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(ary airs alae: Cug. kes Cor. leck. Kep. GENE 

US Army Corps 


Joann Mossa 

Department of Geography 
University of Florida 
Gainesville, Florida 32611 

Edward P. Meisburger, Andrew Morang 
Coastal Engineering Research Center 

Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers 
3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199 

May 1992 
Final Report 

Approved For Public Release; Distribution Is Unlimited 

Woods Hole Oceanourar 


Prepared for "MENT OF THE ARMY 
US Army Corps of Engineers 
Washington, DC 20314-1000 

Under Work Unit 32538 

Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return 
it to the originator. 

The findings in this report are not to be construed as an Official 
Department of the Army position unless so designated 
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May 1992 Final report 


Geomorphic Variability in the Coastal Zone 

Joann Mossa 

Edward P. Meisburger 

Andrew Morang 
Department of Geography, University of Florida 
Gainesville, FL 32611 

USAE Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research 

Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 


Technical Report 


US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000 

Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, 

Springfield, VA 22161 



Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) 

The coastlines of the world’s oceans encompass a tremendous variety of geomorphic and geologic 
structures. They range from rocky cliffs to sandy barrier beaches to low-lying swampy wetlands. The 
geomorphic forms were created by the interaction of antecedent geology, physical dynamic processes, 
and man-made intervention. Variable features are usually composed of unconsolidated materials that 
respond rapidly to changes in the dynamic environment. More stable features are usually associated with 
consolidated rock or occur in quiescent environments. The geologic history of shorelines can be inferred 
from a careful study of geomorphic structures, coupled with additional data on physical processes and 
historic events. Many of the study techniques are relatively simple, consisting of analysis of existing 
maps and historical sources. 

An understanding of the processes which have shaped the shore is crucial to the design of coastal 
structures and to the intelligent management of coastal resources and habitats. In addition, understanding 
of the form/process relationships between geomorphology and dynamics may allow coastal scientists to 
more accurately predict the results of construction or other modifications along the shore. 

Barrier beach Coastal geology Dunes Geomorphology 

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POL ACS se. as eh A SR ERE lt ae otet ra Let Maat ix 
Conversion Factors, Non-SI to SI (Metric) Units of Measurement . . x 
(="TntrOGUC EO MS ey ke saves eetatta te Merete te tan a) ay neon acrt tes lates fereemist tet cele tat Fe 1 
Backeoroutidies eh hit hiss cc Ms Scala MONS, po 0. SlSH AR MG cer go otetates 1 
Scope: isc chock Secxcupd teens, PIA ita peerret EA attra sitar te ae tae 2 
Goastal*Glassificatiomiay Gyles Vas vats cee el titer ete rotet Seats or at er 2, 
ANfOTMAtIOMFSOURCES ey pes eset ee sees etetie volte (a) fella raeiemietia an 2 
2—Relevant Processes and Factors .........----0++- ee 4 
Climates id Aaah Bais oh eis ee i els Se oe a ee oe 5 
Wir diss net eet wy hose tt teto  ayh cocncin Gaba le» encase, Ze) Ge Geeta asenta) 7 
Cyclonic Disturbances: oc... 03. s Ses ee oh 8 
WIA WES? SSaee SUR sian SON aan rlce 2 AINE Sicutrctte, tates om aMesantal es oi 10 
STRECES) cs RNCE A Letiee, MARR Nah Nm nee tease. dentate eee 14 
(GUPRENES seek, oe ee law coins Newco yout tesevion ous oneos eke teins 17 
Storm: Sure estes) sree Aihara EMA ght eee Mae al Stars a's 18 
STRAITS Potente, PR testo be alloc Give aeons eee site tiantentes surat sates 20 
Relative: Seaeleeveliatpricssts anc ciecel cia eirstecneit Went) cinekerten relists. 20 
Lithology and Weathering . 2.04.6 ee ele lee tw ee ee es 22 
Opeanismswpeyes cs SKS AMS. ee 2 Wea ae eden one ane at eg 3s = 24 
Mass Wasting and Mass Transport .......--.---++e++005 27 
Sedimenta@hanactermparcs ser desuas crews) teteyiciee atwrciclsiecel aiken) cee os 29 
Sediment Supply and Human Activity...........--5504- 33 
3=VariableGoastalukeatures: 2. mecca. 6 cle ete ties a oc ol oe 36 
Beach-anduNearshore;Zone. «9. cidlses sae ce sw es 38 
Lithified Coasts: Cliffs:and Platforms ...:........-2+..-- 44 
Organic Recs, cteny oie sia wae oo Son eee arse ele nearer 46 
GoastaleOunes meee us ede owen ce ko resem monet or siege ee cueiant= 47 
Back Barrieriand Lagoons... 0.0.52 cee ee ee sees 50 
Mudflats, Salt Marshes, and Mangrove Coasts ..........-. 51 
TIS ee weave ob: Goole AUPE sD eeu 0 OMRO Rens Blctoratolatd, cwcdoanie 52 

Inletsenc een aries errands) cneeeeeeae 
Shelf Shoal startet ces sates er nee oe 
ID Gltastyetrahe eosin cme ee ete etic ok sie Sian ae ede? 

WiavedDatacuce xen Sree nian cma ee 
Water Wevellayy cies neces ce re es a 
GUrrentS aan eee ee we pee eee te ane 

5—Investigation of Geomorphic Factors ...... 

Nature of Geomorphic Changes ......... 
Historical Charts and Aerial Photographs ... 
Airborne Scanners and Satellite Data ...... 
Remote Sensing by Ocean Vessel ........ 
Field Survey, Mechniques!. 345 6 - ee eo 

Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Techniques 

PhysicaliModels ays.) cen sees oa eyes al srenete ais 
Numerical Models ese ee aes 

6—Summary and Conclusions ............ 

IRGLerencesee ne weeny eee ee ne See ete an ou pres eka 




Figure 1. 

Figure 2. 

Figure 3. 

Figure 4. 

Figure 5. 

Figure 6. 

Figure 7. 

Changes in barometric pressure, wind speed, wind 
direction, wave height, wave period, and surge as a 
cyclone passes laterally offshore along a north- and 
south-facing coastline in the Northern Hemisphere ... . 

Distinctive zones of wave action and morphologic 
characteristics of the littoral:zone:: sj 4 ach. ee: 

Wave refraction surrounding headlands and bays 
and over submarine morphologic features ......... 

Appearance and classification of breaking waves 
according to Galvin (1968) combined with beach slope 
and wave height to water depth ratio as discussed by 
Street and! Camfielde@i966) 94. 2 amid Ce 2s. Sse. 

Macroscale morphology of microtidal, mesotidal, and 
macrotidalfcoasthimesin miei havens at oeusin. putens oc 

Wave-induced nearshore currents as determined by 
breaker angle. Cell circulation pattern with well- 
developed rip currents occurs when the breaker angle 

is close to zero. Asymmetric circulation with 
longshore currents feed rip currents when breaker 

angle is small. A longshore noncirculatory pattern 
occurs with an oblique wave approach and large 
breakersan gle: Site ana yee cer reece 

Some aspects of geomorphic variability attributable 

to lithology, structure, and mass movement along 
semi-consolidated and consolidated coasts in cross 
SEChIOMy WLM oce Tent Wiha aI ear adh) a elite GLa: SG 









Figure 8. 

Figure 9. 

Figure 10. 

Figure 11. 

Figure 12. 

Figure 13. 

Figure 14 

Figure 15. 

Figure 16. 

Figure 17. 

Aerial photograph of Pta. de la Garita, Cabo de la 
Aguja, Columbia. A pocket beach has formed 
between two resistant headlands. To the right of the 
headlands, waves approach the coastline at a steep 
angle, causing longshore currents which transport 
sediments away from the headland. Photograph 
taken from an altitude of 600 m; distance between 
the headlands is about 0.5 km. (Photo by Andrew 

Morang lO St) iyi iieaccn a a cous enn on tinge camcae aps tars 

Outcrops of Pleistocene coquina rock of the 
Anastasia Formation on a beach in East Florida. 
Erosion of such rocks contributes sediment particles 

toithevbeach ote ote. eae ee ae ate, Le eae. 

Conditions for erosion, transportation, and deposition 

of particles in water according to Hjulstrom........ 

Inlet through a barrier stabilized by jetties. Note the 
large amount of sand trapped by the larger jetty and 

recession of the shore across the inlet............ 

Beach protection structures, Cartagena, Columbia. 
Although the city is built on the barrier beaches 
which protected the original Spanish anchorage, the 
present shoreline suffers from a lack of sand, and the 
beaches are narrow or are entirely missing in some 

areas (Photograph by Andrew Morang 1981) ....... 

Beach backed by seawall near Galveston, TX. Note 

riprap added for further protection.............. 

Surface and subsurface environments and 
variations of barrier islands, strand plain coasts, 

and itidalflats oei25 on is Pa: «Rak. Se esse cans 

Three-dimensional morphodynamic classification of 

beaches and selected associated attributes ......... 

Three models of shoreline response to sea 

bevelttiser able Mice: Oyated opens Serene Nes mbmennes Cem yer ae 

A variety of cliff morphologies in cross section. 
Plunging cliff is steeply sloping and possibly shows 

a notch. Cliff with shore platform may develop from 
increased notch development and mass movement of 
overlying material. Cliff base beach may develop 
from cliff with shore platform if sediment supply 

exceeds transport of material§ oy ik ne SS ws aa 













Figure 18. 

Figure 19. 

Figure 20. 

Figure 21. 

Figure 22. 

Figure 23. 

Figure 24. 

Figure 25. 

Figure 26. 

Figure 27. 

Figure 28. 

Figure 29. 

Partly vegetated coastal sand dunes. Eastern 
Alabama near Florida/Alabama state line (March 
1991). This area was devastated by Hurricane 

PM rederiG im 197 Oi ay ise eA ee vetoes eee magenta on 2 

Rhizomes help hold sand in place and spread the 
colonization of dune grasses. Eastern Alabama near 

Florida/Alabama state line (March 1991) .......... 

A three-dimensional view of some features commonly 
associated with a barrier island system, including 

the back barrier, overwash fans, and lagoons ....... 

Aerial view of unstabilized barrier inlet showing 

shallow parts of the flood and ebb tidal deltas....... 

Linear shoals on the New Jersey coast. Note the 
abundance of shoreface-connected shoals throughout 
and the isolated shoals which are most abundant off 

the:Brigantinearcageeeuatss Byeesieeeteis Sieroe cheeks © 

Cape-associated shoals off Canaveral Peninsula, a 
large cuspate foreland on the Florida Atlantic coast. 
Note shoreface-connected linear shoals north of 

False:‘Capeu, seacitsnte-aciseitincuater ails varies Saadienecs 

Bottom-mounted Sea Data™ 635-12 directional wave 
gage mounted in tripod using railroad wheels as 

COPEL, WEIDHtS'y Sas srecahiruta nt en eis Se chk set ee.. 

Deepwater wave hindcasting curves ............. 

Littoral Environmental Observation forms used by 
the volunteer observers participating in the 

EE Oro gram “sacc4y chs tes es) wee ese ee ne 

Monthly water level changes at Juneau, AK. High 
water typically occurs October-December. Data 

from Lyles, Hickman, and Debaugh (1988) ........ 

Monthly water level changes at Galveston, TX. 
High water occurs twice per year: April and 

SEpleMmber-NOVEMMCI ean cua wetaeal eel ae aan es 

Yearly mean sea level changes at Juneau, AK, from 
1936-1986. The overall fall in sea level shows the 
effects of isostatic rebound. Data from Lyles, 

IHickman,and:Debaughi(1988)' <0 2.5 Ga. ee 















Figure 30. Yearly mean sea level changes at Galveston, TX, 
from 1908-1986. Subsidence of the land around 
Galveston may be caused by groundwater withdrawal 
ANd COMPACHOMs iio shes cilia sy chan aie oieetame ames ee 

Figure 31. Late Quaternary sea level curves inferred from 
radiocarbon-dated samples along the U.S. coastlines 
(modified from Dillon and O’Doyle (1978) ........ 

Figure 32. Net shoreline movement of a portion of the South 
Carolina coast based on historical maps surveyed 
between:1 857 and? 19838 sy Be ee Bee. 

Figure 33. Morphologic indicators of littoral drift along natural 
and modified shorelines. Natural features such as 
rock headlands show accretion on the updrift side. 
and erosion on the downdrift side (A), tidal inlets 
and spits show extension in a downdrift direction (B- 
C), and beach ridge headlands show successive 
growth on the updrift end influenced by the 
development of coastal cells, which form shoreline 
irregularities (D). Coastal engineering structures 
including groin fields, jetties, seawalls, attached 
breakwaters, and detached breakwaters (E-I) 
generally show accumulation of sediment on the 
updrift side, and reduced sediment supply on the 
dOwnaritt Sides eo. le es Eas Re IO 

Figure 34. Principles of obtaining subbottom seismic data ...... 









The study reported herein results from research performed by the Coastal 
Engineering Research Center (CERC) of the US Army Engineer Waterways 
Experiment Station (WES) under Work Unit No. 32538, "Survey of Tech- 
nologies in Coastal Geology," Coastal Geology and Geotechnical Program, 
authorized by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Mr. John Sanda 
was USACE Technical Monitor. Ms. Carolyn M. Holmes was the CERC 
Coastal Program Manager. 

This report was prepared by Dr. Joann Mossa, Department of Geography, 
University of Florida, under the US Army Summer Faculty Research and 
Engineering Program and by Messrs. Edward P. Meisburger and Andrew 
Morang, Coastal Geology Unit, Coastal Structures and Evaluation Branch 
(CSEB), Engineering Development Division (EDD), under the general 
direction of Mr. Thomas W. Richardson, Chief, EDD, and Ms. Joan Pope, 
Chief, CSEB. Director of CERC during the investigation was Dr. James 
Houston, and Assistant Director was Mr. Charles Calhoun, Jr. Peer review 
was provided by Dr. Donald Stauble, Ms. Joan Pope, and Mr. J. B. Smith, 

At the time of publication of this report, Director of WES was 
Dr. Robert W. Whalin. Commander and Deputy Director was 
COL Leonard G. Hassell, EN. 

Conversion Factors, Non-SI to SI (Metric) Units of Measurement 

Non-SI units of measurement used in this report can be converted to 
SI (metric) units as follows: 

[mites ft" | tonsa 

miles per hour 1.609347 kilometers per hour 

Conversion Factors Table 

1 Introduction 


Many geomorphic features are relatively stable and changes in their form 
occur slowly; others are less stable and are subject to comparatively rapid 
change in response to dynamic environmental factors. Variable features are 
usually composed of unconsolidated or friable materials that react rapidly to 
changes in the dynamic environment. More stable features are usually associ- 
ated with consolidated rock and/or the absence of potent geological processes. 

Few geological environments contain a greater variety of dynamic 
geomorphic features than the coastal zones of oceans and large lakes. Because 
of the many variable features, complex processes, and submerged areas, study 
and description of coastal areas present special problems that do not arise 
when examining more stable environments. In general, study of coastal areas 
requires a process-oriented approach and a larger database than are usually 
needed for study of more stable and accessible environments. The large 
database is needed for two principal reasons. First, time series data collection 
on many variable geomorphic features is needed to determine the range of 
temporal variability. Second, selection of representative data points and 
projection of data by visual observation and aerial photography are not possi- 
ble in submerged parts of the coastal zone. Consequently, a dense data matrix 
is needed for an adequate and reliable representation of bottom morphology 
and sediment distribution. 

Temporal variations in coastal geomorphology occur in: (a) cyclic 
patterns; (b) as a result of intermittent noncyclic events; or, (c) as long-term 
trends. Cyclic variations occur on a periodic or repetitious basis and are 
generally related to processes like astronomical tide and seasonal sea and swell 
patterns. Intermittent events are noncyclic occurrences such as large storms 
or earthquakes. They are of relatively short duration but often have lasting 
consequences for coastal morphology. Long-term trends include gradual 
changes in relative sea level or climatic patterns which, in turn, cause slow 
but often significant changes in coastal features or processes. Over the time 
scales of modern process studies, they are considered noncyclic, although over 
geologic time scales they may have a periodic component. The detection of 
such long-term trends is often difficult, but they may be discovered by 

Chapter 1 Introduction 

comparative analysis of historical maps, charts, and aerial photographs that 
show changes over decades or centuries. 


This report identifies and briefly discusses variable coastal features, the 
processes and factors that affect them, and the available technology and 
techniques for their study. The features discussed here are, for the most part, 
associated with the direct effects of marine and lacustrine processes. 
Terrestrial features and processes that occur inland of the coastline are 
discussed briefly in the following section. They are described in greater detail 
in many standard texts dealing with geomorphology, physical geography and 
physical geology (Chorley, Schumm, and Sugden 1984; Strahler and Strahler 
1987; Bloom 1991). 

Coastal Classification 

Shorelines are influenced by a combination of nonmarine and marine 
processes. Shepard’s (1963) genetic classification of coasts reflects the 
dichotomy of nonmarine and marine influences. Primary coasts, according to 
his classification, are essentially nonmarine in origin and are shaped mainly by 
land erosion, subaerial deposition, volcanism, and diastrophism. Secondary 
coasts are shaped by marine processes, including wave erosion, marine 
deposition, and organic/biologic modification. 

Primary shorelines have yet to be appreciably modified by marine pro- 
cesses. Land erosion coasts include: (a) drowned river valleys; (b) drowned 
glacially eroded coasts, including fjords; and (c) drowned karst topography. 
Coasts of subaerial deposition include: (a) those principally reflecting river 
deposition with either deltas of various forms or alluvial plains; (b) those 
reflecting glacial deposition, with partially submerged moraines, drumlins, or 
drift features; (c) wind deposition with active or fossil dunes, or sand flats; 
and (d) those reflecting landslide deposition and perhaps other forms of mass 
wasting. Volcanic coasts include those influenced by lava flows, tephra or 
volcanic ash, and volcanic collapse or explosion. Coasts may also be shaped 
by diastrophic movements, which produce faulted and folded coasts of various 
types, and coasts with sedimentary extrusions such as salt domes and diapirs. 

Information Sources 

The most direct and accurate means of obtaining information on the vari- 
ability of coastal features in an area is by conducting repetitive surveys over a 

Chapter 1 Introduction 

period of time. This period must be sufficient to cover the main cyclic events 
associated with the seasons. Repeated surveys should cover each of the 
seasons of a yearly cycle. In addition, survey density and timing suitable to 
document the effects of extreme events, such as major storms, floods, and 
hurricanes, are also desirable. Study of long-term cycles by repetitive surveys 
is not widely practiced because of the expense and continuing commitment 
needed to obtain sufficient data. 

Historical maps, charts, and aerial photographs are important sources of 
geologic information. A valuable source of these items is the National Ocean 
Service (NOS) and its predecessors. Survey data extending back 150 years 
are available for many areas, and preliminary charts of considerably larger 
scale and detail than the published versions can be obtained from the NOS 
archives. These historic sources are of great value in revealing long-term 
trends. Some sources for historical and recent aerial photography and maps 
are listed in Fulton (1981). 

Data on intermittent noncyclic events are usually difficult or impossible to 
obtain. In particular, baseline data of conditions immediately before the event 
are often nonexistent because there is typically insufficient advance warning to 
organize and conduct an adequate survey. However, aerial photographs can 
often be obtained even with fairly short notice and are valuable in showing 
conditions before an event, especially in the shore zone. Post-event surveys 
should be conducted as soon as the affected area becomes accessible. 

Information regarding past events can often be found through a com- 
bination of field and laboratory tests. These include a variety of stratigraphic 
and sedimentologic techniques, such as the analyses of sedimentary structures, 
grain size, sediment composition, heavy minerals and fossils, and the 
radiometric dating of organic remains in sediment deposits and of other iso- 
topes of natural and human-derived sources. These techniques, in addition to 
archeologic and pedologic ones, are of value in working out past environmen- 
tal changes and events over a variety of time scales, although some parts of 
the geologic record may have been obliterated. 

Literature sources on coastal features and processes, many containing 
historical information, are abundant, but a considerable research effort is 
needed to cull out pertinent works. In a recent computer-assisted literature 
search, over 1,400 items were listed under the key words "coastal geology," 
"coastal geography," "coastal geomorphology," and "coastal classification." 
Most had been published since 1970. Selected key sources of coastal 
engineering information, including meteorology and climatology, water levels, 
wave and currents, ice, beach erosion and littoral transport, topography and 
bathymetry, and geology and geomorphology, are described in Chu, Lund, 
and Camfield (1987). Historical geomorphic data can also be acquired from a 
variety of sources (Trimble and Cook 1991). Local records such as tax 
assessments, deeds, and local surveys may also be useful (Fulton 1981). Fur- 
thermore, there are many unpublished sources of coastal information that can 
be sought from government agencies, universities, and private firms. 

Chapter 1 Introduction 

2 Relevant Processes and 

From both a temporal and spatial perspective, the geomorphic variability of 
a coast reflects a balance between forces that promote change and materials 
that resist change. Forces promoting change include atmospheric, 
oceanographic, biologic, and terrestrial processes that act individually and in 
combination. Some of these are important locally and others are important 
regionally, over short- and long-term periods. The processes and products of 
the interaction of the various factors in coastal environments are complex, and 
it is often advantageous for a researcher to adopt a holistic approach. 

Because the coast lies at the boundary between the atmosphere, ocean, and 
land, processes within each of these environments are important in promoting 
coastal change. In the atmosphere, factors operating on varying spatial and 
temporal scales include climate, wind, and cyclonic disturbances. Oceanic 
processes that influence coasts include waves, tides, currents, storm surges, 
tsunamis, and sea level (eustatic) changes. Terrestrial processes may be inter- 
nally driven, such as by tectonic factors, or externally driven, by climatic and 
meteorologic agents such as running water, groundwater, and ice. Biologic 
processes may also come into play, influencing both the shape and material of 
coastal environments. Interactions between many of the major processes are 
described briefly in subsequent pages. 

Materials in coastal environments have varying properties, which charac- 
terize their ability to resist deformation by stresses, their ability to resist 
weathering and abrasion, and their ability to resist transportation by a fluid 
agent. The strengths of materials depend on the nature of the solids that 
comprise them, the nature of the voids (whether filled, or partly filled, with 
water or with air), and the forces holding the aggregates together. Some 
factors that characterize resistance to shear include rock strength, state of 
weathering, and the spacing, width, and continuity of joints and voids. 
Frictional and cohesive strength, mineral hardness, and fabric also cause mate- 
rials to vary in their resistance to erosion by abrasion, fluid stresses, 
corrosion, and plucking. Materials vary in their resistance to entrainment and 
transportation by fluids according to their volume, density, and friction with 
the bed. Because coastal sediments display a range of characteristics from 
consolidated to unconsolidated, gravel to clay, terrigenous to biogenic, they 
show great variety in their resistance to natural forces. The nature and 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

resistance of inland materials, which can be transported to the coast by 
terrestrial processes, also contribute to the geomorphic variability of coasts. 


