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Full text of "The general contents of the British museum [with: New reading-room and libraries, with a plan. 1857 -- New reading-room and libraries, with a plan. 1858 -- The British Museum explained and illustrated / by P.H. Richardson. [A cutting from some newspaper mounted. London, 1845?].."

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Natural History Museum Library 


mA Ree pea Fa ens ed SALin A LP a ae AN a ae 

. General Contents 
3 OFT s E | 


 . The Seconp Ep:itTion.. 

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General Contents 

Wl K 


. / 

Serving as a 
~D I on eed cD) RK Y 
In Viewing fat 

Noble Ca BINET. 

With AppiTions and IMPROVEMENTS, and a 

Caflor gaudet equis ; ovo prognatus eodemty, 
- Pugnis: quot capitum vivunt, es frudiorum 


wi O ND OO NS 
Printed for R. and J. Dopsxey, in Pall-mall; 



S Iam quite fenfible that fome- 

thing will be expedted by way 
of Preface to the following Sheets, I 
will not, by omitting it, difappoint 
any of my Readers, 

Curiofity almoft univerfally pre- 
vails: Many therefore will, inal! Pro- 
bability, want to know my Reafons 
for this Publication ; why I have not 
been more full in my Defcriptions, 
and more {yftematical in my Manner. 
Of thefe, as well as many other Par- 
ticulars, the Reader fhall be informed; 

5 | Ag but 

( vi ) 
but I muft firft befpeak his Patience, 
till fomething is faid of the Mufeum 
itfelf. | | 

It is difficult to determine; whether 
this Excellent Foundation | reflects 
more Honour on his late Majefty, 
who was pleafed:to beftow on it a 
large and valuable Library, collected 
by his Royal Predeceffors ; con Sir 
Hans Sloane, who with great Know- 
ledge, Expence, and Trouble, pro- 
cured the moft curious Part of what 
is here depofited ; or on the Brati/h 
Parliament, who made it a lafting 
' Monument of Glory to the Nation, 
Certain it is, the Public is greatly in- 
debted to them all, as well as to the 
Right Honourable and Honourable 
the Truftees, and the Officers of the 
Floufe, by whofe Superintendance it 

:. Is 

[ wa) 
is conducted under fuch wife Regula- 
tions, that it is as great in Perfection 
as it was in Defign. The Officers 
_are remarked for being a fenfible and 
‘learned Set of Men, all equal to the 
Employment, being well verfed in the 
Bufinefs of their feveral Departments, 
and at all Times willing to gratify the 
Curiofity of the Inquifitive, with any 
Information that can be required of 


I am not without Hopes that the 
Time may foon come, when every 
_ public-fpirited Collector of rare Me- 
dals, Minerals, Animals, Plants, In 
feéts, or Stones, and, in fine, of every 
Thing that either Nature or Art pro- 
duces, worthy the Obfervation of the 
~ Curious, , will depofit the Produce of 
his Labour in this moft valuable Ca- 
| pee!  Paset. 

( wh 4 
binet. If he is of ample Fortune, the 
Public will accept of them as a Pre- 

fent, and convey his Name to the © 

lateft Pofterity ; if, on the contrary, 
_ he is poor, though ingenious, fuch is 
the Generofity of this happy Nation, 
that I dare venture to fay they will, 
on all fuch Occafions, according to 
the Merit of the Perfon, remove that 
great Obftacle to Science, befides af- 
fording him a proper Share of Ho- 


- Learning was for many Ages in a 
Manner buried in Oblivion; a dark 

_ Ignorance fpread itfelf over the Pace: 

of the whole Earth ; and, what was ftill 

worte, did any noble Spirit endeavour 

to rouze himfelf and others from the 
general Lethargy, he was prefently 
—— with publithing new Opi- 


ee ee a 

(fiz ) 

nions, and perhaps branded with In- 
famy, under a Pretence of his attach- 
ing himfelf to the Study of the Magic 
Art. Indeed, numberlefs were the 
Obftacles to the Refurrection of Learn- 
ing ; a dark Ignorance, a blind Infa- 
tuation, an obftinate Prejudice: Yet 
fo hard a Matter is it to fetter: the 
human Mind, that it rofe fuperior to 
all Difficulties. Literature is once 
more recovered from its long Swoon, 
and now fhines in its priftine Luftre: _ 
Nay, there are in thefe our happy 
Times many Things generally known, 
of which the Ancients had not the 
leaft Notion; and. many others by 
‘them only gueffed at, or known in. 
Theory, which we have reduced to a 
mathematical Certainty. 

Lig Nothin g 

( =) 

Nothing can conduce more to pre- 
ferve the Learning which this latter. 
Age abounds with, than having Re- 
pofitories in every Nation to contain 
its Antiquities, fuch as is the Mufeum 
of Britain: But, in order more ef- 
fetually to prevent our falling back 
again into a State.of Ignorance and 
Barbarifm, it were to be withed that 
the Plan of it were enlarged, that the 
Buildings were more extenfive, and 
that a Fund were eftablifhed, fufficient 
to anfwer the Purpofe of encouraging 
ingenious Men in every ufeful Art, in 
every Science; and I know of nothing 
that can be done that will tend more 
to the Honour of our Country, when 
it fhall pleafe God to give us the 
_ Bleffing of Peace, than to have fuch 
a large Fund appropriated for the En- 
_couragement of Ingenuity and Learn- 


ing. When we read over the Lift of 
the Names that compofe the Royal 
Society, the Truftees of this Mufeum, 
and that numerous Train. of Britons, 
who with fo much to encourage every 
Art, Science, and Manufacture, can 
we poffibly be at a lofs for Truftees 
to manage with Impartiality and Pro- 
priety a more general Eftablifhment ? 
I could mention feveral, every way 
qualified, who would have too much, 
public Spirit to refufe undertaking it, 

_ if invited by their Country to the 

Truft, From the united Labours of 
fuch a Society, what might we not 
hope for? Modeft Merit would once 
more raife its drooping Head, affured 
of a candid Hearing from fach able 
- Judges; every Manufacture would 
foon be brought to the greateft Per- 
fection, Agriculture be held in proper 

A 6 Efteem,, 

(\. wit.) 

Efteem, and the Sciences more than 
flourifh ; for it would even be un- 
fafhionable to be illiterate. But this © 
is a Point of too great Importance to 
be brought to bear without the Inter- 
pofition of Parliament; it is fincerely 
to be wifhed they may at a proper 
Time take it under their Confidera- 
tion; no Age is fo likely as the pre- 
fent, in which fo much Encourage- 
ment is given, in moft Things that 
are worthy of Praife: Yet, though 
they are encouraged, a regular Efta- 
blifhment for the Purpofe is certainly 
much wanted, 

Should the Hints I have here given 
be of any Ufe to the Community, my 
Pleafure would be compleat; and, 
were I called upon, I could fubmit a 
Plan, that would not, I flatter myfelf, 

; & ae: ) 
be totally imperfect. But I have dwele 
long enough on this Subje& for the 
prefent, and now proceed to gratify 
the Curiofity of my Readers, by faying 
fomething of the following Pages. 

‘The Purchafers of this little Work 
muft not expect too: much, it not 
being meant to give a particular Ac- 
count of all the Contents of this noble 
Cabinet: That is referved for other 
Pens, being, as I am informed, to be 
publifhed by the Officers of the Houfe 
at a proper Time, and will confift of 
many Volumes in Folio, What I here 
prefent to the Public, are only a few 
Remarks on the general Contents, 
without enlarging too much on any 
- Thing. A Regularity of Method is 
 obferved ; for my Reader will find 
Ripa ‘accompanied through all the 

| Rooms 

( si ) 

“ Rooms in the fame Order they are 
fhewn: The general Heads are given ; 
and he is directed in his Choice of a 
few Objects moft worthy Remark 
under each Title: So that, upon the 
whole, I can offer it as a Kind of | 
Directory to thofe who are inclined to 
fee the Mufeum ; it will likewife ferve | 
to give a tolerable Idea of the Contents 
to thofe who have no Opportunity of 
feeing it, and to refrefth the Memory, 
where perhaps it hath been viewed 
inacurfory Manner. 

- Among the Numbers whom Cu- 
tiofity prompted to get a Sight of 
this Colledtion, I was of Courfe one; 
but the Time allowed to view it was 
fo fhort, and the Rooms fo numerous, 
that it was impoffible, without fome 
_ ‘Kind of Directory, to form a proper 


( m. ) 
Idea of the Particulars : And though 
I was far from being unacquainted 
with moft of the Contents before they 
became the Property of the Public, 
muft confefs myfelf to have been at 
fome lofs in this Refpe&. The Offi- 
cers, indeed, were always extremely 
attentive ; but it was ftill impoffible 

_ for them to gratify every particular 

Perfon’s Curiofity. Upon mention- 
ing this to fome of my intimate 
Friends, I found that the Complaint 
was general, and was follicited to 
write fomething that might be of Ufe 
to remove thefe Difficulties. I rather 
declined the Undertaking, urging that 
it would come with more Propriety 
from the Officers of the Honfe: But 

_ this Objection, I was told, had little 
: Weight, as it was impoffible for them 
to do it, becaufe whatever came from 


(m4 ) 

that Quarter muft be fulf and perfec ; 
that a fulland perfect Account would 
be bulky, and of courfe dear’; but 
that the Publie wanted fomething 
concife and cheap. Convinced thus 
by Truth, I fubmitted to the 'Tafk, 
and the more readily, as I have al- - 
ways had a particular Bent to the 
Study of Natural Hiftory, and confe- 
quently did not look upon myfelf as 
totally unqualified. 

I muft take this Opportunitty of 
acknowledging what I owe to feveral 
Gentlemen, who gave me Notes they 
had taken on viewing it, which en- 
abled me to purfue a more regular 
Plan, than otherwife I could have 
done: But particularly my Thanks 
are due to one, who greatly affifted 
‘me, which he was the more qualified 

( xvii ) 

to do, as having been intimately ac- 
~ quainted with Sir Hans Sloane, to 
whom he gave many of the curious 

Matters contained in the Mufeum, 
collected by himfelf in his Travels. 

I muft not forget a Lady, who 
gave me fome curious Remarks on 
the recent Shells; and am forry, 
_ from the Nature of the Work, it was 
impoffible for me to make much Ufe 
of them, as they would have taken 
up too much Room. 

I know it is impoffible to pleafe 
every body, confequently have no 
Doubt but much Fault will be found 
with-this little Performance. Some 
_ will think I have paffed too flightly 
over the Frefco Paintings; or that I 
might have faid more of the Portraits, 


( xvii ) 

than juft giving their Names. Many 
will imagine I have not been attentive 
enough to the Manufcripts or Me- 
dals ; and others, perhaps, would have 
wifhed me to have filled twenty Pa- 
ges with a Defcription of the Mole 
Cricket. Thus every one would have 
been moft pleafed I fhould have en- 
larged on that SubjeG& which beft 
fuited his particular Tafte. I have 
taken the mean Way, having faid 
fomething of every Thing, much of 
nothing. It was not at all necefiary 
to be more particular in the Account 
of the feveral Articles comprifed un- 
der the general Titles: I mean only 
fo far to lead my Reader, that he 
may with Eafe find the Matter treat-: _ 
ed of in viewing the Collection, and _ 
there make his own Obfervations on 
the Nature and Properties of it ; and 
| if 

( -sx )) 

if he has not that Opportunity, by 
confulting the Writers on Natural 
-Hiftory, his Curiofity will perhaps in 
part be fatisfied. Had I not been 
ftrongly urged to the Undertaking, 
and was I not fully fenfible, that 
fomething of the Kind is much want- 
ing, this Trifle. had never been pub- 
lifhed; If it is ufeful, Iam fatisfied: 
‘It isa Vanity for any one to think of 
meeting with univerfal Approbation, 
The judicious Reader will obferve, 
that I have endeavoured to be as in- 
telligible as poffible, making ufe of 
very few Words but what are gene- 
rally underftood: I therefore flatter 
myfelf, that my Readers among the 
Ladies will be very numerous, many 
of them having, in my Company, la- 
mented the Want of fomething of 
this Kind, to direct. their Obferva- 
ay tions 


ey ("xx fp 
tions, and give them a general Idea of 
the Contents of this Colleétion. 

I cannot omit this Opportunity of 
expreffing my Thankfulnefs for the 
Candour with which the firft Edition 
of this little Work has been received 
by the Public ; but I muft own my- 
felf in a particular Manner obliged to 
the Officers of the Mufeum, who, 
though they had it conftantly in their 
Power to expofe any little Inaccura- 
cies, with which a Work of this Na- 
ture, publifhed by any body but them- 
felves, muft abound, ftill refrained 
from doing it : I have even been ins 
formed, they allow. it fome De- 
gree of Merit. The Reader will find 
this Edition much enlarged and ime 
proved in many Particulars, which 
need not be pointed out, as they will 


( xi.) 

be very obvious on the firft Perufal,. 
and it is printed in a Duodecimo, to 
make it more conveniently portable 
in the Pocket. That it may ftill ap-. 
proach nearer to Perfection, the Au- 
thor has been at the pains of forming 
a complete Index to it, which mutt 
unqueftionably be of great Ufe, as the 
Reader will thereby be enabled to 
find out in the Book any Title he 
pleafes, and many curious Specimens, 
of which he may chufe to fee fome 
fhort- Account. Some of the Pur- 
chafers of the firft Edition complained 
it was too long to be read in the 
Time allowed to view the whole 
Moufeum ; fuch may be anfwered, 
that it was not intended to be read 
there ; the grand Difficulty. was to 
keep it in a {mall Compafs, yet make 
it in fome Meature fatisfatory. . The 

Bienes | — moft 

(i a 9 

moft eligible Method is certainly to 
read thefe Sheets with fome Atten- 
tion at Home; by this Means a tole- 
rable Idea may be formed of the Con- 
tents of this valuable Colle@tion, and 
the Reader is directed to apply his par- 
ticular Attention to that Part of the 
Mufeum that fuits his Tafte, viewing - 
the reft only it acurfory Manner, by 
- doing this he will have more Satisfac- 
tion, and his Curiofity. will be much 
more gratified, than if he wanders 
from Object to Object, without fuffer= 
ing any Thing to claim his immediate 

“Some of my Readers may be igno- — 
rant of the Manner of applying to fee 
the Mufeum; for their Information I 
fhall add; that fifteen Perfons are al- 

lowed to view it In one Company 5 
; the — 

( xxiii ) 
the Time allotted is two Hours ; and 
when any Number not exceeding fifteen 
are inclined to fee it, they muft fend 
a Lift of their Chriftian and Sirnames, 
Additions, and Places of Abode, to 
the Porter’s Lodge, in order to their 
being entered in the Book; in a few 
Days the refpective Tickets will be 
made out, fpecifying the Day and 
Hour in-which they are to come, 
which, on being fent for,.are delivered, 
If by any Accident fome of the Parties 
are prevented from coming, it is pro- 
per they fend their Ticket back to i 
the Lodge, as no body can be admitted 
with it but themfelves. It is to be 
remarked, that the fewer Names there 
are in a Lift, the fooner they are likely © 

to be admitted to fee it. 
| | 

: ; / 
| : oh Mies 



fy Be 



7 Se Cll OnN TF 
Cre SCIOUS of the Uprightnefs 

of my Intentions, meaning only to 

oblige the Public, I fhall attempt 

to conduct the curious Obferver through 

the feveral Departments of the Britif, 

Mufeum, which are three in Number; 

the Department of Manufcripts, Medals, 

and Coins; that of Natural and Artificial 

Productions ; and the Department of 

‘ printed Books; befides many Articles in 

the Hall, in the firft Room above Stairs, 

and other Places, which are not compre- 
_hended in any particular Department. 

It is not neceffary, in this {mall Work, 

to fay much of Montague-Houfe, inwhich | 

Be B | this 


this choice and valuable Collection is de- 
polited; it was well known before the 
Death of the late Noble Owner of it, 
and is fit for the Purpofe for which it is 
made ufe of: I fhall therefore omit any 
particular Defcription, and content myfelf 
with only taking a flight Notice of the 
Frefco Paintings in their proper Places. 

To begin my Remarks with the Con- 
tents of the Hall, I fhall, in Honour of 
ourown Iflands, firft take Notice of feven 
Blocks of very hard Marble of an hexan- 
cular Form: They were brought from 
an amazing Production of Nature, as 
moft Antiquaries are of opinion, though 
ethers call it a’! Work of Art, near Coleraine 
in Ireland, where there are many Thoufands 
of fuch Pillars, angular and contiguous, | 
but not joined. The common People of 
the Country call them the Giants Caufe- 
_ way, from an old Tradition that they 
were placed in that Order by the ancient 
Inhabitants of the Ifland, who were of a 
gigantic Stature. They project a great - 


b3 4 

Way into the Sea, and the Stones are of | 
the Nature of thofe called Bafaltes or Ba- 
_ fanus.- It may be concluded that the 
Giants Caufeway is entirely the Work of 
Nature, as many fuch Pillars or Columns 
were found by the Ancients in £¢hiopia, 
of the fame angular Form as thofe in Jre- © 
land, and by them called Bafaltes ; they 
met with it in Fragments of Columns in 
the River Zmolus, and fome other Places, 
when they gave it the Name of Lapis 
Lydius, not conceiving it to be the fame 
as the Bafaltes found in Pillars. We have 
it frequently in Spain, Germany, Ruffa, 
and Denmark, and about Drefdex is much 
of it in fine Columns. Wherever it is 
found, on being analyfed by Acids, ‘it 
‘proves to be compofed of an Admixture 
of Cryftal, Spar, and Earth. It is now | 
ufed for trying Gold, &c. and is called 
the Touch-ftone. The Church of Bal/y- 
-wellan, in the Neighbourhood of Coleraine, 
is built of this Kind of Marble, found in 
_ the adjacent Hills. S : 
B 2 The 

‘er oe 

The Romans, as they excelled all other 
Nations in the Magnificence of their pub- 
lic Buildings, fo did they likewife in the 
Roads they from time to time made, 
which were for the moft part paved very 
regularly with fquare Stones, and often 
extended for a great Number of Miles. 
We have the Remains of feveral in Eng- 
land, where they are called Streets, as 
Ickenild-ftreet, Ermin-ftreet, Watlin-ftreet, 
and others. They are in many Places 
vifible, and appear like a Caufeway. 

There is in this Hall to be feen a Stone 
that was brought from the (Via Appia) 
Appian Road, which led from Rome to 
Brundufium. Appius had the Honour of 
-making it for the Ufe of the People of 
Rome. % 

You alfo fee here two Fragments of 
Granite Columns, (a hard kind of Marble 
which does not take a good Polifh,; 
many other Stones have the fame Quality) 
fome curious Pebbles, and two antique 

_ Heads ~ 

Ee 7 
‘Heads called Termini, being ufed by the 
Romans as Landmarks. 

A large Piece of ferpentine Marble is 
next to be noticed: It was called Opdites, 
from its Refemblance to a Serpent’s Skin. 
This Specimen has a dufky-brown Ground 
ftreaked with green and pale yellow. This 
is a hard kind of Marble, of an even 
Structure, and'‘takes a fine Polifh. There 
are feveral Species of the Ophites; the 
Ancients had the black and the white 
_ Opbites diftinguifhed by the different Co- 
lour of their Spots, whofe Ground was 
green, and the grey Ophites diftinguifhed 
by its Ground Colour, which was pale- 
grey. We have the ereyifh-brown Opdites 
with green Spots, fometimes faid to be 
found in Exgland, and the pale-grey Ophi- 
tes with green Spots and Veins. The 
Ophites has been celebrated for its Virtues _ 
againft venomous Bites, and is at this 
Time worn in fome Parts of the World 
asan Amulet. It is ranked among the 
Jafpers. 3 
¢ BL B 3 The 

ee i 

_ The Country round Mount Vefuvius 

abounds with a kind of Stone, which in 
its Eruptions iffues from it in great Abun- 
dance in Form of a burning Rivulet, de- 
itroying every Thing in its Way: When 
the Eruption ceafes, this Subftance as it: 
_ cools hardens, and is called Lava: It is 
a very hard Stone, takes a fine Polifh, and 
is fit for many Ufes, being frequently 
manufactured into Boxes, Tables, &c. 
Ic is fo plentiful, that in Naples the Inha- 
bitants very commonly make ufe of it for 
paving the Streets. There is a fine large 
cubic Piece of this Lava preferved in the 
Hall. : 

In another Part is a painted genealogi- 
cal Tree of a Noble Venetian Family; and, 
befides all I have mentioned, there are 
a great Number of Epitaphs and Infcrip- 
tions (on the original Stones, by Accident 
found) in Latin, Greek, and other. Lan- 
_ guages. | 

There is a fine Skeleton of a Unicorn 
Fith; this is a large Fifth of the Whale 

Kind > 

Ee i 

Kind; fome of the Horns of this Fith are 
from ten to fifteen Feet in Length, are 
all white, and furrowed with a fpiral Line. 
Thefe Horns are commonly found in the 
Danifh and neighbouring Seas, -infomuch 
that there was a magnificent Throne built 
of them in that Kingdom. 
- We mutt take Notice in this Place a 
the Head of a very particular Kind of 
Buffalo; it is covered with long Wool, in- 
ftead of Hair; the Beaft is a Native of 
Newfoundland, and has its Body in the 
fame Manner covered with long Wool, 
reaching almoft to its Feet, infomuch that 
when alive, it refembles a moving Bundle 
of Wool, loofely tyed together. ; 

The Staircafe and fome of the Cielings 
are ornamented with good Frefco Paint- 
ings, of which I fhall enter into no long 
Defcription. On the Side of the Stair- 
cafe, Cefar and his military Retinue are 
feen, with the Chiefs of the Provinces he 
had in ‘ae fubdued attending on. him, 
nH Big | and 

the, Be § 
and others on their Knees, imploring his 
Prote€tion or Affiftance. 

In a Compartment are the Bacchanalia, 
or Feafts and Sacrifices of Bacchus. 

In another the Rivers Nile and Tiber are 
reprefented by gigantic Figures emble- 
matically ornamented: And there are 
Views of beautiful Landfcapes at a Dif- 
tance, and feveral fine Pieces of vuiag 
tecture. | 

On the Ceiling the Story of Phaeton 
reprefents itfelf: The Gods are affembled, 

and the Youth appears afking Phebus to 
permit him to drive his Chariot for a Day ; 
he confents, and in another Part is feen 
conduéting him to’the Chariot: Diana is 
near them, and Juno is attended by Tris. 

Farther on, Phaeton, with all the Ar- 
dour of Youth, is driving the Sun’s Cha- 
riot, accompanied by the Hours in the 
Form of Women. °Time is reprefented 
by Saturn, with a Scythe and an Hour- 
Glafs ; and Eternity by a Woman holding - 
a Serpent, with the Tail in its Mouth, 


Pe: J 
Cybele, or the Goddefs of the Earth, ap- 
pears alfo, with all her proper Symbols 
and Ornaments. 7 

As you go up Stairs, the Bufto of Sir 
Hans Sloane, on a Pedetftal, prefents itfelf 
immediately to your View. 

In the firft Room, the Story of Phaeton 
is compleated on the Dome. The Gods 
are affembled, and whilft Fupiter is cafting 
his Thunderbolts at Phaeton falling from 
the Chariot, you fee Saturn, Apollo, Mars, 
Neptune, Funo, Diana, Venus, Cupid, Mer- 
cury, Muinerva, and Bacchus, in various 
Attitudes, and agitated by different Paf- 
fions, as they were feverally interefted in 
the great Event. © 

The Hiftories are faid to be painted by 
La Foffe ; ; the Flowers, and fome of the 
ornamental Parts, by Battiffe; and the 
ArchiteCture and Landfcapes by Rouffecu, 
whofe Portrait is feen in this Room. 
- Icannot take a better Opportunity to 
mention, that there are many Portraits of 

illuftrious Perfonages, hung up in the 
re Ds feveral 

[ to ] 

feveral Departments of this Mufeum; they 
are all Prefents, and continually increafing 
in Number: It will not be improper to 
give the Reader the Names of the chief 
of them in this Place, that my future 
Remarks may not be interrupted. They 
are as follows: 

Edward the Third. 

Henry the Fifth. 

Henry the Sixth. 

Henry the Eighth. 

Charles the Firft. 

Charles the Second. 

William the Third. 

George the Firft. 

Queen Elizabeth. 

Mary Queen of Scots. 

— Queen Henrietta Maria. 

Peter the Great, Czar of Mu/covy. 

Cofmo de Medicis, and Bartolo Concint. 

Oliver Cromwell. 

The Countefs of Richmond. 

The Duke of Marlborough. 

“The Duke of Monmouth. 
| Robert 


i ii” ee 

tas. . 
Robert Ear] of Salifbury. 
Lord Treafurer Burghley. 
Archbifhop Ujher. 
Dr. Turner, Bifhop of Ely. 
Cardinal Sforza. 
Mr. Locke. 
Dr. Wallis. 
Richard Baxter. 
Sir Robert Cotten. 
Sir ¥obn Cotton. 
Mr. Speed. 
Judge Dodderidge. 
Sir William Dugdale. 
ir Anthony More. 
| Sir Henry Vane. 
Sir Henry Spelman. 
Ben. Fobnfon. 
- Shakefpeare. | 
Lord Chancellor Bacon, 
~ Ludowick Muggleton. 
‘Sir Francis Draper. 

Dr. Fobn Ward. 

Anna Maria Shurman. 
Captain Willis. 
: B 6 Dampier. 


—s~ Voltaire. 

Andreas Vaffalius. 

Ulyffes Aldrovandus. 
There are Bufts of 


Sir Thomas More. 

Dr. Samuel Clarke. 

This Room is fet apart for the imme- 
diate Reception of Prefents, and contains 
feveral very curious Articles, given by 
Colonel Lethullier, his Brothers, and other 
Benefactors. | 

I fhall firft mention an Egyptian Mum- 
my, which is depofited in a Glafs Cafe, 

in one Corner of the Room, as its Calin 

is in the other. 

The Egyptians believed the Exiftence- 

of the human Soul after its quitting the 
Body; which may fairly be concluded 
from its being the general received Opi- 
nion among them, that the Spirit which 
animated the Body whilft alive, continually 
hovered around it after the Difynion ; 

_ Shey 

eins reel Se afk 


they thought it affected by the Injuries 
the inanimate Corpfe might receive, or by 
its Corruption; it was therefore with the 
 greateft Care they endeavoured to preferve 
the material Man from Decay, that the 
immaterial Soul, which had fo long been 
its Companion, might thereby be infpired 
with a kind of pleafing Idea of its foreier 

To accomplifh this End, they had a 
Set of Men in their Nation, whofe peculiar 
Bufinefs it was to embalm the Dead ; 
which was performed three feveral Ways : 
The firft was for the common People, and 
confifted only of falting the vifcerated 
Body after a particular Manner, having 
firft cleanfed it from all Impurities, drying 
it either by a natural or artificial Heat, 
and finally placing it in a plain Sycamore 
Coffin. It is to be noted, that the Coffins 
they ufed on thefe Occafions were never 
‘made of any other Wood, that being 
_efteeméd moft durable and leaft fubject 
ad wDecey but it was a Species of Syca- 


C 4 ] 
more differing from any we have growing 
in Europe. 

The next Method, watch was for fill 
of a higher Rank, was embalming them 
with a kind of refinous or bitumenous 
Subftance, properly mixed with cheap 
and ordinary Drugs. Some fay that on 
this Occafion they ufed much of the Af 
phaltus, or Jews Pitch, a bitumenous or 
refinous Subftance which is found fwim- 
ming on the Surface of the Dead Sea in 
Fudea. ‘Lhefe were put in a better kind 
of Sycamore Coffins, painted with various 
Colours; and fome of them ornamented 
with a Number of curious Hieroglyphics, 
on which their Superftition prompted them 

to have great Reliance, imagining that _ 

they helped to preferve the Body from 

Corruption. The Mummy here eerie 7 

ed is of this kind. 

The laft and moft expenfive Method 
by which the Egyptians preferved the dead 
Bodies of their Friends from Decay, was 
‘referved for thofe of a Adie eminent Sta- 
Orr tion. 

aL m0 
tion. ‘They too were depofited in Coffins 
ot Sycamore Wood, but ornamented 
with Gold, and Hieroglyphics of the 
moft noble kind. 

The moft probable Account of this laft 
Method that can be collected from the 
Writers who have treated of the Subjeé&, 
is, that when the Soul was departed, the 
Brains were firft extracted, perhaps thro’ 
the Noftrils, and the Corpfe vifcerated in 
a very curious Manner, without injuring 
the outward Surface of the Body, which 
was thoroughly well cleanfed. They next 
proceeded to fill the Cavities with bitu- 

menous and aromatic Subftances properly 
prepared and mixed: On this Occafion 
particularly the moft precious and coftly 
Gums, Balfams and Spices, were ufed; 
a Liquid having been in the mean time 
prepared, in which a great Quantity of 
the above Subftances had been diffolved, 
‘they next boiled the Body therein, that 
the moft remote part of every Mufcle 
: might be ftrongly impregnated with the — 
| embalming 

236 7 

embalming Quality. Nothing now. re- 
mained but to dry the Body, (the Method 
ef doing which is not with Certainty 
known) and wrap it round with Bandages 
of Linen. Cloth, and the Bark Papyrus, 
filling up the hollow Parts, and fometimes | 
the Cavity of the Belly, with fmall earthen 
Ficures, in the Form of Mummies, but 
with the Head of Ofris or Jfs, and im- 
prefied with various Hieroglyphics, or 
having on them the Figures of Beetles, 
which they fuperftitioufly thought were 
Protectors of the Dead (Prophylaferia). 
‘Having thus finifhed their Work, they 
depofited it in the Coffin, which had be- 
‘fore been excavated in the Ferm of the 
" ‘Mummy to receive it. 

The Face of the Mummy here pre- — 
ferved is covered with a gilded Mafk; 
near its Feet is a Skull, and feveral Bones, 
viz. Feet and Hands, taken from a bro- 

-ken Mummy, which fhews the State in } 

which thefe embalmed Bodies are pre- 

ferved from Decay. Over its Head are } 
fome } 

Le ] . 
fome of thofe {mall earthen Idols, which 
are already mentioned to be put by the 
Embalmers into the Cavities of the Bo- 
dy : Great Numbers of them are dug out 
of the Ground on the Eaft Side of the 
River Nile, near Cairo in Egypt, being the 
Spot where the Mummies were depofited. 
_ On the Breaft of the Coffin (it being of 
the Shape of a Mummy) is a Figure re- 
prefenting the Goddefs J/s, the Flowers 
of the Water-lilly (Lotus) round its Neck ; 
and over the whole Forefide is a very 
ereat Variety of Hieroglyphics, Figures 
rudely defigned, and Egyptian Characters, 
only underftood by their Priefts and learn- 
ed Men, but which the Antiquaries of thefe 
later Times can no ways explain. On the 
Back of the Coffin, (which may be turned 
at Pleafure) is another Figure.of [/s, hav- 
ing an Ibis on her head. The Ibis was a 
Bird of Prey, held in great Veneration by 
the Egyptians, becaufe it deftroyed the 
Vermin that were yearly produced by the 
ting Allg of the Nile: When it died, 



pa F 

they depofited it in an Urn, and cemented 
a: Cover-on it. Over the Coffin is a fquare 
Cafe, in which they placed fome Utenfils ' 
belonging to the Deceafed, and depofited 
it near the Body ; as alfo two Models of 
a Mummy, one of which they put near 
the Coffin at the Head, the other at the 
Feet. | 
__ In Poland are at this Time found natu- 
ral Mummies, preferved without the Af- 
fiftance of Art. They are met with in Ca- 
verns, are of a blackifh Colour, with the 
Flefh and Skin fhrunk almoft clofe to the 
Bones: It was, fome Centuries ago, com- 
mon in the Wars, for the weaker Party, 
to retire into fuch Caves, where they were _ 
often fuffocated by the Enemy, and are 
now found in the ftate abovementioned. 
Human Bodies, refembling thefe laft, are 
faid to be often met with in the Deferts of 

An Urn of the Ibis, and feveral Eeyp- 

tian Idols in Bronze, are over the Mum- 

my: I fhall firft mention Ofris. It is the 
| Figure 

Ese 1 

_ Figure of a Man, the Body in the Shape 
of a Mummy, with a three-corner’d Cap 

on its Head, a Whip in one Hand, and a 

2 te 


Lituus (a Staff not unlike a Crozier) in 
the other. Js is figured by a Woman, 
with the Infant Orws in her Lap: They 
reprefent her varioufly, but for the moft 

_ part with a large Veil on her Head. 

Orus, or Harpocrates, their Son, is the Fi- 

_ gure of a young Man, holding the Fore- 
finger of his Left Hand on his Lips, to 
enforce Silence as the greateft Mark of 
_ Prudence, and a peyecconial Awe for the 
: Divinity. 

 Ofris, who was one of the Grft Kings of 
) Egypt, and Ifs, his Wife, by their fupe- 

ne omy 

rior Talents, as well by Example as Pre- 

cept, civilized Egypt, and all the neigh- 

_ bouring Nations. Their Fame was fpread 

far and near, infomuch that when they 

died, Gratitude, joined to the Ignorance 
of the Times, prompted their Subjects to 
pay them Divine Honours, and worfhip 
them as Deities, and their fupreme Bene- 

factors ; 

, we 

factors; imagining that they, who in 
Knowledge and Goodnefs fo much fur- 
pafied the reft of Mankind, could not 
poffibly be of the fame Nature with them. 

Many have been the Suggeftions with 
refpect to the Symbols they bear, but they 
are all arbitrary, and may be varioufly in- 

Oftris, Ifs, and Orus, or Harpocrates, 
held the firft Rank among the Gods of 
the Egyptians, but Vis was in the ereateft 
"Efteem ; for the Worfhip they paid her 
was much more frequent, and her Featts 
more folemn than thofe of the others. 
The Greeks and Romans, it is imagined, 
facrificed to the fame Gods, under diffe- 
rent Names. 

' The Egyptians had the greateft cial 
ration imaginable for Cats, infomuch that 
they inflicted moft fevere Punifhments on 
thofe who were unfortunate enough to 
kill one of them, whether on Purpofe, or 
by Accident. They often reprefented 
| Ailurus, 

[ 2 ] 

Ailurus, one of their Gods, under the Fi- 
eure of a Cat. 
In this Room are. alfo fome natural 

Produétions ; as feveral large Corals, a 

Subftance produced in the Sea, but in 
what Manner is not yet determined by 
the Naturalifts. It was long thought to 
be a Kind of Vegetable, but is now ge- 

nerally conjectured to be the Cells of fome 

| Sea Infects. 

Keratophyta, a Species of Coral: The 

_ Specimen here preferved is vulearly called 
a Sea Fan. 

_ Sertularia, another Species: This is ~ 

commonly called a Sea Feather. 
_ Madrepora, a kind of Coral, with {mall 

I ftellated or radiated Perforations. 

is Millepora, the fame, with round Per- 

forations. _ | 
In one of the Repofitories is a curious 

Jarge Brainftone, which is of the Nature . 

of Coral, and fuppofed to be the Neft of 

the Infeéts above-mentioned. It is not 
 heceffary to isi more of the Corals in this 

- Place, 

Place, as there will be occafion to men- 
tion them again, when we come to the 

Departments. { 
There is a very fine Wafp’s Neft pre- 

ferved in one of the Cabinets, well worth | 

obferving with Attention, in By a motft -f 
curious Structure. 

In Spirits you fee a Vultur’s Head, } 
fome Serpents, Birds, Spiders, Lizards, | 
and other Articles ; but what muft attract | 
particular Notice, is a fine young Fla- | 
“mingo ftuffed. This Bird is very fre- 
quent in the Weft Indies, and has a re- 

“markable long Neck and Legs, which |. 

enables it to reach its Prey, which is Fith, 
in deep Water. It has webbed Feet, } 
the Beak is broad, the upper Chap bent, 

depreffed, and dentated, the lower much ] 

‘thicker and firmer; its Neck and Body 4}: 
are white, the fight Feathers of the Wing |: 
black, the fhorter Feathers of a fine | 
bright red. ‘This Bird is fometimes feen | 
‘in Europe, and was well known to the } 
Ancients, among whom the nice Eaters | 

accounted f 

E43 3 

accounted its Tongue a very great Deli- 
cacy. It is of a gregarious Nature, and 
_ generally appears in large Numbers ; they 
range themiclves fometimes on the Sea 
Shore in fuch ‘regular Order, as to have, 
at a Diftance, a great Refemblance to a 
Brick Wall. I muft not omit mentioning 
in this Place a fine Jay, brought from the 
 Eajft Indies. After having pointed out to 
| my Reader the Back-bone of an Elephant 
petrified, I fhall quit this, and lead him 
to. the next Room. | 
- The Saloon is finely ornamented with 
 Frefco Paintings, confifting of Architec- 
ture, Stair-cafes, Flowers, Statues, and 
ether Things properly arranged. ‘i 
- The Dome is fupported by feveral At- 
i lantes, and on it is reprefented a Council 
of the Heathen Gods : Minerva appears 
 moft confpicuous ; the others, with their 
Attendants, feem varioufly employed. 
' In the different Compartments, 

gee Giants are turned out of Heaven. 


f 24 ] | 

Mercury is feen ready to receive his 
Orders, as Meffenger of the Gods. : 
In another appears Ceres and Neptune, 
Pan and Amphitrite. 5] 
Phaeton is reprefented driving theCha- 
riot of Phebus, preceded by Aurora, and 
properly attended by the Hours. 

In this Room, on a Table, is a fine 
Model of Laocoon and his two Sons, en- | 
circled with Serpents, as defcribed by Vir- — | 
gil: It is an excellent Copy of a favourite 
Piece of Sculpture at Belvidere in Rome. - 

This Saloon is appropriated for the Re- 
ception of Company that happen to come 
before the Hour mentioned in their 
‘Tickets ; who, after having viewed the 
Articles contained in the Hall, and firft 
Room already mentioned, and the Paint- | . 
ings, cannot fpend their Time difagree- | ‘ 
ably here ; as from the Windows you — 
have not only an agreeable View of the | 
Gardens belonging to the Houfe, which | 
are far from being inelegant, but a de- | _ 
lightful Profpect of the Hills and high | ~ 

Grounds ! 



Bae. | 

Grounds of Hampftead, Highgate, and the 

adjacent Places. 

We now enter upon the Departments ; 
the firft of which confifts of a Colleétion 
of Manufcripts, Medals, and Coins. 

The firft Room contains two feveral 
Collections of Manufcripts. 

BipLioTHECA Recia MSS. 

_ Thefe Manufcripts are in Number up- 
wards of two .thoufand Volumes, -and 
were, till lately, kept in the King’s Li 
brary, being aPart of the Prefent his late 
Majefty made to the Mufeum. 
’ There-are in this Collection fome-very 
ancient Copies of the holy Scriptures, and — 
Txanflations of them into many different 
oriental and. other Languages. Thefe 
are fcarce, and valuable, confequently 
well worthy the Attention of the learned 
Some old and curious Manufcripts, 
treating on the Subject ef Religion, and 
Cle of 

[ 26 ] 
of the different Confeffions of F aith, in 
various Languages, claim our Notice. 

{ muft next juft mention fome large — 
Volumes of Hiftory, finely wrote, and — 
ornamented in a moft elegant Manner 
with Paintings, as was the Cuftom before 
Printing was invented. 

There are alfo a great Number of Ma- 
nufcripts relating to the Hiftory and Go- 
vernment of the Church, and other cu- 
rious Subjects; but it is unneceffary to 
be more particular, as a Catalogue of 
them was publifhed in 1734, by Cajley. 


The Cottonian Collection of M anufcripts — 
is alfo contained in this Room; it is an- — 
cient and noble, confifting of original 
Charters, Deeds, and Evidences of Faéts, 
and fome Accounts of remarkable Tranf- ] 
- ations previous to the fettling of our pre- — 
fent Civil Rights, and long before the 
Reformation of ca | 


There are many ancient Copies of feve- 
ral Parts of the Bible, and Originals of 
fome Works that were formerly held in 
great Efteem among the Ecclefiattics. 

But what is more particularly to be ad- 
mired, is an original of that great Bul- 
wark of our Liberties, the Magna Charta; 
and if fo, how can we fufficiently lament 
its having been greatly injured by an ac- 
cidental Fire that damaged the whole 
Colleétion. Asa Catalogue has alfo been 
~publifhed of thefe Manufcripts, I need 
not any longer detain my Reader in this 
“Room, but proceed to the next, which 

Bisriotneca Harzietrana MSS. 

‘Thefe are a Part of the Harleian Manu- 
feripts, which are a Collection on which 
we cannot eafily fet too high a Value. 
The Room we are now treating of, con- 
tains many curious Copies of the Bible, 
and the different Parts of it, in a Variccy 

of Languages. | w. 
% | C2 2. Some 

pee 4 

Some original Manufcripts, treating ot 
Divinity and Ecclefiaftical Matters, fuch 
as Paraphrafes, Homilies, Commentaries, 
Rituals, €@c. written at different Periods 
of Time, and defcribing the feveral Seéts 
of Chriftianity difperfed in all Parts of the 
World where it has been eftablifhed. 

Alcorans, and other Turki/h Books, with 
fome hiftorical Accounts of the Rife of — 
Mahometanifm. : 
, AThorab, the five Books of Mo/es, finely 
wrote in Hebrew on a Vellum Roll, fuch 
as the ‘ews ufed to have in every Syna- 
gogue, when it was found very correct. 
It was not ufual for them to produce it 
but on certain folemn Occafions. 

In this Room is a Series of Englifh 7! 

Medals, beginning with Wiliam Rufus, 
and reaching down to the prefent Times. 

BrprroTHeca Hartrerana. IL § 
This Room contains another Part of © 
the Harleian Manufcripts, treating chiefly — 
of re hiftorical, and Shillogs a 
cal og)’ 

fe 3 

eal Subjects, in a Variety of Languages, 
and by many different Authors. The 
Public has been sratified with a Catalogue 
of this Collection, to which, without en- 
_ larging any more on the Subject, I refer 
them, if they fhould be curious to know 
. the particular Contents, 

Harpterana. IIL 
Cuarta#& & Rorvtt, 

This fourth Room of the Department 
_ contains the Harleian Collection of origi- 
nal (or very ancient and authentic Copies 
of) Charters, Acts of Parliament, Deeds, 
Warrants, Rolls, and other Inftruments 
in Writing, relative to a great Variety of 
public Tranfaétions at home and abroad. 
| Thefe are efteemed very valuable, and 
are carefully depofited in Cabinets, and 
locked up; but there is a large Manu- 
feript Catalogue referring the Curious to 
the Particulars. 
_In this Room is a Series of French 
— beginning with thofe of Phara- 
A 3 | mond. 


mond. \t is to be noted, that the Medals _ ‘ 
may, by turning a Button, be viewed both ; 
in Front and Reverfe. i 

In the fifth Room is carefully preferved — 
in feveral {mall Cabinets, Sir Hans Sloane’s | 
Collection of Medals. Their Number, — 
as I have been credibly informed, is up- 
wards of twenty thoufand, but, as they 
"are not yet properly arranged, the Public 

is not gratified with the Sight of them. 

" Pcannot take a better Opportunity”of — 

informing the unlearned Reader, that 

Medals and Coins are generally fmall — 

round Pieces of fome of the more valuable 

Kind of Metals: On one Side is, for the — 
moft Part, the Head of an Emperor, © 
‘King, or other great Man, whofe Memory 
Is meant to be perpetuated; round the © 
- Rim is a Legend giving the Name of the ; 
Hero, and fometimes on the fame Side is — 
a Motto (exergum) added: On the Reverfe “] 
is generally the Reprefentation or a Sym- ‘ 
bol of fome remarkable Fa& or Quality, f 
or elie it has other Infcriptions on it. _ ; 


: | 

ae ae 

A Medal to be valuable fhould be 
| {earce; fhould point out fome extraordi- 
nary Event; or have a great Singularity 
in the Reverfe; but above all, it muft be 
| an Original, which very often is not the 
Cafe with fome that are in high Eftima- 
tion. Medals and Coins are of two Kinds, 
ancient and modern: The ancient Medals 
are again fubdivided, into thofe of the 
higher and thofe of the lower Antiquity : 
The ancient of the higher Antiquity com- 
 prehend all thofe that were ftruck before 
the Beginning of the fourth Century; 
thofe of the lower Antiquity are what 
were ftruck from that Period of Time to 
the Beginning of the tenth Century. ~ All 
that have been ftruck fince are efteemed 

modern. | . 
_. Every Colleétor of Medals is ambitious 
to get thofe that are moft valuable, fcarce, 
, and rareft to be met with; confequently 
the Punic, Hebrew, Gothic, and Arabic, are 
_univerfally fought, very few of them being 
preferved. | 

: a eg The 


The Greck Medals are the moft ancient, 
as well as the moft beautiful, the Figures 7 
of them being remarkably neat, and con- 7 
ftantly admired, far exceeding in Work- 
manfhip any that are to be met with. | 
Thofe of Rome are of three Periods; | 
firft, what were ftruck inthe Time the 
City was governed by Confuls, therefore — 
called Confular; next, the Imperial, or || 
| thofe ftruck after Julius Cefar, during the © 
Reigns of the feveral Emperors that fuc- — 
—éeeded him; and laftly, the Pontifical; — 
which have been in late Times ftruck by | 
Order of the Popes. Thefe laft in the | 
firft Ages were of little Value. ee 
Medallions, called by the Romans Miffi- | 
lia, partake of the Nature of Medals, — 
except that they are larger and thicker. | 
They were generally intended either to ] 
afcertain the /Era of fome memorable 
Event, or to be given, as a Token of |} 
Honour, to fome Perfon, who had —e i t 
well of the Public. : ‘: 

oe: 1 

 BisprioTHeca Stoaniana MSS, 

The fixth Room contains Sir Hans 

Sloane's Manufcripts. They are a valua- 

ble Colle€tion, though not fo ancient as 
thofe I have already mentioned. Their 
Subjects are comprehenfive, and confe- 
quently may be efteemed of general Ufe. 
There are many original Treatifes on Phi- 
lofophy, Phyfic, Natural Hiftory, and, in 
fine, almoft the whole Circle of Sciences. 
The curious Reader may here find va- 
rious and good Accounts of the Manners, 
Cuftoms, Languages, Civil Government, 
Trade, Difeafes, natural Productions, An- 
tiquities, &c. &Sc. of many different Na- 

‘tions. Great Numbers of them are wrote 

in a very mafterly Manner, therefore, as 
they were ‘never printed, it would be a 
very meritorious Work, fhould fome Per- 
fon, properly qualified, felect thofe that 

are moft worthy of Notice, and publifh 
them, for the Satisfaction or the learned — 

ie Cg In 

[ 34. | ; 
In this Room is to be feen a Table of © 
the Pontifical Medals, beginning with 
Martin the Fifth, (who was the firft of — 
the Popes that ftruck them good) and — 
carried on in achronological Series to the 
prefent Times. | 


'-AVING accompanied my Reader, 

I hope in fome Sort to his Satis- — 
faction, through the firft Department, and. 5 
given a fhort Account of the Contents of — 
the feveral Rooms it confifts of, I fhall Fi 
-now enter upon the fecond in Courfe, — 
that is, the Department of natural and — 
artificial Productions, in which is to be © 
_ feen, perhaps, the largeft and moft curious — 
Collection the World has to boaft of ; a 
at leaft, it may be faid, that never wasa 
Mufeum of fuch Confequence formed by ') 
any Perfon under the Degree of a Sove- } 
reign Prince before.’ There is fcarcely a 

Country, | 

“EF 35.) 

