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Full text of "Hand-list of bibliographies, classified catalogues, and indexes placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum for reference"

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Natural History Museum Library 



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Tue following List of Bibliographical Works placed in 
the extra cases in the Reading Room has been drawn up, 
at the recommendation of the Principal Librarian, by 
Mr. G. W. Porter, Senior Assistant Keeper in the Depart- 
ment of Printed Books. 


Dec., 1880. 


Tue following list has been drawn up to facilitate the use of 
the collection of Special Bibliographies, Classed Catalogues, 
and Indexes recently placed in the Reading Room. It has 
been thought that such a collection might be useful to 
readers by indicating the works published and available for 
consultation in the various fields of study and research, and 
that it might in some degree supply the want of a classified 
catalogue of the Museum Library, with the further advan- 
tage of pointing out works existing elsewhere, as well as 
those to be found in the Museum. 

In selecting the books for this purpose, it has been the 
aim to represent every subject, as far as space in the Reading 
Room admits of it. But on many topics no satisfactory 
bibliographical guide exists: in other cases the works 
existing are much behind the literature of the present time, 
or have never been completed. Some books will therefore 
be found included which only remain until they can be 
replaced by more efficient works. It is proposed in a future 
edition to add references to bibliographies included in 
printed works of authority on special subjects, and it is 
hoped also that the range of subjects may be considerably 
extended. Readers might greatly assist this object by 
pointing out in the book of “ Libri Desiderati,” or per- 
sonally to the compiler, any useful special bibliography 
with which their studies may have made them acquainted. 

It will be seen that the various bibliographical works 
standing in other parts of the Reading Room have been 
included with those in the extra cases in this list, for the 


sake of systematic arrangement and as a convenience to the 

The present list is chiefly confined to Bibliographies, but 
it may perhaps be as well to point out that much useful | 
bibliographical assistance may be obtained from the extensive 
collection of biographies and literary histories in the Reading ~ 
Room. How numerous these are will be seen by referring to 
the Index of Subjects in the published “ List of the Books 
of Reference ” drawn up for the use of readers by Mr. Rye.* 

In arranging the bibliographies in their cases, the subjects 
have as far as possible been made to correspond in position 
with those in the Library of Reference: thus the theological 
bibliographies will be found opposite to Theology, and thie 
historical opposite to History. 

For press-mark the extra cases are distinguished by the 
letters BB.—-an abbreviation of the word bibliographies— 
in combination with the distinctive letters of the tables 
against which they are placed: thus the press-mark BB. A. 
shows that the work to which it refers will be found in 
the bibliographical case standing at the end of the a table. 

G. W. Porter. 

* A List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British 
Museum. [Compiled by W. B. Rye.] Second edition, revised. Printed by 
order of the Trustees. London, 1871. 8vo. 



LOGUES . ; s ‘ A - é ; 12 

Europe :— 
Denmark : j ; : : é 16 
England, Scotland, and Ireland F : 16 
Finland : ; 3 : ; ; 18 

France . ‘ : : ; : : 19 
Germany . : : : 5 : 19 
Greece . : é ; : : : 21 
Holland and Belgium .. 5 : > 21 
Hungary : é 5 : : : 22 
Iceland q : : ‘ 3 é 22 
iltalhyees- : : ‘ : : 5 23 
Norway ; . . . : : 23 
Portugal : . : 5 : ‘ 24 
Roumania : ; ‘ ‘ ; : 24 
Russia . , 5 : ; ; ‘ 24 
Slavonic Races :— 
Bohemia : ; i f : 25 
Bulgaria : : . . : 25 
Croatia . : : : ; ; 25 
Poland . ‘ ; ; : ‘ 26 
Servia . : ‘ : i ; 26 
: Spain. ‘ A ; ; ¢ é 26 
Sweden ; 3 ‘ A : ; 26 

Switzerland . ; ‘ ; é ; Del 


Asia :— PAGE 
Oriental cee : : : : 27 
Hebrew : : ‘ ; : : 28 

America :— 

United States of America : : <% 28 

British North America . : : 29 

Mexico and Central America . : : 29 

South American States . : : 2 29 

1. Theology :— 

General Bibliographies . : 30 
Bibles . : : ; : 3 f 31 
Liturgies 5 ; : 32 
Fathers and Later Writers ; : \ 33 
Doctrinal Theology : : : “ 34 
Sermons ‘ : : ‘ 34 
Roman Catholic healoey : ; 34 
Religious Orders . : : 3h 
Sects . : 3 : : : : 36 
Secret Societies: Freemasonry . ; ; 36 
Ecclesiastical History . ; 37 
Non-Christian Religions . : 37 
2. Philosophy :— 
Metaphysics . : se aie ; : 37 
Edueation . ; ; : 38 
Politics and Politieal Reanone ; : 39 
Trade and Statistics : : : 39 
3. Jurisprudence :— 
General Bibliographies . ; 40 
Law of Nations . ‘ ‘ : ; 41 
Roman Law . F : 3 41 
Canon and Ecclesiastical ay : : Al 
British and American Law ; ; : 41 
Foreign Law . : : : 43 

4, Sciences and Arts :— 

General Bibliographies . : : 44 
Zoology : : : : ; 45 
Botany . , : 46 
Geology and Miniraloy 47 

Chemistry . 5 : : 48 


- Mathematics . 
Military and Naval Seiehes 
Industrial Arts 
Sports and Games . 

5. Fine Arts 
6. Music 

7. Belles-Lettres :— 

General Bibliographies 


Literature of eent oe ad Rone 
of England 
of France 
of Germany 
of Italy 
of Spain . 
of Sweden 
Proverbs and Ana 


8. Geography: Voyages and Travels . 
9. History :— 
General Bibliographies 
England, Scotland, and Ireland . 
Germany and eee 
Holland and Belgium 
Italy : 
Portugal . 
Biography : 
Heraldry and @onealogy 
Archeology and Numismatics . 




10. Indexes to Periodicals . : ; : : 89 
11. Index Society . : é 92 



-Peignot (G.)—Répertoire de Bibliographies spéciales, curieuses 
et instructives. Paris, 1810. 8°. 2048. a. 
Namur (P.)—Bibliographie Paléographico-Diplomatico-Biblio- 
logique générale, ou Répertoire systématique, indiquant : 
1° Tous les ouvrages relatifs 4 la Paléographie; a la Diplo- 
matique; al Histoire del’ Imprimerie; 4 la Bibliographie, &e. 
2° La Notice des Recueils périodiques... des différents 
pays. 2 tom  Niége, 1838. 18. 2048. c. 
Guild (R. A.)—The Librarian’s Manual; a Treatise on Biblio- 
eraphy, comprising a select and descriptive list of Biblio- 
graphical Works; to which are added, Sketches of Public 
Libraries. New York, 1858. 4°. 2050. d. 
Petzholdt (J.)—Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches Ver- 
zeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie betref- 
fenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes in systematischer 

Ordnung. Leipzig, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. 
Power (J.)—A Handy-Book about Books. London, 1870. 8°. 
BB. G. 

Sabin (Joseph)—A Bibliography of Bibliography, or a Handy 
Book about Books. New York, 1877. 8°. BB. G. 



Denis (F.)—Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographie universelle, par 

EF. Denis, P. Pingon et De Martonne. Paris, 1857. 8°. 
BB. RB. 
Polybiblion. Revue Bibliographique universelle. Partie 
technique. Deuxiéme Série. Tom. 1-6. 1875-80. [A 
monthly classified list of the new publications of all 
countries, by G. Pawlowski.| Paris, 1875-80. 8°. BB. R. 

In progress. 

Georgi (T.)—Allgemeines Europiiisches Biicher-Lexicon, in 
welchem ... die allermeisten Autores... zu finden, welche. 
. noch vor dem Anfange des xvi. seculi bis 1739, i dem 
Europaischen Theile der Welt, sonderlich aber in Teutsch- 
land sind geschrieben und gedrucket worden. 5 Th. and 
6 Sup. Leipzig, 1742-58. fol. BB. T. 
Allgemeine Bibliographie. Monatliches Verzeichniss der 
wichtigern neuen Erscheinungen der deutschen und aus- 
landischen Literatur. Jahrg. 16-25. 1871-1880. Leipzig, 

1871-80. 8°. BB. R. 

In progress. 
Ebert (F. A.)—Allgemeines bibliographisches Texiken 2 Bd. 
Leipzig, 1821-30. 4°. 2049. a. 

A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the 
German [by A. Browne}. 4 vol. Oxford, 1837. 8°. 2048. c. 

Maittaire (M.)—Annales Typographici ab artis inventee or igine 
ad annum 1674. 5tom. Hage Comitum, 1719-41. 4°. 

2049. a. 
Denis (M.)—Annalium Typographicorum M. Maittaire Sup- 
plementum. Vienne, 1789. 4°. 2049. c. 

Panzer (G. W.)—Annales Typographici ab artis inventee origine 
(ad annum 1536). 11 vol. Norimberge, 1793-1803. 4°. 
2049. c. 


Hain (L.)—Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes 
ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis 

expressi ordine alphabetico...recensentur. 2 vol. Stuté- 
gartize, 1826-38. 8°. 2048. c. 
Brunet (J. C.)—Manuel du Libraire. Cinquiéme édition. 6 vol. 
Paris, 1860-65. 8°. 2049. b. 
Supplément. Par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. 

a2vol. Paris, 1878-80. 8°. 2049. b. 

Graesse (J. G. T.)—Trésor de Livres rares et précieux ; ou, 
Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliographique. 7 vol. Dresde, 
1859-69. 4°. 2049. c. 

Dibdin (T. F.)—Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a Descriptive 

| Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and 
of many valuable First Hditions, in the Library of George 
John Earl Spencer. 4 vol. London, 1814-15. 8°. 2049. d. 

Maitland (S. R.)—List of some of the Early Printed Bocks in 
the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1843. 8°. 

2048. c. 

Renouard (A. A.)—Annales de l’Imprimerie des [stienne, ou 
Histoire de la Famille des Hstienne et de ses éditions. 2 pt. 
Paris, 1837-38. 8°. 2050. b. 

Annales de ’Imprimerie des Alde, ou Histoire 
des trois Manuce et de leurs éditions. Seconde édition. 

Panis, 18.25. 8°. 2050. b. 
Willems (A.)—Les Elzevier. Histoire et Annales Typogra- 
phiques. Bruselles, 1880. 8°. 2050. c. 

Degeorge (L.)—La Maison Plantin 4 Anvers. Deuxiéme 
édition, augmentée d’une liste chronolovique des ouvrages 
imprimés par Plantin 4 Anvers de 1555 @ 1589. Bruselles, 
Topo Ob 

Index Librorum Prohibitorum SS. D. N. Pi 1x. Pont. 
Max. jussu editus. Hditio novissima in qua bri omnes 
ab Apostolica Sede usque ad annum 1876 proscripti suis 
locis recensentur. ome, 1877. 8°. 2048. a. 

Astor Library — Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the 
Astor Library. (Supplement with an Alphabetical Index 
of subjects.) 5 vol. New York, 1857-66. 8°. BB. R. 

Bodleian Library—Catalogus Librorum impressorum Biblio- 
thecee Bodleiane. 4 vol. Oxonizx, 1843-51. fol. 2048. g. 

Catalogus Dissertationum Academicarum quibus nuper 

aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana. 1832. Owonix, 1834. fol. 

2048. ©. 


Bodleian lLibrary—Catalogue of the Printed Books and 
Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the 
Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. fol. 2048. ¢. 

Boston Athenzeum—Catalogue of the Library of the Boston 
Atheneum. 1807-1871. Boston, 1874, etc. 8°. BB. R. 

In progress. ‘ 

Boston Public Library—Index to the Catalogue of Books 
in the Upper Hall. 1861. (First Supplement, 1866.) 
Boston, 1861-66. 8°. ; BB. Rk. . 

Dyce Collection—A Catalogue of the Printed Books and 
Manuscripts bequeathed by the Rev. A. Dyce (to the 
South Kensington Museum). 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 

2050. f. 

East India Company—A Catalogue [classified] of the Library 
of the Hon. Hast India Company. (Supplement.) 2 vol. 
London, 1845-51. 8°. BB. RB. 

France.—Bibliothéque Nationale—Catalogue alphabétique 
des ouvrages mis a la libre disposition des Lecteurs dans la 
Salle de Travail. Paris, 1879. 8°. BB. R. 

Catalogue des Livres imprimés sur vélin de la 

Bibliothéque du Roi. [By J. van Praet.] 6 vol. Paris, 

1822-28. 8°. 2048. a. 

Inventaire alphabétique des Livres imprimés 
sur vélin de la Bibliothéque Nationale. Complément du 
Catalogue publié par Van Praet. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2048. a. 

Bibliotheca Heberiana—Catalogue of the Library of Richard 
Heber. [| With prices in MS.] 12 pts. London, 1834-36. 8°. 

2048. a. 

Huth Library—A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Autograph 
Letters, and Engravings, collected by Henry Huth, with 
collations and bibliographical descriptions. {Compiled by 
W. C. Hazlitt and F. S. Ellis.] 5 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 

2048. d. 

Lenox Library—Contributions to a Catalogue of the Lenox 

Library. . 
No. 1. Voyages of Hulsius. 

2. The Jesuit Relations, eéc. 

3. The Voyages of Thevenot. 

4. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, etc. 

New York, 1877-79. 4°. 
London Institution—A Catalogue of the Library of the 


London Institution; systematically classed. 4 vol. 
London, 1835-52. 8°. BB. R. 
London Library—Catalogue of the London Library, with a 
classified index of subjects by R. Harrison. Fourth edition. 
London, 1875. 8°. BB. RB. 
Manchester Free Library—Catalogue of the Books in the 
Reference Department, prepared by A. Crestadoro. London, 
MOM 8°. BB. RB. 
New York State Library—Catalogue, 1855. (First Supple- 
ment, 1861. Subject Index, 1872.) Albany, 1856-72. 8°. 
BB. RB. 

Prince Library—A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and 
Manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Rev. Thomas 
Prince, ...and is now deposited in the Public Library of 

the City of Boston. Boston, 1870. 4°. 2049. a. 
Royal Institution—A new classified Catalogue of the Library 
of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with indexes of 
authors and subjects. By B. Vincent. London, 1857. 8°. 
BB. R. 

Appleton’s Library Manual ; containing a Catalogue Raisonné 
of upwards of twelve thousand of the most important works 

in every department of knowledge in all modern languages. 
New York, 1847. 8°. BB. RB. 
The Best Reading—Hints on the selection of Books; on the 
formation of Libraries, Public and Private; on Courses of 
reading, etc. With a Classified Bibliography for easy 
reference. [Partly by F. B. Perkins.] New York, 1875. 8°. 

BB. R. 
Bohn (H. G.)—| Guinea] Catalogue of Books. London, 1841. 8°. 
: 2048. b. 
Quaritch (B.)—A general Catalogue of Books. London, 1880. 8°. 
BB. R. 

Willis and Sotheran—A Catalogue of upwards of fifty 
thousand volumes of ancient and modern Books, English 
and Foreign, in all classes of literature and the fine arts, 
etc. London, 1862. 8°. BB. R. 





Bruun (C. V.)—Bibliotheca Danica. Systematisk Fortegnelse 
over den Danske Literatur fra 1482 til 1830, efter sam- 
lingerne i det store Kongelige Bibliothek i Kj¢benhavn 
...udgivet ved C. V.- Bruun. -. Bd? y1=2- Kj¢benhawn, 
1877-79. 4°. In progress. 2050. f. 

Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.)—Almindeligt Litteraturlexicon 
for Danmark, Norge og Island; eller Fortegnelse over. 
Danske, Norske, og Islandske Forfattere med . . . Liste over 
deres Skrifter. Kjgbenhavn, 1820. 4°. 2038. ¢. 

Erslew (T. H.)—Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexicon for Kongeriget 
Danmark med tilh¢rande Bilande, fra 1814 til 1840. 3 vol. 

Supplement .. . indtil Udgangen of Aaret 1853. 

3 vol. Kjgbenhavn, 1843-68. 8°. 20388, g. 
Fabricius (F.)—Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1841-1858. 
(Sagregister.) Kjgbenhavn, 1861. 4°. 2049. a. 
Vahl (J.)—Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1859-1868. (Sag- 
register.) Kjgbenhavn, 1871. 4°. 2049. a. 
Dansk Bogfortegnelse for 1869(-1879.) Aarg. 19-29. 
Kjgbenhavn, 1869-79. 8°. In progress. 2050. a. 


Watt (R.)—Bibliotheca Britannica: a General Index to British 
and Foreign Literature. In two parts: Authors and Sub- 
jects. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. BB. R. 

Lowndes (W. T.)—The Bibliographers Manual of English 
Literature. New edition, by H.G. Bohn. 6 vol. London, 
1857-64. 8°. 2050. a. 


Allibone (S. A.)—Dictionary of English Literature, and British 
and American Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859-71. 8°. 

2050. f. 
Stevens (H.)—Catalogue of my English Library. London, 
BOHo OS. 2050. a. 

Ames (J. )—Typographical Antiquities; or, an Historical Ac- 
count of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain 
and Ireland: containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, 
and a Register of Books printed by them from the year 
1471 to the year 1600. Considerably angmented ... by 

W. Herbert. 3 vol. London, 1785-90. 4°. 2050. f. 
Typographical Antiquities . . . Enlarged with 

copious notes by T. F. Dibdin. 4 vol. London, 1810-19. 4°. 
2050. f. 

Martin (J.)—Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed 
Books. Second edition. London, 1854. 8°. 2048. b. 
Lemon (R.)— Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides 
in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London. 
London, 1866. 8°. 2049. c. 
Maitland (S. R.)—An Index of such English Books, printed 
before the year mpc., as are now in the Archiepiscopal 
library at Lambeth. London, 1845. 8°. 2048. c. 
Maunsell (A.)—The First Part of the Catalogue of English 
printed Bookes: which concerneth such matters of Divinitie, 
as have bin written in our owne tongue, or translated out 
of anie other language. (The Seconde parte: which con- 
cerneth the Sciences Mathematicall, as Arithmetick, Geo- 
metrie, Astronomie, Astrologie, Musick, the Arte of Warre, 
and Navigation: and also of Phisick and Surgerie, etc.) 
Tondon, 1595. 4°. 2050. f. 
Clavell (R.)—A Catalogue of Books printed in England since 
the dreadful Fire of London in 1666 to the end of Michael- 

mas Term, 1695. Fourth edition. London, 1696. fol. 
2050. f. 
A General Catalogue of Books in all Languages, Arts and 
Sciences, printed in Great Britain and published in London, 
from the year mpcc. to MDCCLXXxXxvVI. classed under the several 
branches of Literature and alphabetically disposed under each 
head, etc. W. Bent, London, 1786. 8°. Catalogue Desk. 
London Catalogue of Books, ... corrected to August 1811. 
W. Bent, London, 1811. 8°. Catalogue Desk. 



The London Catalogue of Books, containing the books pub- 
lished in London, since the year 1810 to February 1831. 

Bent, London, 1831. 8°. Catalogue Desk. 
The London Catalogue of Books. 1816 to 1851. Hodgson, 
London, 1851. 8°. Catalogue Desk. 
Classified Index to the Lenton Catalogue, 1851. 
Hodgson, London, 1853. 8°. Catalogue Desk. 

Low (S.)—The English Catalogue of books. Jan. 1835 
(—Jan. 1872). 2 vol. London, 1864-73. 8°. 
Catalogue Desk. 
The English Catalogue for 1872 (— 1879). With an 
index of subjects. 8 vol. London, 1873-80. 8°. 
Catalogue Desk. 
Index to the British [and English] Catalogue of books 
published during the years 1837 to 1857 (1856-1876). 
2 vol. London, 1858-76. 8°. Catalogue Desk. . 
Reid (John)—Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica: or, an account of all 
the books which have been published in the Gaelic Language. 
Glasgow, 1832. 8°. 2050. d 
Rowlands (W.)—Cambrian Bibliography: containing an ac- 
count of the books printed in the Welsh Language; or, 
relating to Wales from the year 1546 to the end of the 
eighteenth century. Llanidloes, 1869. 8°. 2050. d 
O’Reilly (E.)—Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 
1820. Containing a chronological account of nearly four 
hundred Irish Writers... carried down to the year 1750: 
with a Descriptive Catalogue of such of their Works as are 
still extant. Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2050. f 
May’s British and Irish Press Guide, 1880. A classified Index 
to the Press of the United Kingdom. London, 1880. 8°. 
Catalogue Desk. 
The Newspaper Press Directory, 1880. London, 1880. 8°. 
Catalogue Desk. 


Pipping (F. W.)—Forteckning éfver i tryck utgifna skrifter 
pa Finska, afvensom dfver nagra andra arbeten innehal- 
lande nagon uppsats pa detta sprak eller annars ledande 
till dess kannedom. Luettelo Suomeksi prantatyista kir- 
joista. Helsingfors, 1856-57. 4°. 2049. a. 


Vasenius (V.)—Suomalainen Kirjallisuus. La Littérature fin- 
noise. 1544-1877. Catalogue alphabétique et systématique. 

Helsingissa, 1878. 8°. 2049. a. 

Beauvois (E.)—Le Mouvement littéraire en Finlande dans les 

dix derniéres années. Paris, 1879. 8°. 2050. b. 

Brunet (G.)—La France littéraire au xv° siécle; ou, Catalogue 
raisonné des ouvrages imprimés en langue frangaise jusqu’a 

Yan 1500. Paris, 1865. 8°. 2048. c. 
Bossange (H.)—Ma Bibliothéque Frangaise. Paris, 1855. 8°. 
2050. a. 

Quérard (J. M.)—La France Littéraire, ou Dictionnaire Biblio- 
graphique des Savants qui ont écrit en frangais, plus particu- 
liérement pendant les xvim° et x1x° siécles. 12 vol. Paris, 
1827-64. 8°. 2048. b. 
Littérature Frangaise contemporaine (1827-49). Continu- 
ation de la France Littéraire. 6 vol. Paris, 1842-57. 8°. 

2048. b. 

Lorenz (O.)—Catalogue de la Librairie Frangaise. 1840-186 5. 
(1866-1875.) 6tom. Paris, 1867-77. 8°. 2049. b. 
Tables des Matiéres. 1840-1875. 2 tom. Paris, 1879-80. 

8° 2049. b. 

Bibliographie de la France. Journal général de Imprimerie 
et de Librairie. 1876-80. Paris, 1876-80. 8°. BB. R. 

In progress. 
Hatin (E.)—Bibliographie historique et critique de la Presse 
- périodique frangaise ; ou, Catalogue systématique et rai- 
sonné de tous les écrits périodiques publiés en France 
depuis Vorigine du journal jusqw’a nos jours. Paris, 1866. 8°. 
BB. 0. 
Gébé (V.)—Catalogue des Journaux publiés 4 Paris. . . accom- 
pagné dune Table systématique. Paris, 1879. 12°. BB. R. 
Kerviler (R.)—Essai d’une bibliographie raisonnée de l’Aca- 
_ démie Frangaise. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2048. b. 


Panzer (G. W.)—Annalen der altern deutschen Litteratur, 
oder Anzeige und Beschreibung derjenigen Biicher, welche 
von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1520(—bis 1526) 



in deutscher Sprache gedruckt worden sind. (Zusitze.) 
Nirnberg, 1788-1805. 4°. 2050. f. 
Weller (E.)—Repertorium typographicum. Die deutsche 
Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. 

Im Anschluss an Hains Repertorium und Panzers deutsche 
Annalen. (Supplement, 1874.) Nordlingen, 1864-74. 8°. 
2049. b. 

[Heyse (C. W.) |—Biicherschatz der deutschen National-Littera- 
tur des xvi. und xvu. Jahrhunderts. Systematisch geord- 
netes Verzeichniss einer reichhaltigen Sammlung deutscher 
Biicher. Berlin, 1854. 8°. 2048. a. 
Maltzahn (W. von) — Deutscher Biicherschatz des sechs- 
zehnten, siebenzehnten und achtzehnten bis um die Mitte 

des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1875, etc. 8°. 2048. a. 
Heinsius (W.) — Allgemeines Bicher-Lexikon; 1700-1815. 
5 vol. Leipzig, 1812-17. 4°. 2049. d. 
Kayser (C.G. )—Index Librorum. Vollstindiges Biicher-Lexicon, 
enthaltend alle von 1750 bis zu Ende des Jahres (— 1876) 

in Deutschland ...gedruckten Biicher. 20 vol. Leipzig, 
1834-77. 4° 2049. d. 
Hinrichs (J. C.)—Verzeichniss der Biicher . . . welche in 
Deutschland vom Januar 1877 bis zum (December 1880) neu 
erschienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind. Leipzig, 1876-80. 

12°. In progress. BB. RB. 

Repertorium iiber die nach den . . . Verzeichnissen 
1871-75 erschienenen Bicher. Yon E. Baldamus. Leipzig, 
SI wes BB. RB. 

Hoppe (H.)—Katalog der wichtigeren, hervorragenden und 
besseren Schriften Deutscher Literatur, welche in den Jahren 
1801 bis Ende 1868 erschienen sind.—I. Wissenschaftliche 
Uebersicht.—II. Autoren und Namen-Register. St. Peters- 
burg, 1871. 8°. BB. BR. 

Schwab (G.) and Kluepfel (K.)— Wegweiser durch die Litera- 
tur der Deutschen. Vierte Auflage (Hrster—-Dritter Nach- 
trag. Die Jahre von 1870-1879). Leipzig, 1874-79. 8°. 

BB. G. 

Biicherschatz der Deutschen. Systematische Zusammenstel- 
lung der vorziiglichsten Werke der neueren und neuesten 
deutschen Literatur aus allen Fachern. Leipzig, 1870. 
Be. BB. RB. 

Allgemeine Biicherkunde des Brandenburgisch-Preussischen 
Staates. Berlin, 1871. 4°. BB. M. 


Deutscher Zeitschriften-Katalog. Zweite Auflage. Ostern 
1874. Lewpzig, 1874. 8°. BB. R. 
Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der Kéniglich Preussischen 
Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1710-1870 in alpha- 
betischer Folge der Verfasser. Berlin, 1871. 8°. 2048. b 


Papadopoulos Vretos (A.) — NeoedAdAyuxyn PirodAcyia, ror 
Katahoyos Twv aro mrwcews THS Bulavtwys avToxparopias pexpt 
eykafidpycews THs ev EAAade BactAcas turwbevtwov By3rvwv rap’ 
EXAnvov. 2 pt. Ev A@nvacs, 1854-57. 8°. 2050. c. 

Sathas (K. N.)—NeoehAnvicn BidroAcyia. Broypaduae twv ev rows 
ypappacr dvarampavtoy EAAnvev, aro tys Katadvoews THs 
Bulavtwys Avtoxparopias pexpt tns EXAnuiKns €Oveyepowas. 
1453-1821. Ev A@nvacs, 1868. 8°. 2050. c. 

Coromilas (D. A.)—Catalogue raisonné des livres publiés en 
Gréce depuis 1868 jusqu’en (1877). 2 pt.  <Athénes, 
1873-78. 8°. 2050. b. 


Campbell (M. F. A. G.)—Annales de la Typographie néerlan- 
daise au xv° siécle. La Haye, 1874. 8°. 2049. b. 

——— ]* Supplément. La Haye, 1878. 8°. 

Abkoude (J. van )—Naamregister van de bekendste . . . Neder- 
duitsche Boeken ... 1600 tot 1761. Nu overzien en tot 
het jaar 1787 vermeerderd door R. Arrenberg. Rotterdam, 
ios. 40. 2050. b. 

——— Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken 1790 tot 1832. 
Amsterdam, 1835. 4°. 2050. b. 

——-— Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken. 1833-1875. 3 vol. 
Amsterdam, 1858-78. 4°. 2050. b. 

——-— Wetenschappelijk Register behoorende bij Brinkman’s 
Alphabetische Naamlijsten van Boeken... uitgegeven in 
1850-1875 .. . bewerkt door R. van der Meulen. Amsterdam, 
meqS. 4°. 2050. b. 

Foppens (J. F.)—Bibliotheca Belgica, sive Virorum in Belgio 
Vité Scriptisque illustrium Catalogus, libroramque nomen- 
clatura continens, 2 tom. Brusellis, 1739. 4°. 2089. h. 


Paquot (J. N.)—Mémoires pour servir 4 l’Histoire littéraire 
des dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas, ete. 3 tom. Louvain, 
1765-70. fol. , 2036. g. 

Belgium. ‘Trente années de la Littérature belge. Bibliotheca 

_ Belgica. Catalogue général des principales publications 
belges depuis 1830 jusqu’a 1860.  Brumelles, 1861. 8°. 
BB. R. 

Bibliographie de Belgique. Journal officiel de la Librairie. 
Année 1-5. 1875-1879. Bruselles, 1876-80. 8°. BB. R. 

Introduction 4 la Bibliographie de Belgique. Relevé de tous 
les Ecrits périodiques qui se publient dans le Royaume par 
les sociétés savantes, les administrations publiques... et~ 
les particuliers. Bruwelles, 1875. 8°. BB. 0. 

Namur (P.)—Bibliographie Académique Belge, ou Répertoire 
systématique et analytique des Mémoires, extraits de Mé- 
moires, Dissertations, Observations, Essais et Mémoires des 
prix publiés jusqu’a ce jour par l’Ancienne et la Nouvelle 
Académie de Bruxelles. Liége, 1838. 8°. 2048. d. 


Szabé (K.)—Regi Magyar Kényvtér. Az 1531-1711. Meg- 
jelent Magyar nyomtatvdnyok kényvészeti kézikényve. 
Budapest, 1879. 8°. 2048. oe. 

