS, 

2.  Katherino,  married  to  ...  Cuniherlii.tge. 

:).  .Mar-erv,  married  at  Dudley,  Nov.  4,  Ki^;!,  to  William 
Wldtc.     ^      " 

Tlie  .son  Rxichard  is  stated  to  have  been  thrice  marri.'d, 
hut  M-as  livin-  at  J.oneton  Hall,  Stad'oi'd-^hire.  in  lii.SL>,  without 
survivine  male  i.ssue.  •■Jl..  issue,"  .savs  the  pedLove  in  Nash, 
"  liichard,  who  died  .s.jr  :  and  Tluauas,  who  manied,  and  l,ad  one 
daiie-hter."  It  ajq.e.ars  frnm  hi,;  lai  liei-',-,  will  that  his  //r,^/  wife 
was  .Abn-aret  I'.i'in.Uev,  the  ^isb'r  of  his  father'.,  second  wife,  and 
that  he  had  i,.ne  liieh.ard,  J,,sias,  ■riiomas,  Lydia,  an,l  Hannah 
the  two  latter  beine^  described  as  ".laueRters  of  the  said  Richard 
by  his  first  wife  Margaiet  Driidey."  Hind  the  bdlowiuL;  in  the 
Dudley  registers  : — 

1.  Anno'^,  dan.  of  Richard  Foley,  jun.,  bapt.  27  June,  lOGO; 
bui.  2S  Jan.,  l(;:!G-7. 

2,  Pvichard,  M,n  of  the  same,  baj.t.  I'Vb   1(1,  ](]:',l-± 
••!.  Jo.sia,  .son  of  the  sam.',  bapt.  Jan.  2,s,  ]G:\:lA. 
4.    bydia,  dau.   of   bdchard  and    Mar^.aret  F.-ley, 

o.   llaniia,  dau.  of  the  same,  bapt.  Tday  :W,  1(;;!7. 

<i.  Thomas,  son  of  the  same,  bapt.  June  is,  |(i:!li. 

The    .second    wib'    of     llieb:ird     Foley,    the     eld. 

d.aiediler  of  Willi;im   1  bindl,' v,  of  Willenhall,  an.l  si-.ter  of  (  i.'oi 

I'.iimlley,  of  the  lly.le,  Kinv'er,  c.    Stallord,  ironnia  ;t,er  ;   by  her. 
^vllu  wa:.  buried  at  UldswintWd,  May  2«,  lUU-j,  ai,'ed  7'',  he  had 

t)cb   1, 


120  TJIE    ORIGIN    OF    TILE    FOLEY    FAMILY. 

tlic  followiii!:;-  furthei'  issue  ;  all,  except  Jolm  ami  Samuel,  Ijnptizeil 
at  Dudley— 

1.  Anile,  liapt.  Sept.  21,  1(111;  mar.  at  Oldswini'iu'd,  ^lay  28, 
1G:J2,  to  William  Novmau.sell,  of   Wolverhampton. 

2.  Edward,  bapt.  Oct.  24,  Kilo.  According  to  the  pedigrees 
he  was  mar.  Ijut  died  s.p.  "  Edward  Foley,  gent.,"  wa.s  bur.  at 
Dudley,  ilay  12,  1G5G ;  and  several  children  of  Edward  and 
Mary  Foley  were  bapt.  there. 

'S.  Prisci'lla,  bapt.  Dec  17,  IGb').  fhr  was  mar.  lirst,  at  Old- 
.swinford,  Nov.  2:1,  1035,  to  Exechiel  V\'allis,'  of  IJiistol ;  and 
secondly,  alioiit  1()G5,  to  Henry  Glover,-  of  Stourbridge.  She 
was  buried  at  Oldswinford,  Ajn'il  G,  1GS7. 

4.  Thomas,  bajit.  Dec.  7,  1G17,  the  founder  of  OUlswinford 
Hospital.  He  purchased  Witley  Court  and  numerous  other 
landed  estate.s,  and  was  grandfather  of  the  first  Lord  Foley. 
According  to  his  jnonument  in  Witley  church,  he  was  born  Dec. 
3,  1G17,  and  died  Oct.  1,  1G77. 

5.  Honor,  bapt.  Dec.  30,  1G19  ;  mar.  to  Henry  Pretty. 

G.  Margaret,  bapt.  Maj''  27,  1G22;  mar.  to  Edward  Tyson. 

7.  Robert,  bapt.  Sept.  19,  1G2-1<.  He  was  of  Stourbridge,  and 
served  the  office  of  Sheriff  of  Worcestershire  in  1G71,  in  which 
year  he  had  a  grant  of  an  augmentation  to  his  arms;'  from  him 
sprang  the  Foleys  of  Stourbridge,  now  extinct.  He  was  Imried 
at  Oldswinford,  Dec.  1,  1G7G. 

8.  Samuel,  of  Ireland.  His  baptism  has  )\ot  been  found  cilhcr 
at  Duilley  or  Old.swinford.  For  liis  issue  and  desce)idaiits  see 
Nash  and  the  Peerages. 

9.  Sarah,  bapt.  April  7,  ]G2n;  married  first  to  Jolm  Paker, 
(son  of  Gregory  IJaker  of  Stourbridge),  and  secondly  to  George 
Hill  both  of  Pridgnorth. 

10.  Jtilni,  bapt.  at  01ds\\-inford,  Jidy  20,  1G31  ;   a  tin-key  mcr- 

1  The  luiac  of  "  F.z.-ld.'ll  \V,.M;-"  .I'.-nrs  i„  tU-,  li  l  ,1  Vr.;  i  .]  imi  ivl.o  wltc 
(liscliiiiii.MlatUicYi^it;iti.,i,,,i  ::-  .,M  I  -i  liiiv  in  Ih- ;,  f//.,'  ,  '  :.■  .  '-■.n,)..  1-IG.) 
In  tlio  'C!c.itloin:iu's  ^l.-a/ii,,  /  l-.r  (  i,m,,I„,,-,  IM-,  ,..  "i;.  i  .  :  r.  ,  ii.;.  l.-nl  K,,lrv, 
<\:\tr,\  ]7l;i,  t...l,,l,u  llaMM-,  1,1  ,.•■,.,, I,,.. .iMTinili- 11. m.  J'.axi  ■■.  in  n>  .1 -,  ,  ,  .r':'r„t.s  Ui.i.t 
liis  l.,ia„lii|.  Kli.Hikl  wriki  "  t.,  Ml .  IWi/h.-:  U.  infunn  you  li.w  Uir  r.dvs  go  at  i'.nstnl  fair." 
];o)H-it  iMilry,  of  Ktoiiiliri.l-.i,  in  a  li-ltcr  dated  1UC3,  refei-s  to  his  "kinsman,  Mr. 
Iticli.ud  Walli^."  CSrc  my  "  ll.a.ildry  of  M'orccster.-ihirc,"  i).  .533.)  A  Samuel  W.dli.-j 
attests  a  I'uley  deed  of   lO'.IS. 

•  II. my  (ll.ivei-  fonial.-.l  a  Jniily  at  Stourbridge,  known  as  "Glover's  Cliarity." 
lie  was  laiiir.l  at  01.1.winf„r.l,  ^..v.  i!,  lllSt).  liU  will  is  dated  Sept.  3,  lOSO,  but  was 
n..t  pr.iv.d  till  Xov.  2,  17)'/.     II.;  Iia.l,  l.y  Pn.scilla  hi.s  wife,  the  following  is.sue,  bapt. 

ll.iiiv,  1.  .in  Jan.  23,  and  bapt,  Feb.  12,  ICrin-G. 
I'li-.  lit  .,  l.orn  Deo.  31,  |il:.7,  an.l  bapt,.  IPlli  Jan.  followint;, 
Ib.iiii.b,  b,.rn  IVo,  .S,  and  b,ipl.  1 1,  e.  21,t,  U^jS. 

On  ■•\  I  N.,v.,  ICISI,  "  M„rs  Val.s,  Mh,],  and  Jlis,  IViscilla  CL.ver"  were  mar.  Tliey 
lia.l  i     lie  bii.alla,  b,,|,l.  ,l,,„,  Vli,    lii.M-r,,  and  ll.nrv,  bajil,  21  M,iv,  1  liSli, 

-M.i;,.il,  lir'  v,ii.-  ..1  ,Mr,  11. any  (il.iui,  w,,i  bur.  June  25,  lobS  ;  and  ".Mis.  IbninaU 

THE   ORIUIN    OF    Till;:    FOT.FA'    FAMILY.  121 

cli.ant,  uninaiTied  cand  aged  oO,  in  1GS2.  ]fc  was  "  of  SUiurliridg'o, 
Es(|.,"  i»  ](i7«. 

The  suUsefiueiit  Iiistory  of  the  Folcj^  family  will  lie  found  in 
tlic  paiijos  of  Nash  and  and  in  tho   various  Peerages. 

I  cop3"  the  f ollo^\■ing•  from  an  old  manu.script'  in  my  possession : 
"  Foley  of  Whitley  beareth  Argent,  a  fess  ingrailed  betwecno 
tlu'ee  cinquefoyles  within  a  border  sable.  This  famylie  hath  had 
great  fortune,  for  the  world  hath  favoured  them  soc  that  from  a 
meane  estate  they  are  rose  to  great  possessions.  Master  Foly, 
now  living,  liath  beene  pronroted  firste  to  be  High  Sheriff  of  the 
countie,  and  knight  of  tlie  sliire  in  Oliver  that  usurper's  time." 

Richard  Foley  sealed  two  deeds  (paves  me)  dated  respectively 
IG-iG  and  IG-iS,-'  with  these  ai-ms  impaling  Per  pale,  a  chevron 
betw(^en  tln-ce  escallops,  for  Bi'indley  ;''  but  he  was  disclaimed  at 
tho  Visitation  of  Worcestershire  taken  in  IGS-l',  as  was  also  his 
son  Ilichard,  of  Longton,  at  the  Staffordshire  Visitation  in  IGGo-i. 
How  these  arms  were  acquired  does  not  appear.  In  the  grant  of 
an  augme;itation  to  Robert  Foley,  in  1671,  it  is  recited  that  he 
had  "  for  some  time  borne"  tho  said  arms;  and  in  thoHarl.  ^IS., 
1172,  is  a  note  that  "Thomas  Foley,  Esq.,  of  Great  Wliitloy 
Court,  in  Com.  Wigorn,  bears  the  Foley's  arms  without  the 
the  augmentation." 

To  revert  to  the  romantic  story  of  Foley's  discovery  of  the 
inm  .slitting  secret, — there  is  very  little  douljt  that  the  real  hm-o  ijf 
tho  story  was  a  Brindloy.  Anyhow  Dr.  Wilkes,  the  Stahordsliire 
antiquary,  so  states.  "  Here,"  he  says  (speaking  of  tlio  Jli/de,) 
"  was  the  iirst  mill  for  rolling  and  splitting  iron  tliat  was  erected 
in  England.  One  Brindloy,  whose  posterity  enjoyed  it  till  about 
twenty  years  ago,  went  into  Germany,  there  acted  the  ]iart  of  a 
fool,  and  from  thence  brought  this  excellent  macliinc,  which  has 
been  so  serviceabhi,  and  has  brought  so  much  money  to  this 
country."  Dr.  Wiik'is  \\-as  born  in  1G91  and  died  in  i7G0.  As 
he  lived  at  Willenliall  lie  must  have  been  personally  ac(piainted 
with  the  Brimlleys  of  that  place.  George  Brindloy,  Foley's 
brother-in-law,  lived  at  the  Hj^dc  ;  he  was  the  son  of  William 
]5i'indley  of  Willenhall,  and  we  learn  from  a  pedigree  in  tlie 
lla.rl.  MS.  2119,  drawn  up  in  1G.37  by  Randal  Ifolme,  for 
"  Mr.  Samuel  Smyth,  of  Sutton  Coidlield,"  that  \\'iliiam 
Bi-indlcy  had  four  daughters,  of  wliom  tln-ee  were  married  to 
Foleys,  viz.:  Alice,  llu;  eldest,  to  "  Pdc.  Folev,  of  Stourbridg, 
CO.  Worcest,  ;"  Margaret,  the  src..n.l,  to  "  llieh'd  Folcv,  of 
Dudley,  son  of  Richard  by  Ids  first,  wife;"  an.l  Johann.a,  the 
third, 'first    to    '^  ICdward     Folev,    of    Ih-islow,   and    secondly,    to 

a  by  Uu 

122  TIIK    OIUOIN    OF   THE    FOLEY    FAMILY. 

Tlios.  J;ick.s(jii,  of   Bi-isiuw."     The  ynnn^vst  dan-l't t,  Mai-Mrt'L, 
was  the  wiiV  of  tli(^  aluivsai-l  Sanmel  Suiytli. 

The  following-  wills  and  adiuiiiistratioiis  will  i'lutlier  illustrate 
tlic  Foley  jiedigiee  :— 

Tjiomas  Foley,  uf  Chadwick,  in  the  parish  of  Bronisgrove,  co. 
Worcester,  yeoman.  Will  dated  G  Feb.,  1(5-53,  and  proved  at 
Westminster  2!)  April,  Kio-l.  Witnessed  by  Leonard  Symson, 
Francis  Westwood,  and  (the  mark  of)  Francis  Stnbbs;  mentions 
his  "loving  friend  and  kinsman  }>\v.  Puehard  Foley,  of  Stonr- 
bridg,  gent.;"  his  wife  Margery;  liis  sons  Thomas  and  .h.)hn  ;  his 
six  datigliters,  Agnes  Foley,  Catherine  Foley,  Christian  Foley, 
Jlar^ery  Foley,  Jlary  Westwood,  and  Frances  Bowyer ;  and  his 
father-in-law,  Francis  Stubbs,  who  then  occupied"  a  fai-m  at 
Chadwick,  belonging  to  the  testator;  his  wiiV  Ahu-i'ry  to  be 
executrix,  and  tlie  said  Francis  Siubbs  and  llielinrd  Foley  o^■elsecl■s 
(11.1  Alchin). 

THO.Af.\.s  FoiJCY,  of  Chadwick,  yeoman;  will  dated  Dec.  3,  1007, 
and  proved  at  Worcester,  April  24,  1GG8  ;  to  Sarali  liis  wife  a 
bond  for  XlOO  "  lor  payn^ent  of  £."-0,  with  consideration  for  the 
same,  whennn  .Jolni  'bolev  ^-tamletli  b,.,und  unto  me;"  to  his 
eldest  son  Thomas  eei  tain 'p^i'c'ls  of  land,  conditionally  that  lie 
should  pay  to  his  younger  biother  William  XlOO;  to  his  son 
John  certain  other  l"ands,"conditionaIly  that  he  shunld  i>ny  to  his 
younger  brother  William  .€.jO  ;  also  to  his  son  .lolm — whom  he 
ajipointcd  sole  executor — all  his  e'oods  ami  cliaKels.  ()'>i;rseeis, 
William  Eussell,  r^'  Uowley,  an.l  John  Foley,  of  IJoxvley. 

Jonx  FoLKY,  of  Bowley  ]vcgis,  co.  St.'iiibrd  ;  adniinist  rati(.)n 
granted  at  Worcester,  June  23,  IGCS,  to  John  his  son. 

John  Folky,  of  Kowley  llcgis,  Nailer;  administration  granteil 
at  Worcester,  Oct.  2G,  IG.Sl,  tcrisabella,  his  relict. 

Isabella  Folly,  of  llowley  Pvegis,  widow  ;  administration 
granted  at  AVorcester,  April  lO,  IGOT,  to  John  iM.ley,  ye,iin;in, 
her  son.  Inventory  taken  Dec,  1G9G.  John  Barkes,  .  f  K.iwley, 
Nailer,  and  John  Smalhvood,  of  the  same  place,  Nailer,  .'p.iincil  in 
the  bo)id. 




V.       Tl.r 

SOlli  WHS  Imiic.l  :Mrs  IToiiouv  Colli 


rill,      Tl 

!.•  l:U]i  w.Ks  lUnird  Artlmi'riiM,-:;,. 


Tl.c  15^''  M-aslUuiLMniisAlic'i'ii 
Tlic  ll'MrnsLuiiod  Wus.uiua  Uir  , 


ii)cr  "'■II 

t  in  th,.  Chiinc'll. 


r'l.    '\^' 

22"'  KntlRTillr   V   Wifr  of  ArtllUl'] 


i>-.     Y' 

12'MVilli;u,is.n,  of'ipcr. 


rYl'ER   OF   ]>AUNCKST(,)N. 

(Conlbiiicdfrvin  ;>.  CD)- 

1G13.  July.     Tl.r  SOlli  whs  Imiic.l  :Mrs  IToiiouv  Collin-'  vid. 


1G55.  ScvlriiilM T.      The  lo^"  \vasr.uriLMmi-sAlic,']'i|iri-iut]icCl 

IGGl.  ]).T,-i,il,,.r.     Tlic  11"'  «-ns  Luriod  Wus.uiua  Uir  dauylitcr  of  Arthur 


1G7G.  Jaii>.     y  17"'  KolMit  sou  of  Arthur  I'iju.r. 

1G77.  :\[av,      V  14'"  KoI.ert  v<^^  son  of  Arllnir  rii.rr. 

1G77.  .Aia'rdi.     Y- 22"'  riiilif.  Piper  Esiir. 

1079.  Xovvuilirr.      \'  22"-  :\[arv  ]'ip,.r  of  Tresijiavrow  wid. 

1G87.  July.     Y--  2G"'  S''  Hugh  i'iper  Kni-lit. 

IG'JO.  J^eptoiiilicr.     Y'^'  3"'  was  buryeil  Margaret  y'^  duu-hter  of  Williaui 

1090.  October.      Y'  10"'  Chaee  v'  dau-hler  of  AVilliaui  Piper 
1G91.  :\lav.      Y'-  21""  Williaui  Piper  labourer. 

1091.  Noveiul/.      Y^-  28'''  Orare  1  'iper  wid.  of  S'  ytepheu.s. 

1700.  April.      IS"'  :\rrs  llesler  Piiier,  wid. 

1701.  January.     Y"  7  Lady  Sibrlia  Piper. 

1701.  February  28.     Aniu;  daughter  of  Sauip-on  J'iper. 

1707.  J\lay.     X-  IG  iMargaret  I'iper. 

1711.  May.     23  Phillip  son  of  Sanip.son  Piper. 

1711.  January.      3  Susannah  dagter  of  Bajupsou  Piper. 

1712.  Oetobrr.      23  P.dward  son'of  Sampson  I'lin  r. 
1712.  Noyeudi.      1  Plis:  wife  of  IIuuli  Piper,  Ks,,''. 

1710.  :\fay.      Y''  7"'  P.lizabelh  y-  wife  of  Sauip  on    Piper  day  labourer. 

1722.  Al)^      7"'  Joanna  y"  ilauu  :  of  Sampson  I'iper  Dav  labourer. 

1750.  Jan.     Y"  27"'  Sanijisou  Pyper. 

1751.  Oct.     Y»  29"'  Hugh  Pyper  P.s(i'-. 


1731.  >lay.      Y-  21"'  Philip  y  son  of  Piehard  Yyyyan  Ksnr. 

173G.  Peby.      V  12"'  Klizabrth  vM)aug:  of   Pieh  :  Vvvyan  I'.so- 

1738.  June.      Y^  27"'  Picbard  y'son  of  Iti.barLl  ^'yyyan,  I's,,''. 


1730.  Mar.-h.      Y''  5"'  :\rary  y-  daug:  of  Pi,!,:  A'yyyan. 

1738.  Peb-v.      Y»  20"'  Elizabeth  V  daug;  of  Piehard  Yyyyan. 

17-11.  Aug.      13"'  James,  ye  s,,n  of  Piehard  Yvvvan  Ps,p-. 

1771.  Jauv.       18  Piebard  Ywvau  F.s.p',  PerordeV. 

1771.  Mav.       11  Philippa.  widou-  of  Pieh.nd  Y 

1771.      July.      20  I'.dw'  Merrin  Waller  „„,  of   Ph 
1791.     March.     27"'  Plulip  \'yv\an  hs^p. 

'  Dau.  of  Sam|).3uu  Piper  yciit,  Uipl  Aiail  -JS  VoTu. 

J24  I'Yl'KU   01^    L.VUXCESTOX. 

Munnncnl.-d  InH-nrtious. 
0.1  a  llat  .urn.  imw  iu  tl>,.  patlnvay  outsiac  the  clmnccl  .hvn-  is- 

//,,■,.  //r,.  //,-  /;."'//• 

of  Artlmr  tlir 

sou  of  Cniitaiuc 

lluyh  riper  -L'ut. 

ami  Mario  Ins  wife,  ^vllO 

was  tlic  (laii-liler  of 

Captain  .lolniEste.ilt 

Alderman  >K:  twiec  :\rayor 

of  tliis  Town,  he  was 

Imricd  tlio  first"  day  nf 

Noumbcr  Ano  16-12. 
A  slal)    in  the  lloov  of  the  north  aisle,  has  the  folh^win-- 
?ijtvc  hull)  H)c  Ijotnj  of 
Eijoiuns  ^"oUingr,  nful  tolia 
mnvirt  ]iHiiuuv  lu  daunbtcv 
of  Snmpriou  i-^'ptv  sent  anti 
toas  Inuirt  lljc  J 5  tiau 

];elo\v  is  a  qnartcvcd  shield—  r      t  1 

1st  &  4Ui  [Sable]  on  a  chev.  hetwrcn  three  doves  [ai-i.j 

live  guttecs  de  sang.      (Collins,  of  ])evon.) 
•-'ud  .t  3rd  [Argt.]  a  diev.  between  three  magpies,  in'!'.   (I  ipei- 
\t    the   north-cast  angle   of   the   north   chancel  aisle   is   a  laiyc  lua. 
„„;,u,nent  nf  marble,  surinonnte,!  with  the  ri,,er  hatchment,  viz.    _ 
guarterly.    l.t,   Argt.,  a  eliev,  S:,.  between  thive  -'''^^''^ ^'^;^^r,,'Z^^ 
•Jiel,    Algt.,  a  chev.  between  thlv  bnd>  Nl,  .1'l'-   "1  tli.'-^ 

3id,  Ar-t.,  two  l)ar.s,  and  a  canton.  Azure,  (rair  ') 
llh,   lam.,   a  lleuv-dc-lis,  Sa,  on  a  chief  of  the,  .sc.oiul,  an 
cstoile,  Or.  ((iaer.) 

idv.  ki 

Hekk  lies  the  b.Hly 
of  Colonel  S'-  Hugh  I'iper  Kt 
],ii'uteiiant  Oovernour  of  the  Koyal  C  ilad''l 
and  Island  „f  I'l.YMOUTii,  Captain  of  the  Castle  ..t  Lxox, 
Constable  of  the  Castle  of  Launoestox, 
one  of  his  Majesties  Justices  of  the   I'eaee, 
]-or  the  Counties  of  Devox  A:  Coknw.m.e  ; 
an  Alderman  and  lopivsmtative  hi  IMihament 
Vor  the  ll.moucu  of  DrxiiEvm. 
11,.  .s,.,ved  iu  th..  Civil  Wars,  as  an  Kiisign,  laeulenanl,  and 
Cap'und.rS.  i;„„Ai:o\  S'   I'.r.vii.i.  1 1  UANVH.M.  K^ 
■Utl.eSie.eof  lY^MoMU,  tlie  batlb's   ofSlrallnuand   l.ansdou 
\vb..ehew,,.NV,an,d,.d,nlh.   .\e'b,-VTh;eb>V   -l,oll!,roe 
tl...  Should.T.       ll,sK.,lal.sw,avse,|Ue,|,,d-!   Ljlhebump 
I'.nliaiuent  ro.lo,  l,o\,,llv  to   hi     M.eL-r  and  l;,juied 
SoNKKlloN,   Kl.NO  CiiAi;i.i>    ill-   I'll;    I. 
lleded  Julv    -Jill.   ItiST,    a;Md    7U. 
1  Th.  t..,.  hue  l.:v.  t.a-u  cut  ell.  '  Tl.c  It>;.i,tc.  ha.  "  tile  ,Uund  d. 


Ncnr  Iliin  is  r.uiic.l  Dame  ^^iiiella  llis  Wif.'  (;i 
Dau^likT  (if  John-  I'aiir  of  tlio  Citv  of  I'Ikktbu  (ion') 
Wio  Died  J  any  -Iti.  170-i  Aged  fSo. 
liolow  llic  two  kiicoling  figures — 

Here  lies  the  body  of  Cap'  riiiLLU'  Viver  (Son  of 

S'  Hugh  I^iper  Kn''  &  Dame  Sibella  his  Wife) 

Constaljlo  of  tlio  Casth;  of  Launcestox  and 

an  Alderman  of  this  15orougii.  lie  married 

Mary  Daughter  of  lIuMriiRY  (!aer 

of  PiiYMouTii,  CJcnt.,  by  AVhoni  he  liad 

Two  Sons  Hugh  and  Granville. 

He  Died  March  21^'  1G77,  Aged  32. 

On  a  tahlrl  nrar  fiie  former— 

Sacred  to  the  Memory 

of  Eiciiard  Vyvyan  of  TRl■:s>^r arrow 

in  the  County  of  CoENWAf.T.  Esq"' 

(Second  Son  of  S''  Riciiaud  ^'vvYAN 

of  Trelowarbi;n  liar'') 

r.arristiT-at-Law  and  Recorder  of  Launckston 

who  died  .lan>  ll"i  1771. 

Aged  G9. 

Near  In'm  lies  Piullippa  liis  AVife 

Daugliter  and  Jlciivss  ,,f  ITugh  I'vrER  Ksq"- 

who  died  .Afav  7'"  1771, 

Age.l  07. 

Near  them  arc  tlie  Remains 

of  ]Mary  Eliz"'  &  ,Iames  their  ihildren 

&  E.  M.  ^V.  Yyvyan  their  Crandsnn, 

who  died  in  tlioir  Infancy. 

liKNEATII  tllis  StOnO 

are  d(>posited  the  remain.s  of  Hugh  Pvper 

of  Tresmarrow 

in  the  County  of  Cornwall  Esij'' 

(Eldest  Son  of  Phillip  Pvper  l-'.sq'' 

and  Grandson  of  S''  Hugh  Pvper  K')'d  this  life. 

Oct^'  25M.  1754 

Aged  83. 

Near  hin,  IJrs  I'li/.mikth  Ids  Wife 

(I)aip.;liter  (if  Siiklston'  Calmadv  of  Lavwood 

in  til..,  Coniitv  nf   Dr.voN,  Es,,) 

who  di.d  Oct'"- 27"'  1712. 

Aged  39. 

In  the  north  aisle  is  a  large  monument,  reaching  from  the  pavement  to 

the  roof,  of  coloured  and  vei 1  marbles,  with  full  length  ligures  of  Faith, 

Hope,  and  Charity,  Justice  and  Truth.  On  the  top  are  marble  busts  of 
Rich.  Wise  ai'i.!  Granville  i'yper,  with  two  shields,  one  bearin":  S.iblu, 
three  chevrons  lam.  (Wi>e);  llie  otlua-,  Arg.,  a  chevron  b.aweeii  three 
magpies,  Sal.h;  (Pyiier).       Tli.'  leiiire  has  the  following— 



Granvilli  ]^vi)fi',  AnuiL;eii, 

Et  Kicavdi,  Guiiuiosi, 

Hujus  Muiiicii.ii  quomlam  Aldeiiiiannram, 

Quorum  Keli(iui;c  laovtalos  Batliouitc 

III  Agro  Somcrscltciiisi  sitre  suiil. 

A'lque  Vnaiiiiucs  et  conjuiictissiini  Sua  A'ita  fuenuit, 

Ita  post  nioitem  jam  iion  sunt  divisi, 

I'idissimum  Anieonim  Par. 

lllo,  cum  ad  tcueudam  suam  Sauitatcm 

]5atlioniain  coiieesset.     Pluritide  convptus 

Ibidem  oLiit  Apnlis  xvj*'',  a.d.  ,mdu(Jvu"'° 

.'Etatis  xxxviu"". 
Ilic  Lauiiccstoniaj  moriens  Julii  xxvii""' 
a:d:  MDccxxvi  ;  J'^tatis  LXiv'", 
LatlioidiC  juxta  siueres  Domini  Aiiiantissimi 
Et  cliarissimi  suos  deponi  Vnluit. 
Hoc  Ccnotaphium  (}ilouumciilum  mutui  CMnnii  Auoris, 
Et  Summa^  .sure  Observauti;o, 
^Munilicoutissimumipie  Semper  enluit) 
Supreiiiis  talndi.-;  liic  fieri  jussit 
Kicliardus  "Wise,  Gen''' 
Vt  igitur  tam  piis  :Mandatis  satisfaeercnt 
Jrarmor  lioe. 
Ytrius.pi.'  yW-mnvw  Sa.-mm  pn.u.ruiit  jus  IlercdeR 
I'iiilippu,  Welsl,  rl  (-■.ulirlmus  Courli, 
In    Till],    Al.b.'.y    Church    is    tliis    inscription    over   tlie    remai 
Ciranvilh-  Piper— 

Ilic  Suljtus  Jacet 

Granville  Pypeh, 

Xii])er  lie  Afailford,  Juxta  Launceston,  in  Ag'ro  Cornuli.  Ar. 

I'hillippi  Pyiier,  Anni :  lilius  natu  miiiiiiiu,-;,  et 

Ilugiinis  ]'yper  mil:  uon  ita  pridem  munimenti  apnd  PHmnllui 

et  Insulfe  adjacwitis,  I'ricfecti,  A'cpM^-. 


Ingcnij  viridi  ct  Eleganti.s  Genij  Lenigni  et  anueni 

Gcstus  decori  gratissima  comitatis  temper!, e  \'eneiaudi, 

Amicitiie  cnrdat;e,  lldiu  amicissimfo,  (}ai  cum 

Convalescontffi  gratia,  has  solis  aquas  inviserit  iirimo  in 

]\lulimiuo  fatiscens  In  ipso   /I'^tatis  (lore  maligna 

Decusiis,  et  brevi  oppressns  mortalitatem  cxuit, 

Ai>rilis  die  decimo  sexto,  Alio  .I'.tatis  Supra  xxx 

currente  octavo,  Salutis  reparata;  muccxvu. 

Cujus  memi.iriie  Sacrum,  hoc  dovotis.simi  iii'ctoris 

Monumentiiiii  luliens  nuercnsq'  po.suit 

IvICUAllDUS     "WlrfE. 




Latimor,  AVillinm.     Civsclmrnc  in  Cl.yve- 

Iun,l.  "  1381      108'' .Su.ll.uiy. 

Lnumk,  KuluTt,  Kilt.    Citizen  of  Luml.)!!.    13G7     209' Cmrtmey. 
Latuulcr,  .«■"  ]']a*i,l:niiulur. 
Lccitc'i',  William,  of  Banvielic  pryov,  co. 

0x011,  liu.sliaiulinau.  l.")G9     27G''  ParkiT,  P.  i. 

Lcclic'fonl,  llriirv,  --f  Chavlewo.l,'.  1380     i!2g''  Courtem^v. 

Lecsc,   Dyoni^ia   atto,   relict   of    ^^'illialn 

attoLccse.  1401     214- Arundel,  P.  : 

Leniiia,   AVilliam,   Pislioj)  of  Worcester. 

Bnrie.l  at  Chicheater.  13..3     ]  29MVliittle«cye. 

Lcicli.'Jvkeii,  :>Lirtiii.  Canon  of  Exeter.  1430  435''  Chiclielr,  P. 
Lr.-ciup,  PirlMiJ,  Knt.  ])ii.^  de  ISolton.  1401  202'  Arundrl,  P.  : 
Lr-iiuis  ];o:;.r.     Dus  de  Poltun.  1403     204^  Arundel,  P. 

Li'^crup,  ytq.hen.     Dfis  de  Bcntloy.  1405     40'' Arundrl,  P.  ii 

Lese,  dua  Lora  ate. 
Le.?e,  Thomas,  of  Little  Puiioud. 
Lcvcndele,  Frances,  of  St.  Jolm  liajilist, 

Islo  of  Tlianet,  tayk.ur. 
Levcrer,  Kirliard,  Esq.    ^Vcslnn  Culvylr. 
Lcvcringe,  John,   of  llenton  .St..   (_leoig(% 

Levorton,  Alan.     Kector  of  Hai-i.'tsliaiu. 
Levcssoii,  Kalcrine,  of  Great  Yaniiouth. 
Lcwcnthorp,  John. 

Lexliam,  Th.jinas  de.    Canon  of  Hereford. 
Levbouni,  Juliana  de.    Countess  of  Hunt- 
Lcyke,    Kolieil,    of    Wyneton.      (Prul)ate 

Leyii^-,  Joliu,  (if  Batcsford,  co.  Suffolk. 

LeVston,  John,  of  ]]ci-h. 

Lichfeld,  Tliomas  de.    Citizen  of  ^Wirces- 

Lisle,  Juhn  Viscuiit,  Kt. 
Litlel,    Edward,    of     Plninp.4(ad,    Kent, 

Lodelowe,  A-ncs  dr.      (Pmbate  only). 
Lonibe,  William,  s,nr.,  „f  Wvnioudliam. 
Londosdale,  Kobert,  Es.|.,  ..f  Nnrwich. 
Lon-e,  Richard,  of  Lavni:;ton  I'mum. 
Lorch,  William,  of  Xcv,-  Wvud-.-mv. 
Loryii-   WiUiain.      Can..,,  ,,f  Sahslmrv. 
1-ot,  John. 
Lotoft,  John,  uf  the  Pishoi.ric  of  Elv. 


100''  Sudburv. 


G4^'  Staflbrd. 


271'- Wliil-if(,  P. 


4  02-Chiehelr,  P. 


442''  AVhil^ift,  P. 


414''  Cllieh,;]..,  1'. 

144  5 

G5''  Stailbrd. 


454-  Chichele,  P. 


203''  Courtenry. 




19  1'- Arundel,  r. 


191- Arundel,  P. 


55'  .Morton. 


17G' Arundel,  P. 




135''  Cranmor. 


22G''  Courteney. 


39''  ]\lorton. 

14  IG 

138''  Stailbrd. 


417MVhiti;ift,  P. 

1  107 

51-  Arundel,  P.  i: 


290''  Chieliele,  P. 



229'  Aruiid.  1,  P. 


Love,  AVilliara.     Ecctor  of  Sybhcs.lcimc.  1437  403 '  Cliichelc,  1'.  i. 
Love,  John,  the  }-ouiiger,  of  Gowtliiuste, 

CO.  Kent,  yeom.iii.  1559  309'  Parker,  P.  i. 

Lovcl,  Gawfii,  of  AVrettou.  1499  37^'  Morton. 

Lovell,  Jolni.     Dfis  Lnvdl  an.I  Ilulon,!.  1408  255''  Arundel,  P.  i. 
Lovcll,  John,  of  Stysted  in  Deanery  of 

Bockingo,  liusLandman.  1590  275^>  "Wliitgift,  P.  i. 
Lovelich,  Jolm.     Kector  of  St.  xVlphege, 

Cantcrhury.                                          '  1438  403''  Cliiehele,  P.  i. 
Loveync,  Nicholas,  Ivnt,     Poplar.    Pens-  1375  80"  Sudbury. 

Lownde,  Adam,  of  Ke.synglond,  llaxter.  149G  CO'*  ^Mnrton. 
Luc}',   Lady   Alienore,   late  wife  of    Sir 

Walter,  Kt.     Grey friar.s,  W. wester.  1415  15G' Staflurd. 

Liiddhani,  John.     RL^ctor  of  Godnier,.haiii.  13S9  i'3C"  C'nurtnev. 

Lyndo,  William,  of  Stokelisle,  co.  Cxford.  1452  2C7''  Kcinpe." 
Lyndefeld,    John.       Archdeacon    of 

Chichester.  1440  472'>  C'lnrhele,  P.  i. 

Lyndewodc,  John.     Lyndewode.  1419  330' Chichcle,  P.  i. 
Lyndcwode,    William.       Lishop    of    St. 

Davids.  1443  142'' Stallurd. 

Lyndvych,  John.     Ilavcrill.  1408  IOC'  Arundel,  V.  ii. 
Lyngg,  Richard  de.     Archdeacon  of  X..r- 

wich.  1355  337'*  Mep. 

Lynne,  John,  of  Marthaui.  1445  GO^  Slallord. 
Lyntoii,  Thomas  do.    Rector  of  Clyve  near 

Rochester.  1387  225'' Courtcney. 
Lyonnc,  Jlargarct  wife  of  Thoma?.     Ash- 
ton,  Somerset.  1402  195' Arundel,  P.  i. 
Lypizate,  Nicholas,  of  Wells.  1405  2l'3''  y\rundel,  P.  i. 
Lystor,  John,  of  ]!anham.  1415  71  '  Slallord. 
Lystcr,  Roger.     Citizen  of  Norwich. 

Machon,  John.     Up\vcll.  1499  21"  Morton. 
I\radoc,  Llcwcllen.     Son  uf  Pishop  r,f  St. 

Asaph.  1373  88''  Sudhurv. 
Madockc,  Edwardc,  of  Teynlon,  co.   Ox- 

ford,  yeoman.  15C0  51''  I'arkcr,  P.  ii. 
Makcnade,   AVilliam   de.     I'reston   juxta 

Favcr.sham.  1407  242"  Arundel,  I\  i. 

Makercll,  John.  1423  3G3"  Chichcle,  P.  i. 

j\raldonn,  John.     Provost  of  Oiiel.  1401  198"  Arundel,  P.  i. 

Malyns,  Re-inald,  of  llentou.  1430  42G"  Chichele,  P.  i. 

Mandion,  John,  of  Leyham.  1403  205''  Arun.lcl,  P.  i. 

]\lankywoll,  Thoma.s.     Pridri,.,rt,  1445  141"  Slaflord. 
Manny,  WalU'r  de,  Knt.      Cliarteihouse, 

London.  1372  120''  :  hittle.seyp. 

]\rarache,  .lohn.      Canteihury.  1420  33G'' Chiclude,  P.  i. 

I^Iarchaunl,  Ihu'li.      Cili/rn  ..f  l.oiidou.  1452  2G9"  Kempe. 

Marcliauut,  William.      Ideniie.  1422  370'' Chichele,  1\  i. 



U.wchc,  Marc;-arot,  of  Lonii,  [Lvnn.]    W« 

lato  wife  of  William  ^farchc.  1  19S  25''  ^Morton. 

Mavche,  William  of  llio.   Sonlli  Yaniiuutli.  H13  ]9:V'  Animl'l,  T.  ii. 

Mavcliexon,  Pc-rcival.    MercliauL  of  (ieima.  Mil  IGS'' StalVonl. 

Markolo,  Kolicrt.     Citizen  of  Lomlou.  1420  T.-l  t' CliirlK-lo,  P.  i. 

Marker,  Thomas,  of  Boccles.  1 193  24'' :\lnitoii. 
Marsliall,    Thomas.      "WexchaunJcler    of 

Caiitcilnnv.  1118  .335"  Chididr,  P.  i. 
Marshal],  ]{(.1icrl.     Citizen  and  grocer  of 

London.  14 IG  15- Stallmd. 

]\rartyn,  John,  of  Wramiilyii-liam.  1145  72^' ytalf-ud. 
Marlyn,  Fernand.     IMcrehaut  of  A'ernien 

iuBislcaye.  1414  127-^  Slallord. 

Martyn,  .Tohn,  of  Wurmf-ay.  1498  10-' :\lorlui:. 

Martvn,  linh.  vl,  of  ^Ve^t^rl,ara,  uvnt.  155S  08''  Post  morl.  Pnli. 

MarlVn,  William.     Lostwilhiel,  O-rnwaU.  1493  131--^  :\rorton. 

j\ra.scall,  Robert,     liishop  of  Hereford.  MIC  300'U:hieli.i-,  P.  i. 

Mason,  Th< anas,  of  Shropham.  1415  71'' Slaflnrd. 
Mason,  Jolm,  of  co.  Oxford,  hn.sbandnian, 

Horlyc.  1571  C5'' Pavlcr,  P.  ii. 

Mason,  Eohert,  of  Maglifeld  in  Sussex.  1558  10'  Pnst  mnvt.  Puli. 
Massfill,  Thomas,  of  Much  Peringdon  in 

Essex.  1559  89'  Po.4  mort.  Poll. 
JIa.sscngcr,  Thomas.     Kcctor  of  Scliviup- 

lyng.                                                  ■  1499  37''  ^^forton. 
Masters  al/as  AVeavcr,  John,  of  Bi.  Iciiell 

ill  parish  of  Staple.  1592  4  11"  Whitgift,  P.  i. 
]\rattesson  «?»/-•  Solcr,  Thomas,  of  Monas- 
tery of  St.  Benedict  lluline.  14  45  72'' Staflor.l 
Mathewe,  William,  of  Goo..ley,  co.  links.  1593  399^'  Whitgift,  P.  i. 
Mauresward,  ^Margaret.     ]!ramiilun  juxta 

Dvngle.             '  1125  387^' Chiehele,  P.  i. 
Maui'.C  I'll    'I''    Saiicln,    dila    dc    Santo 

:\Iainv,.      Si.ixrulall.  1409  4 3'' Arundrl,  P.  ii. 

Maydenhilli,  .luhn.      Dean  nf  Cliiehestev.  1407  210'  Arundrl,  P.  i. 

Maygood,  Kalpli,  of  Wyglilon.  1445  59''  Stallbrd. 

:^ravhe^^■e,  William,  of  \\'h..psl,.d...  1499  54^'  :\ror(on. 

Maj-rer,  Thomas,  of  Wvgenliale.  14  4  5  07'' StalVonl. 

}i[aynavde,  ,l,,lni,  ,.f  Wvlbiun,  Sussex.  1580  129''  Gryn.lall. 

Meatcalf.',  .Inlm,  of  Te'iil-id.-ii.  15G0  309''  Parker,  P.  i. 

Mrdrfnid,  Uirhaid.     Bislmj,  ,,1  Salisbury.  1107  237'' Arundel,  P.  i. 

Medrfoid,  Wallrr.     l)rau..[\V,l]s.       ■  11:^1  359'' Chieh(4e,  P.  i. 

:Med]aia',  .1.4,:,.       i:,.  1\  ii-lia.ii.  1102  199'' Arundel,  P.  i. 

Mrlrh.'bnni,      '\-irar  of  \\-v,,lliam.  1101  207'' Arundel,  F.  i. 

M.auburv,  Sunon.  n[   Salisburv.  1123  :!G3''  Chiehelr,  P.  i. 
MniiiM-:-,  Mrhnlas,  ,,f   llolie  Cr-.e  nrar 
uiitull,,.  Wall,-  „f   n,e  cilir  of  Canler- 

buiir.  1581  139'  Wliit-ift,  P.  i. 

Mrw,  .lohn.       Ka.lOrrkhaHI.  1420  311',  ]>.  i. 

Mri<do„,  .lolm,      I'relorof  Thurk.'ston.  1121  390'' Clii.hrlc,  P.  i. 
Miehrll,  .Nirliolas.     St.  Thomas  A-iueducf, 

l.niidon.  1118       177'  StalToid. 


Mi.-l.cll    Tliomas,  cf  Noru-OM.l.  1 C07      2-^;V'  lliui.Tufl. 

MichcU' J..]i.ii,ii,  cf    WalllH'nswvk,  149S      ;iG''  Morton. 

^lichcU,   JolMin,,  Avi.lnv    of    An.livw    Mu. 
and  of  Thniiias  ]{oc1k',  St.  Maiv,   W'ol- 

notl,.  M'^-''     28-1' Krnipo. 

^li.Ml.tun,  Thomas,  Koctov  of  Multon.  l:'.81      lO.V'  Couitcnay. 

:\Iillc,    Chri.^tiau   atte,  AVifL'   of    Nicholas.  -„  .  ,    ,      ,>    ■ 

Fyfcdo  Nuvile.  M21      303^  (Jhich,de,  P.  ,. 

Milks  Eamundc.  1452     SO/'MKOiupc. 

]\rili-etli  fonucilv  Cokavn,  P.i'atrix,  relict 

of  AVill">  Aldcniran  of  London.  1148      ICV'.  Stalhu-d. 

]\rilton,  William.     Dean  of  ChichcstcT.        U21     37  1'' Cl.idicle,  1 .  i. 
:\[ilton,    John.     Hector  of   St.   Sampson,  ,  ,    t^    •• 

Cricklelade.     (I'rohatc  only)  1407     75' Arundel,  P.  n. 

i^Ioluin,  t-er  ^ifoiin. 

Moldyne,  KoLorf,   Citizen    and   Pinar  of 
of    Christflnurh    in    Lond.m     withii 
Molten,  .?'v  Pee.-ton. 
Mono,  (Jeofflev.     St.  Clement  ]")ane3. 
Mone,  Cnv.     Pi-hop  of  St.  David's. 
Mongomerv,  Jolni,  Knt.    St.  Maiy  Crace 

Montcv,  Kohevl.     Clerk  of  the  Hanaper. 
:\rontraver.s,  Aun.s,  dna.     Loii.lon. 
i\rontaoute,Thmnasde.   Kavl  of 
Montcfort,  Pelcr  .le,  Knt.     Lord   Ileal 

]\lo<.r,  .l,,hn.      Citizen  of  N,.rwirh. 
Moore,  John  a,  of  Thorp. 
]\rorc,  Thomas,  clerk.     London. 
j\rore,   Thomns    atlf,    of   Clialuecroft    in 

parish  of  ]'a^cham.  1374     78^' Sudl 

.'  -    ,  "  1  r.  r.  o         ,-.-b  T  >,._.! 


82^  Post  niort.  l\ 



1G2''  Slallord. 
210''  Arundel,   P. 


17  5''  Stall'ord. 
18G''  Stall'onl. 
78''  Sudhurv. 
400^'  Cld.h.'lry,  1 


111-   Whiltle.rv, 

105''  Ann.dcl,  1'. 
.^kS-  ^loiton. 
:i49'' Chich.'le,  P 

Mores,  Jol: 

L558     57M'  niorl.  V«'. 

Morgan,  ])avid,  .dLlandair.  1504  1 80^' Parker 

^lorgan!  Philip.      I'.whop  of  l^dv.  1435  454^>  Clnehcle,  P. 

]\roruyll,  John,  of  ]  Irathfeld.  1550  54^'  Po.t  mort.  1  ol 
iSforle,   AVilliam    de,    Knt.      Hallin-hurn 

]\ragna.  13"i1  lOP'  Sudhurv. 

Morleo,  Cecilia  ,le.     Dna  de  Aldchy.  1380  221--'  CuuLcnay 

^fovlee,  Anne,  dua  de.      Norwich.  142C  400n;h,chele    1  . 

Morten,  Kiehard.  IGU  270' Ahhot,  P.  i 

Mortimer,  Hu-h,  Ks,i,     Tewke.hury.  1415  202'' CT.chdc,  1 . 

*^rortimor,  Esuem  dc     K,o4  ,1,.  la  Marehe.  1382  188'-  (_  ourtmay. 
♦Mortimer,   I'lullippa    de.       Couidcss   de 

].,  :\larclM.  1381  1S9'' Cointeiiay. 

Moll.',  JohuMl."  elder.       I'oxlcv.  1383  207^'  Courtenay 

Mottisfoul    ,lohn.      Vicar  of  l.vde.  1420  3 10''  Chiehele,  P. 
Motlrnu,,  Adau,  de.      I'reecitor  of   Salis-                      _ 

l„„.v  1415  277"  Chichclc,  P. 

Mouni  Johaune  de,  dun.  de  Dounsler.  1404  218"  Amudcl,  P. 


Moiintaqu,  Elizabetli.     Ccmnte^s  of  Salis- 

l,uvy.'  1414     2G8''CliielK'ley,  P.  i. 

jMoimLif^u,  J.iliii.     IJroUior  of  the  ]".arl  of 

Siilisbnry.  l.'!88     23G'' Courtcnay. 

UroHiitnmi,  William.     Earl  of  Salisbury.       1387     1.59"  Aninaol,  P.  i. 
^rnuiitforte,  .John,  Kut.  1151      SO*' Kcnipr. 

Mounke,  Thomas,  of  :\rcrkisliall    (Probate 

only).  1413     193'' AruiuW,  P.  ii. 

*:MoM-brav,     John.       Duke    of     Norfolk. 

A-xholnie,  Lincolnsh.  ^  1432     434- Chichcle,  P.  i. 

Jloyser,  "William,  of  Promleigh  in  Kent, 

ISIugL^e,  Vrilliani.     Dean  of  Windsor. 
i\Iulburue,  Jolm.     Kalisbury. 
Mul.sho,  Henry.     Ciedyngton. 
Mulso,    Thomas,    of  Xcwton   parva,    co. 

Multon,  Thomas,  of  Crowmcre. 
IMulwanl,  Kichard.     lluvgcss  of  Kerlion 

in  ^^'ales.     [Cacrlcon,  co.  ilonmouth  1] 
Jilundys,  Olvve,  W,  of  Norwich. 
Muskliam,  Kobcrt  de.     Parson  of  church 

of  Overe. 
Miiston,  Jolm.     Foderinghey. 
Jlyddleton,  William,  tlie  eliler,  of  West- 
ham  in  Kent,  ]",S(|. 
:\fyelu41,  William,  ,.f  llarple. 
j\lyller,  Agnes,  of  (.'laplon,  in   parish   of 

i\fYllvnchop,  Jnhn,  nf  l-ve. 
:^lvii..l,  AVilliam.      IppisVirhe. 
:\Iyiit.'r..n,  John,  of  West.ui  in  Z-iylandc 

Nashe,  Nirholas,  of  Ncwe  Windsor,  tanner 
Ne.'Ir,  Tliunias.     Pviniore,  .Aliddx. 
N.rl,  William.     CiU/.en  of  Chichester. 
Nevill,  Thnmas.     Dns  de  Fernevall. 
Newton,    Kichard,    Jvt,       Judge    nf   the 

Common  Ph'iis.      Yalt'in. 
Newall,  Kichar.l,  of  fnylanv  M..rlimrr. 
Newedegale,  .L,hn      (I'mbalc  n,dv). 
Neweulnii,  CrMllivv.      Wr.t  Wi.khaiii. 
Newman,  Maivavl  w>  nf  Tlmmas. 
Niwmau,  IJnliril,  nf  TJMTston. 
Newman,  N'liMina.,,  ,.f  Ma-hfeld. 
Nich.ills,  ,l,,l,i,,,,r.\,|,,n  KeViHs,  en.  Wilts, 

Ni.hnln,    Tllnmas  dr     Saurln',    K„l. 

Nich.ilas,  l;,..l,,rnl-(),i,vugln„. 

Nicolas  rt//V,..-Tn|,,„.    Wdliam,   ,lrik. 
Nirnjs,  llni.aHt,       lii.hop  of  SI.   llavid<. 
Nnl.ys,  Jnhn,  nf  Castnn. 


G4''  Pnst  ni.irt. 



201''  Courtena 



327^'  Claclicle,' 

P.  i. 


401"  Chichele, 

1'.  i. 


131"  Stall..rd. 


29''  Morlnn. 


358'  Chichclr, 

P.  i. 


45''  :\[..rlnn. 


214''  Cniirfcne 


J  23-'  Chichele, 

"p.  i. 

1 557 

G2-''  Post  mort. 



4G-  Alorton. 


445''  Whit-ift, 

P.  i. 


103-^  Cramuer 


13^  :\Iorton. 


430'  Whilgift, 

,  P.  i. 

1 590 

409-  Whil-ift 

,  P.  i. 


12r  Stallnrd. 



1'.  i. 


235''  Arundel, 

P.  i. 


1G9-  Stafford. 

15. -.8 

3.5-  Pnst  mort. 



22G''  C'nurtcnav. 


179-  Arundel, 

P.  i. 


C2i'  Stalford. 

1  145 

G8''  StaUbrd. 

1  .").'>  7 

10'' Post  mort 

.    Puli 


4PV  Whilgift 

,  p.  i. 


79-  Sudbury. 


119- Whittles 



258''  Kempe. 

14  33 

4  38-  Chirhrie 

,  P.  i. 


15'  Mnrlnn. 

132  'LA:\rr.KTri  will: 

Xoion,  AVilliam.  ,,f  lla.lnilinin. 


221' Arundrl,  P.  i. 

>;ol«S    Williiiui.       K.rtoi    of    St.    Tflor, 


14 -20 

39.3'  Chicle  le,  r.  i. 

Nolly,  Join,,  C;ii.-     (  o„lv). 

1  f  1  :i 

19  1''  ArinnKl,  P.  ii 

Noon,  IsabcU,  wif.-  of  Sii'  IMmun.l,  Kul. 

1  loi; 

.MU''  Ariin.lrl,  1'.  i. 

Koou,  Kdimni.l,  Knl.      Sl,<lF,uy. 

1  ll:"! 

1!»S.'  Arunclrl,  V.  ii 

Xonuan,  'WaUr,  of  li.inrw.  llr. 


27''  .Mortnn. 

Xoriiiaii,   Kicliaitl,    of   Niiimiiiylon,   lius- 



2G7^^  Whit-ift,  P.  i 

Northlmi-li,  :\li<l,a,l  Ciiuon  of  Cl.irli.'st( 

•r  1381 

207''  Convtcnay. 

NortlHTn,'^Bailliol,.iuew.    Krctov  of  jllvk- 

Ivng  and  Rullrsby. 


38''  ^lorton. 

Nortliow,  Simon.      Canon  of  Cl.i.lirstrr. 


409"  Chichclc,  P.  i. 

Xorllnvodo,  John,  Knt. 


lOU''  Sudbury. 

Norton,  Andrew,  of  Soiitlirhuhani. 


.-.C'  Morhm. 

Norton,   Clenicnl,  of  the   towiiT'   of  Aus- 

trop,  CO.  York,  yeoman. 


270''  V'hit-ift,  P.  i 

Norton,   Elizal..'tli,  late  wife   of   llirliai.l 

Norton.      ]iuniliam. 


2G'  :\lov(,m. 

Norton,  Thomas.      St.  Teter,  ^il■i^lol. 


1,^1''  StallorJ. 

Norton,  John,  of  Dcptfov.l,  veoinaii. 


13.V'  Cranmcr. 

Norton,  Richard,      licctor  of'  St.  ^laiv  at 

Strondo,  London. 


207''  Couvtcnay. 

Notto,   Thoinas.       Vicar  of   Oaselv,    co. 


11 98 

27-^  Morton. 

Norwich,  r.p.  of.     Sre  Aloxandrr. 

Ollon,    David.       Vicar    of    Kirkol.-n    in 



2(17"  K'l'nipc. 

Olyett,  John,  of  Dcnvrr. 


1. -.4 ''Parker. 

OlVver,  Tliomas,  of  Jlurwa-d,-. 


.'>0''  Post  niovt.  Poll 

Ondel.v,  John,  cl.rk.      Flan.>l,-,1,.. 


202"  Arumhl,  P.  ii 

Orchard,  John.      Coltrh",!,. 

144  7 

IGI"  Slallbni. 

(hvhanl,  Ki.liar.l,  of  Kv,al... 


47G'  Chirholc,   ]'.   i. 

Oniu'sl,v,    -M.arv,    wif,-   of    Avtliiir,    Ks.,. 

ISlackfnar.s  l.ondn,,. 



Orychc,  Tliomas,  of  Kodio.t.i'. 


GU'  Post  niort.  Poli 

(WH>rnc,Jol,n,of  Ihavo,  CO,  r,rik>,  v.M.ina 

n.  1.-.91 

411'  Whil-ifl,  P.  i 

O.'tilcr,  Th..nia.s  of  Ware. 


IGk'  Annidrl,  1'.    i. 

0.strichr,  Thomas      St.  AUnn  Wood  St., 



279M<o„,p,..,  Johann,  w",  of  London. 

14. -.2 

Otclryc,  Kohcil.      London. 

]  130 

iG()'  n'i!'h'i.',  p.  i. 

OtrrN-,   Ko^rr.       Clavcil.V. 


224''  Couiirnay. 

(Iiuh'l.v,  s,r  Ondrhv. 

Ovo.MV,,  of'Xrwiuarkrl. 


313''  Kcnipo. 

OviTlun,    Clrnirnl,     nf    SI.     Nicholas     al 

^Vadc   in  Ido  .if  Tli.mrl. 


179''  (  birh-lc,  P.  i.,  John,  k..,,. 


237''  .\vund,  1,  ]'.  i. 

(»ul,.n,  Lnkr,  „f  .N,.w>udon  in  Kml, 


2GG'  ■\\4iilv:ifl,  1'.  i, 


^"'!"i-^'v''ullnl''  "^  ■^^""^^^''■'■' '"•'''■'"'"  i:,92     179  Wlnt.ift,  V.  ii. 

(,>::::i!;vj:r".i..ias.  st.,vu..  ,,^,a,M,v.i 


rachet,.Toln..     St.  C.:.OV.s„ale,  Can-  33,.  chi,.l,.lc,  l>.  i. 


radNX.t.n,  Jnl.n,  K..1.   St.  Au-la-w  L.m-  o-.y.  Krmp. 

1   -11     T     ,,,1,,,,  i4-_l^        -(  •>      J^'  "4     • 

hill    T.nKl,,,  __      711.  Stallnnl. 

la.g.   .l..ln,    "f    -n     n   tuiu  lO:.' Ann.lrl,  1'.  ii. 

!Sn;;:'ll:':nv::isi,v,;.l,,^::  1115  gi^s...,..,!. 

J.;.,      ,,„;W,ll,a,n,AH„l,..,n.,fCau-  ^^^^      .3,,  ,,„,„„,,. 

1.            ''piilin      K..lvn.tun  1107     5i- Avun,!.!,   1'.  i. 

ralm.r,  William,  F..,,-  !?     ^o-i,  rhS  t   Pi 

1-anU-v   Kicha.l,  of  co.  r;i,n„:..t,r.  2o     ob      Lhu^     U  ,  1 .  1. 

r,,  Mar,an.t.     Mal,.slMl..  H^J      '^Vm'  n       l.   V 
Vavker,  Uciiiv. 

1112    iGi' Avuiia.i,  r. 

I'aib'v,  ^Vi'llialM,  "f  r.'ti 

J'anali,  ^Villiani,  nf  lia. 

ran-ott/riuana.,  of^lurl,  ^Inv.nn  I-.-k-      bO    1 

ra™U,K.l,a„.,,.fMn,,„nL,„,,      ^^^^     ^^^  ^  ^^^^ 

3>,i:;':T;:;n:      Ca,,,.n,,fll,n.f,a,L 

I'avrVs,  .lokn,  oi  UM. 

Parous,  Isabol,  of  Cbatwallc  in  par.    C 

dvtoii,  AV". 
Tasscle,    Ivlinun.l,    Kiit.    I'v'i.naidynln 

1.-,S9     2<i:V'^Vl,i(:..ri,  I'. 
ir,9t      2-':)'  \Vhil;-,ili,  1'- 

ir):)S  GO'' I'n 

1111  2G1M 

looS  a^  i'oA  y\'n\rui  IMi 

1558  GO''  roll'. 

132G  158-^  ]^•Yllolas 

russi'lewc,  ^rattlK'W.     Cilizm  of  Lonar.n.  oo-^h    .>or,,  ( 'ouit- 

(IVoNvills).  ^  l^SG  22_,-G    Lo.ut. 

ratman,  John,  nf  S,a,lhw„l.l,  108  ^^G   ,^  V'       ■    ,,^. 

I'atvik,  Kcainakl,  nf  Wy„rlpl  .  y  L^b-  __OLomUua\. 

Patvyngton,     ^1,,'!-..       li.-lar     "f     ^t.  ^_^_  310.  Chiclal..,  1' 

l>ua"'i'li.a,  Kut.  l^^O  101"  Su,lbu,y, 

Va.,l,.,Mana,l.Sa,.,:t..     l^a..,-,.,  ,  ..  ^^_^.  ^^^^^  ^^_^,,^_^^^, 

rav,rTiio,na-    E-^.l    Kokrbniur,  lianl^.  1117      1  Gk'  S .allnnk 

l>;;V:;:Th:anas:      V;,aV..,S,,,u:io,l.,n.  1115  Gk;S,,,n.,.. 
I'aM,.  Til. 


IV.lir,  Willi 

"CalL.  '  l^OG     ^Gl'  Anil 

]o4                                         LAMBKTH  WILLS. 

l>,.,kl,;nn,  Jul,,,.      .\,rl,l,islK>i,  of  Cai.t.r- 



1G4- Arundel,  1>.  i. 

IVcclir,  .Icllll.        Cilizrll   ,.f    LdnJoIl. 


1051'  Sudburv. 

IVult,  Xirl„.l;,s,  ,.r  .NM.wi.l,,  r^y\ 


ll-'^rnvlon.  " 

J'rko,   .l..lni,    ..r    'J-akr-1,.,    ,n.     Ihuitill-anll. 


38.5>>  Cldehelc,  P.  i. 

I'rkh.lUI,  .lanirs,   nf    WlnllMlll. 


1  7 G'' Arundel,  V.  i. 

IVkliaiii,  Kr^inaM.       Wmthaiii. 


250''  Arundrl,  P.  i. 

]Vkliaiil,      Aliro      uifr      f.f      Rryilialil, 



251'  Arund.'l,  P.  i. 

rdhai,:,  Jolili,  Kill.       ]{nk,.ilsbri.l-c. 


411'  Cliicliel.',  P.  i. 

IVll,  L'lianciit,    .if   -Ma-lilirlil,  co.   .Sussex, 




]Vnt..ii,  ];..L'.T,  of  llnnnii-'slKnu. 


2G8''  Kenipe. 

]'ciiw..illiai,.,,     ilrik.       Ktyi4rar 

Alcliicli.  L'aiit. 


472'Cl,iel,rln,  P.   i. 

IVrcy,  'Hiomas.      f.islmp  of  Xonvicli. 


105''  WKitllesrve. 

]',Tnt,  JIulIi.      .Xnitl.  ( 'unvv,  Suliirrsd. 


4S7'  Chielirlcy,  ]'.  i. 

IVlott,  .Inlin,  of   Unit  Maikrt. 


25^'  .Morton. 

]'rsc.KL  ]iidianl,  of  Tlieniyltlioi-p. 


20''^  ]\forLon. 

rcti'grcwc,  Tliiiiiias,  of  ^vL■s,^'^avt'. 


59''  ^rortoii. 

IVvm'll,  KadiciiiR',  ivliet  of  Sir  Andrew. 


90^'  SudLurv. 

Vr^y^,■Vi■Y,  ]l,.oli.      T,Laii.lfor,l  Fnrm]i. 


185'"  Stailnrd. 

IVvckc,  .l.iliii,  (.f  l'u(kiii-lo)i,  CM.  Somiisi't, 



415MVl,it,uift,  P.  i. 

IVvkc,  Thomas,  of  Lvnu  y.y'i. 


G9''  Slallnld. 

J'liiJil-p,  William.      ])ns.k  llar.L.llf. 


480''  Chiehele,  P.  i. 

]'l.ili|.r,    William   a].    .Tnlni,    nf    Kr^vvll, 



177''  Pnrk.'r. 

I'l.ilil.j.,  Svmon,  nf  ]ianliam. 


71'  Stailnrd. 

l'liilili|.es,  sr,'  ^\]n[r. 

I'liilpys,  William.      Citizen  of  liath. 



]'k'wc,  .lohn,  of  Wiestwiaiii. 


C5'' Pest  :\lnrteni  Pol 

I'le.sselcy,       ]^erlnr  nf    Sutlillete. 

St.  ,M'aitiii  In,  ].ni„lnn. 


1  23-  Lau-liam.- 

]'lum|.lnii,  llniiv. 


170''  Park.r. 

riumptni,,  .Inlni,'      Cilizeu  of   Xnrwi.-li. 

1  115 

170''Cliielielr,  P.   ii. 

]'..l,',  .Mi,han|,l,.la.  Karlof  Siilfnlk.    flulL 


283'  Cliichele,  P.  i. 

]'nle,AVilliam,   1  )uke,  eVe.,  of  Sullnlk. 

fharterlinusr,  Hull, 



I'nlr,    AVilliam,   nf    Jialllru. 


321''  Ckielirle,  P.  i. 

]'nllar.l,   llarnakas,  ,.f    llaiin-r  in  Kent. 


2GG''  Whit-ift,  P.  i. 

I'.illai.l,  William.      ]'ai-n„    ..f   T.ui.-nr,  in 




I'nltnn,    Thnmac.      J;i.O,np  ,,f   Wnrce.>ter. 



.i38''Chi.liele,  P.  i. 

J',    l;i,l,al,l,    nf     Vrllviler,    Cn.    Mi.Mx. 


310' Kri,,,,,.. 

I'ni.Mi.,,-,  ]',|ai„l,.'  ,lna  ,lr.       I.nwvs. 


1(J9''  Ann, del,  P.  ii. 

l'nnyne;^;.-s,    Mar^aivt,    (f,.n,M.vly 

Crnwcmnr.)   St.  Maitin  Oi-ar,   Knmlnn. 

14  48 

]G7''  Stailnrd. 

]'nnw,L;rs,  Mirhaeld.,  Knt.      I'oliynyrs 


5'',  98'  AVliiUleH've. 

'   Kxtiacl  lilil; 

LAMBl-ni  Wl 



]'(.iivn-rs,  .loan,  uif.;   ,,f   Sir   Mirliaol  dc. 



100''  Wliittleseye. 

r.Miyngus,   Thnnias.      ])us   ilc   8t.    Jolui. 



405''  Chichclo,  P. 

IViiyny.s  Tli..nias  d.',  ICnt.                   iG  K 

d.  in. 

84'  Sndl.nry. 

Poiivn-L's,  liicliaid,    ])ris  do  I'.myuyus, 


223''  Conrtenav. 

I'ope,  Alice,  of  V.vr,  W: 


51''  .Aforton. 

Popo,  Thomas.   ]:„■-,  .s  of  GIoucoUt. 


174''  Arundel,  P.  i 

]'op,.,  Tl,o,„as,  of    Koxl.v. 


28''  Morton. 

]'opl,a,„,  Hrnvv.      ],'n-tou. 


311'"Chiehule,  P. 

I'orU'.r,  Jolin.  of   llvr. 


52^'  >rortou. 

Po.ssL'walcr,  Kol.oil.    Jir.-tor  of  Sampford, 



203'-  Arnndcl,  P. 

Posted!,  Ki<:hard.      Canon  of  Sali.diurv. 


17:l''  \xmn\r\,  P. 

Pottui-,  Kolicit,  of  Casloii. 


15'  .Morton. 

rotyn,    AVilliani.      ]'ivcL>nt.>i-    of    Suuth- 



192'  Arun.hl,  P.  i 

Pottyn,  IS'icholas. 


192'' Arundel,  P.  ; 

Pountfrcyt,     ^Villiani.      Kectov     of     iSt. 

Niclwlas,  Calais. 


1 50 >  Arundel,!',  i 

PoyucK,  John,  seiir.,  of  ^"ol•th  AVokuiidun, 



1  19'^  Stalfui'd. 

Poyt,  John.  Eeclovof  Eslliedviv.,'. 


5111'  Arundrl,  P. 

I'raty,  Richard.    Dishop  of  Chi.du'stcr. 


128''  Stallord. 

Prei.ste,  Kdniond,  of  Pyinior  in  pavisli   of 



272'  Ahbot,  P.  i. 

Preone,  William  do.  AVoohvich,  Ivcctor  of 

Lymmyiif;,  K'nit. 


220''  Arundel,  P. 

Preston,  Pctov  do.     Citizen  of  Loudon. 


99'  Sudhuiy. 

Price,    Symon.     Citizen   and  ^Slurcer  of 



409''  Warham. 

Prickesiuld,    John,   of   Misterlon   in   the 

parish  of  Crcwkeme. 


4IG' Whitgift,  P. 

Priscotte,  John,  the  elder,  of  Xewport  in 

the  Isle  of  AVight. 


21)' Whil-ift,  1'. 

I'rocurator,  John,  ecc'lie  di;  r.i--liop. 

51'' Arundel,  P.  i 

Prymc,  Amahle,  of  Thriplowr,   es..   Cam- 



317''  Whilgift,  P 

Purdy,']^iehard.      Keclor  of  Iclivntrham. 


11'' . Mori.  .n. 

Purdy,    John,    of   llcylcsdoi,   juxla   Nor- 



C2^'  .Stafford. 

Purvyann.',  William,  of  Oulwoll. 


40''  .Morton. 

I've,  .v-v  llanssin... 

IVcll,    Johanii,    ^^■■   of    John,    of 



IGl''  Arundel,  P. 


{Tu  be  CO, 



.OS  S,       3     .c^ 

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AiiKiii^'  Cniit.  lv,'cit..ii  T,oi<.'l]'.s  (  arc  two  rclafiii-  t(i  the  iniwTia.^r 
of  W'ivT  Lvi-h  of  'lli-li  Lui-h,  Ks,j,,  aiul  Elizal.cth  Castdion.  Tho  fn-.t 
,.f  tlicso  isdak'd  11  Xovomber,  i'J  Elizabctli  [1587],  Win,- an  iiidcntnvo 
"iK'twcon  John  l!aptist  Castillion,  oni'  of  (lie  Kii'Oiiis  of  Hit  Majo^^ty's 
jiivt'vio  Cliainbcr  csiniirc  of  tlii'  one  party  and  l\'t(3r  Loij,'li  of  ]Iii;hlri'_'li 
CO.  Oiester,  esquire  of  tlic  other  party."  It  witiiijsscs  tliat  the  said  I'cti-r 
Loigli  shall  hcforc  "  the  feast  of  tlie  Nativity  of  our  Lord  CJod  next  athr 
the  date  hereof"  niarrv  "  Ehz.aheth  CastelHoii,  dauglitor  of  thr  .sud 
John  Baptist,  if  the  law.s  of  I[oly  Churcli  will  it  permit  and  suII'.t."  The 
marriage  portion  of  EHzaheth  Oastellion  was  £400,  wliich  was  to  l,e  paid 
in  four  instalments  "at  tlie  now  dwelling  house  of  the  said  John  J'.aptistc, 
heing  in  Kinges  Steeet  in  the  City  of  Westminster."  I'eler  I.eigh 
agree.s  to  make  a  covenant  with  Henry  Seckfordc,  Ivsij.,  I'raueis  (.'as)illi"n 
and  Valeidine  Castilion,  Gentlemen, 'settling  an  anmnlvof  £S0  ..ii  the 
.said  Elizabeth.  Tlie  indenture  is  .signed  "  llv  me  Daptiste  Castilinii  " 
and  sealed  with  tlie  Castilliuu  arms,  Peter  Leiub,  A'alentiiu'  Caslillion 
and  others  signing  as  witnesses.  The  other  deed  is  an  indenture  ,l;,ted 
8  February,  30  Elizabeth  [l.")87-t;],  made  between  "Peter  Lei-he  ,,i 
Iliglic  T>eighe,  co.  Chester,  Es(pure,  of  the  one  part  and  Henry  Seckf.u-d 
of  London,  Esquire,  Francis  Castilion  of  London  aforesaid,  gent.,  and 
Valentyne  Castilion  of  the  Middle  Temple,  London,  gent.,  of  the  oilier 
]«rt."  It  settles  cert.iiu  laiid<  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of  "  Elizabelh 
Leigh  now  wife  of  the  said  iMer  l,.igh,"  as  directiMl  in  the  indenluiv  of 
14  November,  15.S7,whieh  is  menlionrd.  It  is  signed  by  "F.  Castilinu" 
and  "Val.  Castillion,"  and  has  two  seals  bearing  the  Ca-'tillion  arms. 

PtNSAllN,  AutUOELK,  N.  \VaLE3. 

J.     P.     E.^nWAKKli. 


Mordaunt  Chase  of  :\liltonT=:\lar\ --...1 
Ernest,  CO.  Beds.  |  ...    '  i 

...  Prime.^^...             Sir  Thomas  Promsall,  Kt.=j=]i;iizabeth, 
I __    I  dan.  and  h.^ir. 

Phihp  Priin- of  Ilem-=T=?ilarv,  dau.  of  Sir=William  .le.iv,  :\l,iv,„ 
ingfoi.l  .\bbo(s,  near  |  Tim's.  PD.nisall,  and  .>fl  1  mitiu-d..,,  in  17Ul. 
Huntingdon,    .\dm\m  ;   uidnw    of     Thinl  husband,  d.  1 727. 

grant, .d  to  his   wid. 
-Alarv  Prime,    21    F 
171G.         (.Vdiu'nn 
P.C.C.    17  Hi). 

Tliin-mnitou.    :\bir.      ^Vill  pro,  bv  his  widnw 
three    times.      Will      .Marv     de.av.        (P.C.C. 
jan,   173.-).     (P.C.C.      112  Earrant.) 
'J  I'ueie.) 

I                                                      "^                                      I      "  "    I 

Philip  Prime  ..f  (;.,dman--p...i:nl)crtsou    living  Samuel,  Anne, 

che.-t.'r.Huntin-don.  WjII  I   172'A        |.\n     Jdlui  livniL;  li\iug 

l.r.    1729   bv   his  mother,  1  I'lime  bnr.    at   (;nd-  173.;-.  173.:.. 
Marv   .leav.      (I'.C.C.   81  I  m^iiMie  ter    :)0  Mar. 
Abbott).   '                            I  1731.] 



1              1 

riulipl'riinr,    AVilliani       (J 
living  17-_'9.      Jcnv             sa 
Wasa.-uds.p.   Primo,        Ijo 
in  1744.            livill,^'  in     17 


...,,1,  ?)  Prime 

llohav.  1 n 

n  in    17l'0    ui' 


J                  1     1 
Maiv.        Annc>V.Vli(c 

^         t.wins,l,ap.22, 

AViiliaiii    Imr.   2(i   .Mar. 

Poaccck.   1729.    (Cod- 

1           nianclicstijr 

1           Kegi->tcr,s). 



lillgOttifC,  SdlULT.SCl  Uousr, 

h.l758,  ,1  1818.   (AaiuVm 
ill  r.C.C.  Nov.  1818). 

-Ann,  .lau.  of  ...  Tlioip       Anur.-rTli".  Krv. 
..r  CO.    IVds.,  d.   1828.                         AVillian, 
(Adm'on      111     P.C.C.                         IVar.H-k. 
Apr.  182S).                                     ^, 

Thomas  lTruvvMiuukIay=j 
and  Kniylit's  Hill,  Xnv- 
wood,   and  of  Lamlwtli, 
111.  1   ,Sqit.  1821,  d.    -n 
Aug.  18G1. 

=Elisal,ctli               Ann 
I'limo,  b.  10         died 
.Man  1789,            youi 
d.  1  .Mar.l8.^),^. 

g.      b.  1791, 

if  tlio 
ng  Ullicc, 
d.'  uniu. 
!G  Glostcr). 

ia,  mar. 

Eli.sdjelh  Ilaniutte, 
mar.  James  Edwaid 
Tyrio,  0,  .s.p.  1879. 

Thomas  llunv^ 
niav.  and  lias 
issue  a  dau;.,'ht 



Emilv  Ma 

and  has  i* 

Henry  Maudslav,  b.  15  Juno  1822,    M.  Tnsts.=Eiuilv,  dau.  of  Strphun 
C.   &   ^\.  ]■:.     '  Of   Hill  House,   P-raiiieitoii,     ISmdccnhani  of  Loddon,  ep. 
CO.    Xorf.,   and  al  the   Westminster   PaUieit     Xorf.  mar.  29   Jan.  1879, 
Hotel,  Eondon.  bur.  at  Eoddon  ^\\v'.  1879. 

The  foivgning  pedigree  ha.  hem  c.i,„| 
tors,  and  is,  1  veiituie  tn  think,  t-k 
poinl.s  : — Eirst,  I  shoiiM  iilsc  |o  .il.i.du 
Kon  of  tlie  second  PhiHp  Prime,  et  '\li  i 
fmm  family  letters;  and.  semndly,  ,, .  h 
It  wnukl  appear  that  le-  was  ,l..>e,nded 
Derbvslniv,  rail, er  than  fn.m  eiile,-  \W 

Caml'.rid-e,  ,.r  the  elder  one  ..f  I'lil 

brid-esliiiv,    as    .s,,me   ,,f    the    m,!!.    nf 

wills  and  parisn  regi 
plete  except  as  lo  tv 
nation  al)nut  (0  Joseli 
e  no  knowlcdL,'!'  exee 
itagc  of  the  lh-1   Phlli 

from  the  North,  aii.l 

Charles  duviuL'  the  f 

.sliire  in   Mil-.  I  .Major 

vidual,  was  disckume. 

points,  or  any  part  oi 

I'.i,  G.jtii.i  titrcct,  8.Mit 

o|-    ; 

.Ma.|o,.   P,i„,e,    ^ 

ho  cai 

.i|  ,,• 

■nr   the  assistance 

..f    Kn 


ah.-s    Visitation  c 
haj.s    the    v,a'V    s 

r  IVrl 
■of  iIk 

he  V 

•ry  much  ohliged 

llK.Mtv  Mm; 



THE   VISITATION    OF    I.lNCOLNSIlir.i:,   1.'.02. 

(Continued  frvM    Vrl.  \,pu'j,:  017J 


AiiMS.  — Or,  tlnrc  pilfS  merlin;/  ncai-  the  Ijase  Awix,   within  a  b,>r,lnre  in:/niil.,l  /in 

licnds  ci-iised  -h/or  (LJ'jiidi.sli). 
Chkst. — .(  'jreijhound  conraid  reijurdiint  Kemim,  euHni'td  (Jr. 

William  Diyaii  of  Bulliiigbniok,  o».  Line. 

Thuiiias  Eryaiiof  I!ulliiigbrook,=i=...  da.  of  Conny  of  Bj,.^iiigtli. 
Thoiuns   Iliyaii  ofT=>t."g.i"'t,  <!;..  of        2.  John  BryMii. 



•anruHe  aj  Ih. 
le/i.jM  the  Ci 

I  I 

John     llubnt  Brv.m,       Alice    iix, 
ichani  Ceoi-e 

,nni,l.  Fairfax  of 

.)/■  Yolk.shiie. 

Anne.  1 
U''le  of  1 

!  1  i  1 

2   ll7///»m. 


r.SVovi,  da.  ../ 



•,1  ire.          1 


of    Unllin- 

Juloi  Norinii 




inl.                  1 

3.  John. 

bro,.k,  1  son 

of  Cotterdnd- 




iif  ...           J 

and  hen-  a|.- 

in   eoin. 



:  to 


i.   Amh;n: 


in  Mo 

' Clerk 

rnf  ... 



■[.   lluh,ri  ];r,itiv,^-Miirlhi,  dn.  tif  'X  .Inhn  Uri/nii,      3.    Willinm.       Marth' 

IGOJ  ill  June.  I  Lomurd  CunMek  diid  ijonnrj. 

A  sonn,  slUl-lnrnr. 



s  )ln 

(.VM  of  T.nter.l 

Ml,  en.  Ki 





a,i,  eo.  Li 

'"  1 

Jolm  Bulge,,  ot  CreeUai,  eo,  Liue 




ami  fan-  Or,  a  km  rampant  Azayc  char.jal  with  a„  uanuh    A,vje„t     ,roa,d 
linrtorMrcc  poles  salle.     3,   ilulcs,  on  a  dn.ron  Ov  three  c.lo,lcs  .-al.le 
(CoblKun) ;   in  the  fens  point  a  rose  Uules. 
-.4  falcon  risina  Ermine  belled  Or  and  dacalhj  r/orr/cd  Or  chanjed  on  the  IreaH 

Sir  Thomas  Burgh,  Kt.  of  the  Cl;u-ter.=f  Jl^vrgciret,  da.  to  Lord  Koos. 

Sh-  K.Uvard  Burgh,  Kt.,  Lord  of^fAnnc,  da.  aud  lioh-  to  Sir 
Geynsbuvgh  (Gainsborough).         |  Thoma.s  Cubham,  Kt. 

.  da.  to  ...  Tyrwhilt. 

wife  tc 




1  I 

Auno   1  ...    wife    to 

mar   to  ...  8ir  William 

l;n.-ir.-2tu  Ml..-'i.ivcs 

wife  to  rdchard=f...  da.  and 

r.a..,=ctt,       Cnii.-tantine  I  one  cf  tlie 
,n  of  r.,.wdl.;v,  I  heiv.s    ..f 

C".  S.dop."     I  Grillitli 

I  Hinton  of 

I  Hinton,  co. 

Salop,  I'.sn. 

,  the  I.-.loo£  Wi.L'bt. 

Anst^.—Arr/cnt,  on  a  eh.iron  A:in-c  thr,r  rorered  ca),s  Or. 

Ckkst.-  .1  hor^^  head  era,cd  quarhrl.j  Ar.jenl  and  Sal.le. 

Humfrey    Buller.r    •    'l^'-  "f      •    '■''•: 

onv  roller  of  .-^rn-f-arrl.  da.  of  .Vr<rv=(- ■/,.<,•/«  li:,,»alr 
;  ,„d  Stow  \(>,-i",n,.JJ:l„,han,.ei.  a n,l  l,r,r  „/  S,. 
'  Orun  j;d.r.:rd,Jhusb 



3.  Autlu.ny 

4.  JoUu  of 

5.  }Iciiry. 

of  O.trs. 

11  ]!utler^l".lizal 
riisciUa,  0 

al,,  da.  of  Geo.-.- 
of  Ashby. 

ilio  da., 


Cha.lfS  r.iitle 
of  Cotes. 

r^n.aiglas,  .la, 
of  Scothaiii. 



Tliomas  Mtlebiu- 
of  Staiusby,  CO. 

I  I  I  MM 

John  Butler,       Kllen  Tutkr,  llinafnn  Llthhuyii.  i.  Chmh-}.        \.  Klrjildh. 

1  son,  iliid  at     ilifd  at  a  son    and    heir,    uuir  —  — 

Ids  birth.  quarter  old.  Ward  to  lar  Mojcsl,/,  :}.  J'hJijK         2.  /lurvthij. 




].  Eduioiid  6avt\vri-ht,  .-^mh  and     2.  aeorgoCartwrl-ht  ot-f 
licir  ;  he  was  of  Norwcll.  Kormanby,  com.  Line. 

nke       j    D..,:,tl,y,   ux. 
I    of,:,,,u.r.,ke 

1.  John  Cartwright  of=j=Maryaret,  dn.  of  Milliani 
Kormanby,  Gent.,  s.>u  I  Swane  of  Kiie«.sall,  co. 
and  heir. 

1  1 

1.  Frances. 

1.  Will 

.,m  C, 



1    1 
.■!.  Am 


Sion   .-ui 




2.  Milliccnt. 



CLAYTON,  Xo.   1. 

Clayt^juof  York>hire.--r., 

]!ieliard    Clavton    i,t  =Ann.',  d.i.  of  Uub^rt  L.- 
Al.i.leby,  CO.  "Liue.  .,f  Mu.crolt,  ,-...  Vuik, 




f:l-  It  I 

CLAYTON,  Xo.  2. 

(No  arms  in  tie  Visitation  in  the  Ojlcc.) 

.  (adiled).— /'«•  yn/c  Azure  and  Gules,  a  lion  rampant  Or. 

tlie  booke  of  Cluiioli  notes  U\ke 
1  tliese  amies  wiUi  tliis  wrigUtiii 

lercd  to  itr.  Chn/lon  of  Clat/ton  under  nv/  liand  these  nr 
in  my  hla»h  hooh  of  entries,  lie  cam  out  of  Clayton  Hull 
n  the  Yorhh.  booh-  at  London. 

John  CUiytou  of  Cl:iyton,=r... 
CO.  York. 


Itobcrt  Clayton  of  C'layton.=f  Ellen,  da.  of  Rafe  Reresby 
of  'J-hiibcr-,  CO.  Yolk. 

Rafe  riavt 
ana  of  ]:.■: 

on  of  Chytoii=f 
,c„.L:nc.         1 

Kllzabeth,  da 


CO.     I 


1.    ClnWo,,lK-r 
Clayton  of  Clay- 
ton af.^d.  and  of 
Lea,  i:.s,|. 

nf.  da.  ..f  John 
oth  of  Killing- 
mo,  CO.  Line. 



3.  R; 

fc  Clayt..n,     ]-liza 
d,  but  had     ncvr, 

Aillmr  Clayton— Mary,  da.  of  Thomas  Rutlcr 
of  J.ta         ■  ]  of  Cowt.-)n,  CO.  Line.  (!  Cowl- 

ton,  CO.  Nott). 

I  I 

Thomas  Cl.iyton,  2.  ^Villi:lm  Cl.ivton,  son 

J.  s-o.  ■  heiraiM.a.cntasyct  ]^t 


Aims  (.added).  — Quarlci-ly,  1  and  4,  Salle,  three  dores  Ar'jent,  a  ere.^eci.t  Or  f.,r 
differcnre  (Columbell).  2  and  ;',,  Or,  three  bars  Azure  a  borJure  Units 

Thomas  Culmnbcll  of  Varley  eo  Vcrhy.' 

John  Columbell  of  J\irlei/.-r- 



Ihurij  CuhnnhcU  of  Ihirk 

Ilcnri/  CulumUU  of  Darln/.-^rVcatrb;  da.  of  J„hi,  Vrodh,, 

Roger  Cohunbell  of =f...  da.  of  ...  RdUslci)     EVr.ahHh.  1,  vy.  ICuivclu 
Barley  in  com.         I  o/  Holkslcij.  uUat^  IjUhct.  ~\  tu  U'UliaM 

Derl.y,  K*q..  si.n  Stuijurd  of  JSotkam. 

and  licir  of  Homy. 

1.     Geo.rre=fKlizat.ctIi,  .1,..  ami  h 
Oilrfmbell.  I  of  ...  StoL-kwitli  of 
Stnckwitli,  CO.  Line. 

2.  Francis,  s.p.        Bennett,  da.  of  I?oger=rL   Henry  ColumbcU=Anne,  da.  of  . 

-  Foljambe  of  SkcL'liy,     of  Darlcy.  ofHi'dil.m-..  o 

3.  John,  s.p.  younger    br.    to   «ir  widow  of  Uei 

Godfrey  tlie  eldei-.  Barloe. 

C.lmabell     of  Sir 
of  iJarley,     Freelr 

I  I 

2.  no,lfrey^jrar-aret,  da.  of  (;rn.c,  iix. 

William  Xeedlrim  Crorgr 

of  Colby  .and  of  I'.l.ukw.U 

Tlir.rn.-iett,  CO.  of  l;l,u  kvveil, 

Derby.  Co.  Derby. 

Ill  II 

l.]'..imett.  1.  Frane 

ob.  s.i,. 

•C.ibimbell,     4.  Fr.inei-..        C.  Jb' 
Iirir    appar-  — 

years    .ild,     o.  I'o.ror.  7.  Jol 


(This  Podigrec  commcm-Cf 
and  eoiitimie.s  n.s  in   llio    Vi 

apparent,  about  -1  year.s  old, 

he  marriage  of  /„/„,  Copledike  and  Marg.iret  Etto 
1  of  loOl,  giving  the  i.-<suo  of  Tlioma.s  and  l[e.-<t 
pie  of  Calai.s,  as,  Thomas  Copledike,  .s,,u  and  lu 
Jlaiy  ;  and  Kh/.abeth.) 


'  dicrou  h'iKnn  time  loinls  of  collon  Ayr/ail,  a  honhi 




1  1 


Alice,  ux.  Tho. 

1    1 

1.  Rafo  Cotton  ot'=^=:Margcry,  da.    of 


ux,  John 

Pipe  Ridware.           Knyvcton  of 



Underwood,  co. 

Aune,  ux.  Edw. 

— ■ 





ux.  Tlio. 


after  hi.s  brother. 

2.  Ric.  Cotton: 
of ..  Maplcton. 

Dorathy,   da.  of 

I  I 

da.  of=f4.  John  Cot-=f- Jane,  da.     S.Thomas 

...  Beardmore      Bartholomew 
of  Thedlie             ]5alderaton  of 
(Thedlethorpe.)    Burton,  co. 

ton  of 

Burton  near 


of  ... 

Cotton  of 
?  Gryn  in 

1                          1                     1 
L  William       2.  Robert     3.  Edw 
Cotton,             Cotton. 

\n\.       1.  Mary 

2.  ji;;ry 




Arms. — Argent,  a  lion  rampant  Salic  in  dexter  chief  a  cinqucfoil  Guks. 

John  Cres^aV  of  Bliborough,  co.  Linc.,=p... 
descended  from  a  younger  brother  of 
Crcssy  of  Yorkshire. 

Robert  Cressy  of=f  Elizabeth,  da.  of  Thomas  AVygnn  of 
Bliborough,  sou  I  Bliborough  by  Ellen  only  da.  &;  heir 
and  heir.  of  Hen.  Ascough  of  Ceton  (Seatou), 

CO.  Cumb. 

,  Nicholas  Crossy. 


.  Jame.i 

John  Crosby 
of  Bliborough. 

4.  Walter. 

An^s.—Ar(jcnl,  three  cAeironcls  braced  Salle,  on  a  chief  ./  the  second  three  miiUdi  of  the 
first,  a  crescent  Uulcs  for  difference. 

Sir  James  (a  note  suggests  Ilolert)  Danby=j=... 
of  Thorpe,  co.  York,  lit.  I 

2.  TliMiaa-s  n.inby,  St,in>lird  pDraee,  da.  of  ...  M.ircall 
Bearer  t.  Tle.mas  IJoke  of     of  .^Lireall,  eo.  Liue. 
Norf.ilk  :..t  I'  Field.      | 



FAmie,  aa.  of 






IX.  Scij 

Danby  was 

Joliu  IJilk-sby 

had  a 


i>^  Sa 

■ill      Uokil 

V   ' 


a  meichant 

of  Billesby, 

of  Co 


00.  V. 


of  Hull,  son 

CO.  Line. 


&  heir. 


Gmce,  nx.  John       Tlimnasnanby=f  Jane,  da.  of  JLargaret,  Andrew 

ARhbnrne  of  of  ]!iller,by,  .son     William  nx.  Ivieliard  Danby  of 

Humber.stone,  and  heir.  |  Armstrong  Dixon  of  Grimsby. 

CO.  Line.  I  of  Corby,  Hull. 

CO.  Line, 

Thomas,  dieil  young. 


Arms.— Quarterly,  l,^;i()rr»v,  /   ,    '•   -. ,,  ,  „:a.Hcs  3,  1,  1,  Or  (Darnell).     2,  Argent 
a  saliire  cnr/miM  I: :  .        '  ,. //si'.c  j)oi'?i^' (?»/i;j5  (Gourney).     3,  Or 

c  hack's  Jicad  £■«?-(■;.,,-.    .  .    ,-       II,  .;r.  '  4,  Harry  of  ten  Ar'/cnt  and  O'lihs  ; 
a  lion  ram]Hmt  Or,  a-.m  iial  j.a-  jiatc  uftlie  first  and  second  (lir.anilon). 

Sir  Arthur  Darndl,  Kl.^... 

Richard  Durncllj... 

nomas  Gournp>i.=f-Alice,  da. 

nenrn  Gourneij.-^Kullf 
Sir  11 

lid  heir  to  ...  Ihlion 

William.      John  Ikvnel' .-^- . . 


■ill.  da.  and  heir  to 
iUinm  lU-andon,  Kt. 

...da.of  .,.= 
Cole,  1  ux. 

-James  Darnell 

-pChri.stian,  da.  and  coheir 
to  Henry  (Jorney.     Loke 
in  Avseougli   his  Hue  for 
tliis  Gurney. 

\    1 
Elizaheth,  ur. 
Walter  Axcougk. 


Jolm  Darnell,- 
,son  and  heir 
of  Jame.s  by 

=  ...    da   of     A,n,e,  v.r.  nvhcrt     Adam  Darnell  of. 
Doekwra.      Mooda-urd.               Thondiolnie,  co. 
Line,  Ksq. 

Anne,  2  da,  of 
Tl.M.nas  M.rssenden 

1                            1                                         1 
2.  John.           1.  William    Darnell,           Anne,  nx.  Kubert 
son  and  heir  of  Join..          AVoodv.anl. 


Marv,  ux. 
Silvester  I'.ioug 



Tliomas    Dar-- 
1        nell  of 

son  and  heir. 

-H.'len.da.and     Frances,  ux 
heir  ..f  Join.         llafeVavas. 
Sla..l..wof           ofSpaldint; 
Stiekford,  CO.       c).  York.  '^ 

?il:,bell,   ux. 
.-,         lle.nvLyonof 

i..,        'Iv.M.O-d,   CO. 

iM..'|.|n-.,  Esq. 


ine.  da.  and  on. 
parent,  ir.HJ. 


of  the          ?.  ICll-zabeth,  da.  n 




DIGIITOX,   Xo.    1. 
Arms. — Argent  a  lion  slatani  Ictwceii  three  crosses  pate'c  Jitchee  Gules. 
Crest. — On  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  lumh  close  Argent  leaked  proper. 

Johu  Diglitoii  of  Woodsom,  co.  York.=f=Elizabet.Ii,  da.  of  Tliomas  Suthill 
I  of  Sutliill  Hall,  CO.  York. 

John  Digbton  of  Woodsom.^lao.hel,  da.  of  William  Savell 
I  of  Halliford,  co.  York. 

