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Full text of "Gould Brothers' wholesale catalogue or trade list of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, bulbous roots, border plants, etc., for spring of 1874"

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(S447 deb): AB VO! Eee eis: 



piinwavi Os ctne Vibe dh 

Slt RUBS: BOs hts: 

For Spring oF 1874. 


¥ 1874. 


For Spring of 1874. 

We herewith present our Semi-Annual Wholesale Catalogue or Trade List for 
the Spring of 1874. We have a large and fine stock, and invite those interested 
to call and examine for themselves. All orders will receive prompt and careful 

We usually commence digging and packing from the Ist to the 10th of Octo- 
ber in the Fall, and about the 1st of April in the Spring. Evergreens, however, 
can be shipped with safety as late as the first of June, and even later, if the sea- 
son is not too dry. 

Persons ordering Trees of us should be particular to write their orders in 
full, stating particularly what form they desire the Trees, whether Standard or 
Dwarf, and also give full directions by what route they wish them shipped, and 
the name of the person to whose care they wish them consigned, avd to send their 
orders early. If the whole or part of it is left to us, we will use our best judg- 
ment how to forward them, but in 70 case will be responsible for any loss or de- 
tention that may occur after shipment, unless we are at fault. 

Ii any mistake should be found to have occurred, when plants reach their 
destination, our customers will much oblige by notifying us of it immediately, 
and we will at once make such amends as in our power, so that full satisfaction 
may be given. 

Digging and Packing.—Al\ our Trees and Plants are taken up with the ut- 
most care, (so that the roots may be injured as little as possible in digging) and 
packed in firm and secure boxes, with moistened moss, by competent men, who 
have had many years’ experience in packing, so that all plants may reach their 
destination in perfect order. In packing, the cost of boxes and materials used 
will be charged, except to agents and dealers, to which will be added the cost 
of labor in assorting and filling the orders; but we deliver packages at the rail- 
road stations and express offices free of charge. 

The articles in the following list will be furnished at the prices annexed only 
when the quantities specified, or more, are taken. On smaller quantities a dis- 
count of + from Retail Catalogue prices will be made to the trade. The same 
discount will be made on any article we may have for sale not published in this 

TERMS, &c.—Terms of payment must invariably be Cash, or 
satisfactory note, payable at some Bank for amount of invoice. 
A remittance is expected to accompany orders from unknown correspondents, 
by draft or check on bank, payable to our order, (or satisfactory reference given), 
and may be made, where banks are not convenient, by Express or Post Office 
order, and in either case at our risk. 

("It is with pleasure that we inform our patrons that the trains on the N Y. 
Central Railroad, stop at Brighton, within forty rods of our office, leaving the 
Rochester depot as follow: 5a. m., 6a. m., 7.380 a. m., 10.10 a. m., 1015 a. m.,, 
3.00 p.m., 5.50 p.m., 8.00 p.m., returning leave the Brighton depot 12.05 a.m., 9.50 
a. m., 12.10 p. m., 5.05 p. m., 7.40 p. m., 9.00 p.m. Running time, 10 minutes. 
The East Avenue Omnibus also leaves the city from the corner of Buftalo and 
State streets every half hour; leaving passengers within 15 minutes walk of our 


The following Catalogues will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of postage stamps. 

No. 1. A Descriptive and Illustrative Catalogue of Fruits, 10 cents. 

No. 2. A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, 
Roses, Flowering Plants, Bulbs, &c., &c., 10 cents. 

No. 3. A Wholesale Catalogue, or Trade List, free. 


Monroe County Nurseries, Rochester¥N. Y. 


Note.—In furnishing Trees and Plants at the prices quoted in this Catalogue, 
we reserve the right of selecting the varieties; but will give the purchaser his 

choice as far as possible. 
charged special rates. 

Orders of long lists for selected varieties will be 

‘Pr. dz.|Per 100.;Per 1000 

APPLES—STANDARD, 4 years, extra size, 8 ft....2..v.. $4 00 $20 00 - 5 
Gta Miects PS ee gos 8 3 00 16 00/125 00 
a GH PEC et ae le i Oak age Ca | 9 50) 14 00/100 00 
ae * A tO a Teet, 274th POR | 2 00) 10 00) 70 00 
i DW ARE fest quality’ 25.) £45.02 oe 4 00) 20 00)...... 
‘S +. second quality 55 )o2, je: eee Ye es 3 00) 15 OO}...... 
f SIBERIAN CRABS, leading varieties, 6 to 7 ft.| 3 00, 15 00/125 Qo 
af MARENGO 3 S VERS ee bd fd ee 5 00 40 00)...... 
q 8 00 40 00)...... 
PEARS—STANDARD, extra size. ..2_Jsi2ds 850 S24 Ls to | to 
12 00) 75 00}...... 
Ae a first quality, 5 to 6 ft.............| 6 00) 35 00/300 00 
a = medium quality, 4todft......... 5 00° 25 00200 00 
‘ 5 SPE OHUL QUAUIEY 6 205 2s ga ee ®} 00, 18 00/150 00 
; 5 00) 25 O0}...... 
af co FN 2 pee 5 ee ES ve ee -| to to 
)| 6 00] 80 OO)...... 
cs its PSE: QUAL od 2s i ny so RO 3d 30) 20 00/160 00 
1 Ff Med UI QUAN ..:-)7...%2) «eee. ~ ie 3 00 14 00110 00 
a ee SOCOM GUANUY «oo eed hat. Loa 2 00 10 00; 80 00 
CHERRIES—STANDARD and DWARF, 2 years........ 3 OO) POM. 2s. 
PLUMS—STANDARD and DWARP, first quality! ......< 5 00) 30 OO}... .. 
medium quality....| 4 00) 25 00)...... 
os e we second quality..... 3 00) 15 00)...... 
“ Wy 1G) BOOSH. fect. 5) eee es Ti Be ere 
PHACHES—First quality, f yest. oui T-Ri-eM Sieh: 3 00) 15 00/100 00 
Gn@P lam stock. | years 23) fi obec 238 oP: 5 00} 85 O00|...... 
es eB NA VG ete ees oh eee he GOO) 2 2271 5.94... 
- FOSTER, considered the best Native Peach in 
America, originated near Boston, | 
Biase Oe soe oe ES ee ee ee ee ee Sake ae MEST. 
* is Hroe Qug@iny.. We Ot Nosy sg. ATSC 9 5 00) 30 00 250 00 
s Be second qualityess.fsitbe se) AW 3 00) 20 O0}...... 
S VAN BUREN’S GOLDEN DWARF........ 4 00} 20 00)...... 
“ ATLANTA and RICHMOND..... .. ...... 5 00)... 
APRICOTS and NECTARINES—On Peach........... 4 00) 25 00)...... 
a On, Phim ...2$.. 25.4 6 00) 40 00)...... 
QUINCES—APPLE or ORANGE, 3 feet..........-...04. 4 00| 25 OO!...... 
PACs 2 tak ele 3 00) 20 00)...... 
“i a 1 to 2 feet, 1 year... 2 00) 10 00) 80 00 
~ PRA SLA ENO See oS 2 Ss a pae Se. ale 51 QQ) «kd iede 6 
% ea Gd iis RS Ie 2 An 1272 ga a le oe 3 00) 15 00}...... 
45 mn eh eerie eh 6c Ebay as = « 2 50} 10 00)...... 
ADIRONDAC—1 Meee Pos & Seas hal das. Sema ete wee ania ect 3 00} 20 00)...... 
ron 5: I ee Pe OR ee ee 3 50) 25 O0}...... 
AGAWAM, (Rogers’ No. 1)—-1 MERE Pe Meier fal aaieate a a fsiu sx 3 00) 20 00)...... 
A RES nono ak «ero SO he aS 3 50) 25 O0}...... 
AUTUCHON, (Arnold’s No Ti SS ce re ees SO 2. SI. - 


