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by  the 









Beata  Ungheria!  se  non  si  lascia 
Piu  malmenaie. 


Jftom  tfye  JNfeto  HontJon  IBtiftfon. 

VOL.  II. 



-».       r 






The  Zriny. — The  Country  below  Pest. — Waste  Lands. — An  Accident.— 
Mohacs. — Peterwardein.  —  Karlowitz.  —  The  Drave.  —  Semlin. — The 
Crusaders. — The  Save. — Belgrade. — Danube  Navigation. — The  Border 
Guard  :  their  Laws  and  Organization. — The  Theiss  and  Temes. — Se- 
mendria. — George  Dosa. — Danube  Scenery. — Servia,  and  Russian  Po- 
licy,   Page  13 



Babakay. — The  Vultures. —  Golumbatz. —  St.  George's  Cavern. —  The 
Rapids. — First  Roman  Inscription. — Kazan. — New  Road. — Sterbeczu 
Almare. — Trajan's  Tablet. — Via  Trajana. — Orsova. — New  Orsova. — 
The  Crusaders. — Visit  to  the  Pasha. — The  Quarantine — The  Iron  Gates. 
— Trajan's  Bridge— its  History  and  Construction. — Valley  of  the  Cserna. 
—Turkish  Aqueduct.— Mehadia — its  Baths  and  Bathers,  33 



Szegedin. — The  Banat. — its  History. — Fertility. — State  of  Agriculture. — 
Climate. — Mines. — Population. — Prosperous  Villages.— The  Peasant 
and  the  Bishop  of  Agram. — The  New  Urbarium. — The  Kammeral  Ad- 
ministration.— Temesvar. — Roads. — Baron  Wenkheim's  Reforms. — A 
Wolf  Hunt, 75 



Valley  of  the  Temes.— Wai  lack  Beauty.— Ovid's  Tower.— Iron  Works 
at  Kuskberg.  —  Effects  of  regular  Work  and  regular  Pay.— Reformers 
in  Hungary. — Iron  Bridge. — Iron-gate  Pass,  between  Hungary  and 
Transylvania — Hospitality. — Varhely  the  Ulpia  Trajana  of  the  Romans. 
— The  Dacians  under  their  native  kings  conquered  by  Trajan. — Wai- 
lack  Language  like  the  Italian — Wallacks  of  Dacian,  not  Roman  Origin. 
— Roman  Remains  at  Varhely. — Amphitheatre. — Mosaics,  -  96 




Demsus. — The  Lei  ter- Wagon. — Roman  Temple — its  Form  and  probable 
History. — Paintings  in  Wallack  Churches. — Wallack  Priests  and  their 
Wives. — Russian  Influence  over  the  Members  of  the  Greek  Church. — 
Origin  of  the  United  Greek  Church. — Religious  Oppression. — Educa- 
tion of  the  Greek  Priesthood.— Village  of  Varhely — The  Wallack 
Women.— Wallacks  and  Scotchmen — Wallack  Vices  and  Wallack 
Virtues. — The  Devil's  Dancers. — Our  Host's  Family. — Household  Ar- 
rangements.—The  Buffalo,  -  -  -  -  -  -  Page  78 



Valley  of  Hatszeg. — Wallack  Gallantry. — Transylvanian  Travelling. — 
Arrival  at  Vayda  Hunyad. — The  Gipsy  Girl. — Hunyadi  Janos. — Castle 
of  Hunyad — The  painted  Tower. — A  Deputation. — A  rogue  found  out. 

— Deva. — Valley  of  the  Maros. — H- taken  for  a  Spy. — Visit  to  the 

Mines  of  Nagy  Ag. — Politeness  from  a  Stranger. — Transylvanian  Post- 
office.— Sandstone  of  the  Felek, 97 



Transylvania.— Its  Population — Settlement  of  the  Szeklers,— of  the 
Magyars,  —  of  the  Saxons, — under  Woiwodes.  —  Zapolya. — Native 
Princes. — Bethlen  Gabor. — Aristocratic  Democracy. — Union  with  Aus- 
tria.— Diploma  Leopoldinum. — Confirmed  by  Maria  Theresa. — Actual 
Form  of  Government. — Constitution  infringed. —  Opposition. — Baron 
Wesselenyi. —  County  Meetings.  —  Grievances. —  General  Vlasits.  — 
Diet'of  1834.— Archduke  Ferdinand — History  of  the  Diet.— Violent 
Dissolution. — Moral  Opposition,  -  -  -  -  -  -  113 



Transylvania  Roads. — A  Solitary  Inn. — Drag. — Zsibo.— Horse-breeding. 
—Old  Transylvanian  Breed — Count  Banffy's  Stud — English  Breed.— 
Baron  Wesselenyi's  Stud. — A  Cross. — Babolna  Arabs. — Interesting 
Experiment. — Rakotzy. — Robot. — Ride  to  Hadad. — The  Vintage. — 
Transylvanian  Wines. — Oak  Woods. — Scotch  Farmer. — A  Reformer's 
Trials.— State  of  the  Peasantry Urbarium.— Stewards. — Establish- 
ments of  the  Nobles — Social  Anomalies.— Old  Fashions.— The  Dinner. 
— Drive  to  Nagy  Banya, — Gipsies. — Gold  Mines. — Private  Specula- 
tions.— Return.  -  -  -  131 





The  Szeklers — their  ancient  Rights  and  modern  Position. — The  Mezoseg. 
— Maros  Vasarhely. — Chancellor  Teleki  and  his  Library. — A  Szekler 
Inn — The  Szekler  Character.— Salt  Rocks  at  Szovata. — The  Cholera 
and  the  spare  Bed. — Miseria  cum  aceto. — Glories  of  Grock. — Salt-Mines 
ofParayd. —  Udvarhely. — St.  Pal. — Excursion  to  Almas. — Superstition. 
—The  Cavern. — Sepsi  St.  Gyorgy. — Kezdi  Vasarhely. — The  French 
Brewer. — The  Szekler  Schools.— Szekler  Hospitality.— The  Budos. — 
The  Harorn-Szek, 188 



The  Saxon  Land. — Settlement  of  the  Saxons. — Their  Charter. — Politi- 
cal and  Municipal  Privileges. — Saxon  Character. — School  Sickness. — 
Kronstadt. — A  Hunting  Party. — Smuggling  from  Wallachia. — The 
Bear  and  the  General. — Terzburg  and  the  German  Knights. — Excursion 
to  Bucses. — The  Kalibaschen. — The  Convent. — The  Valleys  of  Bucses. 
— Virtue  in  Self-denial. — The  Alpine  Horn. — Fortified  Churches  and 
Infidel  Invasions — Fogaras. — Hermanstadt.  —  Baron  Bruchenthal. — 
Rothen  Thurm  Pass. — A  Digression  on  Wallachia  and  Moldavia. — 
Saxon  Language. — Beauty  of  Transylvania,  -  209 



Transylvanian  Hospitality. —  Klausenburg. — Transy Ivanian  Incomes. — 
Money  Matters.— The  Gipsy  Band.— Our  Quarters.— The  Stove. — The 
Great  Square. — The  Recruiting  Party. — A  Soiree. — The  Clergy. — The 
Reformed  Church. — Religious  Opinions. — The  Consistory. — Domestic 
Service. — County  Meeting. — Count  Bethlen  Janos. — Progress  of  Pub- 
lic Opinion.— The  Arch-Duke.— The  Students  and  Officers.— Climate. 
— Separation  of  three  Counties. — The  Unitarians. — Habits  of  Society. 
The  Ladies. — Education.— Children  and  Parents. — Divorces. — Casino 
and  Smoking.— Funerals.— Schools The  Theatre,  -  -  235 




Return  to  Pest. — A  Poet. — Travelling  Comforts. — The  Carriers. — Gross 
Wardein, — Prince  Hohenlohe. — The  Italian, — Paprika  Hendel. — Great 
Cumania. — The  Cumanians  and  Jazygers. — The  worst  Road  in  Hun- 
gary, ...-.---..  Page  258 



A  Ball. — Ladies'  Costume. — Luxury  and  Barbarism. — University  of  Pest. 
— Number  of  Schools. — Austrian  System  of  Education — its  Effects. — 
Corruption  of  Justice. — Delays  of  the  Law. — Literature. — Mr.  Kolcsey. 
— Baron  Josika. — Arts  and  Artists.— The  Theatre. — Magyar  Language. 
— Mr.  Korosi  and  his  Expedition  to  Thibet. — Trade  Companies. — Po- 
pular Jokes. — Austria,  Hungary,  and  Russia — Blunders  of  Mr.  Quin 
and  other  English  Writers  on  Hungary. — The  last  Ball  of  the  Carni- 
val.—The  Masquerade. — The  breaking  up  of  the  Ice,  -  -  264 



Departure  from  Pest.— Notary  of  Teteny. — Volcanic  District. — Bakonyer 
Forest. — Subri. — Hungarian  Robbers. — Conscription. — Wine  of  Som- 
lyo. — Keszthely. — Signs  of  Civilization. — Costume  of  Nagy  Kanisa. 
— The  Drave. — Death  of  Zriny. — Croatia  and  Sclavonia. — State  of  the 
Peasantry. — Agram. — Croatian  Language. — Public  Feeling  in  Croatia. 
— Smuggling. — Karlstad t. — Save  and  Kulpa. — The  Ludovica  Road — 
its  Importance. — Fiume. — English  Paper  Mill. — Commerce. — Produc- 
tions of  Hungary. — Demand  for  English  Goods  in  Hungary. — Causes 
which  impede  Commerce,  and  the  Means  of  their  Removal,  -  289 




The  Zriny. — The  Country  below  Pest. — Waste  Lands. — An  Accident. — 
Mohacs. — Peterwardein.  —  Karlowitz.  —  The  Drave.  —  Semlin. — The 
Crusaders. — The  Save. — Belgrade. — Danube  Navigation. — The  Border 
Guard :  their  Laws  and  Organization. — The  Theiss  and  Temes. — Se- 
mendria. — George  Dosa. — Danube  Scenery. — Servia;  and  Russian  Po- 

AFTER  a  few  day's  rest  at  Pest,  we  again  prepared  to  en- 
counter the  fatigues  of  travel.  A  remarkably  fine  steamboat, 
the  Zriny,  which  had  just  been  launched,  was  about  to  make  her 
first  voyage,  and  we  gladly  availed  ourselves  of  the  opportunity 
to  get  down  to  Moldova.  A  trial  of  her  powers  had  been  made 
a  few  days  previously,  in  an  excursion  up  the  river  as  far  as 
Waitzen,  with  not  less  than  five  hundred  persons  on  board. 
Count  Szechenyi,  by  directing  this  little  pleasure-trip,  to  which 
every  one  was  admitted  on  paying  a  zwanziger,  (ten-pence,)  had 
managed  to  interest  a  great  number  of  persons  in  the  success  of 
the  new  boat;  no  small  matter  where  steam  navigation  is  still  a 
novelty,  and  where  it  was  met  with  countless  prejudices  which 
are  but  yet  disappearing.  I  think  I  know  directors  of  compa- 
nies, who  would  have  preferred  private  tickets,  and  a  party  of 
their  own  friends;  by  which,  of  course,  all  the  excluded  would 
have  been  offended.  Which  was  the  wiser  system,  I  leave  my 
readers  to  decide.  We  joined  the  party  to  Waitzen,  and  had  an 
opportunity  of  seeing  the  first  meeting  of  two  steamboats  which 
ever  took  place  on  the  waters  of  the  Danube.  The  Pannonia 
was  returning  from  Presburg,  and  met  us  near  the  termination 

VOL.  II. — 2 


of  our  voyage.  Count  Szechenyi,  who  was  on  board  the  Zriny, 
was  recognised  and  loudly  cheered  by  both  crews,  on  the  occa- 
sion of  this  new  advance  to  the  accomplishment  of  his  favourite 
scheme.  I  thought  the  Count's  voice  faltered,  and  his  eye  grew 
moist,  as  he  exclaimed,  "  Now  I  am  sure  we  shall  succeed,  and 
Hungary  will  not  be  for  ever  a  stranger  to  Europe." 

It  was  fixed  that  we  should  start  for  Moldova  at  five  in  the 
morning ;  and  so  exact  were  they  to  the  time,  that  the  boat  was 
pushed  off  between  the  striking  of  the  clocks  of  Pest  and  Buda- 
This  regularity  is  likely  enough  to  make  a  change  in  the  national 
character  of  all  the  Danubian  populations,  at  least  in  respect  to 
punctuality.  After  one  of  the  fairs,  when  the  steamboats  first 
began  to  ply  between  Semlin  and  Pest,  a  large  party  of  Servian 
and  Turkish  merchants  had  taken  their  places  on  board,  in  order 
to  return  to  Belgrade,  and  were  duly  informed  that  the  vessel 
•would  start  at  five.  As  this  did  not  happen  to  suit  these  worthy 
people's  habits,  and  as  they  had  no  idea  that  the  boat  would 
leave  without  them,  they  marched  solemnly  down  to  the  quay 
about  eight,  and,  after  walking  up  and  down  for  some  time  in 
search  of  the  vessel,  they  were  at  last  made  to  understand  that 
she  had  gone  three  hours  before.  Their  astonishment  and  con- 
sternation are  said  to  have  been  most  ludicrous;  but  it  was  not 
without  its  effect,  for  none  of  these  people  have  been  too  late  for 
the  steamboat  from  that  day  to  this. 

Our  party  in  the  Zriny  was  small,  but  exceedingly  agreeable; 

the  Baroness  W and  her  amiable  and  pretty  daughter, 

Count  Szechenyi  on  his  way  to  superintend  the  works  near  Or- 
sova,  two  of  our  own  countrymen  bound  for  Constantinople,  and 
ourselves,  formed  almost  the  whole  of  the  passengers.  The 
morning  was  cold  and  misty,  but  it  soon  cleared  up  into  a  fine 
autumn  day.  On  the  Pest  side,  the  country  is  one  continued 
flat,  and  on  the  other,  the  low  hills,  which  extend  for  some  dis- 
tance from  the  Blocksberg,  soon  disappear  altogether,  and  a  level 
plain  extended  on  every  side.  It  would  be  useless  to  describe 
the  whole  of  our  route.  The  scenery  has  little  variety.  The 
flat  plain  is  sometimes  raised  into  small  sand-hills  covered  with 
vines,  the  thick  woods  are  sometimes  broken  by  a  little  pasture 
and  corn-land  surrounding  a  village  or  small  town;  the  banks 
are  generally  low;  the  river  itself  deep,  wide,  and  less  rapid 
than  above,  indeed  in  every  respect  much  better  calculated  for 
navigation;  but,  for  the  rest,  a  monotonous  uniformity  pervaded 
the  whole  of  our  first  day's  journey. 

THE   DANUBE.  15 


that  one  set  of  bad  laws  renders  the  title  to  purchased  property 
so  insecure,  and  another  set  makes  the  sale  of  corn  often  impos- 
sible, of  course  foreign  capital  would  soon  remedy  such  evils  as 

At  Baja,  to  our  no  small  regret,  the  ladies  left  us.  Carriages 
were  in  waiting;  a  host  of  dependents  were  there  to  kiss  their 
hands  and  welcome  them  home;  and,  as  we  passed  on,  a  cloud 
of  dust  hid  them  from  our  sight,  though  it  did  not  drive  them 
from  our  memories. 

Soon  after  leaving  Baja,  we  passed  through  a  canal,  cut  a 
few  years  since  to  avoid  a  long  and  difficult  winding  of  the 

As  it  was  getting  dusk,  I  had  retired  to  the  cabin  to  write  up 
my  journal:  when,  soon  after  we  had  quitted  the  canal,  a  sudden 
shock,  threw  every  thing  about  with  great  violence,  and  brought 
us  all  on  deck  to  know  what  was  the  matter.  We  found  the 
boat  aground,  with  her  prow  high  and  dry  on  shore.  The  light 
of  the  moon,  with  a  slight  mist  on  the  water,  had  deceived  the 
captain,  and  led  him  to  think  he  was  on  the  edge  of  a  sand-bank ; 
to  avoid  which  he  put  the  boat  about,  and  ran  her  straight 
ashore.  It  was  altogether  a  sad  bungle.  In  such  a  light,  some 
one  should  have  been  a-head  to  look  out.  Fortunately  no  harm 
was  done;  but  it  prevented  us  from  going  on  during  the  night, 
which  had  been  Count  Szechenyi's  first  intention.  We  accord- 
ingly came  to  anchor  at  Moh£cs  about  eight  o'clock,  having  run 
one  hundred  and  eighty  miles  in  fifteen  hours. 

This  was  the  first  voyage  the  captain  had  ever  made;  and  he 
was  dismissed  immediately  on  his  return.  I  mention  this  fact, 
because  it  shows  with  what  care  the  interests  of  the. public  are 
watched  over  by  this  company :  indeed,  were  it  otherwise,  it 
would  be  impossible  to  conceive  how  they  could  have  escaped  for 
so  many  years  under  all  the  disadvantages  of  a  new  undertaking, 
without  a  single  serious  accident.  Had  any  loss  of  life  occurred 
during  the  first  year  or  two,  it  is  very  possible  Government,  in 
its  paternal  carefulness,  would  at  once  have  stopped  the  whole 
affair.  To  avoid  such  a  catastrophe,  no  engines  have  been  em- 
ployed but  those  of  Bolton  and  Watt;  nor  any  engineers  but 
those  brought  up  and  recommended  by  the  same  house.  They 
have  been  treated,  too,  in  the  most  liberal  manner.  The  cap- 
tains, likewise,  are  generally  very  superior  men ;  and  it  is  im- 
possible not  to  admire  the  consideration  with  which  Count  Sze- 
chenyi  behaves  towards  them.  They  are  frequently  invited  to 

MOHACS.  17 

his  table,  consulted  on  every  point  of  difficulty,  and  their  opi- 
nions listened  to  and  followed.  It  is  by  such  means  that  steam 
navigation  on  the  Danube  has  been,  at  its  very  commencement, 
brought  to  a  degree  of  perfection  which  it  has  required  many 
years'  experience  to  effect  in  other  countries. 

Mohacs,  otherwise  an  insignificant  town,  has  witnessed  two 
of  the  most  important  battles  ever  fought  in  Europe;  important 
not  only  from  the  number  of  the  combatants,  but  from  their  poli- 
tical results.  The  first  of  them,  in  1526,  which  witnessed  the 
slaughter  of  a  king,  seven  bishops,  five  hundred  nobles,  and 
twenty  thousand  soldiers,  not  only  laid  open  the  whole  country 
to  the  inroads  of  the  Turks,  and  established  them  for  nearly  a 
century  and  a  half  in  its  capital,  but  changed  the  reigning  dy- 
nasty of  Hungary,  and  introduced  for  the  first  time  a  German 
sovereign  to  the  Hungarian  throne.  By  the  same  blow,  too, 
Transylvania  was  separated  from  Hungary,  and  remained  so  for 
many  years.  The  second,  in  1687,  undid  much  of  what  the 
first  had  done ;  it  concluded  the  splendid  victories  of  the  Duke 
of  Lorraine  over  the]  Turks;  it  opened  Transylvania  to  the 
Hungarian  troops;  and  prepared  the  way  for  the  expulsion  of 
the  Moslem,  which  a  few  years  later  was  finally  effected. 

After  taking  in  a  supply  of  coals,  obtained  in  this  neighbour- 
hood, and  said  to  be  of  a  pretty  good  quality,  we  again  got  our 
paddles  in  motion  and  went  gaily  on  our  way.  One  cannot  help 
wondering  at  the  hidden  resources  which  any  new  necessity  dis- 
closes. In  Hungary,  before  steamboats  were  introduced,  there 
was  only  one  coal-mine  known  in  the  whole  country.  In  the 
short  space  of  time  which  has  elapsed  since  their  first  establish- 
ment, three  others  and  of  better  quality  have  been  discovered 
along  the  valley  of  the  Danube  alone, — that  of  Count  Saridor, 
between  Presburg  and  Pest,  another  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Mohacs,  and  the  best  of  all  at  Orawilza  near  Moldova.  There 
is  a  bad  law  in  Hungary,  which  interdicts  the  cutting  down  of 
forests  on  the  plea  of  maintaining  a  supply  of  fire-wood.  Of 
course  it  is  vain  to  expect  a  full  development  of  the  mineral 
riches  of  the  country  until  this  law  is  abolished. 

Our  second  day's  route  became  rather  less  monotonous.  About 
twelve  we  passed  the  embouchure  of  the  Drave  which  has  all 
the  appearance  of  a  fine  navigable  river.  At  present  the  Drave 
is  little  used,  but  it  is  impossible  not  to  foresee  a  brilliant  future 
for  it.  Extending  from  the  centre  of  Hungary  along  the  north 
of  Sclavonja  and  Croatia,  and  through  the  whole  of  Styria,  it 


brings  into  connexion  populations  so  far  removed  from  sea-ports 
that  water-carriage  cannot  fail  to  offer  them  advantages  of  which 
a  few  years  will  teach  them  to  avail  themselves.  The  scenery 
was  occasionally  varied  by  a  ruined  castle,  or  a  slight  elevation 
in  the  surface  of  the  plain,  of  which  the  peasants  eagerly  avail 
themselves  and  form  into  vineyards.  The  castle  of  Erdod,  with 
its  massive  round  towers,  is  highly  picturesque,  but  it  is  fast 
crumbling  to  decay.  From  the  mouth  of  the  Drave  we  have  been 
passing,  on  the  west,  the  banks  of  Sclavonia,  which  appears  a 
rich  and  highly  cultivated  country.  The  people  are,  like  the 
Croatians,  of  a  Scla-vish  race,  and  belong  exclusively  to  the  Greek 
and  Catholic  Churches.  I  believe  the  only  difference  between 
these  provinces  and  the  rest  of  Hungary,  at  the  present  time,  is 
their  power  of  excluding  Protestants  from  the  possession  of  land 
or  the  enjoyment  of  any  privileges  within  their  boundaries. 

At  Vukovar  we  stopped  to  land  some  handsome  furniture 
from  Vienna.  It  is  said  to  be  astonishing  how  much  furniture 
and  how  many  carriages  have  been  sent  from  'Pest  and  Vienna, 
not  only  to  the  southern  parts  of  Hungary,  but  into  Wallachia 
and  Turkey,  since  the  steamboats  have  been  established.  The 
monastery  at  Vukovar  has  a  pretty  appearance  from  the  river. 
The  town  produces  some  silk. 

A  short  turn  of  the  river  now  brought  us  in  view  of  the  ruins 
of  Scherengrad ;  and,  a  little  further  on,  we  came  to  the  castle 
of  Illok,  a  large  building,  though  apparently  somewhat  neglected. 
It  belongs,  as  well  as  immense  estates  here,  to  Prince  Odescal- 
chi.  A  low  range  of  hills  has  accompanied  us  along  the  west 
bank  for  some  distance;  and  the  openings  which  they  sometimes 
present,  disclosing  their  green  valleys,  and  silver  streams,  and 
whitewashed  cottages,  and  fantastic  steeples,  are  most  beautiful. 
It  became  so  dark  about  seven,  that,  to  avoid  accidents,  we 
dropped  our  anchor  opposite  O  Futak  for  the  night. 

We  were  scarcely  awake  next  morning  when  wre  were  roused 
up  to  see  the  fortress  of  Peterwardein.  Directly  above  our 
heads,  with  curtains,  bastions,  and  towers  grinning  with  artillery, 
after  the  most  approved  fashion,  was  the  hill  of  Peterwardein, 
and  on  the  opposite  side  a  Ute  du  pont,  and  other  hard-named 
outworks  in  great  abundance.  Though  modern  fortifications 
have  very  little  architectural  beauty  to  boast,  the  fine  situation 
of  this  gives  it  a  commanding  effect.  Peterwardein  is,  I  believe, 
considered  strong;  and  occupies  a  position  of  considerable  mili- 
tary importance.  It  is  adapted  to  contain  ten  thousand  men, 


Neusatz,  on  the  opposite  side,  chiefly  inhabited  by  Greeks,  is 
an  important  commercial  town. 

A  long  bend  of  the  river  to  the  north  brought  us  to  Karlowitz, 
a  pretty  little  town  situated  at  the  foot  of  a  hill,  covered  with 
vines  clown  to  its  very  base.  A  celebrated  wine  is  made  here  by 
a  mixture  of  red  and  white  grapes,  which  from  its  peculiar  colour 
is  called  Schiller. 

Karlowitz  is  the  seat  of  the  chief  of  the  non-united  Greek 
church  in  Hungary,  and  contains  a  lyceum  and  theological  school 
of  that  religion.  I  need  scarcely  add  that  it  is  from  this  place 
the  celebrated  peace  of  1699  takes  its  name.  A  few  miles  far- 
ther brought  us  to  the  mouth  of  the  Theiss,  which  has  here — 
and  Count  Szechenyi  says,  throughout  its  whole  course — much 
the  same  width  it  has  at  Tokay,  a  distance  of  more  than  two 
hundred  miles  in  a  direct  line,  and  probably  twice  that  distance 
by  the  river.  It  is  navigable  for  steam  vessels  the  whole  of  that 

We  met  the  Francis  the  First,  the  steamer,  on  this  station,  re- 
turning from  Moldova  heavily  laden  with  wool,  but  carrying  few 
passengers.  They  say  the  back-freights  consist  principally  of 
wool,  honey,  iron,  tobacco,  and  wine;  while  those  down  are 
almost  entirely  composed  of  manufactured  goods.  They  have 
been  offered  freights  of  fat  pigs  from  Servia,  but  have  been 
obliged  to  decline  them  till  they  get  some  tug-boats  at  work. 
Pigs  form  a  very  important  article  of  trade  between  Servia  and 
Vienna ;  the  immense  oak-woods,  with  which  that  country  is  co- 
vered, being  used  almost  exclusively  for  feeding  those  animals. 
The  Servian  pig  is  a  beautiful  creature;  and  I  doubt  if  Smith- 
field  could  show  better  shapes  or  better  feeding  in  this  particular 
than  the  market  of  a  Servian  village. 

As  we  approached  Semlin  the  banks  became  more  flat;  and 
the  river,  which  had  hitherto  not  averaged  more  than  a  quarter 
of  a  mile  in  width,  acquired  a  more  extended  bed. 

Semlin  is  one  of  those  localities  which  Nature  herself  has 
marked  out  for  the  position  of  a  town.  It  occupies  the  angle 
formed  by  the  junction  of  two  vast  rivers,  the  Danube  and  the 
Save  ;  and  it  becomes  necessarily  a  depot  for  supplying  the  wants 
of  the  people  occupying  their  banks.  Count  Szechenyi  tells  us 
that  the  Save  is  navigable,  and  he  feels  sure  it  will  very  soon 
have  its  steamboats  as  well  as  the  Danube.  From  the  day  of 
their  establishment  Semlin  may  date  a  new  birth.  It  is  at  pre- 
sent chiefly  supported  by  its  intercourse  with  Servia,  on  the  op- 


posite  bank  of  the  Save ;  and  in  consequence,  the  majority  of  its 
ten  thousand  inhabitants  belong  to  that  nation.  It  contains 
some  tolerable  streets  in  the  interior,  but  the  part  near  the 
Danube  looks  as  miserable  as  need  be;  indeed,  the  greater  por- 
tion visible  from  the  steamboat  is  the  gipsy  town,  a  collection 
of  mud  huts  on  the  side  of  the  hill.  Until  the  establishment  of 
steamboats,  Semlin  was  the  usual  starting-point  for  Constanti- 
nople ;  and  it  was  here  that  quarantine  was  performed  on  return- 
ing. It  is  still  used  by  the  couriers;  but  travellers  generally 
prefer  the  comfort  of  a  steamboat  to  the  hardships  of  a  Tatar 
excursion  across  the  Balkan. 

Semlin  is  historically  memorable  as  the  Mala  Villa  of  the  first 
crusaders.  The  three  hundred  thousand  of  the  dregs  of  Europe, 
who  had  terrified  all  Germany  with  their  frightful  excesses,  at 
last  approached  the  frontiers  of  Hungary.  The  avantgarde, 
under  Walter  Sans-avoir,  having  demanded  and  obtained  per- 
mission to  pass  through  the  country,  arrived  at  Semlin  without 
impediment;  but  here  sixteen  of  the  men  fell  into  the  hands  of 
the  peasants,  and  were  robbed.  When  the  larger  body," under 
the  guidance  of  Peter  the  Hermit,  arrived,  and  heard  of  this 
mishap,  they  determined  to  revenge  it  by  the  destruction  of 
Semlin  and  its  garrison  of  four  thousand  men.  So  infamous  a 
treachery  soon  drew  on  the  crusaders  the  rage  of  a  people  who, 
but  half  converted,  had  not  yet  learned  to  hate  with  due  cor- 
diality all  who  differed  from  them  in  faith;  and  Peter  and  his 
followers  thought  themselves  fortunate  to  escape  as  best  they 
could  across  the  Danube.  Volkmar,  with  twelve  thousand  Bo- 
hemians, who  had  advanced  no  farther  than  Neutra,  were  cut  to 
pieces.  Of  the  fifteen  thousand  Germans  who  followed  the  priest 
Gottschalk,  scarcely  three  thousand  escaped  the  arrows  of  the 
Hungarians;  while  the  two  hundred  thousand  rabble  of  both 
sexes  and  of  every  age,  which  brought  up  the  rear  under  Emiko, 
panic-struck  at  the  fate  of  their  companions,  broke  up  their  camp 
before  the  King  of  Hungary  could  approach  Ungrisch  Altenburo-, 
which  they  were  besieging,  and  dispersed  without  having  even 
approached  the  object  of  their  fanatic  veneration.  It  required 
nothing  less  than  the  noble  courage,  the  frankness,  and  the  piety 
of  Godefroy  de  Bouillon  to  re-establish  a  respect  for  the  crusa- 
ders or  their  religion  in  the  minds  of  the  half  pagan  Hungarians. 

We  remained  but  a  short  time  at  Semlin,  to  take  in  coals,  and 
submit  our  passports  to  the  inspection  of  a  police  officer.  Since 
steam  has  brought  so  many  strangers  clown  the  Danube,  Austria 


has  begun  to  establish  the  system  of  passports  here;  and,  if  the 
Hungarians  do  not  look  to  it  they  themselves  will  soon  feel  its 
annoyance  as  well  as  the  foreigners  who  visit  them. 

A  few  minutes  after  we  quitted  Semlin,  the  guns  were  got 
ready  and  we  fired  a  salute  to  the  garrison  of  Belgrade,  which 
was  returned  in  due  form.  This  ceremonious  politeness  to  Bel- 
grade seemed  rather  a  testimony  of  respect  to  what  it  had  been, 
than  to  what  it  now  is,  for  its  glory  is  sadly  fallen.  Its  hill  is 
still  covered  with  walls,  and  gates,  and  towers;  but  the  walls 
are  half  down,  the  gates  open,  and  the  towers  dismantled.  A 
Pasha  still  sits  in  its  fortress,  but  he  could  no  longer  defy  the 
best  troops  of  Europe  from  his  stronghold. 

As  we  passed,  a  few  Turks  were  seen  lying  lazily  along  the 
banks  of  the  river;  others  were  watering  their  horses;  while,  a 
little  further  on,  a  group  of  Servian  women  were  washing,  up  to 
their  knees  in  the  water.  The  town  of  Belgrade,  which  lies  be- 
yond the  fortress,  has  a  very  beautiful  appearance,  from  the  num- 
ber of  minarets  and  domes  peeping  from  out  the  dark  cypresses 
by  which  they  are  surrounded.  This  was  the  first  glimpse  I  had 
ever  caught  of  a  minaret,  and  I  can  scarcely  express  the  pleasure 
it  gave  me;  it  was  something  so  new,  and  yet  so  familiar. 

It  was  near  Belgrade,  for  the  first  time  since  we  had  embarked 
on  the  Danube,  that  a  sail  had  met  our  eye.  The  Hungarian 
never  uses  the  sail;  the  only  means  of  moving  against  the  stream 
he  is  acquainted  wdth  is  towing:  and,  though  he  has  seen  the  sail 
employed  for  so  many  centuries  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  same 
river,  he  has  never  thought  of  applying  it  himself.  It  was  cu- 
rious enough  to  see  the  Hungarian,  Turkish,  and  English  systems 
of  navigation  in  use  at  the  same  moment :  upwards  of  forty  men 
were  toiling  to  drag  a  huge  barge  against  a  strong  stream  on  the 
Hungarian  bank;  on  the  Servian,  the  lattine  sail  bore  the  Turkish 
boat  gaily  before  the  wind;  while,  in  the  middle,  the  glorious  in- 
vention of  Watt  urged  on  the  magnificent  Zriny,  and  threatened 
to  swallow  up  the  crazy  craft  of  the  others  in  her  wake.  One 
might  have  fancied  three  ages  of  the  world  in  presence  of  each 
other  at  the  same  moment. 

A  new  feature  in  the  landscape,  and  for  us  a  new  object  of 
wonder  and  inquiry,  soon  caught  our  eyes.  All  along  the  Hun- 
garian bank,  at  certain  distances,  perhaps  half  a  mile  apart,  were 
small  buildings,  sometimes  made  of  wood,  and  raised  on  posts,  or 
in  other  situations,  mere  mud  huts,  before  each  of  which  stood  a 
sentry  on  duty.  They  were  the  stations  of  the  Hungarian  mili- 
tary frontier  guard. 


An  institution  of  so  extraordinary  a  character  as  that  on 
which  \ve  had  now  fallen,  demands  a  few  words  of  explanation. 

From  a  very  early  period  the  banks  of  the  Save  and  Danube, 
from  their  frontier  position,  were  infested  by  bands  of  Servians 
and  others,  who  lived  in  a  great  measure  by  war  and  plunder: 
many  of  these  were  fugitives  from  the  neighbouring  countries, 
and  were  received  by  the  Hungarians  on  condition  of  defending 
the  frontier  on  which  they  lived  from  further  incursions. 

Before  the  first  battle  of  Mohacs,  we  hear  of  some  attempts 
having  been  made  to  form  these  borderers  into  regiments  on  one 
or  two  points;  as  the  Turks  retired  and  left  the  frontiers  more 
free,  this  organization  was  extended  to  the  newly  acquired  re- 
gions; and,  when  at  last  the  whole  line  fell  into  the  hands  of 
Austria,  it  was  rendered  complete,  and  reduced  to  a  regular  sys- 
tem. The  last  part  organized  was  the  Transylvanian  borders, 
which  did  not  take  place  till  1766.  The  system,  therefore,  is 
one  which  has  grown  out  of  the  wants  of  the  times,  rather  than 
been  created  by  an  inspiration  of  genius;  and  the  frequent  changes 
which  have  taken  place  in  the  laws  by  which  it  is  regulated  show 
that  experience  only  has  brought  it  to  its  present  state  of  effi- 

The  object  has  been  to  maintain  at  the  least  possible  cost  a 
border  guard  along  the  whole  Turkish  frontier  of  Hungary, 
which  in  peace  might  be  employed  for  the  purposes  of  quarantine 
and  customs,  and  in  war  serve  as  a  portion  of  the  standing  army. 
This  has  been  effected  so  perfectly,  that  in  peace  nearly  forty 
thousand  men  do  duty  along  an  extent  of  eight  hundred  miles  of 
frontier;  and  they  not  only  feed  and  clothe  themselves,  but  pay 
heavy  taxes  in  money  besides,  and  perform  also  a  considerable 
quantity  of  labour  without  pay.  In  time  of  war  this  guard  can 
furnish,  on  an  emergency,  two  hundred  thousand  men  in  arms. 
-  The  land  acquired  by  Government,  by  purchase  or  exchange, 
along  the  whole  of  this  district,  has  been  divided  among  the  in- 
habitants, and  is  held  as  fiefs  on  the  tenure  of  military  and  civil 
service.  A  portion  of  land  comprising  from  thirty-six  to  fifty 
acres  constitutes  an  entire  fief,  the  half  or  quarter  constituting 
half  and  quarter  fiefs.  Each  of  these  is  bound  to  furnish,  and  to 
maintain  and  clothe,  according  to  its  size,  one  or  more  men-at- 
arms.  In  order  to  carry  out  this  plan,  the  fiefs  are  given  to 
families  composed  of  several  members,  of  which  the  eldest  is  the 
House- fat  her,  and  the  younger  are  the  men-at-arms.  The 
House-father,  and  his  wife,  the  House-mother,  have  the  direc- 


tion  of  the  farm,  the  care  of  the  house,  the  duty  of  providing  for 
the  necessities  of  the  whole  family,  and  the  right  to  control  them 
and  to  watch  over  their  industry  and  morals.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  rest  of  the  men  of  the  family  must  be  consulted  on  any 
great  changes,  as  purchases  and  sales ;  and  at  the  end  of  the  year 
they  may  demand  an  account  of  the  expenditure  from  the  House- 
father. No  man  who  has  been  punished  for  a  crime  can  be  a 
House-father;  and,  if  he  be  habitually  drunken  or  immoral,  he 
loses  the  right  which  age  would  otherwise  have  given  him.  The 
family  owe  him  obedience  and  respect.  The  fief  itself,  and  the 
implements  and  cattle  necessary  for  its  cultivation,  cannot  be 
sold,  and  every  member  of  the  family  has  a  right  in  them.  A 
portion  of  land,  called  Uberland, — land  over  and  above  the  quan- 
tity required  for  the  fiefs, — and  any  excess  of  cattle  or  production, 
may  be  sold  with  the  consent  of  a  superior  officer.  All  the  mem- 
bers of  the  family  are  allowed  to  marry,  and  marriage  is  even 
held  out  to  them  as  an  honourable  duty.  When  a  family  be- 
comes rich  or  too  large,  its  members  are  allowed  to  divide,  and 
the  party  separating  receives  another  fief,  either  by  grant  or  pur- 
chase of  Uberland,  within  the  frontier  district,  which  then  be- 
comes a  feudal  fief.  Such  as  leave  the  frontier  service  have  no 
right  in  the  property  of  the  family. 

The  land  is  cultivated  for  the  common  good  of  all  the  mem- 
bers of  a  family;  and  the  profit,  if  any  remains  after  the  taxes 
and  other  expenses  are  defrayed,  is  divided  among  them.  No 
individual  is  allowed  to  keep  cattle,  or  to  work  for  his  own  ex- 
clusive profit, — at  least,  without  permission  of  the  rest.  In  most 
cases,  a  whole  family,  consisting  of  many  married  couples,  with 
their  children,  sometimes  to  the  number  of  fifty  individuals,  live 
under  the  same  roof,  cultivate  the  same  land,  eat  at  the  same 
table,  and  obey  the  same  father. 

The  military  duty  in  time  of  peace  consists  in  watching  the 
frontiers.  For  this  purpose  the  man-at-arms  repairs  to  the  sta- 
tion for  seven  days  at  a  time,  where  the  family  provide  him  with 
food.  Besides  this,  he  has  the  duty  of  transporting  letters,  as 
well  as  the  money  and  baggage  of  the  regiment,  and  of  perform- 
ing exercise.  For  the  manual  exercise,  four  days  a  month  is  re- 
quired, from  October  to  March.  In  spring  and  autumn  the  com- 
pany exercises  together  for  a  week;  and,  at  longer  intervals,  the 
whole  regiment  encamps  out,  and  manoeuvres  together. 

Every  family  is  divided  into  the  invalids,  half  invalids,  en- 
rolled, and  youths.  Every  man  of  full  age,  who  has  not  some 


bodily  failing,  is  enrolled.  For  the  ordinary  service  the  number 
of  men  on  duty  amounts  to  four  thousand  one  hundred  and 
seventy-nine.  In  times  of  disturbance  on  the  Turkish  side,  or 
when  the  plague  is  drawing  near,  they  are  increased  to  six  thou- 
sand seven  hundred  and  ninety-eight,  and  in  times  of  still  greater 
danger  to  ten  thousand  and  sixteen  men. 

In  time  of  war  the  borderer  must  form  a  part  of  the  regular 
army,  and  march  out  of  the  country  if  required.  The  regular 
disposable  force  amounts  to  thirty-four  thousand  eight  hundred 
and  twenty-seven;  but,  if  the  reserve  and  Landwehr  are  called 
out,  to  one  hundred  thousand.  If  driven  to  the  last  extremity, 
they  can  muster  to  the  amount  of  two  hundred  thousand  men.* 
By  means  of  alarm-fires  and  bells,  this  immense  force  can  be 
summoned  together  through  the  whole  extent  of  the  frontier  in 
the  space  of  four  hours. 

The  borderers  are  divided  into  seven  regiments  according  to 
the  district  they  occupy, — six  infantry,  and  one  hussar.  Be- 
sides these,  there  is  a  division  of  Tschaikisten,  so  called  from 
wooden  boxes  set  on  piles,  and  furnished  with  open  galleries 
round  them,  in  which  they  kept  guard  along  the  morasses  of 
the  Save  and  Danube,  and  who  do  the  duty  of  pontonniers. 
Like  the  peasant  the  border  family  has  to  do  civil  service — one 
day  per  annum  for  every  English  acre — for  the  state;  as  in  the 
repair  of  post-roads  and  bridges,  draining  of  swamps,  regulating 
rivers,  repairing  public  buildings,  £c.:  and  eight  days  per  annum 
for  the  village;  as  in  building  churches  and  school-houses,  keep- 
ing the  village  roads  in  order,  cutting  wood  for  the  school,  and 
working  the  farms  of  widows  and  orphans. 

The  borderer's  chief  tax,  besides  the  furnishing  the  uniform 
for  a  man-at-arms, — the  shoes,  arms,  and  leather-work  are  given 
by  Government,  as  well  as  twelve  shillings  a-year  in  aid  of  the 
rest, — is  the  land-tax,  amounting,  for  an  entire  fief,  to  from  fifteen 
to  thirty  shillings  per  annum.  Tradesmen,  artisans,  and  Jews, 
pay  according  to  their  property;  from  eight  shillings  to  four 
pounds  a-year. 

The  border  officers  have  many  duties  peculiar  to  the  position 
of  feudal  superiors,  which  they  occupy.  They  give  consent  to 
marriages,  their  permission  is  necessary  to  the  sale  and  transfer 
of  property,  real  or  personal,  and,  at  times,  they  act  as  judges 
and  ministers  of  police.  From  the  mixed  nature  of  the  borderer's 

*  These  numbers  are  taken  from  Csaplovic's  Gemalde  von  Ungarn. 


duty,  different  descriptions  of  officers  are  required,  and  we  ac- 
cordingly find  officers  of  economy,  to  direct  the  farming  processes, 
architects,  surveyors,  &c.  for  the  care  of  public  property,  but  the 
most  extraordinary  officers,  for  a  military  establishment,  are  the 
regularly  educated  regimental  midwives,  and,  under  them,  the 
company's  and  squadron's  midwives! 

Many  laws  of  the  borderers  are  framed  in  a  spirit  of  paternal 
kindness;  among  others  those  for  the  encouragement  of  industry, 
the  inducing  to  the  accumulation  of  wealth,  and  the  preservation 
of  order  and  agreement  in  families,  besides  institutions  for  the 
maintenance  of  the  widows  and  orphans,  and  for  the  education 
and  improvement  of  the  people.  Benigni  states,  that  of  the 
children  between  seven  and  twelve  years  old  on  the  Transylva- 
nian  frontiers,  seven  thousand  eight  hundred  and  six  out  of  nine 
thousand  and  seventy-seven  boys,  and  three  thousand  four  hun- 
dred and  forty-four  out  of  seven  thousand  one  hundred  and  three 
girls,  were  provided  with  the  elements  of  education  in  the  border 
schools.  In  Hungary  the  proportion  is  still  higher ;  probably 
nine-tenths  of  the  whole  can  read  and  write  in  one  or  two  lan- 

The  administration  of  justice  seems  to  be  yet  more  favourably 
organized.  The  first  tribunal  in  civil  cases  is  formed  by  a  lieu- 
tenant of  economy,  a  sergeant-major  of  economy,  two  sergeants 
and  two  corporals  of  economy,  and  two  house-fathers  chosen  by 
the  colonel.  Their  judgment  must  be  confirmed  by  the  captain. 
In  criminal  cases  the  court  martial,  composed,  however,  of  offi- 
cers, non-commissioned  officers,  and  soldiers,  decides. 

It  is  impossible  to  study  this  institution,  and  not  be  struck  with 
its  power  and  utility,  and  with  the  wisdom  and  philanthropy  with 
which  many  of  its  regulations  are  conceived ;  and  to  a  military 
man,  whose  idea  of  the  value  of  a  country  is  in  proportion  to  the 
amount  of  applicable  force  that  can  be  drawn  from  it  and  main- 
tained by  it,  it  must  appear  perfect.  But  it  would  be  unfair  did 
we  not  point  out  some  of  the  objections  which  the  Hungarians 
themselves  urge  against  it. 

We  have  seen  that  an  immense  military  force  has  been  thrown 
round  one-half  the  circumference  of  Hungary: — in  what  hands 
does  the  command  of  this  force  lie?  from  what  sources  does  it 
draw  its  supplies?  what  sympathies  and  feelings  are  encouraged 
in  it? — in  other  words,  what  is  its  nationality?  In  a  constitu- 
tional country  these  are  important  inquiries. 

Every  regiment  receives  its  orders  directly  through  its  colonel, 

VOL.  II. 3 


he  again  from  a  general  of  brigade,  and  he  from  the  commander 
of  the  district,  who  is  under  the  Hofkreigsrath  (the  council  of 
war)  in  Vienna.  We  have  seen  that  the  borderers  draw  their 
resources  entirely  from  their  own  labour, — for  the  taxes  they 
pay  would  more  than  refund  the  cost  of  their  arms;  and  for  their 
nationality,  it  is  enough  to  say  that  German  is  taught  exclusively 
in  their  schools,  German  used  exclusively  as  the  language  of  the 
service,  that  a  great  number  of  the  officers  are  Germans,  and  that 
the  laws  to  be  referred  to,  in  case  the  particular  laws  of  the  bor- 
der do  not  provide  for  any  difficulty,  are  the  laws  of  the  German 
provinces,  to  prove  that  Austrian,  not  Hungarian,  feelings  and 
sympathies  are  encouraged  in  the  borderers  of  Hungary.  The 
Hungarian  Diet  has  the  right  to  vote  the  levy  of  troops,  and  the 
supplies  for  their  support,  or  to  refuse  them  in  case  of  need ;  but 
here  is  a  force,  over  the  levying  and  supply  of  which  they  have 
no  control.  We  cannot  be  astonished  that  this  should  form  one 
of  the  gravamina  of  the  Diet,  and  that  it  should  strongly  claim  a 
right  to  the  superintendence  of  the  border  guard. 

There  are  some,  too,  who  urge  that  this  border  wall  is  more 
efficacious  and  better  constructed  for  keeping  Hungarians  within 
their  boundaries,  than  Turks  and  plague  without  them,  and  there 
are  not  wanting  those  even  who  regard  the  whole  quarantine 
system  as  a  great  engine  of  police.  In  favour  of  this  view  of  the 
matter  they  urge  that  the  cordon  has  been  more  frequently 
strengthened  on  the  appearance  of  what  Government  is  apt  to 
consider  most  pestilential, — a  political  fever  within  the  country, 
than  of  a  plague  invasion  from  without ;  that  personal  intercourse 
is  impeded,  that  an  inquisitorial  search  is  authorized,  and  that 
even  private  letters  and  despatches  are  opened  and  examined, 
though  it  is  well  known  that  smugglers  pass  the  frontiers  at 
every  hour  of  the  day.  The  best  answer  to  these  objections, 
and  one  very  difficult  to  controvert,  is  the  simple  fact  that  the 
plague  has  never  entered  Hungary  since  the  border  organization 
has  been  completed,  where  previously,  ever  since  the  first  irrup- 
tion of  the  Turks  across  the  Danube,  scarcely  twenty  years 
elapsed  without  its  recurrence,  although  it  has  been  as  frequent 
and  violent  as  ever  in  the  neighbouring  countries. 

Considerable  cruelty  has  been  urged  against  the  introducers 
of  the  border  system  in  some  parts  of  the  country,  and  particu- 
larly in  Transylvania.  It  has  been  told  me  that  the  Szeklers, 
who,  according  to  their  aid  constitution,  were  not  bound  to  serve 
out  of  the  country,  when  ordered  to  march  thought  themselves 

SERVIA.  27 

justified  in  refusing,  and  were  only  compelled  to  submit  after  a 
frightful  massacre,  in  which,  in  many  villages,  every  tenth  man, 
woman,  and  child,  indifferently,  was  shot  by  the  Imperial  troops. 
Of  the  actual  state  of  the  borders,  material  or  moral,  as  com- 
pared with  that  of  the  rest  of  Hungary,  I  can  say  but  little  from 
personal  observation ;  from  what  I  did  see  I  certainly  should  not 
have  adjudged  them  a  higher  material  civilization,  and  I  do  not 
believe  that  military  organization  is  adapted  to  produce  great 
moral  advancement.  From  some  of  those  who  live  in  their 
neighbourhood,  I  have  heard  the  borderers  spoken  of  as  poorer 
and  more  miserable  than  the  common  peasants,  and  in  the  Croa- 
tian district  one  of  their  own  officers  declared  them  to  be  most 
notorious  thieves.  In  active  service  I  believe  they  have  proved 
themselves,  both  for  discipline  and  courage,  on  an  equality  with 
the  best  regular  troops. 

A  few  miles  below  Belgrade,  another  fine  river,  the  Temes, 
which,  though  smaller  than  those  we  have  lately  passed,  is  still 
navigable,  pours  its  water  into  the  Danube.  The  Temes  runs, 
for  the  most  part,  through  a  flat  country,  and  its  course  is  con- 
sequently tortuous  and  sluggish,  but  it  has  been  improved  by  the 
Bega  canal,  which  traverses  a  considerable  part  of  the  rich  Banat, 
and  joins  the  Temes,  near  Temesvar.  This  is  the  fourth  naviga- 
ble river,  the  mouth  of  which  we  have  passed  within  a  space  of 
fifty  miles.  Surely  never  was  any  country  so  blessed  by  nature 
with  the  means  of  communication  as  Hungary, — never  have  they 
been  more  signally  neglected. 

The  hills  on  the  Servian  side  now  became  exceedingly  pretty. 
They  are  not  generally  high,  but  nothing  can  be  imagined  more 
perfectly  wild  and  picturesque.  They  are  covered,  down  to  the 
very  water's  edge,  with  a  low  natural  wood.  Here  and  there 
are  a  few  houses,  or  rather  huts,  with  vineyards,  and  Indian  corn, 
and  occasionally,  perhaps,  something  which  may  be  called  a  vil- 
lage, and  has  a  name,  but  this  is  rare.  All  these  hills  are  capa- 
ble of  cultivation,  but  insecurity,  want  of  population,  and  want 
of  capital,  keep  them  wild.  The  state  of  Servia,  at  the  present 
moment,  is  essentially  one  of  transition,  and  that  too  with  all  its 
worst  features.  For  many  years  subject  to  the  Turkish  yoke, 
and  suffering  more  than  most  other  parts  of  the  empire,  because 
frequently  the  scene  of  contests — the  first  loss  after  a  defeat, 
the  first  prize  of  a  victory, — its  population  has  become  so  dimi- 
nished by  oppression  and  emigration,  that  its  whole  surface  is,  at 
the  present  day,  little  more  than  one  vast  forest,  and  its  popula- 
tion a  collection  of  swine-herds. 


The  long-conceived  designs  of  Russia  against  the  integrity, 
and  ultimate  existence  of  the  Turkish  empire,  are  now  no  secret. 
The  successive  risings  in  Wallachia,  Servia,  and  Greece,  testify 
how  cunningly  and  effectually  her  plans  succeeded.  Such  in- 
struments as  Cserney  (black)  George,  were  not  difficult  to  find 
among  a  people  like  the  Servians,  and  in  a  country  of  woods  and 
mountains,  a  revolution  was  no  very  difficult  matter  to  maintain, 
especially  when  excited  by  a  priesthood,  whom  a  similarity  of 
language  and  religion  readily  disposed  in  favour  of  Russia. 
These  plans  have  been  carried  out  almost  without  opposition. 
The  sympathy  of  Europe  requires  only  the  watch-words  of  Chris- 
tianity and  liberty,  which  none  have  used  more  liberally  than  the 
crime-stained  and  tyrannical,  to  become  engaged  in  any  cause ; 
domestic  troubles  adroitly  taken  advantage  of,  colonial  disaffec- 
tion secretly  abetted,  and  an  aristocratic  diplomacy,  which,  if  too 
proud  to  be  bribed,  is  too  ignorant  and  too  indifferent  to  be  effi- 
cient, has  done  the  rest.  The  result  we  have  before  us  in  the 
separation  of  these  countries  from  the  Ottoman  empire,  and  their 
almost  total  dependence  on  Russia. 

But  the  calculations  of  the  wisest  sometimes  come  to  naught. 
It  was  easy  to  excite  the  hatred  of  the  Wallachians  against  Tur- 
key, but  it  was  not  so  easy  to  make  them  love  the  Russians :  it 
was  easy  to  find  a  native  prince  of  strong  natural  powers  capable 
of  leading  the  Servians,  but  it  was  hard  to  make  such  a  prince  re- 
lish the  leading-strings  himself.  Belgrade  has  been  for  some  years 
a  great  centre  of  Russian  intrigue.  Sometimes  the  Servian  popu- 
lation has  been  excited  against  its  prince,  sometimes  the  prince 
forced  into  opposition  to  the  Porte.  Now  an  emissary  has  been 
despatched  among  the  Sclavish  populations  of  Croatia  and  Bos- 
nia, now  among  the  Greek  religionists  of  the  Banat  of  Hungary, 
and  for  such  enterprises  Belgrade  was  the  starting  point.  In  the 
mean  time,  Austria,  England,  and  France  have  looked  on — the 
former  with  fear  and  trembling — the  two  latter  with  stupid  in- 
difference.* If  report  may  be  believed,  however,  Prince  Milosch, 
a  man  of  much  energy  and  talent,  is  exerting  himself  to  improve 
and  civilize  his  country ;  and  though  forced  in  appearance  to  bow 
to  a  power  he  is  too  weak  to  oppose,  he  does  not  find  his  chain 
the  less  galling,  nor  will  he  be  the  less  anxious  to  get  rid  of  it  on 
the  first  good  occasion.! 

*  Since  our  visit,  Austria  has  sent  a  very  able  representative  to  Bel- 
grade, in  the  person  of  M.  Milanovitch  •  and  still  later,  England,  Colonel 

|  Since  this  was  written,  what  is  called  a  constitution  has  been  given 


Three  hours'  pleasant  sailing  along  these  beautiful  frontiers, 
brought  us  opposite  the  fortress  of  Semendria,  another  painful 
monument  of  Turkey's  former  greatness,  and  Turkey's  present 
weakness.  Semendria  is  singularly  built.  A  perfectly  flat  po- 
sition has  been  chosen,  watered  on  one  side  by  the  Danube,  and 
on  another  by  a  small  river,  the  Jesoba,  and  on  the  neck  of  land, 
between  these,  a  triangular  wall  of  great  height  has  been  erected, 
strengthened  at  intervals  by  thirteen  towers  of  various  forms. 
Semendria  was  formerly  the  seat  of  a  Pasha,  and  it  oflen  figures 
in  Hungarian  history  as  an  important  post  in  the  Border  wars. 
Under  Alibeg  Pasha,  it  became  a  name  of  terror  to  the  whole 

It  was  at  the  siege  of  Semendria,  in  1513,  that  George  Dosa, 
a  name  afterwards  so  celebrated  in  Hungarian  history,  first  dis- 
tinguished himself  by  cutting  off  the  hand  of  a  Turkish  officer, 
and  taking  him  prisoner.  The  king  presented  him  with  a  golden 
chain  and  silver  spurs  as  guerdon  for  the  knightly  deed.  Poor 
Dosa's  fate  was  so  characteristic  of  the  age,  and  at  the  same  time 
so  poetically  cruel,  that  we  cannot  pass  it  over. 

It  was  in  the  beginning  of  the  sixteenth  century,  that  Arch- 
bishop Bakats,  like  a  second  Peter  the  hermit,  returned  from 
Rome,  armed  with  a  papal  bull,  and  tried  to  set  all  Hungary  in 
a  blaze  with  his  preachings  for  a  new  crusade.  Constantly  as 
Hungary  had  been  engaged  in  hostilities  with  the  Moslems  since 
they  had  gained  Constantinople,  these  never  seem  to  have  par- 
taken so  much  of  the  character  of  religious  wars,  as  of  wars  of 
conquest  and  defence ;  and,  on  the  present  occasion,  the  call  of 
Bakats  seems  to  have  been  almost  unheeded  by  the  nobles. 
Among  the  ignorant  and  discontented  peasantry,  however,  to 
whom  the  desire  of  escape  from  servitude,  and  the  anticipation  of 
plunder  may  have  been  as  strong  inducements  as  the  hope  of  salva- 
tion, his  success  was  greater,  and  in  a  short  time  forty  thousand 
of  them  flocked  under  his  banner  to  the  Rakos  plain  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Pest. 

A  suspicion  has  been  entertained  that  the  motive  for  Bakats' 

to  Servia,  chiefly  through  the  influence  of  Russia,  in  whose  hands  the  no- 
mination of  the  chief  members  rests.  Milosch  has  resisted,  been  deposed, 
driven  from  the  country,  and  his  son  placed  in  his  stead.  It  is  exceed- 
ingly difficult  to  arrive  at  any  thing  like  the  truth  on  such  matters,  from 
the  known  subserviency  of  the  German  papers  to  Russia;  but  it  looks  very 
much  as  if  Russia  was  playing  her  old  game  of  disorganizing  and  ruining, 
that  she  herself  may  in  time  be  called  in  to  settle,  and  reconstitute — take 
possession,  if  she  will — in  any  manner  that  seems  to  her  best. 



zeal  was  not  quite  so  much  ecclesiastical,—  Christian  I  cannot  call 
it, — as  personal  aggrandizement.  His  excessively  ambitious  cha- 
racter, the  opposition  which  he  had  met  with  from  some  of  the 
higher  nobles,  the  school  in  which  he  had  been  brought  up — he 
was  secretary  to  Mathias  Corvinus, — the  exciting  harangues  of 
the  clergy,  and  above  all,  the  choice  of  George  Dosa,  a  common 
Szekler  soldier,  to  head  this  vast  multitude,  gives  strong  ground 
for  the  suspicion.  Be  that  as  it  may,  no  sooner  did  Dosa  receive 
orders  to  march  his  forces  against  the  Turks,  than  he  at  once  de- 
clared war  against  the  nobles  ;  and  the  peasantry,  predisposed  by 
the  oppression  they  had  suffered  since  the  death  of  Mathias,  and 
encouraged  by  the  miserable  weakness  of  his  successor,  having 
now  thrown  off  all  restraint,  and  excited  by  the  promises  of  their 
leaders,  were  ready  enough  to  seize  an  opportunity  of  revenging 
their  wrongs,  and  achieving  their  liberty. 

Dosa  maintained  the  field  against  the  Hungarian  nobles  for 
nearly  six  months,  during  which  four  hundred  of  their  order  fell 
a  sacrifice  to  popular  vengance,  till  at  last  Zdpolya  attacked  him 
whilst  besieging  Temesvar,  took  him  prisoner,  and  completely 
destroyed  his  army. 

If  the  peasants  had  been  guilty  of  cruel  excesses,  the  death  of 
Dosa  most  amply  atoned  for  them.  Not  content  with  the 
slaughter  of  seventy  thousand  peasants,  many  of  them  women 
and  children,  it  was  determined  to  execute  their  leader  in  a  man- 
ner which  should  strike  terror  into  all  future  generations  of  pea- 
sants, and  the  inventive  cruelty  of  "a  cruel  age  was  taxed  for  its 
worst  tortures. 

Dosa  was  seated  on  a  throne  of  red-hot  iron,  a  red-hot  crown 
was  placed  upon  his  head,  and  a  red-hot  sceptre  in  his  hand. 
Forty  of  his  followers  had  been  confined  without  food  for  a  fort- 
night; nine  of  them  still  survived  the  starvation,  when  they  were 
brought  before  their  tortured  leader  and  commanded  to  feed  on 
him  yet  living.  Those  who  hesitated  were  cut  down,  while  the 
rest  tore  the  flesh  from  his  bones  and  devoured  it  greedily.  "To 
it,  hounds,  ye  are  of  my  own  training!"  was  the  only  remark 
which  escaped  the  lips  of  the  suffering  Dosa. 

It  was  just  sunset  as  we  left  Semendria,  and  the  broad  streaks 
of  red  light  which  fell  upon  the  water,  with  the  deep  shadows 
thrown  by  the  old  towers,  gave  an  air  of  solemn  beauty  to  the 

As  we  advanced  beyond  this  point,  the  river  grew  wider  and 
wider,  while  the  banks  seemed  covered  with  impenetrable  forests 


and  morasses.  The  solitude  and  grandeur  of  this  vast  wilderness 
was  exceedingly  imposing.  As  I  stood  almost  alone  upon  the 
deck  towards  evening,  I  could  have  fancied  myself  in  a  new  land, 
an  unexplored  region.  I  have  never  seen  the  Mississippi,  but  I 
do  not  think  that,  even  in  the  fast-nesses  of  America,  the  impres- 
sion of  a  new  and  untrodden  land  could  be  more  complete  than 
here.  On  either  side  of  us  were  thick  forests,  so  thick  that  the 
eye  searched  in  vain  for  some  indication  that  they  had  ever  been 
visited.  The  flocks  of  wild  fowl,  which  covered  the  water,  al- 
lowed us  to  pass  near  them,  apparently  without  suspicion  of 
danger ;  but  no  sooner  did  the  eagle  appear  in  sight,  than  they 
dived  away  and  hid  themselves  from  his  searching  glance.  Every 
thing  seemed  to  say  that  man  was  a  stranger  there. 

It  was  just  beyond  the  island  of  Osztrova,  that  we  dropped 
our  anchor  in  the  middle  of  the  stream, — two  miles  in  width 
here — let  off  our  steam,  and  made  up  for  the  night. 

I  and  Mr.  H n  walked  the  deck  till  deep  in  the  night,  dis- 
cussing the  various  fates  which  time  might  have  in  store  for  the 
nations  of  the  Danube.  The  ambitious  projects  of  Russia,  just 
then  disclosed  by  the  energy  and  talent  of  Mr.  Urquhart,  had 
opened  to  us  the  danger  which  Hungary,  as  well  as  Wallachia, 
Servia,  and  the  whole  of  Turkey  ran,  if  those  projects  were  not 
speedily  checked.  We  knew  that  the  cabinet  of  Austria,  at  first 
strongly  inimical  to  Russia,  had  been  so  frightened  from  her 
propriety  by  reform  in  England,  and  revolution  in  France, — a 
revolution  in  which  she  can  still  see  no  difference  from  that  of 
eighty-nine, — that  she  had  thrown  herself  into  the  arms  of  her 
betrayer  without  the  decency  of  reserve,  without  the  prudence 
of  a  contract.  At  the  same  moment  we  saw  this  same  Russia 
attempting  to  increase  her  influence  among  the  Sclavish  popula- 
tions of  Hungary  by  the  plea  of  identity  of  origin  and  interest, 
and  to  undermine  the  fidelity  of  the  adherence  to  the  Greek 
church  by  the  claim  of  supremacy,  and  the  corruption  of  an 
ignorant  priesthood.  We  saw  how,  step  by  step,  Russia  had 
approached  the  frontier  of  Hungary  on  the  north ;  how  she  had 
then  crept  round  the  east  and  south ;  how,  during  all  this  time, 
she  had  played  with  the  absurd  fear  of  Austria  on  the  subject  of 
liberalism,  and  how  in  the  end,  these  absurd  fears  had  led  that 
power  to  suffer  her  ambitious  neighbour  to  bind  one  by  one  her 
limbs  in  chains,  and  finally  to  threaten  her  with  suffocation  should 
she  dare  to  stir,  by  closing  her  mouth — the  Danube. 

At  the  same  time  we  saw  the  frontier  fortresses  of  Turkey 


occupied  by  Russian  troops; — we  saw  Wallachia,  Moldavia,  and 
Servia,  under  the  name  of  independence,  subjected  to  the  most 
galling  vassalage,  with  Russia  for  a  Suzerain; — we  saw  the 
Turks  themselves  dispirited  and  cowed  by  their  late  defeats,  and 
by  the  desertion  of  their  former  friends ; — we  saw  their  ministers, 
the  paid  hirelings  of  the  enemy  of  their  country,  obeying  only 
his  commands ; — we  saw  their  Sultan  alienating  the  hearts  of  the 
most  faithful,  by  well-meant  but  ill-judged  reforms ;  above  all,  we 
saw  Europe  still  careless  of  the  fate  of  one  of  the  greatest  empires 
of  the  world,  and  we  trembled  lest  she  should  awake  but  too  late 
to  ward  off  the  catastrophe  which  hung  over  her.  One  consolation 
alone  remained ;  we  knew  that  if  she  did  awake,  the  progress  of 
Russia  was  stopped;  we  knew  that  her  gigantic  power  would 
crumble  away,  and  nothing  remain,  but  the  hatred  of  the  world 
for  the  falsehood,  injustice,  and  cruelty,  by  which  it  had  been 




Babakay. — The  Vultures. —  Golumbatz. —  St.  George's  Cavern. —  The 
Rapids. — First  Roman  Inscription. — Kazan. — New  Road. — Sterbeczu 
.  Al mare. — Trajan's  Tablet. — Via  Trajana. — Orsova. — New  Orsova. — 
The  Crusaders. — Visit  to  the  Pasha. — The  Quarantine — The  Iron  Gates. 
— Trajan's  Bridge—its  History  and  Construction. — Valley  of  the  Cserna. 
— Turkish  Aqueduct. — Mehadia — its  JBaths  and  Bathers. 

IT  was  about  eight  in  the  morning,  when  the  good  ship  Zriny, 
after  bearing  us  some  twenty  miles,  while  yet  snug  in  our  berths, 
dropped  her  anchor  and  finished  her  voyage  opposite  the  little 
town  of  Moldova.  Preparations  were  quickly  made  for  our  re- 
embarkation,  and  before  the  luggage  was  well  discharged,  the 
passengers  of  the  quarter-deck  were  comfortably  stowed  away 
in  a  private  boat  of  Count  Szechenyi's,  and  in  company  with 
several  of  the  gentlemen  employed  on  the  new  works,  off  we  set. 

The  boat  was  rowed  by  four  stout  peasants,  lately  broken  in 
to  the  oar,  and  steered  by  George  Dewer,  who  has  been  employed 
in  managing  the  diving-bell  here.  After  passing  the  island  of 
Moldova,  we  came  to  an  interesting  point  of  the  river,  marked 
by  the  Babakay  rock,  which  juts  out  into  the  middle  o^the  stream. 
Babakay  is  said  to  mean  "repent,"  in  Turkish,  and  to  have  been 
applied  to  this  spot,  because  a  jealous  old  Turk  brought  over  his 
young  bride,  whom  he  suspected  of  deceiving  him,  and  placing 
her  on  this  rock,  rowed  away,  answering  to  her  cries  only,  "Ba- 
bakay! Babakay!"— Repent!  Repent!  It  is  at  this  point  that 
the  new  road,  of  which  we  shall  speak  hereafter,  commences.  On 
the  Hungarian  shore  the  workmen  were  crowding  the  hill  side, 
blasting  the  rocks,  wheeling  soil,  hammering,  digging,  breaking, 
—in  short,  busy  in  all  the  operations  incidental  to  mountain  road 
making.  On  the  Babakay  itself  sat  three  vultures,  solemnly 
looking  on  at  these  unaccustomed  sights,  while  on  the  Servian 
side  nothing  was  to  be  seen,  save  the  picturesque  towers  of  the 
Golumbatz  as  they  crumbled  away  into  the  Danube  below. 

One  of  the  vultures,  as  we  drew  near,  raised  itself  from  its 


rocky  perch,  and  sailed  into  the  air  with  great  majesty.  A 
shot  from  one  of  our  party  brought  him  down  to  the  water, 
while  another  secured  one  of  his  companions  before  he  had  time 
to  raise  himself  and  take  flight.  The  larger  of  them  measured 
nine  feet  across  the  wings. 

Golumbatz, — a  corruption  of  columba,  the  castle  of  the  dove, 
— is  said  to  have  been  the  prison  of  the  Greek  Empress  Helena, 
and  was  a  point  often  strongly  contested  in  the  earlier  periods  of 
Hungarian  history.  In  1428,  it  was  besieged  by  King  Sigismund, 
who  lost  the  greater  part  of  his  army  in  the  attempt,  and  who 
with  difficulty  escaped  with  his  own  life.  It  was  afterwards 
taken  from  the  Turks  by  Corvinus,  and  held  by  the  Hungarians, 
together  with  other  fortresses  in  Servia,  for  some  time. 