AgiieB,  da.  of=Jolm  Dighton=pElizalx-tli,  da.  of  ... 
John  Copley  of  Woodsom.  Eobinson,  widow  of 
of  BatelyHall,  ...  Kay  of  Woodsom, 

CO.  York,  1  ux.  2  us. 

i.  Ilem-y  Dighton 
of  London,  mer- 
chant, ob.  s.ii. 

Jolm  Dighton  of =i 
(?  Ilackthoine), 
CO.  Line. 

pMargaret,  da.  and 
heir  of  John  Bee 
of  Carleton,  Co. 

ob.  s.p. 

Effra,  ux.  William 
Warljerton  of  London, 

1.   John^ 

-Grace  da.  and  coheir 
of  Richard  Atkinson 
of  Barton  vpon 

1.  Debora.ux.  Ed. 
Maulani  (Malliain), 
of  Old  Bradley,  co. 

1.  John  Ditjhton.        2.  Atkinson  Dijhton.      3.  L'dmond  Dighton. 

DIGHTON,    No.    2. 

Crest. — Per  jmlc  Gules  aiul  Argent  an  antelope  passant  countcrchanged,  on  a  chief 
divided  as  the  field  Or  and  Azure  two  crosses  formic  fitchee  also  counter- 
changed,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

CiiT.iT.— A  siuirrc!  sejanl  per  pialc  Argent  and  Qulcs  collared  Or  cracking  a  nut  of  the 
last,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Robert  Dighton  of  Sturtou, 
CO.  Line,  Esq. 



Joyce,  da.  and  heir  to  William 
Paul,  sou  of  John  .St.  Paul 

2.  Christopher.  5.  Hubert.  |      Elizabeth,  mar.  to  2.  Jane,  nx.  Sir 

—  —  I       William  Dally.sou  John  Mini«on 

3.  Thomas.  C.  Williaui.  of  Laugliton,  co.  of  Carlton  and 

—  Line.,  Ju.stice  of  Whcnby,  Kl. 

4.  Gilbert.  the  Bench. 

Edmond  Digliton=j=lCli 
of  Sturton.  I  of 

Ron  &  hcii 

Kobert  Dighto 
aolli.sbie,  CO.  Li 
and    of    Vnam 

til,  da.  ot   ...  JIall  3.  Anne,  nx.  Willi 

ted,  CO.  Line.,  i'Jsq.        of  Laughtun. 

^[—Jnne,  da.  to  Thomas  1.  Joieo,  iix. 

.-.,      .M,is.,ingbeard  of  John  Thorpe 

11,      lir.iytoft,  CO.  Line,  of  Cla.xbic,  cc 

2  ux.  Line.  Geut. 


2.  l\Iar 

3.  Faith. 

148  VISITATION    or    LINCOTA'SniRK. 


Anus, — Argent,  tivo  bars  IclKccn  Ihrcc  mullets  of  six  jioinls  fiahlc  piei-ccd  Or. 

Crests.— I,  A  cubit  ana  erect  icsled  jicr  pale  crenelle  Or  and  Azure  cuffed  of  llicjirsl 

holding  in  the  /lantl  proper  a  mullet   as   in  the  Anns.     2,  Ssine  as  No.  1, 

but  the  hand  grasping  tl,c  mullet. 

James  Dongbtieof  Plerisii.-v.-T-iu' 

I  I    I  I    I 

Eafe     Doughtie=pClnisliaii,  da.    of  Jolm  2.  Thoma.s.  4.  Anthony, 
of  Pleasley.          I  Tyas  of  Kotheram,   co.                     —  — 

York.  3.  Christopher.  5.  Mathew. 

1.    Christoplier--f=Jane,  da.  of  Jolm       2.  Thomaa.      WUliam   Fit?.  William,    3 
Doughtie    of      I  Rocka   of  Kocka  —  son  of  Thomas  l'it.-5  Wil- 

Pleaisley.  Hall.  3.  James.         liam  of  Mablethorpe. 

Robert  Doughtio   of=j=Katliciin,  da.  and  coheir       Margaret,   da.  and  coheir, 
Louth,  CO.  Line.  1  of  ■\^'illiam  Fitz  William       ux.  ...  Clark  of  Welborue, 

of  Louth.  CO.  Line. 

William   Doughtic=Aune,  da.  of 
of  Louth.                     ...  Fisher  of 

2.     Thoraas= 
Doughtio  of 
Bostou,   CO. 

fKatherin,    da.    of 
John  Woodthorpe 
of  Abbey  Graugc, 
CO.  Liuc. 


1    1 
1.  Winifred, 



1    1    1 
3.  Mary. 

i.  Margaret. 

1,  Anth 

2.  Barbara, 
ux.    Ldw. 

6.  Dorothy. 

now  livi 

I  I 

2.  Richard=T=Margery,  base  3.  Kobert 

Doughtie.    I  d.a.    of    Duughtie 

-    Icliir.  of   Bos- 




An}.i8.— Argent,  a  cross  Sable,  in  dexter  chief  a  Jlcur-dc-lis  Gules,  a  crescent  ( 

for  dijjerenrc. 
Crest. — A  magpie  proper  chnryed  ivith  a  crescent  on  a  crescod  as  in  the  Ani 

Kcclcston  of  Ecele.stou,  co.  Lanc.,=F--- 
Esq.,  a  younger  house. 

1,  William  Eccleston 
of  Eccleston. 

John  Ecclcston--Mary,  da.  of  William,  ux.  Sir  Richard 
of  Klsham,  co.  Smytli  of  Uborne  (?  Marlyn  of  London,  Kt., 
Line.  Woburn)  CO.  Bed.  late  Lord  Maior  (1&93), 



Arms. — Argent,  a  cross  Idiccrn  /oi 
John  Elmc 


O.rnhli  choughs  Sahlc  ; 
ilias  Aylmer  of  Norf.=^ 

John   Elmer,  al's  Aylmer,  Bishop=j=Jn<leth,  da.  oi   Robert=iV(t(/irt)iiri  Trnhcn. 
of  London,  Archdeacon  of  Lincoln,     King   of    Audley   End     £sq.,  1  husband, 
oh.  5  June  150 Ji.  in  lOs.^e.x-,  ob.  IGIS. 

son,  of 
Ball  (in 
CO.  Essex. 

2.  Thoophi-=MaiT,   da. 
Iu3   Elmer,      of  Willi.ini 
Archdeacon      Newce  of 
of  London.       Hadbam, 
CO.  Herts. 

3.  John  Elraer=f=,SLi3an,  da.  of  George 
of  Risby,  CO.  I  Sampson  of  Haik- 
Linc.  1592.  stead,  co.  Sufl'. 

One  readyo  but  not  yet  come. 

I  I    I 

4.  Zacherie,  5.  Nathaniel. 
ob.  1  Auejl.  — 

ieS7,  s.p.  G.  Tobias. 

I  I  I 

7.  Edmond,         Judith,    v.x.  Elizabeth,    ux. 

ob.  9,5  July         WilUamLinch  John  Folliotl  of 

1621.  of  Staple  in 



Arm.s  (added). — Quarlerly,  1   and   4,    Gules,  a  lion  rampant  vair(,     2,  Arrjcnt,  n  fes 
Amrc  in  chief  a  label  of  five  points  Oulcs.     3,  Argent,  a  bend  waoi/  Sable. 
Sir  Adam  Everingham  o£=p... 
Evenngliam,co.  York,  Kt.  I 


Sir  Adam  Everingham  of=f=...  da.  of  Sir  George  IIaatiiig3 
Everiugham.  I  of  ILatfield,  co.  York. 

Sir  John  Everinglu 
of  Hokeby,  Kt. 

-K'athcrin,  da.  and  heir  of  ...  W.adcsley 
of  -Wadciley  Hall,  co.  Yoik,  Kt. 

Sir  John,     Thoruaa  Everingham=j=Jlar(;arnt,  da.  of  Sir  John  I!urton=3/a)'5r(ir(!(,  da. 
vide              of    Staynburgh   and     'J'honiaK    Went-  of   Kynesley   in  I  of  Mathcm 
York:           Rokeby,    co.   York,       w..rlli    of    Bret-  co.  Y^ork.  Wcnticorth  of 
Esq. ^ I  tun,  CO.  York.                                          Brclton. 

Henry  Everingham=r^turiel,  da.  of  Sir  Jc 
of  Staynburgh.            Eurtou    by   a    fniiii 
wife,  also  ,'nml  ,-,114  1 
of  Dowaab.l. 

Henry   EverinRli,-.m    of-    Ai;,!.'  ,  da. 
Barton   upon   Humbcr,     Wm.iImh 
son  and  heir.                       Y..,i,,  Kl. 

m         Thomas  Burton  of=p£'?,-cn6f(/,,, /a. 
r            Kynsl.A,    ob.    in        of  Ktehard 
eir         vita  pi.iris.                    York. 

,.f  Sir  Thomas         Pow.s.abel,  da.   and 
if  ^Valton,  CO.         sole  heir,  ob.  s.p. 


■raneia,=Elizabcth,  da.  of     2 
Ideat   son    .and   heir     ]iieh:.rd  Jloir  of 
ppareut,  15112.               Grantham,  co.  Line. 

H.i.ry.     L  Jfnriel.ux.Eichard     S.Isabel, 
Atkinson  of  Barton        nut  yet 
upon  Humber.                mar. 



FITZ  WILLIAMS.—Lo:cmj!/  Argent  and  Gttks,  a  muUcl  Salic  for  diij'crcncc. 

Crkst.— Oh«  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  triple  plume  of  ostrich  feathers  Ar'jcnt,  a  similar 

John  Fitz  Williams  of  Grcnes  Norton  in=rHcleii,  da.  of  'William 
Noiihtou,  C  son  of  Sir  John  by  Eleiior  Yillcra  of  Brooki-sbie. 
his  wife,  tla.  to  Scene  of  Drayton. 

to=T=Sir    William    Fitz=f=Milliceut,  da.  to 

WUliajn  of   Ga 
park   Ha 

Licliard    Sack- 
■yle  uf  Bucklu 

William  T= Agues  i 
de  St.  Hudson. 

William  Fitz  Franci.s  Fitz  William=rElizabeth,  da.  to 
William,  son  of  Kempston,  co.  I  William  do  St. 
and  heir.  Bedford.  Piere. 

Frances,  da.  to  Sir  Jaraes=Henry  Fitz  Willia 
Fuljatnte,  1  ux.,  he  had  Seampton,  co.  Li 
by  her  noc  issue.  .son  and  heir  of  Fr:i 

.  of=f  Elizabeth,  da.  to  Henry 
;.,  I  Ascoiigh  u£  Blyborough, 
cis.     CO.  Line,  Esq.,  2  us. 

lerny,         2.    William 
I  young,     Fitz  William, 

L  Eli7abL;th.        3.  Mary,  died      4.  Jlildred. 

—  young,  16S;>. 

Anne.    Kit 


/.    William    ,.f     ICIi/abrtli,  -i  da.  to  Sir  Kol. 
CO.  Line,  i:.'!-     of  K.  tl.l.y,  to.  Line,  Kt. 

crt  Tirwitt 

Hobert  Fitz  William, 
eldest  son  and   heir 
apparent,  of  the  age 
ot  19,  1&P2. 

2.  Willi.u.i.    1       (ie.agc.             Charles. 

lOlizabcth,  m 
John   Wythe 
wyke    of    Cla 
CO.  Line,  Esc 

r.  to 


2.  Dorutliy,  wife  ti 
Roger  A..cough  of 
CO.  Nott.  E»ii- 

1                                                 1 
Jlary,  mar.  to  Uogcv          L  Bridget 
llallnn  of  CIry,  now                  — 
of  Mablelthoip,  E-.:.i,         5.  Susauuah. 


G.  Jlester. 



Arms.— Quartoily,  1,  Or,  on  a  chevron  Giihs  hdirccn  three  grlljins'  heads  crnfcil  A-urc 
two  lions  comhaltint  Anient  (GardiK-i).  2,  Ermine,  on  a  fess  Ouks,  three 
Jleurs-i!c-Us  Or  (Hanllieaur  or  Havliyii).  S,  Ar;/cnt,  a  eross  patonnc  Gules 
(CroFssholmo).  4,  ,^'ible,  a  eheiron  hcivxcn  three  bugle  horns  strinr/ed  Argent 

SUPPOUTHRS. — Tioi  tigers  Sable  siwllcd  Or,  breathing   " Jier"   '/'roper. 

Ckest.— yl  Saracen's  head  fall  fared  proper  erased  eit  the  ncrh  Gules,  v:rca(hcd  about 
the  temples  of  the  last  and  Azure,  on  his  head  a  cap  Or. 

Thid  arms  ami  crest  was  given  to  AVilliani  Gardner  of  North  Hall  pre,-i  do  la  Ville 
de  Bishop  Norton  enter  comte  do  I.incon,  ICsq.,  by  Thomas  Gartier'  Kt.  (dias  Gartier, 
and  Thomas  Bcnolt,  8  March  18  H.  S,  102(3. 

Sir  Osborne  Gardner  oi"=p... 
Otley,  CO.  Lane. 

Gardner.y...  da. 

Theobald  Gardnrr.TMnud,  da.  of  Sir  Tho.  Novell 
ihy  Oa.tle. 

Sir  Anthony  Gardner,  K1,.=j=Bridgctt,  da.  of  John  ICntwysell,  Esq. 

Jvi,.=p iJrKigci,t,  ua. 

John  Gardnerrr-lCdilli,  da.  of  Thomas 
son  and  heir.       I 

'homas  Gardner,  Kt.=f=Kditli,  da.  of  Sir  John 
I  Holland  of  Denton. 

I  I 

2.   Edmoud  Gardner,  =rKose,     da.    of      Jlobert  1.  J..1: 

Ksq.  nVorsleyof\Vor..ley,Kt.  ob.  s.. 

ardner,  Esq.=rAlice,  da.  of    Ivlnw 
I  Gerrard  of  Ihyne. 

--Isabel,  da.  of  Thomas  Lilhoui  of 

Should  be  "  Wriothcsley, 



Kdmoiul  Ganliicr,  sun=f 
aiul  heir.                         1  c 

;;.i-l.ara,  da.  of  Sir  John  1 
(  0..kall,  Kt. 

Su-  Thomas  Gariluer,  Kt. 

"Jlabcl,  (la.  of  Kic.  Lhoi 

„.  „,!       

Sir  Tliomas Gardner.  =T=Klciior,  da.  of  Sir  John  Sav.ige,  Kt. 

2.  Thomas  Gardner  of=j=Amie,  eldest  da.  and  coheir  of         1.  Edmond  ■ 
Bishop's   Norton,   co.     William Hardbeaue  of  Uishop'.s         Gardner. 
Lino.  Norton,  co.  Line.  E.sq. 

1.  AVi!Iiam=i=Elizabeth,  dn. 
of  lUehard 
Fit?,  William 
of  Calais,  Kt., 
brother  to  Sir 


...  da.  of  ...=p2.  Henry  Gar- 
Loi-ymer  of  I  ncr   of    AVad- 
Bartou,    1        diugliam,  co. 
ux.  I  Line. 

Ciccley,  da.  and     Thoma.s. 
heir  ux.  Thomas  — 

Booth  of  Killing-     Edmond. 
holme,    ...  CO. 

•2.   I'hilip=f=/3)'Wiif<,  da. 

by   the 

of  ...  Booth 
of  Killing- 

:I.?abel,  da 
of  ...  Chii 
sey,  2  ux. 

1  1 





of  Otithhcrt 





•.     Chilton 







1    \V1 

Heirv    Gardner. 

rJoane,  da.    of 


1    1 
Maud,   ux. 


of    Kirton   in 

Peter  Flusher 


Peter  Lee. 


Liud.say,  2  son. 

of    Lewes   iu 



Slartha,  u 



Mao',  ux. 





ux.  ... 




1    1 


3.   Isabel, 
liiehard    L 
of    Kirton 





3.  George, 

4.  John. 


AliM.s.-Cinarterly,  Gcbiry  and  Endcrby,  a^-  in  tic  VLvloli.,,,  of  ir.Ol. 
Crkst  (added).  — 7'hv)  yrds   in  S'l/titr 

John  Ge.lncy  of  Endeiby,  eo.  Linr.^T  Mabel,  d.v.  of  Vincent  Grantham. 




Catheriu,  ux.  Chii.itoplier 
Eveth    of   T^iickeiiliam, 
CO.  Midd. 

Elizabeth,  ux.  George 
Kyeth  of  Lyss,  co. 

Andrew  Gedney  of=^ 
Enderby,    sou  aud 
heii-,  hath  2  sons  2 
daughters    as   fol- 

rDorotliV,  "x.  of           2-   Juli"  Gediiey.=(Anno)   da.    of 
Sir   Wm.    Skip-                                             (Ricl.ard)  Kocl.e 
withof  (-Inucsl.y,                                             of  Little  Grimsby. 

1.    Richard=fRoso,   d 
Gedney   of      Humfre 
of  Endoi-bv,     Littlebe 
eon  and   "       of  Staiu 
heir.               j 

1                                                 1                       1 
of       2,  John.=f=JIary,    da.    of         2.  Catlieriu.         Mary,    ux 
y                           1  Jo)in   Arden                                       George 
ry                              of   Sibsey,  co.                                        AsUby   of 
by.                         Line.                                                     Qucnl.y, 


1.    John 
Gedney,  16 
years   old 


2.  Richard,  s.jx 

3.  Thomas,  s.p. 
i.  Andrew,  s.p. 
5.  Edward,  s.p. 

Mary  Gedney,  ux. 
]\'illiam  llvnston 

Troth,  1  «.c.  Sir 
Henry  Fookcs,  2 
to  ...  Loclcton. 

Rcrcsl'i  of 
CO.  Line. 

1.  Andre 



Amis.— Gules,  tirohars  Or,  each  charged  with  three  muscles  ofthefickl,  on 
a  leopard's  Jacc];   an  unnvlet  for  difference  of  the  second. 

Chest  (added).— ylii  antelope's  head  erased  rjuartcrbj  Argent  and  Sahlc  charged  with 
four  mascles  countcrchanged  attired  Or,  an  annulet  of  the  l«stfor  dijjcrcncc. 

Richard  Goring  of  Winterton,  cc 
a  son  out  the  hou.-ic  of  Garndtone 

Linc.,=fJoane,  da.  of  Thomas 
u  com.  I  Thacker  of  Sibsey,  co. 

1.  Peter=^ 

=Katho-in,    da. 


2.  George  Goring 



Nicholas  Girli 


of    Winterton, 


of   Win- 

ton of  Normal 


mar.  ...d.a.  of... 



CO.  Line,  I'stj 

I'enithorne    of 
Gool,    CO.    Ebor, 
Gent.,  and   lui.l 
2  daughters. 







iix.    Tlio 




en,  Y,.,k 


1.  Henry. 




of  Wii 

Mid  had  issue. 

-Ellen,  da.  ..t 
IMw.  r.illes- 
by,  Esq.,  of 
CO.  Line. 



Alexander  Cciiiig  of   Wintertoii,=j=Elizribetl.,  da.  n£  Tli< 
Gcut.,  son  and  heir.  |  K.itufte  of  Co.  York. 


I    I    I 

1.  Peter 
son  and 
heir    ap- 

1592.  ' 


Be  it  remenibrcd  that  there  i.s  a  pettegree  of  tliis  family  -vv'ch  I  have  seeiie  in  the 
month  July  1(330,  made  by  Paklns,  with  a  seale  on  it  of  many  descents  from  the  first 
Eichard  (of  this  descent),  wliich  are  all  false  and  no  credit  to  be  given  thereto  ;  the 
crest  in  that  pettigree  is  a  demy  drur/on,  volant  Or. 

Witness  my  hand,  R.  Mundy. 

GILF.y.     Xo.    1. 

-Quarterly,  1  and  1,  A-.m-c,  a  f(ss  v-avij  hctvcc 
three' lions  prissunl  Or  a  rhkf  Arijcnt  ^Gl 
three  coicrcd  cups  Or  (Pillott). 

CiiF.ST.— ,4  loner  Or  with  a  dragon's  head  . 
door  Anjcnt. 

nrj  from  the  top  and  the  tail  out  of  the 

John  Gilby  of  West  RandaU=rAf, 

nes,  d.a.  of  Robert  Drugh  of  Sa 



ndale)  in  com.  Line. 


Salttieatby,  co.  Line. 



2.    Thomasi~i;ii:ahdh,    da. 

1    1     1 

in  William 

J:dmonsnn  of  eom. 

Gilby.              of  Tkoma.^ 


Pernars,   2  to 


CaMforth    of 






Doruthy,  nx  f!ri/aii 



Cathcrin,  vx. 


Thomas  Bell 


of  York. 

1.  John  Gilby ,=r^''i"'l'''>^"«  ''•>•     2.  George=f=Elizabeth, 

of  Willi; 
Whitt  of 
Louth,  CO. 

Gilby    of  I  of    Charles 
Stainton    |  Fitz-^\■iUianl 

1.  John  Gilby, 
son    and    heir 
apparent,       15 
years    old. 

I    I    I 

2.  Anne. 

3.  Su.san. 


only  d.t.   as 
yet,  16y2. 



GILliY.     No.   2. 

Jobn    Gilby     of      R.indan=f  Agnes,  da.  of  Robert 
(Rjivcnd.ilc)   in  Line,  F,.-q.  I  Brugli  of  Sallaljye. 


George  Gilby  of  Staintou  iii^rElizabetli,  da.  of  Ilcniy  Hausard 
CO,  Line,  son  and  heir.  of  CockeswolJ,  to.  Lii 

2.  George  Gilby 
of  Stainton  af'' 

John  Gilby  of 
Stainton,  "son 

Tristram  Gilby.         Margaret. 

i.  William  Gilby=fAuue,  da.  to  ...  L.angton,  I  of  ...  wife  to  Tliomr.s 
Gent.  Broxholmeof  Line,  Gent. 

No  issue  as  yet,  1592. 



thru-  h,.ar6  Ar 

,1  Or  (Goehe).  2,  Argc 
''!tttnl  Ordumlbj  croi 
■,  Or.  5,  Ermine,  a  i 
'•/i  o  chevron  belu-cen  i 

■A  ciihitarm  erect  vested  jici'  pale  cmbattkd  Or  ami  Argent  grasping 
proper  a  dragon's  head  erased  Azure. 

Matlrew  Goclic,  caiitain=f  Margaret ,   da.    of 
of  Tankervile.  I  Richard  Moythe. 

Geffiey  Goehe  of  the  Forest  ..f=f=Elizabeth,  da.  .and  he 
Dcano,  CO.  Glouc.,sonandlieir.  I  Avery  Treherue. 

1.  John  Goehe  of=f  Jane,  da.  ,and  heir  of 
Newl.and  iu  the  I  James  ]!ridge.s  of  the 
Forest  of  Dean.  Forest  of  Dean. 

JIaude,  ux 
John  Farlai 
of  Ihistow. 

2,  Anthony, 

Kol)ert=T=Margaret,    d 
.■he    of    I  of  Sir  Walte 
ih.ell,      I  Mantell    of 
Nott.         Heyfi.vd,    eo 
I  North'ton. 



A  I  B  I 

Robert=Jiiditl),    d,i.   of  Banmby    Goohe 

Goclie.     Ilciiry  Fislier  of  of   Alvingham, 

Greens  Norton,  co.  Line. 

CO.  North'toii. 

^Mary,  da.  of  Tliomas 
Darrell  of  Scotney  iu 
CO.  Kent. 

1.  Mathew   Goch 

,=rA\ico,   da.   of 

1    1    1 
2.  Thomaa 

5.  He 


1    1 
1.  Anne 

sou   and    heir   ai 

-     Thomas  Cunny 




of    Bas-sUig- 
thorpe,co.  Line., 

3.  Robert. 

1  Enq. 

4,  Barnaby. 


AuMS  —Quarterly,  1  and  4,  Chequij  Argent  and  OiiUs  on  afcss  Anirc  three  dexter  hands 
mailed  or  the  first  (Ooodh.and).  2  .and  -3,  A'-rjcnt  a  ehcn-on  Azure  betxceen 
three  lions  rampant  Gidcs  (Harvvc).  On  an  escuchoon  of  pretence,  Barri/ 
of  six  Ermine  and  Oulcs  three  cres<-cnts  Salle  an  ammht  Or  for  difference 

Crksi.— An  armed  arm  cmhowed  proper  hohling  a  sword  Arcjent  hilt  and  pomcl  Or. 

John  Thoresby  of=f=.Toane,  sister  and  heir  of  John,  uncle  and  heir  to  John,  son  and 
Cro.\by,  Esq.  I  heir  to  Koger,  sou  and  heir  to  Roger  Aystcrby  of  Crosby. 

^  --| 

Andrew    Goodhand   of=rMargarct,  da.  of   Join 

Kenerlemond   alias 
Kyrman  (?  Ivirkmond- 
lc-5Iire)  in  co.  Line. 


of  her  father 


John  Thoresby 
of  Croxby. 

Tliomas  aoodhand=f  Jane,  da.  and  co-heir 
of  the  same  place,  I  of  ...  Ilarvye  of  Clye 
son  and  heir.  (?  Olee),  co.  Line. 

Jennett,  da.  and 
Bole  heir,  ux  ... 

Charles  Goodhand  ofT=Jane,  da.  of  ... 
tho  same  place,  son  1  I'ulherby  of 
and  heir.  Korni.iiiby. 

John  Oood-=fMaudlyi 
Land  of  lh( 
sanio  place 

'  Yorksh 


.u! .,„„  I 

,1,  William  Korll 
of  Lon.lon  am- 
had  insue. 

Wclbv  of  Jb-'iill' 
in  lloll.nid,  coi 
Line,  and  hail  i.<rti 



Anne,    da.    of^pWilliam  GoodIi.ind=T=Anne,<l,i.and  co- 
Oeorge  Gilley,  j  of  tlie  same  place.  |  lieir  of  Augustin 
of     Stayutim,  AWaterton     of 

CO.  Line"  2  ux.  Messinghain. 

William   Good---f=EIle 

id  of    Wold 



John    Haven 
of  Salt-fleet- 

Thoma-s   Good- 
hand   of   the 
s.ame  place,  bou 

Ruthe,  da.  and 
heir  to  William 
Erightman  of 
Paris  garden  in 
CO.  Surrey, 

William  Goodhand.     Thomas.      Kacliel. 


The  Abms,  Crest  and  Pedigree  are  the  same  as  those  in  Tlic  VisiUition  o/1504, 
except  that  John  Goodrike,  who  mar,  ...  Ilutton,  is  called  ...  Gooderick  (as  the  name 
is  spelt  thronghout),  and  hi.s  son  Edward  is  called  William,  and  he  has  a  da.  Mary 
besides  Eliz.abeth  and  Catberin,  whose  husbands  are  not  mentioned  ;  llichard  Good- 
rike, son  of  Richard  and  Alice,  is  called  "Attorney  of  the  Augmentation  Court,"  and 
is  said  to  marry  Dorotiiy,  da.  of  ...  Badbye  of  Esses  (which  is  probably  right)  ;  the 
Eccond  wife  of  Lyon  Goodrike  is  said  to  be  ...  da.  of  -.  Sapcotes  of  Lincoln,  and  widow 
of  ...  BrincUcy  of  Boston  ;  and  Dorothy,  the  wife  of  Richard  Goodrick,  is  said  to  be 
da.  of  John  Jermyn  of  Debden,  co.  Sufi'.  (This  is  clearly  wrong)  ;  and  Lyon  Goodrike, 
son  of  Edward,  is  called  son  and  heir  ajipareut,  1592. 


Arms. — Quarterly,  1,  Ermine,  a  (jriffln  snjrcant  Quhs,  leaked  and  clawed  Azure,  a 
crescent  for  difference.  2,  (/uhs  oim.  crescent  ...  an  estoile  Or.  3,  Arc/ent, 
tico  lors  Azure.  4,  Arr/ent  on.  ii  clieuron  betioeen  two  crescents  in  chief  and  a 
cross  crossia  f.tchcc  in  base  Sable  a  mullet  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Edward  Gi-antham= 
of  Lincoln,  Escj. 

Tliomas  Grantham,  Pni-son 
of  P.ranston,  co.  Line,  Chief 
Knight  of  the  Rodes. 

,  of  John  St.  Paulo 
?o.  Line.,  ICsq. 

mr.  to  John  Gc 
erby,  co.  Line. 




Vincent  Granthrim= 
of  Lincoln,  son  and 
hoii- ;  his  2  ux.  ^\  as 

-■..    (la.  to  ...        2.  HughGr 
Sutton  of  of  ]J...,   c(j 

Lincoln,  R-iq,,     Gent. 
1  ux. 

itham-rJo.ine,da  to 

Thomas  Vincent  Grantlii 

Grantham  2  son,  mar.  and 

of  Langton,  is.^ue  ;  he  was  b; 

mar.  and  had  the  2  ux. 

Thoma.s  Grantham=j=F,li!!abeUi,  da.  and  one 
of  St.  Catherines  I  of  the  heirs  of  Sir  John 
jnxta  Lincoln,  son  |  Downham  of  Notts,  Kt. 
and  heir  to  Vincent.  I 

Vincent  Grantham  o!=r-] 
St.  Catherines,  Kt.        o 

Thomas  Grantham,  eldest  son  ; 
heir,  yet  within  .ige,  1502. 

Robert  Grantham      2.  Mary,  ux.  Catherine,  ux. 

of  ...,  E.sq.,  notyet    Thomas  Apleby  Craycroft  of  "\Vui-  Jiatiiew  Amci 

mar.,  1592.  of  ...,  and  had  thoriio,  co.  Line,  of  Witteuby, 

no  issue.  Esq.,!>.nd  liad  issue.  Lino. 

JIathew  Amcotts 

Arms  —Darry  of  si£  Argent  and  A\ure,  a  bend  r/ohony  Or  and  Oaks,  a  cre:.rrnl  of  lie 
third  on.  another  of  the  last  for  diftrinec. 

Richard,  Lord  Gray=^...  da.  of  Thomas,  Lord 
ofCodnor.  I  Roos  of  Kendall. 

1.  Richard, Lord=pJane,  da.  of        2.  John  Gray  of  P,arton=...  da.  of  Sir  The 
Grayof  Codnor.  I  Sir  John  ...         in    Reilall   co.    York.         Roldey.  Kt. 

Richard  Gray  ofyUrsuln,  da.  of  Willi.un  Disney 
Kingerby.  of  Norton  Di.sney,  l^sq. 

George  Gr.iy  ..f  Kyl™an,=-^^I;u■L^lret,  da.  of  ...  Deyne 
CO.  Line,  Esq.  of 

William  Gray  of  Irturd,  co.=f-Mai?.uet,  da.  ofMalliew 
Line.,    F.sq.,   .^^on    and    heir  1  Anicotcs    of    Wi 
niipareut,  1602. 

eir  1  Anicotcs 
I  eo.  Line. 

1.  John  Gi 
and  heir  a] 

2.  Gcwge. 

3.  William 

I    I 




Ar.Ms  (added). — Quarterly,  1,  Or,  tico  bars  Azure,  in  ddcf  a  Uon  pnssant  ijanlnnt  of  the 
second  (Gregory).  2,  Aryait,  a  chevron  Sable  a  chi.f  indented  (iides.  3, 
Azure,  three  vudlcts  Or.  i,  Gules,  three  cushions  Lrminc  tassded  Or.  On 
an  escutcheou  of  preteuoe,  Gules,  a  sword  in  bend  Anjcnt  point  -upwards. 

Crkst  (added). — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  maiden's  head  prop/cr  vested  Gules  c 
of  the  first. 

William  Gregory  of  Stony  Middletou,  eo.  Dei-ljy.=f... 


Roger  Gregory  of  II 

ger  tiregory  ot   ilaxov=f-'.Margaret,  da.  ot 
the  Isle  of  O.-dioIiue.  '      of  Oiiston  in  the 

Mary,  da.  of=pRoger  G 

CO.  Derby, 

I  Jiobert  Brock- 
(  lesby  of  Glont- 





Thornton  of 





Langlon,  Co. 


Line,  1  vlr. 


of  Not- 


2.    Koger=fMarga 


of    Laug- 



ton),  eo. 

William    Gregory,=f=Elizabeth, 

1  sou  and  heir  aji- 

li.arent,    1592,    of 

JSarnbj    Dun,    co. 


Gilbert  Gregory. 

f  Chris- 
of   Langton 
and  his  CO- 


Rcirjer  Grcrjory=iJanc,    da.    i/ 

of  Stoekuith,      Sir    Wdliam 

1G.73.  Gee  of  Bishop' 

Burton,    co. 



Aii.MS  (.iddod).— T'ai'c  Argent  ffultec  dc  poi.c  and  Gules.  (added).— yl  lion  passant  Ermine  collared  Gules. 

Sir  William  Grcsley  of  ...  in  eom.  Lcic,  Kt.y. 


...  Gresley,   3  Bon.-p... 

William  Gresley  ot  Sallanhe,  co.  Devon.- 

William  GresleyT^Ko^n,  BiHler  of  Sir  George  Blount 
of  Saltiushe.  I  of  Kyul':l,t,  eo.  Salop. 

John  Gresley  of  Lacebv,  CO.  I  /i7i:,i/„7/,,  ,/„.       2.    Thomas       Ursula 
line.,  l«.r,  eaptaino,  1592.       „/...  IWman.  - 

I 3.  William. 

I  II 

t'illiam  Gresley.         Ambrose.  Kli-ahcth. 



Arms. — Per  pule  A:urc  and  Onlcs,  a  lion  rampant  Argent  (quarteving,  addition)  Sahle 
a  fcss  Ictwccn  three  close  helmets  Argent  r/arnishcd  Or  (Drayner). 

Vide  a  descent  in  the  old  Vissitaiion  of  Olosfcrshi 
...  Ilalton  of  ...=f=... 

:  descended  of  this  family. 

2.  Robert  Halt  on  of  John   Uolton 

Worlebie  and  of  Worlcbie,  co. 

Killiugbolme,  co.  Line. 
Line,  06.  s.^J. 

John  Di-ayi 
of  llogi'sdo: 
CO.  Midd. 



CO.  Bedf. 

Robert  Halton  of  Cleo,= 
CO.  Line,  Sergeant  at 
Law,  nephew  and  heir 
of  Robert. 

2.  Sir  William 
Haltonof...,  CO, 
Line,  Kt. 

Joane,  da.  of 
John  Drayner 

Thomas  Drayner=Elizabeth 
of  Hogcsdon,  Morgan. 

ob.  s.p. 

2.  Mary  Halton,  ux.      4.  Robert  Halton  of  Sau 
JohnWard  of  London,    bridyicalh,  com.  Herts, 
son  of  Thomas  Ward 
of  Carlson  Curiae, 
CO.  Lcic. 

1.  Fr.ancfs  Halton, 
iix.  Thomas 
Massinyherd  of 
IBrcnloft]  CO.  Line. 

Sir   .1 
of  Mablctl 
Line,  Lord  of 

nalt0UT=:\tary,  da.  of  Willi; 
pe,  CO.     Fitz  A\'iIIiam  of 

blethorpo,  Esq. 

I    I  I 

Elizahcth.  2.  Pwgcr, 

—  Irothcr 

Mary.  and  heir. 

i.  Joh,. 

I    1 
5.  Qeorrjc. 

6.  Philip. 

1.  William  Halton,  AV/.  Ron  &  VoiT=lIanim,  da.  of  Sir  William 
apparent  1692,  oh.  IG  Seplr.  IGU.'f,  Wray  of  Glcntworth  in  com. 
scpidt.apudOlcrkcnwellnighLondon.     Line,  Kt.  and  Bart. 

Ai.MS  and  CiiF.ST  aa  in  the  Visit.ation  of  10C4. 

by  and  lltterley,  Esq., 
lived  in  the  time  of  Iv.  E. 
B  and  n.  7. 

...  Greene  of=j=M.ary,  da.  and  heir  of 
Noilhtonsh.    I  Sir    H.nry    .Sleight, 

Kt.  of  WnUhrop,  CO. 


George  Hamliy  of=f=Mnrgaret,  da 
EroUeUby,  Esq.       |  of  ...  (Jrccno 


. A| 


1.  Edward  Hamby=[A7inor,  da.  of 
cf  Brockleaby,  sou  Joliu  Booth  of 
and  heir,  had  issue.  KilUngholme, 
Vide  Suff.  CO.  Line] 

I  I 

A^ucs,   ux.  Anne,  ux.  Thomas 

Kicliard  Reed  Dale    »i    Auford 

of  Wrangell,  and  had  issue, 
and  had  iasue. 

2.  John  Haraby  of  JIaUby,=^Jane,  da.  of  Kichard 
ona  of  the  auditors  of  the  I  Pickering  of  Loudon, 
Treasury.  Gent, 

I  \  \  \      r~     "    I 

Judith,  iir.  Alba,    ux.  Eska,  ux.  Wd'iuin  Anne,  ux  Cun-^jtanco,   ux. 

Ocoiyc  Fish  'WilHam  Hales  Cade,  sun  of  \      Henry  Clark  Thomas  Mar-ih 

of   Southill,  of  Hepping-  WiUianx    Cc'uU   nf  I       of  Aslnvell,  of  Loutli,  Gent. 

CO.  Bed.  ton,  co.  Kent.  Romford. 

I  i  Tl 

\.  Williaiu    Hamby    of  2.    Edward    II,iml.iy^f=Elizabeth,  da.  and  sole  4.  Alleyne. 

T.athwoll,    unm.    1502.  of  Auford  in  Line.  "    I  lieir  of  Francis  Keade,  — 

oh.  ei  Jan.  lOJG.  4  sou  of  Richard.  3.    Richard. 

Jane,  1  da,, 

3.  Jiichard. 


Frauds  Hamby,  s..n    a 



heir,  4  years  old   159'-' 

4,  William, 

6.  William 

of    Tathu-dl    1027,     a 

Ob.  S.p. 

maricd  Ursrda,dau.  of 
John    Garrard,    Kt.   a 
AkUrman  of  Luixhm. 


AliMS  (.added),— Quarterly  of  C,  1  and  6,  Han  ard,  2,  Gtdes  a  oy.w  patmr.c  Argent  in 
dc.vtcr  chief  an  escallop  of  the  last.  3,  Argent  a  lion  rampant  doable  tailed 
Oules  duecdlii  crowned  Or.  i.  Argent  a  fess  Saile  between  three  magpies 
proper.     5,  Gules  on  a  bend  Argent  three  eagles  displaced  Vert. 

Okhst. — A  n  arm  erect  sicerc  Or  caj'cd  Argent  hand  proper  grasping  a  mullet  of  the  second. 

Motto.—"  Ca:U  sub-sunt." 

Md.     I  am  credihiie  informed  hg  sundrie  men  of  good  worship  that  there  is  no    heir 

mtde  lireing  within  the  com.  Line,  but  such  as  arc  defended  of  a  bastard. 

Richard  Hans.ard  of  Biskerth(.rpr,=p...  da,  of  ...  Saint  Paul  of 
CO.  Line.  I  Snarforth,  eo.  Line. 

Ellen,  d,a.  of   ...  Thompson, =pIIauiond  Hansard  of^,.. 
1  wife.  I  Skartha,  co.  Liue.         I 

I  I 

1.  Ricliard  Han,s.ard-j=Hester,  d.a.  of  Thoma.'j  Is.abel,  nx.  Jolin 

of  W.altam,  co.  Line.  I  Foster  of  Barduey,  Smyth  of  North 

CO.  Line.  Kelsey. 




2.  Marie. 


VOL.    VI 



ux.  Tlioma.i 


,      3.ThL. 

s,      4.  Nallianiek 



OF  :\IUNES,S  ) 

OF  Sir.M]il'Rr;iI  in  SHETLAND 

OF  SYMBISTER       j 


Except  a  short  notice  in  '  The  Bruccs  and  tlie  Ciimyns '  by 
Mrs.  Cumminj^-Bruce,  no  account  of  these  branches  of  the  Bruce 
family  has  (so  far  as  T  kno-\v)  appeared  in  print,  and  I  now 
propose  to  give  as  full  i:)articulars  of  them  as  I  have  been  able  to 

Bruces  of  Cultmaluxdie. 
Lucas  Brus,  1st  Laird  of  CaUmalundie. — Lucas  Brus,  4th  son 
of  Sir  Alexander  Brus,  2nd  Baron  of  Airth,  and  3rd  of  that 
branch,  married  149.5  Katherine  Barber,  heiress  of  Cultmalundie 
in  Perthshire,  and  obtained  with  her  that  estate.  She  is  supposed 
to  have  been  heiress  of  line  and  grand-daughter  of  Robert  Brus, 
2nd  son  of  John  Brus,  r,th  Baron  of  Clackmannan,  who  married 
the  heiress  of  Gray  of  Cultuialumlie  ;  by  her  Lucas  Brus  had 
issue  1  son — 

Hector  Brus,  2nd  of  Cidtmalundie,  ivho  vxis  father  of 

John  Brus,  3rd  Laird  of  Cultmalundie. — John  Brus  succeeded 
his  father  and  married '  Euphame  daughter  of  the  1st  Lord 
Elphingstone,  she  having  previously  lieen  the  mother  b}'  King 
James  V  of  Robert  Stewart,  afterwards  created  Earl  of  Orkney, 
By  her  John  Brus  liad  issue  1  son  Laiu-ence. 

[Some  say  there  was  another  son  Robert,  ancestor  of  Bruce  of 
Sumbui-gh,  but  this  is  not  certain.] 

Lxmrcnce  Brus,  Mh  Laird  of  Cultmalundie  and  1st  of 
Muness. — Laurence  Bruce  succeeded  his  father  and  married  1st 
in  1559  Helen  Kennedj-,  and  in  15GG  was  surety"  for  Sir  Hew 
Kennedy,  who  was  in  feud  with  the  Lord  Oliphant.  Laurence 
married  2ndly  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Patrick,  5th  Lord  Gray,' 
Laurence  Bruce  being  uterine  brother  to  the  Earl  of  Orkney 
(who  had  2Gth  May,  15(i5,  a  grant  of  the  crown  lands  in  Orkney 
and  Shetland,  and  on  25tli  September,  1509,  a  charter  under  the 
great  seal  ratifying  an  exchange  of  his  abbacy  of  llolyniod  with 
Adam  ]'.otliwdl,  fur  tlie  temporal  estates  ""of  Uic  ■|;ishop  of 
Orkney,  these  laiids  were  erected  into  an  Earlduin   in  I  ■').S1),  was 

'  Douglas  Peerage  ;  Lord  Kli'hing.stonc. 
*  'Briiocs  nud  the  Cumyiis,'  !'•  3^7- 
'  Douglna  Pccri\go  ;  Lord  Gray. 

BRUCE.  163 

appointed  by  him  in  1571  Fowde  of  Zetland,  wliich  apiwlntmont 
caused  liim  to  settle  there,  where  he  built  tlie  castle  of  Muness. 
Laurence  held  the  office  of  Fowde  of  Zetland  for  a  long  period, 
and  from  the  following  extracts,  his  mode  of  performing  liis 
duties  does  not  appear  to  have  given  satisfaction  to  the 
islanders.' — "  Laurence  Bruce  of  Cultmalundie  cftir  the  cuming 
of  Lord  Robert  Stewart  Fewav  of  Orkney  and  Zetland  to  the 
dominion  of  the  said  Countrees,  ohtenit  from  Lord  Robert  the 
office  of  Fowde  of  Zetland,  to  collect  the  Scatt  &c.  was  his 
duty."  He  appears  to  have  changed  the  weights  and  measures, 
in  order  to  assimilate  them  to  those  of  Scotland,  so  "  a  general 
complaynt  before  the  regents  grace  "  was  numerously  signed  "  the 
ferd  and  fyf th  dayis  of  Februar  1 57G."  There  appears  to  have 
been  complaints  of  "  Sinilry '  inhal)itants  of  the  countrcis  of 
Orkney  and  Zeitland  against  Lani'cnce  Bruce  of  Cultmalindeis 
1st  Nov.  1570."  On  2.3rd  February,  1570-7,  there  is  an 
obligation^  recorded  by  Laurence  Bruce,  of  Cultmalindy,  on 
appointment  of  Admiral  depute  of  Orknej-  and  Zeitland.  On* 
August  oOth,  1577,  there  is  a  complaint  against  Laurence  Bruce, 
of  Cultemalindeis,  by  the  "  awnaris  of  the  ship  callit  the  ilarie 

Laurence  Bruce  '•'  raised  an  action  in  the  Court  of  Session  in 
IGOG,  against  Pati-ick,  2nd  Earl  of  Orkney,  the  Earl's  servant  Capt. 
Allen,  master  of  the  ship  Dunkirk,  having  boarded  his  Cultma- 
leendies  ship  on  liis  voyage  to  Scotland,  took  his  household  men 
and  servants  prisoners,  struck  an<l  dragged  them  and  detained 
them  prisoners  ;  took  them  to  land  and  kept  them  m  prison  live 
or  six  days.  The  relevancj'  of  this  summons  was  tlisputed  Ijy 
Council  for  the  Earl,  but  his  objections  were  overruled  by  the 
Ijords.  Mrs.  Cununing  Bruce"  says,  "at  first  when  Cultmalundies 
shi])  appeared  in  the  little  bay  of  Muness,  the  inhabitants  lied 
and  lud  themselves  as  from  the  vikings  of  old  ;  but  soon  seeing 
him  with  his  handsome  lady  and  beautiful  children,  to  walk  on 
shore,  and  then  quietly  return  to  their  home  on  the  billows, 
they  gathered  about  him  and  assisted  in  collecting  materials  for 
the  tower  which  his  people  were  already  beginning  to  construct, 
and  afterwards  lived  peaceably  and  prosperously  \mder  his  sway, 
although  it  was  long  before  any  native  would  slee]i  umler  his 
roof..  In  Laurence  Bruce's  time  the  islanilers  lirst  began  to 
cultivate  the  English  language." 

In  1592'  Lauivneo  Bruce  joined  with  Bishop  Law  and  others 

'  '  Bnices  and  the  Ciimyns,'  p.  3:3.S. 

-  Regi.sU'i-  of  tlic  Privy  Council  of  Scothnd,  vul.  ii,  p.  41.'.. 

1G4  BRUCE. 

in  a  supplication  to  ilie  Lords  of  the  articles  against  Patrick,  Earl 
of  Orkney,  for  inva-ling  tlie  Udal  rights  of  the  lan.lowners. 

The  Castlo  of  Muness  Ijuilt  b}'  him  is  situated  on  the  shore  of 
the  island  of  XJnst,  and  is  now  in  ruins,  hut  over  the  principal 
entrance  is  an  armourial  stone  much  defaced,  and  beneath  it 
the  following  lines  in  good  preservation: — 

THE  ZEIR  OF  fiOD  (?7;    1598. 

The  curious  old  bronze-door  knocker  of  the  castle,  with  the 
name  and  arms  of  Andrew  Bruce  of  Muness  upon  it,  was 
exliibitcd,  and  a  short  paper  read  on  it  before  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries  of  Scotland  January  10th,  ISSl,  by  the  permission  of 
its  present  possessor,  John  Bruce,  junr.,  of  Sumburgh,  and  an 
etching  of  the  castle,  with  some  details,  was  also  exhibited  at  the 
same  time  by  J.  T.  Irvine,  F.S.A.,  Scot.,  of  the  Close,  Lichfield. 

Laurence  had  issue  Ijy  his  1st  wife  2  sons  and  1  daughter — 

1.  Alexander  succeeded  in  Cultmalundie. 

2.  Andrew,  pi-ogenitor  of  the  Muness  branch,  vale   page  1G5. 
Helen  married  15SS  Adam  Sinclair  of  Brow. 

Alexander  Bruce,  oth  Laird  of  Cidtvudu nJir. —Ahxamhy 
the  elder  son,  succeeded  his  father  in  Cultmalundie.  He  is 
mentioned  as  heir  "  apparent "  of  Cultmalundie,  1.587,  and  "fiar  " 
of  that  place'  April  2(;th,  1G05,  so  that  his  father  must  have 
transferred  that  estate  to  him  before  that  date.  He  is  mentioned 
in  1G22  as  "  Auld  Cultmalundie,-  and  as  bring  then  much  broken 
and  impoverished  owin--  to  the  truulilrs  his  sons  had  involved  him 
in.  Ho  married  Jean,  daughter  of  tlie  4th  Lord  01iphant,=  and 
liad  issue  2  sons  and  1  daughter — 

1.  Laurence  "  apparent,"  IG IS. 

2.  Alexander,  "  his  brother,"  1G18. 

Helen  married  Roljert  Jloray  of  Abercairnie. 
Laurence,  the  elder  son,  called  Junior  of  Cultmalundie,  slew 
20t]i  June,  IGlcS,  Havid  Tosach,  jun.,  of  Moneyvaird.  The 
following  extract  refers  to  this  transaction ':— J  une  20,  1G18, 
"  at  twa  afternoon  David  'J'rosack  j'^  of  Moneyvairt  was  slain  in 
the  south  gate  of  Perth  by  Laurence  Bruce  j''  of  Cultmalindie,  his 
brother,  and  divers  others  their  associates.  The  twa  that  was 
with  Moneyvairt  were  deadly  hurt  but  died  not,  the  otlier 
David  Malloch   had   his  right" hand  clean  stricken  oil'  frae  him. 

>  PitMiiii'.-)  '  Crimiiml  Tiiil-s'  vol.  ii,  p.  ijd. 
'  Cl.ainbci-s'  'Domestic  Aii.k.U  of!,'  vol.  i,  ]>.  430. 
'  DoHglna  reerage  ;   Lonl  Olipliaut.  ,,,,., 

*  Cli^imbors'  'Domeatic  Aimalaof  .ScoUana,' vol,  i,  p.  4S6.  Fli-iiiing  s  MS.  Aavocatca 

BRUCE.  165 

This  done  in  a  moment  of  time  all  tlie  committers  thereof 
cschcrrit  out  of  the  town  before  any  of  the  townsmen  heard  of 
any  such  thing.  No  one  seems  to  have  immediately  .suft'ered  for 
this  outrage,  but  four  years  after  (1G22)  the  Privy  Council 
informed  the  kinc;  that  Cultmalindie  V>esides  banishing  his  twa 
sons  and  a  servant,  had  offered  1000  crowns  by  way  of  assythnient 
to  the  friends  of  the  slaughtered  man  and  £2000  to  the  two 
men  who  had  been  mutilated.  Tliis  paid,  it  is  added,  lias 
altogether  luidone  Auld  Cultmalindie,  for  his  estate  is  exhausted 
and  wrecked  and  he  has  become  very  weak  of  his  judgement 
and  undcrstamliiig  ly  tlic  grief  of  these  troubles  brought  upon 
him,  quilk  were  tlir  oeeasion  of  his  wife's  death  and  of  the  evil 
circumstances  of  thr  banishment  of  his  sons  and  friends,  now  by 
the  space  of  four  years,  in  the  whilk  exile  tAva  of  his  friends  of 
good  rank  and  quality  has  departed  this  life."  Wo  hear  no  more 
of  this  family  of  Cultmalundie  after  this,  except  that  Andrew 
Bruce  of  Muness  (uncle  to  the  oH'enders)  obliges  himself  to  pay 
1000  marks  scots  to  Patrick  Cruokshank  ;  how  as  he  procures 
the  king's  remission  for  Laurence  Bruce  of  Cultmalundie  in 
Perth.shire,  for  being  airt  ami  }iart  in  the  slaughter  of  David 
Toshack,  y'  of  Moiieyvairt. 

The  Arms  of  "  Bruce  of  Colpmalundie "  are  emblazoned  in 
an  lieraldic  manuscript,  in  the  possession  of  the  Ivarl  of  Crawford, 
supposed  to  be  of  date  IGOo  to  l(il2,  and  to  have  belonged  to  the 
2nd  Sir  David  Lindsay,  Lyon  King  at  Arms,  as  follows : — Or  a 
saltire  and  chief  Gules  in  dexter  chief  a  mullet  Argent. 

In  'Noble  British  Families,"  Part  iii,  jmge  20,  Bruce  of  Cult- 
malundie is  given— Quarterly,  1st  and  4th,  Or  a  saltire  and  chief 
Gules,  in  centre  chief  a  mullet  of  the  lirst.  2nd  and  3rd,  Gules  a 
lion  rampant  within  a  bordui-e  engrailed  Argent. 

Tlie  Arms  of  Cultmaluinlie  are  not  registered  in  the  Lyon  office. 

BltUCKS  01''  iiUXESS. 
Alexander  Bruce,  2vd  of  il/in/c.xs.— Andrew  Bruce,  2nd  son 
of  Lawrence  Bruce,  -Ith  of  Cultmalundie  and  1st  of  i\Iuncss 
remained  with  his  father  in  Shetland,  his  eldest  brother  living 
on  the  Perthshire  estate.  lie  a,]i]iears  to  have  finished,  or 
at  any  rate  embellished,  tin;  Casllc  of  Sluness,  as  his  initials 
a])})car  between  the  corbels  under  uue  of  the  hanging  rounds  or 
tunvts  of  the  castle,  his  nanir  and  ai'ins  are  on  the  door  knocker 
lirr\iously  iLientioned  and  a  |iicci'  (j1'  wood  carving  taken  from  the 
castle  (now  in  the  jiossessidn  of  Mr.  Irvine,  F.S.A.  Scot.)  bears  his 
arms  impaled  with  Sinclaii-.  It  is  not  clear  at  what  period,  or 
under  what  arrangement,  if  e\er,  he  became  the  actual  owner  of 
JIuness,  as  he  is^  called  "Tutor  of  Mmiess"  when  he  obliged 
himself  to  pay  iOOO  ,,iarl;s  on  hi;  nejihew's  account  as  before 
mentioned,  and  from  (his  it  would  ;ipi'ear  that  he  Avas  then  hold- 
ing the  estate  for  his  nephew  LawreJiee,  as  ho  ^\■as  then  probal.ily 


the  liead  of  tliu  family  ;  it  is  not  unlikely  that  he  was  enabled 
(owing-  to  the  trouLIes  in  which  the  ehler  branch  was  involvecl)  to 
niake'^tlie  estate  his  own,  at  any  rate  he  founded  the  distinct 
branch  of  JIuness,  and  liis  descendants  possessed  that  estate  till 
the  extinction  of  the  family  in  the  male  line. 

Andrew  Bruce  married  Isabel   Sinclair  (said   to  have  been  of 
Quendale)  and  by  her  had  issue  1  son  and  1  daugliter — 
Andrew  succeeded. 
Marjory  married  Tiobert  Bruce  of  Sumburgh. 

Andrew,  3rd  oj  ilfi/.i'fs.s.— Andrew  the  son  succeeded 
in  Muness  and  marrieil  Ursula,  daughter  of  Rev.  G.  Jlouatt 
of  Fetlar,  and  by  her  had  issue  4  sons — 

1.  Hector  succeeded. 

2.  Arthur  married  and   had  issue,  1  son  Andrew,  and  2 

daughters  ;  this  line  is  extinct. 

3.  Ajidrew    married    1st  Margaret,   dau.    of   Sinclair    of 

Houssa  and  by  her  had  issue  2  dauglitcrs — 
Ursula  m.  Geo.  Pitcairn. 
Margaret  m.  1st,  J.  Hendry. 
2nd,  J.  Buchan. 
He  married  2ndly  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  —  Ross  of 
Northmaven.     He   was  tutor-at-law  to  Andrew  and 
John,    sons    of    his    brother    Hector,    dui-ing    their 

4.  Gilbert   of   Cli\-oeast    succeeded  eventually   in  Muness 

and  was  last  male  of  the  familj'. 
Ilccior,  -'/th  of  Miincss. — Hector,  the  eldest  son,  succeeded  in 
I^Iuncss.     He    married  Barbara,   daughter    of    John    Sinclair    of 
Quen<la]e  and  by  her  had  issue  -3  sons  and  2  daughters — 

1.  Andrew  succeeded. 

2.  John   married  Grizzel,  dau.  of  Roltert  Bruce  of  Sum- 

burgh, died  1703,  leaving  1  son,  Charles,  drowned  on 
his  way  to  College. 

3.  Robert  drowned  leaving  Peterhead  1717,  s.^i. 
Ursula  married  Stewart  of  Bigtown. 
Margaret  married  Scott  of  Scottsliall. 

Avdrcv;  6ih  cf  Mimc-^s. — Andrew,  the  eldest  son,  succeeded 
in  j\Iuness,  he  was  drowned:  the  following  extract  probably 
refers  to  him  : — '  "  By  such  a  sudden  flan  [squall]  the  Laird  of 
Jluness  is  said  to  have  perishnl  the  former  year,  when  within 
sight  of  his  own  liouc  and  all  that  was  in  the  boat  with  him, 
nine  or  ten  jiersons,  but  one  s.rvnut  who  escaped  upon  the  keel." 
Andrew  married  1st  a  dau-lib  r  n(  Sinclair  of  Quendale  and  2dly 
a  daughter  of  Sinclair  of  Duubealh.     He  had  no  issue  by  cither 

'  IJiMiuFs     •Di.',,uii.U..ii  uf  Oikiicv  .iiul  Slatlmd  .iikI   I'iiikciU'n's   TravcU,'    book 

BRUCE.  167 

of  his  wives  and  the  estate  appears  to  have  gone  to  his  uncle 
Gilbert  of  Clivocast  eventually. 

Gilbert  last  of  Mv/ness. — Gilbert  Bruce  of  Clivoea.'^t  ("  -tth  son 
of  Andrew  .3rd  of  Muness")  married  j\Iargaret  Bruce  of  Sumburgh 
and  liad  issue  2  daughters — 

Ursula  married  Scott  of  Vocsgarth. 
Marjory  married  John  Gauden. 

By  a  sasine  recorded  dated  20th  February,  1718,  disposition  is 
made  by  Gilbert  Bruce  of  CHvocast  in  favour  of  George  Pitcaim, 
nierchant  of  Lerwick  (who  wa.s  husljand  of  liis  niece  Ursula, 
dau.  of  his  brother  Andrew)  of  the  lands  of  ilancss  and  others, 
apparently  the  whole  remaining  estate  of  the  family,  the  com- 
pearance is  stated  to  be  upon  the  grounds  of  the  ilanor  Pkce 
or  Ca.stle  of  Muness.  By  this  deed  Gilbert  reserves  for  himself 
and  his  spouse  Margaret,  daughter  of  William  Bruce  of  Sum- 
burgh  a  life  rent  in  certain  lands ;  on  Gilbert's  death  the  family 
of  Bruce  of  ]Muness  became  extinct  in  the  male  line. 

In  the  Lyon  Register  i,  254,  is  the  following  registration : — 
"  Andrew  Bruce  of  Mowancs  [Jluness]  descended  of  the  family  of 
Cultmalindc  Boars  two  coats  quarterlie  first  Or  a  saltjT-'e  engrailed 
Gules  on  a  chief  of  the  second  a  moUet  of  ye  first,  be  the  name  of 
liruce.  Second  Gules  a  lyon  rampant  be  the  name  of  Gray  the 
third  as  the  second  the  fourth  as  the  hrst.  Above  the  shield  a 
helmet  befitting  his  degree,  ilantled  Gules  doubled  Ai-gcnt,  next 
is  placed  on  ane  torse  for  a  crest  a  dexter  hand  erected  holding 
a  heart  proper.     The  motto  in  ane  cscroll,  '  Ouuiia  vincit  amor."' 

The  arms  of  Andrew  Bruce  2nd  of  Muness  on  the  old  door 
knocker  before  i-cferred  to  are  as  aljove  but  the  saltire  is  not 

(Tu  le  conlinucd.) 



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Particulars  of  some  of  thera,  with  occasional  anuotations. 
By  THOMAS  PROCTER  WADLEY,  M.A.,  Rector  of  Naunton  Boaucliamp. 

14IC,  Jan.  27.  Ricliard  son  of  Sir  John  lioaucliamp  knt.  and  Elizabotli 
StafToril,  da.  of  Sir  Humphrey  Staflbrd  knt.  Licence  to  iMaster 
RoLert  Carrowe,  master  of  arts,  and  Sir  Jolm  Wellys,  rector  of 
Alcoster.  The  marriage  to  be  solemnized  in  the  chapel  or  oratory 
\vitliin  lliu  manor  of  the  said  Sir  Jolui  lieauchanip  near  Alcester. 

1532,  Jan.  31.    John  Catysbee,  of  the  diocese  of  Hereford,  and  Margaret 

]31ounto  of  Chaddosley.     The  marriage  to  be  solemnized  after  one 
publication  of  banns. 

1533,  Ajir.  22.     "William   Longs    of    Llocklcy   and   Grace   Eniottes   of 

1531,  Apr.  30.     John  Coombe,  the  younger,  of  Astley,  diocese  of  Wor- 
cester, and  Kathcrino  Quynye  of  Stratford,     llanns  to   Ije  once 

Aug.  19.     Robert  Thorneton  and  Alice  Grevill  of 'Weston.   Licence 
to  Iho  rector  of  llalford. 
1511,  Nov.  21.     William   Lokcyard   and  Elizabeth  Wenlockc  of  Wick 
by  Pershore. 

Jan.  28.     Hugh  Hall  and  Agnes  Wynsmore  of  Lye,  co.  Worcester. 
1579,  Aj.r.     Edmund  CoUes  and  Elizabeth  Greno  of  Lighe. 

Apr.  22.     John  Smythe  and  Joan  Grenc  of  L^pton  Snodsbury. 

.May  15.     Richard  Harrison  and  Ann  Duffild  of  Tardcbigge. 

May  18.     William  A\'()rster  and  Ann  Hudson  of  ^^'■ar^vick. 

May  18.     John'erafte  and  .Alargery  Archard  of  Lighe. 

Juno  12.     Robert  Hasolton  and  Elizabetli  Basset  of  Eckiiigton. 

Jidy  23.     William  Harryson  and  Islavy  Parsons  of  Overbury. 

Oct  5.     Thomas  Tusten  and  Grace  Tailer  of  Elmley-Castle. 

Oct.  12.     Henry  Bailies  and  Ann  Goorle  of  Kempsey. 

Tlie  family  of  G'orle  is  ancient ;  the  episcopal  registers  at 
Worcester  making  mention  of  John  Gourll  of  Kompsey,  clerk  of 
the  diocese  of  Worcester,  and  canon  of  the  cathedral  church  of 
Chichester,  21  A]ir.  1452. 

Oct.  17.     George  Croft  and  Ann  Langslon  of  Sedgebcrrow. 

Nov.  21.     John  Toms  and  Kalhcrine  Wyly  of  Alcester. 

Dec.  23.     George  Shipside  and  Ann  Hall  of  Worcester. 

Jan.  7.     William  Coolccs  and  Mary  Clyfton  of  Beoley. 

-Ian.  27.      William  Abington  and  Ann'Crankc  of  Churchill. 

Jan.  28.     John  Cookes  and  Philip  Lunche  of  Doddcrhill. 

Jan.  30.      Richard  Gn-ggo  and  .Margaret  Rubertcs  of  Overbury. 

Jan.  30.      Henry  Hdl  and  Elinor  Binl  of  the  city  of  ■\\N.rcester. 

I-"cb.     Richard  Bromich  and  Elizabeth  Wakeman'  of  Ih-omsgrovo.  ' 

I'Vb.  11.  Humphrey  Feeld  and  Margery  Petford  of  Haselor. 

178  jrAllRIAOE    LICENCE.S. 

1579,  Feb.  15.     William  I'-ovy  and  Susan  .Symons  of  llie  city  of  Wur- 


Feb.  21.      Hriiiv  SLi'avnc  ami  Jnan  WiMo  of  'Wureostev. 

1580,  Apr.     John  Xanphaii'aiul  Iliiagct  lloucliior  of  IVmlock. 

Aiu-.  2,^.     'William  Cliiia  K<->i.  and  Apoloiia  :Mucklowc  of  Konipsov. 

Apr.  30.     Ciil.'s  llarw.'U  and  Alice  .Medwell  c.f  Evesliam. 

July  4.     Cadwalladei-    Lyme     and     Winifn-d     Thn.ckmorton     of 

July  IG.     Daniard    lialdwiu    and    ElizaLetli    Thorn    of    Hampton 


It  should  1)0  Great  Ilamjiton,  in  tlic  registers  of  wliich  parish 

the  mai'riage  is  recorded. 
July   20.— O^icJ   and    Lucy    SlieMon   of    Aljlierton.      Licence  to 

the  vicni  of  Honington. 
Aug.  13.     John  AblH.rfnrlh  and  Elinor  Li^.,n  ..f  Oivat  Witley. 
Sept  8.      Eirlianl  ];..l.nis  and  .Mar.MMV  (HUMlnr  n[   S]„.]dey, 
Oct.  1.      Anilionv  ]lui-,-:,-maii  and  M.nv  Jn^iaia  <•(    Wnlford. 
Oct.  21.      dolin  Morrice  and  Katlierini  Lvanee  of  Lrelforton. 
Oct.  22.     AVilliam  liovy  and  Dorotliv  Simon.s  a/ia-!  Glargit. 
Nov.  12.     Edward  iNlatliews  and  Jan"e  Cro.sby  of  ^Vorce.ster. 
Jan.  4.      AVilliani  liailies  and  ]\lartlia  Ilanbury  of  Feckenhani. 
Jan.  7.     Giles  ■\\'ebbe  and  Larbara  Dingley  of  Strensliaui. 
Jan.  IG.     John  I'aekington  and  Ann  Ivhvardes  of  Clainos. 
Jan.  18.     John   Jiouchier  and  ^Margaret  Greue  of  St.    Switliin'.s, 

Jan.  2G.     Thomas  Good\\'yn  and  Ann  Barlccr  of  Stratford. 
Jan.  27.     Tliomas  Penne  and  Marv  Ihadshawe  of  Worcester. 

1581,  i\]ir.  15.     Kicliard    Lilly    and    Mary    1  )a\vkes    of    St.    Swilhin's, 

May  12.     Ilumjihrey  Acton  and  Mary  Pigeon. 

The  Pigeon  family  wa.s  of  liadsey,  co.  Worcester. 
June  1.  John  Langston  and  Joan  Cooke  of  Ai'ele\-. 
July  (June?)  1.       Anthony  Marshall,  clerk,  and 'j'-liener  Lisshop 

of  Evesham. 
June  5.     Thomas  I'hilliiis  an.l  rornthv  Cutbeid  of  I'lyfnnl  I'lavell. 
Aug.  G.      George  WaL;stall' and  Alie,.'  Turner  of   Idyfnnl  l'la\ell. 
Aug.    G.       Gilbert    Lacehnn.M.,    clerk,    and    Ursula    T.mdinson    of 

Cloeve  Prior. 
Aug.  30.     Fulro  More  an.l  Mizabeth  Iving  of  lluneyborne. 
Sept.  13.     Thomas  Sponnrr  and  dulian  Adams  „f   ^V.,r,■es(er. 
Sept.  21.     William    lloltam    and    Alice    Kyland   of    Mer.-,toji,    /.c. 

Jlar.ston,  eo.  Glouee^li/r. 

Sept.  23.     Humiihrey  Lest  : 

Old  Philip  Afaning 

of  ILir 

Oct.  20.      Jnhn  KnoMesford 

and  r.rid-.'t  liah-s 

.if  .'^nil 

Oct.  21.      Francis  Tondu'sai 

id   Aim   WnnthMI   ,.] 

:'   Sahva 

^;ov.  21.      Kiehard  Labitnl  ; 

iiid  Ann  Gnnu.ll  n 

f    K.'iln 

1582,  Jan.  18.     Jubu  Artnn  and  . 

\un  Grose  of   ^\■-lv 


Feb.  17.      .lohn  Hanburv  an 

d  .luyee  W-Alrv  ,,f 


Apr.  27.       I'hilip  lladdnrk,. 

■lerk;  and  Eli.mer 


at  SedjMbrrrow  .May  1. 

Wa^-  1,     Edmund  Lou  and  ■ 

loan  porter  of  Gla 



IfiSi,  ^^,l3•  19.      Rolioi-t  Jaiiios  and  Alice  Ilyf-nic  of  Ilnnoyliorno. 

'  May  19.      Kolint  Sahvay  and  Alice  rulehousc  (///</■.•  rurtiiiaii    of 

-  June  2-2.     John  Perkes  and  Joiic  Henley  of  Becslp,/  ? 
July  28.     John  Eobins  and  Emma  Walford  of  ClavcrJon. 
Aug.  15.     John  Copley  of  Biedon  and  Katherinc  Over. 
Sept.  12.     Stephen  Eumney  and  Judith  Perrot  of  Worcester. 
Sept.  29.     Ralph  Ilorniold  a)id  :irai-^ai-et  Liyon  of  :^[adl■esrleld. 
Oct.  5.     Matthew  Fitzheilurt  and  Jane  Throckmorton  of  Wanvick. 
Oct.  24.     Richaul  A^'ann-)-  and  Aiar-aret  Grivell  of  Alcester. 
Xov.  3.     ]\ratfhcw  Persons  and  iMances  Evence  of  Ilanley. 
Xov.  19.     John  Alen-ell  and  Dorothy  Kiggs  of  Grafton  Elyford. 
Xov.  27.     AVilliam    Shaxpcre    and    Ann    "Whateley    of    Temple 


The  great   poet's   marriagedjond   hear.s   date    28   Nov.,    1582. 

There  is  no  other  record  of  the  grant  of  a  liceiicc  to  any  one  of 

the  name  in  that  year.     The  early  registers  of  Temple  Grafton 

arc  missing. 
Dec.  IG.     Simon  Andrews  and  Ann  Freman  of  Bloekley. 
lice.  29.     William  Runniey  and  Jane  Wvatt  of  Wc.rce.<;ter. 
1:>S3,  Jan.  20.     Keiny  llanbury  and   ElizabelJi  Jelleryes  of  AVorccster. 
Jan.  22.      l"raiu-is  Evett  and  Ur.sula  Tillam  of  Alarlley. 
Feb.  G.     liol)cit  Ilavward  and  Joan  Bennett  of  Clecvc  Prior. 
Feb.  9.     Tliomas  Kevo  and  Kalhrnne  Amaiies  of  Salford. 
Apr.  27.      John  Torpley  and  A-n-^  Kriu\Mnn  of  Binton. 
yin-  28.     Thomas  Handbury  and  i;ii,i..r  Pooler  of  Elmley. 
June  21.     John   Coombes  and  J::iizabeth    Kinersley   of    Stratford. 

Slurried  at  Growle,  co.  Worcester,  June  23. 
July  S.     William  Bourton  and  Elizabeth  Quiny  of  Ilatlon. 
An-   7.     John  Bound  and  Ann  Hobday  of  Bradley. 
Au;^.  1.-,.     Iburv  Heincs  and  Ann  Blunt  of  Alyeehurch. 

Thr  f.iinilv   kjleiiiws  of  Alvechurch  intermarried  with  that  of 

Dineley,  lords  of  the  manor  of  Peopleton,  in  17SG. 
Oct.  17.     Anthony  Jugins  and  Ann  Butler  of  Inkberrow. 
Oct.  29.      Kiehard  Cloydon  and  Dorothy  Cliedell  of  Long  Compton. 
Xoy.  28.      Hugh  Lingard  and  Afargaret  Vise  of  ICvesham. 
Xov.  30.     Jolin  Garn.l.-rtou  and  Joan   Purser  of  AVicklesford,  !.>: 

Wixfonl,  CO.  Warwick. 
Dec.  21.     William  Simons  and  Margaret  Wil];es  of  Worcester. 
Jan.  12.     John  Mallet,  clerk,  and  Dorothy  Hill  of  B.ronis-voye. 
Jan.  13.      iMlmund  Ockley  and  Ur.sula  Seaverne  of  Shrawley. 
Jan.  18.      Humphrey  Edgock  and  Margery  Perkes  of  C.itlu'ridge. 
Feb.   1.      KnluTt  Hobday  and  Alice  Moye'of  Feckodiam. 
Frl,  •_'  I.     TliouKis  Dussell  and  Frances  Wine  of  Fladburv. 
l''^t,  .Vpr.  20.      lialpli  Hubaud  Es,,.  and  Ann  Daston  of  T.roadway. 

Married  at   I'.ioadway,  ro,  Worcest,.r,  Apr.  23.      The  re-ist.^r  of 

that  p.nidi   also    ivronls   the   marria-e.   of   Mr.  ,lol,n    Huhand  and 

Mrs.;,beth  I'oole,  12  Nov.,  KiOG. 
Apr.  Dyaid  an,l  Susan  lluller  of  Strenshani. 

The  lui  til  place  of  tl,e  autluu'  of   "  Hudibras."     The  name  first 

occurs  in  tlie  Strcusham  registers  in   1575,  Sept.  19,  the  dale  of 

180  MAUUfAtfE    LICKXCES. 

tlip  mnrri^i-o  of  Williiua  ]',:i.l-,..r  md  i:ii/al.itli  P.utlev. 
1584,  May  2.      Kalph  .M;,,  clnk,  nu.l  .Mm-viy  Uulmn-  of  Ilalisowen. 
May  5.      Ricliar.1  IMwaids  ami  Aim  Tliomi's  of  Sahvaiw 
May  9.     Thomas  SIh^LIo,,  aii.l  Ann  Mavten  of  Bcoloy. 
May  23.     Kiclianl  ]snti  .i.,!  Jan,.  Gcw-o  of  Eckiu-ton. 
JiUR.  G.      Thomas  Alhn  ami  JUizabeth  Riduwlsou  of  Pewliore. 
June  27.     .)ohii  tiilrs  an.l  [sahrl  Stono  of  P.reJicote. 
July  2.     Thomas  W.nvk.y  ami  Mai-ciy  Colsoii  of  Astluy. 
July  21.     Thomas  Dow^..-  ami  Jane  lluband  of  OmlxTslov. 
Nov.  23.     Aim  llaiaisou  and  Oliver  .Alasficdd  of  jLlJnslir'l.l 
Due.  10.     Thomas  Smith  and  ;\rar-orv  Ooode  of  Milton. 
Dec.  21.     Laurence  IJushell  and  ?^larv  AVoodward  of  Tnkl.rrrow. 
Jan.  7.     William  Ilanowc  and  Chrisiian  Yomaiis  of  I'.idfonl. 
Jan.    19.      Hugh  Ilatlou  and  Dorothy  IVcsley  of  HanljuiT. 
Jan._  20.     Thoiiias  Adams  and  ^ilargaret  Wiliiam.s  of  AklJniiarston, 

i.e.  Alderminslor,  co.  AVorcester. 
Jan.   22.     Sir   Thomas  Hiirris   and    Alice    ]3rackenton   of    South 


Tlie  marriage  is  recorded  in  the   S.  Littleton  registers,  whiih 
also  give  the  burial  of  the  said  Thomas,  who  was  "Chaiilyn"  of 
the  parish,  17  Nov.,  1592. 
Jan.  28.     Sir  'William  Marshall  and  Elizabeth  Clerk  of  Elmbridge. 

A  licence  to  serve  the  cure  of  Elmbridge  was  granted  to  William 

Marshall,  clerk,  3  Jan.,  1583. 
Jan.  30.     William  Smith  and  Joan  Gibbes  of  Stretton  on  the  Fosse. 
Feb.  1.     Robert  A\'ells  ;iud  Sarah  llrondey  of  A\'orcester 
Fob.  S.     William  Jeflcryes  and  Elizabeth  Walshe  of  Witley. 
Pel).  8.      Kicliard  Skaio  and  Bridget  Palmer  of  IJarton  on  the^  Heath. 
Feb.  M.      WMrr  Palmer  an,l  Sibil  Palmer  of  llimbleton. 
Feb.  14.      William  Koiikins  and  Ann  "\\'illersey  of  lii.lford. 
Feb.  24.      Francis  Jami'S  and  .lam-  Sheldon  of  Pma.Iwiv 
33  Elizab.,  Seiit.  2.      AVjlliam  Symonds  .,f   Cn.ule,  -rnt.,  and   Jdi/abeth 

llobbie  of  Rou.s  Lench,  widow. 
42   Elizab.,  Aug.    2.      AVilliam    AVells    aini.s  Auston   of   Woll.Tsie,   co. 

GIouc,  yeoman,  and  Ursula  Hedges  of  Church  Iloneybonrne. 
Aug.   23.     Thomas  lleircs  of  Upton  "Warren,  "  wyerdrawer,"  and 

Elianor  Bcrecroft,  of  the  same  place. 
Sept.    17.       Thomas    llunle    of    Alceslei',    yeoman,    ;iud    Mar^'erv 

Egcocko  of  Feckenham.  " 

Oct.  3.     William  Ew.ais  and  Anne  Sharthascll  of  Pidford.     Pond 

signed  by  Thomas  l;.,v,.y  of   Pi.lford,  co.    AVarwirk,  husbandman, 

and  Edwar.l  Jioovey  of  ,S(.  Martin's,  Worcester,  clothier. 
ICOO,   Apr.    14.      Thoma.    il,,s,.l«..d,.    and   Elizabrth    Dvn.-lry   „f   Crop- 

Ihorne;  Thomas  l:i;.;..:^  Iv;,,.  and  Edward  Arehbo'ld  gei'il.,  both  of 

the  city  of  W.a-.v.l-a,  b.^in;;  Imuml. 
Aug.  24.      William  IJMiikin;  nf  the  city  of  W.ircester,  weaver,  and 

Ann  Aboil  of  Inkbriinw. 
Aug.   27.      William    of   Elndey   CasHe,  gcnl.,nnd   Alice 

Townesend  of  Cmpilnane. 
Feb.    9.      Thomas   Twil  I  „■,  ,l,ak,  and   Ann    Hair,  bnth   ,,f    Church 

Honeybourne  ;  he,  and  James  Ashwyn,  of  the  same  parish,  being 



13  K]iz;>li.,l'cb.  11.  Tlionws  Ilmi-htnii  ..f  Fcrkingliam,  co.  ^\^.I^■esful•, 
yciit.,  iind  Margery  ISailif  nf  St,,kc-]iiinr  ;  l-Ahvard  I'.nnviie  of 
Inkbcrrow,  yeoman,  one  of  llu'  ]>artiis  ImhuhI. 
May  (1)  5.  Jolm  AVingu  uf  Tioain-to,,,  eo.  W..r.;,slrr,  and 
]\Iargery  Antec  of  the  same  parish  ;  Kobert  AVinge  of  I'.ricklo- 
liani[iton,  ami  George  Kecke  (signs  his  name  Kcxc)  of  JJkickwell, 
in  Tredington,  yeoman,  being  buund. 
July    15.    "Koger  Grisohl  of '  Kownton,  ,-o.    AVurwick,  \veaver,  and 

Joan  Sadler  of  Grafton. 
Sei.t.    5.       William    Gremcliill    and    Kli/.abrlh    Harper,    botli    of 
AVarwick  ;  AVilliam   Grcenehill   df    Nauntun    I'.eucliaiiip,  yeoman, 
one  of  the  parties  bound. 
8ept.    10.      Gilbert   Underliill  of   Clent,  eo.    Stafionl,  .'Inthier,  and 
Isidiel  llarret  of  Kidderminster. 
IGUd,   Vvh.    21.      l".(bnund    ]>:astoourt    of    Tetbury,    eo.    Glonerstcr,    and 
Margaret  Folly  of  I'irton,  co.  Worcester,  maiden. 
.Mareii  9.     John  Dower  of  .Martley,  co,   "Wore,  husbandman,  and 
i'.bzabeth  Ingram. 
9  .lamrs  1,  .luno  24.     Eieliard  Xurri^  of  Chariii-lon,  co.  GIouc,  and  Joan 
llobdey   of  Fcckcnham,  co.    "Woic.  ;   Henry    llobdey   of   Fecken- 
liam,  gent.,  being  bound. 

The  name  of  this  Feokenham  and   Inkbcrrow  family  is  other- 
wise written  in  tlio  Visitation  of  AViirwick-hire  taken  in  1G19. 
Aug.  1.3.      Jolm  Trytl'lye  of  llvcsliam  and  J.,v,r  Cowley, 

His  name   is   written  i'/"'///  in   ili,'  Alihot's   Mojion   register, 
which  records  the  marriage. 
Aug.  18.     Jerrard  Procter  antl  .Mary  HMbd-ye,  botli  of  .Slri'llun  on 

tliu  I'osse. 
Aug.    2.3.     George   Partridge   and    l.u-ri   A^ldiie  of   St,    Andrew'.^ 
Droitwich,    maiden;  Adam   ParUigv    of   J  )r.iit\vich,  gent,,  one   of 
the  parties  bound. 
Feb.   13.     Kichard  Gibbos,  widower,  and   Alice  Gotterell,  maiden, 

bolh  of  Stratford-on-Avon. 
Feb.    15.      William   Marchall    ..f    Graft. .u    Flyford,   yeoman,    and 
Jlargery  Starkey   of  llonoybourne,   widow;    Kobert   Turner,   of 
I-ong  .Marston,  co.  Glouc.,  being  one  of  the  parlies  lioimd, 
ICl],  Aug',  13.     Thomas  Charlett  of  Cleevc  Prior,  yeoman,  and  .Margaret 
I'.ades  of  Cougliton,  co.  Warwick. 
Oct  14.     John  Lillic  of  lieoley,  miller,   and  Dorotliy  IMallct  of 
Alvechurch,  maiden. 
ICn,  Aug.  2G.     Walter  Pullingham  of  Xannlnn  I'.eauchamp  and  Elioncr 
Jones  of  IJradley,  maidm, 
Nov.  20.     John  Acton  of  Upton  nu  Sevrru  an.l  :\rarg.iret  Tandy  of 

the  same  parish,  wiilow.    ■ 
]>er.    9.    Wells   and    i:iizabetli    .\shwine,   si.inster,    both    of,.rd-..n-Avon, 
IVb,    I.      ,l,,],n  Slulrr  and  Marv  Lilly,  spin.t.r,  both  of  Ahn-ler. 
1G12,  July    I.      Charles  Jlel tt  of  Cl.rvr  Prior  .nid  .\nn  Cole  of  SaUord, 

July   I.      .Sir  G.M.rge  Winio,-  ,,f    Cplon  W.invn,  knt,  and  lurl,,  and 
Mary  Snuth,  da.  of  Sir  Charles  Smith  of  ^Vootten  Wawcn,  knt. 


1G43,  July   20.     Juliu    Cos,   clurk,  of    Holt,   and   Elizabeth    Hooper  of 

Kiif^liock,  iiiiiiacn. 
July  30.     John    li.ill  ..f  Flifnr.iyiavell   and  Mary  Hobday  aUa^ 

L.acy  of  Hanbuiy,  )naidi'ii. 
Aug.    G.      Edmund    Suniiau    of    Nauufon    Leauchanip    and   Jane 

Tonilinson  alia.'^  Jlaker  of  >Stoultou,  spinster. 
Nov.  12.     Nicholas  Lcehniore  of  ffaidey  Ca.stle,  Escj.,  and  rcnelope 

Sandy.s  of  All  Saints'  in  Worcestc^r, 

Tliis  Xichola.s  l,(ird  Leclnnero,  a  Jlaron  of  the  Exchequer,  kept 

a  diary,    in  Avhi,li,  under  the  date    10.31,    Sept.    3,  he   made   an 

entry  relatin-  tn  the  battle  of   "Woreester  :  "  The  battell  began  on 

the  west  sidr  llir  .iiv  (in   those    Very  fields  where  my  brother  in 

law,  Colonel]    I'.dwvn    Sandys,  lle^  23  of  Sept.  lG42,'fought  with 

Prince     Kufjert     and     reeea\ed    \\\r_    wounds    whereof    afterwards 

(1  Dec.  1G42)  he  died,  liut  was  ended   (and  was  .sharpest)  on  the 

east  side." 
Dec.    31.     Thomas    lluband   of   Kous   T,ench   and   :\tary   lJr.;w  of 

Inkberrow,  maiden. 
Jan.  26.     Jolin  Savadge  of   Inkljerrow  gent,  and  liridget  Uyson  of 

33oriiiston,  maiden. 
Feb.    11.     Thoma.s   Jiallanl   and    Aliee    Hobday,  spinster,  both  of 

16i3,    Apr.    3.     (icorge    Roberts,    S.T.P.,    of    Henibledoii,    ISueks,    and 

Mary  Sheldon  of  Litth^ton,  maiden. 
Apr.    8.      Robert    Timbrell    of    Ipsley    and    Ann    llolliocke    of 

Aug.   4.   William    Harbateh   of    lid;berr..w   and   Joyc'C   Huband  of 

Salford,  maiden. 
Oct.  2.      AViUiam  ( lanrtt  of_  ISidfovd  and   :Mary  Parker  of   Exhall, 

Jan.  9.      (labriel  Young,  the  vonng.r,  of  Cliobliam,  eo.  Surrey,  and 

Elizabeth  Eetehmore  of  Han'ley  Caslle,  maiden. 
Eeb.    7.      Nicholas   Eilly   of   AViteld.oJd,    in    1  lodderliill,   widower, 

an<l  IClizabcth  Kind)erlv  of  I'.i-omsLiove,  maiden. 
l^larch   9.     John    Ellins   ,.f    Abbot's    Morion,    baehelor,   and    Ann 

Chapman  of  Bidhjrd,  maiden. 
March  \i.     Thomas  Eangston  of   llinlon  on  the  (heen,  co.  Glouc, 

and  Mary  Stoakes  of  Sed-eberrow,  widow. 
1611,  May  1.      Nathaniel  Jord.m  of   Taunton  Peaueliamp,  bachelor,  and 

Alice  Woodward  of  Throckmorton,  maiden. 
Aug.  1,      George  Hyde  gmt.  an.l  b;iizab,.lh    Fox,  spin.ster,  both  of 

Aug.  U.     John  P.eareroft  gent,  and  I'rances  Vernon,  spinster,  both 

of  Hanbury. 
JN'oy.  2.     AVilliani   Freeman,   rector   of  Strett.m  on   the  Fosse,  and 

Sophia  Harrison,  of  the  parish  of  Holy  in  i','r>liore,  maiden. 
Dec.  21.      ]\faurice  Walsini;ham   uf  Coughton,   widower,  and  Aim 

Paldwyn  of  Longdon,  in  Tn-dinglon,  maiden. 
Jan.  2',J.      Thomas  1  »,e_;aid   of  (iraflon    I'lvfnnl,  wi.lower,  and  Joan 

lleniminge,  of   tl,.'  .-ame  pansli,  .^pin^ter." 
1615,  Aug.  2'J.      ^Villialu  Child  ol   Shiawley  E.-.p  and  Elizabeth  Sparree 

of  the  city  of  AW.ieeoter,  .-pin^tei. 


It  i:5  curious  tliat  Loth  Ur'si.'  sui'iiauics  occur  ;is  lx'lou.i,'in,i;  to  the 

same  pari.s]i,   tliat  of  I'owick,   near   "Worcester,  on  a  suli.siily-rull 

,latcaiEawar(liii;(No.  ^)  Tliomaa  Sparry,  being  taxed  ij'.vj''., 

ami  Tliomas  Child,  i,i^ 
lGJ-">,  Sejit.  6.     Wilham    Sale,    hachclor,   and  Joan    llemiuiugv,   widow, 

hoth  of   Inkberr.nv. 
Sept.  21.      Anlli.iuy  Jaine.s  of   Temple  Grafton,   yeoman,  and  Ann 

Jones  of  llinton  on  the  Green,  spin-tir. 
Oct.  2-5.      Francis  Godfroo  of  Ahhct's  .Mnrtnn,  hachidor,  and  :\rary 

Englisli,  of  Eou.s  Leneli,  sjiiiister. 

John  le  En-leys  was  of  lliis  parish  of  Lench  in  1327.      How 

long   the  Godfrey  family  had   been  at   :Morton   does   not   apjiear. 

The  marriage  of  a  Francis  Godfrey  of  Abbot's  ^lorton  and  Frances 

Rmithe  of  Xorton  is  given  in  the  registers  of  Xorton-with-I.<'neh- 

wick,  31  Jan.,  1611. 
Jan.  29.      Sir  Henry  Fetherstone  knt.  and  Frances  da.  of  Sir  Henry 

Herbert  of  Kilibcsford  knt. 
Fel).  8.     Kobert  Foly  of  Stourbridge,  bachelor,  and  Ann  Uhirton 

of  the  city  of  Woi'ccsti^r,  .spinster. 

Prior    to    the    year    IGGl,   then;    seems   to   be   no  regular   and 

continued  record  of  the  grant  of  marriage  licences  at  "Worcester. 
IGGl.Apr.    17.       AVilliam    Holmes  of    IJidford,    cordwaincr,    aged    23, 

bachelor,  and  Hannah  liolter  of  I'-ckinglon,  about  2-},  maiden. 
Ai.r.  20.     I'.chvard    Plinnb   of    Tiddin,i;ton,    co.    Woi'c,    about   -10, 

widower,  and   Kli/.abcth    Hastinges  of  the  same  jilace,  about  21, 

maid  .servanb 
June  11.     John    ?ibiriis  nf   Hivlf-ulon    ^ent.,   about   10,    widower. 

Mid  Mary  FuiLt  of   Long  Maislon,  co.'(;l<air.,  .ibout  21,  maiden, 

her  parents  bolli  dead. 
Juno  11.      Kobert  Morris  of  llrclfoilo,,,  yeoman,  aliout  ;;0,  bachelor, 

and  Susanna  Greene  of  the  same  pavi>.li,  about  21,  maidi'u. 

Lc  Neve  does  not  appear  to  liavi'  known  lo  what  place  this 
family  of  Morris  belonged  ;  but   he  assigns  to  ihem  a  coat  of 
arms:  J'r,/i,,rrr.,  „f  Kiii./hf.^,  p.  418. 
June  2C.     ]^.bert  Solh'rs  of  A\'on:ester,  a]TOthccary,  about  24,  and 

Hester  Poole,  about  17,  da.  of   "William  Poole  of  lloneybourne. 
Aug.  3.     Walter  Steward  of    Inlcberrow,  about  25,  bachelor,  •■ind 

Alice  Hill,  da.  of  Hum].hrcy  H.ll,  of  Feckenham,  about  19. 
Aug.  31.      Tliomas  Hunt  of    l.lndrry  in  Inkberrow,  gent.,  .about  27, 

bachelor,  and  Ursula  Cliapman  of  '.Marlelilf  in  Pidford,  about  21, 

Sept.  4.      John  :\lalten   of  Cburchill.   husbauduian,  about  40,  and 

Mary  Fincher  of   Haekctt's    I'aonjd.ton,  2  1,  da.  of  Koger  Fincher. 
Oct.  5.      John  Kobin.son  of  lidibcirow,  carp.ul.r,  28,  bachelor,  and 

Cicely  Hobday  ((/(W.s- Lacy,  ,,|   l^ckridiam,  about  27,  maiden. 
Oct.  2G.      Jhuics  r.askeryilc  of  f.dow.',   co.   Kadlu.r,  genl.,  22, 

and   Flizabrth    Crillin   of    I'.ickmardi,    about    21,   a    maiden;   her 

parents  dead. 
Nov.     1.      Ni-bolas    K,.kc    of     r.idford,    aboul     .Tl,    widower,    an,l 

f.leanor  Pound  of  AlccNlrr,  about  2  1,  maidm. 
Jan.    18.     John    Wadley    of   N'ewent,   co.    Glouc,   about    23,   and 

^^^  NOTICES    OF   BOOKS. 

jSSS-  ss,:"-  ,S"-  "'""  -^'  '"^''^"  ■  ^'"^^"^-'^  "^^ 

''''"';:^l„w;.  J';"v"  l^?'^^"^l-n.   ...f  stoke  Wor,  geut.,al,out  40, 
'  •'  ^  '     r>:"  ChMimuu,  of  Tardebigoo,  about  40,  Widow  •  to 

be  iiiaiTied  at  Jhdfonl  or  Stoke  Prior  ' 


irr-   J''"^■^"»'^fI'"•^l"-*'->l-'"t24,u■aide^.  "'"'   "^'"^ 

16G.,  March  29      Kichard  Andre^-es  of  Donn.sto,.,    30   and 

.Sarah  Hayncs,  about   30,   da.   of   Francis    Hayues,  .f'l.f;.  me 

place,  Imsbaudmau.  ^  "-■=>' i   w'c  same 

i  ci  tatiier  dead,  lier  niotlier  consentiug.     Licence  apiil  ed  for  bv 
Geo^^  bale,  shoen.ker,  of  Bulford,  .4^re  the  marrii^  ^H  I 

June   14.     Cornelius  AVood«-ard   of   Peoplcton,   clerk    about    50 

^HnW  oMh"'''"^'  ^-'-'■^I"'^'-ow,  tanni^4,  and  Alice 
iaed    bv    t  T   l;-;>'^!'.   .''bout   20,   nuudcn ;    t]>c  statement 

Kierllni.  ""mplnxy    and    l,y    WUiam    Tomes    of 

Sept.  20.      -NVini.-nu   Coleman  of   ] 

30,  and  Alice  Deane  of  Jiidfurd,  about  1)0,  Lm 

^Wirce.sloi',  about 

Untitts  o!  il\oahs. 

Tar,  K.>iu,oo>i  or  ,b  .S,n,„„nh  asi,  Siu™  bi'mno  .',00  Yr„„ 

NOTICES    OF    BOOK?.  185 

llic  peerage  law  of  Scotlaml— a  siiliject  wliieli  lie  had  sUidicd  under  il., 
;,'rpntest  master,  the  lato  Juhii  Kiddell — cuiitains  a  vindication  of  the 
ancient  historical  dignity  of  'Mnv  against  the  recent  attempt  of  the 
Conniiittee  of  Privileges  of  the  llonsc  of  Lords  to  extinguish  it. 

