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Occasional Papers 

Museum of Texas Tech University 

Number 207 

20 March 2001 

Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution at a 
Macrogeographical Scale in Texas 

James G. Owen 

Gleasonian assemblages (Gleason, 1926; 
Whittaker, 1975) are populations of species that chance 
and environmental conditions have brought together 
at the same time and place. Biotic exchange among 
members of such assemblages is facultative rather than 
obligatory. Membership in a suite of such species may 
change, as environmental conditions change. The type 
of community structure predicted by Gleason’s thesis 
may be interpreted as a consequence of the 
Hutchinsonian n-dimensional niche (Hutchinson, 1958; 
Brown, 1995), where spatially autocorrelated resource 
levels and distributional centroids change continuously 
across the landscape (Brown, 1984). This pattern 
focuses on the idiosyncratic, individualistic properties 
of communities (Brown, 1995). It is very pervasive 
in nature and has been demonstrated over a wide range 
of scales, in contemporary (Brown and Kurzius, 1987; 
Gleason, 1926; Grossman et al., 1982; Mac Arthur, 
1972; Whittaker, 1975) and fossil communities, and 
vertebrate (Wolfe, 1981; Graham, at al., 1996) and 
invertebrate groups (Buzas and Culver, 1994). 

Cements 1 (1916) concept of community organi¬ 
zation is the polar antithesis of Gleason’s. Clements’ 
(1916) view focuses on emergent properties, com¬ 
mon to the members of a community (Brown, 1995), 
It holds that biotic assemblages comprise an integrated 

whole, in which members are significantly interdepen¬ 
dent upon each other. Such species occur together 
necessarily, or at least at a considerably higher fre¬ 
quency than one would expect by chance alone. 
Clemensian communities, in the same region, may dif¬ 
fer from each other because of temporal asynchr onies 
during the early stages of their development. Never¬ 
theless, all pass through a series of changes leading to 
convergence upon a final state, that has been likened 
to a super-organism (Clements, 1916; Brown and 
Lomolino, 1998). Many investigators have challenged 
the Clemensian view and it has been slowly super- 
ceded by Gleason’s interpretation (Brown, 1984; 
Whittaker, 1975). 

Both of these views may be applied to patterns 
of species importance along environmental gradients 
and lead to testable hypotheses. Clements’ view pre¬ 
dicts discrete associations of species, separated by 
relatively short ecotones; Gleason’s predicts that spe¬ 
cies importance values will be distributed along a gradu¬ 
ally changing continuum, without sharp steps. Mea¬ 
surements along an environmental gradient should serve 
to test the hypothesis of Clements versus Gleason. 
The question is which pattern comes closest to repre¬ 
senting nature? As with many strongly opposing mod¬ 
els both contain elements of truth. Importantly, the 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

conclusions to which one is led may be methodology 
and scale dependent (Brown and Lomolino, 1998), 

In this paper I explore patterns of geographical 
association, within the conceptual framework of the 
Clemensian and Gleasonian models, of mammalian 
species on a regional scale. A high degree of geo¬ 
graphical separation, into associated groups, of mem¬ 
bers of a taxon would suggest a Clemensian pattern. 
A high degree of geographical mixing among the ele¬ 
ments of a taxon would suggest a Gleasonian pattern. 
The area treated is the state of Texas and the mamma¬ 
lian species treated are the class Mammalia n = 141 

species, and the orders Chiroptera n = 31, Rodentia 
n - 62, and Carnivora n = 29. 

While there is taxonomic unity within these cat¬ 
egories, they embrace great ecological variation. Eco¬ 
logical interactions among populations of some of the 
species subsumed within these taxonomic categories 
probably do not occur enough to be significant. This 
study focuses on the distributional patterns, at a re¬ 
gional scale, that would be predicted by the models of 
Clements and Gleason. It does not imply species in¬ 
teractions, at a local scale, as an etiological basis for 
such patterns. 

Methods and Materials 

The state of Texas occupies about 69.2 x 10 4 
km 2 in the south-central region of the U.S.A. Since 
the states' size, shape, and orientation were determined 
by political considerations, it may be considered to be 
an arbitrary sample for the study of mammalian distri¬ 
butions. I prepared maps of the geographical distribu¬ 
tions, within Texas, of 141 species of mammals native 
to the state. I used all known records of marginal 

specimens as a guide to map preparation. All maps 
consisted of a system of quadrats, each representing 
63.9 km on a side (Owen, 1990). I recorded a species 
as either present or absent within each quadrat. Such 
maps have often been used as a basis for making in¬ 
ferences about the biology of the distributions of mam¬ 
malian species (Simpson, 1964; Pagle, et ah 1991). 
These data are functionally equivalent to a full census. 


