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ional Forests 

the Skier 
the Nat 

Growth Potent 


Growth Potential 
of the Skier Market 
in the National Forests 

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 
1979. Growth potential of the skier market in the National Forests. USDA 
For. Serv. Res. Pap. WO-36, 31 p., illus. 

Nationwide study of the skier market, based on 1978 telephone survey, includes 
regional descriptions of active, inactive, and potential skiers, both downhill and 
cross-country. Included are estimates of the size of these market classes and 
detailed descriptions of public images of and attitudes toward skiing, its cost, 
attractions, facilities, and market needs. The skier market’s potential for short 
term growth is estimated. both regionally and nationally, and the perceived 
adequacy of the existing developed ski area resource is assessed in terms of its 
ability to attract, and hold, new participants. 

Keywords: Outdoor recreation; ski industry; ski area management; skier popu- 

Library of Congress Card Number: 79-600085 
February 1980 

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 
Washington, D.C. 20402 


Downhill and cross-country skiing are among 
the snow and ice activities that accounted for 
11.2 million recreation visitor-days in the Nation- 
al Forests in 1977. Approximately one of every 
two major ski resorts is located wholly or par- 
tially within the National Forest System, and 
the USDA Forest Service, the largest public sup- 
plier of downhill skiing opportunities, has 30 per- 
cent of all the ski lifts in the Nation. If the 
concept of “vertical transport feet’? is used to 
measure ski-lift capacity, the National Forests 
account for 54 percent of the national supply. 

Additionally, public land managers and ski in- 
dustry spokespeople estimate that the number 
of cross-country skiers has at least tripled in 
the last few years. 

If the demand for skiing and other outdoor 
recreation opportunities continues to increase as 
projected, it will be necessary to expand the 
Nation’s recreational resource. This will require 
sound planning to insure that this resource is 
managed on the basis of responsive allocation of 
resources and development of facilities. Inade- 
quate planning and insufficient increases in sup- 
ply could lead to the degradation of the resource 
and the recreation experiences it supports, and 
have an adverse effect on the Nation’s economy. 

Apart from the individual and social benefits 
of outdoor recreation, the production and con- 
sumption of recreational goods and services stim- 
ulate local economies with business revenues, em- 
ployment, payrolls, and profits. In turn, the earn- 
ings of businesses and individuals are spent on 
other goods and services, creating tax revenues 
which in part, provide additional recreation serv- 

For more than a decade, Forest Service recrea- 
tion resource planners and ski industry officials, 
including members of the National Ski Areas 
Association, have argued that current and reli- 
able data on skier market trends are needed to 
formulate effective development policies for 
National Forests, An indepth study of the down- 


hill skier market and its growth potential is an 
essential element in guiding development plan- 
ning for this capital-intensive activity that re- 
quires a long term land use commitment. 

This survey provides “benchmark” data on the 
size of the active, inactive, and potentially active 
segments of the skier market. Its purpose is not 
to predict future growth of the skier market but 
to assess the potential for that growth and to 
identify the factors that may inhibit it. The study 
also provides important data for management in 
its descriptions of the three market segments and 
the perceptions of skiers. Obviously, the correc- 
tion of perceived problems will both strengthen 
the skier market and enhance the long term in- 
vestment of Forest Service ski areas. 

Further analysis of the data generated by this 
survey is underway; results will be published as 
separate research reports and include descrip- 
tions—by region—of very high potential skiers 
and very active skiers (those who ski more than 
20 days per year). Also, a planned reassessment 
of the skier market in 5 years will provide reliable 
trend data on the three market segments for 
both downhill and cross-country skiing. 

The survey data were collected and summarized 
by Opinion Research Corporation, Princeton, 
N.J. Survey design and data analysis were by 
Dr. Wilbur F. LaPage, Northeastern Forest Ex- 
periment Station, Durham, N.H.; and Stacy 
Standley, Sno-Engineering Co., Franconia, N.H., 
and Aspen, Colo. The study was suggested and 
reviewed by Dr. H. Fred Kaiser, Jr., of the Forest 
Service’s Resources Program and Assessment 
staff, which provided the primary funding for 
this report. Additional technical and financial 
support were provided by Prof. Tommy Brown, 
Department of Natural Resources, Cornell Uni- 

For more information about this survey or 
other studies in progress, please write: National 
Skier Market Survey, P.O. Box 640, Durham, 
N.H. 03824. 



Ines kl "Cy Clee ate ee aes 0 ee Re) ge 1 
IMATKETICIASS S1ZE res a Mes ee meee ee 2 
Market: class’ Seoments) 222-252 2 Se eee ee ee ee 3 
THE IMAG EO (SKTING regeege.. So ewetyels le a  e 3 
General. perceptionses 2.2 esw 2p 2 ae Te cere ee ie 3 
Local-regional. images psyete. 82 ea eee Sas tees 4 
Perceive du OStsig is a i ee cet oye tn 5 a ee ae 4 
Downhill? versus (cross-COuUnthY, 222 52 Soe ee ee 5 
SKa Wala COMMS tes ae a er ed, Wie een OE. CI ee 5 
OS aT OS. Ses ees rn ee en cea tL Lt Sra ee Ee Oe. ae 5 
INGE. CLASSES ee Lee ee eee eh ee le ee ee 6 
@rOSS=COUNUIY: SKICVS ose an ee ee 6 
THE, DEMOGRAPHICS OR,SKEING -e22se8.5862 2 oe 6 
Niobilidigarsee eke cular oh pelea 2. ee ere) eh 6 
SEXe:PAUIOS,. re qupi pers nhl ent. 2. Belge nulh 2 iby 9 1d a 6 
Manitalwstatustandgare wesc see 2 the 23 ee ae et ee ee 7 
Income)ands OCCupationy we 2888. _ 94. heheh 2e eS 7 
Possible additions to manket 22-2 ee Se ee eee 7 
Reliabilityeor estimates = oes. = og See ne ee ered ee ie 7 
WONG TUS INS eee sr oe eee sie Nk ene Aue ee 8 
Implications tor planning and marketing; ~== 222222 2s eee 8 
Implications for research and education ___._________________.. 10 
JNVE Bgl IE OD Cs MN ces ok AMM ee, cls 3 ORO Yar PRM eam Oa ot ROE oi 11 

Sample design of national skier market 
SURVENS 0! eee ae Feo ee eh el ed a 11 
Statistical#interpretationsee: 29... 2h. eer ny ea 13 
DennitiOns suis Me ede. Settee era: ee em eee as 12 
Data summany—potential skiers ~~. .2e22hs252252—_S22 ss 13 
Datasumumary—acciverswiensw=) 2-224 2.. fe ae eee 16 
Data: summary—ainactive skiers. .__ -sas9ey. scien Se ee 19 
ENTS OTE Spc se eh Ta he Be es ees ae 23 



The skiing cycle All skiers pass through phases that include peri- 
ods of noninvolvement, periods of more or less 

Skiing occupies relatively little time in the intense involvement, periods of temporary inactiv- 
life of the average skier. Its popular image is ity, and eventual permanent withdrawal from the 
that of a sport “for the young and the wealthy.” skier market. These phases provide a realistic 


(117.7 MILLION) 


9% 8% 9% 


FSS pas 

(12.9 MILLION) 

Figure 1.—The skiing cycle is a model of skiing market growth based on patterns of participation and nonparticipation. 
There is a high probability that one-half of the skiers in both the potential and inactive market classes will have an 
impact on the active skier market in the future. 

model for studying the skiing market for plan- 
ning and investment purposes; at any given time, 
the market can be visualized as having an active 
participant component, a potential participant 
component made up of persons who are highly 
likely to try skiing, and an inactive participant 
component made up of skiers who have tem- 
porarily stopped skiing (fig. 1). 

The publishing and equipment merchandising 
sectors within the recreation industry have long 
recognized the importance of appealing to the non- 
participating segments of the market because pur- 
chases—particularly magazine purchases—pro- 
vide an opportunity for nonparticipants to express 
a continuing interest in the activity until they 
have an opportunity to participate. An under- 
standing of the nonparticipating segments of the 
skier market is equally important to managers of 
ski resorts. In many cases, the reason for tempo- 
rary inactivity by skiers, as well as for the per- 
ceived barriers to participation, may be the failure 
of the industry to communicate with potential 
skiers. Continuing changes in conditions, rates, fa- 
cilities, opportunities, and clientele are all poten- 
tial sources of complexity, confusion, and misin- 
formation that can delay entry or reentry into the 
skiing market. 

The objectives of this study were to: 

1. Examine the current skier market—and the 
potential additions to it—by determining the sizes 
of the major market classes that are most likely 
to have an impact on the industry in the near 
future. These classes include: those who now ski 
and are likely to continue to ski (active skiers) ; 
those who have never skied but are most likely 
to begin skiing in the near future (high poten- 
tial); and those who have stopped skiing but 
are most likely to return to skiing in the near 
future (temporarily inactive). 

2. Determine the images of skiing and the 
perceptual barriers to participation held by these 
three major classes. 

3. Develop descriptive market facts about each 
of these classes. 

Market class size 

To develop estimates of the sizes of the po- 
tential, active, and inactive skier markets, 
“screening” interviews were conducted by tele- 
phone with 2,191 persons from 7,106 households 
containing 15,446 adults (16 years of age and 
older). Each adult in these households was classi- 
fied as having: (1) never skied and unlikely to 

(36.2 million adults) 

Potential 2.8 


WEST (42.6 million adults) Active 4.3 
(28.8 million adults) i aie he 
Potential PAT PSV RLS. 32 
Active 36 Active 3.1 
Inactive 3.8 Geis ae 
(51.3 million adults) 
Potential 5.1 
Active 1.9 
Inactive 2.9 

Figure 2.—Distribution, by major census region, of the gross number of potential, active, and inactive skiers, both down- 
hill and cross-country, in millions of adults (age 16 and older). 

try skiing in the near future (nonskier); (2) 
never skied but likely to try skiing in the next 
few years (potential skier); (8) skied in the 
past but not in the last season (inactive skier); 
and (4) skied since November 1977 (active 

Of the 7,106 households contacted, 10.8 per- 
cent contained at least one active skier, 14.3 per- 
cent had at least one potential skier, 14.4 percent 
had one or more inactive skiers, and 82.9 percent 
percent contained at least one adult who never 
skied and probably never will (table 1). The 
sample design is described in the appendix. Ob- 
viously, many households contained adults in 
more than one category as the total exceeds 122 
percent; because of this overlap, these household 
percentages are not an accurate representation 
of the actual population sizes of the skier market 

By major region of the United States, the 
estimates of these skier market segments (table 
2) reveal a nearly even regional distribution of 
inactive skiers and a substantial potential skier 
market in the Southern and North Central States 
(fig. 2). 

Market class segments 

The categories of “inactive skier” and “‘po- 
tential skier’? can be further refined to assess 
their probable future impact on the market. In- 
active skiers are categorized as: 

not ski during the current season but expect 
to ski during the 1978-79 season (49.9 per- 
cent of all inactives). 

did not ski during the season and indicate 
that they will probably never ski again; or 
if they ski again will do so sometime after 
the 1978-79 season (50.1 percent). 

Potential skiers are categorized as: 

HIGH POTENTIAL—Nonskiers under 26 
years of age (on the basis of current age 
classes of active skiers) who indicate an in- 
terest in skiing, that is, most likely to adopt 
skiing (49.8 percent of all potentials). 

through 34 years of age who indicate an in- 
terest in skiing (20.1 percent). 

LOW POTENTIAL—Nonskiers 35 years of 
age or older and who indicate an interest in 
skiing (30.1 percent). 