The  river,  which  had  been  hitherto  wide  and  open,  was  now 
enclosed  by  high  rocks  in  a  narrow  bed  only  two  hundred  and 
forty  yards  in  width.  From  this  point  the  most  beautiful  por- 
tion of  the  scenery  of  the  Danube  commences ;  and,  however  in- 
adequately I  may  describe  it,  I  can  assure  the  reader  that  I  know 
of  no  river  scenery  in  Europe  to  be  compared  with  it.  The 
Rhine  is  pretty  and  highly  cultivated;  the  Danube  is  wild  and 
awfully  grand.  It  would  be  little  interesting  were  I  to  repeat 
the  exclamations  of  wonder  and  admiration  which  burst  from  us 
during  this  journey  of  about  fifty  English  miles:  the  whole  route 
is  one  succession  of  beauties.  The  general  character  of  the 
scenery  is  that  of  rocks  and  woods,  sometimes  rising  precipitous- 
ly from  the  banks  of  the  river,  sometimes  sloping  gradually 
away ;  while  the  mighty  mass  of  water  now  flows  calmly  on  its 
course,  and  now  rushes  in  a  cataract  over  the  rocks  it  scarcely 
covers.  I  must  content  myself  with  noticing  a  few  of  the  most 
interesting  points.  Soon  after  passing  Babakay,  the  boatman 
pointed  out  to  us  a  cavern  half-way  up  the  mountain  on  the 
Hungarian  shore,  as  the  identical  cave  of  the  Dragon  slain  by 
St.  George,  and  where,  they  say,  the  foul  carcass  still  decays, 
and,  like  Virgil's  ox,  gives  birth  to  a  host  of  winged  things. 
What  is  certain  is,  that  from  this  direction,  and  it  is  strictly 
maintained  from  this  very  cave,  proceeds  the  Golumbatzer 
Mucken,  a  peculiar  kind  of  musquito,  which  often  invades  the 
Banat  in  swarms,  to  the  great  injury  of  the  flocks  and  herds. 
They  attack  chiefly  the  eyes,  nose,  and  ears,  and  produce  such 
pain  as  to  drive  the  animals  nearly  mad,  and  death  usually  fol- 

Stenka  was  the  first  of  the  rapids  we  passed,  and  though  in 


the  then  state  of  the  water,  it  was  impracticable  for  our  steam- 
boat, it  is  not  so  in  general,  and  indeed,  while  I  now  write,  the 
place  of  debarkation  is  changed  from  Moldova  to  Drenkova,  a 
small  village  a  little  below  the  fall.  At  Drenkova  are  some  re- 
mains of  a  Roman  fort,  probably  one  of  a  series  of  strong  places 
built  by  Claudius  to  protect  the  river  boundaries  of  the  Roman 
conquests.  The  second  rapids  are  those  of  Kozla  Mare,  situated 
in  the  midst  of  such  beautiful  scenery,  that  it  is  probable  the 
traveller  has  passed  over  them  while  his  attention  has  been  oc- 
cupied by  the  surrounding  objects.  Just  below  this  point,  on 
the  Servian  side,  may  be  observed  traces  of  the  Roman  road,  of 
which  we  shall  speak  later ;  and  above  it,  is  a  plain  tablet,  bear- 
ing this  mutilated  inscription: — 


It  is  near  this  point  that  the  most  considerable  falls  in  this 
part  of  the  Danube  begin.  They  are  formed  by  a  succession  of 
three  rapids,  the  Izlas,  the  Taktalia,  and  the  Greben;  in  the 
middle  of  the  latter,  on  a  projecting  rock,  a  small  iron  cross 
marks  the  dangerous  pass.  The  navigation  has  been  somewhat 
facilitated  by  a  canal  cut  in  the  rocky  bed  of  the  stream  by 
means  of  blasting ;  but  much  must  yet  be  done  before  steam- 
boats can  pass  over  it  at  all  seasons.  During  high-water,  both 
the  steamboats  on  the  Lower  Danube  have  passed  these  rapids. 
The  shallowest  part  is  on  the  Greben,  which  we  passed  with 
seven  feet  of  water,  though  it  has  been  known  with  only  two. 
Below  the  falls  the  river  becomes  suddenly  wide,  and  extends 
itself  to  sixteen  hundred  yards.  We  met  during  this  part  of  our 
course  one  or  two  Turkish  boats  slowly  toiling  up  against  the 
stream.  A  few  Servian  villages  are  scattered  here  and  there, 
and  give  life  to  the  scene.  One  founded  by  Prince  Milosch,  and 
named,  after  his  son,  Milanovacz,  appears  to  prosper,  and  shows 
greater  symptoms  of  comfort  than  any  thing  we  have  seen  on 
that  side.  At  Tricula  are  the  remains  of  three  towers,  to  which 
tradition  assigns  a  Roman  origin. 

A  long  reach  which  presents  a  beautiful  lake-like  view, 
brought  us  to  Kazan,  (the  Kettle,)  which,  as  the  middle  point 
between  Orsova  and  Moldova,  has  been  made  the  residence  for 
the  engineers  employed  in  the  construction  of  the  new  road. 


Here  we  left  our  boat  and  visited  the  works  then  in  progress, 
now  happily  near  completion.  The  object  has  been  to  form  a 
good  carriage-road  between  Moldova  and  Orsova,  in  order  that 
vessels  may  be  able  to  tow  up  against  the  stream,  and  that  pas- 
sengers and  goods  may  be  conveyed  by  carriages  without  loss  of 
time  from  one  steamboat  to  another.  In  several  parts  of  this 
track  the  rocks  come  close  down  to  the  water's  edge,  so  that  it 
was  found  necessary  to  form  galleries  in  them,  a  work  of  great 
labour  and  expense.  From  Babakay  to  Alibeg  there  is  six  thou- 
sand yards  of  artificial  road,  and  again  below  Kazan  it  extends 
twelve  thousand  yards.  When  I  saw  it,  it  had  been  two  years 
begun,  and  20,000/.  expended.  Five  hundred  men  were  still 
employed  on  it. 

A  work  of  this  kind  would  be  great  in  any  country ;  but  in 
Hungary  it  may  be  looked  upon  as  something  wonderful,  and 
the  greatest  credit  is  due  to  Count  Szechenyi,  who  has  had  the 
entire  direction  of  the  works,  as  well  as  to  Mr.  V&sarhely,  the 
engineer,  that  it  has  been  accomplished  so  speedily  and  so  well. 
Without  it  the  navigation  of  the  Danube  was  closed;  but  with 
it,  in  addition  to  the  works  contemplated  below,  there  is  no  im- 
pediment of  consequence  that  can  oppose  an  easy  and  direct  com- 
munication from  Ratisbon,  in  the  very  heart  of  Europe,  to  the 
Black  Sea.  Nay,  the  projected  rail-road  between  the  Danube 
and  the  Rhine  will  accomplish  the  union  of  those  two  rivers,  and 
thus  the  great  idea  of  Charlemagne  will  be  fulfilled  after  the 
lapse  of  so  many  centuries. 

As  we  walked  along  the  new  road,  our  attention  was  directed 
to  a  cave  about  one  hundred  yards  above  the  Danube,  celebrated 
in  the  history  of  the  Turkish  wars.  It  appears  that  in  1692, 
the  Austrian  General  Veterani  sent  three  hundred  men  under 
the  command  of  Captain  D'Arnan  to  hold  this  cavern  against 
the  Turks,  whose  communications  on  the  Danube  were  in  con- 
sequence almost  cut  off,  for  the  position  of  the  cave  gave  its  lit- 
tle garrison  the  complete  command  of  the  passage  of  the  river, 
which  is  exceedingly  narrow  here.  The  Pasha  of  Belgrade, 
roused  by  the  injury  this  handful  of  men  inflicted  on  the  Turks, 
sent  an  overwhelming  force  against  them;  but  their  position,  de- 
fended with  the  greatest  bravery,  was  proof  against  all  attacks, 
except,  alas!  that  of  hunger,  which  obliged  them  to  capitulate 
after  a  siege  of  forty-five  days.  Again,  in  1788,  was  this  little 
fortress  employed  against  the  Moslems.  Major  Stein  held  it  for 
twenty-one  days,  with  a  smaller  number  of  troops  than  before. 


Some  remains  of  slight  outworks  are  still  left  before  the  entrance 
of  the  cave.  The  interior  is  about  one  hundred  feet  long  by  se- 
venty broad,  and  has  some  natural  divisions,  to  which  tradition 
still  attaches  names  and  destinations;  as  the  officers'  quarters, 
the  powder  magazine,  and  the  provision  depot. 

On  the  opposite  side,  and  not  far  from  this  cavern,  rises  a 
majestic  cliff  two  thousand  one  hundred  and  sixty  feet  in  height 
from  the  water's  edge.  This  is  the  Sterbeczu  Almare,  the  huge 
bastion  of  the  Danube,  a  glorious  monument  of  nature's  boldest 
architecture.  After  passing  Rogach,  the  narrowest  point  of  the 
river,  where  it  is  only  one  hundred  and  sixteen  yards  wide,  but 
sixty  deep,  and  just  opposite  the  little  village  of  Ogradina,  we 
arrived  at  the  great  Tablet  of  Trajan,  the  most  perfect  historical 
monument  at  present  existing  on  the  banks  of  the  Danube.  We 
returned  next  day  to  examine  this  tablet  at  our  leisure ;  but  we 
were  still  not  permitted  to  get  up  to  it,  as  it  is  on  the  Servian 
side,  and  therefore  considered  in  Sporco.  It  is  in  the  solid  rock, 
a  fine  hard  mountain  limestone,  and  is  executed  with  much  ele- 
gance. A  winged  genius  on  each  side  supports  an  oblong  tablet 
protected  by  the  overhanging  rock,  which  has  been  carved  into 
a  rich  cornice,  surmounted  by  a  Roman  eagle.  At  either  end  is 
a  dolphin.  The  inscription,  as  it  has  been  made  out  by  the  en- 
gineers, runs  thus — 




I  must  confess  I  was  not  able  to  decipher  all  these  letters ; 
but,  as  it  is  eight  yards  from  the  water,  and  obscured  by  the 
smoke  which  the  fires  of  the  Servian  fishermen,  who  often  rest 
here  for  the  night,  have  covered  it  with,  it  is  very  possible  that 
those  who  could  examine  it  nearer  might  follow  the  traces  of 
letters  which  have  escaped  less  favoured  observers.*  The  work 
which  this  tablet  is  intended  to  immortalize,  was  no  other  than 
the  Via  Trajana,  as  it  is  called,  on  some  of  the  Roman  coins  of 
that  period,  and  of  which  the  traces  are  frequently  visible  on 
different  parts  of  the  rocks  between  Golumbatz  and  Orsova,  on 

*For  this,  as  well  as  for  the  plan  of  the  remains  of  Trajan's  bridge,  [ 
am  indebted  to  a  friend  in  Hungary,  who  obtained  for  me  copies  of  the 
drawings  and  plans  prepared  with  great  care  by  engineers  employed  in 
the  survey  of  the  Danube.  This  inscription  has  never,  I  believe,  been  so 
fully  made  out  by  any  other  observers. 
VOL.  II.- 


the  Servian  bank.  For  the  most  part,  the  traces  of  the  road 
now  remaining  are  reduced  to  a  narrow  ledge,  varying  from  two 
to  six  feet  in  width,  cut  in  the  solid  rock,  at  the  height  of  ten 
feet  ahove  the  ordinary  water-mark,  and  below  this  ledge,  at 
regular  distances,  and  in  four  distinct  elevations  are  holes  of 
about  nine  inches  square  and  eighteen  deep.  Where  the  rock- 
hangs  perpendicularly  over  the  river,  the  ledge  and  the  holes 
may  be  traced  very  distinctly  for  a  considerable  distance  without 
intermission ;  at  other  places  they  are  interrupted  by  a  sloping 
bank,  where  an  artificial  road  was  no  longer  required ;  and  at 
others,  where  a  slight  chasm  in  the  rocks  made  it  impossible  to 
continue  the  ledge,  a  bridge  seems  to  have  been  thrown  across. 
Every  one  who  takes  the  trouble  to  examine  this  subject,  must 
conclude  that  these  holes  were,  beyond  question,  intended  to  re- 
ceive beams  constructed  so  as  to  support  a  part  of  the  road 
made  of  wood,  for  the  ledge  cut  out  of  the  rock  was  not  wide 
enough,  in  many  parts,  even  to  admit  persons  on  foot,  and  cer- 
tainly not  horses.  Nor  can  we  suppose  that  the  ledge  in  the 
rock  was  once  wider,  and  that  it  has  been  worn  away  by  time, 
for  the  tablets  remain  very  perfect,  and  the  holes  below  seem  as 
fresh  as  if  cut  yesterday.  It  is,  then,  pretty  certain  that  the  Via 
Trajana  was  partly  only  cut  in  the  rock,  and  partly  supported 
on  wooden  beams. *  It  would  thus  answer  for  a  towing  path  as 
well  as  for  the  passage  of  troops — the  two  great  objects  for 
which  it  was  probably  intended ;  and,  besides  costing  much  less 
labour,  it  would  have  possessed,  if  this  supposition  is  correct, 
the  advantage  of  being  easily  and  effectually  interrupted  in  case 
that  pursuit  by  the  barbarians  rendered  it  desirable  to  cut  off  the 

As  we  turned  from  these  remains  of  Roman  greatness  to  the 
other  side  of  the  river,  and  again  got  on  shore,  to  examine  the 
progress  they  were  making  with  the  modern  road,  it  was  impos- 
sible not  to  be  struck  with  the  resemblance  of  the  Walla ck  pea- 
sants, who  were  engaged  on  it,  to  the  Dacians  of  Trajan's 
column.  The  dress,  the  features,  and  the  whole  appearance  of 
the  Wallacks,  were  so  Dacian,  that  a  man  fresh  from  Rome 
could  scarcely  fail  to  recognise  it.  They  have  the  same  arched 
nose,  deeply  sunken  eye  and  long  hair,  the  same  sheep-skin  cap, 
the  same  shirt  bound  round  the  waist,  and  descending  to  the 
knee,  and  the  same  long  loose  trowsers  which  the  Roman  chain 

[  *This  opinion  I  had  formed  from  an  inspection  of  the  place  itself. 


is  so  often  seen  encircling  at  the  ankles.  It  was  only  required 
to  change  the  German  or  Hungarian  overlooker  in  his  smart 
hussar  uniform,  for  the  soldier  of  the  Roman  legion  in  his  bril- 
liant armour,  and  we  might  have  supposed  ourselves  present  at 
the  very  scene  enacted  for  a  similar  purpose  on  the  opposite  side 
of  this  river  seventeen  hundred  years  before ! 

Orsova,  as  we  saw  it  next  morning,  appeared  a  pretty  little 
village,  situated  close  on  the  banks  of  the  Danube,  and  fast  rising 
into  importance  as  the  frontier  town  of  Hungary,  towards  Servia 
and  Wallachia.  In  addition  to  the  money  spent  here  by  travel- 
lers, the  custom-house  and  quarantine  establishments  necessarily 
give  it  greater  advantages  than  are  possessed  by  most  Hunga- 
rian places  of  its  size.  At  a  little  distance  from  the  town,  too, 
there  is  a  small  covered  market,  where  the  Turks  and  Servians 
bring  their  wares  for  sale;  and  though  divided  by  rails,  and 
closely  guarded  by  the  quarantine  officers  in  order  to  prevent 
contamination,  they  carry  on  a  considerable  traffic  in  pipe-heads, 
Turkish  sweetmeats,  fruits,  ornaments,  and  other  small  articles. 
The  quarantine  establishment  was  nearly  empty  at  the  time  we 
visited  Orsova,  and  we  were  shown  over  the  whole  of  it.  It 
cannot  be  said  to  be  pleasant  to  pass  such  a  length  of  time  in 
confinement  any  where ;  but  I  know  of  few  places  where  it  would 
be  more  tolerable  than  at  Orsova.  A  small  court  is  attached  to 
each  set  of  apartments;  and,  attended  by  a  guard,  permission  is 
usually  granted  to  walk  over  the  whole  place. 

A  mile  below  Orsova,  and  in  the  middle  of  the  Danube,  lies 
the  pretty  island  of  New  Orsova,  a  Turkish  fortress,  now,  alas! 
somewhat  dilapidated,  like  every  thing  else  Turkish;  though, 
scarcely  a  century  ago,  it  was  of  sufficient  strength  to  have  oc- 
cupied the  Emperor  Joseph  II.  a  considerable  time  to  batter  it 
effectually  from  the  opposite  mountains.  It  is  said  to  have  been 
at  this  point  that  the  great  crusade  of  1396,  under  the  Conne- 
table  d'Eu  and  Sigismund  of  Hungary,  after  descending  the 
Danube  from  Buda  to  Orsova,  passed  over  to  the  island,  and  so 
across  to  the  Turkish  side.  One  hundred  thousand  horsemen, 
among  whom  were  the  flower  of  the  French  chivalry,  seemed  to 
give  an  assurance  of  easy  victory ;  and  as  Sigismund  marked 
their  close  and  well-ordered  ranks,  he  insolently  exclaimed, 
"  With  such  an  army,  I  can  brave  the  world;  their  spears  would 
uphold  the  canopy  of  heaven  itself,  should  it  threaten  to  fall 
upon  us!"  The  impious  boast  was  bitterly  atoned  for.  In  a 
very  few  days  the  plain  of  Nicopolis  witnessed  the  complete*  dis- 


persion  of  this  host,  and  the  noblest  or  bravest  of  them  dead,  or 
captives  in  the  hands  of  Bajazeth. 

We  were  fortunate  enough  to  obtain  permission  from  the 
Herr  Cordons  Commandant  to  visit  the  Pasha  of  Orsova ;  and, 
accompanied  by  a  custom-house  officer,  apparently  to  enable  us 
to  smuggle  with  impunity,  and  another  from  the  quarantine  to 
prevent  our  catching  the  plague  in  any  but  the  prescribed  form, 
we  embarked  for  the  island.  About  half  an  hour's  row  down 
the  stream,  brought  us  under  the  low  and  crumbling  walls  of 
the  fortress;  and  one  of  our  attendants,  acting  as  interpreter, 
hailed  a  magnificent-looking  fellow,  who  was  lounging  about 
very  nonchalantly, — but  who  was  nevertheless  a  Turkish  senti- 
nel on  duty — and  desired  him  to  inform  the  Pasha  of  our  request 
for  an  audience. 

In  the  meantime  we  landed,  and  pursued  our  way  over  broken 
walls  and  through  filled  up  ditches  to  the  Pasha's  house;  and  a 
strange-looking  pile  we  found  it.  The  lower  part  is  formed  of 
a  solid  tower  of  stone,  probably  the  remains  of  some  Gothic 
stronghold,  while  the  upper  story  is  only  a  wooden  box,  after 
the  common  fashion  of  Turkish  houses,  overhanging  its  base  in 
every  direction,  and  in  its  turn  covered  by  a  vast  umbrella-like 
roof.  Our  request  was  courteously  received,  and  we  were 
ushered  up  a  broad  flight  of  steps  outside  the  building,  and  be- 
tween long  rows  of  bare-footed  servants  to  the  audience  cham- 
ber. Here  we  found  the  Pasha  ready  to  receive  us,  and  after 
sundry  bows  on  our  parts  and  pressings  of  the  hand  to  the  heart 
on  his,  we  took  our  seats  opposite  each  other  on  some  very  com- 
mon, rush-bottomed  chairs.  These  were  evidently  used  as  a 
compliment  to  us;  for  they  appeared  a  troublesome  luxury  to 
our  host,  whose  legs  were  either  dangling  awkwardly  in  mid-air, 
or  perched  on  the  highest  stave,  in  any  thing  but  an  elegant  po- 
sition. He  was  a  handsome,  good-tempered  looking  man,  of 
about  forty,  with  a  fine  red  beard  curling  over  his  breast.  He 
was  far  enough  from  the  capital  in  his  snug  little  island,  to  dis- 
pense with  the  caricature  of  a  uniform  worn  in  Constantinople, 
and  his  costume  of  embroidered  cloth  lined  with  fur,  was  simple 
and  handsome.  He  inquired  with  much  anxiety  if  we  had 
brought  our  pipes,  and  seemed  very  much  annoyed  at  our  guides 
for  not  having  informed  us  that  a  recent  firman  had  forbidden 
any  Pasha  to  offer  pipes  to  strangers.  This  arrangement  had 
been  adopted  to  relieve  the  Pashas  from  the  expense  of  maintain- 
ing a  great  pipe  establishment,  the  cost  of  which  was  sufficient 


to  ruin  some  of  the  poorer  of  them.  I  believe  it  has  been  given 
up  since.  It  was  in  vain  we  protested  that  we  did  not  smoke  in 
the  morning;  when  the  poor  Pasha  received  his  splendid  chi- 
boque  he  drew  a  long  whiff  or  two,  but  it  failed  to  sooth  his 
wounded  sense  of  hospitality,  and  he  protested  he  could  not 
smoke  unless  we  did  so  too.  At  last,  plague  or  no  plague,  he 
insisted  on  each  of  us  smoking  from  his  own  pipe;  nor  was  it  till 
the  pale  lemon-coloured  amber  had  been  pressed  in  turn  by  every 
lip,  and  the  muddy  coffee  had  been  duly  drunk,  that  he  felt  suf- 
ficiently at  ease  to  begin  a  conversation. 

I  am  not  going  to  give  the  reader  the  Pasha's  sage  remarks — 
that  is,  remarks  of  my  own,  which  I  think  sufficiently  sage  to 
be  palmed  off  as  a  Pasha's, — as  many  writers  in  these  modern 
times  are  apt  to  do,  often,  too,  when  they  have  not  under- 
stood one  word  of  the  language  spoken;  and  it  is  not  worth 
while  repeating  the  commonplaces  our  interpreter  passed  be- 
tween us.  The  Pasha  inquired  about  the  progress  of  the  works 
tit  Kazan,  whether  the  bridge  was  begun  at  Pest,  and  how  many 
steamboats  were  building,  occasionally  stopping  to  assure  us  how 
great  was  his  pleasure  at  our  visit,  and  occasionally  bursting  into 
a  hearty  laugh  at  the  fear  our  attendants  expressed  lest  we 
might  touch  something  capable  of  communicating  plague,  and 
that  too  after  smoking  the  pipe  he  had  just  used.  As  in  every 
Turk, — and  almost  in  every  man  who  is  free  from  affectation  and 
servility, — his  manners  were  easy  and  dignified;  and  as  we  took 
leave,  much  pleased  with  our  visit,  he  invited  us  to  go  through 
the  town,  and  gave  orders  that  we  should  see  the  mosque  and 
any  thing  else  we  chose. 

The  town,  which  consists  of  four  streets  built  in  the  form  of 
a  cross,  is  as  completely  Turkish  as  any  thing  in  Constantinople; 
it  is,  in  fact,  a  little  epitome  of  the  whole  empire.  I'he  same 
filthy  narrow  streets,  the  same  coffee-houses  with  their  eternal 
loungers  drawing  deep  draughts  of  pleasure  from  the  bubbling 
nargile  or  long  chibouque,  the  open  shops,  the  carpeted  mosque 
with  its  slender  minaret,  and  the  pretty  burial-ground  with  its 
turbaned  head-stones,  as  are  to  be  seen  in  every  other  part  of 
Turkey; — nay,  the  very  dogs  are  the  same  snarling,  ill-bred 
mangy  curs  which  the  sons  of  Mahomet  use  as  scavengers 
wherever  their  sway  is  felt.  It  was  amusing  to  see  with  what 
officiousness  our  quarantine  man  began  to  exercise  his  stick  on 
all  the  poor  animals  which  crossed  his  path,  but  an  obstinate 
Ken  very  nearly  got  the  master  of  him  notwithstanding,  and  we 



\vere  obliged  to  run  into  another  street  lest  a  chance  feather 
from  her  wing  should  condemn  us  to  a  fortnight's  quarantine. 
Heartily  did  the  good-humoured  Turks  shake  their  sides  to  see 
half  a  dozen  poor  Christians  in  flight  before  a  cackling  hen! 
We  were  allowed,  however,  to  purchase  some  pipe-heads  from 
Servia, — more  beautiful  than  any  to  be  found  at  Constantinople, 
— probably  from  some  little  arrangement  between  the  Turk  and 
Christian  for  fleecing  the  stranger,  for  as  we  went  away,  I  saw 
our  guide  put  one  into  his  own  pocket,  for  which  nothing  was 
paid,  save  a  nod  of  understanding  between  himself  and  the  mer- 

The  most  insensible  can  hardly  fail  to  admire  the  scenery 
about  Orsova;  the  island,  the  Elizabeth  Tower  on  the  opposite 
bank,  the  Alion  with  its  wooded  sides,  and  the  expanse  of  water 
itself,  are  beauties  of  no  common,  order.  From  the  passing  view 
we  had  of  some  Servian  peasants,  they  seemed  to  resemble  the 
Wallacks  in  their  dress.  The  women  often  cover  their  heads 
with  strings  of  gold  and  silver  coins  till  they  assume  the  appear- 
ance of  scale-helmets. 

Another  excursion  I  made  from  Orsova  was  to  visit  the  Iron 
Gates  of  the  Danube,  and  the  remains  of  Trajan's  bridge.  As 
these  objects  are  in  Wallachia,  it  was  necessary  again  to  obtain 
permission,  and  to  be  accompanied  by  quarantine  and  custom- 
house officers.  Having  provided  two  light  wagons  with  four 
horses  in  each,  we  followed  the  banks  of  the  Danube,  passed 
the  Island  of  Orsova,  crossed  the  boundary  line  of  Hungary,  and 
continued  along  a  road  cut  in  the  side  of  the  mountain,  amidst 
the  most  beautiful  scenery,  till  the  roar  of  the  waters  informed 
us  we  were  approaching  the  much-dreaded  cataracts  of  the  Iron 

A  bad  name  is  a  bad  thing;  the  Black  Sea  is  still  an  object  of 
terror  at  Lloyd's,  though  its  navigation  is  safer  than  the  gene- 
rality of  European  seas,  and  the  Iron  Gates  were  long  considered 
an  irresistible  bar  to  commerce  on  the  Danube,  though  the  pea- 
sant pilots  of  Orsova  never  hesitate,  in  proper  seasons,  to  shoot 
them  with  as  clumsy  ill-constructed  vessels  as  can  well  be  made. 
These  rapids,  for  such  is  their  proper  designation,  continue  under 
different  names  for  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile,  and  it  is  the  most 
eastern  portion  which  is  properly  called  the  Iron  Gates,  or,  by 
the  Turks,  Demirkapi.  At  this  point  a  ledge  of  rocks  runs 
quite  across  the  river,  the  highest  part  of  which,  though  just  co- 
vered in  the  ordinary  state  of  the  water3  is  yet  sufficiently  evi- 



dent,  and  produces  a  fall  of  several  feet,  which  is  followed  by 
an  eddy  which  might  prove  dangerous  to  very  small  craft.  The 
shallowness  of  the  water  is,  however,  the  most  serious  obstacle, 
and  at  certain  seasons  this  is  so  extreme  as  to  put  a  stop  to  na- 
vigation entirely.  Two  plans  have  been  conceived  for  remedy- 
ing this  evil:  and  it  has  been  proposed  either  to  blast  the  rocks, 
a  difficult  and  expensive  process,  or  to  form  a  canal  along  the 
Servian  bank.  Very  fortunately,  at  this  point  the  rocks,  instead 
of  coming  down  close  to  the  edge  of  the  water,  leave  a  small 
surface  of  flat  land,  round  which  it  is  proposed  to  carry  a  canal; 
and  here,  it  is  said,  remains  still  exist  of  a  canal  made  by  the 
Romans  for  the  very  same  purpose.  As  I  was  not  able  to  ve- 
rify this  report  by  actual  inspection,  I  cannot  state  it  to  be  po- 
sitively true;  but  as  the  Via  Trajana  was  continued  in  this  di- 
rection, and  was  pretty  certainly  used  as  a  tow?ing  path,  I  think 
there  can  be  little  doubt  of  the  fact.  What  obstacle  impedes 
the  commencement  of  this  canal  I  know  not,  but  fortunately  the 
steam  navigation  is  independent  of  it,  for  the  boats  come  up  to 
Scala  Gladova  without  impediment,  and  goods  and  passengers 
are  thence  conveyed  by  boat  or  carriage  to  Orsova,  so  that,  were 
the  road  better,  the  absence  of  the  canal  would  be  of  little  con- 
sequence. Nor  is  this  interruption  of  so  great  importance  as  it 
would  be  in  any  other  position,  for  a  delay  is  necessarily  caused, 
in  passing  from  the  one  country  to  the  other,  by  the  quarantine, 
customs,  and  police  regulations. 

As  we  turned  back  to  take  a  last  view  of  the  dreaded  pass, 
a  heavy  Turkish  boat,  with  its  lattine  sails  approached,  and  we 
had  an  opportunity  of  watching  it  pass  the  rapids.  The  sails 
were  furled,  and  a  large  oar  was  put  out  to  aid  the  helm;  the 
only  effects  we  could  observe  were,  a  slight  trembling  of  the 
mast,  a  sudden  shoot  over  the  rocks,  a  little  reeling  in  the  eddy, 
and  she  then  passed  on  her  course  as  tranquilly  as  though  nothing 
had  happened. 

The  banks  of  the  Danube  now  became  flat  and  uninteresting, 
— Scala  Gladova,  through  which  our  route  led  us,  is  a  very  mi- 
serable little  Wallachian  town,  only  remarkable  because  the 
steamboats  stop  there, — and  we  were  very  thankful  when  our 
twenty  miles'  drive  was  over,  and  we  found  ourselves  at  the  re- 
mains of  Trajan's  bridge.  All  that  is  now  left  of  this  structure 
is  a  solid  shapeless  mass  of  masonry  on  either  bank,  about 
twenty  feet  high,  and  between  that  and  the  river  there  is,  on 
each  side,  a  broken  wall  on  a  level  with  the  top  of  the  banks, 


apparently  forming  the  piers  from  which  the  first  arches  sprang. 
On  both  sides,  the  banks  are  of  a  considerable  height  above  the 
water.  In  the  bed  of  the  river,  and  in  a  direct  line  between  these 
ruins,  the  surveyors  have  traced  the  remains  of  thirteen  pillars. 
Not  far  from  the  middle  a  kind  of  island  has  been  formed,  which 
occupies  the  space  of  four  pillars,  and  on  the  northern  bank  there 
is  a  second  space,  apparently  filled  up  by  deposit,  which  leaves 
room  for  one  other  pillar,  thus  making,  in  addition  to  those  on  the 
bank,  twenty.  The  distance  between  the  pillars  on  either  bank 
is  five  hundred  and  sixty-two  Vienna  klafters,  or  about  three 
thousand  nine  hundred  English  feet.  The  pillar  on  the  north 
bank,  which  I  sketched,  is  not  built  of  hewn  stones,  but  of  a 
mass  of  shapeless  materials  joined  together  with  Roman  cement. 
It  may  have  been  encased  in  hewn  stone,  which  has  been  re- 
moved or  destroyed.  This  is  all  I  could  observe  or  learn  of  the 
actual  state  of  the  remains  of  Trajan's  bridge.  The  water, 
though  not  high,  was  sufficiently  so  to  prevent  even  a  ripple  ap- 
pearing on  the  surface,  where  it  flowed  over  the  hidden  pillars, 
but  the  tops  of  several  pillars  are  sometimes  visible.  On  the 
Wallachian  side,  a  little  before  we  reached  the  ruin,  we  observed 
the  remains  of  a  tower  which  had  been  surrounded  by  a  deep  and 
wide  fosse.  Nothing  remains  of  the  tower  to  indicate  its  origin 
or  form;  but  the  fosse,  if  I  remember  right,  is  circular.  It  was 
probably  intended  to  defend  the  passage  of  the  bridge. 

Now  let  us  inquire,  for  a  moment,  what  information  ancient 
authorities  afford  us  concerning  this  great  work.  Dion  Cassius, 
who  was  governor  of  part  of  Pannonia  under  Hadrian,  the  suc- 
cessor of  Trajan,  wrote  a  history  of  Rome  down  to  his  own 
time.  A  considerable  part  of  this  history  is  lost,  and  among 
other  portions  the  account  of  Trajan's  bridge;  but  an  epitome 
of  his  works  by  Ziphilini  still  exists,  which  contains  a  short  de- 
scription of  it.  It  was  built  by  Apollodorus,  the  architect  of 
the  Forum  Trajanum,  and  of  Trajan's  column  at  Rome,  and  con- 
sisted of  twenty  piers,  each  pier  being  one  hundred  and  fifty 
Roman  feet  high,  sixty  feet  thick,  and  they  were  one  hundred 
and  seventy  feet  distant  from  each  other.  At  either  end  it  was 
protected  by  towers.  The  whole  work  is  said  to  have  been 
built  of  hewn  stone,  and  the  real  difficulties  of  so  vast  an  under- 
taking are  enhanced  by  a  false  account  of  the  situation,  depth  of 
water,  nature  of  the  soil,  and  other  particulars.* 

*  I  should  remark,  that  this  is  one  of  the  widest  parts  of  the  river,  and 
was,  no  doubt,  on  that  account,  chosen  by  the  architect  to  allow  the  force 


The  second  authority  is  the  large  copper  coin  of  Trajan,  con- 
taining on  the  reverse  a  bridge.  From  this  coin  it  would  rather 
appear  that  the  towers  were  at  the  entrances  of  the  bridge,  and 
that  they  had  somewhat  the  appearance  of  triumphal  arches. 
The  figures  of  men  are  very  discernible  on  both  of  them.  The 
arch — as  is  often  the  case  in  coins  bearing  figures  of  buildings,  a 
part  being  put  to  represent  the  whole, — appears  to  me,  as  well 
as  to  others  who  have  examined  it  with  me,  to  be  composed  of 
wood,  though  the  piers  are  undoubtedly  of  stone.* 

Besides  this,  we  have  a  third  authority  in  the  column  of  Tra- 
jan, where  a  part  of  the  bridge  is  represented  in  the  back  ground, 
and  again  the  upper  portion  appears,  I  think,  to  be  decidedly  of 
wood;  in  fact,  the  cross  bars  and  rails  are  exactly  like  those 
uniting  the  bridges  of  boats,  by  which  the  Roman  army  is  often 
seen  crossing  rivers  during  their  march  to  Dacia.  I  need 
scarcely  say,  that  the  idea  of  the  wooden  projection  of  the  Via 
Trajana  strengthens  the  supposition  of  a  similar  construction  in 
the  Pons  Trajani.  The  bridge  was  probably  begun  about  103, 
A.  D.;  it  was  destroyed  about  120. 

Before  we  quit  the  subject,  one  word  on  the  destruction  of  the 
bridge.  Hadrian,  it  appears,  anxious  to  enjoy  in  peace  the  con- 
quests of  his  predecessor,  intended  to  give  up  the  newly-founded 
province  of  Dacia ;  in  consequence,  however,  of  the  number  of 
Roman  colonists  already  established  there,  he  was  persuaded  to 
retain  it;  but,  as  it  is  said,  to  prevent  the  barbarians  crossing 
over  into  the  Thracian  provinces,  he  destroyed  the  bridge  across 
the  Danube.  I  cannot  help  thinking  that  personal  feeling  had 
some  connexion  wTith  this  affair;  it  seems  at  least  so  impolitic  to 
retain  the  province,  and  yet  cut  off  the  only  safe  and  sure 
communication  with  it,  that  one  is  naturally  led  to  look  for 
other  motives  than  those  generally  ascribed  for  the  destruction 
of  this  bridge.  Now  it  appears  that  Apollodorus  had  given 
mortal  offence  to  Hadrian  when  a  young  soldier  in  the  camp  of 
Trajan,  by  desiring  him  to  "  paint  gourds  "  (an  amusement  to 
which  he  was  addicted,)  "  and  not  to  speak  of  matters  he  did  not 
understand,"  on  occasion  of  some  silly  remarks  offered  by  the 

of  the  sudden  floods  to  which  the  Danube  is  subject,  on  the  breaking  up 
of  the  ice,  to  waste  itself  on  an  extended  surface.  The  bed  of  the  river, 
instead  of  answering1  the  description  of  Dion  Cassius,  is  sound,  and  the 
depth  here  less  than  in  most  other  parts. 

*  This  opinion,  I  find,  is  supported  by  Marsigli,  Fabretti,  and  Mont- 
faucon,  who  make  very  light  of  the  exaggerations  of  Dion  Cassius. 


future  Emperor  concerning  the  plans  which  the  architect  was 
displaying  to  his  royal  master.  This  insult,  sharpened  by  the 
jealousy  which  Hadrian  felt  of  the  artist's  talents,  was  never  for- 
given, and  no  sooner  did  he  assume  the  purple  than  he  banished 
Apollodorus,  and  finally  had  him  put  to  death  on  some  false  pre- 
tence. A  man  whose  cruel  revenge  was  capable  of  demanding 
the  destruction  of  a  great  artist,  would  scarcely  be  inclined  to 
spare  that  artist's  most  esteemed  work, — his  surest  claim  to  the 
gratitude  and  remembrance  of  posterity ;  and  I  think  it  highly 
probable,  that  Trajan's  greatest  glory  fell  a  sacrifice  to  Ha- 
drian's meanest  passion. 

On  our  return  to  Orsova,  we  found  that  a  fisherman  had  just 
captured  an  enormous  sturgeon, — so  large  that  when  placed  in 
one  of  the  small  wagons  of  the  country,  its  tail  dragged  along 
the  ground  behind.  It  was  taken  to  the  village  fountain,  washed, 
cut  up,  and  speedily  sold  to  the  peasants.  The  sturgeon  is  said 
to  be  abundant  in  this  part  of  the  Danube,  and  to  attain  a  large 
size,  but  it  is  not  equal  in  delicacy  of  flavour  to  the  small  stur- 
geon of  the  Theiss.  Fresh  caviare  gourmands  may  satisfy  their 
longings  here  as  well  as  in  the  region  of  the  Wolga  or  the  Don. 
In  Wallachia,  the  preparation  of  the  hard  caviare  is  much  cared 
for,  and  most  of  that  met  with  at  Constantinople  is  obtained 
from  thence.  Nothing  can  be  ruder  than  the  Wallack  mode  of 
fishing.  A  long  string  of  floats  stoutly  fastened  together,  sup- 
port a  number  of  huge  hooks  which  hang  at  different  depths  in 
the  water  without  baits,  but  so  placed  as  to  hook  the  fish  as  he 
swims  by.  Angling  as  an  amusement  is  rarely  followed  in  Hun- 
gary, but  from  the  quantity  of  trout  met  with  on  the  table,  1 
should  think  it  might  afford  good  sport. 

It  was  a  fine  autumn  afternoon  when  we  left  Orsova,  and  fol- 
lowing the  valley  of  the  Cserna,  closely  hemmed  in  by  its  wooded 
hills,  pursued  our  way  to  Mehadia.  The  groups  of  Wallack 
women,  as  we  saw  them  in  the  evening  assembled  round  their 
cottage  doors,  or  returning  home  from  the  labours  of  the  field, 
were  too  peculiar  to  escape  the  observation,  and  sometimes  ad- 
miration of  strangers.  Their  dress,  like  the  men's,  rather  Da- 
cian,  consists  of  the  homespun  linen  shirt,  fastened  close  round 
the  neck,  and  reaching  down  to  the  ankles.  At  the  sleeves,  and 
round  the  collar,  it  is  often  prettily  embroidered  in  blue  and  red. 
Before  and  behind  they  wear  a  coarse  woollen  apron  of  diffe- 
rent colours,  the  lower  part  of  which  is  commonly  a  mere  fringe, 
and  such,  with  a  coloured  fillet  bound  round  the  head,  is  the  only 



summer  covering  of  the  Wallack  women.  No  dress  was  ever 
less  adapted  to  conceal  the  form;  the  close-fitting  apron  seems 
rather  intended  to  display  to  the  greatest  advantage  the  Venus- 
like  proportions  of  the  figure;  nor  are  the  beauties  of  the  youth- 
ful bust  less  delicately  outlined  by  the  tight  linen  shirt. 

We  met  some  twenty  or  thirty  of  the  Borderers  on  march  to 
relieve  the  guard  on  duty  at  some  distant  post,  where  they 
would  have  to  remain  for  a  week.  They  were  exceedingly  well 
dressed,  and  had  quite  the  appearance  of  regular  troops. 

In  many  parts  of  this  valley  the  road  is  adorned  by  avenues 
of  the  white  mulberry.  I  think  it  was  under  Maria  Theresa 
that  the  idea  of  cultivating  silk  in  Hungary  was  first  started, 
and  several  attempts  were  subsequently  made  in  different  parts 
of  the  country  with  considerable  success.  In  1811,  Government 
planted  the  Banat  military  frontier  with  mulberries,  in  the  hope 
of  being  able  to  feed  the  worm  on  the  tree,  but  I  believe  the  ex- 
periment did  not  succeed,  though  it  is  difficult  to  say  from  what 
cause.  A  great  number  of  land-owners  are  now  planting  the 
mulberry  in  different  parts  of  Hungary,  and  it  is  highly  proba- 
ble that  silk  will,  ere  long,  be  one  of  the  staple  commodities  of 
the  country. 

Near  Topletz  are  the  ruins  of  an  aqueduct,  which  formerly 
extended  from  the  baths  of  Mehadia  to  Orsova.  No  one  who 
has  seen  the  Turkish  aqueducts  near  Constantinople,  can  doubt 
as  to  the  origin  of  this  one ;  it  is  clearly  of  Turkish  and  not  Ro- 
man workmanship.  Its  object  was  probably  to  convey  the  me- 
dicated waters  of  Mehadia  to  the  village  of  Orsova  which  was 
for  many  years  the  residence  of  a  Pasha,  and  an  important  Turk- 
ish fortress. 

About  ten  miles  from  Orsova  we  quitted  the  main  valley,  and 
pursuing  the  course  of  the  Cserna,  entered  the  valley  of  Meha- 
dia, in  which  the  baths  of  Mehadia  are  situated.  It  was  now 
past  the  bathing  season,  and  we  were  the  only  strangers  there; 
but  the  reader  must  allow  me  to  transport  him  back  to  the  gaiety 
of  July,  in  which  month  I  visited  it  on  another  occasion. 

The  baths  consist  of  a  number  of  handsome  buildings  round  an 
oval  place,  furnished  with  seats,  and  commonly  enlivened  by 
music  and  loungers.  The  valley  is  so  exceedingly  narrow,  that 
there  was  but  just  room  to  build  these  houses;  nor  have  they 
been  erected  without  a  sacrifice  of  the  romantic  scenery.  The 
large  building  to  the  right  was  constructed  by  the  Emperor 
Francis,  and  it  is  let  out  at  certain  fixed  and  very  moderate  prices 
as  an  hotel,  while  the  lower  part  contains  baths. 



The  antiquity  of  the  Hercules  Baths  are  beyond  question. 
Many  votive  tablets  and  statues  sufficiently  attest  that  they  were 
dedicated  to  Hercules  and  that  they  were  known  to  the  Romans  as 
early  as  the  reign  of  Hadrian,  with  whom  they  were  in  high 
repute  for  their  medicinal  virtues. 

From  June  to  September  these  baths  are  the  favourite  resort 
of  the  Hungarians  and  Transylvanians,  and,  besides,  receiving 
occasionally  members  of  every  other  part  of  the  Austrian  domi- 
nions, a  rich  Boyard  from  Wallachia,  an  uncouth  prince  from  Ser- 
via,  and  a  vagabond  Englishman,  may  often  be  seen  mingling 
with  the  gay  groups  on  the  evening  promenade.  An  English- 
man must  almost  have  ceased  to  be  a  wonder  now,  but  it  is  not 
very  long  since  some  very  pretty  little  Banatians  were  terribly- 
scolded  by  mamma  for  running  out  to  get  a  peep  at  an  islander, 
a  sort  of  thing,  as  they  urged  in  excuse,  they  had  never  seen  in 
their  lives  before,  and  which  they  were  not  a  little  disappointed 
to  find  so  much  like  other  human  beings. 

There  are  few  bathing-places  can  boast  so  really  beautiful  a 
neighbourhood  as  this ;  for  several  miles  up  the  valley,  where  a 
foot-path  has  been  cut  through  the  woods,  nothing  can  be  more 
exquisitely  lovely  than  the  scenery.  And  then,  there  are  moun- 
tains to  ascend,  a  real  robber's  cave  to  explore,  a  little  waterfall 
to  visit,  besides  excursions,  to  I  know  not  how  many  wonderful 
places  in  the  neighbourhood  to  be  made.  But  the  white  precipi- 
tous rocks,  which  make  the  valley  so  picturesque,  render  it  ex- 
cessively close,  and  in  July  and  August  it  is  scarcely  possible  to 
move  out  in  the  day-time.  These  same  rocks,  however,  are  not 
to  be  scorned,  for  they  are  so  high  and  close  as  to  produce  an  early 
sunset,  and  thus  leave  a  long  cool  twilight  for  the  promenade. 
So  much  greater  is  the  heat  in  this  valley  than  elsewhere,  that 
the  tarantula  and  scorpion,  unknown  in  other  parts  of  Hungary, 
are  far  from  uncommon. 

Beautiful,  however,  as  Mehadia  is,  its  beauty  will  not  please 
for  ever ;  as  is  often  the  case  with  other  beauties,  its  appearance 
is  useful  as  an  attraction,  but  it  requires  other  qualities  to  keep 
alive  our  interest  in  them.  It  may  be  an  effectual  cure,*  as  the 

*  There  are  nine  different  springs  here  in  use,  each  varying  consider- 
ably in  the  proportions  of  their  mineral  contents,  as  given  by  chemical 
analysis.  They  have  all,  however,  more  or  less,  the  same  ingredients, 
of  which  the  chief  are  muriates  of  soda  and  lime,  sulphate  of  lime,  sulphu- 
retted hydrogen  gas,  nitrogen  gas,  and  carbonic  acid  gas,  except  the 
Hercules  bath,  which  contains  no  sulphuretted  hydrogen.  The  tempera- 



doctors,  vouch  for  an  infinity  of  human  ills,  but  to  a  healthy  man,  a 
long  residence  there  is  apt  to  induce  one  as  bad  as  any  in  the  list 
— ennui.  In  the  morning  it  is  de  rigueur  to  parboil  yourself  in 
the  fetid  waters,  from  which  you  escape  so  exhausted,  that  lean- 
ing out  of  the  window  and  watching  your  neighbour  enjoying 
the  same  recreation,  is  all  you  are  capable  of.  At  one,  the  gen- 
tlemen meet  at  the  table  d'hote, — the  ladies  generally  dine  in 
their  own  rooms, — and  consume  a  very  indifferent  dinner,  not- 
withstanding the  eulogies  of  some  travellers  just  escaped  from  qua- 
rantine diet.  Till  six,  the  time  must  still  be  killed.  A  little  quiet 
gambling  is  generally  transacted  about  this  time,  by  such  as  have 
a  taste  for  it,  and  smoking  too  was  a  great  resource,  especially 
after  some  cosmopolite  Turks  had  philanthropically  established 
themselves  in  one  corner  of  the  place  with  a  large  stock  of  Chi- 
bouques and  Latakia,  to  the  great  edification  of  all  honest  Chris- 
tians who  loved  good  tobacco.  At  six,  the  beau  monde  makes 
its  appearance,  the  gipsy  band  strikes  up  its  joyous  notes,  and  till 
eight,  the  promenade  of  Mehadia  is  gay  with  music  and  beauty. 
A  bad  German  theatre  and  an  occasional  ball  add  to  the  amuse- 
ments of  those  who  like  them,  but  there  is  a  want  of  some  com- 
mon place  of  re-union,  which  prevents  the  society  coming  toge- 
ther as  much  as  it  otherwise  would. 

The  deficiency  of  accommodation  here  is  a  crying  evil,  and 
new  arrivals  are  not  unfrequently  obliged  to  sleep  on  tables  and 
chairs  in  the  public  dining-room.  On  returning  to  my  room  one 
night,  rather  late,  I  found  the  whole  passage  covered  with  mat- 
tresses on  which  were  stretched  some  dozen  human  figures ;  many 
of  whom  were  young  and  very  pretty  girls  of  the  middle  class, 
some  of  them  unfortunate  cripples,  and  all  freshly  arrived,  and 

ture  varies  in  the  different  springs  from  32°  to  50°  of  Reaumur,  but  a  cook- 
ing apparatus  enables  one  to  regulate  the  temperature  at  will.  Mehadia 
is  considered  in  Hungary  as  the  very  first  in  the  healing  powers  of  its 
waters.  It  is  particularly  recommended  in  indolent  skin  diseases,  incases 
of  gout  in  all  its  forms,  chronic  rheumatism,  scrofula,  chronic  diseases  of 
the  joints,  complicated  mercurial  affections,  old  liver  complaints,  in  all 
that  prolific  class  called  Versfopfungen  by  the  Germans,  hysteria,  hypo- 
chondria, and  many  other  of  the  opprobria  medica.  An  eye-bath  is  ar- 
ranged so  that  the  eye  may  be  exposed  to  the  hot  mineral  vapour,  and 
is  much  used  in  chronic  affections  of  that  organ.  Nothing  but  experience 
can  decide  on  the  credit  due  to  mineral  waters  in  diseases,  but  on  the 
healthy  body  I  do  not  think  I  ever  felt  any  produce  a  greater  effect  than 
these;  the  weakness  and  profuse  perspiration  which  follows  the  bath  is 
extreme. — Vide  Die  Hercules  Bader  bei  Mehadia,  von  J.  G.  Schwarzott. 

VOL.  II. — 5 


thankful  even  for  this  shelter.     In  this  condition  they  remained 
a  week  before  they  could  procure  rooms. 

The  political  economist  in  such  a  case  would  quietly  fold  his 
arms  and  say  the  supply  will  be  regulated  by  the  demand,  and 
so  it  might  elsewhere,  but  Mehadia  is  on  the  military  frontiers, 
and  consequently  under  the  administration  of  the  Kammer,  which, 
with  its  usual  forethought  and  good  sense  refuses  permission  to 
any  private  individual  to  build  an  hotel,  except  on  condition  that 
no  one  shall  enter  it  till  all  the  present  accommodations  are  oc- 
cupied, for  fear  of  injuring  the  present  proprietors.  This  is  an 
instance  of  the  advantages  accruing  from  the  excessive  care  of  a 
paternal  government :  here  it  deprives  its  poor  children  of  a  com- 
fortable lodging — would  to  God  it  never  deprived  them  of  still 
more  important  blessings ! 



Szegedin. — The  Banat. — its  History. — Fertility. — State  of  Agriculture. — 
Climate. — Mines. — Population. — Prosperous  Villages. — The  Peasant 
and  the  Bishop  of  Agram. — The  New  Urbarium. — The  Kammeral  Ad- 
ministration.— Temesvar. — Roads. — Baron  Wenkheim's  Reforms. — A 
Wolf  Hunt. 

IT  was  by  Szegedin  that  we  entered  this  El  Dorado — this  land 
of  promise  for  Christianized  Jews,  and  ennobled  Greeks.  Sze- 
gedin is  itself  one  of  the  most  disagreeable  towns  in  Hungary ;  its 
streets  are  wide,  and  traversed  by  planks,  which,  useful 
they  may  be  in  keeping  people  on  foot  out  of  the  muddy  abyss 
on  each  side,  are  particularly  unpleasant  to  those  who  are  bumped 
over  them  to  the  imminent  hazard  of  their  carriage-springs.  The 
houses  look  damp  and  deserted ;  and  the  ruins  of  the  old  fortress, 
which  once  commanded  the  passage  of  the  Theiss,  add  to  the  de- 
solation, without  increasing  the  beauty  of  the  place.  I  doubt, 
however,  if  Szegedin  really  merits  the  character  which,  perhaps, 
my  feelings  have  associated  with  it :  a  dull  day,  or  his  own  ill- 
humour,  often  give  a  most  incorrect  colouring  to  the  passing  tra- 
veller's observations.  It  is,  in  fact,  a  town  of  considerable  traf- 
fic, with  which  its  situation,  at  the  confluence  of  two  such  rivers 
as  the  Theiss  and  Maros,  has  naturally  endowed  it. 

It  was  Sunday  when  we  passed  ;  and,  among  the  holiday- 
makers,  I  remarked  what  I  suspect  to  be  a  remnant  of  Turkish  ha- 
bits. The  women  of  the  lower  classes  wore  slippers  without 
heels,  fancifully  worked  on  the  front  in  silk  or  worsted ;  just,  in 
fact,  the  in-door  chaussure  of  the  ladies  of  Constantinople.  Be- 
yond the  town,  the  Maros  had  overflowed  its  banks,  and  formed 
an  immense  lake,  extending  for  several  miles  to  the  south.  This 
appeared,  however,  so  frequent  an  occurrence,  as  to  have  induced 

*  Though  not  directly  in  our  present  route,  I  have  thought  it  best  to  take 
the  whole  of  the  Banat  together,  that  I  might  give  a  more  complete  idea 
of  its  position  and  extent. 


the  people  to  provide  against  it,  for  we  passed  through  the 
\vaters  on  a  good  raised  road  to  Szoreg. 

Our  route  from  thence  to  Temesvar,  lay  through  a  flat,  and 
often  swampy  country  ;  but  at  the  same  time  so  overladen  with 
the  riches  of  production  that  I  do  not  recollect  ever  to  have  seen 
so  luxuriant  a  prospect  in  any  other  part  of  the  world.  It  was 
the  month  of  July,  and  the  harvest  was  already  begun.  Every 
field  was  waving  with  the  bright  yellow  corn,  often  so  full  in 
the  head  as  to  have  sunk  under  its  own  weight,  and  the  whole 
plain  seemed  alive  with  labourers,  though  apparently  there  were 
not  half  the  number  required  for  the  work  before  them. 

The  Banat  is  a  district  in  the  south-east  corner  of  Hungary, 
lying  between  the  Theiss,  Maros,  and  Danube,  and  containing 
the  three  counties  of  Thororital,  Temesvar,  and  Krasso.  It  is 
not  one  hundred  years  since  the  Turks  were  in  possession  of  this 
province;  and  it  was  not  till  the  close  of  the  last  century,  that  it 
was  entirely  free  from  Moslem  incursion.  Those  who  have  vi- 
sited any  of  the  countries  under  the  Ottoman  rule,  will  easily 
understand  the  wild  and  savage  state  in  which  this  beautiful  land 
then  was.  The  philanthropic  Joseph  II.  determined  to  render 
it  equally  populous  and  civilized  with  the  rest  of  Hungary. 
From  the  flatness  of  a  large  portion  of  the  surface,  and  from  the 
quantity  of  rivers  by  which  it  is  watered,  immense  morasses 
were  formed,  which  tainted  the  air,  and  made  it  really  then  what 
some  French  writer  now  undeservedly  calls  it,  "  le  tombeau  des 
ctrangers."  To  tempt  settlers,  the  land  was  sold  at  exceeding- 
ly moderate  prices;  and  Germans,  Greeks,  Turks,  Servians,  Wai- 
lacks,  nay,  even  French  and  Italians,  were  brought  over  to  peo- 
ple this  luxuriant  wilderness.  The  soil,  a  rich  black  loam,  hi- 
therto untouched  by  the  plough,  yielded  the  most  extraordinary 
produce.  Fortunes  were  rapidly  made;  and,  at  the  present  day, 
some  of  the  wealthiest  of  the  Hungarian  gentry  were,  half  a 
century  ago,  poor  adventurers  in  the  Banat. 

To  those  who  have  never  lived  in  any  but  an  old  country, 
the  soil  of  which  is  impoverished  by  the  use  of  many  ages,  it  is 
difficult  to  believe  what  riches  are  hidden  in  untilled  ground. 
The  productive  powers  of  a  naturally  good  soil,  deposited  by 
swamps  and  rivers,  when  heightened  by  a  climate  more  nearly 
tropical  than  temperate,  are  wonderful.  The  same  crops  are 
here  repeated  year  after  year,  on  the  same  spots;  the  ground  is 
only  once  turned  up  to  receive  the  seed ;  a  fallow  is  unknown ; 
manure  is  never  used,  but  is  thrown  away  as  injurious;  and  yet 


with  the  greatest  care  and  labour  in  other  places,  I  never  saw 
such  abundant  produce  as  ill-treated  unaided  Nature  here  bestows 
upon  her  children.  Except  the  olive  and  orange,  there  is  scarce- 
ly a  product  of  Europe  which  does  not  thrive  in  the  Banat.  I 
do  not  know  that  I  can  enumerate  all  the  kinds  of  crop  raised ; 
but,  among  others,  are  wheat,  barley,  oats,  rye,  rice,  maize,  flax, 
hemp,  rape,  sun-flowers  (for  oil,)  tobacco  of  different  kinds,  wine, 
and  silk, — nay,  even  cotton,  tried  as  an  experiment,  is  said  to 
have  succeeded. 

All  through  Hungary,  the  state  of  agriculture,  among  the 
peasantry,  is  in  a  very  primitive  state.  In  the  poorer  parts,  they 
allow  the  ground  to  fallow  every  other  year,  and  sometimes  ma- 
nure it,  though  rarely.  As  for  changing  the  crops,  that  is  little 
attended  to.  Here  they  will  continue  year  after  year  the  same 
thing,  without  its  making  any  apparent  difference.  Nowhere 
are  the  agricultural  instruments  of  a  ruder  form,  or  more  ineffi- 
ciently employed  than  in  the  Banat.  The  plough  is  generally  a 
simple,  one-handled  instrument,  heavy,  and  ill-adapted  for  pene- 
trating deeply  into  the  soil.  The  fork  is  merely  a  branch  of  a 
tree,  which  happened  to  fork  naturally,  and  which  is  peeled  and 
sharpened  for  use.  The  corn  is  rarely  stacked,  being  commonly 
trodden  out  by  horses  as  soon  as  it  is  cut.  In  the  Wallack  vil- 
lages, notwithstanding  the  capabilities  of  the  soil,  maize  is  almost 
the  only  crop  cultivated.  Barley  is  rarely  found  in  any  part  of 
Hungary;  and,  strange  to  say,  where  so  many  horses  are  kept, 
horse-beans  are  unknown.  Green  crops,  except  among  a  few 
agricultural  reformers,  are  completely  neglected.  The  crop  of 
hay  is  commonly  cut  twice  in  a  season.  I  do  not  remember  ever 
to  have  seen  irrigation  practised,  though  there  are  few  countries 
in  which  it  would  be  productive  of  greater  advantages. 

The  climate  of  the  Banat,  in  summer,  approaches  nearly  to 
that  of  Italy ;  but  the  winter,  though  less  inclement  than  in  the 
rest  of  Hungary,  is  still  too  long  and  severe  for  the  olive  or  the 
orange.  Even  in  summer,  the  nights  are  often  intensely  cold. 
After  the  hottest  day,  the  sun  no  sooner  sets  than  a  cool  breeze 
rises,  refreshing  at  first,  but  which  becomes  dangerous  to  those 
who  are  unprepared  for  it.  The  Hungarian  never  travels  without 
his  fur  or  sheep-skin  coat ;  and  the  want  of  such  a  defence  is  often 
the  cause  of  fever  to  the  unsuspecting  stranger. 

The  scenery  of  the  Banat  is  extremely  various;  from  the  flat 
plains  of  Thorontal  to  the  snowy  mountains  of  Krasso,  almost 
every  variety  may  be  found  which  the  lover  of  Nature  can  de- 


sire.  The  rare,  though  seldom  visited,  beauties  of  the  Maros, 
the  smiling  neighbourhood  of  Lugos,  the  darker  attractions  of 
the  Cserna  and  the  Reka,  and  the  fine  woods  and  pretty  streams 
with  which  the  Banat  abounds,  may  justly  entitle  it  to  boast 
itself  among  the  most  favoured  parts  of  Hungary. 

The  mines  of  the  Banat,  though  of  great  antiquity,*  and  still 
worked,  are  less  productive  than  those  of  the  north.  Near  Ora- 
witza,  coal  has  been  found,  and  is  now  in  use  for  the  steamboats, 
which  the  English  engineers  declare  to  be  in  no  way  inferior  to 
the  best  Newcastle.  The  Banat  mines  are  worked  chiefly  for 
copper,  lead,  tin,  and  zinc:  of  copper,  about  7,000  cent,  are 
annually  produced;  of  lead,  about  2,000  cent.;  and  of  zinc, 
about  500  cent.  The  quantity  of  iron  obtained  I  could  not 
ascertain.  About  five  thousand  miners  are  employed.  It  is  a 
curious  fact  that,  owing  it  is  said  to  maladministration,  the  coal 
is  as  dear  as  that  obtained  from  England  via  Constantinople, 
notwithstanding  the  distance  of  carriage. 

But  one  of  the  most  curious  features  of  the  Banat  is  the  motley 
appearance  of  its  inhabitants,  who,  as  the  different  races  are 
generally  in  distinct  villages,  have  preserved  their  national  cha- 
racteristics quite  pure.  In  one  village,  which,  from  the  superi- 
ority of  its  buildings,  and  from  the  large  and  handsome  school- 
house,  you  at  once  recognise  to  be  German,  you  still  see  the  old- 
fashioned  costume  of  the  Bavarian  broom-girl,  and  the  light  blue 
eyes  and  sandy  hair  of  their  colder  father-land.  A  few  miles  off, 
you  enter  a  place  formed  only  of  the  wooden  hovels  of  the  Wai- 
lacks  ;  and  here,  though  it  is  in  the  midst  of  harvest,  you  find  a 
number  of  lazy  fellows  lying  about  their  doors,  while  their  half- 
robed  wives  amuse  themselves  with  an  occupation  about  their 
husbands'  heads,  for  which  the  English  language  has  no  word 
fit  for  ears  polite.  The  languages  are  preserved  as  pure  as  other 
nationalisms;  and  though  the  German  can  often  speak  Wallachian, 
you  may  be  quite  sure  that  the  Wallack  can  only  speak  his  own 
barbarous  tongue.  The  Magyar  and  the  Ratz,  are  equally  cha- 
racteristic and  distinct.  In  one  place,  I  think  Kanisa,  on  finding 
the  drivers  spoke  neither  German,  Hungarian,  nor  Wallack — for 
the  ear  soon  teaches  one  to  distinguish  these  languages — I  in- 
quired of  a  respectable-looking  person,  who  was  standing  in  the 
inn-yard,  from  whence  they  were?  "  Bulgarians,"  he  answered  in 
German:  "and  it  is  just  one  hundred  years  since  they  left  Tur- 
key, and  established  themselves  on  this  spot,  under  the  protec- 

*  Some  time  since  a  silrer  coin  was  found,  indicating  the  date  at  which 
these  mines  were  first  worked  by  the  Romans. 


tion  of  the  Emperor."  The  size  of  the  village,  and  the  appear- 
ance of  the  houses,  sufficiently  bespoke  them  to  be  a  prosperous 
and  flourishing  colony. 

In  some  places,  people  of  two  or  three  nations  are  mixed  to- 
gether, and  it  not  unfrequently  happens,  that  next  door  neigh- 
bours cannot  understand  each  other.  The  different  nations  rarely 
intermarry, — a  Magyar  with  a  Wallack,  never.  I  do  not  here 
enter  into  the  manners  or  customs  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  Banat, 
because  every  nation  retains  its  own,  and  most  of  these,  except 
the  Wallacks,  we  have  already  spoken  of,  and  of  them  we  shall 
say  more  when  we  get  into  Transylvania. 

It  is  scarcely  possible,  in  passing  through  some  of  the  German 
villages  of  the  Banat,  such  for  instance  as  Hatzfeld,  not  to  ex- 
claim, as  a  Scotch  friend  of  mine  did,  "Would  to  God  our  own 
people  could  enjoy  the  prosperity  in  which  these  peasants  live." 
It  is,  in  fact,  impossible -to  imagine  those  who  live  by  the  labour 
of  their  hands,  enjoying  more  of  the  material  good  things  of  the 
world  than  they  do.  In  addition  to  the  richest  land  in  the  coun- 
try, the  Banat  peasant  has  many  privileges  peculiar  to  himself, 
conferred  when  it  was  an  object  to  attract  settlers  from  other 
districts,  and  these  he  still  preserves.  Among  other  things  he 
is  free  from  the  "  long  journeys,"  the  "  hunting,"  the  "  spin- 
ning," the  "  chopping  and  carrying  of  wood,"  and  from  the  tithe 
of  fruit  and  vegetables.  He  has,  moreover,  free  rights  of  fish- 
ing, of  cutting  reeds,  and  feeding  his  pigs,  arid  gathering  sticks 
in  his  master's  forests,  many  of  which,  though  trifling  in  them- 
selves, give  to  the  sober  and  industrious  peasant,  a  great  oppor- 
tunity to  improve  his  position.  But,  more  than  all,  he  has  the 
liberty  to  redeem  half  his  days  of  labour,  at  the  rate  of  ten 
kreutzers,  or  five  pence  per  day,  an  advantage  of  which  he  never 
fails  to  avail  himself. 

From  the  last  station,  before  we  arrived  at  Temesvar,  a  Ger- 
man peasant  was  our  driver,  who,  on  my  inquiring  to  whom  the 
village,  Billiet,  belonged,  shook  his  head,  and  said,  "The  Bishop 
of  Agram."  I  was  sure  that  portentous  shake  of  the  head  meant 
something  sorrowful ;  and,  as  I  never  yet  saw  man  in  sorrow 
that  did  not  wish  to  tell  his  woes,  I  knew  I  had  only  to  encou- 
rage him,  to  get  it  all  out ;  and  accordingly,  from  an  inquiring 
look,  he  took  courage,  pulled  his  horse  up  to  a  walk,  and,  turn- 
ing half  round  on  the  box,  began,  "Why,  sir,  Billiet,  and  many 
other  villages  round  here  belong  to  the  Bishop  of  Agram,  who 
lives  a  long  way  off,  and  keeps  his  prefects  here.  Now  sir,  this 


year  the  crops  are  very  heavy,  so  the  prefect  comes  with  the 
new  urbarium,  and  says,  'I  have  the  right  to  order  you  peasants 
to  send  from  each  house  two  men  four  days  in  each  week  during 
the  harvest,  that  the  corn  may  be  the  sooner  in,  and  accordingly, 
I  expect  you  to  obey.'  But  in  our  village,  as  indeed  in  all  others, 
this  urbarium  is  kept,  and  many  have  read  it  carefully,  and  found 
nothing  of  the  sort  in  it ;  for,  on  the  contrary,  it  is  stated  that  a 
peasant  holding  an  entire  fief  must  send  in  harvest  time  one  man  for 
four  days  in  two  weeks,  only,  but  then  no  more  can  be  demanded 
for  a  fortnight.  And  so,  sir,  the  Biro  thought  also,  and  he  goes 
to  the  prefect  to  tell  him  his  orders  were  unjust,  and  that  he 
could  not  put  them  into  execution.  With  that  the  prefect  flies 
into  a  passion,  tells  the  judge  his  business  is  to  do  what  is  ordered, 
not  to  bother  his  head  about  what  he  does  not  understand,  and 
calls  him  a  rogue,  and  other  bad  names  which  he  did  not  deserve, 
for  he  is  a  very  honest  man,  and  respected  by  all  the  village. 
Determined  not  to  suffer  such  an  insult,  the  Biro  replied  that  he 
neither  could  nor  would  act  against  the  law  and  his  conscience, 
and  said  that  if  he  was  a  rogue,  he  could  be  no  fit  person  to  exe- 
cute any  longer  the  duties  of  Biro,  and  he  therefore  begged  to 
Jay  down  his  stick  of  office.  The  next  day  the  prefect  sent 
orders  to  the  peasants  to  elect  a  new  Biro,  but  the  peasants  re- 
chose  their  former  one,  declaring  that  they  would  obey  no  other ; 
and  so  at  present  the  affair  stands,  no  one  knowing  how  it  will 

All  these  misfortunes,  the  poor  fellow  seemed  to  think  came 
from  living  under  a  bishop,  and  he  complained  sadly  that  the 
Emperor  had  so  soon  given  them  another  after  the  death  of  the 
last.  "We  had  hardly  done  rejoicing  that  our  old  Bishop  was 
dead,"  he  continued,  "  when  a  new  one  came  in  his  place." 

It  is  a  prerogative  of  the  Hungarian  crown  to  retain  the  reve- 
nue of  a  bishopric  for  three  years,  between  the  death  of  one  in- 
cumbent and  the  installation  of  another,  and  it  is  very  rarely 
that  the  right  is  not  taken  full  advantage  of,  but  in  the  present 
instance,  the  see  remained  vacant  only  six  months.  It  must  not 
be  supposed  that  the  tenants  of  the  late  bishop  bore  him  any 
personal  ill-will ;  indeed,  as  he  lived  in  Croatia,  and  they  in 
the  Banat,  they  could  know  very  little  of  him;  but  absenteeism 
begets  no  good-will  any  where,  and  the  hope  of  being  under  the 
officers  of  the  Kammer  or  Exchequer  for  three  years,  instead  of 
the  Bishop's  steward,  would  more  than  have  consoled  them  for 
the  death  of  a  dozen  such  prelates.  I  believe  I  must  let  the 


reader  a  little  into  the  mysteries  of  this  Exchequer  Stewardship, 
this  Kammeral  Administration,  before  he  can  fully  comprehend 
the  peasant's  joy  at  his  Bishop's  death,  or  his  disappointment  at 
his  successor's  speedy  appointment. 