HARDY GRAPES—Continued. 

BRANT, (Arnold’s No. 8)—2 years....... Dae Se ee a a aa Sei ’. Le 
BARRY, (Rogers’ No. 43)—1 year... c is ce eee eee nees fr ate aes 
CATA WBEA—1 GeRr sc 0.257 Ahh se les eens bes sua eo Oe een 
ms Osha. | .s\svn 4 oe eee eee Oe Sa eas ie 00 mere 
ee Sos aes PROC Nikon peewee eRe pip 00 eet 
MONE ; Paes iae Sask Liga Sawin Teele es Saal a ie 
Drea eee Teg gaa hel Rise heieeate setv tied hia 9-88 SR Ore ge ga 
CORNUCOPIA, Y (Arnold's Nor 3)=9 yeaa so. ee a re 
OOS gr as Oe eee ae Pee reek oe eee mee EE S| aa rh ‘anak 
CREVELING—1 ta! Slava atu Saray A Sergent re eae & any gee 
“ht ES Py inaety cil <b Na cite del oa ea bee Sele Oa 

DELAWARE—1 WERT) Golly cM Mh Reeth soo Hee Eyal | ds per my 
BD VORB. ou. ie eees's AE Cols SY | ere egy ai wi 
BREAN AE MORE ae buh ha peak eb ad ed MEER Ia bas ween Rise» et ere eee 
ue DUR VERRES igh ere kal pet tE RPE Bee oe as ue Were : aaa 
« Pe OSES, D VORIS ss tale ds Swiss Ieee ake ean k whee Pe ean 
EUMELAN, (New)—1 years.......36.. 0.208. RS ee BoB Bovis pecan 
PIVGRIB. SS ICT aie os Rad Giles bn eae Oe fe bes Beh alae 

* GOETHE, (Rogers' No. a ce POOR EP ie ncaa asiew ar ae ede! | aa 

WOM etd isle a hs ete eee Pers | 3 50|......).-00- 
HARTFORD PROLIFIC—1 WOME oak u's Shee bend we eee ee | ; a ny ne: a 
BA. cx a Daas alate a Oe ne wat | as be 
ISABELLA—1 PORT ok ge me RE a MRR et Doe ere P Bae Aa 
PORTS: ® 6 LTA Slee Cur Bh ad WR wa ees wb wale dys: hare 
ISRAELLA—1 WR ih rain vat “a8 a PLOT ae ag of ellehy riya et 
PRN sn dita) Veen aa eedee sah kes wees el ak Oe 
DON ASAD FORE wie aise saw mide he BMI ys awa Rie re er Serpe eae 
i MEMS telcain se po antns wie es wi wae A ahi 7 gay aries ier aa 
IVES SEEDLING—1 VORP icc 0 elas saat ee els er reas a 
2 COT Bii ania k a a cle ee one fa: ES ae ial 

LINDLEY, (Rogers’ No. 9) ie eat ddw gal Ie hie Ea a ale ae en iets 
rh VCO... stew ee yess coe tinal 0 MUO UUs race 
MARTHA—1 i bisa! KER Rute ct tae Gwhnie de are Sani Oe | ; “e ‘othe Lge 
MASSASOIT ‘(Rogers No. 3-1 year... rads: he | 3 00 20 4 ee 
a FCOLB: bi 2 hes cue ake See oes ; a) UU! ..-.. 
MERRIMACK, (Rogers' No. 19}—I year. 246 Je eee : # ee i op en 
S VORER ft ate ee eae ole eh DCR” ima, 
MARAT AW IY ft Wear ass as dacsaee ke ws alae Bre eateae ee : = vis ald in ale 
NORTHERN a ts year. Of dot. «cence Gabe e roe mi oe pare 
Pere ON eae cts cc aa an OMe pie piark wae 
REBECCA—1 Wear SoSkb soy ec cies Seer dn Peep ee heme 3 . dis le dh eee 
PVR STS on ce SSOP RROD ¢ RE Le ea es pate eek 
ROGERS’ HYBRID, (No. 19) —)  yeRe Ou S. oe et wie ep. OO}... 0.) ee eee 
oY sep ARE ola ee See rk en ae sn whee ea 
. 4 ae a ae eed =! | Bee Peanone 
ee 2S MeS years oso. Poses eee : i a ae 
“ is ONG AS VRE. ok os | Ue a cn Bee Ao eae ese 
SALEM— SVEN sacs hose ere area ee oe Be er ead ged eC ae) aa +2 ?; aS ee 

BIyeala is. teeo dees eae astee ob au i eee an Dd 00). 
BONA eral edn tweet tet SO le eee At eae pee 
UNION VILLAGE—2 years ................. ey Perea. rs ea Ube, 
Me ot i Scie Gt sa tose knees Coane ene eee NaS Bros ebtaae Clarha 
WILDER, (Rogers’ No, 4)—-lyear 100 200000002.02.. 22220) 3 00/3000) 222.) 
WORT ice wa caves Rose eee ete. 3 50) 25 O0}...... 