The dichotomy between temporary and perma- 
nent inactivity, though arbitrary, is solidly sup- 
ported by numerous significant differences in 
skier attitudes, patterns of past participation, 
and demographic and socioeconomic characteris- 
tics. For example, the median age of temporarily 
inactive skiers is 27, and they have skied (on 
the average) within the past 2 years. Perma- 
nently inactive skiers (on the average) have 
not skied in more than 5 years; their median age 
is 837. Consequently, the remainder of this report 
ignores the permanently inactive skiers because 
they are unlikely to have any significant impact 
on the market. 

There were no significant differences among the 
proportions of high, moderate, and low potential 
skiers who have read skiing magazines and other 
articles on skiing, watched skiing competition on 
television during the previous year, and have 
friends who ski. Among the activities listed that 
they would like to take up over the next 2 years, 
only the low potential group differed significantly 
from the average of 43 percent who expressed 
an interest in downhill skiing. No significant dif- 
ferences were found in the reasons for never 
having taken up skiing among the three potential 
classes. In summary, our classification scheme 
does not appear to be reinforced by the data— 
neither is it refuted. 

Because of the possible impact of high potential 
and temporarily inactive skiers on the skiing 
market, it is essential that we take an indepth 
look at the characteristics and perceptions of 
these skiers, and compare them with those of 
active skiers. In the sections that follow, we 
examine the past, present, and future of skiing 
through the eyes of three of these market seg- 
ments: those having a high potential to adopt 
skiing; active skiers; and temporarily inactive 


In assessing the image of skiing, three broad 
areas of people’s perceptions of downhill skiing 
were examined: 

1. General perceptions of skiing, using 14 de- 
scriptive phrases relating to its attraction 
and appeal. 

2. Local-regional images of the adequacy of 
available developed ski facilities. 

3. Perceived costs of skiing and their apparent 
impact on participation. 

General perceptions 

In examining people’s general perceptions of 
skiing as an activity, conflicting reports on bar- 
riers to participation were common. For example, 
4 out of 10 potential skiers said that they had not 
taken up skiing because they lacked the time; 
yet less than 10 percent perceived skiing as “too 
time consuming.” Image “profiles” of the three 
major market classes are remarkably similar 

(table 3), as are the regional perceptions of ski- 
ing. There were significant differences in images 
among market classes on skiing’s risks, crowded- 
ness, and costs. 

Potential skiers are more likely to perceive 
skiing as appealing “mainly to the young.” And 
skiers in this class tend to be slightly more likely 
to see skiing as ‘‘dangerous” and “‘requiring skill.” 
However, on the plus side, the high potential 
group is much less likely to have images of crowd- 
ing and high costs. Perceptions of high cost and 
crowding increase dramatically from potential 
to active skiers! 

Relatively few perceptual differences were 
found between men and women. Among potential 
skiers, women were significantly (90 percent 
level) more likely to see skiing as “dangerous,” 
“expensive,” and “hard work.” However, these 
sex-related differences in image nearly disappear 
among active women skiers. Temporarily inactive 
women are more likely to be concerned with 
crowding and costs, but less concerned with ac- 
cessibility and skill requirements than their male 


In response to the question, “Do you feel that 
the developed ski facilities are adequate in your 
region?’, similar patterns of response emerged 
among potential, active, and inactive skiers 
across all regions of the country (table 4). Po- 
tential skiers were least likely to perceive deficien- 
cies in downhill facilities; however, the need for 
more and better downhill facilities was the most 
common recommendation in every region. 

Facilities are least likely to be perceived as 
inadquate in the Northeast and the West, and 
most commonly reported in the South and North 
Central States, though reports from the South of 
inadequate facilities, and the complete absence of 
skiing facilities, were surprisingly low. 

Assuming that the images of active skiers most 
nearly represent actual regional conditions, it 
would seem that potential skiers might benefit 
from better information on available skiing op- 
portunities; but they may develop poorer images 
of downhill facilities as they become active. The 
similarity of perceptions of active and tempo- 
rarily inactive skiers suggests the possibility of 
real barriers to returning to active status along 
with an increased movement from active to in- 

active if there is no improvement in skiing con- 

Perceived costs 

Skiing’s most consistently negative image is 
its high cost. More than one out of every two 
potential skiers views the activity as “‘expensive.” 
Active and inactive skiers are even more likely 
to agree that it is costly! In response to the ques- 
tion of whether the various costs incurred on a 
ski trip are ‘too high,” “about right,’ or “too 
low,” potential skiers were less likely to perceive 
lift tickets as overpriced than either active or 
inactive skiers. However, equipment rentals and 
ski-trip transportation were more likely to be 
considered by the potential skier as too costly 
(table 5). In none of the market classes did the 
perception that costs were “too low” exceed 2 
percent. i 

Despite several significant regional variations, 
almost identical proportions (approximately one- 
third) of potential, active, and inactive skiers 
felt that ski lift tickets were priced “about 
right.” Potential skiers are much less likely to 
perceive lift tickets as overpriced, and significant- 
ly more likely to be concerned about the costs of 
ski-trip transportation than active or inactive 

Eighty-four percent of the inactive skiers 
“agreed” or “possibly agreed” that skiing is an 
expensive sport. Like the potential skiers, inactive 
skiers agree that skiing is expensive, but cost as 
a barrier to participation was not mentioned by 
a majority of inactive skiers. Collectively, other 
noncost factors seem more influential in the de- 
cision to postpone skiing. In general, southerners 
were the least cost conscious, while westerners 
and northeasterners were most aware of costs. 

In summary, the impact of the perceived cost 
of skiing on participation varies by respondent 
group. Cost influences a higher proportion of 
active than inactive and potential skiers, and has, 
at least in the actives’ judgment, reduced their 
level of desired participation. For the potential 
skiers, cost has deterred nearly one out of two 
from skiing, and cost seems a major barrier to 
returning to the skiing market for the same 
proportion of temporarily inactive skiers (table 
6). Skiing is perceived as an expensive sport, 
and that perception apparently has had an im- 
pact on limiting the size of the market. 


Although our primary objective is to better 
understand the potential skier, the two experi- 
enced market classes—currently active and tem- 

porarily inactive skiers—provide the only realistic 
means of assessing possible skier behavior in the 

Downhill versus cross-country 

Nearly 90 percent of the United States skier 
population is made up of downhill skiers, plus 
those who ski both downhill and cross-country. 
Approximately 18 percent of all active skiers 
consider themselves both downhill and _ cross- 
country skiers, but they do not necessarily partic- 
ipate in both activities during any given year. 
(The actual incidence of participation in both 
types of skiing during the past year was not 
determined, so ‘active participation” in both 
downhill and cross-country skiing may be slightly 
overestimated.) About 13 percent of the active 
and 6 percent of the temporarily inactive skiers 
are exclusively cross-country skiers (table 7). 

Downhill skiers had a median of 4.3 years of 
participation. The regional differences ranged 
from 2.6 years in the South to 5.1 years in the 
Northeast (table 8). Similarly, 66 percent of all 
downhill skiers had skied less than 7 years; 
regionally, the percentage of skiers participating 
less than 7 years ranged from 58 percent in the 
Northeast to 71 percent in the South. Skiers in 
the Northeast tended to be the most active and 
enduring participants. As would be expected, 
Southern skiers generally have lower skill levels 
and participate the least. 

Inactive skiers participated for 2 to 3 years 
before becoming inactive, and classified them- 
selves as predominantly beginners and novices, 
except in the West where the median experience 
level is low intermediate (table 9). Dropping 
out tended to occur early in the skiing cycle while 
skiers were still relatively unskilled. Seventy-five 
percent of all inactive skiers participated for 6 
years or less, suggesting that the industry is hav- 
ing difficulty keeping participants after success- 
fully influencing them to take up skiing. 

Ski vacations 

Nearly one-third of all active downhill skiers 
took a ski vacation of at least 4 nights during the 
1977-78 ski season. Over one-half (54 percent) 
of the Southern skiers took an extended ski trip, 
while only one-third of the skiers in the other 
three regions took trips. Seventy-four percent of 
all downhill skiers averaged at least one trip of 
less than 4 nights in each year over the last 5 
years (table 10). 

Skiers in the three snow regions did most of 
their skiing within their own region. In the 
Northeast and West, more than 90 percent of the 
skiers used their own region’s facilities. Southern 
skiers, as would be expected, traveled out of 
their region most frequently, but still spent one- 

fifth of their skiing vacations in the South (table 

11). The Northeast and West are net importers 
of visiting skiers while the South and North 
Central areas are net exporters. The regional 
distribution of projected visits by potential skiers 
in the next 2 years (1978-80) closely parallels 
that of currently active skiers (table 12). 

The States most frequently mentioned as hav- 
ing been visited by skiers during 1976-78 and 
the potential skiers who expect to ski in those 
same States (in percent) are: 

Active Potential 
State 1976-78 1978-80 

Colorado ZAll 25 
California Zl 11 
Vermont 15 
New York 14 
Pennsylvania 12 
New Hampshire 9 
Michigan 9 
Wisconsin 8 
Massachusetts i 
Washington 6 
Minnesota 6 

me Pr OTA] CF CO OL 

In summarizing skier visit activity (trips of 
more than 1 day in length) by region, the West 
accounted for 43 percent of all visits, the North- 
east, 32 percent; the north-central region, 19 per- 
cent; and the South, 5 percent. 

Sex ratios 

Men and women downhill skiers tend to have 
similar characteristics in their skiing experiences. 
Both sexes had the same ratio of downhill to 
cross-country participants. They have skied in 
similar States, taken similar ski vacations in the 
past, and are distributed equally among regions. 

Sex-related differences include ability levels; 62 
percent of the women who responded were in the 
novice, beginner, and low intermediate levels ver- 
sus 41 percent of the men at these same levels. 
Women skiers reported skiing fewer total days 
per season—41 percent stated they skied 6 days 
or less—compared with 31 percent of the men. 
At the other end of the scale, 11 percent of the 
women skied 29 days or more versus 16 percent 
for the men. 

Although it would seem that men were the 
more active skiers, the median figures for men 
and women were only 1.7 days apart during the 
1977-78 season; men skied a median of 9.9 days, 
and women 8.2 days. The median ski vacations 
were 1.6 trips for men and 1.3 trips for women. 
(During the 1977-78 season, active skiers re- 
ported significantly fewer skiing days than they 
averaged during each of the preceding 5 years. 

However, this is probably due to recall bias and 
confusion in the way the question was _ inter- 

Among the inactive skiers, men and women 
each represent 50 percent of the population. 
Regionally, however, women significantly out- 
numbered men in the Northeast (58 percent to 
42 percent); in the South, the reverse was true 
(55 percent for men versus 45 percent for 
women). When they were active, both men and 
women had participated 2 to 3 years and aver- 
aged 8 days of skiing per year. 

Age classes 

Four age classes were used in examining the 
effects of age on active skier behavior: 16 to 19 
years, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, and 40 years and older. 
As might be expected, downhill skiers became 
more active in cross-country skiing as they grew 
older. Only 15 percent from the 16- to 19-year 
group participated in cross-country, while 27 per- 
cent from the 40 years and older group indicated 
that they participated in cross-country skiing. 

Naturally, the length of participation in skiing 
increased as a function of age. The relative skill 
level of skiers tended to increase as a function of 
age, though the differences were small and were 
not significant. 

Older skiers reported skiing a greater number 
of days per season (table 13) ; during the 1977-78 
season, a greater proportion took a ski vacation 
of at least 4 nights. 

Skiers 30 and older were more inclined to ski 
with the family, splitting their skiing frequency 
about equally between family and _ friends. 
Younger skiers usually skied with friends. 