It  might  It  jiriori  have  been  thought  dilHcult  to  make  the  qiumtio 
vx'ila  of  the  iNIar  Peerage  intelligiljle  to  geucral  readers  ;  but  Lord 
Crawford  has  done  more  than  this.  Handling  his  subject  with  the 
strictest  historical  impartiality,  he  also  invests  it  with  an  interest  that 
never  allows  the  reader's  attention  to  flag,  and  at  times  makes  it  as 
picturesquely  exciting  as  a  romance. 

The  ancient  and—pficf  Lord  Eedesdale — still  existing  Earldom  of  ^lar, 
the  solo  survivor  of  tlie  Celtic  ilormaerdoms  of  Scotland,  carries  us  back 
to  at  least  the  twelfth  century,  where  Lord  Crawford's  account  of  it 
begins  :  but  we  can  here  do  no  more  than  allude  briefly  to  those  salient 
jioints  in  its  history  that  most  directly  affect  the  question  in  dispute. 

The  Salic  or  Lenidiard  law  never  prevailed  in  Scotland,  and  lands  and 
dignities  went  invariably  by  the  operation  of  law  to  heirs  general  or  heirs 
of  line ;  those  occasional  settlements  on  heirs  male  which  were  allowed 
after  the  accession  of  Eobert  I  being  always  treated  as  exceptions  to 
the  common  law,  and  looked  on  with  disfavour.  The  Earldom  of  !Mar, 
in  the  end  of  the  fourteenth  century,  went  in  succession  to  two  Countesses 
in  their  own  right,  iLnrgaret,  Avho  was  also  Countess  of  Douglas  by  marriage, 
and  Isabel  The  nijifiis  of  Countess  Isabel  by  Alexander  Stewart, 
illegitimate  .son  of  the  "  "Wolf  of  Badenoch,"  is  a  well-known  episode  in 
Scottish  history.  This  desperado,  after  a  murderous  attack  on  that  laily's 
first  hu.sbaud,  laid  siege  to  her  Castle  of  Kildrunimy,  compelled  her  to  be 
his  wife,  and  on  12th  August,  1-lOi,  extorted  from  her  a  charter  which, 
had  the  King  confirmed  it,  would,  on  the  failure  of  his  issue  by  Isabel, 
have  given  the  earldom  to  his  heirs  instead  of  her's.  Piut,  failing  such 
confirmation,  the  writ  was  but  a  worthless  bit  of  parchment ;  and  weak 
as  was  the  law  in  those  northern  jiarts  in  the  reign  of  Eobert  III,  the 
outrage  was  too  flagrant  to  lie  altogether  condoned.  The  King  refused 
liis  confirmation  ;  but  a  compromise  was  adjusted  :  and  after  a  dramatic 
scene  at  Kildrunimy,  of  which  Alexander's  renunciation  of  the  charter 
of  12th  August  formed  part,  Isabel  granted  on  9th  December  I'lOl,  a 
new  cliarter  to  her  husbancl,  giving  him  a  liferent  right,  but  with  re- 
mainder to  her  own  heirs  in  the  Earldom — which  charter  the  King  duly 
confirmed,  so  that  it  became  the  ruling  investiture.  Isabel  soon  died 
childless,  and  the  acknowledged  rights  of  her  next  heirs,  the  I'^rskincs 
(descended  from  a  grand-aunt  of  Isabel),  were  tlius  postponed  till 
Alexander's  death,  which  occiirred  in  11:35. 

Li  1138  Eobert  Lord  Erskiue  established  his  ri-ht  by  the  usual  legal 
form  of  service  before  a  jury,  and  became  Earl  of  ^lar.  lint  the  Crown 
had  in  the  meantime  entered  into  possession  of  the  valuable  terrritories 
of  the  Earldom,  and  was  loathe  to  give-  them  up  ;  and  James  II  and 
his  advisers,  after  t'  nii'nrizin.i,'  fur  a  length  of  time,  in  l-ir>7,  reduced  Earl 
Eobcrt's  retour  by  a  'Snvice  negative,'  based  on  the  plea  by  the 
bastardy  of  Alcxiindri-,  nr  in  virtue  of  a  transaction  between  him  and 
James  I  in  M2C,  thit  Earldom  fell  to  the  Crown.  Either  pnttext  Avas 
worthless,  ina;-nnuh  as  Alexander  was  only  a  liferentcr:  but  to  jirovo 
him  not  to  be  so,  the  unconlirmod  and  invalid  charter  of  August  1-101, 

186  NOTICES    or   BOOKS. 

was,  liy  an  npou  and  shamolcs.s  perversion  of  justice,  reared  np  hy 
Cliancellor  Crichlon  as  against  the  valid  and  confirmed  cliarter  of 
December  UOi. 

Miglit  thus  triumphed  over  right  till  1565,  when  Queen  ]\[ary,  learning 
the  story  of  Lord  Erskine's  wrongs,  was  "  moved  by  conscience"  to  make 
liim  the  fullest  ])ossible  reparation,  and  granted  him  a  charter  restoring 
to  liim  that  Earldom  of  Mar,  of  which,  as  heir  of  Countess  Isaljel  and 
Earl  Kobert,  lu;  and  his  forbears  had  been  unjustly  dejirived  by  the  acts 
of  her  jiredecessors.  This  Lord  Erskinc  is  known  in  history  as  the 
Ecgcnt  ]\Lar,  and  tjie  Earldom  thus  restored  to  its  lawful  owner  was 
enjoyed  by  him  and  inherited  by  his  descendants  in  nnliroken  succession 
for  iivc  gcneratiojis. 

In  1715  John  Earl  of  Mar,  who  headed  the  rising  in  favour  of  the 
Stuarts,  was  attainted.  But  for  his  attainder  his  only  surviving  child. 
Lady  Frances  Erskine,  would,  it  was  universally  admitted,  have  succeeded 
him  as  Countess  in  her  own  right.  The  attainder  was  removed, 
not  in  her  time,  but  in  the  next  generation,  in  the  person  of  John 
Francis  luskinc  of  Mar,  her  son.  It  no  doubt  happened  tliat  the  restored 
Earl  had  also  become  next  heir  male  of  the  family  :  but  by  the  direct 
admissii)n  of  those  who  had  the  strongest  interest  to  take  an  opposite 
view,  his  light  was  derived  from  his  mother  :  and  the  Act  of  Restoratioir 
expressly  restored  him  as  "grand.son  and  heir  of  line"  of  the  attainted 
Earl.  Had  females  been  excluded  from  the  succession,  the  Earldom 
would  indeed  nev«r  have  come  to  the  F.rskiiies  ;  and  therefore  also  when 
in  18GG  ]'>arl  John  Francis  stiller  died  without  issue  or  brother's  issue, 
the  succession  of  his  sister's  son  was  acijuii-sced  in  as  a  matter  of  course 
by  every  one,  includin-  the  lieiv  male  roll.itrral,  the  l;,te  Earl  of  Xellie. 
liy  and  liy,  liowrver,  L.ird  KMllr  nnn.miitvd  liis,  claimed  bv 
l)elili.iu  til  llir  Cr.iwn,  not.  tlic'  J^arldoiii  licl.l  bv  Cratiiev,  bv  Isalu'l 
Douglas,  and  by  Kobert  i'.rskine,  and  ille-;illv  witlilicld  ti-oin 'tlir  four 
following  generations  of  Erskines,  but  an  l^aildom  ni-\ir  ]»■{,, rr  luaid  of, 
and  sujiposed  to  have  been  created  by  <|Mii'cn  .M,nv  in  ia\nur  of  Lead 
Erskine,  not  by  the  charter  by  which"  slio  restored  'to  liiiii  and  his  Iteirs 
fi.c.  heirs  of  line)  his  rights  2)rr  mii<h/m  jii^lliic  (which  was  imagined 
only  to  confer  the  lands),  but  a  patent  a  few  weeks  later  giving  him  a 
new-fangled  "peerage-earldom"  of  !Mar,  with  a  dillerent  remainder  from 
that  of  the  restoration  charter,  namely,  to  the  heirs  male  of  his  body. 
The  law  oilicers  of  the  Crown,  both  for  England  and  Scotland,  )iaturally 
pronounced  the  hypothesis  on  which  this  claim  was  built  \nitenable  ; 
nevertheless  the  House  of  Lords,  on  \\v  rcpnit  of  the  Cnmniittce  of 
I'rivileges,  transmitted  their  oin'iiion,  on  wliidi  llie  Crdwn  a.ted,  that  the 
Earl    of   Xellie    (the   J.resent   Earl,    his    futlicr   liaving   died    dnvin-    the 

.■  •'  Karldnm  of 

depend.'nce,  „f   tlir  r. 

ase),    1 

.ad   made    nut    bis 


Marcivaled  in  l.-.G:.. 

The   pr,.f..und   ast. 


irnl    whir].    Ibis    ,1, 


when  the  of 

it.  -wrl 

■r  exaniincl,  as  the 

sc  arc 

of    Lord    Ked,.Mlal..    : 

md   tl 

ir    latr    Lonl    Cbch 


unfortunatr  dirtu  of 
Lord  Cam.lrn,  who,  1 


aw  loidsot  ec 
cv,  eminent  as  Kn.; 

h'sb  'li 

in    Seotli>b    histon. 


Is,  and   prrccdrnts. 


in  direct  opposition  1 

:o  the 

la'w  of   .Scotland,  b 

ait   it 


tliat  tlicir  autliors  expressly  repiuliateJ  the  application  or,  rather  rrducHo 
n,I  „h.->Nrdnin,  wliieli  is  made  of  the)n  by  Lords  llcdesdalc  and  Chelmsford 
in  tlic  Mar  case.  These  two  formulated  dicta  are,  1st,  "  Lord  Mansfield's 
law,"  that  titles  of  honour  must  in  dnjiin  be  presumed  to  go  to  heirs 
male  of  the  body  ;  from  whence  it  was  inferred  that  ^Margaret  and  Isabel 
were  Countesses  by  a  new  creation  by  "  patent "  in  favour  of  their 
resjiective  husbands,  and  that  neither  Earl  Robert  nor  any  succeeding 
Erskinc  down  to  Queen  Mary's  time  had  any  rightful  chniu  to  the  ]'2arldom 
of  Mar.  2ndly,  "Lord  Camden's  law;"  that  a  charter  of  "  comitatus,"  in 
which  the  title  of  Earl  was  not  specifically  mentioned,  gave  the  lands 
onl}'  and  not  the  dignity  :  ergo  it  was  inferreil,  Queen  ^Mary's  restitu- 
tion charter  was  but  a  grant  of  the  lands  of  the  Earldom  of  !Mar  to  Lord 
Erskine,  who  must  moreover  have  acquired  the  dignity  of  Earl  of  ^^lar  by 
a  separate  patent,  and  one — agreeablj'  to  "Lord  Jlansfield's  law" — with 
limitation,  not  like  the  restitution  charter,  to  heirs  general,  but  to  heirs 
male  of  the  body!  "\\nule  such  is  the  "liypothcsis  built  on  a  hypotlicsis" 
of  Lords  Redesdale  and  Chelmsford,  the  fact,  well  known  to  all  jiersons 
conversant  witli  Scottish  records  and  charters  (for  it  is  really  a  question 
of  fact,  not  of  law)  is,  that  all  charters  of  "comitatus  "  carried  thi?  title, 
of  \vhicli  there  was  very  rarely  any  separate  mention ;  and  that  ikj 
sp]iarate  patent  of  the  dignity  of  Earl  was  ever  heard  of  in  Scotland  till 
IGOO.  The  furllier  errors  of  the  Committee,  including  the  resuscitation 
of  the  unconfirmed  charter  of  August  1401,  as  against  the  valid  one  of 
December  1101,  the  setting  at  naught  of  solenni  decisions  of  the  Court 
of  Session  in  1G26,  and  the  charge  made  against  tlu^  Tr.;, surer  llarl  of 
fi-audulent!y  destroying  the  imaginary  patent  in  IGOG,  witli  the  \\vw  of 
getting  a  higher  precedence  than  1-3G5,  are  exposed  and  refuted  in  detail 
by  Lord  Crawford. 

But  if  the  ICarl  of  Kcllie  is  to  be  regarded  I'.arl  of  .Afar  m  resjiect  of 
this  resolution  of  1505,  it  does  not  follow,  as  seems  to  have  been  at  first 
imagined,  that  the  heir  general,  who  never  claimed  this  newly  discovered 
title,  is,  since  the  decision  of  1^75,  any  less  Earl  of  i\Iar,  di'.  jin-c  and  dc 
farto,  than  he  was  when  he  succeeded  by  right  of  blood  to  his  uncle  in 
18G6.  That  the  resolution  is  not  tlius  two-edged  has  been  admitted  by 
the  House  of  Lords  itself  in  1877.  Nevertlieless  the  heir  general  has 
been  practically  dcljarred  from  voting  at  Ilolyrood  by  a]i  ex.  fada  iiregular 
order  is.sued  by  the  House  of  Loids  licfore  tlu'ir  resolution  had  been 
confirmed  by  the  Queen,  and  Ims  licen  subjected  to  other  disabilities, 
from'  which  it  is  to  be  hoped  tbat  means  may  shortly  be  found  to 
relieve  him. 

At  a  recent  meeliug  for  llir  oI,.r|,i,,u  of  a  K.'i)rescutative  Peer,  the 
dissatisfaction  of  a  Ln-c  hod.v  <.r  llir  Seoltisli  Peerage  foun<l  expression 
iiiniilier  against  the  reception  of  tlic 
1  of  Mar;  ami  tlie  question  has  now 
ipf  Srijtland  as  more  than  a  jiersonal 
of  I  lie  tiibunal  (or  more  properly 
li  lliiir  riglds  are  discussed,  threaten- 
1  ami  eLiiinants  of  jieerage.  Lord 
ieli  il  is  didi.idt  to  gninsav,  that  tlui 
if  Mirli  .jueMioiis  is  slill,  'a.s  it  was 
A  S,ssi,,n.  The  jiivisdiriion  of  the 
age  clauuo  wa.^  exercised  till  I'.ir  on  in 

in  protests  by 
vote  of   the   ']•: 
come  to  be  rcj 
one,    the   unsa 

arl   of 

eell    of 
by  tlle 
ry    elia 

commission  of 


•j    befol 

ing   serious   jie 
Crawford  uku,, 

rils  to' 
(aiiis,  o 


proper   and    le,. 
before    the    V^ 
Supremo  Couif 

iio„,    in    til"    t 
,  of   Scotland 

188  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

lasl  contury  ;  and  Ihc  ]iractico  -wliich  has  grailually  sprung  ii]i  of  Scottish 
claimants  petitioning  tlic  Sovereign  aiul  being  referred  to  the  House  of 
Lords  is,  according  to  liis  view,  in  strictness  only  a  sort  of  irregular 
arbitration,  devoid  of  strict  legal  sanction.  lie  advises  a  return  by 
claimants  to  the  constitutional  usage  which  has  been  discontinued,  "  not 
from  any  Idclicg  on  the  part  of  the  Court,  but  from  the  action  of 
claimants  only."  Such  a  coidri'lcinps  as  that  of  ]\rar  could  certainly  not 
have  occurred  lind  the  case  been  brought  before  the  judges  of  Scotland, 
and  argued  on  both  sides  by  counsel  learned  in  tlic  law  of  that  country. 

Genealogical  Memoirs  of  the  Echlin  Family.  By  Johx  R.  Eciii.ix, 
M.A.     Edinburgh  [1882],  8vo.     Second  E<lition. 

Some  years  ago  Jlr.  Echlin  printed  a  manuscript  in  his  jiossession 
entitled  "  Memoirs  of  the  ancient  families  of  the  Echlins  of  Pittadro," 
by  George  Crawfurd,  Esq.,  to  which  he  added  an  ajipendix  setting  fortlr 
the  more  modern  lineage  of  the  family.  This  has  been  long  since  out  of 
print,  and  he  explains  in  his  preface  the  nature  of  this  srrond  edition,  .so 
well  that  wc  cannot  do  better  than  give  his  own  words  :— 

"  I  have  thought  it  well  to  prepare  a  Second  Edition  of  the  little 
work — a  spcniid  edition  I  call  it,  although,  as  will  be  seen,  it  departs 
considerably  from  tlic  jilan  of  the  fir-^f,  in  that  ISIr.  George  Crawfurd's 
'Memorial' — tlie  basis  and  starting  jioint  of  the  first  edition — is  not  here 
given  at  length  ;  the  greati'r  part  of  tliat  performance  having  been  found, 
on  investigation,  to  lie  a  wnik  (sn  far  as  the  Echlins  were  concerned)  of 
pure  iniaginaliiin,  nianifc,-,lly  diiiwii  up  in  pilausilile  fulfilment  of  an 
entrusted  eomnii.-sion."  .Much  as>istanie  has  been  adonled  the  author  of 
this  compilation  by  !Mr.  K.  R.  Studavt,  a  genealogist  well  known  to  our 
readers  as  one  of  the  best  authorities  on  family  hislorw 

The  Ecldins  of  Pittadro,  chiefs  of  the  nanuj  in  Scotland,  ih^'scend  from 
"William  Echling,  Laird  of  Pittadro  in  14.57,  whosc^  line  ended  in  Henry 
Echlin  of  that  ])Iace,  early  in  the  seventeenth  century.  The  account  given 
of  them  is  followed  by  an  exhaustive  note  on  the  Arms  of  the  Echlin 
Family,  which  sets  forth  the  variations  of  the  coat  borne.  There  is 
.ilso  a  facsimile  of  a  grant  of  a  Crest  to  John  Echlin,  eldest  sou  of 
Robert  Echlin,  Bishop  of  ])own  and  Connor,  a  iirelate  described  as 
the  "  Root  and  Founder  of  the  Irisli  branch  of  the  family."  lie  was  a 
cadet  of  Pittadro.  His  descemlants  are  carefully  traced  out  to  the 
present  representative,  the  Rev.  John  R.  Echlin,  the  author  of  this 
memoir.  From  tlie  .second  son  of  Robert  Echlin,  grandson  of  the  P.ishop, 
arc  descended  the  Echlins,  P.aronels,  whose  luifortunate  histiuy  is  well 
known  to  the  readers  of  Burke's  "  A'icissitudes  of  Families."  Their 
jiedigrec  is  given  in  A])pendix  1.  The  eurinu^;  ivader  will  do  well  to 
compare  it  with  the  account  given  in  Mr.  Fnstei's  P.aronelage.  Tin; 
pedigrees  difier  somewhat  ;  as  to  whicli  is  tlie  mo;:t.  correct  tlie  facts  cited 
do  not  warrant  us  in  fonning  an  npinioi,.  ()tl„.r  bianrhes  of  the  Echlins 
are  dealt  with  in  \W  ,-.iilis,.,nieiil  pngrs  of  Appendix.  .Mr.  J'xhlin  has 
produced  a  very  iis.^l'iil,  and  to  all  a|i]M'araiic.'s  jiviiialc,  airount  of  this 
ancient  family,  which  must  be  c(iii.sid.ivd  as  the  foimdalioii  stone  uiitni 
which  may  be  Imilt  a  superstructure  giving  a  detailed  and  juovcl  family 
history.  So  far  as  it  goes  the  book  is  good,  the  greatest  fault  we  have  to 
find  with  it  i.s,  that  it  has  no  index. 


A  ]\Iemorial  History  of  the  CAMPBELLa  of    ISIelfort,  Argyllshire. 
By  Margaret  Olympia  Campbell.     London,  1882,  4to. 

"  The  wish  to  perpotuntc  tlie  noLlo  and  patriotic  duty  of  a  race  during 
all  time  remarkable  for  their  fidelity  to  their  sovereign  and  to  tlie  cliief 
of  their  clan "  is  the  authoress's  apology  for  a  very  interesting  and 
elegantly  printed  liislory  of  this  branch  of  the  great  Clan  Campbell  of 
Argyll.  The  chief  defects  in  it  ai-o,  that  the  genealogical  statements  it 
contains  arc  nnsupported  by  references  to  wills,  parisli  registers,  and 
documents  of  such  a  nature  as  are  necessary  to  prove  tlio  coniieclion  of 
its  various  members,  and  the  absence  of  any  index  wliatever  to  its 
contents.  The  statements  made  rest  therefore  solely  on  the  autliorily  of 

Tlic  lands  and  Barony  of  Jlelfort  were  granted  by  King  David  Bruce 
to  Sir  Archibald  Campbell  of  Lochaw  in  1343,  and  continued  in  his 
family  till  sold  by  Col.  John  Campbell  in  1838,  but  there  still  remains 
ill  the  possession  of  the  family  the  small  property  of  Kilchoan,  situated 
at  the  western  extremity  of  the  estate.  No  account  of  a  Highland  family 
would  be  thought  complete  which  could  not  toU  some  mysterious 
story,  and  liero  we  are  given  one  of  a  singular  and  apparently 
inexplicable  kind.  There  is  a  light  which  ajipears  at  times,  over  one 
sjiot  on  a  bank  near  the  river  Oude,  an<l  which,  on  approaching, 
disappears,  to  the  terror  of  the  beholder.  Curious  to  relate,  wlien  the 
present  possessor  of  the  estate  was  making  a  new  road,  it  necessitated  a 
cutting  through  this  bank,  which  brought  to  light  two  stone  coffins,  of 
which  the  stones  were  simply  placed  together  \\'ithout  any  fastenings. 
One  of  them  contained  tlic  ashes  of  a  man,  the  other  the  remains  of  a 
female  with  a  necklace  of  oriental  character,  and  a  bracelet.  It  is  over 
this  spot  the  light  is  seen.  A  bridge  has  been  Ijuilt  there  the 
river,  but  notwithstanding  the  cofllns  and  their  conlents  were  buried  in 
Kilmelfort  clmrchvard,  tlie  light  still  remains. 

The  Campbells'  of  ^Melfort  are  traced  from  Xeil,  son  of  Sir  Colin 
Campbell  11th  kniglit  of  Lochaw,  who  died  in  1340.  Between  him  and 
Xige,  who  probably  fell  at  Flodden,  1513,  only  tu'O  genenitious  are 
given  ;  these  seem  too  few  in  a  jjcriod  of  173  years  ! 

The  Campbells  appear  to  be  remarkable  f(jr  the  number  of  inciiibers  of 
the  family  who  have  done  good  service  to  their  queen  and  coiiiitiy  in  tlie 
Army  and  Navy,  among  whom  may  be  mentioned  Sir  Patrick,  Sir  Colin, 
and  Sir  Alexander  Campbell,  Bart.  Tiie  various  .services  of  these  gallant 
ollicers  are  duly  recorded. 

Pedigrees  of  the  :\[acdouga]ls  of  ]\racdougall,  ^raclachlans  of  :\rac- 
lachlan  (Iwhvnot  of  '  that"  Ilk,')  and  of  the  Camerons  of  Lochiel,  as 
well  as  the  descendants  of  the  Campbells  of  :\relfort  in  the  female  lino 
arc  given.  Notes  of  Charters  and  Deeds  relating  to  the  Melfort  proiierty 
are  placed  in  an  appendix.  'I'liese  ought,  at  all  events  the  earliei-  ones, 
to  have  been  reprodured  in  faesin)ile,  and  in  all  cases  to  have  been 
lirinted  >ii  dii'iigo. 

The  illustrations  and  general  get  up  of  this  volume  are  all  that  can  lie 
desired,  and  it  will  form  an  elegant  addition  to  the  drawiii  ;  table 
literature  of  every  descendant  of  the  house  of  ^lelfort. 

190  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

Pedes  Fixium.     Edited  by  Walter  Eye.     Xonvicli,  1881,  8vo. 

Tlio  fines  indexed  in  this  little  reprint  from  tlie  publications  of  tlie 
Norfolk  Archaeological  Society  extend  from  3  Richard  I  to  the  end  of 
John.  In  an  introduction  'Mi:  Rye  explains  in  an  exceedingly  clear  and 
conci.?e  manner  the  olyects  and  form  of  a  final  concord,  tlio  nature  of 
tlieso  documents,  and  the  best  way  of  consulting  tliom.  It  is  impossible 
for  us  to  do  justice  to  the  valuable  remarks  he  has  made  without 
repi'inting  the  greater  part  of  his  introduction.  He  has  generously 
consented  to  allow  such  ])art3  of  it  as  are  of  more  than  mere  local  interest 
to  ajjpear  in  our  next  number,  and  to  supplement  tliem  witli  furtlior 
information  on  the  subject  likely  to  bo  of  use  to  those  ignorant  of  the 
vast  amount  of  valuable  genealogical  information  this  jiarticular  class  of 
public  records  allbrd. 

TirK  Records  of  St.  Michael's  Parish  Church,  Bishop's  Stortford. 
Edited  by  J.  L.  Glasscock,  Jun.   London,  Elliott  Stock,  1882,  8vo. 

Some  time  ago  Mr.  Speechley,  cliurchwarden,  undertook  Hk'  task  of 
examining  the  papers  preserved  in  the  vestry  of  llishnp's  Stuilfoid 
churcli,  in  which  he  was  assisted  by  Mr.  Glasscock.  Tlie  h\un'  intirrsting 
parts  of  those  papers,  the  whole  of  which  are  kept  in  tlie  vesiry  of  St. 
Micliai'l's  Chunb,  iiiv  now  placetl  before  the  public.  Tliey  co)isist  of  the 
clmrcbwardcns'  acruiuils  from  U31 — 1847,  or  at  all  events  parts  of  them. 
There  is  nothing  to  ijidicatc  liow  far  tliey  are  given  in  their  entiretj'.  A 
list  of  the  vicars  from  1332,  and  cliurchwardens  from  l-iSO,  to  tlie 
])rcscnt  time,  accounts  relating  to  tlic  Guild  St.  John  tlie  Baptist, 
inventories  of  church  goods,  1537,  eliurcli  ri^ntals  rirra  Edw.  IV., 
Ric.  Ill,  and  21  Hen.  VIII.,  tlie  chuiehw:,id.i,s'  b,,ok,  1GI2,  accounts 
of  the  collectors  for  the  poor,  extracts  from  lln'  ovcisi'i'i's'  book,  i^-o.,  \-c., 
and  lastly  a  most  useful  list  of  monuniLulal  in.sciiptioiis,  both  in  the 
cliurch  and  churchyard.     A  good  index  of  names  com})letes  the  volume. 

Great  credit  appears  to  be  due  to  tlie  vicar  and  cliurclnvardens  for 
their  care  of  the  documents  confided  to  their  keeping,  but  the  other 
parish  autboi-ities  ajipear  to  have  counterbalanced  this  by  a  piece  of  ruthles-s 
neglect  :— 

At  the  allluial  vcstiy  iiK:rt,ing,  M.iuli  .'..,  l^.-.l,  it  •Jus.Jiul  Ihal  llic  Ass^.^laiit 
Onrseci-  should  be  cmpoircrcd  lo  iriuuir  all  luu.L-i  Ulowjiiui  to  Ihc  ^nirish  froui  the  Corn 
Kxchunyc,  and  lake  charjc  of  them  at  hi.i  (iirn  re.skkiicc.'" 

It  is  not  to  sii|ipos(^  tliat  the  next  consignee  of  these 
ancient  documents  will  be  tlir  r.uldr  man. 

The  notes  to  the  chuivliu.udrn-.'  a.vuuuts  arc;  useful,  but  many 
more  might  liave  been  add.d  \\i{\\  advantage,  ij/.,  lliat  gaiig-tyde 
()).  -13)  means  Rogation  week.  If,  Imucver,  we 'have  too  few  notes  u/tlie 
cliurchwardens' accounts,  the  oiiiissini,  is  m.iilc  up  for  by  rather  overdoing 
those  to  the  inventories  of  cluiivh  -..mIs,— those  on  Chalice,  Cruetts,  Cope, 
Alb,  etc.,  being  we  think  unnecessary.  Obis,  /.,'.  albs,  is  delined  as 
".satin  ma.le  at  Ihug.s,"  owing  to  the  Jigurc  referring  to   the  note   being 

NOTICES    OF    BOOKS.  191 

]ilace(l  against  that  word  instead  oi  against  "  brcdgis,"  tlio  old  writing 
for  Brnges.  The.  ewer  and  basons  ^^'ere  used  in  the  service  of  tlic  Mass, 
and  not  for  tlic  font  as  stated  in  note  17. 

'Mv.  Glasscock,  in  his  preface,  apologises  for  not  liaving  included  the 
Parish  Register  in  his  work  on  account  of  the  space  it  woidd  occupy, 
asserting  with  much  truth  that  extracts  o;i/y  arc  worse  than  useless. 
Essex  antiquaries  have  to  thank  liim  for  a  very  useful  and  i)istructive 
book,  and  a  valuable  contribution  to  local  topography.  Wc  trust  that  it 
will  prove  sufficiently  successful  to  induce  him  to  print  the:  Parish 
Register  as  a  companion  volume.  Such  a  publication  would  be  (piite  as 
much,  probably  much  more,  appreciated  than  his  present  volume. 

Gexeai-ogy  and  Biogkaphical  Sketches  op  the  Youxgman  Family. 
By  David  Youxgman,  M.D.  Boston,  Mass.,  1883,  8vo. 
This  little  fanuly  record  gives  a  clear  and  interesting  account  of  the 
descendants  of  Francis  Younginan,  who  was  living  at  Roxbury,  now  a 
part  of  Boston,  as  early  as  1G84.  The  name  is  uncommon  in  the  United 
States,  not  more  than  a  dozen  of  his  descendants  in  male  line  being  in 
existence  at  the  present  time.  Dr.  Youngman  considers,  apparently  ^vith 
good  reason,  that  the  name  came  to  England  from  Germany,  and  that  its 
original  sjielling  Jungman  was  anglicised  into  the  present  form.  "We 
ranniit  bestow  greater  praise  on  tlie  evident  care  and  accuracy  of  tlie 
wi-iter,  than  by  saying  that  his  jiamphlet  is  absolutely  free  from  the 
usual  rubbish  regarding  English  ancestors  which  distigaires  most  American 

Deeds  Relatixg  to  PAursii  axd  OTiiEn  Ciiaiuties  of  ^VA^■nswoItTIl. 
By  Wat.tee  Rye,  1881,  8vo. 
In  the  vestry  of  the  church  of  Wandsw.irth  arc  preserv<Hl  upwards  of 
forty  old  documents  relating  to  tlie  irarisli  charities.  The  laslc  of  editing 
these  documents  was  wisely  confided  by  the  A'estry  to  Mr.  "Walter  Rye, 
who  lias  performed  the  labour  with  that  care  and  accuracy  which  always 
characterize  his  handywork.  Ilis  report  on  the  administration  of  tlie 
charities  is  satisfactory,  no  great  irregularities  having  crept  in.  Indeed, 
the  printed  parish  accounts  show  that  Forsyth's  Charit}',  the  income  of 
which  is  _£.">  5s.  lOd.  per  annum,  makes  an  annual  expenditure  of 
.£'11  12s.  9d.,  a  feat  wo  recommend  to  the  consi<loration  of  the  vestrymen 
and  churchwardens  of  other  parishes,  whose  charities  ^aro  not  usually  so 
Well  administered. 

Remixiscexces  of  James  C.  Aveu  axh  the  Town  of  Avi;it.  Tliird 
Edition.  By  Ciiaules  Cowley.  Lowell,  Mass.,  8vo. 
James  Cook  Ayer  was  the  eldest  surviving  son  of  Frederick,  son  of 
Elislia  Ayer.  "When  seven  years  old  he  losl,  his  father  by  death  and 
commenced  the  battle  of  life.  His  success  in  the  .struggle  is  the  suliject 
of  these  page.--,  and  will  be  read  with  interest  as  well  as  profit  by  those 
who  are  f.iitunate  eiinuvh  to  see  a  copy  of  Judge  Cowley's  amusing 
nan-.Uive.  His  grandfal lii-r,  .James  Cook,  was  engaged  in'tho  llanncl 
in.uiufaetuie,  and  w.lli  hnu  the  b.,y,  when  only  eleven  years  ,,ld,  made  a 
cunliacl  to  attend  the   picker  in   his  mill  for  four  cents  an  hour.      "  Tliis 

192  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

anxious  and  aspiring  boy  actually  worked  t^yonty  hours  a  day  on  his 
gi'andfalhcr's  picker,  in  order  tu  earn  four  cents  an  hour.  It  was  not 
from  more  that  he  did  this,  for  when  ho  had  saved  about 
fourteen  dollars  out  of  his  earnings,  lie  lent  it  to  his  grandfather,  taking  a 
note  for  that  amount,  hrarin;/  intercd — mark  his  early  care  to  liave  his 
money  earning  more  money — and  then  made  a  present  of  this  interest- 
bearing  note  to  his  widowed  mother." 

His  industry  was  er^ualled,  if  not  surpassed,  by  his  ability.  At  one 
time  lie  made  himself  master  of  the  business  of  an  apothecary,  and  the 
University  of  Pennsylvania  gave  him  the  degree  of  M.l).  At  twenty-one 
years  of  age  he  invented  a  rotary  steam  engine  ;  he  also  invented  a 
system  of  telegrapliic  printing,  and  nunil.>ers  of  niachincs.  To  follow  out 
the  history  of  his  varied  successes  is  beyond  the  scope  of  these  pages ; 
suffice  it  to  say,  that  he  died  at  the  comparatively  early  age  of  GO  in  1878, 
the  architect  of  his  own  fortune,  and  that  fortune  no  less  than  ten  or 
twelve  million  dollars.  Judge  Cowley  deals  with  his  subject  in  an  nble 
and  entertaining  manner,  and  we  can  assure  our  readers  that  the  lih;  of 
this  remarkable  man  is  well  worth  reading. 

The    Look    of   the    V.^uiax    F.\mily.     Ly  S.ui.  Luiggs.      Cleveland, 
Oliio,  1881,  Svo. 

In  this  volume  ]\Ir.  Biiggs,  whoso  compilations  on  the  Briggs'  family 
we  have  already  noticed  iu  the  '  Genealogist,'  gives  a  clear  and  well 
written  account  of  the  descendants  of  Isaac  Varian,  the  first  of  the 
name  in  the  United  States.  Various  traditions  are  current  as  to  his 
origin,  and  i\Ir.  Briggs  is  of  opinion  that  he  came  from  Holland,  to 
which  country  he  or  his  predecessors  hail  migrated  from  France.  He 
was  settled  as  a  butcher  in  New  York  as  early  as  1720,  in  which  city  he 
has  always  been  considered  as  one  of  the  "fathers  of  the  guild."  Ho 
died  about  1800,  and  must  therefore  have  reached  a  great  age,  at  all 
events  nearly  100.  Several  portraits  of  the  most  distinguished  of  his 
descendants  adorn  this  volume,  including  a  very  pleasing  one  of  its 
laborious  author. 

Notices  of  persons  of  the  name  in  France,  Canada,  and  Ireland  are 
prefixed,  together  with  some  observations  on  its  origin.  It  is  in  the 
opinion  of  the  writer  a  corruption  of  Yarin,  i.e.  Guerin,  which  in 
the  Teutonic  dialect  signilicd  "lover  of  war."  It  seems,  however,  to  us 
that  it  might  almost  as  easily  be  considered  a  corruption  of  Yarignon. 

Apropos  to  the  assumed  Xornian  origin  of  the  family  ^Mr.  Briggs  gives 
a  very  amusing  chapter,  entitled  "  Xorniaudy  and  tlie  Xoriuans,"  wliicli 
includes  a  collection  of  proverbs  relating  to  tlinse  unprincipled  villains 
from  whom  we  are  so  fond  of  boasting  descent,  and  whose  rapacity  forms 
the  point  of  most  of  them,  c.(j.  "  Xinety-nine  pigeons  and  one  Xorman 
make  one  hundred  robliers."  The  '  preliminary  discourse,'  or  as  we 
should  call  it,  the  'preface,'  is  exceedingly  amusing,  and  may  be  read 
with  profit  by  those  who  are  bent  on  cross-questioning  their  maiden 
aunts  on  matters  genealogical.  A  capital  index,  and  a  few  blank  pages 
for  additions  and  corrections,  a  novel  feature  in  books  of  this  kind,  close 
the  volume,  which  is  exceptionally  well  [irinted  and  got  up,  and  reilecls 
much  credit  on  the  ability  and  industry  of  its  compiler. 



The  death  of  Col.  Chester  has  caused  a  feeling  of  genuine 
sorrow  in  the  hearts  of  all  English  genealogists,  and  created  a 
breach  in  tlieir  ranks  which  time  is  not  likely  to  fill  up  again,  at 
all  events  in  our  day.  The  results  of  his  extensive  research, 
always  given  with  the  most  open-handed  liber-alitj'  to  anyone 
interested  in  historical  or  genealogical  pursuits,  Vait  best  known 
and  appreciated  by  the  class  of  students  to  wdiose  interests  this 
Magazine  is  especially  devoted,  render  it  not  only  a  duty  but  a 
pleasiu-e  to  record  in  these  pages,  inadequatelj^  tliongh  it  be,  some 
tribute  to  the  generous  friend  and  genial  correspondent  whose 
work-  is  done. 

Joseph  Lemuel  Chester  was  born  at  Norwich,  Connecticut, 
U.S.A.,  .30th  April,  1821.  His  father  having  died  while  the  son 
was  quite  young,  the  future  genealogist  was  left  to  face  the 
battle  of  life  dependant  solely  on  his  own  endeavouj's.  According 
to  the  '  Supplement  to  the  Cycloprfdia  of  American  Literature,' 
published  in  ISGG,  "He  commenced  the  study  of  law  in  New 
York  in  1S3S,  but  aljandoned  it  for  a  branch  of  the  mei-eantile 
profession,  in  which  he  was  engaged  in  that  city  and  Pliiladelphia 
until  about  1S.")2,  during  the  whole  of  which  time  he  was  a 
freijuent  contributor  to  tlie  weekly  and  monthly  press,  under 
various  signatures,  that  of  '.hdian  Cramer'  being  the  one  best 
known  to  the  communit3^  lie'  tlun  became  connected  with  the 
Philadelphia  pi-oss,  both  ther(;  and  as  a  corresponding  editor  at 
Washington.  For  a  time  he  was  one  of  the  assistant  clerks  of 
the  United  States  House  of  llrprrsrntatives.  Since  18.5S  lie 
has  resided  in  London.  His  carlii'i'  jmblications  inchnle  '  Green- 
wood Cemetery,  ami  other  I'ucins'  (12mo,  New  York  and 
Boston,  1813) ;  'The  Persona,!  Nan,iti\v  of  Mrs.  :\rargaret  Douglas, 
a  Southern  Woman,  who  was  Inqn  i  unnd  for  One  IMonth  in  the 
Connnon  Jail  of  Norfolk,  midrr  tlic  Laws  of  Virginia,  for  the 
Crime  of  Teaching  Vvvr  Colourcl  (.'l,ildren  to  llrad'  (12i,io, 
I'.oston,  18.31);  'Life  of  John   Rogers,  the  Marian  PioLo-.Alartyr, 


with  Biographical  Skctclics  of  some  of  Iiis  Descendants,'  &c.  (Svo, 
London,  18G1,  pp.  452).  Tlio  last  mentioned  work,  one  of  nineh 
labour  and  research,  has  received  tlie  nnqiialilied  connnendation 
of  the  English  press." 

Col.  Chester  came  to  England  in  1858,  and  was  employed  here, 
in  an  official  capacity,  during  the  Civil  War.  Tlie  primary  olyect 
of  his  visit  was,  however,  to  investigate  the  history  of  the  Pilgrim 
Fathers,  and  the  genealogy  of  his  own  English  ancestry.  lie  soon 
made  his  mark  here  as  a  genealogist  of  great  ability  and  pains- 
taking research.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Harleian 
Society  in  1SG9,  and  a  member  of  the  first  council  of  the  Royal 
Historical  Society  in  1870.  For  the  former  he  edited  the  Parish 
Registers  of  St.  Dionis  Baekchurcli,  St.  Mary  Aldcrmary,  and 
St.  Thomas  the  Apostle,  London  ;  and  was  at  the  time  of  his  death 
engaged  in  editing,  in  conjunction  with  Dr.  J.  J.  Howard,  the 
Visitation  of  London  in  1G31<,  of  which  one  volume  has  already 
appeared.  His  greatest  work,  and  that  by  wdiich  he  has 
earned  a  place  amongst  English  men  of  letters,  was  the  editing 
and  annotating  '  The  Marriage,  Baptismal,  and  Burial  Registei-s 
of  the  Collegiate  Church  or  Abbey  of  St.  Petei-,  Westminster,' 
London,  1870, 8vo.  On  this  book  he  spent  ten  years'  labour,  and 
theji  generously  allowed  tlie  Harleian  Society  to  issue  it  as  one 
of  their  publications  (vol.  x),  his  sole  object  being  to  leave 
it  as  liis  legacy  to  the  nation  which  he  was  wont  to  say  liad 
always  treated  him  kindly  and  whose  Inispitalile  sjioics  lie  ncNi-r 
intended  to  leave,  and  'ivlaTe  at  lengtli,  as  In:  always  \\is]ii'd,  lie 
ha,s  found  a  final  resting-place.  It  has  been  said,  with  much 
truth,  that  scarcely  a  modern  book  appears  relating  to  biography, 
genealogy,  county  or  parish  history,  that  is  not  indebted  more  or 
less  to  the  investigations  of  Col.  Chester. 

The  'Westminster  Abbey  Registers'  are  so  well  Icnown  to 
the  readers  of  this  publication,  and  the  historical  Nahie  of  the 
notes  to  them  appreciated  by  so  widc>  a  circle,  that  further 
comment  on  theui  here  would  be  quite  suj)eilhi()\is.  'i'liey  were 
not  unappreciated  by  his  own  comitryiuen,  for,  in  recDgnition  (jf 
his  labours  on  this  worlv,  Columbia  Collegi',  Nrw  York  City, 
an  institution  from  wliicli  such  a  ei)in|)liiiiciit  is  an  hoiKiur, 
conferred  0)i  him  tlie  lu.nornry  d.givr  of  bL.D.  in  l,s77.  (),i  (.lie 
22nd  June,  bSSl,  our  (Avn  I'nivcrsily  of  Oxford  gave  him  the 
degree  of  D.C.L.,  a  recognition  of  his  sei'xiees  to  English  literature 


inore  lii_c,'lily  valued  by  liiin  tlian  any  otlicv  lionouv  Ijcstowed 
11)1011  liiiii.  Tliore  was  only  one  ilistinctinn  he  would  have 
•greatly  appi'cciated  which  he  never  livel  to  attain,  hut  to 
which  he  had  a  far  better  right  than  of  the  distuigui.shed 
foreigners  on  whom  it  is  lavishly  bestowed,  that  of  Hon.  F.S.A. 

It  is,  however,  the  object  of  this  notice  to  place  on  record  a 
]iennaiient  testimony  to  the  noble  nature  of  the  man,  rather  than 
U)  detail  his  labours  or  give  an  account  of  his  life. 

His  jiersonal  appearance  was  in  every  way  characteristic.  Tall, 
of  stout  build,  well  propoiiioned,  with  long  flowing  gray  beard, 
and  a  peculiarly  kindly  expression  of  countenance,  he  naturally 
prcpo.ssessed  those  with  whom  he  came  in  contact  at  first  sight, 
and  his  quiet  and  unobtrusive  manner  at  once  commanded  respect. 
( lenerous  and  genial  in  disposition  far  beyond  most  men,  he  was 
at  the  same  time  highly  sensitive,  and  felt  keenly  any  want  of 
gratitude  on  the  part  of  those  who  obtained  his  assistance  in  their 
researches,  while,  on  the  other  hand,  the  most  trivial  attention 
shown  him  was  accepted  and  valued  with  childlike  simplicity  and 
delight.  Ever  ready  to  afford  to  anyone  who  asked  him  all  the 
aid  which  his  large  collection  could  supply,  he  spent  half  his  tune 
in  replying  to  the  enquiries  of  his  numerous  correspondents,  and 
it  was  rarely,  however  much  trouble  it  imulveil  or  tiim.'  it  took, 
that  the  desired  information  was  not  sujtplicil  liy  return  of  post. 
Tho  only  return  he  c.vpected,  though  fur  that  hf  never  asked,  was 

Incessant  work,  and  the  sedentary  life  which  it  enforced, 
naturally  told  on  what  was  to  all  appearances  a  robust  constitu- 
tion, but  till  within  a  few  weeks  of  his  demise,  the  gout,  from 
N\hich  he  fvecpiently  suli'ereil,  was  his  only  serious  complaint,  lie 
ristmas,  as  he  ha<l  been  in  the  habit  of 
is  residence  in  ICngland,  at  the  house 
■,  anil  seeme.l,  thou-li  j.erhai.s  a  little 
uial  liealth  and  spirits.  Jii  February  he 
.■nemy  the  gout,  and  though  lie  did 
al  nothing  serious  was  anticipated  till 
is  medical  attendant.  Mr.  Cooper,  sus- 
■eriiig  from  disease  ,,f  tlie  nature  of 
.-.tlTof  .May  Sir  James  Paget,  and  ])r. 
rd  him,  and'  pn.nouneed  the  ease  to  be 
nil-  in   the   stomach  of  considerable  size 


nt  a  fo 

■tnight  CI 


ng   diu 

ing  most   of  h 


his  fri, 

id' Mr.  Cokayn 


s  aetiv. 

much  in  his  u 


s  attac 

ved    by    his    ol( 


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as  soon  as    usi 


•  end  oi,  when    1 


•ted    tl, 

it    he     was    sul 


ern.-d  t 

iiiiour.      On  tlu 


.Non,  o 

(lll}-s,  exaiiliu 


Uof   a 

cancerous   tum 


and  long  standing,  Ijiit  not  of  necessity  innnediately  fatal.  These, 
or  some  such  words  were  told  him  by  Sir  James,  and  since  that 
time  he  seemed  to  lose  all  heart,  and  I  believe  never  wrote  a  line 
more.  He  continued  however  to  sit  up  in  his  libraxy  on  an 
invalid  couch,  and  though  his  voice  became  feeble,  was  able  to 
converse  with  his  friends  till  the  23rd  of  May,  when,  though 
weak,  he  apjjcared  much  as  usual ;  but  on  that  night  came  an 
attack  of  bronchitis,  then  an  abscess  in  the  throat,  and  though 
he  appeared  to  recover  from  both  these,  soon  after  miilnight  his 
strength  gave  way;  and  on  the  2r)th  he  gradually  sank,  and  at 
10  a.m.  on  tlie  2Gth  expired. 

On  the  last  day  of  the  month  his  funeral,  which  was  of  a 
private  character,  took  place  at  Nunhead  Cemetery;  a  large 
number  however  of  his  poorer  neighbours  (among  whom  he  had 
so  long  resided,  and  to  whom  he  had  ever  been  a  liberal  and 
most  kind  benefactor)  were  present.  The  American  Embassy 
was  represented  by  Mr.  E.  S.  Nadal,  one  of  the  Secretaries  of 
Legation.  Tlie  service  was  read  by  Dr.  Bradley,  Dean  of  West- 
minster, who  thus,  on  behalf  of  himself  and  his  Cliapter,  testified 
the  respect  due  to  one  who  had  done  so  much  toward-;  ilhistratiu" 
the  history  of  their  glorious  Abbey. 

Nothing  more  remains  to  be  told,  unless  it  be  to  add  that  of 
the  many  good  (pialities  exemplilied  in  his  life  his  genial 
disposition  was  the  most  striking.  Having  acquired  knowledge 
himself,  l)y  imparting  it  to  others  he  made  the  best  possible  use 
of  it,  and  thus  derived  the  truest  and  noblest  enjo-.-ment  from 
its  possession.  In  this  respect  he  has  left  behind  him  a  bright 
example,  an.l  taught  a  iis.-ful  lesson.  His  too  early  death  has 
caused  a  general  and  le  artfelt  feeling  of  sorrow  amongst  all  good  fortune  \i,  \\  :is  to  come  in  contact  with  him.  We 
.shall  see  his  kindly  face  no  more,  no  longer  learn  our  work 
under  liis  able  guidance,  an.l  though  we  caimot  wish  to  recall 
him  from  tlu-  reward  (,f  a  life  well  spent  and  of  work  well 
done,  our  lieaii  is  still  linin;ui,  and 

"It  mom  lis  that  dust  .sliould  part." 

GeDIIGK    W.    M.\liS)lALL. 



On  inquiring  where  anything  is  to  be  learnt  concerning 
Humfrey  Courtcnay  of  Bickleigh/  I  am  referred  to  the  Courtcnay 
pedigree,  printed  in  vol  x  of  the  Arcluuological  Journal.  There 
I  find,  as  answering  to  tlie  individual  I  want,  the  single  word, 
"  Humphrey,"  among  tlie  issue  of  Sir  Philip  Courtcnay,  of 
Powdcrliam,  by  Elizabeth  his  wife,  daughter  of  Walter,  Lord 
Hungerford.  Yet  sticking  fast,  T  am  next  sent  to  the  life  of 
Thomas  Carew  in  Prince's  Worthies  of  Devon.  Now,  I  am  glad 
of  this,  because  I  must  own  to  a  great  partiality  for  the  gossiping 
Vicar  of  Berry  Poraoroy.  The  artless  simplicity,  and  even 
familiarity,  of  his  style,  and  the  easy  manner  with  which  he 
copies  from  a  preceding  writer,  while  altering  here,  and  touching 
up  there,  combined  with  a  credulity  that  seems  illimitable, 
impart  to  his  LIVES  a  delightfully  quaint  flavour,  and  surround 
his  hero  of  the  moment  with  the  halo  of  a  concentring  interest. 
There  is  no  reason,  then,  to  doubt  that,  in  this  instance,  he  will 
be  true  to  himself.  I  am  not  now  concerned  \vith  the 
individuality  of  Thomas  Carew.  Let  him  only  be  the  husband 
of  Elizabeth  Courtcnay,  and  I  shall  assume  that  he  is  correctly 
called  the  second  son  of  Sir  Edmund  Carew  of  Mohuns  Otter3^ 
Prince  shall  tell  his  own  story  (Worthies  of  Devon,  p.  17G) 
which,  as  a  matter  of  course,  will  not  be  his  story,  but  that  told 
beforehand  by  some  one  else : — 

"  You  may  pleaso  to  know  tlicn,  that  Bicklegh  ia  this  Shire,  was 
somtimo  the  Inheritance  of  the  honorahlc  Family  of  tlic  Courtcnays  of 
I'owderliam  Castle  ;  which  was  wont  to  he  a  Portion  for  a  younger  Son 
of  that  House.  At  length  it  came  to  bo  settled  upon  Humphry,  tlie 
youngest  Son  of  Sir  Philip  Courtcnay  ;  who  dying  before  las  Father,  left 
liis  only  Daughter  and  Heir  unto  his  Care.  Sir  Philip  entrusted  her  over 
unto  Sii'  William  Carew  (Thomas's  eldest  Brother)  who  had  married  his 
eldest  Son's  Daughter,  Cousin-German  to  this  Lady.  ilr.  Thomas  Carew 
living  with  Ids  Brother,  became  very  familiar  with  this  young  Fortune, 
Courted  her,  and  won  her  good  Will ;  wliicli  having  obtaim'^d,  he  secretly 
by  Night,  carried  her  away  and  married  her.  This  he  diil,  not  only 
contrary  to  Sir  Philip  her  Grand-father,  and  Sir  William  his  Brother, 
their  Likcing  and  ^\ppvobation,  but  to  the  high  Displeasure  of  them  both: 
For  the  better  pacifying  whereof,  after  due  time  of  Consiileration,  con- 
eluded,  nothing  would  conduce  more  thereunto,  than  Absence.  Being 
young  and  lusty,  of  an  active  Body,  and  a  courageous  Mind,  liaving 
in  him,  the  inlierent  seeds  of  hereditary  Virtue,  he  resolved  for  the 
Wars ;  and  soon  found  an  Occasion  suitable  to  Ins  Inclination  and 
Kesolulion  ;  which  thus  hapned  : 

'  In  llayricAge  Uundreil,  near  Tiverton, 


The  Scots  taking  tlie  Advantage  of  K.  Ken.  Stli's  Absence  in  France, 
invaded  England.  Against  \vhoni,  Tiiomas  Jiirl  uf  Surry  (whom  tlic 
King  had  made  his  Lieutenant  iu  the  I^orth  at  his  Departure)  raised  a 
potent  Army,  of  live  and  twenty  thousand  jNIen ;  Tinto  whom,  Iris  Son, 
the  Lord  Howard,  Lord  Admiral  of  England,  having  the  King's  Navy  at 
Sen,  brought  a  great  supjily  of  good  Soldiers,  well  appointed  for  the  War; 
among  Vi'hom  was  this  Mr.  Thomas  Carew." 

Knowing  the  authoi",  one  is  quite  prepared  to  find  that  he  has 
laid  Westcote  imder  contribution.  Without  any  desire  to  inflict 
a  double  dose  upon  the  reader,  I  quote  just  so  much  of  Wcstcote's 
account  as  may  serve  for  comparison  with  the  narrative  of 
Prince,  who,  it  is  only  fair  to  add,  acknowledges  by  a  marginal 
note  the  source  of  his  information  : — 

"This  gentleman  (was  second  brother  to  S''  William  Carowo  of  Mohuns 
Ottrye  knight,  both  sonns  to  Baron  Carew  slayn  at  Turwjme^  as  he  sate 
in  Counccll  w"' the  shott  of  a  great  peeco  An:  1513:)  maried  the  only 
daughter  &  Heyr  of  Homfry  Courtney  esquier  Lord  of  iBickleye  (a 
younger  sonne  to  S''  Phillip  Courtney  of  Powderham  knight,  who  had 
maried  Elyzabeth  daughter  to  the  Lord  Ilungerford)  w<^''  Homfryc  diyng 
before  his  father,  left  the  care  of  his  daughter  vnto  him.  And  he  agayn 
intrusted  her  to  the  oversight  of  S''  William  Carew,  w*''  whom  our  esquier 
Lyncd.  Beynge  both  in  one  howse,  they  were  soon  familiar,  and  yt  was 
not  longe  err  he  wonu  the  young  geutlewoemans  Loue,  w"^''  they  kept  so 
secret,  that  he  maried  her  Sc  Caryed  her  away  err  the  matter  was  any 
way  suspected,  wherby  he  incun-ed  the  highe  displeasure  both  of  her 
grandfather  S'  Phillipe  Courtney  &  of  his  brother.  The  w"''  to  regayn 
agayn  after  a  tyme  of  dew  consideration,  bejmgc  younge  and  of  an  able 
and  actiue  bodye,  beyng  borne  of  a  warlyke  race  &  liauing  in  him  the 
inlierent  seeds  of  hereditary  vertue  "  &c. 

Although  there  are  no  positive  dates  to  tliis  romantic  talc,  they 
may  be  readily  supplied  from  these  two  things  ;  that  lier  grand- 
father. Sir  Philip  Courtenaj^  was  yet  living  and  highl}^  displeased 
with  the  conduct  of  this  "young  fortune";  and  that  she  ran 
away  ("  by  night,"  adroitly  interpolates  our  reverend  friend) 
shortly  before  the  battle  of  Flodden  Field  was  fought.  Now, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  Sir  Philip  Courtenay  died  IG  Dec. 
14G3  (Inq.  3  Edw.  IV.  n°  29),  or  that  the  battle  was  fouglit  in 
Sept.  1513.  Having  regard  to  this  great  interval,  and,  even 
allowing  for  error  in  crediting  Sir  Philip  with  having  lived  on 
till  1513;  to  have  been  born  before  his  death,  and  so  to  have 
become  his  ward  at  all,  it  is  clear  that  this  young  lady  could  not 
have  been,  at  the  time  of  her  marriage,  a  day  less  than  fifty 
years  old. 

This  astounding  result   may   well  justify   the   suspicion   that 

'  jrisprintcl  ' 

"  in  A  Vino  of  Jhronshir 

^  in  1G30  (ed.  Oliv 

-Ito.))).  107,  where  ihe 

eoiies| Minding  p.issago  n 

ay  be  foun,d,  but 



there  must  be  somctliintf  wrong ;  and  so  it  proves  on  investiga- 
tion. Tlie  name  of  Ilumfrey  Courtonay  is  continually  found 
during  the  early  years  of  Henry  VII.  among  the  jurors  summoned 
to  Exeter,  and  serving  on  Inquisitions  post  mortem.  So  far  from 
dying  before  his  father,  he  outlived  Sir  Philip  by  many  years,  in 
fact,  until  (20  or)  23  April,  I'lOG.  Moreover,  his  heir  was  found 
to  be  his  grandson  (son  of  his  deceased  son,  John),  also  Humfrey, 
and  then  (149G)  aged  seven  years.  This  youth  survived  his 
grandfather  but  a  very  short  time  ;  and,  as  among  the  posses- 
sions inherited  by  him  were  included  the  manor  of  Erode  Nymet 
and  the  a,dvowson  of  the  church  there,  which  were  held  of  the 
Duchy  of  Lancaster,  inquiry  was  ordered  to  be  made  before  the 
Feodaries  of  the  Duchy  in  the  County  of  Devon. 

"  Where  as  (says  tlie  King's  writ)  Ymfrey  Courteiiay  cousync  and 
lioire  vnto  Vmfrey  Courtcnay  squier  is  now  late  Docessed  &  held  of  vs 
certoync  landes  &  tencnieiites  in  Brodenymet  in  oure  said  Counto  by 
kuyghfes  seruice  as  of  oure  said  Duchie  &  Died  in  cure  Warde  his 
lieiiu  being  w'iu  age  :  by  reason  Whereof  the  Custodye  &  kepingo  of  the 
said  laudes  &  also  of   the  said   lieire  to  vs  of    right  apperteynethe  & 

bolongithe.    Whorforc  We  Wol  &  charge  yon 

Yevenc  at  oure  Palays  of  Westm.  vndre  oure  seal  of  oure  saido  Duclio 
the  ixth  Day  of  ffeu'er'  The  xij"'  yore  of  oure  Reigne  [9  I'cb.  140G-7]." 

By  office  taken  20  March,  149G-7,  it  was  found  that  the 
younger  Humfrey  died  on  Saturday  after  the  feast  of  the 
"rurification  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary  last  past  (-i  Feb.  149G-7); 
ami  tliat  Walter  (Jourtenay  was  his  brother  and  heir,  aged  five 
years,  and  then  (at  the  date  of  the  inquisition)  in  ward  to 
Edward  Courtenay,  Earl  of  Devon  (Duchy  of  Lane,  Inq.  p.m. 
Vol.  ii.  n"  84). 

The  conjunction  of  these  two  names,  Plumfroy  and  Walter, 
rendnds  me  how  close  was  the  union  between  Humfrey  (the  elder) 
of  Bickleigh  and  his  brother.  Sir  Walter  Courtenaj'.  Their  names 
frefjucntly  occur  together  as  jurors  in  Inquisitions^  mortem; 
they  were  joined  in  trust-deeds;  and,  in  acting  for  themselves, 
mutually  enfeoflfcd',  dno  the  other.  In  death  they  were  dividecl 
by  some  year.s.  Sir  Walter  suiviving  his  brother  till  7  Nov.  1505, 
on  which  day  he  died,  leaving  "yet  a^ain  a  Walter,  his  son 
and  heir,  aged  fifteen.  In  the  inquisition  taken  on  his  death 
(21  Hen.  Vll.  n°  5G)  recital  is  made  of  a  deed,  bearing  date 
2  .May,  1495,  by  which  he  cid'cofl'cil  certain  persons,  and  among 
them  John  Gourtena3^  esquiiv,  who  (with  other  co-feollees)  had 
deceased  prior  to  the  datr  ..!'  thu  inquisition,  15  January,  15U5-G. 
'i'his,  I  have  little  or  no  dmdit,  was  the  son  and  heir  apparent  of 
Humfrey  Courtenay  of  P.ickieigli  (also  a  feotleo  of  Sir  Walter, 
and  likewise  stated  to  be  deceased);  for  the  only  contemporary 
of  the  same  name,  Jolm  Courtenay  of  MoUand,  did  not  die  until 
ihe  year  1509  (Inq.  1  Hen.  VJIl.  n"  ."> ;  .3  Hen.  VIII.  n"  34). 

But,  to  return  to  the  tirat-named  young  Walter  (sonof  John 



Courtenay),  who  was  foiTnd  heir  to  his  Ijrothcr.  Nothing  further 
is  known  of  him,  although  one  would  suppose  that  at  his  deatli 
an  inquisition  should  have  been  taken  for  the  same  reason  '  as 
before.  Elizabeth  Courtenay  is  not  rea.ched  even  now  ;  and  it  is 
not  till  half  a  century  later  that  we  learn  such  pai^ticulars  as 
prove  her  identity,  and  this  only  by  the  office  (37  Hen.  Viil, 
pt.  ii,  n»  2.5)  taken  at  Exeter  3  April,  1546,  after  the  death  ot 
her  husband,  Thomas  Carcw. 

It  is  especially  recorded  here  that  Elizabeth  Courtenay,  whom 
ho  married,  was  the  daughter  and  heir  of  John  Courtenay,  esq., 
deceased  ;  and  that,  long  prior  to  her  marriage,  she  was  possessed 
in  her  own  ri^dit  of  the  manors  of  Bykeleighe  (yearly  worth  £20) 
and  Brodenymett  (yearly  worth  £8),  as  well  as  certain  premises 
in  Borington.  No  clue  is  given  to  the  date  of  her  death,  but 
Thomas  Carew  survived  her,  and  held  as  tenant  per  legem  Aivjlie, 
having  by  her  a  son,  John  Carcw,  his  mother's  heir. 
The  precise  words  are :  — 

"  Qui  dicunt  super  sacrameiitnra  .=;uum  quod  diu  antca  quod  dictiis 
Thomas  Carewe  in  dicto  breve  nominat-u.5  aliquid  habuit  in  IMancnjs  do 
Bykcleiglic  et  Brodenymett  cum  suis  pertinenciis  in  Comitatu  predicto, 
necnon  in  vno  ]\resua[,'io  vno  Gardiao  Sexaginta  acris  terre  prati  ct 
pasture  vocat'  Braggysfiayes  in  Borington  in  comitatu  predicto  quedani 
Elizabotlie  Courtenay  fdia  et  lieres  Joliaunis  Courtenay  amugeri  defuncti 
fuit  inde  seisita  in  dominico  sue  ut  dc  feodo  Et  sic  inde  seisita  cepit  in 
virum  predictum  Thomam  Carewe  et  ijdem  Thomas  et  Elizabelhe  fuerunt 
mai-itali  secundum  legem  eedesiasticam  ct  habuerunt  exitum  inter  cos 
Johanneni  Carewe  adhuc  superstitcm.  Etpostea  dicta  Ehzabetli'  obijt  ct 
diotus  Tliomas  Carewe  earn  supervixit  ctse  tenuit  intus  in  dictis  Mancrijs 
et  ceteris  premi.ssis  et  fuit  inde  seisitus  in  dominico  suo  ut  de  hbero  tene- 
raento  pro  tcrmino  vito  sue  ut  tenens  per  legem  Anglie.  Post  cuius 
qnidcm  Elizabeth'  mortem  Eevercio  dictorum  Jlanoriorum  et  coterorum 
premissorum  descendclwt  et  de  Jure  dcscendere  dcbcbat  dicto  Jolianni 
Carowe  ut  fUio  et  liercdi  eiusdem  Elizabeth'  ct  postea  dicto  Thoma  sic  ut 
prefertur  seisito  existente  idem  Tliomas  obijt  sic  inde  seisitus." 

Thomas  Carcw  died  2  Feb.,  1545-G ;  and  John  Carew  before- 
named,  his  son  and  heir,  Avas  aged  thirt3'-two  years.  Of  the 
latter  I  find  no  more'  than  that,  on  the  death  of  Humphrey 
Prydcaux,  esq.  (Inq.  4  Edw.  Yl,  pt.  i,  n°  52),  certain  lands  m 
lilynghani  and  Fyncton  were  found  to  be  held  of  John  Carew 
of 'Bickcleghe,  esquire,  in  socage  by  fealty  only. 

>  It  U  to  bo  olKcrvoJ,  howpver,  at  tlie  time  of  tlio  dcalli  of  Thomas  Cnrow 
(2  Feb,  tlie  nw.ior  of  Br..afiiymett  was  hel.l  (into-  alia)  of  Sir  Antony 
King.sto.,,  knt.  and  Dumc  Mary.  Lis  ,vife  (iis  iu  lior  right),  of  Ihoir  Manor  of  Ca.Ue- 
Icitrhc;  bnt,  a.^  we  have  Been  above  (p.  lHo),  this  manor  of  liroaunymet  was  held  m 
1.1117  of  tb.'  ki.if,  1..S  o(  hi.s  Duchy  ..f  L:uu-a..ler. 

2  1  kni.v.-,  cf  lum.-e.  what  i=  faid  l.y  ^Sir  Wi.i.  Polo  (CvlUdwns)  ot  him,  and  also  of 
the  nTu.uii.i-o  ui  1,1.  f.thcr.  Xotwiihstanding,  1  elect  to  eoufiiio  myself  atriclly  to 
the  docuuiciU3  uiidti-  cs.uuinatiou. 


In  the  inquisition  taken  after  the  death  o£  Ilumfrey  Covuieiiay 
(11-12  Hen.  VII.,  n"  82)  reference  is  uiade  to  his  son  Philip, 
cm  whom  the  manors  of  Clawcton  and  Wobernford  were  entailed. 
Wliat  otlier  issue  he  had  (beside  his  cklest  son,  John,  _  who 
}ircdeceased  liiui)  does  not  appear  here ;  but,  in  the  inquisition^ 
(22  Edw.  IV.,  n"  51)  on  William  Merwode  of  Westcote,  taken 
at  Exeter  29  July,  14S2,  from  a  certain  Joan  being  called  one  of 
liis  daughters  (vniws  fd'  didi  Ilumfri),  it  would  seon  that 
there  were  others.  This  Joan  (or  Jane)  was  t]ien_  already 
married'  to  William  ilerwodo  the  younger,  son  and  heir  of  the 
William  Merwode  lately  deceased.  The  last-named  had  grnnted 
to  llumfrey  and  Walter  Courtenay,  esquires  (with  others),  certain 
lands,  M'hich  these  feoffees  rc-granted  "quibusdam  Will'o  Mer- 
wode, per  nomen  Will'i  Merwode  Junioris  lilij  et  heredis  dieti 
Will'i  in  dicto  brevi  nominati,  et  Johanne  vxori  sue  vnius  (for 
uni)  fil  [iarum]  dicti  HumiVi,"  To  hold  to  them  and  the  heirs 
of  their  bodies,  with  remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  the  said 
William  named  in  the  writ. 

This  William  Merwode,  who  married  Joan  (or  Jane)  Courtenay, 
is  named  by  Katherine,  Countess  of  Devonshire,  as  among  her 
feoffees  who,  having  been  seised  of  certain  lands  to  her  use,  had 
deceased'  prior  to  the  date  of  her  will,  2  May,  1527  (ArcJurolo'/. 
Journal,  x,  53).  There  was  great  intimacy  for  a  long  sulisequcnt 
period  between  the  family  of  Marwood  (as  the  name  gradually 
came  to  be  written)  and  that  of  Courtenay  ;  arising  partly,  no 
doubt,  fronr  the  marriage  above  mentioned,  and  partl3%  from  the 
tenure  of  property  in  "Honiton,  Colyton,  and  elsewhere  in  East 

Before  1  had  fully  learnt  the  necessity  of  verifying  every 
genealogical  statement,  made  in  any  and  every  quarter,  written  or 
printed,  I  contributed  a  short  paper  to  Kotcs  and  Queries  (4th 
y.  ii.  17-i).  Relying  on  Lysons'  Devonshire  (ii.  4-i-i)  and  the 
Ilarleian  MSS.,  I  then  alluded  (p.  175)  to  the  "  two^  co-heiresses, 
icmp.  lilizabcth,"  being  daughters  of  the  last  John  Marwood  of 
Westcote.  In  point  of  fact  there  were  three,  as  I  discovered  not 
very  long  afterwards  ;  the  third'  being  Katherine,  married 
first  (before  20  March,  1577-8),  to  John  Cole  of  Euckland 
Toutsaints,'   by   whom   she   had   issue ;    and    secondly   ( Ijcforo 

'  \Vn.Ufr  Cmirten.iy,  esquire,  h  the  second  on  the  list  of  jurors. 

'  Tliw  uuuri^ij/e  ia  found  in  .all  peaigrueij  of  this  family  entered  iu  the  ll.iileiau 

^  The  said  William  died  25  January,  1519-20,  loairiug  John  Merwode,  hU  sou  and 
licir,  ngod  thirty  years  (Inq.  11  lien.  VlII.,  n"  :)4.) 

•  1.  Elizabeth,"ni.inie,l  to  Juliu  CliiLhe.sler  of  Hall,  near  LnrnBtaple.— 2.  lOleanor, 
married  inA,  tu  T,.  1-.  i    W;.  I),  i   ,i  .    ;     ,1     .  c.a.dly,  at  Meriyoode  (Jlar^vood)  12  Vvh., 

i;.7S-.i,t.,(.'i,.,i!>    r,         :,.  ,  ■  ;  :      ,  ;.    i  o.) 

'  A  elK.,„l,,\   ,„  1    .    ,      ,  ;,    .  I    I il    luar  Kingsbridge.     The  will  (S  CoUiani, 

r.C.U.)  of  "John  Cole  ol  i;iul,!.ii.>i.    'iout-autes  iu  tho  county  of  Devon  Kaquier" 


22  April,  1585),  to  Thomas  Cosewertlii  (Inq.  27  Eliz.,  n"  ISO). 
As  there  is  little  prospect  of  my  rcturninj^'  to  the  subject 
in  the  above-named,  or  in  any  other  periodical,  I  seize  this 
chance  of  making  the  correction. 

Regarding  the  title  of  this  paper,  if  I  have  demolished  the 
story  of  the  marriage,  as  told  by  Wcstcote,  and  repeated  by 
Prince,  who  is  followed  in  turn  by  Cleaveland,'  I  feel  no  obliga- 
tion laid  upon  me  to  either  reconstruct  the  tale,  or  suggest  a 
possible  cxjilanation.  This  course  may  be  safely  left  to  the  fancy 
of  the  reader,  if  he  be  so  minded. 

Tlie  few  facts  proved  may  be  conveniently  arranged  in  the 
following  form  : — 

Sir  Pl)ili]i  Com-tenay  of  Pow-=j=Elizabetli,  dan.  of  Walter,  Lord 
derliam,  Knt.,  died  16  Doc,  I  Hungerford,  KG.  She  cUed  U 
1463  (liiq.  3  Edw.  IV,  n°  Dec,  1476  (Inq.  16  Edw.  IV, 
29).  I  n"  77). 

I  I                    I 

1.  Sir  "Wm.  Otlicr.s.      Hinnfrey  Couvtcnay  of  Bicklcigh,=f=... 

Courtenay.kiit.  esq.,  in  1463  (De  Banco  E.,  East.  I 

aged  35  (then  3  Ed.  IV,  m.  131);  died  (20'  or) 

esq.)  at  his  23    April,    149G     (Inq.    11-12    | 

fathcr'.s  death.  II.  VII,  n"  82).                               a 

is  d.itod  15  Dec.  1582.  The  lestrvtoi-  meutions  his  father-in-law,  Mr.  John  Marwood, 
Katlirine  (Katheren)  hia  wife,  Alire  and  Joanne  Cole  (to  each.  400  mark.s  at  her  age 
of  fifteen  year.'s,  and  not  before),  liis  daiigliters,  and  .Ti.lin  Cole  lii.-i  nm  and  heir 
apparent  (whom  lie  made  sole  e.xccutor.)  "And  I  duf  .";.  n  ■.  nnl  ,1.  n.  :-v  cozen 
M'  ]>hiUip   Cole  of    Slado  M'   Edmonde   Ueynoldcs   |  i  !    1;.  ,      !l,"   as 

hie  name  is  written  among  the  wiluesjcs]  and  my   I-:  .    i     ,  1    .    i   to  be 

my  Ouerseers  to  see  this  my  will  to  be  performed."  l.ti.w  .  .  i  ,i>iiaiai.,L:...u..ii,  with 
the  will  annexed,  were  granted  4  li'eb.,  15iiC-7  to  Catherine  Cole  alias  Co.sewarthe, 
his  widow,  and  to  Alice  Cole  alias  Southcott,  his  daughter  ;  the  previous  letters 
(Adm'ons  1596-6),  granted  19  March,  1595-0,  and  regarding  the  deceased  as  intestate, 
having  been  quashed.  By  iuquibition  (25  Eliz.,  n''  1C9)  it  was  found  John 
Cole  the  son  was  aged  four  years,  five  montln,  and  7  days  at  the  d.-ite,  11  April, 
25  Eliz.  (1583).     He  died  13  April  1595   (Inq.  37  Eliz.  part  1,  n"   76),  leaving  two 

sisters.  Ids  co-Iieira  ;  viz.,    Alice,  agel   ei^'lii  "         "       '  "  " 

younger,  esquire   (.afterwards  Sir   <:     i 
afterwards  married  to  Sir  Tlioma.^  I'l-  ! 

'  He  may  be  the  "Itocc.avcr  vi  ih.  I> 
recorded  in  thr  Visit, ili.'ii  "i  IGJ"  u;.  .'  •  ■ 
50.)  Th.'Tl  ,:.  '■'  V,  :■■.  i!..,.  ,  ■  ■ 
under    '■  1-,  ■  1         'I  ' 

•norotlii-  M     .VI,'      .11  I  ■    r 

4031,  f.  h!',  i:  :.:  p.  I  -  l'  h;  11:  ■  ,  1,,  M, 
London  (Ha.l.  S  ■.-,  i,  ir,;;  u,:,l  tli  ,(  I...-  hl.l 
who  died  .•!.  ji. ;  as  will  «-s  a  danu-l.trr,  l),,roi 
(Harl.  ■(031)  h;nd  to  have  nnewed  thr  eiit: 
at  his  death  \\ilhout  issue,  his  uncle  ICdwar 

'Jlislonj  of  the  t u»r(ci!ni/s,  p.  279.     Th 
is  also  to  be  found  iu  Kisdon's  Hunnj  of  th 

'  Duchy  of  Lancaster,  luq,  p.m.  Vol.  ii,  u"  8 

uocn,  the  wife 

of  Oeorgo  Southeott  the 

^■  .,■',,  I'tll  and 

Joan   Cole,  aged  6i.\teen, 

:    ,•:     v,. 11  (Sir 

W.  Pole,  Colkcliuns,  272.) 

1       <  1    '■■unvall 

'  but  this  match  is  not 

,     :r,,uf  "C 

osworth  "  (Harl.  Soo.,  L\, 

■   )         ' r.wn  to 

lave  had  issue,  although, 

:     .;■-..  ii'gie 

is  said  to   have   married 

'       .  .  1.1,   inC 

irnwall."     By   Harl.  MS. 

-M.    '    :,.n  and 

leir  of  John  Cosworth  of 

l.y  lus  VMt,.,  A^^n 

■.s  St.  Aubyn,  a  son  Jolm, 

liv,  'SNif  to  K,-i 

d.dl."     This  John  is  here 

ifuhich  his  f:,t 

vr  had   cut  off,  whereby, 

d  Cusewai  th  (Cc 

sworth)  succeeded  him  iu 

e  same  account 

n  a  much  abridged  form 

c  County  vf  Un-u 

I  (cd.  1811),  p.  76. 


1.  John,  s.  &  h.  dii 
iu  his  father's  hfctii; 
(ap]iavi;ntly  Tct  livii 
2  May,    1^95). 


Joan,  mar.  to 
liviii.C-'  ^Villiam  ]M<'r- 
20Ocl.,  wodo,  liL'fuvc29 
H9G.        July,  H82. 

1.  Ilumfrey,  heir 
aged>  in  149G; 
died  4  February, 


Walter,  licir  to 

Elizabetli,   cvent-=y 

his   brother, 

ually  licir  to  iicr 

acjed  five  iu 

brotlicr  ;  pre- 


deceased  her  hus- 


lied  2  Feb'ry, 

John  Carew,  s.  &  h.  aged  32  in  1516. 

No  doubt  there  is  a  certain  baldness  about  tlic  foregoing 
pedigree  ;  but  of  .set  purpose  I  abstain  from  travelling  "  beyond 
the  record,"  deeming  it  better  to  be  content  with  so  much,  or  so 
little,  as  is  capable  of  direct  proof,  than  to  take  in  more  Avithout 
the  time  or  opportunity  to  test  its  accuracy. 

By  constant  use  of  the  Public  Records,  one  comes  across  in- 
formation which,  though  limited  and  partial,  yet  frequently 
clears  up  some  doulitful  point,  or  disproves  some  overconfident 
assertion.  In  the  modest  guise  of  applying  such  items  to  the 
service  of  correction,  I  shall  liope  to  make  an  appearance  from 
time  to  time  in  these  pages.  Errors  which  it  is  nobody's  business 
to  correct  are  complacently  adopted  without  inquiry,  quoted,  re- 
quoted  and  passed  from  hand  to  hand,  until  at  last  the  cre<.lit  of 
so  many  persons  stands  committed,  that  it  is  hard  to  gain 
credence  for  the  truth.  Take,  for  instance,  a  volume  of  Berry's 
Coumty  Genealogies,  in  which  a  man  is  made  grandfather  to  his 
own  brother,  with  a  difterence  of  not  more  than  thirteen  years 
between  their  respective  age.s.  Or,  to  mention  another  case  sup- 
ported by  a  great  show  of  evidence.  An  infant,  said  to  be  held 
at  the  font  by  distinguished  .sjionsors  in  one  year,  actually 
becomes  the  father  of  another  infant  baptized  in  the  year  fol- 
lowing;  the  later  event  only  licing  recorded  iu  the  register  of 
the  parish.  Nevertheless,  the  fiction  of  the  earlier  baptism,  by 
dint  of  persistent  repetition,  is  not  only  universally  accepted,  but 
reputed  to  be  historical. 

John  A.  C.  Yixcknt. 

1  Duchy  of  LauciBter,  luq.  p.ta.,  Vol.  ii,  \\°.  8 J. 



In  his  'Collectanea  Genealogica,'  commenced  in  Jnne  1881, 
Mr.  Foster  has  begun  an  alphabetical  list  of  all  the  Members  in 
the  three  kingdoms,  "  with  details  of  their  services  and  short 
biogi-aphical  notices."  This  is  to  include  "the  identification  of 
individuals  when  practicable,"  and  corrections  of  mis-spellings, 
inaccuracies  and  omissions  in  the  official  return  made  in  1880. 

Of  this  return  Mr.  Foster  speaks  somewhat  cavalierly,  saying 
that  "the  authoi-i ties  may  well  lose  confidence  in  their  index;" 
and  that  "thcldcltcs  of  the  readers  for  the  press  as  well  as  of 
the  compilers  are,  I  regret  to  add,  more  palpable  still." 

The  return  was  compiled  from  the  original  records  by  the 
proper  officials ;  it  is,  wc  shall  venture  to  continue  to  think  pace 
Mr.  Foster,  a  most  valuable  and  authentic  record.  Containing,  as 
it  does,  an  enormous  number  of  names  of  persons  and  places  and 
of  dates,  no  one  would  expect  that  it  should  be  absolutely  free 
from  error. 

If  Mr.  Foster  had  gone  carefully  over  it  and  corrected  these, 
he  would  have  done  good  service,  for  which  every  student  of 
history  and  genealogy  Avould  have  been  gi-ateful ;  but  he  would 
have  filled  very  few  pages  of  his  periodical.  He  has,  however, 
preferred  to  print  a  separate  list  for  each  kingdom,  which  is  to 
contain  every  name  "supplemented  with  genealogical  notes;" 
and  he  adds — "this  is  peculiarly  my  own  ground." 

A  casual  glance  having  led  us  to  doubt  whether  the  promises 
so  made  to  his  subscribers  as  to  accuracy,  identification,  kc,  were 
being  fuHilled,  we  have  gone  over  the  "pages  llo-l7G,  devoted  in 
Part  V  to  jMembers  of  Parliament — Scotland.  They  begin  with 
the  family  of  Dundas,  of  which  so  many  members  have  sat  in 
Parliament  and  on  the  Judicial  Bench.  The  genealogical  notes 
seem  to  be  cliicfly  taken  from  such  readily  accessible  sources  as 
Douglas's  'Baronage,'  Burke's  'Landed  Gentry,'  Brunton  and 
Haig's  '  Senators  of  the  College  of  Justice,'  kc. 

Now  we  would  not  wish  altogether  to  condonni  this  method 
of  proccdui'e,  as  it  is  quite  possible  by  a  judicious  use  of  scissors 
and  paste,  and  by  making  careful  exti-acts  from  the  best  sources 
of  information,  to  save  a  good  deal  of  labour  to  searchers  after 
knowledge.  But  we  would  ask  Mr.  Foster  to  refrain  from 
printing  and  circulating  any  more  of  such  nonsense  as  his  pages 
are  full  of. 

For  instance,  Colonel  James  Dundas  Avas  not  grandfather,  but 
great  grandfather  of  the  late  George  Dundas,  C.Jl.G.,  M.P. 
Thoma.s   Dundas,   M.P.,   17U8,   did  not    purchase  Fingask   and 


CaiTonhall ;  these  estates  were  bought  by  liis  father  Thomas,  a 
merchant  ami  bailie  of  Edinburgh.  Sir  Walter  Uundas  did  not 
sit  "as  a  minor  baron"  1G09  and  afterwards.  This  is  a  mistake 
which  occurs  on  almost  every  page  ;  after  1587  the  ininor 
barons  ceased  as  such  to  attend  Parliament,  the  representative 
system  was  established,  and  tlie  proper  designation  is  "  Com- 
missioner for  the  sliire  of  Linlithgow." 

Dundee,  tlie  provost  of,  152G.  might  easily  have  been  identified 
as  William  Carmichael. 

At  p.  G2  it  is  asserted  that  James  Cai'michael,  Commissioner 
for  the  burgh  of  Dundee  (Mr.  Foster  calls  him  M.P. — a  designa- 
tion never  used  in  Scotland  then)  1.593,  was  son  of  Gavin 
Carmichael  and  grandfather  of  James,  first  Lord  Carmichael, 
wliose  grandson  was  created  Earl  of  Hyndford.  This  remarkable 
statement  is  a  mere  conjecture,  and  it  is  highly  improbable  that 
a  member  of  an  old  Lanarkshire  house,  son-in-law  of  Sir  Hugh 
Campbell  of  Loudoun,  hereditary  shcrift'  of  Ayrshire  (his  wife 
being  cousin  of  the  reigning  sovereign  James  VI),  moved  ofi'  to 
the  east  of  Scotland,  and  set  up  as  a  burgher  in  Dundee  !  Gavin 
and  James  were  "  of  Hyndford,"  but  this  is  suppressed.  David, 
Earl  of  Crawford  and  Duke  of  Montrose,  the  most  powerful 
noble  of  his  time,  married  Margaret,  a  daughter  of  the  family  of 
Meadowfiat,  in  Lanarlcshire,  and  this  alliance,  and  that  of  John 
Carmichael  with  Margaret  Countess  of  Angus  led  to  the  settle- 
ment in  Forfarshire  of  several  of  their  kinsfolk.  In  1481,  George 
Carmichael  witnessed  an  instrument  on  an  agreement  lietwecn 
the  Earl  and  Sir  Thomas  Maule  of  Panmure.  Henry  Carmichael 
M-as  made  rector  of  Lethnot  before  1493,  and  Canon  of  Brechin  ; 
and  in  ]497  acted  as  procurator  iwhilis  Domine  Mavgardc 
Cannychdl  ducisse  onontis  rosarum.  In  1505  the  Duchess 
made  a  grant  for  requiem  masses  to  be  sung  in  the  Catliedral  of 
Brechin  for  the  souls  of  her  deceased  husliand  and  of  this  Henry. 
Peter  Carmichael,  in  1501,  had  part  of  the  lands  of  Dron  from 
the  Abbot  of  Arbroath;  and  in  1525  there  is  a  tack  from  the 
Abbot  honorabili  vivo  ct  mnico  suo  Fcfro  Carmychell  de  Dron 
ct  Eufu'inio  Veviys  spovso  sue  licrcdihus  suis,  d-c.  Some  of 
these,  no  doubt,  were  ancestors  of  the  Commissioners  to  Par- 
liament and  of  the  family  of  Carmicliael  in  Forfarshire,  where 
the  name  is  still  to  be  found. 

Eliott,  Sir  Gilbert,  of  Stobs,  "  knight  liannerct  at  the  battle  of 
Scone,  1G43."  These  few  words  contain  the  greatest  possible 
amount  of  error  that  could  be  conveyed  in  so  short  a  simce. 
Gilbert  Eliott  was  not  a  knight  liannerct  (the  statement  is 
borrowed  from  Plaj'fair's  'British  Family  Antiquity,'  vol.  viii,  p. 
2G5) ;  there  was  no  battle  fought  at  Scone  or  anywhere  else  in 
Scotland  in  1G43  ;  CharlosI  left  Scotlaiul  in  November,  lG41,and 
was  not  in  his  northern  kingdonr  in  1(1[3  at  all  to  create^  k-nights 
banneret ;  Eliott  was  knighted  but  not  nt  Scone  and  not  till  ei^ht 


years  later,  that  lionour  having  been  conferred  on  him,  then  a 
Lieutoiiant-Colonel,  by  Charles  II,  at  Largo,  14  Feb.,  1G51. 

Eliott,  William,  of  Stobs,  m.  Elizabeth,  da,  of  Sir  James 
Douglas  of  Conons ;  this  is  a  misprint  for  Cavers  copied  from 
the  same  page  of  Playfair's  work. 

Entakine,  Laird  of,  a  misprint  fur  Enterkine  ;  it  would  have 
been  easy  to  identifj^  him  as  David  Dunbar. 

Ewart,  among  the  mcrabei\s  of  the  south  country  family  of 
this  name  is  included  Nicholas  Udivaii  who  was  of  a  race  of 
rich  Edinburgh  burgesses,  name  and  arms  being  altogether 

Fletcher,  Sir  Andrew,  Lord  Innerpeffer,  "  eldest  son  of  Robert 
Fletcher  of  Innerpeffer  and  Beuclo."  These  words  are  a  copy  of 
a  very  incorrect  statement  and  a  misprint  given  p.  272  of  Brunton 
and  Haig's  '  Senators  of  the  College  of  Justice.'  Beuclo  stands 
for  Balinscho,  sometimes  written  Benscho,  which  then  belonged  to 
the  Lindsaj''  family  and  was  afterwards  acquired  by  the  Fletchers. 
Sir  Andrew's  father  was  a  burgess  of  Dimdee. 

Forres,  David,  159D  ;  the  name  is  Forrett. 

Gartshore,  Alexander,  did  not  succeed  his  brothers,  one  of 
whom  left  descendants  ;  he  was  a  merchant  in  Glasgow  and 
purchased  the  family  estate. 

Gibson,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Durie,  was  not  son  of  Sir  John  l:iut 
of  Sir  Alexander. 

Gilmour.  There  were  three  baronets,  Sir  Alexander,  Sir 
Charles,  and  Sir  Alexan<ler,  not  four  as  stated.  Sir  John,  the 
Lon.l  I'residcnt  had  certainly  four,  peidiaps  five,  wi\-es. 

Glaidstains,  Herbert,  "possibly  a  son  of  John  Gladstanes,  LL.D., 
Lord  of  Session,  1542."  No  ;  the  judge,  who  was  a  Lanarkshire 
man,  left  no  issue.  Herbert  who  sat  for  Kirkcudbriglit  evidently 
belonged  to  the  old  family  in  the  Stewartry  and  in  Dumfrics- 
shii-c,  where  they  long  possessed  Over  Kelwood  and  other  lands. 

Glassford,  Henry,  of  Dougalston,  "  ?  son  of  John  Glassford  of 
Dougalstoun,  co.  Duinlsarton,  merchant,  who  m.  2ndly,  21  March, 
1769,  Lady  Margaret  Mackenzie."  He  was  son  of  this  John  by 
his  second  wife  Anne  dau.  of  Sir  John  Nisbet  of  Dean,  Bart.; 
Lady  Margaret  was  the  third  wife. 

Graham,  John,  of  Fintrj^,  1G78;  a  mistake,  he  was  not  a  com- 
missioner to  Parliament  but  commissioner  of  su]i]ily  for  Forfar- 
shire. The  accoiuit  given  of  his  marriage  is  copied  from  Burke's 
'  Landed  Gentry,'  and  dilfcrs  from  that  in  all  pedigrees  of  the 
lady's  family,  Scrymgeour,  Viscount  Dudhope  and  Earl  of 

Grant,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Dalvey, "  This  baronetcy  is  discredited, 
and  it  is  believed  that  this  M.P  was  tlie  lirst  to  "revive  it  since 
the  death  of  the  grantee  Sir  James  Grant  of  Dalvey  1095."  It 
was  not  Sir  Alexander  but  his  father  Sir  Patrick  who  on  22 
August,    1752,  was  served  heir  male   of  his  cousin   Sir   James, 


wlio  liad  been  created  a  baronet  of  Scotland  by  patent  dated  at 
Windsor,  10  August,  IGyS,  with  remainder  to  liis  lieirs  male.  Sir 
Patrick  cntei-ed  his  arms  in  tlie  Lyon  Register,  12  Jauuarj-,  1753, 
when  he  was  recognised  as  a  baronet  and  tire  arms  conlirmed  to 
liiin  were  those  recorded  in  1G73  by  Sweton  Grant  of  Gartcnbcg, 
father  of  tlie  first  baronet. 

Sir  Alexander,  whose  title  Mr.  Foster  tries  to  discredit,  had,  on 
8  July,  17G1,  the  benefit  of  the  most  direct  recognition  that  it 
was  in  the  power  of  the  Crown  to  aflbrd,  as  he  had  a  Royal 
"W'arrant  for  supporters  in  which  ho  was  styled  "  our  trusty  and 
well-beloved  Sir  Alexander  Grant  of  Dalvey,  Baronet."  This 
and  the  supporters  were  recorded  in  the  books  of  the  Lyon  Court 
15  April  following,  and  the  title  has  regularly  descended  to  the 
present  Sir  Alexander,  Principal  of  tho  University  of  Edinburgh. 

Grant,  Charles,  of  Waternish,  m.  Jane  Fraser  of  the  Balnain, 
not  Balmain  family.  Balmain  in  Kincardineshire  is  a  ditferent 
place  from  Balnain  in  Liverness-shire. 

Hall,  Sir  John,  of  Dunglass,  "  son  of  Robert  Ilall  of  Dunglass." 
This  is  not  the  case,  Sir  John,  who  was  a  merchant  burgess  of 
Edinburgh,  bought  Dunglass  1GS7. 

]Iamilton,  Lord  William;  the  adjective  "notorious"  a])])]ied 
to  his  father,  the  Duke  of  Hamilton,  seems  to  call  for  explanation. 

Hamilton,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Preston.  The  baronetcy  conferred 
on  his  son  Sir  William  is  said  to  be  extinct.  The  late  dis- 
lini^-uished  Sir  William  Hamilton,  Professor  of  Logic  in  the 
U]iiversity  of  Edinburgh,  was  served  heir  in  ISIG,  and  the 
evidence  in  this  case  Avas  got  up  with  unusual  care  and  complete- 
ness by  himself  and  the  eminent  peerage  lawyer,  John  Riddell, 
advocate.  The  title  is  now  vested  in  his  son  and  heir  Sir 

]l:innay,  John,  15S1,  "probably  son  of  Alexander  Hannay  of 
Kirkdale,  co.  Galloway,  who  i)urchased  tlioso  lands  in  1582." 
Galloway  is  not  a  county;  Kiikdale  is  in  tho  stewartry  of 
Kirkcudbright,  and  was  ac(pnred  iu  i5.'J2  by  Alexander,  uncle  of 
I'alrick  Hannay  of  Sorbie. 

Hay,  Sir  Adam,  is  said  to  have  "  assumed  tlie  baronetcy  on  the 
death  of  his  brother  John,  M.P.,"  and  Sir  John  is  called  "  sixth 
baronet  by  assumption,"  with  a  n^fercncc  to  "  Chaos,  Foster's 
'  Jiaronetage.'  "  The  pedigree  of  this  familj^  has  never,  as  far  as 
we  know,  been  called  in  question.  It  is  admitted  by  William 
Chambers,  LL.D  ,  who,  in  his  '  1 1  isi.nry  of  Peeblesshire,"  has  an  ill- 
natured  notice  of  the  service  !)  Nov.,  JS05,  of  James  Hay  of 
Hay.stoun,  physician  in,  .-is  heir  male  general  of  his 
cousin,  Sir  James  of  Smithfirl,!.  l;.n<,iirt.  On  the  S  Feb.  follow- 
nig  he  was  recognised  as  a  barujua  by  l^yon  in  tlic  entry  made  of 
bis  arms,  which  were  those  rceoi.h'd  iu  1072  by  his  ancestor, 
Mr.  John  Hay  of  Haystoun,  Cleric  of  Sc:.sion. 

jVnother   family    of    this   name,    unwarrantably    thrust    into 


"Cliaos"  by  Mr.  Foster  in  his  'Baronetage,'  is  Hay  of  Aklerston. 
This  in  a  title  as  to  -which  there  is  no  dubiety  at  all ;  it  never 
became  dormant ;  when  Sir  Henry  Hay-Makdougal  died  without 
male  issue  in  1825,  he  was  succeeded  by  his  cousin,  Sir  Thomas, 
son  and  heir  of  Alexander  Hay  of  Huntington  and  Mordington, 
who  had  registered  arms  in  17G1.  Sir  Thomas  being  an  ollicer 
in  the  army,  had  to  satisfy  the  authorities  before  his  title  could 
be  inserted  in  the  Army  List ;  he  submitted  his  pedigree  and  the 
proofs  of  it  to  Sir  George  Nayler,  Garter  King  of  Arms,  who  in 
April,  182G,  sent  a  favoui-able  report  to  the  War  Office,  which 
was  acted  on.  Tlio  present  Sir  Hector  Hay  again  registered 
arms  in  the  books  of  the  Lyon  Court  in  1875,  as  a  baronet. 
His  title  having  the  sanction  of  Garter,  Lyon,  the  War  Office, 
and  the  Home  Office  in  correspondence  between  Sir  Thomas  and 
the  late  Sir  Robert  Peel  when  Secretary  of  State,  hardly  loses 
much  by  wanting  Mr.  Foster's  approval.  Perhaps,  however,  his 
Baronetage  may  be  "discredited"  by  the  way  in  which  this 
and  other  genuine  titles  are  spoken  of. 

