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Full text of "Hastings' fall price list and catalogue of garden seeds : specially selected and grown for the southern states"

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Historic, archived document 

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| 7) FALL, 1894. e+ 

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H. G. Hastings & Co., 



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Is the rapid increase of our business, not only 
in Florida, but every other Southern State. - 

UR ORDERS increased during the months of January, February and March, 1893, over four hundred 

per cent. Such an increase was unexpected,and we were not prepared forit. Our force worked 

day and night, but it was impossible to keep up with the orders, as they poured in thousands upon thousands. 
It naturally caused a delay in filling orders, which was no less vexatious to us than to our customers. We 

have increased our facilities so that we can now handle all orders promptly. 


Is the issue of a Fall Catalogue for Florida alone. We now have so many thousands ‘ 

of customers in other Southern States that a tull Catalogue is necessary in December. 
We have decided to issue an abridged Catalogue for the Fall planting in Florida, and 
issue an Annual Catalogue for our customers in all States. The Annual will be sent 

to all Florida customers in December, 


We prepay the postage on all Seeds ordered by the packet, ounce, pound, pint or quart. When ordered 

sent by express or freight,S cents per pound, §8 cents per pint, or 15 cents per quart, may be deducted from 
Catalogue price, except where noted. 

All orders are shipped, so far as possible, on the same day as received. 

All orders from correspondents must be accompanied with cash. Purchasers will please send sufficient 
funds to cover the full amount of their order, otherwise seeds only to the amount will be forwarded, Should 
the remittance be more than sufficient, we will return it. 

We will send Seeds by express ‘‘ Collect on Delivery ” when enough money accompanies the order to 
cover all charges for freight and collection. 

Remittances may be made by Draft on New York, money in Registered Letter, Express or Postoffice 
Money Order, payable at Interlachen, Florida. 

Use the enclosed Order Sheet, and read it over carefully before sending, being sure your name, town, 
county and State address is all right. We received last year more than three hundred orders with either the 
name or postoffice address omitted. 

Keep a copy of your order and verify it on the arrival of your Seeds. 

Orders are sometimes stolen or lost; if, therefore, you do not receive your Seeds in a reasonable length 
of time, notify us, enclosing a duplicate order. 

Stamps in ones and twos will be accepted to the amount of fifty cents. 

If you only want five cents’ worth of seed at a time, don’t be afraid to send to us because the order is 

small, Small orders receive the same careful attention .hat a larger one does, , d 

Ln, ee es 




Specially Selected and Grown » 
for the Southern States. 

We wish to call attention to a few of our Leading Introductions and Specialties 
suitable for Fall Planting in Florida. 

Remember that the prices given in this list 
include the delivery of all seeds by the 

Seeds Postpaid by Mail. : 
packet, ounce, pound, pint or quart by mail. 

ewe SS ee ES SE EEE SS SS 
Prices on larger quantities are for freight or express shipment, at purchaser’s ex- 

pense, except where noted. 

Liberal Premiums. 

on each One Dollar’s worth. 

Please Bear in mind that on seeds in packets 
only (no ounces, remember) we allow purchasers 
to select 25 cents worth extra as a premium 

While we exercise the greatest care to have all seeds pure and reliable, we do not 

give apy warranty, express or implied. 

If the purchaser does not accept the seeds on 

these conditions, they must be returned at once. 


This is a much neglected cropinthe South. <Any- 
one having a good muck bed should not neglect the 
culture of Asparagus. 

Palmetto—This is of Southern origin, and is the 
only variety that has been successful in Florida. 
Packet 5 cents; ounce 10 cents; 144 pound 25 cents; 
pound 80 cents, 


While more expensive, the use of the two-yea1-old 
roots is by far the quickest. Price of two-year-old 
Palmetto Asparagus Koots, by mail, postpaid, per so, 
$1.00; per 100, $1.50; per 1000, not prepaid, $9.00. 


CuLTURE—Sow in drills about two inches deep and 
tour inches apart; drills from eighteen inches to two 
feet apart. When about to blossom, draw the earth 
up around the stem. In the South they can be planted 
from August 1sth to November isth, according to 
latitude, as well as in the spring. 

These prices include the payment of postage on 
packets, pints and quarts. 
Is cents per quart. 


The best green podded Bean for the trucker or for 
home use. his bean is the same as the Improved 
Round Pod Refugee, except that it is two weeks 
earlier. During the past three years it has almost 
entirely taken the place of the Round Pod Refugee. 
A strong grower and very prolific bearer. Excellent 
quality. The pods are well rounded out, and stand 
shipment much better than the Valentine. Packet 10 
cents; }4 pint 15 cents; pint 25 cents; quart 4o cents; 
peck $1.25; bushel $4.75. 

Extra Early Red Valentine—Same as the Improved 
Red Valentine, except ten days earlier. Pods thick 
and fleshy, and of fine quality. Is uniform in ripen- 
ing, and is considered one of the most profitable for 
the market gardener. Packet 10 cents; 4 pint 15 
cents; pint 25 cents; quart 35 cents; 14 bushel $1.2: 
bushel, $4.25. 7 

New Union White VaJentine—Perhaps no greater 
improvement in dwarf beans has ever been accom- 
plished than in this variety. It originated in Jeffer- 
son county, N. Y., with one of our largest bean grow- 

ers, and, as its name implies, is a complete union of 
all good qualities necessary to make a dwarf green- 

od bean pertect. Itis much earlier and of adwarfer 
habit than the old White Valentine, the pods being 
rounder, smoother, plumper and more meaty, and en- 
tirely stringless. Among many others it possesses 
the peculiar and valuable quality of remaining ina 
tender cooking condition longer than any other 
green-podded variety. This, together with its Ex- 
TREME pant ness SEE fit to pick in forty days 
from time of germination—makes it an exceedingly 
valuable sort tor spring or fall planting. The beans, 
when ripe, are pure white, thus enabling the grower 
to sell them as shelled beans at a profitable figure in 
case he cannot sell them in the green state. Packet 

10 cents; pint 25 cents; quart 45 cents; peck $1.50; 
bushel $5.50. 

If sent by express, deducts 


New Refugee Wax—This new variety 1s one of the 
earliest beans grown. It is a perfect Retugee with 
long, round golden yellow pods. Is suitable for early 
or late sowing for either wet or dry seasons. An im- 
mense yielder. Packet 10 cents; % pint 20cents; pint 
go cents; quart so cents; peck $1.75; bushel $6.50. 




New Golden Eyed Wax—We recommend this 
new strain most highly. A vigorous grower and 
heavy bearer of clear golden yellow pods of good 
quality. It is a great improvement on the Im- 
proved Golden Wax, both for home use and ship- 
ping, being remarkably free from rust. Is slightly 
earlier than either Wardwell’s Kidney or Golden 
Wax. Tryit. Packet 10 cents; 144 pint 15 cents; 
pint 25 cents; quart 45 cents; peck $1.50; bushel, 


Our prices include the payment of postage on all 
seeds by packet, ounce, pound, pint or quart. 

CuLtTuRt—Sow inrich or well-manured ground 
after spading or plowing well. Sew in drills; 
thin out to six inches. Sow from September first 
to May first. 

Hastings’ Crimson King—When we offered 
this beet last season we especially recom- 
mended it for market gardeners on account of 
its extreme earliness, it having proved the 
earliest beet in cultivation, being ready for 
use in six weeks from time of sowing. We 
find by further tests that it is of fully as good 
quality as Eclipse, and makes it valuable for 
the home garden as well. No one should be 
without this variety. Packet 10 cents; ounce 

15 cents; 14 pound 35 cents; pound $1.00, 

Hastings’ Improved Blood Turnip Beet—An 
improyement by our grower of the Early 
Blood Turnip Beet; color a deep blood red; 
fine form and flavor. Earlier, more uniform 
in size and of better quality than the old 
strain. All who garden for market should 
try this new strain. Packet 5 cents; ounce 10 
cents; 14 pound 25 cents; pound 75 cents; ten 
pounds $6.00. 

Lentz’s Extra Early Blood Turnip—We rec- 
ommend it as containing all the valuable es- 
sentials of an early beet. Itis nearly as early 


as the Egyptian, but larger and ot better quality. Ot 
fine, dark red color; tender and sweet at all times, 
whether old or young It has verys 

pro. uce a crop in six 
weeks from time of plant- 
ing the seed. Itis very 
productive and a per- 
fect keeper. Packet 5 
cents; ounce 10 cents; 14 
pound 20 cents; pound 60 
cents; ten pounds, not 
prepaid, $5.00. 
Eclipse—Rapid grower, 
small top and extra fine 
quality; roots perfectly 
smooth and round, blood 
red skin and flesh, fine 
grained and sweet Its 

mall top and will 

small top and extremely Lentz’s Early Turnip Beet. 
heavy cropping qualities recommend it to gardeners 
and truckers. Pkt. 5c.; oz. 10c.3 14 Ib. 20c.; Ib. 55¢- 

ten lbs., not prepaid, $4.25. 