Country, though ever fo diftant, that has 
not greatly contributed to enrich this De- 
partment. We may here fee the Progrefs 
of Art in the different Ages of the World, 
exemplified in a Variety of Utenfils 
each Nation in each Century has pro- 
duced. Natural Hiftory may in. this 
Place be ftudied from Nature herfelf, fo 
creat is the Variety here contained of the 
moft curious Productions of the Earth, 
Air, and Water. ; 
_« In going through the almoft. infinite 
Number of Curiofities which the Depart- 

- ment contains, I fhall, for the greater Eafe 
of my Readers, obferve a Method fome- 
what regular; firft giving the Infcriptions 
on the feveral Repofitories, and afterwards 

explaining. the Nature of the principal 
Contents of them. So copious is the Sub- 

| jet, that my chief Endeavour muft be, to 
give fuch an Account, as may be {fatis- 
factory, and anfwer the End propofed, 
without exceeding the Bounds I have fet 
myfelf. It is fome Degree of Merit to 
“CLG “oo Seat 

[ 36 ] 

mean well: I fhall, therefore, without-— 

farther Apology, proceed. 


| There are many Pieces of Antiquity in 
this Room, confifting of a great Number 
of Urns, Veffels, ec. ufed of old by dif- 
ferent Nations, which after having been 
long buried in the Ruins of the Temples, 
and other public and private Buildings, 
and for many Ages, when by Accident _ 
found, efteemed of no Worth, are now 
preferved with the utmoft Care in the 
feveral Mufeums, as Objeéts of Value, 
and worthy the ereateft Attention of the 
Learned. Many dark \Paffages in the 
ancient Hiftorians aré explained by them, 
‘and we are by their Means made ac- 
quainted with fome important Matters 
relative to the Hiftories of the refpective 
Nations where they were ufed, which their 
Writers have omitted to mention. Many 
Things deemed of {mall Value by a vulgar 
Obferver, when viewed by the Learned, 


2 ee. ma 

até found to be of abundant Ufe to 
Science. It is on this Account the 
World cannot boaft of fo many Antiqui- 
ties it could otherwife have done; for 
though Time is a great Deftroyer of hu- 
man Produétions, the Iron Hand of Io. 
‘norance and Superftition has often done 
Learning more real Injury in one Year, 
than Time in many Centuries. What 
Leneths will not Ignorance run, when 
animated by a falfe Zeal ? 

~The Collection m this Room does. not 
entirely confift of Pieces of Antiquity ; 
we find many modern Articles brought 
from diftant Nations, particularly from 
the feveral Parts of the new World. of 
America, which ferve to difcover the In- 
duftry, Genius, and Manners of the In- 
habitants. Happy for them were they 
now content with the little that once-fatis- 
fied them; but the polite Exropeans, fince 
the Difcovery of thofe Parts, have, by 

damn a eV anit, deprived them of 
2 _ their 

[ 38 J 
their Eafe, convincing them they have 
many Things to with for. 


- In the Repofitories bearing this Title, 
are a great Number of Egyptian Antiqui- 
ties; and firft feveral Bronze Figures,. | 
fome reprefenting Js with the Infant | 
_ Orus on her Lap; in others fhe is ftanding | 
with a Variety of Symbols. For a farther 
Account of this Goddefs, the Reader is 
teferred back to Page 19. where fhe is 
treated of pretty much at large. 
Here are alfo. fome Figures of Ofris, a 
reprefented by a Man with a large Beard. 
See what is faid of him, Page: 18, and. | 
Harpocrates. aa 
Fupiter Serapis: A Figure of an old. | 
bearded Man, with a Kind of Bafket 
(Modis) over his Head. a p 
Siftrum: A mufical Inftrument of Me-_ ir 
tal, in Form of a Racket, traverfed by feve-_ | | 
ral moveable Bars; it was conftantly nels 


[ 39 1 | — 
in Egypt by the Priefts of J/s in their re- 

ligious Ceremonies and Sacrifices. 

An Urn, with a Cover cemented to it, 
containing an Ibis; its Form ‘is that of an 
inverted Cone. See Page 19. 

A Baffo Relievo in Marble, reprefenting 
an Idol of Mendes in Egypt, where they 
formerly worfhipped a Goat; from whence 
it is fuppofed the Greeks borrowed their 
God Pan. 

Canopus. An Alabafter Urn, a3 a Co- 
ver made in Form of a Hawk’s Head, 
-and marked with feveral Hieroglyphics, 
When the Canopus was filled with the 
Water of the Nile, it. was held facred, 
and kept with great Veneration and Care, 
being worfhipped as a God. The Cano-_ 
pus was not always made in the fame 
Form, being fometimes like the Body of 
-aMan, on the Back of a Griffin, or other 
mixed Monfter. 

_ We find here a great Number and Va- 
riety of fmall earthen Figures, fhaped 
like : Mummies, with the Head of Tis, or 


Ofris, fome adorned with Hieroglyphics, 
others plain. They were efteemed to be 
Guardians of the Mummies, and ; are more 
particularly deferibed Page 19. 
Several Buftos, and Groups of Figures 
in earthen Ware, fuppofed to be the — 
Houfhold Gods of the meaner Sort of | 
People. d 
We muft notice in this Place a Veffel ¥ 
of white porous Earth, which is faid to — 
have a particular Quality; for if you fill | 
it with Water, and lay Seeds of {mall Sal- _ 
let in the Furrows on the Outfide, they — | 
. will grow, and be fit for Ufe in a few 
Days. | 
At the upper End of the Table are A 
feveral more Figures in Metal of Ofris, a 
fis, Harpocrates, Egyptian Priefts, &&c. | 
Apis. An Egyptian God reprefented by. 4 | 
the Figure of a Bull. The Egyptiansheld | | 
in great Veneration a Bull of a certain | . 
particular Colour, with a Knot under its 
Tongue; he was kept and fed in a mag- 
vificent Temple, and with great Cere- i 
mony § - 

eS ee 

mony atterided by a feleét Number of 
Prietts, exprefly devoted to his Service: 
When the old one died,.it was ufual for 
them to fubftitute another of the fame 
Colour in his Place. Various have been 
the Conjectures on the Veneration in 
which the Egyptians held this Animal; 
but it is needlefS at this Time to mention 
them. | 

_ Here are feveral {mall Amulets with 
Loops to them, which in Egypr the blind 
Superftition of the Inhabitants: prompted 
them to wear about their Perfons, as 

Charms, or Prefervatives againft bad For- — 

tune, unforefeen Accidents, Sicknefs, &c. 
They left them alfo with the Dead, as 
Guardians of the Manes (Spirits); fome 
of them are of Metal, others of vitrified 
Earth, and in Figure refemble Js, with 
the Head of a Bird, a Dog, or a Bull. 
Some of the Specimens are fo fmail, that 
they are fixed on little Cuthions, to pre- 
vent — ame loft, 


[ 42 ] 
| The Head of Anubis, or Cynocephalus, 
a Dog which in Egypt they worfhipped, 
prompted thereto, as is fuppofed, on 
Account of his having been a conftant 
Attendant of the Goddefs J/s. 

Figures of (Ailurus) a Cat, a Mon- 
key, &%c. Scarabs, Beetles of various Sizes, 
made of Marble, Agate, Cornelian, &c. 
They were held facred in the Opinion of 
the fuperftitious Egyptians, on fome par- 
ticular Account; but why, it is at pre- | 
fent very difficult to form any ge. | 
Conjecture. a 

- Periapta. Thefe are {mall oblong Pieces 
of enamelled Earth, notched, as is in 
general conjectured, to. mark the rifing 
and falling of the Water of the Nile. The 
beft Authors that have wrote on the Sub- 

ject of the Egyptian Antiquities, call thefe a 

Pieces of Earth Nilometri, or Nilofcopia. | 
We find alfo a Cylinder, and fome | 
Pebbles curioufly’ marked with Hiero- 
glyphics and Figures; but their Ufe is 

ig iA 4 not — 


“not eafily determined at this Diftance of 


The next to be noticed are fome Pheni- 
cian Seals, worth Attention on Account 

of their Antiquity. 


The four Repofitories under this Title, 
contain Hetrufcan Antiquities. They were 
a Nation that formerly flourifhed in that 
Part of Italy, now called Tu/cany. It is 
to be noted, they were the firft People 
that cultivated the politer Arts in Europe, - 
from whence they fpread even to Rome, 
which acknowledged itfelf much indebted 
to the Inhabitants of that Part of Italy, on 
many Accounts. — 

-. Firft to be remarked are fome Bishan 
as a Figure of Mars, ‘the God of War; 
a Deus Averruncus, the God who prefided 
over the common Sewers; a Head of 
Proferpine, 8c. 

A great Number of Veffels of difevent 
Forms, made of a Kind of fine pale red 

[ 44 J 
Earth; fome of them plain, but elegantly 
varnifhed ; others painted with Figures, 

Letters, and various Ornaments, next at-. 

tract our Attention. ‘They are of a bet- 
ter Shape, and much handfomer than ei- 
ther the Egyptian, or thofe firft made of 
the Roman Terra Cotte, or Pot Earth, and 
were greatly efteemed and valued by the 
Romans, after they had fubdued the an- 
cient Hetrufcans. Thefe Veflels confift of 
Ampboras, or Vafes with two Handles, 
and Covers to them very curioufly pamted 
and ornamented. ‘The Roman Amphora 

generally contained about feven Gallons 

Englifh Wine Meafure, thefe -are not fo 
large. The Ufe of them was to hold the 
different Kinds of Wine, Oil, ce. When 
full of Wine, the Romans ufed generally 

to bury them in the Ground for fome — 

Years, in order to give it a higher Fla- 
vour; and they were very curious and 
fuperftitious in their Manner of doing it. 

We next come to fome Bottles of a 
larger Size than the Amphoras, but for the — 
fame Ute. : And 

: L 4 J 

And fome much fmaller, ufed for Li- 
bations, or perhaps as Lacrymatories, to 
receive the Tears of the Mourners at 

Jars with triangular Mouths, intended 
to pour Water on the Hands of the Priefts, 
or-for Libations in their Sacrifices. 

_ Many Pateras, Dithes, of various Shapes 
and Sizes: Some of them have Pedeftals ; 
they have Handles, which are either ho- 
rizontal or vertical; and were uwied for 
Perfumes, for bufning Incenfe, for keep- 

ing Fire, or carrying it from Place to 
| Place. 

| .€ups for containing the great Variety 
of precious Ointments that were formerly 

: in-Ufe. 

_ Some Pateras very large, and orna- 

| _ mented with Figures and Hetrufean Let- 
ters. : 

| We mutt alfo take particular notice of 

| fome Urns of plain Alabafter, and others 

very large, but ornamented with the fame 

i Kind of Figures and Infcriptions as the 


ee oY 
large Pateras juft above mentioned. The 
Letters do not agree with any Alphabet _ 
now in Ufe, or known; for which Reafon | 
our Antiquaries are at great Lofs to un- — 
derftand the Purport and Meaning of | 
them. A | 


The next fix Partitions are filled with q 
” Roman Antiquities, and confift of feveral | 
ancient Figures, Buftos and Baffo Relie- | 
vos of various Kinds, and other curious | 
Articles. q 
I fhall firft mention the Copy of an 
antique Piece of Sculpture, made to per- 
petuate the Memory of a Slave that dif 
covered a dangerous Confpiracy again | 
Rome, whilft grinding his Knife. ; 
Some Wreftlers in Stucco, : 
Lucina the Goddefs of Childbirth, /- |) 
- culapius the God of Phyfic, fome Veftals 


lofopher, ‘f/wno, and others, fome of which 
are not eafily diftinguifhed, and-the reft 
it is not neceflary to particularize. 

_ We muft obferve feveral Bronze Fi- 
gures, as of Venus, Cupid, Hercules, Mars, 
feveral Roman Soldiers, Dea Fafcinatrix 
the Goddefs of Spells and Charms; Vef- 
tals, Caftor, Priapus, Terminus the God 
who prefided over Land-marks; ile abi 

and others. 

Ae Sin 

_ In Bronze are alfo the Heads of Funo, 

| Diane, Apollo, asia Minotaurus, Fau- 
us, 8c. - 

_- What come next in sale: are fome 

| uncommon Mafks, various Votaries or 
 Oblations, Models of Circufes, the Places 
_ where they exhibited their public Games, 
and feveral Pieces of Stones, Bricks, and 
earthern Pipes, dug out of the Ruins of 
_ the ancient Roman Buildings, Aqueducts, 
eee. By thefe we are in fome Sort made 
_ acquainted with the Nature of thofe Ma- 
| pals that ae caufe their Buildings to 


aL ee ay ae 

jaft fo many Ages, fome of them remain- 
ing tolerably perfect even to this Time. 

In England, as well as in many other 
Parts of Europe, there have been frequent- 
ly found buried in the Earth, feveral Kinds 
of Axes, Chiffels, Wedges both with and 
without Loops to them, and Heads of 
Spears, all made of Brafs. Itisfarfrom | 
being determined by the Antiquaries of 
tthe prefent Age, for what Ufe thefe feve- 
ral Articles were originally intended ; 
their Conjectures on the Subject are vari- 
ous, fome imagining they were ufed for 
killing. the Victums in their Sacrifices, | 
others afferting they were merely orna- 
mental, and not-a few at this time ima- 
gine the Antients had a fecret Art of har- 
dening Brafs, foas to make it proper for i 
forming Edge- -tools, or Inftruments of 
War; which Quality, fay they, the Brafs . 
may have long fince loft by laying in the 
Earth; .but after all, the moft probable — 
Opinion is, that they were the Tops of 

the Reman Littors Fafces. They are often — 

49 ] 
| call ed by the general Name of Ccties. 
and many of them are here to be feen. 



Under this Head are a Variety of odd- 
fancied Metal Lamps: Their Shape dif- 
fers oreatly ; fome being like Animals, 
| others fuch Monfters as have not their 
Likenefs in Nature: But the Reader will 
form a much better Idea of them by In- 
_ fpection, than he pofiibly can by any De- 
' feription. They were chiefly ufed in the 
Temples. | 
 A‘acrificing Knife, Simpulums, Cha- 
ices, Ladles, and other Inftruments of 
 Brafs, ufed by the Priefts in their Sacri- 
- fices. 

We now come to a great Number of 
Fl Romen Pateras, Difhes, various in Form 
| and Size, according to the Ufes for which 
- they were intended; many of them were 
| for receiving the Blood of the Victims in 

D | to 

to other Purpofes, but chiefly the Service 
ef the Priefts in the Temples. 


Thefe were fmall Glafs or earthen Bot- — 
tles, chiefly in the Form of Phials. At 
the Roman Funerals, the Friends of the 
Deceafed, or the (Przficz) Women hired 
for that Purpofe, ufed to fill them with 
their Tears, and depofite them very care- — 
fully with the Afhes, in Teftimony of — 
their fincere Sorrow; imagining the Manes — 
of the Departed were thereby greatly com- 
forted. Many Specimens of them are — 
preferved in the Cabinets of the Curious, — 
and here in particular. : 

“What claim in the next Place our Re- | 
gard, are a Number of earthen fepulchral 
Lamps of various Forms, ufually met with ; | 
in the old Monuments near the Urns, and — 
in the Catacombs at Rome, in Naples, and j 

Some have afferted, that thefe oo 
have been found burning after being 



Pes | 

buried for many Ages; but it cannot be 

fuppofed they were really burning from 
the Time they were there depofited tll 
they were found, as it is well known Fire 
is foon extinguifhed by the Want of Air, 

and if it has Air, the Fuel that fupplies it 
muft wafte and decreafe in Quantity, be 

it of what Nature it will: The moft rea- 
fonable Conjecture, therefore, is, that the 

_ Ruth, Cotton, or Wick of thefe Lamps, 
was impregnated with a Kind of Phofpho- 
rus that would take Fire as foon as the _ 
_ Air had Liberty to operate on it. Some, 
_ who maintain they were conftantly burn- 

ing, conjecture, that the Wick was made 

of the Filaments of Afbeftos, which Fire 
could not confume,;. and that the Oil or 
_ Matter which fupplied it was of fuch a 
Nature, as that a trifling Quantity of it 
_ would lait an Age. 

We find here feveral (Offuaria) {quare 

Urns, with Covers, and Inicriptions on 

D2 : And 

f 32 J 

And others of a more ordinary Kind of | 

Roman and Britifh Urns, wherein the An- hf 

cients, after having burnt the Bodies of | 

the Deceafed, depofited their Afhes, bu- 

rying them with the Lamps, Lacryma- 
tories, &c. already defcribed.. 

T. Hous, Armr. Dono Dedit. 

" Under this Title are- preferved a Col- 
fection of Antiquities of various Kinds, 
which 7. Fiolits, Fiq,; gave to the — 

-I thall, in giving a fhort Account of 
them, firft juft mention an Alabafter round _ 
Urn with a Cover, and another of the qf 
fame Kind, but fquare: Thefe were for i 
the Purpofe of depofiting Afhes. : 

We here find feveral Bronze Figures of — 
Egyptian Idols, Priefts, &@c. but, asl have |} 
- already fufficiently enlarged on the Sub- | 
‘jet of them, it is not neceffary to be more i Qn 

particular. 4 


Pee 4. 

A Typhon, Hercules, Mercury, Silenus, &c. 
attract.our Notice, and fome more Hetru/- 

can Veflels of the fame Kind as thofe de- 

{cribed, Page 44. 

Several Figures of Roman Gods, Heroes, 
Generals, and Soldiers. | 

Some Marble Buftos of Fanus, Bifrous, 
Hercules Balbinus, Lucina, and Diana. 

We muft notice alfo under this Title 
fome Votaries, or Oblations. It was-ufual 
among the Heathens of old, when in any 
imminent Danger, to make a Vow to 
fome favourite God, to do fome particu- 
lar Act, if they efcaped from it, as to build 
a’ Temple, or perhaps a Thing of lefs Con- 
fequence; and in Commemoration of their 

_ Deliverance they hung up the Vetiva Ta- 

bula, with a proper Infcription. They 

| fometimes alfo dedicated a Tablet to the 
Gods, in Thankigivine of fome fortunate 

Event, though they had made no Vow to 
do it. ate 

We next proceed to Lacrymatories, 
Lamps, and Urns; but, as L have already 
ome Dia given - 

[ 54 | 4 
given my Reader a general Idea of them, 
I fhall forbear to fay any more on the 
Subject. Q 

Here are fome large earthen iis (Gutti) 
which the Ancients ufed for Philtration — 
of Liquids, particularly the Water they 
drank at their Meals. 


" Thefe are the chief Contents of the re- 
maining Repofitories. TheIdols are made 
of Earth, and either burnt or hardened in_ # 
the Sun; fome of them were worfhipped 
in Peru, others in Mexico, when the Euro- — 
peans difcovered that Part of the World: 
They were placed in High-ways, to be j | 
ready for the Adoration of Paffengers. = 

The Indians worfhipped two fupreme 
Gods; one of which they efteemed the — 
moft powerful, and looked upon as the | 
- Author of all Good; the other of all Evil; 
The firft they worfhipped through Love, 
and thanked him for the Effeéts of his — 
Goodnefs; the other through Fear, im-— 


~ ploring him not to do them o or theirs any 

One of thefe earthen Idols, I have men- 
tioned above, to have been worfhipped in 
America, bears a very great Refemblance 
to fome preferved among the Antiquities 
of Egypt already defcribed ; which makes 
it not improbable that South America was 
firft peopled from thence; at leaft, it has 
been fo conjectured by feveral of the 
Learned; imagining they might, in fome 
of their long Voyages, have been driven 
on that Coaft, without. being able to re- 
- turn to their own Country, which is not 
at all furprifing, if we reflect how deftitute 
they were of all thofe Helps to Naviga- 

‘tion, which we are fo abundantly fupplied 
Next to be obferved is a Fapone/e Pagod, 
| a ‘Model of a Temple with an Idol in it. 
The People-of Fapan ufually keep one of © 
them in their Houfes, in the fame Man- 
| : ner the Romans did their Houfhold Gods. 
boo oc a Here 

£66 | 

Here are fome Stone or Earthen Bottles 
inclofed in Cafes of Wicker-work, made 
of Cane cr Rufhes, contrived in fuch a 
Manner, they may be fwung with Vio- 
lence in the Hand. They are ufed in the - 
warmer Eaftern Climates of Afa, parti- 
caladly in Perfie, where the Inhabitants 
imagine by fwinging their Liquor in thefe 
Bottles, to make it more pleafant and — 

agreeable to the Palate. The Frencbcall 7 

them with much Propriety, Gargoulettes. 
I need but juft mention that feveral 
Kinds of Indian Pots are next in Courfe, 
_ anda Variety of other Articles by them 
applied to domeftic Ufes, but which are — 
not of Confequence enough to take uP 4 
more of our Time. ‘On ae 

The Reader will obferve a Nett of 

- Bafkets made of the Bark of a Tree, and | a 
edged with Porcupines Quills, dyed of a 
various Colours; and fome large Bafons ~ 

and Ewers, of a pale green Jalpes with q 
. black Spots. | ig 

[ sr J 
On the Sides of the Room are hung up 
in Frames feveral Pieces of Stucco Ceil- 
ings, Fc. fome of them brought from’ 
_ Nero’s Bath at Rome, others from Pompezz. 
A Bacchus of Alabafter, and two earthen 
| Difhes of Raphae?s Painting, which are 
fuppofed to be the firft that were ever 
_ enamelled or glazed in that Manner. 
Near the Articles juft above mentioned, 
is the Sword of State of Hugh Lupus, firtt 
| Barl of Chefler, and fome Baftinadoes, 
which are Inftruments of Punifhment ufed 
by the Turks to beat the Soles of the Feet 
of Offenders. 3 
_ Ithall now go to one of the Repofitories 
near the Windows, in which are fome 
| Calumets of Peace, large Tobacco Pipes, — 
which the Indians of North America ule as 
a Token of Friendfhip. 

Some Whifks made of an Indian Cow’s 
Tail, and Brufhes of fibrous Roots and 
Feathers. _ 

A Variety of mufical Inftruments from 
ake Eajft and Weft Indies next claim our 

eS ae oats ~ Atten- 

bee { 

Attention, fome of which are Wind In- t 
ftruments, others have Strings; and here % 
are likewife Drums of feveral Kinds from 4 
China and America, but more particularly 
fome from Lapland, of the fame Sort as . 
thofe ufed by their Enchanters, by the © 
Help of which, as many Authors have f 
afferted, they were enabled to raife mighty 
Tempefts, and do other Teer not lefs 
wonderful. | 
In the other Repofitory near the Win- i 
dows are a great Number and Variety of i 
ancient mathematical Inftruments, by — 
which the learned Obferver may be en- ~ 
abled to judge how much that particular | 
Branch of Science is improved. ; 
My Reader will now accompany me to _ 
the Table where there are more Pieces 
of Reman Antiquity preferved; fome of 7 
which moft worthy Remark I hall | 
Among them are feveral Heads andl | 
Buftos, of which the Head of Mercury, 
with a Chain fixed to it, deferves Notice 5 

L 59 | 
it is fuppofed to have been worn by fome 
Roman, asa Charm, to fecure him good 
Fortune, and preferve him from Thieves ; 
and another of Califtus, a Freedman of 
Claudius Cefar, who grew fo wealthy, that 

| he was generally efteemed the richeft and 

moft fortunate Man among the Romans of 
the Age he lived in. 

- Some Pieces of Bricks and Tiles with 
Figures and Letters ftamped-on them, © 
(by which we may be enabled to judge 
how near the Romans approached to a 
_ Difcovery of the noble Art of Printing) 
are here preferved. 

I fhall pafs over diverfe sic Heads, . 
- fome Figures of Animals, and Heads of 
_ Canes or Sticks; and proceed to the Spe- 
 cimens of the Roman Fibulas, a Kind of | 
| Buckle or Clafp, ufed by them to faften 
their upper Garments, and of which we 
could not have formed any perfect Idea, 
were it not for the Specimens preferved 
in the feveral Collections of the Curious. 
dé Here 

[i Go J) | 
Here are alfo a Variety of Keys of dif- 
-ferent Sorts, particularly the Ring Key, © 3 
which for greater Security was worn on — 
the Finger; and fome Bracelets and other 
Ornaments, €&¢; of Metal. | 
We muft next attend to the Stylus, 
which is a Steel Inftrument, ufed by the 
_ Romans to write on their Tablets of Wax. 
Some Roman Weights, and feveral Peb- 
blés with Figures and Infcriptions on 
- Various eihias of Meafures for Oil, 

Pulfe, &c. Teffele, and Parts of ancient 4 Hl 

Pavements and Mofaic Work; the Dice 

here preferved, are found in great Quan- | & 
tities in different Parts of the World, and 
by fome fuppofed to have been dropped 
by the Soldiers of the Roman Armies in || ¢ 
their March from one Station to another. 
~ Some Corn brought from the Ruins of . iE 
Herculaneum. 4 RD 
There is a Leaf of Silver, or Amal- | 

gama, preferved here, on which are plain-. i 


ly perceivable the Lines and Letters that 
have been impreffed or ftamped on it. 
We next fee fome Turki/h Falifmans, 
or Charms, with Aradic Infcriptions, being 
generally a Sentence of the Alcoran. In 
_ thefe the Superftitious among the Mabome- 
tans have great Faith, and rely much on 
their Power, imagining there are no Mif- 
- fortunes, from which they may not be 
| delivered by them, and particularly that 
whoever wears them is free from ali 
| Danger of being affaulted by evil Genii, 
or Spirits, which they believe are conti- 
| nually hovering about the World, watch- 
_ ing Occafions to injure Mankind. 
_. Some Tahbahs or Seals, (infcribed with 
_ Arabic Words) which the Turks ufe inftead 
of figning their Names. 
- Further on are fome Talifmans and 
Abraxas, a Kind of Spells or Charms 
with which fome fuperftitious or artful 
People in the firfk Ages of Chriftianity 
pretended they could cure all Difeafes, 
the Parties affliated wearing them about, 
ee ther 

ni A i ae tn te — = 

[ 62 ] 
their Perfons: It was likewife imagined 
they were a Protection from Witchcraft 
and.Enchantments. Some of them are 
marked with the Conftellations; others 
have the Figures of Angels, &c. on them; 
but thefe Cabalifts efpecially attributed 
on all Occafions a particular Power and 
Virtue to the Word Abracadabra, the Let- 
ters of it being properly arranged. 

‘My Reader is next to obferve a Snuff- 
box made of the Lava of Mount Vefuvius;. 
fome Account has been given, Page 6, 
of the Nature of this Lava. ££ 
_ A Ring fet with a tranfparent Agate. | 4 

Two Pieces of ferpentine Stone for the — 
Lid and Bottom of a Snuff-box, and fome r i” 
Pieces of metallic Cryftal from Mount 
fina. i 

Among fome Bronze Figures Beenie 4 | 
hither with the Corton Library, isone par- | 
ticularly worthy of Remark, on Account ~ } 
ofits Singularity, the naked Body being © | 
covered. with a rough Subftance, and | 
upon the whole bears a great Refemblance — | 


Bcd a: [ 63. ] 
to the Porcupine Man, who fome Years 
ago fhewed himfelf to the Royal Society, 

_ and afterwards to the Public in general : 

He has a Son of the fame wonderful Ap- 

T. Hortiis, Arm, Dono Dedit. 

We now come -to fome Articles given 

by I. Hollis, fq; particularly Thread, 
Corn, Hinges, and other Matters, brought 
from the Ruins of Herculaneum. — - 
_ More Brafs Axes, Heads of Spears, 
Wedges, €c. for an Account of which 
the Reader is referred to Page 48, and 
fome Keys, Bracelets, &e. 

Here we find fome Articles of which 

‘the original Ufe is not yet with any De- 
gree of Precifion known by the Learned 
| of the prefent Age. 

When we attentively view the Matrices 

| wherewith the Romans ftamped their 
earthen Ware, Tiles, &8c. (of which there 

are fome Specimens here preferved) it feems 

a bey aict of great Surprize that human 


C % J] 
Invention fhould in thefe early Times 
have gone fo far towards difcovering the 
Art of Printing, and that it fhould yet fail 
of being compleated till many ~— after- 


_ We find here preferved fome Egyptian 
Idols of a fmaller Size than thofe already | 
defcribed in a former Part of thefe Sheets; _ 7 
among them is a Figure of Harpocrates, 
adorned with all the Symbols he is ever 
reprefented with. The others it is unne- 
ceffary to particularize, as I have faid fg | 
much on the Subje&, Page 9. wl 
In this Room, over the Repofitories, 
are a great Variety of modern (and fome | 
curious ancient) Articles, brought from |, 
the feveral diftant Parts of the World. I 7} 
fhall only take notice of a large Calabath 7 | 
(a Kind of American Vegetable) in the d | 
Form of a Globe. a 
Some Indian Shields made of Hides of | 
| the Rhinoceros, or Elephant ; they differ . 


in Size, feveral of them being large, 

others of fmaller Dimenfions. 

Many Specimens of Hats of all Sizes, 
_and various Materials ; among them are 
‘fuch as the Bramins and Mandarins wear, 
‘in the Eaftern Countries, and China. 

_ Bans from Fapan, China, Tonquin, and 

‘other Places; their Shape, Fafhion, and 
‘Materials differ, but one of them is of a 
remarkable large Size, and made of the 
fingle Leaf of a Taliput Tree, being ufed 
for cooling a Room. : 
Here are fome Drums larger than thofe 
mentioned Page 57. Targets, and a great 
‘Number of Inftruments of War, both 
ancient and Indian; aBattle-ax, and fome 
Spears, Pikes, Swords, Daggers of va- 
rious Forms, and Bows and ‘Arrows, 
Quivers, &Fe, ; 

I fhall conclude what I have to fay of 
this Room, by juft mentioning a Variety 
of American Houfhold Utenfils, made of 
‘Vegetables, chiefly Gourds ; and fome 

| Snow 

[ 66 ] 

Snow Shoes and Sledges ufed in the a 

Northern Nations of Europe. 


_ The next Room on which I {hall ane 
tempt tomake my curfory Remarks, con- 
tains a Collection of Minerals and Foffils. 

Sitrrces. ACHATES. SaARDIt. 

In the Cabinet under thefe Titles are 
many Specimens of Flints, Agates, and 


At the Top are ae large Pieces of — ; 
Cryftal brought from the Hartz Foreft in — 

Germany, and other Mines. 

Flints in their natural State are a Kind ‘ | 
of femitranfparent Stone, found in almoft | 
all Parts of the World; they ftrike Fire | 

with Steel, and by intenfe Heat are melted 

into Glafs: Such of them as are capable , 
of receiving a fine Polifh, and are varie- _ 
gated in Colour, (which Variety thefe as — 
welkas all other Stones are fuppofed to re- | 
ceive from the influence of fome neigh- _ 

| bouring | 

ne i 


i aes 

-bouring Mine) are ranked among the 

_ lower prized Gems. 


Agates are cut and polifhed Stones of 

| the fineft Kind of Flints, generally found 

in the Eaftern and warmer Climates; they 
vary much in Colour, and were called 

Achates from a River in Sicily of that 

N ame, on the Banks of which they were, 
as it is fuppofed firft found. 
_A particular Kind of Agates, that have 

by Nature delineated on them lively Re- 
_ prefentations of Mofies, Shrubs, Trees, 
| Land{fcapes, or other Figures, are com- 
monly called Mocoes, and deemed of more 
Value than the others. 

_ Cornelians are another Species of Flint, 
: for the moft part of a pale red or yellow- 
ifh Colour. This kind of Stone is but - 
; little tranfparent, yet takes a fine Polifh; 
it was formerly very much ufed for mak- 
7 ing Cups, Boxes, &¢. and often for 
Thumb Rings, being then finely cut and 
 polifhed: it is now in great Efteem for 
| engraving, Seals, Gc. It is faid thefe 


[ 68 } 

Stones were called Sardi from their having 

been firft applied to Ufe in the Ifland of — 



Jafper is another of the lower prized 
precious Stones ; it is chiefly opake, but 

fometimes in part tranfparent. It is fofter — 

than Agate, but harder than Marble; 
ftrikes Fire with Steel, and yields to Cal- 
cination. Thefe are its general Qualities. 

There are feveral Species of this Stone, — 
of which I fhall only mention a few of the — 

moft valuable. 
Heliotropium, the Bloodftone is green 

fpotted with red; it has been fuppofed to — 

have a particular inherent Virtue, viz. 

that of immediately ftopping Bleedings at 9 
the Nofe, or elfewhere. Here are fome ¢ 

fine Specimens of this Stone to be feen. 

Ophites, the Serpentine Marble, a ‘ 
Name given by the Ancients to fuch of — 
the Marbles as had their variegations not 3 
in a of Veins, but in Spots fo asin — 
| fome — 

: oo | 

_ fome Meafure to refemble a Serpent’s Skin; 
' they knew three Kinds, the black, the 

white, and the grey, we know befides 

_ thefe two others, a greyith brown one with 
_ green Spots, and a pale grey one with 

green Spots and Veins. 

_ The Nephritic Stone is of a greenifh 
Colour bordering on the Olive, but fome- 
times variegated with white, black, or 
yellow, it has never any red init, and is. 
harder than moft other Jafpers; a Cup 

made of this Stone, was Sold for 1600 

Crowns in the Time of the Emperor Rz- 

| dolpbus Ul. This kind of Jafper is in 

steat efteem among the Turks, who ap- 
ply it to feveral curious Ufes, particularly 
they make of it Handles for their Sabres, 

| -Kniyes, Daggers, Ec, 

A plate of this Stone was Eeticly 

“thought to be an immediate Cure for the 
_ Nephritic Colic, on being applied to the 

Reins; and it was alfo imagined that 

iF wearing it would preferve the Party from 
: | Z 

the Attack of that Diftemper. 7 

[ 7° ] 
We find here many Sorts of florid Jaf. 
pers, diftinguifhed by a great Variety of 
Colours; fome have by the Hand of Na-— 
ture delineated on them Reprefentations — 4 
of Rivers, Trees, Landfcapes, Ruins of 
Buildings, &e. . B 
Egyptian Pebbles are a particular fine 
Kind of variegated and figured Stones ; 
fach as have but one Colour are leaft va- — 



~ Under thefe Titles are preferved a great : | 
Variety of Specimens of the feveral Kinds 
of Marble and Alabafter. 

Marble is a hard opake precious Stone, - 
does not ftrike Fire with Steel, yields ea- 
fily to Calcination, and ferments with, — 
and is foluble in acid menftrua. Itis ge- — 
nerally found in great Maffes under the — 

Ground, and cut out of Quarries, though } 

there are in feveral Parts of the World en-_ 

tire Mountains of Marble; it differs in | 
Colour in almoft Py Country, but the | 

Florence — 


_ Florence Marble for the moft part bears a 
i natural Refemblance to the Ruins of 


of England. 

Towns, Rocks, &c. 
Alabafter is of the fame Nature as Mar- 

ble, but of one fimple Colour, more brit- 

> | 

tle, fofter, and, when cut into thin Plates, 


In this Repofitory are Spars and Moon- 

_ftones. The Spar is a fhining Stone, 
_ compofed of cryftaline and earthy Mat- 

ter; it does not ftrike Fire with Steel, but 
yields a whitifh Powder on Calcination. 
When pure it is pellucid and colourlefs, 
has the appearance of Cryftal but wants 

its diftinguifhing Characters; it ferments 

violently, with acids, and is wholly folu- 

“ble inthem. Spars are frequently found 
; | in Caves, Grottos, Clefts of Rocks and 
‘ - Mines; they fhoot like Salts in Spires and 

other Figures, and abound in many Parts 


| Bo. Be Comet ? 
- Selenites, (have been frequently called } 
Lapides Speculares) the Moon-ftone is of a 
brighter Colour than the Spar, and is ta- _ 
bulated, or can be feperated into thin — 
Plates; the Selenites do not ferment with — 
acids, but readily calcine in theFire; they a 
confift of feveral Species; and are found 
in many Parts of the World, in Exgland, | 
in the Clay-pits in Staffordfhire, and par-_ | 
ticularly many of them in a bluith Clay 
near Harborough in Oxfordfhire. Yt has — 
been faid that the Chinefe Moon-ftone fuf- — 
fers Increafe and Diminution in Sympathy 
with the Increafe and Decrgafe’ of the 
Moon. 3 
Gypfum is of this Kind, but lefs tran- 
{parent, and more eafily calcined, yield- 
ing a fine white Powder, of which is — 
made Plaifter of Paris, a -Commodity — 
wellknown. The Gypfum has fomething 
the appearance of the {fofter Marbles, im | 
bright, gloffy, and in a imall Degree | 
tranfparent ; it does not give Fire with 
Steel, nor ferments with or is diffoluble — 

— ae ~~ aie hate 

\~- im 

| . L wo 7 
| an an acid Menftrnum. Jt abounds in 
| Darfetfiire, and fome other Parts of Eng- 

diy wo CRE TALEA- 

ft » 

Cryftals are clear tranfparent colourlefs 
_ Stones,. generally found on high Moun- 
» tains, Rocks, and in Mines; by a che- 
| umical. Tatilddon they yield Chalk and 
; Salt.. They are compofed of fimple not 
~ filamentous Plates; not flexile nor elaftic, 
-igiving Fire with Steel: not fermenting 
| an acid Menttrua and calcining in a ftrong 
Fire. ‘The Perfection of Cryftal confitts 
dn its Luftre, Tranfparency, and Hard- 
nefs. It is applied to various Ufes, be- 
ving often manufactured into Boxes, Cups, 
; and other Toys. .Such as have -Straws, 
7 Duft, &&c. enciofed in them,. are 

| Seve. and Tare, butdeaft infor Ufe, Na- 
_| duralifts deem the pureft Cryftal to be the 
. original ‘Matter of all the precious Stones 
, 0f the higher Claffes, which being in 4 
a | _ certain Degree influenced by different mi- 
“., E nerab 

[ 74 ] 
neral and metalline Qualities, thence af _ 
fume their Variety of Colour and Hard- — 
nefs, and are called by their feveral dif 
tinct Names, as will be fhewn when we ~ 
come to the precious Stones of Value. 


We find in this Repofitory many Spe- 

cimens of Stones that refift Fire, and of | | 

the different Kinds of Sulphurs, or in- | 
flammable Minerals. ~ ? 
Apyri are opake rough Stones, fo called — 

from their refifting an intenfe Heat, and |, 

yielding neither Smoke nor Sparkles in 
the Fire. I fhall mention fome of the 
Kinds: and firft 

Lapis Ollaris. This isa foft Stone, and 

may be cut or turned into Veffels of dif- | 

ferent Forms. 

Mica, the Glimmer, is a brittle Stone, |} . 
on which, when broke, are to be feen | , 

{mall white polifhed Lamina, as in Tale. 
The Mica Aurea, the gold glimmer, is fre- 
guently found in Arabic, Egypt, and | 
other jj 


‘other Eaftern Parts of the World; the 
Mica Argentea, the filver glimmer, in Silefa 
and Bohemia, and both of them fome- 
times in England. The Spangles, with 
which the Mica abounds, have often led 
' ‘People to imagine they had found fome 
Gold or Silver Ore, but in truth it con- 
* “tains neither of thofe metals, being only 

‘ akind of Talc accidentally coloured. 
‘| Tale is a fhining Stone, eafily feperated 
“into thin tranfparent Scales or Leaves, is 
“| flexile and elaftic, does not give Fire with 
‘Steel, nor ferments with acid menftrua. 
“What we call Ifinglafs, is a kind of Talc, 
‘it is diftinguifhed from the Plates of the 
Selenites by its Elafticity. The Romans 
“) *ufed it in their Windows; and it now 
“) “ often ferves to cover miniature Paintings, 
iu Water-Colours, or Crayons. The Oil 
_ of Talc has madea great noife amone the 
si -Alchymitts, on account of the Power it 
was faid-to have, of fixing Silver foas te 
® make it of equal Value with Gold, but no 
w+ © fuch Oil was ever known to be extracted, 

. \Pa i Ate that 

that which has been called fuch, being a 

mere Impofition. 

Amianthus. This is of the Clafs of thee 

Fibrarie, it is an opake brownifh Stone, — 
“compofed of fhort and abrupt Filaments, | 

flexile and elaftic, and eafily feparable into 
Plates, or other irregular Pieces. ‘There 
are feveral Kinds of it; and it is chiefly 
found in Germany, France, and Egypt, 

and one Kind often in York/hire. Thefe 

kind of Stones have been often confound- 

ed with the feveral fpecies of the Athef-™ 
tos, in confequence of which, we have 

loft the Art of {pinning and working the 
Afbeftos into incombuftable.Cloth. 
 Afbeftes, the Cotton-ftone, is naturally 

of a white or Silver Colour, and confifts” 
of fmall Fibres, of which may be made 
fine Threads, brittle, yet fomewhat trac- 
table; its Fibres are flexile and elaftic, — 
and compofed of fingle and continuous” 
Filaments, therein differing .from the 

-Amianthus, the Filaments of which are 
fhort and abrupt: The Ancients hada 


i ee 

—_-—>- Fe cl ware = - ae 

B77: J 

Method of manufacturing it into Cloth 
or Paper, which would for a confiderable 
Time remain unconfumed in a common 
Fire: it is found either enclofed in other 
| Stones, or on the Surfaces of them. It 
__| has been fuppofed that this Kind of Cloth 
_ was made Ufe of among the Romans at 
their Funerals, to preferve the Afhes of 
‘ the Deceafed unmixed, in order to their 
; being depofited in the Urn. On fome 
~ lateExperiments made, a Napkin of this 
“  @loth has. been found to fuffer a very fen- 
' fible Diminution of its Weight every 
~ Fime it was put into the Fire. Doétor 
Hill with Reafon thinks that a Stone of 
~ this Kind, which he defcribes as white, 
" loofe and thready, with broad Filaments, 
~ never forming themfelves into Maffes, but 
“always remaining loofe, might be manu- 
- faétured into Cloth of de Kind above- 
mentioned. It is found near the Surface 
* of the Earth in many parts of Scotland. 
* Under the Title Sulpbura are compre- 
bended all the inflammable Minerals. 
ie 3 Ambers 

Red | 

Ambers of various Kinds: This is a 
yellow Subftance, more or lefs tranfparent, 
of a gummous Confiftence, a refinous’ 
Tafte, and a Smell like Turpentine; ; 
- when rubbed fo as to be warm, it attraéts 
light Bodies, as Straws, ¥c. and yields a 
Kind of Light in the Dark: it ferves for 
many Ufes, being often manufactured. 
into Heads of Canes, Toys, Cups, €¢., 
It is found in the greateft Plenty on the, 
Baltick Sea, along the Coafts of Prufia, 
and fome other Parts of Europe. Diffe- 
rent Subftances are often found enclofed 
in the Maffes of Amber, but more par-_ 
ticularly Infe&ts; which proves that it was 
once ina fluid State, but afterwards har- 
dened by the Operation of the Air, Fe 
on it; the Specimens of Amber, th 
have any Thing enclofed in them being 
valuable, has occafioned its being oft 
imitated by Artifts, but the Fraud is eafily 
difcovered on a proper Infpeétion. Se 
-Bitumens, Jets, and Coals, ({mooth 
pitchy black Stones) muft here be now 
ticed : f 



bE 29 
ticed: and the Afphaltus, or Fews Pitch. 
Jet has a Grain like Wood, is very light, 
moderately hard, not fufible, but readily 
inflammable, aud burning a long Time 
with a greenifh white Flame. It is found 
in detached Maffes. Cannel Coal is found 
in Strata, is not lefs hard than many 

« Stones, is inflammable, yet flames but a 

little while; in all thefe particulars differ- 
» ing from Jet, with which it has often 
» been confounded. — 

- Sulphurs, or Brimftones, an unctious 
) Subftance, of various Colours, according 
» toits Purity; when moft fo, it is eafily 
inflammable and fufible in Fire, and cafts 

- aftrong fuffocating Smell; it is dry, folid, 

. and friable, is indued with an eleétric 
» Power, and does not diffolve in acids: It 
» 1s very frequently mixed with Arfenic,; 
- andfometimes with metalline Particles, 
» when it is called Marcafite and Pyrites. 

| The Pyrites Aureus is frequently met with 
/ in great plenty near Banbury in Oxford- 
 fhire; but a finer Sort is found at Cleydox 

Bee | E 4 2 

[ 8 ] 

a-Village hard by. Thefé were formerly® 
ufed inftead of Flints for ‘Carbiries: and’. 
Piftols. The Pyrites Argenteus, or Silver 
Marcafite, was met with im great Plenty — 
on digging a Well at Dodington in Oxford= 
hire; and fometimes it is taken ovit of” 
the Belemnites found in that Neighbourt | 
hood. A particular Sort of Maréafite, 

called by the Inhabitants of thofe Parts! 
Crow Iron, (within ofa golden, but withs — 
out of a darkifh rufty Colour) is very’ 

frequently feen at Aton Rewant in Oxford- — 
| Shire, and another Kind at Henley upon 
Thames. The Pyrites is alfo often me 
ta Stafford/hire. 

——————— ~~, a 

aT - pe 


In this Repofitory is to be feen a — 
Colleétion of Ores, from almoft all the — 
known Mines in the World. I fhall not : 
detain my Reader Jong on this Subject,” 
but refer him for farther Satisfaction, to 
the Specimens here preferved. is 

Ee _——<—— —- =~ ee ae —_— a. =o 

Thofe — 

; fF &. } 

-Thofe on the upper Shelves on the 
Left-hand, confift of Lead Ore; the next 
under them are the Silver and Gold Ores, 
and the Bottom Shelves contain Tin Ores. 

