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_ State Veterinarian. 



. F, PECK, 




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It was only a few years ago when no less than fifty-one counties 
th Tennessee were in rigid quarantine, both Federal and State, on ac- 
count of the widespread prevalence of the Southern or Texas fever 

Not over five years ago that great scourge to the sheep-raising in- 

dustry, “scab,” invaded the flocks of the Volunteer State. 

Unceasing warfare on the “tick” by the State and Federal Govern- 
ments in cooperation with the county authorities eradicated the tick, 
and the State has been released from quarantine and the markets of 
the world opened up to our Tennessee-raised cattle. The day will 
never come again when our cattle owners will be called upon to sacrifice 
their cattle on account of either State or Federal restrictions against 
their free movement to market centers. One of the first official acts 
of the Department of Agriculture after the induction of Capt. Thos. 
F. Peck into the Commissioner’s chair was a determined assault by 
State, Federal, and county authorities (eleven counties in Middle Ten- 
nessee) upon the sheep scab mite, and within as short a time as sixteen 
months our flocks were again free from “scab,” and instead of Ten- 
nessee going into quarantine as was threatened, the markets of the 

world remained open to the sheep raisers of this State. 


Since Texas fever in cattle and ‘“‘scab” in sheep have been eradicated, 
it now behooves us as loyal Tennesseans to make an assault upon that 
great scourge to our swine-raising industry—hog cholera. While this 
department will endeavor in every way possible to prevent the spread 
of, and eradicate, glanders, bovine tuberculosis, lump jaw, black leg, 
and other contagious and infectious diseases of animals, it shall be our 
purpose and policy for the next two years to wage unceasing warfare 
upon hog cholera, and most of our energy and effort will be devoted 

to the study, control and ultimate eradication of this one disease. 


In compliance with an Act of the Fifty-eighth General Assembly, 
we have caused to be erected and equipped an Anti-Hog-Cholera 
Serum Plant. This plant is located at 1502 Clinton Street, Nashville, 
Tennessee, and has been constructed according to modern sanitary and 
hygienic requirements. Experts who have visited and inspected this 
plant pronounce it complete and perfect in all its appointments. It 
has a capacity of 250 hyperimmunes, which are capable of yielding no 
less than 1,000,000 average doses of serum annually. The Dorset- 
Niles method will be employed in producing the serum. 

Our object in publishing and distributing this illustrated Bulletin is 
to acquaint all Tennesseans with hog cholera in all its phases, and the 
facilities which have been placed at our disposal by the General Assem- 
bly for the purpose of combating the ravages of that great scourge to 
the swine industry in the Volunteer State. 

Every swine owner and all other persons who are interested in the 
protection and development of the swine-raising industry, are cordially 
invited to visit this plant and become familiar with the methods here 

employed in the manufacture and use of anti-hog-cholera serum. 
Geo, R. Wuite, M.D., D.V.S., State Veterinarian. 

State Capitol, Nashville, Tenn., November 20, 1913. 


I am often asked the question, What is hog cholera? About the 
best answer I am able to give at this time would be that hog cholera 
is an acute, subacute or chronic contagious disease of hogs caused by 
a filterable virus, the specific micro-organism (‘‘germ’’) of which has 
never yet been isolated or described by any laboratory or field worker. 
It is characterized by extreme contagiousness and a high death rate, 
and does not affect any animal except swine. 


Swine values in the United States total many thousand over one 
billion dollars. Authorities claim—and I believe justly so—that the 
annual losses from the ravages of cholera in this great country of ours 
amounts to between fifty and sixty million dollars. This is to us a 
tremendous drain in the way of actual losses. It is appalling when we 
pause to think that cholera is a preventable disease and one easily and 
cheaply controlled. 


The 1910 Federal Census gives Tennessee 1,386,050 head of swine, 
valued at $7,320,377.00. By what we consider a conservative estimate 
based upon reports of reliable and well-informed men from most 
every county in the State and from our own personal observation and 
other dependable sources of information, we have claimed, and do now 
state, that no less than 400,000 hogs, valued at $2,250,000.00, died in 
Tennessee during the year 1912 from hog cholera. 


Any disease which causes such money losses in one year in a State 
as small in area as Tennessee certainly deserves the most careful con- 
sideration from all persons who are either directly or indirectly in- 
volved. With those 400,000 hogs that died last year from cholera 
made into bacon and lard some part of the present high cost of these 
two essentials to our existence would be solved. The control and 
eradication of hog cholera does not by any means involve or concern 
or affect the pocketbook of the swine owner alone, but every meat- 
consuming citizen has a share—from an economic viewpoint—in the 
success of such an undertaking. Since the price of pork and pork 
products is based upon supply and demand, it is logical to conclude 
that for every hog that dies from cholera there is one less hog with 
which to feed the people. 