FORHIGN GRAPES—For Culture under Glass. 

OLY STANDARD SORTS: 2c 2i¢ 1,1c Beek ee Ah. Peete PENS 
INE W: SOR. ears otis s Shs rs 3 TE, Oe a Gs Be Bee ere ee 


Pr. 1000 

GOOSEBERRIES. Pr. az.|Per 100. 
HOUGHTON and AMERICAN SEEDLINGS..... ....... $2 00 8 8 00860 00 
EM ee reP Eis kl Be re | 3 09 18 001150 00 
ASSORTMENT of well known Standard varieties. .... RBs 5 Bahar 100) 8 00 
NEW AMERICAN and FOREIGN VARIETIES—assorted......) 2 00 12 00 

other sorts. 1 and 2 years, very fine; per doz. $1.50; per 100 $8.60; per 
1000 $50. 


ANTWERP. Per doz. $1.50; per 100 $6.00; per 1000 $40.00. 

Buack Cap. Per doz. $1.50; per 100 $6.00; per 1000 $30.00. 

HERSTINE, (new). Per doz. $3.00; per 100, $20. 

OnIo EVERBEARING. Per doz. $2.50; per 100 $12.00. 


LESs, WILSoNn’s EARLY. Per doz. $1.50; per 100 $6.00; per 1000 $40.00. 
MINER’s DEWBERRY. Per doz. $2.50; per 100 $10.00. 

Each Scion will cut from 2 to 4 crafts. Orders for select 
varieties will be furnished at special rates. 

ete iteh. egg eae ib dz. Per 100.)Pr. 1000 

ASPARAGUS—Conover' s'Colossaly 2 -yeare) oes. co sents: $ 503 2 00/$10 00 

Giant, 1 yearold (5000 or over, at $5 per 1000)|..-.- | 100 6 900 

in © | @ years Gide ee a. eee | ita | 150) 8 00 

RHUBARB—Different varieties... ...0-2-.20,0 ss denede | 1 50 10 00) 50 00 


ALMOND (Hard and soft shelled)—3 feet................ Fie es Saaerae 

Bie Pete YT (COMMGW)——~ tas 1eee se ee ee oa a | OOas ae blo. oh 

BLACK WALNUTS—3 fa eet hPa! iste ake ee hee 7G) ER Gere 

Br CGO ECR cia. sus rote As $ sere hyo (at DO) seve tw meat 

Re PAG TEC ee eres eeu se Te 4 00)..... gir 

BOEAREN eae tia fecha tetera Rr Rae se | 3 00)......)...... 

ip Dieta fa ae Soe see ads re eee 

SENG EL ED WY AA MYT 9 es Fee 32.2 ae Pek aL Ups ae 

SB Cae: BA Teoh eh te mes Oe ER 4 00 4 Oe 

FILBERTS—2 te S eebr R ES Vee SEN EAM we ON eos... 

2 digs Deets se ee Mee | Se Sin de) ee oh! Benen eo ; 

a Purpleteaved, fee rd. fychusteleises cl) Syne 4 00)..... Be ae 

MULBERRY—Downing’s Ever ea Se ten SoM eng a a. Vt NE cis bela sc 

Paper, 3 feet ...... Sag» AO iy 9 Ala es AL ee tay Ea 

SPANISH GHES?PNUT—4 foot.c0c . all ek ke: 2 00)......]...... 

AS BRIC AN: CHESTNUTS Teeter Yew ea lee ee 1 | Pane See 


PM) dB 8 SS IMR BO UNE ed S50) 3.00 

CHE RRP: i tsee cab oe MS rina DESC ee henge sean cia aie Oe EM 1 00; 5 00 

BAT Je atles Wute's Bilin oe Bee serine ia eat eit Oe NEE, aS ae | 100} 5 00 
PLB oe sue veneer tae Par ee Te ak Sets eres 

pecs 1 00; 5 00 


STOCKS AND SEEDLINGS. Per 100.|Pr. 1000 

APP U1 PORES oo oe ede Ah ans cu REE Bee ears Dare oe Rien | bin eres 5 00 

VEER Ln ols nk diesel} ae ie epee dees ay, 3 Dele ns es ll | ee 

PRAT 1 ven oeee: cote! aan besos -n ee ba N.S) igs Ganda hee onan | 2 00 15 00 

. EURIEIATU En Thy Hh HIS LOE Ne nao cw ked buen weeeal 5 00) 40 00 
——_ >+e——__——_- 



ROSES, sO, 1 DO, 

Grimes’ Golden, Rubicon and Stark Apples; 
The Marengo Group of Siberian Crabs; 
Pemberton, President, Mt.Vernon and Admiral Farragut Pears; 
Empress Eugenie and Louis Phillippe Cherries; 

Atlanta, Hutchinson’s, Ives’ Blood Freestone, Richmond, 
and the celebrated Foster Peach. 


Mountain Ash, Poplars,Elms,Maples &Weeping Mountain Ash. 