_ On the Shelves on the Right-hand are 

firft the Iron, then the Copper Ores, where 

the Azure Stone, or Lapis Lazuli, and the 

Turcois, are very rare Specimens, and are to 

be ranked among the precious Stones. 
The next Shelf contains Quickfilver 

_ and Cinnabar Ores. The others are An- 
 timony, Bifmuth, Cobalt, and Calamine, 

: (Lapis Calaminariis ) called Semimetals; for 

EE Ee ee 

thefe yield a very fmall Regulus, or liquid 

Metal, which, though it can be melted 

again, is not by itfelf ductile, or fo far 
malleable as to be of any Ufe to Manu- 
fa&ture. Antimony is never found native 
in its perfect State, being always mixed 

| with Sulphur and other extraneous Mat- 
ter; when feparated from its Ore it is 

eafily fufible, and greatly promotes the 
Fufion of other Foffils: It is of great Ufe 

. im Medicine, Chemiftry, and Mechanics, 

. Saale and 

[ 82 ] 

and is an Ingredient in Pewter’ Bell Metal, 
and the mixt Metal of which Printing 
Types are made. Bifmuth is hard, and — 
lefs friable than Antimony; it is very | 
rarely found native, more commonly in _ 
the State of Ore, occafioned by a laroe 
Mixture of Sulphur and Arfenic. Pro- 
perly prepared it enters into the Compo- 
fition of Bell Metal, and the Metal of © 
which Printing Types are made, like An-— 
timony, it eros other Metals more 
eafily fufible. It is found in Germany, 
and in many Parts of England. Cobalt is 
a compact heavy Mineral, has a fhining — 
Appearance, and much refembles fome of ; 
the Antimonial Ores: It is found in dif- — 
ferent Forms and Colours, owing to va- i 

rious Accidents ; from Cobalt is produced — 
Zaffer and Smalt; the Mendip Hills in- i 

England afford it, but it is not fo rich as 
the German and Bohemian. he a0 
The Lapis Calaminaris is a fpungy Sub-— 
ftance, of a lax and cavernous Structure, f 

yet confiderably heavy ; when pure, it is” 
of i 


i Se? J 

of a pale brownifh grey Colour, but from 
its lax Structure fubje&t to extraneous 
Mixtures. Dr. Law/on was the firft who 
afferted from a Courfe of Experiments, 
that Calamine was the Ore of Zink, which 
is known in England by the Name of 
Spelter: Zink is very frequently brought 
us from the Ea/t Indies, under the Name 
of Tutenag; it meltsin avery {mall Fire; 
both Calamine and Zink turn Copper into 
Brafs. Calamine is found in great Plenty 

in England, particularly in Somer/et/hire. 
_~ Inone of the Tables near the Windows 
on the Right-hand, are a great Number 
and Variety of Agates, Onyxes, and Sardo- 
nywes, rough and polifhed; fome of them 
are fmall like Seeds, which in the Beds 
_ where they are found, meeting with pro- 
‘per Particles, by a natural Coalition, and 
| affifted by the Heat of the Sun in warmer 
‘Climates, encreafe in Bulk. The Agate 
is a femi-pellucid Gem, variegated with 
Veins and Clouds, but without Zones ; 
othe feveral Kinds are of different Colours. 
BE 6 The 

[ 84 ] 
The Eaft India Agates are much finer than 
thofe of Bohemia, America, or any other 
Part of the World. Among the moft 
curious of the Specimens in this Place, 
are two Pendants, fet in Form of a 
Heart, each having by Nature delineated 
on it a tolerable Reprefentation of an 
- Eclipfe, one of the Sun, the other of the 
Moon: Their Drops are Onyxes. 

The Onyx is a femi-tranfparent Stone of 
the Agate Kind, (often imitated by the 
Lapidaries with Agate) it has various co- 
loured Zones, but none red ; and is com- 
pofed either of a Number of flat Plates, or 
of a.Series of Coats round a central Nu- 
cleus: The Lapidaries fhew their Inge- 
nuity in contfiving to cut them in fuch 
a Manner, as to have Figures or Hiftories 
on them in Baffo Relievo, with the Ground 
of a different Colour: Thefe Pieces of | 
Sculpture are called Cameos. The Onyxis | 
found in feveral Parts of the Eaff Indies, | 
in Mexico, Italy, Bohemia, and many Places 


f 8 J 
in Germany: It is formed of Cryftal, de- 
bafed with a fmall Admixture of Earth. 
. The Sardonyx is of the Onyx Kind, and 
ig either zoned or tabulated; it is com- 

_ pofed of the true Matter of the Onyx, but 

variegated with Zones or Plates of that of 
the red or yellow Cornelian, whence its 

‘Name: It is by the Lapidaries divid-d 

into feveral diftinc&t Species, and generally 
found in fuch Parts of the World as pro- 
duce the Onyx, particularly the warmer 

‘and Eaftern Climates. 

In this Table we find alfo many Speci- 
mens of the different Kinds of Fa/per, 
of which fome Account has been given, 
Page 68. 

_ And here is a rough Egyptian Pebble, 
broke into two Parts; on each Piece is 
a perfect Refemblance of the Head of 

| Chaucer, as he is ufually painted: This is 

entirely the Work of Nature, not having 

been at all affifted by Art. 

+ Some Pieces of Lapis Lazuli, or Azure 
Stone, by the Ancients called Cyaneus and 
10 eat Cer#= 

[ 86 ] 

Ceruleum. It is of a blue Colour, veined 
and fpotted with white and yellow, not — 
dificult to imitate by Art; but the ge- — 

nuine good Stone fhould refift Fire and 
- Smoke, and come forth with new Luftre;_ 
of this is made Ultramarine. It is found 
in Mines of Gold, Silver, and Copper, and 
more frequently in Pits of Marble, which 
laft is the Kind generally ufed. 

We next come to a great Number of 
Specimens of precious Stones of all Kinds, — 
opake and tran{parent, rough and polifhed, 
fome loofe, others fet. I fhall give my 
Reader a few Remarks on the Nature of 
fome of them; and begin with the }: 

Opal, fuppofed to be the Pyropus of 


Ovid; this is the fofteft of allGems, ge- J 

nerally from the Size of a fmall Pea toa — 

Horfe-bean, but fometimes lareer “a of 

_ the Bean, and often fmaller than the Pea: 
Its Colour is whitifh, or rather that of hell q 
fineft Mother of Pearl, but fo tranfparent — 
that one may fee deep into the Stone: Te 
i not eer by Defcription to give an Idea A 
of H 


L 87 

of it; for, as it is turned about, 1t fhews 
almoft all Colours, as yellow, red, blue, 
green, purple, and a milky grey. It is 
produced in Egypt, in Arabia, {everal Parts 
_ of the Eaft Indies, and fometimes in Europe: 
_ The Oriental are the fineft; but the Bo- 
| bemian, neverthelefs, very beautiful. It is 
often found among the Earth of Moun- 
tains, on the Banks of Rivers, and bedded 
in Jafper. | 
Oculus Cati, the Cat’s Eye, by fome called 
| Afteria, is of the Nature of an Opal, but 
harder, and fhews only two Colours, brown 
and white; the brown feeming to be the 
Ground, and the white playing about it 
in the fame Manner the Fire Colour does 
inthe Opal. This Stone takes a fine Po- 

| ith, but is ufually worn in its natural | 
- State: Its Form is for the moft Part that 

of the half of a fmall bifeéted Globe, be- 
7 ‘ing flattith on one Side, round on the 
other. It is found in the Ea? and Wef 
| Indies, anid fometimes in Europe. 
were Liv) 28 


. es 
; ‘2 fs 4 fi a 
: = 

{ 88 ] 

Turcois. This was long thought to be — 
a natural Gem; but it has fince been dif- 
covered to be only in reality the Bone of | 
an Animal, by Accident fallen into a Cop- 
per Mine, whence it derives its {tony and 
mineral Qualities: It has not that fine 
blue Colour when firft found, requiring 
fome Art to bring it to Perfection, and 

when done it does not for any Length of | 

Time continue, but becomes gradually 
green; which is the Reafon of its not 
being fo valuable as it would otherwife 
be: Whilft it holds its Colour it is indeed 
moft beautiful. 

Oculus Mundi is of a pale and uniform 
Colour, a whitifh grey, no ways varied ; 
it is almoft entirely opake, and does not — 
take a good Polifh: When put into Wa- | 
ter for a {mall Space of Time, it becomes | 
confiderably tranfparent, and takes the © 

Colour of the yellow Cornelian, or rather | 

Amber, that is, a very fine bright pale © | 
yellow ; but it retains this Beauty only 

whilt in the Water, taking, when dry, | 

L 89 ] 
its natural Appearance. This furprizing 
| Stone is not yet known to be produced 
in any Country but China, though our 

_ own Country has afforded Stones that, in 

_ fome Deeree, emulate its Qualities. 
_ “We now proceed to make a few Re- 

- raafks, or Obfervations, on the Nature 

_ of the tranfparent Gems. Thefe are not 
improbably fuppofed to take their feveral 
Tinges, or Colours, fromi the predomi- 

nant Influence of fome neighbouring 
- Mine; communicated in the fame Man- 

ner, that beautiful blue is to the Turcois 
in a Copper Mine. Thefe Gems. are by 
the Naturalifts, according to their Quali- 
ties and Hardnefs,. ane in the fol- 

lowing Order. 
| Aqua Marina, Aque Marine. ‘This is, 

7 in all Probability, the Beryl of the Ar- 
cients; it took its modern Name from 

its Colour, (a fine Sea green, inclined to 

7 bluifh, refembling Sea Water) which it 

_ receives from the Influence of Copper 
_ and Tron ti Tt is found in various 
a, ; Shapes 

[ go J 

Shapes and Sizes, generally about the 
Size of a Horfe-bean ; it bears a natural 
Polifh when found, and has the Sea green. 
Colour in all Degrees, from the deepeft 
to the paleft, without the Intermixture 
of any other Colour. When this Stone 
is in Perfection, it approaches to the — 
Hardnefs of a Grenate, or Garnet, but — 
is often much fofter: avery {mall De- 
gree of Heat deprives it of its Colour. 
It is found in the Zaft Indies, particularly — 
the Ifland of Ceylon, and fometimes in. 
Europe, as in Silefia, &c. Thofe from — 
the warmer Eaftern Climates are much 
the ‘hardeft and fineft. ‘oe 
Hyacinth, or Facinth, is of a pale Ver- — 
milion Colour, or red, with a fmall’ 
Admixture of yellow, ufually called a 
Flame. Colour, which Appearance it. 7 
probably receives from Lead and. Iron. — 
It is found of various Degrees of Palenefs 
or Deepnefs; fometimes the yellow is’ 
greatly predominant; its Form is that of — 
an oblong roundifh Pebble, flatted on one — 
Side. 9 

[ 9x J 
Side. This Stone is not near fo hard as 
the Ruby or Sapphire, but much more 
fo than any Sort of Cryftal: It takes a 
fine Polifh; and is brought us in the 
ereateft Perfection from the Eat Indies : 

* It is alfo found in the Weft Indies, and in 

fome Parts of Europe, as Silefia and Bohe- 
mia; thofe from the Eaff are by much 

- the hardeft, as in general all the Gems 
. that come from thence are. 

~Granate, or Garnet, as it is generally 
called, is a very beautiful Gem ; the Co- 

 lour is a fine bright full red, with a fmall 

Tinge of blue: the Influence of Gold, 
or Iron and Tin Ores may ‘poffibly be 
the Caufe of its beautiful Appearance. 
It is never found in angular Columns, 

_ like Cryftal, as many Gems are, but al- 
ways in Form of an oblong irregular 
Pebble: It is not fo fubje& to Faults and 

Blemifhes as the Ruby, and when pure 

-and well coloured, it is little inferior to it 
in Beauty.. This Stone is of a middle 

Degree of Hardnefs between the Sapphire 
pereen | and 

[ 92 J 

and’ common Cryftal: The Ladies are 
well acquainted with it, having 'of late 
been much worn by them in a Variety of 
Omaments, as Bracelets, Caps, Egrettes, _ 
&c. Itis brought from the Ea/? Indies, 
where moft of the fineft of our Gems are’ 
produced, yet often found in Jtaly, Hun- 
gary, and Bohemia. 

Amethyft is always of a purple Colour, 
but of many Shades, having fometimes a 
bluer, at others a redder Caft, and reach- 
ing from very near a Rofe Colour to @ 
Violet, according as it has been influen- 
ced by Gold, or Iron and Tin Ores. It 
is found in the Eaf and. Weft Indies, and, 
in feveral Parts of Europe. Thofe of the 
Pebble Kind are moft valuable, by being 
hardeft, and having, when polifhed, the. 
fineft Luftre ; but it is moft frequently — 
met with in the angular Figure of Cry{- 
tal. In the fineft Specimens, it is of 
equal Value and Hardnefs with the Ru- 
by; but this is not common. When 
deprived of its Colour by Fire, it wants — 

nothing — 

L 93 jJ 
nothing but Hardnefs to make it a per- 
fect Imitation of the Diamond, :fo beau- 
tiful is.its Luftre. 
Fopaz. This is the Chryfolite of the 
Ancients ; itis always of a pure yellow, 

or fineft Gold Colour, but of different 

Shades or Degrees, from the deepeft 

_ Saffron down to the paleft Amber, or 

1 Aerie =a 

Straw Colour. ‘Lead is fuppofed to in- 

fluence it inthis refpect. The moft va- 
Juable is equal in Hardnefs-to the. Ruby 
-or Sapphire : They are feldom found very 

large ; but the Great Mogul has one that 
weighs near 160-Carats, which is of very 

_ great Value. The true Topaz is always 

met with-in a Pebble-like Form ; it has, 
when polifhed, a glorious yellow Colour. 

_Cryftal, tinged) with yellow, is often fub- 

ftituted inftead of it: by the modern Jew- 

- ellers, but the Wheel difcovers the Dif- 
_ ference ; forthe very worlt Topaz is 
much harder than Cryftal. They are 
_ found in the Eat and Weft Indies, and 

 fometimes in Europe. 


[ ‘toy 9 

Emerald is of a fine green Colour, (6f 
all the different Shades from the deepeft 
to the paleft) occafioned by fome neigh. 
‘bouring Iron and Copper Mines. This | 
Stone lofes its Colour in Fire, and is then | 
-undiftinguifhable from a white Sapphire. 7 
~The genuine oriental Emerald is a very 
hard and moft beautiful Gem, but few 
-of them have of late been brought to 
Europe, that which the Jewellers call ori- J} 
ental, being the Produce of America; 
‘and what is ufually fold under the Name 
‘of occidental Emerald is nothing but} 
‘tinged Cryftal. The Emerald is fome- 
times found in a Pebble-like Form, but} 
more frequently in a columnar or angu- 
lar one, like Cryftal. The oriental Eme- 
rald is of the Hardnefs of the Sapphire, 
-.or Ruby, and fecond only to the Dia- 
-mond in Luftre and Value. The Ame- 
vican is of the Hardnefs of the Garnet, 
sand the Eurepean fofter than that, but 
‘much harder than Cryftal. The Pebble 
Emeralds are found loofe in the Earth, 

te ee 

bias 7 

often on the Banks of Rivers, the co- 

lumnar adhering to a white opake cryf- 

‘talline Matter. The moft beautiful and 

valuable are brought from the Eaf In- 
| dies; but they are alfo found in Peru, 
and other Parts of South America, and 
_ fometimes in Exrope. 
_ Sapphire is a moft beautiful Gem of a 
_ fine blue Colour, of all Shades from the 
_ deepeft to a pale fky blue: It owes its 
h ‘Colour to Copper, and may by Fire be 
. made to have a near Refemblance to the 
- Diamond. The fineft, which come to 
_ us from the Eaf Indies, are equal in 
_ Hardnefs to the Ruby ; they are now 
_ and then found in Europe, but not very 
. frequently or very good. The beft and 
. hardeft are of a Pebble-like Form; they 
, are fometimes found in the Cryftal Form. 
_ The white Sapphir, as the Jewellers call 
_ it, is very little inferior to the Diamond 
_ in Value. 
» Ruby is of a very fine red Colour, with 
. afmall Admixture of purple, which in- 

fh | creafes 

t 96] 
creafes its Beauty: its Colour it receives 
from Gold and Tin. In the larger Spe- 
cimens it is often fpotted, or otherwife 
blemifhed, which greatly reduces its Va- 
lue. It bears fo. good a Polifh in its na- 
tural State, that it is often worn as it is 
found. Its Colour is from ‘the deepeft 
to the paleft red, but always tinged, 
-more.or lefs, with purple. This Stone 7 
only found genuine in the Zaft Indies, and 
is always. (before it is polifhed) of a Peb- 
ble-like Form: When in a-perfect State, 
it is of great Beauty and Value, inferior 
to none, but the Diamond. 

~The Diamond is colourlefs, the hardelll 
and moft valuable of all precious Stones: 
It is brought from the Eat Indies, an 
iome from Brazil, but not fo fine. 

liy the Table we are now treating 
are to be feen a great Variety of Pearls, 
particularly one of a purple (Colour, and 
another in the Form of a Bunch of 
Grapes ; both which are very rare and. 
valuable Specimens. 

L 97 | 
in the Table near the Window, among 
the Models of Diamonds, is that of Pitt’s 
Brilliant, which was fold to the King of 
France for 120,000/. The prefent King 
wears it on his Hat inftead of a Button ; 

its Weight is 1364 Carats. 

A Model of a fine Rofe Diamond, 

| - weighing 139+ Carats, being 24 Carats 



more than P7#7’s Brilliant juft above men- 
Honed ; but, not having fo fine a Luftre, 
it is not fo valuable. This Diamond for- 
merly belonged to Charles the Bold, the 
- att Duke of Burgundy; and when he was 
killed, and his Army defeated in the 
Battle of Nancy, it fell into the Hancs 

-a common Soldier, who by Accident 
“found it on the Field of Battle ; but, be- 
ing ignorant of its Value, fold it for lefs 
ibe aCrown. One of the Grand Dikes 

of Tufcany afterwards, by Purchafe, be- 

_ came poffeffed of it, and it was pre! ‘erved 

inthe Family of Medicis for a long Time, 
but at length came into the Hands of the 
ae F prefent 

[ 98 ] 
prefent Emperor of Germany, who carr ied 
it to Vienna. 

There are more Models of Diamonds 4 
this Table; but as none of them are near 
fo large as the two already mention 
it is not at all material to be more - , 
ticular on the Subjeét, or to inform the 
Reader who are the refpeétive Polistioas 
of them. _ d | 

Among a great Variety of Cryftals , 
manufactured into Vafes, Cups, Boxes, — 
Efc. are fome Beads of Cryftal, which are. % 

been worn by the ancient Druids in this” 
Ifland, as Ornaments for their Perfons. | 
Some Cry/tal Balls, which are faid to be 
ufed in cold Countries for warming di 
Hands, and (after being fome Time kept 
in a Cellar) for cooling them in _hotte f 
Climates ; but this is not certain, ma 
‘imagining they were defigned for othe cr | 
Marca/ites, bright glittering Stones, 
with a Mixture of Sulphur, or Arfenic, | 

[ 99 J 

ia which they owe their, Luftre, Some 
Accou ay is pare of them ie 79. The 

re BPR et a it, 
ieces of Coral finely cut-in, va- 
| at ag Table is a great deal of Ander 
nan? 1 fattured, ‘particularly, a fine Cabinet, 
cu rious Crab, fome Bells, Beetles, 
£ ndles for Infirumerts, &c. and fome 
Pie . of Amber, in the Subftance of 
which Jy ty eds are inclofed. $e nk file 
ii We iG é mutt next take Notice of : a Peftle, 
lor ‘ae and Plate of Egyptian Porphir yr 
rt ist be. remarked, that this is the 
ha def t Stone. of the opake Kind that 
as” s yet been, found. _ 
pees ‘Lh: all conclude my. tee on 
the. Bopen ss: of, this Table, by inform- 
ing the Reader, that there are a Variety 
Ute: fs of Agat, Fafper, &c. fuch as 
Necklaces, Pendants, Rings, 
ieee Boxes, 


[ 100 J 
Boxes, Buttons, €?c. Thefe Matters are 
in very great Efteem and Ufe among the 
Turks, Arabians, Greeks, Perfians, Cir- 
cafians, and others, Inhabitants of the 
Eaftern Parts of the World. a 
We find nothing more to mention in 
this Room, except the Collection of Gu- 
tavus Brander, Efq; (one of the Truftees } 
of the Briti/h Mufeum) which he has ge- 
neroufly given to the Public. It is very 
curious, but confifts chiefly of fuch Spe- 
cintens 2s are likewife to be feen in the 
Sloanian Colleétion : I fhall, therefore, not 
enlarge much on the Particulars. | 
.In the Cabinet between the Windows 
are a great Variety of Incruftations and 
Petrifactions, as Shells, Corals, and other. 
Things: In the Petrifaétions the original 
Subftance is entirely changed to a Stone; 
in the others it is only completely. dal 
vered with a ftony Matter, the Subftance 
ftill retaining its priftine Qualities, 
There are many Springs in England and 
elfewhere, which incruftate whatever is 

[- 26: | 

left in them, for any length of Time, 
with a Stony Surface ; and others have a 
Power of making an entire Change in the 
Subftance of Wood, &c. giving it all the 
Properties of Stone. In fome Places the 
Earth effects the fame Thing on -what- 
ever is buried in it. 

In the two large Tables are a very 
curious Collection of foffil Shells, figured 
_ Foffils, natural and fimple Foffils, and 
- particularly of Minerals: I fhall not take 
; up much of the Reader’s Time in mak- 
ing any long Remarks on thefe Articles. 
i With, refpect. to. the figured Foffils and 
-foffil Shells, ] I fhall treat of them more at 
_ large, when I come to that Part of the 
_ Sloanian Collection, as the foffil Shells 
may there be compared with fuch as are 
_fecent: as to the Minerals and fimple 
_ Fofiils, they have already been noticed, 
Page 80. 

Inthe firft Table I fhall nie with a 
few Remarks on the foffil Shells and fi- 
| gured Fofiils, with which it is filled. 

F 3 _ Anomia. 

f 102] 
Anome. Thefe are a Kind of fofiil Shelly | 
very frequently found in that State, but 
{cidom recent, and fcarcely ever perfeét, 
They refemble a Cockle, but are beaked. 
Oftracites, petrified Oyfters of different | 
Kxinds. _. oun i ae 
Peétinites. Under this Title ‘are vas | 
tious foffil Scollop Shells. ‘ 
Ammonite, Snake-ftones, frequently 
found in England and. elfewhere, in the | 
petruied State; but the recent is not yet : 
known; fome fuppofe it to be the ian 
ils. ) 1 2a ¥ | 
_ Nautiliti, Petrifactions refemblihg the | 
Nautilus. There is one very curious | 
Specimen in this Collection. Thefe Kind | 
of Petrifaétions are frequently found ive : 
am Mines in Derby/hire. , i. | 
- Belemnites, commonly called Thunder- | 
bolts in the Parts of prea? where 
are found. ode i* 
_ Echinites, Sea Hedgehogs, or Sea eRe a 
the Cavities of which are Russ 2 
with Stone. = - | ee | 
Echinorum ” if 

[ 103 } 

Echinorum Radiali, the Spines of the 
Sea Hedgehog petrified, generally found 
near them in the Earth. 

_ Afieriz, Star-ftones, are of an angular 
Figure, refembling a Star, having more 
or lefs Points or Rays. 
_  Cwrallcides, Some Specimens of foffil 
— Coral. 
 Foffilia Univalva, foil Shells, confifting 
- of one Piece or Part. 
Fofilia Bivalva, Oyfters, &c. where aa 
_ Fith ledges in a Pair of Shells. 

_ Conchites, foffil Cockle Shells. | 

Cochlites, fofiil Shells of a fpiral Form., 
as Snails, Gc. 

» Fofilia Multivalva, Shells. where the 
Fih extends itfelf into many different 

_ Loolithi, Bones, either preferved in the 

iti, or petrified. 
- Ichthyolithi, Impreffions of Fith on | 

Stone, or petrified Parts of them. 
| Entomolithi, a Variety of Specimens of 
petrified Infects. 


Fa ; We 

Civer }. 

‘We muft now proceed to the other 
Table, where we find, 

Phytolithi, Figures of Leaves and other | 
Parts of Plants, very naturally reprefented | 
on Pebbles, and fome Pieces of petrified | 
Wood. sf 

Conchyl. Gallica, a Colfeétion of Shells 
picked up on the South Coaft of France; | 
they are of various Kinds. a 

Graptolithi, fome Specimens of figured 
Marble Slates, &c. 

Conchyl. Hanton. A Colleétion of foil . 
Shells found in Hamp/hre, where they |} 
abound on the Hiils. 

Stalaftites, Drop-ftones, formed by In- 
cruftation, particularly in the Peak in 
Derbyshire. . ~ 

Gipfa, Several Spieitalha of the Crp 
fum, a Kind of Stone of which is made 
Plaifter of Paris. 

Spata, Spars of various Kinds. 

Cryftalla, Cryftals. | 
Afvefti.7 Under. thefe Titles are depo- : | 
Apyri, hee the Afbeftus or Cotton- | 

; Stone, |} 

[ tos | 
Stone, of which was formerly made the 
incombuftible Linen, and other Stones, 
which can, without vifible Alteration, bear 

an intenfe Heat. — 

” aevemvens Some Specimens of Marble, 
nape. Jafper, and Agate. 
_ Achat. 
Sal. Several Kinds of Salts and 
6 Sulphur. = together with 
ee Jet, Cannel Coal, and fome 


‘Ambers. | 

© Pyrit. Muindick © or Marcafite. 

- Semimetalla. Antimony, Bifmuth, Co- 
balt. - 

’ Minere Auri et? Gold and Silver Ores. 
“+ Argenti: | SAmong them is one 
Piece of pure Gold in a white Stone, or 
Spar: the others are ‘Silver mixed with 


- Min. Plumbi. Sidcandiin of Lead = 
without Mixture of Silver. 

Cupri, Copper Ores, and the Flore 

Baw ge AN lo Ri L ya (Stane 

fi wei jj 

Stanni. Tin Ores, with fomne Pieces. of | 
Block Tin. Aucmommiaml 
Ferri. Iron Ores, with ths Flores Martis: — 
Brafs 1s made by mixing a certain 
Quantity of the Lapis Calaminaris, or of — 
Zink, with Copper in the melting. e 

CortectTio SLOANIANA, ~ 

The Room we are now about to make | 
our Remarks on, contains a fine Collec- | 
tion of foffil Shells, figured Foffils; recent | 
Shells, and fome other Articles. This is | 
not the leaft Curious Part of the Mufe- | 
um ; and the recent Shells here preferved |} 
particularly claim the Attention of the | 
Ladies ; Many of them are very fearce | 
and valuable, others remarkably beautiful. | 

To proceed with fome Degree of Re- | 
gularity, I fhall firft take Notice of the 
Contents of the Repofitories, or Cabinets, | 
round the Room, beginning With: that on | 
which is inferibed | 
| Stalaéttites. Thefe-are a Kind i Sensi | 
formed by Droppings of Water, which | 

being |) 

pate lpi: 80r-] 
being impregnated with certain Stony 
Particles, by Degrees petrifies, and grows 
to the Hardnefs of a Spar, and confifts 
of feveral Coats. Under this Head are 
comprehended all the various Kinds of 
Incruftations, petrified Ificles, Peas-ftones, 
and other Kinds of Spars, that do not 
fhoot from the Subftance of the Rock, 
but infenfibly encreafe in Bulk, preferv- 
_ ing always a {mooth and curious Surface. 
_ They are, for the moft part, found in 
‘ _ fubterranean Caverns, in Grottos on the 
_ Appenine and Pyrenean Mountains, in Der- 
byfhire, and many other fuch like Places 5 
fome of them refemble Sugar Plumbs, 
and are called Confetti di Tivoli. Thefe 
Jaft are of the Kind of Spars called Sta- 
dagmodiaugia.. The, Stalaéiites take ma- 
my different Names, according to the 
Colour and Degree of Purity they pof- 
. fefs.. They are daily formed, which many 
_ found under the Arches of Weftminfter 
Bridge, and ina Vault under the Terras 
i at Windfer, fufficiently. teftify. : 
iPone F 6 We 

[. 108 J 

We mutt here add the Ludus He’montii, 
or Waxen Veins, as they are often called) — 
This Stone confifts of feveral Pebbles | 
bedded in a Mafs of pure Earth, which | 
is grown to the Hardnefs of a Stone. It 
is to be obferved, that the Matter which | 
forms the Bed, and by which the Peb- 
bles are fo ftrongly joined and cemented 
together, is of a purer Nature than the | 
Pebbles themfelves are. This is not un- | 
frequently found in many Parts of Eng: _ | 

land, and is of confiderable Value. The : 
Matter by which thefe Pebbles are.join-— 
ed, is ufed in Medicine in Neptiaay 
Complaints. ote 
Under this Title are duplidined a bu- 
man Skull and a Sword, both of which are 
completely covered over and incrufted ‘ 
with the fame ftony Subftance to a confi- é | 
_ derable Thicknefs, yet without’ lofing | 
‘their Form. They were found in the | 
“Tyber at Rome. 24 
Aitites, Eagle Stones. Pliay the Na- | 
turalift fays, that EF agles cannot hatch — | 
; their f 


[. 109° |] 

their young without having one of thefe 
_ Stones in their Neft; but it is to be 
looked upon as a mere idle Fiction, the 
Experience of many fucceeding Ages 
being far from warranting the Affertion. 
| Thefe Stones are formed of two different 
“Subftances, the one much harder and 
“more compaét than the other ; the Nu- 
“cleus, which is of a fofter Matter than 
the Surface, thrinks as it petrifies, thereby 
_ leaving a Cavity between the harder Cir- 
ee and itfelf, and being of courfe 

- Wole, muft naturally rattle. 
~~ Under this Title are claffed all the 
hollow Pebbles ; thofe which particularly 
‘bear this Name have another enclofed in 
the Cavity of them, which may be known 
by their rattling. In others is very 
‘plainly heard a Liquid, which, on open- 
ing them, is only found to be foul Wa- 
ter: this Kind is called Enbydros. When 
‘they have an earthy Matter inclining to 
‘the cryftalline in them, they take the 
"Name of Geedess and when there are in 

~ -- 

[sag] | 
one Stone two or three Cavities, they 
have of late been fometimes called Li- — 
thotomi. They have had many other — 
Names, as LEutocium, Echites, Erodialis, 
Aguileius, and Lapis pregnans. Great Vir- — 
tue has been by Women afcribed to the 
Eagle-ftone, it being thought by many, — 
that, if it is worn above the Girdle, it — 
prevents Abortion ; if about the Knee, — 
it helps Delivery: but this Virtue is 
ideal, and only a Conjeéture formed from _ 
its being pregnant, as it were, of another 
Stone. Credulity and Superftition often 
produce Fancies, which one is furprifed 
to find People of Senfe and Reafon fome- 
times give way to; but fuch isthe F ae 
of human Nature. | 

Helmintholithi. In this Clafs Lime 
ranks all the foffil Shells. The Stones 
under this Title are fuppofed to have | 
been originally a Kind of Coral, which, | 
by being buried in the Earth for fome 
confiderable Space of Time, has at length 
arrived to a State of Petrifaction ; but 

if dia jj 

the Nafne imports, Earth Worm Stones, 
upona Suppofition, ‘that thefe foffil Ho- 
heycombs, and all the other Kinds of 
Stones having regular {mall Cavities, 
both round and ftellated, like the fubma- 
rine Corals, might be formed by Earth 
Worms, which working many Paffages 
through the. Matter whereof the Stone 
was afterwards formed, occafions . thofe 
Diverfifications in the Stru€ture of them. | 
But this is far from the Truth ; for, was 
it fo, all the Perforations would be round, 
or at leaft. approaching to a. circular Fi- 
gure; whereas many of them are ftella- 
ted; and there could not be that Recu- 
Jarity in the Pofition of the Cavities, as is 
to be obfervedin thefe Stones, fince itisnot 
to be fuppofed, that Worms make their 
Paffages in the Earth at any fixed Di- 
Stance one from the other. Thefe Kind 
of Stones. are generally found in the 
aig both here and abroad. ~. 
Our next Attention is claimed by a 
great ‘Number of foffil Shells, which are 
| pahiicd preferved 

if 1a 1 

preferved in this Room; we muft make | 
a few Remarks on thofe contained under ' 

each Title. 
Shells, as Foffils, are ome into 
three Clafies. ) J 

rift, Thofe that are found in their na- | 

tural State, without the Addition of any 

other Matter, or the Change of their | 

2dly, Thofe that are petrified, mite 
the Shell fill preferved. 

gdly, Stones in the Form of Shells, — 
but without any Remains of the Pattern | 
Shell, which occafioned their em that mt 


‘Countries of the World, and in many 

Parts of England, particularly in the — | 
Mines in Derdyfhire, in the Rocks at Be 

resford in Staffordfhire, at Alftonfield, im 

‘the fame County, and in great Abun- | 
dance in Lincolnfhire and Glocefterfhire, ° a 
befides | 

~ | 

- 1 

= 's 


The feveral Kinds of foffil Shells are || 
at leaft as numerous as thofe that are re- rf | 
‘cent, and are found in the Earth in mot || 

[ ag* | 

befides many other Places. They are fup- 
pofed to have been either left at the uni- 
verfal Deluge, or elfe that the Sea, which 
was formerly more extenfive than it is 
now, left thofe Reliéts behind it, on its 
being confined to narrower Bounds. 

~ The foffil Shells are ranked under the 
following Titles. 

Cochlites, Spiral or Snail Shells of various 
Kinds; fome'of the Specimens have the 
Shell entire, others are encrufted with a 
| ftony Subftance, or quite petrified ; ; and 

among them are fome Cafts of Stone 
. b iieed in the Shell of a large Nautilus, 
" which has fince eS no Remains be- 
| ing left. | 

~ Ammonite, Cornua Ammonis, nie Hots 

of Fupiter Ammon. They are generally 
called Snake-{tones, and are found in moft 
| Parts of the Earth, but in England fineft, 

and moft perfect. The Size of them is 
various, from a Quarter of an Inch to 
More than two Feet in Diameter, but 
rarely fo large. It is a Matter of Sur- 

‘a prize, 

a a 1] 
prize, that fo great a Number and Variety ! | 
of them fhould be conftantly met with in 
the Strata of the Earth, in Mines and 
other fubterranean Places, when no fuch 
Shells are to be found in their recent 
State; this cannot eafily be accounted | 
for, unlefs it be conjeétured, that the 
Fifh which occupies the recent Shell, is | 
an Inhabitant of the deepeft Parts of the | 
Ocean, and that nothing lefs than the 
Agitation occafioned by the univerfal De- 
luge could remove it from its favourite 
Concealment: If that be the Cafe, it is” 
no Wonder-we find. not this Shell in its 
recent State. There is-a {mall white Shell. 
Fith of Barbadoes, which feems truly a re- 
cent Animal of this Genus; and in chad 
Eajft Indies there is another. {mall and 

greyifh, but the large and beautifully 

- marked ones are found only foffile. The 
Snake-Stone is found of almoft all Sizes 
in great Plenty in feveral Parts of England, 
Pe VG Y er py | 


i ae | 

 Oftracites, petrified Sea Shelis of the 
bivalve Kind; being plain and common 
Oyfters of various Sizes; fome are found 
fingle, or only a Pair of Shells; others in 
Clufters, being a great Number of Shells 
firmly united and cemented together. A 
particular Kind of Offracites, with longitu- 
dinal Sirie, are found in the Rocks at 
Beresford in Staffordfhire. : 
~Anonice. Couche Anomie, are a Sort of 
bivalve Shell; the Valves of which are of 
unequal Extent, both of them convex, 
and the Head or Beak of the longer Valve 
crooked , and falling over the Head of the 
others they are commonly called beaked — 
€ockles. No Name has been given to 
the Fifth that inhabits it; for the recent 
Shells of this Kind are fo very rate that 
there is fearcely one to be found perfect. 
‘They are perhaps, as well as that-which 
esgic its Form to the Corwu Ammonis, 
Inhabitants of the deepeft Parts of the 
Ocean ; ; confequently it muft be fome ex- 
sraordinary pee of that ‘great Body 

il er. 

of Water that can bring them at all-to 
our Knowledge in their recent State. 

Thofe of the foffil Kind are numerous _ 
enough in many Parts of England, and © 
particularly in G/oceffer/hire, and fome other 
Counties, they are as common on the 
ploughed Lands as Pebbles in other 
Places. Many of thefe Shells have the 
outward Surface fmooth, and fome of them 
have Ridges and Furrows, or are other- — 
wife irregular on the Outfide, and are an- : | 
gular or corner’d inftead of having circu 
lar Rims. a 

Cenchites, fome Specimens of bivalve 
Shells, being foffil Oyfters and Mufcles, 
with circular Lines on the Outfide of the 
Shell. Thefe Kind of Foffil Shells are 
often found in the Mines in Derby/hire, | 
and in the Rocks at Aeon in Stafford 
Par bi BEE. hs 

Peétinites, Foffil Shells of the {collop 
Oyfter Kind; they have longitudinal Lines 
or Furrows on the exterior Surface of the 


oe a 

Shell ;. they are alfo generally auricu- 

Echinites, petrified Sea Urchins, or 
Hedeehogs. Here are a great Variety 
of Specimens of this Kind of foffil Shell ; 
fome of them are filled with Spar or Flint 
formed within the Shell; others have their 
Cayities taken up by various Kinds of 
earthy or ftony Subftances; this is for 
the moft part governed by the Nature of 
the Place or Bed in which they are found. 
Some of the Specimens have their Surface 
fmooth and even, in others it is covered 
with a Mixture of Excrefcences and Ca- 
yities, or diverfified with beautiful and 
regularly difpoied Lines ; their Size and 
_ Form is various, according to their dif- 
ferent Kinds. The Spines of thefe foffil 

Shells are generally found near them, 
| and of the fame Subftance: They 
abound moft in Chalk Pits. The Lapis 
Fudaicus, found in Fudea, is of this 
Clafs : They are often called O/ive 
| Stones, from their bearing m Figure fome 
| Re- 

| sas y 
Refemblance to an Olive. It is in realit 
the Spine of an Echinus filled with spurt 
it is very beautifully fluted and ftriated — 
longitudinally ; it is common in Syria, a 

{ometimes found with us. a 

Belemnites, vulgarly called Thunder- 4 
bolts or Thunder Stones. They are com- — 
pofed of feveral Crufts of Stone encircling — 
each other, of a conical Form, and va- — 

rious Sizes ; ufually a little hollow, and 

fomewhat tranfparent, formed of feveral 

Strie radiating from the Axis to the Sur- 
face of the Stone ; ; and when burnt or 
rubbed againft one another, or fcraped 
with a Knife, yield an Odour like rafped 
Horn, their Size is various, from. a quar- 
_ ter of an Inch to eight Inches ; and their 

Colour and Shape differ. They are fup- 
pofed to be originally either a Part of — 
fome Sea Production, or a Stone formed 
in the Cavity of fome Worm Shell, which — 
being of a tender and brittle Nature, has. 
perifhed, after giving its Form to the — 

Stone. They are very frequently found 

in . 

Boa. 89 7”) 

in many Parts of Exgland ;, and the com- 
mon People have a Notion that they are 
“always to be met with after a Thunder 
Storm. ‘They are often enclofed in, or 
adhere to other Stones, and are moft 
frequent amoneft Gravel, or in Clay ; 
they abound in Glocefferfhire, and are found 
near Dedington in Oxfordfhire, where they 
fometimes contain the Silver Marcafite. 

_ Afierig, Star-ftones. Thefe are fmall 
fhort angular or fulcated Columns, be- 
tween one and two Inches long, and fel- 
dom above a third of an Inch in Diameter : 
compofed of feveral regular Joints; when 
feparated, each refembles a radiated Star ; 
fome have four, others five Rays or Points, 
either fharp or rounded. The feveral 
Joints in the fame Specimen are ufually 
of the fame Thicknefs. The 4feria is 
alfo called Aftrites, Aftroites and Afterifcus. 
They may be reduced to two Kinds ; 
thofe whofe whole Bodies make the Form 
of a Star, and thofe which in the whole 
| are irregular, but are adorned as it were 
| with 

[| Saad Sf 
with Conftellations in the Parts. The — 
Quality of moving in Vinegar, as if ani« 
mated is fcarce perceivable: in the latter 
Kind, but fignal in the firft. They a a | 
not without Reafon, fuppofed to be a 
Part of fome Sea-fifh petrified. . The 
Curious frequently meet with them in — 
many Parts of England: at Cleydon in Ox-— 
ford/hire they are found rather larger than” 
common, but of a fofter Subftance ; for, 
on being left a fmall Space of Time in a 
ftrong Acid, they may ealily be feparated 
at the Joints in fmall Plates. | 

The Trochites and Entrochi are nearly of 
the Subftance and Size of the Afteria, and | 
of the fame animal Origin, but not ful- 
cated ; compofed of a Number of round — 
radiated Joints, refembling in fome mea- 
fure fo many fall Wheels, and generally : | 
found in Strata of Clay here and abroad.. 
The Aferie are often picked up at | 
Cutworth in. Northamptonfhire, at Shug- 
bury in Warwick/lire, and about Belvoir- | 

Caftle Ff 

Caftle in Lincolnfhire , a fmall Kind are 

found near Laffington in Glocefterfhire. 


_ Ichibyolithi, petrified Parts of Fith. 
Among the Specimens ‘are Slates of va- 
rious Colours, with natural and diftiné 

~ Marks in them, reprefenting the Skeleton 
‘of fome Fith, or the Parts thereof. 

In the Mines in Derby/hire are found 

the petrified Bones of many Kinds of 

Fifth ; fome of them bear an exact Re- 

- femblance to the Vertebrz of a Flounder. 

- Under this Title we take Notice of 
| the Gloffopetra, formerly fo called, becaufe 
it was imagined they were petrified - 

Tongues ; but they are in truth the 

| Teeth of Sharks and other Fifth, fome- 
times adhering ftrongly, and partly bu- 
| ried in a ftony Subftance, at others loofe ; 
our more modern Naturalifts have very 
properly called them Ichtyodontes. 

© Under this Title are alfo depofited 
 fome Specimens of the Bafonites, or, as 
_ Dr. Hill more properly calls them, Lyco- 

dontes, as they are found to be the Denies 
t G Molares, 

it 122 a 

trified. They are grote in England, » 
Germany, and more particularly in the | 
Ifland of Malta; they are commonly — 
called Toad-ftones, and are worn in 
Rings, having many imaginary Virtues 
attributed to them. 4 

‘Siliquafire, many Specimens of the Pa- i 
lates of various Kinds of Fifh — Petrified — 
Crabs, found in great Plenty 1 in the Ifland 
of Malta. ER 

Zoolithi, petrified Parts of Land Ani- i 
mals. Among other Specimens are the | 
Grinders of an Elephant, Gc. In the 
Mines in Derbyfhire are found Petrifac- 4 
tions refembling the Feathers of Birds. 

Phytolithi, petrified Plants. Here ate e 
a Number of Pieces of Wood turned in- — 
to Stone, Solas this Kind of shies ‘ 

is and paises ‘Stone, t 
it may be polifhed like Jafper. 

eaten dea 
: op. ' 
pee . 
y EI- 4 

i ee ie 2a 
_ Under this Title are many Specimens’ 

of Slates and Pebbies, having on them 
the perfe&t Fisure of Fern and other 
Leaves ; in fome of them the Plant is 

- immerfed, but projects from others of 
the Stones. Thefe Kind of Slates and 


a —— 

Pebbles are frequently found at the Top 

of Coal Mines. Some of the Mines in 
Somerfetfhire have the Vein covered by .a 
brittle Kind of foft Slate, which they call 
there Wark: It is eafily feparable into 

thin Plates, and, when divided, there is 


found on one of the Plates a protuberant 
~ Refemblance of a Fern Leaf. 
At Stamfop in Staffordfhire are often 

| found Stones in the Form oi. Vege- 
tables of various Kinds; and fome have 
‘the exact Figure of different Softs of 
| Fruit, as Pears, €?c.. and many of them 

refemble the Shell. of an Almond, or a 

_ Peach-ftone. 

_ Graptelithi, figured Slates. They are 
a foft Kind of Marble, and have by Na- 

ture delineated on them very lively Re- 

G2 prefehtations 

HE ea ie “- 
prefentations of Shrubs, Trees, Land- : 
fcapes, Ruins, &c. and are found in great — 
Quantities in- feveral Parts of Germany, — 
It is the Opinion of a great Naturalift, he 
and there is a great Probability of its be- 
ing the Truth, that thefe Figures are oc- — . 
cafioned by mineral Exhalations, which 
ftaining the original foft Matter of which — 
the Slate is afterwards formed, the Traces x | 
remain, and continue vifible after the 7 
Slate has attained its ftony Confiftence, 4 
whence that Variety of natural Pi@ures 7 
to be feen in thefe Specimens. } 7 

Terre, Earths, are the various Kinds 
of eartlty Matter found in digging. They 
are friable, opake, infipid Bodies, not in- a 
flammable, vitrifiable by extreme Heat, % 
diffufible in Water, and feparable from it 
by Filtration. They are divided into — 
fimple and compound ; the fimple com- | 
prehends the Boles, Clays, Marles, Ochres, j 
and Tripelas; the compound takes in 
the Loams and Moulds. When ufed in : 
Meacne, the different ‘Kinds have va~ “i 4 

[ 125 J 

rious Names, as Bolus Armena, Armenian 
Bole, vulgarly called Bole Armoniac : the 
beft is of a palith red, foft, and fattifh to 
the Palate, and adheres ftrongly to the 
Tongue: it is ufed as an Aftringent and 
aVulnerary. Terra Lemnia, Terra Samia, 
Verra Sigillata. —Thefe are all Aftrin- 
gents and Abforbents, but have not 
the Virtues of the Bolus Armena firlt 
Calceuk, Stones or Balls found in the 
Stomach or other Parts of the Inteftines 
- of Animals. The largeft are found in 
Horfes, and fome of an oval Shape in the 
Stomachs of Camels. ‘The Rhinoceros 
-fometimes has them; and hairy Balls are 
fometimes found in the Maws of Oxen. 
: This is the Cafe of thofe that are ftalled 
to fat for the Market; the Beaft will 
_ fometimes, when almoft fit for flaughter, 
— fuddenly pine, and lofe its Flefh, conti- 
~ nually licking its Hide, by which Means 
_ the Balls of Hair gather in ‘the Maw. 
. The beft Remedy is to turn him loofe 
og G3 for 

ff. toe 7 
for fome Hours every Day in a good — 
Pafture, by which Means he will foon 
return to his thriving Condition, and fat | 
apace, 5a 
Under this head are depofited the Be- 
zoars ; they are found in the Inteftines i 
of an Indian Goat, and have been deemed _ 
of great Ufe in Medicine, but are not 
now fo much in Efteem; they are ranked 
among the Alexipharmics. The oriental . 
Bezoar is moft valuable, and of them _ 
fuch are to be preferred as firike adeep 
green upon a chalked Paper. It isvery 
dear, and fhould be a chief Ingredient in 
the Gafcoign’s Powder, to which it gives 

its Colour ; but the expreffed Juice of ‘a 

Violets has been often ufed for that Pur- | 
pofe, inftead of the Bezoar. Nay, acer- 

tain Profeffor of Phyfic told me fome ‘| 

Years ago, that the Ga/coign’s Powder has 

been imitated by only making Balls of 
-Pipe-makers Clay mixed with Animal 

Gall; and many were by this Means im-_ bE 

| ae 
| f 227 j 

pofed on. -When Medicines are fo dear, 
they are very liable to be counterfeited. 
a The Stone found in the Chamoit, 
Porcupine, and Monkey, are fuppofed to 
| have the fame Virtues, being deemed a 
Kind of Bezoar ; and moreover, there is 
attributed to them a much greater medi- 
cinal Power by many credulous People ; 
for they have been often worn as Charms, 
or Prefervatives againit Difeafes. 
) The dargeft Stone of this Kind the Au, 
| thor. of these Sheets ever. faw, er indeed 
heard -of, to have been taken out of 
the Body of any Animal; is now in the 
Poffeffion of.a Miller, who lives at a little 
Village near Bures.m Suffolk , it was 
found in the Body of a Mare, which died 
- foon after dropping a Foal. The Beaft 
F perce in fuch Agonies, that the Owner 
had the Curiofity to have her opened, 
and by that Means difcovered this. won- 
derful Stone.. It is nearly of a elobular 
; Figure, of a brownifh Colour, and would 
but a lay in the Crown of my Hat. 
rat 4 The 

[ 128 J 
The Weight of it I do not recolleé& > 
its Diameter might, at a Medium, be 
eight or nine Inches : it was not, how- _ 
ever, fo heavy, as from its Size one would _ 
imagine, or as a natural Stone of that _ 
Size would be. 
What we have laft to take notice of — 
under this Title, are the feveral Speci- — 
mens of Stones extracted from human — 
Bodies, the larger from the Urine Blad- 
der, the fmall from the Gall Bladder, and + 
the others were formed in the Kidneys, — 
There are fome which were occafioned 
by the Party’s fwallowing the Stones of 
Cherries and other Fruits, a Cruft of fto- 
ny Matter firft gathering on them, they _ 
afterwards increafe in Bulk, and caufe 
the moft violent Pains, not unfrequently — ; 
Death itfelf. Many Remedies have been — 
offered to the Public for this dreadful — 
Diforder, but none of them are to be 
depended on; fome not anfwering the 
Purpofe intended, others being too rough hy 
in their Operation. A proper Stone : 
: | Diffolvent 

Pf i29- ] 

Diffolvent would be a great Acquifition. 
to Medicine. 