Hastings’ Cauliflower Seed is from the most reliable 
growers in the United States and Europe. We farnish 
the grower the highest grade of Seed and we do not 
charge from 50 cents to $1.00 per ounce extra for 
Red, Yellow or Blue Seals. 

CuLturRE—Does best in a rich, well-tilled soil; will 
do in a well-manured, sandy soil. Sow in seed bed 
in September, October and November, Transplant 
when three to four inches high. Give plenty of water 
n dry weather. Keep wet and hoe thoroughly and 
often. Heads may be blanched extra white by tying 
the leaves over the top closely. Shonld be more gen- 
erally cultivated in the South than it now is. 

Thorburn’s Gilt Edge—Introduced by us to the 
Southern growers last year. This hasbeen thorough- 
ly tested hy thousands of our customers the past year, 
and not a single complaint have we had. Itis the 
largest, most perfect and surest header of any variety 
ever offered, and in quality it is unexcelled. One 
specimen sent to our store weighed 7 pounds and $8 
ounces, without the leaves, It is of the Snowball 
type, but is much larger and will stand Jonger with- 
out decay than any other. Packet a5 cents; 14 ounce 
$1.00; 14 ounce $1.75; ounce $3.00; 14 pound $10.00; 
pound $38.00, 

George Riggin, Manatee County,Fla ,says: “Your 
Gilt Edge Cauliflower is the finest I have ever seen.”’ 


Hastings’ Gabbage Seed. 


We have realized the necessity that the gardener and trucker must have only true 

and pure Cabbage Seed. 

usual care in the growing of our Cabbage Seed. 
all of our seed being grown from carefully selected heads. 

This is our specialty in seeds. 

Our growers have exercised un- 
Our Cabbage Seed is equaled by none, 
The demand is for the best 

seed. We can supply that demand, and all we ask is a trial order. 

Hastines “Bia 4” CaBBAGE COLLECTION 

Has become so popular with our customers that we again offer it. 

THE ce BIG 4 33° We call the following 

To further introduce these into 

mentioned varieties of 
cabbage our “Big 4.” 
every garden in the Southern States, we will send one 
full-sized packet of Sure Crop, Long Island Wake- 
field, Centennial Flat Dutch, and Florida Drumhead 
for 25 cents, postpaid, and will alsoadd as a premium 
one packet of the new Breadstone Turnip. We want 
every garden in the South to contain our “Big 4.°° 
At full list price these seeds would cost you 45 cents. 

Hastings’ Florida Drumhead—For three years we 
have endeavored to find a Drumhead Cabbage com- 
bining all the desirable features of the Drmmmhead 
a short-stemmed strain and grows very compactly, 
the leaves all turning in to make the head, thus mak- 
ing it possible to plant closer together than most 
Heads are large and very solid, round and 

class, and yet have heat-resisting qualities. 
Florida Drumhead embodies all these qualities. 

flattened ontep. They are a strong grower and a 

sure header, and will stand more heat than any other 
Packet 10 
cents; 14 ounce 15 cents; ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 85 
cents; pound $3.00. 

variety. Weighs frem 15 to 25 pounds. 






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Hastings’ Long Island Wakefield (SELECT STRAIN) 
— Introduced the same season as Sure Crop, and is 
taking the lead of all pointed and oval cabbages, just 
as Sure Crop leads all flat varieties. This is a cross 
between the Selected Early Jersey Wakefield and 
Early Dwarf Flat Dutch, giving increased size with 
the same earliness. Of all the Wakefields ever 
offered, this is the most valuable, either for shipment 
orhomeuse. If you are growing pointed cabbages 
you cannot afford to grow any variety other than this, 
No pointed cabbage has ever met with such favor be- 
fore. So popular has it become that the principal 
seedsmen of the North have put on the market the 

past two years inferior strains under the name o(¥ 

“Charleston Wakefield,” “Large Early Wakefield,” 
etc., hoping to détract from the growing popularity of 
our Long Island Wakefield. We invite comparison. 

Not one word of complaint have we had from it & 
while hundreds have expressed their satisfaction § 

Ready for use in fifty days from transplanting. Larg 
packet 10 cents; 144 ounce 20 cents; ounce 30 cents; 
14 pound $1.00; pound $3.50. 

Hastings’ Sure Crop or Shippers’ Prize—Introduced 
by us in 1889, and at once took the lead as the shipping 
cabbage for the Southern States. This is our prize 


cabbage, and is without a rival. The experience ot 
all truckers and market gardeners who have tested it 
goes to corroborate our statement that it is the best 
and most profitable variety ever offered in the South. 
It is the earliest and surest large, flat, round cabbage 
on record, and its quality is excellent, being tender, 


crisp and solid. Where it is rightly cared for, scarce- 
ly a seed will fail to form ahead. Inan experiment 
it produced heads ready for market in forty days 
from the time of transplanting. Heads average eight 
to nine pounds in weight. Large packet 10 cents; % 
ounce 20 cents; ounce 30 cents; 14 pound $1.00; pound 

Hastings’ Centennial Flat Duteh—This large strain 
of the Flat Dutch is the only cabbage that has resisted 
the repeated and heavy frosts in the northern part of 
Florida the past season. It is a comparatively late 
variety. During all the cold weather of the season 
of 1890-91, it grew vigorously, scarcely a leaf wilting. 
This is the variety to plant on any lands subject to 
severe frosts. Grows from twelve to twenty pounds, 
according to soil and culture, and is a good reliable 
header. Wecontrol the stock of this variety, and it 

can be obtained of us only. Packet 10 cents; 4% ounce 
15 cents; ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 85cents; pound $3.00. 




Genuine Surehead—This popular Cabbage is rightly 
named Surehead, and never fails to make a remarka- 
bly fine, solid, large head, with few outer leaves, as 
shown in our illustration. It originated some years 
since with a practical market gardener, by crossing 
the Flat Dutch and Drumhead varieties, and has al- 
ways brought the highest price in market. It 1s a 
strong, vigorous grower, ripening late for a main 
crop, and very uniform in size and color. Our supply 
is grown from the original seed; none better to be 
had at any price. Packet 5 cents; ounce 25 cents; 14 

pound 75 cents; pound $2.50. 

Henderson’s Suecession—A large, flat cabbage, in- 
troduced in 1888. About ten days later than Early 
Summer, but is nearly double the size. A good strain 
and a reliable header, but not as compact in growth 
of head as Sure Crop, Our seed is grown trom origi- 
nal stock Packet 5 cents; 14 ounce 15 cents; ounce 

25 cents; 4 pound 75 cents; pound $2.50. 


Hastings’ Emerald King—During the fall of 1891 we 
distributed several hundred packets of this variety 
without having tested it ourselves. We were sur- 
prised at the exceedingly favorable reports received 
from it. Having but a small amount of seed we 
offered it in packets only under the name of No. 300. 
We again have but a limited quantity of seed to offer, 
but we would advise every cabbage grower in the 
South to try this superb variety this year. It has been 
thoroughly tested, and we can recommend it fully. 
It is an early, flat cabbage that can be grown either 
for early or late crop. It is of good size, heads aver- 
aging from seven to eight pounds; grows very uni- 
formly; is a sure header, and does not burn or blister 
in the dryest and hottest weather. It is a splendid 
variety to withstand droughts. It is’of a dark, glossy 
green color, and is pre-eminently a shipping cabbage 
for the Southern trucker, holding its color and fresh 
appearance long after other standard varieties wilt. 
Packet 10 cents; 4 ounce 20 cents; ounce 35 cents; 

V4 pound $1.00; pound $3.50. 

Jarly Deep-head—The heads of this cabbage grow 
to a large size, and, as its name signifies, are deeper 
through than ordinary stocks of second early cab- 
bages. It heads up firm, and we find it a valuable 
variety for the Southern shipper. Packet 5 cents; 

ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 75 cents; pound $2.50. 

All-Head Early—Introduced in 1891. It is very early, 
of good size and quality, and a sure header. Itis 
well named “All-Head.” as it is almost free from 
loose leaves. It is a week earlier than Henderson’s 
Early Summer, and a better shipper. Packet 5 cents; 

ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 75 cents; pound $2.50. 





