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The  Glasgow 

Including  the 

Proceedings  of  the  Urban  Biodiversity  Conference  2010 

Volume  25  Part  4 2012 

Journal  of 


Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 

(formerly  The  Andersonian  Naturalists  of  Glasgow) 

The  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  is  a registered  charity  (SCO  12586)  with  approximately  250  members  living  in 
Glasgow,  the  West  of  Scotland,  throughout  the  UK  and  overseas.  The  Society  arranges  a full  programme  of  events 
throughout  the  year  in  Glasgow  and  district  and  occasionally  further  afield.  These  are  at  both  specialist  and  popular 
level,  designed  to  bring  together  the  amateur  and  the  professional,  the  expert  and  the  beginner. 

The  Society  has  its  own  library,  and  provides  grants  for  the  study  of  natural  history.  Further  details  about  the  Society 
can  be  found  at  or  by  contacting  the  Secretary,  The  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society,  c/o  Graham 
Kerr  (Zoology)  Building,  University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow,  G12  8QQ,  Scotland  (E-mail:  info@,  The 
Society  has  microscopes  and  some  field  equipment  that  can  be  used  by  members.  Please  contact  the  Membership 
Secretary  Mr  Richard  Weddle  at  the  address  above  for  further  details. 

The  Glasgow  Naturalist 

The  Glasgow  Naturalist  is  published  by  the  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  ISSN  0373-241X.  It  was  first  issued  in 
1908-9  and  is  a peer  reviewed  journal  that  publishes  original  studies  in  botany,  zoology  and  geology,  with  a particular 
focus  on  studies  from  the  West  of  Scotland.  For  questions  or  advice  about  submissions  please  contact  the  Editor:  Dr 
Dominic  McCafferty  (E-mail:  Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal  Health  and 
Comparative  Medicine,  University  of  Glasgow,  Graham  Kerr  Building,  Glasgow  G12  8QQ,  Scotland.  Advice  to 
contributors  is  given  on  the  inside  cover  of  this  edition.  The  publication  is  included  in  the  abstracting  and  indexing  of 
the  Bioscience  Information  Service  of  Biological  Abstracts  and  the  Botanical  Society  of  the  British  Isles  Abstracts. 
Back  numbers  of  the  journal  may  be  purchased  by  contacting  the  Society  at  the  address  above.  Full  details  of  the 
journal  can  be  found  at 

Publications  of  the  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 

The  Society  has  published  a number  of  books  on  the  flora  and  fauna  of  the  West  of  Scotland.  Full  details  can  be  found 

Front  cover 

Small  tortoiseshell  butterfly  {Aglais  urticae)  on  the  M8  motorway  verge,  Glasgow.  Photo:  Cath  Scott. 

Back  Cover 

Buff-tailed  bumblebee  (Bombiis  terrestris)  in  a wildflower  meadow  in  Kelvingrove  Park,  Glasgow.  Photo:  Cath  Scott. 

The  Glasgow  Naturalist 

Volume  25  Part  4 


Impacts  of  television  on  natural  history.  D.  J.  McCafferty 1 



From  whaling  to  whale  watching:  a history  of  cetaceans  in  Scotland.  E.  C.  M.  Parsons 53 

The  moth  assemblages  of  Flanders  moss,  Stirlingshire.  J.  T.  Knowler 59 

Diversity  of  wild  plants  in  low-maintenance  Scottish  suburban  garden.  Then  and  now  - 1986  and  2011.  M.  O’Reilley  71 
The  professor  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  Bequest:  its  contribution  to  the  development  of  Glasgow’s  Natural  History 

Society.  J.  R.  Downie,  M.  McKinnon,  P.  Macpherson,  D.  McCafferty  & R.  Weddle 79 

Gartcosh  great  crested  newts:  the  story  so  far.  D.  C.  McNeill,  J.  R.  Downie  & B.  Ross 87 

Vegetation  and  ‘site  florulas’  of  islands  in  West  Loch  Roag,  Outer  Hebrides.  P.  A.  Smith  & J.  McIntosh  93 

A review  of  the  incidence  of  cyanobacteria  (blue-green  algae)  in  surface  waters  in  Scotland  including  potential  effects 
of  climate  change,  with  a list  of  the  common  species  and  new  records  from  the  Scottish  Environmental  Protection 

Agency.  J.  T.  Krokowski,  P.  Lang,  A.  Bell,  N.  Broad,  J.  Clayton,  I.  Milne,  M.  Nicolson,  A.  Ross  & N.  Ross 99 

Effects  of  fertilisers  on  vegetation  of  ultrabasic  ten-aces  (1965-2010):  Isle  of  Rum,  Scotland.  J.  A.  Gilbert  & K.  R.  Butt 


Long  term  dynamics  in  Scottish  saltmarsh  plant  communities.  R.  B.  Taubert  & K.  J.  Murphy 1 1 1 


Interesting  Aculeate  records  from  Glasgow,  including  eight  new  species  records  from  Lanarkshire,  with  reflections  on 

their  wider  distribution  in  Southem  Scotland.  J.  Robinson  & C.  Fiedler  1 19 

The  Entomology  Collection  of  Dr  Clifford  Edwards  (1913-2009)  in  Glasgow  Museums.  J.  Robinson  124 

Adventures  with  Amphibians.  J.  R.  Downie  125 

The  migrant  moth,  small  m?Lxh\Q.d  Eublemma parva,  in  central  Scotland  201 1.  C.  Convei-y,  D.  Collis  & G.  Collis  129 

The  Australian  landhopper,  Arcitalitrus  dorheni  (Hunt,  1925),  Crtistacea,  Amphipoda,  in  Glasgow.  E.  G.  Hancock  . 130 

Miscellaneous  invertebrates  recorded  from  the  Outer  Hebrides,  2010.  J.  H.  Bratton 130 

A photograph  of  a teacher-training  course  in  marine  zoology  at  Millport  (1914).  P.  G.  Moore  132 

CoiTection  to  the  statistical  note  in  ‘Gulliver,  R.,  2011.  Patterns  of  flowering  on  continuously-grazed  dune  and  machair 

on  Colonsay.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  25  (3)  19-28’.  R.  Gulliver  133 

The  most  northerly  documented  record  of  the  green  alga  HvdrodictyKm  reticulatum  (water-net)  in  the  UK.  A.  McManus 

’ ’. 134 

Hoverfly  species  (Diptera,  Syrphidae)  collected  near  Rowardennan,  Loch  Lomondside,  August,  201 1.  E.  G.  Hancock 


First  record  of  larval  sea  lamprey  Petromyzon  marimis  L.  in  the  Endrick  Water,  Loch  Lomond.  J.  B.  Hume  & C.  E. 

Adams 137 

A record  of  the  aurochs.  Bos  primigeiiins,  from  Morayshire.  A.  C.  Kitchener  & J.  Doune  1 38 

The  rare  green  alga  Pediastruin priviim  (Chlorophyta,  Sphaeropleales)  in  a Scottish  kettle  loch:  new  to  British 

freshwaters.  P.  Lang,  J.  Krokowski,  N.  Ross  & R.  Doughty  139 

First  records  of  the  pygmy  sperm  whale,  Kogia  breviceps,  in  Scotland.  A.  C.  Kitchener,  J.  S.  Hennan,  R.  .1.  Reid  & N. 

Anderson  142 

Scottish  Centre  for  Ecology  and  the  Natural  Environment  and  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  Photographic 
Competition  2012 147 


BOOK  REVIEWS  / ) ^51 



The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4.  Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and  Challenges,  1 


Impacts  of  television  on  natural  history 

Dominic  J.  McCafferty 

Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal  Health  and  Comparative  Medicine,  University  of  Glasgow,  Graham  Keir  Building, 
Glasgow  G12  8QQ 

E-mail:  dominie. mccafferty(@glasgow. 

Have  you  noticed  how  many  people  discuss  natural 
history  after  watching  an  episode  of  BBC  Springwatch 
or  following  a David  Attenborough  documentary?  For 
most  people  television  and  digital  media  now  constitute 
a substantial  source  of  infonnation  about  the  natural 
world.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  television  plays  a 
significant  part  in  our  lives  as  it  is  estimated  that  in 
Scotland  we  watch  on  average  4.2  hours  of  television 
per  day  (BBC  Scotland  2010).  Susanna  Curtin  (In 
press)  argues  that  wildlife  television  programmes  shape 
the  way  in  which  we  develop  our  emotional 
relationship  with  wildlife  and  indeed  influence  the 
growing  trend  in  wildlife  tourism  particularly  in 
Scotland.  In  ‘The  Effect  of  British  Natural  Histoiy 
Television  Programmes:  Animal  Representations  and 
Wildlife  Tourism’  soon  to  be  published,  she  highlights 
the  fact  that  in  the  UK  wildlife  programmes  are 
watched  by  over  50%  of  men  and  women  and  natural 
histoiy  topics  are  in  the  top  five  of  favourite  television 
programmes.  It  is  not  suiprising  that  a third  of  visitors 
to  Scotland  were  influenced  in  their  choice  of 
destination  by  wildlife/nature  television  programmes 
such  as  BBC  Springy’atch. 

Natural  history  programmes  have  grown  in  popularity 
since  the  1 960s  and  therefore  for  most  of  us  they  have 
contributed  to  our  knowledge  and  understanding  of 
natural  history.  Are  there  any  UK  biologists  alive  who 
have  not  been  influenced  by  David  Attenborough  and 
many  other  TV  naturalists?  Wildlife  documentaries  are 
predominantly  associated  with  large  charismatic  mega- 
fauna, often  anthropomoiphising  the  lives  of  animals 
and  focusing  on  the  exciting  moments  of  fighting, 
reproduction  and  predation.  There  could  be  a tendency 
for  broadcasting  to  bias  our  knowledge  of  the  natural 
world  away  from  the  less  spectacular  aspects  of  natural 
history.  Thankfully  there  appears  to  be  some  evidence 
that  we  continue  to  be  fascinated  by  the  less  exotic 
species  we  share  our  cities  and  gardens  with.  This 
edition  of  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  features  the 

Proceedings  of  the  Urban  Biodiversity’  Conference  that 
was  held  at  the  University  of  Glasgow  in  2010  which 
demonstrated  how  we  value  our  urban  wildlife  as  well 
as  the  charismatic  species  found  in  wild  areas  of 
Scotland  and  beyond.  Indeed  many  fascinating  insights 
into  the  lives  of  animals  and  plants  have  recently  been 
filmed  in  the  centres  of  large  cities  such  as  Glasgow. 

For  the  first  time  in  its  history,  papers  from  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  have  been  published  online  before 
appearing  in  print.  Natural  histoiy  and  naturalists  arc 
certainly  moving  with  the  times  and  as  is  the  case  with 
many  aspects  of  our  lives  we  cannot  ignore  the 
influence  of  the  media  on  our  knowledge,  enjoyment 
and  relationship  with  the  natural  world. 


I would  like  to  thank  all  the  authors  and  reviewers  for 
their  time  and  effort  which  have  ensured  the  high 
quality  science  and  scholarship  of  this  journal.  Iain 
Wilkie  took  on  editorial  work  for  this  edition  for  which 
I am  extremely  grateful.  I am  indebted  to  Ruth 
Maclachlan  for  all  secretarial  work  for  the  journal  and 
especially  her  patience  with  my  fonnatting  requests. 
Thanks  to  Noniian  Tait  for  photographic  work  and  Bob 
Gray  for  compiling  the  Book  Reviews.  Without  all 
their  efforts  this  volume  would  not  have  been  possible. 


BBC  Scotland,  2010. 
scotland-1 1024554  Accessed  28/8/12 

Curtin,  S.  (In  press).  ‘The  effect  of  British  Natural 
Histoiy  Television  Programmes:  Animal 

Representations  and  Wildlife  Tourism  ’ In: 
Mediating  the  Tourist  Experience:  From  Brochures 
to  Virtual  Encounters.  Channel  View  Publications. 
Abstract  at: 

The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4.  Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and  Challenges,  3-51 


Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 

Challenges:  Introduction 

J.R.  Downie 

President,  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  (GNHS) 
Professor  of  Zoological  Education,  University  of 

E-mail;  Roger.Downie(@glasgow. 

Early  in  2009,  GNHS  Council  discussed  how  we  might 
respond  to  International  Year  of  Biodiversity, 
designated  for  2010.  We  quickly  agreed  that  the  most 
appropriate  theme  for  a city-based  natural  histoiy 
society  would  be  a focus  on  urban  biodiversity:  after 
all,  it  is  still  the  case  that  too  many  people  think  of 
biodiversity  as  something  you  only  find  ‘out  there’  in 
the  countryside.  So  we  felt  that  a conference  discussing 
the  range  of  biodiversity  in  towns  and  cities  would  be 
valuable.  We  were  delighted  when  Jim  Coyle  of 
Glasgow  City  Council’s  biodiversity  team  gave 
immediate  support  and  we  soon  assembled  a steering 
group  comprising  representation  from  GNHS,  RSPB 
Glasgow,  SWT,  Glasgow  Museums  and  GCC’s 
Biodiversity  team.  An  early  meeting  agreed  on  the  title: 
‘Urban  Biodiversity  - successes  and  challenges’, 
because  we  wanted  to  describe  and  celebrate  the 
successes  achieved  in  conserving  and  enhancing 
biodiversity  in  Glasgow  and  other  towns  and  cities,  but 
also  to  discuss  the  challenges  we  still  face  in  making 
further  progress. 

Timing  was  easy  to  decide  on.  Two  factors  settled  the 
final  weekend  of  October  2010.  First,  the  United 
Nations  Convention  on  Biodiversity  meeting,  planned 
to  achieve  agreement  on  new  conservation  targets  was 
scheduled  to  end  in  Nagoya,  Japan  on  Friday  29'*’ 
October.  Second,  a new  book.  Co-ordinated  by 
Glasgow  Museums  ‘Wildlife  around  Glasgow’  was  due 
to  be  launched  during  the  same  week. 

We  decided  early  on  a two-day  meeting  and  that  it 
should  be  over  the  weekend  (the  debate  between 
weekend  and  weekdays  for  such  a meeting  is  a tricky 
one,  but  venues  are  easier  at  weekends).  The  plan  was 
to  devote  the  Saturday  to  fonnal  presentations:  these 
would  deal  first  with  policy  issues,  achievements  and 
benefits.  We  were  veiy  keen  to  ensure  that  the  meeting 
would  highlight  the  benefits  of  urban  biodiversity  to 
people.  Saturday  would  also  cover  case  histories, 
including  single  species,  groups  and  unusual  habitats, 
both  by  talks  and  by  posters.  We  also  hoped  to  entice 

some  high  level  political  presence  and  were  vciy 
pleased  when  Roseanna  Cunningham,  Minister  of  the 
Environment,  agreed  to  open  the  conference. 

Sunday  was  to  be  a more  practical,  interactive  day  with 
the  morning  devoted  to  participative  workshops  with 
choices  of  topics,  and  the  afternoon  to  excursions  to 
interesting  biodiversity  locations  within  easy  distance: 
we  realised  the  riskiness  of  this  in  terms  of  weather  and 
impending  darkness  on  the  last  Sunday  of  October. 

Over  approximately  monthly  meetings  from  October 
2009  the  programme  you  see  before  you  came  together. 
We  were  very  pleased  by  the  response  from  our  invited 
speakers:  this  seemed  to  be  a meeting  people  wanted  to 
contribute  to. 

What  of  the  omens  for  success?  First,  ‘Wildlife  around 
Glasgow’  was  successfully  launched  on  the  Thursday 
before  the  conference,  and  a beautiful  publication  it  is. 
Many  congratulations  to  Richard  Sutcliffe  and  his 
team.  Second,  despite  gloomy  reports  during  the  week, 
the  190  nations  meeting  at  Nagoya  reportedly  agreed 
on  20  new  tough  biodiversity  targets  to  be  met  by 
2020.  It  will  be  up  to  all  of  us  to  ensure  that  these  are 
not  just  paper  commitments.  Third,  as  1 came  through 
campus  to  get  ready  for  the  meeting,  a fox  crossed  my 
path  - now  a veiy  common  sight  in  the  West  End  of 

I’d  like  to  thank  all  members  of  the  conference  steering 
group  for  their  input  over  many  meetings  and  e-mails; 
also,  our  funders,  Glasgow  City  Council,  the 
University  of  Glasgow  and  the  Blodwcn  Lloyd  Binns 
Bequest.  1 also  acknowledge  the  honour  bestowed  by 
the  Lord  Provost  in  providing  the  Civic  Reception 
which  closed  the  proceedings.  Most  importantly,  I must 
thank  Richard  Weddle  whose  tireless  efforts  made  this 
conference  possible. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Civic  welcome  speech 

Bailie  Nina  Baker 
Glasgow  City  Council 

Ladies,  gentlemen  and  distinguished  guests,  it  is  my 
great  pleasure  to  welcome  you  to  this  event,  on  behalf 
of  the  Lord  Provost  and  people  of  the  city  of  Glasgow. 
On  the  eve  of  your  160^'’  anniversaiy,  the  Glasgow 
Natural  History  Society  is  to  be  congratulated  for 
bringing  together  The  University  of  Glasgow,  RSPB, 


Glasgow  City  Council,  Culture  and  Sport  Glasgow  as 
was,  now  of  course  known  as  Glasgow  Life,  and  the 
Scottish  Wildlife  Trust  to  hold  this  conference  marking 
the  International  Year  of  Biodiversity. 

With  the  vast  majority  of  our  nation’s  population  living 
in  urban  areas,  the  quality  of  urban  open  spaces  can 
have  a significant  effect  on  their  attitudes  to  the  natural 
world  more  generally.  Professor  Jim  Dickson  and 
others’  ground  breaking  book  on  the  plants  in  our  city 
showed  us  how  even  apparently  grotty  brownfield  sites 
are  oases  in  otherwise  less  favourable  urban 
environments  and  help  the  overall  biodiversity  of  the 
city.  This  work  has  now  been  complemented  by  the 
recent  fauna  surveys  by  the  volunteers  of  the 
Biodiversity  in  Glasgow  project.  With  the  continuing 
shortage  of  allotment  plots  in  areas  of  high  demand,  the 
council’s  policy  to  help  so-called  Stalled  Development 
sites  become  temporary  community  greenspaces  will 
be  welcome  to  many  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  the 
owners  of  such  spaces  see  the  benefits  they  can  bring. 

Your  fascinating  programme  of  talks  looks  at  these 
wider  issues  as  well  as  the  micro-studies  of  particular 
environments,  such  as  bings  and  wildlife  coixidors  and 
of  particular  wildlife  such  as  waterbeetles  and  epigeal 
invertebrates  - do  I assume  this  means  our  good  friends 
the  earthwonns?(Audience  response;  No,  these  are 
surface-livers  like  slaters,  millipedes  and  ground 
beetles).  With  more  and  more  of  our  schools  being  not 
only  Ecoschools  but  also  gardening  and  food  growing 
schools,  1 am  sure  our  younger  generation  have  a keen 
eye  for  Glasgow’s  biodiversity.  And  here  in  the 
university  that  enthusiasm  is  taken  to  the  professional 
levels.  You  will  be  asked  to  consider  if  Glasgow  is  as 
green  as  its  nickname,  dear  green  place,  but  1 am  sure 
with  the  council  staff,  professionals  and  amateur 
enthusiasts’  energy  represented  today,  we  can  look 
forward  to  every  effort  being  put  towards  improving 
the  biodiversity  in  the  future.  So,  1 am  pleased  to 
provide  this  civic  welcome  half-way  through  your 
conference  and  wish  you  a successful  and  interesting 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Nature  in  the  city 

Roseanna  Cunningham  - MSP 

Minister  for  the  Environment  - Scottish  Government 

Urban  environments  are  often  thought  of  as  human 
environments.  After  all,  our  towns  and  cities  are  home 
to  over  80%  of  Scotland’s  population.  But  urban 
environments  arc  so  much  more  than  this.  Each  town 
and  city  has  its  own  unique  mosaic  of  habitats  and 
ecosystems.  Gardens,  parks,  allotments,  brownfield 

sites,  industrial  sites,  rivers,  ponds  and  even  graveyards 
all  provide  different  niches  for  the  thousands  of  species 
that  share  our  urban  landscape. 

With  all  these  different  habitats  on  the  doorstep  it  isn’t 
suiprising  that  urban  environments  are  where  most 
people  have  the  opportunity  to  experience  the  natural 
world.  But  while  this  is  obvious  to  us  here  today,  it  is 
not  always  so  clear  to  other  people  living  in  urban 
environments  - less  than  half  of  Scots  get  into  the 
outdoors  at  least  once  a week.  This  is  something  that 
needs  to  change. 

Being  outdoors  and  around  nature  brings  so  many 
benefits.  It  can  reduce  stress  and  improve  physical  and 
mental  health.  In  short  it  improves  residents’  quality  of 
life.  It  is  the  Greenspace  in  our  cities  that  can  provide 
people  with  a quick  and  easy  escape  from  the  hubbub 
of  city  life.  This  is  why  SNH  are  promoting  the  Simple 
Pleasures  these  areas  can  bring.  This  is  a new 
campaign  aimed  at  getting  the  public  out  and  about  in 
their  cities  and  introducing  them  to  the  wildlife  within 
it.  Over  20%  of  Glasgow  is  green  space  so  the 
opportunities  to  experience  nature  really  are  on  your 

As  part  of  the  Simple  Pleasures  campaign  SNH  have 
identified  routes  and  suggested  places  to  visit  in  and 
around  Glasgow.  Similar  materials  are  being  developed 
for  other  cities  and  I hope  they  become  a useful 
resource  for  those  of  you  working  with  the  public.  I 
understand  that  this  conference  is  also  linked  to  the 
publication  of  the  book  ‘Wildlife  around  Glasgow’,  so 
the  materials  are  out  there  that  can  help  introduce 
people  to  the  wonders  of  nature  without  the  need  for 
expensive  equipment  or  extensive  planning. 

Of  course,  these  opportunities  only  exist  if  the 
networks  of  green  and  blue  space  are  properly 
managed.  The  ecological  footprint  of  any  city  extends 
far  beyond  its  boundaries  and  development  pressures 
within  the  city  limits  can  cause  conflict.  There  is  no 
easy  solution  to  these  pressures  but  planning  and 
managing  urban  environments  in  the  right  way  can 
have  significant  positive  impacts.  Connecting  cities 
with  the  environment  around  them  through  habitat 
networks  and  limiting  the  impact  of  development  on 
the  surrounding  ecosystems  are  vital  parts  to  this. 
Climate  change  will  add  new  pressures  to  the  urban 
environment  and  working  with  the  biodiversity  that 
supports  our  ecosystems  is  one  of  the  best  ways  of 
adapting  and  mitigating  against  its  effects.  We’re 
promoting  such  policies  through  initiatives  like  the 
Central  Scotland  Green  Network  which  is  a priority 
under  the  National  Planning  Framework.  This  is 
already  enhancing  greenspaces,  promoting  healthier 
lifestyles,  greater  biodiversity,  stronger  communities 
and  economic  opportunity. 

Many  of  you  will  be  involved  in  making  this  a reality 
on  the  ground  in  many  different  ways.  For  example. 
Sustainable  urban  drainage  (SUD)  schemes  help 


mitigate  against  flooding  and  provide  habitat  for  a 
variety  of  species.  Promoting  local  food  growing 
engages  local  people  and  helps  reduce  our  overall 
carbon  footprint.  Householders  can  do  their  bit  too  by 
growing  wildlife  friendly  plants,  avoiding  invasive 
non-native  species  and  carefully  composting  what  they 
can.  When  the  impact  of  all  these  different  initiatives  is 
added  together  we  end  up  with  rich  urban 
environments  which  benefit  all  the  species  that  live  in 
them.  Not  least  the  human  community. 

I’ve  briefly  touched  on  a few  themes  which  I know  you 
will  be  discussing  in  more  detail  over  the  next  couple 
of  days.  As  you  might  know,  discussions  have  also 
been  ongoing  recently  in  Nagoya,  Japan  about  the  UN 
Convention  on  Biological  Diversity.  I know  such  high 
level  debate  can  often  seem  far  removed  from  the  day 
to  day  delivery  of  biodiversity  conservation  and  it  is 
easy  to  be  cynical  about  the  process.  But  these 
discussions  included  a specific  focus  on  cities  and 
biodiversity.  And  while  it’s  too  early  to  have  fully 
digested  the  outputs  and  what  our  response  will  be  to  it. 
I’m  sure  those  aspects  of  the  discussion  in  particular 
will  be  of  interest  to  all  of  you. 

Unfortunately,  due  to  other  commitments,  I am  not 
able  to  stay  for  the  rest  of  the  conference  but  from 
looking  at  the  agenda  and  field  trips  I am  sure  you  will 
have  an  interesting  and  productive  two  days. 

(This  is  the  fonnal  version  of  the  speech  that  the 
Minister  delivered  at  the  opening  of  the  Conference). 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  The  next  generation: 
environmental  education  with  the 

Rebekah  Stackhouse'  and  Jenifer  MacCaluim^ 

RSPB,  Scotland  Headquarters,  2 Lochside  View, 
Edinburgh  Park,  Edinburgh,  EH  1 2 9DH 


An  RSPB  field  teaching  site  was  established  at 
Kelvingrove  Museum  and  Kelvingrove  Park  in  2007.  It 
provides  sessions  for  primary  schools  on  woodlands, 
urban  wildlife,  birds,  conservation  and  a sensoiy  walk 
for  infants. 

All  the  sessions  are  based  on  the  Scottish  CuiTiculum 
for  Excellence  and  involve  active  outdoor  learning.  The 
programme  is  agreed  with  the  teacher  before  the  visit 
and  the  quality  of  the  service  is  evaluated  by  users  and 
by  the  RSPB  Education  Officer.  The  RSPB  field 
teaching  scheme  is  a holder  of  the  nationally  accredited 

Learning  Outside  the  Classroom  Quality  Badge. 

Around  2000  children  visit  the  RSPB  at  Kelvingrove 
every  year.  Learning  to  appreciate  the  biodiversity  in 
local  parks  encourages  children  to  care  for  their  own 
school  grounds  and  gardens.  A lack  of  knowledge 
about  and  experience  of  seeing  wildlife  is  apparent  in 
many  Glasgow  children  making  field  trips  a valuable 
part  of  school  projects. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Biodiversity  on  bings 

Barbra  Harvie 

University  of  Edinburgh,  Crew  Building,  King’s 
Buildings,  West  Mains  Road,  Edinburgh  EH9  3JN 



The  West  Lothian  oil-shale  bings  are  important  havens 
of  biodiversity  at  both  a local  and  a national  (UK) 
level.  They  arc  examples  of  true  primary  succession 
and  provide  a refuge  for  locally  rare  species,  both  plant 
and  animal,  in  an  urban/  industrial/  agricultural 
landscape  making  them  important  to  conservation  and 
increased  local  biodiversity. 


The  oil  shale  bings  of  West  Lothian  are  piles  of 
industrial  waste;  a by-product  of  Scotland’s  first  oil 
industry  in  the  1850s.  Historically  they  are  of  great 
importance  (Harvie,  2010)  and  given  their  histoiy  it  is 
perhaps  not  surprising  that  Greendykes  and  Five  Sisters 
are  now  protected  as  designated  Scottish  Industrial 
Heritage  Sites.  Other  bing  sites  are  protected  for  more 
remarkable  reasons.  Addiewcll  North  is  a Scottish 
Wildlife  Trust  Nature  Reserve,  Oakbank  is  part  of 
Almondell  Counti'y  Park  and  all  of  the  bings  together 
make  up  a major  habitat  in  West  Lothian’s  biodiversity 
plan  (Harvie,  2005a). 


The  West  Lothian  shale  bings  arc  of  great  ecological 
and  scientific  importance.  They  are  examples  of  a 
distinctive  and  rare  type  of  post-industrial  waste  that  is 
unique  within  Britain.  They  are  also  examples  of  sites 
of  primary  succession.  Primaiy  sites  are  only  found 
naturally  on  sand  dunes,  glaciers  and  volcanoes;  all  of 
which  are  very  uncommon  in  Britain.  Habitats  within 
the  bings  vary  from  almost  bare  substrate  to  semi- 
natural grassland,  heather  scrub  and  pioneering  birch 
woodland.  Differences  in  the  age  and  size  of  the  bings, 
how  they  have  been  managed,  available  seed  sources, 
substrate  type  and  soil  chemistry  all  contribute  to  the 
habitats  and  their  vegetation.  They  provide  refuges  for 
a wide  range  of  animals  and  plants  that  arc  under 
increasing  pressure  in  the  surrounding  area  from 


fanning  and  urban  development.  The  diversity  of  plant 
species  on  the  bings  is  considerable  and  the  sites  are 
home  to  more  than  350  plant  species  (Harvie,  2005b). 
This  is  more  than  have  been  recorded  on  the  Ben  Nevis 

Some  of  the  bings  support  several  plant  species  not 
found  elsewhere  in  the  county.  Buxbaumia  aphylla 
Hedw.  is  a rare  moss  in  Britain  that  has  been  recorded 
in  sizeable  populations  at  Addiewell  bing  for  more  than 
35  years.  A small  population  of  the  montane  lichen 
Stereocaulon  saxatUe  is  found  on  Addiewell  bing  and 
extensive  colonies  of  three  related  and  locally  rare 
species  S.  leucophaeopsis,  S.  nanodes  and  S.  pileatum 
are  found  on  Philpstoun  bing.  Faucheldean  bing  is 
noted  for  colonies  of  stag’s-hom  clubmoss  and  alpine 
clubmoss  {Lycopodium  clavatum;  Diphasiastrum 
alpinum),  species  that  arc  more  usually  associated  with 
montane  habitats,  and  renowned  for  a diverse  orchid 
population  including  broad  helleborine,  great  butterfly 
orchid  and  early  purple  orchid  {Epipactis  helleborine; 
Platanthera  chlorantha;  Orchis  mascula).  On  the 
plateaued  summit  of  Greendykes  a species  poor 
calcareous  grassland  has  established  from  self  seeding 
species  above  the  bare  steep  sides  of  the  bing. 
Genetically  distinct  birch  (Betula  pendula)  woodland 
has  established  naturally  at  the  base  of  the  tiny  bing  at 
Mid  Breich,  complete  with  many  of  the  associated 
ground  flora  and  bryophyte  species  of  long  established 
native  woodlands.  There  are  also  exotics  in  the  fomi  of 
garden  escapes  that  are  well  established  on  many  bing 
sites.  Opium  poppies  (Papavar  somniferum)  grow  in 
profusion  on  more  than  one  bing.  Old  elder  trees 
growing  on  many  of  the  bings  are  an  astounding  source 
of  epiphytic  lichen  and  moss  diversity.  Almost  half  of 
all  the  biyophytes  that  are  recorded  in  Britain  are 
present  in  the  Lothians  and  shale  bing  habitats  are 
identified  as  important  to  the  bryophyte  flora  (Harvie, 


Locally  rare  animals  are  also  often  seen,  especially  on 
early  morning  visits.  These  include  hares,  red  grouse, 
badgers,  sky  larks  and  common  blue  butterflies  {Lepiis 
eiiropaeus;  Lagopus  lagopus  scotica;  Meles  meles; 
Alauda  arvensis;  Polyommatus  icarus).  The  bings  are 
home  to  foxes  {Vulpes  vulpes),  often  seen  in  family 
groups,  suggesting  that  many  unobserved  smaller  fauna 
are  also  inhabiting  the  sites.  Insect  records  from 
Addiewell  bing  include  ringlet  butterfly  {Aphantopus 
hyperantus),  very  rare  in  central  Scotland,  and  a first 
recording  of  ten-spot  ladybird  {Adalia  decapimctatd)  in 
the  county.  Additional  butterfly  species  recorded  at 
Faucheldean  include  green-veined  white,  small  heath 
and  common  blue  (Pieris  napi;  Coenonympha 
pamphilus;  Polyommatus  icarus).  Forty  seven 
species  of  bird  were  recorded  at  Addiewell  during 
1997,  including  30  species  with  pennanent  breeding 
tendtories  and  nine  local  habitat  indicator  species,  such 
as  the  bullfinch,  kestrel  and  yellowhammer  {Pyninda 
pyrrhula;  Falco  tinmmculus;  Emberiza  citrinella) 
(Harvie,  2007). 


The  destruction  and  landscaping  of  shale  bings  is  a 
severe  threat  to  some  of  the  rarer  plant  species,  both 
locally  and  nationally.  Of  the  27  bings  extant  when 
shale  extraction  ceased  in  1962  only  19  remain.  Many 
of  these  are  slowly  being  demolished  and  the 
continued,  recent  loss  of  sites  like  Philpstoun  (to 
industry)  and  Niddrie  (to  housing  development)  can 
only  be  detrimental  to  the  biodiversity  of  the  county  of 
West  Lothian. 


Harvie,  B.A.  (2005a).  West  Lothian  Biodiversity’  Action 
Plan:  Oil  Shale  Bings.  Published,  on  behalf  of  West 
Lothian  Local  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  partnership, 
by  West  Lothian  Council,  Linlithgow. 

Harvie,  B.A.  (2005b).  The  mechanisms  and  processes 
of  vegetation  dynamics  on  oil-shale  spoil  bings  in 
West  Lothian,  Scotland,  PhD  Thesis,  The  University 
of  Edinburgh. 

Harvie,  B.A.  (2007).  The  importance  of  the  oil-shale 
bings  of  West  Lothian,  Scotland  to  local  and 
national  biodiversity.  Botanical  Journal  of  Scotland, 
58(1),  35-47. 

Harvie,  B.A.  (2010).  The  shale-oil  industiy  in  West 
Lothian,  Scotland  1858-1962.  I:  Geology  and 
History.  Oil  Shale,  27(4),  354-358. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Jupiter  Urban  Wildlife 

Stephen  Owen 

Scottish  Wildlife  Trust,  Jupiter  Urban  Wildlife  Centre, 
Wood  Street,  Grangemouth,  FK3  8LH 


Scottish  Wildlife  Trust’s  Jupiter  Urban  Wildlife  Centre 
is  situated  in  the  middle  of  Grangemouth.  The  4 
hectares  are  leased  from  the  chemical  company 
Calachem.  It  is  a fine  example  of  land  reclamation  for 
nature  conservation.  In  1989,  the  chemical  giant  ICI 
approached  SWT  regarding  setting  up  a demonstration 
wildlife  garden  on  an  abandoned  part  of  their 
Grangemouth  site.  This  area  had  been  a railway  siding. 
Upon  acquisition,  it  was  covered  in  a mixture  of  sparse 
grassland,  scattered  scrub  and  marshy  areas.  Jupiter 
was  opened  to  the  public  in  1992. 

Jupiter  can  be  divided  into  three  areas;  wildlife 
gardens,  habitat  creation  area  and  “wilderness 
woodland.”  The  habitat  creation  area  and  wildlife 
gardens  contain  complex  habitat  mosaics  often  with 
unusual  combinations  of  species,  due  to  their 
interesting  histoiy,  with  some  species  having  been 


present  when  the  area  was  wasteland,  the  deliberate 
creation  of  certain  habitats  and  a combination  of  active 
management  and  natural  succession  over  the 
succeeding  years. 

The  wildlife  gardens  show  ideas  for  creating  wildlife 
friendly  spaces.  The  habitat  creation  area  consists  of  a 
number  of  habitats  with  artificial  origins:  wetlands, 
wildflower  rich  grasslands  and  small  woodlands.  The 
regenerated  “wilderness”  woodland  is  an  excellent 
example  of  the  potential  of  wasteland  if  allowed  to 
develop  on  its  own. 

Thanks  to  the  rich  aiTay  of  habitats  and  careful 
management  work,  Jupiter  supports  a wealth  of 
biodiversity.  Over  360  species  of  flowering  plant  have 
been  recorded  and  attract  many  invertebrates.  There  are 
records  of  over  50  species  of  bird.  Mammals  are  more 
rarely  seen,  although  some  species  have  been  recorded. 
The  ponds  support  breeding  populations  of  amphibians. 

Jupiter  is  also  an  important  place  for  people. 
Curriculum  linked  education  sessions,  public  events 
programmes,  and  volunteering  are  all  popular.  SWT’s 
partner  organisation  at  Jupiter,  BTCV  Scotland,  runs  a 
Wildflower  Nursery  and  a Green  Gym.  Secondaiy 
schools  have  been  involved  in  exciting  projects, 
designing  and  creating  mosaics,  murals  and  an  outdoor 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Glasgow’s  local 
biodiversity  - the  way  forward? 

Carol  MacLean'  and  Cath  Scotf 

Glasgow  City  Council,  Land  and  Environmental 
Services,  231  George  Street,  Glasgow,  G1  IRX 


There  were  24  attendees  at  the  ‘Glasgow’s  Local 
Biodiversity  - the  way  forward?’  workshop,  where 
people  were  asked  to  consider  the  following  four 

1.  Do  you  consider  that  the  Glasgow  Biodiversity 
Partnership  is  doing  enough  for  biodiversity  in  the 

2.  What  does  your  local  greenspace  need  to  make  it 
good  for  biodiversity? 

3.  How  can  the  Partnership  best  communicate  and 

engage  with  ‘hard  to  reach’  groups? 

4.  What  can  you  personally  do  to  improve  and 
enhance  local  biodiversity? 

The  results  of  the  workshop,  combined  with  a 
concuiTent  on-line  questionnaire  about  biodiversity 
provision  in  the  City  (at  will  help  shape  the 
future  direction  of  the  Local  Biodiversity  Action  Plan 
(LBAP),  which  is  being  updated.  Due  to  time 
constraints,  only  questions  1-3  were  considered  and  as 
the  first  two  questions  were  linked  the  responses  to 
them  have  been  eombined.  The  key  responses  are 
summarised  here: 

Q.  Do  you  consider  that  the  Glasgow  Biodiversity’ 
Partnership  is  doing  enough  for  biodiversity’  in  the 

Q.  What  does  your  local  greenspace  need  to  make  it 
good  for  biodiversity’? 

‘More  work  needed  in  city  centre  areas.  Everything 
happens  north  of  the  river. 

Use  the  Commonwealth  Games  to  showcase 
biodiversity  to  visitors.  Need  better  biological 
recording,  brownfield  sites  need  surveyed.  Need  better 
co-ordination  between  conseiwationists  and  contractors. 
Make  sure  greenspaces  are  high  quality.  Push  for  more 
allotments  in  the  City.  Provide  more  awareness  of  sites 
that  eommunities  can  work  on.  Provide  biodiversity 
inteipretation  in  local  parks.  Combat  vandalism  by 
encouraging  community  participation  and  schools 

Q.  How  can  the  Partnership  best  communicate  and 
engage  with  ‘hard  to  reach  ’ groups? 

‘Engage  more  with  local  industries  and  companies  and 
make  better  business  links  overall.  Raise  biodiversity 
profile  by  establishing  a volunteer  system  linking 
various  organisations.  Target  unemployed  people  at  job 
centres  to  encourage  volunteering  - advertise.  Give 
youth  group  talks  and  activities.  Use  social  media  such 
as  facebook.  Think  about  unusual  media  like  drama 
groups,  art  and  music  groups  - put  on  a biodiversity 
theatre  production.  Link  more  with  secondaiy  schools. 
Wider  community  work  with  different  ethnic  groups, 
taking  ‘whole’  communities  out  on  site.  Use  radio 
shows,  places  of  worship  and  other  venues  to  promote 

The  update  of  the  LBAP  will  include  the  development 
of  a Community  Engagement  Plan  which  will  allow 
local  people  and  interest  groups  to  help  set  local  targets 
for  biodiversity,  and  to  consider  the  topics  and  queries 
above.  The  programme  of  Local  Nature  Reserves 
(LNRs)  designation  and  development  will  help  achieve 
many  of  the  concerns  raised.  Linn  Park  on  the  south 
side,  will  soon  be  designated  as  an  LNR.  Damley  Mill 
is  a proposed  LNR,  also  on  the  south  side  of  the  City. 
There  are  LNR  leaflets  which  are  designed  to  raise 
awareness  of  biodiversity  and  the  importance  of  these 
sites  for  people  and  nature.  There  are  already  a number 
of  volunteers  helping  at  our  LNRs  and  it  is  hoped  these 
numbers  will  increase  in  the  years  ahead. 

New  ideas  such  as  using  drama  and  social  media  to 
raise  awareness  of  biodiversity  could  add  a different 
strand  of  actions  to  the  updated  LBAP. 


There  are  clearly  a number  of  issues  which  have  been 
raised  by  discussion  within  the  Workshop  and 
oppoitunities  for  these  issues  to  be  addressed  by  the 
new  LEAP  and  any  related  policies  and  strategies. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Connecting  habitats  and 
communities  workshop 

Eilidh  Spence 

Froglifc,  Room  211,  Graham  Kerr  Building,  University 
of  Glasgow,  Glasgow  G12  SQQ 


Urban  environments  are  becoming  increasingly 
valuable  habitats  for  a wide  variety  of  species.  As  these 
areas  are  associated  with  large  populations  of  people 
there  has  to  be  a balance  between  protecting  valuable 
habitats  and  providing  suitable  housing  and  related 
industiy.  Local  communities  have  a considerable 
amount  to  offer  and  gain  from  being  involved  in 
improving  their  local  area  for  wildlife. 

Froglife’s  Living  Waters  projects  are  working  in 
London  and  Glasgow  to  engage  with  local 
communities  and  help  complete  habitat  creation  and 
restoration  work  on  standing  open  water  habitats.  This 
work  is  being  canned  out  in  partnership  with  Glasgow 
City  Council  and  relevant  London  Boroughs,  and  is 
supported  by  local  volunteer  and  ‘friends  of  groups 
from  different  urban  parks.  To  promote  sustainability 
of  habitat  work,  communities  are  involved  where 
possible  on  site  and  opportunities  are  provided  to  teach 
survey  and  practical  conservation  techniques. 

Froglife  designed  the  workshop  ‘Connecting  Habitats 
and  Communities’  to  promote  the  importance  of 
community  involvement  and  raise  awareness  of 
enhancing  habitats  and  creating  essential  wildlife 
coiridors  to  increase  connectivity  between  sites. 

The  workshop  commenced  with  a short  presentation 
introducing  Froglife’s  work  followed  by  an  interactive 
discussion  with  the  audience.  Eighteen  people  attended 
the  workshop  and  were  split  into  four  groups.  The 
groups  were  provided  with  a map  of  an  urban  site 
featuring  a park,  a school,  ponds,  hedgerows,  ditches 
and  allotments.  A role-playing  exercise  was  completed 
with  each  attendee  being  assigned  a role  as  a different 
stakeholder  with  an  interest  in  the  local  area.  The 
character  briefs  included:  a Head  Teacher  of  the  local 
school,  a Council  Park  Manager/  Biodiversity  Officer, 
and  a representative  from  each  of  the  following  groups: 
a Friends  of  Group,  a Local  Natural  Histoiy  Society,  a 
Wildlife  Charity  Officer  and  a Local  Allotment  foiiim. 

The  groups  held  discussions  in  which  each  person  gave 
suggestions  from  their  point  of  view  to  provoke 
discussion  and  develop  ideas  for  the  area.  This 
included  how  they  would  improve  the  selected  site  for 
wildlife,  a proposed  methodology  for  completing  this 
work,  and  suggestions  on  how  to  involve  members  of 
the  community. 

There  were  many  aspects  to  cover  in  the  session,  but 
each  group  was  able  to  provide  one  suggestion  from 
their  discussion  to  share  with  the  rest  of  the  audience. 
Groups  had  also  written  down  a number  of  other  ideas. 
Some  similar  themes  emerged,  as  well  as  new 
initiatives  for  this  type  of  urban  site. 

Examples  provided  from  the  group  discussions  are 
shown  below: 

• Pond  creation  and  management  - connecting  and 
improving  habitats  including  areas  beyond  the  site 

• Conducting  surveys  of  flora  and  fauna  and 
mapping  what  is  present  to  improve  records. 

• Encouraging  more  local  people  to  assist  and  gain 
new  skills. 

• Training  and  sharing  knowledge  across  different 
community  groups  on  wildlife  friendly  gardening, 
vegetable  growing,  pond  creation  and  surveying. 

• Working  with  local  groups  such  as  allotment  users 
to  save  resources,  for  example  water  and  tools. 

• Improving  amenity  grassland  with  wildflower 
meadows.  Connecting  habitats  and  encouraging 
communities  to  get  involved  through  planting  and 
enjoying  the  aesthetic  value  of  wildflower 
meadows.  Creating  more  hedgerows  to  connect 

• Writing  a wildlife  column  for  a local  newspaper  to 
share  news  e.g.  nature  diaiy  or  update  community 
with  recent  work  completed. 

To  conclude  the  workshop  the  site  for  which 
participants  had  made  their  suggestions  was  revealed  as 
Foots  Cray  Meadows  in  South  London.  Work 
completed  by  Froglife  in  the  area  was  also  discussed, 
including  enhancement  of  one  pond  and  the  creation  of 
eight  new  ponds.  Work  is  also  taking  place  to  improve 
the  suiTOunding  terrestrial  habitats  not  only  for 
amphibians  and  reptiles  but  also  wider  biodiversity. 
Friends  of  Foots  Cray  Meadows  have  been  involved 
with  Froglife  and  support  the  habitat  improvement 

The  workshop  was  presented  by  Eilidh  Spence  and 
Sam  Taylor  from  Froglife.  Eilidh  is  the  Glasgow 
Living  Water  Project  Officer  and  can  be  contacted  by 
email  at,  or  01413390737. 
Eilidh  is  based  at  the  University  of  Glasgow  in  the 
Graham  Keix  Building.  Sam  is  Froglife’s  Head  of 
Communication  and  deputy  CEO  and  is  based  at 
Froglife’s  headquarters  in  Peterborough.  Sam  can  be 
contacted  by  email  at 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Excursion  to  Bingham’s 

Shelia  Russell'  & Eilidh  Spence^ 

'Glasgow  City  council 

^Froglife,  Room  211,  Graham  Kerr  building.  University 
of  Glasgow  G12  8QQ 

^E-mail:  eilidh. spence@froglife  .org 

Bingham’s  Pond  (Fig.  1),  situated  just  off  the  busy 
Great  Western  Road,  Glasgow,  was  once  a popular 
skating  and  boating  pond.  It  became  the  subject  of 
complaints  by  local  residents  concerning  the  rundown 
state  of  the  pond  and  swan  droppings  making  the  path 
slippery  and  the  water  dirty.  The  large  numbers  of 
mute  swans  were  dependent  on  bread  as  the  pond 
supported  almost  no  natural  vegetation. 

Fig.  1.  Bingham’s  Pond 

In  consultation  with  the  local  Community  Council,  it 
was  decided  to  naturalise  the  pond  to  provide  a more 
attractive  place  for  the  local  people  to  enjoy  and  to 
enhance  the  biodiversity.  It  was  hoped  that  by 
providing  suitable  habitat,  a pair  of  breeding  mute 
swans  might  be  attracted  to  the  pond  and  so  control  the 
large  numbers  of  non-breeding  swans,  thus  alleviating 
the  perceived  problem  of  the  droppings  and  water 

A steering  group  from  the  local  community  was  set  up 
to  carry  the  project  forward.  In  February  2003,  the 
water  level  was  lowered  and  many  of  the  waterbirds 
flew  off.  55  swans  remained.  These  were  rounded  up 
and  transfeiTed  to  Hogganfield  Loch,  NE  Glasgow. 
Work  then  started  to  create  two  islands  and  a shallow 
shelf  area  around  them  and  most  of  the  perimeter  of  the 

Over  7000  plants  of  over  20  species  were  planted. 
Wildflower  mixes  were  seeded  on  the  islands  and  the 

edge  of  the  pond  above  the  water  level.  The  bulk  of 
the  plants  were  collected  elsewhere  in  Glasgow.  The 
plants  were  therefore  of  local  provenance  and 
importantly  brought  in  aquatic  invertebrates  among  the 
roots,  which  ‘inoculated’  Bingham’s  Pond,  thus 
enhancing  the  biodiversity  of  the  site.  A frog  ramp  was 
built  to  enable  young  common  frogs  to  reach  suitable 
habitat  for  feeding  and  hibernation  and  interpretation 
boards  were  erected. 

In  the  first  year  after  naturalisation,  mute  swans, 
mallard,  tufted  duck,  moorhen  and  coot  bred.  Surveys 
of  the  aquatic  invertebrates  of  the  pond  before  and  after 
naturalisation,  has  revealed  a large  increase  in  the 
number  of  species  present  in  the  pond. 

As  part  of  the  Urban  Biodiversity  Conference  2010  an 
excursion  to  Bingham’s  Pond  was  held  at  2pm  on  3U’ 
October.  This  session  was  attended  by  14  people  and 
blessed  with  quite  good  weather.  Sheila  Russell  from 
Glasgow  City  Council  led  the  group  around  the  pond 
explaining  the  enhancement  process  and  work 
completed  on  site. 

The  excursion  was  concluded  with  examples  of  pond 
restoration  and  creation  work  in  Glasgow  through 
Froglife’s  Living  Water  Project,  provided  by  Project 
officer  Eilidh  Spence.  Examples  included  restoration 
work  at  Newlands  Park,  Dawsholm  LNR,  and 
Alexandra  Park  and  also  pond  creation  work  at  Dams 
to  Damley  Countiy  Park  and  Windlaw  Marsh. 
Proposed  future  work  and  the  expansion  of  the  project 
into  North  Lanarkshire  were  also  discussed. 

The  pond  enhancement  work  at  Bingham’s  Pond 
through  Glasgow  City  Council  will  continue  to  be  used 
as  a demonstration  site.  The  aim  is  to  encourage 
landowners  and  stakeholders  to  care  for  standing  open 
waters  and  contribute  towards  local  biodiversity  action 
plans  to  protect  these  valuable  habitats  for  wildlife. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Posters  - Bumblebee 
Conservation  Trust 

Nornian  Storie 

RSPB  Scotland,  10  Park  Quadrant,  Glasgow  G3  6BS 
E-mail:  non'nan.storie@rspb. 

Urban  habitats  provide  valuable  nesting  opportunities 
and  forage  resources  for  bumblebees.  Six  species  are 
commonly  found  in  gardens,  providing  a significant, 
free,  pollination  service  for  fruit  and  vegetables,  and  of 
course  wildflowers.  Planting  and  management  of 
bumblebee-friendly  flowers  in  parks,  gardens,  orchards 


and  other  areas  helps  deliver  substantial  benefits  for 
this  erueial  group  of ‘keystone’  pollinators. 

The  first  British  record  of  the  tree  bumblebee  Bomhus 
hypmmm  was  in  2001  on  the  HampshireAViltshire 
border  (Fig.  1).  A population  quickly  became 
established  and  since  2007  the  range  has  rapidly 
expanded  to  cover  much  of  England.  The  species  has 
not  yet  been  recorded  in  Scotland.  A distinctive  species 
often  found  in  urban  areas,  recording  by  the  public  is 
encouraged  to  monitor  this  colonisation  event. 

Fig  1.  Tree  bumblebee  (Bomhus  hypnonmi) 
Photo  credit:  Bumblebee  Conservation  Trust. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Challenges  in  Glasgow’s 
urban  woodlands 

Peter  Wood 

Natural  Environment  Officer  (Arboriculture  & 
Woodlands)  Arboriculture  & Woodlands  Team  Natural 
Environment  Unit  Glasgow  City  Council 

E-mail:  Peter. Wood( 

Glasgow’s  woodlands  are  diverse  in  location  from 
stand-alone  woods  to  park  woodlands  and  Local  Nature 
Reserves,  yet  whilst  there  a differing  types  of 
woodlands  aeross  the  city  many  of  the  mature 
woodlands  are  not  diverse  in  either  species  or  age 
structures.  Glasgow  City  Council  utilises  sustainable 
silvicultural  management  systems  to  ensure  woodland 
cover  in  peipetuity  whilst  increasing  biodiversity 
through  developing  native  species  elements  and  age 

structures  of  woodlands.  There  are  many  challenges  to 
successfully  meet  the  woodland  management 
objectives,  including  managing  woodlands  as  a social 
resource  as  well  as  an  environmental  resource. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Local  nature  reserves  in 

Jim  Coyle  MBE 

6 Westerlands,  Glasgow,  G12  OFB 



The  City  of  Glasgow,  commonly  known  as  the  'dear 
green  place',  has  seven  Local  Nature  Reserves  (LNRs). 
What  is  meant  by  the  temi  LNR?  Put  simply,  LNRs 

• Statutory  designations  made  under  the  National 
Parks  & Access  to  the  Countryside  Act  1949. 

• Special  places  which  are  rich  in  wildlife,  generally 

• Generally,  readily  accessible  and  suitable  for 
people  to  visit  and  enjoy. 

The  LNRs  - at  Garscadden  Wood,  Dawsholm  Park, 
Robroyston  Park,  Hogganfield  Park,  Cardowan  Moss, 
Bishop  Loch  and  Commonhead  Moss  - were  declared 
by  the  land  owner  of  all  seven  sites,  Glasgow  City 
Council  (GCC).  In  declaring  these  sites,  GCC  aims  to: 

• Protect  them  from  unsuitable  developments 

• Manage  and  enhance  the  habitats  to  help 
biodiversity  flourish 

• Improve  public  access 

• Help  people  understand  and  become  more  aware  of 
the  importance  of  the  LNR 

• Encourage  community  participation  and 

Description  of  Glasgow's  Local  Nature  Reserves 
All  seven  LNRs  are  located  north  of  the  River  Clyde, 
generally  on  the  edge  of  the  city's  built-up  area,  from 
Garscadden  Wood  in  the  west  to  Commonhead  Moss 
in  the  east  (Glasgow  City  Council  2008).  Taking  each 
in  turn: 

Garscadden  Wood  was  declared  a LNR  in  2006.  It  is 
one  of  Glasgow's  oldest  semi-natural  woodlands  in  the 
city.  Its  main  attractions  are  its  bluebells  Hyacinthoides 
non-scripla  in  late  spring  and  the  purple  hairstreak 
butterfly  Neozephyrus  qiierciis,  only  one  of  three 
places  where  they  can  be  found  in  the  city. 

Dawsholm  Park  consists  mainly  of  policy  and 
plantation  woodland  and  is  important  for  its  woodland 
bird  populations.  It  was  designated  as  an  LNR  in  2007. 
Robroyston  Park,  declared  in  2006,  plays  host  to 
grassland,  wetland  and  woodland  habitats.  These  prove 


ideal  for  amphibians,  dragonflies  and  damselflies  and  a 
host  of  birds. 

Hogganfield  Park  was  the  second  LNR  to  be  declared, 
in  1998.  It  is  a great  place  to  see  birds,  particularly 
wildfowl,  with  winter  visitors  such  as  whooper  swan 
Cygniis  cygniis  being  a speciality.  It  is  also  good  for 
summer  migrants  and  has  a good  range  of  butterflies. 
Cardowan  Moss,  also  declared  in  2006,  consists  of 
relatively  new  plantation  woodland  with  a series  of 
ponds  and  a relict  raised  bog.  It  is  good  for  woodland 
birds,  damselflies  and  dragonflies  and  amphibians. 
Bishop  Loch,  the  first  LNR  in  the  city  (1995),  was 
established  as  a direct  result  of  local  people  protesting 
against  an  open  cast  coal  mining  proposal  in  the 
vicinity  of  the  loch.  They  felt  sure  it  would  destroy 
what  they  described  as  their  "local  nature  reserve".  The 
planning  application  for  the  mining  was  refused  by 
GCC  and  thereafter  by  the  Scottish  Office,  following 
an  appeal  and  public  inquiry.  Ironically,  the  area 
eventually  declared  doesn't  include  any  of  the  actual 
loch  but  does  include  the  marshy  areas  adjoining  the 
loch  plus  a woodland  plantation  that  plays  host  to 
typical  woodland  birds. 

Commonhead  Moss,  the  latest  LNR  declared  in  2009, 
includes  much  of  the  largest  raised  bog  in  the  city.  It  is 
particularly  important  for  its  butterflies. 

It  is  worth  noting  that  there  are  a number  of  other 
wildlife  sites  in  the  City  that  are  protected  and,  in  some 
cases,  managed  for  wildlife,  e.g.  Fossil  Marsh  SWT 
Reserve.  GCC  has  recognized  these  sites  in  its  City 
Plan  (Glasgow  City  Council  2009). 

Management  of  Glasgow's  Local  Nature  Reserves 

Generally,  each  LNR  has  a steering  group  of  officials, 
interested  agencies  and  local  people.  They  approve, 
monitor  and  amend  the  Management  Plans  that  were 
prepared  as  part  of  the  consultation  procedure  with 
SNH.  Works  on  the  ground  are  funded  by  Council 
budgets.  Landfill  Credits  and  grants;  and  are 
implemented  by  council  staff,  contractors,  volunteers 
and  local  people  including  school  children. 

Examples  of  Management  Works 

Dawsholm  Park  Local  Nature  Resen>e 
This  LNR  consists  mainly  of  policy  and  plantation 
woodland  and  is  important  for  woodland  birds. 
However,  the  woodland  was  being  smothered  by 
rhododendron  Rhododendron  ponticum  resulting  in 
very  little  regeneration.  This  resulted  in  projects  being 
developed,  with  the  support  of  Forestry  Commission 
Scotland  (FCS)  and  local  residents,  aimed  at  bringing 
the  woodland  back  to  good  health  for  wildlife  and 
people.  Specific  projects  included: 

• Woodland  thinned 

• Rhododendron  removed 

• Footpaths  improved  and  a new  fence  erected 

• Wildflower  meadows  created 

• Highland  cattle  introduced 

• Interpretation/information  provided 

• BBC  Autumn  Watch  and  other  events  held. 

Further  improvements  arc  planned,  including: 

• The  planting  of  thousands  of  trees. 

• The  erection  of  woodcrctc  bird  nest  boxes. 

Hogganfield  Park 

The  LNR  was  declared  primarily  due  to  the  importance 
of  Hogganfield  Loch,  however,  a number  of  works 
have  been  undertaken  to  widen  the  scope  and  range  of 
habitats  and  species  in  the  LNR  - this  is  an  ongoing 
project  that  was  first  started  to  demonstrate  what  could 
be  done  in  the  context  of  the  evolving  Biodiversity 
Plan  for  the  city.  Specific  projects  at  Hogganfield  Park 
LNR  include: 

• Wetlands/ponds  created 

• BBC  SpringWatch  and  other  events  held 

• Information/interpretation  boards  erected 

• Wildflower  meadows  created/managed 

• Rhododendron  removed 

• Bird  perching  posts  and  loafing  pontoon  installed 

• Loch  edges  improved. 

Further  improvements  are  planned,  including: 

• Naturalisation  of  the  loch  edge  at  the  existing  car 

• Creation  of  a bird  viewing  and  feeding  platform. 

• Enhanced  public  access. 

The  works  listed  above  were  undertaken  by  groups 
such  as  BTCV,  Scottish  Wildlife  Trust,  Score 
Environment,  BBC  and  GCC  utilising  contractors, 
council  staff,  volunteers  and  local  school  children. 

Way  Forward 

With  the  cuiTent  economic  crisis  and  the  likely 
reduction  in  public  sector  funding  for  LNR  type  work, 
what  can  be  done  to  ensure  that  people  can  continue  to 
have  access  to  nature  on  their  doorstep? 

I would  suggest  that  this  can  be  achieved  at  both  the 
macro  and  micro  scale. 

Firstly,  at  the  macro  scale,  partnership  working  is  key. 
For  example,  through  partnerships  established  with: 

(i)  Local  Groups 

These  include  groups  such  as  Froglife,  the  RSPB 
Glasgow  Local  Group,  and  BTCV. 

(ii)  Forestiy  Commission  Scotland  (FCS) 

The  Council  has  reached  agreement,  in  principle,  for 
the  FCS  to  take  over  the  day-to-day  management  of  a 
number  of  woodlands  in  the  City,  including  3 LNRs  - 
Garscadden  Wood,  Cardowan  Moss  and  Bishop  Loch. 
(Glasgow  City  Council  2009). 

(iii)  Gartloch-Gartcosh  Project 

This  project  covers  an  area  stretching  from 
Hogganfield  Park  LNR  through  to  Drumpellier 
Country  Park  in  North  Lanarkshire  and  includes 
Cardowan  Moss,  Bishop  Loch  and  Commonhead  Moss 
LNRs.  A consultants  study  (Land  Use  Consultants 
2008),  commissioned  by  a host  of  agencies,  recognised 
that  the  area  is  potentially  of  national  importance  for 
wildlife.  This  Strategy  - the  Gartloch-Gartcosh  Green 
Network  Strategy  - has  been  well  received  and  a 
number  of  agencies  have  already  progressed  a variety 
of  projects;  e.g.  see  Section  4 in  relation  to 

Hogganfield  Park  LNR.  It  is  important  that  the 
agencies  that  commissioned  the  consultants’  report 
continue  to  commit  to  its  implementation. 

Whilst  these  projects  and  ideas  are  crucial  to  ensure  the 
future  of  LNRs  at  the  macro  scale,  the  future  of 
‘nature’  in  the  City  could  be  said  to  be  in  the  hands  of 
local  people.  Why  local  people?  At  the  'micro'  scale', 
they  already  manage  a considerable  ‘green’  resource  - 
gardens  and  allotments.  With  minor  changes  to  their 
management,  there  could  be  huge  benefits  for  nature 
without  any  cost  to  the  public  purse.  As  a result,  green 
coiTidors  would  be  created,  just  like  the  large  scale 
habitat  works  proposed  through  the  Gartloch-Gartcosh 
Project,  but  on  a smaller  scale. 

Gardens  play  host  to  a whole  range  of  wildlife  and  are 
key  to  engaging  with  cuiTent  and  future  generations. 
Even  small  spaces  can  be  managed  for  wildlife  and  this 
in  turn  could  awaken  an  interest  and  quest  for 
knowledge  that  can  only  benefit  us  all.  Having 
experienced  what  can  be  attracted  to  their  garden  many 
people  will  take  more  of  an  interest  in  their  LNR  or 
wildlife  site.  Who  here  at  today's  Conference  hasn’t 
already  taken  that  step?  This  leads  me  to  my  final 
point.  If  you  care  about  wildlife  or  nature  you  can  all 
make  a difference.  If  you  care  about  Glasgow’s 
wildlife  1 would  ask  you  to  consider  whether  you 
would  join  or  help  create  a ‘Friends  of  Glasgow’s 
Local  Nature  Reserves’  whose  aim  would  be  to  lobby 
and  raise  funds  for  Glasgow’s  wildlife  whether  at  the 
macro  or  micro  scale.  Thank  you  and  remember 
Glasgow’s  Wilds  Better! 


Much  of  the  work  in  relation  to  LNRs  in  the  City  is 
unlikely  to  have  happened  without  the  support  and 
dedication  of  the  biodiversity  & ecology  officers  in 
Glasgow  City  Council. 


Glasgow  City  Council  (2008).  Glasgow's  Local  Nature 
Reserves  (leaflet). 

Glasgow  City  Council  (2009).  Glasgow  City  Plan  2. 

Policy  ENV  7,  Part  5 Environment  Policies. 

Glasgow  City  Council  (2009).  Proposed  Lease  of 
Woodlands  to  Forestry  Commission  Scotland. 
Report  by  Bailie  James  McNally,  Executive 
Member  for  Land  and  Environment  to,  and  minute 
thereof,  GCC  Executive  Committee  24  September 

Land  Use  Consultants  (2008).  Gartcosh  Gartloch  Green 
Network  Strategy  and  Management  Plan  for 
Bishop's  Estate;  a report  to  Glasgow  City  Council, 
North  Lanarkshire  Council,  Communities  Scotland, 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Forestiy  Commission 
Scotland,  Glasgow  East  Regeneration  Agency  and 
Glasgow  and  Clyde  Valley  Green  Network 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Health-promoting 
environments  = is  good  greenspace 
good  enough? 

Deryck  Irving 

Greenspace  Scotland,  12  Alpha  Centre,  Innovation 
Park,  University  of  Stirling  FK9  4NF 

E-mail:  deryck. irving(§greenspacescotland. 

In  2009/2010  greenspace  Scotland  worked  with  NHS 
Health  Scotland,  Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Glasgow 
City  Council  and  the  Dundee  Environment  Partnership 
to  develop  and  publish  what  is  known  as  an  outcomes 
framework  showing  how  work  to  create,  maintain  and 
manage  greenspace  can  contribute  to  the  delivery  of 
national  and  local  health  priorities  (greenspace 
Scotland,  2010).  An  outcomes  framework  is  a linked 
series  of  logic  models  which  draw  on  available 
evidence  to  demonstrate  the  connection  between 
planned  actions  and  desired  outcomes.  This 
knowledge  and  approach  can  help  practitioners  to 
better  make  the  case  for  investing  time  and  resources 
into  greenspace  and  to  improve  the  planning  and 
evaluation  of  what  we  do  ‘on  the  ground’. 

Our  research  project  used  eight  pieces  of  greenspace 
work  and  a review  of  existing  research  literature.  The 
work  was  set  in  the  context  of  national  health  priorities 
which  are  expressed  and  interpreted  at  a local  level. 
We  considered  three  outcomes  - increased  levels  of 
physical  activity;  enhanced  mental  health  and 
wellbeing;  reduced  health  inequalities  - which  partners 
felt  could  easily  be  linked  to  greenspace.  These  were  a 
synthesis  of  outcomes  contained  in  the  Dundee  and 
Glasgow  Single  Outcome  Agreements. 

This  work  allowed  us  to  draw  a series  of  important 

People  need  to  use  and/or  value  greenspace  to 
derive  the  maximum  health  benefits. 

Most  of  the  health  benefits  reported  in  the  research 
require  either  direct  interaction  with  the  environment  or 
some  level  of  positive  personal  response  to  the 

Simply  creating  or  preserving  greenspace  is  not 

Not  all  greenspace  is  beneficial  to  health  - poor  spaces 
can  be  detrimental  to  mental  health  and  wellbeing  and 
deter  people  from  taking  physical  exercise;  they  can 
become  the  places  which  communities  avoid  rather 
than  the  places  where  they  come  together.  The 
potential  health  benefits  of  greenspace  are  only  realised 
if  we  have  the  right  distribution  and  mix  of  spaces. 

Appropriate  management  is  crucial. 

The  potential  for  delivering  health  benefits  is 


dependent  on  how  we  manage  the  spaces  that  we  have. 
Inappropriate  or  inflexible  management  approaches  can 
often  exclude  people  from  spaces  and  fragment 

Promotion  of  healthy  uses  of  greenspace  is  also 

All  spaces  need  some  fonn  of  active  management  and 
promotion  of  use  (even  if  this  is  as  simple  as 
encouraging  local  people  to  adapt  spaces  to  their  own 
uses)  - but  it  goes  further  than  this.  Particularly  when 
we  look  at  tackling  health  inequalities,  many  of  our 
‘target  audience’  do  not  have  a culture  of  using  spaces. 
In  such  cases,  it  may  be  necessary  to  combine 
appropriate  management  of  spaces  with  targeted 
support  for  use  (from  simple  publicity  and  promotion 
through  to  behavioural  change  programmes  such  as 
health  walks  or  gardening  clubs). 

If  we  are  genuine  about  tackling  inequalities,  our 
resources  and  actions  have  to  be  targeted. 

Simply  improving  greenspace  (even  in  ways  that  are 
designed  to  provide  healthy  environments)  will  not 
reduce  health  inequalities.  In  practice,  what  is  likely  to 
happen  is  that  those  who  are  most  disposed  to  use 
greenspace  will  use  it  more  while  many  of  those 
experiencing  health  problems  which  might  be 
addressed  through  greenspace  will  not.  This  will 
widen  health  inequalities.  There  is  a need,  therefore,  to 
actively  target  our  actions  either  on  specific 
geographical  areas;  specific  communities  or  people 
experiencing  specific  health  conditions. 


Greenspace  Scotland  (2010)  Greenspace  and  Health 
Outcomes  Framework.  Greenspace  Scotland, 
Stirling  ISBN  978=0-9555092 1 -3-8 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Glasgow’s  water  beetles 

Garth  N.  Foster 

The  Aquatic  Coleoptera  Conservation  Trust,  3 Eglinton 
Terrace,  Ayr  KA7  IJJ 

E-mail:  latissimus(^ 


Water  beetles  are  a well-recorded  freshwater  group  in 
Britain  despite  lacking  the  charisma  of  dragonflies  and 
the  angling  interest  of  mayflies  and  the  like.  The 
conference  on  urban  biodiversity  held  by  the  Glasgow 
Natural  History  Society  in  October  2010  provided  the 
stimulus  to  assess  their  status  in  the  area. 

Water  beetles  cannot  be  precisely  excised  from  beetles 
as  a whole.  Coleoptera  are  divided  into  two  major 

groups,  the  Adephaga  and  the  Polyphaga.  Within  the 
Adephaga  the  name  “Hydradephaga”  has  been  coined 
to  distinguish  diving  beetles  and  related  species  from 
the  ground  beetles  in  the  Carabidae.  This  works  fairly 
well  so  long  as  one  ignores  the  fact  that  many  ground 
beetles  are  confined  to  aquatic  emergent  vegetation  or 
to  the  water’s  edge.  The  Polyphaga  are  more  difficult, 
with  even  the  major  family  the  Hydrophilidae 
including  some  species  mainly  living  in  dung,  often  a 
wet  habitat  but  not  one  usually  worked  with  the  pond 
net!  The  problem  is  acute  for  the  leaf  beetles 
(Chrysomelidae)  and  weevils  (Curculionidae  and 
Erirhinidae)  that  live  on  wetland  plants,  as  sometimes 
the  host  range  is  quite  diverse  and  may  even  include 
trees!  The  acid  test  applied  here  is  whether  the  beetles 
are  more  likely  to  be  encountered  in  the  pond  net 
wielded  by  an  aquatic  coleopterist  than  in  a sweep  net 
swung  by  a diy-shod  coleopterist. 

This  paper  is  in  two  parts,  an  assessment  of  the  records 
available  from  the  national  recording  scheme  and  a 
description  of  a survey  of  sites  in  and  around  Glasgow 
in  2010. 

Infomiation  was  extracted  from  the  national  recording 
data-base  for  the  twenty  10  km  squares  NS44  in  the 
south-west  comer  to  NS87  in  the  north-east.  This 
generated  1,644  records  of  141  species,  the  majority 
from  the  vice-county  of  Lanarkshire,  with  small 
contributions  from  the  vice-counties  of  Ayrshire, 
Renfrewshire,  Dunbartonshire,  and  Stirlingshire.  These 
beetles  belong  to  fifteen  families,  dominated  by  the 
diving  beetles  in  the  Dytiscidae  (Table  1). 

Although  24  species  have  not  been  recorded  in  the  area 
since  1979,  16  were  last  recorded  in  the  1980s.  Eleven 
of  the  latter  are  typically  associated  with  running  water, 
leaving  only  another  eleven  running  water  species  in 
the  list  of  101  species  recorded  from  1990  onwards. 
However  several  water  beetles  specialising  in  pond 
habitats  have  become  established  in  the  Glasgow  area 
over  a similar  period. 

The  following  examples  of  some  species  in  decline  and 
some  on  the  increase  serve  to  illustrate  the  range  of 
habitats  that  can  be  occupied. 

Noterm  clavicorms  (De  Geer)  This  species  is  usually 
referred  to  as  “The  Large  Noterus"  because  the  name 
clavicorms  has  also  been  applied  to  the  smaller, 
flightless  N.  crassicornis  (Muller),  which  is  very  rare 
in  Scotland.  The  earliest  Scottish  record  is  a little 
uncertain  but  by  1 946  N.  clavicorms  was  in  the  garden 
of  the  greatest  proponent  of  water  beetles,  Frank 
Balfour-Browne,  in  Dumfriesshire  and  it  was  first 
found  in  Kirkcudbrightshire  in  1949.  Roy  Crowson 
(1987)  reported  it  in  the  Glasgow  area  in  Fossil  Loch  in 
1985,  the  same  year  that  the  author  found  it  for  the  first 
time  in  Ayrshire.  Subsequently  it  has  spread  over  more 
of  western  mainland  Scotland  (an  early  record  from 
Raasay  was  spurious)  and  was  in  2010  found  for  the 
first  time  in  the  Borders  in  a well-recorded  site  in 


Roxburghshire.  The  noterine  diving  beetles  differ  from 
the  dytiscid  ones  mainly  in  that  their  wirewomi-like 
larvae  live  attached  to  roots  and  rhizomes  of  flote- 
grasses  and  bogbean,  renewing  their  air  supply  through 
their  posterior  spiracles  from  acrenchymatous  plant 
tissue,  whereas  the  dytiscids  live  freely.  Consequently 
notcrids  arc  typical  of  vegetation  rafts  though  N. 
clavicornis  can  be  common  among  vegetation  in 
ordinary  ponds,  including  in  2010  Durrockstock, 
Gartcosh,  one  of  the  M77  balancing  lagoons  at  the 
Meams  Box,  the  Phoenix  Industrial  Estate,  and 

Agahus  congener  (Thunberg)  This  is  a scarce  dytiscid 
diving  beetle  typically  found  in  small  hard-bottomed 
pools  on  peat.  It  persists  in  the  Glasgow  area  on  Lenzie 
Moss  having  first  been  reported  in  the  Glasgow  area  in 
Robroyston  Bog  by  the  Reverend  Hislop  (1854). 
Rhantus  sntnralis  (Macleay)  The  name  “supertramp” 
has  been  used  for  this  species  (Balke  et  al.  2009) 
respecting  its  remarkable  range,  from  Ireland  to  New 
Zealand.  Its  ancestiy,  based  on  mitochondrial  DNA, 
indicates  that  about  1.5  million  years  ago  it  was  an 
endemic  of  New  Guinea  mountains.  Now  it  can  be 
found  in  a great  range  of  still  water  habitats  north  to 
Caithness.  One  specimen  was  found  in  a newly  created 
pond  at  Cardowan  in  2010:  the  only  earlier  record,  and 
there  is  potential  confusion  over  the  names  it  has 
received,  is  from  the  19*'^  Ccntuiy  (Young  1856). 
Hydroporus  fernigineus  Stephens  A major  centre  of 
biodiversity  for  water  beetles  is  part  of  the  Australian 
outback  where  each  isolated  pocket  of  subterranean 
water  has  it  own  endemic  diving  beetle  species  (e.g. 
Watts  & Humphreys  2009).  The  northern  European 
fauna  is  more  restricted  with  only  H.  fernigineus  being 
truly  subterranean  though,  unlike  many  subterranean 
species,  it  retains  eyes.  The  larva,  which  is  unusually 
pale,  was  described  from  the  Speedwell  Cavern  by 
Alarie  et  al.  (2001).  H.  fernigineus  is  often  found  in 
wells  and  can  occasionally  be  pumped  to  the  surface 
(Young  1980).  Professor  Crowson’s  collection,  in  the 
Hunterian  Museum,  has  a specimen  of  H.  fernigineus 
found  by  Mr  H.D.  Slack  at  384,  West  George  Street, 
Glasgow  in  December  1957.  This  address  no  longer 
exists,  most  likely  lost  beneath  the  motorway,  but  the 
possibility  remains  that  this  species  survives  in  spring 
systems  among  the  Glaswegian  drumlins. 

Hygrotus  nigroUneatus  (von  Steven)  This  beetle  was 
first  found  in  Britain  in  a pit  used  for  gravel  extraction 
in  East  Kent  in  1983  by  Ron  Carr  (1984).  It 
subsequently  spread  through  England  as  far  north  as 
Northumberland  by  2004.  A single  specimen  was  taken 
by  Craig  Macadam  in  his  Glasgow  pond  survey  in  May 
2010  in  a recently  excavated  pond  at  Robroyston 
(NS629683)  (Macadam  & Foster  2010).  This  beetle 
lives  on  an  exposed  substratum  and  cannot  tolerate  the 
presence  of  vegetation. 

Helopitonis  tuherculatm  Gyllenhal  This  rare  species 
is  3 mm  and  black,  resembling  a fragment  of  charcoal 
(Angus  1992).  It  lives  on  wet  moorland  that  has  been 
burnt,  its  principal  population  in  Britain  being  on  the 
North  Yorkshire  Moors,  where  the  heather  is  managed 
by  burning.  Specimens  dated  from  1910  to  1915,  from 

Drumpellier,  Coatbridge,  can  be  found  in  many 
entomological  collections  throughout  Britain.  These 
were  mainly  supplied  by  W.J.  M’Leod,  who,  according 
to  Balfour-Browne  (1958),  visited  the  site  along  with 
the  original  discoverer,  G.A.  Brown,  and  Anderson 
Fergusson  in  1911.  The  near  extinction  of  this  species 
might  be  related  to  the  loss  of  steam  power,  which 
would  have  ensured  frequent  burning  of  moorland 
neighbouring  railways. 

Macroplea  appendiculata  (Panzer)  Most  reed  beetles 
have  showy  adults  living  above  the  water  on  emergent 
vegetation,  in  particular  reeds  and  bur-reeds:  their 
larvae,  like  those  of  the  Noterus,  depend  on 
aerenchyma  of  aquatic  plants  for  their  air  supply. 
Members  of  the  genus  Macroplea  are  amongst  the 
most  aquatic  of  all  beetles,  living  below  the  water  in  all 
stages  of  the  life-cycle  unlike  the  majority  of  beetles, 
which  pupate  out  of  the  water.  The  sole  record  of  M. 
appendiculata  stems  from  another  specimen  in 
Professor  Crowson’s  collection,  taken  by  his  wife 
Betty  in  Loch  Libo,  Renfrewshire  on  29  April  1967.  M. 
appendiculata  has  as  its  host  plants  alternate  water- 
milfoil  {Myriophylliiin  alternijlorum)  and  fennel 
pondweed  (Potainogeton  pectinatus).  According  to 
Monahan  and  Caffrey  (1996),  working  in  Irish  canals, 
this  species  prefers  fennel  pondweed  when  both 
potential  hosts  are  available.  Further  attempts  to  find 
the  Macroplea  in  Loch  Libo  have  been  unsuccessful, 
and  the  fennel  pondweed,  which  was  plentiful  up  to 
2004,  could  not  be  found  in  2008,  possibly  because  of 
eutrophication.  Macroplea  appears  to  have  been  lost 
from  Milton  Loch,  Kirkcudbrightshire,  where  it  was 
abundant  in  1996,  and  Loch  Leven,  Fife,  where  it  was 
found  in  1933:  these  lochs  have  suffered  from  algal 
blooms  that  would  have  destroyed  suitable  host  plants. 
Erirhiniis  aethiops  (Fab.)  This  is  a relatively  large  (5- 
7 mm  long)  black  and  shining  weevil  that  looks  as  if  it 
may  have  fallen  in  the  water  by  accident  when  caught 
in  the  pond  net.  It  lives  on  bur-reed  (Sparganiiun 
erectum)  and  some  sedges.  Morris  (2002)  noted  that  it 
is  usually  rare  and  found  north  from  north-east 
Yorkshire,  though  not  in  northem  Scotland  or  on  any 
of  the  islands.  Pitfall  trapping  on  exposed  riverine 
sediment  has  established  its  presence  in  Wester  Ross, 
Morayshire  and  East  Inverness-shire  (Eyre  et  al.  2000). 
Crowson  (1971)  recorded  it  from  Loch  Libo,  where  the 
author  found  it  again  on  3 1 May  2008. 

THE  2010  SURVEY 

The  author’s  2010  survey  of  ponds  and  similar  habitats 
covered  37  sites  generating  426  records  of  76  species 
(Table  2),  adding  six  species  to  the  overall  list.  In 
Table  1 the  other  two  species  recorded  in  2010  were 
from  Craig  Macadam’s  survey,  Hygrotus  nigroUneatus, 
described  above,  and  Halipliis  fulviis. 

Apart  from  the  Hygrotus  nigroUneatus  two  other 
species  are  rated  as  Nationally  Scarce  on  a GB-wide 
basis  in  a recent  analysis  (Foster  2010).  Rhantus 
frontalis,  represented  by  one  specimen  at  Cardowan,  is 
known  in  Scotland  elsewhere  from  Angus  in  1933, 


Ayrshire,  most  recently  in  1911,  Fife,  most  recently  in 
1961,  Stirling  and  West  Perthshire  in  the  19*'’  Centui'y, 
West  Lothian  in  1985,  and  since  2005  along  the 
Solway  coast.  Earlier  records  for  the  vice-county  of 
Lanarkshire  are  by  Magnus  Sinelair  and  the  author 
from  Carstairs  Karnes  (NS957472)  on  8 April  1977  and 
by  the  author  from  Coalbum  (NS8035)  on  25  May 
1981.  The  Karnes  provided  a more  typical  habitat  for 
this  species,  sparsely  vegetated  water  over  sand,  than 
the  new  Glasgow  site  in  a shaded  tussock  fen.  This 
species  overwinters  out  of  the  water  (Galewski  1963) 
and  probably  flies  to  seek  ponds  suitable  for  breeding 
in  the  spring.  The  other  Nationally  Scarce  species, 
Helophorus  granularis,  was  common  in  the  marsh 
where  R.  frontalis  occuiTcd.  This  is  a species  of  “vernal 
swamps”  (see  Balfour-Browne  1958)  and  occurs, 
scattered  across  the  British  Isles,  in  the  micropterous 
fonn  ytenensis  Sharp,  the  wings  of  which  are  reduced 
in  size  but  possibly  not  entirely  incapable  of  flight. 

On  the  basis  of  these  GB-nationally  Scarce  species  the 
marsh  at  Cardowan  rates  as  the  site  with  the  greatest 
conservation  status  in  the  suiwey.  A system  that 
assesses  conservation  quality  of  the  basis  of  all  species 
present  was  developed  by  Foster  & Eyre  (1992).  It  was 
based  on  counts  of  ten  km  square  records  converted  to 
scores  in  a geometric  series  froml  for  the  commonest 
species,  then  2,  4,  8... etc.  up  to  the  rarest  species.  The 
scores  for  southern  Scotland  used  by  Foster  & Eyre 
(1992)  are  out-of-date,  being  based  on  considerably 
less  records  than  are  currently  available  and  on  a more 
limited  suite  of  species  than  is  currently  recorded.  New 
scores  were  developed  (Table  2)  based  on  counts  of 
each  species  in  the  twenty  10  km  squares  of  the  search 
area  used  for  Glasgow  as  available  in  the  national 
recording  scheme  data-base,  supplemented  by  records 
from  the  Chrysomelidae  atlas  (Cox  2007).  These 
counts  were  used  to  assign  each  species  a score  from  1 
to  5 on  an  arithmetic  scale  (1,  2,  4,  8,  16  if  geometric) 
that  then  could  be  used  to  produce  an  aggregate  quality 
score  and  a mean  quality  score  for  each  site.  The  mean 
score  should  be  more  reliable  than  the  aggregate  score 
or  the  total  number  of  species  as  it  reduces  the  impact 
of  variable  recording  effort. 

Sites  in  Table  2 are  ranked  in  order  of  the  mean  quality 
score.  Bingham’s  Pond,  beside  the  Pond  Hotel  on  the 
Great  Western  Road,  scores  highest.  This  site,  a typical 
Victorian  Park  pond  with  hard  edges  and  many  water 
fowl,  has  been  improved  by  planting  vegetation  from 
Frankfield  Loch  and  other  Glaswegian  sites  (pers. 
comm.  Sheila  Russell).  These  plantings  may  have 
contributed  the  reed  beetles  that  have  raised  the  site’s 
score.  The  second  highest  site  is  one  of  the  few  areas  of 
seepage  encountered,  in  this  case  the  outflow  of  a 
balancing  lagoon  of  the  M77  at  St.  Martin’s.  The  site 
with  the  greatest  number  of  species,  a pool  behind  the 
Phoenix  Industrial  Estate  near  to  Glasgow  Airport, 
scored  third  highest.  This  pool  would  appear  to  man- 
made in  that  it  is  formed  by  subsidence.  Even  the 
lowest  scoring  site,  a peat  ditch  on  Lenzie  Moss,  has 

one  species  of  interest,  Hydroporiis  tristis,  but  this  and 
the  other  species  present  arc  characteristic  of  acid  water 
that  is  still  common  around  Glasgow. 


There  are  many  species  of  water  beetle  in  and  around 
Glasgow,  their  habitat  range  is  diverse,  and  some 
species  are  in  decline  if  not  locally  extinct  whilst  others 
are  increasing.  Declining  species  are  associated  mainly 
with  peat,  with  running  water  and  with  exposed  lake 

Pond  species  are  generally  doing  well  and  do  not 
require  further  conservation  activity  except  that  pond 
creation  generates  public  interest  and  stewardship.  The 
instant  gratification  of  building  a new  pond  cannot  be 
denied!  However,  conservation  activists  are  urged  to 
avoid  damage  to  existing  temporaiy  marsh  systems  in 
this  process  as  many  beetles  require  both  vegetation 
cover  and  the  periodic  drought  to  eliminate  prcdatoiy 
fish.  Moving  vegetation  locally  to  soften  the  hard  edge 
of  a typical  park  pond  has  proved  effective  at 
Bingham’s  Pond,  introducing  host  plants  for  showy 
beetles  and  providing  marginal  refugia  for  others. 

Peatlands  still  exist  in  quantity  around  Glasgow  despite 
the  industrialisation  and  urbanisation  of  the  area.  The 
species  dependent  on  a peat  substratum  will  be  the  next 
to  disappear  unless  the  loss  of  peat  is  halted,  preferably 
by  flooding  - so  there  is  still  scope  for  large  scale  pond 
creation.  Land  developments  such  as  out-of-town 
shopping  malls  and  golf  courses,  and  the  tidying  up  of 
brownfield  sites  just  for  the  sake  of  tidying  up  could 
cause  more  damage  than  the  industries  from  which  the 
city  grew. 


Thanks  firstly  go  to  Richard  Weddle  for  having  invited 
me  to  attend  the  Urban  Biodiversity  Conference  in 
sufficient  time  to  pemiit  a survey  to  be  done.  Along 
with  Elizabeth  Illingworth,  of  the  Friends  of  Lenzie 
Moss,  Eilidh  Spence,  of  Glasgow  Living  Water,  and 
several  members  of  the  ranger  services  for  Glasgow 
City  Council  and  North  Lanarkshire  Council,  Richard 
proved  most  helpful  in  alerting  me  to  sites  and  their 
access.  Of  the  rangers  1 would  like  to  single  out 
Lindsay  Gemmell  for  escorting  me  around  Pollok 
Country  Park.  My  friend  Steven  Routledge  also 
accompanied  me  on  part  of  the  survey  as  did  Geoff 
Hancock,  who  should  also  be  acknowledged  for 
providing  access  to  the  collections  of  the  Hunterian 
Museum,  University  of  Glasgow.  The  Balfour  Beatty 
team  is  thanked,  in  particular  Dave  Allen  for 
facilitating  access  to  the  lagoons  along  the  new  trunk 
road  system  and  to  Grant  Kennedy  for  escorting  me 
and  Geoff  to  some  of  the  ponds.  It  will  not  have 
escaped  the  attention  of  some  that  the  2010  survey 
conducted  by  the  author  did  not  yield  a species  new  for 
Scotland,  whereas  Craig  Macadam’s  survey  did! 
Thanks  go  to  Craig  for  the  chance  to  examine  his 
beetle  material. 


Last  record 

No.  10  km  squares 

Quality  score 

Suborder  Adephaga 

Gyrinus  aeratus  Stephens 




Gyrimis  caspius  Menetries 




Gyrinus  marimis  Gyllenhal 




Gyrinus  ininutus  Fab. 




Gyrinus  substriatus  Stephens 




Orectochilus  villosus  (Muller) 





Biychius  elevatus  ( Panzer) 




Haliplus  confinis  Stephens 




Ha/ip/us  fiavico/lis  Stumi 




Haliplus  fluviatilis  Aube 




Haliplus  fulvus  (Fab.) 




Haliplus  iminaculatus  Gerhardt 




Haliplus  UneatocoUis  (Marsham) 




Haliplus  lineolatus  Mannerheim 




Haliplus  ohiiquus  (Fab.) 




Haliplus  ruJicoUis  (De  Geer) 




Haliplus  sihiricus  Motschulsky 





Noterus  clavicornis  (De  Geer) 





Agahus  qffinis  (Paykull) 




Agahus  arcticus  (Paykull) 




Agahus  biguttatus  (Olivier) 




Agahus  hipustulatus  (L.) 




Agahus  congener  (Thunberg) 




Agahus  guttatus  (Paykull) 




Agahus  lahiatus  (Brahm) 




Agahus  nehulosus  (Forster) 




Agahus paluclosus  (Fab.) 




Agahus  sturmii  (Gyllenhal) 




Agahus  iinguicularis  (Thomson) 




Ilyhius  aenescens  Thomson 




llybius  ater  (De  Geer) 




Ilyhius  fuliginosus  (Fab.) 




Ilyhius  guttiger  (Gyllenhal) 




Ilyhius  montanus  (Stephens) 




Platambus  maculatus  (L.) 




Colyinbetes  fuscus  (L.) 




Rhantus  exsoletus  (Forster) 




Rhantus  frontalis  (Marsham) 




Rhantus  suturalis  (Macleay) 




Rhantus  suturellus  (Han'is) 




Acilius  canaliculatus  (Nicolai) 




Acilius  sulcatus  (L.) 