Cross-country skiers 

Thirteen percent of the active skiers were ex- 
clusively cross-country participants; 21 percent 
of the downhill skiers also participated in cross- 
country skiing. Therefore, on a weighted basis, 
18 percent of all active skiers participate in cross- 

Cross-country skiers were found to be new to 
the activity; the median length of experience was 
2.6 years for active and 2.5 years for inactive 
skiers. Their skill levels reflected their recent 
entry, 43 percent being novices or beginners, and 
another 29 percent being low intermediate skiers. 

Regionally, the Northeast received 41 percent 
of the cross-country skier trips (more than 1 day 
in length) during the last 2 years, followed by 
the north-central region (36 percent), the West 
(80 percent), and the South (3 percent). The 
leading States in cross-country trips were: 

State Percent 
Wisconsin 18 
Vermont 16 
California 12 
Michigan 1M! 
Minnesota 10 
New York 10 
Massachusetts 8 
New Hampshire ff 

The ski travel habits of the cross-country skier 
were not as extensive as those of the downhill 
skier. Only 14 percent took a ski vacation of 4 
nights or more during the 1977-78 ski season. 
Over the last 5 years, 60 percent have taken one 
or more ski vacations of less than 4 nights each 
year—the median was two trips per year (table 


The social, economic, and demographic descrip- 
tions of high potential, active, and temporarily 
inactive skiers can provide important insights 
and potential marketing clues for reaching differ- 
ent segments of the skiing population. For ex- 
ample, the populous Northeast has, numerically, 
the most skiers; however, on a per capita basis, 
the West has the most active and temporarily 
inactive skiers. Also, on the basis of regional 
adult populations (16 years of age and older), 
the South has significantly fewer active and in- 
active skiers, but the largest “reservoir” of po- 
tential additions to the skiing market (table 15). 


Skiers were found to be highly mobile, 50 per- 
cent or more from each market class moving at 
least once in the last 5 years (table 16). Active 
skiers in the Northeast and South were signifi- 

cantly less mobile than their counterparts in the 
north-central region and the West. The inactives, 
in general, were more mobile than potentials and 
actives; and Western inactives were much more 
mobile than inactives from the other three 
regions. This suggests that residential mobility 
may be responsible for active skiers becoming 
temporarily inactive. Potential skiers were nearly 
as stable as active, but there were significant 
regional differences. 

The types of communities in which skiers re- 
side reflect expected regional differences (table 
17) ; however, place of residence does not vary 
significantly among the three major market clas- 

Sex ratios 
Fifty-two percent of the downhill and inactive 
skiers were men; of potential skiers, 54 percent 

were women. Significantly more women expressed 
an interest in taking up skiing (table 18). Region- 
ally, there were significant differences in the 
Northeast between actives and inactives, and in 
the north-central region and the South between po- 
tentials and actives. In the Northeast, South, and 
West, there were significant differences in sex 
ratios between potentials and inactives. Data 
from the U.S. Bureau of the Census indicate that 
there are more men in the 16- to 25-year class; 
so the greater number of potential women skiers 
is not explained by differences in population. 

Marital status and age 

Significantly more potential skiers were single, 
reflecting their lower median age (table 19). 

The median age of high potential skiers (19.2 
years) was lower than that for other market 
classes because of the definition of potential skier 
(those 16 to 25 years old who have expressed an 
interest in the sport). The median age of active 
downhill skiers was 26 years, and 27 for inactives. 
Age alone does not seem a factor in the decision 
of active skiers to become inactive (table 20). 


The concept of a cycle in skiing implies that 
the skiing market itself is similarly dynamic as ac- 
tive skiers drop out and are replaced by potential 
skiers. The various forward and reverse rates of 
flow in the market cannot be estimated on the 
basis of this study alone. Until reliable estimates 
of trends in sizes of each market segment can be 
generated, it is necessary to make a number of 
assumptions about these segments and their im- 
plications for the skiing industry. 

Possible additions to market 

The most obvious implication of this study is 
the apparent existence of large numbers of pos- 
sible additions to the ranks of active skiers from 
the high potential and temporarily inactive mar- 
ket segments. The extent to which the industry 
can encourage an accelerated movement into the 
active segment clearly is limited by many factors 
beyond its control. 

Similar barriers to entry and reentry were per- 
ceived by the high potentials and temporarily in- 
actives. For both segments, lack of time and lack 
of opportunity were the leading reasons. The cost 
of skiing was seen as limiting by nearly one out 
of two potential and inactive skiers. Clearly, time, 
opportunity, and costs are interrelated. New, 
more accessible ski developments that offer more 
opportunity and lower prices could partially 
counter these constraints. 

Income and occupation 

Potential skiers had a significantly lower medi- 
an income ($15,000) than active and inactive 
skiers, again reflecting the lower age class of 
potential skiers. However, there were no con- 
sistent differences in household income between 
active and inactive skiers across regions ($20,000 
for actives and $19,000 for inactives). 

While incomes of potential, active, and inactive 
skiers do follow a logical pattern, on the average, 
income within the skiing cycle is most useful as 
a descriptive statistic of the total skier market. 
In contrast with the national average of about 
$14,000, the median income was $15,000 for po- 
tential skiers compared with $20,200 for active 
skiers and $19,200 for temporarily inactives 
(table 21). 

The ranking by employment classification was 
similar for all three market classes, as well as 
among regions (table 22). Active and inactive 
skiers were twice as likely to be professionally 
or technically employed as potential skiers. 


Any realistic evaluation of these impacts must 
examine: (1) the adequacy of our estimates of 
the size of these market segments, and (2) the 
extent to which real barriers to increased partici- 
pation have been identified by this study. 

Reliability of estimates 

The estimates of active downhill skiers or their 
frequency of participation, or both, seem on the 
high side when compared to the known number 
of downhill skiing opportunities in each region 
(table 23); this is probably due largely to a 
tendency to exaggerate when recalling and re- 
porting participation This bias alone may result 
in an overestimate as high as 40 percent in annual 
skiing days (on the basis of responses to our 
question about past participation). Our estimate 
of skier days also is biased by the inclusion of 
some cross-country skiing activity reported as a 
unit by skiers who skied both downhill and cross- 
country in 1977-78. And the resulting figures on 
regional use of developed ski areas are somewhat 
overestimated because the available data on num- 
bers of enterprises excludes rope tow operations. 

The proportion of inactive skiers assumed to 
be only ‘‘temporarily inactive’ was estimated at 
one out of every two on the basis of their inten- 
tion to return to active status within the next two 
seasons. The estimated 6.9 million temporarily 
inactive skiers probably include the best pros- 

pects for market expansion—but those prospects 
are considerably fewer than 6.9 million if only 
the more limiting constraints to reentry are con- 
sidered: lack of time (45 percent), lack of op- 
portunity (23 percent), cost (45 percent), loss of 
interest (12 percent), and lack of ability because 
of health or age (10 percent). Further, 30 per- 
cent had not skied more recently than the 1975- 
76 season; this lapse of 3 years probably is close 
to the threshold of the permanent dropout from 
the market. 

Further analysis of this data may yield in- 
sights as to the contingent nature of these fac- 
tors, both individually and in combination. While 
these factors are not strictly additive, in com- 
bination they do indicate that upwards of 90 per- 

cent of the temporarily inactive skiers (those 
lacking interest, ability, time, and opportunity) 
are unlikely to have an immediate impact on the 
market unless these perceived constraints to re- 
entry can be neutralized. 

A similar conditional analysis of the 7.3 million 
‘high potential’? skiers drastically reduces the 
size of that market segment considering the per- 
ceived limitations of: lack of time (43 percent), 
lack of opportunity (33 percent), and lack of 
interest (11 percent). Again, assuming these 
categories to be additive, a conservative estimate 
of 9 of every 10 high potential skiers face limita- 
tions of time, interest, and opportunity that will 
prevent them from entering the market in signif- 
icant numbers. 


Implications for planning and marketing 

Until trends in market size can be determined 
by repeating this study at 5-year intervals, 
growth can only be assumed. However, it is clear 
that growth in each segment of the skier market 
is possible through: 

e The activation of potential skiers. 

e The reactivation of skier market drop- 

e An increase in the rate of participation by 
active skiers. 

For example, the current size of each of the 
first two market segments could be doubled by 
the addition of 7 million nonskiers with a high 
potential for adopting the activity, and another 
7 million temporarily inactive skiers. Of course, 
this type of growth in downhill skiing will be 
limited by factors such as rising transportation 
costs and the number of developed facilities, but 
cross-country skiing, one of the fastest growing 
outdoor activities does not face these limitations. 
Until now, downhill and cross-country skiing have 
been viewed as mutually exclusive activities, or 
at least as substitutes for one another. However, 
they should be considered as mutually reinforcing 
throughout the entire skiing cycle. Interest in 
both doubles the potential for becoming involved 
in skiing, and halves the probability of dropping 
out. This dual interest might even extend the 
period of involvement, making skiing truly a “‘life- 
time’”’ sport. 

The third type of possible growth, an increase 
in the rate of participation by active skiers, is 
highly probable in the immediate future for sev- 
eral reasons. First, the casual skier will drop out 
as transportation costs increase, thus reducing the 
average rate of participation. Second, the growth 
of cross-country skiing increases both the number 

of skiing days and the availability of the resource. 
Third, there is enormous potential for increasing 
participation through marketing. 

Today, roughly 20 percent of the skiing popu- 
lation is responsible for nearly 50 percent of all 
skiing activity. Stated another way, nearly 80 
percent of all skiers probably would ski more if 
there were incentives in the form of pricing, 
packaging, and delivery of ski area services. 

Promoters of skiing are in the frustrating posi- 
tion of offering a recreational service that is high 
in popular appeal but also high in economic and 
demographic barriers to converting that appeal 
into participation. For example, our population 
estimates of potential skiers by age class indicate 
that skiing’s appeal drops sharply after the age 
of 29 (table 24). And projected population statis- 
tics indicate that the industry can expect to draw 
new skiers from continually declining numbers 
of high potential skiers between the ages of 25 
and 29 (fig. 3). 

While this study does not provide indepth 
answers to questions about why skiing’s image is 
consistent across all regions and market classes, 
at least three elements of that image deserve 
careful study from a marketing viewpoint. Fore- 
most is the image of high cost. Compared to 
other activities that require large investments in 
equipment, skiing’s total costs probably are com- 
petitive on an activity-day basis. In fact, in terms 
of development and operational costs and invest- 
ment risks, skiing probably is one of outdoor 
recreation’s best consumer bargains—and could 
be more effectively promoted as such. 

Similar to the image of cost is that of “crowd- 
ing.” While approximately one of every three 
potential skiers views the activity as crowded, 
more than one of every two active and tempo- 
rarily inactive skiers share that same concern. 


(eco is ears) 
0.5 0 05 Cry 

Figure 3.—Distribution of the total United States population, by age and sex, April 1, 1970, and July 1, 1977. (Source: 
U.S. Dep. Commer. Bur. Census. Population estimates and projections. Curr. Popul. Rep. Ser. P-25, No. 721. April 
1978). | | : : 

This means possible disappointment for the new 
skier, and a serious barrier to reactivating 
temporary dropouts. Midweek promotional dis- 
counts would be one way of dealing with cost and 
crowding simultaneously. 

The image of “danger,” a concern among many 
potential skiers, drops markedly among active 
and temporarily inactive skiers. This suggests 
that concerns about danger are exaggerated 
among those considering skiing. 