Hay,  Robert  of  Strowie,  son  of  Francis  of  Stowrie  (sic). 

There  is  one  correction  made  in  the  '  Collectanea ;'  Pitarrow, 
1592-97,  belonged  to  a  Wishart,  not  to  a  Carnegie. 

Mr.  Foster  is  very  particular,  riglitly  we  think,  in  stating 
illegitimacy  of  birth ;  but  there  is  one  case  at  least  in  the  pages 
we  have  just  gone  over,  where  he  has  left  a  blot  of  this  nature 
uni-cmarked  upon. 

Misjirints  abound.  For  example,  page  28,  McKredie  should  be 
M'KerJie  ;  page  4G,  Hinkhill  should  be  Kinkell  ;  page  82, 
ClaiiViogie  should  be  Claslochie ;  page  SG,  Bogichan  .should  be 
Boquhan ;  ]iage  104,  Pittendemiie  should  be  Pittendrum ;  page 
117,  Bemhills  should  be  Benchills ;  page  117,  Harene  of  Foots 
Crag  should  be  Harene  of  Footscraj' ;  jmge  131,  Beaford  should 
be  Bearford;  page  133,  Farson  should  be  Fairfull ;  same  page, 
Mues  should  be  Lines ;  same  page,  Tonliy  should  be  Tojiley ; 
page  14G,  Lantoune  should  be  Lautoune  ;  page  148,  Ljniton 
should  be  Synton ;  page  171,  Colness  .should  be  Coltness ;  page 
174,  Cambusnetham  .should  be  Cambusnethan. 

Li  conclusion,  if  we  may  offer  a  piece  of  advice  to  the  editor 
of  the  '  Collectanea,'  it  would  be  that  he  should  confine  his 
labom-s  to  the  pretty  wide  held  of  English  genealogy.  Tlie 
langiiages,  laws,  forms  of  legal  procedure,  kc,  in  Ireland  and 
Scotland,  arc  .somewhat  diilerent,  and  he  has  evidently  not  a 
suflicient  acquaintance  with  tliem  to  qualify  him  to  speak  as  an 
unquestionable  authority.  The  correction  of  his  Peerage  is  a 
worlc  that  may  well  occupy  his  time. 

We  have  turned  to  the  accounts  of  some  of  the  latest  created 
peers,  and  find  them  all  to  contain  errors. 

Lord  Dcrwent's  dexter  supporter  is  blazoned  a  lion  murally 
crowned  ;  the  woodcut  gives  an  eastern  croAvn. 


Lord  Tweedmouth's  proved  and  registered  pedigree  is  not 
satisfactory  to  Mr.  Foster,  who  makes  some  odd  comments.  We 
shall  only  say  that  James  Marjoribanks  did  not  renounce  the 
c.KCCutry  of  his  sister  Margaret ;  Joseph  is  satisfactorily  proved 
to  be  son  of  James,  both  having  been  merchant  burgesses  of 
Edinburgh;  the  James  said  to  have  died  in  April,  15G9,  never 
was  as  Mr.  Foster  gratuitously  asserts  identilied  with  James 
the  father  of  Joseph. 

The  Earl  of  Home's  arms  are  incorrectly  represented  ;  the 
Douglas  coat  should  not  be  in  the  centre  of  the  shield,  but  in 
the  centre  of  the  second  and  tliii'd  quarters. 

The  coronet  of  a  peer  Mr.  Foster  evidently  looks  upon  as  a 
mere  ornamental  toy,  which  may  be  omitted  altogether  as  Earl 
Sydney,  Viscount  Taali'e,  Baron  l)e  Tabley,  Earl  oi'  Tankcrville  ; 
placed  below  the  shield  as  Viscount  De  Vesci,  Lord  Dorchester, 
Earl  of  Eldon  ;  or  hoisted  up  above  the  crest  as  Lord  Ljmdhurst, 
Lord  Lj'veden,  Lord  Marjoribanks.  The  coronet  is  incomplete 
without  its  crimson  velvet  cap,  which  seems  to  be  entirely 
discarded  in  these  illustrations;  its  proper  place  is  over  the  shield. 

Has  Mr.  Foster  not  thought  it  worth  while  to  reflect  on  the 
obvious  enough  meaning  of  the  word  supporter  ? 

Supporters  ought  to  sustain  the  shield,  not  to  scramble  up 
upon  it  and  knock  it  down  as  Earl  of  Airlie,  Earl  of  Chicliestor, 
Viscount  Clifdoi,  Earl  of  Cottenham  ;  nor  like  the  savages  in  the 
Eavl  of  Kimberley's  achieveiiifiit,  indulge  in  a  scrinmiage,  in 
which  it  is  plahi  that  the  shield  will  come  to  griet'. 

S  *  *  * 

OF  M UN ESS  ^ 

OV  SYiMBISTER       j 

(CoiUinucd  from  parje  107.; 

IN    UnST. 

William  Bruce,  ist  of  Smnhiirijh  and  S>/mbisicr. — William 
Bruce,  called  "  Nevoi "  [nephew],  "  Gousin,"  "  Scrvitur,"  and 
"  Follower,"  in  various  documents,  of  Laurence  Bruce  of  Cult- 
inalindie,  accompanied  his  relative  to  Zetland  when  appointed 
Fowdrie  there  in  1571,  as  secretary  or  clerk;  what  his  exact 
relation.ship  to  Laurence  was,  is  uncertain,  but  there  can  be  no 
doubt  that  he  was  closely  connected,  and  of  the  same  family.  He 
appears  to  have  iunuediately  ac(]uired  property  as  he  is  called 


William  Brace  of  SjinHistcr  in  a  discharo-c  dated  1572.'  Ho  is 
one  of  the  Assize  in  a  Court  held  at  Suudjurghe,  5th,  (Jth,  and  7th 
August,  1G02,  where  he  is  again  mentioned  as  William  iSruce  of 

On  20th  Novembci-,  1005,  William  Bruce  of  Symbister  ob- 
tained a  charter'  of  "  his  sixpennies  lamls  in  Soumburgh, 

In  1G05  William  Bruce  of  Symbister'  enters  into  a  contract 
with  the  Earl  of  Orkney.  In  IGOS  he^  joined  with  Bishop  Law 
and  others  in  a  supplication  against  Patrick  Earl  of  Orkney. 

4th  February,  IGOft,"  a  decreit  of  spulzie  is  granted  by  the 
Lords  of  the  Coimcil  to  William  Bruce  of  Symbister  against 
Patrick,  Earl  of  Orkne3\  Tlie  Lords  decreed  against  the 
defendant  for  the  losses  sustained  to  the  amount  of  £8,34G  scots. 
On  this  occasion  Earl  Patrick,  taking  advantage  of  William 
Bruce's  absence,  made  a  raid  upon  the  House  of  Sumburgh, 
which  he  burnt  down  and  plundered.  The  oi'iginal  is  a  very 
interesting  document  from  the  details  it  gives  of  the  property 
tlnd  household  goods  of  a  gentleman  of  that  period  and  locality. 
The  Earl  of  Orknc5''s  house  in  Dunrossness  [the  Jarlholf  of 
Sir  W.  Scott's  '  Pirate ']  is  about  two  hundred  }'ards  from  the 
House  of  Suml)ui\gh. 

In  1019'  William  Bruce  of  Symbister  and  his  son  Andrew  had 
a  Charter  of  Confirmation  of  4th  part  of  the  lands  of  Nakitfield 
in  Fife,  and  in  1G24''  the  same  parties  had  a  charter  of  part  of 
the  lands  of  King.sbarnis  in  Fife. 

William  Bruce  married  Margaret  Stewart,  widow  of  William 
Sinclair  and  daughter  of  John  Stewart,  piior  of  Coldinghame, 
natural  son  of  King  James  V  by  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  John 
Carmichacl  of  Crawford,  as  proved  by  the  following  extract : — 

"Olavc  Sinclair  of  Bi'ue"  according  to  the  custom  then  observit 
of  the  countrei  of  Zetland  Be  his  latter  will  and  testament  9th 
day  of  February  1570  dividit  his  hail  landis  amongst  his  three 
sons  James,  ]\Iathe\v,  and  William,  The  said  William  Sinclair  the 
third  .son  got  an  enfol'tment  of  his  portion  under  the  King's 
Great  Seal  at  Stirling  5th  ilarch  157.^,  and  conform  thereto  was 
formly  infeft  in  tlie  said  lamls.  This  William  Sinclair  married 
Mai-garet  Stuart  daughter  of  John  Stuart  abbot  of  Coldring- 
liame,  Brothers  daughter  to  Robert  Earl  of   Orkney,  upon  whom 

'  Sumbnigl.  Cl...iter.^. 
1  ]!.T..vas  ..f  Cnnl    (_!.■ 

,   EainVmrgh. 

_'h\l.;,vtur  clKst,  .-111,1  i.iiMisla.l  : 
,  I'.i,  Xu.  104. 

J-,  ShcriQ'  Clerk'.-)  cfTice,  Lerwick, 


he  bci;at  S  sons  Francis,  Robert,  and  James.  After  the  death  of 
tlie  said  William  Sinclair,  the  said  Margaret  Stuart  married 
William  Bruce  of  Symbister  to  her  second  husband,  who  was  a 
servant  and  follower  of  Laurence  Bruce  of  Cultmalcendie  half 
brother  to  the  Earl  of  Orkney  and  Foudrie  of  Zetland,  and  after 
liis  marriage  the  said  William  Bruce  sat  doune  in  the  said 
William  Sinclair  his  dwelling  place,  and  midled  with  the  hail 
movables,  and  took  possession  of  the  maist  part  of  the  lands  that 
belonged  to  Umquhile  W.  Sinclair,  his  wife's  firat  husband.  In 
the  meantime  the  said  Laurence  Bruce  of  Cultmaleendie,  Sheriff 
depute  of  Zetland,  finding  the  said  Francis  Sinclair  unlcgal,  and 
understanding  that  the  said  William  Bruce  at  his  own  hand  had 
midled  with  the  most  part  of  the  said  Francis  Sinclair's  lands,  he 
thereupon  as  Sheriff  [Quhilk  was  all  the  pretext  he  had]  took 
occasion,  and  possessed  himself  with  one  great  part  of  the  rest  of 
Francis  Sinclair's  lands,  and  disposed  the  same  to  Andrew  Bruce 
of  Muness  his  son,  and  gave  him  enfeftment  thereon,  tho  he  had 
no  right  himself."  The  rest  of  the  document  does  not  bear  on 
family  history. 

AVilliam  Bruce  was  alive  in  1024,  as  he  had  a  charter  in  that 
year.     He  had  issue  by  Margaret  Stewart  2  sons — 

1.  Robert,  who  succeeded. 

2.  Andrew,  mentioned  in  two  charters  formerly  (juoted. 
Eohcrt  Bruce,  2nd  of  Sumhurgh  and  Symbister. — Robert,  the 

elder  son,  succeeded  in  Sumburgh  and  Symbister.  Tliere  is  a  i 
sasine  in  favour  of  Robert  Bruce,  son  of  William  Bruce  of 
Symbister,  1621.  He  married  Margeiy,  daugliter  of  Andrew 
Bruce  of  Muness  ^  [contract  of  marriage  between  Robert  Bruce 
and  Margaret  Bruce  of  Muness  with  consent  of  Andrew  Bruce, 
her  father,  1G25],  and  by  her  had  issue  1  son — 
William,  who  succeeded. 
William  Bruce,  Srd  of  Sumhur</7t  and  STjnibisfer. — William, 
the  oidy  son,  succeeded  his  father  in  Sumburgh  and  S3  mbister. 
He  was  retoured  ^  heir  to  his  father,  Robert  Bruce  of  Symbister, 
April  19,  1G42,  and  in  the  same  year  to  his*  grandfather, 
William  Bruce  of  Soundebrough.  He  married  1st,  Elizabeth 
Sinclair  of  Scalloway,'  [contract  of  marriage  between  William 
Bruce  and  Elizabeth  Sinclair  of  Scalloway,  he  receives  as  her 
portion  SOOO  merks  scots,  dated  IG Ki],  but  by  her  had  no  issue. 
He  married  2ndly,  Margaret  Sinclair  of  (j),iK"ndale,  by  whom  he 
had  issue  3  sons  and  3  dauohters — 

1  Si.mbuvgl)  Clicirter  clicsl. 

•■  nui. 

'  'InqiiiBiliones  Goiieralon,'  : 
'  Sumbuigli  Charter  cheat. 


1.  Robert  succeeded  in  Suinlnir^-li. 

2.  Laurence  succeeded  in  Symliistcr. 

3.  Andrew  '  is  retoured  "  haeres  conquestus  "  of  Robert 

Bruce  of  Sounburgh,  his  grandfatlier  June  22nd,  1C72. 

Robert,  4ih  of  Sumburgh. — Robert,  the  eldest  son,  succeeded 
his  father  in  Surabiirgli  only.  In  1675,  March  20Ui,  he  is  as' 
"  Robert  Bruce  of  Turrcll,"  served  heir  of  William  Bruce  of 
Symbister,  his  great  grandfather.  He  niarrietl  Barbara  Stewart 
of  Bigtown.  There  are  charters  ''  of  Robert  Bruce  in  favour  of 
his  spouse  Barbara  Stuart,  IGSi,  and  of  the  same  to  the  same, 
and  their  2nd  son  Laurence,  IGSG. 

By  Barlmra  Stewart  Robert  Bruce  had  issue  2  sons  and  2 
daugliters — 

1.  Robert  obt.  s.p. 

2.  Laurence  succeeded. 

Grizzcl  married  1st,  John  Bruce  of  Muncss. 

2nd,  Thomas  Hunter  of  Lanna. 
Srd,  Simon  Fraser. 
Catherine  married  Charles  Sinclair  of  Scalloway. 
Laurence   Bruce,   5th   of   Smnburgh. — Laurence,   second   but 
eldest  surviving  son,  succeeded  his   father   in   Sumburgh.      He 
married  1st,  Elizabeth  Cricliton,  and  2nd,  Anne   Catanach.     By 
his  1st  wife  he  had  issue  ]  son — 
Robert  J3rv.ce,  Gth  of  Sumburgh. — Robert  succeeded  his  father 
in  Sumburgh.     He  manied   Alicia,  daughter  of   Sir  Alexander 
Dalmahoy  of  that  ilk,  Bart.  [dis]iosition*    to  .A.]icc  Dalmahoy  by 
her  husband   Robert  Bruce,  l7o."l],  and  by  her  had  issue  2  sons 
and  2  twin  daughters,  died  young — 

1.  Laurence  obt.  ».p. 

2.  John.succecdcd. 

John  Bruce,  7th  of  S" mhnrq],. — Jolm,  2nd  but  eldest  surviving 
son,  succeeded  in  Suinburgli.  lie  ^va-;  an  advocate,  and  married 
Helen  Hunter  of  Lanna,  liy  whom  ho  hatl  issue  2  sons  and  5 
daughters — 

1.  John  succeeded. 

2.  Robert. 

Helen  married  Admiral  Alexander  Fraser,  R.N. 
Elizabeth  mnn-ied  Rev.  .rtilm  ]\Icnzies  of  Lerwick. 
Catherine  L^isula  married  Robert  Bruce  of  Symbister. 
John  Bruce,  Sth  of  Sumbirrgh.—.Ti^m,  llie  eldest  son,  succeeded 
in  Sumburgh,  lie   was    a   eonunander    K.X,,   died    Iboi,  married 

'  '  In>|ui-;ti..iiL.s  Genorales,'  xxxii,  309,  6510. 
»  Ilji,/,  xN'.ii,  luP,  ;-,7'Ji!. 


ElizabeUi    Hunter  of  Lanna   and  b}'  her    had  issue  2  sons  and 
2   dauglitors— 

1.  John  succeeded. 

2.  Robert  obt.  s.p. 

John  Bruce,  OlJt.  of  Sumh)ir<ili. — J.ilm,  the  eldest  son,  succeeded 
in  Suniburo-h  18:3L  born  1798,  is  J. P.  and  D.L.  for  Shetland, 
married  1832  ]\[ary  daughter  of  John  William  Nelson  and  by  her 
has  issue  G  sons  and  7  daughters — 

1.  John,  heir  apparent,  born  18-37,  J.P.  and  D.L.  Shetland, 

married  ]\Iary  Dalziel  da\i.  of  Ralph  Erskine  Scott. 

2.  Thomas  Eraser,  Lt.-Col.  Gth  Punjab  Infantry. 

3.  Robert  Hunter. 

4.  James  Park,  obt.  s.p. 

5.  George  Hector,  R.N. 
C.  Frederick  Walter. 

Anna  Maria. 

Helen-Elizabeth  m.  Rev.  Thos.  D.  Wingate  of  Strom . 



Julia-Edith,  obt.  s.p. 

Anne- Jane,  obt.  t<.j>. 

Laura-Blanche  m.  E.  M.  N('Ison. 
Return  of  owners  of  land  1S72-3  : — 

John     Bruce    of    Sumburgh    owns    12,338    acres,    value 

£1,701  12s.  per  ann. 
John  ]h-uce,  Jr.  of  Sumburgh  owns  210  acres,  value  £71 

])er  ann. 
Arms  of  Bruce  of  Sumbui-gh  : — 

Or    a   saltire    and    chief  Gules,  in  centre   chief   a    mullet 

of  the  Hrst. :  A  dexter  hand  hohling  a  heart  |>roper. 
Motto  :— Omnia  vincit  amoi'. 


Laurence  nnice,  I..f  „f  the  .~<ei„n-<,te  of  Sijmhhler.-- 
Laurence,  2iid  son  ,.f  William,  .Sid  of  Sninburgli,  by  Elizabeth 
Sinclair  of  Scalloway,  had  the  estate  of  Syiubist'T  in'  Unst  from 
his  father.  He  married  Margaret  Stewart  and  by  her  hai.l  issue 
2  sons  and  1  daughter — 

1.  John  succeeded.. 

2.  Robert  of  Chalester  married  Grizzel  Nicholson  of  Loch' 

end  and  by  her  had  i.ssuQ  4  daughter^— 

TOL,  IV,  y 



1.  Margaret  in.  Robert  Bruce  of  Symbister. 

2.  m.  Leish  or  Lee. 

3.  Grizzel  m.  Rev.  J.  Hay  of  Unst. 

4.  Elizabeth  m.  Charles  "Nivin  of  Wiudhouse. 
Robert  Bruce  of  Chalcster,  having  no  son,  left  his  estate  to 

his  nephew  and  son-in-law,  Robert  Bruce  of  Symbister. 
Margaret  married  Charles  Nivin  of  Windhouse. 
John  Brace,  2nd  of  Symbister.— John,  eldest  son,  succeeded  his 
lather  m  Symbister,  he  married  Grizzel  Stewart  of  Bigtown  and 
had  Lssue  1  son — 

Robert  succeeded. 
Robert    Bruce,    3rd    of   Si/mbister.—'Rohei-t,    the    only    son 
succeeded  his  father  in  Symbister  and  his  uncle  in  Chalester,  he 
married  his  cousin  Margaret  Bruce  of  Chalester  and  ])y  her  had 
issue  2  sons  and  2  daughters— 

1.  John  succeeded 

2.  "William  of  Burravoe  succeeded  his  brother. 

A  daughter  married  Rev.  W.  Jack  of  North  Maven. 
Grizzel  married  Rev.  John  Barclay. 
John  Bruce-Stewart,  Uh  of  Symbister.— John,  the  eldest  son 
succeeded  his  father  in  Symbister,  he  married   1st,  Clementina 
daughter  and  heiress  of  Stewart  of  Bigtown  and  assumed  the 
name  of  Stewart,  by  her  he  had  no  issue.     lie  married   2ndly, 
Clinstma  Giilbrd  of  Busta  and  by  her  had  issue  1  daughter- 
Elizabeth'  married  Jan.  1771,  Sir  John  .MitclieH  of  West- 
shore,  Bai-t. 
mUiavi  Bruce,  5th  of  Symbide.r.~\\i\h?,m  Bruce  of  Burravoe, 
on  his  elder  brother's   death   without  male   issue,  succeeded    to 
Symbister.     He  married  Grizzul  Hunter  of  Lanna  and  by  her  had 
issue  1  son  and  1  daughter — 
Robert  succeeded. 
Margaret  married  Robert  Jack. 
Robert  Bruce  Gth  of  Symbister.— hiohcvi  tlie  son  succeeded  his 
father  in  Symbister,  he  was  a  writer  to  the  signet  and  married 
Ursula  Katherine  daughter  of  John  Bruce  of  Sumburgli  by  whom 
he  liad  4  sons  and  1  daugliter— 

1.  John  obt.  s.p. 

2.  Laurence,  obt.  s./j. 

3.  William  succcoded. 

4.  Robert  of  i;uira\'oo  married  Mary  Young  and  liad  issue 

3  sons  and  2  dau'diLors. 

1.  RolxTt. 

2.  David. 

3.  William. 

Helen  marri.^d  l^ibcrl,  Hunter  of  Lanna. 

'  '  GemlcmaVs  Mng^,' J.ui,  1771,  and  Burke's  'Estiuct  BaroueUce. 


WHIium  Brucr,  7lh  of  S>jinhhter.~\\l\\wM,  lliird  but  eldest 
surviving  son,  succeeded  his  fatlier  in  Syiuljister,  lie  was  an 
advocate,  and  mai-ricd  Agne.s  daugiitcr  dt'  William  J.  McCrae  and 
by  her  had  issue  8  sons  and  7  daughters — 

1.  Robert  succeeded. 

2.  William. 

3.  Laurence. 

4.  Alexander,  obt.  s.p. 

C.  Andrew,  Capt.  4th  Punjab  Infantry. 

7.  Farquhar,  Lieut.  GGth  llcgt. 

8.  George,  Lieut.  2nd  Regt. 

Ursula  Katherine  married  1st,  li.  Wootlman,  W.  R. 

2nd,   G.    H.    11    Hay,    L>.L.  Shetland. 

Margaret  died  young 

Thomas  Ann  died  young. 

Thomas  Ann  married  \\ .  Fearnloy. 

Robert   Bruce,   Sth   of   Syinhistc)'.  —  Robert,    the    eldest    son, 
succeeded  his  father  in  Symbister,  he  died  187o,  having  married 
Anne,  daughter   of    Archibald    Simpson,  and   by  lier  had    issue 
S  sons  and  1  daughter — 

1.  William  Arthur  succeeded. 

2.  Archibald,  obt.  s.p. 

3.  Robert. 

Maria  died  young. 
Williavi  Arthur  Bruce,  9th  of  Si/mhisfcr. — William  Arthur,  tlie 
eldest  son,   succeeded  his  father   in  Symbister,  born   liSC"],  is   a 

Return  of  owners  of  land,  1872-3  : — 

Tutors   and   Curators  of  William  Arthur  Bruce  of   Sym- 
bister, 25,180  acres,  value  £-2,"')i  8s.  per  arm. 
Amis,  crest,  and  motto  the  same  as  Bruce  of  Sumburgh. 

W.  B.  A. 


Chaules  R. 

WlIERE.VS  Wek  are  grationsly  pleased  to  conferre  vpon  our 
Wellbcloved  Subiect  s^  William  Neale  of  Wnll.istoii  in  our 
County  of  Northampton  K'.  &  vpon  y''  heires  ]\l;ili'>  of  his  Body 
lawfully  begotten  y'  dignity  of  a  Baronet  of  this  oin-  Kingdome 
of  England,  w'h  all  the  privilcdges  fc  Imuuityes  therevnto 
belonging  &  to  discharge  him  of  y'  sume  of  One  thowsand  ninety 
&  live  pounds,  vsually  paj^d  in  respect  of  tliat  dignity.  Our 
Will  fc  pleasure  is,  y'.  you  accordingly  p''p;n'e  a  "Bill  for  o"" 
signature  in  vsuall  forme,  conteyniiig  the  said  Grant  ,.^'  discharge 

'  Couliibutv  1  hy  J.  P.  Eai-w.-ikiT,  Ehij.,  .M.A.,  F.S.A, 


&  for  soc  doing  this  sliall  be  y''  Wan-ant.      Given  at  o^  Court  at 
Oxford  y"^  2G''''  day  of  February  lG4-5[6]. 
To  our  Trusty  &  wellbelovcd 
our  Attorney  or  Sol- 

licito'  Generall.  _ 

By  his  jMa^'"'*  Coinand 

Edw.  Nicholas. 

Baronets  Warrant. 

£>}dm-sed  .—Oxiori\  2G  fcbr.  45[6] 

S^  W.  Neales  Wani.  to  bo 
a  Baronett. 
The  above  is  an  exact  copy  of  a  paper  ■\vliich  wns  found  in  a  niisccl' 
lancous   collection   of    deeds,   &c.,    recently    jilaced   in    my   hands    for 
examination,     j\fay  I  ask  is  anything  known  of  .Sir  William  Xeale  ?     I 
have  not  succeeded  in  finding  him  in  any  list  of  Baronets. 

OF  ARMS.     A.D.  1G05. 

The  interesting  document,  of  which  the  following  is  a  copy,  is 
the  property  of  Mr.  George  H.  Birch,  A.R.I. B.A.,  one  of  the 
Honorary  Secretaries  of  the  London  and  Middlesex  Archceo- 
lorjical  Sociefy,  and  has  been  kindly  lent  by  liini  for  publication 
in  The  Gcnealo<iist. 

The  pedigree  is  neatly  wriltrn  on  two  skins  of  vellum,  joined 
together,  making  a  roll  3  ft.  3  in.  in  length  and  1  ft.  1  in.  in  width, 
and  the  arms  are  painted  with  rather' more  care  and  exactness 
than  usual.  The  signatures  of  William  Segar,  Garter  King  of 
Arms  (who  was  knighted  in  IGIO),  Richard  St.  George,  Norroy 
King  of  Arms  (also  knighted  in  IGIG),  and  William  Camden, 
"  surnamed  the  Learned,"  Clarenccux  King  of  Arms,  add  very 
considerably  to  the  interest  of  this  pedigree,  apart  from  the 
historical  value  which  it  possesses  as  an  oliicial  record  of  the 
descent  of,  and  a  Continuation  of  Arms  to,  an  industrious  and 
well  known  mendjer  of  the  College  of  Arm.s. 

William  Smith  was  created  Rouge  Dragon  Pursinvant,  23 
October,  1597,  and  retained  that  office  until  his  death,  1  October, 
IGIS.  An  account  of  liis  life  and  a  list  of  his  ^v()rks  will  be 
found  in  The  ■pnrllcuhir  desrripflon  of  Eivjhtnd  IhSS,  <tc., 
printed  in  colours  and  edited  bv  Mr.  Wheafley,  F.S.A.,  and 
]\Ir.  Asldx'C,  F.S.A.,  in  1879. 

Some  iVw  additions  liavc  been  madi'  to  tlie  pedigrer  in  a  later 
liand,  and  tliese  are  di.slinguished  by  round  brackets.  J  )escrip- 
tions  are  jdaccd  within  sipiare  brackets. 

J,  Paul  Ryi.ands, 

Middle  Temple. 



J||5|^|p^^_^      <l^<l 

dof  a  yonge 




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(Continual  from  p.  135.) 

Pyuanlo,  Julni,  of  JLiuIstun. 

Pyors,  AVilliam.   Dcaii  of  Suutli  Mallyng. 

Pygot,  Alice.    Dunsta])le. 

Pylclic,  John,  of  Estderhain. 

Pyle,  Kubdit,  seiir.,  of  CarUon  Eoodc. 

Pyiikomy,  Arnold.   Hector  of  Tyryiigton. 

Dine.  Xorwich. 
Pynnell,  John,  of  P)rinkworth. 
Pype,  Henry,  of  ISlofcld. 
Pytt,  John,  of  Eye. 

Raby,  John,  clerk,     iJurhaiu. 

Eadclyf,  John,  of  Ilonydcn,  co.   Suflulk, 

Eadclyir,  John,  Knt. 
Eadniyle,  Kalph,  Esi|.,  Alhornc,  Sussex. 
Eaget,     Matilda.       I'iddletrenthido,      co. 

Ralegh,  Thomas.     Asteley. 
Rand,  John,  of  Pagrave. 
Ranfeld,  Henry,  of  Hampton.     Rouen. 
Rason,  John,  of  Oxford. 
Ravenser,      Richard.        Archdeacon      of 

Raufi',  William,  of  London,  gent. 
Eauls,  John,  of  Xorth  Perrott. 
Eaulyn,  Robert.  Canon  of  St.  David's. 
Raundes,  Richard  de.     Rector  of  Xorth- 

molton,  Devon. 
Raynhull,   Robert.      Vicar  of    St.    Cross, 

AVcstLMte,  Canterbury. 
Raynold',  .<,'e  Hert. 
R.aynolde,  John,  of  Framfvlde. 
Readc,  Nicholas,  of  Pucksled. 
Reade,  IvLvard,  of  Tcnterdrn. 
Rede,  R.J.ert.     Pishop  of  Chi.:hestrr. 
Rede,  Thomas.     Citizen  of  Salisljurv, 
Eced,  William.  of  Chiclicster. 
Eced,  AVilliam.     Treasurer  of  Chichester 

Reed,  John,  of  Crowmere. 
Rccdham,  John  de.    (I'mliafe  mdy). 
Rocs,  AVilliam,  K.s.i.     .\..vwicb. 
Repyndon,  I'hilip  de.   Lishnj.  of  Lmculn. 
Rove.  John,  of  AWstfarlcgh. 




478''  Chiehele,  P.  i. 


309"  Kempe. 


43'-  ^loxUm. 


44''  Morton. 


197^'  Arun.lcl,  P.  i. 


414MVhif-ift,  P.  i. 


54P  AruiMJel,  P.  i. 


103"  Cranmer. 


171"  Arundel,  P.  i. 


331»  Parker,  P.  i. 


459»  Chiehele,  P.  i. 




364"  Chhh.le,  P.  i. 


219'' Arundel,  P.  i. 


172--'  Chiehele,  P.  ii. 


32.5''  Chiehele,  P.  i. 

65''  Parker. 




47PChie]ielc,"r.  i. 


440''  AVhitgift,  P.  i. 


301"  Clii.  hcle,  P.  i. 


170''  Arundel,  P.  i. 


305''  Chiehele,  P.  i. 


8"  Post  Aforlem  Pol 


167''  Abbot,  P.  i. 


26.5''  AVbil.^nff,  P.  i. 


275"  Chi.'liele,  P.  i. 


365"  Cliirhele,  P.  i. 


212''  Court enay. 


149"Arundel,  P.  ii. 

14  99 

46'  Mortr,n. 


194"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


51-  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

14  24 

373''  Chiehele,  P.  i. 


109"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 



Koyncs,  Tlinmas,  of  Watlyiigton. 
Reynaklo,  Jolui,  of  Xonvicli. 
Keyiioia,  William.     Citizen  of  Loiulon. 
Keynolds,   John.     Citizen  and   barber   of 

London,  before  the   city  of  Kouen  in 

Eicon,  William.     Reotor  of  Riissebroke. 
Rikyngliale,  John.  of  Cliiohester. 
Ringe.steile,  Thomas.     ]  of  Bangor. 
Ringstedc,  William,  of  Cockthorpo. 
Ringwode,  Alice,  of  South  Pikenhani. 
Risslieton,    Richard.      Friar'.s    preachers, 

Robertis,  William,  of  E.xton.  22 

Roche,  Joan.     Sc  Miclioll,  Joan. 
Roger,  (?)  Jolm,  of  Kew(;on. 
Roger,  John.    Ijriancston,  Dorset. 
Rogers,  Raufo,  of  Sutton  Valens,  in  Kent. 

Rogger,  Henry,  of  Pulham  St.  I\rary  Iho 

Rokcwode,  John,  of  Stanefeldc. 
Rokis,  Jolianne,  of  Great  Yarmouth,  w". 
Rolf,  Jfargaret,  of  Copdok  in  Sufl'olk. 
Romayn,    Thomas.      Laml)elh,    and    St. 

Ifary  Aklcrmary,  Lojidon. 
Rome,  Robert,  of  Frcshford. 
Rondolf,  Alice,  ^^■°   of  Thomas  R.^ndolf, 

Citizen  of  Sarum. 
Roo,  John,  of  Hethill. 
Roo.s,  Robert.     Pipcwcll. 
Roos,  Robert.     Ewelme. 
Roos,  William  dc,  Knt.     Dns  de  ILime- 

Roos,  William.      Rector  of  WcllMim. 
Roos,     Robert,    Knt.     Son   of    Wdliam, 

Lord  Roos. 
Roper,  Richard.     Burgess  of  ]lri,stol   St 

JIary  Redcliffe. 
Ropor,  Henry.     Taunton. 
Roperc,  John,  of  St.  Dunstan'.^,  Canter- 
Rouhalc,  Ricliard.     V, 
Rous,  Baledwin,  Esq^ 
Route,    John,   of  Soui; 

Rowd,  Thomas,  caj,"". 
Royewell,  Jolm.      Rector  of  .SouthlHi-l, 
Ruddc,  John.      (Probate  oulv.) 
Rule,  John,  of  Wcilnesbuiy.' 
Rnmpayn, Richard.  Isle  Abbotts,  Soiiier.-^cl. 



.f  CI 







321'  Morton. 
44"  Morton. 
261"  Kerape. 

3241'  Ctnchelc,  P.  i. 
543''  Arundel,  P.  i. 
413^'  Chichele,  P.  i. 
245''  Islcp. 
G6'-'  Stifford. 
70''  StallbrJ. 

389''  Chichek,  P.  i. 

6G''  Stafford. 
47G''  Chichele,  P.  i. 
11''— 13'^  Post  Morton 

64''  Stafford. 

3G8''  Chichele,  P.  i. 

17''  jNIorton. 

24'^  Post  Mortem  Pob', 

2G0  Kovnolds. 
447''  Whilgift,  P.  i. 

433--'  Chichele,  P.  i. 
36'-  Moiton. 
17G  Stafford. 
387^  Chichele,  P.  i. 

271''  Chichele,  P.  i. 
194'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 

1448     no--  Slalford. 



14  15 
Ml  5 

118''  Stalford. 
130"  .Alorton. 

189''.\rundel,  P.  i. 
17,s''Aru„dr!,  P.  i. 
1-kS"  Slalford. 

l^.T-"  AVhit-ift,  P.  i. 

G3"   Sl;.llnv,l. 

512''  .Annnlel,  ]'.  i. 
103'' Anindrl,  p.  ij 

130''  Clli.'hr],.,  P.  ii. 

185"  Stafford. 



Euasell,  John,  Ivnt.     Strcngesham,  Wor- 

Rust,  Sir  William,  of  Stoke  Asshe. 
Ryclicz,  Joliii,  capellanus.    Clii'ist  Church, 

Can  tori  mry. 
Eyculff,  Thomas.     Holy  Trinity  tlic  Leas, 

Rye,  Rofjor.     Cantorhury,  Charing,  etc. 
Ryliel,  William,  Knt.     Rochester. 
Rykhill,  Rose,  w"  of  AVilliani,  Knt. 
Rynwolmcrssh,  "William.     Clerk   of    the 

Treasury  of  England. 
Rytherchc,  Eogei-,  of  Pantcge,  co.  iMoii- 

mouth,  yeoman. 

Saint  John,  Johanue  wife  of  Sir  Edward. 

Saint  John,  Matilda,  Lady. 

Saintlo,  John,  Esff.     Bishops  Clecve, 

Salernc,  John  dc,  of  Idenne. 
Salisbury,  John.     St.  Martin,  Salisbury. 
Salmon,     William,      chauntrypriest      of 

Salmon,  John,  of  Jliddelton,  in  par.  Prit- 

well,  CO.  Ess"x. 
Salopia,    Ralpli.      Bishop    of    Bath   and 

Samborne,  Robert.     Canon  of  Wells. 
Sambroko,  Thomas,  of  Compton  Martyn, 

Sammcll,  John,  senr.    Mellys,  Somerset. 
Sanden,  Jolm.     Ashton  Rowadc. 
Sargaine,  Agnes. 

Sartelere,  William.     Citizen  of  London. 
Savage,  Arnold,  Knt.     Bobbyng. 
Savage,  Elionora,  relict  of  Sir  Arnold. 
Savage,  Kathcrine.     Bobbyng. 
Sawtell  alias  Dolman,  John,  of  Alter. 
Say,   Matilda,   wife  of  GcoilVcy.     Eriars 

Preachers,  London. 
Sayrc,  Tliomas  of  Breccles. 
Says,  Richard,  capellanus,  of  London. 
Scales,  Roger.     Dfis  dc  Nowsell. 
Scapeya,  [Shcpey,]  John  dc.  of 

Scarburgh,  Robert,  son  and  heir  of  Ivichard, 

lato  of  Kensington. 
Scarclyir,    Robert.      Rector    of    Schyre, 

diocese  of  Winchester. 
Scarle,   John   dr,   clerk.      Reclur    of    St. 

Bride,  London. 

1404     222''  Arundel,  P. 
1445     62'  Stafford. 


127^  Stafford. 


262''  Kempe. 
388''  Chichele,  P. 
213'' Arundel,  P.  i 
321'>  Chichele,  P. 


352  Chichele,  P.  i 


255-  Abbot,  P.  i. 


219''  Courtenay. 
.314-'  Kempo. 

1447  162''  Stafford. 

1415  286''  Chichele,  P.  i. 

1406  39"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

1499  40"  Morton. 

1571  296"  Parker,  P.  i. 

1363  244'  Islcp. 

1382  201"  Courtenay. 


123''  Stafford. 


138'' Stafford. 


181''  Stafford. 


416"  Whitgift,  P.  i 


311"  Kempe. 


338''  Chichele,  P.  i 


81^  Sudbury. 


459''  Chichele,  P.  i 


440"  Whitgift,  P.  i 


106''  Whittlesoye. 


10'  Morton. 


305''  Kempe. 


222''  Courtenay. 

1360  169''I.sIep. 

1453  306"  Kempe. 

1412  158"  Arundel,  P. 

1403  200''  Arundel,  P. 



Scavcr,  Roliert,  of  Cluru  in  Eark.sliiro. 
Scaunt,  A7illirtm.     Citizen  of  Loniloii. 
Sclicltriiiii,  Kobf.rt.,  of  Tlioniluim  Lisliop. 
Sclionswoll,  Tlioma^-.     Tyseliurst. 
Scotte,  William.    Lrubornc,  Kent. 
Scrace,  Thomas,  of  Bolun  in  Sussex. 
Seagrave,  John  de,   Knt.     Bictbj-,  Cha- 

cnnibe,  Derljy. 
Scales,  Roger.  '  ])on'lii.,-,trr. 
Sebrond,  Mildred,  ^V",  ,A  Lyd  in  Kent. 
Seburgh,  John,  of  Colchester. 
Seevyer,  Thomas,  of  Loweliam,  hii^Land- 

Segcford,  Ednnuid.      Norwich.      Rale. 
Selby,  Eiehard.   St.  Dunstan-in-thc-West, 

Selke     (?Telke),     AVilliani.      Rector     of 

Seller,  Walter.      Recl,,r  of  Ideiine. 
Sellers,  William.     Jlishup  "  S.-dtonien." 
Sely,  John.     ]!iu-gess  of  JJiistol. 
Seymour,  see  Mauro. 
Sengilton,  Thomas  of  Xcrth  Cove. 
Septvan.s,  AVilliam,  Knt. 
Septvans,    Elizabeth,    relict    of   William, 

Sesbvitenden,     John,    caiiellanu.-^.      ]!iyn- 

Scsse,  John,  of  Berrowe. 
Sevensterre,    Jolm.'     St.     :Mary    AVoul- 

clmrch,  London. 
Seward,  John.  Friars  Minors,  Dorclie.-l(_'r. 
Seyntclere,  Thomas,  Esq'',     Est-rensled 
Sc-.yiiteclcre,  Philip,  Knt.      rensluirsl. 
Seyntleger,  John,  ICsq..     Uleund^e  (?) 
Shardelowe,      Roljcrt.       I'reccntor       of 

Sharjjc,  Thomas,  of  Smarden. 
Sharpp,  John.     Jurat  of  Rio. 
Sharpyng,  John,  of  lladdisco. 
Shaylc,  Thomas.      Citizen  of  London. 
Sheiford,  -lohn.      Crnnn  of  Wells. 
Shelley,    Richard,      l^.ct.n■    of    Swannes- 

Sliepcvr,  John  dc,  Dcaiiflf  Lincoln. 
Shc,.|ianlr,    .I,,hn,     of     Queen    Cliarllnn, 

Shctlcr,  ,lnhn,  of  ,Sli:ii.|, niche. 
Shiryiiglon,  Walln'.     AV^ddone.     rrcbcn- 

dary  of  St.  Raul's,  London. 





78^  Post  Mortem  Poll 


G-2^  Stafford. 

170^' Arundel,  P.  i. 

443''  Chicheley,  P.  i. 

48'' Post  Mortem  Poll, 

110''  Islep. 
222''  Courtenay. 
270''  Whit-ift,  P.  i. 
4  7'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 

4-11''  Whitsift,  P.  i. 
307"  Kemire. 

1447     159^'  Stafford. 



127^  Stafford. 
'J  02''  Chichele,  P.  i. 
473-'  Cliichcle,  P.  i. 
201''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

10''  I\Iorton. 
IGl''  Stafford. 

147      1G2--' Stafford, 


LI  00 
LI  00 




250^'  Arundel,  P.  i, 
437'-'  AVhitgifl,  P.  i. 

193"'  Arundel,  P.  i. 
193^  Arundel,  P.  i. 
296''  Chichele,  P.  i. 
254'' Arundel,  P.  i, 
483''  Chichele,  P.  i. 

205^  Courtenay. 
309"  Parker,  P.  i. 
304''  Whitqift,  P.  i. 
09-  Stafford. 
259''  Kempe. 
123  Stafford. 

170'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 
150'  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

4  17--'  Av: 
4;i5i'  \V 

aft,  P. 
;ift,  P. 

1447     170' Staflord. 

Conimi.j.sery  Court. 



Sliortcr,  Thouuis.      Stanos. 

Shorter,  William,  of  Whetlcy,  co.  IJerks. 

Sliv.:wsljury,  Joliii  Tallxit,  Earl  of. 

.Sl'.ivwsbury,  sm  Salopia. 

Sideiiham,  Simo:i.    lUslwp  of  Cliiclicster. 

Silvester,  Eobert,  of  LlofL-l.l. 

Skclton,  William.    Hector  of  St.  Vedast, 

Loudon,  aiid  A-sliljury,  Berks. 
Skei.per,  William,  of  Tlictford. 
SkcYth,  Thomas,  of  Est-derham. 
Skidmore,  Sir  Kiehard.      Par.^ou   of  Kud- 

Skothowo,  Simon,  of  Saxthorp. 
Skynner,     Stevyii,    of     Ledbury,     dioc. 

Skynner,  Thomas,  of  Bee.ston  juxta  Myh- 

Sleford,  John  de.     Keotor  of  Balsliam. 
Smith,  Henry,  of  Sowthchurche  in  E.ssex, 

Smithc,  William,  of  Tonbridgc. 
Smyth  alias  Geen,  Philip.     Bristol. 
Sijiyth,  James,  of  AVilton. 
Smyth,  John,  of  Attillji'i-g. 
Smyth,  ISLargareto,  \V°,  of  Wurmegey. 
Smyth,  Richard,  Shorne,  Kent. 
Smyth,  Thomas.     Citizen  of  Londfm. 
Smyth,  Thomas,  of  Estwalton. 
Suayth,  Henry,  clerk. 
Snavth,  AVilliani.      Adynton. 
Siieiliiig,  Thomas. 

1 558 


81' Post  ]\rortom  Poli 
410''  Whit-ift,  P.  i. 

463"  Chiclielcy,  P.  i. 
CO''  Stafford. 

1448     102"  Stafford. 
1498     14^  Morton. 
1445     71--'  Stafford. 

Somer,  llenr^',  Es.j''.      Cliancellor  of  the 

Soler,  see  ilatteson. 

Sumer,  Peter,  of  Ciaiiobrookc  in  Kent. 
Somercrofte,  John,  capellanus,  of  Ihiyh-s- 

Somerset,  John,  Earl  of. 
Souclic,  Elizabeth  la,  late  wife  of  Sir 

Will'"  do  la  Souche,  Knt. 
Southam,  Thomas.     Archdeacon,  Brrks. 
Southcote,  Thomas  dfis  de. 
Sowman,  Kobort,  of  Briston. 
Sowthtleet,  John.      Sowthllcd,. 
Spackman,  Anno,  of  XorthllWc,  n,.  Kmi. 
Speham,  John,  of  Shorham. 
Spelman,  Thomas,     of  Mekl    I'.lyn^'hani, 

Spenser,  Jolian,  late  servant  of  my    Lady 

Anno  Skropo  of  Estharlyng. 
Spiccr,  Ilichard,  of  Calverl'ey. 


104"  Cranmcr. 


38"  Morton. 


59''  Polo. 


27"  Morton. 


187"  Arundel,  P.  i. 


27G"  Whitgift,  P.  i. 


03"  Post  Mortem  Poli. 


129''  Stafford. 


3G2''  Chichele,  P.  i. 


64"  Stafford. 


41"  Morton. 


273''  Kempe. 


292''  Kempe. 


70"  Stafford. 


198"  Courtenay. 


43"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


47''  Post  Mortem  Poli 


183''  Stafford. 


274"  Whitgift,  P.  i. 


27 7*^  Kempe. 


48"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

11  OS 

2:>:V'  Arundel,  P.  i. 


213"  Arundel,  P.  i. 


315"'  Kempe. 


13"  I\rorton. 


58"PostMorlrm  Pol 


273''  Ablint,  P.  i. 


?,[■:,-  Chichele,  P.  i. 


20"  Mnrton. 


45"  Morton. 


30P'  &  281"  Kempo. 



Spraiigcr,  Ellun,  W",  of  Jlilton. 

Spryngtliorp,  Jolui,  clerk. 

Stablegafe,  Edmund.     Caiitcibiiry,  Clirist- 

Staiford,  Anne,  Countess  of.     Gloucester. 
*Stairord,  Anno,  Couute-ss  of.  Lanthony.  17 
Stafford,  Ednrund.     Bishop  of  Exeter. 
Stafford,  Fulkc.    Friars  preachers,  London. 
Stafford,  Hugh,  Earl  of  (2  Avills). 
Stafford,  Hii-h,  Earl  of. 
Stafford,  Humj)hrey,  sen',  Knt.    AbLoteg- 

Stafford,  Elizabeth,    wife    of  llumphrey, 

sen*'.,  Knt.     Abbotesbury. 
Stafford,  Hunijihrey,  of  Hoke,  Dorset. 
Stafford,    Ealph,    Escf,    Worcester.     St. 

Lawrence  I'ountney,  London. 
Stanle,  Thomas,  clerk.     London. 
Stannard,  Ednmnd.      Citizen  of  Norwich. 
Stanshawe,  Kobert,  Esq'.,  of  AUorly,  co. 

Staustin,  William,  Triest  and   Scholar  of 

the  Uni\xnvity  of  Oxfor.l. 
Stardlyng,  ^^'illiam,  Knt. 
Steavman,  Thomas,  of  Greenwiche. 
Steel,  William,  clerk.      Charleloii. 
Stevens,  John,  of  Xorton  under  Ifamden, 

wollen  weaver. 
Stevens,  William,  of  Overton,  co.  AVilts. 
Steven.s,  AVilliam,     Precentor  of  Wells. 
Stcvynson,  Thoma.s,  of  '\'\^^lpo(lll. 
Stegge,  John.     Burgess  of  f^ynn. 
Stone,  John.      Canon  of  Wyn-ham. 
Stokeman,  Edmund,  of  ^frthrwnld. 
Stokes,  John,  Esq'^.,  of  Soutliwarl;-, 
Stoky.s,    John.      Jiector    of  Gy.-.lynghani, 

Stokys,  John,  of  Romene. 
Stonestretc,  Laurence. 
Stopan,  Christian  of  Ifolynghorno. 
Stopyndou,  John.    Archdeacon  of  Dorset. 

St.  Dunslan-in-thc-Wost,  London. 
Stoves,  John,  of  I'ydcle. 
Stowe,     Thomas.      Citizen     uwd     liilow 

chandler    of    London.      St.     Mirli:iel, 

.fSt.  I'aul'.sLo 

i9  IL 




,  Thoui 

as.    Dean 





Straxhill,   A\' 

illium.      C 




205''  Whitgifl,  P.  i. 


381"  Chichdc,  P.  i. 




479'  Chichele,  P.  i. 

H.  vi. 

479-'  Chichele,  P.  i. 


319''  Chichele,  P.  i. 


162^  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


220^  Courten;i.y. 


219"  Arundel,  P.  i. 


nS'-*  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


173'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 


485"  Chichele,  P.  i. 


268*  Kcmpe. 


44'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 

14  OG 

540' Arundrl,  P.  i. 


159''  Stafford. 


168''  .\rundel,  P.  ii. 


256"  Arundel  P.  i. 


57"  Post  Mortem  Poll 


120''  Whittlcseye. 


441''  AVhil-ifl,  P,  i. 


396''  Wl,iiL;ilX,  P.  i. 




31*  :Morton. 


170"  Chichele,  P.  ii. 


SO''  Sudbury. 

14  45 

07'' Stallord". 


380"  Chichele,  P.  i. 


541'' Arundel,  P.  i. 


209''  Arundel,  P.  i. 

■n.   vi 

52"  Stafford. 


227"  Arundel,  P.  i. 


148"  Stafford. 


149''  Parker. 


84''l'ost]\rortera  Poli. 

14  05 

225''  Arund,4,  P.  i. 




182"  Stafford, 



Stratford,  llobort.      Bishop  of  Chichester. 

Stratton,  John.     Citizen  of  Norwich. 

Straungo,  UalJwin,  Knt. 

Strccho,  John.     Oxuburgh. 

Stretton,  Robert,  Bishop  of  Coventry  and 

Strode,  Stephen.     (Probate  only.) 
Strongo,  Robert,  of  Crowmere.  [Cromer.] 
Stridelyn'^ton,    "William    de.     Bishop    of 

St   As.aph. 
Stward,  John,  Knt.     All  Hallows,  Stain- 
ing, London. 
Sturmyn,  John.     Euwenny  in  Wales. 
Stury,  Alice.     Hampton  Lovot. 
Styllc,  Thomas,  of  Cowdeuo  in  Kent. 
Styuccle,  "William.     Rector  of  Blecheloy. 
Sudburn,  Robert,  of  Hallysworth,  co.  Suif., 

Sudbury,  Thomas,  Keeper  of  the  College 

of  St.  Gregory  of. 
Suetirlon,  William.   Rector  of  Erpyugham. 
Sutton,  Jolni. 

Suttonc,  Rpger  de.     Rector  of  Cherryng. 
Swaynson,    Richard,    of    Wythyham,  in 

Swether,  Richard,  of  Lynn  Epi. 
Swynncsey,  Robert,  of  (xloucestcr. 
Swynborne,  Thomas,  Knt.,  Little  Ilorkes- 

ley,  Essex. 
Swynoshcved,    John    do.      Rector    of 

Lyniyng.     Canon  of  Exeter. 
Sybbcthorp,  Robert.     Rector  of  Mayden- 

Syler,  Edmund,  of  Blofeld. 
Symond,  ^'ie!luias,  Lnndon. 
Syrapsou,  Roger,  of  Debtford   Stroud  in 

Syward,  Roger,  of  Dorchester. 

Tailor,  William,  of  South  Berlyngham 

Talbot,  John,  of  Romenc. 

Talbot,  "William,  Knt.     Whitchurch. 

Talbot,  seo  Shrewsbury. 

Taskcr,  Richard,  of  Burstow,  Surrey. 

Tatershalo,  Richard.     Citizen  &  Baker  of 

Taunk,  William.     Chief  Baron  of  the 

Taylor,  Julm,  of  Bydenden,  co.  Kent. 
Taylour,  Tliomas,  of  Hyde,  yeoman. 
Tebbe,  liichard,  of  St.  Bartholomew. 









135"  Islop. 
GSb  Stafford. 
295»>  Chichelo,  P.  i. 
312''  Chichele,  P   i. 

211*  Courtcnay. 
198»  Arundel,  P.  ii. 
12''  Morton. 

1382     196"  Courtenay. 

173*  Stafford. 
387«  Chichele,  P.  i. 
266^  Chichele,  P,  i. 
62^  Post  Mortem  Poli. 
244''  Arundel,  P.  i. 

1498     35"  Morton. 

147''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 
68=^  Staflbrd. 
323"  Chichele,  P.  i. 
100"  Sudbury. 

54''  Post  Jlortem  Poli, 

70"  Stafford. 

149"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

157"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

125''  Whittloseye. 


233"  Courtenay. 

62"  Stalford. 

41"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


61'- Post  Mortem  Poli. 
229''  Courtenay. 

14  25 

194"  Arundel,  P.  ii. 
200"  Arundel,  P.  i. 
389"  Chichele,  P.  i. 


275"  Abbot,  P.  i. 


178"  Stafford. 


85''  Sudbury. 
309"  Parker,  P.  i. 
273"  Whilgift,  P.  i. 
373"  Chichele,  P.  i, 



Tendoryns,  AVilliam,  Esq"-.     Ilolbroke. 


431''Chiohele,  P.  i 

Thomas,  Jolm,  of  "Wyndielsc. 


308^  Kenipo. 

Thomas,  Eichard,   of   Scvenshic  (?J,   co. 



278''  Abbot,  P.  i. 

Tlioriton,  .Tohn,  Esif.     Camelegli. 


105'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 

Thorp-  Edmund,  Kut,     AsRlnvdlcUi..,rpo, 


SIS'-  Chichelo,  P.  i. 

Tlior]i,   Rol.crt  de,   Knt.     Cliancelloi-  of 



12G»  Whittleseye. 

Thynghull,  William  de.     Canon  of  Lich- 

field.    Koctor  of  Bishupsbornc. 



Toft,  KoLcrt,  of  Wlieatacrcbuvgli. 


72"  Stafford. 

Tollock,  Thomas,  of  Hornyngesham. 


348"  Chichele,  P.  i. 

Tolymonde,  William. 


ni"  Stalford. 

Tompson,  George,  of  Depford. 


G7*Post  ?iJortrmPoli 

Tomsson  aUas  Adams,  John,   of  South- 

fleet,  in  Kent. 


SS'*  Post  Mortem  Poli 

Tonge,  William.    Yicar  of  Aston.     (Pro- 



129'- Chichele,  P.  ii. 

Tonge,  Scmannus  de.     Faversham. 


2G7''  Chichele,  P,  i. 

Toole,  Joseph,  of  Latcliyngdon,  in  co. 



123MVhitgift,  P.  i. 

Topclyff,  Kobert,   of  Canterbury.     St. 

l^fargarct  Patens,  London. 


119"  Stalford. 

Toppe,  see  Kicolas. 

Trevenant,  .Jolm.     Bisliop  of  l[.r,.ford. 

1 104 

207-'  Arundel,  P.  i. 

Trcwe,  Eobert.     Burgess  and  J)!,.]...!-  of 

Lcnn  Bnsshopp. 


30-  Morton. 

Trewyn,  H.-nry.      Wolwyeh. 


349''  Gliirhrlr,  P.  i. 

Trewyii,    Thomas,    Es(f.      Eriars  ]\linors, 



307-  Cbidl.'lr,  P.  i. 

Trcygor,  Jolm.     Goryng. 


214- Arun.lrl,  P.  i. 

Trillek,  Thomas.     P.ishop  of  Rochester. 


12G"  Whittlrseye. 

Trussel,  William,  Knt.,  of  Cublesden. 


105-  Smltmry. 

Tryvet,  Elizabeth.     Canterbury. 


442»,  P.  i. 

Tudenhani,  Gooftrcy,  of  Ilillyngton. 


09"  Stalford. 

Turk,  John.     Can.m  of  Sali^buiv. 


190-^  Aruiid.l,  P.  i. 

Tye,  Robert,  Knt.      Bar.ham. 


1G8''  Cliielirle,  P.  ii. 

Tykcrege,  John,  of  Eranfvld,  co.  Sussex-. 


7"  Post  Mortem  Poli. 

Tympl.'y,  Roger,  of   Ii.piswiche. 


13"  ;\lorton. 

Tyrell,  Edward,   S.piver,  the  rldur,  Dun- 

ham, Chelmsford,  Essex  (2  Wills.) 


48S"  Chichele,  P.  i 

Uflord,  Isabell  .!.•.      Cuuiitcss  of  Sullnlk. 


29.5"  Chichele,  P.  i. 

Ulford,  Robert  dr.      I'arl   of   Snutlil\,|rk. 



109-  Wl,ittlr.scyc. 

Ufford,  Williaui  dr.      Earl  of   Sullolk. 


191"  Courteuay. 

Ullerslon,  Rirl,:,ul,      ran..,,  of  Sali.burv. 


3G2"  Clnrhele,  P.  i. 

Iljiton,  Jolm  dr.      Canon  of  Salisbury  and 



153V'\rundel,  P.  i, 

Vsslier,  John,  of  Eol.sham, 


21"  Morion, 


UsNher,  Robert,  of  Secud  Rove,  co.  AVilts.  1591  -IM''  AVliit-ift,  V.  i. 

UveJale,  Thomas  ilo,  Knt.     Tychoseye.  13G7  11  i' Lan-luuu. 
Uvcdalf,  William,  Esq''.     St.  Maiy  Oveiy, 

Southwark.  1149  17G'  StafloRl. 

Vans,  Richard.  141 S  324'-^  ChicheK.,  V.  i, 

Vaus,  William  do.      iraydcnslaii.  13GS  121'' Lan,L;ham. 

Yaux,  Richard,  of  Kellyng.  1 145  C4''  Statlnnl. 
Yen;  John  de.     Earl  of  Oxford.     :\roiiks 

Colne,  1359  159'' Isle],. 

Veer,  Matilda  de.     Countess  of  Oxford.  1412  IGT' Arundrl,  1".  ii. 

Veer,  Richard.  Earl  of  Oxford.  1415  301^^  Chiclirlr,  ]'.  i. 
Veer,  Tliomas.     Earl  of  Oxford.      Clum- 

cellor  of  England.     Colne,  Essex.  1371  118M^^liltleReve. 

Vcggescombo,  Robert.     Canon  of  Exeter.  13S1  200'' Courtenay. 
Vernon,  Henry.     Citizen  and  Serivenfn'  of 

London.  1558  81'' Tost  Mortem  I'.ili. 

Vincent,  Richard.     Citizen  of  Loiidmi.  1452  275'' Kempe. 

Violet,  Robert,  of  Beckiiam  in  ICml.  155S  GO^'  l^ost  Mortem  Pnli. 
Vynter,    Robeit  dr.      ,AIav<len.-,lau.      Uoxlcy 

Abbey.                            "  13G8  120'  Langhani. 

W-.vh,  Jolm,  of  Lristok  1 104  223''  ArundM,  V.  i. 

AVakervn-  John.     Ihshop  of  Norwich.  1425  383'' Cliirlirl,.,  ]'.  i. 
A\'alde-rave,  Ricliard,  Knt.,  si'ii''.      liiircs 

St.  Marv.  1410  49'  Arundel,  1'.  ii. 
Walden,  John.    Si.  llutliulomcw,  Smitli- 

Jield.  1417  310''Chichrh.,  V.  i. 

Walden,  Roger,     liishop  of  Leiidm,.  1405  227"  Arun.lel,  1'.  i. 

Walderun,  William.     Citizen  ..f  Lmulon.  1121  371"  Chichele,  1>.  i. 

Wales,  Joan,  Princess  of.  1385  213'^  Courtcnay. 
Waleys,  Matilda,  wife  of  Augustiu.    Holy 

Trinity  Priory,  London.     ^  1355  101'',  108',  109'',  W.. p. 

AVall,  Robert.     (Prob.ito  oidy.)  1413  192'' Arundel,  P.  ii. 
Wallere,    Katcrine,   relict   of  Thomas,   of 

Lambcrhurst.  1423  374''  Chichclr,  P.  i. 

Walsh,  James.     Rector  of  Stn.klM,,.  13GS  117M,anL;liam. 

Waller,  Richard,  of  Dikeleld,  in  Sussex.  1558  8"  I'ost  yUnU-m  I'oli. 

Walthani,  Roger.     Fordyngbrigg.  1409  lOG''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

AValton,  Robert  do.     Rector  of  Clyve.  137G  92^' Sudliurv. 

AVard,  T..nis,.n,  of  East  FarlciLdi,  spinster.  1G15  27P'  Abljot,  1'.  i. 
Warde,  Thomas.  Caimn  of  AViUesdon.  St. 

Paul'.s.  1452  2.-)7''  Kcmpe. 

Ware,  Henry.     P.isboo  of  Chieliesl.T.  1420  33:,' Chiehel,.,  P.  i. 

Ware,  .luhn,  of  Seale  i'u  Iveul.  15.-,8  57''  P.isl  .Muil.'iii  I'nli 

Wareyn,  Kdiiuiud.      l/il  izeu  of  P.mdon.  1453  295''Kempe. 
Warham,  Rul.erl,   of  Ahelev,   c.    I'saex, 

gentleman.                            "  1529      100'  ^Valll,lm. 

Warnnvell,  Robevl.      Citi/eii  cf  Salisl.ui'y.  1117  1  I'.)'' Slalloid. 
AVarmynton,  Richard  .le.  of  Adc's- 

ham".  1378  100''  Sudbury 


AVarro,  John.     Iliiljurdaslicr  of  Soutlnvavk.   141G     188'' Staifonl 
Warro,    llo'^n-   la,    Kill.      Monastery    of 

SwynsliL'vi.l  1370     llGMVliiUk'Scyc. 

Wamai,  Kc-inaia.     irvac.  M08     SD.V  Arundel,  P.  i. 

AVanwyk,  Guy  .Ic.      "  ISoO     IGOMGC' Mep. 

Ware.wyk,  William.     Ciii/.cu  and  I^Iercor 

of  Salisbury.  Hi5     137'^  Staflbrd. 

Waterton,  Hugh  de,  Knt.     llarlcy.  1109     107^  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

Watford,   John.     Keclor   of  Sncryatc. 

Maghfeldo  1368     107^'  Whiltleseyo, 

Wattes,  John,  of  Downham.  1499     .57''  jNlorton. 

'VVaynflete,  John.     Capellanus  of  Bnrlenli.   1  125     385^'  Chiehele,  P.  i. 
Wayn,  John,  of  Thornham  Bishop.  1415     G2'' Stafford. 

Weaver,  b-er  blasters. 

Webl),  Roliert,  of  Lanqridgo.  1591     444"  Whilgift,  P.  i. 

Webber,  Phillippc,  of  Spaxton.  1590     43G''  Whitgifl,  P.  i. 

Wego,  Henry.     Rector  of  Lamero,  Wales.    1112      119"  Wtailord. 
Welde,  Henry.  Rector  of  Wikham  P.rowrs.  1420     338"  Chieliele,  P.  i. 
Welles,    Clement,    clerk.       St.    Nicholas 

Olavc,  London.  1452     2G0' Kompc. 

Welles,  John.    Alderman  of  London.  St. 

Antoine.  1442     484"  Chiehele,  P.  i. 

Welles,  William  de.    Bishop  of  Rochester.    1443     122'' StatTord. 
Wells,  see  John. 

Wennyng,  Adam.     Helgey,  Norfolk.  1445     70"  Staflnrd. 

West,  John,  the  younger,  of  Basingstoke.     159G     281"  Whitgifl,  P.  ii 
West,    John.      "2suncius    de    Seaceario 

apud  Westminster."  1429     420"  Chiehele,  P.  i. 

West,  Thomas,  Kiit.  1415     297"  (.'In.diele,  P.  i. 

West,  Thomas,  Knt.      Twviiham.  1105     20si' .\ruii.lel,  P.  i. 

Westburv,  AVilliam.    .lu-liee  .4  C<.iiimnn 

lieiuh'.       Wesllniiv,  Wills.  1448       ISO''  Sluiford. 

Wrslhurp,  .luhn,        ■  1408     255^'  .\riiiid(4,  P.  i. 

AVestmnv,  Al.'vn,  of  Walberiswyk.  1499      57''  .M orlon. 

West, ,11,  4'hoiii;is.      Pirsuii    of    ('astre  St. 

Wethereld,  William,  of   Ipswir],. 
Wheler,  J.ihii,  of   llovedni, 
Wlielp.lale,  Ro-.r.      Bishop  nf   CaiHsle. 
Whetill,  John,  of  Shai.p.wieke. 
Wliiehele,  John,  ..f  New  Wvndr.ore. 
Whidvi.L'ton,    Ri.hard.      .Mdmaan    of 

AVhile,  .lolm,  Knt.,  of  Konvirli, 

While  (//Aw   Phlllippes,     r.r.nlyr,   of    lluil 

AVhile,  William,  scnr.  Soull,    Mallvn... 
Whiteehuieh,      Agnes,     lal.',     of      W"     i 


Whilehuivhe,  Rirhaide,   of  Sto.4;well 
parisli  of  UlsNviek, 




14  50 




55" ; 




Cliichele,  P.  i. 



Whitgift,  P.  i. 



'  Arundel,  P.  ii 



■Cliichrle,    R    i. 


5  1 1' 

■  Aiiiiid,  1,  P.  i. 


4  38^' 

'  Whilgifl,  P.  i, 


20  1' 

■  (,lii;hele,  P.   i. 


1 28' 

■  Clii-4iele,  P.    i 



'  Parker,  P.  i, 


AVhityiigliam,  Robert.  Citizen  of  London. 

St.  Ciiristoplior.  1^07  1G9^'  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

Whityni^liani,  Robert,  Knt.  A-sshcrcg-c.  1452  2G9^  Kompe. 

AVliitington,  Cecilia.     I'aunteley.  U52  2G0MCenipe. 
AVhynderton,  William,  of  Ivist  Sutton,  co. 

Kent  15G0  308''  Parker,  P.  i. 

Wl.yne,  John.  1583  94-  Whitgift,  P.  i. 
Wicestve,    Henry,    Es(^^     St.     Botolph, 

Aldgate,  London.  1449  178'' Stafford. 
Wic.lio,     Jolm.      Master     of     Collegiate 

Clmrcli  of  Lvngfeld.  1445  128- Stafford. 

Wigge,  William,  of  Xorwich.  1499  29^  :Morton. 
Wifkyn,  "William,  of  Tylney,  eo.  Norfk., 

hu.sbandman.                      ^  1584  337MVhitgift,  P.  i 
Williamsono,     Roger.     Haberdasher     of 

Southwark.  144  5  17G- Stalford. 

Williamesone,  Thomas,  of  Lvnn  Epi.  1415  G?"  StallVird. 
Windsor    nliio^   Christopher,   Thomas,    of 

Northcott,  CO.  !Midilx.,  veoman.  1G15  2G6»  Abbot,  P.  i. 
Winter,  Rieliard,  of  Cokliam,  in  Tarkshire, 

bargeman.  1590  398MV]iitgift,  P.  i. 

Withi,  John.  Vicar  of  Audeley.  1414  120"  Chirhele,    1'.  ii. 

Witherinersch,  Richard.      Heigham.  1409  4G''  Armulel,  P.  ii. 

Wodehnuse,  .John,  Esq'.   Norwich.  1430  420'' Chiehele,  P.  i. 

Woduland,  Richar.l.    Rector  of  Lambeth.  1376  82^  Sudbury. 

Wolle,  Peter,  of  Upwelle.  1498  2P  Jlorton. 
WollcsliiU,  William.   Crevfriars,  London. 

Yerdeley,  A7oreestersh.  1452  291M<;empe. 
Wood,    R'ichar.1,    l^s.j.      North   Ta^vton, 

Devon.  1492  1.30- Slair.ud. 

Woodc,  Ro-er  at,  Cdovor,  of  Lvnn  Epi.  1445  G9i'  Slallnrd. 

Wodhull,  dohn,  Kretor  of  OrpVngton.  1:182  205''  Court.aiay. 

Wonlf..,,  Richard,  of  Stonbrego.  1559  G3''  .Mortem  Poll. 

Worsthnrp,  .lohn.  1413  1G7''  Arundel,  P.  ii. 

Worth,  dolin,Kut.  1391  238-' Courtenay. 
AVotton,    John.      Master     of     Collegiate 

Chureli  of  1  117  309^'  Chiehele,  P.  i. 
Wotton,  Nicholas.     Lord  Mayor  of  Lou- 
don.    Pokton  Malherlie,   Kent.  1447  1G6"  Stallbrd. 
AVrangvll,  John  son  of  Alaude.   Xvrkested.  1411  154b  Arur.del,  P.  ii. 
Wright,  Mar-aret,  of  Kiinborle.     '  1145  GG"  Slallbr,!. 
Wroston,  John,  Es,l^      P.rodrhrulon.  1429  41U'' Chi.hole,  P.  i. 
Wryiicho,  William,  of   Upwellr.  1497  23 
Wydevyle,  Richard,  sen'.     Maydeslun.  M41  482''  Chirhrl,.,  I',  i. 
Wvkeh'am,  William.  Hislu.pof  Winchrsb.r.  1  lO:'.  212''  Aiundrll.l".  i. 

AVvkehirst,  AVilliam,  sn 

l^     St.  Mary  Crave 

.    14i:i      172'  Amndel,  P.  ii. 

AVvkeme're,  Adam   de. 

Dean  of  South- 


1381      212-   C.aulouav. 

AA'vkkenden,  AVilliam,. 

■f  Cowdeu  in  Kent 

.    1558      59-Pnsl  Mnitrni  1'. 

AVvleocke,  John,      Cili, 

vu  au.l  Draper  of 


1558     87"l'ost  .Mortrm  i'. 



AVvlcokr,  John.  IVilvjidon. 

AVylson,  UUx,  ^X".  St.  Towlie  in  Silvor- 

Wylton,  Jolm,  E.sq''.     AVolton  at  Stone. 

^\''ylughbv,  RoLert,  of  l^^re.sby,  .'juu''. 

■\^'yn,  Gryffytli  ap  Eden. 

Wyiieliester,  Ilonry,  of  Chiehester. 

AVynde.soro,  Alicia,  diia.  Upniyiister. 

AVyncwyk,  John  do.  Ti'i.'a.siirer  of  Yorlc. 
lluyton,  IMonketon. 

Wyngeffld,  ^lai-eiy  dn'a  de. 

Wyngefeld,  Eol.eit,  Kiit.     Letliynsliani. 

"\Vyns]iir.^t,  John.     G.mtlieri^t. 

Wynti'inghain,  '\Mlliam.  Citizen  of  Lon- 
don. St.  ?>ravy  Magdalen,  Old  I'ish 

Wyntyr,  Thomas.     St.  Paul'.s,  London. 

AVyot,  Richard.     Langley  Mareys. 

AVys.^yng'.sete,    John,    of    London. 

WytclyfV,  John.    Rector  of  iror.5tedcavnes. 

Wyth,  ]\Laiirice,  Knt.  St.  Botulph,  Al.lei's 

Wyrt,  jNIargaret,  of  Gloucester. 

Yerd,  Jolm,  Eisq''.     Chehani,  Surrey. 
Yevcre,  Thomas.     Tod3-ngton. 
Yo]ig,  Henry,  of  Ludlow. 
Yong,  Thomas,  clerk. 


471''Chichele,  P.  i. 


81'' Post  Mortem  Poli 


212'-  Arundel,  P.  i. 


157''  Arundel,  P.  i. 


1  S3'' Parker. 


147''  Parker. 


188''  Arundel,  P.  i. 

(  40"  Whittleseye. 


}  IGi^^  Lslup. 

1-1 OG 

541'  Arundel,  P.  i. 


297''  Kempe. 


44-  Arundel,  P.  ii. 


291"  Konpc. 


172- Arundel,  P.  ii. 


424»  Chichelc,  P.  i. 

1421  399''  Chichele,  P.  i. 

1383  297-  Courtenay. 

1383  205-  Courtenay. 

1405  331-  Arundel,  P.  i. 

1450  188''  Stafiord. 

142G  414-  Chichele,  P.  i. 

1538  102''  Cranmer. 

1375  97- Su.lhurv. 

Yong,  Richard,     liis 

iiop  of   R.irhcstei 


323-  Chich 

ele,  P 

Yongp,   Anthony,  of 

Lighe  next    Toi 



203-  Aliho 

t,  P.  i. 

Yonge,,;w.      Pr 

.;,v,,st  of  Wvn-h: 

im.      1  IDS 

107-  .Vrun. 

lel,  P. 

*York,    Ivhvard,   l)u 

k.'  of.     Fudiyngl 




284''  Chi,-li 

itde,  P 

York,  ,rc.  Laugelee. 

*York,  Philippa,  1  )u, 

lllcss  of. 


4  28-  Cliicli 

,ele,  P 

Yorpe,  John.      Mer.4 

on.      (Pmluleo, 

dy.)     1413 

103- Aran, 

lei,  P. 

Zogoso  alias  lir.idgare,  John. 

1409     109'' Aruud(  1,  P 

Codeman,  .lohn.  A 
Stork.',  CI, 
AVilliams,  l;i,hanl. 

H7//.S'  af,   i„,t  i„  J 
f  M.^.  ..f  .\n,i, 

l;,-d~.  1.-, 

.am  in  Y 


■nt.  159U.     Jhid.  to.  87. 




Topograpliers  have,  I  think,  unaccountably  neyhjcted  the  mass 
of  inion nation  which  tlie  Feet  of  Finr.-i  aflbrd.  Tlic  labour 
necessary  to  carefully  go  through  the  unindexed  files  is  no  doubt 
immense,  but  the  I'esults  are  so  valuable  that  an  account  of  a 
manor  or  locality  is  incomplete  indeed  without  such  labour  being 
undertaken.  As  far  as  regards  Norfolk,  Le  Neve  iio  doubt 
supplied  Blomefield  with  notes  of  most  of  the  more  important 
lines,  so  our  county  history  is  probably  more  i^erfect  in  this 
respect  than  any  other ;  but  there  are  many  instances  in  wliich 
important  topographical  and  genealogical  facts  have  been  passed 
over.  Moreover,  at  the  time  Lc  Neve  aiid  a  few  others  were 
working  so  industriously,  very  slight  interest  was  taken  in 
families  which  were  not  or  had  not  been  in  a  knightly  or  gentle 
position,  and  no  notes  were  taken  by  them  of  the  names  of  the 
small  freeholders,  many  of  whose  dcscemlants  are  now  of 
importance  in  the  county.  Nor  did  the  vuriovuvi  readings  of 
the  names  of  localities,  of  the  utmost  value  in  tracing  their 
dei'ivation,^  nor  the  inunense  wealth  of  field  names,  interest  them 
in  any  way ;  indeed  we  may  roughly  say  that  if  a  i\nc  did  )iot 
chronicle  the  descent  of  a  manor  or  advowson,  or  give  some 
pedigree  information  a1)0ut  some  armigevous  famil}',  it  wa.s 
passed  by  unnoted. 

One  discovery  arising  from  the  analysis  I  have  made  of  tlic 
Norfolk  fines  for  Richard  I  and  John  is,  I  think,  of  very 
considerable  importance,  and  tliat  is  that  the  fines  for  Norfolk 
vastly  outninnber  tliose  of  any  other  county.  Indeed,  for  the 
reign  of  Richard  I  Norfolk  has  2!).'],  while  l^edfordsliire,  ]3erk- 
shire,  Buckinghamshire,  Cambridgeshire,  Cumberland,  Cornwall, 
Derby.shire,  Devonshire,  and  Dorsetshire  tot/cthcr  only  have 
231. — Cooper  on  'Public  Records,'  ii,  p.  l.')].  Coupling  this  with 
the  facts  that  in  the  Norfolk  fines  there  is  a  nmch  greater 
pi'oportion  relating  to  small  holdings  of  five  acres'  and  under 
than  in  a)iy  other  county  (a  fact  which  points  to  numei'ous  small 
freeholders),^  and  that  in  the  early  Norf\)lk  lines  )iow  before  us 
we  come  across  an  uiuisually   large   proportion  of   Scandinavian 

"-  Tl.,;  M-k'ur'u  of'tnidn-  el  Mn..l,i,.lr,  w:,..  in  ll  ,  infanrv.  1  ;l..iii.-n.L1,  ..v  r.itl.ri-  IiIh 
cmtmu.-itor  I'aikin,  ha.l  "  w.ii'.t  "  „„  tlu'  l.i.iiu  ;  i,.mi  Iv' .v.i  y  lil.Hv-iiiun..  Mrrimlii.^: 
to  him  ramc  from  "  watii." 

'  1   li;wc  gi-iive  doulit.i   wlhllirr   an   "am-"    dim    ».i-,    n..l   nnuli   Ini^.-i    thinliio 

*  Mr.  GrciMi.,lrct't  rciiii'iM.,  mc  the  i-n,  .  nmiil..  r  ul  Noilolk  L-nlM,,,  ,.n  Uic 
l>c  JJaiicv  rwlU  1a\us  out  tiii:. 

230  FEET    OF    FINES. 

names,  wc  care  drawn  to  the  conclusion  that  we  have  hero  strong 
evidence  tliat  the  Noiman  kings  were  wise  enough  to  leave  tlicir 
jicar  kinsmen  tlic  ]3anes  undisturbed  in  their  hokUngs  to  a  very 
mucli  greater  extent  tlian  lias  hitherto  l^eon  suspected. 

The  point  is  so  historicaHj'  interesting  that  I  hope  I  may  he 
excused  if  1  devote  some  space  to  it.  Perhaps  as  good  a  ^vay  to 
show  the  marked  difference  in  race  between  the  inhabitants  of 
our  county  and  those  of  some  of  the  shires  will  be  to  compare 
the  number  of  Christian  or  fore-names  occurring  in  the  fines  for 
llichard  I  and  John  for  Bedfordshire,  Berkshire,  and  Buck'ing- 
hamsbire  (which  I  have  extracted,  not  without  considerable 
trouble,  from  vol.  i  of  the  printed  fines  published  by  the  late 
Joseph  Hunter  for  the  Record  Commission  in  1835),  with  those 
occurring  during  the  same  period  in  Norfolk.  The  Bedfordshire 
names  mnnbcr  in  all  91,  the  Berkshire  90,  tlie  Buckinghamshire 
105,  while,  even  without  counting  connnon  names,  such  as  John, 
William,  <Scc.,  there  are  no  less  than  .322  for  Norfolk,  very  many 
of  whom  are  Scandinavian. 

Tlie  Norman  and  other  continental  names  which  occur  are  not 
as  numerous  as  would  be  expected  by  those  who  fancy  that  the 
Norman  Conquest  literallj-  flooded  all  England  with  Normans 
and  Frcnclimen.  Of  course  many  of  the  A  filius  B  entries  wcie 
meant  for  A  "  Fitz  "  B,  so  it  is  ditllcult  to  ascertain  exactly  what 
numerical  projjortion  of  tlie  landowners  were  Ndrman  ;  but  I  do 
iKit  think  that  more  than  110  Norman  or  l-'rench  names'  occur 
in  the  801  fines. 

But,  however  the  people  came  by  their  names,  it  is  very 
interesting  to  find  in  a  list  of  surnames  occurring  moi'O  than  six 
hundred  years  ago  such  every-day  Norfolk  names  as  Bacon, 
]3ayfie]d,  ]3arrctt,  Burrell,  Calejr,  Cobb,  Colman,  Cooi^er, 
Hammond,  Durrand,  Coss,  Gurney,  Londa,  Reyner,  Rye,  Rix, 
Swan,  Swatman,  Tliirkcttle,  Tuck,  Ulk,  and  Walpole. 

The  rarit}^  of  nicknames  or  by-names  is  remarkable.  All  I 
have  come  across  are  about  t^-enty,  viz.,  Godsaule,"  le  Cat 
Wudccok,  Colli le.  Swan,  Cuckuc,  Heron,  Crowe,  le  Neuman, 
Kinesman,  Wisman,  Freman,  Yvvelhume,  le  Blund,  le  Brun,  le 
Cris,  ]\'inper,  le  Gay,  le  AVile,  le  Curteis,  and  le  Gros. 

Nor  are  the  tra<le  or  occupation  names  a.s  numerous  as  might 
liave  birn  cxjicctcd,  viz.,  ]\[ercator  and  le  Marchand,  Faber, 
IMsop  and  I'li'C"]-!,  (dericus,  Sacerdos,  Diachonus,  le  Jbiinnc, 
Cocns,  l''e\dratius,  Falconar,  Forester,  Bedell,  Carpentarius  and 
Carjienter,  I'armentarius,  Camerarius,  Ilostiarius,  Janitor,  Pin- 
cerna,  Molcndarius,  le  Fliltere,  le  Norreis,  le  Spicer,  lo  Eschcr- 
nnsiu-,  le  l'V\crc,  le  Veantie,  i^^jc. 

KKKT    OF    FINES.  231 

A.s,  rouglily  .speaking,  about  one  thuiisau'l  ami  lifty  varictitis 
C)i'  names  occur  among  the  parties,  attoniies  ami  tenants,  in  the 
fines  printeil  liercat'ter, it  is  rather  strange  tliat  imt  i|uitr  tlireu  pi'r 
cent,  of  them  .should  be  nicknames  or  trade  names.  01'  the 
remainder,  abiout  two  hundred  and  forty  were  of  the  ty])e  "  A 
the  son  of  B,"  about  fourteen  were  singk'  names,  such  as  "  Ivo," 
and  the  rest  for  the  most  part  were  of  the  form  "  John  of 
Snoring,"  '  "  Hugli  of  Skerdeston." 

So  far  I  have  dealt  with  the  people  and  their  names — we  now 
come  to  the  localities  mentioned  in  the  fines.  Not  the  least 
reward  of  the  ilry  labom-  of  indexing  was  the  discoverj^  of  over 
fifty  localities  which  cannot  now  be  traced  in  the  county,  and 
wliich  escaped  even  the  research  of  JMr.  Mumford. 

More  interesting  still  are  the  very  numerous  lieM-names,  df 
wliich  no  less  than  four  hundred  occur.  As  charters  and  deeds 
of  this  date  are  verj"-  rare,  anil  when  iliry  do  oceiu-  seldom  do 
more  than  sjiccify  the  name  of  the  niaiKir  ui  ad\invson  conveyed, 
I  have  thought  it  worth  while  to  aiian;.:!-  Llicse  names  under 
headings  as  well  as  I  can,  asking  my  reader  to  treat  Icnirntly 
my  versions  of  hitherto  unknown  jilaeos,  ^vllieh  will  no  doubt 
receive  many  correctiojis  from  abler  hands. 

The  list  affords  a  tenrpting  field  for  conji'etiin',  but,  brin^-  no 
"  scollard,"  I  will  leave  this  to  others,  and  -will  only  ]H)iii(  ynt 
that  we  may  recognize  hero  many  of  our  favourite  lit'ld  names, 
.such  as  Fouracres,  Sevenacrcs,  and  Twelveacres ;  Homefield, 
Northfield,  and  AVcstfield.  Many  of  the  "  gates  "  would  seem  to 
refer  to  the  way  to  or  direction  of  an  adjacent  village,  (\<j., 
Brancastergate,  Stanhoegate,  and  Wintertmigate. 

Several   of  the  names  are   unmercil'ully    Imig,  !•.</.,  lilaeunMc- 

hevedland,  Burwennesne\dieland,  Kaimliie 


id,  Dude- 

graven verwang,  and  Dimeher.sseswang.     V> 
can  be  classified  under  the  terminations — 

esides  the  nan 

les  which 

Acre.                                       Cross. 
Beach,  or  Dech.                        Cnindel. 
Br.akes.                                      D.ale. 
Bridge.                                      Dele. 
Brooin.                                         Delf.  > 
Bury.                                         Dicli,  or  Dike. 
Bush.                                         Den. 
Bnsks.'                                      Don. 
];y.                                             V.wl 
Cot.                                               F,,llgate. 
Croft,                                         Fen. 






Clrave.  "■ 

Hago^or  lloge. 




'  V.iii:, lions  are  r.iro,  but  two  luny  lie  noted,  " 
an,l  Alan  .Ic  Kn;;leficld.  otliorwise  I'llius  .Mmi'll  (|..  ] :;-) 

1  r,oi,u  -.,11  of  KoU 

•if  (p.  lib) 

"   JUirlvv  i'V  T^ii.-jylu',  I'rt'ini't.  l*.ii"\iii'iruiii,  }i.  .nj. 

'   Dolpli.a   .iKiin    wbirli  emplies    itM.jf   into   a    l.n-.r 

.1   .K-f.,1           I'l  .e'.l.MiV     '    I'l  .i\  lii.-i  il    \\"..i  il.'    r.l'    I    ill,  iilii     Im 

diaill-    a  .lyk..  ^vhi 


(K'lVCtl.-  — J  il  ii^^iH.  U  .-^         1   MU  IIK  l.U     U  ui  ilti   tu    l,,ni'  I'lll    Mil  -  . 

*  A  salt  water  (i,l,il  eie.k, 

»  No  doubt  u-e.l  ill  the  «a,,o  of  ditch  or  tl.  n,h,  1  >,ii, 

»  "  Still  u-icd  in  Nu.folk  lui  u  hedec,"— Ualliwell  .s  ■  1 

i,.h   ;//■.(,■, 



Hulo,  nr  Hales. 






Ho,  or  How. 


Town's  end. 









Wong,  or  Wang.3 




Meadow,  Mi;\v. 





There  are  forLj'  i 

midcntificd  places 

i,  viz.  : — 









Staiiaue  [?Stanhow]. 

Ikiehcnrstic  (?Eeret- 






r.roelic,  le 




La  Drave. 





Diiive,  La. 









Fredur,  a.l. 







Occasionally  wc  liud  in  the  fines  entries  intereating  I'or  many 
reasons.  Thus  Hiiniphry  de  Uerlliam  in  8  Ric.  I  sold,  for  a 
lunidj'ed  shillings,  land  to  Ralph  de  Herlhain  (possibly  his 
lirotlier),  for  his  equipment  to  Jerusalem,  probablj''  in  the  fifth 
Crusade  then  being  in.stituted  by  Pope  Innocent  III ;  and  the 
objection  naturally  felt  by  large  landowners  to  their  sub-tenants 
gixing  land  into  mortmahi, which  did  no  service, is  well  instanced 
by  Evn,  daughter  of  Hawis  de  Morlai,  granting  lands  to  Ralph  de 
Torcy  and  his  assigns — "  prastercjuam  viris  religiosis."  Other 
instances  of  this  exception  will  be  found  at  pp.  35  and  09. 
Vineyards  are  mentionc<l  at  p.  187. 

'.I'he  nominal  or  \niusual  considerations  are  also  interesting,, 
a  pound  of  pepper;  a  pound  of  cummin  ;  a  pound  of  incense;  a 
pair  of  gloves  ;  a  pair  of  white  gloves  ;  a  hawk  ;  a  hawk  of  the 
iirst  3'ea)' ;  a  pair  of  gilt  spin's  ^\•orth  (id. ;  four  barbed  ar]'o\vs ; 
two  horses;  a  black  horse  of  the  third  and  another  of  the  sixth 
year  ;  a  horse  worth  10  marks  and  the  return  of  a  deed  ;  a  robe 
worth  2  marks;  a  mantle  and  tunic;  two  dresses  and  a  gold 
ring;  two  mallards ;  two  capons  at  Christmas;  a  Inillock  ;  0,200 
"  sticks"  ol'  eels  ;  I'reedom  from  toll ;  a  gold  ring  and  participation 
in  the  luiielits  ol'  a  monastery,  and  similar  participation  without 
a  ring.  An  early  instance  of  "  licjuidation  bj'  arrangement" 
occurs  where  a  credittir  releases  a  debtor  who  owes  him  30  marlvs 
for  a  cash  )iayment  of  three  marks.  The  consideration  is  occasion- 
ally aliseni,  but  its  most  usual  forms  are — 

valliiy  aud  a  plain  ; 


FEET    OE    FINES.  233 

1.  Cash,  or  crush  and  regrant  of  part  of   tlic  land  in  fee,  or 

cash  and  life  annnity,  or  cash  and  rent  (i.e.,  purcliaso  of 
a  perpetual  lease  at  a  pveniium). 

2.  Exchange  for  other  land,  or  exchange  for  other  land  and 

cash,  or  exchange'  for  other  land  for  which  rent  is  to  be 
paid  (i.e.,  exchange  of  freehold  for  leasehoh.l). 

3.  Rent,  or  rent  and  the  grant  of  some  other  property,  or  a 

yoar'.s  profits,  or  a  release  of  arrears  of  rent. 

4.  An  annuit}'  in  perpetuity  or  for  life. 

5.  The  regrant  for  life  at  a  rent  or  free  of  rent  {i.e.,  a  loan 

for  life). 

G.     The  regrant  of  part  absolutely  {i.e.,  a  partition). 

7.     Tlie  regrant  of  part  subject  to  a  rent  or  subject. 

Two  instances  occur  of  persons  not  parties  to  the  luie  taking 
benefits  by  it,  and  the  reader  will  find  numerous  cases  in  whicli 
the  "  calling  to  warrant  "  fiction  occurs,  thus  showing  ho'w  naich 
earlier  it  was  in  existence  than  the  invention  of  recoveries. 

In  the  10  Hich,  I  (No.  95)  a  condition  is  made  that  if  the 
consideration  is  not  paid  by  the  grantee  it  shall  be  so  fiy  a  third 
pei'son  named,  who  is  not  a  party  to  the  fine,  a  singularity  I  have 
never  seen  elsewhere. 

A  few  words  on  the  Feet  of  Fines  themselves  may  not  be 
inappropriate.  They  are  written  in  a  very  small  writing  on 
pieces  of  parchment  about  as  long  as,  l)ut  narrower  than  oneV'. 
hand,  indented  (jr  notched  along  the  to}),  and  are  as  a  nde  in 
good  condition. 

From  tlie  following  exact  transcri]it  of  one  of  them  a  better 
idea  of  their  form  and  contractions  may  be  gleaned  than  from 
any  dcserijjtion,  however  ample. 

11  -H  iiiial  9roid  f,"i  111  Cur  l)jn  V.,';-'  a],  ^oiwir  Ann..  Kcgiii  R 
Kie  vij"  Die  Sabb  fuslu  See  :^hlrg  Cuiii  Will  tie  f;la\  ill  ~l  Osb  lit 
nuicT,  Sim  (le  Tatcsh  JusUc  Dni  }lvj,'~l  -\lijs  liil,'lil.3  ]  hii  Keg' 
tc  ibi(T  psciiiih5  Turiiob  Jo  Hicfenl  i.efl  Ada  .Ic  N.'ivferd  ten 
do  .  viij  .  aer  c  pUn  i  Sj^.liaiii  .  un  assa'  dc  iiioitr,  ancrs.-m-i^  .su'iuofi 
fuit  Int  CO.S  i  cur  pfala  ;  .SciU  .[d  id  Ada  cGces.sil  eid  Kebl  bedib' 
sui.s  leta  pdrrnu  fia'  cii  pliu  tnieiid  de  .mi  t  lieilib3  sni.s  i  Keildeinlo 
In  auuali  sex  dniar  ad  fest'  .Sn  Mieb  .  t  a.l  xx  .  sm]  ,1,.  Srutn;T: 
vi   d  t  ad   I'lu.s  :   plus  .   i  ad    iiiiu''  '.    uiiii'  ji   ei  Qsurludin,.  ;  [,  j,  h" 

c:HTS,S01ie  id  Knb  dcd'  dee  Ade  tlia    I'.i/.iulia 

The  above  exteii.led  reads  tlms- 

llec   est   liiialis  cuiicordia  facta    in   curia  Domini    Regis 
apud    Norwicum    anno    regni    Regis    Ricardi    sejitimo,    die 

234  rfiET    OF    FINEa. 