The Hastings White Spine—The finest early strain 
of White Spine ever grown. We have in this new 
strain of White Spine a cucumber that eclipses all 
others for shipping purposes. The steady increase in 
the sale of the Emerald Green White Spine shows how 
readily the planter takes hold of any real improve- 
ment. The Hzsting White Spine is by far the best 
of all White Spine strains, as can easily be seen when 
grown side by side. The fruit is of large size and 
is immensely productive. This produces no small or 
imperfect cucumbers, The skin is hard and of a deep 
green color, which it holds until fully matured. Is 
crisp and tender, and retains its fresh, plump appear- 
ance long after being gathered. Itisnearly one week 
earlier than any other White Spine variety. It is 
equally valuable for home use. Large trial packet 
io cents; ounce 15 cents; 144 pound 30 cents; pound 
$1,00;. ten pounds, not prepaid, $8.00, 


CuL_truRE—The seed bed may bein any moist place, 
Cover the seed lightly in the bed in May, June, Au- 
gust and September. Transplant when six inches 
high. Dig a trench a foot deep and 
put in four or five inches of well-rotted 
manure; cover that with good soil or 
a light, sandy loam, well mixed with 
muck or leaf mold; transplant the 
plants from the seed bed into rows 
three feet apart—plants six inches 
apartin the rows. At the end of five 
or six weeks begin drawing the soil 
up to the leaves, packing it firmly. 
Keep it well banked up if you want 
tender, well-bleached celery. Water 
freely with soap-suds, liquid manure 
or water, being careful not to pour in 
on the plants. 

There are but two varieties that 
have proved a success for general 
planting in the South: Mexican Solid 
and Savannah Market. In certain lo- 
calities Boston Market, Crawtord’s 
Half Dwart and Golden Self-Blanch- 
ing have done well, but we do not ad- 
vise a general planting except of 
Mexican Solid and Savannah Mar- 

Mexiean Solid—Stocks rounded, crisp and solid; 
growth large. A most reliable strain. No celery 
can compare with its ability to withstand heat. When 
ready for market the plants are plump and do not wilt 
as soon as most sorts. Its flavor is tully equal to that 
of celery grown inthe Kalamazoo (Mich.) celery dis- 
trict, having the rich nutty flavor so desirable in 
celery. Packet 10 cents; ounce 30 cents; 144 pound 
$1.00; pound $3.00. 

Savannah Market—Introduced by usin 1889. While 
not as highly flavored as the Mexican Solid, it is bet- 
ter adapted for growth on poor and light soils, being 
a much stronger grower. Packet 10 cents; ounce 30 
cents; 14 pound $1.00; pound $3.00. 

The Pure Stock of Mexican Solid and Savannah 
Market Celery can be obtained of us only. 


CuLTURE—May be sown during the whole year, but 
takes considerable trouble to grow it during the hot 
months. The richer and better the ground, the larger 
the heads will be. In Florida, sow broadcast and 
transplant when large enough to ten inches apart in 


the row and rows a foot apart. It requires a rich, 
moist soil, clean cultivation and plenty of water. 
This will give quick growth, on which its appearance, 
flavor and tenderness depend. 

Lettuce for northern shipment should be sown dur- 
ing November and December. 

Hastings’ Drumhead White Cabbage—A_ favorite 
with our customers. Large, solid heads weighing 
two or three pounds. Leaves outside are dark green, 
inside almost white. Crisp and tender and always 
entirely free from bitterness. Has but little tendency 
to runto seed. The best variety to grow for shipping 


a a lift \ 


Hastings’ Drumhead White Cabbage Lettuce. 

Hastings’ Genuine Bermuda Onion 


or for home market in every respect. Packet 5 cents; 
ounce 25 cents; 44 pound 65 cents; 144 pound $1 00; 
pound $1.75. 

Florida Header Lettuce (No. 152)—This superb va- 
riety was distributed by us last season to nearly three 
thousand Southern growers. It is a large white 
heading variety that we believe superior tothe Drum- 
head Cabbage Lettuce. For the lettuce shipper we 
believe it to be unsurpassed, Itis extremely hardy, 
very quick in growth, but slow to run to seed. 
Packet 10 Cents; ounce 35 cents; 14 pound go cents; 
pound $3 00, 


Florida Header Lettuce. 




and there is no crop that depends more on the quality and genuineness of the seed. 

The Bermuda Onion is one of the most 
important of Southern vegetable crops, 
An ever-increasing de- 

mand for the true Bermuda seed has led to wholesale fraud in the sale of it by certain reputable (?) New York 

and Philadelphia seedsmen, who offer it somewhat as follows: 

“Bermuda Onion Seed. We again have pleas- 

ure in offering new crop seed of the true Bermuda Onion, the seed of which is often difficult to obtain,” then 

offering it at $2.25 and $2.50 per pound. The 
genuine cannot be sold at that price. The 
seed offered is either Italian or California 
grown, and can be bought in the wholesale 
seed markets at go cents per pound. 

It is a well known fact to those in the 
seed business that it is next to impossible to 
retain the vitality of onion seed over one 
year. HeretotoreJany purchaser could get 
fresh (?) onion seed of any seedsman at any [ff 
time of year. 
failure of onion seed one year old,’ we .do ¥ 
positively refuse to sell any onion seed be- 
tween August 1st and October 1st. Our 
new crop seed will be ready about October 

In view of the almost certain 

ist, and we can then give you good, fresh 
onion seed, that will germinate well and 
utake good onions. We make this refusal 
in the interests ot the planter as well as for 


our own reputation, 

and send when the new crop is ready. 

We are bound to send out seeds of strong vitality only. If you want to make a general 
order for seeds before October ist, you may order the onion seed. 

We will then hold the order for onion seed 

It will pay you to wait for the new crop before planting. 
CuLTURE—Sow the seed in seed beds from the first of October to the first of December in Florida. 
the seed to the depth of one-half inch and firm the soil over it. 


Keep the soil mvist. If convenient, shade the 

bed lightly. When well up this is not necessary. When they are the size of a goose quill they should be trans- 
planted into rich or heavily fertilized soil in rows eighteen inches apart, five inches apart in the row Youcan’t 

grow good, large onions without heavy fertilizing. Work them thoroughly and often, 
can be sownin drills where they are to stay and then thinned out. 

In a moist soil seed 
If you want a good onion crop and have not 

tried our seed, do so. They will prove satisfactory. The Bermuda White and Red are the only sure varieties 

for Florida. 

Bermuda White—Packet 5 cents; 14 ounce 15 cents; 
ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 85 cents; 44 pound $1.60; 
pound $3.00. 

Bermuda Pale Red—Packet 5 cents; 44 ounce 15 
cents; ounce 25 cents; 14 pound 85 cents; 44 pound 
$1.60; pound $3.00. 


It is a well-established fact that the northern or American grown onion seed wil] not produce bulbs in the 

South. We offer for sale only genuine imported seed of all varieties of onions catalogued by us. 
grown seed is offered by northern seedsmen at a lower price, but they will not produce the bulbs 



The cheapest and best way to raise onions is from 
good seed. There are many, however, who prefer 
the sets. 

Bermuda Red Sets ‘Florida grown)—We can only 
offer the Bermuda Red Sets this year, grown trom 
our genuine seed near Interlachen. If planted in 
September they form large fully-matured bulbs by 
We only have 100 bushels this year, but 
will supply them as long as they last at 20 cents per 
pint; 35 cents per quart, postpaid; peck $1.50; bushel 
$5.50, not prepaid. 



White Montpelier Onion Sets (Green Onions for 
First Early Bunching)—They are of a pure silvery 
white color, enormously productive, frequently pro- 
ducing as many as twenty bulbs in a single cluster, 
from a single bulb planted; excellent quality and size 
for bunching green, or can be ripened for use as 
pickling onions, and tor this latter purpose can be 



grown much more economically than from seed. 
Their keeping qualities are remarkable, having kept 
perfectly sound for a year, but their most important 
quality is extreme earliness, being ready for market 
from three to four weeks ahead of other onion sets. 
Our grower says: ‘‘They cannot be beaten for earli- 
ness; they are matured before the weeds and grass 
can cover them ” 

The largest of the sets allowed to grow through 
summer make an onion of fair size, which divides 
when ripening in the fall, multiplying liberally for 
another season. Our illustration is made accurately 
from nature. Stock very limited. Pint 25 cents; quart 
45 cents; 14 bushel $2.00, not prepaid. 



Our stock of peas has been carefully grown and 
will be found to be just as represented. 

CuLTURE—For early peas a moderately rich and 
dry loam is the best; for the later sorts a heavier soilis 
heavy growth of vines, hence the ground for the 
early crop ought to have been manured the previous 
autumn. If this has not been done, then apply well- 
rotted manure at the time of sowing. Sow in drills 
about two or three inches deep. Let there be two 
rows, ten inches apart, three to four feet between the 
rows. If for home use sow the peas (in Florida) from 
four to six inches deep. It will take them longer to. 
mature, but you will get double the usual crop in 
this way. 