The  King  of  Hungary  is  heir,  in  default  of  male  descendants, 
of  all  fiefs  male,  under  which  title  most  of  the  land  in  Hungary 
is  held,  with  the  condition,  however,  that  he  shall,  when  he  sees 
fit,  confer  it  on  others,  as  the  reward  of  public  services.  All 
newly-conquered  land  of  course  belongs,  in  like  manner,  to  the 
crown,  so  that  at  one  time,  the  whole  of  the  Banat,  and  the 
greater  part  of  it  still,  as  well  as  many  estates*  in  other  parts 
of  the  country,  are  enjoyed  by  the  king  under  this  title.  The 
stewardship  of  such  vast  possessions  necessarily  employs  a 
great  number  of  persons,  all  of  whom,  particularly  the  inferiors, 
are,  according  to  the  rule  of  the  Austrian  Government,  very 
badly  paid.  As  might  naturally  be  expected  under  such  a  sys- 
tem, none  but  the  very  highest  officers  are  insensible  to  the 
charms  of  a  bribe.  If  an  estate  is  to  be  purchased,  the  valuer 
must  be  feed  that  he  may  not  over-value  it,  the  resident-steward 
must  be  feed  that  he  may  not  injure  him  in  another  point,  and 
the  clerks  of  the  offices  must  also  be  feed  in  order  to  induce 
them  to  open  their  books  and  afford  the  necessary  information. 
If  the  peasant  of  the  Kamraer  wishes  to  escape  a  day's  labour,  a 
fat  capon,  or  a  dozen  fresh  eggs  make  the  overseer  of  the  Kam- 
mer  forget  to  call  him  out ;  if  this  land  is  bad  or  wet,  and  if  a 
portion  in  the  neigbourhood  farmed  by  the  Karnmer  be  better,  a 
few  florins  adroitly  distributed  to  the  overseer,  steward,  valuer, 
clerks,  and  commissioners,  make  them  all  think  it  for  the  Kam- 
mer's  benefit  to  exchange  the  good  land  for  the  bad.  In  many 
parts  where  this  corrupt  system  has  been  carried  out  to  its  full 
extent,  the  peasant  has  no  idea,  when  any  favour  of  this  kind  is 
refused  him,  that  it  has  been  denied  from  a  sense  of  its  injustice, 
but  believes  only  that  the  offered  bribe  has  not  been  high  enough. 
So  openly  is  this  system  pursued,  that  it  is  a  matter  of  constant 
joke  among  the  officers  themselves.  The  knowledge  of  these 
practices  has  produced  such  a  want  of  confidence  on  the  part  of 
the  superior  members  of  the  Kammer  in  their  subalterns,  that 
they  have  put  a  stop  to  every  thing  like  improvement  in  the 
lands  of  Government,  as  affording  only  additional  opportunities 

*  These  estates  must  not  be  confounded  with  the  Fiscal  or  Crown 
Estates  5  a  vast  and  inalienable  property,  from  which  a  great  part  of  the 
King  of  Hungary's  revenues  are  derived. 


for  robbery  on  the  part  of  their  officers.  Many  very  worthy 
officers — for  honourable  men  are  to  be  found  even  under  such 
corrupting  circumstances — disgusted  at  this  want  of  energy  at  the 
source,  dispirited  by  the  damp  thrown  upon  every  scheme  they 
have  proposed  for  improving  the  property,  and  increasing  the 
revenue,  and  irritated  at  being  suspected  of  crimes  they  are  in- 
capable of,  have  sunk  into  inactive  followers  of  a  bad  system,  in- 
stead of  becoming,  what  they  might  have  been,  its  efficient  reform- 
ers. I  remember  a  steward  one  day  pointing  out  to  me  some 
beautifully  rich  land,  overgrown  with  thorns,  in  one  of  the  love- 
liest valleys  of  the  Banat.  "  You  see  the  riches  the  soil  offers  us 
here,"  said  he;  "you  observe  that  the  peasants  sow  nothing  but 
maize,  and  that  the  greater  portion  of  the  land  is  useless.  We 
have  not  even  wheat  for  our  own  use.  Shocked  at  so  great  a 
waste,  and  convinced  that  the  soil  would  produce  wheat,  I  tried 
the  experiment  on  ground  before  untilled,  and  raised  as  fine  a 
crop  as  I  could  wish.  In  my  yearly  report,  of  course  this  was 
mentioned,  and  I  suggested  the  importance  of  more  extended 
trials :  would  you  believe  that  I  received  a  severe  reprimand  for 
my  experiment,  that  the  correspondence  on  the  subject  lasted 
two  years,  and  that,  had  not  the  success  been  so  very  evident,  I 
should  have  lost  my  place?  As  it  was,  I  was  desired  for  the 
future  not  to  depart  from  the  usual  routine  without  positive 
orders  from  my  superiors !" 

If  such  is  the  administration  of  estates  which  have  been  for 
years  in  the  hands  of  the  Kammer,  it  may  easily  be  imagined  how 
it  must  be  with  the  estates  of  the  church  when  the  officers  of  the 
Kammer  obtained  a  casual  and  only  temporary  possession  of  them, 
— what  glorious  opportunities  for  speculation!  how  certain  the 
officers  would  be  to  make  the  best  of  their  short  harvest!  and 
how  easily  the  peasants  might  find  their  profit  under  such  a 
stewardship ! 

Now  we  are  on  the  subject  of  the  Kammer,  we  may  as  well 
point  out  another  of  the  inconveniences  arising  from  a  bad  sys- 
tem of  administration.  The  Government,  oppressed  by  the 
greatest  financial  difficulties,  wishes  to  sell  the  whole  of  the 
Kammeral  property  to  pay  some  of  the  state  debts.  I  ought  to 
add,  by  way  of  parenthesis,  that  the  donation  of  these  estates, 
as  a  reward  for  public  services,  has  become  merely  a  legal  fiction 
of  late  years ;  and  though  it  has  been  frequently  protested  against 
by  the  Diet,  they  really  are  sold  like  any  other  property. 
Whether  it  is  that  his  Majesty  does  not  think  any  of  his  subjects* 


services  of  such  sterling  value  as  to  merit  reward,  or  whether  he 
thinks  the  payment  of  a  good  round  sum  into  the  Royal  exche- 
quer the  most  acceptable  service  they  can  render,  I  leave  for 
those  to  decide  who  better  understand  royal  estimations  of  such 
matters — but  so  it  is.*  The  sale,  however,  has  progressed  but 
slowly;  in  fact,  the  stewards  liked  their  situations,  the  valuers 
were  good  friends  of  the  stewards,  and  so  the  prices  set  on  the 
estates  were  such,  that  few  were  tempted  to  disturb  them  in 
their  possession:  only  those  who  wish  to  obtain  the  rights  of 
nobility,  as  rich  citizens,  christened  Jews,  or  foreign  settlers,  now 
buy  land  of  the  exchequer. 

That  the  consequences  have  been  a  serious  injury  to  Govern- 
ment, a  great  impediment  to  the  improvement  of  the  country, 
and  in  fact  an  advantage  to  none  but  lazy  and  unjust  stewards, 
are  facts  which  every  one  admits,  but  no  remedy  has  yet  been 

Temesvar,  the  capital  of  the  Banat,  and  the  winter  residence 
of  the  rich  Banatians,  is  one  of  the  prettiest  towns  I  know  any 
where.  It  has  two  handsome  squares,  and  a  number  of  very  fine 
buildings.  The  county-hall,  the  palace  of  the  liberal  and  en- 
lightened Bishop  of  Csanad,  the  residence  of  the  commander,  and 
the  Town-house,  are  all  remarkable  for  their  size  and  appearance. 
It  was  little  better  than  a  heap  of  huts  in  1718,  when  Prince 
Eugene  besieged  the  Turks,  who  then  held  it,  and  drove  them 
for  ever  from  this  fair  possession.  At  that  time,  too,  the  country 
round  was  a  great  swamp,  and  constantly  infested  with  fevers  of 
the  most  fatal  character.  Prince  Eugene  laid  the  plan  of  the 
present  town,  and  commenced  the  fortifications  by  which  it  is 
surrounded.  I  have  no  doubt  the  defences  are  very  good,  for 
there  are  all  manner  of  angles  and  ditches,  and  forts,  and  bas- 
tions, and  great  guns,  and  little  guns;  so  that  wherever  a  man 
goes,  he  has  the  pleasant  impression  that  half-a-dozen  muzzles 
are  pointing  directly  his  way,  and  to  an  uninitiated  son  of  peace 
that  would  appear  just  the  impression  a  good  fortification  ought 
to  convey. 

It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  remain  half  an  hour  in  Temesvar, 
to  be  convinced  that,  however  successfully  Prince  Eugene  may 

*Entrenous,  reader,  I  believe  it  is  better  it  should  remain  so.  The 
king  would  be  responsible  to  no  one  for  the  disposal  of  this  powerful  source 
of  patronage,  and  it  would  naturally  be  exercised  in  favour  of  political 
partisans  of  the  court  party.  In  the  mean  time  it  is  a  pet  grievance  of  the 
Diet;  and  serves  very  well  to  talk  about. 


have  driven  the  Turks  themselves  from  the  country,  neither  he 
nor  his  soldiers  could  eradicate  the  strong  marks  of  Turkish 
blood  with  which  the  good  people  of  Temesvar  are  inoculated. 
A  black  eye  and  delicately  arched  nose,  of  a  character  perfectly 
eastern,  cross  one's  path  every  moment.  The  Greek  and  Jew- 
ish families  too  who  live  here  in  great  numbers,  for  the  sake  of 
trade,  add  to  the  foreign  aspect  of  the  population.  We  observed 
one  or  two  beautiful  heads  under  the  little  red  Greek  caps,  the 
long  braids  of  dark  hair  mixing  fancifully  with  the  bright  purple 
tassels  of  that  most  beautiful  of  head-dresses.  Of  the  society  of 
Temesvar,  I  can  say  nothing  from  personal  knowledge.  Re- 
port, that  scandal-bearing  jade,  rather  laughs  at  the  costly  dis- 
play of  wealth  indulged  in  by  the  beau  monde  here ;  accuses  it  of 
any  thing  but  an  excess  of  mental  cultivation ;  and  sneers  about 
luxury  and  the  fruit  of  newly  acquired  wealth,  displayed  without 
the  taste  which  it  requires  a  polished  education  and  the  habits 
of  good  society  to  confer.  But  then,  after  all,  Report  is  proba- 
bly poor  and  envious;  and  I  have  no  doubt  Temesvar  has  just  as 
good  a  tale  against  her  meanness  and  pride,  and  probably  laughs 
just  as  heartily  about  great  names  and  little  means,  proud  hearts 
and  empty  pockets. 

In  that  corner  of  the  Banat,  between  Temesvar  and  the  con- 
fines of  Hungary,  on  the  south  and  east, — in  other  words,  in  the 
beautiful  county  of  Krasso, — the  traveller  can  scarcely  fail  to 
notice  the  different  state  of  the  roads  from  those  he  has  been  pre- 
viously accustomed  to.  Some  thirty  years  ago  the  roads  in  this 
same  county  were  impassable,  the  whole  district  was  little  bet- 
ter than  a  den  of  thieves,  and  the  misery  consequent  on  vice  and 
disorder  was  every  where  most  severely  felt.  Determined  to  re- 
medy this  evil,  Government  appointed  as  F6  Ispan  of  the  county, 
Baron  Wenkheim,  a  man  of  enlarged  views  and  of  great  energy 
of  character.  Under  his  direction,  affairs  soon  assumed  a  dif- 
ferent aspect.  A  police  was  formed  and  maintained  with  almost 
military  strictness  of  discipline,  justice  was  administered  with  un- 
bending severity,  and  the  Baron  soon  succeeded  in  establishing 
a  fear  and  respect  for  the  law  which  it  had  long  wanted.  Se- 
curity once  obtained,  it  became  his  object  to  render  it  permanent. 
From  the  scattered  manner  in  which  the  villages  were  built,  it 
was  found  exceedingly  difficult  to  obtain  evidence  of  a  suspected 
person's  movements ;  those  of  the  peasantry  who  were  anxious  to 
screen  an  offender  from  the  hands  of  justice,  could  always  plead 
the  distance  of  their  dwellings,  as  a  reason  for  their  alleged  or 


real  ignorance  of  his  movements.  An  order  was  given  for  the 
regulation  of  villages,  by  which  they  were  brought  near  the 
public  roads,  built  in  a  regular  manner,  no  house  being  allowed 
to  be  at  more  than  a  certain  distance  from  another,  and  every 
man  was  thus  brought  within  the  knowledge  and  observation  of 
his  neighbours.  In  case  of  the  trial  of  any  peasant,  his  imme- 
diate neighbours  were,  and  are  to  this  day,  summoned  to  give 
evidence  of  his  outgoings  and  incomings,  of  his  character,  means 
of  living,  and  common  occupations.  It  is  obligatory  on  the 
neighbours  to  give  this  evidence;  and,  I  believe,  they  are  punish- 
able if  they  do  not  take  due  notice  of  such  facts.  To  the  legal 
antiquary  it  will  be  scarcely  necessary  to  mention  the  similarity 
of  this  system  to  the  institution  of  frank  pledges,  or  tithings,  as 
described  by  Hallam  to  have  existed  among  the  Anglo-Saxons, 
in  very  remote  times.* 

The  state  of  the  roads  was  another  object  of  his  attention. 
Extensive  lines  of  road  were  laid  down,  by  which,  in  the  course 
of  a  few  years,  not  only  all  the  large  places,  but  every  two  vil- 
lages also  would  be  united  by  a  good  road.  Wenkheim's  doc- 
trine was,  that  it  was  better  to  do  such  things  at  once — for 
independently  of  the  present  benefit,  it  was  as  yet  thought  no 
hardship  by  the  peasants  that  they  should  be  made  to  work  at 
them,  and  therefore  was  none;  but  the  time  was  fast  approaching 
when  the  peasant  would  have  other  ideas  on  such  matters,  and 
what  was  now  easy  might  then  be  impossible.  These  lines  of  road 
are  not  yet  completed ;  for  after  Wenkheim's  death,  which  took 
place  before  his  plans  were  executed,  various  causes  retarded 
the  finishing  of  them :  but  they  are  still  in  progress,  and  Krasso 
is  already  one  of  the  most  quiet  and  peaceable  parts  of  the  king- 
dom, and  certainly  the  best-furnished  with  roads  of  any  county 
in  Hungary. 

While  on  a  visit  to  Baron  B in  the  neighbourhood  of 

Lugos,  we  had  an  opportunity  of  joining  in  an  amusement  com- 
mon enough  in  the  wooded  parts  of  the  Banat.  Among  the 
baron's  neighbours  who  had  been  invited  to  meet  us  at  dinner, 
there  was  an  eager  sportsman,  who  of  course  led  the  conversation 
to  his  favourite  theme.  I  had  too  much  fellow-feeling  not  to  be 

*  I  am  not  sure  whether  the  same  rule  extends  to  other  parts  of  Hun- 
gary, but  I  am  inclined  to  believe  it  does;  and  I  think  that  it  offers  a  more* 
probable  explanation  of  the  existence  of  those  large  villages,  and  the  ab- 
sence of  single  houses,  than  that  given  by  Marmont,  who  has  been  pleased 
to  theorize  on  this  subject  after  his  own  particular  fashion. 
VOL.  II. — 6 


a  willing  listener,  and  glorious  tales  did  he  recount  to  us  of 
wolves,  and  boars,  and  bears  which  had  fallen  before  his  rifle. 
Though  we  were  positively  to  have  started  the  next  morning,  it 
somehow  or  other  happened  that  before  the  evening  was  over,, 
we  were  busy  in  giving  orders  to  have  our  guns  cleaned,  arranging 
the  plan  of  operations,  and  listening  to  our  host's  preparatory 
orders  for  a  wolf-hunt.  On  inquiry  in  the  village,  he  was  as- 
sured that  wolves  had  been  seen  and  tracked  in  the  vineyards 
only  two  days  before,  and  every  one  was  quite  certain  there  were 
several  in  the  neighbourhood. 

Now,  although  in  the  Banat  the  peasant  is  not  obliged  to  at- 
tend his  lord  for  three  days'  hunting,  as  in  other  parts  of  Hun- 
gary, yet  it  is  rarely  he  refuses  the  request  to  aid  in  the  sport., 
especially  when  wolves  are  about,  or  when,  as  in  the  present 
case,  he  likes  his  master  and  receives  refreshments  for  his  trouble. 
Accordingly,  when  we  got  up  next  morning  we  found  no  less 
than  a  hundred  peasants  collected  about  the  house,  waiting  for 
us.  As  soon  as  our  party  had  assembled,  which  consisted  of 
some  of  the  neighbouring  gentry  and  of  the  officers  quartered  at 
Lugos,  and  after  a  hearty  breakfast,  which  would  have  done 
honour  to  Scotland,  had  been  concluded  with  a  glass  of  Banat 
whiskey,  Sliwowitz,  out  we  sallied,  three  wagons  and  four  being 
in  attendance  to  conduct  us  to  the  place  of  meeting. 

Here  the  peasants  were  already  collected,  and  an  old  sports- 
man was  arranging  and  pointing  out  their  stations  as  we  came 
up.  Twrenty  of  them  were  furnished  with  guns,  some  of  them 
in  a  melancholy  state  of  infirmity ;  but,  as  they  were  principally 
intended  to  frighten  the  game,  it  was  of  little  consequence :  the 
rest  were  to  act  merely  as  drivers. 

We  made  our  first  cast  in  a  low  wood,  half  gorse,  half  timber, 
which  occupied  the  two  sides  of  a  little  valley,  and  which  was 
traversed  by  the  dry  beds  of  several  old  water-courses.  Towards 
one  part  of  these  courses  the  drivers  were  to  make  so  as  to  force 
the  game  to  break  in  that  direction ;  and  here,  at  twenty  or  thirty 
yards'  distance  from  each  other,  we  were  stationed.  As  the 
stranger,  I  was  placed  in  the  position  most  likely  to  have  the  first 
shot ;  and  most  anxiously  did  I  listen  to  the  yells  and  shouts  of 
the  treibers,  as  they  called  to  each  other  to  enable  them  to  keep 
their  lines,  and  to  the  dropping  shots  of  the  jagers,  intended 
to  rouse  the  game  if  any  there  should  be.  It  is  not  the  plea- 
santest  thing  in  the  world  for  an  uncertain  shot  to  have  half-a- 
dozen  sportsmen  below  him  on  such  an  occasion  as  this,  for  the 

A  WOLF-HUNT.  63 

•special  purpose  of  "  wiping  his  eye,"  should  he  miss  the  first  shot 
lie  ever  made  at  a  wolf,  especially  if  he  finds  himself  starting  at 
the  crack  of  every  dry  bough  and  carrying  his  piece  to  his  shoul- 
der at  every  black-bird  that  flutters  from  her  perch;  for  though 
their  politeness  might  spare  the  stranger  the  joke  aloud,  a  sports- 
man's instinct  tells  him  they  would  riot  enjoy  it  the  less  in  silence. 
In  thinking  over  such  a  scene  afterwards,  it  might  occur  to  one 
that  there  was  some  little  danger  among  so  many  guns  in  a  thick 
wood,  especially  when  balls  or  slugs  were  chiefly  used;  but,  at 
the  time,  I  defy  a  man  who  likes  sport  to  plague  himself  with 
such  fancies.  By  degrees  the  shouts  became  nearer,  but  there 
was  nothing  I  could  take  for  a  view-halloo, — the  which,  though 
I  have  no  idea  what  sort  of  thing  an  Hungarian  peasant  would 
make  of  it,  I  would  be  bound  to  recognise  by  instinct, — and  at 
last  one  treiber  and  then  another  came  up,  and  the  Treib  was  de- 
clared out. 

Several  times  did  we  make  our  cast  in  different  woods,  but  still 
with  the  same  ill  success,  till  evening  came  on,  when  we  returned 
to  bear  the  railings  of  the  ladies — always  unmerciful  on  luckless 
sportsmen.  So  ended  our  Treib-jagd.  Our  kind  host,  however, 
took  it  quite  to  heart;  "Such  ingratitude,"  he  said,  "of  the 
worthless  beasts!  not  a  year  passes  that  they  do  not  worry  mex 
a  colt  or  two  ;  and  now,  on  the  only  occasion  when  I  have  wished 
to  see  their  grinning  faces,  not  one  would  make  his  appearance." 
Let  me  add,  that  when  I  met  him  next  year  he  was  still  incon- 
solable at  the  disappointment,  though  he  had  taken  pretty  good 
revenge  a  month  after  our  visit,  when  they  had  killed  seven  in 
one  day  out  of  the  very  wood  we  first  beat. 

A  good  dinner — a  necessary  conclusion  to  hunting,  be  the  coun- 
try what  it  may — soon  drove  all  the  thoughts  of  disappointment 
out  of  our  heads,  and  we  were  only  sorry  we  could  not  stay  to 
accept  the  invitation  of  a  boar-hunt,  which  our  sporting  friend 
of  the  preceding  evening  would  fain  have  pressed  on  us. 




Valley  of  the  Temes.— Wallack  Beauty.— Ovid's  Tower.— Iron  Works 
at  Ruskberg.—  Effects  of  regular  Work  and  regular  Pay. — Reformers 
in  Hungary. — Iron  Bridge. — Iron-gate  Pass,  between  Hungary  and 
Transylvania. — Hospitality. — Varhely  the  Ulpia  Trajana  of  the  Romans. 
— The  Dacians  under  their  native  kings  conquered  by  Trajan. — Wal- 
lack Language  like  the  Italian. — Wallacks  of  Dacian,  not  Roman  Origin. 
— Roman  Remains  at  Varhely. — Amphitheatre. — Mosaics. 

INSTEAD  of  entering  Transylvania  by  any  of  the  usual  routes, 
we  proceeded  from  Mehadia  along  the  banks  of  the  Temes, 
through  some  most  lovely  scenery,  and  along  as  good  a  road  as 
any  in  England, — for  we  were  still  in  the  military  frontiers, — to 
Karansebes,  and  then  turning  to  the  east  we  took  the  direction 
of  the  Iron-gate  pass.  The  valley  of  the  Temes  is  deficient  in 
grandeur,  but  it  is  wild  and  wooded.  Twice  narrowing  itself 
into  a  rocky  pass  where  the  road  has  been  won  from  the  moun- 
tain side,  and  again  widening  into  meadows  and  cornfields,  it  pre- 
sents every  change  of  colour,  and  every  variety  of  scene  which 
can  add  charms  to  a  landscape.  The  peasants  too  in  their  antique 
costumes  were  still  new  to  us,  and  the  women  were,  or  at  least 
we  thought  them,  remarkably  beautiful.  As  we  walked  along 
the  streets  of  Karansebes  during  the  market-day,  the  number  of 
beauties  we  met  was  extraordinary.  It  is  curious  how  various 
are  the  opinions  different  travellers  form  of  the  beauty  of  a  peo- 
ple. One  passes  along  a  road  and  meets  nothing  but  pretty  faces, 
— as  certainly  was  the  case  with  us  here;  another  follows  and 
sees  not  a  beauty  in  the  whole  country.  This  struck  me  the  more 
forcibly,  as  I  again  (afterwards)  passed  over  this  very  road,  and 
should  certainly  have  formed  but  an  ill  opinion  of  the  people's 
comeliness  from  my  second  visit. 

To  the  lovers  of  classical  reminiscences,  Ovid's  tower  is  a  name 
of  irresistible  attraction.  About  two  miles  from  Karansebes,  on 
a  hill  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain  Mika,  is  a  small  square  castle, 

Non  domus  apta  satis; 



which  has  obtained  the  popular  title  of  Ovid's  Tower,  and  whence 
are  said  to  have  issued  those  sweet  lamentations  at  his  cruel  des- 
tiny which  still  keep  a  world  in  admiration.  I  know  the  learned 
say  his  place  of  banishment  was  on  the  other  side  of  the  Danube 
at  Tomi,  on  the  borders  of  the  Black  Sea.  But  I  still  am  in- 
clined to  hope  that  some  part  of  Ovid's  sufferings  might  find  a  lo- 
cation here ; — where  indeed  could  the  poor  poet  have  cried  with 
greater  truth, 

Lassus  in  extremis  jaceo  populisqup,  locisque: 
Heu  quani  vicina  est  ultima  terra  mihi  ] 

It  is  pleasant  to  believe  that  the  Roman  soldiers,  when  the  con- 
quests of  Trajan,  some  half  century  later,  had  thrown  Dacia  in- 
to their  hands,  paused  in  their  career  of  victory — for  it  was  along 
(his  valley  they  marched — to  visit  the  prison  of  their  popular 
poet,  and  hand  down  the  tradition  of  his  residence  there  to  the 
present  Wai  lacks, 

A  short  distance  from  Karansebes,  we  turned  off  the  high-road 
*o  visit  the  iron-works  at  Ruskberg.  The  Messieurs  Hoffmann, 
Germans  of  great  enterprise,  having  purchased  the  estate  of  Rusk- 
i>erg  from  the  Government,  have  established  in  this  wild  valley 
<i  colony  of  now  no  less^than  two  thousand  five  hundred  persons, 
who  are  actively  engaged  in  their  works.  Though  the  iron-foun- 
dry is  the  principal  object  of  their  industry,  the  Messieurs  Hoff- 
mann have  by  no  means  confined  themselves  to  it.  Having  found 
ores  of  silver,  lead,  and  copper,  as  well  as  iron  in  their  valley, 
they  work  them  all.  With  that  good  fortune  too,  which  so  often 
attends  the  genius  of  enterprise,  they  discovered  that  a  part  of 
the  rock  overhanging  the  little  stream  which  bends  its  course 
through  the  valley,  was  just  of  the  height  required  for  casting 
shot.  Now  it  happened  that  in  all  Hungary,  Transylvania,  and 
Wallachia,  there  was  no  shot-tower,  though  sporting  is  a  very 
common  amusement,  so  the  Hoffmanns  were  at  once  able  to  estab- 
lish a  trade  which  consumed  not  only  all  their  own  lead,  but 
obliged  them  to  purchase  more.  Their  shot-tower  is  simply  a  fine 
crag  one  hundred  and  forty-four  feet  high.  At  the  top  is  a  small 
wooden  house,  in  which  the  lead  is  melted  and  allowed  to  pass 
through  the  cullender-shaped  mould,  whence  the  shot  falls  di- 
rectly into  a  little  basin  formed  in  the  brook  below. 

The  iron-works  are  highej  up  the  valley,  and  there  we  found 
quite  a  second  colony  composed  of  all  nations,  speaking  all  lan- 
guages; Magyars  and  Wallacks,  Germans  and  Gipsies,  Sclaves 



and  Frenchmen,  were  working  together  apparently  in  the  great- 
est harmony.  I  was  much  pleased  with  the  account  these  gen- 
tlemen gave  us  of  the  conduct  and  character  of  the  different  races 
employed  by  them ;  for  it  bore  me  out  in  an  old  theory  of  mine, 
that  there  is  more  good  than  evil  in  the  worst  of  men,  the  first 
being  an  essential  part  of  their  nature,  the  last  mostly  the  fruit 
of  circumstances.  At  Ruskberg,  though  the  various  nations  pre- 
sented marked  national  distinctions,  yet  the  same  treatment  and 
the  same  position  have  produced  nearly  the  same  effects  in  all. 
By  good  management,  regular  payment,  and  constant  employ- 
ment, the  lazy  Wallack  had  become  an  industrious  artisan,  and 
the  wandering,  roguish,  degraded  gipsy, a  clever  steady  workman. 
Yet  many  times  have  I  heard  injudicious  philanthropists  in  Hun- 
gary declare  how  impossible  it  was  to  make  the  Wallacks  la- 
bour, and  that  merely  because  they  had  failed  in  some  pet  scheme 
for  changing  in  a  day  their  habits  and  modes  of  life,  the  work  of 
centuries !  How  many  kind-hearted  people  have  given  clothes 
to  the  naked  gipsy,  and  offered  him  the  shelter  of  a  roof,  and 
have  branded  him  afterwards  as  incapable  of  civilization,  and  as 
insensible  to  the  commonest  feelings  of  gratitude ;  because  he  sold 
the  one  to  supply  himself  with  what  he  needed  more,  or  forsook 
the  other  to  seek  some  occupation  less  foreign  to  his  tastes  and 
habits ! 

The  Reformer's  is  always  an  arduous  task;  but  when  his  ef- 
forts are  directed  to  the  improvement  of  the  manners  and  the 
character  of  men,  it  is  a  labour  to  which  very  few  are  equal. 
To  be  able  to  enter  into  the  thoughts  and  feelings  of  others — to 
appreciate  circumstances,  in  which  one  has  never  been  placed — 
to  judge  of  the  wants  and  necessities  to  which  they  give  rise — 
to  seize  the  points  by  which  men  may  be  influenced — to  eradi- 
cate the  bad  and  leave  the  good  parts  of  their  character  un- 
touched—to devote  heart  and  soul,  without  a  thought  of  self- 
interest  to  such  a  work,  and  then  to  bear  cheerfully  the  suspicion, 
the  calumny,  the  opposition  of  those  for  whom  one  has  laboured, 
— these  are  some  of  the  qualities  required  by  him  who  undertakes 
to  reform  mankind.  As  for  those  philanthropic  absolutists,  who 
insist  on  making  men  happy  either  in  this  world  or  the  next, 
whether  they  will  or  not,  I  hold  them  to  be  the  greatest  enemies 
of  their  species.  If,  instead  of  enforcing  on  man  a  happiness 
which  does  not  suit  him,  they  would  but  content  themselves  with 
removing  all  those  obstacles  which  bad  laws  and  the  false  insti- 
tutions of  society  impose  between  poverty  and  improvement; — • 


if  they  would  but  busy  themselves  in  placing  man  in  a  position 
to  help  himselfj  and  take  care  to  show  him  an  example  in  their 
own  persons  of  those  virtues  they  are  most  anxious  he  should 
practise ;  I  am  convinced  that  the  spirit  of  moral  advancement, 
and  the  desire  of  bettering  his  condition,  are  principles  so  strong- 
ly implanted  in  human  nature,  that  they  must  prevail.  Nay,  so 
certain  do  I  feel  of  this  improvability  in  the  human  race,  that  I 
have  often  thought  the  great  men  of  the  earth  must  needs  have 
employed  all  their  wit  and  cunning  to  invent  wicked  laws  to  de- 
press the  little  men,  or  the  little  would  long  ere  this  have  been 
much  greater  than  they  are, — though  it  is  just  possible  that  the 
great  might  have  grown  somewhat  less  by  the  process. 

But  it  is  time  to  return  to  the  iron  works.  The  Messieurs 
Hoffmann  showed  us  the  parts  of  an  iron  bridge  they  were  con- 
structing for  Mehadia,  on  a  plan  similar  to  one  already  erected 
at  Lugos.  This  bridge  was  said  to  have  been  invented  by  one 
of  their  workmen,  a  German,  who  constructed  as  a  model  a  small 
bridge  over  the  brook  of  Ruskberg.  The  model  bridge,  which 
has  been  erected  some  years,  and  is  in  common  use,  is  about 
eighteen  feet  long  by  four  wide,  and  weighs  only  1  cent.  The 
principle — a  new  one,*  so  far  as  I  am  aware — depends  on  the 
tension  of  the  arch  being  maintained  by  the  binding-rods,  which 
unite  the  two  ends,  and  which  is  consequently  increased  the 
greater  the  weight  imposed.  It  will  be  better  understood  by 
supposing  two  strung  bows  laid  on  piers  to  represent  the  bridge, 
the  road  being  formed  only  by  planks  resting  on  the  strings. 
This  bridge  has  the  advantages  of  being  the  lightest  and  cheap- 
est, of  affording  the  greatest  quantity  of  space  below,  and  of  re- 
quiring, at  the  same  time,  the  least  height  in  the  piers  supporting 
it.  Three  or  four  of  these  bridges  are  now  erected  in  different 
parts  of  Hungary,  varying  in  some  minute  details  only,  and  have 
been  found  to  answer  extremely  well. 

Another  novelty,  at  least  to  me,  which  their  works  presented 
was  this.  Requiring  a  great  deal  of  wood  for  building,  they  fell 
their  own  timber,  saw  it  in  their  own  mills,  and,  to  avoid  the  in- 
convenience arising  from  its  greenness,  they  dry  it  before  using 
it.  This  is  done  by  placing  the  planks  in  a  small  closed  build- 
ing, into  which  a  stream  of  hot  steam  is  directed,  which,  entering 
the  wood,  drives  out  its  natural  juices — I  suppose  on  the  princi- 

*  Having  shown  a  drawing  of  this  bridge  to  Mr.  Tierney  Clark,  he  as- 
sures me  that  a  similar  one  exists  in  Yorkshire,  and  that  it  has  been  built 
many  years. 


pie  of  endosraose  and  exosmose — penetrating  the  vessels  in  which 
they  are  contained,  and  supplying  their  place.  The  moisture 
from  the  steam  is  easily  got  rid  of  by  a  little  exposure  to  the 
sun.  Supposing  the  shrinking  of  new  wood  to  occur  from  the 
gradual  drying  out  of  these  juices — and  it  is  highly  probable  that 
in  the  close  texture  of  wood,  viscous  fluids,  confined  in  their  proper 
vessels,  would  require  much  time  to  exude — the  theory  seems 
plausible;  and,  what  is  still  more,  Messieurs  Hoffmann  assured 
me  that  experience  had  proved  it  to  be  correct,  for  wood  so 
treated  did  not  shrink  afterwards,  nor  was  it  in  any  respect  infe- 
rior to  old  wood. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  speak  of  all  the  works  we  saw  carried  on 
here — the  smelting-works,  crushing-mills,  washing-floors,  iron- 
hammer,  smelting  furnace,  casting-floors,  moulding-rooms,  shot- 
sorting,  engine-making,  sawing-mills,  indeed,  almost  all  the 
ruder  processes  to  which  the  working  of  metals  leads.  We 
were  pressed  to  stay  another  day  and  to  visit  the  mines  which 
were  still  higher  up  the  valley,  and  which  are  said  to  be  particu- 
larly interesting  to  the  geologist,  from  some  peculiarities  in  the 
strata  which  they  present,  as  well  as  a  quarry  of  fine  white  mar- 
ble, which  has  been  used  by  the  statuary;  but  we  were  already 
in  October,  and  the  traveller  can  scarcely  count  on  fine  weather 
in  Hungary  after  the  commencement  of  November,  so  that  we 
were  forced  reluctantly  to  decline. 

The  border  tract  between  Hungary  and  Transylvania  could 
not  boast  the  smoothest  of  roads;  but  we  arrived  safely  at  the 
summit  of  the  low  mountain  pass,  where  a  Wallack  cross,  curi- 
ously carved  with  the  bastard  Greek  letters  which  the  Wallacks 
use,  the  top  covered  in  by  a  neat  shingle-roof,  something  like 
Robinson  Crusoe's  umbrella,  marked  the  boundary.  On  the 
Hungarian  side  we  had  the  cold  bare  mountains,  ripening  in  the 
distance  into  wooded  hills,  beyond  which  we  could  just  perceive 
the  rich  plain  of  the  Banat;  while,  towards  Transylvania,  a  deep 
mountain  gorge,  whose  yellow-tinted  hanging  woods  buried  its 
depths  in  mystery,  carried  the  eye  over  a  succession  of  lovely 
hills  and  valleys,  to  which  the  deep  warm  shadows  of  an  autum- 
nal sunset  lent  a  charrn  of  peculiar  grace  and  beauty. 

At  the  narrowest  part  of  this  pass  the  Romans  are  said  to 
have  had  literally  an  iron  gate,  which  gave  its  name  to  the  place. 
At  present  not  a  remain  of  any  kind  exists ;  but  it  is  curious  that 
three  of  the  most  difficult  passages  which  Trajan  encountered  in 
his  expedition  against  Dacia — in  the  Balkan,  on  the  Danube 



below  Orsova,  and  at  the  entrance  of  Transylvania — should  all 
retain  the  name  of  the  Iron-Gate  Pass,  in  the  language  of  the 
common  people,  to  the  present  day.  This  pass  has  been  alter- 
nately contested  by  Dacian,  Roman,  Turk,  and  Christian;  and 
many  are  the  scenes  of  savage  glory  it  has  witnessed ;  many  the 
dying  groans  it  has  received.  Happily,  these  times  are  gone  by  ; 
and  the  Borderer,  who  now  keeps  his  solitary  guard  on  the  con- 
tested point,  finds  no  more  formidable  enemy  than  the  poor  salt- 
smuggler;  and  the  pass  itself  is  only  a  terror  to  the  horses,  who 
can  hardly  drag  their  burden  through  its  deep  and  clayey  roads. 
We  were  fortunate  to  have  passed  it  before  night,  which  over- 
took us  rather  suddenly  as  we  approached  the  village  of  Varhely. 

Here  we  were  willing  to  stay,  could  quarters  be  obtained ;  but 
hearing  that  nothing  like  an  inn  was  to  be  found,  we  gave  orders 
to  proceed  on  to  Hatszeg,  though  the  driver  declared  his  horses 
were  tired,  and  the  road  worse  than  ever.  During  the  conver- 
sation which  ensued,  an  old  Wallack  joined  the  party,  and  of- 
fered his  opinion  on  the  folly  of  my  proposition  very  unreservedly, 
wondering  why  we  could  not  be  content  to  stop  at  the  house  of 
the  Dumnie  (Dominus) — the  squire  of  the  village.  Now,  though 
I  knew  that  Transylvania  was  the  very  home  of  hospitality,  I 
did  not  like  to  demand  it  quite  so  unceremoniously  ;  but  the  peasant 
saved  me  the  necessity,  for,  trotting  off  he  returned  in  a  few  se- 
conds with  an  invitation  from  his  master,  for  us  to  make  use  of 
his  house  during  our  stay. 

The  Wallack's  Dumnie.  was  a  Hungarian  noble  of  the  poorer 
class,  possessing  one-third  of  the  village  of  Varhely,  and  living 
in  the  style  of  one  of  our  smallest  farmers.  The  family  consisted 
of  the  young  master,  his  mother  and  two  sisters,  who,  though 
they  spoke  only  Hungarian  and  Wallack,  came  out  to  receive  us, 
and  assured  us  that  we  were  heartily  welcome.  The  house  was 
a  pretty  building  of  one  story,  raised  four  feet  above  the  ground, 
and  was  entered  by  a-  handsome  portico.  It  consisted  of  the 
kitchen,  which  was  half  filled  with  the  high  hearth,  two  rooms 
on  each  side,  and  below  store-rooms  and  cow-houses;  the 
whole  being  enclosed  by  a  garden  on  one  side,  and  by  the  large 
farm-yard  and  buildings  on  the  other.  We  were  shown  into  the 
best  rooms,  usually  occupied  by  the  family  as  sleeping-rooms ; 
and,  in  a  very  short  time,  the  beds  were  covered  with  the  whitest 
linen,  while  the  table  offered  a  hearty  supper  to  console  us  for 
the  cold  dinner  we  had  taken  during  the  morning,  and  to  satisfy 
the  keen  appetite  the  mountain  air  had  blessed  us  with. 


Varhely  or  Gradistie,  in  the  language  of  the  Wallacks,  is  a 
place  of  so  much  interest,  that  we  thought  ourselves  singularly 
fortunate  in  obtaining  our  present  shelter.  Though  now  a  mi- 
serable Wallack  village,  Varhely  occupies  the  site  of  Sarmisege- 
thusa,  the  former  capital  of  the  Dacians,  the  residence  of  Dece- 
balus,  their  king;  and  on  the  ruins  of  which,  Ulpia  Trajana  was 
founded, — the  imperial  city  which  Trajan  destined  as  the  seat  of 
government,  for  his  conquests  beyond  the  Danube, 

The  name  of  Dacia  scarcely  makes  its  appearance  in  history, 
till  the  time  of  Alexander,  when  the  Dacians,  under  their  King 
Sarmis,  refusing  to  submit  to  the  conqueror's  arms,  their  king- 
dom was  ravaged,  and  peace  with  difficulty  obtained.  This 
Sarmis  is  said  to  have  built  the  town,  which  was  named  from 
him,  and  this  is  rendered  almost  certain  by  a  gold  coin  found 
near  Thorda,  and  which  bears  his  effigy,  with  the  words  2Ap- 
Mis  BAziA  on  one  side,  and  on  the  reverse,  the  fortified  gate 
of  a  town.  On  the  division  of  Alexander's  conquests  among 
his  generals,  Thrace,  together  with  the  countries  on  either  side 
the  Danube,  fell  to  the  share  of  Lysimachus.  But  Dacia  had 
been  overrun,  not  subdued ;  and  the  new  king  found  his  subjects 
so  little  inclined  to  accept  his  rule,  that  he  was  obliged  to  march 
against  them  at  the  head  of  a  large  force.  Dromichoetes,  the 
successor  of  Sarmis,  was  prepared  for  the  attack,  and  succeeded, 
not  only  in  resisting  the  Grecian  army,  but  in  capturing  its  chief, 
and  appropriating  the  rich  plunder  of  his  camp. 

It  is  probable  that  at  this  time,  either  from  the  plunder  of  the 
camp,  or  from  the  ransom  of  his  prisoners,  the  Dacian  King  ob- 
tained an  immense  treasure,  for  on  two  separate  occasions, — if  I 
am  rightly  informed,  once  in  1545,  and  again  about  twenty  years 
since,— many  thousand  gold  coins  have  been  discovered  in  this 
neighbourhood,  some  of  them  bearing  the  name  of  Lysimachus, 
and  others  the  word  KOSON  from  the  name  of  the  town  Cossea 
in  Thrace,  where  they  were  struck.  I  am  in  possession  of  some 
of  these  coins;  and  though  many  were  melted  down  by  the 
Jews,  in  Wallachia,  to  whom  they  were  conveyed  across  the 
frontier  in  loaves  of  bread,  they  are  still  very  common,  and  are 
frequently  used  by  the  Transylvanians  for  signet  rings,  and  other 

From  this  time,  for  nearly  two  hundred  and  fifty  years,  the 
history  of  Dacia  is  almost  a  blank,  but  in  the  commencement  of 
Augustus's  reign  we  find  these  barbarians,  led  on  by  their  King 
Cotyso, — the  same  probably  whom  Ovid  addresses, 



Regia  progenies,  cui  nobilitalis  origo, 

Notnen  in  Eumolpi  pervenit  usque,  Coty, 

Fama  loquax  vestras  si  jam  pervenit  ad  aures; 
Me  tibi  finitimi  parte  jacere  soli! — 

rushing  down  into  Italy,  and  committing  such  ravages  as  to  fix 
the  attention  of  Rome  on  them  as  dangerous  enemies.  Engaged 
for  some  years  in  frequent  wars,  with  various  fortune,  they  ob- 
tained at  last  so  decided  an  advantage  over  the  weakness  of 
Domitian  as  to  reduce  that  Emperor  to  accept  a  peace,  accom- 
panied by  the  most  disgraceful  conditions,  and  among  others  the 
payment  of  a  yearly  tribute  to  Dacia.  Decebalus,  however,  the 
then  King  of  the  Dacians,  had,  in  the  eyes  of  Rome,  merited  his 
destruction  by  his  success,  and  no  sooner  did  Trajan  assume  the 
Imperial  purple  than  he  determined  to  restore  to  its  brightness 
the  tarnished  honour  of  the  empire,  and  accordingly  prepared  an 
expedition  against  Dacia,  which  he  headed  himself. 

Trajan  seems  to  have  passed  through  Pannonia  (Hungary,)  to 
have  crossed  the  Theiss,  and  followed  the  course  of  the  Maros 
into  Transylvania.  His  first  great  battle  was  on  the  Crossfield, 
near  Thorda.  After  an  obstinate  contest,  the  Dacians  were  com- 
pletely routed,  and  Decebalus  obliged  to  take  refuge  in  Sarmisege- 
thusa.  The  Crossfield  is  still  called  by  the  Wallack  peasants 
the  "Prat  de  Trajan"  (Pratum  Trajani,)  a  curious  instance  of 
the  tenacity  of  a  people's  recollections.  Reduced  to  the  last  ex- 
tremity, Decebalus  was  obliged  to  accept  humiliating  conditions, 
which  he  took  the  first  opportunity  of  breaking.  Trajan,  how- 
ever, had  determined  that  Dacia  should  form  a  Roman  province, 
and  he  at  once  set  out  again  to  complete  his  conquest. 

Better  acquainted  with  the  geography  of  the  country,  Trajan 
chose  a  nearer  route,  and  one  by  which  he  might  at  once  reach 
his  enemy's  capital.  It  was  on  this  occasion  that  he  crossed  the 
Danube,  below  the  Iron  Gate,  where  his  famous  bridge  was 
afterwards  built,  and  sending  one  part  of  his  army  along  the 
Aluta,  he  himself  seems  to  have  followed  the  valley  which  now 
leads  from  Orsova,  by  Mehadia.  and  Karansebes,  over  the  Iron- 
gate  Pass,  direct  to  Sarmisegethusa.  On  the  column  of  Trajan, 
at  Rome,  the  chief  events  of  these  two  campaigns  are  most 
minutely  depicted,  and  thus  completely  do  away  with  many  fa- 
bles which  historians  have  appended  *to  the  story.  It  appears 
that  the  Dacians,  unable  any  longer  to  defend  their  capital,  set 
fire  to  it,  and  fled  to  the  mountains.  Decebalus,  finding  it  im- 
possible to  escape  his  pursuers,  stabbed  himself  and  many  of  his 


followers  destroyed  themselves  by  poison  to  avoid  subjection  to 
the  Romans.  It  is  much  to  be  desired  that  the  history  of  this 
war  should  be  written  by  one  acquainted  with  the  topography 
and  antiquities  of  Transylvania,  as  well  as  with  the  materials 
which  Rome  and  her  writers  afford. 

Trajan,  when  he  had  completed  the  subjugation  of  the  coun- 
try, turned  his  attention  to  the  security  of  the  new  province. 
The  present  Transylvania  became  Dacia  Mediterranea;  Walla- 
chia  and  Moldavia,  Dacia  Transalpina ;  and  the  Banat,  Dacia 
Ripensis.  The  bridge  over  the  Danube,  the  road  cut  in  the 
rock  along  its  banks,  the  formation  of  colonies  at  Varhely, 
Karlsburg,  Thorda,  and  several  other  places,  and  the  connecting 
them  by  roads,  remains  of  which  still  exist,  were  the  means  he 
employed  to  perpetuate  the  power  of  Rome,  in  the  newly-acquired 
territory.  * 

Notwithstanding  the  resolution  of  Hadrian  to  forsake  the  con- 
quests of  his  predecessor,  and  the  steps  he  actually  took  for  that 
purpose,  the  Romans  seemed  to  have  remained  masters  of  Dacia, 
till  the  time  of  Aurelian,  when  they  finally  retired  across  the 
Danube,  and  gave  up  Dacia  to  the  Goths. 

Although  the  duration  of  the  Roman  empire  in  this  country 
was  much  shorter  than  in  many  others  of  Europe — about  one 
hundred  and  seventy  years  only, — yet  in  none  did  they  leave 
such  striking  remains  of  their  domination,  especially  in  the  lan- 
guage, as  here.  The  Wallack  of  the  present  day  calls  himself 
"  Rumunyi,"  and  retains  a  traditional  pride  of  ancestry,  in  spite 
of  his  present  degradation.  The  language  now  spoken  by  all 
the  people  of  this  nation  is  soft,  abounding  in  vowels,  and  de- 
riving most  of  its  words  from  the  Latin.  The  pronunciation  re- 
sembles much  the  Italian,  and  it  is  extraordinary  that  the  in- 
flexions and  terminations  of  the  words  have  a  much  greater  si- 
milarity to  the  modern  language  of  Italy  than  to  their  Latin 
original.  This  would  tend  to  prove,  as  no  connexion  has  existed 
between  the  countries  since  that  time,  either  that  the  vulgar 
language  of  Rome  was  more  simple  than  we  commonly  imagine, 

*•  It  has  been  said  that  Trajan,  through  the  treachery  of  a  Dacian,  dis- 
covered the  hidden  treasures  of  Decebalus,  which  he  had  concealed  in  the 
bed  of  a  brook,  having  turned  its  course  to  enable  him  to  place  them  there. 
This  story  derives  some  confirmation  from  the  column,  on  which,  after 
the  taking  of  the  city,  are  seen  several  horses,  bearing  to  Trajan  panniers 
filled  with  treasures,  principally  consisting  of  rich  cups  and  vessels.  The 
coins  found  in  1545  were  actually  discovered  in  the  bed  of  this  very 



or  that,  in  both  cases,  the  changes  have  been  the  natural  ones  to 
\vhich  a  language  submits,  on  its  being  mixed  with  others,  and 
simplified  by  the  use  of  an  uneducated  or  foreign  people.  No- 
thing is  so  complex  in  the  quantity  of  its  inflexions  as  a  pure 
language,  nothing  so  simple  as  a  compound  and  mixed  one. 
Some  of  the  Wallack  words  are,  I  believe,  Sclavish,  which  may 
be  accounted  for  by  supposing  the  Sclavish  to  have  been  the  origi- 
nal language  of  the  Dacians,  (and  from  certain  Sclavish  names  of 
rivers  and  mountains  here,  as  well  as  in  Wallachia,  I  am  inclined 
to  believe  this  the  case,)  or  it  may  be  owing  to  the  later  mixture 
of  the  races,  but  the  preponderance  of  Latin  is  so  great  as  to 
strike  a  foreigner  immediately,  and  to  render  the  acquisition  of 
the  language  very  easy.  On  one  occasion,  being  without  a  ser- 
vant who  spoke  the  language,  I  learned  enough,  for  a  traveller's 
needs,  in  a  day  or  two,  and  when  at  a  loss,  I  always  resorted  to 
Italian,  which  was  often  understood,  and  with  a  slight  change  of 
sound  became  Wallack.* 

While  I  am  dabbling  in  the  philosophy  of  language,  let  me 
not  forget  a  trait  which,  on  my  return  from  Turkey,  struck  me 
very  forcibly.  From  the  Turk  the  Wallack  has  borrowed  but 
few  words;  but  one  familiar  sound  has  become  so  fixed  in  his 
vocabulary,  that  he  will  never  lose  it:  and  it  marks,  as  well  as 
a  hundred  pages,  the  relation  in  which  the  Turk  and  Wallack 
stood  to  each  other.  This  little  word  is,  "  haide,!"  In  Con- 
stantinople it  is  the  Frenchman's  "  va-t-en  "  to  the  beggar-boy, 
the  Austrian's  "  marchir  "  to  his  dog,  our  "  come-up  "  to  a  horse, 
or  the  "  begone  "  of  an  angry  master  to  his  servant — yet  none 
of  these  languages  have  any  one  word  of  command  applied  alike 
to  man  or  beast ;  but  such  is  the  "  haide  "  of  the  Turk,  and  such 
the  word  he  hath  bequeathed  to  the  Wallack  language, — a  last- 
ing monument  of  his  imperious  sway.  However  the  Wallack 
poet  may  in  after-ages  gloss  over  the  fact  of  his  people's  slavery, 
his  own  tongue  will  belie  him  as  often  as  the  familiar  "  haide  " 
escapes  from  his  lips. 

It  is  difficult  to  say  how  far  the  Wallack  of  the  present  day 
has  a  title  to  his  claim  of  Roman  descent.  It  was  natural  enough 
that  the  half-civilized  Dacians  should  regard  with  contempt 
and  hatred  the  savage  hordes  which  succeeded  the  Romans,  and, 
although  conquered,  that  they  should  proudly  cherish  the  name 
of  Rumunyi.  The  greater  number  of  the  Roman  colonists  re- 

*  I  may  instance  bun  cai,  for  buoni  cavalli ;  and  «pa,  for  aqua,  &c. 
VOL.  II. 7 


tired  across  the  Danube,  but  it  is  possible  that  some  may  have 
remained  behind,  and  from  such  the  Wallacks  of  Hatszeg  claim 
their  descent.  The  rest,  I  believe,  are  content  with  the  honour 
of  that  mixture  of  Roman  and  Dacian  blood  which  one  may  na- 
turally suppose  to  have  taken  place  between  the  conquerors  and 
the  conquered. 

That  this  admixture  of  races,  however,  has  had  so  great  an 
influence  as  travellers  have  been  led  to  think,  from  observing  the 
difference  of  features  between  the  Wallack  and  his  neighbours, 
the  Magyars  and  Saxons,  I  am  much  inclined  to  doubt,  for 
the  features  of  the  Wallacks  are  more  like  those  of  the  Da- 
cian of  Trajan's  column,  than  those  either  of  the  Romans  or  of 
the  modern  Italians.  The  more  I  think  of  the  matter,  the  more 
I  am  convinced  that  the  majority  of  the  Wallacks  are  true  Da- 

Preceded  by  our  host,  we  commenced  a  survey  of  Ulpia  Tra- 
jana.  Just  beyond  the  village,  we  found  a  large  space  of  seve- 
ral acres  covered  with  stones  of  all  sizes,  which  had  once  been 
used  in  building ;  and  in  some  places  we  discovered  the  arched 
roofs  of  vaulted  chambers,  which  had  been  in  several  places 
broken  into,  but  they  seemed  only  to  be  the  lower  parts  of  the 
buildings,  and  possessed  little  interest.  This  space  is  somewhat 
higher  than  the  rest  of  the  country,  and  has  been  surrounded  by 
a  ditch  and  mound,  which  we  found  extended  a  quarter  of  a  mile 
into  the  village.  It  is  called  by  the  people  the  Csetatie,  fortified 
place  or  castle;  but  to  what  age  it  belongs,  or  what  it  may  have 
been,  I  know  not.  A  little  further  on,  in  the  same  direction,  we 
came  upon  the  remains  of  an  amphitheatre.  The  outer  walls  are 
entirely  covered  with  earth,  forming  a  grassy  bank  of  about 
twelve  feet  high,  and  surround  an  oval  space  of  about  seventy- 
five  yards  long,  by  forty-five  in  its  greatest  width.  The  arena 
is  now  under  plough,  and  produces  a  fine  crop  of  Indian  corn. 
Scarcely  a  stone  is  left,  and  yet  the  form  declares,  as  strongly  as 
evidence  can  do,  its  origin  and  destination.  Our  host,  who  owns 
this  part  of  the  village,  seemed  proud  in  telling  us  the  good  spe- 
culation he  made,  in  selling  the  large  hewn  stones  which  once 
covered  the  sides  and  surface  of  the  place,  to  his  neighbours,  who 
were  building  houses.  As  well  as  we  could  make  out,  they 
were  laid  in  the  form  of  steps,*  and  from  his  praises  of  their 

*  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  the  name  of  Gradistie  may  have  heen 
given  to  the  place  by  the  Wallacks  in  cosequence  of  these  steps. — 


size,  they  must  have  been  considerable.  The  shafts  of  two  pil- 
lars and  a  stone  seat,  with  some  Roman  letters,  which  now  or- 
nament our  host's  yard,  were  brought,  he  said,  from  this  place. 
From  hence,  we  could  trace  elevations  and  inequalities  in  the 
ground,  which,  though  now  overgrown  with  grass,  seemed  to 
indicate  the  sites  of  former  buildings,  for  more  than  a  mile  along 
the  plain.  It  is  said,  that  remains  of  an  aqueduct  still  exist;  but 
of  these  we  observed  nothing,  any  more  than  of  the  Roman  road, 
though  it  is  highly  probable  that  a  better  knowledge  of  the  coun- 
try, and  the  ability  to  converse  with  the  people,  might  have  ena- 
bled us  to  discover  them.  The  difficulty  of  obtaining  any  infor- 
mation from  an  uneducated  farmer,  through  the  interpretation  of 
an  ignorant  servant,  is  very  discouraging. 

It  is  impossible  to  stand  on  the  ruins  of  this  amphitheatre, 
with  the  traces  of  a  former  city  around  you,  the  beautiful  plain 
stretched  out  at  your  feet,  and  bounded  by  a  range  of  distant 
hills,  without  calling  to  mind  Rome,  her  Campagna,  and  her  clear 
blue  mountains.  The  very  forms  of  the  hills  towards  Hatszeg 
favoured  the  illusion;  and,  as  the  last  rays  of  the  setting  sun, 
gilded  their  tops,  we  had  already  made  out  a  Tivoli,  an  Albano, 
and  a  Frascati. 

Towards  the  middle  of  the  village,  we  were  conducted  to  see 
a  Mosaic  pavement,  discovered  here  in  1823.  To  obtain  a  sight 
of  this  object,  however,  we  had  been  obliged  to  send  off  the  ser- 
vant early  in  the  morning  to  a  village  ten  miles  distant,  where 
the  lady,  to  whom  this  part  of  Varhely  belongs,  lives;  for  she 
had  erected  a  shed  over  the  pavement,  to  preserve  it  from  the 
destructive  hands  of  visiters,  and  would  only  give  the  key  to 
persons  with  whom  she  thought  it  would  be  safe.  As  we  were 
totally  unknown,  we  had  some  doubt  as  to  the  success  of  our  ap- 
plication; but  the  servant  returned  with  the  key,  which  the  lady 
had  no  hesitation,  she  said,  in  lending  to  Englishmen,  as  she  felt 
sure  they  would  do  no  injury ;  and  with  this  very  polite  message 
she  had  sent  also  some  wine  for  our  use,  as  none  was  to  be  ob- 
tained at  Varhely.  How  lucky,  that  she  guessed  Englishmen 
loved  genuine  wine  as  well  as  genuine  antiquities! 

About  three  feet  below  the  surface,  and  surrounded  by  the 
original  walls  which  are  eighteen  inches  high,  we  found  two 
Mosaic  pavements,  which,  from  their  size,  separation  by  a  wall, 
and  relative  position,  were  probably  the  floors  of  two  baths. 
The  chamber  on  the  left,  nearly  twenty  feet  square,  was  occupied 
by  a  very  perfect  Mosaic,  surrounded  by  a  highly  ornamented 


border,  representing  the  visit  of  Priam  to  Achilles,  to  beg  the 
dead  body  of  Hector.  The  names  of  nPiAMOS,  AXIAAETS,  and 
ATTOMEAON,  the  sword-bearer  of  Achilles,  are  worked  in  Greek 
letters;  while  Mercury,  who  has  conducted  Priam,  is  sufficiently 
indicated  by  his  caduceus  and  wings.  The  kneeling  figure  of 
Priam,  embracing  the  knees  of  Achilles,  is  well  drawn,  and  full 
of  expression,  and  the  dress  of  the  Trojan  king  is  worthy  of  re- 
mark, as  bearing  a  considerable  resemblance  to  that  worn  by  the 
Wallacks  in  winter.  The  drawing  and  shading  of  Mercury 
declare  the  artist  to  have  been  among  the  best  of  the  time;  few, 
if  any,  of  those  of  Rome  or  Pompeii  are  superior.  The  sitting 
figure  of  Achilles,  apparently  crowned  with  laurels,  though  the 
head  as  well  as  the  breast  have  suffered,  is  easy  and  dignified. 

The  colours,  though  not  bright,  are  tolerably  well  preserved. 
At  first,  the  whole  was  so  covered  with  dust,  that  it  was  with 
difficulty  any  colour  could  be  distinguished;  but,  after  carefully 
washing  it,  and  drying  it,  they  came  out  more  clearly.  .  Some 
few  parts  have  received  a  slight  incrustation  of  lime,  which  might 
easily  be  removed  with  a  knife,  but  we  dared  not  attempt  it.  The 
Wallack,  who  was  intrusted  to  take  back  the  key,  looked  suffi- 
ciently alarmed  at  the  washing;  and  his  ignorance  might  easily 
have  given  an  unfavourable  report  to  his  mistress,  and  caused 
other  travellers  still  greater  difficulties  in  seeing  it  had  we  at- 
tempted to  remove  the  lime. 

The  Mosaic  on  the  right  represents  the  judgment  of  Paris. 
The  first  figure  is  Venus,  apparently  holding  the  coveted  apple 
in  her  left  hand  above  her  shoulder.  A  tight  blue  and  white 
figured  dress  covers  her  to  the  hips,  from  whence  loose  drapery 
hangs  down  to  the  feet.  The  second  figure  is  probably  Juno, 
whose  face,  as  well  as  that  of  her  neighbour,  whose  helmet,  gor- 
gon-headed  breastplate,  and  spear,  bespeak  her  Minerva,  is  over- 
clouded by  the  scowl  of  disappointed  vanity.  The  left  hand  of 
Minerva,  probably  rested  on  her  shield;  but  the  whole  of  the 
lower  corner  is  much  injured  and  very  indistinct.  These  three 
figures  are  all  beautifully  worked  out  with  rich  colours,  and  a 
little  cleansing  from  the  lime  would  render  them  quite  distinct. 
On  the  other  side,  Paris  sits  in  judgment,  wearing  the  Phrygian 
cap ;  and  behind  him,  stands  Mercury :  both  these  figures  are 
considerably  injured,  and  scarcely  equal  to  the  others  in  work- 
manship. Part  of  the  body  of  Mercury  is  wanting,  and  its 
place  is  supplied  by  the  white  Mosaic,  ancient,  but  from  the  dif- 



ferent  size  and  colour  of  the  pieces  evidently  repaired  by  another 

We  had  found  so  much  trouble — it  took  us  the  greater  part 
of  a  day — in  removing  the  dust  and  dirt  with  which  these  Mo- 
saics were  obscured,  that  we  got  two  linen  covers  made,  and  gave 
directions  that  they  should  always  be  placed  over  them,  except 
when  they  were  shown.  As  the  peasants  who  were  constantly 
with  us,  saw  the  pleasure  we  took  in  such  things,  they  soon 
brought  every  relic  of  antiquity  the  village  could  boast;  among 
others,  a  small  female  head  in  white  marble,  part  of  a  small  Doric 
capital  of  delicate  workmanship,  besides  several  common  silver 
and  copper  coins  of  Roman  Emperors,  found  in  the  place.  We 
paid  them  for  these  things,  not  on  account  of  their  intrinsic  value, 
but  rather  to  encourage  them  to  preserve  every  thing  they  might 
find.  The  larger  objects  we  deposited  with  the  Mosaics,  where, 
I  dare  say,  future  travellers  will  find  them.  It  was  not  till  after 
we  had  left  Varhely,  that  I  was  aware  that  a  second  Mosaic 
had  been  discovered  there;  but  in  a  paper  by  M.  A.  Ackner,  in 
the  "  Transylvania," — a  very  useful  periodical,  now  defunct, 
dedicated  to  the  antiquaries  of  this  country, — I  find  mention  of 
a  large  Mosaic,  discovered  in  1832,  of  which  only  a  small  part 
remained  perfect,  and  which,  from  some  dispute  among  those  to 
whom  the  land  belonged,  had  been  again  covered  up. 




Demsus. — The  Leiter-Wagen. — Roman  Temple — its  Form  and  probable 
History. — Paintings  in  Wallack  Churches — Wallack  Priests  and  their 
Wives. —  Russian  Influence  over  the  Members  of  the  Greek  Church. — 
Origin  of  the  United  Greek  Church. — Religious  Oppression. — Educa- 
tion of  the  Greek  Priesthood. — Village  of  Varhely. — The  Wallack 
Women. — Wai  lacks  and  Scotchmen. — Wallack  Vices  and  Wallack 
,  Virtues. — The  Devil's  Dancers. — Our  Host's  Family. — Household  Ar- 
rangements.— The  Buffalo. 

THE  next  morning  our  host  offered  to  drive  us  over  to  Demsus, 
to  show  us  some  antiquities  there ;  and  as  even  he  said  the  road 
was  too  bad  for  our  carriage,  we  were  glad  to  content  ourselves 
with  a  Leiter-Wagen,  so  called  from  the  similarity  which  its  sides 
bear  to  a  ladder.  In  this  part  of  the  world,  every  thing  is  in  so 
very  primitive  a  state,  that  these  carriages  are  not  only  deficient 
in  springs,  but  they  have  often  not  even  a  particle  of  iron  about 
them,  so  that  it  is  impossible  to  conceive  by  what  means  they 
hold  together.  They  are  gifted,  however,  with  the  singular 
power  of  bending  about  like  a  snake;  and,  as  one  wheel  mounts 
a  bank,  while  the  other  falls  into  a  pit,  the  body  accommodates 
itself,  by  a  few  gentle  contortions,  to  these  varieties  of  position, 
without  in  any  way  deranging  itself  or  its  contents. 

Trusting  ourselves  to  this  conveyance,  we  followed  the  low 
range  of  sand-stone  hills  which  confine  the  valley  on  one  side, 
while,  on  the  other,  are  the  marble  cliffs  bounding  Wallachia, — 
as  far  as  Pesteny,  where  we  turned  into  a  lesser  valley  which  led 
us  to  Demsus.  On  a  small  hill,  which  overlooks  the  twenty  or 
thirty  cottages  which  constitute  this  humble  village, stands  a  stone 
building  now  used  as  a  Wallack  church.  It  is  small,  with  a  cu- 
rious half-ruined  steeple,  its  ensemble  so  bizarre,  as  to  bespeak  at 
once  considerable  intervals  between  the  periods  of  the  erection 
of  its  different  parts,  and  variety  in  the  taste  of  its  architects.  It 
seems  to  have  been  originally  a  Roman  temple,  the  interior  of 
which  was  about  eight  yards  square,  with  a  semicircular  dome, 


a  recess  towards  the  east,  and  a  portico  to  the  west.  The  place 
of  the  portico  is  now  supplied  by  high  walls  composed  of  stones, 
evidently  brought  from  other  parts  of  the  building,  and  more  re- 
cently converted  to  their  present  purpose.  The  entrance  to  the 
body  of  the  temple  remains  in  its  original  state  ;  it  is  small,  low, 
and  quite  simple.  In  the  interior  are  four  large  square  pillars, 
supporting  an  equal  number  of  clumsy  round  arches,  on  which 
again  the  tower  rests.  These  pillars  bear  monumental  inscrip- 
tions,* and  some  figures  of  horses,  and  are  evidently  of  Roman 
workmanship;  but  I  must  confess,  I  never  saw  any  thing  similar 
in  any  other  Roman  temple,  nor  do  I  ever  remember  to  have 
seen  before  this  kind  of  inscription  on  pillars.  Indeed,  in  form 
these  pillars  more  resemble  altars,  although  from  their  position 
and  similarity  they  appear  to  have  been  originally  intended  for  the 
purpose  to  which  they  are  still  applied.  It  is  possible,  that  in 
the  centre  of  these  four  arches  the  altar  had  formerly  stood,  and 
a  square  piece  of  the  floor,  which  is  still  without  pavement, 
though  the  rest  has  its  ancient  covering  of  hewn  stone,  indicates 
the  want  of  something  which  had  once  occupied  this  spot.  In 
the  semicircular  recess  behind  might  have  stood  the  statue  of  the 

The  exterior  walls  are  supported  by  recent  buttresses,  in  the 
construction  of  which  the  shafts  of  several  pillars  have  been  em- 
ployed, which,  as  well  as  some  others  which  lie  near,  had  pro- 
bably belonged  to  the  portico.  In  another  part  I  observed  a 
Corinthian  capital  reversed,  and  built  into  the  wall ;  it  appeared 
rich,  and  in  a  pure  style,  and  may  serve  to  determine  the  order 
of  the  architecture.  For  what  purpose  an  arched  passage  which 
runs  along  the  south  side  was  intended,  I  was  quite  unable  tosur- 

*  Among  the  most  perfect  I  copied  the  following: 


VIX  •  AN  •  LXX  •  IVLIA 
RAVIT  -  H-S-E- 

VIX  •  AN  •  XXIX 
B  A  R  I  S  S I M  A  E 


raise.  By  means  of  the  half-broken  walls  of  the  semicircular 
dome,  we  mounted  to  the  outside  of  the  tower.  Here  we  found 
an  opening  into  a  small  chamber,  two  yards  square  and  one  high, 
in  the  body  of  the  tower,  and  from  this  there  is  a  very  small 
opening  into  a  circular  passage,  running  round  the  inside  of  the 
little  tower  between  the  outer  wall  and  the  chimney-like  opening, 
which  gives  light  to  the  interior.  The  tower  itself  is  built 
partly  of  bricks,  partly  of  stones  and  pieces  of  marble  from 
other  parts  of  the  building.  This  tower  is  to  me  a  complete 
puzzle.  It  is  evidently  later  than  some  other  parts  of  the  build- 
ing, yet  it  is  too  elegant  to  be  the  work  of  mere  barbarians.  As 
for  the  use  to  which  the  chamber  and  circular  passage  had  been 
put,  I  cannot  even  offer  a  suggestion.  They  cannot  have  been 
intended,  as  some  one  supposes,  to  have  concealed  the  priest  who 
spoke  the  oracle,  for  they  would  not  have  enabled  him  to  com- 
municate with  the  statue ;  they  could  scarcely  have  served  as 
hiding-places  for  treasure;  and  there  is  no  mark  of  the  tower 
having  been  used  in  Christian  times  for  a  belfry.  Besides  the 
inscriptions  I  have  copied,  there  are  fragments  of  several  others, 
but  none  of  them  afford  any  clue  to  the  history  of  the  building, 
nor  any  indication  to  what  god  it  was  dedicated,  unless  indeed, 
the  D.M.  at  the  head  of  the  first,  and  the  figure  of  the  horse  may 
not  suggest  Mars  as  its  patron.  I  am  inclined  to  believe,  that 
the  four  pillars,  the  arches,  and  the  tower,  were  built  after  the 
temple  itself  by  such  of  the  descendants  of  the  Romans  as  re- 
mained after  the  evacuation  of  Dacia,  and  when  the  original  build- 
ing had  suffered  from  the  attacks  of  some  of  the  earlier  barba- 
rian invaders.  On  ascending  the  tower,  we  observed  two  statues 
of  lions  much  injured,  and  apparently  but  rudely  carved. 