Two million two hundred and fifty theusand dollars represents only 
the direct annual losses. The indirect losses caused by discouragement 
of the swine-raising industry amounts to equally as much as the direct 

If cholera was not dreaded, it is quite probable that instead of only 
1,386,050 head of swine, Tennessee would be producing at least 3,000,- 
000 head. Many farmers who are now raising only a few hogs each 
year would raise many if cholera was not feared. I know of at least 
one breeder who stated to me that he had tried hard to raise two hun- 
dred hogs a year, and that “cholera wiped them out at least two years 
out of every five.’”’ Sometime ago he took it upon himself to investi- 
gate the efficiency of the Dorset-Niles Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum. 
After investigating, he was impressed with its merits and later stated 
that instead of trying to raise two hundred hogs a year he expected 
in the future to raise one thousand, and that he expected to make it 
a point to know that each one of them was an immune. 


The first outbreak of hog cholera about which we have any authentic 
data occurred in the State of Ohio in the year 1833. Since that time 
it has spread to every State in the Union and throughout almost every 
European country. Its first occurrence in England was in 1862, where 
it has since appeared from year to year, causing in one year (1896) 
the loss of as high as 30 per cent of all swine in that country. It ap- 
peared in Sweden in 1887; Denmark in 1880, at which time it also made 
its first appearance in France. It reached Hungary in 1895. The losses 
in these foreign countries appear to be equally as heavy as those in 
the United States. There has been only a very few outbreaks of hog 
cholera in Canada, hence Canadian laws in regard to importation of 
swine from the United States are very rigid, as the authorities there 
hope by this means to prevent cholera gaining a foothold in Canada. 


Although some breeds have been lauded and advertised as being 
“immuned to cholera,’ 1 have no hesitancy in stating that all breeds 
are about equally susceptible, the ‘““mule-foot hog”. not excepted. 

Pigs after weaning and young shoats are more susceptible than 
the older hogs. 

Our old friend the “razor-back” is just as susceptible to cholera 
as is the Poland China, Berkshire, Hampshire, Duroc Jersey or Tam- 
worth. No breed will withstand the onslaught of cholera infection. 

= 4s 


In localities where the disease appears the first time the death rate 
will reach from 80 to 95 per cent. 

In communities where cholera is more or less prevalent from year 
to year the death rate may be as low as 30 to 50 per cent. The disease 
is more fatal to young hogs and those kept in unsanitary surroundings. 

If any considerable number of hogs die on a farm or in a com- 
munity from contagious or infectious disease, we feel safe in suggest- 
ing hog cholera as the disease causing the losses. Cholera is the only 
contagious disease of swine now prevalent in Tennessee. 


All swine owners should acquaint themselves with State regula- 
tions pertaining to hog cholera, which are as follows: 

Sec. 30. That all public stock yards in the State are hereby placed 
in quarantine—as regards the handling of swine—and all persons 
firms or corporations are prohibited from removing swine therefrom 
for any purpose other than immediate slaughter. 

“Sec, 31. Hogs infected with or exposed to cholera shall not run 
at large or be driven on ranges, commons or public roads; such hogs 
must be confined in strict quarantine. Carcasses of hogs that have died 
of cholera must be sent to a rendering tank, or completely burned on 
the premises.” 


The period of incubation, which means time from actually contract- 
ing the disease to time first symptoms or evidence of sickness appears, 
varies from four days to four weeks, depending upon the suscepti- 
bility of the individual animal and the virulence and manner of the 

An active or acute attack of sickness indicates that the period of 
incubation was short and the infection highly virulent. A chronic type 
of cholera is indicative of a long incubation period and an infection 
low in vitality. The period is usually from seven to fourteen days. 


Since cholera occurs in three different forms—acute, subacute and 
chronic—the nature and character of the symptoms naturally vary 
to a very decided degree, even in individual animals belonging to the 
same herd. 

At the beginning of an outbreak in a herd we usually observe only 
one or two animals showing evidence of sickness. There is nothing 
particularly characteristic in the signs of sickness displayed and the 
presence of so grave a disease as cholera may not be suspected until 
a week or two later when other hogs in the herd become sick. Of 


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course as the number of sick hogs increase there is an increase in the 
amount and virulence of the infection, hence increased opportunities 
are offered for the well animals to contract the disease. 

Acute Form.—This is by far the most common type met with in 
field work. At the beginning the temperature is elevated from two to 
four degrees or even as high as six degrees. Since the normal tem- 
perature of a hog is 102 degrees, this would mean that in cholera cases 
the temperature would be 104 to 108 degrees. The temperature of a 
hog may be taken per rectum with an ordinary human thermometer, 
and above 104 degrees in cholera-infected herds would indicate sick- 
ness from cholera. On account of the high temperature, loss of appe- 
tite, lassitude and marked depression are among the first symptoms 
presented. Vomiting is frequent. Usually the hog strolls off from the 
remainder of the herd, selects a quiet place and lies down, sometimes 
hides by covering itself with litter such as leaves, straw, etc. The 
inflammation of the intestines and soreness in the abdominal walls 
causes arching of the back, tucking up in flanks, stiffness in hind 
quarters and loins, often causing a crossing of the hind legs when the 
animal moves about. 

