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Mrs.  H.H.  Graham 

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Published  by  Methuen  &  Co.  Ltd. 
Diversions  of  a  Naturalist.  7s.  6d.  net. 
Science  from  an  Easy  Chair.  7s.  6d.  net. 
Science  from  an  Easy  Chair.  Second  Series. 
7s.  6d.  net. 

Secrets  of  Earth  and  Sea.  8s.  6d.  net. 

Published  by  the  Rationalist  Press  Association 
The  Kingdom  of  Man.  is. 

From  a  Photograph  of  the  Young  Gorilla,  “John”  (1920). 
Frontispiece J 




K.C.B.,  F.R.S. 



First  Published  in  IQ23 



THE  title  of  this  little  book  is,  I  venture  to  say, 
appropriate  to  a  miscellaneous  collection  of  short 
papers  in  which  subjects  of  widely  differing  interest 
are  briefly  brought  to  the  reader’s  attention.  They  all 
relate  to  the  study  of  living  things  ranging  from  the 
phagocyte  to  the  gorilla,  from  the  pond-snail  to  the 
Russian  giant,  from  facts  about  longevity  to  theories  as 
to  human  progress  and  the  cruelty  of  Nature.  Most 
of  the  chapters  were  written  originally  for  publication  in 
daily  and  weekly  journals  and  have  been  now  to  some 
extent  re-written  and  illustrated  by  text  figures  for  the 
present  volume. 

I  am  indebted  to  the  proprietor  of  The  Field  for  the 
two  portraits  of  John  the  Gorilla  which  illustrate  my 
article  on  that  rnuch-loved  animal — published  in  that 


December  1922 





CHAP.  page 

I.  The  Gorilla  of  Sloane  Street  .  .  .  i 

II.  Science  and  the  Film  .  .  .  .16 

III.  The  Phagocytes,  or  Eater-Cells  .  .  .29 

IV.  Some  Pond-Snails  .  .  .  .  .38 

V.  Pond-Snails  and  Blood-Red  .  .  .47 

VI.  The  Pond-Snail’s  Flea  .  .  .  -55 

VII.  The  Liver-Fluke  .  .  .  .  -65 

VIII.  Progress!  .  .  .  .  .  .74 

IX.  Is  Nature  Cruel?  .  .  .  .  .83 

X.  The  Senses  and  Sense-Organs  .  .  .95 

XI.  An  Eye  at  the  Back  of  the  Head  .  .  106 

XII.  Other  Eyes  .  .  .  .  .  .113 

XIII.  The  Paired  Eyes  of  Man  .  .  .  .118 

XIV.  Wasps . 123 

XV.  An  Unwarranted  Fancy  .  .  ,  -131 

XVI.  Spider-Sense  and  Cat-Sense  .  .  .138 

XVII.  Two  Experiments  .  .  .  .  .149 

XVIII,  The  Last  of  the  Alchemists  .  .  .156 




XIX.  Extreme  Old  Age  .  .  .  .  .161 

XX.  Longevity  .  .  .  .  .  .170 

XXI.  Metchnikoff  on  Old  Age  .  .  .  .178 

XXII.  Giants  .  .  .  .  .  .  .196 

XXIII.  Morphology  and  Monsters  .  .  .204 

XXIV.  Morphology  and  Monsters  (continued.)  .  .  214 

XXV.  Various  Kinds  of  Monsters  .  .  .224 

XXVI.  Tobacco  .  .  .  .  .  .233 

XXVII.  Cerebral  Inhibition  ....  241 

Index  .......  243 


The  Young  Gorilla  “John”  (1920)  .  .  .Frontispiece 


1.  Profile  of  the  Young  Gorilla  “John”  .  .  2 

2.  Views  of  the  Plantar  Surface  of  the  Foot — 

A,  of  a  Lemur  ;  B,  of  an  Old-World  Monkey  ; 

C,  of  a  Gorilla  .....  8 

3.  A,  View  of  the  Plantar  Surface  of  a  Human 

Foot;  B  is  a  Reproduction  of  the  “Tread” 
or  “Print”  of  a  Human  Foot  .  .  -9 

4.  Outline  Drawing  of  the  Upper  Face  of  the 

Human  Foot  and  its  Relation  to  the  Leg  .  9 

5.  Figures  from  a  Cinema  Film  of  a  rapidly  moving 

Amceba  .......  31 

6.  Comparison  of  an  Amceba  (A)  and  a  Colourless 

Blood  Corpuscle  or  Phagocyte  (B)  .  .  32 

7.  Successive  Changes  of  Form  of  a  Colourless 

Corpuscle  or  “Phagocyte”  from  the  Blood 
of  Man  .......  33 

8.  Successive  Changes  of  Form  of  a  Colourless 

Corpuscle  or  Phagocyte  of  the  Frog’s  Blood  34 

9.  The  Out-Wandering  of  a  Phagocyte  through  the 

Delicate  Wall  of  a  Blood-Vessel  (Capillary) 
of  the  Frog  .  .  .  .  .  -35 

9  {bis).  A  Large  Phagocyte  of  the  Guinea-Pig  .  36 





io.  The  Sea-Snail  called  Natica  .... 
ir.  The  Common  Pond-Snail,  LimnaEA  Stagnalis 

12.  The  Lingual  Ribbon  or  “Tongue”  of  the  Common 

Whelk  ....... 

13.  Flat-Coiled  Pond-Snail,  Planorbis  Corneus 

14.  Running  Water  Pond-Snail,  Paludina  Vivipara  . 

15.  Cyclostoma  Elegans,  a  Land-living  Operculate 

Snail  as  seen  when  expanded  from  its  Shell 

AND  CRAWLING  ...... 

16.  A  Snail  (closely  allied  to  Cyclostoma)  withdrawn 

into  its  Shell,  which  is  seen  to  be  closed 
by  the  Spirally-marked  Operculum 

17.  To  show  the  “Absorption  Bands”  seen  in  the 

“  Spectrum  ”  of  Sunlight  which  has  passed 


Red  or  Haemoglobin  ..... 

18.  Crystals  of  the  Red  Colouring  Matter  of  the 

Blood  Corpuscles,  known  as  “Blood-Red”  or 
Haemoglobin  ...... 

19.  The  Little  Worm,  ChaEtogaster  LimNaEaE,  which 

lives  like  a  Flea  on  the  Body  of  the  Pond- 
Snails,  LimNaEA  and  Planorbis 

20.  A,  Adult  Completed  Form  of  ChaEtogaster 

LimNaEaE;  B,  Fissiparous  Larval  or  Young 
Stage  <3f  the  Same  . 

21.  Fan -like  Bundle  of  Bristles,  Twenty-two  in 

Number,  from  the  Head-Region  of  the  Adult 
or  Sexually  Mature  ChaEtogaster  LimNaEaE  . 

22.  The  Uncleft  “Genital”  Bristles  of  an  Adult 


















22  (bis).  Fission  of  Marine  Annelids 

23.  The  Life-History  of  the  Liver-Fluke,  Distomum 

Hepaticum  ...... 

24.  Upper  Surface  of  the  Head  of  the  Green  Lizard, 

Lacerta  Viridis  . 

25.  The  Upper  Surface  of  the  Bony  Skull  of  the 

Same  Lizard  ...... 

26.  The  “Third”  Eye,  or  Pineal  Eye,  of  the  Green 

Lizard  ....... 

27.  The  Same  as  Fig.  26,  but  the  Eyeball  and  its 

Stalk  now  shown  in  Section 

28.  Dorsal  Surface  of  the  Skull  of  an  Ichthyosaurus 

29.  Section  through  the  Lateral  Eye  of  a  Scorpion 

30.  Section  through  the  Open  Cup-like  Eye  of  the 

Limpet  ....... 

31.  Section  through  the  Closed  Spherical  Eye  of  a 

Land-Snail  ...... 

32.  Diagram  of  a  Section  through  a  Highly  Developed 

Eye  representing  that  either  of  a  Vertebrate 


33.  Eye  of  the  Pearly  Nautilus  .  .  .  . 

34.  Diagrams  of  the  Actual  Development  of  One  of 

the  Paired  Eyes  of  a  Vertebrate 













1 16 

1 17 


35.  Development  of  the  Eye  of  a  Cuttle-Fish 






AS  the  frontispiece  to  this  volume,  and  as  a  text- 
figure  (Fig.  i)  in  the  present  chapter,  we  have 
reproductions  of  two  photographic  portraits  of 
a  young  gorilla.  They  are  taken  from  a  youngjmale, 
probably  a  little  less  than  five  years  old,  which  was 
brought  by  a  French  officer  from  the  Gaboon  and  was 
purchased  from  him  by  the  well-known  dealer,  Mr. 
Hamlyn,  in  July  1918.  The  gorilla  was  acquired  by 
another  owner  (Major  Penny)  in  December  of  that  year, 
and  was  taken  charge  of  by  a  lady  (Miss  Cunningham) 
who  carried  on  a  milliner’s  business  in  Sloane  Street. 

I  am  indebted  to  her  for  my  personal  acquaintance  with 
“  John  ”  and  for  many  details  as  to  his  tastes  and  habits. 
She  was  remarkably  successful  in  the  management  of 
this  most  interesting  lodger.  “  John,”  as  he  was  called, 
was  thoroughly  healthy  and  happy,  and  presented  a 
great  contrast  to  the  sickly-looking  anthropoids  which 
are  kept  in  cages  in  stuffy,  overheated  rooms  in  most 
zoological  gardens.  John  enjoyed — in  fact,  owed  his 
healthy  condition  to — fresh  air  and  human  society.  He 
was  taught  to  be  perfectly  clean,  and  had  no  taint  of 
the  monkey-house  about  him.  He  was  fairly  obedient, 
though  requiring  “  an  eye  on  him  ”  to  keep  him  out 
of  mischief.  He  had  his  own  room  and  bed,  a  garden 




to  play  in,  a  tree  to  climb  (an  exercise  in  which  he  did 
not  excel),  and  he  took  his  meals  regularly  in  company. 

Fig.  i. — Profile  of  the  young  Gorilla  “  John.’' 

He  was  never  left  to  mope  alone,  and  was  only  separated 
from  human  companionship  at  night  when  he  went  to 
bed.  He  was  very  affectionate,  good-natured,  and  in- 



telligent,  with,  of  course,  preferences  and  aversions  and 
some  curious  “  terrors.”  A  certain  child’s  gollywog  was 
for  long  a  bogy  to  him,  and  was  used  as  such  to  keep 
him  from  wandering.  He  passed  through  the  winter  ot 
1918-19  in  perfect  health,  the  ordinary  temperature  of 
a  dwelling-house  being  apparently  quite  warm  enough 
for  him.  In  the  summer  he  went  up  with  an  attendant  in 
a  motor-car  regularly,  on  three  days  of  the  week,  to  the 
Zoological  Gardens  in  Regent’s  Park,  and  was  on  view 
in  one  of  the  open  cages  kindly  placed  at  his  disposal 
by  the  lions.  He  was,  however,  miserable  while  there, 
and  eagerly  awaited  his  return  journey  to  Sloane  Street. 

He  was  very  exclusive  and  dainty  about  food — 
perhaps  owing  to  the  fact  that  he  had  not  been  long 
trained  by  the  example  of  his  parents  and  relatives  before 
he  left  the  Gaboon.  He  ate  all  kinds  of  fruit  (oranges, 
bananas,  apples,  raspberries,  etc.),  and  took  milk  readily 
— also  the  white  of  a  boiled  egg,  but  rejected  the  yolk. 
He  was  dubious  about  roots  (carrots,  potatoes,  turnips), 
and  showed  no  taste  for  meat,  though  he  would  eat  a 
little  boiled  fish.  He  rejected  farinaceous  food,  but 
sweets — especially  jam — were  very  welcome  to  him. 
He  ate  flowers — I  have  seen  him  help  himself  to  and  eat 
a  dozen  roses,  one  after  the  other — being  attracted  by 
their  scent.  A  weakness  for  perfume  led  him  to  eat 
scented  soap  ;  but  in  this  he  was  not  encouraged. 
Butter  and  pea-nut  butter,  dried  dates,  figs,  raisins, 
prunes,  Virol,  and  jellies  of  all  sorts  he  loved.  He  took 
very  little  bread,  whilst — contrary  to  what  one  would 
expect — nuts  of  any  kind  gave  him  terrible  indigestion 
and  pain.  He  soon  got  tired  of  any  one  food,  and  the 
lady  who  managed  him  believed  that  the  secret  of  success 
with  him  was  great  variation  in  diet.  He  was  very 
fond  of  tea  and  coffee.  When  it  was  cold  he  slept  with 



a  blanket  over  him,  as  his  room  was  not  specially  heated. 
When  sleeping,  he  lay  on  his  back  with  arms  and  legs 
folded,  but  often  on  his  side  with  his  hand  under  his 
head.  He  would  smile  (some  would  say  “  grin  ”), 
giggle  when  tickled,  and  also  roll  on  the  floor  and  cry 
like  a  spoiled  child  when  one  refused  to  take  him  on  to 
one’s  knee.  He  made  other  sounds,  difficult  to  describe, 
signifying  satisfaction,  surprise,  fright,  and  anger.  Like 
a  child,  he  was  very  fond  of  “  showing  off,”  and  would 
repeatedly  climb  on  to  a  table  in  order  to  take  full-length 
dives  into  a  spring-stuffed  sofa  close  at  hand,  and  then 
turn  head  over  heels,  laugh,  and  clap  his  hands.  He 
was  a  restless  little  fellow  and  never  tired  of  taking  one 
by  the  hand  and  making  one  walk  by  his  side  until  he 
brought  one  to  the  window,  which  he  would  unfasten 
and  open,  or  to  the  door,  upon  which  he  would  beat  a 
tattoo,  or  to  some  piece  of  furniture,  or  to  the  staircase, 
where  he  would  eagerly  display  his  gymnastic  capacities. 

But  the  most  interesting  thing  he  would  do  when 
excited  and  “  showing  off  ”  was  to  stand  up  and  beat 
his  chest  alternately  with  right  and  left  hand  at  the  rate 
of  about  four  blows  to  the  second.  I  was  greatly  aston¬ 
ished  and  pleased  when  he  behaved  thus  on  my  first  visit 
to  him  in  Sloane  Street.  I  believe  that  no  one  has 
testified  to  this  behaviour  on  the  part  of  a  gorilla  since 
Paul  Du  Chaillu  described  it.  I  knew  that  much- 
maligned  little  man,  Paul  Du  Chaillu,  very  well.  He 
was  a  genuine  naturalist  and  observer,  and  brought 
many  new  things  to  London  from  the  Gaboon  (where  he 
had  business  connections)  besides  the  skins  and  skulls 
of  gorillas  and  chimpanzees  ( e.g .  the  great  water  insecti- 
vore  Potamogale).  Later  he  wrote  an  interesting  book 
on  Norway  and  early  Norse  art.  But  he  did  not  know  the 
English  language  when  he  first  came  to  London,  and 



he  entrusted  his  notes  and  diary  of  travels  to  an  American 
assistant  who  made  a  hash  of  them — confusing  dates  and 
itineraries.  Du  Chaillu’s  genuine  experiences  were  so 
novel  and  entertaining  that  when  inconsistencies  were 
discovered  in  his  dates  and  the  details  of  his  journeys, 
he  was  assailed  by  malicious  critics  as  a  second  Munc¬ 
hausen.  Special  discredit  and  ridicule  were  given  to 
his  account  of  the  male  gorilla  beating  his  breast  in 
defiance  and  advancing  to  attack  the  adventurous  hunter. 
Huxley — whose  account  of  the  anthropoid  apes  in  his 
book  “  Man’s  Place  in  Nature  ”  is  still  the  best  we  have 
— is  careful  to  state  that  he  sees  no  reason  to  disbelieve 
Du  Chaillu’s  account  of  the  habits  of  the  gorilla,  and  in 
especial  of  this  “  breast-beating  ”  habit.  It  is  an  inter¬ 
esting  fact  that  the  gorilla’s  close  relative,  the  chim¬ 
panzee,  has  never  been  seen  to  beat  its  breast,  and  that 
the  young  gorilla  John  exhibited  this  proof  of  his 
paternity  as  soon  as  he  got  a  little  bit  “  puffed  up  ”  by 
admiring  attention. 

John’s  height  when  standing  in  a  normal  position 
(that  is  to  say,  bending  forward  a  little)  was,  in  January 
1920,  2  inches  less  than  3  feet.  He  measured  from  hip 
to  head  21  inches,  and  from  hip  to  heel  17  inches.  He 
grew  considerably  during  the  year  1919,  but  no  records 
were  kept  of  his  height  nor  of  his  weight.  His  face  was 
absolutely  black,  with  the  exception  of  the  lips.  The 
surface  of  this  black  skin  was  bright  and  polished,  re¬ 
flecting  the  light.  The  fur  was  a  dark  brown.  By  his 
jet-black  face  he  differed  from  the  chimpanzee  of  Sierra 
Leone,  which  has  a  pale  muzzle,  and  from  the  more 
or  less  pinky-brown-faced  varieties  of  chimpanzee  from 
the  Gaboon.  The  bald  chimpanzee  called  “  Nschiego- 
mbouve  ”  (its  local  name)  by  Du  Chaillu  has  a  black 
face,  and  is  perhaps  entitled  to  recognition  as  a  sub- 



species  or  variety  of  chimpanzee  under  the  name 
“  calvus.”  “  Sally,”  the  chimpanzee  who  lived  for  six 
years  at  the  Gardens  in  Regent’s  Park,  and  was  con¬ 
stantly  visited  and  studied  by  me,  was  one  of  this  race, 
and,  in  spite  of  her  black  face,  differed  greatly  in 
physiognomy  and  character,  as  well  as  in  “  size- 
for-age,”  from  the  gorilla  John. 

Our  photographs  of  John  show  two  characteristic 
features  in  which  the  gorilla  differs  from  the  chimpanzee 
— namely,  the  relatively  much  smaller  size  of  the  ear 
and  the  prominence  of  the  large  expanded  nostrils,  a 
feature  not  properly  seen  in  “  stuffed  ”  specimens.  The 
attitude  of  John  when  walking  was  practically  the 
same  as  that  of  the  chimpanzee,  the  body  being  sup¬ 
ported  on  the  knuckles  of  the  flexed  hands  (contrary  to 
the  original  statements  of  Dr.  Savage),  whilst  the  feet 
were  turned  with  the  soles  inward,  the  weight  resting 
on  the  outer  margin  of  the  foot  and  heel,  the  great  toe 
and  the  smaller  toes  being  turned  inwards,  slightly 
flexed  and  not  applied  to  the  ground.  It  is,  however, 
the  fact  that  John  not  unfrequently  stood  and  sometimes 
walked  with  the  sole  and  heel  applied  as  a  flat  surface  to 
the  ground — the  “  plantar  ”  face  of  the  toes  also  being 
applied  to  the  supporting  surface — the  great  toe  ex¬ 
tending  inwards,  its  axis  forming,  on  the  horizontal  plane, 
a  right  angle  with  that  of  the  diverging  group  of  smaller 
toes.  Mr.  Pocock  informs  me  that  chimpanzees  also 
sometimes  walk  or  stand  with  the  foot  and  toes  thus 
applied  to  the  ground,  and  he  has  seen  them  when 
sitting  down,  swing  their  feet  alternately  and  beat  the 
floor  of  their  cage  with  the  flat  of  the  foot,  for  the  purpose 
of  making  a  rhythmical  “  noise.” 

The  hallux,  or  great  toe  of  man,  is  derived  from  an 



ancestor  with  a  large  hallux,  which  has  been  trans¬ 
mitted  equally  to  man  and  to  the  anthropoid  apes.  But 
in  man  the  foot  has  become  so  modified  that  the  mechani¬ 
cal  axis  of  the  hind-limb  is  continued  through  the 
hallux,  which  in  turn  is  directed  forward  (instead  of  to 
the  inner  face  of  the  limb)  so  as  to  effect  this  result.  The 
great  ridge-line  of  the  shin  bone’s  edge  is  continued,  with¬ 
out  divergence  from  its  straight  course,  by  the  tendons  of 
the  hallux  at  the  instep  to  the  end  of  that  toe  in  an  un¬ 
distorted  human  foot  (Fig.  4).  Man’s  foot  is  not  planti¬ 
grade  like  that  of  the  baboons  and  bears,  in  which  the 
axial  line  of  the  limb  passes  between  the  third  and 
fourth  digits.  Nor  does  it  show  any  trace  of  having 
ever  been  capable  of  “  grasping  ”  by  the  thumb-like 
movement  of  the  hallux  across  the  plantar  surface  as  in 
apes.  It  is  hallucigrade  or  halluci-axial — the  smaller 
ineffective  group  of  toes  being  thrown  by  the  special 
development  of  the  human  hind-limb  away  from  the 
axial  line  of  the  limb  and  hallux  to  its  outer  side — as 
one  may  see  by  looking  at  one’s  own  naked  foot  pointed 
forward  as  in  the  act  of  stepping  (Figs.  2,  3,  and  4). 
The  difference  in  the  form  and  mechanism  of  the  foot  of 
man  and  of  the  man-like  apes  is  more  profound  than  is 
any  other  structural  difference  which  separates  them. 
We  have  no  knowledge  of  any  intermediate  condition  of 
the  foot — no  trace  of  any  connecting  link  nor  of  the 
history  of  the  development  of  the  human  foot.1 

1  An  entirely  erroneous  figure  of  the  gorilla’s  foot  is  given  by  Mr. 
Akeley  in  an  interesting  article  in  "  The  World’s  Work  ”  of  October 
1922.  He  gives  valuable  observations  on  the  habits  of  the  gorilla 
made  when  hunting  this  animal  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Lake  Kivu, 
in  Central  Africa.  He  made  casts  of  the  head,  hands,  and  feet  of 
specimens  killed  by  him.  But  the  cast  of  the  foot  is  (as  shown  in 
a  photograph)  strangely  distorted  and  made  to  present  a  false  re¬ 
semblance  to  the  foot  of  man.  Since  Mr.  Akeley  was  securing  speci¬ 
mens  of  gorilla  for  the  American  Museum  in  New  York,  it  is  well  that 
his  mistake  about  the  gorilla’s  foot  should  be  corrected  at  once. 



A  careful  and  detailed  anatomical  comparison  of  the 
foot  of  man  and  that  of  the  man-like  apes  should,  it 
seems  probable,  enable  a  morphologist  of  imagination 
to  determine  what  has  been  the  most  probable  ancestral 
history  of  both,  and  what  was  the  structure  and 
mechanical  adaptation  of  the  foot  of  their  common 

Fig.  2. — Views  of  the  plantar  surface  of  the  foot.  A,  of  a  Lemur 
(Propithecus  diadema — a  species  which  habitually  walks  on  its 
hind-legs)  ;  B,  of  an  Old-World  Monkey  (Cercopithecus) ;  C,  of  a 
Gorilla,  represented  as  of  approximately  the  same  length.  They 
are  intended  to  show  the  proportionate  size  of  the  great  toe  (very 
large)  and  of  the  other  toes  in  each  kind,  and  also  to  show  the 
natural  position  of  the  great  toe  when  the  animal  is  standing  on 
the  flat  or  plantar  surface  of  the  foot.  Note  the  wide  gap 
between  the  great  toe  and  the  second  toe.  (Reproduced  by  per¬ 
mission  from  drawings  published  by  Mr.  Pocock,  F.R.S.) 

ancestor.  No  such  attempt  to  imagine  the  ancestral 
modifications  of  the  human  foot  has  yet  been  made  with 
adequate  employment  of  existing  data.  Such  facts  as 
the  correlation  of  variation  of  the  fore-  and  the  hind-limb, 
and  therefore  the  history  of  the  thumb  as  well  as  of  the 
great  toe,  would  have  to  be  considered.  The  history  of 
the  modification  of  the  fore-  and  hind-foot  in  other 



groups,  besides  that  of  the  Primates,  must  be  searched  for 
suggestions  as  to  their  history  in  man  and  the  anthro- 

A,  view  of  the  plantar  surface  of  a 
human  foot — to  compare  with  Fig. 
2.  The  great  toe  is  much  larger 
proportionately  to  the  other  toes 
than  in  the  gorilla  ;  the  gap  between 
the  great  toe  and  second  toe  is 
very  greatly  lessened,  and  the  great 
toe  is  not  directed  away  from  the 
mechanical  axis  of  the  foot,  but  is 
traversed  by  it. 

B  is  a  reproduction  of  the  “  tread  ” 
or  “  print  ”  of  a  human  foot, 
obtained  by  inking  the  plantar 
surface  and  then  letting  the  foot 
tread  on  a  flat  sheet  of  paper. 

t§  A, 

'Tf? 4 M 

A  '  ’ 



■■  . 

'  -7 


Fig.  4. — Outline  drawing 
of  the  upper  face  of 
the  human  foot  and 
its  relation  to  the  leg, 
showing  the  continua¬ 
tion  of  the  shin-ridge 
or  tibial  axis  by  the 
great  toe. 

poids.  Form  and  proportions  of  the  digits  and  of  the 
tarsal  bones,  as  puzzling  as  those  of  man  and  possibly 
capable  of  throwing  light  on  the  history  of  the  human 



foot,  are  shown  by  the  great  extinct  Australian  Marsupial 
Diprotodon  exhibited  in  the  Natural  History  Museum. 
This  animal  had  a  huge  massive  heel-bone  and  very 
small  digits,  resembling  those  of  man.  (See  my  “  Extinct 
Animals,”  fig.  135.)  Man’s  conception  of  the  ground 
plan  and  mechanism  of  his  own  foot  has  varied  at 
different  times  and  in  different  races — as  is  shown  by 
the  differing  and  often  injurious  forms  of  “  foot-wear,” 
the  “  sandals,”  boots  and  shoes  of  past  and  present 
times.  The  “  sandal  ”  does  not  distort  the  natural 
disposition  of  the  toes  :  the  large  gap  between  the  great 
toe  and  the  second  toe  is  maintained,  and  a  fastening 
strap  passes  through  it.  But  the  leather  shoe  and  the 
wooden  sabot  both  ignore  the  true  and  natural  pose 
of  the  great  toe  and  squeeze  all  the  toes  together,  so 
as  to  give  a  false  “  point  ”  to  the  distorted  foot  in  the 
line  of  the  second  toe — an  artificial  axis. 

The  question  as  to  whether  there  is  one  or  more 
species  of  gorilla  is  in  a  state  similar  to  that  as  to  the 
species  of  chimpanzees.  It  is  stated  that  specimens 
from  different  localities  differ  in  the  colour  of  the  hair  and 
its  abundance,  and  also  in  size  and  in  the  development  of 
the  bony  crests  in  the  skull  of  the  male.  But  we  have 
not  a  sufficient  number  of  specimens  nor  such  detailed 
information  with  regard  to  these  varieties  as  to  warrant 
any  conclusion  as  to  the  existence  even  of  well-marked 
local  varieties.  On  the  other  hand,  such  local  varieties 
or  sub-species  are  very  common  among  the  larger 
African  mammalia,  and  may  occur  among  gorillas. 
There  is  no  doubt  that  the  hair  of  the  gorilla  becomes 
lighter  and  decidedly  grey  with  age. 

As  to  the  size  attained  by  the  gorilla,  exaggerated 
estimates  have  been  given  by  measuring  from  the  top 


(crown)  of  the  head  to  the  tip  of  the  toes  of  the  stretched 
foot  (which  is  of  great  length),  instead  of  to  the  heel. 
The  adult  male  measured  from  the  heel  is  from  about 
5  ft.  2  in.  to  nearly  6  ft.  in  exceptional  cases,  but  in  the 
natural  position  with  knuckles  on  the  ground  the  animal 
would  stand  from  4  ft.  to  4!  ft.  high.  A  specimen 
measuring  5  ft.  5  in-  from  the  heel  to  the  crown  weighed 
500  lb.  (35  st.  10  lb.) — a  fact  which  gives  an  indication 
of  its  heavy,  unwieldy  figure,  the  body  being  relatively 
to  the  legs  much  larger  than  in  man.  The  average  height 
of  females  (heel  to  crown)  is  4  ft.  6  in. 

Gorillas  have  been  brought  from  time  to  time  to  the 
Zoological  Society’s  Gardens,  but  have  not  lived  long. 
The  following  is  a  list  of  such  specimens  kindly  given 
me  by  Mr.  Pocock  :  Male ,  purchased  October  1887  ; 
lived  two  months.  Female ,  purchased  March  1896 ; 
lived  five  months.  Female  (baby),  purchased  August 
1904  ;  lived  three  weeks.  Female  (about  six  years  old), 
purchased  August  1904 ;  lived  five  weeks.  Female , 
deposited  August  1905  ;  sent  to  America  after  ten  days. 
Female  (baby),  deposited  in  March  1906  ;  lived  barely 
two  months.  Male  (baby),  deposited  in  March  1908  ; 
lived  one  week. 

Recently  the  Zoological  Society  of  Dublin  had  a 
young  specimen  which  lived  for  three  years  in  the 
Society’s  menagerie.  It  is  difficult  to  discover  records 
of  gorillas  in  continental  menageries,  or  of  any  which 
may  have  been  in  the  hands  of  showmen.  A  female  is, 
however,  stated  to  have  lived  for  seven  years  in  Breslau, 
and  it  would  be  interesting  to  have  any  trustworthy  notes 
about  that  specimen.  At  the  Berlin  Gardens  one  was 
kept  for  about  twelve  months.  Hagenbeck,  the  dealer 
and  owner  of  the  celebrated  Gardens  near  Berlin,  spent 



£600  on  gorillas  in  one  season,  and  then,  as  he  told 
Mr.  Pocock,  dropped  them  as  a  hopeless  investment, 
because  they  die  so  quickly !  The  one  case  of  the 
female  at  Breslau  shows  that  there  may  be  individual 
qualities  or  methods  of  management — of  which  I  should 
be  glad  to  hear — which  favour  the  survival  of  the  gorilla 
when  brought  to  Northern  Europe. 

It  is  of  some  interest  to  note  that  the  name  “  gorilla  ” 
was  given  to  this  animal  in  1847  by  Dr.  Savage,  a 
missionary  who  lived  for  many  years  in  the  Gaboon  and 
gave  a  very  full  description  of  the  animal.  The  word 
“  gorilla  ”  is  applied  in  an  extant  ancient  Greek  work 
giving  an  account  of  the  voyage  of  Hanno  the  Cartha¬ 
ginian  in  the  fifth  or  sixth  century  B.C.,  to  certain  hairy 
savage  people  discovered  by  him  in  an  island  on  the 
African  coast.  Dr.  Savage  used  this  name  for  the 
larger  of  the  two  apes  of  the  Gaboon  without  committing 
himself  to  the  suggestion  that  this  ape  was  the  creature 
seen  by  Hanno,  and  at  that  date  so-called  by  the  more 
affable  natives.  It  is  indeed  the  general  opinion,  at 
present,  that  Hanno’s  “  gorillas  ”  were  baboons— the 
word  “  drill  ”  now  used  for  them  ( [e.g .  mandrill)  being 
possibly  related  to  the  earlier  term  “  go-rilla.”  The 
present  native  name  in  the  Gaboon  for  the  gorilla  is 
enje-ena,  whilst  enje-eko  is  the  name  of  the  smaller  of  the 
two  apes — the  chimpanzee.  At  an  earlier  date  (1625) 
we  learn  from  “  Purchas  his  Pilgrimes,”  in  the  relation 
of  the  strange  adventures  of  one  Andrew  Battell,  who 
for  eighteen  years  was  a  prisoner  of  the  Portuguese  in 
Angola,  that  “  the  woods  are  covered  with  baboons, 
monkeys,  apes,  and  parrots,”  and  “  that  here  also  are 
two  kinds  of  monsters  which  are  common  in  these  woods 
and  very  dangerous.  The  greatest  of  these  two  monsters 
is  called  Pongo  in  their  language  and  the  lesser  is  called 


Engeco.”  Battell  then  proceeds  to  give  a  vivid  descrip¬ 
tion  of  the  “  pongo,”  which  leaves  no  doubt  that  it  is 
the  gorilla  of  our  nomenclature — the  enje-ena  of  the 
modern  natives — to  which  he  refers  as  the  pongo,  whilst 
the  smaller  “  monster  ”  is  the  chimpanzee,  still  known 
to  the  natives  by  the  name  “  enjeco,”  which,  according 
to  Buffon,  has  been  corrupted  by  Europeans  into  “  en- 
jocko  ”  and  “  jocko.” 

The  confusion  of  the  two  African  apes  with  the 
Oriental  orang-utan,  and  the  embarrassing  interchange 
both  of  their  native  and  scientific  appellations  by 
learned  zoologists  of  the  past,  form  a  story  which 
may  be  read  in  Huxley’s  “  Man’s  Place  in  Nature.”  I 
am  only  concerned  here  to  say  a  brief  word  about  the 
scientific  names  applied  to  the  gorilla  and  his  smaller 
associate,  the  chimpanzee.  There  is  some  disagreement 
in  the  zoological  world  as  to  the  “  correct  ”  name  to  be 
used  for  these  animals  when  scientific  accuracy  is  desired. 
The  actual  decision  in  these  matters  is  dependent  on 
priority,  and  so  eventually  on  history.  But  I  will 
merely  say  that  it  seems  to  me  inconvenient  to  place  the 
gorilla  and  the  chimpanzee  (that  is,  the  enje-enas  and 
the  enje-ekos)  in  one  genus,  Troglodytes.  I  prefer 
the  practice  of  those  who  call  the  bigger  ape  Gorilla 
savagei  (after  its  first  careful  describer),  and  leave  the 
chimpanzee  alone  in  the  genus  Troglodytes.  But  the 
latter  is  usually  called  by  the  specific  name  “  niger,” 
which  seems  to  be  open  to  correction  (according  to  strict 
rules),  because  he  is  remarkable  for  being  (as  a  rule)  not 
black  but  pale-faced.  I  should  therefore  wish  to  call 
him  Troglodytes  enjecko.  It  would  no  doubt  be  con¬ 
venient  to  use  the  specific  name  “  enjena  ”  for  the  gorilla, 
and  so  respect  the  native  authorities  who  long  ago  dis¬ 
tinguished  the  two  great  African  apes  as  “  en-jena  ” 



and  “  en-jecko.”  It  is  desirable  to  enumerate,  and  for 
that  purpose  to  name  each  of  the  observed  varieties 
respectively  of  Gorilla  savagei  and  of  Troglodytes  enjecko, 
but  to  call  each  of  those  varieties  a  distinct  species  is  not 
consistent  with  the  practice  of  zoologists  in  regard  to 
other  groups  of  animals. 

I  regret  to  have  to  state  that,  owing  to  the  expense 
involved  in  keeping  John  in  a  private  house  and  the 
natural  anxiety  as  to  whether  he  could  be  kept  at  all  in 
such  conditions  when  he  reached  maturity,  his  owner 
was  induced  to  sell  him,  in  the  belief  that  he  was  to  be 
specially  cared  for  in  a  warm  climate.  He  was  taken 
by  his  new  proprietor  to  the  United  States,  and  became 
very  ill  owing  to  his  separation  from  the  friend  who  had 
hitherto  cared  for  him  and  loved  him.  The  temporary 
separation  of  a  few  hours,  when  (in  the  summer  of  1920) 
he  used  to  be  taken  to  the  Zoological  Gardens  in  London, 
had  always  caused  him  great  distress.  This  novel  and 
complete  exile  utterly  prostrated  him  ;  it  deprived  him  of 
all  spirit  and  appetite.  An  atack  of  pneumonia  killed 
him  soon  after  his  arrival  in  America.  I  agree  with 
those  who  hold  that  a  grave  responsibility  is  undertaken 
when  the  attempt  is  made  to  bring  up  a  wild  animal 
in  a  cage  or  even  in  the  enclosed  paddocks  of  a  secluded 
park.  Fortunately  there  are  many  animals  which  can 
be  easily  brought  up  in  captivity  in  complete  health 
and  happiness.  But  there  are  others  which  require  very 
special  conditions.  Among  these  latter  are  the  man¬ 
like  apes,  which  require  companionship  and  friendship 
in  order  to  thrive.  The  gorilla  is  the  most  sensitive  among 
them,  and  at  the  same  time  the  most  difficult  to  deal 
with,  on  account  of  the  great  size  and  strength  to  which 
it  attains  after*a  few  years  of  growth,  and  the  probability 
of  its  developing  hostility  to  its  human  associates  and 


consequent  “  ferocity  ”  after  the  age  of  puberty.  It 
must  be  a  terrible  thing  to  have  to  destroy  a  trustful, 
happy  animal,  such  as  was  John  the  young  gorilla,  when 
it  approaches  full  growth  and  maturity.  Yet  it  seems 
that  there  are  only  two  other  courses  which  can  be 
pursued  by  those  who,  not  being  millionaires,  have  re¬ 
moved  such  animals  from  their  native  forests  and 
successfully  nurtured  them  during  their  youth — namely 
(i)  the  animals  may  be  returned  to  their  original  sur¬ 
roundings  and  set  at  liberty  before  reaching  full  growth, 
or  else  (2)  kept  in  iron-barred  cages  as  prisoners.  In 
the  former  case  they  would  probably  die  from  want  of 
habituation  to  those  original  conditions,  unable  to  find 
food  or  to  cope  with  their  wild  relatives  ;  in  the  latter 
case  they  would  pine  and  die  after  a  more  or  less  pro¬ 
longed  endurance  of  the  misery  resulting  from  loss  of 
companionship  and  liberty.  I  confess  that  it  seems  to  me 
that  no  one  should  “  adopt  ”  a  young  gorilla  who  is  not 
possessed  of  a  large  income  and  able  to  pay  for  skilled 
attendants  and  courageous  companions  for  him  when 
he  is  “  grown  up.”  Perhaps  there  would  be  a  chance 
of  success  if  a  happy  pair  could  be  provided  for — within 
an  enclosed  park  in  a  tropical  or  sub-tropical  climate  ! 
That  would  be  a  very  costly  experiment,  but  it  is  the 
only  one  which  offers  the  chance  of  healthy  life  to  a 
captive  gorilla. 

[Miss  Alyse  Cunningham,  who  tended  and  taught  John  for  two 
years,  has  published  in  the  “Bulletin  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  New 
York,”  September  1921,  a  full  account  of  him,  illustrated  by  several 
excellent  photographs,  of  which  the  most  attractive  shows  John 
seated  by  his  playmate — a  little  girl  three  years  old.] 



IT  is  only  equitable  that  the  great  industry  of  cinema- 
film  production  should  give  valuable  help  to  the 
investigation  of  nature — since  it  owes  its  own 
existence  to  the  persevering  inquiries  of  scientific  men 
seeking  to  ascertain  exactly  the  movements  of  the  legs 
of  the  horse  when  engaged  in  that  rapid  action  which  is 
called  the  “  gallop.” 

About  forty  years  ago,  photography  was  advanced 
to  a  new  position  of  power  by  two  discoveries — that  of 
the  dry  plate  or  film  and  that  of  the  means  of  rendering 
instantaneous  exposure  effective  in  place  of  the  long 
exposure  previously  necessary.  Not  only  was  the 
venerable  science  of  astronomy  rejuvenated  by  these 
discoveries,  which  enabled  the  astronomer  to  print  the 
photographic  records  of  hundreds  of  thousands  of  stars 
invisible  to  the  human  eye,  even  when  fortified  by  the 
most  powerful  telescopes,  but  the  study  of  movement  of 
all  kinds — from  that  of  the  waves  of  the  sea,  to  that  of 
the  limbs  of  the  swiftest  animals,  including  the  most 
fleeting  expressions  of  the  human  face  and  the  flickering 
of  the  “  cilia  ”  of  the  minutest  animalcules  scarcely 
visible  with  the  highest  powers  of  the  microscope — 
entered  upon  a  totally  new  path.  It  became  not  only 
possible  but  easy  to  obtain  by  instantaneous  photo- 



graphy,  a  series  of  successive  permanent  pictures  of  a 
quickly  changing  scene  at  the  rate  of  twenty  or  more  in 
the  second,  showing  what  the  eye  is  not  quick  enough  to 
distinguish — namely,  the  detailed  phases  and  succession 
of  the  movements  which  follow  one  another  so  rapidly 
as  to  elude  our  attempts  to  see  more  than  their  general 
result.  In  the  special  case  studied,  namely,  the  gallop¬ 
ing  horse,  a  blurred  eye-picture  of  moving  parts,  now 
here,  now  there,  defying  our  efforts  to  disentangle  the 
order  and  significance  of  their  movement,  was  resolved 
by  the  series  of  instantaneous  photographs  into  sharply 
cut  definite  shapes  following  one  another  with  per¬ 
fect  regularity  and  order  and  comprehensible  as  the 
successive  phases  of  the  continued  movement  thus 

The  “  problem  of  the  galloping  horse,”  which  had 
long  engaged  the  attention  of  artists,  sportsmen,  and 
experimentalists,  was  thus  solved  by  the  American 
photographer,  Muybridge.  It  had  been  maintained 
that  in  the  “  gallop  ”  the  horse  never  has  all  four  feet  off 
the  ground  :  others  held  that  the  “  flying  gallop,”  with 
fore-  and  hind-limbs  fully  stretched  and  all  the  feet  free 
from  contact  with  the  ground,  as  depicted  in  Herring’s 
well-known  “  racing  plates  ”  of  last  century,  was  a 
correct  representation  of  one  phase  of  the  movement  of 
the  legs  of  the  galloping  horse.  Large  wagers  were 
actually  offered  and  taken  as  to  the  facts  in  dispute.  I 
have  discussed  this  matter  at  length  elsewhere  (“  Science 
from  an  Easy  Chair,”  Second  Series,  1912),  and  will 
here  merely  recall  the  fact  that  by  using  carefully  con¬ 
trived  apparatus — consisting  of  a  row  of  cameras  placed 
at  intervals  along  a  running  track,  the  shutters  of  which 
were  opened  and  closed  electrically  by  the  passage  of 
the  horse  in  front  of  them — Muybridge  succeeded  in 



obtaining  a  series  of  accurately  timed  photographic 
pictures  of  the  galloping  horse,  each  taken  by  about 
i~40th  of  a  second’s  exposure  and  separated  from  its 
predecessor  and  from  its  successor  by  an  equally  short 
interval.  The  true  series  of  movements  made  by  the 
horse’s  legs  in  the  action,  or  “  gait,”  known  as  “  the 
gallop,”  were  thus  accurately  recorded.  It  was  shown 
that  the  legs  never  assume  simultaneously  the  posi¬ 
tion  represented  in  “  the  flying  gallop  ” — nor  any 
position  resembling  it  - — -  although  all  four  legs  do 
simultaneously  leave  the  ground  for  the  fraction  of  a 
second  and  are  curiously  flexed  beneath  the  animal’s 

And  then  came  the  moment  in  history  when  this 
photographic  investigation  of  animal  movement  gave 
birth  to  the  vast  industry  known  as  the  “  cinemato¬ 
graph,”  “  biograph,”  or  “  movies.”  When  lecturing  in 
London  and  showing  his  series  of  instantaneous  photo¬ 
graphs  of  the  horse  (and  of  other  animals,  including 
man),  Muybridge  (whom  I  often  met  at  the  time)  was 
led  to  make  the  experiment  (first  tried  at  the  Royal 
Institution  in  Albemarle  Street)  of  viewing  his  photo¬ 
graphs  by  the  then  well-known  device  called  the 
“  Zoetrope,”  or  “  Wheel  of  Life.”  The  “  Zoetrope  ”  is 
a  hollow  cylinder  a  foot  and  a  half  in  diameter,  turning 
on  a  vertical  axis  rapidly  and  having  its  surface  pierced 
with  a  number  of  vertical  slots.  Round  the  interior  is 
arranged  a  paper  band  of  pictures  representing  success¬ 
ive  phases  of  a  figure  in  movement,  such  as  a  dancer 
or  a  juggler  or  a  running  animal.  When  the  cylinder 
is  rotated  an  observer  looking  through  the  slots  sees  the 
figure  apparently  in  motion.  The  figures  were  printed 
or  painted  in  black  “  silhouette  ”  on  the  paper  bands 
supplied  with  the  “  Zoetrope  ”  by  dealers.  Muybridge 



substituted  for  these  hand-painted  figures  his  series 
of  instantaneous  photographs  of  the  galloping  horse 
The  detached,  queer  and  awkward-looking,  but  faithful, 
instantanees  gave,  when  looked  at  through  the  slot  as 
the  cylinder  revolved  at  the  appropriate  rate,  a  single 
moving  picture  of  the  galloping  horse,  formed  by  the 
fusion  in  the  observer’s  visual  apparatus  of  the  rapidly 
passing  photographs.  It  was  easy  to  throw  the  pictures 
on  the  screen  by  a  slight  modification  of  the  “  Zoetrope  ” 
and  the  use  of  the  electric  lantern,  and  thus  the  first 
“  cinema  show  ”  was  created. 

The  subsequent  development  of  the  modern 
“  cinema  ”  was  brought  about  by  the  invention  of  the 
celluloid  roll-film,  on  which  a  series  of  many  thousands  of 
consecutive  pictures  are  impressed  by  instantaneou 
photography,  the  sensitized  film  being  moved  across  the 
focal  plane  and  exposed  intermittently.  The  film  is 
developed  and  printed  off  in  a  permanent  condition  on 
similar  celluloid  films,  which  are  then  put  through  the 
exhibition  camera  for  projection,  with  vast  enlargement, 
on  a  distant  screen.  They  are  “  jerked  ”  through  it  with 
the  same  intermittence,  and  at  the  same  rate  as  that  at 
which  the  photographs  were  taken  ;  or,  if  desired,  more 
quickly  or  more  slowly. 

Permanent  Records. — The  cinema  appeals  to  the 
scientific  investigator  because  it  offers  to  him  two  distinct 
and  widely  separate  new  means  of  gaining  knowledge. 
The  first  is  that  of  obtaining  records  of  the  movements 
of  all  sorts  of  animate  and  inanimate  things  as  they 
affect  our  vision — permanent  pictures  of  “  the  fleeting 
scene,”  showing  things  actually  moving  and  changing 
in  shape  and  position  as  we  see  them  with  our  eyes 



and  as  we  could  only,  until  the  cinema  came  to  our 
aid,  recall  or  memorize  by  lengthy  and  necessarily  in¬ 
adequate  words  or  by  series  of  hand-made  drawings. 
Many  “  cinema  ”  records  which  are  of  value  to  science 
have  already  been  made,  and  many  more  are  yet  to  be 

Among  these  are  those  of  the  dances  and  other 
movements  of  remote  races  of  mankind,  such  as  are 
practised  by  the  natives  of  Central  Australia,  recorded 
in  cinema  films,  and  shown  to  us  here  in  London  by 
Sir  Baldwin  Spencer,  F.R.S.,  a  few  years  ago  (1914). 
In  Sir  Baldwin’s  exhibition,  the  realization  of  an  ex¬ 
tremely  remote  and  inaccessible  phase  of  humanity,  was 
greatly  aided  by  the  use  of  the  phonograph,  which  gave 
to  us  the  rhythmical  chant  or  song  of  the  “  black 
fellows,”  taken  simultaneously  with  the  film  pictures  of 
their  ceremonial  dancing.  A  knowledge  of  the  dances 
and  ceremonials  of  primitive  people  is  of  very  great 
importance  to  the  science  of  anthropology,  and  unless 
such  records  are  taken  now  we  shall  never  get  them  : 
for  the  customs  of  primitive  people  die  out  and  disappear 
even  more  rapidly  than  the  people  themselves.  Again, 
in  the  same  way  the  cinema  can  give  us  invaluable  records 
of  the  habits  and  movements  of  wild  animals  destined 
soon  to  disappear  and  even  now  remote  from  us  and 
difficult  of  access.  To  a  very  small  extent  such  films 
have  been  taken,  but  there  is  need  for  more  determined 
work  of  the  kind,  carried  out  systematically  and  thor¬ 
oughly,  with  scientific  purpose  and  professional  skill 
Another  wonderful  series  of  movements  which  are  but 
rarely  open  to  our  inspection  are  those  of  microscopic 
organisms.  They  can  be  filmed,  and  so  “  recorded,” 
by  the  combination  of  microscope  and  cinema-camera. 
Those  produced  by  Messrs.  Pathe,  of  Paris,  especi- 


ally  those  of  blood  parasites,  have  a  real  value  for 

Slowing-down  of  Movement.— The  other  kind  of 
service  rendered  by  the  cinema  to  science  is  in  a  way 
accidental  or  unintentional.  The  cinema  show  contains 
in  fact  “  more  than  meets  the  eye  of  man.”  The  desire 
to  analyse  the  movements  of  the  galloping  horse  led  to 
the  making  of  the  moving  pictures  of  the  cinema  show. 
And  now  the  cinema  films  printed  with  thousands  of 
instantaneous  photographs  in  series — to  be  used  merely 
to  produce  a  moving  picture — offer  to  the  scientific  in¬ 
quirer  the  analysis  of  the  various  movements  seen  in  the 
picture  in  a  most  convenient  form.  Each  instantaneous 
photograph  on  the  film  furnishes  the  observer  with  an 
instantaneous  phase  of  this  or  that  movement.  The 
movements  are,  in  fact,  analysed  into  their  constituent 
phases,  lasting  each  but  i~40th  of  a  second  or  less. 
Although  in  practice  these  separate  instantaneous  pictures 
are  so  quickly  passed  through  the  projecting  lantern  as 
to  be  inseparable  by  the  eye  from  one  another,  yet  the 
film  can  be  passed  by  jerks  at  longer  intervals,  or  the  film 
can  be  taken  in  the  hand  and  each  picture  separately 
examined.  Thus  the  ordinary  walking  and  running  of 
our  fellow-citizens  is  shown  to  be  built  up  of  what  are 
often  very  ugly  instantaneous  poses  of  the  feet  and  legs, 
necessary  results  of  our  muscular  and  skeletal  structure. 

The  expression  of  the  emotions  (on  which  Darwin  wrote 
a  book)  is  analysed  in  a  surprising  way  by  these  con¬ 
stituent  pictures  of  the  film,  and  a  field  of  valuable  obser¬ 
vation  on  that  important  subject  is  thus  opened  to  the 
psychologist,  which  has  not  yet  been  surveyed.  Examples 
are  seen  in  the  facial  changes  in  Muybridge’s  series  of 
the  baseball  batsman  and  in  the  series  showing  the  face 



and  movements  of  a  naked  bather  suddenly  drenched  by 
a  pailful  of  cold  water. 

The  cinema  shows  have  from  time  to  time  thrilled 
their  spectators  by  the  exhibition  of  films  showing 
athletes  boxing,  jumping,  running,  and  playing  various 
games  of  ball,  in  which  the  passage  of  the  film  through 
the  exhibition  lantern  is  greatly  “  slowed  down,”  but 
not  enough  to  cause  discontinuity  of  the  moving  figures. 
The  “  slowing,”  however,  is  such  as  to  produce  the 
most  ludicrous  appearance  of  hesitation  and  deliberate 
retarding  of  what  is  usually  rapid  instantaneous  action. 
A  boxer  slowly  and  gently  places  his  fist  on  the  nose  of 
his  opponent,  who  quietly  and  ineffectually  raises  his 
arm  in  order  gently  to  touch  the  intrusive  fist.  A  high 
jumper  is  seen  rising  slowly  in  the  air  from  the  ground 
as  though  levitated  by  “  spirits  ”  or  filled  with  gas,  and 
then  slowly,  slowly,  with  astonishing  contortions,  he 
propels  himself  in  a  sitting  position  over  the  bar  and 
quietly  sinks,  as  though  in  a  heavy  liquid,  to  the  ground 
once  more.  In  the  same  way  the  deliberate,  prolonged 
administration  of  a  gentle  push  in  the  air  to  a  tennis 
ball  by  a  player  who  seems  to  be  in  a  state  of  semi¬ 
somnolence  is  a  wonderful  and  laughable  result  of 
slowing  down  the  film  of  a  first-class  tennis  match  taken 
at  a  rapid  rate.  These  slowed-down  films — exhibited 
to  the  public  for  the  sake  of  their  grotesque  sug¬ 
gestions — have  great  value  as  leading  to  the  scientific 
analysis  and  understanding  of  complex  movements, 
whether  of  limbs  or  of  facial  muscles,  and  render  the 
separate,  detached,  instantaneous  photographs  readily 
intelligible.  They  also  offer  to  the  artist  some  very 
beautiful  “  poses  ”  of  the  human  body,  as,  for  instance, 
in  the  slowed-down  flight  through  the  air  of  a  “  high  ” 



Movements  of  Legs  and  Wings. — Series  of  such 
instantanees  must  be  made  by  the  biologist  expressly 
for  his  own  inquiries,  and  every  biological  laboratory 
of  university  rank  will  soon  have  its  own  special  appa¬ 
ratus  (applicable  to  the  microscope  as  well  as  to  normal 
scenes)  both  for  taking  series  of  instantaneous  pictures 
and  for  projecting  them  at  whatever  rate  is  desired  on 
to  a  screen.  A  small  apparatus  of  this  kind  suitable 
for  use  in  an  ordinary  sitting-room  or  study  is  now  on 
sale  at  a  moderate  price.  I  may  give  expression  to 
personal  conviction  so  far  as  to  say  that  had  such 
apparatus  been  available  some  thirty  years  ago,  when 
I  enjoyed  the  control  of  a  laboratory  and  a  staff  of 
assistants  and  pupils  at  Oxford,  I  should  certainly  have 
had  it  installed  there  and  have  made  researches  by 
its  aid.  The  movements  of  the  legs  and  wings  of  all  sorts 
of  animals,  large  and  small,  besides  those  of  the  horse’s 
legs,  must  be  investigated  in  this  way.  The  question 
which  so  much  disquieted  the  centipede  when  addressed 
to  her  by  the  toad,  according  to  a  poem  cited  on  p.  242 
— namely,  “  Pray,  which  leg  moves  after  which  ?  ”  must 
be  answered.  And  this  not  only  as  to  centipedes,  but 
as  to  the  even  more  elusive  millipedes  and  the  fasci¬ 
nating  marine  worms  called  Nereis  and  Eunice  and 
Nephthys  and  Phyllodoce,  which  have  a  row  of  more 
than  a  hundred  paddle-like  legs  on  each  side  of  the 
body,  moving  rhythmically  and  propelling  the  worm 
through  the  water  whilst  its  body  gracefully  undu¬ 
lates  like  that  of  a  serpent.  That  “  rhythm  ”  must 
be  ascertained  and  its  control  by  the  nervous  centres 
of  the  “  annelid  ”  (a  prettier  name  than  “  worm  ”) 

Movements  of  Cilia. — Then,  too,  to  name  only  one 
other  line  of  inquiry  in  which  the  cinema  can,  and  will 



at  once,  help  biology,  there  is  the  investigation  (long 
waiting  for  further  progress)  of  the  movements  of  the 
vibratile  hairs  called  “  cilia  ”  and  “  flagella,”  by  use  of 
which  a  whole  population  of  microscopic  Infusoria — of 
hundreds  of  different  kinds — move  with  agility  and  dis¬ 
crimination  and  also  often  create  whirlpools  sweeping 
food  into  their  mouths.  The  movements  of  cilia  are  so 
rapid  that  they  have  caused  divergence  of  opinions  as 
to  their  character  as  great  as  those  as  to  the  galloping 
legs  of  the  horse.  More  complex  and  calling  more 
urgently  for  instantaneous  photographic  records  are  the 
movements  of  the  single  long  flagella  of  such  animal¬ 
cules  as  Euglena,  Astasia,  and  the  so-called  “  monads.” 
These  “  flagella  ”  are  sometimes,  as  in  the  spermatozoids 
of  animals,  worked  as  propulsive  tails,  like  that  of  a 
tadpole,  whilst  another  sort  is  carried  as  a  straight  stiff 
rod  in  front  of  the  animalcule  but  has  its  free  terminal 
portion  bent  back  like  the  lash  of  a  whip.  This  reflected 
lash  wriggles  in  rhythmic  undulation  and  so  acts  as  a 
traction-pull  and  draws  the  animalcule  forward.  The 
exact  movement  of  cilia  and  flagella  and  the  action  of 
various  agencies  in  causing  their  variation  could  all  be 
registered  by  series  of  instantaneous  photographs  taken 
by  such  a  combination  of  the  microscope  and  cinema 
camera  as  has  enabled  Dr.  Commandant  (who  has 
pursued  his  excellent  researches  in  the  film  factory  of 
Messrs.  Pathe,  of  Paris)  to  produce  moving  pictures  of 
the  minute  bacteria  and  spirilla  and  of  many  animal¬ 
cules  with  great  accuracy  and  clearness  of  detail.  Such 
an  application  of  “  cinema  methods  ”  to  the  needs  of 
science  will  soon  be  realized. 

Quickening  Up. — Having  mentioned  the  “  slowing 
down  ”  of  films  as  a  source  of  interesting  information,  I 
am  reminded  of  the  contrasted  method  of  quickening 



up  a  film  which  can  give  results  of  some  value.  For 
instance,  such  a  very  slow  gradual  process  as  the  open¬ 
ing  of  a  flower-bud  or  leaf-bud,  taking,  say,  three  or 
four  days,  can  be  photographed  at  intervals  of  several 
minutes  and  a  film  of  some  hundreds  of  instantaneous 
pictures  thus  obtained  which  is  subsequently  projected 
at  the  rate  of  a  thousand  or  more  in  a  minute.  The 
resulting  screen  picture  gives  the  untwisting  of  the  flower 
from  bud  to  perfect  expansion  in  about  half  a  minute. 
The  whole  process  is  visualized  as  one  rapid  move¬ 
ment,  but  not  too  rapid  for  the  mind  to  form  a 
vivid  impression  of  the  form  and  character  of  the 

The  same  thing  has  been  shown  in  a  much  more 
difficult  field  of  study — namely,  that  of  the  self-division 
and  consequent  multiplication  of  the  constituent  cells  of 
protoplasm  which  build  up  animal  tissues.  This  process 
is  usually  a  very  slow  one.  A  cell,  even  in  young  tissue 
which  is  rapidly  growing,  takes  some  six  hours  or  more 
to  increase  in  bulk,  and  then  to  commence  to  split  into 
two  by  the  division  of  its  nucleus  or  central  kernel.  It 
is  so  slow  that  it  does  not  present  itself  to  the  observer’s 
mind  as  a  movement  at  all.  It  is  as  difficult  to  “  see  ” 
as  is  the  movement  of  the  hour-hand  of  a  watch.  Yet 
when  a  film  is  produced  by  photographing  the  dividing 
cell  of  living  tissue  at  intervals  of  half  a  minute,  and 
when  the  film  so  produced  is  unrolled  at  a  much  quicker 
rate,  so  as  to  pass  through  in  half  a  minute  what  took 
six  hours — then,  indeed,  we  get  a  most  astonishing 
spectacle.  The  quiet  little  corpuscles  or  “  cells  ”  of 
protoplasm  suddenly  become  obviously  “  alive.”  They 
were  “  alive  ”  all  the  time,  but  their  slow  movement 
failed  to  impress  the  observer.  Now  we  see  them  in  “  the 
quickened-up  ”  film — swelling  and  pushing  one  another, 



and  then  suddenly  bursting  or  splitting  into  two,  where¬ 
upon  each  half  swells  and  proceeds  on  the  same  path  of 
growth  and  division 

The  quickening-up  process  helps  us  to  put  things 
together,  and  to  realize  the  active  movement  which  is 
going  on,  though  too  slowly  to  be  obvious  to  us  when  not 
thus  accelerated.  It  would  in  this  way  help  us  to  under¬ 
stand  the  separate  pictures  on  a  film  of  a  lawn-tennis 
match,  supposing  we  had  only  seen  them  very  slowly 
pass  through  an  exhibition  camera.  But  as  a  means  of 
investigation,  “  quickening  up  ”  is  not  nearly  so  im¬ 
portant  as  “  slowing  down,”  and  the  ultimate  separation 
of  the  constituent  pictures  of  a  film.  That  is  a  process 
of  real  analysis  and  promises  to  render  valuable  help 
to  scientific  studies 

Records  of  Great  Actors  and  Dancers. — Before 
leaving  the  subject,  I  should  like  to  emphasize  the 
value  of  the  service  to  all  sorts  of  interests,  arts,  in¬ 
dustries,  and  sciences,  which  the  cinema  can  render 
when  used  purely  and  simply  to  register  a  record — a 
record,  be  it  remembered,  of  a  brief  period  of  life  and 
movement.  This  is  altogether  distinct  from  its  use 
as  a  source  of  amusement,  as  a  teller  of  stories  and  a 
peep-show  of  astonishing  adventures,  of  horrors  un¬ 
speakable,  and  of  beauties  beyond  words.  I  confess 
that  I  do  not  get  so  much  pleasure  from  the  cinema  in 
that  sort  of  way  as  I  do  from  the  stage.  But  it  seems  to 
me  that  the  cinema  can  fill  a  special  place  not  possible 
for  the  living  drama  and  stage  play.  It  can  actually 
reproduce  by  its  carefully  executed  faithful  records, 
the  changing  facial  expression  and  the  gestures  of  great 
actors,  of  great  public  speakers,  and  of  leaders  of  all 
kinds  of  enterprise.  It  provides  scientifically  accurate 



records  of  evanescent  phenomena.  It  has  been  little 
if  at  all  used  for  this  purpose,  which  appears  to  me  to 
be  its  distinctive  and  indeed  unique  possibility — far 
more  important  than  that  of  “  story-telling  without 
words.”  A  few  films  have  been  produced  which  possess 
this  special  value.  Such,  for  instance,  is  one  of  the 
first  films  shown  in  London  in  which  the  story  of  the 
murder  of  the  Due  de  Guise  was  “  featured,”  as  they  say, 
by  two  great  actors  of  the  Comedie  Franijaise,  M. 
Mounier  Sully  and  M.  Le  Bargy,  aided  by  other  notable 
actors  and  actresses.  The  value  of  this  film  f which 
I  saw  when  it  was  first  exhibited)  consists — if  it  still 
exists — not  in  the  dramatic  story  which  it  tells,  but  in 
the  permanent  record  of  the  methods  and  mastery  of 
facial  expression  characteristic  of  a  group  of  famous 

There  is  one  great  art  of  the  stage  in  which  the 
cinema  could  preserve  for  us  a  really  complete  and 
entirely  satisfactory  presentation  of  the  performance  of 
specially  gifted  artists,  which  can  be  perpetuated  in  no 
other  way.  That  is  the  creative  art  of  the  great  dancer. 
So  far  as  I  know  this  record  has  never  been  attempted. 
Some  ten  years  ago  Mr.  John  Sargent,  the  Academician, 
said  to  me  that  no  painter  could  possibly  present  on 
canvas  the  charm  and  artistic  gifts  of  the  great  Russian 
dancer  Madame  Anna  Pavlova.  It  could,  he  said,  only 
be  achieved  by  the  cinematograph.  No  doubt  this  is 
true.  It  could  be  done  by  the  cinema,  but  it  never  has 
been.  I  do  not  know  what  are  the  circumstances  which 
have  hitherto  prevented  the  production  of  the  most 
skilfully  arranged  films  faithfully  recording  the  perform¬ 
ance  of  the  greatest  dancer  of  our  time — films  which  would 
transmit  to  posterity  with  almost  perfect  accuracy  the 
marvellous  beauties  of  moving  gesture  and  expression, 



which  now  are  vouchsafed  to  us  for  a  brief  moment  and 
remain  thereafter  only  as  fading  memories.  But  some 
day  the  cinema  will  rescue  the  work  of  such  great  artists 
from  oblivion  and  offer  it  for  the  permanent  delight  of  the 



ALL  living  things,  whether  plants  or  animals,  are 
either  single  very  minute  “  corpuscles  ”  of  proto¬ 
plasm — called  “  cells  ” — or  are  aggregates,  i.e. 
built-up  masses  of  such  cells.  Protoplasm  is  the  name 
given  to  the  very  peculiar  living,  changing  “  slime  ”  or 
viscid  material  of  which  every  “  cell  ”  is  constituted. 
The  name  “  cell  ”  was  applied  two  hundred  and  fifty 
years  ago  to  the  tiny  cases,  fitted  together  like  the 
cells  of  a  honeycomb,  which  the  living  units,  or  cor¬ 
puscles,  of  protoplasm  building  up  the  leaves,  stems, 
flowers,  and  fruits  of  plants  deposit  around  themselves. 
Then  the  application  of  the  word  was  actually  transferred 
from  the  cell  or  case  to  its  living,  slimy  content — just  as 
we  say  “  a  bottle  of  wine,”  meaning  the  liquid  contained 
in  the  glass  bottle  and  not  the  glass  bottle  itself. 