Kertbeny (IK. M.)—A Magyar nemzeti és nemzetk6zi irodalom 
kényvészete. 1441-1876.  Bibliographie ungarischer 
nationaler und internationaler Literatur. 1441-1876. 

Budapest, 1876, etc. 8°. In progress. 2050. b. 
Bibliographia Hungarica.—Magyar Konyvészet. 1876-79. 
Budapest, 1877-80. 8°. In progress. BB. RB. 
Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn. Herausgegeben von 
P. Hunfalvy. Bd. 1-4. Budapest, 1877-80. 8°. 2048. a. 
In progress. 

Jonsson (J.) Borgfirdingur—Siguagrip um prentsmidjur og 
prentari 4 Islandi. Reykjavik, 1867.: 12°. 2050. b. 
Einarsson (H.)—Historia literaria Islandiae, autorum et scrip- 
torum tum editorum tum ineditorum indicem exhibens. 
Editio nova. Havniz et Lipsix. 1786. 8°. 2050. b. 


Moebius (T.)—Catalogus librorum islandicorum et norvegi- 
corum etatis mediz editorum versorum illustratorum. 
Lipsie, 1856. 8°. 2048. c. 

Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der altnordischen 

(altislandischen und altnorwegischen) Sprache und Lite- 

ratur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften. Lezpzig, 

meso: 6°. 2048. o. 

For recent Icelandic publications see the lists annually published from 1866, 
in the “Skyrslur og Reikningar” of the Icelandic Literary Society 
(islenzka Bokmentafélag, Ac. 9052. 5). 

Fontanini (G.)—Biblioteca dell’ Eloquenza Italiana ... con le 
__ annotazioni del Signor A. Zeno. 2 tom. Parma, 1803-04. 
Ae. 2048. e. 
Zambrini (F.)—Le Opere volgari a stampa dei Secoli x1 e 
__-XIv indicate e descritte. Hdizione quarta. Bologna, 1878. 8°. 
BB. G. 
Gamba (B.)—Serie dei testi di lingua Italiana e di altri opere 
importanti nella Italiana letteratura del secolo xvi al xix. 
. Quarta edizione. Venezia, 1839. 8°. BB. G. 
Bertocci (D. G.)—Repertorio bibliografico delle opere stampate 
in Italia nel secolo x1x. Vol.1. Roma, 1876. 8°. BB. M. 

In progress. 7 
Bibliografia Italiana.—Giornale compilato sui documenti co- 
3 municati dal Ministero dell’ Istruzione Pubblica. Anno 1-14. 
1867-80. Firenze, 1868-81. 8°. . In progress. BB. RB. 
Bibliografia Romana.—Notizie della vita e delle opere degli 
Scrittori Romani dal secolo x1. fino ai nostri giorni. Vol. 1. 

| Roma, 1880. 8°. 2049. a. 

Narbone (A. )—Bibliografia Sicola Sistematica. 4 vol. 

Palermo, 1850-55. 8°. 2048. a. 

Kraft (J. E.)—Norsk Forfatter-Lexicon 1814-1856. Af J. E. 
Kraft... Forgget og udgivet af C. C. A. Lange. Chris- 
tiania, 1863. 8°. 2050. d. 

Nissen (M.)—Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse 1814-1847 samlet og 
udgiven af M. Nissen. Kristiania, 1848. 8°. 2050. d. (1) 

Botten-Hansen (P.) and Petersen (S.)—Norsk Bog-Forteg- 
nelse 1848-1865. Samlet og udgiven af P. Botten-Hansen 
oe §. Petersen. Kristiania, 1870. 8°. 2050. d. (2) 


Boeck (T. O.)—Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse. 1866-1872. Samlet 
og redigeret af 'T’. Boeck. Christiania, 1877. 8°. 2050. d.(3) 

Botten-Hansen (P.)—La Norvége Littéraire. Catalogue 
systématique et raisonné de tous les ouvrages de quelque 
valeur imprimés en Norvege ou composés par des Auteurs 
Norvégiens au 19° siecle, ete. Christiania, 1868. 8°. 

2050. d. 


Silva (J. F. da)—Diccionario bibliographico Portuguez. 
Tom. 1-9. Lisboa, 1858-7o. 8°. In progress. 2050. d. 
Barbosa Machado (D.)— Bibliotheca Lusitana, historica, 
critica e cronologica. Na qual se comprehende a noticia dos 
authores Portuguezes, e das obras que compuserao. 4 vol. 
Lisboa, 1741-59. fol. 2049. f. 
Pinto de Mattos (R.)—Manual bibliographico Portuguez de 
livros raros, classicos e curiosos. Porto, 1878. 8°. 2050. d. 
Bibliotheca Lusitana; or, Catalogue of books and tracts re- 
lating to the history, literature, and poetry of Portugal: 
forming part of the library of J. Adamson. Newcastle-on- 
NPR SASS sh 2048. a. 
Catalogo das publicacdes da Academia Real das Sciencias de 
Lisboa (1789 a 1876). Lisboa, 1876. 8°. 2048. b. 

Braga (T.)—Bibliographia Camoniana. Lisboa, 1880. 8°. 
2049. a. 


Jarecu (D.)—Bibliografia Chronologica Romana sau Catalogu 
generalu de Cartile Romane imprimate de la adoptarea 
imprimeriri, diumetate secolu xvi gi Pana asta-di. 

1550-1873. Bucuresci, 1873. 4°. 2050. f. 


Sopikov (V.)—Ounsitp Poccilickon On6ziorpadin, nin norHETit 
CLUICKOMD JISEIKAXb OTb Layala saBelenia TUNMOrpatpili FO 1813 
Towa. 5 uacr. Cankxmnemepoypim, 1813-1821. 8°. 2050. c. 


Pocuucs PoccifickuMb KHUTaMB LIA UTeHIiA, 13% Bun6siorenn A. 
CuMUpluma, CHCTeEMATHYeCKUMB TOpA,KOMB pacnolomeHnad. 
4A uactr. Canxmnemepoypr, 1828. 8°. 2050. c. 
Mezhov (V. J.)—Cnucremarnueckifi Karazors PycckuMs KHUTaMS 
UpolawiliMecd BE KAWKHOME marazuHhb A. &. Basynosa cp 

cb 1825 10 1869 roga. C. Iemepoypr, 1869. 8°. 
Ileppoe (— 10ii) mpu6aBnenie 3a 1869 r. (— 1877 
mi 1878 roqnH.) C. Iemepoypiw, 1870-80. 8°. 2050. c. 
Tableau général méthodique et alphabétique des matiéres 
contenues dans les publications de |’Académie Impériale des 
Sciences de St. Pétersbourg depuis sa fondation. 1*° Partie. 
St. Pétersbourg, 1872. 8°. In progress. 2050. e. 



Slovansky Katalog Bibliograficky za rok 1877(-1879). 
Catalogue Slave bibliographique pour 1877(-1879). Sous 
la redaction de A. Michalek et I. Kloucek. Année 1-3. 
V. Praze, 1878-80. 8°. BB. Rk. 
In progress. 
Comprising lists of Bohemian, Polish, Little Russian, Croatian, and Servian 


Hanus (I. J.)—Quellenkunde und Bibliographie der béhmisch- 
slovenischen Literaturgeschichte vom Jahre 1848-1868. 
ag, 1868.' 8°: 2050. b. 

Doucha (F.)—Knihopisny Slovnik éesko-slovensky aneb seznam 
knéh ...vySlych v jazyku naroda éesko-slovenského od 
roku 1774 az do nejnovejsi doby. V Praze, 1865. 4°. 

2048, d. 


Jireéek (J. K.)—Bibliographie de la littérature bulgare moderne, 
1806-1870. unronucs, efc. Biena, 1872. 8°. 2050. f. 


Sakcinski (J. K.)—Bibliografia Hrvatska. Dio prvi Tiskane 
knjige. U Zagrebu, 1860. 8°. 2048. a. 



Eistreicher (C.)—Bibliographie Polonaise de 120,000 imprimés. 
Premiére partie. x1x°siécle. 5 tom. Cracow, 1870-78. 8°. 

2050. c. 
_ ‘ SERVIA. 
Novakoviec (S.)—Cpncxa Budanjorpaduja 3a nopujy KmbumeBHOcT, 
1741-1867. Y Buowady, 1869. 8°. 2050. c. 

Antonio (N.)—Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus sive Hispani Scrip- 
tores annum Christi 1500 floruerunt. 2 vol. 
Matriti, 1788. fol. 2049. e. 

Bibhotheca Hispana Nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum 

qui ab anno 1500 ad 1684 fioruere notitia. 2 vol. Maitritz, 

1783-88. fol. 2049. e. 
Salva y Mallen (P.)—Catdlogo de la Biblioteca de Salva. 
2 tom. Valencia, 1872. 8°. 2048. d. 

Gallardo (B. J.)—Ensayo de una Biblioteca Espanola de libros 
raros y curlosos. Tom. 1,2. Madrid, 1862-66. 8°. 2048. d. 
Hidalgo (D.)—Diccionario general de Bibliografia Espanola. 
6tom. Madrid, 1862-79. 8°. 2048. e. 
Boletin de la Libreria—Ano 1-7. 1873-1880. Madrid, 1874-80. 
8°. In progress. BB. RB. 
Hartzenbusch (E.)—Periédicos de Madrid (1661-1870). Tabla 
cronologica. Madrid, 1876. 12°. BB. R. 
Whitney (J. L.)—Catalogue of the Spanish Library, and of the 
Portuguese Books bequeathed by G. Ticknor to the Boston 
Public Library. Together with the Collection of Spanish 
and Portuguese Literature in the General Library. Boston, 
1879. 8°. BB. G. 


Linnstrom (H.)—Svenskt Boklexicon. Aren 1830-186 Fs 
Haft 1-34. Stockholm, 1867-80. 8°. In progress. 2050. f. 
Svensk Bog-Katalog for aren 1866-1875. (Nominela Afdel- 
ningen. Systematiska Afdelningen.) Stockholm, 1878. 8°. 

: 2050. f. 

Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandeln 1876-80. Stockholm, 1877- 
81. 8°. In progress. 2050. c. 



Favre (G.)—Notice sur les livres imprimés 4 Genéve dans le 
Xv° siécle. Seconde édition. Genéve, 1855. 8°. 

Gaullieur (E. H. A.)—Etudes sur la Typographie Genevoise 
du Xv° au xIx° siécles, et sur les origines de limprimerie en 
Suisse. Genéve, 1855. 8°. 

Rausch (F'.)—Geschichte der Literatur des Rhato-Romanischen 
Volkes. Frankfurt a. M., 1870. 8°. 

Bibliographie und Literarische Chronik der Schweiz. Bib- 
hographie et Chronique littéraire dela Suisse. Année I-I0. 
Basel, 1871-80. 8°. In progress. 


Zenker (J. T.)—Bibliotheca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie 
Orientale. 2vol. Leipzig, 1846-61. 8°. BB. T. 

Mueller (A.)—Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgen- 
landischen Gesellschaft. Pt. 1. Letpzig, 1880. 8°. BB. T. 
Hermann (C. H.)—Biblotheca Orientalis et Linguistica. 
Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1850 bis incl. 1868 in Deutsch- 
land erschienenen Biicher und Abhandlungen orientalischer 
und sprachvergleichender Literatur. Halle a/S. 1870. 8°. 
BB. T. 
Bibliotheca Orientalis, oder eine vollstindige Liste der im 
Jahre 1876(—1879) erschienenen Biicher iiber die Sprachen, 
Religionen, Antiquitaten, Literaturen, Geschichte und Geo- 
graphie des Ostens. Zusammengestellt von K. Friederici. 
Jahrg. 1-4. London [1877-80]. 8°. In progress. BB. T. 
Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, Manuscripts, and 
Drawings in the British Museum. By R. K. Douglas. 
London, 1877. 4°. Catalogue Desk. 
Gildemeister (J.) — Bibliothece Sanskrite sive recensus 
librorum Sanskritorum hucusque typis vel lapide exscrip- 
torum critici specimen. Bonne ad Rhenum, 1847. 8°. 
BB. T. 
Catalogue of Sanscrit and Pali Books in the British Museum. 
By E. Haas. London, 1876. 4°. Catalogue Desk. 



Wolf (J. ©.)—Bibliotheca Hebrea. 4 vol. Hamburgi, 
1715-33. 4°. 2050. b. 
Fuerst (J.)—Bibliotheca Judaica. Bibliographisches Handbuch 
der gesammten Jiidischen Literatur. 3 Th. Leipzig, 

1849-63. 8°. BB. A. 
Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the British Museum. [By 
J. Zedner.| London, 1867. 8°. - Catalogue Desk. 

Steinschneider (M.)—Catalogus Librorum Hebreorum in 
Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Berolini, 1852-60. 4°. 
Catalogue Desk. 
Hebreische Bibliographie. JBlitter fiir neuere und Adltere 
Literatur des Judenthums. Redigirt von M. Steinschneider. 
Bd. 1-20. Berlin, 1858-80. 8°. In progress. BB. T. 
Benjacob (I. A.)—Ozar Ha-Sepharim. Thesaurus Librorum 
Hebraicorum tam impressorum quam manu scriptorum. 
Bibliographie der gesammten Hebreischen Literatur mit 
Einschluss der Handschriften (bis 1863) nach den Titeln 
alphabetisch geordnet. Wilna, 1880. 8°. BB. T. 



Stevens (H.)—Catalogue of the American Books in the Library 
of the British Museum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 
2049. b. 
Triibner (N.)—Triibner’s Bibliographical Guide to American 
Literature. A classed list of books published in the United 
States of America during the last forty years. London, 
TO Oee Oe: 2050. d. 
Kelly (J.)—The American Catalogue of Books, original and 
reprints, published in the United States from Jan. 1861 to 
(Jan. 1871). 2 vol. London, 1866-71. 8°. 2050. d. 
Leypoldt (F.)—The American Catalogue under the direction of 
F. Leypoldt. Vol. 1. Author and Title entries of Books in 
print and for sale, July 1, 1876. New York, 1880. 4°. 
In progress. 2050. f. 
Thomas (I.)—History of Printing in America, with an account 


of Newspapers ... Second edition, with ...a Catalogue of 
American Publications previous to the Revolution of 1776. 
2vol. Albany, 1874. 8°. 2050. d. 

Steiger (E.)—The Periodical Literature of the United States of 
America. With index and appendices. New York, 1873. 4°. 
BB. 0. 


Stevens (H.)—Catalogue of the Canadian and other British 
North American Books in the Library of the British Mu- 
seum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1856. 8°. 2049. b. (2) 

Morgan (H. J.)—Bibliotheca Canadensis: or, a Manual of 
Canadian Literature. Ottawa, 1867. 8°. 2050. c. 


Stevens (H.)—Catalogue of the Mexican and other Spanish 
American and West Indian Books in the Library of the 
British Museum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 

2049. b. (3) 

Bachiller y Morales (A.)—Apuntes para la Historia de las 
Letras y de la Instruccion Publica de la Isla de Cuba. 
(Cuarta parte. Seccion 2°. Catalogo de los Libros y Fol- 
letos publicados en Cuba desde la introduccion de la im- 
prenta hasta 1840.) 3 tom. Habana, 1861. 8°. 

2000. c. 


Biblioteca del Ex-Coronel Pineda, o Colleccion de las publica- 
ciones de la imprenta en el Virreinato de Santafe i en las 
Republicas de Colombia 1 Nueva Granada, de 1774 a 1850. 
Bogota, 1853. 8°. 2048. a. 

Gutierrez (J. M.)—Bibliografia de la primera Imprenta de 
Buenos Aires desde su fundacion hasta el ano de 1810 
inclusive 6 Catdlogo de las producciones de la Imprenta de 
Ninos Espésitos, con observaciones y noticias curiosas, 
Precedide de una disertacion sobre el orijen del arte de 
imprimir en America y especialmente en el Rio de Ja Plata, 
Buenos Aires, 1866. 8°. 2048. a. 

Brisefio (R.) — Estadistica Bibliogrdfica de la Letteratura 
Chilena. Santiago de Chile, 1862. 4°. 2049. e. 



Hagenbach (K. R.)—Encyclopiidie und Methodologie der 
theologischen Wissenschaften. Zehnte Auflage. Heraus- 

gegeben von H. Kautzsch. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. A. 
Brunet (J. C.)—-Table méthodique en forme de Catalogue 
raisonné. ‘Théologie. Paris, 1865. 8°. BB. A. 

Walch (J. G.)—Bibliotheca Theologica selecta, literariis adno- 

tationibus instructa. 4 tom. Jenx, 1757-65. 8°. 
BB. A. 
Winer (G. B.)—Handbuch der theologischen Literatur, haupt- 
sichlich der protestantischen, nebst kurzen biographischen 
Notizen. Dritte sehr erweiterte Auflage. (Hrgainzungsheft : 
die Literatur bis zu Ende des Jahres 1841 fortfihrend.) 
3 vol. Leipzig, 1838-42. 8°. BBR 
Zuchold (#. A.)—Bibliotheca Theologica. WVerzeichniss der 
auf dem Gebiete der evangelischen Theologie nebst den fiir 
dieselbe wichtigen wahrend der Jahre 1830-62 in Deutsch- 
Jand erschienenen Schriften. Gdéttingen, 1864. 8°. BB. A. 
Bibliotheca Theologica, oder systematisch geordnete Ueber- 
sicht aller auf dem Gebiete der Evangelischen Theologie 
in Deutschland neu erschienenen Biicher. Herausgegeben 
von W. Miildener. 1863-80, G6ittingen, 1862-80. 8°. BB. A. 

In progress. 

Danz (J. T. L.)—Universal-Worterbuch der theologischen, 
kirchen- und religionsgeschichtlichen Literatur. (Sup- 
plementheft 1.) Leipzig, 1843. 8°. BB. A. 


Darling (J.)—Cyclopedia Bibliographica: a Library Manual 
of Theological and General Literature. 
Authors. 2 pt. London, 1854. 8°. 
Subjects. Holy Scriptures. Vol. 1. London, 1859. 8°. 
BB. A. 
MacClintock (J.) and Strong (J.)—Cyclopedia of 'Theo- 
logical and Heclesiastical Literature. Vol.1-8. New York, 
1867-79. 8°. In progress. BB. A. 
Malcolm (H.)—Theological Index: References to the principal 
works in every department of Religious Literature, em- 
bracing nearly 70,000 citations, alphabetically arranged 
under 2,000 heads. Boston, 1868. 8°. BB. A. 
Bibliotheca Parva Theologica, A Catalogue of Books recom- 
mended to Students in Divinity. With a selection of the 
best editions of the Fathers of the Church. Ozford & 

London, 1851. 8°. BB. A. 
Catalogue des Livres imprimez de la Bibliotheque du Roy. 
Théologie. 3 vol. Paris, 1739-42. fol. 2049, f. 

Reading (W.)—Bibliothece Cleri Londinensis in Collegio 
Sionensi Catalogus. Pars prior exhibet libros ad proprias 
classes redactos. Londini, 1724. fol. 2050. g. 

Horne (T. H.)—A Catalogue of the Library of Queen’s 
College, Cambridge. [Vol. 1, containing the Theology 
systematically classed.] London, 1827. 8°. BB. A. 

Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Daniel Williams, D.D. 
(Supplement I. containing the additions to the end of 1877.) 
3 vol. London, 1841-78. 8°. BB. A. 

Catalogus Dissertationum et Orationum Theologicarum defen- 
sarum et habitarum ab A. 1650 ad 1850 in Academiis 
Neerlandia, Germanie, Sueciz, collectarum a F. Muller, 
curante J. C. van Slee. . Amstelodami, 1868. 8°. BB. A. 


Le Long (J.)—Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vol. Paris, 1723. fol. 
2000. g. 

Bibliotheca Sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri 

iteratas curas ordine disposita, emendata, suppleta, con- 

tinuata ab A. G. Masch. 5 vol. Hale, 1778-90. 4°. 
BB. A. 


Horne (T. H.)—Manual of Biblical Bibliography. [Being Vol. 5 
of Horne’s “ Introduction,” 9th edition.| London, 1846. 8°. 
BB. A. 

Orme (W.)—Bibliotheca Biblica: A select list of books on sacred 
literature ; with notices, biographical, critical, and biblio- 
graphical. Hdinburgh, 1824. 8°. © BBA: 
Reuss (H.) —Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Greci, cujus editiones 
ab initio typographie ad nostram setatem impressas, quot- 
quot reperiii potuerunt collegit, digessit, illustravit E. Reuss. 
Brunsvige, 1872. 8°. BB. A. 
Spurgeon (C. H.)—Commenting and Commentaries: Two 
lectures, with a catalogue of Biblical Commentaries and 

Expositions. London, 1876. 8°. BB. A. 
Bullen (G.)—Catalogue of the Library of the British and 
Foreign Bible Society. London, 1857. 8°. BB. A. 

Cotton (H.)—Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English 
from the year 1505 to 1850. Second edition, enlarged. 
Oxford, 1852. 8°. BB. A. 

Rhemes and Doway. An attempt to shew what has 
been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy 
Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Stevens (H.)—The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. Or, 
a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand repre- 
sentative Bibles in various languages, chronologically 
arranged. London, 1878. 8°. BB. A. 

Llewelyn (T.)—Historical Account of the British or Welsh Ver- 
sions and Editions of the Bible. London, 1768. 8°. BB. A. 

O’Callaghan (E. B.)—List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures 
and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860: 
with introduction and bibliographical notes. Albany, 1861. 
AM, BB. A. 

Shea (J. G.)—Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, 
Testaments, and other portions of Scripture translated from 
the Latin Vulgate and printed in the United States. New 
York, 1859. e082 BB. A. 


Zaccaria (F. A.j)—Bibliotheca Ritualis, concinnatum opus a 
F. A. Zaccaria ac duos in tomos tributum, quorum alter de 
libris ipsis ritualibus, alter de illorum explanatoribus agit. 
2tom. Rome, 1776-81. 4°. 2002. f. 


 Alés (A.)—Bibliothéque Liturgique. Description des Livres de 
liturgie imprimés au xv° et xvi° siécles faisant partie de la 
bibliothéque de 8. A. R. Mgr. Charles Louis de Bourbon 
(Comte de Villafranca). Paris, 1878. 8°. 2002. f. 
Stewart (C. J.)—Catalogue of Liturgies, Liturgical and Sacra- 
mental works, classified, with alphabetical index of authors 
and subjects. London. 8°. BB. A. 
[Dickinson (F. H.)|—A list of printed Service Books accord- 
ing to the ancient uses of the Anglican Church. London, 
1850. 8°. BB. A. 
Frére (E.)—Des Livres de Liturgie des Hglises d’Angleterre 
(Salisbury, York, Hereford), imprimés & Rouen dans les xv° 
et xvi’ siécles. Rouen, 1867. 8°. BB. A. 
Miller (J.)—Singers and Songs of the Church: being bio- 
graphical sketches of the Hymn-Writers in all the principal 
collections. With notes on their Psalms and Hymns. 
Second edition. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. 


Dowling (J. G.)—Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque 
veteris ecclesia monumentorum que in collectionibus anec- 
dotorum post annum Christi mpcc in lucem editis continen- 

ime Oxon, 1829. - 8°. BB. A. 
Stewart (C. J.)—Catalogue of Works in Patristic and 
Medizval Literature. London. 8°. BB. A. 

Walch (J. G.)—Bibliotheca Patristica. Hditio nova auctior 
adornata ab J. T. L. Danzio. Jenx, 1834. 8°. 2002. a. 
Permaneder (M.)—Bibliotheca Patristica. 2 vol. Landishuti, 

1841-44. 8°. 2004. e. 
Cave (W.)—Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia literaria, a 
Christo nato usque ad seeculum xiv. vita Mo- 
rum, Scriptis...deque variis operum editionibus 
agitur ( annum 1517). 2 vol. Oxonii, 
1740-43. fol. 2050. g. 
Ellies Dupin (L.)—History of Ecclesiastical Writers. Third 
edition. 3 vol. Dublin, 1722-24. fol. 2008. ¢. 
Oudin (C.)—Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesia antiquis, 
etc. 3 vol. Lipsiw, 1722. fol. 2008. f. 




Bretschneider (C. G.)—Systematische Entwickelung aller in 
der Dogmatik vorkommenden Begriffe. Nebst der Litera- 
tur, vorziiglich der neuern, iiber alle Theile der Dogmatik. 
Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1841. 8°. _ BB. A. 

Busse (J. B. J.)—Grundriss der Christlichen Literatur, von 
ihrem Ursprunge an bis zur Erfindung und Ausbreitung 
der Buchdruckerei. 2 Th. Minster, 1828-29. 8°. BB. A. 

Abbot (E.)—The Literature of the doctrine of a Future Life: 
or, a catalogue of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and — 

Destiny of the Soul. New York, 1871. 8°. BB. A. 
Cox (R.)—The Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 vol. 
Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. BB. A. 

See also the works referred to in Hagenbach’s “ History of Christian Doc- 
trines” (2014. g.), and the “ Literatur der Dogmatik”’ in his “ Hnecyclo- 
pidie und Methodologie der Theologischen Wissenschaften ” (BB. a.). 


Cooke (J.)—The Preacher’s Assistant, containing a series of 
the Texts of Sermons and Discourses published by Divines 
of the Church of England and by the Dissenting Clergy, 
since the Restoration. 2 vol. Oxford, 1783. 8°. 2001. b. 

Pettingell (J. H.)—Homiletical Index: a Handbook of Texts, 
Themes, and Authors. Embracing 20,000 citations of 
Scripture Texts, and of discourses founded thereon. New 
York, 1878. 8°. | BB. A. 


Pérennés (F.)—Dictionnaire de Bibliographie Catholique. 
Publié par M. Abbé Migne. 4 vol. Paris, 1858-60. 8°. 
BB. A. 
Thesaurus Librorum Rei Catholice. Handbuch der 
Bicherkunde der gesammten Literatur des Katholicismus 
und zunichst der katholischen Theologie. (Erginzungsheft. 
Theologisches Fach- und Sachregister.) Wiirzburg, 1848-50. 
che BB. A. 
Baldamus (E.) and Haupt (R.)—Die literarischen Erschein- 
ungen der Jahre 1865-1869 (1870-1879) auf dem gebicte 

der Katholischen Theologie. Reudnitz, 1870-81. 8°. 


Finotti (J. M.)—Bibliographia Catholica Americana: a list 
of works written by Catholic authors and published in the 
United States. New York, 1872. 8°. BB. A. 

Hurter (H.)—Nomenclator Literarius recentioris Theologiz 
Catholice, Theologos exhibens qui inde a Concilio Tridentino 
floruerunt state, natione, disciplinis distinctos. Tom. 1-2. 
CHiniponte, 1871-79. 8°. In progress. BB. A. 


Ziegelbauer (M.)—Historia rei literarie ordinis S. Benedicti, 

4 vol. Auguste Vind: 1754. fol. 2008. ¢. 
Villiers de Saint-Etienne (C. de)—Bibliotheca Carmelitana. 
2tom. Aurelianis, 1752. fol. 2008. ¢. 

Ambrogio [del Giudice] di Altamura—Bibliothecee Domini- 
cane ab admodum R. P. M. F. Ambrosio de Altamura... 
ad annum 1600 producte ...incrementum, ac prosecutio- 
Rome, 1677. fol. 2008. f. 

Quetif (J.)—Scriptores ordinis Praedicatorum. Opus inchoavit 
J. Quetif, absolvit J. Wchard. 2 tom. Paris, 1719-21. fol. 

2008. 2. 
Joannes a Sancto Antonio—Bibliotheca Universa Francis- 
cama. 3 tom. Matritt, 1732-33. fol. 2008. f. 

Wadding (L.)—Scriptores Ordinis Minorum, quibus accedit 
syllabus eorum qui ex eodem ordine, pro fide Christi fortiter 
occubuerunt. Rome, 1806. fol. 2008. g. 

—-— Supplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptores trium 
ordinum 8. Francisci a Waddingo aliisve descriptos. Opus 
posthumum J. H. Sbaraleee. Rome, 1806. fol. 2008. ¢. 

Dionigi da Genova—Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ordinis Mino- 
rum §. Francisci Capucinorum. .. . In hac secunda editione 
accuratius coordinata et aucta. Genus, 1691. fol. 2008. f. 

Backer (A. de)—Bibliothéque des Kerivains de la Compagnie 
de Jésus .. . Nouvelle édition refundue et considérablement 
augmentée. 3 tom. Liége, 1869-76. fol. 2008. ¢. 

Carayon (A.)—Bibliographie historique de la Compagnie de 
Jésus, ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs 4 l’histoire des 
Jésuites, depuis leur origine jusqu’a nos jours. Paris, 

MS AO. BB. A. 
Ribadeneira (P.)—Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu. 
Opus inchoatum a P. Ribadeneira .. . Recognitum et 



productum ad annum 1674, a N. Sotvello. Rome, 1676. 

fol. 2008. f. 

Ingold (A. M. P.)—Essai de Bibliographie Oratorienne. Paris, 

1880. 8°. In progress. BB. A. 

Dexter (H. M.)—The Congregationalism of the last three 
hundred years, as seen in its Literature: with a Biblio- 
graphical Appendix. New York, 1880. 8°. BB. A. 

Smith (Joseph)—A descriptive Catalogue of Friends’ books 
or books written by Members of the Society of Friends, 
commonly called Quakers. 2 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 

BB. A. 
———— Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana; or, a catalogue of 
books adverse to the Society of Friends. London, 1873. 