There is a muco-purulent secretion from eyelids which causes them 
to adhere-together: ~Reddish~blotches~or spots oftentimes appear in 
the skin behind the ears, under the abdomen and neck. These skin 
lesions are particularly noticeable in hogs with light-colored skin. Con- 
stipation alternates with diarrhoea. The color of the feces depends 
upon the character of food which the hog has eaten. Thumps is a 
frequent symptom, so is quickened breathing and cough. As the dis- 
ease progresses the symptoms become more well marked by the hog 
becoming extremely weak and depressed and finally death. The losses 
from acute cholera will vary from 50 to 75 per cent. However, those 
which survive an acute attack will go into the subacute and sometimes 
the chronic forms. 

Subacute Form.—tThis is the form that the disease assumes after 
the animal has been sick for eight to twelve days. There is muscle 
soreness, dry skin, catarrhal discharge from eyes, watery bowel dis- 
charges, loss of appetite, cough, depression, etc. 

Chronic Form.—When the animal lives from twenty to ninety days 
it is referred to as the chronic form. 

Symptoms.—lirregular appetite, emaciation, weakness and general 
unthriftiness and indigestion. The inflamed reddish blotches and 
“spots” on the skin may become dry and hard, resulting in sloughing 
and sores. Sloughing of the tail and ears are by no means infrequent 
sequelae of hog cholera. 

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Whenever hogs have begun to die on a farm the owner should take 
immediate steps to diagnose the disease. The best method of diag- 
nosis is to carefully examine the carcass for lesions of disease. 

In hog cholera the following post mortem changes may be looked 
for. It must be remembered that all of these lesions may not be 
found in any one hog. 

Skin.—Red or purple spots may be observed on the hairless parts 
of the body, especially in the skin of light-colored hogs. Look for 
these skin lesions under the belly, between the hams and behind the 
shoulders. In long standing or chronic cases the skin may crack and 
the ears and tails slough off. 

Stomach.—Congestion on mucous lining, and haemorrhagic spots 
may be in evidence. 

Lymphatic Glands.—Darkish red discoloration on the surface and 
haemorrhagic spots when these glands are cut into. 

Large Intestines—Haemorrhagic spots and congestion in mucous 
lining in acute and subacute form. Ulcers of various sizes and shapes 
in chronic form. These ulcers are diagnostic lesions of cholera, as in 
no other disease do they appear. 

Fig 3—‘‘Button Ulcers’’ ( Large Intestine ) Chronic Form. 


Small Intestines—Changes here are extremely slight and not ap- 
parent to the casual observer in but a few exceptional cases. 

Spleen.—Sometimes enlarged and discolored. 

Observe the speckled or spotted appearance. 

Fig. 4—Kidney Lesions of Hog Cholera. 

Kidneys—When the capsule (covering) of the kidney is removed 
by stripping, small dark red spots are observed. Sometimes these 
kidneys are as spotted or speckled as a turkey egg. The finding of 
spots of this character is pathognomonic evidence of hog cholera, as 
no other disease produces them. 

Lungs—Certain portions of the lobes of the lung may be dis- 
colored and solidified, not resembling in any particular the normal or 
healthy lung, which is light pink in color. The lung surface often 
presents haemorrhagic spots and congested areas varying in size from 
a pinhead to a dollar. In chronic cases pus may form and the lungs 
may be adhered to the chest walls. 

The kidney, lung, and gland lesions are to be expected in most all 
well-developed cases of cholera. These post mortem lesions greatly 
resemble the post mortem lesions found in typhoid fever of man. 


Authorities differ as to length of time required for cholera infec- 
tion to die out on an infected premise. However, it is definitely known 
that the virus will remain virulent for as long as four months when 
exposed to drying by ordinary atmospheric conditions. It may be 
killed much more quickly by exposure to the direct rays of the sun. 
The feces of infected animals retain their virulence for sixty-five to 
ninety-five days. My personal experience would indicate that it is 
unsafe under the climatic conditions encountered here (Tennessee) 
to endeavor to raise unvaccinated hogs on a farm or other infected 
premise until after an interval of at least twelve months has elapsed 
from the last outbreak. Disinfection of premises as ordinarily prac- 
ticed is valueless in eliminating the danger of reinfection. In fact, 
in my opinion, the disinféction of premises by any method or under 
any circumstances is of doubtful value in controlling cholera infec- 
tion on a farm. It is often misleading in affording false security from 
the lurking danger of subsequent outbreaks. 

Carbolic acid is not at all efficient in disinfecting premises, pens, 
cars, etc., where hog cholera infection exists. Cresol in 3 per cent solu- 
tions should be used freely. For dipping or: spraying the hogs 2 per 
cent cresol is recommended. | 

The best advice bearing on this point I am able to give is to do one 
of two things: either raise “immunes,” or retire from the hog-raising 
business for at least one year—preferably the former. 


Remember that the infection must always come from the outside. 

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The disease never arises spontaneously. The urine is much more 
virulent than any of the other body secretions or excretions. The 
feces are also heavily laden with infection. The infection enters 
through the digestive tract. 