Climate and weather are terms used to describe a broad group of interre- 
lated atmospheric processes. Weather characterizes the overall state of the 
atmosphere on short time scales of minutes to months. Climate, in contrast, 
characterizes the long-term conditions of an area, using averages together with 
measures of dispersion and frequency. 

Several interrelated climatic factors such as temperature, pressure, wind, 
and moisture have a great influence on the development of the coastal zone. 
These factors may change as long-term trends, and also display cyclic and 
noncyclic variations. Distinctive cyclic variations include seasonal and daily 
changes associated with the revolution and rotation of the earth. Regional 
variations in paleoclimatic and modern climatic factors also contribute to the 
spatial variability of coastal geomorphic features. Of the various climatic 
factors, wind most strongly influences modern process and geomorphic vari- 
ability of coasts, both directly and indirectly. Wind is discussed subsequently 
in a Separate section. 

Evidence from stratigraphic, paleontologic, palynologic, radiometric, 
pedologic, and archeologic data shows that many climatic changes of global 
and regional scale have occurred throughout geologic time. While the long- 
term paleoclimatic history of the earth is not well known, paleoclimatic data 
assist in characterizing general aspects of the many profound and widespread 
changes that have occurred throughout geologic time. 

Most evidence indicates that over the last 500 million years, the earth was 
warmer than present, with the poles being ice-free most of this time (Frakes 
1979; Lamb 1982). About 55 million years ago, global climate began a long 
cooling trend, which led to the development of the high-latitude ice sheets. 

Superimposed upon this trend, over the last 1 to 2 million years during the 
Quaternary period (Pleistocene and Holocene epochs), are a number of alter- 
nating glacial and interglacial episodes. In the Northern Hemisphere, these 
episodes were characterized by widespread waxing and waning of the ice 
sheets into the mid-latitudes. Falling and rising temperatures in both hemi- 
spheres accompanied glacial advance and retreat. During cooler periods, 
more widespread glaciation of high altitudes was also common. 

These climatic changes were accompanied by large fluctuations in sea 
level. During glaciations, water was withdrawn from the ocean basins and 
stored in ice sheets and mountain glaciers. During interglacial periods, it 
returned to the ocean basins. Many of the large inland lakes also may have 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

expanded during the colder climates of glaciations, perhaps in response to 
reduced evaporation. Crustal depression occurred with ice advance over the 
continents; crustal rebound followed deglaciation, further complicating the 
history of relative sea level changes along coastlines. 

Because of changes in relative sea level, even those coasts not directly 
glaciated have been affected to some degree. But coasts were affected in 
differing ways by these processes and events, adding to their geomorphic vari- 
ability. Such eustatic, climatic, and crustal changes are still occurring to 
varying degrees in different parts of the world. This subject will be further 
discussed in the section on relative sea level later in this part of the report. 

Variations in paleoclimate and glacial activity account for much of the vari- 
ability in geomorphic landforms and processes along coasts. Examples of 
erosional coasts include fjords, which were produced by the erosive activity of 
mountain glaciers in conjunction with relative sea level changes. The erosive 
activity of the mid-latitude North American ice sheets was also integral in the 
formation of the Great Lakes basins (Hough 1968). As characterized by 
Shepard (1963), depositional glacial coastlines may consist of tills, moraines, 
and drumlins. The north shore of Long Island Sound, extending from 
Connecticut to Massachusetts, displays these features. 

Modern climatic conditions have been well-documented by systematic and 
accurate meteorological observations in many parts of the world. In some 
places, such records exist for periods as long as 2 centuries. These form a 
foundation for a reasonably accurate model of the earth’s present climatic 
patterns and of anticipated trends. The use of satellites for remote sensing of 
the atmosphere and the development of general circulation models are assist- 
ing in the interpretation of past and the prediction of future climates. 

Coasts are directly and indirectly affected by modern climatic conditions. 
Differences in temperature and precipitation influence organisms, vegetation 
type, and biomass production (Whittaker and Likens 1975). Climatic varia- 
tion also affects the type and intensity of weathering and the rates of denuda- 
tion (Langbein and Schumm 1958; Knighton 1984), which in turn influence 
geomorphic features along coasts. Atmospheric conditions are intimately 
linked to oceanographic conditions, so that a change in one will cause a 
change in the other. 

Climatic factors need not operate directly in the coastal zone to be 
relevant. For example, wind-generated waves in remote offshore areas can 
eventually reach and affect the coast, and precipitation in inland areas is 
important in producing and transporting sediment that enters the coastal 
system. The assessment of climatic factors therefore requires consideration of 
climatic data from outside, as well as within, the coastal zone. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


Wind has a considerable influence on the coastal zone. This influence may 
be direct, since wind is an agent causing erosion and transportation. Near the 
coast, winds often have a predominant onshore-offshore orientation. If winds 
are blowing offshore, sediments may be eroded and transported from inland 
areas and then deposited in the coastal zone. Sediments from within the coast- 
al zone, particularly the dry sand of dunes and beaches,.may be eroded and 
transported offshore directly by wind. 

The influence of wind is also indirect because wind stress causes the 
formation of waves and oceanic circulation. Over large areas and long time 
scales, predominant wind velocities and durations affect wave climate, 
whereas over shorter time scales, storm winds generate waves capable of great 
geomorphic activity. Waves generated by wind, in turn, often approach the 
coast at an angle, leading to longshore currents. Strong onshore winds, if 
sustained, may also cause increased water levels or setup. 

Wind is caused by a pressure gradient, or horizontal differences in pressure 
across an area. This, in turn, may be created by differences in temperature, 
as the pressure, temperature, and density of gases are interrelated. Depending 
on the scale of the pressure and temperature variations, atmospheric 
phenomena range from those of global scale, which are generally persistent, to 
those of local scale and short duration, such as storms. 

On a global scale, the wind systems occur in characteristic belts, being 
named for the direction from which they blow. Near the earth’s surface, the 
zone about 5° to 25° poleward of the equator is characterized by the northeast 
trades in the Northern Hemisphere, and by the southeast trades in the South- 
ern Hemisphere. Wind direction is predominantly westerly between about 30° 
and 60° in both hemispheres, whereas easterly winds are predominant pole- 
ward of 60°. While these belts shift somewhat over the year, these create 
characteristic wind patterns and intensities, which affect wave energy and 
predominant wave directions, oceanic circulation, and sediment transport by 
both wind and water. 

Seasonal shifts in wind also occur in some regions, notably in southeast 
Asia where monsoon winds occur. The monsoon brings strong seasonal 
onshore winds, which influence the wave environment and circulation of the 
Indian Ocean (Davies 1980). The monsoon is accompanied by abundant pre- 
cipitation caused by moist maritime air masses. Other local winds of note 
include the katabatic winds in cold climates, mountain and valley winds, and 
the sea and land breezes (Hsu 1988). 

The sea breeze and land breeze are common phenomena that occur because 

of diurnal temperature differences between land and water. During the day, 
especially in the summer, the land warms more rapidly than the water. The 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

air expands and rises as it warms, forming a belt of lower pressure along the 
coast. The pressure gradient between the water and land causes a sea breeze 
in which air from the sea blows landward. The opposite happens at night. 
The land cools more rapidly because it is less efficient than water at storing 
heat. The air over the sea has lower pressure, resulting in vertical 
convection. The convection causes the land breeze to flow seaward. 

Cyclonic Disturbances 

Centers of relatively low atmospheric pressure, also known as cyclones, 
are associated with windy, cloudy, and wet weather. In contrast, 
anticyclones, or high pressure weather patterns, are generally associated with 
calm, dry weather. Cyclones occur in many sizes and forms, including 
continental-size extratropical cyclones, tropical cyclones of varying intensity, 
and tornadoes. All are capable of causing significant geomorphic change, 
because of the winds, waves, and storm surges associated with them. The 
intensity of cyclonic winds is controlled by the pressure gradient, or change in 
pressure measured along a line at a right angle to the isobars. Low pressure 
may also occur as elongated troughs, which range in scale from a few hundred 
kilometers to continental. 

Extratropical cyclones, also known as wave or mid-latitude cyclones, are 
transient features that develop in various stages. Initially, they develop along 
the polar front, a narrow zone separating the cold, polar easterly winds from 
the warmer, mid-latitude westerly winds. A wave or indentation forms 
between the cold and warm air masses, causing the cold air to invade warmer 
territory and the warm air to enter colder territory along sharply defined 
fronts. The cold air masses, being denser, force up the warm air as they 
move along the surface, whereas the lighter warm air masses move over the 
colder air masses. The cold air masses eventually dominate the surface after 
all of the warm air is forced off the ground. This cuts off the source of 
moisture and energy, causing the system to die. 

Central pressures in extratropical cyclones vary greatly, with lows of 
940 mb* (compared to average sea level pressure of 1013.2 mb), although 
typically they do not fall below 980 mb. In both hemispheres, the most 
intense extratropical cyclones occur in the winter, with less intense systems 
developing in fall and spring. Cyclonic winds blow counterclockwise in the 
Northern Hemisphere, and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, 
depending upon the relationship of the storm orientation and track to the 
coast, there are several possible wind sequences (e.g., onshore winds followed 
by offshore winds) that affect wave, current, and sediment transport patterns 
(Niedoroda et al. 1984). Typically, the systems are transported with the 
westerly flow and move toward the east, although their tracks depend on 

A table of factors for converting non-SI units of measurement to SI (metric) units is presented on page x. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

upper air circulation. They usually pass an area within a day or two, although 
sometimes they remain stationary over an area for several days. 

Tropical cyclones, in contrast, are believed to originate from pre- 
existing disturbances called easterly waves, which are found in the tropical 
oceans in the 8° to 15° latitude band. The conditions that promote their for- 
mation include low level cyclonic vorticity, a Coriolis force, minimal vertical 
changes in velocity, sea surface temperatures warmer than 27°C, unstable 
lapse rates, and high humidities at mid-tropospheric heights (Riehl 1979). 
Such disturbances do not form in oceans such as the southern Atlantic, which 
do not meet these conditions. 

If the storm intensifies and average wind speed increases, tropical 
cyclonic disturbances become tropical depressions, tropical storms, and finally 
hurricanes, with average wind speeds in excess of 75 mph. Increasing wind 
speeds are caused by an increased pressure gradient, where central pressures 
in severe hurricanes can fall below 900 mb. The great majority of tropical 
cyclones develop in the late summer and early fall in both hemispheres. As 
with other cyclones, meteorologic events follow a characteristic sequence 
(Figure 1) that affects coastal geomorphic features, depending upon the rela- 
tionship of the storm orientation and track to the coast (i.e., Penland and Suter 

The geomorphic activity of tornadoes and waterspouts, because they are 
small in size and develop and die rather quickly, is not on the same scale as 
other cyclones. Tornadoes are associated with cumulonimbus or thunderstorm 
clouds, and are most common in zones where air masses of contrasting 
temperature and moisture meet, such as the interior of the United States. 
Occasionally, tornadoes and waterspouts affect coastlines, with most damage 
being caused by high wind speeds; wind duration and fetch are typically insuf- 
ficient to develop large waves. 

The relative influence of extratropical cyclones compared to tropical 
cyclones depends largely on latitude. Closer to the tropics (e.g., the 
U.S. Gulf coast and southern U.S. Atlantic coast) tropical cyclones have a 
higher frequency of occurrence than farther poleward. Farther poleward, 
(e.g., in the northern U.S. Atlantic coast) extratropical cyclones and 
associated fronts occur more frequently and typically exhibit greater 
magnitudes. In the lower mid-latitude climates where both may occur, an 
issue of some debate concerns the relative importance of these storms, as it is 
unknown whether the higher frequency-lower magnitude extratropical cyclones 
have a greater geomorphic impact than the lower frequency-higher magnitude 
tropical cyclones. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



ye eT 




Laat Aree 




Figure 1. Changes in barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, 
wave height, wave period, and surge as a cyclone passes 
laterally offshore along a north- and south-facing coastline in 
the Northern Hemisphere (adapted from Carter 1988) 


Waves are of great importance in the formation and variability of coastal 
geomorphic features. They are especially effective in the shore and shoreface 
areas, where they are capable of moving sediment directly or by generation of 
longshore currents. Wind waves, the most common type, are generated by 
wind stress on the water surface. The height and energy of wind waves 
increase with increasing wind velocity, fetch (the extent of water over which 
the wind blows), and wind duration. 

Waves impinging on a coast are not necessarily produced by local winds in 
coastal waters. They may be produced by distant weather systems and reach 
the coast after traveling some distance, up to thousands of kilometers, outside 
the area in which they were generated. Such waves are called swells, while 
waves still within the area of generation are called seas. Swells have a longer 
period, or time of passage between two successive wave crests, and move 
faster than locally generated waves. Swells undergo a decay process in which 
the height becomes progressively less with distance traveled, although they 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

still retain most of their energy, and the wave period becomes longer. Two 
sets of long-period waves approaching the coast with slightly differing 
wavelengths may produce a resultant pattern, known as surf beat, that displays 
a periodic variation in height. Waves change character as they enter progres- 
sively shallower water, causing a variety of wave and breaker types, as well 
as several distinctive zones of wave action (Figure 2). 


= CaN AON EUR a ee NATE Gey Su ag 


. .\*  , LONGSHORE BAR> 


Figure 2. Distinctive zones of wave action and morphologic characteristics of the littoral 

Waves approaching a coast undergo a transformation of certain characteris- 
tics which is called shoaling, because they have progressed into water depths 
in which frictional interaction with the bottom affects their motion. Signifi- 
cant transformation begins to occur when a wave enters water depths equal to 
about one half the wave length. This transformation causes the wave speed 
(celerity) to decrease, the wavelength to decrease, and the wave height to 
increase, since more energy is packed into a smaller area. The wave front 
may bend or change in direction as waves approach a shoreline and are 
affected by bottom topography. This phenomena is known as wave refraction. 

Because of variations in bathymetry from place to place, the trans- 
formation of a given deepwater wave is site-specific and must be calculated on 
the basis of local bathymetric characteristics, bottom friction, and coastal con- 
figuration. Wave refraction bends the wave front, so that it becomes more 
nearly parallel with the bottom contours with decreasing water depths. For 
this reason orthogonals generally converge on headlands and diverge in bays 
(Figure 3). However, when waves cross irregular bathymetry, the waves may 
be refracted upon themselves. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


| | 
\ | | 


ecw ee 
FA Pp 
in —— Pilon \ a 
| ay 



Figure 3. Wave refraction surrounding headlands and bays and over submarine 
morphologic features 

AS waves continue to enter shallower water depths, they may become un- 
stable and break, becoming substantially distorted in shape from their 
deepwater form. Breaking waves follow a continuum that has been classified 
by Galvin (1968) into spilling, plunging, collapsing, and surging breakers. In 
general, steep deepwater waves and onshore winds approaching gentle slopes 
produce spilling breakers, where water spills down the steepened shoreward 
wave face (Figure 4). Plunging breakers are associated with long, low deep- 
water swells and intermediate slopes. Flatter waves breaking on a steeply 
sloping shore surge or collapse, with the base of the wave surging forward 
and the crest collapsing or disappearing. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 




Beach slope (tan®) 




0.4 0.8 

Initial wave height to 
water depth ratio (H;/d,) 

Figure 4. Appearance and classification of breaking waves 
according to Galvin (1968) combined with beach slope 
and wave height to water depth ratio as discussed by 
Street and Camfield (1966) (adapted from Carter 1988) 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


Once the waves break, a surf zone is generated in which much smaller 
waves are projected toward the foreshore and beach face. Upon breaking, the 
motion of the water particles in a wave changes from orbital to linear. The 
presence and the width of a surf zone are controlled by beach slope and tidal 
phase (Ingle 1966). Beaches with gentle slopes, which are typically composed 
of fine sand, are characterized by wide surf zones, whereas beaches with steep 
slopes, which are composed of shingle and cobble, often lack surf zones. 
Beaches of intermediate slope may have a surf zone at low tide, when wave 
action is over flatter portions of the beach profile, but may lack a surf zone at 
high tide when the waves break closer to shore over the steeper beach face. 

The landward component of this linear motion, which surges onshore 
at a high velocity, is known as swash, while the lower-velocity return flow, 
which is driven by gravity, is known as backwash. As waves approach the 
beach at an angle, the oblique upward rush of swash, succeeded by the return 
of backwash down the beach, results in a longshore movement of sediment. 

Deepwater wave characteristics can be estimated by an analysis of weather 
map data over the period of interest, a process known as hindcasting (Coastal 
Engineering Research Center (CERC) 1984). Waves may be observed from 
shipboard or shore, or can be measured by gages deployed on buoys, struc- 
tures, or on the sea bottom. Refraction analyses can be performed manually 
by the orthogonal or wave-front method, or by computer methods when the 
offshore relief, wave approach direction, and wave period are known. 

In addition to energy from incident waves, some energy may be transferred 
to secondary wave motions called edge waves, which develop at right angles 
to the shoreline. Edge waves have a maximum amplitude at the shoreline and 
decline seaward. They develop differently on shorelines of differing 
gradients. Many coastal forms and processes have been linked to edge wave 
characteristics (Holman 1983; Carter 1988). 

The overall wave field at a site is typically formed by a combination of 
waves from several different sources, some local and some distant. Longer 
waves associated with storms reach deeper parts of the shoreface profile than 
do shorter waves associated with calmer conditions. In order to be useful in 
understanding the development and modification of coastal features and effects 
on coastal engineering works, data collected by the methods described above 
must cover a sufficient time span to record seasonal cyclic patterns and the 
occurrence of intense storms. 


Tides are characterized by a rhythmic rise and fall, or flood and ebb, of 
sea level over a period of several hours. Because tides are generated by the 
gravitational forces associated with the moon and the sun, changes in the 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

declination of the moon and sun with the earth, and the relative position of 

these three astronomical bodies, influence the pattern and magnitude of tides. 
The timing and magnitude of high tide and low tide at any given location can 
be closely predicted by changes in these and other astronomical constituents. 

Three major types of tides can be distinguished, based upon the pattern and 
frequency of occurrence of high and low tides during a tidal day. Tidal 
bulges form on both sides of the earth in response to a balance of forces 
associated with gravity, centripetal acceleration, and gravitational attraction 
(Komar 1976). The earth rotating on its axis typically produces semidiurnal 
tides, with two tidal maxima and minima every 24 hr and 50 min. This 
period exceeds the length of a solar day because of the advance of the moon’s 
orbit. Diurnal tides display, on the average, one maximum and one minimum 
each day. Diurnal tides occur where the typical cycle is complicated by other 
astronomical factors. A combination of these characteristics, where two high 
and low tides having large diurnal inequality occur daily, are known as mixed 
tides. Mixed tides are commonly classified as being predominantly semi- 
diurnal or diurnal (Defant 1958). Important tide-generating constituents, ex- 
pressed as a ratio of the major components influencing diurnal tides to those 
influencing semidiurnal tides, are used to measure these variations. 

In general, tidal range is highest when the moon is full or new, and when 
the moon, sun, and earth are in alignment, or syzygy. These alignments 
produce the spring tides, in which the high tide is higher and the low tide is 
lower than average. Tidal range is lowest during the first and third quarters, 
when the moon and sun align perpendicularly with the earth, a condition 
known as quadrature. These less-pronounced high and low tides are col- 
lectively known as neap tides. The sequence from spring to neap to spring 
takes about 28 days, or one lunar month. Both spring and neap tides are 
affected by drag forces, which cause tidal range to lag syzygy and quadrature 
by up to 1.5 days. 

Longer period cycles are generated by varying lunar and solar distances, 
caused by the ellipticity of both the moon’s orbit around the earth, the earth’s 
orbit around the sun, and the sun’s declination. The moon’s orbit around the 
earth is by far the more important of these. From perigee, when the moon is 
closest to the earth, to apogee, when it is farthest, represents a change in 
distance of about 13 percent. The earth is closer to the sun in early January 
by about 3 percent than its farthest position in early July, causing tidal range 
to be slightly greater in the Northern Hemisphere in the winter and fall than in 
the spring and summer. 

Tidal range or magnitude is strongly affected by the depths and configura- 
tion of the land masses encountered. Davies (1964) introduced coastal 
classification divisions based on the spring-tide range, namely microtidal 
(< 2 m), mesotidal (2-4 m), and macrotidal (> 4 m). Tidal magnitude is 
influenced by the depths and configuration of the land masses encountered in 
crossing the continental shelves, which cause local resonances and reflections 
at land boundaries. 


Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

The type and frequency of occurrence of a wide variety of coastal 
landforms have been related to the tidal range (Hayes 1980) (Figure 5). 
Microtidal ranges occur on open ocean coasts and in certain landlocked seas. 
They are conducive to the development of river deltas, barrier islands, and 
spits. The Gulf of Mexico is an example of a microtidal environment. 
Macrotidal ranges occur where the tide is dissipated across a wide, shoaling 
slope, or confined to estuaries and gulfs whose land boundaries cause local 
resonances and reflections. They are conducive to the development of funnel- 
shaped estuaries, mudflats, and salt marshes. Locations with mesotidal ranges 
include features found in both microtidal and macrotidal environments, but are 
also well-known for well-developed tidal deltas. 














Figure 5. Macroscale morphology of microtidal, mesotidal, and macrotidal coastlines 
(modified from Hayes 1980) 


Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Because tides are influenced by many factors and show great temporal and 
spatial variation, they play an important role in the variations of both 
processes and landforms in the coastal zone. The length of the drying period 
of the intertidal zone, changes in the water table of beaches, and the intensity 
and duration of tidal currents are all influenced by the type and magnitude of 
tides. Tides also influence the timing of morphologic changes, since cliff 
erosion and beach building may occur only intermittently at high tide. Long- 
term tidal variations, including solar semi-annual and 18.6-year components, 
may also be related to cycles of progradation and stabilization by mangroves 
on fluid mudflat coasts (Wells and Coleman 1981b). 

Several landforms showing geomorphic variability are strongly influenced 
by tides. Tidal flats are depositional surfaces, alternately flooded and 
exposed. The formation, dimensions, and spacing of inlets are related to the 
total volume of water or tidal prism. Flood and ebb deltas, as well as asso- 
ciated features at inlets, are controlled by tidal current hydraulics. Tidal 
channels of various types, including intertidal channels, tidal creeks, and tidal 
rivers, are influenced to differing degrees by tides. 


Near the coast, currents are effective agents of erosion and transport of 
sediments and, consequently, have an impact on the geomorphic variability of 
coasts. Mechanisms responsible for the generation of coastal currents include 
winds, waves, and tides. 