8°. BB. A. 
Osborn (G.)—Outlines of Wesleyan Bibliography ; or, a record 
of Methodist literature from the beginning. In two parts. 
London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. 
Decanver (H. C.)—Catalogue of works in refutation of Metho- 
dism, from its origin in 1729 to the present time. Second 
edition. New York, 1868. 8°. BB. A. 
Bergman (J. T.)—Catalogue de la Bibliothéque Wallonne, 
déposée & Leide. Publié par ordre de la Réunion des 
Hglises Wallonnes des Pays-Bas. Leide, 1875. 8°. 
BB. A. 
Morris (J. G.)—Bibliotheca Lutherana; a complete List of the 
Publications of all the Lutheran Ministers in the United 
States. Philadelphia, 1876. 8°. BB. A. 


Ladrague (A.)—Bibliothéque Ouvaroff. Catalogue Specimen. 
(Bibhographie des Sciences Secrétes. Théosophie, Illumi- 
nisme, Mysticisme. Sociétés secrétes philosophiques et 
politiques. Alchimie. Sciences occultes.) Moscow, 1870. 
AND, BB. A. 

Kloss (G.)—Bibhographie der Freimaurerei und der mit ihr in 
Verbindung gesetzten geheimen Gesellschaften systematisch 
zusammengestellt. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1844. 8°. BB. A. 


Barthelmess (R. )—Bibliographie der Freimaurerei in Amerika. 
(Nachtrag zu der Bibliographie des Br. Kloss.) New York, 
Dons 8°. BB. A. 

Findel (J. G.)—Meine Maurerische Biichersammlung.... Hin 
Nachtrag zu G. Kloss. Bibliographie. Leipzig, 1866. 8°. 

BB. A. 
Gowans (W.)—A Catalogue of books on Freemasonry, and 
kindred subjects. New York, 1858. 8°. BB. A. 

Hemsworth (H. W.)—Catalogue of Books in the Library at 
Freemasons’ Hall, London. Privately printed, London. 
BB. A. 


Dowling (J. G.)—Introduction to the critical study of Eccle- 
siastical History short notice of the sources of 
the history of the Church. (Bibliographical Index.) London, 
MSpoe) Ole : 2015. b. 

Parker Society—A General Index to the Publications of the 
Parker Society. Compiled by H. Gough. Cambridge, 1855. 
Sige 2015. b. 

See also the lists given in Gieseler’s Text Book of Church History (2008. b.), in 

Schaif’s History of the Christian Church (2004. d. and 2214. d.), in 
Alzog’s “Manual of Church History” (2214. d.), in Kurtz’s ‘“ Text 
Book” (2214. a.), in Hagenbach’s “ Encyclopadie”’ (BB. a.), and in 
Smith’s Dictionaries of Christian Biography and Antiquities (2008. c.). 


Kistner (O.)—Buddha and his Doctrines. A bibliographical 
essay. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. 


Ueberweg (F.)—History of Philosophy. [With copious biblio- 
graphies of the various systems, and lists of authorities. ] 
2 vol. London, 1875-76. 8°. 2023 c. 
System of Logic. [With bibliographical notes and 
references.| London, 1871. 8°. 20238 a. 



Graesse (J. G. T.)—Bibliotheca Psychologica, oder Verzeich- 
niss der wichtigsten iiber das Wesen der Menschen- und 
Thierseelen und die Unsterblichkeitslehre handelnden 
Schriftsteller alterer und neuerer Zeit. Leipzig, 1845. 8°. 

BB. C. 

Gumposch (V. P.)—Die philosophische Literatur der Deutschen 
von 1400 bis auf unsere Tage. Regensburg, 1851. 8°. BB.C. 

Ersch (J. S.) —Bibliographisches Handbuch der philosophischen 
Literatur der Deutschen von der Mitte des achtzehnten 
Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Nach J. 8. Ersch 
in systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet von C. A. Gieseler. 
Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1850. 8°. BB. c. 

Hall (F.)—A Contribution towards an Index to the Biblio- 
graphy of the Indian Philosophical Systems. Calcutta, 
iHerfey eis. BB. ¢. 

Graesse (J. G. T.)—Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica, oder 
wissenschaftlich geordnete Bibliographie der wichtigsten in 
das Gebiet des Zauber-, Wunder-, Geister- und sonstigen 
Aberglaubens vorziiglich alterer Zeit einschlagenden Werke. 
Ein Beitrag zur sittengeschichtlichen Literatur. Leipzig, 
Heyl eer ohe BE: , 

Bibliotheca Diabolica; being a choice San of the most 
valuable books ene to the Devil; his origin, greatness, 
and influence; comprising the most important works on 

. Demons, Hell, Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Divination, 

. Angels, Ghosts, etc. New York, 1874. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Schott (G. E.)—Handbuch der Padagogischen Literatur der 

Gegenwart. 3 Th. Leipzig,1869-71. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Fiihrer durch die Padagogische Literatur. Wien, 1879. 8°. 

BB. ¢. 

Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington 

Museum. Ninth edition. London, 1876. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Katalog von Werken iiber den Zeichenunterricht. Neuwied, 

1876. = 8°: BB. ¢. 

Guyot (C.) and (R. T.)—Liste Littéraire Philocophe, ou Cata- 
logue d’étude de ce qui a été publié jusqu’a nos jours sur les 
Sourds-Muets; sur l’Oreille, ’Ouie, la Voix, le Langage, la 
Mimique, les Aveugles, etc. Groningue, 1842. 8°. BB. C. 



Mohil (R. von)—Die Geschichte und Literatur der Staatswis- 
senschaften. 3 Bde. Hrlangen, 1855-58. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissenschaftlichen 
Literatur des Jahres 1868(-1880). Zusammengestellt von 

O. Miihlbrecht. Jahrg. 1-12. Berlin, 1869-80. 8°. BB. ¢. 

In progress. 

Katalog der Bibliothek des Deutschen Reichstages. [Edited by 
A. Potthast.] Abtheil.1. Berlin, 1877. In progress. 8°. 
BB. C. 

MacCulloch (J. R.)—The Literature of Political Economy : 
a classified catalogue of select publications, etc. London, 
Tels itches BB. ¢. 
Blanqui (J. A.)—Histoire de ’ Economie politique en Europe ; 
suivie d'une Bibliographie raisonnée des principaux 
ouvrages d’EHconomie Politique. Quatriéme édition. 
2tom. Paris, 1860. 8°. 2028. Cc. 
Cossa (L.)—Guide to the study of Political Economy. Trans- 
lated from the second Italian edition. With a preface 

by W. Stanley Jevons. London, 1880. 8°. BB. ¢. 

See also the Bibliographies appended to the various articles in the “ Dic- 
tionnaire de Economie Politique ” of Coquelin and Guillaumin (2028. d.). 

Ristelhueber (J. B.)—Wegweiser zur Literatur der Waisen- 
pflege des Volks-HErziehungswesens, der Armenfiirsorge, des 
Bettlerwesens und der Gefiingnisskunde. 2 Bd. Coéln, 

G2 T4 Op © tee BB. ¢. 
Fournel (H.)—Bibliographie Saint-Simonienne. De 1802 au 
| pu Wecemibre, 1832, aris: 1833..80. BB. ¢. 


Meusel (J. G.)—Litteratur der Statistik. Zweite ganz umgear- 
beitete Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1806-07. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Heuschling (P. F. X. T.)—Bibliographie historique de la 
Statistique en Allemagne, avec une introduction générale. 
Bruselles, 1845. 8°. BB. C. 
Statistical Society.—Journal of the Statistical Society of 
London. General Index to the first fifteen volumes. 
(1834-52.) London, 1854. 8°. 2097. e. 


Statistical Society. — General Index to volumes 16-25. 

(1853-1862.) London, 1863. 8°. 2097, f. 
General Index to volumes 26-35. (1863-1872.) 

London, 1874. 8°. 2097. f. 
Katalog der Bibliothek der Konig]. Statistischen Bureaus zu 
Berlin. 2 pts. Berlin, 1874-79. 4°. BB. ¢. 

Enslin (T. C. F.)—Bibliothek der Handlungswissenschaft, 
1750-1845. Zweite Auflage umgearbeitet von W. Engel- 

mann. Leipzig, 1846. 8°. BB. c. 

Katalog der Commerz-Bibliothek in Hamburg, 1864. [Clas- 

sified.] Hamburg, 1864. 8°. BB. C. 

Brunet (J. C.)—Table méthodique en forme de Catalogue 

raisonné. Jurisprudence. Paris, 1865. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Catalogue des Livres imprimés de la Bibliothéque du Roi. 
Jurisprudence. 2 vol. Paris,1753. fol. 2049. f. 

Lipenius (M.)—Bibliotheca Realis Juridica, post F. G. Struvii 
et G. A. Jenichenii curas emendata et locupletata. (Sup- 
plementa ac emendationes collegit et digessit A. F. Schott, 
R. C. de Senkenberg, L. G. Madihn.) Lipsiz, Vratislaviz, 

1757-1823. fol. BB. I. 
Schletter (H. T.)—Handbuch der juristischen Literatur. 
Grimma, 1843. 4°. BB. ¢. 

Wuttig (G. W.)—Bibliotheca Juridica. Handbuch der ge- 
sammten neueren juristischen und staatswissenschaftlichen 
Literatur. (Zweiter Band bearbeitet von LL. Rossberg.) 
1849(-1876.) Mit einem ausfiihrlichen Materienregister. 
2 Bd. Leipzig, 1867-77. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Walther (A. O.)—Hand-Lexicon der juristischen Literatur des 
neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Weimar, 1854. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Teichmann (A. F. R.)—Bibliographische Uebersicht des rém- 
ischen, deutschen, franzésischen und englischen Rechts. 

Bale, 1876. 4°. BB. C. 
Nypels (J. S. G.)—Bibliothéque choisie du Droit Criminel ... 
ou Notice des ouvrages . . . publiés dans les principales 

contrées de l’Europe et aux Htats-Unis d’Amérique sur cette 
partie de la science du Droit. Bruaelles, 1864. 8°. BB. ¢., 



Ompteda (D. H. L. von)—Litteratur des gesammten, sowohl 
natiirlichen als positiven Volkerrechts. 2Th. Regensburg, 

E7G5- O- BB. ¢. 
Kamptz (C. A. von)—Neve Literatur des Volkerrechts seit 
dem Jahre 1784. Berlin, 1817. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Martens (G. F. de)—Précis du Droit des Gens moderne de 
Europe... Suivi d'une Bibliographie raisonnée du Droit 
des Gens par M. C. Vergé. 2 tom. fParis, 1864. 8°. 

) BB. ¢. 

Martens (C. de) Baron.—Le Guide diplomatique. Accom- 
pagné d'une Bibliothéque Diplomatique choisie. Quatriéme 
édition. 2 vol. Paris, 1851. 8°. 2050. b. 


Vangerow (C. A. von)—Lehrbuch der Pandekten. (Einleitung. 
—Div. V. Ausgewihlte Literatur des Civilrechts.) 7* 
Auflage. 3 Bd. Marburg, 1875-76. 8°. 2016. b. 

Mackeldey (F.)—Compendium of Modern Civil Law. (NLitera- 
ture of the Roman Law.) New York, 1845. 8°. 2016. b. 


Phillips (G.)—Du Droit Ecclésiastique dans ses sources... . 
Traduit par PAbbé Crouzet. Suivi d’un essai de Biblio- 
graphie du Droit Canonique. Paris, 1852. 8°. 2019. b. 

Schulte (J. F. von)—Lehrbuch des Katholischen Kirchen- 

rechtes...und dessen Literatur Geschichte. Dritte Auflage. 

Giessen, 1873. 8°. 2019. d. 

Die Geschichte der Quellen des Canonischen Rechts 

von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart. 3 Bd. Stuttgart, 

1875-80. 8°. at 

Bridgman (R. W.)—Short View of Legal Bibliography. 
London, 1807. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Butterworth (J.)—A General Catalogue of Law-Books. Third 
edition. London, 1812. 12°. BB. ¢. 


Clarke (J.)—Clarke’s Bibliotheca Legum: or, a complete Cata- 
logue of the Common and Statute Law-Books. New edition. 
[By T. H. Horne.] London, 1819. 12°. BB. ¢. 

Marvin (J. G.)—Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of 
American, English, Irish, and Scotch Law Books. Together 
with some Continental 'l'reatises. To which is prefixed a 
copious list of abbreviations. Philadelphia, 1847. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Stevens (H. G.) and Haynes (R. W.)—Bibliotheca Legum. 
A Catalogue of Law Books, including all the Reports in the 
various Courts of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with a 
supplement, &c. (1877.) London, 1874-78. 12°. BB. Cc. 

Wallace (J. W.)—The Reporters chronologically arranged : 
with occasional remarks upon their respective merits. 
Third edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Douthwaite (W.)—Catalogue of the Books in the Library of 
Gray’s Inn: with an Index of Subjects. London, 1872. 8°. 

BB. ¢. 

Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Middle 

Temple... with an Index of Subjects. London, 1880. 8°. 
BB. ¢. 

Spilsbury (W. H.)—Catalogue of the Printed Books in the 
Library of the Hon. Society of Lincoln’s Inn. [With 
Index of Subjects.| (Supplement. April 1859 to April 
1862.) London, 1859-62. 8°. BB. C. 

Ivory (W.)—Catalogue of the Law Books in the Library of the 
Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet in Scotland 
arranged systematically, with an alphabetical index of 

authors and subjects. Hdinburgh, 1856. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1855. Law Library. 
Albany, 1856. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Catalogue of the Pennsylvania State Library, Jan. 1, 1878. 
Part 1. Law Books and State Papers. Harrisburg, 1878. 8°. 
BB. ¢. 

Clarke (R.) & Co.—Digest of Law Publications: being a 
catalogue of American and British Law Books classified 
according to their titles. With an Index of Authors. 
Cincinnati, 1877. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Law Times Reports.—A General Index to the Law Times 
Reports (New Series). Vol. 1-20. Sept. 1859 to Sept. 
1869. London, [1860-69.| 8°. BB. ¢. 



France.—Ministére de la Justice. Bibliothéque du Comité de 
Législation étrangére. Catalogue. Juillet 1879. Paris, 
Heo: 8°. | BB. C. 

Camus (A. G.)—Bibliothéque choisie des Livres de Droit. 
Cinquiéme édition, augmentée par M. Dupin [being 
vol. 2 of the “Profession d’Avocat.”| Paris, 1832. 8°. 
| BB. ¢. 

Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the 
Collection presented by C. Purton Cooper to the Society 
of Lincoln’s Inn. Laws and Jurisprudence of France. 
London, 1849. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Dramard (E.)—Bibliographie raisonnée du Droit Civil, com- 
prenant les matiéres du Code Civil et des lois postérieures 
quien forment le complément. Paris, 1879. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Thorin (E.)—Répertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de 
Législation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence. Suivi d’une 
table analytique et raisonnée des matieres. Nouvelle édition. 
Paris, 1866. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Warée (B.)—Répertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de 
Législation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence, publiés spéciale- 
ment en France. Suivi dune table analytique et raison- 
née des matiéres. Nouvelle édition. Paris, 1870. 8°. 

BB. ¢. 

Bibliographie, ou Catalogue général et complet des livres de 
Droit et de Jurisprudence publiés jusau’au 6 Novembre 
1880; classé dans l’ordre des codes, avec table alphabétique 
des matiéres. Paris, 1881. 8°. BB. C. 

Picard (E.)—Bibliographie générale et raisonnée du Droit 
Belge. 1814-1881. Bruwelles, 1880. 8°. BB. C. 

Costa (E. H.)—Bibliographie der Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. 
Braunschweig, 1858. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Enslin (‘T. C. F.)—Biblotheca Juridica, oder Verzeichniss aller 
brauchbaren, in dalterer und neuerer Zeit, besonders aber vom 
Jahre 1750 bis 1839 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke... 
Nebst einem Materienregister. 2‘* Auflage von W. Engel- 
mann. (Supplement-Heft, 1839-1848.) Leipzig, 1840- 
Aone 8°, BB. C¢. 

Dubois (E.)—Bibliographie Juridique Italienne. Paris, 1873. 
8°, BB. Cc. 


Linden (J. van der)—Institutes of the Laws of Holland. 
Translated by J. Henry. (Chapter II. On the formation 
of a Select Law Library.) London,1828. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Nijhoff (M.)—Bibliotheca Juridica. Catalogus van alle Boeken 
sedert 1837 in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden verschenen. 
Over staatswetenschappen, Wetgeving en Rechtsgeleerd- 
heid. °S. Gravenhage, 1874. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Aagesen (A.)—Fortegnelse over Retssamlinger, Retsliteratur 
m.m. i Danmark, Norge, Sverig, og til Dels Finland. 
Kjgbenhavn, 1876. 8°. BB. ¢. 


Brunet (J. C.)—Table méthodique en forme de Catalogue 

raisonné. Sciences et Arts. Paris, 1865. 8°. BB. E. 
Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal 
Society. London, 1839. 8°. BB. E. 

Acland (H. W.)—The Student’s Library: a selection [of 
scientific works | from the Catalogue of the Radcliffe Library 
at the Oxford Museum. For the use of Students in the 
Reading Room. Third edition. Oxford, 1877. 8°. BB. E. 

Scudder (S. H.) — Catalogue of Scientific Serials of all 
countries, including the transactions of learned Societies 
in the Natural, Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 
1663-1876. Cambridge, 1879. 8°. BB. E. 

Royal Society of London—Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 
1800-1863 (1864-73). 8 vol. London, 1867-79. 4°. BB. 0. 

Bibliotheca Historico - Naturalis, Physico- Chemica _ et 
Mathematica, oder systematisch geordnete Uebersicht 
der in Deutschland und dem Auslande auf dem Gebiete der 
gesammten Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik 
neu erschienenen Biicher herausgegeben von H. Guthe 
(A. Metzger, etc.). Jahrg. 18-29. 1868-79. Gottingen, 
1868-80. 8°. In progress. BB. E. 

Polytechnische Bibliothek.—Monatliches Verzeichniss der 
in Deutschland und dem Auslande neu erschienenen Werke 
aus den Biichern der Mathematik und Astronomie, der Physik 
und Chemie, der Mechanik und des Maschinen-Baues, der 


Baukunst und Ingenieurwissenschaft, des Berg- und Hiitten- 
wesens. Mit Inhaltsangabe der wichtigsten Fachzeit- 
schriften. Jahrg. 1-15. 1866-1880. Leipzig, 1866-80. 8°. 
In progress. BB. E. 
Boehmer (G. R.)—Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historie Naturalis, 
Ciconomie, aliarumque Artium et Scientiarum ad illam 
pertinentium realis systematica. 5 Th.  Lzpsiw, 1785-89. 
8. 2050. a. 
Dryander (J.)— Catalogus Bibliothecee Historico-Naturalis 
Josephi Banks. 5 tom. Londini, 1798-1800. 8°. 2028. a. 
Friedlaender (R.) and Son.—Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis 
et Mathematica. lLager-Catalog, etc. Berlin, 1880. 8°. 
BB. E. 
Poggendorff (J. C.)—Biographisch-Literarisches Handwirter- 
buch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, enthaltend 
Nachweisungen tiber Lebensverhiltnisse und Leistungen 
von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, 
Mineralogen, Geologen u.s. w. aller Vélker und Zeiten. 
Leipzig, 1863. 8°. 2022. f. 
British Association.—Index to the Reports and Transactions 
of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 
from 1831 to 1860 inclusive. London, 1864. 8°. BB. 0. 
Krebel (R.)—Russlands naturhistorische und medicinische 
Literatur. Schriften und Abhandlungen in nicht-russischer 
Sprache. Jena, 1847. 8°. . BB. E. 


Engelmann (W.)—Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Verzeich- 
niss der Biicher tiber Naturgeschichte welche in den Jahren 
1700-1846 erschienen sind. Von W. Engelmann. Bd. 1. 
Leipzig, 1846. 8°. BB. E. 

Supplement-Band, enthaltend die in den period- 
ischen Werken aufgenommenen und die vom Jahre 1846- 
1860 erschienenen Schriften. Bearbeitet von J. V. Carus 
und W. Engelmann. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1861. 8°. BB. E. 

Agassiz (L. J. R.)—Bibliographia Zoologiz et Geologie. <A 
general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on 
Zoology and Geology. Corrected, enlarged and edited by 
H. HE. Strickland. 4 vol. Ray Society, London, 1848-54. 
82. 2027. f. 


Zoological Record for 1864(-1878). Edited by A. C. L. G. 
Ginther, (A. Newton and EH. C. Rye). Vol. 1-14. London, 
1865-80. 8°. In progress. 2028. b. 

Giebel (C. G.)—Thesaurus Ornithologie. Repertorium der 
gesammten Ornithologischen Literatur. [Bd. 1. pp. 1-252, 
comprising the “ Repertorium ornithologicum.”] - Leipzig, 
18725 8c. BB. E. 

Ibis.—Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index to 
the Plates in “ The Ibis” (First, Second, and Third Series) 
1859-76. Hdited by O. Salvin. London, 1879. 8°. BB. E. 

Bosgoed (D. M.)—Biblictheca Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. 
Catalogue de livres sur l'histoire naturelle des Poissons et 
des Cétacés, la Pisciculture, les Péches, etc. Haarlem, 
sicily 0) (S2- BB. E. 

Cavanna (G.)—Elementi per una Bibliografia Italiana intorno 
all’ idrofauna agli allevamenti degli animali acquatici e 

alla pesca. Firenze, 1880. 8°. BB. E. 

Hagen (H. A.)—Bibliotheca Entomologica. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 

1862-63. 8°. BB. E. 

Pritzel (G. A.)—Thesaurus Literature Botanice. Editionem 
novam reformatam curavit G. A. Pritzel. Lipsiz, 1872[-77.] 
Os BB. E. 
Tconum Botanicarum Index locupletissimus. An alpha- 
betical register of upwards of eighty-six thousand Repre- 
sentations of Phanerogamic Plants and Ferns. 2 pt. 
Berlin, 1855-66. 4°. BBE. £. 
Repertorium annuum Literature Botanice pericdice curavit 
I... -A2 ivan, Bemmelen. - Tom:) 1. (Curarunt), G.-C wie 
Bohnensieg et W. Burck. Tom. 2-5.) Toi. 1-5. Harlemi, 
1873-79. 8°. In progress. BB. E. 
Botanischer Jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes Re- 
pertorium der Botanischen Literatur aller Linder. 
Jahrg. 4-5. Berlin, 1878-79. 8°. In progress. BB. E. 
Colmeiro (M.)—La Botanica y los Botanicos de la Peninsula 
Hispano-Lusitana. studios Bibliograéficos y Biograficos. 
Madrid,1858. 8°. BB. E. 
Watson (S.)—Bibliographical Index to North-American 
Botany; or Citations of authorities for all the recorded 



indigenous and naturalized species of the Flora of North 
America. Washington, 1878. 8°. BB. E. 
Symons (G. J.) and Simmonds (P. L.)—[Catalogue of Works 
on Tropical Products and Economic Botany. Supplement 

to ‘“‘ The Colonies and India.” ] London, 1879. fol. BB. E. 
Bibliotheca Ginologica. Zusammenstellung des gesammten 
Weinliteratur des In- und Auslandes. Heidelberg, 1875. 8°. 
BB. E. 

Bragge (W.)—Bibliotheca Nicotiana; a catalogue of Books 
about Tobacco, together with a catalogue of objects con- 
nected with the use of Tobacco in all its forms. Privately 
printed [Birmingham], 1880. 4°. BBE. ¢. 


White (H.) and Newton (T. W.)—Catalogue of the Library 
of the Museum of Practical Geology and Geological Survey. 

London, 1878. 8°. BB. E. 
Geological Record for 1874(-1877). Edited by W. Whitaker. 
London, 1875-80. 8°. In progress. BB. E. 

Ormerod (G. W.)—Classified Index to the Transactions, Pro- 
ceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 
of London. Second edition, including all the memoirs and 
notices to the end of 1868. (Supplement, including all the 
memoirs and notices from 1869 to 1875 inclusive.) London, 
MSO... 8°. BB. E. 

Katalog der Biblothek der Koniglichen Geologischen Landes- 
anstalt und Bergakademie zu Perlin. (Nachtrag, 1875- 
1879.) Berlin, 1876-80... 8°. BB. E. 

Achiardi (A. d’).—Bibliografia Mineralogica, Geologica e 
Paleontologica della Toscana. Roma, 1875. 8°. BB. E. 

Zezi (P.)—Indice Bibliografico delle pubblicazioni Italiane e 
Straniere riguardanti la Geologia e la Palaeontologia della 
Provincia di Roma...con una appendice per le Acque 
Potabili, Termalie Minerali. Roma, 1878. 8°. BB. E. 

Jentzsch (A.)—Die geologische und mineralogische Literatur 
des Konigreiches Sachsen und der angrenzenden Linder- 
theile von 1835 bis 1873, systematisch Zusammengestellt. 
Leipzig, 1874. 8°. BB. E. 

Berg (E. von).—Repertorium der Literatur tber die Minera- 
logie, Geologie, Palaeontologie, Berg- und Hiittenkunde 


Russlands bis zum Schlusse des xvi. Jahrhunderts. Sé. 
Petersburg, 1862. 8°. BB. E. 
Maffei (E.) and Rua Figueroa (R.)—(Bibliografia Mineral 
Hispano-Americana.) Apuntes para una Biblioteca Espanola 

de libros, folletos y articulos relativos al conocimiento y 
explotacion de las riquezas minerales. Comprenden la 
mineralogia y geologia en todas sus aplicaciones, la quimica 
analitica, docimastica y metalirgica, la legislacion y 
estadistica mineras, etc. 2 tom. Madrid, 1871-72. 8°. 
BB. E. 

[Reichardt (G.)|—Bibliotheca rerum metallicarum. Verzeich- 
niss der bis Mitte 1856 (—Jan. 1864) in Deutschland 
iiber Bergbau, Hiitten- und Salinenkunde und verwandte 
Zweige erschienenen Biicher. Mit Sachregister. isleben, 
1857-66. 12°. BB. E. 
Folkard (H. T.)—Wigan Free Public Library. Index Cata- 
logue of Books and Papers relating to Mining, Metallurgy, 

and Manufactures. Southport, 1880. 8°.  BB.E. 


Zuchold (H. A.)—Bibliotheca Chemica. Verzeichniss der auf 
dem Gebiete der reinen, pharmaceutischen, physiologischen 
und technischen Chemie in den Jahren 1840 bis 1858 in 
Deutschland und im Auslande erschienenen Schriften. 
Mit einem ausfihrlichen Sachregister. Gottingen, 1859. 8°. 

BB. E. 

Ruprecht (R.)—Bibliotheca Chemica et Pharmaceutica. Alpha- 
betischer Verzeichniss der... in den Jahren 1858 bis 1870 
erschienenen Schriften. Mit einem Sachregister. Géttingen, 
872. BOC. BB. E. 

Wolff (E. T.)—Quellen-Literatur der theoretisch-organischen 
Chemie, oder Verzeichniss der vom Anfang des letzten 
Viertheils des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zum Schluss des 
Jahres 1844 ausgefiihrten Untersuchungen iiber die Higen- 
schaften ... der organischen Substanzen, etc. Halle, 1845. 
Bos BB. E. 

Watts (H.)—Index to the first twenty-five volumes of the 
Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848-1872; and to the 
Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-1847. London, 1874. 8°. 

BB. E. 



Young (T.)—A Systematic Catalogue of works relating to 
Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts; with refer- 
ences to particular passages and occasional abstracts and 
remarks [being pp. 105-520 of Vol. 2 of the author’s 
“Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy”. London, 

See also the “‘ Additional Authorities” appended to the edition of this work 
issued in 1845 (2022. a.). 

Ronalds (Sir F.)-—Catalogue of Books and Papers relating 
to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph, &c., in- 
cluding the Ronalds Library. Edited by A. J. Frost. 
London, 1880. 8°. BB. E. 

Roper (F. C. S.)—Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, and 
of those referring to microscopical subjects. Privately 
printed | London], 1865. 8°. BB. E. 


Choulant (L.)— Bibliotheca medico-historica, sive Catalogus 
librorum historicorum de re medica et scientia naturali 

systematicus. Lipsie, 1842. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Callisen (C. P.)—Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon, &c. 
33 vol. Copenhagen, 1830-45. 12°. 90388. a. 

Pauly (A.)—Bibliographie des Sciences Médicales. Biblio- 
eraphie— Biographie—Histoire—EHpidémies—Topographies 
—KHndémies. Paris, 1874. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Bibliothéque Impériale. Département des Imprimés. Cata- 
logue des Sciences Médicales. Vol. 1-2. Paris, 1857-73. 4°. 

In progress. 2100. b. 

Glassed Catalogue of the Books contained in the Library 
of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. London, 
mOAge Oe: BB. ¢. 

Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical 
Society of London. (Vol. 3. Index of Subjects.) [Compiled 
by B. R. Wheatley.] 3 vol. London, 1879. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Roy (GC. H. a)—Catalogus Bibliothec Medics C. H. a Roy. 
5 tom. Amstelodami, 1830. 8°. BB. c. 

Engelmann (W.)— Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgica et Ana- 



tomico-Physiologica. | Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der 
medicinischen ... Biicher, welche vom Jahre 1750 bis 
1847, in Deutschland erschienen sind. (Supplement-Heft, 
1848-1867.) Leipzig, 1848-68. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgica, Pharmaceutico-Chemica 
et Veterinaria, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller in Deutsch- 
land und im Auslande neu erschienenen medicinischen .. . 
Biicher. Herausgegeben von C. J. F. W. Ruprecht. Jahrg. 
21-33. 1868-79. Gdéttingen, 1868-80. 8°. BB. ¢. 

In progress. 

Ploucquet (G. G. de)—Literatura Medica digesta; sive, 
Repertorium Medicine practice, Chirurgie atque Rei Obste- 
trice. (Continuatio et Supplementum I.) 4 tom. Tubinge. 
1808-14. 4°. BB. ¢. 

Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General’s 
Office, United States Army. Authors and Subjects. Vol. 1. 
Washington, 1880. 8°. In progress. BB. ¢. 

Neale (R.)— The Medical Digest, being a means of ready 
reference to the principal contributions to Medical Science 
during the last thirty years. London, 1877. 8°. BB. C. 

Index Medicus. A monthly classified Record of the current 
medical Literature of the World, compiled under the direc- 
tion of Dr. J. 8. Billings and Dr. R. Fletcher. Vol. 1-2. 
New York, 1879-80. 8°. In progress. BB. ¢. 

Medical and Chirurgical Society of London—General 
Index to the first fifty-three volumes of the Medico-Chirur- 
gical Transactions. [By B. R. Wheatley.] London, 1871. 
89. BB. ¢. 

Pathological Society—General Index to the first fifteen 
volumes of the Transactions; with a List of Authors, and 
a classified List of Subjects. Compiled by T. Holmes. 
London, 1864. 8°. 

General Index for vols. 16 to 25. 1865-74. 
[Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] London, 1875. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Pharmaceutical Society—Index to fifteen volumes of the 
Pharmaceutical Journal. London, 1857. 8°. 

Index to twelve volumes of the Pharmaceutical Journal. 

Vol. XVI. Old Series (1856) to Vol. IX. Second Series 

(1868). London, 1869. 8°. 

General Index to ten volumes of the Pharmaceutical 

Journal and Transactions. Second Scries, Vols. X. and XI. 


Third Series, Vols. I. to VIIT. July, 1868, to June, 1878. 
London, 1880. 8°. BB. ¢. 
Catalogue of the Library of the Pharmaceutical Society of 
Great Britain. Third edition. Compiled by J. W. Knapman. 

London, 1880. 8°. BB. C. 
Zeis (B.)—Die Literatur und Geschichte der plastischen 
Chirurgie. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. BB. C. 

Waring (E. J.)—Bibliotheca Therapeutica; or, Bibliography of 
Therapeutics, chiefly in reference to articles of the Materia 
Medica, with an appendix containing the bibliography of 
British Mineral Waters. 2 vol. New Sydenham Society, 
London, 1878-79. 8°. BB. C. 

Ackermann (A.)—Literarischer Weeweiser fiir die 6ffentliche 
Gesundheitspflege und das Wohl der Menschen. Enthaltend 
die Schriften und Journalartikel der letzten 20 Jahre 
(1854-1874). Miinchen, 1874. 8°. BB. ¢. 

Springer (R.)—Weegweiser in der vegetarianischen Literatur. 
Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Nordhausen, 1880. 8°. BB. C., 

Enslin (T. C. F.)—Bibliotheca Veterinaria oder Verzeichniss 
der bis 1842 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher iiber alle 
Theile der Thierarzneikunde. Von neuem umgearbeitet 
von W. Engelmann. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. COBB: c: 

See also the “‘ Select Medical Bibliography” at the end of Vol. 4. of Sir J. 

Forbes’s “ Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine”’ (2025. b.), and the Biblio- 
graphies appended to the several articles in Copland’s “ Dictionary of 
Practical Medicine” (2025. d.)—in the “ Dictionnaire Encyclopédique 
des Sciences Médicales” (2025. c.)—in Jaccoud’s ‘“ Nouveau Dictionnaire 

de Médecine ” (2025. a.)—in Todd’s “ Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Phy- 
siology” (2024. d.)—and in Buck’s “ Treatise on Hygiene” (2024. d.). 


Murhard (F. W. A.)—Bibliotheca Mathematica. Literatur 
der mathematischen Wissenschaften. 4 Bd. Lipsiz, 1797— 
NOOA. |) Ou. BBE. E. 

Rogg (J.)—Bibliotheca Mathematica. Handbuch der mathe- 
matischen Literatur vom Anfange der Buchdruckerkunst 
bis 1830. Erste Abtheilung, welche die Arithmetischen und 
Geometrischen Wissenschaften enthalt. Tvibingen, 1830. 8°. 

BB. E. 

Sohncke (L. A.)—Bibliotheca Mathematica. Catalogue of 

books in every branch of mathematics, which have been 

dD 2 


published in Germany and other countries from the year 
1830 to the middle of 1854. Leipsic, 1854. 8°. BB. E. 
Erlecke (A.)—Bibliotheca Mathematica. Systematisches Ver- 
zeichniss der bis 1870in Deutschland auf den Gebieten der 
Arithmetik, Algebra, ...Geometrie, ... Dynamik, Statik, 
Mechanik, Hydrostatik und Hydraulik, Cosmologie, As- 
tronomie, Astrologie, mathematischen und physikalischen 
Geographie erschienenen Werke, Schriften und Abhand- 
lungen. “Bd. 1. Halle a. S., 1873. © 8°. BB. E. 

De Morgan (A.)—Arithmetical Books from the invention of 
printing to the present time. London, 1847. 8°. BB. E. 
Riccardi (P.)— Biblioteca matematica Italiana. Vol. 1-2. 
Modena, 1870-78. 4°. In progress. BB. £. 
Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik in Verein mit 
anderen Mathematikern herausgegeben von C. Ohrtmann, 

I’. Miller, A. Wangerin. Bd. 7-9. Berlin, 1877-79. 8°. 

In progress. BB. E. 


Le Francois de Lalande (J. J.)—Bibliographie astronomique ; 
avec l’histoire de lastronomie depuis 1781 jusqu’a 1802. 

Paris, 1802.4". BB. E. 
Houzeau (J. C.) and Lancaster (A.)—Bibliographie générale 
de lAstronomie. Bruaelles, 1880. 8°. BB. E. 

In progress. 

Struve (O.)—Librorum in Bibliotheca Speculee Pulcovensis 
anno 1858 exeunte contentorum catalogus systematicus. 
Petropoli, 1860. 8°. - =-BBIE. 

Catalogue of the United States Naval Observatory, Washing- 
ton. Part I. Astronomical Bibhography. By Prof. EH. S. 

Holden. Washington, 1879. 4°. BB. E. 
Bruhns (C.)—Catalog der Bibliothek der Astronomischen 
Gesellschaft. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. E. 

Royal Astronomical Society—General Index to the first 
thirty-eight volumes of the Memoirs of the Royal Astrono- 
mical Society. London, 1871. 8°. 2022. f. 

A General Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, compri- 

sing the Proceedings of the Society from February 9, 1827, to 

the end of the Session 1868-69. London, 1870. 8°. 2021. cc. 



Rumpf (H. F.)—Allgemeine Literatur der Kriegswissen- 
schaften. lLittérature universelle des Sciences militaires. 
2tom. Berlin, 1824-25. 8°. BB. E. 

Baldamus (E.)—Die literarischen Hrscheinungen der letzten 
20 Jahre 1845-64 (der Jahre 1865-1879) auf dem Gebiete 
der Kriegswissenschaft (und Pferdekunde). Prag, Reudnitz, 
Leipzig, 1865-80. 8°. BB. E. 

Witzleben (A. von).—Deutschland’s Militir-Literatur im 
letzten Jahrzehent und Uebersicht der wichtigsten Karten 
und Plaine Central Europas. Berlin, 1850. 8°. BB. E. 

Seelhortst (A. von).—Deutschland’s Militiir-Literatur im 

letzten Jahrzehent 1850 bis 1860. Berlin, 1862. 8°. 

BB. E. 

Catalogue of the Books, Maps, and Plans in the Military 
Library of H. R. H. the Prince Consort, Aldershot. (Ad- 
denda.) London, 1860-61. 8°. BB. E. 

Catalogue de la Bibliothéque du Dépot de la Guerre. [Clas- 
sified.| 2tom. Paris, 1861. 8°. BB. E. 
Katalog der Bibliothek des Kéniglich Preussischen grossen 
Generalstabes. [Classified.] Berlin, 1878. 4°. BB. E. 
Ayala (M. d’)—Bibliografia Militare-Italiana antica e moderna. 

Torino, 1854. 8°. BB. E. 
Almirante (J.)—Bibliografia Militar de Espana. Madrid, 1876. 
4° BB. E. 

Stratico (S.)—Bibliografia di Marina nelle varie lingue dell’ 
Kuropa o sia Raccolta dei titoli dei libri nelle suddette 
lingue i quali trattono di quest’ arte. Milano, 1823. 4°. 

BB. E. 

Thorburn (R.)—Catalogue of the Books in the Admiralty 
Library. [Principally on naval subjects, seamanship, ard 
navigation.| London, 1875. 4°. BB. E. 


Lacroix (H.)—Bibliographie des Ingénieurs, des Architectes, 
des Chefs d’usines industrielles, des Hléves des Hcoles poly- 
techniques et professionnelles et des Agriculteurs. Premiére 
(—Troisiéme) Série. Paris, 1864-67. 4°. BB. E. 


Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 
Second edition. Corrected to Dec. 31, 1865. (Supplement 
containing the additions to Oct. 31,1870.) London, 1866-70. 
8°, BB. E. 

Institution of Civil Engineers—Minutes of Proceedings of 
the Institution of Civil Engineers. General Index, vols. 
I to 20. Sessions 1837 to 1860-61. London, 1865. 8°. 

BB. E. 
General Index, vols. 21 to 30. Sessions 1861-62 
to 1869-70. London, 1871. 8°. BB. E. 

Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des - 
Ponts et Chaussées. [Classified.| Paris, 1872. 8°. 
BB. E. 
Malberg (A.)—Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-Wesens 
der letzten 30 Jahre (1820-1849), oder Verzeichniss der 
vornehmlichsten Werke in deutscher, franzésischer, eng- 
lischer, u. s. w. Sprache, welche die genannten Fiicher 
betreffen. Berlin, 1852. 8°. BB. E. 
Beelitz (C.)—Architectur-Katalog. Verzeichniss der vorziig- 
lichsten Werke aus dem Gesammtgebiete des Bau- und 
Ingenieurwesens. Fiinfte neu bearbeitete Auflage. Berlin, 
OOM sHtOyee BB. E. 
Die Literatur der letzten zehn Jahre [1855-1864] (1865- 
1876) aus dem Gesammtgebiete des Bau- und Ingenieur- 
Wesens, mit Einschluss des Kunstgewerbes in deutscher, 
franzésischer und englischer Sprache. Wien, [1865-]77. 8°. 
BB. £. 
Baldamus (E.)—Die Erscheinungen der deutschen Literatur 
1875-1879 auf dem Gebiete der Bau- Maschinen- und 
Hisenbahnkunde, des Telegraphwesens, der Bergbau- und 
Hittenkunde. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. ; BB. £. 
Engelmann (W.)— Bibliotheca mechanico-technologica, oder 
Verzeichniss der bis 1843 in Deutschland erschienenen 
Biicher iiber alle Theile der mechanischen und technischen 
Kiinste und Gewerbe, Fabriken, Manufacturen, und Hand- 
werke der Hisenbahnen, Mechanik und Maschinenbaukunst. 
Zweite Auflage. Mit einem Materien Register. (Supple- 
ment-Heft, 1843-1849.) Leipzig, 1844-50. 8°. BB. £. 
A Catalogue of modern works on Science and Technology. 
Classified under authors and subjects. 8th Edition. London, 
1879. 8°. BB. E. 


Polytechnische Biicher-Kunde, oder beurtheilendes Verzeich- 
niss der vorziiglichsten Bicher tiber Chemie, Technologie, 
Fabrikwissenschaft, Mechanik und einzelne Gewerbszweige. 
Nirnberg, 1841. 8°. BB. =. 

Meulen (R. van der)—Bibliographie der Technische Kunsten 
en Wetenschappen. 1850-1875. Amsterdam, 1876. 8°. 

BB. E. 

Bigmore (BH. C.) and Wyman (C. W. H.)—A Bibliography of 
Printing, with notes and illustrations. Vol. 1. London, 
OOO. Ao, BB. £. 

Hoe (R. M.)—The Literature of Printing. A Catalogue of the 
Library, illustrative of the history and art of Typography, 
Chalcography, and Lithography, of R. M. Hoe. London, 

HOT. OF. BB. E. 
Zeibig (J. W.)—Geschichte und Literatur der Geschwind- 
schreibkunst . . .. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. Dresden, 
mG 70.) 28°. BB. E. 
List of Works on Furniture in the National Art Library, South 
Kensington. London, 1878. 8°. BB. E. 

List of Books on Lace and Needlework in the National Art 
Library [South Kensington]. London, 1879. 8°. BB. E. 
List of Works on Pottery and Porcelain in the National Art 
Library [South Kensington]. London, 1875. 8°. BB. E. 
Bibliographie agronomique, ou Dictionnaire raisonné sur 
économie rurale et domestique et sur l’art vétérinaire, 
suivie de notices biographiques sur les auteurs, &c. Paris, 
TS1O. , 8°. 20381. a. 
Ramirez (B. A.)—Diccionario de Bibliografia agronémica y de 
toda clase de escritos relacionados con la Agricultura. 
Madrid, 1865. 8°. BB. E. 
Jacquemart (D. A.)—Bibliographie Forestiére Francaise, ou 
Catalogue chronologique des ouvrages Frang¢ais, ou traduits 

en Frang¢ais.. . sur lasylviculture, arboriculture forestiére, 
et sur les matiéres qui s’y rattachent. Paris, 1852. 8°. 
BB. E. 

Dochnahl (F. J.) —Bibliotheca Hortensis ... Aiphabetisches 
_ Verzeichniss aller Biicher welche iiber Gartnerei... von 
1750 bis 1860 in Deutschland erschienen sind. Nebst einem 
chronologischen Sachregister. Nirnberg, 1861. 8°. BB. E. 
Bouchard-Huzard (L.)—Bibliographie. Ouvrages publiés 
jusqu’a ce jour sur les Constructions Rurales et sur la 


disposition des Jardins. Deuxiéme édition. Paris, 1870. 
Be. BB. G. 
Enslin (T. C. F.)—Bibliotheca Giconomica, oder Verzeichniss 
der... bis... 1840 in Deutschland und den angriinzenden 
Landern erschienenen Biicher itiber die Haus- und Land- 
wirthschaft und deren einzelne Zweige: der Wein- und 
Gartenbau, die Bienen-, Schaaf-, Rindvieh-, und Pferdezucht, 
die Kochkunst, u.s. w.... Zweite Auflage von W. Engel- 
mann. Leipzig, 1841. 8°. BB. E. 
Bibliothek der Forst- und Jagd - Wissenschaft, oder 
Verzeichniss der bis... 1842 in Deutschland erschienenen 
Biicher iiber alle Theile des Forst- und Jagdwesens, iiber 
die Fischerei, und den Vogelfang. Von neuem ... um- 
gearbeitet von W. Engelmann. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. BB. E. 
Baldamus (E.)—Die literarischen Erscheinungen der letzten 
10 Jahre 1856 bis 1865 (1866-75 auf dem Gebiete der 
Forst-, Haus- u. Landwirthschaft sowie des Gartenbaues). 
Prag, Leipzig, 1867-76. 8°. BB. E. 


Smith (J. R.)—Bibliographical Catalogue of English writers 
on Angling and Ichthyology. London, 1856. 12°. 2050. b. 
Westwood (T.)—A new Bibliotheca Piscatoria; or, General 
Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature. London, 
WIS. BY, BB. E. 
[Thomas (R.)|—A Bibliographical List of Works on Swim- 
ming. By the author of the Handbook of Fictitious 

Names. London, 1868. 8°. BB. E. 
Schmid (A.)—Literatur des Schachspiels. Wren, 1847. 8°. 

BB. E. 

Linde (A. van der)—Geschichte und Literatur des Schach- 

spiels. 2 Bd. Berlin, 1874. 8°. BB. E. 

Das erste Jartausend der Schachlitteratur. 850-1880. 

Berlin, 1881. 8°. BB. E. 

Alliey (F.)—Bibliographie complete, analytique, raisonné et par 
ordre alphabétique, de tous les ouvrages connus en toutes 
les langues, sur le jeude Dames. (Bibliographie du jeu de 
Tric-Trac.) Commerci, 1852. 8°. BB. E. 



Universal Catalogue of Books on Art compiled for the use of 
the National Art Library and the Schools of Art in the 
United Kingdom. By order of the Lords of the Committee 
of Council on Hducation. (Supplement, 1877.) 3 vol. 

London, 1870-77. 8°. 2050. c. 
Vinet (E.)—Bibliographie méthodique et raisonnée des Beaux- 
Arts. Livr. 1-2. Paris, 1874-77. 8°. BB. G. 

Cicognara (L.)— Catalogo ragionato dei libri d’arte e @antichita 
posseduti dal conte Cicognara. 2 vol. Pisa, 1821. 8°. 
BB. G. 
Goddé (J.)—Catalogue raisonné d’une collection de livres 
relatifs aux arts de peinture, sculpture, gravure et architec- 
ture... réunie par M. J. Goddé, peintre, avec des notes du 
collecteur. Paris, 1850. 8°. BB. G. . 
Weigel (R.)—Catalog von Kunstsachen und Biichern welche 
in der Anstalt fiir Kunst und Literatur (R. Weigel) in 
Leipzig vorrithig oder durch dieselbe besorgt werden. 
(General-Register.) 1-35 Abtheil. 5 Bd. Leipzig, 1836— 
Ger 8°: BB. G. 
Gratet-Duplessis (G.)—Hssai d’une Bibliographie générale 
des Beaux-Arts. Biographies individuelles. Monographies. 
Biographies générales. Paris, 1866. 8°. BB. G. 
Essai de Bibliographie contenant Vindication des ou- 
vrages relatifs 4 histoire de la Gravure et des Graveurs. 
Paris, 1862. 8°. BB. G. 
Les Ventes de Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes et Objets 
d@ Art au xvii’ et xvii’ siécles (1611-1800). Essai de Biblio- 
sraphie. Paris, 1874. 8°. BB. G. 
Wornum (R. N.)—An account of the Library of the Division 
of Art at Marlborough House: with a catalogue of the 
principal works classified for the use of visitors. London, 
WO. Oo BB. G. 
Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Royal Academy 
of Arts, London. [By H.R. Tedder.| London, 1877. 8°. 
| BB. G. 
Catalogue of the Hastlake Library in the National Gallery. 
[By G. M. Green.] London, 1872. 8°. BB. G. 


Vinet (E.)—Catalogue méthodique de la Bibliothéque de l’Kcole 

Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Paris, ORO ne nOgs BB. G. 
Katalog der Bibliothek der K. K. Akademie der Bildenden 
Kunste:» Wiens 1876.) =8% BB. G. 

* Passerini Orsini de Rilli (L.) La Bibliografia di. Michel- 
angelo Buonarotti e gli incisori delle sue opere. Frenze, 

WOR5 Sy cAC: BB. G. 
Massmann (H. F.)—Literatur der Todtentinze. Leipzig, 
NSAC 68%. BB. G. 

Guénébault (L. J.) Dictionnaire Iconographique des Monu- 
ments de lantiquité chrétienne et du moyendge. 2 vol. 
Paris, 1843-45. 8°. 2032. f. 

Cohen (H.)—Guide de l’Amateur de Livres & Vignettes (et a 
figures) du xviu® siécle. Quatriéme édition. Paris, 1880. 
8°. BB. G. 

A Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works illustrated 
by 'T. and J. Bewick, wood engravers, with an appendix of 
their miscellaneous engravings, brief sketches of their lives, 
etc. London, 1851. 4°. BB. G. 

Comolli (A. )—Biblografia storico-critica dell’Architettura 
civile ed arti subalterne. 4 vol. Rome, 1788-92. 4°. BB. G. 

Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library 
of the Royal Institution of British Architects. London, 
MSOs, gndcye BB. G. 

See also the Catalogue of Architectural Publications at the end of Gwilt’s 
Encyclopedia (2032. b.), and the Bibliographies appended to the articles 

in Millin’s “ Dictionnaire des Beaux-Arts” (2032. b.). Some Architec- 
tural Bibliographies will also be found on page 54. 


Fétis (F. J.)}—Biographie universelle des Musiciens et Biblio- 
eraphie générale de la Musique. Deuxieme édition. 8 tom. 
Paris, 1860-65. 8°. 2034. ¢. 

Supplément et Complément. Publiés sous la direction de 
M. A. Pougin. 2tom. Paris, 1878-80. 8°. 2034, ¢. 

Becker (C. F.)—Systematisch-chronologische Darstellung der 
musikalischen Literatur von der frithesten bis auf die 

neueste Zeit. (Nachtrag.) Leipzig, 1836-39. 4°. BB. G. 


Becker (C. F.)—Alphabetisch und chronologisch geordnetes 
Verzeichniss emer Sammlung von musikalischen Schriften. 
... Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1846. 4°. BB. G. 
Becker (C. F.)—Die Tonwerke des xvi. und xvu. Jahrhunderts, 
oder Zusammenstellung der in diesen zwei Jahrhunderten 

gedruckten Musikahen... Zweite mit einem Anhange 
vermehrte Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1855. 4°. BB. G. 
BKitner (R.)—Bibliographie der Musik-Sammelwerke des xvi. 
und xvit. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1877. 8°. BB. G. 
Engel (C.)—The Literature of National Music. London, 1879. 
oe BB. G. 
Lichtenthal (P.)—Dizionario e Bibliografia della Musica. 
4 vol. Milano, 1826. 8°. 2032. a. 

Catalogue of the Library of the Sacred Harmonic Society. A 
new edition. [By W. H. Husk.] London, 1872. 8°. BB. G. 
Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique. Catalogue de la Biblio- 
théque de F. J. Fétis acquise par ’Etat Belge. Bruwelles, 

OTe Ot. BB. G. 
Goovaerts (A.)—Histoire et Bibliographie de la 'Typographie 
musicale dans les Pays-Bas. Anvers, 1880. 8°. BB. G. 

Rimbault (EB. F.)—Biblotheca Madrigaliana. A bibliogra- 
phical account of the musical and poetical works published 
in. England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 
under titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, etc. 
London, 1847. 8°. BB. G. 


Brunet (J. C.)—Table méthodique en forme de Catalogue 

raisonné. Belles-Lettres. Paris, 1865. 8°. BB. G. 

Catalogue des Livres imprimés de la Bibliothéque du Roy. 

Belles-Lettres. 2 tom. Paris, 1750. fol. 2049. f. 

Marsden (W.)—A Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, 
Grammars, and Alphabets. London, 1796. 4°. BB. &,, . 
Bibliotheca Marsdeniana, Philologica et Orientalis. A 


catalogue of books and manuscripts collected with a view to 
the general comparison of languages, and to the study of 
Oriental literature. London, 1827. 4°. BBat: 

Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars of the principal 
Languages and Dialects of the world, with a list of the 
leading works on the Science of Language. N. Triibner, 
London, 1872. 8°. BB. T. 

Vater (J. S.)—Litteratur der Grammatiken, Lexika und Worter- 
sammlungen aller Sprachen der Erde. Zweite Ausgabe 
von B. Jilg. Berlin, 1847. 8°. BB. T. 

Ersch (J. S.)—Bibliographisches Handbuch der philologischen 
Literatur der Deutschen von der Mitte des achtzehnten 
Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Nach J. 8. Ersch in 
systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet ... Von C. A. Geissler. 
Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1845. 8°. BB. T. 

Schmitz (B.)—Encyclopidie der philologischen Studium der 
Neueren Sprachen. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. (Anhang.) 
Leipzig, 1876-77. 8°. BB. T. 

Engelmann (W.)—Bibliothek der neueren Sprachen oder 
Verzeichniss der in Deutschland erschienenen Gramma- 
tiken, Worterbiicher, Chrestomathien, Lesebicher. Nebst 
einer systematischen Uebersicht. (Supplement-Heft, enthalt- 
end die Literatur bis 1849). Leipzig, 1842-50. 8°. BB. T. 

Bibliotheca Philologica, oder alphabetisches Verzeichniss 
derjenigen Grammatiken, Worterbiicher, Chrestomathieen, 
Lesebiicher und anderer Werke, welche zum Studium der 
griechischen und lateinischen Sprache gehéren und vom 
Jahre 1750 bis 1852 in Deutschland erschienen sind. 
Nebst einer systematischen Uebersicht. Dritte Auflage. 
Leipzig, 1853. 8°. BB. T. 

Bibliotheca Philologica, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller auf 
dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft wie der 
alteren und neueren Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland und 
dem Ausland neu erschienenen Biicher. Herausgegeben 
von W. Miildener. Jahrg. 23-32. 1870-79. Géttingen, 
1870-79. 8°. BB. T. 

In progress. } 

Hensbroek (P. A. M. Boele van)—De Beoefening der Oos- 
tersche talen in Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen. 
1800-1874. Bibliographisch overzicht, etc. Leiden, 1875. 
Ae BB. T. 


Bleek (W. H. I.)—[Catalogue.] The fs of Sir G. Grey. 

Wol. 1. Pt. 1-2. - Africa. 
ee Halal. 2 Madagascar. 
Wolk zee. Et-lr. Australia. 
a Sm CU as ney Papuan Languages. 
A Ae caer Fiji Islands and Rotuma. 

ee dare tt MOA: New Zealand. Polynesia. 
2 vol. Cape Town, 1858-59. 8°. BB. T. 
Bacchi della Lega (A.)—Biblografia dei Vocabolari ne’ dialetti 
Italiani raccolti e poxseduti da G. Romagnol. Seconda 
edizione. Bologna, 1879. 8°. BB. T. 
Bibliothéque Patoise de M. Burgaud des Marets. [A classed 
Catalogue.| Langue basque—Patois francais et romans— 
Collection de Noéls—Dialectes espagnols—Dialectes italiens 
—Rheto-Romanche ou Grison— Langues celtiques—Patois 
anglais—Patois allemands, efc. Paris,1873. 8°. BB. T. 
Hermann (C. H.)—Bibliotheca Germanica. Verzeichniss der 
vom Jahre 1830 bis Ende 1875 in Deutschland erschienenen 
Schriften iiber altdeutsche Sprache und Literatur nebst 
verwandten Fachern. Halle a/S., 1878. 8°. BB. T. 
Bartsch (C.)—Bibliographische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen 
auf dem Gebiete der Deutschen Philologie im Jahre 1864 
(-1870. Sonder-Abdruck aus der “Germania,” Jahrg. 
10-16). Wien, 1865-71. 8°. BB. T. 

For the continuation see ‘‘ Germania,” (P.P. 4652.) 

Troemel (P.)—Die Literatur der Deutschen Mundarten. Ein 
bibliographischer Versuch. Halle, 1854. 8°. BB. T. 
Smith (J. R.)—Bibliographical List of the works that have 
been published, towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects 
of England. London, 1839. 8°. 9117. a. 
English Dialect Society—A Bibliographical List of the works 
that have been published, or are known to exist in MS., 
illustrative of the various Dialects of English. Edited by 

W. W. Skeat and J. H. Nodal. London, 1877. 8°. 
BB. T. 
Axon (W. E. A.)—Bibliographical List of Books illustrating 
the Lancashire Dialect. Reprinted from the publications 
of the English Dialect Society. Printed for the Manchester 
Literary Club, Bungay, 1875. 8°. BB. T. 


Steinschneider (M.)—Manuale Bibliographicum. Bibliogra- 
phisches Handbuch iiber die theoretische und praktische 
Literatur fiir hebriische Sprachkunde. Leipzig, 1859. 8°. 

BB. T. 

Ludewig (H. E.)—The Literature of American Aboriginal 
languages. With additions and corrections by W. W. Turner. 
Kdited by N. Triibner. London, 1858. 8°. BB. T. 

Squier (E. G.)—Monograph of authors who have written on 
the Languages of Central America, and collected Vocabularies 
or composed works in the Native Dialects of that country. 

New York, 1861. 4°. BB. T. 
Garcia Icazbalceta (J.)—Apuntes para un Catdlogo de 
escritores en lenguas indigenas de América. Mezico, 
USOC. sh 20. BB. T. 

Bibliography of Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Language, see ‘* The Slang Dic- 
tionary ” (2118. a.). 


Boeckh (A.)—Encyklopidie und Methodologie der philolo- 
gischen Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von E. Bratu- 
scheck. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. BB. a. 

Huebner (B.)—Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte 
und Hncyclopaédie der classischen Philologie. Berlin, 
Mb, tere BB. G. 

Dibdin (T. F.)—Introduction to the knowledge of rare and 
valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, ete. 
Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1827. 8°. 2050. f. 

Schweiger (F. L. A.)—Handbuch der classischen Bibliographie. 
2 Th. Leipzig, 1830-34. 8°. BB. &. 

Fabricius (J. A.)—Bibliotheca Greeca, sive notitia scriptorum 
veterum Greecorum. Hditio quarta ... curante G. CO. Harles. 
Hamburgi, 1790-1838. 4°. 2048. f. 

Fabricius (J. A.)—Bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia auctorum 
veterum Latinorum. 3 vol. Hamburgi, 1721-22. 8°. 

2050. a. 

Engelmann (W.) — Biblictheca Scriptorum classicorum. 8° 

Auflage, umfassend die Literatur von 1700 bis 1878, neu 


bearbeitet von Dr. E. Preuss. 1°. Abtheil. Leipzig, 1880. 
Se. In progress. BB. G. 

Hermann (C. H.)—Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et 
Greecorum et Latinorum: Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1858 
bis incl. 1869 in Deutschland erschienenen Ausgaben, etc. 
Halle a.S., 1871, 8°. BB. G. 

Bibliotheca Philologica Classica.—Verzeichniss der auf dem 
Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft erschienenen 
Biicher, Zeitschriften, Dissertationen, Programm-Abhand- 
lungen, Aufsiitze in Zeitschriften und Recensionen. Jahrg. 
1-6, 1874-79. S. Calvary, Berlin, 1875-80. 8°. BB. G. 

In progress. 