If images of crowding, danger, and skill re- 
quirements are recognized as interrelated, a mar- 
keting attack on several fronts is possible. For 
example, concern about crowding should dimin- 
ish through programs that emphasize skier cour- 
tesy and by expanding the reporting of ski con- 
ditions to include percent of capacity. Other pro- 
grams would emphasize that skill levels are ac- 
counted for through careful area design, and, 
with the cooperation of equipment manufacturers, 
that the risk of injury has been minimized by 
advances in technology. 

Industry concerns such as slowing the rate of 
flow through the skiing cycle—making skiing a 
lifetime sport—can be resolved only by the ac- 
tions of individual ski area operators. Skiing 
can retain its youthful image without losing vet- 
eran skiers if area operators are alert and 
responsive to the changing perceptions of skiers, 
and if the industry provides accessible and satis- 
fying skiing experiences commensurate with 
future market growth. 


Implications for Research 

The sport of skiing, both downhill and cross- 
country, needs public lands to expand, but the 
supply and availability of public lands are direct 
constraints on this demand. Of the major outdoor 
recreation activities, skiing probably has the few- 
est available alternate sites on private lands. This 
suggests the need for a ‘“‘partnership’” between 
ski area operators and those responsible for 
recreation development on lands administered 
by the Forest Service. 

The fact that a team effort is required to pro- 
duce quality skiing experiences also suggests the 
need for a jointly developed data base to guide 
decisionmakers. For example, attendance records 
at winter sports sites provide an important—but 
severely limited—view of the future of these sites. 
But in combination with data on trends in the 
size of the skier market, market differentiation, 
and the changing perceptions of skiers, these 
records would provide a clearer view of that 
future. However, this monitoring of market 
trends is expensive, so the costs should be shared 
among all beneficiaries. 

Shared research also would avoid problems re- 
lated to “‘whose data to believe,” insure a better 
research product, and improve the likelihood of 
research results finding early application by man- 
agers. But before shared research by the ski 
industry and the Forest Service can become a 
reality, there must be an education campaign on 
the nature of this partnership. 


Sample design of national 
skier market survey 

Overview.—The sampling plan detailed below 
allowed for the collection of approximately 7,000 
telephone screening interviews with households 
in the contiguous States. The design can be 
characterized as a two-stage cluster sample in 
which primary selections are banks of 100 con- 
secutive telephone numbers. This method reduces 
the number of nonproductive dialings (nonwork- 
ing and business telephone numbers) consider- 
ably when compared to simple random digit dial- 
ing. More important, this design gives all house- 
hold telephone numbers, both listed and unlisted, 
an equal probability of selection, without knowing 
beforehand the actual count of residential num- 
bers in each cluster of 100 telephone numbers. 

Details of the sample design.—The first step in 
the design was to construct a frame of primary 
sampling units (PSU’s) using a computer tape 
made available by AT&T Long Lines Division. 
This tape contains all area code three-digit prefix 
(central office code) combinations currently in 
service. To these working combinations, all pos- 
sible choices for the next two digites (00, 01, 
..., 99) were added on. These eight-digit num- 
bers served as PSU’s. 

Using simple random sampling with replace- 
ment, a PSU was selected (e.g., 201-751-42). A 
two-digit random number was then generated, 
and attached to the selected eight digits to pro- 
duce a complete 10-digit telephone number. This 
primary number was then dialed, and if it was 
determined to be a residence, the bank of 100 
telephone numbers that was initially selected 
(e.g., 201-751-4200 to 201-751-4299) was retained 
in the sample, and a screening interview was 
attempted at that primary number. If the selected 
primary number was a nonresidential telephone 
number or a nonworking telephone number, the 
PSU was not selected. This procedure was re- 
peated until 1,580 PSU’s were selected. 

Within each selected PSU, an additional two- 
digit random number was generated, and added 
on to the first eight digits of the telephone num- 
ber. This telephone number was dialed, and if it 
was a residential number, a screening interview 
was attempted. This procedure was repeated un- 
til seven residential numbers were reached in each 
of the 1,580 selected banks of 100 telephone num- 
bers. With a cluster size of seven, and an expected 
response rate of 63 percent, approximatly 6,970 
completed screening interviews were expected. 
The interviewing process resulted in 7,106 com- 


pleted screening interviews, for a 64.2 percent 
response rate. 

Respondent selection procedure.—When contact 
was made with a responsible person in the house- 
hold, all persons in that household 16 years of age 
and older were listed from oldest to youngest. 
Each person was then classified by this person 
as an inactive, active, or potential skier, or as 
someone who had never skied and was not likely 
to ever ski. If a household contained cne or more 
potential skiers, one person was selacted using 
a respondent selection table for a followup inter- 
view. If the household contained no potential 
skiers, but one or more inactive skiers, one person 
was selected using a respondent selection table 
for a followup interview. If the household con- 
tained no potential or inactive skiers, but one or 
more active skiers, one person was selected using 
a respondent selection table for a followup inter- 
view. If there were no potential, inactive, or 
active skiers in the household, the interview was 
terminated. Two callbacks were made to all eligi- 
ble telephone numbers in an attempt to complete 
a followup interview. 

This skier selection procedure was instituted to 
maximize the number of followup interviews with 
potential skiers. The distribution of the completed 
interviews over the three skier groups is as 

Number of followup 

Type of skier interviews 
Potential 960 
Inactive 655 
Active 576 
Total 7a bee 

The sample design is self-weighting, because 
households were selected with equal probabilities ; 
however, the chance of selecting a potential, in- 
active, or active skier was inversely proportional 
to the number of skiers in each group (for ex- 
ample, with two potential skiers in a household, 
each has a one out of two chance of being selec- 
ted). The data indicate that 95 percent of the 
potential skier households contain only one or 
two potential skiers; 98 percent of the inactive 
skier households contain only one or two inactive 
skiers; and 88 percent of the active skier house- 
holds contain only one or two active skiers. This 
very high concentration within a small range of 
sizes led us to use unweighted estimates and main- 
tain the simplicity of a self-weighting sample, 
because differences vetween weighted and un- 
weighted estimates would be imperceptible or 

Statistical Interpretation 

Reliability of survey percentages.—Results of 
any sample are subject to sampling variation. The 
magnijude of the variation is measurable and is 
affected by the number of interviews and the 
level of\the percentages expressing the results. 

The possible sample variation that applies to 
percentage results reported from the Opinion Re- 
search Corporation sample is shown in the follow- 
ing table. The chances are 95 in 100 that a 
survey result does not vary, plus or minus, by 
more than\ the indicated number of percentage 
points from the result that would be obtained if 
interviews were conducted with all persons in 
the universe represented by the sample. 

Approximate sampling tolerances 
applicable to percentages at or 
near these levels 
Size of sample 

on which survey, 100r 20or 30 or 40 or 50 
result is based 90 80 70 60 
CiTOGE de = 1 1 1 1 1 
6000222 — al 1 1 1 1 
5,0602222— 1 il 1 2 2 
A O00 22... 1 il 2 2 2 
300000. 25 i 2 2 2 2 
2000 ere 2 2 2 2 3 
1,000) 22245 2 3 3 3 A 
G60 ae Zz 3 3 4 4 
S00: 2 3 3 A 4 
SOOee 2 3 4 4 4 
HOO: Geek. 3 3 4 A 4 
Gao2 SF se 3 3 4 4 4 
6002". = 3 A 4 A 5 
576s 3 4 4 5 5 
5002 f-2 2: 3 4 5 5 5 
400.2 A 3 4 5 5 6 
SOO A. 2 4 5 6 6 6 
20. eae 5 6 7 8 8 
10Q: 4 7 9 10 lg ita 

Sampling tolerances when comparing two sam- 
ples.—Tolerances are also involved in comparing 
results from different parts of any one sample. 
A difference, in other words, must be of at least 
a certain size to be considered statistically signif- 
icant. The following is a guide to the sampling 
tolerances applicable to such comparisons. 

Differences required for 
significance at or near these 
percentage levels: 

Size of samples 10o0r 20or 30 or 40 or 50 
being compared 90 80 70 60 
Ni N; Percent 
6,000 6.00023 aA 2 2 2 2 
55000 Secees 1. 2 2 2 2 
2 O00 eh 2 2 2 2 


10 or 

Size of samples 
being compared 

N; N: 

S,000i2 22% 
2,000 ~.<= 
O00 === 
S00 ===" 
3.000 2222 
4,000 ____ 
3,000 ____ 
2,000; 2222 
LO00G === 
500 ____ 
4,000 ____ 
3,000 ____ 
2,000 -___ 
2,000. 2- 
nO ee ee 
500 222" 
3,000 ____ 
2,000 ____ 
15000: 2=.- 
DUO m2 
1500 === 
1,000 __—- 
2;,000)2~ = 
1,500 2:2- 
SON Sees 
100 ez 
50022 =~ 
250 eee 
if G00) 2522 
500 -___ 
400 ____ 
S00r 2:2 
2004 = 
TOO = = 
#00 22= 
200 h4i2 
S00 eas 
200) 22 = 
BAU ete he 
SO) Sra 
200/232 2 
| oem ie! 
5] | gebiig iy/ 
Or 2) 84 
















Differences required for 
significance at or near these 
percentage levels: 

20 or 30 or 40 or 
80 70 60 

oORWWwWaIPRwWWwWWwWwWOINWnNnNnNNY nwwwrwryp WD po 



6 7 

7 7 

a 8 

8 9 

i 11 12 
if 7 

8 8 

9 9 

1 12 12 
7 8 9 

8 4) 10 

10 12 13 
14 16 16 
9 10 11 

1 13 14 
14 16 ny 
13 15 16 
16 AT, 19 
18 20 22 


ee ee rar 
OD Ihe WwW OO 1 O00 00 h 1 CO I~ 



Potential skier—Individual who has _ never 
skied, but who (in the opinion of a respon- 
sible household member) might try it in the 
next few years. 

High potential—Nonskier under 26 years of age 
who has expressed an interest in skiing. 

Moderate potential—Nonskier 26 to 34 years 
old who has expressed an interest in skiing. 

Low potential—Nonskier 35 years of age or 
older who has expressed an interest in ski- 

Active skier—Individual who has skied since 
November 1977. 

Downhill skier—Individual who has skied since 
November 1977 and who considers himself a 
downhill skier. Some members of this group 
also have skied cross-country. 

Inactive skier—Individual who has skied in the 
past, but not since November 1977. 

Temporary inactive—Skier who did not go ski- 
ing during the current season (1977-78) but 
expects to ski during the 1978-79 season. 

Permanent inactive—Skier who indicates that 
he probably will never ski again, or if he 
does, will do so after the 1978-79 season. 