This  temple  is  now,  and  has  been  from  time  immemorial,  used 
by  the  Wallacks  as  a  church,  to  which  circumstance  it  probably 
owes  its  preservation.  The  semicircular  recess  forms  the  altar, 
which  is  adorned  by  the  most  wretched  prints  of  Greek  virgins, 
St.  Georges,  and  other  grim  saints,  and  is  separated  from  the  rest 
of  the  building  by  a  carved  wooden  screen.  The  walls,  as  is 
common  in  Greek  churches,  are  covered  with  rude  frescoes :  in 
the  present  instance,  they  are  very  practical  illustrations  of  the 
evils  of  immorality,  and  if  the  husbands  and  wives  of  Demsus  do 
not  obey  a  certain  commandment,  it  is  not  for  want  of  knowing 
how  the  devil  will  catch  them  at  their  peccadilloes,  for  it  is  here 
painted  to  the  most  minute  details.  I  have  often  been  much 
amused  with  these  pictures  in  the  Wallack  churches  ;  for,  though 


too  gross  for  description,  they  contain  so  much  of  that  racy, 
often  sarcastic  wit  proper  to  Rabelais  or  Chaucer,  wrought  out 
with  a  minuteness  of  diabolical  detail  and  fertility  of  imagination 
worthy  a  Breughel,  that  it  recalls  to  one's  mind  the  laboured  il- 
luminations of  our  old  missals.  Notwithstanding  its  sins  against 
pure  taste,  there  is  often  much  that  is  good  in  the  church's  hu- 
mour; nor,  despite  the  reverence  due  to  the  holy  character  of  the 
subject,  is  it  possible  to  repress  a  smile  at  the  sly  malice  of  the 
monkish  illuminator,  when  he  decks  out  the  pharisee  in  the  robes 
and  jewels  of  some  neighbouring  bishop  ;  or  at  the  prurient  ima- 
gination of  the  cloister,  when  it  breaks  forth  in  warm  delinea- 
t  on  of  all  the  charms  and  temptations  by  which  sin  can  lead  poor 
man  astray. 

As  we  were  looking  at  the  church,  the  Wallack  priest  came 
up  and  spoke  to  us.  He  was  dressed  in  a  very  white  linen  shirt, 
fashioned  like  that  of  the  common  peasant,  and  fastened  round 
his  waist  by  a  leathern  belt;  loose  linen  trowsers  formed  his 
nether  habit,  and  the  rude  sandal  of  the  country  served  as  co- 
vering for  his  feet.  Except  from  a  somewhat  greater  neatness  of 
person,  and  the  long  black  beard  which  hung  down  to  his  breast, 
the  Wallack  priest  was  in  no  way  distinguished  from  the  hum- 
blest of  his  flock.  With  just  enough  education  to  read  the  ser- 
vice of  the  church,  just  enough  wealth  to  make  them  sympathize 
with  the  poor,  and  just  enough  religion  to  enable  them  to  console 
them  in  their  afflictions,  these  men  exercise  a  greater  power  over 
the  simple  peasant  than  the  most  cunning  Jesuit,  the  most  wealthy 
Episcopalian,  or  the  most  rigid  Calvinist.  This  is  a  strong  point 
in  favour  of  the  Wallack  priest;  but  I  suspect  he  owes  it  more  to 
his  position  than  his  character;  the  sympathy  of  equality  begets 
affection,  for  though  the  rich  may  pity  the  poor,  none  but  the 
poor  can  sympathize  with  them,  because  none  other  can  know 
their  wants  and  feelings. 

I  have  already  said^  that  the  Wallacks  belong  to  the  Greek 
church ;  and  in  accordance  with  its  rules,  the  lower  order  of 
the  clergy  or  the  parish-priests,  are  allowed  to  marry,  though 
the  monks  and  the  higher  dignitaries  are  condemned  to  celibacy. 
One  effect  which  results  from  the  strict  adherence  to  the  letter 
of  the  Gospel  in  this  matter,  is  to  make  the  priest's  wife  the  hap- 
piest woman  in  the  parish;  for,  as  he  can  be  but  "the  husband  of 
one  wife,"  he  takes  the  greatest  possible  care  not  to  lose  her, 
and  in  consequence  pays  a  heavy  tax  in  the  indulgence  of  whims 
and  humours,  an  opposition  to  which  might  endanger  his  partner's 


safety  and  condemn  him  to  a  state  of  single  misery.  The  educa- 
tion of  a  Wai  lack  priest  is  generally  very  low,  and  I  have  known 
cases  in  which  the  common  peasant  has  been  ordained  merely  on 
paying  the  stipulated  sum  to  the  bishop.  If  we  may  believe  the 
Hungarian  nobles,  the  Wallack  priest  is  characterized  by  cunning 
malice,  which  he  employs  to  maintain  his  power  over  the  pea- 
sant, to  enrich  himself,  and  to  foment  discord  between  landlord 
and  tenant.  The  fasts  and  feasts  of  the  Greek  church,  which 
extend  to  nearly  one-third  of  the  year,  and  during  which  the  pea- 
sant is  strictly  forbidden  to  labour  for  his  worldly  profit,  the 
priest  adroitly  avails  himself  of,  by  assuring  him  that  he  may 
labour  in  .God's  service; — which,  being  liberally  interpreted, 
means  his  priest's, — and  so  the  lazy  and  superstitious  Wallack, 
who  will  scarcely  move  a  limb  for  his  own  support,  willingly 
wastes  the  sweat  of  his  brow  in  tilling  the  Papa's  glebe  on  feast 
days,  and  thus  earns  his  soul's  salvation. 

The  prelates  of  the  Greek  church,  and  the  priests  officiating 
in  large  towns,  receive  a  better  education  than  those  of  the  vil- 
lages: and,  in  appearance  at  least,  have  an  air  of  greater  intel- 
ligence and  respectability.  The  dress  of  the  higher  class  of 
priests  is  the  same  as  that  so  common  in  Greece  and  Turkey, — a 
long  black  cloak  reaching  to  the  feet,  which,  with  the  beard  and 
black  locks  flowing  over  the  shoulders,  are  often  so  arranged  as 
to  show  no  small  portion  of  earthly  vanity.  I  am  not  fond  of 
priests  generally,— they  are  apt  to  have  sly  fat  minds,— but  I 
took  a  positive  dislike  to  these  fellows,  when  I  saw  the  looks 
they  directed  at  the  beautiful  half-naked  Wallack  girls,  who  al- 
ways stoop  down  to  kiss  the  Popa's  hand  whenever  they  pass 

As  political  agents  and  spies  of  the  Russian  court,  the  Wallack 
priests  are  said  to  be  made  use  of,  and  I  am  fully  inclined  to  be- 
lieve it ;  for  they  regard  the  Archbishop  of  Moscow  as  their  pri- 
mate, and  the  Emperor  of  Russia  as  the  head  of  their  church. 
The  ritual  of  the  Greek  church  in  Hungary,  contains  a  prayer 
for  the  Emperor  and  King, — such  is  the  title  of  the  sovereign  of 
Austria  and  Hungary, — the  last  part  only  of  which  the  Wallacks 
however  apply  to  their  own  monarch,  the  first  being  reserved 
for  the  Emperor  of  Russia.  This  account  I  have  heard,  not 
only  of  the  Wallacks,  but  also  of  the  Croatians  and  Sclavonians, 
among  whom  the  Greek  faith  is  equally  predominant,  and  where 
the  influence  of  Russia  is  still  farther  strengthened  by  analogy 
of  language.  A  few  years  ago,  when  Austria  was  supposed  to 


be  a  little  opposed  to  the  aggressive  strides  of  Russia,  a  Wallack 
almanac,  printed  at  Bucharest,  and  extensively  circulated  in 
Transylvania,  openly  called  upon  the  Wallacks  of  that  country 
to  wrest  the  power  from  the  Hungarian  usurpers,  and  boldly  as- 
sert their  own  right  to  the  land  of  their  fathers.  It  is  not,  there- 
fore, without  reason  that  Austria  has  feared  this  foreign  influ- 
ence in  the  heart  of  her  dominions,  nor  without  reason  that  she 
has  endeavoured  to  counteract  it.  Unfortunately,  however,  in- 
stead of  acting  in  a  frank  and  liberal  spirit,  equalizing  all  reli- 
gions, removing  causes  of  discontent,  and  undermining  the  influ- 
ence of  ignorance  by  the  diffusion  of  knowledge,  the  spirit  of 
Jesuitical  propagandism  has  been  let  loose  on  the  country,  and 
that  feeling  of  bitter  hatred  has  in  consequence  been  engendered, 
which  any  thing  like  persecution  is  always  sure  to  beget. 

The  plan  of  Government  was  to  form  a  Catholic  Greek,  or 
united  Greek  church,  as  it  is  called, — that  is,  a  church  in  almost 
all  doctrinal  and  essential  points  like  the  original  Greek,  but  ac- 
knowledging the  Roman  Pontiff  as  its  head.  The  marriage  of 
priests  and  the  use  of  the  vernacular  tongue  in  the  services  of 
the  church  wyere  yielded  by  the  politic  conclave  of  the  Vatican. 
The  temporal  powers  were  not  behindhand  in  concessions.  The 
members  of  the  Greek  church,  in  Transylvania,  had  hitherto 
been  excluded  from  a  share  in  the  Government;  the  Conformists 
were  offered  a  full  participation,  not  only  in  the  rights  but  in  the 
favours  also,. which  are  showered  on  the  Catholics.  By  dint  of 
such  means,  and  others  somewhat  less  justifiable,  the  scheme  suc- 
ceeded to  a  certain  extent,  the  priest  received  solid  reasons  for 
his  compliance  with  the  new  doctrines,  and  sometimes  brought 
over  his  flock  to  obedience.  In  other  cases,  especially  in  the 
valley  of  Hatszeg,  the  people  refused  to  change  their  religion  in 
spite  of  the  priest's  apostacy,  and  declined  his  offices,  wrhile  the 
Government,  on  the  other  hand,  refused  to  allow  any  other  to 
officiate,  so  that  instances  have  been  mentioned  to  me  of  villages 
in  which,  for  thirty  years,  no  Christian  ceremony,  or  sacrament, 
had  been  performed.  Men  had  been  born,  married,  and  had 
died  unchristened,  unblessed,  unshrived.  It  is  only  those  who 
know  the  sacred  character  with  which  the  superstitious  Wal- 
lack clothes  his  priest,  and  the  importance  he  attaches  to  the 
sacraments  of  his  church,  who  can  appreciate  the  strength  of  the 
feeling  which  induced  him  to  resist  the  one,  or  the  cruelty  which 
has  been  practised  in  depriving  him  of  the  other. 

Statistical  works  on  Transylvania  are  very  much  rarer  than 


on  Hungary,  and  even  those  which  exist  are  of  less  authority ; 
so  that  it  is  difficult  to  say,  with  accuracy,  what  the  proportion 
of  the  Wallacks  to  the  rest  of  the  inhabitants  is,  or  to  state  the 
relative  numbers  belonging  to  the  Greek  and  the  united  Greek 
churches.  According  to  the  best  authority  I  can  command  at 
present,  the  Wallacks  amount  to  about  eight  hundred  and  fifty 
thousand.  Now  the'^Schematismus"*  of  the  united  Greek  church 
of  1835,  gives  the  number  of  souls  professing  that  creed,  at  five 
hundred  and  fifty-one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  eighty-one,  so 
that  if  conscientiously  correct  (which  I  doubt)  it  would  give  the 
majority  very  much  in  their  favour.  The  clergy  as  well  as  the 
people  of  this  belief  enjoy  all  the  privileges  of  Catholics,  and 
their  bishop  has  a  seat  in  the  chamber.  According  to  the  work 
just  quoted,  they  have  at  Balasfalva  a  Lyceum,  Gymnasium,  and 
Normal  School,  with  an  abundant  array  of  professors  in  theology 
and  philosophy. 

As  far  as  I  am  aware,  the  members  of  the  pure  Greek  church 
of  Transylvania  have  no  place  of  education  for  their  priesthood, 
although  in  Hungary,  where  they  amount  to  a  million  and  a  half, 
they  have  a  college  at  Carlowitz,  which  generally  contains 
about  fifty  theological  students,  besides  schools,  in  Neusatz,  Mis- 
kolcz,  and  Temesvar.  Notwithstanding  this,  even  in  Hungary, 
and  still  more  in  Transylvania,  the  common  Wallack  priest  has 
for  the  most  part  no  better  education  than  the  village  school  has 
afforded,  and  no  more  learning  than  is  just  sufficient  to  get  through 
the  services  of  the  church. 

In  rambling  over  the  scattered  village  of  Vdrhely  in  search 
of  traces  of  former  times,  we  had  ample  opportunities  of  observ- 
ing the  state  of  its  present  occupants.  The  houses  of  the  Wal- 
lacks are  as  simple  as  possible.  They  generally  consist  of  only 
one  small  room,  in  which  old  and  young,  men  and  women,  are 
indiscriminately  mixed,  and  not  unfrequently  too  the  pigs  and 
fowls  come  in  for  their  share  of  the  accommodation.  The  ma- 
terial of  the  building  is  usually  the  unhewn  stems  of  trees  lined 
inside  with  mud,  and  covered  with  a  very  high  roof,  composed 
of  straw,  thrown  carelessly  on,  and  frequently  retained  in  its 
place  by  branches  of  trees  hung  across  it.  I  need  not  point  out 
to  the  reader  the  difference  between  this  hovel  and  the  many- 
chambered  dwelling  of  the  Magyar,  the  white  walls  and  careful 

*  Schematismusvenerabilis  Cleri  GrseciRitus  Catholicorum  Dioeceseos 
Frogarastensis,  in  Transylvania,  pro  anno  a  Christo  nato  1835?  ab  unione 
cum  Ecclesia  Romaria  138.  Blasii,  typis  Seminarii  Dicecesani. 



thatch  of  which  would  do  honour  to  a  cottage  orne  of  the  Isle 
of  Wight.  Under  the  overhanging  roof  are  laid  out  in  summer 
the  beds  of  the  whole  family,  sometimes  shaded  by  a  decent  cur- 
tain ;  and  before  the  door  is  generally  that  semi-fluid  mass  yclept 
a  puddle,  where  the  pigs  and  children  indulge  in  their  siesta. 
As  we  passed  one  door  a  group  of  urchins  were  quarrelling  with 
their  unclean  companions  for  the  enjoyment  of  a  large  melon, 
which  was  fast  disappearing  in  the  struggle,  while  an  old  woman 
sat  listlessly  watching  the  strife.  I  shall  not  easily  forget  the 
figure  this  woman  presented.  With  no  sort  of  covering  save  the 
linen  shift,  which  was  open  as  low  as  the  waist,  its  whiteness 
strangely  contrasting  with  the  colour  of  the  body  it  should  have 
concealed, — the  blear  eye  and  vacant  gaze  of  extreme  age,  the 
clotted  masses  of  hair  bound  with  a  narrow  fillet  round  the  head, 
the  fleshless  legs,  and  the  long  pendulous  breasts  exposed  with- 
out any  idea  of  shame,  presented  a  picture,  the  horrors  of  which 
I  have  rarely  seen  equalled.  And  to  such  a  state  is  the  Wallack 
woman,  so  beautiful  in  the  freshness  of  youth,  reduced  before  she 
has  arrived  at  what  we  should  call  a  middle  age.  This  is  as 
much  owing  to  hard  labour,  as  to  bad  nourishment  and  exposure 
to  the  sun.  The  very  early  marriages,  too,  common  among  the 
Wallacks,  aid  this  premature  decline.  Girls  frequently  marry 
at  thirteen  or  fourteen,  and  the  men  rarely  later  than  eighteen. 

I  remember  Baron  B coming  in  laughing  one  day  at  a 

request  which  a  boy  of  fourteen  had  just  made  to  be  allowed  to 
marry,  a  request  to  which  he  had  of  course  not  assented.  If  a 
peasant  is  asked  what  he  wants  a  wife  for,  he  usually  answers 
to  comb  him  and  keep  him  clean. 

The  Wallack  woman  is  never  by  any  chance  seen  idle.  As 
she  returns  from  market  it  is  her  breast  that  is  bulged  out  with 
the  purchases  of  the  day;*  it  is  her  head  that  bears  the  water 
from  the  village  well ;  she  dyes  the  wool  or  flax,  spins  the  thread, 
weaves  the  web,  and  makes  the  dresses  of  her  family.  In  har- 
vest she  joins  the  men  in  cutting  the  corn,  and,  though  less  strong, 
she  is  more  active  and  willing  at  the  task.  She  uses  the  spindle 
and  distaff  as  the  princesses  of  Homer  did,  and  as  they  are  still 
used  in  the  Campagna  of  Rome,  arid  they  are  scarcely  ever  out 

*  Nothing  can  be  more  ludicrous  than  the  appearance  these  women 
sometimes  present.  The  front  of  the  chemise  is  always  open,  and,  amonjj 
other  purposes,  serves  that  of  a  pocket.  A  woman  coming  from  market 
often  fills  it  with  cabbages,  meat,  and  perhaps  a  dozen  other  articles, 
forming  altogether  a  most  astounding  protuberance,- 

VOL.  II. — 8 


of  her  hand.  You  may  see  her  at  the  market  suckling  her  child, 
higgling  for  her  eggs  and  butter,  and  twirling  her  spindle  at  the 
same  time,  with  a  dexterity  really  astonishing.  As  far  as  clean- 
liness goes,  however,  she  is  a  bad  housewife ;  nor  does  her  labour 
produce  great  effects.  Among,  the.  German  settlers  it  is  a  pro- 
verb, "to  be  as  busy  as  a  Wallack  woman,  and  do  as  little." 
The  dress,  which  I  have  already  described,  is  with  some  varia- 
tions every  where  the  same.  The  apron  has  sometimes  little  or 
no  fringe,  and  at  other  times  is  little  else  than  fringe.  In  winter 
they  commonly  wear  the  same  thick  pantaloons  as  <the  men>  cover 
themselves  with  a  guba,  or  pelzrockel,  and  wrap  up  the  feet  in 
cloth  sandals.. 

The  pattern  of  the  aprons,  in  which  greens  and  feds,  blues 
and  blacks,  are  the  most  common  colours,  reminded  me  very 
strongly  of  the  Scotch  plaid,  especially  at  the  borders,  where  the 
colours  often  cross  and  form  the  exact  tartan  patterns:  but  J  was 
still  more  struck  when  I  observed  the  well  known  shepherd's 
plaid,  the  .common  black  and  white  check,  I  bought  one  piece 
of  this  kind,  and  Scotchmen,  to  whom  I  have  shown  it,  at  once 
claimed  it  as  their  own.  It  is  generally  of  very  coarse  texture, 
being  spun  from  the  long  wool  of  the  common  sheep,  and  is 
loosely  woven.  The  dyes  which  the  Wallacks  manage  to  give 
their  cloths,  are  celebrated  for  their  brilliancy  and  durability. 
The  mention  of  Scotch  plaids  reminds  me  that  I  have  seen  some 
author,  I  think  Herodotus,  quoted  as  an  authority  tha.t  the  Aga- 
thyrsse,  said  to  have  been  the  ancient  inhabitants  of  Dacia^  owned 
the  same  origin  as  the.  Picts  of  Scotland.  Without  entering  into 
such  a  knotty  discussion,  I  merely  throw  out  for  the  considera- 
tion of  Gaelic  antiquaries  the  facts,  that  the  Wallacks  wear  the 
tartan,  that  the  Wallacks  love  the  bagpipe,  and  that  the  Wallacks 
drink  an  inordinate  quantity  of  sliwowitz,  alias  .mountain  dew,— 
the  which  I  hold  to  be  strong  marks  of  similarity  of  taste,  if  not 
of  identity  of  origin.  .,  './  •.*;?  ^7;,  / 

In  appearance,  the  common  Wallack  presents  a  decided  dif- 
ference from  either  Magyar",  Sclave,  or  German.  In  height,  I 
should  say,  that  he  was  below  the  medium,  and  generally  rather 
slightly  built  and  thin.  I  His  features  are  often  fine,  the;  nose 
arched,  the  eyes  dark,  the  hair  long,  black,  and  wavy,  but  the 
expression  too  often  one  of  fear  and  cunning  to  be  agreeable.  I 
seldom  remember  to  have  seen  among  them  the  dull  heavy  look 
of  the  Sclavack,  but  still  more  rarely  the  proud  self-respecting 
carriage  of  the  Magyar.  Seventeen  hundred  years'  subjection 



has  done  its  work;  and  I  can  readily  believe  that  many  of  the 
vices  attributed  to  the  Wallacks  are  possessed  by  them, — for  they 
are  the  vices  of  slaves.  They  are  not,  however,  without  their 
redeeming  qualities. 

In  examining  the  characteristics  of  the  Wallack,  if  I  appear 
somewhat  as  his  apologist,  it  is  because  I  did  not  find  him  so 
bad  as  he  was  described  to  me,  and  because  it  is  natural  to  in- 
terest oneself  rather  in  defending  the  weak  than  in  strengthening 
the  strong. 

The  Wallack  is  generally  considered  treacherous,  revengeful, 
and  entirely  deficient  in  -gratitude.  If  once  insulted,  he  is  said 
to  carry  the  recollection  of  it  till  opportunity  favours  his  weakness 
and  enables  him  to  accomplish  his  revenge.  This  is  rather  his 
misfortune  than  his  fault.  If  .stronger,  like  other  people,  he  would 
revenge  himself  without  waiting. 

Cowardice  is  another  fault  very  commonly  attributed  to  the 

Wallack.  I  remember  Count  S saying,  he  believed  every 

other  European,  except  the  Neapolitan  and  Wallack,  might  be 
made  to  fight.  It  is  certain  that  nothing  depresses  the  courage 
so  surely  as  subjection,  and  so  long  a  period  of  it  as  these  people 
have  endured  cannot  have  been  without  effect;  yet  the  Wallack 
peasant  is  a  bold  and  successful  smuggler,  and  no  one  is  more 
ready  to  attack  a  wolf  or  bear ;  but  it  is  hard  to  persuade  any, 
except  very  stupid  men,  to  fight  without  a  better  object  than 
that  of  adding  to  the  glory  of  those  they  do  not  love.  A  long 
succession  of  ill  treatment  had  rendered  them  timid  and  suspicious. 
A  few  years  ago,  a  German  Count  settled  among  the  Wallacks, 
and  with  the  kindest  intentions  endeavoured  to  excite  them  to 
industry  by  giving  rewards  to  those  who  best  cultivated  their 
land.  For  this  purpose,  all  the  peasants  of  the  village  were  as- 
sembled together  with  due  solemnity,  but  no  sooner  did  their 
seigneur  appear  among  them  than  the  whole  assemblage,  as 
though  seized  with  a  panic,  started  off,  and  could  never  be  got 
together  again.  They  were  firmly  persuaded  that  some  trick 
was  to  be  played  upon  them;  as  for  any  one  doing  them  a  ser- 
vice for  their  own  sakes,  experience  had  not  taught  them  to  think 
such  a  thing  possible.  The  treatment  of  the  peasantry,  how- 
ever, improves  every  year  with  the  improved  knowledge  of  their 
masters.  I  knew  an  old  Countess  in  Transylvania  who  used  to 
lament  that  "  times  were  sadly  changed, — peasants  were  no 
longer  so  respectful  as  they  used  to  be;"^she  could  remember 
walking  to  church  on  the  backs  of  the  peasants  who  knelt  down 


in  the  mud  to  allow  her  to  pass  over  them  without  soiling  her 
shoes.  She  could  also  remember,  though  less  partial  to  the 
recollection,  a  rising  of  the  peasantry,  when  nothing  but  the 
kindness  with  which  her  mother  had  generally  treated  them, 
saved  her  from  the  cruel  death  which  many  of  her  neighbours 
met  with. 

The  Magyar  peasant  holds  the  Wallacks  in  the  most  sovereign 
contempt.  He  calls  them  a  "  people  who  let  their  shirts  hang 
out,"  from  the  manner  in  which  they  wear  that  article  of  clothing 
over  the  lower  part  of  their  dress;  and  classes  them  with  Jews 
and  Gipsies.  Even  when  living  in  the  same  village,  the  Magyar 
never  intermarries  with  the  Wallack. 

That  the  Wallack  is  idle  and  drunken  it  would  be  very  diffi- 
cult to  deny.  Even  in  the  midst  of  harvest  you  will  see  him 
lying  in  the  sun  sleeping  all  the  more  comfortably  because  he 
knows  he  ought  to  be  working.  His  com  is  always  the  last 
cut,  and  it  is  very  often  left  to  shell  on  the  ground  for  want  of 
timely  gathering;  yet  scarcely  a  winter  passes  that  he  is  not 
starving  with  hunger.  If  he  has  a  wagon  to  drive,  he  is  gene- 
rally found  asleep  at  the  bottom  of  it;  if  he  has  a  message  to 
carry,  ten  to  one  but  he  gets  drunk  on  the  way,  and  sleeps  over 
the  time  in  which  it  should  be  executed.  But  if  it  be  difficult  to 
deny  these  faults,  it  is  easy  to  find  a  palliation  for  them.  The 
half- forced  labour  with  which  the  Hungarian  peasants  pay  their 
rent,  has  the  natural  tendency  to  produce  not  only  a  disposition, 
but  a  determination  to  do  as  little  as  possible  in  any  given  time. 
Add  to  this,  that  at  least  a  third  of  the  year  is  occupied  by  feasts 
and  fasts,  when,  by  their  religion,  labour  is  forbidden  them;  that 
the  double  tithes  of  the  church  and  landlord  check  improvement; 
that  the  injustice  with  which  they  have  been  treated  has  destroyed 
all  confidence  in  justice,  and  every  sentiment  of  security;  and 
it  will  not  then  be  difficult  to  guess  why  they  are  idle.  The 
weakness  of  body  induced  by  bad  nourishment,  and  still  more  by 
the  fasts  of  the  Greek  church,  which  are  maintained  with  an 
austerity  of  which  Catholicism  has  no  idea,  and  which  often  re- 
duces them  to  the  last  degree  of  debility,  and  sometimes  even 
causes  death,  is  another  very  efficient  cause.  I  have  often  heard 
this  alluded  to  by  land-owners,  who  have  declared,  that  with 
the  best  will  the  Wallack  could  not  perform  the  same  amount  of 
labour  as  the  well-fed  German  or  Magyar.  An  English  labourer, 
of  that  sturdy  independent  caste  which  is  not  yet,  thank  God, 
extinct  among  us,  observed  to  his  travelled  master,  who  was  tell- 



ing  him  with  how  much  less  food  the  poor  on  the  Continent  were 
contented,  "  Look  ye,  sir,  them  foreign  chaps  may  eat  and  drink 
less  than  we  do,  but  I'll  warrant  they  work  less  too.  Them  as 
does  not  live  well,  can't  work  well."  Never  did  philosophy 
utter  a  more  certain  truth. 

Another  cause  for  laziness  may  be  found  in  the  paucity  of  the 
Wallack's  wants,  and  in  the  ease  with  which  they  are  supplied. 
The  earth,  almost  spontaneously,  affords  him  maize  for  his  po- 
lenta,—or  mamaliga,  as  he  calls  it, — and  his  wife  manufactures 
from  the  wool  and  hemp  of  his  little  farm  all  that  is  required  for 
his  household  use  and  personal  clothing. 

Many  Hungarians,  I  know,  hold  that  it  would  be  impossible 
to  cultivate,  were  rents  substituted  for  Robot,  especially  where 
the  peasantry  are  Wallacks;  but  only  let  commerce  open  a  fair 
market  and  introduce  desirable  objects  of  purchase,  and  the  Wai- 
lack  will  scarcely  belie  principles  of  which  all  ages  and  nations 
have  proved  the  truth.  There  is  no  want  of  enterprise  among 
them,  for  nothing  pleases  them  more  than  a  little  commercial 
speculation.  Should  a  peculiarly  fine  season  have  sent  a  better 
crop  than  usual,  the  Wallaek  will  load  his  little  wagon,  harness 
his  oxen,  provide  himself  with  his  maize  loaf  and  bit  of  bacon, 
and  set  off  for  some  distant  market  where  he  thinks  he  can  turn 
his  produce  to  account.  It  is  true,  he  sleeps  on  the  top  of  his 
load  the  whole  way,  perhaps  he  drinks  a  good  part  of  the  money 
before  he  gets  back,  probably  a  Jew  cheats  him  out  of  the  rest 
of  it  in  exchange  for  some  worthless  trinkets  for  his  wife, — still 
the  spirit  of  commercial  enterprise  is  there,  little  as  its  benefits 
are  felt. 

When  the  new  road  was  Cutting  between  Orsova  and  Mol- 
dova, there  was  ho  difficulty  in  finding  Wallaek  workmen  at 
eight  pence  per  day,  though  they  were  employed  at  a  labour  to 
which  they  were  unaccustomed,  which  prevented  them  from  re- 
turning to  their  houses,  obliged  their  wives  to  bring  them  food 
from  a  great  distance^  and  exposed  them  to  many  inconveniences 
attendant  on  the  nature  of  the  undertaking.  Regular  payment 
has  great  attractions;  and,  if  successful  in  one  case,  there  is 
every  reason  to  believe  it  would  be  so  in  others  where  the  cir- 
cumstances are  still  more  favourable. 

When  I  hear  the  Wallaek  peasant  accused  of  want  of  grati- 
tude, I  am  apt  to  lose  patience,  for  he  has  had  so  very  little  op- 
portunity of  indulging  in  that  feeling,  that  it  is  rather  the  fault 

J'4..    8* 


of  his  oppressors  than  of  himself,  if  it  be  totally  eradicated  from 
his  nature.  But  I  question  the  fact:  in  some  cases,  his  conduct 
bears  the  appearance  of  ingratitude,  merely  because  he  suspects 
the  motive  with  which  a  benefit  is  conferred ;  but  when  under- 
stood, it  is  felt  and  acknowledged.  An  intimate  friend  of  mine, 
who,  during  the  prevalence  of  the  cholera  which  raged  so  fear- 
fully in  Transylvania  in  1836,  remained  in  his  village,  and  who, 
aided  by  his  lady,  rendered  every  assistance  which  it  was  possi- 
ble, both  by  medicine  and  personal  advice,  to  the  poor  around 
him,  had  occasion,  after  the  cessation  of  the  disease,  and  at  the 
commencement  of  harvest,  to  leave  home  for  a  short  time.  He 
hastened  back,  anxious  to  provide  for  the  exigencies  of  the  sea- 
son, which  require  the  greatest  exertions  on  the  part  of  the  mas- 
ter in  this  country,  and  on  his  arrival  he  was  astonished  to  find 
every  thing  finished.  The  peasants  had  collected  together  of 
their  own  accord,  and  agreed  to  join  their  labour,  cut  his  corn, 
and  get  in  his  harvest  before  he  came  back,  to  show  their  grati- 
tude for  his  kindness  to  them  in  the  hour  of  need. 

Ignorant  as  the  Wallack  peasant  may  be,  he  can  distinguish 
between  the  man  who  merely  wishes  to  benefit  him  and  the  man 
who  really  does  so.  Every  landlord  knows,  that  to  gain  his 
Wallack  peasants'  hearts,  it  is  only  necessary  that  he  should 
look  in  upon  their  feasts,  and  accept  their  invitations  to  mar- 
riages and  funerals;  in  short,  it  is  only  necessary  that  he  should 
appear  to  be  interested  in  what  really  interests  them,  and  he  is 
certain  of  their  love. 

The  intractable  obstinacy,  which  is  often  charged  against 
these  people  because  they  refuse  instruction  and  decline  well- 
meant  but  injudicious  efforts  to  improve  them,  often  arises  from 
the  affection  they  entertain  for  their  national  language  and  reli- 
gion, and  from  the  fear  that  such  means  are  employed  only  to 
rob  them  of  these  their  only  treasures.  A  gentleman,  who  was 
desirous  of  improving  his  peasantry,  established  a  school,  ap- 
pointed and  paid  a  master,  and  ordered  that  all  the  children 
should  attend.  His  chief  object  was  to  teach  the  Magyar  lan- 
guage, an  object  very  desirable,  and  one  which,  by  judicious  ma- 
nagement, might  be  effected  in  time;  but,  unfortunately,  in  the 
present  instance,  this  was  the  first  thing  begun  with.  On  revisiting 
his  estate,  after  half  a  year's  absence,  he  found  his  school-room 
entirely  deserted,  and  the  schoolmaster  declaring  that  he  could 
get  no  one  to  come  to  him.  On  remonstrating  with  them,  the 
peasants,  with  that  stupid  air  which  the  countryman  can  assume 


so  well  when  he  wishes  to  conceal  his  cunning,  answered,  that 
they  were  afraid  their  children  might  become  wiser  than  them- 
selves and  cease  to  obey  them.  In  all  probability,  the  priest 
had  become  alarmed,  excited  the  fears  of  his  flock,  and  forbidden 
them  the  school.  A  little  prudence,  personal  attention,  and 
foresight,  would  easily  overcome  such  obstacles. 

One  of  the  Wallack's  most  prominent  virtues  is,  his  love  for 
his  parents,  and  his  respect  and  care  for  them  in  their  old  age. 
They  would  consider  it  a  disgrace  to  allow  any  one  else  to  sup- 
port their  aged  and  poor,  while  they  could  do  it  themselves;  and 
I  certainly  do  not  remember  to  have  seen  any  beggars  among 
them.  The  idiot  is  here,  as  with  all  the  peasants  of  Hungary, 
considered  a  privileged  person,  and  is  allowed  to  make  himself 
at  home  in  every  cottage. 

There  is,  among  the  Wallacks,  a  peculiar  tenacity  to  localities, 
which,  besides  having  maintained  them  in  this  land,  where  Ro- 
mans, Goths,  Vandals,  and  Huns,  in  vain  tried  to  gain  a  perma- 
nent footing,  still  attaches  them,  notwithstanding  the  injuries  and 
injustice  to  which  they  are  exposed,  so  forcibly  to  their  native 
villages,  that  if  a  possibility  of  existence  remains,  they  rarely 
quit  them.  This  tenacity  is  an  important  fact,  and  ought  to 
make  the  Magyars  very  cautious  how  they  attempt  to  force  pre- 
maturely any  reform  in  language,  religion,  or  customs,  on  such 
a  people.  They  may,  perhaps,  be  led, — no  one  has  yet  been  able 
to  drive  them.  Rude  as  he  is  the  Wallack  feels  deeply ;  he 
loves  the  land  his  fathers  tilled,  the  house  his  fathers  lived  in, 
the  soil  where  their  bones  have  found  a  resting-place.  Such 
sentiments  may  sometimes  interfere  with  the  schemes  of  the  im- 
prover, or  the  profits  of  the  speculator;  but,  utilitarian  as  I  am, 
I  should  be  sorry  to  see  this  stuff  of  the  heart  bartered  for  such 
gains  as  theirs:  I  hate  the  pseudo-philosophy  which  cannot  ap- 
preciate the  utility  of  sentiment  and  beauty. 

United  to  a  very  strong  religious  feeling,  which  they  manifest 
sufficiently  by  the  exertions  they  make  to  obtain  suitable  places 
of  worship,  they  possess  a  mass  of  superstition  which  mixes  it- 
self up  with  every  action  of  their  lives.  Many  of  their  beliefs 
and  superstitious  observances  strongly  resemble  those  of  some 
other  nations;  whether  from  direct  communication,  or  because 
similarity  of  circumstances  produces  similarity  of  ideas,  I  leave 
others  to  decide.  The  notion  of  hidden  treasures  being  concealed 
under  old  castles,  in  tombs,  and  such  like  places,  is  very  com- 
mon; and,  as  in  Tartary  and  Circassia,  the  peasants  here  be- 


lieve  them  to  be  guarded  by  some  evil  spirit.  In  the  old  castle 
of  Gyalu,  formerly  a  fortress  of  Rakotzy,  now  rendered  a  very 
agreeable  residence  by  Count  Banffy,  it  has  always  been  said 
that  the  treasures  of  that  unfortunate  prince  were  buried.  A 
few  years  since,  some  of  the  servants  obtained  permission  to  dig 
under  the  great  gateway,  where  rumour  located  the  hidden 
wealth,  and  to  search  for  it,  and  they  proceeded  accordingly 
with  their  task;  but  on  the  second  day,  or  rather  night, — for 
they  worked  in  darkness, — something  so  mysterious  and  horrible 
took  place,  that  one  of  the  men  died  of  fright  soon  after,  and 
the  others  begged  permission  to  be  sent  away,  though  nothing 
could  ever  draw  from  them  the  cause  of  their  alarm,  or  induce 
them  to  recommence  their  search. 

Like  the  Turks,  the  Wallacks  ornament  their  burial  places 
by  planting  a  tree  at  the  head  and  another  at  the  foot  of 
every  grave ;  but,  instead  of  the  funereal  cypress,  they  plant  the 
swetshen  or  plum,  from  which  they  make  their  brandy,— a  very  lite- 
ral illustration  "  of  seeking  consolation  from  the  tomb."  For  the 
death  of  near  relations,  they  mourn  by  going  bare-headed  for  a 
certain  time — a  severe  test  of  sincerity  in  a  country  where  the 
excesses  of  heat  and  cold  are  so  great  as  here. 

The  village- well  is  still,  all  over  Hungary,  the  favourite  gos- 
siping spot  for  matrons  and  maids.  There  is  a  custom  which  I 
often  noticed  among  the  Wallacks,  of  throwing  over  a  small  quan- 
tity of  the  water  from  the  full  pitcher  before  it  is  carried  away. 
It  appears  that  this  is  done  to  appease  the  spirit  of  the  well,  who 
might  otherwise  make  her  pure  draught  an  evil-bearing  potion. 
I  las  this  not  some  analogy  to  the  Roman  libations  to  their  gods  ? 
The  analogy,  if  it  be  one,  is  strengthened  by  the  classically- 
formed  earthen  vessels  which  the  Wallacks  commonly  use,  and 
which  are  often  exceedingly  elegant. 

The  only  occupation  in  which  the  Wallack  shows  any  pecu- 
liar talent,  is  that  of  a  carpenter;  here,  I  believe,  he  is  allowed 
to  excel.  His  house  frequently  bears  proof  of  his  taste  in  this 
particular  in  the  wooden  ornaments  about  the  gates,  windows, 
and  roof;  and  it  is  rarely  the  church  and  cross  are  not  adorned 
with  the  rude  carvings  of  the  Wallack's  knife.  Domestic  manu- 
factures, too,  assume  an  importance  unknown  amongst  more  civil- 
ized people.  The  Wallack  grows  his  own  flax,  his  wife  spins  it 
into  yarn,  weaves  it  into  cloth,  dyes  it  of  various  colours,  cuts  it 
out,  and  works  it  up  into  clothes  for  her  family.  The  wool  goes 
through  nearly  the  same  processes;  and  is  made  to  serve  for  leg- 


wrappings,  aprons,  jackets,  and  cloaks.  The  sheepskin  cap  and 
sandals  are  mostly  of  home  fabrication,  so  that  this  ignorant  pea- 
sant has  more  knowledge  of  the  ways  and  means  of  procuring 
for  himself  what  is  necessary  for  his  existence  and  happiness  than 
half  the  wise  men  of  Europe:  that  he  should  not,  however,  be 
a  perfect  master  of  so  many  trades  is  scarcely  wonderful. 

Varhely  contains  some  sad  specimens  of  essays  in  the  mill- 
wright's art.  Along  the  brook,  which  bounds  one  side  of 
the  village,  we  observed  a  number  of  small  wooden  buildings 
placed  across  the  stream,  and  rising  considerably  above  its  sur- 
face. One  of  these  boxes,  about  eight  feet  square,  we  entered, 
and  found  it  a  very  primitive  mill,  managed  by  two  girls.  The 
wheel  was  horizontal,  and  placed  in  the  middle  of  the  stream, 
and  below  the  mill ;  the  water  falling  about  one  foot  on  the  some- 
what spoon-shaped  paddles.  I  do  not  know7  whether  the  reader 
ever  noticed  the  wheel  in  a  patent  chimney-top,  because  the  idea 
might  have  been  borrowed  from  a  Vdrhely  mill,  so  similar  are 
they  in  form. 

The  chief  amusement  of  the  Wallacks,  after  sleeping  and 
smoking,  is  dancing  to  the  bagpipe  or  fiddle.  On  the  Sunday 
evening,  a  dozen  men  will  collect  together,  and,  joining  arms, 
dance  in  a  circle,  alternately  advancing  and  retiring,  beating  time 
with  the  feet,  clapping  the  hands,  and  singing.  'The  women  in 
the  mean  time  stand  round,  waiting  till  one  or  more  of  the  men 
start  out  from  the  circle,  seize  their  fair  prey,  whirl  her  round 
for  some  time  in  a  rude  waltz,  and  then,  leaving  her,  return  to 
the  circle,  dance  again  the  same  round,  and  again,  as  the  fancy 
seizes,  choose  another  fair  one  for  the  waltz. 

The  Wallack  is  a  most  resolute  keeper  of  feasts,  and  he  very 
often  at  these  times  contracts  debts, — which  are  always  scrupu- 
lously paid, — to  enable  him  to  entertain,  with  becoming  honour, 
his  friends  of  the  neighbouring  villages.  On  such  occasions, 
oxen  and  sheep  are  roasted  whole ;  wine  and  brandy  flow  in  ri- 
vulets ;  the  seigneur  is  invited  in  the  good  old  fashion  to  come  and 
sanction  by  his  presence  his  peasants'  sports;  and  for  three  whole 
days  a  scene  of  wild  revelry,  which  often  ends  a  little  a  I'lrland- 
aise,  is  kept  up,  with  a  vigour  of  which  one  would  scarcely  have 
believed  them  capable. 

The  Wallacks,  especially  those  of  this  neighbourhood,  have  a 
custom  of  which  I  never  heard  elsewhere.  A  party  of  idle  young 
fellows  sell  themselves,  as  they  say,  to  the  devil,  for  a  term  of 
three,  five,  or  seven  years, — the  number  must  be  unequal,  or  the 


devil  will  not  hold  the  bargain, — engaging  to  dance  without 
ceasing  during  the  whole  of  that  period,  except  when  they  sleep; 
in  consideration  of  which,  they  expect  their  infernal  purchaser 
will  supply  them  with  food  and  wine  liberally,  and  render  them 
irresistible  among  the  rustic  belles.  Accordingly,  dressed  in 
their  gayest  attire,  these  merry  vagabonds  start  out  from  their 
native  village,  and  literally  dance  through  the  country.  Every 
where  they  are  received  with  open  arms;  the  men  glad  of  an  ex- 
cuse for  jollity,  the  women  anxious,  perhaps,  to  prove  their  pow- 
er, all  unite  to  feed  and  fete  the  devil's  dancers ;  so  that  it  is 
scarcely  wonderful  there  should  be  willing  slaves  to  so  merry  a 
servitude.  When  their  time  is  up  they  return  home,  and  become 
quiet  peasants  for  the  rest  of  their  lives. 

We  had  now  spent  two  or  three  days  at  Varhely,  and  it  was 
quite  time  we  should  relieve  the  hospitable  family  who  had  re- 
ceived us  from  the  burden  of  our  visit.  When  we  found  it  so 
late  on  the  second  day,  that  we  could  scarcely  get  to  the  next 
place  before  dark  hour,  I  desired  the  servant  to  intimate  our 
wish  to  trespass  on  them  for  another  night.  A  smile  lit  up  the 
old  lady's  countenance  as  she  came  in,  and  assured  us,  as  eloquent- 
ly as  words  which  we  did  not  understand,  and  looks  that  we  did, 
could  do,  that  we  were  welcome  to  stay  as  long  as  we  pleased. 
It  was  a  constant  cause  of  regret  to  us  that  we  could  only  com- 
municate with  these  good  people  through  the  servant,  for  they 
frequently  came  and  sat  with  us;  and  indeed  the  pretty  little 
daughter  was  generally  at  work  in  our  apartment  the  whole 
afternoon.  Though  frugal,  our  fare  had  been  good;  and  our 
supper  of  this  evening  may  serve  as  a  sample.  First,  came  on  a 
paprika  hendel, — not  a  stewed  fowl  with  red  pepper,  such  as  is 
often  served  up  at  more  polished  tables, — but  a  large  tureen  of 
rich  greasy  soup,  red  with  paprika,  and  flavoured  by  a  couple  of 
fowls  cut  up  and  swimming  in  it.  After  this,  came  a  dish  made 
of  broken  barley  and  milk,  forming  a  thickish  paste,  and,  though 
not  tempting  in  appearance,  very  good.  Some  remarkably  fine 
potatoes,  boiled  in  their  jackets,  and  some  fresh  butter,  followed 
by  a  dessert  of  plums,  apples,  pears,  and  grapes,  concluded  the 
meal.  Meat  we  had  only  once,  for  in  these  small  villages  where 
no  rich  proprietor  lives,  butchers'  meat  cannot  always  be  obtained. 
Wine  or  beer,  as  I  have  said,  they  had  absolutely  none;  and, 
but  for  the  thoughtfulness  of  the  lady  of  the  Mosaic,  we  should 
have  been  condemned  to  water. 

Here,  as  well  as  in  other  parts  of  Transylvania,  we  enjoyed 


the  luxury  of  buffalo's  cream  with  our  coffee.  Paris  must  hide 
her  head  for  very  shame, — she  has  no  idea  of  the  luxury  of  true 
cafe,  a  la  creme.  In  the  first  place,  the  buffalo's  milk  is  much 
richer  than  that  of  the  cow,  and  then  the  method  of  preparing 
it  here  is  perfect.  Over-night,  a  little  three-legged  earthen  pot, 
a  labosj  is  placed  over  a  very  slow  fire,  and,  as  the  cream  rises 
to  the  surface  and  clots,  it  is  gently  moved  on  one  side  with  a 
spoon  to  allow  more  to  rise  on  the  vacant  space.  This  is  placed 
aside,  and  the  next  morning  is  boiled  for  use ;  of  course,  the  clot 
is  the  best  part,  and  a.  good  house-wife  divides  it  out  with  great 
exactness.  Buffaloes,  rarely  seen  in  Hungary,  are  exceedingly 
common  here,  and  their  slow  movements  seem  to  suit  the  Wai- 
lack  precisely.  Their  power  is  reckoned  equal  to  that  of  twice 
as  many  oxen,  but  their  pace  is  only  half  as  fast.  In  hot 
weather,  the  sight  of  water  renders  them  beyond  all  control,  and 
many  amusing  tales  are  told  of  carriages  lodged  in  the  middle  of 
rivers,  spite  of  driver,  whip,  or  goad.  When  excited,  the  fury 
of  the  buffalo  is  said  to  be  terrific,  he  tramples  to  death  the  ob- 
ject of  his  rage,  and  a  year  rarely  happens  in  which  some  pea- 
sants do  not  fall  victims  to  these  shapeless  monsters. 

During  our  sojourn  at  Varhely,  we  observed  a  deficiency  of 
what  is  considered,  in  every  other  part  of  Europe,  the  most  ne- 
cessary article  of  bed-room  furniture,  and  for  which  it  was  rather 
perplexing  to  find  a  substitute.  It  is  odd  enough,  that  among 
the  old-fashioned  and  primitive  of  the  Transylvanians,  an  idea  of 
shame  is  attached  to  the  employment  of  such  articles  within  the 
precincts  of  the  buildings  they  inhabit.  This  might  be  account- 
ed for  by  the  circumstance  that  the  bed-rooms  were  always 
formerly,  and  even  still  are  among  the  less  wealthy,  used  as 
sitting-rooms;  but  it  would  appear  that  it  springs  from  a  deeper 
feeling,  for  the  Magyars  have  a  sense  of  cleanliness  and  of  de- 
cency connected  with  such  matters  which  the  traveller  will 
search  for  in  vain  over  the  rest  of  continental  Europe,  and  which 
even  we  should  consider  hyperdelicate.  None  have  more  preju- 
dices, if  such  they  can  be  called,  on  matters  of  decency,  than  the 
Hungarian  peasants.  Certain  duties,  which  the  delicate  English 
house-maid  does  not  consider  below  her,  the  Magyar  girl  cannot 
be  brought  to  perform ;  so  that  in  many  houses,  where  what  the 
old  people  call  dirty  German  customs  are  introduced — for  every 
thing  a  graybeard  thinks  dirty  or  immoral  he  calls  German—  a 
gipsy  girl  is  kept  expressly  to  execute  the  duties  necessarily 


arising  therefrom.     This  poor  creature,  in  consequence,  is  regard- 
ed as  unclean  by  the  rest  of  the  servants. 

From  the  evidently  straitened  circumstances  of  this  family, 
we  were  anxious  in  some  way  to  repay  them  for  the  trouble  we 
had  given  them,  and  the  servant  said  he  thought  it  would  be 
most  acceptable  in  money.  They  received  what  we  offered 
without  shame  or  pretended  hesitation.  I  was  not  less  pleased 
with  this,  than  with  the  kindness  and  courtesy  of  their  whole 
conduct  towards  us.  At  first,  when  asked  for  a  night's  lodging, 
they  would  not  hear  of  any  thing  in  the  way  of  remuneration ; 
but  when  we  had  stayed  some  days  with  them,  and  had  put  them 
to  considerable  expense,  and  when  they  saw  that  we  were  rich 
enough  to  pay,  they  then  no  longer  hesitated  to  receive  it. 




Valley  of  Hatszeg. — Wallack  Gallantry. — Transylvanian  Travelling. — 
Arrival  at  Vayda  Hunyad. — The  Gipsy  Girl. — Hunyadi  Janos. — Castle 
of  Hunyad.— The  painted  Tower. — A  Deputation. — A  rogue  found  out. 

— Deva. — Valley  of  the  Maros. — H taken  for  a  Spy. — Visit  to  the 

Mines  of  Nagy  Ag. — Politeness  from  a  Stranger. — Transylvanian  Post- 
office. — Sandstone  of  the  Felek. 

IT  was  a  cloudy  wet  day  that  we  turned  our  backs  on  Varhely, 
so  that  although  we  crossed  the  entire  valley,  or  rather  plain  of 
H&tszeg,  we  saw  but  little  of  its  beauty ;  occasionally  a  bright 
sunbeam  burst  out,  and  gave  us  a  glimpse  of  its  glories,  but  it 
passed  too  soon  to  allow  us  to  appreciate  or  enjoy  them.  We 
had  been  warned  that  the  roads  in  this  neighbourhood  were  bad, 
but  we  found  them  worse  even  than  we  had  expected,  and  yet 
this  is  the  shortest  and  most  direct  route  from  Transylvania  to 
the  Danube.  From  the  state,  however,  in  which  the  road  is 
kept,  often  so  as  to  be  dangerous,  and  at  times  even  impassable, 
the  one  by  Deva  and  Lugos,  though  much  longer,  is  used  in  pre- 

It  must  be  very  bad  weather  indeed  which  the  traveller,  in  a 
new  country,  cannot  turn  to  account  if  he  will ;  in  the  present 
instance  the  wet  muddy  road  afforded  us  an  opportunity  of  wit- 
nessing a  striking  example  of  Wallack  gallantry  and  Wallack 
modesty.  A  stout  peasant,  wrapped  up  in  his  guba  of  thick 
white  cloth,  was  riding  very  composedly  through  the  wet,  for  it 
could  not  hurt  him, — while  his  wife  was  trotting  in  the  mud  by 
his  side,  her  clothes — proh  pudor! — gathered  up  to  her  hips  to 
keep  them  out  of  the  dirt.  This  mode  of  disposing  of  their 
dress  is  exceedingly  common  among  the  Wallack  women,  and  it  is 
not  without  some  astonishment  that  the  stranger  sees  half  a  dozen 
of  them  prepare  in  this  manner  to  cross  a  brook,  which  they  do 
without  the  least  feeling  of  shame. 

The  town  of  Hatszeg  had  no  attraction  to  detain  us,  and  we 
started  next  morning  for  Hunyad,  which  we  were  assured  we 
VOL.  n. — 9 


should  reach  in  two  hours.  The  first  part  of  the  road  was  bad, 
and  we  began  to  doubt  if  we  should  arrive  so  soon  as  we  ex- 
pected. The  horses  and  driver  we  had  engaged  from  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Karansebes,  to  take  us  as  far  as  we  required — for 
in  this  part  of  Transylvania,  the  peasantry  are  so  poor  that  they 
have  few  horses,  and  use  either  oxen  or  buffaloes  for  agricultu- 
ral purposes — were  evidently  unequal  to  the  task.  I  wished 
much  to  persuade  our  coachman  to  let  me  take  a  relay  of  oxen, 
but  he  declared  his  horses  were  capable  of  any  thing,  and  would 
not  hear  of  help.  The  first  hill  beyond  Hatszeg  occupied  us 
an  hour,  for  the  road  was  nothing  more  than  soft  tenacious  clay, 
good  enough  perhaps  in  dry  weather,  but  now  almost  impassable. 
Fortunately  we  were  not  without  cause  for  consolation;  for  on 
getting  out  of  the  carriage  to  walk,  and  looking  back,  our  eyes 
fell  on  such  a  scene  as  I  do  not  think  the  world  can  equal  in  love- 
liness. The  plain,  from  Varhely  to  Hatszeg,  yellow  with  the 
over-ripe  maize,  traversed  by  half  a  dozen  streams,  broken  by 
low  hills,  and  sprinkled  over  with  cottages  and  country-houses, 
lay  stretched  out  at  our  feet,  its  mountain  boundaries  rising 
through  the  clouds,  which  hung  on  their  sides,  and  disclosing  their 
summits,  whitened  by  the  first  fall  of  the  autumn  snow,  and  all 
heightened  by  the  magic  lights  and  shades  of  a  fitful  sky,  formed 
a  picture  of  most  exquisite  beauty. 

The  first  hill  conquered,  we  descended  to  the  village  of  Szilvas, 
a  collection  of  poor  huts,  apparently  shut  out  from  the  world  by 
the  hills  which  surrounded  it  on  every  side.  Up  the  steepest  of 
these  hills  our  road  now  lay.  In  vain  the  horses  exerted  them- 
selves,— they  were  quite  tired  out.  As  we  passed  through  the 

village,  S had  observed  some  oxen  in  a  yard,  and  for  these 

we  now  sent.  But  their  Wallack  owner  saw  our  need,  and 
would  only  let  us  have  them  on  paying  an  exorbitant  sum,  and 
that,  too,  before  they  left  his  yard.  There  was  no  help;  the 
money  was  paid,  and  the  four  oxen  were  harnessed  to  the  four 
horses.  These  beasts,  however,  seemed  to  know  the  place,  and 
most  resolutely  declined  drawing  in  the  right  direction,  and  not 
all  the  flogging  and  pushing  of  the  drivers  could  prevent  them 
from  dragging  us  back  into  the  village.  The  peasant,  however, 
was  as  cunning  as  the  oxen,  and  he  determined  to  deceive  them 
by  going  another  way,  and,  by  crossing  the  ploughed  fields,  es- 
cape that  part  of  the  road.  So  far  all  went  well;  but  we  again 
reached  the  road,  and  now  both  horses  and  oxen  stood  stock  still ; 
they  seemed  to  have  come  to  a  mutual  agreement  to  draw  no  fur- 


ther.  As  for  flogging  and  shouting,  there  was  no  lack  of  either, 
for  there  were  five  of  us,  and  we  all  united  voices  and  hands  in 
the  labour.  The  beasts  only  kicked.  Again  we  sent  off  for  aid, 
and  comforted  ourselves  in  the  mean  time  with  the  spare  fare — 
some  hard-boiled  eggs  and  well  garlicked  salami — which  our 
prog-basket  afforded.  After  about  an  hour's  waiting  without 
any  appearance  of  the  arrival  of  fresh  relay — travelling  in  Tran- 
sylvania demandeth  much  patience — a  merry-looking  fellow,  with 
a  strong  arm  and  long  whip,  came  singing  by,  and  inquired  the 
reason  of  our  untimely  halt.  No  sooner  did  he  hear  that  want 
of  power,  not  want  of  will,  detained  us,  than  angry,  apparently 
at  the  unreasonable  conduct  of  the  cattle — with  whom  I  am  by 
no  means  sure  he  had  not,  like  the  Irish  whisperer,  some  secret 
intelligence — he  gave  a  few  such  persuading  flourishes  of  his  long 
whip,  that  off  set  both  oxen  and  horses,  nor  did  they  stop  their 
gallop  till  they  reached  the  top  of  the  mountain. 

While  we  waited  there  for  the  servant's  return  we  had  leisure 
to  enjoy  the  extensive  panorama  spread  out  before  us — plains, 
valleys,  rivers,  and  wooded  mountains,  backed  by  still  higher 
mountains  rising  over  each  other,  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach. 
The  valleys  of  Hatszeg  and  Hunyad,  the  plain  before  Varhely, 
the  hill  of  Deva,  with  its  ruined  castle,  lay  all  before  us  ;  beyond 
them  stretched  out  the  Iron-Door  Pass,  the  often-mentioned 
mountains  of  Wallachia,  and  the  gold-bearing  peaks  round  Sza- 
latna.  We  could  plainly  perceive  too  the  course  of  the  river 
Strehl,  now  formed  into  a  respectable  stream  by  the  union  of  the 
many  brooks  of  the  valley  of  Hatszeg,  and  which  had  cut  itself 
a  passage  through  the  rocks  to  the  Maros.  It  is  in  this  direction 
that  the  road  between  Hatszeg  and  Deva  ought  to  pass.  I  feel 
convinced  that  the  Roman  road  took  this  course,  and  as  soon  as 
ever  this  part  of  Transylvania  receives  its  fair  share  of  attention, 
— it  is  now  by  far  the  most  uncultivated  and  savage, — a  great 
commercial  road  will  undoubtedly  unite,  in  this  direction,  Tran- 
sylvania with  the  Danube. 

Before  we  reached  Hunyad,  H ,  who  had  been  left  at 

Varhely  in  hopes  of  getting  some  views  of  the  valley,  which, 
however,  the  cloudy  weather  prevented,  overtook  us  in  a  light 
wagon  of  the  country,  with  which  he  had  galloped  over  difficul- 
ties our  heavier  carriage  had  stuck  fast  in.  It  was  quite  dark 
when  we  stopped  before  some  house  where  the  sound  of  music 
led  us  to  suppose  we  had  found  an  inn.  We  were  mistaken,  how- 
ever, and  while  the  servant  was  making  inquiries,  and  receiving 


answers  which  he  could  not  understand,  as  to  the  whereabouts 
of  the  hostelry,  a  gipsy  girl  came  out  of  the  house,  and,  hearing 
the  nature  of  our  difficulty,  at  once  took  the  arrangement  of  the 
matter  on  herself.  At  a  single  bound  she  threw  herself  into 

H 's  wagon,  seated  herself  beside  him,  and,  giving  her  orders 

to  the  peasant,  desired  him  to  drive  through  the  river  up  the  steep 
bank  and  along  the  deep  road:  we  being  left  to  follow  them  to 
the  inn  as  best  we  could.  Before  we  arrived,  our  gipsy  guide 
had  roused  the  whole  house,  got  the  keys  of  the  chambers,  un- 
locked the  rooms,  and  while  we  were  yet  joking  H on  his 

adventure,  the  heroine  of  it  had  already  lit  the  fires,  mended  the 
cracked  stoves,*  got  the  carriage  unloaded,  laid  the  cloth,  and 
was  cooking  the  supper,  ere  it  was  yet  ordered.  Every  thing  was 
so  quickly  done,  that  it  had  an  air  of  conjuration  about  it.  It 
was  strange  to  find  one  whom,  five  minutes  before,  we  had  never 
even  seen,  already  our  guide,  our  hostess,  our  cook,  our  factotum. 
Nor  was  the  interest  lessened  when  we  had  time  to  observe  our 
mysterious  friend.  Lila  was  a  pretty  gipsy  girl  of  about  sixteen, 
with  features  more  regular  than  those  of  her  tribe  commonly  are, 
but  with  all  a  gipsy's  cunning  flattery  on  her  tongue.  She  was 
rather  fancifully  dressed,  for  over  the  Wallack  shirt  she  had  a 
bodice  of  scarlet  cloth,  embroidered  with  black.  The  coloured 
fillet  over  her  forehead  was  ornamented  with  a  gay  bow  in  front, 
and  behind  each  ear  was  a  nosegay  of  the  brightest  flowers. 
Her  rich  brown  hair,  parted  in  front,  fell  in  a  profusion  of  clus- 
tering curls  on  her  neck,  and  hung  down  the  back  in  the  long- 
braided  band  of  maidenhood.  She  spoke  alternately  Wallack, 
Magyar,  and  German,  as  she  in  turns  scolded,  directed,  and 
coaxed.  Before  we  ceased  wondering  at  so  pleasant  an  appari- 
tion, a  good  supper  was  smoking  on  the  table,  and  the  pretty 
gipsy  by  her  laughing  and  talking  almost  persuaded  us  that  we 
were  supping  on  ambrosia,  while  she  played  the  gentle  Hebe  to 
our  godships.  We  could  never  understand  the  mystery  which 
seemed  to  belong  to  Lila's  movements.  They  told  us  she  was  a 
gipsy  of  the  neighbourhood,  who  often  came  into  the  town,  and 
who  was  allowed  to  be  about  the  house  as  much  as  she  pleased. 

*  The  common  stoves  are  made  of  tiles  of  coarse  earthenware,  the  se- 
parate parts  being  united  together  by  clay,  which  of  course  requires  con- 
stant reparation,  especially  at  the  commencement  of  winter.  The  vessel 
of  water  which  Dr.  Arnot  observed  on  the  stoves  on  the  Continent,  and 
which  he  supposes  to  be  placed  there  to  supply  moisture  to  the  atmos- 
phere, is  intended  to  absorb  the  bad  smell  which  a  stove  often  emits. 

HUNYADI.  101 

had  no  occupation  there,  yet  she  had  done  every  thing.  The 
gipsies  are  generally  such  rogues  that  they  are  scarcely  permitted 
to  enter  any  house,  yet  every  thing  was  perfectly  secure  with  her. 

Our  first  duty  at  Hunyad,  after  taking  breakfast,  which  Lila, 
dressed  more  gaily  than  before,  had  prepared  for  us,  was  to  visit 
the  old  castle,  as  it  is  historically  interesting,  having  been  built 
by  the  greatest  man  Transylvania  ever  produced,  Hunyadi  Janos, 
the  Governor  of  Hungary  and  father  of  Mathias  Corvinus.  Tra- 
dition assigns  to  Hunyadi  a  descent  from  Sigisrnund,  King  of 
Hungary.  The  tale  runs  thus: — 

As  Sigismund  was  passing  through  Transylvania,  on  his  way 
to  subdue  his  rebel  vassal,  the  Woiwode  of  Wallachia,  chance 
threw  in  his  way  a  beautiful  Wallack  girl,  Elizabeth  Marsinai, 
the  pride  of  the  valley  of  Hatszeg.  Without  disclosing  his  rank, 
the  gay  monarch  triumphed  over  the  affections  of  the  simple 
peasant,  and,  as  he  left  her  to  prosecute  his  wars,  he  gave  her 
his  signet  ring,  with  the  injunction,  that  when  the  fruit  of  their 
love  should  see  the  light,  she  should  carry  it  to  the  King,  in 
Buda,  who,  on  recognising  the  ring,  would  be  sure  to  treat  her 
and  her  child  with  kindness. 

The  following  year,  as  Elizabeth  and  the  infant  made  their 
progress  towards  the  distant  capital,  the  young  mother,  over- 
come by  fatigue,  fell  asleep  under  the  shade  of  a  tree.  The 
child  in  the  mean  time  played  with  the  ring,  which  hung  like  an 
amulet  round  his  neck.  A  mischievous  dawT,  who  watched  the 
infant's  sports,  at  last  hopped  from  his  perch  to  join  the  play, 
and  seizing  the  bauble  in  his  beak,  flew  off  with  the  prize. 
Awakened  by  the  child's  cries,  Elizabeth  saw  with  horror  all  her 
hopes  of  greatness  dependent  on  the  humour  of  a  wicked  wilful 
bird.  Her  brother,  her  companion  and  protector  in  this  long 
journey,  was  fortunately  a  keen  sportsman;  and,  as  he  heard  her 
wailing,  an  arrow  from  his  bow  laid  the  cause  of  her  sorrows  at 
her  feet.  The  ring  recovered,  the  little  party  joyfully  resumed 
their  way,  and  when  they  reached  their  destination,  and  re- 
counted their  adventures,  the  delighted  monarch  could  not  suf- 
ficiently testify  his  pleasure.  He  at  once  bestowed  on  his  son 
the  name  of  Hunyadi,  and  presented  him  with  the  town  of  Hun- 
yad, and  sixty  surrounding  villages.  The  surname  of  Corvinus, 
later  adopted,  with  the  arms,  a  crow  and  ring,  were  assumed  in 
memory  of  the  events  of  this  journey.  Szonakos,  the  village 
which  gave  birth  to  Elizabeth,  was  declared  tax-free  for  ever;  a 
right  which  it  still  enjoys. 



The  name  of  Hunyadi  was  destined  to  eclipse  even  that  of  his 
royal  father.  Brought  up  amidst  the  wars,  to  which  the  state 
of  the  times  and  the  increasing  boldness  and  power  of  the  Turks 
gave  rise,  Hunyadi  found  himself  called  on  at  an  early  age  to 
protect  the  district  over  which  he  had  been  placed  from  the  in- 
roads of  the  barbarians.  In  the  reign  of  Sigismund  the  Turks 
had  ventured,  for  the  first  time,  across  the  boundaries  of  Hun- 
gary, and  already  had  the  southern  parts  of  Transylvania  been 
rendered  scarcely  habitable,  so  frequent  and  so  fierce  had  their 
attacks  become.  After  the  death  of  Albert,  and  before  his  suc- 
cessor was  determined  on,  Hunyadi  gained  a  series  of  glorious 
victories  over  the  Moslems,  following  them  through  Wallachia, 
across  the  Danube  into  Bulgaria,  and  obliging  them  to  yield  up 
possession  of  the  fortresses  of  Servia  and  Bosnia,  thus  placing  all 
these  countries  under  the  vassalage  of  Hungary.  By  the  sup- 
port chiefly  of  Hunyadi,  now  strengthened  by  his  victories,  La- 
dislaus  V.  was  secured  on  the  throne,  and  his  first  act  was  to 
give  peace  to  the  kingdom,  by  a  truce  with  the  Turks,  most 
solemnly  ratified  for  a  period  of  ten  years.  To  this  treaty  Hun- 
yadi was  a  party,  nor  can  any  sophistry  release  him  from  the 
disgrace  of  having  broken  his  word  when,  only  a  few  days  after, 
the  Pope's  legate,  by  that  miserable  sophism  of  the  church,  that 
faith  is  not  to  be  held  with  infidels,  persuaded  him  to  violate  a 
solemn  engagement,  and,  unprovoked,  recommence  the  war  against 
the  Moslems.  The  treachery  was,  however,  fearfully  punished 
before  Varna — the  false  king  killed,  his  army  destroyed,  and 
Hunyadi  himself,  flying  and  at  last  imprisoned,  was  just  retribu- 
tion for  the  crime. 

After  the  death  of  the  king,  Hunyadi  was  appointed  Governor 
of  Hungary,  during  the  minority  of  Ladislaus  VI.,  and  though 
at  the  head  of  a  powerful  army,  and  surrounded  by  a  large  party, 
he  never  attempted  to  grasp  a  higher  power  than  that  which  the 
assembled  people  had  delegated  to  him.  When,  at  the  age  of 
thirteen,  the  king  was  placed  upon  the  throne  by  the  machina- 
tions of  Hunyadi's  sworn  foes — no  great  man  had  worse  ones — 
he  at  once  gave  up  his  power  into  the  feeble  hands  which  could 
scarcely  have  wrested  it  from  him.  The  feelings  of  the  country, 
however,  were  so  strongly  with  him,  that  he  was  appointed  cap- 
tain-general of  the  kingdom,  and  loaded  with  honours  and  en- 

The  Turks  had  now  taken  Constantinople,  and  all  Europe 
was  roused  against  them.  Crusades  were  preached ;  the  Monk 


Capistran  roused  Christendom  from  its  lethargy ;  and  Hunyadi, 
aided  by  the  practised  troops  from  Germany,  again  took  the  field. 
His  last  campaign  was  his  most  brilliant  one.  After  a  contest 
of  three  successive  days,  Belgrade  fell  into  his  hands,  and  the 
Infidel  hordes  were  pursued  by  the  victorious  Christians  almost 
to  the  gates  of  Constantinople.  But  their  Emperor  had  little 
time  to  enjoy  his  victory,  for,  in  a  few  days,  disease  consumed  a 
life  which  so  many  wars  had  left  untouched.  But  for  Hunyadi 
Janos  it  is  exceedingly  probable  that  the  Turks  would  have 
swept  over  the  whole  of  Europe,  as  so  many  of  their  Eastern 
predecessors  in  invasion  had  already  done,  and,  instead  of  being 
only  on  the  outskirts,  as  they  now  are,  we  might  have  seen  them 
established  in  its  very  centre.  Their  career  of  victory  was,  how- 
ever, checked,  their  thoughts  of  conquest  turned  in  another  di- 
rection, and  although,  when  weaker  hands  than  those  of  Hunyadi 
guided  the  reins  of  government,  they  did  gain  a  temporary  footing 
in  Hungary,  yet  the  confidence  inspired  by  his  victories  enabled 
the  Magyars  to  make  head  against  them,  and  finally  to  expel 
them  from  the  land. 