Not  only  is  every  living  thing  built  up  by  these  units 
of  living  matter  called  “  cells,”  and  of  the  cases  of  inert 
material  deposited  by  them  around  themselves,  which 
may  be  either  very  copious  or  else  negligible  in  quantity, 
but  the  fact  is  that  every  living  thing,  whether  plant  or 
animal,  starts  its  individual  existence  as  a  single  “  ferti¬ 
lized  egg-cell  ”  usually  less  than  i-i5oth  of  an  inch  in 
diameter,  which  slowly  increases  in  bulk  and  divides 
into  two  Each  of  these  two  divides  into  two,  and  these 




repeat  the  process,  and  so  on  for  hundreds  of  times,  until 
from  the  single  egg-cell — in  the  course  of  days  or  weeks 
— an  adherent  mass  of  many  million  “  cells  ”  may  result. 
Such  is  the  case  with  the  larger  animals  and  plants  ; 
but  there  are  simple  kinds  of  both  plants  and  animals 
which  are  single  cells  and  remain  so.  They  take 
nourishment,  grow  in  size,  and  divide  into  two  ;  but  the 
two,  in  this  kind,  separate  from  one  another,  and  each 
goes  on  its  own  way.  Such  animals,  of  which  many 
hundred  kinds  are  known  to  microscopists,  are  called 
“  unicellular  animals  ”  or  “  Protozoa.”  Each  is  com¬ 
parable  to  a  single  one  of  the  many  million  units  which 
build  up  a  large  animal  such  as  a  man  or  a  fish  or  a  snail. 
And,  similarly,  there  are  unicellular  plants. 

Living  cells  acquire  many  different  shapes  and  are 
variously  active.  It  is  not  surprising  that  some  amongst 
those  building  up  a  complex  multicellular  animal 
resemble  very  closely  some  of  the  independent  uni¬ 
cellular  animals.  Whilst  most  of  the  cells  of  a  multi¬ 
cellular  animal  are  embedded  in  the  case-like  material 
which  they  form,  and  so  constitute  compact,  more  or  less 
solid,  living  masses,  which  are  called  tissues,  others 
float  freely  in  the  liquids  of  the  animal  body — the  blood 
and  the  lymph — and  are  singularly  like  certain  uni¬ 
cellular  “  animalcules  ”  which  are  common  in  ponds 
and  in  sea-water,  where  they  lead  an  independent  life. 
These  “  animalcules  ”  have  long  been  known  as  Amoeba 
or  the  Proteus-animalcule,  and  the  floating  cells  similar 
to  Amoebae  formed  in  the  blood  and  lymph  of  multi¬ 
cellular  animals  by  division  of  the  original  or  parent 
“  egg-cell,”  are  called  “  white  blood  corpuscles,”  also 
“  amoeboid  corpuscles,”  or,  since  Metchnikoff  dis¬ 
covered  their  nature  and  importance,  the  “  eater-cells,” 
or  “  phagocytes.” 



Let  us  look  first  at  an  Amoeba.  In  Fig.  5,  one  is 
shown  removed  from  some  pond-water  and  crawling 
on  a  glass  slide.  It  is  magnified  about  200  times  in 
diameter.  The  figures  are  actual  photographs  taken 
from  the  first  cinema-film  of  a  moving  shape-changing 
Amoeba  ever  produced,  and  were  prepared  and  given 
to  me  by  Messrs.  Pathe,  of  Paris.  The  whole  film 

Fig.  5. — -Figures  from  a  cinema  film  of  a  rapidly  moving  Amoeba 
photographed  from  life  by  Messrs.  Pathe,  of  Paris.  The  complete 
series  consists  of  photographs  taken  at  the  rate  of  thirty  in  a 
second  of  time.  The  figures  here  selected  are  about  a  second  of 
time  apart;. 

could  not  be  printed  here,  but  I  have  selected  seven,  show¬ 
ing  the  changes  of  shape  of  the  Amoeba  at  intervals  of 
about  ^one  second  of  time.  This  constant  change  of 
shape  is  indicated  by  the  name  Amoeba — which  is  a 
Greek  word  meaning  “  changeful.”  Owing  to  this 
irregular  expansion  and  retraction  of  its  naked  slimy 
substance  or  “  protoplasm,”  the  Amoeba  crawls.  But 
not  only  that.  If  it  comes  into  the  neighbourhood  of  a 
particle  of  food  (a  diatom  or  tiny  plant-particle  more 



minute  than  itself)  the  slimy  substance  of  the  Amoeba  is 
chemically  attracted  by  it  and  flows  around  the  food- 
particle  and  engulfs  it,  as  shown  in  Fig.  6,  A.  And  the 
particle  ( a )  so  engulfed  or  swallowed  by  the  Amceba 

Fig.  6. — Comparison  of  an  Amoeba  (A)  and  a  Colourless  Blood  Cor¬ 
puscle  or  Phagocyte  (B).  Each  is  in  the  act  of  engulfing  a  food- 

The  food-particle  a  in  the  case  of  the  amoeba  is  a  minute  green 
plant,  and  in  the  case  of  the  phagocyte  is  a  disease-germ  of  the 
kind  known  as  a  "  spirillum  ”  which  produces  “  relapsing  fever.” 
The  successive  stages  of  the  enclosure  of  the  food-particle  in  the 
protoplasm  or  living  substance  of  the  amceba  and  the  phagocyte 
are  seen,  a,  food-particle,  b,  water  taken  in  with  it  by  the 
amoeba,  c,  vacuole  or  cavity  in  the  protoplasm  containing  liquid. 
d,  the  "  cell-nucleus  ”  or  central  kernel. 

with  a  little  water  ( b )  is  digested  and  dissolved  in  the 
Amoeba  by  chemical  processes  and  absorbed  by  it  as 
nourishment.  The  Amoeba  multiplies  by  division  into 
two  when  it  grows  to  a  certain  size,  and  it  is  often  very 
abundant  among  dead  leaves  in  a  rain-pool.  There  are 



many  kinds  or  species  of  Amoeba,  of  which  that  here 
figured  is  a  sample. 

Now  we  turn  to  the  “  phagocytes,”  the  colourless 
corpuscles  ,of  the  blood.  They  are  parts  or  units  of  the 
actual  substance  of  the  multicellular  animals  in  which 
they  are  abundant,  and  not  parasites  which  have  made 
their  way  in  from  the  outside.  Indeed,  as  we  shall  see, 
they  are  a  sort  of  special  guard  or  defence  of  the  animal 
body  against  foreign  intruders — such  as  Bacteria, 
Trypanosomes,  and  other  “  germs  ”  which  constantly 
make  more  or  less  effectual  attempts  to  get  into  that  little 


Fig.  7. — Successive  changes  of  form  of  a  Colourless  Corpuscle  or 
“  Phagocyte  ”  from  the  Blood  of  Man — as  seen  through  a  high- 
power  microscope  on  a  glass  plate  kept  at  the  temperature  of 
the  human  body.  The  phases  are  about  five  seconds  of  time 

fortress,  a  living  animal.  In  Fig.  7  we  have  represented 
a  “  phagocyte  ”  from  the  blood  of  man.  It  is  much 
smaller  than  the  Amoeba — twenty  times  smaller  than  the 
large  one  photographed — though  Amoebae  as  small 
are  common.  The  same  movements  and  change  of 
shape  are  seen  as  in  Fig.  5.  The  “  phagocytes  ”  are  very 
abundant  in  human  blood — there  are  500  millions  of 
them  in  a  pint  of  it,  but  the  “  red  corpuscles  ”  are  far 
more  numerous — in  the  proportion  of  5000  to  r.  In 
Fig.  8  a  “  phagocyte  ”  from  the  frog’s  blood  is  drawn 
from  the  life.  It  is  larger  and  even  more  active  than 
that  of  man. 

Such  “  phagocytes  ”  are  abundant  constituents  of 



the  blood  and  lymph-like  fluids  of  all  animals.  Sixty 
years  ago  it  was  shown  that  if  some  powdered  vermilion 
is  put  into  a  drop  of  blood,  the  “  phagocytes  (which 
were  then  called  merely  “  white  blood  corpuscles  )  will 
engulf  the  fine  grains  of  vermilion — as  an  Amoeba 
engulfs  food-particles.  But  nothing  came  of  this  obser¬ 
vation  until  three  great  discoveries  were  made — namely, 
(i)  that  infective  diseases  are  caused  by  bacteria  (Bacilli, 
Spirilla,  and  Cocci)  which  make  their  way  from  the 
exterior  into  the  blood  and  tissues  of  healthy  animals,  and 

Fig.  8. — Successive  changes  of  form  of  a  Colourless  Corpuscle  or 
Phagocyte  of  the  Frog’s  Blood,  carefully  drawn  from  life.  The 
corpuscle  is  seen  to  be  in  process  of  fission  or  dividing  into  two 
(Fig.  h).  The  phases  of  change  drawn  are  separate  from  each 
other  by  about  five  seconds. 

multiplying  there  produce  the  specific  poisons  of  the 
diseases  (fevers,  etc.)  of  which  they  are  the  causes  (Pasteur), 
and  that  the  deadly  suppuration  of  wounds  is  also  due 
to  intrusive  Bacteria  (Lister)  ;  (2)  that  the  colourless 

corpuscles  push  their  way  through  the  wall  of  the  finest 
blood-vessels  when  “  inflammation  ”  occurs  at  a  wounded 
or  injured  part  of  the  body  (see  Fig.  9,  and  its  explana¬ 
tion),  and  accumulate  by  millions  in  the  injured  tissue 
(Cohnheim)  ;  (3)  that  in  transparent  water-fleas  and 

marine  animals  infected  by  intrusive  germs  or  foreign 
particles,  one  can  actually  watch  the  colourless  blood 
corpuscles  engorging  and  destroying  the  infective 



foreign  particles  in  great  numbers  (Metchnikoff).  It 
was  Metchnikoff  who  brought  these  three  facts  together 
and  connected  them  by  his  doctrine  of  “  phagocytosis  ” 
— the  special  activity  and  significance  of  the  hitherto 
un-explained  colourless 
corpuscles  of  the  blood 
to  which  he  now  gave 
the  name  “  eater-cells  ” 
or  “  phagocytes.”  He 
showed  by  prolonged 
experiments  and  obser¬ 
vations  on  all  kinds  of 
animals,  healthy  and 
diseased,  ‘that  the  busi¬ 
ness  of  the  amoeba-like 
phagocytes  of  the  blood 
and  lymph  of  animals 
is  to  swallow  and  de¬ 
stroy  all  intrusive  germs 
and  also  to  remove 
dead  tissue  and  hurtful 
foreign  bodies.  In  Fig. 

6,  B,  we  see  a  “  phago¬ 
cyte  ”  engulfing  and 
digesting  a  fever-caus¬ 
ing  “  spirillum  ”  in  the 
blood  of  a  guinea-pig 
— just  as  an  Amoeba 
engulfs  its  attractive 

food-particle  (Fig.  6,  A).  In  Fig.  g  (bis)  we  see  Metchni¬ 
koff ’s  drawing  of  a  large  “  phagocyte  ”  which  has 
engulfed  a  number  of  cholera-bacilli.  Just  in  the  same 
way  (as  hundreds  of  observers  have  now  shown)  all 
kinds  of  disease  germs  and  the  deadly  “  wound-infecting  ” 
germs  are  seized  and  destroyed  by  the  ever-active 

Fig.  g. — The  out  -  wandering  of  a 
Phagocyte  through  the  delicate  wall 
of  a  blood-vessel  (capillary)  of  the 
Frog,  a.,  the  oval  red  blood  corpus¬ 
cles  of  the  frog  inside  the  blood¬ 
vessel.  p.t  the  phagocyte,  n.,  nu¬ 
cleus  of  a  cell  of  the  wall  of  the 
capillary  vessel. 

In  the  left-hand  figure  the  phagocyte 
has  penetrated  half-way  to  the  ex¬ 
terior  of  the  vessel.  In  the  right 
hand  figure  it  has  very  nearly  got 
completely  through.  (From  Metch- 



“  phagocytes.”  They  are  indeed  the  “  scavengers  ”  of 
the  animal  body.  It  is  on  them  that  we  have  to  rely 
in  our  battle  against  infective  diseases.  Consequently 
Metchnikolf  and  his  followers  have  made  careful  ex¬ 
periments  and  found  out  what  will  help  and  what  will 
retard  the  “  phagocytes  ”  in  their  life-saving  work. 
They  not  only  swallow  and  digest  hostile  germs,  but  are 
attracted  or  repelled  by  them,  conquer  them  by  chemical 

poisons  which  they  exude, 
and  produce  other  chemi¬ 
cal  bodies  of  great  import¬ 
ance  (antitoxins).  They 
can  be  assisted  and 
strengthened  by  various 
artifices  now  discovered 
by  medical  science. 

Fig.  9  (bis). — A  large  Phagocyte  of 
the  Guinea-Pig,  which  has  engulfed 
many  cholera  microbes  or  “  com¬ 
ma-bacilli,”  and  is  in  course  of 
digesting  them,  ch.,  some  of  the 
cholera  microbes.  n.,  the  cell- 
nucleus  of  the  phagocyte.  v., 
vacuity  or  liquid-holding  cavi¬ 
ties.  (From  Metchnikoff.) 

Metchnikolf.  It  only  occurs 

The  escape  of  the 
“  phagocytes  ”  (Fig.  9) 
from  the  blood-vessels  in 
inflammation  (“  diaped- 
esis,”  or  “  out- wander¬ 
ing,”  as  it  was  called), 
and  in  fact  inflammation 
itself,  is  explained  by 
in  animals  which  have  a 

highly  developed  system  of  blood-vessels  under  the 
control  of  the  nervous  system.  The  heat  and  redness  of 
inflammation  is  due  to  a  local  arrest  or  congestion  of  the 
blood-stream,  caused  by  a  dilatation  of  the  smaller  veins 
under  the  control  of  special  muscles  and  nerves.  This 
local  congestion  of  the  blood-stream  allows  the  “phago¬ 
cytes  ”  to  escape  at  an  injured  spot  in  vast  numbers  (see 
Fig.  9),  and  so  to  eat  up  and  destroy  dead  tissue,  foreign 
substances,  and,  above  all,  the  “  wound  -  poisoning  ” 



bacteria,  which  would  otherwise,  having  entered  at  the 
broken  skin-surface,  multiply  with  deadly  effect.  Thus 
we  have  briefly  set  forth  the  answer  to  the  question 
“  What  are  ‘  phagocytes  ’  ?  ”  They  are  so  important 
and  are  so  dominant  a  feature  in  the  new  surgery  and 
new  medicine  associated  with  the  great  germ-theory  of 
disease,  that  every  one  should  have  a  clear  conception 
of  their  nature.  Our  knowledge  of  them  has  been 
greatly  advanced  by  the  study  of  wounds  and  their 
infection  during  the  Great  War,  and  is  increasing  every 



SNAILS  are  of  many  and  various  kinds.  In 
drawing  up  the  great  pedigree  of  animals  which 
is  called  “  the  classification  of  the  animal  kingdom,” 
naturalists  place  them,  with  other  creatures  like  them 
in  structure,  as  a  stem  or  great  line  of  descent  which 
is  called  the  “  Mollusca.”  It  comprises  the  snails  and 
whelks  as  well  as  the  bivalve  mussels,  clams,  and  oysters. 
Examples  of  other  great  stems  are  the  Vertebrates,  the 
Appendiculates,  the  Starfishes. 

The  molluscs,  as  their  name  suggests,  are  remarkable 
for  the  softness  of  the  body,  which  in  most  of  them  is 
protected  by  a  hard  shell  or  pair  of  shells.  The  body 
is  not  merely  soft,  but  curiously  elastic — so  that  it  can 
change  in  shape,  swelling  out  in  one  part  and  shrinking 
in  another.  The  swelling  is  due  to  the  driving  of  the 
blood  from  one  region,  of  which  the  muscular  wall 
contracts,  into  another  which  yields  and  becomes  “  taut,” 
distended  and  expanded  by  the  abundant  blood.  By 
this  squeezing  in  one  part  and  distension  in  another,  the 
mollusc  can  force  its  head  and  body  far  beyond  its  shell,  or 
again  shrink  rapidly  out  of  view  into  the  protecting  shell. 

This  kind  of  expansion  and  contraction  of  the  body 

is  not  seen  in  other  animals  except  in  the  sea-anemones 




and  the  little  polyps  allied  to  them,  where,  however,  the 
liquid  which  effects  the  expansion  is  not  the  animals’ 
blood  (they  have  no  blood  !),  but  sea-water  taken  in  at 
the  mouth.  Lovers  of  the  seashore  and  its  curious 
inhabitants  delight  themselves  by  placing  a  sea-anemone 
— picked  up  on  the  rocks  at  low  tide  as  a  hard,  fleshy 
lump  as  big  as  a  large  walnut — in  a  glass  of  sea-water. 
Slowly  it  takes  water  into  itself  through  its  mouth  and 
expands  as  it  relaxes  its  muscles,  and  after  an  hour  or 
two  is  seen  as  a  beautifully  coloured  little  tower  crowned 
with  a  circlet  of  delicate  pointed  tentacles  of  varied  tint 
which  surround  the  mouth.  It  has  expanded  to  ten  times 
its  original  bulk — and  is,  in  fact,  distended  with  the 
sea-water  taken  into  it,  and  is  “  taut  ”  and  firm.  Touch 
it  now  with  your  finger,  and  it  shrinks  ;  it  contracts  as 
you  watch  it,  driving  out  the  sea-water  from  its  mouth 
and  the  tips  of  its  tentacles  until  it  becomes  the  shapeless 
little  fleshy  lump  with  which  you  started. 

This  use  of  liquid  to  distend,  and  at  the  same  time 
make  firm  and  rigid,  the  soft,  flaccid  body  is  common 
to  the  polyps  and  to  the  molluscs  ;  and  until  a  few  years 
ago  it  was  thought  that  the  molluscs,  like  the  polyps  and 
sea-anemones,  take  in  water  into  their  blood-vessels  so 
as  to  effect  their  expansion,  and  that  they  let  it  escape 
when  they  again  shrink.  But  I  was  able  to  show  at  that 
time  that  molluscs  do  not  take  water  into  their  blood 
when  they  expand  themselves,  nor  throw  out  any  liquid 
when  they  shrink.  In  a  very  few  exceptional  molluscs  the 
blood  is  red,  and  one  can  see  it  driven  into  the  expanding 
parts  of  the  body,  and  also  see  that  none  of  the  red  blood 
escapes  from  the  body  as  it  contracts .  By  careful  measure¬ 
ment  in  a  glass  jar  it  has  been  shown  that  none  of  the 
water  around  it  is  taken  into  the  blood-vessels  when  the 
mollusc  expands,  and  that  no  liquid  is  thrown  out  by  it 



when  it  shrinks.  The  liquid  in  the  body — the  blood 
merely  passes  from  one  part  of  the  animal  which  shrinks 
to  another  part  which  expands.  The  shrinking  part  is 
within  the  shell,  and  hidden  by  it,  whilst  the  swelling 

Fig.  io. — The  Sea-Snail  called  Natica.  In  the  left-hand  figure  it  is 
seen  causing  its  foot  and  head  gradually  to  swell  out,  by  squeezing 
the  blood  from  the  part  of  the  body  still  concealed  by  the  shell 
into  those  regions  (foot  and  head)  which  in  consequence  slowly 
issue  from  the  shell,  although  previously  completely  hidden 
within  it. 

In  the  right-hand  figure  the  process  of  swelling  has  been  carried 
further,  so  that  the  extruded  regions  are  further  distended 
and  almost  completely  spread  over  and  conceal  the  shell.  Yet 
if  the  animal  is  now  roughly  touched  or  handled,  the  swollen 
region  quickly  shrinks  or  “  contracts  ”  :  the  blood  is  driven  from 
them  into  that  part  of  the  body  lying  within  the  shell,  and  the 
whole  of  the  extruded  part  of  the  animal  in  half  a  minute 
shrinks  into  the  cavity  of  the  shell  and  is  completely  hidden  in  and 
protected  by  it.  The  reference  letters  have  the  following  signifi¬ 
cance  :  s.,  the  shell ;  t.,  the  pair  of  head- tentacles  ;  p.f.,  the  hinder 
part  of  the  expanding  muscular  "  foot  ”  by  which  the  snail 
crawls ;  a.f.,  the  front  part  of  the  crawling  foot ;  ref. a.,  the 
reflected  lobe  of  the  front  part  of  the  foot ;  ref.p.,  the  reflected 
lobe  of  the  hinder  region  of  the  foot  which,  together  with  the 
reflected  lobe  of  the  front  part,  swells  out  over  the  shell  so  as 
to  envelope  it  almost  completely,  as  shown  in  the  right-hand 

part  emerges  from  the  mouth  of  the  shell.  When  that 
extended  part  is  withdrawn  into  the  shell  it  drives  the 
blood  which  had  distended  it,  back  into  the  previously 
shrunken  part  of  the  animal  concealed  in  the  shell,  and 
thus  collapses  and  shrinks,  far  into  the  cavity  of  the 



The  common  pond-snail,  shown  in  Fig.  u,  is  readily 
found  in  any  large  pond  of  stagnant  water  crawling  on 
the  leaves  of  water-plants.  It  shrinks  suddenly  into  its 
delicate  spiral  shell  and  is  lost  to  view  when  caught ; 
but,  if  kept  in  a  jar  of  water,  may  be  watched  gradually 
swelling  out  from  its  shell,  and  crawling,  as  shown  in 
the  drawings  here  printed  which  I  made  a  long  time  ago 
from  some  taken  in  the  large  ponds  at  Hampstead 
Heath.  One  sees  that  the  expanded  animal  shows  a 

Fig.  ii.- — The  common  Pond-Snail,  Limnaea  stagnalis.  Crawling. 

/.,  foot ;  h.l.,  head  lobes  ;  m.,  mouth. 

A,  seen  from  above.  B,  side  view.  C,  view  of  the  crawling  surface. 

The  eyes  and  head- tentacles  are  seen  in  A  and  B.  Natural  size. 

large  oblong  pointed  “foot,”  as  it  is  called  (/.),  on  the 
flat  surface  of  which  it  crawls  (Fig.  n,  C),  whilst  raised 
on  this  cushion  we  see  the  “  head,”  formed  by  two  rounded 
lobes  right  and  left  (Fig.  1 1,  A,  h.l.),  between  which  is  the 
mouth  ( m .).  The  head  carries  a  pair  of  pointed  tentacles, 
and  also,  close  by  them,  a  pair  of  eyes.  Behind  the  head, 
rising  from  the  upper  surface  of  the  foot,  is  the  “  visceral 
hump.”  This  remains  always  within  and  protected 
by  the  shell,  which  covers  it  and  is  firmly  attached  to  it. 
The  expanded  animal  is  seen  in  B,  hanging  by  a  narrow 
stalk  or  connecting  isthmus  from  the  visceral  mass  con- 



cealed  in  the  shell.  One  cannot  have  a  better  example 
of  the  soft  mobile  body  of  a  mollusc  than  is  given  by 
this  beautiful  semi-transparent  pond-snail. 

And  now  as  to’some  other  features  of  importance  in 
Mollusca.  All  of  them  except  the  bivalves  (mussels, 
oysters,  cockles)  have  a  very  curious  and  elaborate  rasp¬ 
like  plate  within  the  mouth  (Fig.  12).  It  grows  from  the 
floor  of  the  mouth,  as  a  finger-nail  grows  at  the  end  of 
our  fingers,  and  wears  away  as  it  is  used.  It  is  beset 
with  minute  sharp  teeth  in  rows  of  definite  'shape  and 

Fig.  12.-—' The  Lingual  Ribbon  or  “  Tongue  ”  of  the  common  Whelk, 
magnified  about  four  diameters,  showing  its  rasping  teeth  set 
in  rows  of  three.  Below  is  drawn  a  single  row  of  three  teeth, 
more  highly  magnified.  The  common  pond- snail  has  a  shorter 
lingual  ribbon,  armed  with  smaller  and  more  numerous  teeth. 

pattern  (beautiful  to  look  at  with  the  microscope),  com¬ 
parable  to  the  teeth  on  a  rasp.  It  works  up  and  down 
across  the  opening  of  the  mouth,  being  provided  with 
a  ball-like  mass  of  red-coloured  muscles  elaborately 
disposed  so  as  to  give  it  vigorous  and  effective  action. 
It  enables  the  molluscs  provided  with  it  to  rasp  down 
vegetable  and  animal  bodies  which  serve  them  as  food  ; 
and  in  many  cases  even  to  bore  holes  through  the  shells 
of  other  molluscs  and  so  to  feed  on  the  soft  animal  within. 
It  is  thus  that  the  whelks  attack  and  devour  oysters. 
You  can  see  the  pond-snail  using  his  rasp,  just  visible 
within  his  lips,  as  he  crawls  over  the  green  growth  on 
the  glass  sides  of  an  aquarium.  The  rasp-bearing 



molluscs — the  snails,  slugs,  whelks,  periwinkles,  limpets, 
and  cuttle-fish — form  a  natural  group  of  blood-relations, 
characterized  by  the  possession  (the  common  inherit¬ 
ance)  of  this  remarkable '  organ,  and  separated  from 
the  bivalve  molluscs — the  two-shelled  mussels,  clams, 
oysters,  and  cockles — which  are  devoid  of  it.  The 
bivalves  swallow  very  minute  microscopic  floating  plants 
(Diatoms  and  such-like)  carried  into  their  mouths 
by  streams  of  water  drawn  there  by  the  innumerable 
vibrating  hairs  or  cilia  with  which  their  large  gill-plates 
(the  so-called  “  beard  ”  of  the  oyster)  are  closely  covered. 

If  we  leave  aside  the  very  peculiar  cuttle-fish,  with 
their  eight  or  ten  arms  beset  with  hooks  and  suckers, 
the  rasp-bearing  molluscs  are  all  very  much  like  our 
common  pond-snail.  They  are  all  classed  as  “  Gastro¬ 
pods,”  because  their  lower  surface  or  belly  is  developed 
into  a  crawling  foot,  as  we  have  seen  in  the  pond-snail. 
The  fresh-water  and  land-dwelling  snails  are  derived 
from  marine  ancestors  ;  and  some  are  specially  adapted 
to  breathe  air.  The  marine  kinds,  such  as  whelks  and 
periwinkles,  have  a  pair  of  comb-like  or  feather-like 
gills  protected  by  a  hood  or  fold  of  the  body.  Usually 
this  pair  of  gills  is  reduced  to  a  single  one.  The  gastro¬ 
pods  have  nearly  all  become  lop-sided  or  one-sided. 
The  origin  of  this  lop-sidedness  is  connected  with  the 
spiral  twist  of  the  shell,  as  seen  in  our  pond-snail  (Fig.  1 1). 
It  is  a  right  or  left  “  screw,”  as  the  case  may  be.  Some¬ 
times  the  spire  is  not  drawn  out,  but  is  flat  like  a  watch- 
spring,  as  in  the  flat-coiled  pond-snail  Planorbis  (Fig.  13), 
which  is  common  in  ponds,  living  side  by  side  with  the 
other  which  is  called  Limnaea  (Fig.  1 1).  Both  Plan¬ 
orbis  and  Limnaea  are  devoid  of  even  one  gill  or  gill- 
comb,  and,  like  the  land-snail  (Helix)  and  land-slug 
(Limax),  have  the  hood,  which  in  other  snails  protects 



the  gill-plume,  converted  into  a  chamber  with  small 
aperture  capable  of  complete  closure  by  muscles.  You 
may  easily  see  this  aperture  in  the  common  garden 
snail  and  in  the  garden  slug  when  it  is  crawling.  This 
chamber  contains  air,  and  is  a  lung.  Hence  these 
snails  are  called  the  “  Pulmonate  Gastropods.”  There 
are  fish  which  live  in  rivers  liable  to  dry  up,  and,  like  the 

Fig.  13. — Flat-coiled  Pond-Snail, 
Planorbis  coraeus.  About  twice 
the  natural  size. 

Fig.  14. — Running  water  Pond- 
Snail,  Paludina  vivipara. 
About  twice  the  natural  size. 

Pulmonate  snails,  have  what  is  a  gill-chamber  in  other 
fishes  converted  into  a  lung  or  air-breathing  sac. 

The  shape  of  the  shells  of  Pulmonate  Gastropods 
differs  in  different  kinds,  as  it  does  in  the  marine  kinds. 
The  whelks  have  long  spiral  shells  like  Limnaea,  but 
heavier  and  stronger  ;  and  some  of  the  sea-snails  have 
short  spires  like  the  garden  snail,  or  they  may  have  flat- 
coiled  shells  like  Planorbis.  The  limpet  is  a  marine  snail 



with  a  simple  cap-like  or  cup-like  shell,  without  spire. 
In  our  mountain  streams  there  lives  a  little  Pulmonate 
snail  similar  in  structure  to  Limnaea,  but  having  a 
simple  cap-like  shell  on  its  “  visceral  hump  ”  like  that  of 
a  limpet.  It  is  called  Ancylus,  and  is  fairly  common. 
There  are  also  Pulmonate  water-snails,  which  have  a 
very  minute  spire  to  their  shells,  most  of  the  shell  con¬ 
sisting  of  a  great  open  chamber  out  of  proportion  to  the 
spire.  These  shells  are  intermediate  in  form  between 
those  of  the  common  pond-snail  and  the  cap-like  one  of 
Ancylus.  They  also  live  in  running  water,  and  con¬ 
stitute  a  genus  called  Physa.  There  are  many  species 
of  Physa  and  many  of  Limnaea. 

In  Fig.  14  I  have  given  a  drawing  of  a  very  different 
kind  of  pond-snail,  called  Paludina.  It  is  common 
enough,  but  will  not  live  in  stagnant  water — a  little 
streamlet  must  run  through  the  pond  in  which  it  flourishes. 
I  used  to  get  it,  with  other  stream-loving  molluscs  ( e.g . 
the  little  bivalve  “  Cyclas  ”),  in  the  “  Leg  of  Mutton 
Pond  ”  at  Hampstead,  which  is  the  source  of  a  small 
river,  but  it  was  not  to  be  found  in^the  great  stagnant 
ponds  of  “  the  lower  Heath.”  It  has  a  fine  striped  snail- 
like  shell,  a  big  crawling  foot,  tentacles,  and  eyes  raised 
on  short  stalks.  It  is  not  one  of  the  Pulmonata,  but  has 
a  gill  plume,  and  by  it  breathes  the  oxygen — not  of  the 
air,  but  that  dissolved  in  water.  Its  ancestors  took  to 
fresh  water  and  left  the  sea  at  a  later  period  than  those 
of  the  Pulmonate  pond-snails  and  allied  land-snails. 
One  great  point  of  difference  which  separates  it  from 
the  Pulmonates  is  that  it  possesses  an  operculum — a 
round  horny  shield  growing  on  the  hinder  part  of  the 
foot,  which  fits  tightly  to  the  mouth  of  the  shell  when  the 
animal  withdraws  into  that  chamber.  Most  of  the  sea- 
snails  and  whelks  possess  an  operculum ,  but  none  of  the 



Pulmonates,  with  one  doubtful  exception,  possesses  it 
Some  of  the  fresh-water  operculate  snails,  allied  to  Palu- 
dina,  have  left  the  water  altogether  and  taken  to  a  life  on 
land.  They,  like  the  Pulmonates,  have  lost  the  gill,  and 

Fig.  15.  —  Cyclostoma 
elegans,  a  land-liv¬ 
ing  T  operculate  Snail 
as  seen  when  ex¬ 
panded  from  its 
shell  and  crawling. 
op.,  the  horny  plate 
called  the  “  oper¬ 
culum,”  which  closes 
the  mouth  of  the 
shell  when  the  snail 
withdraws  itself  in¬ 
to  that  protective 
chamber.  Natural 

Fig.  16. —  A  Snail 
(closely  allied  to 
Cyclostoma)  with¬ 
drawn  into  its 
shell,  which  is 
seen  to  be  closed 
by  the  spirally- 
marked  opercul¬ 
um,  op. 

breathe  air  through  the  wall  of  the  gill-chamber,  but 
they  still  keep  the  operculum.  “  Cyclostoma  ”  is  the 
name  of  one  commonly  to  be  found  crawling  on  walls 
built  of  limestone  rock  in  Gloucestershire  (see  Figs. 
15  and  16). 



THE  blood  of  man  is  red,  owing  to  the  fact  that 
it  consists  of  almost  equal  parts  of  a  clear,  nearly 
colourless  liquid  and  of  minute  muffin-shaped 
corpuscles  floating  in  the  liquid.  There  are  about 
30,000  million  of  them  in  a  spoonful  of  blood.  These 
“  corpuscles  ”  are  soft  and  semi-liquid.  Each  measures 
i~3200th  of  an  inch  across,  and  consists  of  a  red-coloured 
transparent  substance  called  “  blood-red,”  or  “  haemo¬ 
globin,”  mixed  with  a  nearly  equal  quantity  of  “  slimy  ” 
white-of-egg-like  material.  The  blood-red  haemoglobin 
can  be  dissolved  by  water,  and  will  then  separate  from 
it  as  crystals  of  pure  “  haemoglobin,”  which  are  called 
“  blood-crystals.”  They  differ  a  little  in  shape  according 
to  the  species  of  animal  from  the  blood  of  which  they 
are  obtained,  ^Some  are  drawn  here  in  Fig.  18.  ’All 
mammals  (warm-blooded  quadrupeds),  birds,  reptiles, 
and  fishes  have  red  blood  which  owes  its  colour  to  the 
blood-crystals  or  haemoglobin  of  “  red-blood-corpuscles  ” 
which  float  in  their  blood. 

Until  fifty-five  years  ago  we  knew  little  more  of  this 
“  haemoglobin,”  and  it  seemed  as  though  it  existed  only 
to  give  its  noble  colour  to  the  blood,  and  to  show  through 
the  skin  in  the  healthy  blush  of  the  cheek,  the  coral-red 

of  the  human  lips  and  of  the  cock’s  comb  and  of  the 




turkey’s  wattles — also,  perhaps,  to  betray  by  the  redness 
of  man’s  nose  an  unhealthy  state  of  the  circulation  ! 
It  is  a  very  complex  but  definite  chemical  body — a 
chemical  union  of  the  elements  carbon,  nitrogen,  oxygen, 
hydrogen,  and  sulphur  with  a  small  but  definite  quantity 
of  iron.  Then  it  was  studied  by  aid  of  the  spectroscope, 
and  its  real  significance  revealed. 

It  is  proverbial  that  one  cannot  trust  to  colour  as 
a  means  of  recognizing  a  given  substance — Ne  crede 
colori.  You  can  make  a  solution  in  water  of  carmine 
and  a  little  yellow  pigment  which  to  the  unaided  eye  will 
pass  for  a  solution  of  blood-crystals.  Many  other  red 
solutions  look  like  it ;  and  so  with  yellow,  green,  and 
blue  substances — you  cannot  be  sure  what  they  are  by 
their  colour  alone.  If  you  allow  white  sunlight  to  pass 
through  a  prism  you  separate  its  “  trains  ”  and  spread 
them  out  as  the  colours  of  the  rainbow.  You  can  so 
arrange  that  the  white  light  coming  through  a  narrow 
slit  into  a  dark  chamber  shall  be  spread  out  as  it  passes 
through  a  prism  of  glass  into  an  elongated  band  in  which 
the  red,  yellow,  green,  blue,  and  purple  “  trains  ”  of 
light  which  are  mixed  in  white  light  are  separated  and 
follow  one  another  in  that  order,  one  passing  gradually 
into  the  next.  This  band  of  rainbow  colours  is  called 
“  the  spectrum  ”  (Fig.  17,  top).  Now,  if  you  put  a  glass 
tube  containing  a  coloured  solution  in  front  of  the  slit 
where  the  white  sunlight  enters  the  otherwise  dark 
chamber,  you  find,  as  you  would  expect,  that  a  red  liquid 
lets  the  red  pass,  but  stops — in  fact,  is  “  opaque  ”  to — the 
other  colours  more  or  less  ;  a  green  liquid  stops  all  or 
nearly  all  but  the  green  ;  a  blue  all  but  the  blue.  The 
“  stopped  ”  colours  are  simply  absorbed ,  and  where  they 
were  seen  in  the  spectrum  of  white  light  it  is  now  black 
and  dark.  Few,  if  any,  red-coloured  liquids  absorb 



exactly  the  same  extent  or  part  of  the  spectrum  ;  nor  are 
all  yellow,  or  all  green,  or  all  blue  liquids  exactly  alike  in 
this  matter.  Their  minor  differences  of  “  tint  ”  are  due 
to  their  absorbing  or  else  letting  pass  more  or  less  of  the 
light  of  another  colour.  A  very  curious  and  important 
fact  was  discovered  when  various  transparent  coloured 
bodies  (liquids  and  solids)  were  tested  in  this  way.  It 
was  found  that  some  (but  by  no  means  all)  transparent 
coloured  bodies  cause  detached  black  bands  of  absorp¬ 
tion  in  the  spectrum  (see  Fig.  17).  They  are  called 

Fig.  17. — To  show  the  “  Absorption  Bands  ”  seen  in  the  "  Spectrum  ” 
of  Sunlight  which  has  passed  through  a  weak  solution  in  water 
of  Blood-Red  or  Haemoglobin. 

“  absorption  bands,"  and  can  be  accurately  measured 
and  their  exact  position  in  the  spectrum  fixed.  Such 
coloured  bodies  as  give  detached  absorption  bands 
can  be  recognized  and  identified  with  absolute  certainty 
by  the  position  of  those  bands  in  the  spectrum.  As 
shown  in  Fig.  17,  records  of  them  are  kept  by  which 
their  position  is  shown  as  compared  with  that  of  certain 
fine  dark  lines  always  present  in  the  spectrum  of  sun¬ 
light,  called  after  their  discoverer,  “  Fraunhofer’s  lines,” 
and  named  by  letters,  as  seen  in  Fig.  17.  And  even 
more  exactly  the  wave-lengths  of  the  trains  of  light 



absorbed  are  ascertained.  The  figures  700  to  450  in  the 
diagram  of  the  spectrum  of  sunlight  in  Fig.  17  give 
the  wave-lengths  of  the  light-waves  of  each  part  of 
the  spectrum  in  very  minute  units — namely,  units  of 
1-10, oooth  of  a  millimetre — and  thus  we  can  fix  and 
state  once  for  all  the  position  of  any  “  absorption  bands,” 
so  that  the  substance  producing  them  can  be  unerringly 
recognized  when  its  presence  is  suspected.  The  purple 
solution  of  a  compound  of  the  element  manganese 
(known  as  Condy’s  fluid)  gives  six  detached  “  absorption 
bands  ”  in  the  green  and  blue  part  of  the  spectrum  ; 
leaf-green,  or  chlorophyll,  gives  a  remarkable  series  of 
separate  absorption  bands,  and  very  many  coloured 
bodies  derived  from  plants  and  from  animals  give  each 
their  own  special  and  readily  recognized  set  of  “  absorp¬ 
tion  bands.”  Each  can  be  recognized  with  certainty 
by  these  bands,  and  the  position  of  the  bands  exactly 
measured,  so  that  even  a  minute  drop  of  a  weak  solu¬ 
tion  of  such  a  colouring  matter  is  sufficient  for  decisive 
examination,  though  chemical  analysis  would  be  hopeless 
as  a  means  of  recognition. 

In  1864  Sir  George  Stokes,  of  Cambridge,  found 
that  a  solution  in  water  of  blood-red  or  haemoglobin 
gives  two  well-marked  absorption  bands  in  the  yellow 
and  green  part  of  the  spectrum  (Fig.  17).  When  the 
blood  of  man  or  other  animal  has  passed  through  the 
lungs  it  becomes  bright  red  ;  but,  before  being  exposed 
in  the  lungs  to  the  oxygen  of  the  inspired  air,  it  is  dark 
and  somewhat  purple.  It  was  found  that  a  watery 
solution  of  haemoglobin  in  a  glass  test-tube,  if  shaken  up 
with  air,  becomes  bright  red,  just  as  does  the  blood  in 
the  lungs,  and  that  it  loosely  combines  with  or  holds  the 
oxygen  gas  of  the  air.  It  is  then  that  it  shows  the  two 
absorption  bands  (Fig.  17).  But  if  the  loosely  combined 



oxygen  be  taken  away  from  the  solution  of  haemo¬ 
globin — a  removal  which  can  be  easily  brought  about 
by  adding  to  the  solution  a  few  drops  of  a  certain  oxygen¬ 
seizing  chemical — then  the  haemoglobin  solution  becomes 
of  a  bluer  purple  hue,  and,  when  examined  with  the 
“  spectroscope  ”  (a  convenient  arrangement  of  slit  and 
prism  to  produce  a  spectrum),  is  found  to  give  no  longer 
two  absorption  bands,  but  only  one,  not  identical  with 
either  of  the  two  previously  there  (see  Fig.  17).  Now, 
if  we  shake  up  the  purple-looking  deoxygenized  solution 
of  haemoglobin  with  a  little  air,  it  at  once  takes  up  some 
oxygen  and  becomes  bright  red  again,  and  again  shows 
two  absorption  bands  in  the  spectrum.  And  we  can 
again  take  away  the  oxygen  with  the  deoxidizing  chemical 
and  make  it  purple  and  one-banded,  and  again  brighten 
it  with  oxygen,  and  so  keep  on  ringing  the  changes. 
In  fact,  the  haemoglobin  becomes  bright-red  two-banded 
<?^y-haemoglobin  by  taking  up  oxygen,  and  “  reduced  ” 
or  simple  one-banded  claret-coloured  haemoglobin  when 
deprived  of  that  oxygen.  And  so  we  have  the  explanation 
of  its  presence  in  the  blood.  The  haemoglobin  or  blood- 
red  is  there  as  a  condenser  and  carrier  of  oxygen ,  taking  up 
that  gas  as  it  passes  through  the  lungs  and  conveying  it 
to  the  most  distant  parts  of  the  body,  where  it  is  largely 
given  up  to  the  living  tissues  more  greedy  of  it  than  the 
blood-red  itself,  which  returns,  darkened  in  tint,  in  the 
veins  to  the  heart,  and  so  once  more  to  the  lungs  for  a 
fresh  supply  of  oxygen  and  a  renewal  of  its  bright  colour. 

The  discovery  of  the  absorption  bands  of  haemoglobin 
has  enabled  us  to  recognize  its  presence  in  various  small 
animals  and  in  unexpected  parts  of  the  body.  It  has  thus 
been  shown  that  the  red  colour  of  meat — that  is,  of 
animals’  muscle — is  due  to  the  presence  of  haemoglobin 
in  the  muscular  fibre,  not  to  blood  in  their  blood-vessels. 



The  muscles  require  much  oxygen,  and  the  haemoglobin 
of  the  muscular  fibre  holds  it  and  stores  it.  Many  marine 
worms  and  the  earth-worms  and  river-worms  have 
beautiful  networks  of  blood-vessels,  the  blood  in  which  is 
red.  It  is  proved  that  this  is  due  to  haemoglobin  in 
solution,  by  the  absorption  bands  produced  by  it  in  the 
spectroscope  and  by  the  crystals  which  it  forms.  Insects 
and  spiders  and  such  creatures  as  crabs,  lobsters,  and 
shrimps,  with  rare  exceptions,  have  no  haemoglobin  ; 
neither  their  blood  nor  their  muscles  are  red.  Nor  have 
the  molluscs  red  blood  or  red  muscles,  with  rare  and 
curious  exceptions.  And  so  we  are  brought  back  to  the 
flat-coiled  pond-snail  (Planorbis  corneus)  of  which  I 
wrote  in  the  last  chapter  (Fig.  13).  It  is  one  of  these 
exceptions.  It  was  long  known  to  eject  a  dark  red  fluid 
from  its  body  when  cut  or  pricked.  I  examined  this  red 
fluid  with  the  spectroscope,  and  proved  conclusively  that 
the  colour  was  due  to  haemoglobin  and  that  the  fluid  was 
the  snail’s  blood.  The  common  long-shelled  pond- 
snail  (Limnaea)  (Fig.  11)  has  colourless  or  pale-bluish 
blood,  and  so  have  all  other  molluscs,  except  two  or  three 
of  the  bivalves.  Here,  then,  we  are  brought  by  the 
pond-snails  to  this  puzzling  and  interesting  question — 
Why  should  the  flat-coiled  pond-snail  have  a  rich  stock  of 
the  oxygen-carrier  haemoglobin  in  its  blood,  and  the  other 
snails  have  none  ?  And  yet  another  startling  fact  is 
revealed  by  the  spectroscope  when  used  to  explore  the 
colours  of  snails.  The  little  globular  mass  of  muscles 
which  moves  the  pond-snail’s  rasp-like  tongue  is  'of 
a  pale  red  colour  :  in  marine  snails  it  is  actually 
of  a  rich  ruby- red.  All  the  other  muscles  of  these 
snails  are  colourless  and  the  blood  in  all,  except 
Planorbis,  is  colourless  or  very  pale  blue.  Yet  this 
pink  or  ruby-red  ball  of  rasp-muscles  was  shown  when 
I  examined  it  with  the  spectroscope  to  owe  its  colour  to 



haemoglobin — the  very  same  red  oxygen-carrying  blood- 
crystals  which  we  find  in  the  red  corpuscles  and  the 
muscular  fibre  of  man  and  the  great  animals  allied  to 
him  !  It  seems  that  haemoglobin  can  quite  exceptionally 
be  present  in  some  animals  and  in  some  parts  of  animals, 
and  not  in  others  ;  but  it  is  difficult  to  connect  its  presence 
in  all  cases  with  any  obvious  and  special  need  for  it.  I 
found  it  in  the  nerve  cord  of  a  marine  worm,  the  “  sea- 
mouse,”  which  it  stains  bright  crimson,  although  there 
is  none  in  that  worm’s  blood.  Some  water-fleas 
(Crustacea)  living  in  stagnant  ponds  have  it  dissolved  in 
their  blood  ;  and  so — absolutely  alone  among  insects — 
has  the  ruby-red  larva  of  the  harlequin-fly  (Chironomus), 
which  lives  in  the  black  foul  mud  of  ponds,  where  oxygen 
must  be  a  rare  and  precious  commodity.  Boys  used  to 
call  it  a  “  blood-worm,”  and  use  it  as  a  bait  to  catch 

The  blood  of  lower  animals,  which  does  not 
possess  the  red  oxygen-carrying  haemoglobin — including 
that  of  most  of  the  mollusca  and  the  insects,  spiders, 
scorpions,  and  Crustacea  (crabs  and  lobsters  and  shrimps) 
— has  often  a  pale-blue  oxygen-carrying  substance  in  it 
instead.  It  is  called  Haemocyanin,  and  is  indigo-blue 
when  carrying  oxygen,  and  nearly  colourless  when  deoxi¬ 
dized.  It  gives  no  detached  absorption  bands  in  the  spec¬ 
trum  of  light  passed  through  it.  Further,  in  some  marine 
worms  (the  Chlorhaemians)  the  blood  is  green  instead  of 
red.  This  is  due  to  a  substance  which  I  discovered  in 
1868  and  called  “  chlorocruorin.”  It  carries  oxygen, 
and  gives  two  peculiar  absorption  bands.  Since  red, 
blue,  and  green  substances  exist  in  the  blood  of  different 
animals  and  act  as  oxygen-carriers,  it  is  not  improbable 
that  special  colourless  oxygen-carrying  substances  also 
exist  in  the  blood  and  tissues  of  animals  which  are  colour 



less.  A  means  of  detecting  and  isolating  such  substances 
has  yet  to  be  discovered. 

The  fact  that  the  haemoglobin  of  different  animals 
forms  crystals  of  different  shape  in  many  instances  (see 

Fig.  i  8. — Crystals  of  the  Red  Colouring 
Matter  of  the  Blood  Corpuscles,  known 
as  “  Blood-Red  ”  or  Haemoglobin. 

1,  from  the  human  blood. 

2,  from  the  rat’s  blood. 

3,  from  the  squirrel’s  blood. 

4,  from  the  blood  of  the  hamster  (a  kind 

of  rat). 

The  crystals  are  magnified  a  thousand 
times  linear. 

Fig.  1 8)  shows  that  the  haemoglobin  is  not  precisely 
identical  in  all  cases.  This  fact  has  been  carefully 
established,  but  whether  other  peculiarities  accompany 
this  difference  in  crystalline  form,  has  not  yet  been 



A  TINY,  colourless,  worm-like  little  creature  lives 
on  the  surface  of  the  bodies  of  both  the  elongate 
and  the  flat-coiled  pond-snails  (Limnaea  and 
Planorbis).  When  you  watch  a  pond-snail  crawling  or 
floating  in  a  small  dish  of  water  over  which  you  bend 
closely  (with,  if  you  like,  a  watchmaker’s  magnifying 
glass  in  your  eye),  you  will  see  these  minute  worms,  not 
more  than  one-sixth  of  an  inch  long,  moving  about  on 
the  snail’s  body,  clinging  to  it  by  their  hook-like  bristles 
(Fig.  19,  B)  massed  in  paired  bundles  (Fig.  19,  A,  and 
Fig.  20,  B).  You  can  see  them  letting  go  their  front 
hold  so  as  to  stretch  the  head  and  neck  and  take  a  more 
advanced  grip,  and  draw  the  rest  of  the  body  forwards — 
somewhat  in  the  same  way  as  a  looping  caterpillar  walks 
(Fig.  19,  B).  This  little  creature  may  well  be  called  the 
pond-snail’s  “  flea,”  as  it  infests  the  surface  of  the  pond- 
snail’s  body  much  as  fleas  infest  the  higher  animals — 
though  it  is  not  one  of  the  six-legged  “  insects,”  as  the 
flea  is,  but  is  one  of  the  “  bristle-footed  ”  annulate 
worms,  or  Chaetopoda,  similar  in  structure  to  the  earth¬ 
worm  and  many  kinds  of  freshwater  and  marine  worms. 

I  have  found  from  four  or  five  to  as  many  as  twenty 
of  these  little  parasites  on  a  single  snail,  and  when  I 
first  made  their  acquaintance,  many  years  ago  while 


Fig.  19. — The  little  Worm,  Chaetogaster  Limnseas,  which  Uves  like  a 
flea  on  the  body  of  the  Pond-Snails,  Limnaea  and  Planorbis. 

A,  a  highly  magnified  view  of  the  worm  lying  on  its  side,  ph.,  pharynx  ; 

st.,  stomach;  h.b.1,  head-bristle  bundle  of  parent  worm  ;  h.b  2  head- 
bristle  bundle  of  second  or  budded  worm  ;  fis.1,  line  of  fission  by 
which  the  second  worm  will  separate  from  the  first ;  fs.2,  second  line 
of  fission  by  which  a  third  worm  will  separate  from  the  second. 
a,  ordinary  hooked  bristle;  b,  genital  bristle  or  seta  (club-shaped). 

B,  the  worm  crawling  with  upraised  head. 

C,  a,  ordinary  hooked  bristle,  and  b,  genital  bristles  of  the  worm, 

Nais  serpentina. 




dissecting  pond-snails,  I  determined  to  find  out  all  I  could 
about  their  life-history  and  structure,  and  year  after  year 
I  kept  an  eye  on  them.  They  were  called  Chaetogaster 
(signifying  “  bristled  belly  ”)  by  their  first  discoverer. 
Two  or  three  species  (one  nearly  half  an  inch  long)  are 
known  which  live  freely  among  the  floating  duck-weed  of 
ponds,  and  are,  as  is  also  that  frequenting  the  pond-snail, 
glass-like  in  their  transparency,  so  that  their  digestive 
tract,  brain,  and  nerves,  blood-vessels  and  kidneys, 
muscles,  etc.,  can  be  readily  studied  in  living  specimens 
with  high  powers  of  the  microscope.  The  kind  infesting 
the  pond-snail  was  called  Chaetogaster  Limnaeae  by  the 
great  naturalist  Von  Baer. 

Our  Fig.  19,  A,  shows  the  little  worm  picked  up  from 
the  snail’s  body  with  the  aid  of  a  fine  glass  tube  and 
placed  on  a  slip  of  glass  beneath  the  microscope.  It  is 
shown  as  it  appears  when  lying  on  its  side,  and  is  magni¬ 
fied  about  forty  times  (linear).  The  specimens  drawn  in 
Fig.  20,  A  and  B,  are  somewhat  flattened  by  the  pressure 
of  a  thin  cover-glass  ;  they  are  lying  on  the  back,  and  are 
magnified  only  twenty  times  (linear).  In  all  three 
specimens  the  bundles  of  bristles  (projecting  in  Fig.  19,  A, 
from  the  belly)  are  the  most  arresting  feature.  The 
mouth  is  at  the  front  end  of  the  worm  (m.  in  Fig.  20), 
and  one  sees  the  large  pharynx  and  crop  and  gut  of 
the  digestive  tract  showing  through  the  transparent  body 
wall.  The  pair  of  bristle-bundles  nearest  to  the  mouth 
are  called  the  “  head-bristles  ”  (h.b.)  ;  they  are  longer 
than  those  of  the  other  “  bundles  ”  ;  are  more  numerous, 
being  twelve  in  each  bundle  instead  of  eight  ;  and  are 
directed  forward.  The  shape  of  a  bristle  with  its  double 
hook  is  shown  in  Fig.  19,  A,  a.  The  bristles  are  moved  by 
muscles,  and  spread  out  like  the  spokes  of  a  fan,  clinging 
to  or  letting  go  of  the  snail’s  skin  as  required.  The 



bristle-bundles  of  the  head  are  separated  by  a  consider¬ 
able  gap  from  the  first  pair  of  bristle-bundles  of  the 
“  body,”  and  these  succeed  one  another  at  short  intervals 
(see  Figs.  19  and  20).  Each  pair  of  bristle-bundles 
indicates  a  “  ring  ”  or  “  segment  ”  of  the  worm’s  body  ; 
and  the  long  gap  between  the  head-bristle-bundles  and 
the  first  of  the  body-bundles  is  due  to  the  suppression 
of  one  or  more  pairs  corresponding  to  intermediate 
“  rings  ”  or  “  segments.”  It  will  be  seen  in  Fig.  19,  A, 
that  three  pairs  of  well-grown  bristle-bundles  of  the 
“  body  ”  region  are  succeeded  by  three  or  more  pairs  of 
quite  small  bristle-bundles,  which  are  actually  young 
and  “  sprouting.”  There  is,  in  fact,  a  region  of  new 
growth  following  on  the  three  well-grown  bristle-bundles 
of  the  body  region.  We  must  remember  that  the  little 
worm’s  body  is  like  that  of  the  earth-worm  and  other 
ringed  or  annulate  worms — made  up  of  a  series  of 
successive  “  rings  ”  or  “  segments  ”  not  clearly  marked 
off  from  one  another  in  Chaetogaster,  but  indicated  by 
the  pairs  of  bristle-bundles  which  succeed  one  another 
at  intervals.  Each  pair,  as  in  the  earth-worm  and  the 
sea-worms,  belongs  to  a  distinct  ring.  Just  as  the  pairs 
of  bristle-bundles  are  repeated  externally  in  successive 
rings,  so  are  internal  organs,  such  as  the  little  kidneys 
( nephridia )  and  the  blood-vessels  and  nerve-ganglia, 
repeated,  each  ring  being  thus  a  more  or  less  exact 
repetition  of  those  in  front  of  and  behind  it. 

That  repetition  of  segments  as  “  units  of  structure  ”  is 
the  characteristic  of  the  annulated  animals.  Often  in  the 
Chaetopoda,  also  called  Annelids  or  annulated  worms,  the 
successive  constituent  rings  or  segments  are  over  a  hun¬ 
dred  in  number  (150  in  a  big  earth-worm),  sometimes  as 
few  as  twenty.  Here  in  the  little  Chaetogaster  very  few 
segments  are  held  together  to  make  up  an  individual. 



It  is  obvious  in 
both  Fig  19,  A, 
and  Fig.  20,  B, 
that  the  chain  of 
segments  is  about 
to  break  into  two. 
A  new  head  with 
head  -  bristles  has 
formed  at  the  point 
marked  h.b.  be¬ 
tween  3  and  2  in 
Fig.  20,  B.  You 
can  see  the  new 
head  also  in  Fig. 
19,  A,  following 
the  dark  constric¬ 
tion  near  the  middle 
of  the  chain.  The 
rule  appears  to  be 
that,  following  after 
every  three  pairs 
of  body  -  bristle- 
bundles  indicating 
three  segments  of 
the  body,  a  region 
of  “  new  growth  ” 
is  formed  in  which 
not  only  a  new 
head  with  its  head- 
bristles  proceeds  to 
take  shape,  but 
also  new  young 
bundles  of  bristles 
belonging  to  new 
rings  which  form 

A,  adult  completed  form  of  Chastogaster 
Limnasae,  showing  h. b.,  head-bristles;  g.b., 
genital  bristles  ;  m.,  mouth,  and  sixteen 
pairs  of  ordinary  bristles.  No  regions  of 
new  growth  or  fission  are  present. 

B,  fissiparous  larval  or  young  stage  of  the 
same,  showing  two  sets  of  head-bristles 
h.b.1  and  h.b.3,  and  two  fines  of  fission 
fis.1  and  fis.2.  Two  more  advanced 
individuals,  1  and  2,  and  two  less  ad¬ 
vanced,  3  and  4,  budded  respectively 
from  them,  are  seen,  constituting  a 
rapidly  growing  chain,  which  will  con¬ 
tinue  to  grow  in  the  same  manner  and 
break  into  separate  individuals. 



between  the  new  head  and  the  third  ring  or  body-bristle- 
bundle  of  the  front  or  leading  worm.  You  thus  get  con¬ 
tinually  going  on  an  “  intercalation  ”  of  new  growth  at 
definite  points  in  the  chain,  and  a  breaking  of  the  chain 
into  two  when  a  new  “  head  ”  is  sufficiently  grown  to  act 
as  such  for  the  rings  behind  it.  In  Fig.  20,  B,  this 
history  is  marked  out  by  the  successive  numbers  I,  3,  2, 
4.  Between  1  and  2,  which  were  originally  continuous , 
a  new  growth  of  rings  or  segments  (labelled  3)  has  taken 
place.  Also  behind  2  a  new  growth  (labelled  4)  is  pro¬ 
ceeding.  The  head  of  2  (indicated  by  the  head-bristles 
h.b.  and  the  long  gap  following  them)  is  nearly  com¬ 
plete,  and  then  “  fission  ”  or  division  will  occur  just  in 
front  of  h.b}.  The  front  individual  consisting  of  I  and 
3  is  already  far  advanced  in  the  growth  of  new  rings 
between  it  and  the  head  of  the  separating  individual 
marked  by  the  letters  h.b ?  In  its  own  hinder  region 
(labelled  4)  this  new  individual  is  far  advanced  in  the 
production  of  new  rings  and  bristle-bundles  for  further 
separation  as  distinct  individuals.  This  process  of  inter¬ 
calation  of  new  segments  and  subsequent  fission  is  seen, 
with  special  variations  and  laws  as  to  the  number  of 
segments  involved,  in  other  annulate  worms — for  in¬ 
stance,  in  the  freshwater  Nais  and  the  marine  Syllis. 
The  reader  should  now  turn  to  Fig.  22  (bis)  and  its 

The  chains  of  Chaetogaster  Lymnaeae  grow  and 
multiply  by  fission  in  this  way  during  all  the  spring  and 
summer.  In  early  spring  they  are  found  even  inside 
the  pond-snail  in  its  kidney  as  well  as  on  its  surface. 
But,  like  all  other  animals,  Chaetogaster  has,  we  may 
be  sure,  another  mode  of  multiplication — namely,  by 
detaching  from  its  body  microscopic  egg-cells  which  are 
fertilized  by  microscopic  sperms.  Such  “  eggs,”  in  the 



case  of  other  worms,  are  often  laid  in  egg-capsules,  from 
which  they  hatch  as  very  minute  microscopic  young. 
For  three  years  I  searched  for  this  phase  of  the  life- 
history  of  Chaetogaster  at  all  seasons,  and  at  last  I  found, 
in  the  first  week  of  one  October,  my  elusive  little  acquaint¬ 
ance  in  his  adult  full-blown  condition.  At  that  date  one 
or  two  of  the  “  wormlets  ”  (so  we  may  designate  Chaeto¬ 
gaster),  crawling  on  a  freshly  caught  pond-snail,  were 
seen  by  me  to  be  larger  by  one-third 
companions.  In  ever-renewed  hope 
of  finding  the  pond-snail’s  wormlet 
in  its  adult  condition,  I  examined 
one  of  these  larger  specimens  under 
the  microscope,  and  what  I  saw  is 
sketched  in  Fig.  20,  A.  I  had  at  last 
run  down  the  full-grown  adult  stage 
of  the  Chaetogaster  Limnaeae.  Natur¬ 
ally  enough,  in  accordance  with  its 
increase  in  size,  the  little  worm  had 
abandoned  its  prolific  habit  of  inter¬ 
calating  new  heads  in  its  chain  of 
segments  and  of  breaking  into  two 
whenever  a  new  head  was  complete. 

Now  the  worm  consisted  of  a  head 
region  with  a  pair  of  large  head-bristle-bundles,  followed 
by  sixteen  pairs  of  body-bristle-bundles,  set  at  regular 
intervals  and  indicating  sixteen  constituent  rings  or 
segments  of  the  body.  I  soon  discovered  other  speci¬ 
mens  of  this  construction.  The  bristles  in  all  the 
bundles  were  larger  and  twice  as  numerous  as  those  in 
the  “  fissiparous  ”  or  immature  form  (Fig.  21).  More¬ 
over,  as  shown  in  Fig.  20,  A,  a  thickening  of  the  skin 
formed  a  girdle  just  over  that  part  g.b.  where  the  crop 
or  stomach  shows  through  it.  This  thickened  girdle 
occurs  in  the  earth-worm  and  many  fresh-water  worms 

ormore  than  their 

Fig.  21. —  Fan-like 
Bundle  of  Bristles, 
twenty-two  in  num¬ 
ber,  from  the  head- 
region  of  the  adult 
or  sexually  mature 
Chaetogaster  Lim¬ 



where  it  is  known  as  the  clitellum ,  and  secretes  a  ring¬ 
like  case  in  which  the  eggs  are  enclosed  when  laid. 