We are now come to a Part of the 
Mufeum which will, it is imagined, par- 
_ ticularly attract the Attention of the La- 
dies; I mean, the recent Shells preferved 
in this Collection: but it will not be 
poffible in the Compafs of this {mall 
Work, to make fuch accurate Remarks 
on them as is due to the Singularity and 
Beauty of many here depofited. I muft 
recommend to my Reader to attend to 
the Specimens, which are very numerous, 
as we fhall only notice a few of the moft 
curious under each Title. The Virtuofi 
may find almoft every Species that is 
» now known among the Univalves and 
_ Bivalves, the Multivalves not being yet 
exhibited to public View in their Order ; 
but the particularly curious may fee 
many Specimens of them, if they requett 
at of the Officers of the Houfe. 

' Inthe Remarks.on this Collection of 
recent Shells, they will be taken in the 
Gs os Qader 

[ 130° ] 
Order in which they are now depofitec { 
under their feveral Titles: a fmall D 2 | 
fcription of each Kind, and the Names . 
of afew of the moft remarkable Shells, 
will be fufficient to anfwer our prefent: 
One of the large Tables contains a 
Part of the Univalves, or Shells confift-— 
ing of one Piece or Part. 
Echini Marini. Thefe are fometimes © 
called Centroniz and Cidares. The Sea — 
‘Hedgehog, or Urchin, the Sea Egg, or | 
the Sea Cake, are the Names of the dif. 5 
ferent Kinds of it in Englifh. Mott of — 
them are of a globular Figure, fometimes _ 
“with, at other times without, Spines, be- — 
fet with a great Number of regularly 
ranged Tubercles, and with Apertures - 
‘more or lefs in Number, as far as fix or 
feven. Many of them are of a flat de-/ 
- prefled Figure, when they are called Pla- 
, centee, or Sea Cakes, and they are not 
unfrequently inclined to an oval Form, | 
when vais bear the Name of Sea Eggs. 
= - — When 

fi kept] 

| When the Fith that inhabits this Shell is 
alive, it is generally armed with a great 


Number of Spines, or Prongs, which are 

moveable at the Animal’s qian by 
means of Mutfcles that communicate with 

the Spines through the Papille of the 
Shell. The Animal ufes thefe Spines 
_ both for its Defence, and inftead of Legs 

to enable it to move from Place to Place. 

When the Fifh dies, thefe Spines are ve- 
q ‘ry apt to fall off, which difcovers the Pa- 

pillz to which they were joined, and a 

| great Number of regularly difpofed Ex- 

«refcences on the outward Surface of the 

_ Shell, wherever there was a Spine, one © 

amay perceive the Shell perforated. 
» Among the Specimens of the Echini 

are the round Sea Eggs, with beautiful 
_ Ranges of Tubercles ; the rounded fiat- 
| tith Sea Eggs, with large Papille, each 
f fet round with {mall ‘Lubercles ; the oval, 
z flat, radiated, and undulated Sea Eggs, 
| s#ithout Spines many flat Placentae, or 
> Sea Cakes ; fome few. of the Specimens 
ri a ee Oe. yet 

yet retain their Spines, by which may be 
feen the Manner of their Difpofition. ; 

Echinerum Radiol. Many Specimens — 
of the Spines of the different Kinds of 
Echini, preferved in their recent State 
as they drop from the Shell; they differ 7 
in Length and Thicknefs, fome of them 4 
being very fmall and fharp, others large Pi | 
and obtufe. ps 

Patella, Limpet Shells ; thefe are of a | 
gibbous Shape, the Apex or Summit of © 
the Shell is fometimes whole, at others per- " 
forated ; not unfrequently fharp pointed, 
oftenobtufe. The Fithadheres very firmly 

to the Rocks, and is covered by one of © 
thefe Shells. Some of the Specimens 
here preferved are very curious; many | 
have circular Ridges, others are radiated. | 
The Deck and Chambered Patella are | 
worth Notice; in fome, half the Circum- 
ference is dentated, not unlike the Wheel — | 
of a Watch. They are chiefly found in i 
“the warmer Climates, particularly the : 
bef Indies and South America, sf 

J | Mures 


_ Aures Marine, Sea Ears, commonly 
‘called the Ear Shell. This is of a broad 
-and flattifh Figure, inclining to oval, al- 
moft fpiral at one Extremity, and has an 
Aperture nearly as large as the Shell, 
round the Edge of which are more or 
Jefs Perforations, and the Marks of others 
that do not go quite through the Shell. 
-This is no uncommon Shell; it is there- 
fore needlefs to enlarge on it, the Speci- 
mens exhibited will give the Reader a 
fufficient Idea of it. 

 Cochlee, Sea, Land, and frefh Water 
Snails; thefe are a fpiral Shell, with a 
deprefied Clavicle, are umbilicated, and 
have a Surface fometimes fmooth, but 
‘more frequently furrowed, or covered 
with Tubercles ; the Mouth of this Kind 
-of Shell is circular. Among the Speci- 

_-mens under this Title are, the Belted 

Snail, the Ribbon Snail, the Cornu Am- 

_ monis Cochlea, fome very curious Snails, 



whofe fpiral Turns are reverfed, and 

_- others are dentated ; and in a few the | 


[ 134 ] 
fpiral Turns of the Shell are in Part co- — 
vered by the laft Volution. : 
_ Nerite, are a Kind of femicircular — 
mouthed (femilunaris) Cochlea, often — 
dentated ; fome have exerted Apices, — 
others depreffed, and many of them are ‘ 
umbilicated: they generally inhabit Ca- _ 
verns on the Sides of Rocks, where the — 
Fith ftick faft tothe Stone. Of the Spe- | 

cimens fome are fafciated, others reticu- ” 

lated, and in Colour various, as white, y 

green, black, and yellow : Among them { 
are many that are called Bead Shells, and 4 
others Pea Shells. i? 

Trocki, Top Shells, fo called from fome Ro 
fmall Refemblance they bear to a Boy’s y 
Top. The are a Kind of Cochlea,fome- 
what approaching to the Form of a_ 

-Cone, but the Summit fometimes more j : 
-deprefied, and they are not unfrequently | 
--dentated ; the Infide of the Shell is of.a | 

moft beautiful Mother of Pearl Colour ; | 
“many are rough, others fmooth, fafciated, 
or wavy; of all which there are Speci- 

| mens, 

E23 ] 

mens, as well as of the prickly Trochus 
or Spur Shell from the Za Indies, and 

. * Buccina, Glbdinigus Shells. This Kind 

of Shell refembles in Form the Trumpet, 

as itis reprefented in old Sculptures and 
Paintings: It is a fpiral Shell with a wide 

Belly, and a large, broad, and elongated 

Mouth, of an oval Figure, with a crooked 

Beak ; the fpiral Volutions of this Shell 
differ in Number, being fometimes fix, 
_ at others ten or twelve, and one Kind has 
the Volutions reverfed. 

Strombi, are a Kind of Turbines, the 

- Tower of Babel, the Mitre Shell, the 

Spindle, and fome others are ranked un- 

der this Title; but they are feldom by 

the Naturalifts mentioned as a diftin& 

Turbines, Screw Shells. This Kind has 

: a long, wide, and depreffed Mouth, often 

approaching to a circular Form, fome- 
‘times dentated, at others not; it grows 

“narrow towards the Bale, is auriculated, 

[age TS 
and terminates in a very long and fharp 
Point; but the Form of the different — 
Kinds of Turbo in fome Refpects varies. + 
The moft curious Specimens under this 
Title, and worthy Obfervation, are Uni- — 
corn Whelks, Telefcopes, the Needle . 
Shell, the Screw Shell particularly fo— 
called, the Ribbon Turbo, the narrow me 
fpired Turbo, and others that are varie- 
gated with Tubercles, and ftriated Lines — 
of different Colours ; but what more efpe- _ 
cially merits Attention among thefe Shells, 
is the Wendel Trap, fo named by the — 
Dutch, who find it in their Spice Iflands ; 5 i 
it is often fold for fixteen and twenty — 
Guineas, and fometimes more: In Eng 
land it is called the Royal Stair Cafe. | 

Murices. The Murex isa fulcated Shell, — 
befet with fmall Spines and Tubercles S 
with a rough Clavicle, exerted near the 
Summit in moft Kinds, in others de- t 
preffed; the Mouth is long and always 
expanded, fometimes dentated; in many 
the a is digitated, in others elated, 


2G ae 
folded, or jagged; the Columella is fome- 

times rough, at others fmooth: Under 
this Title are to be feen Wing Shells, the 
Mufic Shell, the ribbed Mufick Shell, 
the brown Murex with many Spines, the 
Turban, the Helmet, a Variety of yellow 
Shells, and many Spider Shells: The Fifh 
that inhabits the Murex, furnifhed the 
ancient Greeks and Romans with that cu- 
tious Dye, which was in fuch high Efti- 
mation among them. We mutt now con- 
duct the Reader to the other Table, 
which contains the Remainder of the 
Shells. ~ 

- Purpure. This Kind of Shell is jagged, 
and befet all over with Tubercles, Spines, 
Umbo’s or Strie; the Mouth or Aper- 
ture is fmall, and approaching to a cir- 
cular Figure; the Tail is fhort, and the 
Bafe ufually runs out into a long Beak : 
This is a very beautiful Species. Among 
‘the Specimens are the Woodcock Shell, 
the thorny or prickly Woodcock, the 
Endive Shell, the Caltrop Sheil, and 
Y many ’ 

if 138 Hees 

many others. The Spines of the Purput: 
- differ, being more or lefs fharp, and it 
~ Number various; both this Kind and the 
Murex are found in great Plenty in th ; 
ee of Tarentum. Fe 

Deka, Tun Shells. Thefe havea glo- 
bofe or round Belly, a Jax Aperture, or 
Mouth, fometimes fmooth, at others d ed 
tated; the Clavicle is either very Vitel 7.) 
umbonated or depreffed; the Columella 
in fome Species fmooth, in others wrink- — 
led; and the outward Surface is always 
varioufly fulcated, therein differing from 
the Bulla. Among the Specimens, shale | 
moft worthy Notice are the Ethiopian 
Crown, the feveral Kinds.of Harp Shells, 
the variegated ribbed Tun Shell, fome % 
Perfian Shells, and many others, which j He i 
would take up too much Room particu 
larly to mention. 
- Bulla, Boat Shells, are a Kind of Dobie 74| 
but differ from them in that their Surface | 
is {mooth, whereas the .Dolia are always — 
fulcated the fpiral Volutions of this Shell 
; | in 



[ 139 ] 

| in fome Kinds are not contiguous near _ 
- the Clavicle, and are frequently armed 

there with Spines. The Gondola Shells, 
the Perfian Crowns, and many Shells that 

-refemble Figs and other Fruit, are de- 

| pofited under this Title. 

_ Rhombi Cylindri, Olive Shells. This 
Shell is often ranked among the Volute ; 
but it differs from it, in that the Voluta 
is of a conic Figure, whereas this Kind is 
neatly of an equal Size at both Ends: It 
isof anoblong cylindric Form, has an ob- 
long Mouth or Aperture, and the Cla- 
vicle is not unfrequently feparated from 
the Body of the Shell by aCircle; the Co- 
lumella in fome fmooth, in others rough. 

Some of the Shells of this Kind are called 


Stampers, others Mafks. 
Volutz, Volutes. ‘This and the Kind 
laft mentioned are often ranked under the 

fame Title. The Voluta is of a conic 

Figure, has an oblong Mouth or Aper- 

| ture, the Clavicle fometimes erect, often 

“deprefied, in fome Specimens coronated at 

| ” daas ee the 

[ 140 ] 
the Top. One of the Extremities of this 
Shell is of a pyramidical Fieure, the other 
formed into high Ribs which conftitute 
a depreffed Clavicle, or a dentated Crown; — 
the Head is feparated from the Body of 
_ the Shell by a high Rib. Among the ~ 
Specimens are the Admiral, Vice-Admi- 

_ val, Tyger Shells, Hebrew Letters, the 
Onyx Shell, many coronated Volutes, and 
feveral Kind of Leopard Shells. 7 
Porcellane, Porcellain Shells. The Por- | 
cellana is of a conglobated oblong gib- 
bofe or umbonated Form, and has for a 
Mouth or Aperture, a long and narrow 
Slit, dentated on each Side. A few of 
the moft curious of this Kind are, the 
Arabian Letter Shell, the Map Shell, the 
Argus, and Falfe Argus, the Tortoife Por- 
cellain, the Beetle, the Chinefe and Boat 
Porcellain, the Atlas Porcelain, Mole Por--_ 
cellains, and one Specimen of that Kind 
called the Weavers Shuttle. The com- - 
mon Cowries, or Guinea Money, come — 
under this Title. 

Nautilt, — 

L 141 

_ Nautil:, Sailor Shells. The French call 
this Kind Le Voilier... It has been. con- 
jectured that Vien firft learned the Ufe of 
Sails irom the itttle Fifth that inhabits it. 
It often fwims on the Surface of the Sea, 
throwing outa Membrane that ferves it 
inftead of Sail; and it has other Parts 
ae it ufes as Oars and a Rudder. — It 
is a {piral Shell, with a large and roundifh 
Aperture ; the lait Volution is remarkably 
darge in Proportion to the reft, otherwife 
not unlike fome Kind of Snails that have 
deprefied Clavicles. The whole Shell is 
by Partitions divided into feveral Cham- 
bers, which communicate one with the 
other by Means of a finall Pipe in each 
Partition. Among the Specimens, one 
of the Shells is cut vertically in fuch a 
Manner as to difcever the different Con- 
camerations. Worth obferving are the 
fmall thin Nautilus, the Paper Nautilus 
from the Mediterranean, and fome from 
the Eafe Indies, in Size various, many in 
their natural State, others polifhed. It 


Tye a 

[ 142] . 
has been conjeGtured that the Coin Aine : 
monis, Gefcribed among the foffil Shells, 
‘takes it Shape from fome Species of the 
Nautilus; but this is far from being 
afcertained. a 

Dentalia, Tooth Shells. This is a fhelly 
Tube, refembling the Tufk of an Ele- — 
phant, or the Horn of fome Animal, | 
which is a little bent: Some of them are 
fmooth, others ftriated ; the fmooth Kind — 
are white, and not unfrequently tipped 
with red; the others often white, fome= 
times green. The common Tooth Shell, — 
the Dog Tooth Shell, and others are to. 
be feen among the Specimens. i 
 Vermicularia, “Norm-fhells, are of a 
very irrecular Shape, and nothing but 
a Kind of teftaceous Covering the Sea 
- Worms inhabit. They are generally found — at 
‘in Clufters, often flicking to the Bottom i 

of Ships after a long Voyage. | 

We are now come to a Conclufion of | A 
our fmall Remarks on the Univalves, and — 


muft in a regular Progreffion proceed tore 
ah 4 

: [ x43 J 
take Notice of the Bivalves, with which 
the Remainder of this Table is filled. 
‘Oftrea, Oyfters. This Shell confifts of 
two Parts joined together by a Hinge, 
being a ftrong Membrane; one of the 
Parts of the Shell is moft frequently flat, 
the other moderately globular, and have 
circular Strie; but their general Form is 
various, in the feveral Kinds. We find 
here preferved a great Variety of the 
fcarcer Sorts ; among the reft, the Thorny 
Oyfter, the Prickly Oyfter, the Hammer 
and Saddle Oyfter, of which fome have 
the Valves joined in a Manner more par- 
ticularly refembling a Hinge. Here are’ 
alfo fome Specimens of tranf{parent round 
flat Oyfters, ufed in fome Part of the Ez# 
Tndies inftead of Glafs. 
_. Peéines, Scollop Shells, are of a flatted 
Shape, and the Valve fhut clofe in all 
Parts. They differ from the Oyfier in 
that they are auriculated, and are ftriated 
in the Manner of a Comb, longitudinally. 

The mott curious of this Kind are the ~ 

is toe |” yea BA 


Mantle Scollops of various Colours, par- 
ticularly the Ducal Mantle, the Marbled 
Scollop, the Coral Scollop, and others. 
Cordia, Heart-fhells. Both the Valves” 
of this Shell are convex, and they are not 
auriculated, often confounded with the ~ 
Peétines. ,Venus’s Heart, the Noah’s Ark, 
the Ox Heart, Human Heart, Thorny 
Hearts and Speckled Heart Shells, are the 
moft curious among them. 
Chame. ‘This Kind is for the moft Part — 
fmooth, though in fome Places a little 
rugofe,; the Valves are equal, elate and 
convex, and the Mouth gapes, being 
clofed«in fome Places, not in others ; it 
has longitudinal Furrows, and very deep, 
fometimes is armed with Spines; it is of 
a rounder Figure than the Tellina, and 
thicker. The Concha Veneris, ufed by 
the Ancients to form Baffo Relievos with 
different coloured Grounds, in the fame ’ 
Manner our Lapidaries exercife their In- 
genuity on Onyxes, was of this Kind. 
The Roman Mantle, the Arabian Shell, 
the | 

[. 145 ] 
the yellow Chama, the Bafket Shell, and © 
the reticulated white Chama, are curious. 

Telling, are a Kind of beautiful Mutcles, 
common enough in Italy, particularly about 
Rome ; their Form inclines to an Oval, 
and the Shell thin. For the moft part 
when they are feen in Mufeums, the outer 
Coat is taken off, which occafions their 

Raving that {fplendid Appearance ; fome 

fuch are to be feen in this Collection, and 
others in their natural State. The flat 
Tellina with white Fafcie, the broad flat 

 Tellina from the Weft Indies, the narrow 

== ss th er rh CC CCC 

*» -_ 

~ = actin 
ov e 

Tellina, and others, are worthy to be pre- 


~ Mufculi, Mufcles of the {maller Sizes. 
Some of the Specimens have Pearls fixed 
to the Infide of the Shell, occafioned by i its - 
having been by fome Means or other ac- . 
cidentally injured. 
' “We have now done with the Tables of 
Shells ; if the Remarks that are made on 
them are thought too concife, it muft be 
| = age that they could not be treated 

Hi of 

[ 146° ] 

of more at large without fwelling thefe 
Sheets to a larger Size than the Author i in- 
tends they fhall extend to. Of the many 
Readers which he hopes to have, moft of 
them will, no doubt, think that Part of 
the Collection which particularly fuits his 
Tafte and engages his Attention, too 
lightly treated of. But it is impoffible to 
pleafe every one. Such muft with Pa- 
tience wait till the general Account of 
the Mufeum is publifhed at large by the 
Officers of the Houfe. Their Curiofity 
will then be fully fatisfied ; as, the Abi- 
lities of the Authors confidered, the. Ca- 
talogue will doubtlefs be fuch, as to merit 
the particular Attention and Rie 
ment of the Public. 

The Reader muft now be direéted to. 
the firft of the fmall Tables, which 
contains a Number of Handles for Dag- 
gers, Knives and Forks; fome Seals, 
Heads of Canes, or walking Sticks, and 
the Hilt of aSword. Thefe are all made 
either of Agate, Mocoe Stone, Onyx, Corne= 


fer: | 

lian, Fafper, Bloodftone, or Nephritie Stone, 
&. There are alfo fome Turkifh and 
Perfian Daggers, fuch as it was formerly 
cuftomary for them to wear at their 
Girdles, and fome Knives with the Blades 
inlaid with Gold. ‘There is one in parti- 
cular which has a Point of Gold, and is 
by many credulous People thought to 
have been tranfmuted by fome Alchymift 
who poffeffed the much talked of Secret 
of the Philofopher’s Stone. 3 
In the other {mall Table in this Room 
are preferved a ereat Number and Variety 
of Cups, Difhes, Boxes, &c. made of Agate, 
Mocoe Stone, Cornelian, and Fafpers. They 
differ much one from the other as well in 

Form as Colour. 
_ There is very little more to be noticed 
‘in this Part of the Collection, if we except 
a Set of Fioures reprefenting Miners, in 
the ordinary Drefies they wear, in Bobe- 
nia, Saxony, and other Parts of Germany. 
With them are to be feen the Tools they 
dfe in their Work; and here is alfo a 
Bag View 


[ 148 ] 

View of a Mine, fhewing their Huts, 
Ladders, &&c. The Crucifixes belong to 
them, as being commonly feen about the 
Entrance of Mines fituated in thofe Places 
where the Roman Catholic Religion pre- 
vails. But neither the Crucifixes, the — 
View of the Mine, or the Miners, are fo 
curious as to merit any particular Atten- 
tion; efpecially in a Mufeum where there 
are fuch a Number of Articles fo much 
more worthy of Remark. 

We fhall finifh what we have to fay of 
this Room, by direéting the Reader to 
the Tufks of an Elephant, one tolerably 
perfect, the other half perifhed, and fome 
other Bones of this large Animal. Thefe 
are all faid to have been found in a certain 
Place near Gray’s-Inn-Lane, very deep in 
the Ground. It is not improbably fup- 
pofed to have been the Remains of one 
that was brought over here in the Time 
that the Romans were Matters of Britain. — 


— m9 | 
CoLLrectio SLoANtIana. 

The Reader will now prepare himfelf 
for the Remarks that are to be made on 
the Contents of the next Room, which 
are no lefs curious and worthy of Notice 
than thofe we have already gone through. 
~ To begin with the Repofitories, or Cabi- 
hets, the firft we meet with are 

| . VEcGETABILIA. Fructus. LicwNa. 

_* Under thefe Titles are comprehended 
a great Variety of foreign Fruits, diffe- 
rent Kinds of aromatic and other curious 
Woods, many Sorts of Gum, Barks, and 
a numerous Train of other vegetable Pro- 
ductions. We fhall firft direct the Reader 
to the Scythian Lamb, otherwife called 
 Baromez, Barometz, or Baranetz. It is 
the Root of a Plant much like Fern that 
grows in Mufcovy. It is faid that the Na- 
ture of it is fuch, that it will fuffer no 
Plant whatever to thrive near it. Its 
- Root is covered by a fort of Down re- 
fembling Wool, and there are Shoots, or 

In 3 Fibres, 

[ 150 ] 

Fibres, which ferve well ‘enough to re- 

prefent the Legs and Horns of the vege- 

table Animal. A very little Help of the 
Imagination makes it altogether a toler- 
able Lamb. Many ftrange Qualities have 
been given to this Production, and as 

ftrange Stories told of it; fome having a | 

defcribed it with a Skin like areal Lamb, _ 
but of a much fuperior Value; others 
have faid that Wolves delighted to feed 

on it, befides many more Fictions too te- 

dious to take notice of here; infomuch 
that fome were inclined to believe there 
was no fuch Thing in Nature. 

Here we find many Specimens of the 
various Kinds of the Apocynum, or Silk 
Grafs, common in the Ea and Weft In- 
dies, where they apply it to feveral Ufes. 
The different Kinds of Cotton are to be 
feen as it grows in the Indies, fome of it 
burfting from the Pod. . 

A. great Number and Variety of Cala- 
bafhes, of which the lndians of America 
make many of their Houfhold Utenfils ; 


L mF ] 

fome Sea Coccoons and Sope Berries, 
Thefe laft are the Fruit of a Tree grow- 
ing in fome of the eft India Ifands, and 
_ Africa, the Pulp of which has all the 
— Qualities of Sope. 
- Echino Melocaftus, by Linnaeus called 
|. Caftus, the Turkith Cap, or Thiftly Me- 

lon. ‘There are many Kinds of this Plant, 
which is extremely curious; they com- 
| monly grow on the fteep Sides of Rocks 
$n the warmeft Parts of America, their 
| Root fhooting deep into the Fiffures of 
_ the Rock, requiring very little Earth to 
_fourifh them. Several Sorts of Spices 
and Drugs, &c. as Cloves, which are the 
Fruit of a large Tree, having Leaves like 
the Laurel; it grows in the Molucca TMands : 
the Oil extracted from them is often pre- 
-feribed in Medicine. Pepper, as growing 
on the Branches, it is brought from Mz- 
_ labar, Sumatra, Mocho, and other Parts of 
the Eft Indies. The Black Pepper grows | 
Upon a weak climbing Plant, with large 
oval pointed Leaves; that which pro- 
ia H 4 duces 

duces the Long Pepper, is hot-very dif 
ferent, and grows in the fame Places) 
Pimento, or Famcica Pepper, erows on 
a Plant not unlike that which produces — 

the Clove, but not fo large. _Nutmess ~ 

crow in the Ifland of Bandz; in the Eaft | 
Indies, and in fome few other Places, on ~ 
a Tree about the Size of a large Standard — 
Apricot, which bears a Fruit not unlike © 
it in Shape and Size: its Leaf is like the — 
Almond, but not ferrated; the Nutmeg 
is contained within the Pulp of the Fruit, _ 
and the Mace cleaves clofe to the Shell of ; 
it. Cardamoms are a Seed brought us F 
from Fava, Malabar, and other Parts of 
the Eajt Indies. Tamarinds are the Pro- — 
duce of both the Indies, and the Fruit of 
a large Tree of the Palm Kind ; they 
make a pleafant Sweatmeat, and very 
wholefome. . ' 

Beans of different Kinds, Colours, and — 
Sizes. The Anacardium, Orientale &8 Oc- 
cidentale, the Molucca Bean, and Cafhew 
Nut; the firft comes from the Eaft Indies, | 
| is Fi 

Paes Ji 

is enclofed in two Skins, between which 
is a ftrone cauftic Oil, the Kernel is 
pleafant to the Tafte. The other is in 
Shape -like a Windfor Bean, with two 
Skins, enclofing the fame Kind of Oil and 
a Kernel; it is brought from Famaica. 
_ There are frequently caft on Shore in the 
north-weft Iflands of Scotland, a Sort of 
Fruit, called by fome Orkney Beans, which 
are not the Produce of any Part of Exrope, 
but of America. Sir Hans Sloane procured 
_ four Species of them, and found that he 
had himfelf gathered them in the Ifland of 
Jamaica. ‘The firft Sort was a Kind of 
Kidney Bean, called by him the great 
_. perennial Kidney Bean, with a great 
crooked Lobe. This is a Native of the 

 Eaft and Weft Indies. : 
| ‘The fecond Kind was the Horfe Eye 
| Bean of Famaica, defcribed by Sir Hans, 
and is found in other hot Countries. 
The third Kind was that called in Fa- 
__ moica the Afh-coloured Nickar Nut, from 
_ being like a Nickar or Marble that Boys 
ec eee His play 

[i apa 3 
play with. This is common in the Eaf 
and Weft Indies. 

The fourth Kind was a famaica Fruit 
not yet fully known. It is not. eafy to 
account how they fhould be driven to 
fuch a Diftance from the Place of their — 
Growth, unlefs by the Winds and Cur- 
rents. 5 | 

We meet here with the Heads and 
‘Fruits of Palm Trees, and alfo fome Tea 
Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Acacia, Coffee Ber- 
ries, which laft is the Fruit of a Kind of 
Jefflamine, with a Leaf like a Chefnut, 
and a white fweet Flower: It grows in 
Arabia and the Weft Indies. Some Speci- 
mens of Millet, Guinea Corn, and Maiz. 
The Indians in New England, and other 
Parts of North America, had no other © 
Vegetable but Maiz to make their Bread 

of ; they call it Weachin; the Ear of Maiz — 

yields more Grain than any of our Corn 
Ears. There are commonly about eight 
- Rows of Grain in the Ear (and more if 
_ the Ground be good) each of which con- — 
| tains * 


Co at] 
tains at leaft thirty Grains, and thefé are 
larger than any Grain of our corn; their 
Colour varies. The Maiz of Virginia 
erows feven or eight Feet high; that of 

_ New England is fhorter, and the Indians 
_ up in the Country have a yet fhorter Kind 

in Ufe.. The Stalk of the Maiz is full of 
Sap, and has much fweet Juice in. it, of 
which in all Probability Sugar might be 
made. We muft particularly take Notice 
of the Bark Lace. The Tree that pro- 

duces it is called Logetto, or the Bark 
_ Tree, the inner Bark of which confifts of 

Fibres difpofed m a reticular Figure, and 
bears fome Refemblance to Lace. It is 
often, by curious People, made up into 

Ruffles, &c. Here is preferved a Kind 

of Shirt or Garment of it, being the entire 

inner Bark taken off the Body of one of 

 thefe Trees. 

We now come to fome Roots, of which 

there are many Specimens; as Ginfeng, 
which is in high Eftimation in China and 
‘Japan, being deemed an excellent Cepha- 

H 6 lic, 

[156 J 

lic, and good for the Spirits and Nerves; 
it ufed formerly to be fold for its Weight 
in Gold in Europe, and is yet very dear in 1 
the Indies, but not much valued here: 
The Chinefe do not efteem that which 
erows in America, valuing only their own. 
Rattle Snake Root, Contrayerva, and | 
others. And there are a great Variety of — 

Gums, as Gum Elemi, Galbanum, Copal, 
Styrax, €?c. and fome aromatic and other 
foreign Woods.. Camphor, the Wood 
from which the Gum or Rofin of this 
Name is extracted ; it grows in China, and — 
fome other Parts of the Eaft Indies. ‘The 
Benzoin, which alfo produces aGum, and. 
many others. 

Spongie. In the Repofitory under this 
Title are a great Number of Specimens 
of the different Kinds of Spunge, fome — 
very large. ‘They are a Sea. Produétion, iH 
and have been long ranked among: the | 
Number of Vegetables that the Sea pro- | 
duces, but how properly is not yet by | 


our modern Naturalifts abfolutely de- 

The Repofitories that follow contain 
the different Kinds of Coral under 
their feveral Titles. It would take up 
too much Room to enlarge on them; 
we fhall, however, proceed to give the 
Infcriptions, and a few Words upon 
each Sort. The firft that prefents it- 
felf is,. 

Keratophyta. ‘This Title comprehends 
the feveral Kinds-of black Coral, called - 
allo Antipathes, Lithophyton, and Pfeudoca- 
rallium. ‘The Specimens here preferved 
‘confiftt of Sea Fans, Sea Willows, Sea 
Firs, and others of the like Sort, having 
their Names given them from a faint 
Ee Refemblance they bear to thofe Things. 
Coralia. A\l the. different Kinds of 
‘Coral have, till of late, been ranked in 
the vegetable Kingdom, being thought 
to be Sea Plants ; but Mr. Ellis has pub- 
lithed a Work, in which he endeavours to 
prove aliey2 are of the Animal Kind: the 


Ci age 

Matter, however, is not yet quite fettled 
among the Naturalifts. Under this ge- 
neral Hiead are fome Specimens of Coral 
faftened to Pieces of Ships, on Bottles, 
Pieces of Coin, &%c. in the fame Manner 
that Barnacles faften themfelves to a Log 
of Wood; and alfo fome of the black 

M<adrepora, comprehends all .the Corals 
that have ftellated Perforations. The 
Species of the Madrepora are by the 
Naturalifts made very numerous. In this 
Repofitory are feveral Brainftones, Sea 
Mufhrooms, and many other Specimens, 
fome white, and others of a red or pink 
Colour ~° 

Millepora. Ail the Corals that have 

Perforations which are neither: ftellated 
nor radiated, are ranked in this Clafs. - 
‘The Specimens confift of many branched 
Corals, fome large and very curious. 
Efchara. Under this Title are depo- 
‘fited a Species of Coral, fome of which 

refembles woven Cloth, or the Leaf ofa 


E 19 J | 
Tree, others Network. They confit of 
the common retiporous Efchara, the foli- 
aceous retiporous Efchara, and others, 
‘fome of them very large. 

Tubularia. ‘This Species is by Liwneus 
ealled Tubipora. It is generally of a 
purple Colour, and is compofed of many 
hollow Tubes or Pipes of Coral iffuing 
from the fame Stock. The Specimens of 
it are curious, varying in Colour, 

After having made thefe fhort Re- 
marks on the Nature of the feveral Kinds 
of Coral, it will not be amifs to mention 
four Tables of Sea Produétions chiefly of 
the Coral Kind, difpofed in their feveral | 
Claffes in the Form of Landfcapes. They 
are the Gift of Mr. iis, who, as the 
| Reader has already been informed, has 
wrote on the Subject. There being in 
each of thefe Tables a thort Account of 
_ the Contents, it is quite ‘aduiatnnea to 
be more particular. 

| Nidi Infeftorum, Nefts of Infe&ts. An 
-Enguiry into this Part of Natural Hifto- 


[ 160 B. 

ry is very amufing and entertaining, fo 

great is the Variety contained in it; for 

not only every diftinét Clafs of Infeéts has 
a Manner peculiar to itfelf to preferve 
and continue the Species, but every di- 
ftinguifhed Part of each Clafs varies in 
this Particular, yet all of them follow the 
invariable Law that God and Nature has 
taught them; affifted by an Inftiné, 
which Man, with all his boafted Reafon, 
cannot with any Propriety account for. 
For Inftance, the Wafps do not? all 
make their Nefts alike; fome are very 
large, as a Kind of American Wafp, 
feveral of which Nefts are here de- 
pofited ; another, which comes from 
Newfoundland, refembles a Rofe ; and 
thofe entirely covered with Clay, which — 
are of two Kinds, one plain, fabricated | 
by a fmall black Wafp, the other is a 
wreathed tubulated Clay neft, and thefe — 
are built by a purplifh black Wafp; they 
are both the Produce of Pen/ylvanias yet 
all thefe differ from the common Wafp’s 
Neft. There are many other Varieties in” 

the 4 

t 268 J 

the Work of this Infect; but it would 
take up too much Time to enlarge more 

on the Subye&t, efpecially as what has 
been already faid will be fufiicient to give 

the intelligent Reader a perfect Idea of 
the Author’s Meaning. The Study of 
Natural Hiftory nauft always greatly con- 

duce to the Honour of God; it ought, 

therefore, on all Hands to be properly 

We find here a great Variety of Spe- : 

-cimens preferved of the Nefts of diffe- 

rent Infects, too many to take particular 
Notice of ; it will be fufficient, therefore, 
to mention a few only to the Reader. 
Befides the Wafps Nefts, there is a large 
Hornet’s Neft, many Nefts of Spiders, 

. fome Humble Bees Cells, Ants Nefts of 

various Kinds, and from different Parts 

| of the World. But what is moft worthy 

-of Remark under this Head, is a very 

curious Spider’s Neft brought from the 
Weft Indies, to which the Infect has with _ 

_ great natural Skill and Ingenuity contri- 


[ 162 Jj 


ved a Valve, or: Trap-door, to fecure the 

Entrance, thereby defending its Progeny 
from the Attack of fome Enemy of the 

Nidi Avium, Nefts of Birds. This Ti- 
tle affords as great a Variety as the laft, 
and for the fame Reafons. It is impoffi- © 
ble to attempt noticing all the Nefts that 
are here preferved as Specimens ; they 7 
are both numerous and curious ; it will 
be fufficient to point out to the Reader 
a few moft deferving Attention, and 
even of thofe little muft be faid. The 
hanging Nefts claim our firft Regard, — 
which aré made by Birds, Inhabitants of _ 
both the Indies; they hang by a flender 
Filament to a fmall Twig of a Tree, and 
ate by that Means put out of the Reach 
of any Enemy of the quadruped or rep- 
tile Kind. Thefe Nefts are chiefly made 
of a Sort of Grafs without, difpofed in 
the Form of a Net, and lined with dif- 
ferent Kinds of foft Subftances within; 
but there are Birds in Szderia, that make 


E 163 ] 

hanging Nefts of a very curious Stru€ure 
of Spiders Webs. The Nefts of the va- 
rious Sorts of Humming Birds are pretty, 
particularly one, on which a very beauti- 
ful Bird is fitting. The King Fifher’s 
-Neft, and that of the Tom Tit, are not 
unworthy of Remark, efpecially being the 
Produce of our own Country. Here is 
a Neft brought from Cambodia, and other 
Parts. of the Ea/ft Indies, about the Size of 
a Goofe’s Ege, and in Subftance not un- 
like Ifinglafs ; being diffolved in Water, 
it makes a fine Soup, whence it is gene- 
tally called the Soup Neft : It is made by 
-afmall Indian Swallow of a delicate Tafte. 
_ Thefe Birds are feen at certain Seafons of 
the Year, in vaft Multitudes on the Sea 
Coafts, where in the Clefts of the Rocks 
they build their Nefts of an hemifpheri- 
‘cal Form, making them of a fpumous 
| Matter which they find on the Sea Shore. 
There is only one Kind of Neft more’ to 
be mentioned, and we have done with - 

this Title ; it is brought from both the 
| 7 Indies, 

f ey 

Indies, and covered with Leaves, which 

the Birds are faid to few together with — iP 

their Beaks, whence they have the Name 
of Taylor Birds. 

Having given this fhort Account of | » 
the Nefts of fuch Kinds of Birds as are |) 

generally deemed moft curious, and me- 

riting Attention, we are naturally brought Whi 

to the next Repofitory. 
Ova, Eggs, are very numerous: Let 

it be thought fufficient, therefore, that — 

the Reader be informed, that among 
others, there are Specimens of the Eggs 

of the Oftrich, the Caffoware, Owls and | 

Eagles of various Kinds, Penguins, Cor- 
morants,”Maccaws, fome Parrots Eggs, 
thofe of the China Pheafant, King Fifher, 

Mifcle Birds, and fome remarkable blue — ' 
Eggs from Virginia. There are alfoa |. 

{mall Ege contained within another, very 
curious ; fome that have irregular fur- 

rowed Surfaces, and an Ege on which is oR 

neatly and whimfically rivetted a {mall 

Horfe Shoe. Befides thefe Eggs of | 




L 765 
Birds, are fome Specimens of thofe of 
Crocodiles, Guianas, Lizards, Turtles, 
and Tortoifes. 
_ Stelle Marine, Star Fifh. The Stellg 
Marina is a foft Animal, compofed of 
many Segments, running from a central 
Part refembling the Rays of a Star, as 
vulgarly painted. The central Part is 
the Body, and has always a Mouth in its 
lower Side; the Rays are equidiftant. 
The Stella Arborefcens has the Mouth in 
the middle; its Body is pentaneular, 
and from the five Angles arife as many 
_ Branches, which are divided and fubdi- 
| vided till the exterior ones are no thicker 
| than Horfe-hairs, and the whole in Num- 
| ber amount to fome Thoufands. One 
Kind of Stella Marina taken in North 
America, is called the Bafket Fith, and 
is of the fame Nature as the arborefcent 
Star Fith and the Medufa’s Head. Thofe 
| of the fmaller Kind are called on our 
| Coatts, where they abound, Five Fingers. . 
Some of the seul are very large, 

f 166 ] 

the Number of their Points or Rays be- 
ing various. The reticulated Star F ifhy 
called Medufa’s Head, is very curious ; 
the Fifh, when alive and in its natural 
Element, fpreads abroad a great Number — 
of Fibres, which extend to a large Com- © 

pafs, and in Figure bear no diftant Re- 

femblance to a Net, being perhaps in- 
tended for the fame Ufe, to catch its — 
Prey. | 
Cruftacea. Under this Title are depo- — 
fited a Variety of Crabs of different 
Kinds, Colours, and Countries; fome — 
Lobfters, Sea Locufts, Prawns, Shrimps, 
the black Crab from ‘famaica, and others 
from the Eaft Indies, finely variegated in 
Colour ; but what really moft demands 
Regard, is an extraordinary larce Claw of 
a Lobfter. , 
Tefiacea, A Number of large Sea 
Shells, as Helmets Buccina, €@c. In the 
upper Part of this Repofitory is a Log 
of Wood with a great Number of Bar- 
nacles fticking to it. It was the Opinion 



Pony J 
of fome of our old Naturalifts, they were 
produced on a Tree that grows on the 
Sea Shore in the North of Scotland; that, 
after a certain Time, the Shell dropped 
its Contents into the Sea, and that it 
there became a Bird called the Barnacle, 
or Solan Goofe, or, as they fometimes 

_named it, the Vegetable Goofe. But the 

Error of their Conjectures has long been 
difcovered ; the Barnacle is found to be 
a Shell Fifth, which might fix itfelf to 
thofe Branches of Trees that chanced to 
be under Water ; and the Solan Goofe is 
now known to breed like other Water 
Fowls in the Northern Climates. It was 
once thought, that Famaica produced a 
Tree which bore Oyfters, a Miftake of 

‘the like Kind with that already men- 

tioned. We fhould be flow in giving 

Credit to whatever appears to be out of 

the natural Courfe of Things. 

_ Under this Title is to be feen the Sol- 
dier, or Hermit Crab from Famaica. The 
Infting of this little Animal is furpri- 

zing . 

f 168* j 
zing ; it is of the Crab Kind, but not 
fatisfied with the cruftaceous Covering 
Nature has given it, it feizes the firft 
unoccupied Shell it meets with, proper 
for its Purpofe, (fome have faid that it 
will even drive the Fith out of it) and 
fixing itfelf firmly in it, drags it about as 
long as it lives, unlefs it fhould find an- 
other more to its Mind. 
~ We find in this Room two Specimens 
of Fern of a very particular Kind; it is 
produced in the Ifland of St. Helena, and 
in fome Parts of South America , it grows 
very frequently to the Size of tolerable 
large Timber, and is fometimes applied 
to the Ufes for which Timber is va- 
~ Over the Repofitories are difpofed in 
Order, a great Number of Sea Produc- 
tions, of the Coral Kind, as Sea Fans, Sea 
Willows, &c. and fome large Shells, as 
Conchs, Buccina, Gc. together with a | 
few of that Kind called Pinna Marina, q 
which are a very large Species of Mufcle, 

found — 

[ 169 ] 
found only in the Sea, chiefly in the 
_ Mediterranean. 
‘The three {mall Tables we muft not 

“ pafs over in Silence. The firft contains 
‘ fome Shells finely polifhed and carved in 
* emboffed Work; the Figures on them 
® are lively, and they are upon the whole 
* remarkably elegant and beautiful, having 

greatly the Appearance of Mother of 
me Pearl. 
~ Some Cameos cut in Shells, and many 
“ more in Onyxes, Sardonyxes, Cryftals, 
Hyacinths, and ‘other precious Stones. 
“¢ Some Intaglios in Jafpers, &c. 
Several Rings fet with Cameos, others 
- with Intaglios of the Stones above men- 
tioned ; and many antique Rings and 
1) Seals, and fome Beads made of carved 
Fruit piones. ~ 
‘In the fecond of the {mall Tables are 

f | ! A {mal} 

[ 170 J | 
A {mall Half-length of Sir Thomas 
_Grefham,, neatly carved in Wood in Re- 
Many Impreffions taken in Glafs Pafte 
from antique Seals. 
A Number of Impreffions shade in | 
Sulphur, from the Seals, Gems, and car- — 
_.ved Stones in the King of France’s Cabi- — 
net. They area very curious Collection, 7 
- the Subjects chiefly hiftorical. 4 
The third fmall Table is entirely filled 
with the Remainder of the Impreffions _ 
from the King of France’s Cabinet. | 
The Reader muft now be conduéted 
tothe firft of the large Tables, which ~ 
contains a great Number of Infeéts of § 
various Kinds; thofe that firft occur, 
are fuch as have moveable cruftaceous 
Shields to guard their Wings. rs | 
Scavab@i, Beetles. Thefe are a large Ht 
Family of Infects, and are divided, by 
Authors who have treated on the Subject, in 
into feveral Claffes ; fome of them have — 
Juminated Antenne, others fharp pointed; — 

in 4\ 

in many Kinds, the outer Cafes or Shields 
for the Wings are perfect ; in others, 
only covering a part of the Body. Ina 

few, the Antennz are inferted in a Kind 

of Probofcis, or Trunk, and fome have 

pointed Inftruments at their Head. The 

feveral Kinds are difpofed under the Ti- 

tiles that follow. Under this general 

Title are found the Elephant Beetle, the 

Rhinoceros Beetle, from the £af# and 
| Weft Indies, the Cervus Volans, or Stag 

Beetle, found in Efex, and fome other 

' Counties. It is a very curious Infect, of 
a blackith Colour ; the Horns are near 

an inch and a half in length when full 

grown, and fomewhat refemble thofe of 

a Stag ; they can clofe the Points, and 

ule them as a Crab does its Claws : near 
the Eyes are two Pair of Antenne, the 

Males are fmaller than the Females. The 

Unicorn. Beetle, and many others, are 
_preferved as curious Specimens. 

: Dermeftes, Wood Beetles, are a Kind 

of Scarabzeus, which are particularly di-- 

I2 ftinguifhed 

ftincuifhed by having clavated Antenne. 
Among the Specimens are the {potted — 
winged black Dermeftis, the red legeed 
black, and the hairy Dermettis. 

Cafide, Tortoife Beetles. A {mall 
Species of the Scarabzeus, with the Head 
fefs prominent and vifible than’ in either 
of the former. The Tortoife Caffida, the 
feveral Kinds of black Caffide with more 
or lefs Striz on the outward Wings, and 
the green Caffida found in Gardens, are 
to be looked for under this Title. 

Coccinelle, Specimens of Lady Birds, 
or Lady Cows, as they are often called, 
variegated, and properly diftinguifhed, 
This Infect is named Hemifpheria by Dr. — 
Fill. | 
- Chryfomele, a {mall Beetle with beaded — 
Antenne, thickeft towards the Extremi- 
ty; the Body is of an oval Form, the — 
Thorax oblong and rounded. Some of — 
them are of a blackith Colour, varioufly : 

fpotted or ftriated, others green, rol | 

ith, or entirely brown. 

| L193 14 

Curculiones, A Kind of Beetle, with 
L Antenne projecting from the End of a 
| “Trunk, or Probofcis. The common 
brown, the fhining brown, the purple and 
black Curculiones, and the Weevil, which 
deftroys fo much Corn in Granaries, are 
of this Kind. | | 

Cerambices, Capricorn Beetles, area Beetle 
with very long flender-jointed Antenne ge- 
nerally hanging over the Back ; they have 
long and fender Bodies, and are fond of 
Places in the Neighbourhood of Rivers, 
The great fweet {melling Capricorn or 
Mufk Beetle, by fome Authors more 
particularly called Cerambyx, is a moft 
beautiful Infeét; the others are of vari- 
ous Colours, as grey, black, brown, gold- 
coloured, and fome of a very beautiful 
Violet Colour. The Capricorn Beetle is 
| acurious Specimen. 