Wind-driven currents, in combination with density currents, comprise 
much of the large-scale oceanic circulation, as well as much of the circulation 
in marginal seas. These currents, generated by the drag of wind on the ocean 
surface, are deflected up to 45 deg as a result of the Coriolis effect, although 
appreciably less in shallower waters. Ocean circulation following the parallels 
is predominantly wind-driven, whereas circulation following the meridians is 
largely density-driven (Mosetti 1982). Wind-driven currents show greater 
influence on geomorphic variability in marginal seas than oceans, because 
sediment transport and beach modification are facilitated by shallower depths. 

Wave-generated currents can influence any part of the shore, shoreface, 
and Continental Shelf; however, the most important currents for coastal 
development are longshore currents. Longshore currents are generated 
between the breaker zone and shore by waves approaching the shore at an 
angle. The wave height, period, direction of approach, and bottom slope are 
important in determining the direction and characteristics of longshore cur- 
rents. Flow velocities of longshore currents are typically around 30 cm/sec, 
but can be substantially higher. While such velocities are often unable to 
entrain materials, suspension by concurrent waves may greatly increase the 
effectiveness of sediment transport. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


In some places, the hydraulic head of water carried onshore by waves may 
return across the surf zone as a concentrated jet, known as a rip current (Bow- 
en 1969; Bowen and Inman 1969). Rip currents are relatively narrow and 
strong, capable of moving sediment seaward through the breakers and the in- 
shore bar field. Although near-bottom flow usually dissipates rapidly, surface 
flow may persist for greater distances. The geologic signature of rip currents 
can be seen on the seafloor well seaward of the surf zone (Morang and 
McMaster 1980). Rip currents tend to be found at positions of lowest breaker 

The existence of rip currents, and the manner in which they are fed, 
depends upon whether the nearshore current system is dominated by a cell cir- 
culation system or a longshore current. Typically, both situations are present 
simultaneously (Shepard and Inman 1950). In the cell circulation system, the 
rip currents are fed by a series of longshore currents that increase in velocity 
from a minimum midway between two adjacent rips to a maximum just before 
turning seaward into the rip (Figure 6). If the wave approach angle is large, 
at least 5 deg to 10 deg, a strong longshore current will be generated that is 
continuous along the shoreline. The intermediate condition with a smaller 
breaker angle is known as general circulation. General circulation may result 
in an asymmetrical current pattern, with velocities at their minimum level 
updrift from the rip current and increasing to a maximum before turning 
seaward to the next rip current (Komar and Inman 1970). 

Tidal currents are horizontal water movements caused by the rhythmic 
rise and fall of the sea surface. Their magnitude generally increases with 
increasing tidal range. Tidal currents force water to move both at the surface 
and at depth, and generally have the greatest velocities during the flood and 
ebb, at mid-stage between high tide and low tide. In the open ocean, tidal 
current velocities rarely exceed 1 m/sec. In restricted passages and shallow 
coastal shelves, however, velocities are greater and can exceed 4 m/sec in 
some channels. 

Storm Surges 

Sustained and strong wind stresses on a water body, often developed under 
tropical and extratropical storm systems, not only create waves but also pro- 
duce a horizontal flow of water in the general direction of the wind. When 
this flow approaches a coast and is affected by shoaling, there is a sustained 
increase in the water levels, known as a storm surge. Storm surges may be as 
much as 3 to 6 m during major hurricanes or extreme seiches on the Great 
Lakes, and may be augmented by decreases in atmospheric pressure. This 
anomalously high water level can cause flooding of the beach, dunes, and 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 




ieee eae 




x breaker zone 


Figure 6. Wave-induced nearshore currents as determined by breaker angle. Cell 
circulation pattern with well-developed rip currents occurs when the 
breaker angle is close to zero. Asymmetric circulation with longshore 
currents feeds rip currents when breaker angle is small. A longshore 
non-circulatory pattern occurs with an oblique wave approach and large 
breaker angle 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



inland areas, can extend the zone of wave attack inshore, and can increase 
hazards and damage. Strong offshore winds can similarly produce decreased 
water levels. 

Storm surges, as products of the weather, can be studied by hindcast 
methods from historical weather charts in the same general manner as waves. 
The magnitude of water-level change is dependent upon wind velocity and 
direction, fetch, depth of water, and slope of the inner shelf (Shore Protection 
Manual 1984), as well as the orientation of the storm system in relation to the 
coast. As with tides, the configuration of the coast may influence water 
levels, with increased elevations being particularly common in embayments. 

In many cases more direct records of storm surge can be obtained from 
tide gages and measurement of high-water marks following the storm. In 
recent years, there has been an increasing volume of work in storm surge 
modelling and prediction. The Sea, Land and Overland Surges from Hurri- 
canes (SLOSH) model (Jelesnianski and Chen 1982) and the Special Program 
to List the Amplitudes of Surge from Hurricanes (SPLASH) models 
(Jelesnianski 1972) are among the most widely used. 


Tsunami is a Japanese term used widely in the scientific literature to refer 
to a train of progressive long waves generated by an impulsive disturbance 
either in the ocean or a small body of water. A tsunami is usually caused by 
a severe earthquake. Tsunami waves have periods of several minutes to 
several hours and can move at speeds of 700 to 900 km/hr in the open ocean, 
depending upon water depth. Upon approaching shallow water, their speed 
decreases but their wave height increases dramatically. 

While tsunamis are rare, they have the potential to cause extreme 
geomorphic change and damage to structures. Crustal movements around the 
Pacific basin are likely to cause tsunamis. Islands in the center of the Pacific 
basin, such as Hawaii, can receive effects from multiple sources, and are 
particularly vulnerable. 

Relative Sea Level 

Changes in relative sea level occur when there is (a) a general eustatic 
variation of sea level, (b) uplift or subsidence of a coastal landmass, or (c) a 
combination of the two. The net gain or retreat of land along coasts is 
influenced by the combination of sea level changes and changes in erosion or 
accretion over time (Bloom 1965). Transgression, the landward migration of 
the shoreline, usually occurs with rising relative sea level unless a high rate of 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

deposition can offset this tendency (Curray 1964). Regression, the seaward 
migration of the shoreline, typically occurs with falling relative sea level, 
unless high rates of erosion offset this tendency (Payton 1977). 

Eustatic changes are primarily the result of changes in the volume of water 
in the oceans or changes in the dimensions of ocean basins. Although there 
are many reasons for variations in ocean volume, the growth, or waxing, and 
decay, or waning, of large continental and alpine glaciers have been the 
primary causes of fluctuations in the past 2 million years (the Pleistocene and 
Holocene Epochs) (Emery and Aubrey 1991). During glacial episodes, 
enormous amounts of water were locked up in the massive continental and 
widespread alpine glaciers, causing a substantial reduction in the volume of 
oceanic water and a reduction of sea level to more than 100 m below the 
present level. During interglacial episodes, the amount of meltwater that 
returned to the ocean caused a rise in sea level that at times exceeded the 
present elevation by more than 80 m. 

The last major glaciation, known as the late Wisconsin age in North 
America, reduced sea level to over 100 m below the present. The waning of 
that glaciation precipitated a rapid rise of sea level commencing about 
18,000 years ago, reaching near the present level about 4,000 years ago, 
when sea level became more or less stable. Because large glaciers still exist 
in Antarctica, Greenland, and some mountainous areas, the present sea level is 
below that of some prior interglacial periods when a more extensive melting 
of glacial ice occurred. 

The fluctuations of sea level during the Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs 
have caused the shoreline to migrate back and forth, alternately exposing and 
submerging large parts of the present continental shelves and areas inland of 
the present shoreline. These transgressive and regressive events have left 
depositional features of terrestrial origin in marine environments, and features 
of marine origin in terrestrial environments. 

Studies of historical tide records in recent years indicate that a rise in sea 
level is taking place in many locations (Hicks 1978; 1983; Gornitz, Lebedeff, 
and Hansen 1982). This rising trend, which some scientists believe may 
accelerate in the future, has been attributed by some to the general warming of 
the planet accompanied by glacial melting, possibly caused by increased 
concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO,), methane (CH,), and other gases in the 
earth’s atmosphere which trap longwave-electromagnetic radiation. Projection 
of future trends based on past sea level history is difficult because of the 
relatively short time that widespread accurate data have been systematically 
collected, because of problems in correcting for vertical earth movements, and 
because of difficulties in projecting trends. 

Local and regional changes in relative sea level also occur where coastal 
landmasses are uplifted or depressed as a result of tectonic activity, sediment 
compaction, or unloading and loading by glacial ice or water. These move- 
ments may increase or decrease the effects of eustatic sea level fluctuations, 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



and may result in local horizontal transgressions or regressions of sea level or 
vertical submergence or uplifting of terraces. 

Tectonic movements may be so slow that they have little influence on 
geomorphic variability. On the other hand, they may occur as dramatically 
and suddenly as in the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964, which caused 
upward displacement of 10 m in places, and downward displacement of 2 m 
in others, over a period of only a few months (Hicks 1972). In general, these 
movements tend to be greatest at margins of tectonic plates and, in particular, 
at converging plates. 

Consolidation and dewatering, which cause a reduction in volume, are 
particularly prominent in areas which experience rapid sedimentation, such as 
the Mississippi Delta of southeastern Louisiana. Surface and subsurface sedi- 
ments, which are poorly consolidated and include organic-rich materials, may 
experience very high rates of compaction. In general, the rates of sediment 
consolidation decrease with increasing depth. They also decrease with 
increasing age, especially in environments of recent sedimentation. 

Unloading and loading of the lithosphere by glacial ice and water may also 
produce vertical and horizontal movements, further complicating the history of 
relative sea level changes along coastlines. Isostatic depression of the litho- 
sphere, which occurs with glacial advance over the continents, is proportional 
to the ratio between the density of ice and that of the mantle (Andrews 1974). 
Isostatic or crustal rebound follows deglaciation. Rates of uplift, estimated 
from raised shorelines, may exceed 20 mm/yr (Smith and Dawson 1983). 
Although much slower rates of isostatic compensation are attributed to ero- 
sional unloading, these rates may be sustained over longer periods. 

Lithology and Weathering 

The nature of rocks and sediment deposits is of great importance in 
determining the inherited morphology and the development and modification 
of coastal features. The lithologic factor having the greatest effect on coastal 
features is the degree of consolidation. This governs the ability of rock 
material to be eroded and transported, which, in turn, influences the form and 
stability of geomorphic elements occurring in the coastal zone. 

Consolidated rock coastlines are often hilly or mountainous, with the 
exception of reefs, which are generally low-lying. The inherited morphology 
is usually prominent, with erosional features being more numerous than 
depositional features. Some geomorphic variability is attributable to rock 
type, interbedding, jointing, and dip and strike of strata (Figure 7). Temporal 
geomorphic variability is not as great as on unconsolidated coasts because con- 
solidated rocks are highly resistant. However, in some places, rocky coasts 
may be modified by depositional features. These include locations where 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 










Figure 7. Some aspects of geomorphic variability attributable to lithology, 
structure, and mass movement along semi-consolidated and 
consolidated coasts in cross section 

rivers deliver sufficient quantities of sediment for the construction of extensive 
spits and baymouth barriers, or where erosion of cliffs or reefs exceeds 
transport of sediments by marine processes. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



Unconsolidated or poorly consolidated materials are found in low-lying 
coastal plains and deltaic complexes. Along coasts of unconsolidated 
materials, large amounts of sediment typically are available and morphologic 
variations can occur rapidly. Relict geomorphic features are readily altered in 
this environment. Depositional features are likely to be more numerous than 
erosional features. A detailed description of coasts composed of uncon- 
solidated sediments follows in a section on sediment character. 

Both lithology and jointing influence the resistance of a rocky coastline to 
weathering and erosion. Additional factors are susceptibility to weathering 
(mechanical or chemical), hardness of the constituent minerals and cementa- 
tion, the nature and density of voids, and climatic conditions. Mechanical 
weathering involves the breakdown or disintegration of rock without any sub- 
stantial degree of chemical change. Examples are processes such as tempera- 
ture change, crystallization by salt or frost, wetting and drying, changes in 
overburden, and organic activities. Chemical weathering involves the decom- 
position or decay of minerals because of hydration and hydrolysis, oxidation 
and reduction, solution and carbonation, chelation, and/or biochemical 

In a given area, weathering or erosion may occur at different rates. 
Various rock types may be more or less susceptible to erosion by waves, 
tides, and currents. As a result, differential weathering and erosion may 
produce uneven coastlines where headlands are formed of resistant materials 
and bays occur in less resistant materials (Shepard and Grant 1947) 

(Figure 8). Small-scale effects of differential weathering cause rocks to have 
uneven pitting or surface characteristics. Coastal configuration at differing 
scales may also be influenced by terrestrial agents that cause erosion, such as 
running water, ice, wind, and groundwater. 


Marine organisms may play either a destructive or constructive role in the 
formation of coastal sediment deposits. Some organisms, including species of 
algae, mollusks, echinoids, worms, and sponges have the ability to bore into 
rock for protection against predators or to obtain anchorage on the bottom. 
The resulting weakening and breakdown of the rocks makes them more 
susceptible to wave erosion. Physical and chemical weathering generally 
break down and dissolve organically produced or biogenic materials more 
rapidly than clastic sediments. 

Biological activity also plays a constructive role in the formation of coastal 
sediment deposits. Although biogenic materials are more easily destroyed 
than terrestrial clastics, new sources are continually being provided. Many 
organisms that inhabit the submerged part of the coastal zone contain hard 
parts, usually composed of calcium carbonate. Upon the death of the 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Figure 8. Aerial photograph of Pta. de la Garita, Cabo de la Aguja, Columbia (Feb 1981). 
A pocket beach has formed between two resistant headlands. To the right of 
the headlands, waves approach the coastline at a steep angle, causing longshore 
currents which transport sediments away from the headland. Photograph taken 
from an altitude of 600 m; distance between the headlands is about 0.5 km. 

organism, the hard materials become part of the bottom sediments. Mollusks, 
calcareous algae, barnacles, bryozoa, and foraminifera are important elements 
of coastal sediment deposits in many places. 

In most places, mollusks are the principal organic shell contribution to 
coastal sediments. Breakdown of the larger shells into sand and granule-size 
material usually occurs where shells are exposed to boring organisms and the 
action of waves and currents. Some organisms have segmented shells that 
separate into smaller particles soon after death. Common examples of this are 
certain calcareous algae such as Halimeda sp. and barnacles. Both of these 
organisms are made up of numerous parts, which are composed of calcium 

In areas of high biological production and/or low input of terrestrial 
sediment, biogenic sediment particles may exceed the inorganic particles in 
number. In certain environments, such as coral reef areas, biogenic material 
is dominant, and sometimes the sole material type. Accumulation of biogenic 
material in sediments seems to be more important in offshore areas than in 
beach and dune sediment, presumably because of the higher destruction rate of 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

shell material in the turbulent beach environment, especially where the shell 
material is mixed with substantial amounts of quartz sand. 

It is not uncommon to encounter shell material that has been produced in 
an earlier time under different environmental circumstances than the present 
(relict material). From North Carolina to Florida, relict material may be a 
significant element in coastal deposits. One way in which coastal deposits 
may be preserved is by secondary diagenetic changes. An example is the 
formation of beach rock, which involves the consolidation of beach sand by 
interstitial cement composed chiefly of calcium carbonate (Higgins 1968). For 
example, the Anastasia Formation beach rock, a coquina limestone, may 
outcrop in the surf zone as nearshore reefs or as a low cliff in the berm area 

(Figure 9). 

In addition to contributing sediment particles, several organisms are 
capable of building reefs on the sea floor. Corals are the best known reef 
builders and usually produce the largest reef structures. However, various 
types of worms, mollusks, bryozoa, and coralline algae are also capable of 
reef construction. 

Figure 9. Outcrops of Pleistocene coquina rock of the Anastasia Formation on a beach in 
East Florida. Erosion of such rocks contributes sediment particles to the beach 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Coral reefs are best developed in subtropical and tropical climates but 
certain species of coral can tolerate colder water temperatures. The actual 
amount of coral in a reef varies. It can be relatively small, providing a 
framework that fills out with the hard parts of plants and animals that flourish 
in the typical coral reef environment. Coralline algae are important in reef 
construction because they form calcium carbonate crusts that help hold the dif- 
ferent reef materials together. 

Mass Wasting and Mass Transport 

Once clastic and biogenic materials are broken apart by mechanical and 
chemical weathering, they are more susceptible to downslope movement under 
the influence of gravitational processes. These processes, collectively termed 
mass wasting, may vary in scale, occurring either slowly or quickly in a 
number of parent materials. Causes and mechanics of mass wasting are 
variable, but depend in part on slope, soil moisture, and physical properties. 
While most attention is given to subaerial mass wasting, submarine failures 
occur on deltas and on the Continental Shelf (Prior and Coleman 1978). 

The shape of failures and distribution of debris may take on a variety of 
forms. Thus, in coastal settings, mass wasting may directly influence 
geomorphic variability (Figure 7). Along cliff coasts, especially in unconsoli- 
dated material, gravity movement is important and is often aided by wave 
undercutting of the base. Waves and currents are important in removing mass 
wasting debris, thus reexposing the cliff face to wave attack (Figure 8). 

Mass wasting of hillslopes, whether at the coast or inland, may also fa- 
cilitate sediment supply. Mass wasting directly by gravity is distinguished 
from other gravity-induced movements in which the material is carried by 
transporting agents such as running water, groundwater, ice, snow, and air. 
Direct movement by these agents is termed mass transport, although, in 
nature, mass wasting and mass transport merge into each other so that in some 
cases the distinction becomes arbitrary. Abrasion or mechanical wear of 
materials by solid particles transported in fluids, and corrosion or chemical 
wear from the reaction of rocks with substances in water are additional 
processes involved in the erosion of materials. 

Materials may be transported in one of three major modes within a fluid 
(dissolved load, suspended load, or bed load). The dissolved load consists of 
material transported in solution. The suspended load consists primarily of fine 
particles, which are entrained and maintained into the flow primarily by 
turbulent mixing processes. In bed load transport, particles move by rolling, 
sliding, or saltating at velocities less than those of the surrounding flow. 

The great majority of material is transported from inland areas to coasts by 
running water. The magnitude of sediment yield by running water is con- 


Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

trolled by five main groups of factors: (a) precipitation and runoff 
characteristics; (b) soil resistance; (c) basin topography; (d) vegetation cover; 
and (e) land use. Of these, most consider mean annual precipitation or runoff 
to be the most important variable. Although studies show great disparity, the 
greatest sediment yields occur in semi-arid regions and very humid regions 
(Knighton 1984). Only a small proportion of the sediment mobilized from in- 
land areas on a given occasion will reach the coast, while most is stored 
temporarily in the basin. There is large geographical variability in concentra- 
tion and distribution of sediment carried from sources to the coast by running 

In a fluid, the entrainment, transport, and deposition of sediment particles 
are often defined as functions of sediment diameter and mean fluid velocity. 
In flowing water, the Hjulstrom curve indicates that the threshold velocity is 
at a minimum for medium size quartz sand particles, and that higher velocities 
are necessary to entrain both finer and coarser sediments (Figure 10), for 
reasons to be discussed shortly. Greater velocities are required to transport 
materials of similar size in wind as opposed to water (Bagnold 1941). 
Velocity alone does not control the capacity of a fluid to entrain particles. 
Other characteristics include the viscosity of the fluid, the nature of the fluid 
motion, the character and shape of the bed materials, and the impact of 
saltating or bouncing grains. 

SS tf) Vv TRL 
~~ Velocity 




Z\- Fall 


Clay and silt Fine sand Sand Gravel and boulders 
0.001 ea | eal | | 
Ae) 10 

0.001 0.01 0.1 100 

Size (mm) 

Figure 10. Conditions for erosion, transportation, and deposition of particles in water 
according to Hjulstrom (1935) 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Fine, cohesive sediments respond differently to hydrodynamic forces than 
do non-cohesive sediments. Fine sediments are made up largely of clay min- 
erals with an interlayered crystal structure, and normally have a negative 
surface charge. Cohesion results from inter-particle surface attractions 
between clay minerals, which are promoted in sea water, and then reinforced 
by organic secretions. Thus, for noncohesive sediments, the main stabilizing 
force is the particle weight, whereas cohesive sediments are stabilized by 
interparticle adhesion and organic binding. 

The relative importance of running water, wind, ice, or groundwater in 
transporting materials from inland areas to the coast varies greatly with local 
conditions. Running water is most important for transporting solid and 
dissolved materials where large rivers meet the coast. Locally, smaller rivers 
may be important, and reworking of ancestral river deposits is also often 
significant. As with running water, groundwater may be important for trans- 
portation of solutes or dissolved materials. Wind is important in arid areas, 
although not necessarily more important than running water. Transportation 
by ice is much slower than by water and wind, so that ice is probably only 
important over long-term periods at high latitudes. 

Between the offshore and coastal zones, mass transport may take place by 
a variety of mechanisms. Erosion and transport of offshore sediments are 
chiefly accomplished by waves and wave-generated littoral currents in the 
shore and upper shoreface areas. Considerable difficulties arise when attempt- 
ing to apply sediment movement thresholds in oscillatory flow, as the water 
particles under waves reverse their direction of flow and accelerate and 
decelerate under each pulse. The threshold condition for movement appears 
to be better related to the ratio between grain diameter and orbital diameter of 
the water particles (Komar and Miller 1973). 

Storm-generated waves and currents can effectively erode and transport 
material in deeper waters of the continental shelf, and it is likely that they 
play a role in modifying and moving large sediment features, such as shelf 
shoals. Mass transport has both a longshore component, parallel to the shore, 
and a cross-shore component, which may be onshore or offshore. Lower- 
energy events mostly transport sediment onshore, while larger events transport 
sediment offshore and sometimes onshore, if overwashing and overtopping 

Sediment Character 

Unconsolidated coastal sediments may be composed of a variety of mate- 
rials, which range in size and shape, mineralogy, density, and other proper- 
ties. Clastic sediments are comprised of rock detrital grains, whereas biogenic 
sediments are comprised primarily of calcium carbonate grains from shells, 
skeletons, and invertebrates. The characteristics of these materials account for 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



much of the geomorphic variability of clastic shorelines and provide informa- 
tion that may assist in interpreting past processes or in predicting the transport 
potential of sediments. 

Sedimentary particles show a range in size and are classified according to 
diameter, assuming the particles are roughly spheroid in shape. These sizes 
are divided into several major classes, in order of increasing diameter, being 
clay, silt, very fine to very coarse sand, granule, pebble, cobble, and boulder 
(Table 1). Generally, clay minerals are cohesive, being held together by 
electrolytic forces. Coarser sediments, which make up the bulk of coastal 
sediments, are considered noncohesive or cohesionless. 