The infecting agent of hog cholera is just as virulent and danger- 
ous to hogs as is the virus of smallpox to people. Various animals, 
such as dogs, rabbits, cats, buzzards, crows, pigeons, and other birds, 
may carry the germs to another herd. Often when a hog dies the 
owner thinks little of it and the carcass is allowed to remain in the 
pen to be eaten by the other hogs. Or the carcass is left in the field 
as a prey to other meat-eating animals. This hog may have been 
the first to be infected and die of hog cholera, and by this method of 
disposition the seed is sown for a good crop of cholera in the neighbor- 
hood. In known outbreaks carelessness in the disposition of dead car- 
casses may result in useless spread of the disease. The germs may be 
carried on the shoes or clothing of anyone handling the hogs to herds 
subsequently visited. Stock cars used for shipping hogs are to be 
considered! cholera-infested unless thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 

Visiting Infected Places —It is dangerous for the swine owner to 
visit infected places and return to his own herd without at first dis- 
infecting at least his shoes. 

Show Hogs—Show hogs may bring the germs of the disease to 
the farm upon their return. For this reason they should be held in 
quarantine at least two or three weeks before being allowed to run 
with the other hogs. 

Running Streams.—Running streams, such as rivers, creeks and 
branches, spread cholera by washing the infection down stream from 
hog cholera outbreaks above; hence it is unsafe to endeavor to raise 
hogs where they have access to running water. 

Public Roads—Public roads are disseminators of hog cholera. 
Hogs affected with cholera are liable at any time to be passing and 
repassing on these public highways; hence it is unsafe to allow hogs 
access to public roads. 

Public Stock Yards—Every public stock yard in Tennessee and 
every other State is permanently infected with the virus of hog cholera, 
hence no man should ever think of removing hogs from a public stock 
yard for breeding or feeding purposes. Whenever a hog goes into 
one of these public stock yards the only safe place for him is direct 
to the abattoir for immediate slaughter. 

The Turkey Buzzard.—Aside from public stock yards, I consider 
the turkey buzzard directly responsible for most of the outbreaks of 

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Fig. 5—Turkey Buzzard. 

hog cholera in Tennessee. If you drag the carcass of a horse or cow 
or that of any other animal which has died of pneumonia, colic, or 
any other disease out on the farm and allow this carcass to be con- 
sumed by buzzards, the same buzzards which flock there in droves to 
devour this carcass may have come directly from a hog cholera carcass 
fifty or even one hundred miles away, bringing the infection to your 
farm, and starting an outbreak of cholera among your own hogs. 
This emphasizes the importance of burning or burying all dead ani- 
mals on the farm. 

Many of the Southern States afford the buzzard legal protection. 
This accounts in part for their great numbers. At one time the buz- 
zard was protected by law in Tennessee. At that time anyone killing 
a buzzard was liable to arrest and fine. Of course when the law was 
passed no one had any idea that the buzzard was such a spreader of 

Some people are under the erroneous impression that the buzzard 
at this time has legal protection in Tennessee. For their benefit I will 
say that the law protecting the buzzard was repealed in 1893. Since 
that date the buzzard has had no legal protection in this State. Any 
person can kill a buzzard without violating any State law. Since this 
is a fact, every good citizen should do his part toward exterminating 
the buzzard, as they are a menace to the live stock raising industry 
on account of being a spreader of not only hog cholera, but black leg, 
anthrax, and many other contagious and infectious diseases. 

If all persons would make it a rule to bury all animals which die 
on their farm, then there would be no inducement offered the buzzard 
to visit their premises. Besides being an attraction to buzzards, the 
stench from foetid carcasses of large animals constitute a public 
nuisance in any community. 

Garbage.—Garbage from hotels, restaurants or even private 
kitchens is dangerous to hogs on account of uncooked meat scraps 
which it often contains. Many outbreaks of hog cholera have occurred 
from this source. If garbage is fed it should always be sterilized by 
thorough cooking. 


Excerpt from General Appropriation Bill passed by the Fifty-eighth 
General Assembly : 

“To establish a serum plant for the purpose of manufacturing and 
distributing anti-hog-cholera serum to the swine owners of Tennessee 
at actual cost of production; said plant to be under the direct super- 

= 133—— 



Fig. 6—State Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum Plant, Located at 1502 Clinton Street, Nashville, Tenn. 

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Fig. 8—Rear View, Showing Gate Entrance to Pens and Concrete Alley Way. 



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Fig. 12—Hog Entrance to Operating Rooms. 


Interior View of Plant. 




Fig. 15—Bedroom. 

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Fig. 16—Bleeding for Virus. 

Fig. 17—Virus Laboratory. 

(Bursadky) | ‘ON Wooy Buljesedg—e, 64 

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Fig. 20—Jperating Room No. 2 (Tail Bleeding). 

‘Bulpes|g le1—ig “64 

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Fig. 22—Serum Laboratory. 

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vision of the State Veterinarian. The amount of this appropriation 
to be paid out of the State Treasury on vouchers approved by the Com- 
missioner of Agriculture. $10,000.00.” 