Distribution of species among quadrats with 
respect to sympatric species 

In this paper, sympatric means geographical sym- 
patry on a regional scale. A necessary and sufficient 
condition for sympatry, between a given suite of spe¬ 
cies, is that they occur together in the same quadrat, 
for at least one quadrat, somewhere within their col¬ 
lective ranges. It does imply close proximity at the 
local community level, although this may often be the 
case for many suites of species. This variable is sensi¬ 
tive to the size, shape, and orientation of ranges with 
respect of each other. Figure 1 shows the number of 
quadrats, as a function of the number of species per 
quadrat. This plot represents the correspondence be¬ 
tween area and species richness. 

1 fitted the data to Poisson distributions. These 
distributions are used as null models that represent the 
number of quadrats that would be inhabited by differ¬ 
ent numbers of species, expected on the basis of a 
random distribution of species among quadrats. The 
modes of the Poisson curves are located to the right, 
with respect to the empirical data for Mammalia, 
Chiroptera, and Rodentia; each of their modal values 
is low. These taxa have considerably more area allo¬ 
cated to species-poor classes than one would expect 
on the basis of chance alone. The Poisson curve for 
Carnivora is located a little to the left of the data; its 
modal value is very low and the entire curve is rela¬ 
tively flat. Carnivores have much more area allocated 
to species-rich classes than one would predict on the 
basis of chance. Not surprisingly, none of the Pois¬ 
son curves were significant using a chi-square test of 

Owen— Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution in Texas 


Number of species 

Figure 1. Number of quadrats, as a function of the number of species per quadrat Dashed cutvcs are 
Poisson distributions fitted to the data. Solid curve for Carnivora is a positive binomial distribution. 

Because the data resemble lognormal distribu¬ 
tions, I also fitted this model; none was significant. 
The empirical data have higher, more peaked modes, 
than a two-parameter lognormal distribution. The data 
for Carnivora, but not the other taxa, had a significant 
fit to a positive binomial distribution 16.22 =A3 S . 
The fit to a positive binomial suggests that carnivores 
may have a regular or uniform distribution, a condi¬ 
tion that is unusual in field or geographical ecology 
(Elliott, 1977; Ludwig and Reynolds, 1988) 

Figure 2 presents patterns exhibited by the num¬ 
ber of species when they are plotted as a function of 
the number of species, with which they are sympat- 
ric. Many species are geographically sympatric with 
a wide range of other species, varying from few to 
many. The data have much spread but there is an 
overall tendency for many species to be geographi¬ 
cally sympatric with many other species. The straight 
lines represent regressions, none of which were sig¬ 
nificant. The power of these tests was so low as to 

give little confidence in failure to reject the hypothesis 
of a slope equal to zero. 

Combinations of geographically 
sympatric species 

I use the word combination to mean the set of 
species that is present within a given quadrat. Distinct 
combinations of sympatric species can differ from each 
other with respect to either the identity of their con¬ 
stituent species or with respect to the number of spe¬ 
cies of which a combination is comprised, or both. If 
two combinations differ in size, then they necessarily 
differ in species composition, but the converse is not 
necessarily true, 

A plot of the number of species against the num¬ 
ber of different combinations, with which said spe¬ 
cies are combination members, is illustrated in figure 
3. Each of these regressions was significant (P < 0,05), 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 







Number of sympatric species 

Figure 2, Number of species, as a function of the total number of species with which 
they are geographically sympatric. 

except the one for carnivores* The power was low 
for each test, except Rodentia. There is a general ten¬ 
dency for species of Mammalia, Chiroptera, and Ro¬ 
dentia to be members of combinations of small size. 
In the plot for Carnivora there is a slight increase from 
left to right in the regression line, due to the influence 
of the large datum on the extreme right. In sum, many 

species exist as a part of many different, but often 
small (except Carnivora), species combinations. 

Figure 4 shows the frequency distribution of the 
number of combinations of species as a function of 
the number of times each combination occurred. The 
data for Chiroptera, Rodentia, and Carnivora are fitted 

Owen— Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution in Texas 












® 10 


& 5 
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1 11 1 11 [ M M { 1 1 1 M 

i? <? -\ N 

Number of different species combinations 

Figure 3. Frequency distribution of the number of species, as a function of the number 
of different combinations in which they occurred. 

to power functions; each curve is highly significant 
(P <0.001). The lowest possible value for this vari¬ 
able is one. This value would be the case if all quad¬ 
rats were completely homogeneous i.e., if every spe¬ 
cies were sympatric with every other species through¬ 
out the entire state. Because each quadrat is charac¬ 
terized by one and only one combination, the maxi¬ 
mum possible number of combinations is 189. This 
value would obtain if each of the quadrats had a unique 