The type of sediments found in a location depends on the source and 
supply of materials and the energy of the environment. If the nature of the 
source and supply are held constant, coarser sediments are deposited in high- 
energy environments and produce beaches of steeper slope, whereas finer 
sediments are deposited in low-energy environments and are associated with 
beaches of gentler slope. Mixtures of differing populations of sediments are 
common, including combinations of coarse and fine, clastic and biogenic, and 
differing source regions. These contribute further to the geomorphic variabil- 
ity of coasts. 

Sandy coastlines are predominant worldwide. Sand may be supplied by 
rivers, by adjacent parts of the coasts including beaches, headlands and cliffs, 
by offshore sources, or by wind. Silt and clay coastal sediments occur in 
generally lower energy settings such as lagoons and back barriers. Near large 
rivers (Wells and Coleman 1981a) and in glaciolacustrine settings, silts and 
clays may dominate coastal materials. 

Pebble and cobble coastlines, called shingle beaches in Britain, are more 
common in areas of glacial and fluvioglacial sediments (Bird 1969; King 
1982), in areas where coastal rock formations yield debris of appropriate size 
(Bird 1969), and in localized areas where rivers deliver coarse materials to the 
shore. Beaches of granule-sized particles are rare (King 1982). 

Cobbles and pebbles on beaches have a variety of characteristic shapes, 
including disks, rods, and spheres, which are found in characteristic zones of 
the beach profile. The distribution of the various sediment shapes on beach 
profiles is controlled largely by selective sorting (Bluck 1967). Contrary to 
usual descriptions, marine abrasion appears not to be the predominant cause of 
the disk shape, in that the largest oblate disks are found near the high tide 
mark and thus are least worked by the sea. 

Beaches of terrigenous origin generally have quartz as the most abundant 
mineral, accompanied by varying proportions of feldspar, mica, other light 
minerals, and heavy minerals. Quartz is dominant because it is the most 
abundant mineral in the earth’s crust, as well:as being mechanically durable 
and chemically inert (Jackson 1970). Pebble and cobble beaches have highly 
varied mineralogy, depending upon the nature of the source. Clay minerals 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Table 1 
Sediment Particle Sizes 

Unified Soils Classification | ASTM Mesh No. [wi size «| PHI Size Wentworth Classification 

256.00 él 
Cobble 128.00 d 
107.64 Cobble 
64.00 i 
45.26 6 
Coarse Gravel 32.00 : 
26.91 d 
19.00 E 
16.00 ¢ Pebble 
13.45 i 
11.31 . 
Fine Gravel d 8.00 4 
6.73 é 
: 5.66 ; 
4.76 : 

4.00 d 
3.36 ; 
Coarse Sand 2.85 : Granule 
2:35 5 
2.00 A 

1.68 ; 
1.41 : Very Coarse 
1.19 } 
Medium Sand 1.00 E 
0.84 f 
0.71 Xu Coarse 
0.59 [ 
| 0.50 i 
0.42 : 

0.35 : 

0.30 ; 

0.25 A 

0.210 : 

Fine Sand 0.177 ; Fine 

0.149 A 

0.125 : 

0.105 zi 

0.088 fe Very Fine 

0.0625 f 

0.053 ; 

0.044 : 
Silt 0.037 ‘ 

0.031 : 

0.0156 i 

0.0078 : 

0.0039 ( 

0.0020 101, 

0.00098 Clay 
Clay 0.00049 



0.00006 Colloid 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


also have varied composition, the most common being kaolinite, smectite, 
illite, and chlorite. 

Shell fragments, coral debris, algal material, and oolites are common on 
tropical coasts and islands, in temperate regions where shelly organisms are 
abundant offshore, or along coasts with calcareous cliffs. The mineralogy of 
the fragments is primarily calcareous, although dolomitic, phosphatic, and 
siliceous materials may be present. Most calcium carbonate grains are 
biogenic since they are made up largely of shells, skeletons, and invertebrates. 
In some tropical areas where the water is super-saturated with calcium 
carbonate, non-biogenic precipitates of calcium carbonate called oolites may 

Along volcanic coasts, such as Hawaii and the north shore of Martinique, 
black sand beaches of basalt and pumice may be dominant. Driftwood and 
timber are common, particularly in the vicinity of lumbering areas, although 
they can be found on virtually any coast. Along cliff coasts, logs may 
facilitate erosion by abrasion. Other organic materials, such as peats, are 
common coastal materials. They are formed in low-energy areas such as 
vegetated marshes and swamps. 

Characteristics of the sediments can provide clues to their origin and 
depositional environments. Size analysis can help distinguish beach, dune, 
and eolian flat environments (Mason and Folk 1958), and the shape, inclu- 
sions, and optical characteristics of a sediment may also assist in determining 
its geologic origin. The mineralogy of the materials and heavy minerals can 
be used as a tracer to indicate the source or provenance of sediments. Heavy 
minerals typically form a minor constituent of the original rock and have a 
specific gravity greater than quartz or feldspar, with a density of 
2.8 gm/cu cm being a generally accepted lower limit (Brenninkmeyer 1978). 
Because of their greater density, heavy minerals respond differently to the 
sorting and concentration that occur in marine processes. The utility of 
various heavy minerals in determining provenance varies according to their 
occurrence (common to very rare) and their stability. Statistical techniques, 
including factor analysis (Clemens and Komar 1988; Komar et al. 1989), may 
be useful in determining dispersal patterns and sorting of heavy minerals. 

Just as rocky coasts may produce significant zones of unconsolidated 
sediment because of erosion, coasts of unconsolidated sediments can develop 
lithified zones because of diagenetic changes. One of the most common sec- 
ondary diagenetic changes is the formation of beach rock, involving the con- 
solidation of beach sand with an interstitial cement composed chiefly of 
calcium carbonate (Higgins 1968). Beach rock develops best on tropical and 
subtropical coasts, although it has also been reported on temperate coasts. 
Most researchers think that the formation of beach rock takes place under- 
ground, near the top of the water-saturated zone of the beach. Thus, beach 
rock is generally not visible unless shoreline recession has occurred and the 
overlying sediment has been washed away. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 

Sediment Supply and Human Activity 

Sediment supply at a given coastal segment can be a critical factor in the 
morphology of unconsolidated coastal features such as beaches, deltas, and 
capes. The volumetric accounting of the material lost or gained constitutes a 
sediment budget. Longshore transport out of or into an area is the chief cause 
of loss or gain along mainland coasts and most barrier beaches (Bowen and 
Inman 1966). Other important reasons for gains include river transport, sea 
cliff erosion, onshore transport, biogenic deposition, hydrogenic deposition, 
wind transport into an area, and beach nourishment. Significant losses are 
caused by wind transport out of an area, offshore transport, solution, 
abrasion, dredging, and mining. Human modifications along the coast, 
including engineering structures, dredging, and beach nourishment, can 
profoundly influence the patterns and amounts of losses and gains. Human 
modifications of river basins can also change the amounts and patterns of the 
supply of incoming materials. 

An analysis of sediment supply may involve the investigation of input at a 
relatively great distance from a given project site. The relationships of supply 
and transport are complex, in that littoral sediments supplied by one factor, 
such as river sources, may be transported or removed by another, such as 
longshore processes. A multitude of techniques including field measurements, 
charts, maps, photographs and documents, numerical analyses, and computer 
simulations can be employed. Sometimes, analyses can be facilitated by 
breaking up the coast into a series of compartments, or cells, to assist in 
identifying sources and sinks (Carter 1988). The time scale over which data 
are collected is important, as sediment budgets also reflect the geomorphic 
variability of coasts, and may be influenced by cyclic and noncyclic changes 
and long-term trends. 

Engineering structures often create obstruction to alongshore sediment 
transport. Structures most commonly affecting alongshore sediment move- 
ment are groins and jetties (Figure 11). Groins are constructed for the pur- 
pose of obstructing or retarding alongshore sediment transport to mitigate the 
effects of erosion. However, they usually cause accelerated erosion of 
downdrift beaches by cutting off or reducing the amount of material that 
reaches them (Figure 12). If spaced incorrectly, groins can also cause 
localized erosion. Offshore breakwaters are being used in some places to 
reduce the effects of wave erosion, while at the same time allowing along- 
shore transport processes to continue. 

Other engineering structures may create an obstruction to onshore-offshore 
sediment transport. Seawalls and bulkheads are often built to protect cliffs 
and dunes from being eroded by direct storm wave activity or by slumping 
(Figure 13). Where cliffs are composed of unconsolidated material they are 
an important source of sediment both to the adjacent shore and to the 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 


Figure 11. Inlet through a barrier stabilized by jetties. Note the large amount of sand 
trapped by the larger jetty and recession of the shore across the inlet 

Figure 12. Beach protection structures, Cartagena, Columbia (1981). Although the city is 
built on the barrier beaches which protected the original Spanish anchorage, the 
present shoreline suffers from a lack of sand, and the beaches are narrow or are 
entirely missing in some areas 

Figure 13. Beach backed by seawall near Galveston, TX. Note riprap added for further 

alongshore transport system. Therefore, protecting the cliffs can cause net erosion of the 
adjacent and downdrift beaches. 

Structures and activities in river basins also affect the availability of sediment 
supply to the coast. Sediment supply can be greatly reduced by the building of dams and 
reservoirs in watersheds because sands, silts, and clays are impounded behind the dams. 
Therefore, when the rivers ultimately reach the coast, they transport lower sediment loads 
than they did before the dams were built. As an example, recent erosion of the Nile Delta is 
attributed to the construction of the Aswan High Dam (Carter 1988). Other structures, such 
as revetments which reduce bank caving, and levees, which prevent rivers from overtopping 
their banks, also reduce sediment supply to coastal and wetland areas. Stream diversion, 
whether a natural event or by design, can cut off important sources of sediment to the coastal 
areas formerly receiving sediment from those sources. In some circumstances, diversion of 
streams may supply sediment to an area that formerly had been bypassed. Land-use changes 
in watersheds, including deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization, may affect the fluxes 
and timing of sediment supply to coasts. 

Chapter 2 Relevant Processes and Factors 



3 Variable Coastal Features 

Coastal features can be examined at a variety of scales. As features are 
examined in progressively smaller area and greater detail, the morphologic 
characteristics generally reveal more rapid changes and greater complexity. 
Some major coastal environments are described herein, with large-scale 
morphological features being given most attention. These are examined from 
a variety of perspectives including profile, plan-view, and three-dimensional. 
Morphological features of smaller scale, such as bedforms, are described in 
sections where they are often found, including the beach and nearshore zone 
and tidal inlets. 

Various types of geomorphic changes take place in varying environments 
of the coastal zone, depending upon materials and which processes are locally 
more important. Large-scale coastal forms generally encompass a wide 
variety of environments, each exhibiting distinctive processes and responses. 
For example, the sediments near a barrier island may represent shelf, 
shoreface, beach/foreshore, dune, back barrier flat, and lagoon environments, 
each morphologically distinctive (Figure 14). Strandplain coasts and tidal flats 
contain some, but not all, of the same environments (Figure 14). Coasts 
strongly influenced by terrestrial fresh water and/or sediment input, e.g., near 
estuaries and deltas, also have a unique suite of processes, environments, and 

Material type also affects coastal form. In locations where unconsol- 
idated sediments are available, beaches may form if materials are predomi- 
nantly sand-sized or coarser, although the processes and characteristics of 
sand-sized beaches and coarse clastics are distinctive. If abundant sand supply 
is available, coastal dunes may form, If there are significant storms, over- 
washing, overtopping, and associated features may occur. Mudflats, marshes, 
and mangrove swamps may form if materials are predominantly fine-grained. 
Lithified materials coasts also show distinctive processes, with large-scale 
morphologies typically including cliffs and shore platforms. Locations where 
organic deposition occurs typically develop hard, shallow reefs, with forms 
differing from those found in clastic sediment environments. 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 












Figure 14. Surface and subsurface environments and variations of barrier islands, strand plain 
coasts, and tidal flats 


Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


Beach and Nearshore Zone 

Beaches are accumulations of unconsolidated sediment extending shoreward 
from the mean low tide line to the inland limit of the littoral zone, where 
vegetation or a change in relief begins to develop (i.e., coastal sand dunes, 
beach ridges, terraces, or a cliff line) (Komar 1976). Beaches are among the 
most variable coastal geomorphic features and the most widely distributed of 
any of the coastal sedimentary environments (Dolan et al. 1972). Extensive 
beach development occurs on low-lying coasts where great quantities of 
sediment are available, primarily at barrier coasts, with the remainder occur- 
ring in pocket beaches, lakes, and rock headlands (Davis 1985). Beach 
sediments generally range from fine sand to cobbles. Finer materials are 
present on few ocean beaches, because waves create turbulence which keeps 
fine materials in suspension. 

Beaches may hug the coastline or show a number of large-scale detached 
forms. Barrier islands, which are totally disconnected from the mainland 
shoreline, are typically fronted by beaches (Nummedal 1983), and separated 
from the mainland by lagoons, wetlands, or tidal marshes. Spits are quasi- 
linear subaerial landforms caused by longshore deposition in which beaches 
separate from the main coastline and project into the deeper waters of estuary 
mouths or bays. If a spit extends across a bay, it is known as a baymouth 
barrier. Cuspate forelands are seaward-projecting accumulations of materials. 

Wave refraction around an offshore island may lead to the development of a 
tombolo, a beach connecting the mainland with the island. 

The beach surface can be divided into two major zones, the 
backshore, which extends inland from the normal high-tide level, and the fore- 
shore, which is equated with the intertidal zone (Figure 2). The beach and the 
nearshore zone, which extends from the low-tide level to the seaward limit of 
bar-and-trough topography, are closely related but show markedly different 
forms and processes. 

Generally, most of the backshore consists of one or more berms or beach 
ridges, which are flat to gently landward-sloping accumulations of wave- 
deposited sediments. Gravel and cobble beaches may show one or more 
storm ridges in the backshore. According to Carter (1988), a beach ridge is a 
berm that has survived erosion, and there is no real morphological or sedi- 
mentological distinction between them. In this study, two types of beach 
ridges were distinguished, one which was controlled by runup, and one which 
was the result of ridge stranding. The seaward limit of the backshore is 
marked by the berm crest, at which the slope changes along a more steeply 
inclining beach face. Eroding beaches may show a continuous upper 
foreshore-to-backshore slope and a slightly concave-upward profile. 

Morphologic features of the foreshore are more variable and numerous 
than in the backshore. For example, the beach face slope may be inclined 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 

from 1 deg to 30 deg, depending upon the sediment character of the foreshore 
and the processes acting upon it. Steeper beach faces generally occur with 
coarse materials and in higher energy environments. A small and sometimes 
subtle step, typically marked by a concentration of shell debris and/or coarse 
sediments, may be present at the line where the waves plunge before surging 
up the beach face. A sandbar and landward trough, known as a ridge-and- 
runnel system, may also be present at times (Figure 2). The ridge-and-runnel 
system is most common on _ beaches with an abundance of sand. Seaward of 
the ridge near the low-water line, there may be a nearly horizontal morpho- 
logic zone called a low tide terrace. 

Rhythmic topography changes also occur in varying scales on the fore- 
shore. Beach cusps (spacing of 10-30 m) and giant cusps (spacing of 
100-200 m) are examples. Both cusp features have a similar morphology and 
a non-tidal genesis, with beach cusps being related to accretionary processes 
during swell conditions, and giant cusps being formed during storms under 
erosional wave conditions. Spacing of beach cusps may be related to rip 
current spacing, the wavelength of edge waves, and the spacing between 
waves arriving at the beach from different directions. Larger rhythmic fea- 
tures called beach protuberances (100 m-100 km) are characterized by subtidal 
components and sandbar movements. Non-rhythmic morphologic features, 
forming aperiodic protuberances, may also occur at the shoreline, often in 
response to the longshore drift patterns associated with cells. Other non- 
rhythmic features, such as salients, may form in sheltered areas behind rock 
outcrops or offshore breakwaters. 

Morphologic features of the nearshore zone include a number and variety 
of stable and ephemeral subtidal bar forms. These often show relationships to 
beach topography. The formation of submarine bars is favored by, but not 
entirely dependent on, a gentle shoreface slope, low tidal range, ample sedi- 
ment supply, and a low incidence of long swell waves. Bars are absent only 
where these factors are lacking, and are less stable in shallow water than in 
deeper water. 

Several types of submarine bars have been recognized. They are differen- 
tiated mainly on the basis of plan view shape, alignment, and continuity. 
Longshore bars are the most common, consisting of a 1- to 4-meter relief 
linear ridges aligned parallel to shore. Their continuity is broken only by 
narrow rip channels which may migrate alongshore. The origin of longshore 
bars is believed to be related to breaking waves, and most bars seem to be 
located at the breaker line (Miller 1976). Where multiple longshore bars 
exist, their positions are often associated with the breaker lines at high- and 
low-tide stages, multiple breaker lines, or breaker positions for various wave 

In the nearshore zone, crescentic bars are the next most common form. 
They are shaped convex-seaward, and may be in-phase or out-of-phase with 
shoreline protuberances. Lunate bars form a half crescent, with the bar 
initially extending from the shore protuberance, then bending to a more or 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



less shore-parallel orientation pointing in the direction of the longshore 
current. Transverse bars are oriented perpendicular to shore and are attached 
at beach protuberances. 

Process-response mechanisms in the beach and nearshore environment have 
been integrated into a number of distinct morphological states, ranging from 
dissipative to reflective with several transitional morphodynamic regimes 
(Wright et al. 1979; Short 1979; Wright and Short 1983). The system 
interrelates waves, currents, morphology, sediment size and sorting, and sedi- 
ment transport (Figure 15). Dissipative profiles are characterized by low 
gradients and wide surf zones, multiple parallel bars, and suspended load 
transport. Reflective systems have steep beach faces with surging breakers, 
edge waves and widespread cusps, bed load transport, and an absence of 
nearshore bars and rip currents. Intermediate regimes incorporate elements of 
both domains, progressing through the transitional intermediate states from 
longshore bar and trough to rhythmic bar and trough, to traverse bar and rip, 
to ridge and runnel. 

On predominantly sandy coastlines, beaches and the nearshore region con- 
tinually respond to ever-changing winds, waves, tides, and currents by 
showing adjustments in profile and morphologic features according to beach 
type and environmental conditions. The day-to-day changes can be notable. 
On the beach and nearshore, when wave energy is low or moderate, there is 
overall net onshore transport and constructional activity. 

As energy increases, long-period, steep-profile storm waves may produce 
considerable erosion of the beach and nearshore environment. Longshore 
bars, for example, can shift position quickly, moving offshore at rates of 30 m 
daily. In response to less steep waves, bars move more slowly (Birkemeier 
1985; 1987). Many types of morphologic changes respond to tidal cycles. 
One example is the migration of erosion and accumulation zones on a diurnal 
or semidiurnal basis with tidally driven water table changes (Duncan 1964). 

In addition to the day-to-day fluctuations in beach morphology, longer term 
cyclic and unidirectional effects occur on sandy beaches. The principal cyclic 
effects are usually related to seasonal variations in dynamic factors, which in 
turn create distinct cyclic changes in beach morphology and sediment char- 
acteristics. Thus, survey data should ideally cover different seasons in order 
to indicate the range of values that may be encountered during a year. 

During periods or seasons when frequent or severe storms occur, (typically 
winter), sand is eroded from the beach, causing the profile to become lower 
and narrower. Offshore bars may develop or enlarge due to the addition of 
material from the beach. With the return of fair weather conditions, the beach 
tends to recover and all or a part of the material in offshore bars may return 
to the beach. Occasionally, overtopping and overwashing occur on sandy 
coastal barriers, when water and sediment may pass over the barrier crest and 
settle on the landward side. Overwashing events are generally noncyclic, 
preventing the beach from recovering to its initial condition. It is rare that 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 

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Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


material moves from the back to the front of a barrier. However, seaward- 
flowing currents may cross barriers if landward water levels become elevated, 
a phenomenon sometimes termed the storm surge ebb-residual flow (Hayes 

Coarse-grained clastic beaches are distinctive in terms of their grain size, 
wave energetics response, and profile characteristics, but are also distinctive 
in sediment transport and coastal evolution. Such beaches are usually morph- 
ologically reflective, dominated by plunging breakers with no surf zone, 
strong longshore bedload transport in the swash zone, and seepage as a major 
process (Carter 1988). While sand beaches undergo tidal and seasonal 
changes, gravel beaches have arrested swell profiles, which are maintained 
through most storm periods but can show aseasonal responses. Coarse clastic 
beaches may show alongshore grading. Sediment transport processes are 
poorly understood in these cases, but are likely related to the wave parameters 
as on sand beaches. 

Longer term cyclic and noncyclic events affecting beach and nearshore 
morphology may extend over a period of decades or centuries. Variations in 
climatic patterns, wave characteristics, sediment supply, and relative sea level, 
as well as the lasting effects of coastal engineering works, inlets, and extreme 
events may cause long-term cyclic and noncyclic changes. Studies of histor- 
ical maps, charts, and aerial photographs are valuable to show relatively long- 
term trends of such factors as shoreline or shoal migration, and bathymetric 
changes that should be considered in project design. 

If a beach has been subject to environmental forces for an adequate period, 
the beach profile will respond to both the long-term and short-term changes in 
a manner that tends to restore an equilibrium profile. In equilibrium, the 
amount of sediment deposited by waves and currents will be balanced by the 
amount removed by them. Some researchers have proposed that the slope of 
natural profiles fits the following equation: h(x) = Ax™, where A is a scale 
factor primarily dependent upon sediment characteristics and m is a shape 
factor, proposed to be 2/3 (Bruun 1954; Dean 1977; Dean and Maurmeyer 
1983). While the equilibrium profile may be disturbed by unusual and 
exceptional conditions, such response models can assist in predicting future 
shoreline positions and in interpreting shoreline history. 

Over historic, and particularly over longer time scales, shoreline response 
to sea level rise may follow one of three generalized models (Figure 16). The 
erosional response, or Brunn Rule model, assumes offshore dispersal of 
eroding shoreline materials such that the rates of sea level rise and sea bed 
rise are commensurate. In the rollover model, a transgressive barrier moves 
landward at a rate controlled by the rate of sea level rise (Dillon 1970). The 
barrier overstepping model suggests that the barrier may be drowned, remain- 
ing on the shoreface, as sea level rises above it. 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

(A) EROSIONAL RESPONSE (The Bruun Rule)(Offshore transport) 

el Rie 

Eroded < 
volurte. . 