The  most  important  fact  which  I  found  was  that  in 
this,  the  adult  or  sexually  ripe  form,  a  new  pair  of  bristle- 
bundles  (g.b.)  has  made  its  appearance  in  the  neck-like 
“  gap  ”  between  the  head-bristles  and  the  earlier  first 
pair  of  body-bristle-bundles.  This  indicates  the  develop¬ 
ment  of  a  previously  dormant 
region  or  segment  in  which 
the  essential  generative  pro¬ 
ducts  —  the  egg  -  cells  or 
“  ova,”  and  the  sperms  and 
the  sacs  connected  with 
fertilization,  known  in  other 
worms  as  “  spermathecae,” 

Fig.  22.— The  uncleft  "Genital'*  or  sperm-receptacles— were,  I 
Bristles  of  an  adult  Chsetogaster  found,  now  present.  On  the 
Limnaeae,  growing  close  to  the  surface  four  of  the  bristles 
first  pair  of  abdominal  bristle-  ,  .  ,  ,  ,  N  ,  , 

bundles,  and  indicating  the  on  each  Slde  W  had  &rOWn 
formation  here  of  a  new  seg-  of  a  new  shape — they  were 
ment,  the  genital  segment  short,  blunt  “  clubs,”  instead 
shown  in  Fig.  20,  A,  and  not  of  being  double-hooks  as  that 

in  Fig.  19.  I  subsequently 
found  other  specimens  of  the 
adult  wormlet  on  my  pond-snails  ;  and  also  found  in  a 
beautiful  snake-like  worm  (Nais  serpentina)  an  inch  long, 
coiling  round  dead  twigs  in  a  neighbouring  pond,  that 
the  same  change  from  a  fissiparous  or  dividing  young 
or  larval  form  to  a  non-dividing  adult  sexual  form 
occurs,  and  that  as  in  Chastogaster,  so  in  Nais,  a  new 
segment  grows  into  place  in  the  neck  region  when  the 
adult  stage  is  attained,  that  in  it  the  ova  and  sperms, 
etc.,  develop,  and  that  this  segment  has  peculiar  short 
club-shaped  bristles  not  present  in  the  immature  fissi- 

present  in  the  fissiparous  imma¬ 
ture  worms  drawn  in  Fig.  20,  B. 



Fig.  22  {bis). — Fission  of  Marine  Annelids.  Tire  left-hand  figure  shows 
the  worm  known  as  Autolytus  cornutus — one  of  the  "  Syllids” — 
dividing  into  two  individuals  of  differing  character;  the  anterior 
is  sexless,  but  the  hinder  is  a  ripe  male,  distinguished  by  the 
name  “  Polybostrichus."  The  legs  and  bristle-bundles  of  the 
parent  worm  are  totally  unlike  those  of  the  hinder  worm  now 
about  to  separate  as  an  independent  individual.  F  and  CT, 
tentacles  and  tentacular  cirri  of  the  a-sexual  parent  worm ;  /  and 
t,  those  of  the  male  about  to  break  away. 

The  right-hand  figure  is  a  diagram  showing  the  plan  of  bud-production 
and  fission  in  many  marine-worms  called  Syllids.  A  is  the  parent 
a-sexual  worm ;  Z  is  the  zone  of  growth  of  new  segments  which 
does  not  give  rise  to  merely  one  sexual  individual,  but  is  continu¬ 
ously  producing  new  individuals,  B,  C,  D — the  oldest,  B,  is  the 
farthest  from  the  zone  of  new  growth.  The  new  individuals  are 
unlike  the  parent  worm  A,  and  are  sexual.  Compare  this 
arrangement  with  that  shown  by  Chaatogaster,  Fig.  20,  A  and  B. 



parous  worm.  These  bristles  I  called  the  “  genital 
setae.”  So  it  was  established  (for  the  first  time),  and  has 
since  been  confirmed  by  other  naturalists,  that  in  these 
little  freshwater  annelids  or  annulose  worms  there  is  a 
larval  fissiparous  form  which  gives  rise,  after  multiply¬ 
ing  for  a  season  by  fission,  to  an  adult  sexual  form 
differing  considerably  from  the  larva  especially  in  size, 
the  absence  of  fission,  and  the  presence  of  a  hitherto 
suppressed  genital  segment  carrying  the  reproductive 
organs  and  peculiar  club-shaped  genital  setae.  Up  to 
the  present  date  (1922)  no  one  has  seen  the  eggs  of 
the  Chaetogaster  when  fertilized  and  laid,  nor  has  the 
development  of  the  young  worm  from  the  egg  been 

Now  that  I  have  said  as  much  as  I  think  the  reader 
will,  for  the  moment,  care  to  read  about  the  pond-snail’s 
flea  or  wormlet,  I  wish  to  emphasize  the  fact  that  one 
can  readily  observe  so  much  that  is  remarkable  and  of 
wide  significance  in  a  common  pond-snail.  In  the  three 
articles  which  I  have  devoted  to  it  I  have  merely  sketched 
some  of  the  more  obvious  of  these  things  which  any  one 
can  readily  verify,  if  he  will  venture  so  far  as  to  keep 
three  or  four  pond-snails  in  a  basin  of  water.  In  the 
next  chapter  I  shall  tell  of  a  very  curious  and  important 
matter  concerning  pond-snails — namely,  their  relation  to 
that  terrible  pest  of  the  farmer,  "  sheep-rot.” 



THE  liver-fluke1  is  shown  of  its  natural  size  in  our 
drawing,  Fig.  23,  A.  Its  occurrence  in  sheep 
was  first  described  in  1547  :  it  causes  a  diseased 
condition  in  them  which  is  called  “  sheep-rot.”  It  has 
rarely  been  found  in  man  :  only  twenty-eight  cases  are 
recorded.  But  all  over  the  world  it  is  a  serious  pest  in 
sheep  and  oxen.  In  1879,  300,000  sheep  were  killed  by 
it  in  England  alone,  and  in  1891  one  owner  lost  10,000 
in  this  way.  It  inhabits  the  bile-ducts  and,  when 
numerous,  causes  atrophy  of  the  liver  by  blocking  its 
passages,  and  death  results.  It  does  not  feed  on  the  bile, 
but  on  the  blood  of  its  victim.  Necessarily  it  became  a 
matter  of  great  importance  to  find  out  how  the  sheep 
become  infected  by  this  parasite,  and,  owing  to  the  vast 
increase  of  our  knowledge  of  parasites  generally  during 
the  last  century,  many  attempts  were  made  to  discover  the 
life-history  of  the  liver-fluke,  but  it  was  not  until  1883 
that  this  was  accomplished  by  Mr.  A.  P.  Thomas,  a 
young  student  at  Oxford,  who  anticipated  the  final  work 
of  the  great  parasitologist,  Professor  Leuckart,  of  Leipzig, 
who  had  long  been  busy  in  the  quest.  Mr.  Thomas,  as 
will  be  seen,  rendered  it  possible  by  his  discovery  to 
protect  sheep  from  this  destructive  disease. 

1  The  name  “Distomum”  was  given  to  it  150  years  ago,  because 
it  seemed  to  have  two  mouths :  the  true  mouth  m  in  our  figure  A,  and 
the  ventral  sucker  s. 


Fig.  23. — The  life-history  of  the  Liver-Fluke,  Distomum  hepaticum. 

A,  a,  ventral,  and  b,  lateral  aspect  of  the  adult  worm  from  the  sheep’s 

liver.  A  little  larger  than  life,  m,  mouth  ;  s,  ventral  sucker. 

B,  the  “  miracidium,”  which  hatches  from  the  eggs  of  the  liver-fluke, 

and  swims  freely  in  pond-water,  a,  mouth  ;  c,  eyes. 

C,  sporocyst,  into  which  the  miracidium  is  converted  when  it  makes 

its  way  into  the  body  of  the  little  snail,  Limnsea  truncatula. 
d,  the  eyes  degenerating  ;  e,  an  internal  bud  or  embryo  ;  /,  gut ; 
and  g,  collar  of  young  Redia,  to  which  a  bud  has  given  origin. 

D,  fully  formed  Redia,  one  of  several  extruded  from  the  sporocyst. 

k,  germs  growing  into  young  Cercariae ;  m,  external  lappets 
characteristic  of  Rediae  ;  n,  germ-cells  ;  p,  young  Cercariae  ;  q, 
young  Redia. 

E,  freely  swimming  Cercaria,  the  tail-bearing  young  form  of  the 

liver-fluke,  r,  oral  sucker ;  s,  posterior  sucker ;  t,  granules  ; 
j,  pharynx ;  /,  gut. 




The  liver-fluke  is  one  of  a  numerous  group  of  para¬ 
sites — but  little  known  a  hundred  years  ago — which 
have  a  smooth,  flat,  oval  body — varying  in  size  from  a 
sixth  of  an  inch  to  more  than  an  inch  in  length — at  one 
end  of  which  is  a  sucker-like  mouth  (Fig.  23,  A,  m.), 
whilst  one  or  more  merely  adhesive  suckers  (s.)  are  present 
on  other  parts  of  the  body — varying  in  number  and 
position  in  the  different  kinds.  Other  minute  openings  for 
the  renal  organs  and  for  the  egg-ducts  and  sperm-ducts 
are  also  present,  but  the  large  bifid  gut,  sometimes  tree¬ 
like  and  branched,  has  no  posterior  opening.  Rudolphi, 
in  1808,  gave  the  name  Trematoda — meaning  “pierced 
with  holes  ”  (Greek  :  TpiyiaTooSr)?) — to  the  whole  class 
comprising  these  worms,  distinguishing  them  from 
other  parasites  known  as  “  Tape- worms  ”  and 
“  Thread-worms.” 

It  became  known  in  the  middle  of  last  century  that 
many  parasitic  worms  have  two  “  hosts  ”  or  animals 
which  they  infest  in  turn — one  during  their  young 
condition,  which  is  called  the  “  primary  host,”  and  the 
other  the  “  final  host,”  into  which  they  pass  in  order  to 
finish  their  growth,  become  mature  and  lay  their  eggs. 
The  parasites  usually  pass  from  the  first  to  the  second 
host  readily  enough  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  final  host 
habitually  preys  upon  the  primary  one — and  so  swallows 
the  young  parasite  with  its  hospitable  entertainer.  But 
sometimes  the  parasite  transfers  itself  by  its  own  activity 
and  locomotion  from  the  earlier  host  to  the  later.  Also 
very  noteworthy  facts  are  that  only  some  one  species  of 
animal,  or  its  close  allies,  is  possible  as  intermediate  host, 
and  that  there  is  usually  also  but  a  limited  choice  as  to 
the  second  or  final  host — it  must  be  one  of  some  two  or 
three  particular  species  of  animals  which  are  in  close 
relation  to  the  earlier  host. 



In  many  cases  the  young  stage  of  the  parasite  which 
hatches  from  the  egg  of  the  adult  can  swim  or  crawl, 
and  so  get  into  the  primary  or  intermediate  host.  But 
in  the  common  tape-worm  of  man,  called  Taenia  solium, 
it  does  not  leave  the  egg-shell  until  it,  and  usually  a  whole 
lot  of  the  eggs,  contained  in  a  joint  or  segment  of  a  tape¬ 
worm,  are  swallowed  by  a  pig — its  usual  primary  host. 
The  minute  creature  which  issues  from  each  egg  is  a 
little  globe  (i-200th  of  an  inch  across)  armed  with  six 
hooks.  By  aid  of  these  it  bores  into  the  blood-vessels  of 
the  pig’s  intestine  and  so  is  carried  by  the  blood-stream 
into  the  muscles  (flesh),  where  it  is  stopped  by  the  narrow¬ 
ness  of  the  fine  blood-vessels.  Here  it  (or  rather  “  they,” 
for  usually  there  are  some  hundreds  together)  grows  and 
becomes  a  little  bladder  as  large  as  a  big  pea,  and  a 
curious  little  head  consisting  of  a  circular  crown  of  many 
hooks  and  four  suckers  makes  its  appearance  as  an 
inward  growth  of  each  bladder.  Pork  infected  with 
these  little  bladders  is  called  “  measled,”  and  the 
bladders  are  called  the  “  cysticercus  ”  or  “  hydatid 
phase  ”  of  the  tape-worm  If  eaten  uncooked  by  a  man 
(as  happens  where  “  raw  meat  ”  is  a  popular  dish),  the 
bladders  are  destroyed  by  mastication,  but  one  or  more 
of  the  little  heads  survive  and  adhere  to  the  wall  of  the 
man’s  intestine  by  means  of  their  suckers  and  crown  of 
hooks.  The  adventurous  young  tape-worm  has  now 
fixed  itself  in  its  final  host.  It  grows  rapidly — absorbing 
the  nutritive  juices  around  it  without  the  use  of  any 
mouth  or  digestive  canal.  It  gives  rise  to  a  long,  tape¬ 
like  growth  which  consists  of  segments  or  joints  continu¬ 
ously  produced  by  the  fixed  “  head.”  Those  nearest  the 
head  are  narrow  and  minute,  but  increase  in  size  as  they 
are  pushed  forward  by  the  growth  of  new  ones  behind 
them.  The  string  or  “  tape  ”  becomes  as  much  as  io 
feet  long,  and  consists  of  850  joints  or  segments  of  which 



the  older — those  farthest  from  the  so-called  “  head  ” — 
are  three-quarters  of  an  inch  long  and  a  third  of  an  inch 
broad.  The  oldest  400  joints  are  full  of  eggs,  and  those 
at  the  free  end  continually  break  off  and  pass  out  of  the 
ntestine,  each  filled  with  many  hundreds  of  eggs  already 
so  far  advanced  in  development  as  to  contain  six-hooked 
embryos  ready  to  be  swallowed  by  a  pig,  and  to  recom¬ 
mence  the  story  with  which  we  started  above. 

There  are  many  variations  of  this  story  in  different 
kinds  of  tape-worms.  There  is  a  minute  tape-worm 
only  a  quarter  of  an  inch  long,  which  lives  in  a  dog  or 
a  wolf  as  its  final  host.  The  bladder  stage  (hydatid 
or  cysticercus  phase),  which  develops  from  this  tape¬ 
worm’s  eggs,  occurs  in  man  and  herbivorous  animals. 
A  single  cyst,  or  bladder,  thus  developed  grows  to  an 
enormous  size — as  big  as  a  cocoa-nut — fixing  itself, 
when  quite  minute,  in  the  liver  or  lung  of  its  primary 
host.  Not  one  (as  in  cysts  of  measled  pork)  but  many 
hundred  minute  “  heads  ”  consisting  of  a  crown  of  hooks 
and  four  suckers  are  budded  off  within  the  cyst  and  float 
there  until  it  bursts  and  the  victim  usually  dies.  Then 
there  is  a  chance  that  a  dog  or  a  wolf  will  lick  up  some  of 
the  liquid  containing  the  floating  heads,  each  capable  of 
growing  in  the  dog’s  or  wolf’s  intestine  into  a  ripe,  egg¬ 
bearing  little  tape-worm.  The  “  staggers  ”  in  sheep  is 
produced  by  the  cystic  or  hydatid  phase  of  another  tape¬ 
worm,  which  develops  in  the  sheep’s  brain,  whilst  the 
tape-worm  matures  in  the  sheep-dog — its  final  host.  The 
list  of  tape-worms  and  their  hosts  could  be  greatly  ex¬ 
tended  and  would  include  a  variety  of  birds,  reptiles, 
and  fishes  as  well  as  simpler  invertebrate  creatures.  A 
very  striking  feature  is  the  enormous  abundance  either 
of  the  eggs  produced  in  the  final  stage,  or  if  not  of  them, 
then  of  the  individual  heads  budded  from  a  cyst  in  the 



primary  host.  It  is  clear  that  the  chances  of  any  indi¬ 
vidual  tape-worm  born  of  an  egg  getting  through  his 
allotted  course  of  life — reaching  in  due  order,  first  the 
correct  primary  host  and  then,  by  the  misfortune  of  that 
primary  host  in  being  eaten,  the  correct  final  host — are  very 
small.  And  so  the  number  of  individuals  produced  and 
entering  on  the  venture  has  to  be  enormous.  Thousands, 
even  hundreds  of  thousands,  must  start,  in  order  that 
one  or  two  may  come  triumphantly  through  to  the  final 
adult  stage  and  reproduce  themselves  by  eggs  and  sperm. 

And  now  we  return  to  the  liver-fluke.  Some  of  the 
Trematoda,  to  which  group  the  flukes  belong,  are  external 
parasites  and  cling  with  their  suckers  on  to  the  gills  of 
fishes.  Others  have  only  one  host  and  venture  as  para¬ 
sites  only  into  the  cavities  of  some  aquatic  animals,  with¬ 
out  presenting  any  striking  peculiarities  except  in  their 
elaborate  suckers.  The  flukes,  on  the  other  hand — 
properly  so  called — have  the  mouth  sucker  and  usually  a 
second  as  in  the  liver-fluke  (Fig.  23,  A).  The  young 
hatched  from  the  eggs  of  the  adult,  very  unlike  their 
parent,  pass  into  a  primary  host — usually  a  mollusc — in 
which  they  multiply  abundantly,  producing  strange  forms, 
some  of  the  offspring  of  which  eventually  get  to  the 
final  host,  usually  a  vertebrate,  and,  becoming  adult, 
lay  eggs. 

In  the  case  of  the  liver-fluke — Distomum  hepaticum 
— the  final  host  is  the  sheep — sometimes  oxen  and  rarely 
man.  The  question  has  been  (but  now  is  solved),  “  What 
is  the  intermediate  host  and  what  is  the  history  of  the 
young  fluke  in  connection  with  it  ?  ”  It  has  been  long 
known  that  sheep  in  marshy  pasture-land  liable  to  be 
flooded,  often  become  infected,  and  when,  some  fifty 
years  ago,  the  history  of  some  species  of  flukes  which 



infest  birds  as  their  final  host  was  traced  to  snails  as 
primary  hosts,  it  seemed  likely  that  some  kind  of  water- 
snail  would  prove  to  be  the  primary  host  of  the  liver- 
fluke  of  the  sheep.  The  common  pond-snails — Limnaea 
and  Planorbis,  of  which  I  wrote  in  Chapter  IV — 
were  known  to  be  attacked  by  the  young  hatched  from 
the  eggs  of  certain  flukes  (as  many  as  eight  kinds)  which 
attain  their  adult  condition  in  birds  and  other  verte¬ 
brates.  They  hatch  in  fresh  water  when  the  fluke’s 
eggs  are  passed  from  the  birds,  as  minute,  very  active 
swimming  creatures  about  the  fiftieth  of  an  inch  long. 
These  young  swim  about  by  means  of  a  clothing  of 
vibratile  hairs  and  have  a  pair  of  eye-spots  (Fig.  23,  B). 
This  young  stage  is  called  a  “  miracidium.”  The  ciliated 
miracidia  of  some  kinds  of  flukes  when  they  happen  to 
swim  into  the  neighbourhood  of  an  ordinary  pond-snail 
(Limnaea  stagnalis)  seem  to  be  drawn  to  it  by  a 
chemical  attraction  (smell  or  taste)  and  make  their  way 
into  its  soft  body.  Here  they  undergo  a  change  of  shape 
and  increase  in  size,  losing  their  coat  of  motile  hairs. 
They  produce  young  by  internal  budding  (Fig.  23,  C), 
which  may  in  their  turn  multiply  by  internal  budding 
and  sooner  or  later  produce  a  great  number  of  curiously 
shaped  worms,  which  are  called  “  King’s  yellow  worms  ” 
on  account  of  their  colour,  or  “  Redia  ” — after  the  old 
Italian  naturalist  Redi,  who  described  them  but  did  not 
know  their  history.  The  Redia  with  its  curious  pair  of 
lappets  marked  m.  m.  is  shown  in  Fig.  23,  D.  The 
earlier  forms  are  called  “  sporocysts.”  The  Redia 
produces  other  Rediae  by  internal  budding,  but  also  very 
soon,  and  as  a  final  step  before  breaking  up,  the  Redia 
produces  within  itself  a  number  of  minute  tadpole-like 
creatures  which  are  called  Cercariae.  These  escape  from 
the  snail  and  swim  about  in  the  water,  lashing  their 
tails  (Fig.  23,  E).  The  Cercaria  is  seen  on  examination 



to  be  nothing  more  than  a  minute  fluke  with  circum-oral 
sucker  (Fig.  23,  E,  r.),  and  a  large  hinder  sucker  (j.), 
though  it  is  peculiar  in  possessing  a  lashing,  active  tail 
like  that  of  a  tadpole.  The  Cercaria,  in  one  way  or 
another  (not  fully  made  out  in  every  case),  manages  to 
get  swallowed  by  the  bird  which  is  its  final  host.  Often 
the  whole  snail,  with  its  stock  of  completed  Cercariae 
within  it,  is  swallowed  by  the  bird.  Once  inside  the 
bird’s  stomach  the  Cercaria  loses  its  tail  and  slowly 
grows  to  be  an  adult  fluke.  It  was  not  until  the  par¬ 
ticular  kind  of  pond-snail  requisite  for  these  stages  of 
development  in  the  case  of  the  liver-fluke  was  discovered 
that  the  whole  history  of  that  parasite  could  be  traced. 
The  ciliated  young,  or  miracidia,  of  the  liver-fluke  are 
easily  hatched  from  the  eggs  of  that  worm  when  it  is 
ripe  and  removed  from  the  liver  of  a  dead  sheep,  but 
they  were  not  attracted  by  the  common  pond-snail, 
Limnaea  stagnalis,  nor  by  the  flat-coiled  snail  Planorbis, 
nor  by  other  species  such  as  Limnaea  perigra  and  other 
kinds  of  snails.  Under  these  circumstances  Mr.  Thomas 
examined  the  water-meadows  near  Oxford,  where 
“  sheep-rot  ”  was  frequent,  and  he  found  that  after  the 
floods  had  receded  there  were  large  numbers  of  a  very 
small  kind  of  pond-snail,  about  one-fifth  of  an  inch  long, 
known  as  Limnaea  truncatula,  adhering  to  the  grass 
from  which  the  water  had  disappeared.  He  collected 
a  quantity  of  this  small  water-snail  and  brought  them  to 
the  laboratory,  where  he  had  a  glass  basin  in  which 
hundreds  of  the  ciliated  miracidia  hatched  from  the  eggs 
of  the  sheep’s  fluke  were  swimming.  I  myself  saw  the 
experiment.  He  placed  two  or  three  of  the  little  snails 
in  the  water.  They  expanded  and  began  to  crawl,  but 
immediately,  as  though  drawn  by  a  magnet,  the  ciliated 
young  or  miracidia  swam  at  them  and  violently  pressed 
on  to  and  into  their  bodies.  The  right  snail  was  found 



at  last !  Mr.  Thomas  had  then  no  difficulty  in  infecting 
a  large  number  and  following  day  by  day  the  growth  and 
changes  which  the  little  parasites  undergo  in  the  Limnaea 
truncatula.  The  chief  of  these  are  exhibited  in  Fig.  23, 
copied  from  the  memoir  published  by  Mr.  Thomas 
in  the  “  Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical  Science,” 
1883.  I  have  already  explained  these  figures,  taking 
them  to  exhibit  several  features  which  are  present  in  the 
whole  group  of  “  flukes.”  An  important  fact,  observed 
long  ago,  but  re-established  by  Mr.  Thomas,  is  that  the 
Cercariae  swimming  in  the  flood  waters  as  they  recede, 
attach  themselves,  each  in  a  sort  of  slimy  case,  to  the 
blades  of  grass  and  so  are  eaten  by  the  sheep  when  they 
return  to  the  pasture.  Numbers  of  the  little  pond-snails 
infested  with  the  liver-fluke’s  Cercariae,  or  tadpoles,  are 
left  high  and  dry  on  the  grass,  and  may  be  eaten  with  the 
grass  by  the  sheep  unless  removed  or  destroyed. 

A  very  serious  disease  is  caused  in  Africa  by  an 
elongated  species  of  fluke  which  lives  in  the  blood  of  man 
and  is  called  Bilharzia.  It  has  been  shown  that  in  this 
parasite  also  a  water-snail  serves  as  the  intermediate 
host.  I  may,  perhaps,  point  out  that  to  prevent  his  sheep 
from  being  attacked  by  liver-fluke,  the  farmer  (in  Europe 
and  Asia)  must  keep  them  away  from  meadows  which 
have  been  recently  flooded,  and  must  also  take  steps  to 
prevent  the  survival  of  the  Limnaea  truncatula  up  to  the 
time  when  the  flooded  land  is  re-entered.  In  North  and 
South  America  and  the  Sandwich  Islands,  other  allied 
species  of  Limnaea  are  reported  as  acting  the  part  of 
primary  host  to  the  liver-fluke,  and  in  Australia  a  snail  of 
the  genus  Bulimus  is  said  to  take  it  over.  But  detailed 
information  is  wanting. 


THE  word  “  progress  ”  primarily  signifies  “  a 
stepping  forwards  ” — forwards  not  in  relation 
to  some  real  or  imaginary  goal  the  arrival  at 
which  we  assume  to  be  desirable,  but  merely  in  regard 
to  the  individual  moving — in  fact,  a  stepping  “  front¬ 
wards  ”  as  opposed  to  standing  still  or  to  stepping 
“  backwards.”  In  the  course  of  the  past  few  centuries 
it  has,  however,  acquired  a  definite  secondary  limitation 
— that  of  the  movement  or  development  of  human  society 
towards  a  desirable  goal — namely,  earthly  felicity, 
happiness,  even  perfection — or  towards  the  attainment 
of  perfect  happiness  in  a  future  state  of  existence.  The 
measure  of  “  progress  ”  thus  necessarily  has  varied  ac¬ 
cording  to  the  conception  of”  happiness  ” — about  which 
there  have  always  been  divergent  opinions,  and  never  an 
accepted  definition.  The  philosophers  of  antiquity  were 
pessimists  :  they  did  not  entertain  a  belief  in  progress, 
but,  on  the  contrary,  held  (with  the  notable  exception 
of  the  Epicureans)  that  we  are  receding  from  a  long- 
past  golden  age  of  happiness. 

The  notion  of  earthly  progress  was  opposed  by  the 
Christian  Church,  which  endeavoured  to  fix  men’s  minds 
on  a  future  state  of  rewards  and  punishments.  A  belief 




in  the  distribution  of  these  by  its  intervention  was  the 
chief  basis  of  the  authority  and  power  of  the  Church. 
The  spirit  of  the  Renaissance — the  challenge  to  the 
authority  of  the  ancients  and  of  the  Church,  the  emanci¬ 
pation  of  the  natural  man  in  the  fields  of  art  and  of 
literature,  and,  later,  in  the  sphere  of  philosophical 
thought — was  accompanied  by  the  development  of  the 
idea  of  progress.  Ramus,  a  mathematician,  writes  in 
the  year  1569  :  “  In  one  century  we  have  seen  a  greater 
progress  in  men  and  works  of  learning  than  our  ancestors 
had  seen  in  the  whole  course  of  the  previous  fourteen 
centuries.”  The  French  historian,  Jean  Bodin,  about 
the  same  time,  reviewing  the  history  of  the  world,  was 
the  first  definitely  to  deny  the  degeneration  of  man,  and 
comes  (as  Prof.  Bury  tells  us  in  his  fascinating  book 
“  The  Idea  of  Progress  ”)  nearer  to  the  idea  of  progress 
than  anyone  before  him.  “  He  is,”  says  Prof.  Bury, 
“  on  the  threshold.”  And  then  the  Professor  proceeds 
to  trace  through  the  writings  of  successive  generations 
of  later  philosophers  and  historians — such  as  Le  Roy, 
Francis  Bacon,  Descartes,  the  founders  of  the  Royal 
Society,  and  others,  such  as  Leibniz,  Fontenelle,  de 
Saint-Pierre,  Montesquieu,  Voltaire,  Turgot,  Rousseau, 
Condorcet,  Saint-Simon,  and  Comte — the  various  forms 
which  this  idea  of  “  progress  ”  assumed,  its  expansions 
and  restrictions,  its  rejection  and  its  defence,  until  we 
come  to  the  Great  Exhibition  of  1851 — a  demonstration 
and  forecast  (from  a  certain  point  of  view)  of  progress — 
and,  later  still,  to  the  new  aspect  given  to  the  idea  of 
progress  by  the  doctrine  of  evolution  and  the  theories 
of  Darwin  and  of  Spencer. 

We  are  thus  provided  with  a  valuable  history  of  an 
important  line  of  human  thought.  But  the  most  inter¬ 
esting  part  to  many  of  us  must  be  the  closing  pages  in 



which  the  actual  state  of  the  idea  of  progress  as  it  appears 
in  the  light  of  evolution  is  sketched,  and  the  questions  are 
raised,  which  it  has  not  been  Prof.  Bury’s  purpose  to 
discuss,  namely,  Granted  that  there  has  been  progress, 
in  what  does  it  consist  ?  Is  it  likely  to  continue  ?  Does 
the  doctrine  of  evolution,  now  so  firmly  established,  lead 
us  to  suppose  that  “  progress  ”  will  continue,  and,  if  so, 
what  will  be  its  character  ?  Or  is  it  (however  we  define 
it)  coming  to  an  end  ?  Will  stagnation,  or  will  decay 
and  degeneration,  as  some  suppose,  necessarily  follow  ? 
Or  is  “  progress  ”  (whatever  one  may  mean  by  that 
word)  a  law  of  human  nature  ? 

The  doctrine  of  the  gradual  evolution  of  the  inorganic 
universe  had  already  gained  wide  acceptance  before  the 
epoch  when  Darwin’s  “  Origin  of  Species  ”  brought  man 
into  the  area  of  evolution,  and  established  the  accepted 
belief  in  the  “  progress  ”  of  man  from  an  animal  ancestry 
to  the  present  phase  of  the  more  civilized  races.  It 
does  not  follow  as  a  matter  of  course  that  such  a  develop¬ 
ment  means  the  movement  of  man  to  a  desirable  goal. 
But  (as  Prof.  Bury  reminds  us)  Darwin,  after  pointing 
to  the  fact  that  all  the  living  forms  of  life  are  lineal 
descendants  of  those  which  lived  long  before  the  Silurian 
epoch,  argues  that  we  may  look  with  some  confidence 
to  a  secure  future  of  equally  immeasurable  length  ;  and, 
further,  that,  as  natural  selection  works  solely  by  and  for 
the  good  of  each  being,  all  corporeal  and  mental  endow¬ 
ments  will  tend  to  progress  towards  perfection.  Darwin 
was  a  convinced  optimist. 

Equally  so  was  Spencer.  According  to  him,  change 
is  the  law  of  all  things,  and  man  is  no  exception  to  it. 
Humanity  is  indefinitely  variable,  and  perfectibility  is 
possible.  All  evil  results  from  the  non-adaptation  of  the 



organism  to  its  conditions.  In  the  present  state  of  the 
world  men  suffer  many  evils,  and  this  shows  that  their 
characters  are  not  yet  adjusted  to  the  social  state.  Now 
the  qualification  requisite  for  the  social  state  is  that  each 
individual  shall  have  such  desires  only  as  may  fully  be 
satisfied  without  trenching  upon  the  ability  of  others  to 
obtain  similar  satisfaction.  This  qualification  is  not 
yet  fulfilled,  because  civilized  man  retains  some  of  the 
characteristics  which  were  suitable  for  the  conditions 
of  his  earlier  predatory  life.  He  needed  one  moral 
constitution  for  his  primitive  state  ;  he  requires  quite 
another  for  his  present  state.  The  result  is  a  process  of 
adaptation  which  has  been  going  on  for  a  long  time,  and 
will  go  on  for  a  long  time  to  come.  Civilization  repre¬ 
sents  the  adaptations  which  have  already  been  accom¬ 
plished.  Progress  means  the  successive  steps  of  the 
process.  (There  we  have  the  scientific  definition  of  human 
progress  according  to  the  apostle  of  evolution.)  The 
ultimate  development  of  the  ideal  man  by  this  process 
(says  Spencer)  is  logically  certain — as  certain  as  any 
conclusion  in  which  we  place  the  most  implicit  faith  : 
for  instance,  that  men  will  all  die.  Progress  is  thus  held 
by  Spencer  to  be  not  an  accident,  but  a  necessity.  In 
order  that  the  human  race  should  enjoy  the  greatest 
amount  of  happiness,  each  member  of  the  race  should 
possess  faculties  enabling  him  to  experience  the 
highest  enjoyment  of  life,  yet  in  such  a  way  as 
not  to  diminish  the  power  of  others  to  receive  like 

Let  me  say,  in  order  to  avoid  misapprehension,  that 
in  what  follows  I  am  not  citing  Prof.  Bury,  but  stating  my 
own  opinions  and  suggestions.  It  has  been  urged  in 
opposition  to  the  optimistic  doctrine  of  Darwin  and 
Spencer  that  it  is  a  prominent  fact  of  history  that  every 



great  civilization  of  the  past  progressed  to  a  point  at 
which,  instead  of  advancing  further,  it  stood  still  and 
declined.  Arrest,  decadence,  decay,  it  is  urged,  have 
been  the  rule.  This,  however,  is  but  the  superficial  view 
of  the  historian  who  limits  his  vision  to  the  last  four  or 
five  thousand  years  of  man’s  development.  It  is  not 
confirmed  when  we  trace  man  from  the  flint-chippers  of 
500,000  years  ago  to  the  present  day. 

Naturalists  are  familiar  with  the  phenomenon  of 
degeneration  in  animal  descent.  Higher,  more  elaborate 
forms  have  sometimes  given  rise  to  simplified,  dwindled 
lines  of  descent,  specialized  and  suited  to  their  pecu¬ 
liar  environments.  The  frequent  occurrence  of  such 
development  in  the  direction  of  simplification  and 
inferiority,  and  even  the  extinction  of  whole  groups  or 
branches  of  the  genealogical  tree  of  organisms,  endowed 
with  highly  developed  structural  adaptations,  and  the 
survival  of  groups  of  extreme  simplicity  of  structure,  does 
not  invalidate  the  truth  of  the  conclusion  as  to  a  vast 
and  predominating  evolution — with  increase  of  structure 
and  capacity — of  the  whole  stock  of  animal  and  vegetable 
organisms.  A  similar  line  of  argument  applies  to  the 
long  and  extended  history  of  mankind. 

The  conclusion  adverse  to  the  reality  of  the  evolu¬ 
tional  progress  of  mankind  which  is  held  by  those  who 
declare  that  the  ancient  Greeks  and  other  products  of 
human  evolution  of  like  age  had  developed  a  degree  of 
artistic  execution  and  feeling,  of  devotion  to  intellectual 
veracity  and  ideal  justice,  to  which  more  modern  civiliza¬ 
tion  has  not  attained,  is  a  fanciful  exaggeration  in  which 
it  pleases  some  enthusiasts  to  indulge.  But  an  examina¬ 
tion  of  the  facts  makes  [it  [abundantly  clear  that  the 
conclusion  is  altogether  erroneous. 



Another  attempt  to  discredit  the  belief  in  progress 
consists  in  an  ambiguous  use  of  the  word  “  happiness  ” 
when  it  is  declared  that  the  teeming  millions  of  China  or 
even  the  herds  of  sheep  browsing  on  our  hill-sides  are 
“  happier  ”  than  the  civilized  peoples  of  Europe  and 
America.  Spencer’s  definition  of  the  goal  of  human 
progress  as  determined  by  the  general  laws  of  organic 
evolution  should  lead  in  this  discussion  either  to  the 
abandonment  of  the  use  of  the  vague  term  “  happiness,” 
or  to  a  critical  examination  of  the  state  of  feeling  which 
it  implies,  and  of  the  causes  to  which  they  are  specifically 

When  we  ask  whether  the  conditions  which  have 
been  the  essential  factors  in  human  evolution  and  progress 
are  still  in  operation  and  likely  to  operate  for  an  indefinite 
period  in  the  same  direction,  there  is,  it  seems,  in  spite  of 
the  view  as  to  their  permanence  held  both  by  Spencer 
and  by  Darwin,  room  for  doubt  and  for  re-examination 
of  the  situation.  The  struggle  for  existence,  the  natural 
selection  thereby  of  favoured  variations,  and  their 
transmission  by  physical  heredity  from  parent  to  offspring, 
suffice  to  explain  the  evolution  of  man’s  bodily  structure 
from  that  of  preceding  ape-like  animals,  and  even  to 
account  for  the  development  of  man’s  brain  to  greatly 
increased  size  and  efficiency. 

But  a  startling  and  most  definite  fact  in  this  connec¬ 
tion  has  to  be  considered  and  its  significance  appreciated. 
The  fact  to  which  I  refer  is  that  since  prehistoric  man, 
some  hundred  thousand  years  ago,  attained  the  bodily 
structure  which  man  to-day  possesses,  there  has  been  no 
further  development  of  that  structure — measurable  and 
of  such  quality  as  separates  the  animals  nearest  to  man 
from  one  another.  Yet  man  has  shown  enormous 



“  progress  ”  since  that  remote  epoch.  The  brain  and 
the  mental  faculties  connected  with  it  have  become  the 
dominant  and  only  progressive,  “  evolving,”  attribute  of 
man.  Nevertheless,  in  regard  to  the  brain  there  is,  since 
the  inception  of  the  new  phase  of  development  which 
we  have  now  to  consider,  no  increase  of  size,  though  were 
we  able  to  compare  the  ultimate  microscopic  structure 
of  the  brains  of  earlier  and  later  man  we  should  almost 
certainly  find  an  increased  complexity  in  the  minute 
structure  of  the  later  brain. 

It  seems  to  be  the  fact  that — when  once  man  had 
acquired  and  developed  the  power  of  communicating  and 
receiving  thought,  by  speech  with  his  fellow-man  (so 
as  to  establish,  as  it  were,  mental  co-operation),  and  yet 
further  of  recording  all  human  thought  for  the  common 
use  of  both  present  and  future  generations,  by  drawing 
and  writing  (to  be  followed  by  printing) — a  totally  new 
factor  in  human  evolution  came  into  operation  of  such 
overwhelming  power  and  efficiency  as  to  supersede 
entirely  the  action  of  natural  selection  of  favoured  bodily 
variations  of  structure  in  the  struggle  for  existence. 
Language  provided  the  mechanism  of  thought.  Re¬ 
corded  language  —  preserved  and  handed  on  from 
generation  to  generation  as  a  thing  external  to  man’s 
body — became  an  ever-increasing  gigantic  heritage, 
independent  of  the  mechanism  of  variation  and  of  the 
survival  of  favoured  variations  which  had  hitherto 
determined  the  organic  evolution  of  man  as  of  his 
ancestry.  The  observation,  thought,  and  tradition  of 
humanity,  thus  independently  accumulated,  continually 
revised,  and  extended,  have  given  to  later  men  that 
directing  impulse  which  we  call  the  moral  sense,  that 
still,  small  voice  of  conscience,  the  voice  of  his  father- 
men,  as  well  as  that  knowledge  and  skill  which  we  call 



science  and  art.  These  things  are,  and  have  been,  of 
far  greater  service  to  man  in  his  struggles  with  the 
destructive  forces  of  Nature  and  with  competitors  of  his 
own  race  than  has  been  his  strength  of  limb  and  jaw. 
Yet  they  are  not  “  inborn  ”  in  man.  The  young  of  man¬ 
kind  enter  upon  the  world  with  a  mind  which  is  a  blank 
sheet  of  “  educable  ”  quality,  upon  which,  by  the  care  of 
his  elders  or  by  the  direction  of  his  own  effort,  more  or 
less  of  the  long  results  of  time  embodied  in  the  Great 
Record,  the  chief  heritage  of  humanity,  may  be  inscribed. 

From  this  point  of  view  it  becomes  clear  that  know¬ 
ledge  of  “  that  which  is,”  and  primarily,  knowledge 
of  the  Great  Record,  must  be  the  most  important  factor 
in  the  future  “  Progress  of  Mankind.”  Thus  one  of  the 
greatest  services  which  man  can  render  to  his  fellows  is 
to  add  to  the  common  heritage  by  making  new  know¬ 
ledge  of  “  that  which  is,”  whilst  a  no  less  important 
task  is  that  of  sifting  truth  from  error,  of  establishing  an 
unfailing  devotion  to  veracity,  and  of  promoting  the 
prosperity  of  present  and  future  generations  of  his  race 
by  facilitating,  so  far  as  lies  within  human  power,  the 
assimilation  by  all  men  of  the  chief  treasures  of  human 
experience  and  thought. 

The  laws  of  this  later  “  progress  ”  are  not,  it  would 
seem,  those  of  man’s  earlier  evolution.  What  they  are, 
how  this  new  progress  is  to  be  made  more  general  and 
its  continuance  assured,  what  are  the  obstacles  to  it  and 
how  they  are  to  be  removed,  are  matters  which  have  not 
yet  been  adequately  studied.  The  infant  science  of 
psychology  must  eventually  help  us  to  a  better  under¬ 
standing.  Not  only  the  reasoning  intelligence,  but  also 
the  driving  power  of  emotion  must  be  given  due  con¬ 
sideration.  “  Education  ”  not  only  of  the  youth,  but 



also  of  the  babe  and  of  the  adult,  must  become  the  all- 
commanding  interest  of  the  community.  Progress  will 
cease,  to  a  large  extent,  to  be  a  blindly  attained  outcome 
of  natural  selection  ;  it  will  acquire  new  characteristics 
as  the  conscious  purpose  of  rational  man. 



THE  proposition  that  “  Nature  is  cruel  ”  is  often 
discussed  in  an  off-hand  way  and  readily  fur¬ 
nishes  a  text  for  the  most  divergent  expressions 
of  reason  or  of  sentiment.  The  fact  is  that  the  funda¬ 
mental  difficulty  of  all  human  conceptions  as  to  the  origin 
and  governance  of  the  universe — namely,  the  existence  of 
evil — is  raised  by  it,  whilst  at  the  same  time  the  terms 
“  Nature  ”  and  “  cruel  ”  can  be  defined  at  will  to  mean 
as  much  or  as  little  as  the  disputant  may  choose. 

The  book  by  my  friend  Mr.  H.  G.  Wells,  entitled 
“  The  Undying  Fire,”  is  a  beautiful  and  fascinating 
parody  of  the  great  discussion  between  Job  and  his 
comforters.  It  is  in  many  respects  the  finest  of  his 
efforts  to  bring  home  to  all  thoughtful  men  their  posses¬ 
sion  of  a  deep-lying  faith  which,  variously  disguised  by 
words  and  metaphors,  they  yet  inevitably  share  as  an 
indestructible  inheritance  from  long  ages  of  human 
struggle  and  victory.  In  Mr.  Wells’s  book  the  staggering 
problem  of  “  Cruelty  in  Nature  ”  is  trenchantly  set  forth. 
A  ruined  schoolmaster — the  Job  of  the  story — over¬ 
whelmed  by  financial  and  professional  disaster,  appalled 
by  the  horrors  of  the  war  which  has  taken  his  only  son — 
tortured  by  a  wretched  wife — and  now  smitten  by  a 
deadly  and  painful  disease — sets  out,  weary  as  he  is,  for 

a  walk  in  the  country,  led  on  by  visions  of  cool  green 




shade  and  kindly  streams  beneath  the  trees  and  by  desire 
for  the  fellowship  of  shy  and  gentle  creatures. 

But,  instead  of  gaining  rest  and  comfort,  he  is  attacked 
by  bloodthirsty  gnats  and  flies,  and  the  itching  torture 
caused  by  those  minute  red  beasts  the  “  harvesters.” 
A  young  rabbit,  torn  and  bloody,  lies  in  his  path  ;  the 
victims  of  a  butcher-bird,  spiked  on  thorns,  wriggle  on 
a  hawthorn-bush.  A  villainous-looking  cat  drops  a 
mangled  young  bird  at  his  feet.  Then  for  the  rest  of  the 
day  our  Job  can  think  of  nothing  but  the  feeble  miseries 
of  living  things.  He  passes  in  review  the  constant  panic, 
the  savage  sexual  combats  of  the  great  beasts — the 
buffalo  and  the  rhinoceros — the  ceaseless  prowling  of 
the  murderous  but  sickly  tiger.  Then  he  expatiates  with 
scientific  accuracy  on  the  horrors  of  parasitic  infection 
by  worms,  moulds,  and  bacteria,  and  finally  reviews  the 
reckless,  destructive  cruelty  of  profit-seeking  man,  who, 
in  the  remote  Antarctic,  driven  by  his  insatiable  greed, 
boils  down  penguins  and  whales  for  their  fat  and  consigns 
their  young  to  starvation  without  remorse,  and  in  other 
regions  burns  and  uproots  forests,  leaving  arid  deserts  as 
the  monuments  of  his  activity.  “  Is  this,”  he  asks,  “  a 
world  made  for  the  happiness  of  sentient  things  ?  I 
ask  you  how  is  it  possible  for  man  to  be  other  than  a 
rebel  in  the  face  of  such  facts  ?  .  .  .  For  these  things 
are  not  in  the  nature  of  sudden  creations  and  special 
judgments  ;  they  have  been  produced  fearfully  and 
wonderfully  by  a  process  of  evolution  as  slow  and  deliber¬ 
ate  as  our  own.  How  can  man  trust  such  a  maker  to 
treat  him  fairly  ?  Why  should  we  shut  our  eyes  to  things 
that  stare  us  in  the  face  ?  Either  the  world  of  life  is  the 
creation  of  a  being  inspired  by  a  malignity  at  once  filthy, 
petty,  and  enormous,  or  it  displays  a  carelessness,  an 
indifference,  a  disregard  for  justice.  ...” 



I  think  we  may  without  hesitation  limit  the  word 
“  cruelty  ”  in  any  such  discussion  as  this  to  the  infliction 
of  pain  by  a  reasoning  intelligent  being  on  another 
sentient  being  (i)  either  with  the  intention  of  deriving 
pleasure  from  the  contemplation  of  the  evidences  of 
suffering  which  he  has  produced,  or  (2)  in  pursuit  of  some 
end  of  his  own  in  the  attainment  of  which  he  is  entirely 
disregardful  of  the  pain  he  may  cause  to  others  or  of  the 
relative  proportion  which  the  possibly  beneficent  altruistic 
quality  of  the  end  he  is  pursuing  bears  to  the  amount 
of  pain  which  he  inflicts.  We  cannot  admit  for  the  pur¬ 
pose  of  this  discussion  the  poetical  use  of  the  word  “cruel,” 
which  applies  to  the  mere  occurrence  of  pain  or  the  unin¬ 
telligent  agents  of  pain,  such  as  storm,  fire,  claw,  and  tooth. 
The  “  cruel  crawling  foam,  the  cruel  hungry  foam  ”  of 
Charles  Kingsley’s  “  Sands  o’  Dee  ”  is  a  legitimate  per¬ 
sonification  of  the  death-dealing  waters — all  the  more  so 
that  it  is  a  return  to  the  mode  of  thought  of  primitive  man 
— but  we  must  not  be  led  away  by  such  poetical  imagery 
from  the  real  significance  of  the  statement  that  Nature  is 
cruel.  Only  an  intelligent,  reasoning  being  can  be  cruel. 

Nature,  if  by  that  word  we  mean  merely  the  winds, 
rocks,  seas,  and  the  unintelligent,  unreasoning  living 
things — plants  and  animals — which  are  known  to  us — 
cannot  be  “  cruel.”  If  we  assert  that  this  vast  mechanism 
which  we  call  “  Nature  ”  is  cruel,  we  imply  that  it  is  the 
instrument  of  an  intelligent,  reasoning  being  to  whom  we 
attribute  cruelty.  There  is  no  escape  from  that  proposi¬ 
tion,  except  by  the  assumption  that  the  Creator  is  neither 
1  omnipotent  nor  omniscient,  and  cannot  control  what  he 
i  has  made. 

Mankind  has  been  very  unwilling  to  admit  that  it  is 
incapable  of  forming  a  satisfactory  conception  of  the 



Creator.  Man  has  persisted  in  declaring  not  merely  his 
capacity  but  his  right  and  even  his  duty  to  create  a 
Creator,  and  naturally  has  created  one  in  his  own  image. 
The  Creator  has  very  generally  been  held  to  be  a  man¬ 
like  being,  differing  from  man  in  the  fact  that  he  is 
omnipotent  and  omniscient  and  “  immaterial  ”  in 
substance.  At  the  same  time  man  has  revolted  against 
the  inevitable  conclusion  that  the  Creator  is  cruel, 
although  in  his  earlier  fancy  that  was  a  prominent 
feature  of  his  conception. 

By  various  devices  he  has  tried  to  remove  this  defect 
from  his  conception  of  the  Creator,  whom  he  has  made 
the  object  of  his  adoration  and  worship.  He  has  (in  past 
days)  called  into  existence  alongside  of  the  Creator  a 
second  immaterial  being,  “  Satan,”  to  whom  he  assigned 
the  part  of  author  of  all  evil.  Satan  was,  however, 
declared  to  be  a  “  fallen  angel,”  one  of  the  Creator’s 
works,  and  his  introduction,  therefore,  though  purifying, 
as  it  were,  the  character  of  the  Creator,  does  not  remove 
from  that  Being  the  authorship  of  cruelty  and  all  other 
evils,  unless  he  is  no  longer  supposed  to  be  either  omni¬ 
potent  or  omniscient.  “  Manichaeism  ”  is  the  name  of 
the  ancient  Persian  religion  (A.D.  270),  which  most  fully 
taught  this  dual  system — identifying  the  Evil  One  with 
Darkness  and  the  Beneficent  One  with  Light. 

It  is  interesting  to  find  that  Mr.  Job  Huss,  the  suffer¬ 
ing  schoolmaster  of  Mr.  Wells’s  book,  boldly  accepts  and 
finds  comfort  in  the  dual  theory — the  powers  of  Evil  in 
the  outer  world  on  the  one  hand  and  the  “  undying  fire,” 
the  “  God  in  my  heart,”  on  the  other.  They  are  con¬ 
ceptions  similar  to  the  “  Veiled  Being  ”  and  the  Invisible 
King  of  Mr.  Wells’s  earlier  work,  and  enable  him  to 
present  a  very  noble  picture  of  man’s  unquenchable 



hope,  his  wavering  but  ever-returning  courage,  his  in¬ 
destructible  faith  in  the  ultimate  triumph  of  right. 

But  others  have  attempted  to  face  the  difficulty — as, 
for  instance,  did  John  Stuart  Mill — by  the  admission  that 
if  we  believe  in  the  existence  of  a  beneficent  Creator  of 
the  universe  we  must  suppose  that  he  is  not  omnipotent, 
or  he  would  have  avoided  the  creation  of  evil,  or  else 
that  he  is  not  omniscient,  and  so  is  unable  to  foresee  the 
results  of  his  creative  activity. 

Another  and  more  modest  solution  of  the  difficulty 
has  always  been  present  to  the  minds  of  thoughtful  men, 
including  the  writer  of  the  Book  of  Job.  What  justifica¬ 
tion  (they  would  say)  have  we  for  creating  a  Creator  in 
our  own  image — with  human  standards  of  right  and 
wrong,  with  intentions,  thoughts,  conceptions  which  can 
be  comprehended  by  our  small  minds  and  expressed 
by  our  inept  words  reflecting  our  paltry  experiences  ? 
None.  So  far  are  we  from  knowing  the  ultimate  con¬ 
ditions  of  existence  that  we  must  admit  that  possibly 
what  we  call  good  cannot  exist  unless  accompanied  by 
what  we  call  evil — that  possibly  what  we  call  well-being 
and  happiness  is  necessarily  and  inevitably  conditioned 
by  pain. 

It  is  true  that  man  through  the  ages  has  shown,  as 
he  has  gradually  developed,  a  determined  opposition  to 
the  pains  and  restrictions  imposed  upon  him  as  upon 
other  animals  by  the  play  of  natural  forces.  He  has 
under  the  schooling  of  pain  acquired  an  ever-increasing 
reasoning  intelligence  and  that  unique  mysterious  endow¬ 
ment  which  we  call  “  consciousness.”  From  this  point 
of  view  he  may  be  regarded  as  “  Nature’s  rebel,”  ever¬ 
more  using  his  mental  gifts  in  order  to  escape  or  to 



mitigate  or  antagonize  the  pains  and  penalties  to  which 
other  living  things — devoid  of  those  gifts — have  to  submit. 
I  have  written  of  his  efforts  as  “  Nature’s  Insurgent 
Son  ”  in  the  Romanes  lecture  delivered  at  Oxford  in 
1905,  reprinted  in  my  book  “  The  Kingdom  of  Man.” 
Long  ago  the  Greek  poet,  Sophocles,  celebrated  man’s 
skill  and  triumphs — in  a  chorus  of  the  “  Antigone  ” — 
ending  with  the  words  : 

“  Stratagem  hath  he  for  all  that  comes  !  Never  the  future 
Finds  him  resourceless  !  Grievous  diseases  he  combats, 

Oft  from  their  grip  doth  he  free  himself.  Death  alone,  vainly, 
Vainly  he  seeks  to  escape;  'gainst  Death  he  is  helpless.” 

But  we  may,  perhaps,  more  justly  regard  man  not  as 
Nature’s  rebel  but  rather  as  Nature’s  pupil.  The  pains, 
that  which  some  would  rashly  call  “  the  cruelty  ”  of 
Nature,  are  the  very  means — must  we  not  believe  the 
only  possible  means  ? — by  which  man’s  unique  mental 
quality,  his  undying  fire,  his  conscience,  his  soul,  has 
been  set  a-growing  and  is  henceforth  kept  creating  the 
tradition  and  records  of  the  race,  though  the  individual 
passes  away  in  the  slumber  of  death. 

The  scene  of  animal  suffering  pictured  by  Job  Huss 
in  “  The  Undying  Fire  ”  is  exaggerated  by  the  morbid 
sensibility  of  that  unfortunate  man.  Whatever  the 
measure  we  assign  to  that  suffering  it  must  be  recognized 
as  a  part  of  the  great  process  by  which  human  life  and 
conscious  happiness  has  been  evolved  from  non-sentient 
“  primeval  slime.”  More  than  sixty  years  ago  Mr. 
Rowell,  then  curator  of  the  Ashmolean  Museum,  greatly 
interested  the  University  of  Oxford  by  his  essay  on  “  the 
beneficent  nature  of  pain.”  He  insisted  on  the  fact  that 
the  nerves,  by  the  stimulation  of  which  painful  sensations 
are  produced,  are  so  disposed  on  the  animal  body  as  to 
protect  it  from  injury  and  destruction — the  shrinking  or 



evasive  movements  which  follow  their  stimulation  (often 
automatically)  being  such  as  to  withdraw  this  or  that 
limb  or  other  part  of  the  body  from  laceration,  destruc¬ 
tive  pressure,  burning,  or  other  dangerous  contact,  or  else 
to  cause  the  animal  to  flee,  to  hide,  to  attack,  or  other¬ 
wise  avoid  hostile  destructive  agencies.  Were  it  not  for 
pain,  he  argued,  and  we  may  add  its  correlative  fear, 
animals  would  knock  themselves  to  pieces,  blunder  into 
every  kind  of  destructive  situation — and  animals  would 
speedily  come  to  an  end.  Those  who  would  maintain 
that  this  is  a  “  cruel  ”  ordering  of  life  must  hold  either 
that  an  intelligent  Creator,  if  not  cruel,  would  have  ab¬ 
stained  altogether  from  creating  life,  or  would  have  made 
it  altogether  insensible  to  pain,  though  reacting  to  pro¬ 
tective  stimuli.  In  default  of  this  they  must  deny  what  I 
am  inclined  to  maintain — namely,  that  the  ultimate  evolu¬ 
tion  from  living  matter  of  conscious,  reasoning,  pro¬ 
gressive,  adventurous  man  is  in  itself  so  great  a  good  as  to 
vastly  outweigh  the  relatively  small  accompanying  pain. 

I  have  ventured  to  speak  of  the  pain  of  animals  and 
man  as  small  compared  with  the  splendour  and  benefi¬ 
cence  which  increasingly  appertain  to  human  life.  I 
frankly  accept  the  doctrine  that,  looking  at  life  as  a 
whole,  present  pain  is  the  necessary  step  to  abounding 
joy  and  contentment. 

I  recognize  that  the  admission  of  pain  to  this  place  of 
toleration  must  be  considered  as  a  question  of  proportion. 
And  it  therefore  becomes  important  that  we  should  have 
■ — what  is  no  easy  matter — some  definite  apprehension,  if 
possible  some  measure,  of  what  we  call  pain.  We  only 
really  know  “  pain  ”  by  feeling  it  ourselves.  We  infer 
that  others — similar  to  ourselves  in  structure,  habit,  and 
expression — have  under  identical  conditions  identical 



experience  of  pain.  We  too  readily  regard  the  violence 
of  shrinking  movement,  cries,  and  efforts  to  escape  as  not 
merely  convincing  evidence  of  pain,  but  as  a  measure 
of  its  intensity.  Yet  we  are  all  familiar  with  facts  which 
show  that  such  evidence  is  fallacious.  God  forbid  that 
we  should  ever  under-estimate  or  be  indifferent  to  the 
terrible  suffering  which  many  of  our  fellow-men  have 
experienced,  and  which  others  do  now  and  will  in  the 
future  experience  !  But  we  must  at  once  accept  as  a 
fact  that  pain  is  a  mental  condition  which  is  not  measur¬ 
able  either  by  the  nature  and  severity  of  an  injury  or  by 
the  cries  and  struggles  which  follow  such  injury.  We 
know  that  a  break  in  the  great  nerve  complex,  the  spinal 
cord,  will  result  in  loss  of  all  sensation  below  the  region  of 
injury,  although  violent  movement  (usually  regarded  as 
indicative  of  pain)  and  shrinking  from  pain  will  continue. 
We  know  that  anaesthetics  will  arrest  the  consciousness 
of  pain  and  that  what  is  called  “  the  hypnotic  con¬ 
dition  ”  can  be  induced  without  the  administration  of  any 
drug  and  can  be  used  for  the  same  purpose.  We  know 
that  strong,  healthy  men  are  much  less  sensitive  to  what 
are  usually  pain-giving  blows  and  injuries  than  are 
more  delicate,  so-called  “  nervous  ”  individuals.  The 
Australian  “  savages  ”  decorate  their  bodies  by  cutting 
and  scarring  them  without  regard  to  pain,  and  the  Poly¬ 
nesians  used  to  batter  one  another’s  skulls  without  serious 
suffering — to  an  extent  incomprehensible  to  Europeans. 
Mere  excitement  or  intense  preoccupation  often  renders 
men  indifferent  to — and  even  unaware  of — injuries  which, 
in  other  circumstances,  would  be  intensely  painful. 
Hence  we  must  be  cautious  in  measuring  the  pain  even  of 
our  fellow-men  by  the  presumed  pain-causing  quality  of 
an  injury  or  by  the  movements  and  cries  which  it  excites. 
Still  more  so  is  this  the  case  when  we  endeavour  to 
estimate  the  pain  endured  by  animals — other  than  man. 



We  have,  then,  reason  to  believe  that  pain  is  a  pro¬ 
tection  to  animals  (including  man  in  that  category),  an 
automatic  warning  to  avoid  self-destruction  and  danger. 
The  lower  animals — leaving  aside  for  the  moment  the 
warm-blooded  mammals  and  birds— exhibit  very  definite 
life-preserving  mechanisms  which  act  automatically 
when  danger  or  injury  occurs,  and,  in  many  cases,  have 
been  shown  experimentally  to  be  unassociated  with  a 
condition  identical  with  that  of  the  “  pain  ”  of  conscious 
man.  We  have  no  reason  to  suppose  that  the  movements 
of  an  injured  earth-worm  are  in  any  way  an  expression  or 
measure  of  pain  :  they  are  vigorous  efforts  to  remove  or 
escape  from  a  life-threatening  agency.  The  great  student 
of  insect  life  and  behaviour — M.  Fabre — states  as  his 
conclusion  that  insects  are  marvellous  automata  and 
that  Us  ne  savent  rien  de  rien.  We  are  not  justified 
in  supposing  that  they  feel  pain.  We  cannot  admit 
that  Isabella  (in  “  Measure  for  Measure  ”)  is  right  when 
she  says  : 

"The  poor  beetle,  that  we  tread  upon, 

In  corporal  sufferance  finds  a  pang  as  great 
As  when  a  giant  dies.” 

What  she  says  just  before — namely,  that  “  the  sense  of 
death  is  most  in  apprehension,”  is,  on  the  other  hand, 
profoundly  true  in  regard  to  man,  though  probably 
not  in  regard  to  any  animals,  and  it  is  also  true  of  man 
if  we  substitute  for  “  sense  of  death  ”  the  “  sense  of 
pain.”  Thus  we  are  led  to  conclude  that  the  slaughtered 
rabbit,  the  butcher-bird’s  larder,  the  fluttering  bird 
dropped  by  the  cat,  and  the  vast  array  of  parasites  cited 
by  Mr.  Job  Huss  are  not  evidences  of  a  vast  amount 
of  suffering  comparable  to  that  which  a  conscious, 
reflecting  human  being  might  experience  were  he  the 
victim.  We  are  not  warranted  in  supposing  that  even 
he  would  necessarily  suffer  to  the  extent  which  imagina- 



tion  and  sympathy  suggest.  It  is  very  doubtful  whether 
the  higher  animals  hunted  and  wounded  by  man  and  by 
carnivorous  animals,  or  fighting  with  one  another,  experi¬ 
ence  much  pain.  Their  excitement  inhibits  pain,  as 
we  learn  from  men  who  have  escaped  after  having  been 
mauled  and  carried  off  by  a  lion.  It  appears  certain 
that  such  highly  organized  creatures  as  fish  have  no 
prolonged  suffering  as  the  result  of  injury,  though 
probably  a  “  pang  ”  is  experienced  by  them,  sufficient 
to  turn  them  momentarily  from  a  dangerous  situation. 
A  fish  has  been  caught  by  a  hook  on  which  its  own  eye 
had  been  accidentally  impaled  and  torn  from  its  head. 
It  was  greedily  “  taken  ”  by  the  fish  as  a  bait. 

I  know  how  disagreeable  a  subject  this  is,  and  how 
readily  one  can  be  misunderstood  and  misjudged  when 
one  attempts  to  state  the  truth  about  it.  But  one  striking 
illustration  of  the  fact  that  shrinking,  and  what  often 
passes  for  evidence  of  great  pain,  may  be  a  misinterpreta¬ 
tion  of  automatic  protective  movements  is  afforded  by  the 
less  shocking  instance  of  the  sensitive  plant  (Mimosa). 
When  a  leaflet  of  this  plant  is  pinched,  it  and  its  neigh¬ 
bouring  leaflets  quickly  droop,  one  by  one.  If  the  leaf- 
stem  is  struck  the  whole  group  of  pinnate  leaves  close 
down  and  the  stem  bends  quickly  and  deeply  as  though 
in  acute  pain  and  fear.  Yet  this  is  only  the  result  of  the 
movement  of  liquid  within  certain  tracts  of  tissue  in  the 
plant  serving  it  as  a  protection  against  assault.  After  a 
few  minutes  the  stems  rise  again  and  the  leaflets  expand 
in  neatly  ordered  rows.  We  are  surely  not  justified  in 
supposing  that  the  sensitive  plant  suffers  what  we  human 
creatures  call  “  pain.”  It  is  certain  that  a  vast  number 
of  lower  animals  are  as  incapable  of  feeling  pain  as  is  the 
sensitive  plant.  Even  the  highest  animals  are  far  less 
liable  to  continued  pain  than  are  civilized  men. 