Hermann (C. H.)—Bibliotheca Philologica. Verzeichniss der 
vom Jahre 1852 bis Mitte 1872 in Deutschland erschienenen 
Zeitschriften, Schriften der Akademien und gelehrten 
Gesellschaften, Miscellen, Collectaneen, Biographien, der 
Literatur iiber die Geschichte der Gymnasien, iiber Ency- 
clopadie und Geschichte der Philologie, und iiber die Philolo- 
gischen Hiilfswissenschaften. Halle a/S., 1873. 8°. BB. G. 

Mayor (Joseph B.)—Guide to the choice of Classical Books. 
Second edition. London, 1879. 8°. BB. G. 

Hoffmann (S. F. W.)—Bibliographisches Lexicon der ge- 
sammten Litteratur der Griechen. Zweite umgearbeitete... 
und fortgesetzte Ausgabe. 3 Th. Leipzig, 1838-45. 8°. 

2048. c. 

Teuffel (W. S.)—-A History of Roman Literature. ‘Translated 
by W. Wagner. [With bibliographical notes and refer- 
ences.| 2 vol. London, 1873. 8°. BB. G. 

Huebner (BE. )—Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Rémische 
Litteraturgeschichte. Vierte vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 
TSP So teks BB. G. 

Mayor (John E. B.)—Bibliographical clue to Latin literature. 
Hdited after Dr. E. Hiibner with large additions. London 

and Cambridge, 1875. 12°. BB. G. 
Huebner (E.)—Giundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Lateinische 
Grammatik. Berlin, 1876. 8°. BB. G. 


Collier (J. P.)--A bibliographical and critical account of the 
rarest books in the English language, alphabetically 
arranged. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2048. c. 


Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica: or, a descriptive catalogue 
of a rare and rich collection of Early English Poetry... 
illustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and 
biographical. [By A. F. G., i.e. A. F. Griffiths.| London, 
VO 5 28 BB. G. 

Corser (T.)—Collectanea Anglo-Poetica: or a bibliographical 
and descriptive Catalogue of a portion of a collection of Early 
English Poetry. Pt. 1-9. Printed for the Chetham Society, 
Manchester, 1860-79. 4°. 2048. c. 

Bibliographia Poetica; a Catalogue of English Poets, of the 
twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth, cen- 
turys, with a short account of their works. [By J. Ritson. | 
London, 1802. 8°. BB. G. 

Catalogue of the Early English Poetry and other miscellaneous 
works illustrating the British Drama, collected by E. 
Malone, Hsq., and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. 
Oxford, 1836. fol. 2048. 2. 

Langbaine (G.)—The Lives and Characters of the English 
Dramatick Poets. Also an exact account of all the Plays 
that were ever yet printed in the English Tongue, etc. 

London, |1699.| 8°. BB. G. 
Baker (S.)—Biographia Dramatica ... With additions by 8. 
Jones. 3 vol. London, 1812. 8°. 2039. d. 

Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)—A Dictionary of Old English 
Plays, existing either in print or in manuscript, from the 
earliest times to the close of the 17th century ; including 
also notices of Latin Plays written by Hnglish authors. 
London, 1860. 8°. BB. G. 

Hazlitt (W. C.)—Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and 
Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of 
Printing to the Restoration. London, 1867. 8°. 2048. c. 

Collections and Notes. 1867-1876. [A Supplement 
to the “ Handbook.” | London, 1876. 8°. BB. G. 

Boston Public Library—Class List for English Prose Fiction, 
including translations and juvenile books, with notes for 
readers intended to point out for parallel reading the 
historical sources of fiction. [Edited by Justin Winsor. | 
Sixth edition. April 1877. Boston, 1877. 8°. BB. G. 

Bohn (H. G.)—A bibliographical Account of the Works of 
Shakespeare, including every known edition, translation, 
and commentary. [London, 1864?] 8°. BB. G. 


Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)—Shakesperiana. A catalogue of 
the early Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays, and of the com- 
mentaries and other publications illustrative of his works. 
London, 1841. 8°. 2046. d. 

Mullins (J. D.)—Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial 
Library, Birmingham. Birmingham, 1876, etc. 8°. 

In progress. BB. G. 

Thimm (F.)—Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An account 
of the Shakspearian Literature of England, Germany, 
and France during three centuries, with bibliographical 
introductions. (Second Hdition, containing the Litera- 
ture from 1864 to 1871.) London, 1865-72. 8°. 

BB. G. 

Cohn (A.)—Shakespeare-Bibliographie 1873 und 1874 (1875- 
1876, 1877-1878. Separat-Abdruck aus dem Shakespeare- 
Jahrbuch. Mit Nachtragen zur Bibliographie seit 1864 in 
Band 1.—xi. des Jahrbuches.) Kothen, Berlin, [1875-79]. 8°. 

BB. G. 

Hubbard (J. M.)—Catalogue of Works relating to W. Shake- . 

speare and his writings in the Barton Collection, Boston 

Public Library. Boston, 1880. 4°. BB. G. 
Arnold (T. J. I.)—Shakespeare-Bibliography in the Nether- 
lands. The Hague, 1879. 8°. BB. G. 
Katalog der Bibliothek der Deuischen Shakespeare Gesellschaft 
zu Weimar. Weimar, 1876. 8°. BB. G. 
Ireland (A.)—list of the Writings of W. Hazlitt and Leigh 
Hunt, chronologically arranged ... Preceded by a chrono- 
logical list of the works of Charles Lamb. London, 1868. 

Be. BB. G. 
Shepherd (R. H.)—The Bibliography of Ruskin. [London, 
TsiWi@a | tS BB. G. 
——— The Bibliography of Dickens. [London, 1880.] 8°. 
BB. G. 

Cook (J.)—Bibliography of the Writings of Charles Dickens. 
London, 1879. 8°. BB. G. 

Tennysoniana. [Notes bibliographical and critical on the 
poems of A. and C. Tennyson, with a bibliographical ap- 
pendix. By R. H. Shepherd.| Second edition. London, 
sO. So. BB. G. 




Delandine (A. F.)—Bibliographie dramatique, ou, Tablettes 
alphabétiques du Théatre des diverses nations ; avec des ob- 
servations littéraires et bibliographiques ... Précédé d’une 
notice sur l’origine du Théatre Francais. Paris, [1818.] 8°. 

BB. G. 

Viollet-le-Duc (E. L. N.)—Catalogue des Livres composant la 
Bibliotheque poétique de M. Viollet-le-Duc ; avec des notes, 
bibliographiques, biographiques et littéraires. Pour servir 
a Vhistoire de la poésie en France. Paris, 1843. 8°. BB. G. 

— Bibliographie des Chansons, Fabliaux, Contes en vers 

et en prose, Facéties, Piéces comiques et burlesques, Aven- 

tures galantes, amoureuses et prodigieuses, ayant fait partie 
de la collection de M. Viollet-le-Duc. Nouvelle édition, 
augmentée d’un avant-propos par A. Méray. Paris, 1859. 
82s BB. G. 

Asselineau (C.)—Bibliographie Romantique. Catalogue anec- 
dotique et pittoresque des éditions originales des ceuvres de 
Victor Hugo—Alfred de Vigny—P. Mérimée—A. Dumas.— 
J. Janin—T’. Gautier—P. Borel, etc. Seconde édition aug- 
mentée,) <Paris, 1872: 8°. BB. G. 

Picot (E.)—Bibliographie Cornélienne, ou description raisonnée 
de toutes les éditions des ceuvres de Pierre Corneille, des 
imitations ou traductions qui en ont été faites et des 
ouvrages relatifs 4 Corneille et 4 ses écrits. Paris, 1876. 

oh BB. G. 
Lacroix (P.)— Bibliographie Moliéresque. Seconde édition 
augmentée. Paris, 1875. 8°. . “BBG: 
——— Iconographie Moliéresque. Seconde édition augmentée. 
TOTS 1870s Os BB. G. 
Payen (J. F.)—Notice bibliographique sur Montaigne. Paris, 
OB Tene Our BB. G. 

Richou (G.)—Inventaire de la Collection des Ouvrages et 
Documents réunis par J. F. Payen et J. B. Bastide sur M. de 
Montaigne. Paris, 1878. 8°. BB. G. 

Jacob (P. L.) Bibliophile [1.e. P. Lacroix].—Bibliographie et 
Iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne. 
Paris, 1875. 8°. BB. G. 



Enslin (T. C. F.)—Bibliothek der Schénen Wissenschaften, oder 
Verzeichniss der vorziiglichsten, in alterer und neuerer 
Zeit, bis 1836(—1845) in Deutschland erschienenen Romane, 
Gedichte, Schauspiele und anderer Werke. Zweite Auflage 
von W. Engelmann. 2 Bd. Lepzig, 1837-46. 8°. BB. G. 

Othmer (G.)—Vademecum des Sortimenters. Zusammenstell- 
ung der wissenswirdigsten Hrscheinungen auf dem Gebiete 
der gesammelten Werke und schénen Literatur vorzugs- 
weise der deutschen, von Anbeginn bis zur gegenwart... 
Dritte Auflage. Hannover, 1878. 8°. BB. G. 

Goedeke (C.)—Grundriss zur Gesvhichte der Deutschen Dich- 
tung. Zweite Auflage. [A History of German Belles- 
Lettres, with full bibivographies.] 3 Bd. Dresden, 1862-77. 
So. 2050. «. 

Weller (H.)—Annalen der Poetischen National-Literatur der 
Deutschen im xvi. und xvi. Jahrhundert. Nach den Quellen 
bearbeitet. 2-Bd. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1862-64. 8°. 

BB. G. 

Peter (F.)—Die Literatur der Faustsage systematisch zusam- 
mengestellt. Dritte durch Zusiitze vermehrte Ausgabe. 
Leipzig, 1857. 82. BB. G, 

Weller (E.)—Der Volksdichter Hans Sachs und seine Dichtun- 
gen. Hine Bibliographie. Nirnberg, 1868. 8°. BB. G. 

Fernbach (L.)—Der Theater-Freund. ... Enthaltend die 
dramatischen Erscheinungen . . . bis zum Jahre 1848 
(—bis 1859). Berlin, 1860. 8°. BB. G. 

Unfiad (L.)—Die Schiller Literatur in Deutschland, Biblio- 

_ graphische Zusammenstellung . .. der auf ihn Bezug 
habenden literarischen Erscheinungen von 1781 bis 1877. 
Miinchen, 1878. 8°. BB. G. 

——— Die Goethe-Literatur in Deutschland.  Buibliogra- 

phische Zusammenstellung . . . der auf iim Bezug haben- 

den literarischen Hrscheinungen von 1781 bis 1877. Mit 
einem Anhange: Chronologie der Entstehung Goethe’scher 

Schriften. Miinchen, 1878. 8°. BB. G. 
Hirzel (S.)— Neues Verzeichniss einer Goethe-Bibliothek. 
1769-1861. Leipzig, 1862. 8°. BB. G. 

See also the German Bibliographies on pp. 19-21. 



Gamba (B.)—Serie dei Testi di Lingua e di altre opere impor- 
tanti nella Italiana Letteratura scritte dal secolo xiv al xrx. 
Quarta edizione ...accresciuta. Venezia, 1839. 8°. BB. G. 

Colomb de Batines (P.) Viscount.—Bibliografia delle antiche 
Rappresentazioni Italiane sacre e profane stampate nei 

secoli xve xvi. Firenze, 1852. 8°. BB. G. 
Melzi (G.)—Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poemi cavallereschi 
Jtaliani. Seconda edizione. Milano, 1838. 8°. BB. G. 
Passano (G.)—I Novellieri Italiani in prosa indicati e descritti. 
Milano, 1864. 8°. BB. G. 

I Novellieri Italiani in verso indicati e descritti. 
Bologna, 1868. 8°. BB. G. 
Colomb de Batines (P.) Viscount.—Biblografia Dantesca. 
2tom. Prato, 1845. 8°. BB. G. 

Petzholdt (J.)—Bibliographia Dantea ab anno 1865 inchoata. 
Nova editio, duobus supplementis aucta. Dresde, 1880. 8°. 
BB. G. 
Ferrazzi (G. J.)—Bibliografia Petrarchesca. Bassano, 1877. 8°. 
BB. G. 
Hortis (A.)—Catalogo delle Opere di F. Petrarca esistenti nella 
Petrarchesca Rossettiana di Trieste. Trieste, 1874. 4°. 
2050. f. 
Guidi (U.)—Annali delle edizioni e delle versioni della Geru- 
salemme liberata e d’altri lavori al poema relativi. Bologna, 
1868. 8°. BB. G. 
Annali delle edizioni e delle versioni dell’ Orlando 
Furioso e d’ altri lavorial poema relativi. Bologna, 1861. 8°. 
BB. G. 


Whitney (J. L.)—Catalogne of the Spanish Library and of 
the Portuguese books beque:thed by G. Ticknor to the 
Boston Public Library. Together with the collection of 
Spanish and Portuguese Literature in the General Library. 
Boston, 1879. 8°. BB. G. 

Barrera y Leirado (C. A. de la)—Catdlogo bibliografico y bio- 
grafico del Teatro Antiguo Espanol, desde sus origenes hasta 
mediados del siglo xvi. Madrid, 1860. 8°. BB. 6G. 



Klemming (G. E.)—Sveriges Dramatiska Litteratur till och 
med 1875. Bibliografi. Stockholm, 1863-79. 8°. BB. G. 


Gratet-Duplessis (P. A.) — Bibliographie parémiologique. 
Etudes bibliographiques et littéraires sur les ouvrages... 
consacrés aux Proverbes dans toutes les langues. Paris, 
OA Oo. BB. G. 

Stirling Maxwell (Sir W.) Bari.—An essay towards a collec- 
tion of books relating to Proverbs, Emblems, Apothegms, 
Hpitaphs, and Ana, being a catalogue of those at Keir. 
Privately printed, London, 1860. 8°. BB. G. 

Namur (P.)—Bibliographie des ouvrages publiés sous le nom 
d’Ana; accompagnée de notes critiques, historiques, et 
hittéraires. Bruswelles, 1839. 8°. BB. G. 


Luedde (J. G. )—Die Geschichte der Methodologie der Erdkunde. 
In ihrer ersten Grundlage, vermittelst einer historisch- 
kritischen Zusammenstellung der Literatur der Methodo- 
logie der Hrdkunde, bearbeitet von J. G. Liidde. Leipzig, 
msAo.) 82. BB. I. 

Engelmann (W.)—Bibliotheca Geographica. Verzeichniss der 
seit der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zu Ende des 
Jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke iiber Geo- 
graphie und Reisen mit Hinschluss der Landkarten, Plaine 
und Ansichten. Mit einem ausfihrlichen Sach-Register. 
Leipzig, 1858. 8°. BB. I. 

L’Année Géographique. Revue annuelle des Voyages de 
terre et de mer, ainsi que des explorations, missions et 
publications diverses relatives aux sciences géographiques 
et ethnographiques. Par M. Vivien de Saint-Martin, etc. 
Année 1-16. 1862-77. Paris, 1863-79. 12° BBL 

In progress. 


Registrande der geographisch-statistischen Abtheilung der 
grossen Generalstabes. (Neues aus der Geographie, Karto- 
graphie und Statistik Europa’s und seiner Kolonien. Quel- 
lennachweise, Ausziige und Besprechungen zur laufenden 
Orientirung bearbeitet vom grossen Generalstabe, geogra- 
phisch-statistische Abtheilung.) Jahrg. 2-9. Berlin, 1870- 
79. 8°. In progress. BB. I. 

Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. 
May, 1865. (Supplement containing the additions from 
1865 to December 1870.) London, 1865-71. 8°. BB. 1. 

Evans (G. M.)—Classified Catalogue of the Library of the 
Royal Geographical Society, to December 1870. London, 
Utelgiiy «shew BB. 1. 

Royal Geographical Society—General Index to the contents 
of the first ten volumes of the London Geographical Journal. 
Compiled by J. R. Jackson. London, 1844. 8°. 2058. a. 

General Index to the second ten volumes of the Journal 

of the Royal Geographical Society. Compiled by G.S. Brent. 

Edited by Dr. Norton Shaw. London, 1853. 8°. 2058. a. 

General Index to the third ten volumes of the Jouinal. 
Compiled by H. Yule. London, 1867. 8°. 2058. a. 

Castellani (C.)—Catalogo ragionato delle piu rare o pit im- 
portanti opere geografiche a stampa che si conservano 
nella Biblioteca del Collegio Romano. oma, 1876. 8°. 

BB. I. 

Studj Bibliografici e Biografici sulla Storia di Geografia in 
Italia, pubblicati per cura della Deputazione Ministeriale 
istituita presso la Societa Geografica Italiana. Roma, 
ROG 5-1 BB. I. 

Boucher de la Richarderie (G.)—Bibliothéque Universelle 
des Voyages, ou Notice compléte et raisonnée de tous les 
voyages anciens et modernes dans les différentes parties du 
monde, publiés tant en langue francaise qu’en langues 
étrangéres, classés par ordre de pays dans leur série chrono- 

logique, ete. 6tom. Paris, 1808. 8°. BB. 1 
Beckmann (J.)—Litteratur der alteren Reisebeschreibungen. 
2 Bd. Géttingen, 1807-10. 8°. BB. I. 

Stuck (G. H.)—Verzeichniss von aeltern und neuern Land- 
und Reisebeschreibungen. Hin Versuch eines Hauptstiicks 
der geographischen Litieratur. 2 Th. Halle, 1784-87. 8°. 

BB. I. 


Georg (C.)—Die Reiseliteratur Deutschlands aus den Jahren 
1871 bis 30 April, 1877. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. BB. I. 
Tiele (P. A.)—Mémoire bibliographique sur les Journaux des 
Navigateurs Néerlandais réimprimés dans les collections de 

De Bry et de Hulsius et dans les collections hollandaises 

du xvii° siécle, et sur les anciennes éditions hollandaises 

des journaux de navigateurs étrangers. Amsterdam, 1867. 

Se. BB. I. 
Camus (A. G.)—Meémoire sur la Collection de Grands et Petits 
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Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New Netherlands, 
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Uricoechea (E.)—Mapoteca Colombiana. Coleccion de los 
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BB. I. 



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data ut pene novum opus videri possit. 9 vol. Lipsie, 
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Oettinger (EH. M.)—Historisches Archiv. Archives historiques, 
contenant une classification chronologique de 17,000 ou- 
vrages pour servir a l’étude de histoire de tous les siécles 
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schriften und wissenschaftlichen Journalen auf dem Gebiete 
der Geschichte und ihrer Hiilfswissenschaften erschienenen 
Aufsitze. 2 Bd. Berlin, 1852-56. 8°. BB. M. 
Lenglet Du Fresnoy (N.)—Méthode pour étudier Vhistoire 
avec un catalogue des principaux historiens et des remar- 
ques sur la bonté de leurs ouvrages, et sur le choix des 
meilleures éditions. Nouvelle édition. 4 vol. Parts, 1735. 

Aes 2085. g. 
Zapf (G. W.)—Litteratur der alten und neuern Geschichte. 
Lemgo, 1781. 8°. BB. M. 

Enslin (T. C. F.)—Bibliotheca Historico-geographica oder 
Verzeichniss aller brauchbaren in alterer und neuerer Zeit, 


besonders aber vom Jahre 1750 bis zur Mitte des Jahres 
1824 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher iiber Geschichte, 
Geographie und deren Hiilfswissenschaften . . . Mit einem 
Materien-Register. Berlin, 1825. 8°. BB. M. 
Ersch (J. S.)—Literatur der Geschichte und deren Hiilfswis- 
senschaften seit der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis 
auf die neuste Zeit; systematisch bearbeitet und mit den 
nothigen Registern versehen. Leipzig, 1827. 8°. BB. M. 
Boston Public Library. A Catalogue of books belonging to 
the Lower Hall . . . in the classes of history, biography, and 
travel ... together with notes for readers under subject- 
references. Second or consolidated edition, July, 1873. 
[Edited by Justin Winsor.| Boston, 1873. 8°. BB. M. 
Bertocci (D. G.)—Repertorio bibliografico delle opere stam- 
pate in Italia nel secolo xix. Storia, vol. i. Roma, 1876. 8°. 
In progress. BB. M. 
Bibliotheca Historica oder systematisch geordnete Uebeisicht 
der in Deutschland und dem Auslande auf dem Gebiete der 
gesammten Geschichte neu erschienenen Biicher herausge- 
geben von W. Mildener. Jahrg. 1870-79. 8°. Gottingen, 
1870-79. 8°. In progress. BB. M. 
Potthast (A.)—Bibliotheca Historica Medii Alvi. Weeweiser 
durch die Geschichtswerke des Europiischen Mittelalters 
von 375-1500. (Supplement.) 2 vol. Berlin, 1862-68. 8°. 
BB. M. 
Chevalier (C. U. J.)—Répertoire des sources historiques du 
Moyen-Age. Fasc. 1-3. Paris, 1877-80. 8°. BB. M. 

In progress. 

Nicolson (W.) Bishop of Carlisle. The English, Scotch, and 

Trish Historical Libraries. Giving a short view and cha- 
racter of most of our Historians, either in print or manu- 
script. A new edition. London, 1776. 4°. 2070. c. 
Macray (W. D.)—A Manual of British Historians to a.p. 1600. 
Containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers 
and monkish writers, their printed works and unpublished 
MSS. London, 1845. 8°. BB. M. 


Hardy (Sir T. D.)—Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating 
to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of 
the reign of Henry VII. London, 1862-71. 8°. 2075. d. 
Bibliothéque Nationale. Catalogue de lHistoire de la 
Grande-Bretagne. Paris, 1878. 4°. 2100. b. 
Shirley (E. P.)—Catalogue of the Library at Lough Fea in 
illustration of the History and Antiquities of Ireland. 
London, 1872. 8°. BB. K. 
Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)—Catalogue of Proclamations, 
Broadsides, &c., presented to the Chetham Library, Man- 
chester. London, 1851. 4°. 2049. a. 
Upcott (W.)—A bibliographical account of the principal works 
relating to English Topography. 3 vol. London, 1818. 
Ore BB. kK. 
Gough (R.)—British Topography ; or, an historical account of 
what has been done for illustrating the topographical 
antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London. 
tg SOnwt ee BB. kK. 
A Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topo- 
graphy and Saxon and Northern literature, bequeathed 
to the Bodleian Library in the year 1799 by R. Gough. 
Oxford, 1814. 4°. BB. kK. 
Catalogue of the Hoare Library at Stourhead, Co. Wilts. [Con- 
sisting largely of British and Foreign Topography. Com- 
piled by J. B. Nichols.] London, 1840. 8°. BB. k. 
Hotten (J. C.)—A Hand-Book to the Topography and Family 
History of England and Wales: being a descriptive account 
of twenty thousand most curious and rare books, old tracts, 
etc. London, [1864?] 8°. . BBek. 
Boase (G. C.) and Courtney (W. P.)—Bibliotheca Cornu- 
biensis: a catalogue of the writings both manuscript and 
printed of Cornishmen, and of works relating to the County 
of Cornwall, with biographical memoranda and copious 
literary references. 2 vol. London, 1874-78. 8°. BB. kK. 
Davidson (J.)—Bibliotheca Devoniensis: a catalogue of the 
printed books relating to the County of Devon. eeter, 
8525 42. BB. kK. 
Smith (J. R.)—Bibliotheca Cantiana: a bibliographical 
account of what has been published on the history, topo- 
graphy, antiquities, customs and family history of the 
County of Kent. London, 1837. 8°. BB. kK. 


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BB. k. 
Cope (Sir W. H.) Bart.—List of books relating to Hampshire, 
its places, persons, and history ; in the library at Bramshill. 
Wokingham, 1879. 8°. BB. kK. 
Harrison (W.)—Bibliotheca Monensis. A bibliographical 
account of works relating to the Isle of Man. New 
edition ...enlarged. Douglas, 1876. 8°. BB. kK. 
Fishwick (H.)—The Lancashire Library; a bibliographical 
account of books on topography, biography, history, science 
and miscellaneous literature relating to the County 

Palatine, etc. London, 1875. 4°. BB. kK. 
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Woodward (S.)—The Norfolk Topographer’s Manual: being 
a Catalogue of the books and engravings hitherto published 
in relation to the county. Revised and augmented by 
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Butler (G. S.)—Topographica Sussexiana : an attempt towards 
forming a list of the various publications relating to the 
County of Sussex. [Lewes, 1866.| 8°. BB. kK. 

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Works and Civil War Tracts relating to the County of 
York. In the Library of E. Hailstone, Esq. Privately 
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Le Long (J.)—Bibliothéque Historique de la France, contenant 
le catalogue des ouvrages, imprimés et manuscrits, qui 
traitent de Histoire de ce royaume ou qui y ont rapport. 
Nouvelle édition .. . augmentée par M. Fevret de Fontette. 
5 tom. Paris, 1768-78. fol. BB. kK. 

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logue de l’Histoire de France. Tom. 1-11. Paris, 1855-79. 
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Ruelle (C. E.)—Bibliographie générale des Gaules. Répertoire 
systématique et alphabétique des ouvrages, mémoires et 
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Wives 1) eledniss38O!. oc: In progress. BB. M. 

Franklin (A.)—Les Sources de l’ Histoire de France. Notices 
bibhographiques et analytiques des Inventaires et des 
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Description historique et bibliographique de la collection de 
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Deschiens ( )\—Collection de matériaux pour lhistoire de 
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Germond de Lavigne (A.)—Les Pamphlets de la Fin de 
Empire ; des Cent Jours et de la Restauration. Catalogue 
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Maillard (F.)—Les Publications de la Rue pendant le Siége et 
la Commune... Bibliographie pittoresque et anecdotique. 
JRO well, (8) BB. M. 

Girault de Saint-Fargeau (A.)—Bibliographic historique et 
topographique de la France, ou Catalogue de tous les 
ouvrages imprimés en francais depuis le xv° siécle jus- 
qu’au mois d’avril 1845, classés—1°. Par ordre alphabétique 
des anciennes Provinces. 2°. Par Départements formés des 
dites Provinces. 3°. Par ordre alphabétique des Villes, etc. 
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des ouvrages et mémoires relatifs 4 l’histoire de Bourbonne 
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critiques et littéraires. 3°. Des recherches sur l’histoire de 
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Moser (J. J.)—Wirtembergische Bibliothek oder Nachricht von 
allen bekannten gedruckt- und ungedruckten Schriften, 
welche das Herzogliche Haus oder Herzogthum Wirtemberg, 
oder einige Theile oder Personen, derselbe betreffen. Vierte 
Auflage. Stuttgart, 1796. 8°. BB. M. 

Weinart (B. G.)—Versuch einer Litteratur der Sichsischen 
Geschichte und Staatskunde. Neue Auflage. 2 Theil. Leipzig, 
HGO5. 33°: BB. M. 

Walther (P. A. F.)—Literarisches Handbuch fiir Geschichte und 
Landeskunde von Hessen im allgemeinen und dem Gross- 
herzogthum Hessen insbesondere. (1%*—2** Supplement.) 

Darmstadt, 1841-55. 8°. BB. M. 
Nassau. Versuch einer Nassauischen Geschichts-Bibliothek. 
Hadamar und Herborn, 1799. 8°. BB. M. 

Baring (D. E.)—Succincta Notitia Scriptorum Rerum Bruns- 
vicensium et Luneburgensium. Hanoverx, 1729. 8°. 

BB. M. 
Kletke (C.)—Quellenkunde der Geschichte des Preussischen 
Staats. 2 Bd. Berlin, 1858-61. 8°. BB. M. 

Literatur iiber das Finanzwesen des Deutschen Reichs 
und der Deutschen Bundesstaaten. II. Abtheilung. 
Literatur iiber das Finanzwesen des Preussischen Staats. 
Dritte ...vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1876. 8°. BB. M. 

Baldamus (E.)— Schleswig-Holstein-Literatur. Verzeichniss 
der in den Jahren 1863 und 1864 mit Bezug auf die Her- 
zogthiimer und den deutsch-dinischen Krieg erschienenen 
Bucher, etc, Prag, 1865. 8°. BB. M. 


Wind (S. de)—Bibliotheek der Nederlandsche Geschiedschrij- 
vers. Vol.1. Middelburg, 1835. 8°. BB. M. 
Nijhoff (M.)—Bibhotheca Historico-Neerlandica. Catalogue 
de livres et manuscrits concernant |’ Histoire et 'Topographie 
des Pays-Bas, en ordre systématique. La Haye, 1871. 8°. 
BB. M. 
Repertorium der Verhandelingen en Bijdragen, betreffende de 
Geschiedenis des Vaterlands, in Mengelwerken en Tijd- 
schriften tot op 1860 verschenen. Door R. Fruin, J. T. 
Bodel Nijenhuis, L. J. F. Janssen. Leiden, 1863. 8°. 
BB. M. 


Tiele (P. A.)—Bibliotheek van Nederlandsche Pamfletten... 
Naar tijdsorde gerangschikt en beschreven. Eerste Deel, 
1500-1648. ‘T'weede Deel, 1649-1672. Amsterdam, 1858-60. 
AR. BB. M. 

Nijenhuis (J. T. Bodel)—Topographische Lijst der Plaats- 
beschrijvingen van het koningrijk der Nederlanden. 
Amsterdam, 1862. 8°. BBM. 

Hooykaas (J. C.)—Repertorium op de Koloniale Litteratuur, of 
systematische Inhoudsopgaaf van hetgeen voorkomt over de 
Kolonién, beoosten de Kaap, in Mengelwerken en Tijdschrif- 
ten van 1595 tot 1865 uitgegeven in Nederland en zijne 
Overzeesche Bezittingen. Amsterdam, 1874. 8°. BB. 0. 

In progress. 