“Deposited volume «oe 
Close out 

|.____________ x 

(B) ROLLOVER (transport) 

ke RL—+ 

(C) OVERSTEPPING (No transport) 

Figure 16. Three models of shoreline response to sea level rise: 
(a) Erosional response model/Brunn rule assumes off- 
shore dispersal of shoreline materials; (b) Island rollover 
model assumes barrier migrates landward according to 
rate of sea level rise; (c) Barrier overstepping model 
assumes submergence in place with barrier remaining on 
shoreface (after Carter 1988) 


Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


Lithified Coasts: Cliffs and Platforms 

Rocks and sediments that are semi-consolidated or consolidated may form 
vertical or steep cliffs that constitute a marked break in slope between the 
hinterland and the shore. If marine processes are given adequate time, the 
cliff may be fronted by a gently sloping shore or intertidal platform where 
debris may rest (Figure 17). The slope and recession rates of the cliff faces 
depend on a number of terrestrial and marine processes, as well as the 
geotechnical properties of materials comprising them, including grain size and 
degrees of consolidation. Recent volcanic or loosely consolidated Quaternary 
sediments show the greatest erosion rates (Sunamura 1983). 

Marine processes remove cliff materials directly by attack at the cliff base, 
and indirectly by undercutting, causing failure or mass wasting of the overly- 
ing rock. The debris produced by these processes may then be transported by 
a variety of marine processes. Resulting accumulation, erosion, or cliff 
modification depends on the relationship between the relative rates of supply 
and removal at the shoreline (Pethick 1984). 

If marine processes are capable of removing slope debris much faster than 
the rate of debris supply, then, in most cases (depending upon the structure 
and lithology of the rock) the slope will retreat parallel to itself. When the 
supply of debris far exceeds the capacity for removal, basal debris will 
accumulate at the angle of repose (the maximum angle of slope at which loose 
cohesionless material rests). Between these extremes, a variety of slopes 
ranging from debris angle of repose to vertical faces are possible. 

Typically, profiles of steeply sloping shorelines are highly reflective, 
whether the materials are consolidated or unconsolidated. Currents are shore- 
parallel and unidirectional, and bars are generally absent. Longshore sediment 
transport rates are high, and most materials are moved away by currents. 
Thus, along cliff coasts, the rates of supply must generally exceed those of 
lower slope coasts to produce beaches. 

As with beaches, lithified coasts show irregular shorelines. Headlands and 
bays may be related to the submergence of a hilly or mountainous topography 
by arise in sea level. Differential erosion and weathering may also lead to 
the development of alternating headlands and bays on rocky cliff coasts. Once 
formed, the presence of prominent headlands on rocky coasts influences waves 
and tides, sediment dispersal and deposition, and shoreline evolution. 
Headlands influence refraction, causing wave ray convergence. Recent 
research has shown that headlands may protrude into tidal flows, causing tidal 
eddies, and in some cases providing a stagnation zone where offshore shoals 
can form. These, in turn, can alter the wave energy environment, creating 
nonuniform wave attack, and altering the spatial patterns of cliff erosion 
(Carter 1988). 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



Figure 17. A variety of cliff morphologies in cross section. Plunging cliff is steeply sloping 
and possibly shows a notch. Cliff with shore platform may develop from 
increased notch development and mass movement of overlying material. Cliff 
base beach may develop from cliff with shore platform if sediment supply 
exceeds transport of materials 

Coasts of consolidated materials resist wave attack because of compressive, 
tensile, and cohesive properties. Thus, because they are primarily erosional 
rather than depositional in nature, they show distinctive morphologic features 
in comparison with unconsolidated coastal sediments. Sustained wave attack 
may etch notches in rock, the deepest notches occurring where dynamic 
pressures are greatest. Multiple notches may form if there are various 
dynamic wave horizons, most likely associated with changing water levels. 
Notches may become sea caves along zones of structural weakness. Varia- 
tions in resistance may also lead to the development of sea stacks and sea 
arches seaward of the cliffs. 

Coastal slope recession typically leaves behind a shore platform, a surface 
that is quasi-horizontal or of low slope angle, marking the lowest level to 
which the erosion reached. Maximum width of such platforms is about 1 km 
(Flemming 1965), and their profiles may be linear, concave, or convex. A 
variety of processes act on platform surfaces, including abrasion, mechanical 
wave erosion, weathering, and solution, which vary depending upon the 
nature of the processes, rocks, structure, tides, age, and history. 

Abrasion from sand and shingle is concentrated on the upper shoreward 
section of the platform since these abrasive materials are generally absent on 
the lower levels (Robinson 1977; Trenhaile 1980). Considered by some to be 
the most important, mechanical wave erosion may assist in breakup and plat- 
form surface lowering by wave shock, wave hammer, air compression, and 
other forms of dynamic pressure release (Trenhaile 1980). Several weathering 
processes may also be involved, particularly those associated with alternate 


Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


wetting and drying of the platform surface. This water-layer weathering 
includes physical processes such as expansion, swelling, and salt 
crystallization, and chemical processes such as hydration and oxidation. Wave 
erosion may proceed more rapidly in weathered material, with subaerial pro- 
cesses at the water table level possibly coming into play. In tropical calcare- 
ous areas, solution of rocks and bioerosion appear to be important processes 
in shore platform development. 

While the complexities of platform morphology are not well understood, 
the shore platform functions as a dissipator of wave energy and as a pathway 
for sediment transport at the cliff edge. The platform slope may thus influ- 
ence the cliff, in that steep slopes would create increased longshore sediment 
transport and promote cliff recession, whereas gentle slopes would not allow 
sufficient longshore transport and beach progradation would result (Bradley 
and Griggs 1976). The critical platform slope would be dependent upon the 
shear stress at the bed by wave forces and the strength of materials making up 
the shore platform. 

Organic Reefs 

Reefs, which are formed mainly from biogenically produced carbonates, 
are important structures in tropical waters. Like lithified coasts, they form 
hard bottoms, but several unique forms develop in such environments. Sever- 
al types of marine organisms are capable of precipitating calcium and other 
carbonates in skeletal and non-skeletal forms, but reefs of coral skeleton are 
the most common. Corals grow most successfully in shallow, warm, mud- 
free waters of moderate salinity, characteristically between latitudes of 30° N 
and 30° § where such conditions occur. 

Four major forms of large-scale reefs have been identified: (a) fringing 
reefs, (b) barrier reefs, (c) atolls, and (d) table reefs (Stoddart 1969). 
Fringing reefs are connected with the land, whereas barrier reefs are separated 
from land areas by a lagoon which may be several kilometers wide. Minor 
reef shapes include ring-shaped forms on banks and shallows, and reef knolls 
or patch reefs growing in lagoons. Like barrier reefs, atolls rise from deep 
water, enclosing a lagoon, but unlike barrier reefs, they do not enclose land 
within them. Table reefs rise from the sea floor as a shallow bank, being 
capped with reef growths that appear different from the other forms. 

The reef surface has a high roughness, and will change local 
morphodynamics by affecting the energy of incident waves and by increasing 
turbulence. Reef form and structure are considered to be linked largely to 
wave climate, and may show process gradients. Studies on the Grand 
Cayman reefs show that the outer reef is dominated by wind-driven currents, 
the inner by high-frequency waves, and the lagoon by deepwater waves and 
tides (Roberts, Murray, and Suhayda 1975). 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

Coastal Dunes 

Coastal dunes (Figure 18) occur where there is a sufficient sediment 
source, onshore winds of sufficient velocity to transport the available material, 
and a flat or low-relief space inland of the coastline to accommodate dune 
formation. Sources of dune material are usually the dry portion of sandy 
beaches. The wider the beach, the greater the surface area exposed to wind 
transport and, consequently, the greater the volume of material available to 
form dunes. Flat, dissipative shorelines, where large volumes of sand are 
stored subaerially at low water, are highly suited for foredune development 
(Short and Hesp 1982). 

Figure 18. Partly vegetated coastal sand dunes. Eastern Alabama near Florida/Alabama 
state line (March 1991). This area was devastated by Hurricane Frederic in 


Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 



Tide range and type can be of considerable importance in beach-dune 
interactions. On beaches where tide ranges are high, more sand is uncovered 
at low water, effectively increasing the size of the source area. Tide type is 
also important because the wind velocity necessary to move sediment is 
significantly increased when the sediment is moist or wet. Because of this, 
more sediment is available in areas where diurnal tides occur, since a longer 
period of time is available for the foreshore sand to dry out between high tide 

Effective transportation of sediment by wind occurs when the wind reaches 
a threshold velocity that is determined not only by sediment characteristics, 
but by moisture content, slope, radiation and energy balance factors, chemical 
precipitates, and vegetation (Carter 1988). The threshold velocity is signifi- 
cantly increased for moist material. Also, the seaward slope of the beach 
surface increases threshold values in accordance with the steepness, because 
the particles must move upslope to reach the dune area. Sand transport from 
the beach to dune areas occurs only when wind blows in an onshore direction, 
whereas sand transport from major inland sources occurs only when wind 
blows in an offshore direction. Thus, the frequency of onshore and offshore 
winds, their relation to local sources, and their velocity, are important factors 
in dune development. 

Dune formation requires an open space inland of the coastline that can be 
reached by windblown sand from the beach. A relatively high cliff or steep 
slope at the coastline can prevent dune formation by blocking the transport 
path. In such cases, windblown material may accumulate at the base of the 
cliff or slope, but this material will be periodically eroded during high water 
levels, and it will develop into true dunes. 

The stability of dunes varies greatly and depends primarily on the amount 
of vegetation cover. Dunes found in arid climates are usually not vegetated 
and tend to be mobile. Coastal dunes in non-arid climates are likely to 
support some vegetation cover and be more stable. However, unvegetated and 
thinly vegetated dunes can occur in any climate. Colonization of dunes by 
vegetation not only depends on whether an area has sufficient moisture, but 
whether the grasses and other plants are salt-tolerant and can respond to 
conditions of rapid sand accumulation. The types of dune grasses found in an 
area show spatial variety according to the types of species in an area, and 
rapid temporal successions are often present (Carter 1988; Chapman 1964; 
Goldsmith 1985; Woodhouse 1978). 

Vegetation cover is a factor in the stability of dunes because the plants can 
both decrease the mobility of sediments and increase the likelihood of deposi- 
tion by changing local aerodynamic conditions. Many dune plants have long 
roots, rhizomes, and runners that help hold sand in place (Figure 19). The 
presence of dense vegetation, in turn, at normal wind speeds can displace the 
aerodynamic boundary of the wind velocity profile upwards. This process 
then provides a net downward momentum flux, which promotes sediment 


Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

Figure 19. Rhizomes help hold sand in place and spread the colonization of dune grasses. 
Eastern Alabama near Florida/Alabama state line (March 1991) 

Because dunes are effective in sediment stabilization and trapping, dune 
vegetative cover and form are interrelated and can be classified as such (Short 
and Hesp 1982). Densely vegetated dunes are associated with fixed, shore- 
parallel dune ridges. As vegetation decreases, dune patterns range from 
discontinuous ridges to hummock dunes to small blowouts. Minimally 
vegetated dunes show residual knolls, barchanoid forms with crescent shapes 
and downwind horns, and transverse blowouts or hollows. 

Dune vegetation can be damaged or destroyed by various diseases and 

natural and human-induced disturbances. Climatic and meteorologic stresses, 
particularly droughts and storms, fire, grazing by wildlife and domesticated 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



species, and foot and vehicular traffic can alter the morphologic and ecologic 
conditions of dunes. 

Because dunes help protect inland areas from storm damage, many 
communities promote dune stabilization and protection. For dune 
construction, beach nourishment is often practiced in conjunction with mea- 
sures to stabilize and trap sediments, (e.g., fencing, vegetative planting, or the 
placing of other obstacles). These measures, as well as the construction of 
walkways to reduce trampling, are also used for dune stabilization and 

Lithified or fossil dunes occur in some places where there are calcium 
carbonate particles in the dune material. Climatic factors promote leaching 
and reprecipitation of calcium carbonate, which may allow dunes to lithify 
under favorable conditions. Modern coastal dunes that have become lithified 
occur largely in tropical climates where there is a high level of calcium 
carbonate in the coastal sediments and alternating wet and dry periods. 

Back Barrier and Lagoons 

During storms and high water levels, the sea may breach a dune ridge, 
bringing sediment from the coastal area further inland. Some scientists call 
the phenomenon overwash, and the product is called washover (Carter 1988). 
Overwashing may result in a distinctive set of breach-throat-fan landforms, 
forming a washover channel through the dune and a washover fan. This 
washover fan develops on the landward side of a barrier and spreads over 
parts of the backshore, back barrier flat, back barrier marsh, or shallow 
lagoon (Figure 20). Storm frequency, overwash volume, dune susceptibility, 
and barrier height are important factors in the development of washovers. 
Low-lying or low-profile barriers in areas of frequent, severe storms have 
numerous washovers. Storm surge ebb-residual flow, which occurs more 
infrequently than overwash, may result in seaward currents and landforms. 

Washover channels are distinguished from inlets in that their elevation is 
above mean sea level. The patterns of breaches may be related to a combina- 
tion of marine or non-marine processes. Washover deposits provide an 
important mechanism by which marine transgression may take place, not just 
for sand-dominated, but also for gravel-dominated barriers (Carter and Orford 
1984). Overwash features are particularly common in the Gulf of Mexico 
coast and eastern seaboard of the United States. These areas experience 
severe extratropical and tropical cyclones with some frequency. 

Coastal lagoons are shallow water bodies, often running parallel to the 
coast and connecting to the open sea with an inlet. Lagoons differ from tidal 
flats in that they remain water-filled even at low tide and are separated from 
the open sea by sand bars, barrier islands, or reefs. Lagoons have been 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 


ade Z INLET ae 


: \ BEACH 


Figure 20. A three-dimensional view of some features commonly associated with a 
barrier island system, including the back barrier, overwash fans, and 

classified according to hydraulic balance, where inflow is equal to, greater 
than, or less than outflow. The volume of water being exchanged is known as 
the tidal prism (Carter 1988). The salinities of lagoons are highly variable, 
depending upon water exchange with sea water and the amount of inflowing 
fresh water. Sediment brought into lagoons may be washed over from the 
barrier island, blown into the lagoon from the barrier island, introduced by 
tidal currents through inlets, or transported from the mainland areas by rivers. 
Generally, the coarsest sediments are found closest to the barrier. 

Mudflats, Salt Marshes, and Mangrove Coasts 

Mudflats, despite their name, are not entirely flat, nor do they consist 
entirely of mud. They occur predominantly in areas of medium to large tidal 
range, areas sheltered from the effects of wind-driven waves, or in areas of 
abundant suspended sediment supply (Pethick 1984), including in the vicinity 
of deltas. Mudflats show a marked break in slope about mid-tide level, below 
which the surface slopes steeply toward the low-water mark. Moving seaward 
and downslope, sediment size increases, with upper mudflats being replaced 
by sandy mudflats at slightly lower levels. These sandy mudflats in turn 
change into more steeply sloping sand flats below mid-tide level. Fine- 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


grained sediments may be supplied from marine, coastal cliff, fluvial, or 
estuarine sources. 

Mudflat morphology is related to tidal and sediment processes, and the 
break in slope at mid-tide generally reflects the position of the maximum tidal 
velocity (Pethick 1984). The upper part of the mudflat surface progressively 
increases in height due to the accretion of sediments, so that the period of 
inundation of each tide is successively reduced. Eventually, the mudflat may 
become exposed long enough to allow vegetation to colonize, leading to the 
development of salt marshes. 

Salt marsh development usually begins with the deposition of mud on a 
sand surface followed by the establishment of algae salt-tolerant plants like 
Spartina Patens, Spartina Alternifora, and eelgrass near the high-water mark. 
The vegetation and seaweed may assist in trapping increasing amounts of 
sediment. Increased vegetative sediment trapping leads to the upward and 
outward building of hummocks, and to reduced wave heights and energies. 
Rates of marsh sedimentation are controlled by sediment availability and 
vegetative trapping, and also by the magnitude and frequency of various 
factors affecting water level elevation, including waves, tides, and surges. 
With increasing elevation, however, there will be decreased frequency of 
inundation, and thus reduced rates of upward accretion during storms. 

Salt marshes are well-developed during periods of relative sea level stabili- 
ty, and typically occur on marine delta plains, behind barrier beaches, in 
depressions, embayments, and other irregularities of the coast. Salt marshes 
trap muddy sediments in low-energy tidal situations along protected sections of 
extratropical coasts, comprising 1- to 2- km bands along the Atlantic and gulf 
coasts of the United States. Numerous organisms are uniquely adapted to 
such conditions, and the salt marsh substrate records contain many details that 
are of significance in paleoecology and environmental reconstruction. 

Mangrove swamps occupy Settings similar to salt marshes, except that they 
occur in lower latitudes, between 30 deg N and 30 deg S. Mangroves include 
several species of low trees and shrubs, and are characterized by an entangle- 
ment of arching prop roots that facilitates trapping of fine sediment. 
Typically, they are composed of higher amounts of organic debris than 
marshes. Mangrove growth is favored by tidal submergence and high tidal 
range, low coastal relief, saline or brackish water, abundant fine sediment 
supply, and low wave energy. The most notable area of mangrove develop- 
ment in the United States is in southwest Florida. 


Estuary definitions vary, but all estuaries share several important attributes. 
They are semi-enclosed water bodies in which tidal exchange and fresh water 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

from land drainage combine, typically resulting in hydrodynamic, turbidity, 

and salinity gradients. In contrast with deltas, estuaries occur at the mouths 

of rivers that have low sediment loads in comparison with dissipative forces 

(Nichols and Biggs 1985). Lagoons behind barrier islands are also classified 
as estuaries. 

Estuaries may develop under a variety of climatic and topographic condi- 
tions, including valleys and coastal embayments that have been submerged. 
Many estuaries were formed mainly during the most recent deglaciation and 
associated sea level rise. These include most of the coastal plain estuaries, 
some of which have been closed by barrier beaches. Fjords are a special class 
of estuaries created by the scouring action of glaciers. Fault-block estuaries 
may be controlled by local or regional structure. 

Estuaries function mainly as sinks or traps, although those that are largely 
filled may be sources of sediment. Their long-term survival depends on 
changes in the volumetric capacity for storage (due to eustatic and tectonic 
factors) and on sedimentation rates from inland and coastal sources. Estuarine 
sediments are derived from a number of sources including the watershed, the 
Continental Shelf, local erosion, biological activity, and the atmosphere. 
Sedimentary processes in estuaries are controlled by tides, waves, and meteo- 
rological forces, as well as river inflow. Within an estuary, the processes 
may be dominated by estuarine-fluvial, estuarine, or estuarine-marine activity. 
As in other parts of the coast, estuaries show temporal variations with cyclic 
and noncyclic processes, and spatial variations in process, material, and form. 

Estuaries have been classified according to the mixing processes caused by 
the density differences between fresh- and saltwater masses (Pritchard 1967). 
Salt wedge estuaries are highly stratified, with fresh water from river dis- 
charge floating over the denser saltwater, a condition manifested by near- 
horizontal isohalines. The freshwater layer thins oceanward, and vertical 
advection is the primary mechanism for mixing across the freshwater/saltwater 
interface. A partially mixed estuary shows increased tidal influence, to the 
point where river discharge does not dominate circulation. Mixing is caused 
by both vertical advection and the increased turbulence associated with tidal 
currents. The differences between surface and bottom salinities are approx- 
imately constant over the estuary, and the isohalines are at an angle. A fully 
mixed estuary is vertically homogeneous because tidal mixing eliminates 
vertical density stratification. 


The shoreface is just seaward of the surf zone, and appears as a concave- 
upward surface with a slope on the order of 1:200 (Niedoroda, Swift, and 
Hopkins 1985). The shoreface configuration, particularly the upper part, 
plays an important role in the modification and transformation of waves 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


approaching the shore. In addition, data from many areas suggest that under 
certain circumstances, there is an interchange of sediments between the upper 
shoreface and the beach. Although the interchange occurs on a seasonal basis, 
it may be unidirectional at times. 

Because of the cost and difficulty of obtaining data and sediment samples 
from offshore areas, less is known about the shoreface zone than the adjacent 
shore and coast. However, repetitive profiles indicate that shoreface 
morphology is variable over the long term (Moody 1964), and that episodic 
sediment transport, with suspension of sediments at least 1 m above the sea 
floor, occurs in response to changes in waves and currents (Young et al. 
1982; Vincent, Young, and Swift 1983). 

Everts (1978) analyzed 49 composite shoreface profiles based on 441 mea- 
sured profiles from the Atlantic and gulf coasts of the United States. Of the 
49 composite profiles, only three, all from northwestern Florida, did not 
contain a definable shoreface slope. In general, the profiles show the shore- 
face to have a concave-upward slope and to be significantly steeper than the 
usually planar shelf floor, perhaps representing a cutoff point of significant 
active modification of the profile by waves and currents. 

Shoreface variability is more pronounced on the upper shoreface because of 
the decrease in wave and current forces with increasing depth. The most 
pronounced short-term effects appear to be seasonal, with the more energetic 
winter regimen tending to move material from the beach to the shoreface and 
summer fair weather conditions tending to move material onshore. Lower 
shoreface deposits are disturbed less often and probably become active only 
during major storms. 

On many transgressing barrier coasts, the barriers are overriding their own 
back-barrier deposits, which may crop out on the beach or the shoreface. 
Evidence of outcropping back-barrier deposits on transgressive coasts include 
blocks of salt marsh peat and shells of back-barrier fauna such as Crassostrea 
virginica (Gmelin). Most back-barrier sediment is fine-grained and tends to 
move rapidly offshore to deeper water where it is more stable. Coarser sand 
may also occur in back-barrier deposits in the form of storm washover 
deposits and flood-tidal shoal complexes adjacent to relict inlets. In most 
cases this material was originally derived from beach sediments moving in the 
alongshore drift or from relict river channel deposits. Thus, these deposits 
are more stable and are not likely to increase shoreface recession rates. 

Usually, shoreface areas are primarily composed of unconsolidated sands. 
However, many shoreface zones are underlain by consolidated material such 
as rock or reefs, glacial till, or clay. These shorefaces may be more stable 
and may not follow the equilibrium profiles of primarily depositional shore- 
faces or of those underlain by ancient unconsolidated material. Admixtures of 
silt and clay are not uncommon, especially on the lower shoreface, where 
outcrops of fine-grained back-barrier deposits often occur on transgressive 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

Generally, sediment grain size of shoreface deposits decreases in an 
offshore direction because of wave energy distribution along the profile. 
Exceptions occur where coarse materials that occur in deeper shoreface areas 
are left as finer sediments and moved onshore, or where outcrops of relict 
substrate material are exposed on the sea floor. 


An inlet is a small, narrow opening, recess, or indentation into a coastline 
or a lake through which water penetrates into the land (Bates and Jackson 
1980). Although inlets range in size from the narrow short breaches in sandy 
barrier islands to the wide entrances of major estuaries, most geologic studies 
concern tidal inlets, which are interruptions in barrier beaches maintained by 
tidal flow (Fisher 1982). Tidal inlets are most characteristic of sand-domi- 
nated barriers, and may originate as natural interruptions in a developing 
barrier beach or baymouth spit, or as breakthroughs caused by storm waves 
(Fisher 1982). Gravel-dominated barriers tend to lack inlets and tidal passes 
because they have greater structural stability and more seepage than do sandy 
barriers (Carter and Orford 1984). 