Roses a fine collection ; and the latest novelty, 



Pete ee KK - | 


DECIDUOUS TREES. id dz. Per 100./Pr. 1000 
4 ASH (Eur opean)—10 iS che fa) 5) PR Ne ge gee MR SU Sp A Se $5 00% 
PA PEER he, aa RON S MOR Folate 4 00 OS 7 
a m3 EO ANB IS hs Occ SS Ab are a cS eae Mh ag 3 00 20 OU}. 8a: 
Beene hE LOCE cee on che wo oS 3 Us dad we ote 3 00 15 Ob? 5 4. 
ey OCEANS) —-— ok AOE, PREG cle ole) a Gufs cia dnp pinta neo set eo Bo | Sea a ee 
ADEE (Murepean)—4 to 6 feet... oi. cueidiet ews bye slsene > | 3 00...... ooo 
APPLE (Chinese Double Flowering)—83 to 4 feet........... 2S apt oar 
AURALIA (Japonica)—5 feet.......... 6... ee eee eee eee es | 3 O0}...... eee. 
BEECH PE mrpley pe fect... Leathe soe te ba alwel wissen de en OO ..% > eee 
ee Be LCI sate eB aa ak OR aa. i did via C2 a ee 
$ of =p 2) Spee OA pe oe a eV aw ale mentee Bi See ee 
“< , (Oak-leaved)—5 feet..........%.-. A Bigede saat im Sea es J arQol Leo aera ce 
i (oalden-leaved).<ieb So .08 us) yam feos bse ee ne Saas Mee 
4 PER Ie ANe fhe Ae Ses ces Che GS ahs Pose sm Ut wieia ii PT | ha ees ye 
Et CHB “6 to, S'feets 92.50. an ted bene blend ads ee OG 2 4. ea. 
CATALPA (Syringa-leaved)—6 to 8 feet................. Fond Gel oe ao ee Sa 
oe (Bumert}——0 GO 0 Tet x. s)5. scien eidhen winatnes ote et FT, | ees Fats cathe 
aie 2 LA Day 8 eho 40) BEC 2 2 ab a ne og Be eee ee ee On OU ww wee faa seine 
CHERRY (Chinese Double Flowering)............... scale Ch eS ised Pete 
* (Laree Mlowering)..¢) o252.520.225 08. detest) ZOO on: anges 
ELM (American) — SO RON crew elas ack aark ata Seale eae ee | 5 00) 35 00)...... 
Me PERM ee le kas hoe ase reer at 2 Oe OOF... 67 
 (iinetisht= 1G 60 (2a eeb. oso. 4... os chord ies eas eh ep hg BPR eet. pecan fa 
hi cp WS GEEGE™ c's so bhi ahs on eee oe Mle ee eee 
5 fT ORC OW 7 ea ae Aig SE RNG, eral | 4 00) 25 00) .. .. 
(SOREN) ——tantO TREES yous co ans aS poeta aS. ow 5 | 4 00) 30 00)...... 
‘‘ (Broad-leaved)—5 to 6 etek ee abr ek Hee SNe per p20) os ahs a ee 
HORNBEEAM (American)-—5 to 6 feet... - 2 .-(.2:5 6% senses = LOL ge. =: 
HORSE CHESTNUT (Common)—2 ue: Spence, See. gt ec nena 2 50 12 00100 00 
Bi Bio fh feb te ee ee! <2 | 4 00) 20 00)...... 
S a AS) c nen See NS Oe Be | 5 00} 30 00)...... 
sf ‘a cf 7 Ode 51 3) PARP poh | 6 00; 35 00)...... 
fe - (Double White Flowering)—3 feet...) 6 00)...... feces 
. ‘e (Red Flow ering)—38 to 4 feet........ 6 OO}...... ew eat 
ce of 2:40 & Leb spends Paint he Dr OO: 5 poooee 
AUD AD SPENT 2 TCG. 6 oe nooo ee hen eace cake aes ta Ghiata eee, & ae Se aeees ge 
PE Re HAS bo i feeb an ra esc oa op eo ess S OOR se. bes ety 
KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE—3 to 4 feet. ...... SMe ei kl | are leanies = 
POGUE Cinapian)--2 Lert 4 dant Mic to tke ae Sesatt dotke - | 2 00 5 Eee Payee 
LARCH (European White) 2 RIE ARS ohio PR ot 3 00) PAP OOP cs 5 2: 
LINDEN (American)—6 to 8 feet...............- er es a he eae Ac oe, 
iy (European)—6 to 7 feet... .. - eee. Oe eee ioraeee 
ee ACOLG EEL. . get: shee eae Menor tel ha yo OO eE. a't ere 
LABURN Mid S $OCE eS yee ee a ek as ee ipaMnOed) Seer a larett said: 
PEAS BCCI yc eos ee Cane ee ee | cele. | 
MAIDEN Pate eG, o feeb tL Oy. 2 ce OS Bog et tere = Parig ( eiene eos 2 
MAPLE (Ash- -leaved)—s (OR SBCL2.2 : 2 Saeed | plea ets oe ou) 20 O0)s. 2. « 
RO RMeeE.. . peerage cede < ee Mae eras 
oh (Silver -leaved)—10 to 12 feet...... "RS ee oe oe | 4 00) 30 00)...... 
. SOO Feet nae Po eo. cele 2 et ale AROS 6 2 
He “ Cay eaeers. ou pA R UCL chins emer! O01 20.00) 2.5. c- 
ry % S98 a CE ES al A eR ROUT OR WP | 2 50} 15 00}... .. 
i ei 260) id! TEL. 2. 52s Teh Guilt ae c Soh ee LO OG tay 
ra (Sugar) — SAT PT Rel UU 22) eae a Fea i eh my eh e eae hae OG).80) OO) 2 ok x 
5 “ TO EEC er Sores Go ee a es Wary os Seth | 4 00) 25 00) ..... 
“a ee BO WEE nt hc Goh kG te Nh SA eA yi a he OGL 20°00) c2 24: 
re PP ieetiy 4 60) heehee pki a liia Sele. bia Senagg eyarstciaigis Ce! | ae is 2a 
ny (Pennsylvanicum)—5 to 6 feet................-.46- A GU oobi, eee 
“« . (Golden-leaved)—3 to 4 feet... ....0.-.20--eeeeeeee- ey OOL- +) =. oe 
a (Purple-leaved)—4 [PERT = ©. ieee opel plod ai air-sea a dehy ce | 5 00|...... oo 
¥ IA FOC ios Bee Sth th cn oan | 4 00 re tree 
‘ (Norway)—7 to 8 feet. 2... ....5..0-6-- Sie Baia Jo iat oe | 5 00; 80 O0)...... 