Lepture, have four Wings, with An- 
tennz oblong, flender, and fetaceous ; 
the exterior Wings are truncated at the 
| Extremity, and the Thorax is of a fub- 
| I 3 cylindric 

L 17g] 
cylindric Figure ; they are generally 
efteemed a Kind of Beetle, and are black, 
_ Copper-coloured, red, &e. 

Ditifci, Water Beetles, have fetaceous — 
Antenne, and their Feet formed for 
fwimming. ‘The common Water Beetle, 
the large black Water Beetle, the brown 

Water Beetle with prominent Eyes, the | 

{mall brown Water Beetle, and others, 
are comprehended under this Title. 
Bupreftes, are of the Nature of Can- 
tharides, or Spani/h Flies, are Inhabitants 
_ of the Water chiefly, have the Head in — 
part concealed, a very ftinking Smell, — 
and bite feverely. They are faid todo — 
- preat Injury to fuch Cattle as chance in 4 

feeding to eat them. Of thefe the moft 4 | 
- curious is the light green Bupreftis with 7 | 
yellowifh green ftriated Wings: the large 7) 

black Buprettis, or Tree Beetle, and the _ 
finall black Bupreftis, are of this Kind. E 
 Elatri, have a Body of an oblong flat- # 

ted Figure, the Head nicely joined to the | 

Shoulders, and Legs very fhort and flen- 4 | 
ae | 
: der. 4 

der. The Elater, if laid on its Back, 
has a Power of fkipping to a confiderable 
Diftance. Some of them are black, others 
of a changeable Brafs Colour, &e. 
Staphilini, are a large and long black 
Beetle, with flender beaded Antenne, 
the exterior Wings dimidiated and fhort, 
a fharp Fork at its Tail, and two Veficles 
jut above it, the Body almoft naked, and 
/is nimble, and very voracious. The 
brown Staphilinus with blue Wings is a 
curious Infect; a Number of them are 
black, but diftinguithed one from the 
‘other, either by the Legs, or by the Co- 
Tour of the interior Wings. | 
. Blattz, Mill Beetles, have long flen- . 
der Antenne in continual Motion, and 
wfually two Spines at the Tail:. The 
Males have Wings, and are fmaller than 
\ the Females. The yellow Blatta, a Na- 
five of the Northern Countries, where it 
| feeds on the dried Fifh, and a very large 

r is 
i L 175 J 

| | Kind from Famaica, are of this Species. - 
| I4 ; Gryli, 

LC aes | 

Grylli, Crickets, refemble a Locuft. 
The Antennz of the Cricket has no Ar- 
ticulations. In this Clafs Linmeus ranks 
the Cicadze and Mantes. The common 
Houfe Cricket, the Field Cricket, and 
the great brown Cricket, are all that need 
be mentioned, if we except the Mole 
Cricket, found in fome Parts of England, — 
which is a remarkable Infect. 3 

Locufte, Locufts, are remarkable for 
their hinder Lees, which are long, and 
made for leaping. ‘They have articulated 
Antenne, very flexile, the outer Wings 
brown, the inner membranaceous, tran- | 
{parent, and reticulated. The large com- 
mon Locuft, the Grafhopper, and the 
Spanifh Locuft, are of this Species. 
| Mantes are of the fame Kind. Among 
thefe we mutt reckon the common prey- — 
ing Locuft, the large brown Mantis, the 
flat fhaped Mantis, and the long winged 
Mantis. Under this Title are, befides, 
— fome very curious Specimens of what are 
called in the Indies Walking Leaves, or. 


Ae ty): 

Moving Sticks, from the Refemblance 
their Wings have to the Leaves of Trees, 
and their Bodies to a Piece of Stick ; 
-thefe are a very wonderful Kind of Infect, 
_and worthy particular Remark. 
 Cicade, Balm Crickets, or Harveft 
Flies. ‘They have four membranaceous, 
and no outer Wings, have large Heads, 
and in their whole Form are not unlike 
that Kind of Fly which is vulgarly called 
a Drone, but very much larger, the 
_ fmaller Kinds being larger than the Hor- 
net. They make.a Noife like a Cricket, 
and are very numerous in the Southern 
Parts of France and Italy, but we have 
them not in England. The Specimiens 
are of various Colours and Sizes. 

Cimices, have a {mall Head, Shoulders 
of an angular Make, Wings partly crufta- 
ceous, partly membranaceous; they have 
a long Probofcis, which is bent undef 
the Belly, and always lies ftrait, not in a 

1 fpiral Form : They are .of feveral diftin- 

Ts -  guifhed- 

L978" 4 
euifhed Kinds, and of different Colours, 
as green, grey, black, red, Se. 7 
» Notoneéiea, Boat Flies, a Water Infect. 
Some Kinds have the Antenne fhorter 
than the Thorax, others: have none; the 
hinder Legs are formed for fwimming, 
and fome Kinds {wim on their Backs. It 
is only neceflary to mention here the 
common Boat Fly, the {mall Boat Fly, the 
large black Notonecta, a Native of the 
Eaft Indies, and a brown Notonecta. 

Nepe, Water Scorpions, have four 
Wings, each of the fore Feet armed with 
a Forceps, in Shape like a Crab’s Claw. 
It is a thin and light Infect, yet a flow. 
Mover ; its Head is fmail, and has a 
fmall Probofcis ; the Body on the Back 
is of a red Lead Colour, but a dufky 
“brown on the Belly, and is covered with 
‘akind of Scales; the Tail is long and J 
ftraight, compofed of two tender Fibres, _ 4 

which it feldom feperates : it livesamong | | 

the Weeds in clear ftanding Waters. 

Coce?, at 

| [° 179] 
 . Gotci, Cochineal, is a {mall Fly that 
feeds and breeds on the Leaf of the Jx-. 

| dian Fig. This Infe&, when dried and 

~ fent to Europe, is of great Ufe in dying. 
Linneus mentions many other sapiak feed- 
ing on various Trees. 
- We muft now in Courfe proceed to 
| the other great Table, where the Infects 
are continued. | 
_ Phryganee, are a Kind of fmall Fly, 
not unlike the Gnat, but they have four 
reticulated Wings, which are incumbent, 
and have four Tentacula, or Feelers, two 
on each Side. The black Kinds are va- 
rious, and fome are of other Colours. Un- 
_der this Title is the Ephemeron, whofe 
whole Extent of Life is but a few 
Hours. 7 
 Libellula, Dragon Flies, or Adder 

| Flies, are a beautiful Infect, with a long 
| various Coloured Body, and large reticu- 
| lated Wings ; many of them in Colour 

_ _ ‘black, or greyih. 

incline to green or yellow, and fome 


_ their whole Length, conic Antenne, gra- 


- Papiliones, Butterflies, have either but- 
toned Antenne, clavated Antenna, or 
gradually diminifhing, and terminated by 
an oval Head. They are divided into 
feven Claffes, each of which contain a 
great Variety of Species. A very great 
Number of Specimens from different 
Parts of the World, curious and beauti- 
ful, are here preferved ; fome were 
caught at home. The moft remarkable 
among them <are, a fine green Fly, the 
Mother of Pearl, the Owl and the Pea- 
cock from the Ea/t Indies, and a remark- 
able fine purple Fly from the Weft Indies. 
The Ladies may amufe themfelves with 
looking at the great Variety here ex- 
hibited. . 

Phalene, Moths, have either prifmatic | 

Antenne of an equal Thicknefs almoft q 

dually diminifhing to a Point, or bearded } 
Antenne ; and fome of them have | 
Trunks, others none. They are a Kind | 
of nocturnal sia flying only in the | 

| Night 4 | 

es as 
Night, and are more numerous than 
thofe properly called Butterflies, and are, 

like them, divided into feven Claffes. 

Some of them fill the Remainder of this 
Table, the reft being in the Infeét Table 
in the next Room. Many of the Speci- 
mens are very large, particularly thofe 
from South America. 


, We now enter upon another Room, 
where, for the Sake of Regularity, I fhall 
proceed to finifh my Kemarks, on the 
Infeéts contained in the great Table. 

\  Phalene.. Under this Title are the 

Remainder of the Moths. : 
Tenthredines. This Kind of Infe& is by 
the French named Mouche a Scie, from its 
having a ferrated Weapon, or Sting. In 
Shape it is like a Bee, but in Colour ge- 
nerally refembles a Wafp. It is a very ' 

_ gregarious Animal, but makes no Honey, 
| -tho’ whole Swarms live together : it loves 

“to be among Meat, as in Kitchens, and 
| Lar- 

[ eee 

Larders, &c. They differ much in Size, 
fome Specimens being very f{mall. 

- Ichneumones. This Fly has two reticu- 
lated Wings, flender Antennz, no Pro- 
bofcis or Trunk, a long flender Body, 
and two or three Filaments affixed to its 

Tail; Their Colour is various, as black, 
yellow, &c. and fome Specimens are 

Vefpe, Wafps. This Infeét has four 
Wings and fix Feet, his Body is yellow, 
with black triangular Spots. The com-~ 
mon Wafp breeds in the Ground. We 
may here mention the Ichneumon Wafp, 

. - which is a fmall Kind, with a very flen- 

der Body. They live in Holes of Mud 
Walls. The Hornet refembles the Wafp, 
but is twice as large, and the Head of a 
longer and flenderer Shape, and the Eyes 
formed fomewhat. like a Halfmoon. 
Here are various Specimens of the Wafp 
of different Colours and Sizes. 

“Apes, Bees. The Specimens are nume- 

-rous of this ufeful Infect; fome are very 
| {mall, 

fr eee 
{mall, others hairy, and afew black. Here 
we muft mention the Humble Bees, the 
Bedies of which are for the moft part 

black, differing chiefly one from the other 

in the Colour of their Tails. 
Formica, Ants. Nothing need be faid 
of thefe, but that the Females and Mules 

_ have hidden Stings, the Males and Fe- 

males Wings, the Mules none. They are 
of many Kinds, as the common Ants with 

Wings, the red Ant, the great American 

red and black Ants, the little black Ant, 
and the great Wood Ant. _ 
- Yabani, Horfle Flies, have but two 

_ Wings, and are of various Colours, as 

black, brown, yellow, We. 

CE firi, Gad Flies, or Breeze Flies. Thefe 
have green Heads, and yellowifh Bodies, 
large Eyes, and along Trunk; they fly 

fwiftly, and without Noife ; they are met 
with in the Neighbourhood of Waters. 

The large black and yellow Gad Fly, and 
the fmall Breeze Fly are of this Kind. 
_ Mufcea, Flies, Here are to be found 

Nata oe * " a 

f+ sBe:, 7 

& great many Specimens of Flies, com- 
mon enough; feveral white winged Flies, 
fome hairy, and others variegated with 
black and yellow, or blue and green, and 
many entirely black or yellow muft here 
be mentioned. 

Culices, Gnats, a troublefome Infect, 
too well known from its fevere ftinging. 
Some of the Specimens here fhewn re- 
femble the Mofketo Fly of aoe and 
the Weft Indies. 

Aranee, (infects without Wings) All 
Spiders have a Weapon iffuing out of ~ 
their Mouth, are covered with a Sort of 
cruftaceous Coat, but it is tender and brittle, 
have two Antennz, compofed of a Num- | 

ber of Joints, the Head fixed to the | 

Shoulders, and have eight legs; in the | 
reft they differ. Here are many Speci- — 
mens, and among the reft, the Italian ‘| 
and Weft Indian Tarantula, a 

Onifzi, Wood Lice, or Millepedes. This | 

Infect is fometimes called Afellus; they | | 

are divided into feven Species, fome rare; af 
one | 

E 5 ] 
one Kind from Cornwall has long An- 
| tenne, is near an Inch in Length, and - 
_ diftinguifhed from the other Kinds by the 
Shape of its Tail, which is a flat Lamina 

_. with three Points. 

Scorpiones, Scorpions of different Sorts 
from various Parts of the World, differing 
in Size. 

luli, Gally-worms, are a Kind of Infect 
with along Body, compofed of a great 
Number of Rings, with many fmall Feet 
and beaded Antennz; they are generally 
of a ferrugenous dufky or blackifh Colour, 
- living for the moft part under Ground, 
and when touched will roll themfelves in 

: Scolopendre, feveral Specimens of the 
Centipes from America and elfewhere ; 
they have flender and long Bodies, very 
fmooth, and of a yellowith or reddifh Co- 
jour, furnifhed with a great Number of 

| Legs, two long Antennze, and a bifid 

Tail. The Bite of this Infeéct is faid to 
| be 

EE eee 
be almoft as dangerous as that of the 
_ Scorpion. 
- Aurelie, Aurelias, or Chryfalifes of fe- 
veral Species of Infects. 

Vermes, a mxcellaneous Collection of 

Nidi Infeétorum, fome Nefts of sae a 
as Spiders, Bettles, Locufts, &c. 

Nidi Serici, Coccoons of Silkworms. 
Under this Title is a Ribbon made of Spi- ' 
ders Web, and fome Silk of the fame. 
 Teftudines, 'Tortoifes and Turtles of the 
fmaller Sizés, finely variegated, and ful- 
cated in their Shells. 

- Avium Partes, Parts of Birds; they con- 
fit of Heads, Beaks, Talons, Legs, Quills, 
€?c. Particularly to be noticed are fome © 
Heads of the Rhinoceros Bird: This Bird 
is a Species of Ludian Raven, 1s very ugly, 
and has a rank Smell; it is larger than 
_ our Raven, its Neck and Head thick, 
has large Eyes, and its Beak is bent like 
a Bow, having a large and thick Hora 

like protuberance on its upper Part; the ° 

ie oo ad 
_ Beak is of-a yellowith White below; above 
_ towards the Head of a fine gay Red; the 
\ upper Chap is ferrated. The Beak of a 
Toucan, or Brazil Pye: This Bird is of 
fe middle Size, between the common Mag- 
| pie and the Thrufh ; it has a Beak thicker 
and longer than its whole Body, hooked 
at the End, and of a very thin light Sub- 
| ftance, yet bony, with a fort of toothed 
' Edge; its Head is large in Proportion to 
| the Body, black on the Crown, the reft 
_ of it with the Neck and Back flightly 
variegated with White; the Breaft is 
orange coloured, Belly and Thighs bright 
| Red, Tail black, but red at the End. 
| The Beak of a Spoonbill, or Platea, along 
necked Bird, approaching to the Nature 
of the Stork or Heron; its Beak is dif- 
| ferent from all other Birds, being broadeft 
| at the Extremity, and terminating in a 

7 large rounded flat Procefs; the Bird is all 
| over white, except the Wings, which have 

| | fome Black; it builds in hich Trees in 
| Aolland: And fome Quills of the Condor 
eer are 

fac 3 

are preferved here; a Bird of fuch a pro-. 
digious Size and Strength, as to be able 
to carry a Sheep through the Air in its 
Talons. So many wonderful Things have_- 
- been faid of the Condor, that it was long 
doubted whether there was fuch a Bird in 
Nature: It is not known in Europe, nor 
is it frequent in any Part of the World, 
but has been feen in Perg.and Chili, in 
South America. 
_ Pifcium Partes, Parts of Fifth, confit 
_ of Jaws, Palates, Teeth, Back-bones, Fins, 
&¥c, of various Kinds of Fith. 
- On the Shelves round this Room are a 
creat Number and Variety of Articles, 
preferved in Spirits, from the animal and 
vegetable Kingdoms: They are, like the 
re{t of this noble Collection, curious, and 
worthy of very particular Obfervation 5 
yet, it is neceflary my Remarks on them 
fhould be but fhort. The firft Title that 
prefents itfelf to our View, is 

Quadrupedia, Quadrupeds. Among 

thefe I fhall onl mention a few Speci- 
mens ; 

as nah — a ag 

Li reg 

meéns; as, the Armadillo, called by the 
Natives Tatu, a little Animal covered over 
with hard Scales, like a Sort of Armour ; 

in its Head and Snout it refembles a Pig, 

has the Feet of a Hedgehog, and is a © 
great Deftroyer of Sugar Canes in the 
Brazils. The Sloth, called Hau by the 
Natives of Brazil, of this Animal many 
Stories are told, as that it is a whole Day 
walking a few Yards; that it will crow 
fat when it has got intoa Tree, but having 
confumed all the Food the Tree afforded, 
it will be nearly ftarved before it can get 

toanother; if it is hurt, it makes a Noife 

ike the crying of a Child, and even fheds 

.| Years; his fore Legs are double his 
hinder in length: Itis a very inoffenfive 
and harmlefs, but not a very handfome 
Animal. The Yerbua, a Kind of beautiful 
| | Field Moufe, with a very long Tail and 
.| hinder Legs, on which it generally walks 
“| ere&. Several Kinds of Monkeys. The 

frying Squirel, frequent in Virginia, which 
has a Membrane reaching from the fore to 
| the 

[ 190. | 
the hinder Legs, of the Nature of a Bat’s 
Wing, and ferving for the Ufe of flying 

from Tree to Tree, which it will do, 

though they are at a confiderable Diftance. 

Some Bats of various Kinds. A Hedge- 

bog ; and the Opoffum, an Animal, which, 
in Cafe of Danger, protects its Young in 
a Cavity under its Belly; it is about the 
Size of a large Cat, Head like a Fox, 
fharp Nofe, {mall Teeth, two long before 
like a Hare, {mall Eyes, long {mooth erect 
Ears, black Whifkers; its Tail is round, 
about a Foot long; it frequently hangs to 
Branches of Trees by it; its hinder Feet 
longer than the fore ones; five Toes, re- 
femble a Monkeys; on the Back it is 
blackifh, mixed with brown and grey, 
and yellowifh on the Belly. 

Under this Title are a great Number 

of Fetus’s of different Animals, and fome © 
unnatural Produétions, among which is the — 
Cyclops Pig, having only one Eye, and that 

in the Middle of the Forehead. 



| f agi 4 
Aves, Birds. We find here a great 
N umber and Variety of Engli/h and foreign 
Birds, brought from all Countries, and 
preferved in Spirits. Among thefe I thall 
 firft mention the King Fifher, a very beauti- 
ful Bird, approaching in many Things to 
the Woodpecker, but that it has not two 
Toes behind; the Legs of this Bird are 
very fhort, black before and red behind; 
its general Colours are green and blue, 
and are very bright and beautiful. The 
| Wheat Ear, which is fomewhat larger than 
_ the common Sparrow ; its Head and Back 
is of a greyifh Colour mixt with red; the 
- Belly is whitifh with a glow of red; the 
} Throat redder than the Belly; its Beak 
is black, flender, and ftraight ; they are 
by fome called the Engl/h Ortolan, fo 
.) much are they efteemed at Table. The 
. Crofsbill is about the Size and Shape of 
.) a Greenfinch; its Beak 1s hard, thick, 
-) ftrong, and black; both Parts of it are 
crooked, fo that the Points crofs; its 
Head and Back are variegated with black 
| and 

[ 192 J 
and green; the Rump and Breaft are 
green, the Throat grey, the Belly white, — 
the Wings and Tail black and green ; it 
feeds on Seeds and Kernels of Fruit. 
There are feveral Specimens of Humming 
Birds, it makes a Noife in flying like the 
Humming of a Bee, and with its little 
Beak, which exceeds not the Size of a 
Needle, fucks the Juice out of Flowers 
as it flies; itis the fmalleft of all Birds, 
but of the moft beautiful and lively Co- 
fours; there are feveral Kinds of them of 
various Sizes, fome fo {mall as to weigh 
no more than the tenth Part of an Ounce; 
the Indians make very curious Pictures of 
its Feathers; the Leg and Foot together 
meafure but half an Inch, its whole Trunk 
not an Inch. We muft next mention 
fome Birds of the Titmoufe Kind, as the 
Blackcap, the Blue Titmoufe or Nun, and the 
Blue American Titmoufe, called in Brafil 
Guizacencia; in this laft the Head, Throat, 
Breaft, Belly, and the lower Part of the 

Beak are of a fine blue, the Neck and #! 

Tail. | 

poe 93. 4 
Tail black, the Legs brown, and the 
Wings black, variegated with blue. 
Among the Specimens here preferved, 
the Reader will find a great Number of 
others no lefs curious, and fome unnatu- 

ral Productions, as a Gofling with three 
Legs, &e, &e. 



In thefe three Repofitories are many 
amphibious Animals in Spirits. Among 
them are Frogs, Toads, particularly the 
Carolina and Bull Frog, and the Surinam 
Toad, whofe Young are produced out of 
‘} its Back ; fome young Crocodiles, Allegators, 
)) Guanas, Cameleons, Salamanders, the flying 
| Lizard, and other Kinds of Lizards. 

The Serpents confift of Suakes, Slow- 
worms, Vipers, Adders, Rattle-[nakes, Afps, 
Hooded-fnakes, Coach-whip-fnakes, {0 called 
from their extreme Length and Slender- 
nefs, and fome Amphifbene, a Kind of 
Serpent, whofe Head can fcarcely be dif- 
at from the Tail, they moving 

Te | _ both 

L 194 J 
both Ways, forward and retrograde ; they 
_are brought from South America, and here 
preferved in Spirits. " 

Pifces, Fifh of many Kinds in Spirits, 
_ and among others the Hippocampus, or Sea - 
Horfe, the fying Fifh, the Remora, for- a 
merly thought able to ftop a Ship under 
Sail; Pearl Oyfters, the Fohn Doree, the 
Sea Polipus, Barnacles, and many others, i 
too numerous to take notice of. 

Infeéia, Infeéts. Many Kinds of Cater- 
pillars, Beetles, Locujts, Centipes, Scorpions, 
Spiders, and Worms from human Bodies. a 

Vegetabilia, Vegetables. Thefe confit | 
chiefly of foreign Fruits preferved in Spi- 

rits, and fpme of our own Produce, but | 
of an uncommon Form. There are alfo | 
under this Title a Colleétion of Oils, Bai- | 
fams, and other chemical Preparations, ex- 

tracted from Vegetables, chiefly the Growth : i 
of the Haft Indies. ; 3 | 
In different Parts of this Room on thea 

Wainfcot over the Repofitories, &c. are 
fome dried Animals, and fiuffed Skins of — 

others, | | 

[| agp ] 
others, particularly fome /arge Bats, Turtles 
and Torioifes, Sharks Faws, more Heads 

~and Beaks of Birds, a very large fiuffed 

Snake's Skin from Surinam in the Weft. 
Indies, the . Skin of a fealy. Lizard, 
fome s Lizards, Guanas, and the Skixz 

of an Ant Bear, .a Flamingo, a young wild 
Boar; a Porcupine, Armadillos, an Oron 

Outou, or wild Man of the Mountains, the 
Head ah a sy ane ere x ii eS and 

2 ere: are a rte Variety od: Hons of 
different Animals, particularly the’ fofiil 
Horns of Moufe Deer, found in the Bogs 
of ‘Ireland; “very: large, Horns ‘of ' Elks, 
the Rhinoceros, Rein Deer, Antelope, and 

[ Chamoife. Sir Hans Sloane’s famous horned | 
Owl fluffed. Some Birds ruffed, placed in 

Glafs Frames ; particularly a Bird of Pa- 

| radifes' fore Humming Birds, Manakeens, 

fome: of the Titmoufe Kind, a Virginia 
‘ Nightingale, and a Tropic Bird : And there 
fome Portraits of feveral Kind of Birds 
taken from the Life. Se Hac 
| «2 Tn 

[196 J 
- In a large Cabinet are depofited a preat 
many dried Fifh, brought from various 
Parts of the World; among other Speci- 
mens are a /mall Saw Fifh, the Head of a 
Sword Fifh, fome flying Fifh, a Dolphin, 
a Sturgeon, a young Shark, a Porcupine Fyfh, 
a Torpedo, or Cramp Fifh, 8c. | 

Over this Cabinet 1s a fluffed Emeu, or ~ 
Caffowary, a Balearic Crane, or Crown Bird, 
an Eagle, and aVultur. 

There remains nothing more to be men- 
tioned in this Room, but the Skeleton of a 
very young Whale, fome Horns of the Uni- 
corn Fifh, the Head and Paws of the Wal- 
rofs, ufually called the Sea Lion, and the 
Snouts of the Saw and Sword Fifh. 

We now enter upon the laft Room of 
this Department, which is filled with Pre- 
- duftions of Art, difpofed in feveral Cabi- 
nets; the Articles are indeed very nume- 
rous, and would require a Volume to give 
a Defcription of them alone; my Re« 
marks on them will be but few. 


t a | 

- Inthe firft-Cabinet is a Variety of little 
Afticles manufactured in Glafs, of different 
Shapes, coloured, painted, and fpun Glafs ; 
fome Czps, Difhes, and other Matters, 
made of Papier Maché, refembling China 
Ware; and other enameled and curioufly 
manutactured Bagatelles. 

In the next we muft remark fome Ar- 
ticles in great Efteem among many Roman 
Catholics, as. Relics, Beads, &c. and fome 
| Models of facred Buildings. 

_. We now come to the Uten/ils dog 
Ornaments of the Indian Inhabitants of 
_ the great Continent of North America, 
as Feather Crowns, Necklaces, Knives, and 
fome curious Contrivances for Combs, 
| Brufhes, &c. an Indian Scalp, and fome 
Wampum. Thefe are a Sort of Shells, ufed 
_ as Money among the Indians, a String of 
| Wampum is made of Shells, formed into 
| fall Cylinders of a quarter of an Inch 
‘Jong, and fomewhat lefs over, ftrung in 
great Numbers on long Strings; it is 
i ome and black, the meaneft is in fingle 
: K3 Strings, 

f noe J 

Strings, of which the white goes at five — 

Shillings a Fathom, the black ten, or by 

Number, the white fix a Penny, the black © 

three. ‘The next in Value is that which is 
wove into Bracelets, about three quarters 
of a Yard long, black and white in Stripes, 

fix Pieces in a Row, the Warp is Leather i 
Thongs, the Woof Thread. The moft _ 
valuable of all is that wove into Girdles; | 

thefe confift of many Rows: black: and 
white, woven into Squares and other Fi- 

eures 3 thefe are ufed in their great Pay- — 

ments, they make their nobleft Prefents 
of them, or lay them up as Treafure. 
Here is alfo fome Caffada Bread, or Caffavis 
this is made of the Root of a Plant called 
Yucca, Manioc, or Manihot ; the Juice 
of the Root is poifonous, but the dry 

‘Powder of it nourifhing and wholefome: | 
The Indians in making it rafp the Roots, | 
prefs out the Juice in Bags, and. dry the i 
remaining Matter over the Fire; they — 
then make it into Cakes, which are either | 
dried in the Sun or otherways; when | 

thefe © 



[ 199 ] 

thefe Cakes are thick they are called 
Caffavi, or Caffada, and ferve the poorer 
Sort ; the thinner are eaten by the Rich, 
and called Seiam. | 

In another Cabinet are European Pro- 
_dudtions of Art, as fome /mall Cabinets, 
| Figures in Bronze, and feveral Ivory ana- 
 tomical Reprefentations of Skulls, Eyes, 
. Ears, &c. and fome fine Work of Turnery 
and Carving. 
_ We next fee fome Fapan Idols very {inall, 
many cut out of Almonds, and evenGrains 
of Rice; Eaft India Money; fome Chinese 
Figures or their Gods, Men, and Bea/ts, 
made after their Fancy, and dreffed in 
their Fafhions, Part of them in Bronze, 
_ the reft chiefly in Rice Pajte, called Congee. 
. The Model of a Palanquin, a Kind of 
| Chair of State in which the Grandees of 

) the Eaf are carried on Mens Shoulders ; 

| Cards, Dice, and other Bagatelles, Forks, 
| Chopfticks, Back/cratchers, Steelyards, Weights, 
and Beads for cafting wp their Accompts, 
called Schwampam. 
haa K 4 Some 

[. 200 ] 

Some China Paper, Womens Shoes, Pen- 
dants made of Beetles, Inks of all Colours, 
Rulers, fmall japaned Veffels, &c. 

In the laft of the Cabinets that I fhall 
mention particularly, are various Speci- 
mens of curious earthen Ware, fome Por- 
cellain Cups before they are burnt,-in fome 
Meafure fhewing the Nature of the Earth 
they are made of; fome other Cups, which 
they fay the Chinefe made of Exgh/h Gravel 
which happened to be carried over in one 
of our Ships; and feveral Sorts of plain, 
painted, and gilt China Ware of various 

Under Glafs Bells are fome very curious 
Pieces of Work in Ivory, particularly one 
made by the late Queen of Denmark. 
The Flower Pots in Ivory are very fine. 

Some Models of Chinefe Grottos; a — 
Model of Captain Gilbert, made in China — 
of the fine. earth. The Root of the — 
Tea Plant muft be noticed in this Place; : 

this Plant grows in the feveral Provinces 


er het ee eens ee 

[ “201 ] 
of China, Fapan, ‘and Siam, and affects 
a ftony Soil in Vallies at the Feet of 

- Mountains; the Root refembles that of 
_ the Peach Tree, the Leaves are green, 
 longifh at the Point, narrow, better than 

an Inch long, and jagged all round; the 
Flower like that of the wild Rofe; the 
Tree is of various Sizes, fometimes very 
large, at others a mere Shrub of the 
{malleft Kind. 

Here are alfo fome Pieces of Sculpture, 
as King William, and King George the 
Firft, cut in Walnut Shells and in Ivory; 
the Head of Baker, who wrote the Chro- 
nicle; alfo an Impreffion of O/iver Croui- 
well’s Seal; Paintings at large, in Minia- 

ture and Enamel, as a Man that had an 

Excrefcence, or Wen, in Form of a Head 
growing out of his left Breaft. 
A Cyclops Pig. | 
A. Woman who had two horny Subjftances 

grew out of the back Part of her Head; 
one of the Horns is kept in fome of the 

K 5 Cabinets 

[{ 2oH2 ]j 
_ Gabinets in this Room. A. Pidture. of the, 
fame Woman and another Horn are fhewn. 
at Oxford. 

Thomas Briton, the mufical Small-coal- 
man. A black Whale, and a Buffalo. 

Several Drawings in Miniature, com- 
pofed of very {mall writing, particularly 
two Heads, one of Queen Ann, the other 
of Prince George of Denmark, faid to con- 
tain a Number of Speeches in Parliament, 
and Proclamations; and alfo the Head 
of the Duke of Glouceffer done in the 
fame Manner. 

Infjeéis and Reptiles. 

A. Plantation of Cochineal, with the 
People gathering and drying it. : 

Several Flowers and Plants. | 

We have now done with our Remarks ~ | 
on this fecond Department. In our Way — 
to the next, we are led down the back 
Stairs, where we muft take notice of two $ 
Canoes, the one brought from America, 
the other from Greenland, differing both | 

. In 

[ 203 ] 
in Form and Materials : the firft is very 
ingenioufly covered with the Bark of a 
Kind of Birch Tree, which is fixed to 
{mall Ribs on the infide; the whole Boat 
is remarkably light, infomuch that two 
Men may eafily carry it many Miles from 
one Lake or River to another, which is 
very neceflary in America, on Account of 
the great Falls. The other Canoe is en- 
tirely covered with Seals Skins, at a Di- 
ftance bearing fome Refemblance to 
Parchment ; the upper Part of it is as 

it were decked with the fame Materials, 

there being only a fmall Hole left open 

- * gn the middle for the Man to fit in and 

manage his Paddle. 
On the Wainfcot going down thefe 
Stairs, is a large Piece of Painting, re- 

prefenting feveral Kinds of dead Game. 

K 6 S E C- 

[ -204- J 

SECT 1 Oo a ae 

“HE laft Department we are to 

mention in this our Account is 

that of printed Books ; it contains many 

- Collections, and a great Number of 

fearce Works, well worth the Attention 
of the learned World. 

Croffing the Hall, in the Way from 
the back Stairs, the firft Room we enter 
is appropriated for modern Works of the - 
Preis; Part of it is filled with Books 
fent in by the Stationers Company, and 
other Prefents given to the Mufeum in 
the Reign of his late Majefty ; the re- 
maining Part of the Preffes are prepared 
for the Reception of fuch as may be 
added in the Reign of his prefent Ma- 
jefty. if 

Major Evwarnps’s Library. ; 
This is a good Collection of Engl, 
Frenco, and ftalian Books, but chiefly the 

2 see 
laft, which Major Edwards gave by his 
Will to the Public, with a Generofity 
worthy of Imitation. It is joined to the 
Cotton Library, and depofited in this 
~ Room, as a lafting Monument of his 
_ Genius and public Spirit. 


In this Room are preferved Part of 
Sw Hans Sloane’s Library, confifting of 

‘Books of Phyfic, Pharmacy, Anatomy, 
| Surgery, Chemiftry, &. 

Another Part of Sir Hans Sloane’s Li- 
brary, Natural Hiftory, Herbaria, Hor- 
tus Siccus. Here are many Drawings, 
perhaps the fineft that are to be feen in 
the World. The Reader muft particu- 
larly admire a Book containing fome 
- Drawings of Monf. Rodert, Painter to 
| Louis the Fourteenth, King of France. 
They confift of a great Number of Vege- 
tables, curious Animals, Shells, and other 
tae natural 

[ Oeuk 

natural Productions, very elegantly drawn 
and coloured from Nature. Sir Hans 
Sloane paid this Artift five Guineas for 
doing each Leaf. We mutt alfo notice a 
_ great many Drawings, elegantly coloured 
from Nature by Madame Marian. ‘They 
confift of a great Variety of Plants, with 
the Infeéts that feed on them; and fome 
other Things. It is to be remarked, that 
this Lady made a Voyage to Surinam, 
and refided there fome Years, to perfect 
herfelf in the Knowledge of Natural Hif- 

tory, and to make Drawings of the Plants, 
Fruits, and Infeéts, which thofe warmer 
Climates produce. In this Room are alfo 
fome printed Books in the Chinefe Lan- 


Flere are many Books on philological — 

Subjects; Grammars, Lexicons, Critics 

Treatifes on Rhetoric, Geography, fome — 
Travels, Journals, and Mifcellanies. 



Ly 207. J 

‘Bini: OTHECA 2 bena ais Iv. 

In this Part of Sir Hons Sloane’s Col- 
lection are Hiftories of all Nations, an- 

cient and modern; fome Treatifes on. 

Chronology, Prints, Globes, and laree 
Maps of different Countries. 


This Room contains Treatifes on the 

Arts and Sciences, Syftems of Philofo- | 

phy, Ethics, Aftronomy, Commerce, Phi- 
lofophical Tranfactions. 

The remaining Part of Sir Hans 
Sloane’s Colleétion, being Beaks of Divi- 
nity and Law. 

ee atau ek Recia. I. 

In this next Room is depofited Part of 

the Royal Library, which his late Majefty 
ordered to be here preferved for the Be- 

nefit of the Public. It confifts of the — 


= Books | 

[ 208 J | 
- Books collected in the Reigns of Henry 
VII. Henry VU. Edward V1. Queen Ma- 
ry, and Queen Elizabeth. Here are alfo 
feveral other Colleftions, as the Libraries 
of Archbifhop Cranmer, More, Arundel, 
- and Lumley. Many of the Books are 
very valuable : among others are the firft 
printed Copies of the Bible, and other fa- 
cred and hiftorical Writings ; fome Books 
on the Subject of Religion, &c. pub- 
_ \ithed before, and in the Infancy of the 

Reformation, when Printing was firft in-- 

vented, and fome other Works, treating 
of the Sciences, Hiftory, &c. In this 
Place are preferved the firft Books printed 
in England and France; fome are upon 
Vellum, others on Paper; they bear a 
great Refemblance to the fineft Manu- 
{cripts, having, like them the Titles and 
initial Letters curioufly illuminated. 


In this laft Room of the Library is de- 

pofited the remaining Part of the Books — 


ot oe ee . 
py eel Petes Maya Shc 


[ 209 ] 
given by his late Majefty. They were 
collected in the Reigns of Fames the 
firft, Charles the firft, and Charles the 

It is proper to remark, that if any 
ingenious Perfon has either a mind to 
improve himfelf in the feveral Sciences 
or Languages by reading, or is prompted 
by Curiofity to perufe fome of the valu- 
able Books of this Department, by ap- 
plying to the Truftees, he may have an 
Order to attend the reading Room for 
a Time, where there is a particular Offi- 
cer appointed to provide fuch Books as 
may be wanted. This is an Advantage 
not known to many, who would other- 
wife be glad of fuch an Opportunity of 

confulting fome fcarce Books. 

We have one Room more to mention, 

_ which contains fome Sea Compafies, im- 
proved by Dr. Knight, fuch as are now 
| ufed in the royal Navy, and feveral Mag- 
nets, and Apparatufes, ferving to fhew 



[ 210 J 

the magnetical Powers in philofophical 
Ufes. : 
I have only now to » obferve, that on 
the Days the Committee of the Truftees 
fit, the laft fhewn in the 

fame Order in which the Rooms are ar-  — 

ranged in the firft Edition. 


~~ Page 
Abraxas - 61 
_ Acacia ae me 154. 
Achates b ens = .. 66, 105 
Admiral Shell —— 140 
ZEfculapius aoe 46 
Etites eee eT aie 108 
Adder Flies 0) nee 179 
Ajlurus a 21, 42 
Alabatter ee 7X 
Alabaftra_ on 70 
Alcoran, fine copies m ee 28 
Allegators. a 193 
Ambers . ——— 78, 995 105 
American Idols 54. 
American Houfhold Utenfils © 65 
Amethyft —.. Q2 
Mee | 76 

 Ammonite © SEED 102, 113 
: Amphibia 


Io ND Or ee? 

Amphibia. | — cee | 
Amphifbenz —— ibid. 
Amphoras ——. a 44 
——————  Hetrufcan a ibid. 
Amulets ——- oe ar @ 
Anacardium Occidentale . 62 
——————. Orientale Se. 

' Anomiz concha: —— -r02, 115 
Antimony - a ~ 8k 

Ant Bear, Skin of ee 
Antiquitates Hgyptiace —~ 48 

~~. Hetruftze ee 
——_—_—— Romanz ae 46 
— = Varie | 52 
Ants —— —- 183 
Anubis a —— 42 
Apes —_ amnee ae 
Apis ——. 40 
Apocynum 600 Cl 
Appian Road, Stone from 4 = 
Apyri rs “—- | TOR 
Aqua marina oo — 89 
Aquileius ee -— YIO 
Arabian Letter Shell en, A 
Altabian Shel | eee 144 
Aranez —— a 184 

I. N._D\ EB) x: 

Argus Shell - mies 200! 4 
Armadillo . .— ——— “RBH THe 
Articles from-Herculaneum 63 
Afbettos ——. 76, 134. 
Afphaltus a | 79 
Afteriz: a 103, 119 
Aftroites a eee 11g 
Aves ae ——~ 191 
_ Avium Partes ~ ——. 186 
§ Aucle . _. —— ibid. 
Aures marinz — 332 
 Bacchanalia —— 8 
Balearic Crane —— 196 
Balm Crickets  — —— 177 
Bark Lace 1 aided [2 155 
Bark Papyrus ote 33 
Barnacles —— 194 
_ Baromez a agg 
Bafanos meen [ ete) -abid, 
ee ih a 165, 
— Shell pe laces: Y 145 

| Batkets made of Bark — 56 
3604 Baftinadoes 

ly Ny Dg £uom 

ween. i : | Page © 
Bertinadoes. 0). Mode cuggie 
Bats, large _—— meen ol DEAR. 
Battifte manera nid DepeeeeeOll estan 9 
Bead Shells Selene ‘en tog ae 
Bees 7 2. tere nies SLID 
Beetles vile iemepesinanslis 170, 194 
Beetle Porcellain — 2) OF4ZO 
Belemnites_...... ces «102527 8 
Belted Snail — Aaa ce ee 133 
Benzoin.  .eee eee TES 
Beryl aan aatllaiaelie SOR NCTE SOaa 
Bezoar —— 126 
Bibliotheca Cottoniana. MS. — 26 
Harleiana MS. — 27 
Regia . poeta be 207 
—————— Regia. MS. G J > oe 
ibs a a, Sloaniana--- i 6 204 
Sloaniana MS. | 33 
Bird of Paradife... - ———* 195 | 
Birds en ns 22, TOT, 195 
~ Bifmuth a | 81 4 
Bitumens —---——= = 78, 105 
Black Crab from Jamaica - ° 366 4 
Blattz ee TS 
Blood Stone - il alae ae 60 
Blue Fees from Virginia Wohet 6g ae 


“Na De EB: x 


Boat Flies . —— — 178 

Porcellain mnie 140 

— Shells — menene 138 

Bracelets 60, 63 

_ Brainftone an 21 

_ Brander, Efq; his Colle@ion ~ 100 

Breeze Flies | 183 

Bricks ftamped with Figures 59 

_ Brimftone — ee 79 

| Bronzes 38, 43) 47, 52, 625-199 

 Bruthes made of Roots _ Beaters + | 

a Buccina PE — 535 

: Buffalo’s Head. : 7 

PMS i 121 

Bulla mie (2c 838 

| Bull Frog —_ 193 

eeiteiee 174 

 Buft of Sir Hans Sloane 9 

Buftos — 46, 58 

| Butterflies Bg oxn 180 
A C. 

ees 15x 

Le Cake, Sea ee 130 

ee ee ai aso 


BS Net DRS et a 
Calabath, large —., 
Calamine ween alate 
Calculi one 
Califtus, Head of a 
Caltrop Shell sooo 
Calumets of Peace a 
Cameleons a 
Cameos a a 
Camphor. ae 
Canoes a a 
Canopus cients 
Capricorn Beetles ia 
Cardia —— schist 
Carolina Frog a 
Cafhew Nut sommonbiaaag? 
Caffada Bread tieleaane 
Caffidz = ——an noes 
Caffowary erences 

Eges ne 
Cats Eye —— 

Celtes swap 

- Centipes —— 
Centroniz —— 

~ Cerambices — teem 
Cervus volans a 
Chalices a —— 



156 | 




¢ 196 


Chame | 

137 | 

193 | 

185, 194. FF 
130 4 
“171 @ 

ay ~« —_~ ~~ —_~ -_~ aa, —_— a » md 

= wm Be ox. 

apf: Page 
Chame — ee . 144 
Chamber’d ee -~ 132 
Charters fe) 26 
China Pheafant’s me = 164 
Chinefe Porcellain me 8. Beadle 
Chryfolite —~ — 93 
Chryfomelz on — 172, 
Cicade _ i — 177 
Cidares —— — 130 
Cimices Fra gel ey 
Circus, Models of of — 47 
Claw of Lobfter, large Niet 166 
F Coals — —~ 78 
Cobalt pee meg ot 8s 
Becincal =r RG 
Cocci — — ~ ibid. — 
‘Coccinelle .. _ ——~ prale2 
-Coccoons, Sea — ass 151 
Coccoons of Silkworms —_ 186 
‘Cochlez —. — 133 
Cochlites _ — 103, 113 
Cocoa Nuts - apie 154 
Coffee Berries — - ibid. 
Coffin of Mummy Ott ey 
Concha Veneris Hovey F8 TA4 
Conchites . — — 103, 116 

L Condor’s _ : 

NR Ree 

7 Page 

Condor’s Quills _ 187 
Confetti di Tivoli — 167 
Contrayerva = ~ 156 
Cormorant’s Eggs — 164 
Copal — oe 156 
Coral — aa 215 99 
Scollop Shell — FA4 
Corallia —: — 157 
Coralloides — — 103 
Corn from Herculaneum 60, 63 
Cornelians © — — 67 
Coronated Volutes oes ¥40 
Cotton — — 150 
— Stone — —_ 96 
Cowries —_ — 140 
Cramp Fifh —_ — 196 
Crickets — _ 176 
Crocodiles. —_ 193, 195 
Eegs 4 eee) ama 165 

Crow, Iron —_ — 80 
Crown Bird — — 196 
~~ Cruftacea — we 166 
Cryftal - 66, 73, 98, 104 
— Metallic, from Atna 62 
Culices —_ —_ 184 
Curculiones © —_—" ~— 173 

| Cyclops 

EN. i £ x 
>: CyclopsPig =~ _. an 

Cylindri satis 
Cynocephalus _— is 
Deck Limpets = ae 
Dentalia — soe 
Dermeftes eae ae 
Deus Averruncus — wines 
Diamond we wes 
Pitt’s ease 

o——————— fine Rofe ee 

f Dice : — ee mene 
Ditifci — we 
Dolia oe aFay 
Dolphin — Ga: 
Dragon Flies - — a 

| Drawings, fine, by Monf. Robert 
. by Madame Marian 

Drums — ated 

| +—— Chinefe - — 

| American — 

_——— from Lapland = 

_ Ducal Mantle Shell he 

Page - 


58, 65 


= ave 
; 3 
Eagle er cee = 196 
ee Egos = me — 164° 8 
—— Stone —. —_ 108 
Ear Shell — = 133 
Echini Marini ~~ pe 130 
Echino Melocaétos — 19t | 
Echinites ~09 —~ . — 102, 117, 
Echinorum Radioli — 103,132 
Echites © — | - ben ke ae 
Eeg within another me To be 
Eggs _— — ibid. 
Egg, Sea __ — — 130 
Egyptian Antiquities oo 38 
———— Mummy. _ 5 a 
—.— Pebbles —~ 70, 85 
OE gee — 174 
Elephant Beetle —_ 171 a 
— Back Bone ~ 23 49 
— Turks _ — 148 
Embalming os oes 12 @ 
Emerald — —_ 04 
~ Emew — — — 196 
Endive Shell © — — 1374 i 
- Enhydros — ere 10g) 


Me he ee 

; Page 
Entomolithi — — 103 
Entrochi — a 120 

_ Ephemeron — ae 179 
Epitaphs — oe 6 
Erodialis = -—— Bae) 
Efchara ~~ os 158 
Ethiopian Crown = 138 

| Eutocium =~ — II0 
Walle Argus =. — 140 
‘Fans = = 65 
Fafces, Tops of Roman — 49. 
. Feather Crowns _— 197 
_ Fern, large — — 168 

- Fibulas, Roman — 59 
Flamingo —_ — 22,195 
Flies — — 183 
Flints i ee — 66 
Flying Fih — “rt 194, 166 

oo Lizard —— ~ 193 
ee Squirrel _ 189 
Formicz = — 183 
Foffilia Bivalva — 103 

——— Multiyalva — ibid, 

| ae Foftlia 


LL? Ny DA Byes 

’ : Page ‘eal 
Fofiilia Univalva — 703 
Foffils _ -— 66, 101,106. 
Frefco Paintings —_— 23° 
‘FruQus — ee 149, 194. 4 | 


Gad Flies me — 183 
Galbanum a =e 156 
Gallyworms —_ — 185 
Gargoulettes — — 56 
Garnet — —_ co 
Geodes _ — ‘109 
Giants Caufeway — 2 
Ginfeng — — 155 

- Gloffopetra . — 

op Mapats. ee — 184. 
~ Gondola Shell — 139 

Granate — nee QI 
Granite Columns — 4. 
Graptolithi ; — 104,123 = 

Grilli _ — .. 57s 
uma. > — — 193, 195.9 
Eggs — — 16574 
Guinea Corn ; a 154 
Gum Elemi — — 156 a 



Gutti mow one 54 
Gypfum — — 725 104 


Hall, Contents of a 2 
Hammer Oyfter = — 142 
Hanging Nefts _— 162 
Harpocrates = 19, 38, 40, 64 
Harveft Flies = — 177 
Hats = ~ 65 
Heart Shells. - = — 144. 
Hebrew Letter-Shells = 140 
Heliotropium — 68 
~ Helmintholithi — = TIO 
Hercules Balbinus —_ 53 

- Hermit Crab — male ies 
_ Hetrufcan Antiquities — 455 53 
_ Hieroglyphics — et 17 
Hippocampus — aa 194. 