Linde (A. van der)—Bibliographie van Haarlem. Haarlem, 
LSOT Ou. BB. K. 

Theux (X. de)—Bibliographie Liégeoise contenant: 1°. Les 
livres imprimés 4 Liége depuis le xvi® siécle jusqu’a nos 
jours. 2°. Les ouvrages publiés en Belgique et a ’étranger 
concernant Vhistoire de lancienne principauté de Liége et 
de la province actuelle du méme nom. 2 pt. Bruzelles, 
Cys os BB. E. 

Rousselle (H.)—Bibliographie Montoise. Annales de l’im- 
primerie &@ Mons depuis 1580 jusqu’a nos jours. Mons, 

1858. 8° BB. kK. 

Delecourt (J.)—Bibliographie de l’Histoire du Hainaut. Mons, 

1864.) 8°. BB. kK. 

Reumont (A.)—Bibliografia dei lavori pubblicati in Germania 
sulla storia d’ Italia. Berlino, 1863. 8°. BB. M. 
Lichtenthal (P.) — Manuale bibliografico del viaggiatore in 
Italia concernente Localita, Storia, Arti, Scienze, Antiquaria 
e Commercio, preceduto da un elenco delle Opere Periodiche 
letterarie che attualmente si pubblicano in Italia. Milano, 

USAA G22. BB. I. 
Bibliografia storica delle citta, e luoghi dello Stato Pontificio. 
(Supplemento.) Roma, 1792-93. 4°. BB. k. 
Antonelli (G.)—Saggio di una Bibliografia storica Ferrarese. 
Ferrara, 1851. 8°. BB. kK. 

Capponi (V.)—Bibliografia Pistoiese. Pistoia, 1874. 8°. 
BB. k. 


Mondello (P. F.)—Bibliografia Trapanese, divisa in due parti 
ed illustrata con cenni biografico-critici. Palermo, 1876. 8°. 

BB. kK. 
Cicogna (HE. A.)—Saggio di Bibliografia Veneziana. Venezia, 
NOAG Oo BB. kK. 

Moreni (D.)—Bibliografia Storico-ragionata della Toscana, o 
sia Catalogo degli Scrittori che hanno illustrata la storia 
delle citté, luoghi e persone della medesima. 2 tom. 
Firenze, 1805. 4°. BB. kK. 

Predari (F'.)—Bibliografia enciclopedica Milanese, ossia reper- 
torio sistematico ed alfabetico delle opere edite et inedite 
che illustrano ... Milano esuo territorio. Milano, 1857. 8°. 

BB. kK. 


Figaniere (J. C. de)—Bibliographia Historica Portugueza, ou 
Catalogo methodico dos auctores Portuguezes e de alguns 
estrangeiros domiciliarios em Portugal que tractaram da 
historia civil, politica e ecclesiastica d’estes reinos e seus 
dominios. Lisboa, 1850. 8°. BB. M. 

Pinto de Sousa (J. C.)—Bibliotheca Historica de Portugal e 
seus dominios ultramarinos. Lisboa, 1801. 8°. BB. M. 

Bernardes Branco (M.)—Portugal e os Estrangeiros. 2 tom. 
Lisboa, 1879. 8°. BB. I. 


Stuckenberg (J. C.)—Versuch eines Quellen-Anzeigers alter 
und neuer Zeit fiir das Studium der Geographie, Topo- 
graphie, Ethnographie und Statistik des Russischen Reiches. 
4 pt. St. Petersburg, 1849-52. 8°. BB. I. 

Bibliotheque Impériale Publique de St.-Pétersbourg— 
Catalogue de la Section des Russica ou Ecrits sur la Russie 
en langues étrangéres. 2 tom. Sé.-Pétersbourg, 1873. 8°. 

BB. I. 

Minzloff (R.)—Catalogue raisonné des Russica...1. Pierre 
le Grand dans la littérature étrangére. St.-Pétersbourg, 
MSH) Bide BB. M. 

Winkelmann (E.) — Bibliotheca Livonie Historica. Syste- 
matisches Verzeichniss der Quellen und Hilfsmittel zur 
Geschichte Estlands, Livlands und Kurlands. Zweite... 
vermehrte Ausgabe. Berlin, 1878. 8°. BB. M. 




Warmholtz (C. G.)—Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica ; eller 
Fértekning uppa sa val trykte, som handskrifne Bocker, 
Tractater, och Skrifter hvilka handla om Svenska. Historien. 
15 Del. Stockholm, Upsala, 1782-1817. 8°. 2084. a. 

Baden (G. L.)—Dansk-Norsk Historisk Bibliothek, indehol- 
dende efterretning om de Skrifter som bidrage til dansk- 
norsk Historiekundskab. Odense, 1815. 12°. BB. M. 

See also the Bibliography on pp. xiii. to cxiv. of Allen’s “ Histoire de Dane- 
mark” (2084. f.). 


Mufioz y Romero (T.)—Diccionario bibliografico-histérico de 
los antiguos reinos, provincias, ciudades, villas, iglesias y 
santuarios de Espana. Madrid, 1858. 8°. BB. M. 

Haller (G. E. von )—Bibliothek der Schweizer-Geschichte und 

aller Theile so dahin Bezug haben. Systematisch chronolo- 

gisch geordnet. Bern, 1785-87. 8°. BB. M. 
Sinner (G. R. L. von)—Bibliographie der Schweizerge- 
schichte oder systematisches ... Verzeichniss der seit 1786 

bis 1851 iiber die Geschichte der Schweiz, von ihren An- 
fingen an bis 1798 erschienenen Biicher. Bern, Ziirich, 1851. 
8°. BB. M. 
Muelinen (E. F. von)—Prodromus einer Schweizerischen His- 
toriographie in alphabetische Reihenfolge die Histo:iker 
aller Cantone und aller Jahrhunderte umfassend. Bern, 

LOW A oe: BB. M. 


Ternaux Compans (H.)—Bibliothéque Asiatique et Africaine, 
ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a Asie et 4 l'Afrique 
qui ont paru depuis la découverte de l’imprimerie jusqu’en 
T7OO: 20): Oris LOA so. BB. I. 

Elliot (H. M.)—Bibliographical Index to the Historians of 
Muhammedan India. Vol. 1. Calcutta, 1849. 8°. BB. M. 


Mollendorff (P. G.) and (O. F.)—Manual of Chinese Biblio- 
graphy, being a list of works and essays relating to China. 
Shanghai, 1876. 8°. BB. I. 

Cordier (H.)—Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique 
des ouvrages relatifs 4 Empire Chinois. Tom.1. Fasc. 1-3. 
Paris, 1878-79. 8°. In progress. BB. I. 

Pagés (L.) — Bibliographie Japonaise, ou Catalogue des 
ouvrages relatifs au Japon qui ont été publiés depuis le 
Xv° siécle jusqu’a nos jours. Paris, 1859. 4°. BB. 1 

Barbié du Bocage (V. A.)—Bibliographie Annamite. Livres, 
recueils périodiques, manuscrits, plans. Paris, 1867. 8°. 

BB. I. 

Schwab (M.)—Bibliographie de la Perse. Paris, 1875. 8°. 

BB. I. 

Mezhov (V. I.)—Recueil du Turkestan, comprenant des livres 
et des articles sur Asie centrale en général et le Province 

du Turkestan en particulier. L’Indicateur systématique 

et alphabétique. St.-Pétersbourg, 1878. 8°. BB. I. 

Miansarof (M.)— Bibliographia Caucasica et Transcauca- 
sica. Essai d’une bibliographie systématique relative au 
Caucase, 4 la Transcaucasie et aux populations de ces 
contrées. Tom.1. St.-Pétersbourg, 1874-76. 8°. BB. I. 


Gay (J.)—Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs 4 Afrique et a 
VPArabie. Catalogue méthodique de tous les ouvrages 
francais et des principaux en langues étrangéres traitant de 
la Géographie, de Histoire, du Commerce, des Lettres et 
des Arts de Afrique et de PArabie. San Remo, Paris, 
nO7 5. 8 BB. I. 

Jolowicez (H.)— Bibliotheca Aigyptiaca. Repertorium iiber 
die bis zum Jahre 1857 in Bezug auf Agypten, seine Geo- 
graphie, Landeskunde, Naturgeschichte, Denkmiiler, etc., 
erschienenen Schriften, academischen Abhandlungen und 
Aufsitze in wissenschafthichen und anderen Zeitschriften. 
Leipzig, 1858. 8°. BB. I. 

Marsy (A. de)—Hssai de Bibliographie Tunisienne, ou Indi- 
cation des principaux ouvrages publiés en France sur la 
Régence de Tunis. Paris, 1869. 8°. “BBL 

F 2 


Winsor (J.)—The Reader’s Handbook of the American Revolu- 
tion. 1761-1783. Boston, 1880. 8°. _ 2085. e. 

Bartlett (J. R.)—The Literature of the Rebellion. A catalogue 
of books and pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the 
United Staces ... Together with works on American 

Slavery, eéc. Boston, 1866. 8°. BB. M. 
Ludewig (H. G.)—The Literature of American Local History ; 
a bibliographical essay. New York, 1846. 8°. BB. kK. 

Perkins (F. B.)—Check List of American Local History. Re- 
printed, with additions, from the Bulletins of the Boston 

Public Library. Boston, 1876. 8°. BB. kK. 
Bartlett (J. R.)—Bibliography of Rhode Island. Providence, 
TiS OAame Glee BB. k. 
Colburn (J.)—Bibliography of the Local History of Massa- 
chusetts. Boston, 1871. 8°. BB. kK. 

Thomson (P. G.) — A Bibliography of the State of Ohio. 
Cincinnati, 1880. 8°. 

Ternaux-Compans (H.)—Bibliothéque Américaine ; ou, Cata- 
logue des ouvrages relatifs 4 ? Amérique qui ont paru depuis 
sa découverte jusqu’éa l’an 1700. Paris, 1837. 8° BB.L 

Rich (O.)—Bibliotheca Americana Nova; or, a Catalogue of 
Books in various languages, relating to America, printed 
since the year 1700. 2 Pts. (Supplement.) London, 1835-46. 
Se. 2050. d. 

Sabin (J.)—A Dictionary of Books relating to America from 
its discovery to the present time. Vol. 1-12. New York, 
1868-80. 8°. In progress. BB. I. 

Harrisse (H.)—Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A De- 

| scription of Works relating to America, published between 
1492 and 1551. New York, 1866. 4°. 

— Additions. Paris, 1872. 4°. 2049. a. 

Stevens (H.)—Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana, or a 
Descriptive Account of my collection of Rare Books relating 
to America. 2 vol. London, 1862. 12°. 2050. a. 

Troemel (P.)—Bibliothéque Américaine. Catalogue raisonné 
dune collection de livres précieux sur TAmérique. Leipzig, 
Oita les BB. I. 

Leclere (C.)—Bibliotheca Americana. Histoire, Géographie, 


Voyages, Archéologie et Linguistique des deux Amériques 
et des Iles Philippines. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2050. b. 
Vicuiia Mackenna (B.)—Bibliografia Americana. Estudios i 
Catalogo completo 1 razonado de la Biblioteca Americana 
coleccionada por el Sr. G. Beéche. Valparaiso, 1879. 8°. 
2048. a. 
Field (T. W.)—An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography : 
being a Catalogue of Books relating to the history, anti- 
quities, languages, customs, religion, wars, literature, and 
origin of the American Indians... with bibliographical 
and historical notes. New York, 1873. 8°. BB. I. 
O’Callaghan (E. B.)—Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other 
Occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States 
of the Union. 1632-1672. New York, 1847. 8° BB. 1. 
Fairibault (G. B.)—Catalogue d’ouvrages sur histoire de 
PAmérique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la 
Louisiane, de |’Acadie, et autres lieux, ci-devant connus 
sous le nom de Nouvelle-France; avec des notes biblio- 
graphiques, etc. Quebec, 1837. 8°. BB. M. 
Harrisse (H.)—Notes pour servir 4 l’Histoire, 4 la Biblio- 
graphie et a la Cartographie de la Nouvelle-France et des 
pays adjacents, 1545-1700. Paris, 1872. 8°. BB. I. 
Brasseur de Bourbourg (E. C.) — Bibliothéque Mexico- 
Guatémalienne. Précédée d’ un coup d’eil sur les études 
américaines dans leurs rapports avec les études classiques, 
Cite =F ans, 1871. 8°. BB. I. 
Catalogue de la Bibliothéque de J. M. Andrade . . . 7000 piéces 
et volumes ayant rapport au Mexique ou imprimés dans ce 
~ Pays. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. BB. I. 
Bibliotheca Mejicana. A Catalogue of a Collection of Books 
and Manuscripts relating to the History and Literature of 
North and South America, particularly Mexico. Collected 
during 20 years’ official residence in Mexico [by Father 
Fischer]. London, 1869. 8°. BB. 1. 
Bibliotheca Mexicana. A Catalogue of the Library of rare 
Books and Manuscripts relating ‘to Mexico, and other parts 
of Spanish America, formed by the late J. F. Ramirez. 
London, 1880. 8°. BB. I. 
Catalogue of the Library of E. G. Squier. (Principally 
relating to Central America and Peru, American Antiqui- 
ties, etc.) New York, 1876. 8°. BB. I. 



Walker (R. C.)—Works on New South Wales. Compiled at 
the Free Public Library, Sydney. Sydney, 1878. 8°. 

BB. 1. 

Barton (G. B.)—Literature in New South Wales. Sydney, 
1866. 8°. 2048. b. 
Hunnewell (J. F.)—Bibliography of the Hawaiian Islands. 
Boston, 1869. 4°. BB. I. 

Martin (W.)—Catalogue d’ouvrages relatifs aux Iles Hawaii. 
Hssai de bibliographie Hawaiienne. Paris, 1867. 8°. 
BB. I. 


Oettinger (EK. M.)—Bibliographie biographique universelle, 
Dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs & Vhistoire de la vie pu- 
blique et privée de personnages célébres de tous les temps, 
etc. 2tom. Bruwelles, 1854. 4°. BB. M. 

Vogel (E. G.)—Bibliotheca Biographica Lutherana. Ueber- 
sicht der gedruckten, M. Luther betreffenden, biographi- 
schen Schriften. Halle, 1851. 8°. BB. M. 


Bernd (C. S. T.)—Allgemeine Schriftenkunde der gvesammten 
Wappenwissenschaft mit beurtheilenden, und andern zur 
Biicher und Gelehrtengeschichte gehérenden Bemerkungen, 

etc. 4 Th. Bonn, 1830-41. 8°. BB. T. 
Guigard (J.)—Bibliothéque héraldique de la France. Paris, 
NOCHE sous BB. T. 

Moule (T.)—Bibliotheca Heraldica Magne Britanniz: an Analy- 
tical Catalogue of books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Nobility, 
Knighthood and Ceremonies. With a list of Provincial 
Visitations, Pedigrees, Collections of Arms, and other 
Manuscripts, and a Supplement enumerating the principal 
Foreign Genealogical Works. London, 1822. 4°. BB. T. 

Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry bequeathed 
to the Society of Antiquaries of London by the late F. W. 
Fairholt.. London, 1869. 8°. BB. M. 


Hellbach (J. C. von)—Adels-Lexikon oder Handbuch iiber 
die histurischen genealogischen und diplomatischen, zum 
Theil auch heraldischen Nachrichten vom hohen und 
niedern Adel, besonders in den deutschen Bundesstaaten. 
(Alphabetischer Verzeichniss iiber die historischen, genealo- 
gischen und heraldischen Schriften, welche den Adel... 
betreffen.) 2 Bd. Ilmenau, 1825-26. 8°. BB. T. 

Huebner (J.)—Bibliotheca Genealogica, das ist : Hin Verzeich- 
niss aller alten und neuen genealogischen Biicher von allen 
Nationen in der Welt, ete. Hamburg,1729. 8°. BB. T. 

Huyttens (J.)—L’Art de vérifier les Généalogies des Familles 
belges et hollandaises. Bruwelles, 1865. 8°. BB. T. 

Bridger (Charles)—An Index to Printed Pedigrees, contained 
in County and Local Histories, the Heralds’ Visitations, and 
in the more important Genealogical Collections. London, 
1867. 8°. BB. 7. 

Coleman (J.)—Coleman’s General Index to Printed Pedigrees ; 
which are to be found in all the principal County and Local 
Histories, and in. many privately printed Genealogies. 
London, 1866. 4°. | BB. T. 

Marshall (G. W.)—An Index to the Pedigrees contained in the 
printed Heralds’ Visitations, etc. London, 1866. 8°. BB. T. 

Sims (R.)—Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Anti- 
quary, and Legal Professor, consisting of descriptions of 
Public Records, Parochial and other Registers; Wills; 
County and Family Histories; Heraldic Collections in Public 

Libraries, etc. London, 1856. 8°. BB. T, 
The Genealogist. Edited by G. W. Marshall. Vol. 1-3. 
London, 1877-79. 8°. BB. T. 

‘Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by J. J. 
Howard. 2 vol. 

— New Series. Vol. 1-3. London, 1868-79. 8°. BB. T. 

Whitmore (W. H.)—The American Genealogist. Being a 
Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications, containing 
genealogical information issued in the United States, 
arranged chronologically. Albany, 1868. 8°. BB. T. 

Durrie (D. 8.)—Bibliographia Genealogica Americana: an 
alphabetical Index to the American Genealogies and Pedi- 
erees contained in State, County and Town Histories, Printed 
Genealogies, and kindred works. Second edition, enlarged. 
Albany, IN. Ye, 1878: 18°. BB. T. 



Montelius (O.)—Bibliographie de l’Archéologie Préhistorique 
de la Suéde pendant le x1x° Siécle. Stockholm, 1875. 8°. 
BB. M. 

A Catalogue of the books relating to Classical Archeology and 

) Ancient History in the Library of Worcester College, Oxford. 

Oxford, 1878. 8°. BB. M. 
Jahn (O.)—Otto Jahn’s Bibliothek. Archiologie. [Catalogue.] 
Bonn, 1870. 8°. BB. M. 

Mueller (C. O.)—Ancient Art and its Remains; or,a Manual of 
the Archeology of Art. New edition, with additions by 
F. G. Welcker. Translated from the German by J. Leitch. 

London, 1850. 8°. BB. M. 
Stark (C. B.)—Handbuch der Archiaologie der Kunst. Lezpzig, 
1878. 8°. BB. mu. 

Furchheim (F.)—Bibliotheca Pompejana. Catalogo ragionato 
di opere sopra Ercolano e Pompei... dalla scoperta delle 
due citta fino al tempi pit recenti...con un appendice, 
opere sul Vesuvio. Napoli, 1879. 8°. BB. M. 

Archzeologia.—An Index to the first fifteen volumes of Arch- 
eologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity ; 
printed by order of the Society of Antiquaries of London. 
[By N. Carlisle.] London, 1809. 4°. 2096. g. 

An Index to Archeologia, from volume 16 to volume 30 
inclusive. [By N. Carlisle.] London, 1844. 4°. 2096. g. 

British Archeological Association.—Journal of the British 
Archeological Association. General Index to Volumes 
1 to 30. By W. De Gray Birch. London, 1875. 8°. 2096. c. 

Archeological Journal. Published under the direction of 
the Council of the Royal Archeological Institute of Great 
Britain and Ireland. Index to Volumes 1 to 25. London, 
POT Orn © Oe BB. 0. 

Sussex Archeological Society.—Sussex Archeological Col- 
lections relating to the History and Antiquities of the 
County. General Index to Vols.1 to 25. By H. Campkin. 
Sussex, 1874. 8°. BB. 06. 

Lipsius (J. G.)—Bibliotheca numaria, sive Catalogus auctorum 
qui usque ad finem seculi xvi. de re monetaria aut numis 
scripserunt. 2tom. Lipsie, 1801. 8°. BB. G. 


Leitzmann (J. J.)—Bibliotheca numaria. Verzeichnis 
simmtlicher in dem Zeitraume 1800 bis 1866 erschienenen 
Schriften tiber Minzkunde. ... Zweite... vermehrte Aus- 
gabe. Weissensee, 1867. 8°. BB. G. 

Werlhof (A. C. BE. von)—Handbuch der griechischen Numis- 
matik mit besonderer Riicksicht auf deren Literatur. 
Hannover, 1850. 8°. BB. G. 


Poole (W. F.)—An Index to Periodical Literature. New York, 
Leh (BC. BB. 0. 
Reuss (J. D.)—Repertorium commentationum a Societatibus 
litterariis editarum. Secundum disciplinarum ordinem 
digessit J. D. Reuss. 16 tom.  Gottinge, 1801-21. 4°. 
BB. 0. 
Repertorium der Technischen Literatur die Jahre 1823 
bis Einschl. 1853 umfassend. Bearbeitet von Dr. Schubarth. 
Berlin, 1856. 8°. . BB. 0. 
Repertorium der Technischen Literatur. Neue Folge 
Die Jahre 1854 bis 1868 (die Jahre 1869-73) umfassend. 
Herausgegeben von B. Kerl. 2 vol. Lewpzig, 1871-78. 8°. 
BB. 0. 
Repertorium der Technischen, Mathematischen und 
naturwissenschaftlichen Journal-Literatur. Herausgegeben 
von F. Schotte. Jahrg. 1-3. 1869-71. Leipzig, 1869-71. 
he BB. 0. 
Reference Index of subjects named in Schubarth’s Reper- 
torium ... with corresponding references to Woodcroft’s 
Subject-Matter Indexes of Patents of Invention. London, 
TOES. | oe BB. 0. 
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. General Index to vols. 
1 to 50. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. BB. 0. 
British Critic—General Index to the first twenty volumes of 
the British Critic. London, 1804. 8°. BB. 0. 
Calcutta Review—Index to the first Fifty Volumes of the Cal- 
cutta Review, in two parts. Calcutta, 1873. 8°. 2098. b. 
Edinburgh Review. General Index from its commencement 
in October 1802 to the end of the twentieth volume pub- 
lished in November 1812. Hdinburgh, 1813. 8°. 


Edinburgh Review—From the 21st to the 5oth volumes in- 
clusive (April 1813-Jan. 1830). Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. 
From the 51st to the 80th volumes (April 1830—Oct. 

1844). London, 1850. 8°. 

From the 81st tothe 11oth volumes (Jan. 1845—Oct. 1859). 

London, 1862. 8°. 

From vol. 111 to vol. 140 (Jan. 1860 to Oct. 1874). 
London, 1876. 8°. BB. 0. 

Gentleman’s Magazine—General Index to the first fifty-six 
volumes, from 1731 to the end of 1786. By 8S. Ayscough. 
Vol. 1, 2. London, 1789. 8°. 

General Index from 1787 to 1818 inclusive. With 
introduction by J. Nichols. Vol. 3-5. London, 1821. 8°. 

2091. b. 

London Magazine—General Index to twenty-seven volumes 
of the London Magazine, viz. from 1732 to 1758. London, 
Sn (95 BB. 0. 

Monthly Review—General Index from its commencement to 
the end of the twentieth volume (1749-1784). By the 
Rev. 8. Ayscough. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8°. BB. 0. 

Continuation of the General Index, commencing at the 

jist and ending with the 81st volume, by the Rev. S. 

Ayscough. London, 1796. 8°. 

General Index to the Monthly Review from the commence- 
ment of the New Series in Jan. 1790 to the end of the 81st 
volume in December 1816. 2 vol. London, 1818. 8°. BB. 0. 

Notes and Queries—Notes and Queries. General Index to 
Series the First. Vols.1 to 12. [By J. ee. London, 
1856. (AM: 

General Index to Series the Second. Vols 1 to12. [By 

J. Yeowell.| London, 1862. 4°. 

General Index to Series the Third. (1862-1867.) Vols. 

1to12. [By J. Yeowell.|] London, 1868. 4°. 

General Index to Series the Fourth. (1868-1873. ) 

Vols. 1 to 12. London, 1874. 4°. ; 

General Index to Series the Fifth. (1874-1879.) Vols. 
1 to 12. London, 1880. 8°. BB. 0. 

Quarterly Review—General Index to the first nineteen 
volumes. London, 1820. 8°. 

To vol. 21 to 39. London, 1831. 8°. 

To vol. 41 to 59. London, 1839. 8°. 


Quarterly Review—To vol. 61 to 79. London, 1850. 8°. 

To vol. 81 to 99. London, 1858. 8°. 

——— To vol. 101 to 120. London, 1867. 8°. BB. 0. 

To vol. 122 to 139. London, 1876. 8°. 

Royal Agricultural Society of England—General Index 
to the first series of the Journal. Volumes 1-25. 

General Index to the second series. Vol. 1-10. 

London, 1875. 8°. BB. 0. 
Atlantic Monthly—lIndex to the Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 
IL—-XXXvi. 1857-1876. Boston, 1877. 8°. BB. 0. 

Harper’s New Monthly Magazine—An Index to Volumes 
1 to 50. From June 1850 to May 1875. New York, 
US 75 6. BB. 0. 
North American Review—lIndex to the North American 
Review. Vol. 1—cxxvy. 1815-1877. By W. Cushing. 
Cambridge, 1878. 8°. BB. 0. 
Journal des Savants—Table méthodique et analytique des 
articles du Journal des Savants. 1816-1858. Précédée 
d’une Notice historique sur ce Journal. Par H. Cocheris. 
Paris, 1860. 8°. 2096. g. 
Mercure de France—Indicateur du Mercure de France 1672- 
1789, contenant par ordre alphabétique, les noms des 
personnages sur lesquels on trouve dans cette collection des 
Notices biographiques et généalogiques, avec renvol aux 
années, tomes et pages; par Joseph Guigard. Paris, 1869. 
Se: BB. 0. 
Mémoires de Trévoux—T able méthodique des Mémoires de 
Trévoux. 1701-1775. Par P. C.Sommervogel. 2 pts. 

Paris, 1864-65. 8°. BB. 0. 
Revue des Deux Mondes. Table Générale, 1831-74. Paris, 
GIS 5 BB. 0. 
Times—Index to the Times Newspaper. 1863-80. London, 
1867-80. 8°. BB. 0. 

Bodleian Library—Catalogue of Periodicals contained in the 
Bodleian Library. 3 pt. Oxford, 1878-80. 8°. BB. o. 
——— Catalogue [by J. H. Burn] of a collection of Early 
Newspapers and Hssayists, formed by the late J. T. Hope, 
and presented to the Bodleian Library by the late Rev. 
F. W. Hope. Oxford, 1865. 8°. BB. 0. 



Index Society—Publications. Vol. 1-5. London, 1879, etc. 4°. 
1. What is an Index? A few notes on Indexes, by 
H. B. Wheatley. ‘ 

u. An Index of Royalists whose estates were confiscated 
during the Commonwealth, compiled by M. G. W. 

mi. Index of Municipal Offices, by G. L. Gomme. 

Iv. Report of the First Annual Meeting. ‘To which are 
added : 

I, Index to Books and Papers on marriage 
between Near Kin. By A. H. Huth. 

ul. Index of the Styles and Titles of English 
Sovereigns. By W. de G. Birch. 

ui. Indexes of Portraits in the “ Huropean 
Magazine,’ “ London Magazine,’ and 
“ Register of the Times.” By E. Solly. 

Iv. Index of Obituary Notices for 1878. 

vy. An Index of Hereditary English, Scottish, and Irish 
Titles of Honour. Compiled by E. Solly. 

BBE. T. 



AAGESEN, Retsliteratur i Danmark, 44. 
Abbot, Literature on a future life, 34. 
Abkoude, Naamlijst van boeken, 21. 
Académie Francaise, 19. 
Académie Imp. de Saint-Pétersbourg, 25. 
Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin), 
Bibliographie Académique Belge, 22. 
Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, 
Achiardi, Bib. Mineral, Toscana, 47. 

Ackermann, Offent. Gesundheitspflege, 51. 
Acland, Student’s Library, 44. 
Adamson, Biblioth. Lusitana, 24. 
Admiralty Library Catalogue, 53. 

Exploration of, 71. 

Languages of, 61. 

Works on, 82, 83. 
Agassiz, Bibliographia Zoologiz, 45. 
Agriculture, 53, 55. 
Aisne, Dept. of the, 76. 
Alchymy, 36. 
Aldershot, Military Library, Cat., 53. 
Aldus, Imprimerie des Alde, 13. 
Alés, Bibliothéque Liturgique, 33. 
Algebra, 52. 
Allgemeine Bibliographie, 12. 
Allibone, Dict. of English Liter., 17. 
Alliey, Bib. sur le Jeu de Dames, 56. 
Almirante, Bib. Militar de Espafia, 53. 
Althorp, Cat. of Lib. at, 13. 
Amat di San Filippo, Viaggiatori Ital., 71. 
Ambrogio di Altamura, Bib. Dominicana, 35. 

Authors, 17. 

Books, 28, 29. 

Botany, 146. 

History, 84. 

Indians, 85. 

Languages, 62. 

Literature, 17, 28. 

Laws, 40, 42. 

Works relating to, 84. 
Ames, Typographical Antiquities, 17. 

Ana, 69. 

Anam, Empire of, 83. 

Andrade, Cat. de la Bibliothéque, 85. 
Angels, 38. 

Angling, 56. 

Année Géographique, 69. 

Antonelli, Bib. Storica Ferrarese, 80. 
Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana, 26. 
Appleton’s Library Manual, 15. 
Arabia, Works on, 83. 

Arboriculture, 55. 

Archeologia, Index, 88. 

Archeological Journal, Index, 88. 
Archeology, 88. 

Architecture, 45, 53, 54, 58. 

Aretin, Lit. fiir baierische Gesch., 78. 
Arithmetic, 17, 51, 52. 

Armenia, 71. 

Arnold, Shakespeare-Bibliography, 65. 

Art, Universal Cat. of books on, 57. 
Arts, Industrial, 53-56. 