S.ililiaii  I'o.sto  Sancte  JMavgavcto,  Coram  Willuliiu)  do  Olanvill 
et  Osljcrto  filio  IIei-\-ici  et  Siiuono  J';  ratcshill,  Justiciariis 
Domini  Kcgis,  ct  aliis  lidelibus  ])omini  Regis  &c.  ibi'leiii 
prescntibii.s.  Inter  llobertum  de  Hickt'ord  petentum,  ct 
Adam  de  Ncrei'ord  tetentem,  de  S  acris  cnm  pertiiientiis  in 
Sparliam.  Undo  Assisa  de  niorte  antecessoris  sunuuonita 
fiiit  inter  eos  in  cui'ia  prefata ;  scilicet  quod  idem  Adam 
concessit  eidem  Roberto  et  heredibiis  suis  totam  predictam 
terrain  cum  ]iertinentiis  Tenendam  de  se  et  lieredibu.s  suis  : 
Reddendo  inde  annuatim  sex  denarios  ad  festum  Sancti 
Micliaelis,  et  ad  20  solidos  de  scutn.gia  sex  denarios,  et  ad 
plus  plus  et  ad  minus  minus,  pro  onmi  consuetudine.  Et 
pro  liac  concessione  idem  Robortus  dodit  dicto  Adc  tria 

And  translated,  thus — ■ 

This  is  tlic  final  agreement  made  in  the  Court  ol'  (our) 
Lord  the  King  at  Norwich  on  the  Sabbath  day,  in  the  least 
of  St.  Margaret,  in  the  7th  year  of  King  Richard,  before 
William  de  Glanvill,  Osbcrt  Fitz  Hervey,  and  Sin^on  do 
Pateshill,  Justices  of  (our)  Lord  the  King,  and  other  faithful 
(servants)  of  ((jm')  Lord  tlie  King,  i*cc.,  there  present,  between 
Robert  de  ]Iickford  (the)  demandant,  and  Adam  de  Ncrei'ord 
(the)  tenant  of  eight  acres  witli  (thcii-)  appiutonances  in 
Sparham,  concerning  Avhich  an  nssi/.c  al'  m(;rl  d'aimcestor 
■was  siniimoned  between  them  in  the  aforesaid  court. 

Namely,  that  the  said  Adam  granted  to  the  said  Roliert 
and  his  heirs  all  the  nfoi'csaid  land  with  (its)  appurtenances. 
To  hold  of  liim  and  his  heirs,  paying  therefor  yearly 
sixpence,  and  for  evei-y  twenty  shillings  of  scutage  sixpence, 
and  for  more  more  and  for  less  less,  for  all  service. 

And  the  said  Robert  for  this  grant  gives  to  the  said 
Adam  three  be/ants, 

■     The  vohnues  pulili.shed  by  the  Record  Commis.sion  in  18;35-1'4' 
under   the  title  of  "  Fines  sive  Pedes  Finium,"  cover   the  reigns 
of   Richard  I   aird  John,  but  conqnise  only  Beds,  Bucks,  Berks, 
Candiri.lge,   Cornwall,   Cnnd.erlnnd,    IX'rby,  Devon   and  Dorset, 

but  I  brlii've  , 

,r   tlu'  Wllole  ot 

'  iMi-land 


iiKule  an 

still  cxiM,  a  s.'id  moiuiiiiri 

it  of  wasted  l.a 


Few  indeed  1ki\  e  been 

|.riiUed.      .^lr.  1 


t    is   ] 


calenilar  to  the  Kentish  li 

lies,  and    1    am 

doing  tlle 

■  saint 

•  for  tlio,- 

for  Norfolk,  but  1  know, 


Tt  is  n..t  until  llie    1,1 

Henry    Vlll     t 

liai    there 

are  a 

iiiv  olliei' 

indiee,   whatever  to    (he 

lilllS.''         .Vllteli 

or  to   (he   1 


ai'ned  dal 

'    T1..M    r,a.n„ly,>,v,,  lVwN..|n 

l.,lr„  111  ll,.'   l;r,,„,l 

nirnr  |,nir,., 

l.n,-  to 


fme-,,  ^^l,i^■ll  Iwvl.  I.cui  iinlcl  hy  ,, 

liv.itr    ,..|l.,l,.,..,-| 

.I.lly    l.r    Nev 

0.   iitll 


au  iuCnilcsiiudlly  .,uiM  ,i   |iuiiiMi, 

uf    the    lilKv    Ihill 

tlirv   arc  lie 

;irly   u: 

-rlo.v-.      Holi 

FEET    OF    FINES.  235 

the  lines  Ihcmselvcs  '  must  lie  scarclied  ;  unless  rei'crencc  is  made 
to  the  Lansdownc  ilSS.  ."JOG,  .S07,  and  ."lOS,  which  ai'e  apparently 
the  original  calendars,  or  entry  books  for  the  reigns  of  Edward  HI, 
Richar<l  ]  I,  Henry  IV,  and  Hemy  V,  and  which  are  easier  to  search. 
From  the  reign  of  Henry  VHl,  however,  the  Index  to  (the 
Notes  or  duplicates  of)  the  Ftnc>i,  which  gives  short  notices  of  the 
fines  of  each  term  arranged  umler  the  counties  to  which  they 
belong,  becomes  available. 

From  Hilar}',  4  George  II,  these  books  give  numerical  reference 
to  the  lines. 

Up   to  the   32nd   (ieorge  ][   these  indices  gives  tlie  Cln-istian 
names  of  the  parties,  ami  the  )iame  of  the  locality  as  well. 
From  the  1st  George  III,  ho\ve^■er,  the  entries  run  thus — 
Bell       I       Townley       |       Millett 
Millctt  being  the  attorney's  name.     These   indices  tieing,  though 
not  aljihabetical,  easy  to  search,  are  of  course  very  valuable. 

Thr  Bnoka  of  Kn'trka  of  Fines,  which  extend  from  IGll,  arc 
arranged  in  a  similar  way  to  the  last-named  series,  but  gi\'e  a 
littli;  more  information,  viz.,  the  oitry  mentioned  above  in  them 
•stands  thus — 

297.     Henry   Hell   Es.|   Pit  <fe   William  Townley  .t    Mary  his 

wife  k  oiher.s  Hefts  in  Wrettone— MilJidt, 
But  the  chief  use  of  them  is  that  the  late  volumes  of  this  scries 
give  references  to  the  actual  nundjers  borne  by  the  lines. 

Lastly,  the  Kinij's  SUcer  Buols  (which  exist  fi'om  the  reign  of 
Elizabeth),  Ijut  owing  to  damage  done  them  by  lire  are  inconsult- 
ablc  until  that  of  George  I)  give  yet  more  information  al)Out  the 
property  and  parties,  e.g.,  the  above  referred  to  entry  is  thus 

20/.  Norfollc  Heiu'v  ]3ell  F.s(i"  V\i  W"  Townley  .<:  in/4 
8  St  Hil  l^.jb' ■  ^J^iorpe  &  Ann  !\[ary  his  wife 
defts  of  2  mess  1  barn  1  sta  2  cur 
2  gar  1  or  20  La  20  mea  20  pas  c*c 
com  of  pass  for  all  maun  of  catt  with 
the  a)i])*^  in  Wretton  &  Stoke  llcry 
Bfore  Harvey  Goodwin  &  Jno  Houchen 
gents  by  com  21)  Deer  38  K  Geo  3 

comitiuii,  ili.strue,  !.iivc.M'i.;u.-Uoi.iai,.o.s  to  ,m.,i„c  ..f  tlnir  l\nc^,  c.y.,  1  Ik.vo  iny.self 
coni|.iU-.t  .<ome  tor  Nork.ik  f..!'  I,  Jolm,  Henry  HI,  K.lw.ard  1,  Homy  VH, 
)Uiirv  VllI,  IO.lNvar.l  Vl,  lui.l  M^irv  ;  :ui.l  tli.rrc  aie  OUcmliU-.s  (mo.stly  from  the 
LeriiunuL;  to  llicliar.l  111)  for  r,.-,ls,  llrrks,  r.ud;.,  C:inil.riag.',  (Vnnvnll,  Cui.iberlaii.l, 
IVvM,,  iHil.v,  n,,r.-rl,  i:,-MX,  la.u.r.  .I.r.  .ma  V,..ks,  ana  .some  colleution.s  for 
r,u,l,>.',,, 1    \\V  lnM.,M.o,a.  ,l.f,  :1     Ml    wl.ieliuill   be   fouml  at  |..  L'2  of 

t'la.iiao^;  for  111'-  lei^o,  Mf  lleniy  \ll  .uhl  \  1 1!  Ill  the  Kouiid  lioom  at  the  Record 
Oilier,  Nos.  •-:•-'  (for  lua.x  ...e  No.'-Jil)  .iiid  oo. 

'   Wiiieh  are  Ijouud  up  in  thin  bundle,  or  [..irto  of  l\vcuty.U\-e. 

236  ]1E    BRAOSE    FAiMILY. 

Other  ways  of  getting  references  to  fines  there  are,  as  by 
searching  the  Extrods  fi-om  Tl^;v7.s  of  Covenant  (Alienation 
Oflice),  of  wliich  tlicro  are  one  hnmh-ed  and  thirty-live  volumes, 
coiinnencing  157G  (Index  to  same  dating  from  HIGl);  and  the 
Gonconh  of  Fim-s;  (Connuon  Pleas),  which  licgin  Mich.  1,  2 
Elizabeth  ;  but  as  they  ai-e  generally  more  troublesome  to  find, 
and  give  less  satisfactory  information  when  found,  I  think  the 
three  series  above  detailed  will  suffice  for  the  amateur  genealogist. 

It  should  not  be  forgotten  that  the  fines  relating  to  two  or 
more  counties  are  ke])t  and  indexed  separately  and  should  l;ic 
specially  searched  when  parishes  are  near  a  county  border.  There 
are  good  modern  calendars  of  these  "  divers  counties  "  tines  as 
they  are  called. 

DE   BrvAOSE   1''AM1LY. 

ICoiUinurdfroni  IV.  v,  _;>.  -.yii.) 

rii,vPT)-,i;  VI. 

Williain  Ar  IVan...  |  1 220-1 200]  ,-,t  (lir  tiiii,'  .,f  his  father's 
<lralh  in  I2;i2  was  alK.ut  twrlve  yrars  nf  a-o.  aixl  the 
custudy  uf  his  i,rr,-.un,  lands,  \-c  .  v/as '-ranl.Ml  l.y  tlir  King  to 
I'eter  de  JUevanx.  This  an-angcniciit  did  n..t,  liowcvcr,  last  Ioul;-, 
as  in  the  Tower  Coram  Rcge  lb)!] -,,  is  II,  niy  III,  No.  -i,  m.  20, 
Southampton,  there  is  an  account  of  tli.'  anv,(,  lirjuix'  the  King's 
Justices  at  Westminstrr  ,,f  r.trr  Ar  r.irvanx,  wliu  was  subse- 
queiitly  at  ih-  ].rtiii.iii  ,,r  tlir  CJianc'llMr  (lialib  dr  Xcvillc, 
Bishop  of  Wiiwlu'slr,')  .IdiN.'ivd:  aftrr  wliieli  {\u-  Lur.l  „f  Win- 
chester (Roger  dr  (^)uiu(■y)  ^vas  snininuiu'd  to  appear  before  the 
King  at  Wimlsnr  I,.  slio\v  cause  why  he  had  distrained  the  same 
Teter  to  aiijiear  t<.  iviider  his  aceounls  and  b,  briu"- before  the 
Kin-  Willi, i,n  .-e„  ,/„./  //,/;•  nf  .lulni  dr  /bvf-sv,,'  .a„  appears 
elsewhere  m  tlie  reemds.  I'eter  s.'iit  inesseii-ers  to  the  Kin."  to 
ask  a  sab.  eondu.a,  N\l,ieh  .^lanted,  l,e  would  eonie  an<l  make'  bis 
peace  with  the  l\iiiu,  but  as  the  luesseie^eis  l.ion.^ht  no  letters, 
they  were  sent  l.aek  to  obtain  tli.iu,  and  on  liis  sendin.^  them  the' 
Kin-  widi  til.,  adsiee  of  bis  eouiieil.  -rante.l  letters  of  sab' 
conduet  (.1  the  I'.'ter,  As  he  still  did  not  eome  the  Kin'.' 
sent  to  hi,,,  ee,(ain  pel.oUs,  |o  wbo,,i  I'eter  oli;.,vd  a  b.i-,„  ,,? 
),eaee,    wliiel,    ll,,.     Kill',     lejeele.l.         \\-,,iou.     ,„.>  o|i:,lio,,s    ,.,vsued, 

and  I'eler  ..Ifeivd  to  siuivnde,  all  his  laud,  lo  ll,e  Kii,--  uu 
condition  ol'  beii,._;'  allowed  lo  ,vtaiu  (he  eu-iodv  of  (he  land  and 
heir  of  .lolm  deHivu-a,  except  the  castle,  of'  Sweinescyc  and 
ihciidjre,  but  to  this  the   Kin-  did  not  a-ree.     Further  ne-uti- 

DE    BRAOSE    FAMILY.  237 

ations  ensued.  At  tliis  point  unfortunately  tlie  roll  i.s  mutilated. 
Mr.  Cartwright  in  his  'Rape  of  Brauiber,'  p.  17^,  gives  a  some- 
what long  account  of  this  business,  quotir.g  from  "  the  MS. 
collections  for  Dugdale's  JJaronage,  by  the  late  F.  Townsend, 
Esq.,  Windsor  Herald,  referring  to  Vincent's  collections,  No.  9,  .'>," 
as  follows  :— "  A  ikird  [order]  u'f(s  sent  hy  Sir  John  de  Arrjentinr, 
who  V((s  dlrcdcd  to  hring  h,,rl  o„  onsuvr.  Pdry  iold  Vnu  that 
UH  he  hroiujld  ',,0  hUrr,  „j  rrrdrnrr,  hr  should  <,;,r  1,1,,,  ,w 
(inmver,  hut  ihut  he  iivid,!  smd,  leltn'x  t„  the  ]\"t,i<i  hij  o  messen;/er 
of  Ms  own,  vdto  votUd  be  <it  the  Court  <is  soon  as  he.  His  messen- 
ger found  the  Kintj  at  Tevjhesbiiry,  and.  informed  him  from 
Peter  that  ]tc  could  not  send  the  hoy,  as  he  vas  ill,  for  proof  of 
vhieh  he  r,fcr,rd  hi„i  to  the  Kln'fs  o/-,)  ',i,rsscn[/er.  But' Sir 
Jo],, I  d,'  A,yr„i;„,-  luld  ,1  dim  ,;'„t  si, ,,-,/.  II,  ;,ii,rr)y,ed  the  Kiaq 
that  he  hod  In,,,,, I  II,,'  ,,,.„JI,'s.,i,„d  ,,,„l  „;ll,  ,d:inU/alo7rjehh(ek 
Simnlsh  hor^e,  vdih  Peter,  lro'„i  the  t„va  „f  Rosse  iovnrds 

Whether  Peter  was  acting  out  of  pure  fiicndship  to  his  ward, 
or  was  actuated  by  cupidity  for  himself,  is  diflicult  to  determine  ; 
the  result  was  certainly  detrimental  to  his  own  intere.sts,  for  the 
King  took  away  from  him  the  custody  of  the  lands,  &c.,  and 
handed  it  over  to  hi.s  own  brother,  Richard,  Earl  of  Comwall, 
who  appears  to  have  held  it  mitil  William  came  of  age.  It  is 
probable  that  Peter  was  a  true  friend  to  William,  and  seeing 
what  treachery  had  befallen  his  ward's  ancestors  from  the  King's 
father',  was  fearful  of  trusting  him  to  the  tender  mercies  of  tlio 
jn'csent  King.  AVilliam  seems  to  have  been  much  troubled  by 
law  suits  with  various  members  of  his  family  fi-om  the  time  of 
liis  coming  of  age  to  his  death. 

From  tiie  Fim;  Rolls  we  iind  that  in  12:J4,  IS  Hun.  TH,  m.  4, 
an  order  was  given  to  the  Sheriff  of  Gloucester  to  take  into  the 
King's  hand  the  manor  of  Tetteburie  and  other  lands  late  of  John 
de  Brause,  and  hi  1235,  19  Hen.  Ill,  /,*.  13,  that  the  King  gave 
tlie  custody  and  marriage  of  the  h,  I ,:■:  n\'  .John  de  Brause  to  Earl 
Richard  [C'o/H..  Eic.]  This  was  .'illei-  (liesu  pi'ivilegos  had  been 
taken  from  Peter  de  Rievaux.  In  12  1.".,  2f)  Hen.  HI,  m.  C,  the 
Barons  of  the  E.xeliequer  made  a  ilruiniid  frum 
for  a  debt  of  his  father,  John  d'-  I!.,  wliieh  was  ivspited  to  morrow 
of  All  Souls,  30  Hen.  HI. 

From  Coram  Rege  Rolls,  32  Ibn.  Ill,  No.  70,  ■,;/.  2(1,  we  iind 
him  vouclied  to  warranty  Ijy  Waller  de  ('lill'drd  and  Mai-gery  his 
wife  [i.e.  his  own  miitlier|,  \v]\n  :iie  delVud/uds  in  an  imp.-u'lance 
between  them  and  Cladusa,  lli,'  wile  ,,1'  balpli  .le  .Mortimer  the 
jilaintilf,  touching  tlie  dower  of  llir  s.-iid  (.'ladusain  Kiml.iii  and 
\Vassin-t,o)i,  and  tlie  King  eon. man. Is  that  th.'  inq.arlanee  be 
heard  l.efore  him  in  the  ,,ct;ive  .,f  St.  Michael  wlieresoever  he 
.shall  then  be  in  Iviglan,!  ;  [(da.lusa  was  the  widow  of  William's 
great  uncle  Reginald  de  Braose  ;   see  jiediyrtc,  vol.  v,  p.  147.] 

238  DE    BRAOSE    FAMILY. 

From  same  Rolls,  "i  Hen.  Ill,  No.  7^,  la.  14'',  in  Sussex  we  find 
Juliana,  wife  of  llichard  de  Grenestod,  deuiandinL;-  ayainst  Walter 
de  Clifibrd  a  third  part  of  two  knights'  fees  in  Orenstetl  and  Ho 
as  lier  dower,  also  that  Cristiana  was  dau.  and  heir  of  said  Ric. 
de  G.  and  that  Jolm  deBrewse  M'as  formerly  husliand  of  the  wife 
of  tlie  said  Walter. 

Again,  ;35-o(J  Hen.  HI,  No.  IG,  Michaelmas,  rn.  -jG'',  in  co. 
Euckinphani,  William  puts  in  his  place  Roger  de  Andover,  oi' 
Roger  le  Cumander,  against  Walter  de  Clillbrd  and  Margaret  his 
wife  of  a  plea  of  covenant,  and  in  Kent  he  puts  in  the  same 
against  Matilda  Lungliespey  of  a  plea  of  warranty  of  charter,  and 
in  Houthton  he  puts  in  the  same  against  Allelina,  wlio  was  the 
wife  of  Robert  le  .Savage,  of  a  plea  of  dower,  and  against  ^latilda 
Liuighespey  of  a  plea  of  covenant.  This  latter  lady  was  his  half 
sister  and  daughter  of  the  above  Walter  de  Clifibrd  and  Margaret, 
William's  mother. 

In  the  same  Rolls  a  few  j^ears  later,  40  Hen.  Ill,  Hilary  term, 
pleas  at  AVinchester  before  the  Justices  in  Eyre,  No.  101,  ■;//.  2, 
Sussex,  we  fiiid  the  essoigners  of  Walter  de  Clifibrd  and  Margery 
his  wife"  appearing  against  William  de  Brewese  of  a  plea  where- 
fore he  seized  a  certain  man  of  the  said  Walter  and  ilai-gery  and 
a  certain  horse  driving  their  victuals  in  the  Jving's  lughway 
towards  Chichester,  and  impriNonrd  the  said  man  and  took  the 
victuals  from  him  and  wasted  them,  against  tin:'  peace.  William, 
it  is  said,  made  many  defaults,  and  tlie  Slieiifi'  wa.^  ordered  to 
have  his  body  in  Easter  term  at  Wilton. 

From  the  same  Rolls  and  same  vear  )ii.  I'',  Sussex,  we  find 
William  amrrced  for  a  false  claim  against  Walter  de  Clifibrd  and 
Margerv  his  wif(!  of  a  jdea  of  eoxenant,  and  at  the  same  reference 
tliat^  Walter  de  Clifibrd  and  Mnr^ciy  his  wife  were  amerce.I  for 
a  claim  against  the  said  William  of  a  pli:i  of  as  :./.(.■  of  novel 

It  would  seem  that  this  A\'illiam  Avas  of  a  ijuarrelsome  dis- 
position, as  he  evidently  fell  out  with  bis  own  mother  and  sister. 
A  (piarrel  with  the  latter  occurs  again  somo  yeai-s  later,  for  from 
the  same  source  as  the  forl'^■oinu■  we  find  in  'J'rin.  Term,  5G  Hen.  Ill, 
No.  170,  m.  12  [1270],  i>K-as  iK-fore  the  .lustitcs  in  Evre  in  Kmt. 
5.-)  Hen.  Ill,  that  John  (fifiard  ainl  Matilda  his  wilr,  who  is  of 
full  age,  as  it  is  said,  demand  a-.dnst  William  de  Brewese  the 
manor  of  Wi<rl,„,„  as  the  riudd,  of  the  saim-  .Matilda,  and  which 
she  liad  .lemisrd  to  William  wliilr  she  was  undei' a-c.  William 
replies  that  be  bad  it  by  i'roliinrjit  of  and  that  a  fine  wns 
levied  between  thrm  in  4:i  Hen.  Ill  [i2.V).]  .lohn  an. 1  Matilda 
rejobl  that  the  fine  was  made  while  Matilda,  was  under  a-e  and 
ill  the  cu.stodv  of  the  .said  William  her  biotlur  in  the  parts  of 
Wales,  an.l  that  William  e;uis,.d  tb-  line  1,.  be  levied  by  a  certain 
false  attorney  not  of  .Matilda's  aj.pointm.nt,  w  lu.  did  not  appear 
in  court.     At  Michaelmas  Term  TK'as  at   Westminster  same  year 

DE    BRAOSE    FAiMILY.  239 

a  copy  of  the  said  Fine,  dated  43  Hen.  Ill,  between  Wm.  de 
]  and  Matilda,  who  was  then  tlie  wife  of  William  Loiige.s- 
pey,  of  the  niai\ov  of  Wi/chum  is  produced,  and  a  writ  to  the 
Justices  of  the  Bencli  [Coin.  Pleas]  of  same  date  is  quoted  cei'tify- 
ini^-  tliat  ilatil(.la  had  appointed  as  her  attorneys  Wm.  de  Weston 
and  Simon  de  Thorn  in  the  imparLanco  summoned  by  writ 
between  the  same  parties  of  warranty  of  cliarter,  to  the  end 
tliat  William  de  B.  shoukl  keep  with  Matilda  a  •covenant  made 
between  tlicm  touchiuL^-  the  manor  of  Schorham  and  Kynkosbnrn 
[?  King's  Bavn.]  William  here  answers  that  ilatilda  must  then 
liave  been  of  full  age  otherwise  the  King  would  Jiot  have  per- 
mitted lier  to  api:)oint  an  attornej^  &c. 

Judgment  again  deferred  to  Hilary  Term,  when  the  parties 
appear,  and  John  and  ilatilda  further  say  that  the  said  William 
de  Weston  was  of  the  houseliold  of  the  said  William  de  ]]raose, 
and  that  no  jiart  of  the  fine  came  into  Matilda's  hands. 

Judgment  was  again  postponed  to  Ti-inity  Term,  when  it  was 
at  last  given  before  the  King  and  Council'  for  William  on  the 
ground  that  the  King  and  his  ministers  would  not  have  received 
the  attorney  if  they  had  not  first  seen  the  party  who  appointed 
him  and  considered  her  to  be  of  full  age  and  in  a  fit  state  to 
appoint  one. 

In  .5.5  Hen.  HI  there  is  a  final  concord  from  the  Feet  of  Fines 
for  Kent,  No.  1149,  between  Giles  de  BrcMnise  Pit.  and  William 
lie  Brewuse  Impedient,  concerning  this  manor,  which  proves  that 
W^illiam  had  granted  it  to  Giles,  probably  liis  younger  binllii'v, 
or  his  son  by  his  second  wife  ("  he  huvhuj  liml  the  manur  nf  the 
fj'ifl  of  MiiUhla  ].u iiiir^i„  ijr"),  as  well  as  a  manur  called  Luke- 
dale,  to  h.-LUn  liiin  au.l  ids  heirs  of  tlic  said  William  and  his 
heirs,  rendering  yearly  during  William's  life  XoOO  sterling  for  all 
services  due  to  William,  and  doing  the  services  liue  to  the  chief 
lords  of  that  fee,  power  to  distrain  being  reserved.  After 
William's  death,  Giles  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  shall  be  quit 
from  the  payment  of  tlie  said  £-300,  and  shall  hold  liy  the  service 
of  one  pair  of  gilt  spurs,  or  Gd.  at  Easter.  If  Giles  die  s.p.,  the 
premises  to  remain  to  right  heirs  of  William. 

On  the  dorse  of  this  is  a  note  tliat  lieniy  de  Lasc}'  and 
Margaret  liis  wife  put  in  their  claim.  Tins  last  note  shows  that 
litigation  as  to  this  manor  had  been  going  on  all  this  time,  as 
Margaret,  wife  of  Henry  ile  Lasey,  Earl  of  Lincoln,  was  only 
daughter  ami  heir  of  the  aliove  Matilda  by  her  first  husband 
William  Langespee,  and  in  Assize  Roll  f<ir  Kent  in  this  year, 
55  Hen.  Ill,  ^',  5",  m.  70,  John  Gyllkrd  and  .M.dilda  his  wife  clahu 
against  William  de  Bi'cuse  this  very  manor,  ^\'illiam  nmkes  the 
same  ])lea  as  formerly  that  Matilda  granted  him  the  manor,  and 
refers  to  a  fine  levied  in  the  octaves  of  the  Purification  [2  March, 
12.59],  43  Hen.  Ill,  between  him  and  Matilda  of  this  same  manor 
Mdiich  she  thereby  gave  to  him.     Who  and  her  ])rcsent  husband, 

240  DE    BRAOSE    FAMILY. 

John  Gytlanl,  replj'  that  she  was  at  tho  tlino  slie  made  the  grant 
nniler  age  and  in  the  custody  of  the  said  William  liev  hvother  in 
the  parts  of  Wales,  so  that  the  said  William  falsely  and  in  deceit 
of  the  King's  court  caused  that  lino  to  he  levied,  and  Matilda 
never  appeared  in  court  to  le\'y  it.  No  decision  l>eing  given 
postponement  was  made  to  octave  of  St.  Michael  at  Westminster. 
So  that  William  contrived  to  filch  from  his  sister  some  of  her 
property  ;  we  may  infer  from  this  that  in  4."i  Hen.  TIT,  Matilda 
and  William's  mother,  Margaret  was  dead,  though  Uving  in 
40  Hen.  III.  From  the  Feet  of  Fines  for  Sussex  conunencing 
about  ')l  Hen.  HI,  Michas.,  No.  -3,  William  commenced  making 
fines  with  diltcroiit  people  for  certain  sums  of  money  that  they 
might  free  ihcinsch  rs  from  tlie  "  ftisfavos  anil  servicef!"  that  were 
due  from  (etiruit-  ni'  diHrrrnt  Imlilin^s  in  the  way  of  " vjurcl  and 
murage"  to  the  ea-,tle  ul'  lln  mlnv.  William's  chief  stronghold  in 
Sussex,  tliough,  fr(jm  the  ninnher  of  documents  found  dated  at 
Cnepp  Castle,  a  Inuiting  seat  of  his,  it  is  probable  that  he  moi-c 
freipiently  resided  at  the  latter  than  the  former.  From  No.  o  to 
10  of  the  Fines  of  tliis  .51st  year  of  the  King  are  all  arrangements 
of  this  ki)id  between  William  and  his  different  tenants  described 
as  tenants  of  the  Honour  of  Brembre,  and  in  the  ■52nd  year  are 
two  more,  Nos.  lo  and  17,  of  the  same  nature,  and  again  in  the 
oGth  year  is  another.  No.  92,  but  this  last  is  unlike  the  foregoing, 
for  William  Ijinds  himself  and  his  heirs  to  ]iav  Roliert  'e  Pureleg', 
clerk  to  Simon  le  Draper  of  Windirstcr,  twrlve  man^s  of  .silver 
j'early  during  his  lifetimi'.  Tliis  njipcais  to  In-  for  the  piir])ose  of 
retaining  the  advowson  of  ilie  chuieh  of  West  (rri nsfcdc.  In 
Edw.  I's  reign  he  continued  to  make  bin's,  and  in  i'mndle  i, 
No.  100,  9  Edw.  I,  is  an  important  one  as  I'ollows: — 

Hilary  Tenn.  "Between  Amicin  <lr  Kim:^,  Countess  of 
Devon,  and  WlWnuii  i!r  liinniy,,  eoiieeiiiiii-  the  manor.;  of  Chcse- 
ivorili,  GrciislnJr.  and  H;/<li  l;/u</l„,i.  'file' Countess  grants  to  AV. 
de  B.  for  term  of  his  life,  with  remainder  to  J\ii-Iiiu-<1  his  son  in 
tail,  then  to  Pclcr,  Richard's  brother  in  tail,  then  to  iMargarct, 
tlieir  sister  in  tail,  &c."     William  gave  ii'MK)  for  this  grant.' 

The  abovii  is  (hflicult  to  umlerstand,  as  the  properties  tliorein 
named  were  already  William's,  and  J  can  only  suggest  as 
his  children  mentioned  in  it  were  by  the  third  wife,  that 
wishing  to  make  a  jirovision  for  thi'iii  independent  of  his 
.son  and  heir  by  his  first  an.l  liis  son  by  his  second  wives,  hu  fiist 

•  ii  Ivhv.  1.      Ill  leSl  XhU  \\\ 



.,  ^.||., 

iter  1 

■f  fl 

(Hi  W 


1  ill  n 

,11  hh  laiiiLs 

.f   tl.o 









lii.s  ficlclity 

,■    liav. 


wi  », 

1  stal. 



;,a    1 

■y  I- 

i,  p.  20,  his 
,lc.vvely„   iu 

it.  Cii.i] 

t  ti 

,  tlir  1 


V  ..1 


■c-  c 




at  Ku 


■  l:j 

th  A 



DE   BRAOSE    FAMILY.  241 

assigned  these  properties  to  the  Countess  of  Devon,  and  paid  her 
tlie  above  line  to  insure  tlie  land  descending  as  he  wislied.  If 
this  was  the  case,  lie  subsequently  sutfered  much  for  his  fore- 
tliought,  as  in  15  Edw.  I,  Coram  Eege  Pioll,  Easter,  m.  30  (Majus 
Recorduni)  we  find  a  jury  of  twenty-four  knights  was  sworn  to 
inquire  whether  William  de  Breuse,  William  de  ^sshefold  and 
Philip  de  Ho  unjustly  disseized  Richard,  son  of  William  de 
Breuse,  of  the  manor  of  Cheresworth  in  Horsham,  tlie  moiety  of 
the  manor  of  Westgrenestede,  fcc,  and  the  manor  of  J^ydelington 
in  Brembre.  William  complains  that  the  said  Richard  had  pre- 
viously brought  an  action  against  him  and  tliat  he  (William)  had 
made  answer  that  he  had  enfeolled  Amicia  formerly  Countess  of 
Devon,  who  afterwards  granted  to  himself  for  life,  witli  remainder 
to  said  Richard  in  tail,  then  to  Peter,  brother  of  Richard,  in  tail, 
frc,  and  that  he  only  granted  them  to  the  said  Richard  at  will^ 
whereas  the  previous  jury  of  twelve  falsely  swore  that  he  had 
quitclaimed  to  Richard,  so  that  Richard  recovered  against  said 
William.     [The  son  recovering  against  Ids  father.] 

Tlie  same  jurj^  is  to  decide  whether  W.  de  B.,  Richard  do 
Bronilegh  and  otliers  disseized  Heniy  de  Whinteway  of  his  free 
tenement  in  Fyndon,  Wassington,  Horsham,  Bradwater  and 
Northirst,  which  IK.  dc  B.,  says  Ilc.nru  do  W.,  had  recovered  by  a 
false  verdict  as  above. 

"The  jury  finds  that  the  said  William  de  B.  cnfcofied  [the  said 
Richard  and  Henry]  and  afterwards  xuijustly  disseised  tliem,  as 
the  two  former  juries  haii  found  ;  therefore  he  is  ordereil  to  be 
taken  into  custodj'." 

Whether  William  ever  was  taken  into  custodj^  for  the  above 
alleged  oftcnce  does  not  appear. 

By  fine,  14  Edw.  I  (Easter),  Bundle  2,  No.  5,  between  Willktm 
de  Breuse  and  Henry  de  Wylcweye,  the  latter  granted  to  the 
former  for  life  the  manors  of  AVassington,  Scgge^vyko,  Findon, 
&c.,  then  to  Richard  liis  son  in  tail,  then  to  Peter,  brother  of  said 
Richard,  then  to  William,  junior,  brother  of  Peter  in  tail,  then  to 
right  heirs  of  the  said  IF.  de  B.  [senior.]  Another  document  I 
have  found  concerning  this  Ii.'udii  is  in  Originalia  Roll,  19  Edw.  I, 
m.  3,  wherein  the  eschaitor  is  (■oiiiiiiaiulcd  to  seize  into  the  King's 
hands  the  lands  of  William  dr  Hiviis,  G  January  [12t)0-l]  and'in 
m.  7,  the  King  has  taken  tlir  liuin,i;;c  of  William  ilc  Breu.s,  son 
and  heir  of  W,  dc  B.,  deceasid,  and  lu.brrt  Tibotoft,  Justiciary  of 
Wales  and  warden  of  the  lands  (jI'  Cowlicr,  is  command(,'d  to  give 
him  seisin  of  liis  father's  land  .,  ni-iin'm-  tu  the  King  tlu'  jiower 
of  dowering  Mary,  widow  cii'  .s;n.l  IT.  ,/,  />'.,  unless  s1ic  w  ill  rocoivu 
them  of  the  assignment  of  ilirs.ii.l  W'illi.-im,  sun  ..f  W.  1st  .March 
[121)0-1],  similar  cuniuands  I,,  (l,r  ,,„■], :.L„i-  eitra  Tiviituni  an.l 
liis  sub-^^.scli.-.'U.r  in  Su^-cx,  ( ;i„n<'.,  Krnl  and  Wills.    Tlu-ie  is  also 

a  rrb'ivilf..  in  iliis  in   llir    \',],r    Koll   of  lliis  ymr  l'..)'  h^nss^-x. 

In  givin.'  this   William's   marria-es,  \-c.,'  1   do  not  a^'ree  with 

242  DE   BRAOSE    FAMILY. 

former  gencaloo-ists  concerning  his  first  one,  for  though  Isabel, 
daughter  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  Earl  of  Gloucester,  has  always 
been  attributed  to  him  as  his  fii'st  wife,  on  turning  to  the 
account  of  that  family  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  this  is 
an  error.  Gilbert  de  Clare,  the  first  Earl  of  Gloucester  and 
Hertford,  certainly  had  a  daugjiter  Isabel,  but  she  was  married  to 
llobcrt  de  Brus,  according  to  Banks  (see  '  Dormant  and  Extinct 
Baronage,'  vol.  iii,  p.  181),  and  this  is  the  only  Isabel  de  Clare 
that  I  can  fimt  who  was  likely  to  have  been  the  wife  of  this 
William.  I  am  convinced  in  my  own  mind  that  his  first  wife 
was  Alina,  a  dau.  of  Thomas  de  Multon  of  Gillesland,  and  I  think 
I  have  proved  this  in  '  The  Castles,  Mansions  and  Manoi's  of 
AVestern  Sussex:,'  1879,  pp.  278-9,  wherein  is  the  substance  of  two 
A.ssize  Rolls  for  co.  York,  7  Edw.  I,  ],  1  and  20  Edw.  I,  I,  3  m, 
20d.  In  these  Rolls  a  Roger  de  Coleville  and  Margaret  his  wife 
are  mcntione'l,  and  the  annexed  short  pedigree  shows  how  they 
were  interested  in  the  nratter  according  to  my  version  of  the 
de  Braose  family : — 

I  .  .1 

William  de  Braose,  b.  circa=i=-l.  Alma  de       Richard  di 
1220,  ob.  1290.  Multon.  B: 


■  of=FRo!'cr  dc  Colevile. 


There  can,  I  tliijik,  l)e  little  doubt  from  the  reading  of  the 
above  Assize  Rolls  that  William  de  Bi-aose,  on  his  marriage  with 
Alina,  had  a  demise  from  her  father  or  brother  Thomas  dc 
Multon  of  the  manor,  or  a  third  part  of  it,  of  Thorgramby,  in  co. 
York,  and  that  he  for  some  reason  or  another  as-signed  it  to  his 
brother  Richard  de  Braose,  M'ho  in  his  turn  assigned  it  or  some 
portion  of  it  to  his  daughter  ilargaret,  wife  to  Roger  Coleville. 
It  must  always  be  remembered  in  dealing  with  this  part  of 
the  pedigree  that  there  were  some  douljle  connections  between 
William  and  Richard  de  Braose,  as  the  following  sketch  shows' : 

William  der.raose,=f=Matil. la  de   Fay,  ob.  cir.'a  1249.=j=2.  Roger  de  Clere. 

1.    John   do=j=J[argaret,    dau.   of=2. 
Braose,  oc.       Llewc-lyu  P.  of  N.     CI: 
1232.  I  W.ales. 


custody  of 

the  lands  of   1,   an.! 

1    of  the  bono 

Car..l.v.  l.i, 

,1-  ;  Maiita-e 


Col.'vill,  |.r 

Lsrntod  a  ]iL'ti 


of  William 

de  Br.,  was  gi 


Walter  do 



only  dau.  1  ob,  1252-3. 

&  heir.       1 


■of  XlOOa, 

u\  an  annual  payment  so  long  a.,  the 

liam  de  lir. 

,  during  the  minority  of  the  heirs,  the 

olovile,   dec,,  which  he  held  of  the  King  in 

iiarle   in  Bv 

•Cham,  West  l!v,-liam    (Bytham)  and 

1.     InlSK 

dw.  1,    Margaret,  widow  of  Kogcr  de 

ng  her  ,l.«v 

rv.   .^t  this  time  I'.icliard,  the  broth..r 





(1.  1290. 

Main  branch. 

Q=j=Alina  tie 

;,     Multon, 

I  1st  wife. 

to   Willi.iiii  au< 
llichard  de 

rJ  de=FAlice  le  Ku.^ 
lu.  &  licir, 
lie,  olj.  130 

Siiffulk  branch. 

only=l.  Richard 
b.c.     Liuige.S])ee, 
ob.  s.p. 

1.  William  Lo! 
s.  &  h.  of  Willi; 
of  Salisbury. 


=HL-nrv  de  Lasov,  Earl 
of  Lincohi,  ob.'lSll. 

Alice,  dan.  &  heir. 

Fi-oii)  this  cause  there  were  continual  arrangements  nml  lo-avrange- 
iiients  of  the  property  that  came  to  the  family  from  tlic  ile  Fay 
connection,  and  so  long  as  they  contrived  to  lilch  I'rom  outsiders 
the  de  Braose  were  not  paiticular  as  to  what  nietlioils  were  used 
for  so  doing,  though  amongst  themselves  they  were  perhaps  more 
scrupulous.  William  i:irobably  had  only  one  son  Ijy  his  first  wife, 
his  successor  in  the  barony,  fcc,  by  name  William.  (See  next 
chapter).  He  married  for  his  second  wife  Agnes,  daughter  of 
Nicholas  de  Modes,  who  is  said  by  Cartwright  ('  Rape  of 
Bramber,'  p.  174)  to  have  given  the  manor  of  ICnolton  with  her 
in  marriage.  By  her  ho  had  only  one  son  Giles,  and  as  liis  line 
did  not  last  long,  I  give  the  following  outline  of  it. 

In  Originalia  Kofi,  23  Edw.  I,  m.  10,  the  King  took  the  fealLy 
of  Giles  de  Brewose  of  co.  Oxford,  who  married  P3eatrice,  daugh- 
ter and  heir  of  John  de  Saint  Elena,  for  the  lands  of  the  said 
John,  saving  to  Juliana,  the  wife  of  said  John,  her  reasonable 
dower.  The  issue  of  this  marriage  was  one  daugliter  Lucia,  of 
the  date  of  whose  birth  proof  is  given  in  Inq.  p.m.,  S  Edw.  IT, 
No.  08,  and  that  she  married  Robert  Mautravers.  The  first 
witness  was  Richard  llinne,  aged  GO,  who  says  that  Lucy  was 
born  at  Buckingham  in  the  Feast  of  Pentecost,  2')  Eilw.  I  [2  June 
1297],  and  was  baptized  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter  in  the  same 
town ;  that  she  attained  full  age  at  Feast  of  Holy  Trinity  last 
past  [10  June  loi:l];  that  her  mother  Beatrice  died  about  the 
same  feast  fourteen  years  ago,  and  that  the  said  Lucy  was  then 
in  the  custody  of  Giles  her  [father],  and  she  ^^■as  of  the  age  of  one 
year  and  upwards. 

Another  witness,  Walter  de  St.  AndrrM-,  says  she  has  completed 
her  age  of  fifteen  years  and  ujiwards,  and  this  lie  Icnows  because 
the  motlier  of  the  ,said  Lucy  .lied  at  Ruckinuliam  this  side  of  tlie 
Feast  of  ]i,,ly  T.iuity,  2(i  K.hv.  I,  1  .lime  12!),s,  and  tiien  the  said 
Lucy  was  of  the  age  of  one  year  and  upwards. 

244  DE    BRAOSE    FAMILY. 

Another  witness,  Ricliavd  de  Thours,  says  that  John  de  Kym- 
hcllo,  steward  of  the  saiil  Beatrice,  mother  of  the  said  Lucy,  died 
oio-ht  days  after  tlic  death  of  said  Eeatiice  in  2G  Edw.  I,  when 
said  Lncy  was  one  year  and  upwards  of  age. 

Sir  Giles's  second  wife  is  said  by  Cartw°right  ('  Rape  of  Bram- 
bcr,'  p.  174)  to  iiave  been  Maud,  daughter  of  Eustace  de  Wliit- 
ney,  by  whom  he  had  a  son  Jolni.  The  Inq.  p.m.  on  Giles  himself 
taken  m  33  Edw.  I,  No.  73,  states  that  he  held  the  manor  of 
Buckingham  of  the  total  value  of  £29  9s.  10]d.,  and  that  his  heir 
was  his  son  John,  aged  three  at  the  Feast  of  St.  Augustine  the 
Apostle  of  the  Angles  [2(5  Jlay  130-i.]  This  inqu'isition  was 
taken  on  the  IS  March,  33  Edw.  I  [130.J.]  In  the  same  document 
is  a  writ  to  the  Escha-tor  South  of  Trent,  dated  24  March 
33  Edw.  I,  from  the  King  as  follows  :—•' Although  we  have 
understood  by  Inq"  that  Giles  de  dec'd  held  of  us  the 
manor  of  Crowelle,  Oxford,  by  the  the  law  of  England  of  the 
inheritance  of  Beatrice  formerly  his  wife  dec'd  as  of  the  honor 
of  Christchurch  Twinham,  nevertheless  wishing  to  be  certain 
whether  the  said  Giles  held  any  thing  of  us  as  of  the  crown  or 
not,  request  you  to  make  inquisition  &c."  The  outcome  of  this 
request  or  mandate  was  an  in(juisition  held  at  Oxford  on  G  March, 
33  Edw.  I,  wherein  the  said  Giles  is  proved  to  have  held  the 
manor  of  Crowell  foi'  term  of  his  life  of  the  inheritance  of  Beatrice 
daughter  and  heir  of  John  de  St.  Elena  formerly  his  wife.  Lucy 
daughter  of  said  Giles  and  Beatrice  is  his  next  lieir  and'  was  of 
the  age  of  7  years  on  the  Feast  of  St.  Michael  last  past  [29  Sept. 
1304].  From  the  above  we  find  that  his  daughter  Lucy  was 
heir  to  all  his  first  wife's  propertj^  but  that  his  son  John  by  his 
second  wife,  aged  three,  was  heir  to  his  father's  property.  Hutchins 
m  his  '  History  of  Dorsetshire,'  3rd  edit.,  iii,  1.57,  states  tliat  in 
30  Edw.  I,  Giles  do  Braose  had  license  to  alienate  the  manor  of 
Knolton  which  ho  inherited  from  his  mother  to  his  uncle  Roo'cr 
de  Moelis  [E.  Coll.  Glover  Son,.]  Grig.,  20  Edw  11,  rot.  C,  he  also 
at  the  .same  reference  stale;  tl,at  in  llorton  church  there  was  a 
hne  monument  with  arl^^.  s^m.V  of  cross-crosslcts  and  a  lion 
rampant  with  a  fleur-.lf-li;;  .,n  tl„-  shoulder  to  Giles  do  Braose 

In  his  account  of  W...Mll;iMds,  vol.  iii,  1.51,  he  states  that  it 
anciently  belonged  to  Ni<-li.,l,,:,  de  ^Moeles  of  Cadbury,  who  ,"ave 
it  in  frank  marriage  villi  hi;  d.nighter  Agnes,  second  wif!-  to 
Wilbani  d-  i'.ivwosa,  i;,u,,n  (Juw.t,  who  by 'her  had  Sir  Giles  do 
Brewusa,  \,,v<[  ,,1'  Knoll,,,,  .■uid  Wu,„llauds,  who  died  33  Edw.  I 
Nvliose  s.mJohn  left  an  ,„,ly  ,\:n,:\Arv,  ,„arried  to  William  Frome 
of  Woodlands,  and  thai  ,1,  |,as,,,l  l,v  a,  to  the  Filiol 
family.     He  also  states  (li.-,l,  ,i,  I'o  JMw.  1  1 1,  .)„lin  de  Brewes  held 

i"  Wudrland  knights  I,,,  lonnriiy  ]uH  by  Uilus  de  Brewes- 

thus  (l„,  ]>,„^  appars  1„  h;,^,.  ..ndrd  in  heiressrs,  though,  if  the 
l"^t'  '•■■'l-  ::iv.-n  IS  eo.rrrl,  it  srrms  cniiuus  tliat  tin's  John  was 
not   suuimoned    to   Bailiamcat  as   a   Bai'on,  instea.l   „f   his  lirst 

DE    BRAOSE    FAJIILy.  245 

cousin  Thomas,  son  of  his  half  uncle  Peter,  son  of  his  grandfather 
by  his  third  wife  Mary  de  Roos,  on  2o  Feb.,  IG  Ed\v.  Ill,  []:3-i2] ; 
ii'either  did  he,  as  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  discover,  ever  lay 
claim  to  any  of  the  de  Braose  properties  beyond  those  he  held 
in  Buckingham  and  Dorsetshire. 

Williaiii  married  for  his  third  wife  Mary  de  Roos  [whom  we 
may  presume  to  have  been  the  daughter  of  William  de  Roos  of 
ITainelek,  who  died  10  Edw.  11,  as  from  an  ln<j.  p.m.,-11  Edw.  Ill, 
1st  Nos.  4,  we  find  her  great  grandson  John  de  Breouse  holding 
the  manor  of  Wynesthorp  in  Yorkshire  of  the  Lord  Thomas  de 
Roos  of  Hamelck  liy  fealty,  l^eing  worth  yearly  £18  2s.]  and  by 
her  had  three  sons  and  one  daughter,  Richard,  Peter,  William  and 
Margaret ;  the  latter  liecame  the  wife  of  a  Ralph  de  Camoys,  and 
appears  to  have  had  granted  to  her  for  her  life  as  iiart  of  her 
marriage  po)-tion  the  manor  of  Little  Bookham  in  Surrey ;  see 
Inquis.,  33  Edw.  I,  No.  2G-1,  which  consists  of  a  writ  to  inquire 
whether  it  would  be  to  the  King's  damage  if  he  licensed  Ralph  de 
Camoys  and  Margaret  his  Avife  to  grant  their  manor  of  Little 
Bookham  in  Surrey  (^'hich  is  held  of  the  King)  to  Mary,  widow 
of  William  do  Browosa,  to  hold  for  term  of  her  life,  with  remain- 
der to  said  R.  and  M.,  2  Feb.  [1300],  and  an  inquisition  which 
finds  that  it  is  not  to  the  King's  damage,  fcc,  dated  21  April 
[1303]  ;  it  also  mentions  that  R.  and  M.  held  the  manor  of 
Flockesthorp  in  Norfolk  and  the  manor  of  Wol...  in  Suttblk  ... 
The  latter  part  of  this  incpiisition  is  defaced.  The  sons  will  be 
treated  of  in  due  coui-se. 

William  de  Braose  the  father  succeeiled  his  father  John,  who 
was  killed  by  a  fall  i'rum  his  horse  in  1232,  and  in  20  Hen.  HI, 
the  Barons  of  the  Excliequer  were  ordered  to  defer  till  y"  morrow 
of  All  Souls  the  demand  of  2.")  m.,  which  had  been  made  upon 
William  for  a  debt  of  his  father  John,  and  in  3-5  Hen.  Ill  to 
s\ispend  a  demand  of  X,')2  made  on  him  for  the  debts  of  Reginald 
de  Breus,  as  William  liad  rciirrscnted  tlial  hr  was  not  the  heir  of 
Reginald.'     K.,rrri>t,i  Uol.  Fnima,  rn.  (>. 

In  41  Hen.  Jli,  whni  Llewelyn  a],  taitliu  menaced  the  marches 
of  Wales  with  a  great  ariuy,  William  was  connnanded  by  the 
King  to  defend  his  own  marclies  about  Gower,  and  the  next  year 
he  had  a  military  summons  to  attend  the  King  at  Chester. 
(Burke's  '  Ext.  Peerage.') 

William  was  one  of  the  jiludued  for  Kin-  Ib'nrv's 
abiding  the  award  of  Lewis,  King  of  Fiance.  In  :!  Ivlw,  I  'lie 
was  appointeil  assessor  fur  Surrey  and  Sussex  nf  tlu'  b"itli  grante<l 
by  the  prelates,  earb,  barons,  and  others  of  the  Idngdom.  '    In  the 

246  DE    BRAOSE    FAMILY. 

next  year  lie  was  one  of  the  magnates  present  in  the  council  at 
Westiiiinster  (12  Nov.)  oji  judgment  being  given  against  Llewelyn. 
(Palgravcs   'Writs.') 

In  4  EJw.  I  a  general  proffer  of  knights'  services  to  the  King 
being  taken  at  Twedemouth,  10  Sept.,  William  acknowledges  and 
offers  service  of  2-1  knights'  fees  for  his  lands  in  Sussex  and 
Wales  to  be  performed  hy  Wm.  de  Hemester,  John  Testard, 
Thos.  Quintin,  Eob.  de  Arundel,  John  llussell  cum  5  equis 
coopertis.     (Madox,  '  Baron.  Ang.,'  216). 

He  was  present  in  full  council  when  judgment  was  given 
against  Gilbert  de  Clare  Earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford  claiming 
the  castle  and  borough  of  Bi-istol.  In  5  Edw.  I  he  was  summoned 
for  military  service  against  Llewelyn,  and  he  and  his  bailifls  of 
Gowcr  were  ordered  to  prohibit  his  vassals  from  furnishing  pro- 
visions or  supplies  to  the  Welsh  rebels.  He  prolfered  the  service 
of  2^,  Iviiights'  fees  in  Brenibre,  and  1  knight's  fee  in  Goer  per- 
foriiird  liy  liiiiiself,  and  2  knights  and  1  serviens.  Appearing  on 
his  u\\u  l-rhalf  his  service  during  40  days  was  transfeixed  by  the 
King  to  E<lmoiid  Earl  of  Lancaster,  to  be  performed  mider  the 
latter  in  West  Wales.     (Palgrave's  '  Writs.') 

In  10  Edw.  I,  ho  was  summoned  to  perform  military  service 
against  the  ^^^elsh  and  to  muster  at  Rhuddlau  2nd  August,  but 
was  aftel•^vards  di.scharged  from  his  attendance  there,  and  ordered 
to  continue  in  West  Wales  nnder  the  command  of  the  capitancus 
in  those  parts ;  the  next  year  he  \\'as  again  summoned  to  perform 
military  service. 

In  15  Edw.  I,  he  was  enjoined  to  reside  on  his  demesnes  and 
lordships  until  the  rebellion  of  Resus'  the  son  of  Mereduc  be  put 
down.  [Abb.  Piot.  Orig.,  ro.  9.]  In  the  following  year  he  M'as 
ordered  to  abstain  from  violations  of  the  peace,  and  to  appear 
before  Edmund  Earl  of  Cornwall  and  the  council  in  the  quinzanc 
of  St.  jMichael  (13  Oct.)  to  propound  any  grievances  which  he 
might  have  sustained. 

In  1-0  Edw.  I,  there  was  a  writ  of  (juo  warranto  against  him 
for  the  liljerties  he  claimed  in  Tetbury.  whfreupon  it  was  found 
tliat  Tetliury  was  an  ancient  borough  tn\\-n,  and  that  in  the  same 
he  had  a  market,  fair,  view  of  franlqiledge,  i.e.,  tumbrclls,  pillory, 
and  stocks.  ['  Plac.  de  quo  warranto,'  p.  2.")9.  Lee's  '  Hist,  of 
Tetbury,'  p.  17.] 

In  17  Edw.  I,  he  was  again  enjoined  to  reside  on  his  own 
loi-dshl]is  and  <lemesnes  for  the  purpose  of  protecting  them  horn 
Resus  tlie  son  of  iieredue  (Palgrave's  '  Wiuts'),  and  the  following 
year  in  the  full  Parliament  at  Westminster  (Close  Roll,  18  Edw.  I, 
m.  10;  he  consents,  together  with  the  other  magnates  and  proccrcs 

,  17   VAk.   I.     [.Vvl.illV,   uu 
lu  ^\■illiam•b  gr;mai';ithcr. 

.  y\,- 

iV.lii'i  1x0. 


m'a  f 

;ic;.t  gi-iii: 

ul    K.u 


then  present,  for  liini.self  and  the  communitas  of  the  Icingilom  to 
tlie  grant  of  the  aid  for  marrying  the  King's  eldest  daughter. 
He  joined  in  tlie  letter  addressed  to  the  Pope  on  behalf  of  the 
earls,  barons  an<l  proceres  of  the  kingdom,  comjjlaining  of  the 
attempt  made  to  appropriate  certain  prebends  of  the  cathedrals 
of  York  and  Lincoln  to  the  Hospital  of  the  Holy  Ghost  and  the 
Basilica  of  St.  Peter's  of  Rome,  and  in  the  same  year  lie  confirmed 
to  the  nuns  of  Aconbur}^  the  rents  of  ten  houses  in  Tetbury 
given  them  hy  his  father  John  de  Braose.  The  writ  of  "  diera 
clausit  extrenunii"  upon  his  death  was  tested  at  ^Ysherugge  G  Jan. 
18  Edw.  I  [1291.] 

(To  he  continued.) 


(ConVunialfr,.m  p.  ^^\.) 

On  \>.  178,  the  d.-ite  l.'i82  ought  to  have  been  placed  two  lines  belo-.v  ;  nud  ou  the 
next  page,  1533  should  be  four  lines  lower. 

Entry  omitted  :— lC-14,  Jan.  18.  William  Venners  of  Alceater,  \\idi>wcr,  and 
Martha  Ealdwyu  of  Longdoii  in  Tredingtou,  co.  Wore.,  spinster. 

16C2,  Sept.   20.     George  Lunne  of  Birlingliam,  about  28,  Ijaclielor,  and 

Elianor  Coolces'of  Tanlebigg",  25,  maiden;  her  fallicv  dead,  her 

mother  consenting. 
Oct.    11.     Thomas   ITub:in(l    .,[    IVencliall   in   Ecckcnliam,   gont., 

about   27,  bachelor,   and   .Maiy    Savage   of  Eeckenliani,  about  21, 

maiden;    bcv    father    dead,    her    mother    Islxcy    S.     consenting; 

testified  by  Jolm  Savage  of  Lradlcv,  gent. 
Oct.18.     Samuel  AIsop  ol'  (jDvmtrv,  alx)ut  22,  baclielor,  and  j\lary 

Jones  of  Evcsl)am,  about  2'J,  maiili'ii. 
Oct.  18.     Eoger  Partri,l-r  (,f   \\-..ivr.slcr,   elotliin-,  21,  and  Hester 

Xcmp.son,  aliout  25,  (la.  nl'  (Irm-y   Jvrmpson  of  .'^nuth   Litlloton, 

Nov.   12.       Aiilhony    .Ailwn,, 

widower,    aud    Sarah    ll-niiie 

maiden  ;  her  parents  drad. 
Nov.  19.     George  Hunt  of  N;i 

Alice   Cooper,  about   'M,    da. 


the   .< 



about  30, 
abmt   20, 


1    Cv< 

.,   10,  liai 
■per    of 



^rorttneSu';rrf^r"';;^'  of  Inkben.ow,  about  40,   widower,   and 

^oitune  Muis  of  Grnllon  1-lyford,  about  -10,  maiden. 
Dec.     4.     Thomas  HavaKc  of  Dorm.stoii,  2G,  baclielor 

Q      „       ^T,   '^''''''"''-  "*  J-'orm.stoii,  2G,  baclielor,  and  Hester 
Smalbrook,  22,  da.  of  Kicliard  Smalbrook,  of  Droitwich 

launders,  23,  maiden,  botli  of  Inkberrow. 

"^n"  1^?'  -  Tlio"ias  Blicke   of  luklierrow,  'yeoman,   ao,  and  Maiv 
Ilacklett  of  Peopleton,  about  32,  widow  ^ 

1     t  oJ''°'"'!^  ^''^"■■''  ''^^^""t  30,  widower,   and   .Mavery   Poole 
about  30,^_maKlen,   botli  of   Dormston ;    allec.Uion    bv    WilW,' 

Poole,  of  tjic  same  parish,  \-eoman.  "''"' '    '""''"''  ^°"     '"^ 
Peb.  19.     James  Ellins,  of  Abbot's  .Morton,  about  18,  and  Elizabeth 

Alexander  «/,„.  AVeaver,  of   the  of    Bidford,  about    l" 

maiden;  allegation  l>y  Edward  Cha  mian  of  Lidford  ,  .,  1  ' 

las    day  of  Feb.     William  Smith  of  llaselor,  about  %,  widower 

wllw"'''      '''   ''""'  '''   '"    ''   ^^''  ^y^   "f  Lap-ortT.; 
Marcl,  1.     Fulk<-    of    St.    Helen's    par    in    AVnrcestev 

about_21,  baehelor,  and  Alice  Moseley  of  the  iun^  ^Ir. 'lbo?:rS: 

''l^^^^rolSLS:"  '''''"'  '^''■'''''  '''^'--'-^'  ''' 
"Vlni^i'^"     ^°'"i,  ,^'°"-">gto"  of  Spetehley,  37,  widower,  and  Jane 

Ilolxlay  of  Inkberrow,  3G,  widow. 
'^v^'t^'i  ^J"',"''''   ^''■■""'=^'  °f  I'^Oi'--^    Cleeve,    barheh.r    and   Alieo 
Kylnnd  of  the  same  place,  about  20  ;  her  father  dead  'h      mot 
l<rance.sEylaud  cons(Mitin.'.  ,  hh  m.juiti 

June  G  ^-icholas  Eeynoltls,  about  21,  and  Mar..tret  Tebbs 
aboutlO,  maiden,  both  of  Inkberrow  ^  ' 

Z   E;,- Jn"'"  '^^'>'-'Sl;an,,  of  Stoke  Prior,  gent.,  10,  widower, 

Juno  30.     Kichard  Gibb,:s  of  Strellni,   m,    fl,„   1'  c  ■ .    --       -i 

»,ui..»  m.j„„.,  „„„,.  ^v,.„,v  .„■  ;i:'':,,;r;,',;;;\;;;'iT5: 

July  14.  John  Dabil,,tt  of  Mund.,li,]d  llarrold  in  Hr.anvud  ,■„ 
Hereford,  gent.,  al,oul  2:>,,.],,,.  nnd  f  ilh,.,-;,,,.  M" ,  ,?  '  '  , 
Wichenford,  21,  maiden.  "'"■■""'   ^''"i' ""^  M  a.^hburne  of 

July   31.     AVilliam    Soh^v    of    Chinvliill     <lin,.,.^,    ^f    ii- 

Bushell  of  Claines  ^  '  '         '^     '  "  ''^    ^^'''""'^ 

The  Sheldons  had  bren  r.ivvi.iiKlr  ,.,„  n  ,.<    ii 
ll.e  Savages.     John    Sava!:!:        ^'^Z  "  x  ^^  j!^:, '"''"yf  ■^"''' 
Inkberrow)  in    ICOG,    in   which    v,.  ,v    •,.■:.„',,  'V" 

«tBuckland,co.Glo„c.,  he  mariLl   Anne  d.of  Geo;;  S°S:r 

s.:;S'a;:^M.i;;T:;;  ■^i^oit^pt.fiGi;''^ '"'-'-  ^^  ^-^^ 

Augu.t  6.     Thomas  Bushell  of  Ckevc  Prior,  about  2C,  bachelor 


and  Cicely  Sheldon  of  Abljerlon,  about  22,  maiden  ;  their  fathers 
dead  :  allegation  by  Tobias  Bnshell  of  Clainos  gent. 

Aug.  22  Francis  Eichardson,  clothier,  of  St.  Andre-w's  in  "Wor- 
cester, about  25,  Avidowor,  and  Anne,  daughter  of  Thomas  Perks, 
of  the  same  parish,  maltster,  about  20,  maiden. 

Sept.  25.  William  Poole  of  Donuston,  33,  and  INIargaret  Everton 
of  Stoke  Prior,  27,  maiden. 

Sept.  26.  RicJiard  Fullwuod  of  Little  Alnc,  about  28,  and  Alice 
Huband  of  lukberroiv,  aljoiil  17,  maiden,  grand-da.  of  Thomas 
Drewe  ;  her  father  dead. 

Oct.  10.  Stc]ihen  Round  of  3-1idford,  aged  18,  whoso  parents  are 
dead,  and  ]Mary  "Walker  of  Hilborough  (in  Temple  Grafton), 
21,  maiden  ;  to  be  married  at  Grafton  or  Salford  :  allegation  by 
Artlnu'  "Walker  of  Hilborough  gent. 

Nov.  4.  George  Throckmorton " of  Cookhill  in  Inkberrow,  about 
21,  and  Sarah  Dorke  of  All  Saints'  par.  in  Evesham,  about  22 
maiden.  ' 

Nov.  1 1.  Henry  Fincher,  20,  son  of  Eogor  F.,  mason,  of  Broughton 
Hackett,  and  Catherine  Farmer,  of  the  same  parish,  25,  maiden. 

Dec.  9.  Thomas  Saunders  of  Bristol  gent.,  about  25,  and  Abin-ail 
Bonner  of  Cow-honeybornc,  about  19 ;  her  father  dead,  her 
mother  Anne  Bonner  of  the  same  place,  widow,  consenting.  ' 

Feb.  19.     i\Ir.  Henry  Jackson  of  Inkberrow,  clerk,  about  33,  and 
Mercy  Sands  of  Holt,  about  28,  maiden. 
1664,  April  16.     William  Ryland  of  Cleeve  Prior,  21,  and  Anne  Bemiett 
of  Halford,  co.  "\\  arAvick,  27,  maiden  ;  her  parents  de;id. 

I\Iay  14.  "William  Cliaundlor  of  Kington,  35,  and  Alice  Greene  of 
Naunton  Bcauchamp,  35,  maiden. 

July  4.  Francis  Hall  of  Bromsgrove,  24,  and  Anne  Foley  of  the 
same  place,  25,  maiden. 

July  27.  Thomas  Cookes  of  Samborno  (in  Cougliton,  co.  "Warwick) 
26,  and  Isabel  Jones,  18,  da.  of  Edmund  Jones,  of  the  same  place 
gent.  In  this  yc;u-  Thomas  Coulees  purchased  the  estate  of  Bidford 
Grange,  wlierc  he  died  21  Oct.  1674.  The  Bidford  registers  re- 
cord the  liaptisms  of  his  sons  Thomas,  Edward,  and  Robert.  His 
memorial  si. mo  in  the  floor  of  the  church  of  that  parish  describes 
him  as  "  of  y"  Anticnt  family  of  y  Cooks  of  Bently  in  y-^  Parisli 
of  Tarbick  m  y*^  County  of  "Worcester."  Isabel,  his  widow,  re- 
married "William  Johns  of  Evesham,  and,  dying  in  1685,  was 
interred  "  beside  her  mother  "Winifred  "  in  All"  Saints'  church  in 
that  town. 

Sept  17.  Ralph  Tayler  of  AVdland  g,mt.  and  Penelope  da.  of 
Nicholas  Letchmoie  of  Hindiv  C.sllc  ]■>,,  ' 

Oct.  4.  Humphrey  Mnyo  of' Buddenham,  CO.  Hereford  "cut  '''•■' 
and  I\Iary  da.  of  A\'iIIiani  Janett  of  Aldington  (in  V.-mUvv)   21  "'' 

Oct.  6.  John  M-alson  of  P.ivtforton,  21.  and  :Margai'et  Cox  of 
Cleeve  Prior,  31,  maiden  ;  U,  be  married  at  Bidfurd.  ^ 

Oct.  24.  Gravenor  ,i!ou^  Grosvenor  Dvson  of  I'.nvell,  co  Stafford 
upwaids  of  20,  his  father  dead,  and  ^lary  Bionnvich,  about  24,  of 
the  diocese  uf  Hereford,  da.  of  Francis  Bromwich  gent. 


Nov.  15.     Thomas  Mcisoii  of  Shipston  on  Slour  gent.,  about  24, 

and  Anno  Kosc,  about  19,  da.  of  'William  Rose  of  llmingto]i  gent. 
Nov.    22.     Thomas   Goddin    of    Salporton,    co.    Glouc,    32,    and 

Dorothy  Arnold  of  Exhall,  18. 
Nov.  2G.     John  lluband  of  lievington  in   Salford,  23,  and  Joan 

Boult,  2.5,  da.  of  llcnry  B.  of  Feckcnham. 
Dec.  3.     Thomas  Milbornc  of  Spernall,  23,  and  Anne  Holtam  of 

Wclford,  25,  maiden. 
Dec.    24.     Jolm  Ilamdcn  (Ilolmden)  of   Crowle,    Esq.,   and   :\rrR. 

Elizabeth  Winford,  da.  of  Sir  John  Winford  of  Astloy,  lent. 
The  Crowle  registers  give  the  marriage  of  Robert  Ilolmden, 

Esq.  and  Anne  Penrioe  ;    and  the  baptism   of  their  son  John, 

7  Jan.,  1G32  ;  also  the  baptism  of  John,  sou  of  John  Ilolmden, 

Esq.  and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  18  Feb.   1666  ;  and  the  burial  of 

Robert  Ilolmden,  gent.,   1  Jan.   1686;  of  John  Holmden,  Esq., 

13  May,  1691,  and  of  Robert  Ilolmden,  gent.,  on  the  3rd  of  Jan. 

following.     j\Irs.  Elizabeth  Holmden,  it  a]ipears,  died  in   1720. 

This  family,  or  at  least  the  Crowle  branch  of  it,  is  now  represented 

by  tlic  "Worcestershire  Ampldetts.  ■        , 

Jan.  13.     Jolm  Butler  of  Feckenham,  30,  and  Elizabeth  Perk.s,  21, 

maiden,  her  parents  dead,  and  .she  "  vnder  y'  Tuic'on"  of  her 

brother  William  Perks  of  Feckenham,  yeoman. 
Jan.  26.     Thomas  Savage  of  Redmarley  Dabitott,  gent.,  about  23, 

and  Lucy  Coventry,   about  18,   da.   of  ]\Iary   Coventry,  of  that 

parish,  widow, 
^larch  20.     Richard  Perkes  and  Anne  Cookes,  both  of  Catshill, 

diocese  of  "Worcester. 
1G65,  Apr.   8.     Rowland    Smyth   of   Lindridge,    co.    "Wore,    about   40, 

widower,  and  Hannah  Clarke  of  Great  Witlcy,  about  32,  maiden, 

da.  of  Richard  Clarke  of  Wacton,  co.  Hereford,  gent. 
Apr.  22.     Thomas  Miles  of  Ilasclor  and  Alice  Jackman  of  IJintou, 

Apr.     John  "Walford  of  Binton,  about  30,  and  Elinor  Gaywood  of 

Bishampton,  about  20,  da.  of  I^Iargery  Gaywood,  wido^^•. 
Apr.  29.     Samuel  Emms  (in  the    margin  IJme^sJ  of  Bishampton, 

about  28,  and  Margaret  I'.lnckc  of  Xaunton,  about  30,  maiden. 
May  8.     George  Stratford  of  i'.arlon  on  the  lloath,  gent.,  28,  and 

Anne  Thorne,  24,  da.  of  (ieorge   Thome   of  ShuiUey,  co.  Glouc, 

June  3.     Thomas  Beale  (if  y"  Biiiow,    24,  and   Anna  Xanfan   of 

Birchmorton  (Birt's   l\Ioi-toii),   21  ;    her  lather  dead,    her  mother 


An  interesting  accon 

nt  ( 

,r  tli(^  Na 


will  l)e  found  i 

n  Graze- 

brooli's  Hcrahfn/  of  IF 



,,.  39: 


Sept.  14.     Siuion  Clarke 


,  Esq., 

about  27,  liach 

clor,  and 

l^lrs.   ]\[crcy  Brace,   2t 

,    d; 

1.  nf  n,. 

Iq.   Br 

ace,  of  Doverd: 

do,    Esq. 

Simon  CLuke,  wlir,  wa. 

llnl-    Frl, 

1  grandson  of  S 

ir  Simon 

Clarke  of  S;,llo,,l,   ,:,., 


JlUlrl.,     il 


n 1,    sucrred,. 

d    to   the 

title  on  Ihr  dr:,lll  ..f  hi 


11  Ir  Sll-  .1 


Tlir  lainily  ciilc 

ivd  llicil- 

pedigivc  al  llio  N'lMl.ili 


uf   WanM 


V  in   l(;i9  ;  and 

a-aiii  in 

1682,    at   which   time 




bauaiel,   was   1 

ivmg   at 


jMoreliall  in  Wixford,   co.   AVavwick,  and  liad  issue,  by  the  said 

Mercy,  two  sons  and  two  daugliters,  the  eldest,  Simon,  being  then 

cet.  15. 
Sept.  2G.     Jolm  Field  of  llaselor  and  Mary  Cockbill  of  Great  Alno, 

Sept.  28.     Syinon  Gierke  (v!r)  and  ]Mary  Parsons,  maiden,  both  of 

Spornal!,  co.  Warwick. 

The  Spernall  registers  give  the  marriage,  in  1GG-"),  of  Simon- 
Clarke  Parker  and  itary  Parsons. 
Oct.  10.     John  Vernon  of  Hanbury,  clerk,  and  Sarah  "\V}ld  of  the 

par.  of  St.  Peter  in  Worcester,  maiden. 
Oct.  14.     Edward  Earnes  of  Dormston,  about  30,  and  Alice  Kem- 

mctt  of  Grafton,  24,  maiden. 
Oct.  16.     William   GuiUam  of  Bidford,    widower,    and   Elizabetli 

Flcclier  of  Everton  (Ebrington  ?),  co   Glouc.,  maiden. 
Oct.  28.       Edward  Beutley  of  Kington,   co.  Warwicl;,   and   Anne 

Foley  of  Stourbridge,  maiden. 
Jan.  9.     Thomas  ]Si"anfan  of  Liirclimorton  gent,  and  Mary  Laiigston 

of  JIanley  widow. 
Jan.  13.    'Eichard  Ilatt  of  Upton  Warren,  about  26,  widower,  and 

Anne  i\Iason,  about  23,  da.  of  William  Mason  of  RushoclvP. 
Jan.  27.     Xicliolas  Lane,  about  20,  liis  parents  dead,  and  Elizabeth 

da.  of  Stephen  Wadley,  aged   19;  both  of  Eldersfield  ;  tlie  said 

Elizabeth  sister  of  Edmund  Wedley  (sic). 
Fob.  21.     Edward  Harrett  of  Inkberro-i\',  husbandman,  about   32, 

widoM'cr,  and  Mary  Gibbs  of  Aston  Cantloe,  32,  widoM'. 
Fob.  27.     Francis  Tandy  of  Abbot's  :M(jrton,  24,  and  Anne  Ellins, 

about  16,  da.  of  John  Ellins,  of  the  same  parisli. 
March  19.     Edward  Ileminge  of  Haselor,    about  22,    and    Susan 

Gibbs,  about  22,  da.  of  Francis  G.  of  the  same  parish. 
]\larch  20.     Anker  Phillips  of  Inkberrow,  26,  and  Alice  ilore  of 

Bricklohampton,  24,  maiden. 
166G,  Apr.  28.     Thomas  Knight  of  Flyford  FLivdl,  37,  widower,  and 

Anne  Izard  of  Dormston,  about  44,  maiden. 

There  has  recently  been  a  discussion  in  JS'otes  and  Cliierin.-i  a.s  to 

the  origin  of  the  surname  Izar<l,  or  Izod.     It  was  probably  Isold 

at  lirst ;  Latinized  Isolda,  and  also,  it  ^vould  appear,  Ii<odia,  in 

mediaival  times.     Tlie  register  at  the  church  of  Cheltenham 

records  the  burial  of  Izod  llornebie,  widow,    29  March,   160G; 

while  that  of    Pinvin,    co.  "\^''orcester,  cojitains  the  marriage  of 

Christopher  Baldwyn  of  Asliton,  co.   Glouc,  and  Isard  Smith  of 

Pershore,  21  May,  160G. 
May  15.     John  More  of  ]',idford,  .'lO,  widower,  and  Anno  Fletcher 

of  ISinton,  30,  maiden,  da.  of  William  Flrtiher  of  Drayton. 
June  22.      William  Durham  of  Willersey,  co.   Glouc,  yeoman,  26, 

and   Sarah    Marrice    (Morris)    of  Bretf'orton,    28,    niiiidcn  ;    Jane 

Marrice  of  the  same  place,  widow,  consenting. 
June  30.     Richard  Lane  of  Severn   Stoke,  about  32,  and  Elianor 

lieavans,  about  2,'),  da.  of  lulmund  i!.  of  the  same  place. 
Aug.  7.     John  Cooke,  about  22,  and  Debura  Thonibury,  about  32, 

maiden,  both  of  Ilirlingham,  eo.  Worcester  ;  her  parents  dead. 


Aug.  11.  William  ^Marshall  of  IMartluy,  co.  Wore,  about  29,  and 
Bridget  Ijriuloj',  about  22,  da.  of  Richard  IJ.  of  the  same  place, 

Aug.  16.  Richard  Lord  of  Stratford,  40,  widower,  and  Anne 
Richards,  of  the  same  town,  3G,  maiden. 

Oct.  5.  William  Jorden  of  Baydon,  eo.  AVorc,  clerk,  aljoul  27, 
and  Sarah  Littleton,  alias  Tinker,  cf  the  Cathedral  jircciucts, 
Worcester,  about  21,  maiden,  da.  of  Philip  Tinker,  clerk. 

Pliilip  Tinker  A.M.  Ava.s  instituted,  in  1640,  July  13,  to  the 
vicarage  of  Overbury,  co.  Worcester,  the  register  of  wliicli  parish 
contains  the  l.iaptism  of  Sarah  da.  of  Philip  Tynkcr,  vicar,  and 
Mary  his  wife,  27  ilarch,  1645.  He  sometimes  called  hiiiisclf 
"Littleton  aliat)  Tinker,"  but  seems  to  have  preferred  omitlin.L^  the 
former  na)ne.  He  continued  to  hold  the  lienefice  until  lG."i9,  or 

Oct.  13.  John  Callowe  of  Donnston,  22,  and  Margaret  Phillii)S  of 
Inkberrow,  22,  widow. 

Oct.  27.  Thomas  Twyning  of  Wyrc  Piddle,  26,  and  Hester  Dinglj- 
(Dineley),  25,  da.  of  William  ])."(. f  Xaunton  J'.eauchamp  gent. 

Xov.  1.     Thomas  ^Milward  of  Alderminster  and  iJlanco  Ashwyn  of 
Honcybornc  widow. 
1667,  May  11.     Thomas  Windle,  about  27,  and   Aimc  Hunt,   about  24, 
maiden,  both  of  Inkberro\^-. 

May  11.  Tlionias  Pield  of  Evesham,  24,  and  Bridget  Kitely 
(Kighley  or  Iveighley),  20,  da.  ..f  Giles  K.,  of  Shennell  in  South 

TIic  Keighley  family  of  Lilllelon,  according  t..  their  pedigree, 
Harl.  MS.  1352,  migraU'd  to  that  parish  from  Alveeliurcli,  co. 
Worcester,  to  which  place  \]\i'\  liad  gone  frnm  lii-ldp,  co.  Lancas- 
ter. One  of  them.  Sir  ]'liili[i  J\i'jhhii,  l;iit.  (as  ho  wrote  his 
name)  was  jM.P.  for  Eveslunn,  tn^'vilier  witli  Sir  Thomas  Bigge, 
knt.,  and  died  in  1605.  The  above  mentioned  Giles  .sigiud 
"  Kcighly"  in  the  S.  Littleton  parish  accounts. 

June  20.  Thomas  Hobday,  «/»/,s'  Lacy,  of  BrnuglitLUi  llarkelt, 
about  23,  and  Grace  Sh;nv,  of  Jving's  Xorton,  about  27,  mai.len. 

July  20.  John  Hunt,  bachelor,  and  Elizalicth  Dingly  (Dineley), 
maiden,  both  of  Xaunton  IJeaiiehamp  :  to  be  married  in  the 
church  of  St.  Jilichael  in   P.cMhvardiue,  Worcester. 

This  family  of  Hunt  became  again  cnnueeled  by  marriage  with 
theDinelevs  in  1S09. 

Aug.  24.  _  John  Chapman  of  JSroome  and  Isabella  Allen  of  Wiggles- 
ford  (AVixford),  maiden. 

The  register  of  B.i.shamplon  gives  the  mairia-e  ..f  Edw.  Chapman, 
of  Broome  in  Ili.l/onl,  and  Mary  Dannee  .,f  I'.iinl,  y.  2  1  May,  IC  IS. 

Sept.  30.      !•  r: 

nieis  Da 

y,  10,  wi.lnwcr,  and  Alice 


s,2:i,  maiden, 

both  of  Abb 

:<V^    Mol 


Dec.  .1.      .b.h 

11  Alexai 

iider  of  llid|-,.rd  and  .Vniu 

•  Haiti; 

nn  of  Abbot's 

.Morton,  ^^  id 


Dec.  27.      .b.i  Siiia 

rl  of  Ardeii's  Grafton  an 

d    Klia 

nor   M,.oic  of 


Av.iu,  11 


Jan.    S.       Gil 

e..    Tur> 

,-ey    of    Xorth    Piddle    ai 

lid    Jal 

le    Greene    of 

Dormstou,  i 


NOTICES   or  BOOKS.  25 

Jan     30.      James   Stephens   of   Xorth   Littleton    and   Grisse^on 

Baldwyn  of  A.shlon-uuder-IIill,  oo.   Gloucester,   maiden 
Feb.   3.      Richard  Fincher,  30,  and  Mari,'ery  Lacv  m;,,^  Hobdav 

21,  maiden,  both  of  Broughton  Hackett.  ^  ' 

16C8.  Apr.  20.     Stephen  Kichardson,  of  the  city  of  Worcester,  and  Isabel 

Littleton  of  liolt,  in  the  diocese  of  Wore,  maiden, 
ilay  19.      Jolm    Gower   of    Inlcberrow  gent.,  40,    wido\vcr    and 

Anne  Ballard,  about  19,  maiden,  da.  of  Francis  Ballard  of  Abbot's 

May  28.     John  Hill  of   Ilaselor  and   Ursula  Rutter  of  Norton 

maiden.  ' 

July  2.     Thomas  Wilmott  of  AVolverley,  diocese  of  Wore    clerk 

24,  and  Joshua  Smith  of  the  same  place,  23,  maiden. 
July  3.     AVilliam  AIsop,  about  32,  widower,  and  Judith  Frowlo 

about  40,  widow,  both  of  Strcnsham. 
July  23.     Benjamin  Graunt,  about  22,  and  :\rary  Ashwyn,  about 

20,  maiden,  both  of  Exliall. 
July  25.     Robert  Featherston,  25,  and  Elianor  Powell,  24    da    of 

David  P.,  both  of  Abbot's  :Morton.  ' 

Oct.  10.     Mr.  Gyles  Parsons  of  Overburv,  abnut  2r.   an,!  Flizabeth 

Freeman  of  Batsford,  about  24,  maiden.' 
Jan.  20.     Francis  l^ynelcy,  about  36,  and  Mm-x  IMen    about  •''■••) 

maiden,  both  of  Charlton  (in  Cropthornc).  '  ,  -., 

Jan.  30._     Richard  Young  and  Sarah  Bathurst,  19,  maiden  both  of 

All  Saints'  par.  in  Evesham.  ' 

Jan.  30.     Robert  Dyson  and  Frances  Gore,  widow    both  of  Ink- 

berrow.  ' 

Feb.  2.      Samuel  Clarke,  23,  and  Sarah  Baker,  about  30  mai.len 

both  of  Abbot's  Morton.  '  ' 

^^'^  "/■<,.  ^f'-T  ^'^'"'S'l'l'^y  of  Fawsley,   co.   Xorlhanipton,    Esr, 

about  21,  bachelor,  and  Sarah  Foley  of  Great  A\'itlev,  co.  Wor- 
cester, about  IS,  maiden. 

See  the  Knightley  pedigree   in   Howard's  Mhcdianm   Genea- 

loyica  et  Ileruhlica,  vol.  i,  pji,  129-133. 

(To  be  continued. J 

notices  oi   jilnoks. 

Memou!  or  tuk  :\rouxi:ux  Family.      |;y  GisnoHxi:  Moiivbuy   FRCT 
London:   1882,  4tu.  ''     •^''■^■'- 

The  family  of  Molineux  is  l,:,.,.,!  f,,„„  William  de  Moulins,  or  de 
Mo  ines,  Lord  of  .Sephton  in  the  In,,-  „f  tl„.  Con.p.eror.  The  Earls  of 
Sefton  represent  the  eldest  line,  and  ,,il„.r  b,:,nel,es  llourishe.l  at  ]ulcrl 
Ion,  Teversall,  Castle  Dillon,  co.  Avur.-.U  et.  Vivi  n  n  ,  \  "  I 
AVilliam    de    Moubus,    was    made    ca^teUan -of  £,v;.^:;,r'b;  iLi^^do 


Poictou,  Earl  of  Lancaster;  his  descendant,  Sir  "William  ilolynenx, 
distinguished  himself  under  the  Black  Prince,  and  was  made  a  Knight 
Banneret  in  13G7.  He  was  father  of  Sir  Richard  ]\tulyneux,  who  had 
three  sons,  Sir  Richard,  who  signalised  hinrself  at  Agincourt,  Adam, 
Bishoji  of  Chichester,  and  Rohert.  Sir  Richard  last  named  liad  eight 
sons,  of  whom  the  oldest  was  ancestor  of  the  Viscounts  ^Nlolyneux  and 
Earls  of  Softon,  and  the  second,  Sir  Thomas,  of  the  IMolincuxes  of  Tevcr- 
sal  and  ]Mansfield  ;  of  the  other  six  no  account  is  given.  The  first 
chapter  is  devoted  to  carrying  down  the  liistory  of  the  eldest  branch, 
the  second  to  that  seated  at  Teversal  and  Haugliton,  and  the  third  to  the 
Staffordshire  and  Sussex  family  descended  from  Francis  ilolyneux  of 
Mansfield,  brother  to  Sir  John  Molyneux,  third  baronet,  of  Teversal. 

From  Sir  Thomas  Molineux  (second  son  of  Sir  Richard  above  named), 
descended  Sir  John  Molineux,  Knt.,  created  a  Baronet  29  July,  1011. 
The  elder  lino  of  his  descendants  became  extinct  in  the  person  of  Sir 
Francis  Mohneux,  Gentleman  Usher  of  the  Black  Rod,  in  1812,  with 
whom,  according  to  Burke  and  Courthope,  tlio  titL:  iilsn  ici minatod^.  This 
appears  to  be  a  mistake,  as  Francis  Jilolyneux  of  .^i,lll^  Ip  M,  i.,.  Xotting- 
ham,  second  brother  of  Sir  John  Molyneux,  thud  I',  imii.i,  left  issue 
Darcy  Molyneux,  Sheriff  of  that  county  in  1687,  wlio  had  two 
surviving  sons,  William  and  John.  Darcy  Molyneux,  grandson  of 
Wilh'am,  assumed  the  title  on  the  death  of  Sir  Francis,  and  died  at 
Sheepscar,  near  Leeds,  in  1816,  without  issue.  Since  his  death  the 
Bavductcy  has  been  in  abeyance.  John  Molyneux,  brother  of  William, 
however,  left  issue,  and  in  his  heir  male  the  title  still  appears  to  exist, 
lie  is  said  to  have  "settled  in  WolverhinriptMU  at  the  commencement  of 
the  eighteenth  century,  where  lie  en-nu.  d  in  tlie  iron  trade,"  to  have  died 
in  1754,  and  also  to  have  left  a  will  prov.d  m  that  year.  On  the  subjci.t 
of  the  itlenUtij  of  Xottinghanishiie  John  with  John  of  Wolvoihamptoii, 
the  author  of  this  work  is  most  provokingiy  reticent.  His  descendants 
are  traced  out  in  chapter  iii. 

Tlie  Irish  branch  of  the  family,  now  represented  by  the  Rev.  Sir  J.  C. 
Molyneux,  Bart.,  descended  from  Daniel  Molyneux,  Ulster  King  of 
Amis,  158G,  is  supposed  to  be  descended  from  Sir  Thomas,  second  son  of 
William  Molyneux  of  Sefton,  Knt.  Banni.'ret,  but  no  evidence  is  offered 
of  the  supposition.  Both  the  above  points  might  probably  have  been 
cleared  up  by  a  little  original  research,  and  \vould  have  added  to  the 
value  and  interest  of  ^Nfr.  Molyneux's  book;  at  all  events,  much  more  than 
the  elaborate  account  of  a  garden  party  in  1830,  and  simihir  matter,  all 
very  well  in  its  way,  but  of  no  genealogical  interest. 

This  book  is  very  well  printed,  and  has  doubtless  cost  its  compiler 
nuicli  time  and  labour,  but  in  order  to  render  it  complete  as  a  geuealogiral 
monograph  it  requires  sueli  additions  as  would  result  from  original 
enquiry,  and — an  index. 

FvM<irs   Divoucios    of   At,l    Agks.     By   Chart-ES  Cowi 

Printing  Cnquny,  L"Well,  Mass.      2nd  edition,  8vo 

A  colleetion  of  nut:,l,le  divoiv..  cMSc'S    ,-annnt  but    pn^.ess  I 

tl  ;   it  is   ,lrnvn,  i.,    dnulit,    iron,  ;,n  nnplea 

cviniin.d  jn,T.|.n.denee,  l,nt  lias  its   use    in    exlnl.itiiu;    "  li 
action   and   lu   pn.iriple,  and   not  as   he    is   usually  ,li,nv 

,      Pen' 

le  inter 

,t  iKirt 


of    (. 

f .  >r 

as    he 



by  poe 

ts  a 


NOTICES    OF   BOOKS.  255 

speculative  philosoiihcrs," — at  least  so  said  EJmniul  Buike.  Judge 
Cowley  lias  managed  to  condense  a  vast  amount  of  amusing  informatiou 
into  liis  little  book  of  less  than  300  pages  ;  his  error  is  that  he  has 
attempted  too  much.  Details  of  Divorces  alone  wnidd  liavo  sulliced  to 
fill  a  larger  volume,  and  eminent  persons  whose  ma(riiii(iiLi;d  dilUculties 
never  reached  the  final  stage,  might  have  been  left  \iii(nu|,l,  ,1  with  those 
whoso  misfortunes  have  become  Public  Kecords  Ijy  being  Ijniught  into 
Co\irt.  Such  cases  are  those  of  Nelson,  Warren  Hastings,  Charles 
Dickens,  Lady  Grosvenor,  and  Caroline  Norton  wliose  literary  efforts 
aided  the  passage  of  our  present  divorce  laws.  It  is  also  bad  taste  to 
describe  the  Mav(iuis  de  Caux,  the  quondam  husband  of  Adelina  Patti,  as 
a  "bull  called  a  maniuis,  though  a  worthless  scalawag." 

Leaving  Patti,  the  learned  author  details  the  troubles  of  Vashti  the  ill- 
starred  Queen  of  Ahasuerus,  Philip  of  jNIacedon,  and  Cicero.  His  chapter 
on  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  is  one  of  the  best  in  tlie  book,  and  tliose  on 
George  Sand,  Frances  Howard  Lady  Essex  (afterwards  Countess  of 
Somerset),  Barbara  A'illier^,  the  Duchess  of  Kingston,  and  Cardinal  Fcsch 
the  nncle  of  ]N':i[  mKoii,  will  be  read  with  interest.  The  tragic  story  of 
Naploeon  and  .loscpliin.',  those  of  George  the  First,  and  of  Queen  Caro- 
line, "Queen  Consort  of  the  last  and  meanest  of  the  Four  Georges," 
bring  us  nearer  to  our  own  time.  "  The  latest  divorces,"  writes  the  author, 
"  in  the  Royal  Family  of  Great  Britain,  were  that  of  Leopold,  who  on 
becoming  King  of  the  Belgians  divorced  Caroline  Bauer,  the  famous 
actress,  whom  he  had  married  after  burying  the  Princess  C/harlotte  ;  and 
that  of  the  parents  of  the  late  Prince  Consort."  The  last  name  which 
occurs  in  the  volume  is  that  of  the  Rev.  John  Weslej',  for  whom  widows 
again  and  again  proved  more  than  a  match.  The  widow  Vazeille,  who  he 
married  at  last,  tormented  him  by  her  outrageous  jealousy  and  abominable 
temper,  and  bnidrnrd  and  Kaddencd  thirty  years  of  his  public  ministry 
Kings  :iii(l  l".iiip(iMis,  \\', minis  ami  Statesmen,  learned  Divines,  and  fair 
reprrscntalivrs  of  t!ir  d^  im,  all  act  their  parts  in  Judge  Cowley's 
semi-comic  tr.igudy.  (Jue  is  almiist  tempted  after  perusing  it  to  come  to 
the  cimclusion  that  all  eminent  men  have  either  been  bad  husbands  or  had 
bad  wivi's,  getting  into  matrimonial  troulile  one  way  or  the  other,  and 
that  if  they  have  nr.t  actually  figured  in  tlio  Divorce  Court  it  is  rath.'.r 
from  want  of  opiioilunit  v  than  anything  else,  in  fact  iheir  misfortune,  nut 
their  favdt. 

An  enlarged  ami  revised  edition  is  contemplated  by  the  author  of  this 
entertaining  volume  which  forms  a  chapter  in  the  vicissitudes  of  families 
as  yet  unwritten,  and  to  which  our  accomplished  Ulster  might  well 
turn  liis  attention,  and  illustrate  as  he  so  aptly  could  currciife  cctlamo. 



("Continued  from  page  IGl.) 


Abms. — Azure,  two  bars  Ermine  between  sixestoitcs  Or,  S,  2,  and  1. 

...  da.  of  ...  Forster^...  ILarmon  of  tlie  I!ishop-=...,  da.  of  ...  Gramcs  (?  GiaLani) 
of  Auwike,  1  ux.        I  rick  of  Durham.  of  CumburlaiiJ,  Esq. 

...  Archibald  Harrison  of=j= 
Keisbye,  co.  Line,  3  sun.    I 

Anno,  1  ux.  to  Cnlhbert 
Gat;>  ;  2  to  llobrrt  Itu.s- 
lyng,  and  had  i.s.-<ue  by 

Maude,  ux.  Fr. 
Bnjjus  uf  \Ve,it 



1    u\ 

.  1i 




ill   ut 





I  I  II 

1.     Thomas=^Katherin,   da.  3.  John  Har-  Joane,    da.   of=T=2.  Anthony     Isabel 

Harrison  of     of .  .Stockwith  risen  of  Kox-  John  Thomp-     Harrison  of     Wilkin 

Rci.<ibev,  of  Stockwith,  bye,  he  son  of  ...  and  |  liuilon  .son,  2 

Gent.,Chiuf     CO.    Notts,  and    had  widowof  John  |  .StnUier,  ux.       Esq.  issue.  Leeds.  co.  Line. 

I  I  I 

1.  William  Harrison,  eldest  son       2.  Francis.       3.  Archibald. 
&  heir  apparent,  1592. 


Arms.— HatclilT,  quartering,  Or,  tiro  bars  A-.urc,  a  lion  rampant  Gul,: 
Clil'.sT.— As  in  the  Viiitalion  o/  ir.lJL 

John  M.itelifr  of^Anno,  da.  of  Richard 
Hatclili;21H.«.      llansaid,  Hsq. 