MAPLE (Norway)—6 to 7 fests sce seeden aie Chek co Eee $4 00 $25 00\$..... 
B te€ Peet. 27 i.e ae vite wea 3 00 20 00 ..... 
hs (Sycamore)—4 to 5 feet. .... 6... cece cece eeeee oe 3 00} 20 00)...... 
te Vielaces)—o to 7 feet... ices les ccecobeane wt | 4 Oya | op Cage 
MAGNOLIA (Acuminata)—4 feet. ........-.-..000205 '5 00 30 00...... 
S feats i wcdst c84 <5 oe (cP ens eee | 4 00) 25 OO}...... 
ce (Soulangeana) 14 to 2 , feet Preset eRe Ae Fy: 22 OD)... oicasdie eee 
Ms (Superba) SFT IE OD CR Se fe Un. sae OeaY 
is (Speciosa) ae BE bis a ten nd tA ee ee i) ae tees 
MOUNTAIN ASH, (European)}—9 to 10 feet, rey 5 00 30 00...... 
8 to 9 feet, very fine... -2-+| £00) 25 00, Leatnes 
‘fs 3 “ 7to8feet “ “........| 3 50 20 00) ...,. 
ef _ 5 to O feet. sci e tees 38:00 18 00...... 
af ‘* (Oak-leaved)--3 to 4 feet,1 digest bud.....| 4 00; 25 00)...... 
i ‘* (American)—5 to 6 feet.. : --++-| 3:00 20 00...... 
i *- \(Latifolia)}—3  Sebee des | 4 OO)...... tanec 
" | “ (Argentea)—S feet: [0.0 2. .0e. tenes ak! Ae teens 
i ‘* (Fontenbleau)—S feet .. 56. 6.00. 0'cce pees RA Gree oe 
“ Nang (dwarl) . éccce side ds eetua tae 4 OAT | Chee 
NETTLE Sige 7 06-6 Peet. g) ana. ee eee ke eee -. | 2 Ulltae aN Je eeeee 
= Bb tO Prete sitet coe cae ieee baie A ee lw ish Hasse 
OAK (American)—6 to 8 feet........ ........ Pe i, 4 OO): 20s : 
ff SR SEE OW LOCC fed ca Boe CS "Sb e eee ee 4 OO, <osipeouee 
PEACH (Double White PiOwerine)s v6) osdiid ds cedigee see | 4 OO ei 
%) ThE FIG WORM), bis kuin enGididde 2k cataemen ot Oe aes 
POPLAR (Silver- ‘leaved)—S to10 feet -..... cc ccccccccces —8 00 15 pod ere 
(fg Le ok Sy 2 50} 12 O0}...... 
ei he 440 6 feet, i.) sis cs, TL 200} 8 OO|...... 
ae (Lombardy)—9 to 10-Teehs <n ccse ee tee te scene 3 00; 15 00)...... 
as 7 t0 6 feet... .. 2 P22 Va. 2 60) 13 OO}...... 
a " 4to 5 feet.... eueccevesedcccs || & Mn ELE 
a (Bals: biG to 7 feet. 52.2 tent be eanen emcees 2 50) 12 00)...... 
ce 4. to-5 feet... .-22% 65%. Lisa? amen 200} 8 00)...... 
“ (Aspen-leaved)—5 to 6 feet. ....... ...ccccees 3 00) 15 00)...... 
PEAR (Silver-leaved)—38 to 4 feet........... ccc cece ceees AOU. ...ccteees 
PLUM (Gold-leaved)—3 to 4 feet................0.00. See c «| ae 
NOP Horna (Japan) 3 feep. cscs. 6ds icc bse a tek k bhenas B OU. scares 
Be Rr GUA -2 FOebs 5 oes cb bs de hee bee nce ae 2 OO... Zits 
THORNS (Red and White Flowering)—3 to 4 feet........ & OOl. .csnabeewene 
ne (Azarolus and Douglassi)—2 to 3 feetes 74: 32s e. ie A ep 
TULIP TREE—6 to 7 feet........... 0 ceeeee ce eneeeees ra me PS 
e 8 io 5 feetin ive? Pale chien ee 8 OW... fe seek 
WIRGUBIA ‘UB TRA—4 to 6 feet: .<.. os. .%00° Daxdeeuel B OG SS fusneniees 
WILLOW (Rosmarinifolia)—4 to 5 feet.................. & 00)....205 sages 
- (Lenrel-leaved)}—2 to S feet... 2.55 ccscee nace 3’ OG}. Ais 
- (Y¥Gxrerated-leaved)-. 2.6525 as 6c ka dktUE sec nes 5 fa wa, a 
Api (Suropean).; ie ivias) 22.50.33 fede e res Le See cee | Os tos 
PPR toe ches Sl koe cds 2a n6 2 See eee oan | 6 OO). cs ieahaweee 
MOUNTAIN Ape Batra oeeaes -y ieee Pe eee ee | 9 OO .2452 a eeee 
“First class, very fines: 2 ie fase ete sas sn) © OU ae eee 
POR ee eee sf eee ese lek bk vas cake * Ogee ce ae Aa: Bese very ae 
PLUM—(Weeping) bocvediye chs ovate ks uve ea eee 9 ORE: bie a 
WEELLOW—(Ratsarnoek): - 22. 5086s cecce seats ltl cee beled uk One 
as (Ey lonicak: t 267005 oes eae eee | 3 00) 20 00)...... 
es (Mew Asmerican)s 2! 2:02.54 y8y 3 1-7 50] 50 O0|...... 
Mes | 
ARBOR VITZ& (American)—9 to: 12 mmbheneUTS Teele ele | sch enete 5 00 40 00 
13 @0:46 eriiies.o 222: 0522270 Bayes 7 00 50 00 
3 = 3 feet, well furnished......... | 2 50] 10 OO}:..... 