Data summary—potential skiers 

Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 

. Do you have any inter- 
est at all in downhill 
skiing, cross-country 
skiing, both, or neither? 
Yes, downhill _____-_ 48 52 19 
Yes, cross-country _ 17 22 12 
Mest booths 2.26 es. 35 26 8 

2. Have you done any of 
the following in the 
last year—looked at a 
ski magazine, read an 
article about skiing, or 
watched skiing on TV? 
PVCS ig yall gk Ri co teil 95 94 90 

3. Have any members of 
your family ever skied? 
WESh eee here, 41 38 42 

4. Have any of your close 
friends ever skied? 
MEGS)» cic s5 on, cease 87 89 73 

5. Why have you never 
taken up skiing? 


Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 

Lack of interest ____ 5 6 7 
MOO Ola uel sem oe 0 i 1 
No time available __ 37 38 36 
Children restricting 

GUE) fase es ee —! 5 1 
Have less money/less 

INCOME nue tees 9 8 4 
Inconvenient _____- 6 7 7 
Have other sports 

imberests. 22.22. 2." 4 3 3 
Marital status 2.2 =—— —! 2 1 
Have other non- 

sports interests _. — 1 1 
Ski areas too 

crowded. 2.2 0 1 — 
Skiing is too expen- 

SIVE! ) alee 13 19 11 
Physical/health rea- 

SONS 42525) 8 mot 2 3 4 
Too dangerous ____ 5 5 4 
No: place to ski; 25 « 26 13 20 
Dislike cold weather 1 2 1 
No opportunity _-__ 5 5 4 
No’ Snow |. askee 2 2 1 

6. Would you say that the 
cost of skiing has or 
has not kept you from 
trying it? 
FLAG. 6 arp. U een rg 46 50 35 

7. Do you feel that the 
developed ski facilities 
are adequate in your 
No, not adequate __ 25 25 30 

8. What would you like to 
see added or improved? 

More/better down- 

hill facilities ____ 8 5 6 
More/better cross- 

COUNtLY, | 22S 2 2 1 
More/better snow 

TWANG eee ek ee: 2 2 2 
More _ challenging 

Slopes #3 = sos 1 1 il 
Improved transpor- 

tation to ski areas 2 2 1 
More/better over- 

night facilities __ 1 1 i 
Have no ski facilities 

in my region ___-_ 7 fi 10 

1 Some, but less than 1 percent. 

Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 


9. From what you have 


heard or read, 


your impression that 
the costs of skiing are 
too high, about right, 
or too low? 
Ski lift tickets (too 
11 oh) See eae ea 
Ski equipment rent- 
als (too high) __ 
Ski equipment pur- 
chase (too high) 
Ski lessons (too 
nosh) iy eee ee an 
Ski trip transporta- 
tion (too high) __ 
Ski area lodging (too 
| CC) hai le oe 

I’m going to mention a 
descriptive phrase or 
word which may or 
may not describe down- 
hill skiing to you. Just 
tell me if you agree, 
possibly agree, or dis- 
agree with the state- 
Interesting (agree) 
An unfriendly, snob- 
bish) aetiviity 
(agree) ~ --2Uaoss 
Dangerous (agree) 
A crowded activity 
An expensive activi- 
Ly (asree) ai See 
An activity” that 
requires. skill 
Hard work (agree) 
A cold, uncomfor- 
table activity 
A socially enjoyable 
activity (agree) 
Mainly attractive to 
a young crowd 
Too time consum- 
ing (agree) —____ 
A good family activi- 
ty. (agree) 22222. 
Readily accessible 
















An activity that re- 

Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 

49 49 53 

quires good physi- 
cal fitness (agree) 

11. Which, if any, of the 

following items do you 
have in your  house- 

Camping or recrea- 
tional vehicle 
equipments === = 

Tennis racquet or 
racquets” —-- = 

Golt, clubs? = 

Boat of any kind __ 

Off-road vehicle, 
snowmobile ______ 

A home tennis court 

A home swimming 
DOO ts) 2s eee 

A vacation home _-_ 

. Are there any outdoor 

recreation activities 
that you have not par- 
ticipated in that you 
would like to partici- 
pate in during the next 
2 years? Which ones? 
Bieyeling: 2.2 =e 
Camping 2= 222 
Canoeing 2... ee 
ishing se. =¥ aes 
Golf, © 2°28 gan mee 
Hiking  3@_. 2525 
Hunting 22.2 es 
Horseback riding _- 
leeqskatine = 34.5 
pen ThA ‘gas eee 
Snow skiing—cross- 
COUNT Yas f= = 2 
Snow skiing—down- 
Win) yt eee 
SM ahi ee eee 
Snowmobiling _____- 
Water skiing S525 
Tennis. . 44.255" es 

13. If you decide to take 

up skiing, in what state 
or states would you be 








im re ~] LO 




— i 


Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 







most likely to ski? 
INonebeast . 2224 228 
North Central ____ 
SOUCh 2. NES h 
NVEStpee me Se 

40 years or over _- 
What is your marital 

PS (ae fe 

Is your wife employed? 
(asked of married 

MC Canepa te Slee os aeli ha 
Are you employed out- 
side the home? (asked 
of married women) 

iG Berk ee 
How many children do 
you have? (asked of all 
but single people) 

IN[ Cine ee: 

One. OF Wi, 4.2 

hreeormour .= 2. 

Hive vor more 222. .— 
What is the occupation 
of the person in your 
household who is the 
main source of income 
for your household? 

Professional and 

technical, . awe & 

Managers, adminis- 

tratorsy=2) alae. 

Sales workers ______ 

Clerical workers __ 

Craftsmen’ 225 

Openrativesss— 2-2 

Laborers, except 

PAIN fe. ee 

Farmers and farm 

MAnAaAGerg Agee. 

Farm laborers and 

farm foremen _-_ 

Service workers, ex- 

cept private house- 
VAN 61 (6 Meme meant cn es cst M8 
Private household 


o | 







Potential skier categories: 

High Moderate Low 

WORKERS Ae 15420 —! 0 —_ 
Homemakers 2-2. _ 1 1 — 
SGUGCH ES sete ee ee 4 2 2; 
IVCuIEEG! {2 err Sr 25). 2 1 2, 
Unemployed —_____- 2 1 1 
20. How many times have 
you moved in the last 5 
None 23280. eT se 43 23 49 
rie ay ot men aie By 34 53 34 
AY oes 2 ai 15 16 12 
DLO MOG ok oe Be 8 ( 5 

21. Which of these best de- 
scribes the type of area 
you live in? 

A large metropolitan 
area—1 million or 

MONE: Je Rue ess 12 17 15 
A small metropolitan 
area—50,000 to 

under 1 million 2) 22 17 16 
Ane urban) arcane ae ih 9 8 
A suburban area __ 25 33 29 
Ageoural area 222 = 29 24 32 

22. Please tell me which of 
the following income 
categories most close- 
ly describes the total 
family income in 1977, 
before taxes, includ- 
ing wages and all other 

Wnder $7000) 22-22 ! 5 (i 
$ 7,000 to $10,000 __ 138 7 $ 
$10,001 to $15,000 __ 138 7 9 
$15,001 to $20,000 __ 15 18 18 
$20,000 to $25,000 __ 10 15 14 
$25,001 to $35,000 __ 9 12 10 
$35,001 to $50,000 __ 4 4 6 
$50,001 to $75,000 _- 3 1 2 
Over S(5000 222. = — 2 0 

23. In school, what is the 

highest grade you have 

Blementary — 2322. — — 0 
union Wwe 22 eee! 3 0 3 
Bich “School 225.2" 67 39 53 
@ollece 2c Se a 2a 50 35 
Graduate School _- 2 HE 9 

24. Sex of respondent 

Wigley Sac 226 nee 46 41 37 

1 Some, but less than 1 percent. 

Data summary—active skiers : 
Active skier categories: 

Total Cross- 

Active skier categortes: 
SS eo down- country Total 

Total Cross- 

down- country Total hall only active 
hill only active Percent 
Percent HeSUQ!. 322 2 eet oe awe 20 16 20 

Do you downhill ski, ie bee a ee 
cross-country ski, or do Age On yl eos 6 6 6 
both kinds of skiing? aoe or ae ee 14 12 13 

Downhill only _____-_ 79 0 69 8 0 ee eRe a 
Cross-country only 0 100 13 - On the average, how 
Both 21 0 18 many ski vacations of 
Hee IS FL IER at least 4 nights each 
yout heen one 9 have you taken each 
y jLesatthant g: 9 g aE year over the last 5 

ieee 8 ed 9 BA phy GAB je veaby! 

93 MRE Tit. dee 21 45 seed None ap a a 39 vail 43 
4-6 Gal a eign ee 22 23 232 One —-—-------—------— 22, 7 20 
FC LL Re FE g 3 2 Woy: 2. eee 13 12 13 
10-12 ae i eS 11 1 TE ihnee” (2. 222 2t eee 9 1 8 
cere eee 5 3 aiaa Four ~------------- 4 1 4 
More than 15 ______ 10 1 — ane fic ae : ; : 

. Which one of the fol- 6 On th cnceemeey 
lowing words best de- eal SF iblacetal Se P| 
scribes you as a skier? nee ski trips 0 aa 

Nowice 7 16 2 than 4 nights duration 
Beginner ae ae 16 97 = have you taken each 
Low intermediate. 28 29 — eas peo bey ae 
: : : a= 
fe eet Sh aes ewe None Rtn 0x, 231, 7» 402.1) 25 
Report 2 3 0 og (OCS Waianae eee Ta 12 14 12 
Ee es WR AM i: RS rel 059 ate, Act ee, ed 11 4 11 
. In what states have eat a ? g 7 8 
poy eva Ba ee 6 ame 
; 29.2 13 7 12 
(summary) as eg. |e 7 5 7 
Northeast _______- 37 41 38 oy ee. 7 8 7 
aoe Central --_- ze = a 21 and over’ 2 sae 10 4 9 
West OD. vind 49 30 AT 10. Including ski trips of 
Woon wou Cakied ene all lengths, about how 

vie : s many total days have 

a tne U3 in the last you spent skiing each 
at 93 99 94 year over the last 5 
Sp aE a ears? 

. Did you take a ski va- % Aer lost ae 13 13 13 
cation of at least 4 Me es ae 11 29 13 
nights away from PEO tee 14 14 14 
home this past season? Cae ees 6 7 7 

MWS: esses sects 37 14 34 15201 2 6 i 18 11 £7 

. Including ski vaca- SOU aN. eee 7 2 6 
tions, weekend trips, 29 or more = .L8s. 2 24 29 24 
and day ski trips, how 11. Do you ski about the 
many days did ae ski same number of days 
ee ee oa : ie a6 5s each year, or has your 

CSS e ee. 
AS Gein. shee Siem 17 18 17 2 No data. 




Active skier categories: 

participation in skiing 
been increasing or de- 
creasing during the 
past few years? 
DATO Nee Ee 
Vanes Tes. St hires 

Do you expect to do 

more, or less, skiing in 

the next 2 years? 
WWOSS igen 2 wees | 
About the same ____ 

Why do you expect to 
do more skiing in the 
next 2 years? 
(asked of those who 
expect to ski more) 
More time available 
Have more money/ 
increase in income 
Rent or purchase a 
home in ski area 
Health will improve 
Friends will be tak- 
ing up skiing ____ 
Expect to join a ski 

GUIS? eee He at 
Ski area more acces- 

Why do you expect to 
do less skiing in the 
next 2 years? 
(asked of those who 
expect to ski less) 
Losing interest ____ 
Getting too old ____ 
Less time available 
Children restricting 
Tinte. 2a. soe 
Have less money/ 
less income 
Sold/will sell second 
OMe nase: Rare 
Have other sports in- 

Total Cross- 
down- country Total 
hill only active 


{i 7 7 
75 85 76 
8 3 8 
15 8 14 

15 23 16 

9 3 9 
if 0 1 
2 7 3 
2 0 2 
1 1 1 
ae 0 mee 
“f 4 6 
3 1 2 

1 0 il 
— 1 1 
3 1 2 
1 1 if 
if 0 1 
0 0 0 





Active skier categories: 

Changed marital sta- 
TUS ae ee 
Have other non- 

sports interests __ 
Ski areas too crowd- 
21 6 HE a ne hes a 
Skiing is too expen- 
Too dangerous ___- 
No place to ski ___-_ 
Dislike cold weather 
From what you have 
experienced, is it your 
impression that the 
costs of skiing are too 
high, about right, or 
too low? 
Ski lift tickets (too 
Ski equipment rent- 
als (too high) __ 
Ski equipment pur- 
chase (too high) _ 
Ski lessons (too high) 
Ski trip transporta- 
tion (too high) _ 
Ski area lodging 
(too high) 
Would you say that 
the cost of skiing has, 
or has not, kept you 
from skiing as much as 
you would like to? 
gig Seer eee ee ene 