A  word  seems  necessary  as  to  the  attribution  of  cruelty 
to  the  cat  when  “  playing  ”  with  an  injured  mouse.  The 
cat,  not  being  a  reasoning  conscious  being,  is  incapable 
of  cruelty.  Its  behaviour  is  automatic,  as  also  is  that  of 
the  mouse.  The  cat  takes  no  pleasure  in  the  signs  of 
suffering  as  such,  shown  by  the  mouse,  and  if  it  could  or 
did  do  so,  it  would  misinterpret  the  movements  of  the 
mouse,  which  are  not  accompanied  by  pain  any  more, 
or  very  little  more,  than  is  the  jumping  of  a  ball  of  paper 
pulled  by  a  string. 

Thus  we  are  led  to  the  judgment  that  the  supposition 
that  there  is  an  immense  amount  of  needless  pain  going  on 
in  the  world  is  a  misinterpretation  of  the  facts.  There 
is  pain,  but  it  is  mostly  short  and  sharp  and  of  a  directive 
and  protective  character.  Man  has  been,  and  is  still 
being,  educated  by  pain.  He  has  to  a  large  extent  gained 
control  of  it  or  learnt  to  avoid  it — in  so  far  as  he  is  himself 
concerned — but  there  is  still  a  gigantic  task  in  this  con¬ 
nection  before  him.  He  has  not  yet  put  an  end  to  war, 
famine,  and  disease.  It  seems  that  this  strange  and 
directive  thing — the  liability  to  pain — increases  and 
appears  in  unforeseen  ways,  as  man  becomes  more 
developed.  Education  and  the  great  tradition — the 
record  of  humanity,  the  creator  of  his  soul  and  its  “  un¬ 
dying  flame  ” — whilst  they  have  enabled  him  to  avoid 
many  causes  of  pain — are  building  up  new  ones  for  him. 
An  endless  variety  of  “  things  ” — experiences,  actions, 
relations  which  were  to  him  matters  of  indifference — 
have  now  become  active  sources  of  either  pleasure  or  of 
pain.  A  large  and  important  branch  of  the  attempt  to 
understand  the  history  and  origin  of  pain  is  indicated  by 
this  consideration,  but  I  cannot  now  pursue  it. 

The  main  tendency  of  what  I  have  said  leads  to  the 



conclusion  that  pain  is  not,  in  the  great  scheme  of  the 
universe,  “  cruel,”  but  the  beneficent  guide  of  the  develop¬ 
ment  of  sentient  beings.  Man’s  sense  of  justice  leads 
him  to  condemn  the  infliction  of  even  the  smallest 
amount  of  pain  on  man  by  his  fellow-man,  for  however 
good  a  purpose,  without  the  assent  of  the  sufferer.  Still 
more  does  he  resent  the  conclusion  of  his  own  life  (to  the 
inception  of  which  he  has  not  been  a  consenting  party) 
by  inevitable  and  arbitrary  death.  But  he  does  not 
“  curse  God  and  die,”  a  course  which  is  freely  open  to  him. 
On  the  contrary,  he  clings  to  his  life  and  its  more  or  less 
painful  incidents  for  the  sake  of  the  pleasure  which  he 
derives  from  his  own  adventurous  existence  and  from 
sympathy  with  that  of  his  race.  He  continually  and 
necessarily  balances  “  pain  ”  against  “  well-being  ”  and 
voluntarily  submits  himself  and  others  to  a  present  but 
transient  pain  in  order  to  gain  the  larger  well-being 
and  happiness — not  of  himself  alone  but  of  future 

Similarly,  he  finds  that  every  moment  of  his  life  is 
dependent  on  the  destruction  and  unconsenting  painful 
experience — evanescent  as  it  is — of  a  host  of  lower 
animals  and  of  plants.  He  does  not  act  in  consequence 
according  to  the  formal  rules  of  an  impossible  and 
visionary  justice :  he  deliberately  balances  the  good 
against  the  evil.  In  proportion  as  he  is  reasonable  and 
intelligent  he  uses  his  weaker  living  companions  with 
such  moderation  and  mercy  as  are  consistent  with  the 
continued  development  of  the  life  and  soul  of  man.  In 
so  doing  he  is  consciously  or  unconsciously  striving 
to  adjust  his  aims  and  his  actions  to  the  “  one  in¬ 
creasing  purpose” — Great  Nature’s  unfolding — which 
has  brought  him  from  the  womb  of  time  to  his  present 



IN  the  skin  and  underlying  the  surfaces  of  deep- 
lying  organs  inside  the  body  there  is  an  enormous 
number  of  microscopically  small  root-like  fibrils  or 
filaments  of  extreme  tenuity  penetrating  in  every  direc¬ 
tion.  They  are  the  finest  nerve  filaments,  threads,  or 
fibres.  They  gather  together  into  skeins  or  “  strands,” 
and  these  again  into  larger  bundles  called  “  nerves,” 
and  thus  pass  from  the  surface  and  other  parts  of  the 
body  where  they  commence,  joining  to  form  larger  and 
larger  bundles  until  they  reach  the  brain,  either  entering 
it  directly  or  by  way  of  the  great  spinal  cord,  which  lies 
in  the  bony  colonnade  formed  by  the  backbone  or  verte¬ 
bral  column.  There  are  nerve-fibres,  the  business  of 
which  is  to  bring  “  impulses  ” — as  it  were,  wordless 
messages — from  the  body  and  its  surface  to  the  brain 
and  spinal  cord.  They  are  called  “  afferent  ”  fibres. 
And  there  are  other  nerve-fibres,  undistinguishable  in 
appearance  from  these,  and  often  mixed  in  with  them  in 
one  bundle  or  nerve,  whose  business  it  is  to  convey  im¬ 
pulses  or  wordless  messages  from  the  brain  and  spinal  cord 
to  muscles  and  gland-cells.  They  are  called  “  efferent  ” 
fibres.  The  rate  of  passage  of  these  impulses  has  been 
measured.  They  travel  at  the  rate  of  400  feet  per  second. 

In  this  chapter  we  are  concerned  with  the  afferent 




nerve-fibres.  They  are  often  called  “  sensory  nerve- 
fibres,”  whilst  the  efferent  ones  are  called  “  motor  nerve- 
fibres.”  The  endings  or  beginnings  of  the  finest  afferent 
nerve-fibres  or  threads  near  the  surface  of  the  body  or  of 
its  internal  cavities  are  of  such  a  nature  that  the  nerve- 
fibres  can  be  acted  upon  by  various  external  agencies, 
such  as  pressure,  change  of  temperature,  light,  chemical 
and  electrical  disturbance  ;  that  is  to  say,  the  “  state  ” 
or  condition  of  the  living  nerve-fibre  can  be  definitely 
altered  by  the  impact  of  these  agencies.  The  action  of 
these  agencies  on  the  nerve-fibres  is  spoken  of  as  the 
“  stimulation  ”  or  “  excitation  ”  of  the  nerve-fibre.  The 
immediate  fact  by  which  this  “  stimulation  ”  is  made 
evident  is  the  setting  up  of  rapid  changes,  both  chemical 
and  electrical,  in  the  substance  of  the  nerve-fibre.  These 
rapid  changes  are  called  “  impulses  ”  or  “  nerve-im¬ 
pulses,”  and  are  transmitted  or  propagated  along  a  nerve- 
fibre  with  a  quickness  of  400  feet  a  second — which  is 
less  than  but  resembles  that  of  an  electric  current — until 
they  reach  the  nerve-cell  to  which  it  belongs,  one  of 
millions  contained  in  the  brain  and  spinal  cord.  The 
nerve-cell  is  a  plump,  granular  lump  of  protoplasmic 
substance,  with  a  large  spherical  kernel  or  nucleus,  and 
with  many  branching  fibrils  reaching  out  from  its  sub¬ 
stance  and  joining  it  to  other  nerve-cells.  The  nerve- 
cells  with  which  we  are  here  concerned  are  those  which 
exist  by  millions  in  the  brain,  and  form  what  is  called 
“  the  grey  substance  of  the  brain.”  Arrived  here  the 
impulse,  or  a  whole  series  of  such  impulses  coming  to 
many  brain-cells,  produces  further  changes,  which  give 
rise  to  those  mental  conditions  which  we  call  “  sensa¬ 
tions.”  I  do  not  propose,  at  this  moment,  to  go  further 
into  the  relation  of  the  structure  of  the  brain  to  mental 
activities  ;  but  I  will  say — what  is  the  unshaken  and 
unanimous  conviction  of  all  physiologists — namely,  that 



it  is  by  “  sensations,”  and  only  by  sensations,  that  we 
arrive  at  knowledge  of  the  world  around  us  and  of  our 
own  bodies. 

In  order  that  external  agencies  may  thus  act  on  the 
fine  terminal  twigs  of  the  nerves  it  is  necessary  that  the 
endings  of  these  delicate  filaments  be  connected  with  a 
receptive  apparatus,  an  “  end-organ,”  as  it  is  termed, 
which  is  adapted  to  receive  the  special  action  of  one  or 
other  of  the  external  agencies  I  have  named  above,  and 
so  set  up  the  stimulation  of  the  fine  nerve-threads  which 
end  in  it.  There  is  one  kind  of  end-organ  which  is 
specially  fitted  to  the  action  of  light — or,  as  we  say,  is 
specially  “  sensitive  ”  to  light ;  another  kind  which  is 
specially  sensitive  to  the  vibrations  of  sound  ;  another 
which  is  so  for  the  chemical  actions  causing  taste  ; 
another  for  those  causing  smell ;  another  for  those  set  up 
by  mechanical  pressure  ;  another  for  rise  of  temperature 
(heat)  ;  another  for  fall  of  temperature  (cold)  ;  another  for 
the  changes  of  pressure  in  liquid-holding  tubes  caused  by 
alterations  of  balance  and  equilibrium  ;  another  for  the 
muscular  contractions  which  enable  us  to  estimate 
weight ;  and  another  for  those  violent  and  destructive 
changes  in  our  tissues  which  cause  the  sensation  which 
we  call  “  pain.”  There  thus  appear  to  be  some  ten  dis¬ 
tinct  groups  of  sensations,  requiring  and  associated  with 
distinct  end-organs  connected  with  special  nerve-fibres 
and  specially  fitted  to  receive  the  stimulating  influence  of 
ten  different  kinds  of  actions  or  changes  which  occur  as 
we  live  and  move  in  relation  to  other  existing  things  and 
as  they  move  and  change  around  us. 

The  more  or  less  elaborate  mechanisms  formed  at  the 
free  ends  of  sensory  nerves  are  called  “  sense-organs.” 
The  special  capacity  and  working  of  a  sense-organ  is 



called  a  “  sense.”  Thus  there  are  ten  “  senses,”  each  of 
a  different  kind,  appropriate  each  to  one  of  the  ten  different 
kinds  of  sense-organs.  The  four  first  mentioned  in  my 
list  above  given  are  often  called  “  special  senses,”  and 
their  end-organs  are  called  the  organs  of  special  sense. 
They  are  :  (i)  sight,  (2)  hearing,  (3)  smell,  and  (4)  taste. 
The  organs  of  these  senses  are  separate  parts,  distinctly 
and  easily  recognized,  and  in  the  case  of  the  first  two 
greatly  elaborated  and  brought  to  perfection  by  obvious 
“  accessory  ”  apparatus,  which  assists  or  helps  to  render 
the  sense-organ  responsive  to  small  quantities  of  the 
stimulating  agent  and  to  other  features  connected 
with  it,  such  as  the  direction  from  which  it  comes  and  the 
variation  (often  very  great)  in  its  special  qualities. 

Thus  we  have  the  eye  (a  pair  or  more  in  different 
animals),  which  consists  not  merely  of  the  light-sensitive 
retina,  built  up  by  most  peculiar  end-cells  (the  retinal- 
cells),  in  which  the  nerve-threads  of  the  optic  nerve 
terminate,  but  of  the  eyeball,  provided  with  lenses, 
which  can  be  “  focused  ”  so  as  to  produce  a  picture  in 
its  dark  chamber,  where  the  retina  or  sensitive  plate  is 
spread,  also  provided  with  the  series  of  muscles  under 
nerve-control  which  turn  the  axis  of  the  eyeball  in  different 
directions,  and  the  circular  curtain  of  the  iris  and  also  the 
eyelids  by  which  the  amount  of  light  entering  the  eyeball 
can  be  regulated.  There  are  also  minute  elaborations  of 
great  importance  in  the  retinal-cells,  such  as  those  con¬ 
nected  with  the  discrimination  of  colours. 

The  second  organ  of  “  special  sense,”  the  ear 
(usually,  as  in  man,  a  pair),  is  less  obvious  than  the  eye. 
For  what  we  commonly  call  “  the  ear  ”  is  only  an  external 
“  hearing  trumpet,”  the  real  organ  of  hearing  being  sunk 
in  the  bones  of  the  skull  and  called  “  the  internal  ear.” 



It  is  an  elaborately  constructed  membranous  sac,  con¬ 
taining  liquid.  It  is  of  the  shape  of  a  coiled  snail-shell, 
with  three  loop-like  tubes — the  semicircular  canals — 
growing  out  of  it.  On  its  walls  are  distributed  an  im¬ 
mense  profusion  of  bunches  of  fine  nerves,  which  gather 
together  to  constitute  the  auditory  nerve.  The  ends  of 
these  fine  nerves  penetrate  the  wall  of  the  snail-shaped 
sac,  and  are  connected  with  peculiar  end-cells  and  hair¬ 
like  rods,  forming  in  its  inside  a  complex  apparatus,  of 
which  different  elements  are  excited  by  the  vibrations  of 
notes  of  different  pitch,  resulting  in  a  difference  of  sensa¬ 
tion  for  all  the  immense  variety  of  sounds  and  musical 
combinations  which  assail  it  in  the  form  of  sound- 

The  organ  of  the  sense  of  smell  is  placed  on  the 
passage  by  which  air  enters  the  lungs — the  nasal  passage 
— and  the  nerve-threads  of  the  two  olfactory  nerves, 
which  pass  directly  from  it  to  the  brain,  end  (or,  to  put 
it  the  other  way,  originate)  in  the  nasal  cavity  in  a  multi¬ 
tude  of  rod-like  cells,  which  cover  the  walls  of  the  much- 
folded  and  deep  recesses  into  which  ultra-microscopic 
odoriferous  particles  or  gases  are  carried  by  the  inspired 
air.  The  perfection  of  this  sense-organ  consists  in  its 
sensibility  to  extremely  minute  quantities  of  odoriferous 
matter,  and  its  property  of  being  differently  affected  by 
odoriferous  particles  which  differ  only  in  the  minutest 
degree,  chemically,  from  one  another.  Thus  the  dog  is 
differently  affected  by  the  odoriferous  particles  given  off 
by  different  human  beings,  and  can  thus  recognize  an 
individual,  or  even  his  mere  footprints,  by  his  smell, 
a  power  which,  to  judge  by  the  size  and  structure 
of  his  nasal  cavities,  man  also,  in  some  remote  period, 
possessed,  but  has  (with  some  rare  exceptions)  now 



The  sense-organs  of  taste  are  found  in  the  tongue  : 
they,  like  the  organ  of  smell,  are  not  so  complex  as  the 
organs  of  sight  and  hearing,  but  are  limited  to  furnishing 
a  different  sensation  according  to  the  chemical  composi¬ 
tion  of  substances  presented  to  them.  The  substances 
which  can  be  “  tasted  ”  must  be  soluble  in  water,  and 
the  different  sensations  which  they  produce  are  only  dis¬ 
tinguishable  by  us  as  sweet,  bitter,  sour,  and  salt,  of 
greater  or  less  intensity.  Very  usually  people  call  by 
the  name  “  taste  ”  what  is  really  due  to  the  sense  of  smell. 
All  “  flavours  ”  of  foods  and  drinks  are  really  odours 
which  reach  the  olfactory  organs  from  substances  held 
in  the  mouth.  The  end-organs  of  the  nerve  of  taste  are 
little  bulb-like  groups  of  cells  which  are  set  on  tuft-like 
projections  of  the  tongue  or  in  circular  grooves  far  back 
on  its  surface.  Bitter  and  sweet  taste  are  dependent  on 
end-organs  distinct  from  those  which  are  concerned  with 
acid  and  salt  taste,  and  there  seem  also  to  be  separate 
end-bulbs  for  sweet  taste  distinct  from  those  for  bitter 
taste.  The  nerve-fibres  connected  with  the  taste- 
organs  do  not  unite  to  form  a  pure  nerve  of  taste.  The 
optic  nerve  is  formed  purely  by  nerves  from  the  retina, 
the  auditory  nerve  purely  by  nerves  from  the  auditory 
sac,  and  the  olfactory  nerve  purely  by  nerves  from  the 
olfactory  recesses  of  the  nasal  cavity.  But  the  taste  nerve- 
fibres  pass  to  the  brain  in  the  glossopharyngeal  nerve,  and 
also  in  the  lingual  branch  of  the  fifth  nerve  in  company 
with  fibres  of  other  kinds.  In  this  respect  the  sense  of 
taste  resembles  the  less  elaborated  senses,  namely,  those  of 
touch,  heat,  cold,  the  muscular  sense,  the  sense  of  pain, 
and  apparently  also  the  sense  of  equilibrial  pressure,  which 
though  not  concerned  with  sound-vibrations  is  conveyed  to 
the  brain  by  fibres  which  form  part  of  the  auditory  nerve. 

These  less  elaborated  and  less  specialized  “  senses  ” 


have  until  recent  years  been  classed  vaguely  with  the 
sense  of  touch,  and  the  term  “  general  sensibility  ”  has 
also  been  used  so  as  to  include  them.  Thus,  it  was  usual 
to  speak  of  the  five  senses,  or  five  gateways  of  knowledge 
— sight,  hearing,  smell,  taste,  and  touch.  But,  really, 
it  seems  that  there  is  a  distinct  apparatus  and  distinct 
nerve-threads,  and  a  distinct  sensation,  for  (i)  the  sense 
of  heat,  (2)  the  sense  of  cold,  (3)  the  muscular  sense, 
(4)  the  equilibrial  sense,  (5)  the  sense  of  pain,  as  well  as 
for  (6)  the  sense  of  touch.  So  that  we  recognize  ten 
distinct  senses.  The  nerve-fibres  of  the  sense  of  touch 
are  distributed  in  the  skin  all  over  the  body,  and  pass  by 
nerve-bundles,  containing  other  kinds  of  nerves,  to  the 
spinal  cord  and  brain.  The  same  is  true  of  the  sense  of 
heat,  the  sense  of  cold,  the  muscular  sense,  and  the  sense 
of  pain,  with  some  qualification  as  to  the  precise  regions 
of  the  body  thus  provided.  The  nerves  appear  to  end  in 
or  between  the  surface-cells  of  the  skin  in  the  first  two,  and 
in  the  muscular  cells  in  the  third.  The  sense  of  pain  is 
excited  by  the  stimulation  of  nerves  (in  many,  but  not 
all,  parts  of  the  body),  by  destructive  processes,  such  as 
cutting  or  crushing,  and  also  especially  by  the  condition 
called  inflammation.  It  is  probable  that  only  special 
nerve-fibres  are  capable  of  being  stimulated  so  as  to 
produce  the  sensation  of  pain. 

It  has  been  shown  experimentally  that  the  sensation 
caused  by  contact  of  the  skin  of  the  hand  or  other  part  with 
a  surface  which  is  quickly  raised  in  temperature,  or,  as  we 
say,  “  warmed,”  may  be  brought  about  in  a  person  who 
has,  by  disease  or  injury,  lost  the  sense  of  cold  in  that 
part,  that  is  to  say,  is  unable  to  recognize  a  sudden  fall  in 
the  temperature  to  which  it  is  exposed,  and  that  a  fall  of 
temperature  in  other  cases  is  recognized  where  rise  of 
temperature  produces  no  sensation.  Hence  it  is  inferred 



that  there  are  separate  nerve-fibres  and  nerve-end-organs 
concerned  in  the  heat-sense  and  the  cold-sense. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  many  parts  of  the  surface  of 
the  body  the  sense  of  touch  is  more  acutely  developed  than 
it  is  in  others,  and  there  we  find  special  end-organs 
called  tactile-bulbs.  These  are  minute  spherical  or 
oblong  groups  of  compressed  cells  in  which  the  termina¬ 
tions  of  nerve-fibres  are  enclosed.  They  are  particularly 
abundant  in  the  fine  ridges  separated  from  one  another 
by  grooves,  which  mark  the  finger-tips  with  whorls  and 
loop-like  patterns.  The  sense  of  touch  is  the  sense  of 
slight  mechanical  pressure — rough  and  smooth  surfaces 
causing  difference  of  pressure  when  the  finger,  or  what¬ 
ever  part  of  the  body  is  used  as  the  exploring  instrument, 
is  moved  over  such  surface  in  contact  with  it.  Great 
tactile  discrimination  is  thus  possible,  and  we  see  the 
extent  to  which  it  can  be  carried  by  the  wonderful  skill 
obtained  by  the  blind,  who  can  not  only  read  “  by  touch  ” 
the  embossed  printing  of  the  Braille  books  prepared  for 
them,  but  can  distinguish  and  recognize  a  great  variety 
of  surfaces  of  different  kinds,  which  ordinary  men  who 
are  not  dependent  on  their  sense  of  touch,  and  so  have 
not  cultivated  it,  cannot  distinguish  in  that  way.  The 
sense  of  touch  is  variously  developed  on  regions  of  the 
body  other  than  the  finger-tips,  as  may  be  shown  by  the 
distance  between  two  points  of  pressure  (such  as  the  tips 
of  a  pair  of  compasses)  required  in  order  that  their 
existence  as  separate  points  of  touch  may  be  recognized. 
Points,  where  nerve-fibres  capable  of  stimulation  by 
touch  exist,  are  surrounded  by  larger  or  smaller  in¬ 
sensible  areas.  The  points  of  sensibility  are  less  closely 
set  in  the  less  sensitive  regions  of  the  body  surface. 

With  regard  to  the  muscular  sense,  it  seems  that  the 


cells  of  the  muscular  tissue  may  be  the  end-organ  of  the 
sensory  nerves.  Such  end-organs  certainly  exist  and 
enable  us  to  estimate  “  weight  ”  by  the  amount  of  mus¬ 
cular  effort  necessary  to  hold  up  a  given  body  and  prevent 
it  from  falling  to  the  ground. 

The  sense  of  equilibrium  has  its  sense-organ  in  the 
three  semicircular  canals  of  the  internal  ear.  These 
are  membranous  tubes  filled  with  liquid  and  lying  in 
liquid.  They  are  set  in  the  three  planes  of  a  cube.  A 
new  movement  in  any  plane  or  the  sudden  cessation 
of  previous  movement  in  any  plane  will  cause  more  or 
less  of  what  is  ordinarily  called  a  “jerk  ”  or  “  chuck  ” 
in  the  liquid-holding  membranous  tube,  and  as  the  three 
ultimate  planes  of  space  of  three  dimensions  are  repre¬ 
sented  by  three  corresponding  semicircular  tubes  each 
will  be  affected  according  to  the  direction  of  the  move¬ 
ment,  and  a  corresponding  pressure  on  the  end-organs 
of  the  nerves  distributed  to  its  walls  will  result.  Since 
there  is  a  set  of  these  canals  in  the  inner  ear  on  each  side 
of  the  head,  the  apparatus  furnishes  the  necessary  nerve- 
impulses  and  sensations  for  a  comparison  of  the  relation 
of  the  two  sides  of  the  head  to  any  movement,  and  con¬ 
sequently  a  resultant  sensation  which  is  indicative  of 
the  equilibrium  and  poise  of  the  head  and  of  the  direction 
of  movement.  Birds  in  which  one  of  the  canals  is  injured 
cannot  fly  ;  they  cannot  “  feel  ”  their  balance  or  want  of 
balance  and  adapt  the  movement  of  the  wings  accordingly. 
Rats  and  rabbits  so  injured  cannot  walk  straight.  When 
the  canals  of  the  internal  ear  of  one  side  are  diseased  in 
man  giddiness  and  a  tendency  to  fall  in  the  attempt 
to  walk  are  consequences.  The  pair  of  liquid-holding 
vesicles  containing  one  or  more  solid  particles  suspended 
within  them,  which  are  found  in  snails,  mussels,  and  other 
molluscs,  are  usually  called  “  internal  ears  ”  or  “  auditory 



vesicles,”  because  they  are  affected  by  the  vibrations  of 
sound.  But  it  has  been  reasonably  contended  that 
they  must  serve  if  not  exclusively,  yet  also  as  organs  of 
the  sense  of  balance — and  hence  in  place  of  the  name 
“  otocysts  ”  or  “  ear-vesicles  ”  they  have  been  called 
“  statocysts  ”  or  “  balance  vesicles.”  The  walls  of  these 
sacs  in  the  lower  animals  are  supplied  each  by  a  large 
nerve  from  the  brain,  the  fine  fibres  of  which  end  in 
peculiar  “  cells  ”  which  line  the  vesicle.  A  few  years  ago 
similar  vesicles  were  discovered  in  the  leaves  of  plants, 
especially  in  those  which  climb  and  twist  round  the 
stems  of  other  plants  for  support.  It  appears  that  they 
may  serve  as  directive  organs  in  the  movements  of  these 
plants,  though  such  a  notion  involves  the  supposition 
that  the  living  protoplasm  of  plant  tissues  can  act  as  the 
nervous  system  does  in  animals  and  transmit  “  im¬ 
pulses.”  Mr.  Darwin  did  not  shrink  from  such  a 
supposition,  and  in  his  last  work — that  on  the  movement 
of  plants — he  established  the  existence  of  such  “  trans¬ 
mission  ”  in  several  cases. 

By  this  brief  review  I  have  placed  before  the  reader 
an  outline  of  what  is  meant  by  a  “  sense.”  It  is  always 
dependent  on  the  excitation  of  a  demonstrable  and 
appropriate  apparatus — a  sense-organ — and  through  it 
of  connected  nerve-fibres,  which  transmit  “  impulses  ” 
to  the  brain.  We  have  seen  what  are  the  agencies  which 
can  be  distinguished  as  definitely  stimulating  nerve- 
fibres  in  this  way,  and  that  there  are  ten  different  kinds 
of  such  agencies  acting  on  ten  differently  constructed 
appropriate  sense-organs  (some  few  of  them  not  yet  fully 
investigated),  in  which  the  nerves  terminate,  or  perhaps 
we  should  rather  say  “  take  origin.”  In  view  of  these 
facts,  the  absurdity  of  talking  about  “  a  sixth-sense  ” 
(there  are  already  ten),  or  a  “  spider-sense,”  or  a  “  cat- 


sense,”  becomes  obvious.  It  is,  of  course,  conceivable 
and  possible  that  a  spider  or  a  cat  may  act  with  some 
unusual  intensity  in  some  people  on  one  of  the  ten 
“  senses  ”  which  have  been  distinguished  by  investi¬ 
gators  of  the  human  nervous  system.  But  we  must 
require  experimental  demonstration  of  the  fact  before 
accepting  assertions  on  the  subject,  whilst  those  who 
invoke  a  new  special  “  sense  ”  to  bolster  up  their  un¬ 
tested  beliefs  in  the  stories  of  detection  of  concealed 
spiders  and  cats  must,  it  seems,  be  using  the  word 
“  sense  ”  in  a  misleading  and  illegitimate  manner. 

So,  too,  it  seems  to  me  that  there  is  a  fundamental  mis¬ 
understanding  as  to  the  nature  and  operation  of  the  only 
channels  by  which  man  is  known  to  receive  impressions, 
and  those  highly  complicated  groups  of  impressions  which 
result  in  knowledge  of  the  world  around  him — on  the 
part  of  those  who  are  of  the  opinion  that  one  human 
brain  can  communicate,  not  merely  signs,  but  detailed 
information  to  another  at  a  distance  without  operating 
on  the  sense-organs  of  the  recipient.  I  refer  to  the  base¬ 
less  assertions  of  the  existence  of  what  has  been  called 
“  telepathy.” 



IMAGINATIVE  people  have  been  heard  to  excuse 
a  failure  to  keep  in  view  everything  going  on  around 
them — back  and  front,  right  and  left — by  the  protest : 
“  How  could  I  possibly  see  it  ?  I  haven’t  got  eyes  at 
the  back  of  my  head  !  ”  “  True,  Madam  (or  Sir),”  we 

should  reply  ;  “  yet  the  notion  is  not  so  outlandish  as 
you  seem  to  suppose.  Those  graceful,  swiftly  evasive 
little  animals,  the  lizards,  closely  similar  in  all  details  of 
structure  to  ourselves,  have,  besides  a  pair  of  eyes  like 
our  own,  also  a  single  eye  in  the  middle  of  the  top  of  the 
head  !  ” 

This  third  eye  is,  it  is  true,  of  small  size,  and  was 
only  discovered  a  few  years  ago.  But  it  is  a  true  “  eye,” 
an  optical  apparatus  like  a  minute  photographic  camera 
with  lens,  dark  chamber  and  a  sensitive  nerve-plate 
corresponding  to  the  photographer’s  sensitive  plate,  and 
connected  by  a  long,  optic  nerve  with  the  brain.  It  is 
only  in  the  lizards,  among  living  reptiles,  that  this  third 
eye  is  to-day  existing,  but  in  some  of  the  ancient,  ex¬ 
tinct  reptiles  it  was  of  large  size  and  great  importance. 
The  common  little  green  lizard  of  Jersey  and  South 
Europe  shows  it  very  well,  though  it  is  larger  in  the  large 
tropical  lizards  known  as  “  Monitors,”  and  in  the 
curious  Sphenodon  or  “  Tua-tara  ”  of  New  Zealand. 



Fig.  24  is  a  drawing  of  the  upper  surface  of  the  head  of 
the  green  lizard,  of  twice  the  natural  length  and  breadth. 
It  is  covered  by  horny  plate  or  “  scales  ”  arranged  in  a 
definite  pattern.  The  nostrils  perforate  a  pair  of  these 
“  scales.”  That  of  the  right  side  is  marked  n.  in  our 
drawing.  Farther  back  we  come  to  the  large  paired 

Fig.  24. — Upper  surface  of 
the  head  of  the  Green 
Lizard,  Lacerta  viridis, 
magnified  to  twice  the 
natural  length,  n.,  right 
nostril ;  e.,  eyelid  of  the 
large  eye  of  the  right 
side;  au.,  auditory  canal ; 
p.e.,  scale  covering  the 
pineal,  or  “  third  ”  eye, 
which  occupies  the  parie¬ 
tal  foramen. 

Fig.  25.— The  upper  sur¬ 
face  of  the  bony  skull  of 
thej  same  Lizard,  n.a., 
the  right  nasal  aperture ; 
or.,  the  right  orbit ;  p.f., 
the  parietal  foramen,  or 
orifice,  in  which  the 
"  third  ”  eye  is  seated. 

eyes,  which,  seen  from  above,  show  only  as  two  dark 
slits  edged  by  the  eyelids.  That  of  the  right  side  is 
marked  e.  Still  farther  back  there  is  a  pair  of  small 
openings  of  which  that  on  the  right  side  is  marked  au. 
They  are  the  ear  passages.  In  the  middle  line  is  a  five¬ 
sided  scale  marked  p.e.,  with  a  little  translucent  promi¬ 
nence  at  its  centre.  This  is  the  special  thing  which 
concerns  us  ;  it  is  the  covering  scale  of  “  the  third  eye,” 



and  seems  to  be  shaped  so  as  to  act  as  a  window  or  look¬ 
out  for  that  remarkable  possession. 

When  the  scales  and  soft  parts  are  cleaned  off  the  head 
of  the  green  lizard,  the  bony  skull  is  displayed  as  drawn 
in  our  Fig.  25.  The  cavities  in  the  bone  connected  with 
the  outer  nostrils  are  seen  (n.a.)  and  the  bony  orbits  (or.) 
in  which  the  large  “  eyeballs  ”  or  paired  eyes  are  sup¬ 
ported  and  protected.  In  the  middle  line  of  the  big 
bone,  called  the  “  parietal,”  which  is  the  roof  of  the 
chamber  containing  the  lizard’s  brain,  there  is  a  small 
round  hole  (J>.f .).  This  is  the  “  parietal  foramen,”  or 
opening.  It  corresponds  exactly  in  position  with  the 
scale  marked  p.e.  in  Fig.  24.  Filling  this  parietal 
aperture,  when  the  soft  parts  are  still  in  place,  lies  a  little 
dark-coloured  globe  about  as  big  as  a  small  pin’s  head. 
This  is  the  actual  thing  of  which  we  are  in  search — 
the  third  eye  itself.  The  little  ball-like,  grey-coloured 
homoeopathic  globule  has  a  stalk  attached  to  it — its  optic 
nerve — which  passes  through  the  hole  in  the  bone  and 
between  the  lobes  of  the  enclosed  brain  to  join  the  deeply 
placed  central  part  of  that  organ. 

If  we  carefully  expose  the  globule-like  object  of  our 
search  in  its  place  by  cutting  away  the  skin  and  soft  parts 
on  one  side,  and  examine  it  with  a  magnifying  glass,  it 
presents  the  appearance  shown  in  Fig.  26,  with  half  of 
the  overlying  scale  in  position  (Fig.  26,  cut.).  The  horny 
cuticle  (cut.)  of  the  scale  and  the  underlying  layer  of 
epidermis  ( ep .)  are  seen  in  section,  whilst  the  “  eye  ”  itself 
is  uncut  and  supported  on  its  nerve-stalk  ( n.s .).  The 
surface  of  the  ball  of  the  little  eye  is  seen  to  be  beset  with 
black  pigment  threads  excepting  the  part  nearest  the 
scale,  which  is  colourless  and  transparent.  This  is  the 
“  lens,”  so  lettered  in  our  figure.  By  skilful  methods 


thin  sections  can  be  cut  right  through  the  eyeball  and 
its  stalk — for  examination  with  high  powers  of  the 
microscope.  Such  a  section  is  drawn  in  Fig.  27,  and  the 
complete  structure  of  the  little  “  third  eye  ”  is  revealed. 
It  is  hollow,  the  central  space  being  filled  by  clear  liquid. 
Its  wall  is  built  up  of  the  microscopic  units  of  structure 
known  as  “  cells.”  In  front  they  are  massed  so  as  to 
form  the  important  firm  and  definitely  shaped  lens.  It 


Fig.  26. — The  "  third  ”  eye, 
or  pineal  eye,  of  the  Green 
Lizard,  exposed  by  dissec¬ 
tion.  cut.,  cuticle;  ep., 
cellular  epiderm  ;  lens,  the 
lens  forming  the  top  of  the 
eyeball ;  n.s.,  the  nerve 

stalk,  or  optic  nerve. 


Fig.  27. — The  same  as  Fig. 
26,  but  the  eyeball  and 
its  stalk  now  shown  in 
section.  r.,  the  retina 
lining  the  eyeball.  Other 
letters  as  in  Fig.  26.  Note 
the  cell-structure  of  the 

is  a  matter  of  significance  that  this  lens  is  built  up  of 
interlocking  living  “  cells,”  each  with  its  little  central 
sphere  or  “  nucleus,”  and  is  not  a  structureless  knob 
of  horny  or  of  dense  jelly,  as  is  the  case  with 
the  lens  of  the  eyes  of  some  lower  animals  (see  next 
chapter).  The  sides  and  back  part  of  the  wall  of  the 
chamber  or  cavity  of  the  lizard’s  third  eye  is  formed  by 
two  sets  of  interlocking  rod-like  cells  (Fig.  27,  r.),  one 
set  charged  with  black  pigment,  which  thus  give  a  dark, 



black  lining  to  the  chamber — a  feature  universally 
characteristic  of  true  “  eyes  ” — and  the  other  set  standing 
between  these  and  connected  each  with  a  nerve-filament 
which  can  be  traced  with  its  fellows  to  the  nerve-stalk 
(n.s.)  built  up  of  these  filaments  and  passing  as  a  long  cord 
far  down  into  the  central  part  of  the  brain. 

The  little  “  third  ”  eye  we  have  thus  examined  is 
often  called  “  the  parietal  eye,”  because  it  is  lodged  in 
an  opening  or  “  foramen  ”  in  the  parietal  bone — a  bone 
formed  by  the  union  of  a  pair  of  bones  which  roof  over 
the  skull  in  ourselves  and  other  vertebrate  animals,  such 
as  fish,  reptiles,  birds,  and  mammals.  The  parietal  eye 
is  also  often  called  “  the  pineal  eye,”  because  in  ourselves 
and  most  other  vertebrate  animals  it  has  dwindled  and 
disappeared,  leaving  only  a  deep  part  of  its  stalk  which 
is  connected  with  the  brain  and  with  a  pea-like  body, 
called  by  old  anatomists  the  “  pineal  body.”  The  sig¬ 
nificance  of  the  pineal  body  is  unknown.  It  is  not  the 
parietal  eye  in  an  altered  condition,  and  it  is  not  yet 
possible  to  give  any  satisfactory  account  of  it.  The 
philosopher  Descartes  held  it  to  be  the  seat  of  the  soul. 
This  part  of  the  brain  and  the  parietal  eye  itself  are  relics 
of  the  past — structures  which  either  persist  and  are  in¬ 
herited  from  our  remote  ancestors  in  a  changed  and 
puzzling  condition,  or  else  have  ceased  to  appear — even 
with  changed  shape  and  uses— in  the  present  representa¬ 
tives  of  the  vertebrate  stock  save  in  a  very  few  excep¬ 
tional  instances.  The  only  other  living  creatures,  besides 
some  lizards,  in  which  the  third  or  parietal  or  pineal 
eye  has  been  found  are  the  very  peculiar  and  remote 
group  of  fish-like  creatures  known  as  lampreys  and 
hag-fish — and  in  them  its  structure  is  less  developed 
and  its  significance  less  obvious  than  in  the  lizards. 
It  seems  that  the  little  parietal  eye  of  the  lizards  is  only 


a  last  vestige  or  survival  of  what  was  once  a  large  and 
important  third  eye 

Fig.  28. — Dorsal  surface  of  the  skull  of  an  Ichthyosaurus,  to  show 
P.,  the  parietal  orifice  in  which  the  pineal  eye  was  lodged. 
Fr.,  the  broken  edge  of  the  snout.  (From  a  specimen  in  the 
Natural  History  Museum,  reduced  to  one-fourth  of  the  natural 

In  many  kinds  of  lizards  the  parietal  eye  is  present, 
but  in  a  withered,  ineffective  condition.  Even  in  those 
in  which  it  retains  the  window-scale,  the  lens,  and  the 
other  details  of  structure  as  above  described  in  the  green 



lizard,  it  has  not  been  shown  to  be  actually  in  use  as  an 
organ  of  vision.  More  experiments  to  test  this  are  needed, 
and  are  not  easy  to  carry  out.  Possibly  it  has  in  all 
living  lizards  become  so  reduced  in  size  as  to  be  useless  ; 
but  possibly  it  still  is  sensitive  to  light  in  a  small  way. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  skulls  of  some  of  the  large,  extinct 
reptiles — but  not  those  of  crocodiles,  Dinosaurs,  or 
tortoises — have  a  “  parietal  foramen  ”  of  an  inch  or  more 
in  diameter,  and  the  “  third  eye,”  which  was  lodged  in 
this  orifice,  must  have  been  an  important  organ  of  sight. 
The  skull  of  the  extinct  porpoise-like  reptile,  the  Ich¬ 
thyosaurus,  has  a  large  parietal  foramen  (Fig.  28)  ;  and 
the  skulls  of  the  Dicynodonts,  huge  tusk-bearing  reptiles 
found  in  the  pre-oolitic  strata  known  as  the  Trias, 
possess  a  parietal  foramen  as  big  round  as  a  penny,  its 
bony  edge  raised  up  to  form  a  sort  of  circular  well-head. 

It  is  not  improbable  that  the  well-grown  parietal  eye 
of  the  great  extinct  reptilian  ancestors  of  our  modern 
lizards  was  not  only  actually  larger  but  more  elaborately 
constructed  than  the  diminutive  parietal  eye  which  I  have 
described  and  pictured  above. 



EYES  as  simple  as  the  lizard’s  parietal  or  third 
eye — described  in  Chapter  XI — are  characteristic 
of  various  kinds  of  lens 

lower  animals,  but  are 
formed  independently  in 
different  groups  by  the  modi¬ 
fication  of  parts  essentially 
different  in  origin  in  each 
group.  Thus  in  the  scor¬ 
pion  and  some  oth  hard¬ 
skinned  insects  and  insect¬ 
like  creatures,  we  find  a 
very  simple  kind  of  eye 
formed  by  a  tubercle  or 
knob  of  the  hard  covering 
of  “  chitin  ”  or  “  cuticle  ”  of 
the  head  (Fig.  29).  From 
three  to  seven  or  more  of 
these  little  eyes  are  found 
on  each  side  of  the  scor¬ 
pion’s  head.  The  living 
“  cells  ”  of  the  epidermis, 

Fig.  29. — Section  through  the 
lateral  eye  of  a  Scorpion. 
lens,  the  lens  formed  by 
chitinous  cuticle ;  cut.,  the., 
cuticle  or  outer  layer  of  the 
skin ;  ep.,  the  cellular  epider¬ 
mis  which  secretes  or  deposits 
the  horny  cuticle  and  the  lens  ; 
ret.,  the  nerve-end  cells  of  the 
retina,  which  are  part  of  the 
epidermic  layer  of  cells  ;  op.n., 
the  optic  nerve  fibres.  (From 
the  author’s  original  drawing.) 

which  are  sunk  so  as  to  form  a  shallow  cup,  not  only 
secrete  the  nearly  spherical  lens  of  horny  substance 
(which  for  emphasis  is  shown  as  black  in  our  drawing, 




though  it  is  really  clear  and  transparent),  but  are  actually 
elongated  beneath  the  lens  and  serve  as  the  nerve-end 
cells,  or  “  retinal  ”  cells,  to  which  the  nerve-filaments 
of  the  optic  nerve  are  attached.  In  life,  a  black  pigment 
is  formed  on  the  sides  of  each  nerve-end  cell,  but  has 
been  dissolved  by  weak  nitric  acid  in  the  microscopical 
section  here  drawn,  since,  if  present,  it  would  conceal  the 
cells  from  view.  The  important  points  about  this  simple 
“  lateral  eye  ”  of  the  scorpion’s  head  are,  first,  that  the 
lens  is  not  like  that  of  the  lizard’s  parietal  eye,  composed 
of  “  cells  ’’  forming  the  front  wall  of  an  eye  vesicle  or 
chamber,  but  is  a  button  or  knob  of  the  outer  horny,  or 
“  chitinous,”  cuticle  ;  and,  second,  that  it  is  supported  by 
— and  is  the  secretion  or  product  of — a  single  layer  of 
enlarged  cells,  which  not  only  give  rise  to  this  horny 
substance,  but  are,  at  the  same  time,  the  “  retinal  ”  or 
nerve-end  cells — “  the  sensitive  plate  ”  upon  which  the 
light,  concentrated  by  the  lens,  acts  so  as  to  produce 
“  vision.”  The  “  compound  ”  eyes  of  insects  and  crus¬ 
taceans  consist  of  many  hundreds  of  closely  packed  little 
eyes,  each  essentially  like  one  of  the  scorpion’s  simple 
eyes,  but  further  elaborated  in  the  structure  and  grouping 
of  the  soft  living  cells  underlying  each  minute  lens. 

The  paired  eyes  which  both  marine  and  terrestrial 
snails  carry  on  their  heads  are,  again,  of  a  different  make. 
The  simplest — as,  for  instance,  in  the  limpet — are  open 
cups  sunk  in  the  skin,  and  filled  with  a  transparent, 
structureless  secretion,  which  is  the  lens  (Fig.  30).  But 
in  other  snails  the  cup  closes  up  in  front  and  becomes  a 
little  sphere  enclosing  the  glass-like  lens  (Fig.  31).  The 
back  wall  and  sides  of  the  cup  (even  in  those  cases  where 
the  cup  is  open)  develop  black  pigment.  Embedded  in 
this  black  pigment  are  nerve-end  cells  connected  by  the 
optic  nerve  with  the  brain  (see  Figs.  30  and  31,  pg.). 



The  cuttle-fishes  are  elaborated  and  more  highly 
developed  snails  adapted  to  a  swimming  life.  Their 
paired  eyes  are  in  appearance  (colour  and  shape) 
wonderfully  like  those  of  the  true  “  fishes  ”  and  other 
vertebrates,  but  are  really  unlike  them  in  growth 
and  origin,  and  are  actually  elaborations  of  the 


Fig.  30. —  Section 
through  the  open 
cup-like  eye  of 
the  Limpet,  lens, 
the  viscid  plug 
of  the  eye  “  cup  " 
acting  as  a  lens ; 
ep.,  the  epider¬ 
mis  ;  pg.,  the 
pigment  layer  of 
the  retina ;  op.n., 
the  optic  nerve. 

Fig.  31. — Section  through 
the  closed  spherical 
eye  of  a  Land-Snail. 
ep.,  the  epidermis  from 
which  the  optic  cham¬ 
ber  ( .)  has  become 
separated  as  a  closed 
sphere ;  lens,  the 
spherical  lens  not  com¬ 
pletely  filling  the  optic 
chamber  [  ;  pg., 
the  pigment-layer  of 
the  retina ;  op.n.,  the 
optic  nerve. 

simpler  eye  of  the  snails.  By  up-growths  a  con 
tractile,  perforated  screen  of  metallic  lustre,  like  the  iris 
and  “  pupil  ”  of  the  vertebrate’s  paired  eye,  is  formed  in 
the  cuttle-fish  in  front  of  the  closed  cup  containing  the 
lens  (see  Fig.  32  and  explanation)  ;  and  a  further  and  later 
transparent  up-growth — the  “  cornea  ” — in  front  of  this 
*  *  iris  ’  ’  forms  an  ‘  ‘  anterior  chamber  ’  ’  to  the  eye,  with  clear, 



transparent  walls,  The  lens,  which  becomes  firm 
and  separate  from  the  more  fluid  contents  of  the  original 

“  eye-chamber,”  is  now  hing 
up,  as  it  were,  between  that 
chamber  (which  is  now  the 
posterior  chamber)  and  the 
newly  formed  anterior  cham¬ 
ber.  A  muscle — like  in  posi¬ 
tion  to  the  “  ciliary  ”  muscle 
of  the  vertebrate’s  paired  eye 
— is  attached  all  round  to  the 
edge  of  the  spherical  lens  (cil. 
in  Fig.  32),  and  serves  to  move 
it  a  little  so  as  to  focus  the 

Fig.  32. — Diagram  of  a  sec¬ 
tion  through  a  highly- 
developed  eye  representing 
that  either  of  a  Vertebrate 
or  of  a  Cephalopod  Cuttle- 
Fish.  It  shows  anterior 
[  and  posterior  cham¬ 
bers  ( .),  .  an  iris  or 
adjustable  curtain  in  front 
of  the  lens  (marked  iris), 
a  “ciliary”  muscle  (cil.) 
which  corrects  the  focus  of 

picture  made  by  the  lens  on 
the  back  wall  of  the  posterior 
chamber,  where  is  spread  the 
much-elaborated  sensitive  plate 
of  pigment  and  nerve-end  cells 
called  the  “  retina.”  A  pair 
of  movable  eyelids  grow  up 
in  the  cuttle-fish,  externally 
from  the  sides  of  the  trans- 

the  lens,  and  a  strongly  parent  wall  of  the  anterior 

developed  black  pigment  chamber — the  cornea  (el.  in 
lining,  the  “  choroid  ”  coat  p-  \ 
of  the  eyeball  ( ch .)  backing  3  )• 

the  retina  (ret.)  ;  also  the' 

cornea  (cor.)  or  transparent  As  though  expressly  to 
part  of  the  waH  of  the  eye-  show  us  the  real  nature  of  the 
ball;  scl.,  the  tough  opaque  -  -  i  ,  . 

coat  of  the  eyeball ;  and  cuttle-fish  S  eye,  we  find  in 
el.,  the  eyelids.  the  Pearly  Nautilus— a  living 

though  very  anciently  evolved 
relative  of  the  cuttle-fishes — a  pair  of  eyes  each  as  large 
as  a  marrowfat  pea,  but  of  absolutely  primitive  con¬ 
struction.  Each  stands  up  like  a  kettledrum  in  shape, 




opaque  and  dull-coloured  (Fig.  33). 
of  the  flat  surface  of  the  drum  is  a 
access  to  its  black-lined  cavity. 

The  sea-water  has  free  access 
by  this  little  hole  to  the  cavity, 
and  so  have  the  rays  of  light 
which,  entering  here,  form  a 
picture  on  the  black,  sensitive, 
retina-lined  wall  of  the  little 
kettledrum.  There  is  no 
“  lens  ”  or  other  accessory 
structure.  Its  simple  structure 
is  shown  by  a  section  through  it 
(Fig.  33).  It  is  what  is  called 
a  “  pin-hole  camera,”  and  the 
picture  is  produced  within  it 
in  virtue  of  the  same  optical 
laws  as  were  made  use  of  in 
the  “  camera  obscura  ”  shown 

But  in  the  centre 
minute  hole  giving 


Fig.  33. — Eye  of  the  Pearly 

in  bygone  times  at  fairs  and 
seaside  piers  and  pleasure- 
gardens.  I  say  “  were,”  for 
they  seem  to  have  gone  out 
of  fashion.  I  have  never  had 
the  chance  of  coming  across 
this  popular  “  show,”  though 
I  lately  read  a  novel  in  which 
the  conversion  of  a  cellar  into 
a  “  camera  obscura  ”  by  the 
accidental  opening  of  a  small 
hole  in  its  roof  is  made  the 
means  whereby  an  unfortu- 

A,  the  eyeball  standing 
up  like  a  kettledrum — 
seen  from  the  surface ; 
or.,  the  minute  pin-hole 
aperture  by  which  the 
light  enters  the  eyeball. 

B,  diagram  of  a  section 
through  the  same ;  or., 
the  pin-hole  aperture,  or 
orifice;,  the  optic 
chamber  lined  with  vibrat¬ 
ing  hairs  [cilia)  ;  ret., 
the  retina  continuous 
with  the  epidermis  of  the 
outer  surface ;  pg.,  the 
layer  of  pigment  in  the 
retina;  op.n.,  the  optic 
nerve  fibres  converging 
to  form  the  optic  nerve. 

nate  artist  finds  himself  an  unwilling  witness  of  a 
murder  going  on,  on  the  roof  overhead — the  whole  scene 
being  projected  as  a  picture  on  to  the  wall  of  the  cellar. 



WE  now  come  to  the  paired  eyes  of  vertebrates, 
which,  as  just  pointed  out,  have  much  the  same 
elaboration  of  details  and  parts  as  we  find  in  the 
cuttle-fish,  and  are  equally  well  represented  in  a  diagram¬ 
matic  way  by  the  section  drawn  in  Fig.  32.  We  have  the 
lens  slung  between  an  anterior  and  posterior  chamber  ; 
a  transparent  “  cornea  ”  forming  the  front  wall  of  the 
anterior  chamber  ;  the  lens  brought  to  focus  by  the  action 
of  a  special  “  ciliary  ”  muscle,  and  overhung  in  front  by 
a  circular  muscle — the  iris — which  can  expand  or  contract 
its  central  opening,  the  pupil.  Moreover,  eyelids  are 
very  generally  added  externally  as  additional  screens. 
Yet  the  origin  and  nature  of  the  parts  of  the  vertebrate 
paired  eye  are  very  different  from  those  of  the  similar 
parts  in  the  cuttle-fish.  The  primary  eye-chamber,  or 
eyeball,  of  the  vertebrate  is  a  vesicle  or  hollow  out¬ 
growth  of  the  wall  of  the  hollow,  tube-like  primitive  brain 
(see  Fig.  34),  and  not  a  shallow,  cup-like  up-growth  of  the 
outer  skin,  as  is  that  of  the  cuttle-fish  (see  Fig.  35).  It 
is,  strictly,  a  sac-like  side-chamber  of  the  brain.  The 
lens  of  the  vertebrate  paired  eye  is  not  formed  by  the 
condensation  of  the  viscid  contents  of  the  primary  optic 
chamber,  as  in  cuttle-fishes,  but  is  a  distinct  cellular 
growth  made  up  of  many  elongated  cells  which  arises 
from  the  cell-layer  of  the  outer  skin  or  epidermis  (Fig.  34, 



A  and  B).  It  differs  thus  from  all  eyes  which  have  a 
structureless  lens  formed  by  a  surface  deposit  or  secretion. 
Some  of  the  bivalve  molluscs  (the  Scallop  or  Pecten  and 
others)  have  eyes  provided  with  a  multicellular  lens  like 
that  of  the  paired  eye  of  Vertebrates  and  of  the  pineal 

Fig.  34. — Diagrams  of  the  actual  development  of  one  of 
the  paired  eyes  of  a  Vertebrate. 

A,  earlier  stage,  showing  the  lens  as  a  separate  growth 

of  the  cells  of  the  epidermis,  and  the  optic  vesicle 
( opt.ves .)  as  a  hollow  outgrowth  of  the  wall  of  the 
brain  cavity. 

B,  later  stage,  showing  the  lens  now  detached  from  the 

epidermis,  and  sinking  into  the  cup  formed  by  an 
in-pushing  of  the  optic  vesicle.  Letters  as  follows  : 
cut.,  the  cuticle ;  ep.,  the  cellular  epidermis ;  lens, 
the  cellular  lens  ;  opt.ves.,  the  primitive  optic  vesicle, 
or  outgrowth  of  the  hollow  brain.  It  becomes 
“  invaginate  ”  or  cupped,  and  the  cup  becomes  the 
"  optic  chamber  ”  of  Fig.  32,  and  is  filled  with  a  jelly- 
like  growth  (1 lit.),  the  vitreous  humour.  The  double 
wall  of  the  cup — so  formed — becomes  the  retina 
(ret.  of  Fig.  32). 

or  third  eye.  Yet  further,  the  primitive  optic  chamber 
of  the  vertebrate’s  paired  eye  differs  greatly  from  that 
of  most  (if  not  all)  other  eyes  in  the  fact  that  in  the 
course  of  its  growth  in  the  embryo  it  very  soon  ceases 
to  be  a  vesicle  or  chamber.  The  front  half  becomes 
pushed  into  the  back  half,  so  that  the  chamber  becomes 
a  double-walled  sac  of  hemispherical  shape  (Fig.  34,  B). 





The  formation  of  this  new  hemispherical  chamber  is 
accompanied  by  the  separation  of  the  lens  from  the  skin, 
and  by  its  taking  up  a  position  in  the  mouth  of  the 
hemispherical  chamber.  The  double  wall  of  the  new 
chamber  now  loses  all  trace  of  the  original  cavity  be¬ 
tween  its  two  layers,  and 
the  cells  of  which  it  con¬ 
sists  become  the  elaborate 
“  retina  ”  of  the  eye,  whilst 
the  stalk  of  the  chamber 
becomes  the  optic  nerve. 
The  hard  coat  of  the  eye¬ 
ball,  its  dark  lining  or 
choroid,  the  anterior  cham¬ 
ber,  cornea,  iris,  and  ciliary 
or  focusing  muscle,  and  the 
jelly  (“  vitreous  humour  ”) 
of  the  posterior  chamber 
now  form  around  the  lens 

Fig.  35.— Development  of  the  by  growth  into  the  double- 

eye  of  a  Cuttle-Fish.  A,  n  1  •  ^  , 

J  ,  .  ...  ,  ’  walled  mvagmated  optic 

earnest  nng-like  up-growth.  _  °  r 

AS,  section  through  the  same,  vesicle.  It  is  obvious  that 
B,  later  stage ;  the  ring  there  is  a  similar  modelling 
closing  in  forming  a  chamber  of  the  tg  cf  the  yerte_ 
with  central  orifice  (as  m  . 

Nautilus)  and  finally  closing  brate  paired  eye  and  of 

up.  BS,  section  of  the  same  ;  those  of  the  cuttle-fish’s 
or,  orifice.  (From  the  original  paired  eye,  but  not  a  deep- 
description  by  E.  R.  L.)  ,  ,  ,.  .  ,  r 

r  '  seated,  genetic  identity  of 

the  parts — lens,  iris,  cavities — compared.  They  are 
“  homoplastic  ”  (that  is,  of  identical  modelling)  but 
not  “homogenetic”  (that  is,  not  of  identical  origin  or 

This  brief  consideration  of  other  eyes — necessarily 
very  rapid  and  sketchy— has  been  made  in  order  that  we 



may  arrive  at  some  further  appreciation  of  the  “  parietal  ” 
or  “  pineal  ”  or  “  third  ”  eye  of  the  lizard.  Does  it 
conform  in  essentials  to  the  pattern  of  the  vertebrate 
paired  eyes  ?  Does  it  agree  more  closely  with  the 
simple  eyes  of  snails  ?  Or  with  that  of  the  scorpion  ? 

The  fact  is  that  the  lizard’s  parietal,  or  third,  eye  differs 
in  one  or  other  important  point  from  each  of  those  we 
have  considered.  It  is  small  and  dwindled,  and  probably 
has  lost  some  accessory  parts  which  were  present  in  the 
big  parietal  eye  of  extinct  reptiles.  It  agrees  with  the 
fully  formed  snail’s  eye  and  the  vertebrate  paired  eye 
in  being  a  closed  chamber — an  eyeball — with  an  optic 
nerve  attached  to  it.  Like  the  vertebrate’s  paired  eye,  it 
is  a  sac-like  outgrowth  of  the  hollow  brain,  but  it  does 
not  become  tucked  into  itself  or  “  invaginate.”  It  remains 
as  the  single  chamber  of  the  eye.  The  lens  is  formed  by 
elongate  interlaced  cells,  as  is  that  of  the  vertebrate 
paired  eye.  It  is  a  cell-structured  lens,  not  a  structureless 
secretion  like  that  formed  in  the  chamber  of  the  snail’s 
eye  and  of  the  cuttle-fish’s  eye,  nor  like  the  surface  knob 
of  horny  substance  of  the  scorpion’s  eye.  Nevertheless, 
the  lens  of  the  lizard’s  parietal  eye  differs  also  greatly 
from  that  of  the  vertebrate’s  paired  eye.  For,  as  shown 
in  our  drawing  of  a  section  through  it  (Fig.  27),  it  is 
merely  a  transparent  thickening  of  the  cellular  growth 
which  forms  the  front  wall  of  the  simple  eye-chamber  or 
eyeball  itself.  It  is  not  a  separately  formed  cellular 
growth  of  the  epidermis  which  moves  into  position  from 
the  outside,  as  is  the  lens  of  the  vertebrate  paired  eye 
(Fig.  34).  That  makes  a  great  difference  between  them. 
In  fact,  the  cell-structure  of  the  lens  is  the  only  important 
point  in  which  they  really  agree,  whilst  differing  from  the 
eyes  of  the  snail,  the  cuttle-fish,  and  the  scorpion.  So 
we  have  to  regard  the  little  parietal  eye  as  quite  apart  in 



the  more  profound  and  significant  origin  of  its  structural 
elements.  Curiously  enough,  little  eyes  occur  on  the 
fringe  of  the  soft  “  mantle  ”  of  the  scallops  and  allied 
bivalve  mussel-like  molluscs,  which  are  modified  ten¬ 
tacles,  and,  whilst  fairly  simple  in  structure,  have  a  lens 
which,  like  that  of  both  the  parietal  and  paired  eyes  of 
vertebrates,  is  not  a  structureless  secretion,  but  shows 
“  cell-structure  ” — that  is  to  say,  consists  of  a  compacted 
growth  of  living  cell  units,  as  does  the  lens  of  the  verte¬ 
brate’s  eyes.  The  eyes  in  the  back  of  some  marine  slugs, 
the  rows  of  beautiful  minute  eyes  discovered  by  Moseley 
in  the  series  of  shells  situated  on  the  back  of  the  curious 
little  chitons  of  the  seashore,  the  eyes  of  starfishes, 
of  sea-urchins,  and  of  jelly-fish,  each  call  for  special 
description  in  a  survey  of  the  various  kinds  of  eye- 
structure  presented  by  animals.  We  may  return  to  them 
on  some  future  occasion.  Enough  has  been  here  said  of 
other  eyes  to  enable  the  reader  to  appreciate  the  character 
and  importance  of  the  vertebrate’s  third  eye. 



MOST  people  dislike  wasps  because,  owing  to 
blundering  on  their  own  part  or  that  of  a  wasp, 
they  have  at  some  time  or  other  experienced  the 
acute  pain  caused  by  the  wasp’s  sting.  But  those  who 
have  an  eye  for  beauty  recognize  the  grace,  agility,  and 
concentrated  power  of  the  brilliant  little  creature  with 
its  black-and-yellow  livery  and  surprisingly  tight-drawn 
waist.  We  must  also  score  in  its  favour  that  it  is  cleanly 
and  has  no  nasty  smell  as  have  some  stingless  insects, 
protecting  them  from  aggression  in  the  same  way  as  its 
terrible  stink-gland  protects  the  skunk  ;  also  that  it  will 
let  you  alone  if  you  do  not  needlessly  worry  it.  The 
worst  that  can  be  said  of  the  wasp  is  that  it  nibbles  and 
so  injures  ripe  fruit  which  we  wish  to  keep  for  ourselves, 
and  that  if  you  let  one  crawl  up  under  your  sleeve  or 
trouser,  or  between  your  neck  and  collar,  it  resents  your 
carelessness  in  permitting  it  to  wander  into  such  confined 
quarters,  and  irritably  and  recklessly  stabs  your  soft 
warm  flesh  with  its  poisoned  tail-sting. 

Men  and  boys  as  a  rule  owe  their  painful  experience 
of  wasp’s  stings  to  their  own  clumsy  attempts  to  destroy 
a  wasps’  nest,  and  the  consequent  legitimate  defence  and 
retaliation  of  the  outraged  waspsi  We  used,  when  I  was 
a  boy,  to  stuff  a  quantity  of  gunpowder  or  a  couple  of 

“  squibs  ”  into  the  mouth  of  the  subterranean  chamber 




in  which  the  wasps  had  built  their  nest,  and  then  set 
fire  to  a  fuse.  After  the  explosion,  and  when  most  of  the 
wasps  within  the  subterranean  cave  were  either  dead  or 
stupefied,  we  used  recklessly  to  dig  out  the  “  comb  ” 
and  destroy  with  our  spades  the  grubs  and  rare  survivors. 
Usually  these  destructive  attacks  were  made  after  sunset, 
when  all  the  wasps  had  retired  for  the  night  ;  and  some  of 
us  were  sure  to  be  stung  in  the  legs  by  half-stupefied 
victims  crawling  over  the  grass  and  seeking  refuge 
between  their  assailant’s  leg  and  trouser.  On  one  occa¬ 
sion  we  thus  destroyed  a  nest  during  broad  daylight  in 
a  river’s  bank,  and  were  attacked  by  hundreds  of  the 
furious  inhabitants  who  had  not  been  within  the  nest, 
but  returned  to  it  when  we  were  at  work.  They 
“  charged  ”  us  like  cavalry,  and  pursued  us  for  a  quarter 
of  a  mile,  giving  us  much  effective  punishment  with  their 
stings  ;  and  no  doubt  we  deserved  it,  though  we  thought 
we  were  doing  public  service  !  A  better  method  than 
that  of  gunpowder  has  become  usual  of  late  years.  Now- 
a-days  when  night  has  fallen  and  the  nest  is  full,  you  place 
an  ounce  or  so  of  cyanide  of  potassium  well  into  the 
mouth  of  the  little  cave  in  which  the  wasps  have  built 
their  nest,  squirt  on  to  it  with  a  garden  syringe  a  pint 
or  so  of  water,  close  the  hole  tightly  with  a  turf  or  ball 
of  clay,  and  leave  it.  The  poisonous  fumes  of  the  wet 
cyanide  pervade  the  nest  and  kill  all — young  and  old — 
within.  Leave  it  alone  afterwards  !  A  forgetful  wasp 
destroyer  omitted  to  inject  the  necessary  water,  and  when 
next  day  in  the  presence  of  friends  he  triumphantly 
removed  the  closing  turf  from  the  mouth  of  the  sepulchre, 
expecting  to  find  all  dead  and  silent  within,  he  was 
attacked  by  the  entire  community  who  issued  in  swarms 
uninjured  from  the  nest. 