Fresh stable manure is apt to make a 

Bliss’ Everbearing—Height of vine eighteen inches 
to two feet. Pod three to four inches long, each pod 
containing six to eight wrinkled peas. Size of peas 
very large, frequently half an inch tn diameter; qual- 
ity very fine. Its habit of growth 1s of a peculiar 
branching character, forming as many as ten stalks 
from a single root stalk, The individual branches 
are of extraerdinary strength and substance, so that 
when hilled up properly they stand up well without 
brushing. For continuance of bearing this variety is. 
notable—a characteristic which gives it especial value 
for late summer and autumn use, After repeated 


pickings the vines continue to be 
covered with blossoms and buds, 
developing to maturity in turn. The 
quality is the best of any pea known. 
A variety that should be in every 
garden. Packet 10 cents; 14 pint 15 
cents; pint 25 cents; quart 45 cents; 
peck $1.25; bushel $4.s0. 

John L.—This is the earliest pea 
ever offered. It matures earlier 
than any extra earlier variety,such as 
First of All, Morning Star, Daniel 
O’Rourke, etc. Can be planted any 
month except July and August. Is 
very hardy and the best for the 
trucker, being the most prolific of 
any early variety. This has become 
very popularin the South; last season 
our sales of John L. were more than 
our sales of all other varieties com- 
bined. One of our Orange Co., Fla., 
customers wrote us that from 14 bushel of John L. 
planted by him he got 1814 bushels of green peas at 
the first picking. We have a large supply now, and 
can offer it at a reduced price. Packet 10 cents; 4 
pint 15 cents; pint 25 cents; quart 4ocents; peck $1.25; 
bushel $4.50; two bushels $8.00. 

Hastings’ Home Delight—The original strain ot 
this heavy bearer was introduced by us in 1889. Since 
that time it has been improved by selection until it is 
now the best and earliest bearer of all the heavy 
croppers. For home use and near by market it is 
invaluable. A strong grower, withstanding the 
effects of frost better than any other. The heaviest 
bearer we know of, and yet of such dwarf growth as 
to not require bush or staking, if planted in double 
rows eightinches apart. Packet 10 cents; 4 pint 15 
cents; pint 25 cents; quart 45 cents; peck $1.40; 
bushel $5.00. 

Southern Queen—Introduced by us last year. The 
most valuable introduction since Bliss’ Everbearing 
Pea was placed on the market. The illustration 
shows the natural average size of the pods. Is a 
strong, sturdy grower, two feet high, branching sim- 

es B>.” 

ilar to the Bliss Everbearing. In quality and pro- 
ductiveness it is fully equal to that famous variety, 
and has the valuable quality of bearing at the least 
one month longer, making it a continuous bearer for 
three and one-half months. This variety should be 
in every garden. Packet 10 cents; 14 pint 20 cents; 
pint 30 cents; quart socents; peck $2.00, 


CULTURE—Sow in any good garden soil any month 
in the year. In summer, water frequently to induce 
a quick growth. 

New Glass Radish—We distributed this new radish 
to a number of careful growers last season as No, 10, 
This is a sample of the reports: 

“Your No. 10 Radish is the best radish that I have 

“Tangerine, Fla.’’ 

ever grown. 

It is a long radish, of light pink color, white tipped 
and of a uniform size. Flesh is transparent white, 
always crisp and brittle, even if grown to a large 



It is well known to market gar- 
deners and truckers that French 
radish seed is far superior to the 
California and English grown seed. 
Our radish seed is from the famous 
Maine- Et- Loire district of France. 

It is higher in price than the Amer- 



Z ) ican grown, but the crop is what 

Show's its value. 


Burpee’s Bread-Stone—A valuable variety for the 

size, and is mild flavored. It was named Glass Rad- 
ish on account of the transparency of the flesh. 
Gardeners will find it to their interest to plant this. with a light green top. Flesh perfectly white, fine 

variety. Packet 10 cents; ounce 15 cents; 144 pound grained, and cooks in fifteen minutes. Very tender 
45 cents; pound $1.25. 

South, and we give it a place at the head of our list. 

Ot medium size, quick growing, smooth roots, white, 

and sweet. Has many of the characteristics of the 

Hastings’ Mixed Radishes—For those who desire a 
mixed collection we have put up a large quantity of 
our mixture of fifteen varieties suitable for southern 
growth. Large packet 10 cents; ounce 15 cents; 14 and winter in the South. Packet 5 cents; ounce 10 

pound 35 cents; pound $1.00. cents; 14 pound 25 cents; pound 75 cents. 

Ruta-Baga in growth, especially the large top, which 

can be used for greens. Is the best turnip for fall 


Hastings’ seeds are 
specially selected i 
and grown for the | \S Y///y>\ li 
Southern States. We |\|bZF7 W" \e& WY jy fu, Yee Ng Meg 
are the only seed XG SC \ YY jj, 

firm in the United 
States that have 
seeds grown special- = 
ly sor use in the = 
South. We have im- - 
itators. Beware of 
them. Our select - 
strains can be ob- 



tained of us only. fF ———— : SN ATLEE BURPEERCO PWILA 


OUR ANNUAL CATALOGUE will be sent out early in December. It 
will contain full descriptions of all varieties of vegetable, farm and field seeds 
sold by us; of grass and forage plants valuable for the South, and a select 
list of flower seeds. This will be sent to every purchaser from this catalogue 
or to any who will apply. 




Specially Selected and Grown for the Southern States. 

Seeds Sent Postpaid by Mail.—Remember that the prices given in this 
list include the delivery of seeds by the packet, ounce, quarter pound, 
pound, pint or quart. Send us the amount named in this catalogue and we 
guarantee safe delivery by mail. 


Pkt. 16 Oz 0z. 14 Lb. Lb. 

Large Green Globe Ty. 5 ebend@kodopsmbspopodaisappacdec- eA 10 15 25 75 
Jerusalem Artichoke Roots (3 pounds, postpaid, 75 cents) oe af = : 30 

iD rt Ott Ogres bao + aust ci aaa eem ener - 5 Bre 10 25 80 
Leo Cha Se ARNG SOBRE RABE Gor (2 year old, per 50, postpaid, $1.00; per 100, $1.50; per 1000, not postpaid, $9.00). 

Bush Beans—Green Podded Varieties. 

Pkt. %Pt. Pt. Qt. Peck. Bu 

Best of All..... “Ae 10 15 2 40 $1 25 $5 00 
Mimperon William (very early)s.25. 1c 5 |< -clens amieieterme th wrelehe : 10 15 2 40 I 25 5 00 
Improved Round Pod Retugee. .... ...........-.... 3145 10 15 20 35 I 00 3 50 
Hastings’ Excelsior Refugee (see page 1) .. Sraiateraes ; ; 10 15 25 40 I 25 4°75 
Extra Early Red Valentine (see page 1)....... .. ...- sseee%e 10 15 23 35 L268 4 25 
Union White Valentine st ; occa 10 1s 25 45 1 50 5 50 
Early Long Yellow Six Weeks ... ...... Sito Gte oe eeconh 10 15 20 35 1 10 4 25 
Early Mohawk.... Siaepatee wes kos S< : 10 15 20 35 1 10 4 25 
White Mexican or Prolific Tree..... POCO Ar er Pe ware 10 15 25 45 

Wax Podded Varieties. 
Griswold’s Everbearing Wax (Sold out)  —s_.... . soe eee eee - - 
New Golden Eyed Wax .... Beeiiteee samt. vs : 10 15 25 45 I 50 5 50 
New Refugee Wax..... eM ns aches | kSwa(sjers 10 20 35 55 2 00 7 00 
mwosemite siammothiw ax (SOkdiOut)) esi. 5e. 3 F< cc accy cedece anaes sf 
WV tr wells IGE VMVVIEE 5, faire SUNN ER wlelew slic how 3 Seed idle 10 1S 25 45 I 75 6 50 
Grennell’s Rust Proof Wax .. Sonic ‘cee Pes. < 2 10 15 25 45 I 50 5 50 
MOONE Gis OLDEN SVK a) tae a Set OM Yalan basen) wis: fusiettle.c's:e yo 15 3 40 1 50 5 50 
Flageolet Wax ..... 10 15 25 45 
Perfection Wax. ... he os eel sin eaeants 3A 10 15 25 45 ane 
Wware German Black Wax. i... Gee fest: «deewslers cee ° Snneanec 10 15 23 40 I 50 5 75 