Dytiscus  marginalis  L. 




Dytiscus  semisulcatus  Muller 




Graptodytes pictus  (Fab.) 




Hydroporus  angustatus  Stunn 




Hydroporus  discretus  Fainnaire 




Hydroporus  eiythrocephalus  (L.) 




Hydroporus  ferrugineus  Stephens 




Hydroporus  gy’llenhalii  Schiodte 




Hydroporus  incognitiis  Shaip 




Hydroporus  hngicornis  Sharp 




Hydroporus  melanarius  Stumi 




Hydroporus  memnonius  Nicolai 




Hydroporus  morio  Aube 




Hydroporus  nigrita  (Fab.) 





Hvdroporiis  ohscurus  Stumi 




Hydroporns  obsoletus  Aube 




Hydroporus  palnstris  (L.) 




Hvdroporus  planus  (Fab.) 




Hydroporus  puhescem  (Gyllenhal) 




Hydroporus  rufifrons  (Muller) 




Hydroporus  striola  (Gyllenhal) 




Hydroporus  tessellatus  Drapiez 




Hydroporus  tristis  (Paykull) 




Hydroporus  umhrosus  (Gyllenhal) 




Nebrioporus  assimilis  (Paykull) 




Nebrioporus  elegans  (Panzer) 




Oreodytes  davisii  (Curtis) 




Oreodytes  sanmarkii  (Sahlberg) 




Oreodytes  septentrionalis  (Gyllenhal) 




Stictonectes  lepidus  (Olivier) 




Stictotarsus  diiodecimpustu/atus  (Fab.) 




Hygrotus  confluens  (Fab.) 




Hygrotus  impressopiinctatus  (Schaller) 




Hygrotus  inaeqiialis  (Fab.) 




Hygrotus  nigrolineatus  (von  Steven) 




Hygrotus  novemlineatus  (Stephens) 




Hyphydrus  ovatus  (L.) 




Laccophilus  minutus  (L.) 




Suborder  Polyphaga 


Helophorus  aequalis  Thomson 




Helophorus  an>ernicus  Mulsant 




Helophorus  brevipalpis  Bedel 




Helophorus  Jlavipes  Fab. 




Helophorus  grandis  Illiger 




Helophorus  granularis  (L.) 




Helophorus  griseus  Herbst 




Helophorus  minutus  Fab. 




Helophorus  obscurus  Mulsant 




Helophorus  tuberculatus  Gyllenhal 





Hydrochus  brevis  (Herbst) 






Anacaena  globulus  (Paykull) 




Anacaena  lutescens  (Stephens) 




Chaetarthria  seminulum  s.  lat. 




Enochrus  coarctatus  (Gredler) 




Hydrobius  fuscipes  (L.) 




Laccobius  bipunctatus  (Fab.) 




Laccobius  colon  (Stephens) 




Laccobius  minutus  (L.) 




Laccobius  striatulus  (Fab.) 





Coelostoma  orbiculare  (Fab.) 




Cercyon  marimis  Thomson 




Cercyon  ustulatus  (Preyssler) 





Hydraena  britteni  Joy 




Hydraena  gracilis  Gennar 




Hydraena  nigrita  Germar 




Hydraena  riparia  Kugelann 




Limnebius  nitidus  (Marsham) 




Limnebius  tnmcatellus  (Thunberg) 




Enicocerus  exsculptus  (Germar) 




Ochthebius  dilatatus  Stephens 





Ochthebiiis  minimus  (Fab.) 





Microcara  festacea  (L.) 




Cyphon  hilaris  Nyholm 




Cyphon  padi  (L.) 




Cyphon  variahilis  (Thunberg) 





Elmis  aenea  (Mtiller) 




Esolus  paral/elepipedns  (Miiller) 




Linmius  vo/ckmari  (Panzer) 




Oulimniiis  tnherculatus  (Muller) 




Rioliis  cnpreiis  (Muller) 




Riolus  suhviolacens  (Muller) 





Heterocerns  marginatns  (Fab.) 





Coccidiila  nijci  (Herbst) 





Plaieiimaris  discolor  (Panzer) 




Plateiimaris  sericea  (L.) 




Donacia  obsenra  Gyllenhal 




Donacia  simplex  Fab. 




Donacia  versicolorea  (Brahm). 




Donacia  vulgaris  Zsehach 




Macroplea  appendicnlata  (Panzer) 




Galerucella  nymphaeae  (L.) 




1 lydrothassa  marginella  (L.) 




Phaedon  armoraciae  (L.) 




Phaedon  cochleariae  (Fab.) 




Prasocuris  phellandrii  (L.) 





Phytobins  lencogaster  (Marsham) 




Bagous  a 1 is  mat  is  (Marsham) 





Erirhinus  aethiops  (Fab.) 




Notaris  acridnliis  (L.) 




Gnpns  equiseti  (Fab.) 




Table  1.  Water  beetles  reeorded  in  and  around  Glasgow. 












Noteworthy  spp. 

NS5543681  1 

Bingham’s  Pond 


5 June 




Halipliis  confwis, 

Donacia  simple, 

D.  vulgaris 


M77  Meams  box 


12  May 




Hyclrothassa  marginella 


Phoenix  Industrial  Estate 


24  April 




Phaedon  cochleariae 


Lenzie  Moss  2 


10  April 




Agahiis  congener 


Gartloch  Pool 


5 June 




Halipliis  confinis, 

Cercyon  marimis 


Gartcosh  4 


20  March 




Acilhfs  sulcatus, 

Agahiis  iinguicularis 


Cardowan  1 


27  March 




Rhantus  snturalis 


Gartcosh  6 


5 April 




Halipliis  confinis. 

H.  obliqiiiis 


Durrockstock  pond 


1 May 





Cardowan  2 


27  March 




Rhantus  frontalis, 
Heloplioriis  graniilaris 


Pollok  Country  Park, 


4 May 





Robroyston  Park  2 


17  July 




Phaedon  arinoraciae 


Robroyston  Park  1 


10  April 





M77  Meams  box 


12  May 




llyhiiis  giittiger, 

Phaedon  arinoraciae 


Gartcosh  3 


20  March 




Hydroporiis  tristis 


Cardowan  3 


27  March 





Damley  Mill 


1 May 





Cathkin  Marsh  2 


1 May 





Cathkin  Marsh  3 


1 May 





Gartcosh  5 


20  March 




Enochriis  coarctatiis 


Linwood  Moss  2 


24  April 




llyhiiis  giittiger 

NS5 1725274 

M77  Meams  box 


12  May 





Gartcosh  1 


20  March 





Gartcosh  2 


20  March 




Ochthehius  dilatatiis 


M77  Junction  5 


12  May 







12  May 





Wilderness  Plantation  1 


5 April 





Robroyston  Road 


10  April 

1 1 




Pollok  Country  Park, 

The  Glade 


4 May 





M77  Junction  5 


12  May 







12  May 





Linwood  Moss  1 


24  April 





Pollok  Country  Park, 
main  pond 


4 May 





Wilderness  Plantation  3 


5 April 





Cathkin  Marsh  1 


1 May 





Wilderness  Plantation  2 


5 April 





Lenzie  Moss  1 


10  April 




Hydroporiis  tristis 

Table  2.  Summaiy  of  the  2010  sui'vey.  The  vice-counties  (vc)  are  76  Renfrewshire,  77  Lanarkshire,  and  99 
Dunbartonshire.  AQS  is  the  aggregate  quality  score,  i.e.  the  sum  of  all  the  species  quality  scores.  MQS  is  the  mean 
quality  score,  the  average  quality  score  value  per  species. 



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Balke,  M.,  Ribera,  L,  Hendrich,  L.,  Miller,  M.  A.,  Sagata, 

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Carr,  R.  (1984).  A Coelamhus  species  new  to  Britain 
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Cox,  M.L.  (2007).  Atlas  of  the  seed  and  leaf  beetles  of 
Britain  and  Ireland.  Pisces  Publications. 

Crowson,  R.A.  (1971).  Some  records  of  Curculionoidea 
(Coleoptera)  from  southern  Scotland.  Entomologist’s 
Monthly  Magazine  107,  47-52. 

Crowson,  R.A.  ( 1 987).  Noterus  clavicornis  DeGeer 
(Col.,  Notcridac)  at  Possil  Marsh,  Glasgow. 
Entomologist’s  Monthly  Magazine  123,  155. 

Eyre,  M.D.,  Luff,  M.L.  & Lott,  D.A.  (2000).  Records  of 
rare  and  notable  beetle  species  from  riverine 
sediments  in  Scotland  and  northem  England.  The 
Coleopterist  9,  25-38. 

Foster,  G.N.  (2010).  A review  of  the  scarce  and 
threatened  Coleoptera  of  Great  Britain.  Part  3:  water 
beetles.  Species  Status  No.  1.  Peterborough:  Joint 
Nature  Conservation  Committee. 

Foster,  G.N.  & Eyre,  M.D.  (1992).  Classification  and 
ranking  of  water  beetle  communities.  UK  Nature 
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Galewski,  K.  (1963).  Immature  stages  of  the  Central 
European  species  of  Rhantus  Dejean  (Coleoptera, 
Dytiscidae).  Polskie pismo  entomologiczne  33,  3-93. 

Hislop,  R.  (1854).  Localities  of  Dytiscus  lapponicus  and 
Agabus  congener.  Zoologist  14,  4956. 

Macadam,  C.  & Foster,  G.N.  (2010).  Hygrotus 
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new  for  Scotland,  with  an  update  on  its  status  in 
England  and  Wales.  The  Coleopterist  19,  115-116. 

Monahan,  C.  & Caffrey,  J.M.  (1996).  Macroplea 
appendiculata  (Coleoptera)  in  the  Royal  and  Grand 
Canals:  a rarity  or  an  overlooked  species  in  Ireland. 
Bulletin  of  the  Irish  hiogeographical  Societv  19,  182- 
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Moms,  M.G.  (2002).  True  weevils  (Part  I).  Coleoptera; 
Curculionidae  (Subfamilies  Raymondionyminae  to 
Smicronychinae).  Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of 
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Watts,  C.H.S.  & Humphreys,  W.F.  (2009).  Fourteen  new 
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Balfour-Browne  Club  Newsletter  15:8. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Clydebank  as  a hotspot 
for  the  common  pill  woodlouse 
ArmadilUdium  vulgare 

Glyn  M.  Collis 

‘Seasgair’,  Ascog,  Isle  of  Bute,  PA20  9ET 
E-mail:  g.m.collis(^ 


In  Scotland,  the  common  pill  woodlouse  is  at  the 
Northem  edge  of  its  range.  On  the  east  coast  it  extends  as 
far  north  as  Johnshaven.  Until  a recent  discoveiy  in 
Helensburgh,  the  northernmost  location  in  the  west  was 
Clydebank,  where  two  sites  were  discovered  by  Futter 
(1998).  An  additional  four  sites  have  since  been 
discovered,  which  is  an  unusual  degree  of  clustering. 
Five  of  the  six  Clydebank  sites  are  alongside  railways. 
Consideration  is  given  to  factors  pennitting  the  species  to 
amive,  survive  and  thrive  in  railway-side  sites,  and  in 


The  common  pill  woodlouse  ArmadilUdium  vulgare  is 
the  most  widespread  of  seven  native  British  species  in 
the  family  Annadilliidae,  hence  the  addition  of 
“common”  to  its  traditional  vernacular  name.  It  is  one  of 
the  most  common  of  all  woodlouse  species  in  southern 
Britain,  but  in  Scotland  it  is  more  sparsely  distributed  and 
at  the  edge  of  its  range.  The  nature  of  its  Scottish 
distribution  has  become  more  clear  as  recording  coverage 
has  improved.  The  first  published  atlas  of  woodlice  in 
Britain  and  Ireland  (Harding  & Sutton,  1985)  showed 
three  groupings  of  records:  on  the  east  coast  as  far  north 
as  Tayside;  on  the  Solway  coast;  and  inland  among 
horticultural  nursery  sites  in  the  Clyde  valley  between 
Rutherglen  and  Lesmahagow  (Harding,  Collis  & Collis, 
1980).  There  was  just  one  west  coast  record,  from  Troon 
Station  by  J.  Naden  in  1976. 

By  the  time  data  were  compiled  for  a new  atlas  (Gregory, 
2009),  increased  recording  effort  had  resulted  in  a good 
number  of  additional  records,  including  some  published 
in  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (Stirling,  1995;  Futter,  1998) 
and  records  from  a field  meeting  of  the  British  Myriapod 


and  Isopod  Group  in  Ayrshire  in  2006  (Collis,  2007), 
plus  a number  of  additional  records  by  the  author. 

Comparison  of  the  two  atlases  makes  it  clear  that  the 
difference  in  numbers  of  records  between  the  east  and 
west  coasts  in  Harding  and  Sutton’s  atlas  was  partly  an 
artefact  of  recording  effort.  However,  the  tendency  for 
the  species  to  extend  further  north  in  the  east  than  in  the 
west  seems  likely  to  be  real,  with  a 2005  record  from  as 
far  north  as  Johnshaven  in  the  east  (Davidson,  2010).  In 
the  west,  the  northernmost  locations  shown  in  the  2009 
atlas  were  Putter’s  (1998)  two  sites  in  Clydebank,  though 
in  May  2009  the  author  found  a site  a little  further  north 
in  Helensburgh,  NS303820,  at  the  shore  end  of  a footpath 
from  East  Clyde  Street. 

Gregory’s  2009  atlas  also  confirms  that,  in  Scotland,  the 
distribution  of  the  pill  woodlouse  is  predominantly 
coastal.  Many  of  the  coastal  sites  are  on,  or  very  close  to 
the  shoreline,  which  might  be  considered  it’s  primaiy 
natural  habitat  in  most  of  Scotland.  However,  care  is 
needed  in  this  respect.  The  record  from  Johnshaven  was 
among  builders  rubble  deposited  above  a shingle  beach 
(Davidson,  2010).  The  Helensburgh  shoreline  site  could 
equally  well  be  regarded  as  a suburban  site  with  a high 
potential  for  the  introduction  of  small  invertebrates 
among  rubble,  garden  waste,  etc.,  dumped  on  the 
shoreline.  There  is  a strikingly  similar  suburban  shoreline 
site  at  Boathouse  Road,  Largs,  NS  197607.  A site  at 
Fairlie,  NS207541  could  also  be  classified  as  suburban 
shoreline,  but  with  the  further  complication  of  a nearby 
wholly  artificial  coastline  constructed  in  the  1970s  for  the 
Hunterston  deep-water  ore  and  coal  terminal.  A railway 
line  followed  the  artificial  coastline  to  service  a now- 
dismantled  iron  ore  reduction  plant.  Much  of  the 
material  for  the  construction  project  was  obtained  locally, 
from  Biglees  Quarry  and  Campbeltown  Farm 
(,  but  doubtless 
other  materials  were  brought  in  from  further  afield. 


The  first  records  of  the  pill  woodlouse  in  Clydebank 
were  by  Putter  (1988).  In  the  period  1995-1997,  she 
located  specimens  in  a suburban  garden  in  Parkhall 
Road,  NS488718,  and  around  a disused  band  hall  on 
Second  Avenue,  NS495710.  I visited  these  two  locations 
in  June  2007  and  found  the  species  in  large  numbers 
(>100)  around  the  band  hall  and  also  beside  the  church 
close-by  on  Second  Avenue.  On  Parkhall  Road,  instead 
of  searching  gardens,  I found  the  species  in  small 
numbers  in  public  shrubbery  areas  at  NS489718  - close 
to  Putter’s  location. 

Two  features  of  the  band  hall  site  are  that  it  is 
immediately  adjacent  to  a railway  line  and,  like  much  of 
Clydebank,  it  is  on  a south  facing  slope.  The  pill 
woodlouse  is  believed  to  favour  sunny  locations; 
unusually  for  woodlice  it  is  sometimes  found  in  full 
sunlight  (Gregory,  2009).  The  band  hall  is  in  a very 
sunny  location,  elevated  above  the  railway  line  on  the 
other  side  of  which  the  land  falls  away  sharply  to  the 
south.  Having  found  pill  woodlice  associated  with 
railways  in  England  and  Wales,  and  mindful  of  Cawley’s 

( 1 996)  observations  in  Ireland,  as  and  when  opportunities 
arose  I searched  railway-side  sites  elsewhere  in 
Clydebank.  Non-railway  habitats  were  not  searched  so 

Fig.  1.  Sketch  map  of  Clydebank  sites  for  the  common 
pill  woodlouse:  1 Parkhall  Road,  NS488718;  2 Second 
Avenue  (derelict  band  hall)  NS495710;  3 Argyle  Road 
railway  bridge,  NS501705;  4 John  Knox  Street 
NS504694;  5 Cable  Depot  Road  (abandoned  docks  line) 
NS490705;  6 Clydebank  Public  Park/Dalmuir  Station 

In  May  2008  I found  the  species  among  rubbish  at  the 
base  of  railings  separating  railway  land  from  mown  grass 
at  the  north-east  comer  of  Argyle  Road  railway  bridge, 
NS501705.  Like  the  band  hall  site,  this  is  on  the  Singer 
line.  Subsequently,  I discovered  a site  on  the  Yoker  line 
(NS504694,  November  2009),  among  mbble  at  the  base 
of  a brick  wall  separating  railway  land  from  the  site  of  a 
demolished  building,  accessible  from  John  Knox  Street. 

The  Yoker  and  Singer  lines  converge  at  Dalmuir  Station. 
Here  too  I found  pill  woodlice  among  mbble  at  the  base 
of  the  railway-side  fence  where  it  is  accessible  from  the 
southern  comer  of  Clydebank  Public  Park  (NS484714, 
June  2010).  In  the  park,  I also  found  it  a short  distance 
away  from  the  railway,  where  the  Park  borders  the 
western  end  of  Regent  Street  (NS484715).  I was  unable 
to  find  this  species  in  a search  of  the  glasshouses  and 
their  immediate  sumoundings  at  the  western-most  comer 
of  the  Park  (NS480716),  even  though  glasshouses  and 
horticultural  areas  are  often  favoured  by  the  species.  It’s 
absence  there  cannot  easily  be  explained  by  an  ovemse  of 
pesticides  since  I easily  found  the  woodlice  Oniscis 
aseUits,  Philoscia  muscorum,  Porcellio  scaher,  Porcellio 
spinicornis  and  Trichoniscus  piisilhis  agg.  at  this 
location.  Of  course,  pill  woodlice  may  yet  be  found  there. 


In  addition  to  the  Singer  and  Yoker  branches  of  the 
railway  network  through  Clydebank,  there  are  also  the 
remains  of  branch  lines  to  the  docks.  I found  pill 
woodlice  at  the  foot  of  the  embankment  of  one  such 
disused  line  (NS490705,  June  2010),  accessed  from  an 
abandoned  industrial  site  on  Cable  Depot  Road. 

Conseiwatively,  if  we  consider  the  two  closely  adjacent 
sites  in  Clydebank  Public  Park  (Dalmuir  Station  and  end 
of  Regent  Street)  as  one,  and  similarly  with  the  two 
Parkhall  Road  sites  (suburban  garden  and  public 
shrubbery),  there  are  now  six  known  sites  for  pill 
woodlice  in  Clydebank  (Fig.  1).  This  is  a remarkable 
cluster  of  sites  within  a small  area. 

There  is  a similar  density  of  known  sites  in  the  Salisbury 
Crags/Holyrood  Park/Duddingston  area  of  Edinburgh. 
Not  very  far  from  this  cluster,  on  16/08/2010  I was  able 
to  locate  three  new  sites  along  a short  stretch  of  railway 
line:  at  the  pedestrian  underpass  in  the  University  sports 
ground  at  Peffennill,  (NT280712);  on  the  cycle  path 
beside  the  railway  at  Bingham  (NT297721);  and  by  the 
road  bridge  over  the  railway  at  the  south-west  comer  of 
Jewel  Park  (NT304721).  I am  also  aware  of  two  railway- 
side  sites  in  Edinburgh  located  by  the  late  Bob  Saville  in 
May  1994,  at  (NT2 19724)  and  (NT226718). 

For  reasons  of  more  ready  access  from  my  home  in  Bute, 
1 have  spent  far  more  time  on  a greater  number  of 
different  dates  searching  the  Gourock-Greenock-Port 
Glasgow  area,  including  many  railway-side  sites,  and 
have  not  yet  found  any  pill  woodlice.  It  is  probably 
significant  that  with  the  ground  rising  steeply  to  the 
south,  this  area  is  much  less  sunny  than  south-facing 
Clydebank.  It  is  also  possible  to  make  comparisons  with 
central  Glasgow  where  I spent  much  time  looking  for 
woodlice  in  the  1970s  (Collis  & Collis,  1978)  though  I 
did  not  examine  many  railway-side  sites.  I did  not  find 
any  pill  woodlice  though  I was  brought  specimens  from  a 
now  abandoned  nursery  at  Westfield  Avenue, 
Rutherglen,  (NS605612). 


How  might  the  Clydebank  cluster  of  sites  be  explained? 
To  understand  the  distribution  of  a species  that  is  not 
ubiquitous  in  an  area,  we  need  to  consider  how  it  might 
arrive  at  new  sites,  what  conditions  are  needed  in  order 
for  the  anivals  to  breed  sufficiently  well  for  the  colony  to 
suiwive,  and  why  the  colony  is  able  to  thrive  so  as  to 
become  numerous  enough  that  it  will  persist  through 
occasional  severe  conditions. 

For  medium-sized  flightless  invertebrates  like  pill 
woodlice,  amval  presumably  requires  it  to  be  earned  to  a 
new  site,  conceivably  in  flood  debris  or  driftwood,  but 
more  likely  by  inadvertent  human  transport.  In  the  latter 
case,  there  will  be  a bias  toward  them  arriving  in  habitats 
associated  with  human  activity.  It  is  well  understood  that 
many  species  of  woodlice  are  particularly  likely  to  be 
found  in  synanthropic  sites,  but  it  is  not  straightforward 
to  disentangle  the  relative  contributions  of  anthropic 
factors  for  andval  and  for  survival. 

One  strong  possibility  for  how  they  might  arrive  at 
locations  throughout  greater  Glasgow  and  Clyde  area  is 
through  the  movement  of  agricultural  and  horticultural 
produce.  Prior  to  the  dominance  of  motorised  transport, 
the  movement  of  fodder  and  bedding  for  horses  is  likely 
to  have  been  a significant  factor  in  the  transport  of 
invertebrates  in  urban  areas.  Several  species  of  woodlice, 
including  Armadillidimn  vulgare,  are  known  to  flourish 
in  horticultural  nurseries.  They  are  still  present  at  two 
sites  in  Rothesay  where  there  were  once  extensive 
commercial  glasshouses  (Collis  & Collis,  2008),  and  the 
species  is  known  from  various  sites  with  horticultural 
connections,  including  the  nursery  in  Rutherglen, 
mentioned  above,  several  nursery  sites  in  the  Clyde 
valley  (Harding,  Collis  & Collis,  1980),  Culzean  Castle 
gardens  and  the  ‘gardens’  area  of  the  agricultural  college 
site  at  Auchincmive  (Collis,  2007). 

It  is  well  understood  that  ‘hothouse’  alien  woodlice 
(Gregoiy,  2009)  are  transported  with  plant  material 
between  botanic  gardens,  and  there  can  be  little  doubt 
that  this  also  applies  to  commonplace  plants  used  in 
domestic  gardens  and  allotments.  Maybe  the  Parkhall 
Road  colony  of  pill  woodlice  became  established  in  this 
way.  It  was  once  common  for  allotments  to  be 
established  beside  railways,  but  it  is  not  clear  whether 
this  applies  to  any  of  the  railway  side  pill  woodlouse  sites 
in  Clydebank.  There  is  also  the  potential  for  transport  in 
garden  waste  discarded  onto  areas  that  are  regarded  as 
“waste  ground”.  Garden  waste  can  include  rubble  from 
paths  and  rockeries,  etc.,  as  well  as  plant  material  and 
soil.  It  is  often  seen  dumped  on  railway  land,  although 
this  was  not  particularly  noticeable  at  the  Clydebank 
sites.  As  noted  in  the  introduction,  garden  waste  is  also 
dumped  on  suburban  shorelines,  and  on  rural  shorelines 
too,  especially  near  roadside  lay-bys. 

There  is  also  a strong  probability  that  woodlice, 
including  A.vulgare,  are  transported  in  various 
construction  materials  including  quarried  stone  and 
aggregates,  especially  if  the  material  had  some 
calcareous  content,  or  topsoil  (Cawley,  1996).  Other 
possibilities  are  timber,  bricks,  concrete  fabrications, 
pipes,  and  general  steelwork,  especially  if  such  items 
have  been  stored  in  the  open  for  long  enough  for  them  to 
have  become  colonised  by  woodlice.  Railway  track  is 
normally  bedded  on  hard  rock  chips,  which  are  typically 
non-calcareous,  but  I have  infonnation  that  it  is  not 
unusual  for  the  foundations  to  be  fomied  from  softer 
calcareous  rock.  Depending  on  the  source  location,  it  is 
easy  to  envisage  lime-loving  invertebrates  such  as  pill 
woodlice  being  introduced  in  such  material.  In  addition 
to  the  basic  bed  of  the  track,  a wide  variety  of  materials 
are  involved  with  railway-associated  structures. 

Irrespective  of  how  woodlice  got  to  the  railway-side 
sites,  we  still  need  to  understand  why  they  have  survived 
and  thrived,  especially,  it  seems,  in  railway-side  sites  in 
Clydebank.  Even  if  there  is  no  calcareous  rock  in  the 
foundation  of  the  trackway,  there  is  likely  to  be  an  ample 
supply  of  lime  in  mortared  walls  and  various  line-side 
structures.  Pill  woodlice  are  much  less  tolerant  of  wet 
conditions  than  other  woodlice,  and  the  open  well- 


drained  substrate  would  suit  them  well,  with  relatively 
large  interstices  allowing  this  bulky  species  easy 
movement  through  spaces  to  find  microsites  that  are 
suitable  in  a variety  of  climatie  conditions.  Clydebank 
has  the  added  advantage  of  a sunny  south-facing  aspect. 


Cawley,  M.  (1996).  The  woodlice  (Crustacea:  Isopoda) 
of  Cos  Sligo  and  Leitrim.  Irish  Naturalists’  Journal 
25,  273-277. 

Collis,  G.M.  (2007).  Report  on  the  2006  BMIG  meeting 
in  Ayrshire.  Bulletin  of  the  British  Myriapod  and 
Isopod  Group  22,  32-35. 

Collis,  G.M.  & Collis,  V.D.  (1978).  Some  recent  Scottish 
records  of  woodlice  (slaters)  with  particular  reference 
to  the  Clyde  area.  Glasgow  Naturalist  19  (5)  385-389. 
Collis,  G.M.  & Collis,  V.D.  (2008).  The  pill  woodlouse, 
Armadillidium  vulgare,  at  one-time  horticultural 
nursery  sites  on  Bute.  Transactions  of  the  Buteshire 
Natural  Histoiy  Society’  27,  87-88. 

Davidson,  M.  (2010).  Northerly  extensions  of  the  known 
UK  ranges  of  the  pill-woodlice  Armadillidium 
vulgare  (Latreille,  1804)  and  Armadillidium 
piilchellum  (Zencker,  1798).  Bidletin  of  the  British 
Myriapod  and  Isopod  Group  24,  36-38. 

Putter,  S.  (1998).  Pill  woodlouse  Armadillidium  vulgare 
in  Clydebank.  Glasgow  Naturalist  23  (3)  62-63. 
Gregory,  S.  (2009).  Woodlice  and  Waterlice  (Isopoda: 
Oniscidea  & Asellota)  in  Britain  and  Ireland.  FSC 
Publications,  Shrewsbury. 

Harding,  P.T.,  Collis,  G.M.  & Collis,  V.D.  (1980).  The 
pill  woodlouse  {Armadillidium  vulgare  (Latr.)) 
(Isopoda)  in  Scotland.  Entomologists  Monthly 
Magazine  1 15,  179-180. 

Harding,  P.T.  & Sutton,  S.L.  (1985).  Woodlice  in  Britain 
and  Ireland:  distribution  and  habitat.  Institute  of 
Terrestrial  Ecology,  Huntingdon. 

Stirling,  A.  (1995).  Pill  woodlouse  records  from  SW 
Scotland.  Glasgow  Naturalist  22  (5):  528-529. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Sucesses  and 
Challanges:  Urban  tern  ecology: 
common  terns  in  Leith  Docks 

Gemma  Jennings,  Robert  Furness',  & Derek 

’ Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal  Health  and 
Comparative  Medicine,  University  of  Glasgow,  GI2 

^ School  of  Social  and  Environmental  Sciences, 
University  of  Dundee,  DDl  4HN 

E-mail:  g.jennings.  1 (a)research. 

The  Imperial  Dock  Lock,  a disused  lock  wall  in  Leith 
Docks,  Edinburgh,  supports  the  largest  common  tern 
{Sterna  hirundo)  colony  in  Scotland  and  was  designated 


as  a Special  Protection  Area  (SPA)  for  the  species  in 
2004.  The  SPA  lies  in  a continually  changing  operational 
port  and  the  port  owners  are  keen  to  understand  more 
about  the  terns.  Analysis  of  long-temi  count  data 
suggests  that  colonisation  of  this  urban  environment 
occuiTcd  as  a result  of  relocation  from  natural  islands  in 
the  Firth  of  Forth  over  the  past  few  decades,  in  particular 
Inchmickery,  which  was  fonuerly  a regional  stronghold 
for  the  species,  but  was  abandoned  possibly  due  to  high 
numbers  of  gulls.  Field  work  was  performed  at  the 
colony  during  the  breeding  seasons  of  2009  and  2010. 
Foraging  studies  showed  that  terns  fed  primarily  in  the 
Firth  of  Forth  rather  than  within  the  docks,  and  their  diet 
consisted  mostly  of  clupeids,  but  also  sandeels  and  small 
gadoids.  Predation  of  chicks  by  herring  gulls  {Larus 
argentatus)  and  lesser  black-backed  gulls  {L.  fuscus)  was 
observed  in  both  seasons,  despite  which,  high  numbers  of 
chicks  fledged  from  the  colony.  Observations  and 
preliminaiy  experiments  on  the  terns’  sensitivity  to 
disturbance  at  the  colony  indicated  that  the  birds  are 
tolerant  of  routine  human  activities  in  the  docks  and  that 
they  have  become  well  habituated  to  breeding  in  this 
urban  environment.  The  results  of  this  study  combined 
with  continued  monitioring  will  be  useful  for  the 
conservation  of  this  SPA. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Human  perceptions 
towards  peri-urban  deer  in  Central 

Stephanie  Ballantyne 

c/o  Nonnan  Dandy,  Forest  Research,  Northern  Research 
Station,  Midlothian,  EH25  9SY 


Red  deer  {Cen’us  elaphus)  have  been  successfully 
breeding  in  the  Scottish  highlands  for  centuries,  and 
many  people  have  a classic  association  of  herds  of  deer 
roaming  over  the  vast  expanding  Scottish  hills.  However, 
today  species  such  as  roe  deer  {Capreolus  capreolus)  arc 
increasingly  being  seen  in  and  around  Scotland’s  Central 
Belt,  producing  a very  different  human  perception  of  deer 
than  in  the  Scottish  Highlands.  Roe  deer  bring  benefits 
and  impacts  to  peri-urban  areas  (communities  consisting 
of  urban  and  rural  components)  within  the  Central  Belt.  It 
is  not  yet  known  peoples’  perception  towards  deer  in 
more  urbanised  communities,  and  whether  they  perceive 
deer  to  be  beneficial  to  the  local  environment  or  a 

In  the  UK  there  is  an  estimated  3 16,000  red  deer, 

300,000  roe  deer,  128,000  fallow  {Dama  dama),  128,000 
muntjac  {Muntiacus  reevesi)  and  26,600  sika  {Cervus 
nippon)  and  2100  Chinese  water  deer  {Hydropotes 

iuermis)  (Mammal  Society,  2012).  Deer  abundance  for 
all  red,  roe,  fallow,  sika  and  muntjae  deer  species  has 
been  recorded  in  the  Scottish  Highlands  for  10 
consecutive  years,  (2000-2010)  indicating  deer  densities 
to  be  as  high  as  30  per  km^  in  the  Perthshire  area,  just 
north  of  Pitlochry  and  in  the  north  west  area  of 
Drumnadrochit  (SNH,  2012).  Furthermore  the  lowest 
deer  density  of  1-5  deer  per  knr  stretches  from 
Inveruglas  in  central  Scotland  to  Cape  Wrath  in  the 
north  and  from  the  Outer  Hebrides  to  the  west  side  of 
Banchory  (SNH,  2012).  Red  deer  were  recorded 
throughout  the  Scottish  Highlands,  though  not  recorded 
in  the  Central  Belt  and  regions  to  the  South  East  of 
Scotland.  (NBN,  2012).  Roe  deer  are  more  widely 
distributed  than  red  and  are  found  throughout  the  whole 
of  Scotland,  except  from  the  Shetland  islands  and  the 
Outer  Hebrides.  (NBN,  2012).  Sika  deer  are  more  widely 
distributed  than  fallow  deer  in  Scotland,  but  less  so  than 
red  or  roe,  found  widely  distributed  in  the  North  West 
Highlands  of  Scotland  and  in  Central  Southern  Scotland 
(NBN,  2012).  Fallow  deer  were  recorded  in  over  1 10  10 
km"  in  Scotland  with  a much  more  sparse  distribution 
compared  with  red  and  roe  deer  with  pockets  of  higher 
densities  in  the  west  and  east  central  Highlands,  and  in 
South  West  Scotland.  (NBN,  2012).  Muntjae  deer  were 
noted  in  15  10  knr  regions  in  Scotland  sparsely 
distributed  throughout  Scotland  (NBN,  2012).  Deer 
abundance  in  these  peri-urban  communities  is  also  not 
well  known.  In  order  to  address  some  of  these  questions 
Forest  Research  on  behalf  of  the  Deer  Commission  for 
Scotland  was  asked  to  undertake  a social  and  ecological 
study  to:  A)  Examine  if  deer  presence  was  being  felt  in 
peri-urban  communities  by  members  of  local 
communities  in  Central  Scotland  and  to  highlight  the 
benefits  of  possible  deer  presence,  B)  Undertake  an 
ecological  study  on  deer  density  within  Central  Scotland 
ascertaining  whether  deer  density  figures  tied  in  with 
peoples’  experience  of  deer  presence  in  their  local 

To  complete  both  studies  two  case  study  areas  were  set 
up;  Ravenscraig  in  the  West  of  Central  Scotland  and 
Linlithgow  in  the  East  of  Central  Scotland.  The  two  areas 
were  chosen  for  their  mosaic  of  urban  and  rural  areas  and 
were  seen  as  classic  peri-urban  environments. 

For  study  A,  7 focus  groups  were  conducted  in  total 
between  each  case  study  area  (6  in  Ravenscraig  and  1 in 
Linlithgow)  to  examine  what  people  in  the  loeal 
community  thought  about  deer  in  their  local  area,  and  3 
manager  focus  groups  were  conducted  (2  in  Ravenscraig 
and  1 in  Linlithgow)  to  examine  what  professional  deer 
managers  thought  about  deer  in  Central  Scotland.  ‘Deer 
manager’  in  this  ease  refers  to  people  who  have  a higher 
level  of  knowledge  about  deer  management  than  the 
general  public,  and  relates  to  professional  deer  stalkers, 
forestry  officials  and  members  of  conservation  groups. 
At  each  focus  group  a series  of  slides  were  shown  to 
partieipants,  and  a general  introduction  to  each  slide  was 
talked  about  before  the  group  engaged  with  the  subject. 
Managers  and  community  focus  group  stmetures  were 
identical.  To  further  facilitate  study  A,  a questionnaire 

was  sent  out  to  local  community  groups  ranging  from 
allotment  groups,  to  local  sports  associations.  The 
questionnaire  like  the  focus  groups  asked  about  local 
deer  presence  in  their  area  and  asked  partieipants  to  rate 
deer  management  options  in  response  to  hypothetical 
deer  management  situations.  In  total  415  questionnaires 
were  sent  out  and  154  were  returned,  giving  the  study  a 
successful  response  rate  of  37%. 

For  study  B,  night  time  thermal  imaging  of  deer  occuiTed 
along  farm  road  transects  in  each  case  study  area  using  a 
Pilkington  Lite  imager.  See  Dandy  et  al.  (2009)  for  full 
survey  methods.  When  deer  were  seen  through  the 
camera,  the  number  of  deer,  the  co-ordinates  of  their 
position  and  distance  from  the  car  guestimated,  and  noted 
down.  The  results  were  then  placed  in  a statistical 
programme  to  generate  density  figures. 

For  the  social  study  A the  participants  did  show  that  deer 
were  in  their  area  agreeing  with  the  general  pereeption 
that  deer  are  using  peri-urban  environments: 

“It’s  made  my  day  when  I’ve  seen  them It  makes  all 

the  difference. . .Fantastic  difference...”  (Community 
Group  1 ) 

“’s  nice  to  know  that  they  are  around.  It  just  makes 
people  feel  more  natural,  a more  natural  environment.” 
(Community  Group  7) 

The  general  feeling  from  the  community  focus  groups 
was  that  deer  did  exist  in  the  community  but  that  they 
were  not  very  prevalent,  perhaps  this  relates  to  the  roe 
deer’s  timid  nature  and  being  mainly  active  very  early  in 
the  morning  when  most  people  are  still  asleep.  In  no  way 
did  any  community  focus  group  think  that  deer  were 
overabundant  in  their  community. 

Study  A also  highlighted  the  benefits  that  deer  bring  to 
their  community: 

“If  you  catch  sight  of  the  deer,  it  means  the  environment 
is  on  a high  because  they’re  in  the  area.  And  if  you’re  not 
getting  good  ecology  and  good  feeding  grounds  they  just 
move  away,  you  see  less  and  less  of  them.,  it’s  letting 
you  know  that  the  environment  and  the  ecology  in  the 
area  is  really  good”  (Community  Group  6) 

As  well  as  bringing  in  a human  wellbeing  factor,  deer  in 
the  local  community  were  seen  as  a sign  that  the 
environment  they  were  living  in  was  healthy.  Therefore 
deer  presence  was  an  indicator  of  living  in  a healthy 
green  community  which  many  residents  see  as  a positive 
benefit  to  where  they  live.  From  the  questionnaire 
participants  were  asked  to  rank  statements  in  accordance 
to  their  preference  to  the  question:  Tf  the  number  of  deer 
in  the  area  where  you  lived  increased,  which  of  the 
following  would  be  the  most  important  priorities?’ 
Participants  produced  the  following  order  of  statements 
starting  with  the  highest  priority: 


1 . Preventing  road-traffic  accidents  involving  deer 

2.  Ensuring  the  welfare  of  individual  deer 

3.  Maintaining  the  cultural  value  of  deer  in  Scotland 

4.  (Joint)  Preventing  deer  damaging  local  woodlands 

4.  (Joint)  Preventing  deer  damaging  gardens  and  other 
vulnerable  sites 

6.  Making  a living  from  deer  through  deer-watching 

7.  Obtaining  economic  income  from  deer  through  sport 
shooting  ‘stalking’ 

From  the  ranking  exercise  the  first  statement  indicated 
that  if  the  local  deer  population  was  to  increase, 
preventing  direct  physical  road  traffic  accidents  with  deer 
would  be  the  highest  priority.  This  statement  being  first 
shows  that  the  community  would  like  to  prevent  the  risk 
of  a serious  accident  with  deer  as  it  is  the  only  statement 
which  contains  a serious  risk  to  humans  of  having  deer  in 
the  local  community.  No  other  statements  perceive  such 
a high  risk  to  humans  in  particular.  It  could  be  seen  that 
the  first  statement  protects  humans  and  deer  from  risk.  In 
the  second  statement,  ‘ensuring  the  welfare  of  individual 
deer’  it  shows  that  people  in  general  have  a high  regard 
for  deer  welfare  in  their  area,  and  would  like  to  prevent 
harni  being  inflicted  on  local  deer  populations.  The 
second  statement’s  position  correlates  with  the  general 
findings  from  the  focus  groups  that  people  enjoy  seeing 
deer  and  therefore  want  to  care  for  them  in  some  way  by 
looking  after  their  welfare.  Direct  damage  by  deer  seen  in 
the  two  statements  in  joint  4*  position  shows  that  direct 
physical  impacts  by  deer  were  not  of  a high  concern  for 
residents.  Least  concern  was  the  statement  relating  to 
obtaining  economic  gain  from  a local  deer  population  via 
sport  shooting.  This  con'elates  with  results  from  the  focus 
groups  that  sport  shooting  was  mainly  only  done  in  the 
Scottish  Highlands  and  wouldn’t  be  an  activity  by  people 
in  Central  Scotland.  A comment  from  the  focus  group 

“I  couldn’t  see  them  [tourists]  coming  here  and  saying 
‘while  we  are  in  Motherwell  and  Lanarkshire,  we’ll  go 
and  see  deer’.  But  I would  think  they  might  think  that 
way  if  they  were  heading  for  the  Glencoe  area  for 
instance  or  above  Stirling. . (Community  Group  1 ) 

Therefore  it  is  perceived  that  no  economic  value  would 
be  practically  obtained  by  local  people  if  deer  were  sport 
hunted  in  their  local  community. 

From  study  B it  was  found  that  deer  in  Linlithgow  had  a 
deer  density  estimate  of  0.9km^  in  open  areas  and  0.8  km' 
^ in  forested  areas.  Ravenscraig  had  a deer  density 
estimate  of  3.3km'^  in  forested  areas  and  1 .4  km'^  in  open 
areas.  These  density  estimates  are  rough  estimates  as  not 
all  transects  could  be  done  due  to  access  issues  in  2009, 
but  the  vast  majority  were  completed.  Furthermore  the 
estimates  were  taken  from  driving  along  farm  roads  at 
night  and  it  can  be  assumed  that  not  every  deer  can  be 
seen  from  farm  road  positions.  Roe  deer  were 
distinguished  from  other  deer  by  their  small  to  mid  size 
and  by  the  fact  that  they  were  seen  in  groups  of  about  2 
or  3 individuals.  The  thermal  imaging  camera  only 
showed  a bright  silouhette  of  deer  so  it  was  reliant  on  the 

observer  to  fully  determine  if  the  deer  seen  was  roe. 
However  local  knowledge  and  experience  of  using  the 
thermal  imaging  camera  before  helped  to  reduce 
identification  bias.  The  results  however  show  that  deer 
densities  are  relatively  low  for  both  case  study  areas  and 
show  that  Ravenscraig  has  a higher  deer  density  than 
Linlithgow,  and  could  be  due  to  the  Ravenscraig  site 
having  a higher  sampling  intensity  with  1 88  km^  sampled 
compared  to  88  km^  in  Linlithgow.  (This  was  in  part  due 
to  snowfall  preventing  more  sampling  being  undertaken 
in  Linlithgow  at  time  of  survey).  Overall  the  densities  for 
each  case  study  are  in  agreement  with  focus  group 
findings  that  deer  exist  in  the  community  but  are  not  very 
commonly  seen  by  residents. 

The  study  shows  through  themial  imaging  surveys, 
questionnaires  and  via  focus  groups  that  roe  deer  are 
penetrating  into  peri-urban  environments  within  Central 
Scotland  and  this  is  the  first  study  of  its  kind  in  Scotland. 
The  density  of  deer  is  low  in  comparison  to  mean  deer 
densities  in  the  Scottish  highlands  that  may  be  as  great  as 
30km'^  (SNH,  2012),  but  the  landscape  and  deer  species 
(red  deer)  being  different  are  contributing  factors  for  this 
difference.  The  study  also  highlights  the  respect  the 
general  public  have  for  deer,  and  the  benefit  deer  have  to 
the  wellbeing  of  humans  within  peri-urban  environments, 
as  with  most  nature  species.  In  relation  to  the  theme  of 
connecting  communities  and  nature  discussed  at  the 
Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  Conference  on  Urban 
Biodiversity,  there  were  several  plans  to  develop  green 
conidors  in  urban  environments  to  improve  connectivity 
of  nature.  Such  ideas  were  the  Integrated  Habitat 
Networks  proposed  by  SNH,  Woodlands  In  And  Around 
Towns  by  the  Forestiy  Commission,  Living  Waters 
project  by  Froglife  and  the  importance  of  bings  and 
brownfield  sites  were  highlighted  by  the  University  of 
Edinburgh  and  Buglife  respectively.  These  schemes 
would  encourage  deer  and  other  species  to  move  into  and 
around  urban  and  peri-urban  environments.  This  may 
help  to  increase  peoples’  perceptions  that  they  are  living 
in  a healthy  environment  because  their  local  area  is 
supporting  species  such  as  roe  deer.  Increasing  deer 
populations  in  peri-urban  environments  may  raise 
important  management  issues.  If  deer  numbers  were  to 
increase  substantially  impacts  such  as  deer  vehicle 
collisions  and  damage  to  parks  and  gardens  will  need  to 
be  addressed.  However  from  the  focus  groups  and 
questionnaire  no  management  was  deemed  necessaiy  by 
residents  as  the  deer  population  was  seen  as  too  low  to 
justify  any  current  management  plans.  Therefore  deer  in 
peri-urban  environments  at  this  moment  in  time  present  a 
positive  factor  if  seen  in  local  green  spaces. 


Dandy,  N.,  Ballantyne,  S.,  Moseley,  D.,  Gill,  R.  and 

Quine,  C.,  2009.  Management  of  Roe  Deer  in  Peri- 

Urban  Scotland.  Final  Report.  Forest  Research 


Mammal  Society.  conten 





Accessed:  2012. 

NBN  Gateway. 



Accessed:  2012. 

NBN  Gateway. 


Accessed:  2012. 

NBN  Gateway. 


&srchSpKev=NBNSYS0000005 1 44. 

Accessed:  2012. 

NBN  Gateway. 


Accessed:  2012. 

NBN  Gateway. 

http://data. iik/gridMap/gridMap.isp?allDs=l 


Accessed:  2012. 

Scottish  Natural  Heritage. 

Accessed:  21/01/12. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Epigeal  invertebrate 
abundance  and  diversity  on  Yorkshire 

S.  Turnbull'  & G.  Scott“ 

'Ladysmith,  Chapel  Hill,  Portmahomack,  by  Tain.  1V20 

^Biological  Sciences,  University  of  Hull,  Cottingham 
Road,  Hull.  HU6  7RX 



After  more  than  half  a century  of  neglect  and  decline, 
allotments  are  on  the  brink  of  a great  revival  (Foley, 
2004).  Recent  decades  in  particular  have  witnessed  a 
growing  demand  for  allotments,  partly  linked  to  the 
demand  for  healthy,  pesticide-free  food  and  an  escape 
from  the  pressures  of  modern,  busy  urban  lives.  The 
image  of  traditional  plot-holders  e.g.  retired  men  may  be 
slowly  changing.  Allotment  plots  are  increasingly 
managed  by  young  women  and  professional  couples  keen 
to  grow  organic  crops  or  seek  an  escape  from  the  daily 
grind  (Buckingham,  2005;  pers  obs).  In  parallel  to  the 
increased  interest  in  the  socio-economic,  health  and 
recreational  benefits  of  allotments,  there  is  a growing 
interest  in  the  biodiversity  value  of  these  unique  mosaics 
of  intensively  managed  habitat  (Gilbert,  1991). 
However,  to  date  there  has  been  little  published  research 
which  concentrates  on  them. 

Marshall  (2009)  used  a questionnaire-based  survey  to  'i 
assess  garden  and  allotment  biodiversity  and  attitudes  to 
it.  He  found  that,  among  other  things,  having  direct  , 
contact  with  plants  and  wild  animals  in  a garden  or 
allotment  helped  foster  a wider  interest  in  nature.  Thus, 
allotments,  because  they  typically  involve  a cross-section 
of  a community,  can  offer  an  ideal  opportunity  to  engage  : 
people  on  an  individual  or  community  level  and  allow 
them  to  take  a greater  interest  in  their  local  wildlife. 

The  aims  of  our  research  were  to  test  any  variation  in 
epigeal  (ground-dwelling)  invertebrate  abundance  and  I 
diversity  along  an  urban-rural  gradient,  in  relation  to  any  ' 
effects  of  allotment  plot  management  styles  i.e.  . 
traditional  or  wildlife-friendly. 


A questionnaire-based  survey  was  used  to  detennine  : 
plot-holder  attitudes  to  allotment  management  styles  and  ■ 
the  importance  of  wildlife  on  the  sites.  From  these  data, 
individual  plots  across  allotment  sites  in  east  Yorkshire 
were  identified  to  sample  the  epigeal  invertebrates.  In 
addition,  plots  were  assigned  as  being  either  ‘traditional’ 
or  ‘wildlife-friendly’  based  on  self-declaration.  A range  ;! 
of  environmental  data  were  collected  to  detemiine  the  li; 
urban-rural  gradient  e.g.  rural  sites  were  likely  to  have  a i] 
high  percentage  of  sunounding  farmland  whilst  urban  ! 
sites  were  likely  to  have  a high  percentage  of 
suiTounding  hard  cover.  These  data  were  infonued  by 
the  results  of  the  Biodiversity  in  Urban  Gardens  in 
Sheffield  (BUGS)  project  which  examined,  among  other 
things,  garden  invertebrate  biodiversity  (Smith  e!  al, 
2006  a,b).  Three  pitfall  traps,  pooled  per  plot,  were  used 
to  sample  invertebrate  abundance  and  diversity  in  May  i? 
and  September  2006  on  six  plots  from  each  of  seven  , 
sampling  sites  chosen  (N  = 6x7x2-10  plots 
compromised/vandalized  = 74)  . These  sites  represented 
an  urban-rural  gradient  and  each  site  contained  three 
‘traditionally’  managed  plots  and  three  organic,  wildlife- 
friendly  plots,  as  identified  from  the  questionnaires. 



Pitfall  trapping  resulted  in  the  collection  of  11,718  |j 
individual  organisms;  eight  taxa  were  subject  to  fiirther  1^ 
analysis.  There  was  a significant  difference  in  the  mean  : 
number  of  individuals  per  allotment  site  (Fig  1).  The  - 
rural  Driffield  allotment  site  contained  significantly 
lower  overall  invertebrate  abundance  compared  to  the 
Newland  site  in  Hull  city  centre,  which  had  the  highest  | 
abundance.  Although  none  of  the  other  sites  were  f 
statistically  different  from  each  other,  there  was  a trend  , 
towards  an  increase  in  mean  abundance  moving  towards  ,■ 
the  city  centre.  ' 


Beetles  (Coleoptera)  constituted  37.95%,  woodlice 
(Isopoda)  24.03%  and  spiders  (Araneae),  16.93%  of  the  v 
catch  respectively.  Urban  sites  tended  to  be  dominated  ( 
by  woodlice  whilst  beetles  tended  to  be  more  common  on  j 
some  suburban  and  rural  sites.  The  results  for  spiders  and 
the  other  five  taxa,  whose  abundance  ranged  between 
0.73%  - 8.96%  of  the  total  catch,  showed  mixed 
abundance  across  the  urban-rural  gradient  (Fig  2). 


With  regard  to  overall  invertebrate  abundance  in  relation 
to  management  styles,  the  urban  wildlife-friendly 
managed  plots  contained  significantly  higher  abundance 
compared  to  all  other  plots,  except  the  urban  traditional 
plots.  The  latter,  whilst  not  statistically  significant,  did 
not  contain  such  high  abundance  as  the  urban  wildlife 
plots.  This  therefore  highlighted  a trend  towards 
increased  abundance  along  the  rural,  suburban,  urban 
gradient,  especially  on  those  plots  managed  in  a wildlife- 
friendly  way. 

The  effects  of  management  style  on  individual  taxa  gave 
mixed  results;  different  taxa  dominated  over  differing 
management  styles.  Beetles  were  significantly  more 
abundant  on  traditionally  managed  plots.  In  contrast,  the 
woodlice,  slugs  and  snails  (Mollusca)  were  significantly 
more  abundant  on  wildlife-friendly  managed  plots. 
Spiders,  opilione,  millipedes  and  centipedes  (Myriapoda) 
showed  little  difference  in  abundance  in  relation  to 
management  style.  The  most  biologically  diverse  plots 
were  managed  in  a wildlife-friendly  way,  with  the 
highest  diversity  found  on  a rural  site  at  Driffield. 
Interestingly,  this  site  also  contained  the  lowest  diversity 
on  the  traditionally  managed  plots. 


This  study  has  shown  that  there  is  considerable  interest 
from  allotment  plot-holders  in  projects  that  recognize  the 
value  of  “their”  allotments.  Whilst  older  men  still 
dominate,  there  are  an  increasing  number  of  community 
groups,  younger  families  and  especially  women,  taking 
on  allotments.  The  latter  are  also  more  likely  to  place  a 
higher  value  on  the  wildlife  on  their  plots  and  sites,  as 
shown  by  their  commitment  to  manage  their  plots  in  an 
organic,  wildlife-friendly  way. 

The  epigeal  invertebrate  taxa  on  the  seven  allotment  sites 
studied  showed  a significant  variation  in  both  abundance 
and  diversity  along  an  urban-rural  gradient.  In  contrast 
to  what  may  have  been  expected,  the  urban  sites 
contained  the  highest  abundance  whilst  the  rural  sites 
contained  the  lowest.  Whist  urban  sites  are  likely  to  be 
subject  to  a higher  range  of  anthropogenic  pressures, 
each  allotment  site  may  be  a small-scale  biodiversity 
oasis,  due  partly  to  the  lack  of  other  suitable  suiTounding 
habitat  patches  compared  to  rural  areas. 

The  composition  of  the  taxa  found  in  the  current  study 
was  similar  to  that  of  the  BUGS  studies  mentioned 
above,  but  the  actual  proportions  of  some  of  the  taxa 
were  quite  different.  For  example.  Smith  et  al.  (2006b) 
found  that  the  three  most  abundant  taxa  of  the  pitfall 
traps  were  woodlice  (45%),  beetles  (25%)  and  slugs 
(19%)  respectively,  whilst  in  the  current  study  they 
constituted  24%,  38%  and  9%  respectively.  The  most 
abundant  taxa,  the  beetles,  dominated  the  rural,  and  to 
lesser  extent  suburban,  sites.  The  woodlice,  however, 
dominated  the  urban  sites,  suggesting  that  they  prefer 
synanthropic  environments.  In  addition,  spiders 
contributed  1 7%  of  the  total  catch,  compared  to  less  than 
5%  in  the  BUGS  study. 

The  reasons  for  these  differences  are  likely  to  be  many 

and  require  further  exploration.  However,  in  the  case  of 
the  slugs,  it  is  likely  that  this  group  would  be  very 
actively  discouraged  from  allotments,  due  to  their 
primary  raison  d'etre  as  a means  of  growing  food  crops. 
Slug  pellets  were  the  most  common  pesticide  used,  as 
evidenced  in  the  questionnaires,  supporting  this 

Whilst  management  style  suggests  no  overall  difference 
in  total  invertebrate  abundance,  the  differences  at 
geographic  scale  do  appear  to  show  some  effect.  The 
higher  abundance  found  on  the  wildlife-friendly 
allotment  plots  in  the  city  centre  may  be  due  to  a skewed 
effect  of  the  high  number  of  woodlice  on  these  plots,  as 
discussed  above. 

Overall,  the  diversity  of  the  taxa  found  suggests  that 
allotments  are  valuable  habitats  for  epigeal  invertebrates. 
The  highest  invertebrate  diversity,  found  at  the  rural 
Driffield  wildlife-friendly  plots,  corresponds  with  their 
low  abundance  and  requires  further  study  to  tiy  and 
explain  the  reasons.  The  environmental  data  gathered 
suggests  that  the  high  proportion  of  fannland 
surrounding  the  allotment  site  may  account  for  some  of 
the  variation.  Species  arc  likely  to  be  able  to  disperse 
readily  into  the  suiTounding  habitat,  unlike  the  more 
constrained  urban  habitat  patches. 


Further  work  is  ongoing  to  identify  the  three  most 
abundant  taxa  to  species  level  from  a rural,  suburban  and 
urban  allotment  site  respectively.  Additional  analysis  of 
the  questionnaire  data,  environmental  and  biological  data 
will  be  published  separately  in  due  course.  This  work 
will  therefore  provide  some  much-needed  empirical  data 
on  the  epigeal  invertebrate  communities  present  on 
Yorkshire  allotments.  This  baseline  infonnation  could 
then  be  used  to  explore  further  issues  such  as  biological 
control  methods  or  effects  of  climate  change  on  crop 
growing  on  allotments. 


The  increase  in  popularity  of  allotments  offers  a great 
opportunity  to  study  the  wildlife  benefits  of  such  sites, 
particularly  in  urban  areas  where  greenspace  is  at  a 
premium.  In  order  to  advance  these  studies,  it  is 
important  to  engage  with  individual  plot-holders. 

The  epigeal  invertebrate  taxa  found  on  these  allotments 
are  similar  to  those  found  in  garden  studies,  but  the 
proportions  of  dominating  taxa  vary  across  the  urban- 
rural  gradient  and  with  management  styles.  Abundance 
was  higher  on  urban  plots,  especially  wildlife-friendly 
managed  ones,  compared  to  both  traditionally  and 
wildlife-friendly  managed  plots  on  mral  or  suburban 
sites.  Invertebrate  diversity  was  highest  on  some 
wildlife-friendly  rural  plots,  which  also  had  low 
abundance.  Future  work  will  help  identify  the  specific 
species  present  and  provide  further  clues  to  their 
ecological  role  on  allotment  sites. 













DR  Driffield;  HN  Hunmanby;  CT  Cottingham;  BV  Beverley;  BR  Bridlington;  BD  Bude;  NW  Newland 

Fig.  1.  Mean  number  of  invertebrates  per  Yorkshire  allotment  site  (+  SE),  based  on  individual  plot  totals  (N=74), 
grouped  per  urban-rural  gradient.  (RR=n,iral;  SU=suburban;  UU=urban.) 


□ Driffield  □ Hunmanby  □ Cottingham  □ Beverley  H Bridlington  e Bude  ■ Newland 

Fig.  2.  Total  number  of  each  invertebrate  taxon  from  pitfall-traps  on  seven  Yorkshire  allotment  sites. 



Buckingham,  S.  (2005).  Women  (re)construct  the  plot; 
the  rcgen(d)eration  of  urban  food  growing.  Area, 
37,  2,  171-179. 

Foley.  C.  (2004).  The  Allotment  Handbook.  New 
Holland,  London. 

Gilbert,  O.L.  (1991).  The  Ecology’  of  Urban  Habitats. 
Chapman  & Hall,  London. 

Marshall,  T.  (2009).  Rural  gardens,  allotments  and 
biodiversity.  British  Wildlife,  21,2,  85-95. 

Smith,  R.  M.,  Warren,  P.  H.,  Thompson,  K.  & Gaston, 
K.  J.  (2006a).  Urban  domestic  gardens  (VI): 
environmental  correlates  of  invertebrate  species 
richness.  Biodiversity’  and  Consen>ation,  15,  2415- 

Smith,  R.  M.,  Gaston,  K.  J.,  Warren,  P.  H.  & 
Thompson,  K.  (2006b).  Urban  domestic  gardens 
(VIII):  environmental  correlates  of  invertebrate 
abundance.  Biodiversity  and  Consen’ation,  15, 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challanges:  Brownfields:  oases  of 
urban  biodiversity 

Craig  R.  Macadam'  and  Suzanne  Z.  Bairner“ 

‘Buglife  - The  Invertebrate  Conservation  Trust, 
Balallan  House,  24  Allan  Park,  Stirling,  FK8  2QG 
^ BTCV  Scotland  Natural  Talent  Apprentice 

E-mail:  craig.macadam(^buglife. 


Despite  their  potential  to  support  biodiversity,  a strong 
negative  public  image  has  been  attached  to  brownfield 
sites,  with  the  conservation  of  these  sites  therefore 
lagging  behind  other  habitats.  The  inclusion  of  ‘Open 
Mosaic  Habitats  on  Previously  Developed  Land 
(OMHPDL)’  as  a UK  Biodiversity  Action  Plan 
(UKBAP)  priority  habitat  has  however  resulted  in  a 
renewed  focus  on  brownfields  as  important  wildlife 
habitats.  The  experiences  of  Buglife  - The 
Invertebrate  Conservation  Trust  in  both  the  Thames 
Gateway  and  central  Scotland  have  shown  that 
brownfield  sites  can  support  many  rare,  scarce  and 
UKBAP  priority  species,  some  of  which  are  becoming 
increasingly  reliant  on  such  sites  as  their  natural 
habitats  come  under  threat. 


The  industrial  revolution  starting  in  the  eighteenth 
century  transfonned  the  scenes  of  our  towns  and 
countiyside.  Central  Scotland  was  at  the  heart  of  this 
revolution  and  many  heavy  engineering  works  and  iron 
founders  were  based  there.  With  the  demise  of  these 
industries  across  the  country,  their  fomier  premises 
have  been  left  derelict.  Many  of  these  ex-industrial 

sites  have  since  been  reclaimed  by  nature  through 
natural  succession. 

This  rich  industrial  heritage  of  Scotland  has  resulted  in 
over  10,000  hectares  of  land  being  listed  as  vacant  or 
derelict.  These  brownfield  sites  can  be  incredibly 
important  for  biodiversity,  often  supporting  nationally 
important  populations  of  rare  and  endangered 
invertebrates,  alongside  other  wildlife  such  as  birds, 
reptiles,  plants  and  lichens.  With  the  loss  of  natural 
habitats  in  the  wider  countryside  through  agricultural 
intensification  and  development,  wild  areas  within  the 
urban  environment  have  become  crucial  to  the  survival 
of  many  increasingly  threatened  species  in  the  UK.  As 
a result  Open  Mosaic  Habitat  on  Previously  Developed 
Land  (OMHPDL)  was  recently  included  as  a UKBAP 
priority  habitat. 

Brownfields  are  any  site  that  have  been  altered  by 
human  activity  and  are  currently  not  fully  in  use 
(CABE,  2006).  They  tend  to  be  concentrated  in  urban 
and  former  industrial  landscapes  but  also  include 
quaiTies,  spoil  heaps,  old  railway  lines  and  disused 
airfields  (Allan  et  al.  1997;  Bodsworth  et  al.  2005; 
Whitehouse,  2008;  Riding  et  al.  2010).  Brownfield 
sites  provide  linkages  or  ‘stepping  stones’  between 
more  natural  areas  of  habitat  and  facilitate  the 
movement  and  mixing  of  individuals  in  a less 
favourable  urban  setting.  Lack  of  management  of 
brownfields  often  creates  an  open  mosaic  of  habitats 
such  as  species  rich  grassland,  bare  ground  and  early 
successional  habitats  (Key,  2000;  Bodsworth  et  al. 
2005;  Harvey  et  al.  2008).  This,  combined  with  a low 
nutrient  content  of  the  soil  which  prevents  fast  growing 
species  becoming  dominant,  provides  a continuity  of 
resources  for  invertebrates  throughout  the  season 
(Harvey  et  al.  2008).  In  addition,  a mosaic  of  habitats 
provides  a home  for  a wide  range  of  species  and  allows 
many  to  complete  their  life  cycles  within  the  same  site 
(Bodsworth  et  al.  2005). 

It  has  long  been  recognised  that  brownfields  may  have 
as  many  associated  Red  Data  Book  (RDB)  and 
Nationally  Scarce  invertebrate  species  as  ancient 
woodlands  (Jones,  2003).  At  least  194  invertebrate 
species  of  conseiwation  importance,  including  50  red 
data  book  and  131  nationally  scarce  species,  have  been 
recorded  from  brownfield  sites  in  the  UK.  This 
includes  50%  of  rare  solitary  bees  and  wasps  and  35% 
of  rare  ground  beetles  (Bodsworth  et  al.  2005). 
Brownfields  also  support  a suite  of  UKBAP  priority 
species.  For  example,  the  lack  of  management  on 
brownfield  sites  often  provides  a secure  area  for 
breeding  birds  such  as  skylark  (Alauda  an’ensis)  and 
grey  partridge  (Perdix  perdi.x),  that  are  often  absent 
from  land  under  agricultural  management.  Many 
features  identified  at  long  abandoned  industrial  sites 
can  no  longer  be  found  in  the  managed  and  over- 
fanned  wider  countiyside  or  even  in  over-tidied  parks 
(Bodsworth  et  al.  2005).  Loss  of  natural  habitat  is 
causing  many  species,  including  bumblebees,  beetles, 
butterflies  and  reptiles,  to  become  increasingly  reliant 


on  brownfield  sites. 

Despite  their  potential  to  support  biodiversity  a strong 
negative  public  image  has  been  attached  to  brownfields 
due  to  lack  of  management  and  a perceived  untidiness 
and  they  are  increasingly  threatened  by  development 
and  landscaping  (Key,  2000;  Riding  et  al.  2010). 
Restoration  of  post-industrial  sites  into  greenspace  can 
destroy  much  of  the  existing  wildlife  interest  through 
the  importation  of  large  quantities  of  topsoil  and  tree 
planting.  Site  restoration  can  also  result  in  the  loss  of 
particular  niches  at  brownfields  which  will  have  a 
knock  on  effect  on  the  wildlife  found  at  that  site 
(Bodsworth  et  al.  2005).  For  example,  the  loss  of  bare 
ground  at  a site  will  affect  themiophilic  (warmth- 
loving)  invertebrate  species  such  as  spiders  and  ground 
beetles  as  well  as  species  such  as  mining  bees  and 
solitary  wasps  that  nest  in  the  ground  (Key,  2000; 
English  Nature,  2005;  Whitchousc,  2008). 

In  2007  Open  Mosaic  Habitat  on  Previously  Developed 
Land  was  added  to  the  list  of  priority  habitats  in  the 
UK  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  (Maddock,  2008).  To  fit 
the  UKBAP  criteria  for  OMHPDL  the  site  must  be 
over  0.25  hectares  in  size  and  have  a known  history  of 
disturbance  (Table  1 ).  In  addition,  there  must  also  be  a 
mosaic  of  vegetation  on  the  site  comprised  of  early 
successional  communities  and  un-vegetated  bare  areas. 



The  area  of  open  mosaic  habitat  is  at  least  0.25 
ha  in  size. 


Known  history  of  disturbance  at  the  site  or 
evidenee  that  soil  has  been  removed  or  severely 
modified  by  previous  use(s)  of  the  site. 
Extraneous  materials/substratcs  such  as  industrial 
spoil  may  have  been  added. 


The  site  contains  some  vegetation.  This  will 
comprise  early  successional  communities 
consisting  mainly  of  stress  tolerant  species  (e.g. 
indicative  of  low  nutrient  status  or  drought). 
Early  successional  eommunities  are  composed  of 
a)  annuals  or  b)  mosses/livei'worts  or  c)  lichens 
or  d)  ruderals  or  e)  inundation  species  or  f)  open 
grassland  or  g)  flower  rich  grassland  or  h) 


The  site  contains  un-vegetated,  loose  bare 
substrate  and  pools  may  be  present. 


The  site  shows  spatial  variation,  fonning  a 
mosaic  of  one  or  more  of  the  early  successional 
communities  a)  - h)  above  (criterion  3)  plus  bare 
substrate,  within  0.25  ha. 

Table  1.  Open  mosaic  habitat  on  previously  developed 
land  definition  and  criteria  (Riding  et  al.  2010). 

The  conservation  of  brownfield  sites  has  lagged  behind 
other  important  habitats  for  plants  and  wildlife.  The 
term  brownfield  was  first  used  by  the  government  in 
1 998  when  they  set  a national  target  of  60  % of  all  new 
housing  developments  to  be  located  on  brownfield  land 
(Bodsworth  et  al.  2005;  Riding  et  al.  2010).  In 

Scotland,  the  National  Planning  Framework  aims  to 
bring  ‘vacant  and  derelict  land’  back  into  productive 
use  for  housing,  for  economic  purposes  and  to  create 
attractive  environments  however  there  is  potential  for 
this  vision  to  conflict  with  the  conservation  of  Open 
Mosaic  Habitats  on  Previously  Developed  Land  I 
OMHPDL  and  urban  biodiversity.  ■ 

Buglife  was  one  of  the  first  conservation  organisations 
to  highlight  the  ongoing  loss  of  brownfield  habitats  - j 
and  the  serious  consequences  of  this  for  biodiversity  - 
and  has  been  working  to  conserve  brownfield  wildlife 
since  2004.  Buglife’s  flagship  ‘All  of  a Buzz  in  the 
Thames  Gateway’  project  in  southem  England  has 
mapped  and  assessed  the  biodiversity  of  over  1,000 
brownfield  sites.  This  study  has  identified  that  although 
as  many  as  a third  of  all  brownfield  sites  support  high 
levels  of  biodiversity  - in  many  cases  significantly 
higher  than  surrounding  ‘greenfield’  agricultural  land  - 
many  of  these  sites  are  being  lost  to  development  as  a 
result  of  government  targets  for  new  housing. 

Brownfield  sites  in  the  Thames  Gateway  are  very  li 
important  for  the  brown-banded  carder  bee  (Bombiis  I 
Inimi/is)  and  the  shrill  carder  bee  {Bomhiis  sylvarum).  J: 
The  East  Thames  conddor  with  its  large  areas  of  open  | 
flower  rich  brownfield  grasslands  is  home  to  the  most  | 
important  remaining  metapopulations  of  these 

bumblebees.  [i 


The  streaked  bombardier  beetle  {Brachiinis  sclopeta)  I 
was  thought  to  be  extinct  in  Britain  but  was  :! 

rediscovered  in  2005  on  a brownfield  site  in  London 
(Jones,  2006).  The  site  is  cuirently  being  developed  j 
for  housing  and  as  mitigation  around  65  beetles  have  | 
been  translocated  to  a nearby  site.  Invertebrate  j 

translocations  typically  have  a low  success  rate, 
particularly  with  species  with  complex  life  histories  as  i' 
is  the  case  with  the  streaked  bombardier.  It  is  therefore 
highly  unlikely  that  this  mitigation  will  save  this 
species  at  this  site  and  it  may  well  become  permanently  S 
extinct  in  Britain. 

The  distinguished  jumping  spider  (Sitticiis  [| 
distinguendus)  was  discovered  during  surveys  in  2005  I 
at  West  Thurrock  Marshes  (Harvey,  et  al.,  2005).  This  | 
species  is  only  known  from  one  other  site  - 
Swanscombe  Marshes  where  it  is  threatened  by  re- 
development proposals.  The  site  at  West  Thuirock  | 
cuiTently  has  planning  pennission  for  warehousing  and  | 
car  parking  which,  if  developed,  would  destroy  the  5 
habitat  of  this  species. 


Evidence  suggests  that  this  issue  is  as  pressing  in  j 
Scotland  as  elsewhere.  In  September  2010  Buglife  | 
launched  a new  project  ‘All  of  a Buzz  Scotland’  as  a j 
response  to  this  challenge.  This  project  follows  in  the  | 
successful  footsteps  of  work  completed  in  the  Thames  j 
Gateway.  The  first  phase  of  this  project  assessed  1,522 
sites  listed  as  ‘derelict’  on  the  Scottish  Vacant  and 


Derelict  Land  Register  and  identified  393  sites  that  had 
the  potential  to  satisfy  the  UKBAP  criteria  for 
OMHPDL.  The  assessment  of  these  sites  followed  a 
remote  assessment  methodology  using  aerial 
photography  to  identify  features  typical  of  OMHPDL 
(Macadam,  2011). 

It  was  noted  during  this  initial  assessment  that  some  of 
the  aerial  photography  was  up  to  12  years  old  and  the 
sites  identified  as  potentially  fitting  the  criteria  for 
OMHPDL  may  no  longer  qualify  as  a priority  site  due 
to  re-development  or  succession  during  the  intervening 
period.  The  next  phase  of  this  project  is  therefore  to 
ground-truth  the  results  from  the  initial  assessment  to 
ensure  that  we  can  have  confidence  in  the  findings. 
Advice  and  infonnation  on  how  to  assess  a site  for  the 
presence  of  OMHPDL  to  ensure  that  Local/Planning 
Authorities  and  Government  Agencies  can  identify 
areas  of  OMHPDL  on  ‘new’  sites  in  the  future  will  also 
be  prepared.  Future  phases  of  the  project  will  promote 
the  management  of  brownfield  sites  for  biodiversity 
and  provide  guidance  on  tools  for  mitigation  in 
developments  such  as  green  and  living  roofs,  and  off- 
site habitat  creation. 

The  ‘All  of  a Buzz  in  Scotland’  project  will  produce 
much-needed  evidence  and  support  for  planners  and 
developers,  enabling  them  to  plan  and  implement 
developments  in  an  environmentally  sustainable  way. 
It  will  also  promote  more  natural  habitats,  native  plant 
species,  and  a ‘less  tidy’  approach  to  land  management 
both  within  developments  and  in  the  wider  urban 


Buglife  has  recently  undertaken  a more  detailed 
investigation  of  the  invertebrate  diversity  of  brownfield 
sites  in  the  Falkirk  area  (Baimer  and  Macadam,  2011). 
An  assessment  of  the  habitat  on  each  of  the  76  sites  in 
the  Scottish  Vacant  and  Derelict  Land  Register  for 
Falkirk  was  undertaken  during  May  2010.  Details  of 
each  site  were  recorded  using  Buglife’s  brownfield 
habitat  assessment  fonn  and  included  current  activity, 
the  vegetation  type,  plant  species  diversity  and 
abundance.  Photographs  were  taken  on  each  site  for 
future  reference.  Potential  invertebrate  species 
diversity  was  estimated  as  low,  medium  or  high  for 
each  site  based  on  plant  abundance  and  plant  species 
diversity  on  the  site  as  well  as  the  presence  of  a mosaic 
of  habitats,  including  bare  ground,  scrub  and  mixed 
grassland  and  herbs. 

From  the  sites  on  the  register,  1 9 were  chosen  as  being 
important  for  invertebrates. 

Invertebrate  survey  work  was  undertaken  on  14  of 
these  sites.  The  remaining  sites  from  the  register 
fitting  the  OMHPDL  criteria  were  visited  for 
assessment  purposes  but  no  invertebrate  survey  work 
was  possible  due  to  access  restrictions.  In  addition 
invertebrate  surveys  were  also  undertaken  at  two  other 
sites  which  are  not  on  the  vacant  and  derelict  land 
register,  but  have  been  previously  recognised  as  fitting 
the  criteria  for  OMHPDL. 

Surveys  of  brownfield  sites  in  Falkirk  commenced  in 
May  2010,  with  the  majority  of  field  work  carried  out 
between  June  to  October  2010  and  March  to  June 
2011.  Samples  of  teiTCStrial  invertebrates  were 
collected  using  pitfall  traps,  sweep  nets  and/or  pan 
traps.  When  collected  each  sample  was  labelled  with 
site  name,  collection  method  and  date  and  stored  in 
70%  alcohol.  Samples  were  first  sorted  into  different 
invertebrate  orders  and  then  identified  to  family,  genus 
or  species  by  close  examination  under  a high  power 
microscope  with  reference  to  taxonomic  books  and 
keys.  Most  groups  were  identified  to  species,  however 
in  the  Diptera,  Myriapoda,  Acari,  Collcmbola  and 
Mollusca  a lower  taxonomic  precision  was  used  in 
some  cases. 

Of  the  invertebrate  species  collected  during  survey 
work  75  have  not  been  recorded  from  the  Falkirk  area 
before.  A number  of  these  species  are  common  and 
widespread  in  Britain  including  the  green  tiger  beetle 
{Cicindela  campesths)  and  violet  ground  beetle 
(Carabus  violaceus),  the  field  digger  wasp  (Mel linns 
an>ensis)  and  maiTam  spider  (Tihellus  mariti/niis). 
Results  show  that  44  of  the  72  species  of  beetle 
recorded  during  survey  work  have  not  been  recorded  in 
Falkirk  before.  The  reason  why  there  are  no  records  for 
many  species,  particularly  beetles,  may  be  due  to  the 
lack  of  a local  biological  records  centre  for  the  area, 
although  there  are  relatively  few  active  entomologists 
in  the  area. 

The  diversity  of  invertebrate  species  collected  clearly 
shows  the  importance  of  brownfields  in  Falkirk.  As  an 
example,  the  brownfield  at  CaiTon  Works  (Forge  Dam) 
is  particularly  important  due  to  the  high  diversity  of 
plants  and  wildlife,  especially  the  invertebrates  that 
were  recorded.  Four  invertebrate  species  collected  at 
this  site  are  considered  rare  or  scarce  in  Scotland: 

• The  comb-footed  spider  Anelosimus  vittatus 
(Theridiidae)  is  widespread  and  common  in 
England  and  Wales  although  there  are  only  a few 
records  in  Scotland. 

• The  hobo  spider  Tegenaria  agrestis  (Agelenidae) 
is  a brownfield  specialist  and  was  previously  only 
known  from  five  locations  in  Scotland  (Bo’ness, 
Grangemouth,  two  locations  in  Edinburgh  and 
near  Dingwall  in  the  Highlands). 

• The  Nationally  Scarce  (Notable  B)  ground  beetle 
Amara  praetermissa  (Carabidae)  was  recorded  in 
Bo’ness  in  the  1980s  and  during  field  work  three 
individuals  were  collected  from  Can'on  Works. 
This  represents  only  the  second  record  of  this 
species  in  Scotland. 

• The  rare  (RDB3)  solitary  bee  Andrena  ruficrus 
(Andreninae)  has  previously  not  been  recorded 
from  Falkirk. 


Open  mosaic  habitats  with  vaiying  stages  of  natural 
succession  are  scarce  in  the  over-managed  and  fanned 
countryside.  In  an  urban  setting  brownfields  can  be 
used  as  ‘stepping  stones’  to  allow  movement  and 


mixing  of  animals  and  plants  across  an  area  (Macadam, 
2011).  Due  to  natural  succession  at  these  sites, 
brownfields  arc  transitory  habitats  and  if  left  un- 
managed they  have  a typical  lifespan  of  between  15 
and  20  years  (Key,  2000;  Bodsworth  et  al.  2005).  This 
is  not  necessarily  a problem  as  new  'brownfield’  sites 
are  always  being  created.  The  transitoiy  nature  of 
these  sites  means  that  the  extent  of  this  habitat  will 
fluctuate  as  a result  of  succession,  redevelopment  and 
dereliction.  The  species  that  inhabit  these  sites  will 
colonise  and  retreat  in  response  to  the  availability  of 
the  habitat  in  each  local  authority  area  however  it  is 
important  that  a series  of ‘stepping  stones’  are  provided 
as  refugia  for  these  species.  These  ‘stepping  stone’ 
sites  should  be  managed  to  retain  an  open  mosaic  of 
habitats  for  the  species  that  depend  upon  them. 

If  properly  managed,  brownfield  sites  with  high  value 
for  biodiversity  can  not  only  deliver  suitable  habitat  for 
many  species,  but  can  also  transfonn  themselves  into 
wild  city  spaces  full  of  wildflowers  that  will  attract 
pollinators  and  other  animals.  Such  sites  are  an 
important  part  of  the  habitat  network,  providing 
coiridors  for  species  to  disperse  around  and  through 
urban  areas.  Brownfield  sites  can  also  provide  valuable 
open  spaces  for  local  people  and  are  often  seen  as 
being  the  only  truly  ‘wild’  city  spaces  remaining  for 
the  public  to  enjoy  - the  ‘unofficial  countiyside’. 
There  is  great  potential  to  make  many  of  these  sites 
more  accessible,  safe  and  enjoyable  through 
imaginative  planning  and  positive  management.  In 
many  built-up  areas,  brownfield  sites  may  be  the  sole 
natural  grcenspacc  available.  If  properly  managed, 
they  could  help  significantly  to  reduce  the  number  of 
areas  deficient  in  accessible  open  space,  and  contribute 
to  the  delivery  of  urban  green  networks.  Improving 
access  to  green  spaces  will  bring  attendant  quality  of 
life  and  health  benefits  to  residents,  as  well  as 
economic  benefits. 

Recommendations  made  by  Bodsworth  et  al.  (2005)  for 
the  management  of  brownfield  sites  to  maximise  their 
value  for  invertebrate  conservation  include  suiweying 
sites  to  identify  their  wildlife  interest  and  the  protection 
of  sites  from  development.  Researchers  also 
recommend  the  management  of  bare  ground, 
vegetation  structure,  floristic  diversity  and  shelter  to 
maintain  biodiversity  at  a site  once  its  value  has  been 

The  importance  of  brownfield  wildlife  in  urban  areas 
must  be  recognised  and  valued  if  it  is  to  be  protected 
and  managed  as  a vital  component  of  the  townscape. 
Its  long-term  survival  will  depend  on  the  support  of  the 
local  people  who  use  and  value  their  local 
environment.  Developing  opportunities  for  people  to 
see,  enjoy  and  learn  about  brownfield  invertebrates  will 
help  increase  awareness  and  understanding  of  the  value 
of  biodiversity  in  urban  areas. 


Buglife  would  like  to  thank  Scottish  Natural  Heritage 

and  the  Central  Scotland  Green  Network  for  funding 

the  first  phase  of  the  ‘All  of  a Buzz  Scotland’  project. 

We  would  also  like  to  thank  BTCV  for  the  opportunity 

to  host  a Natural  Talent  apprentice. 


Allan,  R.  L.,  Dickinson,  G.,  Dickinson,  J.  H.,  Duncan, 
H.  J.,  Muiphy,  K.  J.,  Pulford,  I.  D.,  Rogerson,  R. 
and  Watson,  K.  (1997).  The  natural  heritage 
interest  of  bings  (waste  tips)  in  Scotland:  inventoiy 
and  review.  Scottish  Natural  Heritage.  48. 

Bodsworth,  E.,  Shepherd,  P.  and  Plant,  C.  (2005). 
Exotic  plant  species  on  brownfield  land:  their  value 
to  invertebrates  of  nature  conservation  importance. 
English  Nature  Resources  Report.  650. 

Baimer,  S.Z.  and  Macadam,  C.R.  (201 1).  Brownfield 
biodiversity  in  Falkirk.  Forth  Naturalist  and 

Commission  for  Architecture  and  the  Built 
Environment  (CABE).  (2006).  Making  contracts 
work  for  wildlife:  how  to  encourage  biodiversity  in 
urban  parks.  CABE  publications. 

English  Nature  (2005).  Management  of  bare  ground. 
English  Nature  report.  IN54. 

Haiwey,  P.,  Hitchcock,  G.  and  Jones,  R.  (2008). 
Thames  Gateway  Brownfields;  invertebrate 
biodiversity  and  management.  Buglife  - The 
Invertebrate  Conservation  Trust. 

Jones,  R.A.  (2003).  The  2001  Presidential  Address  - 
Part  2.  A celebration  of  urban  entomology.  British 
Journal  of  Entomology  and  Natural  History  1 6 (2): 

Jones,  R.A.  (2006).  BrachUms  sclopeta  (Fabricius)  ( 
Coleoptera)  confimied  as  a British  species.  The 
Coleopterist  15:  29-33. 

Key,  R.  (2000)  Bare  ground  and  the  conservation  of 
invertebrates.  British  Wildlife  1 1 183-191. 

Macadam,  C.  (2011).  All  of  a Buzz  Scotland: 
Identifying  open  mosaic  habitat  in  the  Central 
Scotland  Green  Network  area.  Buglife  - The 
Invertebrate  Conservation  Trust. 

Maddock,  A.  (ed.)  (2008).  UK  Biodiversity  Action 
Plan  Priority  Habitat  Descriptions:  Open  Mosaic 
Habitat  on  Previously  Developed  Land.  BRIG 
(Updated  July  2010). 

Riding,  A.,  Critchley,  N.,  Wilson,  L.  and  Parker,  J. 
(2010)  Definition  and  mapping  of  open  mosaic 
habitats  on  previously  developed  land:  Phase  1 
Final  Report.  ADAS  UK  Ltd. 

Whitehouse,  A.  T.  (2008).  Managing  aggregate  sites 
for  invertebrates:  a best  practice  guide.  Buglife  - 
The  Invertebrate  Conser\>ation  Trust. 


Urban  Biodiversity!  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Integrated  habitat 
networks  in  our  dear  green  space. 

Fiona  Stewart 

Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Caspian  House,  South 
Avenue,  Clydebank  Business  Park  G8 1 2NR. 



The  development  of  the  spatial  habitat  networks  known 
as  Integrated  Habitat  Networks  (IHN)  was  developed 
with  a range  of  partners  using  GIS  and  suite  of  spatial 
analyst  tools  known  as  BEETLE.  The  first  habitat 
networks  were  produced  for  the  Glasgow  and  Clyde 
Valley  area  in  2008.  A post  was  developed  to 
disseminate  the  resultant  woodland,  grassland  and 
wetland  networks  to  local  authorities  and  to  assist  them 
with  the  task  of  utilising  these  visual  networks  in 
development  planning,  development  management  and 
Master  planning. 

It  has  been  used  in  a variety  of  trial  projects  working 
with  architects,  planners,  SEPA  and  SNH  and  the  use 
of  IHN  for  production  of  green  networks  is  slowly 
gaining  momentum.  A hypothetical  use  of  IHN  was 
illustrated  within  a presentation  at  the  Glasgow 
Naturalist  conference  to  visually  demonstrate  its  use  in 
land  management  and  to  illustrate  the  very  visual  use 
of  the  IHN. 


In  2009  I started  as  project  officer  for  the  Glasgow  and 
Clyde  Valley  Green  Network  Partnership  (GCVGNP) 
and  SNH.  We  are  very  lucky  in  Glasgow  as  the 
Glasgow  and  Clyde  Valley  Structure  Plan  promotes  the 
vision  of  a Green  Network  and  the  newly  emerging 
Strategic  Development  Plan  carries  this  vision  within 
its  Main  Issues  Report  (MIR).  Our  area  could  be 
considered  pioneers  of  the  green  network  concept  as 
we  are  fortunate  in  having  a GCVGNP  team.  In  2008 
Forest  Research  were  commissioned  to  produce  habitat 
networks  for  the  GCV  area  and  to  illustrate  where  these 
networks  “integrated”  thus  producing  Priority 
Enhancement  Areas  (PEA’s).  This  was  undertaken 
using  GIS  and  a suite  of  spatial  analyst  tools 
collectively  given  the  name  BEETLE  (Biological  and 
Environmental  Evaluation  Tools  for  Landscape 

The  Planning  etc.  (Scotland)  Act  2006  resulted  in  the 
previously  non-statutory  National  Planning  Framework 
(NPF)  becoming  a statutory  document  and  this  is 
effectively  a spatial  plan  for  Scotland.  The  Act  also 
makes  provision  for  the  Framework  to  designate 
national  developments.  Within  NPF2  (2009)  The 

Central  Scotland  Green  Network  (CSGN)  is  one  of 
these  national  developments  and  the  location  and 
design  of  integrated  habitat  networks  is  clearly  stated 
as  one  of  the  matters  to  be  addressed  in  the  creation  of 
a CSGN.  Additionally  the  national  developments 
should  be  included  within  Strategic  Development  Plans 
(SDP)  and  Local  Development  Plans  (LDP).  The  IHN 
has  been  used  to  assist  within  the  planning  process  and 
small  pilot  projects  have  been  undertaken  in  several 
areas  now.  To  borrow  from  the  Main  Issues  Report 
(MIR)  for  the  Edinburgh  and  South  East  Scotland  SDP 
(2010)  known  as  SESPlan,  the  Green  Network  could 
be  defined: 

“[it]  comprises  the  network  of  green  spaces 
within  and  around  our  towns  and  cities,  linking 
out  into  the  wider  countryside,  which  underpins 
the  region’s  quality  of  life  and  sense  of  place 
and  provides  the  setting  which  high  quality, 
sustainable  economic  growth  occurs” 

Spatial  tool. 

The  Integrated  Habitat  Networks  allow  us  to  spatially 
see  where  our  efforts  can  be  concentrated.  We  can 
see  very  visually  see  where  the  habitats  cluster  into 
networks  and  equally  we  can  see  where  the  habitats 
sit  in  isolation  (Fig.l).  Lastly  the  modelling  process 
gives  us  an  indication  of  the  possible  spread  of 
species  to  surrounding  habitat  areas  by  using  a 
process  known  as  least  cost  distance  analysis  and  this 
gives  an  indication  of  the  networks  that  are  possible  in 
the  future  if  there  are  to  be  no  land  use  changes. 
These  are  the  habitat  networks  illustrated  by 

Fig.  1.  Example  illustrating  woodland  habitat 
“clustering”  and  sitting  in  isolation 
© Crown  copyright  and  database  right  [2010],  All 
rights  reserved.  Ordnance  Survey  Licence 
number  100017908 

However  the  question  of  whether  or  not  to  target  action 
to  habitat  clusters  and  also  the  sensitive  subject  of 
whether  or  not  to  concentrate  efforts  only  on  these 
larger  areas  capable  of  forming  habitat  networks  will 
depend  on  a variety  of  factors  outwith  that  of  forming 
habitat  networks  alone.  Priorities  will  vary  on  an  area 
to  area  basis  but  will  include  factors  such  as  socio- 
economics, sense  of  place  and  therefore  local 


importance  as  well  as  that  of  providing  “stepping 
stones”  for  species.  The  list  is  not  exhaustive. 