Those  who  are  “  worried  ”  by  wasps  should  avoid 



them  and  try  to  draw  them  away  from  sitting-rooms  by 
placing  some  attractive  sweet  stuff  outside  at  a  distance 
whilst  covering  all  such  edibles  in  the  house  or  on  the 
tea-table  by  a  light  cloth.  It  is  useless  to  kill  a  few  in¬ 
truders,  since  as  many  as  30,000  are  hatched  out  in  a 
wasp’s  nest  in  the  season.  A  really  effective  thing  is  to 
kill  the  few  “  queens,”  which  make  their  appearance  early 
in  the  spring.  Each  of  these  is  the  possible  progenitor 
of  several  thousand  in  the  warmer  months. 

Wasps  eat  not  only  sugar  and  fruits,  but  are  car¬ 
nivorous.  They  catch  and  carry  off  as  food  many  in¬ 
jurious  flies,  caterpillars,  and  other  insects  ;  they  frequent 
butchers’  shops  not  only  to  eat  the  meat,  but  also  the 
blowflies  which  visit  those  establishments.  They  are 
thus  largely  “  beneficial.”  Besides  the  damage  which 
they  do  to  fruit,  some  of  them  destroy  young  shoots  and 
woody  parts  of  trees  in  order,  by  munching  the  fibre, 
to  make  the  paper-like  paste  of  which  their  nests  and 
brood-cells  are  constructed.  This  is  especially  the  habit 
of  that  large  kind  of  wasp — happily  not  very  common — 
known  as  the  hornet.  The  hornet  has  more  than  six 
times  the  bulk  of  the  common  wasp,  and  is  alarming  at 
close  quarters  on  account  of  its  loud  buzz  and  rapid 
flight.  I  do  not  know  of  any  account  of  the  sting  of 
a  hornet  showing  it  to  be  more  serious  than  that 
of  the  common  wasp,  but  a  naturalist  cannot  be 
blamed  for  unwillingness  to  settle  this  point  by  ex¬ 

Besides  the  common  wasp  and  the  hornet  there  are 
five  other  kinds  or  species  of  wasp  met  with  in  Britain, 
and  some  hundreds  of  foreign  kinds.  The  British  kinds 
include  the  German  wasp  (a  digging  wasp  or  trench 
maker),  the  red  wasp,  and  the  tree  wasps,  which  build 



their  turnip-shaped  paper  nests  exposed  to  view  on  the 
branches  of  trees.  The  hornet  builds  its  papier-mache 
nest  in  hollow  trees  and  outhouses. 

The  most  interesting  facts  which  the  naturalist  has  to 
tell  about  wasps  relate  to  their  yellow  and  black  colouring, 
to  their  stings,  and  to  their  social  habits  or  “  com¬ 
munities.”  The  yellow  and  black  colour  bands  of  a 
wasp’s  body  are  what  are  called  “  warning  colours.” 
They  are  avoided  by  birds,  lizards,  and  other  animals, 
since  these  colours  accompany  the  poisonous  sting.  The 
brilliant  yellow-and-black  “  salamander  ”  (a  sort  of  newt 
common  on  the  Continent,  but  not  native  here)  secretes  a 
deadly  crystalline  poison  in  its  skin  (as  also  does  the 
common  toad),  and  no  animal  which  has  taken  one 
into  its  mouth  and  suffered  accordingly  will  tackle  the 
yellow-and-black  gentry  again.  The  salamander  slowly 
and  confidently  walks  abroad  in  his  yellow-and-black 
livery,  safe  from  attack.  Some  caterpillars,  e.g.  that 
of  the  cinnabar  moth,  as  well  as  the  common  wasp, 
sport  the  poison  colours — yellow  and  black — in  alternate 
bands,  and  are  consequently  “  let  alone  ”  by  small 
carnivorous  animals,  who  have  learnt  to  fear  them. 
Similarly  the  silver-grey  back  of  the  poison-squirting 
skunk  is  known  to  all  his  neighbours,  even  to  horses  and 
men,  and  they  get  out  of  his  way.  He  slowly  paces  along 
a  road  without  fear,  and  ready  to  explode  with  acrid 
offence.  Insects  of  quite  distinct  orders,  such  as  the  two¬ 
winged  hover-flies  and  the  hornet-fly,  and  one  of  the 
clear-wing  moths,  though  themselves  innocuous,  are 
protected  from  the  attacks  of  other  insects  and  larger 
animals  by  the  close  resemblance  to  the  wasp  given  to 
them  by  the  black  and  yellow  bands  of  colour  on  their 
bodies.  They  are  exhibited  in  a  special  case  in  the 
Natural  History  Museum. 



The  sting  of  the  wasp,  like  that  of  the  bee  and  the 
ant,  and  other  allied  insects,  has  been  derived  in  the  long 
course  of  ages  from  a  sharp  piercing  instrument  present 
in  the  females  of  the  more  primitive  members  of  this 
class  of  insects  (the  Hymenoptera)  for  use  as  a  “  borer  ” 
to  make  holes  in  the  shoots  of  plants  (the  saw-flies  and 
gall-flies),  or  in  the  bodies  of  caterpillars  (the  ichneumon 
flies),  wherein  to  lay  their  eggs.  The  young  are  hatched 
from  the  eggs  thus  introduced  into  a  plant-shoot  or  an 
animal,  and  feed  upon  it.  What  was  an  apparatus  for 
providing  for  the  safety  and  nutrition  of  the  young,  has 
in  the  stinging  kinds  lost  that  application,  and  by  the 
addition  to  it  of  a  poison  gland,  has  become  a  powerful 
weapon  of  offence  and  defence.  But  it  is  still  the 
peculiar  possession  of  the  females.  The  poison  gland  of 
the  wasps,  bees,  and  ants  secretes  both  a  narcotic  or 
paralysing  poison  and  formic  acid.  It  is  the  formic 
acid  which  causes  the  pain  we  experience  when  stung. 
The  poison  alone,  though  it  can  paralyse  a  small  insect, 
has  in  the  quantities  present  neither  painful  nor  toxic 
action  upon  man.  It  is  a  curious  fact  that  the  stinging 
hairs  of  the  common  nettle  also  emit  both  formic  acid  and 
a  nerve-poison.  Ammonia  in  not  too  strong  solution  is 
the  best  antidote  to  the  acid  sting  of  wasp  or  bee.  A 
really  dangerous  result  may  be  caused  by  the  swelling  of 
the  tongue  when  stung  by  a  wasp  blundering  into  the 
open  mouth  of  man,  or  woman,  or  child.  A  wineglass¬ 
ful  of  glycerine  held  in  the  mouth  gives  immediate  relief 
Some  kinds  of  ants  have  lost  the  sharp  piercing  sting 
whilst  retaining  the  poison  gland,  and  there  are  in 
South  America  certain  kinds  of  “  stingless  ”  bees,  in 
which  the  parts  of  the  sting  are  reduced  and  useless  for 

Wasps  and  bees  are  closely  related.  Our  common 



wasp  and  the  honey-bee,  and  many  other  kinds  of  both 
wasps  and  bees,  form  communities  of  which  a  “  queen,” 
or  fertile  female,  is  the  foundress,  and  is  assisted  in  the 
construction  of  the  comb  or  aggregation  of  “  cells  ”  in 
which  she  lays  her  eggs  by  infertile  or  aborted  females — 
the  “  workers.”  In  the  common  wasp,  as  in  the  honey¬ 
bee,  the  workers  relieve  the  queen  of  all  labour,  not  only 
building  the  comb,  but  collecting  and  storing  food  for 
the  nourishment  of  the  young  which  are  hatched  as  grubs 
from  the  eggs  laid  by  the  queen  in  separate  cells.  They 
emerge  from  their  cells  as  “  workers  ”  or  “  queens  ” 
according  to  the  food  supplied  to  them  by  the  adult 
workers  of  the  community,  or  as  “  drones  ”  (males)  if  the 
egg  is  not  fertilized  by  the  sperm  received  into  her  sperm- 
sac  by  the  queen  from  a  drone  in  a  preceding  season. 
Unlike  that  of  the  hive  bees,  the  wasp’s  community  is 
annual,  existing  for  one  summer  only.  All  of  its  members 
die  in  the  autumn,  excepting  a  few  queens  (fully-formed 
females),  which  have  been  fertilized  in  the  early  autumn 
by  the  drones  whilst  flying  high  in  the  air.  These  creep 
into  crevices  under  stones  or  trees  and  hibernate  until 
the  warmth  of  spring  revives  them.  Each  then  sets  to 
work  independently  to  find  some  burrow  or  hole  in  the 
ground  in  which  to  build  a  nest.  It  is  made  of  wood- 
pulp  chewed  by  her,  and  consists  at  first  of  three — only 
three — shallow  cup-like  cells.  In  each  of  these  an  egg  is 
laid.  They  hatch  out  as  grubs  and  are  fed  by  their 
mother  on  munched  insects  and  honey,  and  develop  into 
“  workers,”  who  build  more  cells,  and  provide  more  food 
for  the  new  grubs,  as  does  the  queen  also.  She  is  now, 
however,  mainly  occupied  in  laying  an  egg  in  each  cell  as 
soon  as  it  is  completed.  Thus  the  family  community 
grows,  and  as  the  summer  comes  on  the  cells  are  counted 
in  hundreds  and  thousands.  Each  may  be  used  three 
times  in  the  season,  the  queen  providing  an  egg  for  each 



empty  cell.  The  egg  in  less  than  three  weeks  becomes  a 
full-grown  wTasp— a  hard-working  member  of  the  frater¬ 
nity — numbering  from  10,000  to  20,000 — all  children  of 
one  parent  !  The  “  communities  ”  of  bees  and  ants  have 
a  history  and  nature  similar  to  that  just  sketched — varying 
in  several  important  details.  It  seems  at  first  sight  un¬ 
likely  that  this  system  of  family  communities,  consisting 
of  queen,  workers,  and  drones,  each  playing  their  own 
peculiar  part  with  wonderful  precision  and  exactness, 
can  have  arisen  more  than  once  in  the  course  of  develop¬ 
ment  and  the  origin  of  new  “  species  ”  by  the  selection 
of  favoured  races  in  the  struggle  for  existence.  It  would 
at  first  sight  seem  probable  that  wasps,  bees,  and  ants 
had  inherited  this  highly  organized  system  from  one 
common  original  stock,  which  was,  to  begin  with,  of 
solitary  habits  (that  is  to  say,  united  in  isolated  pairs  to 
build  each  its  own  nest  and  rear  its  own  young — as  most 
insects  and  other  animals  do),  and  gradually  acquired  the 
communal  habit  and  the  limitation  of  egg-laying  and 
other  special  activities  as  the  task  of  special  kinds  or 
“  castes  ”  of  the  populous  family.  But  the  fact  that 
there  are  well-known  “  solitary  ”  species  of  wasps  and  of 
bees,  and  even  of  ants,  and  also  in  each  of  these  groups 
— species  or  kinds  which  have  only  arrived  at  intermediate 
steps  (leading  towards  the  development  of  the  large  and 
completely  organized  communities  seen  in  the  common 
wasp,  the  honey-bee,  and  many  species  of  ants),  favours 
the  conclusion  that  the  groups  known  as  wasps,  bees,  and 
ants  have  each  independently  given  rise  to  community¬ 
forming  or  “  social  ”  species.  This  view  is  confirmed  by 
the  fact  that  insects  of  a  widely  separate  order — the 
termites,  of  tropical  and  sub-tropical  regions  (confusingly 
called  white  “  ants,”  for  they  are  not  ants) — also  have 
developed  an  elaborate  social  system  of  the  same  kind, 
their  communities  consisting  of  millions  of  individuals  of 



males,  queens,  and  workers,  and  often  forming  nests  as 
big  as  a  motor-bus. 

The  insects  we  have  named  wasps,  bees,  ants,  and 
termites  are  the  only  insects  which  form  such  com¬ 
munities.  Not  only  that,  they  are  the  only  animals 
of  any  kind  which  form  such  communities.  The  re¬ 
semblances  to  and  wide  differences  from  human 
societies  presented  by  these  insect  communities 
form  a  subject  of  great  philosophical  and  political 



SOME  years  ago  I  wrote  in  the  “  Daily  Telegraph  ’ 
in  reference  to  the  notion  entertained  by  some 
people  that  human  beings  can  communicate  with 
one  another  by  a  mysterious  process  which  they  cal 
“  telepathy  ”  as  follows  :  “  The  hypothesis  that  any 

animal,  including  man,  is  affected  ‘  sensorially  ’  through 
any  channel  excepting  the  known  sense-organs  is  one  of 
the  truth  of  which  no  proof  has  ever  been  given  in  any 
case.  No  such  proof  has  been  given  in  the  supposed 
instances  of  communication  between  human  beings  at 
a  distance  from  one  another.”  This  statement  attracted 
the  attention  of  Mr.  William  Archer,  who  did  not 
agree  with  me,  and  wrote  a  remarkable  article  in  the 
“  Daily  News  ”  on  the  subject.  Mr.  Archer  is  a  versatile 
writer,  and  it  is  interesting  to  know  how  the  pretensions 
to  and  beliefs  in  “  thought-transference  ”  are  judged  by 
one  who  has  the  exceptional  opportunities  which  he  has, 
for  addressing  the  public  on  a  matter  of  serious  concern. 
Moreover,  there  is  need  for  considering  the  matter  again 
to-day — since  those  who  believe  in  “  telepathy  ”  are  still 
numerous,  although  no  attempts  to  demonstrate  its 
existence  by  decisive  evidence  have  been  successful. 
The  existence  of  the  belief  in  “  telepathy  ”  is  in  fact 
explained — as  is  the  belief  in  ghosts,  spirit-rapping,  and 
other  such  fancies — by  common  and  well-known  causes. 




The  chief  is  ignorance  of  the  necessity  for  carefully 
testing  human  testimony  or  evidence  before  accepting 
it.  This,  accompanied  by  coincidence,  faulty  observa¬ 
tion  and  memory,  victimization  by  fraud,  mental 
disease  resulting  in  illusion  and  hallucination,  accounts 
for  the  persistence  of  these  irrational  and  injurious 

It  is,  of  course,  understood  that  Mr.  Archer  (as  is 
obvious  from  his  article)  has  no  special  knowledge  of 
past  and  present  beliefs  in  thought-reading,  clairvoyance, 
and  second  sight  referred  to  as  supposed  “  communica¬ 
tions  of  mind  with  mind  otherwise  than  by  means  of 
the  organs  of  sense.”  Nor  does  he  come  to  the  matter 
in  hand  as  an  expert  in  psychology,  nor  as  a  physiologist, 
nor  as  having  the  experience  of  a  medical  man.  It  is 
therefore  not  possible  to  discuss  his  statements  and 
opinions  on  this  matter  as  having  any  special  weight. 
At  the  same  time,  they  seem  to  me  quite  interesting,  as 
showing  the  recklessness  with  which  some  people  jump 
to  conclusions  on  obscure  and  difficult  matters  requiring 
investigation,  the  inaccuracy  with  which  they  quote  the 
statements  of  those  who  oppose  their  prejudices,  and  the 
effrontery  with  which  they  “  bluff  ”  by  boldly  asserting 
that  those  who  do  not  agree  with  them  are  “  behind  the 
times.”  The  assertion  made  by  Mr.  Archer  that  the 
opponents  of  credulity  are  “  behind  the  times  ”  is  true 
only  in  so  far  as  it  is  the  fact  that  the  times  are  exceptional 
on  account  of  the  present  willingness  of  an  uneducated 
public  to  accept  as  true  the  absurdities  dished  up  for  it  by 
a  certain  class  of  writers,  and  in  the  loss  of  a  sense  of 
public  duty  and  dignity,  which  until  recently  restrained 
the  employers  of  such  writers  from  seeking  commercial 
success  by  disseminating  injurious  rubbish  in  magazines 
and  newspapers. 



We  may  take  Mr.  Archer  as  a  sample  of  the  credulous 
person  who,  in  virtue  of  his  want  of  method  and  ex¬ 
perience,  is  imposed  upon  by  pretensions  to  “  occult  ” 
powers.  Such  persons  are  still  numerous,  though  less  so 
than  formerly.  Mr.  Archer’s  credulity  is  less  injurious 
to  the  public  interest  than  the  hardihood  with  which — 
though  in  no  way  qualified  to  do  so — he  declares,  without 
offering  a  tittle  of  evidence  in  support  of  his  statement, 
that  the  opinion  of  those  qualified  to  judge  on  these 
matters  has  greatly  changed  since  1870  (why  1870  ?) 
and  that  “  the  man  who,  in  these  days,  can  doubt  the 
transference  of  ideas  from  mind  to  mind,  without  any 
intervention  of  the  recognized  sense-organs,  shows  a 
heroic  resolve  to  admit  no  evidence  of  a  later  date  than 
1870.”  This  is  a  complete  misconception. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  further  we  go  back  in  history 
the  more  general  do  we  find  the  belief  in  such  fancies  as 
thought-transference  and  the  accompanying  superstitions 
as  to  apparitions,  ghosts,  and  so-called  “  spiritualism,” 
and  the  less  do  we  find  to  be  the  knowledge  of  the 
facts  as  to  the  working  of  the  human  mind  and  as  to 
the  various  physical  phenomena  by  misunderstanding  of 
which  mankind  has  been  led  into  erroneous  and  injurious 
beliefs.  The  increase  of  knowledge  and  the  destruction 
of  the  ignorance  and  misconception  which  has  bolstered 
up  superstition  and  the  fanciful  notions  passed  on  to  us 
from  our  primitive  ancestors,  have  not  ceased,  as  Mr. 
Archer  unwarrantably  asserts,  but  have  largely  progressed 
during  the  last  fifty  years.  We  know  much  more  of  the 
working  of  the  human  and  animal  “  mind  ”  (the  science 
called  “  psychology,”  not  to  be  confused  with  sham 
science  put  forward  under  the  same  name)  than  we  did  in 
1870,  and  more  of  the  history  and  explanation  of  human 
fanciful  beliefs  and  superstitions.  The  repeated  attempts 



of  the  credulous  folk  and  their  leaders — often  corrupt 
impostors — to  spread  their  beliefs  have  been  met  (by 
myself  and  others),  and  their  false  pretensions  exposed, 
again  and  again — whenever,  in  fact,  the  credulous  ones 
have  submitted  any  of  the  marvels  in  which  they  believe 
to  the  test  of  decisive  scientific  experiment.  The  fact  is 
that  when  Mr.  Archer  talks  of  the  “  evidence  ”  since 
1870  being  in  favour  of  “  occultism,”  he  chooses  to  call 
mere  “  testimony  ”  or  “  assertion  ”  by  that  name,  whether 
it  is  false  evidence  or  true  evidence.  He  does  not  mean 
“  evidence  ”  which  has  been  strictly  tested  by  approved 
methods  and  declared  by  capable  impartial  judges  to  be 
entitled  to  belief. 

Let  us  now  take  the  example  of  what  Mr.  Archer 
considers  to  be  evidence  which  (to  use  his  own  words) 
“  proves  ”  (that  is  Mr.  Archer’s  word)  “  that  there  are 
means  of  communication  between  mind  and  mind,  un¬ 
recognized  and  unaccounted  for  by  orthodox  science.” 
He  tells  us  of  an  exhibition  of  supposed  powers  of  thought- 
transference  given  by  a  man  and  his  daughter,  at  which 
he  was  present.  The  father,  having  left  the  room,  the 
daughter,  in  a  whisper,  mentions  to  those  persons  in 
the  room  some  real  or  imaginary  scene  she  has  called 
to  mind,  which  he,  returning,  deciphers  usually  with 
scarcely  a  moment’s  pause.  I  give  only  one  example  of 
three  narrated  by  Mr.  Archer.  The  father  having  left 
the  room,  the  daughter  says  she  is  thinking  of  “  Miss 
Wilkins  at  the  Winchester  and  Eton  match,  and  grand¬ 
father  dropping  the  cigar-end  on  her  umbrella.”  The 
father,  on  returning  to  the  room,  says  :  “I  feel  as  if  this 
was  still  about  Henry  Wilkins,  whom  I  have  been  talking 
about — and  I  have  a  feeling  of  grandfather.  It  is 
grotesque — grandfather  dropping  hot  cigar-ash  on  an 
umbrella  in  the  open  air.  Oh  yes  !  at  the  match  at 



Winchester.”  The  other  two  cases  are  similar.  It  is 
on  such  “  evidence  ”  as  this  that  Mr.  William  Archer 
asks  people  to  believe  that  a  thing,  in  any  case,  so  un¬ 
usual  and  so  improbable  as  the  transference  of  thoughts 
from  mind  to  mind  without  the  intermediary  of  one  of  the 
organs  of  sense  actually  takes  place.  It  seems  a  mere 
waste  of  time  after  this  to  say  anything  more  about  the 
notions  and  assertions  of  Mr.  Archer.  Apparently,  no 
precaution  was  taken  by  him  to  prevent  lip-reading,  none 
to  prevent  previous  agreement  between  father  and 
daughter  as  to  the  subjects  to  be  guessed,  and  yet  Mr. 
Archer  says  he  believes,  and  asks  us  to  believe,  that  the 
trick  is  done  by  thought-transference,  without  the  use  of 
sense-organs,  and  is  a  “  proof  ”  of  its  existence. 

Let  us  for  a  moment  realize  the  position.  The  only 
fact  before  us  is  that  this  relation  is  made  in  a  daily  paper 
over  the  signature  “  William  Archer.”  What  are  the 
possible  explanations  of  that  fact  ?  I  will  take  them  in 
haphazard  order.  They  are  :  (i)  that  the  whole  thing  is 
imaginary,  invented  by  a  writer  whose  name  is  not 
William  Archer  ;  (2)  that  William  Archer  did  write  the 
story  and  invented  it  to  amuse  his  readers  ;  (3)  that  he 
believes  it  to  be  true  in  all  its  details,  but  was  grossly 
deceived  by  the  father  and  daughter  ;  (4)  that  Mr.  Archer 
is  mad,  and  honestly  believes  his  story,  which,  however,  is 
either  wholly  imaginary  or  is  so  in  important  details  ; 
(5)  that  either  the  father  or  the  daughter  is  insane,  and  is 
consequently  allowed  to  carry  on  a  deception  which  Mr. 
Archer  failed  to  detect ;  (6)  that  the  story  is  quite  true, 
and  that  thoughts  can  be  transferred  from  brain  to  brain 
without  the  intermediary  of  any  of  the  organs  of  sense. 

Of  these  possible  explanations  of  the  fact  before  us, 
namely,  the  story  printed  in  the  “  Daily  News  ”  over  Mr. 



Archer’s  name,  it  must,  most  distinctly,  be  stated  that  the 
most  improbable  is  the  last.  No  one  claiming  to  be 
considered  a  reasonable  being  can  possibly  accept  con¬ 
clusion  No.  6  until  it  has  been  demonstrated  that  each  of 
the  other  five  suggested  explanations  must  be  excluded. 
Any  one  of  them  is  more  probable — that  is  to  say,  is  more 
in  accordance  with  recorded  human  experience — than  the 
last.  It  would  be  quite  easy  to  test  these  hypothetical 
explanations,  and  until  this  is  carried  out  by  trustworthy 
and  careful  observers  I  recommend  my  readers  to  dismiss 
the  whole  childish  history  from  their  minds. 

It  is,  of  course,  useless  for  one  who  has  such  loose 
ideas  as  to  the  value  of  “  evidence  ”  and  the  nature  of 
“  proof”  as  Mr.  Archer  betrays  in  the  narrative  of  what 
he  calls  his  “  researches  in  telepathy,”  to  talk  about 
the  evidence  existing  before  1870,  and  that  which  has 
accumulated  since  that  date.  Like  many  other  people, 
Mr.  Archer  has  never  learnt  how  to  test  “  evidence  ”  and 
what  constitutes  “  proof  ”  and  “  demonstration.”  I 
must  also  point  out  that  Mr.  Archer  makes  (as  many 
people  do)  a  confusion  between  what  is  possible  and  what 
is  proved.  He  seems  to  think  that  wrhat  he  conceives  as 
possible  is  already  made  probable  or  is  even  “  proved.” 
And  on  the  other  hand,  by  a  similar  process  of  con¬ 
fusion,  he  makes  a  baseless  charge  against  me.  He  writes  : 
“  Sir  Ray  Lankester  simply  denies  that  any  communica¬ 
tion  can  occur  between  mind  and  mind,  except  through 
one  or  other  of  the  five  known  avenues  of  sense.”  This 
is  a  piece  of  carelessness  on  Mr.  Archer’s  part.  I  do 
nothing  of  the  kind.  I  make  a  point  of  avoiding  dog¬ 
matic  statements  as  to  what  “  can  ”  or  “  cannot  ”  be. 
I  am  concerned  with  “  that  which  is.”  The  statement 
of  mine  which  Mr.  Archer  has  perverted  is  that  quoted  at 
the  beginning  of  this  chapter,  in  which  I  do  not  say  that 



no  such  communication  “  can  ”  occur  between  mind 
and  mind,  but  that  “no  proof”  of  its  occurrence  has 
ever  been  given  in  any  case.  That  is  a  totally  different 
thing.  It  is  no  prophecy,  but  a  simple  statement  of  fact, 
which  can  be  met  by  exhibiting  the  proof  demanded — 
the  experimental  proof — at  any  moment  before  a  com¬ 
petent  jury  of  scientific  experts.  Mr.  Archer  apparently 
does  not  appreciate  the  difference  between  my  statement 
and  his  version  of  it.  He  is  content  to  offer — to  a  con¬ 
fiding  public — a  worthless  experiment — worthless  be¬ 
cause  carelessly  and  ignorantly  made — as  a  “  proof”  of 
the  existence  of  communication  between  mind  and  mind, 
by  a  channel  other  than  that  afforded  by  the  known 
organs  of  sense.  And  in  an  equally  reckless  spirit  he 
misrepresents  the  words  of  one  who  rejects  his  un¬ 
warranted  suppositions. 

It  is  necessary  to  remind  those  who  continue  to 
assert  that  “telepathy”  is  a  frequent  occurrence  and 
ask  us  to  prove  that  it  is  not — or  else  to  admit  that  it 
is — that  their  method  is  universally  condemned.  It  is 
for  them  to  bring  conclusive  evidence  demonstrating  the 
truth  of  their  contention.  This  they  have  not  done,  but 
instead  challenge  their  opponents  to  prove  that  they  are 
wrong.  This  is  an  old  trick  which  still  deceives  the 
unwary — but  has  long  ago  been  recognized  as  the 
resort  of  those  who  are  unable  to  establish  an  assertion 
by  trustworthy  evidence. 



THERE  is  at  the  present  day  a  more  general  dis¬ 
position  than  was  the  case  thirty  or  forty  years 
ago  to  dabble  in  “  occultism  ” — to  seriously 
relate  and  discuss  stories  and  theories  as  to  ghosts, 
divination,  second  sight,  and  mysterious  inherited 
memories  of  long-past  ages.  This  change  of  attitude 
is  not  accounted  for  by  any  discoveries  of  a  scientific 
nature  tending  to  give  support  to  popular  superstitions 
or  to  so-called  “  occultism.”  The  fact  is  that  there  is  a 
distinct  lowering  in  the  standard  of  veracity  and  sound 
common  sense  which  not  long  ago  characterized  the  best 
English  journalism.  Newspapers,  formerly  written  for 
serious  men,  now  not  unfrequently  cater  for  those  who 
desire  tit-bits  of  scandal,  and  also  for  lovers  of  pseudo¬ 
scientific  mysteries  and  medical  quackery  decked  out 
with  sham  learning  and  airs  of  profundity. 

Among  the  mysteries  thus  offered  to  the  contempla¬ 
tion  of  the  public  is  one  which  has  been  dubbed  the 
“  spider-sense.”  It  is  related  that  there  are  persons 
who  not  only  have  an  extreme  and  unaccountable  dread 
and  dislike  of  spiders,  but  that  some  of  them  are  brought 
into  a  strange  state  of  nervous  agitation  by  the  proximity 
of  a  spider,  and  may  even  faint  in  consequence.  Not 
only  is  this  extreme  nervous  disturbance  reported,  but  it 



is  further  stated  that  such  individuals  are  thus  affected 
by  the  presence  of  a  spider  in  the  same  room  with  them, 
even  when  it  is  not  seen  by  the  sufferer  nor  its  presence 
suspected  by  others.  The  susceptible  individuals  have 
insisted  on  a  search  being  made  for  the  unseen  spider, 
and  it  is  stated  by  witnesses  present  on  such  occasions 
that  after  hunting  about  in  corners  and  among  shelves 
the  offending  spider  has  been  discovered  and  ejected, 
whereupon  the  agitated  individual  (a  la  ly  in  one  case) 
has  recovered  serenity.  On  this  basis  we  are  seriously, 
and  with  an  air  of  exceptional  learning,  asked  to  admit 
the  existence  of  a  peculiar  sense — not  that  of  sight,  of 
hearing,  of  smell,  of  taste,  or  of  the  various  kinds 
grouped  as  “touch”  (enumerated  in  Chapter  X).  This 
peculiar  “  sense  ”  is  assumed  to  be  possessed  by  some 
individuals  and  not  by  others,  and  to  enable  those 
individuals  to  recognize  the  presence  of  a  spider  when 
other  persons  cannot  do  so.  It  is  proposed  to  call  this 
the  “  spider-sense,”  and  by  the  more  elaborately  phan- 
tastic  of  these  wonder-mongers  the  manifestation  is 
compared  to  recorded  cases  in  which  a  cat  takes  the 
place  of  the  spider,  and  we  are  gravely  assured  that  there 
is  a  “  cat-sense  ”  which  is  similar  to  but,  of  course,  not 
identical  with,  the  “  spider-sense.”  Both  “  spider- 
sense  ”  and  “  cat-sense  ”  are,  it  seems  probable,  a  variety 
of  non-sense  1 

We  have  in  the  narratives  just  referred  to,  a  state¬ 
ment  of  what  is  undoubtedly  correct  observation  of  fact, 
to  which  is  added  an  altogether  gratuitous  and  fanciful 
assumption,  which  it  is  declared  is  a  necessary,  or  at  any 
rate  a  very  probable,  “  explanation  ”  of  the  facts.  The 
facts,  which  are  perfectly  well  known,  are  that  individuals 
— men  as  well  as  women — are  not  uncommonly  met  with 
who  have  curiously  intense  fear  of,  or  dislike  for,  certain 



animals  or  certain  things,  the  dislike  causing  so  great 
a  disturbance  of  the  nervous  system  that  the  affected 
individual  will  violently  seek  to  escape  from  the  presence 
of  the  horror-causing  animal  or  thing,  and  may  scream 
and  exhibit  other  signs  of  distress,  or  may  faint.  The 
mere  sight  of  blood  has  this  effect  on  some  people  ;  they 
faint — that  is  to  say,  the  nervous  disturbance  is  such  as  to 
cause  an  arrest  of  the  contractions  of  the  heart  and  the 
supply  of  blood  to  the  brain.  Even  the  word  “  blood  ” 
has  that  effect  upon  some  people,  whilst  medical  men  find 
that  many  persons  when  lightly  scratched  on  the  arm  in 
“  vaccination,”  faint  if  the  merest  trace  of  blood  appears. 
The  sight  or  touch  of  a  snake,  even  of  a  harmless  kind, 
produces  excessive  and  uncontrollable  terror  in  some 
men  and  women,  and  also  in  some  monkeys.  A  curious 
effect  of  a  “  shocking  ”  sight  is  one  to  which  I  was  myself 
subject  in  youth.  If  I  saw  anyone  with  red,  inflamed 
eyes  and  everted  eyelids  (beggars  used  to  exhibit  them¬ 
selves  in  that  condition  in  the  streets  of  London),  my  own 
eyes  at  once  became  painful  and  suffused  with  liquid. 
Some  people  are  thrown  into  an  unreasoning  state  of 
terror  (as  most  of  us  have  had  occasion  to  observe)  when 
led  into  a  subterranean  passage  or  dungeon,  and  not 
infrequently  faint  in  consequence.  Others  exhibit  a 
morbid  horror  of  wide,  open  spaces,  whilst  proximity 
to  the  edge  of  a  precipice  produces  in  some  persons 
excessive  terror  and  physical  collapse.  A  number  of 
such  individual  peculiarities  could  be  mentioned.  They 
have  been  studied,  and  their  nature  and  origin  more  or 
less  satisfactorily  explained  by  medical  men.  They  are 
individual  and  unhealthily  exaggerated  reactions  of  mental 
impressions  upon  the  activity  of  various  organs  of  the 
body  by  means  of  the  nerves  which  supply  those  organs. 

The  special  and  exaggerated  discomfort  or  even 



terror  which  some  common  animals  produce  in  certain 
persons  belongs  to  this  class  of  individual  peculiarities  of 
the  nervous  apparatus.  Women  very  usually  in  this 
part  of  the  world  are  thrown  into  a  state  of  nervous 
terror  by  the  presence  in  a  room  of  an  uncaged  mouse. 
Apparently  this  is  due  not  to  any  instinctive  dislike  on 
the  part  of  women  to  a  mouse,  but  to  a  fear  cultivated  by 
stories  told  by  them  to  one  another  from  early  childhood 
of  the  possibility  of  a  mouse,  when  alarmed  and  running 
about  here  and  there  in  order  to  escape  danger,  with  a 
rapidity  rendering  it  invisible,  suddenly  seeking  shelter 
in  their  skirts.  The  imagination  has  been  cultivated  in 
regard  to  this  possibility  to  such  a  degree  that  a  mouse 
has  become  a  bogy.  Less  commonly  a  bat  is  an  object 
of  special  terror  on  account  of  its  occasionally  getting 
itself  entangled  in  a  woman’s  hair.  I  am  inclined  to 
think  that  the  rapidly  and  suddenly  moving  spider  has  in 
the  same  way  established  itself  as  a  bogy— especially 
where  country-folk  have  added  to  its  terrors  by  un¬ 
founded  assertions  that  its  bite  is  poisonous  to  man. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  though  spiders  have  poison-producing 
fangs,  with  which  they  can  stab  and  paralyse  their 
minute  prey,  there  is  no  evidence  of  any  European  spider 
causing  injury  to  a  human  being  in  this  way.  Many 
naturalists  have  made  experiments  with  different  species 
of  spiders  and  have  failed  to  experience  any  but  the  most 
trifling  inconvenience  from  their  bites — less  than  that 
caused  by  a  bee-sting  or  the  stab  of  a  mosquito. 

The  whole  story  of  the  “  Tarantula  ” — a  fairly  large 
spider  common  in  Italy  and  known  to  naturalists  as 
Lycosa  tarentula — which  receives  its  name  from  the 
town  of  Taranto,  is  now  discredited.  It  was  believed 
that  the  bite  of  this  spider  caused  a  peculiar  sleepiness 
and  also  painful  symptoms  in  men  and  women,  only  to  be 



cured  by  music,  which  set  the  bitten  victim  dancing. 
The  dance  was  called  the  “  Tarantella.”  Goldsmith, 
the  delightful  writer  of  stories  and  plays,  declared  in 
his  “  Animated  Nature  ”  that  the  whole  thing  was  an 
elaborate  imposture  on  the  part  of  the  Tarantese  peasants 
who,  for  a  fee  paid  by  a  credulous  traveller,  would  be 
bitten,  simulate  apparent  collapse,  and  then  pretend  to 
be  restored  by  music  and  the  violent  dancing  of  the 
“  tarantella,”  which,  they  declared,  they  felt  mysteriously 
compelled  to  perform.  It  was  supposed  that  the  sweating 
caused  by  the  exertion  freed  the  body  of  the  poison. 
Probably  some  tradition,  from  early  Roman  times,  as  to 
the  dire  effects  of  spiders’  bites,  may  have  had  to  do  with 
the  imposture,  but  it  is  also  probable  that  the  curious 
“  dancing-mania  ”  (described  in  Shakespeare’s  play  of 
“  King  Lear  ”),  which  spread  through  Europe  in  the 
Middle  Ages,  and  is  spoken  of  as  “  Tarantism,”  was 
connected  with  the  introduction  of  an  imaginary  danger 
from  the  spider’s  bite  and  its  equally  imaginary  cure  by 

The  chief  modern  authority  on  spiders  was  the  late 
Rev.  Henry  M'Cook,  D.D.,  of  Philadelphia.  I  am  in¬ 
debted  to  his  kindness  for  a  copy  of  his  great  book  on 
American  spiders,  published  in  1889.  He  inquired  into 
the  subject  of  poisonous  bites  by  various  species  of 
spiders  very  carefully,  and  experimented  on  himself. 
He  thinks  it  probable  that  the  large  “  bird’s-nesting  ” 
spiders  of  the  tropics  (often  and  misleadingly  called  by 
the  old  name  “  Tarantula  ”)  are  capable  of  inflicting  a 
poisonous  wound  on  man,  causing  as  much  injury  as  the 
sting  of  a  scorpion.  He  considers  that  the  size  of  the 
animal  and  the  statements  made  to  him  render  this 
probable,  but  has  never  seen  a  case  himself,  though  he 
has  handled  many  living  specimens  of  these  large  spiders. 



The  most  definite  statements  which  he  cites  concerning 
spiders’  bites  are  those  as  to  “  black  spiders,”  species  of 
the  genus  Latrodectus  (little  bigger  than  a  large  specimen 
of  our  common  garden  spider),  which  are  found  in  New 
Zealand,  in  the  Southern  States  of  North  America,  and 
in  North  Africa.  A  carefully  recorded  case  of  serious 
illness  apparently  due  to  a  bite  of  this  kind  of  spider  was 
given  to  Dr.  M'Cook  by  a  New  Zealand  settler,  and  two 
cases  are  recorded  of  negroes  bitten  in  South  Carolina, 
one  of  which  terminated  fatally.  But,  on  the  other  hand, 
a  well-known  naturalist,  M.  Lucas,  experimenting  in 
Algeria,  allowed  this  kind  of  spider  to  bite  him  on  many 
occasions,  and  suffered  no  inconvenience.  None  of  the 
reports  of  serious  results  were  quite  satisfactory,  for  the 
spider  was  not  clearly  shown  to  have  been  the  actual 
offender,  although  found  near  the  injured  person.  The 
bite  may  really  have  been  that  of  a  snake,  the  proximity 
of  which  was  unobserved  and  unsuspected. 

Dr.  M'Cook  states  that  even  in  attacking  their  prey 
spiders  do  not  always  make  use  of  their  poison,  and  that 
insects  when  swathed  and  bound  by  spiders  in  their  threads 
frequently  are  not  paralysed  or  poisoned  at  all,  but  re¬ 
main  capable  of  movement  and  recovery  when  liberated. 
He  concludes  that  the  poison  is  only  exceptionally  used 
as  a  reserve  weapon  by  spiders,  and  that  its  virulence 
probably  depends  on  the  physiological  condition  of  the 
spider  and  its  degree  of  excitement,  while  its  effect  is  very 
largely  determined  by  the  actual  state  of  health  of  the 
individual  bitten.  On  the  whole,  we  must  conclude  that 
the  belief  that  any  spiders  do  actually  inflict  poisonous 
bites  on  human  beings  is  an  example  of  that  strange 
terror-stricken  imagination  which  is  prevalent  in  bar¬ 
barous  peoples,  and  in  earlier  times  was  common  in 
Europe,  and  has  largely  survived  to  this  day.  For 



instance,  the  country-folk  in  Suffolk  believe  that  if  you 
take  hold  of  a  toad  your  hand  will  wither  and  become 
paralysed.  It  is  true  that  the  skin  of  the  toad  secretes  a 
poison  which  has  an  acrid  taste  and  is  so  virulent  that  a 
dog  drops  a  toad  with  every  evidence  of  pain  and  terror 
should  he  take  one  into  his  mouth.  But  the  skin  of  the 
human  hand  is  not  affected  by  this  poison,  and  there  is 
no  ground  for  the  belief  that  it  can  be  paralysed  or 
withered  by  contact  with  a  toad.  These  curious  ex¬ 
amples  of  credulity  among  learned  and  unlearned  alike 
belong  rather  to  the  natural  history  of  man  than  to 
that  of  the  animals  concerning  which  such  stories  are 

We  thus  are  led  to  bring  the  exaggerated  dread  of 
spiders  into  line  with  other  ill-grounded  antipathies  and 
horrors  caused  by  harmless  bogies.  But  we  have  yet  to 
examine  the  statement  that  persons  who  have  this 
antipathy  to  spiders  are  able  to  detect — in  consequence 
of  the  peculiar  nervous  agitation  set  up  in  them — the 
presence  of  a  spider  in  a  room  when  no  spider  has  been 
seen  in  that  room,  and  when  other  persons  present  have 
no  suspicion  of  its  presence.  The  evidence  on  this  point 
is  altogether  insufficient  to  establish  the  existence  of  such 
a  power.  In  a  room  in  the  middle  of  London  no  amount 
of  searching  would  reveal  the  presence  of  a  spider  unless 
it  had  been  purposely  brought  there.  In  any  house  in 
the  country  careful  search  would,  more  probably  than 
not,  lead  to  the  discovery  of  one  or  more  spiders  in  any 
room.  Therefore,  if  a  fanciful  nervous  person  finds 
himself  (or  herself)  occupying  a  room  in  some  country 
house  where  spiders  are  likely  to  be  concealed,  it  is  not 
surprising  that  the  suitability  of  the  place  should  suggest 
their  presence,  and  the  consequent  nervous  agitation 
ensue.  It  is  also  not  surprising  that  one  or  more  spiders 



should  be  discovered  in  the  room  when  a  search  is  made. 
There  is  no  need  to  assume  the  existence  in  the  agitated 
individual  of  any  peculiar  capacity  for  the  detection  of 
spiders,  even  such  as  a  specially  acute  sense  of  smell  or 
hearing,  let  alone  a  “  sixth  sense  ” — a  “  spider  sense.” 
Such  an  assumption  is  unreasonable  and  fantastic.  Its 
truth  could  be  easily  put  to  the  test  by  placing  in  different 
rooms  of  a  London  house  several  perforated  boxes,  in 
one  of  which  the  experimenter  has  concealed  a  spider. 
Anyone  with  a  special  sense  or  sensitiveness  enabling 
him  to  recognize  the  presence  of  an  unseen  spider  should 
be  able  to  point  out  in  which  room  and  which  box  the 
spider  is  concealed.  It  is  only  by  such  an  experiment, 
carefully  carried  out  with  precautions  to  avoid  any 
ordinary  indications  as  to  where  the  spider  has  been  con¬ 
cealed,  that  the  existence  of  a  “  spider-sense  ”  could  be 
rendered  probable,  and  if  the  result  were  favourable 
then  the  question  would  arise,  “  By  which  of  the  five 
gateways  of  sense  has  the  spider  made  its  presence  felt  ?4” 
The  hypothesis  that  any  animal,  including  man,  is 
affected  “  sensorially  ”  through  any  channel  excepting 
the  known  sense-organs  is  one  of  the  truth  of  which  no 
proof  has  ever  been  given  in  any  case.  The  unwarranted 
belief  that  such  communication  by  other  channels  than 
the  organs  of  sense  do  take  place  is  encouraged,  on  the 
part  of  lovers  of  mystification,  in  the  minds  of  credulous 
persons  by  giving  to  these  supposed  occurrences  a  pre¬ 
tentious  name  which  begs  the  question  as  to  their  reality 
— namely,  “  telepathy.” 

A  parallel  to  the  stories  about  sensitiveness  to  the 
unseen  presence  of  spiders  is  afforded  by  those  as  to  the 
dislike  felt  by  many  people  to  the  common  cat  and  the 
discomfort  experienced  by  them  in  its  presence — a  dis¬ 
comfort  which  is  believed  by  many  to  be  excited  by  the 




presence  of  a  cat  unseen  and  unindicated  by  any  of  the 
recognized  sense-organs.  This  curious  aversion  to  the 
common  cat  does  exist  to  an  acute  degree  in  many  men 
and  women.  It  is  stated  by  those  who  feel  it  that  it  does 
not  extend  to  the  larger  cats,  such  as  the  lion,  tiger, 
and,, leopard.  It  probably  arises  from  a  fear  and  terror 
of  the  domestic  cat — established  in  early  childhood— by 
startling  encounters  with  cats  in  dark  rooms  and  the 
foolish  talk  by  older  people  about  the  mysterious  wicked¬ 
ness  of  these  wandering  nocturnal  creatures.  It  is  not 
surprising  that  anyone  who  is  a  victim  of  the  “  cat 
aversion  ”|should  now  and  then  declare  that  he  (or  she) 
is  sure  that  there  is  a  cat  in  the  room,  although  others 
present  deny  that  there  is,  and  then  that,  now  and  then, 
when  search  is  made,  poor  puss  is  found  curled  up  in 
some  remote  corner  or  on  the  top  of  a  bookshelf  !  The 
“  aelurophobe  ”  or  “  cat-hater  ”  will  often  be  mistaken, 
but  sometimes  right,  and  the  cases  when  he  was  right 
will  remain  in  his  friends’  memory,  and  those  in  which 
he  was  wrong  will  be  forgotten.  A  good  instance  of 
successful  “  cat-discovery  ”  was  told  to  me  by  the  dis¬ 
tinguished  Indian  official,  the  late  Sir  Richard  Strachey. 
He  and  his  wife,  many  years  ago,  started  on  a  long  drive 
in  India  in  a  closed  travelling  carriage  with  a  very  great 
soldier,  a  well-known  General.  They  had  not  proceeded 
more  than  twenty  minutes  when  the  General  showed  signs 
of  discomfort,  fidgeted,  looked  about  the  carriage,  and  at 
last  said,  “  If  I  did  not  know  it  was  impossible,  I  should 
say  that  there  is  a  cat  somewhere  in  this  carriage.”  He 
maintained  this  attitude,  and  complained  from  time  to 
time,  until,  after  a  couple  of  hours,  the  carriage  drew  up 
at  the  first  halting-place.  They  all  got  out,  and  Sir 
Richard  opened  the  luggage  compartment  at  the  back  of 
the  carriage,  when  out  stepped  a  somewhat  annoyed, 
but  calm  and  dignified,  domestic  cat  ! 



The  inference  immediately  suggested  by  these  un¬ 
doubted  facts  was  that  the  General  was  gifted  with  a 
peculiar  “  cat-sense,”  and  had  thereby  detected  the 
presence  of  pussy  in  the  rumble.  Were  we  to  accept 
this  inference  it  would  not  be  necessary  to  suppose  that 
the  “cat-sense”  was  anything  more  than  a  very  acute 
and  unusual  sense  of  smell.  We  should,  indeed,  not  be 
surprised  at  all  by  a  dog  thus  detecting  the  presence  of  a 
cat  or  other  animal  concealed  in  a  neighbouring  compart¬ 
ment  of  a  travelling  carriage.  And  there  is  thoroughly 
good  evidence  that  though  mankind  generally,  and 
especially  civilized  man,  has  lost  the  acuteness  of  smell- 
perception  which  his  early  ancestors  possessed,  yet  there 
are  individuals  in  whom  it  is  even  now  exceptionally 
keen,  and  further,  that  it  may  act  so  as  to  cause  aversion 
or  attraction  without  the  individual  so  affected  being 
conscious  of  the  fact  that  he  is  being  affected  through 
his  olfactory  organs.  Very  interesting  in  this  connection 
are  the  cases  (of  which  I  have  seen  instances)  in  which, 
during  the  hypnotic  trance,  the  acuteness  of  the  sense  of 
smell  is  enormously  increased,  so  that  the  hypnotized 
subject  could  name  different  odoriferous  substances 
when  brought,  one  by  one,  into  a  room  in  stoppered  (but 
not  hermetically  sealed)  bottles,  though  the  olfactory 
sense  of  no  one  else  was  in  the  least  degree  affected. 

But,  on  the  whole,  I  do  not  think  that  we  must  con¬ 
clude  that  the  General  had  a  special  acuteness  of  nose  for 
the  smell  of  a  cat.  He  was  known  for  his  confessed 
aversion  to  cats,  and  his  boast  that  he  could  detect  the 
presence  of  one  by  the  strange  sensations  of  discomfort 
which  it  produced  in  him.  The  experiment  had  been 
tried  on  him  before  his  drive  with  Sir  Richard  Strachey, 
and  some  of  his  young  friends  at  the  residence  from  which 
the  carriage  set  forth  were  repeating  an  old  performance 



when  they  put  the  cat  in  the  rumble.  Is  it  more  probable 
that  the  General  unconsciously  smelt  the  cat,  or  that  he 
got  an  inkling  of  the  experiment  arranged  by  his  young 
friends  ?  In  the  latter  case  he  must  keep  up  his  reputa¬ 
tion,  even  should  his  suspicions,  excited  by  their  guilty 
faces  and  hurried  movements  about  the  back  of  the 
carriage,  prove  to  be  baseless.  So  he  accepted  the  notion 
that  a  cat  had  been  placed  in  the  carriage,  became  un¬ 
comfortable,  and  declared  that  were  it  not  impossible  he 
should  say  there  was  a  cat  in  the  carriage.  If  no  cat  had 
been  found,  his  friends  and  believers  in  his  cat-finding 
powers  would  have  said  that  there  must  have  been  one 
there  the  day  before  !  It  is  thus,  it  seems,  clear  that  there 
is  no  ground  for  launching  out  into  mystical  theories  of 
“  spider-sense  ”  and  “  cat-sense.”  It  is  injurious  to 
those  who  are  liable  to  believe  what  they  read,  that  such 
theories  should  be  paraded  by  writers  who  do  not  even 
know  or  care  what  a  sense  or  a  sense-organ  is,  nor  what 
is  meant  by  the  investigation  of  nature. 



RECENTLY  a  reference  made  by  a  public  speaker 
to  the  attempt  to  put  salt  on  a  bird’s  tail  reminded 
me  of  my  first  attempt,  when  I  was  seven  years  old, 
to  deal  experimentally  with  a  popular  superstition.  I 
was  a  very  trustful  child,  and  I  had  been  assured  by 
various  grown-up  friends  that  if  you  place  salt  on  a  bird’s 
tail  the  bird  becomes  as  it  were  transfixed  and  dazed, 
and  that  you  can  then  pick  it  up  and  carry  it  off.  On 
several  occasions  I  carried  a  packet  of  salt  into  the 
London  park  where  my  sister  and  I  were  daily  taken  by 
our  nurse.  In  vain  I  threw  the  salt  at  the  sparrows. 
They  always  flew  away,  and  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
I  had  not  succeeded  in  getting  any  salt  or,  at  any  rate, 
not  enough  on  to  the  tail  of  any  one  of  them. 

Then  I  devised  a  great  experiment.  There  was  a 
sort  of  creek  8  feet  long  and  3  feet  broad  at  the  west  end 
of  the  ornamental  water  in  St.  James’s  Park.  My  sister 
attracted  several  ducks  with  offerings  of  bread  into  this 
creek,  and  I,  standing  near  its  entrance,  with  a  huge  paper 
bag  of  salt,  trembled  with  excitement  at  the  approaching 
success  of  my  scheme.  I  poured  quantities — whole 
ounces  of  salt — on  to  the  tails  of  the  doomed  birds  as  they 
passed  me  on  their  way  back  from  the  creek  to  the  open 
water.  Their  tails  were  covered  with  salt.  But,  to  my 
surprise  and  horror,  they  did  not  stop  !  They  gaily 



swam  forward,  shaking  their  feathers  and  uttering 
derisive  “  quacks.”  I  was  profoundly  troubled  and 
distressed.  I  had  clearly  proved  one  thing,  namely,  that 
my  nursemaid,  uncle,  and  several  other  trusted  friends — 
but  not,  I  am  still  glad  to  remember,  my  father — were 
either  deliberate  deceivers  or  themselves  the  victims  of 
illusion.  I  was  confirmed  in  my  youthful  wish  to  try 
whether  things  are  as  people  say  they  are  or  not.  Some¬ 
what  early  perhaps,  I  adopted  the  motto  of  the  Royal 
Society,  Nullius  in  verba.  And  a  very  good  motto  it 
is,  too,  in  spite  of  the  worthy  Todhunter  and  other  toiling 
pedagogues,  who  have  declared  that  it  is  outrageous  to 
encourage  a  youth  to  seek  demonstration  rather  than 
accept  the  statement  of  his  teacher,  especially  if  the  latter 
be  a  clergyman.  My  experiment  was  on  closely  similar 
lines  to  that  made  by  the  Royal  Society  on  July  24,  1660 
- — in  regard  to  the  alleged  property  of  powdered  rhinoceros 
horn — which  was  reputed  to  paralyse  poisonous  creatures 
such  as  snakes,  scorpions,  and  spiders.  We  read  in  the 
journal-book,  still  preserved  by  the  Society,  under  this 
date  :  “  A  circle  was  made  with  powder  of  unicorne’s 
horn,  and  a  spider  set  in  the  middle  of  it,  but  it  im¬ 
mediately  ran  out  severall  times  repeated.  The  spider 
once  made  some  stay  upon  the  powder.” 

A  more  interesting  result  followed  from  an  experi¬ 
ment  made  in  the  same  spirit  twenty-five  years  later. 
I  was  in  Paris,  and  went  with  a  medical  friend  to  visit 
the  celebrated  physician  Charcot,  to  whom  at  that  time 
I  was  a  stranger,  at  the  Salpetriere  Hospital.  He  and 
his  assistants  were  making  very  interesting  experiments 
on  hypnotism.  Charcot  allowed  great  latitude  to  the 
young  doctors  who  worked  with  him.  They  initiated 
and  carried  through  very  wild  “  exploratory  ”  experi¬ 
ments  on  this  difficult  subject.  Charcot  did  not  dis- 



courage  them,  but  did  not  accept  their  results  unless 
established  by  unassailable  evidence,  although  his  views 
were  absurdly  misrepresented  by  the  newspapers  and 
wondermongers  of  the  day. 

At  this  time  there  had  been  a  revival  of  the  ancient 
and  fanciful  doctrine  of  “  metallic  sympathies,”  which 
flourished  a  hundred  years  ago,  and  was  even  then  but 
a  revival  of  the  strange  fancies  as  to  “  sympathetic 
powders,”  which  were  brought  before  the  Royal  Society 
by  Sir  Kenelm  Digby  at  one  of  its  first  meetings,  in  1660. 
In  the  journal-book  of  the  Royal  Society  of  June  5  of 
that  year,  we  read,  “  Magnetical  cures  were  then  dis¬ 
coursed  of.  Sir  Gilbert  Talbot  promised  to  bring  in  what 
he  knew  of  sympatheticall  cures.  Those  that  had  any 
powder  of  sympathy  were  desired  to  bring  some  of  it  at 
the  next  meeting.  Sir  Kenelm  Digby  related  that  the 
calcined  powder  of  toades  reverberated,  applyed  in  bagges 
upon  the  stomach  of  a  pestiferate  body,  cures  it  by  several 
applications.”  The  belief  in  sympathetic  powders  and 
metals  was  a  last  survival  of  the  mediaeval  doctrine  of 
“  signatures,”  itself  a  form  of  the  fetish  believed  in  by 
African  witch-doctors,  and  directly  connected  with  the 
universal  system  of  magic  and  witchcraft  of  European  as 
well  as  of  more  remote  populations.  To  this  day,  such 
beliefs  lie  close  beneath  the  thin  crust  of  modern  know¬ 
ledge  and  civilization,  even  in  England,  treasured  in 
obscure  tradition  and  ready  to  burst  forth  in  grotesque 
revivals  in  all  classes  of  society.  The  Royal  Society  put 
many  of  these  reputed  mechanisms  of  witchcraft  and 
magic  to  the  test,  and  by  showing  their  failure  to  produce 
the  effects  attributed  to  them,  helpedjgreatly  to  cause 
witches,  wizards,  and  their  followers  to  draw  in  their 
horns  and  disappear.  The  germ,  however,  remained, 
and  reappears  in  various  forms  to-day. 



Thirty  years  ago  some  of  the  doctors  in  Paris  believed 
that  a  small  disc  of  gold,  or  copper,  or  of  silver,  laid 
flat  on  the  arm,  could  produce  an  absence  of  sensation 
in  the  arm,  and  that  whilst  one  person  could  be  thus 
affected  by  one  metal  another  person  would  respond 
only  to  another  metal,  according  to  a  supposed  “  sym¬ 
pathy  ”  or  special  affinity  of  the  nervous  system  for  this 
or  that  metal.  This  astonishing  doctrine  was  thought 
to  be  proved  by  certain  experiments  made  with  the 
abnormally  “  nervous  ”  women  who  frequent  the  Sal- 
petriere  Hospital  as  out-patients.  That  the  loss  of  sensa¬ 
tion,  which  was  real  enough,  was  due  to  what  is  called 
“  suggestion  ” — that  is  to  say,  a  belief  on  the  part  of  the 
patient  that  such  would  be  the  case,  because  the  doctor 
said  it  would — and  had  nothing  to  do  with  one  metal 
or  another,  was  subsequently  proved  by  making  use  of 
wooden  discs  in  place  of  metallic  ones,  the  patient  being 
led  to  suppose  that  a  disc  of  metal  of  the  kind  with  which 
she  believed  herself  “  sympathetic  ”  was  being  applied. 
Sensation  disappeared  just  as  readily  as  when  a  special 
metallic  disc  was  used. 

The  old  hypothesis  of  the  influence  of  a  magnet  on 
the  human  body  was  at  this  time  revived,  and  Charcot’s 
pupils  found  that  when  a  susceptible  female  patient 
held  in  the  hand  a  bar  of  iron  surrounded  by  a  coil  of 
copper  wire  leading  to  a  chemical  electric  cell  or  battery 
nothing  happened  so  long  as  the  connection  was  broken. 
But  as  soon  as  the  wire  was  connected  so  as  to  set  up  an 
electric  current  and  to  make  the  bar  of  iron  into  a  magnet, 
the  hand  and  arm  (up  to  the  shoulder)  of  the  young 
woman  holding  the  bar,  lost  all  sensation.  She  was 
not  allowed  to  see  her  hand  and  arm,  and  was  apparently 
quite  unconscious  of  the  thrusting  of  large  carpet-needles 
into,  and  even  through,  them,  though  as  long  as  the 



bar  of  iron  was  not  magnetized  she  shrunk  from  a  pin¬ 
prick  applied  to  the  same  part.  I  saw  this  experiment 
with  Charcot  and  some  others  present,  and  I  noticed 
that  the  order  to  an  assistant  to  “  make  contact,”  that  is 
to  say,  to  convert  the  bar  of  iron  into  a  magnet,  was 
given  very  emphatically  by  Charcot,  and  that  there  was 
an  attitude  of  expectation  on  the  part  of  all  present — 
which  was  followed  by  the  demonstration  by  means  of 
needle-pricking  that  the  young  woman’s  arm  had  lost 
sensation,  or,  as  they  say,  “  was  in  a  state  of  anaesthesia.” 

Charcot  went  away  saying  he  should  repeat  the 
experiment  before  some  medical  friends  in  an  hour  or 
two.  In  the  meantime,  being  left  alone  in  the  laboratory 
with  my  companion  as  witness,  I  emptied  the  chemical 
fluid  (potassium  bichromate)  from  the  electric  battery 
and  substituted  pure  water.  It  was  now  incapable  of 
setting  up  an  electric  current  and  converting  the  bar  into 
a  magnet.  When  Charcot  returned  with  his  visitors,  the 
patient  was  brought  in,  and  the  whole  ritual  repeated. 
There  was  no  effect  on  sensation  when  the  bar  was  held 
in  the  hand  so  long  as  the  order  to  set  the  current  going, 
and  so  magnetize  the  bar,  had  not  been  given.  At  last 
the  word  was  given,  “  Make  !  ”  An  assistant  quickly 
submerged  the  galvanic  couple  in  the  cell  supposed  to 
contain  a  solution  of  potassium  bichromate,  and  at  once 
the  patient’s  arm  became  anaesthetized,  as  earlier  in  the 
day.  We  ran  large  carpet-needles  into  the  hand  without 
the  smallest  evidence  of  the  patient’s  knowledge.  The 
order  was  given  to  break  the  current  (that  is,  to  cease 
magnetizing  the  bar),  and  at  once  the  young  woman 
exhibited  signs  of  discomfort,  and  remonstrated  with 
Charcot  for  allowing  such  big  needles  to  be  thrust  into 
her  hand  when  she  was  devoid  of  sensation  !  My 
experiment  had  succeeded  perfectly. 



It  would  not  have  done  to  let  Charcot,  or  anyone  else 
(except  my  witness),  know  that  when  the  order  “  Make  ” 
was  given,  there  was  no  “  making,”  and  that  the  bar 
remained  as  before  un-magnetized  because  the  active 
bichromate  had  been  replaced  by  water.  The  conviction  of 
every  one,  including  Charcot  himself,  that  the  bar  became 
a  magnet,  and  that  loss  of  sensation  would  follow,  was  a 
necessary  condition  of  the  “  suggestion  ”  or  control  of  the 
patient.  It  was  thus  demonstrated  that  the  state  of  the 
iron  bar  as  magnet  or  not  magnet  had  nothing  to  do  with 
the  result,  but  that  the  important  thing  was  that  the 
patient  should  believe  that  the  bar  became  a  magnet, 
and  that  she  should  be  influenced  by  her  expectation, 
and  that  of  all  those  around  her,  that  the  bar,  being  now 
a  magnet,  sensation  would  disappear  from  her  arm. 
With  appropriate  apologies  I  explained  to  Charcot  that 
the  electric  battery  had  been  emptied  by  me,  and  that 
no  current  had  been  produced.  The  assistants  rushed  to 
verify  the  fact,  and  I  was  expecting  that  I  should  be 
frigidly  requested  to  take  my  leave,  when  my  hand  was 
grasped,  and  my  shoulder  held  by  the  great  physician, 
who  said,  “  Mais  que  vous  avez  bien  fait,  cher  Mon¬ 
sieur  !  ”  I  had  many  delightful  hours  with  him  in  after 
years,  both  at  the  Salpetriere  and  in  his  beautiful  old 
house  and  garden  in  the  Boulevard  St.  Germain. 

There  are  few  “  subjects  ”  in  this  country  for  the 
student  of  hypnotism  to  equal  the  patients  of  the  Sal¬ 
petriere  and  other  hospitals  in  France — and  very  few 
amongst  those  who  read,  and  even  write,  about  “  oc¬ 
cultism  ”  and  “super-normal  phenomena”  know  the 
leading  facts  which  have  been  established  in  regard  to 
this  important  branch  of  psychology.  The  study  of  the 
natural  ^history  of  the  mind,  its  modes  of  activity,  and 
its  defects  and  diseases  is  of  fundamental  importance — 



but  its  results  are  often  either  unknown  or  greatly  mis¬ 
understood  by  those  who  have  most  need  of  such  know¬ 
ledge,  namely,  those  who,  mistaking  the  attitude  of  an 
ignorant  child  for  that  of  “  a  candid  inquirer,”  try  to 
form  a  judgment  as  to  the  truth  or  untruth  of  stories 
of  ghosts,  thought-transference,  spirit-controls,  crystal- 
gazing,  divining-rods,  amulets,  and  the  evil  eye. 