The plant is modern in all its appointments. It is fireproof, sani- 
tary, and electric lighted. It is equipped with the most up-to-date 
fixtures, machinery and laboratory apparatus that money could buy, 
including cold storage facilities. The sewerage system is complete. 
The plant fronts 100 feet on Clinton Street, and runs back 175 feet to 
the N., C. & St. L. Ry. It is within two squares of the Nashville 
Union Stock Yards, where most of the hog supply is obtained. The 
pens and hog sheds are substantially constructed with concrete floors 
throughout. The plant consists of a modern brick building 14x100 
feet. This building contains bedroom for attendants, office, hypering 
room 14x17 feet, virus laboratory 10x14 feet, bleeding room 14x20 
feet, serum laboratory 10x14 feet, and storage and shipping room 
1OxI4 feet. 

The operating rooms and laboratories have a capacity of 500 
hyperimmunes; hence to treble the capacity of the plant would only 
entail a small expense for additional pens and sheds on the remainder 
of the lot, which is already State property. 


Dr. M. Dorset, together with Dr. W. B. Niles—who conducted most 
of the field experiments—perfected the Dorset-Niles Anti-Hog-Cholera 
Serum until now it is well out of the experimental stage. We have no 
hesitancy in assuring swine owners that this serum when properly 
made and intelligently administered will protect healthy hogs against 
cholera under all conditions and circumstances. 

To Dr. Dorset, a native Tennessean, belongs the honor and credit 
of discovering anti-hog-cholera serum. He was born and raised near 
Columbia, in Maury County, and is now Chief of Bichemic Division of 
the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. Many eminent scientists claim 
that in the discovery of this method of combating hog cholera Drs. 
Dorset and Niles have given to the world the greatest discovery 
known to the science of veterinary medicine. We, as Tennesseans, 
should at this time be especially appreciative of this great achievement 
of Dr. Dorset, who has reflected credit and honor upon Tennessee 
and the nation at large. 



To produce potent anti-hog-cholera serum in accordance with the 
Dorset-Niles method it is necessary to start with an immune hog. To 
secure this “immune” it is necessary to get a hog which has been in- 
jected with serum and virus at least twenty-one days before, or select 
a hog which has recovered from the disease itself, as it is a well-known 
fact that when a hog recovers from an attack of cholera he is forever 
thereafter “immune.” 

After securing the immune it is necessary to obtain “virus” (blood 
from a hog on the verge of death from cholera. See Fig. 16) for 
injection into the ear vein of this immune. The amount of virus neces- 
sary to hyperimmune an immune weighing 300 pounds would be 1500 
c.c. (approximately three pints). This virus is given intravenously, 
the ear vein being used. (See Figs. 18 and 19.) After an interval of 
fourteen days the hyperimmune is bled from the fat = (see Figs. 20 
and 21.) The usual amount taken should not exceed the amount of 
“virus” given, which would mean 1500 c.c. from a 300-pound hog. 
After an interval of seven days the hyperimmune is again bled from 
the tail. At the end of the fourth week the hyperimmune is carried to 
the abattoir for slaughter and final bleeding. 

After this blood from the hyperimmune is secured it is defibrinated 
by speciaily-constructed machinery in the serum laboratory of the 
plant. (See Fig. 22.) To this defibrinated blood one-half of one 
per cent carbolic acid is added, which acts as a preservative. 


Anti-hog-cholera serum is the defibrinated blood (liquid portion 
of the blood) of a healthy hyperimmune hog. It is impossible for 
this serum to cause hog cholera, because it is charged with “anti- 
bodies” which possess the property of being antagonistic to the hog 
cholera infection, and will protect or immunize any hog against this 


With the advent of the Dorset-Niles Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum a 
few years ago the most deadly of all swine diseases was doomed to 
ultimate eradication from the American continent. It is a well-known 
and fully-established fact that until then the swine owners’ investments 
in hogs was at all times jeopardized by this disastrous disease. 

Long ago all well-informed individuals fully realized that every 
medicinal treatment for hog cholera which had ever been proposed 
was worse than worthless in “curing” this disease. The swine owners’ 


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pocketbooks were continually being depleted and flattened by so-called 
“hog cholera cures” of all kinds and descriptions which in reality were 
nothing more nor less than “fakes” and “frauds” compounded for the 
purpose of wrenching hard-earned dollars from the honest, though 
gullible, hog owner. 

The press—agricultural press in particular—carried in each and 
all issues glaring advertisements of numerous so-called “cures for 
cholera.” In spite of the large amounts of money spent for these 
“fake remedies,’ hog cholera continued to spread with cyclone-like 
rapidity. Since the discovery of the Dorset-Niles Anti-Hog-Cholera 
Serum and its demonstrated and undisputed efficiency the “fakers”’ 
have shifted their advertisements from “medicines” to so-called im- 
potent fake serums and vaccines, for which it behooves the farmers of 
Tennessee to be on the constant lookout. 