To  date  SEPA  and  the  GCVGN  partnership  has 
commissioned  a Clyde  pilot  study  “Ecological 
Networks  and  River  Basin  Management  Plans 
(RBMP)”  ( Entec  2010)  in  order  to  to  align  the  RBMP 
objectives  with  an  IHN  for  this  area.  Opportunities 
have  been  identified  addressing  diffuse  pollution  and 
reduction  of  morphological  pressures  on  watercourses 
whilst  also  enhancing  the  IHN  . It  has  also  been  used  to 
aid  the  master  planning  process  in  Glasgow  and  South 
Johnstone  and  at  development  plan  level  was  used  in 
the  Strategic  Environmental  Assessment  for  the  South 
Lanarkshire  Minerals  Plan. 

What  does  it  actually  do? 

The  IHN  addresses  habitat  fragmentation  by  veiy 
visually  illustrating  the  habitats  that  are  in  existence 
and  the  concentration  is  on  wetland,  woodlands  and 
grasslands.  Using  a focal  species  approach  to  assess 
the  functional  connectivity  of  habitat  for  species 
distribution,  a limited  number  of  species  were  used  to 
map  the  IHN’s.  This  generalises  the  species 
requirements  for  a particular  habitat  and  is  widely  used 
in  habitat  network  modelling.  It  also  removes  the  need 
to  carry  out  a large  number  of  individual  species 
analyses  (Smith  2008).  Those  used  have  included 
mountain  hare  Mustela  putorim,  great  crested  newt 
Tritimis  cristatus,  red  admiral  Vanessa  atlanta  , dogs 
mercury  Mercurialis  perennis  and  water  avens  Geum 
rivale  (Fig.  2).  They  encapsulate  species  requirements 
for  particular  habitats.  Similar  habitats  in  turn  have 
been  collated  to  form  generalist  habitats,  woodland, 
wetland  and  grassland  (Fig.  3)  it  is  however  possible  to 
separate  the  network  components  to  show  specialised 
networks  using  GIS.  Networks  such  as  acid  grassland 
and  ancient  woodland  can  be  clearly  illustrated  for 
example  and  this  ability  to  “drill  down”  may  prioritise 
our  land  management  decisions  in  the  future. 

The  process  of  habitat  network  modelling  has  been 
taken  a step  further  near  Inverness  as  part  of  the 
planning  process  for  Tomagrain  to  try  to  ensure  that 
red  squirrel  strongholds  are  retained  and  expanded 
using  the  least  cost  distance  analysis  pioneered  by 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage  and  Forest  Research.  Maps 
have  been  produced  to  illustrate  the  existing  red 
squirrel  areas  and  also  the  areas  that  could  host  red 
squin'els.  All  possible  very  quickly  by  computer 

The  city  of  Glasgow  is  always  depicted  as  the  “dear 
green  place”.  The  IHN  generalist  habitat  layers  allow 
us  to  see  where  our  networks  lie  and  see  where  there  is 
habitat  fragmentation.  Phase  1 data,  master  map  and  a 
variety  of  other  data  sets  have  been  used  to  calculate 
the  networks.  Note  that  the  habitat  networks  are  not 

wildlife  corridors.  They  are  a component  of  the  green 
network  but  the  habitats  within  the  IHN  must  fulfil 
certain  criteria  to  be  part  of  this  so  for  example  amenity 
grassland  is  generally  not  part  of  the  habitat  network. 
As  mentioned  previously  it  is  even  possible  to  further 
refine  our  visual  display  to  show  where  our  areas  of 
ancient  woodland  are  within  the  woodland  generalist 
layer  and  additionally  to  use  the  modelling  process  to 
show  how  the  network  could  expand  (Fig.  4). 

Fig.  4.  Data  licensed  to  Scottish  Natural  Heritage  under 
the  PGA,  through  Next  Perspectives.  Glasgow 
generalist  woodland  network  (red),  ancient  woodland 
network  (pink)  and  lilac  and  purple  showing  the 
possibility  for  expansion  of  the  ancient  woodland 

To  explain  the  IHN’s  possibilities  it  will  be  necessary 
to  set  the  scene.  Imagine  that  Glasgow  has  undergone 
a population  explosion  that  necessitates  the  local 
authority  to  consider  development  of  Dawsholm  Park. 
I use  this  example  because  it  is  an  instantly 
recognisable  area  on  a map  and  it  is  an  area  valued  for 
reasons  other  than  that  of  being  a valuable  component 
of  the  IHN’s!  Fig.  4 shows  that  within  the  north  west 
of  Glasgow  there  is  a substantial  area  of  ancient 
woodland  and  also  potential  for  ancient  woodland 
expansion.  However  to  look  at  the  ancient  woodland 
network  for  the  whole  of  Glasgow  (Fig  5)  it  is  possible 
to  see  that  these  areas  of  ancient  woodland  are  scarce 
throughout  the  city.  Equally  on  a larger  scale  we  can 
see  at  a glance  where  the  habitat  networks  in  Glasgow 
integrate  and  although  the  ecologists  amongst  us  will 
be  well  aware  of  these  “hotspots”  it  allows  us  to 
visually  show  the  high  habitat  value  of  areas  such  as 
Possil  Marsh  SSSI  which  is  an  important  component  of 
the  IHN.  It  does  not  sit  in  isolation  (Fig.  5).  Where  the 
habitats  networks  integrate  can  be  clearly  seen  as  can 
areas  that  could  be  improved  by  appropriate  land 
management  can  also  be  identified  helping  us  to 
prioritise  our  habitat  management. 


Mountain  hare  Lepus  timidus.  © Lome  Gill 

Red  Admiral  Vanessa  alalanta  © Lome  Gill. 

Great  crested  newts  Triturus  cristatus  © Sue 

Dogs  mercury  Mercurialis perennis.  © Lome  Water  avens  Geum  rivale  © Lome  Gill. 


Fig.  2.  Some  of  the  focal  species  used  for  IHN  analyses. 


Woodland  © Lome  Gill. 

Wetland  © Lome  Gill/SNH 

Grassland  habitat.  Lome  Gill/SNH. 

Fig.  3.  Generalist  habitats. 


Fig.  5.  Data  licensed  to  Scottish  Natural  Heritage  under  the  PGA,  through  Next  Perspectives.  Generalist  woodland 
networks  (red),  ancient  woodland  (pink),  grassland  including  marshlands  (yellow  and  green)  and  wetland  (blue). 


Scottish  Natural  Heritage  is  presently  working  on  a 
web  browser  tool  to  allow  all  of  us  with  a land 
management  interest  to  access  the  IHN  layers  to  assist 
with  our  land  management  decisions.  It  will  be 
possible  to  graphically  see  the  effect  of  development, 
land  use  changes  and  also  to  assist  land  agent  with  their 
Scottish  Rural  Development  Priority  applications  as 
there  will  be  a web  browser  tool  to  allow  us  to  add  and 
for  that  matter  remove  land  to  see  the  effect  on  the 
habitat  networks.  The  ecological  network  modelling 
will  be  possible  throughout  Scotland  and  access  will  be 
possible  via  the  SNH  website, 


The  IHN  is  a spatial  took  which  can  assist  us  with  our 
efforts  to  plan  our  green  networks  in  only  one  area  but 
also  across  our  various  local  authorities.  There  will 
always  be  an  element  of  ground  tmthing  required  but 
then  the  same  can  be  said  of  any  desk  top  analysis. 
Importantly  we  have  the  opportunity  to  strategically 
address  habitat  fragmentation  and  have  a tool  to  assist 
us  with  the  best  possible  “locations”  for  expansion  of 
these  networks. 


Since  the  conference  in  October  IHN’s  have  been 
created  for  the  whole  of  the  Central  Scotland  Green 
Network  area.  Data  and  further  information  can  be 
obtained  from  the  Central  Scotland  Green  Network 
Support  Unit. 


Corbett  A,  Hislop  M, Smith  M.  (2009)  Landscape 
Approach  to  Conservation  Management : Glasgow 

and  Clyde  Valley  case  study.  Ecological  networks: 
Science  and  Practice  Proceedings  of  the  16"’ 
Annual  (I ALE)  UK  conference  September  2009. 
East  Lothian  Council.  SESPlan  Main  Issues  Report 

d mfo.php?fileID=3 1 22 

Entec  (2010)  SEP  A and  GCVGN  partnership 
Ecological  networks  and  RBMP  - Clyde  Pilot 
Study.  basin  ulannim 

/area  advisoiy  eroups/clyde.aspx 
Smith  et  al,  (2008)  Forest  Research  . Glasgow  and 
Clyde  Valley  Integrated  Habitat  Networks. 
Rehfish  A,  (2010)  Town  and  Country  Planning  in 
Scotland.  SPICe.  Scottish  Parliament. 

h/briefings-ll/SBl  l-30.pdf 
Scottish  Government  (2009)  National  Planning 



Strategic  Development  Planning  Authority  for 
Edinburgh  and  South  East  Scotland  (2010)  Main 
Issues  Report  SESPlan. 
Scottish  Government 




Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  The  Biodiversity  in 
Glasgow  (BIG)  project:  the  value  of 
volunteer  participation  in  promoting 
and  conserving  urban  biodiversity. 

Humphreys,  E.M.‘,  Kirkland,  P.“,  Russell,  S.^, 
Suteliffe,  R.'^,  Coyle,  and  Chamberlain, 

'BTO  Scotland,  School  of  Biological  Sciences,  Stirling 
University,  Stirling.  FK9  4LA. 

■ Butterfly  Conservation  Scotland,  Balallan  House,  24 
Allan  Park,  Stirling,  FK8  2QG 
^Clober  Fann,  Milngavie,  Glasgow  G62  7HW 
Glasgow  Museums  Resource  Centre,  200  Woodhead 
Road,  South  Nitshill  Industrial  Estate,  Glasgow,  G53 

■'’6  Westerlands,  Glasgow,  G12  OFB 
^ Dipartimento  di  Biologia  Aniinale  e dell'Uomo, 
Universita  degli  Studi  di  Torino,  Via  Accademia 
Albertina  13,  10123  Torino,  Italy 

Conresponding  author  E-mail: 


Glasgow  is  an  ideal  city  in  which  to  look  at  urban 
biodiversity.  Over  20%  of  the  area  of  Glasgow  is  green 
space  including  74  parks,  over  30  allotment  spaces  and 
other  sites  of  potential  importance  to  urban  biodiversity 
such  as  rivers,  woodlands,  cemeteries  and  communal 
gardens.  In  temis  of  nationally  recognised  status  of 
nature  conservation,  Glasgow  holds  5 Sites  of  Special 
Scientific  Interest  (SSSIs)  and  7 Local  Nature  Reserves 
(LNRs).  It  also  has  46  and  49  Sites  of  Importance  for 
Nature  Conservation  (SINCs)  at  the  City  and  Local 
level  respectively'.  Glasgow  City  Council  (GCC)  in  a 
strategic  review  of  its  green  spaces  identified  a 
numbers  of  key  actions  including:  (a)  identifying 
amenity  grass  and  road  verges  that  could  be  subject  to 
less  intensive  maintenance  and;  (b)  the  inclusion  of 
biodiversity  as  an  integral  part  of  any  development 
projects  (GCC,  2005).  GCC  also  has  a programme  of 
habitat  enhancement  including  the  naturalisation  of 
artificial  ponds  and  creation  of  further  ponds  and 
wetlands,  wildflower  meadows  and  native  woodland. 
In  addition  the  Glasgow  Biodiversity  Partnership  has 
produced  a Local  Habitat  Statement  on  “Built  Up 
Areas  and  Gardens”,  as  part  of  the  Local  Biodiversity 
Action  Plan  (LBAP)  which  highlighted  the  need  to 
raise  awareness  of  urban  biodiversity  through 
promoting  access,  encouraging  public  participation  and 
the  use  of  appropriate  management  practices^. 






The  importance  of  urban  biodiversity  has  also  been 
highlighted  in  the  Scottish  biodiversity  strategy,  a 25 
year  plan  for  the  conservation  and  enhancement  of  ' 
biodiversity  in  Scotland.  This  document  sets  out  five  ! 
main  objectives:  halting  the  loss  of  biodiversity; 
increasing  awareness  of  biodiversity  and  engaging  ! 
people  in  conservation;  restoring  and  enhancing  | 
biodiversity  in  urban,  rural  and  marine  environments; 
ensuring  that  biodiversity  is  taken  into  account  in  all 
decision  making  and;  ensuring  that  existing  knowledge 
on  biodiversity  is  available  to  all  policy  makers  and 
practitioners  (Scottish  Government,  2004).  The 
Scottish  Biodiversity  Forum,  in  its  implementation 
plans  for  2005-2008,  has  also  highlighted  that  urban  5 
green  spaces  are  often  poorly  managed  and  sometimes  : 
dominated  by  non-native  invasive  species  that  are 
generally  of  low  value  for  urban  wildlife  (Scottish  | 
Government,  2005).  Consequently,  urban  environments 
such  as  green  spaces  and  corridors  offer  huge  potential 
for  improvement  through  schemes  to  conserve  and 
enhance  biodiversity. 


The  Biodiversity  in  Glasgow  (BIG)  project  was  set  up  | 
as  a collaboration  between  the  British  Trust  for 
Ornithology  Scotland,  Butterfly  Conservation  Scotland  I 
and  Glasgow  City  Council  and  ran  from  January  2007 
to  April  2009.  The  main  aim  of  the  project  was  to  carry  j 
out  the  largest  ever  volunteer  survey  of  the  birds,  » 
butterflies  and  their  associated  habitats  within  the  green  ; 
spaces  of  the  city.  This  information  was  then  used  to  j 
determine  which  habitats  are  the  most  important  in  ! 
terms  of  enhancing  bird  and  butterfly  diversity  within  ’ 
green  spaces.  \ 


Site  allocation  and  training  1 

More  than  100  green  spaces  were  surveyed  during  the  t 
BIG  projeet  and  full  details  are  provided  in  Humphreys  1 
et  al.  (20 1 1 ).  The  term  green  space,  as  used  here  covers  | 
a wide  range  of  sites  (eg.  parks,  cemeteries,  allotments, 
urban  woodlands,  open  spaces^)  and  in  over  90%  of  ; 

cases  were  owned  by  GCC.  Site  allocation  was  based  | 

on  proximity  to  either  where  volunteers  lived  or  ? 

worked  and  wherever  possible,  were  chosen  by  * 

volunteers  themselves.  The  size  of  green  spaces  used  in  ; 

the  BIG  project  ranged  from  just  under  2 ha  to  168  ha  ^ 
(although  the  largest  sites  were  subdivided  for  the 
purpose  of  surveying).  :j 

Although  some  of  the  BIG  volunteers  were  highly  ^ 
experienced,  many  people  had  never  earned  out  a j- 
survey  before.  Free  training  in  species  identification  ji 
and  survey  techniques  was  therefore  offered  to  all 
participants.  A total  of  1 08  and  88  people  were  trained  i 
for  the  bird  and  butterfly  surveys  respectively. 
Volunteers  also  received  regular  newsletters  jj 

throughout  the  project  which  featured  interim  results,  ■ 

^ The  category  of  open  space  describes  the  various 
combination  of  a wide  range  of  possible  habitats  which  are 
not  intensively  managed  including:  wetland,  raised  bog, 
bums,  woodlands,  heathlands,  pasture  and  open  water. 


personal  accounts  by  participants  and  articles  on  the 
best  green  spaces  in  Glasgow  to  visit. 

Bird  Surveys 

Volunteers  were  recommended  to  make  a pre-survey 
visit  in  early  April  in  order  to  estimate  the  percentage 
cover  of  the  different  habitats  within  their  site.  Three 
further  visits  were  then  made:  mid  April  to  mid  May, 
mid  May  to  mid  June  and  mid  June  to  mid  July.  Ideally 
survey  visits  were  carried  out  between  dawn  and  09:00 
but  if  that  was  not  possible,  observers  were  required  to 
choose  a time  of  day  that  was  convenient  and  cairy  out 
future  surveys  at  this  fixed  time.  Volunteers  were 
requested  to  walk  a survey  route  in  such  a way  that 
they  covered  the  whole  site  to  within  50m  ensuring  that 
they  did  not  double  count  any  birds  eg.  either  by 
zigzagging  or  using  parallel  lines.  Any  bird  species 
seen  were  then  counted  and  allocated  to  the  habitat 
type  in  which  they  were  first  seen.  Species  lists  for  all 
sites  were  checked  over  by  GCC  staff  to  identify 
records  that  were  unlikely.  In  such  instances,  if  these 
sightings  could  not  be  validated,  they  were 
subsequently  removed  from  the  site  lists  (see 
Humphreys  et.  a!  2011). 

Butterfly  and  day-flying  moth  Sui-veys 
Volunteers  were  recommended  to  undertake  a pre- 
survey visit  in  early  May  in  order  to  set  up  their 
transect  routes  and  estimate  the  percentage  cover  of  the 
different  habitats  within  their  sites.  Transects  were 
designed  to  take  less  than  60  minutes,  not  exceed  2 km 
in  length,  and  cover  a fair  representation  of  the  habitats 
present  at  the  site.  A minimum  of  four  monthly  visits  to 
carry  out  the  transects  were  recommended:  mid  May- 
mid  June,  mid-June  to  mid  July,  mid-July  to  mid- 
August  and  mid-August  to  mid-September.  Volunteers 
were  requested  to  walk  at  a slow,  steady  pace  counting 
all  butterflies  and  any  day-flying  moths  seen  within 
2.5m  either  side  of  the  transect  line  and  5m  ahead. 
Transects  were  to  be  canned  out  between  10:45  and 
15:45  hours  BST  and  ideally  in  good  weather 
conditions  (eg.  minimum  temp  of  11°C  and  wind 
speeds  less  than  5 on  the  Beaufort  scale).  All  records  of 
butterflies  were  checked  by  BC  Scotland  volunteers 
who  were  able  to  flag  up  records  which  were 
questionable  (based  on  location  and  time  of  year).  In 
such  instances  unless  validation  was  provided  the 
record  was  deleted  (see  Humphreys  et.  al  2011). 



A total  of  91  species  of  bird  was  recorded  in  the  city  of 
Glasgow  during  the  BIG  project  (with  up  to  61  species 
being  recorded  at  one  site  alone).  As  expected,  many 
birds  were  relatively  abundant  species,  but  what  was 
surprising  was  the  number  with  high  conservation 
value.  In  total,  there  were  15  UKBAP  and  4 LBAP 
birds  species  recorded  along  with  47  species  of  Birds 
of  Conseiwation  Concern  (see  Eaton  et  al,  2009,  for 
definition  and  Table  1).  These  key  lists  included 
species  that  have  become  synonymous  with  the  urban 
environment  such  as  House  Sparrow,  Swift  and 
Starling,  as  well  as  species  that  are  more  commonly 

associated  with  rural  habitats  including  Tree  Sparrow, 
Skylark  and  Yellowhammcr. 

Analyses  were  then  carried  out  to  look  at  the  habitat 
associations  of  birds  (see  Humphreys  et  al.,  2011  for 
further  details).  Species  richness  was  most  influenced 
by  the  overall  size:  the  larger  the  green  space,  the 
higher  the  species  richness  was  likely  to  be.  The 
presence  of  wild  areas  (unmown  rank  grass  or 
wild/weedy  areas)  had  the  greatest  single  effect,  with 
an  average  of  5.2  more  species  in  green  spaces  where 
wild  areas  were  present.  The  presence  of  a water  body 
(natural  or  ornamental)  was  also  found  to  be  important. 
Green  spaces  with  a water  body  had  an  average  of  4.9 
more  species  than  those  without.  Furthermore,  sites 
with  a wetland/marsh  area  present  had  on  average  2.8 
more  species  than  those  sites  without. 

Butterflies  and  day-flying  moths 
Seventeen  species  of  butterflies  and  9 species  of  day- 
flying moths  were  recorded  in  the  City  of  Glasgow  by 
volunteers  despite  the  relatively  wet  and  cold 
conditions,  particularly  in  2008  when  records  were 
notably  lower  throughout  the  whole  of  the  UK.  Two 
species  of  butterfly  had  UKBAP  listings:  Small  Heath 
and  Grayling  (Fox  et  al.,  2006).  Exciting  records 
included  Comma,  which  was  the  first  record  for  the 
city.  The  Comma  is  a generalist  species  that  has  a 
southerly  distribution  in  Britain,  although  over  the  past 
few  decades  it  has  shown  northern  range  expansions, 
almost  certainly  due  to  climate  change  (Warren  et  al., 
2001)  and  is  therefore  likely  to  become  much  more 
widespread  in  the  future.  Also  of  interest  were  the  good 
numbers  of  Ringlets  which  indicate  the  rapid  rate  of 
colonisation  of  Glasgow  by  this  particular  species, 
which  was  first  reported  within  the  city  boundaiy  in 
2005.  There  were  conspicuously  low  numbers  of  the 
Common  Blue,  however,  which  is  consistent  with  the 
documented  widespread  decline  across  the  UK 
(Botham  et  al.,  2008). 

Simple  analyses  were  then  earned  out  to  compare  the 
key  habitat  features  of  sites  in  which  butterflies  were 
recorded  with  those  of  sites  having  nil  records  (there 
were  too  few  records  for  day-flying  moths  for  any 
analyses  to  be  meaningful).  The  mean  percentage 
covers  of  wildflower/weedy  areas  for  sites  with  and 
without  butterflies  were  not  significantly  different. 
However,  the  mean  percentage  cover  of  unmown  or 
rank  grass  was  significantly  higher  for  those  sites  with 
butterflies  compared  with  those  without.  This  suggests 
that  the  area  of  unmown  grass  could  be  an  important 
determinant  of  whether  butterflies  will  be  present. 




The  overall  size  of  the  green  space  was  the  most 
influential  factor  in  detennining  species  richness  for 
birds.  Larger  sites  by  their  very  nature  however  are 
more  likely  to  contain  a greater  number  of  habitats. 
Consequently  it  is  difficult  to  tease  apart  the  relative 
importance  of  size  of  green  space  in  relation  to  greater 


diversity  of  habitats  (Chamberlain  et  ciL,  2007). 
Although  the  size  of  existing  sites  eannot  be  easily 
augmented,  there  may  be  potential  to  increase  area  by 
landscaping  adjacent  land  Alternatively  there  eould  be 
opportunities  to  join  up  existing  green  space  through 
the  creation  or  enhaneement  of  conddors,  defined  here 
as  linear  features  with  eontinuous  wildlife  habitat. 
Larger  green  spaces  could  be  ineoiporated  into  the 
design  of  new  towns. 

Wild  areas  (e.g.  patches  of  unmown  rank  grass  and 
wild/weedy  habitats)  were  also  important. These 
partieular  habitats  holding  important  numbers  of 
invertebrates  or  being  an  important  resource  for  seeds, 
particularly  outside  the  breeding  season.  The  presence 
of  water  bodies  creates  opportunities  for  an  additional 
water  bird  community  which  could  otherwise  not  be 
supported  e.g.  ducks  and  geese  some  of  which  have 
conservation  listing  (see  Table  1).  Wetland  and  marsh 
areas  were  also  important  for  overall  species  richness 
and  therefore,  should  accompany  the  creation  of  water 
bodies.  Moreover  for  existing  water  bodies,  there  may 
be  scope  to  incoiporate  wetland  habitat  if  they  do  not 
already  exist  (e.g.  naturalisation  of  waterbodies). 


Unmown/  rank  grass  was  shown  to  be  an  important 
factor  in  detennining  the  presence  of  buttertlies.  Some 
sites,  however,  had  unexpectedly  poor  numbers  of 
butterflies  despite  having  a high  percentage.  In  such 
cases,  the  grassland  was  likely  to  be  of  amenity  or 
agricultural  origin  and  thus  of  little  value  to  butterflies 
and  moths  as  food  resource  (although  it  may  provide 
over  wintering  habitat).  In  such  instances  the  creation 
of  new  wildflowcr-rich  or  semi-natural  grassland 
should  be  considered  instead. 

Consideration  should  also  be  given  to  the  frequency  of 
cutting  regimes  as  nectar  sources  and  cateipillars  arc 
destroyed  by  regular  mowing.  Even  annual  mowing  of 
grasslands  will  cause  losses  to  most  butterflies  and 
moths,  except  perhaps  those  that  pupate  in  the  soil. 
Thus  if  the  site  has  to  be  mown,  it  is  always  better  to 
have  a variety  of  cutting  regimes  so  a proportion  of  the 
population  has  a chance  of  survival. 


The  BIG  project  was  extremely  successful  in 
encouraging  new  volunteers  to  go  out  and  survey  birds 
and  butterflies.  Volunteers  had  often  previously  felt 
that  they  lacked  the  skills  or  the  confidence  to  get 
involved,  so  offering  targeted  training  really  was  key  to 
the  success  of  the  project.  The  first-time  surveyors  also 
reported  taking  great  satisfaction  in  developing  their 
identification  skills  as  the  project  progressed,  which 
really  reinforces  the  message  that  the  only  way  to  truly 
learn  is  to  get  out  there  and  practise! 

There  was  also  an  issue  of  people’s  perception  of  green 
spaces  particularly  when  volunteers  were  allocated  a 
site  that  was  previously  unknown  to  them.  A number  of 
volunteers  actually  voiced  their  initial  misgivings  over 

what  were  seemingly  uninviting  green  spaces  in  the 
spring  but  by  mid  summer  many  of  these  sites  had 
transfonned.  Participants  also  expressed  their  sheer  joy 
at  discovering  birds  and  butterflies  found  at  their  site 
that  would  have  been  potentially  overlooked  by  a 
casual  visit. 

By  informing  the  management  of  urban  greenspace  and 
promoting  the  awareness  of  urban  biodiversity,  the 
BIG  project  made  a significant  contribution  to  the 
LBAP  process.  GCC  has  gone  onto  to  be  involved  with 
the  Glasgow  Living  Water  Project,  a partnership  with 
Froglife  which  has  resulted  in  the  creation  of  new 
ponds  across  the  city  and  North  Lanarkshire.  Although 
the  management  of  these  water  bodies  is  intended  to 
benefit  primarily  amphibians,  it  is  likely  to  enhance 
overall  biodiversity.  In  addition,  in  2011  the  council 
started  a new  partnership  project  with  Buglife  called 
Glasgow’s  Buzzing  which  will  create  and  enhance 
grasslands  and  meadows  for  the  benefit  of  bees, 
butterflies  and  other  key  invertebrates.  Although  the 
BIG  project  was  initially  specific  to  Glasgow,  any 
generic  management  advice  will  have  applications  for 
urban  green  spaces  across  Scotland  and  will  therefore 
support  the  objectives  of  the  Scottish  Biodiversity 
Strategy.  Therefore,  if  lessons  from  the  BIG  project  are 
applied  to  other  cities  and  towns,  then  we  have 
demonstrated  how  anyone  can  help  contribute  to 
promoting  and  conserving  biodiversity  in  Scotland. 


Firstly  we  would  like  to  thank  the  all  the  volunteers 
who  participated  in  the  BIG  project.  We  would  also 
like  thank  Glasgow  City  Council  who  provided  logistic 
support  in  temis  of  the  distribution  of  promotional 
leaflets,  free  training  venues  and  staff  time  in  giving 
support  and  advice.  Funding  for  the  project  was 
provided  by  Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Scottish 
Government,  Glasgow  City  Council  and  the  Robertson 






Pink-footed  Goose 

Amber  List 

Greylag  Goose 

Amber  List 


Amber  List 


Amber  List 

Northern  Pintail 

Amber  List 

Common  Pochard 

Amber  List 

Tufted  Duck 

Amber  List 

Grey  Partridge 

Red  List 

Little  Grebe 

Amber  List 

Common  Kestrel 

Amber  List 

Eurasian  Oystercatcher 

Amber  List 

Ringed  Plover 

Amber  List 

Northern  Lapwing 


Red  List 

Eurasian  Curlew 


Amber  List 

Common  Sandpiper 

Amber  List 

Black-headed  Gull 

Amber  List 

Common  Gull 

Amber  List 

Lesser  Black-backed  Gull 

Amber  List 

Herring  Gull 


Red  List 

Stock  Dove 

Amber  List 

Common  Cuckoo 


Red  List 

Common  Swift 


Amber  List 


Amber  List 




Red  list 

Meadow  Pipit 

Amber  List 

Grey  Wagtail 

Amber  List 

Sand  Martin 

Amber  List 

Bam  Swallow 

Amber  List 

House  Martin 

Amber  List 


Amber  List 


Amber  List 


Amber  List 

Song  Thmsh 


Red  list 

Mistle  Thrush 

Amber  List 

Grasshopper  Warbler 

Red  List 


Amber  List 

Wood  Warbler 

Red  List 

Willow  Warbler 

Amber  List 

Spotted  Flycatcher 


Red  List 



Red  list 

House  Span'ow 


Red  List 

Tree  Sparrow 



Red  List 

Common  Linnet 


Red  List 

Lesser  Redpoll 


Red  List 



Amber  List 

Y ellowhammer 


Red  List 

Reed  Bunting 



Amber  List 

Table  1.  Species  of  bird  recorded  in  Glasgow  as  part  of  the  BIG  project  which  had  a conservation  listing. 
BOCC,  Birds  of  Conservation  Concern;  LBAP,  Local  Biodiversity  Action  Plan;  UKBAP,  UK  Biodiversity 
Action  Plan. 



Small  Heath  UKBAP 

Grayling UKBAP 

Table  2.  Species  of  butterfly  and  moths  recorded  in  Glasgow  as  part  of  the  BIG  project  which  had  a 
conservation  listing. 


Botham,  M.S.,  Brereton,  T.M.,  Middlebrook,  1., 
Cruickshanks,  K.L.  & Roy,  D.B.  (2008).  United 
Kingdom  Butterflv  Monitoring  Scheme  Report  for 
2007.  CEH  Wallingford. 

Chamberlain,  D.E.,  Gough,  S., Vaughan,  H.,Vickei'y, 
J.A.  and  Appleton,  G.H.  (2007).  Determinants  of 
bird  species  richness  in  public  greenspaccs.  Ibis  54, 

Eaton,  M.A.,  Brown,  A.F.,  Noble,  D.G.,  Musgrove, 
A.J.,  Hearn,  R.,  Aebischer,  N.J.,  Gibbons,  D.W., 
Evans,  A.  & Gregory,  R.D.  (2009).  Birds  of 
Conservation  Concern  3:  the  population  status  of 
birds  in  the  United  Kingdom,  Channel  Islands  and 
the  Isle  of  Man.  British  Birds  102,  296-341. 

Fox,  R.,  Asher,  J.,  Brereton,  T,  Roy,  D.  & Warren,  M. 
(2006).  The  State  of  Butterflies  in  Britain.  Pisces, 

Glasgow  City  Council  (2005).  Glasgow  Parks  and 
Open  Spaces-  Strategic  Best  Value  Review  and 
Implementation  Plan.  Glasgow  City  Council, 


Humphreys,  E.,  Kirkland,  P.  & Chamberlain,  D.C. 
(201  1).  The  Biodiversity  in  Glasgow  Project.  BTO 
Research  Report  603. 

Scottish  Biodiversity  Forum.  (2005)  Scotland's 
Biodiversity:  It's  in  Your  Hands:  Strategy 

Implementation  Plans  2005-2007 . 

Scottish  Government  (2004).  Scotland’s  Biodiversity: 
It 's  in  your  hands.  Scottish  Executive,  St  Andrews 
House  Edinburgh. 

Warren,  M.S.,  Hill,  J.K.,  Thomas,  J.A.,  Asher,  J.,  Fox, 

R. ,  Huntley,  B.,  Roy,  D.B.,  Tclfcr,  M.G.,  Jeffcoatc, 

S. ,  Harding,  P.,  Jeffcoatc,  G.,  Willis,  S.G., 
Greatorex-Davies,  J.N.,  Moss,  D.  & Thomas,  C.D. 
(2001 ).  Rapid  response  of  British  butterflies  to 
opposing  forces  of  climate  and  habitat  change. 
Nature  414,  65-69. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Bat  activity  in  urban 
green  space 

Kirsty  J.  Park',  Fiona  Mochar^  and  Elisa  Fuentes- 
Monteniayor  ^ 

Biological  and  Environmental  Sciences,  University  of 
Stirling,  Stirling,  Scotland,  UK,  FK9  4LA 





Green  spaces  within  urban  areas  can  be  important  for 
ameliorating  the  impacts  of  urbanisation  on 
biodiversity,  and  can  hold  relatively  rich  wildlife 
communities.  In  contrast  to  some  other  taxa,  relatively 
little  is  known  about  the  ecology  of  bats  in  urban 
environments,  and  in  this  study  we  aimed  to  identify 
site-specific  and  wider  landscape  features  that 
influence  bat  foraging  activity  within  areas  of  urban 
green  space.  Bat  activity  primarily  comprised 
Pipistrellus  pygmaeus  and  was  detected  at  86%  of 
parks  surveyed.  The  presence  of  water  bodies  and 
woodland  in  urban  parks  increased  bat  foraging  activity 
by  a factor  of  3.2  and  1.7  respectively.  Data  presented 
in  this  study  indicate  that,  for  this  species,  habitat 
within  a site  may  be  more  important  than  the  level  of 
urbanisation  or  woodland  cover  in  the  suiTounding 


Urbanisation  and  green  space 

Urbanisation  by  expanding  human  populations  reduces 
native  biological  diversity  by  decreasing  the  amount 
and  quality  of  habitat  available  for  wildlife,  and  by  the 
fragmentation  of  remaining  habitats  (e.g.  Marzluff  et 
ah,  1998).  It  has  been  estimated  that  currently  50%  of 
the  world’s  population  live  in  areas  classed  as  urban,  a 
figure  set  to  increase  along  with  the  human  population 
(United  Nations,  2008).  Urban  development  will 
therefore  continue  to  grow,  resulting  in  further  losses 
of  natural  and  semi-natural  habitats,  and  increasing 
pressure  on  remaining  habitat  fragments  which  may 
suffer  increasing  isolation  and  deterioration  in  quality 


(Marzliiff  and  Ewing,  2001;  Chamberlain  et  ai,  2007). 
Green  spaces  within  urban  areas  (e.g.  parks,  domestic 
gardens)  typically  consist  of  small,  highly  disturbed  or 
modified  patches  of  vegetation  distributed  within  a 
matrix  of  urban  development  such  as  buildings  and 
associated  infrastructure.  Whilst  several  studies  have 
shown  that  species  diversity  for  several  taxa  decreases 
along  the  rural-urban  gradient  (e.g.  Sadler  et  al,  2006; 
Duchamp  and  Swihart,  2008),  green  spaces  can 
nevertheless  ameliorate  the  impacts  of  urbanisation  on 
biodiversity,  and  may  hold  relatively  rich  wildlife 
communities  (e.g.  Chamberlain  et  al.,  2007;  Davies  et 
al,  2009).  Factors  commonly  found  to  influence  the 
abundance  and  diversity  of  several  taxa  (birds, 

mammals,  invertebrates)  include  the  size,  habitat 
quality  and  stracture  of  green  spaces,  although  the 
quality  and  proximity  of  suitable  habitat  in  the  wider 
landscape  can  also  be  important  (e.g.  Sadler  et  al, 
2006;  Baker  and  Harris,  2007;  Chamberlain  et  al, 
2007).  Clergeau  et  al.,  (2001)  and  Angold  et  al,  (2006) 
argue  that  appropriate  management  within  areas  of 
urban  green  space  areas  can  benefit  many  avian  and 
invertebrate  species  regardless  of  the  sumounding 
landscape,  and  such  actions  may  be  far  easier  to 
implement.  However,  the  relative  importance  of  local 
habitat  versus  the  wider  landscape  is  likely  to  vary 
markedly  between  species  depending  on  their 
ecological  requirements  and  mobility. 

Status  and  conservation  of  bats  in  Europe 
There  is  evidence  that  many  bat  species  in  Europe  have 
undergone  large  population  declines  during  the  20*'’ 
century,  driven  by  the  loss  of  foraging  and  roosting 
habitat.  A UK-wide  bat  survey  in  the  1990s  found  that 
habitats  favoured  by  foraging  bats  were  undergoing 
rapid  rates  of  loss  within  the  UK,  and  suggested  that 
this  may  be  limiting  bats  in  some  areas  (Barr  et  al, 
1993;  Walsh  et  al,  1996).  Although  it  remains  the 
most  abundant  and  widespread  bat  genus  in  the  UK, 
estimates  from  the  Annual  Bat  Colony  Survey  in  the 
UK  suggest  a decline  of  over  60%  between  1978  and 
1993  for  Pipistrellus  spp.  (Hutson,  1993).  The  species 
Pipistrellus  pipistrellus  was  only  recently  recognised 
as  two  separate  species,  P.  pipistrellus  and  P. 
pygmaeus  (International  Commission  on  Zoological 
Nomenclature,  2003),  so  it  is  not  known  whether  this 
decline  has  affected  both  species  equally. 

In  order  to  sustain  bat  populations,  urban  areas  need  to 
provide  both  roosting  and  foraging  sites,  and  routes 
which  allow  bats  to  commute  between  the  two.  Some 
bat  species  now  commonly  use  buildings  as  maternity 
roosts,  and  exploit  foraging  oppoitunities  provided  by 
man  made  structures  such  as  streetlamps  and  sewage 
works  that  are  associated  with  high  insect  densities 
(Rydell,  1992;  Altringham,  2003;  Park  and  Cristinacce, 
2006).  Several  studies  have  suggested  that  urban 
environments  may  have  a positive  role  to  play  in 
resource  availability  for  bats  (e.g.  Avila-Flores  and 
Fenton,  2005;  McDonald-Madden  et  al,  2005;  Haupt 
et  al.,  2006),  particularly  in  landscapes  dominated  by 

intensive  agricultural  land  use,  which  studies  have 
repeatedly  found  are  avoided  by  bats  (Walsh  and 
Harris,  1996;  Gehrt  and  Chelsvig,  2003).  There  appear 
to  be  marked  species-specific  responses  to 
urbanisation,  however,  with  other  species  strongly 
avoiding  built  up  areas  (e.g.  Kurta  and  Teramino,  1992; 
Waters  et  al,  1999;  Lesihki  et  al,  2000). 

Understanding  how  different  species  use  urban 
environments  and  how  habitat  management  and  urban 
planning  can  promote  population  persistence  is  critical 
to  their  conservation.  The  aim  of  this  study  was 
therefore  to  identify  site-specific  and  wider  landscape 
features  (e.g.  woodland  connectivity,  urbanisation)  that 
influence  bat  activity  within  areas  of  urban  green 


Study  sites 

Glasgow  is  the  largest  city  in  Scotland  (UK),  with  the 
Greater  Glasgow  conurbation  covering  an  area  of 
369km^  with  a population  of  approximately  1 .2  million 
people.  Over  20%  of  the  area  of  Greater  Glasgow  is 
green  space;  including  74  parks  and  other  potentially 
important  features  such  as  river  comidors,  woodlands, 
cemeteries  and  communal  gardens  (Humphries  et  al, 
2009).  Other  than  two  very  large  sites  (>140  ha),  green 
space  areas  owned  by  Glasgow  City  Council  (GCC) 
range  from  1.5  - 68.4  ha  (mean  18.2).  A total  of  29 
sites  owned  and  managed  by  GCC  were  surveyed  for 
bat  activity  between  31  May  and  11  July  2007  (Table 
1).  Sites  were  chosen  randomly  whilst  ensuring  they 
were  a minimum  of  1km  apart  and  spanned  a range  of 
sizes  (mean  24.3  ± 14.9;  range  6.2  - 53.2  ha). 

Monitoring  bat  activity 

Point  counts  were  used  to  quantify  bat  activity.  At  each 
park  10  minute  recordings  were  made  at  between  two 
and  six  locations  depending  on  the  size  of  the  park 
(across  parks,  an  average  of  four  point  counts  were 
recorded).  Each  point  location  was  chosen  using 
randomly-generated  xy  coordinates  but  omitting  areas 
of  open  water  within  the  park  and  ensuring  a minimum 
distance  of  30m  between  points.  On  each  survey  night, 
one  of  four  geographical  areas  of  Glasgow  (NE,  NW, 
SE,  SW)  was  chosen  randomly,  and  between  one  and 
four  parks  were  surveyed,  again  in  random  order,  with 
each  park  being  surveyed  once.  Within  a night,  all 
point  counts  were  conducted  within  2 h 1 5 minutes  of 
each  other,  the  first  starting  45  min  after  sunset.  At  the 
start  of  each  count  air  temperature  was  measured  to  the 
nearest  0.1  °C  and  wind  speed  was  estimated  using  the 
Beaufort  scale.  Counts  were  only  conducted  in  dry 
weather  where  the  temperature  at  dusk  exceeded  1 O^C 
and  the  strength  of  the  wind  did  not  exceed  Beaufort  3 
(since  strong  winds  influence  both  insect  distribution 
and  detectability  of  bat  calls). 

Sound  recording  and  analysis 

A frequency  division  bat  detector  (Batbox  Duet,  Stag 
Electronics;  frequency  response  17- 120kHz)  was 
connected  to  a MiniDisc  (Sony  MZ-R909;  frequency 


response  ± 3dB  20Hz  - 20kHz)  and  a continuous 
recording  made  for  each  point  count  onto  a recordable 
MiniDisc.  Frequency  division  is  a broad-band  system 
that  records  all  frequencies  continuously,  and  is 
sufficient  for  distinguishing  between  the  genera  Myotis 
and  Pipistrellus,  and  between  the  Pipistrelhis  species 
(e.g.  Vaughan  ef  ai,  1997a;  see  sound  analysis).  We 
analysed  recordings  using  BatSound  v3.31  (Pettersson 
Elektronik  AB,  Uppsala,  Sweden),  with  a sampling 
frequency  of  44.1kHz  with  16  bits  per  sample,  and  a 
512  pt.  FFT  with  Hanning  window).  One  bat  pass  was 
defined  as  a continuous  sequence  of  at  least  two 
echolocation  calls  from  a passing  bat  (Fenton,  1970; 
Walsh  c/ a/.,  1996). 

Three  genera  of  bat  occur  in  the  area  where  this  study 
was  conducted;  Pipistrellus,  Myotis  and  Plecotus 
(Richardson,  2000),  although  Plecotus  is  rarely 
recorded  due  to  its  quiet  echolocation  calls. 
Unfortunately,  problems  with  the  recording  equipment 
meant  that  for  all  but  seven  parks  (representing  25%  of 
the  point  counts)  recordings  were  made  in  mono 
(heterodyne)  rather  than  stereo  (heterodyne  and 
frequency  division.  Analyses  were  therefore  conducted 
on  the  number  of  bat  passes  per  point  count.  Temiinal 
feeding  buzzes  emitted  when  attempting  prey  capture 
were  also  counted  and  provide  a measure  of  foraging 

Habitat  availability  within,  and  surrounding,  urban 

Habitat  structure  within  the  parks  was  fairly  simple 
consisting  largely  of  a mixture  of  improved  grassland, 
mixed  woodland  and  shrubs.  All  but  one  park  had 
some  mixed  woodland  on  site,  although  there  was 
considerable  variation  in  the  amount  among  parks  (0.3 
- 45ha).  Of  the  parks  surveyed,  21  had  still  (>  3m 
width)  or  running  water  (>  Im  width)  present.  Habitat 
within  30m  of  each  recording  point  was  categorised 
according  to  the  presence  of  woodland  and  still  or 
running  water.  Of  1 1 1 point  counts  made,  3 1 were 
adjacent  to  water  (i.e.  within  30m),  50  were  adjacent  to 
woodland,  12  were  adjacent  to  both  water  and 
woodland  and  42  were  made  within  grassland  with  no 
water  or  woodland  nearby. 

The  landscape  analysis  was  perfonned  using  data  from 
OS  MasterMap  Topography  Layer  (Digimap  Ordnance 
Survey®  Collection).  We  used  ArcGIS  9.2  to  create 
buffers  of  1 km  radius  around  the  centre  of  each  park 
and  reclassify  the  feature  classes  from  the  topography 
layers  into  five  categories  (hereafter  rcfeired  to  as 
habitat  classes).  These  were:  1)  urban  areas  (buildings, 
structures,  roads  and  parking  areas);  2)  urban  gardens 
(urban  land  not  covered  by  buildings  or  structures);  3) 
grassland  and  scrub;  4)  woodland  (coniferous, 
deciduous  and  mixed  woodland,  and  areas  covered  by 
scattered  trees);  5)  water  (inland  and  tidal  water).  A 6''' 
category  (called  “other")  included  features  that  didn’t 
fall  into  any  of  the  5 previously  mentioned  habitat 
classes,  but  its  proportion  was  less  than  4%  in  all  cases. 
Because  the  1 km  radius  was  taken  from  the  centre  of 

the  park  rather  than  the  location  of  individual  points,  | 
the  proportion  of  the  3.14  km^  circle  that  lies  outside  i 
the  park  varies  between  parks,  although  this  variation  is  l 
relatively  small  (non-park  area:  83-98%).  We  then  used  j 
the  software  package  Fragstats  3.3  to  calculate  a ( 
selection  of  different  landscape  metrics  for  each  habitat  [ 
class  within  the  1 km  buffer  including  the  proportion  of  t 
land  covered,  the  number  of  patches,  mean  patch  area,  | 

largest  patch,  total  edge  density,  area-perimeter  ratio  | 

and  Euclidean  nearest  neighbour  distance  (ENN  i 
distance  is  the  shortest  straight-line  distance  between  1 
the  focal  patch  and  its  nearest  neighbour  of  the  same  1 
class;  McGarigal  et  ai,  2002).  | 


The  proportions  of  different  habitat  categories  within  a 
1km  radius  of  a park  are  not  independent  since  all  must 
sum  to  1 . Our  puipose  for  including  information  about  ' 

the  habitat  surrounding  each  park  as  potential  | 

explanatoiy  variables  in  the  model  was  to  assess  how  | 
bat  activity  may  be  influenced  by  levels  of  urbanisation  I 
and  proximity  of  habitats  considered  important  for  5 
many  bat  species,  for  example  woodland.  We  focused, 
therefore  on  the  proportion  of  urban  and  woodland  ' 
habitat,  and  the  mean  ENN  distance  among  water 
bodies  within  a 1km  radius  of  the  centre  of  each  park.  ! 

The  size  of  the  park  was  significantly  positively  ■ 

coirelatcd  with  the  proportion  of  woodland  within  the  1 I 

km  buffer  (rt?  = 2.70,  p = 0.012,  r = 0.21),  and  % 1 

woodland  cover  was  weakly  negatively  coirelated  with  ; 

% urban  cover  {tn  = -2.05,  p = 0.05,  r^  = 0.13)  but  i 

neither  of  these  was  sufficiently  strong  to  cause  i 

problems  with  multicol  linearity.  There  was  no 
coiTelation  between  % urban  cover  and  the  size  of  the  ! 

park  {tji  = 0.23,  p = 0.76,  r~  = 0.0019).  Percentage  i 

woodland  and  urban  cover  were  arcsine  square  root  | 

transformed  prior  to  analysis.  i 

There  are  many  different  metrics  that  can  be  calculated  ^ 

to  assess  the  composition  and  configuration  of  habitat  i 

patches  within  a landscape,  and  therefore  potentially  a | 

great  many  potential  explanatory  variables.  We  ! 

minimised  the  number  of  potential  variables  describing 
the  configuration  of  woodland  patches  within  the 
surrounding  landscape  as  the  proportion  of  woodland 
within  a 1km  radius  of  each  park  correlated  strongly  ; 

with  several  measures  commonly  used  to  assess  | 

isolation  of  that  habitat  (McGarigal  et  ai,  2002).  For 
example,  proportion  of  woodland  was  strongly  | 

correlated  with  both  edge  density  (rt?  = 4.51,  /;  = ! 

0.0001,  r~  = 0.43),  and  weighted-mean  ENN  distance 
(/27  = -3.78,p  = 0.0008,;-- 0.35).  I 

Data  analysis  ( 

All  statistical  analyses  were  conducted  using  the  R 
computing  environment  (version  2.8.1,  R Development  ' 
Core  team,  2008).  To  assess  the  influence  of  habitat  = 
features  and  the  surrounding  matrix  on  bat  activity  in  ? 
urban  green  space,  we  fitted  a Generalised  Linear  j 
Mixed  Effects  model  with  quasi-poisson  en’ors  using  i 
the  number  of  bat  passes  at  each  location  (n=l  11),  as  f 
the  dependent  variable.  The  following  were  included  in  - 
the  starting  model  as  potential  explanatory  variables:  , 


the  presence  or  absence  of  a water  body  or  woodland 
adjacent  to  each  point  count  (within  30m)  were 
included  as  fixed  factors;  the  order  in  which  the  points 
were  surveyed  (i.e.  to  account  for  variation  of  activity 
with  time  of  night),  the  proportion  of  woodland  and 
urban  cover,  and  the  mean  ENN  distance  between 
water  bodies  within  a 1km  radius  of  the  centre  of  the 
park,  the  size  of  park,  wind  speed,  temperature  (linear 
and  quadratic  terms)  were  covariates.  A two  way 
interaction  between  park  size  and  each  of  the  landscape 
metrics  was  also  included.  Park  was  a random  factor 
used  as  a grouping  variable.  The  model  was  carried  out 
in  a stepwise  fashion,  with  the  least  significant  of  the 
explanatory  variables  being  removed  at  each  step  in  an 
effort  to  detennine  which  of  these  variables  had  the 
most  significant  effect. 


Bat  activity 

A total  of  852  bat  passes  was  detected  during  18.5 
hours  of  recording  during  the  study.  On  average,  14.7% 
of  bat  passes  had  feeding  buzzes  and  evidence  of 
feeding  activity  was  detected  at  62%  (18/29)  parks. 
There  was  a significant  positive  coiTelation  between 
the  number  of  bat  passes  and  feeding  buzzes  per  park 
(Spearman  rank  r s29  = 0.79,  p < 0.0001),  suggesting 
that  the  use  of  bat  passes  is  a reasonable  measure  of 
foraging  activity. 

For  the  seven  parks  (28  point  count  locations)  at  which 
bat  passes  could  be  assigned  to  species  level  (see 
Methods),  128  of  160  (80%)  of  identified  Pipistrellus 
passes  were  attributable  to  P.  pygmaeus.  Total  bat 
activity  within  urban  parks  was  significantly  higher 
adjacent  to  water  bodies  or  areas  of  woodland;  based 
on  differences  in  the  adjusted  median  values,  the 
presence  of  water  bodies  and  woodland  increased  bat 
activity  by  a factor  of  3.2  and  1 .7  respectively  (Table  2, 
Figs.  1 and  2).  The  final  model  explained  56%  of  the 
variation  in  activity  among  point  counts.  There  were  no 
significant  interactions  between  the  size  of  park  and  the 
surrounding  landscape  variables  (proportion  of  urban, 
proportion  of  woodland,  mean  ENN  distance  between 
water  bodies  within  a Ikm^  radius  around  each  park), 
and  none  of  the  landscape  variables  had  a significant 
influence  on  bat  activity  on  their  own. 

In  this  study  wind  speed  correlated  positively  with  bat 
activity  (Table  2)  although  this  relationship  is  entirely 
reliant  on  the  data  point  with  the  highest  bat  activity 
and,  if  removed,  wind  speed  becomes  non-significant. 
The  remaining  variables  in  the  model,  however,  are  all 


The  presence  of  both  water  bodies  and  woodland  in 
urban  parks  resulted  in  significantly  increased  bat 
activity,  with  the  effect  of  water  being  the  most 
marked.  This  is  likely  to  be  because  the  majority  of  bat 
passes  recorded  during  these  surveys  were  of  P. 
pygmaeus  which,  of  the  two  most  common  pipistrelle 
species  in  the  UK,  is  particularly  associated  with 

riparian  habitats  (Vaughan  et  ai,  1997b;  Nicholls  and 
Racey,  2006;  Sattler  et  al,  2007).  The  importance  of 
water  bodies  within  urban  green  space  for  birds  has 
recently  been  highlighted  by  the  Biodiversity  In 
Glasgow  project,  co-ordinated  by  the  British  Trust  for 
Ornithology  (Humphries  et  al,  2009).  Between  five 
and  61  bird  species  were  recorded  within  urban  green 
spaces  in  Glasgow,  with  sites  containing  water  bodies 
having  an  average  of  five  more  species  than  those 
lacking  water. 

Previous  studies  have  shown  the  importance  of 
deciduous  or  mixed  woodland  for  foraging  bats  (e.g. 
Walsh  and  Hands,  1996;  Johnson  et  al.,  2008),  and 
areas  with  higher  proportions  of  well  connected 
woodland  might  have  been  expected  to  have  had  higher 
levels  of  bat  activity  as  found  by  Gehrt  and  Chelsvig, 
2003.  In  this  study,  however,  although  woodland 
adjacent  to  recording  sites  had  a positive  effect  on 
levels  of  bat  activity  (largely  P.  pygmaeus),  the  amount 
and  connectivity  of  woodland  at  a larger  scale  did  not. 

Previous  work  has  indicated  that  species  respond 
differently  to  urbanisation  which,  given  the  marked 
differences  in  roosting  and  foraging  ecology  among  bat 
species,  is  not  surprising.  Gehrt  and  Chelsvig  (2004) 
found  positive  associations  between  urban  indices  and 
activity  of  Eptesicus  fusciis,  Lasiurus  borealis  and  L. 
noctivagans.  Other  species,  however,  appear  to  largely 
avoid  urban  areas  (e.g.  Nyctalus  leisleri  - Waters  et  al., 
1999;  Myotis  sodalis  - Sparks  et  al.,  2005)  or  are 
otherwise  sensitive  to  features  associated  with 
urbanisation  such  as  street  lighting  (e.g.  Rhinoloplms 
hipposideros  - Stone  et  al,  2009).  Duchamp  and 
Swihart  (2008)  identified  two  groups  of  bat  species 
whose  populations  showed  opposite  trends  along  urban 
and  forest  gradients.  Species  that  responded  negatively 
to  urban  development  were  those  requiring  tree  cavities 
for  roosting  and  a wing  moiphology  adapted  to  flight  in 
cluttered  environments  such  as  woodland  (ie.  low  wing 
loading),  whereas  the  opposite  was  true  for  species  that 
responded  positively  to  urbanisation.  These  predictions 
fit  well  with  our  findings  for  P.  pygmaeus,  the  most 
frequent  species  recorded  during  this  study,  which  is 
commonly  associated  with  building  roosts  and  adapted 
to  flight  in  relatively  open  environments.  It  might  be 
expected  that  the  two  Myotis  spp.  commonly  found  in 
Scotland  would  react  differently  to  urbanisation:  M. 
daubentoni  is  also  associated  with  riparian  habitats  but 
typically  roosts  in  tree  cavities  or  within  the  stonework 
of  bridges,  and  M.  nattereri,  also  a tree  rooster,  forages 
largely  in  woodland  habitats  (Altringham  2003). 

Data  presented  in  this  study  suggests  that,  for  P. 
pygmaeus,  the  habitat  within  a site  may  be  more 
important  than  the  surrounding  landscape  as  Gilbert 
(1989)  suggested  may  be  the  case  for  highly  mobile 
species  within  urban  environments.  That  the  size  of 
park  was  not  an  influential  factor  on  P.  pygmaeus 
activity  suggests  that  even  small  areas  of  urban  green 
space  can  provide  valuable  foraging  opportunities  for 
bats  able  to  adapt  to  urbanised  landscapes,  provided 


there  is  suitable  habitat  (ie.  water  bodies  and 
woodland)  within  the  site.  For  other  species,  however, 
a wider  landscape-approach,  such  as  increasing 
woodland  cover  both  within  urban  parks  and  in  the 
sun'ounding  matrix  to  link  foraging  areas,  is  likely  to 
be  necessai7. 


Many  thanks  to  Sheila  Russell  (Glasgow  City  Council) 
for  providing  infonnation  on  the  sites  within  Glasgow, 
Liz  Flumphreys  (BTO  Scotland)  for  information  on  the 
BIG  project,  Kevin  McCulloch  for  field  assistance  and 
Mario  Vallejo-Marin  for  statistical  advice.  This  work 
was  funded  by  the  Carnegie  Trust  for  the  Universities 
of  Scotland. 

Site  name 





Surrounding  habitat 






Mean  ENN 





Auchinlca  Park 

55°  52’  16.96" 

-4°  8’  1.81" 


1 1/07/2007 




Cardonald  Park 

55°  51’ 27.26" 

-4°  20’  55.78" 






Cardowan  Moss 

55°  52’ 48.28" 

-4°  9’  1.09" 






Clcddans  Bum 

55°  54’  51.80" 

-4°  23’ 9.14" 






Cowlairs  Park 

55°  52’  42.12" 

-4°  14'  46.12" 






Cranhill  Park 

55°  51’ 55.55" 

-4°  9’  55.72" 


1 7/06/2007 




Crookston  Woods 

55°  50’  16.15" 

-4°  20’  51.49" 






Dawsholm  Park 

55°  53’ 48.65" 

-4°  18’ 57.62" 






Early  Braes 

55°  51’ 5.64" 

-4°  8’ 9.41" 






Elder  Park 


-4°  19’  19.24" 


1 8/06/2007 




Garscadden  Bum 

55°  54’  30.84" 

-4°  21’ 41.44" 






Garscadden  Woods 

55°  55’  9.96" 

-4°  21’ 26.53" 






Glasgow  Green 

55°  51’  5.25" 

4°  14’  34.79" 






Hogganfield  Park 

55°  52’ 47. 17" 

-4°  10’ 4.35" 


1 7/06/2007 




Househill  Park 

55°  49’  13.64" 

-4°  21’ 45.20" 






Kelvingrove  Park 

55°  52’  10.59" 

-4°  16’ 56.68" 


1 8/06/2007 




Kings  Park 

55°  48’  55.95" 

-4°  14’  27.34" 






Knightswood  Park 

55°  53’  49.48" 

-4°  21’ 4.37" 






Linn  Park 

55°  48’  19.13" 

-4°  15’  34.17" 




1 1.4 


Maxwell  Park 

55°  50'  16.93" 

-4°  17’  18.77" 






Mount  Vernon 


55°  50’ 33.21" 

-4°  8’  13.38" 






Ncwlands  Park 

55°  48’  43.51" 

-4°  16’ 56.04" 






Pricsthill  Park 

55°  48’ 39.19" 

-4°  20’  45.65" 






Queens  Park 

55°  49'  49.00" 

-4°  16’  13.88" 






Robroyston  Park 

55°  53’ 24.23" 

-4°  1 1’ 44.30" 


1 1/07/2007 




Sandyhills  Park 

55°  50’ 5 1.60" 

-4°  9’  11.90" 






Springburn  Park 

55°  53’ 32.17" 

-4°  13’ 22.65" 






Tollcross  Park 

55°  50’ 56.35" 

-4°  10’ 49.95" 






Victoria  Park 

55°  52’  29.77" 

-4°  20’  1.99" 






Table  1.  Locations  and  attributes  of  parks  visited  and  the  landscape  metrics  used  in  the  starting  model  of  bat  activity. 
Mean  Euclidean  Nearest  Neighbour  Distance  between  water  bodies  (ENN  distance  is  the  shortest  straight-line  distance 
in  metres  between  the  focal  patch  and  its  nearest  neighbour  of  the  same  class). 



Degrees  of 


Parameter  estimate 


Standard  Error 

t value 

Adjacent  water 




6.613  *** 

Adjacent  woodland 




1.430  *** 

Wind  speed 




1.496  *** 





_7  242  *** 





2 017  *** 

Survey  order 




-2  019  *** 

Table  2.  Generalised  linear  mixed-effects  model  for  the  effects  of  habitat  and  weather  variables  on  bat  activity  within 
urban  parks  in  Glasgow  City  ( ***  p < 0.0001).  The  sign  and  size  of  the  parameter  estimate  (and  the  error)  are  used  to 
assess  the  relative  magnitude  of  the  effects  of  these  variables  on  bat  activity. 

Fig.  1.  Adjusted  total  bat  passes  at  ten-minute  point  counts  adjacent  (n=3 1 ) and  not  adjacent  (n=80)  to  water  bodies. 
Values  shown  are  those  corrected  for  explanatory  variables  in  the  final  model  (Table  2).  Tukey  box  plots  are  used  here 
with  boxes  representing  the  location  of  the  middle  50  percent  of  the  data  and  the  upper  and  lower  quartiles,  and  the 
whiskers  1.5  x the  interquartile  range. 





















O - 

woodland  absent 

woodland  present 

Fig.  2.  Adjusted  values  of  total  bat  passes  at  ten-minute  point  counts  adjacent  (n=50)  and  not  adjacent  (n=61)  to 
woodland.  Values  shown  are  those  coiTected  for  explanatoiy  variables  in  the  final  model  (Table  2).  Tukey  box  plots  are 
used  here  with  boxes  representing  the  location  of  the  middle  50  percent  of  the  data  and  the  upper  and  lower  quartilcs, 
and  the  whiskers  1.5  x the  interquartile  range. 



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Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Parklife;  cities  for 
people  and  nature 

Scott  Ferguson 
Scottish  Natural  heritage 

Some  have  argued  that  suburban  gardens  are  England's 
most  important  nature  reserve.  Can  that  be  true  for 
Scotland  too?  From  the  butterfly  on  the  buddleia  to  the 
raven  nesting  on  the  gas-tower,  there  is  no  doubt  that 
the  mosaic  of  habitats  across  urban  areas  support  an 
amazing  aiTay  of  wildlife  - and  offer  a wealth  of 
opportunities  for  people  to  enjoy,  learn  about  and 
celebrate  that  diversity. 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Cities  deserve 
landscape-scale  wildlife  spectacles 

Stuart  Housden 

Royal  Society  for  the  Protection  of  Birds  Scotland 

In  such  uncertain  financial  times  it  is  heartening  to  I 
recognise  that  the  policy  framework  for  delivering 
large  scale  habitat  creation  projects  in  Scotland  has  j 
never  been  more  positive.  This  is  a recognition  that 
these  types  of  projects  have  been  delivered  elsewhere  , 
in  the  UK  bringing  with  them  not  just  a huge  boost  to 
biodiversity  but  a whole  brigade  of  associated  benefits. 


Whether  you  arc  interested  in  education,  climate 
change,  flood  alleviation,  economic  growth,  creating  a ;j 
pleasant  environment  for  people  to  live  and  work, 
direct  employment  or  improving  the  social  esteem  of  ' 
previously  marginalised  communities  there  is  little  ^ 
doubt  that  investment  in  landscape  scale  environmental  / 
projects  in  an  urban  setting  can  and  should  make  a / 
significant  contribution  to  the  future  of  Scotland.  i| 

Urban  Biodiversity:  Successes  and  | 

Challenges:  A tactical  approach  1; 

Malcolm  Muir  jj 


Countryside  and  Grecnspace  Manager,  South  < 
Lanarkshire  council  |i 

The  quality  of  urban  open  spaces  can  have  a significant 
effect  on  their  neighbouring  communities.  They  offer 
opportunities  for  play,  healthy  recreation,  sustainable 
transport  and  biodiversity  and  may  indeed  be  the  key  to 
effecting  a transfonnation  in  public  understanding  for 
and  engagement  with  the  natural  heritage  in  Scotland. 

The  eco-system  approach  rightly  advocates  acceptance  I : 
of  change,  decentralisation  and  the  participation  of  all  |j 
sectors  of  society.  Greenspaces,  largely  owned  by  | 
Local  Authorities  offer  the  perfect  test  bed  for  this  | 
approach  and  the  opportunity  to  clearly  demonstrate  to 
policy  makers  the  links  between  environmental  quality,  l| 
health  and  economic  and  social  well  being.  The  current 
financial  “crisis”  actually  presents  a window  of 
opportunity  for  this  area  of  work  but,  despite  these  |i. 
opportunities,  real  challenges  remain;  many  of  them  ' 
linked  to  fundamental  public  service  processes  and 
“mind  sets”,  and  these  will  not  be  overcome  through 
legislation  alone. 


Urban  Biodiversity^  Successes  and 
Challenges:  Glasgow’s  Freshwater 
Fishes  - the  State  of  the  Cart 
(and  other  urban  watercourses) 

William  E.  Yeomans 

Clyde  River  Foundation,  Graham  Kerr  Building, 
University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow  G12  8QQ 

The  Clyde  River  Foundation  (CRF)  is  a registered 
charity  which  researches  the  ecology  of  the  River 
Clyde  and  its  tributaries,  and  promotes  environmental 
education  throughout  the  catchment.  Glasgow’s 
freshwater  fishes  are  suiprisingly  poorly  known, 
despite  the  well-publicised  renaissance  of  the  local 
watercourses  and  the  iconic  nature  of  the  salmon  in 
Glasgow  folklore.  Our  current  knowledge  of  the  fish 
communities  of  the  major  rivers:  the  Clyde,  Kelvin, 
White  Cart  and  North  Calder  will  be  described, 
together  with  a summary  of  the  findings  from  a recent 
survey  of  Glasgow’s  bums. 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  53-57 


From  whaling  to  whale  watching:  a history  of  cetaceans  in  Scotland 

E.C.M.  Parsons'  ^ 

'Department  of  Environmental  Science  & Policy,  George  Mason  University,  4400  University  Drive,  Fairfax,  Virginia 
22030-4444,  USA 

^University  Marine  Biological  Station  Millport  (University  of  London)  Isle  of  Cumbrae,  Scotland. 

E-mail:  ecm-parsons(^earthlink.nct 

Historic  Utilization  of  Cetaceans 
Scotland  has  over  a thousand-year  history  of  marine 
mammal  exploitation  dating  back  to  the  Stone  Age.  For 
example,  cetacean  bone  was  used  as  a building  material 
in  the  wood-impoverished  Orkney  Islands;  whale 
mandibles  were  used  as  rafters  and  in  walls  at  the 
Neolithic  site  at  Skara  Brae  in  Orkney  (Childe  1931). 
Spenn  whale  and  bottlenose  whale  specimens  were 
found  at  a Bronze  Age  site  and  spemi  whale,  minke 
whale,  bottlenose  whale  and  bottlenose  dolphin 
artifacts  have  been  found  at  a variety  of  Iron  Age  sites 
in  South  Uist  (Mulville  2002).  There  is  little  evidence 
to  suggest  that  these  whales  were  butchered  for  food, 
but  rather  their  bones  used  as  building  materials,  turned 
into  tools  or  utensils,  and  even  burnt  as  fuel  (Mulville 
2002).  Moreover  a lack  of  harpoons  or  other  tools  to 
catch  cetaceans  suggest  that  these  animals  were 
stranded  or  very  occasional  catches  rather  than  actively 
hunted  (Mulville  2002). 

Nordic  occupation  of  the  northern  and  western  islands 
of  Scotland  in  the  early  middle  ages  was  particularly 
accompanied  by  marine  mammal  consumption  and 
utilisation  of  stranded  and  hunted  animals  (Lindquist 
1995)  with  remains  of  several  cetacean  species  being 
found  in  Nordic  sites  in  the  Western  Isles  dating  from 
the  9"’  century  (Sharpies  1997)  to  the  13"’  century 
(Brennand,  Parker  Pearson  & Smith  1998).  For 
example,  on  South  Uist  remains  of  pilot  whale, 
bottlenose  whale,  killer  whale,  minke  whale,  spenn 
whale  and  even  blue  whale  artefacts  have  been  found  at 
Norse  archaeological  sites  (Mulville  2002).  The  larger 
number,  diversity  and  probably  age  (many  bones  from 
young  animals  have  been  found)  suggest  that  there  may 
have  been  active  hunting  for  cetaceans,  although  again 
there  is  no  archaeological  evidence  of  harpoons,  nor 
any  substantive  evidence  (from  cuts  on  bones)  of 
butchering  cetaceans  for  meat  (Mulville  2002). 

In  the  northern  and  western  Isles  of  Scotland, 
Norwegian  laws  on  whale  ownership  and  whaling  held 
sway  until  at  least  1611  (Ryder  1988).  For  example  the 

Gulathing  (mid  llthC)  a law  imported  into  Orkney 
presumably  from  Noway,  has  sections  dealing  with 
stranded  whale  ownership  and  distribution  (Szabo 
2005).  In  mediaeval  Britain  (early  14th  Century) 
cetaceans  were  made  'Fishes  Royale'  by  Edward  111 
and  any  stranded  cetaceans  became  property  of  the 
crown  (Fraser  1977).  A similar  royal  prerogative 
extended  to  Scotland,  from  at  least  1603,  but  likely 
earlier  (Erskine  1895).  Despite  this,  local,  subsistence, 
cetacean  consumption  continued  in  this  region  until  at 
least  the  18th  Century  as  evidenced  by  this  statement 

"...about  one  hundred  and  sixty’  little  whales  ran 
themselves  ashore  on  the  island  of  Tiree,  and  the 
natives  did  eat  them  all”  (Martin  1716). 

Animals  were  also  driven  to  the  shore  (Martin  1716)  in 
a drive  fisheiy  akin  to  those  seen  today  in  the  Faeroe 
Islands.  Similar  drive  fisheries  were  conducted  in  the 
western  and  northern  islands  of  Scotland  until  the  early 
20"’  century  (Evans  1996). 


Cetaceans  have  been  culturally  significant  in  Scotland 
since  at  least  the  Iron  Age,  evidenced  by  carvings  on 
standing  stones  that  are  believed  to  portray  dolphins 
(Hicks  1996).  This  so-called  “pictish  bcasf’,  appears 
on  44  stones  caiwed  between  300  and  842AD.  Macleod 
& Wilson  (2001)  took  the  issue  one  step  further  and 
suggested  that  the  Pictish  beast  might  represent  a 
beaked  whale.  The  distribution  of  these  stones  certainly 
coincides  with  the  present  day  distribution  of 
bottlenose  dolphins  in  eastern  Scotland  being  found  in 
areas  adjacent  to  the  Moray  Firth  and  along  the  coast  of 
northeastern  Scotland  to  Aberdeen. 

The  famous  Scotland-dwelling  Saint  Columba  is  said 
to  have  warned  monks  travelling  from  the  Isle  of  Iona 
to  the  Isle  of  Tiree  of  a “monster  of  the  deep”,  which 
turned  out  to  be  “a  whale  of  extraordinary  size,  which 
rose  like  a mountain  above  the  water,  its  jaws  open  to 
show  an  aiTay  of  teeth”  (Sharpe  1995).  This  is  not  the 


only  link  between  one  of  Scotland's  most  famous 
religious  figures  and  cetaceans,  it’s  been  suggested  that 
due  to  a mistranslation  the  famous  first  recorded 
sighting  of  the  Loch  Ness  monster  (much  vaunted  by 
the  Scottish  tourist  board),  by  said  Saint  may  actually 
have  been  an  encounter  with  a whale  near  the  Moray 
Firth  (Parsons  2004). 

Folklore  from  the  middle  ages  describes  a sea  unicorn 
from  Scottish  waters,  the  BiasJ  na  Srogaig  or  beast 
with  the  lowering  horn,  which  is  most  likely  to  have 
been  sightings  of  nawhals,  which  could  have  ranged 
into  Scottish  waters  during  the  cooler  climates  of  the 
middle  ages  and  renaissance  (Parsons  2004).  The 
unicorn  was  the  Royal  device  of  the  Scottish  kings 
since  Robert  111  and  it  appears  on  the  Scottish  Royal 
crest  (two  unicorns  originally,  then  one  of  the  unicorns 
was  replaced  by  a lion  when  James  VI  of  Scotland 
inherited  the  English  crown).  Likewise  the  unicorn 
(and  a Shetland  pony)  appears  in  the  coat  of  arms  of 
Shetland.  It’s  been  suggested  that  this  heraldic  device 
was  influenced  by  Scotland’s  connection  to  narwhals 
(Buezaki  2002;  Parsons  2004),  and  thus  Scotland’s 
cultural  link  to  cetaceans  is  an  important,  if  largely 
forgotten,  one. 


Commercial  whaling  started  in  Scotland  in  Aberdeen  in 
1753,  expanding  to  Dundee,  Peterhead,  Fraserburgh 
and  Banff,  on  the  east  coast  (O’  Dell  & Walton  1962). 
By  1820  there  were  15  whaling  vessels,  but  the 
whaling  fleet  then  declined  with  only  two  vessels  in 
1838  (O’  Dell  & Walton  1962).  These  whaling 
operations  were  primarily  to  Arctic  waters  to  pursue 
bowhead  whales  (Watson  2003).  In  1882  a risky 
expedition  was  launched  from  Dundee  to  investigate 
whaling  potential  in  Antarctica,  an  expedition  that  not 
only  discovered  Dundee  Island  (63°30'S  055°55'W), 
but  also  opened  the  possibilities  of  whaling  in  this 
region,  although  any  increased  industiy  was  short  lived 
as  whaling  from  Dundee  ended  in  1912  (Watson 

In  1903,  coastal  whaling  stations  opened  in  Scotland 
itself  on  Hands  and  the  Shetland  Isles  - these  stations 
caught  cetaceans  from  Scottish  wasters  and  operated 
until  1925.  The  HaiTis  station  was  Nowegian  owned 
until  1 922,  then  purchased  by  Lord  Leverhulme 

"...partly  to  provide  employment,  hut  also  because  he 
suspected  that  the  Nonvegians  were  deliberately 
contaminating  the  herring-ground  with  whale  offal  to 
drive  the  herring  to  Nonvav.”  (Page  219  in  Nicolson 

The  Harris  station  closed  shortly  after  Leverhulme’s 
death  in  1925.  The  majority  of  the  whale  meat  landed 
in  Scotland  was  exported  to  Nomay,  although  some 
was  used  as  animal  feed  and  fertilizer,  and  some  was 
intended  for  export  to  Africa  - there  was  no  local 
consumption.  The  whale  oil  had  been  intended  for  soap 
production.  The  Hands  station  briefly  reopened 

between  1950  & 1951,  but  commercial  whaling  from 
Scottish  shores  ceased  after  that.  However,  over  8,000 
animals,  from  7 species,  were  harvested  from  Scottish 
waters  during  this  whaling  period  (Table  1;  Thompson 
1928;  Brown  1976). 


Number  taken 

blue  whales 


fin  whales 


right  whales 


humpback  whales 


sei  whales 


sperm  whales 


northern  bottlenose  whales 


Table  1.  Cetaceans  taken  in  Scottish  whaling 
operations  (Thompson  1928;  Brown  1976). 


Today,  Scottish  cetaceans  are  still  an  economic 
resource,  albeit  they  are  no  longer  killed  - via  whale  | 
watching.  The  main  whale  watching  areas  are  currently 
western  Scotland,  especially  the  Isle  of  Mull  and  the 
Small  Isles,  Inverness  and  the  Moray  Firth  and  the  J 
Orkney  and  Shetland  Islands.  Target  species  are  ' 
predominantly  bottlenose  dolphins,  minke  whales  and 
harbour  poipoises  (Hoyt  2001;  Parsons  et  al.  2003; 
Warburton  et  al.  2001).  In  2000,  in  a survey  marine  | 
wildlife  tour  operators,  47%  surveyed  consider  whale- 
watching to  be  important  to  local  economies 
(Warburton  et  al.  2001). 


It  was  estimated  that  in  2000  the  Scottish  cetacean 
tourism  was  worth  at  least  £10.7  million  (US$18  I 
million)  (Warburton  et  al.  2001;  Parsons  et  al.  2003),  j 
of  £7.8  which  million  was  from  the  West  Coast  of  | 
Scotland  alone.''  Moreover,  in  some  remote  coastal  ' 
areas,  cetacean-related  tourism  may  account  for  as 
much  as  12%  of  the  area’s  total  tourism  income  which 
is  substantial  when  one  bears  in  mind  that  tourism  is 
Scotland’s  number  one  industiy,  is  a major  employer  in 
rural  areas  particular  in  rural  areas,  and  thus  an 
important  economic  activity  in  these  marginal  regions 
in  particular  (Parsons  et  al.  2003). 

More  recent  figures  for  the  total  value  of  the  Scottish 
cetacean  tourism  industiy  as  a whole  are  not  available, 
but  in  the  Moray  Firth,  on  the  east  coast  of  Scotland, 
the  value  of  dolphin-watching  has  increased 

''  For  comparison,  at  the  time  of  the  study,  Nowegian 
commercial  whaling  worth  $6  million  (Toolis  2001) 
and  that  value  incoiporated  heavy  subsidising  by  the 
Norwegian  govemment. 


substantially  over  the  past  decade:  in  1998  Hoyt 
(2001)  estimated  that  in  total  cetacean  tourism  in  the 
Moray  Firth  attracted  generated  £0.48  million  from  trip 
expenditure  and  £2.34  million  in  total  expenditure 
(when  one  includes  expenditure  on  accommodation 
etc.);  but  a more  recent  study  from  2009  (albeit  using  a 
different  methodology)  estimated  that  total  direct 
expenditures  related  to  the  dolphin  population  in  the 
Moray  firth  were  at  least  £10.4  million  (Davies  et  al. 

20 1 0).  One  would  assume  that  over  the  past  decade,  the 
value  of  cetacean  tourism  has  generally  increased 
across  Scotland,  not  just  in  the  Moray  Firth. 

The  whale  watching  industry  is  generally  considered  to 
be  economically  viable  in  the  long-tenn  (Woods- 
Ballard  et  al.  2003),  appears  to  provide  employment 
particularly  for  those  working  in  the  declining  sectors 
of  fanning  and  fishing  (Woods-Ballard  et  al.  2003)  and 
the  industry  could  have  considerable  potential  for 
further  development  (Howard  & Parsons  2006a)  if 
developed  responsibly.  Although  there  are  some 
concerns,  most  whale  watching  operators  in  Scotland 
seem  to  be  accepting  of  the  need  to  follow  whale 
watching  guidelines  or  codes  of  conduct  (Parsons  & 
Woods-Ballard  2003).  In  fact,  it  is  probably  in  the  best 
interests  of  whale  watching  operators  to  be  as 
responsible  and  environmentally  sustainable  as 
possible  as  whale  watching  tourists  tend  to  be 
environmentally  motivated,  displaying  a high  degree  of 
environmental  participation  (Rawles  & Parsons  2004). 

Surveys  in  Scotland’s  main  cities  of  Glasgow  and 
Edinburgh,  members  of  the  public  seemed  to  be  aware 
of  the  opportunities  for  whale  watching  in  Scotland, 
especially  in  areas  such  as  the  Moray  Firth  (Howard  & 
Parsons  2006a).  This  high  level  of  awareness  is 
remarkable  when  one  considers  that  the  first 
commercial  Scottish  whale  watching  trip  was  in  1 989, 
and  with  only  one  commercial  operator  in  1994  (Hoyt 
2001;  Parsons  et  al.  2003).  Part  of  the  recent  surge  in 
awareness  of  the  whale  watching  industry  may  be  in 
part  due  to  TV  nature  programmes  (such  as 
Sprmgw’atch  and  Coimtiyfile)  that  frequently  feature 
whale  watching  and  cetaceans,  and  the  marketing 
efforts  of  new  operator  associations  such  as  Wild 
Scotland  ( 

There  have  been  several  studies  in  Scotland  to  ascertain 
public  awareness  of  cetaceans  and  their  conservation. 
For  example,  Scott  & Parsons  (2004)  interviewed 
members  of  the  public  in  southwestern  Scotland 
finding  that  few  people  were  aware  of  the  diversity  of 
cetacean  species  in  the  waters  of  this  region  (24 
species;  Shrimpton  & Parsons  2000),  although  over 
twice  as  many  gave  the  con'ect  answer  in  rural  regions 
as  opposed  to  urban  areas  (4.4%  vs.  1 .9%  in  rural  areas 
and  cities,  respectively;  Scott  & Parsons  2004).  When 
asked  is  specific  species  occun'ed  in  Scottish  waters, 
members  of  the  public  fared  better  with  56.7%  being 
aware  of  bottlenose  dolphins,  50%  harbour  porpoises, 
but  0 22.6%  for  killer  whales,  14.7%  for  Risso’s 

dolphins  and  only  39.3%  knew  of  the  minke  whale,  the 
most  common  baleen  whale  species  in  Scottish  waters 
(Scott  & Parsons  2004).  Younger  participants  (18-30), 
residents  of  the  Isles  of  Mull  and  Islay  (whale  watching 
areas),  people  who  took  part  in  marine  activities  and 
members  of  environmental  groups  scored  significantly 
higher  than  other  participants  (Scott  & Parsons  2004). 
When  asked  to  identify  photographs  of  common 
species,  only  17.5%  could  identify  a harbour  poipoise 
(19%  bottlenose  dolphins;  10.7%  minke  whale  and 
7.1%  common  dolphin;  Scott  and  Parsons  2004).  Those 
sectors  of  the  public  who  were  more  aware  of  the 
occun'ence  of  cetaceans  also  could  identify  them,  but 
city  dwellers  and  interestingly  workers  in  fishing, 
tourism  and  education  sectors  were  less  able  to  identify 
species  (Scott  & Parsons  2004). 


With  respect  to  threats  to  cetaceans  in  Scotland, 
members  of  the  public  tended  to  be  more  concerned 
about  impacts  of  factors  such  as  sewage  pollution, 
marine  litter,  over-fishing  and  oil  spills,  i.e.  relatively 
visible  issues  (Scott  & Parsons  2005;  Howard  & 
Parson  2006b).  A survey  of  cetacean  experts  was  also 
conducted  to  ground  truth  the  public  perceptions  and  it 
was  found  that  these  experts  were  more  concerned 
about  climate  change,  whale-watching,  military 
activities  and  dredging  (i.e.  issues  mostly  relating  to 
noise  and  disturbance)  than  the  general  public,  but  they 
were  less  concerned  about  oil  spills  and  sewage 
pollution  (Howard  & Parsons  2006b).  In  general,  the 
majority  of  the  public  questioned  who  had  an  opinion, 
stated  that  they  did  not  think  cetaceans  were 
sufficiently  protected  in  Scotland  (Table  2),  although 
there  was  a high  proportion  of  those  from  cities  who 
stated  that  they  didn’t  know  whether  they  did  or  not 
(Scott  & Parsons  2005;  Howard  & Parsons  2006b). 

How  well  are  Cetaceans 



(Major  cities) 

Don’t  Know 

25.8  % 

60.0  % 


0.4  % 

0.0  % 

Sufficiently  protected 

28.2  % 

7.0  % 

Not  sufficiently 

45.6  % 

33.0  % 

Table  2.  Public  attitudes 

to  how  well 

cetaceans  are 

protected  in  Scotland  (Scott  & Parsons  2005;  Howard 
& Parsons  2006b). 

However,  when  asked  whether  laws  should  be 
introduced  specifically  for  the  conservation  of 



cetaceans  in  Scotland  (e.g.,  a Cetacean  Protection  Act 
for  Scotland):  80%  supported  such  a piece  of 
legislation.  Moreover,  when  asked  if  a politician  were 
to  introduce  such  a law  would  it  make  them  see  the 
politician  more  favourably  40%  said  yes  it  would  make 
them  view  that  politician  in  a better  light  (26%  were 
unsure;  Howard  & Parsons  2006b).  It  is  interesting  to 
note  that  after  these  surveys  were  publicized,  for  the 
first  time,  all  of  the  major  political  parties  speeifically 
mentioned  cetacean  conseiwation  in  their  next  election 


Going  from  a nation  which  conducted  whaling 
historically  and  also  as  a commercially  for  nearly  two 
hundred  years,  the  public  seems  to  now  be  greatly 
opposed  to  this  activity,  with  a survey  conducted  in 
2001  finding  that  96.4%  of  the  public  were  opposed  to 
whaling  (75%  strongly  opposed;  2.4%  did  not  know; 
Scott  & Parsons  2005).  Moreover,  79%  of  whale- 
watchers  in  Scotland  stated  in  a survey  that  they  would 
boycott  visiting  a country  that  conducted  hunts  for 
cetaceans,  such  as  Iceland,  Japan  or  Nomay  (Parsons 
& Rawles  2003),  This  illustrates  a dramatic  sea  change 
in  attitudes  to  cetaceans  nearly  fifty  years  after  whaling 
stopped  in  Scottish  waters,  arguably  because  of  the 
people  of  Scotland  appreciate  the  cultural  and 
economic  value  of  living  cetaceans  in  their  waters. 


Thank  you  to  Norman  Meeres  for  proof  reading  drafts 
of  this  manuseript. 


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The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  59-69 

The  moth  assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss,  Stirlingshire 

John  T.  Knowler 

3 Balfleurs  Street,  Milngavie,  Glasgow,  G62  8HW 
E-Mail:  John. knowler(§ntlwoiid. com 


Moth  records  derived  from  an  extensive  programme  of 
trapping  between  2004  and  2010  have  been  combined 
with  older  data-sets  in  an  assessment  of  the  moth 
assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss.  Of  the  282  moths 
species  recorded,  45  are  considered  rare,  scarce  or  local 
in  Great  Britain.  Other  species  are  present  that  have 
dramatically  declined  in  their  UK-wide  abundance. 


The  peat  dome  that  forms  the  raised  bog  of  Flanders 
Moss  was  once  part  of  one  of  the  largest  complex  of 
raised  bogs  and  other  wetland  habitats  found  in  the 
UK.  Dotted  along  the  fonner  post  ice  age  estuary  of  the 
Carse  of  Stirling  they  were  subject  to  clearance  and 
drainage  and  today  Flanders  Moss  is  only  60%  of  its 
original  size  while  some  other  raised  bogs  on  the  Carse 
were  completely  cleared.  Nevertheless,  Flanders  Moss, 
lying  between  Thornhill  to  the  north  and  Kippen  to  the 
south,  remains  the  biggest  raised  bog  in  the  UK  and 
one  of  the  most  important  in  western  Europe.  Lowland 
raised  bogs  tend  to  have  a richer  fauna  and  flora  than 
upland  blanket  bogs  and  that  of  Flanders  Moss  is  of 
national  importance;  hence  it  has  been  designated  an 
site  of  Special  Scientific  Interest  (SSSI),  Special  Area 
of  Conservation  (SAC)  and  National  Nature  Reserve 
(NNR).  This  paper  presents  a compilation  of  the  moth 
assemblage  of  the  Moss  that  is  based  on  an  extensive 
programme  of  recording  from  2004  to  2010  but  also 
includes  older  data-sets. 


Moth  traps  were  run  in  various  parts  of  the  Flanders 
Moss  NNR  between  2004  and  2010.  A Robinson  125w 
MV  trap  and  one  or  two  Heath  actinic  traps  were 
operated  by  Scottish  Natural  Heritage  (SNH)  staff 
members,  Leigh  Marshall  and  David  Pickett.  The 
author  assisted  with  the  identification  of  the  catch.  Key 
trapping  locations  were  chosen  to  include  the  open 
moss  of  the  raised  bog,  habitats  dominated  by  bog 
myrtle  (Myrica  gale)  and  the  fringing  birch  wood. 

The  data  derived  from  moth  trapping  has  been 
combined  with  the  data-sets  of  Bland  (1988  and  2003); 
Christie  (1986),  Maclaurin  (1974),  Moms  (1991), 
Palmer  (1986)  and  a Scottish  Entomologists  weekend 
in  1989.  Most,  perhaps  all,  of  these  came  from  day- 

time obseiwations  and  were  thus  dominated  by  day- 
flying moths  and  species  that  were  identified  from  their 
laiwae  or  evidence  of  larval  feeding  such  as  leaf-mines. 
Other  day-time  observation  records  from  visitors  to  the 
NNR  and  Scottish  Wildlife  Trust  (SWT)  reserves  are 
included  where  these  have  been  submitted  to  and 
validated  by  the  author  in  his  capacity  as  vice  county 
moth  recorder. 


Table  1 lists  282  moth  species  recorded  on  Flanders 
Moss  up  to  October  2010.  The  “code”  column  gives 
the  UK  checklist  number  (Bradley,  2000).  The 
“records”  column  lists  the  number  of  times  that  each 
species  has  been  recorded.  It  is  not  possible  to  list  the 
number  of  individuals  that  have  been  recorded  as  not 
all  recorders  have  collected  this  data.  The  status 
column  indicates  the  UK  national  status  of  each  macro 
moth  species  as  defined  by  the  Joint  Nature 
Conseiwation  Committee.  The  categories  are  as 

Red  Data  Book  species  (RDB)  - species  known 
from  15  or  less  10km  squares  in  the  UK. 

Proposed  RDB  (pRDB)  - proposed  for  inclusion 
in  the  next  Red  Data  Book  listing  because  cuiTcnt 
infomiation  indicates  that  the  species  meets  the 

Nationally  Scarce  A (Na)  - species  recorded  from 
16-30  10km  squares  since  January  1980. 

Nationally  Scarce  B (Nb)  - species  recorded  from 
30-100  10km  squares  since  January  1980. 

Local  - species  recorded  from  100-300  10km 
squares  since  January  1980. 

Common  - species  recorded  from  over  300  10km 
squares  since  January  1980 
Uncommon  on  introduced  food-plant. 


Rare  immigrant. 


Of  the  moth  families  collectively  known  as  micros,  the 
Pyralidae  have  also  been  given  UK  national  status 
rankings  but,  of  the  remaining  micro  moth  families, 
only  those  species  worthy  of  Nationally  Scarce  or  Red 
Data  Book  status  have  been  categorised. 