Pr dz. Per 100. lpr. 1000 

* o-=a 
_ ro 
as > <— <s a r 


EVERGREEN TREES—Continued. Psd Per 10, Per 00 
ARBOR ViT 4s (American)—4 to 5 feet, well furnished... ./$3 00$15 00/$..... 
(Parsons Compacta Dwarf)—9 to 12 inches.| 3 00|.. ..|...... 
ca (alobosa)—9 to 12 inches... 2.5%. b.3 P20: OU ph eighe oe 
ee (Pumila)—12 inches....... .... Are MARL SE SOO a5t% hee 
- (Ericoides)—9 to 12 inches................. 3 90} 10 00)...... 
‘s (Pyramidalis)—2 to 8 feet..............00.. 400)... .. abide: 
. (Siberian)—18 inches..... ......... . ....| 3 00} 20 00)...... 
a1 et IF dachese oie 2 EER S 2 50} 15 00}...... 
ve (Tom Thumb)—9 to 12 inches.... .........| 3 00) 15 00/...... 
CY PRESS—Nootka Sound, 12 inches....... .............. AK 1 Pears ane 
iiec— American Balsam, 2 to $ feet..@...0.0...... 220065. A. 00)-25- 001.2 foc. 
ee Paropean: oilver. 18 inches: 2. isisc)22.062eniliAcs, 2 OO bc3 EAP a 
wane fb xcelsa, 15.10.18 inches...:.. ~....4...5+ aes. SOO yds Ee See 
a English, 2 to 24 feet.... .... a. ecko SY ee oa Ee a Cee 
o fer 42 10, koanchesy so. OF. 3 DAs et Sh et S700) 1-00). 222: 
ce maven, 12 10:15 Inches. 25.02.25 22.20. Seen eae 5 DO) aces. ae 
oe Pyramidalis, 18 to 24 inches................ 22) OO Soe gate 
“6 Virginia, (Red Cedar) 12 to 18 inches.. ... .... | 2 50} 10 00 ..... 
a 5 2 tor 2) feet «45 32s o> ces coeeee eee =| eee oe 
ie Ween. 2 10 Steel... .sc2.565 cece see dee. 3:00): <2,’ apie 
FS Nenad. de LON LECL ood so 30 5 ean oe SOE oR DOU). oxi: ae 
“ MME Mae tO a HCCtL. 6. 2x4 wc cee kewnd mek eae =p) OO nok Rhode 
i Wii e1G.s £666: =... 2s: ec. Sete Tae at 3 00} 20 00)... .. 
3 op Ge os ne ae PISS oe 4 00} 25 00) ..... 
SPRUCE—Norway, 6 to. 9 inches, transplanted.:..........|----- 6 00 50 00 
Je 9 to 12 inches, * PB 7 Le SS OF 6608 
a &s 12 to18 inches, CaN Wipe EOE OTR ie Visca iy Oi as yoy) 
* 5 Rebels sete ee oho b et Shnseg RTS 4 00) 25 00)...... 
5 a SEL Shes 5 9 eas IR ...| 9 00) 35 00)...... 
- Hrmigeis). 12 anebes 5 so) <6 i.e ze ore kA ROME fo50] D5. OO) 125 . 
THUTOPSIS BOREALIS, 12 inches. .:. ..... 2660505 SIV BS GOI Zen ee : 
PE IIE F001. oe 8s bc 2 ds ot toe eet lee ee te os AJsh p22 ob) OD} s.s 5's | aha = 
“ BUS MEL seis 2h Sethe: oh4 we dies ace eee eo eke =e!) Cerin |4 ts ee 

ARAL i OSA —2 f0'S feet... 5.5... 2s. = 2p do eee Se ae 5 Oibis cir oe 
tt ae OA to 2 feet. sob. sess). .sne eee ee aC ee Pile. 3 
ALTHEAS—Variegated-leaved, IB aReRES recy ese See ee. | ee Pe cacti 
Double varieties, Ste SPCC es eres von CaP eee 20 OO). seks 
it o 10:3 Teet sis) candhelt ew aes teleosts... 
ALMOND— Dwarf Double Pink Flowering. siitiite.)...~<. 7 st eee ere e 
White ge eine oe RRL Sedan nas AG EE aR RR oe 

BERBERRIES—Common, 2 PRCT OF atte ets 2 0), icp ED 2 OOS Le &. 
AR # 5 40-4 feet,..efcigsn ti fs Th. aw ea ee, Ge 
2 Purple-leaved, 2 toisifeet heise ep -. «> oF MUS oe ee a 
eet eI A Ss bk Bosse se pease kes a (| Ak a8 
rN Ue 8 oo ciasats aie iain » an ples wig w me WEN MSIL L Eid « phpbaie rp | EAD Oe S eae 
Eee erent Na oc. Bees cane cedba ed. Peat pA. ||| Ree dag Be tae 
BRAMBLE—Double White and Red Flowering........... | | Ree flinbe' sg 
45 Bandura tl. Di.) oo. oot Bet Beg ss fo. ROME Oe ote s Bern 
ee pe UE ae ea ee errors. ADA. HSS... 
PMT“ fanonicd. 2... oes sone on ene ne veg des a See Bae 
ee LENS BR een mT Re ea Pe Oe ae | CO Viele Sa 
CURRANT—Double Flowering, assorted............--++.- OO 22h 8 lee cans 
Ey rth pen Panchen... 65 6s ons oo & oe ese ves Sayers ra | | ep eeraiaen) NPnpe Oe 
. tae tenia 3 7 oh. or thes ae oS FLED 2 22 ene 21 Be Sees eeu 
Ee WES EEE ER OTIS ION SS A pi een creel eae SOME ie aa eh eat 
Pee VE EAB AL BU Misc sd ec oss 6s ssaggsss senses SS: WO adherens s 
é PUTRI or Se oe ee eae. a 0 ss rte kgts © ¢ 
DEUTZIA—In acai atta Foe Bie vie. ART MRS + Sekt AEG a 2 5 ag ete» 2 OU AN se eo 