Do you usually ski 
alone or with others? 
With others 
Would that be with one 
other person, your 
family, your friends, a 
ski club, or what? 
(asked of those who 
ski with others) 
One other person -- 

ee ae ae Se ee 

1 Some, but less than 1 percent. 

Total Cross- 
down- country Total 

only active 

EA 0 ead 
pies | 0 AT 
0 0 0 
1 0 1 
il 0 1 
iia 0 iis & 
eur 0 Mr?) 
1 0 i 
coe 0 pars 

61 44 59 
23 16 22 

53 29 50 
1g 10 16 

14 8 13 
40 32 38 

55 40 53 

92 85 wil 

11 18 12 
32 26 31 
66 49 64 

Active skier categories: 

Total Cross- 
down- country Total 

Active skier categories: 

Total Cross- 
down- country Total 

hill only active hill only active 
Percent Percent 
Ski club. 2m J laees 6 4 6 (agree) = === a2 © 10 7 
19. Do you feel that the A good family activ- 
developed facilities are - Ula ie 92 71 90 
‘ eadily 
Ered in your re (agree) pe ea 58 59 58 
No, not adequate __ 31 22 30 An activity Hania 
; quires goo - 
ze ene Maen cal fitness (agree) 83 74 ~~ 81 
More/better down- 22. What is your age? 

hill facilities 16 5 uel 16-19 ------------- CUT pelerante 1? 
More/better  cross- 20-29 __----------- 46 45 46 

COUN See 4 12 5 30-39 ------------- 42 26 44 
More/better snow 40 years or over ___ 12 16 12 

making .__.______ 3 0 2 23. What is your marital 
More challenging status? 

Slopes) 22 eee 5 1 5 single @e--- 22 ore 53 47 52 
Improved transpor- NMarxicd === 42 49 43 

tation to ski areas 1 1 1 24. Is your wife employed? 
More/better _ over- (asked of married 

night facilities __ 3 1 3 men) 

21. I’m going to mention Vies>)d Sue SEES ets 9 10 9 
a descriptive phrase or 25. Are you employed out- 
word which may or side the home? (asked 
may not describe down- of married women) 
hill skiing to you. Just Yes _-------------- 14 15 14 
tell me if you agree, 26. How many children do 
possibly agree, or dis- you have? (asked of 
agree with the state- all but single people) 
ment. INOne: [222 S225 Soe 13 19 14 
Interesting (agree) 91 66 88 Onevor twor2-s=_ 20 22 20 
An unfriendly, snob- Three or four __--- 11 11 11 

bish activity Five or more __---- 3 i 2 

(agree) } 2) 2 2 3 15 5 27. What is the occupation 
Dangerous (agree) Zo 46 28 of the person in your 
A crowded activity household who is the 

(agree) js. = soli es 61 60 60 main source of income 
An expensive activ- for your household? 

ity (agree) _____- 713 66 UP Professional and 
An activity that re- technically 252222 39 44 40 

quires skill Managers, adminis- 

(agree): {25.4055 82 85 82 rAtOnS eer he o. 16 14 16 
Hard work (agree) 49 44 48 Sales workers ____- ve 10 10 
A cold, uncomfort- Clerical workers _-_ 5 0 4 

able activity Craftsmen _________ 8 8 8 

(agree): Vee ee: 6 11 7 Operatives ________ 4 6 4 
A socially enjoyable Laborers, except 

activity (agree) _ 96 81 94 farm 22222) Aw 4 0 3 
Mainly attractive to Farmers and farm 

a young crowd Managers ________ i 1 1 

(agree) ies 40 37 40 Farm laborers and 
Too time consuming farm foremen ___- 1 1 u 


Active skier categories: Active skier categories: 

Total Cross- Total Cross- 
down- country Total down- country Total 
hill only active hill only active 
Percent Percent 
Service workers, ex- Hight School]. 22. 34 26 33 
cept private house- Collese. 2. ae AT 49 ny | 
|i) ae 2 ee 4 3 Graduate school __ 18 25 19 
Private household 32. Sex of respondent 
RVOT NCES 0 sh 5 on a oes 0 0 0 Mala oi cee ate 52 AT 51 
Homemakers __-_--_- 0 0 0 
Ee wo ; i : Data summary—inactive skiers 
Unemployed ------- 1 1 Inactive skier categories: 
28. How many times have Sa 
you moved in the last Total 
5 years? Tempo- Per- mac- 
INoTiermerh: Liew BES * 42 7 40 Tary manent tive 
ED) 2 ie Aas Ce a 32 34 32 Percent 
3-4 ________--_----- 17 ~- 18 1. About how many years 
5 or more _-------_- 9 15 10 has it been since you 
29. Which of these best last went snow skiing? 
describes the type of Under 1 year 22 —= 9 I 5 
area you live in? 1 year” 2 ak cee ene 30 6 18 
A large metropoli- 2 Veare ss. Jacek eee 31 9 20 
tan area—l1 mil- SOVCARS tee Joo eee eee 9 11 10 
lion or more 22.2 |. 17 15 ite AU VGANS) 24.2 «eee 5 8 ai 
A small metropolitan SiVeans tues Pie sul 4 6 5 
area—ob0,000 to More than 5 years___ 11 58 34 
under 1 million -- 20 16 19 2. Why haven’t you skied 
Anvurban area —20-- 9 ipl 9 since then? 
A suburban area __ 33 7A) 32 Lost interest _____- 8 20 14 
Anural area 2220 21 37 23 Moola: sa eaeewes 2s i 4 2 
30. Please tell me which Less time available 39 24 31 
of the following income Children restricting 
categories most closely time ------------ 6 5 5 
describes the total fam- Have less money/less 
ily income in 1977, be- SEN neiige en aie 9 4 q 
fore taxes, including Sold/will sell second 
wages and all other home -------- -- 0 TR aa 
income. Have other sports in- 
Under $7,000 ____-- 5 7 5 verests| —=-————-—— 2 2 2 
$ 7,000 to $10,000 ors 5 11 6 Marital status ______ 2 72 2 
$10,001 to $15,000 __ 18 26 15 Have other non- 
$15,001 to $20,000 __ 19 19 19 sports interests __. 2 - = 
$20,001 to $25,000 __ 16 18 15 Ski areas too crowd- 
$25,001 to $35,000 __ 14 12 14 ed ----_--------- 1 1 1 
$35,001 to $50,000 __ 7 3 7 Skiing is too expen- 
$50,001 to $75,000__ 4 0 3 Slvé  -_--_------- 10 9 9 
Over $75,000 _____- 3 1 2 Physical/health rea- 
SOMS epee 2 kee 9 9 9 
ol. In school, what is the Too dangerous ___- 9 6 A 
highest grade you have No place toiskivt 225 15 21 18 
eae ; f : Dislike cold weather 2 5 3 
Jumiorshnigh 222 S-..= — 0 — + Some, but less than 1 percent. 

Inactive skier categories: Inactive skier categories: 

Total Total 
Tempo- Per-  wtnac- Tempo- Per- ‘nac- 
rary manent tive rary manent tive 
Percent Percent 
3. Are you a downhill (asked of those who 
skier, cross-country ski cross-country) 
skier, or have you done INOMICEy 22a ae ae 5 5 5 
both kinds of skiing? Besinner. 2233-2 4 3 4 
Downie ese 80 81 80 Low intermediate __ 7 5 6 
Cross-country —--__- 6 6 6 High intermediate __ 3 3 3 
Both, 2st ee 14 13 14 Advanced) Sans... sae 1 1 1 
. About how many years Expert: 222022. 42a 0 1 = 
have you participated 7. When you went skiing, 
in skiing? did you usually ski 
(asked of those who alone or with others? 
ski downhill) Wath sotherss 222... 94 92 93 
Wess’ thant = 2. 13 18 15 8. Would that be with one 
[Deeside GuMmee seen. 12 10 ut other person, your fam- 
Se Ape SGN Ml Sg 28 27 27 ily, your friends, a ski 
AE ht Os es OA ip Hi Ps 22 19 21 club, or what? 
(aD iae She te se ceo ee 6 2 a One other person ___ 10 9 9 
MOEN): ace asad emt 6 6 6 Family, 22. ..oeeres 26 26 26 
Lea 5 ae ee I Re cia 3 2 2 Friends, =. ..4 22a 65 62 64 
More than 15 2225. 6 10 8 Sacco) sees if fl 9 
(asked of those who 9. When will you probab- 
ski cross-country) ly go skiing again? 
ibess,sthany t (sesso 2 2 2 Would you say this sea- 
i ar ene pad 4 2 3 son, next season, never, 
Ce et eee eee 8 ft 7 or when? 
A Onna as ee eee 3 2 2 This season ________ 17 0 8 
(8) apa ese Sa Ee a 1 = Next season ______ 83 0 Al 
ae ee “ : a Never ,¢cc 0 mee 0 56 28 
ae. 3. SL RA ra ra ars 10. Do you feel that the 
More than 15 ______ 1 < 2 developed ski facilities 
. When you were a more are adequate in your 
active skier, about how region? 
many Me oe aes No, not adequate __ 27 26 27 
IE EISIOUE WEN ONT 18 11. What would you like to 
April) did you ski? see added or improved? 
> OF lessidays 2 sea 28 29 28 Morey better | down 
4-10 ~------------- 32 24 28 hill facilities» _--. 11 8 9) 
WISE sassssascsc e: _ a More/better cross- 
2270r MOVs 222 18 23 21 country _________- D) 9 9 
. Which one of the fol- More/better snow 
lowing descriptions Making #02. 222 2 2 23 
best describes you as More challenging 
a skier? (asked of Slopesal “oan. D) 7 it 
those who ski down- Improved transpor- 
hill) _ tation to ski areas 2 2 2 
Novice, aes 2222 18 29 24 More/better over- 
Pe SOP RR Ses as a BS night facilities __ 1 1 1 
OT EUS EAST 12. From what you have 
Ate et ea mae age 
EX Pei Gee es — ft — * Some, but less than 1 percent. 


Inactive skier categories: 

manent tive 

is it your impression 
that the costs of ski- 
ing are too high, about 
right, or too low? 
Ski hft tickets (too 
Ski equipment ren- 
tals (too high) __ 
Ski equipment pur- 
chase (too high) 
Ski lessons (too 
Ski trip transporta- 
tion (too high) __ 
Ski area lodging (too 

I’m going to mention a 
descriptive phrase or 
word which may or 
may not describe down- 
hill skiing to you. Just 
tell me if you agree, 
possibly agree, or disa- 
gree with the _ state- 
Interesting (agree) 
An unfriendly, snob- 
bish .activity 
Wares) 9 es ot 
Dangerous (agree) 
A crowded activity 

Tempo- - 





An expensive activ- 

ity (agree) 
An activity that 
requires. skill 
(ere 22) a 
Hard work (agree) 
A cold, 
able activity —.2- 
A socially enjoyable 
activity (agree) 
Mainly attractive to 
a young crowd 
(agree) 2.2022 8 
Too time consum- 
ing (agree) 
A good family ac- 
tivity (agree) ____ 
Readily accessible 















tite Ny Uline: «aa cb ass eee od ner aS sana eS Ea ooh 
Inactive skier categories: 









An activity that re- 
quires good physi- 
cal fitness (agree) 

Would you say that 
the cost of skiing has, 
or has not, kept you 
from skiing? 