A list  of  butterflies  and  moths  from  Flanders  Moss, 
published  by  Maclaurin  (1974),  included  nine  larger 
moth  species  not  otherwise  recorded  on  the  Moss  and 
not  included  in  Table  1.  They  are  ghost  moth  (Hepialus 
himmli),  shaded  broad-bar  (Scotopteiyx  chenopodiata), 
yellow  shell  {Camptogramma  bilineata),  grey 
mountain  caipet  {Entephria  caesiata),  juniper  caipet 
(Thera  Jiuiiperata),  small  yellow  wave  (Hydrelia 
JIammeo/aria),  tawny-barred  angle  (Macaria  liturata), 
dotted  border  (Agriopis  marguuvia)  and  Scotch 
annulet  (Gnophos  obfuscaliis).  Dotted  border  flies  at  a 
time  of  the  year  when  there  has  been  little  investigation 
of  the  moth  fauna  of  the  Moss  and  its  presence  would 
not  be  unexpected.  The  laiwac  of  tawny-barred  angle 
feeds  on  various  conifers  and  the  moth  was  recorded 
when  there  were  more  conifers  on  the  Moss.  However, 
other  species  on  this  list,  including  the  nationally 
scarce,  scotch  annulet,  would  not  be  expected  on 
Flanders  Moss.  Similarly,  juniper  caipet  is  unlikely  as 
its  foodplant,  common  juniper  (Junipenis  communis), 
has  never  been  recorded  on  the  Moss.  It  appears 
possible  that  Maclaurin  may  have  included  a wider 
spectrum  of  habitats  in  his  paper  than  are  considered  a 
part  of  Flanders  Moss  in  this  assessment  (no  precise 
locations,  observational  methods  or  dates  arc  given  in 
the  paper).  It  therefore  appears  safest  to  exclude  these 
nine  species  from  the  Flanders  Moss  data-base. 

Common  rustic  (Mesapamea  secalis)  and  lesser 
common  rustic  (Mesapamea  didyma)  were  only 
recognised  as  separate  species  in  1983  and  can  only  be 
separated  by  examination  of  their  genitalia.  This  has 
not  been  done  on  specimens  from  the  Moss  so  the 
records  are  aggregated  as  (Mesapamea  secalis  agg). 
Elsewhere  in  west  central  Scotland  the  two  species 
occur  in  roughly  equal  numbers. 

The  ear  moths  (Amphipoea)  comprise  another  genus 
that  can  only  be  unambiguously  identified  by 
examination  of  their  genitalia.  In  August  and  early 
September,  large  numbers  of  Amphipoea  come  to  light 
traps  on  the  Moss.  All  of  those  that  have  been  dissected 
have  proved  to  be  large  ear  (A.  hicens);  the  remainder 
have  been  recorded  as  Amphipoea  oculea  agg.  Based 
on  records  from  elsewhere  in  the  area,  almost  all  of 
these  will  be  large  ear  but  low  numbers  of  Crinan  ear 
(A.  crinanensis)  might  be  expected. 


Of  the  282  moths  species  recorded  on  Flanders  Moss, 
45  have  received  a UK  national  status  of  pRDB, 
Nationally  Scarce  or  Local. 

One  pRDB  moth  occurs  on  Flanders  Moss 
Lampronia  fuscatella  - This  scarce  micro-moth  occurs 
in  widely  scattered  localities  throughout  the  UK  and  its 
provisional  Red  Data  Book  status  of  3 indicates  that  it 
is  vulnerable.  It  occurs  only  in  regenerating  birch 
woodland  on  raised  peat  and  is  characteristic  of  ancient 
birch  woodland  with  a continual  history  of 
regeneration.  The  larvae  fonn  galls  in  the  twigs  of 

downy  birch  (Betula  puhescens),  usually  at  a node  of  ' 
twigs  that  are  3 - 13  mm  in  diameter  and  1.0  to  1.5  m 
from  the  ground  on  trees  less  than  10  years  old.  The 
larva  within  the  gall  is  fully  grown  in  May  when  it 
makes  a hole  to  the  exterior  which  it  caps  with  silk  and  s 
frass.  It  then  pupates  in  the  gall  and  emerges  in  June,  j 

Records  from  Flanders  Moss  indicate  that  the  species  is  * 
heavily  parasitized.  \ 


A (Na) 

Two  Na  moths  occur  on  Flanders  Moss 
Rannoch  brindled  beauty  (Lycia  lapponaria)  - The 
Rannoch  brindled  beauty  is  a moth  of  boggy  acid  ' 
moorland  and  in  the  UK  its  distribution  is  centred  on 
the  central  highlands;  particularly  Rannoch  and  upper 
Speyside.  Flanders  Moss  is  the  most  southerly  known 
site  for  the  species  and  is  well  separated  from  other 
known  locations.  Although  it  has  been  found  to  feed  on  ' 
a range  of  moorland  plants  including  heathers  (Calluna 
vulgaris  and  Erica  sp.),  bilbeiTy  (Vaccinium 
oxycoccus)  and  eared  sallow  (Salix  aurita),  the 
occuiTence  of  the  species  is  strongly  associated  with  its 
main  foodplant,  bog  myrtle  (Myrica  gale).  The  moth  is 
most  easily  found  as  an  adult  during  late  March  and 
April  by  daylight  searching  of  fence  posts,  old  tree 
stumps  and  the  trunks  of  trees  growing  close  to  bog 
myrtle.  Both  sexes  rest  on  these  sites  and  females  lay  | 
eggs  into  crevices  in  them  (personal  observations  of  the 
author)  as  well  as  in  the  dead  corollas  of  cross-leaved 
heath  (Erica  lelralix)  (South,  1908).  Using  this  search 
method,  males  and  females  can  be  found  on  all  those 
areas  of  the  moss  where  bog  myrtle  grows  including  | 
western  fragments  between  the  A81  and  B8034  ■ 

(Offerance  Moss)  that  are  outside  the  nature  reserve. 
Limited  data  gained  by  searching  the  same  areas  every  ' 
year  indicate  a fairly  stable  population  of  the  moth  but 
more  organised  observation  over  many  more  years  ‘ 
would  be  necessary  to  confimi  this. 

Great  brocade  (Eurois  occulta)  - Throughout  most  of  ■ 
the  UK  the  great  brocade  occurs  uncommonly  and 
irregularly  as  an  immigrant  from  northern  Europe. 
These  immigrant  moths  are  predominantly  mid-grey  in 
colouration.  However,  there  is  also  a scarce  resident 
fonn  of  the  moth  in  the  central  and  western  highlands  I 
of  Scotland  that  is  blackish,  variably  marbled  with 
grey.  Occasional  records  from  Flanders  Moss  appeared 
to  be  of  this  fonn  and  in  March  2007  the  author  swept  ' 
larvae  from  the  catkins  of  bog  myrtle  proving  that  the  ! 
species  breeds  on  the  moss.  Subsequently,  a single 
Robinson  trap  placed  near  the  same  area  of  bog  myrtle 
on  22"^*  July  2010  caught  five  adults,  all  of  which  ■ 
appeared  to  be  freshly  emerged.  Bretherton  el  al 
(1983)  state  that  resident  populations  are  found  close  to 
growths  of  bog  myrtle;  especially  where  these  are 
bordered  by  trees.  This  exactly  fits  the  location  in 
which  larvae  were  found  on  Flanders  Moss  and  where 
five  adults  were  subsequently  caught  in  a single 
overnight  trap.  There  seems  eveiy  reason  to  assume 
that  there  is  a resident  population  on  Flanders  Moss 



Nine  species  of  moth  recorded  on  the  Moss  have  Nb 

Atemelia  torquatella  - A northern  species  in  the  micro 
moth  family  Yponomeutidae.  The  larvae  fonns  blotch 
leaf-mines  in  regenerating  birch. 

Biselachista  serricornis  - A leaf-mining  species  in  the 
micro-moth  family  Elachistidae.  It  has  a scattered 
distribution  that  includes  central  Scotland  and  it 
inhabits  boggy  areas  and  damp  shady  woods  where  the 
foodplant  wood  sedge  (Carex  sylvatica)  grows.  On 
Flanders  Moss  this  is  largely  at  the  fringes. 

Bryotropha  boreeila  - A rare  and  local  member  of  the 
micro-moth  family  Gelechiidae  that  is  found  on  heather 
{Callima  vulgaris).  The  single  record  for  this  species 
on  the  Moss  is  hard  to  assess  and  requires 

Bryotropha  galbanella  - A local  member  of  the  micro- 
moth family  Gelechiidae  that  is  found  in  forested  areas 
and  feeds  on  mosses. 

Prolita  sexpimctella  - A local  member  of  the  micro- 
moth family  Gelechiidae  that  is  found  on  heaths,  moors 
and  mosses  and  is  often  seen  flying  over  burnt  patches 
of  regenerating  heather.  The  larvae  feeds  within  the 
spun  leaves  of  heather 

Argent  and  sable  {Rheumaptera  hastata)  - In  central 
Scotland,  the  argent  and  sable  is  best  known  from 
Flanders  Moss  where  it  occurs  in  most  areas  of  what  is 
now  a fragmented  habitat;  including  Offerance  Moss. 
It  is  also  regularly  recorded  from  Glen  Finglas,  was 
known  historically  in  the  area  of  Loch  Venachar  and 
probably  awaits  discovery  in  other  areas  where  bog 
myrtle  is  abundant.  There  is  considerable  confusion 
over  the  various  fonns  of  this  moth.  Most  sources  state 
that  the  southern  form  hastata  occurs  up  to  the 
southern  uplands  of  Scotland  and  feeds  on  young  birch 
while  the  smaller,  more  intricately  marked  northern 
fonn  nigrescens  feeds  on  bog  myrtle.  The  moths  on 
Flanders  Moss  most  resemble  the  fonn  hastata  despite 
the  fact  that  their  larvae  are  found  mainly  on  bog 
myrtle  on  which  they  fonn  characteristic  domed  tents 
comprising  the  terminal  leaves  of  young  shoots.  Most 
commonly  they  are  on  dense,  tall  plants  (0.8  - 1.2m) 
where  bog  myrtle  is  the  dominant  vegetation  often 
close  to  birches.  There  is  just  one  record  of  a larva 
feeding  on  birch  on  Flanders  Moss.  The  argent  and 
sable  has  UK  Biodiversity  Action  Plan  (BAP)  status 
and  is  a UK  priority  species  with  published  action 
plans  (Department  of  the  Environment,  Transport  and 
Regions  1999,  Kinnear  and  Kirkland,  2000). 
Manchester  Treble-bar  (Carsia  sororiata) 
Manchester  treble-bar  is  a moth  of  wet  moorland, 
mosses  and  bogs.  It  is  confined  to  northern  England 
and  Scotland  where  it  is  widespread  but  scarce.  On 
Flanders  Moss  it  is  common  and,  during  July  and 
August,  is  readily  disturbed  from  ground  vegetation 
during  the  day.  It  is  also  recorded  in  light  traps.  The 
species  is  much  less  common  elsewhere  in  central 
Scotland  with  widespread  but  only  occasional  records. 
The  larvae  feed  on  bilberry,  crowberry  (Empetnim 
nigrum)  and  cranberry  (Empetnim  oxycoccus)  and  it 

seems  likely  that  the  moth  will  continue  to  fiourish  as 
long  as  its  open  boggy  habitat  is  preserved. 

Silvery  arches  (Folia  trimaculosa)  - Although 
recorded  from  heaths  and  mosses  throughout  the  UK, 
the  main  centres  of  distribution  of  silvery  arches  are  the 
river  valleys  of  the  Spey,  Rannoch,  Dee  and  Clyde. 
There  are  only  five  records  from  Flanders  Moss  but 
four  of  these  were  in  a single  trap  near  bog  myrtle  and 
birches  on  18*’’  June  2010.  The  main  larval  foodplants 
are  bog  myrtle,  birches  and  sallow  and  the  western 
parts  of  the  NNR  would  appear  to  offer  excellent 
habitat  for  this  species.  Although  it  comes  to  light  traps 
in  small  numbers  it  is  more  strongly  attracted  to  sugar. 
The  author  is  unaware  of  any  sugaring  on  the  moss  but 
it  may  prove  rewarding. 

Marsh  oblique-barred  (Hypenodes  humidalis)  - 
Because  it  is  small  and  easily  confused  with  a micro- 
moth, the  marsh  oblique-ban'cd  is  often  overlooked.  Its 
habitat  requirements  arc  bogs,  boggy  moorland, 
swamps,  water  meadows  and  marshes  and  its  known 
foodplants  include  cross-leaved  heath  and  sphagnum 
mosses.  Christie  (1986)  recorded  it  as  occurring  in  ‘a 
very  extensive  and  very  numerous  colony  on  the 
Moss’.  However,  it  was  only  recorded  once  more 
before  2010  when  on  1 C’  August,  ten  were  found  in  a 
single  overnight  trap.  It  appears  likely  that  the  moth 
remains  much  more  common  than  the  few  records 

Thirty  three  moth  species  classed  as  local  have  been 
recorded  on  Flanders  Moss.  Although  they  are  all  listed 
below,  not  all  can  be  regarded  as  important  members  of 
the  Flanders  Moss  moth  assemblage;  the  species 
accounts  indicate  those  that  are. 

Gold  swift  (Hepialus  hecta)  - There  are  few  records 
of  gold  swift  from  Flanders  Moss  and  it  is  most  likely 
to  be  encountered  around  its  fringes  where  the  larval 
foodplant  bracken  (Pteridium  aquilimtm)  grows.  It 
cannot  therefore  be  regarded  as  a key  member  of  the 
moth  assemblage. 

Map-winged  swift  (Hepialus  fusconebulosa)  - 
Although  nationally  local,  this  species  is  the  most 
common  member  of  the  genus  in  west  central  Scotland 
and  its  presence  on  Flanders  Moss  is  unremarkable. 
Like  the  above  species  it  is  likely  to  be  commonest 
around  its  fringe  where  the  main  larval  food  plant, 
bracken,  grows. 

Pearl-band  grass  veneer  (Catoptria  margaritella)  - 
This  species  can  be  abundant  on  Flanders  Moss  and  is 
a part  of  the  resident  moth  assemblage.  Although 
classed  as  local,  it  can  be  common  on  boggy  moorland 
throughout  Scotland. 

Orange  underwing  (Archiearis  parthenias)  - The 
orange  undewing  is  not  an  easy  moth  to  see  in  central 
Scotland.  It  flies  in  sunshine  in  late  March  and  April 
around  the  tops  of  birches  growing  on  moorland  and 
other  open  environments.  Less  often  it  can  be  seen 
feeding  on  sallow  catkins  and  is  sometimes  found  on 
the  ground  basking  or  drinking  from  puddles.  It  is 
never  common  and  persistence  is  required  to  see  it 


well.  The  mature  birches  around  the  edge  of  Flanders 
Moss  arc  productive  places  to  look  for  it. 

Smoky  wave  {Scapula  ternata)  - Although  smoky 
wave  is  found  on  moorland  and  lightly  wooded  heath 
throughout  central  Scotland  it  is  particularly  abundant 
on  Flanders  Moss.  During  June  and  July  large  numbers 
can  be  disturbed  when  walking  across  the  more  open 
parts  of  the  Moss.  The  larvae  feed  on  heather  and 

Plain  wave  {Idaea  straminata)  - The  habitat 
preferences  of  this  uncommon  species  are  open 
woodland  and  scrubby  heaths.  Despite  the  fact  that  it 
does  not  appear  ideal  for  the  species,  a high  percentage 
of  the  historical  and  recent  records  from  central 
Scotland  come  from  Flanders  Moss.  Care  must  be 
taken  with  the  identification  of  the  species  as  it  is 
easily  confused  with  the  very  common  riband  wave 
{Idea  adversata). 

Ling  pug  {Eupithecia  ahsinthiata  f.  goossensiata)  - 
ling  pug  is  a local,  heather-feeding  form  of  wormwood 
pug  {Eupithecia  ahsinthiata)  which  is  a common 
polyphagic  species.  Separation  of  the  two  forms  is 
somewhat  subjective  but,  suiprisingly,  there  appear  to 
be  no  records  of  womiwood  pug  from  Flanders  Moss 
and  there  are  just  two  records  of  ling  pug. 

Shaded  pug  {Eupithecia  suhumhrata)  - A single 
example  of  this  species  in  a light  trap  run  on  the  moss 
on  is'*'  June  2010  was  the  first  record  from  central 
Scotland  since  1987  and  the  first  known  record  from 
cither  Flanders  Moss  or  vice  county  87.  The  normal 
habitat  of  the  species  is  rough  grassland  and  it  is  most 
common  in  southern  England  on  chalk  downs  and  in 
the  Brocks.  However,  it  is  found  locally  in  parts  of 
western  Scotland  (Riley  and  Prior,  2003)  and  three 
specimens  in  the  collection  of  the  late  Iain  Christie 
were  caught  at  Conic  Hill  in  1981  and  near  Gartocham 
in  1987.  Thus,  the  species  is  not  unknown  in  the  area 
and  it  is  highly  desirable  to  tiy  to  discover  if  it  is  a 
resident  member  of  the  moth  assemblage  of  Flanders 

Lunar  thorn  {Selenia  lunularia)  - Although  never 
vei'y  common,  in  central  Scotland  this  species  occurs  in 
woodland,  parks  and  gardens  as  well  more  open 
habitats  like  Flanders  Moss.  It  is  not  therefore  one  of 
the  more  important  members  of  the  moth  assemblage 
of  the  site.  The  larvae  feed  on  the  leaves  of  a range  of 
broad-leaved  trees  which  on  the  Moss  will  be  mainly 

Grey  scalloped  bar  {Dyscia  fagaria)  - This  local 
species  of  moors,  bogs  and  mosses  should  be  regarded 
as  an  important  member  of  the  Flanders  Moss  moth 
assemblage.  All  but  three  of  the  known  records  from 
central  Scotland  come  from  the  site.  The  larvae  feed  on 
heathers  and  the  moth  appears  to  prefer  the  short 
swards  that  are  typical  of  many  open  areas  of  the  Moss. 
Grey  scalloped  bar  is  a UK  species  of  conservation 
concern  and  is  the  subject  of  a south-west  Scotland 
regional  action  plan  (Kinncar  and  Kirkland,  2000). 
Grass  wave  {Perconia  strigillaria)  - Although  grass 
wave  has  been  recorded  from  several  moorland  sites  in 
the  Loch  Lomond  basin,  it  is  only  common  on  raised 
bogs  and  mosses.  Like  the  above  species,  it  is  an 

important  member  of  the  Flanders  Moss  moth 

Small  elephant  hawk  moth  {Deilephila  parceUus)  - 
This  species  has  been  recorded  in  increased  numbers  in 
central  Scotland  over  the  last  10  years  and  Flanders 
Moss  is  one  of  many  habitats  in  which  it  has  been 
observed.  It  is  not  considered  a key  member  of  the 
moth  assemblage  of  the  site. 

Dark  tussock  {Dicallomera  fascelina)  - Dark  tussock 
is  regularly  recorded  on  Flanders  Moss  as  adults  and 
larvae  and  the  species  is  a part  of  the  resident  and 
breeding  moth  assemblage.  However,  it  is  also  found 
on  moorland  throughout  Scotland  as  heather  is  the 
main  larval  foodplant. 

Round-winged  muslin  {Thumatha  senex)  - A single 
example  of  this  species  in  a light  trap  run  on  the  moss 
on  18*'’  June  2010  was  the  first  record  from  central 
Scotland  since  1991.  Nevertheless,  this  is  a moth  of 
wet  moorland,  bogs  and  flushes  and  it  appears  highly 
likely  that  there  is  a resident  if  small  population  on  the 
Moss.  It  is  clearly  desirable  to  confimi  whether  this  is 
the  case. 

Red-necked  footman  {Atolmis  rubricollis)  - During 
the  first  decade  of  the  2U‘  century,  this  species  has 
spread  spectacularly  northwards  through  central 
Scotland  and  beyond  (Knowler,  2010).  Particularly 
high  numbers  are  found  in  association  with  sitka  spmee 
(Picea  sitchensis)  and  it  is  likely  that  all  records  on 
Flanders  Moss  are  of  moths  that  have  come  from 
neighbouring  spruce  plantations.  The  species  is  likely 
to  continue  to  be  recorded  on  the  Moss  but  it  is  not 
considered  a key  member  of  its  moth  assemblage. 
Four-dotted  footman  (Cybosia  mesomelia)  - 
Although  the  four-dotted  footman  is  widely  distributed 
on  heaths,  moorland  and  bogs,  it  is  particularly 
common  on  Flanders  Moss.  It  is  frequently  disturbed 
from  ground  vegetation  during  the  day  and  overnight 
catches  of  up  to  66  have  been  recorded  in  single  light 
traps.  The  laiwa  feeds  on  lichens  (Cladonia  sp.) 
growing  on  heathers  and  these  are  abundant  throughout 
open  areas  of  the  Moss. 

Wood  tiger  {Parasemia  plantaginis)  - Like  the  above 
species,  wood  tiger  is  widespread  but  local  on 
moorland  and  bogs.  There  is  healthy  population  on 
Flanders  Moss.  Although  larvae  have  been  observed  on 
various  herbaceous  plants,  heathers  arc  the  main 
foodplants  and  this  is  assumed  to  be  the  case  on  the 
Moss.  As  long  as  open  areas  of  the  moss  do  not 
become  overgrown  the  population  of  this  species  is 
likely  to  be  secure. 

Clouded  buff  {Diacrisia  sannio)  - Like  the  above  two 
species,  clouded  buff  is  strongly  associated  with 
moorland  and  bogs  and  there  is  a particularly  strong 
population  on  the  Moss.  During  the  flight  season, 
multiple  adults  arc  likely  to  be  disturbed  from  the 
vegetation  during  a walk  over  the  moss  and  up  to  20 
have  been  recorded  in  and  around  a single  overnight 
light  trap.  The  larvae  feed  on  heathers  and  other 
herbaceous  moorland  plants. 

Neglected  rustic  {Xestia  castanea)  - The  neglected 
rustic  is  found  on  moorland,  raised  bogs  and  in 
woodland  with  heather  in  the  understory.  The  colour 


form  with  buff,  pink-edged  forewings  is  regularly 
recorded  on  Flanders  Moss.  Larvae  feed  on  heather, 
bell  heather  {Erica  cinerea)  and  cross-leaved  heath. 
UK-wide  this  species  decreased  by  82%  between  1968 
and  2002  (Fox  et  al.,  2006). 

Heath  rustic  {Xestia  agathina)  - The  heath  nistic  is  a 
local  moth  of  acid  heaths,  moorland  and  bogs  but  is 
particularly  common  on  Flanders  Moss.  Thus,  77  were 
recorded  in  a single  trap  on  6*'’  September,  2007.  The 
larvae  feed  on  heather.  UK-wide  this  species  decreased 
by  84%  between  1968  and  2002  (Fox  et  a!.,  2006). 
Beautiful  brocade  (LacaiwMa  contigua)  - The 
beautiful  brocade  is  an  uncommon  moth  of  lightly 
wooded  moorland  and  a high  percentage  of  records 
from  central  Scotland  come  from  Flanders  Moss.  The 
larvae  feed  on  birches,  oaks  and  other  woody  species 
so  the  species  is  presumably  dependent  on  areas  of 
birch  on  the  Moss. 

Glaucous  shears  (Papesira  Mren)  - Although  classed 
as  nationally  local,  glaucous  shears  occurs  on  moorland 
throughout  Scotland  and  is  an  expected  part  of  the 
Flanders  Moss  moth  assemblage. 

Golden-rod  brindle  (Lithomoia  soiidagims)  - Despite 
occurring  widely  on  the  moorlands  of  Scotland, 
golden-rod  brindle  is  an  uncommon  moth.  Most  recent 
records  from  central  Scotland  are  from  Flanders  Moss. 
The  larvae  have  been  recorded  from  heathers,  bilberry, 
bog  myrtle  and  other  moorland  plants. 

Red  sword-grass  {Xylena  vetusta)  - The  main  habitat 
of  this  uncommon  species  is  moorland  and  rough 
upland  grassland  and  it  would  be  expected  to  be  an 
integral  part  of  the  moth  assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss. 
However,  it  also  occurs  in  damp  woodland  and 
marshes  and  is  regularly  recorded  in  light  traps  in 
parkland  and  gardens  near  suitable  habitat.  Any 
specimen  should  be  carefully  examined  to  exclude  the 
very  similar  and  nationally  scarce  sword-grass  {Xylena 
exsolela)  which  is  unrecorded  on  the  Moss  but  could 

Suspected  {Parmtichtis  suspecta)  - Throughout  much 
of  Scotland,  suspected  is  a widespread  but  uncommon 
moth  of  fens,  car  and  moorland  with  birch  scrub.  It  is 
an  integral  component  of  the  Flanders  Moss  moth 
assemblage.  The  larvae  feed  on  the  tenninal  shoots  of 
scrub  birch. 

Light  knot-grass  {Acronicta  menyanthidis)  - An 
uncommon  moth  of  the  damper  parts  of  moors  and 
bogs,  light  knot-grass  is  typical  part  of  the  moth 
assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss.  As  well  as  coming  to 
light  traps,  it  is  often  found  resting  on  fence  posts.  The 
larvae  feed  on  woody  moorland  plants  including  bog 
myrtle,  heathers  and  bilberry. 

Old  lady  {Mormo  mama)  - The  old  lady  is  an 
uncommon  moth  of  riverbanks,  marshes,  gardens  and 
hedgerows  and  the  single  record  from  Flanders  Moss 
was  at  its  edge.  Thus,  the  species  should  not  be 
regarded  as  a typical  member  of  the  moth  assemblage 
of  the  Moss. 

Large  ear  {AmpMpoea  iucem)  - Although  nationally 
local,  the  large  ear  is  the  commonest  member  of  the 
genus  throughout  central  Scotland.  Single  overnight 
trap  catches  of  over  50  AmpMpoea  sp.  have  been 

recorded  on  Flanders  Moss  and  all  of  those 
imambiguoiisly  identified  by  examination  of  the 
genitalia  have  proved  to  be  this  species. 

Haworth’s  minor  {Celaena  haworthii)  - As  a moth  of 
bogs  and  boggy  moorland,  Haworth’s  minor  is  an 
integral  part  of  the  moth  assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss. 
Its  larvae  feed  on  common  cotton  grass  {Eriophorum 
angnstifolinm).  UK-wide  this  species  decreased  by 
89%  between  1968  and  2002  (Fox  et  al.,  2006). 
Crescent  {Celaena  leucostigma)  - Although  not  as 
tied  to  boggy  moorland  as  the  previous  species,  the 
crescent  is  nevertheless  an  integral  part  of  the  moth 
assemblage  of  Flanders  Moss.  In  this  habitat  its  larvae 
probably  feed  on  puiple  moor-grass  {Molinia 
caerulea).  UK-wide  this  species  decreased  by  82% 
between  1968  and  2002  (Fox  et  ah,  2006). 

Lerapke’s  gold  spot  {Plusia  putnami  gracilis  ) - The 
common  species,  gold  spot  {Plusia  festucae),  and  the 
more  local  Leinpke’s  gold  spot  both  occur  on  the  moss 
and  their  separation  can  be  challenging.  Lempke’s  gold 
spot  is  a more  northern  species  and  is  not  uncommon  in 
damp  habitats  throughout  central  Scotland. 

Scarce  silver  Y {Syngrapha  interrogationis)  - 
Although  there  is  only  one  record  of  this  uncommon 
moorland  species  from  Flanders  Moss  it  appears  likely 
that  it  is  a scarce  breeding  resident  and  therefore  an 
integral  part  of  the  moth  assemblage.  Its  larvae  feed  on 
heather  and  bilberry. 

Pinion-streaked  snout  {Schrankia  costaestrigalis)  - 
A single  specimen  in  a light  trap  on  22"'^  July  2010 
appears  to  be  the  only  record  of  this  species  from 
Flanders  Moss.  This  is  surprising  as  it  is  a moth  of 
damp  habitats  including  raised  bogs.  However,  the  lack 
of  earlier  records  may  reflect  the  ease  with  which  this 
micro-like  species  can  be  over-looked. 


Fox  et  al.  (2006)  analysed  thirty  five  years  of  data  from 
the  UK-wide  network  of  Rothamsted  light  traps  during 
the  period  1968  to  2002.  They  examined  the  data  for 
337  species  of  common  larger  moths  and  showed  that 
two  thirds  (226  species)  had  declined  in  abundance  and 
75  species  had  decreased  by  over  70%  over  the  thirty 
five  years.  14  of  these  are  found  on  Flanders  Moss  and 
they  are  listed  in  table  2 in  order  of  their  percentage 
change  in  UK  abundance.  International  Union  for 
Conservation  of  Nature  (lUCN)  categories  are  based  on 
rate  of  decline. 


I should  like  to  thank  David  Pickett  for  his  help  and 
enthusiasm  in  compiling  the  Flanders  Moss  data-set 
and  for  his  valuable  comments  on  early  versions  of  the 











1 16 

1 17 






















41 1 
























First  Last 






UK  Status 

Micropterix  aureatella 




Hepiahis  Inimnli 

Ghost  Moth 





Hepiahis  hecta 

Gold  Swift 





Hepiahis  htpidinus 

Common  Swift 





Hepiahis  fusconelmlosa 

Map-winged  Swift 





Ectoecieiiiia  occiiltella 




Stigmella  sorbi 




Siigiiiella  iiylaiidriella 




Sligiiiella  hileella 




Siigiiiella  lappoiiica 




Stigmella  coifisella 




liiciimiria  peclinea 




Laiiiproiiia  fuscatella 





Neiiiatopogoii  swamiiierclainella 




Neimitopogoii  scliwarziellus 




Heliozela  liaiiiinoiiiella 




Psyche  casta 




Neiiiapogoii  cloacelhi 

Cork  Moth 




Moiiopis  weaverella 




Biicciilatrix  deiiiaiyella 




Paroriiix  logaiiella 




Paroniix  betiilae 




Paroriiix  scoticella 




Pliylloiioiycter  sorbi 




Plniloiioiycter  coiylifoliella  f betiilae 




Pliylloiioiycter  cavella 




Pliylloiioiycter  aiulerhlae 




Pliylloiioiycter  iiliiiifoliella 




Aiitlioplilla  fabriciaiia 




Glypliipterix  siiiipliciella 

Cocksfoot  Moth 




Glypbipterix  haworthana 




A rgyresthia  brockeelhi 




A rgyrestliia  goedarteUa 




Argyresthia  retiiiella 




Argyrestliia  coiijtigella 

Apple  Fruit  Moth 




Swamiiterdamia  caesiella 




Cedestis  gysseleiiiella 




Cedestis  siibfasciella 




Ociierostoiiia  piiiiariella 




AtemeUa  toixpiatella 





Ypsoloplia  iieinorella 




Ypsoloplia  pareiithesella 




Phitella  xylostella 

Diamond-back  Moth 





Coleopbora  serratella 




Coleopliora  milvipeiiiils 




Coleoplioro  lusciiiiaepeiinella 




Coleopliora  viiiiinetella 




Coleopliora  pyrriiiilipeiiitella 




Elachista  riifocinerea 




Elacliista  siibalhidella 




Biselacliista  serricoriiis 





Biselacliista  albidella 




Pleiirota  bicostella 




Diiiriiea  fagella 




Carpatolechia  proximella 




Pseudotelphiisa  paripiinctella 






























































Biyotwpha  siinilis 




Biyotropha  boreella 




Biyotwpha  galhanella 




Prolita  sexpimctella 




Neofacidta  ericetella 




Eiipoecilia  angustana 




Cochylis  nana 




Pandemis  cerasana 

BaiTed  Fruit-tree  Tortrix 




Pandemis  heparana 

Dark  Fruit-tree  Tortrix 




Syndemis  muscidana 




Aphelia  viburnana 

Bilberry  Tortrix 




Aphelia  paleana 

Timothy  Tortrix 




Capua  vidgana 




Philedotie  gerningana 




Eiilia  ministrana 




Cnephasia  interjectana 




Exapate  congelatella 




Acleris  hyemana 




Acleris  rufana 




Olethreutes  schidziana 




Celypha  lacunana 




Orthotaenia  undtdana 




Apotomis  turbidana 




Apotomis  betuletana 




Apotomis  sororculana 




Ancylis  imguicella 




Ancylis  badiana 




Ancylis  myrti liana 




Epinoiia  bilimana 




Epinotia  ramella 




Epinotia  tetraquetrana 




Epinotia  stroemiana 




Epinotia  trigonella 




Epinotia  brimnichana 




Epinotia  solandriana 




Rhopobota  naevana 

Holly  Tortrix 




Epiblema  scutulana 




Eucosma  cana 




Crambiis  pascuella 




Crambus  lathoniellus 




Agriphila  straminella 




Agriphila  tristella 




Catoptria  margaritella 

Pearl-band  Grass  Veneer 




Scoparia  ambigualis 




Dipleurina  lacustrata 




Eudonia  trmicicolella 




Elophila  nymphaeata 

Brown  China-mark 




Nympinda  stagnata 

Beautiful  China-mark 




Evergestis  forficalis 

Garden  Pebble 




Udea  lutealis 




Udea  ferrugalis 

Rusty-dot  Pearl 




Pleuroptya  ruralis 

Mother  of  Pearl 




Trichiura  crataegi 

Pale  Eggar 




Lasiocampa  quercus  f.  callimae 

Northern  Eggar 




Macrothylacia  rubi 

Fox  Moth 




Euthrix  potatoria 





Saturnia  pavonia 

Emperor  Moth 



























































1 803 








1 866 

















Falccirki  lacertiiiaria 

Scalloped  Hook-tip 





Drepana  falcalaria 

Pebble  Hook-tip 





Ochropacha  duplahs 

Common  Lutestring 





Achlya  jlavicornis 

Yellow  Homed 





A rchiearis  parlhenias 

Orange  Underwing 





Geometra  papilionaria 

Large  Emerald 





Cyclophora  alhipimctata 

Birch  Mocha 





Scopitla  ternata 

Smoky  Wave 





Idaea  hiselata 

Small  Fan-footed  Wave 





Idaec!  aversala 

Riband  Wave 





Idaea  straniinata 

Plain  Wave 





Xanthorhoe  designata 

Flame  Carpet 





Xanthorhoe  decoloraria 

Red  Carpet 





Xanthorhoe  spadicearia 

Red  Twin-spot  Carpet 





Xanthorhoe  ferrugata 

Dark-baned  Twin-spot  Carpet 





Xanthorhoe  montanata 

Silver-ground  Carpet 





Epirrhoe  tristata 

Small  Argent  & Sable 





Epirrhoe  alternata 

Common  Carpet 





Cosmorhoe  ocellata 

Puqtle  Bar 





Enlithis  testata 






Eiilithis  popidata 

Northern  Spinach 





Enlithis  pyraliata 

Barred  Straw 





Chloroclysta  siterata 

Red-green  Carpet 





Chlorodysta  citrata 

Dark  Marbled  Carptet 





Chloroclysta  truncata 

Common  Marbled  Caipet 





Thera  oheliscata 

Grey  Pine  Carpet 





Thera  hritannica 

Spruce  Carpet 





Electrophaes  coiylata 

Broken-baned  Caipet 





Colostygia  nmltistrigaria 

Mottled  Grey 





Colospgia  pectinataria 

Green  Carpet 





Hydriomena  furcata 

July  Highllyer 





Rhennuiptera  hastata 

Argent  & Sable 





Perizoma  alcheinillata 

Small  Rivulet 





Perizonui  didymata 

Twin-spot  Carpet 





Eupithecia  absinthiata 



Ling  Pug 





Eupithecia  suhfuscata 

Grey  Pug 





Eupithecia  suhumhrata 

Shaded  Pug 





Eupithecia  nanata 

Narrow-winged  Pug 





Eupithecia  tantillaria 

Dwarf  Pug 





Gyinnoscelis  rufifasciata 

Double-striped  Pug 





Carsia  sororiata 

Manchester  Treble-bar 





Lomaspilis  marginata 

Clouded  Border 





Petrophora  chlorosata 

Brown  Silver-line 





Plagodis  dolabraria 

Scorched  Wing 





Opisthograptis  luteolata 

Brimstone  Moth 





Ennomos  alniaria 

Canary-shouldered  Thom 





Selenia  dentaria 

Early  Thom 





Selenia  lunularia 

Lunar  Thom 





Selenia  tetralunaria 

Puiple  Thom 





Odontopera  bidentata 

Scalloped  Hazel 





C rocallis  el inguaria 

Scalloped  Oak 





Phigalia  pUosaria 

Pale  Brindled  Beauty 





Lycia  lapponaria 

Rannoch  Brindled  Beauty 





Piston  hetularia 

Peppered  Moth 





Erannis  defoliaria 

Mottled  Umber 





Aids  repandata 

Mottled  Beauty 





Ectropis  bistortata 
































































Aethalura  pimctulata 

Grey  Birch 





Emalurga  atomaria 

Common  Heath 





Bupalus  pirtiaria 

Bordered  White 





Cabera  pusaria 

Common  White  Wave 





Cabera  exanthemata 

Common  Wave 





Campaea  margaritata 

Light  Emerald 





Hylaea  fasciaria 

Banned  Red 





Dyscia  fagaria 

Grey  Scalloped  Bar 





Perconia  strigillaria 

Grass  Wave 





Laothoe  popult 

Poplar  Hawk-moth 





Deilephila  elpenor 

Elephant  Hawk-moth 





Deilephila  porcellus 

Small  Elephant  Hawk-moth 





Phalera  bucephala 






Cerura  vinula 

Puss  Moth 





Furcula  fiircnla 

Sallow  Kitten 





Notodonta  dromedarhis 

Iron  Prominent 





Notodonta  zkzac 

Pebble  Prominent 





Pheosia  gnoma 

Lesser  Swallow  Prominent 





Ptilodon  capitcina 

Coxcomb  Prominent 





Pterostoma  palpina 

Pale  Prominent 





Orgyia  antiqiia 






Dicallomera  fascelina 

Dark  Tussock 





Thumatha  senex 

Round-winged  Muslin 





Atohnis  ruhricollis 

Red-necked  Footman 





Cybosia  mesomelia 

Four-dotted  Footman 





Parasemia  plantagmis 

Wood  Tiger 





Arctia  caja 

Garden  Tiger 





Diacrisia  sannio 

Clouded  Buff 





Spilosoma  lubricipeda 

White  Ermine 





Phragmatobia  fidiginosa 

Ruby  Tiger 





Agrotis  exclamationis 

Heart  and  Dart 





Axylia  pntris 






Ochropleura  plecta 

Flame  Shoulder 





Noctna  proimba 

Large  Yellow  Underwing 





Noctiia  comes 

Lesser  Yellow  Underwing 





Noctua  jhnbriata 

Broad-bordered  Yellow  Underwing 
Lesser  Broad-bordered  Yellow 





Noctna  janthe 






Eugnorisma  glareosa 

Autumnal  Rustic 





Lycophotia  porphyrea 

Tnie  Lover's  Knot 





Diarsia  mendica 

Ingrailed  Clay 





Diarsia  rubi 

Small  Square-spot 





Xestia  triangulum 

Double  Square-spot 





Xestia  baja 

Dotted  Clay 





Xestia  castanea 

Neglected  Rustic 





Xestia  sexstrigala 

Six-striped  Rustic 





Xestia  xanthographa 

Square-spot  Rustic 





Xestia  agathina 

Heath  Rustic 





Enrols  occulta 

Great  Brocade 





Anaria  myrtilli 

Beautiful  Yellow  Underwing 





Hada  nana 






Folia  irimaculosa 

Silvery  Arches 





Lacanobia  contigua 

Beautiful  Brocade 





Lacanobia  thalassina 

Pale-shouldered  Brocade 





Lacanobia  oleracea 

Bright-line  Brown-eye 





Papesira  biren 

Glaucous  Shears 





Melanchra  pisi 

Broom  Moth 





Cerapteiyx  graminis 

Antler  Moth 







Panolis  flammea 

Pine  Beauty 






Orlhosia  gracilis 

Powdered  Quaker 




Common  1 


Orthosia  cerasi 

Common  Quaker 






Orlhosia  incerta 

Clouded  Drab 






Orlhosia  golhica 

Hebrew  Character 






Mylhimmi  impura 

Smoky  Wainscot 




Common  ' 


Mylhinina  palleits 

Common  Wainscot 




Common  i 


Brachylomia  viminalis 

Minor  Shoulder-knot 






Aporophyla  nigra 

Black  Rustic 




Common  [ 


Lilhoinoia  solidaginis 

Golden-rod  Brindle 







Xylena  veinsla 

Red  Sword-grass 






Blepharila  adnsla 

Dark  Brocade 




Common  ' 


Conisira  vaccinii 





Common  i 


Agrochola  Hliira 

Brown-spot  Pinion 




Common  ; 


Paraslichtis  suspeda 







Xanihia  logala 

Pink-barred  Sallow 






Xanihia  icierilia 







Acronicia  leporina 







Acronicia  menyanihidis 

Light  Knot  Grass 




Local  1 


Mormo  inaiira 

Old  Lady 






Rusina  ferruginea 

Brown  Rustic 






Eupk’xia  lucipara 

Small  Angle  Shades 






Phlogophora  meliculosa 

Angle  Shades 




Common  - 


Apaniea  monoglypha 

Dark  Arches 






Apamea  crenala 

Clouded-bordered  Brindle 






Apaniea  reniissa 

Dusky  Brocade 






Apamea  sordens 

Rustic  Shoulder-knot 




Common  . 


Oligia  fasciimciila 

Middle-baned  Minor 






Mesapamea  secalis  agg. 

Common  Rustic  agg. 





Pholedes  minima 

Small  Dotted  Buff 






Chorlodes  pygmina 

Small  Wainscot 




Common  ' 


Amphipoea  hicens 

Large  Ear 






Amphipoea  ociilea  agg. 

Ear  Moth  agg. 





Hydraecia  micacea 

Rosy  Rustic 




Common  1 


Gortyna  flavago 

Frosted  Orange 






Celaena  hawonhii 

Haworth's  Minor 






Celaena  leiicosligma 





Local  ; 


Nonagria  typhae 

Bulrush  Wainscot 






Psendoips  prasinana 

Green  Silver-lines 






Colocasia  con'li 

Nut-tree  Tussock 






Diachiysia  chiysilis 

Burnished  Brass 




Common  , 


Phisia  fesliicae 

Gold  Spot 






Phisia  piilnami 

Lempke's  Gold  Spot 






Aiilographa  gamma 

Silver  Y 






Aulographa  Jola 

Plain  Golden  Y 






Aiilographa  hraclea 

Gold  Spangle 






Syngrapha  inlerrogalionis 

Scarce  Silver  Y 






A hroslola  Iriparlila 







Riviila  sericealis 

Straw  Dot 






Hypena  prohoscidalis 







Schrankia  coslaesirigalis 

Pinion-streaked  Snout 





Nb  ; 


Hvpeiiodes  hnmidalis 

Marsh  Oblique-barred 




Table  1.  Moth  species  recorded  on  Flanders  Moss. 


English  Name 

Scientific  Name 

UK-wide  percentage  change  over  35  years 

lUCN  Category 

Autumnal  Rustic 

Eugnorisma  glareosa 



Garden  Tiger 

Arctia  caja 



Haworth’s  Minor 

Celaena  haworthii 



Pale  Eggar 

Trichiura  crataegi 



Small  square-spot 

Diarsia  riibi 



Heath  Rustic 

Xestia  agathina 




Xanthia  iceritia 




Cymatophorima  leucostigma 



Neglected  Rustic 

Xestia  castanea 



Dark  Brocade 

Blepharita  admta 



White  Ermine 

Spilosoma  lubricipeda 



Dusky  Brocade 

Apamea  remissa 



Table  2.  Moths  found  on  Flanders  Moss  that  declined  in  their  UK-wide  abundance  by  more  than  70%  between  1968 
and  2002. 


Bland,  K.  P.  (1988).  List  of  Lepidoptera  recorded  on 
Flanders  Moss  on  18.3.1988.  Unpublished  report, 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage. 

Bland,  K.  P.  (2003).  Species  list  from  Argent  and  Sable 
Workshop,  Flanders  Moss  NNR,  17'’’  August  2003 
unpublished  report,  Scottish  Natural  Heritage. 

Bradley,  J.  D.  (2000)  Checklist  of  Lepidoptera  Recorded  in 
the  British  Isles.  Fordingbridge. 

Bretherton,  R.  F.,  Goater,  B.  & Lorimer  R.I.  (1983). 
Noctuidae.  Pp  141  -142  in  Heath  J.  and  Emmet, 
M. (editors),  Moths  and  Butterflies  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland,  Curwen  Press,  London,  Vol  9. 

Christie,  I.  C.  (1986).  Moths  on  SWT  Reserve  Flanders 
Moss  Summer  1986  unpublished  report  Scottish  Natural 

Department  of  the  Environment,  Transport  and  Regions 
(DETR)  (1999).  UK  Biodiversity  Group.  Tranche2 
Action  Plans  Voll  Terrestrial  and  Fresh  Water  Species 
and  Habitats.  HMSO. 

Fox,  R.,  Conrad,  K.  F.,  Parsons,  M.  S.,  Warren,  M.  S.,  &. 
Woiwod,  I.  P.  (2006).  The  State  of  Britain 's  Larger 
Moths.  Butterfly  Conservation  and  Rothamsted 
Research,  Wareham,  Dorset. 

Kinnear  P.  & Kirkland  P.  (2000).  Regional  Action  Plan  for 
Butterflies  and  Moths  of  South  West  Scotland.  Butterfly 
Conservation,  Edinburgh. 

Knowler,  J.  T.  (2010).  An  Annotated  Checklist  of  the 
Larger  Moths  of  Stirlingshire,  West  Perthshire  and 
Dunbartonshire.  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society, 

Maclaurin,  A.  M.  (1974).  Butterflies  and  Moths  from 
Flanders  Moss.  Glasgow  Naturalist  19,  85-90. 

Morris,  R.  (1991)  List  of  moths  obtained  from  unpublished 
report,  Scottish  Natural  Heritage. 

Palmer,  R.  (1986).  List  of  Lepidoptera  recorded  on 
Flanders  Moss.  Unpublished  report,  Scottish  Natural 

Riley,  A.M.  & Prior  G.  (2003).  British  and  Irish  Pug 
Moths:  a guide  to  their  identification  and  biology, 
Harley  Books. 

Scottish  Entomologists  (1989).  Species  collected  on 
Flanders  Moss  during  Scottish  Entomologists  weekend 

3.9. 1989. Unpublished  report. 

South,  R.  (1908)  Moths  of  the  British  Isles  (series  2). 
Wame,  London. 



Thr  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  71-77 

Diversity  of  wild  plants  in  a low-maintenance  Scottish  suburban  garden.  Then 
and  now  ■“  1986  and  2011 

Myles  O’Reilly 

Scottish  Environment  Protection  Agency,  Redwood  Crescent,  East  Kilbride,  Glasgow  G74  5PP 

In  1986,  prior  to  the  publication  of  the  Wild  Plants  of 
Glasgow  (Dickson,  1991),  a survey  was  undertaken  of 
the  native  (or  naturalised)  higher  plant  diversity  of  a 
large  suburban  garden  in  the  south  side  of  Glasgow. 
The  garden  harboured  over  sixty  wild  plant  species, 
including  a few  unusual  species  for  the  area.  A follow 
up  survey  was  undertaken  25  years  later  in  2011,  to 
assess  how  the  natural  plant  community  had  changed 
over  the  years.  Plants  were  identified  with  the  aid  of 
Keble  Martin  (1969),  Garrard  & Streeter  (1983),  and 
Phillips  (1980).  Nomenclature  has  been  updated  to 
match  Dickson  et  al  (2000). 

The  garden  located  on  Newark  Drive  in  Pollokshields 
(NS  57225  63075)  is  moderately  large  with  a footprint 
of  around  1200m^.  The  layout  comprises,  to  the  front, 
a gravel  driveway  and  a lawn  with  bordering  beds  with 
a few  shrubs  and  mature  trees  (lime,  noiway  maple, 
sycamore,  horse  chestnut,  holly,  common  whitebeam, 
laburnum  and  wych  elm)  (see  Fig.l).  The  side  gardens 
have  an  old  concrete  drive,  grass  areas,  gravel  paths 
i and  small  trees  (ash,  rowan,  silver  birch,  locust  tree) 
(see  Fig.2)  and  the  rear  garden  has  more  extensive 
grass  areas,  a concrete  garage  forecourt,  some  over- 
grown beds,  a former  vegetable  garden  and  a few 
mature  trees  (lime,  alder,  wild  cherry  and  apple)  (see 
I Fig.3).  The  garden  was  intensively  cultivated  in  the 
1960s  with  many  foimal  beds  of  flowers,  neat  lawns, 
pollarded  trees,  vegetable  patches  as  well  as  a large 
greenhouse  and  numerous  exterior  cold  frames.  From 
the  early  1970s  the  cultivation  regime  reduced  rapidly 
to  a low  maintenance  level.  Tree  pruning  ceased,  the 
greenhouse  was  dismantled,  and  many  beds  and 
vegetable  patches  were  converted  to  grass  or  simply 
became  overgrown  with  weeds.  Lawn  mowing 
continued  but  bed  weeding  was  minimal,  limited  to 
removal  of  large  saplings  with  only  shrubs  and  some 
hardy  perennial  garden  flowers  persisting.  The  front 
driveway  was  maintained  with  occasional  weeding  or 
application  of  weed  killer  but  the  concrete  drive  and 
forecourt  and  other  paths  gradually  became  overgrown 
with  grass  and  weeds. 

[ The  initial  survey  in  1 986  recorded  5 1 species  of  native 
! (or  naturalised)  flowering  plants,  five  fem  species  and 
I one  horsetail  (Table  1).  Grasses  added  another,  often 

hidden,  component  of  higher  plant  diversity.  Mowing 
and  strimming  often  limited  grass  identification  but 
during  the  early  1980s  ten  species  of  grass  (and  one 
msh)  were  identified  within  the  garden  (Table  2).  The 
flowering  plants  included  a variety  of  annual  weeds 
{eg.  thale  cress,  cleavers,  groundsel)  and  several 
pernicious  perennial  “weeds”  - the  bane  of  gardeners  - 
rosebay  willowherb,  ground-elder,  field  horsetail,  large 
bindweed,  Japanese  knotweed.  The  grassy  areas  had 
their  own  distinctive  flora  including  creeping 
buttercup,  daisy,  self-heal,  and  thyme-leaved 
speedwell.  A few  shade  tolerant  woodland  species 
such  as  lesser  celandine,  broad-leaved  helleborine  and 
bluebell  were  already  present  under  mature  trees. 

Some  species  were  clearly  garden  escapes  {ie.  welsh 
poppy,  feverfew)  and  others,  although  indigenous  to 
Scotland,  are  known  to  have  been  intentional 
introductions  into  the  garden  in  the  1970s:  shining 
crane’s-bill  from  Lennoxtown,  bairen  strawberry  from 
Roebank  Reservoir,  water  avens  from  Dairy 
(Ayrshire),  great  mullein  from  Dumfries,  caper  spurge 
from  the  derelict  greenhouse  of  a neighbouring  garden, 
and  bluebell  from  Pollok  Park.  Others  may  have 
previously  arrived  with  soil  from  greenhouse  plants. 
This  is  probably  the  case  (indirectly)  for  the  caper 
spurge  mentioned  above  and  for  the  greater  bumet- 
saxifrage  which  appeared  in  the  early  1 980s  in  the  area 
of  the  dismantled  greenhouse.  The  caper  spurge  was 
introduced  in  1974  and  persisted  by  self  seeding 
around  the  garden  for  around  12  years.  It  is  rare  in  the 
Glasgow  area,  being  recorded  from  only  four  tetrads 
(Dickson  et  al.  2000).  The  greater  bumet-saxifrage 
appeared  as  a seedling  in  1981  and  comprised  four 
large  plants  by  1986.  It  is  veiy  rare  in  Scotland  and 
this  was  the  first  record  for  the  Glasgow  area  (Dickson 
et  al.  2000). 

Accidental  introduction  of  some  plants  with 
commercial  grass  seed  mix  during  conversion  of  some 
fomier  flower  beds  into  lawns  was  also  a known  amval 
route  into  the  garden  for  at  least  three  unusual  species  - 
black  nightshade  {Solamtm  nigrum)  in  1978),  small- 
flowered  catchfly  (Silene  gallica)  in  1980,  and  field 
madder  (Sherardia  arvensis)  in  1981-  but  none  of 
these  persisted  into  the  following  years. 


Four  species  of  fern  were  present  in  1986.  Male-fem 
and  lady-fern  were  scattered  throughout  the  garden. 
There  were  three  broad  buckler-fern  plants  - 
introduced  from  Pollok  Park  and  on  the  garden  walls  a 
single  hard  shield-fem  and  a single  maidenhair 

The  follow-up  survey  in  201 1 revealed  that  the  number 
of  wild  flower  species  established  in  the  garden  had 
increased  to  60  and  the  number  of  fern  species 
remained  the  same  at  five.  Some  flower  species  {e.g. 
barren  strawbeny,  germander  speedwell,  self-heal, 
bluebell)  have  spread  and  increased  in  abundance, 
others  have  decreased  (tvg.  red  campion,  american 
willowherb,  daisy,  feverfew).  Altogether  nine  llower 
species  and  two  ferns  have  disappeared  and  1 8 new 
flower  species  and  two  new  ferns  have  arrived. 
Mowing  and  strimming  prevented  a proper  review  of 
the  grass  species  in  2011. 

In  addition  to  the  flowering  plants  and  fems  found  in 
2011,  a large  number  of  tree  (or  shrub)  seedlings  or 
saplings  were  noted  sprouting  on  lawns  and  old  border 
beds  (Table  3).  In  spring  2011  nearly  thirty  lime 
seedlings  (cotyledon  stage)  were  observed  on  the  lawn 
areas.  Regeneration  of  lime  is  relatively  unusual  in 
Scotland  (see  Gray,  Grist,  & Hansen  1999). 

Among  the  absentees  in  2011  were  several  annual 
weeds  (shepherd’s  purse,  groundsel,  and  common 
orache)  possibly  edged  out  by  overgrowth  of  grasses 
and  thickets  of  bramble  in  some  areas.  Newly  an'ived 
weeds  included  ivy-leaved  speedwell,  knotgrass, 
smooth  sow-thistle,  curled  dock,  common  nettle,  great 
willowherb  and  bramble.  Another  new  weed,  blinks, 
formed  extensive  patches  on  the  gravel  driveway.  The 
introduced  water  avens,  greater  bumet-saxifrage,  great 
mullein,  and  caper  spurge  have  all  died  out  along  with 
the  single  bittersweet.  The  amval  of  the  two-spined 
acaena  is  of  interest  (Fig. 4).  Although  this  alien 
species  is  still  rare  as  a naturalised  plant  in  Glasgow  it 
may  be  spreading. 

In  the  grassy  areas  greater  plantain  seems  to  have 
disappeared  while  a few  ribwort  plantain  have  arrived. 
The  alien  fox-and-cubs  (“orange  hawkweed”)  has 
invaded  the  front  lawn  and,  with  a low  growth  habit 
resistant  to  mowing,  has  become  exceedingly  abundant 
and  a garden  variety  of  lady’s  mantle  has  tumed  up  on 
a grassed  over  driveway.  Several  cuckooflower  have 
also  appeared  in  recent  years  in  the  grassy  areas 
although  these  are  more  susceptible  to  mowing  and 
flowering  stalks  persist  only  on  untrimmed  grassy 

The  continued  growth  of  mature  (and  maturing)  trees 
has  encouraged  the  development  of  a woodland  flora 
under  their  shade.  Lesser  celandine  has  expanded  from 
a few  patches  to  broad  caipcts.  The  dozen  or  so  native 
bluebell  introduced  in  the  eighties  have  now  fomied 
into  two  natural  “bluebell  glades”  with  over  150  plants. 
However  non-native  Spanish  bluebell  has  also  spread 

from  neighbouring  gardens  and  it  appears  that  they 
may  already  be  hybridising  with  the  native  bluebell 
(see  Dickson,  1991,  Dickson  et  al.  2000).  Four  new 
shade-tolerant  woodland  species  have  colonised  the 
garden;  wood  avens  and  wild  strawberry,  both  of  which 
arc  already  widespread,  a patch  of  enchanter’s 
nightshade,  and  a single  flowering  plant  of  ramsons. 

Among  the  ferns  the  broad  buckler-fem  and  hard 
shield-fem  have  gone  but  the  shade  loving  hart’s- 
tongue  has  arrived.  The  single  maidenhair  spleenwort 
on  the  garden  wall  has  expanded  to  over  100  plants  and 
a few  plants  of  wall-rue  have  established  on  the  same 
wall,  spread  from  a new  colony  of  about  50  plants  on 
an  adjacent  neighbour’s  wall. 

Gardens  are  often  overlooked  when  it  comes  to  surveys 
of  natural  flora.  It  is  evident  from  the  small  number 
examined  in  preparation  for  the  Wild  Plants  of 
Glasgow  (Dickson,  1991)  that  suburban  gardens, 
especially  if  a little  unkempt,  can  host  a suiprising 
diversity  of  natural  flora.  In  well  cultivated  gardens 
the  natural  flora  will  be  dominated  by  plants  of  arable 
land  (i.e.  weeds  of  flower  beds)  or  grazed  pasture  {i.e. 
weeds  of  lawns)  but  where  the  maintenance  is  less 
strict  and  where  trees  are  allowed  to  mature  then 
woodland  species  may  become  established. 

Accidental  introduction  from  horticulture  via  grass 
seeding,  flower  seed  packs  or  potted  plants  from 
garden  centres  may  result  in  the  presence  of  some 
unexpected  native  species.  At  Newark  Drive 
accidental  (or  intentional)  introduction  has  been  the 
source  of  several  such  arrivals.  Mud  on  tyre  treads  or 
wheel  arches  may  possibly  explain  the  spread  of  some 
driveway  weeds  such  as  blinks  and  knotgrass.  Most  of 
the  other  plant  airivals  probably  derive  from 
windblown  seeds  (or  spores).  This  is  undoubtedly  the 
case  for  most  weed  species,  for  broad-leaved 
hclleborine  orchids,  and  for  fern  species.  Others  such 
as  bramble  and  wild  strawbeirics  may  aixive  as  seeds 
within  bird  droppings.  Wood  avens  and  enchanter’s 
nightshade  with  barbed  seeds  may  perhaps  arrive 
attached  to  bird’s  feathers  or  on  the  fur  of  foxes  or  cats. 
The  spread  of  the  alien  two-spined  acaena  is  likely  to 
be  similar. 

Colonisation  by  tree  seedlings  is  mainly  by  wind  blown 
seeds  from  near  and  far.  Two  goat  willow  saplings 
noted  in  20 1 1 were  growing  in  the  house  roof  gutter, 
8m  above  ground,  on  a bed  of  pigeon  droppings! 
Although  only  about  30  cm  tall  they  were  already 
reproducing  with  catkins.  Other  trees  which  produce 
berries  (rowan,  whitebeam,  hawthorn,  wild  cherry, 
holly  and  elder)  may  be  spread  via  bird  droppings. 
There  is  evidence  in  the  fomi  of  gnawed  cheiry  stones 
secreted  in  holes  that  mice  may  also  help  distribute  the 
wild  cherry,  while  grey  squiiTels  (rare  in  this  area  in  the 
1980s  but  now  common)  are  a possible  candidate  for 
distribution  of  horse  chestnuts. 





creeping  buttercup 

Ranunculus  repens 

meadow  buttercup 

Ranunculus  acris 

lesser  celandine 

Ranunculus  ficaria 

welsh  poppy 

Meconopsis  cambrica 

wavy  bitter  cress 

Cardamine  flexuosa 


Cardamine  pratensis 

shepherd ’s-purse 

Capsella  bursa-pastoris 

thale  cress 

Arabidopsis  thaliana 

red  campion 

Silene  dioica 

common  mouse-ear 

Cerastium  fontamm 


Montia  fontana 

procumbent  peaiiwort 

Sagina  procumbens 


Geranium  robertianum 

shining  crane’s-bill 

Geranium  lucidum 

white  clover 

Trifolium  repens 

bush  vetch 

Vida  septum 

lady’s  mantle 

Alchemilla  mollis 

two-spined  acaena 

Acaena  oval  folia 


Rubus  fruticosus  s.l. 

baiTen  strawberry 

Potentilla  sterilis 

wild  strawbeny 

Fragraria  vesca 

waters  avens 

Geum  rivale 

wood  avens 

Gemn  urbanum 

rosebay  willowherb 

Chamerion  angust  folium 

broad-leaved  willowherb 

Epilobium  montanum 

american  willowherb 

Epilobium  ciliatum 

great  willowherb 

Epilobium  hirsutum 


Aegopodium  podagraria 

greater  bumet-saxifrage 

Pimpinella  major 


Conopodium  majiis 

enchanter’s  nightshade 

Circaea  lutetiana 

common  ivy 

Hedera  helix 


Galium  aparine 


Beilis  perennis 


Tanacetum  parthenium 


Senecio  vulgaris 

common  ragwort 

Senecio  jacobaea 

creeping  thistle 

Cirsium  ai'vense 

spear  thistle 

Cirsium  vulgare 


Hypochaeris  radicata 

common  hawkweed 

Hieraceum  vidgatum 


Pilosella  aurantiaca 


Taraxacum  sp. 

smooth  sow-thistle 

Sonchus  oleraceus 


Lapsana  communis 

field  forget-me-not 

Mvosotis  aixtensis 

large  bindweed 

Calystegia  silvatica 


Solanum  dulcamara 

great  mullein 

Verbascum  thapsus 

ivy-leaved  toadflax 

Cymbalaria  muralis 


Digitalis  purpurea 

ivy-leaved  speedwell 

Veronica  heder  folia 

thyme-leaved  speedwell 

Veronica  serpyll  folia 

germander  speedwell 

Veronica  chamaedrys 


Prunella  vulgaris 

greater  plantain 

Plantago  major 

ribwort  plantain 

Plantago  lanceolata 

1986  status  2011  status 



one  plant 

one  plant 

several  patches 







five  plants 

a few  on  paths 





one  plant 

one  patch  on  lawn 

several  on  lawn 



common  on  paths 

a few  on  paths 





common  on  lawn 

common  on  lawn 

one  large  patch 

four  patches 


three  plants 


one  plant 



five  plants 




15  plants 




several  stands 

two  stands 



30  plants 

one  plant 


two  stands 



four  plants 


one  on  grass 

one  on  grass 


twenty  plants 

several  on  walls 




common  on  lawns 

a few  on  lawns 


two  plants 






four  plants 


two  plants 

several  on  lawn 

common  on  lawn 

a few  on  grass 

three  plants 


abundant  on  lawn 




two  plants 



common  on  paths 

six  plants 



one  plant 


one  plant 


common  on  walls 

common  on  walls 


five  plants 


three  on  drive 

common  on  grass 

common  on  grass 

a few  on  grass  border 

abundant  on  grass  border 

one  patch 


a few  on  grass 



three  on  grass 


common  orache 

A triplex  patula 

a few  on  paths 



Polygonum  aviciilare 


ten  plants  on  drive 

Japanese  knotweed 

Fall  opia  japonic  a 



common  soitcI 

Riimex  acetosa 

common  on  grass 

a few  on  grass 

broad-leaved  dock 

Ruinex  ohtitsifolius 



curled  dock 

Riimex  crispiis 


one  plant 

caper  spurge 

Euphorbia  lathyris 

one  plant 


common  nettle 

Urtica  dioica 


one  small  patch 

broad-leaved  helleborine 

Epipactis  helleborine 

four  under  trees 

nine  under  trees 


Allium  ursinum 


one  under  trees 


Hyacinthoides  non-scriptus 

twelve  under  trees 


Spanish  bluebell 

Hyacinthoides  hispanica 


several  clumps 


Diyopteris  fil  ix-mas 



broad  buckler-fem 

Diyopteris  dilitata 

three  plants 



A thyrium  fil ix-femina 



hard  shield-fern 

Polvstichum  aculeatum 

one  on  wall 



Asplenium  scolopendrium 



wall -rue 

Asplenium  ruta-muraria 


five  on  wall 

maidenhair  splcenwort 

Asplenium  trichomanes 

one  on  wall 

abundant  on  wall 

field  horsetail 

Equisetum  arvense 



Table  1 . Wild  (and  naturalised)  llowers  and  ferns  1 986  and  2011. 

It  is  clear  from  the  relative  abundances  of  the  tree 
seedlings  and  saplings  that,  left  to  itself,  this  suburban 
garden  would  quickly  revert  to  deciduous  woodland 
dominated  by  sycamore  and  norway  maple,  neither  of 
which  is  native  to  Scotland  (Dickson  et  al.  2000),  with 
an  under-storey  of  shade-tolerant  woodland  plants. 


Thanks  are  due  to  Alison  Moss  and  Damien  Hicks  for 
assistance  with  some  plant  identifications. 


Fig.l.  Newark  Drive  - Front  garden  with  border  of  mature  trees. 

Fig.2.  Newark  Drive  - Grassed  over  concrete  driveway. 


Fig.3.  Newark  Drive  - Rear  garden. 

Fig.4.  Newark  Drive  - Two-spined  acaena. 



red  fescue 

Festuca  rubra 

perennial  rye-grass 

Lolium  pereune 

crested  dog’s-tail 

Cynosurus  cristatus 

annual  meadow-grass 

Poa  amma 


Dactylis  glomerata 


Holcus  lauatus 

sweet  vernal-grass 

Anthoxanthum  oderatum 

reed  canary-grass 

Phalaris  arundinacea 


Phleum  pratense 

common  couch 

Elytrigia  repens 

field  wood-rush 

Luzula  can^pestris 

Table  2.  Grass  and  rush  species  in  the  1980s. 

Species No,  of  seedlings/saplings 

wych  elm 

Ulmus  glabra 


silver  birch 

Betula  pendula 



Alnus  glutinosa 



Tilia  X europaea 


goat  willow 

Salix  caprea 


wild  cherry 

Prunus  avium 


cheiTy  laural 

Prunus  laurocerasus 



Sorbus  aucuparia 


common  whitebeam 

Sorbus  aria 



Crataegus  monogyma 



Cytisiis  scoparius 



Ilex  aepufolium 


horse  chestnut 

Aesculus  hippocastanwn 


norway  maple 

A cer  platanoides 



A cer  pseudoplatanus 



Fraxinus  excelsior 



Sambucus  nigra 


Table  3.  Tree  (and  shrub)  seedlings  and  saplings  in  201 1 . 

Dickson,  J.H.  (1991).  Wild  Plants  of  Glasgow. 
Conservation  in  the  City  and  Countiyside. 
Aberdeen  University  Press,  208. 

Dickson,  J.H.,  Macpherson,  P.,  Watson,  K.  (2000). 
The  Changing  Flora  of  Glasgow.  Urban  and  Rural 
Plants  through  Centuries.  Edinburgh  University 
Press,  402. 

Garrard  I.  & Streeter,  D.  (1983).  The  Wild  Flowers  of 
the  British  Isles.  MacMillan,  London,  295. 

Gray,  R.S.K.,  Grist,  N.R.  & Hansen,  M.H.  (1999). 
Natural  regeneration  of  Limes  (Tilia  spp.  ) in 
Scotland.  Wann  summers  produce  an  abundance  of 
ripe  seed.  Glasgow  Naturalist  23(4),  19-25.  (plus 
Errata  Glas.Nat.  23(5),  74). 

Keble  Martin,  W.  (1969).  The  Concise  British  Flora  in 
Colour.  Ebury  Press  and  Michael  Joseph.  Second 
(revised)  edition.  254. 

Phillips,  R.  (1980).  Grasses,  Ferns,  Mosses  & Lichens 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  Pan  Books,  191. 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  79-86 

The  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  Bequest:  its  contribution  to  the  development  of 
Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 

Roger  Downie,  Morag  Mackinnon,  Peter  Macpherson,  Dominic  McCafferty  and  Richard  Weddle 
Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  c/o  Graham  Kerr  Building, 

University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow  G12  8QQ 


Professor  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  (BLB)  left  a 
substantial  legacy  to  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 
on  her  death  in  1991.  In  her  will,  the  bequest  was 
‘unconditional’,  but  she  made  a number  of  suggestions 
on  how  the  money  could  be  used  both  in  her  will  and  in 
additional  coixespondence.  In  this  paper,  we  describe 
how  the  Society  has  used  the  income  generated  by  this 
generous  bequest  in  the  20  years  since  BLB’s  death. 
The  paper  covers  the  management  of  the  bequest,  the 
income  generated  and  expenditure  on  the  Society’s 
activities  (nearly  £214,000).  The  bequest  has  supported 
the  Society’s  journal  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  and  other 
publications,  biological  recording,  overseas 
expeditions,  a lecture  series,  a multitude  of  research 
projects  and  the  Society’s  social  activities  (one  of 
BLB’s  specific  suggestions).  It  is  no  exaggeration  to 
say  that  the  bequest  has  had  a transfomiative  effect  on 
the  Society  and  that,  with  pindent  management,  this 
effect  should  continue  into  the  future. 


Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  (BLB)  died  in  her  90*’’  year  in 
August  1991,  having  been  a member  of  Glasgow 
Natural  History  Society  (initially  in  its  earlier  name  of 
the  Andersonian  Naturalists  of  Glasgow:  see  Sutcliffe, 
2001)  since  1934.  In  her  will,  BLB  left  the  Society  a 
substantial  legacy.  Twenty  years  after  her  death  seems 
an  appropriate  time  to  appraise  the  impact  that  her 
legacy  has  made  on  the  Society’s  affairs. 

As  Macpherson  ( 1 992)  recounted,  BLB  was  a member 
of  the  Botany  Department  of  Glasgow’s  Royal 
Technical  College  (later  the  University  of  Strathclyde) 
from  1926-62,  then  Professor  of  Botany  at  the  new 
University  of  Malawi  1965-72.  Her  scientific  work  was 
wide-ranging,  including  fermentation  and  marine 
microbiology.  To  aid  her  botanical  teaching,  she 
produced  a Handbook  of  Botanical  Diagrams  in  1935, 
with  a second  edition  in  1949,  reprinted  seven  times.  It 
was  the  royalties  on  this  book  that  made  a substantial 
contribution  to  the  legacy  she  was  able  to  leave  to  the 

BLB’s  will  was  made  in  1974  and  states  “this 
bequest...  is  unconditional  but  1 express  the  hope  that 

it  may  enable  the  Andersonian  Naturalists  a)  to  airange 
for  refreshments  and  thus  encourage  fraternising  at 
their  meetings  b)  to  foster  interest  in  their  own  under- 
valued history  and  achievements  including  their  current 
activities  in  conjunction  with  and  for  the  Botanical 
Society  of  the  British  Isles  and  the  Vegetation  Atlas” 
(quoted  from  BLB’s  will  in  the  Society’s  archives). 

Although  BLB  had  stated  that  the  bequest  was 
“unconditional”,  she  had  also  conveyed  to  the  Society, 
in  a series  of  eight  communications  to  Peter 
Macpherson,  a number  of  suggestions  as  to  how  the 
money  might  be  used:  these  are  listed  in  Table  1 
(abstracted  from  a document  in  the  Society’s  archives). 

1 . To  complete  her  biography  of  Professor  Scouler 

2.  To  research  a biography  of  Scott  Elliot 

3.  To  research  a biography  of  Roger  Hennedy 

4.  To  produce  a brochure  of  the  early  histoiy  of  the 

5.  A publication  on  the  Lost  Flora  of  Glasgow 

6.  A publication  on  the  Aliens  and  Adventives  in 

7.  A publication  on  the  Lost  Flora  of  Helensburgh 

8.  In  collaboration  with  Strathclyde  University, 
complete  the  following  Herbarium  Transcripts: 

a)  Volume  1 Indigenous  flowering  plants 

b)  Volume  2 Exotica 

c)  Volume  3 Ciyptograms 

9.  Consider  helping  Strathclyde  University  to 
catalogue  the  Herbarium 

1 0.  Improve  the  social  aspect  of  the  Society 

1 1 . Provide  a home  for  the  Society 

Table  1.  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns’s  suggestions 

After  initially  depositing  the  legacy  in  the  Society’s 
general  fund.  Council  agreed  to  set  up  a sub-committee 
to  administer  the  bequest.  This  first  met  on  4'*’  March 
1993  and  comprised  Prof  Norman  Grist  (President), 
Jean  Millar  (General  Secretary),  Bob  Gray  (Treasurer), 
Dr  Peter  Macpherson  (Scientific  Adviser)  and  Bruce 
Lindsay  (Financial  Adviser).  At  that  meeting,  Nonnan 
Grist  listed  several  categories  for  possible  expenditure 
of  the  legacy  and  Peter  Macpherson  read  the  list  of 


“suggestions”  from  BLB’s  communications  to  him. 
Bruce  Lindsay  recommended  appointment  of  a broker 
to  advise  on  investments:  the  intention  would  be  to 
maintain  the  capital,  allowing  for  inflation,  and  spend 
the  income  generated:  on  the  sum  initially  available  - 
about  £175,000  (a  huge  sum  for  a small  organisation 
like  GNHS),  income  expected  could  be  around  £10,500 
per  annum.  At  this  first  meeting,  there  were  three 
applications  for  funding.  It  was  agreed  to  investigate 
each  further,  and  to  produce  a form  for  the  use  of  all 
future  applicants  (summarised  from  the  Minute  of  the 
first  meeting  of  administrators  of  BLB’s  Bequest,  in 
the  Society’s  archives). 

Downie  (1998)  reported  on  the  first  few  years  of  the 
Bequest’s  use:  by  the  end  of  1997,  £19,200  had  been 
spent,  13%  of  this  on  the  Glasgow  Naturalist 
(enhancing  its  production  standards,  especially  through 
the  inclusion  of  colour),  15%  on  equipment,  especially 
a computer  and  associated  kit  to  bring  the  Society’s 
work  into  the  modem  age,  2%  on  special  lectures,  3% 
on  social  events,  5%  on  administration  of  the  bequest 
and  62%  on  “projects”.  In  terms  of  money  spent, 
projects  were  53%  in  the  UK  and  37%  abroad,  mostly 
undergraduate  expeditions  organised  through  the 
University  of  Glasgow’s  Exploration  Society.  Downie 
( 1 998)  hoped  that  BLB  would  have  approved,  given 
her  personal  “histoiy  of  adventurous  botanising  in  far 
countries”.  Possibly  less  to  BLB’s  taste,  projects  were 
61%  zoological,  38%  botanical  and  1%  miscellaneous. 
The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  analyse  and  report  on  the 
various  contributions  the  BLB  Bequest  has  made  to 
GNHS  in  the  20  years  since  BLB’s  death. 


The  rules  for  the  management  of  the  Bequest  are  laid 
down  in  the  Society’s  Constitution.  To  comply  with  the 
requirements  of  the  Office  of  the  Scottish  Charities 
Regulator  (OSCR),  the  Constitution  was  amended  in 
November  2010.  The  rules  are  as  follows  (summarised 
from  the  Society’s  Constitution,  available  on  the 
Society’s  web-site): 

The  Bequest  is  administered  by  an  Executive 
comprising  the  Society’s  President,  General  Secretary 
and  Treasurer  together  with  scientific  and  financial 
advisers  (number  not  specified)  appointed  at  the 
Society’s  AGM.  The  aims  of  the  Executive  are  to  put 
into  effect  the  wishes  of  Professor  Lloyd  Binns  and  to 
further  the  aims  of  the  Society.  The  Bequest  is 
managed  in  such  a way  as  broadly  to  preseiwe  its 
capital  value,  allowing  for  inflation,  with  awards  made 
from  the  income  aceming  from  investments. 

It  is  worth  noting  that  Dr  Peter  Maepherson  has  served 
as  a scientific  adviser  to  the  Bequest  since  its  inception, 
and  that  Bruce  Lindsay  served  as  financial  adviser 
from  the  start  of  the  Bequest  until  2009-10. 

The  BLB  Committee  now  meets  three  times  a year 
(September,  Januai^  and  March)  to  coincide  with 

GNHS  Council  meetings.  At  these  meetings,  the 
Committee  receives  an  update  on  the  Bequest’s 
finances,  considers  any  changes  needed  in  the 
investment  portfolio,  makes  decisions  on  grant 
applications,  receives  reports  from  work  funded  by  the 
Bequest  and  discusses  any  modifications  proposed  to 
the  way  in  which  the  Bequest’s  income  could  be  used. 

Over  the  years,  a number  of  activities  have  become 
established  as  being  funded  by  the  Bequest  without  the 
need  for  specific  application.  These  are: 

• A contribution  to  the  social  life  of  the  Society. 
This  funds  wine  at  events  like  the  September 
Exhibition,  the  Christmas  Dinner,  the  BLB  lecture 
and  the  Summer  Social.  It  also  funds  the  costs  of 
pre-talk  dinners  for  speakers.  A summary  of  these 
costs  is  shown  in  Table  2.  The  Committee  has 
taken  the  view  that  these  contributions  fit  with 
BLB’s  express  wish  to  “arrange  for  refreshments., 
and  encourage  fraternising  at  meetings”. 

• A contribution  to  the  costs  of  publication  of  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  (see  Table  2 and  section  4). 

• Funding  of  the  BLB  Lecture  series  (see  section  9). 

The  bulk  of  the  Bequest’s  income  is  disbursed 
following  applications  for  grants  (see  section  3).  The 
Committee  has  made  a number  of  modifications  to  the 
criteria  for  support  over  the  years.  Cuirently,  these  are 
(summarised  from  the  Society’s  web-site:  Grant 
Infonnation  page): 

• We  assist  individuals  and  groups  in  canying  out 
projects  of  natural  history  interest. 

• Where  we  have  to  decide  between  the  merits  of 
competing  applications,  preference  is  given  to 
Society  members  over  non-members,  to  local  over 
distant  projects,  and  to  projects  likely  to  generate 
future  publication.  We  will  not  nonnally  give 
grants  towards  salaries. 

• Limited  support  for  postgraduate  students  to  report 
their  results  at  national  and  international 

• Support  for  overseas  natural  history  projects:  this 
is  given  for  two  categories  of  project  a)  overseas 
natural  history  expeditions,  mainly  involving 
under-graduate  expeditions;  b)  overseas  natural 
history  research  by  individuals. 

In  all  cases,  upper  financial  limits  are  advertised  (and 
modified  by  the  Committee  from  time  to  time).  In 
addition,  since  the  start  of  the  Bequest  it  has  been 
agreed  that  no  grant  greater  than  £2000  will  be  made 
without  the  approval  of  the  Society’s  Council. 

Figure  la  shows  the  market  value  of  the  Bequest’s 
investments  since  1993.  As  can  be  seen,  there  was  a 
sharp  rise  over  the  first  few  years  when  applications  for 
funding  were  significantly  less  than  income  generated 
and  surpluses  were  re-invested,  peaking  at  almost 
£316,000  in  1999. 


Fig.  1.  Financial  history  of  the  BLB  Bequest 
a)  Market  value;  b)  Income 

Subsequent  changes  in  the  market  value  of  the 
Bequest’s  holdings  have  essentially  followed  the 
vagaries  of  the  financial  markets,  especially  the  recent 
slump.  Even  with  the  recent  fall  in  value  in  2008,  the 
Bequest  is  worth  substantially  more  than  at  the  start, 
even  taking  inflation  into  account.  Figure  lb  shows  the 
annual  income  generated  by  the  Bequest’s  investments. 
The  overall  policy  of  the  Bequest  Committee  has  been 
to  hold  a substantial  proportion  of  the  funds  in  ‘safe’ 
lowish  interest  investments,  with  a smaller  proportion 
in  carefully  chosen  stocks  with  potentially  higher 
yields.  Inevitably  this  has  led  to  some  variation  in 
income,  again  generally  following  changes  in  the 
financial  markets,  but  annual  income  has  never  fallen 
below  £10,000,  much  in  line  with  the  original 
expectation  and  has  generated  a mean  annual  income 
of  £13,327.  The  Bequest  Committee  was  fortunate  in 
having  Bmce  Lindsay’s  careful  advice  on  investment 
policy  over  many  years. 

Table  2a  shows  the  total  income  generated  by  the 
Bequest  (1995-2010),  total  expenditure  and  a 
breakdown  of  the  expenditure  into  its  main  categories. 
It  is  gratifying  to  note  that  overall  administrative  costs 
have  been  low  (stockbroking,  legal  and  general  5.5%). 
However,  the  17-year  average  disguises  some  trends. 
Following  a new  arrangement  with  our  stockbrokers, 
their  fees  rose  substantially  to  1 1 .5%  of  income  over 
the  years  2007-10.  The  Committee  regarded  this  as 
unacceptably  high  and  a change  was  made  during 

a)  Income,  expenditure  and  main  expenditure 


Total  Income 

Total  Expenditure 

- Grants  (%) 

- Equipment  (%) 

- Publications  (%) 

- Social  (%) 

- Meetings  (%) 

- Stockbroking  - Legal  (%) 

- Administration  (%) 

Total  (£) 




£ and  (%) 

8,223  (3.9) 

18,408  (8.6) 

8,681  (4.1) 

12,502  (5.9) 

9,512  (4.5) 

2036  (1.0) 

b)  Grants  categories:  percentage  of  total  grant 



Conferences,  exhibitions 


Habitat  creation/memorial 


Training  courses 


UG  expeditions  (59) 


UK  research 


Overseas  research 








Donation  (SCENE) 


Table  2.  Income  generated  by  the  BLB  Bequest,  and  a 
breakdown  of  the  main  spending  streams  a)  total 
income  and  main  spending  streams,  b)  breakdown  of 
grant  categories. 

Contributions  to  social  events  and  meetings  average 
10%  of  Bequest  expenditure,  well  fulfilling  BLB’s 
request  that  her  legacy  should  contribute  to 
‘fraternisation’.  A matter  of  concern  to  the  Committee 
has  been  a recent  steep  rise  in  room  charges  imposed 
by  our  host,  the  University  of  Glasgow:  without  the 
benefit  of  the  Bequest,  the  Society  would  certainly 
have  had  to  move,  in  spite  of  the  benefits  of  the 
Zoology  Museum  and  our  libraiy  being  housed  in  the 
Graham  Kerr  Building. 

Expenditure  on  equipment  has  taken  up  3.8%  of 
Bequest  income.  Most  of  this  was  in  the  early  days, 
and  was  largely  on  computing  equipment.  Since  2005, 
the  Society  has  had  the  benefit  of  an  additional  legacy 
(£8000,  T.E.  Kinsey);  this  is  administered  along  with 
the  BLB  and  is  used  wholly  for  the  purchase  of  natural 
history  equipment. 

The  second  biggest  expenditure  categoiy  has  been 
publications  (8.6%).  Initially,  the  Bequest  simply  made 
a contribution  to  colour  printing  in  The  Glasgow 
Naturalist.  More  recently,  as  production  costs  have 
risen  and  additional  publications  have  been  produced 
(see  section  4),  there  has  been  substantial  expenditure 
from  time  to  time,  but  this  is  offset  by  income  in  some 


By  far  the  biggest  expenditure  eategoiy  has  been  grants 
(71.4%).  An  aecount  of  the  variety  of  grants  awarded  is 
given  in  the  next  seetion. 


Table  2a  gives  a breakdown  of  the  way  in  whieh  the 
£152k  on  grants  has  been  alloeated.  The  four  major 
items  have  been  Publieations,  Undergraduate 
Expeditions,  UK  Research  and  Overseas  Research. 
Over  the  years  of  the  Bequest,  there  have  been  some 
changes  in  the  procedures  for  recording  expenditure,  so 
there  is  a categoiy  of  Publication  in  Table  2a  as  well  as 
under  grants.  Most  of  the  grant-aided  publications  have 
been  for  floras,  especially  the  Changing  Flora  of 
Glasgow  (2001),  the  largest  single  item  funded  by  the 
Bequest  at  £8459  (as  noted  in  section  8 and  in  Table  1, 
publications  on  the  flora  of  Glasgow  were  among 
BLB’s  specific  suggestions).  The  Bequest  also  funded 
a publication,  jointly  with  Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  on 
the  flowers  of  Iona  (Millar,  1993).  Sec  also  section  8. 
The  Undergraduate  Expeditions  (59)  funded  by  the 
Bequest  have  all  involved  the  University  of  Glasgow’s 
Exploration  Society  and  are  discussed  in  section  7. 
Research  projects  both  in  the  UK  and  overseas  have 
been  VC17  varied:  the  Bequest  has  been  valuable  as  a 
supplementary  funder  for  postgraduate  research 
projects  where  the  consumables  and  travel  budgets 
provided  by  the  main  grant  have  been  inadequate  - in 
this  way,  the  Bequest  has  aided  research  on  the 
diversity  of  sticklebacks  in  Scotland,  the  Gartcosh 
great  crested  newt  translocation,  ovei'wintcring  of 
common  frog  tadpoles,  local  adaptations  of  common 
frogs  in  Scotland  and  wolf  conservation  in  Ethiopia. 

Collections  and  bio-recording  (8.6%  of  grants)  are 
described  in  section  6 as  are  the  training  courses  aimed 
at  improving  identification  and  recording  skills  (1.5%). 
The  Bequest  has  helped  fund  attendance  at  conferences 
and  also  the  mounting  of  a number  of  exhibitions,  most 
notably  the  Animal  Architecture  Company,  the 
Hunterian  Museum’s  contribution  to  Glasgow  City  of 
Design  and  Architecture  (1999).  A small  proportion 
(2.3%)  of  grant  funding  has  gone  to  habitat  creation 
projects,  such  as  wildlife  gardens  in  schools  and 
Froglife’s  Living  Waters  programme  which  is  creating 
amphibian  habitats  around  the  country. 

An  important  activity  for  the  Society  is  the  extensive 
scries  of  excursions  run  each  year,  spring  to  autumn. 
These  are  largely  self-funding,  but  a small  proportion 
of  the  grant  money  (1.9%)  has  helped  with  these, 
especially  with  transport. 


The  BLB  Bequest  gives  financial  support  for  the 
publication  of  The  Glasgow  Naturalist.  The  Glasgow 
Naturalist  was  first  issued  around  1908-9  and  is  a peer 
reviewed  journal  that  publishes  original  studies  in 
botany,  zoology  and  geology,  with  a particular  focus 
on  studies  from  the  West  of  Scotland.  The  journal  is 
published  on  a 1-2  year  basis  and  further  supplements 

are  produced  to  publish  the  proceedings  of 
conferences.  The  Society  is  fortunate  in  receiving 
generous  funding  from  the  BLB  Bequest  to  allow  the 
continued  publication  of  one  of  the  best  respected 
natural  history  journals  in  Scotland.  The  BLB  currently 
contributes  £l-£2k  per  edition  for  printing,  materials 
and  secretarial  work. 

The  BLB  prize  is  awarded  for  papers  submitted  for 
publication  in  The  Glasgow  Naturalist.  The  subject 
area  is  the  natural  history  of  Scotland.  The  intention  of 
the  prize  is  to  encourage  work  by  younger  scientists  - 
"younger"  in  the  sense  of  new  to  scientific 
writing.  Submitted  work  should  therefore  be  amongst 
the  first  three  papers  the  writer  has  submitted  for 
publication.  This  prize  was  first  awarded  in  2008  and 
prizes  have  been  made  to: 

Jill  M.  Williams,  2008.  Flood  meadow  vegetation  at 
Little  Lcny  Meadows,  Callander:  comparison  of 
two  adjacent  grazed  and  ungrazed  meadows.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  25(  1 ):  5 1 -56. 

Andrew  Kyle.  2009.  A comparison  of  grey  squirrel 
(Sciurus  carolinensi.s)  densities  between  an  urban 
park  and  semi-rural  woodland  in  Glasgow.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  25(2):  23-26. 

Lindsay  J.  Henderson.  2011.  Pine  martens,  Martes 
martes  as  predators  of  nestling  blue  tits,  Cyanistes 
caeruleus.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  25{3),  101-2. 

The  BLB  Bequest  has  also  supported  publications 
written  by  members  of  the  Society  and  made 
contribution  to  natural  history  publications  of  national 
interest.  These  include  Knowler’s  (2010)  checklist  of 
the  larger  moths  of  Stirlingshire  and  suiTounding  areas; 
Dickson  et  al.'s  (2000)  book  on  the  flora  of  Glasgow; 
Walker’s  (2003)  book  on  useful  herbs  and  Millar’s 
(1993)  book  on  the  flowers  of  Iona;  and  Sutcliffe’s 
(2010)  book  on  interesting  natural  histoi7  sites  of  the 
Glasgow  area. 