Bush Lima Beans. 
end erkons BUSH ENING UN © bo tities etteiatetien ccs centered 10 15 25 45 175 7 00 
Burpee’s Bush Lima (Sold out) 
Thorburn’s Bush Lima (Sold out)......... : : 
Taukeon Wander Bean (7. cpa cke uci as ccc weencclecee veces . 10 25 40 75 

Cee WITCH ASI oS. anita cusen ten <n) Ue sabhios spo maxe mote 10 1s 25 45 
PILLAI C OL SE WEE: 5 cUeW niece ta seic nate eet Meee seins 10 15 25 45 
mloxdaa Butter Beam 4 ..- scence Oe ajqan Penta e ace ae 10 18 30 55 
NS CLE a A ee Io 10 18 30 55 


Pkt. 4 Oz. Oz. 14 Lb. Lb. 
Early Green Curled. ...............-. Uae MAG 3 5 5 x 10 30 wee 

Hastings’ Crimson King (see page 2).......-..... sevens 10 15 35 i [e.3) 
Hastings’ Improved Blood Turnip .............. 1 -.-e00ee ap) !on 5 10 25 75 
Extraybarly Eoyptiany iiss. \-\seciiteniet ciel leis BAO IE Gonos 5 10 20 55 
Beelapsey MMe) literate tees, |. ake statavegayera tela alas eCejesk Sater eheuoye olstelsleperentets 5 10 20 5° 
EarlysBloodiMurnip sweeney aes « aceterleseslelenis terion chee mei Cet 5 oe 10 20 50 
Half Long Blood. 06, gOogEsO nebo” JooosondbaORGS doBDODQeKCGDOS 5 5 So 10 20 60 
Long SmootheBloodiRedss) +) i. caeeere eee anaeccrite ee accmecleeee 5 10 20 50 
Lentz’s Extra Early Blood Turnip.............. 0 secs cece ee ec eeeeee 5 10 20 55 
Edmand’s Early Blood Turnip.........-.. ....-+-. 5 10 20 55 
Bastianis/Pxtraylia nly wae set. eee eee ee tein en eit ate tameyerets 5 10 2) 55 
Mellow, urnip Beets ceo nacace tel ceineieite Been wocoo cane a 5 10 25 75 
Jumbo Long Red Mangel........cccenscee: cee sce ee clsleielteeiieieeel 5 15 ayy 
jenU-serS SPROUTS. 
Improved Dwarf.........-.. Pe ee" ASP RAH oe 10 20 50 
WihitelCape yaaevectteets. mie clctec ce stellate elraractereiele 79 10 30 50 I 50 
IEE I MACE ig oy codaodnooudN Mb\dcooooogOUdoEsoddbodGoGouUs cobd0800 10 20 30 1 00 
Thorburn’s Gilt Edge (14 ounce, $1.00)...... 25 175 3 00 10 00 38 00 
Henderson’s Early Snowball (144 ounce, 75 cents)....... ... .---. 15 I 25 2 50 § 00 30)00 
Extra Early Dwarf Erfurt (Select) (44 ounce, 75 cents). ..-......-- 15 I 25 2 50 § 00 30 00 
Extra Early Paris White ................... do isa sb opoae BY 10 30 50 2 25 8 00 
Le Normand’s Short Stem...... ... : Bala i boadooaceoc! yee 10 25 50 it IS 
Large Late Algiers 10 40 75 2 IS? 
‘Autummy Giants ermecicecrciaie ciscrelslcketehsttets 10 30 50 1 50 
Chantenayeyaeetiocrsicce: 5 rn 10 25 go 
Sh WANS Sogo diiads!) Liigoemusnuns 5 10 25 So 
Improved Long Ornee PE SNARE Ra cao dadaddach aoute bobs avacsangeop 5 Be 10 25 So 
JEEWEe I boyayer Serbeletey NGA Read bape aan obcouaebar nove dR boscheboaD 5 f 10 20 7° 
Danyver’siinterme diate ee. cee ceielcisleldalalereheleleforetioelsystersi-teralesels 5 10 25 80 
Large White Belgian (tor stock) ... .---.2. © 0 eeee-) eee eee 5 10 20 7° 
Hastings? SureCrop . |... ae Be 10 20 30 I 00 3 50 
Hastings’ Centennial Flat Dutch. .. ............ 0 | see velit 10 15 25 85 300 
Hastings Long Island Wakefield ....... 0.0.0... 0..0-2 cece reese es 10 20 30 I 00 3) BY 
Hastings’? Florida Drumhead..... |. ..........-. Salle HOBO aIeLCGO 10 15 25 85 3 00 
Hastings’? Emerald King .........-...0. 0.000200 eee tee eee 10 20 35 I 00 352, 
GenuinesSusehead ap areca eee Cease ne cn ee eiiettet mere : 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Henderson’s Succession... ...... 0.82. 0c006 cece s wees tie eerceesrerens 5 15 25 75 205° 
IDE IWLsh) IBEW ae ousbgkubon sooumeoseopnananmoogaccqoacagce : 5 15 25 75 2 50 
POLIS Saxe IDES ING) Wenn dooaddooocdhoudgoaueeanucodac ooscocdaboucobe iy 15 25 75 2 50 
BridgeportyDrumibbead ile retevel)s teeley:leletalsielsierelsyer (clei nn a enatatekels}ezscous 5 15 25 75 2 Be 
Carolinaghlard) Head er-eerin era ee cmtclitacitiiee ee eile eit rt ticits 10 20 30 1 00 3 50 
J NICER oh Saeco doonsaeacdo modo daddous dcuanodgobnoadobod 1000 90a60006 5 15 25 75 2 Je 
Os qa gu larydhy JD o)CeW poobo nan bo cone Hiinuad ) locobonbagcagaoedos Wee 5 15 25 60 2 00 
Early Etampes .. ......-........ b Gausedoo Pe erseue RELI 5 10 20 50 175 
IDERAK ZION had IMEEM Uoanobondbado vooneoqd dudoogs obuKacoo0gRS 5 10 20 50 1 75. 
IDE HAN hevaebereo dy pooba@odanboube WooCdUsebaosedo0dauN Nenshciaicyeye Gis 5 10 20 50 1 75 
Green). Glaze deesiscielenierineisis vie nisiele sag ocean eaGa” su8 gocnboDOd 5 15 25 75 2,50 
Early Jersey Wakefield (selected). .... 10.22.02) tee ceeeese ss . 5 15 25 75 2 te 
Charleston Wakefield ............. s.ceeees PAGER ACOR UE ASAGe 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Large Early Wakefield... cc eee eee eee ee eee e eens 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Early York.......... actkendiodaasen AY Aemnsacuincddads 5 5 10 20 50 1 50 
Early Winningstadt.......  ..--..-- dedodoesobG DodvDNeN + GdoogD 5 10 20 50 1 50 
Fottler’s Improved Brunswick .........0-.- esses eeeeee cee te eerees 5 10 20 60 2 00 
Perfection Drumhead Savoy... .--seeeeeeeee es cece seer reee neeees 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Premium Late Flat Dutch......-....seeeesees +12 see Bee tteistat= 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Early Blood Red Erfurt........eeeseeeeee eee rete eter ett eseeereees 5 1S 25 see 
True Southern or Georgia....eecseeesenen cess eer ecceeeressoorerecs 5 de 10 * 30 I 00 
New White Head. ............- SdonxndscognuEncoadoodsas alointselevereistcieterals 5 10 15 50 I 50 



Pkt. Vy Oz. 0z. 