The  castle  of  Vayda  *  Hunyad  is  finely  situated  on  a  bold 
precipitous  limestone-cliff,  washed  on  three  sides  by  two  small 
rivers,  the  Cserna  and  Zalasd,  which  meet  at  this  point.  On 
the  opposite  side  of  the  Zalasd,  rises  another  rock  of  the  same 
height,  which  slopes  gradually  down  to  the  town,  and  is  fortified. 
From  this  second  rock  the  castle  is  approached  by  a  long  wooden 
bridge,  at  a  dizzy  height  above  the  stream  and  road  below.  The 
end  of  the  bridge  nearest  the  castle,  by  a  simple  contrivance,  is 
made  to  rise  and  fill  up  the  portal  of  the  watch-tower,  which  it 
closes  like  a  door.  This  is  the  simplest  drawbridge  and  gate,  as 
well  as  the  most  effectual,  I  ever  saw,  and  it  is  still  in  constant 
use.  There  is  no  pulley  or  chain  employed ;  it  is  so  balanced 
that  it  can  be  raised  by  placing  the  foot  on  the  opposite  end,  the 
weight  of  the  body  being  sufficient  to  turn  the  scale  and  to  raise 
the  huge  mass  in  the  air.  The  part  of  the  castle  on  the  right  of 
the  entrance  is  that  built  by  Hunyadi,  that  on  the  left  wras  re- 
paired, and  in  part  built  by  a  Count  Bethleh,  at  a  later  date. 
The  wall  on  the  right  is  almost  unbroken  by  windows,  except 
near  the  top,  where  a  singularly  elegant  Gothic  balcony  runs 
along  its  whole  length,  forming  a  succession  of  windows  fitted 
for  the  lighting  of  a  long  hall  or  gallery. 

*  It  is  called  Vayda  (Woiwode,  or  Governor)  Hunyad,  from  the  rank 
of  the  person  to  whom  it  gave  its  name,  and  to  distinguish  it  from  Pan  fly 
Hunyad?  a  town  in  another  part  of  Transylvania. 


On  crossing  the  bridge,  one  of  the  officers  of  the  iron  works  — 
for  the  castle  now  serves  as  a  depot  for  the  Government  iron  ob- 
tained from  the  mines  in  the  neighbourhood  —  very  politely  of- 
fered to  conduct  us  over  it.  The  interior  forms  an  irregularly 
shaped  court,  of  which  the  solid  rock  constitutes  the  pavement, 
and  is  completely  surrounded  by  the  buildings  of  the  castle.  A 
gallery  runs  round  three  sides  of  this  court,  and  most  of  the 
windows  open  upon  it.  We  entered  by  a  Gothic  door  on  the 
right,  and  found  ourselves  in  a  large  room,  extending  along  the 
whole  of  one  side  of  the  castle,  divided  by  pillars  in  the  centre, 
and  supporting  a  number  of  arches,  on  which  rests  the  groined 
ceiling.  On  the  capital  of  one  of  the  pillars,  a  scroll,  pictu- 
resquely disposed,  bears  the  following  inscription  in  Gothic  cha- 
racters: — 

opus  fecit  ft'erf  magn'tfcus  Johannes  fgunfatoas 


The  proportions  of  this  room  are  at  present  destroyed  by  a 
partition  which  cuts  off  a  part  of  it  for  the  convenience  of  the 
Government  officers,  who  use  it  as  a  counting-house.  The  rest 
of  the  space  is  occupied  by  bars  of  iron.  It  is  probable  that  this 
part  formed  the  Ritter  Saal,  though  they  assured  us  it  was  on 
the  story  above.  This,  however,  we  found  divided  into  three  or 
four  very  handsome  rooms,  which  are  said  to  have  been  fitted  up 
for  and  used  by  the  Emperor  Francis,  some  years  since.  From 
these  rooms  glass  doors  open  to  the  Gothic  balcony  I  before 
spoke  of,  which  is  divided  into  several  compartments  by  solid 
walls,  forming  the  most  lovely  little  boudoirs  imaginable.  The 
opposite  side  of  the  court  is  occupied  by  some  of  the  officers,  as 
a  dwelling,  and  a  very  handsome  one  it  makes.  It  is  kept  in 
very  good  order;  indeed  the  whole  building  seems  in  good  repair, 
and  nothing  can  be  more  elegant  than  the  drawing-rooms  which 
the  huge  round-towers  form,  nothing  more  beautiful  than  the 
views  presented  from  their  windows. 

About  the  largest  tower  there  is  something  mysterious,  for  to 
all  appearance  it  is  a  solid  mass  of  masonry  ;  nor  could  our  guide 
give  any  further  account  of  it.  Attempts  had  been  made,  he 
said,  to  penetrate  it,  but  nothing  had  been  discovered;  it  was 
found  solid  throughout.  The  exterior  of  this  tower  is  still 
painted,  as  tradition  reports  it  has  been  ever  since  its  erection. 
It  is  in  black  and  white,  disposed  chequerwise,  and  looks  as  ugly 
as  possible.  I  have  noticed,  in  speaking  of  Arva,  that  the  ancient 


castles  of  Hungary  were  mostly  painted  outwardly;  at  the  pre- 
sent time  Hunyad  is  the  only  one,  perhaps,  in  which  the  custom 
is  maintained.  I  have  observed,  however,  other  buildings  painted 
in  Hungary  even  at  the  present  day.  At  Lugos,  the  Greek 
church  is  ornamented  in  this  way.  If  I  mistake  not,  private 
houses,  in  some  old  towns,  still  have  their  walls  painted ;  but  the 
best  example,  if  I  may  be  allowed  to  anticipate,  is  in  the  old 
court-house  and  prison  of  Klausenburg.  This  building  is  covered 
over  with  allegorical  designs,  and  is  divided  into  compartments 
bearing  wise  Latin  inscriptions,  in  reference  to  the  purposes  of 
the  building,  and  the  duties  of  its  occupants.  I  am  not  aware 
that  this  custom  ever  prevailed  in  England,  or  in  any  other  part 
of  the  Continent  except  Hungary,  with  respect  to  the  outer  walls 
of  castles,  common  as  it  is  in  the  enclosed  courts  and  porticoes  of 
Italy.  I  know  of  no  instance  in  which  the  manner  called  fresco 
has  been  employed  in  Hungary ;  those  I  have  seen  were  all  in 
common  oil  colours. 

We  were  a  little  surprised  on  our  return  to  the  inn,  to  receive 
a  request,  through  our  servant,  that  we  should  accept  a  compli- 
mentary visit  from  some  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  town,  as  we 
were  the  first  Englishmen  who  were  known  to  have  passed 
through  Hunyad.  It  would  have  been  difficult  to  refuse  this 
proffered  civility,  however  little  inclination  we  might  feel  to  play 
the  part  assigned  us,  and  we  therefore  ordered  in  as  many  chairs 
as  our  miserable  room  could  contain,  and  turning  the  beds  into 
sofas,  we  sat  in  due  state  to  receive  the  delegates  of  Vayda  Hun- 
yad to  our  noble  selves, — the  wandering  representatives  of 
the  United  kingdom'of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  The  servant 
opened  the  door  with  considerable  ceremony,  and  announced  the 
names,  titles  and  occupations  of  four  as  fat  little  burgesses  as 
could  be  found  in  any  snug  country  town  of  our  own  island. 
The  spokesman  of  the  party,  the  fattest  and  most  important  per- 
son, was  the  doctor,  who  expressed  in  a  very  complimentary 
speech,  in  German,  the  pleasure  they  had  in  seeing  Englishmen, 
members  of  a  constitutional  country,  and  Protestants,  like  them- 
selves, in  their  town,  and  as  we  were  the  first  who  had  ever 
so  far  honoured  it,  they  could  not  omit  the  opportunity,  et  cetera, 
et  cetera.  Of  course  we  could  only  express  our  deep  sense  of 
the  compliment  paid  us,  our  admiration  of  the  country,  and  our 
conviction  that  as  the  facilities  of  travelling  became  more  general, 
the  beauties  of  Transylvania  would  attract  many  of  our  country- 
men to  visit  them.  Thereupon  Tokay  and  biscuits  were  handed 


round,  and  a  parley  commenced,  consisting  principally  of  ques- 
tions on  their  side,  apparently  arranged  by  previous  concert,  and 
propounded  by  the  doctor,  which  were  answered  on  our  parts  as 
we  were  able.  They  consisted  chiefly  of  inquiries  relative  to 
points  in  English  law  and  government,  which  had  puzzled  them — 
no  wonder,  for  they  sometimes  puzzle  even  their  own  authors — in 
reading  the  journals,  and  in  regard  to  the  appearance  and  cha- 
racter of  public  men  whose  acts  or  speeches  had  interested  them. 
This  was  another  proof  of  the  consideration  our  dear  native  land 
enjoyed  among  strangers,  and  we  were  delighted  to  satisfy  to  the 
best  of  our  power  an  interest  so  flattering  to  England,  and  so 
useful  to  other  constitutional  countries.  In  teaching  the  world 
that  a  peaceable  reform,  obtained  by  moral  arms  alone,  is  more 
effectual  than  the  most  brilliant  revolution,  England  has  done 
more  for  the  liberties  of  mankind  than  all  the  nations  of  ancient 
or  modern  times. 

After  some  time  our  visiters  took  their  leave,  and  we  prepared 
to  continue  our  journey,  but  a  difficulty  arose  which  we  had  not 
expected.  The  bill  which  the  landlord  presented  to  us  for  the 
very  slender  accommodation  received,  was  so  exorbitant,  that  it 
was  impossible  to  overlook  such  gross  imposition.  Suspecting 
that  our  servant  was  a  rogue,  I  declined  his  service  as  an  inter- 
preter on  this  occasion,  and  a  stranger  kindly  offered  his  assist- 
ance. It  was  well  I  had  recourse  to  this  precaution,  for  I  found 
the  rascal  had  been  carousing  all  night  with  a  party  he  had  ac- 
cidentally met,  and  that  he  had  desired  the  landlord  to  put  the 
wine, — I  forget  how  many  quarts  each,— down  to  our  account. 
On  this  exposure,  and  on  being  subjected  to  some  little  abuse  by 
the  landlady  for  certain  other  offences,  the  fellow  seized  a  knife 
and  advanced  towards  the  woman  with  a  threat  to  murder  her 
if  she  repeated  her  words.  Luckily  I  caught  sight  of  the  knife, 
and  obliged  him  to  relinquish  it,  but  I  shall  not  easily  forget  his 
appearance  at  that  moment.  He  was  a  strong-built  man  with 
an  expression  of  countenance  much  resembling  a  wolf,  and  he  had 
become  excited  to  the  utmost  fury  by  the  discovery.  He  was 
red  and  foaming  with  rage  when  I  threatened  to  strike  him  to 
the  ground  (for  I  am  fortunately  a  strong  man,)  if  he  did  not  re- 
linquish the  knife,  but  in  an  instant,  with  a  power  over  himself 
I  never  saw  equalled,  he  bowed  low,  and  in  his  usual  humble 
voice  replied,  f(  Certainly,  if  my  master  commands  it."  I  need 
hardly  say  that  I  got  rid  of  him  as  soon  as  possible,  for  I  hold 
that  no  rogue  is  so  dangerous  as  one  who  can  command  himself. 


On  a  former  occasion  my  suspicions  had  been  raised  against  him 
from  finding  my  pistols  unloaded  and  stuffed  with  dirt ;  a  pre- 
caution which  I  have  no  doubt  he  had  adopted  in  case  of  detec- 
tion in  any  roguery. 

As  we  got  into  the  carriage,  Lila  was  there  to  bid  us  adieu. 
Her  beauty,  her  good  humour,  and  her  happy  way  of  rendering 
herself  useful,  made  us  quite  sorry  to  part  with  her,  and,  I  be- 
lieve S did  propose  to  equip  her  "  enjocke,"  and  take  her 

with  us;  but  S is  a  wild  fellow!     I  know  nothing  can  be 

more  ridiculous  than  to  fancy  a  gipsy  sentimental,  and  yet,  in 
spite  of  ridicule,  I  would  swear  I  saw  a  tear  glisten  in  the  poor 
girl's  eye  as  we  drove  off.  A  few  kind  words  are  rarely  lost, 
even  on  a  gipsy. 

At  Deva,  our  next  station,  we  spent,  or  rather  misspent  a 
couple  of  days ;  for,  placing  ourselves  under  the  guidance  of  a 
young  gentleman  who  offered  to  show  us  the  lions  of  the  neigh- 
bourhood, we  saw  only  what  he  thought  lions,  and  not  what  we 
should  have  selected  as  such. 

About  ten  miles  from  Deva,  there  are  some  of  the  richest  gold 
mines  in  Transylvania,  those  of  Nagy  Ag,  and  Szekerem,  and 
to  these  he  promised  to  conduct  us.  With  great  difficulty  we 
got  to  the  foot  of  the  mountain,  over  almost  impassable  roads, 
where  we  found  oxen  ready  to  drag  us  up  the  nearly  perpendi- 
cular rock,  and  several  peasants  in  attendance,  to  hold  the  car- 
riage from  falling  over.  We  had  often  occasion  to  wonder  at 
the  dislike  the  Hungarian  seems  to  have  to  walking,  but,  from 
imitation,  we  fell  into  their  customs,  sitting  still  in  our  carriage, 
to  be  slowly  dragged  through  and  over  places  which  we  could 
have  surmounted  much  more  easily  and  quickly  on  foot.  Once 
at  the  mines,  we  were  conducted  along  a  new  railway  adit, 
which  I,  of  course,  imagined  would  conduct  us  to  the  workings; 
but,  alas !  it  will  only  get  there  some  years  hence,  for  it  is  yet 
unfinished ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  we  were  obliged  to  content 
ourselves  with  the  ride  on  the  rail-road  for  our  trouble,  it  being 
declared  too  late  to  see  the  other  works  when  we  got  back. 
Our  guide  assured  us  that  many  ladies  and  gentlemen  came  to 
see  the  railway,  but  nobody  thought  of  going  into  the  mines,  so 
that  he  had  no  idea  we  could  have  wished  such  a  thing. 

The  quantity  of  gold  and  silver  obtained  here,  though  less 
than  formerly,  is  still  considerable;  not  less  than  one  hundred 
and  fifty  marks  of  gold,  and  seven  hundred  and  fifty  of  silver, 
per  annum.  These  mines  are  peculiarly  interesting  to  the 


mineralogist,  as  being  the  richest  in  tellurium  of  any  in  Europe; 
indeed  it  was  here  that  metal  was  first  discovered.  I  afterwards 
saw  a  specimen  of  pure  gold  from  Szekerem,  in  the  form  of  a 
tree, — I  think  mineralogists  call  it  tree  gold.  It  was  two  inches 
high,  standing  quite  out  from  the  matrix,  and  was  most  beauti- 
fully branched  and  foliated. 

Deva,  situated  on  the  banks  of  the  Maros,  is  worth  visiting, 
were  it  only  for  the  view  from  the  old  castle.  On  the  very 
point  of  a  rock,  which  rises  above  the  little  town,  stands  the 
ruins  of  a  fortress,  said  to  have  been  begun  by  the  Romans, 
though  it  was  probably  used  for  such  purposes  ever  since  the 
country  was  inhabited.  It  is  now,  however,  a  very  small  ruin, 
although  a  number  of  walls  and  turrets  on  different  parts  of  the 
hill  show  the  extent  the  castle  once  had.  It  has  lately  been 
repaired  in  a  tasteless  manner,  and  now  serves  as  a  watch-tower 
for  a  few  frontier  soldiers. 

The  view  extends,  towards  the  west,  along  the  beautiful  val- 
ley of  the  Maros,  and,  to  the  east,  as  far  as  the  blue  mountains 
of  Zalatna,  which  were  tipped  with  the  first  fall  of  the  autumn's 
snow.  Lover,  as  I  am,  of  rivers  and  valleys,  I  know  few  that 
I  prefer  to  the  Maros  and  its  vale.  I  shall  have  opportunity 
enough  hereafter  of  describing  the  higher  part  of  this  river,  for 
I  afterwards  traced  it  nearly  to  its  source,  but  of  its  downward 
course  I  may  as  well  speak  now,  though  I  did  not  visit  it  till  a 
later  period. 

The  first  part  of  the  Maros  valley,  towards  the  borders  of 
Hungary,  is  rich,  well  wooded,  and  occasionally  ornamented 
with  pretty  country  houses.  At  Dobra  the  road  leaves  it,  and 
I  know  nothing  more  of  it  till  some  time  after  it  has  reached 
Hungary.  Those,  however,  who  are  acquainted  with  the  bor- 
der district,  describe  it  as  wild  to  the  last  degree ; — the  river 
bound  in  its  channel  by  precipitous  rocks,  and  the  valley  dark- 
ened by  forests  of  the  native  oak,  which  have  never  known  the 
woodman's  axe.  At  Kdpolna's  the  valley  widens  considerably, 
and  presents  a  scene  of  extraordinary  loveliness.  For  perhaps 
fifteen  miles  in  length,  by  three  or  four  in  width,  extends  a  plain 
covered  with  white  villages,  and  groaning  under  the  richest 
crops  of  corn,  surrounded  on  every  side  by  mountains  covered 
to  their  summits  by  forests  of  oak,  and  traversed,  in  its  whole 
extent,  by  the  river  now  grown  wide  and  powerful. 

There  are  few  things  in  any  country  which  have  struck  me 
as  being  more  beautiful  than  this  part  of  the  valley  of  the  Maros, 

H TAKEN  FOR  A  SPY.  109 

but  it  is  completely  unknown  even  to  Hungarians.  The  whole 
of  it  at  present  belongs  to  the  Kamraer;  and,  as  it  is  subject  to 
frequent  inundations,  against  which  no  precautions  are  taken, 
its  inhabitants  are  doomed  to  much  poverty  and  suffering. 
When  sold,  as  it  will  shortly  be,  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  private 
capital  and  enterprise  will  make  it  the  elysium  which  nature 
seems  to  have  intended  it  should  become. 

How  far  steam  navigation  will  succeed  on  the  Maros,  in  its 
present  state,  is  extremely  doubtful,  as  it  is  a  very  wide  and 
wayward  stream,  and,  in  summer,  has  sometimes  not  more  than 
two  feet  of  water ;"  but  there  is  no  doubt  it  might  be  made  navi- 
gable, and  probably  it  will  be,  as  soon  as  increased  population 
on  its  banks  shall  demand  an  outlet  for  their  productions. 

As  H was  too  unwell  to  day  to  climb  the  castle  hill  on 

foot,  and  yet  unwilling  to  leave  without  some  memorial  of  the 
scene,  a  peasant  was  found  who  undertook  to  convey  him  to  the 
summit  in  a  leiter-wagen.  Up,  accordingly,  he  went,  and  just 
as  he  had  placed  himself  comfortably  to  his  work,  a  borderer 
from  the  castle,  stepping  cautiously  as  a  cat  about  to  seize  a 
mouse,  hastened  towards  him,  till  he  was  stopped  at  a  little  dis- 
tance by  the  driver.  H had  observed  the  man,  but  as  the 

latter  contented  himself  with  holding  a  long  and  loud  colloquy 
with  the  Wallack,  and  as  H did  not  understand  the  lan- 
guage, he  took  no  farther  notice  of  him,  nor  did  the  soldier  offer 
any  other  molestation  to  the  artist,  than  by  keeping  a  very  sharp 
eye  on  his  movements,  and  never  quitting  the  wagen  till  it 

arrived  at  the  inn.  Judge,  then,  of  H 's  surprise,  on  coming 

down,  to  be  congratulated  at  his  escape  from  imprisonment ! 
The  simple  grenzer,  persuaded  that  the  ruins  of  Deva  formed  a. 
most  important  fortress,  had  come  to  arrest  the  daring  spy  who 
was  taking  a  plan  of  its  defences,  and  was  armed  with  a  rope, 

which  he  was  just  about  to  throw  over  H 's  arms  when  the 

peasant  interposed,  and  with  great  difficulty  persuaded  him  to 
delay  the  seizure  till  he  had  accompanied  him  to  the  village,  ami 
informed  himself  better  on  the  subject.  It  was  a  very  gocd 
joke  when  so  well  over,  but  it  might  have  been  otherwise;  to 
be  suspected  as  a  spy,  bound,  and  in  the  hands  of  a  very  rude 
and  ignorant  soldiery,  is  a  position  by  no  means  free  from  dangei . 

Nor  was  this  the  only  adventure  which  befell  our  luckle?  s 
friend  at  Deva.  While  quietly  finishing  his  sketches  in  the  inn, 
he  observed  an  ill-conditioned  fellow  staring  at  him  through  th" 
half-opened  door,  when,  calling  the  servant,  he  desired  him  to 

VOL.  II. 10 


inquire  his  business.  Upon  this  the  ill-conditioned  man  became 

excessively  abusive,  declared  that  "  H was  a  spy,  a  rogue, 

a  German,  or  something  still  worse;  that  he  saw  things  which 
he  was  sure  were  for  no  good,  and  that  he  would  denounce  him 
to  the  authorities."  The  servant  requested  him  to  change  his 
quarters,  but  he  protested  he  was  a  Nemes  Ember,  and  W7oulci 
stay  where  he  liked,  and  do  what  he  liked.  As  soon  as  the 
authorities  heard  of  this  affair,  they  sent  to  beg  we  would  excuse 
the  brutality  and  ignorance  of  an  individual  who  had  never  seen 
more  of  the  world  than  his  native  country,  and  who  was  noto- 
rious as  one  of  the  most  troublesome  fellowrs  in  it,  assuring  us, 
at  the  same  time,  that  they  had  taken  care  that  we  should  not 
be  subject  to  any  farther  molestation. 

We  had  been  promised  vorspann  at  five  in  the  morning  to  take 
us  on  the  next  stage  to  Szasvaros:  but  at  ten,  in  spite  of  repeat- 
ed demands,  no  horses  had  appeared,  and  we  were  obliged  to  or- 
der post-horses.  In  Transylvania,  generally,  it  is  extremely  dif- 
ficult to  obtain  vorspann ;  indeed,  1  believe  it  is  not  allowed  to  any 
one  except  the  officers  of  the  county  or  of  the  crown.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  post  is  much  better  than  in  Hungary ;  and  the 
principal  roads  are  maintained  in  a  state  that  ought  to  put  many 
continental  states  to  the  blush.  The  cross  roads,  however,  are 
in  a  most  deplorable  condition  here; — nothing  can  be  worse. 

Count  S ,  I  remember,  said  he  travelled  for  six  weeks  in 

Transylvania,  and  was  overturned  six  times. 

As  we  approached  Miihlenbach,  where  we  meant  to  remain 
for  the  night,  a  heavy  snow-storm  warned  us  that  winter  was 
setting  in,  and  induced  us  to  change  our  intended  route,  and,  in- 
stead of  proceeding  to  Hermanstadt,  to  go  directly  to  Klausen- 
burg.  The  inn  was  so  full,  that  they  had  no  apartment  to  offer 
us  but  a  very  small  room,  where  it  was  impossible  to  stow  three 
beds ;  and  we  were  preparing  to  encounter  the  night  and  storm 
on  the  road,  when  a  gentleman,  who  had  preceded  us,  sent  to  of- 
fer his  large  room  in  exchange  for  our  small  one.  As  this  was 
a  person  we  had  never  seen,  and  who  knew  only  that  we  were 
foreigners,  and  in  difficulty,  it  is  worth  adducing,  as  one  of  the 
thousand  proofs  of  the  civilities  we  received  merely  in  right  of 
our  character  as  strangers.  This  gentleman  joined  us  in  the 
evening,  and  proved  to  be  a  Szekler  connected  with  the  post- 
office.  He  was  a  very  agreeable  companion,  from  whom  we 
received  much  information,  which  the  reader  will  have  the  bene- 
fit of  at  the  proper  time  and  place.  With  respect  to  the  depart- 

raent  in  which  he  was  employed,  he  assured  us,  that  the  reports 
so  often  repeated  of  letters  being  opened  were  entirely  without 
foundation,  as  far  at  least  as  Hermanstadt  was  concerned;  and, 
he  believed,  they  were  equally  unfounded  with  respect  to  every 
other  place  in  Hungary  and  Transylvania.  As  to  what  took 
place  at  Vienna,  he  knew  only  from  hearsay. 

As  we  returned  next  morning  for  a  short  distance  on  our  road 
of  the  preceding  evening,  we  found  we  had  passed  over  a  plain 
of  some  extent,  and  called  from  its  richness  the  Kenyer  Mezo, 
(bread-field,)  illustrious  in  Transylvanian  history  for  a  great  vic- 
tory gained  over  the  Turks  by  one  of  their  native  princes,  Ba- 
thori  Istva"n,  in  1479. 

I  shall  say  nothing  more  of  our  journey  to  Klausenburg,  which 
occupied  us  two  days,  for  we  scarcely  put  our  heads  out  of  the 
carriages,  so  miserably  cold  and  wet  had  it  become;  and,  as  we 
shall  pass  over  the  same  ground  when  we  visit  the  mines  of  Za- 
latna,  it  is  of  no  importance.  As  we  reached  the  summit  of  the 
long  hill,  down  which  a  winding  road  of  two  or  three  miles'  de- 
scent leads  to  the  capital,  the  sun  was  pleased  to  show  himself 
ere  he  set  over  the  now  white  mountains,  and  gave  us  a  beauti- 
ful glimpse  of  the  valley  of  the  Szamos,  with  Klausenburg  in 
the  midst,  just  below  us.  The  Szamos  is  the  second  river  in 
Transylvania  in  point  of  size,  and  flows  through  another  of  those 
valleys  which  give  to  this  country  the  appearance  of  a  mass  of 
small  mountains  traversed  in  various  directions  by  rivers,  which 
have  cut  out  for  themselves  water-courses  from  one  hundred 
yards  to  a  mile  or  two  in  width,  occasionally,  where  a  tributary 
stream  lends  its  force,  widening  into  small  plains  like  those  of 
Hatszeg,  Kenyer  Mezo,  Harom-szek,  and  Thorda.  The  principal 
roads  are  formed  along  these  valleys,  so  that  travelling  in  Tran- 
sylvania presents  a  succession  of  beautiful  scenes  rarely  to  be  met 
with  in  other  lands. 

A  curious  substitute  has  been  found  for  curb-stones  to  the 
bridges  and  dangerous  places  in  the  descent  of  the  Felek  hill. 
The  stratum,  a  fine  sand-stone,  has  formed  itself  naturally,  in 
some  places,  into  nearly  perfect  globes  of  considerable  size, — 
four  times  that  of  a  man's  head, — which  are  used  as  curb-stones, 
and  which  answer  perfectly  well  for  the  purpose  to  which  they 
have  been  applied.  I  observed  one  place  on  the  road  where 
these  stones  were  quarried,  and  it  appeared  that  they  were 
formed  between  two  layers  of  the  sand-stone,  some  of  them 
assuming  the  cylindrical  form ;  but  almost  all  more  or  less  nodu- 


lated.  We  galloped  down  the  Felek  hill  at  a  tremendous  rate, 
chiefly,  I  believe,  because  the  weak  horses,  and  weaker  harness, 
had  not  strength  enough  to  hold  back ;  nor  did  we  feel  ourselves 
safe  till  we  whirled  through  one  of  the  old-fashioned  gates  of 
Klausenburg,  and  were  rattling  over  its  rough  pavement.  The 
only  tolerable  inn  within  the  walls  was  full,  and  we  were  fain  to 
content  ourselves  with  such  accommodation  as  was  furnished  by 
the  best  of  those  in  the  suburbs. 




Transylvania. —  Its  Population. —  Settlement  of  the  Szeklers, —  of  the 
Magyars,  —  of  the  Saxons,  —  under  Woiwodes.  —  Zapolya. — Native 
Princes.— Bethlen  Gabor. — Aristocratic  Democracy. — Union  with  Aus- 
tria.— Diploma  Leopoldinum. — Confirmed  by  Maria  Theresa. — Actual 
Form  of  Government. — Constitution  infringed. —  Opposition. — Baron 
Wesselenyi. —  County  Meetings. — Grievances.— General  Vlasits. — 
Diet  of  1834.— Archduke  Ferdinand.— History  of  the  Diet.— Violent 
Dissolution. — Moral  Opposition. 

A  STRANGE  little  country  is  this  Transylvania!  Very  likely 
the  reader  never  heard  its  name  before,  and  yet  some  hundred 
years  ago  it  was  in  close  alliance  with  England ;  and,  long  before 
religious  liberty,  annual  parliaments,  payment  of  members,  and 
the  election  of  magistrates  were  dreamed  of,  amongst  us,  they 
were  granted  to  Transylvania,  by  a  solemn  charter  of  their  Prince, 
the  Emperor  of  Austria.  Here  is  this  country,  on  the  very  limits 
of  European  civilization,  yet  possessing  institutions  and  rights, 
for  which  the  most  civilized  have  not  been  thought  sufficiently 

The  distinctions  and  differences  among  the  population  of  Hun- 
gary have  offered  us  a  singular  spectacle  enough,  but  the  Tran- 
sylvanians  far  outpass  them  in  these  matters,  as  they  vary  among 
themselves,  not  only  in  language,  race,  and  religion,  but  in  civil 
laws  and  political  institutions.  The  Magyar,  the  Szekler,  the 
Saxon,  and  the  Wallack,  have  all  their  rights,  but  differing  most 
materially  in  nature  and  extent  from  each  other.  The  whole 
population  of  the  country  does  not  amount  to  more  than  two  mil- 
lions,* yet  they  have  among  them  four  established  religions, — 

*The  best  statistical  authority  on  which  I  can  lay  my  hand  is  a  small 
geography  of  Transylvania,  by  Lebrecht,  published  as  far  back  as  1804. 
The  whole  population  is  estimated  at  1,458,559  (without  the  clergy;)  of 
these,  729.316  are  Wallack&;  about  358,596  Magyars;  about  123,085, 
Szeklers;  181,790  Saxons;  while  of  Gipsies,  Jews,  Greeks,  Armenians 
and  Bulgarians,  there  are  about  65,772.  In  the  "  Transylvania^  published 
in  1833,  it  is  conjectured  to  have  risen  to  2,034,375,  including  the  Tran- 
sylvanian  military  Borderers. 



besides  several  others  tolerated, — at  least  four  languages,  and  I 
know  not  how  many  different  national  customs,  prejudices,  and 
modes  of  feeling. 

It  is  not  my  intention  to  enter  upon  these  matters  at  any  length. 
Suffice  it  to  say,  that  there  are  three  nations,  the  Magyar,  the 
Szekler,  and  the  Saxon,  which  have  each  a  part  in  the  govern- 
ment of  the  country.  They  inhabit  different  districts ;  the  Mag- 
yars, the  whole  west  and  centre;  the  Szeklers,  the  east  and 
north ;  and  the  Saxons,  the  greater  part  of  the  south ;  and  with 
these  are  mixed  up  a  number  of  Wallacks,  Gipsies,  Jews,  Arme- 
nians, &c.  In  order  to  give  the  English  reader  some  idea  of  this 
country,  and  of  its  present  state,  I  believe  it  will  be  best  to  dedi- 
cate a  page  or  two  to  its  previous  history. 

When  the  Romans  finally  retired  from  Dacia,  and  Aurelian 
offered  as  many  of  the  inhabitants  as  chose  to  accept  it,  a  refuge 
in  Moesia,  which  he  named  his  Dacia,*  the  country  was  left  de- 
fenceless, and  open  to  the  incursions  of  those  barbarous  hordes 
which  in  turn  cursed  Europe  with  their  devastating  presence. 
The  greater  part  of  these  seem  to  have  passed  and  repassed 
Transylvania,  without  either  effecting  the  total  destruction  of 
the  Dacians,  or  being  able  to  establish  themselves  in  the  country. 
Of  one  of  them,  however,  a  considerable  number — whether  cut 
off  from  the  principal  body  of  the  enemy,  or  separated  by  some 
quarrel  among  themselves,  or  stationed  to  retain  a  command  of 
the  mountain-passes,  and  so  facilitate  a  return,  is  unknown — 
were  left  behind  the  rest;  and  there  their  descendants  remain  to 
the  present  day.  These  are  the  Szeklers. 

From  which  of  these  savage  nations  the  Szeklers,  or  Siculi, 
are  derived,  is  one  of  those  historical  puzzles  in  which  the  learned 
of  Hungary  are  fond  of  losing  themselves.  Attila  and  his  Huns 
having  gained  the  widest  renown,  if  not  the  best,  Szekler  anti- 
quaries generally  fix  on  them  as  their  forefathers.  But,  be  that 
as  it  may,  the  Magyars  found  them  where  they  now  are,  on  their 
entering  the  country  in  the  tenth  century;  and  as  they  were  evi- 
dently of  the  same  family — for  their  language,  features,  charac- 
ter, all  declare  them  Magyars, — they  were  received  into  favour, 
and  allowed  to  retain  free  possession  of  their  lands,  on  condition 
of  guarding  the  frontier. 

The  Magyars  made  themselves  masters  of  Dacia  and  Pannonia 
as  early  as  the  beginning  of  the  tenth  century,  and  from  that 

*The  Wallacks,  still  found  in  some  parts  of  Bulgaria,  are  probably  the 
descendants  of  those  who  followed  Aurelian. 


time  till  1526,  Transylvania  was  little  more  than  a  part  of  Hun- 
gary, though  it  must  be  confessed  a  very  unruly  part.  A  cer- 
tain degree  of  independence  is  still  maintained.  It  was  governed 
by  a  Woiwode  appointed  by  the  King  of  Hungary,  who  seems 
to  have  held  Diets  to  consult  with  the  nobles  on  the  affairs  of 
the  country.  These  meetings  were  sometimes  even  presided  over 
by  the  Kings  of  Hungary  themselves.  During  the  greater  part 
of  this  period,  Transylvania  was  rarely  without  suffering  the  evils 
of  domestic  or  foreign  warfare,  and  so  terribly  was  the  popula- 
tion diminished,  that  whole  tracts  of  country  lay  waste  for 
want  of  cultivators.  To  supply  this  deficiency,  foreign  co- 
lonists were  invited  to  re-people  the  wasted  districts.  As  early 
as  the  middle  of  the  twelfth  century,  a  colony  of  Germans,  from 
the  Rhine  country,  were  tempted  by  the  offer  of  a  fertile  soil, 
and  by  a  promise  of  the  enjoyment  of  their  own  customs  and 
religion,  as  well  as  of  certain  other  privileges,  to  settle  in  the 
nearly  deserted  Transylvania.  It  is  to  this  colony  the  present 
Saxons  owe  their  origin. 

It  was  not  till  the  battle  of  Mohacs  had  reduced  the  power  of 
Hungary  to  so  low  an  ebb,  that  she  accepted  an  Austrian  Em- 
peror for  her  king,  and  till  she  so  far  forgot  her  ancient  traditions, 
as  eventually  to  establish  the  succession  hereditary  in  that  fa- 
mily, that  Trarisylvania,  under  Zapolya,  threw  off  her  dependence 
on  Hungary,  and  proclaimed  herself  an  independent  state.  Za- 
polya's  views  were  not  confined  to  Transylvania ;  his  object  was 
the  crown  of  Hungary,  and  it  is  certain  that  his  schemes  during 
the  weak  reign  of  Ludwig  II.  constantly  tended  to  that  object, 
and  it  is  even  suspected  that  his  absence  from  Mohacs  was  caused 
by  the  same  ambitious  motive.  Be  that  as  it  may,  although  ac- 
tually crowned  at  Stuhlweissenburg,  and  although  supported  by 
a  large  party,  he  was  unable  to  establish  himself  on  the  throne, 
and  he  was  finally  reduced  to  the  principality  of  Transylvania, 
which  he  may  be  said  to  have  founded. 

Transylvania  achieved  her  independence,  if  such  it  can  be 
called,  under  bad  auspices,  for  Zapolya  submitted  to  the  degra- 
dation of  paying  a  tribute  to  the  Porte,  as  the  condition  on  which 
he  should  receive  aid  against  the  arms  of  Austria.  For  more 
than  a  century  and  a  half,  Transylvania  continued  in  this  state 
of  partial  independence,  sometimes  paying  tribute  to  the  Porte, 
sometimes  seeking  the  support  of  Austria,  but  always  throwing 
off  her  allegiance,  both  to  one  and  the  other,  the  moment  her 
own  strength  or  rather  their  weakness,  afforded  her  the  slightest 


chance  of  doing  so  with  impunity.  During  this  period,  the 
country  was  governed  by  native  princes,  generally  chosen  by  the 
Diet,  but  rarely  without  the  intervention  of  a  Turkish  Pasha,  or 
an  Austrian  ambassador,  and  sometimes  they  were  nominated 
by  one  of  these  powers  without  even  the  form  of  an  election. 
Short  as  was  the  time,  Transylvanian  historians  enumerate,  with 
exultation,  no  less  than  twenty-four  possessors  of  the  Crown,  as 
if  the  number  of  princes  increased  the  brilliancy  of  the  epoch. 
Of  these,  one  reigned  only  a  single  day,  others  not  more  than  a 
year;  and  it  often  happened  that  two  reigned  at  the  same  time, 
the  one  acknowledging  himself  a  vassal  of  Austria,  the  other  a 
tributary  of  the  Porte.  Of  all  these  princes,  but  few  have  either 
acquired  or  deserved  a  European  reputation.  Bethlen  Gabor, 
who  presided  over  the  destinies  of  Transylvania,  nearly  at  the 
same  period  as  Cromwell  over  those  of  England,  is  the  most 
striking  exception;  like  Cromwell,  he  was  a  stanch  adherent  to 
the  doctrines  of  Calvin,  a  successful  general,  and  a  man  of  most 
determined  resolution  and  untiring  energy.  As  a  sign  of  the 
times,  rather  than  as  a  characteristic  of  the  man,  it  may  be  men- 
tioned that  Bethlen  composed  psalms  which  are  still  sung  in  the 
Reformed  churches,  and  that  he  read  the  Bible  through  twenty 
times.  Two  of  Bethlen's  most  constant  objects  were  the  banish- 
ment of  the  Jesuits  from  Transylvania,  and  the  securing  the  rights 
of  the  Protestants  in  Hungary;  but  to  accomplish  the  first,  he 
did  not  hesitate  to  persecute  to  the  death,  and  the  second  seems 
to  have  been  rather  a  cloak  to  ambition  than  the  object  in  which 
that  ambition  centred.  The  part  which  Bethlen  took  in  the 
Thirty  Years'  War,  gave  a  European  importance  to  Transylva- 
nia, such  as  it  never  before  nor  since  that  time  has  enjoyed.  For 
many  years  Bethlen's  favourite  project  was  the  restoration  of  the 
kingdom  of  Dacia,  including  Transylvania  and  Hungary  east  of 
the  Theiss,  in  favour  of  himself;  and  the  only  reason  that  can  be 
assigned  for  his  having  abandoned  this  project  was,  the  failure  of 
heirs  to  inherit  his  power  and  glory.  He  died  childless.  The 
engagements  of  Bethlen  with  the  chiefs  of  the  Thirty  Years' 
War,  the  faithlessness  of  the  Jesuit  ministers  of  the  Austrian 
court,  and  the  discontent  of  the  Protestants  of  Hungary,  together 
with  his  own,  ambition,  made  the  life  of  this  prince  a  constant 
series  of  intrigues  and  wars.  That  his  character  should  come 
out  quite  clear  from  such  a  trial  is  hardly  to  be  expected ;  indeed, 
in  the  intricate  mazes  of  policy,  there  seems  to  have  been  few 
paths,  however  tortuous,  which  he  did  not  tread;  yet  it  is  im- 

CIVIL  WARS.  117 

possible  not  to  admire  the  greatness  of  his  designs,  the  fertility 
of  his  resources,  his  diplomatic  skill,  and  the  noble  principle  of 
religious  liberty,  for  which  he  professed  to  struggle. 

What  the  strength  and  cunning  of  a  Bethlen  Gabor  was  un- 
able to  hold  in  peace  and  security,  the  comparative  feebleness  of 
his  successors  rendered  a  perpetual  object  of  contest.  For  a  long 
series  of  years,  Transylvania  was  engaged  in  wars,  half  political, 
half  religious,  in  which  neither  the  bigotry  of  the  mass  was 
rendered  respectable  by  its  sincerity,  nor  the  restless  turbulence 
of  the  chiefs  by  their  faith  or  disinterestedness.  The  Protestants 
of  the  mountains  of  Transylvania,  and  the  half  nomade  population 
of  the  plains  of  Hungary,  were  ever  ready  to  engage  in  expedi- 
tions, where  their  faith  was  to  be  defended,  and  plunder  to  be 
gained.  Nor  were  adventurous  leaders  wanting;  who,  if  they 
did  not  gain  freedom  from  the  struggle,  rarely  failed  to  increase 
their  patrimony  by  obtaining  rich  grants  of  lands  ere  their  zeal 
could  be  cooled.  As  the  first  battle  of  Mohacs  may  be  said  to 
have  given  rise  to  this  state,  so  the  second  battle  of  Mohacs  may 
be  considered  to  have  put  an  end  to  it. 

It  has  often  astonished  me  to  hear  Transylvanians  speak  of 
the  period  during  which  they  were  ruled  by  native  princes^  as 
the  golden  age  of  their  history,  the  epoch  of  national  glory,  the 
time  to  which  their  national  songs  and  legends  all  relate.  Is  it 
that  national  independence  has  such  charms  for  a  people,  that 
civil  war,  with  all  its  horrors,  foreign  invasion,  with  all  its  suite 
of  crimes,  can  be  forgotten  under  the  influence  of  its  magic  name? 
It  must  be  so;  and  yet  are  there  men  who  dare  to  mock  such 
sentiments,  and  who  dispose  of  nations  with  as  little  regard  to 
their  feelings  as  if  they  were  flocks  of  sheep. 

Perhaps,  too,  it  may  be  that  this  period  was  the  one  most 
fruitful  in  the  establishment  of  free  institutions,  of  which  the 
benefits  are  still  felt.  If  the  weakness  of  Transylvanian  princes 
gave  a  vast  weight  to  the  demands  of  the  aristocracy,  their  need 
of  support  during  such  long  wars,  induced  them  to  extend  the 
privileges  of  that  aristocracy  to  so  great  a  number  as  to  render 
it  almost  a  democracy.  It  is  to  this  circumstance  we  must  at- 
tribute the  character  of  freedom  which  distinguishes  the  institu- 
tions of  Transylvania.*  It  was  no  longer  a  privileged  few 

*  Transylvania  can  scarcely  be  considered  an  aristocracy  any  more  than 
America  can.  The  native  Indians  and  negroes  of  America — the  free 
negroes  of  the  north,  I  mean,  for  Transylvania  knows  nothing  so  degrading 
as  absolute  slavery — occupy  the  place  of  the  gipsies  and  Wallacks  of 
Transylvania  •  the  rest  of  the  inhabitants  of  both  countries  enjoying  nearly 
equal  rights. 


demanding  power  to  restrain  the  suffering  many.  The  aristoc- 
racy became  a  people,  demanding  liberty  for  all,  except  the 
conquered  part  of  the  nation.  The  establishment  of  equal  rights 
for  four  denominations,  at  a  time  when  all  the  rest  of  Europe 
was  persecuting  for  religion's  sake,  was  an  act  so  far  above  the 
paltry  spirit  of  oligarchic  legislation,  that  we  can  account  for 
it  in  no  other  way  than  by  reference  to  that  great  extension  of 
political  rights  enjoyed  by  the  Transylvanians,  and  which  was, 
in  a  great  measure,  achieved  under  their  native  princes. 

Another  circumstance  which  has  made  the  Transylvanians 
look  back  to  the  government  of  their  native  princes  with  affec- 
tion and  regret,  is  the  frightful  persecutions  to  which,  in  the 
earlier  times  of  their  subjection,  they  were  exposed  at  the  hands 
of  foreign  masters,  and,  in  later  days,  the  violence  with  which 
their  constitutional  rights  have  been  trampled  under  foot.  The 
names  of  Basta,  Caraffa,  and  Heister,  generals  of  Austria,  to 
whom  the  task  of  oppressing  Transylvania  was  in  turn  com- 
mitted, are  never  mentioned  without  a  shudder,  even  to  the 
present  time.  The  peasant  still  tells  his  children  of  the  sad  days 
when  Basta,  after  having  taken  all  their  cattle,  harnessed  their 
forefathers  to  his  wagons,  and  thus  .supplied  his  army  with 
forage  and  transport.* 

Without  attempting  to  trace  the  constitutional  history  of 
Transylvania  step  by  step,  through  its  various  phases  of  deve- 
lopment, it  may  be  worth  while  to  pause  a  moment,  and  ex- 
amine its  great  foundation  stone,  the  celebrated  Diploma  Leo- 
poldinum,  as  it  not  only  contains  the  chief  elements  of  the  form 
of  government  which  has  been  in  operation  from  the  day  on 
which  it  was  granted  to  the  present,  but  may  serve  also  to  give 
us  some  notion  of  the  progress  made  by  the  nation  previous  to 
the  period  when  it  was  obtained.  The  want  of  good  historians 
of  Transylvania, — at  least  in  the  German  language,  and  I  believe 
also  in  the  Hungarian, — the  disturbed  and  unsettled  character 
of  the  period  itself,  and  the  fact  that  the  institutions  were  then 
rather  forming  than  formed,  must  be  our  excuse  for  not  entering 
more  fully  into  the  political  condition  of  the  country,  previous 
to  the  date  of  the  Diploma.  It  is  certain,  however,  that  the 
princes  were  elected,!  but  the  form  of  election  was  exceedingly 

*  A  kind  of  wheelbarrow  was  introduced  for  that  purpose  by  Basta, 
and  they  are  still  called  Basta  szeker,  or  Basta's  carriages. 

|  I  have  been  astonished  to  hear  really  sensible  men  refer  to  the  time 
when  they  elected  to, — that  is,  quarrelled  for,  fought  for,  intrigued  for, 
bribed  for,  betrayed  for; — the  throne.,  as  a  period  of  glory;  and  the  loss  of 


indeterminate,  and  the  supreme  power  was  more  frequently  ob- 
tained by  force  of  arms  than  by  a  majority  of  votes.  The  Diets 
were  held  annually  under  some  princes,  nearly  dispensed  with 
by  others.  The  members  were  in  part  elected,  in  part  nomi- 
nated, and  in  part,  I  suspect,  even  hereditary. 

In  judging  of  the  state  of  legislation  previous  to  the  Diploma 
Leopoldinum,  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  Austria  obtained  the 
election  of  the  emperor  as  prince  of  Transylvania,  chiefly  through 
the  influence  of  treachery  on  the  part  of  one  or  two  Transyl- 
vanians,  seconded  by  the  weakness  of  the  aged  prince  Apaffi, 
and  by  the  presence  of  a  large  army  under  Caraffa,  and  that  the 
Diploma  was,  therefore,  little  more  than  a  compromise  forced  on 
the  country,  between  the  absolute  principle  of  the  Austrian 
Government,  and  the  almost  republican  forms  then  in  use  in 

The  first  article  of  the  Diploma  gives  an  assurance  of  equal 
rights  to  the  four  religions,  viz.,  the  Catholic,  Lutheran,  Re- 
formed and  Unkarian,  and  the  permission  to  build  new  churches 
wherever  their  numbers  may  require  them. 

The  second  secures  to  each  religion  all  the  lands,  tithes, 
benefices,  foundations,  churches,  schools,  &c.,  then  actually  pos- 
sessed by  them,  although  they  may  have  belonged  formerly  to 
the  Catholics. 

The  third  ensures  the  Transylvanians  the  enjoyment  of  their 
civil  privileges,  according  to  the  established  laws  of  Hungary, 
while  by  the  Saxons  their  own  municipal  organization  is  to  be 

By  the  fourth  it  is  promised  that  nothing  shall  be  changed 
in  the  form  of  government,  in  the  appointment  of  the  privy 
council,  in  the  constitution  of  the  Diet,  the  manner  of  voting,  or 
the  administration  of  justice,  except  the  right  of  appeal  to  the 

The  fifth  excludes  foreigners  from  the  possession  of  offices. 

By  the  sixth  it  is  declared  that  property  reverting  to  the 
crown,  by  the  extinction  of  families,  shall  be  bestowed  on  other 
deserving  persons,  and  that  Transylvanians  possessing  property 
in  Hungary  shall  enjoy  it,  with  the  same  rights  as  Hungarians. 

that  privilege  as  the  greatest  misfortune.  I,  on  the  contrary,  believe  sin- 
cerely that  the  greatest — some  might  say  the  only — advantage  Hungary 
and  Transylvania  have  received  from  their  connexion  with  Austria,  is  the 
loss  of  this  right,  and  the  establishment  of  an  hereditary  succession  to  the 


By  the  seventh,  it  is  stipulated  that  the  president  of  the  privy 
council,  the  commander-in-chief  of  the  Transylvanian  militia, 
the  chancellor,  the  members  of  the  privy  council,  the  prothono- 
taries,  and  other  high  dignitaries,  must  be  natives,  chosen  by  the 
Diet,  although  requiring  the  royal  assent  to  their  election. 

By  the  eighth  it  is  provided  that  in  the  privy  council  a  fourth 
of  the  members  shall  be  Catholics,  as  likewise  in  the  supreme 
courts  of  justice. 

By  the  ninth,  an  annual  Diet  is  guarantied,  the  dissolution  to 
depend  on  the  royal  will. 

It  is  stipulated  by  the  tenth  that  the  governor  shall  reside  in 
the  country,  and  that  he,  as  well  as  the  privy  council  and  the 
members  of  the  court  of  justice,  shall  be  paid  by  the  crown. 

It  is  agreed  by  the  eleventh,  that  in  peace  the  country  shall 
pay  an  annual  tribute  of  fifty  thousand  thalers;  in  time  of  war, 
against  Hungary  and  Transylvania^  four  hundred  thousand 
florins,  including  supplies  delivered  in  kind.  The  assessment  of 
this  sum  to  be  left  to  the  Diet.  All  other  charges  are  to  be 
borne  by  the  crown,  out  of  the  Kammeral  revenues  derived  from 
the  Fiscal  estates,  salt  tax,  metal  tax,  among  the  Saxons  the 
customs'  tenth,  and  in  the  Hungarian  counties  the  tithe  rent.* 

By  the  twelfth  the  free  Szeklers  are  to  remain  tax  free,  but 
bound  to  do  military  service. 

The  thirteenth  provides  that  the  taxes,  duties,  and  customs 
shall  not  be  increased  beyond  what  they  had  previously  been. 

By  the  fourteenth,  the  tithes  are  to  be  rented  by  the  land- 
owners, but  the  fiscus  is  to  receive  the  arenda  canon  or  compo- 

By  the  fifteenth,  the  country  is  required  to  maintain  troops 
for  its  occupation  and  protection,  under  the  command  of  an 
Austrian  general;  but  he  is  not  to  mix  in  civil  affairs,  and  must 
maintain  a  good  understanding  with  the  governor,  the  Diet,  and 
the  privy  council,  in  matters  of  war. 

*  This  tithe-rent  arises  from  the  secularization  of  all  the  church  pro- 
perty under  one  of  the  princes, — I  think  the  Unitarian  Zapolya  Zsigmund. 
Previous  to  that  time  the  nobles  had  paid  tithe  to  the  church,  they  were 
now  to  pay  it  to  the  fiscus.  As  the  collection  in  kind  more  than  swal- 
lowed up  the  profits  of  the  tax,  it  was  generally  let,  or  compounded  for, 
by  a  fixed  sum  of  money,  paid  by  the  nobles,  who  had  then  the  right  to 
collect  the  tithe  from  their  own  peasants.  This  composition  is  paid  to 
the  present  day.— A  great  part  of  the  Transylvanian  clergy  of  the  estab- 
lished religions  are  paid  by  the  government.  The  Greek  church  alone 
entirely  maintains  its  own. 


By  the  sixteenth,  the  people  are  to  be  relieved  from  the  bur- 
den of  supporting  and  lodging  travellers,  by  the  establishment 
of  posts  and  inns. 

Although  the  Austrian  power  was  long  rendered  uncertain  by 
a  series  of  civil  wars,  in  which  Transylvania  took  a  leading  part, 
it  was  finally  established  on  a  firm  basis,  and,  as  the  Austrian 
party  grew  stronger,  the  more  liberal  articles  of  the  Diploma 
were  gradually  invaded,  but  the  monarchs,  nevertheless,  con- 
tinued to  swear  to  their  observance,  and  no  legal  modification 
was  ever  made  in  its  provisions.  Maria  Theresa  imitated  her 
predecessors,  and  adopted  the  Diploma  in  all  its  extent,  requiring 
only  that  the  Diet,  in  return,  should  formally  renounce  the  right 
of  electing  the  prince,  and  accept  the  pragmatic  sanction  esta- 
blishing the  succession  in  her  and  her  descendants.  Here,  as  in 
Hungary,  during  the  latter  years  of  Maria  Theresa's  reign,  and 
during  the  whole  of  Joseph's,  the  constitution  was  in  abeyance, 
nor,  during  the  very  few  occasions  on  which  the  Diet  was  called 
together,  towards  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  and  the  beginning 
of  the  nineteenth  centuries,  did  any  important  change  take  place. 
The  long  wars  in  which  Austria  became  engaged  soon  after, 
furnished  an  excuse  for  ruling  without  a  Diet,  and  so  matters 
remained  till  1830. 

The  actual  form  of  government,  then,  as  settled  by  the  Di- 
ploma Leopoldinum,  and  according  to  law, — if  not  always  ac- 
cording to  fact, — existing  at  the  present  time,  is  nearly  as  fol- 

A  Governor,  aided  by  a  Privy  Council,  Secretaries,  and  others, 
corresponding  with  the  Transylvanian  chancery  at  Vienna, — in 
other  words,  acting  under  the  direction  of  an  Austrian  minister, 
— constitute  the  executive,  whilst  the  legislative  is  formed  by  a 
Diet,  to  be  held  every  year.  The  appointment  of  the  executive 
is  to  be  vested  jointly  in  the  Diet  and  the  Crown.*  For  every 
office  the  Diet  is  to  candidate  or  nominate  three  individuals  from 
each  of  the  received  religions,  that  is,  twelve  persons  for  each  of- 
fice, from  among  whom  the  Crown  appoints  one. 

The  Diet  itself  forms  only  one  body,  though  it  is  composed  of 
various  elements.  Every  county  and  free  town  sends  its  mem- 
bers,— the  Magyars  about  forty-six,  the  Szeklers  eighteen,  and 
the  Saxons  eighteen  also ;  the  members  of  the  towns  in  Transyl- 

*  This  is  a  disputed  point  which  I  do  not  pretend  to  decide,  but  merely 
state  how  it  actually  takes  place;  whether  right  or  wrong,  I  leave  others 
to  determine. 

VOL.  II. — 11 


vania  have  the  same  rights  as  those  of  the  counties;  the  Catho- 
lic church  sends  two  members,  representatives  of  abbeys.  The 
Catholic  and  united  Greek  Bishops  claim  each  a  seat  also.  Be- 
sides these,  there  are  Regalists,  as  they  are  called,  (a  sort  of 
Peers,)  who  sit  and  vote  with  the  others,  but  who  are  not  en- 
dowed with  any  other  power  or  title  in  consequence.  Some  of 
these  are  nominated  by  the  Crown  for  life,  others  have  seats  in 
virtue  of  their  office,  as  the  Lords  Lieutenant,  Privy  Councillors, 
and  Secretaries.  The  number  of  Regalists  is  said  to  have  been 
limited  to  eighty-nine  by  Maria  Theresa,  but  this  regulation  has 
been  grossly  infringed,  the  present  number  exceeding  two  hun- 

Besides  the  candidation  of  the  executive,  the  duties  of  the 
Diet  may  be  said  to  consist  in  the  making  and  altering  of  laws 
for  the  internal  government  of  the  country,  the  voting  supplies 
of  troops,  the  levying,  but  not  voting  the  contribution,  and  the 
conferring  the  Indigenat*  or  right  of  citizenship  upon  strangers. 

The  Municipal  Government  of  the  counties  and  towns  is  nearly 
the  same  as  that  of  Hungary,  except  among  the  Saxons,  of 
whose  form  of  local  government  we  shall  speak  further  hereafter. 

From  the  little  we  have  said,  it  is  easy  to  see  how  grossly  the 
institutions  of  Transylvania  have  been  violated ;  and  one  far  bet- 
ter able  to  judge  than  we  can  possibly  be,  Baron  Kemeny  Denes, 
has  publicly  declared,  "  that  of  the  whole  Diploma  Leopoldinum, 
but  one  article  has  been  faithfully  observed,  and  that  is  the  one 
stipulating  that  the  general  commanding  the  troops  should  be  a 
German !  " 

The  length  of  time  which  elapsed  without  the  assembling  of 
the  States,  and  the  consequent  illegal  appointment  of  all  the 
chief  officers;  the  neglect  to  call  the  county-meetings,  and  the 
want  of  legal  sanction  to  all  the  municipal  proceedings,  were 
fast  destroying  in  the  minds  of  the  people  all  confidence  in  the 
faith  of  the  Government,  all  trust  in  its  officers,  and  almost  all 
respect  for  the  laws  they  administered.  A  corrupt  bureaucracy, 
whose  interest  it  was  to  maintain  this  order,  or  rather  disorder, 
of  things,  because  by  its  illegality  alone  could  its  members  exist, 

*  Although  the  King  can  make  any  Hungarian  peasant  noble,  he  can- 
not confer  on  a  foreigner,  not  even  on  an  Austrian  subject,  the  rights  of 
Hungarian  nobility;  this  power,  both  in  Hungary  and  Transylvania,  the 
Diet  reserves  to  itself.  The  Indigenat  tax — in  Hungary  two  thousand, 
and  in  Transylvania  one  thousand  ducats — is  often  remitted  as  a  compli- 
ment to  the  person  on  whom  the  right  of  citizenship  is  conferred. 

PARTIES.  123 

was  fast  demoralizing  the  country  by  an  exhibition  of  the  basest 
subserviency  to  power,  and  of  the  most  open  contempt  for  every 
principle  of  honour  and  honesty. 

Fortunately,  the  very  excess  of  its  viciousness  was  the  cause 
of  saving  the  country.  A  number  of  well-meaning  men,  who 
had  consented  to  aid  Joseph  in  his  constitutional  violence,  be- 
cause they  saw  it  associated  with  so  much  that  was  enlightened 
and  good,  shrunk  with  horror  from  a  system  which  alike  vio- 
lated the  rights  of  the  nation,  and  the  rights  of  man.  The 
stanch  conservative  party,  which  had  never  been  juggled  out  of 
its  consistency  by  any  pretence  of  amelioration,  and  which  loved 
old  things  because  they  were  old,  still  hated  the  innovators,  how- 
ever they  might  otherwise  have  liked  their  principles;  and  be- 
sides these,  a  new  party  had  arisen,  far  more  powerful  than  all 
the  others.  The  progress  made  in  the  West  of  Europe,  during 
the  last  quarter  of  a  century,  in  the  establishment  of  rational 
freedom,  was  not  without  its  effect  even  in  this  distant  part  of 
the  globe.  In  vain  the  youth  of  Transylvania  were  forbidden  to 
exercise  their  ancient  privilege  of  visiting  foreign  universities ;  in 
vain  the  strictest  censorship  endeavoured  to  suppress  and  muti- 
late the  truth;  liberal  facts,  and  liberal  principles  found  their 
way  into  the  country,  and  a  Liberal  party  was  gradually  formed. 
By  this  party  the  ancient  institutions  were  all  the  more  closely 
cherished,  because  they  were  free;  nor  were  there  wanting 
among  them  those  who  felt  that  stronger  guarantees  were  re- 
quired for  the  observance  of  these  institutions,  and  above  all, 
that  it  was  necessary  to  extend  the  privileges,  now  exclusively 
enjoyed  by  the  nobles,  to  the  other  classes  of  society.  The 
greater  portion  of  this  party,  however,  have  no  higher  wish  than 
to  return  to  the  strict  letter  of  the  constitution,  as  enjoyed  by 
their  ancestors,  and  sworn  to  by  the  Emperor,  and  they  claim 
therefore  for  themselves  the  title  of  conservatives,  and  denounce 
their  adversaries  as  destructives. 

The  events  of  1830,  which  shook  all  Europe  to  its  basis,  gave 
a  voice,  in  Transylvania,  to  those  feelings  of  discontent  which 
had  been  long  entertained  in  secret,  and  the  country,  as  with  one 
accord,  demanded  that  the  county-meetings  should  be  summoned, 
and  a  Diet  called  together. 

A  really  strong  popular  feeling  rarely  wants  a  good  leader  to 
direct  its  expression ;  in  Transylvania  such  a  leader  was  found 
in  Baron  Wesselenyi  Miklos.  In  addition  to  the  advantages  of 
rank  and  fortune,  Wesselenyi  possesses  so  much  energy  and  cou- 


rage,  so  much  truth  and  sincerity,  and  withal  an  eloquence  so 
powerful,  that  it  is  not  astonishing  he  was  soon  acknowledged  as 
the  head  of  the  party. 

The  first  point  conceded  by  Government  was  the  county-meet- 
ings, and  these  were  immediately  taken  advantage  of  to  give  ex- 
pression to  public  opinion.  In  the  absence  of  a  free  press,  these 
meetings  were  of  the  greatest  importance ;  they  operated  as 
safety  valves,  which,  while  they  may  have  given  vent  to  some 
useless  vapour,  served  to  inform  the  observer  under  how  great  a 
pressure  the  machine  was  labouring. 

Wesselenyi,  and  a  party  of  his  friends,  purchased  small  por- 
tions of  land  in  every  county,  that  they  might  have  the  right  of 
attending,  and  of  speaking  at  every  public  meeting.  They  had 
no  lack  of  matter  for  the  exercise  of  their  oratory ;  the  unconsti- 
tutional procedure  of  withholding  the  Diet,  the  consequent  ille- 
gal appointment  of  the  great  officers,  and  the  neglect  of  munici- 
pal privileges,  were  all  subjects  for  eloquent  declamation.  Then, 
too,  since  the  last  Diet,  no  less  than  twenty  thousand  soldiers 
had  been  raised  in  Transylvania  without  the  consent  of  the  na- 
tion. The  taxes, — that  subject  which  touches  the  most  indiffe- 
rent, and  in  which  some  men  believe  the  whole  science  of  poli- 
tics to  consist, — were  open  enough  to  animadversion :  for  from 
the  300,000  florins  stipulated  in  the  Diploma,  they  had  been  ar- 
bitrarily raised  to  upwards  of  a  million  and  a  half.*  The  salt 
tax,  too,  which  the  Government  had  been  allowed  to  increase 
during  the  war,  still  continued  at  the  war  rate  after  fifteen  years 
of  peace.  The  export  and  import  duties,  which  the  Diploma 
expressly  declared  should  not  be  altered,  had  been  raised  so  high 
as  to  be  prohibitory. 

The  grievances  of  the  Protestants  were  deep,  and,  from  their 
numbers  and  intelligence,  of  much  importance :  they  demanded 
that  they  should  enjoy  their  rights,  and  be  admitted  to  places  of 
trust  and  profit  equally  with  the  Catholics;  they  objected  to  the 
forced  observance  of  Catholic  holidays,  and  they  protested  against 
the  injustice  of  forcing  the  Catholics,  who  wished  to  become 
Protestants,  to  undergo  six  weeks'  instruction  from  a  priest, 
while  the  Protestant  was  received  into  the  Catholic  church  with- 
out the  slightest  difficulty  being  thrown  in  his  way. 

*  The  exact  amount  of  the  present  contribution  is  not  known.  The 
mode  of  levying  it  has  been  completely  changed ;  a  fixed  sum  is  paid  by 
the  peasant  for  his  land  per  acre,  and  for  his  cattle,  sheep,  &c.,  so  much 
per  head,  without  any  relation  to  any  stipulated  agreement,  so  that  the  tax 
goes  on  increasing  in  amount  probably  every  year. 


The  Szeklers  were  discontented  that  one  portion  of  their  na- 
tion were  obliged  both  to  serve  in  the  army  and  to  pay  taxes; 
and  the  Saxons — even  the  quiet,  submissive  Saxons — were  not 
without  their  griefs.  Their  municipal  constitution  had  been 
completely  changed,  and,  instead  of  being  governed  by  officers 
freely  elected  by  the  people,  they  found  themselves  delivered  over 
to  the  tender  mercies  of  a  self-elected  bureaucracy. 

These  and  a  host  of  minor  abuses,  which  had  crept  into  the 
administration  from  the  want  of  due  popular  control,  formed  the 
subject-matter  of  the  harangues  of  Wessel'Snyi  and  his  friends, 
and  they  were  insisted  on  with  a  degree  of  courage  and  energy 
which  lent  force  to  their  acknowledged  truth.  The  Liberals 
carried  the  day  at  almost  every  meeting  at  which  they  presented 
themselves;  petitions  and  remonstrances,  more  loud  and  more 
angry  as  delay  exhausted  the  patience  of  the  petitioners,  crowded 
the  archives  of  the  Chancery  :  petitions  and  remonstrances  soon 
grew  into  demands,  and  demands  at  last  assumed  the  form  of 
threats.  Baron  Wesselenyi  publicly  announced  his  intention  to 
allow  no  soldiers  to  be  levied  on  his  estates  till  a  Diet  had  been 
granted.  Not  only  individuals,  but  several  counties  followed 
his  example. 

In  the  mean  time  Baron  Josika,  the  Court-nominated  gover- 
nor, overlooking  the  legal  and  constitutional  character  of  the 
opposition,  saw  nothing  but  revolution  in  these  demonstrations, 
and  he  is  said  to  have  written  the  most  exaggerated  reports  of 
their  danger  to  Vienna,  and  to  have  demanded  a  supply  of  troops 
to  repress  them. 

So  violent  a  measure  seems  to  have  startled  even  the  Court 
itself,  and,  though  troops  were  sent,  they  sent  with  them  a  com- 
missioner, General  Vlasits,  with  power  to  inquire  into  the  state 
of  the  country,  and  to  apply  the  necessary  remedies  to  the  exist- 
ing evils.  On  a  certain  day  the  county-meetings  were  assembled 
in  every  part  of  Transylvania,  and  an  edict  of  the  Crown  was 
published,  denouncing  the  decision  of  the  former  meetings,  as  il- 
legal and  null,  and  promising  them  a  Diet  and  the  reform  of 
abuses,  on  condition  of  their  retracting  the  offensive  resolutions. 

Although  several  of  the  counties  refused  to  adopt  this  sugges- 
tion and  stultify  their  former  acts,  General  Vlasits  reported  the 
country  to  be  in  perfect  tranquillity,  and  the  reports  of  the  revo- 
lution, which  he  had  been  sent  down  to  quell,  without  a  shadow 
of  foundation.  The  conduct  of  Vlasits  though  intrusted  with 
so  delicate  a  mission,  secured  for  him  even  the  respect  and  esteem 


of  those  most  strongly  opposed  to  him ;  but  by  the  Court,  his 
efforts  were  not  favourably  regarded,  and  he  was  shortly  after- 
wards recalled. 

The  moment,  however,  was  now  come  when  it  was  thought 
no  longer  safe  to  resist  the  popular  wish.  The  Court  knew  full 
well  that  Wesselenyi*  was  a  man  to  keep  his  word,  the  counties 
too  were  firm  in  supporting  him,  and,  under  such  circumstances, 
a  collision,  in  which  the  nobles  would  appear  as  the  protectors 
of  the  peasantry,  was  to  be  avoided  at  any  price.  A  Diet  was 

In  1 834,  then ,  the  Transy  1  vanian  Diet  was  again  called  together, 
after  an  interval  of  twenty-three  years. 

The  election  returns  left  no  doubt  as  to  the  state  of  opinion  in 
the  country,  even  if  any  could  have  been  entertained  before. 
The  members  of  both  towns  and  counties  were,  with  few  excep- 
tions, liberal.  The  Regalists,  by  office,  as  well  as  the  Regalists 
by  royal  appointment,  were  also  strongly  tinctured  with  the  same 
opinions;  and,  consequently,  the  governor,  with  his  little  band  of 
faithful  officials,  saw  before  him  nothing  but  the  melancholy  pros- 
pect of  a  certain  defeat. 

It  is  necessary  that  the  Diet  should  be  opened  by  a  royal  com- 
missioner; and  the  person  chosen  for  the  purpose  was  the  Arch- 
duke Ferdinand  d'Este,  the  brother  of  the  Duke  of  Modena, 
and  a  near  relation  of  the  Emperor.  The  influence  which  the 
high  rank  of  the  commissioner  might  naturally  be  expected  to 
exercise  on  the  nobility,  was  probably  calculated  upon  as  likely 
to  strengthen  the  Court  party;  but,  unfortunately,  the  well- 
known  sentiments  of  the  Arch-duke  in  favour  of  absolutism,  and 
the  troops  which  soon  followed  his  arrival  gave  his  appearance 

*  A  short  time  previous  to  this,  when  Wesselenyi  was  attending  a  levee 
of  the  Emperor  at  Presburg,  the  sovereign,  in  making  his  round  of  the  cir- 
cle, stopped  opposite  our  Transylvanian,  already  distinguished  as  a  Liberal 
leader,  and,  shaking  his  head  very  ominously,  addressed  him,  "  Take  care, 
Baron  Wesselenyi,  take  care  what  you  are  about!  recollect  that  many  of 
your  family  have  been  unfortunate!" — (His  father  was  confined  for  seven 
years  in  the  Kuffstein.)  "  Unfortunate,  your  majesty,  they  have  been, 
but  ever  undeserving  of  their  misfortunes  also!"  was  Wesselenyi's  bold 
and  honest  answer.  It  is  only  those  who  know  the  habitual  stiffness  and 
decorum  of  an  Austrian  court  that  can  conceive  the  consternation  into 
which  the  whole  crowd  was  thrown  by  this  unexpected  boldness.  Ex- 
planations were  offered  to  Wesselenyi  to  soften  down  the  harshness  of  the 
royal  reproof,  in  hopes  of  bringing  him  to  beg  pardon;  but  he  could  not 
apologize  for  having  defended  the  honour  of  his  family,  even  when  attacked 
by  his  sovereign. 



among  them  so  much  the  air  of  an  attempt  to  overpower  and  con- 
trol the  freedom  of  their  discussions,  that  it  only  increased  the 
bitterness  of  feeling  and  party  spirit  by  which  the  country  was 

Under  such  auspices  the  Diet  opened. 