The Dorset-Niles Serum, when properly made by reliable and 
well-trained men according to the U. S. Government standards and by 
other definitely-defined technique of Drs. Dorset and Niles, when 
properly administered, will undoubtedly protect healthy hogs from 
cholera. However, the field for fraud and deception is so inviting that 
the unscrupulous fakers have already invaded it with their worthless 
“juice” in the form of ‘“‘vaccine” or “serum.’’ Look out for them, and 
refuse to allow them to separate you from your hard-earned dollars. 

Before purchasing anti-hog-cholera serum from anyone take the 
precaution of determining whether or not the manufacturer is in pos- 
session of a permit from the State Agricultural Department for its 
sale in Tennessee. Up to November 10, 1913, only fifteen commercial 
firms have been granted permits to market anti-hog-cholera serum in 
Tennessee. The names of these firms will be furnished upon applica- 
tion to the State Veterinarian. 

At the present time this State is being flooded with advertisements— 
by mail and otherwise—of at least thirty commercial firms who have 
something attractive—in price or otherwise—to offer the swine owners 
for the treatment and prevention of hog cholera. Beware of these 
and remember that all medicines advertised as “hog cholera cures” are 
worthless and that 50 per cent of the “‘serums” and “vaccines” are 
frauds and are sold and distributed in this State in open violation 
of law. 

We are arranging for submitting all the commercial serums now 
offered for sale in Tennessee to rigid tests to determine their potency. 
As soon as these tests are completed the department will expose all 
“fakers” by publishing their names in Tennessee agricultural and other 
papers of the State. 

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(See Fig. 25.) 

20'E-C SETUM SYTINGE. : 1. eet e es ee a ee ot $3 50 
TU, CY CAAT SALI) hyo gay Oc, cual no ae clr Pelee I 50 
SS WANenterIMOMletet ss st .ccirsyrtne ai-leleeiere sis'@ wil=) = 20s I 00 
160, cc: cylinder sraduate... 062 2e 2e es 2 os ene ees 50 

LnGytra mpRaPRER eeron care Pen Rey ore Ge oe actin cate $6 50 

The above are kept in stock and may be secured from the plant 
at prices quoted. 

Two methods of vaccinating are in vogue, viz.: serum alone, and 
simultaneous method. The serum alone method means injection of 
serum without virus. This method only affords temporary immunity— 
three to six weeks. We do not advocate or even indorse this method 
as the immunity is too transient in comparison to the expense incurred. 

The simultaneous method consists in the injection of a small amount 
of virus at same time serum is injected. This method affords life 
immunity and does not cost one cent more and does not require one 
minute additional time than the serum alone method. This simul- 
taneous method has our unqualified indorsement and is the only one 
we advocate. 


In order to protect the swine industry from the indiscriminate use 
of virus the following Act was passed by the Fifty-eighth General 
Assembly : 


AN ACT to regulate the distribution, sale and use of virulent blood 
from cholera-infected hogs, or “virus,” and to prescribe penalties 
for violation of same. 

SecTion 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of 
Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- 
tion to distribute, sell or use in the State of Tennessee, virulent blood 
from hog-cholera-infected hogs, or “‘virus,” tnless and until they 
have obtained written permission from the State Veterinarian for such 
distribution, sale or use. 

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person, firm or corpora- 
tion guilty of violating the provisions of this Act, or failing or refus- 
ing to comply with the requirements hereof, shall be fined not less 
than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and 
may be imprisoned, in the discretion of the court, not less than ten nor 
more than thirty days, and shall be liable to any person injured on 
account of such violation to the full amount of the damages and all 

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and 
after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. 

eae 7 

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It will be observed by reading the above Act that all who distribute 
or use virus in Tennessee without first securing a permit from this 
department are violating the law. It shall be our policy to require 
persons to visit the plant and receive the necessary special instruction 
before issuing virus permit. All interested persons are cordially in- 
vited to visit this plant at any time between the hours of 9 a. m. and 
4 p. m., Sunday excepted. Dr. M. W. Miller will be found ready and 
willing to impart the necessary information. One hour at this plant 
will be all the time necessary for proper instruction, and no charge for 
same will be made. Instruction is free to all residents of Tennessee. 


All serum will be shipped by express C. O. D. In ordering, it will 
be necessary to designate express as well as postoffice. Since virus is 
perishable, shipments in which virus is included will be packed in ice, 
and it is recommended that virus be kept on ice until used. 

The present price of serum is 114 cents per c.c., which we estimate 
is actual cost of production. Virus will be sent free with shipments 
to persons holding “virus permits” from this department. Virus will 
not be shipped to unauthorized persons under any conditions. 

Serum will be distributed in the following size bottles: 500 cc., 
250) ©:Cy 200'C.C.), F50 CC; TOO C6, 5O'C-¢. pands20'¢.c: 

Address all letters an! telegrams to State of Tennessee, Cholera Serum Depart- 
ment, 1502 Clinton Street, Nashville, Tenn., Telephone Main 5247. 