L  William  Hatclifl'=,=AnMo,  pister  or  aunt       2.  William 
of  natcliir.  I  to  Sir  John   Thim-  — 

blel.y,  Kt.  3.  Hubert. 

i.  Nichol 
mid  issu 

Thomas  llatcliir  of    llatelilf,  ,  Ant 

clerk  of  tlie  Green  Cloth  lo  11,. ;ii;b   of    Ad. ling-     ia.sue,    2  Gondii  and  of  Wold 

H.  8.  I  ton,  CO.  Surrey.  daughters.        Newton. 

Isabel,  1  to... 
Hu.,twavte,  2  to 
...  Ann^sley. 

I  I 

I'-liz.abeth,  iix.  I'Mmund  Edith,  ux. 

llonlen  of  Piur/irnrk-s  in  Skorno  of  i 

Uooilhiirat  in  co.  Kent.  Liuc. 



1.  William  Hatcliff=j=Aune,  da.  of  Sir 
of  Uatclitf,  ob.  1.  |  William  Skip- 
Eliz.  with,  Kt. 

2.  Tlioma3=pAniie,  da. 

Jl.itclill'.        I  Edmonds 


i:v5  Hateliff,=j=Judit 
&  heir.         I  Ayse< 

1.    William=...,  da.  andUeir  2.  Oeorg 

Hatcliff,  24     of  ...  Kay,  Cla-k        Halelitf. 
years   old,       of   the    Green 
1592.  CLotk. 

5.  Christoi.her.        3.  Faith 


Arms. — Quarterly  of  G,  1,  Or,  a  ffrei/Jiound  coiimnt  SaUc  betiocea  three  leopards'  faces 
Azure,  a  bordure  engrailed  Gules  (Heiincge)  ;  2,  Gide."!,  three  garbs  Or 
(Preston) ;  3,  Arjent,  two  bars  and  a  canton  Gtdce  ;  4,  Gales,  a  cross  p'ltonce 
between  four  trefoils  Or  ;  5,  Vert,  on  a  fcss  Anjcnl,  a  boar  passant  Azure  ; 
6,  Aryent,  a  cross  Jlor'j  Sable. 


John    Hcnncge    of     IIayntou,=pElizaljeth,  da 
CO,  Line,  Esq.,  sou  and  iieir,      |  of  John  Pros' 

.Tolin  Hennego  of   Haynton,=plvatherine,  da,  of  Thomas  Wimbishe 
Esq,,  son  and  lieu-.  |  of  Noctou,  co.  Lim 

I  of  No 

John  He 
ncge  of 


Sir  Tliouias--=Katherino, 


Hcnnego,         da.   to    Sir 


Kt.,  Ciiief       Jolui  Skip- 

i  son. 

Gi-iitli-i,ian      with    of 

oltUoPrivio     Ormosby, 

Chamber  to     CO.  Line, 

K.  If.  S.           Kt. 

ami  hfi 
of  Kalpl 

Sir  Thomas  Hci 
Vire  Chauibalail 

Movie  Finehof-l 




OlyfT,   da.   to  =George    IIen-=Eliz.vbetli,  da.   ami  sole 
Thomas  Bret-     ncge  of  Hayii-     heir   of    Sir    (Ri^^^liard) 
ton  of   Fel-        ton,  Kt.               Soiithworth  of   Wood- 
mingbam,  co.                                  rising,  co.  Norf.,  Kt. 
Norf.,  2ux. 

John  Hen!iege=Jane,  da. 
of   Kyrkbye,       of  Lewya 
Esq.,  2  son.         "Wing- 
field,  Esq. 

William  Hennege  of  Beuyngwovt 
CO.  Line,  Esq.,  3  son,  had  to  his 
ux.  Jane  Brissels. 

,=f=Anne,  one  of  the  da's  and  heirs  of  Ralph 
2     Fishborne  of   Fishborne  in  tlie  B'pricli 
(of  Durham). 

Nic'holas=l.  Anne.       2.  Katheiyn, 
Wilson  promised 

of  ...  to  William 


George  Hennege,  1  son  and  heir  a[ 
5  yeais  and  3  quarters  old,  1592. 


=B:u-bara,  da.  of  Sir     George 
Thomas   Guilford      Hennege, 
of  Kent,  Kt.  2  son. 

Margaret,  da,  of  John  Man  of  Long=j=Thomas  Heyton  of=AHce,  da.  of 

Sutton,  CO.  Line,  and  of  ilargarel 
his  wife,  da.  of  Heury  Huuston  of 
Walsokeu,  co.  Line.,  1  u.\. 

Long  Sutton,  dos-  Dave  of  . 
cended  of  Heyton  co.'u.-ion, 
of  CO.  York.  U.X. 

I  I    I 

1.  John  Heyton=f  Florence,  da.  of  John  2.  Tlioraas 
of   AVestcrkele        Re.ade  of  Wrangle  in  — 

(West  ICeal).  Holland.  3.  Jeffrey. 

1.    Vincent   Heyton,         2.  Thomas.  4.  Richa 

eldest  SOD,  of  tli'u  age  —  — 

of  16  years,  1592.  3.  Anthony.         Audrey. 

Arms.— Holbeach. 


id  Itolbeach  of  Ho!beach=f. 


Thomasllolbeaeh  of  Fil!ongleY,=p.. 
CO.  'Warw.,  Gent.  "     | 





1.  Thomas  Holbea 
'"■"       '  ■         Bri.rl.y 

ofFillongley.  ....    


:.f         Thonnis  llo 

Holbeach     ...  Dal.iidg- 
of   Fil-        court   of 
longley,        SolDiull,  co. 







=  -\ni. 



1    1 

m   Hul 

Alice,  wife 



irli  ..! 


of  liicharc 



nt  (c 


Fisher   of 

of  Y 










,ch    0 

f   Fil- 

Edward   Holbeach=j=Julyan,  3  da.  to  John  Portington 
of  Stowc,  Esq.  I  of  Sawclifte,  co.  Line,  Esq. 

I  n         \         ^1 

Thomas  Holbeach,         Charles.  Iloger.  Anno,  only 

1  sou  and  lieii-  ap-  — 

parent,  1592.  Edward. 

Atims.~ &(We,  a  ch 

(lift  ci-ccl  habited  pin-' 


John  Ion  of  Ba 
CO.  Lint:.,  Cent. 


Ciigndhd  Or  hctii-ccn  three  d'nrs  Ar^jci 
\c  hand  I'iroixr  hohlii 

,=f  Agnes,  da.  of  ...  Bi.vncr  of 
I  ]'".ast  Drayton,  co.  Notts. 

Gregory  Ion  of  Filling-=j=...,  Sisley,  da.  of  Jolm  Broxholii 
liara,  CO.  Line,  Esq.         I  of  Kyrton,  co.  Line. 




John  Ion  of 




i\-.  Join 

first  son, 

third  son, 


Ireland  of  FiUi 



le    of 

ob.  s.p. 

ob.  s.p. 

Esq.,  J. P. 


,  Gent. 

.7  EN  y  SOX. 

Alice,  da.  of  T/iOMUS^pThomas  Jeiiyson  of=/.«nj,  d,i.  of  ...  !'rp„s  „/  Cmirn 
Lanes  of  Newton,  co.  I  LHn-nhaui  \\'est.-  ham  in  oun.  C'mn'i.,  /m!/,  issue  " 
Nor/.  1  ux.  gate,  CO.  X.uf.  /»  A'..;;/.,//.-. 




3.  Francis  Jeny-       4.   James  Jenyson   of^=Elleii,  da.  of  ...  Holnies=j=Richard  Med- 
son  of  Buruliam       Keddyngton,  co.  Line,     of  North   Weston,    co.  |  cali'e,    1 
WestKiito,    CO.  3  husband,  and  as  yet     Line,  mar.  to  her  2  hus- 

Norf.,   eon   and 

baud  Kiehohu 
of    Stepinj 

I  I  I 

Ellen.  Anthony  JlcdcaU'e,         Mary 

son  and  heir. 

Ahm3. — Quarterly,  1  and  4,  Or,  a  water  bougcl  Sahlc  on  a  chief  of  the  second  thr 
bezants  (Johnson);  2,  Gtdcs,  on  a  bend  oj  the  first  surmounilnj  another  Va 
three  fieurs  dc  lis  Argent. 

Ckest. — Out  of  a  coronet  per  ixde  jlrrjcnt 

A  Patent  by  Clar.  Cooke. 

^l:inrJS  expanded  counter- 

Redhead  of  Giinibleby,=j=  Alice,  da.  and  heir  to  William 
CO.  Line.  I  Atkirk  of  Grimbleby. 



lolmson   ofT-.\lice,  da.  of  ...  Redhead,  heir  to 
CO.  Liuc.         her  mother  the  da.  of  Atkirk. 

John  Job 
Norttpu,  c 
and  heir. 

ison  of  Wood-i 
0.   Norf.,  son 

=Amie,  da.  of  Edmond  Thimble- 
thorpe  of  I'ouLsham,  2  son  of 

aIucu.      2.A,L 
re-orvl!ri.-     Th..iiia 
Wivetnn  in     I'.osvile 
orf.                      Kent. 

U.S.      ICIi/abeth,  da.- 
of    Geor-e 

of       Tlii].ible- 
tli..i|,r    uf 
Fo.d.ham,  1 


s..n  of 
Tl. aw- 
ay te. 


-Elizabeth,        3.    JIargaret 
da.  ..fTho-      nx.    Thoma. 
mas  Quad-       Bluudevile 
riiigoflrby,     of   Xewton 
CO.  Line.          Elotmau,  co 

apparent  of  the  age 
of  19  years  1592. 

'-    Vrt'hur 

1.  . 


1                    1 
Susan.          Durolhy. 



AliMS.— Quartcilv,  1  .iii.l  4,  Aunr,  a  cross  hchccai  four  leopards'  heath  Or ;  2  aiul  3, 
Ermine,  letvecn  a  c/,eerun  and  a  chief  Sable,  a  leopard's  head  Or,  a  mullet 
for  difference. 

Chest. — .4  uoai  Aryenl  catinj  the  cars  of  a  fjarh  Or,  a  mallet  f>r  difference. 

John   Iviiigston   of=j=Maigrtret,  da.  of  Ricliant  Empeiiiigliam— Cbrist.>],)icr  Kclk   of 
Grimsby,  co.  Line,  I  of  Griin.sliy  and  widow  of   ...  Gousell,  I  Grim.9ljy,  3  Im.sli. 
2  husb.  her  4  husband  was  ...  SapcoUo. 

I  I 

John  Kingsto 
of  Grimsby. 

William  Kflkc  nf=p>biKdalv 
Grimsbv,  Es,j.,  now  I  ...-Whit 
maior  of  Grin\s-idL'e.     co.  Line 

Elizabeth,  onlv  da.  and  licir  apparent,  1502,  Elizabeth  KelUc.onlycda 

U.V.  Frcchcdc  Jlollis  of  Grimsbi/e,  son  and  heir  and  sole  heir  apparent  a 

of  Sir  Ocriis  Jlollis.  '  yet,  1592. 


-Quarterly  of  C,  1  and  C,  Salle,  a  saltirc  niyxdcc  Argent  (Kyddal) ;  2,  Or,  on  a 
fess  Iciinen  four  fleurs  dc  lis  Gules  tuo  fcurs  dc  lis  of  the  first  (Davill)  ; 
3,  (Ilolbcach) ;  4,  Or,  on  a  chief  A:.urc  three  lions'  heads  coupcd  of  the.  field 
(Lambert) ;  5,  Azure,  three  bends  coU7itcr  componi/  Or  and  Gules  (Barkwokh). 

-A  (joat's  head  erased  Argent  daralli/  yorr/cd  attired  and  bearded  Or. 

William  Kyddall  of  South^  .Margaret,  da.  of  William  Dalysone 
Fereby,  co.  Line.  I  of  Laugliton,  co.  Line. 

John  Kyddall  of^r^ 
Soutli  Fereby.       1  c 

f  Ca, 

la.  <.f  J..ln.  Eland 
ton,  eo.   Vork. 

Anne,   ux 
Uafe  liest. 

Willi.mi  Kvd-T=Rnsai 
dall    of    the         of    Iv 
s.u,u-   pl:,ee,         with 
Esq.                       (Hay 

V,.  A 

>*     If: 


■      ri  1    " 

h.         1.  Thomas. 
^.•,        a.  i:dm..n.l. 
4.  Adam. 

1    1    1 

1.  Jtargare 

2.  Elizabet 

3.  Anne. 

1.    lOdward  Kyd 
.son  and  heir  app: 


2.    John            1.  ] 

1    1 



..  Kniglit  of  ...=j=... 

I  I 

Jane,     da.     c.f=r  1  •    Kclmo.;.!— ...,  il  ux.  2.  William  Kin>ht 

John    Hiitcl..    I  Kiii-lit    of    I  of  Scarll,  CO.  Line, 

inson  of  I,inc.  |  Line.  had  is.sue. 

I  I 

L  ■William  Knight=fnoiathy,  da.  of  2.   }lobcH=rPerris,  (hi.  oj 

of  Kermington,  CO.  I  Thomas ]i;ili.'i  of  Kniyhtof]  ...    Ilai/dovk 

Line.  ...,  CO.  Line.  London.       of  London. 


Jane,  only  da.,  died         /sane    A'«iy/i(=]  )orathy,  da.  of  Mary.  Martha 

at  six  weeks  of  age,  of  the  Cili/  of  George  Elli.s  of 
and  a3  yet  he  hath  Lincoln,  IGS'l.  AVytliam  in  c. 
no  more,  lfj92.  Line. 

LACON.      Nu.    L 

Ani-n.  —  QuarUrli),  per  fcss  indented  Ermine  and  A:.ure  a  i/natrcfoil  for  difference. 

William  Laeon  of  Ladl.roke,  2  son=j=... 
of  ...  Lacon  of  Willey  (co.  Salop).     I 

Ricliard  Lacon=f=Jaue,  da.  of  Tliomas  Foster 
of  Ladbroke.       j  of  Reaton,  co.  Line. 

Richard  Lacon  of  l!ybyo=f  C'hrirttian,  da.  of  William  Stalyn 
(Riby),  CO.  Line.  of  (Northivold),  co.  Norf. 

rd  Lacon  of  l!ybyo=f  Clirirttian,  da. 
■),  CO.  Line.  of  (NorthAvold 

I  I 

Klizabetb,  da.  of=rKd«;nTl   Lacon=Marv,  da.  of  John  Wright  John,  mar.  Jane 

John  Truwsdale  I  of    Tetney,  co.     of   Skiptoii  in  Craven,  co.  of  William  Galle 

of  Telncy,  1  ux.     Line.  York,  2  ux.  hath  i.ssue. 

Thomas  Lacon,  1502, 
son  and  heir  apparent. 

LACON.     No.  2. 

George  Laeon  of  Wil!ov,~. 
eo.  Salop.  ■     I 



I  I 

1.  Kioliard=j=Elizaljeth,  tK  of  12.  AVilliam  Lacon=rDoratlicy,  ila.  of   William 

Lacou   of    I  Gforge  Crake  of  of  Hehnswell,  eo.  i  Smytli   of   lluuiburstonc, 

Dalby.  CO.  York.  Yoi-k.  j  co.  Line. 

I  i  I  i  I 

Elizabctl.,    (la.  I.-^abol,  ux.  Doratliov,  Herbcrt=f  Anne,  da.  of     Klizabetli, 

ana  o.lioir,  ux.  VAs\-.m\  ux.  Williaiu  Laconof  1  Xivl.nhw  u\.    llafo 

Tlioinas    I'ltz  Fitz    Wil-  llonslfy   of  Hum-       |  )',lmiac,~toi,      Uiirannan 

William,,  .s  .,/,./•  liams,  bro-  .-^kirpeii-  berstono  1  of  ll;.llou-h-    .rfllastrop 

ll.nnfrui    F,l.  ther    of  beck.  Urn,    cu.    "         co.  York. 

Willla  US   oj  Thoma.^.  Nott.s. 

Ct/ijjxi-orth. |_ 

I  I  I 

William    Lacoii,  T)ovAi\iiix.  ux.  Frerhnk  2.  Susanna,  iij-.  Iri7/m»i 

fii-st  son  and  licir  Ho'lis  vf  Gi-imsb;/  hi  co.  Ice!:  of  llallom,  co.  .Yolt. 

apparent,  li'Ji.  Line. 


Arms. — Qiiartnly  of  11,    1.   Onlrs,  r  c^icrron    Arncnt  a   rJiiff  chcqini    Or   and    Azure 

Ar/i>'   ■'  '        r '  ■  •      '  ;...(■  1    /■,■     IK ,  a  lion  rampant, 

Au'f.  <  ,;.■    '  .     'i.'.,:c/u'rronbcticccii 

thru   .         '       '      '■     y.  '  -  ,'■>..;;,  .1     '    ■'.  "   i:!"'rru}i  Cii'jra'dccl 

Gii'.,i.  ....  ,  •  '\\iU-^,:.-.,J::nuinc,ona)c.<sGides 

thru.:  ''     '•    ,    :■     ■         '  <  n,d,i,u,uhmirianlvithln.nhordin-c 

avir..'.  ■  ■  ■  .  ,    ,        ,        .   (/i(te  (Colvile)  ;  \\,Gidcs,  frctli; 

Ary.r'..:!r./..  ,    ,  ,      ,.,    ,-.;,  ( ,  I '-^c.ton). 
Ciu;  ,1.-^1  Uons  h..,d,ro6cd  Arjnit  rjorj.d  rill,  a  /c»-  clicrjuij  Or  nnd  Aiure. 

Hugh  Fitz  Larabart.=f.. 

Henry  Fitz  Lambart.=i=-- 

John  Fitz  Lambart  of  Skipton 


da.  of  ...  Conyei-s. 

John  Fitz  Lambart,  12-17.=,=...,  da.  of  ...  Clapham. 

Jolm  de  I.anibart.^f.. 


I  ■ 

Thomas  dc  L.imbart.=p...,  da.  of  ...  (' 


Tlioma.sde  Lambart.-,-... 



rt.=f  • 

})<:nry  de  Lambai  t=f,  da.  aud  col 
of  Skipton,  I  of  John  Lambert. 


Alkn  Lambavt  0/   OuUon=i^... 
in  the  BisJioprici.: 

Godfrey   Lambart.=fKli/abotli,    da.    and  coheir    of 
I  William  AVhitacrc  (^^"hitaker). 

.,  da.  of  ...  =Thoma.s  Lambert=f ...,  da.  lO  heir  of  Ikn 
ux.  of  Skipton.  I  ira-fs,  2  u'x. 

1.    John  3.Christul,her=fAI;ue^i,da.  ofThnma.^         2.  John  Lam-=p...,  da.  of   ... 

Lambart.  I.ambart.  {liiehjrd    written  bort  of    Skip-  |  :\Iedhop    of 

over)  Bullock.  ton,  Junior.         Jledhop,  E.sq. 

John  Lambart.  =f=MavKar 

Linnhai-t  nf  SUd 

=f=MavKaret,  da.  of  Aiiiery  Can-         Thomas  Lombart  of  I 
of  Thornton,  co.  York.'  icoi-Z/i,  co.  Camhridyc. 

Thoma.i  Lambart=pSu 

'A  Kir  M-alter=T=ArlImr  AValpok- 

Dyniock  of  Scrivcl.O.y 
and  widow  of  ArtlinV 
Walpole  of  Linehbick, 

2.  Dymock. 

nf    I'inchbeck, 
Lo.  Line,  Esq. 

Klizabeth,  da.  of 
Kobert  Stanton  of 
Stanton,  co.  Notts, 
Esq.  1  ux. 


Zachariidi  r,ur-=-Susan,  da.  of 
ton  of  Surdeet,  Arthur  Wal- 
co.  Line.  jiole,    only 

child   by    hie 


age  1.V.12. 

2.  William  Lambart, 
H  lucnths  ol,l  2  <.f 
SrpI  ember  U.'.I2. 



Philip  Lauain  of  Lnnam=pAvicc,  da.  of 
(Luvenham),  co.  Suff.        I  ...  Page. 

i  ~  " 

1.  Jolm  Lanain.=i=JMargaret.,  da.  ot  Henry  2. 

I  Petcheof  ... 

Thomas  2.  William  La 

Lanam,  of   Stratford, 

had  2  da's  Suff. 
and  heir.-!. 

Rich.ard  Lanaui=f=Alice, 
of   Wfllon,    CO.  I  Sheflii 
Line,  1592.  Lino. 


•Elizabeth,  da.  Joane,  nx.  ...  Barbar 
of  William  of  liarfok^Ea-stBerg- 
Bei-iy  of  holt  in  Suff.  or  West 
Lanam.  Bergholt  in  Essex). 

Dorothy,  only  child  and  lieir 
apparent  as  yet,  1502. 


AiiMS. — Quarterly,  1  and  4,  Anjcnl,  a  fcss  O'lilcs  hctu-ccn  three  carjlcs  displai/cd  fjahle 
(Leeds)  ;  2  and  3,  Per  sinister  bend  Gules  and  Vert  a  chevron  L'rminc,  a 
crescent  for  dijfcrcnce. 

Cbest  (added). — On  a  staff  rarjidcc  Vert  a  eoekutricc  with  iiin'js  mldorscd  Or  cuinhcd 
and  prattled  Oules. 

Philip  Iwjlcljcrt  of  Molcs-=^...,  da.  and  heir  of  Sir 
crofl,  CO.   Yorl:  I  Po^er  de  Scoter,  Kt. 

Roger  In<jl chert  of  Molescroft= 
and  Bcicrhi/. 



of  Molcscroft.=r-- 



Pobcrt  Inylcbcrt  of  Molcscrofl.=^.. 

rt  Leed.s  of  JIole.^croft.=ri7|-M6rM,  da. 

and  h 


ert  Leeds 

of  Molescroft.=i=.. 

am  Leed 



A  I 

Robert  Leeds  of  jrolescroft.=f=... 

John  Leeds  of  Molescroft.= 

Robert  Leeds  of  Liiseby,=j-Eliz:xbetli,  du.  of  Henry  Pnitiug 
CO.  Liuc.,  Ksq.  I  ton  of  SawcliU',  co.  Line.,  IC-sij 

Edward  Leeds  of=j=3Iargaret  da 
Lascbye,  Esq.  of  Wintriiigl 

0.,  Esq. 

1    Robert  Leed 
of  Wintringhaiii 
CO.    J/inc, 
ob.  s.ji. 

2.  Edward  Lee 
of    Winterton, 

Orau.llyn,  da.  of  Agne;.,  ux.  Thoni 

Anthr.iiy    Por-  Jledk-v  in  St.  :\L-. 

tington   of  Tid,  co.  Cambr. 

Liidijcr  0} 

1 .    RobcH^^Elhahcth,  da. 
Leah  of    I  of  PhiVip 
Moles-  Constable  of 

cvoft,  CO.      \    Il-V.WOK?,   CO. 

Yovlc.  I   York. 

ux.  Mkhad 

Elizabeth,  u:. 
B..,ylc,j   of 
Colby,    CO. 


InylcbcH,  son  iind  heii;  . 
old  in  May  1633. 



(Tliis  Fcdigi-ee  connucnces  with  tlie  marriage  of  Thomas  Littlebiuy  and  Margaret  St. 
P.aule  and  gives  tlie  de.seent  of  his  son  Humphrey  as  in  tlie  Visit<iti"n  of  liSij.caA 
that  of  liis  son  Edward  thus  :— 

ICdward  Littlebnry  of=f  Barbara,  da.  of  Edward 
AVinsbie,  co.  Line,  5  Tirwitt  of  Staynfield, 
son  (of  Tliomas).  co.  Line,  Esq. 

Thomas,   1 
son  and  heir, 


4.  Margaret. 


-Out  of  i^ 

Hi,  a  bordn, 
hauk  Or,  i 

a  crescent  fm 
■ent  for  eUfTer 




1.  CliristoplKr=rJ<.anc.  da.  ..f  !!(.■ 



n,.       Ma!. 


Jan,.,    ux. 


iH-rL  Cbivt  .n    (.f 

had  y 




Flixborough   in 


Teunant  of 

CO.  Line. 


Uubrrt    Luwiiil   of=f Cass((»r?ra 



1    1 

M'intciton,   son 

of    Edmn 



and  heir,    nun:   to 








Struhii   in 


co.  Line. 

da.  of  ...,of  llon- 

Line:.  En 

inston,  CO.  Line. 

Cassamlra.       1.  Ldvcnd 

■?.  < 


3.  Alcxa 


1    1 

—             Loiond. 






Afms.— &(W<-,  time  rjrcijkc 


luh  conrant  Argent  collared  Gules,  a  hurdurc  cnyradcd  Or. 

Ambrose  JLachell=j=... 
of  liougliton,   CO. 




nifred,  d 

I.  of  ... 



n.x.  A 





e,    CO. 


-0  of  j;. 



■s  of  H 








nib.,  1 


1.  Robert  Machell=f  Anne,  da.  of  li 
o£  Swabye,  co.  I  Ahmson  of  Wu 
Wcstm.  bie,  co.  Line. 

Eichard  Machell,  son 
heir  apiiareut,  15[I2. 


Arms. — Anjcnl,  on  a  cherron  be, 

Tliis  pedigree  coninience.i  v.  It 
licir  of  •■■  Angevino  and  eonlii 
Christoplier,  son  of  Sir  ICdwio, 


«-/  mullets  Or  (Marh-y). 

Maili.son  and  ...  d;L  and 
.<iloli,m  of  U,G4,  making 
n,  and  making  Alice,  his 




heir    appaieiit,    </ 1  K^beit    Wil 

...,    co!   ...,    Kt,      I  lianison   ot  3.  Tl.uuia: 

1G30.  I  Walkerin--  — 

hiim,  co.Nott.  4.  Kdwarc 


(la.    of         2.  Clement.         3.  Faytli.  2.  Jaii 

4.  Dorothy. 

1 i  I    , 

\.  f:dKard=rAnnc,  Oa.    of        2.  mnnfrc!/.=rC'ornc!ia,cla.ofJIaii-ii       3.  Thomas 


Duportof  Shccpshed,  — 

CO.    Lcic,  v;idow   of        Thcodo 
Rafc  Scgrair. 


1.  Jnfkoni/ 


1    1 


Madison,  12 

5  years 


years   old, 



years   old, 




Ahms.— Quarterly    of   6,    1,    Aiurc,  three    ejualnf;',, 
charged   icith    a    cross   }vilee    O'ules   i>I 
Argent  on    a  croxs  humcltcc  hctuxcn  ;. 
of   the   first    (:\IaFsiiigbear(l) ;     3,    /:, - 
■ I,  SaUe.  three  Ir 

Aroeut    (Ih 

crosslets  Ar^ 

A  lions  head 

rjuttcs  d'Or. 

Ui.lav)  ;    5,     Axitre,  a   In. 
,«(Ui'-aytoft);  0,   IVw, - 
rased   Azure  chanjcd   will, 

/,„:    an   orlc    of 
/!  lattirc  hclicecii 

John  r.raytoft.=r  Alice,  <la 

tn  Williau, 

Thomas  JIas.sinsbeara.=rJ.ine,  da.  and 

=pj.ine,  (la. 

Augustine  Mas.iinglieard.-r-.., 
Bon  and  heir.  I  Kir: 


Thomas  Mafsingbeard  <.t=f  Francos,  da.  t 
Gunby,  CO,  Line,  Ks,].,  I  Fitz  ^Yi)liams 
son  ami  heir.  tliorpe.  Co.  Li. 

bcard,  B.J1 
and  heir, 

2.  Jlary. 

3.  Flizaljcth. 

0.  Ihidget. 



Akms, — Or,  on  a 
Chest.— 0««  of  i 

ss  Sable  five  flctivs  dc  lis  of  the  fild. 

roncl  Or  an  car/le's  head  between  two  wings  Argent. 

George  Morysone  of  '\Valthain,=f=. 
CO.    Line,   descended    uut   uf 

Tliomas=j=Bridget,  d,a.  of  Sir  Wiliam 
Moyiie    I  Hausard  of  North  Kelsey, 

Thomas  Morysone  of  Cadby,=f=Elizabcth,  da.  and  one 
CO.  Line.,  Esc].  I  of  the  coliehs. 

2.  Thomas  Morysone 

3.  Fynnes. 

of  Sandon,  co.  Herts, 


mar.    Ellen,  da.    of 

4.  Henry. 

Edward   Powlter    of 


f-.  liichard. 


1.  Jane,  ux.  Jol 
Allington  of  Swy 
thorpe,  CO.  liin 
Esq.,    and   hath 

Jlu^senden  of  HeUng, 
CO.  Line.,  Esq.,  and  as 
yet  hath  no  issue,  1592. 

Edward  Morysnne  of  the  .same=i=ElizahetIi,  da.  of  Uobei  t  Wingfield 
place,  Esq.,  Si^.u  and  lieir.  I  of  Upton,  co.  North'ton,  E.^q. 

2.  Robert,  dii 
in  May  15t 
;ut.  3  years. 



now   SIX 

now    6 

of   age, 

years,  1 


Mounlfort  a  younger  son  of  Kyluhurst-- 
(Kinghurst,  eo.  Warw.) 

Tlioma.  M.mnlfort  of  Kirton=f=Isabel,  dx  of  ...  Chi 
in  Liudsey,  eo.  Line.  I  of  Xorthton. 

Dorotliy,  da.  of  ...=[^Heniy  Mountfoit  of  Gains-=f  Alice,  da.  of  Itobert  Wharfs 
Curteys  of  co.            I  borough  in  co.  Line.                 I  of  Clixbie,  2  u.x. 
Nott. I  ^1 

I  I  I  MM 

1.    Thomas  Mary,  1    in;u-.  2.  llenrv.         3.  Charles.        1.  Margaret. 

Mountfort,  to  ijie.  Hanks,  "  —  — 

son  and  heir  2    to   John  4  John.  2.  Jane. 

npp,arent,1592.  l'a^i^ll  of  ... 



Akjis. — Or,  a  cross  cnyraiJed'Gi'lcs  in  dexter  chief  n  Cornish  cliow/Ji  SfiUe,  mcmbcrcd  of 
the  sa-oml,  within  a  hordurc  Azure,  eharjed  v:ith  ten  plates. 

John  Mu3sendeii.=i=Anne,  da.  of  ... 
I  Topcliff. 

1.  Sir  Tliomas  Mussen-       ...,  da.  of  ...  =2.  James   Mus.seudon=f ....  da.  of 
deu,  Kt.    (see  tlie    I'i'si-       I  u.\.  of  Great  Lymber.  ...,  2>ix. 

rodOTi  0/15G4). 

..  ,  da.  of   ...  Cr.aycroft=pBarnard    Mussenden=...,  da.  of  Ange- 
of  CO.  Line,  1  ux.  I  of  Great  Lymber,  sou     vj-ne  of  Lincoln, 

and  heir.  2  ux. 

1.  James  Mussenden.=i=Elleu,  da.  of  Robert  Hopkinson  of      2.  ^YiUiam. 

Kervington,  in  co.  Line. 

L  Jane.  2.  James  Catherin,    da.=fl.     Richard=Catherin, 

—  Musseudcn.         of  James  liar-  I  Mussenden      da.  of  WU- 

2.  Mary.  —  rington  of  tlic  |  of    Groat  ham  Frec- 

—  3.    Jolin  City  of  York.       Lymber,  man    of 

3.  Anne.  JIussenden.  son  and  heir.     Line. 

I  I 

Wilham  Mu.isenden,  Margaret. 

eldest  son. 


Tliis  Pedigree  commences  as  in  the  Visitation  of  15CL 

Robert  Newcomen  of=f  Alice,  da.  of  Sir  Willir 
Saltfleetby,  33  C.  L     I  Suniercots,  Kt. 

Robert  Newcomen  ol-r^^f,lr.,arct.  dn.  of  Sir  Wdii, 
Saltlluutby,  10  E.  2.    I  Jlnrdinj:halt. 

William  Newe.iHien  of  Palt-^,  da.  of  Sir  Will,, 
fleetby,  3S  ]•:.  8,  ob.  Mu4.     ■  |  JUa,nUnle  ,.f  Norf. 





William  le  Newconieu  c£t=. 
Saltfleetby,  ob.  14D2. 

William  le  Newconien  of=i=^1?(Vf,  du.  and  heir  of  WiUin,, 
Sallfluctby,  ob.  1460. 

i=r=ii(((-f,  (la.  aim  iieir  oj  wiu 
KiU'j  of  Gaiusboroio/h. 


Martyn  le  Ncwcomcii  of=f.l/rtC,/,  da.  of  Si,-  WiHiam  Sundford 

Saltfleetby,  ob.  153li.  I  of  Thorpe  Suhni. 

1  \                                        I 

2.  William  loNow-=...  Bryan   Nairomci          Mary,  v:c.  Twha-t 

comenof  S.altHeet-  I  of  Saltfnlby,  had          Buryk  of  co.  Line. 

by,  ob.  1545.  2  vyivcs. 

Richard  le  Non-coiiien  of =j=Margaret,  da,  and  heir  of 
—  —  —  Nether    Toyntou,    co.    I  Tlininas    Jlaydeuwell   of 

George.        James.  Kobeit.        Line,  had  0  brothers.        Nether  Toynton. 

Thomas    le=rElizabeth, 

John     Ncw-=f^...,  da.of... 

WiUiani  Aac-- 

fhahd,  da. 


da.  of  Tho- 

comcn  of         Jlcnshav-  of 

comc'i    of 

of  ...Hemp 

of   Nether 

mas   An- 

Scrivchhy.        Scricehby. 

Gan-hy    in 

sail  of  Seri- 


drews   of 
Redycb,  CO. 

CO.  Line. 


Wore,  Gent. 

Samuel  le  Ncw-=rFrances,  da.  of  Tli. 
comcn,  of  Ne-  I  mas  Mas..i„-bear.l  c 
ther  Toyntou.  Braytoft  U.ill,  ICsq. 

Thomas  le  Newc 
n    and    heir    app; 


Arms.— Quarterly  of  C,  1  and  G,  Argent  a  lioir.i  he, 
Gales  (NcwcomeiO  ;  2,  Hablr  on  a  eh 
/cW(King  of  Gain^borouKli) ;  ;f,  Hal. 
rests  Or  {( irenlield)  ;  4,  Gnl.x  on  a 
(Bleveuson  of  Boston)  :  5,  ,S,/,/,-  „  ,/„■, 
a  bordurc  all  Arycnt  (Fereliy  ol  Voi 

CiiHiT. — A  lion's  ffnmb  eonpcd  and  creel  ^able. 

MoiTO  (added).—"  Numiue  nitor." 

d  erased  Sable  I, 
eeron  Ari/enI  I' 
s  a  eherrua   ■ . 



This  Tedigreo  commences  with  the  marriage  of  Bryan  Newc 
Gronfield,  and  continues  his  descent  thus  : — 

and  Margaret 

Anne,   da.    of  John=;I>ryanNewcomc.n=j=MarKaret,  da.  and  heir  of  John 
Nicholas  of  Purley.      of  Saltlleetby,  co.      Grenfield   of  Barmburt 
Line,  Esq.  York,  1  ux. 

1  I 

John   Ne\vcnmen=pAHce,  da.  of  John  Gascfiigne        2.  Charles  Newcomen 
of  S:Utfleetby.        I  of  Lasingcroft.  of  the  Exchequer. 

I  I 

1.  John   Newooraen=Mary,    da.   of  2.  Thonv 

of  Saltlleetby,  Esq.   |  John  Skipwith  of  a  I'rict. 
Waiiisgate,  Esq. 

3.  Stephen,        Mary,  ob.  s.p. 
a  Student  in  — 

Cambridge.        Jayie. 

Ill  III  I 

1.  Ellen.      1.  Richard  Newcomen,  2.  Joljn  3.  Alice.       5.  Elizabeth. 

—  eldest  son  and  heir  Newcomen.  — 

2.  Mary,      apparent,  1592.  i.  Anna. 

Arthur  Ormesbye=j=Dorothy,  da.  of 

of  Ormcsbye,  co. 
Line,  Esq. 

Hanbye  of 
I'rocklesbv,  co. 

Thomns                             John   Ormesbye,- 
Orme.sbye,                        2    son,    brother 
son  and  heir                   and   heir  to 
ajjparent,                          Thomas, 
ob.  B.p. 

=D.jrotliv,  da. 
of    Robert 
Hustwayte  of 
Cotes  and  of 
Bradley,  Esq. 

obot  Ormrsbve-fMarv,  'la.  of               William  Haven  =  Margaret 

(Irn.r.sbve,  sn„  1  Tb .MSowU.r,       of    Wold                 who  hati 

dheir.    "              1  Mr„..„i;rr  In             Newton.                  issue  two 

Her                                              sons  and 

two  das. 


Arthur.  f>m  a 
heir  ajipanut, 
of  the  age  of  ! 


I     1^ 




AnMS  (added).— Quarterly,  1  and  4,  Gules,  a  chevron  hctv.ccn  three  leopards'  heaJs,  a 
for  difference  ;     2  and  3,   Oules,  on  a  cnUle   Or  a  stork    Anjtnt 


Crest  (added).— -d  IcopmVs  head  'jardunt  erased  Or  ducall^  i/onjed  Gules, 

John  of  the  Lees  mar^^llchn,  da.  of  Itoyer  North  of 
Norton.  I  Walkerine/ham,  co.  Nott. 

John  Parker  of  Ni 
Lees,  CO.  Dcrhy. 

Thomaa  Parkur  of  Norton,  = 
CO.   Darby,    2  son  of  Jolni 

Thoma.s  Sutton   of-r.. 
Sutton,  CO.  York.     I 


2.  r:..bert  P,u-l;er 
of  Norton. 

Thomas  Suit. 

Agnes,  ux.  George       |       Elizabeth,   ux.  Thonia.'i  Howslowo  of   Howsl.jwe 

Mawreof  co.  Derby, 
and  had  issue  Ar- 
thur and  other.^. 

Hall,  CO.   York  (? 

the  parish  of  Ecclcsfield  W.  llidiii 

1.  Thom:xs  Parker" 

2.  Isaljel 

Anne,  dj.  of  Ja 
Ashton  of  Kilki.Ki 
CO.  Deiby,  1  ux. 

2,  liiehard  Parker  of  Brami-t 
CO,  York,  mar.  and  had  issu 
da's  and  hciis. 

2,  Nicliolns  Parker,  3.    Robert    Parker  of 

Vicar  of  Thru.ston  Madda  Hall,  (i  M.'ad- 

.■t.         (Thurstone),    co.  owHall,nearTin3ley) 

York.  CO.  Y'ork. 

4.  Fi 





PEAKE.     No.    1. 

ARMs.-re./,o«ac7u-n-on  A,yaU  brtwcc,  th-ee  Uo„.'  hauls  erased  Or  as  mam,  en 
crusslels  Azure.  •' 

Crest.-.'I  lion's  head  erased  Or  y.Ulee  de  snnr,  transfixed  tkrovgU  the  moiuh  ,ntl,  , 

arrow  Ardent  Jiijldcd  Or. 
Motto. — "  Ncc  tarde  nee  tenicrc." 

This  Pecligi-eei3  the  same  a.s  tliat  in  tlie  Visknthn  nf  ]".04  Ijut  mvcr-  7'iVhnnl 
second  son  Thoma.s  (5«  next  Pe.lis.-ce)  an,l  states  tliat"  Wi'lliain,  the  sun„f^;ol,e, 
IS  mar.  and  Iialh  issue,  1592,  and  give.s  HumlVey  a  da.  Jane 

PEAKIC.     No.    2. 

AnMB.— ,SV(mf  as  in  last  Pedigree  with  a  crescent  for  dhlcrenrc.  reckc  of^^Anne,  da.  of  ]!<..-cr  O 



Robert  Pceke 

of  Warton.  Robert 'w...... 

son    of   Wall; 

ingliam,    co. 

Nott.,  1  ux. 

Jlargery,   da.  of--r2.     Thoma.ST=Klizabeth,  da.         3   Ai 
Peeke   of         of    ...    Wlior- 
Saxilby,  wood   of   co. 

CO.  Line.  Staff. 

1.  George  l'cak=Aliep,  < 
of  Ilonicastle,  Pu.bert  : 
CO.  Line,  son  of  Horm 
and  heir. 

I    I    I 
.  jMarllii 

.  Jane. 

.  Debor; 

All  (five)  by  the  2  nx 
2  sous,  Sto]j}ien  and 

.,  and  also 


Akm,s  (,ill  but  the  first  eoar  adilod).  — Quarti'rly  1  J'rminc  o 
l,cliean  Or-  2  Uate..  on  a  ehcrron  Arj.'nt,  l.Ueeen 
reaardant  Or  three  pellets  a  crc.seent  of  the  seeond  fo, 
Z,  Argent,  on  a  cherron  Icticecn  three  crescents  (inles  an  , 
4,  SuUc,  a  fcss  bctieccn  three  cscalops  within  a  hordnre  . 

Willian.    Pondr 
liarkston,  en.  l.i 

Thomas  Pell  of  ]rulter-f= 
Willoujldnj.  I 

.^■,  ICt. 



Willoughby,  co.  Leic, 

.„..  I 

John  Pell  of  Wultcr=f . 

Ilobert  \Vyther=f=Janc,  da.  &  heir  to 
of  Barkston.        I  John  Ponder. 

I  and  heir. 

1.    AVilllani    Pell     ,.f=r-l/;<-f,  lit.  and 
Waller  Willou-liby.     |  hcii-c. 

Alice,  da.  of  Heurv  Fln,v.i=j^Tlinnia3  Pell  of  Walter ^ 
of  Laugar,  eo.  Nott.,  1  u.x.  1  Willuughl.y. 

^Alice,  da.  of  William  Thorold 
of  Mansion,  co.  Line.,  2  ux. 

1.   Edwara=i 
Pell  of  Wal- 
ter Wil- 

=Amie,  da.     2.  Tli<.inas 

of    Pell.                       / 



ell  the 

4.  ]!obert=fKathorin,  da.  of 
Pell.  \  A n,j,„tlnui-  An- 
thony  Porter  uf 

1  Pellon. 


].  Tliui.ias  Pell,  liad              2.  Thomas  P 

inmieKd^ard,  Ison.              ,/.,u,r/n;  liad 

Williani,  2  sc 

Margaret,  da.  of-f=3.  Sir 
Kdw.  Tirwittof  1  ..f    i) 
Staiiifield    [A-(.        Line., 
and/lurl.ll  ux. 

Richard  Pell,  .son  and 
heir  apparent. 

Richard  Pe 
mblebv,  e 


FKatherin.  da.  of 
Anthony  Meeres 
Kirton   in    Hul- 
I.uwl,  2  wife. 

Aone.  oh.  s.p 
buried  at    St 
Gile.^,  Crippl 
gate,  London 



1                                                1 

,         Vl   -U'l,       /      >'.■        /;./,•    ,,-/                 K   i.I..    MM, 

.       /■'■    ■  ..'■   '    ■           ■  .      •,   ;-           ,•■     1'-,  ',  un 

of  (•„',,,,;,,.,    //,,,'■,„    ;„          //„',„■,-/'  eo. 
BcdJWd.                                    Line.   ' 

1                          1    1 
Mary,   vx.       2.  Thomas 
Xic.   Snuilh     Pell. 
of   Thcdic-                — 
thorpc,    CO.       3.  Partholo- 
Linc.                 mew    Pell, 
one  year  old 

ykt,  !««/■.  to'his:.'  v'IfcJndUk 
a.  of  Jlirhard  IJridston,  lidc 

-\l:i::.,hrth.  d 
Wdhnia     W, 


„f  .svr                 ISDG. 


u.  Null., 

II                             II                     II 
Kathcnn.         1.  Uiehnrd           2.  ]V,l!i„n. 

—                  I'dl. 
Anne.                                              3.  Anth.^ny. 


i.  John. 



(This  Pedigree  and  (1,,.  Arms  are  tl,„  Hnme  as  those  in  the  Visltntwn  of  Vn'A,  bnt 
the  IVdigrec  gived  Kieliaid  and  Anno  liis  wUe,  2  children,  Francis  and  Klizabeth, 
besides  Henry.) 



Arms. — Qunrlerlv,    1,   Sahle  three  mill  picks  Argent;   2,  Argent  on  three  bars  Sable 
six  cinque/oils  nf  the  field,  3,  2,  1   (Darrell)  ;  3,  Gules,  a  fess  Or  between 
three  men's  heads  covped  at  (he  shoulders  Argent  (Edye) ;  4,  Per  eheiron 
Salle  und  Argent,  three  elephants'  heads  erased  counterchanged  (Sanders); 
n  trefoil  slipped  for  difference. 
Cekst. — A  greyhound  couchant  collared  Argent  charged  on  the  breast  with  three  mill 
pick}  Sab'c  and  on  the  body  vith  a  trefoil  slipped  Gules. 
...    Pigott    of=f=... 
Beechamiitoii.  I 

I  I 

Thomas   Pigott  of  'William  Pigott  of=f=Isabel,   da.  of   ...  Heyth=John  Fowlkesof 

Beechampton,   sou  of    Beecliampton,  I  of  Wliypsnett,  ?  Wheat-     Passenham,  co. 

and  Iioir.  co.  Bucks,  2  son.       hampstead,  co.  Ilertf.  Northton,  1  vir 

I  1 

Kdward  Pi-.iU  of=^Jano,    da.  of    Uandolpli  2.  Krancis=pJoane,  da 

j-toft,  CO.  Line.         Litlcv  of  Orby,  co.  Line.  rig.jlt. 


I  I  I 

George  Pigott.  Francis.  Isabel,  da.  and  heir. 


Ahms.— Same  as  under  Pormont  in  the  Visitation  of  15C4. 

(This  )icdigreo   cuuunencc-s  with   the   marriage  of  Geoige  Pormort  and   Margai 
Scamblesby  as  iu  the  Visitation  o/ 1^04  under  Pormont,  and  continue.s  tlma,) 

Lyon  Pormort,=j=Dorothy,  da.  of  Hamon  Sutton 
sou  and  heir.       of  Washingburgh,  co.  Line. 

n  n       I  ~r\  n 

2.  George.  4.  Gregory.     Thmdove,  .snn  1.  Susan.  3.  Klynor. 

3.  Christopher.        6.  luhv.ird.      ,a.s  yet,  l;/.i2.  2.  Klizabeth.       4.  Dorothy. 


Thoma.>>  Portington  of=i=Catherin  (Jul inn  urilten  orcr),  da.  and  heir 
Portington,  co.  York.       of  Robert  A.-ke  of  Aske,  co.  V.irk. 

i  \  I  r  r  I 

Thomas.  Anthony.  George.     Margaret,  n..:.  Richard       Anne. 


Henry  Portingtoni-Mnrv  (Maad  written  over),  da.  ot 
of  Portington.  Sir  Kdiert  Tirwitt  ot  Fetleby. 



John  rorliiigCon  of  roi-tington,T=/lHiif,  rl;\.  of  Juhu  LiUigton  of  Langton. 

Thomas  rortington  of   Poi  tingt.)ii,-j=E!izabeth,  da.  of  Sir  WilUaiu 
now  of  Sawcli:V (South  of  Appk-by)  1  Slcipwith  of  Skipwitli,  co. 
iu  com.  Line.  York,  Kt. 

I  i  III 

John  rortington,  1.  Anno,  ux.  William  2.  Elizabeth,    3.  Frances,       4.  Vrsuln, 

son  ami  heir  ap-  Skii.with  of  Unue.iby  lyfl2.  1592.  1592. 

parent  as  yet,  in  coin.  Line. 


AliMS. — Qviarterly  of  C,  1  and  C,  /,'/■/,..,- ,  ./  h  , ;  -.  ,  ',,/  li^Irj  ;  2,  Arycnt,  a  chnron 
bctmcn  three   leicrcls   .■.",      -  I  l-.verick);    3,   Ermine,  a 

fess  Oula  (VievnM.k);  -i,  A.  .        -  .     ,  russ  crosslds Jitchi  A-urc; 

5,  Arijcnt  on  a  scUtirc  ^uJ'!'  j    -  *:'■•/,  -/  /.;-.  ■':'-'  J'Urgh). 

ChksT. — A  mom's  head  affronlec  proper  covped  bdoK  the  shoulders  and  lerealhed  about 
the  temples  Ardent  and  Gules. 

Richard  Quadriiig  of  (Juadriiig,-f ...  Catlieriii,  du.  and  heir  of  \Yilliam 
CO.  Line,  Ksip  |  Levcricke  of  Erby,  co.  Line,  I'^aq. 

William  Qn^idring  of  Krliy,  had   to^rA<;ne.s,  da.  of  Thoma:i  Kvmc  of 
his  2  wife  ...  <la.  of  ...  Tctfurd.  Friskney,  d.  Line,  Esq. 

William  Quadring  of  Erby..=^I,sabel,  da,  to  Thomas  Langholmo 
son  and  heir.  I  of  Conyholme,  co.  Line,  Esq. 

William  Qua.lring  of  F.rby,  ICsq.^r  Joiio,  da.  to  ...  Harding  of  Bridgwater. 

Margaret,  da.  to  Thomas=j=Thomas  Quadring  of  Erby==Anne,  da.  of  John  West 
-       ■-- ....       '  of  Aug.5thor|,c,  CO.  York 

Uymoke  of  Nortli  Carlton,  |  near  Hurgli,   co.  Line.  Es< 
CO.  Line,  1  wife. 

I                                                    I  I 

1.  Elizabeth,  ux.  1  Thomas  2,  Kuth,  ux.  William  3.  Anne,  ux.  Kobert 

Foraett,  2  George  Johnson  Segrave  of  Scalford,  Suward  of    Thorpe, 

of  Thwayte,  CO.  Line.  co.  Leic,  Esq.  co.  Line. 

Robert  Crayeroft  pProtasye,         2.  William  Quadring-pAnne,  da.  of   Fr.i 
of  Burgh,  CO.  lo.ilyda.  of    i;rl.y,    ICsq.,    sun  |  Mauby  of  EUamc 

Line.  to  1  ux.  and  heir.  Line,  ICsq. 

I  '"  'I  "    I  i 

Thomas  (V.y.ruft,      1,  Ann.-,  un.  2.  I'.l./.dnUi,        'I'homa.,  1  «nn, 

sonandlieir.  Willi  uii  I'.umne      im(  yet  luai.        died  young. 


Arms. — Ari/eiU,  a  chevron  ciiyrailcd  Onlcs  hctuxcn  three  snakes  noircd  Salic  their  heads 
toimrds  the  stnister. 

Thomas  liiidlcy  of=f...  da.  r\iid  heir  to  ... 
Haltoii,  CO.  Liuc.     I  Hiimfny  of  ]Ialtou. 

Thoma.s  Kadk-y  of  IIalt,ou.=r... 


Thomas  R;\dlBy=j=Biidgett,  do.  of  Charles 
of  llalton.  I  Yerbiirgli  of  Yerburgli. 

William  Hadley  of=f=.\mie,  d.i.  of  William  Symcutes 

[11     liitUltjy    Ul-p.AUIJl.',    Oil. 

rgh,  1592.  of  Louth 

II  I  II 

L  Elizabeth.  Henry  ll.idlcy,  3.  Mary. 

—  sou  and  heir  — 

2.  Dor,athye.  apparent,  1592.  4.  Franc. 

Aims. — Ar//ent  on  a.  lend  Salle  three  ruses  of  the  field. 
Chest. — A  leopard  passatit  Or. 

of  Mi 

iln,  i: 

llenrv,  had     3. 
Hie,  Joane. 



1     1    1 

2.  Edward. 

3.  Kichard. 

of  S.. 
an. I 

i.  Thomas. 



Iti.liard  l!o,soter  of-p.Mioo,  da.  of 
SoiMirby,  eo.  I.ino.,  I  IMniun.l  Bollc 
F.>.i.  of  S..nicibv. 


].  Elizabeth.  3.  Cicely. 




-Pulil  of  six  Arrjcnt  and  Azure  mi  a  lend  SaUc  three  annulets  Or  ;  on  ai; 
e.-icuchcoii  of  pretence,  Or,  i/u  a  chciron  duk's  httvxcn  three  Jlcura  de  lit 
Vcrl  cu  maiiij  martlets  of  the  last  (Hiltoft). 

— .1  leolfs  head  Sable  devouring  a  chdd  proper. 

William  Sanderson  of=f ... 
TickhiU,  CO.  York. 

Lambtou  uf  Lambton. 

1.   Nicholas-T 
of  }!evcsby, 

=-Annc,  da.  of 
Sir  William 

CO.  Line,  i;t. 



1                              1 
.Alice,  n:c.             2.  ];obcrt=f=,-i«Hf,  da.  of 
ChrHnpher       Sanderson.     John  S,n,/th 
ICyreofco.                                  o/A>;,;„^. 

1.  William, 


.   Joh,;  K,„ne. 

Hubert  'J 

„...            .d!..4hters 
'i-njiill.        died  youiiy. 

Alice,         Margaret, 

3.p.                   B.p. 

John     f- 
Hayle^  i 
in  Esses 

h,  da.    of-fa.    N 

myth    of  1  Sand 

lEpping,     ofK. 



3.    llobert  Sanderson,- 
3  son  and  heir. 

of  V 
CO.  1 

tham    of 

th,    nx.   John 
v.-idalc   of 
.ft    of    K.stoft 
ora.  York. 

1                                    1 
Robert   Sanderson     Anne, 
of  Kevesby,  ob.  10     John 
Feb.,  1501,  at  the     of  Sta 
lijc  of  fit  years,  s.p.     com.  I 

nx.    Sir 
injott  in 

1                            1 

Kathcrine,       2.  Hubert, 
ux.  liandall     s.p. 
Johnes,  ob. 




3.  Thomas  Sander.son  of=^Dorathii,  ehi.  and 
Stratford  Jiou;  co.  Midd.,  \  .■<ole  heir  of  niehard 
lirinq  in  Juh/,  IIJJI.  \  .Vadeson  of  .    ,  eo. 

Judieeof  the  I'caec.  I  Line. 


].  Sir  Nicholas=f=:\Iildrccl,  da. 
Sanderson  of  Saxby,  I  and  heir  of 
Kt.  and  Lart.  John  Hiltoft 

Viscount  Castleton.     \  of  Boston. 

.Vildnd.     1.  Ni. 

I    I 

2.  William. 

3.  Geor-e. 
i.  Itobcrt. 



s.-Or,  a  chief  Ac 


ThomM  Santon  of  Santon,=f=...  ,1;,.  of  Tliomas  PortinRtoi 
CO.  Line,  Lsq.  |  of  ]\,rtiiigtou  co.  York. 

Anthouy  Santon  uf  Saiitoii.=f-Maigant,  -la.  „f  WiUiaia 
^1  ^^loriey  of',co.  Line. 

Aniic,  da.  of  Nicholas=j=Thom.-,.s  S,-n,t.on=pTroUi.  <la.  of  John 

Girliiigton  of  Norman-  I  of  Santon,  Ivsci, 
vill,  CO.  Line  ' 

LuUinghara  of 
liromby,  co.  Lini 

Antliuny  Santon,  .son  and     2.  Katlienu.      3.  Elizabeth 
heir  njipaicnt,  1592. 


uid  4,  Sar,tr  th 

AH.M3.— lat  Quarierly. 

for    difference  ;     ■ 

Gules,  impaling  (, 

(Deiiham);    3,  a> 

(Haydon)  ;    4,  Gw 

double  in  bass  thci. 
CuiiST.— .1  fjouff  head  erased  Argent  horned  Or  a  crescent  on  a  crescent  for  dijj 
John  Sapcottes  of  Elton,  co.  Hunt.,  Esq.=j=... 

dovecotes  Argent  a  crescent  on  a  crescent 
'"<    ".    .I.-/-"'    a  fcss    dancctte   betvven    three    roses 

;,'    ■'    '■    ' ''^  7'.  <^"l<:'<  four  fusds  in  fcss  Ermhw 

ni   chicj  a   label  of  three  points  Azure 

-  ■  -     -.;  Argent  two  single  in   chief  and  one 

'l>ilal3  ami  pidc^tals  Or  (Arches). 

...  Siiiicotte.s=^...     Fishbornc  of^ 
of  Leicc.'ster    I  Fi.sliborne, 

Tou-n.  CO.  Durham. 

Sii  ,Iohn  &^vcoiiei=Ellzab(ih,da.and 
of  ]':it..n,    Kt.,  oh.     cohcirofSirJohn 
i  Jan.  10  If.  7.  JJenhan. 

1.  Hobert,  a  2.  IIcury=T=Jane,  da.  and  3.  William, 

Canon  of  Sapcottes    I  one  of  the  a  Canon  of 

Leicester,  of  Lincoln,     heirs  of  ]Job.  Lincoln 

"''■  ''■I''  Smyth.  8.11 

L  JohnSapc, 
of  Tharfieia, 


...  d 
...  S 
of  Si 


.  of 



t       ][, 


1.  M-illiam 

2.  1 


,  onli 
ux.  S 


and  heir, 

1-  J7u 

Ic  as  vt 
nms  JJt 


Burton      j  da.  and 
of  Cotes,      coheir. 
B-P-  CO.  Line. 

2.  Edward  SajK-otteT-Anne,  da.  of 
of  Lincoln,  had  3       I  Thoma!)  Burton 
"■'^•^•■^-  of  Cotes. 


<>t-r/;/innorda.„f  rwb. 
j  .'<apcolc  vf  l/lun 




John  TlioiX'.->bye.=i=Joaii,  sister  :m 
I  John,  son  am' 
of  Sir  Kobei 
I  Aystcvby,  Kt., 

U-  and  lieir  of 
-11  ami  heir 
■I    Sir   Kosrer 

John  Thoro9bye=f . 
of  Croxley. 

Joiine,  da.  and  heir=f=John  Sheffield 
of  Tlioresbye  of        I  of  Butterwicic, 

Crosby. |  3  sou  of  Thoma.s 


Robert  Shcffiehl,  son  and 
heir,  of  wliora  the  Lord 
Sheffiekl  is  descended. 

Cliristoiiher  Sheffiekl,  3on=^Elizabeth,  one  of  the  da's,  and 
aud  heir  of  John,  Lord  I  eoheir.-i  of  . . .  I'yllett  of  Weltou, 
of  Croxby. ^|  eo.  Line. 

John  Sheffield-pDorothy,  da.  of  Ale 

of  Croxby.  Anieottos    of  Astrc^ 


Ml  I 

2.  Henry.  Joano.=T^Xichola.s  Dow.s 

—  of  Tetuey,  co. 
1 .  Philip,  now  Line. 

of  ]n.L~to\ve,  | 

CO.  Lino.  Do\vson 

—  of  Tetney. 

Vincent  SliefricId=Klizabetli,  <"  ■. 
of  Croxby,  son  and  one  of  the 
and  heir.  heirs  aiiiiarcnt. 

Aems. — Aiycnt,  three  bars  Oules,  in  chief  a  rjrei/hoiiiul 
hordurc  cii'/mitcd  'johontj  of  the  last  and  Azure. 

It  SaUe  cuUeu-cd  Or 

...da.  of  ...Ti 
of  Kcteltiy,  1  v 

ritt=T=Sir  Sldp\vith=j=Agiic.s,  da.  of . 
,  CO.  Leic,  j 

I  of  Ormisl.y,  ( 
I  had  2  wives. 

Sir  ^Villianl        Gauyn  Skipwith,  base 
Skipwith,  to  Sir  William  hi  time 

son  and  heir,     of  his  widower '.s  estate. 

I.  Joane,  ux.  Tl 
of  Saltlleetby. 

Marg.iret,  ux.  Clai-.!, 
Ilaringtou  of  Griu..-1 

(irace,  (1 
eo.  Line 


1.  of  John     JaiK', 

if  Salbye,     Willi, 

,  Esq.            Ma.v 

but  1. 

iKi.cda.   to 
1,1.  ux.  Antl 
of  Wvnth.., 
id  no  i.^.^iie. 

i.., „ ; 

of  Jkirtuii  iipun 


3.  Tristra 

I"" ""■"■'■""■• 




Arms  (added) — Arcjcnt,  a  saltire  Azure. 

Constantync   Slater  of   Great=j=AUce,  da.  of 
Hampden,  co.  Bucks.  of  co.  Jlidd. 

1.  Robert         2.    John=i 
Slater  of         Slater  of 
Great               Great 
llamp.             Hamp- 
den,                 den. 

=Joane,    da.     of 
Henry    Little- 
page  of   Great 
Musseuden,  co. 

3.  Thomas. 

4.  John. 

1.  John  Slater 
of  Princes  Ris- 

1    1 
4.  William 
Slater    of 

Ill                                      1 

6.  Antlionv  Slater         9.    Thnn 
of  Great  H.'mij.den.         of   U.xbi 

—                         Midd. 

7.  Richard  Slater  of 

5.  James 
Slater  of 

tcr    of    ){i 

3.  Constantyne= 
Slater  of  Upton, 
CO.  Line. 

rt  Sla- 





nucl    Slater  ot 





S.  Michae 
Great  Ha 


■r  of 



•Alice,    da.  ot 
William  Ra- 
vening  of 
Great  Marlow, 
CO.  Bucks. 

IL  Francis  Slater 
of  Wickhara. 

12.  Griffith  Slater 
of  Ri.sboriiugh. 

I  I 

Philip,  ux.  Anue,    ux. 

Richard  John    Ing- 

Dai-set    of  ram    of 

BedUoe.  Bledloe. 

I    I  I 

3.  Mary.  2.  Franei 
—  eldest  so 

4.  Mabel. 

William  Smylli  of  Hackthorn,= 
CO.  Line,  Esq. 

R<,l„Tt    Snivth 

:i.       William    SinythT=J,ine,  da.  and  co- 
uf      of  Suinmenston,  I  heir    of     William 

heir    of     William 
I  l,illi..uni  of   Fc-n- 



.[.her  Smyth  .if 

Fcnl.v.^Aimsda.  t 
n-    anil      Cotr.s,  ,■,,.  1 

.T.ilni  r., 
•  ill.-  .  \Md..w  to 

heir  t 



"  "'   ^'*  ".-'''■>■■ 


la.  and  lu  ir  to  Wi 
K,„lie  of  Anlal.v,  n..  1 
ui.low  tu  Blui.nt,-to 



AliMS  (added). — Aiycnl,  u  fcss  danccitCc  hciv 
Crk^T. — A  (allot  passant  Of. 

,1  Wclbournc,=rJr.ii'garet,  dn.   . 
I  Clarke  of  Welbc 

William  Smyth  of  Homiing-T=Catlicri 
ton,  CO.  Line,  Gout.,  son  and  j  Porter 
heir.  Line. 

,  (V.\.  of  Austin~r/(0/«»7s  Disiici/  of 
A    Belton,   CO.     Carlton,  co.   Line, 

Elizabeth,  da.=j 
of   George 
Sherrard   of 
Leii.,    Esq.    2 

=Wllliam    Sniyth=j 
of    Honnii.gton,  by  his  iirst 
wife  no  issue. 

=Mary,  da.  fand  co- 
heir]   of    Edward 
Husthwayte   of 
Branch  in  Holland, 
in    Line,    Gcarijc 
ISlcshi  of  Bhshii, 
CO.  Line.,  Esq.,  her 
1  hush. 

ux.  EdNvard 
of   Strobye, 
CO.  Line. 

Eleior,   u. 
Whitt  of 
Sturton.  ct 

VathcHnc,  nx.  WWiam  Shcjqmnl 
(of)  Lawjton,  ok  /ai„: 

2.  Edimrd 



L  Charles  S 
first  son  an 
apjiarcnt  15 


myth,=Marv,  da.  of  Wil-       L  ]•  lizabell 

1  heir     liaui'  Langton  of       Jiuljcyt  Low 

■)2,  olj.     Bennington    in            ^\^\nttrlon, 

Hollnnd.                        Line,  Esq. 

d'of         lircslc 
CO.             ham,  c 

e,  V.,:  Anthou 
1   of    KiUni'i 
0.  Line. 


AliM.?. — Quarterly,  \,  Sullc  on  a  chcirun  cnr/railal  Iclwccn  si.t  crosses  pati'c  ttlcht'c  Or 
three  Jlctirs  dc  lis  A::Hrc  each  charged  with  u  plate;  2,  Azure  a  bend 
cotiscd  Or  in  sinister  chief  a  rjrijjin's  head  erased  of  the  second  (Billcsdon). 

Chest. — A  falcon's  head  erased  Sable  f/uttec  d'Or  holding  in  the  he-tk  a  Jish  proper. 


of  Ih 

.ondon,  temi..  H.  7,  150S.      I  Billesdou  of  London,  maiur,  14S4. 

|,„  ..,.„,, 

\.  John  Sniyth=f.\ndrey,  da.  of  Jol 
of  Epimip,  CO.  I^vne  of  IJokwo. 
Essex,  Esq.         I  Hall  in  Es,-,ex. 


A  I 

Kichola.'s  Smytli  of=f  Alice,   ddcst   da.   and 
Thedlethorpe    in    I  of  John  Bouvylc  of  Sp; 
CO.  Liuc.  CO.  York. 

OirhnrjUyii,  of  . 
to  ...  Thickko, 

I  II  i 

Nicliulas  S.nyth,T.J/,„.,,/,  da.  of  1.  E]i/„tbctli,  2.   Susannah    , 

.-.nlysn,,  and  heir     RicUnl  Pdl  ob.  youivj.  Francis  Gvcna 

eilTiict,    \W2,\of  IJ^mbkhi,  -  son  of  Sir  John 

aiul  Urni.j  ill  co.  Line,  Kt.  Richard, 

uno.   1G31,  Jan.  oh.  ijouwj. 

EliMhctk,  u 

Anvc,  ».c. 
of   Ihxrsdcn, 
CO.  York. 

Cuthcvin,  lu 

Trainham,  c 
Line,  Clerk. 


1.  John  .Snu/lh, 
19  I/cars  old, 

I     I    I 

.'f.  Thomas.      S.  Charles. 
5.  Francis.       0.  Richard. 



WiUiain  Staiilow,  son  and=f  Dorathey,  da.  o 
heir,  was  of  Stickford,  co.      ...  Tliiuiblcby. 

A  daughter,  iii. 
...  Fulstowc  of 
CO.  Line. 

John  Staidow^ 
of  Stickford. 

Olargaret,  d 
Angustiu  P: 
of  Belton, 

Ellen,  da.  and  hi 
Darnell  of  Thorji 

Helen,  mar.  to  Margery,  ux.  Eichard 

Wdham  Vachell  Scoche  of  Peter  Han- 

of  CO.  Line,  2  to  worth,  co.  Line. 
0,5wald  Wimbish. 

lent,  ux.  ThouKLs 


'i  a  chccron  hctucn  ihr 

Is  Ciilrs  fl.s'  man, 
nlhu-cd  Oulc.^  ,j'a 

cuts  of  the  field, 
daml  nnjcd  Oi 



1.  Robert  Siitton=; 

da,  and       2.   IIainou=f=Emlyn,  da.  of 

coheir  of 
...  i;oy.s. 

Sutton  of 



Elizabeth,  ux. 
William  Turney 
of  Cavenbie. 

Henry  Sutton  of  Wellingore,=j=jrar-aret,  da.  of  Robert  Hus.sey 
died  before  his  father.  |  of  Linwood  in  co.  Line. 

(Continued  as  in  the  Visitation  of  ICiQi,  describing  Ambrose  Sutton  as 
of  Burton,  1592,  and  giving  him  a  second  son,  llamun,  "  lunctyl.c," 
and  stating  that  his  eldest  son,  Robert,  ob.  s.p.) 

1.  Hamou  Sutton=j=Eli2abeth,  da.  of 
ofWashiugburgli.  I  ...  Kitz  William 
of  Clayworth, 
CO.  Nott. 

2.  Nichola.s  Sutton=Alice,  da.  of 
of  'Willoughton,         Robert  Arneway 
CO.  Lino.  of  Calais  in 

France,  Gent. 

1.  Jane,  ux.  l!..bL-rt 
Erocklesby  of  Glont- 
worth,  CO.  Line, 
Gent.,  and  had  issue. 

2.  ]\Iargaret,  ux. 
Bolles  of  Quadr 
in  Holland,  co. 
Line,  Esq. 

1.  Nicholas  Sutton=pC.itherin,  da.  of 
of  Washingburgh.      Lyonell  Skipwith 
of  Cathorp. 

Hamon  Sutton,  son 
and  heir  apparent. 

Mary,  ux.  Thomas 
York  of  Ashby,  co. 
Line,  Esq. 

Hamon  Sutton  of  Eromptou,=f=. 


Ahms.— ^lr;;fn(,  ilirec  pahs  Salic  hctwccn  four  miiUcln  in  Icin?  of  the  so'omi,  a  mscnti 
for  dijja-cncc. 
This  pedigree  is  the  same  as  in  the  Visitation  of  15G4   down  to  the  marriage  of  Sii 
Richard  and  Catherine,  and  continues  thus  : — 


1    1 


n  Tlumbleby 




1    1 


1    1 

ob.  s.j). 

as  in  t 

ho  Visitation 

of  :5G4, 




ih  3rd    da. 

Alice  instead 






of  Lu 


2.   Riclmrd  Thi 
of  Grimsby,  ]5 

John  Thinibleby,  eldest 
and  heir  apparcjit,  lij'Ji 

Juyoeof  CO.  ,S..nuT.-,et 




Adam  TyI■^vhitte  of  Ketelby,  co.=f=..    da.  to  Lord  Lomloy. 
Lincoln,  li^icj.,  eon  and  Iieir.  I 

Sir   Robert  Tyrwhitte,=pElizabctIi.  da.  of  Sir  John  alias 
Kt.,  son  and  Iieir.  I  Richard  Watcrto)i,  Kt. 

Sir  Williaiii  Tyrwhitte,  son=rJ««f,  da.  of  Sir  Robfrt  Constable 
and  heir,  Kt.  and  Lanerett.  I  of  Flaiubnroiigli,  Kt. 

I  1  I 

Sir  Kobcrt  Tvrwliitte-r...  da.  of  Sir  George     Agnes,  vifc  to  Thomas,     Eli;,heth     u-ife 
of  Ketclby.  I  Taulboye,.,  Kt.  Lord  lUmjh.  to  Sir  ]Villi„m 


SirWilliani  Tyr\vliitte=r/,OTif/,  da.  to  ...  Girlington  of 
of  Ketclljy,  Kt.  I  Nornuuiby,  co.  Ijinc.,  Esq. 

Sir    ]!obert^Klizabet 
Tyrwliittc        Oxcnl..ric 
o£  Kctelby, 

I.  to  ...  Nkiinvil 
William,  both 



of  Scotter 

i  I    I 

Charles  Bntlcr=Donglas,  3  da  of  1.  Tiutli. 
of   Cotes,    CO.         Jlannaduke.  — 

Line,    f^on     and  2.  Elizabeth, 
heir  of  .Vnthony. 


Robert  Tyrwliittc  of  Seolton,=rAnne,    da.    of   Edward  5.  Ro 

eldest  son  and    heir  ai>iMrent  I  Has.'iett  of  Fledboruwe, 
of  Marmaduke.  eo.  Notts.,  Esq. 

Marmaduke  Tyrwhitte,  son  and  heir  apparent,         2.  Robert.        Elizabeth,    only 
now  about  4  years  old,  July  23,  15!)2.  da.  as  yet,'  15t)2. 


Ausis.—Oidcs,  lirn  Icirs  yemdks  Arycnt  on  a  chief  of  the  second  a  crescent  Sahle. 
CllKST.— -■!  iC'onan's  head  eonped  at  the  shoulders,  rested,  crined  and  crou-ncd   all  Or,  i 

John  Thornhill 
CO.  Vork,  2  .sun. 

■[   Tl 

ninhill,=f-.\m,e.  da.  of 
1  Sandall  of  ... 

chard  Tlioiiihill  of         2 
on,    sun    and  hen- 

f  U« 

iar.i  Thornhill  pEllen. 

-Ion,  eo.    Line.  1  .Mar.-li 

1  eo.  I,i, 

la.  ..f  Willi.- 
II    of   Crow 


in  Tl 

ornhill  of  Ow,sU)n. 



IS  (nildeil). —/;«)■(',  a  lion's  head  erased  ifithin  an  orlc  of  ciijhl  rross  cross/cts  Ai-yeiit. 

Tlii.mas  T()\vtl.liyo/i./sl!vth.M-=f=C'icjl.-y,  da.  of  Jnhii  Aystrrby  cf  co.  Line, 
of  Towtliby,  C.I.  ].iii.'.      "  I  AnMs.-^Aiycif,  a'saUnr  SaUc. 

William  To\\  thby=rJr,iri,in,  cbi.  of  Roger  Combcr\yorth 
of  TuwUiby.  I  of  Coinbei\yortli. 

Bridgctt,  da.  of  Jolm  Roauey=j=Tli()inas    To\ytliby=...,  da.  of  Alexander 
of    Stoke   Uoancy,    co.    Som.,  |  of  Towthby.  '       l.aiigton,  ob.  s.p. 


r^n  \        ~    ~  ^1 

1.  France.';.  1  6.  Jolm  Towthby^Dorca.^;,  da.  of         Aiine,  ii\-.   John 

—  I  brother  and   heir  I  Edivavd    .\ys-         .Skiiiwith  of 

2.  F,d\y,ar.l    j    i  to   Edmond,  no\y     coiigli  of  North       Ormesby,  co. 

—  yz  of  Towthbv,  E.S.I.  I  Cottcs,    CO.  Line. 

Line,  Esq. 

Edmond.      J 

II                         I  I                                           III 

L  Elizabeth.  3.   Tahitha,  ux.    Gcorjc  1.  Riehard  To^ytllby,  2.  William 

—  Asierhy  of  East  lloaion  eldest    son  'and    heir                  — 

2.  Jane.  in  com.  Line.  apparent,  1592.  3.  CJeorge. 

4.  Ed^vard. 


AiiMs.— .SnWf,  a  lourv  triple  Vmercd  Or. 

Sir  Willlain  Tovcrs  Kt.=F. 

I  I 

WiUiani  Tovers  son  ,i-  heir.  John  Tutms  of  Thornnel;  co.  Linear.. 

, ^ 

William  Toiccrs  of  Thom.vk.-,  ...  da.  of  ...  Dallison. 

William  Towers  of  P.ishopaTnoral  h.  y,  da.  ,ind  one  of  the        Ila.ik  Tovers 
Korlon,  CO.  Line.  I  heirs.    ..f    ...     .M.m..    ..f    More        of  Thornock. 

Hall,  CO.  Voik,  i:..„,. 



1.  Nicholas  Tuwevs  of  Heytoi 
in  com.  Nott.,  mr>v.  and  bac 
issue  ;  lie  was  son  and  lici 

2.   John  To\versT=iI'""K''""et.  <'•''■  f'f  J"!'"  Teade 
o£  Blytou,  CO.  Line. 

3.  William  To 
of  Thornock,  ( 
Line,  Gent. 

1.  Edward,  son 
and  licir  ajipai- 
ent  1502. 

BiMt'ct,  da.  and  sole         L  William  Tower.^,  son  Mabel,  only 

heir  of  liichard  Cosbye       andheir  apparent,  1  .'.02.  da.  as  yet, 

of  Great  Nott.       .  1502. 

2.  Nicholas. 

Anne  Ton;  ,■, .  . 
ux.  Richar-I 
Esq.  son  t,f  I: 
thcMidOh   y. 
to  her  1  hash.  1 
in  com.  North. 

I  I 

Anthony,         reter, 
ob.  s.p.  oh.  S.JJ. 

I  I 

William,  G.  Arthur  Towers 

ob.  s.2\  bur.  in  the  Tower 

of  London,  s.}'. 

4.  John  Tnwer3=f=^?!re  da.  of  Walcrnoti 
London      of  Thornock.  of  co.  York. 

:a  /:„/.  of 


Wdliam  Towers  a  Alii 

child  in  Ao.  1G31. 

Mxn^.—Arqcnt  a  rhi  r,n,:   /-/.,,;,   ,■/,.,.    /,,''' 
'addiliMH  ;  ■.'     :         ^  ,    ■■       ' 
the    lir.t   n  .       ,   ■ 

r/Wrfs   Or    ,;i  i-.,i..v-,l.  ,  ,    J,  "    '. 

CiLEsT  (added).—.!  tower  .Sable  towered  Arycnt. 

William  Tourney  of  Coiivenbie,'-^  I'.Ii.'abeth,  da.  of   Ilamon  Sutton 
in  com.  Line.  '         '  j  of  Washingburgh,  in  com.  Line. 

Sish'V,  da.  of  Sir  Ceor^'e   Talbt 

I  I     I 

,  John  Tournev=rJanc,  da.  of       2.  William. 
sister   t.i   the    L:idv    Dvumkr,  |  ,.f    Cavvenbie,  "    I  ...  St.  i'aul.  — 

rdiet    Wdll.nn    Ln^iUbn.    oant    and     I'.s.].  3.   Christopher. 

Co-/<f/r  of  Oeorje,  Lord  Talhn,ies.  \ 

I  mizabeth, 

A  mar.  to  ... 



Aiitliony   Tour)iov-  =  M;uT  d.i.  ■ 
of  Cayvenbie,  Ks.j.  j  ,A   Ihni-I, 

Jolin  Tourney 
of  Cavonbie, 
Ksq.,  son  aud 



2.  Willi 









3.  Tri.t 


nf     Kil 

CO.  Y 



1.  Isabel.  3.  Anne.  5.  Katherin. 

2.  Honor.  4.  Margan-t.  ■  6.  Elizabeth. 

Each  of  these  dauglitors  described  as  "da.  and  heir  apparent  as  yet.— July  19,  159 


Arms.— jliyf/i/,  on  a  lend  Vert  cotiscd  Gides  three  Hons  J5n.?sfrn<  t/  tht  Held. 
Crfst.— ^  hiers  lead  'jardant  proper  utlind  Or. 

Pr.  William  Harvey,  Clar. 

William  Walpole.--^-... 

01  J(.hn,Staveley 
of    Stickney,    1 

Theodore -fAnne,  da.  of  ...  Kead 
^\•alpole.      of  Yorkshire. 

id  beii=Fli.>b.-rl  Walpole=r)orutli: 


Jane,  da.  and  .sole  In  i.-,  ux.  Charl 
Jiiearde.s  of  Uold  Hall,  e,..  Y.^rk.,da.  of  . 

,.  of   Sir  Kdnv.nd  T-Thomas    Lambert, 

of  .Serieelsbv,  Kt.,  j  and  heir  of  John  1 

bert  of  Skipton,  2 

I  I 

I'.du-ard,  ^on       Charles  La.nbert,  Willia.ii 

and   heirap-       1  son,  now  bein-  2  son 

.'t  Jane. 

..  VJ. 



William  Westled  of= 
■Winthorpe,  co.  Line. 

William '.Vestle(l=Fr:iiicts,  da.     1.  ...iix.  ...         '2.  Anne,  u.-c.  ,3.  ElizaliHli, 

of  liraytuft  ah''      i.f  William      Jla.xwill  ..f  OilliriL  Han'^avd  Kicluud  HigsJ 

Gent.  I  Simcotte.?of     lir.iytott.  of  Louth.  of  I'naytoft. 

I  Louth,  CO. 

William  We.?t!ed,  son  and 
heir  apparent,  1592. 


AHM^  (tlie  quarlcrin-s  .-ulrle.l).— Quarteilv  of  T..  1  an.l  C,  S„hl, ,  „  ,nJf  ,„lh„l  Or,  /,/ 
vhirf  three  Cftr.iks  ./  the  h,M  :  2,  A.iirr  „  linn  r.,,„j,.n,t  vith  on  „rlr 
often  0)m-.s-  crusshln  Ar:icni  (Brnytoft)  ;  3,  Cherjui/  Or  ami  (,«/,.,■  .,„  a  rhirj 
Arrjent  (i  l^oii  pasamt  ^'((Wf  (Comberworth)  ;  4,  Ar:/enl  tar,  bars  inyraihl 
liable  ;  ;">,  Arr/iiit  a  chevron  letteecn  three  martlrtx  Siilik. 

CiiKsT.-.i  dcmi  vulf  mlirnt  Or. 

^MavRara,  ,la.of  ...  Sonffo: 

I  11  I 

»  ih,.   war.  to       I       ...»  da.  mm:       Thomas    WiUon  o}^ 
IknloK,^.  I       to  ...   I'rice.  Cnchlrelh,  co.  Jfrrl- 

/onl,     rUlc     llKirr- 

I   -  7 

...  a  .la.   ,nar.  to  F.,l„ioi„l   Wils,,,,,  ..,.h  and=r... 

...Il,„ojr..i.loo.  hoir  of  Thuma.^.  I 




Anne,  dn.  of  Sir=pl.  Tlioniiis  Wilsoii^Jaue,  da.  and  liei 

•  of  Sir 

■\Villimn  Winter,     JC  of  the  Rciuu.sts     llieliard     Kmpso 

1     and 

Kt.,  of    Lidney,     and     Secretary    of     widow  of  John  I 


CO.  GIoc.                   State.                           of  Essex. 

Y.ia.  SOI 

Anne,  da.  of 
AVilliani  Heneago 
of  ]>enowortli| 
CO,  Line. 

1.  Mary,  nx.  l!o! 
in  CO.  WurifkL: 

George  Ueljjra 
of  Leicestcrshii 

Charles  AVilson,  i 
years  old,  1592. 


AR\is.—Ai-r/ent,  three  truhnts  Salle,  in  chief  a  mullcl  plenril  Oiilcf. 
Ciii:.ST. — A  f/oat  passant  Ayjcnt  hvoicMng  on  a   shrub  I'tr/,   and  chavjed  v 
pierced  Oul,.i. 

AViUiarn   Worthington    r.f^pMargaret.  da.  of  ...  AVad.lingto 
Welborne,  eo.  l.ine.  |  of  Waddington,  in  com.  Line. 

3.  llirhiM-d  Wo,  tliington-f  Margaret,    da.    of 

..f  Denton,  City 

lomas  Ai.idley 
of  Ifaiigh,  widow 
of  Hob.  \\'eb.^ter. 

Franci.s  AVorthingtnn  ^fargnret,  iix.  Williani 

tlieTitv  of  Lincoln.  Line. 

;  .%  J'al^ 

John  Wright  ,.f  MarlcelT-Jane,  ,1a.  of  J„hn  llawlv 
Itasen,  CO.  Line.  I  of  IClkh.gtoi,,  co.  Line. 

r~  I 

1.  Jolm   Wrludil  ol>.\nne,  da.  of  John  3.  'i'liomas  of  tlie 

the  ha 

'■• ■' ■  r''"'""- 



Jaines  AVriglit  of=pJ. 
tlie  same  place. 

lit  of=pJ()aiie,  (1.1.  rrnil  ,-olieii-  of  T 
xce.      I  Muiison  of  .South  Kelsty. 

James  ■\Viiglit,  son  aml=rEliz;ibeth,  ila.  antl  coheir  of  Edward 
heir,  now  of  liradley  in  I  Ilusthwaite  of  Littlecoates,  in  com. 
com.  Line.  Gent.  Line. 

4.  ]:<lsv.ird., 

;'.  William.  Judith. 


Arms  (Added).— .Sume  as  ■Wythernwyke  In  Visitation  of  15GI,. 
CiiKST. — A  liislanl  dose  Aiyent,  u-ingcd  Or. 

The  1  coate  and  crest  was  granted  to  John  AVytliernwvke  of  Claxby,  in  corn   Line 
by  William  Harvye,  Clur.,  by  a  patent  dated  at  London,  20  of  March,  15C2,  5  Q.  ];h/ 

,I..h„  Wythernwyke=p.. 
of  Claxbv,  CO.  Line.  | 

.igh=f  Mau.l,    da.  and   heir  of   Sii 
I  Tlionias    lirabouthe  of 
Cl.ixby  and  Norniaobv,  Kt 

■  yke   of  C'l.ixby.----JL, 


John   Wythernwyke   of   CI: 



le,  da.  of  ...  Scopho 


2.   Oliver  Wythern-  = 
wyko    (.f   Claxby,   2 
brother  and  lieir  to 

-..Dorathv,  da.  of 
Towlani,   wido\v 
to  ...  Stanton  of 




/.      .son  and  heir. 

=...  da.  of 
CO.  Line. 


John    AVvtliernwYke 
Cla.xbv,    l.'-,U2,    n'lar. 
hi.s     2    wife,    Klizab 
da.     of     Williiim      1 
William  of  .Mablaho 


pCathenn,  da. 
of    Thoioaa 
Lith'bcrv  of 
1  wife. 


nx.           Crinla,  ox. 

ob.  ycnnij 

John,  died  young. 




Arms. — Qiimterly  of  six.  same  (is  YARbououon  in  Visilotioii  (/IjGJ. 

T/us  pcdiyrcc  commavcs    with    Cltarlrs    Yerbuiyh,   huAa„d  of  Ajncs  Skipi 
Kliznhdh  Ncwcomcn,  mill  thus  conUmics  (he  ikxrcnt  front  /its/ 
son  Edmond  (in  lite  Visitation  o/l.'jOl  called  Edward  : — ) 

Yerburgli.      da.  of  ']"ho^^. 

Ursula,  ]  mar.  lCdmoiid=T=Margaret,  da.  of  Vincent 

to...    mdle,  J  Yerburgli        Grantham  of  St.  Kathe- 

(y  Tliuinas  Hall  of  Lincoln,      rino'.-^,  near  Lincoln,  and 

of  Yerbiirgh.  had 3  wives,     widow  o£  ...  Fulnetby. 

Charles  Yerburgli=Barb.ira,  da 
of  'W'illoughby,  A\-illiarn  \\\ 

of  Yer- 

^Vadc  uf 

^Elizabeth,  da 
of  lluinfrcy 
Litlebcrv  of 

Elcuor,  da.=pFrancis  Yerbuigli=f=Frances,  da.  of 
of  Voherl  of  Jlostrop,  Co.  I  Leonard  'Wray 
Farmory,      |  Line.  |  of  Yorkshire, 

Yerburgh.-T Elinor,  da.  of  Tho.  Clifford 
of  Biackeuborowo  in  coin. 

Henry  Yorburgh,  not 
one  year  old,  1S92. 



r.y  GEORGE   BURNETT,   I-y-n  King  of  Anns. 

Wliile  il  is  usually  undesirable  for  a  public  offieer  to  vr\i]y  in 
print  to  accusiitions  levelled  against  his  official  conduet,  tliis  rule 
admits  of  occasional  exceptions;  and  I  cannot  Imt  nunilur 
among  such  excrjilions  a  ]iaper  of  sixteen  pages  headed  " 'J'lie 
Lyon  Office  and  tlic  M,■l^iori^;^d^s  family,"  in  the  July  part  of  Mr. 
Foster's  '  Collectam  a  ( ;>  iieaiogica.'  This  attack  on  the  adminis- 
tration of  the  Lyon  Office  has  l>een  called  forth  by  a  review  in 
the  'Genealogist'  (si'pra  p.  rZOO)  of  a  portion  of  the  same  '  Collec- 
tanea,' entitled  "  List  of  Jlembers  of  Parliament,  Scotland." 
Wlien  Mr.  Foster  undertook  to  re-arrange,  correct,  and  supple- 
ment from  a  Ingher  genealogical  stand-point  the  official  return  of 
Scottisli  menil>ers  of  Parliament,  those  who  Icnew  the  ca)-e  with 
which  the  return  had  been  framed,  and  the  en\inent  qualifica- 
tions of  the  gentleman  who  liad  the  charge  of  it,  had  mis^■i^-^ngs 
regarding  Mr.  Foster's  capacity  for  the  task  which  he  had  set 
himself.  That  these  misgivings  were  well-grounded  is  shewn  in 
the  review  alluded  to,  a  paper,  I  maj^  remark,  which  does  not 
bear  the  full  signature  of  Mr.  Stodart,  my  coUabondcur  in  the 
Lyon  Office.  But  for  Mr.  Stodart's  unusual  courtesv  in  ini'oi-m- 
ing  Mv.  Foster  that  he  was  writing  such  a  review  and  allow  in-' 
liim  to  see  it  in  proof,  Mr.  Foster  would  neitlier  ha\i'  been 
entitled  to  speak  of  the  article  as  Mr.  Stodart's,  nor  cnal)led  to 
bring  out  his  rejoinder,  as  lie  has  done,  almost  simultaneously 
with  the  review.  While  giving  an  emphatic  denial  to  the  insinua- 
tion that  the  review  in  (piestion  was  inspired  by  myself  or  any 
one  else,  I  am  authorised  by  Mr.  Stodart  to  say  that  he  does 
not  retract  a  line  of  it. 

Lr  the  case  of  all,  or  nearly  all,  the  numerous  errors  pointed 
out,  it  will  be  seen  liv  tlicjsL'  \vlio  take  the  pains  to  compare  pp. 
200-20-1.  of  the  'Genealogist'  with  ])p.73-7o  of  Mr.  Foster's  article, 
that  Mr.  Foster  is  compelled  to  aekn<nvledge  himself  in  the  wrong: 
and  I  think  few  Scotsmen  who  know  anything  of  either  the  general 
history  or  the  i'aniily  history  of  their  country  will  cojisider  it 
hypercritical  to  protest  against  tlie  resuscitation  of  the  long- 
exploded  failles  which  meet  us  in  such  books  as  '  Playfair's 
British  Family  Antiijuity,'  or  will  regard  as  trivial  mistakes 
the  substitution  of  "Douglas  of  Conons "  for  "Douglas  of 
Cavers,"  or  the  assi'rtion  that  a  battle  was  fought  at  Scone  in 
KM'.')  in  which  Charles  I  (who  had  two  years  prcviouslj'  left 
Scotland)  made  Sir  Gilbert  Elliott  a  Knight  Banneret.  In  the 
concluding  instalment  of  the  '  List,"  issueil  .subse(|Uently  to  I\lr. 
Stodart's  criliri-m,  there  is  a  ])r\id(nt  abstention  from  "  identifi- 
cations "  or  (lio  e  ;reiie,'iln-ic:il  ndiet'S  which  Mr.  Foster  calls 
"peculiarly'  bis  "own  grtaiml"  The  name,  however,  of  "Sir 
John  Wauclu'i.e  of  Xiddry,  Knight  Marischal,"  will  snprise  those 

MR.    J0SP:PH    foster    and    the    LYON    OFFICE.        295 

who  know  anything' about  the  history  and  hoMers  of  that  office. 
Tlie  person  meant  is,  of  coiirse,  .Sir  John  Wauchope,  Knic;lit,  of 
Ni<l(!ry-j\Iarischal.  Tlie  Wauchojies  of  Ni(l(hy  are  among  the 
best  known  baronial  families  of  the  south  of  Scotlaml,  and 
have  inherited  from  the  fourteenth  century  to  this  day  the 
lands  of  Niddry  or  Niddry-]\Iarischal,  so  called  because  origi- 
nally bestowed  on  them  by  the  Keiths,  hereditary  Marisehals  of 
Scotland.  To  an  average  well-educated  Scotsman  a  mistake  of 
this  kind  is  not  less  startling  than  the  story  of  the  Banneret 
created  at  the  battle  of  Scone. 

While  there  would  be  an  olivious  impropriety  in  my  entering 
in  this  place  into  a  discussion  witli  ilr.  Foster  regarding  the  four 
Baronetcies  which  he  discredits  on  his  p.  75,  I  ti-ust  there  is 
none  in  my  calling  attention  to  a  small  but  telling  indication  of 
how  little  he  is  qualilied  to  speak  ex,  catliedva  on  the  subject.  A 
slight  knowledge  of  the  history  of  the  house  of  Grant  would  have 
sufficed  to  make  him  aware  that  "  Sweton  Grant,"  which  he 
accompanies  with  a  "  sic"  was  neither  a  misprint  nor  an  error  of 
Mr.  Stodart's,  the  unusual  name  Sweton  (from  the  classical 
Siirtonius)  being  notoriously  prevalent  in  this  branch  of  the 
Grant  family.  A  separate  notice  of  Sir  Alexander  Grant  of 
])al\ey  in  the  "  Addenda  "  to  the  "  List"  contains  a  characteristic 
specimen  of  a  sort  of  misi-epresentation  in  which  Mr  Foster  is — 
notwithstanding  his  ultroneous  disav(.)wal  of  the  charge  of 
'■  special  pleading" — too  prone  in  indulge.  "  Sir  Alexander,"  he 
says,  "  had  a  grant  of  Supporters  frnin  tlie  l>y.,n  Office,  8th  July, 
17<>1  ;  ami  it  is  seriously  ar^Ui'd  that  tliis  ^vas  the  most  direct  llie  Crown  could  ,-ili;,id.  Tliis  is  n.^ws  indeed  !  The 
Crown  and  Lvon  King  ol'  .\riiis  were  exiilently  synonymous 
whrn  (ieurge  I'li  was  King:"  On  r.'t'ei  ]  ing  to  Mr.  Stodart's"  paper 
(p.  -lO:])  it  will  be  seen  that  the  "diivit  recognition"  adveited  to 
was,  not  a  grant  of  SupporliTs  from  LvoiC  as  is  here  recklessly 
averre<l,  but  "  a  lloyal  Wa.raiit  for  Supporters"  (of  course  bV 
(MMn-c  111  an.l  addressed  to  Lv,,u)"  in  uhici,  lieu, -is  styled,  'Our 
trusty  and  well-beloved  Sir  -Vlexandrr  ( ;r,ant  of  I  ),,Key,'" 

Uegarding  the  general  charjc  ..f  churlishnrss  hurled  against 
Mr.  Stodart  and  the  Lvon  ()lli<-e,  it  is  foituiiatelv  possible  to 
" ' solier,  iVom  Foster's  '  Col- 
in   tlie   lacfacc    to    Foster's 





ip  drunk  ti. 