Gian eraiceec wees « «i selaciemictelcie'sels'ele w/eirierelalwciewinial is /eViecleisis 5 15 
Emerald Green White Spine..........ccceecseccceceseersceesscecs : 5 10 
Improved Extra Early White Spine.............. 0 ses ee eeee eens 5 10 
The Hastings White Spine (the best)............s000 eeseee- Boake 10 15 
Evergreen White Spine, Be os). HOCOERASEC OAT aGORG DOUnGAl mmcoodd 5 10 
iloricapkemerae 0): cjo.syn, ccstatieriatia </orclelnistsfelnia)s/ajulelniaie efes> aie) (s\opaleraiw 5 10 
Bennett’?s Wihite’Spine: .. .-..cc25 cecwcltessececeesees onenancis 5 10 
Early Frameé..........-...cccsenvscccccccessss- — cecccscereres cere 5 10 
INE OVO ee Cyd ee agerocso: BosdeShogueroadoc-sa0 oranre 5 10 
Improved Long Green ——_- 0. sve oncecene et cene cess senecocs 5 10 
iWesterfield’s Chicago Pickle (cijeej cme cess sane ne seen wie sees osl- 5 10 
WiespindiaiGherkin. .. 5) (emacewscesenclids |) cjelelanSinacisle's 36 5 10 
Japanese Climbing Cucumber ......-.+cacss.0ececes ces weeneecees 10 
arge Green) Cabbaping ys .< 2...) oy Misect nce 10 
oSds RY. 
Mexican Sold smeetdaace\iscleeecics. | tebe ei clon: ioe 10 20 30 
SENAY AONB ESI SCs) GadeppnopnoRoseeee aS SoodgooounBace | suuocsdcc 10 20 30 
UN eer Gla nit ck ahem cise ciiaciaiisniciale/miaictetatayefeheee We eaisralorar= Sc aL OGRE 10 20 30 
LORAIN so5n gan Speoaoodgeounticdo: Btive al @asnscase 5 as 20 
Crawiordisnsali Dwartigs idee seem. scenes) <iiste Sn tion ote 5 15 25 
Goldenisel iB anche peter eptteteietaisisieoieleteiolslaletsteletiotasys ateistennetaleiers 10 20 40 
RVD tere Dime. von eal emer Sataitsitceycts: vais « : NGnchsa9 idee DoRcaT 5 10 
Celehiaci(inrnip-rooted!| Celery) intense. ieee see ele sei i-ise isle -Naiaie 5 36 15 
Old Celery Seed (for seasoning) .............. . 2. 36 5 
(8) (5215 MeponpenbeonaacoctaeroacObaCOCAdounGEBOons .. \cdsomndgn.dac ; 5 an 20 
\Aei Ce ARs 6 dc anar dg@sanpaisot Shc 10 30 50 
Extra Curled Upland................. bay Glogs, as. ebnocasdusanone 5 a6 10 

Pkt. Pt. Qt. 
Gold Coin (new, very fine).... ... ...... =, Grease bonecooods 10 25 40 
Stowelleapbvexrcreen! COM a recrcmesteitcls ioe tistertel tse ielta aerate eieerisiele 5 15 25 
LAR WCE ECE) Spe “ag booon sncoengoounscugnoe.- onobosesnagecoanaadn 5 15 25 
mexonmngear Corni(very: Carly) james -ict) Cneesieieadeces ale Aare 10 20 35 
JAGESINED 1D <icd 99 OF 194 eR aeReneBoancoocdobcdodaL sso SISOC ORDO UHODAAIIOOn 5 15 25 
LEGO Gagne) Rew ARGON OAUOMOORAD GOS Go— states Hc 10 20 40 


Pkt. V4 Oz. Oz. 

PM BVLOVeCueAT Pe NeAVEG. «ca ciejetiee syle sstelteininioaiath enlelni= il lele\eteis|elstesiola/= 10 30 50 


Sore Orn Curle gy. eiscs sles sie. vn niselen acters s/caet 10 ae 20 


Hastings’ Improved Large Purple Thornless. _...... ............. 10 30 50 
Black Pekin. Gaohoagee — daacsecosaaca RoR OnORACAN ae AGRO BBAbOn 10 30 50 
New York Sapraved ares Parple ceaces Ho Seddon ada0 wOntoor 5 20 35 
arly On SOUL leaseiate sc wintictels erect terrier = lelaieRiac alot sina (iste 5 15 25 
RapAnese Neste peo... « sicsitiwcntee ame Ue ale nets else cleanses cacienls 10 
IGE LOL NOK, Meme ent total oo claaeiatewiote eipictais eisieretataraton eretra vleiploteye staf « s oruele 10 

SOU aE MOMS Mary eet eictois ice » neler cleis ce ase cine elarel aie te aloe wie tis, cis, swemelat ote 10 

For 26 cents we will send one packet each of any three varieties, or 
one packet each of the four varieties for 30 cents. 


Early White Vienna 


ECA CALENLEI Gc ceisios «cic vale sw awlorow ae ciclikceiet ueenlsicie die waives de owes 10 20 30 

Hastings’ Drumhead White Cabbage 

Raia snip ofa e qatters aia dicislaidiate'ecie's : 5 15 25 

Bloxidas Header, ........06 Raloeieatcs oa vie actos ccesccccesvccce csouce 10 20 35 

Marblehead Mammoth......... Suiaiatdaly wislelalanniacis's 9! <omemnlaias wareia nia 5 15 25 

mre Ft ye NWWWw 




6 00 


/_ hu 



az = , a AZT ES a ae a aS ne a aD 
Pkt. ¥ Oz. Oz. Lb. 
IED IOAN Sos SovanddusdsocRBQDbCdS ONoDoOCOnOS 4 Saonbona0abes0 5 15 25 65 
Denver Market ........ Spon “Beaoessoonoop Db saroUdcbOCaGeHOOn 94 10 15 40 
Mimi provedwelan's On rrereysretetakettetet oie telettetettersietocet felt telatel <f- maim Tor aatete lets 5 10 15 35 
Tomhannock...... . a BodooGoDoCGWGRD} 4 \ bee | doesn onuadG 5 10 15 35 
Satisfaction! (blackiseeded) en sn). -nernienmeniiios eile noeneae 5 10 15 35 
riZ ep ELe a is ammet a (UeoMmtats (o)-Nesotauhel-tatedateteteetetatenietelalctetsfat=letcteter teletesetelets 5 10 15 35 
UEAWayCEbe IRCRINC oi oaadord noobbaDaD OD DUGé atiahonesoHaueoaanonanoveacde 5 10 15 35 
Salamander.. : 5 10 15 35 
Black Seeded Simpson... 5 10 15 35 
Early Curled Simpson 5 10 15 35 
LIMPED VINA? ooodgocubbecgdonsacdspabscoeres | 6 gosoodsan 5 10 15 35 
Boston Market .............-...-.- dene ‘goaded rieieiciviels\ein\elaieieiolelsieimlatelal= 5 10 15 35 
Deacons Cabbagevepmemets-te/sleite-leisteistelesteleremeyamaler dob .ca9oco 5 10 15 35 
White Paris Cos .................-- SSeaagee) QbADVOUOGSed= Idoqoe0RKa sites! 10 15 35 
WrinterpbineapplemenirtccicsipisieeicceeeMetecicle nisi teri neenicteeeisice 10 15 25 : 
AUS IN pb Sean oos06 Bb ccoosUdsuaS sodocs059 Som Go00d0 SoebooasCDE 10 a 15 40 
ANN IE¥ yee boonenecodgaqsneaNd |dbood ‘scSc0bse0 cdadcaba9dnUDERU CON 10 -- TS 40 
EmeraldiGemiy yee erie scle)s <ceeeeee lass BRBREHan Eb COdsuD HOO 5 Spy 10 25 
Improved Extra Early Hackensack.................-..0202 sees--es 5 10 25 
Ronceldelveonw eer te esl bno0do) auobu oanddon YoDoUdHoODS woKdoD 5 10 25 
Banana. sonos )|| aebodnadanhpoacedocapapaocouudsOnoNSyOCmoEopORe 5 10 25 
Montreal Market Green Nutmeg .........--..425. 5. ee eueeeee 5 10 20 
Wey 26h) ody  Wecbesobopdod codbo dos \GeodoboacoqdoDsosaqO0D0 5 10 20 
ImprovediCitron Nutmeg. 6) -jeletciwielslateleleielereieleiis| olenelassieleielaieicjateieiepetorsts 5 10 30 
Casabaypceeenel paDsosbODIboREbAW06 sabeauogRODCIONGS sdens0bengoK" 5 10 30 
Improved Long Dixie 5 10 30 
Dixie (original strain) 5 5 10 20 
News hasty asierey. mleloiel(elese)staley=ieiaino cledetelekelstsletalefatelelataistelolstal=fofaletelet=teretsveler 5 10 25 
1b? (ENG!) 555 suse a ledoe bono dbpookvo bar cosaopDupounooouaab 680 5 10 25 
Ibe mNabtdeS IOS; oon ooqusbaqsoonoousooUSoEoDoGOONDO0S —og500080 5 10 30 
CubaniQueen Bra mcterleplelsteris he alelel-arerere Ss sopGe IGA ba MUUdOGDDGOSO0000G0E 5 10 20 
IPAY OGY, Sccododoobogaoc bodGds obeDon oe JoRdosedeLGOe. dS5000 90000 boon 10 25 75 
aihe vRin kerr cre <ceyteiia pdadccuddodorosboLondoGanbaconscsnabonNCUOnO 10 15 45 
AUS JJONESs, cosgqousadsoocced cba! UecososaoDscoocuoubcoodcDNND 10 15 40 
The Wild ne \ppooodeoosDIOKO 10 15 45 
Au pustaRattlesnakell(venyi tine) |ers\clclelale ciel: leteiclelateistelatateyelalsla laleloiey> 10 15 40 
AHEM elawiare yy sanistelcceleleiseisteroeireatlaciekdctelorelersielenietclerreleleleverietectsiefete 5 10 30 
SSO! Goo Ar Soosondoaasopodososcgoncsosa! gdaons0bos no acoNo8G00C 5 10 30 
Rattlesnakersouthern.weeecnerscsceeceriiee omens het eeisiceniecels 5 10 20 
RiediSeededWViauclusercrentereletyetsaletetsstetelelelateteleleteilefateletcteisteterelateteletotetetealetets 5 10 30 
lsoVlehts CO ibn soobeenobnecoupobanboso sede scodenobdomanss Qoasoneoede 5 10 20 
JordanvsiGrayp Monarchs. |-tletetsleleretctdeielevcrleleleldeteaelstetnrestetistetoner “Baden 5 10 25 
IPridevomGroroiaieicriancicteinceistetele i cteieciecieletisicteteieveleloieieieteteelererelele ueteeh 5 10 20 
Ice Cream or Peerless 5 10 20 
Florida Favorite.......... 5 10 25 
Jumbo Joy OdaeoOOUOBEOOODUGD adcoonooddoutcdogcosounc00000000 5 10 30 
Eun garian One yserreifel- <isictejeeialels eeleteiieteteleniscciieieietsicr tet rete ekeeeitelets 5 10 30 
Mi Epc OANIG ONO EG! Anegnadseaoooetcskedooooaea i BSadno000800GC0R0 5 10 25 
Mountains wie Slat ertuelte rit tels (ol lelolatsieetaarererelsietetativoteisisisicieteteretersiorsteleieisters 5 10 20 
\nientis Comba slesto esavescosgenopsadoccnodoosdsodabonoaSNSagen’ Gants 5 10 30 
EME IAN en so 06 as copodeaDOAABENBOdO. ac donoDOOnGSoD CDDaaNNADROONG 5 10 20 
Moun taiineS prow timeertete meister ereleiteisieinieteleiaitetlerstbereteheteisteteisieretstetetsiateters 5 10 25 
CitronnGreentGiantoolidaacericite seen detente ee eeee errr 5 10 30 
News Chineses (very Mine) wrtevolsieis1= sietelajiia ciel nicletesielata vote erecrsieecrarcire 5 10 15 35 
Grants outherni@urle dieiierreiciieticielsicelelsieieleleiectelsteitciels  eietiaisteiecietetstietae 5 10 25 
ANAS Wh ebsk AGoooonsoosnbcsacueeD 665 nooaddodnas ay CODSDOO SOC 5 10 15 