GREAT  interest  was  excited  fourteen  years  ago 
by  the  assertion  in  the  daily  press  that  a  French 
experimenter  had  devised  a  secret  process  by 
means  of  which  sugar  could  be  converted  in  the  labora¬ 
tory  into  large  marketable  diamonds.  The  distinguished 
chemist,  Moissan,  had  a  few  years  earlier  obtained  very 
minute  true  diamonds  by  heating  sugar  to  a  very  high 
temperature  in  a  closed  iron  bomb  placed  in  a  furnace. 
This  gave  a  certain  plausibility  to  the  pretended  dis¬ 
covery.  But,  like  the  elusive  “philosopher’s  stone”  of 
the  mediaeval  alchemists,  which  should  convert  base 
metals  into  gold,  when  fused  with  them,  the  modern 
diamond-maker’s  secret  process  proved  to  be  a 
worthless  fraud. 

In  England,  after  the  true  scientific  spirit  had  been 
brought  to  bear  on  such  inquiries  by  Robert  Boyle  and 
the  founders  of  the  Royal  Society  in  the  later  years  of  the 
seventeenth  century,  little  was  heard  of  “  alchemy,”  and 
the  word  “  chemistry  ”  took  its  place,  signifying  a  new 
method  of  study  in  which  the  actual  properties  of  bodies, 
their  combinations  and  decompositions,  were  carefully 
ascertained  and  recorded  without  any  prepossessions  as 
to  either  the  mythical  philosopher’s  stone  or  the  elixir  of 


life.  But  as  late  as  1783— only  a  hundred  and  forty 
years  ago — we  come  across  a  strange  and  tragic  history 
in  the  records  of  the  Royal  Society  associated  with 
the  name  of  James  Price,  who  was  a  gentleman  com¬ 
moner  of  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford.  After  graduating  as 
M.A.  in  1777,  he  was,  at  the  age  of  twenty-nine,  elected 
a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London.  In  the 
following  year  the  University  of  Oxford  conferred  on 
him  the  degree  of  M.D.  in  recognition  of  his  discoveries  in 
natural  science,  and  especially  for  his  chemical  labours. 
Price  was  born  in  London  in  1752,  and  his  name  was 
originally  Higginbotham,  but  he  changed  it  on  receiving 
a  fortune  from  a  relative. 

This  fortunate  young  man,  whose  abilities  and 
character  impressed  and  interested  the  learned  men  of 
the  day,  provided  himself  with  a  laboratory  at  his  country 
house  at  Stoke,  near  Guildford.  Here  he  carried  on  his 
researches,  and  the  year  after  that  in  which  honours  were 
conferred  on  him  by  his  University  and  the  great  scientific 
Society  in  London,  he  invited  a  number  of  noblemen  and 
gentlemen  to  his  laboratory  to  witness  the  performance  of 
seven  experiments,  similar  to  those  of  the  alchemists — 
namely,  the  transmutation  of  baser  metals  into  silver  and 
into  gold.  The  Lords  Onslow,  Palmerston,  and  King  of 
that  date  were  amongst  the  company.  Price  produced  a 
white  powder,  which  he  declared  to  be  capable  of  con¬ 
verting  fifty  times  its  own  weight  of  mercury  into  silver, 
and  a  red  powder,  which,  he  said,  was  capable  of  con¬ 
verting  sixty  times  its  own  weight  of  mercury  into  gold. 
The  preparation  of  these  powders  was  a  secret,  and  it  was 
the  discovery  of  them  for  which  Price  claimed  attention. 
The  experiments  were  made.  In  seven  successive  trials 
the  powders  were  mixed  in  a  crucible  with  mercury,  first 
four  crucibles,  with  weighed  quantities  of  the  white  powder, 



and  then  three  other  crucibles  with  weighed  quantities 
of  the  red  powder.  Silver  and  gold  appeared  in  the 
crucibles  after  heating  in  a  furnace,  as  predicted  by  Price. 
The  precious  metal  produced  was  examined  by  assayers 
and  pronounced  genuine.  Specimens  of  the  gold  were 
exhibited  to  His  Majesty  King  George  III,  and  Price 
published  a  pamphlet  entitled  “  An  Account  of  Some 
Experiments,  etc.,”  in  which  he  repudiated  the  doctrine 
of  the  philosopher’s  stone,  but  claimed  that  he  had,  by 
laborious  experiment,  discovered  how  to  prepare  these 
composite  powders,  which  were  the  practical  realization 
of  that  long-sought  marvel.  He  did  not,  however, 
reveal  the  secret  of  their  preparation.  The  greatest 
excitement  was  caused  by  this  publication  appearing 
under  the  name  of  James  Price,  M.D.  (Oxon.), 
F.R.S.  It  was  translated  into  foreign  languages,  and 
caused  a  tremendous  commotion  in  the  scientific 

Some  of  the  older  Fellows  of  the  Royal  Society, 
friends  of  Price,  now  urged  him  privately  to  make  known 
his  mode  of  preparing  the  powders,  and  pointed  out  the 
propriety  of  his  bringing  his  discovery  before  the  Society. 
But  this  Price  refused  to  do.  To  one  of  his  friends  he 
wrote  that  he  feared  he  might  have  been  deceived  by 
the  dealers  who  had  sold  mercury  to  him,  and  that 
apparently  it  already  contained  gold.  He  was  urged  by 
two  leading  Fellows  of  the  Society  to  repeat  his  experi¬ 
ments  in  their  presence,  and  he  thereupon  wrote  that 
the  powders  were  exhausted,  and  that  the  expense  of 
making  more  was  too  great  for  him  to  bear,  whilst 
the  labour  involved  had  already  affected  his  health, 
and  he  feared  to  submit  it  to  a  further  strain.  The 
Royal  Society  now  interfered,  and  the  president  (Sir 
Joseph  Banks)  and  officers  insisted  that  “  for  the 



honour  of  the  Society  ”  he  must  repeat  the  experiments 
before  delegates  of  the  Society,  and  show  that  his 
statements  were  truthful  and  his  experiments  without 

Under  this  pressure  the  unhappy  Dr.  Price  consented 
to  repeat  the  experiments.  He  undertook  to  prepare  in 
six  weeks  ten  powders  similar  to  those  which  he  had  used 
in  his  public  demonstration.  He  appears  to  have  been 
in  a  desperate  state  of  mind,  knowing  that  he  could  not 
expect  to  deceive  the  experts  of  the  society.  He  hastily 
studied  the  works  of  some  of  the  German  alchemists  as  a 
forlorn  hope,  trusting  that  he  might  chance  upon  a  success¬ 
ful  method  in  their  writings.  He  also  prepared  a  bottle  of 
“  laurel  water,  ”  a  deadly  poison.  Three  Fellows  of  the 
Royal  Society  came  on  the  appointed  day,  in  August 
1783,  to  the  laboratory,  near  Guildford.  It  is  related  (I 
hope  it  is  not  true)  that  one  of  them  visited  the  laboratory 
the  day  before  the  trial,  and,  having  obtained  entrance  by 
bribing  the  housekeeper  in  Price’s  absence,  discovered 
that  his  crucibles  had  false  bottoms  and  recesses  in  which 
gold  or  silver  could  be  hidden  before  the  quicksilver  and 
powder  were  introduced.  Dr.  Price  appears  to  have 
received  his  visitors,  but  whether  he  commenced  the  test 
experiments  in  their  presence  or  not  does  not  appear. 
When  they  were  solemnly  assembled  in  the  laboratory  he 
quietly  drank  a  tumblerful  of  the  laurel  water  (hydro¬ 
cyanic  acid),  which  he  had  prepared,  and  fell  dead  before 
them.  He  left  a  fortune  of  £12,000  in  the  Funds.  It 
has  been  discussed  whether  Dr.  Price  was  a  madman  or  an 
impostor.  Probably  vanity  led  him  on  to  the  course  of 
deception  which  ended  in  this  tragic  way.  He  could  not 
bring  himself  to  confess  failure  or  deception,  nor  to  ab¬ 
scond.  He  ended  his  trouble  by  suicide.  He  was  only 
thirty-one  years  of  age  !  Not  inappropriately  he  has 



been  called  the  “  Last  of  the  Alchemists,”  though  a 
long  interval  of  time  separates  him  from  the  last  but 
one  and  the  days  when  the  old  traditions  of  the  Arabians’ 
“  al-kimia  ”  were  really  treasured  and  the  mystic  art 
still  practised. 



FROM  time  to  time  the  self-control  of  some  con¬ 
temporary  journalists  suddenly  gives  way,  and 
the  natural  tendency  to  write  nonsense  about 
supposed  marvels  proves  too  much  for  them.  We 
have  not,  it  is  true,  for  some  years  been  favoured  with 
reports  of  the  arrival  of  the  great  sea-serpent,  nor  have 
extinct  monsters  of  enormous  size  been  frequently 
discovered  walking  about  in  remote  parts  of  the  African 
continent.  But  three  well-seasoned,  oft-exploded,  and 
ever-fascinating  marvels  may  be  expected  at  any  moment 
to  be  re-born  from  their  ashes  in  the  newspaper  Press. 
These  are,  first,  the  so-called  “  well-attested  ”  cases  of 
survival  on  the  part  of  certain  old  men  to  the  age  of  130, 
185,  and  even  207  years  ;  secondly,  the  discovery  of  a 
“  toad  in  a  hole,”  which  hops  out  of  a  block  of  coal, 
having  been  concealed  therein,  according  to  the  wonder- 
mongers,  for  countless  ages  ;  thirdly,  the  pretended 
discoveries  of  subterranean  water  by  the  aid  of  “  the 
divining  rod  ” — that  great  instrument  of  the  magic  art — 
of  the  ancient  use  of  and  belief  in  which  the  modern  trifler 
in  “  occultism  ”  is  apparently  ignorant.1 II 

1  For  some  account  of  the  belief  as  to  the  survival  of  pre-Adamite 
toads  in  slabs  of  rock  or  of  coal,  and  for  a  brief  discussion  of  the  pre¬ 
tensions  of  “  dowsers  "  and  water-finders,  see  chapters  xxxvi-xl  of 
my  book,  “  Diversions  of  a  Naturalist  ”  (Methuen,  1915). 




Each  of  these  marvels  has,  like  “  telepathy  ”  or 
“  second  sight,”  and  the  extruding  of  “  ectoplasmic  ” 
ghosts  by  enterprising  mediums,  been  recently  announced 
as  a  “  discovery  ” — not,  of  course,  for  the  first  time. 
According  to  some  wonder-mongers,  whenever  you  tell 
a  story  asserting  the  existence  of  something  new  and 
astonishing,  you  “  discover  ”  it.  That,  however,  is  not 
— I  need  hardly  say — the  sense  in  which  the  word  is 
used  by  scientific  investigators.  When  Professor  and 
Madame  Curie  “  discovered  ”  the  wonderful  element 
“  radium  ”  they  placed  it,  so  to  speak,  “  on  the  table,” 
and  every  one  has  been  able  to  examine  it  and  to  prove 
that  the  statements  made  about  it  are  true.  When  Dr. 
Laveran,  of  Paris,  “  discovered  ”  that  malarial  fever  is 
due  to  a  parasite  in  the  blood  he  showed  the  parasite, 
and  showed  how  one  can  always  find  it,  and  thus  he 
enabled  anyone  and  every  one  to  see  it  and  to  examine 
its  relation  to  malarial  fever.  Those  are  instances  of 
“  discovery.”  Mere  guesses  and  assertions  without  proof 
are  not  “  discovery.” 

The  whole  subject  of  the  possible  and  probable  dura¬ 
tion  of  an  individual’s  life  is  one  which  has  naturally 
great  interest  for  mankind.  Apart  from  the  question  of 
the  duration  of  human  life,  we  know  that  the  kinds  or 
species  of  animals  and  plants  show  great  differences  as 
compared  with  one  another  in  regard  to  duration  of  life. 
Life  is,  as  is  universally  recognized,  a  tender  thing,  and 
liable  to  be  suddenly  arrested  and  brought  to  a  close  by 
accident  or  disease  at  all  ages.  A  vast  proportion  of 
living  things  perish  in  the  first  days  of  their  existence, 
soon  after  they  have  been  separated  as  germs,  embryos, 
or  incompletely  grown  “  young  ”  from  the  mother,  of 
which  they  are  detached  bits  or  buds.  If  we  speak  of 
“  the  average  duration  of  life  ”  in  any  species  we  must 



include  all  the  individuals  born  or  separated  from  the 
parent,  and  since  it  is  the  fact  that  in  the  case  of  some 
animals  and  plants  (for  instance,  in  the  case  of  the  oyster 
and  many  worms)  several  million  young  are  produced  by 
each  mother,  of  which  on  the  average  only  one  pair  sur¬ 
vive  to  maturity  (if  we  take  account  of  what  goes  on  in 
all  regions,  favourable  and  unfavourable,  where  the 
species  occurs),  it  is  clear  that  the  “  average  duration  of 
life  ”  must  be  very  low  in  these  species  and  very  high 
where  only  a  dozen  young  are  produced  by  each  mother 
In  man  in  this  country  it  has  been  shown  to  be,  now, 
about  fifty  years.  Consequently  “  the  average  duration  of 
life  ”  in  any  species,  even  if  we  know  what  length  of  time 
it  is,  does  not  tell  us  to  what  age  an  animal  or  plant,  if 
it  has  escaped  the  dangers  of  childhood  and  arrived  at 
maturity,  may  be  expected  to  live,  nor  what  age  it  may, 
in  exceptional  cases,  possibly  attain. 

In  the  case  of  man  we  have  in  civilized  States  arrived 
at  a  means  of  forming  a  fairly  accurate  conclusion  on 
these  two  points,  in  consequence  of  the  keeping,  by  public 
authority,  of  registers  of  the  actual  population,  of  the 
number  of  individuals  born  annually,  and  of  the  number 
of  deaths  every  year  and  of  the  ages  at  which  these  deaths 
have  occurred.  These  important  registers  have  not  yet 
been  kept,  in  an  accurate  way,  for  as  much  as  a  century, 
but  they  have  been  kept  for  a  sufficient  time  to  give  broadly 
stated  conclusions.  The  “  expectation  of  life  ”  (as  it  is 
called)  at  different  ages  can  now  be  calculated  in  the  more 
civilized  communities,  and  great  care  has  been  given  to 
collecting  the  statistics  and  reasoning  from  them  cor¬ 
rectly,  because  it  is  necessary  for  enabling  life  insurance 
associations  to  carry  on  their  business,  and  also  to  enable 
the  Government  to  form  correct  conclusions  as  to  the 
yalue  of  public  regulations  in  regard  to  sanitary  legisla- 



tion  and  the  causes  which  affect  the  increase  of  popula¬ 
tion.  Thus  we  have  tables  published  more  than  fifty 
years  ago  1  showing  what  is  the  probable  expectation  of 
life  at  different  ages  of  males  and  females,  and  to  some 
extent  we  know  how  much  that  “  expectation  ”  differs 
in  different  classes  and  sections  of  the  population.  The 
actuaries  at  this  present  date,  namely,  1922,  argue  from 
the  collected  returns  of  births  and  of  deaths  at  successive 
ages  that  in  England  a  newborn  male  child  may  legiti¬ 
mately  “  expect  ”  to  live  fifty-two  years  ;  having  reached 
20,  he  may  expect  forty-five  more  years  of  life  ;  at  40 
the  “  expectation  ”  is  twenty-eight;  at  60,  nearly  fourteen  ; 
at  70,  only  eight  and  a  half ;  at  90,  more  than  two  ;  and 
even  at  100  yet  one  year  more  !  Women  have  a  slightly 
better  prospect  of  long  life  than  men.  Thus,  at  60  years 
of  age  they  have  an  expectation  of  fifteen  and  a  half 
instead  of  fourteen  years.  It  is  found  that  married 
people  have  a  prospect  of  somewhat  longer  life  than 
unmarried.  It  not  only  (as  some  people  say)  seems,  but 
actually  is,  longer.  It  appears  from  such  statistics  as 
have  been  gathered  that  agricultural  labourers  in  rural 

1  It  must  be  remembered  that  the  figures  given  by  such  tables  are 
not  precisely  the  same  to-day  as  they  were  forty  years  ago.  The 
conditions  have  improved,  and  the  statistics  now  show  a  small  but 
marked  increase  in  the  "  expectation  of  life  ”  at  various  ages,  though 
the  expectation  at  55  years  of  age  and  after  remains  as  it  was.  The 
details  of  these  important  developments  are  discussed  and  brought 
up  to  date  in  the  periodic  reports  of  the  Registrar-General — so  far  as 
this  country  is  concerned.  Those  who  desire  to  inspect  the  actual 
figures  and  to  trace  the  improvement  in  successive  decades  from  the 
year  1844  onwards  can  do  so  by  consulting  the  “Annual  Report  of 
the  Chief  Medical  Officer  of  the  Ministry  of  Health  (Sir  George 
Newman)  for  the  year  1921,”  to  be  purchased  through  any  bookseller 
— price  is.  6d.  Life  is  twelve  years  longer  to  the  newborn  child  than 
it  was  in  the  days  of  our  grandfathers.  The  general  death-rate  has 
fallen  from  21-4  per  thousand  in  1871-80  to  12  1  per  thousand  in  1921, 
and  the  deaths  of  children  under  one  year  of  age  fell  in  the  same  period 
from  149  to  the  astonishingly  small  figure  of  83, 



districts  have  at  60  the  best  prospects  of  long  life  of  any 
class — three  or  four  years  better  than  the  general  popula¬ 
tion  ;  females  of  the  aristocracy  come  next ;  whilst 
business  clerks  are  more  than  a  year  below  the  common 
figure.  Distinguished  people  have  somewhat  shorter 
lives  than  undistinguished  people  ;  they  have  to  pay  for 
their  success. 

We  also  know  by  the  collection  of  facts  at  the  census 
made  in  this  country  every  ten  years,  and  by  the  publica¬ 
tion  of  the  register  of  deaths,  what  is  the  extreme  limit  of 
age  to  which,  as  a  matter  of  repute,  any  man  or  woman 
has  attained  in  this  country  during  the  last  fifty  years  or 
so.  The  mere  statement  by  an  individual,  or  by  his  or 
her  friends,  that  he  or  she  is  of  an  unusual  age,  something 
over  ioo  years,  is,  of  course,  not  sufficient  evidence  that 
such  an  age  has  actually  been  attained.  There  may  be 
mistakes,  lapse  of  memory,  confusion  of  an  old  person 
with  his  or  her  father  or  mother.  Consequently,  before 
any  statement  of  reputed  great  age  is  accepted  as  probably 
true,  it  is  necessary  to  find  the  register  of  the  birth  of  the 
supposed  centenarian,  and  to  obtain  evidence  that  the 
birth-register  really  refers  to  the  individual  for  whom 
exceptionally  great  age  is  claimed.  Formerly  this  was  a 
difficult,  often  an  impossible,  task,  for  two  reasons  :  first, 
because  the  population  in  country  places  was  less 
educated  than  is  now  the  case,  and  therefore  less  accurate, 
less  persuaded  of  the  value  of  accuracy,  and  more  given 
to  indulgence  in  harmless  flights  of  fancy  ;  and  secondly, 
because  the  registers  were  only  those  of  baptism  or  of  a 
private,  unofficial  character  and  badly  kept,  if  kept  at 
all.  Now,  however,  in  Western  Europe,  it  is  less  usual 
to  meet  with  baseless  declarations  of  excessive  age  on 
the  part  of  old  people.  On  the  other  hand,  in  Russia 
(before  the  war)  and  elsewhere,  where  the  population  is 



in  a  primitive  stage  of  mental  development,  such  asser¬ 
tions  continued  to  be  common,  and  were  entered  without 
verification  for  what  they  were  worth  (which  was  next 
to  nothing)  in  official  returns.  According  to  the  latter, 
one  person  in  every  1000  born  in  Russia  attains  the  age 
of  ioo  years  ! 

In  the  middle  of  last  century  Sir  George  Cornewall 
Lewis  exposed  the  loose  conclusions  which  were  then 
general  as  to  the  occurrence  of  cases  in  which  man’s  life 
was  prolonged  to  over  ioo  years,  even  to  130  or  150.  He 
asked,  according  to  correct  scientific  method,  in  each  case 
what  was  the  evidence  for  the  assertion  that  the  sup¬ 
posed  marvel  of  longevity  had  attained  the  prodigious 
age  attributed  to  him.  “  How  is  it,”  he  said,  “  that 
people  come  to  make  these  assertions  ?  ”  There  are  many 
possible  answers  to  this  question,  e.g.  deliberate  lying, 
ignorance,  lapse  of  memory,  genuine  confusion  of  son 
with  father,  and  also  there  is  the  possibility  that  the 
statement  is  made  because  it  is  true.  The  method 
pursued  by  Sir  George  Cornewall  Lewis  is  the  reasonable 
one  to  use  in  the  investigation  of  all  such  assertions  of 
marvellous  occurrences.  It  is  one  which  every)  one 
should  apply  to  assertions  as  to  the  “  rappings  ”  and 
other  “  manifestations  ”  of  supposed  disembodied  spirits 
and  as  to  asserted  “  second  sight  ”  or  telepathy,  and  other 
statements  by  individuals  that  they  have  had  experience 
of  what  are  called  “  occult  ”  agencies.  The  question 
to  be  put  and  answered  in  regard  to  all  such  assertions  is 
not  “  Is  this  possible  ?  ”  but  “  How  is  it  that  such  and 
such  persons  come  to  make  this  assertion  of  their  belief 
in,  or  supposed  experience  of,  this  improbable  occur¬ 
rence  ?  ”  Sir  G.  C.  Lewis  showed  that  there  was  no 
evidence  worthy  of  the  name  to  support  the  traditions 
still  generally  accepted  seventy  years  ago  of  the  attainment 



of  the  great  age  of  130  to  150  years  by  Jenkins,  Parr,  and 
the  Countess  of  Desmond.  He  even  failed  to  find  evi¬ 
dence  of  anyone  completing  a  century  of  life,  and  accord¬ 
ingly  held  that  no  such  case  had  occurred.  The  publica¬ 
tion  of  his  inquiries  led,  however,  to  the  production  by 
other  investigators  of  evidence  which  satisfied  him  as  to 
the  existence  of  several  instances  in  which  the  age  of  100 
years  had  been  attained,  and  of  some  in  which  103  years 
had  been  reached.  Plenty  of  well-sifted  and  established 
cases  of  a  longevity  extending  to  this  limit  are  now  on 
record  and  undisputed,  but  I  only  know  of  one  case  in 
which  there  is  plausible  evidence  that  as  much  as  107 
years  was  reached,  and,  so  far  as  I  am  aware,  that 
evidence  has  not  been  thoroughly  examined  and  tested. 

Under  these  circumstances  I  was,  twenty  years  ago,  not 
a  little  surprised  to  find  the  genial  gossip  of  a  respected 
weekly  paper — I  refrain  from  giving  his  name,  as  I  am 
far  frorfi  wishing  to  attack  him  in  any  way — writing : 
“  Human  vitality  has  increased.  We  are  not  far  from 
the  time  when  200  instead  of  100  will  be  looked  upon  as 
extreme  old  age.”  “  Look  at  the  evidence  in  favour  of 
it,”  he  says.  “  At  the  beginning  of  the  year  1901,  twenty 
survivors  from  the  eighteenth  century  were  alive  in 
England.”  The  oldest  was  born  in  1793  and  one  in 
1797.  This  does  not,  it  is  evident,  take  us  far  into  a 
second  century,  nor  is  there  anything  novel  or  improbable 
about  such  a  proportion  of  centenarians.  So  he  proceeds 
to  give  some  instances,  by  name,  of  much  greater  age,  of 
the  reality  of  which,  however,  there  is  no  evidence  worthy 
of  attention,  and  none  whatever  offered  by  my  friend  the 
writer.  The  first  is  a  Mr.  Robert  Tylor,  said  to  have 
been  the  oldest  postmaster  in  the  country,  who  is  reputed 
to  have  died  in  the  year  1898  at  the  age  of  1 34*  Did  he  ? 
Another  is  Peter  Bryan,  of  Tynan,  who  cut  a  new  set 



of  teeth  at  the  age  of  117” — a  proceeding  which  has 
often  been  attributed  to  old  people,  and  equally  often  the 
belief  in  its  occurrence  has  been  shown  to  be  due  to  faulty 
observation.  No  case  of  an  aged  individual  cutting  a 
new  tooth  is  admitted  by  those  who  are  experts  in 
dentistry.  The  jaw  sometimes  shrinks  in  old  age  and 
exposes  the  stump  of  an  old  tooth  previously  concealed, 
which  is  erroneously  regarded  as  a  “  new  ”  tooth.  Then 
my  friend  cites  Paul  Czortan,  of  Temesover,  in  Hungary, 
who,  he  declares  without  more  ado,  died  in  1724  at  the 
age  of  185,  leaving  a  son  aged  158.  With  equal  abrupt¬ 
ness  and  apparent  confidence  he  asserts  that  there  was 
once  a  man  named  Thomas  Carew  who  lived  to  be  207 
years  old.  These  are  samples  of  those  bald  assertions  of 
“  marvels  of  longevity,”  entirely  devoid  of  any  evidence 
in  their  support,  which  Sir  G.  C.  Lewis  rightly  declared  to 
be  worthless.  It  makes  one  rub  one’s  eyes  when  one  sees 
them  trotted  out  once  more,  after  seventy  years  in  the  dust¬ 
bin,  by  a  writer  who  is  not  habitually  reckless.  He  goes 
on  to  say  that  it  is  not  work  that  ages,  but  leaving  off 
work.  The  facts  point,  in  my  judgment,  to  the  opposite 
conclusion.  And  he  ends  by  expressing  the  opinion  that 
the  “  allotted  span  ”  of  human  life  is  being  gradually 
increased  from  threescore  and  ten  to  a  much  higher 
figure,  and  states  that  “  certain  scientists  ”  (certain  or 
uncertain  ?)  tell  us  that  even  tenscore  will  one  day  be 
possible.  I  am  sorry  to  say  that  those  prophetic  scientists 
are  unknown  to  me. 

What  I  find  interesting  in  the  views  put  forward  by 
the  writer  above  cited  is  the  notion  that  there  is  an 
allotted  span  to  human  life — that  which  has  been  called  a 
“  lease  of  life.”  One  might,  on  the  contrary,  conceive  of 
human  life  (or  that  of  any  animal  or  plant)  as  having  no 
inherent  inborn  limitation.  One  might  admit  that  it  is 



liable  to  be  stopped  by  disease  or  violence  at  any  time, 
or,  on  the  other  hand,  finally  arrested  by  the  gradually 
accumulated  effects  of  wear  and  tear  resulting  from  years 
of  struggle  and  disappointment.  So  that  if  the  wear 
and  tear  were  avoided  or  reduced  to  a  minimum,  human 
life  might  go  on  indefinitely.  The  view,  however, 
that  there  is  a  lease  of  life,  that  the  living  organism  is 
“  wound  up  ”  for  a  certain  limited  “  run,”  or,  to  put  it  in 
another  way,  that  there  is  “  a  matter  of  life  ” — like  the 
magical  peau  de  chagrin  of  Balzac — which  is  gradu¬ 
ally  but  surely  used  up  by  every  vital  act — is  generally 
accepted  as  the  true  conception,  at  any  rate  in  regard 
to  the  life  of  man  and  higher  animals.  “  We  live  at  the 
expense  of  our  strength  ” — “  ex  viribus  vivimus ,”  said 
Galen.  In  1870  I  published  a  little  book  on  “  Com¬ 
parative  Longevity,”  in  which  these  matters  are  dis¬ 
cussed.  In  later  years  Weismann,  and  also  Metchnikoff, 
have  dealt  with  the  subject  in  valuable  treatises,  of  which 
I  will  write  further. 



AN  important  consideration  in  coming  to  any  con¬ 
clusion  as  to  the  probable  extension  of  the  dura¬ 
tion  of  human  life  in  the  future  or  in  the  past, 
beyond  the  limit  of  ioo  years  (to  which  in  very  exceptional 
cases  two  or  three  additional  years  may  be  added),  is  as 
to  whether  there  is  in  the  substance  of  living  things  an 
innate,  inherent  limit  of  endurance,  what  has  been  called 
“  a  lease  of  life.”  The  view  has  been  very  generally 
accepted  that  there  is  such  a  limit  in  most  animals  and 
plants,  if  not  in  all.  The  conception  may  be  illustrated 
by  the  analogy  of  a  clock,  wound  up  to  go  for  so  many 
days  or  weeks.  It  may  be  stopped  by  any  one  of  a  variety 
of  external  agencies  before  the  limit  is  reached,  but  by 
no  possible  contingency  can  it  continue  “  to  go  ”  beyond 
the  limit  absolutely  imposed  by  the  mechanism  wound  up 
to  its  fullest  extent.  Another  analogy  is  that  of  an  initial 
provision  to  every  individual  of  a  certain  limited  amount 
of  material,  which  is  very  gradually  but  constantly  and 
inevitably  used  up  in  the  mere  process  of  living,  and  must 
come  to  an  end  after  the  lapse  of  a  period  of  time  pro¬ 
portional  to  the  amount  of  the  initial  provision,  whatever 
care  may  be  taken  to  avoid  accidents  and  the  waste  or 
injury  to  the  inborn  “  matter  of  life.”  Whilst  higher 
animals  have  been  regarded  as  possessing  this  limited 
provision  —  this  lease  of  life,  varying  in  amount  in 



different  species — it  has  been  supposed  that  some  lower 
animals  are  not  so  limited,  but  die  only  by  the  accident 
of  violence  or  disease,  or  by  growing  so  large  that  it 
becomes  impossible  for  them  to  obtain  the  food  necessary 
to  maintain  life,  since  ten  smaller  and  younger  individuals 
of  the  same  species  will  be  necessarily  more  capable  of 
securing  a  sufficient  quantity  of  scattered  food  in  a  given 
time  than  will  be  one  individual  equal  in  bulk  to  the  ten 
small  ones. 

The  notion  that  there  is  an  inherent  limit  of  life  in 
animals — inherent  necessary  death  due  after  a  fixed  lapse 
of  time — is  favoured  by  the  obvious  fact  that  there  is  a 
limit  to  the  growth  or  increase  of  size  of  most  animals  and 
plants  which  are  familiar  to  us — a  limit  which  differs  very 
greatly  in  different  species.  It  is  held  that  just  as  we 
cannot  by  taking  thought  add  a  cubit  to  our  stature,  so 
we  cannot  by  taking  thought  add  ten  years  to  our  “  lease 
of  life,”  though  there  may  be  born  “  giants  of  longevity  ” 
as  there  are  born  “  giants  of  stature.”  I  have,  many 
years  ago,  written  of  this  lease  of  life  as  “  potential 
longevity.”  It  is,  however,  an  elusive  quantity.  For  it 
is  admitted  that  in  wild  animals,  as  well  as  in  man,  the 
actual  cessation  of  life  must  be  determined  in  every  in¬ 
dividual  case,  not  only  by  this  innate  or  specific  potential 
longevity — differing  in  every  species  but  common  to 
all  the  individuals  of  a  species  —  but  also  by  the 
results  of  the  daily  necessary  “  wear  and  tear,”  injuries 
and  diseases  to  which  all  the  individuals  of  a  species  are 
naturally  exposed — causes  which  are  external  to  and 
apart  from  the  living  substance  itself.  There  is  an 
average  of  such  injurious  incidents  in  the  natural  life 
of  every  species  of  living  thing.  I  he  “recuperative 
power  of  the  organism  to  a  large  extent  removes  the 
injurious  results  of  these  destructive  external  agencies, 



but,  like  proverbial  drops  of  water,  they  in  the  long  run 
tell.  Like  the  equally  proverbial  pitcher  carried  to  the 
well,  the  animal  or  plant,  sooner  or  later — after  a  lapse  of 
time  which  has  an  average  value  for  each  distinct  species 
according  to  those  natural  circumstances  to  which  it  is 
adapted — encounters  one  or  a  series  of  injuries  which 
weaken  it  and  finally  cause  its  death,  whatever  its  inherent 
lease  of  life  or  specific  potential  longevity  may  be. 

It  is  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  separate  the  animal 
(or  even  man)  from  these  contingent  external  injurious 
agencies,  and  to  guard  it  under  observation  so  as  to  deter¬ 
mine  what  is  the  amount  of  its  absolute  potential  longevity. 
We  really  know  very  little  of  the  length  of  life  of  animals 
in  their  wild,  natural  conditions.  Of  the  longevity  of 
those  which  live  in  deep  waters  or  are,  for  various  other 
reasons,  inaccessible  to  constant  observation,  we  can  only 
form  rough  guesses.  It  is  easier  in  the  case  of  plants  of 
all  kinds,  herbs,  shrubs,  and  trees,  to  arrive  at  the  facts, 
because  plants  do  not  shrink  from  man’s  approach. 

Most  of  our  knowledge  of  the  longevity  of  animals  is 
derived  from  the  observation  of  them  in  non-natural  con¬ 
ditions,  either  when  protected  by  man  from  their  natural 
enemies,  or  bred  as  domesticated  animals.  The  length 
of  life  which  is  the  result  of  an  animal’s  or  plant’s  innate 
lease  of  life,  its  specific  potential  longevity,  when  checked 
and  diminished  by  the  operation  of  the  injurious  agencies 
which  inevitably  belong  to  its  native  conditions  of  life  as 
a  wild  animal,  can  be  estimated  in  some  cases.  It  must 
be  recognized  by  a  distinct  term,  and  may  be  called  “  the 
effective  longevity  of  a  species,”  the  longevity  which  is 
the  regular  average  performance  of  those  members  of  a 
species  which  reach  maturity,  the  outcome  of  their  innate 
hereditary  lease  of  life,  subjected  to  the  operation  of 



injurious  agencies,  which  are  a  normal  and  necessary 
accompaniment  of  the  natural  course  of  life  proper  to  the 

Some  few  facts  as  to  this  effective  longevity  may  be 
cited.  Dogs  are  “  old  ”  at  twelve  years  ;  they  show 
“  senile  decay  ”  (loss  of  teeth,  etc.)  at  that  age.  In  wild 
nature  they  die  at  that  age,  killed  by  carnivorous  animals 
or  by  other  younger  animals  of  their  own  species,  or  by 
inability  to  capture  food.  Under  man’s  care  they  may 
live  to  twice  that  age.  Horses  in  the  natural  wild  state 
die  (by  the  wearing  away  of  the  teeth)  at  twenty  years, 
but  have  been  kept  alive  till  thirty  and  even  forty  years 
when  domesticated  and  provided  with  suitable  food. 
The  longevity  of  the  elephant  has  been  exaggerated  ; 
probably  its  habitual  wild  life  does  not  exceed  fifty  years. 
Bovines,  goats,  deer,  and  sheep  probably  do  not  live  more 
than  from  twelve  to  fifteen  years  in  wild  conditions.  The 
rabbit  and  the  guinea-pig  and  mammals  of  this  size 
have  an  effective  longevity,  in  the  wild  state,  of  six  or 
seven  years.  The  lion  and  tiger  probably  live  some 
fifteen  years  in  wild  conditions,  and  may  be  kept  to  twice 
that  age  by  human  care.  The  cat  has  in  the  wild  state 
a  life  of  eight  or  nine  years  ;  it  has  been  kept  by  man  to 
eighteen  years  of  age.  We  really  know  nothing  of  the 
habitual  length  of  life  of  the  great  apes.  Birds  certainly 
live  longer  than  do  mammals  of  similar  bulk.  Geese, 
swans,  ravens,  and  some  birds  of  prey  have  been  known 
to  reach  the  age  of  fifty  years  ;  even  canaries  (in  cages) 
may  live  to  twenty  years  of  age.  Many  well-certified 
cases  of  parrots  and  cockatoos  reaching  the  age  of  eighty 
years  and  more  are  known.  Crocodiles  and  tortoises 
have  apparently  great  length  of  life — some  kept  in  tanks 
or  gardens  are  supposed,  on  good  grounds,  to  be  200 
years  old.  Some  fish,  like  pike  and  carp,  kept  under 



observation  in  ponds,  appear  to  have  exceeded  1 50  years 
in  age — though  the  evidence  is  not  conclusive.  It  has 
been  supposed  that  reptiles  and  fish,  which  often  continue 
to  grow  as  long  as  they  live,  have  not — as  mammals  and 
birds  are  supposed  to  have — a  limited  “  lease  of  life.” 
As  we  shall  see,  it  is,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  a  difficult  thing 
to  arrive  at  a  conclusion  as  to  the  presence  or  the  absence 
of  this  “  lease  of  life  ”  in  any  group  of  animals.  Most 
of  the  smaller  invertebrates  are  shortlived.  Insects  live 
from  a  year  to  seventeen  years  in  the  larval  state,  but 
have  as  a  rule  only  a  few  hours  to  six  months  in  the  perfect 
or  “  imago  ”  state.  Some  molluscs  are  shown  by  their 
size  and  that  of  their  shells  to  live  twenty  years  at  least, 
but  most  have  only  from  two  to  a  dozen  years  of  life. 
The  larger  Crustacea  (such  as  the  lobster  and  big  crabs) 
may  be  inferred  from  their  size  to  have  twenty  or  more 
years  of  life  :  smaller  forms  die  when  a  year  old.  The 
most  interesting  fact  known  about  length  of  life  in  one 
of  the  lower  animals  is  this,  namely,  that  a  common  sea- 
anemone  (Actinia  mesembryanthemum),  captured  by 
Sir  John  Dalzell  in  1828,  lived  in  a  tank  in  Edinburgh 
for  sixty  years,  and  produced  many  hundred  young  ones 
during  that  period.  The  eventual  cause  of  its  death  is 
not  known,  but  was  apparently  some  mischance,  and  not 
senile  decay. 

Trees  of  various  kinds  have  different  effective  longevi¬ 
ties.  Thus  fruit  trees  and  trees  with  soft  wood,  such 
as  the  poplar  and  the  willow,  live  from  fifty  to  sixty  years. 
They  are  usually  killed  in  the  end  by  destructive  fungi 
and  moulds.  The  cypress  and  the  olive  are  said  to 
live  800  years,  the  oak  1500,  the  elm  300,  the  cedar 
2000,  the  yew  3000,  and  the  big  Californian  trees 
4000  years,  but  all  these  figures  are  probably  greatly 



A  new  aspect  is  given  to  the  problem  of  longevity 
when  we  inquire  into  the  case  of  the  simplest  living  things, 
those  unicellular  organisms  consisting  of  a  single  nu¬ 
cleated  droplet  of  living  protoplasm,  such  as  the  Amoebae, 
the  Infusoria,  the  unicellular  Algae,  and  the  Bacteria. 
They  have  no  limit  of  life,  no  senility.  They  keep  on 
multiplying  by  fission,  and  careful  observations  show 
that  the  same  stock  may  be  kept  and  carried  on,  nourish¬ 
ing  itself,  growing,  and  dividing,  for  an  indefinite  time. 
They  show  no  signs  of  age  provided  that  food  is  present  ; 
they  seem  to  be  practically  immortal  unless  accident  of 
some  kind  checks  their  career.  They  justify  the  view 
that  living  substance  or  protoplasm  does  not  necessarily 
as  a  result  of  its  chemical  and  physical  constitution 
undergo  natural  decay  and  death.  This  has  led  Weis- 
mann  to  point  out  that  in  every  many-celled  animal  and 
plant  there  are  some  such  immortal  protoplasmic  cells, 
the  germ-cells,  or  reproductive  cells.  They  arise  in  each 
new  individual  by  a  setting  aside  of  some  of  the  cells 
which  result  from  the  division  of  the  parental  egg-cell, 
and  whilst  the  other  cells  which  form  the  body  which 
moves  and  feeds  and  assumes  characteristic  form, 
naturally  die  in  the  course  of  time  and  disappear,  the 
germ-cells  or  some  of  them  persist,  giving  rise  (as  egg- 
cells  or  germ-cells)  to  new  individuals  and  to  new  germ- 
cells.  Thus  it  is  the  body-cells  which  die  as  a  sort  of 
“  husk  ”  which  has  served  its  turn  and  protected  the 
germ-cells  until  they  are  set  free  to  multiply  and  start  a 
new  individual  or  husk,  enclosing  in  its  turn  a  certain 
number  of  cells  of  the  immortal  germ-plasm. 

From  this  point  of  view  it  would  appear  that  the 
greater  or  less  duration  or  longevity  of  the  body  enclosing 
the  deathless  germ-plasm  is  a  question  of  physiological 
adaptation  which  is  varied,  according  to  the  advantage  of 



the  species,  by  natural  selection.  In  some  organisms  it 
is  an  advantage  that  the  body-husk  should  get  quickly 
through  its  business,  and  be  replaced  by  a  new  generation  ; 
in  others  a  long  duration  of  the  body  once  grown  to  full 
size  and  complexity  is  advantageous  for  the  preservation 
of  the  species.  The  suggestion  here  is  that  the  potential 
length  of  life  of  the  body  (as  apart  from  the  germ-cells)  is 
an  hereditary  character  of  every  species,  increased  or 
diminished  by  the  natural  selection  of  variations  in  that 
character,  as  are  other  characters,  in  consequence  of  the 
struggle  for  existence  and  the  survival  of  the  fittest 
variations.  This  conception  involves  the  supposition 
that  there  is  in  multicellular  animals  an  ultimate  innate 
tendency  of  the  body-cells  (as  distinct  from  the  repro¬ 
ductive  cells)  to  senile  decay  and  death,  which  may  be 
remote  or  may  come  on  rapidly.  And  there  is  no  reason 
for  rejecting  the  supposition  that  some  of  the  products  of 
division  of  immortal  “  cells  ”  of  protoplasm,  themselves 
incapable  of  death  by  old  age,  should  acquire  this 
mortality,  this  quality  of  senescence,  and  ultimate  natural 
death,  as  a  secondary  and  definite  character  of  the  body 
or  envelope  which  is  formed  as  the  carrier  of  the  new 

Metchnikoff,  on  the  other  hand,  who  fifteen  years  ago 
wrote  a  most  interesting  book  on  this  subject  (“  The 
Nature  of  Man  ”  :  London,  Heinemann),  avoids,  as  far 
as  possible,  the  assumption  that  there  is,  in  any  kind  of 
plants  or  animals,  an  inherent  innate  limit  of  life.  He 
devotes  his  attention  to  the  examination  of  the  nature 
of  that  enfeeblement  which  comes  on  in  old  age  in  most 
living  things,  that  diseased  or  unhealthy  state  to  which 
we  have  already  had  to  refer  as  “  senility  ”  or  “  senile 
decay,”  and  he  is  led  to  the  conclusion  that  though  in 
some  cases  (such  as  that  of  the  insects  known  as  “  day- 



flies  ”)  there  is  evidence  of  a  strictly  limited  innate 
“  potential  longevity,”  yet  that  in  higher  animals  there  is 
no  need  to  assume  any  such  inherent  limit  to  the  lease  of 
life.  The  changes  due  to  disease  and  external  injurious 
agencies  are  (according  to  Metchnikoff)  sufficient  to 
account  for  the  stoppage  of  life,  and  if  we  could  avoid  all 
those  injurious  agencies,  as  we  can  and  do  avoid  many  of 
them  (but  not  so  many  as  we  might),  human  life  and  the 
life  of  animals  similarly  protected  and  directed  by  man 
might  be  longer  as  a  rule  than  it  is,  and  far  happier  and 
healthier  in  its  later  years.  The  result  to  be  aimed  at, 
according  to  Metchnikoff,  is  not  that  of  increasing  the 
extreme  limit  of  life  from  ioo  to  150  or  200  years,  but 
that  of  raising  the  general  length  of  life  to  be  expected 
by  men  and  women  of  30  years  of  age,  so  that  instead  of 
dying  as  a  rule  at  or  before  65  years  of  age,  they  may  as  a 
rule  survive  to  100  years.  Simultaneously  the  last  thirty 
or  forty  years  of  that  lengthened  life  would  become  a 
contented  and  healthy  period  instead  of  being  marked  by 
labour  and  sorrow.  It  is  a  noteworthy  fact  that  whilst 
the  records  of  the  Registrar-General,  extending  over 
more  than  half  a  century,  above  cited,  show  a  continuous 
diminution  of  the  death-rate  in  mankind  below  the  age 
of  fifty-five,  there  is  no  similar  evidence  of  any  corre¬ 
sponding  increase  in  the  number  of  years  to  which  life 
is  likely  to  extend  once  the  age  of  fifty-five  has  been 



WHATEVER  may  be  the  causes  at  work — 
whether  the  exhaustion  by  the  efflux  of  time  of 
an  initial  limited  power  of  endurance,  or,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  cumulative  result  of  wear  and  tear  and 
disease  acting  on  living  substance,  which  has  in  itself  no 
inherent  tendency  to  “  play  out  ”  or  “  run  down  ”  after 
any  length  of  living — we  have  the  important  fact  that  the 
“  May  of  life  ”  after  a  certain  length  of  time  does,  as  a 
rule,  “  fall  into  the  sear,  the  yellow  leaf,”  and  gives  place 
to  “  senile  decay.”  Metchnikoff  (in  his  book  called 
“  The  Nature  of  Man  ”)  has  made  a  special  study  of  this 
“  senile  decay.”  He  has  no  difficulty  in  showing  that  in 
man  and  the  higher  animals,  as  well  as  many  of  the  lower 
animals,  this  senile  decay  asserts  itself  after  a  certain 
period  of  life.  It  is  a  condition  of  injurious  change  and 
enfeeblement  in  the  tissues  of  the  body  which  has  not  been 
sufficiently  studied  by  modern  methods,  but  which  must 
be  so  studied  with  the  view  of  averting  it  in  mankind. 
Metchnikoff  seems  to  doubt  the  existence  in  man  of  a 
necessary  or  natural  inherent  tendency  to  this  decay,  but 
he  cites  the  life-history  of  many  insects,  in  which,  as  in 
some  other  animals,  he  admits  the  existence  of  a  sharp 
and  inherent  limit  to  life.  A  familiar  case  is  that  of  the 
Day-flies  (Ephemerids),  which,  after  spending  two  or 




three  years  as  “  larvae  ”  under  water  in  the  mud  of  streams, 
feeding  voraciously,  undergo  a  rapid  change  and  become 
winged  insects  which  fly  in  huge  numbers  over  the  water. 
Their  flight  lasts  only  an  hour  or  two,  and  is  occupied  in 
the  fertilization  of  the  eggs,  after  which  they  fall  dead  or 
dying  into  the  water.  They  have  no  jaws  and  cannot 
feed,  but  they  do  not  die  from  want  of  food,  nor  from  the 
exhaustion  due  todhe  passage  of  the  reproductive  material 
from  their  bodies.  Metchnikoff  has  examined  many  such 
dead  individuals  carefully,  and  found  that  among  them 
were  many  males  which  had  not  discharged  their  sperm. 
He  also  satisfied  himself  that  death  was  not  due  to  any 
deadly  microbe  which  suddenly  attacks  the  flies  as  an 
epidemic.  It  seems  practically  certain  that  they  die 
simply  because  they  are,  when  they  escape  into  the  air  as 
“  flies,”  only  “  wound  up  ”  for  about  six  hours’  further 
activity — a  short  lease  of  life  which  no  experimental 
ingenuity  on  the  part  of  man  can  prolong.  A  curious 
and  important  fact  is  that  these  insects  (as  also  the  winged 
form  of  ants  and  the  little  green-flies  or  plant-lice)  show 
no  fear  or  shrinking  from  being  caught  and  handled. 
They  have  lost  the  instinct  of  self-preservation,  though 
when  in  the  larval  condition  and  living  in  water  they  are 
difficult  to  catch,  and  run  away  with  great  activity  from 
a  tube  with  which  one  endeavours  to  pick  them  up  from 
the  jar  of  water  in  which  one  is  keeping  them  for  observa¬ 
tion.  There  is  apparently  an  “  instinct  ”  for  life  in  most 
animals,  and  also  in  some  animals,  when  old  age  has 
arrived,  an  instinct  for  death — a  willing  surrender  and 
abandonment  of  the  struggle. 

I  confess  that  whilst  I  hold  with  Metchnikoff  that  the 
avoidable  diseases  and  “  wearing  ”  away  of  parts  of  the 
body  are  accountable  for  the  pains  and  usual  discomfort 
of  old  age  and,  as  a  rule,  for  eventual  death,  so  that  we 



cannot,  with  regard  to  man  and  higher  animals,  deter¬ 
mine  with  accuracy  the  existence  of  cases  of  “  natural 
death  ”  from  inherent  limitation  of  the  power  of  endur¬ 
ance  of  the  protoplasm  or  living  substance  of  the  body, 
yet  it  seems  to  me  most  probable  that  there  is  such  a 
limitation,  more  remote  in  large  animals  than  in  smaller 
ones,  and  less  remote  in  those  which  exhibit  a  greater 
activity  or  “  output  ”  in  their  lives  than  in  those  which 
are  less  active,  and  live,  so  to  speak,  more  slowly. 

Whatever  view  may  be  considered  probable  in  regard 
to  the  existence  of  a  natural  limit  to  possible  life  in  man, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  as  to  the  vast  importance  of  the 
facts  and  views  put  forward  by  Metchnikolf  as  to  the 
power  which  we  possess,  by  the  acquirement  and  applica¬ 
tion  of  accurate  knowledge,  to  lessen  or  altogether  avert 
those  changes  in  the  tissues  which  make  old  age  miserable 
and  cause  death  at  an  earlier  period  than  is  absolutely 
necessary.  Mankind  have  no  liking  for  old  age,  and  yet, 
even  when  old,  retain  their  instinctive  dread  and  aversion 
for  death.  A  distinguished  physiologist  (Longet)  has 
written  :  “  The  old  feel  that  their  task  in  life  is  accom¬ 
plished  and  believe  themselves  to  be  universally  grudged 
the  space  they  occupy  in  the  world.  This  renders  them 
suspicious  of  all  around  them  and  jealous  of  the  young. 
Their  craving  for  solitude  and  the  uncertainty  of  their 
tempers  are  due  to  the  same  cause.  All  old  people  are 
not  like  this,  of  course.  The  hearts  of  some  remain 
youthful  and  beat  strongly  within  their  feeble  frames.  .  .  . 
The  years  speed  onward,  every  round  of  the  clock 
bringing  the  end  nearer,  and  every  hour  adding  a  new 
wrinkle  to  their  faces,  some  fresh  weakness  and  some  new 
regret.  Their  bodies  become  decrepit ;  their  back¬ 
bones,  too  weak  to  hold  them  upright,  curve  over,  and 
bend  them  downwards  towards  the  earth.” 



Metchnikoff  inquires  as  to  what  precisely  are  the 
changes  which  bring  about  this  state  of  things.  It  is 
a  remarkable  fact  that,  in  spite  of  the  misery  of  old 
age,  old  people  cling  to  life.  The  result  of  the  ex¬ 
amination  of  a  large  number  of  cases  is  that,  with  the 
rarest  exceptions,  even  very  old  people  desire  to  go  on 
living.  Metchnikoff  thinks  that  this  is  due  partly  to  the 
dread  of  death  and  “  the  something  after  death  ”  which 
is  instilled  from  their  earliest  years  into  nearly  all  races 
and  populations,  but  that  it  is  also  partly  due  to  a  feeling 
on  the  part  of  old  people  that  something  is  still  due  to 
them,  that  they  have  not  had  their  fair  share  of  happiness, 
and  that  even  in  their  latest  years  “  something  will  turn 
up.”  If  old  age  could  be  made  healthy,  if  the  diseases 
which  break  down  healthy  life,  before  its  natural  limit, 
could  be  averted,  and  men  could,  without  any  sense  of 
misfortune  or  injustice,  end  their  lives,  without  prolonged 
decay  and  suffering,  by  “  natural  death  ”  or  mere 
“  cessation  of  living,”  as  do  the  day-flies,  that  natural 
end  would  be  accompanied  by  an  “  instinct  for  death  ” 
like  the  “  instinct  for  sleep  ”  at  the  end  of  a  long  and 
happy  day.  Tokarski,  a  Russian  writer,  gives  us  the 
words  of  an  old  woman  who  had  lived  a  hundred  years. 
She  is  one  of  the  rare  cases  known  of  glad  acquiescence 
in  the  natural  termination  of  life.  She  said  :  “  If  you 
come  to  live  as  long  as  I  have  lived,  you  will  understand 
not  only  that  it  is  possible  not  to  fear  death,  but  to  feel 
the  same  need  for  death  as  for  sleep.” 

Philosophy  and  religion  have  in  vain  endeavoured, 
in  all  past  ages  of  civilization,  to  fortify  and  to  comfort 
man  in  bearing  the  pains  and  disappointments  of  old  age 
and  the  inevitable  death  to  which  it  leads — not  desired, 
not  welcomed  as  release  and  rest,  but  usually  feared,  and 
often  not  only  feared  but  resented.  The  promise  of  a 



happy  future  after  death  is  what  the  Christian  Church 
has  offered  as  compensation  for  the  unmerited  sufferings 
of  this  life.  On  the  other  hand,  Science  has  from  its 
earliest  days  been  busy  in  the  attempt  to  so  regulate 
human  life  as  to  avert  the  sufferings  of  men  in  this  world 
and  to  correct  the  “  disharmonies  ”  of  human  life — that 
imperfect  adjustment  of  the  structure  and  living  processes 
of  man  to  the  natural  conditions  in  which  he  finds  him¬ 
self.  Man  lives  in  a  state  of  warfare  and  struggle  with 
natural  conditions  to  which  he  has  been  brought  by  the 
sudden  and  unparalleled  development  of  his  intelligence, 
and  by  his  evasion  of  those  methods  of  “  destruction  of 
the  unfit  ”  by  which  Nature  had  maintained  on  the 
earth’s  surface  a  happy,  healthy  population  of  animals 
and  plants  for  countless  ages  before  man’s  emergence. 
The  parable  of  the  tree  of  knowledge  in  the  garden  of 
Eden  is  the  recognition  of  this  truth,  and  it  is  emphasized 
in  the  words  of  a  great  Hebrew  of  ancient  days  :  “In 
much  wisdom  is  much  grief ;  and  he  that  increaseth 
knowledge  increaseth  sorrow.”  It  is  the  business  of 
science  to  take  men  beyond  this  phase  of  imperfect 
knowledge.  Much  knowledge  leads,  and  has  led,  to 
much  grief,  but  greater  knowledge — greater  far  than  the 
old  writer  dreamed  of — will,  we  can  clearly  see,  destroy 
sorrow  and  bring  man  to  ever-growing  happiness — and 
is  even  now  doing  so  !  Metchnikoff  declares — and  in  my 
judgment  he  is  right — that  full  and  complete  knowledge 
of  the  causes  of  decay  in  old  age  can  be  arrived  at  (though 
it  will  take  many  generations  to  obtain  it),  and  that  such 
knowledge  will  enable  man  deliberately  to  prevent  that 
decay,  so  that  the  ideal  of  human  life  shall  be  realized, 
namely,  the  completion  by  all  men  of  the  normal  cycle 
of  healthy  life,  rounded  off  by  natural  death  as  by  a  sleep. 
Our  object  and  our  expectation  should  not  be  to  extend 
the  term  of  human  life  beyond  its  present  natural  limit, 



which  appears  to  be  about  ioo  years,  but  to  make  it  the 
regular  and  easy  thing  for  every  one  to  reach  that  age 
and  to  be  healthy  and  useful  (since  the  experience  and 
wisdom  of  the  old  is  valuable)  until  the  last. 

What,  then,  are  the  obstacles  to  this  general  extension 
of  life  to  the  end  of  a  healthy  (and  therefore  happy) 
second  half-century  ?  They  are,  firstly,  the  wearing  out 
of  the  teeth  ;  and,  secondly,  the  hardening  of  the  arteries 
and  changes  similar  to  that  process.  The  higher  animals 
— the  hairy  warm-blooded  quadrupeds — which  have 
survived  the  dangers  of  youth  and  reached  maturity — 
come,  as  a  rule,  to  their  death  by  the  wearing  out  of  their 
teeth.  Wolves,  lions,  tigers,  bears,  and  cats,  in  wild 
nature,  wear  down  and  lose  their  teeth.  When  toothless 
they  cannot  catch  their  prey  nor  protect  themselves  in 
competition  with  their  fellows.  They  become  enfeebled 
by  insufficiency  of  food,  and  die  from  consequent  disease 
or  from  the  attacks  of  their  younger  rivals.  The  same 
is  true  of  herbivorous  animals — horses,  bovines,  sheep, 
and  deer.  Their  teeth  wear  out.  The  same  is  true  of  the 
apes,  and  was  true  of  primitive  man.  But  at  an  early 
period  of  his  development  man  learnt  to  select,  to  prepare, 
and  to  soften  food,  so  that  the  failure  of  his  teeth  was  not 
so  serious  a  loss  to  him  as  to  other  animals.  Later  he 
provided  himself  in  old  age  with  artificial  teeth,  and  so 
the  loss  of  his  natural  teeth  ceased  to  be  a  cause  of 

But  those  serious  changes  which  are  exhibited  in  their 
most  obvious  form  in  the  hardening  of  the  arteries  in 
old  age  still  remain  to  be  discussed.  The  various  living 
cells  and  the  tissues  which  they  build  up  in  the  human 
body  are  divided  by  Metchnikoff  into  (a)  the  less  delicate 
or  more  resistant  and  permanent  tissues,  and  ( b )  the  more 



special  delicate  tissues  which  he  terms  the  “  nobler.” 
The  latter  are,  in  the  first  place,  the  immensely  important 
nerve-cells  of  the  brain  and  spinal  cord,  which  are  never 
multiplied  in  adult  life  nor  replaced  when  injured  or 
destroyed.  Further,  we  have  in  this  category  the  gland- 
cells,  such  as  those  of  the  kidney  and  liver,  and  the  con¬ 
tractile  muscular  cells,  which,  though  capable  of  repair 
and  new  growth,  are  yet  delicate  and  highly  sensitive 
to  unhealthy  chemical  conditions  (poisons).  The  per¬ 
manent,  resistant,  and  exuberant  tissues  (which  Metch- 
nikoff  points  to  as  the  “  baser  ”  or  “  non-noble  ”)  are 
the  fibrous  skeleton-making  or  enveloping  tissues  which 
are  spread  everywhere  through  the  body  as  a  wonderfully 
subdivided  penetrating  framework  in  all  the  minutest, 
as  well  as  the  largest,  parts  or  architectural  units  of  our 
structure.  With  them,  and  originating  from  them,  are 
found  the  motile,  often  floating,  protoplasmic  “  eater- 
cells  ”  or  “  phagocytes  ”  (see  Chapter  VI),  which  devour 
(as  does  the  unicellular  animalcule,  the  amoeba)  all 
intrusive  bacteria,  and  all  the  dead  or  enfeebled  bits  of 
the  complex  animal  body.  The  hardening  of  arteries, 
the  destruction  of  kidney-cells  and  brain-cells,  which 
goes  on  in  old  people,  is  due  to  the  relatively  too  great 
activity  of  this  fibre-forming  tissue,  and  of  the  “  eater- 
cells,”  which  destroy  and  devour  the  nobler  cells,  and  fill 
up  their  place  by  base  fibrous,  or  (as  it  is  called)  “  con¬ 
nective  ”  tissue — mere  “packing,”  devoid  of  the  special 
qualities  of  the  tissues  which  it  replaces.  Thus  the  elastic 
resilient  arteries  become  hardened,  the  great  glands 
(such  asT  kidney  and  liver)  largely  replaced  by  inert 
“  stuffing,”  and  the  brain  similarly  deteriorated.  Even 
the  loss  of  colour  in  the  hair  is  shown  by  Metchnikoff 
to  be  due  to  “  eater-cells,”  which  in  old  age  enter  the 
individual  hairs  and  eat  up,  engulf,  and  dissolve  the 
pigment  granules. 



The  problem,  therefore,  is  how  to  arrest  this  relatively 
excessive  activity  of  the  connective  tissue  and  eater-cells. 
And  to  arrive  at  an  answer  to  this  question  we  must  find 
out  what  it  is  which  leads  to  their  increased  and  destruc¬ 
tive  activity,  and  then  endeavour  to  find  a  means  of  re¬ 
moving  that  cause ;  or,  on  the  other  hand,  of  increasing 
the  resistance  and  relative  strength  of  the  nobler  tissue- 
cells.  This  is  necessarily  a  long  and  elaborate  inquiry. 
But  the  following  facts  are  established.  The  enfeeble- 
ment  of  the  nobler  contractile  cells  of  the  walls  of  arteries, 
and  their  replacement  by  “  stuffing,”  as  well  as  the  similar 
changes  in  the  brain  and  in  the  great  glands  are  favoured 
by  certain  poisons  which  man  habitually  takes  into  his 
body.  The  first  is  universally  recognized  to  be  alcohol  ; 
the  second  is  the  poison  of  “  syphilis,”  that  insidious 
infectious  disease  which  is  so  widely  spread  and  is  caused 
by  the  excessively  minute  microbe  discovered  by  Schaudin 
and  named  by  him,  Treponema  pallidum  ;  the  third  is 
the  poison  absorbed  from  the  mass  of  putrefying  un¬ 
absorbed  food  which  fills  the  large  intestine  of  man.  The 
action  of  these  three  poisons  is  to  paralyse  and  weaken 
the  nobler  tissue-cells.  They  are  more  or  less  successfully 
resisted  by  the  younger  and  more  vigorous  section  of  the 
human  population  ;  but  their  efforts  accumulate.  After 
middle  age  the  results  of  their  injurious  work  become  more 
and  more  obvious  and  increased  in  actual  amount  and 
proportion,  producing  the  enfeeblement  and  decay  which 
we  associate  with  old  age. 

The  indulgence  in  alcoholic  drinks  is  a  cause 
which  we  can  at  once  remove  or  reduce  to  a  minimum. 
The  widespread  disease  syphilis  we  can,  easily  and 
readily,  extirpate,  if  and  when  Governments  decide 
so  to  do.  It  has  been  shown  that  45  per  cent  or  nearly 
half  the  deaths  from  arterial  sclerosis  or  hardening  of 



the  arteries  are  due  to  these  two  causes — alcoholism  and 
syphilis.  Rheumatism  and  gout  only  play  a  small  part 
in  setting  up  hardening  of  the  arteries.  It  is  held  to  be 
highly  probable  that  the  poisons  fabricated  by  the  mass 
of  microbes  congregated  in  the  human  intestine — that 
part  of  it  called  the  large  intestine — are  responsible 
for  the  rest  of  the  arterial  hardening,  which  (do  not 
let  us  forget)  is  the  characteristic  feature  of  senile 
decay.  We  have  now  to  see  how  this  cause  can  be 

We  have  seen  that  the  too  great  indulgence  in  alcohol 
together  with  a  widespread  infectious  disease  are  the  chief 
causes  (in  youth  and  middle  age)  of  that  poisoning  of  the 
nobler  tissues  which  results  in  the  hardening  of  the  arteries 
and  the  replacement  of  important  “nobler”  tissues  by 
fibrous  packing  or  connective  tissue,  and  thus  to  that 
decay  and  enfeeblement  which  marks  the  old  age  of  man. 
These  causes  are  under  our  control.  A  third  cause, 
according  to  Metchnikoff,  is  the  poisoning  of  the  tissues 
by  products  manufactured  by  microbes  in  the  large 
intestine  and  absorbed  into  the  blood.  The  grounds  for 
this  conclusion  and  the  ways  in  which  this  cause  of  senile 
decay  may  be  avoided  remain  for  consideration. 