J    i'hili 

•  I'ei 


ge ' : — 




■vr.llv    : 

r   .\ri 

111.1  ( 

as     t 

iilev  ,L;lvat  nl  ,1 

lis,     fnr     tllr     '    allnr 
o     .Mr.'     K.hv: 

:nd     I'.l 




Wlln     h; 
,,s    well 

IS   gel 
ig  atl 
as   r 

.entiiiii   in   cti 

.tr,l    sr\ 

1    uaan 

296        MR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER   AND    THE    LYON    OFFICE. 

participate  in  tho  feeliii,t;s  of  gratoful  satisfaction  which  I  am  unable 
ailei;[uately  to  express.  Geor;:!e  Euriiett,  Esq.,  Lord  Lyon  Kin.u;  of 
Arms,  and  Eobcrt  EiJdlc  Stodart,  ]':sq.,  Lyon  Clcrlv  Depute,  have  very 
cordially  rendered  nie  similar  services  with  reference  to  Scottish  families 
and  their  armorial  ensiyns." 

It  is  indeed  the  fact  tlmt  Ijoth  Mr.  Stodart  and  I  gratuitously- 
expended  mucli  time  in  .supplying  Mr.  Foster  witli  information  for 
the  Scottisli  portion  of  his  work,  l^isappointcd  we  certainly  were 
when  the  book  appeared  at  the  absence  of  tlie  promised  accuracy, 
the  scantj^  and  confused  character  of  the  pedi-i-ci'  nntici-;,  and  the 
disproportionately  large  space  accoj'iled  to  tin-  ivni'itr-L  relations 
— sometimes  by  female  descent  only — of  a  few  sriretrd  families. 
Nevertheless  Mr.  Stodar-t  continued  to  reply  with  patience  and 
courtesy  to  Mr.  Foster's  numerous  letters,  even  after  strong 
grounds  existed  for  suspecting  that  his  enquiries  were  prompted 
by  other  motives  than  the  wish  to  improve  his  book. 

WHule  the  main  subject  of  Air.  Stodart's  review  is  the 
"  corrected  "  List  of  Scottish  ilemljcrs  of  Parliament,  the  paper 
closes  with  a  few  remarks  bearing  on  the  '  Peerage '  volume  for 
1882  ;  and  it  is  one  of  these  criticisms  that  has  roused  Mr.  Foster 
to  a  warmth  of  language  regarding  Mr.  Stodart,  myself,  and  a 
Peer  whose  genealogy  he  had  called  in  question,  to  whicli  it  would 
be  difficult  to  find  a  parallel  except  in  Land  League  oratoiy. 

Inteniperate  language,  however,  is  so  well  umlerstooil  to  lu,' 
.suggestive  of  a  bad  and  not  a  good  cause,  that  Jlr.  Foster's 
diatribe  would  not  have  moved  me  to  break  silence,  but  for 
certain  serious  mis-statements  of  fact  contained  in  it  regarding 
matters  which  (to  say  the  least)  ovjjld  to  have  been  within  his 
knowledge.  To  explain  the  nature  of  these  mis-statements  a 
little  preliminary  narrative  is  necessary. 

Sir  Dudley  ilarjori banks,  Part.,  was  raised  to  the  peerage  on 
12th  October,  188],  as  P>aron  Tweedmouth.  Though  the  descent 
of  his  family  from  I'  Mnrjnribanks  of  Ratho,  a  Lord  of 
Session  and  Clerk  Itcgi-tir  in  ili''  reign  of  Queen  Mary,  and  tlie 
representative  of  tlie  I'annl)-  (jI'  Marjoribanks  of  that  Ilk  in 
Dumfrie.s.shire,  was  wclbkiidwii,  and  the  family  genealogy  had 
been  at  various  times  agmid  dcil  investigated,  it  so  happened 
that  no  detailed  ]M(li'_;ivc  oi'  (be  j\Iaijoribanks  Baronets  had 
ever  appeared  in  liml. r's  'I'nTage  ami  Pjaronetage.'  Tins 
omission  was  supplied  in  Ihe  issue  oi'  bs^S  b\-  the  inseitiun 
of  Lord  Tweedmontbs  p..  Ii^.ve,  ne;uly  in  the  form  and  wurds  in 
wliich,  after  the  usual  cin  I'lil  in\  ■■- ligation,'  it  had  been  recui-ded 

V  f.ii  111.    (..  .xiilaiii  tlmt  ,a  rcoorilerl  or  imtliontinitiil 

'  It  is. 


ips,  1: 






.,t    th 


,',  III 






i.iiy  rev. 

S..M.S  (i 

ir  ln' 



MR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER     AND    THE    LYON    OFFICII         297 

ill  the  Lj^on  Register  of  Genealogies  in  1SG8,  but  witli  one  or  two 
collaterals  added  who  are  not  in  the  recorded  pedigree,  and  a 
misprint  or  original  clerical  eri-or  in  the  christian  name  of  the 
ancestor  of  the  line  of  Balbairdie,  Avhose  name  does  not  occur  at 
all  in  the  registered  pedigree. 

Foster's  '  Peerage '  has  the  advantage  of  appearing  a  few 
weeks  later  than  Burke's  :  and  its  author,  burning  with  zeal 
without  knowledge  for  the  demolition  of  sham  pedigrees,  hastily 
set  down  the  descent  in  question  as  one  of  those  genealogical 
fabrications  which  it  was  his  mission  to  expose  ;  and,  after  getting 
a  few  searches  made  in  the  Scottish  Commissary  Records,  he 
denounced  tlie  first  three  steps  of  the  pedigree  given  by  "  some 
authorities"  as  unreal  and  impossible.  The  pedigree  in  Burke, 
following  the  oHieially  recorded  pedigree,  stated  that  Joseph  Mar- 
joribanks,  merchant  in  Edinburgli  (whom  Mr.  Foster  admitted 
to  be  Lord  Tweedmouth's  aiicestor),  was  second  son  of  James 
Marjoribanks,  a  younger  son  of  the  above-named  Lord  of  Session 
and  Clerk  Register.  Mr.  Foster's  contention  was,  that,  although 
the  Lord  of  Session  had  a  son  James,  alive  in  1576-7,'  3'et,  in 
respect  that  a  Jarjies  Marjoriliaiiks  (who  avowedly  could  not  be 
the  same,  inasmuch  as  the  confirmation  of  his  will  shews  him  to 
have  died  in  1.5G0)  had  Jio  son  Joseph,  therefore  Joseph  could  not 
have  been  the  son  of  James  Marjoribanks,  the  Clerk  Register's 

The  non  seqwitur  in  this  argument  (if  argument  it  can  be 
called)  requires  no  comment.  Mr.  Foster,  then  only  beginning 
that  investigation  of  the  Marjoribanks  pedigi-ee   which  seems  as 

is  Riidi  as  to  mrtke  an  error,  particularly  in  an  important  ur  e.sseiitial  iioint,   t>.\treincly 

(lie  l-y..n  I  >i       ■    I    ■    -       r    hirtiir-ri  til, 111  l"..r  over-laxity.      lufallibility    is   claimed   by 

-  Til,'  i<iil  ,  -  .  ,  ,  111  ',i;/m///i(i  nrl>:i,  ■!  noted  at  length  in  order  to  shew  that  I  do  mi  iiii,i|in,  Ml.  J  ..,,l,ur',s  aifjumciil.  it  may  be  remarked  in  passing  that  the 
Smii"!i  111  1,    iiiijiihiueJ  does  not  occur  hi  the  recorded  pedigi-ee,  though  he  appears  in 

■  [yMi,rr,.,  ,liiMntli,  accnrdinp;  to  some  authorities,  claims  to  be  descended  from 
Tliuiiia.  M  M  I  .,,'  ,,'  ^  .,vli,.  wa-;  a  i.f  Se-.-^iMn  ir.4!l,  ^vitli  titlr^  ■■!  T.-id  ll.itho, 
&c.,    \-.-.,    il        ,    ',    V  .;i  ,1,11,1-,  uhii  ili-l    ill  1,-1-1,    l,,iviir;    t:,..    ,,1,,.    S\i:i,iiand 

Joscpli.  ..I    r,.:,'  :    ,'    ',.   '  ,,  i,'li,iil  ■.      In  111,'  :i,^-i,iiiil   ivi,.iT.dl,i  llii  n-  1     11, ,1  I  ^,i.  /,;■;;».(, 

fur  to  ^Ik'u-   tli,(t   A   counter-de.scent  can  easily  be  constructed  from  the  wills  of  indi- 

'■  .Mar^'.uil,  .liughter  of  the  deceased  Thomas  Marjoribanks  of  Katho,  made  her  will 
yO  .Inlv,  ]-.7\i,  a|.pointed  her  brother  James  an  o.vecutur,  but  he  renounced  on  ur 
about  21  Feb,,  1570-7. 

".lames  Marjoribanks.  burgess  of  Ivlinbur-h,  made  his  will  and  inventory  8, 
ir.G'.i  (and  died  that  month;,  ennlniiir,!  -2  I'el..  loM  ;  mentions,  iiiUr  (liius  .sou  8ymon 
and  brother  .S\  limn,  but  no  .lii„|,l,  i,  iiiim,], 

"As  it  is  needless  to  point  oul  l!,,il  .liii:.',  Mai-i.iiiliaiik,^  uhodied  ir.i;!!  (not  in  I'.Sl 
.as  stated}  would  be  uniiMo  u.  ,,,,o.i,ir,,  m  1  ..i  7.  ,so  it  is  alnio,t  si,|„alluoils  to  add,  as   no   son   .lo,s,.,,h  is   n,i,»,l    1,\  . I, ours  m    lf,i;!>.    I.oni    Tw.a 



3'ct  to  lie  liis  sole  acliievemeiit  in  Scottish  genealou-y,  was  unaware 
of  the  existence  of  an  entry  in  the  Edinbuvqh  burnh  records  of 
the  admission  of  .lusoph  Mavjoi-ibanks,  "second  son'  of  umciuhile 
(the  late)  James  Marjoribanks  "  as  burgess  and  guild  brother,  the 
subsequent  discovery  of  which,  joined  to  his  previous  knowledge 
that  the  James  who  was  not  the  Clerk  Register's  son  had  no  son 
Joseph,  must  have  slightly  shaken  his  conviction  of  the  impossi- 
bility of  Joseph  being  the  son  of  the  James  who  was  the  Clerk 
Register's  soil  We,  in  fact,  find  two  contemporary  merchant 
burgesses  of  E.linl.urgli  naiuc<l  James  Marjoribanks,  unquestion- 
ably related  to  ..ii,.  iiiiotli,.]-,  and  one  of  them  .son  of  the  Lord 
of  Session  and  Clerk  Register,  figuring  lar-ely  in  documents  and 
records  of  the  period  ;  and,  in  the  light  f)f  a  very  much  ]arr.-er 
range  of  evidence  than  Mr.  Foster  has  printed,  it  niay  not  always 
be  easy  to  determine  which  JaiJies  a  given  .locument  alludes  to 
Ihis  identity  of  name  forms  a  difficulty  in  the  way  of  traciii'-'- 
some  ramifications  of  the  Marjoribanks  iaudlv  ;  but  the  difficulty 
does  not  extenrl  to  Lord  Tw'eedmouth's  branch,  for  this  reason 
among  others,  that  wliile  the  burghal  records  shew  that  Lord 
Tweedinouth's  ancestor  was  second  son  of  one  of  the  two  Jameses 
this  cannot  have  been  the  James  whose  will  proves  him  to  have' 
had  no  son  Joseph,  and  must  th(Tefuie  be  the  other,  the  Clerk 
Register's  son. 

Mr.  Foster,  however,  though  sensible  ,,r  tlie  Haw  in  his  oliieetion 
as  originally  put,  does  not  abandon  it,  but  eiidea\<Jiiis  to  prop  it 
up  by  a  new  hypothesis  suggested  by  jm  cntiy  in  tlie  Ivliiibur-li 

Cuild  Register  in   l5(;:]of   athiid   .la s,  soji' of  Simon   Maiiori- 

banks,  on  wb-.m  be  prefers  lo  lix  ll„'  iiateiiii'tv  of  ' 
This    third    Jaine,-;,   bow.ver,  seems    to    have    ,li,.,|    ion    aft.-r   1 'is 

""'Hiion  eitbei-  or'l,i,n  or  ..f  bis  so,, '  .los''pli.  ■  'xTmTvZu.v 
■•^V'Ts  not,  1„.  it  remembered,  that  the  identitvof  boni  Twe,.!- 
nu.utbs  ancestor  .lames,  with  .).-,i„es,  son  of  the  Clerk  Reeist,-r 
IS  insntiiei.ntly  jn'oved,  but  that  their  identity  is  "capable  ,,i' 
disprool  absobite."     Such  disproof  he  at  hvast  has  not,.d 

A  word  about  Mr.  l'''s  new  objeetioiis  to  tbi'  iec(jide(l 
pedigree.  In  his  'Peerage'  be  admitted,  ro„b,nn,,bl  v  fo  tint 
pedigree,  that  l':.l\v;ird  .M.-u  joi  il,-uiks  of  1 1,-,  II  v.-n.l-.  wb',,  nriirie,! 
Agnes  .Murr.-iy   in    Kns:,    was    balaT   of    Kdw;n/l    .Marjorib.'in'ks   'o'f 

is  that  llietw.,  Ivbvar.b  were  one  'wl'io'wis  (  Ji^.e'n  rim '' I  ' ''I'l" 
lias  a  .s,.nsational  p;uagrapl,  headed  "  Disp.'oo    of  the  exist'enee  of 


MK.    JOSKni    KOSTrJl    AND    TIIK    LYON    OFFICE.        290 

tlic  MO-calltMl  evvoi'  is  connected  witl),<anil  greatly  aggravateil  by, 
tliu  speciticatii)n  of  KiSS  in  tlic  ullicial  pciligree  as  tlic  year  of  the 
younger  Edwanr.s  birtii.  "  This  date,"  he  says,  "  is  a  fabrication 
jnire  and  simple,"  and  "now  admitted  by  the  Lyon  Clerk 
Depute  to  be  so."  The  reader  who  ha.s  followed  me  tluis  far  will 
perhaps  not  bu  greatly  surprised  to  learn  that  this  date  of  IGSb 
has  been  added  by  Mr.  Foster  at  his  own  liand  to  what  he  calls 
"  Pedigree  No.  2."  It  occurs  in  no  pedigi-ee  in  the  Lyon  Oflico, 
registered  or  unregistered,  and  in  no  printed  account  of  the 
family,  except  I\Ir.  Foster's.  If  Mr.  Foster  is  right  in  calling  it 
a  "fabrication,  pure  and  simple,"  this  can  only  be  so  in  the  sense 
of  its  being  a  fabrication  of  his  own.'  Putting  out  of  view 
this  "fabric^^ited"  date,  tli.'  so-ealled  ■' Disproof  of  the  existence 
of  Edwanl  :\l,u;iuriban]^s  Uw  y.nniger."  will  be  iVMUid  to  rest 
on  the  absence  of  any  register  of  Edward's  liaptisiu,  a  sort  of 
negative  evidence  to  which  persons  conversant  with  Scottish 
parish  registers  will  not  attach  much  value,  and  secondly  on  a 
suggestion  of  motive.  "  Was  it,"  Mr.  Foster  asks,  "  because  the 
second  marriage  took  place  only  a  few  months  after  the  first 
wife's  death  that  Lyon  evidently  shrank  from  perpetuating  what 
seemed  to  him  a  family  scandal  ?"  Most  people  will  .smile  at  the 
idea  of  a  second  marriage  of  an  ancestor  who  liveil  two  hundi-ed 
years  ago  within  a  short  period  of  his  first  wife'.s  death  being  so 
serious  a  blot  on  the  family  escutcheon  that  it  had  to  bo  concealed 
or  suppressed.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  just  possible  that  some 
persons  may  look  on  the  short  interval  in  question  as  I'aising  a 
jiresumption  in  a  matter  regarding  which  Mr.  F(jstor  can  produce 
no  i)ositive  evidence,  that  the  two  ladies  were  not  wives  of  the 
same  Edward.  liad  the  Lyon  Oifice  peiligree  adopted  the 
.'dirrnati\"c  of  one  I'jdwanl  'with  two  wives,  is  tliere  no  reasrm  to 
susi)ect  that  Mr.  ]''oster  would  have  split  this  one  Evlward  into 
two  ? 

Mr.  Foster  in  like  manner,  if  J  understand  liim  aright,  suggests 
that  the  wife  of  the  first  Edward  was  not  really  Agnes  Murray 
but  Jean  Murray,  as  her  name  was  thus  entered  twice  over  in 
connexion  with  her  interment  in  the  CJreyfriars  Churchyard.  It 
happens,  however,  that  if  buried  (or  even  twice  buried)  as  Jean, 
.she  was  tln-ee  times  brought  to  bi.'d  as  Agnes;  and,  had  the 
recorded  pedigree  called  her  Jenti,  Lyon  might  pcrli;ii)s,  with 
more  apparent  reason,  have  been  taken  to  task  for  not  cn.lling 
her    Agnes. 

I  have  perhaps  said  more  than  enough  about  the  objections  to 

il.NS  .sreu..^  to  Ijavc  b.-eu  cvulvcd  i.s  ,t  IcUer 
IT.  vx|irL-.ssiiig  .111  oiiinion  Uiat  IGSS  iiiiylil 
r  I'Mwaiil's  Ijirtli.  It  surely  exceeils  the 
ihf^"  to  cuiivort  ri  private  cxprc-sBion  of 
itn  .-111  nfficiiil  decl.iiatinn  hy,  nnd  to 


cut  of   xUiloh  tl,^ 


iswcr  to  one  by  : 

mMv    Iv    t 

li..   ibilc   of  tli,. 

.UMliy  »cc. 

iicU'd   to  "bpcci: 

f   iin   nffic^ 

i-r   of   tlir  Lyon 

300        MR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER.    AND   THE    LYOK    OFFICE. 

tlie  ofticially  recorded  pedigree,  which  1  would  have  altogether 
abstained  t'roin  noticing,  had  they  stood  alone;  it  is  graver 
matter  that  has  induced  nic  to  appear  in  print.  I  have  already 
said  that  one  and  only  one  Jlarjori banks  pedigree  is  recorded  in 
the  Lyon  Register.  Mr.  Foster  prints  three  separate  pedigrees, 
which  he  designates  Nos.  1,  2,  and  3  ;  and  he  deliberately  asserts 
that  all  three  are  recorded  or  oflicially  authenticated  in  the  Lyon 
Register,  and  No.  3  at  a  later  date  than  No.  L  In  point  of  t'act 
No.  1  is  the  sole  officially  authenticated  pedigree.  No.  2  is  the 
pedigree  in  Burke's  '  Peerage,'  in  which  the  clerical  slip  or  mis- 
print in  the  name  of  the  Balbairdic  ancestor  is  made  the  most  of 
as  an  accusation  against  the  Lyon  Office,  and  the  already  men- 
tioned "fabricated''  date  of  1G88  introduced.  No.  3  is  a  [lortion 
of  a  private  manuscript  of  older  date  than  Sir  Dudley  Marjuri- 
bank's  (Lord  Tweedniouth)  application  to  have  his  pedigreo 
recorded.  It  may  be  described  as  an  attempt  from  a  limited 
amount  of  inaterial  to  construct  a  conjectural  pedigree  of  the 
diflerent  branches  of  the  Maijoribanks  family.  Those  portions 
of  it  which  Mr.  Foster  has  printed,  and  to  a  far  greater  extent 
those  portions  which  he  has  omitted,  contain  much  matter 
avowedl_y  hypothetical.  About  its  author.ship,  or  its  merits  or 
demerits,  I  need  here  say  nothing.  Though,  "in  the  Lyon  Office," 
in  the  sense  that  multitudes  of  pedigrees  printed  and  \vritten  are 
in  the  Lyon  Office,  it  has  no  official  character,  is  not  authenticated 
or  recorded  ;  and  could  not  have  been  recorded,  as  much  of  it 
purj^orts  to  consist,  not  of  statements  capable  of  strict  proof,  but 
of  guesses  more  or  less  probable.  By  Mr.  Foster's  own  account, 
it  became  kncjwn  to  him  only  through  some  notes  from  it  coni- 
municated  to  him  by  a  member  of  the  elder  (Balbairdic)  line  of 
the  Marjoribanks  family,  who  had  been  allowed  to  copy  it  in 
whole  or  in  part,  and  whose  courtesy  Mr.  Foster  has  requited  by 
making  his  jK-'digrec  the  subject  of  a  separate  and  distinct  public 
attack.  That  Mr.  Foster,  on  first  getting  Mr.  Marjoribanks'  notes, 
jumped  to  the  conclusion  that  they  were  taken  from  an  official 
Lyon  Office  pedigree,  is  conceivable  enough  ;  but  it  is  months 
since  he  was  undeceived  by  Mr.  Stodart,  who  distinctly  and 
pointedly  explained  to  him  the  true  state  of  the  case,  and,  when 
furnishing  him  with  an  authentic  copy  of  the  only  pi'oved  and 
registered  pedigree,  informed  him  that  the  original  of  his  "  No.  3" 
belonged  to  a  class  of  jirivatc  and  unrecorded  documents,  to 
which  it  was  discretionary  with  Lyon  to  grant  or  refuse  access. 
staking  every  allowance  for  mere  obtuseness  of  comprehi-nsion, 
it  is  impossible  to  exonerate  j\Ir.  Foster  from  the  charge  of  reck- 
less assertion,  when,  after  what  was  told  him  at  the  Lyon 
Office,  he  prints  his  No.  3  as  an  officiall}'  authenticated  pedigree, 
"taken  from  the  Lord  Lyon's  account  in  the  Lyon  Office,  Edin- 
burgh," and  makes  it  the  ground  of  a  wholesale  impeachment  of 
the  Lyon   Office,  and   a  proposal  that  Lyon   and   Lester  (whose 

MR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER    AND    THE    LYON    OFFICE.        301 

complicity  remains  unexplained)  should  be  abolislied,  and  tlieir 
duties  transferred  to  the  English  College  of  Arms.' 

I  wish  it  then  to  be  distinctly  understood  that  the  gravamen 
of  my  complaint  against  Mr.  Foster  is,  not  that  he  lias  en- 
deavoured to  discredit  a  proved  and  recorded  pedigree,  but  that 
he  has  set  up  two  other  documents  as  proved  and  reconled 
pedigi'ecs  which  he  knew  not  to  be  such,  in  order  to  discredit  the 
Lyon  OUicc  Viy  pulling  them  to  pieces. 

Mr.  Fostei''s  boast  that  he  is  "more  conversant  with  Sct)ttish 
genealogy  ....  than  the  present  authoi-ities  of  the  Lyon  Office" 
makes  it  interesting  to  glance  over  his  opinion  regarding  the 
existing  sources  of  information  on  Scottish  genealogy  and  topo- 
graphy as  cxpi-essed  in  the  preface  to  his  "  List  of  Members  of 
Parliament."     Ho  assigns  the  highest  place  among  trustworthy 

'The   only   inl.T-i    wln'.Oi    .'i--,  Kin-  ..f    \niM   I  .-mi   l,,-  ^Mi.nosH,!  (,,   l,:ivo  in    i  i  '.i,, 
banks  of   tl,.a    1,1.. 
admitteiUy   iiilierituJ 
grandfather's  dt-atli  ; 
and  probably  at  evt-ii 
Now,  witlinul.„;Mii 
to  me  fur  (In   ,.  '  ^  ■  i 
that  of   all    (Im     ■    y: 
oflicLil  .s.-niiiu|.., 

'J  1... Ill, 11     .M;., 

I   the   estate  ol 
.and  in  1639,  on 

a  later  <late,  a  ; 


reign  of  Chul.'     11. 
of  armslioil,  1.-.  il„- 

sortof  visll.ilh-n  .ii  . 
to  be  "di.-pn.v.Mr'    1 
this  record,  1  bavr  li 
in  tlie  light  of  the  ,  ■ 
fore  take  a  hirgo  aur 
Balbairdie  M-as  in  I':, 
admitted  reiiresent,;, 

liv, 'th,.   gr:.,i,l,- 

atii.n  ot  the  ia'ni 
efore  the  entry  in 

1  ■      i        iM,^t,>  except.     It  ih.iv- 
■      i-i    that  Th.imas  Marjniibanl.s  ,.f 
i,    1,:   111,     of   the  Ilk.     The  d-atl,  nf  the 
il,-ii   nf   ii,./  Mv.iid   ■I'hnmas  of  U,allio,   w,,s    fiuitu 
it  ;  the  relati.iiiship    wa^    necessarily    near,    and    the    parties    were    in    a  public 

Both  omcially  .-uid  niiom.i.illv  I  flieref.,ro  contend  tli.d  Thomas  Mari..ribank.i  of 
r.alb.airdie  was  in  V.rJ  i  r|,ix.-ciitativc  of  Mnrjoril,  inks  of  ll,:,l  Ilk.  11..-  wa^  a-liMiltcdly 
6onof  Join,  of  r.i.n.Hi.lic:  but  who  v.a-  .loln,  ol  r,aU,,ui,lir  .'  The  tcnMtivc  |.cdi-ree 
puts  him  chmi,  ,1,  piob.iMy  liiolhrr  of  the  ,-.vo,„l  ■phMncn  oi'  K.aho,  but  (hi.s 
sUatomcnt    is    carclullv   L'u.udod   be   a    icm  irk    that   the   cadence   ot   his   b.inp;  .-o  li 

inferential  and   no!    d'ncd.      .Mr.   bo, in-   ,„|,lncrH   .■lid-ncc    that    J'lionias  thr    s-c 1 

of  a  postl, unions  rliild,  .;lhl  ai-'lcs  lint   iu.cnui.h    as    no    ,-o.tliuiuo„  ,  rliild 

that  r.albairdic    has  bTomc   u  pn  -cnt.ativ '   .M;u  jonb.niks   of    that    Ilk.       lias    .Mr. 

lu-oduc'cdYva  p:occ,',  .,f  «hich  III.'  lo-V'',',n|\'h.  "be'ttel'.' '  "  '        '"'    '""''"  '  ^     '"    "''   ""' 

J'.albaird.c-selncUamdiip  of  Ins  tauuly  is  hou  ev.  r  be  no  means  bound  up  v,  ill,  the 

hypotli(,.,is  of  a  t\un  birth.      V.irious  d.ites  and  documents,  of  which  the  comj.iler  of 

cx),l,ination  th  d  .Mill  .M.n  j,.ribanks  of  llalbairdie' was  b'r.",tli'er'"ot  tlc'Tlc 'nia^of  I'alho 

wl.ov,,     ::;.,    r,   !■■     c     ...1  Thomas  of  inherited    I  i.  ■  ;    : ,  o  v  ■ ,  :    ■    .nt- 
u:i'..  .■■\        ,M,Ic.     r.ut  the  use  which  has  been  m..  ,  '    :  ■  '    .   date 

>ai  ■       c    [  r,      '         ,  .  :  ::,-■  Cl.-rk  Depute  renders  it  here  n,      ■        ,. ,.■  to 

ad. I  111  ii,  l,..v,,  ..  I    |.i.  ':  ,'i!c   this  hypotheai.i  may   seem,  I  .am  nut  :iii   .ci  ii:-  Ua-  it  as 
tin  oflicial  uttcr.uicc. 

302        JIR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER   AND    THE    LYON   OFFICE. 

autliorities  to  "  Wood's  Peerage  by  Doug-las/'  If  tlie  book  meant  be 
Douglas'  Peevago  oilited  by  Wood,  this  is  an  ojiinion  in  whicli 
few  people  in"  Scotland  who  have  made  genealogy  a  study  will 
quite  coincide.  Still  less  will  Scottish  genealogists  agree  with 
liis  remarks  regarding  a  class  of  works,  of  which,  in  their  beai'ing 
on  Scottish  local  and'goneral  history  and  genealogy,  it  is,  accord- 
ing to  their  uni\-ersal  opiniDO,  iiii])ossible  to  exau^erate  the  value, 
"those  great  Club  S.,ciriir<,"  lir  says,  ■■  tli-  Iloxburgh,  the 
Bannatyne,  and  the  Maiilaiid,  wli.i  miglit  \n\vr  edited  and  printed 
so  much  valuable  material,  have  iiraet,ieally  missed  tlieir  mark:  by 
catering  foi-  the  jiowerful  few  instead  of  the  majority  of  the 
nation."  °  The  only  possible  meaning  of  these  words  is  that  the 
books  in  question  were  printed  for  the  subscribers  only  instead 
of  tlie  general  public,  a  charge  to  which  Mr.  Foster's  "Collectanea" 
is  equally  amenable.  It  is  truly  a  novelty  to  hnd  a  writer  who 
calls  hiniself  an  expert  in  Scottish  genealogy,  disparaging  a  series 
of  books,  whose  appearance  constituted  nothing  less  than  an  era 
to  the  Scottish  historian,  antiijuary,  and  genealogist.  "  Missed 
their  mark!"  Why,  where  would  the  Scottish  genealogist  now 
be  without  the  aid  of  the  chartularies  of  the  bishoprics  and 
naonasteries,  and  .the  large  mass  of  documents,  many  of  them  of 
the  highest  intei-est,  illustrative  of  the  history  of  our  leading 
i'amilici;,  which  were  formerly  inaccessible  to  the  ordinary 
student ;  not  to  speak  of  a  wealth  of  contemporary  chronicles, 
and  the  admirably  digested  repertory  of  topograpliical  and 
genealogical  infoi-ination  regarding  the  dioceses  of  Argyle,  the 
Isles,  Ross,  Caithness,  and  Glasgow,  which  constitute  the  tlii-eo 
volumes  entitled  "  Origines  Parochiales  Sc<i(i:e."  Notwith- 
standing all  that  has  been  done,  and  well  dour,  liy  tlie  Surtees, 
Chetham,  Camden,  and  other  societies.  Englishmen  have  not  yet 
accoiii))lished  for  England,  consiilering  its  wealth  in  HKHicy  ;ind 
materials,  all  that  has  been  done  for  Scotland  bv  the  llanmitNJH', 
MaiLland,  Spaldhig,  and  Abbotsford  Clubs."  If  .Mi-.  l''usivr 
believes  that  the  great  recui-d  seholars  who  edited  dul) 
books  would  have  better  i'.\j,cndrd  their  energies  in  work  similar 
to  his  "  Collectanea,"  he'  is  cniiilcd  to  his  opinion;  but  hr  will 
find  few  to  agree  with  him  lliat  the  result  would  ha\  e  been 
"  a  joy  for  ever." 

From  the  general  censure  dc'ilt  out  to  all  works  bearing  on 
Scottish  genealogy  cxcrpL  "Wood's  Peerage  by  Douglas," 
Mr.  Foster  is  pleased  to  exempt  '  the  record  publications  now  in 

MR.    JOSEPH    FOSTER    AXP    THE    LYON    OFFICE.        303 

progress,  e.g.,  tlie  Great  Seal  Register,  tlic  Privy  Council  Ilegister, 
and  the  Exchequer  Rolls  "  ;  but,  it  is  added,  "as  these  principally 
refer  to  the  fit'tecuth  century,  they  can  only  throw  light  on  a 
small  portion  of  the  period  embraced  in  this  work."  'J'he  mild 
praise  liere  accorded  to  the  five  volumes  of  the  "  Exchequer  Rolls," 
gratifying  as  it  is  to  their  editor  as  a  set  off'  against  the 
liard  things  .said  of  him  in  anotlicr  capacity,  woukl  perhaps 
have  been  moi-e  highly  prized  hail  ilr.  Foster  shewn  nrore 
acquaintance  with  the  "  Privy  Council  Register,"  an  inspection 
even  of  the  cover  or  title-page  of  which  would  have  informed 
liiin  that  the  four  volumes  of  that  series  do  not  deal  with  the 
Hfteenth  century  at  all,  but  are  exclu.sively  concerned  with  the 
second  half  of  the  sixteenth.  Of  tlie  works  of  the  Burgh 
Recoi'ds  Society,  which  fill  up  one  portion  of  the  grouml  which 
he  asserts  to  be  inibroken,  Mr.  Foster  seems  to  have  never  heard. 
If  I  am  unfortunate  enougli  to  be  luiable  to  concur  with 
]\Ir.  Foster's  estimate  of  liimself  as  an  authority  on  Scottish 
genealogy,  I  must  add  that  I  have  no  \\i^\\  to  discourage  his 
undertakings  generally,  and  least  of  all  his  "Peerage."  His 
competition  with  Sir  Bernard  Burke  has  had  the  wholesome 
result  of  stirring  up  Ulster  King  of  Arms  to  improve  vei-y 
greatly  his  annual  publication,  which,  if  susceptible  of  still 
fui-thcr  improvement,'  must  lie  allowed  to  be  as  yet  the  best  work 
of  its  kind.  And,  if  \\r.  seriously  aspires  to  entering  on  tlie  field 
of  Scottish  genealogy,  1  Wdulil  advise  him  to  begin  at  the  right 
end,  by  a  careful  perusal  ol'  sndi  standard  authorities  on  Scottiih 
history  as  will  ])ivsltvc  him  frmii  being  misled  l)y  stories  like 
the  Battle  of  Sc.m  ■,  and  bv  the  aeqiiiMtimi  of  such  'a  knuwled.,. 
of  feudal  law  as  will  him  t„  distinguish  betwen'a 
general  and  a  sp.H-ial  -r\iee,  and  of  such  a  rudimentary 
acquaintance  M'itli  the  pinp.T  sDuree-,  of  information  as  is  to 
be  picked  up  fnwu  that  e-,ernl  haiell"...k,  the  late  ifr.  Cosmo 
Innes'  'Scottish  Lena!  Anli(iuities.'  Thence  he  mi'dit  advance 
to  the  .study  of  Rodger's'  Keudal  Fuims;  lllMelTs  'Peerage  and 
Consistorial  Law,'  and  tlie  dispai-agi'd  Club  Imoks  :  and  let  him  at 
the  same  time  add  tn  his  library  Chalmers'  '  Caledonia,'  and  not 
oidytho  new,  but  the  uld  s-iiesof  ree,„d  jiublicatiuas.  And  1 
cannot  forbear  fnrther  euuiiselling  him,  if  he  Iiuites  for  success,  to 
be  more  courteous,  and  to  direct  ins  attention  to  liuildiie.-  up  as 
well  as  to  pulhiig  down.  Had  half  the  labour  wliieli  has  been 
expended  on  his  unsuccessful  crusade  ai;ainst  Lord  'Iwei'dmouth's 
pe.lio-ree  been  devoted  to  eonvelinu  theshoiteomin-s,  sup],lement- 
ing  the  defects,  and  jnuiiiii-  Die  exnbrianei's  of  his  '  j-eera-e," 
Uiat  book  would  have  had  :i  e!i;ine,.  ,,]■  l.cing  greatly  bett.'r  and 
mure  trustworthy'  tlian  it  is. 



































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rEDlCrtEE    OK    THE    FAMILY    OF    GREVIS.  307 

■  i  *  ■^- 



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rKDlGKEE    OF    THE    FAMILY    OF    OREVlS. 


fa  O  (li  t-  r5   ■!=  X  ► 

3-?  S  „ 


W-- ' ■  ■- 

Florence    Maud     Thomas    Herbert 
Audrey,  l>orn  at     Sboubridge.  bom 
Mount  Aboo  in     at  HytheinKent. 
Punjaub   26                       — 
Jan.  1S68.               Charles   Gre\-i3 

11     liig 


:  fi  5  5  -s  I  =  ,  ^-  ~  ^  e 

WHMQ  S^'OC      -3-S,ti 

■  a  ■^  ?:  £ . 


BDIGREE    OF    THE    FA:NrTLY    OF    GREVIS.  309 

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C'^'^^  §  §;i;3  «_jj; 



SCOTLAND,    AS    TO    THE    SUKXA^U'     AND    ARMS    OF 


In  France,  EepnLlican  ami  Democratic  as  she  is,  not  a  year  passes  in 

Avliicli  the  Courts  of  Law  are  not  called  upon  to  decide  several  disputes 

as  to  the  right  to  names  or  arms  or  Loth. 

In  Scotland  on  tlic  otlicr  hand  where  wo  live  under  a  hereditary 
monarchy,  have  a  numerous  aristocracy  most  of  wliose  chiefs  hold  tlieir 
Lands  under  strict  entail,  and  where  interest  in  famih'  history  is  widely 
felt,  such  cases  are  rare.  Siiu:e  the  <;(iii(('sl  in  1 S  1-9 "l.rlween  the  heir- 
general  IMr.  Sinini-Cuniiiuli;iiii.-  c,f  Cnpiin-tuii  .-nid  tlic  heir  male  Sir 
Kobert  Keith  Dii'k-Cuiiyii,L;li:im  ..[  l'iv-t..nlicM,,  for  the  Kuppmiers 
granted  in  1771  tu  Sir  Alu.\ander  Diclc,  whicii  is  reported  in  Seton's 
L'lir  and  Practice  of  HctrdJi-i/  in  t^collaiid,  it  does  not  appear  the  Court 
of  Session  has  been  called  upon  to  intervene  in  a  family  difference, 
turning  on  such  a  point  till  7  June  last  year  when  the  case  of  Hunter 
V.  HunterAVoston  came  before  the  Lord  Ordinarj^. 

The  in  Scotch  entails  which  make  the  assumption  of  the  sur- 
name and  arms  of  the  entailer  obligatory,  vary  much  in  wording  and  in 
stringency     They  seem  to  be  divisiljle  into  three  classes. 

First,  those  which  oblige  the  heir  in  possession  and  the  husband  of  any 
fenralc  heir  who  shall  succeed  to  assume  the  surname  and  arms  onlv. 
Instances  arr  tlie  entail  of  Lord  Oimv  HOU,  Alrlvrr  Campb.-ll  of  Ask- 
nish]797,  Cull, nr  of  il„.  .Mount,  L^IS,  Lontiiio  of  Ardoeh  1757,  and 
Koss  of  Crni,,;irlv    17S;!. 

Second,   tlio-c   uhirh  bind  thr  h.'irs  to  assume    tho   surname,  and  arms, 

but  express] V  allow 11, er   raiue  aiel   another  ,.,.,t    t.-   \,r    borue    :,l,,ng 

with  them.      Th.'vaie    ll,e  tei'uis   of   entails  of   .Maemilliiu   ,.f  .Sl,o,lhope 
1830,  ^Murray  of  renuvl,„,d  17S1,  Maekeu/ie  ,.f  Newhall  \SOX 

v\  of  Ikiddin^toi,  1S.-,1,  in  consi.leratiou 
ir  Mr.  lliulli,.  th,-n  in  i,.3ssession  of  tl„' 
,vid,-s  ll,:,i  the  heir  succee.ling  sImH  b,';,r 
the  alius,  di'signation  and  cognizanc  of 
;toi,  '•  ill  th,'  eiiief  place." 
,-lat,'S  e.Ncut,'.!  m  1SG2  by  the  lat,' 
eyond  this  ,.v,ui  ;  it  pi-oyides  that  if  tlu^ 
:,  tlu'  Kaildon,  ;,n.l  , 'States  of  ll,,,,,,'  he 
n,l    name    of    of    J)ou,.|as    ;,ud 

■MM-uted  111  ISlI)  b/Rnbei-t  V'aldua.ll 
,-ent  ,.f  his  wife  .Mrs.  I'k.nnnra  lliinler, 
le  heiis  suee,.ediug  and  tl„'  l,Uslu,,ds  of 
,  us,.,  luMi-,  an.l  conslantly  r,'lain  the 
.aial  ,.f  the  family  of  lluntersi.uin." 
very  e,.mui,,n,as'(iartslHn-e  of  ( lailsliuiv 
eadi..,   L,.cli,.re,  &c.  172 1-5,  Crahanie  of 

The  entail  exeeut 

e,l  l,y  tl,..   K 

of    the    p,-,sition   of 

his'u.-xt    ll 

entailed  estate  ,,f  .le 


the  surnami'  of    llai 

uiltou,    ai„l 

the  house  aial  fiiuil 

v,,f  il.a.hli, 

The    entail    ,,f    ll 

I,,.     Douglas 

Countess  of  Hom,'  <. 

;,"'s  a  step 

heir  in  possession  si 

".shall    al,,ng    wilh 

ll,|.    an,,-; 

others  ab,iye   meiili, 

,11,  ,1    Us,-  an, 

tion  of  Hon,,-  in  ,l,i 

.■f,,s  -hi-- 
,-li   as    that 

Hunter 'of   ll,,uf,,s 

ton,  with   e. 

all    female    leais   se 

i.v.v.liug    ■' 

surname  of  lluul.u- 

au,l  e,.at  an 

Entails  with  this 

limilali,,n  ai 

109-1,  Malclm  of   ( 

Ira.ige,    Lai 

NOTICE    OF   CASE    OE    HUNTER.  311 

Morphie  17*13.  The  lieirs  have  frequently  in  the  exercise  of  a  discretion 
evidently  left  to  tlieni  and  which  has  only  now  been  cliallenged  in  tlie 
case  under  consideration,  postponed  the  surname  and  arms  conveyed  by 
tlie  deed  of  entail  to  tliose  they  bore  when  the  succession  opened  to  them. 
It  would  be  very  easy  to  multiply  precedents  but  one  will  sutlico  as  it  is 
recent,  includes,  if  tlie  sporting  plirase  is  permissible,  "  a  double  event," 
and  was  aff<irded  by  the  procedure  of  a  well-lvnown  gentleman  of  liigh 
position.  Tlie  late  Sir  Ah^xander  jMaitland,  Bart.,  M.P.  for  :\Iidlothian, 
inherited  tluuugli  his  mother,  the  heiress  of  a  cadet  branch  of  the  family 
of  Gibson  of  Durie,  the  entailed  estates  of  Cliftonhall  and  Kersic.  By 
the  terms  of  the  deed  executed  in  17S6  he  was  bound  "  to  use  and  bear 
the  surname  and  arms  of  Gibson  of  Cliftonhall."  Justly  proud  of 
paternal  descent  from  a  historical  house  of  which  William  ]\Iautelent 
lived  at  tlie  end  of  tlic  twelfth  century,  wliicli  gave  birth  to  AVilliam 
Maitland  of  Lethington  tlie  statesman  of  the  troubled  time  of  Queen 
Mary's  reign,  to  a  long  line  of  Earls,  and  which  attained  ducal  rank  in 
1G72,  Sir  Alexander  althougli  possessed  of  no  paternal  estate  called  him- 
self Gibson-ilaitland  and  placed  his  own  arms  in  the  iirst  quarter. 

In  1865,  on  the  death  of  his  cousin  german  Charles  William  Kanisay 
Ramsay,  he  became  possessed  of  the  extensive  estates  of  Barnton,  Gogar, 
Sauchie,  Eannocklnirn,  &c.,  under  an  entail  dated  25  Dec,  1807, 
containing  a  clause  binding  the  heirs  who  shall  succeed  "  to  use,  bear, 
and  constantly  retain  the  surname  of  Ramsay  and  the  coat  armorial 
and  designation  of  Ramsay  of  Barnton." 

Sir  Alexaniler  still  kept  his  own  .surname  as  the  principal  one,  becoming 
Ramsay-Gibsou-TNlaitland,  and  with  the  sanction  of  the  Lyon  King  of 
Arms  marshalled  his  arms  thus  : — First  and  fourth,  ^Maitland  ;  second, 
Gibson  ;  third,  Ramsay;  with  the  crest  and  motto  of  Maitland  only. 

Having  cleared  the  gnmnd  so  far  and  shewn  the  practice,  wo  now 
come  tu  llic  ca<e  in  which  an  ill-advised  attempt  to  reverse  this  practice 
lias  so  signallv  f:iiliMl. 

The  family  df  iluiitn-  .,f  llunter^lou  is  om'  .,f  tli.'  oldest  in  lli,;  West 
of  Scotland";  they  may  descend  from  WilMnius  A'eimtor,  wlm,  in  or 
about  11 IG,  witnessed  an  inquisition  as  to  llic  possrssimis  of  the  See  of 
Glasgow,  but  of  this  there  is  no  pro. if.  On  tli(^  :i8  Anuust  12'JG  at 
])erwiek-o]i-Tweed  Ayliii.,,.  1,.  lI.nit.Te  di,l  homage  to  Edward  1,  and 
ajipended  his  seal  (wmild  ii  \vti-  lill  in  existence)  to  the  same  deed  as 
Blair,  Eairlie,  ^hnv,  Duidop,  Ciuiro,,!,  B.ovle,  Blair,  Wallace,  and  otliers, 
all  mciubrrs  of  well-kii..\vii  A\i   hue  r.LiiiiliVs,  his  nei-hbours. 

William  Ihnitar  in  137  I  linl  a  noun  tln.iter  of  the  lands  of  Ardnele, 
afterwaiils  known  ;,s  Anirlrl  I  iinlri ,  ;,n,l  jattcrlv  as  llunterston,  situated 
in  thr  jMiisl,  ,.f  W.-.t  Kill.iHlr  in  AMslnre. 

TIh.    l.iuds    and    rl,:.rtn-, 


liell     tlll.'r 

is    repl-odueed    in    f,lrs!  mile    in 

I'at.T.-on's    J/;.tnr,/   ,.f  ,[,„■ 
.Mrs.  llunlriAVrslon,  who  i 
the    family,  allhoU:^li    ucv,  i 


'/   11  ■/./''"", 

are,  botl,   in   the   jlossessiou    of 
f    the  giante,..      The  estates  of 
I   free    harony,  hold  direct   of 

the      crown    ;      its      sUCrr^M^r 



s    have    always    maintained    a 

leading  position  in  llir  disli 
of  tlie  Forest  of    Little   Cm 


and  In'ld   tl 
ae    and    Pro 

,e_  hereditary  olhces  of   keeper 


They  intermarried  with  : 


■  of  Keislan 

d,  Lord  Cathcarl,  :\fonfgomerv 


of  GifloTi,  Hamilton  of  Tormnco,  Cranfurd  of  Anchonamos,  t^-c,  and 
subsisted  in  tlie  direct  male  line  till  the  death  in  161G  of  Eobert  lluutin' 
of  Iluntcrslon.  This  gentleman  in  IGll  executed  a  resignation  of  his 
estates,  reserving  his  life  rent,  in  favour  of  Patrick  Hunter,  sou  of 
William  Hunter  in  Bonoberric  Yairds,  who  had  married  his  eldest  niece 
Jean  Cuninghame.  The  estate  thus  remained  in  possession  of  a  Hunter, 
but  Patrick's  exact  line  of  desc(mt  is  unknown. 

A  second  break  in  the  male  line  took  place  in  179G  on  the  deatli  of 
Robert  Hunter  of  Hunterston.  Flis  only  child,  who  married,  was 
Eleonora  Huntei-  of  Hunterston  ;  her  husband  Robert  Caldwell  assumed 
the  surname  of  Hunter  in  addition  to  and  after  his  paternal  name,  and 
executed  the  entail  still  subsisting.  Their  son,  Robert  Hunter  of 
Hunterston,  died  on  14th  March,  1880,  when  for  the  third  time  the 
succession  ])assed  to  an  heir  general.  His  youii'^ui'  diniLjhter  is  wife  of 
Robert  AVilliam  Cochran-Patrick  of  Woodsidr  aiid  l.udyland,  MP.  for 
North  Ayrshire;  the  elder,  Jane,  who  succocdcd  t<j  lliuilciston,  married 
in  1863  Lieutenant-Colonel  Gould  Read  "Weston,  a  younger  son  of  the 
family  of  Weston  of  Lane  House,  co.  Dorset,  and  descended  in  the  direct 
male  lino  from  that  "  notable  and  singular  man "  Robert  Weston  of 
Weeford  Co.  Statl'ord,  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland  in  the  reign  of 
Elizabeth,  whose  noble  living  and  godly  dying  are  recorded  by  his 
contemporary  Holinshed,  [Chrouiclcs,  ed.  1580,  ii,  116,  136],  who, 
although  Imt  a  cadet,  cuuld  trace  paternally  througli  the  Westons,  seated 
for  generations  at  Hagley  Hall,  near  Rugeley,  to  the  parent  slock  at 
Weston-uuder-Lizard  in  Staffordshire,  from  which  ho  derived  bulh  his 
name  and  his  origin.  Lieut.-Colouel  Weston  followed  the  course  taken 
by  Sir  A.  Maitland  and  many  others  in  similar  circumstances,  jjrelixed 
Iho  surname  of  Hunter  to  his  own  name  and  quartered  the  Hunterston 
Anns  in  the  second  and  third  quarter.s.  For  this  he  applied  for  and 
obtained    tlie   Roval    kirencc  ;  he   re-istercd   the   quartered   arms   in  the 

"      "        "    "      " '  -----  —  j.^^^ 


books  of  11, 0  Klr^ll.l,  C 

olkur  .,f   Ar 

Ill.S,    il 

md   Mrs.  Hunter- Weston  aj 

for   atid    receiv,.,!    tlir   ^ 

s.nrtion  of    t 

h.'    1 

.yon  King  of   Arms  to  ear 

co.ats    of     Weston    and 

llimler    (|i 


,v.l    in    the    same    way    an. 

supporters  allow.d  to  li 

Of  Lite   falllr 

It   is    difli.ult    to    s,.. 

e    what    Li.', 

il.-C.   AVest.m    e.ail.l    have 

besides  what  lie  (bd  d. 

,  to  put  him.- 

.If   . 

■..iiipletely  nt   n</!,'  bjtli  in 

lan.l  and  in  Scolhii,(L 

There  was,  however, 

one    porson 


.   herself   and   th.'   fam 

which  .■^he  bekin-s  au-i 

lloved.       Alis 

s  Ma 

l-aivt  Hunter,    sisler   ...f   til 

laird  of  Hunleislon,  is 

a   far 


n.,.l   in  life  ;   her  two  ni..e.': 

families  so  that  tlu'  <  1 

lai,.'.'   ,.f  li.a 

■    su,- 

e.'s.i.-.n   uu.l.a-   th,'    entail  i, 

set  down  as  next    to   n. 

-n.'.      .SI,,.,   1 

\-.-r,    thoti-lit    prop, a'   to   rai 

actiiiii  against  Mrs.  IJu 


that  .an 'irritancv  had  h 

.VI,  iii.Min-.-d 

(liat    thi'    ,,a-    .Mr.s.   11 

AVeston  bad    "  aniillrd 

List  and  f.n 


1    h.a'    li'^bt    till.,   an.l  intei 

llie  who],,  rnlailod  Inw 
naluMlly  dr;id,"   keeaib 

to  llie  arms  Ihriv  is  :,,„ 

Is    in  Ih..    s:,l 
^.'  slie   ".lo.- 
■..:it   arni..ri.-il 
.Ih.-r  L;roiin, 

;  11. .1 
1  .d   1 
1  ,,f   1 

.,iiii..r,,s  if  tl„.  e.,i.tiaveiu.r 
now  use  l...:,r  and  n'tain   th 
:l,..    family  of  1  h.iil..rsl.ain. 
i.'li..n   stal.'.l,    vi/.,   that   th 

now    borne    is    not    th 

at    use.l    l.y 


entailer  ai„l  by  the  family 

NOTICE   OF    CASE    OF    HUNTER.  313 

Uj^vanls  of  two  luimlrcd  j'cavs "  and  which  was  matriculated  iu  the 
Lyon  Kogister  in  1810,  just  hcfovc  the  execution  of  the  entail. 

There  is  prima  facie  a  certain  amount  of  truth  in  the  last  statement ; 
a  change  has  been  made  not  for  the  or  second  time  in  the  arms  of 
this  family,  hut  no  change  has  l)oen  made  by  the  defenders,' so  that  upon 
them  no  responsibilitj-  rests. 

The  evidence  as  to  the  early  arms  is  unfortunately  meagre  ;  there  are 
no  old  seals  known,  there  is  no  ancient  carving  in  stone  on  the  mansion 
house  or  at  the  family  burying  ground. 

In  a  herald's  collection  of  the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of  James  V.  is 
given,  Hunter — Argent,  three  hunting  horns  Vert  stringed  Gules,  and  this 
tliore  can  be  no  douljt  was  a  very  ancient  coat  of  this  the  princii)al  family 
of  the  name. 

Other  j\ISS.  give  various  coats  for  the  name,  without  adding  any 
territorial  designations,  which  probably  were  the  bearings  of  other 
families.  Eobert  Porteus  who  was  ap]3ointed  Snowdon  Herald  ,at  the 
Restoration  made  a  very  complete  collection  of  Scottish  arms  ^^'l^ch  is  in 
the  Lyon  Office  and  was  spoken  of  by  the  late  John  Eiddell  in  very 
laudatory  terms.  It  contains  Hunter  of  Hunterston  ;  Or,  three  blowing 
horns  Veld  bi'aiidesed  Gules;  a/ifr,-,  Runtevslrmf,  Verd,  thiee  dogs 
Argent  colhnxd  Or,  on  a  chief  Argrnt  tlnvr  Inmting  liorns  Verd 
liraii.lewd  GuL's. 

The  latter  is  the  coat  whioli,  during  what  may  be  termed  the  mi<ldle 
]ierioil,  would  appear  to  have  been  used  by  the  Hunterston  family,  but 
their  reprcsi'ulative  unfortunately  did  not  obey  the  Act  of  I'arliament 
jiassed  in  1C72  making  a  general  ii"_;istration  of  arms  compulsory. 

This,  however,  was  nnl  Imrnr  in  iimre  modern  times,  for  on  llii'  iiiunu- 
ments  creeled  at  West  Kilbi  id.'  In  Patrick  Hunter  of  Hunlcr.^ton  who 
died  in  17.38,  and  to  Janet  tlie  wife  of  his  son  Robert  Hunter 
in  1791,  another  is  carved,  tliree  dog  collars  and  a  chief  charged  with  one 
luinliiig  liorn. 

That  this  was  not  altogether  an  error  or  a  fancy  is  proved  by  tlie  entry 
made  in  the  Lj-on  Register,  lG8o,  by  Jchn  Hunlar  merchant  iu  Ayr 
"descended  of  the  fannly  of  Huutarstonn  ";  A'crt,  three  colLiis  Or,  on 
a  chief  indented  Ardent  as  many  bugles  of  the  first  stringed  ami  gar- 
nished Gules. 

In  1810,  the  entailer  as  already  stated,  placed  arms  on  record  and  the 
coat  fixed  on  was  the  one  which  is  given  semnd  by  Porteus,  and  which 
certainly  was  neither  the  oldest  nor  the  ]auvs(.  'I'lie  blazon  is  : — Vert, 
three  dogs  of  chace  courant  Argent  coljaicd  Oi\  (Ui  a  rliief  of  the  second 
three  hunting  horns  of  the  first  stringed  Gul.-s.  Crest:  A  greyhound 
sejant  Argent  collared  Or.      Alolto  :   "  Cuisum  iH-rlln",,," 

In  18G5  hissnii,  II. e  l:,le  Mr.  Huutei-,  presenled  an  a],|)Iiealiun  to  the 
Lord  Lvon  in  wliie),  h..  piaved  lliat  the  older  euat  of  the  familv  ini^ht  be 
ratified  to  him  and  his  descendants,  and  for.  the  distinetion  of  sup],orters 
on  the  ground  of  his  reju'esentation  of  an  ancient  race  lioldiuL;  din^et  of 
the  crown  and  long  also  in  the  enjoyment  of  ihehere.litarv  olliees  already 

Tills  appiiealion  was  favourably  re.vived.  Tlie  anus  w.av  l,la/onoil~ 
Or,  tliive  liiiiiliiig  lionis  Yerl  Kari'iislied  .and  slriii-ed  Cul.'S  ;  aial  the  sup- 
iHirters  are — Two  greyhounds  ]in.iper  gorged  m  ith  auliipie  crowns  Gr, 

314  NOTICE   OF    CASE    OF    HUNTER. 

Xo  one  witli  any  knowlclgc  of  heraldry  wouM  liesitate  in  saying  that 
this  cliangc  was  an  improvement,  tliat  three  hunting  horns  alone  are  a 
more  distinguished  coat  than  a  shield  with  a  chief  and  six  charges.  At 
any  rate  it  was  the  older  coat ;  it  has  been  restored  under  the  sanction  of 
the  best  authority  ;  it  has  been  attacked  and  successfully  defended  in 
court  of  law,  and  we  trust  that  it  may  be  borne  for  centuries  to  come  l.y 
the  descendants  of  :Mrs.  Hunter- Weston.  There  is  besides  a  standing 
proof  that  the  change  met  with  the  approval  of  the  pursuer,  as  when  she 
erected  a  monument  at  West  Kilbride  to  the  memory  of  her  sister, 
jNIiss  Janet  Hunter,  she  placed  upon  it  the  arms  which  have  since 
become  so  distasteful  to  her,  not  as  she  inight  very  well  have  done  those 
borne  by  her  father,  and  till  recently  by   all  the  family. 

Tlic  case  came  before  the  Lord  Ordinary,  Lord  Adam,  and  in  au 
interlocutor,  27  June,  1881,  he  found  for  the  defenders  with  expenses. 
His  Lordship  in  a  note,  remarks  that  there  is  no  obligation  in  the 
entail  to  "use  the  surname  of  Hwiter  only"  ;  that  "  the  defenders  took 
the  proper  and  appropriate  course  in  order  to  have  it  ascertained  and 
determined  what  arms  they  ought  to  use";  that  the  arms  challenged  luul 
been  sanctioned  by  "  the  authorities,  duly  constituted  and  empowered  to 
regulate  such  matters,"  and  had  been  "  used  by  ]\Irs.  lluntyr-Wealon's 
imnrediate  predecessor  for  fifteen  years  before  she  succeeded  to  the 
estate  "  ;  that  the  pursuer  stated  that  she  did  not  propose  "  to  take  any 
stops  to  have  that  patent  (that  of  1865)  set  aside  either  by  reduction  or 
by  proceedings  before  the  Court  of  the  Lord  Lyon  or  otherwise  "  ;  that 
the  deed  of  entail  could  not  be  held  to  refer  particularly  to  the  arms 
registered  in  1810,  but  that  it  "merely  ordains  the  use  of  the  coat 
armorial  of  Hunter  of  Huulerstnn,  whatever  that  may  ho." 
^The  Scottish  bar  can  no  Inn-or  boast  of  .such  learned  specialists  in 
matters  of  peerage  and  heraldic  law  as  .lolin  Eiddoll,  James  Maidmc'iit, 
Cosmo  Inues,  and  Mark  .Nainci-,  l,ut  will.  Ihc  Dean  of  Faculty  (Kiuncar) 
and  Messr.s.  ?\rarki)itush  and  l'c:ii.-.nn  fnr  llic  pursuer,  the  Lord  Advocate 
(Balfour),  .Solicitur-Geucral  (A.lier),  and  Mr.  ,1.  P.  ]'..  Kobertsun  for  the 
defenders,  the  merits  of  every  point  in  disi)nte  must  have  been  ex- 
haustively brought  out.  :\liss  Hunter  unfortunately  for  herself  but 
perhaps  fortunately  for  the  defenders  aijjiealed. 

The  case  went  before  the  first  division,  and  on  31  January  last  the 
judgment  of  Lord  Adam  was  unaiumously  confirmed  and  additional 
expenses  given.  We  do  call  this  fortunate,  as  the  weight  of  authority  is 
now  such  that  no  such  case  can  ever  be  tried  again  by  any  sane  being. 

The  Lord  President  (lii'dis)  went  fully  into  the  (piestions  in  dispute, 
and  Lords  Deas,  ^lurc,  and  ."^liand  each  made  a  few  remarks  and 
concurred.  The  Lord  President  said  as  re-ards  the  surname  that  the 
condition  in  tli.>  entail  had  been  cnniplie.l  with,  and  tberefore  as  regards 
the  lirst  .■uniplaint  it  .se.nicd  lo  Inni   "  to  be  entirely  unfounded," 

With  regard  t.i  tlic  aims  liis  l..rdslii]i  cmild  not  s,.e  lew  any  jud-niont 
the  Court  .'ould  prnnoiinee  ,,n  the  .picstion  „(  whether  ,,r  1  s  1  0  or 
those  of  l.^f',:,  weiv  the  prnpe,-  oat  nf  the  family,  cenld  have  tlic  .-liLditc-l 
decree  of  ellcct  witlmut  a  reduction  ot  the  |,ioe,.,.,lnies  in  lie-  latter 
year.  That  Lvon  was  the  |,ro,Ma'  ollicei' to  delemiinc  what  was  tlic  proper 
coat  of  arms  of  anv  nian  who  was  entitled  to  wear  arms,  and  l.y  Ins 
indemcnt   and   authority    every    one   who   uses  armorial   healings  in  this 


country  was  bound,  and  tliat  tliat  judgment  was  not  sulijoct  to  the  review 
of  tliis  court. 

It  would  be  a  very  strange  tiling  if  tliey  wero  to  pronounce  a  judgment 
in  effect  directing  the  heir  of  entail  to  use  another  coat  of  arms  than  tliat 
used  by  her  father  since  186.5,  which  would  subject  her  to  the  penalties 
mentioned  in  the  Act  of  1672,  as  a  condition  of  her  being  allowed 
to  take  possession  of  the  estate. 

The  Court  must  assume  that  the  true  coat  was  that  sanctioned  in  18G5, 
that  to  quarter  this  with  tlic  arms  of  Weston  was  not  a  contravention  of 
the  condition  in  the  deed  of  entail. 

His  lordslii})  was  clearly  of  opinion  that  Liout.-Coloncl  and  ilrs. 
IIunter-"\Veston  could  not  do  anything  but  what  they  did,  and  that  they 
had  done  quite  rightly.  Lyon  and  Garter  agreed,  and  it  would  l)e  i-ather 
a  remarkable  thing  if  tlie  juu'suer  was  right  in  her  contention  that  they 
were  in  the  wrong  upon  a  simple  matter  coming  under  their  authority. 


"  To  tlie  memory  |  of  the  following  jicrsoiis  :  |  Geo.  Newlmul,  of  the  city  of  | 
liilstol,  Jlerclit,  died  28  April,  1721.  |  Eli/."',  hi.s  wife,  danglitei-  of  Edwd  |  Tockiiell, 
of  Bristol.  Jhnvh',  died  |  the  15"'  April.  KT.U,  ,ige.l  SO  yeur.s.  |  W',  Gen', 
died  '23  Jb,v,  I  17-';,  :.i-a  Ml.  .Maiv,  lii.s  « ilV.  died  |  21  Sep',  i7'10,;iged  4'J,  I  lOli/."' 
Kewland,  fi.u,!  ,'„>,,,  in, t  [  to  the  al.nv,',  ilied  29  Feb.,  17-14,  |  aged  ii  veins.  | 
lOdud  Newl.,i,>i,  c^iiiMl  ni  ll,,i-r,  i  di.d  L':i  May,  1773,  aged  55,  |  mid  isbuiie<liii 
I.niuleii.  I  Nrul.L.Hl.  lien',  di.'d  h  .\..v'',  |  17S2,  nged  70.  I  M.ary  Ann,  Ida  wife, 
danghtei-  to  I  W'"  and  ihuy  Marsliall,  died  |  4  Janiiai  v,  1784,  aged  GO  yeais."  | 

Also  the  following  in  the  same  cluiidi  :— 
"  Here  lyetli  the  body  of  George  Newlaii.l,  of 
dejiarted  thi.s  life  April  y«  28"',  1721." 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  George  Newhnid,  of  TocUnell,  iti  thi.s  ]iarish.  Esq''. 
A  man  jio.'^set^s'd  of  every  virtne  tlnit  lulcroM  Ihr  (.-liii-stian  &  the  gentleniau.  He 
lived  sineeielv  helov'd,  &  died  trnly  I.lum  nlr.l  the  li'l'  d..v  of  ,hin"'J-,  17111,  in  the  48'!' 
ve:u-  of  his  :ice.  Thi.s  inonnnienl  uas  ,1,  ,l.d  l.v  his  wid<iW  as  a  testimony  of  hii 
worth  &  her  esl.-em." 

B.  H.  n. 



(Con  tin  ucd  from  p.  S5J. ) 

Entries  omitted:— 1465,  May  18.  Thoma.s  B.atem:in  Esq.  and  Margery  Turel  (?)  ; 
to  be  married  iu  any  proper  place  witliiu  the  diocese  of  Worcester,  without  any 
publication  of  baim.^. 

1530,  May  15.     Thornas  Sheldon  .ind  Elena  Bragden. 

Oct.  8.     'William  Acton  and  Margery  Redinge  of  Birlinghani. 
Nov.  3.     John  Heynes  and  Margaret  Hybot  of  Inkberrow. 

Nov.  24.     John   Newport  and   JIargaret   Syngar   of   St.    Andrew's    parish   in 

1531,  Jidy  25.     Thomas  Nevell  and  Agnes  Grevell ;  licence  issued  to  the  curate  of 

Aug.  4.     Kich.ard  Wheler  aliaa  Quyllcr  of  Stoke  Prior  and  Elizabeth  Eiode  of 
Ehnley  Lovet. 

1532,  Nov.  27.     Jolin  'Wynesmore  and  Agnes  ap  Howell ;  licence  to  the  curate  (.f  Lvghe. 

1533,  July  12.     Riohard  Whytney  of  Bcdwin,  diocese  of  Sarum,  and  Elenor  C'ro'ft  of 

Hauley,  dioc.  of  Worcester. 
Jan.  28.     John  Butt  and  Joan  Hyet  of  Erliiighara. 

1534,  July  24.     John  'Wylde  and  Ann  Cowper  of  All  Saints'  parish,  Worcester. 

1535,  Apr.  20.     George  Walshe  of  Northfield  gent,  and  Elizabeth  Lytleton  of  I'rankley, 

1540,  Feb.  G.     JoIpi  .\-tri,,.,iv  ^m^ll'i.  m-t   \.J.u,i    1,    1.  -.>  .I>o  city  of  Worcester. 
1543,  May  23.     Tl,.  ■  :       W V!:;.  i.  .i;        -  :   I  i.  ,  :     '      -  i  v  Rawlyns  of  Suekley. 

16S2,Nov.l7.     .I.^lu,  Mniui,    ;n,.l  Mu    ,.1.  :   ,\:i  l.^-v      ...  ,^;-.,.ll.".n. 
15S4,  Apr.  25.     .Julai  j;iiii;lcv  ana  .Mkl-  e'.,,.   ..i  i  l\i..i.l. 

Sept.  20.     Thomas  IVime  and  Ann  \izar  of  St.  Nicholas's  parish,  Worcester. 
1661,  May  30.     Henry  Attwood  of  AVolverley,  co.  Wore.,  gent.,  about  22,  bachelor,  and 
M.ary   Gower,   about   19,   d.a.    of   Abel    Gower   of   St.  John's  in  Bedwardine, 
Oct.  30.     William  Mills  of  Claines  gent.,  about  31,  and  Elizabeth  Brace,  .about 

22,  da.  of  Philip  Brace  of  Doverd.Ue,  Esq. 
Dec.  28.  William  Middlemore  of  London  "  Checcemounger,"  .about  26,  bachcloi-, 
and  He.ster  Dyson  of  St.  Nicholas's  in  Wore,  about  22,  maiden,  her  parents  dead. 
March  2.  George  Bagnall  of  St.  John's  in  Bedwardine,  Worcester,  gent., 
about  30(?),  and  Mary  Lisons  of  St.  Andrew's  in  Wore,  about  20,  da.  of 
Thomas  L. 
lGC2,Jan.3.      Si'i,,]    ll'iii'.,    .,;     '.i:    s.-v    '    ,m    W,  : .   ,    ,', •!;,;.    l:i,    ;i,„1    Mary 


July  ■-'11.      N: 
of  "Norton,  'J 



Feb.  15.     "0 



Studley,  2.-., 



Feb.  23.     'i'h. 

s    A 



Man-li  12.      W 
llanburv,  in 





May  J.-i."  Ni. 
city  of  \\-oi-c 
Sept.  20.     Jo 


us  I! 

Eatington,  n 



1CC9,  Apr.  1.^1, 



-ml.,  ;il" 



i.f    Great    Ahi 

.r  Fnr.l,  in  tlio  diocfsc  of  W,,roc 
111   RoMnrt  of  Gloueostor,  about 


Apr.  22.     Edward   Waldroii,   nA-    30,  and  .Saudi  lloovcy,  kU   25, 

inaidci),  both  of  Alccster. 
May  5.     John  Gore,  about  2  1,  and  Kli/.abctli  da.  of  Thonia,<  James, 

about  21,  both  of  Inkl.eviuu-. 
Slay  29.     John  Iloltoni  ,>i   l.iltli-   1  ).a-in-tnn,  al,out  2.-.,  and   ^Fary 
da.  of  -Winiam  Oold  of  Or.uvh   L.'iirl,,  y,-inan,  .d.uut  2S  :  to  bo 
married  at  Abbot's  :\birt(in  ur  ]',i>]i.\m]<l'>n. 
June  17.      Edward  Oliver,   let.  30,   widower,  and    l':iizabeth   Toms, 

a?t.  21,  maiden,  both  of  Long  Croin])ton. 
Juno  17.     Henry  Lane,  ait.   2G,  and    .Margaret  llemingv,  a-t.   28, 

maiden,  botli  of  Ha.'^clor. 
Sept.  2.5.     Tlionias  King-s  xi.  32,  and  Ann  Sparry,  iqiwards  of  22, 

maiden,  both  of  Kington. 
Oct.  1.5.     Edward  .Tames  of  All  SainN'  i,,  AVoic.  "  Cricker,"  21,  and 
Elianor   Knotesford   of   St.    Helm's   in    ^Vo^e.,    23,    maiden;  lier 
fatlicr  dcail. 
Uoc.  2.      Francis  Wollnier  of  Droitwich  and  fllianor  Jlraec  of  Uovur- 

dalc,  maiden. 
Jan.  7.     George  Bagnall  of  St.  John's  in  IJedwardiue,  widower,  and 

Hester  Robin.sou  of  Xauntou  lieauehanip,  ^\■itlo\v. 
Jan.  26.     Henry   Poole  of  Ivempley,  co.  (Hone,  30,  and  Elizabctli 
Richardson  of  Knightwiek,  maiden. 
1670,  May  12.     John  Ereeman  of  Saintbury,  widower,  and  :\rary  Huliand 
of  Salford  Prior,  miude)i. 
May  13.     John  Allen  of  AViglesford  (Wixford),  20,  and  Frances 

Ryland  of  Haselor,  21,  maiden, 
ilay  18.  John  Kite  and  JMargery  Bird,  maiden,  both  of  Evesham. 
William  Bird,  or  Byrd,  of  the  town  of  Evesham,  Attorney  at  Law, 
entered  his  pedigree  at  the  visitation  of  AVorcestershire  in  1083  ;  from 
which  it  appears  that  he  then  had  three  daughters,  viz.,  Jlargeiy,  wife  of 
John  Keyt  of  Broadway,  co.  Wore.,  gent.;  Anne,  wife  of  John  I'.rawm'  of 
Saintbury,  clerk  ;  and  Hannah,  wife  of  .Tohn  Goodwin  of  Wi'ston-sub- 
Edgc,  CO.  Glouc.  The  said  William,  aceoi-.linL;  to  the  pedigree,  was  son  of 
AVilliam  Bird  of  Hampton,  near  lucsliam,  Atlojih  y  at  LaAV,  father, 
William  of  Bretforton,  married  Mary  "  da.  of  .  .  .  Rutter  of  Bourton- 
on-the-Hill,  co.  Glouc."     It  should  be  JSllrhaii  Rutter,  of  Clniatua. 

Aug.  10.  George  Kings  of  Castle  jMorton,  about  23,  and  j\Largaret 
Goode  of  Redmarlev  Daljitott,  about  22,  maiden  ;  her  parents 

Isbury,   clerk,  widower,  and 
A  alow. 

bout  52,  bachelor,  and  Anne 
her  father  dead, 
n,   chandler,  about  22,   and 

.■,   walowrr    and    Catlirrinc 

boll!   .37,  widower,  and 

Aug.  18.      John    Slade  of 



Faith  r.ridgrs  of  nioughl, 

ai  liac 

krlt,  \\ 

Sej.t.  10.     .b.bu  :Moms.,f 


•ton,  al 

Holtom  of,  about 

2  / ,  ma 

iden  ; 

Nov.  15.      William    Kiid^o 

of   E' 


I.sabel  Jones,  22,  da.  of  Tl 


Dec.  10.      Giles    l.awivm- 

of    1' 


Littleton  of  Xaunlo,,  |;,.:n 

.,  wid. 

Jan.  7.      Edmund  Noal.'  ol 


on,  Es 

of  If.anl.'V  Castlr,  ,n;,idru. 

Jan.   11.     'l^ichanl     I'nks 

of    Inl 


Elii^abeth  (hvevesof  Don 



Feb.  15.     Jului   Sunnoii   of    Naimtnii    Dcaudiaiuii,   baclu-lor,   and 

Anne  Jcilni.son  of  Kliulcy  Castle,  luaideji. 
Feb.  23.      Sackvil  Crow  of  co.  Carniailli.'u,  Ks,,.,  and  Anne  Kouso 

of  Ron.sclcncli. 
Feb.  23.     Edward  AppLdicn,  widower,  and  Joyce  Ilarba^e,  widow, 

both  of  Inkbcrrow. 
Feb.  25.     Thonia.s  Cox  and  :Mary  Lies,  maiden,  l)oth  of  Bidfor.l. 
]\Iar.  1.     Thomas  IMosely  of  liinton,  about  41,  widower,  and  Alice 

Kussell  of  Grafton,  co.  AVavwick,  about  31,  maiden. 
1G71,  Apr.  29.     John  Paddey  of  Stock  and  Bradley,  about  31,  bachelor, 

and  Abij^ail  Callow  of  lUshanipiton,  about  So",  da.  of  John  Callow. 
May  0.      AVilliani  Harvy  of  Inkberrow,  20  and  upwards,  and  Drid-cC 

Eaton,  about  21,  da.  of  Roljert  E. 
May  6.     AVilliam  Fell  of  Charlton,  ab.nit  32,  and  Lnev  l^aldwvn 

of  Ayshon  in  Beckford  (Ashton-uiider-IIiU),  en.  (douc!,  about  27, 

maiden  ;  her  parent.^  dead. 
June  30.      :Moses  Greene  of  Kadway,  ro.  AVarwirk,  .about  2S,  and 

Isabel  Stanton  of  Abbot's  Abalou,"  about  21,  maiden;  her  father 

July  11.     Thomas  Carter  of  Bidford,  about  38,  widower,  and  Joan 

Izard  of  I'ebworth,  co.  Glouc,  niaidm. 
July  2G.     John  Tommcs,   widoM'er,  and   k'ranees  Jordan,   inaiden, 

botli  of  Stratford-on-Avon. 
So])t.  G.     AVilliani  Mallibarof  AVi-glesford,  about  30,  widower,  and 

Mary  Chapman  of  r.roonic  in  Bidford,  about  32,  maiden ;  allegation 

by  Maurice  Allen  of  tlie  former  place. 
Oct.  12.     Thoma.s  Comiiton  of  Eddington,  iet.   27,  ami  Callierinu 

AViggin  of  ]!ishop's  Itchington,  rot.  24,  maiden. 
iS'ov.  3.     AVilliani   Cookes  of   Feckonham,    gent.,   about    21,    and 

Mary  Rca  of  Powyck,  about  21,  maiden. 
Nov.  18.     Francis  Ballard,  about  18,  and  Anne  Clough  of  Abbot's 

Morton,  about  16,  maiden;  allegation  by  Francis  Ballard  of  Aljbot's 

Morto)i,  father  of  tlie  aforesaid  Francis. 
Nov.  15.     JIaurice  Allen  of   AViglesford  and   Frances   Tayler  of 

Knowle,  maiden. 
Nov.  23.     Richard  Toms  of  Snitterfield,  rot.  22,  and  :Mary  AVard 

of  Long  Mar.ston,  ajt.  19,  maiden. 
Dec._  6.     Richard  Parsons  of  llasclor  and  Anne  Ileywood  of  Airo^v, 

Dec.  20.     Kempe  llarwarde  of  Ilarvington  and  Elizabeth  Carter  of 

Bloekley,  maiden. 
Feb.  3.    'AVilliani     ];irb:nd.uu,  about    IS,   widower,   and  Elizabelli 

Dipple,  ab.nit  10,  u,d,,w,  l„,(bof  I•,nml^-rnve. 
Feb.  10.  M,„|nn  ,.]■  Leigl,,  bachelor,  and  Lv,sset  Doverdale 

of  C'rowli',  iiiaidiii. 
The  parish  n-ister  „f  Gnal    .\l,,lv,  ni  ivmrds  the  bmial  of  Mrs.  Lissct 
Morcton  of  Leigb,  wid<i\\,  -J  .\piil,  J  7  1  7. 

Feb.  IG.  ^  linbeil    1,,,,_,,„,   ,',|'    I,,,,;,;   .Mu.ton  and    Anne  Dewes  of 

CoUgbtoil,    rn.     \\-:,nM.'l,,    IILIlden 

Feb.  22.      W  ilb, 
pole  of  Feckenl. 

Sarah  Ar 


March  5.     Joliii  AValsha.ii  of  Knill,  co.  Ileivf.n,!,  K.=,,.,  upwar.l-  of 

30,  anil  Klizali.'th  Li-nn  of  .\r:i.M.n-.^lirM,  co.  "WorvsUt,  ul.out  i\s, 

1G73,  Api-il  l.      Samu.'l    I  )n-ar.l  of  Tiinitv  Coll,-,.,   Oxfuv,!,  and  J.ydia 

])u-ava  of  Lavfonl,  maiden. 
The  lii-st  occiinvnoe  (appaveiillv)  of  this  naiiK^  in  (lir  AVonv^trr  pr,,lialr 
oilier  is  uniler  th.' date  27  Ort,  1 .1 1  I ,  when  ( leni-e  D.nmrt  >A  Cmftoii 
Flvfnid  made  his  will.  All  his  -or.ds  and  lands  i.,'his  wife  Alice,  for  her 
u.e  and  the  elnldoaiV.  J[y  father  Wdliam.  Will  proved  7  March, 
l.")!!.  The  episropal  re-islers  record  the  onlinati.iii  at  "Worcester,  a.s  a 
secuhir  acolyte,  of  ];o;.,'cr  Dugard,  of  that  diocese,  21   I'eh.,  14GG. 

A\n:  10.     Thomas  Burton  of  LoiiLjiioi-  Salop,  Ks(p,  ahoiit  .'50,  and 

Elizabeth  lierkh-y  of  Spetcldev,  about  19,  maid.n. 
May  25.     Thanias  Fleet  of  Claiiie.s  31,  and  :\Iary  A\-adley  of   Ihe 

Uerrow,  26  and  upwards,  maiden. 
June  8.     Thomas     Pigeon    of    Badsev,    about    o."),    bachelor,    and 

Elizabeth  Smith  of  the  same  place,  about  23,  maiilen. 
Aug.  12.     John  Darby  of    I\loore    in    Fladbury,  upwards   of    GO, 

widower,  and  j\Iary  Dinglcy,  of  Cropthorno,  about  10,  maiden. 
Sept.  5.     John   "Woodvati-   of    Hatfield,   co.    Hertford,    gent.,   and 

Anne  Field  of  the  boron-h  of  Evesham,  maiden. 
Sept.  18.      ■\Villiaui   Cuest   of  Dirmingham,   mercer,  about  21,  and 

Elizabeth  Halloway  of  ^Varwick,  about  21,  maideji. 
Sept.  20.     Christopher  Roberts,  about  37,  and  Alice  Latham,  about 

22,  maiden,  both  of  Inkberrow. 
Sept.  30.     AVilliani  Wakeman  of  Tewkesbury,  -ent.,  and  EliKibeth 

i^oursc,  maiden. 
Oct.  7.     Jolm  :\rarehall  of  South  Littleton,  31,  bacludor,  and  .Mar- 
garet Aslnvin  of  Brctforton,  40,  maiden. 
Oct.  26.     Simon    Cowley  of   Alibot'.s   Morton,   tanner,   about   28, 

bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Kobbins  of  Salford,  co.  AA^arwick,  about 

30,  maiden  ;  her  parents  dead  :  Simon  Cowdey  and  Francis  Tandy 

of  Abbot's  j\[orton,  yeoman,  being  bound. 
Nov.  28.     William  Bnshell  of  r,l  ngeworth  ami  Ur.sula  Clarke  of 

Bishop's  Hamjilon. 
Doc.  30.     Thomas  I'artington  of  Kidderminster,  gent.,  bachelor,  and 

Mary  I'racc,  maiden  ;  to  bo  married  at  Doverdale. 
Jan.  7.     John   Applebec   and    Hester   Godfrey,    maiden,  both    of 

Temple  Grafton. 
Jan.  22.     John   Clarke   of    Creal    Hampton,    g»ait.,    and   Winifred 

Callow  :  to  be  married  at  Tlirocknu.rton. 
Feb.  IS.      >rark  Dincdey  of  the  par.  of  Cropthorne,  gent.,  about  31, 

bachelnr,  and  Mrs.  ^Mercy  Cookes  of  Feckeidiam,  alxmt  40,  widow. 
lG7.'i,  March  .■11.      William  Jenint;s  of  Bidford,   about  24,  bachelor   and 

Ane,ell,,l,.. wis, ,fHillborougli  in  Temple  Grafton, .about  lit,  maiih^n- 
lHa^  paoa.l  -  d.^ad. 
Aj.r.   1.      Ueiirv  Kin.h,  r  of  llmnghton  Hackelt,  wi,l,.wer,  and  ,I,.aii 

DowhTof  Tai,l,.lu-;,.,  mai.len. 
Apr.  Ht.      AVHlrim  l:lu,k..[  Naunh.n,  ,■,;,.  Won-.,  about  35,  wi.lower, 

an,l  Maiv  I'.dl  ,if  Abbertnn,  about  2(1,  mai,len. 
Aj.r.  21.    '  Wdli.on  Wi,Mow,s  of  I'.h.ekh.y,  30,  and  Mary  Kecke  of 

Long  2iIar,-ton,  i-o.  Glouc,  23,  maiden. 

320  MAliraAGE   LICENCES. 

Apr.  21.     AVilliiun    Pcrkcs,   about    2G,    ami    Jane    Farre,    26    and 

Ujnvards,  niaiilcii,  both  of  rowiclc. 
]SIay  22.     William  .Icuings  of  TcAvkcsbuiy,  about  23,  barlKlor,  anil 

j\Ir.s.  Judith  Tci-bervile  of  Hill  Croomc,  co.  Wore,  about  19,  maiden. 
Juno  7.     William  "Winsmove,  upwards  of  2i,  and  IJeatrix  Lilli'}', 

about  20,  maiden,  both  of  All  Saints'  in  Worcester. 
Juno  11.     Kobort  Lawrence  of  Creklade,  co.  Wilts,  .1,'ent.,  about  22, 

and  :\rargaret  Littleton,  of  Tershore,  about  16,  maiden. 
June  17.      Philip  Ceeill   of  Dufl'rin,  co.   jMonmouth,  baeheloj',   and 

Klizalieth  Hastings  of  Daylesford,  maiden. 
Juno  21.     Kichard    lieinictt    of    Priors    Salford,    upwards    of    43, 

widower,  and  Elizabeth  Dinglcj  of  Church  Lencli,  33,  widow. 
June  28.     John   Ilayiies  of   Donnston,  25,  and    Anne  Auster  of 

Tibberton,  20,  maiden. 
July  2.     Edward  Coly  and  Anne  Higgius  of  Eranldc.x-. 
July  5.     William    Harvey    of   Inkberrow,    about    21,    and    Sarah 

Glover,   of  tlio  same  place,  about  21,   maiden  ;    her  parents  con- 

Sqit.  I?!     Jolm  llubrrn  (Ilnbandl)  of  Salford,  about  30.  wi.lower, 

and  Anno  Jones  of  Grafton  Flyfurd,  about  23,  maiden. 
Oct.  8.     Joseph  Lacy  alia-i   Hobday,  23,  and  Faith  Paidgcs,  21, 

maiden,  both  of  Bronghton  Hackett. 
Oct.  10.      Henry  Kempston  and  JIarv  Clover. 
Oct.  17.      Kicluuxl    I'nw.H,   28,   and    ?>largaret    Welsh,    about   22, 

maiden,  b,.tli  cf  Abb-lV  ^lurtMU. 
Oct.  20.     OthiT  WiiiM.iiv  (in  tlv  maruin  H7«'^.-"/-)  son  of  the  Lord 

Winsourof  Hewell  in  Tardobigge,  aged  11  m- lli.rr;,l.nut^,  ba.;helnr, 

and  :\lrs.  Elizabeth  Turvy  of  liredon,  co.  Wore,  11  ..r  thereabouts, 

Dee.  6.     Thomas  Pilkington  of  Cleeve  Prior,  about  22,  and  :Mary 

Asliwyn  of  Elndey  Castle,  21,  maiden. 
Dec.  27.     John  Harward  of  Bidford,  29,  and  IMargcry  I'ayton  of 

the  same  parish,  about  20,  maiden  ;  her  parents  and  guardians 

Jan.  10.     Thomas   Ilolliocke   of   Broughton   Hackett,   about    35, 

widower,  and  Elianor  Hunt  of  jS'aunton  Beanehamp,  about  24, 

maiden  ;  her  parents  living. 
Jan.  30.     William  1  )ugard  of  Dodderhill,  about  27,  and  Elizabeth 

Elvinsof  Uaubniv,  ai-oul  27,  widow. 
Fob.  28.     Kirhard  ll;M^^oo,l  of  Dodderhill  and  :\rargcry  Fincher  of 

Brongliton  llarlHI,  «>low. 

March  11.      Willi 

,011    Sam 


of    lin 

Kid\\av,   i-o.   W(nv,,  widower. 

and  .luditli  Towi 

iislniid  o 

1  .\lv, 

■Sloll,     ( 

■o.  ^\■a^^virk,  maiden. 

Kiebard  Symouds  in 

111,  / 

'/,  nil 

l-."l,    111 

mlious  the  arms  of  Sanibarh 

as  occurring  in  the  wesi 

W  llli|o\v 

oi  r, 


y  elaueh.      It  is  the  peculiar 

coat  of  the  family  of  S.i 

ln/l:ifli    o 

.f  (1l. 


Azure,  a  foss Gules  between 

three   garbs  of   the  .soco 

nd.  and 

nil  bo 

traced,  though  the   glass   is 

nwtilated.     The   name 

or.  Ill  :    1 

ii.  1    ii 

1     tho 

r.madwav  registers  in   1515, 

June  6,  tlir    dillr  of    ll„. 


:■   of     1 


,   S,nnb,,;h.'  gent,  and  Isabel 

Ellins.        TIl.   r^,.r..y,\    , 

.'  0-  li  1  ;  , 

,t  W. 


-lilo  that  George  Sambach, 

doac-on,  w,i<  mounted  1 

oth.    p,, 

ri,.li  e 


of   Little  Cond)erton,  3  Feb., 



]\[nrcli  21      Simon    IJalcor   of    Abbot's    Morion,    about    21,    and 
Elizabeth  Leiglit  of  Inkberrow,  about  26,  maiden. 

1674,  Ain-il  25.     Robert  Vernon  of  Hanbury,  bachelor,  and   Elizabeth 

Sniitli  of  Stoke  Prior,  23,  maiden. 
May  5.     William  Court  of  Feckenham,  about  24,  and  :\Iary  Ilobdey 

uUa$  Lacey  of  Hindlip,  about  23,  maiden. 
May  18.     Thomas  Barrett  of  Broughton  Hackett  and  Hester  Bell 

of  King's  Norton,  maiden. 
June  12.     Edward  Kettleby  junr.  of  St.  Clement's,  London,  gent., 

about  22,  and  Uvs.  Anne   Gower  of   St.  Jolm's  in   Bcdwaidine, 

about  22,  maiden. 
Juno  27.     Eobert  Dizon  of  Bradley,  co.  Wore.,  about  60,  widower, 

and  Joyce  Appleby  of  Inkberrow,  about  54,  widow. 
July  10.     Edwar.l   Morgan   of   Bromsgrove,   22,  and   Millberrow 

Wadley  of  Bromesberrow,  co.  Glouc,  about  30,  maiden. 
Sept.  30.     Samuel  Richardson  of    All   Saints'  in   Worcester  and 

Elizabeth  Tillani  of  St.  Helen's  in  the  same  city. 
Oct.    30.     Thomas  l^crlces  of  Feckenham,  set.    23,  bachelor,   and 

Anne  Harris  of  Inkberrow,  aet.  24,  maiden. 
Nov.  18.     Anthony  Ashwin  of  Bretfoiton  and  Dionysia  Cooke  of 

Jan.  IG.     Mr.  Robert  Brooke  of  Alcester,  about  29,  wido\\-or,  and 

Elizabeth  Kecke  of  Piidford,  about  20,  maiden. 
Jan.  23.     Jlr  John  Archer  of  WolLind,  about  40,  widower,  and 

Elizabeth  Allen,  of  the  same  place,  about  33,  widow. 

1675,  Apr.  10.     John  Pearkes  of  Stoke  Prior  and  Elizabeth  Tristram  of 

Bel  liroughton. 
A]n-.  22.     John  Thornbury  of  Xaunton  Beauchamp,  bacludor,  and 

Mary  Newcombe  of  Clifford,  diocese  of  Gloucester,  widnw. 
May  31.     Jolin  Ilennuge  of  Haselor,  ret.  27,  bachelor,  and  Sarali 

As]ilin  of  Temple  (irafton,  iet.  22,  maiden. 
June  9.     John   Ashton   of   Churcli    Honeybournc,  about    24,   and 

IMary  Charlett  of  Cleevc  Prior,  about  23,  maiden. 
June  9.      Humphrey   Hall    of    Kidderminster,    25,    bachelor,    and 

Anno  Walmisley  of  tlic  city  of  Lichfield,  about  24(?),  maiden. 
June  15.     Robert    Freeman    of    Blockley,     bachelor,     ami     Isal)el  of  Inkberrow,  maiden. 
July  19.      John  son  of  John  Charlett  of  Cleevc  Prior,  -■■nt.,  about 

30,  bachelor,  and  Anue  Smith  of  X(  wbold  Paoy,  about,  2."),  u-idow. 
Aug.  1.     Richard  Woolrich  of  "  Wdl^ihaiuptnu  "  and  Anne  Paino 

of  St.  Swithin's  in  Worcester,  maidrn. 
Sept.  25.     Arthur  Oiarlett  of  Fladbury  gent,  about  23,  bachulor, 

and  ]\Irs.  x\nno  Bearne  of  Omber.slev,  about  23,  maiden. 
Sept.  27.      Ricliard  Nash  jun.  of  St.  I'eter's  in  Droitwicli,  bachelor, 

and  Mary  Berkley  of  Colheridge,  22,  maiden. 
Oct.  23.     Samuel  Attwood  of  Uverbury  and    Elizalielli    Sowley  of 

White  Ladies  Aston. 
Oct.  30.      Edward   Holtom  of  Salford,  .lincese  ,)f  W.n.vster,  about 

32,   and   Hannali   Cambden   of  Maiston,  co.  Gloucester,  about  40, 

Nov.  27.     Jolui  Palmer  uf  Gr.iftnu  Flyford,  about  2i^,  and  Elizabeth 

Hunt  of  Nauuton  BeaUehamp,  abnut  28,  widow. 



Doc.  31.     Thomas  Jleucc  of  Tewkesbury  and   Tlcstor  Twining  of 

Naunton  Ik'aucliamp,  widow. 
Jan.  1.     Ilonry  Lane  of  Hasolor,  widower,   and  Elianor  Biddlc  of 

Temple  Grafton. 
Tlie  episcopal  registers  at  Worcester  speak  of  a  Geoffrey  Biidcl  as  of 
Temple  Grafton  in  1373. 

Jan.  12.     John  Greene  of  Iladsor  and  Elianor  Peiinell  of  Salwarpc, 

Maicli  23.     Robert    jMiles    of    Arrow,    about    34,    widower,    and 

Margaret  Jakewan  of  Haselor,  25,  maiden. 


The  History  op  the  County  PAi.ATrxE  Axn  op  the  City  of  CnpsTEii. 
By  GEOiiGE  Ohmkrod,  Esq.,  LL.13.  Second  By  Thomas 
Helsby,  Esq.  London,  George  Routledge  and  Sons.  18^2  Eolio 
3  vols. 