Berm udaswiniten-\ctelerpsjeia/sfetstetetorshiievels -etetsivie sistas tere sierseteissteisieteeieresieiiete 5 15 25 85 
Bermuda PalewRed ti secepclic seter oieialsie's--tiatpe ante ve hint Rea enews 5 15 25 85 

bb WN 



<I 7 

Sus 8 

aa 8 

3 00 
3 00 



mo woe 

Red Weathersfield.. 

Yellow Globe Danvers e. 

Silver Skin 
Bermuda Sets 


White Multiplier... 3 . SOR: ade 

PUVIMILENVIELVEE can cee. s «Nano .cjemitaten Weta Niclas 2G danieteia 

Dwarf Green. HA 

Perkins’ Mammoth Long Podded........... 


PEER EOMLOSS GUPleG ee a.s:c onc ~'acinnitipiecicne #912 
Plain EE TO ey eae con sl cettla\e SeMetlePen P clpis «6 sick 

PEAS— Extra Early. 

jehn L. (see page 9) 
*irst of All. 

Alaska (true stock)... 

Rural New Yorker 

Philadelphia Extra Early. ... ... 

American Wonder 

GRITS eo cee ser ie seitalnss 




t. Qt. 
5 2: 
5 25 
‘0 35 
‘0 35 
5 45 



t. %Pt. Pt. 
° 15 25 
o 15 23 
° 15 25 
o 15 25 
fo) 15 23 
) 15 23 
o 15 25 
to) 15 25 


PEAS—Second Early and Heavy Croppets- 

SUNG EOP CO ate Gabo voderiostionees dubegcn 

Bliss’ Everbearing 

1 yn CIE hs, aoe Gabe b Sabeo Doneoret COenaCO n0e-cie Ceo Chb Oba eS aNo 

Burpee’s Quantity. 

Champion of England. 

Black-Eyed Marrowfat 

Large White Marrowfat. ocd d SBOE hose ap Pee NPE . 

Tall Shy ta ‘Peas (edible’pods)) i 2.5..02 ..c-c05<00 oe 
Mpareeas (Edible pods) kmemaceheme cect) mm oslo bs cictele 



Improved Hollow Crown. ..........c.sccsssereees 
Ruby King....... sngeBagabuasbn o-okscanmoceddnes, aooeGancarcaccdse 
PPFOCOD 8) GUAT veces tec elela\ “\s)uie,e/oipletainiotaleraie) «ot sia cnieml wien ctek-tnletelate A 
Long Cayenne. ...... 2.2. cc ces ccc ences sec veneteecncacvenensecucees 

New Celestial. 

Large Bell or Bull Nose .... .... 

Red Cluster .. 

Golden Prize (sw eet and mild) 

MCRD ARINC Ie So sai sow efale ala pe deo, eulaul Mntayarn cate fe se 

Cashaw Crookneck 

Japanese Pie Pumpkin. 

uarge Cheese 

Tennessee Sweet Potato 

Connecticut Field 

Jumbo (largest of all).... 

Green Striped or Improv EG Cashaweinssentth: mccsateee 


New Glass (earliest and best. Matures in 21 days, Long variety). 

Scarlet Button 

Rosy Gem or Rapid Hoseing. ; 
Early Long Scarlet Short 
Long White Vienna or ee Finger. 

Earliest Carmine. 

Wood’s Early Frame ; . os 
Chartier or Improved Shepherd....... Mea once al cecterte 
Long Black Spanish Winter... .........-- ARR CSE og 

Lo: g White Spanish Winter 

New White Strasburg 
California Mammoth White et Meal vases ofa 

French Breakfast. 

Chinese Rose Winter 

Philadelphia White **Box’’ 

Hastings’ Mixed Radishes (fifteen varieties). 


Mammoth White Sandwich Island. 

SQUASH—Bush Varieties. 

Mammoth White Bush.. 

Early White Bush (Patty Pan). aa Mehna elk Sead Pa melsastohrentsine : 

Early Yellow Bush 

Giant SummerCrookneck. .... 

New Egg Plant . 

10 15 5 
10 15 25 
10 15 25 
10 13 20 
10 13 20 
10 13 20 
10 20 30 
10 20 30 

5 15 
5 15 
5 15 
10 2 
5 15 
5 15 
10 I5 
5 15 



Panu eee nN 



Unban eap 

> ARAN: 
° 888883" 