- Hooded Snakes — — 193 
Horned Owl — 195 
_ Horns of Animals — ibid. 
———— of Moufe Deer _ ibid. 
——— of Unicorn Fith — 196 
| Horfe Flies — —_ 183 

i N D E x | 

# Hack Laghus, his Sword of State 57 
| ae Heart Shell —— 154, 
Humming Birds — 192, 195 
Hyacinth —— go 


Jacinth — o— 90 . 
Janus bifrons ——— 53 4 
_ Japonefe Pagod —_——— | 55 
| Jafper re 68,85,99 | 
Jalpides | SERRA Ts —, ibid. 
Jay from Eaft Indies —_ oy ff 
Ibis — oe —_ 17539 
Ichneumones ~~ Wj 182. © 
othiyolithi Lo ecto 103,12r 
Ichthyodontes. we der tine a 
Idols, American. _— 54 

Egyptian 18, 29, 52, 64 
Jets —_ — 78,105 | | 
Jews Pitch aoe 7, 
Incruftations . ee 108 
Indian Pots —— Comm 56 
—— Shields ee ee Fg 
Infcriptions - men AE TD: oF 
Infeta owe sae ee «OGG 

‘peuki és Inftru- y 


Brew DEX; 

Inftruments of Mufic, Indian 57 
_ Intaglios — _ 169 
| John Doree ome 194 
 Ifis. picasa 19, 38, 40 
Juli “= —_ 185 
Jupiter Serapis —— 38 
Keratophyta — 21, 157 
Keys | = —_ 60, 63 
Kingfifher ———— 191 
Egos a 162 

_ Lacrymatories — 50, 53 
La Fofle — —_ tie 
Lamps 59.53 

—— Metal, odd fancied — 49 

_—— Sepulchral — 50 

: Laocoon — =~ 24. 

Lapis Calaminaris a 8 

. —— Lazuli —— , Bands 

ee i ae 74 

-—— Pregnans — 1I0 

I -N GD: cE ut 


‘Laya from Vefuvius ~ fur 
Leopard Shells some 1440 
Lepturz eh — 173. 

~ Libellulze —- 179° 
Ligna ane _— 149 
Limpets pees 132 
Lithotomi _ _ 110 
Lizards a 22,193,195 
—— Egps — 165 
Lobfters =~ — 166 = 
Locufte —— 176, 194 
Lotus = = 17 3 | 
Lucina _ — 46 
Ludus Helmontii ee 108 | 


Maccaw’s Eggs —_— 164 4 
Madrepora — (21,158 
Magna Charta — . 2 
Maiz — ~ 4 
Mantes a Ty ee 176 
Mantle Scollops —— 144 
Marble — ~ - Wsi0g 
Marbled Scollop _ heel 

_ Marcafites a 79, 98, 105 

Marmora © 

PON 2 DU Bix 

Marmora —— 705 105 
Mafks, uncommon - —_— Aq 
Mafk Shells = one 139 
Mathematical Inftruments = 58 
Matrices to ftamp earthen Ware 63 
Meafures, Roman a 60 
Medals, Englith ems 28 
. French — a 29 
Pontifical = 34. 

-—— Sir Hans Sloane’s’ = 30 
——— Their Nature —_ ibid. 
Medallions os — ibid. 
Medufa’s Head ae 165 
Metallica ; = = 80 
Mica argentea = 75 
—— aurea —— 74. 
Mill Beetles _ — 175 
Millepedes _—— _— 184. 
Millepora _ 21,158 
“Millet = _ 154. 
Mineralia = — — «88 
Minerals — 66, 80 101, 105 
Mitcle Birds Eggs — ~ 164 
Miffilia — — 30 
Mitre Shell — = _ 135 
Mocoes _ is — 67 

L6 Models 


Models by Simons =. +> 
Mole Cricket. . — 
Mole Porcellain Perino 
Molucca. Beans ——— 
Monkeys — ates 
Mocn Stones —- “nse 
Moths — ess 
Mummy, Egyptian ae 
Murices — —— 
Mufee ~. a a 
_ Mufcles — wi | 
Mufical Inftruments —_—_ 
Mufculi — sows Oe 
Natural Productions tn ii) og 
Nautili = an <i 
Nautiliti —— — | 
Meedle Shell--- . — ——~ — 
Nephritic Stone — — 
Neritz — — Ssuate 
Nepz = me 
Nefts of Birds aoe ska 

—— of Infects — — 


ses Page 
MIM ee 162 
= InfeGorum — - 1595 186 
Se ere ree ey 
Nile — re mer 8 
Nilometri — — 42 
Noah’s Ark Shell = — 144. 
 Notoneéte = — 178 
Oculus Cati = — «By 
———— Mundi — —_ 88 
i — ~ —  - 183 
- Olive Shells _ ~ 139 
— Onifci — — ~~ 184 
| Onyx — — — 83 
——.. Shell _ _ 140 
: Opal i — — — 86 
Ophites — — 5, 68 
Opofum — —_ — 190 
Ores” — — 81, 105 
-—— Cinnabar — 8x 
;—— Coppr — = 815 105 
—— Gold — — ibid 
-—— Tron — — ibid. 
—— Lead — = _—_—sibid, 



Ores Quickfilver — — 81,105 
—— Silver usenet Sak ed. ibid.” 
‘Pie ohn ee ee ee ibid. 
Oron Outon a es ee Sl 
Orus pe tai 19, 38 
Ofris — —— sie 18, 38 
Oftracites — dest 102, 115 
Oftrea — gi rire 143 
Oftrich’s Eggs ond. ee 164 
hee _ — ibid. 

Owls Egos — a — ibid. 
Ox Heart Shell — Vie 

Oyfters == “ah — | 4g ¥ 


Paintings,~Frefco — 4,23 

- in Miniature —— 201 
Palanquin, Model of sions 199 
Paper Nautilus =~ — FAT 
Papiliones ~ — — 180 
Papyrus Bark _ meets 13 
Parrots Eggs —_ dau 164. | 
Patelle — we oe 332 
Pateras, Hetrufcan = eee 45. 
aa Roman ood _— 49 

. i> i. -».. Be eee ee ee ee ee ee ee 


Pearls — — 96 
_ Pearl Oyfters aa — 194. 
Pea Shells = — 134 
Pectines = = 143 
Peétinites = 102, 116 
Penguins Eggs —~ i be 
Periapta — —_ 42 
Perfian Crown Shell —— 139 
Petrifactions = — 100 
Phalene — — 180 
Phoenician Seals _ — 43 
Phryganez _ — 179 
Phytolithi — = — 104,122 
Pifcium Partes sm — 188 
Pinna Marina — — 168 
_ Placente — — 130 
_ Porcellane _ a 140 
| Porcellain Shells = — — ibid, 
| Porcupine | a — 195 
tee ———— Fith = ee 196 
Porphyry, Egyptian — 99 

Portraits — = 10 

Precious Stones ~ — 86 
Prickly Oyfters — — 143 
——— Trochus — — 134 
Purple Pearl _ _ 96 

 Purpurse © 

aN Dae ee oe 

: Page 
Purpure — ee 137 
Pyrites Argenteus one ce 105 
Aureus = — 49,80 am 
Pyropus — —_ 86 
Quadrupedia _ =e 188 
Quills of Condor = a 
Rattle Snake ae Lad 193. 
Root — 156 
Remora© = — —_ 194 
Reptilia — — 193 
Reticulated white Chama — 144 
Rhinoceros Beetle  — — 4171 
Bird — 186 . 
Rhombi — ~ ~ 139 @ 
- Ribbon Snail —— _ 133 
Bang Key. -- — _ 60 — 
Roman Antiquities — 46 
Roman Mantle Shell — 144 — 
Root of Tea Plant — 2.00 e 
Rouffeau his Portrait © — 9a 

MeN 2 Dd EM x. ce 

a Royal Staircafe Shell - ee. 136 
Ruby et ae wings «25 os 
| Sacrificing Inftruments == 49 
| Saddle Oyfter — Sil 143 
Sailor Shells - — _ I4t 
Salamanders 2 we 193 
Saloon - = sa ee 23 
SS ie 95 
Sardi — Lich rom 66 

OS 83 

 ——Snoutof  —--— am ibid. 

| Scarabei ~~~ ~~ om 170 | 

(eeqhwampam- — -— —. 199 | 
Scollops > - am — Va | 
Scolopendre-- — we 185 | 
Scorpiones —_ 185, 194 
Screw-fhells = a 135 
Scythian Lamb ~ me — 149 

Seals, Phoenician ones Az 
— Tukih — — 61 

Sea Compaffes — zo 208 

==- Horfe, Head of ~— 195 

dagoe 3 78 Sea 


Sea Lion, Head and Pawof = es 
—- Polypus . — = 194 
—- Locufts — —_— 166 
Selenites — = — 72 
Semimetalla — — 8r, 105 
Serpentia | a — 193: 
Serpentine Marble = 5, 68 
Sertularia = a 21 
Shark, young = a 196 
Shark’s Jaws a _ 195 
Shells, Foffile. — ~~ TI2 
—————— Recent — — 129 
Shrimps... — an — 166 
Silices = ..— — — 66 
Siliquaftrae. ~ po 122 
Silk-grafs — — 150 
Simpulums . —~ a 49 
Sifttum ~* — — 38 
Skeleton of a Whale — 196 
Unicorn-fith —~—— 6 
Sledges — — 66 
Sloth _ — 7 189 
Snails = st 133 
Snake Stones _ are 113 
Snow Shoes aw 66 
Snuff-box made of Lava ~~ 62 

few Dy Eos 


Sope Berries _ = 151 
Spars  oo—— — 71, 104 
Spata _—— — ibid. 
Speckled Heart-fhells — 144, 
Spiders aa — 22, 184 
Spider Shells —~ — 137 
Spindle Shell — _ 135 
Spongie —— ae 156 
Spur Shell = — 134. 
Stag Beetle — — 171 
StalaGtites —— ee 104, 106 
Stampers — = 139 
Staphilini =§-— _—  IGe 
Star-fifh = = — 165 
Stella Marinz — —_ 165 
Stilus —_—_— — es 60 
Strombi a one — 135 
Stucco Ceilings, Pieces of —s 57 
Sturgeon — mee 196 
Styrax ee — — 156 
Sulphur — as 445 105 
Sulphura — —  — ibid. 
Surinam Toad — — 193 
Sword-fith, Head of — 196 
== ibid. 

Snout of 

Tabani sale ace 
Tahbahs — — 
Talc wei: F id ne 
Talifmans — _ 

Turkith — 

Tarantula — — 
Tea Nuts chats tie 
Telefcope Shells — os 
Telline Bri Seas 
“Tenthredines ion 
Termini _ — 
Terre - 
Teflele —_ 
Teftacea” — 
Teftudines _ — 

Thiftly Melon > — oa 
Thor ah —— , 
Thorny Heart-fhells — 
—— Oyfter — 
Tiber — —- 

_ Tooth Shells —_ ae 
Torpedo = — 

fe Ne De Ei x: 

~Tortoifes ee oe, eh EG. ce 
—_——Eggs — 165 
Tortoife Porcellain Shell _ 140 
Toucan _ — 187 
 Touch-ftone — ody 3 
Tower of Babel Shell — 135 
Trochi — ~ 134. 
Trochites _ =~ 120 
| Tropic Bird —_ — 195 
. Trumpet Shells — —~ 135 
Tubipora aa  — 159 
Tubularia — — ibid, 
Tun Shell — — 138 
: | Turbines — te 135 
~Turcois == — 81, 88 
~-Turkith Cap _ = I§t 
Turtles —_ — 186, 194. 
-Eges am — 165 
Tyger | i eo — 140. 
Unicorn Beetle ~ WHH_ 171 
———- Whelks Bee 136 
| ‘Urchins, Sea — —— 130 
Ums —— a AGHA 

Urns - 

? ms N- D. E x 
Urns Alabafter° ——— 

——Britifhh  — —= 
amo Roman —a EN 
iv Square” — 


2 Weectabilia- oe 142, 94 
Venus’s Heart Shell ~The 
Princes See 
Vermicularia omnes Ceti) 

Velpe SP aRE 

Vice-Admiral Shell 
Virginia Nightingale 
Volute amen 

Votaries » —— 

Vultur Saati 

Vultur’s Head poerernSES 

eae = 
Via Appia, Stone from ames 

Walking Leaves 
Walrofs, Head and Pawsof — 
Wampum aa me 

i i en as ae T 


a N D Rx, 

Ee EN D. 

EE — 182 
- Nefts ames ones 22 
Water Beetles. ss 174. 
——- Scorpions nm 178 
Weaver Shuttle Shell | Semen 140 
Weights, Roman seco 60 
Wendel Tr ap Shell ——a iz 36 
Whale, Skeleton of —. 196 
Whitks, Indian oe — +57 
Wild Boar, young eee 195 
Wild Man of the Mountains — ibid. 
Wing Shells —— mas 137 
Woodcock Shell ono ibid. 
Wood Beetles sneemcse 171 
Woodlice seme — 184. 
Worm Shells meee nee 142 
Worms ——— 186, 194 

Yellow Chama Shell ae 144 
Yerbua mae ——~ 189 

Zoolithh —— — 103, 122 




for Dome. read Ceiling. 

after Homer add in Bronze. 
for greateft read highett. 
after Natural Produétions read - 

prefented by —— Ellis, Efq; 

for Cabinets read Preffes. 

N. B. The French Medals are in 
Hart. II. 

. dele from the Word fome to. 

Buildings, ce. 
for Beetles read Bottles. 

. for as numerous as read more 

numerous than. 

. for Oyfters read Cockles. 
. for fome read a great Number of. 

for fome read a Variety of. ; 

after Curculiones add Cornworms. — 
7 after voracious add they are foo i 

in Vineyards, 
i “ AB, % 


DI aE ae eee 



aaa  : 8c ee c0506es _ OOO 

Price One Penny. 





aoe ee 

3; 4 



E Entrance from Royal Library. | K Gentlemen’s Cloak- -Roon 
F Entrance from North Library. L For Gentlemen, : 

G For Registration of Copyrights. M Umbrella Room, 
H Ladies’ Cloak-Room. N Assistants’ Room. 
J Attendants’ Room, y 

A Superintendent. 

B Catalogue Tables. 

G Readers’ Tables. 

D Access for Attendants. 












THE new Reading-Room and Libraries of the British Museum 
are now completed. The Times, in a leading article on the 
7th of May last year, contained a general description of the 
building then in progress, and we gladly avail ourselves of 
the permission liberally granted by that Journal to extract 
from its pages the substance of another article which ap- 
peared on the 21st of April last, containing concise but very 
accurate details of the construction as it exists in its state 
of completeness, 

‘* Tts site, in the internal quadrangle of the Museum, has 
concealed its progress from the public eye, although the 
_ lofty and capacious edifice occupies an area of 48,000 super- 
ficial feet. This site was indeed its proper and only situation, 
from the obvious necessity of the new Reading-room being 
adjacent. to the vast magazines of books and manuscripts 
contained in the various apartments of the Museum. 


‘The present number of volumes in our great public 
_ library is upwards of half a million; but even that large 
figure does not represent the far larger collection of separate 
_ and distinct articles—in tracts, pamphlets, and manuscripts. 
_ They are legion, and not yet accurately catalogued or com- 

puted. Probably, the enormous quantity of pamphlets, 


political, theological, and scientific, of Great Britain, sinc é 
the Reformation, constitute the British Museum Library on cls 
of the largest collections of printed literature in the world, 
Maps also form a relatively considerable portion. The rate 
of increase is enormous, In the Parliamentary return for the | 
year ending the 24th of December, 1856, not yet published, | 
it will appear that the last annual additions number 10,434 | 
volumes, including music, maps, and newspapers, of which | 
753 were presented, 4010 purchased, and 5831 acquired by | 
home copyright. The number of parts of volumes was | 
27,516. In addition, the Library had accumulated numerous 
maps, charts, and plans, variously obtained. The number | 
of pieces of music alone added was 2347. In gross, the total | 
additional articles that year numbered 42,639, Of the com- | 
plete works accumulated in the twelve months, 1901 were } 
presented, 2005 purchased, and 7933 were acquired under 
the Copyright Acts, In the same year, also, each article | 
being impressed with the Museum stamp, the number used — 
was 162,940! 

‘The number of books returned to the shelves of the 
General Library was 110,873; to those of the Royal Library, — 
8869; to those of the Grenville Library, 1018; to the closets 
in which books are kept from day to day for the use of the 
readers, 79,598; making a total of 200,358, or 684 per diem, — 
Adding the number of volumes returned to the shelves of — 
the Reading-rooms, about 144,000, the whole amounts to — 
344,358, or 1175 per diem, The number of readers within — 
that year was 53,209, or an average of 181 per diem, the 
Reading-rooms having been kept open 293 days. Each reader — 
had, therefore, consulted on an average 64 volumes per diem, 

“ Thus had the Library outgrown its local habitation since 
its foundation in 1753, when the first contents of ‘Montagu | 
House,’ Bloomsbury, consisted of the Sloane Collection, in- — 
cluding only a few books, the Harleian MSS., and the Cote t 
tonian Library; Parliament providing no money, but by Act 
authorising the provision of 30,000/. by a Lottery! The old 

os | 



mansion continued perfectly sufficient for the whole miscel- 
laneous contents of the Museum until a few new rooms were 
added for the Egyptian antiquities obtained in 1801, and for 

_ the Townley Marbles, In 1823 the present entirely new 

building, designed by Sir Robert Smirke, became necessary. 

|| Montagu House was finally levelled with the ground in 1845, 

)| the new portico being only finished April 19, 1847. It is 

|| worthy of record that in the month of July, 1759, only five 
readers attended the public reading-room. 

OrIGiIn oF New Reapinc-Room AND LIBRARIES. 

‘The utter insufficiency of the institution for book room 
and accommodation for readers existed during the last four 
Parliaments, and without aremedy. The public, the trustees, 
men of letters in the Legislature, in vain devised various 
plans, and demanded pecuniary aid from the Commons. 
Select committee reports and annual returns followed in 
succession. It is sufficient now to refer our readers to the 
two volumes of reports in 1835 and 1836, and to the various 
Parliamentary returns asked for since 1850; to similar Par- 
liamentary volumes on Public Libraries in 1849 and 1850; 
and, lastly, to the effective Report of the Royal Commission 
(with 800 appended folio pages of evidence) appointed to 

./e) | inquire into the constitution and government of the Museum. 
cia The practical result was an unanimous representation of the 
ef | Commissioners that ‘the subject of additions to the Museum 
” was one which must evidently, at no distant period, engage 

the attention of Her Majesty’s Government.’ Mr. Hume, 
fortunately, was an active member of the Commission, and 
concurred from honest conviction in the necessity of an early 
and munificent grant of public money. T'he Royal Commis- 
sioners, reporting the inadequacy of book-room, the injury 
to the valuable contents of the library by the existing read- 
ing-room arrangements, the slave-labour of the attendants, 
and the bad accommodation of the readers, stated that ‘ these 
| circumstances have suggested to Mr, Panizzi a scheme of 
extension by which the buildings to be constructed would 



consist of new MSS. rooms and a new enlarged reading-room, 
which would enable the trustees to devote the present MSS, 
rooms, including that at present made over to the Grenvi 
Library, to the printed books,’ This report lay dormant 
almost for four years. ‘ Questions’ were constantly asked im 
the House of Commons as to the intentions of the Ministers | 
of the day. The ordinary annual vote was now and then — 
opposed by individual members, on the ground of the inde- | 
cision or indifference of the Government to the recommenda- - 
tions of the Commission. Actually the trustees asked no | 
more than half of the sum which they conceived desirable — 
for the purchase of books, assigning the true reason, that the 
Library would be inadequate for the reception of increased — 
contents. Matters thus continued in statuquo. In the mean 
time the difficulty of finding room for the current scot 
to the Library became daily greater. 
‘‘The plan alluded to by the Commissioners had to be | 
abandoned on the ground of expense and delay. As a last — 
resort, Mr. Panizzi proposed to the trustees that a building 
should be erected in the inner quadrangle of the Museum, 
By this scheme the cost of purchase would be avoided. This 
proposal was accompanied by drawings showing the ground- 
plan, and a general detail of the manner in which it was 
suggested that the interior arrangements for the accommoda- : 
tion of the readers and of books should be framed. The 
architect of the trustees, Mr, Sydney Smirke, reported favour- 
ably on this plan; and the result is a building, than which 
none are better, few perhaps so thoroughly, adapted to the 
purposes for which it is intended. On a ‘Supply night,’ the 
3rd of July, 1854, Parliament, by its last evening vote, on | 
the ‘miscellaneous estimates,’ granted 55,225/. for the | 
‘British Museum establishment,’ towards its ordinary expen-— i | 
diture, and 101,142/, for ‘new buildings and fittings.’ In | 
this latter gross estimate there was an item of 61,0001. on | 
account ‘for the erection of a building within the interior | 
quadrangle, for the purpose of affording increased accom- 
modation.’ The first grant was not half enough, as will soon 




_ be seen; still it was a beginning, and laid the foundation. 
Within three years the vast structure has been completed, 
_ at the cost of 150,000/., or about that sum when all con- 
tingent expenses are accounted for. 

Construction oF New Reapinc-Room anp LIBRARIES. 

«The Reading-room jis circular. The entire building does 
not occupy the whole quadrangle, there being a clear interval 
of from 27 to 30 feet all round, to give light and air to the 
surrounding buildings, and as a guard against possible de- 
struction by fire from the outer parts of the Museum. The 
dome of this Reading-room is 140 feet in diameter, its 
height being 106 feet. In this dimension of diameter it is 
only inferior to the Pantheon of Rome by 2 feet; St. Peter’s 
being only 139; Sta. Maria in Florence, 139; the tomb of 
Mahomet, Bejapore, 135; St. Paul’s, 112; St. Sophia, Con- 
stantinople, 107, and the Church at Darmstadt, 105. The 
new Reading-room contains 1,250,000 cubic feet of space; its 
‘suburbs,’ or surrounding libraries, 750,000, The building . 
is constructed principally of iron, with brick arches between 
the main ribs, supported by 20 iron piers, having a sectional 
area of 10 superficial feet to each, including the brick casing, 
or 200 feet in all. This saving of space by the use of iron 
is remarkable, the piers of support on which our dome rests 
only thus occupying 200 feet, whereas the piers of the 
Pantheon of Rome fill 7477 feet of area, and those of the 
tomb of Mahomet 5593. Upwards of 2000 tons of iron have 
been employed in the construction, The weight of the 
materials used in the dome is about 4200 tons—viz. up- 
wards of 200 tons on each pier. The first standard was only 
fixed in January, 1855. The framework and scaffolding 
upon which the dome rested were removed on the 2nd of the 
following June. No subsidence or ‘set’ of material was ob- 
' servable on the wedges being removed. The entire dome 
was roofed in and copper covering laid in September, 1855. 
| The roof is formed into two separate spherical and con- 
| centric air chambers, extending over the whole surface; one 

” x pt &. 
a Om 

im Bb 



between the external covering and brick vaulting, the object — 
being the equalization of temperature during extremes of — 
heat and cold out of doors; the other chamber, between the 
brick vaulting and the internal visible surface, being intended 
to carry off the vitiated air from the Reading-room. This — 
ventilation is effected through apertures in the soffites of the 
windows, and partly by others at the top of the dome; the 
bad air passing through outlets provided around the lantern, — 
In order to obviate the effects of condensation, all the sky- | 
lights, lanterns, and windows throughout the building are | 
double. The quantity of glass used amounts to about — 
60,000 superficial feet. In order to guard against the con-— 
sequences of an avalanche of snow falling from the dome on — 
to the surrounding libraries, the building has been carried | 
up outside perpendicular to such a height above the spring © 
of the arch as to form a gallery nine feet in width, provided 
with proper outlets, by which the snow is intercepted. | 
‘‘This Reading-room contains ample and comfortable ac- 
commodation for 300 readers, Each person will have allotted | 
to him a space of 4 feet 3 inches long. He is screened from 
the opposite occupant by a longitudinal division, which is — 
fitted with a hinted desk graduated on sloping racks, and a — 
folding shelf for spare books. In the space between the — 
two, which is recessed, an inkstand is fixed, having suitable | 9 
penholders, Thus the whole table-top is free from writing | 
implements or other embarrassments, and every precaution — 
is taken to preserve the books if the readers will but use 
common care. 
‘The framework of each table is of iron, forming air-dis- 
tributing channels, which are contrived so that the air may | — 
be delivered at the top of the longitudinal screen division, — 
above the level of the heads of the readers, or, if desired, 
only at each end pedestal of the tables, all the outlets 
being under the control of valves. A tubular footrail alse 
passes from end to end of each table, which may have a 
current of warm water through it at ploticutrs; and be used 
as a footwarmer if required, 4 

oo, « # 


hoe oe £ 


« The Catalogue tables, with shelves under, and air-dis- 
tributing tubes between, are ranged in two concentric circles 
around the central superintendent’s enclosure or raised plat- 
form, the latter being fitted with tables, ticket-boxes, and 
with dwarf partitions surmounted by glass screens, dividing 
a passage leading to the surrounding libraries. The pedestals 
of the tables form tubes communicating with the air-chamber 
below, which is 6 feet high, and occupies the whole area of 
the Reading-room. It is fitted with hot-water pipes, arranged 
in radiating lines. The supply of fresh air is obtained from 
a shaft 60 feet high, built on the north side of the north 
wing about 300 feet distant, communicating with a tunnel 
or sub-way, which has branches or ‘ loop-lines’ fitted with 
valves for diverting the current either wholly through the 
heating apparatus, or through the cold-air flues, or partly 
through either, as occasion may require. The air-channels 
are of sufficient capacity to admit a supply of fresh air for 
500 persons at the rate of 10 cubic feet per minute, and at a 
velocity not exceeding 1-0 foot persecond. For summer venti- 
lation steam-pipes, placed at the summit of the roofs and 
dome, will be heated, and extract the foul air when the exter- 
nal and internal temperature is unfavourable for the purpose. 

“The arrangement of the presses is throughout peculiar. 
It is calculated that the shelves within the Dome-room will 
contain 80,000 volumes, Two lifts are placed at convenient 
stations for the purpose of raising the books to the level of 

the several gallery floors. The bookcases are of novel and 

simple construction, the uprights or standards being formed 

_ of malleable iron galvanized and framed together, having 

fillets of beech inserted between the iron to receive the brass 
pins upon which the shelves rest. The framework of the 
book-cases forms the support for the iron perforated floors 
of the gallery avenues, and which are generally 8 feet wide, 

| the central 6 feet being appropriated to the perforated floor, 
and the remainder being a clear space between the back of 

the books and the flooring, by which contrivance the light 

_ from the skylights (in all cases extending to the full width 

or © eer 


of the avenues) is thrown down the back of the books on 
each story, so that the lettering may be easily discerned 
throughout the book ranges. “a 
‘The shelves are formed of iron galvanized plates, edgec 7 
with wainscot and covered with russet hide leather, and 
having a book-fall attached. They are fitted at each end 
with galvanized iron leather covered, and wadded pads placed — 
next the skeleton bookcase framing, to prevent injury to the 
binding when the books are taken out or replaced. Between 
these pads the skeleton framing of the cases forms an 
aperture by which a current of air may pass and ventilation 
be kept up throughout. The shelves rest upon brass pins, — 
the holes for which are pierced at three-quarters of an inc 
apart from centre to centre; but by a contrivance in crankin go 
the shaft of the pin, which may be turned upwards or down- | 
wards, this interval is practically halved, and the position o! 
the shelves may be altered three-eighths of an inch at a time. 
There are 2,750,000 of these holes! 
“Tn all cases, except against the external walls, the book 7 
cases are double, the books being placed on both sides, a 
lattice of iron-work being fixed for their longitudinal separa-_ 
tion. Thus, throwghout the whole interior of the new build- | 
ing there are no walls, the division being in all eases formed | 
of a double range of books, fore-edge to fore-edge. The only | 
exception is at the shelving provided for newspapers, a single | 
range of which necessarily occupies the space of two ranges 1 
of books, Three thousand superficial feet of cases are pro- 
vided for newspapers. 
‘For convenience of access to the galleries, the staircases” 
have been placed so that, throughout the building, they ar 
within 40 feet of each other. The building contains 3 miles 
lineal of bookcases, 8 feet high; assuming them all to be 
spaced for the averaged octavo book size, the entire ranges 
form 25 miles of shelves. Assuming the shelves to be fill . 
with books, of paper of average thickness, the leaves piced | 
edge to edge would extend about 25,000 miles, or more thai 
three times the diameter of the globe! = 

pe es. 2 ea 2 = 


“‘The cost, about 150,000/., includes the fittings and 
furniture and the necessary shelves for immediate use. 

Decoration, &c. or New Reapine-Room. 

‘* Jn the decoration of the interior dome, light colours and 
the purest gilding have been preferred. The great room, 
therefore, has an illuminated and elegant aspect. The de- 
corative work may be shortly described:—The inner surface 
of the dome is divided into twenty compartments by moulded 
ribs, which are gilded with leaf prepared from unalloyed 
gold, the soffites being in ornamental patterns, and the edges 
touching the adjoining margins fringed with a leaf-pattern 
scollopededge. Each compartment contains a circular-headed 
window, 27 feet high and 12 feet wide, with three panels 
above, the central one being medallion-shaped, the whole 
bordered with gilt mouldings and lines, and the field of the 
7 panels finished in encaustic azure blue, the surrounding 
margins being of a warm cream-colour. The details of the 
windows are treated in like manner,—the spandril panels 
blue; the enriched column and pilaster caps, the central 
flowers, the border moulding and lines being all gilded; the 
margins cream-colour throughout. The moulded rim of the 
lantern light, which is painted and gilded to correspond, is 
_ 40 feet diameter. The sash is formed of gilt moulded ribs 
radiating from a central medallion, in which the Royal mono- 
gram is alternated with the Imperial Crown. 

‘The cornice, from which the dome springs, is massive 
and almost wholly gilded, the frieze being formed into panels 
bounded by lines terminating at the ends with a gilt fret 
ornament. Each compartment of the dome is marked by a 
bold enriched gilt console, which forms at once the support 
of the main rib and the base for a colossal marble statue, a 
series of which it is proposed to place on the cornice, 

“<Between the cornice and the floor the space is filled with 
the bookcases and galleries of access, the cornice, standards, 
and railings of which are wholly gilded, the panels of the sof- 
fites of the latter being blue, having gilded ornaments therein. 


“The tables and enclosures are of wainscot, the chairs of 
mahogany, the floors being covered with kamptulicon. 
“The main entrance into the new Reading-room is direet 
from the Great Hall, and there are secondary entrances fo 
the officers from the King’s Library and the Great Northe * ’ 
Library rooms, through which all books are conveyed t 
the centre of the Reading-room, whence they are distributed . . 
“The amalgamation of the several catalogues, which 
drawn up on various plans, into one catalogue prepared ona 
uniform plan, is proceeding rapidly. Letters A, B, C, 
E, F constitute about one-third of the entire catalogue, and — 
this portion, completed, will be placed in the new Reading-— 
room on its opening; it will be comprised in nearly 500 
volumes. The completion of this Herculean work is now — 
under the responsible superintendence of Mr. J. Winter 
Jones, the successor of Mr. Panizzi in the keepership of the 
department of printed books, Mr. Panizzi being now the @ 
Principal Librarian.” . 
‘‘ The architect, Mr. Smirke, has the merit of the pre 
paration of the original and first designs. The contractors, 
Messrs. Baker and Fielder, share no common deserts in their 
professional labours. Indeed the skill, perseverance, and in- — 
genious resources of their managing partner, Mr. Fielder, 
have been beyond all praise. It is gratifying to record that — 
such a vast and lofty building has been completed without — 
loss of a single life or any serious accident.’”’ The warming 
and ventilating arrangements have been carried out by Messrs, 
Hadon of Trowbridge. 4 


We will now proceed to describe more at length the | 
internal fittings and arrangements of the Reading-room, |) 
which will be better understood by reference to the plan 
which forms the frontispiece to this paper, A, on the plan, 
shows the circular enclosure occupied by the Superintendent, 
the Clerk, and the attendants. The Trustees, having suc 
ceeded in providing for the public a Reading-room superio 


in its construction and appointments to all other buildings 
of the same class, have determined to afford the readers 
every possible facility in the prosecution of their various 
inquiries. With this view they have selected one of the 
superior officers of the Library, and placed the general 
management of the Reading-room in his hands. This officer 
is also charged with the special duty of assisting the 
readers in their researches ; and, from his central position 
in the Reading-room, will be readily accessible to all, and 
able to superintend the whole service. This gentleman, 
possessing a large store of miscellaneous information, an 
extensive acquaintance with the languages and literature of 
modern Europe, and an intimate knowledge of the contents 
of the Library, is eminently qualified to discharge the duties 
confided to him to the great advantage of the readers. It is 
anticipated that, by this arrangement, the Trustees will meet a 
want which has been long felt, and will infinitely increase the 
utility of the National Library to all who desire to consult it. 

B indicates the catalogue-tables, which are arranged 
round the Superintendent’s enclosure. In addition to the 
catalogues, these tables will be furnished with printed 
tickets, containing on one side the regulations to be ob- 
served by the readers in applying for and returning the 
manuscripts and printed books they desire to use, and on 
the other a form to de filled up with certain particulars 
relating to the works they send for. 

C represents the tables. These are 35 in number; eight 
are 34 feet long, and accommodate 16 readers, 8 on each 
side; nine are 30 feet long, and accommodate 14 readers, 
7 on each side; two are 30 feet long, and accommodate 
8 readers each, viz. 7 on one side and 1 on the other; these 

| two tables are set apart for the exclusive use of ladies ; 

sixteen other tables are 6 feet long, and accommodate 2 

| readers each ; these have no divisions between them, and 

are fitted up with rising desks of a large size for those 
readers who may have occasion to consult works beyond 
the usual dimensions. 


E, F, D show the openings leading from the 
Library and the King’s Library to the New Reading- 
When. readers have filled up their tickets they hand the: 
the attendants in the central enclosure, by Whom they 
passed to other attendants, whose duty it is to fetch 
printed books or manuscripts from the shelves of the libra: 
ries. Through these openings, D, E, and F, the books are 
brought to the central enclosure, and thence conveyed by by 
the Reading-room attendants to the readers ; the readers 
tickets, filled up as above described, being then deposite 4 n 
boxes constructed for the purpose within the superin- 
tendent’s enclosure, and retained until the books they 
respectively describe have been returned by the readers, 
when the tickets are given up. “ 

The book-presses under the gallery are filled with a large 
library of reference for the use of the readers, comprising 
most of the standard works on the various branches . 
learning, and an extensive collection of dictionaries of ¢ I 
languages, biographical works, encyclopedias, parliamentar 
histories, topographical works, &c. &c. These books 
which are about 20,000 in number, the readers can consult 
at pleasure without filling up fica for them. © . 

On each side” of the passage from the Entrance Hall, . 
through which the readers enter, officers will be placed, | 
charged with the duty of seeing that no persons pass to. the 
Reading-room who are not provided with the necessary 
ticket of admission. 


C5 a 


EOS OOOO eee eee 



Price One Penny. 


3 ¢ fA 

wmsteeem LIF) Q QBnmnn anne nena 

} | | | : 
| eR ns — a = z i 
| mt "teen nen rn 4 
| ian 



_ Superintendent. 
Catalogue Tables. 

| Readers’ Tables. 
Access for Attendants. 

E Entrance from Royal Library. 
F Entrance from North Library. 
G For Registration of Copyrights. 
H_ Ladies’ Cloak-Room, 

' J Atrndsvis’ Room. 

K. Gentlemen’s Cloak-Room, 
L For Gentlemen, 

fi Umbrella-Room, 

N Assistants’ Room. 




PaGR |) 
INCREASE-OF THE LIBRARY .2+u' eyo cose wet wie 5 @ 




THE new Reading-Room and Libraries of the British Museum 
are now completed. The Times, in a leading article on the 
7th of May last year, contained a general description of the 
building then in progress, and we gladly avail ourselves of 

_ the permission liberally granted by that Journal to extract 

from its pages the substance of another article which ap- 

_ peared on the 21st of April last, containing concise but very 
. accurate details of the structure as it exists in its state of 


** Tts site, in the internal quadrangle of the Museum, has 
concealed its progress from the public eye, although the 

| lofty and capacious edifice occupies an area of 48,000 super- 

ficial feet. This site was indeed its proper and only situation, 
from the obvious necessity of the new Reading-room being 
adjacent to the vast magazines of books and manuscripts 
contained in the various apartments of the Museum. 


‘‘The present number of volumes in our great public 

| library is upwards of half a million; but even that large 
_ figure does not represent the far larger collection of separate 

and distinct articles—in tracts, pamphlets, and manuscripts. 

_ They are legion, and not yet accurately catalogued or com- 


puted. Probably, the enormous quantity of pamphlets, 

political, theological, and scientific, of Great Britain, since 
the Reformation, constitute the British Museum Library one 
of the largest collections of printed literature in the world. 
Maps also form a relatively considerable portion. The rate 
of increase is enormous, In the Parliamentary return for the 
year ending the 24th of December, 1856, not yet published, 
it will appear that the last annual additions number 10,434 
volumes, including music, maps, and newspapers, of which 
753 were presented, 4010 purchased, and 5831 acquired by 
home copyright. The number of parts of volumes was 
27,516. In addition, the Library had accumulated numerous 
maps, charts, and plans, variously obtained. The number 
of pieces of music alone added was 2347, In gross, the total 
additional articles that year numbered 42,639. Of the com- 
plete works accumulated in the twelve months, 1901 were 
presented, 2005 purchased, and 7933 were acquired under 
the Copyright Acts. In the same year, also, each article 
being impressed with the Museum stamp, the number used 
was 162,940! 

‘¢The number of books returned to the shelves of the 
General Library, was 110,875; to those of the Royal Library, 
8869; to those of the Grenville Library, 1018; to the closets 
in which books are kept from day to day for the use of the 
readers, 79,598; making a total of 200,358, or 684 per diem. 
Adding the number of volumes returned to the shelves of 
the Reading-rooms, about 144,000, the whole amounts to 
344,358, or 1175 per diem. The number of readers within 
that year was 53,209, or an average of 181 per diem, the 
Reading-rooms having been kept open 293 days. Each reader 
had, therefore, consulted on an average 64 volumes per diem. 

“Thus had the Library outgrown its local habitation since 
its foundation in 1753, when the first contents of ‘Montagu 
House,’ Bloomsbury, consisted of the Sloane Collection, in- 
cluding only a few books, the Harleian MSS., and the Cot- 
tonian Library; Parliament providing no money, but by Act 
authorising the provision of 30,000/. by a Lottery! The old 


a ee 


mansion continued perfectly sufficient for the whole miscel- 
laneous contents of the Museum until a few new rooms were 
added for the Egyptian antiquities obtained in 1801, and for 
the Townley Marbles. In 1823 the present entirely new 
building, designed by Sir Robert Smirke, became necessary. 
Montagu House was finally levelled with the ground in 1845, 
the new portico being only finished April 19, 1847. It is 
worthy of record that in the month of July, 1759, only five 
readers attended the public reading-room. 


“‘ The utter insufficiency of the institution for book room 
and accommodation for readers existed during the last four 
Parliaments, and without aremedy. The public, the trustees, 
men of letters in the Legislature, in vain devised various 
plans, and demanded pecuniary aid from the Commons. 
Select committee reports and annual returns followed in 
succession. It is sufficient now to refer our readers to the 
two volumes of reports in 1835 and 1836, and to the various 
Parliamentary returns asked for since 1850; to similar Par- 
liamentary volumes on Public Libraries in 1849 and 1850; 
and, lastly, to the effective Report of the Royal Commission 
(with 800 appended folio pages of evidence) appointed to 
inquire into the constitution and government of the Museum. 
The practical result was an unanimous representation of the 
Commissioners that ‘the subject of additions to the Museum 
was one which must evidently, at no distant period, engage 
| the attention of Her Majesty’s Government.’ Mr. Hume, 

fortunately, was an active member of the Commission, and 

concurred from honest conviction in the necessity of an early 
and munificent grant of public money. The Royal Commis- 
sioners, reporting the inadequacy of book-room, the injury 
te the valuable contents of the library by the existing read- 
ing-room arrangements, the slave-labour of the attendants, 
and the bad accommodation of the readers, stated that ‘ these 
circumstances have suggested to Mr. Panizzi a scheme of 
extension by which the buildings to be constructed would 





consist of new MSS. rooms and a new enlarged reading-room, ~ 
which would enable the trustees to devote the present MSS. 
rooms, including that at present made over to the Grenville 
Library, to the printed books.’ This report lay dormant 
almost for four years. ‘ Questions’ were constantly asked in 
the House of Commons as to the intentions of the Ministers 
of the day. The ordinary annual vote was now and then 
opposed by individual members, on the ground of the inde- 
cision or indifference of the Government to the recommenda- 
tions of the Commission. Actually the trustees asked no 
more than half of the sum which they conceived desirable 
for the purchase of books, assigning the true reason, that the 
Library would be inadequate for the reception of increased 
contents. Matters thus continued in statuquo. In the mean 
time the difficulty of finding room for the current accessions 
to the Library became daily greater. 

‘The plan alluded to by the Commissioners had to be 
abandoned on the ground of expense and delay. As a last 
resort, Mr. Panizzi proposed to the trustees that a building 
should be erected in the inner quadrangle of the Museum. 
By this scheme the cost of purchase would be avoided. This 
proposal was aseompanied by drawings showing the ground- 
plan, and a general detail of the manner in which it waa | 
suggested that the interior arrangements for the accommoda- 
tion of the readers and of books should be framed, The 
architect of the trustees, Mr, Sydney Smirke, reported favour- 
ably on this plan; and the result is a building, than which 
none are better, few perhaps so thoroughly, adapted to the 
purposes for which it is intended. Ona ‘Supply night,’ the 
3rd of July, 1854, Parliament, by its last evening vote, on 
the ‘ miscellaneous estimates,’ granted 55,225/. for the 
‘British Museum establishment,’ towards its ordinary expen- | 
diture, and 101,142/. for ‘new buildings and fittings.’ In _ 
this latter gross estimate there was an item of 61,000l. on 
account ‘for the erection of a building within the interior 
quadrangle, for the purpose of affording increased accom- 
modation.’ The first grant was not haJf enough, as will soon 


_ be seen; still it was a beginning, and laid the foundation. 

Within three years the vast structure has been completed, 
at the cost of 150,000/., or about that sum when all con- 
tingent expenses are accounted for. 


‘«The Reading-room is circular. The entire building does 
not occupy the whole quadrangle, there being a clear interval 
of from 27 to 30 feet all round, to give light and air to the 
surrounding buildings, and as a guard against possible de- 
struction by fire from the outer parts of the Museum. The 
dome of this Reading-room is 140 feet in diameter, its 
height being 106 feet. In this dimension of diameter it is 
only inferior to the Pantheon of Rome by 2 feet; St. Peter’s 
being only 139; Sta. Maria in Florence, 139; the tomb of 
Mahomet, Bejapore, 135; St. Paul’s; 112; St. Sophia, Con- 
stantinople, 107, and the Church at Darmstadt, 105. The 

| new Reading-room contains 1,250,000 cubic feet of space; its 

‘suburbs,’ or surrounding libraries, 750,000. The building 
is constructed: principally of iron, with brick arches between 
the main ribs, supported by 20 iron piers, having a sectional 
area of 10 superficial feet to each, including the brick casing, 
or 200 feet in all. This saving of space by the use of iron 
is remarkable, the piers of support on which our dome rests 
only thus occupying 200 feet, whereas the piers of the 
Pantheon of Rome fill 7477 feet of area, and those of the 
tomb of Mahomet 5593. Upwards of 2000 tons of iron have 
been employed in the construction. The weight of the 
materials used in the dome is about 4200 tons—viz. up- 
wards of 200 tons on each pier. The first standard was only 
fixed in January, 1855. The framework and scaffolding 
upon which the dome rested were removed on the 2nd of the 
following June. No subsidence or ‘set’ of material was ob- 
servable on the wedges being removed. The entire dome 
was roofed in and copper covering laid in September, 1855. 
The roof is formed into two separate spherical and con- 
centric air chambers, extending over the whole surface; one 


——— EES 

between the external covering and brick vaulting, the object _ 
being the equalization of temperature during extremes of — 
heat and cold out of doors; the other chamber, between the 
brick vaulting and the internal visible surface, being intended | 
to carry off the vitiated air from the Reading-room. This | 
ventilation is effected through apertures in the soffites of the | 
windows, and partly by others at the top of the dome; the ‘| 
bad air passing through outlets provided around the lantern. 
In order to obviate the effects of condensation, all the sky- 
lights, lanterns, and windows throughout the building are 
double. The quantity of glass used amounts to about 
60,000 superficial feet. In order to guard against the con- | 
sequences of an avalanche of snow falling from the dome on 
to the surrounding libraries, the building has been carried 
up outside perpendicular to such a height above the spring 
of the arch as to form a gallery nine feet in width, provided 
with proper outlets, by which the snow is intercepted. 

‘‘This Reading-room contains ample and comfortable ac- 
commodation for 300 readers. Each person will have allotted 
to him a space of 4 feet 3 inches long. He is screened from 
the opposite occupant by a longitudinal division, which is — 
fitted with a hiaged desk graduated on sloping racks, and a — 
folding shelf for spare books. In the space between the ~ 
two, which is recessed, an inkstand is fixed, having suitable 
penholders. Thus the whole table-top is free from writing |) 
implements or other embarrassments, and every precaution 
is taken to preserve the books if the readers will but use 
common care. 

“The framework of each table is of iron, forming air-dis- 
tributing channels, which are contrived so that the air may 
be delivered at the top of the longitudinal screen division, | 
above the level of the heads of the readers, or, if desired, 
only at each end pedestal of the tables, all the outlets 
being under the control of valves. A tubular footrail also” 
passes from end to end of each table, which may have a 
current of warm water through it at pleasure, and be used 
as a footwarmer if required. 3 




‘‘ The Catalogue tables, with shelves under, and air-dis- 
tributing tubes between, are ranged in two concentric circles 
around the central superintendent’s enclosure or raised plat- 

_ form, the latter being fitted with tables, ticket-boxes, and 

with dwarf partitions surmounted by glass screens, dividing 
a passage leading to the surrounding libraries. The pedestals 
of the tables form tubes communicating with the air-chamber 
below, which is 6 feet high, and occupies the whole area of 
the Reading-room. It is fitted with hot-water pipes, arranged 
in radiating lines. The supply of fresh air is obtained from 
a shaft 60 feet high, built on the north side of the north 
wing about 300 feet distant, communicating with a tunnel 
or sub-way, which has branches or ‘ loop-lines’ fitted with 
valves for diverting the current either wholly through the 

_ heating apparatus, or through the cold-air flues, or partly 

through either, as occasion may require. The air-channels 

' are of sufficient capacity to admit a supply of fresh air for 
500 persons at the rate of 10 cubic feet per minute, and at a 
_ velocity not exceeding 1:0 foot per second. For summer venti- 

lation steam-pipes, placed at the summit of the roofs and 

_ dome, will be heated, and extract the foul air when the exter- 

__ nal and internal temperature is unfavourable for the purpose. 

“‘The arrangement of the presses is throughout peculiar. 