Tidal inlets usually consist of a gorge or throat, and several shoals includ- 
ing a shallow one flanking the gorge, a landward flood-tidal delta shaped 
mainly by flood-tidal currents, and a seaward ebb-tidal delta shaped mostly by 
ebb-tidal currents and waves. Sand in the alongshore drift system, which is 
intercepted by the inlet tidal currents, supplies the inlet shoals (Figure 21). 
Nevertheless, some material may bypass the inlet. Morphological features 
associated with tidal deltas include small tidal spits and topographically high 
semicircular ridges, which extend across the breadth of the sandbank as flood 
or ebb shields (Hayes 1980). 

Inlets exchange water between the ocean and back barrier during each tidal 
cycle. Therefore, several aspects of inlet morphology are related to tidal 
processes. Inlet spacing, for example, decreases with increasing tidal range, 
and inlet migration is influenced by tides and the quantity of littoral drift. 

Microtidal barrier inlets tend to be widely spaced and ephemeral, migrating 
rapidly with the longshore drift direction. The primary process is by erosion 
of the updrift margin of the inlet and deposition on the downdrift margin 
(Galloway and Hobday 1983). Deeper mesotidal inlets are less subject to 
longshore migration, especially if they are incised into harder underlying 
strata. At some sites, updrift inlet migration has been noted (Aubrey and 
Spear 1984; Carter 1988). 

Variations in tidal delta morphology can also be related to differences in 
tidal range, and thus the tidal prism, and to differences in wave-energy flux 
impinging upon an inlet (Boothroyd 1985). Microtidal areas are thought to 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



Figure 21. Aerial view of unstabilized barrier inlet showing shallow parts of the flood 
and ebb tidal deltas 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 

have poorly developed ebb-tidal deltas and relatively larger flood-tidal deltas 
because of the dominance of wave energy over the small tidal prism. Along 
mesotidal areas, ebb-tidal deltas are more prominent, but are more elongated 
and extend farther seaward in areas of lower wave energy. 

On a smaller scale, variations in bedforms, or deviations from a flat bed, 
and accompanying sedimentary structures are associated with inlet hydrody- 
namics including the effects and interaction among tidal currents, wave char- 
acteristics, and longshore drift. Bedforms show varying wavelengths and 
amplitudes, and have been divided into categories largely on the basis of 
wavelength. Ripples are small bedforms with spacings to 60 cm, which can 
be generated by both waves and currents. 

In the past, terminology for large-scale bedforms has been confusing and it 
has recently been suggested that Jarge bedforms be called subaqueous dunes 
(Ashley 1990). First-order descriptors of such subaqueous dunes include size 
and shape. Descriptors based on spacing include small (0.6-5 m), medium 
(5-10 m), large (10-100 m), and very large (> 100 m) dunes with cor- 
responding heights. Shape is distinguished by two-dimensional and three- 
dimensional descriptors. Second-order descriptors should be used where 
feasible to characterize superposition (simple or compound bedforms) and 
sediment type (size and sorting). Third-order descriptors characterize bedform 
morphology, bedform behavior, and flow. 

Bedforms are sensitive to flow velocity and somewhat independent of 
depth, which allows them to serve as a powerful tool in estimating flow 
velocities in estuaries when field current measurements are not possible 
(Boothroyd 1985). The shape of bedforms can also vary in response to 
increasing flow strength (Hayes and Kana 1976). The orientation of these 
shapes and associated slipfaces also provides clues to flow direction. 

Inlet stability plays an important role in coastal geomorphic variability. 
The effects of inlets on coastal hydraulic and sedimentation patterns may 
extend to areas lying some distance from the inlet itself. Historical studies 
have shown that barrier inlets are ephemeral features, which may be closed or 
created at susceptible places by storm overwash during the course of a single 
storm. Newly breached inlets may be temporary or may be maintained by 
tidal currents and may persist for many years. Inlet shoals also are not fixed, 
and changes in form and dimensions occur as a result of varying currents, 
waves and sediment supply factors. 

Barrier inlets and associated shoals are of great importance in barrier 
sedimentation because they act as sinks for sediment in the longshore transport 
system. The opening of an inlet can thus greatly reduce downdrift sediment 
supply by trapping large amounts of sediment moving in the longshore drift 
pattern and storing it in inlet shoal complexes. This loss of nourishment to 
downdrift beaches can result in serious erosion and shoreline regression as the 
sediment supply decreases. Inlet closure can restore downdrift sediment 
supply and ebb-tidal delta materials may gradually return to the alongshore 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



transport paths, but the flood-tidal delta materials remain virtually undisturbed 
in the lee of the restored barrier. 

Many barrier inlets are important navigation channels, affording access to 
back-barrier lagoon complexes from the open sea. For this reason, it has 
become common practice to stabilize inlets and thus prevent migration and 
reduce shoaling of main channels with sediment. The chief means of stabili- 
zation has been the building of jetties and structural stabilization of the banks 
of the inlet throat. Since the jetties partly or wholly block alongshore 
transport, they may effectively trap some sediments that would formerly have 
migrated across the ebb-tidal shoals and reached the downdrift shore. Thus, 
jetties may create serious sand starvation in downdrift areas. 

In recent years, various methods have been adopted to artificially bypass 
sand in inlet areas to prevent its loss into the inlet-associated shoals or its 
accretion on the updrift side of jetties. All require a detailed knowledge of 
local sediment transport and rates and pathways to materially affect inlet navi- 
gation, yet emulate the natural sediment transport processes. 

Shelf Shoals 

Large ridge-like shoals with a relief of up to 10 m or more that extend for 
tens of kilometers are common features of the continental shelf. They are 
especially well-developed and numerous in the Middle Atlantic Bight region, 
where extensive shoal fields occupy much of the shelf area. Similar shoals 
have been described on the shelf off Argentina and in the North Sea off 
Germany (Swift et al. 1978). Other shoals occur on the Mississippi River 
delta plain (Penland et al. 1989). 

Shoals have attracted considerable attention because of questions regarding 
their origin and development and because most that have been investigated 
contain large amounts of clean fine- to coarse-grained sand and gravel poten- 
tially useful for beach fill or construction aggregate (Anders and Hansen 
1990). Only a small number have been investigated in any detail as yet, using 
methods such as seismic reflection, profiling, and coring (Duane et al. 1972; 
Ludwick 1975; Coleman, Berquist, and Hobbs 1988; Meisburger and Duane 
1971; Meisburger and Field 1975; Meisburger and Williams 1980; 1982). 
Much remains to be learned about the origin, nature, sediment characteristics, 
and variability of shelf shoals. 

Linear shoals on the Atlantic Shelf exhibit at least 3 m of relief between 
the crest and the surrounding surface. Two types are recognized: shoreface- 
connected and isolated (Duane et al. 1972) (Figure 22). Shoreface-connected 
shoals show a seaward excursion of the 10-m depth contour, and isolated 
shoals occur farther seaward on the shelf floor. Isolated linear shoals are 
thought to have originated as shoreface-connected shoals during the Holocene 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 


Harvey if 

Contours in Fathoms 



Figure 22. Linear shoals on the New Jersey coast. Note the abundance of shoreface- 
connected shoals throughout and the isolated shoals which are most abundant off 
the Brigantine area (from Meisburger and Williams 1982) ~ 

Chapter 3. Variable Coastal Features 



transgression that were detached by coastal retreat as sea level rose and 
flooded the shelf. Though nearshore processes were responsible for their 
formation, isolated shoals are maintained and modified by storm-generated 
shelf currents and waves. 

Over 200 large shoals have been identified on the Atlantic Shelf, showing 
modal depths over the crest of 6 to 9 m, 12 to 15 m, and 24 m, mean shoal 
axis azimuths of 32 deg, and northward-opening angles of 10 to 35 deg 
between the shoreline and shoal axis (Duane et al. 1972). Seismic reflection 
profiles indicate that these shoals rest on a near-horizontal surface of the shelf 
floor. Cores of shoal material are primarily composed of mud-free, well- 
sorted medium sand or sand and gravel mixtures. In many cases, cores pene- 
trating the shoal base have recovered mud, peat, and/or shells having a 
radiocarbon age of early to mid-Holocene. 

Arcuate-shaped shoals, which occur in coastal areas, may be associated 
with estuaries or capes (Duane et al. 1972). Shoals may form near the 
mouths of estuaries and sounds where littoral drift material is intercepted and 
distributed by tidal currents. Cape-associated shoals (Figure 23) occur off 
cuspate forelands where convergence of littoral drift has resulted in the deposit 
of low-lying salients which protrude from the coast. Remnants of both 
estuary- and cape-associated shoals that were formed and abandoned during 
the Holocene transgression may extend well out on the shelf. These features 
in aggregate have been called shoal retreat massifs (Swift et al. 1972). They 
can be traced shoreward to modern arcuate shoals in estuaries and off capes. 

The shapes and sizes of arcuate shoals and shoal retreat massifs are 
variable because of the influence of waves, and tidal and storm-generated 
currents. For example, Field and Duane (1974) found evidence that a shoal 
field off Canaveral Peninsula on the Florida Atlantic coast had been reworked 
by waves and currents. Sediments as deep as 4 m below the sediment-water 
interface showed evidence of recent abrasion. In addition, comparison of 
historical bathymetric surveys revealed that between 1898 and 1965, shoal 
crests accreted several meters and migrated over 300 m to the southeast. 
Similarly, studies of bathymetric charts of the past century by Granat and 
Ludwick (1980) indicate that shoals in Chesapeake Bay entrance changed 
shape and position during the time covered. Although relict in having origi- 
nated in past times, most shoal retreat massifs have been influenced by 
subsequent shelf processes, often leading to radical changes in their form and 
orientation (Swift et al. 1972). 


Deltas are subaerial and subaqueous accumulations of river-derived sedi- 
ments deposited at the coast. Sedimentation occurs when streams decelerate 
by entering and mixing with larger bodies of water (Wright 1982). Deltaic 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 





Scale Nautical Miles — 

Contour Interval: 5 Feet 30! go" 20 

Figure 23. Cape-associated shoals off Canaveral Peninsula, a large cuspate foreland on the 
Florida Atlantic coast. Note shoreface-connected linear shoals north of False 
Cape (from Field and Duane 1974) 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



morphology, sediment distribution, and stratigraphy are the result of numerous 
factors related to the action and interaction of fluvial and marine or lacustrine 
processes and structural controls. Deltas develop when streams deliver more 
sediment to the coast than coastal processes can erode and transport away. 

Deltas form under a wide variety of environmental conditions. A major 
prerequisite is the existence of a major river drainage system that carries sub- 
stantial quantities of clastic sediment. Drainage basin climate, geology, relief, 
and area are all critical determinants of river discharge and sediment load. In 
addition to fluvial processes, marine processes (waves, tides, and currents) 
and tectonic and deformational forces influence delta formation and form. 
Though numerous factors tend to produce great variability in active deltas, it 
is generally agreed that the interaction of river, wave, and tide regimes is the 
major factor influencing delta morphology and sediment types (Galloway 
1975). Littoral drift and offshore slope also control sand body geometry. 

Subaqueous zones of deltas include the prodelta, the seawardmost element 
consisting of an apron of fine-grained sediments, and the more landward delta 
front, usually consisting of coarser silt and sand. The subaerial delta plain lies 
above the low tide level. It can be divided into a lower delta plain, where 
marine or lacustrine influence is active, and an upper delta plain, which lies 
above tidal or other marine or lacustrine influence and is dominated by 
riverine processes and features. 

Active and abandoned zones occur on both the subaqueous and subaerial 
deltas. Active delta zones are accreting, and on the delta plain are occupied 
by functioning distributary channels, which develop from the deposition of 
bed material at channel mouths. Abandoned deltas occur where distributary 
channels became blocked or lost flow to other channels, causing them to fill 
with silts and clays. Abandonment can also result from upstream channel 
avulsion, in which the river occupies an alternative course with steeper 
gradient. Such events are attributed to seaward growth of the delta and the 
associated reduction in hydraulic head, a process which occurs about every 
1,000 to 1,500 years in the Mississippi Delta Plain (Kolb and van Lopik 

Depositional environments in deltaic areas can thus be distinguished 
according to which processes influence sedimentation. Although the nature of 
sediment supply may vary, the coarsest materials are deposited near the 
channel and mouth, while deposition of fine sediments occurs in environments 
of lower energy. The prodelta consists of fine-grained sediments deposited 
from suspension. On the delta front, features may include distributary mouth 
sands, distal-bar silts, tidal ridges, and shoreface beach deposits. On the delta 
plain, deposits associated with the distributary channel and margins include 
channel bed, channel fill, natural levee, and crevasse splay deposits. Inter- 
distributary sediments are deposited in swamps, marshes, lakes, bays and 
lagoons, and are primarily laminated or bioturbated fine sediments. At the 
seaward edge, delta plain sediments of various kinds may be reworked into a 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

variety of environments more characteristic of coastal processes described 
elsewhere, including beaches, inlets, beach ridge plains or dune fields. 

Once an active delta is abandoned, marine, estuarine, and paludal processes 
take over the landscape. Such abandoned deltas may prograde or remain 
stable if marine processes provide sufficient sediment. More likely, they may 
deteriorate because of marine reworking, increased subsidence and compaction 
inland, and decreased fluvial sedimentation rates. The Mississippi Delta Plain 
has undergone such transformations, where the sands of abandoned deltas 
have been reworked into barrier headlands and flanking barrier islands by 
marine processes. As the marsh behind these barriers subsides, barrier island 
arcs are left standing in open water. Through continued marine reworking 
and subsidence, the barrier islands progressively disintegrate to form inner 
shelf shoals. Transformation from one form to another may take several 
decades or hundreds of years, while delta abandonment to shoal formation 
may take a few thousand years to complete. 

A delta plain, such as that of the Mississippi River, has unique environ- 
ments that are highly vulnerable to both natural events and human activities. 
Because of storms such as tropical and extratropical cyclones, transgression of 
the low-profile barriers is rapid, with erosion rates over 5 m/year in places. 
In wetlands, many factors are involved in relative sea level rise and 
subsidence, including eustatic factors and consolidation of Quaternary and 
older sediments. In Louisiana, land loss has averaged over 100 sq km per 
year. Decreased sediment supply to wetlands because of levee building along 
the rivers and in the marshes, as well as decreased sediment loads due to 
trapping of sediments by reservoirs upstream, has prevented accretion of the 
marsh surface as sea level rises. Brine discharges, and dredging of canals and 
channels for navigation and oil-drilling activities are some other human 
activities that influence land loss. 

Strand Plains: Ridges and Cheniers 

On coasts where there is an abundant supply of unconsolidated sediments, 
and in wave-dominated settings, including in the vicinity of river mouths, it is 
common to find beach ridge plain coasts and chenier plain coasts. Both are 
called strand plains and display shore-parallel ridges, which represent succes- 
sive seaward accretion and reworking (Figure 14). Ridges are shore-parallel 
bodies of coarse materials, with ridge crest elevations well above mean high 
tide and troughs near the mean low tide level. Ridges originate primarily due 
to marine processes, caused by several possible mechanisms. They generally 
develop immediately behind the active beach as a flood-level ridge, as an 
eolian accumulation, or by water deposition below and eolian deposition 

Cheniers are shore-parallel bodies of sand and shell enclosed by prograding 
marsh and mudflat deposits. They develop in response to fluctuating supplies 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 



of clastic sediment, typically in the vicinity of major river deltas. During 
episodes of reduced longshore sediment supply, coastal reworking occurs with 
deposition of coarse-grained material at the marine edge. During periods of 
accelerated fine-grained sediment supply, such as when delta lobes occur in 
proximity to these coasts, the coarse deposits are stranded inland behind 
seaward-building mudflat deposits. 

Chapter 3 Variable Coastal Features 

4 Investigation of 
Environmental Factors 

Geomorphic variability is chiefly caused by the work of dynamic envi- 
ronmental factors that vary over time and space. The most important of these 
factors are waves, tides, and currents which continually affect the shore and 
upper shoreface. During periodic storms, these factors affect a much wider 
zone, producing large-scale changes in geomorphic features. Because of this, 
data on geomorphic variations in the coastal zone are much more valuable 
when accompanied by wave and current observations for the same time period 
so that process-response relationships can be examined. This portion of the 
report concerns the equipment and techniques used to gather wave and current 

Wave Data 

Methods of obtaining wave data include gages, hindcasting from weather 
maps, shipboard observations, and littoral environment observations. Gages 
are the most accurate of these methods, but their relative cost often restricts 
their use to short-term deployments for the purpose of validating data col- 
lected by observation or hindcasting methods. Multiple gages across the shore 
zone in both shallow and deep water can be used to determine the accuracy of 
wave transformation calculations for a specific locale. 

Wave gages can be separated into two general groups: directional and 
non-directional. In general, directional gages are more expensive to build, 
deploy, and maintain than non-directional gages. Because wave direction is 
an important parameter in applications such as sediment transport analysis and 
calculation of wave transformation, the additional expense is often necessary. 
Wave gages in both categories can be installed in buoys, placed directly on the 
sea or lake bottom, or mounted on existing structures, such as piers, 
navigation aids, and offshore platforms. 

Buoy-mounted non-directional gages are accurate and relatively easy to 
deploy and maintain. Data are usually transmitted by radio from the buoy to 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 



an onshore receiver and recorder. Bottom-mounted pressure gages measure 
wave parameters by sensing the pressure changes with the passage of each 
wave. They can be either self-recording or can be connected to onshore 
computers and recorders with cables. Divers must retrieve data periodically 
from self-recording gages.. Both types of systems require regular 
maintenance. Structure-mounted wave gages are the most accessible of the 
non-directional gages, allowing convenient maintenance. Unfortunately, 
offshore structures are not always located near project sites. 

Directional wave gages are used mainly in buoys or bottom mounts of 
single units (Figure 24) or multiple arrays in a fixed configuration. 
Directional buoy-type wave gages are often designed to measure other 
parameters, especialiy meteorologic ones. Pressure-type gages can measure 
wave direction using an accompanying electromagnetic current meter or by 
combining multiple synoptic pressure measurements from individual gages in a 
known geometric array. 

Wave hindcasting is widely used for obtaining wave statistics by analysis of 
weather maps using techniques developed from theoretical considerations and 
empirical data (Coastal Engineering Research Center 1984) (Figure 25). Over 
the last several decades, since wave hindcasting came into common use, 
numerous improvements have been made in the technique and reasonably 
reliable information on wave climate in given areas can be computed (Abel 
et al. 1989; Hubertz and Brooks 1989; Jensen, Hubertz, and Payne 1989; 
Corson et al. 1987; Corson and Tracy 1987). Advantages of hindcasting 
include the long-term database associated with weather maps and the useful 
statistical information. 

A large amount of wave data is available in the form of visual wave 
observations from ships at sea and from shore stations along the coasts of the 
United States. Although observations are less accurate than measured data, 
experienced persons can achieve reasonably accurate results and the large 
database of available observations makes it a valuable resource. Shipboard 
wave observations have been compiled by the US Navy Oceanographic 
Research and Development Activity in the form of sea and swell charts and 
data summaries such as the Summary of Shipboard Meteorological 
Observations. Areal coverage by these sources is extensive, but the greatest 
number of observations come from shipping lanes. 

The second important source of observations has been collected by CERC 
under the Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO) program (Schneider 
1981; Sherlock and Szuwalski 1987). The program, which was initiated in 
1966, makes use of volunteer observers who make daily reports on conditions 
at specific sites along the coasts of the United States (Figure 26). A variety of 
data from over 200 observation sites are available from CERC. As shown, 
LEO data include more than wave parameters, and encompass information on 
winds, currents, and some morphologic features. LEO data are best applied 
to a specific site, and do not provide direct information regarding deepwater 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 

Figure 24. 

WIND SPEED ¢km/h) 

Figure 25. 

Bottom-mounted Sea Data™ 635-12 directional wave gage mounted in tripod 

using railroad wheels as corner weights 


20, ' 100: 200 500 10002000 5000 10000 



200 500 1000 2000 53000 


Deepwater wave hindcasting curves (from Bretschneider 1959) 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 

WIND SPEED (<mi/h) 


[2S SS 


Record the time in seconds for 
eleven (11) wave crests to pass a 
stationary point. If calm record O. 



Record to the nearest degree the 
direction the waves are coming from 
using the protractor on the reverse side. O if calm. 


Record wind speed to the nearest 
mph. If calm record O. 


Record foreshore slope to the 
nearest degree. 



Measure in feet the distance the dye ae 
patch is observed to move during a one (1) 

minute period; If no longshore movement record O. 



Jo Record time 

using the 24 
hour system 


Record the best estimate of the 
average wave height to the nearest 
tenth of a foot. 


0 - Calm 3 - Surging 
| - Spilling 4 - Spill / Plunge 
2 — Plunging 

WIND DIRECTION - Direction the wind ae 

is coming from. 
KN 2S = Bey Soe Sie 7 = WieniO!=iGalm (i) 
2-NE 4-SE 6-SW 8-NW 


Estimate in feet the distance from 
shore to breakers, if calm record O. 

DYE 36 37 38 

Estimate distance in feet from 
shoreline to point of dye injection. 

3132 33 34 


QO No loagshore movement 
+1 Dye moves toward right 
- | Dye moves toward left 

so Si Se 

If rip currents are present, indicate spacing ( feet). If spacing is irregular 

estimate average spacing. If norips record O. 


If cusps are present, indicate spacing ( feet) 
estimate average spacing. If no cusps record O. 



54 55 56 

If spacing is irregular 


Please Check The Form For Completeness 


CERC 113-72 

8 Mor 72 Make ony additional remarks, computations or sketches on the reverse side of this form. 

Figure 26. Littoral Environmental Observation forms used by the volunteer observers 
participating in the LEO program (from Schneider 1981) 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 

While a considerable amount of data exist on the coastal and oceanic pro- 
cesses of the US coasts, there are few field studies in which data on 
geomorphic changes and relevant processes were obtained concurrently. Such 
data are critically needed for many areas in order to validate existing models 
of process/response relationships under a variety of conditions. 

Wave data is one of several components required to characterize the 
process-response framework of the coastal zone. Important wave parameters 
include wave height, period, and steepness, and breaker type. The estimated 
height is often given as the significant wave height (H ,,,), the average of the 
highest one-third of waves, or as the maximum height (H ,,,9), the average of 
the highest one-tenth of the waves. Significant wave height may be used to 
compute other wave statistics (Shore Protection Manual 1984). 