Prior  to  the  existence  of  the  Bequest,  conferences 
figured  very  rarely  among  the  Society’s  activities. 
Since  the  Bequest,  we  have  organised  four  (Table  3)  at 
2-4  year  inteiwals.  In  all  cases,  the  proceedings  have 
been  published,  as  sets  of  edited  papers,  in  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist,  either  as  supplements  or  as  part  of 
a regular  issue.  In  addition,  the  more  recent  three  sets 
of  proceedings  have  been  published  on-line.  As  shown 
in  Table  3,  conferences  have  usually  been  linked  to  an 
event,  such  as  the  Society’s  150‘'’  anniversary,  and  have 
often  involved  a collaboration  with  other  groups,  such 
as  the  2008  Machair  conference,  organised  jointly  with 
the  RSPB  and  the  Aculeate  Conservation  Group,  to  cap 
a three-year  Esmee  Fairbaim  Foundation  - funded 
project  on  the  great  yellow  bumble-bee.  Collaborations 
have  helped  to  enlarge  conference  attendance,  which 
has  been  excellent  in  all  cases. 

The  Bequest’s  contributions  have  been  a)  to  under- 
write the  costs  of  the  conferences;  b)  to  fund  research 


projects  whose  results  have  been  presented  at  the 
meetings;  and  c)  to  support  publications  of  the 

Month,  Year 

Conference  Title 

Duration  (d) 



June,  2001 

Alien  species:  friends  or 


Society’s  150'’’ 


GN  23  Supplement 

November,  2004 

The  natural  history  of 
Loch  Lomond  and  the 


Recent  opening  of 
Loch  Lomond  & 
Trossachs  National 

GN  24  Part  3 2005 

December  2008 

Machair  conservation: 
successes  and  challenges 


Culmination  of  joint 

GN  25  Supplement 

October,  20 1 0 

Urban  biodiversity: 
successes  and  challenges 


International  Year  of 


Table  3.  GNHS  Conferences 

Although  the  conferences  have  been  budgeted  to  break 
even,  it  has  been  very  helpflil  to  have  the  cushion  of 
the  Bequest  in  case  of  financial  problems;  and 
membership  income  alone  could  simply  not  have 
provided  the  funds  for  full-scale  publication.  In  these 
ways,  the  Bequest  has  been  a vital  factor  in  allowing 
the  organisation  of  high  quality  conferences  which 
have  considerably  raised  the  profile  of  the  Society 
amongst  kindred  organisations. 


Historically  the  Society  has  always  seen  the  recording 
of  the  wildlife  of  the  Clyde  Area  as  a priority,  and  has 
maintained  organised  lists  in  one  fonn  or  another 
showing  where  various  species  were  to  be  found 
(Weddle,  2001).  Since  the  late  1990s  this  process  has 
been  considerably  enhanced  by  a series  of  grants  from 
BLB  for  projects  aiming  to  collate  or  transcribe 
existing  data  for  the  Glasgow  Museums  Biological 
Record  Centre  database,  and  in  recent  years,  financial 
support  for  taxonomic  training  courses. 

As  mentioned  in  section  8,  the  aspect  closest  to 
Blodwen’s  interests  is  the  transcribing  of  data  from  the 
Strathclyde  Herbarium  sheets;  so  far,  the  British 
species  - approximately  1484  bryophytes,  335  lichens 
and  2,168  flowering  plant  records  - have  been  gleaned 
from  a total  of  some  11,000  sheets.  The  remaining 
specimens  are  exotic  and  transcription  awaits  a suitably 
qualified  volunteer.  Continuing  the  botanical  theme, 
we  have  also  transcribed  some  450  records  from  a 
‘Flora  of  Renfrewshire’  compiled  by,  or  under  the 
auspices  of,  Morris  Young  the  first  Curator  of  Paisley 
Museum  (Weddle,  2008). 

There  are  also  several  hundred  records  in  the 
manuscript  accounts  of  field  excursions  by  the 
Andersonian  Naturalists’  Society;  a start  has  been 
made  on  transcribing  these. 

Another  major  project  helped  by  BLB  funding  is  the 
transcription  of  records  of  beetles  from  Anderson 
Fergusson’s  catalogue  held  by  the  Hunterian  Museum 

some  3,050  records  spanning  the  years  1860-1938,  not 
all  collected  by  Fergusson  himself.  This  was  added  to 
by  Roy  and  Betty  Crowson  (some  2,670  records 
spanning  1954-1998),  and  a further  10,000  records 
from  that  period  were  gleaned  from  Roy  Crowson’s 
field  diaries,  work  which  is  still  in  progress,  but  which 
is  expected  to  bring  the  total  to  around  50,000  records. 

With  the  help  of  BLB  funding,  the  Society  has  run  two 
sueeessful  hoverfly  identification  courses  in 
conjunction  with  the  national  Hoverfly  Recording 
Scheme,  the  Hunterian  Museum  and  Glasgow 
Museums.  Recently,  in  conjunction  with  BRISC 
(Biological  Recording  in  Scotland)  the  Bequest  has 
offered  bursaries  towards  the  costs  of  species 
identification  courses  such  as  those  run  by  the  Field 
Studies  Council. 

Grants  have  also  been  given  for  the  purchase  of  the 
‘Recorder’  database  software  by  members  of  the 
Society,  and  for  attending  training  courses  in  its  use. 
The  software  was  originally  installed  on  a personal 
computer  which  was  also  funded  by  a BLB  grant;  the 
PC  is  not  capable  of  running  the  latest  version  of 
Recorder,  but  was  until  recently  in  use  by  volunteers  at 
Glasgow  Museums  Resource  Centre  for  entering 
records  into  spreadsheets  ready  for  transfer  to  the  main 
database:  its  1 1 years  lifetime  was  pretty  good  for  these 
fast-changing  times. 


The  University  of  Glasgow’s  Exploration  Society  has  a 
long  history  of  organising  staff-student  expeditions, 
some  to  the  UK  but  mainly  overseas.  These  arc 
science-based  expeditions  and  have  included  projects 
in  medicine  and  veterinary  medicine,  geology, 
geography  and  anthropology,  but  most  have  been  on 
wildlife  and  conservation.  The  Exploration  Society  fell 
into  inactivity  during  the  period  1975-87,  but  was  then 
resurrected,  with  the  first  expeditions  of  the  re- 
constituted Society  occumng  in  1989.  Raising  money 
for  Expeditions  involves  a great  deal  of  fund-raising 
activities  as  well  as  grant  applications.  No  single  grant 


is  likely  to  fund  a complete  expedition,  so  it  was  vciy 
helpful  when  the  BLB  Bequest  agreed  that  overseas 
expeditions  would  be  a suitable  activity  to  support.  The 
first  expeditions  part-funded  by  the  BLB  Bequest  were 
in  1995,  and  overall  59  expeditions  have  been 
supported  (3.7  per  year).  After  some  debate,  the 
Bequest  Committee  set  a maximum  of  £1000  to  be 
awarded  to  an  expedition  as  a whole,  not  to  individual 
participants.  Awards  were  initially  much  less  than  that, 
but  over  the  years,  supported  expeditions  have  received 
an  average  of  £568.60. 

Each  expedition  is  expected  to  provide  the  Society  with 
a report,  and  these  are  kept  in  the  Society’s  Libraiy.  An 
on-line  archive  of  expedition  reports  is  in  progress,  and 
will  have  a link  to  the  Society’s  website.  For  a time 
(2001-4)  expeditions  also  produced  a short  summary 
for  inclusion  in  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  but  this  fits 
poorly  with  the  expectation  that  Naturalist  articles 
should  concern  mainly  Scottish  subjects.  Another  way 
in  which  expeditions  have  provided  feedback  to  the 
Society  has  been  via  talks  in  the  winter  programme.  As 
well  as  formal  reports,  expeditions  have  contributed  to 
several  Ph.D.  theses,  MRcs  and  undergraduate  final 
year  project  dissertations,  and  a substantial  number  of 
papers  in  refereed  journals.  The  Society  can  be  proud 
of  its  contributions  to  this  work,  and  also  to  helping 
students  gain  unforgettable  experiences  of  natural 
histoiy  research  abroad. 


Over  the  years,  the  suggestions  made  by  BLB  (see 
Introduction  and  Table  1)  have  been  acted  on  by  the 
Bequest  Committee  as  thoroughly  as  possible. 

Projects  in  conjunction  with  the  Botanical  Society  of 
the  British  Isles  (BSBI):  As  noted  earlier,  BLB 
funding  made  possible  the  publication  of  The  Changing 
Flora  of  Glasgow  (Dickson  et  ah,  2000).  In  addition, 
GNHS  and  BSBI  contributed  to  the  publication  a 
checklist  on  the  flowering  plants  of  Argyll  (Rothcro  & 
Thompson,  1994)  and  a flora  of  Tiree,  Gunna  and  Coll 
(Pearman  & Preston,  2000).  Both  are  committed  to 
supporting  publication  of  a flora  of  Renfrewshire,  and  a 
flora  of  Lanarkshire  will  soon  be  under  consideration. 
GNHS  and  BSBI  also  contributed  to  the  costs  of 
recording  in  the  more  remote  upland  areas  of 
Lanarkshire  for  the  New  Atlas  of  the  British  and  Irish 
Flora  (Preston,  Pearman  & Dines,  2002). 

Sconler  biography.  BLB  gave  Peter  Maepherson  (PM) 
a copy  of  a letter  she  had  sent  to  Professor  Ewan,  Tulan 
University,  New  Orleans  (August,  1975)  which  read  in 
part  “Scoulcriana  is  now  developing  interest.  I sec  in 
the  USA,  and  1 am  hoping  that  the  local  Andersonian 
Naturalists  Society,  whose  founder  president  he  was  in 
1 852,  may  after  my  demise,  work  through  my  papers 
so  that  they  make  much  of  the  data  available  to  USA.  I 
propose  to  dispose  some  modest  funds  to  them  to 
encourage  this  work”.  In  1994,  PM  uplifted  from 
Strathclyde  University  (on  loan)  a box  containing  the 
draft  that  BLB  had  typed  on  the  life  of  Scouler.  Over 

the  next  few  years,  the  Bequest  Committee  discussed 
whether  to  publish  a ‘popular  account’,  based  on 
BLB’s  notes,  in  The  Glasgow  Naturalist,  or  whether  a 
more  detailed  biography  was  desirable.  After  some 
preliminary  work,  it  was  appreciated  that  considerable 
research,  some  of  it  international,  was  needed  for  a full 
biography.  On  the  suggestion  of  Geoff  Hancock,  Dr 
Charles  Nelson,  then  at  the  National  Botanic  Garden, 
Dublin,  and  an  experienced  historian  of  natural  history, 
was  approached,  and  he  agreed  to  take  on  the  work. 
Charles  Nelson  worked  assiduously  on  the  task, 
including  obtaining  a copy  of  Scouler’s  notebooks 
from  the  United  States,  and  by  late  2010  had  completed 
a manuscript  of  about  125  pages  plus  bibliography, 
taxa  lists  and  illustrations.  The  Bequest  Committee  has 
decided  to  publish  this  valuable  material  in  book  fonn 
as  a Society  publication  most  likely  in  2012.  BLB’s 
interest  in  Scouler  included  the  planting  of  a specially 
grown  specimen  of  Scouler’s  willow  {Salix  scouleri)  in 
the  arboretum  of  Glasgow  Botanic  Gardens  (Fig.  2). 

Scott  Elliot  and  Hennedy  biographies’.  These  were 
thoroughly  researched  by  Eric  Curtis  and  published  in 
The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (Curtis,  2009). 

Early  history  of  the  Society’:  This  was  covered  by 
Downie  (2001)  and  Sutcliffe  (2001)  in  the  volume  of 
The  Glasgow  Naturalist  celebrating  the  Society’s  150*'’ 

The  Lost  Flora,  Aliens  and  Adventives  of  Glasgow: 
These  featured  prominently  in  The  Changing  Flora  of 
Glasgow  (Dickson  et  al,  2000).  This  402  page  book 
received  generous  financial  support  from  the  Bequest. 

Lost  Flora  of  Helensburgh  : PM  made  enquiries  of  the 
previous  and  cuiTent  BSBI  recorders  from 
Dunbartonshire,  Allan  McG.  Stirling  and  Alison 
Rutherford.  BLB  had  told  the  fonner  that  John  Lee  had 
pressed  a sample  of  eveiy  plant  in  Dunbartonshire  and 
put  them  in  matching  folders.  Allan  had  examined  the 
herbaria  of  Kelvingrove  Museum  and  Art  Gallery,  the 
University  of  Glasgow,  and  Strathclyde  University.  He 
had  found  a few  Lee  specimens  but  none  in  matching 
folders.  PM  contacted  the  Royal  Botanic  Gardens, 
Edinburgh,  and  ascertained  that  they  held  no  relevant 
material.  In  the  mid  1960s,  Robert  Mill,  whist  a 
schoolboy  at  Hermitage  Academy,  Helensburgh, 
surveyed  the  plants  growing  wild  in  the  town,  and  later 
published  a flora  based  on  this  work  (1967).  Further 
work  on  this  suggestion  seems  unlikely  to  be  fmitful. 

Strathclyde  University  Herbarium  Transcripts: 
Although  this  item  was  on  BLB’s  list,  she  infomied 
PM  that  it  was  “now  in  production,  of  interest  to  the 
Society”  at  Strathclyde  University.  However,  as  noted 
under  Recording,  this  work  is  still  in  progress. 

Strathclyde  University  Herbarium  Catalogue:  The 
main  contributors  to  the  herbarium  were  Hennedy, 
Scouler  and  Scott  Elliot.  Computerised  cataloguing  of 
Phanerogams  was  completed  by  Keith  Watson  and  of 


Ciyptogams  by  J.A.  McMullen  (Macpherson  & 
Watson,  1996).  Computerisation  of  the  Lichens  was 
undertaken  by  Keith  Watson  in  2007. 

Social  aspects  of  the  Society:  This  has  been  fiilly 
achieved.  BLB  funding  has  helped  enhance  excursions, 
conferences  and  other  events,  especially  through 
provision  of  refreshments. 

Home  for  the  Society:  Since  the  Bequest  began,  the 
Society  has  consolidated  all  operations  into  the 
University  of  Glasgow’s  Graham  Kerr  Building.  The 
Bequest  funded  the  provision  of  locked  cabinets  for  the 
Society’s  Library,  and  has  helped  greatly  with  the 
rental  costs  of  meeting  in  the  Building. 

Fig.  l.Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  planting  a Scouler’s 
willow  {Salix  scouleri)  in  the  arboretum  of  Glasgow 
Botanic  Gardens,  1988.  The  tree  was  received  as  a 
cutting  from  Vancouver  Botanic  Gardens  in  1982. 
Present  in  the  upper  picture  (left  to  right)  are  Jim 
Dickson,  Bill  Fletcher,  Alex  McCaw,  Alastair  Laurie, 
Ewen  Donaldson,  BLB  and  Derek  Kane.  The  pictures 
were  taken  by  Eric  Curtis. 


Council  agree  in  2000  that  it  would  be  a good  use  of 
BLB  Bequest  money  to  fimd  an  annual  lecture  series 
that  would  bring  together  members  of  the  Society  and 
the  staff  and  students  of  the  University  of  Glasgow’s 
Division  of  Environmental  and  Evolutionary  Biology 
(DEEB)  whose  Graham  Kerr  Building  provides  the 
Society’s  ‘'home’.  The  idea  was  that  an  endowed  series 

would  attract  prominent  ecology  and  evolutionary 
biology  researchers,  the  modem  natural  historians,  and 
that  we  would  ask  them  to  prepare  a lecture  that  would 
interest  and  be  accessible  to  both  professional  and 
amateur  natural  historians.  The  staff  of  DEEB  gave  this 
idea  a warm  welcome  and  the  first  lecture  was  given  by 
Tim  Clutton-Brock  in  October  2001.  A full  list  of  the 
lectures  (the  first  1 1 years  of  the  series)  is  given  in 
Table  4.  The  series  continues  in  collaboration  with  the 
recently  created  Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal 
Health  and  Comparative  Medicine,  successor  to  DEEB 
after  the  20 1 0 University  of  Glasgow  restructuring. 

The  series  began  literally  with  a bang,  since  it 
coincided  with  the  disastrous  fire  that  destroyed  the 
University’s  Bower  (Botany)  Building.  Because  of  the 
emergency  electrical  shutdown  of  the  University’s 
main  circuit,  the  lecture  had  to  be  moved  at  very  short 
notice  to  the  Western  Infirmary  Lecture  Theatre. 

Over  its  1 1 years,  the  series  has  provided  an  excellent 
overview  of  modem  natural  history,  as  can  be  seen 
from  the  lecturers  and  their  titles,  and  has  consistently 
attracted  excellent  audiences.  As  a measure  of  the 
quality  of  the  lecturers  in  the  series,  three  of  the  first 
five  were  Fellows  of  the  Royal  Society,  and  others  in 
the  series  have  been  elected  FRS  since. 


It  will  be  obvious  from  the  foregoing  accounts  that  the 
BLB  Bequest’s  impact  on  the  Society’s  activities  has 
been  immense  and  we  are  exceedingly  grateful  to  have 
been  the  recipient  of  this  legacy.  The  additional  annual 
income  of  £13,000  has  been  a huge  injection  of  ftinds 
for  a small  Natural  History  Society  whose  annual 
subscription  income  is  around  £3,000.  Subscription 
income  covers  room  hire  and  speakers’  travel  expenses 
for  the  winter  programme,  newsletter  costs  and  a 
proportion  of  the  publication  costs  of  The  Glasgow 
Naturalist:  the  remainder  of  the  Society’s  activities  as 
described  here  are  funded  by  the  Bequest.  We  feel  that 
the  income  has  been  used  imaginatively  and  diversely 
in  accordance  with  her  wishes  to  benefit  natural  history 
knowledge  and  activity  at  home  and  abroad.  With 
continued  wise  management  of  the  Bequest’s 
investments,  we  anticipate  that  it  will  continue  to  be  of 
benefit  for  years  to  come. 


We  gratefully  acknowledge  Florence  McGarrity’s 
assistance  in  putting  together  and  revising  the  several 
drafts  of  this  paper;  Bob  Gray  for  providing  copies  of 
older  Society  accounts;  and  Barbara  Mable  for  helpful 
comments  on  the  penultimate  draft.  Ewen  Donaldson 
kindly  provided  the  photographs  for  Fig.  2 and  the 
information  about  the  planting  of  Scouler’s  willow. 






Prof  Tim  Clutton-Brock 

Co-operation  in  mammals 


Prof  Geoff  Parker 

Golden  flies,  sunlit  meadows 


Prof  Bill  Sutherland 

What  is  the  future  of  agriculture  and  farmland  birds? 


Dr  Tracy  Chapman 

The  complex  mating  systems  of  insects 


Prof  Nick  Davies 

Cuckoos  versus  hosts:  an  evolutionary  arms  race 


Dr  Mike  Majerus 

The  peppered  moth  saga 


Prof  Josephine  Pemberton 

When  evolution  and  ecology  meet:  long-tenu  studies  on  red 
deer  and  Soay  sheep 


Prof  David  MacDonald 

A brush  with  foxes  and  some  other  carnivore  tales 


Prof  Peter  Slater 

Learning  about  sound  in  animals 


Prof  Roger  Downie 

Adventures  with  amphibians 


Prof  Richard  Abbott 

Plant  speciation  in  action  in  the  UK:  tales  of  the  unexpected 

Table  4.  The  BLB  Lectures 


Curtis,  E.W.  (2009).  Two  Victorian  Botanists: 
Professor  Roger  Hennedy  and  Professor  George 
Francis  Scott  Elliot.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  25  (2), 

Dickson,  J.H.,  Macphcrson,  P.  & Watson,  K.  (2000). 
The  Changing  Flora  of  Glasgow.  Edinburgh 
University  Press,  Edinburgh. 

Downie,  J.R.  (1998).  Sowing  the  seed...  the  first  5 
years  of  the  Blodwcn  Lloyd  Binns  Bequest.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  23  (3),  1-2. 

Downie,  J.R.  (2001).  150  Years  of  Glasgow  Natural 
History  Society.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  23  (6),  57- 

Knowler,  J.T.  (2010).  An  annotated  checklist  of  the 
larger  moths  of  Stirlingshire,  West  Perthshire  and 
Dunbartonshire.  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society, 

Macpherson,  P.  (1992).  Obituary:  Blodwen  Lloyd- 
Binns  M.Sc.,  Ph.D.,  D.Sc.,  F.L.S.  The  Glasgow 
Naturalist  22,  155-8. 

Macpherson,  P.  & Watson,  K.  (1996).  Strathclyde 
University  Herbarium-Computerised  Database.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  23  (1),  7-8. 

Mill,  R.  (1967).  Checklist  of  the  Flora  of  Helensburgh. 
Macneur  & Biyden  Ltd.,  Helensburgh. 

Millar,  J.M.  (1993).  Flowers  of  Iona.  Scottish  Natural 

Peannan,  D.A.  & Preston,  C.D.  (2000).  A Flora  of 
Tiree,  Giinna  and  Coll.  Published  privately. 

Preston,  C.D.,  Peannan,  D.A.  & Dines,  T.D.  (2002). 
New  Atlas  of  the  British  and  Irish  Flora.  Oxford 

Rothero,  G.  & Thompson,  B.  (1994).  An  Annotated 
Checklist  of  the  Flowering  Plants  of  Main  Argyll. 
The  Argyll  Flora  Project. 

Sutcliffe,  R.  (2010).  Wildlife  around  Glasgow. 
Glasgow  Museums,  Glasgow. 

Sutcliffe,  R.  (2001).  Glasgow’s  natural  history 
societies:  an  update.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  23  (6), 

Walker,  A.  (2003).  A garden  of  herbs:  traditional  uses 
of  herbs  in  Scotland.  Argyll  Publishing,  Argyll. 

Weddle,  R.B.  (2001).  The  ‘Clyde  Cards’:  an  account  of 
biological  recording  in  the  West  of  Scotland.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  23(6),  88-99. 

Weddle,  R.B.  (2008).  Morris  Young’s  ‘'Flora  of 
Renfrewshire"  (VC  76).  The  Glasgow  Naturalist 
25(1),  29-50. 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  87-91 

Gartcosh  great  crested  newts:  the  story  so  far 

McNeill,  D.C.’  , Downie,  J.R.^  and  Ross, 

School  of  Life  Sciences  and  Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal  Health  & Comparative  Medicine,  University  of  Glasgow, 
Glasgow,  Scotland,  G12  8QQ 

‘Kelvin  Building,  University  Ave,  University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow,  G12  8QQ, 

^Graham  Ken-  Building,  University  Ave,  University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow,  G12  8Q0 
■^Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Great  Glen  House,  Leachkin  Rd,  Inverness,  IV3  8NW 



The  Gartcosh  Industrial  Site,  North  Lanarkshire  is 
home  to  the  largest  known  population  of  great  crested 
newts  {Tritiirus  cristatiis,)  in  Scotland.  Economic 
development  of  the  site  required  the  translocation  of 
the  great  crested  newt  and  four  other  amphibian  species 
from  existing  ponds  to  a puipose  built  reserve  around 
the  periphery.  Monitoring  the  effectiveness  of 
translocation  as  a mitigation  method  has  shown  that  in 
this  case,  the  breeding  adult  population  is  being 
maintained  at  levels  comparable  with  the  previous  site 
although  there  are  indications  of  possible  declines  with 
other  life  stages.  Longer  tenn  monitoring  is  required  at 
a level  more  in-depth  than  cuirently  planned.  The 
aquatic  and  terrestrial  habitat  created  appears  sufficient 
to  support  the  population  although  there  are  problems 
with  fragmentation,  both  within  the  site  and 
connections  to  external  locations.  There  is  still  pressure 
for  further  development  in  an  area  that  could  affect  the 
newt  population. 

KEYWORDS:  Triturus  cristatus,  amphibians, 

translocation,  mitigation,  habitat,  Scotland 


Great  crested  newt  {Triturus  cristatus,  GCN) 
populations  have  declined  across  their  range  in 
Scotland  (SNH  Trends,  2004)  and  across  the  UK 
(Langton  et  al.,  2001)  at  a rate  faster  than  other 
common  amphibian  species  throughout  their  entire 
European  range  (AmphibiaWeb,  2008).  Habitat 
degradation  or  destmetion  is  a significant  causal  factor 
as  GCN  populations  are  reliant  upon  both  good  quality 
terrestrial  and  aquatic  habitat.  Terrestrial  habitats  are 
threatened  by  development,  urbanisation  and  other  land 
use  changes.  The  resulting  fragmented  populations  are 
generally  small,  isolated  and  vulnerable  to  extinction 
(Hanski  & Gilpin,  1997;  Hitchings  & Beebee,  1997; 
1998).  Aquatic  habitats  are  at  risk  through  deliberate 
destruction,  lack  of  management  and  natural 
succession.  In  Scotland,  the  number  of  ponds  declined 
during  the  1950s  to  1980s  by  7%,  although  numbers 
were  found  to  have  stabilised  during  a survey  in  the 
1990s  (SNH  Trends,  2004). 

In  the  UK,  GCN  are  protected  by  the  Conservation 
(Natural  Habitats  etc.)  Regulations,  1994.  The 
regulations  make  it  an  offence  to  kill,  injure  or  take  the 
animals  and  to  disturb  them  in  certain  circumstances. 
Furthennore,  the  legislation  protects  breeding  sites  and 
hibemacula.  Development  is  the  key  pressure  to  GCN 
in  the  Scottish  central  belt  where  the  known  GCN 
populations  arc  concentrated.  Development  of  land 
containing  GCN  populations  is  only  possible  under 
licence  from  the  local  Government  agency  (in  this  case, 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage).  Licenses  can  only  be  issued 
for  specific  purposes  and  providing  the  impacts  of  the 
proposal  does  not  compromise  the  consei'vation  status 
of  the  species.  This  normally  entails  the  provision  of  a 
mitigation  plan  to  ensure  that  impacts  on  individual 
newts,  populations  and  habitats  arc  minimised  and,  if 
appropriate,  compensatory  habitat  is  created  or  existing 
habitats  enhanced. 

The  Gartcosh  Industrial  site  in  North  Lanarkshire  is 
home  to  the  largest  known  GCN  population  in 
Scotland,  with  1,012  adults  present.  This  was  estimated 
to  be  9-29%  of  the  total  Scottish  population  (McNeill, 
2010).  Approval  for  economic  regeneration  of  this 
brownfield  site  meant  that  in  2003,  the  Scottish 
Executive  granted  a licence  for  the  largest  GCN 
translocation  in  Scotland.  However,  despite  a number 
of  reviews  (Oldham  et  a!.,  1991;  Oldham  & 

Humphries,  2000;  May,  1996  unpublished;  Edgar  & 
Griffiths,  2004;  Edgar  et  al.,  2005),  the  question  as  to 
whether  or  not  translocation  can  be  an  effective 
mitigation  method  remains  unanswered.  Some  projects 
were  doomed  to  failure  due  to  poor  design  and 
implementation.  Other  projects  were  inconclusive  as  it 
was  not  possible  to  gauge  success  due  to  issues  such  as 
a lack  of  pre  or  post  monitoring. 

The  Gartcosh  translocation  offered  an  opportunity  to 
undertake  an  in-depth  case  study  on  the  effectiveness 
of  translocation  as  a mitigation  method;  what  would 
constitute  a successful  translocation  and  how  this  could 
be  achieved  within  the  Scottish  context?  The  research 
was  carried  out  by  the  University  of  Glasgow  in 


consultation  with  North  Lanarkshire  Council  and 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  which  also  funded  the 

Development  of  the  Gartcosh  business  interchange 
Gartcosh  former  steelworks:  site  history 
The  Gartcosh  Iron  and  Steel  works  was  constructed 
between  1858  and  1872,  with  the  rolling  mill  built  in 
1960.  British  Steel  took  over  operations  in  1962  until 
its  closure  and  subsequent  demolition  in  1986.  The  site 
has  since  been  subject  to  a long-tenn  regeneration  plan, 
including  establishing  motorway  access,  reopening  the 
railway  station  and  the  creation  of  an  industrial  park. 

Ponds  developed  naturally  within  the  site  and  anecdotal 
evidence  suggests  that  the  GCN  population  was  in 
residence  from  1972,  possibly  earlier,  although  not 
known  to  SNH  (Archibald  Laing  pers.  comm.).  The  site 
was  also  home  to  populations  of  Lissotriton  vulgaris 
(smooth  newts),  Lissotriton  helveticus  (palmate  newts), 
Biifo  hiifo  (common  toad)  and  Rana  temporaria 
(common  frog). 

In  1998,  a field  survey  of  the  site  identified  13  water 
bodies,  seven  deemed  suitable  for  GCN.  The  original 
plan  had  been  to  protect  the  GCN  in-situ  within  the 
industrial  park.  The  seven  optimal  ponds  plus  a ten 
hectare  area  of  land  was  designated  the  Amphibian 
Conservation  Area  (ACA),  with  an  additional  eight 
new  ponds  dug  in  1998  (Fig.  1). 

An  options  appraisal  process  was  then  undertaken  by 
the  Gartcosh  Regeneration  Partnership  (members 
included  North  Lanarkshire  Council,  Scottish 
Enteiprise  and  others  from  the  public  and  private 
sectors).  They  supported  a regeneration  ‘masteiplan’ 
that  incorporated  economic  development  of  the  area 
intended  as  the  ACA.  As  an  alternative  for  the  GCN, 
the  Gartcosh  Nature  Reserve  (GNR)  would  be  created 
around  the  peripheiy  of  the  industrial  park  and  all 
captured  amphibians  moved  from  the  ACA  to  the 
GNR.  The  GNR  was  completed  in  2003,  encompassing 
24  ponds  within  29  hectares  of  land  (Fig.  2).  The  site 
was  divided  into  three  zones:  Bothlin  Bum  (9.1  Ha,  8 
ponds),  Gamqueen  Hill  (14.1Ha,  7 ponds)  and  Railway 
Junction  (5.4Ha,  6 ponds).  There  were  a further  three 
‘Stepping  Stone’  ponds  in  the  Bothlin  Bum  area, 
intended  to  aid  dispersal. 

Pre  translocation  monitoring:  1998-2003 
Heritage  Environmental  Ltd  (HEL)  were  contracted  to 
undertake  a baseline  survey  of  the  ACA  for  six  years 
prior  to  the  translocation.  Torchlight  suii/eys  were  used 
to  establish  annual  adult  counts  of  all  five  amphibian 
species  present  within  the  breeding  ponds.  Peak  counts 
for  four  species  were  observed  in  2001  (GCN:  140, 
palmate:  148,  smooth:  161,  toad:  801).  The  peak  count 
for  frogs  (747)  was  recorded  during  2000. 

The  Gartcosh  translocation:  2004-2006 
The  translocation  was  undertaken  by  HEL,  with  25% 
of  the  estimated  adult  GCN  population  in  the  ACA  (sex 
ratio  1 : 1±10%)  moved  to  the  Railway  Junction  zone  of 

the  GNR  during  2004  (the  population  estimate  was 
based  on  pre-translocation  monitoring).  During  2005 
and  2006,  all  GCN  captured  in  the  ACA  were  moved  to 
the  Bothlin  Bum  and  Gamqueen  Hill  zones  of  the 
GNR.  The  belly  pattern  of  an  adult  GCN  is  as  unique 
as  a fingerprint  and  can  be  used  to  identify  individuals 
(Oldham  & Humphries,  2000).  During  translocation, 
the  belly  patterns  of  all  adult  GCN  were  photographed 
and  moiphometric  data  collected  (size  and  weight). 

A total  of  1,012  adult  GCN  were  captured  and  moved 
to  the  GNR  alongside  2,800  smooth  newts,  2,705 
palmate  newts,  1,500  frogs  and  3,168  toads.  Eggs, 
laiwae  and  metamorphs  of  all  species  were  also 

Post  translocation  monitoring 
HEL  continued  to  monitor  peak  adult  counts  using 
torchlight  surveys  of  the  breeding  ponds.  The 
University  of  Glasgow  got  involved  in  2005  to  2009 
with  a more  in-depth  monitoring  brief  looking  at  key 
aspects  including  population  sizes,  structure  and 
assessment  of  the  suitability  of  newly  created  habitat  to 
support  amphibian  populations. 

By  2009,  the  results  of  the  translocation  were 
promising.  Torchlight  surveys  indicated  that  the  peak 
breeding  GCN  adult  count  in  the  receptor  site  was 
double  the  peak  count  in  the  donor  site.  This  was 
supported  by  the  results  of  a mark-recapture  study 
undertaken,  comparing  post-translocation  population 
size  with  the  known  number  of  adults  translocated. 
Recruitment  to  the  breeding  population  was  occurring, 
but  an  examination  of  the  juvenile  life-stages 
highlighted  possible  future  problems,  with  decreased 
production  and  survival  of  laiwae  and  metamorphs 
(McNeill,  2010).  Further  study  is  required  to  ascertain 
whether  this  was  a natural  fluctuation  or  of  greater 
concern,  linked  to  the  translocation.  However  this  type 
of  monitoring  is  not  part  of  the  on-going 
management/surveying  plan. 

The  provision  of  good  quality  aquatic  and  temestrial 
habitat  of  a quantity  comparable  to  that  being  lost  is 
critical  to  the  on-going  success  of  the  translocation.  For 
a review  on  what  is  considered  ‘good’  habitat,  see 
McNeill  (2010).  There  has  been  a significant  reduction 
in  available  teiTCStrial  habitat  when  comparing  the 
original  Industrial  Site  (86Ha)  to  that  made  available 
for  the  GNR  (29Ha),  although  only  a proportion  of  the 
Industrial  site  could  be  considered  to  have  been  ‘newt- 
friendly’.  However,  the  GNR  has  a considerably  larger 
area  of  good  teixestrial  habitat  if  compared  directly 
with  the  ACA  (lOHa). 

There  was  an  increase  in  the  number  of  ponds  created 
as  part  of  the  GNR  but  an  overall  decrease  in  pond 
surface  area.  This  was  avoidable,  the  result  of  a number 
of  ponds  dug  that  were  below  the  recommended  size 
threshold  for  GCN  suitability  described  as  100  m^ 
minimum  (English  Nature,  2001)  and  250  m^  as  the 
optimum  (Gent  & Gibson,  2003).  The  entire  Railway 
Junction  zone  was  of  sub-optimal  size. 


Fig,  1,  Amphibian  Conservation  Area  (ACA).  Includes  six  of  the  seven  original  ponds,  labelled  C,D,E,F,G,I.  Pond  L is 
not  shown  on  this  map.  The  eight  newly  created  ponds  are  also  shown,  labelled  1-8.  Map  reproduced  with  permission 
from  Ironside  Fan’er.  Modified  to  show  the  location  of  Pond  1. 






Fig.  2,  Map  of  the  Gartcosh  Industrial  Site.  The  locations  of  the  donor  Amphibian  Conservation  Area  (ACA)  and  the 
newly  created  Gartcosh  Nature  Reserve  are  shown.  The  reserve  by  line  hatchings,  with  labels  showing  the  position  of 
the  three  zones  Bothlin  Bum  (BB),  Gamqueen  Hill  (GQH)  and  Railway  Junction  (RJ).  Modified  from  a map  provided 
by  Scottish  Enterprise. 


Habitat  quality  was  detemiined  using  a combination  of 
measures  including  the  GCN  Habitat  Suitability  Index 
(Oldham  el  al.  2000),  aquatic  macrophyte  sampling, 
macroinvertebrate  analyses  (Biggs  el  al.,  1998)  and 
interpretation  of  teirestrial  records  provided  by 
Ironside  Farrer  who  undertook  the  habitat  creation 
works.  Analyses  indieated  that  the  GNR  habitat  was  of 
good  quality,  capable  of  supporting  the  GCN 
population  (McNeill,  2010).  Notably,  the  Habitat 
Suitability  Index  scored  the  GNR  higher  than  the  ACA 
(McNeill,  2010).  This  is  based  on  ten  metrics 
incoiporating  data  from  both  the  aquatic  and  terrestrial 
habitat.  The  higher  the  score,  the  more  suitable  a 
habitat  is  for  GCN  occupation. 

The  GNR  was  fragmented  for  its  initial  years  due  to  the 
provision  of  ring  fencing  around  each  of  the  individual 
zones  (MeNeill,  2010).  Dispersal  throughout  the  site 
remains  problematic,  with  limited  migration  corridors. 
Of  particular  coneem  is  the  Railway  .lunction  zone  as 
only  56  adults  were  originally  translocated  there,  below 
the  minimum  viable  breeding  population  size  described 
as  40  females  (Halley  et  al.,  1996)  or  minimum  of  100 
adults  (Shaffer,  1981;  Griffiths  and  Williams,  2000; 
2001).  Gartcosh  remains  isolated  within  a fragmented 
landscape.  This  was  not  as  a result  of  the  translocation. 
The  nearest  known  population  is  in  Drumcavel  Quan'y, 
outwith  the  range  of  natural  migration  and  separated  by 
a motoway.  The  lack  of  immigration  is  a threat  to  the 
long  term  viability  of  the  Gartcosh  population. 


The  stoiy  so  far  at  Gartcosh  is  one  of  short-term 
success  with  further  study  required  to  ascertain 
whether  the  population  will  be  self-sustaining  in  the 
long-term.  The  monitoring  brief  post-2009  is  not 
comprehensive  enough  to  provide  the  required  long 
term  data,  consisting  primarily  of  peak  breeding  adult 
counts.  While  this  provides  useful  information  on 
annual  population  fluctuations,  it  does  not  detail  crucial 
infomiation  relating  to  population  size,  survival  and 

There  is  considerable  development  pressure  in  the  area 
around  Gartcosh.  This  development  has  the  potential  to 
impact  directly  on  the  Gartcosh  Nature  Reserve,  but 
also  more  widely  on  potential  movement  of  newts 
through  the  wider  countryside.  It  is  important  that  the 
consideration  of  any  development  proposals  in  the  area 
take  the  great  crested  newt  population  at  Gartcosh  into 
account  and  that  they  are  designed  to  minimise  impacts 
and  even  promote  free  movement  of  the  population. 

The  decision  to  relocate  to  the  GNR  instead  of 
protecting  the  newts  in-.situ  was  taken  because  of  the 
economic  imperative  to  develop  the  ACA  along  with 
the  rest  of  the  Industrial  Site.  The  development  of  the 
site  has  been  relatively  slow  but  is  now  gathering 
speed.  Great  crested  newts  may  still  be  present  in  some 
areas  of  the  site  due  for  development  and  it  is  essential 
that  their  presence  is  considered  as  part  of  this  work. 


We  thank  Scottish  Natural  Heritage,  Blodwen  Lloyd 
Binns  trust  and  the  University  of  Glasgow  for  financial 

assistance;  North  Lanarkshire  Council  for  help  and 
advice;  Heritage  Environmental  Ltd  and  Ironside 
FaiTcr  for  kindly  providing  data  and  infonnation; 
Scottish  Enteiprise  for  site  access.  We  thank  the  many 
volunteers  who  helped  with  fieldwork,  particularly 
Jonathan  Kennedy,  Anthony  McNeill,  Laura  Robertson 
and  Lisa  McNeill. 


AmphibiaWeb  (2008). 

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of  the  National  Pond  Suiwey.  Pond  Action;  Oxford. 
Edgar,  P.W.  & Griffiths,  R.A.  (2004).  An  evaluation  of 
the  efficiency  of  great  crested  newt  Thlurus 
cri.statiLS  mitigation  projects  in  England,  1990- 
2001.  English  Nature  Research  Report  No.  575. 
Edgar,  P.W.,  Griffiths,  R.A.  & Foster,  J.P.  (2005). 
Evaluation  of  translocation  as  a tool  for  mitigating 
development  threats  to  great  crested  newts 
( Thturus  cristatus)  in  England,  1 990  - 200 1 . 
Biological  Con.sen>aiion  122,45-52.  1 1. 

English  Nature  (2004).  An  assessment  of  the  efficiency 
of  capture  techniques  and  the  value  of  difference 
habitats  for  the  great  crested  newt  Tritiims 
cristatus.  English  Nature  Research  Reports,  number 

Gent,  A.H.  & Gibson,  R.A.  (1998).  Heipetofauna 
Workers'  Manual,  Joint  Nature  Conservation 
Committee  (JNCC),  Peterborough. 

Griffiths,  R.A.  & Williams,  C.  (2001).  Population 
modelling  of  great  crested  newts  (Triturus 
cristatus).  Raiia  4,  239-247. 

Griffiths,  R.A.  & Williams,  C.  (2000).  Modelling 
population  dynamics  of  great  crested  newts 
(Triturus  cristatus):  a population  viability  analysis. 
Herpetological  Journal  10,  157-  163. 

Halley,  J.M.,  Oldham,  R.S.  & Amtzen.  J.W.  (1996). 
Predicting  the  persistence  of  amphibian  populations 
with  the  help  of  a spatial  model.  Journal  of  Applied 
Ecology’.  33,  455-  470. 

Hanski,  L.  & Gilpin,  M.  (1991).  Metapopulation 
dynamics:  brief  history  and  conceptual  domain. 
Biological  Journal  of  the  Linnean  Society’  42,  3-16. 
Hitchings,  S.  P.  & Beebee,  T.  J.  C.  (1998).  Loss  of 
genetic  diversity  and  fitness  in  Common  Toad 
(Bufo  biifo)  populations  isolated  by  inimical  habitat. 
Journal  ofEvolutionaiy  Biologi’  1 1 , 269-283. 
Hitchings  S.P  & Beebee  T.J.C.  (1997).  Genetic 
substructuring  as  a result  of  barriers  to  gene  flow  in 
urban  Rana  temporaria  (common  frog) 
populations:  implications  for  biodiversity 

conservation.  Heredity’  79,  1 17-127. 

May,  1996.  The  translocation  of  great  crested  newts,  a 
protected  species,  MSc  thesis,  University  of  Wales, 

McNeill,  D.C.  2010.  Translocation  of  a population  of 
Great  Crested  Newts  (Triturus  cristatus):  a Scottish 
case  study.  PhD  thesis.  University  of  Glasgow, 


Oldham,  R.S.  & Humphries,  R.N.  (2000).  Evaluating 
the  success  of  great  crested  newt  {Triturus 
cristatm)  translocation.  Herpetological  Journal  1 0, 

Oldham,  R.S.,  Keeble,  J.,  Swan,  M.J.S.  & Jeffcote,  M. 
(2000).  Evaluating  the  suitability  of  habitat  for  the 
great  crested  newt  {Triturus  crislatus). 
HerpetologicalJournal.  10,  143-155. 

Oldham,  Musson  & Humphries,  (1991).  Translocation 
of  crested  newt  populations  in  the  UK. 
Herpetofauna  News:  2,  3-5. 

Scottish  Natural  Heritage  (2004).  Infonnation.  Natural 
Heritage  Trends.  Fresh  Waters;  Summary. 

Shaffer,  M.L.  (1981).  Minimum  population  sizes  for 
species  conservation.  Bioscience  31,  131-  134. 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4.  93-97 

Vegetation  and  ‘site  florulas’  of  islands  in  West  Loch  Roag,  Outer  Hebrides 

Paul  A.  Smith'  & Jim  McIntosh^ 

^ 128  Llancayo  Street,  Bargoed,  Mid  Glamorgan,  CF81  8TP,  UK 
“ BSBI  Scottish  Officer,  Royal  Botanic  Garden,  Inverleith  Row,  Edinburgh,  EH3  SLR 

'E-mail:  ^E-mail: 


Four  small,  uninhabited  islands  in  West  Loch  Roag,  a 
sea  loch  in  the  west  of  the  island  of  Lewis,  Outer 
Hebrides,  were  visited  in  early  July  2008,  two  grazed  - 
Flodaigh  and  Campaigh,  and  two  ungrazed  - 
Bearasaigh  and  Seana  Cnoc.  The  habitats  present  and 
the  interesting  species  are  discussed,  and  the  limited 
floras  (‘florulas’)  of  each  island  are  described,  with  full 
species  lists.  The  species  recorded  for  Campaigh  are 
compared  with  a visit  to  the  same  island  30  years 


There  are  many  small  islands  in  Loch  Roag,  a series  of 
sea  lochs  in  the  west  of  Lewis,  Outer  Hebrides  at 
approx  58°  16'N  6°  54'W  (NB14  on  the  British 
National  Grid).  In  spite  of  the  draw  of  islands  for 
visitors,  they  have  only  rarely  been  visited  in  the 
history  of  botanical  recording  in  the  Outer  Hebrides,  if 
at  all.  Currie  (1981)  reports  a visit  in  1977,  when 
several  islands  were  circumnavigated,  but  a landing 
was  made  only  on  Campaigh  (Campay),  NB1442.  A 
list  of  the  plant  species  was  made,  and  this  gives  us  a 
baseline  with  which  to  compare. 

On  3 July  2008  as  part  of  recording  for  a projected 
tetrad  (2kmx2km  square)  flora  of  the  Outer  Hebrides  a 
visit  was  made  to  several  of  the  islands  - Flodaigh 
(NB1241),  Bearasaigh  (NB1243),  Seana  Cnoc  (Old 
Hill)  (NB1143)  and  Campaigh  (NB1442).  It  proved 
impossible  to  land  on  two  smaller  islets,  Hairsgeir 
(NB14A)  and  Mas  Sgeir  (NB1443). 

The  islands  and  their  vegetation 

Two  of  the  four  islands  visited,  Flodaigh  and 
Campaigh  are  low-lying  with  relatively  easy  access, 
and  therefore  used  for  sheep  grazing.  They  have  short, 
well-cropped  turf,  but  there  are  a few  refugia  on  less 
sheep-friendly  habitat  (coast,  rocks,  pebbles)  where 
plants  less  tolerant  of  grazing  (for  example  Aster 
tripolium  (sea  aster)  on  Flodaigh)  can  grow. 
Bearasaigh  and  Seana  Cnoc,  by  contrast,  have  steep 
rocky  sides;  they  are  grazed,  but  only  by  geese  (which 
in  places  make  paths)  and  therefore  at  a much  lower 
intensity  than  the  sheep,  and  in  consequence  they  have 
well-developed  tussocks  and  hummocks,  with  some 
Armeria  maritima  (thrift)  tussocks  becoming  very  large 
(Fig.  1).  They  also  have  much  more  cliff  habitat  and 

therefore  some  different  species. 

Fig.  1.  Large  Armeria  maritima  (thrift)  tussocks  on  the 
NW  plateau  of  Bearasaigh. 

There  are  three  broad  communities  on  the  four  islands 
visited.  Much  of  the  flatter  surfaces  of  the  tops  is 
covered  by  a plantain  sward,  containing  Pkmtago 
coronopus,  P.  lanceolata  and  P.  maritima  (buck’s- 
hom,  ribwort  and  sea  plantain  respectively),  and  also 
with  varying  amounts  of  Armeria  maritima  and 
grasses.  On  the  sheep-grazed  islands  the  sward  is 
grazed  very  short,  but  otherwise  it  grows  into  tussocks 
and  forms  a maritime  peat.  In  this  habitat  there  are  also 
occasional  species  such  as  Oplhoglossum  viilgatum 
(adder’ s-tongue  fern)  (Flodaigh),  and  where  there  is  no 
grazing  Silene  uniflora  (sea  campion)  (Bearasaigh  and 
Seana  Cnoc).  Seana  Cnoc  has  an  area  dominated  by 
Rumex  acetosa  (sheep’s  sorrel)  forming  a turf. 

The  sides  of  the  islands,  whether  steep  cliffs  or  smaller, 
sloping  rocks  have  a different  community,  with  Aster 
tripolium,  Ligusticum  scoticum  (Scots  lovage),  Silene 
uniflora,  and  Tripleurospermum  maritimum  (sea 

Flodaigh  and  Bearasaigh  both  have  small,  pennanently 
wet  depressions.  On  Bearasaigh  the  edge  of  the 
depression  has  Ophioglossum  vulgatum,  and  on 
Flodaigh  there  is  a small  amount  of  Apium  inundatum 
(lesser  marshwort).  Both  these  islands  also  have 
Ranunculus  Jlammula  (lesser  spearwort)  in  the  damp 
areas,  but  on  Bearasaigh  there  is  also  the  small  variety 
of  this  species  with  veiy  round  leaves,  R.  flammula  ssp 


minimus  which  is  characteristic  of  damp  patches  in 
very  exposed  situations  near  the  sea. 

The  most  interesting  species,  abundant  on  all  four  of 
the  visited  islands,  was  Lychnis  flos-cuciili  (ragged 
robin),  which  was  scattered  throughout  the  turf.  This  is 
a much  shorter  variety  than  the  usual  one  of  marshy 
areas,  with  the  flowers  forming  a dense  cluster  at  the 
top  of  the  short  stem  and  with  wide  petals,  and  it  is 
unclear  what  the  appropriate  name  for  this  variety  is 
(although  it  may  be  forma  pygmaea  Ostenf.,  see  Jonsell 
2001,  pi 78).  It  is  known  from  other  islands  in  the 
Sound  of  Harris  (Heslop  Harrison  1954,  1956).  On 
Seana  Cnoc  there  were  two  colour  fonns  - most 
specimens  the  usual  deep  pink,  with  a few  much  paler 
(but  not  quite  white). 

The  rocks  round  Flodaigh,  Bearasaigh  and  Seana  Cnoc 
all  have  Aster  tripolium  (sea  aster),  as  var  condensatus, 
a fleshy-leaved  plant  of  rocky  places  which  looks  quite 
different  from  the  more  usual  var  tripolium  on  salt 
marshes.  On  Flodaigh  it  occurs  in  small  quantity,  on 
coastal  rocks  where  there  is  protection  from  grazing. 
On  Bearasaigh  the  absence  of  sheep  has  allowed  the 
Aster  to  thrive  away  from  the  rocks,  and  it  has 
colonised  in  bare  peaty  pools  and  hollows,  so  it  is 
common  on  the  top  of  the  islands  as  well  as  round  their 

Site  Floras 

The  Botanical  Society  of  the  British  Isles  has  been 
suggesting  the  concept  of  site  floras,  a description  of 
the  plants  for  relatively  small,  well-defined  sites  that 
can  be  visited  regularly  with  a reasonable  degree  of 
coverage  (Lockton  2007).  It  is  generally  difficult  to 
define  such  sites  in  the  Outer  Hebrides  away  from 
habitation,  but  islands  form  natural  sites,  though  with 
small  floras  (‘florula’).  They  will  generally  be  covered 
by  only  a single  visit,  but  these  visits  are  much  more 
likely  to  be  recorded  than  visits  to  mainland  sites  of 
comparable  size.  Since  it  is  sensible  to  follow  up 
existing  site  descriptions,  we  provide  a site  florula  for 
Campaigh,  and  we  also  give  initial  descriptions  for  the 
other  islands  visited  as  a baseline  for  future  visits. 
Summary  infonnation  is  given  in  Table  1. 

Site  florula  for  Campaigh 

Campaigh  is  approximately  500m  long  and  250m 
across  at  its  widest,  and  rises  to  just  over  30m  above 
sea  level  at  its  highest.  It  runs  roughly  from  SW  to  NE, 
with  the  SW  end  being  lower  and  shelving  to  low 
rocky  sides;  the  NE  end  is  separated  from  the  rest  of 
the  island  by  a natural  arch,  and  has  some  cliffs.  The 
underlying  rock  is  gneiss  (Fettes  et  al.  1 992),  although 
the  arch  is  presumably  formed  by  erosion  of  a softer 
dyke.  The  island  is  turf-covered  away  from  the  rocky 
and  cliffy  edges,  and  grazed  throughout  by  sheep.  The 
cliff  parts  are  used  by  nesting  seabirds,  and  there  is 
some  evidence  of  eutrophication  from  their  use  of  the 
island.  There  is  no  standing  water. 

A list  was  published  for  Campaigh  by  Currie  (1981) 
from  a visit  of  “an  hour  or  two”  on  the  evening  of  23 
June  1977,  apparently  for  bird  counting  as  well  as 
botany.  The  authors  of  the  present  paper  visited  for  one 
hour  on  3 July  2008,  a very  similar  time  of  the  year  to 
the  previous  visit,  and  our  attentions  were  more 
exclusively  botanical.  Currie  commented  that  some 
species  could  be  added  to  his  list,  and  although  we 
have  made  a nearly  complete  list,  it  is  likely  that  a few 
species  still  lurk  undetected. 

The  taxa  recorded  on  3 July  2008  are  listed  in  Table  2, 
with  a * denoting  that  they  were  also  recorded  by 

Nine  species  were  recorded  in  2008  but  not  seen  during 
the  visit  in  1977;  they  are  generally  less  conspicuous 
species  such  as  the  Euphrasia  (eyebright)  which  was  in 
small  quantity  as  non-flowering  plants,  and  Sagina 
maritima  (sea  pearlwort)  which  is  an  annual  of  bare 
peaty  patches  near  the  sea.  The  most  obvious  of  the 
species  present  in  2008  but  not  recorded  in  1977  was 
Spergularia  rubra  (sand  spurrey),  which  was  abundant 
in  barer  patches  at  the  western  end  of  the  island.  It  is 
interesting  to  speculate  that  both  the  bare  patches  and 
presence  of  Spergularia  are  connected  with  the  sheep 
grazing,  although  Currie  noted  grazing  in  1977  too. 
Currie  additionally  recorded  Aira  praecox  (early  hair- 
grass),  Asplenium  marimim  (sea  spleenwort),  Carex 
panicea  (carnation  sedge),  Festiica  ovina  (sheep’s 
fescue)  and  Tripleurospermum  maritimum.  Any  of 
these  could  still  be  present  and  overlooked,  but 
particularly  Tripleurospermum  is  very  obvious  and  it 
seems  likely  that  this  has  declined. 


(length  X 
breadth  x 
height)  (m) 




Time  spent 






(taxa  ha’*) 


400  X 250  X 58 




(v  light  grazing) 




500  X 250  X 30 




(heavy  grazing) 




450  X 400  X 22 




(heavy  grazing) 



Seana  Cnoc 

600  X 300  X 90 




(v  light  grazing) 



Table  1.  Summaiy  information  on  islands  visited  on  3 July  2008. 


Site  Jlomla  for  Bearasaigh 

Bearasaigh  (Fig.  2)  is  a steep-sided  island  with  cliffs 
most  of  the  way  round.  Its  summit  is  58m,  and  the  top 
of  island  forms  a plateau,  sloping  down  slightly  to  the 
north-west,  sloping  more  steeply  to  around  30m  in  the 
east.  Its  longest  axis  runs  roughly  NW  to  SE,  about 
400m  long,  and  it  is  about  250m  wide  at  its  widest. 
There  is  a stac  to  the  SW,  Stac  an  Tuill,  but  this  was 
not  visited.  The  underlying  rock  is  gneiss  (Fettes  et  al. 
1992).  The  NW  part  of  the  island  consists  of  a tussocky 
maritime  heath,  with  very  large  Anneha  tussocks  (Fig. 
1),  and  a few  boulders,  many  with  temporary  pools  at 
their  bases.  The  SE  part  is  more  grassy,  with  one 
permanent  pool. 

Fig.  2.  Bearasaigh  looking  at  the  NW  end,  with  Stac  an 
Tuill  to  the  right,  and  Flodaigh  the  lower  island  behind 
the  Stac. 

Bearasaigh  was  visited  on  3 July  2008  for  \Vz  hours; 
coverage  was  good  at  the  western  end  where  we 
landed,  but  more  rushed  at  the  eastern  end,  and  it  is 
likely  that  additional  searching  will  turn  up  a few  extra 
species  here  too.  49  taxa  were  recorded  (see  Table  2) 

Site  florula  for  Seana  Cnoc 

Seana  Cnoc  (Fig.  3)  is  another  steep-sided  island, 
basically  a long  ridge  running  almost  E to  W,  its  edges 
a combination  of  cliffs  and  very  steep  vegetated  slopes. 
It  is  about  600m  long,  and  300m  wide  and  is  the  tallest 
of  the  islands  visited,  with  a summit  just  over  90m.  The 
underlying  rock  is  gneiss  (Fettes  et  al.  1992).  Seana 
Cnoc  is  a dry  island  without  standing  water,  and 
without  the  peaty  pools  found  on  Bearasaigh.  It  is 
predominantly  grassy  with  a mainly  Festuca  rubra  (red 
fescue)  turf,  with  abundant  Lychnis  jlos-cuculi  and 
Silene  uniflora. 

Fig.  3.  Seana  Cnoc,  looking  at  the  South  side. 

Seana  Cnoc  was  visited  on  3 July  for  1 Va  hours.  Since 
the  variety  of  habitats  was  smaller  than  on  the  other 
islands  visited,  it  is  likely  that  a reasonably 
comprehensive  list  was  obtained.  28  taxa  were 
recorded  (see  Table  2). 

Site  florula  for  Flodaigh 

Flodaigh  (Fig.  2)  is  a low-lying,  sheep-grazed  island, 
with  a variety  of  habitats.  It  has  an  irregular  outline 
with  several  geos,  and  at  its  largest  is  about  450m  long 
and  400m  wide.  The  bay  on  the  south  side  that  faces 
the  islet  of  Tamna  was  fonned  by  a pebble  beach, 
partly  vegetated,  and  there  was  a small  permanent  pool 
in  the  peatier  ground  some  way  to  the  north  of  this. 
Much  of  the  turf  was  damp  and  peaty.  The  underlying 
rock  is  gneiss  (Fettes  et  al.  1992). 

We  had  a short  visit  of  only  y4  hour  to  Flodaigh  on  3 
July  2009.  This  was  therefore  the  least  well  covered  of 
the  islands  discussed  here,  with  nearly  all  the  effort  on 
the  eastern  part,  and  it  is  likely  that  several  additions 
could  be  made  to  the  species  list  with  a longer  visit. 
Nevertheless  it  had  the  greatest  diversity  of  the  islands 
visited,  with  66  taxa  recorded  (see  Table  2). 


The  limited  number  of  habitats  on  small  islands  means 
that  the  numbers  of  species  found  was  small  relative  to 
the  main  islands  of  the  Outer  Hebrides.  20  species  were 
common  to  all  four  islands,  all  of  them  common  and 
widespread  in  exposed  coastal  habitats  in  the  Outer 
Hebrides.  Additional  species  are  found  according  to  the 
different  habitats  present,  and  presumably  their 
occuiTence  is  also  affected  by  how  easily  seeds  can 
reach  isolated  islands.  Some  species  are  likely  to  have 
come  in  with  sheep  as  they  are  moved  to  and  from  the 
grazed  islands,  and  Spergularia  rubra  may  be  an 
example  of  this  type  of  translocation. 


We  are  grateful  to  Murray  and  Hannah  of  Sea  Trek  for 
their  skill  in  getting  us  on  and  off  the  islands,  and  to 
Mila  Teneva  and  Simon  Drysdale  for  joining  us  in 





Seana  Cnoc 


Agrostis  stokmifera 



Aim  praecox 



A lopeciirus  geniculatus 

Anagallis  tenella 


Angelica  svivestris 

A nthoxanthum  odor  at  um 


Apinin  innndatinn 


Anneria  maritima 



Aster  tripolium  var  condensatus 



Atrip  lex  sp. 




Beilis  perennis 


CalUtriche  sp. 

Calluna  vulgaris 


Cardamiue  pratensis 


Carex  flacca 


C.  nigra 



C.  oval  is 


C.  viridula  ssp  oedocarpa 


C.  viridula  ssp  viridula 



Cerastium  diffiiswn 

Cerastiiun  fontanum 




Cirsium  vulgare 


Cochlearia  officinalis  s.l. 

y ^ 




DacB’lorhiza  maculata 


Dactylis  glomerata 

Danthonia  decuinbens 


Deschampsia  cespitosa 

Eleocharis  palustris 


Empetrum  nigrum 

Erica  cinerea 


Eriophorum  angustifolium 



Euphrasia  foulaensis 


Euphrasia  officinalis  agg. 




Festuca  rubra  s.l. 




Galium  aparine 


Glaux  maritima 



Holcus  lanatus 





Hydrocotyde  vulgaris 



Juncus  articulatus 


Juncus  hufonius  s.s. 



Juncus  hulhosus 


Leontodon  autumnalis 



Lcontodon  autumnalis  var  autumnalis 

Ligusticum  scoticum 



Lotus  corniculatus 




Luzula  multiflora  ssp  multiflora 


Lychnis  flos-cucidi 





Montia  fbntana  ssp  fbntana 



Nardus  stricta 


Ophioglossum  vulgatum 


Plantago  coronopus 





Plantago  lanceolata 





Plantago  maritima 




Poa  annua 


Poa  humilis 





Poa  trivialis 


Potentilla  anserina 


Potentilla  erecta 


Primula  vulgaris 


Prunella  vulgaris 



Puccinellia  maritima 





Ranunculus  acris 




Ranunculus  ficaria  ssp  Jicaria 



Ranunculus  flammula 



Ranunculus  flammula  ssp  minimus 


Rumex  acetosa 




Rumex  crispus 



Sagina  maritima 

Sagina  procumbens 




Sedum  rosea 


Selaginella  selaginoides 


Silene  uniflora 




Spergularia  rubra 


Stellaria  media 



Succisa  pratensis 



Thymus  polytrichus 



Trifolium  repens 




Triglochin  maritimum 


Tripleurospermum  maritimum 



Urtica  dioica 


Viola  riviniana 


Table  2.  Species  recorded  in  the  four  islands  on  3 July  2008;  * denotes  species  also  recorded  for  Campaigh  by  Cuirie 



Currie,  A.  (1981).  Vegetation  on  islands  of  West  Loch 
Roag,  Lewis.  Hebridean  Naturalist  5,  57-58. 

Fettes,  D.J.,  Mendum,  J.R.,  Smith,  D.l.  & Watson,  J.V. 

(1992).  Geology  of  the  Outer  Hebrides.  Memoirs  of 
the  British  Geological  Siin^ey  Sheet  (solid  edition) 

Lewis  & Harris. 

Heslop  Harrison,  J.W.  (1954).  Botanical  investigations 
in  the  Isles  of  Lewis,  Harris,  Taransay,  Coppay,  and 
Shillay  in  1953.  Proceedings  of  the  University  of 
Durham  Philosophical  Society  1 1,  135-142. 

Heslop  Harrison,  J.W.  (1956).  Botanizing  in  the  Outer 
Hebrides  in  1955  and  1956.  Proceedings  of  the 
University  of  Durham  Philosophical  Society  12, 


Jonsell,  B.  (ed.)  (2001).  Flora  Nordica  2.  Bergius 
Foundation,  Stockholm. 

Lockton,  A.  (2007).  Coordinator’s  comer:  site  surveys. 

BSBlNews  104,  79. 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  99-104 

A review  of  the  incidence  of  cyanobacteria  (blue-green  algae)  in  surface  waters 
in  Scotland  including  potential  effects  of  climate  change,  with  a list  of  the 
common  species  and  new  records  from  the  Scottish  Environment  Protection 

J.T.  Krokowski,  P.  Lang,  A.  Bell,  N.  Broad,  J.  Clayton,  I.  Milne,  M.  Nicolson,  A.  Ross  & N.  Ross 
Scottish  Environment  Protection  Agency,  5 Redwood  Crescent,  Peel  Park,  East  Kilbride,  G74  5PP,  UK 
E-mail:  j an. krokowski(^sepa. 


Cyanobacteria,  commonly  known  as  blue-green  algae, 
are  a ubiquitous  component  of  the  freshwater 
microflora.  Cyanobacteria  are  capable  of  producing 
toxic  compounds  that  pose  a risk  to  water-users,  pets 
and  livestock,  with  increased  risk  when  they  form 
dense  growths,  termed  blooms,  which  may  accumulate 
at  the  leeward  shores  of  water  bodies,  often  fanning 
visible  scums.  The  Scottish  Environment  Protection 
Agency  receives  numerous  water  samples  annually  for 
algal  analyses,  including  detennining  the  presence  or 
absence  of  cyanobacteria,  which  are  used  in  the 
management  of  risk  to  water  users  by  water  owners, 
local  Councils  and  Health  Authorities.  The  commonest 
cyanobacterial  taxa  recorded  over  the  period  2008- 
2010  are  detailed,  along  with  new  cyanobacterial 
records  for  Scotland.  The  current  scenarios  of  climate 
change  predict  an  overall  increase  in  phytoplankton 
biomass,  with  potential  increased  dominance  of 
cyanobacteria  including  increased  intensity  and 
frequency  of  blooms. 


Cyanobacteria  are  ubiquitous  and  contribute  to  the 
natural  community  of  photosynthetic  microscopic  algae 
living  in  fresh  waters.  Cyanobacteria  are  more 
commonly  refeired  to  as  blue-green  algae  due  to  the 
colour  of  the  cells,  which  contain  a mixture  of 
photosynthetic  pigments  including  chlorophyll  (green), 
phycocyanin  (blue)  and  sometimes  phycoerythrin  (red). 

Excessive  growths  of  cyanobacteria,  temied  blooms, 
have  been  related  to  the  elevated  nutrient  status  of 
water  bodies  (Reynolds  and  Petersen,  2000),  to  a 
number  of  seasonal  factors  (warmer  temperatures, 
intensity  of  water  themial  stratification)  (Reynolds, 
2006),  to  high  alkalinities  and  pH  (Shapiro,  1984),  and 
to  a number  of  physiological  adaptations  and 
mechanisms  (Fogg,  1969;  Reynolds,  1987;  Shapiro, 
1990).  Carvalho  et  al.  (2011)  found  that  low  water 
colour  and  neutral-alkaline  conditions  were  the 
significant  explanatory  variables  in  dctemiining  which 
water  bodies  in  the  UK  were  vulnerable  to 

cyanobacterial  blooms,  with  increasing  retention  time 
and  total  phosphorus  concentrations  being  borderline 
significant  explanatory  variables. 

Certain  cyanobacteria  are  able  to  form  surface  blooms 
through  the  regulation  of  their  buoyancy  by  the  use  of 
gas  vesicles,  and  such  blooms  may  be  restricted  to  the 
surface  layers  of  the  water.  Light  winds  may 
concentrate  the  blooms  to  further  accumulate  and  fomi 
scums,  which  may  be  extremely  dense  at  leeward 
shores,  bays  and  inlets,  often  where  members  of  the 
public  identify  the  problem,  though  when  wind  speeds 
increase  the  blooms  disperse  within  the  deeper  water 
layers.  Consequently  blooms  may  fonn  and  disappear 
rapidly,  within  hours,  due  to  variable  weather 
conditions.  Blooms  arc  commonest  during  the 
summer,  persisting  into  late-autumn,  and  are  of 
concern  to  many  water  users  as  well  as  a danger  to  pets 
and  livestock  when  the  excessive  growths  and 
concentrations  of  cyanobacteria  result  in  dense  surface 
and  shore-line  scums.  This  is  because  cyanobacteria 
have  the  potential  to  produce  toxins,  and  cyanotoxin 
production  is  much  greater  where  cyanobacteria 
accumulate  and  form  surface  blooms  and  scums. 

The  different  types  of  cyanotoxins  produced  by 
cyanobacteria  and  their  mode  of  action  have  been 
widely  documented  (Chorus  and  Bartram,  1999). 
Cyanotoxins  include  neurotoxins,  hepatotoxins, 
lipopolysaccharides,  and  a wide  range  of  other 
products  leading  to  enzyme  inhibition  and  skin  and 
gastrointestinal  irritations  (Chorus  and  Bartram,  1999). 
The  exposure  routes  of  cyanotoxins  are  diverse,  mainly 
through  ingestion,  inhalation  and  skin  contact. 
Exposure  to  cyanotoxins  is  therefore  greatest  during 
participation  in  water-based  recreational  activities. 
However,  cyanotoxins  may  also  be  taken  up  directly 
through  food  consumption  (Funari  and  Testai,  2008; 
Murch  el  al,  2004).  Symptoms  produced  by 
cyanotoxins  can  be  mild  (skin  iiritations  and 
gastrointestinal  illness),  serious  (acute  poisoning  and 
potential  long-temi  illness)  or  temiinal  (death)  (Chorus 
and  Bartram,  1999).  Cyanotoxins  may  also  pose  an 


additional  threat  due  to  their  carcinogenic  properties 
(Falconer,  2005).  Furthermore,  the  issue  of  toxicity  is 
complicated  by  the  occurrence  of  both  toxic  and  non- 
toxic strains  within  the  same  species  of  cyanobacteria. 
However,  a high  percentage  (59%)  of  all  samples  are 
toxic  (Chorus  and  Bartram,  1999). 

Cyanobacterial  blooms  and  associated  toxicity  have 
been  reported  worldwide  over  the  years  (Francis,  1878; 
Metcalf  and  Codd,  2004)  and  although  previously 
limited  in  frequency,  in  recent  decades  the  frequency, 
intensity  and  reporting  of  cyanobacterial  blooms  has 
become  widespread  (Krokowski  and  Jamieson,  2002; 
Camiichael,  2008).  There  continue  to  be  reports  of 
animal  deaths  and  skin  initation  in  humans  associated 
with  algal  and  cyanobacterial  blooms  and  scums 
throughout  Scotland  (Scottish  Government,  2007; 
Krokowski,  2009),  although  objective  evidence  is 
difficult  to  obtain  to  confinn  an  association  with 
cyanotoxin  exposure.  A number  of  Scottish  freshwater 
bodies,  however,  continue  to  be  perennial  ‘hot  spots’ 
containing  high  concentrations  of  cyanobacteria 
throughout  summer  and  into  autumn. 

Cyanobacteria  are  therefore  arguably  the  most  visible 
symptoms  of  eutrophication  (nutrient  enrichment)  of 
surface  waters,  and  there  is  growing  concern  about  the 
likely  increase  in  the  frequency  and  intensity  of 
cyanobacterial  blooms  associated  with  global  warming 
(Mooij  et  a/.,  2005). 



A comprehensive  inventoiy  of  standing  freshwaters 
derived  from  Ordnance  Survey  digital  map  data  in 
Great  Britain  identified  25,615  water  bodies  in 
Scotland  with  surface  area  larger  than  0.0  Ikm^ 
(Hughes  et  al.,  2004).  The  majority  of  these  are  in 
north-west  Scotland.  The  data  set  contains  no  water 
bodies  <0.0002  km",  with  the  numbers  between  0.0002 
km^  and  0.002  km"  almost  certainly  under-represented 
so  numbers  may  be  closer  to  31,460  standing  water 
bodies  as  identified  earlier  (Lyle  and  Smith,  1994).  It 
is  therefore  impossible  to  accurately  assess  the  extent 
of  cyanobacterial  blooms  and  scums  in  Scottish 
freshwater  bodies,  as  there  is  no  comprehensive  survey 
of  all  freshwaters.  Moreover,  a reactive  monitoring 
strategy  has  been  adopted  where  samples  are  received 
for  analysis  from  external  sources  from  sites  with  a 
perceived  visual  algal  problem. 

In  1997,  the  Scottish  Environment  Protection  Agency 
(SEPA)  cairicd  out  an  assessment  of  a selected  number 
of  lochs  (based  on  size,  amenity  value  and  recreational 
potential)  to  assess  the  degree  of  eutrophication 
through  the  prevalence  of  cyanobacterial  blooms 
(SEPA,  1999).  The  results  are  not  representative  of  the 
total  incidence  of  blooms  across  water  bodies  in 
Scotland,  but  of  the  77  lochs  monitored,  38  had  a 

cyanobacterial  scum  present  and  an  additional  20  lochs 
had  cyanobacteria  present  at  sufficient  levels  for  bloom 
fomiation  (this  level  is  taken  to  be  equivalent  to  more 
than  20,000  cyanobacterial  cells/ml).  A subsequent 
assessment  of  eutrophication  in  2005,  carried  out  as 
part  of  statutory  review  of  eutrophication  under  the 
Urban  Waste  Water  Treatment  Directive,  identified  17 
lochs  with  excessive  nutrient  levels  (primarily 
phosphorus)  (SEPA,  2005).  Although  cyanobacteria 
were  not  monitored  directly  during  the  2005 
assessment,  criteria  selected  were  based  on  the 
exceeding  of  set  thresholds  of  total  phytoplankton 
biomass  measured  as  chlorophyll  a,  as  well  as  the 
exceeding  of  set  thresholds  for  nutrient  concentrations 
(nitrogen  and  phosphorus)  and  other  selected  attributes 
and  biota  (dissolved  oxygen,  macrophytes). 

Algal  and  cyanobacterial  assessment  during  2008- 

SEPA,  amongst  its  other  duties,  continues  to  carry  out 
suiweillance  monitoring  in  response  to  environmental 
legislation  and  is  able  to  provide  an  analytical  service 
for  the  analysis  of  algae  and  cyanobacteria.  SEPA, 
however,  does  not  cany  out  targeted  monitoring  and 
assessment  for  frequency  and  intensity  of 
cyanobacteria,  but  relies  on  others  to  provide  samples 
from  affected  waters  that  are  perceived  to  pose  a risk  to 
water  users. 

Samples  received  by  SEPA  are  nonnally  collected 
from  a point  on  the  downwind  shore  of  the  water  body 
where  the  concentration  of  cyanobacteria  is  greatest.  If 
the  downwind  site  is  inaccessible,  the  water  body  is 
sampled  at  the  nearest  accessible  point  to  the 
downwind  shore.  Details  of  sampling  and  location  are 
provided  to  SEPA.  Algae  are  sampled  at  or  just  below 
the  water  surface,  and  benthic  algae  are  occasionally 
also  collected.  A full  sampling  protocol  is  detailed  in 
the  Scottish  Government  guidance  (Scottish 
Government,  2007).  Live  samples  are  sent  as  quickly 
as  possible  to  local  SEPA  laboratories  for  analysis 
(Aberdeen,  Dingwall,  Perth,  Edinburgh,  Galashiels, 
East  Kilbride  and  Dumfries).  Standard  operating 
procedures  are  used  by  SEPA  to  quantify  the  type  of 
cyanobacteria  present,  and  their  abundance  is  reported 
against  the  World  Health  Organisation  guidance  levels 
(Scottish  Government,  2007).  Microscopic  analysis  is 
canied  out  with  identification  to  species  level  where 
possible,  and  algae  and  cyanobacteria  are  identified 
with  the  aid  of  taxonomic  guides  and  keys  (John  et  al., 
2011;  Komarek  and  Anagnostidis,  1999,  2005). 
Results  are  generally  reported  the  same  day. 

Infomiation  on  cyanobacteria  samples  received  from 
such  assessment  over  the  period  2008-2010  is 
summarised  in  Table  1,  with  a list  of  the  common 
cyanobacteria  and  new  records  from  Scottish 
freshwater  bodies  detailed  in  Table  2. 

In  the  period  2008-2010,  a total  of  422  samples  was 
received  by  SEPA  and  analysed  for  the  type  of  algae 
present  and  their  abundance  (Table  1). 



2009  2010 








Number  exceeding 
of  cyanobacterial 

threshold,  expressed 
as  % of  the  total 





Number  exceeding 
of  cyanobacterial 

threshold,  expressed 
as  % of  the  total 

Total  number 
of  samples 

Number  exceeding 
threshold,  expressed 
as  % of  the  total 



5 (22%) 


12  (41%) 





4 (50%) 


2 (40%) 


4 (50%) 



37  (56%) 


11  (31%) 



East  Kilbride 






13  (21%) 


31  (69%) 



1 (100%) 


5 (100%) 


4 (67%) 





4 (44%) 


7 (35%) 

All  combined 


64  (35%) 


47  (32%) 


70  (54%) 

Table  1.  Summary  of  the  annual  number  of  samples  received  by  each  SEPA  Ecology  laboratory  for  algal  analysis  from 
the  reactive  monitoring  programme.  Detailed  are  number  of  samples  exceeding  the  cyanobacterial  concentrations  of 
20,000  cells/ml  (representing  a relatively  low  probability  of  adverse  health  effects)  and  expressed  as  a percentage  of  the 
total  number  of  samples  received. 

Order Cyanobacteria  taxon Frequency 

Chroococcales  Aphanocapsa  Nageli  1 849  F 

Aphanothece \%A9  F 

A.  miimtissima  (W.West)  Komarkova-Legnerova  et  Cronberg  1994  R 

Chroococcus  Unmeticus  Lemmemiann  1 898  O 

Coelosphaeriiim  kiielzingianiiin 'NageW  1849  O 

Gomphosphaeria  apoiiina  Kutzing  1 836  O 

Merismopedia  Meyen  1 839  O 

M.  warmingiana  Lagerheim  1 883  R 

Microcystis  Kutzing  1833  ex  Lemmermann  1907  nom.cons  F 

M.  wesenhergii  (Komarek)  Komarek  in  Kondrateva  1968  O 

Radiocystis  geminata  Skuja  1948  R 

Elenkin  1938  O 

S.  atomus  Komarek  et  Hindak  1988  N 

S.  septentrionalis  Komarek  et  Hindak  1988  N 

Syrrec/rococaw  Nageli  1849  O 

Woronichinia  naegeliana  (Unger)  Elenkin  1933  F 

W.  karelicci  Komarek  et  Komarkova-Legnerova  1 992  N 

Oscillatoriales  O^c/Y/otom/ (Vaucher  1803)  Gomoiit  1892  F 

O.  tenuis  (C.Agardh  1813)  Gomont  1892  O 

Planktothrix  agardhii  (Gomont)  Anagnostidid  et  Komarek  1988  F 

P.  isothri.x  (Skuja)  Komarek  et  Komarkova  2004  O 

Pseudanahaena  Lauterbom  1914-17  F 

P. //wneZ/cr/ (Lemmemiann)  Komarek  1974  O 

Nostocales  (Bory  1822)  Bomet  et  Flahault  1886  F 

A.  qffinis  Lemmemiann  1 897  O 

A.  catemda  (Kutzing  1849)  Bomet  et  Flaliault  1886  O 

A.  circinalis  (Rabenliorst  1852)  Bomet  et  Flaliault  1886  F 

A.  flos-aqiiae  ((Lyngbye)  Brebisson  1835)  Bomet  et  Flaliault  1886  F 

A.  spiroides  (Klebalin  1895)  F 

Aphanizoinenon  flos-aqtiae  ((Linnaeus  1753)  Ralfs  1850)  Bomet  et  Flaliault  1886  F 

A.  gracile  Lemnierman  1910  O 

Gloeotrichia  (J.Agardh  1842)  Bomet  et  Flaliault  1886  F 

G.  echimdata  (J.E. Smith)  P.G. Richter  1894 F 

Table  2.  Cyanobacterial  taxa  recorded  from  Scottish  freshwaters  as  part  of  SEPA’s  algal  analysis,  indicating  frequency 
- F (frequent),  O (occasional),  R (rare)  and  N (new  - requiring  flirther  verification). 


No  clear  trend  was  evident  in  the  incidence  and 
frequency  of  cyanobacteria  over  the  three-year  period. 
The  highest  numbers  of  samples  were  received  by  East 
Kilbride  and  Perth  laboratories,  whereas  the  lowest 
numbers  of  samples  were  received  by  laboratories  in 
Edinburgh  and  Galashiels.  No  samples  were  received 
by  Dumfries  laboratoi'y  in  2008. 

The  proportion  of  samples  analysed  and  found  to 
contain  cyanobacteria  exceeding  the  threshold 
concentration  of  20,000  cells/ml  also  varied  between 
the  laboratories  and  over  the  years,  but  in  general  over 
one  third  of  samples  analysed  contained  cyanobacteria 
at  concentrations  above  the  threshold  value. 

In  total,  33  cyanobacteria  taxa  from  17  genera  were 
recorded  from  Scottish  fresh  waters  (Table  2),  with  the 
most  frequent  toxin-producing  cyanobacteria  genera 
recorded  as  Aphauocapsa,  Aphanothece,  Microcystis, 
Woronidunia,  Oscillatoria  (Planktothrix),  Anahaeiia, 
Aphanizomenon  and  Gloeotrichia  (Table  2.). 
Cyanobacteria  species  not  previously  recorded  from 
Scotland  are  also  detailed,  and  include  records  from 
SEPA’s  phytoplankton  monitoring  canied  at  a number 
of  lochs  (>lkm^)  across  Scotland  over  the  summer 
months  (July  to  September)  as  required  under  the 
Water  Framework  Directive  (European  Commission, 
2000).  The  WFD-related  monitoring  results  are  not 
detailed  here  in  full,  but  of  note  are  new  records  for 
Siiowella  atonnis,  S.  septetrionalis  and  Woroiiichinia 
korelica.  A number  of  these  records  require 
confirmation,  if  possible  from  live  material,  due  to  the 
very  small  dimensions  of  the  cells  and  colonies  and 
difficulties  in  correctly  identifying  the  taxa  from 
Lugol's  iodine  preserved  material. 


The  2008-2010  assessment 

It  is  difficult  to  identify  trends  in  the  frequency  and 
intensity  of  cyanobacteria  across  Scottish  freshwaters 
based  on  the  results  presented  here,  mainly  because 
they  are  based  on  subjective  monitoring,  since  only 
sites  that  have  a perceived  algal  problem  are 
investigated.  Furthennore,  sites  that  have  perennial 
cyanobacterial  problems  may  not  have  been  monitored 
in  subsequent  years.  It  is  likely  that  visible  warning 
signs  of  the  presence  of  high  concentrations  of 
cyanobacteria  in  the  water  may  be  a deterrent  in  itself, 
and  avoid  the  need  to  provide  samples  for  analysis. 
However,  the  seiwice  provided  by  SEPA  for  the 
assessment  of  algae  and  cyanobacteria  is  cmcial  in 
providing  an  early  detection  system  for  the  presence  of 
potentially  toxic  species  enabling  appropriate 
monitoring  and  remedial  action  to  be  taken,  not  only 
for  cyanobacteria  (local  algal  action  plan),  but  also  for 
other  algal  groups  {Chiysochromulma,  Krokowski, 

Empirical  evidence  indicates  a direct  positive 
relationship  between  increasing  external  load  of 
nutrients  and  algal  biomass,  although  each  water  body 
is  unique  (Vollenweider  and  Kerekes,  1982).  In 

attempts  to  control  eutrophication  and  its  symptoms 
(such  as  excessive  algal  and  cyanobacterial  biomass) 
the  most  widely  accepted  and  employed  option  is  to 
reduce  nutrient  inputs,  which  has  to  be  part  of  a long- 
temi  restoration  and  management  strategy  (Sas,  1989). 
The  long-tenn  restoration  may  also  include  methods 
aimed  at  reducing  in-lake  nutrient  concentrations, 
controlling  nutrient  sources  from  sediments,  and 
controlling  in-lake  levels  of  algae  and  cyanobacteria. 
Any  future  management  options  to  control 
eutrophication,  and  the  abundance  of  potentially  toxic 
cyanobacteria,  should  be  carefully  assessed  with  a 
detailed  restoration  and  management  action  plan. 

Management  of  the  health  risks  posed  by 

To  help  provide  effective  management  of  the  health 
risks  associated  with  the  exposure  of  humans  and 
animals  to  cyanotoxins,  the  Scottish  Government  has 
produced  guidance  for  the  assessment  and 
minimisation  of  risks  to  public  health  in  inland  and 
inshore  waters  (Scottish  Government,  2007).  Guidance 
adopted  following  equivalent  guidance  provided  by  the 
World  Health  Organisation  (Chorus  and  Bartram, 
1999)  produced  guideline  values  based  on 
cyanobacterial  abundance  for  recreational  waters, 
relating  them  to  a relatively  low  probability  of  adverse 
health  effects  (cyanobacterial  concentrations  of  20,000 
cells/ml),  moderate  probability  of  adverse  health 
effects  (cyanobacterial  concentrations  of  100,000 
cells/ml),  and  high  probability  of  adverse  health  effects 
(where  cyanobacterial  scum  is  present).  As  an 
additional  precaution,  the  guidance  adopted  in  Scotland 
is  at  the  lower  level  of  risk,  at  the  limit  of  20,000  total 
cyanobacterial  cells/ml  at  which  bathing  should  be 
discouraged  and  the  hazard  investigated  further,  on-site 
risk  advisory  signs  posted,  relevant  authorities 
informed,  and  mindful  watch  kept  out  for  scum 
conducive  conditions. 

The  Scottish  Government  guidance  includes  the 
development,  implementation  and  coordination  of  local 
blue-green  algae  monitoring  and  action  plans  involving 
a number  of  organisations  and  stakeholders,  aimed  at 
identifying,  inspecting  and  monitoring  those  water 
bodies  most  at  risk  of  cyanobacteria,  and  providing 
remedial  and  preventative  measures  as  well  as 
providing  infomiation  to  the  public.  SEPA  is  one  such 
organisation  involved  in  helping  to  develop  local  action 
plans  and  able  to  provide  an  analytical  service  to 
identify  and  quantify  algae  and  cyanobacteria  from 
water  samples.  SEPA  also  contributes  to  the 
surveillance  of  environmental  incidents  as  recorded  via 
the  Scottish  Environmental  Incident  Suiweillance 

Potential  effects  of  climate  change 
Climate  change  may  pose  significant  and  extreme 
threats  to  the  phytoplankton  community  structure  and 
hence  to  the  ecological  status  of  Scottish  freshwater 
bodies.  Modelled  increases  in  annual  air  temperatures 
(IPCC,  2007)  would  give  rise  to  increased  water 


temperatures,  and  with  high  summer  temperatures 
predicted  there  could  be  prolonged  periods  of  thennal 
stratification  of  relatively  deep  water  bodies.  Predicted 
increases  in  rainfall  would  also  increase  nutrient  mn- 
off.  Consequently,  modelling  predicts  an  increase  in 
phytoplankton  biomass,  potentially  increased 
dominance  of  cyanobacteria,  and  increased  intensity 
and  frequency  of  cyanobacterial  blooms  (Wagner  and 
Adrian,  2009).  The  effects  of  wanning  on  increasing 
cyanobacterial  biomass,  and  frequency  and  intensity  of 
blooms  may  however  be  more  pronounced  in  relatively 
deeper,  stratified  water  bodies,  where  there  are 
relatively  fewer  macrophytes  and  where  phytoplankton 
dominance  is  established  (Moss  et  a!.,  2003). 

There  are  also  likely  to  be  expansions  of  wann-watcr 
species  at  the  expense  of  cold-water  species,  with 
potential  expansion  of  invasive  cyanobacteria  such  as 
Cylindrospennopsis  raciborskii  (Wiedner  et  ai,  2007). 
C.  raciborskii  has  spread  from  the  tropics  to  temperate 
zones  over  recent  decades  and  is  now  found  in  most 
northern  European  water  bodies.  C.  raciborskii  has  the 
potential  to  produce  toxins  hannful  to  animals  and 
humans  (a  neurotoxin  saxitoxin  and  hepatotoxin 
cylindrospemiopsin).  There  are  currently  no  known 
records  of  C.  raciborskii  in  Scotland,  but  if  the 
succession  of  warmer  summers  continues  it  is  likely 
that  it  may  be  recorded  in  the  British  Isles.  The  new 
phytoplankton  taxa  already  recorded  in  the  British  Isles 
may  reflect  climate  change  or  the  increased  sampling 
frequency  across  Scotland  that  is  a consequence  of  the 
statutory  WFD  monitoring. 

In  order  to  be  able  to  understand  these  complex  water 
body-specific  responses  to  climate  change  and  to  be 
able  to  predict  response  patterns,  understanding  of 
freshwater  ecosystems  will  be  required  on  a case  by 
case  basis.  We  therefore  need  to  continue  to  monitor 
the  aquatic  environment  to  provide  infonnation  for 
rapid  and  effective  management  of  algal  incidents,  and 
to  develop  novel  techniques  for  effective  monitoring 
and  remediation  of  freshwaters.  We  also  need  to 
acknowledge  that  current  remedial  measures  may  need 
to  be  considerably  adjusted  to  take  into  account  the 
effects  of  climate  change,  and  that  current  restoration 
techniques  may  become  less  effective  due  to 
exacerbated  effects  of  eutrophication  brought  on  by 
climate  change.  It  may  be  that  green  is  the  colour  of 
environmental  acceptability,  unless  it  refers  to  the 
colour  of  water  bodies  (Reynolds  1997). 


The  authors  wish  to  acknowledge  SEPA  regional 
ecologists  who  helped  with  data  provision  and  analysis. 
The  views  expressed  are  those  of  the  authors  and  not 
necessarily  those  of  SEPA. 


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The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  105-1 10 

Effects  of  fertilisers  on  vegetation  of  ultrabasic  terraces  (1965-2010):  Isle  of 
Rum,  Scotland 

Jackie  Anne  Gilbert  and  * Kevin  Richard  Butt 

School  of  Built  and  Natural  Environment,  University  of  Central  Lancashire,  Preston,  PRl  2HE,  UK 


An  experiment  was  set  up  in  1965  on  the  Isle  of  Rum 
to  detennine  the  reasons  for  poor  vegetation  cover  on 
an  exposed  mountain  ridge.  Suggested  hypotheses 
related  to  effects  of  grazing  herbivores,  site  exposure 
or  soil  infertility.  To  test  one  of  these,  a 100  m" 
experimental  plot  was  subjected  to  a fertiliser  regime 
over  a period  of  three  years  with  a vegetation  survey 
and  soil  analysis  conducted  at  the  outset  of  the  research 
period  (1965),  in  1969  and  in  1996.  Plant  cover  within 
the  experimental  plot  increased  from  5 % (1965)  to  100 
% (1996),  and  was  maintained  at  this  level  in  a recent 
monitoring  (2010).  A change  from  acidophilic  plants 
dominated  by  heather  to  a grass/moss  assemblage  was 
also  recorded  within  the  plot  over  the  monitoring 
period.  Within  an  unfertilised  control  plot  set  up  in 
1996,  plant  cover  had  increased  from  25  % to  50  % 
(2010),  although  there  was  little  change  in  composition 
of  plant  species. 