LG6=19eb ee. <2 Ea 

40 years or over __ 
What is your marital 
Is your wife employed? 
(asked of married 

Are you employed out- 

side the home? (asked 

of married women) 

How many children do 

you have? (asked of all 

but single people) 
One or two 
Three or four 
Five or more 

What is the occupa- 
tion of the person in 
your household who is 
the main source of in- 
come for your house- 

Professional and 
technical 2.2 = == 
Managers, adminis- 
CEQUOES: = toa 

Sales workers 
Clerical workers _-_ 

Farmers and farm 









manent tive 











Inactive skier categories: 

Tempo- Per- : inac- 
rary manent tive 

Farm laborers and 
farm foremen ___- 0 i — 
Service workers, ex- 
cept private house- 

| 0X6) (yes ek Maan ere 6 2 4 
Private household 

WOoLkers Wa seee 1 0 —! 
Homemakers _____-_ —! —1 —! 
Students, 22252. 3 3 3 
Retired: sae alec: aes 1 8 4 
Unemployed  ______ 1 2 1 

21. How many times have 
you moved in the last 

5 years? 
IN(@TG Tr ere ee 31 44 Biff 
Leiner andes coasted 42 38 40 
Apt Saha ee Ce 20 12 16 
5eeOr, More, 22s TE 6 ff 

22. Which of these best 
describes the type of 
area you live in? 

A large metropolitan 
area—1 million or 

MONE oe ee 20 16 18 
A small metropolitan 
area—o0,000 to 

under 1 million __ 21 22 21 
An urban area ~_ =~ 5 6 5 
A suburban area “49629 27 28 
ASHP ared 22 oe 25 28 2 


Inactive skier categories: 


23. Please tell me which 
of the following income 
categories most closely 
describes the total fam- 
ily income in 1977, be- 
fore taxes, including 
wages and all other in- 

Under $7000, 22 
$ 7,000 to $10,000 __ 
$10,001 to $15,000 __ 
$15,001 to $20,000 __ 
$20,001 to $25,000 __ 
$25,001 to $35,000 __ 
$35,001 to $50,000 __ 
$50,001 to $75,000 __ 
Overs3 75.000) 2-55" 

24. In school, what is the 
highest grade you have 
completed ? 

Elementary —~.2-21- 
Junior high, 5. sw 
Bich school 22a 
College... 14. saa 
Graduate school ____ 

25. Sex of respondent 
Malet: - Aico 

* Some, but less than 1 percent. 






ee i eres 


Characteristics of national skier market sample of adults age 16 and older (1978 esti- 
mates of market size based on 7,106 households) 

Estimated size of skier market segments, in millions of adults (age 16 and older), by 

Perceptions of downhill skiing reported by high potential, active downhill, and tem- 
porarily inactive skiers, by region 

— a a a ee ee ee = 

Inadequacies of developed ski facilities as perceived by high potential, active down- 
hill, and temporarily inactive skiers, by region 

Ski-related costs perceived as “too high” by high potential, active downhill, and tempor- 
arily inactive skiers, by region 

Impact of costs on participation by skiers of major market classes 

Regional distribution of active and temporarily inactive skiers in the cross-country 
and downhill skier markets, in millions of participants 

Gieracreristics of active downhill skiers; by region : 22.22 2.00, bad 
Pimerenishicc ot vinactiverskiers, by LeriONsaa— 2 aoe ee ee 
Frequency of ski vacations per year for active downhill skiers, by region ____________ 
Distribution of ski visits by active downhill skiers among regions, 1976-78 __________ 

Estimated regional distribution of projected visits by potential skiers in the next 2 
ares ci Oh Pe Bethe 25 ok te. nade wee oo Nike me urge 

muemuency of skiing by active skiers, 1977-78, by age Clase” 2... te s 
Comparison of patterns of participation for downhill and cross-country skiers ______- 

Skiers of major market classes as a proportion of regional and United States popula- 
EMP ca 2 >, Sapam rll ppl pe ea ag ae a Bg A ea 

Skiers of major market classes who have not made a household move in the last 5 
See HOR IOTE 5° Se, pe a Babe lh hs 

Piace of residence of skiers of major market classes, by remion,.2--__-_. 24. 25252 = 
aexotatios for skiers of major market classes, by region =-4 see). 22 ee 
Mania Status ot Skiers of major market, Classes. .2- 2.2022 
Median ace of skiers of major market classes, by.»region, ee 22988... - 8 ee 
Median income of skiers of major market classes, by region _____-_-_-___- Nr eh aga teas 
Nincupahioneat usikiers: of major market classes. ...--.2.0 3825 Soe ee ee 

Distribution of skier days, by region, and implied average daily use of developed ski 
Tea CSN PACS ae ob As a toni Bo wee ol a al gi glee welt Pen ei a glee ule 

Sie; status by age (based on population estimates), 222250202) 2-82 oso se ees 













Table 1.—Characteristics of national skier market sample of adults age 16 and older (1978 estimates of 
market size based on 7,106 households) 

Potential Active Inactive 
Item skier skier skier Nonskier Total 

Percent of households 

with. ONG. On-MOres, ==) 2 fe 14.3 10.8 14.4 82.9 122.4 
Number of households with 

One Or MOLC ys eee a 1,013 769 1,026 5,894 8,702 
Number of completed interviews 

per market’caterory 7 2225-22522. 960 576 655 0 2,191 
Actual number of adults in 

skier ‘marketyelassp. 222. - bve 55 1,416 1,254 1,352 11,424 15,446 
Mean number of adults per 

household in skier market class _____- 1.4 1.6 rs a9 oe | 
Estimated percent of adults in 

each -marketrelass 92250 tea a 9.2 8.1 8.7 74.0 100 
Estimated size of market 

class’ 4@millions), 2.2") 2. eae 14.5 12.9 13.8 1177 158.9 

1Note: The percentages exceed 100 percent of the numbers of households total 8,702 because a single household can 
fall into more than one market category. In households containing potential skiers, 67 percent had one skier, 28 percent 
had two, and 5 percent had three or more; the average was 1.4. In active skiing households, 55 percent had one skier, 33 
percent had two, and 12 percent had three or more; the average was 1.6. In inactive skiing households, 72 percent had one 
skier, 25 percent had two, and 3 percent had three or more; the average was 1.3. 

? First priority for interview was any potential skier; second, inactive; third, active. Only one interview per household 
was required; therefore, percent completion is based on number of households (rather than number of adults) in each 
market category. 

* Contains all adults whereas columns 1 through 3 contain only adults who ski, have skied, may ski, or have never skied. 

Table 2.—E'stimated size of skier market seg- 
ments, in millions of adults (age 16 and 

older), by region © 

North United 
Market class Northeast Central South West States 
BREE hes re POreent: = i wok eee S: 
Potential skier 
Hache? «sata 1.3 2.2 2.7 1.2 7.3 
Moderate ____ .6 8 8 6 2.9 
Lows] ose 9 9 1.6 9 4.3 
Inactive skier 
Temporary —__ 1.9 1a!) 18} 1.9 6.9 
Permanent ___ 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.9 6.9 
Active skier ______ 4.3 oak 1.9 3.6 12.9 


Table 3.—Perceptions of downhill skiing reported by high potential, active downhill, and temporarily 
mactive skiers, by region 

High potential Active downhill Temporarily inactive 
RPE la NOISE se! cali | | 

Downhill North- North United North- North United North- North United 
skiing is: east Central South West States east Central South West States east Central South West States 
ee tg 

2 ee Ee a Oe Pree it © vated. ain. ARIS (2.2 ci hg gM rs tee ee OR oA 
Interesting 89 90 oe 90 90 87 92 91 92 91 90 90 87 90 89 
Suet 2 5 4 1 3 6 2 0 2 3 4 2 6 3 i 
Dangerous —_------------- 47 29 40 48 39 32 21 ral 21 25 337 35 33 32 34 
Prone, 40 30 33 33 33 63 58 55 63 61 41 58 52 57 53 
Expensive 59 50 56 53 54 78 65 59 80 73 69 63 73 73 70 
Skill demanding —_-- 92 85 88 85 87 78 80 80 85 82 78 a 90 80 81 
Hara work —.-_— 51 55 55 49 53 45 46 52 52 49 45 45 58 41 46 
Cold- uncomfortable 10 11 14 8 af 6 6 7 5 6 12 5 6 8 8 

Socially enjoyable 99 92 94 93 94 95 97 97 96 96 95 88 93 93 92 
Mainly for young _- 56 53 59 45 54 AT 35 46 36 40 37 46 45 34 40 
Too time consuming 6 8 6 12 8 3 a 6 8 6 9 i 10 8 8 
Family activity 87 87 83 84 85 92 92 93 92 92 86 83 97 94 90 
Readily accessible __ 67 48 42 49 49 66 55 37 62 58 60 51 40 62 54 
Fitness demanding 85 84 86 87 85 81 79 83 87 83 we 78 93 87 84 
Sample size (No.) —_ 78 145 162 93 578 145 123 ai 64 503 78 82 Gt 100) S2327 

Table 4.—IJnadequacies of developed ski facilities as perceived by high potential, active downhill, and 
temporarily inactive skiers, by region 

Region and More/better More/better More/better 
sample Facilities Facilities downhill cross-country support 
size inadequate not available facilities * facilities facilities * 
ER a ee) 8d gk rae SE ET TR Es (EU AA ie Us: eke sel) Ra ae pe POY eRe, Se AS 
High potential 
Ih Saat): 12 if 6 0 0 
North @entral (145) -.............. 28 4 14 3 3 
South (162) _.. rainy eens 37 14 13 1 7 
WS 13 3 6 3 4 
United States ot ed lined 25 7 12 2 4 
Active downhill 
Mommenst (145) 25 a 24 1 2 
North Central (126) 33 fl 28 10 3 
Sir 7) 45 8 25 1 6 
Was: (ict) as a 28 il 26 3 9 
Winitemeesiapes: 2 31 2 27 a 5 
Temporarily inactive 
Nerhneast (78)... oe 22 1 22 1 6 
North Gentral (82) E 34 4 23 4 1 
Sota (i) 34 10 13 0 2 
Wash) Zl 2 19 1 2 
Winttedustates wu 27 a 18 2 3 

nnn nnn n ne EEUU EE Uy Ean ES ENS REER 

‘Includes perceived need for more/better snow making, more challenging slopes, and the need to eliminate crowding. 
Includes perceived need for more/better overnight facilities, improved transportation to ski areas, and ski instruction. 

Table 5.—Ski-related costs perceived as “too high” by high potential, active downhill, and temporarily 


Northeast _----- 
North Central __ 
South: 3.2222 4b! 
Wiest S822. eae 
United States _- 

Northeast 22" == 
North Central __ 
South j22 2 Saee 
Westies. 2 ceane 
United States —__ 

Northeast —_---- 
North Central __ 
South) 222222 2= 
Wiest ies eee tees es 

Ski lift 

inactive skiers, by region 

Costs “too high” for: 

Equipment Equipment Ski 
rental purchase lessons 
High potential 
42 69 24 
42 55 19 
30 46 15 
34 56 16 
om 54 18 
Active downhill 

Pat | 61 17 
27 50 15 
24 39 20 
17 54 18 
23 53 17 
Temporarily inactive 

46 49 26 
32 48 12 
43 49 19 
19 52 15 
34 49 18 

United States __ 

Table 6. —Impact of costs on participation by 
skiers of major market classes 

Cost has deterred participation 

class Don’t 
Yes No Enow 
iss UE hk Percent 23 Bes oe 
Active skiene = 55 44 1 
Potential skier 222 46 47 7 
Inactive skiers iis* ....__ 45 53 2 

Ski trip 

Ski area 

Percents 22 1h- Oears SEA. FA =) ee ee. 