It is calculated that the shelves within the Dome-room will 
contain 80,000 volumes, Two lifts are placed at convenient 
stations for the purpose of raising the books to the level of 

the sevefal gallery floors. The bookcases are of novel and 

simple construction, the uprights or standards being formed 

» _ of malleable iron galvanized and framed together, having 


fillets of beech inserted between the iron to receive the brass 
/pins upon which the shelves rest. The framework of the 
_book-cases forms the support for the iron perforated floors 
of the gallery avenues, and which are generally 8 feet wide, 
the central 6 feet being appropriated to the perforated floor, 
and the remainder being a clear space between the back of 
the books and the flooring, by which contrivance the light 
from the skylights (in all cases extending to the full width 


a ee 


of the avenues) is thrown down the back of the books on 
each story, so that the lettering may be easily discerned 
throughout the book ranges. 

‘The shelves are formed of iron galvanized plates, edged 
with wainscot and covered with russet hide leather, and 
having a book-fall attached. They are fitted at each end 
with galvanized iron leather covered, and wadded pads placed 
next the skeleton bookcase framing, to prevent injury to the 
binding when the books are taken out or replaced. Between 
these pads the skeleton framing of the cases forms an 
aperture by which a current of air may pass and ventilation 
be kept up throughout. The shelves rest upon brass pins, 
the holes for which are pierced at three-quarters of an inch 
apart from centre to centre; but by a contrivance in cranking 
the shaft of the pin, which may be turned upwards or down- 
wards, this interval is practically halved, and the position of 
the shelves may be altered three-eighths of an inch at a time. 
There are 2,750,000 of these holes! 

‘«Tn all cases, except against the external walls, the book- 
cases are double, the books being placed on both sides, a 
lattice of iron-work being fixed for their longitudinal separa- 
tion. Thus, throughout the whole interior of the new build- 
ing there are no walls, the division being in all cases formed 
of a double range of books, fore-edge to fore-edge. The only 
exception is at the shelving provided for newspapers, a single 
range of which necessarily occupies the space of two ranges © 
of books, Three thousand superficial feet of cases are pro- 
vided for newspapers. 

‘For convenience of access to the galleries, the staircases 
have been placed so that, throughout the building, they are 
within 40 feet of each other. The building contains 3 miles _ 
lineal of bookcases, 8 feet high; assuming them all to be 
spaced for the averaged octavo book size, the entire ranges — 
form 25 miles of shelves. Assuming the shelves to be filled 
with books, of paper of average thickness, the leaves placed 
edge to edge would extend about 25,000 miles, or more than 
three times the diameter of the globe! 


“The cost, about 150,000/., includes the fittings and 
furniture and the necessary shelves for immediate use. 

Decoration, &c. or NEw REeApinc-Room. 

“Tn the decoration of the interior dome, light colours and 
the purest gilding have been preferred. The great room, 
therefore, has an illuminated and elegant aspect. The de- 
corative work may be shortly described:—The inner surface 
of the dome is divided into twenty compartments by moulded 
ribs, which are gilded with leaf prepared from unalloyed 
gold, the soffites being in ornamental patterns, and the edges 
touching the adjoining margins fringed with a leaf-pattern 
scollopededge. Each compartment contains a circular-headed 
window, 27 feet high and 12 feet wide, with three panels 
above, the central one being medallion-shaped, the whole 
bordered with gilt mouldings and lines, and the field of the 
panels finished in encaustic azure blue, the surrounding 
margins being of a warm cream-colour. The details of the 
windows are treated in like manner,—the spandril panels 
blue; the enriched column and pilaster caps, the central 
flowers, the border moulding and lines being all gilded; the 
margins cream-colour throughout. The moulded rim of the 
lantern light, which is painted and gilded to correspond, is 
40 feet diameter. The sash is formed of gilt moulded ribs 
radiating from a central medallion, in which the Royal mono- 
gram is alternated with the Imperial Crown. 

«The cornice, from which the dome springs, is massive 
and almost wholly gilded, the frieze being formed into panels 
bounded by lines terminating at the ends with a gilt fret 
ornament. Hach compartment of the dome is marked by a 

' bold enriched gilt console, which forms at once the support 

of the main rib and the base for a colossal marble statue, a 
series of which it is proposed to place on the cornice. 
«“ Between the cornice and the floor the space is filled with 

_ the bookcases and galleries of access, the cornice, standards, 
_ and railings of which are wholly gilded, the panels of the sof- 

fites of the latter being blue, having gilded ornaments therein. 


‘* The tables and enclosures are of wainscot, the chairs of 
mahogany, the floors being covered with kamptulicon. 

“The main entrance into the new Reading-room is direct 
from the Great Hall, and there are secondary entrances for 
the officers from the King’s Library and the Great Northern 
Library rooms, through which all books are conveyed to 
the centre of the Reading-room, whence they are distributed, 

‘“‘The amalgamation of the several catalogues, which are 
drawn up on various plans, into one catalogue prepared on a 
uniform plan, is proceeding rapidly. Letters A, B, C, D, 
E, F constitute about one-third of the entire catalogue, and 
this portion, completed, will be placed in the new Reading- 
room on its opening ; it will be comprised in nearly 500 
volumes. The completion of this Herculean work is now 
under the responsible superintendence of Mr. J. Winter 
Jones, the successor of Mr. Panizzi in the keepership of the 
department of printed books, Mr. Panizzi being now the 
Principal Librarian.” 

‘* The architect, Mr. Smirke, has the merit of the pre- 

paration of the original and first designs. The contractors, | 

Messrs. Baker dnd Fielder, share no common deserts in their 
professional labours. Indeed the skill, perseverance, and in- 
genious resources of their managing partner, Mr. Fielder, 
have been beyond all praise. It is gratifying to record that 
such a vast and lofty building has been completed without 
loss of a single life or any serious accident.” The warming 
and ventilating arrangements have been carried out by Messrs. 
Haden of Trowbridge. 


We will now proceed to describe more at length the | 

internal fittings and arrangements of the Reading-room, 
which will be better understood by reference to the plan 
which forms the frontispiece to this paper. A, on the plan, 
shows the circular enclosure occupied by the Superintendent, 
the Clerk, and the attendants. The Trustees, having suc- 
ceeded in providing for the public a Reading-room superior 


scene A A ES i SS 



in its construction and appointments to all other buildings 
of the same class, have determined to afford the readers 
every possible facility in the prosecution of their various 
inquiries. With this view they have selected one of the 
superior officers of the Library, and placed the general 
management of the Reading-room in his hands. This officer 
is also charged with the special duty of assisting the 
readers in their researches ; and, from his central position 
in the Reading-room, will be readily accessible to all, and 
able to superintend the whole service. This gentleman, 
possessing a large store of miscellaneous information, an 
extensive acquaintance with the languages and literature of 
modern Europe, and an intimate knowledge of the contents 
of the Library, is eminently qualified to discharge the duties 
confided to him to the great advantage of the readers. It is 
anticipated that, by this arrangement, the Trustees will meet a 
want which has been long felt, and will infinitely increase the 
utility of the National Library to all who desire to consult it. 

B indicates the catalogue-tables, which are arranged 
round the Superintendent’s enclosure. In addition to the 
catalogues, these tables will be furnished with printed 
tickets, containing on one side the regulations to be ob- 
served by the readers in applying for and returning the 
manuscripts and printed books they desire to use, and on 
the other a form to be filled up with certain particulars 

" relating to the works they send for. 

C represents the tables. These are 35 in number; eight 

are 34 feet long, and accommodate 16 readers, 8 on each 
| side; nine are 30 feet long, and accommodate 14 readers, 

7 on each side; two are 30 feet long, and accommodate 
8 readers each, viz. 7 on one side and 1 on the other; these 

_ two tables are set apart for the exclusive use of ladies ; 
sixteen other tables are 6 feet long, and accommodate 2 

readers each ; these have no divisions between them, and 
are fitted up with rising desks of a large size for those 

readers who may have occasion to consult works beyond 
the usual dimensions. 


oS NE AE SE Oe SE onan ban wen 

E, F, D show the openings leading from the North 
Library and the King’s Library to the New Reading-room, 
When readers have filled up their tickets they hand them to 
the attendants in the central enclosure, by whom they are 
passed to other attendants, whose duty it is to fetch the 
printed books or manuscripts from the shelves of the libra- 
ries. Through these openings, D, E, and F, the books are 
brought to the central enclosure, and thence conveyed by 
the Reading-room attendants to the readers ; the readers’ 
tickets, filled up as above described, being then deposited in 
boxes constructed for the purpose within the superin- 
tendent’s enclosure, and retained until the books they 
respectively describe have been returned by the readers, 
when the tickets are given up. 

The book-presses under the gallery are filled with a large 
library of reference for the use of the readers, comprising 
most of the standard works on the various branches of J 
learning, and an extensive collection of dictionaries of all |} 
languages, biographical works, encyclopedias, parliamentary } 
histories, topdégraphical works, &c. &c. These books, 
which are about 20,000 in number, the readers can consult ~ 
at pleasure without filling up tickets for them. 

On each side of the passage from the Entrance Hall, 
through which the readers enter, officers will be vlacedsil 
charged with the duty of seeing that no persons pass to the 
Reading-room who are not Bae with the necessary 
ticket of admission. 




and will be continued until the Tr 
familiarly laid before the Public; t 
contents than can be otherwise obtal 
and time which few are able to affol 
distance from the Metrepolis, whose 
visiting it impossible, or at least unlib 





ures of this Great National Storehous 
giving a more intimate knowledge ¢ 



and - 
and t 


The British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

Tue object ofthe articles in this publication relating 
tothe British Museum, is an. attempt to introduce the 
general visitor to a more ready and intimate knowledge 
- its treasures, natural, antiquarian, ‘scientific, and 

‘barbaric, than can be otherwise obtained, except by 
study and a devotion of life and time, which few are able 
to afford. As.the spectator passes through the im- 
mense collection with the synopsian guide in his hand, 
which however well it is designed, is necessarily but a 
_| catalosue of its contents, his imagination becomes con- 
fused with the multiplicity and grandeur of the objects 
presented to his sight... On referring to his guide he in 
yain seeks for instruction, for some explanation of the 
‘objects he’ sees, and of the greater part of which he is 
entirely. unacquainted ; all he finds are the names of the 

© ett ale, = oe 

migmas; and though he may admire the wonderful 
‘reations of nature, the primeval attempts of barbarian 
genius, or the unequalled perfection of antiquarian art 
yet in general he sees them but as the passive dreams 
of imagination ; their. volubility is. diminished or lost. 
Is will in this attempt be our endeavour, in some mea- 
ure, to remedy this, not only by giving a passing de- 
scription of the entire contents of this unrivalled esta- 
blishment, but. by selecting some excelling portion of 
every class, by which a general yet more perfect know- 
ledge of the whole may be obtained, and thus that which 
for the reasons alleged is general seen but as a 
strange yet interesting show, may become better com- 
prehended and known. Of those subjects in the collec- 
tion which more particularly excite notice and mark each 
‘class, engravings-are given, in which all meritorious 
‘ornament or attempt at effect is avoided, and only true’ 
and exact representations are given. | | 

bs = 

ne (ame 

——$$$_— Fr 

f This ancient building in which the British Museum 
is formed was the mansion of the Duke of Mon- 
tague, in London, in the reign of Queen Anne; it 

was built by him on a French plan, on his return 
from his embassy in France ; the architect was Peter 
Paget, a native of Marseilles. His reputation as an 
artist was great at the time. It succeeded an edi- 
fice which was designed by Dr. Hook in 1674, and 
which was destroyed by fire two years after ; the length 
is two hundred and sixteen feet, and the height to the 
cornice is fifty-seven. It consists of one quadrangle, 
the south side of which is in the same style as. Bur- 
jington-house, and has an Ionic colonnade; the wings 
are the dwellings of the officers connected with the esta- 
blishment; the edifice itself possesses neither beauty nor 
convenience ; the exterior wall and entrance has the 
heavy elevation of baronial pride, and the interior of 
the court has the same character. Immediately within 
the entrance of the main body of the building, on the 
northern side, is a large and lofty hall and staircase, 
decorated in fresco by Rousseau and Le Fosse—the first 
the apotheosis of Isis, and the assembly of the gods by 
the last. They are masterly designed and executed, but 
neglect more than age, perhaps, has almost entirely de- 
faced them. ~~ 

At the time of the formation of the Museum in 1752, 
in conformity to the will of the celebrated Sir Hans 
Sloane, (who left his museum to the nation, on condition 
that the parliament provided a house sufficiently adapted 
for its reception, and also paid to his executors the sum 
of twenty thousand pounds for that which had cost him 
fifty, ) the institution was formed. To this collection, which 
at that time was of far greater importance than it is at 
the present day, and was then classed among the first 
in Europe, others were added, at the time, by order of 
parliament, which, with the purchase of the building 
united, amounted to the sum of eighty-five thousand 
pounds. This sum was raised by way of lottery. 

Being immediately under the care of government, 
the concerns of the Museum are conducted by fifteen 
trustees, who rank among the highest and most ho- 
nourable officers of the state. This noble col!ection con- 
tains, besides the Sloanian museum, the libraries of Sir 
Robert Cotton, and Major Edwards, the celebrated Har- 

leian collection of manuscripts, the Greek and Etruscan 
ce ST ae RR th wp abd fy (ea re rh ee Dra ee Poy eS aa ee, i) eee Mai Dees 

reliefs which were collected by Mr. '‘fownly, the manu- 
scripts of the late Marquis of Lansdowne, and the unique 
spoils celebrated through all antiquity of the Parthenon 
at Athens, the celebrated temple of Minerva called the 
Elgin marbles. The whole library of the books and 
manuscripts collected by the kings of England, from the 
reign of Henry the Seventh to William the Third, was 
presented to it by George the Second. A collection of 
pamphlets published between 1640 and 1660, and con- 
taining all the political occurrences of that eventful 
period was given to it by George the Third, also by 
George the Fourth the celebrated royal library which 
had been collected by his father. In 1803, that collec- 
tion of Egyptian antiquities which had been sedulously 
chosen by the savans of Napoleon in his invasion of 
Egypt, were, after the capitulation of Alexandria, de- 
posited here by government, Among later acquisitions 
are Greenwood’s collection of stuffed birds, Halked’s 
minerals, and oriental manuscripts, Tyssend’s collection 
of Saxon coins, Dr, Bentley’s classics, the Greville col- 

lection of minerals, Dr. Birch’s library, Gustayus 
Branders’ collection of fossils, and the collection of 
classics by Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq., and Sir William Mus- 
grave; also a splendid collection of books, prints, 
coins, medals, shells, and gems, which were bequeathed 
by the Rev. Mr. Crecherode, and many other private 
donations from various quarters. 

On entering the court-yard of the Museum, the atten- 
tion of the visitor is attracted by some remains of anti- | 
quity which meet his view ; among them is one which} 
more particularly deserves notice, as it is, perhaps, the 

most ancient relic of naval architecture of our ancestors ||__ 

which has reached our time. It is a canoe or boat which 
some few years ago was discovered at Petworth, in Sussex, 
on the estate of the late Earl of Egremont. In the left 
bank of the river Arun, at the village of North Stoke, 
three miles from Arundel, near the South Downs, in aj 
meadow between the villages of North and South Stoke, 

where the river takes a turn ina creek that runs into it, 
there this canoe was found embedded in the mud, one 
part was completely buried, and the other was visible 
about two feet under water. From time immemorial it 
had been thought to be the stump of an old tree, and 

1 was allowed to remain there, a8 it formed a support for 

one end of a flat wooden bridge which connected the 
two meadows, the same as are generally employed in 
like situations. Thus situated, and thus considered, it 

| formed no impediment to the flow of water which passed 

in front,and it remained undisturbed. About 20 years ago 
a farmer who wanted theland, thought proper to straiten 
the line by cutting off the curved part; this brought the 
flow of water angularly across the old piece of timber, 
and he cut away as much of the wood as intercepted the 
drain. A bridge soon after having been built higher up, 
it was thought proper to remove the old piece of timber, 
or old tree, as it was supposed. Uponthe labourers em- 
ployed to effect this, finding how large it was, they 
attached eleven horses to it by an iron chain, and then, 
with great difficulty, drew it to the land, with its load 
of mud and flint. Its real form and character were then , 
discernible ; it proved to be one halfof the stem of a large 
oak, hollowed and cut into the shape of a canoe. The ex- 
treme toughness of its substance is shown, that although 
its thickness is but four inches and a half at the bottom 
of the vessel, and the stem to which the chain was fas- 
tened, and by which it was drawn up the sloping bank, 

jis elevated four feet, while the opposite end was in the 

water, with its load of mud init, it still resisted the action 
and counteraction of these forces in safety, and was 
drawh entire to the flat surface. The size of this vessel 
is as follows:—Its length is thirty-four feet, its depth 
one foot ten inches, the width in the middle four feet six, 
and its thickness at the bettom four inches and a-half; 
one foot and a-half at the stem, and one foot eight inches 
at the stern, and the sides one inch and a half. At the 
bottom three bars are left at different distances, which 
serve to strengthen the whole, and give a firm footing 
to those who worked the vessel. It has no appearance 
of its having had a rudder attached to it; but there is a 
notch, which probably has been for the oar which guided 

it. Of its antiquity there are but slight means of judging ; 
but its blackened condition and fibrous texture prove, 
like that of wood buried in bogs, that it must have been 
for ages immersed in water. The extreme simplicity of 
its construction indicates that it must have been the pro- 
duction of an early and rude condition of man. It is of 
much greater antiquity than the vessel found some years 
since in the bed of the Rother, as it has the appearance 
of having been hollowed by fire. From a combination 
of circumstances, it may, with safety, be regarded as a 
relic of the aboriginal Britons, and wrought before or 
soon after the arrival of the Romans. 

Passing from the court-yard to the entrance-hall of 
the “Museum, a variety of objects strike the eye, which 
are well worthy of observation. On the right hand, the 
figure of a celebrated.E astern philosopher and. saint is 
seen, and deserves attention, not only from) the singu- 
larity of the sculpture, but as the representation of a man 
who, in all probability, existed prior to the age of Moses, 
or the earliest of ‘Hebrew prophets and leaders... The 
statue itself bears marks of considerable antiquity ; and 
as the Hindoos and Birmans are ‘religiously and strictly 
bound neyer to alter the representation of their deities or 
prophets, it probably is the copy of one of earlier date, 
All the statues of this saint, which are known throughout 
Hindostan and the more eastern parts of Asia, bear 
close resemblance to each other. A brief account of his 
doctrines, which though now, as many others in the 
present age, are in some degree corrupted, may not be 
misplaced here. 

EA 2G 
Ci ER S 

This is the statue of the celebrated Gaudma, Godama, 
Boagh, or Budda. By these different names is he known 
in various parts of Hindostan, and particularly in the 
Birman empire. Godemana is the common appellation 
in India beyond the Ganges. It is said by the Bramins, 
that it signifies wise man or sage. It is supposed that 
this Godama or Gaudma, was originally an Indian Prince, 
deified by superstition. There exists an ancient treatise, 
which gives an account of the religious principles of 
Gaudma: itis entitled “ Zorado.” He is there said to have 
attained divinity at the age of thirty-five, and to have 
preached his law for forty-five years, and to have taught 
salvation to all human beings. According to this trea- 
tise, cited by Dr. Buchan, his doctrines and his laws 
chiefly consist in observing five commandments, and 
abstaining from ten sins. The five commandments are 

,as follow :—First,—From the meanest insect, up to man, 
thou shalt kill no animal whatever. Second,—Thou 
shalt not steal. Third,—Thou shalt not violate the wife 
or- concubine of another. Fourth,—Thou shalt tell 
nothing false. Fifth,—Thou shalt drink neither wine or 
anything that will intoxicate, nor eat opium or other 

Den See: ee Li: is ee ees eee ee Mien Pe ee» it, ba So ee ones 

Rs A>. 

liable to poverty, or other misfortunes and calamities. 
The ten sins consist in the slaying of animals, in theft, | 
falsehood, adultery and discord, harsh and indignant 
language, idle and superfluous talk, the coveting of your 
neighbour’s goods, envy,and the desire of your neighbour's 
death or misfortune, and the following the doctrine of 
false gods. Every one who abstains from these sins 
shall successively increase in virtue through all his suc- 
cessive transmigrations through different worlds, and at 
length he will become worthy of beholding his Creator, 
and hearing his great voice. He will also be exempted 
from the four human miseries—poverty, old age, disease, 
and death. The good works required are the giving 
alms, and thoughtfully pronouncing three words. Who- 
ever dies without abstinence and good works here pre- 
scribed, will certainly pass into one of the infernal states, 
and be doomed to certain transmigrations of evil. The 
priests of Gaudma. are called, in the Burmese language, 
Rahans, and they have likewise bestowed on them the 
title of Tomora or Pamora, which is likewise applied to 
the images of the divinity, when he is represented—as 
he generally is—in a priestly habit. Gaudma com- 
manded his images and relics to be constantly washed ; 
the most celebrated of his temples have what is singular 
as resemblipg the Egyptian, a pyramidal form, TIlis 
‘images are of all materials—of copper, gold, clay, silver, 
or alabaster. Many, like this in the Museum, are richly 
eilt, and adorned with paintings of flowers ; they are of 
different sizes, but all in the same position, and bear re- 
semblance to each other ; and there is placidity and peace 
to be observed in the countenance of all, Among other 
objects of great veneration of the followers of Gaudma, } 
are stones of large dimensions, one of which is seen 
with the figure in the Museum, on which the impression 


at ee a 


of his foot is represented, covered with various hiero- 
elyphics. The principal disciples or followers of Gaudma 
are considered as saints, and his figure is generally ac- 
companied by many of them in priestly habits. Every 
true disciple prays before he goes to rest, and before he 
rises in the morning at the dawnof day. Friday is with 
them considered as unfortunate, and on it they under- 
take no business; they keep holy no particular day of the 
week, and make offerings on the phases of the moon, 
especially at the full and change; which may be con- 
sidered as the Gaudma Sabbaths. This sect esteem the 
opinion of a Divine Being, who created the universe, to 
be highly impious; and, accordingly, his followers are, 
strictly speaking, atheists, as they suppose everything 
to arise from fate and necessity, and their gods are 
merely men who, by their virtues, acquire supreme hap- 
piness, and by their wisdom become entitled to impose 
law on all human beings. 

In this Hall are 
several statues: 
that of Shakes- 
peare, by Roubil- 
liac, is sculptured 
with all the exqui- 
site skill of that 
celebrated artist, 

time possesses all | 
the faults of his | 
school. - The only 
authentic lkeness 
which exists of 
that great master 
of the heart, which | 
this statue is in-| 
‘tended to repre-/ 
sent, is his bust) 
t Stratford-upon-- 
Avon, to which {ll 
this bears no re- 
semblance. The 
countenance of the lll] 
figure here has no 
trace of genius; it is rather that of a bon vivant, “a 


good fellow,” it seems, joining in bacchanalian chorus. 
The figure is that of a stout, well-fed, dull gour- 
mand, whose name and wit is forgotten after his depar- 
ture, and not that of one who “ will live through all time.” 
The figure is fat, awkward, and puny. The habiliments 
are not those of the age in which he lived, but rather the 
aldermanic finery of the sculptor’s day. Thestatue of Sir J. 
Banks, by Chantrey is finely executed; it shows the talent 

of that artist; the character of the naturalist is drawn. 
The countenance is intellectual, and displays genius and 
research. © 

In the same hall, and close to the statue of Shake- 
speare, is that of the Honourable Anne Seymour 
Damer, of which the accompanying is a sketch. She 
was a lady of some fortune, and a liberal patroness 0 f 
sculpture, for which she had no little taste, and is even | 
reported to have herself wielded the chisel. The statue 1s} 

by Westmacott, but the 
miniature of the figure of 
“¢ Father Thames,” placed 
in her arms, is said to have 
been sculptured by herself. 
| There are many persons 
who consider it very pro- 
blematical, and are inclined 
to the opinion that Mr. 
Westmacott was its artist, 
and flattered the vanity of 
the lady by allowing it to 
be supposed that it was 
her production. As Mr. 
Westmacott, however, ad- 
heres to the opposite as- 
| sertion, it is only just that 
due credence should be 
given to him. Be this 
doubt as it may, the work 
of art is one of some 
merit, and deserves con- 
siderably more notice than 
has hitherto been given 
to it. 

In passing into the passage which leads to the Gallery 
of Sculptures, are some of the largest animals known. 
Among them are three of the genus Rhinoceros, of 
Southern Africa; they were obtained for the Museum 
from the Association for Exploring Central Africa. One 
of them, the Rhinoceros Kitloa, was before unknown. 
This animal, called the Rhinoceros unicornus, or “ one 
horned,” is of the class Mammalia ; it is distinguished 
into two species by the number of its horns, That 
} which has but one horn ranks among the largest of the 
quadrupeds ; in size of body he is equal to the ele- 
phant ; his height is, however, less, his legs being 
_jshorter ; near the extremity of the nose he has a single 
horn, which is black and smooth. This is sometimes 
three feet and a half in length; it forms the peculiar 

character of his race. He has a disproportionate upper 
lip, which hangs over the lower one, and terminates in 
a point; and the animal, by the assistance of the muscles, 
moves it with great dexterity in collecting his food and 
conveying it to y his mouth, The nostrils are in a transverse 
direction ; the ears are pointed and large; the skin is 
rough and nearly naked of covering, and, ‘about the neck, 
is gathered into immense folds; a “fold extends between 
the shoulders and fore legs, and another from the hinder 
part of the back to the thighs; the disproportionate 
‘size of the legs make the body, from its great bulk, 
hang low; "the breadth of the feet do not exceed 
the size of the legs. This animal was known to the 
ancients ; Pliny mentions it as an animal that, in the 
games given by Pompey, appeared in the circus at 
Rome, and was brought to combat with an elephant, 
against which it was an unequal foe. It is described by 
Aristotle, and is mentioned by the historian of Alex- ) 
ander as one of the strange animals met with in their 
march in India. It isa native of Bengal, Siam, and 
Cochinchina; also is found in China and in the islands; 
of Java and Sumatra. It isa stupid, solitary animal 
—fond of shady forests adjoiming rivers, and wet and 
marshy plains are his favourite haunts, unless attacked. 
Its temper is mild and inoffensive, but provoked, its 
rage is desperate and dangerous, It reaches the age of 
fifty or sixty years. During the first month, the young 
one is not larger than a dog: ; the horn is at first i imper- 
ceptible, but increases by slow degrees. At the age of 
two years, he has hardly attained his height. His eyes 
are small, and his sight is dull; but he possesses the 
sense of smelling and hearing in great perfection. ‘The 

Se a ge ee i ee en ee ee ee eae | 

prickly shrubs. The skin has been said to be impreg- 
nable to a bullet, but it is not the case. In taste, his 
flesh resembles pork. : 

Before the window on the left is a Hippopotamus. 

This animal, which derives its name from sos, a 
horse, evorajzo¢, a river, is called the river-horse or sea- 
cow ; its head is of enormous size, and the mouth very 
large ; the ears are pointed and small; the hair on the 
bedy thin, yet very strong, and the colour a dusky 
brown; his bulk is next to the elephant, being 17 feet 
in length, and the circumference of his body is some- 
times 15; his legs about three feet; the girth of his 
head, which is converse, is near nine, and his mouth 
will open two feet wide; the teeth of the lower jaw are 
very long, and so hard, that they strike fire with steel 
—this probably gave rise to the report among the an- 
cients, that the Hippopotamus vomited fire from his 
mouth. They inhabit the banks of the African rivers, 
from the Niger to the Bergruin, not many miles north 
of the Cape, near the rivers of which they for- 
merly abounded, but have been nearly exterminated. 
From his great bulk, he moves unwillingly on land, 
also from the shortness of his legs; he easily takes the 
water, which he prefers, and sinks to the bottom, on 
which he walks ; he cannot, however, long remain. 

under it.. A shy animal, he seeks it as much for con- 

cealment as comfort; in day-time, so fearful of being 

discovered, that he inhales the tresh air in places where 
he is hardly perceptible; if wounded, he attacks the 

boats with fury, and sinks them by biting large pieces 

= 20 Lh Ea ee Ly Ty ES ee ie TR Chasers | he eat ty ea Te et 

‘hor will the affinity be less 

ous in water, but, turned on land, their nature is mild, 
though a dangerous animal to meet. The way he is 
taken is by pit-falls, which are covered over. The 
Romans were acquainted with the Hippopotamus ; the 
Emperor Augustus had one in his triumph over Cleo- 
patra. He is the behemoth of Job, who admirably de- 
scribes his manners, food, and haunts— Behold now, 
behemoth, he eateth grass like an ox ; now his strength 
is in his horns; his bones are strong, his teeth are 
pieces of brass; he lyeth under the shady trees in the 
covert of the rude fens ; behold, he drinketh up a river; 
he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.” 

The British Museum Explained and Illustratea. 

Sriix lingering on the ground-fioor, the eye rests upon | 

a most ingeniously executed specimen of Hindoo sculp- 
ture, discovered onthe banks of thesacred river Nerbudda, 
which winds through the southern portion of Hindos- 
tan to an gxtent of nearly 
seven hundred miles. Itmost 
probably formed a portion of 
some ancient temple, many 
having formerly been erected 
on the margin of the Ner- 
budda. This frragment sug- 
gests at first view a strong 
resemblance to the ancient 
sculpture of the Egyptians; 

apparent, when a closer ¢xa- 
mination is made. In the 
edifices of both we find the && 
prevalent use of colossal sta- (==Ls 
tues placed against piers or [oe — di 
walls ; sometimes closely attached to, or sculptured on 
them, and which may therefore be considered quite as 
much to form part of the general embellishment as_spe- 
cific objects of adoration. In both we find (as aboye) 
caryatid figures usurping the place of columns, and, in- 
deed, figures human and animal, enter as much into the 

have done in the Egyp- 
tian. Looked upon in the 
light of an interesting 
relic of antiquity, there- 
fore, this fragment 
claims especial attention. 

On ascending the first 
staircase, the landing - 
presents to our view se- 
veral interesting objects 
of attraction. Amongst 
these, the most promi- 
nent is the Llama, an 
animal bearing a strong 
resemblance to the Ca- 
mel, and, like the Camel, 
used in its native coun- 
try (South America) as 
a beast of burthen. Its 
utility to the natives may be inferred from the fact 
of this animal being able to supply them with both food 
and raiment; its flesh being equal to our mutton, and 
its hair or wool capable of being woven into cloth that 
a modern dandy need not be ashamed of wearing. The 
Llama can carry with ease a hundred pounds or more, 
-and can travel at the rate of four or five leagues a day ; 
but according to the testimony of a Spanish writer, one 
De Zarate, it would seem that their manners sadly re- 
quire the intervention of some quadrupedal Lord Ches- 
terfield, to whom the mission might be confidently en- 
trusted. The following is Zarete’s account of the mat- 
ter :—‘* Whea Llamas are fatigued, they lie down, and 
the load must be taken off, forneither beating nor help 
will make them get up. Their weariness is manifested 
in a very disagreeable way, for when a man is on one 
of them, and the beast is pressed under such circum- 
stances, it turns its head and immediately discharges its 
saliva, which has a bad odour, into its rider’s face.” 
Now if that be not the very height pf animal impudence, 
we should like to know what is: but we must still pro- 

Yonder, on the second landing-place, is a fine speci-. 
men of the Musk Ox, procured in the late arctic expe- 
dition from Melville Islands, and presented by the 
fnaeAaeaoe fas Adaasenifesr of sm camimon: hath. to the 



Kiel NTL ih at 
Bom ose 


| i 

of Thibetand China, in which latter places it is procured 
with less trouble, and esteemed of more value. The 
musk, which is contained in a bag attached to the ab- 
domen of the male musk animal, is solid, in grains of 
different sizes, and of a strong, acrid, disagreeable fla- 

A \ NN 

vour. A single grain of musk has been known to con- | 

stantly fill the air of one apartment with a sensible im- 
pregnation for fifty years, without its weight being 
perceptibly diminished. How musk possesses such ex- 
traordinary powers of scent, is not, indeed, very accu- | 

rately ascertained ; but the best chemical analysts have | 

supposed it to proceed from a process of putrefaction 
going on at the time the odour is emitted. 

In juxta-position with the Musk Ox we find the 
Polar Bear—a magnificent animal, brought home by 

Captain (now Sir John) Ross, from the Melville Islands, 
in his first voyage to the North Pole in the year 1818, 
This is a fair sample of the Ursine race generally, and 
may be looked upon as giving 4 tolerable idea of their | 
usual dimensions. They abound in Nova Zembla, 
Greenland, and the coasts of Baftin’s and Hudson’s 
Bay, but none have ever yet been seen on the shores of 
the White Sea. ‘Their diet chiefly consists of the fioat- 
ine carcases of whales and other marine animals ; but 
that the Polar Bear can subsist equally well ou vege- 

———____—. as eee 
northern district of Siberia, and to the warmer region 


| table diet, was proved in the case of two which thrived 


for years in the French menagerie, without being per- 
mitted to touch animal food. The individual kept in the 
Tower during the reign of Henry HT. seems to have been 
indulged in food more congenial to their habits, for there 
are two ofthe king’s writs extant, in choice Latin, "directing 
the sheriffs of London to furnish fourpence a- day “ for our 
white bear in our Tower of London and his keeper,” 
and to provide a muzzle and iron chain to hold him 
when out of the water, and a long and strong rope to 
hold him when he is fishing in the Thames. This pro- 
vision for animals by “ act of Parliamént” is a subject 
that has escaped the attention of our modern legislators, 
though we fear acts as arbitrary and for as little purpose 
are to be found receiving the royal assent every day. 
Over the Musk Ox, we see the Striped Antelope of 
Pennant, from the Cape of Good Hope, an animal whose 
grace and agility have passed into preverbs. Generally 
speaking antelopes are gregarious, and their vision and 
smell are so acute as to compel the hunter to use the 
greatest caution and circumspection to bring them within 
range of the gun. The names, indeed, by which the 
animals themselves have been distinguished i in all lan- 
guages, have direct reference to this ¢ greatness of sight, 
and to the brilliancy of their large black eyes, which 
\form their most conspicuous feature. But here on the 
se of the Polar Bear we find the Elk, a species of deer, 
¢ Nefly found in North America, and a noble animal it 
:s! There is, or was lately, one in the Zoological 
ens, Regent’s Park, but this is deemed in size 

and appearance infinitely superior. Their flesh is| 

good but coarse ; eating lke tough venison, and the 
tongue and nose are often to be procured at the 
tables of the great, where they are esteemed deli- 
cacies. They feed on the young leaves and branches 
of trees, and may be considered harmless animals enough 
unless provoked, and then the hair on the back of the 
Elk, bristling up like the mane of a lion, gives him a 
wild and frightful appearance. An Elk-chase forms a 
scene of the most animated description. The pictu- 
resque garb of the hunters, the sterile tracks and prairies 
through which they follow their prey, the dangers of the 
morass and the pitfall, and above all the clare of the 
torches shedding a red unearthly light over the wild 
country traver sed in the depth of night, all combine to 
render an Elk-chase one of the most exciting scenes 
that the imagination can picture, and which par ticipation 
in its excitement alone can appreciate. 

Here are a few objects of a different nature, which, 
however, must not be permitted to pass unnoticed. 
They divide the animals above mentioned. The first is 
the trunk of an arborescent fern, brought from the 

‘mountains to the eastward of Silhet in Bengal, and is 

upwards of forty-five feet in height. By its side is 
placed a transverse section of another arborescent fern, 
and near it is a species of palm, growing in South Ame- 
rica. But by far the most conspicuous objects on the 
upper landing-place are a male and female Giraffe, or 
cameleopard, from South Africa, and another giraffe pre- 
sented by the Trustees of the Hunterian Collection, and 
which last was the first ever seen in tiis country. The 
groupe is completed by a young Indian Elephant and a 
Malay Tapir, which, as we shall hereafter again have to 
speak of these animals, may remain without farther 
description for a few chapters at least. These terminate 
the animal curiosities of the first landing; and here we 
would entreat the visitor to pause awhile. Let him re- 
member that he is on the eve of witnessing all the 
most striking objects that nature and art can furnish, 
—that he is on the threshold of a spot where human en- 
terprise has brought from every clime and every coun- 
try something to attract the eye and interest the mind. 

Where, trom the rudest indications of barbaric skill on 
the one hand, to the highest manifestations of civilized 
ingenuity on the other, man has brought into action 
those glorious attributes with which his Creator has en- 
‘dowed him, and has thus established his claim to the | 
ttle of ‘‘ Creation’s Lord.” Here the tenants of the 

forest and the denizens of the plain have alike found a | 
resting-place ; here the peaceable and the ferocious re- | 
main in quiet contact. For this has Nature surrendered | 
her stores, Art exhausted its ingenuity, Enterprise ran- 

sacked the treasures of the earth, Discovery lent its aid 

to diversify the scene, and Antiquity displayed its 
choicest relics even though embedded in the rust of 
ages. Let him:emember to prize—to appreciate—the 
‘Information he will gain, and, like a careful economist, 
preserve the pearls of wisdom collected in his youth, 
to be the pride and ornament of his old age. 

The British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

THE necessary alterations that have from time to 

time been made in the Museum, have also. forced upon | 

the trustees the necessity of improving the exterior, and | 
for the better attainment of this object, a new entrance | 
and more noble quadrangle has been constructed and 
nearly completed, at the back of the one now standing 
of which we have previously given an illustration. The 
unfinished state in which it at present remains, through 
the parsimony of the late government in withholding the 
funds, renders any attempt at graphic or particular « des- 
cription impossible ; but as doubtless some years will 
still elapse before the public are honoured with a view 
of it, this is the less necessary.” When sufficient money 
is forthcoming to enable those who are employed to 

soceed with the works, the old entrance will be re- 

Ce a eS i on PE 

moved, and this appear in its stead, the annexed wood- 
cut giving a very faithful depiction of the new quad- 
rangle as ‘far as it has yet been finished. The edifice 
was originally projected from the designs of Mr. R. 
Smirke, and savours chiefly of the Ionic order. The 
facade is ornamented in the centre with a pedimented 
portieo of six columns, and has a single line of square 
windows with pilasters between those on either side of 
the portico. The exterior of the west wing is also de- 
corated with a portico, but has no pilasters; and the 
east wing, as far as it has been completed, presents a 
corresponding appearance. At the north-east and north- 
west angles are spacious stone staircases, which appear 
severally intended to serve as separate places of ingress 
and egress, a plan which, however it may detract from 

the majestic aspect of the building, will certainly} 
materially increase the comfort of the visitors, inasmuch | 

as no confusion amongst them can then possibly arise. 




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But, however, it is with the first room that our bust- [ 
ness at present lies; and here we find many objects to 
arrest our attention. The ceiling of this apartment is 
ornamented in the same style as that of the staircase, 
and is, indeed, a continuation of the same story, both 
representing the fable of Phaeton borrowing the Horses 
ofthe Sun. The painter was Charles de ‘Rosse, who 
had the reputation of being one of the best colourists of 
the French school. 

In the first case, which chiefly contains the artificial 
curiosities of uncivilized tribes and nations, we find some 
singular Esquimaux dresses, brought home by Captain 
Sir Edward Parry, on his return from the arctic expe- 
dition in 1822. It is to this enterprisimg gentleman, 
indeed, that we are indebted for various other articlesin 
this collection: amongst which we find a whalebone net 
used by the Esquimaux to lay under their beds, to pro- 
tect them from the snow ; a wooden bowl, remarkable 
as being fashioned without the aid of iron tools ; a cup 
and spoon, made out of the horns of the musk ox ; some 
arms, of nat very formidable appearance; and a culinary| 
vessel and lamp, hewn out of solid stone. But the most | 
interesting object here, as manifesting the early appli- 
cation of scientific principles amongst a nation scarcely 
one remove from barbarism, is that of a pair of eye- 
shades, formed of bone, which is the simple yet effec- 
tive instrument employed by the Esquimaux to defend 
their eyes from the too intense light reflected by the 
snow. As may be perceived, they have a small narrow 
aperture in the centre, and are capable of being fixed 
near the eyes by a thong, or strip of skin, passing round 
the head; so that, w hen they are worn, no light can 
possibly enter the pupil of either eye excepting through 
the small openings of these rude yet curiously con- 
structed spectacles. Above the case is placed a sledge 
brought from Baffin’s Bay by Captain Parry. 

We now come to 
what has been, from 
time immemorial, as 
great an object of at- 
tention amongst bar- 
barians, as amongst 
the more civilized in- 
habitants of this sub- 
lunary world—we 
allude to the article 
of dress. Let not 
the unsophisticated & 
reader delude himself 
into the belief, that 
the fopperies of dan- 
dyism are confined to 
the regions west of 
Temple Bar. The snow hut of the Esquim@UX contains 
as many evidences of the desire for outward show, as 
the gayest saloon in May Fair. Nor is this caened 
solely to the fairer sex. “Hemmed in by glittering ice- 
bergs, surrounded by mountains, upon wilde ate 
winter sits throned in perpetual snow, 
diademed with icicles, the Esquimaux is 
still to be seen wending his way in a gar- 
ment which, for the singularity and oddity 
of its appearance, Stultz might throw down 
his shears in absolute vexation, at not being 
able to equal. Butitis not to the coat 
alone we should confine our attention ; 
\ here is a boot, worthy of Hoby, that has 
been fashioned from deer-skin, and orna- 
mented with a leathern fringe, to gratify the vanity of 

‘the wearer. Both evince 2 peculiar aptitude to display 
he articles of dress to the greatest advantage. 
Inthe second case wefind similar articles of Esquimaux 
ipparel, of which the annexed illustrations will have 
‘siven an idea, anda landing-whalebone net, brought from 
Sotzebue Sound ; ; apair of boots belonging to a “female, 
rom Cape Thompson ; a dart-thrower from Point Barrow ; 
nd, in particular, a richly-carved paddle, from the Island 
f Tahiti ; or, as it has been more improperly, though 

| Scene Bakes (OOs5 haste ae alan A Tag a. Sra rd 

| fully finished, and was doubtless once the property of 
one of the Island chiefs. The ease and celerity with 
| which they guide themselves over the wide expanse of 
waters by the simple use of paddles of this construction 
is most remarkable, and excites wonder and admiration 
in the breasts of even the most civilized. 

The third case presents us with various specimens of 
cloth manufactured from the bark of the paper mul- 
berry tree, in the Sandwich Islands, some of: them with 
stamped patterns, executed by the islanders themselves. 
Approximating thereunto, is a sail made from the in- 
testines of the Walrus; and, near that, are two husks 
of the Walrus itself. Here, also, are some bows and 


arrows tipped with bone, from California; and a| 

small harpoon, with a moveable tip, adapted for spear: 
ing fish. 

Passing the fourth case, which contains chiefly boots 
remarkable for having divisions for the toes like gloves 
(probably on account of the power it would afford the 
wearer of taking up anything by his feet) we arrive at 
case the fifth, where a quiver formed of palm-leaves, and 
containing small poisoned arrows, challenges our atten- 
‘tion. These weapons were brought by Lieutenant Maw, 

R.N., from South America, where they are used by the 
Indians, who dwell on the banks of the great river 
Maranon and its branches. Their points have been 
dipped in the Worari poison, which causes death to 
ensue almost instantaneously, and, as it is said, without 
a pang or struggle. Weare informed by Dr. Hancock, 
who visited South America some ten years since, that 
the Worari is obtained from the Mavacuri, a plant 
resembling a gourd, and bearing a fruit the size and 

shape of a large orange, enclosed in a hard shell, which } 

is generally used to hold the poison when prepared. 
The small arrows, infected with this poison, are much 
employed by the Indians to kill birds, monkeys, and, 
strange to say, those animals that they destroy tor food. 
They are propelled through a small hollow reed by the 
breath ; and, it is alleced that there is not any certain 
antidote to the effects of this pernicious juice, albeit, 
salt and sugar are often employed for that purpose, 
and sometimes with success. 

Most of the objects in the next division speaking for 
themselves, we shall pass over them to take cognizance 
of the boat over these cases, which was brought by 

Captain Beechey from Behring’ s Straits. Itis a Green: 

lander’s kajak or fishimg-boat, and 1s intended omy sw: 
a single person. A skin covering is carefully attached 
to the gunwale of the boat, with an aperture in the mid- 
dle, through which the adventurous navigator intro- 
duces his body, and, sitting down, confines the skin 
with a band securely round his waist. In this way he 
is almost ready to bid defiance to any accident, for 
should his ight skiff be overset, no water can enter; 
and as it remains buoyant, a dexterous stroke of the! 
paddle will instantly right it, and he can proceed on the 
The ninth case introduces us to vessels displaying 
great variety of form, as the bottle with the singu-. 
larly distorted figure of a dwarf attached to it on the 
first shelf; and the quadru- 
ple vessel with the dwarf 
figure belonging to it on 
the second, will amply tes. 
tify. These were taken from 
the tombs of the aboriginal 
Peruvians; and above them _, 
'are ranged some Mexican g % 
antiquities that were pur- 
chased at the sale of the ARS 
Mexican Museum, formed Ayn 

vi ill a : 
by Mr. Bullock some years ie tn Pest ri) Fan 
oi . Laan a 1 J 
They chiefly consist ff we 

ago. y iW i Nigam we 
of small statues formed of @A Well: 
_various stones, and of rude SS 
workmanship. In the re- Di eA | 

maining cases are articles 
chiefly from the western coast 
of North America and the 
South Sea. Here is a breast- 

Rk Ak 


plate constructed im a most Baees|| | 

remarkable manner, with Ha 4 
eee a . #2 fees 

mother-of-pearl «and _ scales Beal 

of shells, and trimmed with IMs | 
feathers, forming part of an 
Otaheitan warrior’s dress. 
An inspection will well repay om AN 
‘the spectator, and prove the 

| vraisemblance of our illustration. 

Here, too, are some ornamental carvings from) the 
Friendly Islands, which, as the work of mere savages, 
are worthy of notice. 
The carving m all is 
most ingeniously exe- 
cuted. They are used 
to contain cavd, an ex- 
hilirating liquor, pre- 
pared in a way which 
we will not trust our- 
selves to describe. 

In cases nineteen and twenty are some whimsical dis- 
tortions of the human form, imitated in feathers gall- 
dily tinted. The grotesque head- 
piece, here given, will, with its 
strangely exaggerated. features, 
exhibit a tolerable idea of ihe 
skill possessed by the natives of 
the Sandwich Islands, but whe- 
ther they have been intended for, 
idols, or are merely ‘‘ the works 
of art” belonging to that coun- 
try, cannot be distinctly ascer- 
tained. If the latter supposition 
be correct, our Gilrays and Cruik- 
shanks may indeed “hide their 
diminished heads,” as no carica- § 
ture that ever emanated from the 
pencil of either, equalled the one now before us, An 
uninformed observer might well suppose one of Gulli- 
ver’s Brobdignag tribea0 immortalised by Swift—had 
undergone decapitation, and that this was the tr ophy ot 
the executioner. 