Mammalia had 184 different combinations, which 
is not significantly different from the maximum of 189 
(binomial test, P = 0.72), Ninety seven percent of 
these combinations were observed only once. Ro¬ 
dents had 164 combinations, which also was not sig¬ 
nificantly different from the maximum possible value 
of 189 (P = 0.069). Most of these combinations 
(89.6%) also occurred only once. Bats had 73 combi¬ 
nations. This value was significantly less than the 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 

Number of times species combination was observed 

Figure 4. Frequency distribution of the number of combinations of species, as a function of the number of times each 
combination was observed. 

maximum number possible (P < 0*001). Of these 
53.4% occurred once* Lastly carnivores occurred in 
82 species combinations, which also is significantly 
less than the maximum possible (P < 0.001). Of these 
59.8% occurred only once. It is noteworthy that bats, 
which can disperse by flying, had a lower number of 
combinations than any other taxon. The upshot of 
this figure is that most combinations of sympatric spe¬ 
cies occur only once and that most of the others oc¬ 
cur only two or three times. 

The frequency distribution (Fig. 5) of the num¬ 
ber of species belonging to different combinations is 

illustrated as a function of the number of species per 
quadrat. I contrasted these data with a positive bino¬ 
mial distribution having its probability of “success” 
set equal to P = 0.5. This distribution is symmetrical 
by construction and approaches a normal distribution, 
as sample size increases without bound. This approach 
amounts to the null hypothesis that different combina¬ 
tions are equally likely. The procedure includes some 
combinations that were not observed because one or 
more of the component species do not have overlap¬ 
ping geographical ranges. This model is neutral in the 
sense that it assumes that no species interactions or 
extrinsic factors influence distribution. As such I did 

Owen— Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution in Texas 







Q- 30 


o 25 






40 50 60 70 80 90 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 

Number of species per quadrat 

Figure 5. Frequency distribution of the number of species pertaining to different combinations, as a function of the 
number of species per quadrat (black dots). Circles represent the expected number of species pertaining to different 
combinations, based on the null hypothesis that each different combination is equally likely. 

not expect the data to conform to this model, but rather 
was interested in the manner and degree in which lack 
of conformity might be expressed. 

I used a two-sided normal approximation to the 
Mann-Whitney test to assess the null hypothesis that 
the empirical and theoretical data belong to the same 
underlying population. The alternative is that they dif¬ 
fer in location. This test was highly significant (P < 
0.001) for each taxon. Lack of fit seems to be attrib¬ 
utable to both the locations of the modes and to their 
degree of skewness. The empirical modes of all mam¬ 
mals, rodents, and bats are strongly shifted to the left 

of their corresponding null modes. Their distributions 
have strong positive skew. They are characterized by 
an abundance of species-poor classes, i.e. classes that 
are composed of a relatively low number of species. 

Interestingly, the distribution of carnivores dif¬ 
fers from the other groups in several ways. Carni¬ 
vores are not positive skewed but rather seem to be 
slightly negatively skewed (Fig. 5). They have more 
area allocated to high species richness classes, with 
respect to the other three taxa, and more species com¬ 
binations that are composed of a larger number of spe¬ 
cies. Overall they are more nearly symmetrical, their 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

mode is displaced a little to the right of the null mode 
and, except for a single datum point, the empirical dis¬ 
tribution for carnivores is completely enclosed within 
the density of its corresponding null distribution. 

Impressionistically, carnivore assembly seems to be 
closer to the null model than to that of the other three 


The data presented in this paper, together with 
findings referenced from the literature, suggest that a 
mosaic-like pattern is characteristic of biotic assem¬ 
blages across a large range of different taxonomic, 
temporal, and spatial scales. The spatial scales are 
known to range from local, homogeneous habitat 
patches to subcontinental regions. The taxonomic 
scales range from feeding guilds of mice to an entire 
class and the temporal scales span millions of years. 

Two exceptional patterns are emergent among 
Carnivora: (1) High species-richness is distributed over 
a greater area for carnivores than it is for all mam¬ 
mals, rodents, or bats; (2) geographically, carnivores 
are grouped together in such a way as to produce com¬ 
binations of species that are species-rich relative to 
the other taxa. Both of these phenomena may be ex¬ 
plained as consequences of the larger geographical 
ranges of carnivores. Larger geographical ranges 
should overlap more with each other, yielding numeri¬ 
cally higher combinations of species. This effect is 
reinforced by the presence of high carnivore richness 
in central Texas (Owen, 1988). The accumulation of 
carnivore species in central Texas and its gradual de¬ 
cline outwards to the east and west, gives carnivores 
more opportunity to acquire numerically high combi¬ 
nations, while remaining within the study area. This 
exceptional pattern for carnivores does not obviate their 
inclusion within a Gleasonian frame of reference. The 
same pattern and its explanation would seem probable 
on a continental scale. North American carnivores 
have considerably larger ranges than several other or¬ 
ders of North American mammals (Pagle, et al., 1991). 