Asher, A., Essay on Voyages of Hulsius, 71. 
Asher, G. M., Essay on New Netherlands, 71. 
Asia, Works on, 82, 83. 

Asselineau, Bib. Romantique, 66. 
Astor Library, Catalogue, 13. 
Astrology, 17, 52. 

Astronomy, 17, 44, 45, 52. 

Atlantic Monthly, Index, 91. 

Auction Sales of Art Objects, 57. 
Australia, Languages, 61. 

Austria, History and Topography, 78. 
Auvergne, 77. 

Axon, Works on Lancashire Dialect, 61. 
Ayala, Bib. Militare-Italiana, 53. 

BACCHI DELLA LEGA, Bib. dei dialetti Ital., 

Bachiller y Morales, Apuntes, &c., 29. 

Backer, Kerivains de la Comp. de Jésus, 35. 

Baden, G. L., Dansk-Norsk Historisk Bib., 82, 

Baden, Grand Duchy of, 78. 

Baker, Biographia Dramatica, 64. 

Baldamus, Katholische Theologie, 34. 

, Kriegswissenschaft, 53. 

94 INDEX. 

Baldamus, Lit. der Baukunde, &c., 54. 
, Lit. der Forst-, u. Landwirths., 56, 
——, Repertorium, 20. 
, Schleswig- Holstein- Lit., 79. 
Barbié du Bocage, Bib. Annamite, 83. 
Barbosa, Bib. Lusitania, 24. 
Baring, Scriptores rerum Brunsvic, 79. 
Barrera, Teatro antiguo Espafiol, 68. 
Barthelmess, Bib. der Freimaurerei, 37. 
Bartlett, Lit. of the Rebellion, 84. 
——, Bibl. of Rhode Island, 84. 
Barton, Lit. in New South Wales, 86. 
Bartsch, Bib. der Deutschen Philologie, 61. 
Basque Language, 61. 
Bavaria, History, 78. 
Beauvois, Mouvement lit. en Finlande, 19. 
Becker, Darstellung der Musikal. Lit., 58. 
, Verzeich. von Musikal. Schriften, 59. 
, Tonwerke, 59. 
Beckmann, Lit. der Reisebeschreib., 70. 
Beekeeping, 56. 
Beelitz, Architectur-Katalog, 54. 

Academies, 22. 

Bibliography, 22. 

Genealogy, 87. 

Laws, 43. 

Lit. History, 22. 

Periodicals, 22. 
Belles Lettres, 59-69. 
Bemmelen, Repert. Lit. Botan., 46. 
Benedictines, 35. 
Benjacob, Ozar Ha-Sepharim, 28. 
Berg, Lit. der Mineralogie Russland’s, 47. 
Bergman, Biblioth. Wallonne, 36. 

Berlin, K. Geolog. Bergakademie, Katalog, 47. 

, K. Statist. Bureau, Katalog, 40. 
Bernardes Branco, Portugal, &c., 81. 
Bernd, Wappenwissenschaft, 86. 
Bertocci, Repertorio bibliogr., 23, 73. 
Best Reading, 15. 

Bewick, Works illustrated by, 58. 
Bibles, 31. 

Bibliografia Italiana, 23. 
Bibliographie Agronomique, 50. 

de la France, 19. 

de la Suisse, 27. 

Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 64. 
Diabolica, 38. 

— Historica (Mueldener’s), 73. 
— Historico-Naturalis, 44. 
Medico-Chirurgica, 50. 
(Enologica, 47. 

Parva Theologica, 31. 

— Philologica (Mueldener’s), 60. 
— Philologica Classica (Calvary), 63. 
—— Theologica (Mueldener’s), 30. 
Bibliothéque Nationale— 

Cat. de l’Hist. de France, 76. 

—— de l’Hist. de laGrande-Bretagne, 74. 

— des Sciences Médicales, 49. 

Bibliothéque Nationale— 
Cat. des livres sur vélin, 14. 
—des ouvrages dans la Salle de 
Travail, 14. 
Bigmore and Wyman, Bib. of Printing, 55. 
Billings, Index Medicus, 50. 
Bingner, Literatur tiber Baden, 78. 
Biography, 73, 86. : 
Birch, Index of the Styles of Sovereigns, 92. 
Bird-catching, 56. 
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Index, 89. 
Blanqui, Hist. de l’Econ. Politique, 39. 
Bleek, Cat. of Lib. of Sir G. Grey, 61. 
Blind, The, 38. 
Boase and Courtney, Bib. Cornubiensis, 74. 
Bodleian Library— 
Catalogue, 13. 
of Douce Collection, 14. 
of Malone Collection, 64. 
of Newspapers, 91. 
of Periodicals, 91. 
Boeck, Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 24. 
Boeckh, Encyclopadie der philol. Wissens., 62. 
Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat., 45. 
Bohemia, Literature of, 25. 
Bohn, Guinea Catalogue, 15. 
Shakespeare Bibliography, 64. 
Boletin de la libreria, 26. 
Borel, P., 66. 
Bosgoed, Bibliotheca Ichthyolog., 46. 
Bossange, Bibliothéque Frangaise, 19. 
Boston Atheneum, Catalogue, 14. 
Boston Public Library— 
Cat. of books on history, 73. 
of Ticknor Library, 26. 
Class List of English Fiction, 64. 
Indexes, Upper Hall, 1861, 1866, 14. 
Botany, 46. 
Botten-Hansen, Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 23. 
——, La Norvége Littéraire, 24. 
Bouchard-Huzard, Constructions rurales, 55. 
Boucher de la Richarderie, Bib. des Voyages, 
Bougard, Bib. Borvoniensis, 77. 
Boulonnais, 77. 
Bourbonne, 77. 
Boyne, Yorkshire Library, 75. 
Braga, Bibliographia Camoniana, 24. 
Bragge, Bibliotheca Nicotiana, 47. 
Branca, Bibliografia Storica, 72. 
Brandenburg, Allgemeine Biicherkunde, 20. 
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Bib. Mexico-Guaté- 
malienne, 85. 
Bretschneider, Lit. der Dogmatik, 34. 
Bridger, Index to Printed Pedigrees, 87. 
Bridgman, Legal Bibliography, 41. 
Brinkman, Naamlijst van boeken, 21. 
Brisefio, R., Bibliografia Chilena, 29. 
British and Foreign Bible Soc., Cat., 32. 
British Archeological Association, Index, 88. 
British Association, Index, 45. 

INDEX. 99 

British Critic, General Index, 89. 
British Museum— 

American Books in, 28. 

Canadian Books in, 27. 

Chinese Books in, 27. 

Hebrew Books in, 28. 

Mexican Books in, 29. 

Sanscrit Books in, 27. 
Broadsides, in Soc. of Antiquaries’ Coll., 17. 
in Chetham Lib. Coll., 74. 
Bruhns, Cat. der Bib. der Astronom. Gesells., 

Brunswick, Historians, 79. 
Brunet, J. C., Manuel du Libraire, 13. 
Brunet, G., La France littéraire au xv® 
Siécle, 19. 

Bruun, Bibliotheca Danica, 16. 
Bicherschatz der Deutschen, 20. 
Buddhism, 37. 
Buenos Ayres, Bibliography, 29. 
Bulgaria, Literature of, 25. 
Bullen, Cat. of Bible Society, 32. 
Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, 14. 
Burgaud des Marets, Bib. Patoise, 61. 
Busse, Christl. Literatur, 34. 
Butler, Topographica Sussexiana, 75. 
Butterworth, Cat. of Law-Books, 41. 

CALCUTTA Review, Index, 89. 
Callisen, Med. Schriftsteller-Lex., 49. 
Cambrian Bibliography, 18. 
Campbell, Typographie Neerlandaise, 21. 
Camus, Bib. des livres de droit, 43. 
, Mem. sur la Coll. de Voyages, dele 
Canadian Books in Brit. Mus., 28. 

Literature, 28. 
History & Geogr., 85. 
Canon Law, 41. 
Capponi, Bib. Pistoiese, 80. 
Capuchins, 35. 
Carayon, Bib. hist. de la Comp. de Jésus, 35. 
Carmelites, 35. 
Carus and Engelmann, Bib. Hist. Nat., 45. 
Castellani, Cat. delle opere geograph., &c., 

Catholic Bibles, 32. 
Theology, 34. 
Cattle-breeding, 56. 
Caucasus, 83. 
Cavanna, Bibl. Ital. intorno all’ idrofauna, 46. 
Cave, Scriptorum Eccles, Historia, 33. 
Celtic Languages, 61. 
Ceremonies, 86. 
Cetacea, 46. 
Chavanne, Lit. on the Polar Regions, 71. 
Chemical Society, Index to Journal, 48. 
Chemistry, 44, 45, 48. 
Chess, 56. 
Chevalier, Sources histor. du Moyen-Age, 73. 
Chili, Bibliografia, 29. 

China, 71, 83. 

Chinese Books in Brit. Mus., 27. 

Choulant, Bib. Med.-Historica, 49. 

Chrestomathies of languages, 60. 

Church History, 37. 

Cicogna, Bib. Veneziana, 81. 

Cicognara, Cat. dei libri d’arte, 57. | 

Civil Engineers, 54. 

Civil Law, 41. 

Clarke, R., & Co., Cat. of Law Books, 42. 

, J., Bibliotheca Legum, 42. 

Sle gsicall Archeology, 60, 63, 88. 

Literature and Philology, 60, 62, 63. 

Clavell, Catalogue of Books, 17. 

Cochin China, 83, 

Cohen, H., Livres 4 Vignettes, 58. 

Cohn, A., Shakespeare-Biblicgraphie, 65. 

Colburn, Local Hist. of Mass., 84. 

Coleman, Index to Printed Pedigrees, 87. 

Collier, Bibliography of rarest books, 63. 

Colmeiro, Botanica de la Peninsula, 46. 

Colomb de Batines, Rappresentazioni Italiane, 

, Bibliografia Dantesca, 68. 

Columbia, Republic of, Publications, 29. 

Commentaries, Biblical, 32. 

Commerce, 40. 

Commune at Paris, 76. 

Comolli, Bib. dell’ Architettura, 58. 

Compiégne, 77. 

Congregationalism, 36. 

Consanguineous Marriages, 92. 

Cook, Bib. of Dickens, 65. 

Cooke, Preacher’s Assistant, 34. 

Cookery, 56. 

Cooper, C. Purton, Foreign Law Library, 
Cat., 43. 

Cope, Books on Hampshire, 75. 

Cordier, Bibliotheca Sinica, 83. 

Cornwall, 74. 

Coromilas, Livres publiés en Gréce, 21. 

Corser, Collect. Anglo-Poetica, 64. 

Cossa, Political Economy, 36. 

Costa, Bib. der Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte, 

Cotton, Editions of the Bible, 32. 

, Rhemes and Doway, 32. 

Courland, Hist. of, 81. 

Cox, Lit. of Sabbath Question, 34. 

Crace, Cat. of Crace Coll., 75. 

Creswell, Printing in Nottingham, 75. 

Criminal law, 40. 

Croatia, Bibl. of, 25. 

Cuba, Books published in, 29. 

DAHLMANN,, Quellenkunde, 78. 
Dalmatia, Bibl. of, 78. 

Dance of Death, 58. 

Dante Alighieri, Bibl., 68. 

Danz, Worterbuch der theolog. Lit., 30. 
Darling, Cyclopedia Bibliografica, 31. 

96 | INDEX. 

Davidson, Bib. Devoniensis, 74. 
Deaf and Dumb, 38. 
Decanver, Works against Methodism, 36. 
Degeorge, Maison Plantin, 13. 
Delandine, Bib. Dramatique, 66. 
Delecourt, Bib. du Hainaut, 80. 
Demons, 38. 
De Morgan, Arithmetical Books, 52. 
Denis, M., Annal. typograph., 12. 
, F., Bibliographie Universelle, 12. 

Literature, 16. 

Laws, 44. 

History, 82. 
Deschiens, Bib. des Journaux, 76. 
Desportes, Bib. du Maine, 77. 
Deutscher Zeitschriften-Katalog, 21. 
Devil, Bibliotheca Diabolica, 32. 
Devonport, 75. 
Devonshire, Biblioth. Devonien., 74. 
Dexter, Congregationalism, 36. 
Dialects, 61. 
Dibdin, Edition of Ames, 17. 
-——, Bibliotheca Spencer., 13. 
, Editions of the Classics, 62. 
Dickens, C., 65. 
Dickinson, List of Service Books, 33. 
Dictionaries, 59, 60. 
Dionigi da Genova, Bib. Script. Capucin., 


Dissertations, Theological, 31. 
Dochnahl, Bib. Hortensis, 55. 
Dogmatic Theology, 34. 
Domestic Economy, 55, 56. 
Dominicans, 35. 
Douay Bible, 32. 
, Bibliography, 77. 
Douce Collection, Catalogue, 13. 
Doucha, Knihopisny Slovnik, 25. 
Douglas, Cat. of Chinese Books, 27. 
Douthwaite, Cat. of Gray’s Inn Lib., 42. 
Dowling, Notitia Script. SS. Patrum, 33. 
, study of Ecclesiast. Hist., 37. 
Dramard, Bib. du droit civil, 43. 
, Bib. du Boulonnais, 77. 
Dramatic Literature— 
of England, 64. 
of France, 66. 
of Germany, 67. 
of Italy, 68. 
of Spain, 68. 
of Sweden, 69. 
Draughts, Game of, 56. 
Drawing, Art of, 38. 
Dryander, Cat. Bib. J. Banks, 45. 
Dubois, Bib. Juridique Italienne, 43. 
Dumas, A., 16. 
Dumb, The, 38. 
Durrie, Bib. Genealogica, 87. 
Dutch Books, 21. 
Dutch Navigators, 71. 

Dutch West India Company, 71. 
Duthilleul, Bib. Douaisienne, 77. 
Dyce Collection, Cat., 14. 

EARLY PRINTED Books, 12-14. 
of England, 17. 
of France, 19. 
of Germany, 19, 20. 
of Geneva, 27. 
of the Netherlands, 21. 
of Spain, 26. 
of Switzerland, 27. 
East India Company, Catalogue, 14. 
East Indies, Leon Pinelo, 71. 
Eastlake Library, Cat. of, 57. 
Ebert, Bibliographical Dict., 12. 
Ecclesiastical Writers, 33. 
Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Cat., 54. 
Economic Botany, 47, 
Edinburgh Review, Index, 89. 
Education, 38. 
Egypt, 83. 
Kitner, Musik.-“Sammelwerke, 59. 
Kinarsson, Hist. lit. Islandiz, 22. 
Electricity, 49. 
Electric Telegraph, 49, 54. 
Ellies Dupin, Ecclesiast. Writers, 33. 
Elliot, Historians of India, 82. 
Elzevier, Annales typogr., 13. 
Emblems, 69. 
Engel, Lit. of National Music, 59. 
Engelmann, Bib. der Neueren Sprachen, 60. 
, Bib. Geographica, 69. 
——., Bib. Hist. Naturalis, 45. 
——, Bib. Mechanico-technolog., 54. 
——, Bib. Medico-Chirurg., 49. 
——, Bib. Philologica, 60. 
, Bib. Scriptorum Class., 62. 
Engineering, 45, 53, 54. 
Bible, 32. 
Dialects, 61. 
Genealogy, 87. 
Heraldry, 86. 
History, 73, 74. 
Law, 41, 42 
Literature, 63-65. 
Printed Books, 16-18. 
Topography, 74, 75. 
English Dialect Society, List of Works, 61. 
Engraving, 57. 
Entomology, 46. 
Enslin, Bib. der Forst-Wissenschaft, 56. 
, Bib. der Handlungs-Wissenschaft., 40. 
——,, Bib. der Schénen Wissenschaft., 67. 
——,, Bib. Historico-geograph., 72. 
——,, Bibliotheca Juridica, 43. 
——,, Bib. Oeconomica, 56. 
, Bibliotheca Veterin., 51. 
Epitaphs, 69. 
Erlecke, Bib. Mathematica, 52. 

HLT T | 

INDEX, 97 

Ersch, Lit. der Geschichte, 73. 

, Philolog. Lit. der Deutschen, 60. 

, Philos. Lit. der Deutschen, 38. 
Erslew, Forfatter-Lexicon, 16. 

Esthonia, History, 81. 

Estienne, Imprimerie des, 13. 

Estreicher, Bib. Polonaise, 26. 

Evans, Cat. of Royal Geogr. Society Lib., 70. 

Fasrictius, J. A., Bibliotheca Greca, 62. 
Fabricius, F. Dansk Bogfortegnelse, 16. 
Fairholt, Coll. of Works on Pageantry, 86. 
Faribault, Ouvrages sur l’hist. de ’Amérique, 
Fathers of the Church, 33. 
Faust, Faustsage, 67. 
Fayre, Livres imprimés 4 Genéve, 27. 
Fernbach, Theater-Freund, 67. 
Ferrara, History, 80. 
Ferrazzi, Bib. Petrarchesca, 68. 
Fétis, Bib. de la Musique, 58. 
, Cat. de la Bibliothéque, 59. 
Field, Indian Bibliography, 85. 
Field Sports, 56. 
Figaniere, Bib. Hist. Portugueza, 81. 
Fiji Islands, Languages, 61. 
Findel, Maurerische Biichersammlung, 37. 
Fine Arts, 57. 
Finland, Laws, 44. 
, Literature, 18, 19. 
Finotti, Bib. Catholica Americ., 35. 
Fischer, Father, Bibliotheca Mejicana, 85. 
Fishing and Fisheries, 46, 56. 
Fishwick, Lancashire Library, 75. 
Folkard, Index of Books on Mining, 48. 
Fontanini, Bib. dell’ Eloquenza Ital., 23. 
Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, 21. 
Fournel, Bib. Saint Simonienne, 39. 
Forestry, 55, 56. 
Bibliography, 19. 
Dialects, 61. 
Forestry, 55. 
- Heraldry, 86. 
History, 76. 
Laws, 40, 43. 
Literature, 66. 
Periodicals, 17. 
Topography, 76. 
France, Comité de législation étrangére, 
Catalogue, 43, 
France, Dépot de la Guerre, Cat., 53. 
Franciscans, 35. 
Franklin, Sources de Vhist. de France, 76. 
Freemasonry, 36. 
French Revolution, 76. 
Frere, Livres de Liturgie, 33. 
, Manuel du Bib. Normand, 77. 
Friars Minor, 35. 
Friederici, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 27. 
Friedlaender, Bib. Hist. Naturalis, 45. 

Friends, Society of, 36. 

Frost, Cat. of Books on Electricity, 49. 
Fuerst, Bibliotheca Judaica, 27. 
Furchheim, Bib. Pompejana, 88. 
Furniture, List of Works on, 55. 
Future Life, Doctrine of, 34, 38. 

GAELIC Books, 18. 
Gallardo, Biblioteca Espaiiola, 26. 
Gamba, Testi di lingua, 23. 
Games, 56. 
Gardening, 55, 56. 
Gaul, Ancient, 76. 
Gay, Ouvrages sur |’Afrique, 83. 
Gautier, T., 66. 
Gébé, Catalogue des Journaux, &c., 19. 
Genealogy, 86, 87. 
Geneva, Hist. of Printing at, 27. 
Gentleman’s Magazine, Index to, 90. 
Geography, 69-72, 73. 
, Mathematical, 52. 
Geology, 45, 47, 48. 
Geometry, 17, 51, 52. 
Georg, Reiseliter. Deutschlands, 71. 
Georgi, Allg. Biicher-Lexikon, 12. 
Bibliography, 19-21. 
Dialects, 61. 
History, 78. 
Laws, 40, 43. 
Literature, 67. 
Philology, 61. 
Travels, 71. 
Germany, Reichstag, Kat. der Bibliothek, 39. 
Germond de Lavigne, Pamphlets de l’Empire, 
&e., 76. 
Ghosts, 38. 
Giebel, Thesaurus Ornithologie, 46. 
Gilbert, Bib. Hantoniensis, 75. 
Gildemeister, Bib. Sanskrita, 27. 
Girault de Saint-Fargeau, Bib. hist. de la 
France, 76. 
Goddé, J., Cat. de Livres, 57, 
Goedeke, Gesch. der Deutschen Dichtung, 
Goethe, Bibl. and Lit. of, 67. 
Gomme, Index of municipal offices, 92. 
Gonod, B., Ouvrages sur l Auvergne, 77. 
Gonon, P. M., Bib. Histor. de Lyon, 77. 
Goovaerts, Typographie musicale, 59. 
Gough, British Topography, 74. 
, Cat. of Books left to Bodleian, 74. 
Government, 39. 
Gowans, Books on Freemasonry, 37. 
Graesse, Bib. Psychologica, 38. 
» Bib. Magica, 38. 
, Trésor de livres rares, 13. 
Grammars, 59, 60. 
Granada, New, Publications, 29. 
Gratet-Duplessis, Bib. des Beaux Arts, 57. 
, De Vhistoire de la gravure, 57. 

98 INDEX. 

Gratet-Duplessis, Ventes de tableaux, 57. 

, Bib. parémiologique, 69. 

Gray’s Inn, Catalogue, 42. 

Greece, Ancient, Literature and Philology, 60, 
62, 63. 

, Modern, Literature, 21. 

Greek Classics, 62, 63. 

Grey, Sir G., Catalogue of Lib., 61. 

Guatemala, 85. 

Guénébault, Dict. Iconographique, 58. 

Guidi, Bib. della Gerusalemme liberata, 68. 

, Bib. dell’ Orlando Furioso, 68. 

Guigard, Bib. héraldique, &c., 86. 

Guild, Librarian’s Manual, 11. 

Gumposch, Philos. Lit. der Deutschen, 38. 

Guthe, Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, 44. 

Gutierrez, J. M., Primera Imprenta en 

Buenos Aires, 29. 
Guyot, Liste lit. Philocophe, 38. 


Haas, Cat. of Sanscrit Books, 27. 

Hagen, Bibliotheca Entomologica, 46. 

Hagenbach, Encyclopadie, 30. 

Hailstone, Works on Yorkshire, 75. 

Hain, Repertorium, 13. _ 

Hainault, 80. 

Hall, Bib. of Indian Philosophy, 38. 

Haller, Bib. der Schweizer-Gesch., 82. 

Halliwell-Phillipps, Cat. of Proclamations, 74. 

, Dict. of Old Plays, 64. 

, Shakesperiana, 60. 

Hamburg, Commerz Bibliothek, Katalog, 40. 

Hampshire, 75. 

Hanus, Bib. der bohmisch-sloven. Literatur, 

Hardy, Sir T. D., Descriptive Catalogue, 74. 

Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Index to, 

Harrison, Bib. Monensis, 75. 

Harrisse, Bib. Americana Vetust., 84. 

, Notes sur la Nouvelle France, 85. 

Hartzenbusch, Periodicos de Madrid, 26. 

Hatin, La Presse Périodique, 19. 

Hawaii Islands, 86. 

Hazlitt, W. C., Poetical & Dramatic Lit., 64. 

, Collections and Notes, 64. 

Hazlitt, W., List of Works, 65. 

Hearing, The Sense of, 38. 

Hebreische Bibliographie, 27. 

Hebrew Literature, 27. 

Philology, 62. 

Heber, R., Catalogue of Library, 14. 

Heinsius, Allg. Bucher-Lexikon, 20. 

Hellbach, Adels-Lexicon, 87. 

Hemsworth, Books at Freemasons’ Hall, 37. 

Hensbroek, Beoetening der Oostersche Talen, 
60. 2 

Heraldry, 86, 87. 

Heralds’ Visitations, 86, 87. 

Herbert, H., Repertor. tiber Siebenburgen, 78. 

Herbert, W., Edition of Ames, 17. 

Herculaneum, 88. 

Hereford Liturgies, 33. 

Herluison, Bib. Orléanaise, 77. 

Hermann, Bibliotheca Germanica, 61. 

, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 27. 

——,, Bib. Script. Classicorum, 63. 

, Bib. philologica, 63. ~ 

Hesse, Grand Duchy of, 79. 

Heuschling, Statistique en Allemagne, 39. 

Heyse, Biicherschatz, 20. 

Hidalgo, Bibliovrafia Espafiola, 26. 

Hinrichs, Verzeichniss, 20. 

Hirzel, Goethe-Bibliothek, 67. 

History, 72-88. 

Hoare Library at Stourhead, 74. 

Hoe, Literature of Printing, 55. 

Hoffmann, Bib. Lex. der Lit. der Griechen, 

Holland, Bibliography, 21. 

, Laws, 44. 

Hooykaas, Repertorium op de Koloniale Lit., 

Hoppe, Kat. der besseren Schriften, 20. 

Horne, Biblical Bibliography, 32. 

-, Cat. of Queen’s Coll., Cambridge, 31. 

Horses, 53, 56. 

Horticulture, 55-56. 

Hortis, Opere di F. Petrarca, 68. 

Hotten, Topography of England, 74. 

Houzeau, Bibl. de !’Astronomie, 52. 

Howard, Miscellanea Genealogica, 87. 

Hubbard, Shakespeare Works in Barton 
Coll., 65. 

Huebner, E., Rom. Literaturgeschichte, 63. 

, Lateinische Grammatik, 63. 

Huebner, J., Bib. Genealogica, 81. 

Hugo, Victor, 66. 

Hulsius, Voyages, 14, 71. 

Hummel, Bib. der deutsch, Alterthiimer, 78.- 

Hunfalvy, P., Lit. Berichte aus Ungarn, 22. 

Hunnewell, Bib. of Hawaiian Islands, 86. 

Hungary, Bib. Hungarica, 22. 

Hunt, L., List of Works, 65. 

Hunter, Nomenclator lit. Theolog. Cath., 35. 

Huth, Index to books on marriage between 
kin, 92. 

Huth Library, Catalogue, 14. 

Huyttens, Généalogies Belges, 87. 

Hygiene, 51. 

Hymns and Hymn-Writers, 33. 

Isis, Index to, 46. 

Icazbalceta, Escritores en lenguas indigenas, 

Iceland, Literature, 16, 22 

, Printing in, 22. 

Ichthyology, 46, 48. 

Iconography: Dict. Iconogr., 58. 

Illuminism, 36, 

Immortality, Doctrine of, 34, 38. 


INDEX. 99 

Index librorum prohibitorum, 13. — 
Index Society, Publications of, 92. 
Indexes to Periodicals, 89-91. 
India, Maps of, 71. 
, Philosophical Systems, 38. 
Industrial Arts, 53-57. 
Indian Surveys, 72. 
Indians, American, Bibl. of, 85. 
Ingold, Bibliographie Oratorienne, 36. 
Institution of Civil Engineers, Cat., 54. 
, Index to Proceedings, 54. 
International Law, 41. 
Ireland, A., Bib. of Hazlitt and L. Hunt, 

Ireland, Hist. and Antiquities of, 74. 
Irish Writers, 18. 
Isle of Man, 75. 
Istria, Bib. Istriana, 78. 

Bibliography, 23. 

Dialects, 61. 

History, 80. 

Hist. of Geography in, 70. 

Laws, 43. 

Literature, 23, 68. 

Mathematics, 52. 

Travellers of, 71. 
Ivory, Cat. of Law Library of Writers to the 

Signet, 42. 

JACQUEMART, Bib. Forestiére, 55. 

Jahn, Cat. of Archeolog. Lib. of, 88. 
Jahrbuch wt. die Fortschr. der Mathem., 52. 
Janin, J., 66. 

Japan, Works on, 71, 83. 

Jarcu, Bibliografia Romana, 24. 

Jentzsch, Geologische Literatur, 47. 
Jesuits, 35. 

Jesuit Relations, 14, 85. 

Jireéek, Bibliographie Bulgare, 25. 
Joannes a S. Antonio, Bib. Franciscana, 35. 
Jolowicz, Bib. Agyptiaca, 83. 

Jénsson, Séguagrip, 22. 

Journal des Savants, Table 91. 
Jurisprudence, 40-44. 

Kamprz, Neue Lit. des Vélkerrechts, 41. 

Kayser, Biicher Lexicon, 20. 

Kelly, American Catalogue, 28. 

Kent, Bib. Cantiana, 74. 

Kertbeny, Bib. Ungarischer Literatur, 22. 

Kerviler, L’Académie Frangaise, 19. 

Kistner, Bib. of Buddhism, 37. 

Klemming, Sveriges Dramat. Lit., 69. 

Kletke, Quellenkunde der Gesch. des Preuss. 
Staats, 79. 

, Finanzwesen des Preuss. Staats, 79. 

Kloss, Bib. der Freimaurerei, 36. 

Koner, Repertorium, 72. 

Kraft, Norsk Forfatter-Lexicon, 23. 

Krebel, Russlands naturhist. Lit., 45. 

LA BEDOYERE, Collection sur la Révolution, 

Lace, List of Works on, 55. 

Lacroix, E., Bib. des Ingénieurs, 53. 

Lacroix, P., Bibliogr. Moliéresque, 66. 

, Iconogr. Moliéresque, 66. 

, Bibliogr. de Restif de la Bretonne, 66. 

Ladrague, Bibliotheque Ouvaroff, 36. 

Lalande, Bib. astronomique, 52. 

Lamb, C., List of Works, 65. 

Lambeth Library, Early Books in, 13. 

, English Books before 1600 in, 17. 

Lancashire Dialect, 61. 

Lancashire Library, 75. 

Langbaine, English Dramatic Poets, 64. 

Languages, 59-62. 

Latin Classics, 62, 63. 

Law, 40-44. 

Law of Nations, 41. 

Law Times Reports, Index, 42. 

Leclerc, Bib. Americana, 84. 

Leitzmann, Bib. Numaria, 89. 

Le Long, Bib. Historique de la France, 76. 

, Bibliotheca Sacra, 31. 