CRENATA, Double Flowering............ ....-- 7 i Coes eee 


DECIDUOUS SHRUBS—Continued. « Pr. dz.|Per 100.|Per 1000 
DEUTZIA—CreEnaTA, ALBA PLENA, new and beautiful, pro-|$ ) $ 
ducing pure double white flowers in 
STEAL, PROLUBIGIT£ 0:4 vc sieais'- OR eG 4 00 se 
ELD BRP wericied.. «.. ..i:<i.s <0, cdemves £1.66 area | DB GOL, wiag 
PLLBERT-oParple leaved. vr. <4c «2s quake Rie eee | 4.00 vctaiiea eae 
GOLDEN BELL —Fortonen .....s.6edour ot i ite booked lanes S OO Vet ieee 
SUSDOBES |. lsc los oe wellnine rea BOO acs epee 
ah WVirigdiaaims .....- sadesd Bh eks bul * OO “inte de eee 
HYDRANGEA— Hortensis Skin eu hi one, ce enthL Mele < 2 ketone BOO han ae 
Corgan. . :. « widloaree | tila nidstib beenat. |S OOVi crete oe 
4 PADORICA ». ss, 0 annie ded RR Pd ee SMO. a De 
ef PROD co. ove ak ace ence et ed a eIg  ee 3 00). fr. ARRIOE, 
HOEY SiO —Upriet, 5 co aa oa 50 + ecb es chal | 2.50} 19 OOlsu. ss 
ED ILE TS COR), ih Ci erie re Pe ave Pe ee | 2 DO 13 *OOictar. 
LILACS—@onamon Varieties... «.. vc o<s+s<e0fass dees ob bullies «see 
tf Persian Red and White, 2 to 3 feet.............. Di OO). > sinter ae 
As Te EEL SPW 3. ok ono uate ements Aisi mon S 00)... eee 
Ee f Nang Pinnate., . . swisak da. ah 0a « da ee Sel... «eee cee 
tt Meese WW DNC... cick 0) Pole ehh Seabech Godl) <eine 3.00! ... See 
Be NE ONIN tei cu nw wa oie Sees OM EAD Ole ou waus a BO. ..saticceen 
Ms TOMERTOORO RHOe. nau ca nncnes cn dae bine ane 2 50) Pe 4 a) ae 
PURPLE PeaNGE—IS inches.... .... «sa. feet & Gicmb vel | 2 .00)°123 OO}... 0.4 
PRUNUS—Trilobata Lf ee ea ET Se | Fi OOS oi, Sie Ab Sate 
OT a ww a ows ts a ac ew es a one | MOOS. sa oe eae 
SE ME Ca AP ee Oe ay ne ee 1 DS lis coals Gaon 
i Mads EOE... « cutihdetaierdéve steele me ihak U. ae. ek 1h OO. ote pete: 6 
QUINCE—Japan, AS ING cs ay ain ohn ns va s ML ERE Cate eae 3 00) 12 00}...... 
it do inehes. 6). iis c. a odh GLO EES | 2 50] 10 O0!...... 
SN OWBERRY—Common Rphintniah’ Wd, acy a tig ua ee Bs ee: eee 
VRTIS ated LAVOE 4 64 sores op se sD Ye ie Caer bre 
Ee eT PROC es iw oe ose co's.e oe x.0,0 Beebe Or. een | 2 50) 12 OO}... .. 
SY HG Amoi VATICIICS. ... . :s cc ss uve andar. Bhd eee So Mimstusiean.. 
SURETE LE Fe 0 y's Nae LR Se Pe ae hee 
ay fae ly VION Re cn on is os ne eulecl e fant wekee | 2 50) 15 OO}...... 
a IES ois Bs ik sca wc Sake echawes cance ce 2 OO) 13 Ol. >. ex 
WEIGELIA—In varieties.......... Sepia? CL Eee Uh eas tee 2,00] TB OOo ee 
‘5 Variepated leaved caw SIC DOO)... 65, sheen mes 
s HORTENSIS NIVEA ALBA—A new, beau- | 
tiful, pure white, free blooming ° variety... OD): cole ees 
WHITE PRINGE—? tos feet.:...c.0c0e00 SOS RS SOO). fed eeeus 
ADAW’ 5 NEEDLE—Fillamentosa Beet Gor ot cates ae 3 D6, Pie eeae se 
Lamtolia. SUS AU RE GOONS: CFFt ee 
2 Pema eee ye i aR eh a OO Be | Peery pee 
PSs itn re IS 9 os ood Eieceicrneee® ys cs SEO ae ge Re 2 50) 25.002"... . 
BOX TREE—Dwarf, per dozen yards............... S o OO.) [cL eee 
. per hundred yards........:... =, | PR eee Boo = 
COTONEASTER—12 mehese ooo. oe Oy t+ sd Rae ee AIO “sin odt oe sete 
BOLL Y—lorppean, 15 inches.) 9004s. su batik. seta So AOR ES Ae 
JAE AO OD DEST TRE Boeke co es oes eee S GOR Ls CE ahs 
LAUREL NOBILIS—12 to 15 inches........ 2.2.2... 22. 5 OG): t'3 21 Hee FG 
STEAWBSEERY. TREE 2 tos feet....... (theca =, | SR Flap 8G 2 
SE Mine. hae ieee oe Od es eatig oa y oe Pee eee At OO ti 1 sh Sa 
FRE ELBULA. (oa A ores kh Re 5 Ri ee ee a O00). 23.7 
BTS ee es Cie Wee A Oa oe S O00). ck eve 
ORBEA TOs — in ‘varieties 20 oo bine ee hs a ie a eel > 00/20 00) 6): 
HONE VSOCEKRLES—In varseites. 000 cs. oo a ee 2/ D0) 42 OBlee. 25 
TY Fes eee A Menean sf Vee 6 Eee. ee 3 00 em [2h oe 
‘. Giant, Palmata, Lanceolata and others............... lois sc eee 


CLIMBING PLANTS AND VINES—Continued. Pr. dz.|Per 100. Per 1000 

EMORY? VOINET tose aoe ele ee A $2 5018 ee 

SPINOR nr crete ee Sic Ao le SAR T AME, CER Oe pe | ape ee o a 

Bey ele _hunning “Myrtle secs oe ei 1a) ha Nor atatd 

TEUMEE 1 rLEOW HR—Im varieties: . cook 8 ok DOr TA OT. ote: 

WISTARIA—American BIAS Se NW RRM Nie. Fine Bet Sh ew SA | Niet EE EN tae 

LEER Sve) C0 1 Eo ete il Do t tae ANe el ala iy eR, fay a EDU es ghee 

£ i CIEE nee et tee ace sep eee oT aya ae RU beet ats ke we eaniaa 

ne Chinese White, true...... daa sca te es ad dag OE A WO cs om alt. tate. 

me OO MARIE DIE. 8 tN eee MES UCASE EPA igi, Meee Sans 


Pee AN Oty, WAGIGOW oo os Sols oe eee alk sme a ke tie t eeicle SO OR Sie 
HYBRID PERPETUAL—Best named SOLES OS Ne ose ota ie ae 18 00 h0-60~ 

SE Sc) A ES NS ee ae RS iy GOh ht 
CLIMBING, ENR he GANT RRR! Chea a Ie 15 00 #25—00- 

GEM OF BLP PR MTR INS js. :e ebro oo See be Uc oe Daa 

BOURBON and NOISETTE— Good varieties Ee ABE yee ie Fee 15 OO Ales. 