Certain wave characteristics are strongly related to morphologic variables. 
Wave steepness, for example, is an important variable in determining fore- 
shore slope, which explains changes in beach profile characteristics from 
summer to winter (Shepard and LaFond 1940; Saville 1950; Bascom 1954). 
Other wave characteristics, including the surf scaling factor and breaker type 
are important in determining beach profile characteristics (Wright et al. 1979; 
Huntley and Bowen 1975). Other parameters, such as shore-normal currents 
and sediment grain size, should also be considered in conjunction with wave 
variables in order to thoroughly understand beach profile development (Sonu 
and van Beek 1971; Iwagaki and Noda 1963; Komar 1976). 

Wave climate data can also be used in conjunction with bathymetric data to 
construct wave refraction diagrams, which provide an indication of how 
bottom topography can affect the bending of waves approaching a shoreline. 
Such studies can help in determining mass transport and longshore transport of 
sediment, which in turn can assist in predicting morphologic changes, and in 
design of coastal engineering projects. Wave refraction analysis can also be 
used for hypothetical scenarios, for instance, how wave energy and associated 
littoral conditions would be affected by the dredging of an offshore shoal or 
offshore placement of dredged material. 

Water Level 

Water level measurements represent the combined effects of tides, setup or 
setdown by onshore or offshore winds, eustatic changes, and vertical crustal 
displacements Figures 27-31). Short-term variations, particularly those 
associated with storms, are important in increasing the effective wave base. 
This allows erosion to take place farther inland than during mild weather 
periods. Long-term variations in sea level, while of much lower intensity than 
surf processes, can be important in predicting erosion or accretion and 
changes in beach profile response (e.g., Wells and Coleman 1981b; Hands 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 





Figure 27. Monthly water level changes at Juneau, AK. High water typically occurs 
October-December. Data from Lyles, Hickman, and Debaugh (1988) 

| MEAN: 1908 - 1986 | 1908 - 1986 


Figure 28. Monthly water level changes at Galveston, TX. High water occurs twice per 
year: April and September-November 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 


1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 

Figure 29. Yearly mean sea level changes at Juneau, AK, from 1936-1986. The overall 
fall in sea level shows the effects of isostatic rebound. Data from Lyles, 
Hickman, and Debaugh (1988) 


1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 

Figure 30. Yearly mean sea level changes at Galveston, TX, from 1908-1986. Subsidence 
of the land around Galveston may be caused by groundwater withdrawal and 


EMERY 1968 



-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 

Figure 31. Late Quarternary sea level curves inferred from radiocarbon-dated samples 

along the U.S. coastlines (modified from Dillon and Oldale 1978) 

Over shorter time scales, tides and storm surges are important in under- 
standing geomorphic changes. In order to obtain continuous data at a specific 
site, water level recorders have to be deployed. If fewer data are required, 
high and low tidal predictions can be obtained from tide recording stations. 
However, in some locations, the discrepancy between predicted and actual 
tides on coastal areas only a short distance apart may be considerable. A 
method for tidal adjustment between predicted tides at a station and those at a 
nearby study area can be obtained even if only short-term site measurements 
are available (Glen 1979). 

Sea level also shows pronounced seasonal changes, with some locations 
differing by 1 m annually from the highest to the lowest monthly values 
(Komar 1976). Around the United States and in most locations worldwide, 
for example, sea level is lowest in the spring months and highest during the 
late summer and autumn. A number of factors are responsible for these 
seasonal deviations, including changes in water temperature, salinity, atmo- 
spheric pressure, river runoff, and longshore winds. 

The National Ocean Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration (NOAA) is responsible for monitoring sea level variations at 
115 stations nationwide (Hicks 1972b). The Corps of Engineers District 
offices located near the coast also collect tidal elevation data at additional 
locations. Daily readings are published in reports that are entitled "Stages and 
Discharges of the (insert location) District." 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 

Trends of sea level series over decades have been examined for the United 
States and elsewhere, in some cases dating back to the beginning of the 
century (Hicks 1972b; 1978; Gornitz, Lebedeff, and Hansen 1982). In the 
analysis of long-term data, Hicks (1972b) found that series exhibited yearly 
variability and apparent secular trends, which might either be nonperiodic 
phenomena or segments of very long oscillations. Yearly variability is due to 
variations in the meteorological and oceanographic parameters of wind, direct 
atmospheric pressure, river discharge, currents, salinity, and water 
temperature. In one case, extreme unidirectional change was caused within a 
few months by the Alaskan earthquake in 1964 (Hicks 1972a). Apparent 
secular trends result from longer term glacioeustatic, tectonic, climatologic, 
and oceanographic influences. 

In some cases, it is important to dampen the effects of yearly variability so 
that the nature of secular trends will become more pronounced. A weighting 
array may sometimes be applied to reduce yearly effects. Least-squares 
regression methods are typically inadequate, as the secular trends often show 
pronounced nonlinearity (Hicks 1972b). It is also important to examine 
periodic effects in the long-term series, such as the 18.6-year nodal period, 
which Wells and Coleman (1981b) concluded was important for mudflat 
stabilization in Surinam. In some cases, such as on the Great Lakes, water 
level changes in conjunction with existing models can be used to predict 
erosion and changes in the shore and offshore profile (Hands 1983). 

The geomorphic response of the shoreline to sea level rise may follow one 
of several scenarios. Applicability of the erosional response model or Bruun 
Rule has been discussed by Hands (1983). The onshore migration or rollover 
model often applies to barrier coasts where washover is an important process 
(Dillon 1970). In other locations where coastal forms change slowly, features 
may drown in place without transport occurring (Carter 1988). Depending on 
the location and time scale involved, the geomorphic effects can be studied 
with a variety of techniques including historic data, seismic data, and strati- 
graphic methods. 


Speed and direction of longshore and cross-shore currents are also impor- 
tant for understanding coastal changes. Direct measurements of the velocity 
and direction of current flow can be made by instruments deployed on the 
bottom or at various heights in the water column. Lagrangian methods such 
as floats, bottom drifters, drogues, and dye are also used, especially in the 
littoral zone where current meter data (as well as the current meters) are 
adversely affected by turbulence. 

Current measurements may be Lagrangian, following the motion of the 
flow in its spatial and temporal evolution, or Eulerian, defining the motion at 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 



a fixed point and determining its temporal evolution. Lagrangian current- 
measuring devices are often used in circulation studies, pollution studies, and 
for monitoring ice drift. For Eulerian or fixed current meters, proper place- 
ment is essential for adequately determining sediment transport pathways. 

Several types of current sensors are in common use including impeller, 
electromagnetic, acoustic, acoustic Doppler, laser Doppler, and inclinometer 
types (Fredette et al. 1990). Impeller current measurements are acquired by 
means of a propeller device which is rotated by current flow. Impeller 
devices are considered to be the least expensive and have been widely used for 
a considerable time (Teleki, Musialowski, and Prins 1976). They are subject 
to snaring, biofouling, and bearing failure, but are more easily repaired in the 
field and more easily calibrated than other types (Fredette et al. 1990). 

All the other current meters have several features in common, although 
they operate on different principles. Each has no moving parts, has rapid 
response, is self-contained, can be used in real-time systems, and can be used 
to measure at least two velocity components. The degree of experience of the 
persons working with the instruments probably has more to do with the 
performance of the current meters than does the type of meter used (Fredette 
et al. 1990). 

In addition to direct current measurements, indirect current estimates of 
current speed and direction can also be made from bedforms, particularly in 
shallow water. The deviations from a flat bed and associated sedimentary 
structures are associated with coastal hydrodynamics, including the effects and 
interaction among tidal currents, wave characteristics, and longshore drift, 
particularly at inlets and estuaries. Bedforms reflect flow velocity, but are 
generally independent of depth (Clifton and Dingler 1984; Boothroyd 1985). 
Bedform can vary in response to increasing flow strength (Hayes and Kana 
1976). Bedform orientation and associated slipfaces also provide clues to flow 

Knowledge of the magnitude and direction of currents at the coast allows 
the prediction of sediment movements and thus is basic to an understanding of 
landform development. Information concerning cross-shore (shore-normal) 
currents and sediment transport can assist in predicting beach profile change. 
Longshore (shore-parallel) currents and associated transport can assist in 
predicting beach planview changes. The combined effects of both types of 
currents, generating cell circulation, may explain or assist in identifying 
regularly spaced features along many coasts. The longshore migration of such 
cells can also cause landform migration associated with the spatiotemporal 
migration of higher energy nodes. 

Conversely, the configurations of the shoreline can provide information 
regarding littoral currents. Shoreline proturberances, particularly in the 
vicinity of structures, headlands and barriers, and tidal inlets are useful 
indicators of the prevailing littoral sediment drift (Komar 1976). Such 
indicators cannot generally be used for quantitative estimates of the sediment 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 

transport rate because the shoreline eventully tends to reach an equilibrium 

Some types of currents, such as rip currents, may be controlled in spacing 
by other parameters; i.e., edge waves or other wave height variations along 
the shore, or the surf zone width. However, irregular nearshore topography, 
which also may be manifest by shoreline protuberances, can produce 
nearshore circulation (Sonu 1972). In such cases wave height variations may 
not exist. Aerial photography may be helpful in assessing the location of 
some types of currents, their patterns, and possibly their movement. Loca- 
tions of rip currents can sometimes be detected using side-scan sonar if 
characteristic channels have been scoured in the seafloor (Morang and 
McMaster 1980). 

Chapter 4 Investigation of Environmental Factors 



5 Investigation of Geomorphic 

Nature of Geomorphic Changes 

Techniques for investigating geomorphic features and coastal evolution can 
provide useful information for coastal engineering design. Such techniques 
can include field surveys, analysis of historical maps and aerial photographs, 
airborne remote sensing, waterborne remote sensing, and sedimentologic and 
stratigraphic techniques depending on the spatial scale and the time scale of 
the data needed. Collection and comparative analysis of time series data 
showing dimensions, elevations, and configuration of coastal features over an 
extended period of time are effective ways of identifying temporal geomorphic 
changes and trends. In most cases, the use of multiple techniques will provide 
a useful balance of information regarding a site. 

At the interface where marine and lacustrine processes interact with the 
land, coastal features are highly variable. For effective management, cyclic 
patterns, intermittent noncyclic events, and long-term trends must be 
considered. In mild weather, the morphological changes that take place on a 
day-to-day basis are relatively small and often compensate for each other, so 
that little net effect is apparent. During storms, a wider zone of the coast may 
be exposed to coastal processes and large geomorphic changes can occur in 
only hours or days. 

In many places, distinct changes in coastal geomorphic features occur on a 
seasonal basis. A common example is a winter-summer cycle, in which 
winters are times of more intense and frequent storms than the summer 
seasons. An example of seasonal cycles in coastal morphology is the changes 
that occur in beach profiles. The more severe wave climate of winter causes 
erosion of the shore, with the eroded material usually transported seaward to 
the upper shoreface, where it often forms submarine bars. With the return of 
milder conditions in the summer months, this sand usually returns to the beach 
and a period of milder weather prevails. This cycle may be interrupted by 
hurricanes in summer and early fall, which greatly disrupt the normal summer 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 

shore characteristics and often penetrate well inland of the shore zone because 
of high waves and storm surges. 

In addition to cyclic seasonal patterns, many areas are being affected by 
long-term unidirectional trends in a particular environmental factor, which 
causes continuous adjustments in morphology. For example, a rising relative 
sea level usually results in shore erosion and progressive landward retreat of 
the shoreline. Evidence of past or ongoing changes, and the rates of these 
changes, need to be taken into account for planning and management of 
engineering activities. 

A rapid change in coastal morphology, due to an intense storm or other 
event that causes a feature to be out of equilibrium with the prevailing envi- 
ronmental factors can lead to significant long- and short-term trends. 
Unidirectional trends are observed until the normal balance or equilibrium is 
restored. In some cases, the effects of an extreme event may become 
permanent because normal processes are unable to restore the old equilibrium. 

Several types of unidirectional trends caused by extreme events are 
possible. For example, beach and dune sands lost to storm overwash deposits 
cannot be returned because there is no process that can move the material 
back toward the shore, except for minor eolian transport. Thus, most of the 
material will not reenter the shore area unless barrier recession eventually 
reexposes it on the seaward side. Also, if island breaching occurs during 
storms, inlets may develop and enlarge unless littoral drift processes work to 
close them. 

The identification and analysis of trends in coastal geomorphic processes 
and features are of great importance in the planning and design of coastal 
engineering efforts and of long-range management plans. Indeed, in many 
cases, the purpose of coastal engineering works may be to modify or com- 
pensate for some trend that is producing undesirable effects. Since each 
location is unique geomorphically, exhibiting different types of changes, 
management and structural techniques that are appropriate for a given site 
might not be appropriate for others. In summary, although coastal 
geomorphology displays many general trends, unique conditions at each 
location must be identified and evaluated before initiating engineering projects 
or long-term management practices. 

Historical Charts and Aerial Photographs 

Detection of long-term trends is often difficult because these processes are 
often relatively slow on human time scales. However, trends may be 
identified by comparative analysis of historical maps, charts, and aerial 
photographs that show changes over a period of decades or centuries. 
Historical charts and aerial photographs of many areas have been periodically 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 



resurveyed and fairly accurate surveys, going back in some cases 150 years or 
more, are available for most US coastal areas. 

The primary source of chart data is the NOS and its predecessor, the 
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Archive material for all past surveys of 
these agencies is available from NOS, a division within NOAA. Much of this 
data can be obtained in the form of preliminary plots that are of a larger scale 
and contain more soundings and bottom notations than the published charts 
made from them. Some of these data were used for regional studies of net 
shoreline movement (Anders, Reed, and Meisburger 1990) (Figure 32). A 
great variety of additional documentary evidence may also be available, as 
described by Fulton (1981). This includes such items as local records and tax 
assessments, which might be incorporated in background investigations of a 
site if sufficient time exists to find these materials. 

Aerial photographs are another useful and economic technique for examin- 
ing details of coastal features above the water line. The general turbidity of 
coastal waters inhibits the application of photographic data of the offshore 
bottom; however, in relatively clear shallow water, the crests of submarine 
bars and shoals may be visible. Sources of aerial photography data are 
numerous, including Federal, state, county, and local government agencies. 
Aerial photography of coastal areas has been collected for about 60 years; 
thus, it often can provide useful time series data on changing conditions. 
Also, the effects of major events can be documented by aerial photography 
because the necessary equipment and airplanes can be rapidly mobilized to 
reach areas that are not easily accessible on the ground. 

Applications of aerial photographs include assessments of short-term and 
long-term, as well as mesoscale and macroscale, coastal changes. The type of 
information that can be derived depends in part upon the scale of the 
photography, and also upon the historical nature of the database. The relative 
accuracy of the surveys, maps, or aerial photographs will depend largely on 
the scale of the initial photography; horizontal and vertical error increases 
with smaller scale (Tanner 1978). 

Much information regarding local processes can be derived from maps and 
aerial photographs. One example is the longshore movement of sediment, an 
item of paramount interest to geologists and engineers because of its impor- 
tance in coastline evolution. The geometry of coastlines in the vicinity of 
headlands, tidal inlets and streams, and coastal structures is one key to 
determine the directions of littoral transport (Figure 33). Storm impacts, 
including island breaches, occurrence of overwash features, and changes in 
inlets, vegetation, and dunes can be determined with time-series photography. 
Problems with siltation of tidal inlets, river mouths, estuaries, and harbors can 
also be examined using photographs. 

Large data sets of historical aerial photographs and maps can be used for 
interpretating regional geomorphic changes in coasts. Using detailed historical 
data, Dolan and Hayden (1983) were able to assess that shore processes and 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 




Figure 32. Net shoreline movement of a portion of the South Carolina coast based on 

historical maps surveyed between 1857 and 1983 (from Anders, Reed, and 

Meisburger 1990) 





Figure 33. Morphologic indicators of littoral drift along natural and modified shorelines. 
Natural features such as rock headlands show accretion on the updrift side and 
erosion on the downdrift side (A), tidal inlets and spits show extension in a 
downdrift direction (B-C), and beach ridge headlands show successive growth 
on the updrift end influenced by the development of coastal cells, which form 
shoreline irregularities (D). Coastal engineering structures including groin fields, 
jetties, seawalls, attached breakwaters, and detached breakwaters (E-1) 
generally show accumulation of sediment on the updrift side, and reduced 
sediment supply on the downdrift side 

landforms assume systematic, as opposed to random, patterns both along and 
across the coast. Large storms caused severe erosion in the same locations as 
previous storms of lower severity. Long-term erosion rates can be examined 
even over large areas (Dolan, Hayden, and May 1983). Such studies can then 
be used to assign temporal probability levels to the distribution of coastal 
change rates and thus predict shoreline positions several years beyond the data 
set (Dolan et al. 1982; Dolan and Hayden 1983). Clues regarding the influ- 
ence of natural and human-induced wetland changes can also be found by 
interpretation of historical maps and photographs (May and Britsch 1987). 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 

If detailed historical mapping of shorelines or inland areas is attempted, 
care should be taken to reduce photographic distortion error. Aerial 
photography should be corrected photogrammetrically to reduce sources of 
error such as tilt, yaw, and parallax. If data are taken from maps using 
different projections, the maps need to be geometrically corrected to conform 
to the same grid. Once these corrections are made, allowance should be made 
for tidal and seasonal changes. Good reference points should be chosen. 
These are usually readily available in populated areas or areas with strong 
human imprint, but can be difficult to establish along non-populated coasts. 
Sampling intervals must also be chosen to avoid systematic errors associated 
with rhythmic features. Extrapolation errors should also be avoided, so that 
long-term erosion rates are not projected from short-term data sets. 

Airborne Scanners and Satellite Data 

Multispectral scanners and remote sensing devices mounted on aircraft and 
satellites can provide various types of data that in some cases exceed the 
capability of conventional photography. The resolution of scanner data is 
generally not as good as aerial photography, with each data cell or pixel 
(picture element) having a size from a few meters (on low-altitude aircraft 
scanners) to several hundred meters on a side. Depending on the system and 
flight altitude, the aerial coverage on one image is typically far more extensive 
than on photographs. Also, the coverage may extend to parts of the electro- 
magnetic spectrum invisible to the human eye, including the near and thermal 
infrared and radar bands. With digital data collected from scanners, the 
capability for quantitative analysis is far superior to aerial photography, and 
the data in some cases may be suited to numerical modelling studies. Time- 
sampling capabilities at a given location include several passes per month by 
different satellites, allowing repetitive changes to be examined. The timing, 
however, is not at the discretion of the user. 

Applications of satellite remote sensing are especially good for assessing 
large-scale changes in the surface of the coastal zone. In the vicinity of del- 
tas, estuaries, and other sediment-laden locations, the determination of spatial 
patterns of suspended sediment concentration can be facilitated with remote 
sensing. In shallow-water portions of non-turbid water bodies, some features 
of the bottom, including the crests of submarine bars and shoals, can be 
imaged. On a relatively crude level, satellites may assist in monitoring tidal 
changes, particularly where the land-sea boundary changes by several 
hundreds of meters. In deeper waters, satellites can also provide data on 
ocean currents and circulation (Barrick, Evans, and Weber 1977). Aircraft- 
mounted radar data also show promise in the analysis of sea state. 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 



Remote Sensing By Ocean Vessel 

Depth-sounders, side-scan sonar, and subbottom profilers are three major 
ways to collect data on subaqueous environments from an ocean vessel. All 
require the use of high resolution positioning systems. Fathometers are the 
most common devices used for acoustic depth-sounding to conduct 
bathymetric surveys. Side-scan sonar provides an image of the aereal distri- 
bution of sediment, surface bedforms, and larger features such as shoals and 
channels, and thus can be helpful in mapping directions of sediment motion. 
Subbottom profilers and seismic techniques are used to examine the near- 
surface stratigraphy below the seafloor. 

Bathymetric surveys are required for many studies of geomorphic 
variability in coastal waters. Survey-quality fathometers include many devices 
to improve accuracy, including correction for change in tide, change in draft 
with vessel speed, and speed of sound. Even so, the maximum accuracy is 
estimated to be + 0.2 m (Morton, Stewart, and Germano 1984); thus, such 
errors should be considered in volume change measurements of features. 
Survey lines are typically parallel and are run at an appropriate spacing 
depending on the survey’s purpose and the scale of features to be examined. 

Side-scan sonar permits the collection of surface characteristics data for the 
seafloor. The resulting image of the bottom is similar to a continuous, 
oblique aerial photograph, with lower frequency scanners providing less detail 
but greater range than higher frequency scanners. Detailed information, 
including the spacing and orientation of bedforms, and grain size differences 
in seafloor sediments, can generally be distinguished on side-scan, as can 
larger individual features. It is generally recommended that bathymetry be 
run in conjunction with side-scan, because detailed information on the relief of 
bottom features is valuable during the interpretation of side-scan sonographs. 
The side-scan system is sensitive to vessel motion, making it suitable only for 
work during calm conditions. 

The principles of subbottom seismic profiling are fundamentally the same 
as in acoustic depth sounding. Subbottom seismics employ a lower frequency, 
higher power signal to penetrate the seafloor. The signal is reflected from 
interfaces between sediment layers of different acoustical impedance 
(Figure 34). Coarse sand and gravel are often difficult to penetrate with 
conventional subbottom profilers, resulting in poor records. New equipment 
is helping to overcome such problems, although the data are of lower 
resolution. Spacing and grid dimensions are usually the same as those used 
for bathymetric and side-scan surveys, being dependent upon the nature of the 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 





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tigation of Geomorphic Factors 

Chapter 5 Inves 


Field Survey Techniques 

The most direct and accurate means of assessing geomorphic variability is 
to conduct periodic surveys for the express purpose of obtaining time-series 
data. However, as a practical matter it is usually not feasible to carry out 
repeated surveys for a sufficient length of time for reliable and comprehensive 
information because of expense and because the lead time for projects often 
does not allow sufficient time to obtain the needed data. Nonetheless, a set of 
surveys spanning over a year or more can be of substantial help in learning 
more about the prevailing seasonal changes. 

Field surveys of coastal features show that the most active zones are the 
shore and upper shoreface. Submerged interior parts of previously subaerial 
features, such as relict shore and dune deposits formed during earlier stages of 
development, are distant from the modern shoreline and are likely to be 
affected by marine or lacustrine processes only during large storms. Large- 
scale aerial photographs and topographic maps of these interior areas are 
usually available and are adequate for study purposes. 

Information on the active, more variable shore and shoreface zones is 
usually obtained by direct field survey. The preferred surveying technique 
involves collecting a series of shore-normal profile lines. The profile lines 
should extend landward of the influence of inundation by moderate storms, 
usually behind frontal dunes. The preferred closure depth is at the toe of the 
shoreface, often defined as a selected depth contour where variability becomes 
minimal. Profile lines should be spaced at intervals close enough to show any 
significant changes in lateral continuity. Profile lines are connected with a 
surveyed shore-parallel baseline from which position and elevations of each 
profile origin can be determined. 