In the twenty-second case, on the second shelf, there 
are some pe- . 
culiar wooden 
bowls, with fan- 
tastic figures as 
ornamental sup- 
porters. These 
are from the 



a ee gi eK SW Oe 

some gavage Chantrey or Baillie. A == @y 
collection of these gathered together ) a \\ 

| 0 ) f N 
at an Indian banquet must present a @ q} p 
most extraordinary picture. They T i 


‘seem to evince, by the rudest indica- 
tions, the dawning of the sculptor’s 
art; displaying itself in the grotesque, 
rather than in the sublime and beauti- 
ful. These carvings, ridiculous as 
they may appear—absurd as they are, 
would form most important illustra- 
tions to a history of human nature, 
revealing the first bent of the savage emi = 
‘and untutored mind, and, like experience, serving as the 
beacon light attached to the stern of 'Time’s vessel, to 
scatter light over the dark track of ages through which 
_we have noiselessly sped. 

Ranged along the walls are weapons and offensive 
‘arms of every description. It is somewhat strange that, 
in all uncivilized countries when first discovered, the 
spirit of aggression seems uppermost, the principal 
attention and skill being displayed in articles of de- 
struction, rather than those of a more useful class. This 
will be sufficiently apparent on the most cursory glance 
being bestowed on the objects ; but, upon a closer ex- 
amination, the truth of this remark becomes manifest. 

The last, but not by any means least, object of curi- 
osity in this room is the original manuscript of the 
Great Charter (Magna Charta) granted by King John 
to his subjects at Runnymede, June 15, 1215. The 
authentic signature of the royal granter is attached $ 

gress in those days as it has in ours, we can feel but 
little surprise at the autograph being illegible. It was 
made out im order to be lodged in the archives of some 
great monastery or public office. Another of the origi- 
nals of this celebrated Charter, corresponding with the 

_ one before us, is preserved in the cathedral library at 

Salisbury. This we have here was procured by Sir 
Robert Cotton in the reign of James 1., when he was 

Be NAD oe a EO Ee eee Sy 

The British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

Tuer reader, as well as the visitor, must now make a 
sudden progression into the new apartments to which the 
animals, formerly in the old rooms, have been removed. 
Ascending the flight of steps leading to the Mammalia 
Salcon, forming part of what is at ‘present styled the 
Eastern Zoolosical Gallery, we find ourselves in a wide 
and spacious apartment, the cases in which are for the 
most part filled with specimens of the Simian tribe. 
These, all falling under the general title of mammalia, 

cannot fail to be yegarded with peculiar interest. . It is 
scarcely necessary to renmind the reader that quadrupeds 
supply us with the most precious of earthly gifts. The 
ample coverings of our fleecy flocks possess infinitely 
more value than the brightest gem that ever flashed 
lustre from an eastern diadem. Without the horse, the 
ox, the sheep, and the dog, our present condition would 
be the most wretched that can be imagined; our poli- 
tical, social, and commercial relations would undergo an 
Ov erwhelming revolution. Deprived of his rein-deer 
how would the Laplande r support his. “ sleepless 
summer of long night” or his snow-enshrouded winter ? 
Without the enduring camel the desert sands of Africa, 
if not lifeless solitudes would at least be impassable to 
the human race, and for all commercial purposes as use- 
less as an ocean without ships, Let it not therefore be 
considered we are devoting too great a space to the con- 
sideration of these objects, for although the race of 
monkeys may not exactly challenge the respectful atten- 
tion due to the more noble orders of animals, they de- 
mand, from their singular similarity in conformation to 
the human race an especial paper devoted to themselves. 

The animals of this very varied and extensive order, 
so familiarly known, inhabit the warmer regions of 
Asia, Africa, and America.” A single species remain 
as a ‘European representative on the rock of Gibraltar, 
either by descent as an indigenous animal, or by acci- 
dental importation from the opposing coast of Barbary, 
where itis extremely frequent. Their true and natural 

forests are filled with the animal world, courung tmeir 
grateful shades, silent and resting; and it is only in 

some deep glade “ afraid to glitter in the noontide 


beams,” that the screams of an awakened parrot or 
the gambols of some frolicsome monkey disturb the 
universal solitude. The food of this family may be 
called almost entirely vegetable. The accounts of 
their love for animal food, and relish for that of 
human beings, as related by several writers, must be 
placed amongst those fictions of imagination which have 
too often been mistaken for the records of truth. A taste 
for saccharine: repasts seems, however, to be their dis- 
tinguishing characteristic ; 
*¢ Destructive on the upland sugar groves 

The monkey nation preys; from rocky heights, 

In silent parties, they descend by night, 

And, posting watchful sentinels, to warn 

When hostile steps approach; with gambols, they 

Pour o’er the cane-grove. Luckless he to whom 

That grove belongs.” 

It is worthy of remark, that apes and monkeys oc- 
cupy the same line on the two continents, and *bere 
live as colonies; each species in its respective haunt and 
district of forest, without disturbance or confusion, and 
without invading the property of one another. The 
parrots and their mischievous companions jostle each 
other under the same foliage, as if nature had intended 
to bring together the only quadrupeds which resemble 
man, and the bird which most readily imitates his voice. 
As we gaze on the cases before us, fancy seems to whirl 
us at once to a foreign clime. Who would not wish to 
contemplate, in the ancient forests of America, those 
troops of animals flitting from branch to branch—now 
swinging with their prehensile tails, and anon assuming 
a thousand grotesque attitudes; and whilst they leap, 
spring, and mutter, as if they meditated some import- 
ant enterprise, flocks of parrots and parroquets alight 

among them, chattering in the branches, and tossing }). 

about their heads, whieh glitter and sparkle in the rays 

TAY Ns: ks See: (ee eee 

But it is time that we 

tirned our attention to the 
specimen before us. In case 
one, we find a miscellaneous 
collection of monkeys, brought 
from various portions of the ge 
globe ;. but as a descrip- (4m aa 
tion of one will serve as a ane h 
descriptior. of the whole class, § 
we shall content ourselves 
with confining our attention 
to the specimen chosen by our 
artist. This is the black Ou- 
rang, a native of Africa, and 
particularly the Guinea coast a) 
and Angola; they are said to mtr aN 
live in vast troops, and to be WM iN 
dangerous in their attacks upon 
persons travelling alone in the=y > 
forests where they are to be 
found. They are covered with 
shining black hair, longest on the back and shoulders, A 

writer of repute 1 veracity states, that an African ourang 
once carried off ayoung negro, who lived during an entire 
season in the society of these animals, and, on his re turn, 
reported that they had never injured him, but, on the con- 
trary, seemed greatly delighted with his company; and 
that females, especially, evinced agreat partialjty for him, 
and not only brought him abundance of nuts. and wild 
fruits, but actually defended him in the most careful 
and courageous manner from the attacks of serpents and 
beasts of prey. We must not omit to state that the form 
of the ourang’s body and limbs more approaches the 
human than that of any other animal, but it is distin- 
guished from man by greater depression of the forehead 
and inferiority in the relative volume of the brain. 
Passing onwards we observe many that have what 
are called prehensile tails, with which they lay hold of 
branches, and thus in climbing have all the advantages 
of a fifth arm, It is a circumstance calling for notice, 
that the monkeys which are natives of America differ 
from those found in the other quarters of the globe, in 
having longer tails, no pouches in their cheeks, and the 



Our next illustration, from case three, displays the sin- 

gular position adopt- 
ed by the Entellus 
monkey when in the 
act of resting on its 
hip.. Itis a native 
of India and Bengal. 
If taken at an early 
age they become fa- 
miliar and tame ; but 
being peculiarly sus- 
ceptible ef cold are 
scarcely ever to be 
met with in our mo- 
dern menageries. 

In case nine we 
meet with a curious 
specimen ofthe Hoo- 
lock, chiefly found in 
British India. Their 
food in the wild state 
consists for the most 

part of fruits, common only to the jungle in this 
district of country; and they are particularly fond 

of the seeds and fruits of that sacred tree of India, 

called the peepul tree. 

They are easily tamed, and 

chow no dienncition to fioht mnilece nrovolead  Vhav 


Case eighteen presents us with several beautiful vari- 
eties, amongst which the bearded ape stands conspicuous. 
Here, also, in the vicinity, may be remarked the rib-nosed 
baboon, which was once a ereat attraction at Exeter- 
Change. Whilst there he was exceedingly docile to his 
keepers, though easily exasperated. by strangers; and 
amongst his other accomplishments, he had been taught 
to drink grog and smoke tobacco. In the first he de- 

lighted, but the latter was not such a favourite, and a 

bribe of ginrand-water was generally promised before 
its performance. Iis cage was furnished with a small, 
but strong arm-chair, into which, when ordered, he 
would seat himself with great gravity, and await further 
orders. All his manwuvres were performed with great 
slowness and composure. His keeper having lighted his 
pipe, presented it to him, when he usually inspected it 
minutely, sometimes feeling it with his finger, as if to 
know it was lighted. Then putting the waxed end 
into his mouth, and holding a newspaper before his 

fousnngsstetiepastnanyenasgnanmmmmm en erent te 

eyes, he alternately began to smoke and read with all 
the solemnity of an elderly gentleman immersed in un- 
ravelling the tangled web of political opinions. 

Case twenty isa repository ror many of the more rare 

kinds, amongst which the one\ 
annexed will be strikingly con- 
spicuous. Itisa native of the 

wilds of South America, and \ 
) has habits and peculiarities si- 

milar to the tribes we have al- 
ready described. In fact, the 
necessity we are underof avoid-_ 

ing anything approaching e\| 

tediousness of description, re- 
quires our explanatory com- 
ments to be less copious than 
perhaps many of them may 
appear to require ; but it will 
soon be manifest, that such 
alike are the ‘* manners and 
customs” of the Simian spe- 
cies generally, that what is 
mentioned with reference to 
onemay be predicated of nearly 
all the rest. 


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The British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

ProcerpinG from the history of quadrupeds to in- 
quire into that of the feathered race, which constitutes 
the second great class in the animal kingdom, and forms 
the chief object of interest in this gallery, we find nature 
still possessing the same vivifying power, though here 
she seems more prolific and more diversified in her ope- 
rations. If, from the ministry of quadrupeds, man de- 
rlves assistance in maintaining his influence over the 

soil, itis to these denizens of the air that he is indebted | 
for many of his pleasures. By the richness and bril- | 

liancy of their colours, the melody of their voices, the 

beauty and elegance of their forms, they charm the eye of | 

the beholder, soothe his ear, and captivate his imagina- 
tion. By these qualities they imvariably afford him 
pleasure ; whether he contemplate the melodious grove, 
the screaming precipice, or the noisy forest; by these 
they cheer his solitude, enliven his rambles, and animate 
whilst they adorn the scenes of nature. We will not 
attempt to diseuss the subject of the universal law of 
migration, further than observing, that its object seems 
the preservation of those birds who would be deprived of 
their natural food were they to remain stationary in any 

given locality. Thus the swallow, the cuckow, the , 

nightingale, many species of soft-billed warblers and 
others, visit us in spring from the south, and leave us 
on the approach of winter; whilst the fieldfare, the red- 
wing, the woodcock, and various aquatic birds, find a 
winter asylum with us, and depart again in spring, to 
make room for a new succession of visitors. In the case 
of the lark and the thrush, which also visit us in great 
numbers, the performance of flight across the German 
Ocean does not much surprise us ; but when we examine 
this little bird, which is by no means adapted for long 
erial progression, we are at a loss to perceive how the 
migration could have been performed. So much, how- 
ever, might be written on this subject, and so imprac- 
ticable has it been found to give more than a very con- 
densed account of even the birds themselves, that we 
may bereadily excused if we omit any detail upon these 
points; therefore, turning at once to the cases on our 

or high places, auu nave their young hatched piumu ana 
nearly naked, so that it is necessary for a time they should 
be fed by their parents and remain inthe nest. These may 
truly be regarded as the giants of the feathered race. The 
first family is that of the condors, chiefly inhabitants of 
America; as the great vulture of the Andes and the 
Californian vulture, both of which are not true vul- 
tures, but properly condors. Birds belonging to these 
species have been peculiarly noticed by travellers on 
account of the great heights to which they soar in the 
air. A recent American writer says that he has re- 
peatedly seen the condor sailing high above the loftiest 
of the snowy Corderillas, at an elevation of 16,000 feet 
above the level of the ocean, with no apparent motion 
of the wings, and yet in an air so attenuated, that where 
he himself was stationed at thousands of feet below, the 
rarity of the atmosphere rendered all efforts painful to 
those not long accustomed to the light medium that there 
prevails. The muscles in the wings of the condor are so 
powerful thata blow from one of them has destroyed life. 

Pre-eminent for size and strength the vultures exceed 
all other birds whose powers of wing are adequate to 
sustain continued flight. They are a race peculiar to 
hot climates, and their food consists.of putrid animal 
substances, for a removal of which (where indeed aquick 
yemoval is much called for) they seem expressly ap- 
pomted. Their flight is wonderfully rapid and graceful, 
and they are led by some faculty, not yet fully under- 
stood, but most probably by an exceedingly acute sense 
of smell, from astonishing distances, and at an elevation 
in the atmosphere, beyond the reach of human sight, to 
their feetid repast. In a tribe of birds thus characterised, 
the Griffon Vulture, which is before us, is one of the 
most conspicuous. The accompanying illustration ex- 
hibits the manner in which the Golden Eagle devours 
its prey; this magnificent specimen is deposited doubt- 
less in an adjoining case for the purpose of showing 

the rapacity manifested by all birds of this class in satis 
fying their hunger. Buttoreturnto the Griffon Vulture. 

This bird, like the rest of its family, except when 
pressed by the utmost necessity, never preys on living 
animals, but prefers carrion and putrid substances; and 
when fed to repletion is easily made captive. The male, 
as usual with other rapacious birds, is smaller than the 
female. Thé Bearded Vulture, or Lammer-geyer, which 
resembles the bird depicted above, is the most fero- 
cious ofthis class, pouncing with impetuosity on animals 
exceeding itself in size; hence the young chamois, the 
wild goat, the mountain hare, and various species of 
birds, find in the Lammer-geyer a most formidable and 
ferocious enemy. Having seized its prey, this Bearded 
Vulture devours it upon the spot, the straight form 
of their talons disabling them from carrying it to 
a distance. The Lemmer-geyer refuses flesh in a 
state of putrefaction unless sharply pressed by hunger ; 
hence Nature has limited this species as to numbers, 
while, on the other hand, to the vultures who are des- 
tined to clear the earth of animal matter in a state of 
decomposition, she has given an almost illimitable in- 
crease. This is but one amongst a thousand evidences 
of the protection of an unseen yet all-seeing Providence. 
The family of Falcons (Ialconide) which occupy the 
next cases, have their heads covered with feathers and 
the eyebrows prominent, giving the eye the appearance 
of being deeply set in the head, and imparting a character 
Be ee BS oD en eeus att auennit teres | itdeete cite ole ave eee 


‘food so much as the flesh of animals they themselves 
have killed. They will not be satisfied without the blood 
of their victims, and when they find carrion meat they 
leave it in disgust for their meaner brethren to feed on. 

This disposition is 
accompanied by.a re- 
markable conforma- 
tion of the beak, 
which in these birds 
has a deep notch near 
its roof or origin, thus i 
enabling them,ashere GMC Sir. 
shown, to wound and Qa 

tear their prey with\. Ww 
greater facility. The '\ 
other varieties here | 
are the Ignoble Fal- | 
cons with simple, 

and the Hawks with rather longitudinal nostrils, whilst 
the honey-buzzard, osprey and kites, have an oblique 
slit covered with a valve behind. These distinctions 
will readily enable the visitor to distinguish the several 
kinds. Amongst the Hawks the most remarkable bird 
is the Secretary. This strange bird, found in the Cape 
of Good Hope, and called also the serpent-eater, from its 
preying on those reptiles, has been attempted to be 
naturalised by the French 
at Martinique, for the 
purpose of destroying 
the lance-headed serpent, 
with which that island 
abounds, but we have 
not heard if the attempt 
was successful or not. 
Here, too, are the Eagles, 
(Aquila) to describe the 
different varieties of 
which a volume might 
be devoted. Formed by 
Nature for braving the 
severest cold, feeding 

the speed of the elements themselves ; unawed by any- 
thing but man ; and from the etherial heights to which 
the eagle soars, looking abroad at one glance on an} 
immeasurable expanse of forests, fields, lakes, and } 
ocean, deep below him; he appears indifferent to the} 
little localities of change of seasons, and can pass at} 
will from summer to winter, dashing upwards trom his | 
eyrie in the mountain to that abode of eternal cold the} 
higher regions of the atmosphere, and again descend to | 
the terrid or arctic regions of the earth. We now ap- 
|proach the numerous and most solemn family of the 
owls (Strigide); most of these are remarkable for the 

radiated eircles of feathers surrounding their eyes, and 
for their large ears, which as they hunt in the dark may 
enable them to discover their prey by the sense of hear- 
ing when not within the range of their imperfect vision. 
Whilst the owls are altogether most remarkable birds, 
the horned owls are even more so than any others of 
this winged race. They are spread 
over the whole of Europe, and ap- 
pear to be everywhere stationary ; 
at least such is the case in our own 
island, where they inhabit barns, 
ruins, church-towers, and hollow 
trees, remaining concealed all day, 
but issuing at the approach of even- 
ing, when they prowl on light and 
noiseless wings, in search of their 
prey, night being the time when 
this genus exert their powers and 
display their destructive energies. 
Although mice form the principal 
part of their subsistence, it is ne- : 
vertheless certain that they occasionally prey on young 
birds, rats, and leverets; and instances have been 
known of their even committing serious havoc amongst 
the finny tribe. 

That magnificent bird, which we see yonder, in case | 
forty, belongs to the genus Trogon, and is well worthy | 
of the adjunct, ‘‘ Resplendent,” which has been appended | 
to it. ‘Their feet are often feathered almost to the toes, 

¢d their soft, full, lax plumage. and lengthened tail, 

bestow upon the spe- 
cies a peculiar aspect. 
These birds abound in 
South America, where 
they conceal them- 
‘selves in the central 
‘solitudes of umbrage- 
ous forests, and, ex- 
cept during the breed- 
ing season, dwell insu- 

lated and alone. They . \ 
will sit motionless for >, VA 
half a summer’s day, 5 ey \ 
upon. a withered branch, and, if not concealed 

by some accidental intervening mass of foli- \ 
age, they fall an easy prey to the keen-eyed \\ 
hunter, who eagerly searches for these birds, \ 
not less remarkable for the delicacy of their i 
flesh than their beauty of plumage. During the ‘' 
morning and evening hours they become more ! 
active, venturing at these times into the open 
parts of the forest, and, taking a shady sta- 
tion, dart upon winged insects, particularly 
beetles. At other times they feed upon fruits, at which 
they also invariably dart, precisely as if they were in- 
sects capable of escaping. It has been remarked that 
the skins of these birds are of so delicate a texture as 
to be with difficulty preserved in a natural or complete 
condition. It is probable that this is the cause why here 
they assume a heavy, shapeless aspect, redeemed, it is 
true, by the gorgeous colours and metallic splendour of 
their plumage. The one our artist has above repre- 
| sented is the most magnificent of its tribe, being one of 
| whick, in its natural state, no delineation nor description 
can convey an adequate idea. The greater proportion of 
‘the plumage is apparently composed of burnished gold. 
The head, as will be perceived, is ornamented with a 
brilliant crest of decomposed barbs, the wing-coverts 
falling in flakes of golden green over the deep purplish 
black of the primary and secondary quill feathers; the 
rich carmine of the lower parts presenting a warmth 
and depth of effect which no Venetian painter ever 
equalled, whilst the long waving of the tail, extending 

eee tare Sen eS he ee pl ee eee. PEt oy ase ee 

Case forty-eight introduces to our notice a species of 
Menura, entitled Menura Superba, or Lyre-tail, from New 
Holland. It is characterised, 
as its name implies, by the - 
great extension and peculiar 
shape of its tail feathers. It is. 
equal in size to the pheasant, “\ 
and the general plumage is 
brown. The tale of the female , 
is of theordinary structure,and ‘4 | 
displays but little of the attrac- © 
tive powers of the male. The | 
Lyre-tail evinces a peculiar at- 
tachment to rocky districts, ‘ 
and in Australia it is only there 
to befound. Its history, how- 
ever, is still obscure, and its 
anatomical structure has, we 
believe, not yet been fully in- 
vestigated. In our next num- 
ber we shall enter at large into _ 
the anatomical peculiarities of 
birds in general. The specimens we have above given 
will be sufficiently corroborative of the munificence of 
our intention. "The space to which we are confined 
renders it impracticable—not to say impossible—to dis- 
course as fully as we could wish of these specimens, but 
in our next we shall strive to remedy the difficulty, by 

| devoting a larger space to their consideration. 

.e British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

| Punsvrye our examination of the cases to the left, 
‘we find in case sixty-four a magnificent specimen 
/of the Bird of Paradise, so noted during our early in- 
/ tercourse with Eastern countries. ‘The bill is straight, 

compressed, rather strong, and unnotched ; the nostrils 
| being surrounded by a close tissue of feathers of a 
| velvet texture, sometimes resplendent with metallic 
lustre. These birds are natives of New Guinea, and in 
consequence of the delicately graceful structure of their 
plumage, and the pure and beautifully blended colours 
by which they are adorned, the species in general may 
be regarded asthe most highly prized of all the feathered 
race. Their history has been long obscure, notwith- 
standing the first of the genus made known to Euro- 

peans was imported as early as the year 1522, by! 

one Antony Pigafetta, 
who accompanied Ma- 
gellan in his voy- 
age round the world. 
Pigafetta, it appears, 
was satisfied from the 
first by ocular demon- 
stration, that this bird 
had legs, though the 
natives cut them off as 
parts of no importance. In consequence, however, 
of this prevailing, if not universal mutilation, a notion 
soon became prevalent in Europe that the bird was natu- 
rally destitute of these common-place but very use- 
ful organs, and that consequently it floated for 
ever in the air, winnowing with loving wings the 
gentle breezes, or at times suspending itself for a few 
brief moments from some lofty sun-illumined tree by 
the two peculiarly lengthened tilaments with which it is 
adorned. In accordance with this belief, it was of 
course consistent to suppose that whatever individuals 
were obtained ‘“‘on this dim spot, which men call 
earth,” they had fallen from their erial heights imme- 
diately before their dissolution. Even Aldrovandus, 
the most zealous naturalist of his age, having himself 

“only seen such specimens as had been mutilated in the 
usual manner, accuses Pigafetta of audacious falsehood 
in asserting that the bird was naturally furnished with 
legs and feet, and the great Scaliger, himself a naturalist 
of no mean order, gave equal credit to this foolish fancy. 
The true residence of these birds seems to be Papua, 
or New Guinea, whencethey make occasional excursions 
to some smaller neighbouring islands. They fly in 
flocks of about thirty or forty, led, it is alleged, by a 
single bird which the natives call their king, but 
which is said to be of a different species. It is 
further pretended that when this bird settles, the whole 
flight settle also, in consequence of which they some- 
times perish, being unable to rise again owing to 
the peculiar structure of their wings. They also fly 
always against the wind, lest their flowing plumage 
should be discomposed. While flying they make anoise like 

starlings, but their common cry rather resembles that of 

aravyen, and is very audible in windy weather, when 
they dread the chance of being thrown upon the ground. 
In the Aru Islands they are seen to perch on lofty trees, 
and are variously captured by’the inhabitants with bird- 
lime, snares, and blunted arrows. Though many are 
taken alive, they are always killed immediately, em- 
bowelled, the feet cut off, the plumed skims fumigated 
with sulphur, apd then dried for sale. With respect to 
their food we have little certain info:mation from the 
older authors, some of whom assert they prey on small 
birds—a supposition which Dr. Shaw, in his ‘* General 
Zoology,” inclines to think is favoured by their strength 
of bill and legs, and the vigour with which they defend 
themselves. They are also said to feed on fruits and 
berries, and Linnezus says, that they devour the larger 
butterflies—a diversity of opinion which will rather 
bewilder than enlighten the notions of a spectator. 

We now pass the Kingfishers, remarkable chiefly for 
their length of bill and splendour of plumage. The 
Alcedo Ispida (our common kingfisher) is the only spe- 
cies which we find in Europe, and it yields to few of its 
brethren in lustrous beauty. It is one of the rarest, and 
certainly the handsomest, of all our resident species. It 
haunts the banks of lakes and rivers, building in wil- 
Jows near their margin, and preys chiefly on small fish, 
on which it darts with the rapidity of an arrow, plung- 
ing its little gem-like body for one flashing moment inte 
the chrystal and willow-overhung stream, and re-appear- 
ing the next with its prey secured. 

———— nl 

We now ar- 
rive at case 
seventy-two, In 
which a bird 
with a gigantic 
beak arrests our 
attention. This 
is the Indian 
Horn - bill de- 
picted in the 
annexed illus- 
tration. Its body 
exceeds that of © 
the largest ra- 
ven, but is very lean and incompact. It is believed 


to feed chiefly on fruits, although it will seize upon rep- 
“les when pressed by hunger. Its treedom from any | 
Offensive smell, and the excellence of its flesh, which is 
much esteemed as an article of food, go far to prove 
that its habits are chiefly frugivorous. In a domestic 
state it will eat meat raw or dressed. Notwithstanding 
the size of the beak, the tongue is very small, and not the 
least singular feature in their economy consists in their 
feeding greedily and without injury, upon the seeds of 
the nur vomica. Subjoined is a 
skeleton of the beak, interest- 
ing as an object of natural his- 
tory, chiefly for the better un- 
derstanding and appreciation of 
the enormous weight this bird 
has to carry. These bills, or 
beaks, are toothed along the 
edges, and are generally sur- 
mounted by an additional horny structure, which bestows 
on them a very striking and peculiar physiognomy. 
These bony excrescences vary considerably with the 
age of the bird, being scarcely perceptible in the young. 
When flying, their unwieldy beaks and lengthened tails | 
cause them to exhibit a most singular and awkward 
| aspect ; indeed their appearance. altogether is exceed- 
ingly uncouth. Yonder is the Woodpecker, a small 
but attractive bird, whose curious propensities for 
|“ tapping the hollow-tree bough” will not suffer us to 

‘let it pass without a word. They are shy and solitary 
birds, and are chiefly employed in tapping decayed 
trunks in search of insects. Buffon, that always 
eloquent, but. frequently erroneous, and sometimes 
inconsistent Frenchman, has drawn a melancholy 
picture of the miseries of a woodpecker’s life. Ac- 
cording to his views, nature appears to have condemned 
it to incessant toil, for while other species freely employ 
their courage or address, and either glide along on fear- 
less rapid wings, or lurk insidiously i in closer ambush, 
the woodpecker is constrained to drag ona miserable 
existence, in boring through the scaly ‘bark and tough 
unyielding fibres of the hardest trees. Necessity admits 
no intermission of its labours—no interval of sweet re- 
pose. Not even the darkness of the night, nor sleep— 
that “ soft restorer” who throws her balmy mantle over 
such a mass of human misery—brings any solace here, 
fer the noctural hours are spent in the same constrained 
and painful posture as are those of day. It never shares 
in the joyous sports of the other inhabitants of the 
woods, and so far from joining in their glad responses, it 
rather deepens the natural sadness of “the forest by its 
wild and melancholy cries. So Buffon thinks and writes ; 
but what is all this but the most fantastic comage of the 
brain, as if the blessed beings which people this gladsome 
world endured the primal curse and shared the self- 
inflicted ruin of our race—as if their joyful hearts were 
ever pressed by sorrow, or responded, in wailing sad- 
ness, to the woes of man! Amid the unmeasured w Tetch- 
edness which springs from human folly, the wan faces 
of our fellow men pent up in close built cities, the 
drunkard’s hollow eyes, his palsied limbs and tattered 
garments, with all the ills that vice is heir to, what is 
more inspiring than to see even a fragment of the face of 
nature, some little open plot of gar den-ground where in 
spring the blackbird still may sing his evening hymn, or 
the autuinnal redbreast cheerily announce approaching 
winter. Is there sorrow there, or suffering, save what 
may spring from some dark spirit in the mind of man— 
the “immortal rebel!” When Buffon himself, a great 
interpreter of nature, in spite of all his fitful fancies, 
yielded up his life to the God who gave it, did the 
lilied fields of France reflect the sun’s warm rays less) 
brightly, or her sylvan choristers welcome with sadder 
note, the rosy break of the ensuing morn? It would 
indeed be but a doletul thought if misery such as 
man so often meets with amone human kind. and which 


| Uf 

he is therefore prone to picture, were to spread itself 
| from his own sad bosom into the depth of darkly-shaded 
forests, where so many gorgeous feathered inmates dwell, 
or among oceans’ rocks, amid upheaving waters, or 
| waye-worn caves, or chrystal rivers, with their golden 
| sands, © 

| But we have been led into a longer digression than 
/we intended ; and, therefore, resuming our enquiries, 
proceed at once to the consideration of the numerous 
tribes of Parrots, by which (case seventy-six) we are 
now surrounded. The genus, Psittacus, according to 
Linnezus, comprehends the almost innumerable tribe of 
parrots, lories, parokeets, maccaws, and cockatoos, hay- 
ing the bill curved, thick, and generally sharp-pointed, 
and the tongue thick, round, and fleshy, the lower larynx 
being furnished on each side with three peculiar muscles, 
which probably contribute to the facility with which 
these birds acquire the articular intonation of the human 
voice. Their natural food consists of fruits and seeds, 
in search of which they will climb trees with the 
greatest facility, suspending themselves indifferently by 
their hooked-bill or feet. Their voices are harsh and 
discordant, their forms often elegant, and their plumage 
usually beautiful. They form, indeed, a magnificent 
family, abounding in almost every region of the torrid 
zone, and in the new world extending from the shores of 
the Ohio to the straits of Magellan, thus presenting a 
vast and varied assemblage of species from every country 
of the world, excepting the comparatively cold and 
cloudy clime of Europe. The modern sub-divisions of 
this great natural family are too numerous and too 


minute to be here recorded ; and we must, therefore, 
satisfy ourselves with a glance at the varieties here pre- 
_sented to the spectator. There is nohody, we presume, 
/at this enlightened day, that would desire to be edified, 
under the pretence of popular reading, by oft-told 
| aneedotes of parrots; we shall, therefore, devote. the 
| little space we can afford to a consideration of the objects 
| immediately before us. 

| above three feet in length, in- yi) 
‘cluding, of course, the tail. 7 

The Leudbeater’s Cockatoo, of 
which a representation is an- 
nexed, is indigenous to New 
Guinea and New Holland, but 
this peculiar species is, as yet, 
but ill-defined. They are re- 
markable for their great doci- 
lity, and prefer the vicinity of 
marshy places. The Great 
Scarlet Maccaw, which is in 
close proximity to the above, 
is a most gorgeous bird ; and, 
when in full plumage, measures 

The one before us is certainly a &% 
sumptuous creature ; but, after 
all, rather too much like a richly-liveried footman—an 

association, perhaps, somewhat strengthened in our esti-- | 

mation, by its being so often seen as an inhabitant of lordly 
mansions, and surrounded by other menial bipeds, 
almost as gorgeous as itself, and equally as soulless. 
Pursuing our direction in the same way, we arrive at 
case 104, containing stuffed specimens of the Gallinace- 

ous tribe. These, from their being common, are too 

generally overlooked ; but to us, looking at it with an 
imaginative eye, they speak with theforce of a moralist. 

What is, indeed, more beautiful than the fond devoted 

affection of these creatures to their offspring, teaching, 
in the blindness of instinctive love, a lesson to proud 
but cold humanity. The Cock of the Woods here 
depicted, is 
now utterly 
extinct, as 
a wild Bri- 
tish species, 
though once 
frequent in 
these islands. 
Some few are 
said to be re- 
maining in 
the pine fo- 
rests of Scot- 
'Jand, and also 
in the mountainous parts of Ireland; but this we are 
not well informed. 



| speed the fleetest 

| bia, the Arabs 

_ | e Ostrich, of which an illustration is presentea to 

‘|, zeader, is a bird so popularly known, that we need 
jif we had the space, which we have not, dilate upon 
) peculiarities. 

; ; 4 iP, 
La a native of (= 
atica, where, 7 

i the pathless Ni 

Wilds and arid » 

zsolitudes, it finds 
a home.  Inca- 
pacitated by its 
heaviness for 
flight, it has re- 
course to its 
legs, instead of 
its wings, for 
safety ; and in 
this manner it 
has been known 
to outstrip in 

borse. In Ara- 

have availed 
themselves ot 
this bird tor se- 
curmg a vehicle $ = 
of transit across AUR ap ea 

{the Desert, and in this way they can travel for miles 
| at the most rapid speed, without the ostrich either suf- 
fermg from the weight of a man on its back, or sinking 

under the fatigue. Perhaps in consequence of this, rail- 
roads have not yet been introduced into this country, bein 
considered unnecessary whilst the race of ostriches re- 
main. ‘They are seldom prone to attack, except in self- 
defence, and lead a passive kind of life. ‘The female 
lays a number of eggs at atime, which are buried in 
the sand, and left, generally, for the sun to warm forth 

j into existence. Their height is usually from six to 

seven feet. The ostrich is amongst birds, what the 
Cameleopard is amongst animals, being remarkable for 
the grace and beauty of its form. In the arid and 

| sandy deserts of Arabia, where the eye gazes for miles 
| on only the wide waste and cheerless prospect, without: 

an oasis being found to relieve the monotorv of the scene. 

hastening the process af incubation, and causing tne 
eggs to break, introducing, asif by magic, a group of new- 
fledged birds, to rivet the attention of the wayfarer. 

In the same case (109), is a most singular speci- 

meh of the Bustard, the largest of European birds> 
and the rarest with 
us. ‘The one in our 
illustration is the 
rufted bustard, re- 
markable chiefly for 
the peculiar forma- 
tion of the breast. 
Bustards are seldom, 
if ever, met with in 
the southern and 
south-western por- 
tions of the British 
isles ; but we re- 
member to have seen 
several last summer 
in the county of Nor- 
folk, to Which it has 
Jong been reported 
to have beer exclusively confined. It is an unwieldy 
bird, aud generally weighs about thirty pounds ; its 
Hlesh is, however, highly esteemed by epicures, 

And now come we to case 114, in which the 
most remarkable of all is the 
Trumpeter. This most singular 
bird, of which there are only 
two species, belongs to the genus 
Phosia of Limuzeus, and is a native 
chiefly of South America and the 
Brazils. It is of use there to the 
uatives when domesticated, by its 
quality of making a peculiarly 
shrill noise, or “ trumpeting,” 
when danger is near. For this 
purpose, it is often set to guard 
poultry, and feeding chiefly on 
serpents, its presence is much 
sought after. 


The British Museum Explained and Illustrated. 

Ir is with a blended feeling of awe and admiration 
that we approach the Egyptian room. So connected as 

-everything relativeto Egypt is with mystery and inge- 

nuity—the light of the past ages shining through the 
dimmer vista of the present—the mind is lost in the im- 
mensity of the subject it designs to grasp, and we are 
compelled to turn with a half-satisfied feeling from the 
wonders before us, conscious that they are indicative 
of more than the enterprise of mankind can reveal, and 

. that, like the Bridge in the Vision of Mirza, which in its 

nearer portions appeared tolerably entire, but in those 
more remote, consisted of only broken arches, which 
gradually disappeared in the impenetrable mist that 
overhung the vast ocean of time in which it was lost, so 
the objects which we are about to consider, though 
seemingly complete, are in reality only a collection of 
dislocated fragments, the origin of which is lost in that 

abyss of the elder time of which there exists neither record 

nor memorial. This room liesto the leftat the extremity of 
the eastern gallery, and contains various Egyptian curiosi- 
ties, of which by far the most interesting and important 
are the mummies. Before entering into a description 
of the mummies themselves it will be as well perhaps 
to say something of the process of embalming, by which 
they were prepared. The manner of embalming was 
this; the brain was scooped out with an iron scoop at 
the nostrils, and medicaments thrown in to fill up the 
vacuum; the putrifying matter of the body was then 
removed, and myrrh, cassia, and other spices, except 
frankincense, deposited in their stead. This was in 
order to dry up the humours, and the body was placed 
in nitre, where it remained soaking for seventy days. 

It was then wrapped up ia bandages of fine linen, and 
gums to make it adhere as if glued, and so it was de- 

livered to the relatives, entire in all its features, the hair 
of the eyelids being preserved entire. They used to keep 
the bodies of their ancestors, thus embalmed, in apartments 
magnificently adorned, and took great pleasure in behold- 
ing them alive, as it were, without any change in their size, 
features, or complexion. ‘The prices for embalming 

varied according to the rank of the party embalmed. 

The highest was a talent, the next twenty mine, 
and so on decreasing to a very small amount. But 

‘and the body being incased in nitre, grew dry, nothing 
remaining besides the skin glued upon the bones. For 
this description of the process of embalming we are in- 
debted to both Heredotus and Diodorus. The former, 
who is unquestionably the better authority of the two 
says, (Book IT. Section 85) :—‘ This serviceis appointed 
by persons whose art it is to perform the process of em- 
balming as their business. When a dead body is brought 
to them, they show their patterns of mummies in wood, 
imitated by sculpture, and the most elaborate of these, 
they say, is one belonging to Osiris ; the second is less 
costly, and the third is cheapest of all. Having shown 
these, they enquire in which way the service shall be per- 
formed, upon which the parties make their agreement 
and leave the body for preparation. The interior soft 
parts being removed, both from the head and ‘from the 
trunk, the cavities are washed with palm wine and 
fragrant gums, and partly filled up with myrrh, cassia, 
and other spices. The whole is then steeped in a 
solution of soda for 70 days, which is the longest 
time permitted, and then having been washed, the 
body is rolled up in bandages of cotton cloth, being 
first smeared with gum instead of glue. The relations 
then receiving the body, procure the case for it in a 
human shape, and inclose the dead body in it. When 
thus inclosed, they treasure it up in an appropriate 
building or apartment, and place it against the wall.” 
This appears to have been the most expensive mode of 
preparation. In order to avoid such expense for those 
who preferred the middle course, the process was 
simplified by omitting the actual removal of the interior 
parts, and introducing a corrosive liquid to melt them 
down; the soda, which was generally introduced, thus 
consumes the flesh so that skin and bone are only re-. 
maining when the body is returned to the friends. The 
third and the most simple process was merely to cleanse | 
the body well both within and without, by means of, 
some vegetable preparations, and keep it in the alkaline | 
solutions for seventy days, without any other pre- 
cautions. Embalming also appears to have been per-; 
formed by means of a species of pitch, which was 
poured into the trunk of the body in a liquid state, 
through an aperture made on purpose in the right! 
side, but this has been lately considered as apocryphal. 
The bandaging to which all the Fgyptian mummies’ 
were subjected, appears to be one of the most remark- | 
able parts of the process. The envelopes are composed | 

Rea: | eS 

gradually surmounting the whole body. They are ap- 
plied and interlaced so gradually and accurately that one 
might readily suppose they were intended to restore to 
the dry shrivelled body its original form and size. The 
only difference in the bandages of the different kinds of 
mummies, is in their greater or less fine texture, being 
applied on all in nearly the same manner. All the 
bandages and wrappings that have been examined by 
the microscope are of linen, The body is at first covered 
by a narrow dress laced at the back and tied at the 
throat, or it is all enveloped in one large bandage. The 
head is covered by a square piece of very fine linen, of 
which the centre forms a kind of mosque over the 

features. Five or six such pieces are usually put} 
one over the other, and the last is usually painted or | 
_ gilded, in representation of the embalmed person. Every 

part of the body is then seperately invested with several 
bandages, strongly impregnated with resin. The legs 
extended side by side and the arms placed over the 

chest are fixed by ether bandages, which surround the 
| whole body, and these last, which are commonly covered ; 
| with hieroglyphics, are fixed by long, crossed, and very 

ingeniously applied bands, which complete the envelope. 
Most of the bodies are placed in this state in the cata- 
combs; those of the rich only being placed in cases 
which are usually double; the interior being composed 
of boards, made of several portions of linen glued 
together, and the exterior cut from a piece of cedar or 

sycamore wood. 

On taking a survey ,of the numerous bronze instru- 
ments of amusement and veneration that lay on the left 
side of the room, the first conspicuous object that arrests 
the attention, is the case R R, containing the mummy 

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of Harsontioff, priest of Amoun, in Thebes, holding vari- 


round the loins, and chlamys on their shoulders, em- 
blematical of the enemies of Egypt. Its dimensions are 
about five feet eight inches in length. 

Case U U is the coffin of Penamoun, the incense- 
bearer of Thebes. The face is of dark polished wood, 
ornamented with a small square beard. The head is in 
a rich claft, representing the wings and body of a bird, 
with two side ornaments; round the neck isa_ pectoral 
plate, representing a disked face in a boat. The hands 
are cyossed on the breast, each holding a roll of Papyrus, 


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and below is the Haror good demon, Round the sidesof 
the chest, traced in yellow upon a black ground, isa 
cat grasping a snake; the mummy on its bier with the 
soul soaring above (an indubitable evidence of the be- 
lief of the Egyptians in the immortality of thesoul), and 
in addition to these we find a temple on a mountain, 
above which are the symbols of east and west, a lion- 
headed mummied deity holding two swords, a man 



walking, holding in each hand a star, the judgment) 

scene, a deity with two snaked heads, and the disk of 
the sun descending below the solar mountain. 

The next in importance may be considered the, 

Case Z Z, containing the mummy of Mautemmen, a 
female attendant on the worship of Ammon, and most 
probably a priestess. The body is swathed in such a 

manner as to exhibit the whole of the form, and it is | 

. ro, 


cles ; but sometimes 

Miented, otilcxrs are narrower, ana cross uum tue suouldes 

to the belt, whilst the arms are swathed with narrow 
strips like the animal mummies. The back part of 
the head, and the extremities of the head and feet, 
are bared, exhibiting the hair and bones. 

In the centre of the room, case A A A is the wooden 
coffin of Cleopatra, daughter of Candace: on the arched 

part of the cover are judgment scenes before Ra and 

Osiris, a train of inferior deities seated in porches and 
holding swords in their hands. Two rows of hawks 
with human and animal heads; on one side a boat with 
a disk attached to a snake drawn by four deities. On 
the other a boat with the disk of the right symbolic eye 
attached to a snake drawn by three jackals. The Hat, 
the Scarabeeus, with extended wings, and the Scarabeeus 
in the boat, with Isis and another deity paying 1t homage. 
The interior represents Heaven, surrounded by zodiacal 
signs, and at the sides of the head are four tortoises. 
The upper end has the hawk of Ra, and the lower the 
cow of Athor, seated on a pedestal. On tbe sides are 
the twenty- -four hours as female figures, twelve on each 
side, each procession closed by a thirteenth female, 
doubtless as a personification of the morning and 
evening star. It is nearly six feet in length, 
two feet in breadth, and two feet in height. 
But it must not be considered that the Egyptians di- 
rected their attention exclusively to the preservation of 
the human species; on the contrary, embalming? was 
practised almost as extensively upon some animals as 
it was en men, particularly on those that they held 
sacred. The list of mummied animals given by Mr. 
Pettigrew, includes the lion, wolf, bat, ‘dog, monkey, 
cat, jaekal, fox, hyena, bear, ichneumon, shrew-mouse, 
deer, goat, sheep, oxen, and calves, hippopotamus, vul- 
ture, eagle, ibis, ow], hawk, falcon, crocodile, swallow, 
goose, toad, adder snake, lizard, carp, pike, and some few 
other fish, with some insects. ‘Strange to say, Seme ve- 
getables also have been found embalmed. 

In case D D we find the mummy of part of a bull, 
remarkable for its perfect preservation during a lapse of 
two or three thousand years. Most of these animals 
had cases appro- 
priated to their spe- 

they ave mixed, and 
very rarelv thev are 

In case B B we meet with a small coffin in a vaulted 
cover, containing the mummy of a Greco-Egyptian 
child. The body is covered with an external wrap- 
per, with a representation of the deceased in a 

o— ae 


toga; the hair is crowned with a wreath, the feet 
are in shoes, and the left hand is holding a branch 
of laurel, whilst the other is raised. On the top of a 
cover is a viper between two wreaths. ‘Therepresenta- 
tion here given will serve to give a very faithful concep- 
tion of the wonderfully exact preservation of the whole, 
In cases E E the mummies of the Ibis and the 
Crocodile are intro- 
duced to our notice. 
The first we spoke 
of at some length in 
treating of its orni- 
thological _proper- 
ties, and of the lat- 
ter it will be only 
necessary to add, 
that the Egyptian crocodile formed one of the emblems 
of Sevek, the Egyptian Chronos, or Saturn, and hence 

its deification. The other objects in this rcom, con- 
sisting of ornaments, statues of deities, musical instru- 
ments, &c. &c., are many of them deserving close in- 
vestigation ; but the description, or even enumeration 
of them all, would soon become as tedious as it would 
be found unnecessary. Concluding then, as we com- 
menced, with a description of mummies, it may be men- 
tioned that, in some situations, the conditions of the soil , 
and atmosphere, by the rapidity with which they permit 
the drying of theanimal tissues, are alone sufficient for the 
preservation of the body in the form of a mummy. This 

la a ee. Se te Re a 

from Caxamarca by General Paroissier. Like most of 
them it is in a sittmg posture, with the knees almost 
touching the chin, and the hands by the sides of the 
face, It is quite dry and hard. The features are dis- 
torted, but nearly perfect, though the hair has fallen off. 
The Peruvian mummies do not appear to have been sub- 
jected to any particular preparation; the dry and ab- 
sorbent earth in which they are placed being sufficient 
to prevent them putrifying. M. Humboldt found the 
bodies of both Spaniards and Peruvians lying on former 
fields of battle, dried and preserved in the open air, In. 
the deserts of Africa the preservation of the body is 
secured by burying it im the hot sand, and even 
in Europe soils are sometimes met with, in which 
the bodies undergo a slight process of drying, and 
then remain almost unalterable, even on exposure to 
the air and moisture. There is a vault at Toulouse, in 
which avast number of bodies that had been buried were 
found, after many years, dry, and without a trace of the 
effects of putrefaction; and in the vaults of St. Mi-, 
chael’s Church, Dublin, the bodies are similarly pre- 
served. In both cases putrefaction is prevented by the 
constant absorption of the moisture from the atmosphere, 
and, through its medium, from the body, by the calca- 
reous soil in which the vaults are dug. It would far 
exceed our limits or intention to go into lengthened in- 
quiries on the subject ; but we must give it as our opi- 
nion, that if European climates were more favourable, 
it is probable that, with the present knowledge of mate- 
rials for hardening the tissues, such as pyroligneous 
acid, corrosive sublimate, arsenic, salts of iron, &c. &c., 
mummies might be prepared equal to the Egyptian im 
permanence, and superior to them in the preservation of 
their forms. 

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