An  old  and  accepted  saying  is  :  “A  man  is  as  old  as 
his  arteries.”  It  points  to  the  fact  not  only  that  the 
hardening  of  the  walls  of  the  arteries  is  itself  destructive 
of  health  and  dangerous  to  life,  but  that  similar  changes 
in  other  parts  besides  the  walls  of  the  arteries  are  going 
on  at  the  same  time.  If  we  could  prevent  the  poisoning 
of  the  body  by  the  products  of  intestinal  microbes,  in 
addition  to  avoiding  excess  in  the  use  of  alcohol  and 
infection  by  the  Treponema  microbe — two  precautions 
which  are  assuredly  within  our  power — we  should  in  all 



probability  be  able  to  ensure  for  mankind  a  healthy  and 
happy  old  age. 

The  human  intestine  contains  an  enormous  quantity 
of  bacteria  which,  according  to  the  researches  of  the 
eminent  biologist,  Strassburger,  increase  at  the  rate  of 
128  million  millions  a  day.  That  gives  some  indication 
of  the  gigantic  number  present.  They  are  not  all  of  one 
kind,  but  comprise  an  enormous  variety,  some  of  which 
are  more  abundant  than  others.  One-third  part  of  the 
human  excreta  consists  of  these  bacteria  !  There  are 
but  few,  relatively,  in  the  active  digesting  portion  of  the 
alimentary  canal.  By  far  the  greater  number  are  lodged 
in  the  terminal  or  lower  part  of  the  intestine,  which  is 
called  the  “  large  intestine  ”  or  “  colon,”  and  is  in  man 
without  action  as  a  digestive  organ.  This  is  a  very 
wide  but  short  portion  of  the  intestine,  as  broad  as  three 
fingers,  and  only  from  5  to  6  feet  in  length.  It  is  disposed 
as  an  ascending,  a  transverse,  and  a  descending  portion, 
the  last  ending  in  the  rectum  and  the  vent.  The  food, 
before  it  reaches  the  “  large  intestine,”  has  passed 
through  the  oesophagus  10  inches  long,  the  stomach — a 
pear-shaped  sac  holding  5  pints  and  about  10  inches 
long — and  the  small  intestine,  which  is  from  25  to  30  feet 
long.  This  part  of  the  intestine  is  called  “  small  ” 
because  it  is  a  narrow  tube  little  more  than  an  inch  broad, 
disposed  or  packed  within  the  abdomen  in  undulating 
coils  and  convolutions.  It  joins  the  much  wider  but 
short  “  large  intestine  ”  just  within  the  right  edge  of  the 
bony  hip  or  pelvic  basin.  Here  is  situated,  at  the  com¬ 
mencement  of  the  large  intestine,  the  curious  little  sac, 
“  the  caecum,”  with  its  wormlike  blind  process — the 
“  vermiform  appendix  ” — which  so  often  becomes  dis¬ 
eased  and  has  to  be  removed  by  the  surgeon.  The  whole 
of  the  digestive  process  of  man  takes  place  in  the  stomach 



and  in  the  25  feet  of  small  intestine  ;  none  in  the  caecum 
nor  in  the  large  intestine.  The  caecum,  or  blind  sac,  and 
the  6  feet  of  large  intestine  are  quite  useless.  No  diges¬ 
tion  goes  on  in  them  ;  but  the  remains  of  the  food  passing 
into  them  putrefy  under  the  action  of  the  enormous 
population  of  bacteria. 

The  products  of  the  putrefaction  produced  by  some 
(though  not  all)  of  the  kinds  of  bacteria  usually  present 
in  man’s  large  intestine  are  definite  poisons.  These 
poisons  (phenol  and  indol)  have  been  identified  by 
physiological  chemists  and  followed  after  their  absorption 
into  the  blood.  They  are  eventually  passed  out  of  the 
body  by  the  kidneys.  In  healthy,  vigorous  people  they 
are  not  produced  in  sufficient  quantity  to  do  much  harm. 
But  it  is  owing  to  their  production  that  constipation  has 
such  injurious  results,  and  in  all  persons  of  sedentary 
habits,  or  those  in  whom  the  intestine  is  weakened  and 
does  not  rapidly  empty  itself,  very  serious  disturbances — 
headache,  lassitude,  and  even  poisoning  of  the  brain 
(mania) — are  the  consequence  of  their  formation.  There 
seems  to  be  sufficient  experimental  ground  for  concluding 
that  these  poisons  when  absorbed  act  upon  the  “  nobler  ” 
tissues  so  as  to  enfeeble  them  and  stimulate  the  eater- 
cells  to  activity  and  to  the  destruction  of  the  nobler  cells 
and  their  replacement  by  useless,  inert,  fibrous,  con¬ 
nective  tissues.1 

Here,  then,  we  find  present  in  man  a  wide,  capacious 
tract  of  intestine  which  is  not  only  of  no  use  to  him,  but 
a  seat  of  positive  and  serious  danger.  How  has  this 
come  about  ?  In  flesh-eating  animals  this  last  portion 
of  intestine — the  so-called  large  intestine  or  “  colon  ” — 

1  It  is  nevertheless  true  that  further  observation  and  experiment  are 
needed  in  order  to  establish  this  conclusion  with  certainty. 



is  absent.  Dogs,  cats,  lions,  and  such  animals  have  not 
got  it.  It  is  of  no  use  in  the  digestion  of  animal  food 
(flesh,  etc.).  But  in  the  grass-eating,  leaf-eating,  and 
fruit-eating  animals — cattle,  sheep,  horses,  rabbits,  many 
monkeys — the  colon  and  caecum,  constituting  the  “  large 
intestine,”  are  of  full  size,  and  assist  in  digestion.  The 
woody  material  (cellulose)  present  in  vegetable  food  is 
acted  upon  by  the  bacteria  which  accumulate  in  the  large 
intestine  of  herbivorous  animals,  and  this  substance, 
which  cannot  be  digested  by  the  juices  of  the  stomach 
and  small  intestine,  is  altered  or  “  fermented  ”  by  the 
bacteria  in  such  a  way  as  to  produce  not  poisons,  but 
valuable  nutritive  material,  which  is  absorbed  by  the 
animal  and  nourishes  it.  An  interesting  suggestion  as  to 
the  further  advantage  to  herbivorous  animals  of  the 
distended  capacious  large  intestine  is  put  forward  by 
Metchnikoff.  These  animals  have  to  run  for  their  lives 
when  pursued  by  carnivorous  enemies.  The  large 
intestine  enables  them  to  retain  their  partly  digested  food 
for  a  longer  time  than  can  an  animal  which  has  no  large 
intestine.  They  are  not  delayed  in  their  flight  by  stop¬ 
ping  to  empty  the  bowel,  and,  moreover,  they  are  able  to 
continue  the  digestion  of  the  woody  vegetable  materials 
retained  in  them  when  they  have  reached  a  position  of 
safety  and  repose.  Man,  it  seems,  has  inherited  his 
large  intestine  from  vegetarian  ancestors  even  more 
remote  than  the  apes,  and  though  he  has  changed  his 
habits  as  to  food  and  has  benefited  by  giving  up  woody 
fibre  and  by  feeding  on  the  succulent  parts  of  plants  and 
the  prepared  flesh  of  animals,  yet  the  desirable  change  in 
his  bodily  structure  corresponding  to  his  change  of  food 
has  not  followed. 

The  large  intestine  is  one  of  the  many  instances  of 
“  disharmony  ”  between  the  more  recently  acquired 



habits  or  mode  of  life  of  an  organism  and  its  ancient 
inherited  structure,  whether  this  be  structure  of  other 
organs  or  of  the  brain  and  nervous  system  exhibited  in 
instincts.  It  hasTong  been  recognized  that  in  man  there 
are  many  such  delays  (for  so  we  may  consider  them)  in 
the  adjustment  of  this  or  that  part  of  his  mechanism  to 
the  new  conditions  to  which,  on  the  whole,  he  has  become 
successfully  adapted  so  as  to  flourish  and  spread  over 
the  whole  surface  of  the  world.  The  useless  “  wisdom 
teeth  ” — clearly  on  the  way  to  disappear  altogether — are 
an  instance.  They  are  not  only  useless,  but  are  seats 
of  disease,  sometimes  causing  death.  The  gaps  in  the 
fibrous  wall  of  the  abdomen  which  were  harmless  in  man’s 
four-footed  ancestors,  and  even  in  arboreal  apes,  are  a 
danger  to  man  now  that  he  has  taken  to  the  upright  pose 
in  walking  and  running.  They  permit  in  the  upright, 
but  not  in  the  more  horizontal,  attitude  the  painful  and 
dangerous  extrusions  of  loops  of  intestine  through  the 
abdominal  wall  known  as  “  hernia.”  This  is  a  “  dis¬ 
harmony,”  a  want  of  adaptation  of  man’s  structure  in 
one  particular  respect  to  the  upright  carriage,  although 
great  and  important  adaptations  to  it  in  very  many  other 
respects  (such  as  the  structure  of  the  leg  and  the  foot, 
vertebral  column,  balance  of  the  head,  etc.)  have  been 

Can  man  then  step  in  and  himself  “  artificially  ” 
bring  about  the  disappearance  of  the  “  disharmony  ” 
of  his  intestinal  structure,  so  as  to  avoid  poisoning 
himself  by  putrefactive  bacteria  ?  He  has  already  in 
various  ways  undertaken  a  certain  amount  of  such 
carving  and  remodelling  of  his  own  structure.  The 
dwindled  caecum  and  its  wormlike  termination  are 
naturally,  but  slowly,  on  their  way  to  disappearance. 
In  the  horse  and  the  rabbit  they  are  of  twenty  times  the 



size,  relatively  to  the  rest  of  the  body,  which  they  present 
in  man.  Surgeons  now  remove  from  man  the  dwindled 
piece  which  is  the  most  dangerous  on  account  of  its 
liability  to  ulceration  and  abscess,  namely,  the  wormlike 
appendix.  Not  only  that,  but  (in,  it  is  true,  a  much 
smaller  number  of  cases)  the  whole  of  the  large  intestine 
has  in  recent  years  been  removed  from  patients  because 
its  diseased  state  had  led  to  excessive  absorption  of  putre¬ 
factive  poison  from  its  contents.  A  considerable  number 
of  persons  are  alive  and  well  who  have  undergone  this 
operation,  and  are  all  the  better  for  having  no  large  in¬ 
testine  !  Though,  as  Metchnikoff  says,  we  cannot  expect, 
in  spite  of  the  progress  of  surgery,  to  see  in  our  time  the 
large  intestine  removed  by  operation  as  a  usual  thing, 
yet  perhaps,  in  the  distant  future,  such  a  proceeding  will 
become  the  rule. 

Failing  this  remedy,  there  remain  to  us  two  pro¬ 
cedures  in  order  to  preserve  humanity  against  the  senile 
decay  due  to  the  poisons  produced  by  certain  putrefac¬ 
tions  of  the  contents  of  the  large  intestine.  The  first  is 
to  control  the  intestinal  flora — the  flora  of  bacteria — so 
as  to  exclude  from  the  large  intestine  the  poison-producing 
kind,  which  gets  “  sown  ”  or  carried  into  it  inevitably 
with  the  raw  food  we  swallow  ;  the  second  is  to  inject  into 
the  blood  and  tissues  “  serums  ”  prepared,  as  we  now  can 
see  our  way  to  prepare  them,  so  that  they  shall  have  the 
property  either  of  strengthening  and  encouraging  the 
resistance  of  the  nobler  tissue-cells,  those  of  brain, 
glands,  and  muscles,  or,  on  the  other  hand,  have  the 
property  of  holding  in  check  the  phagocytes  and  the  fibre¬ 
forming  tissues  so  as  to  restrain  the  undesirable  invasion 
and  multiplication  by  them  in  highly  developed  organs. 

The  problem  of  controlling  our  intestinal  “  gardens,” 



and  cultivating  there  what  bacteria  we  choose,  and 
destroying  or  weeding  out  those  we  discover  to  be 
harmful,  has  advanced  further  towards  solution  than 
has  the  problem  of  preparing  the  serums  suggested. 
A  very  simple  fact  in  regard  to  the  bacteria  comes  to  our 
aid.  It  is  this.  Some  bacteria  will  grow  only  in  an 
alkaline  liquid,  other  kinds  will  only  grow  in  an  acid 
liquid.  A  slight  predominance  of  alkaline  or  acid  is 
sufficient.  The  bacterium  which  produces  the  “  phenol- 
indol  ”  poisons  in  the  large  intestine  absolutely  requires 
slightly  alkaline  surroundings.  You  have  only  to  make 
the  contents  of  the  large  intestine  somewhat  acid,  and  the 
poisonous  “  weed  ”  is  stopped,  never  again  to  flourish  so 
long  as  the  acid  condition  is  maintained.  It  might  be 
supposed  that  this  end  could  be  attained  by  the  simple 
swallowing  of  acid  fluids.  But  that  is  not  so.  It  is  not 
possible  (without  injury)  to  take  sufficient  quantities  of 
acid  to  keep  the  large  intestine’s  contents  acid.  Fortun¬ 
ately,  there  is  a  microbe — the  lactic  bacillus — which  can, 
and  does,  grow  in  the  large  intestine  (when  encouraged 
to  do  so),  and  produces  from  sugar  a  very  efficient  acid, 
called  “  lactic  acid.”  All  we  have  to  do  then  is  to  swallow 
the  lactic  bacillus  and  also  suitable  sugar  in  such  quan¬ 
tity  that  they  shall  pass  through  all  the  thirty  feet  of  the 
alimentary  canal,  and  arrive  in  the  large  intestine,  there 
to  grow  and  suppress,  by  the  production  of  acid,  the  acid- 
hating  poisonous  bacteria.  Many  races  of  men  have — 
without  consciously  aiming  at  the  repression  of  poison- 
producing  bacteria — for  ages  carried  out  this  procedure, 
feeding  largely  on  “  sour  milk,”  which  is  milk  turned  acid 
by  the  lactic  bacillus,  which  lives  and  swarms  in  the 
soured  liquid.  It  has  been  found  that  there  is  no  diffi¬ 
culty  in  taking  every  day  such  a  quantity  of  “  sour  milk  ” 
and  appropriate  sugar  as  shall  ensure  the  establishment  of 
the  acid-producing  “  lactic  ”  bacillus  in  the  large  intestine 



of  man.  A  vast  number  of  persons  in  Europe  and 
America,  especially  those  who  were  suffering'  from  the 
more  obvious  effects  of  the  absorption  of  poison  from  the 
large  intestine — have  of  late  years  adopted  this  “  regime  ” 
with  complete  success.  It  has  been  found,  definitely  and 
precisely  by  chemical  analysis,  that  persons  who  were 
passing  the  phenol-indol  poisons  through  the  kidney 
(having  absorbed  them  from  the  large  intestine),  so 
soon  as  their  large  intestines  become  “  planted  ”  with  the 
lactic  organism,  cease  to  absorb  those  poisons  and  to 
evacuate  them  through  the  kidneys.  The  poisons  are 
no  longer  produced.  The  problem  of  cultivating  one’s 
own  bacterial  garden  in  the  large  intestine  seems  certainly 
to  have  been  solved,  and  a  definite  step  taken  towards 
freeing  our  tissues  of  the  poisons  due  to  alkaline  putre¬ 
faction  in  the  large  intestine,  which  are  one  of  the  chief 
causes  of  “  senile  decay.” 

As  to  the  injection  into  the  human  body  of  serums 
designed  to  strengthen  the  higher  or  nobler  elements  of 
the  organism  and  to  weaken  the  aggressive  capacity  of 
the  phagocytes  or  eater-cells,  this  method  is  suggested 
by  Metchnikoff  not  as  an  actual  but  as  a  possible  solution 
of  the  problem,  worthy  of  consideration.  Serums 
capable  of  poisoning  particular  kinds  of  cells  have  been 
prepared  (by  Dr.  Bordet,  of  the  Pasteur  Institute)  by 
taking  samples  of  any  one  kind  of  cell — say,  those  of  the 
liver  or  the  kidney  or  the  red  blood  corpuscles — from  one 
species  of  animal  A  and  injecting  them  alive  and  fresh 
into  the  blood  vessels  of  another  species  of  animal  B. 
After  several  injections  spread  over  some  days,  the  blood 
serum  of  the  animal  operated  on  (B)  becomes  destructive 
or  poisonous  to  the  particular  kind  of  cells  taken  from  the 
animal  (A).  And  this  serum  can  now  be  injected  into 
a  living  animal  of  the  first  species  (A).  It  has  been  found 




that  such  serums  injected  in  large  quantities  into  the 
animal  species  A  destroy  the  kind  of  cells  used  in  their 
preparation,  but  if  injected  in  smaller  quantities  actually 
strengthen  them.  The  action  is  analogous  to  that  of 
certain  medicinal  poisons  which  kill  in  large  doses  but  in 
weak  doses  improve  or  strengthen  the  action  of  certain 
tissues.  Thus  it  seems  quite  possible  to  prepare  a  serum 
which,  if  injected  into  the  human  body,  should  strengthen 
a  given  kind  of  nobler  or  higher  tissue,  and  another 
serum  which  should,  when  similarly  used,  poison  and 
weaken  the  phagocytes  and  the  fibre-forming  invading 
worthless  tissues. 

It  is,  it  seems  to  me,  desirable  thus  briefly  to  place 
before  the  reader  what  are  the  possible  lines  of  inquiry  and 
experiment  which  present  themselves  to  the  investigator 
as  likely  to  place  in  our  hands  the  means  of  removing 
the  worst  features  of  the  series  of  changes  which  we  call 
“  senile  decay.”  We  have  lived  to  see  the  old  alchemists’ 
dream  of  the  transmutation  of  elements  realized  by  the 
discovery  of  radium.  It  is  not  impossible  that  a  genera¬ 
tion  or  two  later  than  ours  may  witness  the  discovery  of 
something  not  very  unlike  the  “  elixir  vitae,”  though  not 
altogether  as  powerful  as  that  mythical  preparation  was 
expected  to  be  by  those  who  in  past  ages  sought  for  it. 
The  attitude  of  modern  science  towards  the  future  possi¬ 
bility  of  amelioratin  f  old  age  and  lengthening  the  healthy 
normal  life  of  man  is  one  of  hope  based  on  results  already 
achieved.  But  as  to  the  future  increase  of  man’s  tenure 
of  life  to  a  term  beyond  ,100  years  we  have  no  positive 

Perhaps  it  is  as  well  to  note  in  conclusion  that  it  is 
universally  agreed  that  those  who  would  enjoy  a  happy 
and  prolonged  old  age  must  eat  less,  drink  less,  and  smoke 



less,  work  less,  and  play  less,  than  they  did  in  the  prime 
of  life.  There  must  be  a  real  and  willing  reduction  in 
all  these  quantities  in  proportion  to  the  diminished  vigour 
of  the  individual.  He  must  also  worry  less  and  hurry  less 
than  was  his  habit,  and  he  must  never  run  the  risk  of 
doing  a  harmful  thing,  for  his  chance  of  escaping 
without  permanent  injury  is  no  longer  so  good  as  it  was  ! 



IT  is  a  reasonable  suggestion  that  there  is  a  similarity 
between  the  limitation  in  the  quality  of  the  living 
matter  of  many  plants  and  animals  which  sets  a  term 
to  their  endurance  or  possible  age,  and  that  limitation 
which  results  in  a  cessation  of  growth  in  many  kinds  of 
organisms  after  a  certain  size  has  been  attained.  We 
recognize  a  certain  size  as  that  which  is  characteristic  of 
man  and  of  various  species  of  wild  animals,  and  we  are 
accustomed  to  a  certain  small  variation  in  that  size,  so 
that  individuals  are  somewhat  “  shorter  ”  or  “  taller.” 
But  any  large  divergence  from  the  characteristic  height 
(amounting  in  the  case  of  man  to  a  third  more  or  less 
than  the  average  or  normal  height)  we  regard  as  alto¬ 
gether  exceptional,  and  speak  of  the  abnormally  tall 
individuals  as  “  giants,”  and  the  abnormally  short  as 
“  dwarfs.”  It  is  abundantly  clear  that  the  lease  of  life 
or  potential  longevity  is  not  greater  in  giants  nor  less  in 
dwarfs  than  in  other  men.  Whilst  the  two  things  are 
independent  of  one  another,  it  is  yet  the  fact  that  there  is 
both  in  relation  to  longevity  and  to  stature,  an  innate 
limitation  in  very  many  species  of  animals  as  well  as  men. 
It  is  a  legitimate  supposition  that  the  innate  lease  of  life 
varies  in  individuals  owing  to  an  initial  quality  of  the 
living  material  of  the  individual  in  much  the  same  way  as 
does  the  innate  capacity  for  growth  to  a  normal  size  or 



to  a  size  less  or  greater  than  what  is  normal  or  usual  in  the 
species.  And  so  there  may  be  rare  individuals  born  with 
exceptional  innate  longevity  as  there  are  rare  individuals 
born  with  exceptional  innate  growth-power.  Many 
cases  have  been  recorded  of  human  beings  who  have 
exhibited  senile  decay  and  died  of  it  before  attaining 
twenty  years  of  age. 

Perhaps  all  human  beings  who  reach  ioo  years  of 
age  should  be  regarded  as  exceptional  individuals,  like 
giants.  There  do  not  appear  to  be  many  known  in¬ 
stances  of  a  giant  exceeding  the  average  stature  of  man 
by  more  than  a  half  of  the  normal  measurement.  Frede¬ 
rick  the  Great’s  Scotch  giant  measured  8  ft.  3  in.  in 
height.  Patrick  Cotier,  an  Irishman,  who  died  at  Clifton 
(Bristol)  in  1802,  was  8  ft.  7  in.  high.  The  Irish  giant, 
“  O’Brien  ”  (Charles  Byrne),  whose  skeleton  is  preserved 
in  the  museum  of  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons,  was 
8  ft.  4  in.  in  height.  Chang  or  Chang-woo-goo,  the 
Chinese  giant,  whom  I  saw  several  times  in  London  in 
1880,  was  8  ft.  2  in.  high,  and  a  perfectly  well-propor¬ 
tioned,  good-looking  man  of  charming  manners.  All 
these,  however,  were  exceeded  by  Winkelmaier,  an 
Austrian,  who  was  exhibited  in  London  in  1887,  and 
was  8  ft.  9  in.  in  height.  He,  again,  was  exceeded  by 
Machnow,  a  Russian,  born  at  Charkow,  whom  I  saw 
in  Paris  in  1905.  He  stood  9  ft.  3  in.,  and  weighed 
25  st.  10  lb.  Machnow  is  the  tallest  giant  of  whom  we 
have  trustworthy  record. 

Very  usually  giants  and  dwarfs  do  not  present  the 
proportions  of  ordinary  individuals  magnified  or  dim¬ 
inished.  A  giant’s  head  is  smaller  and  a  dwarf’s  head 
is  larger  than  would  be  that  of  an  average  man  magnified 
or  diminished.  Chang  was  an  exception  to  this  rule, 



and  presented  a  near  approach  to  the  usual  proportions 
of  head,  body,  and  limbs.  Not  infrequently  great  height 
is  due  to  excessive  length  of  the  legs,  the  rest  of  the  body 
not  being  of  unusual  size.  And  very  frequently  giants 
(especially  those  rare  cases  approaching  or  exceeding 
8  ft.  in  height)  are  weak  and  unhealthy  and  die  young. 
The  record,  on  the  other  hand,  of  dwarfs  who  have 
reached  adult  age  and  been  known  as  “  celebrities  ” 
does  not  lead  to  the  supposition  that  they  are  short¬ 
lived.  Two  feet  in  height  appears  to  be  about  the  limit 
of  minuteness  recorded  for  a  healthy  dwarf,  and  is  very 
rare.  Three  feet  is  a  good  record  for  an  adult  dwarf. 
Charles  Stratton,  who  exhibited  himself  under  the  name 
of  “  General  Tom  Thumb  ”  from  1844  onwards,  was 
2  ft.  7  in.  high  when  25  years  old.  He  took  £ 600  in  the 
first  week  of  his  appearance  on  exhibition  in  London, 
whilst  Haydon,  the  painter,  who  exhibited  his  picture, 
“  The  Banishment  of  Aristides,”  in  the  same  building, 
drew  but  £7,  13s.  The  artist  committed  suicide.  The 
dwarf  married  a  diminutive  lady  in  1863,  and  died  in 
comfortable  retirement  in  1883. 

It  is  a  noteworthy  fact  that  both  giants  and  dwarfs 
are  the  offspring  of  parents  of  normal  height.  On  the 
other  hand,  there  is  a  very  general  belief  that  longevity 
— that  is,  an  abnormally  long  lease  of  life — runs  in 
families.  It  is  an  example  of  the  difficulty  which  is 
found  in  arriving  at  a  well-founded  conclusion  in  so 
many  matters  where  inheritance  of  qualities  or  capacities 
is  in  question,  that  it  is  still  doubtful  whether  the  actual 
quality  of  potential  long  life  is  one  which  is  transmitted 
from  parents  to  offspring.  The  habits  of  life  which  we 
know  are  likely  to  favour  long  life  are,  we  also  know, 
likely  to  be  transmitted,  and,  further,  to  be  handed  on  by 
tradition  and  training.  Hence  it  is  difficult  in  any  family 



to  attribute  the  attainment  of  an  age  exceeding  80  or  go 
years  on  the  part  of  many  of  its  members  to  an  inherent 
potential  longevity  inherited  by  all  or  most  of  the 
members  of  the  family,  rather  than  to  the  inheritance 
of  traditions  and  character  affecting  the  conduct  of  life 
and  leading  to  avoidance  of  disease,  and  to  moderation 
in  eating,  drinking,  and  those  abuses  of  strength  which 
shorten  the  lives  of  most  men.  On  the  other  hand,  there 
is  no  reason  to  doubt  that  the  breeder  of  this  or  that  kind 
of  animal  could  produce  a  long-lived  or  a  short-lived 
strain  or  race  by  the  usual  method  of  selection. 

Giants  have  been  the  subject  of  exaggerated  tradi¬ 
tion  and  myth  in  early  times,  and  wonderful  stories  of 
prehistoric  men  15  feet  and  20  feet  high  have  been 
accepted  even  as  late  as  a  century  ago,  just  as  the  tradi¬ 
tion  has  been  accepted  of  men  living  to  be  several  hundred 
years  old  in  those  remote  days,  of  which  we  have  no 
contemporary  records.  The  Greeks  told  of  the  Cyclopes 
and  wild  tribes  of  giants.  “  Giant  legends  ”  of  the  kind 
are  common  in  Europe  and  Asia.  The  barbaric  tribes 
who  resisted  the  incursions  of  a  more  civilized  race  were 
described  as  big  and  stupid  giants,  and  were  exagger¬ 
ated  into  monsters  in  the  legends  of  their  conquerors. 
Mere  pictures  and  effigies  of  gigantic  size  have  un¬ 
doubtedly  given  rise  to  legends  of  the  existence  of  giants. 
The  misunderstanding  of  works  of  art  has,  in  the  early 
days  of  European  civilization,  been  a  most  fertile  source 
of  legends  of  monsters  and  prodigies  of  all  kinds.  In 
mediaeval  times  nearly  every  great  city  in  Europe  pos¬ 
sessed  one  or  more  gigantic  figures  (constructed  of  wicker¬ 
work  or  light  material  of  the  kind),  which  were  carried 
in  procession  on  days  of  festival,  and  were  supposed 
to  represent  tutelary  deities  or  mythical  personages. 
Legend  grew  up  around  these  purely  “  decorative  ” 



emblems  ;  Gog  and  Magog  are  still  preserved  in  the 
City  of  London,  and  the  effigy  of  a  similar  giant  is  to  be 
seen  in  the  museum  at  Salisbury. 

But,  apart  from  these  incitements  to  develop  legends 
of  giants,  we  have  the  finding  in  the  ground  of  huge  bones 
and  teeth — those  of  the  mammoth  or  Arctic  elephant — 
which  have  been  at  different  times  and  in  various  towns 
of  England  and  Europe  believed  to  be  the  bones  and 
teeth  of  gigantic  men.  The  giants  in  the  arms  of  the 
cities  of  Basle  and  of  Lucerne  apparently  owe  their 
origin  to  the  finding  of  such  bones,  and  to  the  report  of 
the  physician,  Felix  Plater,  who  examined  some  bones  dug 
up  in  the  year  1577  in  Switzerland,  and  declared  them  to 
be  those  of  a  human  giant  19  feet  high.  Such  bones 
were  considered  even  in  the  last  century  as  genuine 
relics  of  the  giant  men  who  once  inhabited  the  earth. 
Bones  of  whales  brought  home  by  sailormen,  as  well  as 
those  of  fossil  mammoths,  still  do  duty  in  historic  castles 
for  the  remains  of  dragon-like  monsters  or  gigantic  men. 

The  mere  exaggeration  of  one  who  tells  the  story  of 
the  strange  sights  he  has  met  with  during  his  travels  in 
remote  lands  is  responsible  for  a  large  part  of  the  belief 
in  races  of  giants.  The  ancient  Arabian  voyagers 
visited  Madagascar,  and  saw  the  eggs  and  bones  of  the 
big  extinct  bird,  the  Aipyornis,  of  which  the  museums  of 
London  and  Paris  contain  many  specimens.  Possibly 
they  may  even  have  seen  the  living  birds.  The  egg  of  the 
Aipyornis  is  certainly  big — much  bigger  than  that  of  an 
ostrich,  about  three  times  its  length  and  breadth.  But 
such  is  the  human  habit  of  exaggeration  that  in  the  story 
of  Sindbad  the  Sailor,  told  in  the  wonderful  “  Thousand 
Nights  and  the  One  Night,”  the  egg  has  become  as  big 
as  the  dome  of  a  mosque,  and  the  bird  is  represented  as 



easily  carrying  Sindbad  into  the  Valley  of  Diamonds. 
In  the  early  Spanish  accounts  of  Patagonia  (Pigafetta’s 
“  Voyage  Round  the  World  ”)  the  inhabitants  are 
represented  as  being  of  such  a  monstrous  size  that  the 
heads  of  the  Spanish  sailors  barely  reached  to  their 
waists  !  This  tradition  of  the  gigantic  size  of  the  Pata¬ 
gonians  is  still  current.  I  was  brought  up  on  it  myself. 
In  reality,  they  are  merely  a  fine  race,  of  an  average  height 
of  5  ft.  II  in.,  identical  with  that  of  the  inhabitants  of 
many  districts  in  the  north  of  Great  Britain.  It  is  prob¬ 
able  that  wherever  early  man,  on  his  migrations,  en¬ 
countered  and  fought  with  a  tall  race  he  exaggerated  the 
size  of  his  opponents  and  gradually  magnified  them  to 
the  size  of  giants.  Or,  to  put  it  more  precisely,  the  man 
who  heard  the  first  account  and  related  it  to  a  later  genera¬ 
tion  added  a  bit  to  the  stature  of  the  big  race,  and  that 
generation,  in  relating  the  story  to  the  next,  added  a  little 
more,  and  so  on,  as  in  the  story  of  the  three  black  crows. 
That  story,  though  no  doubt  familiar  to  most  of  my 
readers,  is  too  instructive — as  an  example  of  the  manu¬ 
facture  of  a  legend  by  inaccurate  repetition  of  hearsay 
evidence — to  be  passed  over  when  an  opportunity  occurs 
for  its  quotation.  Mr.  X.,  a  resident  in  a  remote  village, 
is  informed  by  a  neighbour,  Mrs.  Smith,  that  a  wonderful 
thing  has  occurred  in  their  midst — in  fact,  old  Mrs. 
Jones  has  vomited  three  black  crows,  which  were  no 
sooner  seen  than  they  spread  their  wings  and  flew  away. 
Mrs.  Smith  states  that  she  did  not  see  the  birds  herself, 
but  was  fully  informed  in  regard  to  the  occurrence  by 
that  trustworthy  party,  Mrs.  Brown.  Mr.  X.  accordingly 
calls  on  Mrs.  Brown  and  asks  for  her  version  of  the 
occurrence.  She  declares  that  she  had  not  stated  that 
three  black  crows  were  ejected  by  old  Mrs.  Jones,  but  only 
one,  and  that  she  was  assured  of  this  by  Mrs.  Robinson, 
who  saw  the  bird.  Accordingly  Mr.  X.  hunts  up  Mrs. 



Robinson  and  inquires  of  her  as  to  this  wonderful  bird. 
Mrs.  Robinson  is  much  astonished  and  annoyed.  She 
declares  that  what  she  said  was  that  old  Mrs.  Jones  had 
vomited  “  something  as  black  as  a  crow,”  and  there  Mr. 
X.  leaves  the  matter,  satisfied  with  having  traced  a  legend 
to  its  actual  basis  of  fact.  Many  marvellous  legends, 
popularly  accepted  as  true,  have  originated  in  an  equally 
crude  perversion  of  a  statement  of  a  not  very  unusual 
occurrence,  as  it  has  passed  from  the  original  truthful 
narrator  through  a  series  of  wonder-loving  storytellers. 

The  remains  of  extinct  races  of  men  which  have 
been  dug  up  furnish  no  evidence  of  the  former  existence 
of  “  giants,”  nor  does  any  race  of  men  larger  than  that 
inhabiting  the  northern  parts  of  Great  Britain  exist  at  the 
present  day.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  the  fact  that  a 
“  pygmy  race  ”  of  men  is  found  in  tropical  Africa  and 
parts  of  Southern  Asia.  They  range  from  about  4  feet 
to  about  4|  feet  in  height.  Wild  species  of  animals  have 
usually  a  definite  size  characteristic  of  the  species,  and 
show  but  a  small  range  of  variation  in  measurement, 
though  sometimes  a  “  local  race,”  of  larger  or  smaller  size 
than  that  which  is  usual,  is  observed.  The  puma  (Felis 
concolor)  is  one  of  the  most  variable  in  size  among  the 
larger  wild  animals.  Many  reptiles  and  fish  (as  well  as 
many  of  the  lower  aquatic  invertebrate  animals)  appear  to 
have  no  definite  limit  of  growth,  but  to  continue  to  in¬ 
crease  in  bulk  as  long  as  they  live.  Hence  exceptionally 
large  individuals  ( e.g .  of  crocodiles,  snakes,  pike,  lobsters, 
whelks,  and  mussels)  are  occasionally  found.  But 
among  the  warm-blooded  vertebrates — the  mammals  and 
birds — though  very  large  species  and  very  small  species 
of  the  same  genus  are  not  uncommon  (such  as  the  pygmy 
hippopotamus  of  Liberia  and  the  full-sized  species  of  the 
Nile  and  other  African  rivers,  the  large  and  small  species 



of  true  deer,  of  bovines,  of  cats,  etc.),  yet  giants  and  dwarfs 
within  the  ranks  of  a  single  species,  such  as  we  know  in 
the  case  of  man,  are  not  found  except  in  domesticated 
races.  Natural  selection  sternly  eliminates  all  aberra¬ 
tions  in  size,  whether  giants  or  dwarfs. 



WHEN  I  was  director  of  the  Natural  History 
Museum,  I  frequently  received  letters  about  four¬ 
legged  chicks,  double-headed  lambs,  and  cyclo- 
pian  (one-eyed)  pigs,  often  accompanied  by  specimens. 
One  I  remember  was  addressed  to  “  The  Keeper  of  the 
Freaks,  South  Kensington,”  and  having  been,  very  natur¬ 
ally,  delivered  first  of  all  at  the  neighbouring  Art  Museum 
(now  the  Victoria  and  Albert  Museum)  was  passed  on 
with  something  like  indignant  repudiation  to  me  at  the 
Natural  History  Museum.  I  was  for  some  years  kept  in 
touch  with  “  the  freaks  ”  by  letters  sent  to  the  office  of 
“  The  Daily  Telegraph,”  and  will  therefore  say  a  few 
words  here  about  these  curious  natural  productions. 

In  order  that  my  readers  may  appreciate  the  interest 
and  significance  of  these  “  monsters,”  it  is  necessary  to 
give  a  brief  sketch  of  a  very  difficult  subject,  which  we 
may  call  the  “  Laws  of  Form,”  studied  by  zoologists  and 
botanists  under  the  name  “  Morphology,”  the  name 
given  to  it  by  the  great  German  Goethe  who  was  poet, 
naturalist,  and  philosopher.  I  am  all  the  more  anxious  to 
say  a  few  words  on  this  subject,  since  it  is  that  which  it 
has  been  my  greatest  pleasure,  as  well  as  my  chief  business 
to  study  and  to  teach,  during  the  best  part  of  my  life. 

If  we  look  at  the  lifeless  material  of  which  the  surface 




and  crust  of  the  earth — as  well  as  its  interior — is  com¬ 
posed,  we  find  that  n  the  absence  of  the  hand  of  man 
and  of  the  living  bodies  of  plants  and  animals,  the  masses 
of  material  which  project  here  and  there  on  the  general 
surface  are  very  irregular,  either  angular  or  rounded, 
but  not  symmetrical  (that  is  with  opposite  sides  alike), 
nor  capable  of  being  grouped  into  various  classes  of  like 
shapes.  All,  in  fact,  differ  so  much  from  one  another, 
that  we  must  conclude  that  their  shapes  are  due,  not  to 
intrinsic  laws  or  rules  requiring  certain  known  patterns 
of  shape  to  be  assumed  by  this  rough  material,  but  to 
the  conflicting  action  of  a  number  of  external  forces. 
Thus,  we  find  water  wearing  down  the  hard  material, 
excavating  valleys,  leaving  irregular  mountains  and 
pinnacles,  spreading  flats  of  gravel  and  mud,  with  broken 
rock  sometimes  interspersed,  over  the  valleys.  We  find 
wind  blowing  and  piling  up  sand,  and  as  “  sand-blast  ” 
cutting  and  polishing  here  and  there.  We  find  earth¬ 
quakes  shattering  the  rocks  and  opening  irregular  chasms 
in  the  solid  ground.  We  find  the  sea  irregularly  wearing 
away  the  land  at  one  place  and  piling  up  “  beach  ”  at 
another,  so  as  to  give  irregular  outlines  to  our  coasts. 
We  see  the  glaciers  of  the  mountain-sides  grinding  and 
polishing,  and  the  ice  as  it  forms  splitting  the  rocks  into 
irregular  shapes.  Clearly  all  these  ceaseless  changes  are 
due  to  law-abiding  necessary  causes,  but  the  result  of 
their  operation  is  not  to  produce  any  recognizable  shapes 
of  definite  pattern,  excepting  so  far  as  this  is  true  of  the 
vaguely  tree-like  shape  of  the  furrows  or  cuttings,  caused 
by  the  convergence  of  rivulets  to  form  streams  and  streams 
to  form  rivers  ;  a  shape  which  may  be  studied  in  the 
minute  rivulets  formed  by  the  draining  water  on  the  sands 
uncovered  by  the  sea  at  low  tide. 

Even  when  we  come  to  look  at  the  small  bits  of  this 



mineral  surface  of  the  earth  we  find  as  a  rule  that  they 
are  irregular,  of  varied  shapes  and  sizes,  angular  rock 
fragments  or  water-worn  rounded  pebbles  and  grains  of 
endless  variety  and  individual  form.  Soon,  however,  a 
closer  examination  will  reveal  here  and  there  more  or 
less  abundantly  in  sands  and  gravels  and  rock  fragments 
those  beautiful  shapes  which  are  called  crystals,  usually 
of  minute  size,  but  sometimes  an  inch,  or  even  a  foot, 
in  length.  “  Crystals  ”  are  solid  “  geometrical  ”  figures 
bounded  by  flat  surfaces  and  straight  lines.  They  are 
cubes,  octahedra  (eight-faced  blocks),  dodecahedra 
(twelve-faced  blocks),  pyramids,  six-sided,  and  four¬ 
sided  columns  and  needles,  and  other  shapes.  Some  are 
upright,  like  a  cube  or  an  oblong  block  with  vertical 
sides  ;  others  have  their  sides  set  obliquely  or  slantwise  ; 
but  all  are  extremely  regular,  sharply  “  cut,”  as  it  were, 
and  are  classified  into  a  perfectly  definite  limited  series  of 
primary  shapes  or  patterns,  some  of  which  I  have  just 
mentioned.  They  are  sometimes  white  and  opaque, 
sometimes  coloured,  sometimes  transparent  and  colour¬ 
less,  sometimes  beautifully  tinted.  Rock-crystal, 
amethyst,  common  salt,  selenite,  iceland-spar,  emerald, 
topaz,  garnet,  diamond,  fluor-spar,  felspar,  pyrites, 
galena  (lead  ore)  are  a  few  examples  of  “  crystals  ” 
which  are  found  in  the  crust  of  the  earth.  They  have 
been  produced,  some  in  the  molten  rocks  of  igneous 
origin,  some  in  sedimentary  rocks  deposited  by  water. 
A  most  important  fact  is  that  they  are  “  pure  ”  chemical 
compounds,  not  mixtures.  A  lump  of  mud  is  an  impure 
mixture  of  a  great  number  of  particles  of  many  different 
chemical  compounds,  which  can  be  separated  from  one 
another  by  rubbing  the  mud  up  in  water,  and  letting  the 
particles  separate  and  subside,  whilst  a  gentle  stream  is 
set  up  in  the  water,  which  carries  some  of  the  varied 
particles  farther  than  others. 



A  crystal  (though  sometimes  it  “  includes  ”  impurities 
and  a  large  quantity  of  water,  called  “  water  of  crystal¬ 
lization  ”)  is  either  a  pure  “  element,”  such  as  carbon, 
sulphur,  copper,  gold  ;  or  it  is  a  single  chemical  com¬ 
pound,  such  as  chloride  of  sodium  (common  salt),  or 
fluoride  of  calcium  (fluor-spar),  or  sulphide  of  lead 
(galena),  or  some  other  of  a  vast  series  of  possible 

I  must  for  a  moment  stop  to  say  what  we  mean  by 
“  a  chemical  compound.”  Chemists  have  discovered, 
in  the  course  of  centuries  of  heating  and  dissolving,  and 
otherwise  “  torturing  ”  the  substance  of  things,  that  they 
can  extract  from  natural  bodies  about  eighty  substances 
— some  abundant,  some  very  rare — which,  do  what  you 
will  to  them,  cannot  be  broken  up  so  as  to  yield  con¬ 
stituent  substances.1  They  are  the  ultimate  irreducible 
constituents  of  matter  on  this  earth,  and  are  called  “  the 
elements  ”  (a  curious  word,  signifying  in  Roman  times 
the  letters  of  the  alphabet,  drawn  each  on  a  block  of  ivory, 
such  as  children  use  in  order  to  learn  to  spell).  All 
material  things  consist  either  of  these  elements  in  a  pure 
state,  or  of  substances  formed  by  combinations  of  the 
elements,  two  or  more,  in  definite  and  fixed  numerical 
proportion,  according  to  weight.  These  definite  com¬ 
binations  are  called  “  chemical  compounds,”  or  “  com¬ 
binations,”  and  are  broadly  distinguished  from  mere 

1  I  must  qualify  this  statement  by  substituting  “have  not  been’’ 
for  "cannot  be.”  The  discoveries  of  the  last  twenty-five  years  as  to 
Uranium,  Thorium,  Radium,  and  Helium,  lead  to  the  conclusion  that 
whilst  the  "elements  "  do  as  a  rule  defeat  all  attempts  to  break  them 
into  constituent  substances,  yet  some  do  "decompose”  into  con¬ 
stituent  bodies,  and  that  it  is  not  improbable  that  such  a  breaking 
down  of  elements  into  constituent  bodies  may  be  found  to  take  place 
in  other  initances ;  and  thus  our  notions  as  to  the  nature  of  what  we 
call  "  elements  "  may  be  greatly  modified. 



mixtures.  In  chemical  combination  the  original  pro¬ 
perties  of  the  combining  elements  disappear,  and  quite 
new  properties  are  shown  by  the  compound.  Thus, 
eight  pounds  of  the  gas  oxygen  chemically  combine  with 
one  pound  of  the  gas  hydrogen  to  form  nine  pounds 
of  water — and  in  that  proportion  only.  Twenty-three 
pounds  of  the  soft,  light  metal  sodium  (which  floats  on 
water),  combine  with  35^  pounds  (neither  more  nor  less) 
of  the  pungent,  poisonous,  yellow-green  gas  chlorine — to 
form  the  clear  cube-shaped  crystals  of  common  salt — a 
substance  as  different  from  its  constituent  elements  as 
it  is  possible  to  imagine.  Such  are  “  chemical  com¬ 
pounds  ” — unions  of  two  or  more  elements  in  absolutely 
fixed  proportions,  resulting  in  the  formation  of  bodies  of 
distinct  properties,  differing  completely  in  cohesion, 
in  colour,  transparency,  hardness,  and  chemical  activity 
from  the  elements  thus  combined,  which,  nevertheless, 
can  by  appropriate  methods  be  extracted  from  the  com¬ 
bination  and  restored  to  their  original  state  ! 

Nearly  every  chemical  compound  has  one  shape  of 
crystal  which  is  its  specific  shape  and  has  no  obvious 
relation  to  the  crystalline  shape  of  its  constituent  elements. 
The  ultimate  particles  of  the  chemical  compound  have 
this  particular  crystalline  shape,  and  they  may  adhere  to 
one  another  only  in  sufficient  number  to  form  very  minute 
crystals,  or  in  other  circumstances  they  may  keep  on 
joining  one  another  and  so  build  up  single  crystals  of 
the  same  shape  but  immensely  bigger.  Crystals  are 
formed  most  frequently  when  a  chemical  body  which  was 
in  solution  in  water  (or  in  other  liquid  due  to  great  heat) 
ceases  to  be  “  dissolved  ”  owing  to  the  “  drying  up  ” 
(escape  as  a  vapour)  of  the  water  or  the  cessation  of  the 
great  heat.  Crystals  are  formed  when,  owing  to  these 
and  other  causes,  the  crystalline  particles  of  a  chemically 



pure  substance  become  separated  from  surrounding 
matter.  They  attract  and  adhere  to  one  another,  and 
form  either  a  mass  of  small  crystals  or  a  group  of  con¬ 
joined  crystals  or  one  big  crystal.  The  shape  of  the 
crystals  depends  on  the  shape  of  the  ultimate  crystalline 
particles  (so  small  as  to  be  invisible),  which  fit  to  each 
other  in  series,  side  by  side,  all  facing  the  same  way.  In 
common  salt  the  ultimate  crystalline  particles  are  cubes. 
You  can  see  by  looking  at  the  table  salt  in  a  salt-cellar 
with  a  lens  that  it  consists  of  small  cubic  crystals.  But 
the  best  way  is  to  make  a  strong  solution  of  the  salt 
in  water  and  to  let  it  “  evaporate.”  If  you  hasten  the 
evaporation  by  heat  you  will  get  only  small  cubes,  but  if 
you  let  it  go  on  for  a  few  days  without  artificial  heat  and 
put  some  threads  of  cotton  or  wool  into  the  brine  for  the 
crystals  to  stick  to,  you  can  get  quite  large  cubes  as  big 
as  a  pea.  Common  alum,  which  is  a  combination  of 
sulphur,  oxygen,  and  the  metals  aluminium  and  potas¬ 
sium,  crystallizes  in  double  four-sided  pyramids  called 
octahedra  (eight-faced).  By  allowing  it  to  crystallize 
slowly  from  its  solution  in  water  very  large  individual 
crystals  as  big  as  a  man’s  fist  may  be  obtained.  When 
quite  pure  they  are  colourless,  but  minute  quantities  of 
iron  when  present  in  the  liquid  give  them  a  pale  red  tint, 
and  pale  green,  purple  and  blue  crystals  may  be  formed 
owing  to  the  presence  of  traces  of  chromium,  manganese, 
or  copper.  It  is  by  such  impurities  that  crystalline  gems 
acquire  their  colour,  both  diamond  and  sapphire  or  ruby 
being  colourless  when  pure,  but  occurring  also  with  blue, 
red,  and  green  colour.  Sulphur  melted  in  a  crucible 
crystallizes  as  delicate  needles  when  allowed  to  cool. 
Crystals  of  endless  varieties  of  chemical  compounds  occur 
in  natural  rocks,  and  even  the  red  oxygen-carrying  sub¬ 
stance  of  our  blood — a  definite  chemical  compound  of 
carbon,  hydrogen,  oxygen,  nitrogen,  and  iron — can  be 



induced  to  crystallize  in  the  form  of  four-faced  pyramids 
and  of  plates  and  needles  having  a  four-sided  skewed  or 
oblique  outline  (see  page  54).  Here,  then,  we  discover 
in  these  natural  products  called  “  crystals  ”  a  law  of 
form,  an  inherent  symmetrical  shaping  of  solid  material, 
which  invariably  shows  itself  in  certain  chemical  com¬ 
pounds.  Each  has  a  particular  shape  of  which  the 
angles  can  be  measured,  being  characteristic  of  or 
essentially  belonging  to  that  chemical  compound.  The 
number  of  possible  kinds  of  crystalline  shapes  is  limited  ; 
whilst  there  are  many  thousand  different  chemical 
combinations.  Consequently  many  of  the  latter  have 
very  nearly  or  quite  identical  crystalline  form. 

What  is  the  cause  of  this  form  ?  The  form  is  a 
“  property  ”  of  the  ultimate  structural  particles  de¬ 
pendent  on  and  varying  with  their  chemical  nature.  We 
can  only  speak  of  it  as  “  crystallization  ”  or  “  crystal 
formation,”  and  we  really  cannot  get  any  further  in  the 
way  of  stating  how  or  why  it  occurs.  There  are  solid 
bodies,  such  as  glass,  glue,  gum,  and  pitch,  the  particles 
of  which  do  not  arrange  themselves  as  crystals.  When 
we  break  them,  or  otherwise  examine  into  their  “  struc¬ 
ture,”  we  find  that  it  is  equal  throughout.  They  do  not 
break  into  definite  angular-shaped  figures  nor  show 
regular  planes  of  strain  and  structure  pervading  every 
minutest  part  of  the  mass.  They  are  called  “  amor¬ 
phous,”  that  is,  without  inherent  deeply  seated  shape  or 
form  in  their  substance.  Their  particles  exhibit  simple 
cohesion.  Cohesion  is  the  name  given  to  what  is  called 
“  a  molecular  force  ” — the  “  attraction  ”  exhibited  by 
the  particles  of  a  solid  body  for  one  another.  Rigidity, 
hardness,  brittleness,  malleability,  are  names  for  variations 
in  its  intensity.  It  resembles  that  universal  attraction 
called  “  gravitation  ”  exhibited  by  larger  masses  of  matter 



for  one  another — of  which  the  fall  of  an  apple  to  the  earth 
and  the  “  pull  ”  of  the  stars  and  planets  and  moons  on 
one  another  are  examples.  But  “  cohesion  ”  is  not  ex¬ 
hibited  until  two  particles  of  the  same  nature  are  brought 
very  close  indeed  to  one  another.  Adhesion  is  the  name 
used  when  particles  of  different  nature,  as,  for  instance, 
water  and  stone,  are  concerned.  Two  highly  polished 
surfaces  of  glass  (or  of  metal)  will — because  their  smooth¬ 
ness  enables  them  to  come  very  close  to  one  another — 
when  placed  one  on  the  other,  cohere.  They  become 
united  as  one  piece.  This  attraction  for  particle  to 
particle  comes  into  play  at  very  close  quarters,  and 
only  at  very  close  quarters.  Crystallization  is  apparently 
a  peculiar  “  ordering  ”  or  “  regulation  ”  of  cohesion. 
Crystalline  cohesion  is  an  active  definite  interference  with 
the  operation  of  the  “  molecular  force  ”  of  simple 

It  is  an  important  fact  that  some  chemical  sub¬ 
stances  (chemical  “  species,”  we  may  say)  occur  both 
in  the  amorphous  and  the  crystalline  state.  Thus  the 
chemical  species  silica — the  combination  of  the  gaseous 
element  oxygen  and  the  solid  element  “  silicon  ” — occurs 
in  the  crystalline  state,  as  rock  crystal,  quartz,  and  chal¬ 
cedony,  and  it  also  occurs  as  “  amorphous  ”  silica,  called 
opal,  and  devoid  of  all  crystalline  structure.  The  only 
difference  in  the  composition  of  opal  and  quartz  is  the 
presence  of  a  little  more  solidified  water  in  the  one  than 
in  the  other.  And  the  amorphous  silica,  or  opal,  may, 
under  conditions  which  are  not  precisely  known,  sud¬ 
denly  change  into  crystalline  silica.  Another  case  is 
that  of  the  flexible  “  amorphous  ”  sulphur  obtained  by 
pouring  melted  sulphur  into  water.  This  viscous  sulphur, 
without  a  trace  of  crystalline  structure  when  first  pre¬ 
pared,  in  the  course  of  a  few  hours  begins  to  change  its 



state  of  cohesion  and  becomes  a  mass  of  minute  delicate 

The  “  laws  ”  or  “  rules  ”  of  crystalline  cohesion  have 
been  profoundly  studied,  and  are  minutely  known,  though 
the  existence  of  this  determining  force,  with  all  its 
variety  and  relation  to  chemical  composition,  remains  an 
ultimate  fact,  which  we  have  to  accept  simply  as  we  do 
that  of  “  gravitation  ”  and  that  of  the  “  chemical  attrac¬ 
tion  ”  of  the  elements  for  one  another,  resulting  in  their 
combination  as  “  chemical  compounds.” 

Our  knowledge  of  crystallization  is  a  part  of  “  mor¬ 
phology,”  the  law  of  form.  It  seems  strange  that  one 
should  write  of  this  subject — crystallization — as  an 
introduction  to  the  understanding  of  four-legged  chicks. 
What  has  a  rock-crystal  to  do  with  a  misshapen  bird  ? 
The  answer  is  that  there  is  an  inherent  compelling  regula¬ 
tion  of,  or  interference  with,  simple  cohesion  in  the 
substance  of  living  things  which  can  only  be  compared 
with  that  strange  direction  or  domination  of  cohesion  in 
crystals  which  is  called  “  crystal  formation.”  No  one 
suggests  that  what  has  been  called  “  organic  polarity  ” 
—the  inherent  tendency  of  the  substance  of  plants  and 
animals  to  assume  definite  symmetrical  and  self-repeating 
form — is  the  same  thing  as  the  tendency  to  take  on 
crystalline  form  and  structure.  But  the  existence  of  the 
latter  and  its  study  may  help  us  in  some  degree  to  con¬ 
ceive  of  the  mechanism  at  the  root  of  the  former.  In 
any  case,  they  are  the  two  great  examples  of  natural 
production  of  regular,  complex,  definitely  ordered  form 
by  processes  having  their  seat  in  the  very  substance 
exhibiting  the  form.  These  marvellous  ordered  forms 
are  not  simply  and  directly  wrought  by  the  gross  external 
agency  of  ordinary  pressure  and  blow,  though  they  are,  of 



course,  bound  up  with  and  eventually  due  to  the  universal 
change  and  flow  of  surrounding  material  things  and 
modes  of  motion.  They  are  both  due  in  different  degree 
to  “  molecular  forces  ”  inherent  in  the  substance  of 
which  they  consist. 



THE  resemblances  between  the  growth  and  the 
form-properties  of  a  living  thing  and  those  of 
a  crystal  are  in  some  important  respects  very 
striking.  A  minute  crystal  (such  as  one  of  common 
salt  or  of  alum)  placed  in  water,  in  which  many  chemical 
compounds  are  dissolved,  as  well  as  that  compound  of 
which  it  is  itself  built  up,  will  attract  the  dissolved 
particles  identical  with  its  own  and  add  them  to  itself, 
thus  “  growing  ”  in  bulk.  It  will  neglect  and  reject  the 
other  dissolved  particles.  Thus,  in  a  mixed  solution  of 
alum,  common  salt,  and  sugar,  a  crystal  of  alum  will 
pick  out  by  attraction  the  dissolved  alum  and  leave  the 
other  substances  in  solution.  Similarly  the  germ  of 
some  living  things,  or,  to  take  a  more  simple  example,  a 
small  bit  cut  off  from  some  plants  (a  bit  of  the  leaf  of 
Begonia  prolifera  is  the  best  instance)  will,  when  placed 
in  damp  soil,  attract  to  itself  chemical  substances  dis¬ 
solved  in  the  moisture  which  contain  the  chemical 
elements  required  by  it  as  “  food,”  and  will  add  them  to 
its  substance,  and  thus  grow  into  a  perfect  plant  of  large 

There  is,  however,  an  important  difference  between  the 
attractive  action  of  living  substance  and  that  of  a 
crystal.  The  crystal  can  only  attract  the  dissolved 



particles,  which  are  identical  in  composition  with  its  own 
substance.  On  the  contrary,  the  living  thing  takes  up 
substances  as  “  food  ”  which  contain  the  chemical 
elements  it  requires,  but  in  different  combinations  from 
that  in  which  they  exist  in  “  protoplasm,”  or  living 
substance.  Protoplasm  has  the  unique  property  of  alter¬ 
ing  the  chemical  combinations  of  the  elements  present 
in  the  matter  taken  in  as  “  food  ”  and  recombining  them 
so  as  to  construct  the  very  elaborate  chemical  combina¬ 
tions  which  exist  in  living  substances.  This  is  a  very 
remarkable  power  possessed  by  living  substance,  and 
broadly  distinguishes  the  nutrition  and  growth  of  living 
things  from  the  attraction  exerted  by  crystals  in  con¬ 
sequence  of  which  there  is  an  addition  to  the  crystal  of 
a  ready-made  chemical  substance  identical  with  that  of 
which  the  crystal  consists. 

Another  point  in  which  the  growth  of  living  things 
resembles  that  of  crystals  is  that  the  growing  mass  has  a 
definite  symmetrical  and  often  elaborate  shape,  to  which 
its  growth  is,  as  it  were,  constrained  or  self-restricted. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  “  shaping  ”  of  most  living  things 
is,  far  and  away,  more  elaborate  than  that  of  crystals, 
since  the  outside  differs  from  the  inside,  and  a  variety  of 
parts,  internal  as  well  as  external,  are  produced  as 
growth  proceeds,  whereas  the  crystal,  though  it  differs 
from  an  “  amorphous  ”  substance  in  having  crystalline 
“  structure,”  yet  exhibits  the  same  uniform  structure 
throughout  its  mass. 

If  a  crystal  be  allowed  to  grow  very  quietly  in  a 
solution  of  the  chemical  substance  of  which  it  consists 
it  will  often  attain  large  size,  as,  for  instance,  will  an 
octahedron  or  double-pyramidal  crystal  of  alum.  But 
very  slight  agitation  of  the  liquid  or  other  mechanical 



disturbance  will  upset  the  balance  and  unity  of  the 
crystalline  growth  ;  it  will  suddenly  change  its  mode  of 
growth,  and  grow  as  two  crystals  joined  to  one  another 
instead  of  a  single  one.  And  this  may  go  further,  so 
that  many  crystals  will  start  growing  in  one  mass,  instead 
of  the  growth  proceeding  and  keeping  the  form  of  a  single 
enlarging  crystal.  It  is  important  to  notice  that  when 
two  or  several  “  units  ”  of  form  thus  arise  from  the 
disturbance  of  the  growth  of  a  single  crystal  the  new  or 
secondary  units  are  precisely  of  the  same  form  and 
character  as  the  single  one  would  have  been,  but  smaller. 
A  mass  is  built  up  by  “  repetition  ”  of  similar  units  of 
form  instead  of  by  the  increase  of  one  original  unit.  The 
same  thing  occurs  in  the  growth  of  living  forms.  Some¬ 
times  an  original  unit  of  form  goes  on  increasing  in  bulk 
and  remaining  as  the  one  individual  unit  which  started 
to  grow.  But  most  frequently  the  growing  unit,  after 
some  increase,  divides  incompletely,  and  we  get  several 
conjoined  units  of  similar  form  building  up  the  living 
thing,  and  each  growing  simultaneously.  The  simplest 
form-unit  of  living  matter  (protoplasm)  is  the  minute  more 
or  less  spherical  structure  called  a  “  cell.”  Some  micro¬ 
scopic  plants  and  animals  (Protozoa  and  Protophyta) 
consist  of  single  cells,  which  when  they  divide  do  so  com¬ 
pletely,  and  separate  from  one  another  to  lead  an  in¬ 
dependent  existence.  But  in  by  far  the  larger  number  of 
living  things  these  primary  or  simplest  units  divide  and 
remain  (like  a  group  of  crystals)  in  contact,  and  form 
large  “  many-celled  ”  masses  visible  to  the  naked  eye, 
and  in  many  cases  attain  vast  sizes,  such  as  the  whale  or 
the  cedar  tree. 

Not  only  that,  but  the  many-celled  masses  themselves 
also  acquire  definite  and  restricted  symmetrical  and 
characteristic  shape.  They  are  called  secondary  units, 



or  units  of  the  second  order.  In  animals  these  secondary 
units  have  essentially  the  form  of  a  hollow  sac,  built  up  by 
two  layers  of  “  cells,”  with  a  mouth  at  one  end.  Some 
animals  consist  when  full  grown  of  a  single  secondary 
unit  of  this  kind.  Such  are  sea-anemones  and  single 
polyps,  also  some  of  the  simpler  worms  and  the  molluscs 
(mussels  and  snails)  But  just  as  the  primary  units,  by 
division  and  repetition,  give  rise  to  the  sac-like  secondary 
units,  so  very  often  do  the  secondary  units  also  give  rise 
by  growth  to  aggregations  of  secondary  units  instead  of 
becoming  larger  and  larger  and  retaining  their  single 
character.  These  more  complicated  units  are  called 
units  of  the  third  order  or  “  tertiary  ”  aggregates,  and 
they,  too,  have  their  own  special  restricted  shape  and 
characters.  They  vary  greatly  in  the  degree  to  which  the 
secondary  units,  of  which  they  are  built  up,  are  either 
obvious  and  nearly  separate,  or  are  closely  united  and 
fused  so  as  to  be  bound  closely  together  to  constitute  an 
individual  of  the  third  order.  Many  animals  resembling 
sea-anemones,  after  growing  to  a  certain  size  as  a  single 
unit,  proceed  to  form  a  second,  and  many  more,  from  the 
original  base  by  which  the  creature  is  attached  to  a  stone 
or  rock.  Thus  a  whole  group  of  anemone-like  individuals 
connected  at  their  base  arises.  This  is  a  “  tertiary 
aggregate,”  or  unit  of  the  third  order.  It  is  thus  that 
corals  consisting  of  thousands  of  united  polyps,  come  into 
existence.  The  composite  assemblage  thus  formed  often 
acquires  a  shape  of  its  own,  tree-like  or  hemispherical, 
or,  as  in  the  “  sea-pens  ”  and  “  sea-firs,”  takes  the  form 
of  a  plume  or  palm  leaf  with  a  supporting  stem  and 
regularly  paired  “  leaflets,”  each  consisting  of  many 
anemone-like  polyps. 