Resurveying control profile lines at selected intervals of time can reveal 
seasonal patterns. In addition, special surveys can be made after significant 
storms and events to determine whether these events affect the local beach 
system. As previously noted, however, lead time and expense do not usually 
allow for an extended period of monitoring profiles. At a minimum, summer 
and winter profiles are recommended to identify seasonal variability. 

A permanent or semi-permanent benchmark, or set of benchmarks, is 
required for reoccupying a profile site over successive months or years. Ona 
rapidly transgressing coast, these benchmarks should be located near the 
landward end of the profile line in order to minimize storm damage, although 
locations which might experience dune burial should be avoided. Ona 
regressive coastline, the benchmarks can be placed closer to the shoreline. In 
both cases, care should also be taken to reduce the visibility of benchmarks so 
that they will not be damaged by vandals. 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 

Onshore portions of profiles are surveyed using standard land survey 
techniques and equipment. Extending profile lines offshore beyond wading 
depths requires a boat or amphibious vehicle. Positioning offshore can be 
accurately and rapidly established by one of several high-precision navigation 
systems now available. Fathometers can be used for continuous profiling of 
the area seaward of the breaker zone but the signals are disrupted by breaking 
waves in the zone. Further, boats suitable for offshore use cannot approach 
close enough to the shore to connect directly to the land profile. Amphibious 
vehicles are better suited to this task because they can traverse the sea-land 
boundary and establish the continuity of profile lines. 

In waters relatively close to shore during favorable weather conditions, one 
survey platform that is often used is a sea sled, consisting of a long upright 
stadia rod mounted vertically on a base frame with sled-like runners 
(Clausner, Birkemeier, and Clark 1986) or a mast with a prism for use by 
total station survey techniques (Fredette et al. 1990). The sled is towed, 
winched, or otherwise propelled along the profile lines (self-propelled, 
remote-controlled sea sleds are currently being developed) while frequent 
depth and position data are determined using onshore instruments. Because 
neither the sea sled nor the onshore survey and positioning equipment are 
floating, elevations are not subject to wave or tide variations, thus providing a 
more accurate comparison between repeated surveys. At present, bottom 
samples must be obtained from a boat or amphibious vehicle working in 
conjunction with the sea sled. The technique is currently limited to use within 
4 km of the coast and water depths of 12 m, less than the height of the sled 

Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Techniques 

In addition to examining large morphological features, examination of 
small-scale morphology can provide much information on the variable nature 
of coastal forms and processes. A number of techniques exist that enable 
collection of data on present and past processes at a site, using information on 
the characteristics of sediments and surface stratigraphy. 

Knowledge of sediment characteristics may be useful for predicting 
sediment movement during storms, the nature of seafloor features, and the 
geologic history of the area of investigation. Sediment transportation is 
influenced by properties such as size, shape, and composition, with grain size 
being most important. Differential transport of coarse and fine, angular and 
rounded, and light and heavy grains leads to grading. There are several 
samplers for determining the movement of sediments (McCave 1979; Seymour 
1989). Sediment traps are a direct means of estimating sediment movement 
(Kraus and Dean 1987). Bed surface sediments are typically collected with 
grab samplers and then analyzed using standard laboratory procedures as 
described in other sources (Fredette et al. 1990; Buller and McManus 1979). 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 



For acquiring undisturbed samples or samples at greater depths, some type of 
coring device must be employed. 

Cores allow retrieval and examination of the subsurface material in the 
area of investigation. From the recovered sediment sequence, much informa- 
tion regarding history of the depositional environment and processes can be 
determined. Depending upon the information required, the types of analyses 
performed on the core may include grain size, sedimentary structures, the 
occurrence of shells and minerals, organic content, microfaunal identification, 
x-radiographs, age dating, and engineering tests. If it is important to under- 
stand much about the geologic history of a site, vibratory corers will be 
necessary, which may retrieve samples exceeding 12 m in length. Even 
deeper cores can be recovered with rotary drilling equipment. If only infor- 
mation regarding recent processes is necessary, then a box corer, which 
samples up to 0.6-m depths in the sediment and provides detailed information 
regarding sedimentary structures, will likely be adeqate. 

Standard surveying techniques or large-scale aerial photographs are 
preferable to side-scan sonar for acquiring bedform data on exposed sand 
banks at low water. Dimensionless parameters of ripples and other bedforms 
can indicate depositional environment (Tanner 1967). Flow directions can be 
assessed in terms of the trace of the crestline (Allen 1968). Wave-formed 
structures reflect the velocity and direction of the oscillatory currents, plus the 
length of the horizontal component of orbital motion and the presence of 
velocity asymmetry within the flow (Clifton and Dingler 1984). The flow 
strength for inter-tidal estuarine bedforms can also be estimated for a given 
flow depth by a velocity-depth sequence of bedform development (Boothroyd 

Heavy minerals may provide information regarding sources, processes, and 
other aspects of geomorphic variability in the coastal zone. Pronounced sea- 
sonal variations in heavy minerals may also occur in the beach and nearshore 
samples, with foreshore samples showing higher concentrations in winter than 
summer, and samples outside the surf zone showing lower concentrations in 
winter than summer. An explanation for this phenomenon is that light 
minerals are transported from the beach foreshore to deeper water during the 
winter, and are transported back again during the summer (Inman 1953; 
Nordstrom and Inman 1975). 

Physical Models 

The use of physical models can also shed light on the geomorphic variabil- 
ity of coasts. Physical models require scaling and calibration, and significant 
time and expense to set up initially. Once in operation, however, they allow 
for direct measurement of process elements, and the study and isolation of 
variables that are difficult to assess in the field. Some examples of physical 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 

model experiments, conducted principally in wave tanks, that help elucidate 
geomorphologic variability of coasts include studies of littoral drift blockage 
by jetties (Sireyjol 1965), breaker type classification (Galvin 1968), experi- 
ments of cliff erosion (Sunamura 1983), relationships of storm surge or short- 
term water level changes to beach and dune erosion, and studies of suspended 
sediment concentration under waves (Hughes 1988). Physical models are 
considered invaluable for many coastal engineering studies. (A detailed 
description of the types and results of such models is beyond the scope of this 

Numerical Models 

The use of numerical models in assessing changes in coastal geomorph- 
ology is rapidly increasing in sophistication. Models include those that 
perform wave refraction and longshore transport computations, those that 
estimate beach profile response and coastal flooding, and those that examine 
shoreline change and storm-induced beach erosion (Dean and Maurmeyer 
1983; Komar 1983; Birkemeier et al. 1987; Kraus 1990). While a detailed 
description of such models is beyond the scope of this report, such studies can 
greatly assist the understanding of coastal processes and landforms in the 
vicinity of a study site. In turn, prior characterization of local geomorphology 
based on independent data sources can provide an invaluable check on the 
reasonableness of such models’ results. 

Chapter 5 Investigation of Geomorphic Factors 



6 Summary and Conclusions 

Coastal environments show great geomorphic diversity over space and over 
time. Spatial diversity occurs because coastal landforms develop in a variety 
of terrestrial and marine environments, composed of materials that include a 
variety of rocks and sediments. In addition, environmental factors, such as 
coastal winds, waves, tides, currents, storms, sea level, tectonics, and 
sediment supply show geographical variation. Temporal diversity in 
landforms and materials occurs largely because environmental factors show 
temporal variations. Temporal variations may be cyclic, noncyclic, or 
unidirectional over the time period examined. The geomorphic variability of 
coasts reflects the multiplicity of geomorphic and geologic responses over a 
variety of time scales. 

Types of geomorphic zones include (a) beaches and the nearshore zone, 
(b) coastal dunes, (c) the shoreface, (d) inlets, (e) shelf shoals, (f) deltas, 
(g) estuaries, (h) reefs, (i) mudflats and mangroves, (j) strand plains, and 
(k) cliff coasts. It is an important aspect of engineering and geologic studies 
to assimilate and interpret evidence regarding geomorphic variability over the 
multiple time scales that occur in these wide-ranging coastal environments. 

Study of the geomorphic variations of coasts can be approached over a 
variety of time scales. Three principal time scales that are important in 
assessing geologic and geomorphic changes in coasts include the following: 
(a) modern studies based largely on field data or laboratory and office 
experiments regarding environmental processes; (b) historic studies based 
largely on information from maps, photography, archives, and other sources; 
and, (c) paleoenvironmental studies based largely on stratigraphy and 
associated geological and paleoenvironmental principles. In actuality, 
however, these general time scale approaches show overlap. Further, within 
each of the categories, certain time scales may be of particular importance for 
influencing coastal changes. For example, tidal and seasonal changes are 
significant in modern studies and Holocene sea level history is important in 
paleoenvironmental studies. 

Many coastal geomorphic features are temporally variable and tend to 
change form with changes in certain critical environmental factors. Some of 
these changes are cyclic and relate mainly to seasonal variations in wave 
climate; others are the result of rare intermittent events such as major storms 

Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusions 

or long-term unidirectional trends that may be climatic or related to changes in 
relative sea level and/or sediment supply. The planning and design of coastal 
engineering projects and the long-term management of coastal areas require a 
basic knowledge of the likely geomorphic variations that can be expected to 
occur during the lifetime of the project. Thus, before planning and designing, 
some study of the environmental and geomorphic features of the coastline to 
be engineered, and its relation to adjacent coastlines, should be given detailed 

Many types of processes occur in the coastal zone. Inland of the coastline, 
terrestrial processes are dominant, except during severe storm surges and 
where the coastline is on a barrier backed by marginal marine features such as 
lagoons, sounds, bays, and marshland. The shore and shoreface are the main 
focuses of coastal marine processes: waves, currents, tides, and storm surges. 
Seaward of the shoreface, inner Continental Shelf features such as linear and 
arcuate shoals may change because of interaction with large waves and storm- 
generated shelf currents. Other important causes of change in coastal zone 
features are changes in relative sea level, increase or decrease of sediment 
supply, and construction of engineering projects. Processes acting on 
consolidated rock are usually much slower to bring about significant 
morphological change, and some features may remain relatively unchanged for 
centuries. Also, some changes such as relative sea level may take place so 
slowly that they are difficult to detect and measure. 

Data collection on temporal changes in coastal features and environmental 
factors is often difficult and expensive. Ideally, time-series data should cover 
periods of several years, but this is rarely possible because of required lead 
time and funding constraints. In some cases, there are historical resources in 
the form of earlier hydrographic surveys, aerial photography, and prior 
studies that can provide information about past temporal changes, but many 
are deficient in detail, quality, time span, or frequency of observations and 

It is important to obtain data on the processes, such as waves and currents, 
that affect coastal features and, insofar as possible, gain an understanding of 
the connection between processes and variable geomorphic features. Many 
instruments are now available for acquiring time-series data on waves, 
currents, winds, and other dynamic factors of the environment. Although 
capable of obtaining high quality data, these techniques of data collection can 
be expensive if used alone. With good historical sources such as weather 
charts, much can be learned concerning factors such as waves and storm 
surges by hindcasting, and instruments may be more economically used in a 
limited role to verify data. The difficulty in measuring many environmental 
factors is primarily economic rather than technical. 

The geomorphic variability of the coast requires that a range of factors be 
considered in the management and engineering of coasts for storm protection 
and navigation. Environmental and geomorphic factors cause the rates, scale, 
and nature of change in coastal environments to be highly variable, and the 

Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusions 



interaction of these various factors is generally complex. Coastal scientists 
and engineers will be more successful in planning and designing coastal 
projects by determining the geomorphic variability of the coastal zone over 
short and long time scales. 

Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusions 


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Appendix A 
Glossary of Geologic Terms 

ANGLE OF REPOSE The maximum slope at which cohesionless sediments 
are stable. 

ARCH A rock feature in the form of an arch lying close offshore. The form 
and isolation are products of marine erosion. 

AVULSION A tearing away. Often refers to a rapid change in a river’s 

BACK BARRIER Pertaining to the lagoon-marsh-tidal creek complex in the 
lee of a coastal barrier island, barrier spit, or baymouth barrier. 

BARCHAN DUNE A dune of crescentic shape with the convex side facing 
the prevailing wind. 

BEACH CUSPS One of a series of low mounds separated by crescentic- 
shape troughs spaced at regular intervals along a beach. 

BEDFORMS Any deviation from a flat bed that is readily detected by eye, 
e.g., ripple marks, sand waves. 

BIOEROSION Erosion of rocks or sediment created by biological activity, 
especially boring organisms. 

BIOGENIC Of biological origin. Usually sediments composed of the hard 
parts of plants or animals and organic reef masses. 

BIOTURBATION The disturbance of sediment bedding by the activities of 
burrowing organisms. 

BLOWOUTS Places in vegetated dunes or sand flats where bare spots occur 
and are subjected to wind erosion. 

BRYOZOA Invertebrate belonging to the Phylum Bryozoa and characterized 
by colonial growth and a branching, twiglike skeleton. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 


BYPASSING The movement of sediment across a natural or manmade 
barrier to alongshore sediment movement. 

CARBONATION A chemical weathering process involving the 
transformation of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium minerals 
into carbonate and bicarbonates of these metals by carbon dioxide 
contained in water. 

CHELATION The taking up or release of a metallic ion by an organic 

CLASTIC Sediment or rock composed of particles of pre-existing rocks or 
minerals that have been transported out of the place of origin. 

CONTINENTAL SHELF The broad shallow submarine plain that fringes 
many continental coasts. 

CORALLINE Pertaining to the large group of hard, calcareous, external 
skeletal, bottom-dwelling marine coelenterates of class Anthozoa. 

CORIOLIS EFFECT The apparent deflection of moving objects from a 
straight path caused by earth rotation. Moving bodies appear deflected to 
the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern 

CREVASSE Splay deposit Deposits laid down by river water emerging from 
a break or rupture in a river’s levees. The deposits sometimes resemble a 
small delta. 

CYCLONIC Pertaining to an atmospheric system that is characterized by 

low pressure and counterclockwise winds north of the equator and 
clockwise winds to the south. 

DIAGENESIS Changes undergone by sediments after their initial deposition. 
The term often refers to compaction, cementation, and replacement. 

DIAPIR Structure in which the core of an anticline breaks through overlying 

DIASTROPHISM The deformation of large masses of rock. 
DIP The angle of a bedding plane to the horizontal. 

DISTRIBUTARY A branch of a stream flowing out of another stream. 
Distributaries are most common in deltas. 

DOLOMITIC Containing dolomite, a calcium magnesium carbonate. 
Dolomite is both a mineral and rock name. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 

DRUMLIN A glacial feature usually consisting of a large mound of glacial 

EBB TIDAL DELTA Shoal formed on the seaward side of inlets by ebb 
tidal currents. 

ECHINOIDS A class of free-moving echinoderms, mostly with rigidly plated 

EUSTATIC Refers to worldwide changes in sea level due to changes of the 
volume of water in the ocean or a change in the volume capacity of the 


FJORD A glaciated valley that has been partly drowned by relative sea level 
changes or as a result of overdeepening by the glacier that formed it. 

FLOOD TIDAL DELTA A shoal complex on the landward side of an inlet 
deposited by flood tidal currents. 

FORAMINIFERA Protozoans characterized by tests of one to many 
chambers composed of calcite or of agglutinated particles. 

FRIABLE Weakly consolidated or weathered rock that is easily broken up. 

GEOMORPHIC Pertaining to landforms. 

GLACIAL DRIFT Sediments associated with glacial deposition. 

GLACIOISOSTATIC Vertical crustal movement including depression of a 
land area due to the weight of overlying glacial ice or elevation of the land 

due to unloading of glacial ice. 

GLACIOLACUSTRINE Pertaining to glacial deposition or erosion in a 

GROINS Low structures oriented perpendicular to the shore. They are 
intended to trap or retard alongshore movement of beach material. 

HOLOCENE EPOCH The latest epoch, which began about 10,000 years 
before present, following the last glaciation. 

HYDRATION Absorption of or chemical reaction with water. 

HYDROLYSIS A decomposition reaction involving water, usually between 
silicate minerals and aqueous solution. 

IGNEOUS Said of rock or minerals which solidified from molten or partly 
molten materials. Granite is a common example. 


Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 


ISOBARS Lines of equal barometric pressure on a weather map. 
ISOHALINES Lines of equal salinity on a chart of saltwater bodies. 

KARST A limestone terrain of very irregular topography due to extensive 
solution of the limestone rock. 

KATABATIC WIND Any wind blowing down an incline. If the wind is 
cold, it is known as a foehn; if it is cold, it may be a fall or gravity wind. 

LACUSTRINE Pertaining to a lake. 

LAGOON A shallow body of water behind a coastal barrier island, barrier 
spit, or baymouth barrier. Also applied to the water bodies inland of coral 
reefs and atolls. 

LAPSE RATE The adiabatic rate of change of a meteorological element 
(such as temperature) associated with a change in height. 

LITHIFIED Refers to rocky or hardened sediments. 
LITHOLOGIC Pertaining to the character of rock. 
LITHOLOGY The general characteristics of a rock or sediment. 

LITHOSPHERE The solid portion of the earth, usually referring to the crust 
and upper part of the mantle (about 100 km in thickness total). 

LONGSHORE CURRENT A current flowing alongshore, primarily inshore 
of the outer breaker line. 

LONGSHORE DRIFT Sediment moving alongshore on the foreshore and 
adjacent breaker zone due to waves and wave-generated currents. 

MARGINAL SEAS A partly enclosed sea bordering a continental landmass. 

MASS WASTING The movement of soil and sediments downslope due to 

MORAINE Accumulation of glacial till left by melting of glaciers. Material 
is deposited directly by the ice. 

MORPHODYNAMIC A concept introduced by Wright, Short, and 
coworkers which represents the integration of seemingly disparate 
hydrodynamic and morphologic factors into a coherent morphologic model 
with distinct states or stages. 

MORPHOLOGY In geology, the visual shape of landscape features, either 
singly or as a group in a given area. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 

NATURAL LEVEE A natural embankment along the shore of a stream 
deposited by overflow during floods. 

ORBITAL WAVE MOTION The orbital displacement of water as a wave 

ORTHOGONAL A line perpendicular to a wave crest. 

OOLITE Calcareous rounded particles ranging from egg-shaped to button- 
shaped that are precipitated directly from sea water. 

PALEOENVIRONMENT An ancient environment that is reconstructed by 
the evidence of fossils, bedding and sediment, or rock characteristics. 

PALEONTOLOGY The study of past geological history, primarily by 
analysis of fossil remains of organisms. 

PALUDAL Pertaining to low water-covered land, such as swamps and 

PALYNOLOGY The study of spores and pollen. Often used to help 
reconstruct past environments. 

PARALLAX The apparent displacement of an object due to a change in the 
position of the observer. 

PEDOLOGY The science of soils. 

PHOSPHATIC Containing phosphate, usually in combination with other 
elements, to form minerals. 

PLEISTOCENE A subdivision of the Quarternary period. The Pleistocene 
encompasses the ice ages. 

QUATERNARY The period following the tertiary period and containing the 
Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. 

RADIOCARBON DATE Age of a carbonaceous material derived from the 
radioactive changes in carbon 14 through time. 

RADIOMETRIC Chronological age determined by study of suitable 
radioactive substances. 

RELATIVE SEA LEVEL The level of land and sea in respect to one 
another. Changes in relative level may be due to eustatic sea level changes 
or the vertical movement of the landmass. 

SALTATION The movement of sediment particles in a series of short jumps 
from the bottom. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 



SALT DOME A diapir of salt that breaks through overlying rocks or 
sediment. Hydrocarbon-bearing strata are often associated with salt domes. 

SEDIMENTOLOGICAL Pertaining to the science of sedimentary rocks and 
their formative processes. 

SEISMIC REFLECTION A geophysical method of obtaining sonic 
representations of subbottom stratification. Seismic reflection surveys are 
performed on land and at sea. 

SELECTIVE SORTING The process in sediment transport of differential 
response of sediment particles due to differences in size, shape, and 
specific gravity. 

SETUP Elevation of a water surface due to onshore mass transport of water 
by wind and waves. 

SHORE The border of a landmass with the sea. 

SHOREFACE A sloping bottom zone between the shore and the inner 
continental shelf. 

SILICEOUS Containing silica. 
SINK A process that subtracts sand from a littoral compartment. 
SLIP FACE The steeply sloping lee side of a dune or sand wave. 

SPIT A long narrow ridge of sand usually extending from a headland parallel 
to the general trend of the coast. 

STACK A rock column isolated offshore by coastal erosion. 
STRATIGRAPHIC Pertaining to the study of stratified rocks and sediments. 

STRIKE The orientation of the line of intersection of a bedding fault plane 
with a horizontal plain. 

STORM SURGE A rise of water level above normal due to wind stress on 
the water surface. 

SUBAERIAL Pertaining to the land surface as contrasted with subaqueous, 
i.e., below the water surface. 

SUPERPOSITION A geological concept that a rock or sediment overlying 
another layer is younger in origin, provided no structural deformation 
exists that would reverse the sequence. 

TECTONIC Pertaining to structural movements of rock masses. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 

TECTONIC PLATES A large part of the earth’s crust that moves as a unit 
with respect to other plates. 

TEPHRA Clastic material that has been ejected from a volcano. 
TERRESTRIAL Pertaining to land as opposed to the ocean. 
TILT Sideways inclination of an aircraft or spaceship. 

TSUNAMI A long-period wave caused by an underwater disturbance such as 

an earthquake. Tsunamis are often highly destructive if they reach a coast. 

TIDAL PRISM The total amount of water that flows into a lagoon, harbor, 
or estuary and out again with the rise and fall of the tide. 

WAVE STEEPNESS The ratio of wave height to wave length. 

WEATHERED The condition of rocks that have undergone physical and/or 
chemical alterations due to exposure to the elements. 

YAW Refers to an aircraft’s or spaceship’s turning by angular motion about 
a vertical axis. 

Appendix A Glossary of Geologic Terms 



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Beal & : cide og Wrew a fovouss ar ee f tal ae zs 

i ae a ne ao i Bi nat Cine > 
P: c a a 

Waterways Experiment Station Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Mossa, Joann, 1959- 

Geomorphic variability in the coastal zone / by Joann Mossa and Ed- 
ward P. Meisburger, Andrew Morang ; prepared for Department of the 
Army, US Army Corps of Engineers. 

120 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. — (Technical report ; CERC-92-4) 

Includes bibliographic references 

1. Coast changes. 2. Geomorphology. 3. Submarine topography. |. 
Title. Il. Meisburger, Edward P. Ill. Morang, Andrew. IV. U.S. Army 
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. V. United States. Army. 
Corps of Engineers. VI. Coastal Geology and Geotechnical Program. 
VII. Technical report (U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Sta- 
tion) ; CERC-92-4. 

TA7 W34 no.CERC-92-4 

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