The  length  of  time  that  had  elapsed  since  the  last  Diet  had, 
among  other  consequences,  rendered  doubtful  many  of  the  rights 
and  privileges  of  the  chamber.  At  the  very  outset,  the  Govern- 
ment disputed  the  right  of  the  chamber  to  elect  its  own  president, 
while  the  chamber  refused  to  admit  the  nominee  of  the  Govern- 

This  was  but  the  beginning  of  a  series  of  angry  disputes,  in 
which  almost  every  constitutional  question,  in  season  or  out  of 
season,  was  dragged  into  the  discussions;  for  it  was  another  evil 
of  the  long  recess,  that  it  had  disaccustomed  the  leading  members 
to  those  habits  of  parliamentary  debate,  and  those  forms  of  par- 
liamentary business,  on  which  the  practical  utility  of  a  parlia- 
ment so  much  depends.  One  of  the  most  interesting  of  these 
questions  was,  the  publication  of  the  debates,  which  the  Arch- 
duke positively  forbade,  but  which  Wesselenyi,  by  means  of  a 
lithographic  press,  still  found  means  of  carrying  on.  Another, 
perhaps,  still  more  important  question,  was,  the  manner  in  which 
the  election  of  officers  should  take  place, — whether  each  of  the 
twelve  candidates  should  be  chosen  by  an  absolute  majority  or 
not — the  Liberals  contending  for  the  absolute  majority,  by  which 
alone  they  could  exert  some  influence  over  the  nomination  of  the 
Crown.  At  this  period  of  the  affair,  the  Diet  sent  a  deputation 
of  its  members  to  wait  upon  the  Emperor,  to  disabuse  him  of  the 
falsehoods  with  which  they  believed  his  ministers  and  their  spies 
had  poisoned  his  ear  against  his  faithful  Transylvanians,  and  to 
prove  to  him  that  their  objects,  so  far  from  revolutionary,  all 
tended  to  the  preservation  only  of  their  ancient  rights  and  im- 

In  the  mean  time,  evil  passions  had  been  called  into  play, 
which  rendered  greater  every  day  the  separation  between  the 
two  parties.  Personal  animosity  and  private  pique,  ambitious 
vanity  and  wounded  dignity,  all  conspired  in  turns,  to  imbitter 
the  debates.  The  conduct  of  Wesselenyi  himself  was  any  thing 
but  conciliatory.  With  principles  and  views  too  far  advanced, 
probably,  both  for  the  Government  he  wished  to  control,  and  the 
party  he  wished  to  lead,  he  grew  only  more  uncompromising  in 
their  support,  the  more  sharply  they  were  attacked.  It  was  in 


vain  that  Professor  Szasz,  that  Count  Bethlen  Janos,  and  others 
of  the  Liberal  party,  endeavoured  to  moderate  the  demands  of 
the  ultras,  or  the  mistrust  and  fears  of  the  Absolutists.  It  was 
in  vain,  the  more  cautious  inveighed  against  the  danger  of  play- 
ing the  lion's  part  with  only  the  fox's  strength ;  Wesselenyi  was 
not  a  man  to  yield,  where  he  believed  himself  right,  and  he  steadi- 
ly refused  to  sacrifice  a  single  principle  on  the  plea  of  expe- 

The  political  fever  was  now  spreading  far  and  wide,  and  the 
Arch-duke  and  the  administration  became  so  unpopular,  that  the 
waverers,  the  men  of  no  opinion,  threw  themselves  into  the  ranks 
of  the  opposition.  The  colleges,  with  all  the  enthusiasm  of  youth, 
added  their  voices  to  Wesselenyi's  demand  for  liberty  and  jus- 
tice. From  the  mountains  of  the  hardy  Szeklers  to  the  quiet  vil- 
lages of  the  cautious  Saxons,  the  cry  for  reform  of  abuses  grew 
louder  and  louder.  At  such  a  moment,  a  bold  hand,  a  compre- 
hensive mind,  and  an  honest  heart  would  at  once  have  grappled 
with  the  difficulties,  offered  a  frank  reform  of  abuses,  and  gone 
in  advance  even  of  the  expectations  of  the  people  in  correcting 
acknowledged  evils.  In  an  instant  the  whole  country  would 
have  been  at  the  foot  of  the  throne.  No  one  would  have  ven- 
tured to  oppose  so  fair  a  promise  of  good,  and  Transylvania  would 
have  overlooked  a  thousand  past  faults  in  the  anticipation  of  a 
happy  future. 

Such,  unfortunately,  was  not  the  course  pursued.  On  the 
24th  of  May,  Wesselenyi  had  presented  to  the  chamber  his  litho- 
graphic press,  had  claimed  for  it  the  protection  of  the  country, 
and  had  seen  it  accepted  with  acclamations.  A  few  hours  later, 
and  a  proclamation  from  the  Emperor  had  dissolved  the  Diet, 
suspended  the  constitution,  and  nominated  the  Arch-duke  absolute 
governor  of  the  country  ! 

A  denouement  so  sudden  and  so  unexpected,  produced  the  most 
extraordinary  sensation.  Angry  words  were  exchanged  between 
the  parties,  and  in  the  excitement  of  the  moment,  a  sabre  is  said 
to  have  started  from  its  scabbard;  but,  fortunately,  the  leaders 
restrained  these  ebullitions  of  feeling,  and  the  chamber  sepa- 
rated in  perfect  quiet.  What  was  their  surprise  on  leaving  the 
hall,  to  find  the  streets  lined  with  troops,  and  every  thing  bearing 
the  aspect  of  a  military  demonstration! 

Intimidation  was  probably  the  object  aimed  at,  for  I  will  not 
for  a  moment  suspect  the  Government  of  having  wished  to  pro- 
voke a  movement  that  they  might  thus  dispose  the  more  easily 


of  their  antagonists;  the  loyal  and  honourable  character  of  the 
Arch-duke  forbids  such  a  suspicion,  even  should  that  of  some  of 
his  counsellors  provoke  it.  Intimidation  was  probably  the  sole 
object,  but  never  was  a  purpose  more  signally  defeated. 

It  was  immediately  determined,  that  without  any  appeal  to 
arms,  the  strongest  moral  opposition  should  be  offered  to  this  act 
of  constitutional  violence.  With  one  or  two  exceptions  only,  every 
man  of  character  holding  office  under  the  Crown — Lords-Lieu- 
tenant of  counties,  Privy  Councillors,  Secretaries  of  State — at 
once  threw  up  their  appointments,  declaring  that  they  could  no 
longer  act  with  a  Government  that  seemed  to  set  all  law  and 
justice  at  defiance.*  This  was  an  unexpected  blow;  the  Court 
party  had  reckoned  on  the  love  of  place  being  stronger  than  the 
love  of  principle — a  few  years  previously  it  would  have  been  so 
— and  its  disappointed  rage  seemed  uncontrollable.  Actions  at 
law  were  commenced  against  the  leaders  of  the  Liberals  before 
judges  certain  to  condemn  them;  injury  and  insult  were  heaped 
upon  every  member  of  the  party,  and  their  security  and  repose 
were  placed  entirely  at  the  disposal  of  inveterate,  and  often  un- 
principled, enemies. 

These  events  took  place  in  the  spring  of  1834 ;  and,  in  the 
autumn  of  1835,  every  thing  remained  as  it  was  placed  in  the 
first  moments  of  distrust  and  violence. 

An  extraordinary  number  of  troops  were  still  collected  in  and 
about  Klausenburg,  and  were  even  quartered  in  the  houses  of 
the  nobles.  The  Archduke  Ferdinand  remained  apparently  in 
military  occupation  of  the  country,  for  he  had  no  position  of 
authority  recognised  by  the  constitution.  All  the  vacant  places 
were  filled  up  illegally,  for  no  Diet  had  been  summoned  to  give 
its  list  of  candidates.  With  a  few  exceptions,  the  officers  ap- 
pointed were  chosen  from  among  the  least  respected  persons  in 
the  country.  The  few  men  of  honour  among  them  declared 
publicly  that  they  were  ashamed  of  their  associates;  and,  worst 
of  all,  even  the  municipal  constitution  had  been  suspended,  and 
consequently,  all  the  magistrates,  though  fairly  elected,  had  held 
their  offices  beyond  the  proper  period,  and  all  their  acts  were 
therefore  illegal. 

*  Among  these,  the  principal  were,  Privy  Councillors,  Baron  Kemeny 
Ferenz,  and  Szek  Daniel;  Lords-Lieutenant,  Count  Degenfeld,  Baron 
Banffy  Laszlo,  Baron  Banffy  Adam,  and  Ugronlstvan;  Secretaries.  Count 
Hethlen  Imre,  Ugron — and  some  others,  besides  a  great,  number  of  inferior 


During  the  whole  of  this  time  the  greatest  tranquillity  prevailed, 
— a  tranquillity  which  confounded  the  advocates  of  absolutism 
ten  times  more  than  would  the  most  violent  revolt.  Incapable 
of  understanding  the  confidence  which  freemen  feel  in  the  justice 
and  righteousness  of  their  cause,  they  cannot  estimate,  and  there- 
fore cannot  oppose  the  moral  courage  which  suffers  in  the  full 
conviction  that  its  suffering  will  eventually  work  out  a  remedy 
for  the  evil. 

In  such  a  state  was  the  political  horizon  of  Transylvania  when 
we  reached  -Klausenburg, 




Transylvania  Roads. — A  Solitary  Inn. — Drag. — Zsibo. — Horse-breeding-. 
• — Old  Transylvanian  Breed. — Count  BanfTy's  Stud. — English  Breed. — 
Baron  Wesselenyi's  Stud. — A  Cross. — Babolna  Arabs.  —  Interesting- 
Experiment. — Rakotzy. — Robot. — Ride  to  Hadad. —  The  Vintage. — 
Transylvanian  Wines. — Oak  Woods. — Scotch  Farmer. — A  Reformer's 
Trials. — State  of  the  Peasantry. — Urbarium. — Stewards. — Establish- 
ments of  the  Nobles. — Social  Anomalies. — Old  Fashions. — The  Dinner. 
— Drive  to  Nagy  Banya — Gipsies. — Gold  Mines. — Private  Specula- 
tions.— Return. 

BEFORE  the  winter  set  in,  there  was  yet  a  promise  of  a  week 
or  two  of  fine  weather;  and  we  were  recommended  to  avail  our- 
selves of  it,  to  visit  some  interesting  objects  in  the  north  of  the 

I  believe  my  duty,  as  an  honest  chronicler  of  my  travels,  would 
be  to  give  the  reader  at  least  two  pages  of  tirade  against  the  bad 
roads  of  Transylvania ;  for  if  I  do  not  how  can  I  convey  to  him 
an  impression  of  the  misery  we  suffered  while  we  were  dragged 
over  or  rather  through  them?  But  lest  he  should  grow  as  tired 
of  hearing  of  them  as  we  did  of  travelling  on  them,  I  will  spare 
him  the  infliction,  and  content  myself  with  saying  that  we  now 
occupied  three  days  in  accomplishing  what  one  day  suffices  for 
in  summer. 

Our  first  halt  was  at  a  lone  country  inn — a  sort  of  caravansary 
in  the  desert — for  I  do  not  recollect  that  we  had  seen  a  house 
for  two  hours  before  we  reached  it.  About  an  acre  of  ground, 
forming  the  yard,  was  enclosed  with  a  strong  fence,  and  held  the 
dwelling-house,  the  wagon-shed,  some  stables,  and  a  well.  A 
more  solitary  spot  I  have  rarely  seen ;  the  hills  all  round  were 
covered  with  a  scanty  pasture,  the  road  was  only  a  muddy  track, 
and  there  were  no  signs  of  cultivation  or  habitation  within  a  cir- 
cuit of  many  miles. 

At  Drag,  which  we  did  not  reach  till  some  time  after  nightfall, 
we  were  hospitably  entertained  by  the  Seigneur  of  the  place;  for 


we  were  now  obliged  to  have  recourse  to  our  letters  of  introduction 
here,  the  inns  being  really  too  bad.  We  were  shown  at  Drag  a 
large  Roman  statue  of  Jupiter,  without  the  head,  which  had  been 
discovered  some  miles  off  in  the  bed  of  a  brook.  It  was  of  a 
rather  coarse  white  marble,  probably  obtained  in  the  country, 
and  of  indifferent  workmanship. 

One  object  of  the  route  we  had  chosen  in  this  excursion,  was 
to  enable  us  to  visit  Zsibo,  the  seat  of  Baron  Wesselenyi  Miklos; 
and  we  arrived  there  on  the  second  evening. 

We  did  not  expect  to  see  the  Baron  himself  at  Zsibo,  for  we 
knew  that  he  was  an  unwilling  absentee.  Immediately  after  the 
stormy  conclusion  of  the  Diet,  which  we  have  related  in  the 
last  chapter,  Baron  Wesselenyi  had  hastened  into  Hungary, 
where,  as  we  have  already  seen,  he  was  actively  employed  in 
serving  his  country,  while,  in  the  mean  time  his  enemies  com- 
menced an  action  against  him  in  Transylvania,  for  printing  the 
Journal,  and  other  less  important  charges.  Attacked  by  a  se- 
vere illness  at  Presburg,  Wesselenyi  was  unable  to  answer  the 
summons  of  the  Court  to  appear,  and,  in  spite  of  the  certificates 
of  his  physicians,  he  was  condemned  for  contumacy  and  a  warrant 
of  arrest  issued  against  him,  should  he  return  to  Transylvania. 
Though  he  still  remains  free,  the  chief  object  was  gained,  that 
of  driving  him  from  the  scene  of  his  greatest  influence ;  for,  from 
that  day,  he  has  never  been  able  to  return  to  the  country.  His 
establishment,  however,  was  still  kept  up  as  before,  and  his  stew- 
ard was  there  to  show  us  over  it. 

Besides  other  branches  of  industry,  Baron  Wesselenyi  has  par- 
ticularly devoted  his  attention  to  the  breed  of  horses.  If  horse- 
breeding  is  a  matter  of  interest  to  the  Hungarian  gentry,  it  is  al- 
most a  passion  among  those  of  Transylvania.  I  think  Bethlen, 
in  his  "  Ansichten  von  Siebenburgen,"  published  at  the  beginning 
of  this  century,  gives  the  names  of  no  less  than  sixty  celebrated 
studs  in  this  small  territory.  The  original,  or  rather  the  oldest 
breed  of  Transylvania,  is  probably  that  still  found  in  the  moun- 
tains of  the  Szekler  Land,  a  small  wiry  horse,  capable  of  endu- 
ring great  fatigue,  and  easily  fed,  but  deficient  in  size,  power  and 
speed.  These  horses  bear,  in  many  respects,  a  great  resemblance 
to  our  Welsh  ponies.  During  the  long  occupation  of  the  country 
by  the  Turks,  a  considerable  intermixture  of  Arab  blood  took 
place,  which,  though  it  may  have  added  something  to  the  Tran- 
sylvanian  horse's  speed  and  beauty,  seems  to  have  detracted  from 
his  strength  and  hardihood. 


Among  a  host  of  other  evils,  which  the  connexion  between 
Spain  and  Austria  brought  on  Hungary  and  Transylvania,  one 
of  the  most  permanent,  if  not  the  most  serious,  was  the  deteriora- 
tion of  the  breed  of  horses.  The  Spanish  horse,  with  conside- 
rable beauty, — at  least  to  the  unskilled  eye, — with  extraordinary 
docility  and  a  most  pompous  bearing,  is,  nevertheless,  the  very 
worst  horse  in  Europe.  The  fashion  of  the  court,  however,  of 
course  decided  the  fashion  of  the  country,  and  till  the  present 
century  the  Spanish  was  the  most  esteemed  blood.  In  fact,  it 
was  not  ill-adapted  to  the  wants  of  those  times.  When  to  be 
slow  was  to  be  dignified,  when  all  grace  centred  in  a  minuet, 
and  beauty  took  refuge  in  powder  and  hoops,  it  was  but  right 
that  pomp  should  have  its  prancing  steeds,  which  could  curvet 
a  whole  hour  without  advancing  a  mile;  but  in  these  waltzing, 
steaming,  matter-of-fact  days,  nothing  Jess  than  our  full  bloods 
can  keep  pace  with  modern  restlessness,  and  they  have  accord- 
ingly been  introduced  into  Transylvania,  as  well  as  into  most 
other  parts  of  Europe. 

There  are  still,  however,  some  old-fashioned  people  who  are 
content  to  move  on  as  their  forefathers  did, — the  Court  and  its 
party,  more  especially  the  bishops,  are  said  to  monopolize  this 
privilege  in  Hungary.  To  supply  this  taste  some  of  the  old  studs 
are  still  maintained.  The  most  perfect  is  that  of  Count  Banffy, 
at  Bonczida,  where  every  thing  corresponds  so  well  with  the 
historical  character  of  its  horses,  that  I  cannot  forbear  a  descrip- 
tion of  it.  The  whole  of  one  side  of  the  court-yard  of  the  castle 
is  occupied  by  a  superb  stable,  ornamented  with  sculpture,  and 
entered  by  folding-doors.  The  stable  is  composed  of  one  vaulted 
hall,  with  stalls  on  either  side,  and  a  wide  walk  down  the  centre, 
the  floor  being  boarded  with  oak.  As  we  entered,  the  Stall- 
meister,  in  long  jack-boots,  and  armed  with  a  coach-whip,  re- 
ceived us  in  due  form,  and  ushered  us  into  the  presence  of  nearly 
a  hundred  horses,  all  with  their  heads  turned  towards  us,  orna- 
mented with  ribbons,  and  attended  by  grooms  in  full  livery,  with 
bouquets  in  their  hats.  After  walking  up  and  down  this  mag- 
nificent avenue,  listening  to  pedigrees,  and  admiring  the  beauty 
of  the  gallant  steeds,  we  retired  again  to  the  court-yard  to  see 
them  brought  out.  Two  horses  at  a  time  were  led  to  the  door 
in  long  braided  reins,  and,  on  a  given  signal  from  the  Stall-meis- 
ter's  whip,  off  they  started,  curvetting,  neighing,  and  galloping, 
till  they  had  made  the  tour  of  the  court,  when,  at  another  signal, 
they  came  to  a  dead  stand,  at  a  certain  spot  where  they  remained 

VOL.  II. 12 


as  quiet  as  lambs,  to  be  handled  and  examined  from  head  to  foot. 
It  was  impossible  to.  see  these  horses,  as  they  proudly  stretched 
themselves  out  as  if  to  show  their  points  to  the  greatest  advan- 
tage, and  deny  that  they  had  much  beauty  about  them :  as  for 
their  capability  to  endure  fatigue,  I  cannot  speak,  but  I  fancy 
they  are  rarely  exposed  to  such  a  trial.  What  is  not  least  im- 
portant, these  horses  are  said  to  find  a  ready  sale.  A  hundred 
pounds  for  a  pair,  as  carriage  horses,  is  considered  a  high  price, 
even  for  the  best  of  them. 

Baron  Wesselenyi  was  the  first  who  undertook  to  reform  these 
matters,  and  though  he  began  it  with  only  a  very  few  English 
mares  and  one  horse, — Cato, — his  ordinary  stock  stud  now  amounts 
to  about  two  hundred.  We  went  first  of  all  into  the  paddock, 
where  we  found  a  promising  herd  of  young  things  of  different 
ages,  from  two  to  five,  in  excellent  condition,  and  carefully  tend- 
ed by  keepers,  like  sheep  by  their  shepherds.  Those  which 
most  interested  us,  were  a  cross  between  the  English  full  blood 
and  the  small  Szekler  mare,  and  an  excellent  hackney  it  seems 
to  have  produced.  The  mares  were  mostly  powerful  animals, 
admirably  chosen  for  breeding  speed  and  strength. 

On  returning  to  the  stables,  we  found  thirty  or  forty  horses 
up,  and  in  condition  for  sale  or  work.  There  were  some  of  them 
which  left  nothing  to  desire.  I  remember  particularly  one,  a 
four  years'  colt,  already  nearly  sixteen  hands  high,  which  looked 
as  much  like  a  hunter,  as  ever  I  saw  a  horse.  Baron  Wesselenyi 
is  considered  to  sell  his  horses  dear.  The  prices  vary  from 
about  40/.  for  the  half-bred  Szeklers,  to  2501.  for  thorough-bred 
entire  horses.  The  four  years'  old  gelding,  just  alluded  to,  was 
estimated  at  80/.  As  soon  as  English  horses  become  a  little 
more  common  in  this  part  of  the  world,  I  have  no  doubt  that  the 
best  of  them  will  be  re-exported  to  England,  the  price  of  breed- 
ing and  rearing  being  so  much  less  here,  and  the  demand  for 
first-rate  horses  so  far  beyond  the  supply  with  us.  The  expense 
of  keeping  a  horse  in  condition  in  this  country,  for  twelve 
months,  I  have  heard  estimated  at  10/. 

There  are  now  probably  not  less  than  twenty  studs  in  Tran- 
sylvania, with  a  greater  or  less  infusion  of  English  blood.  It 
is  amusing  enough  to  find,  that  there  is  a  strong  connexion  be- 
tween breeds  of  horses  and  opinions  in  politics  here.  A  young 
Liberal,  the  first  thing  on  coming  to  his  fortune,  clears  his  fa- 
ther's stables  of  the  old  stock,  and  recruits  anew  from  Zsibo ; 
while  the  Absolutists  adhere  religiously  to  the  pompous  useless 

ARAB  BREED.  135 

steeds  of  their  predecessors.    So  far  does  it  go,  that  a  man's  po- 
litics are  known  by  the  cut,  of  his  horse's  tail.     As  Baron  H- 

overtook  a  party  of  Liberals,  returning  one  dark  night  from  a 
county-meeting,  he  was  hailed  as  a  friend;  for  though  they  said 
they  could  not  see  his  face,  they  knew  by  his  horse's  dock  that 
lie  was  of  the  right  sort. 

Before  I  take  leave  of  the  horses,  I  must  say  a  few  words 
here  of  the  Government  studs  in  Hungary,  of  which  Marshal 
Marmont  has  given  so  particular  an  account.  Babolna,  though 
not  so  large  as  Mezo  Hegyes,  was  particularly  interesting  at  the 
time  I  visited  it,  from  a  new  importation  of  Arabs  which  had 
just  taken  place.  Babolna  is  a  complete  military  establishment, 
under  the  direction  of  a  major  of  dragoons,  aided  by  a  certain 
number  of  officers,  non-commissioned  officers  and  privates.  They 
farm  a  large  estate  of  more  than  seven  thousand  acres,  from  which 
they  draw  their  supplies  of  corn,  straw,  and  hay.  The  most  in- 
teresting object  to  us  was  the  Arab  stud,  which  the  major  had 
himself  just  brought  from  the  interior  of  Arabia.  There  were 
fourteen  mares,  and  nearly  as  many  horses.  It  is  impossible  for 
language  to  convey  an  idea  of  the  beauty  of  some  of  these  crea- 
tures. They  are  small,  rarely  exceeding  fourteen  hands;  but 
their  strength  and  symmetry  are  perfect.  There  was  one  little 
mare,  a  bright  bay,  which  caught  my  eye,  and  so  completely 
fascinated  me,  that  I  could  scarcely  look  at  any  of  the  others 
after.  Such  depth  of  shoulder,  such  bony  fore-legs,  such  loins, 
and  such  quarters  and  hocks,  it  was  nevej*  my  fortune  to  see  in 
so  small  a  compass,  or  in  such  perfect  proportion,  before.  The 
major  was  evidently  pleased  at  my  choice,  for  the  bay  mare  was 
his  favourite  also :  the  more  so,  perhaps,  from  the  difficulty  he 
had  found  in  getting  possession  of  her.  He  had  heard  of  her  re- 
putation long  before  he  reached  the  tribe  to  which  she  belonged; 
for,  after  a  defeat,  she  had  borne  her  master  across  the  sandy 
wastes  without  a  halt,  an  incredible  distance,  and  actually  arrived 
at  the  encampment  of  the  tribe,  six  hours  before  any  of  the 
others  who  had  commenced  their  flight  at  the  same  time.  To 
induce  an  Arab  to  part  with  such  a  treasure  was  no  easy  matter; 
and  long  were  the  negotiations  and  high  the  bribes  which  ena- 
bled the  major  to  secure  this  gem  of  the  desert  for  his  imperial 

In  one  part  of  the  establishment,  we  were  shown  the  summer 
day-rooms  for  the  breeding  stud,  immense  places,  where  some 
hundreds  of  mares  and  foals  are  turned  in  together,  the  floors 


being  covered  with  straw  above  the  horses'  knees  to  protect 
their  feet,  and  the  walls  lined  with  marble  troughs,  in  which 
they  receive  their  food.  Notwithstanding  the  number  let  loose 
together,  it  is  very  rarely  any  accident  happens;  indeed,  from 
the  constant  presence  of  man  with  them,  nothing  can  exceed  the 
quietness  of  these  creatures.  We  went  among  whole  herds  of 
them,  and  touched  them  without  the  least  danger.  The  tenders 
always  carry  bread  with  them,  and  give  a  bit  to  the  horse  as  a 
reward  for  good  behaviour;  and  they  consequently  follow  one 
about,  poking  their  noses  into  one's  hands  and  pockets  with  the 
docility  of  dogs.  I  was  surprised  to  hear,  that  in  these  large 
buildings  every  horse  knows  his  place,  though  it  is  quite  undi- 
vided, and  is  as  tenacious  of  it  as  an  old  bachelor  of  his  chimney 

A  most  interesting  experiment  is  at  present  under  trial  at  Ba- 
bolna.  Major  Herbert  is  of  opinion,  that  the  size  and  strength 
of  a  horse  does  not  depend  on  the  race,  but  on  the  nourishment 
of  the  individual  animal.  In  consequence  of  this  opinion,  and 
taking  the  Arab  as  the  most  perfect  model  of  a  horse  for  form 
and  symmetry,  he  is  desirous  to  confine  his  stud  stock  to  the 
Arab  blood,  and  trusts  to  his  system  of  feeding  for  supplying  the 
deficiency  of  size.  When,  I  saw  Babolna,  he  had  specimens  of 
four  and  five. years'  old  horses  raised  on  this  system;  and  there 
was  certainly  a  considerable  change  in  their  size,  compared  with 
that  of  their  sires.  When  this  experiment  commenced,  however, 
he  had  no  Arab  dams  .in  the  stud,  and  the  proof  was  therefore 
incomplete,  for  the  mixed  German  and  Spanish  race,  to  which 
the  old  mares  belonged,  though  faulty  enough  in  other  particu- 
lars, is  not  very  small.  Some  of  the  double  crosses — where  the 
sire,  for  two  generations,  was  a  small  Arab — were  nearly  fifteen 
hands,  and,  in  other  respects,  good  in  form,  and  leaning  much  to 
the  Arab  in  appearance.  The  system  of  feeding  is  nearly  the 
same  as  that  pursued  with  our  racing  stock, — to  let  them  nibble 
pats  as  soon  as  they  can;  and  for  the  first  three  or  four  years, 
instead  of  starving  them  on  a  bad  pasture,  to  give  them  the  best 
of  every  thing. 

That  the  experiment  will  succeed  to  a  certain  extent,  is,  I  think, 
evident,  both  from  what  I  saw,  and  from  the  history  of  improve- 
ments introduced  into  the  breeds  of  other  animals,  which  have  been 
generally  produced  by  judicious  selection  and  high  feeding;  but 
whether  the  expanded  Arab  will  retain  the  same  symmetry  of 
form,  the  same  relative  proportion  of  bone  and  body,  and,  above 

ZSIBO.  137 

all,  the  same  hardihood  and  endurance  which  distinguish  the  de- 
sert stock,  appears  very  doubtful.  The  question  is — can  the 
qualities  of  the  English  hunter  be  fed  into  the  Arab  form?  No- 
where can  the  experiment  be  so  perfectly  and  satisfactorily  set- 
tled as  in  one  of  these  institutions,  for  the  amount  of  food  is 
fixed  and  weighed,  the  number  on  which  the  experiment  is  tried 
renders  it  independent  of  exceptions,  and,  above  all,  the  charac- 
ter and  interests  of  the  gentlemen  by  whom  it  is  conducted,  place 
them  above  all  suspicion  of  false  play.  For  the  present,  how- 
ever, it  must  be  considered  under  trial.  No  English  sportsman 
should  pass  through  Hungary  without  visiting  Babolna.  The 
politeness  with  which  Major  Herbert  showed  us  the  whole  esta- 
blishment, though  we  presented  ourselves  entirely  as  strangers, 
and  without  introduction,  requires  our  special  thanks.  The  des- 
tination of  the  horses  raised  in  the  royal  stud,  is,  to  improve  the 
breed  in  the  districts  of  the  Austrian  empire,  among  which  they 
are  distributed.  If  any  remain  above  the  number  required  for 
this  purpose,  they  are  sold  to  officers  for  chargers,  or  even  sent 
to  the  remount  of  the  regiments. 

But  to  return  to  Zsibo.  Zsibo  is  one  of  the  very  few  houses 
I  have  yet  seen  in  this  part  of  the  world  which  is  really  well  si- 
tuated. It  occupies  a  large  platform,  at  a  considerable  height 
above  the  village,  and  is  backed  by  still  higher  hills,  and  sur- 
rounded by  woods  which  shelter  it  from  the  north.  Below  it 
extends  on  either  side,  the  valley  of  the  Szamos,  and  opposite 
a  conical  mountain  rears  its  head,  the  scene  of  one  of  the  most 
interesting  events  in  Transylvanian  history.  It  was  on  this 
mountain  that  Franz  Rakotzy  II.  the  last  native  prince  of  Tran- 
sylvania, took  his  stand,  and  witnessed  the  final  defeat  of  his 
forces  by  the  troops  of  Austria. 

Weak  and  vacillating  as  Rakotzy  was,  it  is  impossible  to  read 
his  adventurous  history  without  interest,  or  to  reflect  on  his  fall, 
when  deserted  by  his  former  friends  and  adherents,  without  pity. 
"  Pro  patria  et  libertate"  was  a  noble  inscription  to  place  upon 
his  coinage — but  it  was  sad  to  think  that  the  coin  itself  was 
base:  religious  freedom  was  an  object  well  worth  contending  for, 
— but  it  was  difficult  for  one  brought  up  a  Jesuit  to  maintain  it 
consistently ;  mildness  and  justice  were  good  qualities  in  a  ruler, 
— but  weakness  and  indecision  were  destructive  to  the  general. 
After  years  of  civil  war,  in  which  Rakotzy  sometimes  seemed 
on  the  point  of  ascending  the  throne  of  Hungary,  sometimes  was 



threatened  with  annihilation  by  the  quarrels  amongst  his  own 
friends,  he  at  last  ended  his  troubled  life  a  fugitive  in  Turkey. 

As  we  were  passing  from  one  part  of  the  establishment  of 
Zsibo  to  another,  we  crossed  a  beautiful  wood  on  the  banks  of 
the  river,  which  is  fenced  in  on  all  sides  to  protect  the  pheasants, 
with  which  it  literally  swarms,  from  the  wolves  and  foxes.  The 
proud  birds  were  crowing  from  their  perches  on  every  side  of  us. 
The  pheasant  is  yet  a  stranger  in  Hungary,  and  can  only  be 
kept  in  woods  appropriated  to  the  purpose  of  rearing  them, 
where  they  are  carefully  fed,  and  in  winter  driven  under  cover, 
and  shut  up  till  the  next  spring. 

On  our  return  by  the  farm-yard,  we  observed  a  very  merry 
group  of  children  and  women  occupied — if  such  lazy  wTork  can 
be  called  occupation — in  pulling  off  the  outer  skins  of  the  maize. 
A  man  stood  over  them  to  direct  them  and  to  enforce  their 
attention — but  what  can  one  man  do  against  the  mischief  and 
fun  of  fifty  women  and  children  ?  I  was  very  much  surprised 
to  hear  that  these  merry  workers  were  sent  as  substitutes  for 
husbands  and  fathers  in  the  performances  of  a  day's  Robot.  If 
a  landlord  gets  but  one  hundred  days'  work  such  as  this,  for  a 
year's  rent  for  a  farm  of  thirty  acres,  it  is  not  very  highly  paid. 
I  am  sure  ten  of  ours  would  be  of  more  worth.  The  steward 
seemed  to  think  this,  however,  but  a  very  slight  misfortune 
compared  with  others  his  master  had  to  suffer :  "  Probably,"  he 
observed,  "  before  the  winter  is  over,  these  people  will  have 
eaten  all  this  corn  which  they  are  now  so  lazily  dressing.  The 
harvest  has  been  a  scarce  one  here,  and  when  that  is  the  case, 
the  peasants  come  on  their  landlords  for  support,  as  if  they  had 
a  right  to  it.  It  has  frequently  happened  that  the  Baron  has 
not  been  able  to  sell  one  grain  of  corn  for  a  whole  season,  every 
particle  of  it  having  been  required  to  keep  his  own  tenantry 
alive,  and  sometimes  he  has  been  obliged  to  buy  more  in  addi- 
tion." This  is  a  pretty  good  answer  to  the  stupid  accusation  of 
ill-treating  his  peasantry,  which  had  been  raised  against  Baron 
Wesselcnyi;  an  answer  unneeded,  however,  for  their  prosperous 
and  happy  state,  superior  to  almost  any  in  the  country,  and  their 
devoted  affection  to  their  master,  rendered  the  accusation  itself 
perfectly  ridiculous.  One  of  these  very  peasants  walked  all  the 
way  from  Zsibo  to  Vienna,  to  present  a  petition  to  the  emperor 
from  some  hundred  of  his  fellows,  that  their  lord  and  benefactor 
might  be  restored  to  them, 

We  had  spent  so  much  time,  that  the  day  was  well  nigh  past 

HADAD.  139 

ere  we  had  finished  our  drive  round  Zsibo,  and  we  had  still  a 
considerable  journey  before  us.  The  steward,  however,  had  sent 
the  carriage  forward  early  in  the  morning,  and  now  offered  us 
some  of  the  half-bred  Szeklers,  that  we  might  try  if  their  deeds 
deserved  the  praises  we  had  bestowed  on  their  appearance.  We 
got  over  to  Hadad,  our  next  station,  in  little  more  than  two 
hours,  through  a  woody  and  hilly  country,  often  presenting 
views  of  the  most  perfect  park-like  scenery  it  is  possible  to 
fancy.  What  is  the  exact  distance  I  know  not,  but  we  cer- 
tainly put  our  little  horses  on  their  mettle,  and  arrived  conside- 
rably before  the  carriage  which  had  started  in  the  morning. 
One  of  them,  a  small  mare,  with  two  crosses  of  English  blood, 
was  the  most  extraordinary  trotter,  of  her  height,  I  ever  saw. 
She  was  sold  soon  after  for  about  60/.  There  never  was  a 
country  more  beautifully  laid  out  for  riding  over  than  Transyl- 
vania; without  high  mountains  or  hard  roads,  it  is  just  suffi- 
ciently hilly  to  vary  the  surface,  and  twenty  or  thirty  miles  of 
uninterrupted  springy  turf,  glorious  for  galloping,  is  no  great 
rarity.  The  advantage,  too,  is  as  great  as  the  pleasure.  From 
Hadad  to  Klausenburg,  which  takes  always  three  days  in  win- 
ter for  a  carriage,  has  been  ridden,  by  means  of  relays  of  horses, 
in  less  than  six  hours ! 

We  arrived  at  Hadad  at  a  fortunate  moment;  they  had  just 

begun  the  vintage,  and  our  host,  the  young  Baron  W F , 

who  was  a  considerable  wine-grower,  invited  us  the  next  day 
to  see  his  vineyards.  The  vintage  is  always  a  merry  scene  in 
every  country,  apparently  rather  from  the  associations  connected 
with  its  produce,  than  from  any  thing  peculiar  in  the  labour 
itself;  unless,  indeed,  we  allow  that  the  beauties  of  nature,  in 
which  the  season  of  the  vintage  is  so  rich,  has  its  effect  even  on 
the  coarse  nature  of  the  peasant.  I  believe  that  such  is  the  case, 
and  moreover,  that  many  an  uncultivated  soul  which  lacks 
words  in  which  to  clothe  its  feelings,  is  far  more  capable  of  ap- 
preciating the  glories  of  God's  works  than  the  whole  race  of 
maudlin  town-bred  poets,  who  prate  so  loudly  of  them. 

After  about  an  hour's  gallop  across  some  rich  green  meadows, 

in  which  the  beautiful  Baroness  W accompanied  us, — for 

the  ladies  of  Transylvania  almost  rival  our  own  as  horse-women, 
— we  arrived  at  the  vineyard,  situated  on  the  slope  of  a  small 
hill.  There  were  about  one  hundred  peasants  employed  in  pick- 
ing and  carrying  large  baskets  of  the  bright  grapes  to  a  small 
pressing-house  near  by.  Beautiful  groups  they  formed  as  we 


caught  sight  of  them  every  now  and  then,  half  hid  among  the 
tall  vines:  there  were  young  and  old,  men  and  women — the  vil- 
lage seemed  to  have  sent  out  all  its  forces  for  the  joyous  occa- 
sion, and  in  dresses  so  picturesque,  too,  that  the  artist's  fancy 
could  have  desired  no  happier  union  of  colour,  form  or  expression. 

Leaving  the  Baroness  in  conversation  with  some  of  the  old 
peasant  women,  the  Baron  beckoned  us  away,  and  led  us  alone 
to  see  the  pressing  process.  I  could  not  understand  this  mystery, 
but,  like  a  wise  man,  held  my  tongue,  and  submitted, — and  it 
was  well  I  did.  In  a  number  of  large  tubs  we  found  a  set  of 
almost  naked  men  dancing  barefooted,  with  all  their  force,  to 
the  music  of  the  bagpipes,  on  the  heaps  of  fruit  which  the  car- 
riers were  throwing  into  them.  I  did  not  wonder  we  were 
led  to  this  place  alone,  for  except  in  some  of  the  Silenic  proces- 
sions of  Poussin,  I  never  saw  so  extraordinary  a  scene.  And  it 
is  in  this  manner  the  whole  wine  of  this  country  is  prepared  ! 
The  Transylvanians,  who  are  singularly  delicate  as  to  the  clean- 
liness of  their  food,  declare  that  every  possible  impurity  is  driven 
off  in  the  fermentation  the  wine  goes  through  after,  and  I  was 
not  sufficiently  cruel  to  undeceive  them.  The  great  object  of 
all  this  dancing  seems  to  be  to  break  the  grapes,  for  they  are 
afterwards  subjected  to  the  press.  I  need  not  say  that  a  thou- 
sand simple  mechanical  contrivances  might  be  substituted  for  this 
nasty  process.  It  is  reckoned  that  one  man  can  dance  about 
two  hours,  when  his  feet  become  so  cold  that  he  is  forced  to 
yield  his  place  to  another.  In  cold  weather,  hot  wine  is  often 
poured  over  their  legs  to  enable  them  to  hold  out  longer,  and 
spirits  are  allowed  almost  ad  libitum.  But  the  greatest  support 
of  the  wine-presser  is  the  bagpipe  or  fiddle,  without  which  he 
could  not  continue  his  dancing  half  an  hour.  During  the  whole 
time,  he  dances  the  regular  national  step,  and  accompanies  it 
with  a  song,  which  ^improvises  as  he  goes  on.  The  usual 
termination  of  the  vintage  is  a  supper  and  a  dance  for  the  whole 

Transylvania  is  a  country  which  will  probably  one  day  assume 
a  high  rank  as  a  wine-growing  district.  It  is  almost  entirely 
laid  out  in  small  hills,  it  is  well  watered,  a  great  many  of  its 
strata  are  of  volcanic  origin,  and  the  land  itself  is  rather  poor; 
all  circumstances  which,  united  to  its  geographical  position,  fit 
it  for  the  purposes  of  the  wine-grower.  Although,  even  at  the 
present  time,  no  less  than  one-ninth  of  the  whole  population  is 
said  to  live  by  the  cultivation  of  the  vine,  nothing  can  be  more 


careless  than  the  actual  method  of  wine-making.  All  kinds  of 
grapes  are  mixed  indiscriminately;  no  care  is  taken  to  separate 
the  over-ripe  and  those  yet  green  from  the  others;  and  the  pro- 
cess of  pressing  is,  as  I  have  described  it,  dirty  and  careless. 
The  cultivation  of  the  vine  is  equally  neglected  or  ill-understood. 
Notwithstanding  these  disadvantages,  however,  there  are  already 
some  score  different  kinds  of  wine  which  enjoy  a  well  deserved 
reputation.  Their  reputation,  however,  is  only  provincial,  for 
so  little  is  this  country  known,  that  its  wines  are  scarcely  heard 
of,  even  among  the  Hungarians.  They  are  mostly  white  wines, 
and  are  remarkable  for  their  bouquet  and  flavour,  as  well  as  for 
considerable  body.  They  are  perhaps  less  strong  than  the  gene- 
rality of  the  Hungarian,  but  they  are  also  less  acid  and  thin  than 
some  of  the  finer  white  wines  of  that  country.  It  is  very  cha- 
racteristic of  the  state  of  commerce  here,  that  there  is  not  a  sin- 
gle wine-merchant  in  the  country,  and  when  at  Klausenburg, 
we  found  it  difficult  to  get  even  a  tolerable  wine  to  drink. 
Every  gentleman,  nay,  every  respectable  tradesman,  grows  his 
own  wine,  and  he  would  rather  send  a  hundred  miles  off  for  it, 
than  give  hard  cash  to  buy  it  of  another  on  the  spot. 

Some  of  the  most  celebrated  wines  of  Transylvania,  and  those 
which  it  would  be  most  worth  the  foreigner's  while  to  inquire 
after,  are  those  of  the  Szil£gys%,  the  Kokel,  and  Maros.  The 
wines  of  the  Szilagysag  are  celebrated  for  their  strength  and 
durability.  They  are  chiefly  white  wines,  of  a  pleasant  flavour, 
full-bodied,  and  when  new,  are  very  heady.  The  highest  price, 
in  an  ordinary  year,  of  the  better  sorts,  is  about  two  shillings 
per  eimer,  (sixteen  bottles.)  The  best  are  those  of  Tasnad  and 
Szordemeter.  In  the  valley  of  the  Maros,  the  wines  of  Rozsa- 
mal,  Malom-Falva,  Czelna,  Gureszada,  Macsa,  Oklos,  and 
Babolna,  are  most  sought  after;  and  again,  in  the  valley  of  the 
Kokel,  or  Kukiillo,  those  of  Dombo  and  Bocacs.  The  Kokel 
wines  are  less  strong  than  those  of  the  Szilagysdg  and  Maros, 
but  perhaps  more  wholesome,  and  equally  well  flavoured. 

Baron  W ,  when  in  France,  had  engaged  a  French 

vigneron  to  come  and  stay  with  him  some  years,  in  order  to 
try  if  he  could  make  champagne  from  the  grapes  of  Transylvania. 
We  had  frequent  opportunities  of  tasting  the  wine  he  produced, 
and  though  it  was  much  too  strong  and  heavy  for  champagne, 
it  was  sparkling  and  pleasant,  far  better  than  the  stuff' we  had 
often  drunk  under  that  name  in  other  countries. 

On  our  return,  we  visited  a  small  farm  of  about  three  him- 


dred  acres,  which  our  host  had  laid  out  a  year  or  two  before,  on 
the  system  of  rotation  crops,  and  which  was  under  the  manage- 
ment of  a  clever  Scotch  bailiff.  We  found  the  Scotchman,  a 
giant  specimen  of  his  countrymen,  hard  at  plough,  grumbling,  of 
course,  as  we  all  do,  when  abroad,  at  every  thing  foreign,  from 
the  very  soil  to  the  people  it  nourishes.  He  was  very  proud, 
however,  to  show  us  his  barns,  his  stacks,  his  fat  oxen,  and  his 
huge  potatoes,  one  of  which  filled  a  large  dish  of  itself;  but  he 
inveighed  most  bitterly  against  the  laziness  of  the  poor  peasants. 
He  already  spoke  a  jumble  of  various  languages,  by  means  of 
which,  and  his  heavy  fists,  he  managed  to  make  himself  under- 
stood by  Magyars,  Wallacks,  and  Germans,  with  all  of  whom 
he  had  to  do.  A  short  time  previously,  he  had  made  rather  too 
free  a  use  of  this  latter  organ ;  for,  on  some  of  the  peasants 
attacking  one  of  the  Baron's  officers,  to  get  at  the  wine  he  was 
distributing  to  them,  the  Scotchman  rushed  in  and  made  such 
good  use  of  his  strength,  that  some  of  them  were  laid  up  for 
months  after.  I  could  easily  believe,  when  I  saw  him,  that  a 
blow  from  his  arm  was  quite  sufficient  to  annihilate  a  poor,  half- 
starved  Wallack  peasant. 

Though  the  quantity  of  labour  required  by  the  Scotchman, 
and  the  expensive  processes  by  which  he  cultivated,  rendered  it 
doubtful  how  far  his  farming  would  be  profitable  in  the  end,  the 
Baron  confessed  that  the  amount  of  produce  was  enormous,  and 
that  he  received  as  much  hay  and  corn  from  these  three  hundred 
acres,  as  he  had  formerly  received  from  the  fourteen  thousand, 
of  which  his  estate  consists.  Many  of  the  oak  woods  through 
which  we  passed,  were,  he  said,  almost  useless.  They  furnished 
firewood,  gall-nuts,  acorns  for  the  pigs,  and  as  many  casks  as  he 
required  for  his  wine,  but  of  net  revenue  he  derived  scarcely  any 
thing  from  them. 

About  two  thousand  Merino  sheep,  which  he  had  just  pur- 
chased, as  a  commencement  of  a  flock,  promised  something  better. 
Beyond  the  first  cost,  the  expense  of  shepherds,  and  the  gather- 
ing of  winter  keep,  he  might  reckon  what  they  brought  in  as 
clear  profit,  for  the  land  they  grazed  on  was  of  no  other  value  to 
him.  Should  a  corn  trade  ever  open  with  England  the  case  will 
alter,  but  at  present  the  low  price  of  wheat,  and  frequently  the 
impossibility  of  disposing  of  it,  renders  .its  cultivation  a  hazard 
and  often  a  loss.  With  but  little  increase  of  expense,  the  Baron 
reckoned  he  could  graze  ten  thousand  sheep,  to  which  number 
he  hoped  shortly  to  increase  his  flock. 


As  we  approached  the  village,  the  Baron  led  the  way  over 
some  pretty  good  fences,  to  show  us  a  field  of  clover,  of  which 
the  second  crop  was  just  cut.  This  had  been  one  of  his  earliest 
agricultural  improvements,  for  in  spite  of  the  quantity  of  land  he 
possesses,  he  was  formerly  often  in  absolute  want  of  hay  and 
straw  for  his  own  horses  in  winter.  On  many  Transylvanian 
gentlemen's  farms,  it  is  no  uncommon  thing  to  hear  of  horses  and 
cattle  dying  of  starvation,  if  the  winter  is  severe  or  a  few  weeks 
longer  than  usual.  This  crop  of  clover  had  been  looked  upon, 
therefore,  as  a  treasure,  and  conceive  his  disappointment  to  hear 
one  morning,  just  as  the  first  cutting  was  ready  for  the  scythe, 
that  the  peasants  had  broken  down  the  fences,  turned  all  the 
cattle  of  the  village  into  the  field,  and  completely  destroyed  the 
whole  crop.  The  starved  cows  devoured  this  novel  luxury  so 
greedily  that  they  almost  all  died  in  consequence.  Vexed  as  our 
friend  was  at  this  piece  of  malice,  he  was  even  more  astonished 
the  next  day  to  hear  that  no  less  than  thirty  of  these  same 
peasants  had  commenced  suits  against  him  for  having  planted 
poisonous  herbs  to  kill  their  cattle !  Ignorance  is  a  sad  enemy 
to  improvement. 

Baron  W assured  us  this  was  only  one  of  a  series  of  ma- 
licious injuries  which  he  had  brought  on  himself  by  his  attempts 
to  improve  the  state  of  his  own  property,  and  the  condition  of 
his  peasantry.  "I  have  diminished  the  time  of  their  labour,"  he 
observed;  "I  have  lessened  the  amount  of  their  payments;  I 
have  forbidden  my  steward  and  others  to  have  any  peasant  pu- 
nished without  a  trial  before  the  magistrates  of  the  district,  and 
instead  of  gratitude,  I  meet  with  nothing  but  injury  from  them ; 
they  look  at  all  these  attempts  as  so  many  signs  of  folly  and 
weakness  on  my  part." 

On  further  inquiry  we  found  the  peasants  of  Transylvania  in 
a  far  worse  condition,  and  much  more  ignorant  than  those  of 
Hungary.  When  Maria  Theresa  forced  the  Urbarium  on  the 
nobles  of  Hungary,  she  published  certain  Regulations  Punkte, 
founded  on  nearly  the  same  principles,  for  the  government  of  the 
peasants  of  Transylvania.  Whether  it  was  that  these  Punkte 
were  not  adapted  to  the  state  of  the  country,  or  whether  its 
greater  distance  from  the  central  power  allowed  the  nobles  to 
evade  their*  adoption,  it  is  certain  they  never  obtained  the  same 
force  as  the  Urbarium,  nor  have  any  succeeding  attempts  to  im- 
prove their  condition  met  with  a  better  result.  The  Transyl- 
vanians  say  they  are  ready  and  anxious  to  do  every  thing  that  is 


right  and  just,  provided  only  it  is  done  in  a  constitutional  form, 
through  the  intervention  of  the  Diet.*  In  the  mean  time  the  state 
of  the  peasantry  is  a  crying  evil,  and  one  which,  if  not  speedily 
remedied  by  the  nobles,  will  be  remedied  without  their  consent, 
either  by  the  Government  or  by  the  people  themselves ;  and  I 
fear  the  sympathy  of  Europe  will  scarcely  be  in  favour  of  those 
who  oppose  such  a  measure  of  justice. 

The  frightful  scenes  which  took  place  under  the  leadership  of 
Hora  and  Kloska,  two  Wallacks,  who  in  1784,  raised  the  pea- 
sants of  Transylvania  in  revolt,  are  still  fresh  in  the  memory  of 
the  Transylvanians,  and  may  serve  as  a  warning  of  what  an  in- 
jured people  are  capable,  when  expectations  of  redress  are  held 
out  to  them,  and  then  disappointed.  It  is  said  that  Joseph  ac- 
tually promoted  the  insurrection  of  Hora  and  Kloska,  and  it  is 
certain  that  military  aid  was  not  sent  to  repress  it  so  quickly  as 
it  might  have  been;  but  I  do  not  believe  the  accusation  of  inten- 
tional excitement.  Independently  of  the  improbability  that  one, 
whose  chief  fault  was  too  much  openness  and  honesty,  should 
resort  to  such  base  means,  I  think  the  mere  belief  that  the 
Government  was  favourable  to  their  claims,  and  the  nobles  op- 
posed to  them,  when  aided  by  the  false  representations  of  de- 
signing leaders,  would  be  quite  sufficient  to  cause  such  events 
among  such  a  population  at  any  time.  During  the  late  popular 
movement  it  has  been  the  policy  of  the  opposition  to  attach  the 
peasantry  to  their  party  by  any  means  in  their  power,  and  I  feel 
certain  that  as  hopes  of  amendment  have  been  raised,!  it  is  now 
the  interest  and  the  duty  of  the  opposition  to  see  that  these 
hopes  are  not  deceived,  be  the  sacrifice  on  their  part  what  it 

Among  the  greatest  evils  of  which  the  Transylvanian  peasant 

*  The  Diet  of  1837  nominated  a  commission  to  prepare  an  Urbarium 
for  Transylvania,  but  I  cannot  yet  (1839)  hear  that  any  thing  has  been 

f  I  have  since  heard  that  on  the  publication  of  the  Hungarian  Urbarium, 
the  peasants,  in  every  village  of  Transylvania,  sent  deputies  to  purchase 
copies  of  it  for  themselves,  and  paid  the  priests  to  translate  and  explain 
it,  and  that  there  is  not  a  village  in  Transylvania  now  without  a  copy  of 
this  act.  1  have  been  surprised  to  hear  a  member  of  the  Liberal  party  talk 
of  this  as  a  conspiracy,  and  declare  that  the  peasants  ought  to  be  punished 
for  it!  Such,  I  am  sure,  are  not  the  opinions  of  the  leaders  of  that  party  ; 
if  they  were,  1  should  be  one  of  the  first  to  say  it  was  high  time  that  the 
Government  interfered  to  check  a  liberty  which  manifested  itself  only  in 
enslaving  others. 


has  to  complain,  is  the  absence  of  any  strict  and  well-defined 
code  of  laws  to  which  he  can  refer,  and,  in  consequence  of  that 
deficiency,  his  almost  entire  subjection  to  the  arbitrary  will  of 
his  master,  against  which  he  has  nothing  but  custom  to  urge  in 
defence.  The  peasant-land  too,  has  never  been  classed  here  as 
in  Hungary,  according  to  its  powers  of  production,  nor  has  the 
size  of  the  peasant's  portion,  or  fief,  been  ever  accurately  deter- 
mined. The  amount  of  labour,  therefore,  cannot  be  fairly  and 
legally  proportioned  to  the  quantity  and  value  of  the  land.  Nor 
is  the* amount  of  labour  itself  better  regulated.  In  some  parts  of 
the  country  it  is  common  to  require  two  days  a  week ;  in  others, 
and  more  generally,  three  are  demanded ;  and  in  some  the  land- 
lord takes  as  much  as  he  can  possibly  extract  out  of  the  half- 
starved  creatures  who  live  under  him.  Here,  too,  the  flogging- 
block  is  in  full  vigour;  every  landlord  can  order  any  of  his  tenants 
or  servants,  who  may  displease  him,  twenty-five  lashes  on  the 
spot,  and  it  is  generally  the  first  resource  which  occurs  to  him  in 
any  dispute  about  labour  or  dues.  But  it  is  in  the  hands  of  the 
underlings,  the  stewards,  bailiffs,  inspectors, — a  flock  of  hawks 
which  infest  every  Hungarian  estate, — that  this  power  becomes 
a  real  scourge  to  the  poor  peasant.  It  is  the  custom  to  pay 
these  officers  an  exceedingly  small  sum  in  ready  money,  as  a 
salary,  so  small  indeed  that  it  would  be  impossible  for  them  to 
live  decently  upon  it;  it  is  consequently  obliged  to  be  made  up 
by  the  addition  of  some  land,  or  by  the  permission  to  feed  a  cer- 
tain number  of  cattle,  or  horses,  or  to  sell  a  certain  quantity  of 
corn  on  their  own  account.  Now,  to  cultivate  this  land,  or  to 
carry  this  corn  to  market,  labour  is  required,  and  this  they  gene- 
rally manage  to  get  out  of  the  peasantry  without  payment,  either 
by  threats  or  punishment  for  slight  or  imaginary  offences,  or  by 
applying  for  themselves  what  ought  to  be  given  to  their  masters. 
Generally  both  these  means  are  used,— the  master  is  robbed,  and 
the  peasant  ill-treated. 

From  the  manner  in  which  estates  are  commonly  divided  in 
Transylvania,  it  is  nearly  impossible  for  the  landlords  to  escape 
from  the  clutches  of  these  bailiffs.  Every  son  has  an  equal 
share  in  the  male  estates,  and  every  child  in  the  female  estates 
of  a  family.  This  equality  of  right  in  each  individual  estate,  is 
often  the  cause  of  great  inconvenience,  for  the  same  person  might 
have  a  few  acres  only  in  twenty  different  villages,  when  the  ex- 
pense and  difficulty  of  management  would  exceed  the  revenue. 
Of  course,  the  most  natural  remedy  is  an  equitable  division 

VOL.  II. 13 


among  the  members  of  the  family  themselves;  and,  where  this 
can  be  effected,  it  is  well;  but,  where  it  cannot,  their  only  re- 
medy is  cultivating  in  common  and  dividing  the  profits.  In  such 
cases  almost  the  entire  management  rests  in  the  hands  of  the 
stewards,  and  this  complication,  together  with  the  endless  law- 
suits to  which  it  gives  rise,  is  one  of  the  greatest  evils  to  which 
both  the  landlord  and  peasant  of  Transylvania  are  subject. 

The  ignorance  of  the  Transylvanian  peasant  is  of  the  deepest 
dye.  He  is  generally  superstitious  and  deceitful,  the  two  great- 
est signs  of  ignorance.  These  qualities  are  most  conspicuous  in 
the  Wallack  peasantry,  but  the  Magyars  are  by  no  means  free 
from  them.  Schools  are  extremely  rare.  It  is  only  here  and 
there  that  they  have  been  established  by  the  good  sense  and  libe- 
rality of  the  Seigneur,  and  even  then  they  have  often  failed  for 
want  of  a  little  caution  and  perseverance  in  those  who  have 
conducted  them.  The  peasants  belonging  to  the  Greek  church 
are  undoubtedly  the  most  ignorant,  those  of  the  Unitarian  and 
Lutheran  churches,  the  best  educated. 

We  entered  some  of  the  Magyars'  cottages  at  Hadad,  and 
though  they  were  superior  to  the  Wallack  huts  of  Varhely,  they 
were  still  very  inferior  to  those  we  had  visited  in  Hungary.  It 
is  rare  that  the  Transylvanian  peasant's  cottage  has  more  than 
two  rooms,  sometimes  only  one;  his  furniture  is  scanty  and  rude, 
his  crockery  coarse,  and  those  little  luxuries,  which  in  the  Hun- 
garian denoted  a  something  beyond  the  needful,  are  rarely  seen 
in  Transylvania.  There  is  an  air  of  negligence,  too,  about  his 
house;  his  fence  is  broken,  his  stable  out  of  repair,  and  every 
where  there  is  a  want  of  that  thrifty  look  which  declares  that  a 
man  thinks  he  has  something  worth  taking  care  of,  and  hopes  to 
make  it  better. 

The  peasants  of  the  Szilagysag  have  not  the  best  of  charac- 
ters. Though  allowed  to  be  fine,  brave,  independent  fellows, 
they  are  reckoned  among  the  most  desperate  rogues  in  the  coun- 
try. No  Szilagysag  man  thinks  it  a  disgrace  to  have  been 
flogged,  but,  to  have  shrunk  under  a  flogging. 

The  life  of  a  country  gentleman  in  Transylvania,  though 
somewhat  isolated  by  his  distance  from  any  large  capital,  and  by 
the  badness  of  the  roads,  is  by  no  means  without  its  pleasures. 
For  the  sportsman,  a  large  stud  of  horses— few  men  have  less 
than  from  ten  to  twenty, — every  variety  of  game,  from  the  boar 
and  wolf,  to  the  snipe  and  partridge,  and  a  boundless  range  for 
hunting  over,  are  valuable  aids  for  passing  time.  If  a  man  likes 


public  business,  the  county  will  readily  choose  him  Vice  Isp-in, 
or  magistrate,  and  the  quarterly  county-meetings  are  a  constant 
source  of  interest,  and  afford  ample  opportunity  of  exercising  in- 
fluence. If  agriculture  has  any  charms,  some  thousands  of  un- 
tilled  acres  offer  abundant  scope  for  farming,  and  promise  a  rich 
return  for  capital.  If  philanthropy  has  claims  on  his  heart,  the 
peasantry,  who  look  up  to  him  for  almost  every  thing,  afford  a 
fine  scope  for  its  effusions,  and  a  certain  reward  if  judiciously 
and  continuously  exercised. 

The  houses  of  the  richer  nobles  are  large  and  roomy,  and 
their  establishments  are  conducted  on  a  scale  of  some  splendour. 
It  is  true,  that  they  are  deficient  in  many  things  which  \ve  should 
consider  absolute  necessaries,  but  on  the  other  hand  they  exhibit 
many  luxaries  which  we  should  consider  extravagant  with  twice 
their  incomes.  It  is  no  uncommon  thing,  for  instance,  in  a  one- 
storied  house,  with  a  thatched  roof  and  an  uncarpeted  floor,  to 
be  shown  into  a  bed-room,  where  all  the  washing  apparatus  and 
toilet  is  of  solid  silver.  It  is  an  every-day  occurrence  in  a  house, 
where  tea  and  sugar  are  considered  expensive  luxuries,  to  sit 
down  to  a  dinner  of  six  or  eight  courses.  Bare  whitewashed 
walls  and  rich  Vienna  furniture;  a  lady  decked  in  jewels  which 
might  dazzle  a  Court,  and  a  handmaid  without  shoes  and  stock- 
ings; a  carriage  and  four  splendid  horses,  with  a  coachman 
whose  skin  peeps  out  between  his  waistcoat  and  inexpressibles, 
are  some  of  the  anomalies  which,  thanks  to  restrictions  on  com- 
merce, absence  of  communication,  and  a  highly  artificial  civiliza- 
tion in  one  part  of  the  community,  and  great  barbarism  in  the 
other,  are  still  to  be  found  in  Transylvania.  It  is  not,  however, 
in  such  houses  as  the  one  in  which  we  were  visiting,  that  such 
anomalies  are  to  be  sought,  but  rather  in  those  who  boast  them- 
selves followers  of  the  "  good  old  customs  of  the  good  old  times." 
But  laugh  as  we  young  ones  may  at  those  "  old  times,"  it  is  not 
altogether  without  reason  that  the  epithet  of  "  good  "  so  perti- 
naciously clings  to  them.  There  is  something  so  sincere  and  so 
simple  in  the  manners  of  those  times, — when  an  Englishman 
wishes  to  express  his  idea  of  them  he  calls  them  homely,  and  in 
that  word  he  understands  all  that  his  heart  feels  to  be  dearest 
and  best, — that,  see  them  where  we  may,  they  have  always  some- 
thing to  attach  and  interest  us. 

In  some  of  the  old-fashioned  houses  in  Transylvania,  there  is 
still  almost  a  patriarchal  simplicity  in  the  habits  of  the  family. 
An  early  hour  sees  all  the  children,  from  the  eldest  to  the  young- 


est, — ay,  the  married  ones  too — proceed  in  clue  order  of  proge- 
niture  to  the  presence  of  their  parents,  whose  hands  they  re- 
spectfully kiss,  and  from  whom  they  receive  the  morning  bless- 
ing. After  a  simple  breakfast  of  one  small  cup  of  coffee  and 
cream,  and  a  slice  of  dry  bread,  the  family  disperses  for  the  busi- 
ness of  the  day.  The  children  are  left  to  their  masters  and  go- 
vernesses— and,  oh,  what  a  nuisance  those  same  masters  and  go- 
vernesses are;  I  have  heard  of  no  less  than  six  living  in  one  fa- 
mily in  the  country  at  the  same  time.  The  master  of  the  house 
takes  his  meerschaum,  ready  filled  and  lighted  from  the  hands  of 
his  servant,  and  sallies  out,  accompanied  by  his  steward,  bailiffs, 
and  overseer,  to  give  directions  for  the  cultivation  of  his  estate, 
or  to  settle  the  lawsuits  of  his  peasantry ;  or,  perhaps,  the  county- 
meeting  calls  him  into  town,  and  then  he  wraps  himself  up  in  his 
bunda,  gets  into  his  carriage,  and  four  fat  horses  convey  him  to 
his  destination.  Or  it  may  be,  the  doctor  has  come  over  to  see 
after  the  health  of  the  family,  and  the  seigneur  takes  that  op- 
portunity to  lead  him  round  the  village,  that  he  may  bleed  and 
physic  all  those  who  have  wanted  it  for  the  last  three  months, 
or  who  are  likely  to  want  it  for  the  next  three  months  to  come.* 
Or,  perhaps,  some  quarrels  among  the  peasantry,  or  some  dis- 
obedience to  his  orders,  have  provoked  the  terrible  anger  of  the 
master,  and  he  at  once  assumes  the  authority  of  the  judge,  and 
condemns  and  punishes,  where  he  himself  is  a  party  in  the  cause. 
Or,  perhaps,  the  Jew  merchant  humbly  waits  an  audience,  and 
with  shining  gold  tempts  him  to  dispose  of  the  coming  vintage. 
And  then  the  stables  have  to  be  visited,  and  the  cooper  to  be 
hurried  for  the  vintage,  and  the  gipsies  in  the  brickyard  to  be 

But,  if  the  occupations  of  the  lord  are  many,  who  shall  tell 
the  busy  cares  and  troubles  of  the  lady  of  the  "  good  old  times?  " 
With  not  less  than  one  hundred  mouths  to  provide  food  for  daily, 
with  no  resources  of  a  market-town  near  at  hand,  with  stores, 
consequently,  of  provisions  for  six  months  to  be  taken  care  of, 
and  these  provisions,  too,  of  a  variety!  and  quantity  such  as 

*  A  worthy  old  Baron,  now  dead,  used  to  have  the  doctor  over  every 
spring  and  autumn  with  a  wagon-load  of  herbs.  These  herbs,  duly  de- 
cocted and  distilled,  were  administered  to  the  whole  family  and  village, 
which  were  then  considered  sound  for  six  months  to  come. 

f  Among  other  objects  strange  to  us,  might  be  mentioned  the  collection 
of  snails.  The  large  wood  snail  is  a  favourite  dish  here,  and  a  very  good 
one  it  is.  The  snails  are  drawn  out  of  the  shell,  cut  small  with  a  kind  of 


English  housekeepers  can  form  no  idea  of,  and  which  I,  unfortu- 
nately, am  very  inadequate  to  describe;  with  a  crowd  of  ser- 
vants, including  artificers*  of  various  kinds,  to  superintend  and 
direct,  the  multiplicity  of  her  duties  may  be  instinctively  guessed. 
If  somewhat  less  elegant,  and  less  accomplished  than  the  more 
fashionable  ladies  of  the  capital,  these  worthy  housewives  are 
never  deficient  in  that  respectable  dignity  which  a  strict  perform- 
ance of  the  duties  of  their  station  confers. 

At  one,  the  old-fashioned  family,  even  of  the  present  day, 
assemble  in  the  drawing-room,  and  proceed  to  dinner.  It  is 
rarely  that  they  sit  down  without  some  guest;  for,  whoever  of 
their  acquaintance  happens  to  be  travelling  near,  always  ma- 
nages to  drop  in  about  dinner-time,  as  he  knows  he  will  be  well 
received ;  indeed,  his  passing  by,  without  stopping,  would  be  con- 
sidered an  insult.  And  a  goodly  sight  is  that  hospitable  board, 
for  it  is  crowded  by  those  who  might  otherwise  be  ill-provided 
for.  Besides  the  family  and  guests,  all  the  governesses  and  mas- 
ters dine  at  table;  and  then  there  are  three  or  four  stewards  and 
secretaries,  and  the  clergyman  of  the  village,  or  perhaps  both 
clergyman  and  priest,  and  the  poor  schoolmaster,  all  of  whom 
never  dine  at  home  when  the  seigneur  is  in  the  country. 

The  dinner,  instead  of  being  placed  on  the  table,  is  carried 
round,  that  every  one  may  help  himself,  each  dish  being  first 
presented  to  the  lady  of  the  house,  who  never  fails  to  take  a 
small  portion  by  way  of  recommending  it  to  her  guests.  As  for 
telling  the  reader  of  what  the  dinner  is  composed,  it  is  impossi- 
ble; but  I  can  assure  him,  that  both  in  quality  and  quantity,  he 
must  be  very  difficult  to  please  who  is  not  satisfied.  The  elite  of 
the  company  retire  to  the  drawing-room,  after  dinner,  to  partake 
of  coffee  and  liqueur,  while  the  inferior  guests,  who  have  not  the 
entrke,  make  their  bows  and  depart.  When  speaking  of  the  oc- 
cupations of  the  ladies  of  Transylvania,  it  would  be  very  un- 
grateful were  I  to  omit  their  talent  in  making  liqueurs:  some  of 
the  home-made  liqueurs  of  Transylvania  equal  the  best  maras- 

savonry  stuffing,  and  served  up  replaced  in  the  shell.  As  for  their  being 
disgusting,  it  is  all  fancy.  1  have  seen  delicate  ladies  relish  snails  ex- 
ceedingly, who  would  have  shuddered  at  the  sight  of  a  raw  oyster.  In 
some  parts  of  Transylvania,  instead  of  eggs  and  fowls,  the  peasants  pay 
their  tribute  in  snails  and  game.  One  lady's  ordinary  winter  supply  was 
upwards  of  five  thousand  snails. 

*  In  some  houses,  the  weaver  and  tailor  are  hired  servants;  and  in 
most,  the  cooper,  baker,  and  smith. 



quinos  and  cura^oas  in  flavour.  A  drive  out  in  the  cool  of  the 
evening  in  summer,  and  embroidery,  cards,  books,  and  conversa- 
tion, with  the  interlude  of  a  goute  composed  of  fruits,  preserves, 
savoury  cold  meats,  and,  now-a-days>  tea,  and,  at  nine,  a  supper 
nearly  as  large  as  the  dinner,  complete  the  occupations  of  a  day 
in  the  country  in  Transylvania. 