Among  animals  one  of  the  commonest  modes  of 
aggregation  of  secondary  units  to  form  tertiary  units, 



aggregates,  or  individuals,  is  that  in  which  the  secondary 
units  appear  as  a  chain  or  string,  following  one  another. 
Animals  thus  “  composed  ”  are  often  called  “  segmented 
animals.”  Tape-worms  are  of  this  nature,  and  so  are  the 
jointed  or  segmented  worms  or  annelids,  like  the  earth¬ 
worm  and  many  marine  worms  (see  Chapter  V).  So  also 
are  the  great  series  of  annulated  or  jointed  animals 
which  we  know  as  centipedes,  arachnids,  crustaceans 
(crabs,  lobsters,  and  shrimps),  and  the  six-legged  and 
winged  creatures,  the  insects.  In  these  cases  each  joint 
is,  in  essential  and  profound  characters  of  structure  and 
form,  like  its  fellows.  Each  ring  or  segment  has  its  pair 
of  legs,  modified  for  biting,  or  walking,  or  swimming, 
but  essentially  repetitions  of  one  another ;  each  has 
corresponding  vessels,  nerves,  renal  tubes,  and  muscles. 
The  whole  animal  is  an  aggregate  of  secondary  units. 
Instead  of  remaining  one  single  long  secondary  unit,  it 
has  broken  up  in  the  process  of  growth  into  a  series  of 
more  or  less  distinct  identical  units — repetitions  of  one 
another — which  remain  united  in  a  longitudinal  series, 
just  as  the  material  which  might  form  a  single  big  crystal 
may  take  the  form  of  a  row  of  united  smaller  crystals  of 
the  same  shape. 

The  “  Repetition  of  Parts  ”  is  one  of  the  outcomes  of 
this  substitution  of  aggregates  of  smaller  units  for  simple 
swelling  or  increase  of  size  of  a  single  unit.  The  con¬ 
stituent  units  of  a  higher  aggregate  have  each  the  same 
parts  and  properties  as  every  other,  though  more  or  less 
“  masked  ”  and  “  latent.”  This  is  a  fact  of  great 
importance  in  the  study  of  the  forms  assumed,  and  the 
organs  developed,  by  segmented  or  chain-like  animals. 

But  “  repetition  of  parts  ”  occurs  in  both  animal 
and  vegetable  forms  in  other  ways  than  this.  If  we  break 



off  a  piece  from  a  crystal  of  alum,  and  then  place  the 
crystal  in  a  solution  of  alum — the  broken  part  is  repaired 
by  growth — new  particles  of  alum  are  attracted  to  the 
injured  spot,  and  the  proper  form  and  symmetry  of  the 
crystal  are  restored.  It  is  to  this  definite  balance  of  a 
crystal  around  guiding  lines  of  form,  or  “  axes,”  that  the 
term  “  polarity  ”  is  applied.  We  recognize  as  well  as 
“  crystalline  polarity  ”  what  is  called  “  organic  polarity  ” 
— a  property  of  fundamental  importance  in  the  production 
of  the  forms  of  animals  and  plants.  Many  living  things, 
if  a  piece  be  cut  off  from  them,  do  not  merely  “  heal,” 
but,  like  a  crystal,  reproduce  the  lost  part.  If  a  frog’s 
leg  (or  that  of  a  reptile,  bird,  or  beast)  be  cut  off  the  wound 
will  heal,  but  the  leg  does  not  grow  again.  If,  however, 
the  leg  of  a  newt  (the  common  little  salamander-like 
amphibian  of  our  ponds)  be  cut  off  the  leg  grows  again, 
complete  in  every  respect.  I  had  in  the  museum  at 
University  College,  London,  a  specimen  of  a  newt, 
prepared  by  the  celebrated  physiologist,  Sharpey,  in 
which  the  right  fore-leg  had  been  cut  off  four  times, 
and  each  time  had  been  perfectly  reproduced.  The 
successive  amputated  legs  were  preserved  in  alcohol, 
alongside  the  complete  animal,  with  its  last-grown  leg  in 
position.  Just  as  in  the  mutilated  crystal  so  here  (as  is 
seen  also  in  many  other  animals  and  plants)  new  growth 
took  place,  and  the  new  material  laid  down  was  “  con¬ 
strained,”  forced  into  the  shape  both  outside  and  in  (for 
all  the  skeleton  and  muscles  are  complete)  proper  to 
that  position.  The  growth  was  “  dominated  ”  by  the 
“  polarity  ”  of  the  complete  organic  shape  from  which 
it  grew  as  a  part. 

“  Organic  polarity  ”  is  the  inherent  “  balance  ”  of 
organic  form — for  instance,  of  the  right  and  left  sides,  the 
front  and  the  hinder  end,  the  upper  and  the  lower  surfaces, 



and  further  of  one  organ  or  part  by  another  which  may 
be  distant  from  it,  and  it  includes  the  repetition  in  series 
of  like  parts.  All  these  form-determining  qualities  are 
in  higher  animals  and  plants  very  numerous  and  very 
complex.  Parts  and  structures  are  to  a  large  extent  so 
“  balanced  ”  in  regard  to  one  another  that  the  increase  of 
one  is  regularly,  and  by  a  law  of  growth,  accompanied  by 
the  increase  of  another  and  often  remote  part,  or  by  its 
decrease.  The  parts  are  said  to  be  “  linked  ”  or  “  cor¬ 
related,”  and  the  word  “  correlation  ”  expresses  one  of  the 
most  important  and  far-reaching  laws  of  form  and  the 
growth  of  form  as  observed  in  animals  and  in  plants — a 
law  to  which  the  morphologists  of  the  present  day  give 
too  little  attention. 

Whilst  in  crystals  the  form  and  correlation  of  parts 
are  determined,  once  for  all,  by  the  chemical  nature  of  the 
crystal,  the  polarities  and  correlations  determining  the 
endless  varieties  of  form  of  living  things  have  been 
gradually  accumulated  by  variation  (variation  —  the 
universal  redistribution  of  matter  and  force  more  in¬ 
cessantly  and  largely  evident  in  living  matter  than  in  most 
solids)  of  these  qualities  in  individuals,  and  the  selection  or 
survival  of  the  fittest — which  have,  age  after  age,  trans¬ 
mitted  their  qualities  in  the  substance  of  the  germs  or 
buds  which  they  have  thrown  off  to  form  new  generations. 
In  the  course  of  countless  ages  these  polarities  and  correla¬ 
tions,  which  ultimately  are  but  varied  molecular  structure 
carrying  varied  molecular  attractions,  have  accumulated 
variously  in  the  different  lines  of  descent  to  an  in¬ 
conceivable  degree — so  that  the  branching  pedigree 
of  living  things  possesses  in  every  diverging  branch 
special  and  differing  “  polarities  of  living  substance.” 
In  every  group  of  branches  starting  from  a  common 
stem  there  is  a  community  in,  or  common  possession  of,  an 



immense  heritage  of  selected  and  inherited  “  polarities.” 
Surrounding  agencies,  forces  of  tension  and  pressure,  heat 
and  cold,  can  act  on  this  marvellously  endowed  living 
substance  so  as  to  destroy  it,  or  to  force  it  a  little  into  this 
shape  or  into  that  shape.  But  such  agencies  can  do 
little.  The  real  determining  ultimate  cause  of  form  is  in 
each  case,  in  each  living  thing,  the  immense  and  special 
heritage  within  its  substance  of  polarities  and  correla¬ 
tions  derived  from  millions  of  ancestors,  each  of  whom 
has  contributed  a  fraction.  There  is  profound  truth  in 
the  old  writer’s  statement,  “  All  flesh  is  not  the  same 
flesh  :  but  there  is  one  flesh  of  men,  another  of  beasts, 
another  of  fishes,  and  another  of  birds.” 

Just  as  the  splinter  of  a  crystal  reproduces  the  whole 
crystal,  just  as  the  body  of  the  newt  separated  from  its 
limb  reproduces  the  limb  in  perfect  shape — just  as  the 
bit  of  a  green  leaf  nurtured  on  moist  earth  will  grow  into 
a  complete  plant  of  stem,  roots,  leaves,  and  flowers — so 
the  microscopic  particles  specially  thrown  off  by  living 
things  as  reproductive  germs,  spores,  or  egg-cells,  grow 
to  the  perfect  form,  and,  being  but  bits  of  the  parent, 
they  inherit,  as  we  say,  or  possess  as  a  matter  of  course, 
the  properties  and  polarities  of  the  parent  of  which 
they  are  only  little  bits.  They  grow  to  full  size,  and  with 
wonderful  precision  the  little  shapeless  mass,  as  it  takes 
in  nutriment  and  grows,  exhibits  the  “  polarities,”  the 
compelling  form-scheme  of  its  parent. 

In  a  vertebrate  animal,  say  a  full-grown  chick,  the 
right  and  left  sides  are  alike ;  they  more  or  less  exactly 
balance  or  represent  one  another  in  structure.  During 
its  growth  in  the  egg  the  chick  is  a  long  streak  with 
similar  right  and  left  sides.  The  rudiment  of  a  right 
and  of  a  left  wing  appear  simultaneously,  and  the  rudi- 



ment  of  a  right  and  a  left  leg.  The  streak  takes  form 
as  a  series  of  segments,  repetitions  of  one  another — 
following  one  another  in  line — the  vertebral  segments. 
The  head  and  neck  “  balance  ”  the  tail  ;  the  hind-limbs 
are  in  essential  details  of  structure  merely  repetitions  of 
the  fore-limbs — the  wings.  This  is  more  clearly  seen  in 
fishes,  where  the  fore  and  the  hind  paired  fins  are  but 
two  fan-like  concentrations  or  bunches  of  fin-rays  which 
in  ancestral  fishes  were  spread  along  the  whole  length  of 
the  body — a  single  fin-ray  to  each  vertebral  segment. 
The  wonder  is  not  that  these  agreements  and  exact 
“  shapings  ”  sometimes  go  wrong  during  early  growth 
from  the  germ  and  so  form  “  monsters,”  but  that  they 
keep  true  to  pattern  in  so  many  thousand  individuals 
whilst  only  one  is  born  in  which  some  kind  of  failure 
occurs.  The  failures,  or  incomplete  or  redundant  forma¬ 
tions,  die  at  a  very  early  age  in  most  animals.  In  fish- 
hatcheries,  where  tens  of  thousands  of  young  fish  are 
hatched  out  from  their  eggs  in  tanks  under  human  care 
and  easy  observation,  quite  a  large  number  of  “  mon¬ 
strosities  ”  make  their  appearance,  but  soon  die,  owing 
to  their  inability  to  compete  with  their  brethren  for  food 
and  safety,  unless  specially  separated  from  them  and 
reared  with  skill. 

A  common  kind  of  monstrosity  is  the  more  or  less 
complete  division  of  the  very  young  embryo  into  two, 
just  as  a  growing  crystal  may  divide  into  two  conjoined 
crystals.  This  dividing  process  may  affect  the  head  only, 
so  that  you  get  two-headed  monsters,  common  in  very 
young  fish,  in  chicks,  and  in  lambs,  and  even  in  human 
embryos.  Or,  again,  the  division  may  affect  only  the 
hinder  part,  and  thus  you  get  everything  else  as  usual 
excepting  two  complete  pairs  of  hinder  fins,  or  two  com¬ 
plete  pairs  of  hinder  legs.  The  actual  cause  of  the  dis- 



turbance — of  the  failure  in  correct  growth  and  the  in¬ 
complete  division  into  two — is  not  altogether  clear,  though 
experiments  have  been  made  on  the  eggs  of  fishes  and 
fowls  and  “  artificial  ”  monsters  have  been  thus  pro¬ 
duced.  It  is  certain  that  the  failure  is  due  to  mechanical 
or  to  physiological  causes  which  have  operated  naturally 
at  a  very  early  stage,  when  the  growth  of  the  shapeless 
germ  of  highly  sensitive  form-determined  protoplasm  was 
but  just  commencing.  We  may  now  pass  to  a  brief 
account  of  the  chief  forms  of  “  monsters  ”  produced  by 
higher  animals. 



TO  one  who  has  read  the  preceding  chapter,  it 
will  not  appear  surprising  that  what  are  called 
“  monsters  ”  are  born  from  all  sorts  of  living 
things.  They  are  usually  offspring  of  unusual  and 
astonishing  shape,  yet  keeping  within  definite  lines  of 
symmetry  and  of  likeness  to  the  parents,  differing  gro¬ 
tesquely  from  the  latter,  yet  agreeing  with  them  in  inti¬ 
mate  structure.  The  polarity,  the  balance  of  parts  shown 
in  normal  healthy  individuals  is  obviously  operative,  but 
it  fails,  and,  as  it  were,  blunders  in  its  work.  Plants 
as  well  as  animals  exhibit  such  monstrosities.  All 
“  double  ”  flowers  are  of  this  nature,  the  innate  identity 
of  the  stamens  and  carpels  with  the  leaf-like  petals 
suddenly  asserting  itself  by  the  appearance  of  stamens 
and  carpels  in  the  shape  of  petals.  The  “  green  rose  ” 
is  another  monster  in  which  the  parts  of  the  flower  assume 
the  form  and  colour  of  foliage  leaves,  a  proceeding 
which  has  a  certain  “  lawfulness  ”  about  it,  since  the 
foliage  leaves  and  the  parts  of  the  flower  are  in  ancestral 
plants  one  and  the  same  series  of  organs  or  parts.  In 
Kew  Gardens  there  is  a  rose-bush  which  produces  these 
interesting  green  roses.  The  “  fasciate  ”  asparagus  and 
coxcomb  are  monsters  which  are  “  orderly,”  but  incorrect, 
growths.  Here  I  shall  confine  further  statements  to  the 
monsters  produced  by  the  higher  vertebrate  animals, 
including  man. 




The  interest  and  superstition  which  in  past  ages 
were  connected  with  the  birth  of  “  monsters  ”  are  a 
part  of  the  general  system  of  “  omen-reading  ”  and 
“  augury  ”  which  mediaeval  Europe  received  from  the 
Romans,  among  whom  it  attained  to  a  growth  and 
importance  so  dominating  that  it  is  difficult,  at  the 
present  day,  to  form  a  conception  of  its  preposterous 
pretensions.  Mankind  have  from  the  earliest  times 
desired  to  know  the  future,  and  to  be  warned  beforehand 
of  impending  danger.  The  wish  has  been  father  to  the 
thought,  or  rather  to  a  whole  series  of  preposterous, 
unreasonable  thoughts.  The  Romans  elaborated  most 
carefully  a  plan  of  inspecting  the  entrails  of  animals 
(especially  the  liver)  killed  for  the  purpose,  in  order  to 
obtain  from  their  individual  differences  a  pretended 
indication  of  lucky  and  unlucky  action  on  the  part  of  the 
individual  for  whom  the  inspection  was  made.  A  highly 
respected  profession,  well  paid  and  handed  on  from 
father  to  son,  existed,  charged  with  the  duty  of  reading 
the  “  will  of  the  gods  ”  in  the  signs  sent  by  them  in  the 
entrails  of  dead  animals,  and  also  in  the  flight  of  birds 
(auspicium,  avi-spicium,  or  bird-viewing).  This  pro¬ 
fession  persisted  even  into  Christian  times,  and  the 
picture  of  an  early  saint  has  lately  been  shown  to  represent 
him  as  carrying  in  his  hand  a  pig’s  liver — the  emblem  of 
his  profession  as  an  augur — a  curious  object,  the  nature 
of  which  had  long  puzzled  the  learned. 

It  is  not  wonderful  that  we  still  find  in  country  places 
a  belief  in  divination  and  the  omens  given  by  birds. 
Probably  a  true  and  really  effective  study  by  primitive 
man  of  the  movements  of  birds,  guiding  him  as  to  the 
position  of  food  or  water  or  indicating  certain  changes 
of  season,  preceded  the  utterly  foolish  system  of  augury. 
It  has  constantly  been  the  fate  of  man  to  create  worthless 



superstition  from  the  truthful  and  valuable  teaching  of 
preceding  generations.  There  is,  on  the  whole,  a  slight — 
but  only  a’fslight — general  improvement  in  this  matter 
among  the^educated  classes  of  civilized  communities. 
In  the  Far  East  for  many  ages  the  prosperous  classes 
have  accepted  a  system  of  divination  (called  geomancy) 
by  reference  to  the  shape  of  the  land — hills,  valleys,  and 
rivers.  In  the  time  of  the  Stuarts  we,  in  England,  were 
still  willing  to  be  directed  by  the  elaborate  imposture 
called  astrology,  and  quite  a  large  number  of  ill-edu¬ 
cated  wompn  in  the  well-to-do  classes  (as  well  as  their 
kitchen-maids)  believe  at  the  present  day  that  their  future 
can  be  foretold  by  the  inspection  by  an  expert  of  the 
folds  of  skin  on  the  palms  of  their  hands.  This  method 
of  augury  was  not  practised  by  the  Romans  (who  pre¬ 
ferred  a  good  solid  liver  for  the  gods  to  mark  their  will 
with),  but  it  is  of  very  ancient  use  in  China.  The  indica¬ 
tions,  however,  recognized  by  the  Chinese  are  quite 
contradictory  of  those  admitted  in  recent  European 
palmistry.  Both  are  baseless  inventions. 

The  foregoing  remarks  are  introductory  to  the  state¬ 
ment  that  even  such  a  man  as  Martin  Luther  was  much 
troubled  by  the  birth  in  his  day  of  a  monstrous  calf  (I  do 
not  know  whether  it  was  two-headed  or  eight-legged). 
He  writes  of  it  as  pointing  to  some  great  impending 
event,  and  expresses  the  hope  that  the  catastrophe  may 
not  be  the  last  day  itself.  A  hundred  years  later, 
Evelyn,  the  cultivated  country  gentleman  and  courtier, 
and  early  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  does  not  hesi¬ 
tate  to  advance  a  similar  belief  in  regard  to  another 
class  of  natural  “  monster.”  He  says  :  “  The  effects  of 
that  comet,  1618,  are  still  working  in  the  prodigious 
revolutions  now  beginning  in  Europe,  especially  in 



In  yet  earlier  times  treatises  concerning  animal  and 
human  monsters  were  written,  and  they  were  regarded  as 
of  vast  significance  and  importance.  The  chief  kinds 
were  named  as  follows  :  The  Siren  (having  the  form  of 
a  mermaid,  the  two  legs  being  united  or  fused  to  form 
a  sort  of  tail),  the  Janus  (a  two-headed  monster),  the 
Satyr  (a  human  being  with  a  distinct  tail),  the  Cyclops 
(a  monster  with  one  eye  in  the  centre  of  the  forehead, 
instead  of  a  pair).  Others  were  enumerated,  but  in  some 
cases  actual  animals  newly  brought  from  distant  lands, 
and  therefore  unfamiliar,  were  confused  with  the  excep¬ 
tionally  misshapen  offspring  of  ordinary  animals  and  of 
man.  So  little  was  known,  so  much  was  new  and 
unfamiliar  in  those  remote  days,  that  any  story  of  a 
monster  was  accepted  as  true.  Now  we  have  a  fairly 
complete  knowledge  of  the  kinds  of  living  things  in  all 
parts  of  the  world,  and  can  assign  specimens  to  their 
proper  groups  and  to  regularly  recurring  causes. 

Animal  monsters  of  the  vertebrate  class  are  nowa¬ 
days  divided  first  of  all  into  those  which  are  due  to  simple 
mechanical  injury  and  deformation  and  those  which  are 
due  to  a  more  subtle  change,  resulting  in  a  modification  of 
the  natural  growth  with  irregular  or  incorrect  assertion 
of  symmetry  and  polarity.  The  first  group  is  very 
limited.  The  most  usual  case  is  that  of  the  amputation 
during  intra-uterine  life  of  limbs  or  fingers  or  toes.  Such 
deformations  are  not  paired  ”  or  regular,  and  are  due 
to  the  accidental  nipping  or  pressure  on  the  amputated 
parts  by  displaced  uterine  membranes  or  cords  during 
the  foetal  growth.  The  second  group  is  the  more  curious 
and  varied.  These  monsters  may  be  classed  as  those  due 
to  (i)  redundancy  of  growth  ;  (2)  reversed  position  of  the 
viscera  (right  placed  as  left  and  left  as  right)  ;  (3)  defective 
closure  of  the  growing  embryo  in  the  mid-line  ;  (4) 



hermaphroditism  ;  (5)  fusion  of  parts  related  by  organic 
polarity  to  one  another  ;  (6)  double  monsters  (the  most 
striking  in  appearance). 

With  regard  to  monsters  showing  redundancy  of 
parts,  cases  are  common  both  in  animals  and  man  of  an 
extra  finger  or  toe  on  all  four  limbs  or  on  one  pair,  and 
specimens  are  to  be  seen  in  our  chief  museums.  Do¬ 
mestic  cats  with  six  toes  on  each  foot  are  not  uncommon. 
A  horse  is  sometimes  born  with  three  hoofs,  or  even  four. 
Julius  Caesar  is  said  to  have  had  a  favourite  horse  of 
this  description.  Extra  vertebrae  in  the  spinal  column 
sometimes  occur,  also  two  rows  of  teeth  instead  of  one. 
Long  hair  like  that  on  the  head  sometimes  occurs  all 
over  the  face,  so  that  a  “  parting  ”  can  be  made  from  the 
tip  of  the  nose  to  the  back  of  the  head.  Nipples  and 
mammary  glands  in  excess  of  the  pair  proper  to  human 
beings  sometimes  occur  irregularly  scattered  on  the 
body,  to  the  number  of  seven  or  eight,  and  a  case  is 
recorded  where  one  of  large  size  grew  in  the  middle  of 
the  back.  Supernumerary  mammae  are  commoner  in 
men  than  in  women.  A  second  external  ear  sometimes 
occurs,  and  a  second  and  third  pair  of  holes  like  that 
protected  by  our  ear-conch  sometimes  are  found.  This 
is  the  persistence  of  a  second  and  third  pair  of  gill-slits, 
which  in  vertebrates  above  fishes  regularly  close  up  in 
early  embryonic  life  and  disappear.  The  ear-hole  or 
“  external  auditory  passage  ”  is  really  the  first  of  the  gill- 
slits,  and  does  not  disappear  as  the  others  do,  though  it 
is  closed  within  by  the  delicate  membrane  called  the 
“  drum  ”  of  the  ear. 

The  reversed  position  of  the  viscera  is  not  very  un¬ 
common  in  man — the  heart  is  on  the  right  side  and  the 
liver  on  the  left.  Defective  closure  of  the  mid-line  in 



embryonic  growth  leads  to  “  spina  bifida  ”  and  also  to 
“  hare-lip,”  but  in  extreme  cases  results  in  complete 
defect  of  the  crown  of  the  head  and  the  production  of  a 
brainless  monster  which  does  not  survive  birth  for  more 
than  a  few  days. 

The  condition  known  as  “  hermaphroditism,”  that 
is,  the  presence  of  the  testis  or  sperm-producing  organ 
and  the  ovary  or  egg-producing  organ  in  the  same 
individual,  is  the  usual  and  regular  thing  in  many  lower 
animals  ;  for  instance,  in  the  little  green  polyp  or  Hydra, 
in  a  great  many  worms  (including  the  earth-worm  and 
river-worms),  and  in  many  snails,  slugs,  and  clams. 
This  was  the  earlier  condition  of  animals,  and  distinct 
sexes  have  been  produced  subsequently  by  the  suppres¬ 
sion  of  either  ovary  or  testes.  Hermaphroditism  does 
not  occur  in  vertebrate  animals  as  a  regular  and  normal 
thing  except  in  certain  species  of  sea  perch  (Serranus), 
from  the  Mediterranean.  In  some  other  fishes  (cod, 
herring,  and  flat-fish)  as  a  rare  exception  a  testis  and  an 
ovary  are  found  in  the  same  individual.  And  in  toads 
and  frogs  minute  aborted  ovaries  occur  in  the  male,  and 
small  testes  sometimes  in  the  female.  In  all  higher 
vertebrates  true  hermaphroditism  is  quite  unknown. 
The  female  has  no  trace  of  testis,  the  male  no  trace  of 
ovary.  But  in  the  mammals  the  external  parts  connected 
with  these  organs  have  an  essentially  identical  plan  of 
structure,  and  at  an  early  period  of  foetal  growth  are 
indistinguishable.  Cases  occur  in  which  the  external 
organs  of  the  adult  male  resemble  (though  differing  clearly 
enough  from)  those  of  the  female,  and  vice  versa.  These 
cases  are  often  called  “  hermaphrodites,”  although  they 
are  really,  in  regard  to  the  essential  organ,  either  male 
or  female,  and  are  not  true  hermaphrodites  at  all.  The 
fact  of  the  existence  of  this  monstrosity  ( cases  of  which  are 



well  known  at  the  present  day)  gave  rise  to  the  Greek 
fable  of  “  Hermaphroditus,”  and  to  the  statues  in  Paris 
and  Rome  known  by  that  name. 

The  fusion  during  growth  of  parts  related  by  polarity 
leads  to  the  uniting  to  one  another  of  the  fingers  or  of  the 
toes,  two  or  more  ;  also  to  the  fusion  of  the  legs,  as  in 
the  monster  called  the  Siren.  It  is  worth  pointing 
out  that  no  such  fusion  of  the  legs  has  occurred  in  the 
formation,  either  of  the  seals  or  the  Dugongs  and 
Manatees,  nor  in  that  of  the  whales,  although  such  an 
explanation  of  their  form  has  been  sometimes  suggested. 
The  most  curious  case  of  a  monster  by  fusion  is  known 
by  the  name  “  Cyclops,”  or  one-eyed  monster.  This 
occurs  in  domesticated  animals,  and  is  not  rare  in 
the  pig.  The  two  orbits  are  fused  in  the  middle  line, 
and  there  is  only  one  eyeball  (sometimes  there  are  two 
close  together  in  one  orbit).  The  nose  at  the  same  time 
undergoes  a  change,  forming  a  short  trunk  which  pro¬ 
jects  from  the  forehead  above  the  single  eye.  The 
mouth  is  round  and  minute,  or  absent  altogether.  These 
monsters  do  not  survive  more  than  a  few  days  after  birth. 

Double  monsters  (to  which  group  the  four-legged 
chick  belongs)  are  best  traced  from  the  most  complete 
case  of  doubling,  namely,  complete  separation  of  the  two 
halves  resulting  from  fission.  We  can  then  arrange,  as  a 
series,  the  various  phases  of  incomplete  “  doubling.” 
Human  twins  are  of  two  kinds,  namely,  identical  twins  and 
ordinary  twins.  Ordinary  twins  are  due  to  two  “  ova  ” 
or  egg-cells  being  discharged  from  the  ovary  into  the 
uterus  at  the  same  time,  instead  of  a  single  one.  In 
many  mammals  a  number  of  young  are  started  in  this 
way — what  we  call  a  “  litter.”  On  the  other  hand, 
“  identical  twins  ”  start  from  a  single  ovum,  which  on 



arriving  in  the  uterus  (we  do  not  know  precisely  why) 
divides  into  two  completely.  Identical  twins  are  always 
of  the  same  sex  (a  very  important  fact  when  the  question 
arises  as  to  what  determines  the  sex  of  offspring),  and 
have  a  wonderful  closeness  of  similarity  in  appearance  and 
character.  This  multiplication  by  division  of  the  very 
young  embryo  occurs  in  the  Armadillos  as  a  normal 
thing.  Occasionally  this  rare  tendency  of  the  minute 
germ  or  egg-cell  to  divide  into  two  does  not  fully  assert 
itself,  but  results  in  an  incomplete  division  of  the  ovum 
into  two.  The  division  is  usually  such  as  to  pass  along 
the  middle  line  from  back  to  front,  and  where  it  is  in¬ 
complete  we  find  two  symmetrical  individuals  resulting, 
which  are  more  or  less  completely  joined  side  by  side. 
In  rarer  cases  the  division  of  the  ovum  is  such  as  to  tra¬ 
verse  the  mid-line  from  right  to  left,  and  often  results  in 
two  united  individuals  of  very  unequal  size.  Rarely  such 
cases  have  survived  to  maturity,  and  one  is  known  (and 
shown  by  a  model  in  the  museum  of  the  College  of 
Surgeons)  in  which  a  full-grown  man  had  projecting 
from  his  chest  the  body  and  limbs  of  a  small  second 
individual  not  bigger  than  an  infant. 

The  symmetrical  right  and  left  double-monsters  are 
commoner.  The  celebrated  Siamese  twins  were  of  this 
nature,  being  united  by  only  a  narrow  band  of  flesh, 
extending  from  the  lower  part  of  the  body.  The  division 
of  the  egg-cell  was  very  nearly  complete  in  their  case. 
Other  cases  are  known  in  which  the  head  and  arms  and 
front  part  of  the  body  of  the  two  individuals  are  distinct, 
as  also  the  two  pairs  of  legs,  but  there  is  a  union  of  the 
lower  part  of  the  two  vertebral  columns  and  of  the  pelves. 
This  was  the  qase  with  the  “  Two-headed  Nightingale,” 
Millie  and  Christina,  and  with'other  well-known  examples. 
The  former  could  sing  in  distinct  parts  by  each  head,  and 



could  use  all  four  legs  separately  and  rhythmically. 
Each  head  could  control  either  or  both  pairs  of  legs  ! 
In  birds  you  may  get  the  division  both  before  and  behind, 
so  as  to  give  two  heads  and  four  legs,  or  you  may  have  the 
“  splitting  ”  limited  to  the  hinder  region,  so  as  to  give 
a  normal  one-headed  bird  with  two  pairs  of  legs.  All 
degrees  and  varieties  of  this  dividing  along  the  middle 
line  are  found  from  time  to  time  among  the  offspring  of 
domestic  animals  and  birds.  A  great  field  for  the  study 
of  these  monsters  is  furnished  by  fish-hatcheries,  where 
large  numbers  of  them  are  born  and  can  be  secured  by 
the  naturalist,  though  they  rarely,  if  ever,  grow  to  any 
size,  their  misshapen  bodies  preventing  them  from 
catching  food  and  escaping  from  predatory  enemies. 
I  have  examined  a  two-headed  dogfish,  which  was 
captured  in  the  sea  and  was  12  inches  long. 

The  two-headed  monster  called  a  Janus  is  a  doubled 
or  split  monster  in  which  only  the  head  is  involved,  and 
the  splitting  may  be  so  slight  that  though  there  are  two 
faces,  there  is  only  one  brain-case  and  one  brain.  It  is 
important  to  remember  that  none  of  these  double  monsters 
are  due  to  a  fusion  of  two  originally  distinct  embryos. 
Always  they  are  due  to  a  very  early  division  of  the  embryo 
into  two,  which  may  be  of  minimal  extent  or  may  be 
nearly  or  quite  complete. 



APART  from  the  question  as  to  whether  the 
smoking  of  tobacco  is  injurious  to  the  health  or 
not,  there  are  many  curious  questions  which  arise 
from  time  to  time  as  to  the  history  and  use  of  tobacco. 
I  have  no  doubt  that  for  children  the  use  of  tobacco  is 
injurious,  and  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  it  is  only  free 
from  objection  in  the  case  of  strong,  healthy  men,  and 
that  even  they  should  avoid  any  excess,  and  should  only 
smoke  after  meals,  and  never  late  at  night.  The 
strongest  man,  who  can  tolerate  a  cigar  or  a  pipe  after 
breakfast,  lunch,  and  dinner,  may  easily  get  into  a  con¬ 
dition  of  “  nerves  ”  when  even  one  cigarette  acts  as  a 
poison  and  causes  an  injurious  slowing  of  the  heart’s 

A  curious  mistake,  almost  universally  made,  is  that 
of  supposing  that  the  oily  juice  which  forms  in  a  pipe 
when  tobacco  is  “  smoked  ”  in  it,  or  at  the  narrow  end 
of  a  cigar  when  it  is  consumed  by  “smoking,”  is 
“  nicotine,”  the  chief  nerve-poison  of  tobacco.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  this  juice,  though  it  contains  injurious 
substances,  contains  little  or  no  “  nicotine.”  Nicotine  is 
a  colourless  volatile  liquid,  which  is  vaporized  and  carried 
along  with  the  smoke ;  it  is  not  deposited  in  the  pipe  or 
cigar-end  except  in  very  small  quantity.  It  is  the  chief 




agent  by  which  tobacco  acts  on  the  nervous  system,  and 
through  that  on  the  heart — the  agent  whose  effects  are 
sought  and  enjoyed  by  the  lover  of  tobacco.  A  single 
drop  of  pure  nicotine  will  kill  a  dog.  Nicotine  has  no 
aroma,  and  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  flavour  of  tobacco, 
which  is  due  to  very  minute  quantities  of  special  volatile 
bodies  similar  to  those  which  give  a  scent  to  hay. 

Most  people  are  acquainted  with  the  three  ways  of 
“  taking  tobacco  ” — that  of  taking  its  smoke  into  the 
mouth,  and  more  or  less  into  the  lungs,  that  of  chewing 
the  prepared  leaf,  and  that  of  snuffing  up  the  powdered 
leaf  into  the  nose,  whence  it  ultimately  passes  to  the 
stomach  A  fourth  modification  of  the  snuffing  and 
chewing  methods  exists  in  what  is  called  the  “  snuff 
stick  ”  According  to  the  novelist,  Mrs.  Hodgson 
Burnett,  the  country  women  in  Kentucky  use  a  short 
stick,  like  a  brush,  which  they  dip  into  a  paperful  of 
snuff  ;  they  then  rub  the  powder  on  to  the  gums.  Snuff¬ 
taking  has  almost  disappeared  in  “  polite  society  ”  in 
this  country  within  the  past  twenty  years,  but  snuffing  and 
chewing  are  still  largely  practised  by  those  whose  occupa¬ 
tion  renders  it  impossible  or  dangerous  for  them  to  carry 
a  lighted  pipe  or  cigar — such  as  sailors  and  fishermen  and 
workers  in  many  kinds  of  factories  and  engine-rooms. 

One  of  the  most  curious  questions  in  regard  to  the 
history  of  tobacco  is  that  as  to  whether  its  use  originated 
independently  in  Asia  or  was  introduced  there  by 
Europeans.  It  is  largely  cultivated  and  used  for  smoking 
throughout  the  East  from  Turkey  to  China — including 
Persia  and  India  on  the  way — and  special  varieties  of 
tobacco,  the  Turkish,  the  Persian,  and  the  Manilla  are 
well  known,  and  only  produced  in  the  East,  whilst  special 
forms  of  pipe,  such  as  the  “  hukah  ”  or  “  hooka,”  the 



hubble-bubble,”  and  the  small  Chinese  pipe  are  dis¬ 
tinctively  Oriental.  Not  only  that,  but  the  islanders  of  the 
Far  East  are  inveterate  smokers  of  tobacco,  and  some  of 
them  have  peculiar  methods  of  obtaining  the  smoke,  as, 
for  instance,  certain  North  Australians  who  employ  “  a 
smoke-box  ”  made  of  a  joint  of  bamboo.  Smoke  is 
blown  into  this  receptacle  by  a  faithful  spouse,  who 
closes  its  opening  with  her  hand  and  presents  the  boxful 
of  smoke  to  her  husband.  He  inhales  the  smoke  and 
hands  the  bamboo  joint  back  to  his  wife  for  refilling. 
The  Asiatic  peoples  are  great  lovers  of  tobacco,  and  it  is 
certain  that  in  Java  they  had  tobacco  as  early  as  1601,  and 
in  India  in  1605.  The  hookah  (a  pipe,  with  water-jar 
attached,  through  which  the  smoke  is  drawn  in  bubbles) 
was  seen  and  described  by  a  European  traveller  in  1614. 
Should  we  not,  therefore,  suppose  that  in  Asia  they  had 
tobacco  and  practised  smoking  before  it  was  introduced 
from  America  into  the  West  of  Europe  ?  It  seems 
unlikely  that  Western  nations  have  given  this  luxury 
to  the  East  when  practically  everything  else  of  the 
kind  has  come  from  the  East  to  Europe — the  grape 
and  wine  made  from  it,  the  orange,  lemon,  peach,  fig, 
spices  of  all  kinds,  pepper  and  incense.  Yet  it  is  certain 
that  the  Orientals  got  the  habit  of  smoking  tobacco  from 
us,  and  not  we  from  them. 

Incredible  as  it  seems,  the  investigations  of  the  Swiss 
botanist,  De  Candolle  (see  his  delightful  “  History  of 
Cultivated  Plants  ” — a  wonderful  volume,  published  for 
5s.,  in  the  International  Scientific  Series),  and  of  Colonel 
Sir  David  Prain,  formerly  in  India,  and  lately  Director 
of  Kew,  have  rendered  it  quite  certain  that  the  Orientals 
owe  tobacco  and  the  habit  of  smoking  entirely  to  the 
Europeans,  who  brought  it  from  America,  as  early  as 
1558.  In  the  year  1560  Jean  Nicot,  the  French  Am- 



bassador,  saw  the  plant  in  Portugal,  and  sent  seeds  to 
France  to  Catherine  de’  Medici.  It  was  named  Nicotiana 
in  his  honour.  But  the  introduction  into  Europe  of  the 
practice  of  smoking  is  chiefly  due  to  the  English.  In 
1586  Ralph  Lane,  the  first  Governor  of  Virginia,  and 
Sir  Francis  Drake  brought  over  the  pipes  of  the  North 
American  Indians  and  the  tobacco  prepared  by  them. 
The  English  enthusiasm  for  tobacco-smoking,  “  drinking 
a  pipe  of  tobacco,”  as  it  was  at  first  called,  was  extra¬ 
ordinary  both  for  its  sudden  development,  its  somewhat 
excessive  character,  and  the  violent  antagonism  which  it 
aroused,  and,  as  we  learn  from  Mr.  Frederic  Harrison, 
still  arouses.  It  was  called  “  divine  tobacco  ”  by  the 
poet  Spenser,  and  “  our  holy  herb  nicotian  ”  by  William 
Lilly  (the  astrologer,  not  the  schoolmaster),  and  not  long 
afterwards  denounced  as  a  devilish  poison  by  King  James. 
The  reason  why  the  English  had  most  to  do  with  the 
introduction  of  smoking  is  that  the  inhabitants  of  South 
America  did  not  smoke  pipes,  but  chewed  the  tobacco,  or 
took  it  as  snuff,  and  less  frequently  smoked  it  as  a  cigar. 
From  the  Isthmus  of  Panama  as  far  as  Canada  and 
California,  on  the  other  hand,  the  custom  of  smoking 
pipes  was  universal.  Wonderful  carved  pipes  of  great 
variety  were  found  in  use  by  the  natives  of  these  regions, 
and  were  also  dug  up  in  very  ancient  burial  grounds. 
Hence  the  English  colonists  of  Virginia  were  the  first 
to  introduce  pipe-smoking  to  Europe 

The  Portuguese  had  discovered  the  coasts  of  Brazil 
as  early  as  1500,  and  it  is  they  who  carried  tobacco  to 
their  possessions  and  trading  ports  in  the  Far  East — to 
India,  Java,  China,  and  Japan,  so  that  in  less  than  a 
hundred  years  it  was  well  established  in  those  countries. 
Probably  it  went  about  the  same  time  from  Spain  and 
England  to  Turkey,  and  from  there  to  Persia.  The 



Eastern  peoples  rapidly  developed  not  only  special  new 
forms  of  pipe  (the  hookah)  for  the  consumption  of  to¬ 
bacco,  but  also  within  a  few  years  special  varieties  of 
the  plant  itself.  These  were  raised  by  cultivation,  and 
have  formerly  been  erroneously  regarded  as  native  Asiatic 
species  of  tobacco  plant. 

The  definite  proof  of  the  fact  that  tobacco  was  in  this 
way  introduced  from  Western  Europe  to  the  Oriental 
nations  is,  first,  that  Asiatics  have  no  word  for  it  except¬ 
ing  a  corruption  of  the  original  American  name  tabaco, 
tobacco,  or  tambuco  :  it  is  certain  that  it  is  not  mentioned 
in  Chinese  writings  nor  represented  in  their  pottery 
before  the  year  1680.  In  the  next  place,  it  appears  that 
careful  examination  of  old  herbariums  and  of  the  records 
of  early  travellers  who  knew  plants  well  and  recorded 
all  they  saw,  proves  that  no  species  of  tobacco  is  a  native 
of  Asia.  There  are  fifty  species  of  tobacco,  but  all  are 
American  excepting  the  Nicotiana  suaveolens,  which  is 
a  native  of  the  Australian  continent,  and  the  Nicotiana 
fragrans,  which  is  a  native  of  the  Isle  of  Pines,  near  New 

Forty-eight  different  species  of  tobacco  (that  is  to  say, 
of  the  genus  Nicotiana)  are  found  in  America.  Of  these, 
Nicotiana  tabacum  is  the  only  one  which  has  been  ex¬ 
tensively  cultivated.  It  has  been  found  wild  in  the  State 
of  Ecuador,  but  was  cultivated  by  the  natives  both  of 
North  and  South  America  before  the  advent  of  Euro¬ 
peans.  It  seems  probable  that  all  the  tobaccos  grown  in 
the  Old  World  for  smoking  or  snuffing  are  only  cultivated 
varieties — often  with  very  special  qualities — of  the 
N.  tabacum,  with  the  exception  of  the  Shiraz  tobacco 
plant,  which,  though  called  N.  persica,  is  of  Brazilian 
origin,  and  the  N.  rustica,  of  Linnaeus,  a  native  of 



Mexico,  which  has  a  yellow  flower,  and  yields  a  coarse 
kind  of  tobacco.  This  has  been  cultivated  in  South 
America  and  also  in  Asia  Minor.  But  tobaccos  so  dif¬ 
ferent  as  the  Havana,  the  Maryland  and  Virginian, 
the  incomparable  Latakia,  the  Manilla,  and  the  Rou- 
melian  or  Turkish — all  come  from  culture-varieties  of  the 
one  great  species,  N.  tabacum. 

The  treatment  of  tobacco-leaf  to  prepare  it  for  use  in 
smoking,  snuffing,  and  chewing  requires  great  skill  and 
care,  and  is  directed  by  the  tradition  and  experience  of 
centuries.  As  is  the  case  with  “  hay,”  the  dried  tobacco- 
leaf  undergoes  a  kind  of  fermentation,  and,  in  fact,  more 
than  one  such  change.  The  cause  of  the  fermentation 
is  a  micro-organism  which  multiplies  in  the  dead  leaf  and 
causes  chemical  changes,  just  as  the  yeast  organism 
grows  in  “  wort  ”  and  changes  it  to  “  beer.”  It  is  said 
that  the  flavour  and  aroma  of  special  tobaccos  is  due 
to  special  kinds  of  ferment,  and  that  by  introducing 
the  Havana  ferment  or  micro-organism  to  tobacco- 
leaves  grown  away  from  Cuba,  you  can  give  them  much 
of  the  character  of  Havana  tobacco  !  A  very  valuable 
kind  of  tobacco  is  the  Roumelian,  from  which  the  best 
Turkish  cigarettes  are  made.  It  has  a  very  delicate 
flavour,  and  very  small  quantities  of  an  aromatic  kind 
prepared  from  a  distinct  variety  of  tobacco  plant  grown 
near  Ephesus  and  on  the  Black  Sea  (probably  a  cultivated 
variety  of  N.  rustica)  are  judiciously  blended  with  it. 
This  blending,  and  the  use  of  the  very  finest  qualities  of 
tobacco-leaf,  are  essential  points  in  the  production  of 
the  best  Turkish  cigarettes.  The  so-called  “  Egyptian  ” 
cigarettes  are  made  from  less  valuable  Turkish  tobacco, 
with  the  addition  of  an  excess  of  the  aromatic  kind.  It 
is  a  mistake  to  suppose  that  opium  or  other  matters  are 
used  to  adulterate  tobacco  The  only  proceeding  of  the 



kind  which  occurs  is  the  mixing  of  inferior,  cheap,  and 
coarse-flavoured  tobaccos  with  better  kinds.  Water  and 
also  starch  are  used  fraudulently  to  increase  the  weight 
of  leaf-tobacco.  But  skilful  “  blending  ”  is  a  legitimate 
and  most  important  feature  in  the  manufacture  of  cigars, 
cigarettes,  and  smoking  mixtures. 

The  first  “  smoking  ”  of  tobacco  seen  by  Europeans 
was  that  of  the  Caribs  or  Indians  of  San  Domingo. 
They  used  a  very  curious  sort  of  tubular  pipe,  shaped 
like  the  letter  Y.  The  diverging  arms  were  placed  one 
up  each  nostril,  and  the  end  of  the  stem  held  in  the  smoke 
of  burning  tobacco-leaves,  which  was  thus  “  sniffed  up  ” 
into  the  nose.  The  North  American  Indians,  on  the 
other  hand,  had  pipes  very  similar  to  those  still  in  use. 
The  natives  of  South  America  smoked  the  rolled  leaf 
(cigars),  chewed  it,  and  took  it  as  snuff. 

It  has  been  suggested  that,  in  Asia,  smoking  of  some 
kind  of  dried  herbs  may  have  been  a  habit  before 
tobacco  was  introduced — since  even  Herodotus  states 
that  the  Scythians  were  accustomed  to  inhale  the 
smoke  of  burning  weeds,  and  showed  their  enjoyment 
of  it  by  howling  like  dogs  !  But  investigation  does  not 
support  the  view  that  anything  corresponding  to  indi¬ 
vidual  or  personal  “  smoking  ”  existed.  “  Bang  ”  or 
“  hashish  ”  (the  Indian  hemp)  was  not  “  smoked,”  but 
swallowed  as  a  kind  of  paste  before  the  introduction  of 
tobacco-smoking  in  the  East — as  we  may  gather  from  the 
stories  of  the  “  Arabian  Nights  ’’—although  the  practice 
of  smoking  hemp  (which  is  the  chief  constituent  of 
“  bang  ”)  and  also  of  smoking  the  narcotic  herb  “  hen¬ 
bane,”  has  now  been  established.  Opium  was,  and  is, 
eaten  in  India,  not  “  smoked.”  The  “  smoking  ”  of 
opium  is  a  Chinese  invention  of  the  eighteenth  century. 



The  Oriental  hookah  suggests  a  history  anterior  to 
the  use  of  tobacco,  but  nothing  is  known  of  it.  The 
word  signifies  a  cocoanut-shell,  and  is  applied  to  the  jar 
(sometimes  actually  a  cocoanut)  containing  perfumed 
water,  through  which  smoke  from  a  pipe,  fixed  so  as  to 
dip  into  the  water,  is  drawn  by  a  long  tube  with  mouth¬ 
piece.  It  seems  possible  that  this  apparatus  was  in  use 
for  inhaling  perfume  by  means  of  bubbles  of  air  drawn 
through  rose-water  or  such  liquids,  before  tobacco¬ 
smoking  was  introduced,  and  that  the  tobacco-pipe  and 
the  perfume-jar  were  then  combined.  But  travellers 
before  the  year  1600  do  not  mention  the  existence  of  the 
hookah  in  Persia  or  in  India,  though  as  soon  as  tobacco 
came  into  use  this  apparatus  is  described  by  Floris,  in 
1614,  and  by  Olearius,  in  1633,  and  by  all  subsequent 

The  conclusion  to  which  careful  inquiry  has  led  is 
that  though  various  Asiatic  races  have  appreciated  the 
smoke  of  various  herbs  and  enjoyed  inhaling  it  from  time 
immemorial,  yet  there  was  no  definite  “  smoking  ”  in 
earlier  times.  No  pipes  or  rolled-up  packets  of  dried 
leaves — to  be  placed  in  the  mouth  and  sucked  whilst 
slowly  burning — were  in  use  before  the  introduction 
of  tobacco  by  Europeans,  who  brought  the  tobacco- 
plant  from  America  and  the  mode  of  enjoying  its  smoke, 
and  passed  on  its  seeds  to  the  peoples  of  Turkey,  Persia, 
India,  China,  and  Japan. 



THE  best  golf-player  does  not  think,  as  he  plays 
his  stroke,  of  the  hundred-and-one  muscular 
contractions  which,  accurately  co-ordinated,  result 
in  his  making  a  fine  drive  or  a  perfect  approach  ;  nor 
does  the  pianist  examine  the  order  of  movement  of 
his  fingers.  His  “  sub-liminal  self,”  his  “  unconscious 
cerebration,”  attends  to  these  details  without  his  con¬ 
scious  intervention,  and  all  the  better  for  the  absence  of 
what  the  nerve-physiologists  call  “  cerebral  inhibition  ” 
— that  is  to  say,  the  delay  or  arrest  due  to  the  sending 
round  of  the  message  or  order  to  the  muscles  by  way  of 
the  higher  brain-centres,  instead  of  letting  it  go  directly 
from  a  low^er  centre  without  the  intervention  of  the  seats 
of  attention  and  consciousness.  The  sneezing  caused  in 
most  people  by  a  pinch  of  ordinary  snuff  can  be  rendered 
impossible  by  “  cerebral  inhibition,”  set  up  by  a  wager 
with  the  snuff-taking  victim  that  he  will  fail  to  sneeze  in 
three  minutes,  however  much  snuff  he  may  take.  His 
attention  to  the  mechanism  of  the  anticipated  sneeze, 
and  his  desire  for  it,  inhibit  the  whole  apparatus.  So 
long  as  you  can  make  him  anxious  to  sneeze  and  fix  his 
attention  on  the  effort  to  do  so,  by  a  judicious  exhortation 
at  intervals,  he  will  not  succeed  in  sneezing.  When  the 
three  minutes  are  up,  and  you  both  have  ceased  to  be 
interested  in  the  matter,  he  will  probably  sneeze  unex- 



pectedly  and  sharply.  I  was  set  on  to  this  train  of  thought 
by  a  recent  visit  to  an  exhibition  of  photographs. 

There  were  many  very  interesting  illustrations  of  the 
application  of  photography  to  scientific  investigation. 
Among  others  I  saw  a  fine  enlarged  photograph  of  the 
common  millipede  (Julus  terrestris),  and  my  desire  was 
renewed  to  have  a  bioscopic  film-series  of  the  movements 
of  this  creature’s  legs.  Some  years  ago  I  attempted  to 
analyse,  and  published  an  account  of,  the  regular 
rhythmic  movement  of  the  legs  of  millipedes.  I  found 
that  the  “  phases  ”  of  forward  and  backward  swing  are 
presented  in  groups  of  twelve  pairs  of  legs,  each  pair  of 
legs  being  in  the  same  phase  of  movement  as  the  twelfth 
pair  beyond  it.  But  instantaneous  photography  would 
give  complete  certainty  about  the  movement  in  this  case, 
and  in  the  case  of  the  even  more  beautiful  “  rippling  ” 
movement  of  the  legs  of  some  of  the  marine  worms. 
Some  kindly  photographer  might  take  up  the  investiga¬ 
tion  and  prepare  a  series  of  films.  The  problem  is 
raised  and  the  effects  of  “  cerebral  inhibition  ”  are  de¬ 
scribed  in  a  fanciful  little  poem  written,  I  believe,  by 
a  lady.  As  it  is  not  widely  known,  I  give  it  here  as  a 
record  of  “  cerebral  inhibition  ”  : 

"  A  centipede  was  happy  'til 
One  day  a  toad  in  fun 
Said,  ‘  Pray,  which  leg  moves  after  which  ?  * 

This  raised  her  doubts  to  such  a  pitch 
She  fell  exhausted  in  the  ditch, 

Not  knowing  how  to  run.” 

The  point,  of  course,  is  that  she  could  execute  the 
complex  movement  of  her  legs  well  enough  until  her 
brain  was  set  to  work  and  her  conscious  attention  given 
to  the  matter.  Then  “  cerebral  inhibition  ”  took  place 
and  she  broke  down. 


Absorption  bands  in  spectrum  of 
blood-red,  49 

Actors,  cinema  records  of,  26 
Age,  extreme  old,  161 
Alchemists,  the  last  of  the,  156 
Amoeba,  cinema  records  of,  31 
Annelids,  reproduction  by  fission, 
59,  63 

Archer,  Mr.  William,  on  telepathy, 


Bacteria,  poisonous,  of  the  in¬ 
testine  checked  by  the 
lactic  bacillus,  192 
Balance,  a  law  of  organic  forms, 

Balzac’s  “  peau  de  chagrin,”  169 
“  Bang,”  or  "  Hashish,”  239 
Bilharzia,  the  blood  parasite  of 
Africa,  73 

Blood  corpuscles,  colourless,  32, 
33,  34 

Blood-crystals,  47,  54 
Blood-red  in  the  coiled  pond- 
snail,  52 

in  water-fleas  and  blood-worms, 

Breeding  habits  and  combs  of  the 
wasp,  128 

Bury,  Professor,  on  Progress,  75 

Caribs  or  Indians  of  San  Domingo, 
their  mode  of  inhaling 
tobacco-smoke,  239 
Cat  and  mouse,  93 
story  of  a  hidden,  146 
Cat-sense,  145 

Cell-division,  growth  and  multi¬ 
plication  in  living  tissue 
shown  by  the  cinema,  25 
Centipede,  the,  verses  concerning, 

Cercaria,  71 

Cerebral  inhibition,  241 
Chaetogaster,  distinct  adult  and 
larval  forms  of,  59 
Chaetogaster  Limnaeae,  56 
Charcot  at  the  Salpetriere  Hos¬ 
pital,  150 

Chemical  compounds  and  crystal¬ 
line  form,  208-213 
elements,  the,  207 
Chinese  records  of  tobacco,  237 
Cigar-smoking,  origin  of,  236 
Cinema,  origin  of  the,  16-19 
Creator,  views  as  to  the  character 
of  the,  86,  87 

Crows,  story  of  the  three  black, 

Cruelty  in  Nature,  83  et  seq. 
Crystals  and  morphology,  206 
resemblances  to  and  differences 
from  forms  of  living  things, 

Cuttle-fish,  eye  of  the,  116,  120 
Cyclops,  name  given  to  a  common 
congenital  deformity,  230 
Cyclostoma,  a  land-snail,  46 

Dancers,  cinema  records  of,  26,  27 
Dancing  mania,  the,  142 
De  Candolle  on  the  history  of 
tobacco,  235 

Diapedesis,  or  out-wandering  of 
phagocytes,  36 

Dicynodont  reptiles,  third  eye 
of,  1 12 

Discovery,  misuse  of  the  word, 

Disharmonies  in  man’s  structure, 


Distomum,  a  genus  of  flukes,  66 
Dogfish,  a  two-headed,  232 
Du  Chaillu  on  the  habits  of  the 
gorilla,  5 

Duration  of  life,  163 




Elements,  the  chemical,  20 7 
End-organs  of  nerves,  97 
Evidence  and  proof,  136 
Expectation  of  life,  163 

marked  increase  of,  during 
the  past  forty  years,  164 
Experiments,  two  made  by  the 
author,  149 

Eye  at  the  back  of  the  head,  106 
structure  of  the,  in  the  Scorpion, 
the  Limpet,  the  Snail,  the 
Cuttle-fish,  and  the  Nauti¬ 
lus,  in-117 

Fancy,  an  unwarranted,  131 
Film  showing  co-ordinated  move¬ 
ments  of  the  legs  of  sea- 
worms,  centipedes,  and 
multipedes — much  desired 
by  biologists,  242 
Fission  as  a  mode  of  multiplica¬ 
tion  in  worms,  59,  63 
Foot  of  man,  gorilla,  and  monkey, 
compared,  8 

Form,  laws  of,  in  living  things,  217 

Galloping  horse,  problem  of  the, 
started  the  cinema  film, 
16,  17 

Genital  bristles  of  Nais  serpentina, 

of  Chaetogaster,  62 
Giants,  196  et  seq. 

a  list  of  well-attested  modern, 

bones  of  big  animals  mistaken 
for  those  of,  200 
legends  of,  199 

Goldsmith  on  the  “  Tarantella,” 

Gorilla,  species  and  varieties  of,  10 
of  Hanno  the  Carthaginian,  12 
the,  of  Sloane  Street,  1 

Haemoglobin,  47-54 
Hermaphrodites,  229 
Herodotus  on  “  smoking,”  239 
Hodgson  Burnett,  Mrs.,  on  the 
snuff  -  stick,  used  in  Ken¬ 
tucky,  234 

Hookah,  the,  237,  240 
Hosts,  in  primary  and  final,  in¬ 
habited  by  parasites,  67 
Huxley  on  the  gorilla,  13 

Ichthyosaurus  skull,  showing  ori¬ 
fice  for  the  third  eye,  1 1 1 
Inhibition  of  sneezing,  241 

of  co-ordinated  movements,  242 
Intestinal  gardens,  culture  of  our, 

Intestine,  the  great,  a  source  of 
poisons,  188 

Job,  the  Book  of,  87 

Lampreys  and  hag-fish,  third 
eye  of,  no 

Language,  the  instrument  of 
human  progress,  80,  81 
Latrodectus,  a  poisonous  spider, 

Lease  of  life,  the,  170 

the,  in  giants  and  dwarfs, 

Lens  of  the  eye  differs  in  essential 
origin  and  structure  in 
different  classes  of  animals, 
118,  119,  121 

Lewis,  Sir  George  Cornewall,  dis¬ 
putes  duration  of  life  to  a 
century,  167 

Life,  expectation  and  duration  of, 
163,  164 
Limnaea,  41 

truncatula,  the  primary  host  of 
the  liver-fluke,  72 
Limpet,  eye  of  the,  115 
Liver-fluke,  the,  66—73 
Lizards,  third  eye  of,  10  7-1 12 
Longevity  and  lease  of  life,  1 70 
baseless  credulity  concerning, 

of  trees,  174 

of  various  animals,  173,  174 
potential,  171 

Machnow  exhibited  in  Paris,  the 
tallest  giant  on  trust¬ 
worthy  record,  197 
Magnet,  experiment  with  a,  152, 

Magnetical  cures,  151 
Man,  his  wonderful  powers  sung 
by  Sophocles,  8S 
paired  eyes  of,  119 
Manich$ism,  86 

McCook,  Dr.,  on  spider’s  poison, 



Measled  pork,  68 
Metallic  discs  supposed  to  cause 
absence  of  sensation  when 
applied  to  the  arm,  152 
Metchnikoff  on  longevity,  1  76 
on  old  age  and  causes  of  death, 
178  et  seq. 

Microscope  and  cinema-photo¬ 
graphy  combined,  24,  25 
Milk,  sour,  use  of,  as  taught  by 
Metchnikoff,  192 

Miracidium,  the  youngest  form  of 
the  liver-fluke,  71 
Monsters,  204 
artificial,  223 
four-armed,  222 
four-legged,  222 
human  and  animal,  a  list  of 
names  assigned  to,  227 
two-headed,  222 

Monstrous  deformities  as  omens, 

flowers,  224 

Morphology  and  monsters,  204  et 

Mouse,  the,  as  a  bogy,  141 
Muybridge,  the  originator  of  the 
cinema  film,  18 

Natica,  a  sea-snail,  40 
Nature,  question  as  to  whether 
cruel,  83 

Nautilus,  eye  of  the  Pearly,  117 
Nerves,  afferent  and  efferent,  95 
Nicotine,  234 

origin  of  the  name,  236 

Old  age,  how  to  enjoy  a  happy, 

Operculum  of  a  land-snail,  46 

Pain,  beneficent  nature  of,  89 
measurement  of,  90,  94 
Paludina,  44 
Parietal  eye,  107-112 
Phagocytes,  or  eater-cells,  24,  33, 

Pineal  eye,  10  7-1 12 
Pipe -smoking,  introduced  by 
Ralph  Lane  and  Drake 
from  North  America,  236 
Planorbis,  44 

Pocock,  Mr.  R.,  on  foot  of  chim¬ 
panzee,  6 

Poison  of  spiders,  143 
of  toads,  144 

Polarities,  the  compelling  form- 
scheme  of  growth  in  living 
things,  220 
Polarity,  organic,  219 
Pond-snail,  the  flea  of  the,  55 
flat-coiled,  or  Planorbis,  44 
of  running  water,  Paludina,  44 
Pond-snails  and  other  molluscs, 

Price,  Dr.  James,  of  Oxford, 
pretends  to  transmute  base 
metals  into  silver  and  gold, 

detection  and  death  of,  159 
Progress,  definition  of,  74,  77 
Purchas  gives  description  of  the 
Pongo  and  Engeco  by 
Andrew  Battell,  12 

Record,  the  great,  of  humanity, 


Records  to  be  made  by  cinema 
film,  19,  26 

Redia,  or  “  King’s  yellow  worm,” 

Registers  of  birth  and  death,  163 
Repetition  of  parts,  218 
Rhinoceros  horn  supposed  to 
paralyse  poisonous  crea¬ 
tures,  150 

Rowell,  Mr.,  of  Oxford,  on  the 
beneficent  nature  of  pain, 


Royal  Society  demands  proof  of 
his  statements  from  Dr. 
James  Price,  158 

Royal  Society’s  experiment  with 
powdered  horn  of  rhino¬ 
ceros,  150 

Salt  on  a  bird’s  tail,  149 
Satan,  86 

Science  and  the  film,  16 
Scorpion,  eye  of  the,  113 
Sense-organs,  98-104 
Senses,  the,  and  sense  organs,  95 
et  seq. 

the  ten,  95  et  seq. 

Sensitive  plant,  the,  92 
Serums,  injection  of,  to  control 
tissue-cells,  193 
Sixth  sense,  so-called,  104 



Size  of  wild  animals  not  variable, 

Slowing  down  and  quickening  up, 
in  cinema  pictures,  20-26 
Snail,  eye  of  the,  115 
Snails  from  fresh  water,  41,  44 
Snuff  and  sneezing,  241 
Snuff-stick,  the,  of  Kentucky,  234 
Social  species  of  bees,  wasps, 
ants,  and  the  termites, 
independent  origin  of,  129 
Sophocles,  chorus  from  his  play, 
the  “  Antigone,”  88 
Spectroscope,  48 

Spencer,  Herbert,  on  Progress,  77 
Spider-sense,  138 
Staggers,  a  disease  of  sheep,  69 
Sting  of  the  wasp,  127 
Stingless  bees  of  South  America, 

Stokes,  Sir  George,  on  the  absorp¬ 
tion  bands  in  the  spectrum 
of  light  passed  through  a 
solution  of  blood-red,  50 
Strachey,  Sir  Richard,  his  story 
of  a  cat  and  a  general,  146 
Sympathetic  metals  and  powders, 


Tape-worms,  68,  69 
"  Tarantism,”  142 
Tarantula,  the  story  of  the,  141 
Teeth,  wisdom,  useless,  190 
Telepathy,  105,  131 

a  pretentious  name,  145 

Thomas,  Mr.  A.  P.,  discovers  life- 
history  of  the  liver-fluke, 
65.  72.  73 

Thought-transference,  135 
Tissue-cells,  “  nobler  ”  kind  and 
others,  191 

Toad,  poison  of  the,  144 
Tobacco,  233 

aroma  due  to  ferment,  238 
condemned  by  King  James  I 
and  by  Mr.  Frederick 
Harrison,  236 

discovery  and  importation  of, 

extravagantly  praised  by  the 
poet  Spenser  and  the 
astologer,  Lilly,  236 
juice  in  pipe,  is  not  nicotine,  233 
legitimate  “  blending  ”  of,  239 
not  native  in  Asia,  237,  239 
the  various  ways  of  taking,  234 
Tobacco-plant,  species  of,  237 
Tongue  of  the  Common  Whelk,  42 
Twins,  “  identical  ”  and  “  ordin¬ 
ary,”  230 
the  Siamese,  231 
the  "  Two-headed  Nightingale,” 


Warning  colours  of  wasps,  sala¬ 
manders,  and  cinnabar 
moth’s  caterpillars,  126 
;  Wasps,  123 

Wells,  Mr.  H.  G.,  on  cruelty  in 
Nature,  83 





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to  owe  their  luminosity  to  a  parasitic  microbe  which  kills  them. — Vignette 
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picture  of  the  occurrence,  published  by  the  herbalist,  Gerard,  reproduced. 
Discovery  that  this  fable  is  due  to  the  fanciful  pictures  of  geese  and 
barnacles  painted  on  pottery  by  the  Mykenasan  people  of  Crete  and  Cyprus, 
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