Serum bottles are labeled as follows: 





10 to 25 pound Pigs 10 cc Serum \% cc Virus 
25 to 50 pound Shoats 15 cc Serum % cc Virus 
50 to 75 pound Shoats 20 cc Serum % cc Virus 
75 to 100 pound Shoats 25 cc Serum % cc Virus 
100 to 125 pound Hogs 30 cc Serum 1 cc Virus 
125 to 150 pound Hogs 35 cc Serum 1 cc Virus 
150 to 200 pound Hogs 40 cc Serum 1% cc Virus 
-200 to 250 pound Hogs 50 cc Serum 1% cc Virus 
All Hogs over 250 pounds 60 cc Serum 1% cc Virus 


Virus bottles will be labeled as follows: 




For Dosage See Label on Serum Bottle. 


Virus is perishable and should be kept on ice until used. 
The dose should be measured accurately. Extreme care should 

be exercised in disposing of all Virus not used. It should be burned. 

Do not use contents of this package after SCS 


Read every word of the following before you ever undertake 
to vaccinate a hog. 

1. Remember that there is a very decided and important distinction 
between serum and virus. 

Serum is the defibrinated blood of a healthy hyperimmune hog and 
is incapable of producing cholera. 

Virus is the defibrinated blood of a hog sick of cholera and is 
capable of producing the disease unless used with discretion and ex- 
treme care. 

2. Virus is perishable and should be kept on ice until used. Don’t 
order “virus” unless you are in possession of a ‘“‘virus permit.’ Don’t 
use virus after expiration date marked on bottle label. This date is 
ten days after virus is drawn from hog. Burn all virus not used. Do 
not handle virus on public roads, commons or ranges. Don’t inject 
virus into a hog which is already sick. Take temperature per rectum; 
if the temperature is above 104 degrees it indicates that the hog is 
sick. Into such a hog inject a double dose of serum—no virus. Inject 
serum and virus into all hogs showing a temperature below 104 degrees 
IF. The normal temperature of swine is 102 to 103 degrees. 

3. Great care and cleanliness is exercised in the manufacture of 
anti-hog-cholera serum; hence it behooves those who are to use it to 
use at least ordinary caution in handling and administering it. 

2 Age 

4. Serum is preserved with ™% per cent carbolic acid which is, to 
say the most of it, an extremely weak preservative in this strength, 
hence serum should be kept in a dark, cool place until used. Keep it 
in a refrigerator if possible. However, an ordinary cellar temperature 
is permissible. Never expose serum to sunlight or heat from stoves, 
radiators, steam pipes, etc. 

5. Never open more than one bottle at a time, and never pour the 
contents of this one bottle into any other bottle or vessel. Always 
pour it from the original bottle directly into a 100 c.c. cylinder graduate 
in order to accurately measure the dose.. From this graduate the 
syringe is filled by removing cap and piston and pouring directly into 
barrel of syringe. 

6. All instruments and utensils used should be thoroughly sterilized 
by boiling before use and the hands of the operator cleansed by. thor- 
oughly washing. 

7. Never underestimate the weight of the hog. Better overestimate 
the weight, as it is possible to give too little serum, but utterly impos- 
sible to give too much. 

8. Tincture of iodine is universally recognized as the most efficient 
skin disinfectant, hence it is recommended that the site of injection 
be painted with tincture of iodine. Allow about one minute for drying 
before injection is made. 

g. Carefully force all air out of the syringe before making the in- 
jection. Otherwise air bubbles are calculated to cause abscesses. 

10. Serum should remain potent for at least six months if kept at 
cellar temperature in original sealed bottles. 

tr. Destroy all unused open bottles of serum. 

12. The injections should be made into muscle of ham in pigs and 
shoats. (See Fig. 27.) 

13. The injection should be made behind the ear of large hogs, espe- 
cially those which are to be slaughtered within four to six weeks after 
vaccination. (See Fig. 29.) The site of injection is in the depression 
behind the jaw, and slightly below and a little behind base of ear. This 
location is recommended in preference to ham injection, on account 
of possibility of abscesses following the injection. If these abscesses 
should form in the ham their presence is rarely ever detected until the 
ham is sliced for food. A ham showing an abscess or any other form 
of discoloration after it is cooked and put on the table is repulsive and 
unappetizing to say the least of it. If an abscess forms in a pig or 
shoat they usually have plenty of time to recover before slaughter, 
hence the ham injection is permissible in these. Another desirable 


Fig. 27—Injecting Serum into Muscle of Ham (Pig). 

(Boy e61e7) sepjnoyg pulyeq wnies Buljoefuj—gz ‘64 

ee ————— 

‘(Boy ebueq) seq pulyeg wnieg Buljyoafuj—¢Gz ‘614 


site for injection in large hogs is under the skin in axillary space-— 
depression between chest and elbow. (See Fig. 28.) 

14. Never mix serum and virus. Always inject them separately ; 
serum on one side and virus on the other. Use a special syringe for 

15. Handle pregnant sows with care while vaccinating. The in- 
jection of serum and virus will not cause abortion, but rough and 
careless handling will cause it. 

16. After each injection is made immerse syringe in a clean basin 
containing carbolic acid, one teaspoonful; warm water, one-half gallon. 