Key  words:  Soil  nutrients,  plant  cover.  Inner  Hebrides, 
grazing  herbivores,  long-temi  trends,  ultra-basic 


Higher  plants  grow  where  conditions  permit,  but  some 
basic  requirements  must  usually  be  met.  A soil,  or  a 
substrate,  capable  of  supporting  root  structures  must  be 
present,  suitable  nutrients,  light  and  water  need  to  be 
available  and  prolonged  existence  must  allow  for 
vegetative  or  sexual  reproduction  within  acceptable 
climatic  conditions.  In  1965,  on  the  Isle  of  Rum,  Inner 
Hebrides,  an  experiment  was  set  up  to  determine 
potential  reasons  for  poor  vegetation  cover  on  an 
exposed  mountain  ridge  (Ferreira  & Wormell  1971). 
These  authors  suggested  that  grazing  herbivores,  red 
deer  {Cervus  elapinis)  and  feral  goats  {Capra  hircus), 
site  exposure  (at  650  m)  or  the  infertility  of  the  soil 
(derived  from  ultrabasic  rocks)  might  be  causal  factors. 
To  test  one  of  these  hypotheses,  a single  10  x 10m 
experimental  plot  was  subjected  to  a fertiliser  regime 
over  a period  of  three  years.  This  involved  the 
following  additions:  August  1965,  N (1125  kg  ha"'),  P 
(500  kg  ha"')  and  K (500  kg  ha"');  April  1967  and 
1968,  N (250  kg  ha ')  P (235kg  h')  K (208  kg  ha')  and 
Ca  (470  kg  ha"').  No  reason  was  given  for  the  use  of 
only  one  experimental  plot  with  no  control  (Ferreira  & 
Wormell  1971),  however  the  constraints  of  the  site  in 

temis  of  altitude,  remoteness  and  effort  of  transporting 
fertiliser  to  the  site  may  well  account  for  this. 

A vegetation  survey  was  conducted  at  the  outset  of  the 
research  period  (1965)  and  after  a period  of  four  years 
(Ferreira  & Wonnell  1971).  Thereafter,  the  site 
remained  almost  undisturbed  until  revisited  in  1996 
and  monitored  by  Wilson  et  al.  (1998).  These  authors 
also  pegged  the  comers  of  and  set  up  four  additional 
plots  (each  10  x 10m),  close  to  the  original  (Wonnell) 
plot.  The  newer  plots  had  single  applications  of 
nitrogen,  potassium  or  phosphorus  with  a control  plot 
having  no  nutrient  additions.  Documented  research  on 
soil  fauna  in  this  location  is  vciy  limited,  however. 
Butt  & Lowe  (2004),  sampling  for  earthwonns  on 
Rum,  found  a density  of  1 7 individuals  m'“ 
(represented  by  2 epigeic  earthworm  species)  in  the 
Wonnell  fertiliser  plot,  compared  with  an  adjacent 
(control)  area  which  yielded  no  earthwonns. 

The  current  investigation,  undertaken  in  2009  and 
2010,  revisited  the  fertiliser  plot  and  suiTounding  area 
to  tiy  and  establish  recent  vegetation  developments. 
Specific  objectives  were: 

• To  record  plant  cover  on  fertilised  and  control 
plots  and  compare  results  with  previous  findings; 

• To  sample  soils  and  draw  comparisons  with 
previous  findings; 

• To  use  the  results,  with  other  data  to  predict  the 
cause  of  vegetation  change  on  the  exposed 
experimental  site. 

Site  Details 

The  Isle  of  Rum  lies  in  the  Inner  Hebrides,  21  km  off 
the  west  coast  of  Scotland.  Since  1957,  the  whole 
island,  of  10,650  ha,  has  been  a National  Natural 
Reserve,  and  is  currently  owned  and  managed  by 
Scottish  Natural  Heritage  (SNH).  The  natural  and 
cultural  history  of  the  island  is  well  documented  (e.g. 
Clutton-Brock  & Ball  1987;  Magnusson  1997;  SNH 
2011)  but  critical  details  are  that  domestic  grazing 
animals  are  restricted  to  a herd  of  Highland  cattle  (Bos 
iaiirus)  and  a collection  of  Rum  ponies  (Eqims 
cahallus)  (Gordon  et  al.  1987),  kept  in  lowland  areas. 
A substantial  population  of  red  deer  is  present  on  Rum. 
Although  reduced  in  recent  years,  from  1,200-1,700  of 
the  last  centuiy  (Clutton-Brook  & Guiness  1987), 


Payne  (2003)  reported  approximately  1,000  animals 
and  this  level  has  been  maintained  to  date.  Feral  goats 
also  graze  the  upland  areas  of  the  island  but  smaller 
grazing  mammals  such  as  rabbits  and  hares  are  absent 
from  Rum.  However,  a study  between  1958  and  1970 
using  controlled  plots  on  the  grasslands  and  heaths  of 
the  island  have  shown  that  reduced  grazing  increases 
the  plant  litter  and  taller  vegetation  which  reduces  the 
diversity  of  vegetation.  The  management  plan  of  the 
island  was  to  maintain  the  high  tloristic  diversity  of  all 
vegetation  types  present  which  led  to  the  annual  cull  of 
red  deer  being  severely  reduced  (Ball  1974). 

The  fertiliser  plot  experimental  site  is  on  the  exposed 
Barkeval-Hallival  ridge  (Nat  Grid  Ref;  NM39260 
96433)  comprised  of  peridotitc  and  allivalite  igneous 
ultra-basic  rocks,  with  many  exposed  rocks  (Ragg  & 
Ball  1964).  The  thin  soils  fonned  over  these  base 
rocks  have  high  levels  of  magnesium,  low  levels  of 
calcium  and  exceptionally  low  levels  of  phosphorus; 
calcifuge  plants  often  dominate  here  due  to  the  low 
levels  of  calcium  within  the  soil.  There  is  evidence  that 
the  oceanic  climate  on  Rum,  with  an  annual  rainfall 
ranging  from  1,397  to  3,302  mm  (Ragg  & Ball  1964), 
is  warming.  The  extent  of  snow  cover  and  sea  ice  in 
the  Northern  Hemisphere  has  declined  since  1979 
(Dei'y  & Brown  2007;  SeiTcze  et  al.  2007)  leading  to 
increased  plant  growth  in  northern  high  latitudes 
(Myneni  et  al.  1997).  On  Rum,  the  oestrus  date  and 
parturition  date  in  female  red  deer,  and  antler  cast  date, 
antler  clean  date,  rut  start  date  and  rut  end  date  in 
males  has  advanced  between  5 and  12  days  across  a 28 
year  study  period  with  the  plant  growth  in  spring  and 
summer  (growing  degree  days)  explaining  a significant 
amount  of  variation  in  all  six  of  these  phonological 
traits.  (Moyes  2011). 


Fertiliser  Plots 

An  initial  survey  in  2009  (26-29"^  April)  sought  to 
locate  the  plots  set  up  by  Wilson  et  al.  (1998),  but 
found  that  many  of  the  metal  pegs  used  to  mark  out  the 
more  recent  treatments  had  been  dislodged/removed 
and  exact  positions  could  not  be  deliniated  with  any 
confidence.  Surface  water  was  also  seen  to  run  from 
the  location  of  the  potassium-enhanced  plot  into  the 
area  where  the  phosphoms  plot  was  positioned.  It  was 
therefore  detemiined  that  it  was  unsound  to  survey 
these  plots,  and  only  work  within  Wilson  et  al.'s 
(1998)  control  plot  and  the  original  (Wormell)  plot  was 
undertaken.  The  main  investigation  of  these  two  plots 
was  undertaken  in  2010  (24-28*'’  May). 

Plant  Cover. 

The  2009  survey  of  the  original  (Wormell)  and  the 
control  plot  was  undertaken  following  the  methodology 
described  by  Gilbert  & Butt  (2009).  This  made  use  of 
digital  photography  of  vegetation  within  0.5  x 05m 
quadrats.  Although  this  size  of  quadrat  was  different  to 
the  original  surveys  ( 1 x Im)  the  area  suiweyed  was  the 
same  (4m'^).  Images  were  manipulated  in  Adobe 
Photoshop  (2000)  to  produce  a ‘squared’  image  and  the 
percentage  cover  of  each  plant  species  was  estimated 

by  means  of  digital  superimposition  of  a grid  on  to  the 
image.  In  2010  (24-28’'’  May),  a more  traditional 
vegetation  survey  of  both  plots  was  conducted  using  a 
point  quadrat  (100  points  nW)  as  described  by 
Chalmers  & Parker  (1989).  Here,  only  the  first  plant 
species  contacted  was  recorded  per  point,  to  provide  an 
estimate  of  mean  percentage  cover  for  each  species 
over  the  whole  plot.  This  was  the  same  sampling 
technique  used  in  earlier  (1969,  1996)  surveys  of  this 
area  and  the  same  area  of  experiment  plot  was  sampled 

Soil  Sampling  and  Analyses 

Soil  cores  (0.05  m diameter)  were  collected  using  a 
random  sampling  scheme  to  a depth  of  0. 1 5 m in  the 
experimental  (n=16)  and  control  (n=16)  plots,  and  sub- 
divided into  samples  at  0.05  m depths.  Due  to  the 
shallowness  of  soil  only  eight  of  the  control  plot 
sample  cores  achieved  the  depth  of  0. 1 5 m in  contrast 
to  all  experimental  plot  samples.  Each  soil  horizon 
was  described  by  reference  to  a Munsell  soil  colour 
chart  (1992).  Soil  bulk  density  was  determined  after 
samples  were  air  dried,  sieved  to  <2  mm  and  calculated 
as  mass  of  air  diy  soil  per  unit  volume,  corrected  for 
stone  content.  Soil  collection  and  soil  analyses 
duplicated  as  closely  as  possible  that  utilised  by 
FciTeira  & Womiell  (1971)  and  Wilson  et  al  (1998). 
However,  in  the  cuirent  survey  nutrient  content  of  soils 
was  not  analysed  by  the  authors,  but  undertaken  at  an 
accredited  laboratory  (Macaulay  Land  Use  Research 


Plant  Cover 

The  2009  survey  using  digital  photography  showed  the 
fertiliser  plot  to  be  completely  vegetated,  except  for 
areas  covered  by  a few  large  rocks  that  protruded 
through  the  plants.  This  showed  no  change  since  the 
survey  of  1996.  The  photographic  survey  of  the  control 
plot  showed  a vegetation  cover  of  48  %,  an  increase 
from  25.2  % in  1996,  very  similar  to  the  2010  point 
quadrat  survey  of  50%.  Table  1 shows  the  species  list 
for  plants  found  in  both  the  fertiliser  plot  and  the 
control  plot,  obtained  from  point  quadrat  survey  in 
2010.  Comparative  results  from  previous  surveys  are 
also  provided  in  Table  1.  Results  from  2010  also 
confimied  the  2009  photographic  survey  results  that 
the  fertiliser  plot  is  still  100  % vegetated,  an  increase 
from  5-10  % vegetation  cover  recorded  prior  to 
fertiliser  addition  in  1965. 

Calcifuges  such  as  Callima  vulgaris  (L.)  Hull  (heather) 
and  Rhacoinitriiim  laniiginosum  (Hedw.)  Brid.  reported 
in  1998,  were  not  recorded  within  the  fertiliser  plot  in 
the  current  survey.  Grasses  and  mosses  accounted  for 
the  majority  of  the  plant  cover  within  the  plot  with 
Hypninn  cupressiforme  (Hedw),  Rhytidiadelplms 
sqiiarrosiis  (Hedw.)  Wamst.  and  Festuca  vivipara  (L.) 
offering  most  of  the  cover.  Anthoxanthum  odoratum 
(L.)  and  Taraxacum  ofjicinale  (Weber.)  first  obseiwed 
in  1996  but  not  recorded  in  the  survey,  accounted  in 
2010  for  9 % and  0.5  % of  the  cover  respectively. 
Peltigera  spp  was  observed  for  the  first  time  within  the 
fertiliser  plot  during  the  cuiTent  survey. 


Fertiliser  Plot  - set  up  in  1965 
1965  1969  1996 

DA  FOR  DA  FOR  % 

Control  - set  up  in  1996 
2010  1996  2010 

% % cover  % cover 

cover  cover 

Agwstis  capillaris  L.  Common  Bent 







2.5  (5.2) 

Alchemilla  alpina  L.  Alpine  Lady’s  mantle 








Antennaria  dioica  (L.)  Gaerin.  Mountain 







0.5  (1.05) 


Anthoxanthum  odoratum  L.  Sweet  Vernal-grass 






Arabis  pelraea  (L.)  Lam  [Cardaminopsis  pelraea 








(L.)  Hiil],  Northern  Rock-cress 

Armeria  maritima  (Mill.)  Willd.  Thrift 







Barbiila  rigidula  (Hedw.)  Mill. 








Calluna  vulgaris  (L.)  Hull  Heather 






10.62  (42.1) 


Campylopus  alrovirens  De  Not. 






(49. 75) 

Carex  binervis  Sin  Green-ribbed  Sedge 








Carex  viridiila  [demissa]  Michx.  Yellow-sedge 






0.46  (1.8) 


Carex  panicea  L.  Carnation  Sedge 





0.23  (0.9) 

(26. 70) 

Carex  pilulifera  L.  Pill  Sedge 








Cerastium  fontanum  (holost.)  Bailing.  Common 







0.25  (0.52) 


Cladonia  imcialis  (L.)  Weber 





Cynosurus  cristatus  L.  Crested  Dog’s  tail 








Danthonia  decuinbens  (L.)  [Siegliiigia 








decumbens]  Heath  grass 

Deschampsia  jlexuosa  (L.)  Trin. 








Wavy  Hair-grass 

Dicramnn  scoparium  Hedw. 







Euphrasia  sp.  L.  Eyehright 






0.03  (0.1) 

Festuca  rubra  L.  Red  Fescue 








Festuca  vivipara  (L.)  Sin.  Sheep ’s  fescue 


cd  (15%) 





Hypnum  cupressiforme  Hedw. 








Jimiperus  communis  alpine,  Celak.  Alpine 









Molinia  caerulea  (L.)  Moeiich.  Purple  moor- 









Nardus  stricta  L.  Mat-grass 



0.33  (1.3) 

Oligolricliuin  hercynicum  (Hedw.)  Lam  & Cand. 








Plantago  lanceolala  L. 








Plantago  maritima  L. 



a (5%) 



2.15  (8.5) 

2.00  (4.19) 

Polygala  serpyllifolia  Hose.  Heath  Milkwort 








Polvtrichiim  alpinum  Hedw. 








Polytrichum  piliferum  Hedw. 








Polytrichum  urnigeruin  Hedw. 







Potentilla  erecta  (L.)  Rausch.  Tormentil 





0.72  (2.9) 


Rhacomitrium  lanuginosum  (Hedw.)Brid. 






0.75  (1.57) 

Rhytidiadelphus  squarrosus  (Hedw.)  Warns!. 






0.05  (0.2) 

0.5  (1.05) 

Riibus  saxatilis  L.  Stone  Bramble 








Selaginella  selaginoides  (L.)  Beauv.  Lesser 






0.05  (0.2) 



Silene  acaulis  (L.)  Jacq.  Moss  Campion 





Solidago  virgaurea  L.  Goldenrod 






0.21  (0.9) 


Succisa  pratensis  Moench  Devil’s-bit  Scabious 








Taraxacum  officinale  Weber. 








Thymus  polytrichus  [praecox  OpizJ  Wild  Thyme 






2.13  (8.5) 

1.75  (3.66) 

Trichophorum  cespilosum  (L.)  Hartm.  Deergrass 






0.41  (1.6) 

Vaccinium  myrtillus  L.  Bilberry' 








Viola  riviniana  Reichh.  Common  Dog-violet 





0.15  (0.6) 


Peltigera  spp 








Total  plant  cover  (%) 





25.2  (100) 

50.25  (100) 

Table  1.  Plant  species  recorded  in  the  fertiliser  plot  and  control  plot  at  an  altitude  of  650  in  on  the  Barkeval-Hallival  ridge.  Isle  of 
Rum.  Results  from  previous  studies  (Ferreira  and  Wormell  1971;  Wilson  et  al.  1998)  also  provided.  Figures  in  parentheses  are 
percentage  of  total  vegetation  cover,  • denotes  species  that  were  observed  but  not  recorded,  cd  =co-dominant. 
(M=Monocotyledonous,  B=bryophyte,  D=dicotyledonous,  P=pteridophyte,  L=lichen,  G=Gymnospenns,  [ ] = former  names).  English 
names  (Stace  2010). 


The  vegetation  cover  of  the  fertiliser  plot  changed 
considerably  since  1965  and  contrasts  with  the  control 
plot,  delineated  by  Wilson  et  al.  (1998).  Overall, 
vegetation  cover  of  50  % was  recorded  in  the  control 
plot,  an  increase  from  the  25  % noted  in  1996,  the 
dominant  vegetation  was  heather  with  24  % cover. 


Soil  profiles  of  the  untreated  (control)  plots  in  1965, 
1996  and  2009  are  very  similar  with  approximately 
0.03  m of  very  dark  brown  organic  matter  (lOYR  2/2) 
above  a yellowish-brown  mineral  horizon  (lOYR  5/4). 
This  profile  was  not  uniform  across  the  control  plot  in 
2009,  with  the  organic  horizon  ranging  from  0-0.1  m, 
due  to  erosion  and  deposition.  The  horizon  below  the 
fertiliser  plot  was  vciy  different,  with  a deeper  organic 
horizon  to  0.04  m (lOYR  2/1)  and  organic  staining 
( lOYR  2/2)  down  to  0.08  m,  above  a similar  yellowish- 
brown  mineral  horizon  (lOYR  5/4).  This  was  deeper 
than  records  from  1996,  when  the  organic  horizon 
reached  to  a depth  of  0.03  m with  staining  to  0.06  m. 
Soil  bulk  density  within  both  the  fertiliser  plot  and  the 
control  plot  increased  with  depth,  although  both  results 
recoded  were  generally  lower  than  those  reported  by 
Wilson  et  ai  (1996)  except  in  the  control  plot  at  10  - 
15  cm  (Fig.  1). 

Fig.  2 provides  results  from  the  fertiliser  plot  before 
treatment  (1965),  in  1996  and  2010.  Most 
measurements  showed  an  increase  over  time  of; 
organic  matter,  pH  and  nutrients,  which  generally 
reduced  with  increasing  depth.  The  exception  was 
phosphorus,  as  Wilson  et  al.  (1998)  previously 
recorded  a much  higher  level.  There  was  also  an 
increase  in  magnesium  recorded  in  the  upper  section  of 
the  soil  cores  (0  - 0.05  m)  extracted  from  the  fertiliser 

Results  from  the  control  plot,  in  addition  to  the 
fertiliser  plot  before  treatment,  arc  given  in  Table  2. 
Here,  within  the  upper  0.05  m,  there  has  been  an 
increase  in  organic  content,  pH  and  some  nutrients, 
although  no  phosphorous  was  recorded  in  2009.  A 
much  higher  level  of  magnesium  (135  mg  kg  ')  was 
also  recorded. 

Although  comparison  of  nitrate  content  of  the  plots 
was  not  possible,  due  to  different  analyses  undertaken, 
the  results  arc  presented  for  possible  comparison  in 
future  studies.  Fertiliser  plot;  0 - 0.05,  0.05  - 0.10,  0.10 
- 0.15  m contained  1.65,  4.78,  6.66  mg  kg' 
respectively  (n=16).  The  control  plot  contained  18.48 
mg  kg''  at  0 - 0.05  m (n=16). 


Results  from  the  original  (Wormell)  plot  suggest  that 
even  after  45  years  the  fertiliser  continues  to  have  an 
effect.  Acidophiles  within  the  plot  continue  to  decline, 
for  example,  reduced  cover  of  heather  was  reported  by 
previous  authors  but  not  recorded  within  the  cuiTent 
survey.  A similar  reduction  for  heather  has  been 
reported  on  hcathland  sites  that  have  received  fertiliser 

applications  (Aerts  1993).  Here  on  Rum,  there  was  no 
evidence  of  an  increase  in  heather,  as  previously 
suggested  by  Wilson  et  al.  ( 1 998).  However,  grass  and 
moss  species  (F.  vivipara  and  H.  ciipressifonne 
specifically)  dominate  the  plot.  (There  is  also  increased 
pH  and  nutrient  content  of  the  soil.) 

The  ultrabasic  rocks,  with  low  plant  nutrients,  but  high 
concentrations  of  magnesium,  now  appear  to  have  little 
effect  on  the  plant  species  in  the  area.  However,  a high 
recording  of  magnesium  (675.4  mg  kg'')  was  found  in 
the  upper  (0  - 0.05  m)  cores  from  the  fertiliser  plot. 
This  may  in  part  be  wind-borne  material  from  the 
surrounding  unvegetated  areas,  or  from  the  analysis 
method  used.  However,  high  concentrations  of 
potentially  toxic  elements,  such  as  magnesium,  have 
been  shown  to  have  little  effect  on  vegetative  growth 
(Looney  and  Proctor  1990). 

Vegetation  cover  within  the  control  plot  has  increased 
from  25  to  50  % (1996-2010)  and  from  (at  best)  10  % 
in  1965.  This,  seemingly  un-manipulated  increase,  may 
be  accounted  for  by  a number  of  factors.  The  known 
reduction  in  deer  number,  particularly  in  recent  years, 
may  be  partially  responsible,  with  less  than  half  the 
number  of  15  years  ago,  now  grazing  on  Rum  (Payne 
2003).  This  may  be  particularly  important  at  the 
experimental  plot  site,  as  this  green  square  at  altitude 
of  650m  must  act  as  an  attraction  to  herbivores.  In 
addition,  enhanced  climatic  conditions  (e.g.  Moyes 
2011;  Myneni  et  al.  1997)  may  have  led  to  a prolonged 
growth  period  each  year. 

The  assumption  by  Wilson  et  al.  (1998)  that  heather 
had  influenced  pH  in  the  control  plot  was  not 
confimied  in  the  cuiTcnt  survey.  Although  cover  of 
heather  had  increased  (10.6  to  23.7  %),  pH  had  also 
increased  from  4.9  to  5.7.  This  may  be  accounted  for 
by  the  increased  vegetation  cover  reducing  leaching 
with  more  minerals  and  nutrients  held  in  the  substrate 
beneath  the  plants. 

It  was  unfortunate  that  the  additional  (single  element) 
fertiliser  plots  set  up  by  Wilson  et  al.  (1998)  were 
considered  unfit  for  survey.  Continued  monitoring  of 
these  plots  might  have  led  to  a clearer  understanding  of 
how  specific  nutrients  affect  plant  growth  at  an  altitude 
of  650m  in  an  exposed  environment.  However,  it  docs 
demonstrate  that  experiments  of  this  type  on  an 
exposed  mountain  ridge  need  to  be  robust  in  their 
design  and  execution. 

That  earthworms  are  present  in  the  fertiliser  plot  (Butt 
& Lowe,  2004)  is  not  unexpected,  as  these  animals 
require  a minimum  level  or  organic  matter  (as  shown 
in  Fig.  2).  Such  animals  are  not  uncommon  at  this 
altitude  on  these  rocks/soils  but  are  usually  associated 
with  natural  “greens”  created  through  fertiliser  addition 
from  nesting  bird  faeces  (e.g.  Fumess,  1991).  Further 
research  in  this  area  is  ongoing  (Callaham  et  al.,  in 


□ 1996 
■ 2009 

Depth  of  core  (cm)  Wormell 








□ 1996 
■ 2009 

Depth  of  core  (cm)  Control 

Fig.  1.  Bulk  density  soil  measurements  from  (a)  (Wormell)  fertiliser  plot  and  (b)  control  plot. 






mg  kg  ’ 

mg  kg  ' 

mg  kg  ' 

Fertiliser  plot 
pre  treatment 






















Table  2.  Soil  data  derived  from  control  plots  over  a 45  year  period,  only  results  of  the  upper  5 cm  of  the  core  provided. 

It  is  currently  difficult  to  assess  the  direct  influence 
brought  about  by  reduced  levels  of  grazing,  and/or  the 
increase  in  temperature  on  vegetation  growth  days  on 
the  fertiliser  plot.  Increased  vegetation  cover  within  the 
control  plot  indicates  that  there  has  been  some  effect, 
as  this  is  not  directly  related  to  historical  fertiliser 
addition.  Further  carefully  designed  experiments,  to 
address  Wonnell’s  original  hypotheses  may  still  be 
warranted,  to  fully  detemiine  limiting  factors 
associated  with  plant  growth  of  patchy  herb-rich 
Calluna  heath/grass-dominated  swards  at  altitude  on 


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The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  111-118 

Long-term  dynamics  in  Scottish  saltmarsh  plant  communities 

Rebecca  B.  Taubert  and  Kevin  J.  Murphy 

IBAHCM,  Graham  Kerr  Building,  University  of  Glasgow,  G12  8QQ,  Scotland 


In  2011,  we  conducted  a resurvey  of  saltmarsh  plant 
communities  present  at  six  sites  along  the  mainland 
coasts  of  Scotland,  previously  surveyed  in  2006.  Three 
sites  located  on  the  Isle  of  Mull  (Inner  Hebrides)  that 
were  previously  studied  in  1957  were  also  resurveyed. 
The  data,  analyzed  using  TWINSPAN  classification 
and  CCA  ordination  procedures,  suggested  that 
geographical  factors  were  more  important  than  time  in 
driving  the  observed  differences  in  plant  community 
composition.  For  example,  only  at  Ardmore  Point 
(Firth  of  Clyde),  and  Aberlady  and  Skinflats  (Firth  of 
Forth),  were  there  distinct  pioneer  zones  containing 
Salicornia  europaea  found  in  201  L All  sites  supported 
recognizable  mid-marsh  and  upper  marsh  communities. 
Overall,  this  study  provides  evidence  for  some  degree 
of  stability  in  Scottish  saltmarsh  plant  communities, 
whether  over  a short  timescale  of  5 years  or  a longer 
period  of  54  years. 


Saltmarshes  develop  on  wave-protected  shorelines  in 
temperate  regions  worldwide  as  a result  of  interactions 
between  vegetation  and  tidal  action,  relative  sea  level 
rise,  climatic  extremes,  and  sediment  deposition  rate 
(Harvey  and  Allan  1998;  Beeftink  1977).  The 
accumulation  of  sediment,  vegetation  fragments  and 
various  other  suspended  materials  deposited  by  the  tide 
creates  a mudflat,  which  facilitates  the  settlement  of 
specialist  halophytic  vegetation  such  as  Salicornia  and 
Puccinellia  spp.  (Farina  et  al  2009;  Steers  1977).  This 
leads  to  an  increase  in  the  elevation  and  stabilization  of 
substrate  and  ultimately,  to  the  fomiation  of  creeks, 
channels  and  other  conditions  favourable  for  plant 
species  less  tolerant  of  frequent  tidal  submergence 
(Steers  1977).  The  change  in  elevation  gives  rise  to 
distinct  patterns  of  vegetation,  known  as  zones,  which 
typically  occur  in  belts  that  run  parallel  to  the  shoreline 
(Adam  1990). 

Most  established  saltmarshes  can  be  divided  into  three 
distinct  vegetation  zones  (species  given  as  examples 
here  relate  to  UK  saltmarshes,  though  many  of  the 
saltmarsh  plants  have  rather  broad,  cosmopolitan 
distributions  in  Europe):  (1)  a pioneer/low  marsh  zone 
defined  by  soft  sediments,  seaweeds  and  a few 
specialist  halophytes  such  as  Salicornia  europaea  and 
Puccinellia  maritima,  (2)  an  accretion/mid  marsh  zone 

that  usually  displays  a large  variety  of  environmental 
conditions  and  supports  common  saltmarsh  species 
such  as  Festuca  rubra,  Jimcus  gerardi  and  Agrostis 
stolonifera,  and  (3)  a mature/upper  marsh  zone,  which 
occurs  towards  the  upper  limit  of  tidal  influence  and 
contains  species  less  tolerant  to  salt  and  regular 
submergence,  such  as  Elymus  pycnanthus. 

Saltmarshes  offer  a plethora  of  ecosystem  services, 
including  biodiversity  preservation,  water  quality 
improvement,  flood  abatement,  shoreline  stabilization 
and  carbon  and  nutrient  sequestration.  They  also 
provide  valuable  habitat  for  migratoi'y  waterfowl  and 
young  commercially  important  species  of  fish  (Zedler 
and  Kercher  2005).  Since  vegetation  plays  a crucial 
role  in  the  establishment  and  growth  of  saltmarshes, 
monitoring  the  changes  in  the  composition  of  plant 
communities  over  time  is  one  way  to  detemiine 
whether  these  systems  are  functioning  properly.  Such 
studies  can  then  provide  an  indication  of  any 
significant  variation  occurring  and  whether  these 
changes  are  due  to  anthropogenic  pressures,  such  as 
abnonnal  rise  in  sea  level,  invasive  species  or 
development  (Gedan  et  al  2009). 

Previous  long-tenn  studies  of  saltmarsh  plant 
communities  have  focused  on  the  effects  of  sudden  and 
extreme  changes  of  weather,  planned  technical 
interference,  dynamics  of  vegetational  change 
(Beeftink  1979)  and  grazing  intensity  (Andresen  et  al 
1990)  to  identify  the  responses  of  different  species  to 
environmental  disturbances.  Studies  of  the  long-tenn 
composition  of  saltmarsh  vegetation  through  the  use  of 
permanent  plots  (accurately  marked  plots  where 
vegetation  releves  have  been  sampled  repeatedly  over  a 
period  of  time),  have  been  undertaken  at  Boschplaat  on 
the  island  of  Terschelling  in  The  Netherlands,  where  a 
saltmarsh  began  to  form  on  a sand  flat  after  the 
construction  of  a sand  dam  in  the  1930s  (Leendertse  et 
al  1997;  Roozen  and  Westhoff  1985;  Smits  et  al  2002). 

Scottish  coasts  contain  about  15%  of  the  UK’s 
44,000ha  saltmarsh  resource,  of  which  the  marshes  in 
the  Solway  Firth  account  for  8%  (Hansom  and 
McGiashan  2004).  Saltmarshes  in  Scotland  occur 
mainly  in  estuaries  and  at  the  heads  of  sea  lochs 
(Harvey  and  Allan  1998).  Two  previous  studies  of 
vegetation  communities  of  various  saltmarshes  in 


Scotland  include  Gillham’s  1957  survey  of  three  sea 
loch  marshes  located  on  the  Isle  of  Mull  in  the  Inner 
Hebrides,  and  Zimmerman  and  Muiphy’s  2006  survey 
of  three  sea  loch  and  four  estuarine  marshes  on  the 
east,  west  and  southem  mainland  coasts. 

We  were  able  to  obtain  the  raw  plant  species 
abundance  data  from  both  studies,  which  made  it 
possible  to  visit  and  resurvey  these  sites  in  201 1 in 
order  to  examine  the  dynamics  of  Scottish  salt  marsh 
plant  communities  over  a short  time  scale  of  five  years 
at  the  mainland  sites,  and  a longer  period  of  54  years  at 
the  sites  on  the  Isle  of  Mull.  In  addition  to  this 
comparison  of  historical  and  recent  vegetation  data, 
environmental  variables  such  as  soil  pH,  vegetation 
height,  and  soil  conductivity  were  measured  in  the 
cuiTcnt  study  to  assist  in  detemiining  what  factors  are 
responsible  for  plant  community  patterns  within  a 
marsh  (zonation)  and  between  different  marshes 
(geographical  location). 


Study  Sites 

Nine  sites  from  earlier  studies  were  resurveyed  (Fig. 
1).  Three  of  these  were  previously  surveyed  in  1957  by 
Gillham  and  are  situated  along  sea  lochs  located  on  the 
Isle  of  Mull  in  the  Inner  Hebrides:  Loch  Guin,  Loch 
naKeal  and  Loch  Scridain.  The  other  six  sites  were  last 
surveyed  by  Zimmermann  and  Murphy  in  2006  and 
included  four  along  the  west  coast  of  mainland 
Scotland:  Port  Appin,  Loch  Etive  and  Loch  Creran 
near  Oban;  and  Ardmore  Point  in  the  Inner  Clyde,  plus 
two  on  the  east  coast:  Abeiiady  Bay  in  the  outer  Firth 
of  Forth  and  Skinflats,  which  is  also  located  in  the 
Forth,  near  Falkirk.  The  tenth  site,  Powfoulis  New 
Lagoon,  is  a newly  restored  saltmarsh,  on  previously 
reclaimed  familand,  which  is  located  directly  inland 
from  the  Skinflats  site:  no  historic  data  (prior  to 
restoration)  were  available  for  this  site. 

These  locations  were  primarily  chosen  because  data 
existed  from  previous  years  from  which  to  compare 
possible  shifts  in  vegetation  communities  over  different 
time  scales.  They  are  also  representative  of  the 
different  habitats  in  (estuaries  and  sea  lochs)  and 
environmental  conditions  (West  and  East  coasts;  island 
and  mainland;  and  lower  and  higher  latitudes)  under 
which  saltmarshes  may  develop  in  Scotland. 
Zimmerman  and  Muiphy  (2007)  also  sampled  a site  in 
the  Solway  Firth  (River  Cree),  but  we  were  unable  gain 
access  to  the  site  late  in  the  season,  at  the  time  of  the 
fieldwork  for  this  study. 

Survey  Methods 

Surveys  of  the  ten  sites  were  done  late  September 
through  mid-November  2011.  At  each  site,  samples 
from  three  randomly  located  replicate  stations  were 
collected  from  each  of  three  sub-sites  coiTesponding 
with  the  three  distinct  vegetation  zones:  pioneer/low 
marsh,  accretion/mid  marsh  and  mature/high  marsh. 
One  GPS  reading  was  taken  (using  a Gamiin  Etrex 
instrument)  to  accurately  geolocate  evei’y  sub-site. 







Fig.  1.  2011  Survey  site  locations.  AB  = Aberlady 
Bay,  AP  = Ardmore  Point,  LC  = Loch  Creran,  LE  = 
Loch  Etive,  LG  = Loch  Guin,  LK  = Loch  naKeal,  LS  = 
Loch  Scridian,  PA  = Port  Appin;  SF  = Skinflats 
(Powfoulis  New  Lagoon,  PNL,  also  exists  at  Skinflats, 
as  a newly-created  saltmarsh  site  behind  the  seawall). 

Plant  species  abundance  was  quantified  by  using  a 
0.5m  X 0.5m  quadrat  subdivided  into  twenty-five  0.1m 
X 0.1m  squares  and  scoring  how  many  of  the  twenty- 
five  squares  within  the  quadrat  were  occupied  by  each 
species.  Vegetation  height  was  recorded  at  three 
randomly  chosen  points  in  each  quadrat.  Plant 
community  diversity  was  recorded  simply  as  total 
number  of  species  present  per  sample.  A soil  sample 
was  taken  from  each  quadrat  to  measure  pH  and 
conductivity  levels.  The  pH  level  was  recorded  in  the 
field  using  a Hanna  pH  EP4  meter  while  conductivity 
was  detennined  back  at  the  University  with  a Jenway 
4071  conductivity  meter.  Grazing  pressure  and 
environmental  disturbance  were  scored  on  a scale  of 
one  to  three  with  one  coiTesponding  to  areas  with  a 
minimal  amount  of  disturbance  and  three  to  more 
heavily  impacted  sites.  In  total,  99  samples  were 
collected  from  the  ten  sites. 

Data  Analysis 

Species  abundance  scores  from  the  2011  survey  were 
converted  by  simple  multiplication  into  percentages 
(%A).  The  multivariate  classification  procedure  Two- 
Way  Indicator  Species  Analysis  (TWINSPAN:  Hill 
and  Smilauer,  2005)  was  then  utilized  in  order  to  group 
together  the  samples  in  the  2011  dataset  that  had 
similar  assemblages  of  species.  A second  TWINSPAN 
analysis  was  done  on  the  complete  dataset  (1957,  2006 
and  20 1 1 data)  to  compare  and  contrast  past  and 
present  species  assemblages.  In  order  to  make  the  year 


datasets  comparable,  modifications  of  the  raw  data 
were  required.  Raw  data  scores  from  the  2006  survey 
were  averaged  and  multiplied  by  four  in  order  to 
convert  the  values  to  %A  values.  Data  were  extracted 
from  the  1957  paper  by  detennining  percentage 
abundance  of  each  species  present  from  individual 
sections  along  the  detailed  transect  diagrams  given  in 
the  article. 

Prior  to  pcrfomiing  statistical  tests  in  Minitab  (version 
15),  the  raw  201 1 environmental  data  set  was  tested  for 
normality  by  perfonning  Ryan-Joiner  tests  and  certain 
variables  were  then  loge  transformed,  where  necessary, 
in  order  to  nomialize  the  data.  One-way  analysis  of 
variance  and  Tukey’s  mean  comparison  tests  were  used 
to  determine  whether  there  were  any  significant 
differences  in  mean  values  for  soil  pH,  conductivity, 
vegetation  height  and  plant  species  diversity,  between 
the  groups  designated  by  TWINSPAN. 

Ordination  of  the  20 1 1 vegetation  and  environmental 
data  was  done  using  Canonical  Correspondence 
Analysis  (CCA,  utilizing  CANOCO:  ter  Braak  and 
Smilauer,  1998).  CCA  is  a multivariate  procedure, 
which  can  be  used  to  identify  patterns  of  plant  species 
distribution  in  the  context  of  the  environmental 
variables  measured.  A Monte  Carlo  test  was  used  to 
detennine  whether  the  variation  explained  by  the  CCA 
results  was  significant,  across  the  first  (major)  axis,  or 
all  axes  combined  for  the  ordination.  Plant  assemblages 
for  each  zone  at  each  site  were  allocated  to  National 
Vegetation  Classification  (NVC)  saltmarsh/maritime 
communities  using  the  program  TABLEFIT  (Hill, 


In  total,  37  species  were  observed  in  the  201 1 resurvey. 
The  five  most  common  species  were  Puccmellia 
maritima,  Glaiix  mavitima,  Triglochin  mahtima, 
Festuca  rubra  and  Juncus  gerardi. 

TWINSPAN  initially  divided  the  99  sample  stations 
from  2011  into  a large  group  (n=81)  and  a smaller 
group  (n=18)  with  an  eigenvalue  of  0.514.  At  the  next 
level,  both  groups  were  further  divided  into  two  groups 
each  to  create  four  groups  in  total  (Group  A:  n=13  and 
Group  B:  n=68;  eigenvalue  = 0.474  and  Group  C:  n=l  1 
and  Group  D:  n=7;  eigenvalue  = 0.770).  Analysis 
stopped  by  the  third  division  because  eigenvalues 
became  weaker  (0.388  or  less),  suggesting  substantial 

overlap  between  species  composition  of  sample-groups 
at  this  point.  ANOVA  analyses  confimied  that  there 
were  significant  differences  between  the  four 
TWINSPAN  groups  for  mean  soil  pH  {P  < 0.027), 
mean  soil  conductivity  {P  = 0.000)  and  mean 
vegetation  height  {P  = 0.000).  There  was  no  significant 
difference  in  mean  species  diversity  among  the  groups 
(Table  1). 

Group  A was  made  up  entirely  of  sample  stations 
located  in  the  pioneer  zones  of  Aberlady,  Skinflats  and 
Ardmore  Point.  The  indicator  species  listed  were  S. 
europaea  and  Cladophora  spp.  This  group  had  the 
highest  mean  conductivity  and  the  shortest  mean 
vegetation  height. 

Group  B was  the  largest  one  classified  by  TWINSPAN 
containing  more  than  half  of  the  total  sample  stations. 
This  group  contains  data  from  all  survey  locations  and 
is  composed  primarily  of  mid-marsh  sites  with  pioneer 
and  high  marsh  sites  that  did  not  display  distinct  high 
marsh  (Groups  C and  D)  or  pioneer  marsh  (Group  A) 
species.  The  indicators  were  G.  maritima,  F.  rubra, 
and  J.  gerardi  and  mean  conductivity,  pH  levels  and 
vegetation  height  values  were  intemiediate  compared 
to  values  for  the  other  three  groups. 


TWINSPAN  sample  groups 

Paso\ a 







Mean  SE 

Mean  SE 

Mean  SE 

Soil  pH 



6.91  0.07 

6.86  0.15 

7.54  0.26 

P<  0.027* 

loge  mean  soil 





7.66  0.10 

7.90  0.17 

6.69  0.29 

P =0.000*** 

loge  mean 
vegetation  height 



2.04  0.08 

3.35  0.18 

2.43  0.28 

P =0.000*** 

Table  1.  Mean  values  (±1  standard  error)  of  statistically  significant  environmental  variables  compared  between  the 
201 1 TWINSPAN  groups.  For  group  A,  n = 13;  B,  n = 68;  C,  n = 11;  and  D,  n = 7.  Stars  next  to  P-values  reflect 
different  levels  of  significance  {*  = P < 0.05,  **  = P < 0.01,  ***  = P < 0.001). 


Groups  C and  D consist  exclusively  of  high  marsh 
zone  sample  stations.  Group  C included  data  from 
Ardmore  Point  and  Powfoulis  New  Lagoon  (by 
Skinflats).  E.  pycmmthm  was  the  indicator  species  and 
this  group  had  the  highest  mean  vegetation  height  but 
the  lowest  mean  soil  pH.  Samples  from  Port  Appin, 
Loch  Creran,  Loch  Scridain  and  Loch  Na  Keal 
comprised  Group  D.  Group  D’s  indicator  species  were 
Cochlearia  officinalis  and  Agrostis  Stolonifera.  The 
average  conductivity  for  this  group  was  the  lowest,  but 
the  average  sediment  pH  was  the  highest. 

The  CCA  ordination  of  the  2011  survey  data, 
constrained  by  environmental  variables  (Fig.  2), 
suggests  that  several  of  the  environmental  factors 
measured  arc  good  predictors  of  saltmarsh  plant 
community  composition  for  the  sites  surveyed  (Monte 
Carlo  test  for  axis  \ \ P < 0.002,  all  axes;  P < 0.002). 
Mean  vegetation  height,  mean  soil  conductivity, 
longitude  and  latitude  proved  to  be  the  significant 
environmental  variables  in  predicting  saltmarsh  plant 
community  distribution  while  factors  such  as  soil  pH, 
environmental  disturbance  and  grazing  pressure  were 
less  important.  The  overlay  of  the  TWINSPAN  groups 
from  the  20 1 1 data  shows  a strong  association  between 
high  mean  soil  conductivity  and  Group  A and  between 
mean  vegetation  height  and  Group  C.  Groups  B and  D 
were  not  associated  with  any  environmental  variable  in 
particular.  The  location  of  Group  B was  not  displayed 
on  the  ordination  graph  because  it  consisted  of 
sampling  stations  that  were  ubiquitously  distributed 
across  the  plot. 

Fig.  2.  Canonical  CoiTespondence  Analysis  sample 
ordination  for  the  2011  survey  data.  Approximate 
location  on  the  plot  of  samples  making  up  three 
individual  TWINSPAN  sample  groups  is  indicated  for 
groups  A,  C and  D.  The  fourth  group  (B)  had  a more 
scattered  distribution  of  component  samples  across  the 
ordination  plot.  Lat  = latitude;  Long  = longitude; 
Grazpres  = grazing  pressure  score;  SoilPH  = mean  soil 

pH;  Avgeon  = mean  soil  conductivity;  Avgveg  = mean 
vegetation  height;  Envdist  = environmental  disturbance 

Table  2 displays  the  12  NVC  community  and  sub- 
community types  assigned  to  the  30  sub-sites  sampled 
in  2011.  The  goodness  of  fit  for  the  NVC  communities 
allocated  to  the  sub-sites  ranged  widely,  from  96%  and 
94%  for  pioneer/low  marsh  sub-sites  at  Powfoulis  New 
Lagoon  and  Skinflats,  to  49%  and  50%  for  mature/high 
marsh  sub-sites  at  Powfoulis  New  Lagoon  and 
Ardmore  Point. 

Another  four  TWINSPAN  groups  emerged  from  the 
comparison  of  the  historical  and  cuiTent  vegetation 

Group  A was  composed  of  samples  collected  in  2011 
only  and  contains  data  from  Ardmore  Point,  Port 
Appin,  Loch  Creran,  Loch  na  Keal,  Loch  Scridain, 
Aberlady  Bay,  Skinflats  and  Powfoulis  New  Lagoon. 
Species  indicators  included  Phalaris  arundinacea,  F. 
rubra,  C.  qffinalis  and  E.  pycnanthus. 

Group  B consisted  of  samples  collected  from  all  three 
years  and  was  the  largest  group  defined.  At  least  one 
sample  from  eveiy  site  from  the  2011  survey  was 
represented  except  for  Powfoulis  New  Lagoon.  The 
majority  of  the  samples  taken  during  the  2006  survey 
were  allocated  to  this  group  with  sub-sites  from 
Ardmore  Point,  Port  Appin,  Loch  Creran,  Loch  Etive, 
Aberlady  Bay  and  Skinflats.  All  the  data  points 
extracted  from  the  1957  survey  were  also  included 
(samples  from  Loch  Guin  and  Loch  Scridain).  The 
species  indicators  were  J.  gerardi,  Plantago  maritiina, 
G.  maritima  and  Armeria  maritiina. 

Group  C was  the  smallest  and  the  majority  of  the 
samples  were  from  the  20 1 1 survey  at  Powfoulis  New 
Lagoon,  with  one  sample  each  from  Aberlady  Bay, 
Loch  Creran  and  Skinflats.  The  rest  of  the  samples 
were  from  the  2006  survey  and  were  located  at 
Ardmore  Point.  The  indicator  species  were  Aster 
tripolium,  A.  maritima,  Plantago  maritima  and 
Spergularia  maritima. 

Group  D very  closely  resembled  Group  A from  the 
2011  TWINSPAN  analysis  containing  sub-sites  from 
Ardmore  Point,  Aberlady  Bay,  Skinflats  and  Powfoulis 
New  Lagoon  with  additional  samples  from  the  2011 
survey  of  Loch  na  Keal  and  a sample  from  Aberlady 
Bay  that  was  from  2006.  The  indicator  was 
Cladophora  spp. 



NVC  Community 

NVC  Community 

NVC  Code 

Goodness  of  Fit  (%) 

AP  1 

PuccineUia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 



Festiica  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Juncus  gerardi 

SM  16b 



Juncus  maritimus  saltmarsh 


SM  18 


PA  1 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Festuca  rubra 

SM  16d 


PA  2 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Juncus  gerardi 

SM  16b 


PA  3 

Pucinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 

Glaiix  maritima 

SM  13b 


LC  1 

Festuca  rubra  - Armeria  maritima 
maritime  grassland 


MC  8a 



Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 


SM  16 



Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 


LE  1 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 


SM  16 



Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 



Pucinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 

Glaux  maritima 

SM  13b 


LG  1 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Puccinellia  maritima 

SM  16a 


LG  2 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 


SM  16 


LG  3 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 


SM  16 


LK  1 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Leontodon  autumnalis 

SM  16e 



Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 


SM  16 



Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Puccinellia  maritima 

SM  16a 


LS  1 

Juncus  maritimus  - Triglochin 
maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  15 



Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 



Pucinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 

Glaux  maritima 

SM  13b 


AB  1 

Annual  Salicornia  saltmarsh 


SM  8 


AB  2 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Puccinellia  maritima 

SM  16a 



Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Juncus  gerardii 

SM  16b 


SF  1 

Festuca  rubra  saltmarsh  - Juncus 

Festuca  rubra 

SM  16d 



Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 

Limonium  vulgare  - 
Armeria  maritima 

SM  13c 



Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 


PNL  1 

Elymus  pycnanthus  saltmarsh 


SM  24 



Spergularia  marina  - Puccinellia 
distans  saltmarsh 


SM  23 


PNL  3 

Puccinellia  maritima  saltmarsh 


SM  13 


Table  2.  National  Vegetation  Classification  (NVC)  community  designations  for  sub-sites  surveyed  in  201 1 . For  site 
codes  see  caption  to  Fig.  1 



In  2011,  a classic  zoned  plant  community  was  present 
at  every  site,  but  there  were  differences  in  the  precise 
composition  of  the  vegetation  communities  between 
different  sites. 

Ardmore  Point.  Aberlady  Bay  and  Skinflats  were 
grouped  together  by  TWINSPAN  as  being  the  only 
sites  with  pioneer  zones  colonized  by  5.  eiiropaea.  This 
group  has  the  highest  average  mean  conductivity  and 
the  shortest  average  mean  vegetation  height,  which  is 
reflected  in  the  CCA  analysis  because  its  sample 
stations  are  placed  among  those  most  positively 
associated  with  high  mean  conductivity  and  those  most 
negatively  associated  with  mean  vegetation  height.  Salt 
water  contains  a high  concentration  of  ions  and 
halophytes  such  as  S.  eiiropaea  and  PuccineUia 
maritima  achieve  tolerance  of  high  salinity  at  the 
expense  of  growth  (Adam  1990). 

The  largest  TWINSPAN  group  contained 
representatives  from  all  sites  and  zone  types.  The 
indicators  were  G.  maritima,  F.  rubra,  and  J.  gerardi, 
which  are  species  characteristic  of  the  mid-marsh  zone 
(Rodwell  2000).  The  sample  stations  were  widely 
distributed  about  the  CCA  ordination  plot,  suggesting 
that  this  group  tolerates  a large  range  of  environmental 
conditions.  None  of  the  NVC  low-marsh  designations 
were  typical  of  Loch  Guin  or  Loch  naKeal,  but  a 
PuccineUia  maritima  sub-community  was  still  assigned 
indicating  a presence  of  low  marsh  species.  Since 
Loch  Guin  and  Loch  naKeal  are  island  sea  lochs  that 
are  veiy  rocky  and  receive  a large  amount  of  rain 
compared  to  the  other  areas  surveyed,  this  may  have 
caused  a more  unifonn  plant  community  distribution. 

High  marsh  sample  sites  from  Ardmore  Point  and 
Powfoulis  New  Lagoon  were  associated  with  E. 
pycnanthus  and  Jimcus  maritimus  dominant 
communities  - both  typical  of  upper  marshes  with  soils 
of  high  organic  content.  A fenced  grazing  area  for 
livestock  (horses)  backs  the  Ardmore  Point  marsh,  so 
runoff  from  this  area  may  result  in  nutrient  enriched 
soils.  Since  Powfoulis  New  Lagoon  used  to  be  an 
agricultural  field  separated  from  the  site  at  Skinflats  by 
a seawall,  it  is  also  appropriate  that  it  would  be 
characterized  by  a S.  maritima  dominated  community, 
which  commonly  occurs  on  or  behind  seawalls  and 
generally  in  areas  of  disturbed  soil  and  variable  salinity 
(Rodwell  2000).  This  TWINSPAN  group  had  an 
intemiediate  mean  conductivity  and  the  highest 
average  vegetation  height,  which  is  probably  due  to  the 
estuarine  nature  of  the  sites  and  the  relatively  high 
nutrient  runoff  from  familand  and  urban  centres. 

The  Port  Appin,  Loch  Creran,  Loch  na  Keai  and  Loch 
Scridain  upper  marsh  sites  that  comprise  group  D differ 
from  those  in  group  C (Ardmore  Point  and  Powfoulis 
New  Lagoon)  almost  certainly  since  they  are  all 
located  within  sea  lochs.  These  sites  collectively  had 
the  lowest  average  conductivity  - mainly  because  of 
fresh  water  influence  from  inland  rivers  (the 

conductivity  of  fresh  water  being  much  less  than  sea 

PuccineUia  maritima,  F.  rubra,  J.  gerardi,  G.  maritima 
and  T.  maritimiim  were  the  five  commonest  species 
observed  in  2011.  Four  out  of  five  of  these  species 
were  the  same  as  those  from  the  2006  survey.  The  one 
exception  was  that  Plantago  maritima  was  much  more 
abundant  than  PuccineUia  maritima  in  2006.  Plantago 
maritima  was  also  one  of  the  commonest  species  found 
during  the  1957  survey  of  the  Isle  of  Mull  sites. 
However,  this  species  was  only  present  in  the  upper 
marsh  of  Loch  naKeal  in  the  20 1 1 survey. 

The  general  absence  of  Plantago  maritima  from  the 
201 1 survey  is  most  likely  because  it  is  a herbaceous 
perennial  plant,  which  blooms  in  the  spring  and 
summer  months  and  dies  back  to  the  rootstock  in 
autumn.  The  sampling  for  the  201 1 survey  was  done 
in  autumn,  while  sampling  in  1957  and  2006  occurred 
during  the  spring  and  summer  months. 

The  shift  in  dominance  from  Plantago  maritima  to 
PuccineUia  maritima  might  also  signify  retrogressive 
succession  to  an  earlier  successional  stage,  which 
usually  occurs  as  a result  of  a decrease  in  marsh 
elevation  and  increase  in  sea  level  rise  (Warren  and 
Niering  1993).  Leendertse  et  al  (1997)  observed  a 
change  in  species  dominance  from  PuccineUia 
maritima  in  1957  to  Plantago  maritima  between  1967- 
1990  in  three  mid  marsh  plots  during  their  study. 
Increases  in  elevation  and  silt  thickness  coupled  with  a 
decrease  in  the  number  of  floodings  per  year  were  cited 
as  the  causes.  This  suggests  that  if  elevation  and  silt 
thickness  were  to  decrease  while  the  number  of 
floodings  per  year  increased,  the  plant  community 
dominance  might  regress  from  Plantago  maritima  to 
PuccineUia  maritima.  This  could  perhaps  contribute  to 
the  relative  the  lack  of  Plantago  maritima  observed  in 
2011  - especially  considering  the  absence  of 

PuccineUia  maritima  from  Loch  Scridain  in  1957  and 
its  abundance  of  it  in  2011.  However,  historical 
measurements  of  elevation  and  flooding  frequency  at 
these  sites  are  unavailable  to  allow  further  examination 
of  this  point. 

Another  change  we  noticed  was  the  appearance  of  a S. 
eiiropaea  dominated  pioneer  zone  at  Skinflats  in  2011 
that  was  absent  in  2006.  The  site  at  Skinflats  was 
backed  by  a sea  wall  separating  it  from  an  agricultural 
field  (historically  reclaimed  salt  marsh)  up  until 
recently.  By  the  time  the  present  survey  was 
conducted,  the  Royal  Society  for  the  Protection  of 
Birds  (RSPB)  had  introduced  a regulated  tidal 
exchange  scheme  between  the  field  and  the  suiwey  site. 
This  action  is  part  of  a salt  marsh  restoration 
programme  with  the  puipose  of  creating  more 
migratory  waterfowl  habitat  and  preventing  fiirther 
erosion  of  the  area.  Since  the  hydrology  of  the  site  was 
altered  as  a result  of  this  endeavour,  this  could  account 
for  a change  in  the  intensity  of  the  wave  action, 
possibly  generating  conditions  along  the  shoreline 


more  conducive  to  the  establishment  of  S.  europaea 

In  addition  to  these  differences,  Elymiis.  pycnanthus,  a 
species  not  commonly  observed  north  of  the  Solway 
Firth,  was  present  at  four  of  the  sites  surveyed  in  201 1 : 
Powfoulis  New  Lagoon,  Ardmore  Point,  Loch  Scridain 
and  Port  Appin.  The  species  had  been  observed  at  the 
Ardmore  Point  and  Loch  Scridain  sites  in  previous 
years,  however,  its  presence  at  the  Port  Appin  site  had 
not  been  recorded  before,  to  our  knowledge.  Reasons 
for  the  difference  in  distribution  of  this  species  could 
include  climate  change,  seed  dispersal  through  vectors 
such  as  birds,  wave  or  wind  action  or  both,  as  seed 
distributing  animals  such  as  birds  may  alter  their 
distributions  to  cope  with  climate  change  (Walther  et 
al.  2002;  Howe  and  Smallwood  1984).  At  the  new 
Powfoulis  New  Lagoon  site,  the  presence  of 
E. pycnanthus  could  also  be  due  to  the  introduction  of  a 
seed  mix  (normally  used  to  re=vegetate  sand  dunes)  by 
RSPB  there  in  order  to  help  vegetate  the  newly 
constructed  lagoon  banks,  which  would  be  likely  to 
include  seed  of  E.  pycnanthus  (N.  Chambers,  RSPB, 
pers.  comm.). 

TWFNSPAN  classification  of  the  past  and  present 
vegetation  data  generated  four  groups,  three  of  which 
contain  data  from  more  than  one  year.  One  group  in 
particular  (Group  B)  contained  55%  of  the  sample  sites 
from  2011,  100%  of  the  samples  from  1957  and  91% 
from  2006  (Fig.  3).  When  comparing  the  plant  species 
present  at  each  site  in  2011  to  those  species  existing 
there  in  the  previous  survey,  25  - 64%  of  the  species 
were  the  same.  Since  conditions  in  the  saltmarsh 
ecosystem  can  fluctuate  dramatically,  the  fact  that  the 
sites  retained  about  45%  of  the  plant  species,  on 
average,  that  were  observed  during  previous  surveys 
provides  evidence  for  some  degree  of  vegetation 
community  stability  over  time,  whether  over  a short 
timescale  of  5 years  (mainland  sites),  or  a longer  period 
of  54  years  (Isle  of  Mull  sites). 

A B C D 

Fig.  3.  Composition  of  the  TWINSPAN  sample 
groups  (A-D)  produced  by  classification  of  vegetation 
data  from  all  three  surveys  by  year  (Black  = 2011, 
Grey  = 2006  and  White  = 1957) 

Resistance  and  resilience  to  peiturbations  are  strong 
influences  on  ecosystem  stability  (Tilman  and 
Downing  1994).  Long-term  stability  of  saltmarshes  is 
regulated  by  interactions  between  factors  such  as  tidal 
inundation,  land  elevation,  primary  production  and 
sediment  accretion  (Morris  et  a!  2002).  Sea  level  rise, 
invasive  species  and  development  are  major  threats  to 
saltmarsh  stability  (Gedan  et  al  2009).  If  the  level  of 

the  sea  rises  at  a faster  rate  than  the  salt  marsh  can 
accumulate  sediment  and  increase  its  elevation,  then 
the  marsh  will  be  completely  submerged,  leaving 
behind  mudflats  or  open  water  (Leendertse  et  al  1997). 
Invasions  of  non-native  species  and  development  of  the 
coast  can  exacerbate  this  condition  by  leading  to  severe 
disraptions  in  salt  marsh  plant  communities,  causing 
the  marsh  to  erode  (Gedan  et  al  2009). 

For  future  studies  of  long-term  change  in  Scottish  salt 
marsh  plant  communities,  it  would  be  useful  to  monitor 
additional  variables  such  as  sediment  type,  land 
elevation,  sediment  accretion,  biomass  and  tidal  height 
and  frequency,  in  addition  to  those  looked  at  in  this 
survey.  This  way,  if  there  is  a very  prominent  change 
ill  the  abundance  of  a certain  species,  such  as  the 
development  of  a S.  europaea  dominated  pioneer  zone, 
we  can  make  inferences  based  on  these  measurements 
and  observations  as  to  whether  antliropogenically- 
induced  threats  to  salt  marsh  existence  and  functioning 
(such  as  sea  level  rise,  development  and  invasive 
species)  are  the  cause  or  whether  natural  change  in  the 
species  dynamics  of  salt  marsh  ecosystems  are  of 
greater  importance  in  explaining  and  predicting  such 
vegetation  changes. 


A special  thanks  to  Nick  Chambers  of  RSPB  and  John 
Hanison  of  East  Lothian  District  Council  for  helping 
us  gain  access  to  the  sites  at  Skinflats  and  Aberlady 


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The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  119-147 


Interesting  Aculeate  records  from 
Glasgow,  including  eight  new  species 
records  for  Lanarkshire,  with 
reflections  on  their  wider 
distribution  in  Southern  Scotland 

Jeanne  Robinson'  and  Cathy  Fiedler“ 

‘ Jeanne  Robinson,  Curator  of  Entomology,  Glasgow 
Life,  Glasgow  Museums,  Kelvingrove  Museum  and 
Gallery,  Glasgow,  G3  SAG. 

^Cathy  Fiedler,  Centre  for  Ecology  and  Hydrology, 
Edinburgh,  EH26  OQB. 



With  the  exception  of  the  bumblebees,  there  has  been  a 
general  lack  of  recording  for  the  aculeates  in  south 
west  Scotland,  least  of  all  in  urban  areas  such  as 
Glasgow.  They  are  a fascinating  but  intimidating  group 
for  the  uninitiated.  They  can  be  challenging  to  identify 
and  user  friendly  taxonomic  guides  are  not  readily 
available;  consequently  general  naturalists  tend  to  shy 
away  from  them  when  compiling  their  biological 
records.  Published  articles  and  our  museum  collections 
reveal  more  active  aculeate  recording  during  the  early 
part  of  the  20''’  century  (see  results),  coinciding  with 
the  publication  of  identification  keys,  which  often  help 
generate  an  interest.  There  are  a few  members  of  the 
Bees,  Wasps  and  Ants  Recording  Society  (BWARS) 
that  have  been  actively  recording  in  Scotland  recently, 
but  there  is  still  much  to  do  to  address  the  gaps  in  our 
knowledge  of  the  current  species  distribution.  This 
paper  presents  interesting  records  resulting  from 
fieldwork  in  Glasgow  and  from  speeimens  submitted 
for  identification  in  2009.  In  addition  to  this,  earlier 
local  records  have  arisen  from  the  identification  of 
undetennined  museum  specimens.  The  2009  records 
include  six  species  that  have  not  previously  been 
recorded  from  Lanarkshire  (VC77)  and  two  species 
which  were  thought  to  be  new  but  turn  out  to  have 
been  active  here  longer  than  expected.  Historical 
records  compiled  from  museum  collections  and 
publications  are  also  presented;  these  records  provide  a 
valuable  insight  into  the  wider  and  historical 
distribution  of  these  species  in  Scotland  in  relation  to 
our  recent  findings. 

The  principal  Scottish  aculeate  collectors  whose 
records  and  specimens  were  examined  to  produce  this 
article  include  John  Russell  Malloch  and  Andrew  Adie 
Dalglish,  who  collected  and  documented  the  aculeates 
for  The  Fauna  and  Flora  of  the  Clyde  Area  (Elliott  et 
al.  1901)  and  deposited  many  specimens  with  the 
Glasgow  Museums  (GM).  James  Joseph  Francis 
Xavier  King,  whose  prolific  collecting  between  1877 
and  1930  has  yielded  useful  information  on  species 
distributions  and  abundance  throughout  Scotland,  and 
provided  a substantial  reference  collection  for 
researchers.  King’s  collection  is  housed  at  the 
University  of  Glasgow’s  Hunterian  Museum  (HM). 
William  Evans  (Evans  1900,  1901),  who  recorded  and 
published  his  findings  about  the  aculeates  in  the 
Lothians,  Clyde  and  beyond,  T.  M.  McGregor 
(McGregor,  1893)  for  those  of  Perthshire,  James  Clark 
(Clark,  1909)  who,  with  the  assistance  of  Henry 
Thomas  did  the  same  for  Ayrshire  and  Arran  and  A.  B. 
Duncan,  a contemporary  collector,  who  recorded  in 
many  parts  of  Scotland  in  the  1970s  and  80s;  all  of 
whom  have  specimens  deposited  at  the  National 
Museum  of  Scotland  (NMS). 


Fieldwork  was  under  taken  by  the  authors  during  wann 
sunny  days  between  April  and  the  end  of  July  2009, 
which  ensured  that  insects  were  active.  Specimens 
were  collected  by  sweep  netting  individuals  on  the 
wing  or  targeting  nesting  sites  in  the  case  of  species 
nesting  in  aggregations.  Other  specimens  were 
collected  directly  into  a pot  whilst  foraging  on  flowers 
or  at  rest  on  the  ground. 

Specimens  were  identified  using  Else  (in  prep)  and  the 
Nomada  test  key  (Stubbs,  2007).  The  voucher 
specimens  from  the  fieldwork  and  identifications  for 
2009  are  housed  with  cither  Glasgow  Museums  (GM) 
or  the  Hunterian  Museum  (HM),  Glasgow.  Previously 
unidentified  specimens  housed  at  the  GM  were 
identified  by  Cathy  Fiedler  as  part  of  her  Natural 
Talent  Hymenopterist  apprenticeship  with  the  British 
Trust  for  Conservation  Volunteers  (BTCV). 

Recent  species  distributions  were  checked  online  using 
the  BWARS  database,  via  the  NBN  Gateway 
(BWARS,  2010  and  NBN,  2010)  and  the  Scottish 
Aculeates  List  (SAL,  2010).  The  Glasgow  Species 
Audit  list  2009  (GSA,  2009)  was  also  examined.  The 
audit  is  kept  by  the  Local  Records  Centre  at  GM  and 
details  published  and  submitted  floral  and  faunal 
records  dating  from  1801.  Published  records  from 
across  Scotland  were  identified  on  the  Scottish 
Invertebrates  Records  Index  (SIRI),  which  is  housed  at 
the  NMS.  The  collections  of  the  GM,  HM  and  NMS 
were  inspected  for  specimens  from  Glasgow  and  the 


surrounding  areas.  Where  Scottish  records  were 
numerous  for  a species  on  the  NBN  or  in  the  museum 
collections,  only  key  records  arc  included  in  the  results 
data,  which  arc  generally  those  from  south  west 

The  species  records  that  resulted  from  this  study  have 
been  passed  on  to  BWARS  for  incorporation  in  their 
national  recording  scheme  and  to  the  compiler  of  the 
Scottish  Aculeates  List  for  information. 


Results  below  arc  from  museum  collections  and 
publications.  Collections  arc  referenced  if  data  was 
collected  directly  from  a specimen  - the  name  of  the 
collection  the  specimens  arc  housed  at  are  given  in 
brackets  i.e.  (GM),  (HMj  or  (NMS).  Publications  are 
referenced  as  standard  and  (NBN)  indicates  data  was 
from  the  NBN  database. 

Andreua  clarkella 

Renfrewshire,  Giffnock,  collected  by  J.  R.  Malloch  pre 
1901  (Elliot  ct  al.  1901);  Ayrshire,  Craufurdland, 
Dalrymple,  Ness  Glen  nr.  Dalmellington,  collected  by 
J.  Clark,  1907-1909  (Clark,  1909),  Iiwinc,  collected  by 
A.  Dalglish,  pre  1901  (Elliot  et  al,  1901),  Clyde 
Islands,  Airan,  Lamlash,  collected  by  J.  Clark,  1908 
and  Brodick,  collected  by  W.  Evans,  pre  1909  (Clark, 
1909);  West  Lothian.  Drumshorcland,  collected  by  W. 
Evans,  1902  (NMS);  Midlothian,  Inveresk,  collected 
by  W.  Evans,  1901  (NMS)  and  Balerno,  various 
collectors,  1900-1938  (NMS);  Dunbartonshire, 
MuiToch  Glen,  collected  by  J.R.  Malloch  pre  1901 
(GM);  Stirlingshire,  Callander,  collected  by  W.  Evans 
1900  and  1902  (NMS);  West  Perthshire,  Dollar, 
collected  by  W.  Evans,  1897,  (NMS);  Dumfries  and 
Galloway,  Castlehill,  collected  by  A.B.  Duncan,  1974 
(NMS);  Wigtonshire,  Southerness  and  Ton's,  collected 
by  A.B.  Duncan,  1981-1983  (NMS). 

Bomhiis  sylvestris 

Midlothian,  2006  (NBN),  Balcmo,  Anon,  1922  (NMS); 
Mid/West  Lothian,  2008  (NBN);  Dunbartonshire, 
Bonhill,  collected  by  J.R.  Malloch,  cl 900  (GM); 
Ayshire,  1995  and  2008  (NBN),  Dreghom,  Anon., 
1923  (NMS);  Wigtonshire,  2005,  and 
Wigtonshire/Kirkcudbrightshire,  1987  (NBN); 
Dumfriesshire,  1975  (NBN),  Newlands,  collected  by 
A.  B.  Duncan,  1929  (NMS);  near  Kim  in  Argyll,  K.  M. 
Guichard.  1939  (Guichard,  1940)  and  more  widely 
across  Scotland  including  Invemcss-shire  (NMS) 
Fladday  (Guichard,  1940)  and  Morayshire  (HM). 

Colletes  daviesamis 

Lanarkshire,  Glasgow,  Kelvingrove  Park  collected  by 
F.R.  Woodward,  4“’  July  1984  (GM);  Midlothian, 
Musselburgh,  collected  by  W.  Evans,  1900  (NMS); 
Dumfriesshire  (SIRl/NBN);  and  more  widely  across 
Scotland  including  Fife  (NMS),  Perthshire  (McGregor, 
1893),  Morayshire  (HM)  and  supposedly  the  Hebrides 
(SlRl).  The  Hebrides  specimen  is  however  likely  to  be 
a misidentification  of  C.  fJoralis. 

Lasioglossum  calceatiim 

Lanarkshire,  Glasgow,  Glasgow  Botanic  Gardens,  12"' 
August  1984  and  Kelvingrove  Park,  S'"  August  1983, 
collected  by  R.  Sutcliffe,  (GM);  Renfrewshire, 
Kilbarchan,  F.J.  Ramsay,  1944  (NMS);  Ayrshire, 
Clyde  Islands,  Arran,  Anon.,  1900  (NMS); 

Dunbartonshire,  Loch  Lomond,  collected  by  R. 

Sutcliffe,  26"’  May  1986  (GM),  Bonhill,  collected  by 
J.R.  Malloch,  1901  and  Anon.,  1900  (GM  and  NMS 
respectively);  common  in  the  south  of  Dumfriesshire  in 
May  and  Autumn  circa  1940  (Murray,  1940),  and  more 
widely  distributed  records  include  Perthshire  (GM), 

Aberdeenshire  (HM),  Kincardineshire  (HM), 

Morayshire  (HM). 

Lasioglossum  fratellum 

Stirlingshire,  Mugdock  Wood,  collected  by  J.  Cooter, 
1976  (GM);  Renfrewshire,  Kilbarchan,  collected  by 
F.J.  Ramsay,  1944  and  1947  (NMS);  Ayrshire,  Irvine 
Moor,  Anon.,  1900  (NMS),  Aman,  collected  by 
Waterston,  1936  and  1937  (NMS)  and  Corrie,  1939,  K. 
M.  Guichard  (Guichard,  1940);  Bute,  Rothesay,  Anon., 
1901  (NMS);  East  Lothian,  Longniddry,  Anon.,  1895- 
1898  (NMS)  and  Aberlady,  collected  by  W.  Evans, 
1895  and  1896  (NMS);  Dunbartonshire,  Bonhill, 
collected  by  J.R. Malloch,  1901  (GM);  Argyll,  Alt 
Broiglechan,  Anon.,  1988  (GM)  and  Glen  Nant, 
collected  by  J.  Cooter,  1978  (GM);  and  more  widely 
across  Scotland  including  Perthshire  (NMS), 
Invemesshire  (HM,  NMS,  Guichard.  1940),  Colonsay 
(NMS),  Aberdeenshire  (HM),  Morayshire  (HM),  and 
possibly  Sutherland  (HM). 

Lasioglossum  smeathmanellum 

Ayrshire,  Shewalton  Pits,  collected  by  J.  Robinson, 
2009  (GM),  Arran,  Brodick,  1909  (Clark,  1909), 
Kilmarnock,  collected  by  J.  Clark,  1908  (Clark,  1909), 
the  Dean  and  Fenwick  1907-1909  (Clark  1909),  Ness 
Glen  nr  Dalmellington,  1909  (Clark.  1909); 
Midlothian,  1995  (NBN);  East  Lothian,  Haddington 
1996  (NBN);  Dunbartonshire,  Bonhill  and  Cardross, 
collected  by  J.R.  Malloch,  1901  (GM),  Elliot  et  al., 
1901);  Dumfriesshire,  nr  Gretna,  J.  Mumay,  circa  1940 
(Mumay,  1940)  and  more  widely  across  Scotland 
including  Perthshire  (McGregor  1893,  Carter  1901, 
Rothney  1906),  North  budes  (SIRI),  Morayshire  (HM). 

Megachile  willughhiella 

Renfrewshire,  Damley,  Waulkmill  Glen  collected  by 
E.  G.  Hancock,  1993  (GM/Hancock,  1994);  Ayrshire, 
Craufurdland,  1908,  (Clark,  1909)  nr  Kirk  Alloway, 
1907-1909  (Clark,  1909),  Ness  Glen,  1907-1909 
(Clark,  1909),  Kilkeman,  collected  by  Heni-y  Thomas, 
1908  (Clark,  1909),  and  Bam,  collected  by  A.  Dalglish, 
pre  1901  (Clark,  1909);  Dumfries  and  Galloway, 
Rockcliffe,  collected  by  R.A.  Crowson,  1966  (HM), 
Caerlaverock,  collected  by  A.  B.  Duncan,  1984  (NMS), 
nr  Dumfries,  R.  Service,  1879  (Sei'vice,  1879);  East 
Lothian,  Dunbar,  collected  by  W.  Evans,  1893  -1900 
(Evans,  1901),  and  more  widely  across  Scotland 
including  Fife  (NMS)  and  Kirkcudbrightshire(NMS). 


Nomada  niarshamella 

Moss,  collected  by  R.  Service,  1879  (Service,  1879) 
South  Dumfriesshire,  J.  Murray  circa  1940  (Mun'ay, 
1940);  StirlingshireA¥est  Perthshire  (1983); 
Argyllshire,  1988  (NBN),  Kintyre,  Tayvallich,  1988 
(NBN)  and  more  Renfrewshire,  Kilbarchan,  collected 
by  FJ.  Ramsay,  1944  and  1946  (NMS); 
Dunbartonshire,  Gartlea,  1985  (NBN),  Bonhill, 
collected  by  J.R.  Malloch,  1901  (GM)  and  Milton  on 

Campsie,  collected  by  J.  Cooter,  1977  (GM);  Dumfries 
and  Galloway,  Dalskairth  and  Lochar  widely  across 
Scotland  including  Perthshire  (McGregor,  1893),  North 
(SIRI)  and  South  Ebudes  (NBN). 





Collected  by 







Glasgow,  Bunhouse 
Road,  NS563663 




C.  Fiedler 





Glasgow,  Provan 

Hall,  NS669664 


J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 





Glasgow,  Binghams 
pond,  NS554681 


J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 



Glasgow,  Binghams 


R.  Weddle 

C.  Fiedler 






R.  Weddle 

C.  Fiedler 






Commonhead  Moss, 


J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 






Commonhead  Moss, 


J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 


smeathmanel  lum 





R.  Weddle 

C.  Fiedler 





Glasgow,  Binghams 


J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 





Glasgow,  Haybum 
Lane,  NS556676 


R.  Weddle 

C.  Fiedlier 





Glasgow,  Provan 

Hall,  NS669664, 
on  garden  wall  by 
Andrena  scotica 



J.  Robinson 

J.  Robinson 


Table  1,  Aculeate  specimens  collected  in  Lanarkshire  during  2009  fieldwork. 


Western  Scotland  experienced  mixed  fortunes  weather- 
wise  during  the  summer  of  2009,  with  60%  more  rain 
than  nonnal  but  warmer  temperatures  than  either  2008 
or  2007  (Met  Office,  2009).  On  a number  of  days,  we 
were  met  with  ideal  field  conditions  for  suiweying 
aculeates,  of  especially  warn  and  diy  weather. 

Initial  searches  on  the  BWARS  database,  Scottish 
Aculeates  List  and  Glasgow  Species  Audit  led  us  to 
believe  that  many  of  our  finds  were  new  records  for 
Glasgow  and  possibly  the  wider  area.  Inspection  of  the 
three  museum  collections  and  historical  documents 
revealed  that  much  work  has  been  caiTied  out  on 
aculeates  in  Scotland  during  the  20'*’  century,  but  is  not 
widely  known  about  or  cited.  Indeed,  many  species 
that  appeared  of  particular  note  were  recorded 
previously,  up  to  a century  ago.  These  new  records 
contribute  to  our  knowledge  of  the  species’  distribution 

over  time,  and  reassuringly  for  aculeate  conservation, 
reveals  that  some  populations  may  have  persisted  in  the 
south  of  Scotland  for  over  a centuiy.  A.  clarkella,  B. 
sylvestris,  L.  fratellum,  L.  smeathnumelliini,  M. 
williiglihiella  and  N.  marshamella  have  not  previously 
been  recorded  from  Lanarkshire.  C daviesainis  and  L. 
calceatiim  were  thought  to  be  new  but  turn  out  to  have 
been  here  longer  than  expected. 

Male  and  female  solitaiy  bees  of  the  attractive,  tawny- 
thoraxed  A.  clarkella  were  active  at  the  start  of  April. 
They  had  excavated  burrows  beneath  the  scrubby 
borders  of  one  the  West  End’s  car  parks,  adjacent  to 
the  river  Kelvin.  All  the  Scottish  records,  we 
examined,  are  from  between  early  March  and  April. 
Their  season  in  Scotland  is  February  and  May.  They 
are  oligolectic  on  Salix,  hence  the  early  season  (Pers. 
Comm.  Murdo  Macdonald.  October  2011).  Although  a 
new  record  for  Lanarkshire,  historically,  A.  clarkella 


appears  widespread  in  southwest  Scotland.  It  has 
certainly  been  recorded  from  the  majority  of  vice 
counties  that  border  Lanarkshire  over  the  last  centuiy, 
so  could  have  been  active  but  undetected  in  Glasgow 
for  some  time. 

A B.  sylvesths  male,  the  four-coloured  cuckoo  bee, 
was  caught  flying  in  the  gardens  of  one  of  Glasgow’s 
oldest  buildings,  the  Provan  Hall  on  a scorching  May 
day.  Its  major  host  species,  Bomhus  pratoriim,  the 
early  bumblebee  was  abundant  in  the  grounds.  This 
species  has  also  been  found  across  Scotland.  It  is  a first 
record  for  Lanarkshire,  although  it  was  recorded  from 
the  adjoining  counties  of  Dunbartonshire,  at  the 
beginning  of  the  last  century  and  Dumfriesshire  in 
1975.  Given  this  and  the  abundance  of  potential  hosts, 
it  is  unlikely  that  this  species  has  only  just  an'ived  in 
Glasgow.  Cuckoo  bees  arc  often  overlooked  or 
misrccordcd  as  social  bumblebees.  The  Scottish 
records  we  examined  have  all  been  between  mid-May 
and  September.  These  bees  are  known  to  be  active  in 
Scotland  between  March  and  October  (Pers.  Comm. 
Murdo  Macdonald.  October  2011). 

C.  daviesanus  was  found  foraging  once  in  the 
Necropolis  and  on  two  separate  occasions  at 
Bingham’s  pond  in  July  2009.  Bingham’s  pond  was  an 
artificial  boating  lake  with  little  wildlife  interest.  Since 
2003  the  Glasgow  City  Council’s  Biodiversity  team 
has  done  extensive  work  to  naturalise  and  enhance  it. 
Many  C.  daviesanus  bees,  with  their  blond  hairy 
thoraxes  and  banded  abdomens,  were  observed 
foraging  there  on  July  5'*’  in  the  specially  planted 
wildflower  borders  (Fig.  1 ).  This  species  was  not  listed 
in  the  Glasgow  Species  Audit,  so  the  2009  sightings 
were  believed  to  be  new  county  and  city  records. 
However,  when  checking  older  specimens  that  had 
been  recently  identified  in  GM  collections,  a specimen 
collected  in  1984  from  Kelvingrove  Park  was 
discovered,  collected  by  a fomicr  member  of  staff. 
These  1984  and  2009  sightings  are  the  first  for 
Lanarkshire,  but  there  arc  scattered  records  from  all 
over  the  countiy.  Whilst  these  bees  may  have  been 
exploiting  the  established  green  areas  such  as  the 
Necropolis  and  Kelvingrove  Park  for  a number  of 
years,  Bingham’s  pond  has  evidently  become  a 
valuable  foraging  site.  All  the  Scottish  records  we 
examined  were  from  between  the  beginning  of  July  and 
the  beginning  of  August  for  this  species.  This  species 
may  be  active  as  early  as  June  in  Scotland  (Pers. 
Comm.  Murdo  Macdonald.  October  2011). 

To  the  untrained  eye,  the  Lasioglossiim  bees  do  not 
appear  to  be  bees  at  all.  Most  species  are  very  small 
and  apparently  unhaiiy,  although  do  have  patches  or 
bands  of  hair  on  the  abdomen  on  closer  inspection.  L. 
calceatwn  was  found  at  Commonhead  Moss  Local 
Nature  Reserve.  It  is  one  of  the  larger  species  of 
Lasioglossum.  Males  are  more  distinctive  than 
females,  with  a naiTow  black  and  orange-red  abdomen. 
Females  have  a more  rounded  abdomen  with  only 
tinges  of  orange-red  colouration.  Identification  of 

museum  specimens  revealed  that  Richard  Sutcliffe  had 
collected  L.  calceatwn  from  Glasgow  Kelvingrove 
Park  and  the  Botanical  Gardens  in  1983  and  1984 
respectively,  and  from  Dunbartonshire  in  1986. 
Murray  (1940)  described  it  as  common  in  south 
Dumfriesshire  at  the  end  of  the  1930s.  Modem  and 
historical  records  reveal  that  this  is  a widespread 
species  across  Scotland,  and  further  searching  in  the 
field  is  likely  to  reveal  even  more  records. 

Lasioglossum  fratellum  is  a small,  black  bee  with 
indistinct  patches  of  hair  on  its  abdomen.  Modern  and 
historic  records  have  shown  it  to  be  widespread  across 
Scotland.  Our  record  from  Commonhead  Moss  is  the 
first  for  Lanarkshire  but  it  has  been  found  in  the 
neighbouring  counties  of  Renfrewshire,  Stirlingshire, 
Ayrshire  and  Dunbartonshire.  It  forages  on  a range  of 
flower  species,  such  as  daisies  {Beilis  perennis)  and 
rosebay  willowhcrb  {Epilobium  angustifolium)  (Allen, 
2006),  which  are  broadly  available,  contributing  to  its 
wide  distribution. 

L.  smeatlunanellum  has  a characteristic  metallic  blue- 
green  sheen  over  the  thorax  and  abdomen  (Edwards, 
2005).  Although  not  scarce  or  threatened,  as  it  is 
common  in  England,  its  distribution  in  Scotland  is 
more  limited,  being  replaced  by  a closely  related  (and 
morphologically  very  similar)  species,  L.  cupromicans 
further  north  (Edwards,  2005).  Found  in  Glasgow’s 
city  centre,  this  is  a new  record  for  Lanarkshire. 
Research  has  revealed  a number  of  records  in  nearby 
counties  of  Ayrshire,  Dunbartonshire,  Dumfriesshire 
and  Midlothian,  and  more  widely  across  Scotland. 
Clark  (1909)  described  this  species  as  fairly  common  at 
some  sites  in  Ayrshire  at  the  beginning  of  the  1900s. 
So  it  seems  its  distribution  is  more  extensive  than 
initially  anticipated. 

Like  C.  daviesanus,  M.  willughhiella,  Willughby’s 
leaf-cutting  bee,  was  also  obseiwed  on  July  5''’  2009 
foraging  in  the  wild  flowers  planted  around  Bingham’s 
pond.  There  was  a published  record  for  this  species 
from  Darnley  in  the  South  of  the  city  (Renfrewshire) 
from  1993  (Hancock,  1994)  but  no  records  since  and 
nothing  previously  from  Lanarkshire.  The  south  west 
of  Scotland  is  devoid  of  records  according  to  the  latest 
distribution  maps  (BWARS  2010,  NBN  2010)  but  in 
addition  to  these  recent  records,  this  species  has  also 
been  active  in  the  adjoining  counties  of  Dumfries  and 
Galloway  and  Ayrshire  over  the  last  century.  This 
species  has  been  recorded  between  the  end  of  May  and 
end  of  August  in  Scotland  so  far. 

Marsham’s  Nomad  bee,  N.  marsbamella  was  captured 
for  the  first  time  at  the  end  of  May  in  Haybum  Lane,  a 
small  green  corridor  in  Glasgow’s  west  end.  There 
was  a second  record  less  than  a week  later,  from 
Provan  Hall  in  the  east  of  the  city,  at  the  same  site  and 
date  that  the  cuckoo  bee,  B.  sylvesths  sighting.  About  a 
dozen  of  these  boldly  banded,  wasp-like  bees  were 
observed  investigating  entrances  to  nest  burrows  of  the 
solitary  bee  Andrena  scotica  (=  A.  carantonica)  in  a 


south  facing  garden  wall.  This  species  is  a 
cleptoparasite,  which  parasitizes  a few  species  of 
Andrena.  The  only  host  cuiTcntly  known  from  Glasgow 
(GSA,  2009)  is  Andrena  scotica,  which  was  first 
confinned  from  a residential  area  in  the  West  End  in 
2006  from  a specimen  submitted  by  Norman  Grist 
(GM).  These  are  the  first  records  for  any  species  of 
Nomad  bees  in  Lanarkshire,  however,  in  addition  to  the 
two  Glasgow  sightings,  N.  inarshamella  has  been 
recorded  widely  across  Scotland  including  from  the 
neighbouring  counties  of  Dunbartonshire, 
Renfrewshire,  Stirlingshire  and  Dumfries  and 
Galloway.  Over  60  years  ago  Murray  (1940) 
commented  that  it  was  the  only  Nomada  he  had  met 
with  in  any  number  in  Dumfriesshire.  All  the  records 
we  examined  for  this  species  in  Scotland  are  from 
between  early  May  and  the  end  of  June.  They  are 
however  known  to  be  active  between  April  and  July  in 
Scotland  (Pers.  Comm.  Murdo  Macdonald.  October 

There  are  likely  to  be  further  interesting  specimens  in 
other  museums  and  at  other  sites  in  the  south  west  of 
Scotland  relevant  to  this  study.  The  authors  would  be 
interested  to  hear  of  them. 


We  would  like  to  thank  members  of  the  Glasgow 
Natural  History  Society,  Richard  Weddle  and  Nonnan 
Grist  and  Glasgow  Museums  cuiTent  and  fonner  staff, 
Richard  Sutcliffe,  Jonathan  Cooter  and  Fred 
Woodward  for  their  contributions  of  specimens;  Geoff 
Hancock  at  the  Hunterian  museum  for  specimens, 
references  and  staff  at  NMS  for  access  to  SIRI  and 
both  the  fore  mentioned  for  access  to  their  collections. 
Many  thanks  to  Carl  Clee  of  National  Museum 
Liveipool,  Mark  Pavett  of  National  Museum  of  Wales, 
and  Mike  Edwards  for  verification  of  species 
identifications.  Thanks  to  the  BWARS  for  their 
records  and  to  BTCV  for  funding  the  Natural  Talent 
Apprenticeship,  through  which  the  aculeate  specimens 
at  Glasgow  Museums  are  far  more  accessible. 


Allen,  G.  (2006).  Lasioglossum  fratelliiin,  76-77;  in 
Edwards,  R.  and  Broad,  G.  (editors)  Provisional 
atlas  of  the  aculeate  Hymenoptera  of  Britain  and 
Ireland:  Part  6.  Centre  for  Ecology  and  Hydrology. 
BWARS.  (2010).  Distribution  maps  for  UK  species 
available  at  bees.htm.  Accessed  in 
Janiiaiy  2010. 

Carter,  A.  E.  J.  (1901).  Aculeate  Hymenoptera  in 
Perthshire.  Entomologist’s  Monthly  Magazine 
(1901)  37,  67. 

Clark,  James.  (1909).  Notes  on  the  Bees,  Wasps  and 
Ants  of  Ayrshire  and  the  island  of  Arran. 
Kilmarnock  and  Glenfield  Ramblers  Societv  Annals 
7907-79/0  6,  38-66.  ' 

Edwards,  M.  (2005).  Lasioglossum  smeathmanelliim, 
pp.  102-103  in  Edwards,  R.  and  Broad,  G.  (editors) 
Provisional  atlas  of  the  aculeate  Hymenoptera  of 

Britain  and  Ireland  Part  5 Centre  for  Ecology  and 


Elliot,  G.  F.  Scott,  Laurie,  M.  and  Murdoch,  J.  Barclay 
(editors).  (1901).  Fauna,  Flora  and  Geology  of  the 
Clyde  Area.  Published  by  the  Local  Committee  for 
the  Meeting  of  the  British  Association. 

Else,  G.  Handbook  of  the  Bees  of  the  British  Isles  (in 

Evans,  William.  (1900).  Scottish  Aculeate 
Hymenoptera:  Additions  to  the  list.  Entomologist’s 
Monthly  Magazine  ( 1 900)  66  . 

Evans,  William.  (1901).  Mimesa  dahlhombi  and  other 
aculeates  in  Scotland.  Entomologist ’s  Monthly 
Magazine  ( 1 90 1 ) 37,  301. 

Glasgow  Species  Audit  (GSA).  (2009).  Available 
electronically  from  the  Glasgow  Museums 
Resource  Centre,  200  Woodhead  Road,  South 
Nitshill  Industrial  Estate,  Glasgow.  G53  7NN 
Tel:  0141  276  9330,  Fax:  0141  276  9305,  E-mail: 
biological. records@, 

Hancock,  E.  G.  (1994).  Leafeutter  bees  Megachile 
wilhighbiella  Kirby  at  Waulkmill  Glen,  Damley 
Glasgow.  Glasgow  Naturalist  22  (4),  430. 