Pkt. Vy Oz. 6 y ° 7 
GoldeniCustardy Woo... va: .c-ae ae eee meee a i TaN CIR ha 
White Pineapple ..... San oo, Mm! Scoopoa 0 5 10 20 75 
RerfectiG emi a nM eet eter 5 10 25 75 
ong Green Summer Crookneck. 9 9) | ee : 5 10 30 I 00 
Yellow Summer Crookneck, mone 5 i 10 20 60 
SQUASH—Running Varieties. 
Fordhook . i : 5 10 30 m00 
Early Prolific Marrow ......0+0+- 5 10 25 75 
Boston Marrow da200) I Moboosocada 5 10 25 ire) 
Improved Hubbard. ............... 5 A 25 75 
IN ACG NA oosopeauapons 7 (one Bana >. - coon! | edacons 
Curled Norfolk Savoy Reet cons Lanny: : Ee 32 I mS 
New Long Standing mie tele, ss Cee eo 5 10 20 40 
Broad Leaved Flanders. 5 10 20 40 
Bloomsdale 5 10 20 45 
RECKON SOE MATS «| cooodeasem lcvacase god0es 66 -00s0  coboso 10 15 25 85 3 00 
Fonecroe? J0 By \odeondabenet we 5 i F 
Royal Re S050 Ba oR Bene ee 10 2 te) I 00 
TRG Prize or Early Ruby............. APS Pte ; 10 fe oe 3 25 
INewrStones ss ih UME Uk... mcete\esperein ied Mk fala eenaneretee 5 15 25 &0 275 
Mansfield’s Tree Tomato (three packets, 25:CENts) -risleee reer SeT 10 30 50 Be 
Long Keeper. AO5E . eal a 10 20 35 I 00 3 50 
Livingston’s Beauty... .. ..... 5 15 25 75 239 
Wiving ston’spHavOrl tema) [steerer een nn et teee ee eee 5 15 25 75 2 50 
Perfection’. .c-sielec-ivelci-i es 5 I5 25 75 2 50 
Yet ino OO CORO OCOD OOIL SME tleal Tura [Feo ND Syl) Wakes cid are 5 I5 25 7 2 25 
Optimus ees en ge ME | welofoleTaterore 5) tT hiodestnen 5 15 25 70 2 25 
ikado or Turner’s Hbad QObo!Hosdoe0dcGacn, 2 0), . jeoez0e 5 15 25 75 2 50 
WORT? I lo odibobe iodagday | 2) 1 landddoctosous on = 5 15 25 5 2 50 
Dwarf Champion. ......... 2.4.0... 5 le 25 g 275 
FN oyo hype ee on -obbodo OGGe) | .docs sms ssodésar 5 15 25 85 3 00 
Ignotum ais 96 duopaneqaeS dn hueeor 5 15 25 85 3 00 
COG OW OSN eo oonsdsoddobodesboboo0abase) opdodoeboco. Asap 5 15 25 75 
RedePeachhe. .. 4 goad epanneee 5 20 35 
byellowph each Vay 000i) 00 en amine t-fa(-7-1- aoe Gio 0 5 20 35 
Everbearing (3 packets, 25 cents; 7 packets, socents). ......... 10 d 
Rurpleviskehom ato: eee. nee i-layer ye 5 20 35 
Golden Husk Tomato. ..... Bae 5 20 35 
Extra Early Milan OES SHU CododT |. SHAM “Sadanoag set 5 10 20 70 
Early White Flat Dutch BUR | eA nonsepadeHsneade 3 8 15 45 
Pomeranian Wihite;Globen scene) berarereneeeeteeeeienrisaes 3 8 15 45 
Early Red or Purple Top Strap Leaved. . .. ........ .... 3 8 15 45 
LER G LASES IRCA NS = Tb Godon0ebaden 6 S65 00 5 10 20 70 
Purple Top Globe 3 8 15 45 
Viellow Aberdeen? .ae2 ine ne aatircce scat Wee eee emer 3 8 15 45 
INES NAKKS Ore COW 13S Gog 8) | Gonb). sdonedesd | baadosnac00d 3 8 I5 45 
Extra Early White Egg SocdOda | js eas 'dodlead toon 3 é S 15 45 
Mixed Turnips (thirteen varieties) .....  ...... 2. ....- 2s. 5 On 10 20 50 

MrojsdO veh AN akee Wy | | ancoosbaesanases, 202 Goacosscousboesc 3 8 15 45 
Amperialebardiy |S wed enn risaeiceieitencicicicieitcaeiee ier renee 3 8 15 45 

SAGO Fog 'sadd670 Hanomnes! osouddor, adanoodsdq0D0bbDCdNqQgnObUNONDE 5 20 Is 35 wiele 
ANTS! Kodoposadan Aoo0sqod0gn, soa cobdoMddaaDusaOn0Gc. HObDUdG0NR000 5 ae 25 eee 

Sunflower—Mammoth Russian BOOSIE A Oddy. GO aobApoonedd Per quart, 30 cents, postpaid. 
Vine Peach, Vegetable Peach or Mango 3 Melon, Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 40 cents. 
Japanese Buckwheat... hikees a ee meee “Per pound, postpaid, 30 cents; peck, 75 cents; bushel, $2 00. 
Mobacco, lav anaeectr oy) ) lol) alleles: Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 50 cents; pound, $5.00. 

All maieaal on packets, ounces, one- .-fourth ponds pounds, pints or quarts include postage. 


WAAC (FBI Gooosgo08 | 1) Sudbaun | Vopedoe .. Packet 25 cents; 44 pound, so cents; pound, $1.50. 
JERE VON Se Uokass vnosoeoyanooo: 4 shapsoaode |!) “0900 Four ounce packet, 15 cents; pound, 45 cents, 
iohnson Grasse) |jus tery sfel> -) .Pound, 35 cents; bushel, $3.50. 
Soja Beams ......... ou doooononpbeondaseo00. »oogo6 acket, 10 cents; quart,35 cents; peck, $1.25; bushel, $4.50. 
AROS TKS WG Sous poooodonade Sh He, Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; pound, $1.50. 
German Millet 6 dlandcdoWs Pound, 20 cents; peck, 80 cents; bushel, $3.00. 
earWor Cat=tai levine Commie sts.) teerelyothcietsten eset cea leerat ese 3 35 cents per pound; four pounds, 3-00. 
Early Orange Sugar Cane Sorghum LG dtdocasousOmoeS H5350 --.. 25 cents per pound; four pounds, 90 cents. 
Early Amber Sorghum Odden) sopoounod! | P agagonsgodd=cados0 365 cn -Pound, 25 cents; four pounds, go cents. 
BranchineiSorehum seer eeeane cee eee henna eee ec eee 30 cents per pound; four pounds, $1.00. 
iellowm MnO; Maizexeeccielcrbiss cc sciemoiesee celine eecer -...30 cents per pound; four pounds, $1.00, 
WEhiave Cryin as Rea nunc pacouNnnoc o ‘Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; four pounds, $1.00. 

FR E. M = MI B E_ All prices given include the payment of postage by us on 
packets, ounces, quarter pounds, half pounds and pounds. 



REDFIELD Beaurtry.—F or five years this splendid variety has been grown by thousands of our custom- 
€rs in all the Southern States. In every way it has proven superior to any tomato ever offered in the South. 
Its vigorous growth, heavy and long-bearing qualities, its hardiness, its perfect-shaped fruit and freedom from 
rotunder the most trying circumstances of growth has made ita favorite wherever planted. Whileitisso well 
known, we again give the abridged description of last year’s CataJogue: “Of glossy, crimson color, with a 
slight tinge of purple. Skin thick and tough. Grows in clusters of tour or five fruits, Retains its large size 
till all are picked. Its shape is almost perfect, and it cannot be excelled for toughness of skin and solidity. 
For shipping and early market it can be picked green, and it will ripen up nicely, presenting a handsome ap- 
pearance. The best in every respect for shipping or for home use.’? Price, large packet, 10 cents; one-halt 
ounce, 15 cents; ounce, 25 cents; one-fourth pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00. 


“It gives me pleasure to state that I took first prize Tomato for winter growing, and have produced fruit 
at the South Florida Fair with your Redfield Beauty that no State in the Union need be ashamed of. We 
Tomato.’? CuHas. E. Smitn, Windermere, Florida. sold to the Tampa Bay Hotel a large quantity of 

them, and they thought enough of them to put them 

J. W. Johnston, Manatee County, Florida, writes: on view, with a card saying where they were grown, 
‘For three years have bought your Redfield Beauty They were much admired by the guests.” 

Plant Protectors. * Plant Protectors. 


“using this new invention for the protection of tender plants from frost, you can gain fully one month 
etting tomatoes, squash. egg plant, cucumbers and melons to market. If you are a trucker you cannot 
rd to be without it. If you are a home gardener you can have vegetables a month earlier. Send for 
special circular, giving description and prices. 



Vornayne oo 


A Monthly Acricultural Paper, Published at Interlachen, Florida. 
You Want It. % Your Wife Wants It. * Your Children Want It. 

And if you have friends in the North whom you want to get to Florida, 
send a copy to them. % 


Information for the Home Cardener ; 
Information for the Market Cardener; 
Information for the Fruit Crower ; 
Information for the Strawberry Crower; 
Information for the Poultry Raiser; 
Information for the Ceneral Farmer; 

information for every one engaged in Farming a 
and Fruit Crowing in the South. + il 
ey as 
‘ gi 
It is a cheap medium of information to the agricultural and horticultural residents of the South of desira- P f 

ble methods of cultivation of vegetables for market or for home use; of general crops; of hay and forage igh , 
crops; of permanent improvement of the soil; how to fertilize at the lowest possible cost, and the best 
fertilizers for the different crops. : 


Among our contributors are Dudley W. Adams, President of the Florida Horticultural Society, Ed. 
Rumley, George W. Hastings and H. G. Hastings, the well-known writers on farm and gardening topics, _ 
and “ Uncle Snort,” the associate editor of Texas Farm and Ranch, 

To the gardener. either for market or for home use, is the series of articles by H. G. Hastings, which appear 
in each issue, taking up in detail the cultivation of each variety of vegetables. ” } 


All subscriptions should be sent to Geo, W. Hastings & Co., Interlachen, Florida, or to save extra ex- 
pense in remittances, you may include the subscription for the Ruralist in your remittance for seeds. 


It costs twenty-five cents per year, or five subscriptions for one dollar. Get four of your neighbors to 
subscribe with you and you will get your own free. Sample copies free on application to 


Publishers of Florida Kuralist, 

Interlachen, Florida.