17. Keep vaccinated hogs in a small lot for twenty-one days after 
the operation, before they are allowed to mingle with unvaccinated hogs 
or run at large on public roads, commons or ranges. 

18. We recommend immunizing the whole herd, then immunize 
each litter of pigs at or just before weaning time. This gives protection 
against cholera at a very reasonable cost. Make it a practice to raise 
only immune hogs, in which your investments in swine will be almost 
as safe as U. S. Government bonds. 

19. Pigs from immune sows are themselves immune while they are 
subsisting alone on the mother’s milk. 

20. Do not spill any virus on the premises. That which is not 
put into the hog should be kept in the bottle. 

21. Don’t let any person who has not visited a serum plant and 
there received special instructions vaccinate your hogs, and don’t at- 
tempt to do so yourself without receiving the necessary instructions. 
People are not born with knowledge of this kind. It must be acquired 
and the best place to acquire it is at a serum plant under direction of 
an expert in this line of work. 

22. Serum is a protective agent against cholera. It will prevent 
cholera in 100 per cent of cases. We do not here lay any claim for it 
being a specific treatment for hogs already sick of the disease. How- 
ever, we feel safe in saying that even in sick herds the losses after 
proper vaccination will not exceed 50 per cent. Don’t wait until they 
are sick to vaccinate, as at this time it requires large doses of serum 
and is otherwise expensive. The proper time to vaccinate is before 
the pigs exceed twenty-five pounds in weight, as at this period they 
only require a small dose of serum and can be protected for life at an 
expense of fifteen cents per head. 

23. Avoid exciting and crowding hogs before treating, as this tends 
to increase the temperature. 

24. Wash mouth of bottles before opening. 


25. Fig. 27 shows proper method of holding pigs and shoats for 

26. Fig. 29 shows proper method of restraint for large hogs. 
28. Avoid the bone when inserting the needle. 

29. Have helpers to catch and hold the hogs. The operator should 
confine himself to the actual operation. 

30. Don’t hurry. 

31. Don’t expect anti-hog-cholera serum to protect hogs against 
cottonseed meal poison, lye poison, pneumonia, etc., as it will not do it. 
It is made to protect hogs from cholera, and none other. 

32. With proper assistants one man can easily vaccinate 300 to 
400 hogs in ten hours. 

33. Don’t vaccinate hogs for ten days after castration or any other 
surgical operation, and do not castrate or perform any other surgical 
operation for ten days after vaccinating. Of course, where the hogs 
are in immediate danger of cholera infection, the above does not apply. 

34. Pigs are never too young to vaccinate, by either the serum alone 
or simultaneous method, if they are in danger of cholera infection. Be 
sure and give very young pigs enough serum. It requires more serum 
in proportion to weight to protect young pigs than older hogs. 

35. Don't fail to take temperatures in sick herds. 


1. Sterilize instruments by boiling. 

2. Wash your hands. 

3. Carefully estimate weight of hog. 

4. Restrain the hog by holding or otherwise. (See Figs. 27, 28 
and 29.) 

5. Paint site of injection with tincture of iodine. 

6. Wash mouth of serum and virus bottles. 

7. Measure amount of serum with graduate and pour serum into 
barrel of syringe. 

8. Replace syringe piston and cap. 

g. Fill virus syringe with required amount of virus. See label on 
serum bottle. 

10. Inject serum deep into muscle of ham or behind ear or behind 
shoulder of one side and virus on the other side. If more than one 
syringeful is to be used, withdraw the needle and make the second 
injection on opposite side, in which event virus should be injected into 
some other site. (See Figs. 27, 28 and 29.) 



Io to’ 25-pound pigs—Io c.c. serum, YANCCvGuS: 
25 to 50-pound shoats—I5 c.c. serum, 7 
50 to 75-pound shoats—20 c.c. serum, ¥ 

Ge virus, 
Cen Vitis: 
75 to 100-pound shoats—25 c¢.c. serum, 34 ¢.c. virus. 

100 to 125-pound hogs—30 c.c. serum, I C.C. virus. 
125 to 150-pound hogs—35 c.c. serum, I C.C. virus. 
150 to 200-pound hogs—40 c.c. serum, 1A eG virus: 
200 to 250-pound hogs—50 c.c. serum, 1/2 C.c. virus. 

All hogs over 250 pounds—6o c.c. serum 1/2 €.c. virus. 

ir. After finishing a job of vaccinating all instruments and utensils 
should be thoroughly washed and dried. The syringe pistons should 
be lubricated with 3 in 1 Oil to prevent sticking to barrel. 



In this great fight of science against hog cholera science will pre- 
vail and hog cholera will be as surely conquered by anti-hog-cholera 
serum and modern sanitation as night follows the day. The slogan 
should be, “All pull together for the eradication of hog cholera.” When 
science and effort have caused hog cholera to vanish from the confines 
of the Volunteer State, then we will be a happier, better fed, more 
prosperous and better contented people. 

(Additional copies of this Bulletin will be furnished free upon writ- 
ten request.) 

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