Guichard,  K,  M.  (1939).  Aculeate  Hymenoptera  from 
the  Highlands  Entomologist’s  Monthly  Magazine 
(1940)  76,43-44. 

Met  Office.  (2010).  UK  weather  statistics  available  at  Accessed  in  Janiiaiy  2010. 

McGregor,  T.  M.  (1893).  Notes  on  the  aculeate 
hymenoptera,  with  a list  of  the  wild  bees  and  wasps 
collected  in  Perthshire  in  1887.  Transactions  of  the 
Perthshire  Society  of  Natural  Science  ( 1 893)72). 

MuiTay,  J.  A.  (1940).  Dumfriesshire  Aculeate 
Hymenoptera.  Entomologist ’s  Monthly  Magazine 

NBN.  (2010).  The  National  Biodiversity  Network  for 
interactive  maps  of  the  distribution  of  British 
species  available  at 
Accessed  in  Janiiaiy  2010. 

Rothney,  G.A.  James.  (1906).  Aculeate  Hymenoptera 
at  St  Fillans  and  the  Braes  of  Balquhiddcr, 
Perthshire.  Entomologist’s  Monthly  Magazine 
(1906)  257. 

Scottish  Aculeates  List.  (2010).  List  of  Aculeates 
known  from  Scotland  and  their  current  status 
available  at  A ccessed 
in  Janiiaiy  2010. 

Service,  Robert.  (1879).  The  aculeate  hymenoptera  of 
the  district  suiTounding  Dumfries.  The  Scottish 
Naturalist  5,  63-68. 

Stubbs,  Alan.  (2007).  The  Nomada  test  key.  See  the 
BWARS  website  test  kevs.htm. 

Accessed  in  Janiiaiy  2010. 


The  entomology  collection  of  Dr 
Clifford  Edwards  (1913-2009)  in 
Glasgow  Museums 

Jeanne  Robinson 

Curator  of  Entomology,  Glasgow  Life,  Glasgow 
Museums,  Kelvingrove  Museum  and  Galleries, 
Glasgow,  G3  SAG 


Fig.  1,  Clifford  Edwards 

Clifford  Edwards  was  born  in  Bristol  in  1913  (Fig.  1). 
He  worked  in  insurance  before  the  Second  World  War 
and  again  on  his  return  from  active  service.  He  left  the 
insurance  business  to  attend  Southampton  University, 
where  he  was  awarded  his  BSc.  He  went  on  to  obtain  a 
PhD  before  starting  as  assistant  lecturer  at  the  Queen’s 
University,  Belfast  in  1953. 

He  moved  to  Scotland,  where  he  lived  and  worked  for 
much  of  his  adult  life  as  a professional  biologist  for  the 
Scottish  Marine  Biological  Association.  He  studied  the 
zooplankton  of  the  Clyde  at  Millport  between  1956  and 
1969.  He  moved  to  Dunstaffnage  in  1969,  shortly  after 
the  new  marine  laboratory  opened  and  worked  there 
until  he  retired  in  1980. 

He  was  awarded  a DSc  from  the  University  of  London 
in  1975  for  his  work  on  the  life-histories,  systematics, 
ecology  and  distribution  of  British  hydroids  and 
hydomcdusac;  the  significance  for  classification  of  the 
Hydroida  and  histoiy  of  the  study  of  Hydroida.  Whilst 
he  had  not  published  as  much  as  some  DSc  applicants, 
his  work  was  of  such  quality  he  was  deemed  deserving. 
Dr  Paul  Cornelius,  a fellow  Cnidarian  expert,  fomierly 
of  the  Natural  History  Museum,  London  described  his 

publications  and  the  man  himself  as  meticulous  and 
totally  reliable. 

Dr  Edwards  specialised  in  rearing  and  describing 
hydroids.  There  was  much  taxonomic  confusion  in  the 
group,  with  the  early  and  later  life  stages  being  given 
different  species  names.  With  the  assistance  of  Martyn 
Harvey,  he  managed  to  establish  what  a number  of 
these  organisms  looked  like  at  each  stage  of 
development,  clearing  up  the  taxonomy..  He  has  a 
Hydrozoan  named  in  his  honour,  Sarsia  clijfordi 
Brinckmann-Voss,  1989.  Dr  Anita  Brinkmann-Voss, 
the  author,  said  that  she  and  her  Canadian  colleagues 
had  greatly  admired  his  work  and  refen-ed  to  him  as  an 
‘outstanding  scientist’.  Looking  at  Dr  Edwards’ 
entomology  collection  it  is  apparent  that  he  also 
brought  professional  scientific  rigour  to  his  ‘amateur’ 
entomological  investigations. 

The  collection  contains  over  100  store  boxes  of 
beautifully  preserved  pinned  specimens  from  the  West 
of  Scotland  and  beyond  (Fig.  2).  There  are  numerous 
boxes  of  Scottish  material,  including  17  boxes  of 
Hymenoptera,  7 of  Coleoptera  and  2 of  Diptera.  The 
remaining  boxes  arc  lepidoptera.  Most  of  the  collection 
is  contemporai7,  collected  by  Clifford  Edwards 
between  the  1930s  and  the  1980s.  He  did  not  drive  so 
was  largely  reliant  on  public  transport  and  his  fondness 
for  cycling  to  find  his  specimens;  consequently  many 
come  from  in  and  around  Oban.  There  are  often  a large 
number  of  examples  of  the  same  species  collected  from 
different  locations  and  on  different  dates,  including 
speckled  woods,  marsh  fritillaries  and  bumet  moths. 
Whether  this  sampling  was  to  support  particular 
investigations  or  just  reflect  his  strong  collector’s 
instinct  remains  to  be  established.  His  colleagues  knew 
he  was  knowledgeable  about  insects,  amongst  many 
other  things,  but  had  no  idea  he  actually  collected 
insects.  Dr  Edward’s  sister  said  that  Clifford  was 
always  a keen  insect  collector. 

In  addition  to  the  store  boxes  there  are  several  boxes  of 
papered  lepidoptera  that  were  collected  by  Dr  Edwards 
in  the  1970s  and  80s,  from  Ireland.  Dorset  and 
Cornwall  amongst  others.  Dr  Edwards  regularly  took 
holidays  in  the  South  West  of  England.  There  are  a 
number  of  more  aged  tins  of  unlabelled  specimens 
wrapped  in  paper  of  foreign  origin.  Several  specimens 
are  wrapped  in  army  stationaiy  and  one  of  the  tins  is 
dated  1942,  so  were  probably  collected  by  him  during 
his  military  service  with  the  Hampshire  Regiment. 
There  are  specimens  in  a tin  labelled  with  Perugia, 
dated  the  8''’  August  1945,  just  over  a year  after  the 
Italian  town  was  seized  by  the  British  troops.  Martyn 
Harvey  remembers  Dr  Edwards  mentioning  that  he 
worked  making  maps  for  the  army,  following  the 
invading  forces  through  North  Africa  and  Italy. 

Dr  Edwards  had  purchased  and  collected  foreign 
butterfly  and  moth  specimens  to  complement  and 
enhance  his  collected  material.  Between  1970  and 
1974,  he  spent  nearly  £1000  on  specimens.  There  are 


examples  purchased  from  Worldwide  Butterflies,  R.  N. 
Baxter,  the  Butterfly  Centre,  Saruman  Butterflies,  J.  W. 
Smale,  L.  Christie,  G.  Hanrahan  and  K.  P and  D.  J. 
Tolhurst.  There  are  two  specimens  labelled  as  types  in 
the  box  of  Indian  Lycaenid  butterflies,  which  require 
some  research  to  determine  their  authenticity. 

Dr  Clifford  Edwards  bequeathed  his  entomology 
collection  to  the  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 
(GNHS)  in  the  winter  of  2009.  Glasgow  Museums 
(GM)  was  given  first  refusal  of  the  specimens.  In 
addition  to  the  insect  collection,  Dr  Edwards  amassed  a 
considerable  natural  history  libraiy,  which  he  left  to  the 
Glasgow  University  Library  (GUL).  The  GUL 
contacted  GM  around  the  same  time  to  offer  the 
museum  the  books  that  they  did  not  require. 

Early  in  2010,  Jeanne  Robinson,  Curator  of 
Entomology  went  to  assess  the  insect  and  library 
holdings  in  Dr  Edwards’  home.  GM  subsequently 
agreed  to  take  all  of  the  insect  collection  and  a 
selection  of  the  books.  Scottish  insect  collections  are 
few  and  far  between  and  this  collection  complements 
and  enhances  GM’s  existing  holdings  in  line  with  the 
collecting  policy. 

Fig.  2.  A selection  of  Scottish  bumblebees  from 
Clifford  Edwards’  collection 

Thus  GM  has  acquired  a large  volume  of  reference 
material  concerning  the  taxonomy  and  biology  of 
lepidoptera  of  the  world  and  a select  few  about  other 
groups  of  organisms. 

The  collection  has  been  accessioned  as  Z. 2010. 19  and 
can  be  viewed  by  appointment  with  the  Entomology 
curator  at  the  Glasgow  Museums  Resource  Centre 
(GMRC).  Dr  Edward’s  books  are  also  housed  at 
GMRC  and  a list  of  these  volumes  acquired  is  in 

Many  thanks  to  May  Edwards,  Allan  Davis,  Clive 
Craik,  Paul  Cornelius,  Anita  Brinkmann-Voss  and 
Martyn  Harvey  for  providing  biographical  infonnation 
about  Clifford  Edwards.  If  you  knew  Dr  Edwards  and 
have  any  additional  information  for  inclusion  in  GM’s 
biographical  files  please  contact  the  author. 

Adventures  with  Amphibians 

J.R.  Downie 

School  of  Life  Sciences,  Graham  Kerr  Building, 
University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow  G12  8QQ 



A retirement  lecture  gives  an  opportunity  for  looking 
back  and  reviewing,  and  attempting  to  give  coherence 
to  a career.  I can  think  of  scientists  who  set  off  early  on 
a theme  and  pursued  it  doggedly  throughout  their 
careers.  Mine  hasn’t  been  like  that.  I began  as  an  avian 
embryologist,  then  got  interested  in  the  reproductive 
ecology  of  amphibians.  Then,  through  involvement  in 
student  expeditions  overseas,  marine  turtle  life  histories 
and  conseiwation  developed  as  a side  interest.  Along 
the  line  bioethics  and  evolution  edueation  became 
research  themes  too,  so  there  is  little  eoherence,  but 
diversity  of  interests  is  not  such  a bad  thing  for  a 

I’ve  chosen  to  concentrate  here  on  amphibians,  and 
have  called  my  experiences  ‘Adventures’,  partly 
because  amphibian  work  is  often  at  night,  and  in  the 
tropics,  night  work  in  swamps  can  lead  to  all  sorts  of 
unexpected  happenings.  ‘Chance  encounters  might  be  a 
better  title,  because  chance  has  played  a major  part  in 
the  research  I’ve  been  able  to  do.  My  interest  in 
amphibians  grew  out  of  teaching  a course  on 
reproductive  biology,  mainly  in  the  vertebrates.  In 
1982, 1 got  the  chance  to  spend  five  months  study  leave 
in  Trinidad.  This  was  quite  serendipitous.  Robin  Bruce, 
an  ex-student  who  had  been  with  us  on  an  expedition  to 
Iceland  (1972)  obtained  his  first  lecturing  post  at  the 
University  of  the  West  Indies  in  Trinidad.  He  reported 
that  Trinidad  and  Tobago  were  good  places  to  study 
frogs,  and  that  his  head  of  department  had  written  the 
guide  to  them  (Kenny,  1969).  So  my  family  and  I went 
to  Trinidad  and  I got  hooked  for  life,  having  now 
visited  the  islands  more  than  20  times.  In  recent  years, 
I’ve  become  involved  in  amphibian  work  in  the  UK 
too,  but  in  this  lecture.  I’ll  concentrate  on  four  themes 
from  our  Trinidad  work. 

Foam-nesting  frogs 

My  first  serious  work  in  Trinidad  in  1982  shows  the 
influence  of  luck  and  chance.  We  arrived  in  the  dry 
season  with  not  many  frogs  around.  Then  there  was 
some  patchy  rain,  and  puddles  began  fonning  on  a 
pieee  of  waste  ground  on  the  UWI  campus:  I passed 
these  each  day.  After  a heavy  shower,  I was  surprised 
to  find  well  developed  tadpoles  in  the  puddle  as  well  as 
floating  foam  nests.  I was  fairly  sure  there  had  been  no 
tadpoles  previously.  A few  dry  days  and  the  puddle 


dried  up.  Hard  luck  on  these  tadpoles  and  the  foam 
nests,  I thought,  but  then  it  rained  again,  and  there  were 
tadpoles  again.  What  was  going  on?  Next  time  it  dried, 
I searched  the  damp  mud  at  the  low  point  and  found, 
under  dead  leaves,  an  aggregation  of  tadpoles, 
wriggling  about  in  a little  heap  of  froth.  A bit  more 
searching,  and  in  a burrow,  under  a stone  was  a white 
foam  nest,  containing  early  hatchling  tadpoles.  This 
was  my  first  encounter  with  the  whistling  frog 
Leptodactylus  fusciis,  and  it  was  a matter  of  luck 
because  the  ground  staff  tidied  up  the  area  a few  years 
later  and  the  frog  populations  disappeared.  L.  fuscus  is 
a foam-nesting  species,  and  often  shares  breeding  pools 
with  another  foam  nester,  the  tungara  frog 
Engy’stomops  pustulosiis,  which  produces  the  floating 

An  aside  at  this  point:  one  of  the  real  bugbears  of 
working  on  tropical  amphibians  is  unstable  taxonomy. 
This  is  partly  a consequence  of  colonial  times  with 
French,  Dutch,  Spanish  and  British  natural  historians 
giving  different  names  to  what  turned  out  to  be  the 
same  species,  then  having  to  soil  out  the  mess.  L. 
fuscus  has  had  NINE  names:  Raua  fusca  (1799),  Rana 
typhouia,  Rana  sihilathx,  Leptodactylus  typhonius, 
Cystignafhus  typhonius,  Cystignathus  fuscus, 
Leptodactylus  sihilator,  Leptodacty’lus  sihilatrix, 
Leptodactylus  fuscus  (1983).  More  recently,  molecular 
phylogenetics  have  revolutionised  our  understanding  of 
the  evolutionai'y  relationships  of  amphibians  and 
unleashed  a continuing  spasm  of  taxonomic  revision. 
Few  of  the  frog  species  I first  encountered  in  Trinidad 
in  1982  now  have  the  same  names.  This  is  a curse,  but 
also  an  opportunity:  the  unravelling  of  relationships  has 
generated  many  opportunities  to  think  again  about  the 
evolution  of  life  histories  and  other  adaptive  features, 
as  we’ll  see  later. 

When  I started,  the  Trinidad  tungara  frog  was 
Eupemphix  then  Physalaennis,  now  Engy’stomops  and  it 
is  now  in  a separate  family,  the  Leiuperidae,  no  longer 
a leptodactylid.  Here  are  some  of  the  things  we  found 
about  these  two  frogs  (Downie  & Nicholls,  2004). 

Leptodactydus  fuscus 

• Eggs  are  deposited  in  hidden  burrows  close  to 
where  temporary  pools  fonn.  Buitows  are  closed 
by  mud  ‘lids’.  Most  nests  are  deposited  on  dry 
nights,  not  after  rain.  We  find  them  by  prodding  a 
spoon  handle  into  the  mud. 

• Hatching  occurs  after  3 days.  Tadpoles  make  a 
new  kind  of  foam  via  oral  secretions,  and  tadpoles 
can  remain  in  this,  without  developing  further,  up 
to  4 weeks. 

• If  heavy  rain  falls,  the  tadpoles  - already 
developed  beyond  hatching  stage,  enter  the  pool  as 
the  nest  opens  up  - and  are  capable  of  eating 
newly  deposited  eggs  of  other  species. 

• The  longer  tadpoles  stay  in  foam,  the  poorer  their 
condition,  and  less  able  they  are  to  grow 
successfully  to  metamorphosis. 

• Burrow  nests  seem  an  excellent  adaptation  to  an 
unpredictable  environment  but  they  do  face  a 
threat:  a species  of  phorid  fly,  ‘frogflies’,  can 
deposit  their  eggs  in  the  foam  and  become 
maggots  fast  enough  to  destroy  the  frog  embryos 
(this  turned  out  to  be  a new  species  that  we  were 
able  to  describe). 

• If  the  pond  dries  up,  tadpoles  can  shelter  under 
leaves  or  rocks  on  the  damp  mud  surface  and  can 
survive  several  days  - our  original  observation. 

Engy’stomops  pustulosiis 

• Floating  foam  nests  are  laid  after  rains.  Hatching 
occurs  after  2-3  days,  with  some  larvae  emerging 
late  from  the  nest,  possibly  allowing  development 
to  a more  advanced  stage. 

• Tadpoles  have  no  ability  to  survive  if  the  pond 
dries  up. 

• In  competition  with  L.  fuscus  tadpoles,  E. 
pustulosiis  tadpoles  fare  poorly  - taking  longer  to 
reach  metamorphosis  and  at  a smaller  size. 

Conclusion:  L.  fuscus  seems  the  superior  competitor 
when  pools  are  temporary  and  rainfall  is  unpredictable. 
Yet  you  see  E.  pustiilosus  everywhere:  it  seems 
especially  well  suited  to  human-related  habitats  like 
flooded  tyre-ruts  and  must  be  a very  effective  colonizer 
of  disturbed  habitats.  Perhaps  the  larger  clutch  size 
(about  100  for  L.  fuscus;  400  for  E.  pustiilosus)  is 
important  here. 

Phyllomedusa:  one  of  the  charismatic  poster  frogs 
Here  we  have  a piece  of  Glasgow  Zoological  history 
(Downie,  1997).  The  first  generally  cited  paper  on 
Phyllomedusa  is  by  J.S.  Budgett  (1899)  - a friend  and 
colleague  of  John  Graham  Kerr’s  before  Kerr  came  to 
Glasgow.  Budgett’s  observations  of  Phyllomedusa 
were  made  on  the  Gran  Chaco  (Argentina-Paraguay) 
expedition  where  Kerr  collected  the  lungfish  embryos 
that  were  to  be  his  main  study.  The  second  widely  cited 
paper  is  by  Wilfrid  Agar  (1910):  Agar  joined  Graham 
Kerr  in  the  Zoology  Department  in  Glasgow  and  made 
observations  on  Phyllomedusa  during  another  lungfish 
collecting  trip  in  1907-8  (not  accompanied  by  Kerr). 
Agar  eventually  became  Professor  of  Zoology  in 
Melbourne,  Australia  from  1920.  Both  Budgett  and 
Agar  made  important  observations  on  Phyllomedusa 
reproduction,  and  we  have  recently  been  able  to  extend 

The  Phyllomedusinae  are  a sub-family  of  a major 
treefrog  family,  the  Hylidae.  There  are  (so  far)  60 
species  of  Phyllomedusine  frogs,  distributed 
throughout  the  neo-tropics,  from  Argentina  through 
Central  America  and  into  Southern  Mexico  (Frost, 
2011).  There  are  two  main  genera,  Agalychnis 
(including  the  widely-photographed  A.  callidiyas  - the 
red-eyed  treefrog)  and  Phyllomedusa.  Phyllomedusines 
do  not  deposit  their  eggs  in  water.  In  Agalychnis  eggs 
are  deposited  in  clumps  on  open  leaves  overhanging 
water  in  wet  rainforest.  Since  1996,  Karen  Warkentin 
has  published  a large  number  of  studies  on  Agalychnis 


based  on  her  original  finding  that  Agalydmis 
development  shows  considerable  plasticity:  egg 
clutches  are  heavily  predated  by  snakes,  but  embryos 
can  detect  them  and  - within  limits  - hatch  prematurely 
to  escape  the  snakes,  which  tend  not  to  swim  after 
them.  There  is  a classic  trade  off  in  operation  here: 
embryos  which  develop  fully  on  the  leaf  before 
hatching  do  better  once  they  reach  water  than 
premature  hatchlings:  but  if  snakes  attack,  all  embryos 
may  be  eaten,  so  premature  hatching  gives  them  a 
survival  chance  (Warkentin,  1999). 

In  comparison,  Phyllomediisa  incubation  and  hatching 
has  been  comparatively  neglected,  with  few 
publications  since  Pybum  (1980).  In  Trinidad,  we  have 
Phylloinedusa  trwitatis  (which  also  occurs  in  northem 
Venezuela);  in  Phylloinedusa,  eggs  are  deposited  as  an 
elongated  clump  on  a leaf,  but  the  adults  use  their 
limbs  to  fold  the  leaf  around  the  clump,  often 
managing  to  enclose  the  egg  clump  more  or  less 
completely  - with  an  opening  top  and  bottom.  These 
openings  are  plugged  by  dense  masses  of  jelly. 
Throughout  the  egg  clutch  are  scattered  large  numbers 
of  small  round  jelly  capsules.  The  jelly  capsules  and 
plugs,  and  the  eggs  themselves  (with  thin  jelly  coats) 
are  adhesive  - so  once  the  leaf  has  been  folded  over  the 
clutch,  it  sticks  in  place.  Generally,  the  leaf-nest 
overhangs  a pool  of  water,  so  when  the  embryos  hatch 
and  emerge  from  the  nest,  they  drop  into  the  water 
below.  But  it  seems  not  always  possible  for  adults 
ready  to  reproduce  to  find  a suitable  leaf  or  leaves  in  a 
good  place.  They  have  two  solutions.  First,  there  may 
be  better  leaves  a short  distance  away  from  the  pool: 
once  hatchlings  emerge,  they  land  on  the  ground,  and 
are  well  capable  of  moving  to  water  by  flipping 
movements  of  their  already  powerful  tails.  Second, 
they  can  make  rudimentary  nests  even  from  blades  of 
grass  overhanging  a pool:  we  don’t  think  these  are  very 
successful,  and  it  would  be  interesting  to  investigate 
what  factors  drive  frogs  to  make  this  choice. 

Agar  (1910)  suggested  that  the  jelly  capsules  help 
hydrate  the  eggs,  since  he  noticed  that  during 
incubation,  eggs  swell  with  fluid  and  jelly  capsules 
shrink:  the  hydration  role  of  jelly  capsules  has  been 
confinned  (Pybum,  1980).  How  the  frog’s  oviduct  is 
able  to  make  separate  secretory  releases  (top  and 
bottom  jelly  plugs,  quite  complex  stmcturally; 
scattered  capsules;  a thin  jelly  coat  round  each  egg),  is 
not  clear. 

What  we’ve  found  (work  in  preparation); 

• Contrary  to  previous  reports,  eggs  do  develop  in 
aquatic  media,  the  better  the  later  they  enter  water 

and  the  better  if  the  medium  is  a dilute  balanced 
salt  solution. 

• The  covering  leaves  do  not  need  to  be  alive: 
incubation  in  cut  leaf-nests  is  as  successful  as  in 
live  leaf-nests. 

• Hatching  of  individual  eggs  can  be  stimulated  by 
immersion  in  water,  once  they  are  hatching 

competent,  or  by  contact  with  already  hatched 
larvae,  by  a kind  of  chain  reaction. 

• Emergence  from  the  nest  does  not  occur  until  the 
lower  jelly  plug  has  been  dissolved  - probably  as  a 
result  of  enzymes  released  by  larval  hatching  gland 

• Because  of  the  time-lag  between  individual  egg 
hatching  and  nest  emergence,  we  do  not  think  that 
premature  hatching  in  response  to  predator  attacks 
is  relevant  in  Phyllomedusa.  Rather,  the  leaf-fold 
nest  and  jelly  plugs  act  as  effective  banders  to 
many  kinds  of  predators. 

• But  there  is  a puzzle,  yet  to  be  resolved:  how  do 
Phyllomedusa  eggs  respire  when  they  arc 
apparently  completely  cut  off  from  the  air  by  leaf 
and  jelly? 

The  diversity  of  embryo-specific  surface  structures 
I’ve  been  fortunate  for  some  years  to  have  Mohsen 
Nokhbatolfoghahai  working  with  me  on  the  diversity 
of  embryo  and  larval  specific  structures  such  as: 

• Surface  ciliation 

• External  gills 

• Cement  glands 

• Hatching  gland  cells 

• Tails 

Scanning  electron  microscopy  of  these  stmcturcs 
produces  beautiful  images  (for  example, 
Nokhbatolfoghahai  & Downie,  2005).  The  example 
discussed  here  is  that  of  the  tails  of  direct-developing 
frogs,  and  luck  is  again  important. 

There  are  several  lineages  of  anurans  where  a trend 
involving  egg  size  increase  and  incubation  on  land  has 
led  to  the  suppression  of  the  tadpole  stage,  and  direct 
development  to  a juvenile  frog.  Generally,  this  involves 
the  deletion  from  development  of  several  larval 
specific  stmetures,  such  as  cement  glands  and  external 
gills.  But  the  tail  is  retained  in  modified  form  through 
the  incubation  stage,  usually  being  resorbed  just  before 
hatching.  We  had  included  some  observations  on  a 
Trinidad  species  Eleutherodactylus  urichi  in  our  paper 
on  surface  ciliation  (Nokhbatolfoghahai  el  ah,  2005). 

Then  Nicola  Mitchell  (Western  Australia)  asked  us  to 
look  at  some  direct-developing  embryos  of  the  turtle 
frog,  and  we  elected  to  do  this  as  a more  detailed 
comparison  with  Eleutherodactylus.  However, 
molecular  phylogenetics  had  by  then  sub-divided  the 
vast  neo-tropical  genus  Eleutherodactylus  (800+ 
species)  into  three  main  ancient  sub-lineages  and  given 
the  whole  group  super-family  status  (Hedges  et  ah, 
2008).  Our  Eleutherodactylus  was  no  longer  in  that 
genus:  now  Pristimantis,  whereas  the  only  other 
member  of  the  group  whose  embryos  had  been  looked 
at  in  detail,  the  coqui  frog  of  Puerto  Rico,  remained 
Eleutherodactydus  coejui.  This  taxonomic  revision 
made  us  look  harder,  and  we  discovered  a veiy 
surprising  feature  (Nokhbatolfoghahai  et  al.,  2010).  In 
most  direct-developing  frogs,  the  tail  is  retained,  but  as 
a respiratory  organ  with  highly  vascular  skin.  In  the 


coqui  frog  and  in  the  turtle  frog,  this  involves  some 
elongation  of  the  tail  fins  to  inerease  respiratoi’y 
exehange  surface  area.  But  in  Pristimantis  urichi,  we 
found  that  tail  surface  area  expanded  not  by  fin 
elongation,  but  by  lateral  expansion  of  skin,  blood 
vessels  and  connective  tissue.  In  coqui  frogs  and  turtle 
frogs,  the  tail  has  well  developed  muscle,  allowing  the 
tail  to  move  from  side  to  side.  In  Pristimantis,  the 
muscle  is  reduced,  so  that  the  tail  has  become  a fixed 
respiratory  organ,  with  its  outer  surface  close  to  the 
inner  wall  of  the  vitelline  membrane  - in  some  ways 
reminiscent  of  the  allantois  in  amniote  embryos 
(though  referees  would  not  allow  us  to  suggest  that 
analogy!).  Will  this  evolutionaiy  innovation  be  found 
in  other  Pristimantis? 

Manna  the  stream  frog 

1 talked  about  our  work  on  Maimopluyne  trinitatis, 
Trinidad’s  only  dendrobatid  (now  aromobatid)  in  my 
2005  Presidential  Address  (Downie,  2005),  so  I won’t 
go  over  this  in  detail  again.  However,  there  is  a 
footnote  to  the  story.  M.  trinitatis  males  guard  the  eggs 
on  land  till  they  hatch.  The  male  then  carries  the 
tadpoles  on  his  back  till  he  finds  a suitable  stream  to 
deposit  them  into.  Our  work  showed  that  suitable 
streams  can  be  hard  to  find  ~ since  the  males  avoid 
leaving  tadpoles  in  streams  containing  predators  such 
as  Rivulus  fish.  This  is  another  case  of  good  luck:  for 
some  time.  I’d  wondered  where  the  males  deposited 
their  tadpoles,  because  we  knew  of  many  streams  with 
large  frog  population  but  no  tadpoles  (but  abundant 
Rivulus).  Then  one  trip  we  chanced  on  a stream  with 
hundreds  of  tadpoles  (and  no  fish).  Since  each  male 
only  cairics  about  12  tadpoles,  clearly  frogs  were 
coming  to  this  stream  from  some  distance,  to  avoid  fish 
predation.  Eventually,  1 realised  that  these  males  arc  on 
a dangerous  quest  and  wrote  it  up  as  a children’s  story. 
We’ve  now  successfully  told  it  - in  the  form  of  a play 
- to  children’s  groups  in  Scotland  and  Trinidad.  In  my 
view,  we  need  to  develop  stories  about  animals  that  can 
grab  the  attention  of  young  people  and  help  re-connect 
them  with  nature  - if  we  are  to  halt  the  alanning 
declines  in  biodiversity  we  see  everywhere  - and  in 
amphibians  in  particular. 

To  give  the  stoiy  ‘human’  interest,  Manno  the  male 
stream  frog  meets  a female  called  Trini,  and  really 
fancies  her.  Trini  is  older  and  a bit  bossy  and  when 
Manno  suggests  that  after  he’s  found  a good  stream  for 
their  first  batch  of  tadpoles,  that  they  might  get 
together  again  “to  get  to  know  each  other  better’’  - 
Trini  is  pretty  sharp  with  him. 

I put  in  the  idea  of  Manno  and  Trini  becoming  a 
faithful  pair  to  add  some  human  interest,  and  knowing 
that  monogamy  isn’t  supposed  to  happen  in  any  frogs. 
However,  a recent  report  shows  that  it  does,  and  in  a 
species  of  the  same  general  type  as  M.  trinitatis.  In  the 
mimic  poison  frog  Ranitomeya  imitator,  males 
transport  tadpoles  on  their  backs  to  tiny  bromeliad 
tanks.  There  is  so  little  water  and  food  per  tank  that 
tadpole  growth  depends  on  the  female  depositing 

trophic  eggs  to  feed  the  tadpoles.  The  male  stays  on 
guard,  and  calls  the  female  when  more  food  is  needed. 
Clearly,  they  care  for  the  young  together  - and  a 
possible  hypothesis,  yet  to  be  tested,  is  that  if  the 
parents  are  successful  in  their  different  parental  roles,  it 
makes  sense  in  tenns  of  Darwinian  fitness  to  remain 
together  as  a pair  - for  life  (Kokko  & Jennions,  2010). 


Most  people  arc  now  aware  of  the  serious  threat  to 
amphibian  populations  around  the  world.  In  my  view, 
we  need  to  do  a lot  more  of  the  basic  natural  histoi'y 
work  I’ve  described,  in  order  to  understand  better  the 
lives  of  amphibians.  If  we  don’t,  we  are  unlikely  to 
devise  sensible  and  effective  conservation  procedures. 


This  paper  is  the  edited  text  of  the  Presidential  Address 
delivered  to  the  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society  in 
October,  2010.  The  Address  also  acted  as  the  10'*’ 
Blodwcn  Lloyd  Binns  lecture  and  as  a lecture  to  mark 
my  retirement  after  40  years  on  the  staff  of  the 
University  of  Glasgow.  I’d  like  to  thank  the  many 
undergraduate  and  postgraduate  students  who  have 
contributed  to  the  work  described  here.  I’d  also  like  to 
acknowledge  the  funders  of  this  work,  especially  the 
Carnegie  Trust  for  the  Universities  of  Scotland,  the 
University  of  Glasgow  and  the  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns 


Agar,  W.E.  (1910).  The  nesting  habits  of  the  tree-frog 
Phyllomedusa  sauvagii.  Proceedings  of  the 
Zoological  Society  of  London  2010,  893-7. 

Budget!,  J.S.  (1899).  Notes  on  the  Batrachians  of  the 
Paraguayan  Chaco,  with  observations  upon  their 
breeding  habits  and  development,  especially  with 
regard  to  Phyllomedusa  hypochondrialis  Cope. 
Also  a description  of  a new  genus.  Quarterly 
Journal  of  the  Microscopical  Societ)'  (N.S.)  42, 

Downie,  J.R.  (1997).  Glasgow’s  neotropical  frog 
connection.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  23(2),  54. 
Downie,  J.R.  (2005).  In  cold  blood:  tales  of  a 
heipctologist.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  24(3),  56-9. 
Downie,  J.R.  & Nicholls,  B.  (2004).  Comparative 
breeding  ecology  of  the  frogs  Leptodactylus  fuscus 
and  Physalaemus  pustulosus  in  Trinidad,  West 
Indies.  Living  World  2004,  12-16. 

Lrost,  D.R.  (201 1).  Amphibian  species  of  the  world:  an 
online  reference.  Version  5.5  (31  Januai-y  2011). 
Electronic  database  accessible  at 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York, 


Hedges,  S.B.,  Duellman,  W.E.  & Heinicke,  M.P. 
(2008).  New  World  direct-developing  frogs  (Anura: 
TciTarana):  molecular  phylogeny,  classification, 
biogcography  and  conservation.  Zootaxa  1737,  1- 

Kenny,  J.S.  (1969).  Amphibia  of  Trinidad.  Studies  on 
the  fauna  of  Curac^'ao  and  other  Caribbean  Islands 


29,  1-78. 

Kokko,  H.  & Jennions,  M.  (2010).  Ways  to  raise 
tadpoles.  Nature  464,  990-1. 

Nokhbatolfoghahai,  M.,  Downie,  J.R.,  Clelland,  A.K. 
& Rennison,  K.  (2005).  The  surface  ciliation  of 
anuran  embryos  and  early  lai'vae:  patterns,  timing 
differences  and  functions.  Journal  of  Natural 
History!  39,  887-929. 

Nokhbatolfoghahai,  M.,  Mitchell,  N.J.  & Downie,  J.R. 
(2010).  Surface  ciliation  and  tail  structure  in  direct- 
developing  frog  embryos:  a comparison  between 
Myobatrachus  gouldii  and  Pristimantis  (= 

Eleutherodactylus)  urichi.  Herpetological  Journal 
20,  59-68. 

Pybum,  W.F.  (1980).  The  function  of  eggless  capsules 
and  leaf  in  nests  of  the  frog  Phyllomedusa 
hypochondrialis  (Anura:  Hylidae).  Proceedings  of 
the  Biological  Society’  of  Washington  93,  153-67. 

Warkentin,  K.M.  (1999).  The  development  of 
behavioural  defenses:  a mechanistic  analysis  of 
vulnerability  in  red-eyed  tree  frog  hatchlings. 
Behavioural  Ecology  10,  251-62. 

The  migrant  moth,  small  marbled 
Eublemma  parva^  in  central  Scotland 
in  2011 

Carina  Convery',  Dawn  Collis"  & Glyn  Collis‘ 

' Upper  Flat,  Lower  Abercom,  South  Queensferry, 
EH30  9SL. 

^ Seasgair,  Ascog,  Isle  of  Bute,  PA20  9ET. 

' E-mail:  carinaconvery(^yahoo. 
^E-mail:  g.m.collis(^ 

The  small  marbled  Eublemma  parva  is  a small  noctuid 
moth  resident  in  southern  Europe  and  parts  of  Africa 
and  Asia.  As  an  immigrant  from  southern  Europe  to  the 
UK,  it  is  most  often  recorded  from  the  coastal  counties 
of  southern  England  with  the  density  of  records 
decreasing  northwards.  It  sometimes  produces  larvae 
and  late  season  adults,  but  there  is  no  evidence  of  over- 
wintering in  the  UK.  Most  UK  sources  give  common 
fleabane  Pulicaria  dysenterica  and  ploughman's 
spikenard  Inula  conyzae  as  larval  foodplants.  Other 
foodplants  have  been  noted  elsewhere  in  Europe, 
including  several  species  that  are  on  the  British  list. 

In  appearance,  the  small  marbled  is  very  small  for  a 
member  of  the  family  Noctuidae,  and  quite  likely  to  be 
mistaken  as  belonging  to  one  of  the  microlepidoteran 
families.  The  base  of  the  forewings  have  a washed-out 
tan  colour,  increasing  in  intensity  toward  the  central 
band  where  there  is  usually  an  abrupt  change  to  white, 
thus  forming  a centra!  line,  followed  by  a renewed 
darkening  toward  a second  crossline  which  has  a shape 

that  has  been  likened  to  a question-mark  (when  viewed 
from  the  trailing  edge  of  the  right  forewing).  Beyond 
the  second  crossline  there  is  another  somewhat  diffuse 
tan-coloured  band  which  extends  toward  the  wing  tip. 
According  to  South  (1920)  the  small  marbled  (referred 
to  by  South  as  Thalcopares  pan’o)  was  first  noted  in 
Britain  in  July  1844  in  South  Devon.  It  is  widely 
reported  that  there  was  a particularly  dramatic  influx  in 
1953.  As  far  as  can  be  ascertained,  the  first  Scottish 
record  was  by  R.  Knill-Jones  at  Parkgate, 
Dumfriesshire,  VC72,  inferred  1km  grid  reference 
NY0287,  where  it  was  attracted  to  mercury  vapour 
light  on  1 0th  July  1 982  (Bretherton  & Chalmers-Hunt, 
1983,  pi 49).  Bretherton  and  Chalmers-Hunt  noted 
(p89)  that  this  was  the  only  record  of  an  adult  in  that 
year  though  many  larvae  were  found  in  south  Devon  in 
August  and  September  and  adults  were  reared  from 
these  larvae.  The  second  Scottish  record,  also  in  the 
south-west,  was  by  R.  Meams  at  Clanyard  Mill, 
Drummore,  Wigtownshire,  VC74,  inferred  1km  grid 
reference  NX1037,  on  20th  June  1998  (Skinner  & 
Collins,  2000,  p246).  The  latter  specimen  is  now  in  the 
National  Museums  of  Scotland  in  Edinburgh.  In 

England  too,  1998  was  a good  year  for  small  marbled 
with  records  from  seven  English  vice-counties,  from 
the  Scillies  in  the  south-west  to  Holy  Island  in  the 
north-east,  plus  a record  from  the  Isle  of  Man.  Larvae 
were  found  in  Portland. 

In  2011,  there  were  two  further  Scottish  records  of 
adult  small  marbled,  both  in  Central  Scotland.  On  the 
east  coast,  the  first  author,  C.C.,  caught  one  on  04  July 
2011  in  an  8W  actinic  portable  Heath  trap  in  her  garden 
in  Abercom,  West  Lothian  VC84,  grid  ref  NT080789. 
Subsequently,  in  the  west,  D.C.  and  G.C.  caught  one  on 
27  July  2011  in  a 40w  actinic  trap  in  their  garden  in 
Ascog,  Isle  of  Bute,  VC  100,  grid  ref  NS  105639. 
Informal  reports  indicate  that  2011  has  been  a good 
year  for  small  marbled  in  the  UK  as  a whole. 

Thus,  as  far  as  we  are  aware,  there  have  now  been  just 
four  records  of  the  small  marbled  in  Scotland,  in  four 
different  vice  counties,  the  furthest  north  being  the 
West  Lothian  record. 


Bretherton,  R.  F.  & Chalmers-Hunt,  J.  M.  (1983).  The 
Entomologist's  Record  and  Journal  of  Variation  95: 
89-94,  149-152. 

Skinner,  B.  & Collins,  G.A.  (2000).  The  immigration 
of  Lepidoptera  to  the  British  Isles  in  1998. 
Entomologist’s  Record  & Journal  of  Variation, 

South,  R.E.  (1920).  Moths  of  the  British  Isles,  second 
series.  Wame,  London. 

Accessed:  07  November  2011. 


The  Australian  landhopper, 
Arcitalitrus  dorrieni  (Hunt,  1925), 
Crustacea,  Amphipoda,  in  Glasgow 

E. Geoffrey  Hancock 

The  Hunterian,  Zoology  Museum,  Graham  Kerr 
Building,  University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow,  G12  8QQ 


The  landhopper  Arcitalitrus  dorrieni,  was  found  in 
Glasgow  amongst  leaf  litter  and  under  wood  and 
stones  in  bushes  at  the  southern  end  of  the  public  car 
park,  Bunhouse  Road,  in  April,  2009.  Landhoppers  are 
obvious  when  the  surface  of  the  leaf  litter  is  disturbed 
or  exposed  (Figure  1).  Their  dark  brown  shiny  bodies 
can  be  seen  as  they  jump  several  centimetres  in  the  air 
before  burying  rapidly  back  into  the  dead  leaves.  This 
behaviour  is  typical  of  the  animal  and  immediately 
recognisable  in  the  field.  The  population  appears  to  be 
established  as  they  have  been  seen  on  several  occasions 
since  then.  Some  specimens  were  collected  and  are 
preserved  in  the  Hunterian  Museum  (Zoology).  It  was 
conjectured  that  the  landhoppers  might  have  been 
transported  to  the  site  during  some  recent  landscaping 
at  the  car  park.  The  City  Council  maintains  a large 
depot  at  Bellahouston  Park  where  shrubs  and  other 
plants  are  kept  prior  to  use.  If  plants  had  been  brought 
from  there  which  already  contained  landhoppers  in  the 
soil  around  their  roots  this  could  explain  their  origin  on 
a local  scale.  Searching  under  bushes  around  the 
entrance  to  the  depot  did  reveal  landhoppers,  showing 
this  was  indeed  the  probable  immediate  source.  These 
animals  can  be  transported  over  long  distances  by  such 
means.  The  original  transfer  from  Australia  to  Europe 
was  in  plants,  probably  tree  ferns,  imported  to  Tresco 
Abbey  Gardens  in  the  Scillies,  sometime  prior  to  1924. 

Previous  occurrences  in  Scotland  are  from  the  three 
Scottish  Islands  of  Colonsay  (Moore  & Spicer,  1986), 
Gigha  (Cowling,  et  ah,  2004)  and  Arran  (Brodick 
Castle  Gardens  on  13  September,  2010,  unpublished 
record  from  a British  Isopod  and  Myriapod  Group  field 
meeting),  plus  two  mainland  localities,  Inverewe 
Garden,  Wester  Ross,  29  June  1998  and  Loch  Laich, 
Appin,  Argyll,  21  June  2001,  on  both  these  occasions 
by  G.B.  Corbet  (personal  communication).  A survey  by 
questionnaire  was  conducted  by  Cowling  and  her 
colleagues  using  a wide  distribution  of  posters  and 
questionnaires  over  the  whole  of  Britain.  From  this 
about  170  negative  records  were  created  for  Scotland. 
Thus,  the  finding  of  landhoppers  in  Glasgow  would 
seem  to  be  a recent  establishment  of  the  species.  Added 
to  a few  sites  in  London  where  the  landhopper  has 
become  resident  these  seem  to  be  the  only  known 
established  urban  populations  in  the  British  Isles. 

Fig.  L Australian  land  hoppers  amongst  debris, 
Bunhouse  Road,  Glasgow,  2009 


Cowling,  J.,  Spicer,  J.I.,  Gaston,  K.J.  & Weeks,  J.M. 
(2004).  Current  status  of  an  amphipod  invader 
Arcitalitrus  dorrieni  (Hunt,  1925)  in  Britain. 
Journal  of  Natural  History  3^:  1665-1675. 

Moore,  P.  G.  and  Spicer,  J.I.  (1986).  On  the  status  of 
Arcitalitrus  dorrieni  (Crustacea:  Amphipoda)  on 
the  island  of  Colonsay,  Inner  Hebrides.  Journal  of 
Natural  History  20(3):  667-680. 

Miscellaneous  invertebrates 
recorded  from  the  Outer  Hebrides^ 


John  H.  Bratton 

18  New  Street,  Menai  Bridge,  Anglesey,  LL59  5HN 

While  attending  the  Botanical  Society  of  the  British 
Isles  field  meeting  on  North  Uist  in  August  2010,  the 
opportunity  was  taken  to  collect  invertebrates.  The 
records  presented  here  fall  into  two  categories,  being 
either  the  less  common  species  found  on  North  Uist,  or 
lengthier  species  lists  from  two  smaller  and  less  well 
recorded  islands.  The  three  flies  recorded  from 
Hermetray  may  be  the  first  records  of  Diptera  from  this 
island  (Skidmore,  2009).The  species'  status  are  taken 
from  Foster  (2010)  for  aquatic  beetles,  Hyman  & 
Parsons  (1992)  for  other  beetles,  and  Falk  (1991)  for 


Halosalda  lateralis:  2 in  saltmarsh,  Claggan  Sollas, 
NF8 18758,  5 August.  A shorebug  found  in 




Euconomelm  lepidus:  1 male  and  3 females  swept 
from  moss  beside  Loch  a'  Roe,  NF69077045,  2 August. 
A small  plant-hopper  associated  with  rushes,  Juncus 


Chaetarthria  simillima:  4 sieved  from  moss  beside 
Loch  a'  Roe,  NF69077045,  2 August.  A tiny  water 
beetle,  Nationally  Scarce,  described  new  to  science  as  a 
segregate  of  C.  seminulum  in  2003.  See  Levey  (2005) 
for  how  to  distinguish  the  species  and  Foster  (2009)  for 
distribution  maps.  C.  simillima  has  been  recorded 
previously  from  the  southern  end  of  the  Outer 

Cercyon  littoral  is:  2 in  beach  driftline,  Traigh  lar, 
NFS  16767,  5 August.  A small  beetle.  Nationally 
Scarce,  found  in  coastal  driftlines. 

Gyrinus  minutus:  2 males  in  a small  peat  pool  near 
Loch  Sgadabhagh,  NF87 136725,  3 August.  A 

Nationally  Scarce  whirligig  beetle. 

Silpha  tyrolensis:  1 on  dunes,  Machair  Leathann, 
NF820772,  1 August;  1 dead  on  machair,  Claggan 
Sollas,  NF806761,  5 August.  A Nationally  Scarce 
carrion  beetle,  possibly  a predator  of  molluscs 
according  to  Hyman  & Parsons  (1992).  The  specimen 
from  Claggan  Sollas  was  in  a bucket  part  full  of  water 
which  had  acted  as  an  insect  trap  and  contained  dozens 
of  dor  beetles  Geotrupes  stercorarius,  many  of  them 


Nemotelns  uliginosus:  female  in  saltmarsh,  Claggan 
Sollas,  NFS  18758,  5 August.  A soldierfly  which  breeds 
in  saltmarsh. 

Gimnomera  tarsea:  two  females  swept  from  moss 
beside  Loch  a'  Roe,  NF69077045,  2 August.  A 
Nationally  Scarce  scathophagid  fly  which  breeds  in  the 
seed  heads  of  marsh  lousewort  Pedicidoris  palustris. 
Calliphora  walensis:  1 male  and  2 females  collected 
from  a group  of  10  bluebottles  in  the  porch  of 
Sheillaidh,  Sollas,  NF81957536,  11  pm,  4 August;  1 
male  on  beach,  Traigh  lar,  NFS  16767,  5 August.  A 
boreal  blowfly  or  bluebottle.  Red  Data  Book  category 
3,  Rare,  restricted  in  Great  Britain  to  Scotland,  and 
mainly  coastal  (Davies,  1987). 


Bombus  muscorum  ssp.  liepeterseni:  worker  dead  on 
dunes,  Machair  Leathann,  NF820772,  1 August; 
worker,  machair,  Balranald,  NF697698,  2 August.  We 
were  told  by  the  Balranald  warden  Jamie  Boyle  that  the 
bumblebee  Bombus  muscorum  is  frequent  on  North 
Uist.  However,  the  two  collected  specimens  have  black 
hairs  on  the  abdomen,  which  indicates  they  should  be 
B.  pascuorum  according  to  Edwards  & Jenner  (2009),  a 
species  not  found  in  the  Outer  Hebrides.  The  issue  was 
resolved  by  Dr  Oliver  Prys-Jones  who  identified  them 
as  this  subspecies  of  muscorum,  which  does  have  black 
hairs,  as  explained  in  his  recent  book  (Prys-Jones, 

Corbet  & Hopkins  2011).  In  Britain,  it  is  known  only 
from  the  Outer  Hebrides. 

Hermetray,  4 August 

Small  pool  in  valley  bog,  NF98687412:  Agabus 
bipustulatus,  Hydroporus  gyllenhalii,  H.  pubescens,  H. 
tristis,  Enochrus  fuscipetmis  (aquatic  Coleoptera). 
Lake,  NF988741:  Isclvmra  elegaus,  Sympetrum 
nigrescens  det.  R.  Youngmann  (Odonata).  Same  lake, 
NF989739:  Mystacides  azurea,  2 females 

(Trichoptera).  Rocky  shore,  NF99047398:  Ligia 
oceanica  (Crustacea,  Isopoda).  Driftline  of  sand  and 
shingle  beach,  NF98637367:  Fucellia  tergina  male, 
Scathophaga  litorea  (Diptera).  Freshwater  spring  by 
beach,  NF98617371:  Hydroporus  pubescens  (aquatic 
Coleoptera).  Pool  above  north  end  of  beach, 
NF98587371:  Gammarus  duebeni  (Crustacea, 

Amphipoda).  Bay,  NF98557442:  Petrobius  hrevistydis 
(Thysanura),  Forficula  auricularia  (Dermaptera), 
Clivina  fossor,  Ocypus  ater  (Coleoptera),  Eristalimis 
aeneus  (Diptera),  Porcellio  scaber  (Cmstacea, 

Ronay,  6 August 

Seepage,  NF88775593:  Agabus  bipustulatus, 
Hydroporus  nigrita,  Anacaena  globulus,  Laccobius 
bipunctatus  (aquatic  Coleoptera),  Fox  moth 
Macrothylacia  rubi  larvae  (Lepidoptera).  Under  litter 
on  turf,  NF887559:  Forficula  auricularia 
(Dermaptera),  Philoscia  muscorum  (Crustacea, 
Isopoda).  Moorland,  NF894558;  Knotgrass  moth 
Acronicta  rumicis  2 larvae  (Lepidoptera).  Moorland, 
NF899557:  Magpie  moth  Abraxas  grossulariata. 
Garden  Tiger  Arctia  caja  (Lepidoptera).  Small  peaty 
lake,  NF90085566:  Sympetrum  danae  larva  (Odonata), 
Agabus  arcticus,  Enochrus  fuscipennis  (aquatic 
Coleoptera).  Another  small  lake,  NF89845569: 
Hydroporus  obscurus,  Gyrinus  minutus,  G.  substriatus 
(aquatic  Coleoptera).  Shore  of  rocky  lake, 
NF897 15537:  Emperor  moth  Saturnia  pavonia  larva 

I wish  to  thank  Wendy  McCarthy  and  Martyn  Stead  for 
driving  me  to  and  around  the  island;  Paul  Smith  for 
arranging  the  trips  to  Heirnetray  and  Ronay;  Rosemarie 
MacCuish  of  Sheillaidh,  Sollas,  for  accommodation; 
Dmitri  Logunov  of  Manchester  Museum  for  access  to 
Silphidae  reference  specimens;  and  Dr  Oliver  Piys- 
Jones  for  solving  the  bumblebee  conundrum. 


Davies,  L.  (1987).  The  distribution  in  Scotland  and 
Ireland  of  Calliphora  uralensis  and  its  occurrence 
with  and  separation  from  C.  vicina  (Insecta: 
Diptera).  Irish  Naturalists'  Journal  22,  241-244. 
Edwards,  M.,  & Jenner,  M.  (2009).  Field  guide  to  the 
bumblebees  of  Great  Britain  & Ireland.  Revised 
edition.  Ocelli. 

Falk,  S.  (1991).  A review  of  the  scarce  and  threatened 
flies  of  Great  Britain  (part  I).  Nature  Conservancy 
Council,  Peterborough. 

Foster,  G.N.  (2009).  Chaetarthria  in  Britain  and 


Ireland.  Latissinius,  no.  25,  14. 

Foster,  G.N.  (2010).  A review  of  the  scarce  and 
threatened  Coleoptera  of  Great  Britain.  Part  3: 
water  beetles  of  Great  Britain.  Joint  Nature 
Conservation  Committee,  Peterborough. 

Hyman,  P.S.,  & Parsons,  M.S.  (1992).  A review  of  the 
scarce  and  threatened  Coleoptera  of  Great  Britain. 
Part  1.  Joint  Nature  Conservation  Committee, 

Levey,  B.  (2005).  Some  British  records  of 
Chaetarthria  simillima  Vorst  & Cuppen,  2003  and 
C.  seminiiliim  (Herbst)  (Hydrophilidae),  with  notes 
on  their  differentiation.  The  Coleopterist,  14,  97-99. 

Piys-Jones,  O.E.,  Corbet,  S.A.,  & Hopkins,  T.  (2011). 
Bumblebees.  3rd  ed.  Pelagic  Publishing,  Exeter. 
(Naturalists'  Handbooks  no.  6.). 

Skidmore,  P.  (2009).  A review  of  the  Diptera  of  the 
Western  Isles  of  Scotland.  Dipterists  Digest,  second 
series  15  (for  2008),  99-194. 

A photograph  of  a teacher-training 
course  in  marine  zoology  at  Millport 

P.  G.  Moore 

University  Marine  Biological  Station  Millport,  Isle  of 
Cumbrae,  Scotland  KA28  OEG 

E-mail:  pmoore(^millport. 

At  a recent  members’  evening  of  Cumbrae  Historical 
Society,  James  Peacock  showed  me  an  old  unused 
postcard  from  his  collection  featuring  a photograph 
(Fig.  1)  taken  at  the  Marine  Station,  Millport  on  6 July 
1914.  The  photographer,  as  recorded  on  the  reverse, 
was  George  Keppie,  Stuart  Street,  Millport.'  It  depicts  a 
class  of  school  teachers  studying  junior  and  senior 
courses  in  nature  study  (course  number  573G;  marine 
zoology)  held  during  the  first  fortnight  of  July  1914. 
Few  such  early  Millport  class  photographs  exist. 

Fig.  1.  A class  photograph  of  school  teachers  at  the 
Marine  Station,  Millport,  6 July  1914,  against  a 

backdrop  of  the,  now  ivy-clad,  Deil’s  dyke.  Seated  in 
the  front  row  (left  to  right)  number  1,  Professor  L.  A. 
L.  King  (St  Mungo’s  College  of  Medicine,  Glasgow; 
incorporated  since  1947  into  Glasgow  University’s 
medical  faculty);  number  3,  J.  G.  Connell;  number  5, 
Dr  J.  F.  Gemmill.  Number  7 may  be  Mr  Frank  W. 
Young,  His  Majesty’s  Chief  Inspector  for  Schools  for 
the  West  of  Scotland  who  reported  on  the  quality  of 
these  classes.  One  of  the  walms-moustached,  flat-cap- 
wearing  gentleman  (back  row,  centre)  could  be  John 
Peden,  the  Laboratory  Attendant,  but  which  one  of  the 
two  such  gentlemen  shown,  I cannot  be  sure.  Miss 
Alice  Jones  is  likely  to  be  one  of  the  ladies  in  the  front 
row  (photograph  by  G.  Keppie). 

According  to  the  annual  report  of  the  Scottish  Marine 
Biological  Association  (SMBA,  1914:  12-13,  73)  18 
students  attended  in  July  1914:  seven  taking  the  junior 
course  (Course  I)  and  1 1 taking  the  senior  course 
(Course  II).  The  instmetors  on  the  course  were  John 
Gibson  Connell  FRMS  (c.  1876-1 946)  (from  Glasgow 
Provincial  Training  College;  subsequently  to  beeome 
Jordanhill  College,  now  the  Faculty  of  Education, 
Strathclyde  University),  who  conducted  the  senior 
course,  and  Dr  James  Fairlie  Gemmill  (1867-1926) 
(Glasgow  University),  assisted  by  Miss  Alice  Jones, 
who  conducted  the  junior  course:  “much  work  of 
excellent  character  was  accomplished,  and  all  the 
students  received  certificates  from  the  Glasgow 
Provincial  Committee”  (SMBA  1914:  12-13):  “it  is 
interesting  to  note  that,  while  most  of  the  teachers 
enrolled  in  these  classes,  were  from  Glasgow  and  the 
West  of  Scotland,  two  were  from  Aberdeen,  two  were 
from  Falkirk,  and  one  from  India.” 

Prizes,  as  a result  of  voluntary  competition,  were 
awarded  to:  Course  I,  1.  Jessie  A.  Hutcheon,  Victoria 
Road  School,  Aberdeen,  2.  William  C.  Forsyth,  BSc, 
Glasgow;  Course  II,  1.  Mary  D.  Currie,  MA, 
Hutchesons’  Girls’  Grammar  Sehool,  Glasgow, 
2. George  Nelson,  Northem  Public  School,  Falkirk’. 

The  students  were  listed  (SMBA,  1914:  73)  as  follows: 
Course  I (Annie  E.  Craib,  William  C.  Forsyth,  Jessie 
A.  Hutcheon,  Sara  C.  Jones,  Wilhelmina  M.  G. 
Mackenzie,  James  Piyde,  William  Rowatt),  Course  II 
(Isabella  Abel,  Mary  D.  Cume,"'  Jemima  Downie,^ 
Georgina  M’llvain,  Lillie  A.  M’llvain,  James  Mather, 
John  D.  Milne,  George  Nelson,  Annie  M.  Russell,'' 
George  Russell,  James  Shearer). 

I have  been  able  to  identify  only  three  persons  by 
comparing  Fig.  1 (see  caption)  with  an  earlier  (1909?) 
Millport  teachers’  class  photograph  (Moore,  2008,  Fig. 
5).  Note  that  over  half  of  the  students  were  women. 
Sixty-three  percent  of  the  class  shown  in  Millport’s 
1909(7)  photograph  were  women  (Moore,  2008,  Fig. 
5).  By  1911,  nearly  three-quarters  of  teachers  in 
Scotland  were  women. ^ Between  1880  and  1914, 
Scottish  school  masters  commanded  higher  salaries 
than  their  English  counteiparts,  whereas  Scottish 
school  mistresses  (higher  in  number  than  male  teachers 


across  the  United  Kingdom)  were  consistently  less  well 
paid  than  English  women  teachers,  although  they  were 
more  highly  qualified  (Corr,  1997;  Hulme,  2011). 


I am  grateful  to  Mr  James  Peacock,  Millport,  for 
bringing  this  postcard  to  my  attention. 


’ Keppie,  George  (aka  George  Kippie)  [(c.l871- 
1917)].  Photographers  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
1840-1940  (URI.,  accessed  17  January  2012, 


kippie-/p  30356.html). 

■ Mary  Darroch  Currie  (1878-1936)  graduated  MA 

from  Glasgow  University  in  1905.  Isabella  Blacklock 
(b.  1869)  had  been  the  first  female  to  graduate  MA 
from  Glasgow  University,  graduating  in  1895  (URL, 
accessed  13  January  2012, 

ng-graduates/).  Women  were  only  pennitted  to  study 
at  Scottish  universities  after  1892. 

^ A Jemima  Wright  Downie  (1876-1965)  graduated 
MA  from  Glasgow  University  in  1902. 

Annie  Russell,  1 know,  taught  at  Kilmarnock 

^ Knox,  W.  W.,  The  Scottish  educational  system 
1840-1940  (URL,  accessed  12  January  2012,  1 Education.pdf). 


Corr,  H.  (1997).  Teachers  and  gender:  debating  the 
myths  of  equal  opportunities  in  Scottish  education 
1800-1914.  Cambridge  Journal  of  Education  27, 

Hulme,  M.  (2011).  Histories  of  Scottish  teacher 
education:  sources  for  research.  Scottish 
Educational  Review  43,  41-55. 

Moore,  P.  G.  (2008).  The  Marine  Station  at  Millport: 
the  “troubled  years”  between  1897-1907  and  their 
continuing  resonance.  The  Linnean  24,  21-36. 
SMBA  (1914).  Annual  Report  1914.  Scottish  Marine 
Biological  Association,  Millport. 

Correction  to  the  statistical  note  in 
‘Gulliver,  R,,  2011.  Patterns  of 
flowering  on  continuously-grazed 
dune  and  machair  on  Colonsay.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  25  (3)  19-28’ 

Richard  Gulliver’’" 

’ Carraig  Mhor,  Imeravale,  Port  Ellen,  Isle  of  Islay, 
Argyll  PA42  7AL,  UK 

^ Geographical  and  Earth  Sciences,  University  of 
Glasgow,  Glasgow  G12  8QQ,  UK 
E-mail : richardlgul  1 i ver@gmail .com 


The  data  analyses  in  the  article  on  the  phenology  of 
dune  and  machair  communities  on  Colonsay  were 
correct.  However  the  statistical  note  in  the  Methods 
section  was  incorrect.  The  author  apologises  for  this 
error.  A revised  set  of  notes  follows. 


No  overlap  hetw’een  samples;  t,  z and  U test 

When  there  is  no  overlap  between  samples  (that  is, 
where  all  the  values  in  one  sample  are  greater  in 
magnitude  than  all  the  values  in  the  other)  and  the  data 
is  parametric  (that  is,  the  distribution  of  sample  values 
is  well  approximated  by  a Normal  distribution),  the  t or 
z test  should  be  applied. 

For  sample  sizes  of  5 to  20  of  non  parametric  data,  and 
using  the  form  of  Mann  Whitney  U test  where  the 
lower  of  the  two  U values  is  the  test  statistic,  it  is 
advisable  procedure  that  a test  be  applied.  However,  in 
these  cases  the  outcome  of  operating  the  test  is  known 
in  advance.  The  lower  value  of  U will  be  zero. 
Reference  to  the  tabulated  values  of  U will  show  that 
significance  has  been  obtained  and  that  the  null 
hypothesis  can  be  rejected.  For  sample  sizes  of  above 
20  a fonnula  exists  for  converting  the  lower  U value  to 
z (Campbell,  1974  p61).  For  non  overlapping  samples 
nl=n2=21,  z has  a probability  of  less  than  0.1%  using 
the  formula.  Hence  a very  highly  significant  difference 
will  be  obtained  in  all  cases  where  both  nl  and  n2  are 
above  20  for  non  overlapping  samples. 

For  the  Mann  Whitney  U test  some  tabulated  values 
use  the  higher  of  the  two  U values.  Use  of  the  lower 
value  means  there  is  always  the  same  value  of  U which 
shows  the  maximum  difference  between  samples  i.e.  0. 
Use  of  the  upper  value  means  that  the  values  of  U 
associated  with  maximum  difference  between  samples 
varies  with  sample  size. 

Paired  data:  the  case  when  the  trend  in  every  pair  of 
values  is  the  same  throughout;  paired  t,  paired  z and 
Wilcoxon  tests 

When  the  trend  in  every  pair  of  values  is  the  same 
throughout  (i.e.  the  larger  value  in  each  pair  always 
belongs  to  the  same  one  of  the  two  conditions)  for 
parametric  data  (where  the  differences  between  the  two 
values  in  each  pair  give  a distribution  which  is  well 
approximated  by  a Normal  curve),  the  paired  t,  or 
paired  z test  should  be  applied. 

Where  the  trend  is  the  same  throughout  all  the  pairs  of 
values  of  non  parametric  data,  for  sample  sizes  of  7 to 
25,  it  is  advisable  procedure  that  a Wilcoxon  test  be 
applied.  However,  in  these  cases  the  outcome  of 
operating  the  test  is  known  in  advance.  The  test 
statistic  W (T)  i.e.  the  lower  value  of  R+  or  R-  will  be 
zero.  Reference  to  the  tabulated  values  of  W will  show 
that  significance  has  been  obtained  and  that  the  null 
hypothesis  can  be  rejected.  For  sample  sizes  of  above 


25  a formula  exists  for  converting  the  lower  W (T) 
value  to  z (Campbell,  1974  p66).  For  pairs  of  values 
when  the  trend  is  the  same  throughout  for  n=26,  z has  a 
probability  of  less  than  0.1%  using  the  fonnula  (n=26 
excludes  zero  differences).  Hence  a very  highly 
significant  difference  will  be  obtained  for  all  paired 
values  of  n above  26  when  the  trend  is  the  same 

Some  tabulated  values  of  W (T)  use  the  higher  value  of 
R+  or  R-.  Use  of  the  lower  value  means  there  is  always 
the  same  value  of  W (T)  which  shows  the  maximum 
difference  between  the  paired  replicates  i.e.  0.  Use  of 
the  upper  value  of  R+  or  R-  means  that  the  values 
associated  with  maximum  difference  between  the 
paired  replicates  varies  with  sample  size. 

Biologists  do  not  always  agree  on  whether  data  are 
paired  or  not.  In  case  of  doubt,  assume  data  are  not 


The  helpful  advice  provided  by  Dr  Tim  Sparks  is 
gratefully  acknowledged.  However,  the  total 
responsibility  for  the  text  rests  with  the  author. 


Campbell,  R.  C.  (1974,  second  edition).  Statistics  for 
Biologists.  Cambridge  University  Press, 


The  application  of  a Mann  Whitney  U test  to  the  case 
of  non  overlap  on  p21  of  Gulliver  2011  results  in  a 
significant  difference  being  generated,  as  docs  the 
application  of  a Wilcoxon  test  to  the  case  of  the  trend 
being  the  same  throughout  in  all  pairs  of  values  on  p22. 
NB  the  median  of  23  for  4m^  machair  quadrats  on  p21 
& p23  is  coiTect,  the  value  in  Table  1 should  be  23  not 
25,  author’s  eiTor. 

The  most  northerly  documented 
record  of  the  green  alga 
Hydrodictyon  reticulatum  (water-net) 
in  the  UK 

Alison  McManus 

Scottish  Environment  Protection  Agency,  5 Redwood 
Crescent,  Peel  Park,  East  Kilbride  G74  5PP. 

E-mail:  alison.mcmanus(^sepa. 

Strathclyde  Loch  is  located  within  Strathclyde  Country 
Park,  Mothewell  (NS  73290  56980)  and  is  designated 
as  a Sensitive  Area  (Eutrophic)  under  the  Urban  Waste 
Water  Treatment  Directive,  and  of  poor  ecological 

potential  under  current  Water  Framework  Directive 
(WFD)  classification.  A macrophyte  survey  of  the  loch 
was  carried  out  in  September  2011  by  Alison 
McManus,  Thomas  Coy  and  Jan  Krokowski  (SEPA). 
This  was  done  as  part  of  SEPA’s  WFD  monitoring  and 
classification.  During  the  survey  the  invasive  nuisance 
green  alga  Hydrodictyon  reticulatum  (L.)  Bory  de 
Saint-Vinceiit,  1824  (water-net:  Fig.  1)  was  discovered 
at  one  of  the  sampling  points  and  is  believed  to  be  the 
most  northerly  documented  record  of  this  species  in  the 

Fig.  1.  Hydrodictyon  reticulatum,  Strathclyde  Loch, 
September  201 1.  Scalebars  100  Dm. 

This  species  is  known  as  a nuisance  because  it  can  clog 
waterways,  smother  aquatic  plants  and  fauna  and 
adversely  impact  boating,  fishing,  swimming  and 
tourism.  The  spread  of  this  alga  is  believed  to  be  a 
response  to  elevated  and  extended  summer  water 
temperatures  (John  et  ai,  1998).  The  species  is 
confined  to  downstream  sections  of  waterbodies, 
partially  due  to  its  nutrient  requirements,  and 
populations  of  the  alga  usually  only  become  obvious  in 
mid-summer,  suggesting  a need  for  high  temperatures 
(Whitton,  2000). 

It  appears  that  the  water-net  has  become  widely 
distributed  over  the  past  two  decades  and  is  gradually 
beginning  to  colonise  more  northern  waterbodies. 
Until  2011  the  most  northern  documented  records  of 
the  species  were  in  Dumfries  and  Galloway,  with  other 
undocumented  reports  of  the  species  as  far  north  as 
Aberdeenshire.  There  are  also  anecdotal  records  of  the 
species  in  Castle  Semple  Loch,  Renfrewshire.  The 
species  is  well  documented  in  rivers  in  the  Scottish 
Borders  and  northern  England,  especially  the  Tweed, 
Tyne,  Wear  and  the  Swale. 


Thanks  to  Alison  Bell,  John  Clayton,  Robin  Guthrie 
(SEPA)  and  Professor  Brian  A.  Whitton  (Durham 
University)  for  their  records  of  water-net  distribution. 


John,  D.M.,  Douglas,  G.E.,  Brooks,  S.J.,  Jones,  G.C., 
Ellaway,  J.  & Rundle,  S.  (1998).  Blooms  of  the 
water  net  Hydrodictyon  reticulatum 
(Chlorococcales,  Chlorophyta)  in  a coastal  lake  in 


the  British  Isles:  their  cause,  seasonality  and 
impact.  Biologia,  53:  537-545. 

Whitton.  B.A.  (2000).  Increases  in  nuisance  macro- 
algae in  rivers:  a review.  Verb.  Inf.  Verein.  LimnoL, 
27:  1257-125. 

Hoverfly  species  (Diptera, 
Syrphidae)  collected  near 
Rowardennan,  Loch  Lomondside, 
August,  2011 

E.  Geoffrey  Hancock 

The  Hunterian,  Zoology  Museum,  Graham  Ken- 
Building,  University  of  Glasgow,  Glasgow,  G12  8QQ 

E-mail:  Geoff.hancock(@glasgow. 

A field  outing  to  the  Scottish  Centre  for  Ecology  and 
the  Natural  Environment  (SCENE)  at  Rowardennan, 
Stirlingshire,  followed  the  Sixth  International 
Symposium  on  the  Syiphidae  (Diptera).  It  was  the  final 
day  of  this  biennial  meeting,  held  at  the  Hunterian 
Museum,  University  of  Glasgow,  during  which  72 
delegates  had  debated  and  discussed  the  systematics, 
ecology  and  biology  of  the  hoverflies  on  a worldwide 
scale.  The  field  outing  on  8‘'’  August  was  essentially  an 
oppoi-tunity  to  relax  after  three  days  of  being  indoors 
listening  to  lectures  and  viewing  poster  presentations 
on  research  in  progress.  A number  of  the  delegates 
took  the  opportunity  to  record  the  hoverfly  species  that 
could  be  seen  around  the  immediate  environs  of  the 
SCENE  field  station  buildings  on  the  Ross  peninsula. 
The  following  list  is  the  product  of  this  effort  and  is  a 
good  representation  of  the  expected  fauna.  The  sunny 
weather  undoubtedly  helped  in  producing  a total  of  63 
species,  a few  of  which  are  commented  on  individually 
in  the  following  two  paragraphs. 

During  the  symposium  a new  edition  of  distribution 
maps  for  hoverflies  in  the  United  Kingdom  was 
launched  which  contains  new  data  on  altitudinal  and 
habitat  preferences  and  phenology.  Analyses  of  trends 
have  been  included  for  both  recording  effort  and  recent 
changes  in  species’  ranges  (Ball,  et  a!.,  2011).  This 
publication  is  used  here  to  indicate  species  that  deserve 
special  mention  for  various  reasons.  Some  are  scarce  in 
the  north  of  Britain  such  as  Cheilosia  proximo  and  C. 
vernalis.  Species  that  require  good  quality  wooded 
habitat  include  Arcfophila  snperbiens,  Ferdinandea 
cuprea  and  Xylota  jakiiatorum.  Although  these  three 
species  have  been  recorded  previously  in  the  area  it  is 
good  to  know  they  are  still  resident.  With  similar 
habitat  requirements,  but  developing  as  larvae  in 
woodland  fungi,  are  records  of  Cheilo.sia  longula  and 
C.  scutellata.  Generally  scarce  species  of  local  note  are 
Didea  fasciata,  Dasysyrphus  pinastri,  Helophilns 

trivitfatiis,  Meli.scaeva  compositorwn,  M. 
umhellatorum  and  Scaeva  pyrastri.  One  of  the  more 
interesting  species  is  Eriozona  syrphoides  which 
became  established  in  Britain  about  40  years  ago  in 
association  with  spruce  plantations.  These  trees  support 
an  aphid  species,  Cinara  piceae  (Panzer),  that  the 
larvae  utilise  as  a food  source.  There  are  only  thirteen 
other  lOKm  Ordnance  Survey  grid  squares  in  Scotland 
where  it  has  been  seen  since  2000  (Ball,  et  al.,  2011). 

An  outstanding  addition  to  Scotland’s  fauna  as  a result 
of  this  meeting  is  Ferdinandea  riificornis.  The  latest 
distributional  data  show  no  known  records  north  of 
Yorkshire  (Ball,  et  al.,  2011).  This  species  is  regarded 
as  rare  or  even  endangered  in  many  areas  of  mainland 
Europe.  Like  its  more  common  sibling,  F.  cuprea,  the 
larvae  develop  in  sap  in  deciduous  trees.  Often,  but  not 
exclusively,  these  are  oak  trees  in  which  this  resource 
has  been  created  by  the  tunnelling  activities  of  the  goat 
moth  (Cossus  cossu.s  Linn.).  The  larvae  of  F.  ruficornis 
have  not  been  described  (Rotheray,  1993)  but  arc 
presumed  to  be  very  similar  to  F.  cuprea.  Goat  moths 
are  known  from  Central  Scotland  but  arc  rare  and  have 
not  been  positively  recorded  on  Lochlomondside 
(Knowler,  2010).  Combined  searching  for  the  larvae  of 
the  moth  and  both  species  of  Ferdinandea  in  the  area 
around  SCENE  is  an  obvious  strategy.  More  details  of 
the  Lochlomondside  finding  of  F.  ruficornis  have  been 
written  up  (Ricarte,  et  al.,  2011). 

Species  list  in  alphabetical  order 

Nomenclature  follows  Chandler  (1998)  with  any 
changes  or  species  added  since  then  given  in  Ball  et  al. 
(2011).  The  asterisk  * denotes  records  that  were 
provided  by  Jeroen  van  Steenis  just  south  of  the  field 
station  on  2"‘*  August,  2011,  within  the  same  NGR 
lOKm  square  as  SCENE. 


Thanks  are  due  to  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society, 
British  Entomological  and  Natural  History  Society, 
Dipterists  Forum,  Malloch  Society,  B&S 
Entomological  Supplies  and  the  Samuel  Wendell 
Williston  Diptera  Research  Fund  (administered  by  the 
Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington  DC,  USA)  as 
sponsors  of  the  Symposium.  Excellent  hospitality  was 
provided  at  SCENE,  and  particular  thanks  to  Rona 
Brennan,  bursar  and  provider  of  catering.  The  compiler 
of  this  list  is  grateful  to  all  the  participants  for  their 
efforts  and  company  on  the  day. 




Arctophila  superbiens  (Muller)  * 


Baccha  elongata  (Fabricius) 


Cheilosia  antiqua  (Meigen) 


Cheihsia  betgenstammi  Becker 

(EGH,  JvS;  WvS) 

Cheliosia  fratema  (Meigen) 


Cheilosia  ilhislrata  (Hams) 


Cheilosia  kmgula  (Zetterstedt) 


Cheilosia  proxima  (Zetterstedt)  * 


Cheilosia  sciitellata  (Fallen) 

(JvS;  WvS) 

Cheilosia  vemalis  (Fallen) 


Chiysogaster  solstitialis  (Fallen) 


Chiysotoxiim  arcuatiwi  (Linnaeus) 

(ASs;  JSet  al;  WvS) 

Chiysofoxiini  hicinctum  (Linnaeus) 

(ASs;  JSet  al;  JvS) 

Dasysyrphus  albostriatus  (Fallen) 

(EGH;  MM) 

Dasysyrphiis  pinastri  (De  Geer) 


Dasysyrphus  tricinctiis  (Fallen) 

(EGH;  JSet  al;  JvS) 

Didea  fasciata  Macquart 


Epistrophe  grossulariae  (Meigen) 

(AR;  EGH;  KW;  WvS) 

Episyrplnis  halteatus  (De  Geer) 

(ASs;  EGH;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Eriozona  syrphoides  (Fallen) 


Erisfalis  ahusiviis  Collin  * 


Eristalis  interniptus  (Poda) 


Eristalis  intricarius  (Linnaeus) 

(NJ;  JSet  al) 

Eristalis  pertinax  (Scopoli) 

(AR;  ASs;  EGH;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS) 

Eiipeodes  corollae  (Fabricius) 

(JSet  al) 

Ferdinandea  cuprea  (Scopoli) 


Ferdinandea  ruficornis  (Fabricius) 

(JQ;  detemiined  by  AR  & ZN] 

Helophiliis pendulus  (Linnaeus) 

(JSetal;  KW;  WvS;) 

Helophilus  trivittatus  (Fabricius) 

(JSet  al) 

Leucozoiia  hicoriim  (Linnaeus) 

(JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS) 

Leiicozona  glaucia  (Linnaeus) 

(AR;  ASs;  JSet  al;  KW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Melangyma  compositarum  (VeiTall) 

(AR;  WvS;  ZN) 

Melaugy’ua  wnhellatarum  (Fabricius)  * 

(JvS)  [a  female] 

Melanostoma  mellinum  (Linnaeus) 

(ASs,  JSet  al;  WvS;  ZN) 

Melanostoma  scalare  (Fabricius) 

(ASs;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Meliscaeva  aiiricollis  (Meigen) 

(ASs;  JvS;  WvS) 

Meliscaeva  cinctella  (Zetterstedt) 

(AR;  ASs;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Myathropa  florea  (Linnaeus) 

(AR;  ASs;  JSet  al;  JvS;  WvS) 

Neoascia  podagarica  (Fabricius) 

(MR;  JSet  al) 

Orthonevra  nobilis  (Fallen) 


Platycheirus  alhimanus  (Fabricius) 

(ASs;  JSet  al  ; KW;  JvS;  WvS;  ZN) 

Platy'cheirus  clypeatus  (Meigen) 

(ASs;  JSet  al;  MR) 

Playcheinis  fuliviventris  (Macquart) 


Platycheirus  granditarsis  (Forster) 

(JSet  al) 

Platycheirus  nielseni  Vockereth 


Platycheirus  occultus  Goeldlin  de  T.,  ct  al. 


Platycheirus  peltatus  (Meigen) 


Rhingia  campestris  Meigen  * 


Riponnensia  splendem  (Meigen) 

(AR;  ZN) 

Scaeva  selenitica  (Meigen) 

(AR;  WvS;  ZN) 

Sericomyia  silentis  (Harris) 

(AR;  ASs;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Sphaerophoria  interrupta  (Fabricius)  * 


Sphegina  climipes  (Fallen) 

(JvS;  MR) 

Sphegina  elegans  Schummel 

(JvS;  WvS) 

Sphegina  sibirica  Stackelberg 

(AR;  ASs;  JSet  al;  NJ;  WvS;  ZN) 

Syritta  pipiens  (Linnaeus) 

(JSet  al) 

Syrphus  ribesii  (Linnaeus) 

(AR;  ZN) 

Syrphiis  torvus  Osten  Sacken 


Syrphus  vitripennis  Meigen 

(AR;  KW;  JSet  al;  WvS;  ZN) 

Volucella  pellucens  (Linnaeus) 

(AS;  ZN) 

Xylota  jakatorum  Bagachanova 


Xylota  segnis  (Linnaeus) 

(AR;  ASs;  EGH;  JSet  al;  KW;  RW;  WvS;  ZN) 

Xylota  sylvarum  (Linnaeus)  * 



Antonio  Ricarte  (AR);  Alan  Stubbs  (AS);  Axel  Ssymank  (ASs);  Geoff  Hancock  (EGH);  Javier  Quinto  (JQ);  Jeroen  van  Steenis 

(JvS);  Menno  Reemer  (MR);  Nigel  Jones  (NJ);  John  Smit,  Maarten  de  Groot;  Catalina  Guitterez-Chacon,  Jiri  Hadrava  (JH),  Michael 

Mikal,  working  as  a group  (JSet  al),  Miriam  Morales  (MM);  Roger  Monis  (RM);  Richard  Weddle  (RW);  Wouter  van  Steenis  (WvS); 

Kenn  Watt  (KW);  Zorika  Nedeljkovic  (ZN). 



Ball,  S.G.,  Morris,  R.K.S.,  Rotheray,  G.E.  and  Watt, 
K.R.  (201 1).  Atlas  of  the  hoverjlies  of  Great  Britain 
(Diptera,  Syphidae).  Wallingford,  Biological 
Records  Centre,  pp.  183. 

Chandler,  P.  J.  (1998).  Checklists  of  British  Insects 
(New  Series)  Diptera,  12.  Royal  Entomological 
Society  of  London,  London. 

Knowler,  J.T.  (2010).  An  annotated  checklist  of  the 
larger  moths  of  Stirlingshire,  West  Perthshire  and 
Dunbartonshire.  Glasgow,  Glasgow  Natural  History 
Society,  pp.  143. 

Ricarte,  A.,  Nedeljkovic,  Z.  and  Quinto,  J.  (2011). 
Ferdinandea  ruficornis  (Fabricius)  (Diptera, 
Syrphidae)  new  to  Scotland.  Dipterists  Digest  18: 

Rotheray,  G.E.  (1993).  Colour  guide  to  hoverfly  larvae 
(Diptera,  Syrphidae).  Dipterists  Digest  9:  1-155. 

First  record  of  larval  sea  lamprey 
Petromyzon  marinus  L.  in  the 
Endrick  Water,  Loch  Lomond 

J.  B.  Hume  & C.  E.  Adams 

Scottish  Centre  for  Ecology  & the  Natural 
Environment,  Institute  of  Biodiversity,  Animal  Health 
& Comparative  Medicine,  University  of  Glasgow, 
Glasgow,  G12  8QQ. 

E-mail:  j.hume.l(^research.gla. 

Three  lamprey  species  are  known  to  occur  in  Scotland: 
European  river  Lampetra  fJuviatilis  and  brook  lamprey 
L planeri,  and  the  sea  lamprey  Petromyzon  marinus. 
Although  detailed  records  of  their  distribution  remain 
scarce,  lampreys  have  been  sampled  from  79  Scottish 
regions  (ERA  2005).  The  sea  lamprey  is  the  rarest 
species  in  both  records  and  surveys  and  has  been 
recorded  nationally  in  just  35  rivers,  although  their 
continuing  presence  in  some  is  uncertain  (ERA  2005). 

The  Endrick  Water  drains  the  South  East  catchment  of 
Loch  Lomond  into  its  south  basin.  The  river  contains 
scientifically  important  populations  of  brook  and  river 
lamprey,  and  has  been  designated  a Special  Area  of 
Conservation  (SAC)  and  Site  of  Special  Scientific 
Interest  (SSSI)  as  a result  (Bond  2003;  Hume  2011). 
Although  several  lamprey  surveys  have  been 
conducted  in  recent  years  (Maitland  et  al.  1994; 
Gardiner  et  al.  1995;  Gardiner  & Stewart  1997,  1999; 
Forth  Fisheries  Foundation  2004;  Hume  2011;  Watt  et 
al.  2011)  adult  sea  lamprey  have  been  recorded  only 
very  occasionally  in  the  Endrick  Water,  and  they  have 
not  been  observed  since  the  1960s  (Hunter  et  al.  1959; 
Maitland  1966).  Spawning  is  believed  to  be  restricted 
to  the  efferent  River  Leven  between  the  barrage  (NS 
393  894)  and  footbridge  (NS  394  793)  in  Balloch 

(Maitland  et  al.  1994;  Gardiner  et  al.  1995).  Despite 
extensive  sampling  of  larval  habitat  around  the  Loch 
Lomond  basin  in  recent  years,  sea  lamprey 
ammocoetes  have  until  now  only  been  recorded  in  the 
River  Leven. 

On  March  2U*  2012  a single  sea  lamprey  ammocoete 
was  collected  immediately  downstream  of  Drymen 
Bridge  on  the  Endrick  Water  (NS  473  874)  in  static 
traps  designed  to  capture  adult  lampreys  on  their 
upstream  spawning  migration.  This  individual 
measured  151  mm  in  total  length  and  was  4.6  g wet 
weight.  Positive  identification  as  Petromyzon  as 
opposed  to  Lampetra  spp.  was  confirmed  from  the 
following  meristic  and  morphometric  characteristics 
(Fig.  1):  trunk  myomeres  71  {P.  marinus  61-1  A', 
Lampetra  spp.  58-64),  oral  hood  fully  pigmented 
{Lampetra  spp.  upper/lower  lip  unpigmented),  caudal 
fill  spade-like  {Lampetra  spp.  typically  rounded), 
robust  head  region  {Lampetra  spp.  distinct  pre-nostril 
region)  (Renaud  2011).  Sea  lamprey  larval  duration  is 
typically  five  years,  although  it  can  be  as  long  as  19 
years  as  growth  rates  vary  enormously,  so  an  accurate 
age  estimate  of  just  one  individual  is  fraught  with 
uncertainty.  Based  on  typical  values  from  other  U.K. 
populations  this  individual  is  likely  to  be  3-5  years  old, 
indicating  that  spawning  took  place  in  the  Endrick 
Water  at  sometime  between  May/June  2007-2009 
(Hardisty  1969;  Bird  et  al.  1994). 

Fig.  1,  P.  marinus  ammocoete 

Throughout  Scotland  larval  Petromyzon  are  recorded  in 
very  low  densities  compared  with  Lampetra  spp.,  even 
in  rivers  known  to  contain  strong  adult  spawning 
populations  (APEM  2004;  ERA  2004;  Watt  et  al. 
2008).  There  remains  the  possibility  that  sea  lamprey 
spawn  in  the  Endrick  Water  in  small  numbers,  but;  that 
adults  are  not  detected  because  trapping  methodology 
excludes  the  larger  body  size  of  mature  sea  lamprey, 
and  sea  lamprey  ammocoetes  are  not  detected  during 
routine  surveys  due  to  their  inherent  scarcity. 
Currently,  the  Endrick  Water  is  a stronghold  for 
lamprey  in  Scotland,  with  both  L.  fluviatilis  and  L. 
planeri  populations  being  of  international  conservation 
importance  (Bond  2003).  If  indeed  this  isolated  record 
of  larval  P.  marinus  represents  the  first  indication  that 


the  species  now  maintains  a spawning  population 
within  the  Endrick  Water,  there  is  an  implication  that 
the  consei-vation  strategy  for  this  river  should  be 
modified  to  include  sea  lamprey  as  a qualifying  feature 
of  the  SAC. 


APEM.  (2004).  Distribution  of  sea,  brook  and  river 
lampreys  on  the  River  Tay.  Scottish  Natural 
Heritage  Commissioned  Report  No  032  (ROAME 
No.  F01AC610). 

Bird,  D.J.,  Potter,  I.C.,  Hardisty,  M.W.  & Baker,  B.I. 
(1994).  Morphology,  body  size  and  behaviour  of 
recently-metamorphosed  sea  lampreys,  Petromyzon 
marimis,  from  the  lower  River  Severn,  and  their 
relevance  to  the  onset  of  parasitic  feeding.  Journal 
of  Fish  Biology’  44,  61-1  A. 

Bond,  L.  (2003).  The  Endrick  Water  cSAC 
conservation  strategy.  Conserving  Natura  2000 
Rivers.  English  Nature,  Peterborough. 

Ecological  Research  Associates  (ERA).  (2005).  A 
national  lamprey  survey  of  Scotland.  Report  for 
Scottish  National  Heritage,  Clydebank. 

Forth  Fisheries  Foundation  (2004).  River  and  brook 
lamprey  monitoring  of  the  Endrick  Water 
cSAC/SSSl.  Scottish  Natural  Heritage 
Commissioned  Report  No  057.  (ROAME  No. 

Gardiner,  R.,  Taylor,  R.  & Araistrong,  J.  (1995). 
Habitat  assessment  of  survey  of  lamprey 
populations  occuiTing  in  areas  of  conservation 
interest.  Report  to  Scottish  Natural  Heritage. 
Fisheries  Research  Services,  Report  No  4/95. 
Gardiner,  R.  & Stewart,  D.  (1997).  Spawning  habitat 
assessment  and  survey  of  lamprey  populations 
occurring  in  areas  of  conseiwation  interest. 
Fisheries  Services  Report  to  SNH. 

Gardiner,  R.  & Stewart,  D.  (1999).  Survey  of  the  Blane 
Water.  Fisheries  Research  Sen’ices  Report  to  SNH. 
Hardisty,  M.W.  (1969).  A comparison  of  gonadal 
development  in  the  ammocoetes  of  the  landlocked 
and  anadromous  forms  of  the  sea  lamprey, 
Petromyzon  marinus  L.  Journal  of  Fish  Biology  2, 

Hume,  J.B.  (2011).  Adult  lamprey  survey  of  the 
Endrick  Water  SSSI  and  SAC  2009-2010.  Scottish 
Natural  Heritage  Commissioned  Report  No.  480. 
Hunter,  W.R.,  Slack,  H.D.  & Hunter,  M.R.  (1959).  The 
lower  vertebrates  of  the  Loch  Lomond  District.  The 
Glasgow  Naturalist  18:  84-90. 

Maitland,  P.S.  (1966).  The  fauna  of  the  River  Endrick. 
Glasgow,  Blackie. 