Lemon, R., Cat. of Broadsides, 17. 

Lenglet du Fresnoy, Mét. pour étudier )’His- 
foire, 72. 

* Lenox Library, Cat., 14. 

Leon Pinelo, Bib. Oriental, 71. 

Leypoldt, American Catalogue, 28. 

L’Huilier, Seine et Marne, 77. 

Lichtenthal, Bib. del viaggiatore in Italia, 80. 

, Bib. della Musica, 59. 

Liége, 80. 

Lincoln’s Inn, Catalogue, 42. 

Linde, Bib. van Haarlem, 80. 

—— Lit. des Schachspiels, 56. 

Schachlitteratur, 850-1880, 56. 

Linden, Laws of Holland, 44. 

Linnstrém, Svenskt Boklexicon, 26. 

Lipenius, Bib. Realis Juridica, 40. 

Lipsius, Bib. Numaria, 88. 

Lisbon, Academia Real, Publicagées, 24. 

Liturgies, 32. 

Livonia, History of, 81. 

Llewelyn, Welsh Versions of Bible, 32. 

Logic, 37. 

London Catalogues, 17, 18. 

London, Crace Coll. of Plans and Views of, 

London Institution, Catalogue, 14. 

London Library, Catalogue, 14. 

London Magazine, Index to, 90. 

Lorenz, Cat. de la librairie Frangaise, 19. 

Low, S., English Catalogue, 17. 

, Index to British Catalogue, 18. 

Lowndes, Bibliographer’s Manual, 16. 

Ludewig, Lit. of American Languages, 62. 

, Lit. of Amer. Local Hist., 84. 

Luedde, Methodologie der Erdkunde, 69. 

Luther, Biography, 86. 


Lutheran Ministers, 36. 
Lyons, History, 77. 

MAcCLINTOCK and Strong, Cyclopedia, 31. 

MacCulloch, Lit. of Political Economy, 39. 

Machinery, 44, 54. 

Mackeldey, Modern Civil Law, 41. 

Macray, British Historians, 73. 

Madagascar, Languages of, 61. 

Madrigals, 59. 

Maffei, Bib. Mineral Hispano-Americana, 48. 

Magic, 38. 

Magnetism, 49. 

Maillard, Publications de la rue, 76. 

Maine, Dept. of the, 77. 

Maitland, Early Printed Books at Lambeth, 

, English Books at Lambeth, 17. 

Maittaire, Annal. Typograp., 12. 

Malberg, Lit. des Bau-Wesens, 54. 

Malcolm, Theological Index, 31. 

Malone Collection, Cat., 64. 

Maltzahn, Deutscher Bicherschatz, 20. 

Man, Isle of, 75. 

Manche, La, Dept. of, 77. 

Manchester Free Library, Cat. of, 15. 

Manufactures, 48, 54, 55. 

Marlborough House, Art Lib. at, 57. 

Marriage between Kin, 92. 

Marsden, Cat. of Dictionaries, 59. 

, Bibliotheca Marsdeniana, 59. 

Marshall, Index to Pedigrees, 87. 

, The Genealogist, 87. 

Marsy, Bib. Compiégnoise, 77. 

, Bib. Noyonnoise, 77. 

, Bib. Tunisienne, 83. 

Martens, C. de, Guide diplomatique, 41. 

Martens, G. F. de, Droit des Gens moderne, 

Martin, J., Privately Printed Books, 17. 

Martin, W., Ouvrages sur les Isles Hawaii, 

Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 42. 

Massmann, Lit. der Todtentanze, 58. 

Mathematics, 17, 44, 45, 51, 52. 

Maunsell, Cat. of English Books, 17. 

May, British Press Guide, 18. 

Mayor, John E. B., Bib. Clue to Latin Lit., 

Mayor, Joseph B., Choice of Classical Books, 

Mechanics, 44, 49, 52, 54, 55. 

Medicine, 49-51. 

Melzi, Bib. dei Romanzi Ital., 68. 

Mémoires de Trévoux, Table méthodique, 91. 
Mendicity, 39. 

Mercure de France, Index to, 91. 

Merimee, P., 66. 

Metallurgy, 45, 47, 48, 54. 

Methodists, 36. 

Metzger, Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, 44. | 


Meulen, Bib. der Technische Kunsten, 55. 
Meusel, Bib. Historica, 72. 

, Lit. der Statistik, 39. 

Mexico, Books on, 85. 

, Mexican Books in Brit. Mus., 29. 
Mezhov, Katalog, 25. 

» Recueil du Turkestan, 83. 
Miansarof, Bib. Caueasica, 83. 

Michael Angelo, 58. 

Microscope, 49. 

Middle Ages, History of, 73. 

Middle Temple Library Catalogue, 42. 
Milan, Bibl. of, 81. 
Military Science, 53. 

Miller, Singers of the Church, 33. 
Mineral Waters, British, 51. 

Mining, 45, 47, 48, 54. 

Mineralogy, 45, 47, 48. 

Minzloft, Pierre le Grand, 81. 

Moebius, Cat. lib. islandicorum, 23. 
Mohl, Lit. der Staatswissens., 39. 
Moliére, Bibl. and Iconogr. of, 66. 
Mollendorff, Chinese Bib., 83. 

Mondello, Bib. Trapanese, 81. 

Mons, 80. 

Montaigne, 66. 

Montelius, Archéologie préhistorique, 88. 
Montenegro, 78. 

Monthly Review, Index to, 90. 

Moreni, Bib. storica della Toscana, 81. 
Morgan, Bibliotheca Canadensis, 28. 
Morris, Bibliotheca Lutherana, 36. 
Moser, Bib. Wirtembergische, 79. 

Moule, Bibliotheca Heraldica, 86. 
Muehlbrecht, Lit. des ital. Krieges, 1866, 78. 
, Staats- und rechts-wissenschaftl. Lit., 

Mueldener, Bibliotheca Historica, 73. 

, Bibliotheca Philologica, 60. 

, Bibliotheca Theologiea, 30. 

Muelinen, Schweizerisch. Historiogr., 82. 

Mueller, A., Kat. der Deutsch. Morgenl. 

Gesells., 27. 

——, C. O., Ancient Art, 88. 

Muller, F., Cat. Dissert. Theolog., 31. 

Mullins, Cat. of Shakespeare Lib., 65. 

Municipal Offices, Index of, 92. 

Mufios y Romero, Dic. bib. hist. de Espaiia, 

Murhard, Bib. Mathematica, 51. 

Museum of Pract. Geology, Cat. of Lib, 47. 

Music, 58-59. 

Mysticism, 36. 

Namur, P., Bib. Academique Belge, 22. 
——, Bib. Bibliologique, 11. 

, Ouvrages sous le nom d’Ana, 69. 
Narbone, Bibliografia Sicola, 23. 
Nassau, History, 79. 

Natural History, 44-46. 

Natural Philosophy, 49. 


Natural Science, 53. 
Navigation, 53. 
Neale, Medical Digest, 50. 
Needlework, 55. 

Bibliography of, 21. 

Hist. and Topogr., 79, 80. 

Laws, 44. 
New Granada, Publications, 29, 
New Netherlands, 71. 
New South Wales, 86. 
New Testament, Greek, 32. 
New York State Library— 

Gen. Catalogues, 15. 
— of Law Library, 42. 
New Zealand, Languages, 61. 
Newspapers, Early, 91. 

— of America, 28. 

of France, 19. 
of Great Britain, 18. 
Newspaper Press Directory, 18. 
Nicolson, Historical Libraries, 73. 
Nijenhuis, Lijst der Plaatsbeschrijv., 80. 
Nijhoff, Bib. Historico-Neerlandica, 79. 
, Bib. Juridica, 44. 
Nissen, Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 23. 
Nobility, 86, 87. 
Norfolk, Books on, 75. 
Normandy, 77. 
North America, Botany of, 46. 
North American Review, Index, 91. 

History, 82. 

Law, 44. 

Literature, 16, 23, 24. 
Notes and Queries, Index, 90. 
Nottinghamshire, Hist. of Printing in, 


Nouvelle France, 85. 
Novakovic, Servian Bibliography, 26. 

English, 64. 

French, 66. 

German, 67. 

Italian, 68. 
Noyon, Bibl. of, 77. 
Numismatics, 88, 89. 
Nyerup and Kraft, Litteraturlex., 16. 
Nypels, Bib. du Droit criminel, 40. 

OBITUARY NOTICES, Index of, 92. 

O’Callaghan, Editions of the Scriptures in 
America, 32. 

, Jesuit Relations, 85. 

Occult Sciences, 36. 

Oettinger, Archives historiques, 72. 

, Biblioth. Biografica, 86. 

Ohio, Bibl. of, 84. 

Ompteda, Literatur des Volkerrechts, 41. 

Oratorians, 36. 

O'Reilly, Irish Writers, 18. 


Organic Chemistry, 48. 

Oriental Literature, 27, 60. 

Orleans, Bibl. of, 77. 

Orme, Bibliotheca Biblica, 32. 

Ormerod, Index to Geological 
Trans., 47. 

Ornithology, 46. 

Orphanages, 39. 

Osborn, Wesleyan Bibliography, 36. 

Othmer, Vademecum, 67. 

Oudin, Comment. de Script. Ecclesia, 33. 

Ouvaroff, Bibliothéque, 36. 


PAGEANTRY, Works on, 86. 

Pagés, Bib. Japonaise, 83. 

Painting, 57. 

Paleontology, 47. 

Palestine, Geography of, 71. 

Panzer, Annales Topograph., 12. 

, Annalen der deutsch. Lit., 19. 

Papadopoulos Vretos, NeocAAnuikn PiAcroyia, 

Papuan Languages, 61. 

Paquot, Hist. lit. des Pays-Bas, 22. 

Paris, Siege of, Street literature, 76. 

Parker Society, General Index, 37. 

Passano, Novellieri Italiani, 68. 

Passerini, Bib. di Michelangelo, 58. 

Pathological Society, Index to Trans., 50. 

Paulitschke, Geogr. Erforsch. des African. 
Cont., 71. 

Pauly, Bib. des Sciences Médicales, 49. 

Pauperism, 39. 

Payen, Notice sur Montaigne, 66. 

Peacock, Index of Royalists, 92. 

Pedigrees, 86-87. 

Peignot, Répertoire de bib. spéciales, 11. 

Pennsylvania State Lib., Cat. of Law, 42. 

Pérennés, Dict. de Bib. Catholique, 34. 

Perin, Bib. de l’Aisne, 76. 


of Belgium, 22. 

— of France, 19. 

— of Germany, 21. 

— of Madrid, 26. 

of United States, 28. 

Indexes to Periodicals, 89-91. 

Perkins, List of Amer. Local Hist., 84. 

Permaneder, Bib. Patristica, 33. 

Persia, 71, 83. 

Peru, 85. 

Peter, F., Liter. der Faustsage, 67. 

Peter the Great, 81. 

Petersburg, St., Imp. Lib., Cat. des Russica, 

Petrarca, F., 68. 

Pettingell, Homiletical Index, 34. 

Petzholdt, Bib. Bibliographica, 11. 

, Bib. Dantea, 68. 

Pharmaceutical Society, Catalogue, 51. 

, Index to Trans., 50. 


Pharmaceutics, 50, 51. 

Phillips, Du Droit Ecclésiastique, 41. 
Philology, 59-63. 

Philosophy, 37-40. 

Physies, 44, 45, 49, 52. 

Picard, Bib. du Droit Belge, 43, 

Picot, Bib. Cornélienne, 66. 

Pineda, Col., Biblioteca, 29. 

Pinson, Bib. Etampoise, 77. 

Pinto de Mattos, Bib. Portuguez, 24. 

Pinto de Sousa, Bib. hist. de Portugal, 81. 

Pipping, F. W., Forteckning, 18. 

Pisciculture, 46, 

Pistoja, 80. 

Plantin, Ouvrages imprimés par, 13. 
Ploucquet, Lit. Medica digesta, 50. 

Pluquet, Bib. de la Manche, 77. 

Plymouth, 75. 

Poets and Poetry— 

of England, 64. 
of France, 66. 
of Germany, 67. 
of Italy, 68. 

of Portugal, 24. 

Poggendorff, Biogr.-Lit. Handwérterbuch, 45. 

Poland, Bib. of, 26. 

Polar Regions, Lit. on, 71. 

Political Economy, 39. 

Politics, 39. 

Polybiblion, 12. 

Polynesia, Languages of, 61. 

Polytechnische Bibliothek, 44. 

Polytechnische Biicherkunde, 55. 

Pompeii, Works on, 88. 

Poole, Index to Period. Lit., 89. 

Porcelain, List of Works on, 55. 

Portraits, Indexes of, 92. 

Potthast, Bib. Hist. Medii Aevi, 73. 


Literature of, 24. 

Botany, 46. 

History, 81. ‘ 
Foreign Works on, 81. 

Pottery, 55. 

Power, Handy-Book about Books, 11. 
Predari, Bib. Milanese, 81. 

Prince Library, Cat., 15. 

Printing in America, Hist. of, 28.” 
Printing, Annals of, 12, 13. 

-—, Hist. and Lit. of, 55. 

Prison Discipline, 39. 

Privately Printed Books of England, 17. 
Pritzel, Thesaurus Lit. Botan. 46. 

, Iconum Botan. Index, 46. 
Proclamations, Cat. of, 74. 
Prodigies, 38. 

Proverbs, 69. 
Prussia, Allg. Biicherkunde, 20. 

, History, 79. 

, Generalstab, Kat. der Bib., 53. 

Psychology, 38. 



Quaritch, General Cat., 1880, 15. 
Quarterly Review, Index, 90. 
Queen’s College, Cambridge, Cat., 31. 
Quérard, France Littéraire, 19. 
Quetif, Script. Ord. Predicat., 35. 

RADCLIFFE Library. Cat. of Students’ Lib., 


Railways, 54. 

Ramirez, B.A., Bib, Agronémica, 55. 

Ramirez, J. F., Catalogue of Library of, 85 

Rare books, 13. 

Rausch, Lit. des Rhato-Roman. Volkes, 27. 

Reading, Best, 15. 

Registrande der Gross. Generalstabes, 70. 

Reichardt, Bib. Rerum Metallicarum, 48. 

Reid, Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, 18. 

Renouard, Annales des Alde, 13. 

, Annales des Estienne, 13. 

Restif de la Bretonne, 66. 

Reumont, Bib, sulla storia d'Italia, 80. 

Reuss, J. D., Repertorium, 89. 

Reuss, E., Bibliotheca N. Test. Greci, 32. 

Revue des Deux Mondes, ‘Table générale, 91. 

Rheims Bibles, 32. 

Rheto-Romansch Language, 61, 

Rhode Island, Bibl. of, 84. 

kibadeneira, Scriptores Soc. Jesu, 35. 

Riccardi, Bib. matemat. Ital., 52. 

Rich, Bib. Amer. Nova, 84. 

Richou, Ouvrages sur Montaigne, 66. 

Rimbault, Biblioth. Madrigaliana, 59. 

Ristelhueber, Lit. der Waisenpflege, 39. 

Ritson, Bib. Anglo-Poet., 64. 

Rogg, Bib. Mathematica, 51. 

Roman Catholic Theology, 34. 

Roman Law, 41. 

Rome, Ancient, Literature and Philology, 
60, 62, 63. 

Rome, Bibliografia Romana, 23. 

Ronalds, Cat. of Ronalds’ Library, 49. 

Roper, Cat. of Works on microscope, 49. 

Roumania, Bib. of, 24. 

Rousselle, Bib. Montoise, 80. 

Rowlands, Cambrian Bibliography, 18. 

Roy, Cat. Bib. Medica, 49. 

Royal Academy of Arts, Cat. of Lib., 57. 

Roya! Agricultural Society of England, 
Index to Journal, 91. 

Royal Astronomical Society, Index to Me- 
moirs, 52. 

Royal College of Surgeons, Cat., 49. 

Royal Geographical Society, Cat. of Lib., 70. 

, Index to Journal, 70. 

Royal Institution, Catalogue, 15. 

Royal Inst. of Brit. Architects, Cat. of Lib., 

Royal Medical and Chirurg. Society, Cata- 
logue, 49. 

, Index to Transactions, 50. 


Royal Society, Cat. of Scientific Books, 44. 
, Cat. of Scientific Papers, 44. 
Royalists, Index of, 92. 
Ruelle, Bib. des Gaules, 76. 
Rumpf, Lit. der Kriegswiss., 53. 
Ruprecht, Bibliotheca Chemica, 48. 
, Bib. Medico-chirurgica, 50. 
Ruskin, Nes loae 

Bibliography, 24, 25. 

Foreign Books on, 81. 

Geology, 47. 

Geography, 81. 

Mineralogy, 47. 

Medicine, 45. 

Natural History, 40. 

Statistics, 81. 

- Topography, 81. 

Sabin, Bib. of Bibliography, 11. 

Sachs, Hans, 67. 

Sacred Harmonic Society, Cat. of Lib., 59. 

Saint Simonianism, 39. 

Sakcinski, Bibliogratia Hrvatska, 20. 

Sales of Art Objects, 57. 

Salisbury Liturgies, 33. 

Salt-Works, 48. . 

Salva, Cat. de la Bib. de Salva, 26. 

Sanscrit Literature, 27. 

Santa Fe de Bogota, Publications, 29. 

Sathas, NeoeAAnuikn BiAodAoyia, 21. 

Saullieur, Typographie Genévoise, 27. 

Saxony, Geology and Min., 47. 

, History, 79. 

Sbaralea, Sup. ad Script. trium ord., 35. 

Schiller, Bib. and Lit. of, 67. 

Schleswig-Holstein War, Lit. of, 79. 

Schletter, Juristische Literatur, 40. 

Schmid, Lit. des Schachspiels, 56. 

Schmit von Tavera, Bib. des oester.-Kaiser- 
staates, 78. 

Schmitz, Encyclopiidie der neuer. Sprachen, 

Schott, Padagogische Literatur, 38. 

Schubarth, Repertorium der tech. Lit., 89. 

Schulte, F., Gesch. des Canon. Rechts, 41. 

, Lehrbuch des Kirchenrechtes, 41. 

Schwab, M., Bib. de la Perse, 83. 

Schwab, G., and Kluepfel, Wegweiser, 20. 

Schweiger, Handb. der class. Bibl. 62. 

Science, 44-53. 

Scientific Papers, Royal Soc. Cat. of, 44. 

Scientific Serials, Scudder’s Cat. of, 44. 

Scudder, Cat. of Scientific Serials, 44. 

Sculpture, 57. 

Seamanship, 53. 

Secret Societies, 36. 

Seelhorst, Militar-Lit., 53. 

Seine and Marne, Dept. of, 77. 

, Dict. of Books relating to America, 84. 

‘ 103 

Sermons, 34. 

Servia, Bib. of, 26. 

Service Books, 33. 

Shakspere, Bibliogr. and Lit., 64, 65. 
Shea, American Catholic Bibles, 32. 
Sheep- -farming, 56. 

Shepherd, Tenny soniana, 65. 

, Bib. of Dickens, 65. 

—-, wea of Ruskin, 65. 

Shirley, Cat. of Lib. at Lough Fea, 74. 
Shorthand, 55. 

Sicily, Bibliografia Sicola, 23. 

Silva, Dic. bib. Portuguez, 24. 

_ Sims, Manual for Genealogist, 87. 

Sinner, Bib. der Schweizer-gesch., 82. 
Sion College, Catalogue, 31. 
Slang, Bibliography of, 62. 
Slavonic Bibliographies, 25, 26. 
Slee, Cat. Dissert. Theolog., 31. 
Smirdin, Catalogue, 25. 
Smith, J., Cat. of Friends’ Books, 36. 
, Bib. Anti-Quakeriana, 36. 
Smith, J. R., Bibliotheca Cantiana, 74. 
, List of Works on Dialects, 61. 
, Writers on Angling, 56. 
Sohncke, Bib. Mathematica, 51. 
Solly, Indexes of Portraits ; Index of titles of 
honour, 92. 
Sopikov, Russian Bibliography, 24. 
Soul, Nature of, 34, 38. 
South Kensington, Cat. of Educational Mus., 
Sovereigns, English, Styles of, 92. 
Agriculture, 55. 
Bibliography, 26. 
Botany, 46. 
Drama, 68. 
History, 82. . 
Literature, 26, 68. 
Military Science, 53. 
Mineralogy and Mining, 48. 
Squier, Catalogue of library, 85. 
, Languages of Central America, 62. 
Spencer, Earl, Library of, 13. 
Spilsbury, Cat. of Lincoln’s Inn Lib., 42. 
Spiritualism, 38. 
Sports, 56. 
Springer, Vegetarian Lit., 51. 
Spurgeon, Commenting, etc., 32. 
Stark, Archaologie der Kunst, 88. 
States of the Church, Bib. storica, dello 
Stato Pont., 80. 
Statistical Society, Index to Journal, 39. 
Statistics, 39, 70. 
Steiger, Periodicals of United States, 29. 
Steinschneider, Bib. fur Hebr. Sprachkunde, 
——, Cat. lib. Hebzor. in Bib. Bod., 28. 
, Hebraeische Bibliographie, 28. 

: Stevens, H., American Books in Brit. Mus., 28. 


Stevens, H., Bibles in Caxton Exhibition, 32. 
——, Canadian Books in Brit. Mus., 29. 
— , Historical Nuggets, 84. 

——, Mexican Books in Brit. Mus., 29. 

, My English Library, 17. 

Stevens and Haynes, Bibliotheca Legum, 42. 
Stewart, Catalogue of Liturgies, 33. 

: Cat. of Patristic Lit., 33. 

Stirling Maxwell, Books on Proverbs, 69. 
Stratico, Bibliografia di Marina, 53. 

Struve, B. G., Bibliotheca Historica, 72. 

, O., Cat. of Lib. of Pulkova Observa- 

tory, 02. 
Stuck, Verzeich. von Reisebeschreib., 70. 
Stuckenberg, Quellenanzeiger fur Geogr. 
Russ., 81. 

Superstitions, 38. 
Surgeon-General’s Office, U. S., Index Cat., 
Surgery, 49-51. 
Sussex Arcbeological Society, Index to Col- 
lections, 88. 
Sussex, Books relating to, 75. 
Books, 1830-79, 26. 
Drama, 69. 
Law, 44. 
History, 82. 
Prehistoric Archeology, 88. 
Sweden, Svensk Bog-Katalog, 26. 
Swimming, List of Works on, 56. 
Switzerland, Bib. de la Suisse, 27. 
, History of, 82. 
Symons, Cat. of Western Tropical Products, 


Technology, 44, 53-55. 

Teichmann, Bib. des romischen Rechts, 40. 
Telegraphs, 49, 54. 

Tennyson, A., Bibl. of, 65. 

Tennysoniana, 65. 

Ternaux-Compans, Bib. Américaine, 84, 

, Bib. Asiatique et Africaine, 82. 
Teuffel, Hist. of Roman Lit., 63. 

Texts of Sermons, 34. 

Theology, 30-37. 

Theosophism, 36. 

Therapeutics, 51. 

Thesaurus librorum rei Catholica, 34. 
Theux, Bib. Liégeoise, 80. 

Thevenot, Voyages, 14, 71. 

Thimm, Shakesperiana, 65. 

Thomas, I., Hist. of Printing in America, 28. 
5 | Bo Works on Swimming, 56. 
Thomson; Bib. of Ohio, 84. 

Thorburn, Cat. of Admiralty Lib., 53. 
Thorin, Rép. des ouvrages de droit, 43. 
Ticknor, Cat. of Ticknor Library, 26. 
Tiele, Bib, van Nederlandsche Pamfletten, 80. 
, Navigateurs Néerlandais, 71. 


Times Newspaper, Index to, 91. 
Titles of Honour, Index of, 92. 
Tobacco, Cat. of Books on, 47. 
Tobler, Bib. Geograph. Palestine, 71. 
Topography, British, 74. 

Trade, 39. 

Transylvania, 78. 

Trapani, 60. = 
Travels, 69-71. 

Tric-Trac, Game of, 56. 

Troemel, Bib. Américaine, 84. 

, Lit. der Deutschen Mundarten, 61. 
Tropical Products, 47. 

Trubner, Cat. of Dictionaries, 60. 
, Guide to American Lit., 28. 
Tunis, 83. 

Turkestan, 83. 

Tuscany, History, 81. 

, Mineralogy of, 47. 
Typography, Annals of, 12-13. 

, in Germany, 19, 20. 

——,, Great Britain, 17. 

, Iceland, 22. 

—, Netherlands, 21. 

——,, Hist. and Literature of, 55. 

UEBERWEG, Hist. of Philosophy, 37. 
, system of Logic, 37. 
Unflad, Schiller Literatur, 67. 
, Goethe Literatur, 67. 
United States— 
Bibles, 32. 
Books printed in, 28. 
Freemasonry in, 37. 
History, 84. 
Local Hist., 84. 
Laws, 40, 42. 
Newspapers, 28. 
Periodicals, 28. 
United States Naval Observatory Cat., 52. 
Universal Catalogue of art books, 57. 
Upcott, English Topography, 74. 
Uricoechea, Mapoteca Colombiana, 72. 

VAHL, Dansk Bogfortegnelse, 16. 

Valentinelli, Bib. della Dalmazia, 78. 

Vangerow, Lehrbuch der Pandekten, 41, 

Vasenius, Littérature Finnoise, 18. 

Vater, Lit. der Grammatiken, 60. 

Vegetarianism, 51. 

Vellum Books, 14. 

Venice, 81. 

Vesuvius, 88. 

Veterinary Science, 50, 51, 55. 

Vicufia Mackenna, Bib. Americana, 85. 

Vienna, k. k. Akad. der Bild. Kiinste, Kat. 

Vigny, A. de, 66. 

Villiers de Saint Etienne, Bib. Carmelit., 35 

Vinet, Bib. des Beaux Arts, 57. 

, Cat. de l’Ecole des Beaux Arts, 58. 


Viollet-le-Duc, Bib. des Chansons, &c., 66. 
, Catalogue des livres, 66. 

Vivien de Saint Martin, Année Geogr., 69. 
Vogel, E. G., Bib. biogr. Lutherana, 86. 

, J. N. de, Bib. German. Aust., 78. 
Voyages and Travels, 69-71. 

WaDDING, Script. Ord. Minorum, 35. 

Walch, Bibliotheca Patristica, 33. 

, Bibliotheca Theologica, 30. 

Walker, R. C., Works on New South Wales, 

Wallace, The Reporters, 42. 

Walloons, Bibl. Wallonne a Leide, 36. 

Walther, A. O., Hand-Lex. der Jurist. Litera- 
tur, 40. 

Walther, P. A. F., Lit. Handb. ftir Gesch. 

von Hessen, 79. 

, systemat. Repert., 78. 

Warée, Bib. des ouvrages de législation, 43. 

Waring, Bib. Therapeutica, 51. 

Warmholtz, Bib. Hist. Sueo-Gothica, 82. 

Watson, Index to American Botany, 46. 

Watt, R., Bibliotheca Britannica, 16. 

Watts, H., Index Chemical Society’s Jour., 

Weber, Lit. des deutschen Staatengesch., 78. 

Weigel, Cat. von Kunstbiichern, 57. 

Weimar, Shakespeare Gesellschaft, Kat., 65. 

Weinart, Lit. der Sachsisch. Gesch., 79. 

Weller, Annal. der Poet. Nat. Literatur, 67. 

, Hans Sachs, 67. 

, Repertorium typ., 20. 

Welsh Books, 18. 

Welsh Bible, 32. 

Werlhof, Griech. Numismatik, 89. 

Wesleyans, 36. 

West Indian Books in Brit. Mus., 29. 

Westwood, Bib. Piscatoria, 56. 

Wheatley, What is an Index? 92. 

White and Newton, Cat. of Lib. of Museum 
of Practical Geology, 47. 


Whitmore, American Genealogist, 87. 

Whitney, Cat. of Ticknor Library, 26. 

Willems, Les Elzevier, 13. 

Williams, Rev. Daniel, Cat. of Library, 31. 

Willis and Sotheran, Catalogue, 15. 

Wind, Bib. der Nederland. Geschiedschrijvers, 

Wine, Literature of, 47. 

Winer, Theologische Literatur, 30. 

Winkelmann, Bib. Livonie Hist., 81. 

Winsor, Reader’s Handb. of Amer. Rev., 84. 

Witchcraft, 38. 

Witzleben, Militar-Lit., 53. 

Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebrea, 27. 

Wolff, Lit. der theoret.-organ. Chemie, 48. 

Woodward, Norfolk Topographer, 75. 

Worcester College, Oxford, Cat. of Archeol. 
Lib., 88. 

Wornum, Art Library at Marlborough 
House, 57. 

Worth, Three Towns Bibliotheca, 75. 

Writers to the Signet, Cat. of Law Lib., 42. 

Wurtemberg, Works on, 79. 

Wuttig, Bibliotheca Juridica, 40. 

YorK Liturgies, 33. 
Yorkshire, 75. 
Young, Cat. of Works on Nat. Philosophy, 49. 

ZACCARIA, Bibliotheca Ritualis, 32. 
Zambrini, Opere volgari a stampa, 23. 
Zapf, Lit. der Geschichte, 72. 

Zedner, Cat. of Hebrew Books, 27. 
Zeibig, Geschwindschreibkunst, 55. 
Zeis, Lit. der Plast. Chirurgie, 51. 
Zenker, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 27. 
Zezi, Geologia di Roma, 47. 
Ziegelbauer, Hist. lit. ord. S. Benedicti, 35. 
Zoology, 45, 46. 

Zoological Record, 46. 

Zuchold, Bibliotheca Chemica, 48. 
—— Bibliotheca Theologica, 30. 

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