The Gleasonian pattern of spatial association 
found in this study is not completely antithetical to 
non-randomness. Two non-random patterns are iden¬ 
tified: (1) The lack of fit of the data to Poisson curves 

(Fig. 1) and; (2) the lack of fit to binomial curves (Fig. 
5). This means that one or more of the basic postu¬ 
lates of these distributions is seriously viol ated. A two- 
dimensional Poisson or binomial process assumes, 
among other things, that each quadrat or sampling unit 
has equal probability of being inhabited by a given spe¬ 
cies. In particular, this postulate seems likely to have 
been violated by the Texas data. The state is not ho¬ 
mogeneous with respect to its resource content for 
mammals. Some areas offer more favorable condi¬ 
tions and so accumulate more species than others. This 
is consonant with the widely varying qualitative fea¬ 
tures of different habitat types in Texas (Gould, 1975). 
Limit relationships between the Poisson and binomial 
distributions imply that, for large sample sizes, and 
small probability of success for each species pres¬ 
ence-absence event, it makes little practical difference 
which of the two distributions one uses (Hogg and 
Craig, 1978; Boswell, et al., 1979). 

Each of the patterns in the data, suggests a 
patchy, mosaic-like geographical assemblage with little 
internal homogeneity. At a regional scale species num¬ 
ber, degree of sympatry, and combinational size, oc¬ 
cur in constantly changing spatial configurations. This 
change is probably produced by responses to environ¬ 
mental conditions that are species-specific, rather than 
assembly-specific. The pattern corresponds to a 
Gleasonian interpretation of mammalian distribution in 
Texas at a statewide scale. Quadrats cannot (except 
arbitrarily) be organized to form internally cohesive 
biogeographical assemblages. This is the case in spite 
of the ease with which certain areas of the state can 
be superficially distinguished on the basis of their veg¬ 
etation physiognomy. Knowledge of the species com¬ 
position of one quadrat does not permit the prediction 
of the species composition of other quadrats, at the 
ordinal and class levels of taxonomy. 

Owen— Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution in Texas 


Fossil faunas have demonstrated great age of 
conditions that fit the Gleasonian hypothesis of spe¬ 
cies associations. Buzas and Culver (1994) studied 
foramini feral communities, from Cenozoic shelf de¬ 
posits of the North American Atlantic Coastal Plain. 
These communities exhibited little unity, during nearly 
55 million years of successive oceanic transgressions 
and regressions. Their results indicated a lack of local 
community unity. Graham et ah, (1996) analyzed fos¬ 
sil mammalian communities at 2,945 localities in the 
United States. They documented geographical range 
shifts of individual species, at different times, in dif¬ 
ferent directions, and at different rates, in response to 
late Quaternary environmental fluctuations. Such abun¬ 

dant data suggest that the pattern is real. Such long 
expanses of time suggest that the Gleasonian pattern 
is not an epi-phenomenon, but rather an integral part 
of the ecological milieu through geological time. 

That a mosaic-like pattern holds up for taxa at 
the class and ordinal level is perhaps to be expected. 
Members of the same class or order exhibit a wide 
range of form and function. The rub is that Brown 
and Kurzius (1987) found that patterns, qualitatively 
very similar to the ones described in this paper, char¬ 
acterize members of a well defined desert, rodent feed¬ 
ing guild, where perhaps it was not to be expected. 


The data analyses and interpretations used in this 
paper were inspired by a similar study, at a different 
scale and taxonomic level, by Brown and Kurzius 

(1987). I thank James Brown for comments on an 
early draft of this manuscript. I also thank two anony¬ 
mous reviews for comments. 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Literature Otted 

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Owen—- Gleasonian Pattern of Mammalian Distribution in Texas 


Address of author: 


Universidad Salvadoreha 'Alberto Masferrer", 
Apartado Postal 2053, San Salvador, El Salvador 

Publications of the Museum of Texas Tech University 

[t was through the efforts of Horn Professor J Knox Jones, as director of Academic Publications, that 
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and future editions in the series are a memorial to his dedication to excellence in academic publications. Profes¬ 
sor Jones enjoyed editing scientific publications and served the scientific community as an editor for the Journal 
of Mammalogy, Evolution, The Texas Journal of Science, Occasional Papers of the Museum, and Special 
Publications of the Museum. It is with special fondness that we remember Dr. J Knox Jones. 

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