Maitland,  P.S.,  Morris,  K.H.  & East,  K.  (1994).  The 
ecology  of  lampreys  (Petromyzontidae)  in  the  Loch 
Lomond  area.  Hydrohiologia  290:  105-120. 

Renaud,  C.B.  (2011).  Lampreys  of  the  world.  An 
annotated  and  illustrated  catalogue  of  lamprey 
species  known  to  date.  FAO  Species  Catalogue  for 
Fishery  Purposes.  No.  5.  Rome,  FAO,  109pp. 

Watt,  J.,  Ravenscroft,  N.O.M.  & Seed,  M.  (2008).  Site 
condition  monitoring  of  lamprey  in  the  River  Tay 
Special  Area  of  Conservation.  Scottish  Natural 

Heritage  Commissioned  Report  No.  292  (ROAME 
No.  R07AC606). 

Watt,  J.,  Bull,  C.,  Ravenscroft,  N.O.M.  & Seed,  M. 

(201 1).  Lamprey  survey  of  the  Endrick  Water 
SSSI/SAC  2008.  Scottish  Natural  Heritage 
Commissioned  Report  No.  320. 

A record  of  the  aurochs,  Bos 
primigenius,  from  Morayshire 

Andrew  C.  Kitchener'  & John  Doune^ 

'Department  of  Natural  Sciences,  National  Museums 
Scotland,  Chambers  Street,  Edinburgh  EHl  IJF 
^Damaway  Castle,  Forres,  Morayshire  IV36  2ST 


In  May  2004  two  horn  cores  attached  to  the  frontal 
bone  of  a skull  (Fig.  1)  were  discovered  at  the 
bottom  of  the  main  drainage  ditch  in  the  northeast 
comer  of  Ardgye  Fann,  three  miles  west  of  Elgin  in 
Morayshire  (Grid  Reference  NJl 55638).  These  horn 
cores  were  recovered  by  Martin  Bridges,  the  Moray 
Estates  fann  manager,  and  were  sent  to  the  National 
Museums  Scotland  for  identification  and 
conservation.  Comparison  with  specimens  in  the 
NMS  collection  confinned  that  the  horn  cores  were 
from  an  aurochs.  Bos  primigenius.  From  their  size 
and  shape  the  hom  cores  were  probably  from  a male. 
The  left  hom  core  measures  700  mm  on  the  outside 
of  the  curve  and  550  cm  on  the  inside  of  the  curve, 
whereas  the  right  hom  core  measures  670  mm  on  the 
outside  curve  and  570  mm  on  the  inside  curve.  The 
basal  circumferences  of  the  hom  cores  are  350  mm 
(right)  and  340  mm  (left).  A bone  sample  was  sent  to 
SUERC,  East  Kilbride,  where  it  yielded  a 
radiocarbon  date  of  9690  ± 35  BP  and  a calibrated 
date  of  1 1,120-1 1,260  BP  (SUERC-20754). 

Calendar  dates  are  increasingly  underestimated  by 
increasingly  earlier  radiocarbon  dates  (Lowe  and 
Walker,  1997).  This  is  because  the  amount  of 
radiocarbon  in  the  atmosphere  has  not  been  constant 
over  time.  Uncalibrated  dates  can  be  corrected  using  a 
calibration  curve  that  is  derived  from  samples  that  have 
been  dated  independently  with  other  methods  such  as 
uranium  time  series,  dendrochronology,  varves  and 
deep  ocean  sediment  cores. 

The  aurochs  is  widely  recorded  in  Scotland  and  the  rest 
of  Britain.  Yalden  (1999)  records  30  Scottish  sites 
ranging  from  Orkney  to  Berwick  in  the  south  east  and 
New  Galloway  in  the  south  west.  However,  most 
records  are  from  the  Borders  with  a few  in  Perthshire. 
Therefore,  these  hom  cores  represent  one  of  the  most 
northerly  records  in  Scotland. 

There  are  few  radiocarbon  dates  for  aurochs  in 

Scotland.  Kitchener  & Bonsall  (1999)  give  five  dates, 


ranging  from  9170  ± 70  BP  (10,350-9,980  Cal  BP  age 
- AA18516)  for  a skull  from  Newburgh,  Fife  to  3315 
± 55  bp  (3690-3390  cal  BP  - AA- 1 85 1 7)  for  skull  from 
Galloway.  The  latter  is  one  of  the  most  recent  dates  for 
Britain,  suggesting  that  it  survived  until  at  least  the 
early  Bronze  Age  in  Scotland  (Yalden  & Kitchener, 
2008).  A similar  date  was  recorded  for  a skeleton  from 
Charterhouse  Warren  Farm,  Somerset  (Burleigh  & 
Clutton-Brock,  1977).  However,  the  Ardgye  Fann 
specimen  is  the  oldest  recorded  post-glacial  date  for  an 
aurochs  in  Scotland,  and  demonstrates  that  this  species 
was  an  early  post-glacial  coloniser. 


Fig.  1.  Dorsal  (a.)  and  ventral  (b.)  views  of  the  horn 
cores  of  an  aurochs,  Bos  primigenius,  from  Ardgye 
Farm,  Morayshire  (Neil  McLean,  National  Museums 

The  horn  cores  are  available  for  viewing  by 
appointment  at  Moray  Estates  (013096  72213  or 


Burleigh,  R.  & Clutton-Brock,  J.  (1977).  A 
radiocarbon  date  for  Bos  primigenius  from 
Charterhouse  Warren  Farm,  Mendip.  Proceedings 
of  the  University’  of  Bristol  Speleological  Society’ 
14(3),  225-257. 

Kitchener,  A.C.  & Bonsall,  C.  (1999).  Further  AMS 
radiocarbon  dates  for  extinct  Scottish  mammals. 
Quaternary  Newsletter  No.  88,  1-10. 

Lowe,  J.J.  and  Walker,  M.J.C.  (1997).  Reconstructing 
Quaternajy  environments.  2nd  editionPrentice  Hall, 

Yalden,  D.  (1999).  The  histojy  of  the  British  mammals. 
Poyser,  London. 

Yalden,  D.W.  & Kitchener,  A.C.  (2008).  History  of  the 
fauna.  Pp.  17-31.  In:  Harris,  S.  and  Yalden,  D.W. 
(editors).  Mammals  of  the  British  Isles:  Handbook, 
4'''  edition.  The  Mammal  Society,  Southampton. 

The  rare  green  alga  Pediastrum 
privum  (Chlorophyta^ 

Sphaeropleales)  in  a Scottish  kettle 
loch:  new  to  British  freshwaters 

'Pauline  Lang,  Jan  Krokowski,  Nicole  Ross  & 
Ross  Doughty 

Scottish  Environment  Protection  Agency,  5 Redwood 
Crescent,  Peel  Park,  East  Kilbride,  G74  5PP,  Scotland, 

'E-mail:  pauline.lang(^sepa. 

Pediastrum  is  a widely-distributed  genus  of  green  alga 
characteristically  consisting  of  disc-shaped  colonies  or 
‘coenobia’,  assembled  from  at  least  four  inter- 
connecting cells  (Komarek  & Jankovska,  2001). 

Many  species  belonging  to  the  genus  are  common 
constituents  of  lake  phytoplankton  communities, 
though  Pediastrum  privum  (Printz)  Hegewald 
[=Stauridium  privum  (Printz)  Hegewald  in  Buchheim 
et  al.,  2005]  is  notably  rare  (Komarek  & Jankovska, 
2001;  Tsarenko  & John,  201 1).  There  appear  to  be  no 
published  records  from  Britain.  Sporadic  lake 
phytoplankton  and  sub-fossil  sediment  finds  from 
Europe,  reflect  a sparse  scattering  of  Pediastrum 
privum,  confined  mostly  to  temperate  and  sub-arctic 
latitudes  of  the  northern  hemisphere  (Hegewald  & 
Schnepf,  1979;  Komarek  & Jankovska,  2001;  Geris, 
2004;  Kowalska  & Wolowksi,  2010).  By  comparison, 
the  close  phylogenetic  relative  Pediastrum  tetras 
(Ehrenberg)  Ralfs  [=Stauridium  tetras  (Ehrenberg) 
Hegewald  in  Buchheim  et  al.,  2005]  displays  a 
cosmopolitan  distribution  (Komarek  & Jankovska, 

Freshwater  phytoplankton  communities  are  important 
indicators  of  the  biointegrity  of  standing  waters  and  are 
therefore  used  by  the  Scottish  Environment  Protection 
Agency  (SEPA)  to  assess  the  ecological  status  of 
around  80  freshwater  lochs  in  Scotland.  Phytoplankton 
samples  are  collected  at  varying  frequencies,  but  at  a 
minimum  are  taken  three  times  a year  between  July  and 
September.  Sub-samples  of  phytoplankton  (preserved 
in  Lugol’s  iodine)  are  examined  using  an  inverted 
microscope  and  analysed  according  to  standard 


procedures  with  counts  of  approximately  400 
individuals  (Brierley  el  al.,  2007;  CEN,  2004  & 2008). 

Low  abundances  (typically  1-5  coenobia,  comprising 
both  four-  and  eight-cells,  per  100  ml  sub-sample)  of 
Pediastrwn  privum  were  found  in  phytoplankton 
samples  colleeted  from  Loch  Kinord  during  2009- 
2011.  Loch  Kinord  is  a small  kettle  lake  located  in 
Aberdeenshire,  Scotland  (NGR:  NO  44150  99388). 
The  loch,  formed  by  glacial  retreat  approximately 
10,000  years  ago,  has  an  area  of  c.  0.8  km”,  is  shallow 
(mean  depth  <2  m)  and  is  characterized  by  relatively 
low  alkalinity  (annual  mean  10.7  mg  L"'  as  CaCOs  over 
2009-11)  and  mesotrophic  water  chemistry  (annual 
mean  total  phosphorus  (TP)  concentration  19.9  pg  L'' 
over  2009-11).  A palaeolimnological  study  using 
fossil  diatoms  implied  that  eutrophication  has  driven 
water  quality  in  Loch  Kinord  slightly  away  from  its 
reference  state  (Bennion  et  al.,  2004). 

Pediastrwn  privwn  has  appeared  consistently  in  the 
phytoplankton  community  of  Loch  Kinord  since  2009. 
This  is  the  first  known  documented  record  of 
Pediastrwn  privwn  in  British  freshwaters.  Previously, 
this  uncommon  species  may  have  gone  unnoticed  or 
been  misidentified  due  to  its  ineonspicuous  size  and 
general  unfamiliarity  to  UK  taxonomists.  The 
coenobia  of  Pediastrwn  privwn  (Figs  la-d) 
morphologieally  resemble  Pediastrum  tetras  (Figs  2a- 
d),  in  terms  of  their  relatively  small  diameter  (usually 
15-25  pm).  However,  it  is  possible  to  separate  the  two 
species  by  comparison  of  the  outer  cell  wall  structure, 
which  is  weakly  concave  (central  depression)  in  P. 
privwn  and  distinctly  notched  (central  incision)  in  P. 
tetras  (Komarek  & Jankovska,  2001;  Kowalska  & 
Wolowksi,  2010;  Tsarenko  & John,  2011). 

Pediastrwn  privwn  has  been  recorded  mostly  from 
European  waterbodies  including  Norway  (Printz, 
1914),  Finland  (Hegewald  & Schnepf,  1979),  Poland 
(Pelechaty  et  al.,  2007;  Kowalska  & Wolowksi,  2010), 
Russia  (Jankovska  & Komarek,  2000),  Slovakia 

Fig.  la.  Photo-micrograph  of  Pediastrwn  privwn 
4-celled  coenobium  (x630  magnification) 
preserved  in  LugoFs  Iodine. 

(Hindak  & Hindakova,  2008),  and  the  Czech  Republic 
(Geris,  2004),  though  the  WISER  phytoplankton 
database  (  may  also  contain  previously 
undocumented  localities.  Other  reports  exist  from  the 
USA  (Smith,  1920;  Prescott,  1962),  as  well  as  more 
recently  from  Korea  (An  et  al,  1999),  Spain  (Negro  et 
al.,  2000)  and  Canada  (Hindak  & Hindakova,  2008). 
Collectively,  observations  suggest  that  Pediastrwn 
privwn  occurs  discretely  in  oligotrophic  and/or 
dystrophic  freshwaters  (Jankovska  & Komarek,  2000; 
Komarek  & Jankovska,  2001).  However,  some 
accounts  suggest  it  is  also  capable  of  occupying 
nutrient-enriched  habitats  (An  et  al.,  1999),  typically 
associated  with  P.  tetras  (Komarek  & Jankovska, 
2001),  which  makes  its  restricted  distribution  difficult 
to  explain  (Kowalska  & Wolowksi,  2010). 
Morphological  plasticity  (variation  between  the  4-  and 
8-celled  life  cycle  stages)  has  been  related  to 
environmental  nutrient  concentrations  or  zooplankton 
predation  in  Pediastrum  tetras  (Rojo  et  al.,  2008),  and 
though  fully  described  (Hegewald  & Jeon,  2000)  is  as 
yet  inadequately  understood  for  P.  privwn.  More 
research  is  required  to  establish  the  ecological 
requirements  of  Pediastrum  privum  and  the  reasons  for 
its  apparent  rarity. 


Thanks  especially  to  Prof  David  John  (Natural  History 
Museum  London)  and  Prof  Brian  Whitton  (University 
of  Durham)  for  fomially  verifying  the  identity  of 
Pediastrwn  privum.  We  are  grateful  to  Dr  Elizabeth 
Haworth  (Freshwater  Biological  Association)  for 
confinning  that  no  UK  records  of  P.  privum  pre-existed 
in  the  Fritsch  Collection  (documented  only  from 
Norway,  Europe  and  North  America).  We  are  also 
appreeiative  to  Dr  Kevin  Murphy  (University  of 
Glasgow)  for  commenting  on  an  earlier  version  of  the 

10  pm 

Fig.  lb.  Illustration  of  Pediastrum  privum  4-celled 


Fig.  Ic.  Photo-micrograph  of  Pediastrum  priviim 
8-celled  coenobium  (x630  magnification) 
preserved  in  LugoFs  Iodine. 

10  pm 

Fig.  Id.  Illustration  of  Pediastrum  priviim  8-celled 

10  pm 

Fig.  2b.  Illustration  of  Pediastrum  tetras  4-celled 

10  pm 

Fig.  2d.  Illustration  of  Pediastrum  tetras  8-celled 



An,  S.S.,  Hegewald,  E.  cS:  Jeon,  S.L.  (1999)  Pediastriim 
privum  (Printz)  Hegewald  new  to  Korea,  Algae,  14, 
83  -85. 

Bennion,  H.,  Fluin,  J.  & Simpson,  G.L.  (2004) 
Assessing  eutrophication  and  reference  conditions 
for  Scottish  freshwater  lochs  using  subfossil 
diatoms,  Journal  of  Applied  EcoIog\\  41,  124  - 

Brierley,  B.,  Carvalho,  L.,  Davies,  S.  & Krokowski,  J. 
(2007)  Guidance  on  the  quantitative  analysis  of 
phytoplankton  in  freshwater  samples,  24  pp.  [In 
Carvalho,  L.,  Dudley,  B.,  Dodkins,  L,  Clarke,  R., 
Jones,  I.,  Thackeray,  S.,  and  Maberly,  S.  (2007) 
Phytoplankton  Classification  Tool  (Phase  2),  Final 
Report,  Project  WFD80,  SNIFFER,  Edinburgh]. 

Buchheim,  M.,  Buchheim,  J.,  Carlson,  T.,  Braband,  A., 
Hepperle,  D.,  Krienitz,  F.,  Wolf,  M.  & Hegewald, 
E.  (2005)  Phylogeny  of  the  Hydrodictyaceae 
(Chlorophyceae);  inferences  from  rDNA  data. 
Journal  ofPhycolog}’,  41,1 039  - 1 054. 

CEN  (2004)  Water  quality  - guidance  standard  for  the 
routine  analysis  of  phytoplankton  abundance  and 
composition  using  inverted  microscopy  (Utermohl 
technique),  CEN/TC230/WG2/TG3. 

CEN  (2008)  Water  quality  ~ phytoplankton  biovolume 
determination  bv  microscopic  measurement  of  cell 
dimensions,  CEN/TC230/WG2/TG3. 

Geris,  R.  (2004)  Pediastriim  privum  (Printz)  Hegewald 
in  the  Czech  Republic,  Czech  Phvcolog)’,  Olomouc, 
4,  63  - 66. 

Hegewald,  E.  & Schnepf,  E.  (1979)  Pediastriim  privum 
(Printz)  Hegewald  comb,  nova,  Algological  Studies, 
22,  24-28. 

Hegewald  E.  & Jeon  S.L.  (2000)  The  coenobial 
moiphology  of  Pediastriim  privum  (Printz) 
Hegewald,  Algological  Studies,  98,  43  - 48. 

Hindak  F.  & Hindakova  A.  (2008)  Moiphology  and 
taxonomy  of  some  rare  chlorococcalean  algae 
(Chlorophyta),  Biologia,  63,  781  - 790. 

Jankovska,  V.  & Komarek,  J.  (2000)  Indicative  value 
of  Pediastriim  and  other  coccal  green  algae  in 
palaeoecology,  Folia  Geobotanica,  35,  59  - 82. 

Komarek,  J.  & Jankovska,  V.  (2001)  Review  of  the 
green  algal  genus  Pediastrunr,  Implication  for 
pollen-analytical  research,  Bibliotheca 

Phycologica,  Band  108,  127.,  Gebriider 

Bomtraeger  Verlagsbuchhandlung,  Berlin, 

Kowalska,  J.  & Wolowski,  K.  (2010)  Pediastmm 
privum  (Printz)  Hegewald  (Chlorophyceae)  in  Lake 
Male  Zmarle,  northern  Poland,  Oceanological  and 
Hydrobiological  Studies,  39,  137  - 143. 

Negro,  A. I.,  De  Hoyos,  C.  & Vega,  J.C.  (2000) 
Phytoplankton  staicture  and  dynamics  in  Lake 
Sanabria  and  Valparaiso  reservoir  (NW  Spain), 
Hydrobiologia,  424,  25  - 37. 

Pelechaty  M.,  Pelechata  A.,  Pukaez,  A.  (2007) 
Charophyte  flora  and  vegetation  against  the 
background  of  the  trophy  state  of  lakes  of  Lubuskie 
Lakeland  (mid-Westem  Poland),  Bogucki 
Wydawnictwo  Naukowe,  Poznan,  137. 

Prescott  G.W.  (1962)  Algae  of  the  Western  Great  Lake 
Area,  W.C.  Brown  Company  Publishers,  Dubuque, 

Printz,  H.  (1914)  Kristianiatraktens  Protococcoideer, 
Skrifter  Utgit  av  Videnskapsselskapet  i Kristiania, 
Matematisk-Naturvidenskabelig  Klasse,  1913,  1- 

Rojo,  C.,  Segura,  M.,  Rodrigo,  M.A.  & Salazar,  G. 
(2008)  Factors  controlling  the  colonial  structure  of 
Pediastriim  tetras  (Chlorophyceae),  Hydrobiologia, 
617,  143  -155. 

Smith,  G.M.  (1920)  Phytoplankton  of  the  Inland  Lakes 
of  Wisconsin,  Part  1,  Bulletin  of  the  Wisconsin 
Geological  and  Natural  Histoiy  Suiwey,  57,  1 - 

Tsarenko,  P.M.  & John,  D.M.  (2011)  Phylum 

Chlorophyta  (Green  Algae)  Order  Sphaeropleales  p. 
461-465  In;  John,  D.M.,  Whitton,  B.A.  & Brook, 
A.J.,  The  Freshwater  Algal  Flora  of  the  British 
Isles,  2"'*  Edition,  Cambridge  University  Press. 

First  records  of  the  pygmy  sperm 
whale,  Kogia  breviceps,  in  Scotland 

Andrew  C.  Kitchener',  Jerry  S.  Herman'*,  Robert 
J.  Reid^  and  Neil  Anderson^ 

' Department  of  Natural  Sciences,  National  Museums 
Scotland,  Chambers  Street,  Edinburgh  EHl  IJF 
' SAC  Consulting:  Veterinary  Services,  Drummondhill 
Stratherrick  Road,  Inverness,  IV2  4JZ 
^ Houster,  Tingwall,  Shetland  ZE2  9SF 


The  pygmy  sperm  whale,  Kogia  breviceps,  is  a poorly 
known  cetacean  species,  which  has  been  recorded 
rarely  in  the  British  Isles  (Leaper  and  Evans,  2008).  It 
is  an  oceanic  species  that  inhabits  tropical  to  wanner 
temperate  waters  worldwide  (Caldwell  and  Caldwell, 
1989).  In  the  North  Atlantic  it  strands  reasonably 
commonly  on  the  coast  of  the  southeast  USA  (125 
strandings  between  Puerto  Rico  and  Maine  1999-2003 
(Waring  et  al,  2005)  as  far  north  as  Canada,  and  in  the 
eastern  Atlantic  it  has  been  recorded  from  the  Bay  of 
Biscay,  stranding  from  Portugal  to  the  western  coast  of 
France  with  fewer  records  from  the  Netherlands  and 
the  British  Isles  (Evans,  1991;  Santos  et  al,  2006). 
Here  we  record  the  first  strandings  of  pygmy  sperm 
whales  in  Scotland. 

Pygmy  spenn  whales  are  usually  found  in  small  groups 
of  up  to  six  individuals,  but  more  often  they  are  seen 
alone  or  in  pairs;  strandings  are  most  often  large  males, 
or  mothers  and  their  calves  of  vaiying  ages,  or  single 
females  that  have  recently  given  birth  (Caldwell  and 
Caldwell,  1989;  McAlpine,  2002).  They  feed  mostly  on 


squid  (e.g.,  Brachioteuthis,  Chiroteufhis,  Chtenoptery^x, 
Galitenthis,  Gonatm,  Histioteuthis,  Lepidoteuthis, 
Loligo,  Mastiogoteuthis,  Ommastrephes, 

Pholidoteuthis,  Taonius,  Teuthhowenia,  Todarodes), 
octopus  {Eledona  sp.,  Octopoteuthis)  and  sepiolids 
{Sepiola,  Rossia),  and  also  some  deep-water  fish  (e.g., 
Micromesistius  spp.,  Chaiiliodus  sloani)  and 
crustaceans  (e.g.,  swimming  crabs,  Polybius  henslowi, 
mysids,  Gnathophausia  sp.)  at  or  near  the  bottom  of 
the  sea  at  a depth  of  500-1000  metres  on  the  deep  shelf 
or  slope,  although  dives  may  be  less  than  this,  because 
both  squid  and  fish  commonly  migrate  towards  the 
surface  at  night  (Caldwell  and  Caldwell,  1989;  Evans, 
1991;  Santos  et  al,  2006).  Females  and  their  well- 
grown  calves  may  feed  on  coastal  cephalopod  species, 
where  available. 

Pygmy  sperm  whales  grow  to  about  3.8  m long  and 
weigh  up  to  450  kg  (Caldwell  and  Caldwell,  1989; 
McAlpine,  2002).  In  recent  strandings  in  Spain  and 
France  body  length  (from  tip  of  upper  jaw  to  fluke 
notch  in  a straight  line)  ranged  from  1.6  m to  2.75  m 
for  males  (n=9),  and  1.47  m to  3.24  m in  females  (n=8) 
(Santos  ei  al.,  2006).  Females  reach  sexual  maturity  at 
about  2.6  metres  in  length  and  give  birth  to  a calf  of 
about  1.2  m after  an  estimated  gestation  of  about  nine 
months  (Caldwell  and  Caldwell,  1989;  McAlpine, 

Pygmy  sperm  whales  strand  rarely  in  the  British  Isles. 
Since  formal  records  began  in  1913,  there  were  only 
eight  strandings  on  the  British  coast  from  1980  to 
2006,  mostly  in  southwest  England  and  Wales  (Sabin 
et  al,  2003).  In  1999  an  adult  female  and  a calf  of 
unknown  sex  stranded  at  Loch  Ryan,  Stranraer, 
Dumfries  and  Galloway.  Measurements  and  other 
details  of  these  specimens  are  given  in  Table  1.  The 
adult  female  was  in  the  early  stages  of  pregnancy  with 
a male  foetus  25  cm  long.  The  dead  calf  floated  away, 
but  was  subsequently  recovered  1 1 days  later  after 
being  buried  at  a landfill  site,  by  which  time  it  was  too 
decomposed  to  determine  its  sex.  Analysis  of  stomach 
contents  of  the  mother  and  calf  have  confinned  that 
their  diet  comprised  mainly  oceanic  squid,  mainly  three 

species  of  Histioteuthis,  but  also  1 1 other  cephalopod 
species  from  a total  of  nine  families,  as  well  as 
unidentified  fish  and  crustaceans  (shrimps)  (Santos  et 
al,  2006).  The  skeletons  of  the  female  and  calf  are  in 
the  collections  of  the  National  Museums  Scotland 
(NMS.Z.  1999.264. 1-2)  and  the  male  foetus  is 
preserved  intact  in  spirit  (NMS.Z.  1999.264.3).  A cast 
of  the  head  of  the  adult  female  was  also  taken  for 
future  reference.  Measurements  and  characteristics  of 
the  skull  and  mandible  of  the  adult  female 
(NMS.Z.  1999.264.1),  following  Ross  (1984),  are  given 
in  Table  1 in  comparison  with  similar  data  from  a 
specimen  that  stranded  in  Ireland,  which  is  also  in 
NMS’s  collection.  Both  specimens  have  13  tooth 
alveoli  on  each  side  of  the  mandible,  which  falls  within 
the  reported  range  of  11-17  (Best,  2007).  There  were 
no  teeth  in  the  maxillae  of  either  specimen. 

There  were  no  further  records  in  Scotland  until  2007 
when  one  or  two  pygmy  spenn  whales  were  reported 
from  Shetland  (Harvey  et  al,  2011).  An  animal  was 
seen  and  photographed  off  the  west  mainland  of 
Shetland  at  Aith  on  14*'’  October  2007  (Irene  Gray  pers. 
comm.),  although  two  animals  of  different  sizes  were 
seen  together  at  Olnafirth,  Delting  on  15*'’  October 
(Gibby  Fraser,  pers.  comm.).  On  1 7“’  October  a pygmy 
sperm  whale  was  photographed  at  Busta  Voe 
(HU357679)  (Roger  Tait,  pers.  comm.).  Later  the  same 
day  a young  animal  was  stranded  alive  at  Brae. 
Therefore,  the  two  animals  seen  at  Olnafirth  may  have 
been  an  adult  female  and  a well-grown  calf,  which 
eventually  stranded  and  was  euthanased  by  a vet. 

The  stranded  animal  was  initially  identified  as  an 
Atlantic  white-sided  dolphin,  Leucopleurus  acutus,  but 
by  the  time  it  had  been  correctly  identified  this 
specimen  had  been  irretrievably  buried  at  a landfill  site 
in  Lerwick. 








SW  no 







Loch  Ryan,  Stranraer, 
Dumfries  and 



Pregnant  with 

25-cm-long  foetus 






Loch  Ryan,  Stranraer, 
Dumfries  and 



Refloated  and  restranded 

1 1 days  later 




C.2. 1-2.4 


Brae, Shetland 


Specimen  lost  at 
landfill  site 






Easdale,  Seil,  Argyll 


SW20 11/459 

Table  1.  Strandings  of  pygmy  sperm  whales,  Kogia  breviceps,  in  Scotland. 


Fortunately,  digital  photographs  were  taken  prior  to 
burial,  which  allowed  correct  identification  (Fig.  1) 
(Ellis  Nicolson,  pers.  comm.),  but  the  loss  of  this 
important  specimen  demonstrates  the  importance  of 
ensuring  that  identification  is  confirmed  before  an 
animal  is  disposed  of  Cuts  on  the  animal  photographed 
by  Roger  Tait,  including  a distinctive  one  on  the  left 
side  of  the  spermaceti  organ,  appear  to  match  those  on 
the  stranded  animal  (Fig.  1).  However,  a distinctive  cut 
on  the  upper  left  hand  side  in  front  of  the  dorsal  fin, 
which  can  be  seen  in  the  photographs  by  Irene  Gray 
and  Roger  Tait,  is  apparently  absent  from  the  stranded 
animal  and  the  cut  on  the  spermaceti  organ  appears  to 
be  longer  in  the  live  animal.  Closer  examination  of 
Roger  Tait’s  photographs  reveals  two  whale  barnacles 
(Family  Coronulidae)  on  the  upper  left  side  of  the  tail 
stock  (Fig.  2 b,c),  which  appear  to  be  absent  from  the 
stranded  animal  (Fig.  2 a).  As  far  as  we  know  this  is 
the  first  record  of  whale  bamacles  on  this  species  and 
genus,  but  unfortunately  the  quality  of  the  photograph 
does  not  allow  a more  specific  identification.  Roger 
Tait  estimated  that  the  live  animal  was  perhaps  10  feet 
(3  metres)  long,  whereas  the  stranded  animal, 
compared  with  the  wheel  barrow,  is  probably  2. 1-2.4 
metres  long.  Although  uncertain,  evidence  from  these 
photographs  supports  the  presence  of  two  animals  in 
Shetland  and  that  it  was  the  younger  of  these  that 

Fig.  1.  Photographs  of  pygmy  spenn  whale  from 
Shetland,  2007.  a.  Live  animal  Busta  Voe,  1 7 October 
2007  (Roger  Tait),  b.  stranded  animal  prior  to  disposal 
on  17th  October  2007  (Ellis  Nicolson).  Skin  lesion 
present  in  the  living  animal  (a.,  arrow)  is  not  apparent 
in  stranded  one. 

Fig,  2.  Photographs  of  pygmy  spemi  whale  from 
Shetland,  a.  No  whale  bamacles  are  apparently  present 
on  the  tail  stock  of  the  stranded  animal  from  Shetland, 
but  are  visible  on  the  live  swimming  animal  (c;  arrow). 
See  close  up  in  b. 

On  6“’  October  2011  a juvenile  male  pygmy  spenn 
whale  stranded  at  Easdale,  Seil,  Argyll  (Table  1).  The 
skeleton  is  preserved  at  NMS  (register  no. 
NMS.Z. 201 1.97.192)  and  measurements  of  the  skull 
are  given  in  Table  2.  A small  whale  barnacle  was 
observed  on  the  right  side  of  the  dorsal  fin  of  this 


specimen,  but  was  not  recovered.  Stomach  contents 
included  fish  eye  lenses,  otoliths,  squid  beaks  and 
small  fragments  of  squid  tissue,  showing  that  it  had  fed 
recently,  but  these  have  not  yet  been  identified. 

Measurement  (m) 

Adult  female 


Dumfries  and  Galloway, 

Juvenile  male 
Easdale,  Sell, 



Subadult  male 

Beartragh  Bay,  Co.  Mayo, 
Ireland,  19.6.99 

NMS.Z.2001. 108.28 


NMS.Z.201 1.97.192 


Total  (condylobasal)  length 





Rostnim  length 





Basal  width  of  rostrum 





Width  of  rostrum  at  its  midlength 





Breadth  across  pre-orbital  angles  of  supra-orbital 





Breadth  across  post-orbital  processes  of  frontals 





Breadth  of  skull  across  zygomatic  processes  of 





Height  of  vertex 





Width  of  vertex 





Width  of  supra-occipital  at  narrowest  part  between 
posterior  margins  of  temporal  fossae 





Tip  rostnim  to  anterior  border  of  left  naris 





Height  of  ventral  border  of  foramen  magnum 

1 19.9 




Length  maxillary  tooth  groove,  right 





Length  maxillary  tooth  groove,  left 


(est.)  52.5 

1 16.7 


Width  between  outer  margins  of  occipital  condyles 





Tip  of  rostrum  to  hind  margin  of  pterygoids  near  the 





Length  of  mandible,  left  side 

(est.)  325.0 

(est.)  270.6 



Number  of  alveoli,  left 





Number  of  alveoli,  right 





Height  of  mandible  at  coronoid  process,  left  side 


(est.)  74.3 



Length  of  mandibular  symphysis,  left  side 

(est.)  68.2 

(est.)  59.3 



Length  of  tooth  row,  lower  left 

(est)  132.6 

(est.)  90.4 



Length  of  tooth  row,  lower  right 

(est.)  138.5 

(est.)  91 .3 

(est.)  1 19.0 


Height  dorsal  border  of  foramen  magnum  to  vertex 





Length,  anterior  margin  mesorostral  ossification  to 
anterior  border  of  left  naris 




Table  2.  Measurements  of  the  skulls  of  an  adult  female  pygmy  sperm  whale  stranded  at  Stranraer,  a juvenile  male  from 
Argyll  and  a subadult  male  from  Co.  Mayo,  Ireland.  All  specimens  in  National  Museums  Scotland.  Measurements 
follow  Ross  (1984). 


These  are  the  first  records  and  strandings  of  pygmy 
spenn  whale  in  Scotland  and  have  coincided  with  an 
increase  of  other  wann  water  cetacean  stranding  on  the 
Scottish  coast  since  the  late  1980s,  including  striped 
dolphin,  Stenella  coeruleoalba,  and  Fraser’s  dolphin, 
Lagejiodelphis  liosei  (Reid  et  al.,  1996;  Bones  et  al., 
1998).  Analyses  of  strandings  patterns  in  Scotland 
suggest  that  these  wann-water  species  may  be  moving 
further  north,  owing  to  wanner  sea  temperatures  as  a 
result  of  global  climate  change  (MacCleod  et  al., 
2005).  Interestingly,  both  records  appear  to  be  of 
mothers  and  a calf  at  the  same  time  of  the  year,  which 
is  consistent  with  strandings  elsewhere.  Taking  the 
foetus  length  of  25cm  as  about  two  months  into 
gestation  (i.e.  about  20%  of  birth  length),  indicates 
conception  occuiTed  in  about  August,  suggesting  the 
older  calf  was  about  five  to  six  months  old.  There  is  a 
risk  that  strandings  of  pygmy  sperm  whales  might  be 
confused  with  large  porpoises,  but  it  will  be  interesting 
to  see  if  the  trend  continues  with  increasing  records  of 
this  species  as  we  have  seen  already  with  the  striped 


Best,  P.  (2007).  Whales  and  dolphins  of  the  southern 
African  subregion.  Cambridge  University  Press, 

Bones,  M.,  Neill,  B.  and  Reid,  R.J.  (1998).  Fraser’s 
dolphin  Lagenodelphis  hosei  stranded  on  South 
Uist:  First  record  in  UK  waters.  Journal  of  Zoology’, 
London  246,  460-46 1 . 

Caldwell,  D.K.  and  Caldwell,  M.C.  (1989).  Pygmy 
sperm  whale  Kogia  hreviceps  (de  Blainville,  1838): 
Dwarf  spenn  whale  Kogia  simus  Owen,  1 866.  In: 
Ridgway,  S.H.  and  Flarrison,  R.  (eds.).  Handbook 
of  marine  mammals.  Volume  4:  River  dolphins  and 
the  larger  toothed  whales,  pp. 235-260.  London: 
Academic  Press. 

Harvey,  P.V.,  Anderson,  N.  and  Rushton,  D.R.A. 
(2011).  A pygmy  sperm  whale,  Kogia  hreviceps 
(de  Balinvillc),  in  Shetland  in  2007.  Shetland 
Naturalist  3(1),  1 8-20. 

Lcaper,  R.  and  Evans,  P.G.H.  (2008).  Genus  Kogia.  Pp. 
683-685  In:  Hainis,  S.  and  Yalden,  D.W.  (editors). 
Mammals  of  the  British  Isles:  Handbook  4th 
edition.  The  Mammal  Society,  Southampton. 
McAlpine,  D.F.  (2002).  Pygmy  and  dwarf  sperm 
whales.  Pp.  1007-1009.  In:  Pemn,  W.F.,  Wiirsig, 
B.  and  Thewissen,  J.G.M.  (editors).  Encyclopedia 
of  marine  mammals.  Academic  Press,  London. 
MacCleod,  C.D.,  Bannon,  S.M.,  Pierce,  G.J., 
Schweder,  C.,  Learmonth,  J.A.,  Hennan,  J.S.  and 
Reid,  R.J.  (2005).  Climate  change  and  the  cetacean 
community  of  north-west  Scotland.  Biological 
Consen’ation  124,477-483. 

Reid,  R.J,  A Kitchener,  H M Ross  and  J Hennan  (1993). 
First  records  of  the  striped  dolphin  Stenella 
coeruleoalba,  in  Scottish  waters.  Glasgow  Naturalist 
22,  243-245. 

Ross,  G.J.B.  (1984).  The  smaller  cetaceans  of  the  south 
east  coast  of  southern  Africa.  Annals  of  the  Cape 
Province  Museum  (Natural  Histoty)  15,  173-410. 

Sabin,  R.C.,  Jcpson,  P.D.,  Reid,  R.J.,  Chimonides, 
P.D.J.,  Deaville,  R.,  Patterson,  l.A.P.  and  Spurrier, 
C.J.  (2003).  Trends  in  cetacean  strandings  around 
the  UK  coastline  and  marine  mammal  post-mortem 
investigations  for  the  year  2002.  NHM 
Consultancy  Report  ECM  516F00/03. 

Santos,  M.B.,  Pierce,  G.J.,  Lopez,  A.,  Reid,  R.J., 
Ridoux,  V.  and  Mente,  E.  (2006).  Pygmy  spenn 
whales  Kogia  hreviceps  in  the  northeast  Atlantic: 
New  infonnation  on  stomach  contents  and 
strandings.  Marine  Mammal  Science  22(3),  600- 

Waring,  G.T.,  Josephson,  E.,  Fairfield,  C.P.,  Maze- 
Foley,  K.  (eds.).  (2005).  US  Atlantic  and  Gulf  of 
Mexico  marine  mammal  stock  assessments  - 2005. 
Pygmy  sperm  whale  {Kogia  hreviceps):  Western 
North  Atlantic  stock.  NOAA  Tech  memo  194:  50- 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  147 

Scottish  Centre  for  Ecology  and  the  Natural  Environment  and  Glasgow  Natural  History  Society 

Photographic  Competition  2012 

First  Prize.  Male  palmate  newt  (Lissotriton  helveticus),  Ben  Lomond  April  2011,  Anna  Muir 

Second  prize  The  Dubh  Lochan,  Loch  Lomondside,  John  Hume 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (2012)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  149-150 



Norman  Roy  Grist,  1918  -2010 

Nonnan  Roy  Grist  was  bom  in  Doncaster  on  9th  March 
1918.  His  inquisitive  mind  and  love  of  nature  was 
evident  at  an  early  age.  Among  his  childhood 
possessions  were  astronomy  books  and  a telescope. 
When  he  moved  to  Glasgow  as  a schoolboy  he  lived  in 
Shawlands  where  he  put  the  garden  to  good  use;  he  set 
up  a den  with  his  Meccano  set,  created  a museum  with 
a Great  Diving  Beetle  as  a central  exhibit,  and  made  an 
aquarium  in  a basin  with  snails,  beetles  and  tadpoles. 

At  Shawlands  Academy  he  excelled  academically, 
especially  in  Science.  He  expanded  his  love  of  music, 
made  many  friends  and  cycled  through  the  Highlands. 
He  became  Dux  of  the  school,  and  gained  a Bursary  to 
Glasgow  University  where  he  studied  for  a combined 
science  and  medical  career.  As  a student  at  the 
outbreak  of  war,  Roy  volunteered  to  help  man  a First 
Aid  Post  in  Pollokshaws  Baths.  He  graduated  BSc  in 
1939  and  MB,  ChB  in  1942. 

In  1941  he  met  his  future  wife  Mary.  During  many 
tennis  matches,  films,  theatre  visits  and  dances,  they 
got  to  know  each  other,  and  they  were  mamied  in  1942. 
Wartime  duties  and  university  studies  kept  them  apart 
for  much  of  the  war. 

After  completing  his  medical  studies,  Roy  embarked 
on  military  training  in  Leeds,  which  led  to  his 
involvement  in  the  D-Day  landings  as  a captain  in  the 
Royal  Medical  Corps.  He  went  from  the  beaches  of 
Normandy  through  Northern  France,  Belgium,  Holland 
and  through  to  the  Rhine,  enduring  many  hardships  of 
war,  and  later  went  on  to  serve  in  Palestine. 

Returning  to  Glasgow  in  1946  he  was  reunited  with 
Mary,  now  discharged  from  the  WAAF,  and  started 
what  became  an  internationally  renowned  medical 
career.  His  specialism  was  infectious  diseases,  at  which 
he  excelled.  He  pioneered  research  into  influenza  at 
Knightswood  and  Ruchill  Hospitals  in  Glasgow  which 
helped  to  improve  the  lives  of  many  Glaswegians. 
While  his  reputation  spread  internationally  he 

continued  with  his  love  of  natural  history;  for  example 
taking  great  delight  in  pointing  out  Kestrels  nesting  in 
the  tower  of  Ruchill  Hospital. 

By  1952  Roy  was  a lecturer  in  virus  diseases,  and 
became  head  of  the  Regional  Virus  Laboratory  at 
Ruchill  from  1958  to  1983.  He  became  closely 
involved  with  the  World  Health  Organisation, 
travelling  abroad  giving  lectures,  some  of  them  in  his 
fluent  French.  He  became  Professor  of  Infectious 
Diseases  at  Glasgow  University  in  the  mid  1960s. 
Meanwhile,  previous  collaboration  with  other  leading 
workers  in  the  field  led  to  the  formation  in  1967  of  the 
Communicable  Diseases  (Scotland)  Unit,  recognised  as 
a prime  example  of  a national  suiweillance  centre.  He 
was  honoured  by  the  Spanish  Government  for  his 
meticulous  study  (with  others)  of  the  Legionnaire's 
Disease  outbreak  in  Benidonn  in  1973. 

He  was  part  of  the  virology  initiative  in  creating  the 
first  virus  laboratory,  was  a founder  member  of  the  first 
university  virology  department  in  1962,  and  advised 
the  Western  Regional  Hospital  Board  from  1960  to 
1974.  He  was  a member  of  the  Expert  Advisory  Panel 
on  Virus  Diseases  to  the  WHO  from  1967  to  2001.  He 
developed  a diagnostic  and  epidemiological  service  in 
smallpox  and  polio. 

Roy  retired  in  1983  but  never  stopped  inquiring  and 
learning.  Roy's  life  with  Maiy  was  central;  they  shared 
many  interests  and  were  always  together.  They 
continued  various  activities  into  their  eighties, 
including  their  cottage  in  Arran  which  they  shared  with 
Malay's  brother  Angus  and  his  family.  For  40  years  they 
lived  in  their  home  at  Sydenham  Court,  where  they 
enjoyed  working  in  the  garden  and  watching  wildlife. 

They  were  both  keen  members  of  the  Glasgow  Natural 
History  Society  and  this  undoubtedly  played  a big  part 
in  their  lives.  Roy  was  President  of  the  GNHS  from 
1993  to  1996.  His  almost  obsessional  interest  in  natural 
history  was  demonstrated  at  a medical  colleague’s 
retirement  when  he  was  wearing  his  slug  tie  and  talked 
about  slugs  in  his  garage  from  the  starter  right  through 
to  the  coffee  with  no  problem  at  all.  His  passion  for 
wildlife  and  knowledge  generally  was  amazing.  He 
edited  the  GNHS  newsletter  for  many  years  until  2004, 
when  he  passed  it  over  in  very  good  shape  to  his 

Roy  and  Mary  were  very  sociable,  outgoing  people, 
and  it  was  with  great  sadness  to  Roy  that  Mary  passed 
away  in  2009.  Roy's  life  was  appreciated  greatly  by 
many  people.  He  lived  a good  life  and  the  world  was  a 
better  place  for  his  contribution  to  it.  Roy  spent  his 
final  year  in  the  Red  Cross  House  at  Erskine  Care 
Home.  Even  there  he  had  a computer  set  up  with  an 


internet  connection  and  would  still  send  contributions 
for  the  GNHS  newsletter! 

Roy  died  on  June  7th,  2010  at  the  age  of  92. 

David  Palmar 


Agnes  Walker  March  1930  - August  201 1 

Agnes  had  many  and  varied  interests,  and  as  a result 
had  acquired  friends  from  a variety  of  backgrounds. 
She  really  loved  people  and  greeted  acquaintances  so 
enthusiastically  whenever  she  met  them. 

Agnes  was  the  eldest  daughter  of  James  and  Elizabeth 
McDonald.  She  was  educated  at  Hutchesons'  Girls 
Grammar  School,  where  she  was  the  first  science  dux. 
Having  also  passed  her  music  grades  to  a high  standard 
she  chose  science  as  her  future.  Her  studies  at 

Glasgow  University  were  interrupted  for  a year  when 

she  contracted  TB,  so  she  settled  for  an  ordinary  B Sc. 
Her  first  post  was  at  the  National  Engineering 
Laboratory  in  East  Kilbride.  She  gave  up  work  to 
many  Nomian  Walker  and  raise  a family  - a daughter 
followed  by  three  sons.  She  spent  holidays  at  Nomian's 
second  home,  Abemethy  House,  which  later  became  a 
Christian  Outdoor  Centre.  While  there  she  made 

contact  with  the  outdoor  centre  at  Glenmore  Lodge, 
and  used  to  lead  students  from  Moray  House  on 

expeditions  to  the  Caimgonns  to  study  the  plant  life. 

Her  determination  to  continue  her  academic  studies  led 
to  the  breakdown  of  her  marriage.  She  worked  in  the 
Botany  Department  of  Glasgow  University  with  Dr  Jim 
Dickson  researching  the  ancient  history  of  bogs  and 
lochs  using  pollen  identification,  and  gained  an  M Sc. 
Her  PhD  was  in  a different  field  and  at  Belvidere 
Hospital  - the  reactions  of  tumours  (in  mice)  to 

The  post  of  Assistant  Keeper  of  Natural  History  at 
Kelvingrove  was  an  ideal  one  for  Agnes.  She  focussed 
on  the  botanical  side,  and  set  up  many  exhibitions,  one 
of  the  most  important  being  that  on  the  Scottish 
Thistle.  For  this  she  drove  to  Blair  Castle  and  was 
allowed  to  transport  in  the  boot  of  her  car  a valuable 
historic  painting  in  which  the  thistle  is  depicted.  During 
this  time  she  also  gave  lectures  on  Botany  and  Fungi 
for  the  adult  education  department  of  Glasgow 
University.  She  joined  the  Glasgow  Natural  History 
Society  in  1969  and  was  a member  of  Council  from 
1990  - 1992.  At  the  time  of  the  Glasgow  Garden 
Festival,  Agnes  designed  a poster  on  the  Classification 
of  Flowering  Plants,  which  was  published  by  the 
Natural  History  Museum  in  London. 

Having  been  a member  of  the  Botanical  Society  of  the 
British  Isles  for  some  years,  in  1989  she  was  appointed 
reeorder  for  vc  103,  Mid  Ebudes,  which  comprises  the 
islands  of  Mull,  Coll  and  Tiree.  She  organised  several 
recording  meetings  in  these  islands,  which  were 
attended  by  many  expert  botanists.  On  Tiree  the 
outdoor  centre  which  she  had  hoped  to  use  was  not 
ready,  but  Agnes  organised  a stone  bam  beside  the 
guest  house  to  be  supplied  with  electricity  and  tables 
set  up  with  microscopes  to  help  identification  of  plants 
in  the  evening.  On  the  last  night,  a ceilidh  was  held  in 
the  same  bam. 

After  she  retired  from  her  job  at  Kelvingrove,  Agnes 
took  a course  on  computing,  and  also  acquired  a 
knowledge  of  how  to  computerise  music.  Her 
technical  expertise  enabled  her  to  work  with  Dr 
Kenneth  Elliot  who  had  been  for  many  years  restoring 
the  works  of  Robert  Carver,  Scotland’s  greatest  16“ 
Cent.  Composer.  With  the  help  of  others  in  GU  music 
department  , he  succeeded  in  his  ambition  and  the 
eomplete  works  were  published  and  are  being  widely 

Through  friendship  with  Mrs  Dudgeon  of  Helmsdale 
who  started  the  herb  garden  at  Timespan  Museum  in 
Helmsdale,  Agnes  developed  a great  interest  in  herbs. 
She  researched  the  use  of  herbs  in  Scotland,  for  both 
medicinal  and  culinary  purposes.  This  resulted  in  the 
beautifully  illustrated  book  a “Garden  of  Herbs”.  The 
illustrations  were  from  Nicolas  Culpepper’s  Herbal  (no 
copyright  needed)  and  some  by  her  friend  Anita 
Peannan.  She  gave  a talk  on  this  subjeet  in  the  Royal 
College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons  of  Glasgow  and 
was  shown  a notebook  of  herbal  remedies  from  18“ 
Cent.  Scotland.  She  had  transcribed  this  for  issue  as  a 
CD  when  she  suffered  the  severe  stroke  which  put  an 
end  to  her  many  activities. 

Edna  Stewart 


The  Glasgow’  Naturalist  (online  20 1 2)  Volume  25,  Part  4,  151-155 


Blumea  - Biodiversity,  Evolution 
and  Biogeography  of  Plants 

Proceedings  of  the  Flora  Malesiana  Symposium 

National  Herbarium  of  the  Netherlands.  2009.  c.300 
pages,  colour  and  black  white  photographs,  softback. 
ISSN  0006-5196,  £102. 

“Flora  Malesiana”  is  a forum  for  the  entire  field  of 
Malesian  botany,  facilitating  the  exchange  of 
infonnation  and  producing  a variety  of  output  fonnats 
ranging  from  identification  lists  and  specimen 
databases  to  monographs,  biodiversity  assessments  and 
analysis  of  spatial  patterns  of  biodiversity.  It  is  hoped 
that  after  the  2007  Symposium  the  Flora  Malesiana 
Project  will  turn  into  one  of  the  first  mnning  mega 
flora  projects  to  become  truly  web-based  and 
interactive.  This  publication  consists  of  the 
presentations  given  at  the  2007  Symposium. 

Malesiana  is  recognised  as  a floristic  region.  It 
includes  the  South  Malay  peninsula,  Sumatra,  Java, 
Borneo  and  Sulawesi  and  islands  to  the  east  as  far  as 
New  Guinea.  Divisions  within  the  region  coirespond 
to  the  geological  history.  The  most  famous  division  is 
in  a western  and  eastern  sub-region,  separated  by 
Wallace’s  Line.  Wallace  found  a distinct  boundary 
between  the  Southeast  Asian-  and  the  New  Guinea- 
Australian  fauna,  located  east  of  the  Philippines, 
between  Borneo  and  Sulawesi  and  finally  between  Bali 
and  Lombok.  (Wallace  was  the  British  naturalist  who 
proposed  the  Theory  of  Evolution  simultaneously  with 

Although  this  publication  is  directed  towards 
professionals,  the  general  reader  can  find  much  of 
interest.  There  is  an  amazing  series  of  scanning 
electron  micrographs  of  pollen  grains  of  21  Phyllanthus 
species  found  in  the  Philippines  as  an  aid  to 

There  are  wonderful  photographs  of  flowers  of  the 
parasitic  Rafflesia  - some  species  of  which  include  the 
world’s  largest  flowers,  up  to  1.5  m.  diameter.  New 
species  are  still  being  discovered,  yet  the  lowland 
tropical  rain  forest  which  is  an  important  habitat  for 
many  species  of  Rafflesia  is  one  of  the  most  threatened 
forest  types  in  the  Philippines  and  other  tropical  areas. 
Even  in  protected  areas  such  as  the  Mt.  Kilanglad 
Range  Natural  Park,  unsustainable  ecotourism 
activities  can  damage  Rafflesia  plants  and  the  roots  of 
their  host  vines.  The  flowers  of  some  montane  species 
have  been  known  to  be  brought  down  from  the 
mountains  for  visitors  to  see  - greatly  endangering  the 
survival  of  these  populations. 

Two  botanists,  C.  Pendry  and  M.  Watson  based  at  the 
RBG  Edinburgh  have  been  working  on  the  Flora  of 

Nepal.  They  have  a paper  in  which  they  argue  that 
there  is  a significant  overlap  of  plant  species  and 
genera  between  Nepal  and  Malesia,  and  that  it  would 
be  advantageous  to  workers  on  the  Floras  of  each 
region  to  cooperate  with  each  other,  allowing  transfer 
of  expertise  and  speeding  up  the  preparation  of 

Throughout  this  publication  and  especially  under  the 
heading  of  Conservation  Studies,  one  is  aware  of  the 
rate  at  which  the  tropical  rain  forests  arc  disappearing 
due  to  logging  and  mining.  As  more  information  on 
the  flora  of  this  endangered  habitat  is  gathered,  perhaps 
there  will  be  more  effort  to  save  what  is  left. 

Edna  Stewart 

Mayfly  larvae  (Ephemeroptera)  of 
Britian  and  Ireland:  keys  and  a 
review  of  their  ecology 

J.M.  Elliott  and  U.H.Humpesch 

Freshwater  Biological  Association  Scientific 
Publication  No.  66,  Ambleside,  Cumbria.  152  pages, 
soft  back  illustrated  with  colour  photographs,  diagrams 
and  drawings.  ISBN  978-0-900386-78-7,  £27.00. 

From  the  FBA  stable  comes  another  publication  which 
is  only  partly  an  update  of  an  earlier  key  on  mayfly 
larvae.  The  other  part  is  a comprehensive  account  of 
their  ecology  with  a massive  bibliography  of  primaiy 
sources.  Added  information  is  given  on  Red  Data  Book 
status  and  a list  of  anglers’  names.  A pictorial  key  to 
families  accompanied  by  whole  habitat  drawings  of 
typical  examples  with  realistic  backgrounds  give  users 
a high  degree  of  confidence  in  correct  assignation. 

As  is  often  the  case  with  insects,  naming  ones  captured 
to  species  level  in  several  cases  requires  patience 
involving  microscope  work.  The  utility  of  mayflies  in 
water  quality  assessment  is  well  known.  This  requires 
accurate  species  identification  and  knowledge  of  their 
individual  ecologies.  This  new  publication  provides  for 
that  process.  The  discussion  of  various  mayfly  studies 
in  the  context  of  stream  drift  is  of  interest.  The 
principal  author  pioneered  the  British  side  of 
investigations  into  drift,  in  which  the  Ephemeroptera 
are  a prominent  part,  starting  in  1965.  All  the  aspects 
covered  in  this  work  are  comprehensively  sourced;  one 
rather  encyclopaedic  sentence  is  accompanied  by 
references  to  60  scientific  papers. 

E.  Geoffrey  Hancock 


Lost  Land  of  the  Dodo 

Anthony  Cheke  and  Julian  Hume 

T & A D Poyser,  London  2008,  464pp  hardback  with 
numerous  figures,  illustrations  and  maps,  including  a 
series  of  colour  paintings  of  extinct  and  living  species. 
ISBN  978  0 7136  6544,  £45 

The  Dodo  must  be  the  most  famous  of  all  extinct  birds. 
But  it  is  only  the  sad  flagship  for  a whole  wildlife 
community  that  once  existed  on  the  islands  of 
Mauritius,  Reunion  and  Rodriguez  in  the  Indian  Ocean, 
and  which  has  been  destroyed  or  severely  disrupted  by 
human  settlement.  This  book  is  more  than  just  another 
account  of  wildlife  on  a tropical  holiday  destination.  It 
is  a major  study  of  the  impact  and  histoiy  of  human 
settlement  on  island  wildlife.  The  islands  were 
uninhabited  when  first  discovered  and  so  the 
remarkable  animals  and  plants  found  there  had  evolved 
in  the  absence  of  human  contact.  The  islands  were  also 
on  a major  trading  route  from  Europe  to  the  Far  East 
and  so  soon  became  visited  by  many  passing  sailing 
ships  for  water  and  supplies.  Crucially,  the  first  sailors 
and  settlers  to  arrive  there  have  left  good  records  of 
what  they  found  and  saw.  So  there  are  better  accounts 
of  what  happened  to  the  dozens  of  species  of  giant 
tortoises,  birds  and  bats  which  became  extinct,  and  the 
habitat  changes  that  man  brought  about,  than  for  any 
other  island  archipelago  in  the  world. 

Darwin  visited  for  a few  days  in  1836  but  already  by 
then  the  native  species  were  so  rare  that  Darwin  never 
saw  any  - the  only  animals  he  found  were  introduced 
species.  This  will  be  the  definitive  account  of  the 
history  and  fate  of  wildlife  in  the  Mascarene  islands. 
One  of  the  authors,  Anthony  Cheke,  has  had  a lifetime 
fascination  with  the  islands  and  his  deep  passion  and 
commitment  shine  through  this  book.  Both  authors  are 
research  scientists  but  unusually  they  can  convey  their 
infonnation  in  a most  lively  and  often  amusing  way. 
This  book  is  a genuine  delight  to  read,  always  turning 
up  strange  and  fascinating  stories  and  facts.  It  is  also  a 
work  of  real  scholarship.  There  are  no  less  than  128 
pages  of  appendices  and  chapter  notes.  This  might 
sound  profoundly  dull  but  they  contain  so  many 
strange  and  unexpected  delights  that  you  soon  find 
yourself  browsing  for  more.  It  is  not  intended  as  a 
holiday  guide  to  the  wildlife  but  anyone  taking  a 
holiday  to  the  islands  with  a serious  interest  in  wildlife 
will  find  this  book  infinitely  rewarding.  It  is  also  not  a 
totally  bleak  story.  The  book  contains  a chapter  by 
Carl  Jones  on  the  development  and  successes  of  the 
conservation  movement  in  Mauritius  and  the  many 
success  stories  in  species  recovery  and  habitat 
restoration.  Highly  recommended. 

David  Houston 

The  Encyclopedia  of  Birds 

Edited  by  Christopher  Perrins 

Oxford  University  Press,  Oxford,  2009,  656  pages, 
paperback  with  colour  illustrations,  distribution  maps 
and  scale  drawings.  ISBN  978-0-19-956800,  £19.99. 

This  is  quite  a heavy  tome,  at  656  quarto  pages,  printed 
on  quality  paper  and  full  of  illustrations.  It  covers  the 
bird  families  of  the  entire  world,  and  was  issued  in 
paperback  form  in  September  2009.  The  editor, 
Christopher  Perrins,  is  a fellow  of  Wolfson  College, 
Oxford,  was  Professor  of  Ornithology  at  Oxford  for  10 
years  and  is  a Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society. 

Written  by  an  international  team  of  experts,  it  reflects 
the  latest  developments  in  zoology. 

Accompanied  by  a comprehensive  index,  giving  both 
common  and  scientific  names,  it  covers  bird  families 
rather  than  individual  species  in  detail. 

In  order  to  sec  what  to  expect  of  this  book,  1 looked  up 
a couple  of  common  British  species. 

The  Stoncchat  is  merely  mentioned  once,  as  part  of  a 
treatment  of  behaviour  in  thrushes,  and  is  said  to 
defend  its  territory  vigorously  against  potential 

Look  in  the  index  under  Golden  Eagle,  and  you  will 
find  no  index  entry.  Under  Eagle,  Golden,  you  are 
redirected  to  Aquila  chiysaetoc,  rather  than  the  usual 
chiysaelos,  which  is  also  mentioned  elsewhere.  Once  at 
the  several  pages  on  the  Hawks,  Eagles  and  Old  World 
Vultures,  one  learns  about  the  Golden  Eagle  only  that: 

• Eagles  of  the  genus  Aquila  feed  on  live  prey  as 
well  as  carrion,  and  about  siblicide  in  which  the 
older  of  two  chicks  nonnally  kills  the  younger  one. 

• Home  ranges  of  the  Golden  Eagle  vaiy  in  size 
between  4500  and  7300  hectares. 

• Certain  nest  sites  are  used  for  at  least  a centuiy, 
and  the  nests  may  grow  to  an  enonnous  size. 

So,  anyone  expecting  a page  or  a set  of  pages  about  a 
particular  species  will  be  disappointed.  Despite  the 
capacious  nature  of  this  tome,  there  is,  necessarily  and 
understandably  (although  also  perhaps 
disappointingly),  no  coverage  of  individual  species,  but 
only  of  a whole  family  at  a time.  Since  the  scope  of  the 
book  is  the  entire  World,  this  is  perhaps  hardly 

Rather  than  species  accounts,  the  treatment  is  themed 
within  the  chapters  about  Families.  It  is  these  themes 
(behavioural  and  conseiwation  topics)  which  make  the 
book  very  readable,  rather  than  being  a species  by 
species  treatment.  Themes  to  do  with  Hawks,  Eagles 
and  Old  World  Vultures  include  such  topics  as  “Death 
on  Wings”,  “Couples  and  Colonies”,  “Nowhere  to 
Nest”,  “Top  Predators  at  Risk”,  or  “Preying  on 
Livestock”.  The  Factfile  which  accompanies  each 
chapter  lists  the  distribution,  habitat,  plumage,  voice, 
eggs,  diet  and  conservation  status  of  a Family. 

In  conclusion,  anyone  could  pick  up  this  book  and  be 
delighted  with  a readable  account  of  groups  of  bird 


species,  provided  that  one  is  prepared  to  rest  this  heavy 
tome  somewhere  convenient.  It  is  hardly  a laptop  or 
bedside  reading  book!  The  photographs  of 
representative  species  of  each  family  arc  stunning,  and 
the  book  is  good  value  for  its  size  and  comprehensive 
nature,  and  worth  having  for  the  photographs  alone. 

David  Palmar 

An  Odyssey  with  Animals:  A 
Veterinarian’s  Reflections  on  the 
Animal  Rights  & Welfare  Debate 

Adrian  R.  Morrison. 

Oxford  University  Press,  2009.  288  pages,  hardback. 
ISBN  978-0-19-537444-5,  £19.99 

Adrian  Morrison  is  an  American  veterinaiy  surgeon 
who  is  now  Professor  Emeritus  of  Behavioural 
Neuroscience  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania’s 
Veterinary  Medical  School.  It  was  here  that  he  became 
widely  known  for  his  research  into  REM  sleep  using 
cats.  ( REM  is  a phase  in  sleep  associated  with  rapid 
eye  movement). 

In  the  introduction  the  author  explains  how  an  attack 
on  his  laboratory  by  animal  rights  activists  in  1990, 
was  the  catalyst  which  ultimately  caused  him  to  write 
this  most  interesting  and  veiy  readable  book,  which  at 
first  glance  appears  to  be  a comparatively  slim  volume, 
but  which  in  content  is  far  from  slim.  “An  Odyssey 
with  Animals”  is  exactly  what  it  says  on  its  well 
designed  dust  jacket  : “A  veterinarian’s  Reflections  on 
the  Animal  Rights  and  Welfare  Debate”. 

In  the  early  part  of  the  book  the  reader  is  lead  into  the 
world  of  the  experimental  laboratory  where  the 
findings  are  discussed  and  explained.  That  Moirison 
loves  his  work  is  clear,  as  is  the  frustration  and 
depression  that  followed  the  attack  on  his  laboratory. 
He  describes  the  Animal  Rights  Societies  in  the  USA 
as  being  large,  wealthy  and  powerful  organisations, 
whose  extremist  members  are  regarded  by  the  FBI  as; 
“one  of  today’s  most  serious  domestic  teiTorism 
threats.”  (page  7). 

He  admits  that  at  one  time,  along  with  other  scientists 
involved  in  biomedical  research,  he  was  reluctant  to 
stand  up  and  be  counted,  such  was  the  perceived  threat 
from  some  such  organisations.  His  attitude  has  now 
changed  however,  as  has  his  acceptance  that  many 
moderate  Welfare  Societies  can  be  a force  for  good. 

As  he  reflects  on  animal  welfare  as  a whole  and  on  the 
use  of  animals  in  biomedical  research  in  particular, 
Morrison  makes  a strong  case  for  their  continued  use  in 
this  type  of  research.  It  is  his  contention  that  medical 
knowledge  cannot  progress  without  the  use  of  animals 
at  some  stage  and  he  reminds  the  reader  of  the  huge 
benefits  there  have  been  to  the  health  of  humans  and 
animals  alike,  thanks  to  such  research.  He  goes  on  to 
point  out  that  effective  legislation  has  been  in  place 
since  1985  in  the  USA  to  ensure  that  animal 
experimentation  is  earned  out  in  a humane  manner  and 

in  approved  laboratories  which  are  regularly  inspected 
by  the  authorities.  America  has  in  this  respect 
followed  the  lead  of  the  UK,  which  had  such  laws  in 
place  more  than  a century  before.  Efforts  are  now 
made  to  keep  animal  experiments  to  a minimum  and  to 
use  analgesics  (pain  relieving  drugs)  even  when  the 
animal  is  showing  no  overt  sign  of  pain.  There  can  be 
no  doubt  that  Mondson  loves  animals.  There  are  many 
references  to  his  pet  cat  Buster.  It  is  his  contention, 
and  I agree,  that  animals  cannot  contemplate  their  own 
death.  Were  this  to  be  otherwise  Moirison  says  he 
could  not  have  conducted  the  research  he  did. 

The  many  other  uses  man  makes  of  animals  are 
considered  as  are  the  ways  in  which  these  are  viewed. 
As  someone  who  spent  his  boyhood  on  a farm, 
Morrison’s  perception  of  what  is  or  is  not  good  practice 
may  differ  from  that  of  many  young  people  of  today, 
whose  understanding  and  experience  of  the  countryside 
may  now  be  remote.  He  does  express  concem  that  in 
the  world  of  food  production,  commercial 
considerations  will  sometimes  take  precedence  over 
that  of  animal  welfare.  I agree,  and  believe  that  the 
poultiy  industiy  on  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic  may  be 
an  example  of  this. 

In  the  final  part  of  the  Odyssey  we  return  to  the 
Welfare  Debate,  this  time  with  the  “Philosophers”. 
Here  the  author  discusses  the  views  of  those  with 
whom  he  most  strongly  disagrees,  using  quotations 
from  the  writings  of  many  erudite  individuals  to 
support  his  own  arguments.  Morrison  has  by  now, 
however,  modified  some  of  his  opinions  and,  to 
illustrate  this,  tells  of  how  he  had  even  invited  a new  “ 
animal  rightist”  friend  (page  221 ) to  deliver  a lecture  to 
his  students. 

This  is  a most  thoughtful  and  thought  provoking  book. 
It  is  veiy  well  written  and  researched.  (There  are  more 
than  three  hundred  references.)  1 recommend  it, 
in  particular  to  anyone  with  a scientific  background. 

Margaret  Stead 

The  World  from  Beginnings  to  4000 


Ian  Tattersall 

New  Oxford  World  History,  Oxford  University  Press, 
Oxford  2008,  143  pp  hardback  with  b & w illustrations 
and  photographs.  ISBN  978  0 19  516712  2 hardback 
£10.99  and  978  0 19  533315  2 paperback. 

Despite  the  rather  misleading  title,  this  is  a book  on 
human  evolution.  Yet  another.  There  are  so  many 
books  in  this  field  that  the  first  question  must  be,  what 
does  this  one  offer  thatn  the  others  don't.  One  answer 
is  brevity  - at  only  about  a hundred  pages  it  offers  a 
snappy  introduction  that  is  also  authoritative  and 
reasonably  up  to  date.  The  author  is  a prolific  research 
scientist  on  the  human  fossil  record  and  curator  of 
Anthropology  at  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 


History.  Perhaps  we  should  also  add  that  it  is  eheap! 
The  book  is  part  of  an  OUP  series  on  World  History 
and  is  clearly  aimed  at  the  general  reader  who  may  be 
new  to  biology.  So  there  are  general  introductions  to 
the  process  of  evolution,  how  fossils  are  fonned  and 
how  animals  are  classified.  It  gives  a good  summary  of 
the  key  stages  in  human  evolution,  dealing  with 
infomiation  from  DNA  and  other  molecular  techniques 
as  well  as  the  classic  fossil  and  archaeological 
evidence.  The  book  is  clearly  written  and  docs  provide 
a handy  and  accessible  introduction  to  what  can  be  a 
rather  complicated  story. 

David  Houston 

Wildlife  Around  Glasgow.  50 
Remarkable  Sites  to  Explore 

Richard  Sutcliffe  and  over  40  other  authors 

Glasgow  Museums,  2010.  176  pages,  softback,  ISBN 
0902752960,  £9.99. 

This  is  an  excellent  and  inexpensive  book  that  caters 
for  a wide  range  of  tastes.  Don't  be  put  off  by  its 
initial  appearance  which  may  remind  you  of  Glasgow 
Corporation  and  its  associated  political  coiTcctness. 
The  format  resembles  “Archaeology  Around  Glasgow; 
50  Remarkable  Sites  to  Visit”  also  published  by 
Glasgow  Museums.  In  the  wildlife  book  those 
interested  in  natural  history  will  find  a remarkable 
depth  of  knowledge  and  be  continually  suipriscd  by 
new  aspects  of  a wide  range  of  natural  history, 
including  geology  and  soils,  as  well  as  animals,  plants, 
fungi  and  trees.  If  on  the  other  hand  you  want  to  know 
about  green  and  pleasant  places  to  go  for  a walk  in  that 
arc  reached  easily  from  Glasgow,  this  book  is  also 

On  Christmas  day  every  year,  rather  than  spend  all  the 
day  indoors,  I like  to  go  somewhere  to  take  exercise 
with  my  family.  It  has  to  be  reasonably  accessible  and 
not  too  rough  ground.  Reading  the  book  gave  a wide 
choice  of  venues  and  we  chose  this  year  to  go  to 
Ardmore  Point  near  Cardross  on  the  Clyde  Estuaiy. 
This  turned  out  to  be  a 3km  walk  around  a coastal 
promontory  with  great  views  on  all  sides  and  amazing 
sea  birds  in  large  numbers.  The  book  describes  its 
interesting  geology  but  we  will  have  to  return  on  a 
warmer  day  when  the  rocks  are  not  covered  in  snow. 
The  place  is  suiprisingly  wild  and  natural,  including 
the  thick  gorsc  that  impedes  progress  at  one  point  in 
the  walk. 

The  other  site  near  my  home  in  the  book  is  Loch  Libo. 
The  loch  itself  is  a half  mile  long  and  is  in  the  valley, 
sun'ounded  by  trees,  just  beside  Uplawmoor.  I thought 
I knew  about  its  wildlife  (clumps  of  aspen,  tufted 
sedges,  bogbean,  an  assortment  of  ducks,  grebes  and 
Whooper  swans),  but  it  turns  out  there  are  many  other 
fomis  of  life  I had  not  seen  (more  sedges,  a poisonous 
plant  called  cowbane  and  water  voles  which  arc  now 
rare  in  Scotland).  The  site  is  owned  by  Scottish  Natural 

Heritage  and  you  also  have  to  cross  the  railway  line  to 
get  in  to  it,  which  puts  many  people  off,  so  you  are 
unlikely  to  meet  anyone  except  a few  fishennen. 
Without  a guidebook  like  this  you  might  miss  it,  which 
would  be  a shame. 

An  interesting  part  of  this  book  is  the  Introduction.  It 
provides  intriguing  infomiation  about  the  local  history 
of  Glasgow  landscapes  since  the  ice  age.  I was  unaware 
that  6,000  years  ago  our  climate  went  through  a period 
when  it  was  both  hotter  and  drier  than  it  is  now;  at  that 
time  it  was  mainly  covered  by  forest.  This  is  not  to  be 
confused  with  the  medieval  period  about  1,000  years 
ago  when  there  was  another,  but  slightly  less 
pronounced,  warm  period  compared  to  the  present.  The 
main  changes  in  plants  and  animals  are  described, 
some  of  which  arc  recent.  The  large  amounts  of  de- 
icing salt  put  on  roads  during  the  winter  has  given  rise 
to  the  presence  of  salt-tolerant  grasses,  that  otherwise 
grow  near  the  sea,  along  motorways  and  bus  routes. 

A Student’s  Guide  to  the  Seashore 
(third  edition) 

J D.  Fish  & S.  Fish 

Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge.  2011.  527 
pages,  paperback  with  408  line  drawings  and  32  colour 
plates.  ISBN  978-0-521-72059-5,  £35. 

‘Fish  & Fish’  has  been  a successful  guide  to  the 
seashore  because  it  meets  the  needs  of  a varied 
readership.  As  both  an  identification  guide  and  a source 
of  information  on  the  biology  of  littoral  organisms,  it 
has  proved  useful  to  students,  secondary  and  tertiary 
educators,  and  amateur  naturalists.  The  second  edition 
was  “the  first  choice  of  students  of  marine  biology  in 
NW  Europe”,  according  to  the  publisher.  The  third 
edition,  appearing  after  a 15  year  gap,  is  likely  to 
maintain  this  position.  It  covers  more  species  than  did 
the  previous  two  editions  (over  650,  compared  with  the 
second  edition’s  600  and  the  first’s  500),  and  now 
includes  introduced  species,  such  as  the  invasive 
wireweed  Sargasswn  muticinn  and  caipet  sea-squirt 
Dideimnim  vexiUum  (both  now  present  in  the  Firth  of 
Clyde);  the  taxonomy  and  the  biological  information 
on  individual  species  have  been  updated;  and  the  book 
is  “now  enhanced”  with  32  colour  plates. 

The  general  format  of  the  previous  editions  has  been 
retained.  After  a brief  introduction  to  tides  and 
different  shore  types,  there  is  an  “Illustrated  Guide”  in 
the  fomi  of  an  identification  key  enabling  organisms  to 
be  quickly  assigned  to  a phylum  and  class,  which  has 
been  reorganised  and  made  more  user  friendly.  The  rest 
of  the  book  is  a series  of  chapters,  each  devoted  to  a 
major  plant  group  or  animal  phylum  and  including 
dichotomous  keys  to  families  (where  appropriate)  and 
species.  The  diagnostic  features  of  each  species  are 
described  and  an  overview  of  its  biology  is  provided. 


Changes  in  the  formatting  of  the  headings,  such  as  all 
headings  being  in  a sans  serif  font  and  class  and  sub- 
class names  being  ‘boxed’,  are  improvements  that 
make  it  easier  for  readers  to  find  their  way  around  the 
third  edition  than  the  previous  two.  Most  species  are 
still  illustrated  with  detailed  and  accurate  line 
drawings.  Although  there  are  a few  entirely  new 
drawings,  and  some  new  labelling  and  insets  have  been 
added  to  others,  the  majority  remain  unchanged,  except 
that  they  are  now  set  against  a pale  grey  background. 
Whilst  no  doubt  the  latter  feature  has  been  introduced 
to  give  the  book  a more  contemporary  appearance,  it 
has  unfortunately  resulted  in  a slight  reduction  in  the 
sharpness  of  the  drawings,  which  made  me  wonder 
why  aesthetic  design  considerations  should  have  taken 
priority  over  scientific  clarity.  The  first  edition 
included  four  colour  plates,  which  were  omitted  in  the 
second  edition.  The  return  of  colour  in  the  fonn  of  32 
plates  (including  some  photographs  carried  over  from 
the  first  edition)  is  a welcome  bonus,  perhaps  made 
affordable  by  the  economics  of  digital  technology; 
some  groups,  such  as  the  lichens,  are  illustrated  only  in 
colour  photographs,  and  distinctions  between  certain 
easily  confused  species,  notably  limpets,  are  clarified. 
It  is  regrettable  that,  as  in  the  previous  editions,  no 
scale-bars  are  given  in  any  line  drawings  or 
photographs.  The  authors  continue  to  justify  this  by 
stating  that  sizes  are  included  in  the  diagnostic 
information.  However,  this  is  not  always  the  case  (e.g. 
there  are  no  indications  of  size  for  the  majority  of 
lichens),  and  to  identify  some  organisms  you  have  to 
oscillate  between  keys,  diagnostic  infonnation  and 
drawings  all  on  different  pages.  The  presence  of  scale- 
bars  would  have  eliminated  the  need  for  at  least  some 
of  this  page  flipping.  This  is  a minor  initation,  which 
does  not  detract  from  the  overall  usefulness  of  the 

‘Fish  & Fish’  is  too  big  and  heavy  to  be  practicable  as 
an  aid  to  identifying  specimens  in  the  field,  and  so,  on 
this  score  an5rway,  it  cannot  compete  with  any  of  the 
currently  available  pocket-sized  identification  guides.  It 
can,  however,  be  recommended  unreservedly  for 
indoor-based  identification  work  and  as  a preliminary 
source  of  information  on  the  life-cycle  and  ecology  of 
individual  seashore  organisms. 

Iain  C.  Wilkie 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist  (online  2012)  Volume  25,  157-158 

Proceedings  2010 

The  chair,  place,  lecturer’s  name  and  title  of  lecture  are 
given  for  most  meetings.  GKB  - Graham  Kerr 
Building.  All  meetings  were  well  attended. 

O*  January 

Visit  to  University  of  Glasgow  Library  to  see  natural 
history  books  in  their  special  collection. 

IS***  January 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Rosin  Campbell- 
Palmer,  “Re-introducing  beavers  to  Scotland”.  Held 
jointly  with  Glasgow  University  Zoological  Society. 

9“*  February 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Heather  McHaffie, 
“Scottish  plants  at  the  Royal  Botanic 
Gardens,  Edinburgh”. 

23’'*’  February 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  80'*’  AGM  followed  by  a lecture 
from  Debbie  McNeill,  “Great  crested  newts  in 
Scotland,  and  the  Gartcosh  translocation”. 

9***  March 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Members’  photographic  night. 
Preceded  by  a tutorial  from  Jeanne  Robinson, 
“Orthoptera  - grasshoppers  and  their  allies”. 

13“*  April 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  held  jointly  with 
Hamilton  NHS  and  Paisley  NHS  from  Mel  Tonkin, 
“Red  squirrels”.  Preceded  by  a tutorial  from  Eilidh 
Spence,  “The  Glasgow  Living  Water  Project”. 

11***  May 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Willie  Yeomans, 

“Clyde  River  Trust”. 


Including  the  summer  social  20  day  excursions  and  2 
weekend  excursions  were  held  throughout  the  year. 

14***  September 

GKB.  Exhibition  meeting  with  wine  and  cheese. 

6th  October 

GKB.  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  lecture  and  presidential 
address  from  Roger  Downie,  “Adventures  with 

30“*  and3f‘  October 

Weekend  Conference  on  Urban  Biodiversity. 

9***  November 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Sarah  Cleveland, 
“Wildlife  disease  research  in  Africa:  protecting  the 
health  of  parks  and  people”.  Preceded  by  tutorials 

from  Maggie  Reilly  and  Anne  Orchardson  on 
“Elizabeth  Gray’s  fossils  and  Hannah  Robertson’s 
marine  biology”. 

IS***  November 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Shanan  Tobe, 
“Tigers  and  Leopards  and  Bears,  Oh 
My!!  Identification  of  Endangered  species  in 
Traditional  East  Asian  Medicines”.  Held  jointly  with 
Glasgow  University  Zoological  Society. 

14“*  December 

Christmas  Dinner  at  Cafe  Connect  followed  by  a talk 
from  David  Hawker,  “An  island 
biosphere:  Menorca’s  plants”. 

Officers  and  Council  elected  at  the  2010  AGM 

Roger  Downie,  BSc,  PhD 

Vice  Presidents 
John  Knowler,  PhD 
Bob  Gray,  BSc,  MBiol 

Lindsay  Gemmell 
Susan  Putter 

General  Secretary 
Mary  Child,  BSc,  MEd 

Lynn  Diinnachie  Council  Meetings 
Anne  Orchardson  Minute  Book 
Avril  Walkinshaw  Social 
Roger  Downie  Winter  programme 


Morag  Mackinnon,  BA,  BSc 

Membership  Secretary 
Richard  Weddle,  BSc 


Janet  Palmar,  BSc,  PhD 
Pam  Murdoch  - Assistant 


Dominic  McCafferty,  BSc,  PhD 
Newsletter  Editor 

David  Palmar,  MA,  Dip  Ed,  Dip  Comp  Ed 

Section  Convenors 
Richard  Weddle  Bio-recording 
Edna  Stewart  Botany 
Anne  Orchardson  Excursions 


David  Palmar  Ornithology 
David  Palmar  Photography 

BLB  Executive 

President,  Secretary,  Treasurer 

Scientific  Advisors  Peter  Maepherson  FRCP.  FRCR. 

DTDC,  FLS  and  John  Knowler 

Technical  advisor  Richard  Weddle 

Proceedings  2011 

The  chair,  place,  lecturer’s  name  and  title  of  lecture  are 
given  for  most  meetings.  GK.B  - Graham  Kerr 
Building.  All  meetings  were  well  attended. 

1 1"' January 

Roger  Downic,  GKB.  Tutorial  and  lecture  from  Colin 
Wolfe,  “Inspired  by  the  natural  world”. 


Paisley  Museum.  Joint  lecture  with  Paisley  NHS. 

8*'’  February 

Roger  Downie,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Keith  Watson, 
“Flora  of  Renfrew”.  Preceded  by  a tutorial  from  Zara 
Gladman  on  crayfish. 

22"*'  February 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  8L'  AGM  followed  by  a lecture 
from  Richard  Tipping,  “Moments  of  crisis:  past 
climatic  changes  and  their  impacts  in  Scotland”. 

8"'  March 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Members'  photographic  night. 
Preceded  by  a tutorial  from  Tom  Prescott, 

“Biodiversity  and  management  of  aspen”. 

12'"  April 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Lecture  from  lain  Wilkie, 
“Autotomy  and  other  animal  detachment  mechanisms 
in  the  home,  garden  and  beyond” 

10'"  May 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Barbara  Mable, 
“Evolution  of  plant  reproductive  systems  in  changing 
environments”.  Preceded  by  a tutorial  from  Jon  Barnes 
on  intertidal  Scottish  crabs. 


Including  the  summer  social  24  day  excursions  and  2 
weekend  excursions  were  held  throughout  the  year. 

20'"  September 

GKB.  Exhibition  meeting  with  wine  and  cheese. 
October  ll'" 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Scott  Wilson, 
“Introduced  tree  species  in  Scottish  forests:  recruits, 
renegades  or  refugees?”.  Preceded  by  a tutorial  from 
Roy  Watling,  “In  the  footsteps  of  Frederick  Klotzch: 
fungi  and  mycologists  past  and  present”. 

8'"  November 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Lecture  from  Keith  Cohen, 
“The  bats  of  Scotland  and  Trinidad”.  Preceded  by  a 
tutorial  from  Crispin  Hayes,  “Working  towards  a 
revival  of  the  Clyde  Valley  orchards”. 

16'"  November 

Barbara  Mable,  GKB.  Blodwen  Lloyd  Binns  Lecture 
from  Richard  Abbott,  “Plant  speciation  in  action  in  the 
UK:  tales  of  the  unexpected”. 

13'"  December.  Christmas  Dinner  at  Cafe  Connect 
followed  by  a talk  from  David  Bradley  and  Emily 
Waddell,  “A  contrast  in  expedition  locations:  Iceland 
and  Peru”. 

Officers  and  Council  elected  at  the  201 1 AGM 

Barbara  Mable  BSc  MSC  PhD 

Vice  Presidents 

Bob  Gray  BSC  MlBiol 
Roger  Downie  BSC  PhD 


Lindsay  Gemmcll 
Susan  Flitter 

General  Secretary 
Mary  Child,  BSc,  MEd 

Lynn  Dunnachie  Council  Meetings 
Anne  Orchardson  Minute  Book 
Avril  Walkinshaw  Social 
Roger  Downie  Winter  programme 


Morag  Mackinnon,  BA,  Bsc 

Membership  Secretary 

Richard  Weddle,  BSc 


Janet  Palmar,  BSc,  PhD 
Pam  Murdoch  - Assistant 



Dominic  McCafferty,  BSc,  PhD 

Newsletter  Editor 

David  Palmar,  MA,  Dip  Ed,  Dip  Comp  Ed 

Section  Convenors 
Richard  Weddle  Bio-recording 
Edna  Stewart  Botany 
Anne  Orchardson  Excursions 
David  Palmar  Ornithology 
David  Palmar  Photography 
George  Paterson  Zoology 

BLB  Executive 

President,  Secretary,  Treasurer 

Scientific  Advisors  Peter  Macpherson  FRCP.  FRCR, 

DTDC,  FLS  and  Roger  Downie 

Technical  advisor  Richard  Weddle 

Financial  Advisor  Bob  Gray 


The  Glasgow  Naturalist 

Advice  to  Contributors 

1.  The  Glasgow  Naturalist  publishes  articles,  short 
notes  and  book  reviews.  All  articles  are  peer  reviewed 
by  a minimum  of  two  reviewers.  The  subject  matter  of 
articles  and  short  notes  should  concern  the  natural 
history  of  Scotland  in  all  its  aspects,  including 
historical  treatments  of  natural  historians.  Details  of 
the  journal  can  be  found  at 

2.  Full  papers  should  not  normally  exceed  20  printed 
pages.  They  should  be  headed  by  the  title  and  author, 
postal  and  email  address.  Any  references  cited  should 
be  listed  in  alphabetical  order  under  the  heading 
References.  All  papers  must  contain  a short  abstract 
summarising  the  work.  The  text  should  normally  be 
divided  into  sections  with  sub-headings  such  as 
Introduction,  Methods,  Results,  Discussion  and 
Acknowledgements . 

3.  Short  notes  should  not  normally  exceed  one  page  of 
A4  single-spaced.  They  should  be  headed  by  the  title 
and  author's  name,  postal  and  email  address.  Any 
references  cited  should  be  listed  in  alphabetical  order 
under  the  heading  References.  There  should  be  no 
other  sub-headings.  Any  acknowledgements  should  be 
given  as  a sentence  before  the  references.  Short  notes 
may  cover,  for  example,  new  locations  for  a species, 
rediscoveries  of  old  records,  ringed  birds  recovered, 
occurrences  known  to  be  rare  or  unusual,  interesting 
localities  not  usually  visited  by  naturalists,  and 
preliminary  observations  designed  to  stimulate  more 
general  interest. 

4.  References  should  be  given  in  full  according  to  the 
following  style: 

Pennie,  I.D.  (1951).  Distribution  of  Capercaillie  in 
Scotland.  Scottish  Naturalist  63,  4-17. 

Wheeler,  A.  (1975).  Fishes  of  the  World.  Femdale 
Editions,  London. 

Grist,  N.R.  & Bell,  E.J  (1996).  Enteroviruses.  Pp.  381- 
90  In:  Weatherall,  D.J.  (editor).  Oxford  Textbook  of 
Medicine.  Oxford  University  Press,  Oxford. 

5.  An  organism’s  genus  and  species  should  be  given  in 
italics  when  first  mentioned.  Thereafter  the  common 
name  is  only  required.  Please  use  lower  case  initial 
letters  for  all  common  names  e.g.  wood  avens, 
blackbird;  unless  the  comro.on  name  includes  a 
normally  capitalised  proper  name  e.g.  Kemp's  ridley 
turtle.  The  nomenclature  of  vascular  plants  should 
follow  Stace,  C.A.  (1997).  The  new  Flora  of  the 
British  Isles,  (Second  Edition).  Cambridge  University 
Press,  Cambridge.  Normal  rules  of  zoological 
nomenclature  apply.  When  stating  distribution,  it  may 
be  appropriate  to  give  information  by  vice-county. 

6.  All  papers,  including  electronic  versions,  must  be 
prepared  on  A4,  double  spaced  throughout,  with 
margins  of  25mm,  with  12  point  Times  New  Roman 
font.  Tables  and  the  legends  to  figures  should  be  typed 
separately  and  attached  to  the  end  of  the  manuscript. 
The  Editor  can  make  arrangements  to  have  hand- 
v/ritten  manuscripts  typed  if  necessary. 

7.  Tables  are  numbered  in  arabic  numerals  e.g.  Table  1. 
These  should  be  double-spaced  on  separate  sheets  with 
a title  and  short  explanatory  paragraph  underneath. 

8.  Line  drawings  and  photographs  are  numbered  in 
sequence  in  arabic  numerals  e.g.  Fig.  1.  If  an 
illustration  has  more  than  one  part,  each  should  be 
identified  as  9 (a),  (b)  etc.  They  should  be  supplied  as 
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for  illustrations  should  be  typed  on  a separate  sheet. 
Photographs  are  normally  printed  in  black  and  white, 
however  the  Editor  is  able  to  accept  a small  number  of 
high  quality  colour  photographs  for  each  issue. 

9.  Articles  should  be  submitted  to  the  Editor: 
Dr  Dominic  McCafferty  by  email 
dominie.  either  as  a single 
word  processed  document  or  pdf.  Photographs  and 
illustrations  should  be  high  resolution  with  a minimum 
of  300  dpi  in  tif  or  jpeg  format.  Please  contact  the 
Editor  if  you  require  assistance  with  photographs  as  in 
some  cases  suitable  photographs  can  be  obtained. 

10.  When  the  article  is  accepted  for  publication,  the 
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Alterations  at  this  stage  should  be  kept  to  the 
correction  of  typesetting  errors.  More  extensive 
alterations  may  be  charged  to  the  author. 

1 1 . A copy  of  the  published  article  will  be  sent  to  the 
first  author  as  a pdf  file.  Ten  reprints  will  be  supplied 
free  of  charge  for  full  papers  only.  Additional  reprints 
required  will  be  charged  at  extra  cost. 

12.  All  submissions  are  liable  to  assessment  by  the 
Editor  for  ethical  considerations,  and  publication  may 
be  refused  on  the  recommendation  of  the  Editorial 


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