A ane ey PN ihc sy Mal RE Moy fe SUIS ee ayo Be ects Bie pea ae BO: D0! da: 

CHINESE or BENGAL, a are Tew ek a eRe So OO ise e. 
MOSS and PERPETUAL INISDISISEN D5 5) es BU A ea eels oe oe 25 00266-0800 

Mato rAds NERL—-2-years.s .. 2. eae wo ene Nah ikl Bee a ENG eres 

ig os A AAT cree ds eve 5S elas ones > Sah inion EN my UGE eats. 

Ll etollero /( ees SUC 

EVERGREENS—See special list, pages 8 and 9. 

HONEY AGO 5 Peart. Ft A SL a, a th Ae PS Ce ee Gs 8 00 
ef rp, te) eC Se RAED OLE SPIRE AMA Tene a MME NEAL As gra AMM End LUA 10 00 

Mera Vrey, WAP LETransplanted? ii.) Aoi oh esa seine aleldcee 6 00} 30 00 
ee mn ONtieA TL) Vt Years) abl. biG ole oa ads BL ee 5 00} 20 00 
Syluer leave@— Ll Weare Ss Ae ets sa ue ered ag 5 00) 20 00 
PaOlao rH AolapnoA IN UT Al year, MNES S30. oe etek sera te we we tfe ..-| 5 00} 30 00 

We can also furnish Cuttings of the following, at $5.00 per 1000: 

DEUTZIA—Varieties. POPLAR BALSAM, WILLOW —Laurel-leaved. 

MOCK ORANGE ‘ ‘¢  ~6 SILVER-LEAV’D. aS Black. 


A fine collection of best old varieties............. ...po per doz., $15 per 100. 
: neweaand wery, CHOICE KINGS sc0. setae se alee: $5 per doz. 


PAONIA MOUTAN—1 221 SER RNS nr fee Sas a OR ES $5 00 per dozen 
PE MICALS stints oa 0, «Sess Heian kaw ee ae 7 50 < 
RY New varieties—1 VOR Au gta cmtin iene a sesie ti oR oars 9 00 s 
: DYCATS. .. 22-22 eee tee eee eee e ee: fe - Obes, FS 

See Catalogue No. 2, for varieties and description of both Herbaceous and 
Tree Pzonies. 

Our collection of this beautiful autumnal Flower is very fine, and contains 
the best: sorts for cultivatigu.... 220) 0 oe. Sede. $3.00 per doz., "$90. 00 per 100 
Dwatt On Bondgubnwarcmer rs. fi... : eden ne nlenene sedeccetees $3.00 per doz. 

See Catalogue No. 2 for description of varieties. 


> —_pA-* 

BULBOUS ROOTS. Pe. dz.|Per 100./Pr. 1000 
COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE....... a ae Ses $2 OO} ....1$..... 
CROWN IMPERIAL—Named sorts...... ...2-sscecuncucs 6 O00}. syse}o hemi 
DIELY’ PRA: Brie PARIS. 3 inion atc semendeo ete asker 2 00 12 00100 00 
GE DIFISAIae. ACR sack w. oeehs abel oe dma aebeneneeee 1 50) 10.00)... ..... 
RT Ne is aed ie dds ate i ee ash atort te niet haw lade es ee es 2 00| 10 00)...... 
LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM, Add SERRE bec aie RS ow ee S Os 22. davacen 
Fy OE ean So ois br ok 5 O.. ose eee 
* AURATUM—Golden Banded Japan Lily......... D: Ws 5 | hacer 
a LONGIFLORUM—tTrumpet-shaped, white....... 5 OO. s ®sdonnace 
re TIGRINUM—Orange, spotted black.............. S Oa tana 
aa CANDIDUM—Common white.................. DR dhe a eae 
Ta Ee 8 a ae a) dich ca iw) eer. shearer in OR ae 9-00}... Pe eee 
UA FN Ee ei ote ine eu * nde te 100): WAS 
DR DORE A? TOMAR A. odie ied wate Le spsbasi <td e's ia. 3¥)) Area fee. 
US ROR pre, ah ee a UE Ca cca bane wes 1:00} 6 O6iiie ine 

A splendid collection of tall and dwarf growers. . $2.50 per doz.,.$15.00 per 100 
See Catalogue No. 2 for description of varieties. 


Assortments furnished (our selection) at .. ........ $3.00 per doz., $18 per 100 
For description see Catalogue No. 2. 


In our collection will be found the most popular species and varieties in cul- 
tivation. Orders from the trade (for other articles than those named below) 
filled at a discount of one-third from retail catalogue prices. 

as dz. iPr. dz. 
ACHYRANTHUS—Varieties 2 sl GERANIUMS — varieties........ $3 00 
pate LEA 'y Of | rp eee ee HOY A—Wax Plant............. —68 (00 
ALOYSIA CITRIODORA...... 3 00|| HELIOTROPES. varices. bttel 2 50 
BEGONIAS.. ; .... | 3 00}; LANTANAS—varieties......... | 2 50 
COR ARTI. Oh Ahab bacnne de inane 2 50  NERIUM, (Oleander)-—varieties.| 3 00 
RUNES so hin was dew wie eae ed i Oe 4 00° ‘PASSIFLORA—(Passion flower).; 3 00 
CUPHEA ... 2G 2th ie a i SON PETUNDRS 2. 02008. ls leeee | 2 50 
CARNATIONS —Varieties.. .... 3 00). Bae HIQUHIIM, 282 bk cee | 2 50 
CHRYSANTHEMUMS--varieties 2 00 | SALV [AS—varieties............ 2 50 
FUCHSIAS—varieties.......... | 2 5011 |