NN ates Sirens, 

—_—eeee eee 

Table 7.—Regional distribution of active and temporarily inactive skiers in the cross-country and down- 
hill skier markets, in nvillions of participants 

Cross-country Cross-country Total cross- Downhill D i 
vo ownhill and Total 
Reg only and downhill country only cross-country downhill Total 
GEC HSN PERCE UNS 8 00 OR ARMA a ceed ae et eet ne ee ee 
Lait a 0.7 0.9 1.6 2.7 0.9 3.6 4.3 
ACHING: o_o - — 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.5 0.3 1.8 1.9 
North Central 
giv. 0.5 0.7 0.4 1.8 0.7 2.5 3.1 
MACEIVG Jo 0.1 0.3 0.2 125 0.3 1.8 1.9 
Qu Oe ee 0.1 0.1 0.2 iyi 0.1 1.8 1.9 
inactive ...-._- 0.1 0.1 0.2 ipl 0.1 tee 1.3 
Noting ee 0.3 0.6 0.9 Beh 0.6 3.3 3.6 
inactive ....-.- 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.4 0.3 Les 1.8 
United States 7 <a SS SSS ee 
INCU NG oa 1.6 2.3 3.9 8.9 2.3 12 12.9 
IMACHIVE: o_o. 0.4 1.0 1.4 5.5 1.0 6.5 6.9 
a Table 8.—Characteristics of active downhill skiers. by region 
NEE North United 
Characteristic Northeast Geuiteal South West Site 
Median number of years of participation __ 5.1 4.6 2.6 4.5 4.3 
Mediamesmiilitievel ' 20 ee low inter- low inter- low inter- high inter- low inter- 
mediate mediate mediate mediate mediate 
Percent novice and beginner ________----- 22 30 31 7, 23 
Median annual number of ski vacations of 
Amnightisemelast 6 years .00._2202-..-.-- 12 102 1.6 1.6 1.4 
Median annual number of ski vacations of 
less than 4 nights in last 5 years _-___- 3.3 25 1.8 4.6 3.3 
Median number of days skied in 1977-78 _- 13 9 6 9 9 
‘Median number of days skied last 5 years _ 19.2 12.4 8.5 15.3 15.9 

aaa aeaaaacaamamamaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaasasaaa 
*Based on six levels: novice, beginner, low intermediate, high intermediate, advanced, and expert. 


Table 9.—Characteristics of inactive skiers, by region 

ae North United 

Chignachetisele Northeast Central South West States | 
Percent who were downhill or downhill and cross-country 

SK ers a Me ig Bek oR ee Lee SE 95 95 93 94 94 
Median number of years since last skied ____________-___-- 11533 1.4 1.6 1S 1.3 


Medianssiall level tie. 2.) oe) ee oe ee beginner beginner beginner intermediate beginner 
Median number of days skied when active _________________- 8 H/ 6 10 8 
Percent who expect to reenter market in 1979 ______________ 14 rth 7 18 eg 

Table 10.—Frequency of ski vacations per year 
for active downhill skiers, by region 

Ski vacation of 
less than 4 nights 

Ski vacation of 
at least 4 nigths 


Yes No Yes No 
Saha ene wes a2 | PROP CCTUL cet AAU = ae 

Northeast: 2222222 33 67 * 69 24 
North Central ___- 31 69 On 31 
POUCH ae 54 46 69 31 
Wiesiiye ses oss iee 38 62 *85 13 
United States __ 37 63 ‘74 23 

*Does not equal 100 percent due to inclusion of “Don’t 
recall” responses. 

Table 11.—Distribution of ski visits by active 
downhill skiers among regions, 1976-78 

Who visited ski areas in the: 

Siiers Northeast North Central South West 
SEY i Spee Peers ee Pereent as ae ee 
Northeast =.-=-- 91 1 1 io 
North Central -- 8 68 it 22 
Souvn: 2-222 32 6 21 39 
WES Gt) = eter 6 itt 0 93 

Table 12.—Estimated regional distribution of 
projected visits by potential skiers in 
the next 2 years? 

Projected To ski areas in the: 
visits by 

ce eee Northeast North Central South West 

_ NRE iN Shane | ROO Oe GES 

Northeast, 22 90 0 1 9 
North Central __ 10 52 0 38 
Southe 25-252. 2 21 iT 38 34 
WEST ta: 2 res 1 2 2 @ 95 

*Based on those States most frequently mentioned as 
likely to be visited. 

Table 13.—Frequency of skiing by active skiers. 
1977-78, by age class 

Age Median number of Percent who took a 
class days skied ski vacation 
1GH00" ee es 9 34 

20229) ee 8 38 

SU-O0) maeeet 10 31 
AQ=|saneaes 11 48 

Table 14.—Comparison of patterns of participa- 
tion for downhill and cross-country skiers 

eee SSS 
Characteristic Cross-country Downhill 
eee SSS 

Median number of 

years skied 2.6 5.3 

Median skill level ____- low intermediate low intermediate 

Median number of days 
skied 1977-78 

Percent who took a ski 
trip of more than 1 
day, 1977-78 

Median annual number 
of ski trips of less 
than 4 nights in last 
5 years 

Table 15.—Skiers of major market classes as a 
proportion of regional and United 
States population 

3 High Temporarily 
sa potential Active inactive 
Sele ee Percent) see 
Northeast? 2.2.2...-...- 3.6 11.8 5.2 
North Central ....._.-- 5.1 liga 4.4 
SGtd0) 2 5.2 Bai 2.5 
Wk ee 4.1 12.4 6.5 
United States _____- 4.6 8.1 4.4 

Table 16.—Skiers of major market classes who 
have not made a household move in the 
last 5 years, by region 

. High Temporarily 
aoeian potential Active inactive 

AN SEs 2c cule TACTCCWG Sa nee 
INOEEReaSE 2 eo ee 50 49 39 
North’ Central 22-2... - 49 34 32 
SOuUHE eter ee 40 51 31 
\iV QS 8 ee 32 36 23 
United States ______ 43 42 31 


Table 17.—Place of residence of skiers of major 
market classes, by region } 

eS Ee NE i EN aE oN il BIN Rd epee es 
Renn Metropolitan 

Large Small 

Metro Metro Urban Suburban Rural 

Wa UNE Ae ae IACr Cen = <2 0 SEOk Sees 
Northeast 2222-2 es 14 18 8 on 33 
North Central _____ 7 19 9 26 39 
South 2 7 See 9 Pade 15 AT 27 
Wreste2 2200 eee Dill 32 12 19 15 
United States __._ 12 22 iil 25 29 
Northeast 222222222 12 12 fi 39 30 
North Central _____ 15 20 13 28 24 
South) oe are eee as 17 18 10 37 18 
West tie asi re 23 27 7 82 11 
United States ____ lle 20 9 33 21 
Northeast; 13 14 1 oT 35 
North Central _____ PALE 15 8 26 24 
S Outs cs Sa AL 25 5 28 25 
Weestgic meet! tor us 24 28 5 25 18 
United States ____ 20 PAL 5 29 25 

*Large metropolitan area: population of 1 million or 
greater; small metropolitan area: population of 50,000 to 
999,999; urban area: city with populatien under 50,000. 

Table 18.—Sex ratios for skiers from major 
market classes, by region 

Potential Active Inactive 

Region sa eeeeeeeenatiemmeeeemmeeemeee 

Male Female Male Female Male Female 

ee CO NTS ES a PeORCEWE ass ee 
Northeast, 2-22 Sl ee) 52 48 42 58 
North Central _... 45 55 54 46 50 50 
SGUGh 2228 2a eee 46 54 54 46 55 45 
Wiest. 242 si 445 56 49 51 51 49 
United States _ 46 54 52 48 50 50 

Table 19.—Marital status of skiers of major Table 22.—Occupation of skiers of major market 

market classes classes 
Market class Married Single Potential Active Inactive 
Occupation a 
Pevrecut Per- Rank- Per- Rank- Per- Rank- 

Potential Mi en a cane cent ing cent ing cent ing 

SIVA] a cee eh 2 14 84 
Professional/ - 

Acree Oe MEO ap 53 Technical worker 18 1 39 1 34 4 
Ee hee hear Ra oe 38 58 Manager/Administrator_ 13 3 16 2 14 2 
Reale ee acy seen 4G 4G Salesman: == esses ee 7 5 ital 3 wih 3 

Lhactive. La Or OE oe ee 50 42 Craftsman See ecmeSses= 16 2 8 4 7 4 
EN ae eens Ren ti 48 48 Clerical WiOrkens. bs sees 6 6 5 5 6 5 
Fars a PL a lg id 51 37 Operative! {222-2 sese 9 + 4 6 6 5 

Nonfarm laborer ______- 9 4 4 6 6 5 
Service worker = -.--=—- a 5 3 8 6 5 
Retirees: 60.22 ta eee : pees —' ee 9 ial wa 
Table 20.—Median age of skiers of major market Moelle: 402 sew cee ees 87 92 91 
classes, by region 
‘No data. 

RES he Th PLO Ch ae Coe a ee ee > Homemakers, students, unemployed, and “other” totaled 

Market class Northeast North Central South West 7 percent for potentials, 6 percent for actives, and 5 per- 

— Mite th cent for temporarily inactive skiers. 

Potential 2.2" 19.5 18.8 1931 1925 

Active (222885 2 PAT ail 26.0 26 eee Zoe 

Inactiven) 22ee2— Ol 28.0 26.8 27.4 

Table 21.—Median income of skiers of major 
market classes, by region 

Market United 

class Northeast North Central South West States 

ne ewer 9 Si Wollars 22s een mete es 
Potential _. 14,800 14,700 16,400 14,400 15,000 
Netive’ 2.22 20.500 19,600 20,300 20,300 20,200 
Inactive _-. 17,200 19,100 22,600 16,700 19,200 

Table 23.—Distribution of skier days. by region, and implied average daily use of developed ski facilities, 

Active Median Number of number of 
Region adult partici- Activity Activity Activity developed visits per 
skiers pation generated received 7 per day’? ski areas* day/area 
(million) (days) (million days) 
INortheasty' suing ee ee 3.6 12 43 45 454,000 288 1,580 
Northn@entrall se eae 2c ies 2.5 8 20 15 148,000 201 740 
SOME a osc are ta ass ae Pe) 1.8 5 9 3 25,000 27 930 
RViGS Eye caine rae eme nO aroun 3.8 9 30 39 323,000 200 1,620 
Wnited a sitates) ease ne. ses ie? 9 102 102 950,000 716 1,218 

* Redistributed on the basis of Table 11. 

* Based on average length of seasons: 100 days in Northeast and North Central, 120 days in West, 80 in South. 

* Ski areas with at least one chairlift; the total would exceed 900 by including ropetow operations, but the overall 
capacity increase would be minimal. 

Table 24.—Skier status by age (based on population estimates) 


Estimated No interest 
Age number of and never Potential Active Inactive 
individuals skied 
Boe We Eek ae ee | ROUT Eig as ee i eS RN oe 
NENG) 23 ee 8,403,000 47.3 28.8 illy/-t5) 6.4 
TSG) ey Se 8,221,000 54.0 23.8 15.4 6.8 
GN Ge el 19,261,000 56.3 16.4 16.3 11.0 
DEMS) fas Sa See eee 17,336,000 60.7 oe 12.9 PA 
QNGO) 2a eS ee 27,311,000 Tata 8.2 8.5 12.2 
A () AO meme e ne ee 22,586,000 82.3 4.9 3.9 8.9 
GDS) lye ee 22,903,000 88.4 1.9 3.4 6.3 
G02: 2 eee 32,855,000 94.3 0.5 0.6 4.6 



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