But  it  is  high  time  I  returned  to  our  travels.     Baron  W 

kindly  offered  to  accompany  us  to  Nagy  Banya,  just  beyond  the 
north  frontier  of  Transylvania,  to  visit  the  gold  mines  there.  It 
is  a  good  day's  journey,  even  in  summer,  and  the  only  chance  of 
accomplishing  it  at  this  season,  was  by  sending  on  beforehand, 
half  way,  a  light  carriage,  so  that  the  horses  might  be  rested, 
and  ready  to  go  forward  directly  we  arrived. 

We  started  on  horseback ;  and,  after  a  delightful  ride,  sometimes 
winding  through  fine  forests  of  oak,  now  crossing  a  rich  green 
meadow,  now  losing  ourselves  and  making  straight  across  the 
country  for  the  nearest  village,  to  inquire  our  way,  and  now  toil- 
ing along  a  muddy  lane  where  the  horses  sunk  almost  up  to  the 
middle  in  the  mire,  we  at  last  arrived  where  the  carriage  was 
waiting  for  us.  The  greatest  drawback  to  the  pleasure  of  such 
a  ride  is  the  danger  of  injuring  one's  horse  in  crossing  the  rude 
wooden  bridges  which  are  thrown  over  the  brooks  in  this  coun- 
try. They  are  composed  of  unhewn  stems  of  trees,  laid  side  by 
side,  with  a  coating  of  soil  over  them.  From  accident  or  care- 
lessness, nothing  is  more  common  than  to  find  a  considerable  in- 
terstice between  these  stems,  which  is  concealed  by  the  soil,  and 
so  becomes  a  veritable  pitfall.  My  horse  put  his  foot  into  one 
of  these,  and  sank  up  to  the  shoulder;  but,  fortunately,  he 
escaped  without  injury. 

In  the  course  of  our  ride,  in  a  small  valley  a  little  off  the  road, 
the  Baron  showed  me  a  colony  of  gipsies, — permanent,  as  he 
said,  in  contradistinction  to  others  who  are  always  erratic, — who 
occupy  a  little  land,  and  do  him  some  work  for  it.  The  reader 
may  have  remarked  that  I  do  not  hesitate  here,  as  well  as  in 
other  parts  of  this  work,  to  speak  of  the  Czigany  of  the  Hun- 
garians by  the  English  name  of  gipsies,  for  it  is  impossible  to 
doubt  their  identity.  There  is  the  same  dark  eye  and  curling 
black  hair,  the  same  olive  complexion  and  small  active  form. 
Then  their  occupations  and  manner  of  life,  different  as  are  the 
countries  and  climates  they  inhabit,  still  remain  the  same;  fid- 
dling, fortune-telling,  horse-dealing  and  tinkering,  are  their  fa- 
vourite employments,— a  vagabond  life  their  greatest  joy. 


Though  speaking  several  tongues,  they  have  all  a  peculiar  lan- 
guage of  their  own,  quite  distinct  from  any  other  known  in 
Europe.  Here,  as  with  us,  they  have  generally  a  king,  too, 
whom  they  honour  and  respect,  but  I  have  not  been  able  to 
make  out  what  establishes  a  right  to  the  gipsy  crown.  I  believe 
superior  wealth,  personal  cunning,  as  well  as  hereditary  right, 
have  some  influence  on  their  choice. 

They  first  made  their  appearance  in  this  country  from  the 
East,  about  the  year  1423,  when  King  Sigmund  granted  them 
permission  to  settle.*  Josephine  Second  tried  to  turn  them  to 
some  account,  and  passed  laws  which  he  hoped  would  force  them, 
to  give  up  their  wandering  life  and  betake  themselves  to  agricul- 
ture. The  landlords  were  obliged  to  make  them  small  grants  of 
land,  and  to  allow  them  to  build  houses  at  the  end  of  their  vil- 
lages. I  have  often  passed  through  these  Czigcmy  varos,  gipsy 
towns,  and  it  is  impossible  to  imagine  a  more  savage  scene. 
Children  of  both  sexes  to  the  age  of  fourteen,  are  seen  rolling 
about  with  a  mere  shred  of  covering,  and  their  elders  with  much 
less  than  the  most  unfastidious  decency  requires.  Filth  obstructs 
the  passage  into  every  hut.  As  the  stranger  approaches,  crowds 
of  black  urchins  flock  round  him,  and  rather  demand  than  beg 
for  charity.  The  screams  of  men  and  women,  and  the  barking 
of  dogs — for  the  whole  tribe  seems  to  be  in  a  state  of  constant 
warfare — never  cease  from  morning  to  night.  It  is  rare,  how- 
ever, that  when  thus  settled,  they  can  remain  the  whole  year 
stationary;  they  generally  disappear  during  a  part  of  the  sum- 
mer, and  only  return  when  winter  obliges  them  to  seek  a  shel- 
ter. Others  wander  about  as  they  do  with  us,  gaining  a  liveli- 
hood, as  accident  throws  it  in  their  way.  They  are  said  to 
amount  to  sixty-two  thousand  three  hundred  and  fifteen  in  Tran- 
sylvania.f  The  Austrian  Government,  I  believe,  is  the  only 
one  in  Europe  which  has  been  known  to  derive  any  advantage 
from  its  gipsies,  but  by  means  of  the  tax  for  gold  washing,  to 
which  we  shall  allude  hereafter,  it  must  derive  a  considerable 
revenue  from  this  people.  They  are  often  taken  for  soldiers, 

*  In  Hungarian  law  they  are  called  "  new  peasants."  The  name  of 
Pharaoh  nepek,  Pharaoh's  people,  I  imagine  has  been  given  either  from  con- 
tempt, or  error.  The  name  Czigany,  by  which  the  Hungarians  call  them, 
is  so  like  the  Zingari,  Zigeuner,  Gitani,  Gipsy,  of  other  nations;  that  I 
have  no  doubt  it  is  the  one  they  originally  gave  themselves. 

•[  This  enumeration  is  taken  from  a  very  imperfect  statistical  work  on 
Transylvania,  by  Lebrecht,  and  is,  I  suspect,  exaggerated. 


and  are  said  to  make  pretty  good  ones.  Most  of  them  are 
christened  and  profess  some  religion,  which  is  always  the  seig- 
neur's—not the  peasants' — of  the  village  to  which  they  belong. 
In  fact  the  gipsies  have  a  most  profound  respect  for  aristocracy, 
and  they  are  said  to  be  the  best  genealogists  in  the  country. 

Their  skill  in  horse-shoeing,— they  are  the  only  blacksmiths 
in  the  country,— and  in  brick-making,  renders  them  of  considera- 
ble value  to  the  landlord.  What  is  the  exact  state  of  the  law 
with  respect  to  them,  I  know  not ;  but  I  believe  they  are  abso- 
lute serfs  in  Transylvania.  I  know  the  settled  gipsies  cannot 
legally  take  permanent  service  out  of  the  place  they  were  born 
in,  without  permission,  or  without  the  payment  of  a  certain  sum 
of  money.* 

They  are  just  as  great  beggars  here  as  elsewhere,  and  just  as 
witty  in  their  modes  of  begging.  A  large  party  of  them  pre- 
sented themselves  one  day  at  the  door  of  the  Countess  W , 

whom  they  used  to  call  the  mother  of  the  gipsies,  from  her  fre- 
quent charities  to  them,  with  a  most  piteous  complaint  of  cold 
and  hunger — all  the  children,  as  usual,  naked ;  when  the  chief, 
pulling  a  sad  face,  begged  hard  for  relief;  "for  he  was  a  poor 
man,"  he  said,  "and  it  cost  him  a  great  deal  to  clothe  so  large 
a  family." 

Of  the  most  simple  moral  laws  they  seem  to  be  entirely  igno- 
rant. It  is  not  rare  to  see  them  employed  as  servants  in  offices 
considered  below  the  peasant  to  perform.  They  never  dream  of 
eating  with  the  rest  of  the  household,  but  receive  a  morsel  in 
their  hands,  and  devour  it  where  they  can.  Their  dwellings  are 
the  merest  huts,  often  without  a  single  article  of  furniture. 
Having  such  difficulty  in  supporting  themselves,  as  is  manifested 
in  their  wasted  forms,  one  cannot  help  wondering  how  they  can 
maintain  the  pack  of  curs  which  always  infest  their  settlements, 
and  often  render  it  dangerous  to  approach  them.  By  the  rest  of 
the  peasantry  they  are  held  in  most  sovereign  contempt.  As  I 
was  travelling  along  the  road  one  day,  after  my  return  from 
Turkey,  rny  servant  turned  around  as  we  met  a  camp  of  gipsies, 
and  exclaimed,  "  After  all,  sir,  our  negroes  are  not  so  ugly  as 
those  in  Turkey." 

On  arriving  at  a  village  about  half-way  to  Nagy  Banya,  we 
found  the  servants  had  laid  the  table  at  a  miserable  cottage, 
though  the  best  in  the  place,  when  quickly  despatching  the  good 

*  Tn  Wallachia,  when  I  was  there,  they  were  sold  as  slaves  in  the  open 
market.  I  believe  this  law  has  been  since  abolished. 

NAGY  BANYA.  153 

dinner  which  was  waiting  for  us,  we  got  into  the  wagon  and 
hastened  on  as  fast  as  we  could.  It  was  night,  however,  before 
we  reached  our  destination ;  and  we  had  an  opportunity  of  proving 
the  inconveniences  of  travelling  in  the  dark,  in  such  a  country ; 
for,  in  passing  a  small  overflow,  the  wagon  sunk  on  one  side  into 
a  deep  hole,  and  quietly  overturned  us  all  into  the  water.  We 
escaped  with  no  other  injury  than  a  good  wetting,  which  we 

managed  to  rectify  by  means  of  the  liqueur-bottle,  which  S 

had  instinctively  grasped  in  the  fall,  and  so  secured  from  injury. 

Nagy  Banya,  is  rather  a  pretty  little  town,  with  a  large 
square  and  some  buildings,  so  good,  that  one  wonders  how  they 
could  ever  have  got  there.  The  country  round  it  is  mountain- 
ous, and  some  of  the  valleys  in  the  neighbourhood  are  exceed- 
ingly pretty.  The  mining  district,  of  which  Nagy  Banya  forms 
the  chief  place,  extends  for  a  considerable  space  around  it;  but, 
though  still  rich  in  ores,  it  is  much  less  important  than  some 
others  we  have  visited.  The  most  interesting  of  the  mines  is 
that  of  the  Kreutzberg,  close  by  the  town,  which,  having  been 
worked  by  the  Romans,  and  afterwards  deserted,  has  been  re- 
opened within  the  last  eighty  years,  and  now  yields  a  conside- 
rable return.  We  entered  it  by  a  fine  adit,  which  will  soon  be 
fit  for  horse  wagons.  Traces  of  the  beautiful  Roman  work  were 
visible  on  every  side.  We  found  them  working  a  new  vein,  or 
rather  an  offset  from  the  old  one,  which  was  tolerably  rich,  and 
seemed  to  offer  good  prospects  of  continuance.  The  centner  of 
ore  contains  about  eight  ounces  of  silver,  and  every  ounce  of  sil- 
ver forty  denarii  of  gold.  The  Kreutzberg  produces  about  four 
marks  of  gold  per  month.  The  matrix  is  generally  porphyry. 
To  free  the  mine  from  water,  an  eight-horse  wheel  working  a 
pump  is  kept  in  constant  motion.  Not  many  years  since,  a 
skeleton,  supposed  to  be  the  remains  of  an  ancient  miner,  together 
with  some  tools,  and  a  Roman  lamp,  was  found  in  this  mine. 

The  most  interesting  object  connected  with  the  Kreutzberg, 
is  a  vast  cleft  which  penetrates  from  the  surface  to  a  depth  of 
three  hundred  and  eighty  yards,  and  which  extends  twelve  hun- 
dred yards  in  length,  and  is  six  feet  wide.  When  this  cleft  was 
produced  is  not  known ;  but,  if  I  remember  rightly,  there  is  rea- 
son to  believe  it  was  since  the  time  of  the  Romans. 

We  visited  the  smelting-works,  which  are  situated  somewhat 
higher  up  the  valley,  and  found  them  in  a  better  condition  than 
almost  any  others  we  had  seen. 

The  chief  products  of  these  mines  are  gold  and  silver,  the 


amount  of  which  I  have  seen  stated,  the  former,  at  four  hundred 
marks  per  an.,  the  latter,  at  eighteen  thousand  marks.  Besides 
these  some  copper,  lead,  and  iron  are  produced.  The  officers  on 
the  spot  could  not  give  us  the  net  amount  of  these  products  per 
an.,  for  the  gold  and  silver  are  sent  off  from  Nagy  Banya  to 
Kremnitz  every  month,  in  a  single  mass,  and  are  only  separated 
when  they  arrive  there.  Of  the  mixed  metal,  they  say  about 
twelve  hundred  marks  are  produced  every  month,  which  would 
reduce  the  amount  considerably  lower  than  that  given  above. 

Mining  is  one  of  those  tempting  speculations  which  it  is  very 
hard  for  persons  living  in  a  mining  country  to  resist ;  yet  it  is  just 
one  of  the  most  dangerous,  for  those  ignorant  of  its  mysteries,  to 
meddle  with.  To  the  scientific  miner,  I  have  no  doubt,  Tran- 
sylvania offers  certain  wealth ;  but  to  a  country  gentleman,  who 
puts  his  money  into  a  mine  much  as  he  would  into  a  lottery,  it 
is  a  pretty  certain  loss.  A  member  of  our  friend's  family  had 
fallen  into  this  snare,  and  we  had  intended  to  visit  the  mine ;  but 
we  heard  such  a  poor  report  of  it,  that  it  was  not  thought  worth 
the  time.  In  fact  a  steward,  who  had  been  dismissed  for  dis- 
honesty, had  begged  to  be  employed  to  conduct  a  mine,  which 
he  declared,  after  a  very  small  outlay  for  the  first  year,  would 
not  only  pay  itself,  but  soon  produce  a  very  handsome  return. 
From  a  mistaken  feeling  of  kindness  the  request  was  granted; 
and  now,  after  three  years'  working,  no  return  could  be  heard  of. 

On  our  way  back  to  Hadad  the  next  clay,  we  began  to  feel 
extremely  hungry,  and  our  horses  seemed  quite  ready  for  a  rest 
about  one  o'clock,  at  which  hour  we  found  ourselves  near  a  vil- 
lage where  there  was  no  inn.  "  Never  mind,"  said  the  Baron, 
"  we  have  got  plenty  of  cold  fowls  and  ham,  and  wine ;  and  the 
coachman  has  not  forgotten  some  corn  for  his  horses,  so  that  we 
shall  not  starve.  But  as  it  would  not  be  pleasant  to  sit  and  eat 
our  dinner  here, — (the  snow  was  beginning  to  fall,) — we  will  go 
to  that  house,"  pointing  to  a  gentleman's  house  at  the  other  end 
of  the  village;  "for  though  the  master  is  not  at  home,  and  I 
know  him  very  slightly,  I  am  sure  the  servants  will  be  very 
glad  to  let  us  in."  When  we  drove  up  to  the  door,  the  servants 
no  sooner  heard  our  wishes,  than  they  opened  the  dining-room 
and  offered  us  any  thing  they  had,  as  if  it  had  been  a  matter  of 
course.  The  horses  were  put  up  in  the  stable,  and  the  coach- 
man bought  some  more  corn  of  the  bailiff  and  gave  them  a 
double  feed.  The  absence  of  inns  renders  this  kind  of  hospitality 


an  absolute  duty,  and  no  one  hesitates  to  avail  himself  of  it  when 
in  need. 

Though  it  was  yet  scarcely  the  middle  of  November,  the  snow 
fell  so  heavily  that  every  one  declared  it  was  setting  in  for  win- 
ter, and  we  were  glad,  therefore,  to  get  back  to  Klausenburg  as 
quickly  as  we  could.  It  was  melancholy  to  see  the  peasants  up 
to  the  knees  in  snow,  searching  for  the  grapes  which  were  not 
half  gathered.  It  is  reckoned  that  a  great  part  of  this  year's 
vintage  will  be  entirely  lost.  By  following  a  longer  but  better 
road,  we  were  enabled  to  reach  Klausenburg  in  two  days,  with 
no  other  accident  than  the  breaking  of  some  iron-work  of  the 
carriage,  which  we  were  able  to  supply  by  means  of  ropes. 




Horse  Fair  at  Klausenburg. — Moldavian  Horses. — Cholera  in  Klausen- 
burg.— Thorda. — Valley  of  the  Aranyos. — Miklos  and  his  Peccadilloes. 
A  Transylvanian  Invitation. — The  Wallack  Judge. — Thoroczko. — The 
Unitarian  Clergyman. — St.  Gyorgy. — A  Transylvanian  Widow. — Pea- 
sants' Cottages. — The  Cholera. — A  Lady's  Road. — ThordaiHasadek. — 
The  Salt  Mines  of  Szamos  Ujvaj.— The  Salt  Tax.— Karlsburg.— The 
Cathedral  and  krumme  Peter. —  Wallack  Charity. — Zalatna. — Abrud 
Banya. — The  Gold  Mines  of  Voros  Patak. — Csetatie. — Detonata. — Re- 
turn.— College  of  Nagy  Enyed. — English  Fund. — System  of  Education. 

THE  reader  must  now  allow  me  to  pass  over  three  quarters  of 
a  year,  of  which  period  I  shall  give  him  no  further  account  than 
to  say  it  was  passed  in  travelling  through  some  parts  of  Greece 
and  Turkey,  and  he  must  fancy  me  returned  to  Transylvania, 
determined  to  see  the  part  of  the  country  which  the  approach  of 
winter  had  prevented  me  from  visiting  the  year  before.  My 

brother  had  taken  Mr.  S 's  place  as  my  companion  ;  but, 

alas!  Mr.  H had  left  for  England,  and  I  was  forced  to 

content  myself  with  such  poor  sketches  as  I  could  make  myself 
of  what  most  struck  me  in  this  tour. 

When  I  came  back  to  Klausenburg,  it  was  just  at  the  time  of 
the  horse-fair;  and  a  number  of  gay  carriages  were  rolling  about, 
making  the  whole  place  seem  quite  alive.  This  fair  has  only 
been  established  a  few  years,  and  it  is  as  yet  considered  a  matter 
of  honour  for  the  chief  horse-breeders  to  send  a  number  of  their 
horses,  if  only  to  show  them.  A  large  circus  has  been  enclosed 
on  the  outside  of  the  town,  in  which  the  horses  are  trotted  and 
galloped  round,  while  the  company,  including  a  crowd  of  ladies, 
occupy  a"  kind  of  stand  erected  at  one  end.  As  the  most  beauti- 
ful horses  of  the  country  are  produced  here,  and  as  they  are 
often  ridden  by  their  owners,  it  is  a  very  animated  scene.  On 
the  outside  of  the  circus,  the  carriage  horses  are  exhibited ;  and 
many  were  the  smart  teams  of  four  long-tailed  little  horses, 
which  whirled  the  light  carnages  round  the  circle. 


In  one  corner  we  found  a  group  of  some  hundred  perfectly 
wild  horses  from  Moldavia,  not  one  of  which  had  ever  had  a 
halter  round  his  neck.  They  were  guarded  by  a  set  of  men,  if 
possible,  even  wilder-looking  than  themselves.  Some  of  these 
horses  were  by  no  means  deficient  in  good  points;  and  though 
they  do  not  bear  a  high  character  here,  the  low  price  at  which 
they  were  sold, — eight  or  ten  pounds  the  pair, — tempted  pur- 
chasers. To  see  the  newly  purchased  horses  separated  from  the 
herd  was  a  great  treat;  it  was  one  of  the  most  clever  feats  of  ad- 
dress and  courage  I  almost  ever  witnessed.  No  sooner  was  the 
horse  fixed  on  and  pointed  out,  than  one  of  the  savage-looking 
tenders  rushed  into  the  herd,  seized  him  by  the  ears  and  mane, 
and  hung  to  him  with  all  his  strength.  Alarmed  at  this  treat- 
ment, the  poor  beast  became  furious,  dashed  about,  kicked,  reared, 
and  put  every  artifice  of  horse  ingenuity  in  force  to  get  rid  of 
his  enemy.  It  was  all  in  vain,  there  the  fellow  hung, — now  in 
the  air,  now  on  the  ground, — he  still  held  to  the  head.  No 
bull-dog  could  pin  his  adversary  more  securely.  Fatigued  at 
last  with  his  own  exertions,  the  horse  was  quiet  for  a  moment, 
•when  a  rope  with  a  slip-noose  was  thrown  over  his  neck,  on 
which  three  or  four  men  pulled  with  all  their  might,  till  they 
dragged  him  out  of  the  herd.  Half  dead  from  strangulation, 
fear,  and  fatigue,  the  poor  creature  was  now  bound  tightly  to 
his  fellow,  and  the  pair  were  led  off.  When  they  first  felt  them- 
selves yoked  as  it  were,  there  was  generally  one  more  struggle 
for  liberty ;  but  it  was  useless,  they  only  exhausted  each  other's 
strength,  and  probably  became  sufficiently  tame  in  a  few  hours, 
to  be  harnessed  to  a  wagon  and  driven  home. 

The  gay  aspect  of  Klausenburg,  however,  soon  disappeared. 
It  was  the  season  of  the  harvest,  and  all  good  landlords  had 
plenty  to  do  at  home.  There  was  another  reason  also  which 
called  the  better-intentioned  into  the  country.  The  cholera  was 
raging  frightfully  through  almost  every  part  of  the  land,  and  the 
peasantry,  the  chief  sufferers,  had  no  one  from  whom  they  could 
ask  or  expect  aid  and  advice  but  their  lords  and  ladies,  and  nobly, 
in  many  instances,  did  they  perform  their  duties.  Personal  at- 
tendance even  in  some  cases,  and  medicine  and  food  in  almost  all, 
were  liberally  supplied.  Of  the  numbers  who  perished  during 
this  attack  it  is  impossible  to  give  any  account;  I  doubt  even  if 
it  is  known.  In  Klausenburg,  for  some  time,  the  number  of 
deaths  amounted  to  from  twenty  to  thirty  a  day ;  and  before  it 
ceased,  probably  not  less  than  one-twentieth  of  its  population  was 

VOL.  II. 14 


carried  off.  I  have  heard  of  some  villages  in  which  even  a  tenth 
perished.  We  were  lodged  just  opposite  one  of  the  gates  of  the 
town  which  led  to  the  great  cemetery,  and  through  which  every 
corpse  was  carried  out.  From  two  o'clock,  as  long  as  daylight 
lasted,  the  funerals  proceeded  in  one  melancholy  procession.  It 
is  the  custom  that  every  member  of  a  trade  should  be  followed 
by  the  whole  of  the  corporation  to  which  he  belonged, 'and  it  is 
therefore  scarcely  a  figure  of  speech  to  say  that  all  Klausenburg 
was  engaged  in  this  mournful  task.  A  gipsy  band  is  a  necessary 
attendant  on  a  Transylvanian  funeral;  and  it  is  usually  accom- 
panied by  the  voices  of  a  hundred  followers  chanting  a  mass  or 
singing  a  psalm  as  they  marched  along.  The  soldiers,  too,  suf- 
fered severely,  and  the  fine  military  bands  were  generally  heard 
three  or  four  times  every  afternoon.  These  melancholy  scenes, 
and  the  continual  tolling  of  the  great  bell,  rendered  Klausenburg 
really  more  like  a  city  of  the  dead  than  the  living ;  and  we  were 
heartily  glad  when  our  preparations  were  made,  and  we  could 
dissipate  our  gloomy  thoughts  by  new  scenes  and  new  objects  of 

In  the  little  excursion  which  we  made,  and  which  did  not  oc- 
cupy us  more  than  a  week,  I  think  it  will  be  best  to  follow  my 

August  18th. — Left  Klausenburg  and  got  to  Thorda  for  din- 
ner. Finding  nothing  very  interesting,  though  there  are  said  to 
be  some  remains  of  a  Roman  road  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  the 
post-house  is  ornamented  with  some  Roman  bas-reliefs,  we  en- 
gaged horses  to  take  us  on  to  Thoroczko,  where  we  hear  there 
are  some  iron-mines  well  worth  seeing.  We  agreed  to  pay  eight 
shillings  a  day  for  five  horses,  the  coachman  being  bound  to 
maintain  himself  and  steeds. 

The  road  to  Thoroczko  was  hilly,  and  in  many  places  so  bad 
that  we  could  only  advance  at  a  foot  pace.  A  little  before  sun- 
set, we  arrived  at  the  summit  of  a  very  high  hill,  from  which 
we  had  a  splendid  view  over  a  fine  mountainous  country,  with 
crags  and  precipices  on  every  side,  and  just  below  us  the  little 
village  of  Bare,  and  the  Aranyos  winding  along  the  valley. 
Across  the  river  was  one  of  those  curious  covered  wooden  bridges, 
so  common  in  Switzerland ;  indeed,  there  was  nothing  but  a  snow 
mountain  wanting  to  have  made  us  fancy  ourselves  in  the  Can- 
tons. As  we  were  slowly  descending  the  hill  at  the  imminent 
hazard  of  our  necks,  with  both  wheels  locked,  and  the  servant 
hanging  to  the  step  to  balance  it,  I  began  to  make  some  inquiries 

MIKLOS.  159 

as  to  the  distance  we  had  still  to  go  before  we  arrived  at  Tho- 
roczko,  where  we  had  been  told  there  was  a  comfortable  inn.  I 
may  add,  in  a  parenthesis,  that  a  comfortable  inn  in  Transylvania 
means  a  dry  room,  clean  straw,  and  a  couple  of  roast  chickens 
for  supper.  "  Oh,  I  quite  forgot,"  exclaimed  Miklos,  "  to  tell 
your  grace  that  I  have  learnt  at  Thorda,  that  there  is  no  inn  at 

Thoroczko;  but  it  is  of  no  consequence,  for  the  Countess  T 

lives  there,  and  she  would  certainly  be  very  glad  to  entertain 
you."  It  was  of  no  use  scolding — though,  like  most  angry  men, 
I  believe  I  forgot  that  in  my  anger — for  although  this  fellow  had 
been  in  my  service  nearly  a  year,  I  had  never  been  able  to  make 
him  feel  why  I  often  preferred  a  poor  dirty  inn  to  a  handsome 
mansion,  and  starved  chickens  to  good  fare.  That  any  motives 
of  delicacy  could  make  me  hesitate  to  intrude  on  the  hospitality 
of  those  with  whom  I  was  unacquainted,  was  an  idea  altogether 
so  foreign  to  the  habits  and  customs  of  Transylvania,  where  in 
fact  such  visits  are  not  considered  intrusions,  that  it  was  no  won- 
der the  poor  fellow  could  not  comprehend  it. 

But  it  is  time  I  introduced  this  same  Miklos  to  the  better  ac- 
quaintance of  the  reader,  for  a  traveller  who  is  ignorant  of  the 
vulgar  tongue  of  a  country  in  which  he  travels,  is  so  dependent 
on  his  servant,  that  the  character  of  the  latter  has  often  more 
influence  on  his  adventures  than  even  his  own.  After  dismissing 
old  Stephan,  I  had  taken  a  man  who  turned  out  so  great  a  rogue 
that  I  was  obliged  to  get  rid  of  him  as  soon  as  I  arrived  in  Klau- 
senburg  the  first  time;  and  here  some  friend  found  Mikl6s  for  me 
to  supply  his  place.  Miklos  was  a  stout  good-looking  little  fel- 
low of  about  twenty,  who  spoke  Hungarian  and  Wallack  per- 
fectly, and  knew  as  much  German  as  enabled  him  to  get  through 
a  message,  which  had  been  twice  repeated  to  him,  with  only  two 
or  three  blunders.  His  greatest  merits  were  his  desire  to  travel, 
and  his  constant  good-humour  in  all  the  difficulties  attendant  on 
it.  If  any  thing  was  to  be  drawn  out  of  an  ill-tempered  land- 
lady, or  a  rigid-looking  custom-house  officer  was  to  be  softened, 
Miklos  was  pretty  sure  to  manage  the  affair.  Then  he  could 
make  a  bed,  cook  a  dinner,  cut  hair,  mend  clothes,  sleep  on  the 
ground,  fast  for  a  week,  and  bargain  with  a  Jew.  If  the  car- 
riage stuck  in  the  mud  and  we  required  additional  assistance  to 
get  it  out  again,  he  was  the  first  to  mount  a  horse  and  gallop  off 
without  bridle  or  saddle  to  the  next  village,  and  it  was  hard  if 
he  came  back  without  having  obtained  his  object.  If  the  coach- 
man could  not  drive  his  team  or  had  an  unruly  leader,  Mikl6s 


mounted  as  postillion  or  took  the  reins,  and  drove  as  if  he  had 
been  bred  a  Jehu.  These  were  all  valuable  qualities;  but  then 
the  fellow  was  careless,  made  endless  mistakes,  which  no  scolding 
could  teach  him  to  avoid  for  more  than  twenty-four  hours;  and 
had,  moreover,  a  shocking  habit  of  making  love  to  every  woman 
he  carne  near.  He  got  deep  into  the  affections  of  a  lady's  maid 
at  Pest,  attracted  the  attentions  of  a  Greek  widow  in  Constanti- 
nople, promised  marriage  to  a  Wallachian  girl  at  Bucharest,  and 
was  besieged  by  a  host  of  inamoratas  in  Klausenburg.  Some 
may  fancy  that  all  these  were  no  matters  of  mine,  but  I  assure 
them  they  are  mistaken,  for  independently  of  the  annoyance  of 
complaints  from  masters  and  mammas,  love-making  occupies  much 
time  which  might  be  better  employed ;  besides  that,  leaving  every 
place  one  enters  with  a  Dido  desolata  delaying  the  start  is  by  no 
means  agreeable.  Notwithstanding  his  peccadilloes,  however, 
Miklos  was  a  good  servant,  and  I  must  say  I  was  sorry  when  I 
left  the  country  and  was  obliged  to  part  with  him — especially 
when  I  saw  him  neglect  to  take  up  his  money,  and  blubber  like 
a  great  child  at  leaving  me. 

The  valley  of  the  Aranyos  and  the  little  village  of  Bare  which 
we  had  now  reached,  looked  so  inviting,  that  I  was  much  tempted 
to  make  a  better  acquaintance  with  it,  and  accordingly  desired 
Miklos  to  see  if  it  was  not  possible  to  get  a  room  in  some  pea- 
sant's cottage  for  the  night.  The  judge  immediately  offered  us 
beds  in  his  house,  and  promised  us  some  supper  too  if  we  would 
stay;  an  offer  I  was  glad  to  accept  in  spite  of  Miklos's  contemp- 
tuous expression  when  he  found  it  was  a  Wallack  under  whose 
roof  we  were  to  rest. 

While  they  were  making  all  possible  preparations  in  the  cot- 
tage, we  scrambled  along  the  craggy  banks  of  the  river  for  a 
considerable  distance  up  the  valley.  Some  mines  in  the  neigh- 
bouring mountains  gave  food  to  an  iron  hammer  which  was  ply- 
ing its  noisy  restless  task,  disturbing  the  whole  vale  with  its 
melancholy  song. 

However  Miklos  may  have  sneered,  the  Wallack  judge's  cot- 
tage was  by  no  means  so  bad.  Besides  the  room  in  which  the 
whole  family  lived,  and  the  entrance  where  they  cooked,— both 
of  which  were  certainly  very  filthy,— there  was  another  room, 
which,  if  it  had  no  other  floor  than  the  hardened  clay,  and  no 
other  wall  than  the  baked  mud,  was  yet  dry  and  tolerably  clean. 
It  contained  two  beds,  very  short  and  very  hard,  and  all  around 
were  hung  rude  earthen  jugs  and  pots,  and  in  one  favoured  cor- 


ner  was  a  cluster  of  pictures  of  hideous  saints,  after  the  most 
orthodox  models  of  the  Greek  church.  But  the  pride  of  the 
family  consisted  in  a  long  row  of  not  less  than  twenty  aprons, 
besides  a  number  of  shirts,  ostentatiously  displayed  along  one 
side  of  the  room.  The  aprons  were  such  as  are  commonly  worn 
by  the  Wallack  women ;  but  of  a  finer  wool,  and  of  beautiful 
colours.  The  shirts  were  of  a  coarse  linen,  but  prettily  embroi- 
dered with  blue  at  the  wrists  and  neck.  The  whole  of  this  trea- 
sure was  the  produce  of  the  housewife's  own  hands, 

As  we  were  examining  these  arrangements,  while  Miklos  was 
disposing  some  new  pieces  of  home-spun  linen  in  the  guise  he 
thought  most  likely  to  make  us  fancy  them  a  table-cloth  and  nap- 
kins, a  clattering  of  horses'  hoofs  was  heard  to  cease  at  the  door, 
and  he  was  presently  called  out  to  speak  to  some  stranger. 
When  he  returned,  it  was  to  announce  that  a  servant  of  the 

Countess  T was  just  come  to  say  that  his  mistress  had  heard 

of  our  visit  to  Thoroczko,  and  would  expect  us  to  take  beds  at 
her  house.  Here  was  a  pretty  affair!  The  carriage  unpacked, 
the  horses  in  the  stable,  and  we  expected  some  miles  off!  How- 
ever, it  was  now  too  late  to  think  of  going  further,  and  besides, 
1  had  taken  a  fancy  to  the  Wallack's  cottage.  The  beds  too 
were  made,  a  wax-light  robbed  from  the  carriage — these  people 
were  too  poor  to  have  candles  of  any  kind — threw  a  cheerful 
light  over  the  room,  every  thing  was  put  in  order,  and  I  fancied 
it  looked  very  comfortable ;  in  addition  to  which,  the  cloth,  such 
as  it  was,  and  the  smell  of  roasting  was  far  from  disagreeable  to 
men  who  had  not  eaten  since  mid-day,  so  that  there  was  nothing 
to  be  done  but  send  a  very  polite  message  with  an  excuse  for  not 
coming,  on  account  of  the  lateness  of  the  hour,  and  a  promise  to 
do  ourselves  the  honour  of  paying  a  visit  the  next  day. 

I  know  not  whether  it  was  the  difficult  mastication  of  the 
fibrous  old  cock  which  now  smoked  upon  the  table,  or  some  other 
cause,  which  called  up  certain  doubts  in  my  mind  as  to  the  cor- 
rectness of  the  message  which  had  just  been  delivered;  but  cer- 
tain it  is  they  did  arise,  and  I  forthwith  questioned  Miklos  as  to 
whether  he  had  learnt  how  the  Countess  could  have  heard  of 
our  coming,  as  we  knew  she  herself  had  but  just  returned  to  Tho- 
roczko from  another  part  of  the  country.  "Why,"  said  Miklos, 
making  more  than  his  usual  number  of  blunders  in  German,  as 
he  answered,  *'the  fact  is,  the  Countess  does  not  know  of  it  yet, 
but  she  soon  will;  the  servant  who  had  been  to  Klausenburg  on 
business,  had  heard  there  of  your  Grace's  arrival  in  this  part  of 



the  country,  and  so  he  thought  of  course  you  would  visit  his  lady, 
and  he  hastened  home  to  tell  them  of  your  coming;  but  as  he 
found  we  were  stopping  here,  he  told  your  Grace  that  they  al- 
ready were  expecting  you,  that  he  might  not  have  to  come  back 
again  to  say  so."  And  thus,  on  the  servant's  invitation,  I  had 
coolly  sent  to  say  I  should  visit  a  lady  to  whom  I  had  no  intro- 
duction, and  whom,  though  I  knew  by  name,  I  had  never  seen 
in  my  life.  Oh !  I  could  have  broken  the  rascal's  head  for  his 
blunder!  but  he  was  evidently  unconscious  of  any  fault,  and 
thought,  I  have  no  doubt,  that  both  he  and  the  other  servant 
were  a  couple  of  very  clever  fellows. 

19th. — Rose  early,  got  a  sketch  of  the  bridge  and  river,  and 
started  for  Thoroczko,  where  we  arrived  before  ten.  It  is  a 
pretty  little  town,  cleaner  and  with  better  houses  than  one  gene- 
rally sees.  Its  inhabitants  are  all  Magyars  and  Unitarians.  A 
friend  in  Klausenburg  had  given  us  a  letter  to  the  Unitarian 
clergyman,  as  the  person  best  able  to  give  us  information  of  any 
thing  wrorth  seeing  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  we  drove  straight 
to  his  house.  He  was  out  attending  a  sick  parishioner ;  but  his 
wife  received  us,  and  insisted  on  sending  to  inform  him  of  our 

In  the  mean  time  we  entered  his  modest  dwelling,  which,  ex- 
cept in  being  rather  larger,  and  having  the  kitchen  and  servant's 
room  separated  from  the  dwelling-rooms,  differed  little  from  those 
of  his  peasant  neighbours.  Its  interior  however  bespoke  his  supe- 
riority. The  two  little  rooms  of  which  it  consisted  were  crowded 
with  book-shelves.  Here  they  groaned  under  quartos  of  Latin 
theology ;  there  they  displayed  probably  all  the  best  works  in  Hun- 
garian literature, — and  no  great  number  either, — while,  in  another 
part,  belles  lettres  and  natural  history  flourished  in  mis-shapen 
tomes  from  the  German  press.  Some  fine  minerals  from  the  neigh- 
bourhood which  were  scattered  about,  and  a  number  of  little 
drawers,  which  I  am  sure  contained  specimens,  declared  our  priest 
a  natural  philosopher.  While  we  were  making  these  observa- 
tions, a  stout,  middle-aged  man,  with  a  mild  expression  of  coun- 
tenance, long  black  hair  hanging  down  his  back,  and  dressed  in 
an  Hungarian  coat  and  knee-boots,  made  his  appearance ;  and 
by  a  long  complimentary  speech  in  Latin,  proclaimed  himself  our 
host.  Before  he  was  half  through  his  address,  I  interrupted  him, 
and  petitioned  for  German;  but  he  declared  off  on  the  score  of 
inability,  and  we  were  accordingly  forced  to  carry  on  a  medley 
discourse  of  Latin  and  German  as  we  best  could.  " 

ST.  GYORGY.  163 

We  found  the  immediate  object  of  our  visit,  the  iron  mines, 
were  in  a  very  bad  state,  and  scarcely  worth  the  trouble  of  see- 
ing. The  clergyman  told  us  of  several  natural  curiosities  in  the 
mountains  near;  but  they  demanded  a  day  or  two  at  least  to  vi- 
sit them,  and  we  determined  therefore,  after  paying  our  self- 
proffered  visit  to  the  Countess,  who,  our  friend  assured  us,  was 
a  "  nobilissima  et  generosissima  dama"  to  return  to  Thorda. 
We  were  not  allowed  to  leave,  however,  without  visiting  the 
Unitarian  church;  a  large,  and  rather  handsome  building  for  the 
size  of  the  town.  The  object  to  which  our  attention  was  more 
immediately  drawn,  however,  was  the  organ ;  it  was  a  recent 
acquisition,  and  was  exhibited,  I  thought,  with  no  small  feeling, 
of  clerical  pride. 

After  all,  the  Countess  T did  not  live  at  Thoroczko,  and 

we  were  therefore  obliged  to  penetrate  some  miles  farther  into 
this  beautiful  valley  before  we  reached  St.  Gyorgy,  the  place  of 
her  residence.  Nothing  can  be  more  secluded  than  this  valley, 
nothing  more  lovely.  On  one  side  it  is  bounded  by  precipitous 
cliffs,  on  the  very  summit  of  which  we  could  perceive  some 
ruins  of  an  old  castle,  on  the  other  are  wooded  hills,  and  in 
the  middle  a  pretty  stream  and  rich  meadows  and  corn-fields. 

We  drove  at  once  to  the  chateau,  where  we  were  received 
as  expected    guests,  our  horses   taken    out,  and    ourselves  set 

down  to  lunch,  as  a  matter  of  course.     The  Countess  T 

was  a  lady  of  the  old  school,  possessing  all  that  easy  dignity 
of  manner  which,  when  united  to  a  warm  heart,  forms  the  per- 
fection of  the  social  character;  and,  though  now  in  the  decline 
of  life,  exhibiting  a  regularity  and  delicacy  of  features,  which 
told  she  must  have  been  a  beauty  in  her  younger  days — nor 
was  their  tale  belied  by  the  image  of  those  days  which,  for 
us,  was  reproduced  in  the  person  of  her  daughter.  The  ser- 
vant had  not  been  mistaken;  for  it  was  certain  that  his  mis- 
tress expected  not  only  that  we,  but  that  all  other  gentlemen 
who  travelled  through  her  secluded  valley  should  visit  her  on 
their  way.  Any  idea  of  leaving  before  dinner  was  scarcely 
allowed  utterance.  "As  a  widow,"  said  the  Countess,  "my 
forenoons  are  pretty  well  occupied,  for  in  Transylvania,  we  must 
be  farmers,  miners,  doctors,  and  I  know  not  what  else  beside. 
I  leave  you  free,  therefore,  till  the  hour  of  dinner,  when  I  shall 
expect  the  pleasure  of  seeing  you  again.  See,"  she  added,  "  the 
bouquet  my  steward  has  brought  me  this  morning;  it  is  com- 
posed of  the  heaviest  ears  of  corn  he  has  been  able  to  find  this 


season,  and  I  assure  you  no  hot-house  flowers  could  be  half  so 
agreeable  to  me." 

The  Countess  Julia  observed,  that  perhaps  as  strangers,  we 
might  feel  interested  in  visiting  the  cottages  of  some  of  the  pea- 
sants; and  added  that  if  we  did  not  fear  the  cholera,  which  had 
unfortunately  made  its  appearance  in  the  village,  she  should  be 
happy  to  show  us  some.  Of  course  we  were  delighted  to  ac- 
cept the  offer.  "  St.  Gyorgy,"  she  added,  "  is,  I  believe,  one 
of  the  richest  villages  in  Transylvania ;  and,  for  the  credit  of  rny 
country,  I  am  therefore  the  more  anxious  you  should  see  it. 
The  peasants  are  Magyars,  and  mostly  of  the  Unitarian  belief." 

The  cottages  were  of  one  story,  and  built  on  the  same  gene- 
ral plan  as  all  the  others  we  had  seen;  but  in  many  cases  they 
were  larger,  and  the  farmyards  seemed  more  plentifully  stocked. 
One  house  into  which  we  were  taken,  might  have  been  held  up 
as  a  pattern  of  cleanliness  and  order  in  any  country.  Round  the 
best  room  hung  a  prodigious  quantity  of  fine  bed-linen,  beauti- 
fully embroidered  on  the  edges,  in  different  colours.  "  This  is 
the  handiwork  of  the  unmarried  girls,  and  is  intended  as  their 
dower:  and  hard  enough  they  work  at  it,"  smilingly  added  our 
fair  informant,  "  for  they  cannot  get  husbands,  till,  by  such 
works  as  these,  they  have  given  good  proofs  of  their  industry 
and  talent."  The  daughter  of  the  house  was  easily  persuaded 
to  put  on  her  Sunday  costume,  which  was  as  rich  as  embroidery 
and  ribbons  could  make  it.  The  St.  Gyorgy  girls  are  said  to 
have  the  handsomest  dresses  of  any  village  in  the  district.  What 
a  pity  it  is,  that  all  these  beautiful  costumes,  and  the  honest  pride 
and  self-esteem  they  give  rise  to,  must  disappear,  as  soon  as  the 
cheap  wares  of  Manchester,  or  some  other  cotton  capital,  gain 
entrance  to  these  valleys,  and  drive  household  manufactures 
from  the  field!  If  real  civilization,  founded  on  improved  insti- 
tutions and  an  enlightened  system  of  education,  do  not  accom- 
pany the  introduction  of  luxuries  produced  by  machinery,  they 
may  become  a  curse  instead  of  a  blessing  to  a  people.  It  is  dif- 
ficult to  find  for  the  uneducated  peasant  woman  an  occupation 
more  befitting  her  powers  of  mind  and  body,  more  consistent 
with  her  duties  of  mother  and  housekeeper,  than  is  afforded  by 
the  simple  processes  of  spinning  and  weaving.  If  this  is  taken 
away,  and  the  means  of  applying  herself  to  higher  and  more 
difficult  objects  are  not  afforded,  she  has  little  left  but  idleness, 
or  the  coarse  degrading  labours  of  the  field. 

The  owner  of  this  house,  though  a  simple  peasant,  was  said 


to  be  possessed  of  more  than  a  thousand  pounds.  The  only  ad- 
vantage he  had  enjoyed  above  His  fellows,  was  in  being  freed 
from  the  seigneurial  labour-dues  for  some  service  rendered  to  the 
late  Count, — industry  and  sobriety  had  done  the  rest.  The 
only  book  I  could  see  in  the  house,  was  a  large  Hungarian  Bi- 
ble, richly  bound  and  fastened  with  a  pair  of  heavy  brass  clasps. 

We  had  time  enough  before  dinner  to  wander  about  the  vil- 
lage, and  climb  a  conical  hill,  at  a  little  distance  from  it,  on 
which  stand  the  picturesque  ruins  of  the  Castle  of  St.  Gyorgy. 
We  had  a  fine  view  from  this  point,  over  the  whole  valley. 
Farther  than  we  had  yet  traversed,  we  could  observe  an  exit 
from  it  by  means  of  a  vast  cleft  in  the  limestone  rocks,  which 
otherwise  bounded  it  on  every  side.  On  looking  back  over  the 
road  we  had  come,  we  saw  more  clearly  the  few  walls  on  the 
sftmmit  of  those  stupendous  cliffs,  which  mark  where  the  old  cas- 
tle of  Thoroczko  formerly  stood.  It  would  require  at  least 
two  hours'  good  climbing  to  reach  it  from  the  valley.  It  was 
formerly  always  the  lot — I  cannot  call  it  privilege — of  the  eldest 
sons  of  the  family  of  Thoroczko  to  inhabit  this  mountain  nest ; 
while  the  younger  were  allowed  to  choose  some  less  ambitious 
dwelling  in  the  valley. 

"  You  have  visited  St.  Gyorgy  at  a  very  unfortunate  mo- 
ment," said  the  Countess,  when  we  returned ;  "  the  cholera, 
which  set  in  only  two  days  ago,  has  assumed  a  very  serious  as- 
pect to-day.  Since  yesterday,  no  less  than  four  deaths  have 
been  reported  to  me,  and  I  fear  we  must  expect  many  more." 
For  these  persons  we  found  the  Countess  was  the  sole  physician, 
her  house  their  dispensary,  and  sometimes  even  their  hospital, 
for  she  had  had  several  of  them  brought  there,  that  they  might 
be  better  attended  to.  Several  times,  during  dinner,  her  daugh- 
ter was  obliged  to  leave  the  table  to  send  off  medicines  for  some 
new  patient  who  claimed  her  aid.  In  this  she  was  assisted  by 
the  steward  and  clergyman,  who  seemed  both  to  take  an  active 
interest  in  the  fate  of  the  poor  sufferers.  During  the  short  time 
we  remained,  five  more  deaths  were  reported. 

In  returning  to  Thorda,  the  Countess  proposed  that  we  should 
take  a  nearer  road  than  that  by  which  we  had  come.  "  It  is 
rather  a  rough  one,"  she  added ;  "  but  it  is  the  one  I  always 
take  myself,  and  I  do  not  suppose  that,  for  young  men  like  you, 
its  little  dangers  will  be  any  objection."  After  many  adieus 
and  kind  invitations  to  renew  our  visit  at  a  more  favourable 
moment,  we  at  last  started.  Our  new  route  led  us  almost  im- 
mediately from  the  village,  up  the  sides  of  a  high  and  steep 


mountain,  after  having  mastered  which,  we  were  promised  a 
continual  descent.  As  we  turned  round  to  take  a  last  look  at 
the  scene  we  were  leaving,  we  witnessed  one  of  those  beauti- 
ful effects  which  none  but  the  dwellers  in  mountain  lands  can 
ever  behold.  A  storm  came  roaring  up  the  valley  below  us, 
throwing  every  thing  into  deep  shade,  except  the  castle  on  the 
hill,  which  caught  a  gleam  of  sunshine,  and  stood  out  in  bright 
relief  against  the  black  mountains  behind  it.  We  paid,  however, 
dearly  for  the  treat:  by  a  sudden  veer  of  the  wind,  the  storm 
seemed  to  quit  the  valley;  and  clinging  to  the  side  of  the  moun- 
tain, followed  our  footsteps,  overtook  us,  and  beat  with  such 
force  on  the  horses  that  they  turned  round  and  refused  to  move 
any  farther.  Flogging  made  no  impression  on  them,  they  only 
kicked  and  backed, — and  they  had  chosen  for  that  operation  a 
ridge  of  the  mountain,  from  whence  one  might  have  slipped  ink) 
immortality,  almost  before  one  was  aware  of  it. 

Our  only  remedy  was  to  sit  still  while  Miklos  mounted  one  of 
the  horses,  and  went  back  to  beg  the  Countess  would  lend  us 
some  oxen  to  drag  us  up  the  rest  of  the  mountain.  A  peasant, 
however,  who  was  at  work  at  some  distance,  and  saw  our  diffi- 
culty, took  his  horses  out  of  the  plough;  and  harnessing  them 
before  ours,  got  us  at  last  to  the  top.  So  much  time  had  been 
lost,  that  it  very  soon  became  dark,  and  we  found  ourselves  in  a 
bad  and  dangerous  road,  which  it  was  impossible  to  traverse 
faster  than  at  a  foot  pace.  Miklos  was  obliged  to  take  the 
lamps  and  walk  on  before,  while  we  held  the  carriage  from  fall- 
ing over.  We  were  not  only  every  moment  in  danger  of  over- 
turning, but  of  losing  the  carriage  at  the  bottom  of  a  ravine 
whence  it  would  have  been  impossible  to  recover  it.  Instead  of 
four  hours,  we  occupied  eight  in  this  short  cut,  but  we  were  too 
well  contented  to  have  escaped  with  whole  skins,  to  grumble  at 
the  loss  of  time.  Such  roads  may  suit  Transylvanian  ladies,  but 
Heaven  preserve  all  English  gentlemen  from  them ! — A  steeple- 
chase is  safe  in  comparison. 

20th. — Projected  a  visit  this  morning  to  the  Thordai  Hasa- 
dek,  a  mountain  cleft,  of  the  same  kind  as  that  we  saw  at  a  dis- 
tance yesterday,  from  St.  Gyorgy,  but  said  to  be  much  larger. 
In  traversing  the  few  miles  which  separate  the  Hasadek  from 
Thorda,  we  passed  over  a  part  of  the  Prat  de  Trajan,  where  the 
great  victory  was  gained  by  Trajan  over  Decebalus.  Though 
Transylvanian  antiquaries  place  the  scene  of  the  action  more  to 
the  east,  and  nearer  the  banks  of  the  Maros,  than  our  route  led 


us,  I  am  inclined  to  think  they  must  be  in  error;  for  we  observed 
a  great  number  of  tumuli  in  this  direction,  of  a  size  and  form 
•which  render  it  exceeding  probable  that  they  were  intended  to 
commemorate  the  death  of  the  heroes  who  fell  on  that  occasion. 
I  am  not  aware  that  any  of  them  have  been  opened,  or  that  any 
tradition  exists  as  to  their  origin. 

After  about  an  hour's  drive  we  arrived  at  the  entrance  to  the 
Hasadek.  We  descended  into  a  little  valley  in  the  form  of  a 
semicircle,  which  surrounds  the  opening  of  the  cleft,  and  is  in- 
habited by  a  few  poor  Wallacks  and  their  cows;  and  scrambling 
over  some  broken  rocks,  entered  this  extraordinary  place. 

Let  the  reader  imagine  a  chain  of  low  mountains,  twenty 
miles  long,  cut  transversely  through  to  a  level  with  the  valleys 
they  divide,  and  he  will  have  some  idea  of  the  Thordai  Hasadek. 
In  no  place  (I  should  think)  is  the  cleft  more  than  twenty  yards 
wide  at  the  bottom,  though  it  increases  somewhat  towards  the 
top.  As  might  be  supposed,  the  sides  of  it  are  as  precipitous  as 
any  thing  can  be  imagined.  A  small  stream  which  rises  from 
some  springs  in  the  semicircular  valley,  makes  its  way  among 
the  broken  rocks  through  the  cleft,  and  passes  out  at  the  other 
side.  It  so  nearly  occupies  the  whole  of  the  space  left  between 
the  rocks,  that  we  had  to  cross  it  at  least  twenty  times  in  order 
to  find  dry  footing;  sometimes  we  had  to  pick  our  way  for  a 
considerable  distance  along  the  stepping-stones  placed  by  the 
peasants  in  its  bed,  and  once  to  climb  the  rocks  at  the  imminent 
hazard  of  slipping  into  the  pool  below. 

Some  of  the  cliffs  in  this  valley  are  truly  magnificent.  In  one 
place  they  rise  from  the  very  base,  in  a  perpendicular  line  to  the 
summit,  a  height  I  will  not  venture  to  guess.  About  midway 
through  the  Hasadek,  and  at  some  height  up  the  side  of  the 
cliff,  there  is  a  remarkable  cavern  called  the  Bayluka.  A  steep 
pathway  leads  up  to  the  entrance,  which  is  defended  by  a  dou- 
ble wall,  with  ramparts  and  holes  for  musketry.  The  cave  it- 
self is  large,  and  arched  like  a  vast  Gothic  hall,  and  is  capable 
of  containing  a  hundred  persons.  Beyond  the  first  chamber  it 
divides  into  several  smaller  ones,  which  we  could  not  penetrate  far 
into,  for  want  of  lights.  It  is  extraordinary  that  opposite  the  Bay- 
luka, on  the  other  side  the  cleft,  there  is  a  second  cavern,  of 
which  the  natural  entrance  is  exactly  like  the  first.  This  is  in- 
teresting; because  it  proves  that  they  were  once  joined  toge- 
ther, and  that  it  was  only  by  some  violent  convulsion  that  they 
were  torn  asunder.  The  stratum  is  a  compact  limestone,  as  far 
as  I  observed,  without  fossils. 


The  first  of  these  caverns  was  formerly  the  favourite  strong- 
hold of  a  celebrated  Transylvanian  robber,  Bay,  from  whom  it 
takes  its  name.  A  number  of  popular  stories  exist  about  this 
Bay,  though  I  was  not  able  to  collect  any  of  much  interest;  but 
if  he  was  half  the  hero  he  is  represented,  it  must  have  required 
a  brave  man  to  attack  him  in  his  mountain  fortress. 

We  traversed  the  cleft  completely  to  the  other  end,  and  I 
should  say,  the  distance  is  from  two  to  three  miles.  At  one 
point,  where  the  brook  filled  up  the  whole  valley,  and  the  rocks 
came  down  close  to  the  water's  edge,  we  met  a  gay  party  of 
peasant  lads  and  lasses  in  their  holiday  clothes,  apparently  going 
to  some  merry-making  in  the  next  valley.  The  lads  tripped 
lightly  over  the  rocks,  where  we  could  hardly  find  footing,  and 
many  were  the  jokes  and  jeers  they  cast  at  the  girls,  when  they 
sat  down  to  take  off  their  sandals  preparatory  to  wading  the 
brook,  which  they  preferred  to  the  exposure  their  modesty  feared 
from  climbing  the  rock.  A  curious  phenomenon  we  observed  at 
the  far  end  of  the  valley, — a  natural  arch  formed  in  the  rock, 
with  an  arched  roof  and  window,  so  much  like  the  work  of  the 
Gothic  architect,  that  it  is  no  wonder  the  peasantry  should  have 
christened  it  the  chapel.  I  must  not  forget  that  the  superstitious 
attribute  the  whole  cleft  to  a  prayer  of  St.Ladislaus,  who  en- 
treated that  the  mountain  might  open,  and  save  him  from  the 
heathens.  If  it  is  so,  I  can  only  say  we  are  indebted  to  the 
saint  for  one  of  the  most  beautiful  scenes  of  rocky  grandeur  I 

On  our  return  to  Thorda  we  started  for  Maros  Ujvar,  a  small 
village  about  twelve  miles  off,  where  are  the  chief  salt-mines  of 
Transylvania,  which  we  reached  late  in  the  evening. 

21st. — We  sent  to  request  permission  to  enter  the  mines,  and 
received  a  polite  answer,  that  we  had  only  to  present  ourselves, 
and  one  of  the  officers  would  feel  great  pleasure  in  conducting  us 
over  them. 

The  chief  part  of  the  salt-mines  of  Maros  Ujvar  is  formed  by 
three  vast  subterranean  chambers.  As  they  were  not  using  the 
buckets,  we  were  obliged  to  descend  by  the  staircase.  Before 
we  had  reached  six  feet  from  the  surface,  the  salt  was  already 
perceptible.  After  passing  some  new  workings  which  we  shall 
understand  better  when  we  have  described  the  principal  ones, 
we  descended  to  the  lower  workings. 

We  entered  at  one  end  of  a  vast  hall — two  hundred  and  se- 
venty feet  long  by  one  hundred  and  eighty  wide,  and  two  hun- 


drecl  and  ten  high, — with  a  Gothic  arched  roof,  dimly  lighted  hy 
the  candles  of  the  miners.  At  the  opposite  end  to  that  by  which 
we  entered,  was  a  huge  portal,  reaching  nearly  to  the  top  of  the 
chamber,  and  affording  entrance  to  a  second,  and  that  again  to 
a  third  hall  of  equal  extent  with  the  first.  On  a  signal  being 
given,  a  sudden  blaze  burst  forth  in  each  of  these  chambers,  and 
lighted  up  the  whole  space  with  a  brilliant  illumination.  It  was 
the  grandest  sight  I  had  ever  beheld.  The  walls  were  of  solid 
rock-salt,  which,  if  not  so  dazzling  as  writers  are  generally 
pleased  to  describe  it,  was  extremely  beautiful  from  the  variety 
of  its  colours.  It  resembled  highly  polished  white  marble  veined 
with  brown,  the  colours  running  in  broad  wavy  lines. 

The  size  of  these  halls,  the  effect  of  the  light,  the  grandeur 
and  extreme  simplicity  of  the  form,  with  the  exquisite  purity  of 
the  material,  impressed  me  with  a  feeling  of  their  architectural 
beauty,  beyond  that  of  almost  any  object  of  art  I  know.  No 
words  can  express  the  intense  enjoyment  with  which  I  regarded 

As  soon  as  we  could  sober  down  sufficiently  to  listen  to  the 
details  of  our  conductor,  he  pointed  out  the  whole  floor  of  the 
chamber,  covered  with  workmen  employed  in  detaching  and 
shaping  vast  masses  of  the  salt  preparatory  to  its  ascent.  It  is 
cut  by  means  of  sharp  hammers  into  long  blocks  of  about  one 
foot  in  diameter,  which  are  afterwards  broken  up  into  masses, 
weighing  from  fifty-eight  to  fifty-nine  pounds  each,  and  in  this 
form  it  is  brought  to  market.  The  accuracy  with  which  they  can 
measure  the  weight  is  extraordinary.  After  shaping  hfs  block 
above  and  on  the  sides,  the  miner  calls  to  two  or  three  of  his 
neighbours  to  aid  him  in  detaching  its  base  from  the  rock.  This 
is  effected  by  repeated  blows  of  very  heavy  hammers  on  the 
tipper  surface,  the  most  exact  time  and  equality  of  force  being 
maintained.  This  is  the  severest  part  of  their  labour,  but  it 
lasts  only  a  few  minutes  at  a  time. 

The  number  of  workmen  employed  here  is  about  three  hun- 
dred. Among  these  are  Magyars,  Wallacks  and  Germans.  The 
Magyars  are  said  to  work  the  hardest,  but  also  to  drink  the 
hardest.  I  believe  the  tales  one  so  often  hears  of  men  being 
born  and  dying  in  mines  without  ever  having  seen  the  light  is 
pure  fiction ;  it  certainly  is  not  the  case  any  where  in  Hungary, 
and  least  of  all  here.  The  miners  begin  their  work  at  three 
o'clock  in  the  morning  and  leave  it  at  eleven,  and  the  average 
rate  of  wages  for  eight  hours'  labour  is  about  ten  pence.  In 

VOL.  II. 15 


such  large  spaces  the  air  could  scarcely  be  otherwise  than  good, 
and  the  temperature  is  always  the  same — 13°  of  Reaumur — sum- 
mer and  winter.  The  employment  is  far  from  unhealthy,  and 
even  children  often  apply  themselves  to  it  very  young. 

Some  of  the  new  workings,  which  are  higher  than  those  we 
have  described,  are  laid  out  for  the  same  kind  of  chambers.  In 
one  part  a  hole  has  been  cut  through  the  roof  of  the  first  great 
hall,  and  as  we  looked  into  the  vast  abyss,  innumerable  lights 
seemed  dancing  below,  and  figures  flitting  round  them,  while  the 
clear  ring  of  many  hammers  faintly  reached  the  ear.  The  poet 
who  would  describe  a  descent  to  Erebus,  might  envy  me  that 

The  quantity  of  salt  annually  produced  from  these  mines  is  six 
hundred  thousand  centners,  all  of  which,  with  the  exception  of 
about  thirty  thousand  used  in  the  neighbourhood  is  sent  to  Hun- 
gary.* In  this  calculation  I  believe  the  dust  salt,  or  broken 
particles  produced  by  the  hammering,  is  not  included.  Many 
thousand  centners  of  this  salt  are  thrown  into  the  river  every 
year.  For  each  of  the  masses  of  fifty-eight  pounds  which  we 
have  mentioned  above,  the  miner  receives  two  and  a  half  kreut- 
zers  (two  pence.)  With  all  the  expenses,  however,  the  centner 
is  delivered  at  the  pit's  mouth,  for  about  twenty-four  kreutzers 
c.  m.,  or  ten  pence.  It  is  sold  in  Transylvania  at  three  florins 
and  a  half,  or  seven  shillings,  the  centner.  The  greater  part, 
however,  is  sent  by  the  Maros  to  Szegedin,  at  an  expense  of  about 
ten  peijce  more  each  centner.  It  is  sold  there  at  seven  guldens 
and  a  half,  or  fifteen  shillings,  the  centner ! 

There  has  been  so  much  complaint  against  this  price  of  salt  in 
the  Diet,  that  we  must  say  a  few  words  more  about  it. 

A  monopoly  of  the  sale  of  salt  is  one  of  the  Royal  privileges, 
acknowledged  as  such  by  the  nation,  and  enjoyed  by  the  Crown 
for  a  long  succession  of  years.  It  can  hardly  be  supposed,  how- 
ever, that  the  right  of  the  Crown  can  extend  to  raising  the  price 
of  one  of  the  first  necessaries  of  life  to  any  amount  it  may  think 
fit ;  for  this  would  be  the  admission  of  an  indefinite  and  irrespon- 

*  The  east  of  Transylvania  is  supplied  from  mines  in  the  Szelder  land, 
which  we  shall  visit  later,  and  the  North  of  Hungary  chiefly  from  Velic;- 
ska  and  the  Marmaros.  In  a  small  work  on  Transylvania,  published  by 
M.  Lebrecht,  m  1804,  the  amount  of  salt  furnished  by  Transylvania,  is 
tated  at  above  a  million  centners.  The  price  was  then  one  fifteenth  of 
what  it  is  at  present.  The  population  has  increased,  and  the  consumption 
Mien  off.  Is  not  the  elevation  of  price  the  cause  1 

THE  SALT  TAX.  171 

sible  right  of  taxation  on  all  classes.  To  go  no  farther  back  than 
1800,  the  price  of  salt  was  at  half  a  florin  (one  shilling)  per  cent- 
ner. The  long  and  exhausting  wars,  which  brought  on  two  na- 
tional bankruptcies  within  a  few  years  of  each  qther,  were  an 
excuse  for  raising  this  price  to  three  florins  and  a  half  in  Tran- 
sylvania, and  seven  and  a  half  in  Hungary.  Even  during  the 
continuance  of  the  war,  complaints  enough  were  heard  against 
this  augmentation,  and  since  that  time  they  have  become  every 
year  more  angry  and  more  just.  Now  there  are  several  reasons 
which  render  the  continuance  of  this  exorbitant  burden  pecu- 
liarly injudicious.  First  of  all,  it  has  a  bad  reputation.  The 
gabelle  has  been  so  often  the  cry  by  which  a  revolutionary  leader 
has  excited  the  passions  of  a  mob, — it  is  so  closely  associated 
with  recollections  which  all  prudent  statesmen  would  avoid 
awakening,  that  one  cannot  help  wondering  it  should  be  con- 
tinued. And  then,  hitherto,  the  Hungarians  have  entertained  a 
notion  that  their  cattle  could  not  live  without  a  large  admixture 
of  salt  with  their  food  ;  but  they  are  beginning  to  find  out  that 
this  is  an  error,  and  to  see  that  although  the  cattle  like  salt  and 
will  eat  coarser  food  with  it  than  they  would  without,  it  is  neither 
necessary  to  keep  them  in  health  nor  to  feed  them ;  and  if  such  a 
discovery  spreads  very  far,  it  will  cause  a  greater  loss  to  the  re- 
venue than  the  diminution  of  two-thirds  of  the  price  of  the  salt, 
for  the  quantity  used  by  men  is  small  in  proportion  to  that  given 
to  the  cattle. 

But  the  most  extraordinary  part  of  the  affair  is,  that  the  Go- 
vernment incurs  this  obloquy,  and  runs  the  chance  of  this  loss, 
all  to  no  purpose.  The  whole  line  of  frontier,  from  the  Adriatic 
to  the  boundaries  of  Russia,  is  beautifully  adapted  for  smuggling ; 
and  bulky  as  salt  is,  I  can  assure  the  reader  it  is  smuggled  in 
along  the  whole  of  this  frontier.  If  I  am  asked  from  whom  I 
have  obtained  this  information,  I  can  only  answer  from  some  of 
the  Government  salt  officers  in  Hungary,  who  told  me  that  they 
themselves  bought  their  salt  from  the  smugglers !  If  any  Aus- 
trian official  doubts  the  extent  to  which  this  traffic  is  carried  on, 
let  him  compare  the  returns  from  the  frontier  counties  with  those 
from  the  interior,  in  proportion  to  their  population,  and  he  will 
hardly  doubt  the  fact. 

I  have  been  shown  the  salt  smuggler's  paths  on  the  frontiers 
of  Wallachia,  where  they  often  come  over  with  whole  troops  of 
laden  horses.  I  have  heard  from  the  county  magistrates,  that 
it  was  ridiculous  to  attempt  to  oppose  them ;  that  they  had  the 


sympathy  of  the  peasantry  with  them,  and  were  not  only  able  to 
bribe  the  border  guard,  but  that  they  came  in  such  numbers,  and 
so  well  armed,  that  they  did  not  dare  to  make  a  show  of  resist- 
ing them.  I  doubt  if  there  is  one  great  proprietor  in  the  south 
of  Hungary,  who  uses  Government  salt,  except  in  such  quantity 
as  decency  requires  to  blind  officers  who  do  not  wish  to  see.  In 
that  part  of  Hungary,  bordering  on  Transylvania,  the  more  ten- 
der-conscienced  declare  they  would  not  use  Turkish  salt  on  any 
account;  but  I  found  that  that  was  because  it  was  cheaper  to 
smuggle  it  from  Transylvania,  where  it  is  only  half  the  price  it 
is  in  Hungary.  "Oh!"  they  exclaimed,  when  charged  with  this 
peccadillo,  "we  buy  the  emperor's  salt,  at  any  rate;  we  don't 
go  to  those  rascally  Turks  for  it:" — absolutely  priding  them- 
selves on  their  loyalty,  when  compared  with  the  sinnings  of  their 

And,  then,  what  has  become  of  the  paternal  anxiety  to  keep 
out  the  plague,  which  led  to  the  establishment  of  such  a  vast  and 
perpetual  cordon  as  that  of  the  borderers?  It  is  certain,  that 
not  a  day  terminates  in  which  men  with  bags  of  salt  do  not  pass 
from  one  country  to  the  other,  without  any  intervention  of  qua- 
rantine, or  process  of  purification.  For  the  maintenance  of  a 
paltry  tax,  the  health  of  all  Europe  is  constantly  exposed  to  an 
invasion  of  the  plague ! 

The  foreign  trade,  of  course,  is  entirely  lost  by  the  increase 
of  price;  and  Wallachia,  Moldavia,  and  Servia,  which  formerly 
drew  their  salt  from  Hungary,  now,  as  we  have  seen,  return  the 

22nd.— Karlsburg.  We  arrived  here  last  night,  after  a  plea- 
sant drive  along  the  rich  and  beautiful  valley  of  the  Maros. 
Every  day  these  valleys  of  Transylvania  gain  on  one's  affections. 
They  are  so  green,  so  smiling,  so  varied  in  their  beauties,  that  it 
is  impossible  not  to  love  them. 