Both  the  Editor  and  the  Publishers  of  this  new  edition  of  one  of  our 
bc.«;t  County  Histories  may  bo  congratulated  on  having  completed  their 
labours  in  so  short  a  period  as  less  than  eight  years.  AVe  cannot  give  a 
bettor  idea  of  the  time,  work,  and  trouble,  wdiich  liavo  been  expended  on 
this  edition  than  by  quoting  their  own  words  : — 

"  The  History  of  Cliesliire  now  consists  of  tlie  worlcs  of  three  antliors 
viz.,  Sir  Peter  Lcyei'ster,  ^Nfr.  Oi mernd,  and  Mr.  Helsby— tlie  first  bein.' 
the  writer  of  the  l'inl,-,„iiri,a,  mid  l.i.lury  of  the  Bueklnw  hundred;  the 
second  of  very  cousld.-ralilr  a.ldiiimis  to  both,  and  also  of  the  history  of 
the  rest  of  the  county  ;  wlulst  tlie  third,  as  Editor,  has  not  only  msdo 
very  numerous  corrections  of  the  former,  but  become  the  autlior  of 
additions  which  all  but  reacli  to  the  full  extent  of  the  history  written  by 
Mr.  Ormerod.  In  other  words,  excluding  Lcyeestcr  and  the  Vale  Royal 
Onnn-ud  is  now  witliin  aboul  ]  .',0  pages  of  being  dmihlnl.  But  as  in 
addition  to  tliis,  tli,'  VAx\ur  ha  rxamined  and  correcte.l  by  far  the  greater 
part  of  the  whole  r„i,:;ii,al  hi,  lu,y,  it  may  fairly  be  claimed  that  the  work, 
by  these  entire  labours,  is  „„„■,.  than  dnuliled.  It  now  virtually  consists 
of  SIX  volumes,  each  being  of  ahnut  the  size  of  tlie  .smallest  of  tlie  orirrinal 
edition.  But  the  three-v<,lin,i,.  nf  tlie  original  edition  lias°  for 
convenience,  been  adlieivd  tn;  and  l,^  villi,,.,  nf  f],ese  numerous  and  various 
addilioms,  the  work  is  unw  |,„M,  |„.l  al  a  |.,i,v  which,  in  proportion  to  its 
enhanced  value,  s^a^vl^  ,vr,,|.  A,,/,'  that  of  the  edition  of  1819." 
Moreover  many  illuslial  uais   havr   Im,,,   addr.l,  ,.sp,riallv  the  engravings 

of  arms    nearly  all  uf  wlnrl,  a, w,  a„d  a,v  a  great  imi'.rovcment  on  the 

Old  bocks,  t  e.ugh  as  w,:  liav.  b,l,„,.  nMiiaiked  tie;  panaches  and  plumes 
would  have  been  better  i.iiiitic  ,1. 

Those  who  are  curious  .mo,,;;],  Io  s,,,.  for  themsrlvrs  the  enormous 
amount  of  work,  research,  und  learning,  which  .Mr.  \{v\A<\  has  brought  to 

NOTICES    OP    BOOKS.  323 

bear  on  tliis  boolc  must  not  mnivly  content  tlicm.sclvcs  witli  reading  tlic 
admirable  preface  he  lias  written,  but  carefully  turn  over  his  volumes 
pacje  by  page,  when  they  will  be  able  to  form  an  idea  of  how  extensive  tho 
additions  are,  and  how  minute,  the  most  trivial  correction  having  been  mado 
with  as  much  conscientious  care  as  the  longest  note,  or  tho  most  elaborately 
re-written  pedigree.  There  are  of  course  errors  left  uncorrected,  but 
certainly  not  more  than  one  -would  expect  in  so  large  a  book,  and  these 
are  chiefly  in  minor  matters  such  as  tho  blazon  of  arms.  Many  coats 
might  have  been  better  described,  and  mistakes  such  as  that  in  the 
pedigree  of  Hall  of  Hermitage  (vol.  iii,  p.  130,)  where  a  connection  is 
claimed  with  Hall,  Bishop  of  Exeter,  on  account  of  tlie  similarity  of  the 
arms,  corrected.  The  coat  mentioned  was  gi'anted  to  the  Bishop,  and  so 
could  not  have  belonged  to  these  persons,  who  are  described  as  descended 
from  Michael  Hall  of  Greet,  co.  Salop.  Quere  Gvcpf,  in  which  case  an 
entirely  dillerent  descent  might  he  easily  made  out. 

There  is  one,  and  only  one,  great  defect  in  this  now  edition  of  Ormerod, 
and  that  is  that  there  is  no  index  -worthy  the  name,  or  of  the  liook. 
At  the  end  of  volume  three  there  are  a  few  pages  of  references  called  a 
General  Index,  but  to  render  such  a  book  perfect  there  ought  to  have  been, 
full  and  complete  indexes  of  persons,  places,  and  arms,  as  well  a  General 
Index  to  the  whole  work.  Till  this  omission  is  supplied  both  the  use 
and  the  popularity  of  this  new  edition  wiU  be  much  diminished. 

Mr.  Ilelsby's  memoir  of  Dr.  Ormerod  which  is  inserted  in  the  preface 
will  he  read  with  interest,  and  whilst  it  keeps  alive  the  memory  of  onr  of 
our  most  accomplished  antiquaries,  also  reflects  credit  on  Mr.  Ilelsby's 
ability  to  do  justice  to  the  labours  of  his  predecessor. 

We  do  not  altogether  agree  with  ]Mr.  Ilelsby's  view  of  the  method 
followed  by  Dr.  Ormerod,  when  he  gives  us  to  understand  that  Dr. 
Oi-merod  ]iurposely  confined  his  accounts  to  the  manorial  estates  and 
jiurposcly  iiiiiitted  collaterals  in  the  construction  of  his  pedigrees,  and  that 
iiis  chief  riile  was  to  trace  the  descent  of  each  manor  "without  indulging 
in  any  siipriflnity  of  proof."  All  this  was  n-iore  likely  owing  to  the 
general  disregard  for  the  details  of  topograjihy  and  genealogy  prevalent 
at  tlie  beginning  of  tho  century,  and  to  the  dilUculty  of  collecting  mati'rials 
wlien  there  were  no  railways  and  no  penny  post,  and  when  our  national 
recor<ls  were  as  a  rule  unavailable,  than  to  any  fixed  purpose  on  the  part 
of  the  author.  Our  idea  is  that  tlie  pedigrees  in  the  new  edition  should 
have  been  fully  worked  out,  those  of  new  families  added,  and  all  the 
monumental  inscriptions  given.  Such  additions  would  no  doubt  liave 
involved  ten  years  more  labour,  and  doubled  or  trebled  the  present  size 
of  tlic  book,  but  they  would  have  been  well  wortli  waiting  for.  Jlr. 
Helsby  has  performed  his  tiWik  .so  well  as  Editor,  and  we  find  his  company 
so  agreeable,  that  we  wish  he  had  become  Continuator  also.  He  has 
attfudnl  to  the  weightier  matters  so  ably  that  it  is  jiainful  to  find  him  so 
exceedingly  jubilant  at  liaving  rejected  the  'mint,  anise  and  c\nuiaing ' 
which  would  be  more  i)opul:ir  with  Ih.'  iiiassrs  ..f  mod.Tn  Cli.'sliir.'  men, 
than  the  'judgment  and  tnitli  '  h.-  h,is  displayd  in  lii:,  Ircaliuenl  of  the 
dry  bones  of  Dr.  Ormerod. 

Mr.  Helsby  gives  a  capital  account  of  the  various  changes  which  have 
laki'u  place  since  the  days  of  Ormerod,  but  lie  forgets  that  tho  writer  of 
a  County   History  should  never  lose  sight  of  the  fact  that  lie  is  writing 

324  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

for  posterity,  and  tluit  tliese  changes  liave  bronght  about  a  new  order  of 
things  whicli  reader  the  standard  of  what  is  required  in  a  County  History 
very  different  to  wliat  it  was  in  1819.  The  history  of  a  county  is  no 
longer  exclusively  the  history  of  its  country  squires,  it  is  tlie  history  also 
of  its  trade  and  manufactures,  and  of  its  tradesmen  and  manufacturers 
and  of  their  families  too,  for  in  point  of  wealth  and  political  importance 
ttrey  have  in  many  counties,  Cheshire  among  the  number,  taken,  or  are  at 
all  events  rapidly  taking,  the  place  as  well  as  the  land  of  the  old  noblesse, 
and  their  doings,  pedigrees,  and  arms,  will  be  of  as  much  interest  in  two 
centuries  to  come  as  those  of  the  Yorkists  and  Lancastrians,  Roundlieads 
and  Cavaliers  of  days  gone  by. 

No  man  is  better  fitted  for  the  task  of  ^^Titing  the  modern  history  of 
Cheshire  than  'Mr.  Ilelsby,  and  we  trust  after  he  has  taken  his  well  earned 
holiday  we  shall  again  find  him  employed  in  such  congenial  work. 

A  Description  of  the  ]Monumext  and  Effigies  ix  Poplock  Cnuucn, 
Somerset.  Ey  Makia  Haluday.  Torquay,  1882.  8vo.  Price,  12s. 
It  is  not  often  that  so  much  trouble  is  taken  to  identify  the  old 
monuments  which  adorn  many  of  our  country  churches  as  Jlrs.  Ilalliday 
has  devoted  to  those  at  Porlock,  nor  is  theii-  history  and  the  detail  of 
their  ccmstruction,  as  a  general  rule,  traced  out  with  the  scrupulous  care 
and  accuracy  which  render  this  book  a  model  of  ^^•hat  might  and  ought 
to  be  done  for  many  similar  evidences  of  departed  greatness. 

Collinson,  the  only  historian  of  whom  Somersetshire  can  boast,  describes 
the  effigies  as  that  of  "a  KniijJif  Tonjilar  and  his  Lady,"  and  Savage, 
more  cautiously,  as  "recumbent  effi.nies,  male  and  female."  A  patient 
examination  of  the  liistory  of  the  manor  and  its  lords,  togetlier  with  the 
crest  figured  on  the  helmet  of  the  knight,  convinced  Mrs.  Halliday  that 
the  monument  commemorated  one  of  the  Ilariington  family,  but  the 
difliculty  was  to  decide  which,  for  there  were  several  of  the  name.  Sir 
John  Harrington,  fourth  Baron  de  Aldingham,  co.  Lancaster,  married 
Elizabeth  daughter  of  Edward  Courtenay,  third  Earl  of  Devon,  on  whom 
the  ilanor  of  Porlock  was  settled  at  marriage.  He  died  in  1418,  and  by 
his  will  charged  his  !Manor  of  Uggeburgh  Avith  the  maintenance  of  two 
priests  to  celebrate  divine  service  and  pray  for  the  souls  of  his  father, 
mother,  and  all  his  ancestors.  This  direction  appears  to  have  been 
complied  witli,  as,  when  filty-.six  years  afterwards,  Cecily  Bon  vile  the 
gi'cat  grandaughter  and  only  surviving  descendant  of  Elizabeth  Courtenay 
by  her  second  husband  Sir  William  BonviUe,  K.G.,  and  through  her 
grandmother,  who  was  daugliter  of  the  fifth  Baron  Harrington,  the  brother 
and  heir  of  Sir  John,  fuurtli  bamii,  his  heir  also,  thus  representing  in 
blood  both  Sir  John  and  Eli/.alieth  (Courtenay)  his  wife,  had  in  the  Mth 
Edward  IV  letters  patent  to  found  a  chantry  in  Porlock  Cliurch  "  two 
perpetual  chaplains,"  who  wcii^  Ui  nlcbrate  divine  service  at  the  altar  of 
llio  Chapel  of  the  BJc.-.-.d  Muiv,  aiv  mentioned.  The  erection  of  the 
tomb  was  evidently  thr  wmk  ..I  Ihii  t'lcily,  at  the  time  when  .she  carried 
out  the  testamentary  wi<lii:.  ui  1m  i-  nrrut-grcat  uncle  the  fourth  Baron. 
Tlie  filets  wliich  identify  tlir  pii  ,i]i  lu  wlioin  tin'  tomb  was  erected  are 
Worked  out  with  great  ingeiuiilv  Ky  llir  autli..r  ..f  this  little  book,  and  the 
dry  dct.iils  whi.Oi  pr.ive  the  euiT.Tli,..-;..  ,,f  allnbutii.g  the  efiigies  to  the 
fv;.urth  Baron  and  his  Lady  are  ^<,  wrll  by  the  historicnl   account 

Notices  of  books.  325 

given  of  tlie  eminent  persons  who  figure  in  tlie  line  of  descent  that  an 
air  of  roniiinco  is  added  to  that  wliich  would  (ithcrwise  be  regarded  by 
most  people  as  a  lecture  in  English  Histor\-. 

We  must  not  omit  to  mention  that  tiiis  l)n(.k  is  cliarmingly  illustrated, 
every  detail  of  the  tomb  and  of  the  cliurch,  with  graphic  descriptions  by 
Mr.  Roscoe  Gibbs,  being  given.  There  is  a  homeliness  of  detail  in  Plato  I 
(the  interior  of  the  church)  wliich  is  very  jileasing,  and  worthy  of  imitation 
in  similar  works.  It  is  rarely  that  we  have  the  lileasure  of  noticing  a 
book  of  local  interest  which  is  so  well  written  and  got  up,  and  of  so  much 
sterling  value. 

Records   of   the   English  Provixce  of  the  Society  of  Je.sus.     By 

Henuy   Foley,   S.J.     Vol.   VII,  Tart  i.       London,  Burns  and  Gates. 

1882.     8vo.     Price  2Cs. 

This  is  the  first  portion  of  Mr.  Foley's  promised  '  Catalogue  of  tlio 
deceased  members  of  the  English  Province  of  tlie  Society  of  Jesus,'  the 
intended  publication  of  ivhich  was  announced  in  our  fourth  volume, 
p.  212.  It  embraces  letters  A  to  Q,  and  may  be  described  as  a  bio- 
graphical dictionary  of  the  English  Jesuits,  and  is,  as  such,  a  valuable 
contribution  to  biographical  literature,  breaking  up  new  ground,  and 
affording  genealogical  particulars  of  a  class  of  men  whoso  lives  and  actions 
liave  hitherto  been  a  sealed  boolv  to  the  general  public.  No  one  is  better 
qualified  for  the  task  than  ilr.  Foley  in  wliom  the  Jesuits  have  found  a 
painstaking  and  careful  liiographer. 

Prefi.xed  is  an  introduction  giving  a  collection  of  materials  for  a 
future  history  of  the  English  Mission  and  Province  of  the  .Society,  in 
the  meantime  providing  the  reader  witli  an  historical  outline  of  such 
history.  "  Li  addition  to  a  number  of  interesting  particulars  respecting 
the  early  ISIission  of  the  Society  in  England,  now  for  the  first  time  given, 
a  complete  statistical  history  of  the  English  Province,  with  its  numerous 
colleges  and  residences  at  homo  and  abroad,  will  be  found  in  detail  almost 
year  by  year  from  its  first  formation  in  1619  until  the  temporary 
supression  of  the  Society,  effected  in  1773  through  the  overwhelming 
revolutionary  spirit  which  regarded  the  institute  of  St.  Ignatius  as  its 
bitterest  foe.  This  result  has  befn  oblnined  firmi  original  catalogues  of 
the  English  Province.  An  analy.-is  nf  ih-  ^.'  is  t>'iitained  in  the  introduc- 
tion, supplemented  by  historical  iiiill^i-  ( -iiuciIimI  with  the  Province." 
In  this  -series  of  the  Records  we  have  a  i-:.~ami:  uf  all  the  previous  volumes. 
The  most  interesting  part  of  it,  to  genealogists  at  least,  will  be  given  in 
the  second  portion  of  this  volume,  a  collection  of  aliases  togetlier  with  the 
real  and  assumed  names  adopted  by  members  of  the  Society  in  times  of 
persecution,  upwards  of  900  in  number.  It  will  be  remembered  that  Mr. 
Foley  printed  privately  a  list  of  these  aliri.<!/?s  in  1875  (see  'Genealogist,' 
vol.  i,  p.  29G);  this  list  has  been  very  consideralily  augmented  during  the 
progress  of  "  The  Records"  through  the  jiress,  and  its  issue  to  the  public 
will  ))Iace  the  means  of  solving  many  a  diilicult  genealogical  point  within 
reach  of  those  interested  in  llie  liistory  of  our  old  Catholic  families  whose 
suflVrings  and  persecutions  Mr.  l-'oley  has  dune  so  much  to  illustrate. 

326  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

Cheonograms,  5000  and  moke  in  nujiber,  exckrpteh  out  of  various 
authors  and  collected  at  many  places.  i!y  j.uies  iillton,  f.s.a. 
London,  Elliot  Stock.     1882.     4to. 

"We  arc  much  indebted  to  ilr.  Hilton  for  this  contribution  to  thn. 
historical  literature  of  a  subject  understood  by  few,  and  unknown  to  most, 
of  those  Genealogists  whom  a  knowledge  of  chronograms  will  sometimes 
help  to  fix  a  date  unwritten  in  the  usual  way.  A  chronogram  has  been 
defined  as  "  an  inscription  in  ^vhich  a  certain  date  or  epocli  is  expressed 
by  numerical  letters."  The  word  chronogram  is  said  to  have  boon  first 
used  in  some  verses  addressed  to  the  King  of  Poland  in  1575.  Beyond 
the  brief  articles  in  English  cyclo]j:cdias,  and  in  German  and  French 
"  conversations-lexicoiis,"  no  collection  of  chronogi'ams  has  ever  been 
published,  if  indeed  such  has  ever  been  made.  The  canon  for  composing 
a  good  chronogram  is  thus  laid  down  by  Mr.  Hilton,  it  "ought  to  convey 
a  pertinent  allusion  to  the  event  ^^■hieh  it  commemorates,  the  sentence 
should  be  concise,  and  .should  contain  no  more  iiumeiiral  letters  than  are 
necessary  to  form  the  date."  Addi.son  delinoJ  llinn  in  llio  'Spectator' 
as  "tricks  in  writing,  requiring  nnich  time  an.l  liiili-  li'iin  ity."  Chrono- 
grams are  most  frequently  met  with  in  the  rqi.  Mining  countries 
of  Europe,  rarely  in  England  and  France,  and  smuiiy  at  all  in  Italy. 
They  occur  als'o  in  Oriental  countries,  es|Hvi;ill\^ie  the  Arabic 
language  is  or  has  been  in  use.  They  were  -wiitti'u  in  Hebrew  as  early  as 
1208,  and  came  into  use  hi  Europe  in  the  14th  century,  but  were  chiefly 
in  vogue  during  the  16th,  17th,  and  part  of  the  18th  centuries. 
Chronograms  may  be  seen  inscribed  on  buildings  and  monuments  or 
tondjs  to  record  the  date  of  their  construction,  and  very  frequently  on 
medals  commemorative  of  events  in  European  hi.stoiy.  The  current  coins 
of  a  country  are  seldom  chronographic,  those  of  the  free  city  of  l^uremberg 
being  a  prommcnt  though  rare  example  of  tliis  method  of  dating.  Books 
contain  a  great  many  chronograms,  a  long  poem  or  even  a  whole  book 
having  been  so  comjiosed  representing  continuously  one  particular  date. 
Those  who  peruse  this  boolc  will  be  able  to  estimate  the  enormous  labour 
and  extensive  rcscarcli  of  its  author  among  this  almost  forgotten  class  of 
literature.  There  is  one  peculiar  value  attached  to  a  chronogram  in  Jlr. 
Hilton's  opinion,  he  says: — "A  special  high  position  may  be  taken  for 
them  if  viewed  in  relation  to  tlie  service  they  can  render  to  history ;  they 
are  to  some  extent  a  memento  of  history  written  in  its  own  locality,  when 
found  engraved  on  buildings,  monnnnMils,  and  medals,  or  inscribed  in 
local  archives;  llu'  d:ih'  nf  ;in  insciii.tinn  may  be  obliterated,  but  a 
chronogram  as  an  ius(  liplion  lias  an  ((pial  if  not  a  better  chance  of 
remaining  legible  than  a  <late  ex]iressed  by  four  figures,  and  thus  it 
certainly  has  a  value  peculiar  to  itself." 

Those  who  desire  to  .see  for  themselves  what  chronographic  printing  is 
like  will  do  well  to  refer  to  the  chronographic  imitation  of  Thomas  a 
Kempis'  Dc  Imitaliime  Chri^li,  publislied  in  165S,  rarli  liiir  of  whirl:  to 
p.  87  is  a  succession  of  chronograms  giving  the  date  IG'iS.  A  copy  will 
be  found  in  the  I'.riti.-h  Mu<eu''m,  /-r-ss  war/,-  11  109  aa. 

Tlie  chief  inlrr.'st  in  .Mr.  I liUon's  book,  .so  far  as  English  genealogists 
are  concerned,  lies  in  Inn  lirst  c]ia|itrr  which  all'ords  ntimerous  examples 
of  the  use  of  this  me'lliod  of  notation  as  applied  to  seimlehral  inserijitions 
and  historic  events,  and  this  is  the  iiorlion  of  the  work  to  which  wc  wish 

Notices  oi*  books.  S27 

Rpccially  to  invite  attention.      Tlie  date  of  the  ileatli  and  also  llie  age  of 
Judge  Doddridge  are  thus  given  on  his  monument  in  Exeter  Catliodral : — 
nYnC  ohIIt  DoDerIgVs  jVDeX  =  1(3-28. 
EN  Ipse  I,etho  eXtIxgVItYr=73 
DoDerIgIVs  IVDeX  CarVs=1G2S. 
The  monument  of  Ludovic  Stuart,  Duke  of  Eielunnnd  and  Lennox,  in 
"Westminster  Abbsy,  contains  tlii.s  clironngram  to  mark  the  date  : — 
AN  IgnoratIs  qA'Ia  prIkCei's  et  VIr  MagnYs  ohHt  nuDlK==lG53. 
See  2  Samuel,  iii.  38. 
At   Clifton  on  Teme,  AVorcester.-;hire,  the  date  of  the  great  bell  is  thus 
given  :— 

iienrICYs  Ieffreyes  kenelmo  DeA"oYIt=1GG8. 
A  book  published  at  London,  Hugo   Grotin.-<,  his   Somj'linjia/icas,  with 
annotations  by 

feanCIs  goLI1s]\IItii=1G52. 
has  no  date  on  the  title  page  beyond  tliat  which  is  thus  clironograpically 

To  give  more  examples  is  unnecessary,  the  above  are  sufficient  to  show 
the  use  of  chronograms  as  dati'  iiiail;s,  and  the  reason  why  those  whoso 
tastes  lead  them  to  collect  nioniiin.'iital  inciiptions  should  learn  to  under- 
stand the  purport  of  the  long  Idlers  whicli  often  prove  a  puzzle  to  the 

Mr.  Hilton's  book  will  well  repay  perusal;  besides  being  very  well  printed 
and  illustrated,  it  is  pleasantly  written  and  exhibits  a  thorough  knowledge 
of  the  subject,  and  the  result  of  an  enormous  amount  of  painstaking 
research.  Not  only  genealogists,  but  historians,  numismatists,  and  all 
lovers  of  curious  and  out-of-the-way  books  are  much  indebted  to  him  for 
furnishing  thcni  with  an  admirable  guide  to  a  term  incogniia  in  the 
byways  of  English  literature.  We  trust  our  readers  will  respond  to  Mr. 
Hilton's  request  to  contribute  any  chronograms  they  may  find  to  liim 
(60,  IMontagu  Square,  ^Y)  and  thus  enable  him  to  add  further  illus- 
trations to  a  subject  which  he  has  made  peculiarly  his  own.  He  says 
farewell  to  liis  reader  in  a  clironogram  which  illustrates  the  use  of  such  a 
method  of  writing,  for  it  tells  us  that  his  work  was  jinishtJ  in  1881, 
whereas  tlie  title  jtage  bears  date  1882  : — 
CoVnxEoVs  reaDer 
I  pInIsii  wItii  this 


BE  THE  YEAR  Ir  InVoLYes 

HAPPY    TO    Yh    roth. 


Unfortunately,  like  .ill  thiiij^s  Innuan,  it  is  nr.t  perfect,  see  his  own  rule  ! 
Had  l,e  o.uut.d  lli.^  1  ill  TiiiM  It  uu.ild  have  inadr,  1SS2,  AVliirhever 
'year  it  involves,'  however,  we  wish  liiiii  hapjiiness  in  the  ri'sult  of  his 

328  NOTICES    OF    BOOKS. 

A   CJexealogicai,  accouxt   of   the  i\lAYO   AND  Elt'on'   Families.     P.y 

Charles  JIeuheut  Mayo,  M.A.     London,  Whittingliuni  and  Co.   1882. 

4to.     Price  21s. 

The  plan  adopted  by  the  author  of  this  book  has  been  to  point  out  by 
way  of  introduction  the  various  families  bearing  the  surname  of  Mayu 
whicli  lie  has  met  with  as  a  guide  to  those  who  may  wish  to  trace  the 
genealogy  of  the  surname  more  fully.  The  Eltons,  from  which  four 
branches  of  the  author's  ovni  family  descend,  are  traced  from  John  Elton 
alias  Baker,  Canon  of  Sarum,  tlio  founder  of  the  Elton  fellowshiii  at 
Brasenose  College  in  Oxford.  Pedigrees  of  various  families  allied  to  that 
of  ]\Iayo  are  given  in  an  appendix,  several  of  which  are  of  value,  as  their 
genealogy  docs  not  appear  to  have  been  recorded  in  print  before.  The 
work  concludes  with  a  tabular  pedigree,  showing  a  descent  from 
Charles  the  Great,  whicli  is  of  little  interest,  and  would  in  our  opinion 
liave  been  quite  as  well  left  out,  or  at  all  events  extended  to  Adam  ! 
The  name  ^Mayo  no  doubt  originates  from  the  Christian  name  Jlatlie^v, 
and  is  variously  spelt,  as  ]\Iayhowe,  JIaynw,  IMaylio-i^-,  and  I\Iay.  Xo 
wonder  therefore  that  it  is  met  witli  in  \aii.ius  Iwralili.  s,  and  that  several 
families,  probably  of  entirely  distinct  ori^'iii,  Inur  it.  Cornwall,  Dorset, 
Gloucestershire,  Herefordshire,  Northamiftuushire,  Norfolk,  and  Suffolk, 
are  all  cradles  of  families  of  the  name. 

TliG  genealogies  of  the  various  branches  of  ^Slayo  recorded  in  this  book 
appear  to  have  been  worked  out  with  mucli  care  and  accuracy,  and  Mr. 
Mayo  gives  his  autliorities  for  tlie  statements  he  makes,  and  thus  renders 
Ids  work  a  record  of  permanent  value.  The  ilayo's  of  Bodenhara,  co. 
Hereford,  are  traced  from  Thomas  Mayo  of  tliat  place  wlio  died  in  162.5. 

Chapter  iv,  and  the  subsequent  chapters  are  devoted  to  an  account  of 
the  descendaats  of  John  Mayo  of  Devizes  by  his  wife  Joane  daughter  of 
William  Playcs,  to  whom  she  was  married  25  April,  1671.  He  appears 
to  be  the  first  ancestor  of  the  author's  family.  Ko  suggestion  is  olTered 
as  to  liis  progenitors,  or  information  given  as  to  his  social  position, 
an  omission  wliich  could  probably  bo  remedied  by  reference  to  Town 
records.  Subsidy  rolls,  or  similar  documents.  It  is  probable,  says  ]Mr. 
!Mayo,  tliat  he  was  a  scion  of  the  family  of  Bodenhani,  but  this  is  evidently 
mere  conjecture.  Among  his  descendants  are  Dr.  :\Iayo  of  Cheani  School, 
Dr.  Mayo  Kector  of  St.  George's,  :\Iiddlesex,  Charles  iMayo,  F.R.S.,  and 
Dr.  Thomas  Maj-o,  F.R.S.,  all  eminent  men,  and  of  each  of  them  many 
interesting  biogiaphical  particulurs  are  given.  Portraits  and  autograph'^ 
of  tlie  more  notable  members  of  the  family  adarn  the  book,  wliich  is  not 
a  mere  dry  genealogy  but  a  readable  and  well  written  account  of  its 
author's  family  ;  more  than  this,  there  is  a  capital  index.  All  interested 
in  the  name  of  Ma^'o,  or  in  the  pedigrees  of  persons  connected  with  it, 
owe  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  IMr.  Mayo  for  writing  an  entertaining  liook  on 
a  dry  subject,  and  giving  the  public  the  result  of  his  researches.  The 
impression  is  limited  to  250  copies  a  few  of  which  are  still  undisposed  of. 
Those  who  wish  to  secure  a  copy,  and  we  can  assure  our  readers  tliat  the 
book  is  worth  buying  at  the  low  price  tixo<l,  should  apply  to  the  Key 
C.  H.  ]\Iayo,  Long-liurton  A'icarage,  Sherborne. 



1676.     Jan.  6,  William  (.i  chikli  ye  s.jun  nf  EUzab.-tli  WelMon  widd.  Wius  buried. 
1691.     Feb.  23,  Elizabeth,  the  ^v^fe  of  Edsvard  Dalby  of  the  Parish  of  St.  Lawrence  in 

Rendinp;,  Gent.,  \va.s  Buryed. 
1695.     May  1,  Elizabeth  Weldon  was  buried. 
1706.     Aug.  9,  Kebeckah  the  wife  of  George  Yieldhall  w;i.s  Buried. 
1722.     Jan.  13,  John  Sa^VTer  was  buried. 
172-''.     Oct.  1.=;,  S"'.  Constatin  Phips  of  London,  was  buried. 
1774.     Jnly  27,  Susannah  Tebbs,  an  infant,  was  buried. 
1778.     July  21,  Bcnj.  Tebbs,  an  infant  from  London,  was  buried. 

Page  197.     Bishop  was  born  14  July  1721,  ii.jt  1771  as  st,ited. 
„     263.     JMc  (  ' Buckinr/ton. ) 
„     267.     Dele  (''AVis*  or  West)  Shefford. 
„     276.     For  Leeeheus  rrad  Zacchens. 

Page  2.     Tabular  peiligree  line  6.      For  "  29  Sept.  1  2S0,"  read,  "  29  Sept.  1289." 
for  "  Margaret's,"  read  "  Mary  Magdalen's." 
For  "  St.  John's  "  read  "  Jesn.s." 
For  "Phlipps"  read  "Phipps." 
For  "1770  "read  "1790." 
Read  "  William  Neile  Esqr." 
After  dece;\sing  insert  "at  Henly  vpon." 
For  "  Edward  "  read  "  Edmund  "  in  both  cases. 
B'or  "wife"  read  "sou." 
For  "  1697,  Edward  "  read  "  1698,  Edmund." 
For  "27  "read  "28." 
For  "  Greene  "  reail  "  Grant." 
For  "ye  book"  read  "ye  new  book." 
For  "1665  "read  "1675." 

For  "November  yi^  "  read  "July  ye  8th,  Susanna  y'." 
For    "  Dennings "    read    "Dennys."      The   Bl'huls   are   from 
Launceston  Registers. 
71.      In  jjedigree  of  Palmer,  for  "  Charlow  "  read  "  Challow." 
91.     In  pedigree  of  Smeaton,  for  "Henwike"  read  "  Hendred." 
110.     For  "  Hydocke"  read  "Haydocke." 

123.     For  "  Lawhitton  Registers  "  read  "  Launceston  Registers." 
120.     Line  9.     For  "  anicorum  "  read  "  amicorum." 
104.     Line  16.     For  "  jun""' read  "  EBq^" 

170.  W.  A.  J.  de  Villettes  was  Comptroller  of  the  Household  of  H.  R.  H.  the 
Duke  of  Kent.     His  will  is  dated  31  Jau.^  1807. 

170.  For  "  Sieur  d'jUlaman  "  read  "  Seigneur  d'AUaman." 

171.  For  "Andriennes"  read  "  Audrienne." 

172.  For  "  Aubord  "  read  "  An  Ijord." 

173.  John  William  Boi.ssier,  born_1772,  died  at  the  siege  of  Lille  1792.  Tho 
Rev"!  Peter  I'.dward  Boissier  h:«l  a  sou  Edward  Boissier,  born  12  June, 
1825,  died  1  Feb.  1839. 

174.  For  "St.  John's  Ken.sington"  read  "St.  John's  Kenningt^n."  For  "Sieur 
de  Kuth,"  rend,  "de  Ruth." 

17.''..      Notol.     For  "M.agsc,"  read  "Masse." 

170.     Note  5.     For  ""  read  "  G.C.H." 

176.     Note  7.      Fur  "a  Jasper"  read  "anil  .lasper." 

176.  Note  9.  For  "  Ixvix  "  road  "Ixxix,"  .add  to  note  6  "Ja.]ues  de  Montledier, 
fays,  m.  in  1619,  Isabeau  Rousset,  and  had  a  son  Jean, 
who  ill  1066  m.  Marguerite  Carlot,  »nd  probably  bocamo  by 
her  father  of  the  above." 


Line  28. 


Line  15. 


Line  24. 


Line  2. 


Line  22. 


Line  30. 


Line  35. 


Line  41. 


Line  10. 


Line  13. 

Line  46. 


Line  43. 


Line  50. 


Line  21. 


I  N  D  E  X 

Namoa  in  capitals  refer  to  pedigrees,  or  whn 

eame  page. 
Namca  in  italics  show  thiit  the  blazon  of  tlie  ai 
The  Calendar  of  Lambeth  Wills  is  not  iuclud 


frequently  on  the 

tliat  paper  being  itfelf 

Abberforth,  178 

Arnold,  250 

Bailie,  181 

Abell,  180 

Ashburne,  140 

Bailies,  177 

Abington,  177 

Ascongh,  145, 146, 


Bailey,  57,  307 

Acton,  82,  178,  181,  316 

Ashbie,  181 

Baker,    50,    79,    109,   115. 

Adams,  79,  176,  178,  180 

Ashby,  153,  316 

120,  182,  2.53,  321 

Addeubrooke,  119 

Ashe,  1 48 

Baldei-ston,  145 

AirUo,  205 

Ashley,  69 

Baldwer,  36,  37 

Aitchi.TOn,  313 

Ashton,  273,  321 

Baldwin,  178,  2SS 

Alanson,  207 

Aslnvin,  180,319,  321 

Baldwyn,   182,    247,   251, 

Alder,  81,  116 

Ashvine,  181 

253,  310,  318 

Aldworth,  107,  109 

Ashwyn,  252,  253, 


Balies,  178 

Alex.inder,  2 -IS,  252 

Aske,  276 

Ball,  70,  182,  319 

AUeu,  43,  47,82,180,252, 

Asplin,  321 

Ballard,  182,248,253,  318 

317,  318,  321 

Astemore,  316 

B.4UI0I.,  1,  7 

Alleyue,  21 

Asterby,  2S7 

Banks,  269 

AlUngton,   209 

A.sthill,  98 

Barbar,  265 

Alport,  119 

Aston,  11,95 

Barber,  102 

Alsop,  247,  253 

Athole,  1 

Barclay,  210 

AlUmtcig,  215 

Atkinson,  72,  147, 


B.ircrafte,  177 

AJitensteig,  215 

Atkirk,  200 

Bardfickl,  9 

Amaries,  179 

Attwell,  40 

Baril,  175 

Amcottes,  281 

Attwood,  247,  321 


Barker,  78,  99,  173 

Amcotts,  158 

Atwoode,  316 

Barklcy,  69 

Anderson,  22,  90 

Audley,  16,  IS,  29 

Barkwood,  46 

Anderton,  103 

Aunger,  41 

BarkuvHh,  261 

AndrewcB,  184 

Austen,  180 

Barnaby,  282 

Andrews,  81,  179,  /71 

An.tor,  :V20 

Barnardi.ston,  48 

Andrews,  316 

A..   In,,,,.,  15J 

Barnes,  22,  97,  251 

Angevine,  267 

AM^■.^  181 

Barret,  181,  321 

Angcvyne,  259,  270 

Av.  liri,  49 

Barrey,  93 

Annesley,  256 


Ban-y,  102 

ApOrimn,  2(5 

Aycr,  i91 

Bartlam,  252 

Apleby,  158 

AvIiMi T,  sec  KImer 

Bartlett,  184 

Apletord,  103 

Ay,M.:oiigh,  257,  28 

Barwys,  207 

Applebee,  318,  319 

AllMcrb.i,  287 


Appleby,  3-21 

Aynterby,  287,  156 


Basset,  18,  177 

Appleyard,  33 

Bassett,  50,  141 

Ap  Price,  76 

lliibb,  91 

B.iteman,  260,  316 

Archard,  177,  316 

Bathurst,  253 

Archbold,  180 

r.iU'Mn    50,  57 

Baxter,  120 

Archci,  280 

Hadl.y,.,  157 

Baylcy,  266 

Archer,  300,  321 

l'.,.,l;.-.T,  180 

Bayly,  306 

Archpolo,  318 

r„i.|.4li..t,   107 

Bavn.-.rd,  74 

Ardrn,  153 

li.C".'!!,  310.  .'U? 

Beale,  79,  250 

Armstrong,  36,  37,  140 

I'.aK.-lisvve,  184 

Be.-»r,  74 

Arncway,  285 

lUguley,  45 

Brarcroft,  182 

Bcardniore,  145                      , 

Blount,  73,  159 

Bridges,  155,317,  320 

Be;irc,  198 

Blounte,  177 

Bridston,  275 

Be,irne,  321 

Blountstone,  282 

Brierlcy,  259 

Beauchami),  177 

Blowe,  41 

Brigg,  260 

Beaumont,  280 

Blower,  49 

Brigg.s,  192 

Beiivans,  251 

Bluck,  319 

Brightman,  157 

Beck,  100                               i 

Blucke,  250 

Brincklcy,  157 

Beck1«y,  110                          1 

Blundell,  184 

Brindley,  119 

Beoonsawe,  13                       | 

Blundeston,  263 

BrimUcy,  121 

Beekonshawe,  65                   i 

BluudevUe,  260,  270 

Brinley,  119,  252 

Bee,  147 

Blunt,  179 

Bri!5tow,  141) 

Beecb,  145 

Blurton,  183 

BrockeU,  8  J 

Beerhe,  52 

Board,  174 

Brocklesby,  159,  285 

Beesley,  180 

Boase,  61 

Brodcrwicke,  SO 

Belgrave,  291 

Boges,  256 

Brogden,  100 

Bell,  154,  255,321 

BoissiER,  168,  176 

Broniich,  177 

Bcllasia,  295.  309 

Boissicj;  168 

Bromley,  ISO 

Belliugham,  '280 

Boisaier,  329 

Bromsall,  138 

Belton.  41 

BoUe,  267,  289 

Bromwich,  249 

Bcndish,  1 40 

Bolles,  278,  285 

Broode,  316 

Bendish,  140 

Bolter,  183 

Brooke,  321 

Bcnger,  53 

Bonner,  249 

Brookes,  66 

Benlowes,  290 

Bonnet,  168 

Broome,  83 

Bennett,  63,  75,  179,  181, 

Bonvile,  324 

Brough,  146 

248,  249,  320 

Bonvylc,  284 

Brown,  72 

Bentley,  251 

Booth,  38,  143,  152,  160 

Browne,   41,    53,    54,    69, 

Berchere,  168,  175 

Boovey,  180,  317 

77,  181,  283 

Berocroft,  180 

Borough.  289 

Broxholmo,  155,  259,  292 

Berington,  84 


Bruce,  162,  167,  205,  211 

Berkley,  66,  319,  S21 

Bostock,  214 

Bruce,  165,  167,  209 

Kernack,  277 

Bosvile,  26n,  267 

Bruche,  11 

fimia/t,  268 

Bothwell,  162 

Brugh,  154,  155 

Ben-y,  265 

Botreaux,  19 

Bruning,  111 

Bertraud,  172 

Bourchior,  19,  52,  173 

BKVA^•,  140 

Best,  95,  178,  261 

Boult,  250 

Bryan,  140 

Bestland,  102 

Bound,  179 

Bryan,  94 

Bevercottes,  268 

Bourne,  96,  277,  166 

Bickerton,  55 

Bourton,  179 

Buckenham,  15,  139 

Bidden,  40 

Bovey,  ISO 

Buckstono,  67 

Biddle,  322 

Bovy:  178 

Buckton,  257 

Bigge,  98,  252 

Bovill,  66 

Budcl,  322 

Bipge.s,  180 

Bowl  and,  45 

Bui3.-ioii,  16,<<,  172 

Billesby,  146,  153 

Bowyer,  38 

Hullingham,  181 

mUtsdon,  283 

Boynton,  169 

Bnlla;  274 

Billesdon,  283 

Boys,  2K5 

Bailor,  275 

Bircli,  43 

Brabouthc,  292 

liullock,  264 

Birche,  38 

Brace,  250,  310,  317,  319 

Burgain..,  300 

Bird,  177,  317 

Brackenton,  ISO 

BurdeU,  291 

Biron,  152 

Bradborue,  144 

BUKOKS,  140 

Bishop,  110 

Br.adley,  192* 

BUROM,  141 

BisKbop,  178 

Br.adahaw,  17C 

Biinih,  141,  277 

Blacke,  53 

Bradshawe,  178 

Burgh,  271,  280 

Blackford,  112 

Bragden,  31C 

P.urgi.,  63 

Elackleach,  91 

BramK.len,  2S3 

Burrows,  22 

Blackwell,  144 

Brandon,  146 

Burke.  303 

Blades,  41 

Brandon,  146 

Bururll,  56 

niagravc,  65,   81,   97,   112 

Hrawnc,  31  7 

B.urnett,  296 

Blake,  10,  110 

Ih-aytnft   26S,  2S10 

l!urt<.ii,     149,      264,     280 

Bland,  103 

Brayto'ft,  208 

319,  2S9 

Blandey,  105 

Brercton,  213 

Boshrll.lSO,  218,  249,  319 

Blandv,  101 

Brereton,  213 

Bus.-^rll,  179 

Blcsby,  283 

Bretton,  258 

BusBir,  141 

Blioko,  218 

Bri.nn,  17 

Butcher,  31C 

BliGson,  47 

Brid,  11 




Butini,  172,  174 

Butler,  HI 

Butler,  141 

Butler,  74,  143,  160,  179, 

ISO,  250,  2S0 
Butler — DauvcrB,  176 
Butt,  316 
Butts,  77 
Byard,  179 
Bysshf,  102 

Cade,  161 
Caldwell,  312 
Callow,  318,  319 
Callowe,  252 
Calmady,  125 
Calverley,  263 
Cambden,  321 
Camden,  21 Q 
Camock,  140 
Campbell,  189 
Campbell,  201 
Camus,  04 
Camville,  17 
Cane,  60,  57 
Car,  11 
Cftrbonnel,  55 
Carew,  102,  193, 

Carlot,  329 
Carmichael,  201,206 
Carr,  204 
Carrewe,  177 
Cartor,  318 
Cartwright,  M2 
Cary,  70 
Cash,  56 
Castelforth,  1 54 
Castelion,  136,  138 
Castdion,  136,  137 
Castilion,  65,  94 
Castle,  95,  101 
Catanacb,  208 
Catelyn,  60  ^ 
Caljsbec,   177 
Cave,  268 
Caye,  316 
CecUl,  320 
Chabert,  169 
Chambers,  205 
Chapman,    55,    182,    183, 

184,  248,  252,  318 
Charles,  48 
Charlctt,  181,  321 
Chai.lton,  303 
Charlton,  309 
Chaso,  138 
Chauudlor,  249 
ChedfU,  179 
CAcnfi/,  137 
Cheney,  137 
Cheney,  2S3 
Cherry,  63,  102 

Chessall,  173 

Chester,  189* 

Chichester,  90,  197,  205 

Child,  17S,  182,  183 

(Uiilham,  1 

Chilton,  152 

Chipley,  209 

Chipsey,  152 

Clapham,  263 

Clargit,  178 

Clark,    38,    91,    112,    14S, 

Clarke,  90,   106,  114,  250, 

Clayton,  142,  143 
Clai/ton,  143 
Clayton,  267 
Cleare,  55 
Cleer,  54 

Clements,  83 
Clerk,  ISO 
Gierke,  251 
Clever,  320 
Cleydon,  179 
Cleypule,  37 
Clif'den,  205 
Clifford,  293 
Clint  Ml,  141 
Clough,  318 
Clutterbucke,  316 
Clytton,  177 
Coaker,  53 
Coats,  46 
Cobham,  141 
Coclnan-Patiick,  312 
Cockayn,  S3 
Cockbdl,  251 
Coeke,  37 
Codrington,  73 
Cogan,  IS 
Cokayne,  191' 
Cole,  181,  197,  198 
Cokhrookc,  108 
Coleman,  63,  184 
Colles,  177 
Collie.-,  109 
Colling,  123 
CoUings,  124 
Collins,  124 
Colombcll,  274 
Colson,  180 
Colt,  97 
Columbar,  IS 


ColumhcU,  143 
CvUllc,  263 
Colv,  320 
Colivns,  60,  145 
Co,nh,r,rorlh,  ^87,  290 
Conil..  iw..rth,  290 
Cvu,}„u,:nr,  136,  137 
Con.p^ugne,  136 
Compton,  318 

Corny n,  5,  6 
Comyns,  86 
Coningsby,  107 
Couny,  140,  156 
Constable,  266,  285 
Constantine,  141 
Conyers,  263 
Cook,  191 
Cooke,  112,  142,  14S,  178, 

251,  321 
Cookes,  177,247,249,250, 

318,  319 
Cookson,  145 
Coombe,  177 
Coombes,  179 
Cooper,  247 
Cope,  257 
Coplej,71,  179 


Copledike,  279 

Corbet,  53 

Corlett,  15 

Cornwall,  82 

Cosbye,  2S8 

Cosewerth,  198 

Cosworth,  198 

Cottenham,  205 

Cotterell,  181 

Cots.  41 

Cotton,  144 

Cotton,  144 

Cotton,  169 

Cottrell,  112 

Couch,  126 

Court,  321 

Couutenay,  193—190 

Courtenay,  324 

Courtney,  61 

Coventry,  250 

Cowley,  64,  191,  255,  2  58, 

Cowper,  158,  310 

Cox,  100, 182,154,249,318 
Cradock,  19—23 

Cradock,  19 

Crake,  263 

Cranke,  177 

Crawford,  184 

Crawfurd,  183 

Crawley,  106 

Craycroft,  158,  270,  277 

Cresst,  145 

Crcwy,  145,  263 

Crew,  68 

Crichton,  208 

Croft,  177,  316 

CroUr,  81 

Croker,  81 

Croiuweli,  62 

Cr....k,  83,  309 

Crooke,  13,  112 

Crookshank,  1C5 

Crosbio,  173 

Crosby,  178 


Cro3e,  178 

De  Braose,  16—19,  236- 

Dickins,  101,  255 

Cross/wlme,  151 


Diokson,  256 

Crunch,  93 

De  Brus,  242 

Digby,  116 

Crow,  ,318 

De  Burgh,  7 

DiGiiTON,  147 

Crowtelie,  52 

De  Camoys,  245 

Dbjhton,  147 

Cuiiiuglinmc,  312 

De  Caux,  255 

Diilington,  141 

Curie,  lOS 

De  Clare,  242,  246 

Dineley,  252,  319 

Curteys,  209 

De  Clere,  242 

Dingley,    178,    252,    319 

Cutberd,  178 

De  CliUbrd,  237,  238,  242 


De  ColeiTlle,  242 

Dingley,  252 

Dabitot,  178 

De  Fay,  16,  242 

Dipj.le,  318 

Dabitott,  248 

Deffycke,  49,  52 

Diauey,  158,  2S3,  285 

Dabridgcourt,  259 

De  Gallatin,  170 

Dixon,  140,  146 

Dalby,  53,  329 

De  Gasparin,  172 

Dizon,  321 

Dale,  ICl 

Degge,  117 

Dookwra,  146 

Dallison,  287 

De  GlanviU,  234 

Docwray,  95 

DiiUyson,  147 

De  Greuested,  238 

Doddridge,  327 

Dulmulioy,  20S 

De  Hemester,  246 

Donaldson,  309 

Dalton,  62 

De  Herlham,  232 

Dalysoiie,  2G1 

De  Hickford,  234 

Dorchester,  205 

Danby,  145 

De  Kyrabelle,  244 

Dorke,  249 

IJcnibv,  145 

De  la  Bere,  81 

Dormer,  48 

Dandridge,  90 

De  la  Cree,  75 

Dorrell,  84 

D'Angelnis,  lOS 

Dolahaye,  99 

Dotson,  58 

Daiiiel,  93 

De  la  Rive,  169,  171,172 

DOUGHTIE,   148 

Daniictt,  247 

De  Lasey,  239,  243 

Dougktie,  148 

Daiit,  105 

De  Moeles,  243,  244 

Douglas,    171,    185,    186 

Danvill,  97 

De  Jlontledier,  175 

189*,  202,  329 

Danvill,  104,  100 

De  Morlai,  232 

Doverdale,  318 

Dapifer,  7 

De  ^lortimer,  237 

Dower,  180,  181 

Darliy,  319 

De  Multun,  242,  243 

Dowler,  319 

Dai-ey,  80 

Do  Noreford,  234 

Doxvnes,  100 

D'Areiig,  173 

Do  Neville,  230 

Downham,  158 

Darling,  170 

Dcnham,  280 

Dowson,  281 

Dahnkll,  146 

Donham,  280 

Doyley,  99 

Ihiniell,  140 

Donni,-.,  60 

Dra.;iner,  160 

Da.iu-il,  284 

DiMinv,  SO 

Drayner,  160 

iMrrrV,  270 

Doniiys,  329 

Drew,  182 

Danell,  81,  156 

Denton,  96,  104 

Drewe,  249 

D.irset,  282 

Donv.H,  108 

Drope,  72 

Dast..ii,  179 

De  I'ateshiU,  234 

Du  Bruc,  168 

Dauiice,  252 

De  Quincy,  236 

Duokott,  65 

Davfxi'Oht,  34,  35 

De  Pdevaux,  236,  237 

Duinid,  177 

Darcnport,  35,  308 

De  Koos,  245 

Diigard,  182,  319   320 

Davenport,  09,  303 

DeSaussuro,  170,171 

Dugdale,  53 

Davies,  54 

De  St.  Andr..v7,  -4:i 

Du.nare.sq,  173,  176 

IktriU,  261 

Do  St.  Kl.n...  213,211 

Dunbar,  202 

Davis,  07 

De  Sootcr,  205 

Dunch,  75,  112 

DoStaol,  171 

Duucom,  56 

Danis,  20 

De  'rabjcv,  205 

Dundas,  200,  201 

Davv,^,  20 

Dotliiok,  49 

Duport,  268 

Dawkes,  178 

Do  Tliorn,  239 

Durham,  251 

Daw:>on,  48 

DoTouriKM,  17(1 

Dorrham,  52 

]  lay,  252 

DoVorm.nonv,  170 

Dutlon,  214 

Daye,  54,258 

De  Vo.sci,  205 

Duttou,  8 

Do  Andovur,  238 

DkV.u.kt.k.s,  108-176 

Duval,  175 

Di'in,  97 

Dewoll,  53 

Dye,  248 

Do. mo,  101,  IS  1 

D'lCwo..,  02 

l/ylko,  145 

Do  .ArL'onliuo,  237 

Dowo.s,  .'IKS 

Dyinock,  264 

Do  Aum.l.a,  240 

Do  \VI,itn,.v,244 

Dynioke,    141,    277,    2S8, 

Do  A-,luf,.!,l,  241 
Drbrll,  44 

Douhursl,  33 
Doyno,  i;,;i 

Dyncloy,  253 

Do  l;..,k,  175 

Diok,  310 

Dyugley,  180 

iJo  liraokol,  171 

Dick.Cnnyngli.ini,  310 

Dyson,  182,  249,  253,  316 


Kttdes,  1 81 
E alca,  63 
Eailain,  155 
Kastcourt,  181 
Eastou,  73 
Eaton,  318 
Eeclcslo7i,  148 
Eden,  253 
Kdyhury,  305 
Eilgoek,  179 
Edmonds,  257 
Edmonson,  154 
Edridge,  70 
Edwards,  53,  180 
Edwardes,  178 
Edye,  276 
Eeles,  104 
Egeocke,  180 
Eginglon,  38 
Eland,  2fil 
Eldon,  205 
Eldrington,  113 
Elgar,  101 

ElioU,  201,  202 
Ellaconibe,  15 

EUins,  182,  248,  2r.l,  820 

Elliott,  290,  294 

Ellis,  262,  275 

Elmf.u,  149 

Elw4;r,  149 

Elmes,  94 

Elphiugstone,  1C2 

Ellington,  263 

Elton,  116,  328 

ElviuR,  320 

Elwaiea,  75 

Ernes,  250 

Emms,  250 

Einottes,  177 

Emperinghain,  261 

Empson,  291 

English,  46,  183 

Entwyaell,  151 

Erskine,  185,  1S6,  301 


Estcott,  57 

Estofte,  154 

Estiang,  169 

Etheiington,  284 
Ktton,  144 
Evance,  178 
Evenco,  179 
Evelyn,  62,  87 

KVKKlNUIIA«,ll:l,  M9 
V;vcrt..n,  2-iy 
Evett,   179 
Ewart,  2112 
Ewens,  180 
Eyre,  144,  273,  279 
Eyetou,  87,90,  91 


I    Fabri,  171,  172,  174 
Fairef.ix,  1S4 
Fairfax,  115,  140,  313 
FairfuU,  204 
Faldoe,  i6 
Fahv;i.^ser,  56,  57 
Farington.  114 
Fanner,  101,  ICS,  249 
Farniury,  293 
Farre,  320 
Farson,  204 
Favre,  168 
FayoUe,  169 
Feamlev,  211 
Feather.^tou,  253 
Feeld,  177 
Foild,  184 
Fell,  318 
Pcrcby,  271  _ 
Ferguson,  173 
Fernars,  154 
Ferrers,  94 
Fesch,  255 
Fetber^tone,  183 
Fetliplace,  104,  113 
Field,  22,  65,  251,  252,  319 
Finch,  50,  53,  55,  257 
Fincham,  140 
Fincher,    183,    249,    253, 

Firmadge,  20 
Fischer,  1  69 
Fish,  71,   161 
Fishborne,  258,  280 
Fisher.  84,  104,    IIG,    148 

Fislnvicke.  281 
Fitzh.-.l.Lit,  179 
Fitzliervcy,  234 

I'it/Aval't'er;  5,  6,  7 
Fitzwarvn,  18,19 
Fitzwilli.un,  in,  148,152 
154,  160,  285,  292 

FlTZ-WlLl.lAMS,  150 

Kitz-\Villiain.s,  263,  268 
Fleet,  319 
Fleetwood.  80 
Fletcher,  72,  202,  251 
Flower,  275 
FlowTe,  215 

Fhiddver,  49,  5J 

Fliisher,  1  52 

FIvnt,  103 

FuLKY,  117,  l-'2 

Foljai'nt.e,'M4  ' 
Folliott,  lilt 
l-oUy,  181 
Fulv,  18:i 
Kookes.  153 
Forbes,  176 
Ford,  84 

Forman,  1 59 
Forres,  20.' 
Forret,  202 
Forsett,  277 
Forster,    79,    88, 

Foster,  161,  262, 
Kotherby,  156 
Fotherbye,  143 
Foulkes,  308 
Fowler,  70 
Fowlkes,  276 
Fox,  19,  65,  182 
Foxe,  38 

Fra/er,  208 
FrcchvUe,  144 
Freeman,     40,     1 
253,  270,  317, 
Freman,  179 

,  253 

1-ry,  -li. 
Fryer,  114 
Fuljambe,  150 
Fullwoorl,  249 
Fnlnetby,  281,  293 
Fulstowe,  284 
Furley,  1  S3 

Gadbery,  155 
ftrcr,  124 
Gaer,  58,  125 
Gage,  115 
Galland,  102 
Galle,  262 
Gannet,  11,  51, 
Gaudnku,  15 


54,  55 

Oardi/ner,  151 
Ganiderton,  17 
Garrard,  65,  16 
Garrett,  182 
Gartshore,  202 
Garwood,  268 
Gascoigne,  272 
Gate,  256 


George,  ISO 
Gerard,  304 


GEniNO,  153 

Gerard,  75,  151 
Gibbes,  ISO,  181,  248 
Gibbs,  251,  325 
Gibson,  39,  202 
Gibson-Mai tland,  311 
Giffard,     37,     238,     i 

GifFord,  210 
Gilbert,  144 
Gilborne,  80 
Gn.BT,  154,  155     . 
Oilby,  154 
Giles,  114,  180 
Gilley,  167 
Gilmour,  202 
Girllngton,  153,  158, 

284,  286 
Glaidstainos,  202 
Glassock,  190 
Ghissford,  202 
Olover,  79, 
Glover,    80,     119,     1' 

Gobion,  203 
GocHE,  155 
Ooche,  155 
Godarda,  257 
Goddard,  115 
Goddarde,  52 
Godtree,  1S3 
Godfrey,  1S3,  319 
Goddin,  250 
Gold,  317 
Golding,  88 
Goldsniitli,  327 
Goldson,  00 
Gooday,  148 
Goode,  180,  317 
Goodier,  178 


Ooodhand,  15G 
Goodhand,  256,  292 
Goodlake,  112 
Goodman,  69 
Goodwyn,  90,  178 
Goodwin,  89,  235,  315 
Gooile,  177 
Gure,  74,  253,  317 
Gorle,  177 
Gorney,  146 

Orant,  154 

Hamry,  160 

Grant,    56,    57,    202,  203, 

llamden,  250 

295,  329 

Hamertan,  273 

Grantham,  157 

HamUton,  203 

Grantham,  157 

Hampden,  82 

Grantham,  152,  279,  293 

Hanbary,  83,  178,  179 

Granville,  124,  125 

Hanbye,  272 

Grauut,  253 

Handbury,  179 

GnAY,  158 

Hankford,  19 

Ora,j,  158,  167 

Hannay,  203 

Gray,  162 

Hanowe,  180 

Greasley,  40 

Hansard,  161 

Grken,  309 

Hanbard,    154,    155,    256 

Green,  304 

269,  280,  290 

Green,  22,  304,  308 

Harbage,  318 

Greene,  57,  109,  159,  160, 

Harbatch,  182 

183,  249,  252,  318,  322, 

Harbert,  78,  103,  103 


Ilarbyn,  151 

GreeuehiU,  181 

Hardbeane,  151 

Greenway,  77 

Hardbeanc,  152 


Harding,  90,  277 

Grogge,  177 

JIardinge,  55 

Gbegort,  159 

Hardingshall,  270 

Grcaory,  159 

llarenc,  204 

Gregory,  91,  307 

Harene,  204 

Grene,  85,  177, 178 

Harewell,  89 

Oi-enfuld,  271 

Harfell,  13 

Grenfield,  272 

Harington,  174,  281 

Grkslhy,  159 

Harper,  181 

Gredeu,  159 

Hairett,  251 

Gresley,  283 

Harrington,  85,  270,  324 

Grevel,  316 

Harris,  180,  321 

GreviU,   177 

Harrison,  256 

GuEvis,  304-309 

IlmTison,  256 

Greris,  304 

Harrison,     68,    177,     IS 

Griffin,  161,  183 

182,  316 

Gri-sold,  181 

Harryson,  177 

Grivell,  179 

Hartford,  82 

Grose,  39 

Hartshorn,  15 

Grosvenor,  255 

Harvey,    85,    289,    292, 

Grove,   12,    U,  52,  53,  55, 


85,  96 

Harvy,  318 

Grover,  22 

llarrye,  156 

Groynton,  15S 

Harvye.  156 

Guest,  319 

Harward,  320 


Harvvarde,  318 

Gunnell,  178 

Harwell,  178 

Gwavara,  279,  284 

liarwood,  320 

Oylliird,  IM 

Haselton,  177 

Haselwode,  180 

Haskerds,  105 

Hacklat,  248 

Ha-^koU,  14 

Haddock,  178 

Hatlewood    63 

Hale,  180 

Has^ett,  2S6 

Hales,  76,  80.  161,  TS 

Hastings,     18,     149,   255 

Hall,   112,  147,  177,  '203, 


249,293,  306,  321,  3j3 

llastingc-s,  183 

IhiUidaij,  268 

llateho,  52 

Halliday,  3-'4 

Hatrliir,  156 

Halloway,  319 

Hatuukkk,  256 

H.M.ION,  160 

IhUrliffe,  256 

Jliillon,  160 

Hate,  251 

Halton,  150 

Hatherley,  CO 



Hatton,  180 

Hinson,  78 

Hunt,  G7,  183,  247,  252, 

llauKhtou,  ISl 

Iliuton,  141 

320,  321 

Haule,  87 

Hinie,  36 

Hunto,  ISO 

Haven,  157,  272 

HoUirt,  13 

HrNTFi!,  310,  315 

Havilton,  11 

Holibie,  180 

Jiania;  313 

Hawes,  55,  56,  108,  150 

Hobbs,  112 

Hunter,  208,  209,  210 

Uawkes,  22 

Hobday,    179,    182,    183, 

Hurst,  11,  173 

Hawkins,  111,  IH 

248,  252,  253,  320 

Hussey,  285 

Hawlcs,  87 

Hobdey,  ISl 

Ilusthwaite,  291 

Hawlev,  291 

Hobs,  70 

Husthwaite,  292 

Hawlej-n,  109 

Hockerstone,  41 

Husthwayte,  256,  2S3 

Hawton,  43 

Hodsdeu,  52 

Hustwavte,  272 

Hay,  203,  204,  210,  211 

Hobdev,  321 

Hutchinson,  262 

JIai/ilod;  110 

Hogg,  116 

Hnthwett,  46 

Haydock,  8,  202 

Hogliti.n,  14 

Hutton,  157 

Haydocke,  110,  329 


Hybot,  316 

HaydoD,  66 

Holhcach,  261 

;/!/(/f,  137 

Baydon,  280 

Holland,  151 

Hyde,  137,  182 

Hayes,  51,114,328 

HoUand-Corbett,  22 

Hycrne,  179 

Hay-Makdougal,  204 

Holies,  62 

Hyett,  316 

Haynes,  184,  320 

Holliocke,  182,  320 

Hynton,  48 

Hayward,  11,  179 

Hollis,  261,  263 

Head,  88 

Holloway,  77,  S6 

Hedges,  180 

Holmden,  250 

Hedley,  266 

Holme,  121 

In-gi,ebeiit,  265 

Hemes,  179 

Holmer,  ISO 

Ingleby,  288 

Heires,  180 

Holmes,  109,  1  S3,  200,273 

Ingram,  178,  181,  282 

i[clio,i,  146 

Holt,  72 

Helion,  146 

Holtam,  178,  250 

Innos,  204 

Helsbj,  322 

HOLTE,  33 

Ion,  259 

Helsou,  60 

Iloltc,  33 

Ion,  259 

Helyn,  72 

Holtofte,  119 

Ireland,  259 

Heminge,  251,  317,  321 

Holtoni,  317,  321 


Hemminge,  182,  183 
Heinpsall,  271 

Hooper,  IS 2 

Hopkins,  ISO 

Isott,  180 

Hendry,  166 

Hojikinson,  ■;;70 

Izard,  251,  318 

Heneagc,  291 

Hojiper,  67 

Henley,  179 

Horden,  256 

Hennkgb,  257 

Hore,  13 

Hmncrje,  257 

Home,  38 

.lack,  210 

Uciiihaw,  214,  305 

Honicbi,-,  251 

Jacknian,  250 

Hcnshaw,  214,  271,   305 

Iloniiold,  179 

Jackson, 'l5,  91,  122,  249 

Herbert,  183 

llorrork,  21 

Jaconib,  47 

Heron,  1 

HorS.M,.:M,,  178 

Jakeman,  322 

llersey,  106 

Horslrv,  ->;:i 

James,  306 

Hervy,  48 

HollKin,,  0-.; 

James,    50,    63,   93,    179, 

Hester,  108 

H..„.l,r„,  T'.l, 


Hewett,  273,  279 

ll.,„.l,.y,    'V.i 

Jameson,  37 

Heyes,  52 

Hnv.  lM^:,,^  H 

Jansey,  173 

Heylvn,  91 

ll..w;,,,i.  W,  111,  255 

Jarrett,  249 

Heynes,  179,  316 

HoH.ll,  :!I0 

.larvis,  144 

Heytli,  276 

ll.,w»l,,vv,.,  273 

Jeav,  138 

Hkvton,  258 

llow..on,  3S 

Jelfe-ycs,  179 

Heywood,  318 

Hul.:.M.I,     179,    ISO,     182, 

Hide,  73 

217,  219,250,  317,  320, 

Jenings,  319,  320 

Higges,  54 


Jenkinson,  293 

Higgins,  290,  320 

}\nU,u,  3.!0 

Jennyi,  99 

Higgs,  54,  179 

ll.nlh.l.n,,  -liV.S 

Hilclesley,  111 

llml iui],  ;,i!  if,o  177 

"l  ,          "  i'',"  ' 

Hill,  177,  179,  183,  253 

Hul.U'    113  ' 

■/_',''""'    '.'- 

Hillary,  18 

j/iimirn;,/,,  2SS 

.'leiniyn'.  157 

Jliltoft,  279 

Ilun.'fu.vstnu,  290 

Jcrvii),  SU 

Hilloft,  279,  2S1 

Hiing,.,l,„,l,  109,  193,  198 

jL-wkr's,  119 

Hill«n,  289,  326,  327 

llmmton,  1.53,  258 

Johnea,  27i» 


JohuB,  219 

Johnson,  260 

Johison,  260 

Johnson,  73,  277,  318 

Joyies,  305 

Jones,  ISl,  1S3,  247,  249, 

305,  317,  320 
Jordiin,  182,  313 
Jordeu,  252 
Joyce,  285 
Jugius,  179 
Justice,  104 

Kay,  147,  257 
Keat,.92,  94 
Keblewhite,  91 
Kecke,  181,  1»3,  319,  321 
Keighley,  252 
Kekewich,  S— 11 
Kehewich,  9 
Kelke,  261 
Kelley,  54 
Kemmett,  251 
Kemp,  93,  2S1,  lSi,217 

Koini.,t..n,179,  320 

Ken.lall,  lUS 

Kennc,  10 

Kennedy,  1G2 

Kef-.ell,  t.S 

KettU-l.v,  321 

Keyt,  317 


KlU'l^t,:..   -J.-.l 

KinWU,  171 
Kin.-.c-y,  21  f, 
Kinlon,  206 
Kirliy,  63 
Kiike,  44 
Kit.',  317 
Kitcloy,  252 
Kn.q.,  S2 
KNL.iir,  21.2 
Kn.^l.t,  ;-l,  2 

Knyveton,  144,  145 
Ki/inc,  2SS 
Kyme,  277,  279 

Labat,  174 

IjACo'n,  262 
lacon,  262 
Lacy,   152,    182,  18: 

253,  320 
Ladyer,  266 
Lambart,  263 
Lamlart,  263 
Lambert,  261 
L:unbert,  264,  289 
Laiiiblou,  279_ 
Lamport,  51,  56 
Lan-^m,  265 
I     Lane,    76,    103,    25 

317,  322 
Langholme,  277 
Laughorue,  76,  114 
Langston,    177,  178, 

182,  251 
Langton,    155,    277, 

Larke'  159,  319 
Latb..m,  151 
LaugUton,  266 
Lanton,  214 
Law,  37,  163,  206 
L^iwrenoe,  116,  317, 
Luvson,  74 


Leehmove,  182 
Le  Omte,  171 
Le  Cumander,  238 
Le  Draper,  240 
Lee,    51,    52,    55,   i 

104,  152,210 
Lkkds,  265 
Leeds,  265 
Leeds,  142 
Leek,  263 
LuKngleys.  183 
Le  Fort,  169.  172 
Leggatt,  142 


Ldyh,  137 

Leigh,  36,  50,  55, 
143,  25C,  248 

Leigbt,  311 

LciijMon,  304 

Leighlnn,  304 

Lei^,h,  210 

Lcuche,  177 

Le  Kus,  242,  243 

Lci-crett,  : 

Lewe3,  243 
Lewis,  319 
Lewkuor,  66 
Leyoesler,  322 
Libb,  65, 100 

Life'  37 

Lightbourne,  103 

Li''htfuot,  50 

Ligon,  178,  179,  319 

Lifbourn,  282 

Lilley,  320 

LiUie,  106,  181 

Lilly,  38,  17  8,  181,132 

Liuch,  149 

Lingard,  179 

Linley,  45 

Lisle,  12 — 15 

Lisons,  316 

Litlebery,  292,  293 

Litleburv,  142 

Litler,  276 

Littlebery,  153 

LiTTLEBUllY,  266 

Littlepage,  2S2 

Littleton,    184,   252,   253, 

317,  320 
Lloyd,  14,  67 
Lock,  53 
Lorjrjins,  110 
Loggins,  49,  110,  313 
Lokeyard,  177 
Lomley,  2S6 
Longe,  177 
Longespey,  239,  243 
Longlield,  54 
Lord,  252 
Lorymer,  1_5_2 
Loubier,  175 
Lound,  283 
Lova-irk,  -in 
I,ovwlay,  51 
Lovell,  -274^ 
LowND,  266 
Lownd,  266 
Lullin,  168,  170 
Lumley,  239 
Lunsford,  66 
Lunghespey,  238,  243 
Lunn,  22 
Lunue,  247 

I     Machdl,  267 



Maclnu,  8.3 

Mawre,  273 

Mues,  204 

Mackenzie,  202 

Maxwell,  290 

MUNDY,  65 

M'Kevlie,  204 

Maydenwell,  271 

Mund.i.  65 

McKredie,  204 

Mayo,  249,  328 

MunMii,  291 

Macleay,  176 

Mayott,  92 

Mun.son,  147,  292 

Madeson,  279 

Mead,  70 

Murray,  29S,  299 

Madison,  267 

Meades,  316 

Mi.F-rave,  141 

Madock,  214 

Medcalfe,  260 


Madysou,  142 

Medhop,  264 

:ilussuub:n,  270 

Magse,  175 

Mcdlicott,  306 

Mufe-sendcD,  146,  267,  269 

Maitland,  311,  312 

Medwell,  17S 

MaUiam,  147 

Meeres,  275 

Mallctt,     107,     179,    ISO, 

Nadal,  192* 


Men/.ies,  208 

N.anfan,  250,  251 

Malli'uar,  318 

Meore,  53 

Nani.ban,  178 

Malloeh,  164 

Merecroft,  48 

Nasi,,  321 

Malteii,  183 

MerreU,  179 

Naville,  168.  172 

Man,  258 

Merwode,  197,  199 

Nayler,  204 

Manby,  277 

Meverell,  104 

Neale,  211,  212,  317 

Mandeville,  6,  7 

Meryman,  43 

Necker,  170,  171,175 

Manhoode,  52 

Middlemore,  316 

Neile,  55,  329 

Maniug,  178 

Midleton,  266 

Nef^ox,  65 

Manlove,  51,  55,  56 

Jfillionip,  250 

Nelson,  65 

Mansell,  103 

:Hik.s,  250,  322 

Nelson,  70,  209,  255 

Mautell,  155 

Miller,  11,  103,  111 

Newbeury,  49,  50 

Mautravoi-s,  243 

Mills,  69,  316 

Newberry,  53,  54 

Munuaviny,  73 

Mihvard,  252 

Newberve,  b-J. 

Mai:,  1S4-1SS 

Mimio,  243 

NewboiiVne,  159 

M.iiTnll,  145 

ilimhuM,  214 

Newbu.y,  54 

Jlan-hant.  309 

Mitclicll,  52,  210 

Newce,  149 

:\Iaivli.ill,  ISl 

Mohmi,  17 

New.Hirnbe,  321 

M.arillirr,  15,  139 

Molincux,  253,  254 

Nkwcumkn,  270-272 

]\[aria,  2IS 

Molyne.-,  90 

Nnrmncn,  271 

Mariselialle,  11 

Molvneux,  13 

Newcomen,  293 

Marjoiil.anks,     204,     205, 

Montacufr,  l;i 

Newh,im,  46 

290,  297,  29S,  299,  300, 

Moi.taKue,  50.  51,52,  54, 

NcwinL'ton,  248 


55,  110 

Newland,  315 

V„rh,i  Vu 

:^Iontf„rt,  4 

Newman,  12 

^laIrio^  -l-A,  170,  3:'9 

Newport,  78,  310 

]\Iani..U.  :.r. 

Moiitolieu.  56 

Newton,  38 

M.'u^l,.  ir.i 

M..i,t/.,  170,  172 

Nevel,  316 

Marshall,    76,    174,     17s, 

JUiore,  3.V,  rl.  75,  252 

Nevell,  151 

180,  252,  286,  315,  316, 

Moray,  164 

NEVii.r.,  66 


More.  Mil,  17S,  251,  2S7 

Nerlll,  06 

Marten,  ISO 

Moreton,  31 S 

Kevin,  68 

Martin,    17,    78,    94,   106, 

Jlorgan,  16o.  321 

Nicholas,  71,  212.272 

113       " 

MolUSON,  26. 

Niclioi.-ion,  15,  209 

M.artyn,  17,  IS,  148 

Murhua,  2ii9 

Nightingale,  53 

Marwood,  198 

Morkv,  15.3,  2S0 

Nisbet,  202 

Maiyott,  110 

Morrie,  41 

Nivin,  210 

Marys,  281 

Morrice,  178 

NoVile,  53 

Masfield,  180 

Moriis,  1S3,  251,  317 

N(na.:,  67 

Mason,  42,  65,  250,  251 

Mors  116 

i\uke.  67 

W.-issr,  329 

Mortinur,  IS 

Noke,  73 

Ma'-.srv,  n,  116 

Morton,  31S, 

Xoiici.ii-FK,  35,  3C,,  26S 

Morwood,  83 

Norrllth;  36 

Muf.!:,,„il„,n-d,  2i;3 

Mo.„.l,.y,  -m,  SIS 

Norniansell,   120 

]\Ia.-..sin'i,'l.c:na,  147,271,,  MO 

N,.rreys,  52,  54 

Mas.sii,-l,Lr.l,  160 

MouaU,  160 

N,irri.s  49,  53,  181 

Matljtws,  178 

Mo,  .Ml,. UT,  269 

North,  156,  273 

Matliias,  17i! 

Move,  179 

Norton,  1  10,  255 

Mnuclsl.iv,  139 

Moyin'   ''69,  319 

Man.lslr'v,  15 

Moytl,;,  155__ 

Nowdcn,  210 


NoYEs,  C7 
A^oycs,  67 
Noyes,  105 

Oakley,  5fi 
Ocklcy,  179 
Offlet,  G8 
Offlci/,  GS 
Ogle,  140 
OUIhaii[/!.,  213 
Ol.lhauuli,  213 
Ol.lkiiavu,  1 1 
Oliphiuit,  1G2,  1G4 
Oliver,  317 
Ommauuey,  307 
Oligley,  169 
Oni.ey,  68 
Onlc;/,  68 
Onslow,  52 
Ohvoud,  33 
Orford,  33 
Orkney,  206,  207 
Ormerod,  322 
Ormesby,  272 
Osborne,  7G 
Osgood,  88 
Ottwell,  52 

Owen',  305 
Owgan,  HI 
Oxcnbridge,  2Sr, 

Paikeu,  69 
Pucker,  69 
Packer,  86 
rackingtun,  11  5,  1 
Paddey,  318 
Page,  70 
Paye,  213 
Page,   75,   110,   21 

265,  282 
Paget,  22,  191* 
Pngett.  19 


,  321 


Palmer,  113,  IS 
Paly,  101 

Parkhurst,  'j; 
Paikin,  11 
Pan;  124 
Parr,  58,  125 
I'arsons,  17  i, 

ParliTigton,  :! 
Partridge,  IS 
Partngo.  181 
I'ulon,  111 






eynian,  1  14 


tt,  93,  109 


„,  136 


n.  136,  320 

ek,  139 





■:,  274 
,  271 


CE,  73 


es    321 


11,  176 












■rill,  "lyj 



S  179,  251 



Ns,  73 



IS,  73 


rkiiis,  40,  93, 




249,  250, 




94,  179 



.s.  179 





),  265 
■il,  1:7 
.s,  51 

/■ir'.r,  121,  1 
]'il„-i,  21 
I'lUaiin,  16G 


Plomer,  75 
Plomcr,  75 
Pluckwell,  69 
Plumb,  1S3 



I'LUMi-roN,  76 

Plumpton',  156 
Pocock,  65 
Polelioiise,  179 
Ponder,  274 
Ponder,  2/4,  275 

243',  249,  317 
Pooler,  179 
Pope,  97 


Pordarjc,  76 
P0R.110HT,  276 
Porter,  II,   178,  27! 

Porteus,  313 


Portiiigtoii,  259,    26 
Portmaii,  179 

Poiuit,  77 
rcuxH,  305 
Powell,  253,  320 
POWLE,  78 

Poule,  78 
Powle,  52 
Powlter,  269 
Powney,  70,  110 

Praed,  56 
Pratt,  79 
Prott,  79 
Pi-eedy,  181 
Preston,  46,  257 
Preston,  257 
Pretty,  120 


,  79,  SO 



PUSEY,  81 

•Robinson,  45,90,118,147, 

Sandhafh,  320 

Puscy,  81 

183,  317 

Sanders,  276 

PVE,  81 

Robynsou,  118 

Sandf.kson,  279 

Pyc,  81 

Roche,  153,  282 

Sande,-son,  279 

Pyllett,  281 

Rocke,  119 

Sandei-son,  283,  284 

PynchcskM-,  152 

Uock.s,  148 

S.'indford,  80,  158,  271 

Pyi'EK,  57— SO,  123-126 

Uodkyo,  67 

Sandon,  279 

Pyramus,  172 

Rodney,  2H7 

Sands,  249 


ROGHHs,  84 

Sandys,  182 

QuADniNG,  277                     1 

Hu'/crs,  84 

S ANTON,  280 

Quadrinrj,   111 

Rogers,  91,  189* 

Santon,  280' 

Quacbing,  260                       ' 

RokebT,  146                            ! 

Sapcotes,  157 

Queeuy,  •11                            j 

Rokley,  158                             j 

Sapcoitks,  280 

Quinsey,  46 

Rolaz  du  Kosey,  1 68 

Sapcottcs,  280 

Quintin,  246                         ; 

RoUesley,  144 

Sauxdei;s,  86 

Qmny,179                             \ 

Rods,  141,158 

Saunders,  ^6 

QuvUer,  316 

Rose,  250,  267 

Saunders,  69,  81,  88,  248, 

Qu'yuye,  177 

Ross,  166 


RossKTOH,  278 

Savadge,  182 

Raclcliff,  148,  152 

Rossetor,  278 

Savage,  152,  1 84,  217, -248, 

Eadlky,  278 

Kotheram,  292 


RmIUii,  278 

Round,  183,  249 

Savell,  147 

Ramsay,  311 

Rous,  54 

SaviU,  146,  275 

Randolph,  184 

Rouse,  318 

Sawney,  53 

Ravening,  282 

Rousset,  329 

Sawyer,  50,  51 

Rawlins,  252 

Rovston,  70 

Saivyer,  53,  54,55,  56,329 

Rawly ns,  316 

Rudge,  317 

Scarablesby,  276 

Rayner,  259 

Rudhall,  81 

Scawen,  14 

Raynton,  82 

RlTDYAKD,  85 

Scene,  150 

Rea.  318 

Riuh/ard,  85 

Scherer,  172 

Read,  82,  83 

Rumney,  179 

Scobell,  173 

Read,  82,  83 

Runcovere,  11 

Scoche,  284 

Read,  289,  290 

Russell,  12,  14,  1-22,  246, 

Scopholmo,  292 

Re,ide,  161,  258 


Scott,  166,  167,  174,  209 

Redliead,  260 

Rutter,  253,  317 

Scroop,  108 

RecUnge,  316 

ityder,  275 

Soudamore,  90 

Reed,  140,  161 

Rye,  190,  191 

Searaer,  60 

Reguier,  175 

Ryeth.  153 

Seamor,  95 

Reresby,  106, 143,  153 

Ryland,  178,  248,219,317 

Seavernc,  179 

Reve,  179 

Ryther,  287 

Seckford,  13S 

Revesby,  286 

Sedgwick,  77 


Sackvyle.  150 

Segar,  216 

Reynell,  198 

Sadler,  116,  181 

Segi-ave,  268.  277 

Reyuoldes,  198 

St.  Aubyn,  198 

Sellon,  168—176 

Reynolds,  248 

St.  George,  73,  216 

Sellon,  94 

Ribye,  27& 

St.  John,  136 

Serjeant,  106 

Ricivrdes,  289 

St.  John,  136 

Seymcr,  95 

Richard,  169,  252 

St.  Paul,  147,  161,288 

SKY.Monii,  87 

Richardson,  180,  249,  253, 

St.  Paule,  157 

SLaler,  181 

317,  318,  321 

St.  Piere,   150 

Shallcross,  215 

R.CHK,  83 

St.  Valery,  16 

Sharpe,  52 

niche,  S3 

S.iladin,  175 

Sharthascll,  180 

KiddLll,  185,203 

Sale,  183,  184 

Shaw, 252 

Killi.t,  1.18,  172 

Sales,  168 

Shawcros,  216 

Ki.lov,  133 

Saltkh,  85 

Shawcro^sr,  J15 

Kolilleil,  316 

Sallniarsli,  267,  283 

Shawe.  118 

llul.liiu.,  319 

Salway,  179 

Sha.Kpcri',  179 

H"l«Tls,  1S2.  319 

Samliach,  80,  320 

1      SUKKI'IKI.U,   2S1 

K..bc.t.-,  177 

SAMiaui.NK.  85 

SholliL'ld,  156,  2ti5.  281 

U.,bort>oii,  138 

■S(n,dm-iii;  85 

Sheldnii,  178,180,  IS.',  218 

Rubins,  178,  17'^ 

Sandu.rno,  99 

249,  :il6 

llMlUNbON,  84 

SauM'son,  119 

Shullev,  10  1 

i:obiHson,  84 

Sand,  255 

Shellun,  2b0 

'    Sandall,  286 

Shepard,  41 



Shcpheard,  97 

Slieppard,  ]  60,  2S.! 

Sheriiigton,  1 1 

Shernird,  283 

SiiiiHwooD,  88 

a/ieruood,  88 

Slienvood,  116 

Shiiisiilo,  177 

Shoulji-idge,  308 

Rhutt,  307 

Sidlpy,  268 

Siduliiiin,  S2 

Siiucottes,  290 

Simons,  ^3,  178,  179,  31B 

Simpson,  53,  21] 

SincUiir,  164,  ]()6,20fi,  207 

208,  209 
Skaio,  180 
Skai-lett,  143 
Skerne,  256 
Skiner,  41 
Skipwith,  281 
SUpvH/,,  281 
Skipwith,    153,  257,    261 
272,  277,  285,  286,  287* 
SLATiat,  282 
««ta-,  2S2 
yl:.<le,  317 
Sleight,  160 
Slylord,  75 
Smalbonk,  89.  90 
SnialLirook,  248 
Smallwood,  122 
Smart,  52,  252 

S.MJ!ATON,  90 

Smcaton,  90 

Smeweii,  102 

Smith,  212—216  ' 

Smith,  213  I 

Smith,  22,  53,  65,  66,  94 

98,   101,  lis,  MO,   160 

180,  181,  248,  251    253 

319,  321 
Smith-Cuniiiglmme,  310 
S.MVTH,  91,  -282,  283 
Smyth,  283 
Smyth,  44,  121,  122,  148 

161,  177,  250,  263,  265, 

275,  279,  280 
Soley,  248 
Sollers,   183 
Soinercots,  270 
Somorscallos,  282 
Sominor,  10 
Songer,  290 
SorTHDT,  92,  03 
Sniithh}/,  92 
Soiithliy,  91,  99 
Southcott,  198 
Suiithworth,  258 
S,>«ard,  277 
Sowley,  ISO,  321 
Sowtlio,  272 

Spauke,  94 
Sparree,  182 
Sparry,  183,  ) 
S|.ic.T,  88 
SriEH.  94 

,  94 

Spooner,  70,  17 
Spiingett,  307 
Squiiib,  95 
S</uib/j,  95 
Staffrrton,  110 
Stafiertou,  95 
Stafford  95 
Stafford,  95 
Stafford,  144,  i; 
Stalyn,  262 
Stampe,  96 
Stampe,  96 
Stanger,  86 
Stauley,  184 
Stanlow,  284 
Stanlow,  146 
Stanton,    116 

292,  318 
Starkey,  181 
Starnbnigli,  292 
Staveley,  _'S9 
Stavert.n,  53,  6( 
Staynfifid,  266 
Stephens.  I  I,  v:i 

Steward,  183 
Ste^vart,  !  62,  1 1\ 
206,  207,  208 
Still,  75 
Stoakes,  182 
Stock  with,  143 
Stockwith,  141, 
Stoddart,  294,  2 
Stok&s,  99,  278 
Stone,  180 
Stowford,  5' 
Strange-,  IS    9.0 
Strangw,,.!,,  151 
Stratford,  250 
Strattr.n,  101 
Strdlcy,  110 
Stkofiiiim.i,    97 
Struutihill,  'h 
Stn.arl,,  26i;,  207 
Stiihhf,.  122 

Sy.lnry,  205 
Symcoto.s,  278 
Symonds,  ]  80,  320 

I  Symon.s,  178 
I  Symson,  122 
j     Syugar,  316 

Taaffe,  205 

Tailer.  177 

Tailluii,  97 

Taileur,  104,  105 

Talhoi/rs,  288 

Talbo'ye.-i,  288 

Tame,  52,  56 
Tandy,  181,  251,319 
Tankerville,  205 

Tdtmhall,  98 
Taulboyes,  286 
Tayler,  248,  249,  318 
Taylor,  38,  53,  76 
Tebb.s,  57,  329 
Temple,  144 
Taberville,  320 
Terrv,  X6 
T«t:,nl,  246 


Thaeker,  153 

Thella.son,  172,174,1; 

Theobald,  56,  72 

Tm.Miii.KKV,  2S5 

Thhnhhh.i,  285 

Thimbleby,  256,  2S1,  2 

ThimbletUorije,  26u 

Thomas,  305 

Thomes,  180 

Thomp.5oL.,   53,    161,    2 

Tiioresby,  1.56 
Thoresbye,  281 
Thornbury,  251 
Thorne  2  ,0 
Thorol.l.   275 
Thorowgood,  66 
Thorn,  1 78 
Thornbury,  321 
Thorneton,  177 
TnoiiNiiiLL,  286 
Thornhill,  -i&ti 
Thointon,  159 
Thorp,  139 
Thorpe,  147,  235 
ThrockmorUin    178    17 


,  138 


Titterie,  119 

Twittio,  ISO 

■\VaIshani,  319 

Tolson,  76 

Twyiiing  252 

Wal.she.  ISO.  316 

Tombes,   178 

TyMll,  48 

Wal.singha.n,  182,  184, 

Tomes,  IS-l 

Tyas,  148 

Walte.-,  105 

Tomlinson,  178,  182 

TVLKM,  103 

Warberto.i.  147 

TouniK.;,  318 

r^lkr,  103 

W.arburlon,  39,  42 

Toms,  177,  317,  31S 

Tyriu,    139 

\V,irclall,  OS 

Toiil.v,  2(M 

Tyrrell,  169,   175 

AVar.l,  91,  160,  300,  31 

ToiileV,  -.'04 

Tyrwitt,   141 

Waki.e,  307 

TooKEii,  99,  100 

Tyson,  119,  120 

Wanic,  305 

Tookcr,  99 

Wanlo,  305 

Toolev,  140 

Uncarman,  203 

W'arenne,  0,  7 

Tojicliir,  270 

Uiukiliill,  181 

Waunkoud,  104 

ToiH-liflr,   MI 

Union,  79 

Wamlord,  104 

Torpky,  17'J 

Union,  112 

M-arren,  68 

Tos,icl,,  ICl 

Usher,  13 

Washborne,  248 

Tosliaok,  lOO,  2SS 

Tofciu,  11 

Vachell,  104 

Watku.-man,  105 

Toucliet,  19 

Vm-leU,  104 

Walcrtoii,  156 

Towc-U,  46 

Vachell,  98,  284 

Watcrton,  149,  157,  28 

To^^•l.:.LS,  237 

Vai.oyne.s,  1—7 

Watkinson,  45 

Tovo-,,  287 

Vane.  62,  44,  74,  142,  2 

Towiisciid,  ISO 

Vanlore,  110 

W.aurhui.e,  294,  295 

Towulcy  2.-.->,  21/1 

Varian,  192 


TuwiisliuDcl,  320 

Vaniey,  179 

Webb,  52 

TowTiiiiv,  2S7 

Vas,,er»t,  170,  176 

Webbo,  17S 

ToMhy,  287 

Vaugliaii,  75,  77,  84 

Webster,  70,  89,  291 

Trade,  248 

Vava.ior,  140,  289 

Weekhcrlin,  100 

Tracy,  17 

Va/.eiile,  255 

Wedlev,  251 

Trallbrd,  151 

Vtunbh^,  214 

Week^,  89 

Tree,  54 

Venneis,  247,  310 

WKLliKCK,  105 

Treljcrne,  155 

Vcinet,  171,  174 

Welby,  52,  la6 

Tribick,  106 

Vcrimn,  21  4 

Welcome,   259 

Trigg,  56 

Vernon,  ISJ.  2i:.l.,;)ti,  321 

Weklen,  50,  53 

Tristram,  321 

Vernnm.  45 

Wki.dox,  105,  IOC 

Trivett,  38 

Vigurs,  60 

11VW„»,  10.5 

Tromlnii,  108,  17  i 

Villeis,  150 

Uel.lni,    .  ■;    !)7    3''9 

Tro,-:iclc,  104 

VilleUe.,,  329 

Weldone,  53 

Tro«>.lale,  -62,   279 

Villier-s,  2.:.5 

Welldon,  52,  53,  329 

Trurlork,  89 

Vincent,  199 

Wells,  4  0,  87    \Mj,  181 

Tiu.Miir].!.,  100,  179 

Wellys,  177 

Tnnnhi'll,  1  Of'     ' 

Vizar,  316 

Weksh,  32,  120 

Trus.sdl,  213 

Voke,  73 

Welymet,  48 

Trygoll,,  279 

Vvn-AN,  123 


tA  101-,  125 

Wenmau,  52 

TubolJ,  72 

Went\vo}lh,  149,  154 

Tucker,  101 

Wa.l,ln,,.|on,  291 

Wesley,  04,  74,  255 

Ti'l.1.,  101  293,'277 

TL-uniaiviLi,.  102 

Wa.l.„ley,  14  9 

Westabie,  37 

Turhn-Ml,  102 

Wa.ll.y,     177,    183,    184, 

Westl.ury,  100 

Turul,   316 


Tun.tT,  44,77,94,  178,  181 

War  I'lir.'lV^" 

Wesleutt,  54,  55,  110 

TniMV,  2.N,s 

M'al.rnian,  177,  319 

Wisllloi;!'    100 

run,c,i.  288 

Wal. 317 

Wr.vM.n,,  290 

Tunny,  28., 

W  .,!,■„,.  11,  51,  72,  89.  31 

Turreltim.  170,  171,   172, 

Wall,,,,!,   179,  2.-,0 

Westu,„„l.  122,  184 


Walrlave,  279 

Wetherell.  90 

T.irvy,  320 

Wall,,,.  17,v.  21:-,  IllO 

Wil(,„l„ill,  214 

Tmv.y,  2.V2 

Wall...  29.1    115 

TosU,,,  177 

W.illl,.,  l.'O 

Whallev,  293 


Waliui.d.'V,  321 

Whaila'ni.,n,  42 

^\  AUnl.K;   2811 

Wh,„l\  ,  .69 

Twiniug,  322 

ir.i//.../r,    289 

Wbalel.y,   179 

W«l|,ule,  264 

Whcler,  310 


Whclhill,  48 
Wliistler,  77,  99 
Whilam,  263 
Wliitacre,  264 
Whitaker,  12,  13,  U,  15 
Whitby,  21 
WuiTE,  107 
While,  107 
White,  C8,  100,  IV2 
^Yhiteha]l,  S4 
Whitfield,  102 
AVhitt,  164,  261,  283 
Whittoii,  100 
Whonvootl,  274 
Whytney,  310 
WicbehaL^o,  197 
Widdowe3,  319 
Wigau,  152 
Wiggin,  318 
Wigbtman,  42 
Wirjhtmche,  108 
Wigley,  159 
Wikes,  263 
Wikes,  264 
Wilcox,  108 
Wilcox,  108 
Wilcox,  97 
Wild,  97 
Wilkes,  121,  179 

WlLKI>fSON,    109 

Wilkinson,  109 

WiU.iii,..,,,  JO,  :,-r, 

\\ ill.. 1,1     ,-   ;'-  ;i7,  10! 

WiNOlI,  "ilO 

Win,'],,  no 

WiiKli,     50, 










:.o,  306 












2.-S,  269 


.,  K 















r,  181,  291 



,   105 
















9.0,  107 



.1,  7 



V,'  2 






V\'0HTHINGT,1N,  291 

Wiji-lhinjlon,  291 
Wortliiugton,  114 
Wii.vT,  62 
Wray,  160,  293 
Wright,  291 
Wright,  108,  153,  203 
Wrixon,  307 
Wyatt,   179 
Wyrb,  39 
wVgan,  145 
Wylrl,  251 
W'ylde,  316 
Wylv,  177 
wVn.^niore,  177 
WViiosmovo,  310 
W'qtha;  274 
Wytlicr,  275 
\VVTHER>:WYKE,  292 
Wiilhcrnw:,kc,  292 
Wytheiiiwykp,  150 

YhI.Icii,  88 
YARBORducn,  293 
Yaiborougb,  154 
YiTE,  1 15 
Yutc,  115 
Yates,  1 1 3 
Yalcs,  116 

Yaxley,  259 



\V,lln,.ill.,   :n 


\\ill.,ii  -hl,\,  s,i,  275 


Will,,..,.,  N- 

\\',„.,1  ,  '.: 

\\lMl,,ll,    1U'1 


ii',/,«o«,  mil 




W<hon,  290 


Wiuibish,  2?4 


Wimbishe,  257 


149,  285 

2914    X