Our  host,  we  find,  is  a  character.  Krumme  (lame)  Peter,  as 
he  is  called,  is  a  noble  ;  and,  besides  the  privileges  of  his  order, 
he  is  one  of  those  happy  mortals  who  have  achieved  the  right  to 
say  and  do  whatsoever  seemeth  them  good  to  whomsoever  they 
please.  Though  his  inn  is  by  no  means  the  best,  and  although 
he  allows  no  one  to  find  fault,  every  body  goes  to  it  for  the  sake 
of  Krumme  Peter.  It  is  amusing  to  see  how  quietly  he  assumes 
an  equality  with  the  proudest  Count  or  Baron  of  the  state;  how 
he  discusses  their  families,  their  fortunes,  their  opinions,  and  what 
sharp  home  truths  he  sometimes  tells  under  that  air  of  half-dignity, 


half-buffoonery,  he  commonly  puts  on.  And  then  Krumme  Peter 
keeps  a  table  which  might  content  a  bishop,  arid  he  does  the  ho- 
nours of  it,  too,  with  a  feeling  of  the  importance  of  the  duty; 
and,  after  all,  he  charges  you  so  little,  that  you  begin  yourself 
to  doubt  whether  you  have  not  been  his  guest  rather  than  his 

Karlsburg  is  formed  by  two  distinct  towns,  the  one,  a  long, 
ill-built,  straggling  village,  occupying  the  plain;  the  other,  a 
handsome  fortress,  containing  many  good  buildings  and  neatly 
laid  out,  situated  on  the  hill  above.  We  reached  the  fortress 
by  a  winding  road,  defended  by  walls,  into  which  were  built  a 
number  of  Roman  statues,  and  tablets  bearing  inscriptions. 
These  are  remains  of  the  Roman  Colonia  Apulensis,  which  oc- 
cupied the  site  of  Karlsburg.  Within  the  fortress  is  a  museum, 
in  which  still  more  interesting  antiquities  of  the  same  period  are 
preserved.  Colonia  seems  to  have  been  the  mining  capital  of 
the  Romans  in  Dacia,  the  seat  of  the  Collegium  Aurariarum,  and 
the  residence  of  the  Procurator  or  chief  officer  of  the  gold  mines. 

The  present  fortress  is  of  no  greater  age  than  the  time  of 
Charles  the  VI.  (1715,)  whose  name  it  bears.  As  a  fortress, 
nothing  can  be  worse  placed  ;  it  is  ill-supplied  with  water,  and 
commanded  by  the  neighbouring  hills.  It  is  said  to  have  been 
built  after  a  plan  of  Prince  Eugene's;  and,  if  I  mistake  not,  it  is 
not  the  only  bad  fortification  I  have  heard  attributed  to  him. 

In  the  centre  of  the  fortress  is  a  fine  cathedral,  built  in  fulfil- 
ment of  a  vow  to  St.  Michael,  made  by  Hunyadi  Janos,  in  the 
battle  of  St.  Imre.  I  think  it  was  in  this  battle  that  the  order 
had  been  given  to  the  Turkish  army  to  seek  out  and  destroy 
Hunyadi,  who  was  distinguished  by  his  white  plume  and  brilliant 
armour.  This  news  having  been  reported  to  the  Hungarians, 
Kemeny,  one  of  the  officers  of  Hunyadi,  assumed  the  armour  of 
his  chief,  and  nobly  devoted  himself  to  a  certain  death,  to  save 
his  country  the  loss  of  her  greatest  general.  The  cathedral, 
which  is  small,  is  in  a  style  half  Gothic,  half  Byzantine,  charac- 
teristic enough  of  the  age  and  history  of  its  erection.  The  ex- 
terior is  heavy,  and  the  ornaments,  which  are  in  the  barbarous 
taste  of  the  Byzantine  school,  are  far  from  relieving  it.  The 
interior,  however,  is  in  a  more  bold  and  pure  Gothic  style;  and 
the  tracery  on  the  capitals  of  some  of  the  long  slender  pillars,  is 
as  graceful  and  light  as  any  thing  in  York. 

For  a  long  time,  this  cathedral  was  the  favourite  burying- 
place  of  the  princes  of  Transylvania.  The  tombs  of  Hunyadi, 



and  his  beheaded  son  Ladislaus,  and  another  of  his  family,  though 
much  injured,  are  still  interesting.  The  figures  of  the  knights, 
which  resemble  those  we  so  often  see  in  our  own  churches,  deco- 
rate the  top  of  each  sarcophagus.  That  of  Hunyadi  is  represent- 
ed as  clothed  in  a  flowing  mantle,  beneath  which  is  a  tight  sur- 
coat,  fastened  round  the  waist  by  a  cord,  and  which,  falling  back 
from  the  legs,  displays  the  tight  pantaloons,  resembling  those 
worn  at  the  present  day.  The  two  other  figures  are  of  a  later 
date,  and  are  of  much  ruder  workmanship.  They  are  both  in 
armour,  but  with  waists  more  ridiculously  pinched  in,  than  even 
a  Paris  milliner  would  venture  on.  Still  further,  we  found  the 
tomb  of  Isabella,  and  her  son,  John  Sigmund  Zapolya.  It  was 
this  princess  who  introduced  from  Poland,  her  native  country,  the 
doctrines  of  Unitarianism  into  Transylvania,  and  who  likewise 
granted  equal  rights  and  privileges  to  the  four  churches,  which 
still  constitute  the  established  religions  of  the  country.  This 
monument  is  in  white  marble,  of  a  considerable  size,  and  orna- 
mented with  bas-reliefs,  interesting  as  illustrating  the  costume 
and  mode  of  warfare  of  that  age.  We  find  cannon  and  heavy 
arquebuses  already  in  use,  although  the  horsemen  are  completely 
encased  in  armour.  The  chivalry. of  Transylvania  is  seen  ad- 
vancing in  battle  array,  each  knight  bearing  on  his  spear  not  only 
his  banner,  but  a  kind  of  tuft,  something  like  the  horse  tails  of 
a  Turkish  Pasha.  Under  the  great  porch,  we  observed,  on  one 
side  a  slab,  to  the  memory  of  George  Rakotzy  I.,  and  on  the 
opposite  side  was  the  pedestal  of  another,  of  which  the  slab  had 
been  removed.  It  is  said,  that  in  1716,  when  the  Catholics 
again  obtained  possession  of  the  cathedral— for  it  had  served  in 
turn  Catholic,  Unitarian,  and  Calvinist— they  had  the  pitiful 
bigotry  to  destroy  the  monument  of  Bethlen  Gabor,  which  for- 
merly stood  there.  The  verger  denied  all  cognizance  of  the 
matter,  but  confessed  he  knew  nothing  of  any  such  monument ; 
and  I  must  say,  this  vacant  place  looks  very  much  as  if  the  alle- 
gation were  true.  I  could  not  help  smiling  at  the  pious  horror 
the  verger  seemed  to  have  of  Protestant  persecution,  when  he 
said,  that  during  the  time  the  Protestants  possessed  the  church, 
they  only  allowed  the  Catholics  the  use  of  the  porch,  which  was 
htted  up  as  an  oratory;  but  he  forgot  to  say  that  the  Catholics 
did  not  leave  the  Protestants  even  that  poor  privilege,  but  turned 
them  out  altogether. 

The  Transylvanian  mint,  where  all  the  gold  found  in  Transyl- 
vania is  coined,  stands  near  the  cathedral.     We  were  allowed 

THE  MINT.  175 

to  walk  in  and  examine  it  without  difficulty.  We  found  them 
at  work  with  some  new  presses  made  by  an  Englishman  in  Vi- 
enna ;  they  spoke  of  them  in  high  terms,  and  they  were  certainly 
very  superior  to  those  we  had  seen  at  Kremnitz.  The  average 
monthly  coinage  I  have  seen  stated  at  100,000  florins  (10,000/. 
sterling.)  This  is  probably  about  correct,  for  I  find  the  whole 
amount  of  gold  said  to  be  produced  in  Transylvania,  estimated 
at  2500  marks  (the  mark,  3t3/.  12s.)  or  91,500J.;  of  silver,  500 
marks,  (mark,  21.  10*.)  or  12,500/.;  together  104,000/.  Great 
complaints  are  made  by  private  speculators  in  mines,  against  the 
facilities  afforded  by  the  mint  to  gold  robbers.  In  an  article  of 
so  much  value,  it  is  almost  impossible  to  prevent  the  common 
miners  from  stealing  when  occasions  offer;  but  good  police  regu- 
lations, which  would  prevent  jewellers  from  purchasing  raw 
metal,  and  strict  observance  on  the  part  of  the  mint,  to  receive 
it  only  from  persons  who  can  have  obtained  it  honestly, — and 
that  is  easily  known,  for  every  mining  adventurer  must  possess 
a  permission  from  the  Crown — would  do  much  to  check  the 
practice.  Here,  on  the  contrary,  every  grain  is  eagerly  grasped 
at  by  the  mint  under  the  absurd  and  mischievous  notion  which 
we  have  often  had  to  notice,  that  it  might  otherwise  be  sold  out 
of  the  country,  and  so  impoverish  the  land.  Thus  we  see  a 
government  establishment  from  pure  ignorance  of  the  simplest 
principles  of  political  economy,  labouring  to  demoralize  those 
whom  it  ought,  and  whom  I  believe  it  wishes  only  to  benefit. 

On  quitting  Karlsburg,  for  the  mines  of  Zalathna,  we  left  the 
valley  of  the  Maros,  and  with  it,  to  all  appearance,  the  habita- 
ble world  itself.  A  secluded  valley  cut  out  of  the  hard  rock  by 
the  little  river  Ompoly,  whose  banks  we  followed,  brought  us 
at  last  however  to  our  journey's  end.  It  was  a  sultry  day,  and 
five  long  hours  did  it  take  us  to  accomplish  the  task.  Not  that 
w?e  had  any  thing  to  complain  of;  the  valley  was  often  pretty, 
and  every  now  and  then  a  curious  rock,  which  seemed,  as  it 
were,  to  have  started  from  the  side  of  the  mountain,  gave  occu- 
pation to  our  thoughts  in  attempting  to  account  for  the  manner 
of  its  formation.  And  a  still  more  pleasant  theme  for  musing, — 
for  it  was  on  the  kindliness  of  the  heart  of  man, — did  we  discover 
in  a  custom  of  this  secluded  valley.  Under  the  cool  shade  of  a 
large  spreading  tree  by  the  road-side,  and  just  high  enough  to 
place  it  out  of  the  reach  of  cattle,  we  noticed  a  small  wooden 
frame,  something  like  that  often  seen  in  Catholic  countries,  con- 
taining the  image  of  a  favourite  saint.  Instead  of  a  saint,  how- 


ever,  in  this  one  there  was  a  large  pitcher,  such  as  the  peasants 
commonly  use  for  carrying  water.  Opposite  this  tree  our  pea- 
sant driver  deliberately  pulled  up  his  horses,  and  getting  off  the 
hox,  took  down  the  pitcher  from  its  niche,  and,  after  first  offer- 
ing it  to  us,  indulged  in  a  long  and  hearty  draught  of  the  pure 
fresh  water  it  contained.  To  the  Transylvanian  peasant,  under 
a  Transylvanian  sun,  a  great  quantity  of  water  is  an  absolute 
necessary.  Of  that  we  had  been  often  made  aware,  for  our 
coachmen  constantly  stopped  the  carriage  without  thinking  it 
at  all  necessary  to  ask  permission  whenever  they  saw  a  well,  or 
a  clear  stream,  to  quench  their  thirst;  we  had  often,  too,  seen 
the  peasant  woman,  as  she  carried  home  her  full  pitcher  from 
the  well,  offer  it  to  the  passing  traveller  without  a  moment's 
hesitation,  though  it  cost  her  the  trouble  of  returning  some  dis- 
tance to  refill  it.  But  here,  where  no  friendly  spring  was  nigh, 
some  neighbouring  peasant  family  had  undertaken  to  supply  the 
deficiency  by  erecting  this  little  structure,  and  providing  it  with 
a  constant  supply  of  fresh  water.  How  many  a  weary  travel- 
ler had  gained  fresh  strength  from  the  bounty  of  this  unknown 
hand!  "I  was  thirsty,  and  ye  gave  me  drink;" — never  were 
the  words  of  our  Saviour  more  beautifully  illustrated  ;  never  was 
charity  performed  in  a  more  Christian  spirit. 

23rd. — At  Zalathna  itself,  there  was  little  to  be  seen  beyond 
the  smelting  houses,  which  differed  in  no  essential  points  from 
those  we  had  seen  before.  At  some  distance  further  up  into  the 
mountains,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Voros  Patak,  we  had  heard 
that  there  were  some  extraordinary  mines,  and,  somewhere  in 
the  same  direction  a  basaltic  mountain  of  very  wonderful  propor- 
tions. So  having  spent  a  good  part  of  the  morning  in  providing 
a  guide  and  saddle  horses, — for  we  were  told  it  was  impossible 
to  make  the  excursion  in  a  carriage, — we  ate  an  early  dinner 
and  started.  Besides  ourselves  and  the  Wallack  guide,  we  set 
Miklps  between  a  couple  of  carpet  bags,  on  a  fourth  horse,  that 
he  might  serve  as  interpreter  and  general  provider.  Our  imme- 
diate destination  was  Abrud  Banya,  where  we  were  promised 
beds  and  supper. 

For  the  first  two  hours  the  road  led  us  along  a  thickly  wooded 
valley,  where  our  horses  had  some  difficulty  to  find  a  footing 
among  the  loose  stones  with  which  it  was  filled.  No  solitude 
could  be  more  complete;  during  the  whole  time  not  a  soul  crossed 
our  path.  Just  at  the  point  where  we  were  to  leave  this  valley, 
and  cross  the  mountain,  about  half  the  distance  to  Abrud  Banya, 


we  came  suddenly  on  a  comfortable-looking  little  inn,  with  half 
a  cloven  carnages  and  a  number  of  servants  standing  before  the 
door.  A  more  unexpected  apparition  could  scarcely  have  pre- 
sented kself  in  the  back  woods  of  America. 

We  had  hardly  passed  the  door  before  some  of  the  servants 
came  running  after  us  with  their  masters'  salutations,  requesting 
to  know  who  we  were,  and  where  we  were  going,  and  offering 
us,  at  the  same  time,  their  company  on  the  road.  The  first  part 
of  the  matter  I  had  no  hesitation  in  satisfying,  but  the  latter  was 
more  than  I  could  undertake.  I  know  that  I  was  wrong, — I 
am  perfectly  aware  that  a  traveller  who  undertakes  to  amuse  or 
instruct  others  by  his  travels,  is  in  duty  bound  to  suffer  all  man- 
ner of  annoyances;  to  go  "pokin  his  nose" — as  a  certain  minis- 
ter for  foreign  affairs  expresses  it  when  his  protection  is  asked  for 
an  enterprise  of  difficulty  and  danger — into  all  manner  of  disagree- 
ables, where  he  has  any  hope  of  extracting  amusement  or  infor- 
mation ;  and  from  these  gentlemen  I  have  no  doubt  I  might  have 
obtained  much,  for'they  were  the  great  mining  notabilities  from 
the  whole  country  round — the  Berg  Raths  and  Berg  Inspectors, 
and  I  know  not  who  else  beside, — who  had  been  solemnly  ad- 
mitting a  new  member  into  their  body,  of  course  over  a  good 
dinner,  that  forming  a  part  of  all  solemn  ceremonies  all  over  the 
world.  I  know,  therefore,  how  much  I  have  failed,  and  I  im- 
pose this  confession  on  myself  as  a  punishment  for  my  back- 
sliding ;  but  really  I  had  not  the  courage  to  go  through  the  ordeal 
of  answering  all  their  questions  about  ourselves,  our  objects,  and 
our  travels ;  of  listening  to  all  their  remarks  thereon,  and,  above 
all,  of  suffering  their  hospitality — for  there  are  moments  when 
well-meant  but  rude  hospitality  inflicts  much  suffering.  In  fact 
I  must  have  been  out  of  temper,  for  all  I  could  bring  my  polite- 
ness to  do,  was  to  answer  their  queries,  that  they  might  not  take 
us  for  spies,  or  what  not,  and  apologize,  on  the  plea  of  a  coming 
storm,  for  not  delaying  longer  on  the  way. 

As  we  passed  the  mountain,  we  had  occasion  again  to  wonder 
at  the  strange  passion  the  middle  classes  here  seem  to  have  for 
travelling  in  carriages  in  preference  to  horseback  or  on  foot. 
The  road  was  frightful;  in  many  places  it  was  positively  dange- 
rous, and  every  where  rough  enough  to  dislocate  the  best-set 
bones;  yet  we  met  a  young  man  of  not  more  than  twenty,  sitting 
out  all  this  in  a  wagon  without  springs,  and  smoking  his  meer- 
schaum just  as  composedly  as  if  he  had  been  enjoying  himself 


When  we  had  reached  the  other  side  of  the  mountain,  and 
had  again  descended  into  a  valley,  we  found  ourselves  in  the 
midst  of  mining  operations  on  every  side.  Not  a  little  stream 
but  was  employed  in  moving  crushing-mills  and  washing  ore. 
Most  of  those  we  remarked  were  working  gold  ores,  which  pre- 
vail over  the  whole  of  this  district;  but  some  also  those  of  mer- 
cury, which  occurs  in  the  form  of  cinnabar.  I  was  sorry  not  to 
have  an  opportunity  of  seeing  the  process  by  which  the  mercury 
is  extracted  from  the  cinnabar ;  but  I  could  not  make  out  even 
where  it  is  carried  on. 

Abrud  Banya,  which  we  reached  before  sunset,  is  a  little 
metropolis  in  its  way,  and  like  many  of  the  mining  towns,  as- 
tonishes the  stranger  by  an  exhibition  of  wealth  and  luxury  which 
he  little  expects  to  find  in  the  midst  of  the  wildest  natural  scenery 
Many  of  the  houses  are  large,  and  really  handsomely  built. 
Some  have  owed  their  origin  to  persons  whom  a  lucky  mining 
adventure  has  made  suddenly  rich,  others  to  the  officers  of  Govern- 
ment who,  somehow  or  other,  manage  to  live  well,  and  acquire 
wealth  in  spite  of  their  paltry  salaries: — I  leave  the  explanation 
of  this  interesting  mystery  to  the  penetration  of  their  employers. 

24th. — We  got  off  this  morning  at  an  early  hour,  in  hopes  of 
reaching  Zalathna  before  night,  but  the  accounts  of  the  distance 
as  well  as  of  what  we  have  to  see,  are  so  various  and  contradic- 
tory, that  it  seems  highly  probable  we  may  have  to  bivouac 
somewhere  in  the  mountains.  Our  first  point  was  the  mines  of 
Voros  Patak,  the  Csetatie  or  fortress,  as  it  is  called.  For  the 
first  hour  we  kept  along  a  good  road,  constructed  for  the  con- 
veyance of  the  ores  from  Voros  Patak  to  Abrud  Banya,  where 
they  are  smelted.  The  country  was  a  succession  of  mountains 
as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach,  for  the  most  part  covered  with 
wood,  or  pasture.  We  noticed  several,  however,  the  lower  por- 
tions of  which  were  conical,  while  their  summits  offered  a  singu- 
lar appearance  of  a  small  table-land  supported  by  bare  cliffs. 
At  a  distance  they  looked  like  rocky  islands,  standing  out  from 
a  stormy  ocean.  From  their  white  appearance,  I  suspect  them 
to  be  limestone. 

On  leaving  the  road,  which  would  have  conducted  us  to  the 
bottom  of  the  valley  in  which  lies  Voros  Patak,  we  turned  along 
the  back  of  the  mountain,*  and  in  about  half  an  hour  arrived  at 
the  Csetatie  Mike,  or  little  fortress.  This  hill  is  so  called  from 
the  appearance  of  a  ruined  fortress, — or  rather  of  a  honeycomb, 
bored  through  and  through  on  every  side, — which  it  presents. 


The  most  unlearned  of  my  readers  are  probably  aware  that  in 
the  generality  of  mines,  the  metalliferous  ores  are  found  in  veins 
which  traverse  the  mountains  in  various  directions,  and  that  it 
is  the  duty  of  the  miner  to  pursue  these  wherever  they  may  go, 
removing  only  so  much  of  the  surrounding  matter  as  is  necessary 
to  enable  him  to  carry  on  his  operations ;  here,  on  the  contrary, 
the  whole  mountain  mass  contains  gold,  and  it  is,  in  consequence, 
cut  away  somewhat  as  we  often  see  stone  in  a  common  quarry, 
and  in  this  form  it  is  conveyed  to  the  crushing-mills,  and  broken 
up.  Sometimes  it  is  found  too  in  a  nest,  or  bunch,  that  is  a  small 
extent  containing  much  more  ore  than  the  surrounding  mass. 
Formerly,  however,  it  possessed  veins,  too,  of  wonderful  rich- 
ness, and  these  the  early  miners  have  pursued  and  exhausted,  and 
it  is  to  the  open  mouths  of  these  old  levels,  and  to  the  peculiar 
operations  carried  on  at  the  present  time,  that  it  owes  its  remark- 
able appearance.* 

The  Csetatie  Mare  (the  great  fortress,)  on  the  other  side  of 
the  mountain,  is  still  more  curious.  The  whole  top  of  the  moun- 
tain has  fallen  in,  and  produced  a  kind  of  vast  hall,  open  above, 
in  the  very  heart  of  the  mountain  itself.  From  the  side  of  the 
mountain  we  entered  an  old  level,  large  enough  for  laden  horses 
to  pass  through — something  like  a  covered  way  into  a  fortress 
— and  nn  a  short  time  arrived  at  a  large  circular  space  completely 
walled  in  by  solid  rock.  Above  us  was  a  wide  opening, — some- 
thing like  what  the  crater  of  a  volcano  may  seem  to  Vulcan's 
friends  as  they  amuse  themselves  below — and  round  about  a 
number  of  open  passages  of  every  size  and  shape.  These  open- 
ings were  the  remains  of  former  workings,  and  they  were  highly 
illustrative  of  the  history  of  mining  in  Transylvania.  There 
were  small  passages  scarcely  large  enough  for  the  body  of  a  man, 
which  I  am  inclined  to  refer  to  the  efforts  of  the  barbarians  both 
before  and  after  the  conquest  of  Dacia ;  then  there  were  the  stately 
chiselled  levels  of  the  Roman  workmen,  and  here  and  there  marks 
of  where  the  fire  had  done  its  work;  and  again  the  more  careless 
traces  of  the  modern  Wallack's  labours.  It  is  probable  that  the 
greater  part  of  this  space  had  been  exhausted  before  the  top  fell 
in;  and  from  the  appearance  of  the  masses  which  still  encumber 
it,  I  should  imagine  it  to  have  been  a  mere  shell.  Some  of  the 
old  Roman  levels,  which  we  followed  deeper  into  the  mountain 

*  I  strongly  recommend  the  careful  study  of  this  mountain  and  district, 
to  those  interested  in  the  inquiry,  as  to  the  origin  and  causes  of  metallife- 
rous veins. 


to  see  the  present  workings,  are  really  splendid.  I  think  it  is  no 
exaggeration  to  say  that  a  carriage  and  pair  might  drive  along 

It  is  a  curious  fact  in  the  history  of  labour  that  there  are  no 
large  capitals  employed  in  working  these  mines;  they  are  entirely 
in  the  hands  of  poor  peasants,  who  work  them  either  singly  or  in 
small  associations  of  two  or  three  persons.  When  the  mountain 
was  richer,  Government  found  it  worth  while  to  work  on  its  own 
account;  but  since  it  has  become  poorer,  none  but  the  peasants, 
it  is  said,  can  get  a  good  profit  out  of  it.  Accordingly,  when  a 
peasant  makes  an  application  for  a  grant  of  so  many  square  yards 
of  mountain  it  is  never  refused  him,  unless  it  interferes  with  the 
workings  of  some  of  his  neighbours.  The  working  we  visited 
was  carried  on  by  a  father,  two  sons,  and  their  mother.  The 
father  bored,  blasted,  and  filled  the  panniers,  while  one  son  some- 
times aided  him,  sometimes  drove  the  horse  from  the  mine  to  the 
crushing-mill.  Here  the  other  son  and  the  mother  were  engaged, 
or  sometimes  the  mother  alone.  In  other  cases  the  same  hands 
dig  the  ore,  transport  it  to  the  river,  dress  it,  wash  it,  arid  finally 
convey  it  to  Abrud  Banya.  It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  say, 
with  such  a  system,  that  all  these  processes  are  carried  on  in  the 
rudest  possible  manner.  As  we  looked  from  the  top  of  this  moun- 
tain into  the  valley  below,  I  think  we  must  have  seen  not  less 
than  five  hundred  crushing-mills  and  washing-floors  within  the 
space  of  a  couple  of  English  miles.  They  consisted  of  a  single 
small  wheel,  generally  deficient  in  half  its  buckets,  which  moves 
three  crushing-poles,  none  of  which  go  equally,  and  one  of  which 
is  generally  wanting,  or  broken.  As  the  crushed  stuff  falls  down, 
it  is  carried  by  the  water  over  a  single  board,  and  the  small  re- 
sidue it  leaves  is  collected,  and  without  further  dressing,  trans- 
ported to  the  smelting-house.  In  spite  of  the  excessive  rudeness 
of  these  mechanical  processes,  and  the  loss  they  occasion,  the 
peasants  manage  to  get  rich  by  them.  Voros  Patak  is  said  to 
abound  with  houses  loaded  with  every  luxury  the  ignorant  Wai- 
lack  peasant  can  think  of.  It  is  impossible  to  attribute  this  to 
any  other  cause  than  the  stimulus  which  interest  excites  and  the 
discoveries  which  the  number  of  minds  directed  to  one  object, 
and  so  stimulated,  are  constantly  producing.  Of  course,  in  these 
circumstances  a  vast  amount  of  inquisitive  research  and  specula- 
tive energy  is  necessarily  called  into  action;  and  although  those 
who  employ  it  are  very  ignorant  and  very  poor,  and  not  very 
industrious,  they  can  make  a  profit  where  scientific  knowledge, 


unlimited  capital,  and  well-directed  division  of  labour,  confess 
themselves  unable  to  compete  with  advantage.  This  is,  perhaps, 
one  of  the  strongest  facts  in  favour  of  individual  energy  against 
associated  capital  and  its  concomitant  advantages,  of  any  I 

I  must  not  forget  that  in  passing  between  the  two  Csetaties, 
we  observed  a  peasant  carefully  scraping  up  the  soil  from  the 
little  path  we  followed,*  and  depositing  it  in  a  basket  beside  him, 
much  in  the  same  way  as  we  see  the  children  collect  manure  on 
our  high  roads, — but  with  this  difference,  that  the  Transylvanian 
obtained  gold  ready  made  to  his  hand,  while  our  own  countrymen 
only  acquire  a  means  of  aiding  industry  in  its  acquisition.  I  dare 
say  every  body  has  heard  of  streets  paved  with  gold ;  but  I  must 
confess  I  had  always  believed  it  a  romance ;  here,  however,  it 
was  a  serious  reality.  In  fact,  the  road  was  formed  of  stones 
from  the  nearest  rock,  which  we  already  know  contains  gold, 
and  as  it  had  been  raining  during  the  night,  it  was  no  wonder 
that  the  water  shc-uld  have  washed  away  the  lighter  particles 
which  had  been  crushed  to  dust  under  the  feet  of  the  passers, 
and  left  the  heavier  ore  glittering  in  the  sun  behind. 

After  we  had  satisfied  ourselves  with  admiration  at  the  extra- 
ordinary phenomena  of  the  Csetatie,  and  listened  to  the  clatter- 
ing of  the  five  hundred  mills  of  Voros  Patak,  we  again  took  to 
our  horses  and  pursued  a  hilly  road,  which  was  to  lead  us  to  the 
basaltic  mountain.  Our  route  lay  over  the  same  kind  of  green 
mountains  we  had  seen  the  whole  of  the  day,  and  was  only  varied 
by  our  stumbling  every  now  and  then  on  some  strange  little  mining 
settlement  which  had  buried  itself  in  a  hidden  nook,  or  perched 
itself  on  a  mountain  top,  as  the  object  of  its  search  might  have 
dictated.  We  met  a  fat  and  jolly-looking  Wallack  peasant  in 
the  course  of  the  morning,  whom  our  guide  pointed  out  to  us  as 
possessing  more  gold  than  any  count  or  baron  in  the  country. 
He  was  riding  beside  a  wagon  drawn  by  bullocks,  in  which  sat 
his  servant  dressed  just  like  himself.  The  guide  could  give  us 
no  idea  of  the  amount  of  his  wealth,  which  he  said  was  so  much 
that  the  man  could  not  count  it  himself.  The  only  approxima- 
tion to  a  fixed  sum  we  could  obtain,  was,  that  he  received  a 
whole  wagon-load  of  ducats  from  the  Karlsburg  mint  every  two 
months,  in  return  for  the  gold  he  sent  there.  Whatever  may 

*  Pliny  describes  nearly  the  same  scene  in  his  day. 
VOL.  II.— 16 


be  the  troubles  riches  bring  in  their  train,  they  certainly  had  not 
as  yet  affected  our  Wallack,  for  he  was  one  of  the  merriest-look- 
ing peasants  I  ever  saw. 

After  about  a  two  hours'  ride  we  emerged  from  a  wood  of 
dark  pines,  and  found  ourselves  in  presence  of  the  Detonata 
(thunderbolt,)  a  basaltic  rock  of  about  two  hundred  feet  in  height, 
crowning  the  top  of  a  mountain;  and  though  exceedingly  curious, 
far  less  wonderful  than  we  had  teen  led  to  expect,  or  than  those 
who  had  never  seen  any  thing  of  the  kind  before  believed  it  to  be. 
It  is  composed  of  columns,  some  of  which  are  nearly  perpendicu- 
lar and  others  horizontal.  I  observed  no  less  than  five  different 
inclinations  in  these  pillars.  They  are  most  irregularly  formed 
and  much  smaller  than  those  of  Fingal's  Cave;  indeed,  they  can 
bear  no  comparison  with  the  latter.  Some  of  these  columns  have 
a  slanting  direction,  and  have  been  fancied  by  the  peasants  to 
have  some  resemblance  to  a  fiddle,  whence  it  is  also  called  the 
Black  Stone  Fiddle  (Piatra  Csityera  Nyagra.)  The  name  Deto- 
nata, by  which  it  is  commonly  known,  is  not  uninteresting,  as  it  is 
accompanied  by  the  belief  that  this  rock  has  been  produced  by  some  - 
sudden  convulsion  attended  with  the  noise  of  thunder.  It  must 
be  remembered  that  this  tradition  is  found  among  the  Dacians, 
the  oldest  inhabitants  of  the  country ;  and  if  it  can  be  supposed 
to  have  its  foundation  in  fact,  I  believe  it  would  be  the  only  in- 
stance in  which  we  have  any  evidence  of  the  production  of  a 
columnar  basaltic  rock,  since  this  globe  has  been  inhabited  by 

While  we  were  climbing  the  back  of  these  rocks,  and  Miklos 
was  spreading  out  the  contents  of  our  prog  basket  under  the 
shade  of  the  pines,  the  guide  had  disappeared  in  search  of  a  frozen 
spring  near  the  base  of  the  mountain,  in  hopes  of  procuring  some 
ice  to  cool  our  wine.  He  returned,  however,  empty-handed,  for 
it  had  formed  so  compact  a  mass  that  he  could  not  detach  any 
of  it  without  a  hatchet.  Our  ride,  however,  had  furnished  us 
with  a  good  apology  for  such  luxuries,  and  stretched  out  on  a 
soft  bed  of  moss,  we  managed  to  do  credit  to  our  meal  even  with- 
out iced  wine.  It  was  already  four  o'clock  before  we  could 
leave  the  Detonata,  and  we  had  still  another  mine  to  visit  and  a 
long  journey  before  us  ere  we  could  reach  Zalathna.  Our  horses 
were  refreshed,  however,  by  their  food  and  rest,  and  we  again 
mounted  and  pushed  on. 

There  was  nothing  very  remarkable  in  the  mine  we  visited. 
It  belonged  to  a  private  company,  who  were  just  erecting  one  of 


those  curious  water  engines  which  are  peculiar  I  believe  to  Hun- 
gary. It  consisted  of  a  cylinder  and  piston,  much  like  that  of  a 
steam-engine,  but  instead  of  the  piston  being  moved  by  the  ex- 
pansive power  of  steam,  it  is  pressed  down  by  the  weight  of  a 
vertical  column  of  water  which  passes  out  at  the  bottom,  where 
another  stream  is  admitted  which  forces  the  piston  up  again.  Its 
great  advantage  is  in  the  vast  power  obtained  by  it  from  a  very 
small  quantity  of  water.  Of  course  it  can  only  be  used  where 
the  fall  is  great.  There  were  three  hundred  men  employed  in 
this  mine.  I  have  been  told  by  the  chief  proprietor  that  the 
pay  of  the  Hauer  (cutter,) — the  lowest  order  of  workmen,  an- 
swering to  our  tut  workers, — who  is  paid  by  the  piece,  amounts 
to  about  six  or  eight  florins,  c.  m.  (twelve  or  sixteen  shillings) 
per  month.  They  rarely  work  more  than  four  or  five  days  per 
week,  and  never  more  than  eight  hours  per  day.  The  Spreri- 
ger  (blaster,)  and  Hutleute  (smelters,)  have  fixed  wages,  varying 
from  ten  to  twenty  florins,  c.  m.  (twenty  to  forty  shillings]  per 
month.  My  informant  adds,  "the  double  of  this  amount  would 
not  be  too  much  if  the  stealing  could  be  prevented ;  but  as  things 
exist  at  present,  that  is  impossible." 

After  a  six  hours'  ride  through  woods  and  over  mountains,  at 
first  illuminated  by  all  the  brilliancy  of  an  autumn  sunset,  and 
then  varied  by  the  cold  tints  of  the  pale  moon,  we  at  last  arrived 
at  Zalathna ;  and  having  given  orders  for  an  early  start  to-mor- 
row, lay  down  to  dream  of  gold  mines  and  gold'en  pavements, 
and  wagon-loads  of  ducats,  and  I  know  not  what  beside. 

Before  I  leave  this  curious  district,  however,  and  with  it  all 
further  reference  to  mining  matters,  let  me  say  a  few  words  on 
the  gold-washing,  and  gold-washers  of  Transylvania. 

In  some  parts  of  Hungary,  and  in  almost  every  part  of  Tran- 
sylvania, but  especially  in  that  through  which  our  wanderings 
have  lately  conducted  us,  a  large  quantity  of  gold  is  annually 
procured  from  the  sand  deposited  by  the  rivers  and  brooks. 
There  is  scarcely  a  single  river  in  Transylvania  of  which  the 
sands  do  not  contain  more  or  less  gold,  but  the  most  celebrated 
are  the  Aranyos  (golden,)  the  Maros,  the  Strigy,  the  Koros,  and 
the  Szamos.  The  gold  is  commonly  found  in  the  upper  part  of 
these  streams,  before  the  sand  becomes  mixed  with  mud  from  the 
richer  lands  of  the  valleys.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  the 
gold  is  derived  from  the  decomposition  of  metalliferous  rocks, 
from,  the  attrition  of  detached  masses,  and  sometimes,  though 
more  rarely,  from  the  breaking  up  of  a  vein  of  ore  itself,  by 


means  of  running  water.  As  it  is  mixed  in  very  small  quantities 
with  other  debris,  it  becomes  only  worth  the  search  where  it  has 
been  collected  by  the  operation  of  natural  causes  in  a  greater 
proportionate  quantity  than  that  in  which  it  originally  existed  —in 
short,  only  when  nature  has  dressed  and  washed  it.  This  occurs 
after  a  flood,  at  the  elbows,  or  bends  of  rivers,  where  the  water, 
surcharged  with  broken  matter,  which  its  unusual  force  has  ena- 
bled it  to  bring  down,  flows  slower  and  deposits  the  heavier  par- 
ticles, carrying  the  lighter  further  on.  In  such  spots  the  gold- 
washers  collect  when  the  flood  has  abated;  and  taking  up  the 
sand  in  wooden  shovels  or  scoops,  they  move  it  about  in  a  small 
quantity  of  water  till  all  but  the  metalliferous  particles  are 
washed  away. 

The  gold  occurs  in  various  forms,  from  the  most  complete  dust 
to  pieces  of  the  size  of  a  pigeon's  egg,  though  I  need  scarcely 
say  the  former  is  by  far  the  most  common.  I  believe  the  greater 
part  of  the  gold  obtained  by  the  gold-washers  is  nearly  pure,  in- 
deed, I  am  not  aware  that  they  attempt  to  gather  it  when  mixed 
with  other  matter.  I  have  no  means  of  ascertaining  the  amount 
of  gold  washed  in  Transylvania.  In  the  Banat  I  have  seen  it 
stated,  that  from  1813  to  1818,  the  proceeds  amounted  to  two 
thousand  one  hundred  and  thirty-eight  ducats. 

This  branch  of  industry  is  almost  entirely  in  the  hands  of  the 
gipsies.  The  Government  grants  a  gipsy  band  the  privilege  of 
washing  the  sands  of  a  certain  brook,  on  condition  of  their  paying 
a  yearly  rent,  which  is  never  less  than  three  ducats  in  pure  gold 
per  head  for  every  washer.  A  gipsy  judge,  or  captain,  settles 
this  matter  with  the  Government,  and  is  answerable  for  the  rest 
of  the  tribe  from  whom  he  collects  the  whole  of  their  earnings, 
and,  after  paying  the  tribute,  redivides  it. 

In  returning  to  Klausenburg,  we  remained  some  time  at  Nagy 
Enyed,  where  there  is  a  large  Protestant  college,  to  visit  Pro- 
fessor Szasz,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  men  in  Transylvania, 
both  in  a  literary  and  political  point  of  view.  Elected  by  the 
citizens  of  Enyed,  to  represent  them  at  the  Diet,  Professor  Szasz, 
in  spite  of  the  prejudice  felt  by  the  aristocracy  at  this  intrusion 
of  a  literary  parvenu  within  their  circle,  gained  so  great  a  power 
by  the  accuracy  and  extent  of  his  knowledge,  so  great  an  influ- 
ence by  the  simplicity  and  uprightness  of  his  character,  and  so 
willing  an  auditory  from  the  brilliancy  of  his  eloquence  and  the 
logical  correctness  of  his  arguments,  that  he  soon  became  one  of 
the  most  important  leaders  of  the  moderate  opposition.  Mode- 



rate  as  he  was,  however,  Professor  Szasz  has  not  escaped  the 
anger  of  the  Government ;  and  he,  too,  is  under  trial,  on  some 
trumpery  charges,  evidently  got  up  purely  to  annoy  and  intimi- 
date him.  We  found  the  Professor  at  his  books  in  a  braided 
military-looking  coat,  and  sporting  a  pair  of  very  imposing  mus- 
taches. His  dress,  however,  was  only  the  academical  costume 
of  Enyed,  where  both  students  and  professors  wear  the  national 
uniform.  As  for  the  mustaches,  of  late  years  all  but  the  clergy 
have  worn  them ;  and  I  should  not  be  surprised  if  they  did  so  too 
before  long.  After  some  conversation,  in  which  the  Professor 
explained  to  us  the  history  and  present  state  of  the  college  of 
Enyed,  he  kindly  offered  to  show  us  over  it. 

It  appears  to  have  been  originally  founded  at  Karlsburg,  by 
Bethlen  Gabor,  for  the  education  of  the  members  of  the  Reformed 
Church,  and  to  have  been  endowed  by  him  with  very  conside- 
rable estates.  It  was  afterwards  removed  to  Enyed,  on  the  de- 
struction of  Karlsburg,  by  Apafy.  During  a  period  of  tempo- 
rary distress — I  forget  the  exact  time — when  the  college  was  in 
danger  of  perishing  from  the  want  of  funds,  a  deputation  was 
sent  over  by  the  Protestants  of  Transylvania,  to  request  pecu- 
niary aid  from  their  brethren  in  England.  The  call  was  gene- 
rously answered,  and  a  fund  was  formed,  which  is  still  deposited 
in  the  Bank  of  England,  and  from  which  the  college  of  Enyed 
receives  an  annual  revenue  of  1,000/.  It  is  wonderful  what  a 
feeling  of  friendship,  what  a  sentiment  of  brotherhood  with  Eng- 
land, this  gift,  though  now  completely  forgotten  among  us,  still 
maintains  among  the  Transylvanian  Protestants.  The  revenue 
derived  from  this  source  has  been  expended  for  some  years  past 
on  the  erection  of  a  range  of  new  buildings  for  the  residence  of 
the  students,  which,  when  finished,  will  make  a  very  respectable 

There  are  in  all  about  one  thousand  students,  of  whom  three 
hundred  are  Togati,  or  Deak;  the  rest,  mere  children.  The 
course  of  study  is  divided  into  three  periods.  The  first  is  so  ar- 
ranged, that  at  the  end  of  it.  those  who  are  intended  for  the 
smaller  trades  shall  have  acquired  a  sufficient  education  to  fit 
them  for  their  avocations,  while  it  has  served  also  as  a  founr'a- 
tion  for  a  more  extended  course  of  education  to  the  others.  It 
includes  religion,  writing,  arithmetic,  book-keeping,  geography, 
a  little  history,  particularly  that  of  their  own  country,  with 
some  notices  of  natural  history,  drawing,  and  singing. 



The  next  division  includes  three  more  years,  and  is  dedicated, 
in  addition  to  a  further  development  of  the  preceding  subjects, 
to  Latin,  Greek,  and  German;  mathematics,  belles  lettres,  rhe- 
toric, and  logic. 

After  these  six  years'  preliminary  study,  the  scholar  becomes 
a  Deak,  and  enters  on  what  may  be  called  a  regular  academical 
course,  which  lasts  six  years  more.  He  has  now,  too,  the  privi- 
lege of  becoming  a  tutor  to  the  younger  scholars.  The  first 
four  years  he  must  study  mathematics,  physics,  chemistry,  natu- 
ral history,  metaphysics,  logic,  aesthetics,  natural  law,  ethics, 
physiology,  history,  Jaws  and  constitution  of  Transylvania,  with 
its  statistics,  politics,  &c.  &c.  The  last  two  years,  the  student 
is  allowed  to  choose  his  own  course  of  study, — I  presume,  to 
enable  him  to  perfect  himself  in  any  speciality  to  which  he  may 
choose  to  dedicate  himself.  It  is  during  this  period,  that  the 
divinity  students  take  their  Hebrew  and  theology  courses.  To 
teach  all  this  knowledge,  there  are  only  eight  professors,  none  of 
whom  have  more  than  50/.  a  year.  I  need  scarcely  say,  that 
there  must  be  much  that  is  very  superficial,  and,  therefore,  nearly 
useless,  in  a  course  of  so  much  pretension,  when  the  means  are 
so  slight  for  rendering  it  efficient. 

Several  students  commonly  live  in  the  same  room.  In  the 
junior  classes,  they  pay  some  very  small  sum,  I  think  a  fee  of 
four  shillings,  on  entering  a  new  class;  in  the  higher,  the  instruc- 
tion is  not  only  gratis,  but  they  even  receive  assistance  from  the 
funds  of  the  college.* 

Professor  Szasz  introduced  us  to  one  of  his  colleagues,  Profes- 
sor Herepei,  who  enjoys  the  highest  reputation  for  pulpit  elo- 
quence of  any  clergyman  of  the  Reformed  Church  in  Transylva- 
nia. We  had  proposed  to  visit  the  library  and  museum,  but  the 
curator  was  out  of  the  way,  and  the  key  nowhere  to  be  found. 
Neither  the  one  nor  the  other  is  said  to  be  in  a  very  flourishing 
condition.  The  students  and  professors  come  together  here 
much  more  than  with  us.  They  have  a  club,  or  casino,  in  the 
town,  where  they  meet,  and  smoke,  and  read  the  journals  together, 
without  stiffness  or  restraint. 

For  general  education,  I  believe  Enyed  stands  higher  than  any 

*  Besides  Enyed,  the  Reformed  Church  in  Transylvania  has  colleges 
in  Klausenburg,  Maros  Vasarhely  and  Udvarhely,  and  Gymnasia  in  Zilah, 
Szaszvaros,  Decs,  Kezdi  Vasarhely,  Thorda,  and  Salzburg. 



other  college  in  Transylvania.  Its  pupils  are  commonly  supposed 
to  receive  a  strong  bias  towards  liberalism  during  their  academi- 
cal residence.  It  is  on  this  account,  that  Government  has  been 
making  some  attempts  to  interfere  with  the  system  of  education 
among  the  Protestants;  but  it  has  been  resisted  as  illegal  by  the 
Consistory,  and,  I  believe,  with  success. 




The  Szeklers — their  ancient  Rights  and  modern  Position. — The  Mezoseg. 
— Maros  Vasarhely. — Chancellor  Teleki  and  his  Library. — A  Szekler 
Inn — The  Szekler  Character.— Salt  Rocks  at  Szovata. — The  Cholera 
and  the  spare  Bed. — Miseria  cum  aceto. — Glories  of  Grock. — Salt-Mines 
of  Parayd. —  Udvarhely. — St.  Pal. — Excursion  to  Almas. — Superstition. 
— The  Cavern. — Sepsi  St.  Gyorgy. — Kezdi  Vasarhely. — The  French 
Brewer. — The  Szekler  Schools. — Szekler  Hospitality. — The  Budos. — 
The  Harom-Szek. 

WHEN  next  we  left  Klausenburg,  it  was  to  visit  the  east  and 
south  of  Transylvania,  two  districts  inhabited  by  different  nations 
and  governed  by  different  laws  from  those  in  which  we  had 
hitherto  sojourned. 

I  have  already  said  that  the  Szeklers  were  found  by  the  Mag- 
yars in  the  country  which  they  now  occupy  on  their  first  entrance, 
and  on  account  of  similarity  of  language  and  origin,  were  granted 
favours  refused  to  the  original  inhabitants  of  the  country.  They 
were  allowed  the  full  enjoyment  of  their  freedom  on  condition  of 
defending  the  eastern  frontier. 

Even  from  this  early  period  the  Szeklers  claim  to  have  been 
all  equal,  all  free,  all  noble ;  a  privileged  class  and  a  servile  class 
were  alike  unknown — the  only  difference  among  the  richer  of  them 
being  derived  from  the  number  of  men  each  could  bring  into  the 
field, — among  the  poorer,  from  the  circumstance  of  their  serving 
on  horseback  or  on  foot.  Changes,  however,  have  crept  in 
amongst  them  in  the  lapse  of  so  many  centuries.  The  richer 
and  more  powerful  have  gradually  introduced  on  their  own  estates 
the  system  in  operation  in  the  rest  of  Transylvania,  and  the  pea- 
sant and  the  seigneur  are  now  found  in  the  Szekler-land  as  else- 
where. Titles  too,  and  letters  of  nobility  have  been  freely  scat- 
tered through  the  country,  and  have  gradually  cast  a  slur  on  those 
who  possess  them  not.  Taxation  also,  and  the  forcible  introduc- 
tion of  the  border  system,  instead  of  the  desultory  service  of  for- 
mer times,  have  made  great  changes  in  the  position  of  the  Szek- 


lers.  As  almost  all  these  changes,  however,  have  been  intro- 
duced without  the  consent  of  the  people,  and  often  by  the  employ- 
ment of  open  force,  they  are  still  regarded  as  illegal  by  the  Szek- 
lers,  who  are  consequently  among  the  most  discontented  of  any 
portion  of  the  Transylvanians.  It  would  be  absurd  in  me  to 
enter  further  into  the  question  of  their  laws  and  institutions,  for 
even  the  most  learned  among  themselves,  confess  that  there  is  so 
much  confusion  in  them,  that  even  they  cannot  make  them  out. 
This  I  know,  that  every  Szekler  claims  to  be  a  noble  born,  and 
declares  that  if  he  had  his  rights  he  should  neither  pay  taxes  nor 
serve  but  when  an  insurrection  of  the  whole  nobility  of  the  coun- 
try took  place.  I  know  also  that,  in  fact,  there  are  among  them 
Counts  and  Barons  who  call  themselves  magnates,  nobles  by 
letters  patent,  and  free  Szeklers  without  letters,  besides  borderers 
and  peasants,  and  that  the  free  Szeklers  and  nobles,  who  have 
not  mpre  than  two  peasants,  pay  taxes,  just  like  the  peasants, 
though  in  other  respects  they  have  rights  like  the  nobles. 

All  these  circumstances  were  not  known  to  us  when  we  set 
out  on  this  expedition.  Every  Hungarian  you  speak  to  is  sure 
to  tell  you  that  the  Szeklers  are  all  noble,  and  you  consequently 
expect  to  find  a  whole  nation  with  equal  rights  and  privileges, 
among  which  freedom  from  seigneurial  oppression,  and  from  go- 
vernment taxation,  are  both  alike  included.  This  was  the  opi- 
nion we  were  led  to  form,  and  of  course  our  curiosity  was  propor- 
tionately raised  to  observe  their  influence  on  the  state  of  the  peo- 
ple. It  was  only  when  we  saw  how  much  matters  seemed  to 
be  managed  here  as  in  other  parts  of  the  country,  that  we  got 
to  the  real  state  of  the  case,  and  discovered  that  though  the  Szek- 
lers may  have  been  once  all  equal  and  noble,  and  though  they 
still  lay  claim  to  all  manner  of  rights  and  privileges,  they  have 
not  in  reality  enjoyed  them,  for  I  know  not  how  many  centuries. 

Our  route  lay  through  one  of  the  most  curious  parts  of  Tran- 
sylvania, the  Mezoseg.  This  is  a  district  of  considerable  extent, 
characterized  by  the  fertility  of  its  soil,  and  the  extreme  misery 
of  its  inhabitants.  The  people  are  mostly  Wallacks,  and  appear 
worse  clothed,  worse  lodged,  and  more  uncivilized  than  the  in- 
habitants of  any  other  part  of  the  country.  The  aspect  of  the 
Mezoseg  is  not  less  curious  than  the  state  of  its  population.  It 
is  the  only  hilly  country  that  I  ever  saw  without  a  single  point 
of  picturesque  beauty.  As  we  ascended  one  hill,  and  descended 
another,  during  a  long  day's  drive,  the  self-same  prospect  of 
brown  sun-burnt  pasture,  unbroken  by  trees  or  water,  was  ever 


before  us.  In  so  untempting  a  land,  country-houses  are  extreme- 
ly rare ;  indeed,  the  Mezoseg  seems  to  have  been  altogether  a 
forgotten  district,  both  by  nature  and  man.  It  is  very  likely, 
however,  to  make  itself  better  known  before  long.  Its  extensive 
pastures  begin  to  acquire  a  value,  now  that  the  growth  of  Merino 
wool  has  been  introduced,  and  the  coal,  of  which  traces  have  been 
found  in  several  places,  will  probably  produce  a  rich  reward  to 
whomsoever  shall  work  it  with  skill  and  prudence. 

We  reached  Maros  Vasarhely,  the  capital  of  the  Szekler-land, 
about  twelve  o'clock  on  the  second  morning,  and  proceeded  at 

once  to  call  on  Professor  Dosa,  a  friend  of  Baron  W 's,  our 

companion  in  this  journey,  who  politely  offered  to  show  us  the 
town.  Although  there  is  nothing  very  imposing  in  the  wide 
streets  and  small  houses,  of  which  Maros  Vasarhely  is  mostly 
composed,  it  is  rather  an  important  place,  and  in  winter,  many 
of  the  gentry  in  the  neighbourhood  take  up  their  residence  with- 
in it.  Moreover,  both  Protestants  and  Catholics  have  colleges 
here ;  the  Protestant  contains  eight  hundred,  the  Catholic  three 
hundred  scholars,  and  these  institutions  give  something  of  a  lite- 
rary air  to  its  society.  Maros  Vasarhely  is  also  the  seat  of 
the  highest  legal  tribunal  in  Transylvania,  the  Royal  table,  and 
it  is  in  consequence  the  great  law  school  of  the  country.  Almost 
all  the  young  nobles  who  desire  to  take  any  part  in  public  busi- 
ness, as  well  as  all  the  lawyers,  after  having  finished  the  regular 
course  of  study,  think  it  necessary,  under  the  name  of  Juraten, 
to  pass  a  year  or  two  here  in  reading  law  and  attending  the  court. 

The  great  pride  of  the  town  is  the  fine  library  of  the  Telekis, 
founded  by  the  Chancellor  Teleki,  and  left  to  his  family  on  the 
condition  of  its  being  always  open  to  the  public.  It  contains 
about  eighty  thousand  volumes,  which  are  placed  in  a  very  hand- 
some building,  and  kept  in  excellent  order.  A  reading-room  is 
attached,  which  is  always  open,  where  books  are  supplied  to  any 
one  who  demands  them.  There  are  funds  for  its  support,  and 
the  family  still  continue  to  add  to  it  as  far  as  they  are  able.  It 
is  most  rich  in  choice  editions  of  the  Latin  and  Greek  classics. 
These  works  were  the  favourite  studies  of  the  Chancellor  himself, 
who  was  a  man  of  very  extensive  learning*.  What  renders  this 
the  more  remarkable  is,  the  fact  of  his  having  entirely  acquired 
it  after  the  age  of  twenty,  and  that,  too,  during  the  little  leisure 
afforded  him  from  public  business.  Among  the  bibliographical 
curiosities  pointed  out  to  us,  was  an  illuminated  Latin  Bible, 
which  was  said  to  be  written  on  a  vegetable  leaf.  The  substance 



employed  was  certainly  not  papyrus ;  I  should  have  taken  it  for 
very  fine  vellum.  There  was  also  a  MS.  copy  of  a  work  by  Serve- 
tus,  which  we  were  told  was  unpublished,  though,  on  turning  over 
the  fly-leaf,  we  found  a  quotation  from  an  edition  of  the  same 
work  printed  in  London.  There  was  a  beautiful  MS.  of  Tacitus 
from  the  library  of  Mathias  Corvinus,  and  splendidly  bound,  as 
indeed  the  whole  of  that  library  was. 

We  were  shown  the  Casino,  which  seems  a  flourishing  and 
well-conducted  establishment.  It  numbers  two  hundred  mem- 
bers. As  many  of  the  students  are  too  poor  to  become  sub- 
scribers to  it,  and  as  it  is  the  wish  of  the  professors  to  give  as 
many  as  possible  an  opportunity  of  becoming  acquainted  with  the 
utility  and  conduct  of  such  institutions,  free  admissions  are 
granted  to  six  of  them  every  month,  arid  such  as  choose  to  avail 
themselves  of  it,  take  it  in  rotation. 

In  showing  us  the  old  Gothic  church,  which  occupies  the  cen- 
tre of  the  former  fortress,  Professor  Dosa  observed  that  it  was 
very  nearly  being  destroyed  during  the  reign  of  Maria  Theresa, 
because  the  Protestants  were  not  then  allowed  to  repair  their 
churches;  and  it  was  not  till  Joseph  II.  broke  down  the  force 
of  the  bigots  that  the  Vasarhely  Protestants  were  permitted  to 
new  roof  their  church. 

The  next  day  we  passed  through  a  hilly  and  rather  pretty  coun- 
try, with  many  villages,  differing  in  no  respect  from  hundreds  we 
had  seen  elsewhere,  till  we  arrived  at  St.  Gyorgy,  a  village  on  the 
Kis  Kukullo — the  small  Kokel, — a  river  we  have  before  men- 
tioned, as  celebrated  for  its  wines.  We  had  been  told  we  should 
find  an  inn  here,  and  be  able  to  bait  our  horses,  and  get  a  dinner 
for  ourselves.  It  was  true  enough,  an  inn  was  found,  but  the 
poor  landlady  declared  she  had  nothing  to  give  us  but  dry  bread, 
and  what  was  still  worse,  she  had  not  any  corn  for  our  horses. 
The  servants,  nevertheless,  proceeded  to  take  the  horses  out  of 
the  carriages,  in  spite  of  this  bad  prospect,  and  on  my  inquiring 
what  was  the  use  of  stopping  at  a  place  where  neither  man  nor 
horse  could  find  his  profit,  they  only  smiled,  and  said  they  would 
try  if  something  could  not  be  done.  At  one  end  of  the  village 
there  was  a  large  manor-house,  and  the  coachman  at  once  made 
for  that,  sure  there  would  be  corn  there,  and  hoping  that  the 
steward  would  sell  them  what  they  wanted.  In  coming  along 
too  Miklos  had  fixed  his  eyes  on  some  hens  which  were  amusing 
themselves  on  the  high  road,  and  he  soon  returned  from  his  forage, 
bringing  with  him  both  the  hens  and  their  eggs.  Our  servants 


were  fortunately  good  cooks,  and  while  one  set  to  work  to  com- 
pose an  omelette,  the  other  produced  an  egg  soup  and  a  couple 
of  roast  fowls.  There  is  certainly  nothing  like  having  a  servant 
who  knows  the  work  he  may  have  to  turn  his  hand  to:  I  wonder 
how  a  well-behaved  English  valet  would  have  got  us  out  of  our 

The  plan  we  had  laid  down  for  ourselves  in  traversing  the 
Szekler-land,  was  to  visit  some  salt  mines  at  Szovata,  pass  through 
Udvarhely,  to  an  estate  of  our  friend's;  from  thence,  make  an 
excursion  to  visit  a  celebrated  cave  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  so 
pass  on  into  the  Saxon-land,  visiting  its  two  chief  towns,  Kron- 
stadt  and  Hermanstadt,  and  then  return  to  Klausenburg. 

In  pursuit  of  this  plan,  we  followed  the  little  Kiikullo  nearly 
to  its  source,  along  a  very  beautiful  valley,  highly  cultivated, 
and,  though  naturally  far  from  rich,  bearing  good  crops.  The 
Szeklers  inhabit  a  mountainous  country,  and  are  consequently  poor; 
but  it  was  easy  to  see  they  are  far  more  industrious  than  any  of 
the  Transylvanians  we  had  before  visited.  From  all  I  heard  of 
their  character,  they  seem  a  good  deal  to  resemble  the  Scotch. 
The  same  pride  and  poverty,  the  same  industry  and  enterprise, 
and  if  they  are  not  belied,  the  same  sharp  regard  to  their  own 
interests.  They  speak  a  dialect  of  the  Magyar,  which  differs  but 
slightly  from  that  used  in  other  parts  of  the  country,  except  in 
the  peculiar  sing-song  intonation  in  which  it  is  uttered.  Like 
most  mountaineers,  they  are  but  little  distinguished  for  polished 
and  refined  manners;  even  the  wealthier  are  commonly  remark- 
able for  a  greater  rudeness  in  their  bearing  than  is  seen  in  other 
parts  of  the  country.  This  is  more  than  made  up,  however,  by 
a  greater  degree  of  information,  and  by  a  firm  adherence  to  their 
political  principles.  Like  the  Scotch,  they  seem  to  have  ad- 
vanced in  education  to  an  extraordinary  degree,  so  that  there 
are  few  villages  without  their  schools,  few  of  the  humblest  Szek- 
lers who  cannot  read  and  write.  They  are  of  various  religions, 
and  each  sect  is  said  to  be  strongly  attached  to  its  own.*  The 
Unitarians  are  in  greater  proportion  here  than  in  any  other  part 
of  the  country;  they  have  about  one  hundred  churches  in  the 
Szekler-land.  Excepting  the  Jews  and  Greeks,  all  religions 
enjoy  equal  rights. 

We  reached  Szovata  towards  evening,  and,  as  there  was  no 
possibility  of  lodging  there  for  the  night,  we  made  the  best  haste 

*  Among  the  Catholics  are  reckoned  the  members  of  the  Armenian 
Catholic,  and  Greek  Catholic  churches. 

SALT  ROCKS.  193 

we  could  to  find  a  guide,  and  see  what  was  to  be  seen  before 
dark.  This  was  no  such  easy  matter,  however;  the  cholera  had 
just  set  in,  and  its  first  victim  had  been  one  of  the  chief  men  of 
the  village.  His  funeral  had  taken  place  the  day  we  arrived ; 
and,  as  it  is  a  custom  of  the  Szeklers  to  get  especially  drunk  on 
these  occasions,  to  dissipate  their  grief,  we  found  nearly  the 
whole  village  as  glorious  in  liquor  as  their  friend  could  be  in 
sanctity.  By  some  chance,  one  sober  man  was  found  at  last,  and 
we  followed  him  beyond  the  village  in  the  direction  of  a  small 
green  hill,  which  we  could  perceive  at  some  distance.  Judge  of 
our  surprise,  as  we  drew  nearer,  to  see  before  us  a  real  rock  of 
salt!  Yes,  our  green  hill  was  pure  rock  salt,  when  seen  near,  as 
white  as  snow,  but  covered  at  the  top  and  in  many  places  on  the 
side  by  a  layer  of  clay,  on  which  grass  and  trees  grew  abundantly. 
Before  arriving  at  the  hill  itself,  we  had  to  cross  a  little  brook 
which  presented  a  most  curious  appearance, — its  banks,  and  the 
numerous  stones  which  stand  out  from  its  shallow  bed,  are  all 
incrusted  with  crystals  of  salt,  and  that,  too,  so  exactly  in  the 
form  of  hoar  frost,  that,  in  spite  of  the  warm  rays  of  an  autumn 
sunset,  I  could  scarce  persuade  myself  they  were  not  so  till  I 
had  tasted  them.  At  this  point,  a  guard,  armed  with  a  musket, 
met  us,  and  accompanied  us  as  long  as  we  remained  near.  In 
fact,  guards  surround  the  whole  of  the  hill,  to  prevent  the  pea- 
sants from  stealing  the  salt.  This  salt-bed,  which  extends  to  a 
considerable  distance,  is  not  worked  for  salt  at  all;  what  is  re- 
quired for  its  immediate  neighbourhood,  is  obtained  from  Parayd, 
a  few  miles  off.  In  spite  of  all  the  guards,  however,  stealing 
goes  on  to  a  considerable  extent;  indeed,  one  of  the  first  neces- 
saries of  life,  so  costly  if  bought,  and  here  in  such  abundance, 
and  to  be  had  for  the  trouble  of  picking  up,  must  offer  too  strong 
a  temptation  for  the  poor  man  to  withstand.  Probably,  too,  the 
guards  themselves  are  the  greatest  robbers.  There  seems  to  be 
no  end  to  the  quantity  of  salt  in  this  neighbourhood;  in  many 
places,  the  peasant  has  only  to  scrape  away  the  dirt  of  his  cot- 
tage floor  to  obtain  salt  beneath  it.  It  is  said  that  in  Transyl- 
vania alone,  there  is  sufficient  salt  to  supply  all  Europe  for  some 
thousand  years! 

As  we  got  nearer,  we  found  the  herbage  and  the  crops  of  In- 
dian corn  looking  as  well  on  the  salt  rock  as  on  any  other  soil ; 
nor  could  we  observe  any  difference  in  the  plants  here  and  in  the 
neighbourhood.  We  examined  several  of  the  cliffs,  which  were 
very  beautiful.  In  some,  the  rain  has  formed  channels  and  fur- 
VOL.  n. — 17 


rows,  which  again  have  given  rise  to  pinnacles,  covered  with 
bright  crystals  of  salt,  something  like  Gothic  minarets  in  minia- 
ture. On  the  other  side,  we  were  told,  the  cliffs  are  much  higher 
and  finer;  but  it  was  at  least  three  miles  round,  and  it  was  al- 
ready too  dark  to  allow  us  to  undertake  the  journey.  We  made 
a  stout  resolution  to  return  the  next  day,  and  get  a  sketch  of 
these  wonderful  cliffs,  but  it  turned  out  so  wet,  that  it  was  im- 

When  we  got  back  to  the  village,  and  the  tipsy  gentry  had 
learned  our  friend's  name, — one  to  which  all  Szekler-land  is 
deeply  attached, — it  was  with  the  utmost  difficulty  we  could  get 
away.  The  dead  man's  house,  as  the  best  in  the  village,  was 
placed  at  our  disposal,  and  we  were  almost  forced  to  accept  his 
spare  bed  by  these  hospitable  friends. 

I  really  do  not  know  what  notion  the  inhabitants  of  the  Szek- 
ler-land mean  to  express  by  the  words,  "a  comfortable  inn  ;" 
but  1  am  quite  sure  it  is  something  very  different  from  what  all  the 
rest  of  the  world  mean.  Twice,  to-day,  have  we  found  our- 
selves wofully  mistaken  in  our  calculations  in  consequence ; — this 
morning,  we  found  a  comfortable  inn  meant  an  empty  room,  and 
nothing  to  eat;  to-night,  it  seemed  to  mean  no  room  and  nothing 
to  eat  either  !  Every  body  had  agreed,  that  at  Parayd  we  should 
be  splendidly  accommodated,  and  so  we  declined  the  dead  man's 
bed  and  pushed  on  to  this  same  Parayd  with  the  greatest  confi- 
dence. Alas!  we  were  doomed  to  be  disappointed.  There  was 
only  one  spare  room,  and  a  little  closet;  and  no  sooner  had  we 
alighted,  than  they  told  us  the  room  was  taken,  and  nothing 
but  the  closet  could  we  have.  Seated  at  a  table,  in  one  corner, 
we  found  the  happy  occupant  of  the  room,  just  finishing,  as  we 
supposed,  his  supper,  with  bread  and  ewe-milk  cheese.  After 
the  first  salutations,  the  stranger,  who  turned  out  to  be  an  old 
officer  of  the  Szekler  Borderers,  politely  offered  us  the  larger 
room,  saying,  the  closet  would  be  sufficient  to  contain  him ;  but, 
when  he  heard  us  ask  for  supper,  the  old  gentleman  shook  his 
head,  and  pointing  to  the  cheese  and  bread,  and  a  bottle  of  pale, 
sour-looking  wine,  exclaimed,  despondingly,  miseria  cum  aceto! 
and  nothing  else  to  be  had ! — So  much  for  a  comfortable  inn  in 
the  Szekler-land. 

I  am  afraid  that,  with  all  their  good  qualities,  the  Szeklers  are 
rather  behindhand  in  the  comforts — perhaps  they  call  them  su- 
perfluous luxuries — of  other  parts  of  Europe.  Even  in  their 
own  houses,  the  gentry  show  but  little  taste  for  comfort  or  clean- 


liness.  In  many  cases,  this  may  be  attributable  to  poverty — then 
I  have  not  a  word  to  say ;  but  in  others,  I  have  seen  an  admix- 
ture of  tawdry  splendour  with  squalid  neglect,  which  presented 
a  contrast  highly  ridiculous.  We  avoided  private  houses  as  much 

as  possible,  for  W had  just  as  great  a  dislike  as  we  had  to 

ask  for  hospitality  from  those  he  did  not  know;  and,  besides,  so 
many  Szeklers  speak  only  Magyar,  that  we  could  have  obtained 
little,  either  of  amusement  or  instruction,  from  the  intercourse; 
but  we  were  sometimes  driven  to  it  in  spite  of  ourselves,  and  I 
will  mention  the  result  of  one  such  instance.  We  were  introduced 
into  a  large  handsome  house,  where  the  drawing-room  and  bou- 
doir were  filled  with  fashionable  modern  furniture,  where  the 
lady  who  reigned  over  them  was  handsomely,  not  to  say  showily, 
dressed,  and  where  the  whole  establishment  manifests  a  pretension 
to  style,  rarely  seen  in  these  mountains.  When  we  retired  to 
our  bed-rooms,  however,  we  got  a  little  behind  the  scenes,  and 
found  the  play  by  no  means  so  imposing.  Half-a-dozen  panes 
in  the  windows  were  broken;  the  furniture  was  of  the  shabbiest 
description;  the  floor  filthy  to  the  last  degree;  and,  as  for  the 
beds,  it  was  too  evident  to  admit  of  a  question  that  the  linen  on 

them  had  not  been  refreshed  for  many  a  good  day.   W was 

so  excessively  disgusted,  and  so  angry  that  such  a  circumstance 
should  have  occurred  before  strangers,  that  I  had  the  greatest 
possible  difficulty  to  prevent  him  ordering  out  the  carriages  and 
leaving  the  house  immediately.  After  soothing  him  down,  how- 
ever, to  a  reasonable  pitch,  he  contented  himself  with  directing 
all  the  filthy  things  to  be  thrown  out  of  the  room,  and  our  own 
bed  linen,  to  be  arranged  by  our  servants  in  their  place ;  nor 
was  it  till  next  morning  that  we  could  make  him  promise  to  leave 
the  place  without  abusing  our  host  for  his  negligent  hospitality. 
But  to  return  to  Parayd. 

We  were  fortunately  persons  not  very  easily  dispirited ;  and 
we  accordingly  devoured  the  black  bread  and  turpentine  cheese 
— for  they  wrap  it  in  the  bark  of  the  pine  to  give  it  a  turpentine 
flavour — with  excellent  appetite;  and,  it  having  entered  into 
Miklos's  prolific  brain,  that  the  common  spirit  of  the  country,  if 
mixed  with  sugar  and  hot  water,  might  make  something  like 
what  the  English  sailors  had  taught  him  to  call  grock,  he  came 
in  grinning  at  this  happy  thought,  with  a  large  jug  of  a  most 
well-smelling  liquid  compounded  on  these  principles,  which,  with 
the  aid  of  our  Turkish  pipes,  made  us  almost  think  our  Szekler 
inn  was  comfortable.  In  the  mean  time,  the  servants  had  trans- 


ported  the  greater  part  of  a  haystack  into  the  room,  and  the 
whole  floor  was  covered  over  with  a  thick  layer  of  hay ;  our  car- 
riage cushions  and  our  bed-clothes  were  disposed  in  the  best 
fashion  to  serve  for  beds;  and  before  our  pipes  were  finished,  we 
had  not  only  the  consolation  of  having  supped,  but  had  the  pros- 
pect of  a  good  night's  rest  before  us.  Nothing  like  good  tem- 
per, good  health,  and  a  servant  that  knows  how  to  make 
grock  ! 

The  next  morning  we  visited  some  of  the  salt-mines,  which 
contained  nothing  sufficiently  remarkable  to  detain  us.  They 
work  these  mines  only  in  winter,  and  that  but  to  a  very  small 
extent.  Those  of  Maros  Ujvar,  on  the  banks  of  the  Maros,  are 
so  much  more  conveniently  situated  for  transporting  the  salt, 
that  these  are  only  used  to  supply  the  immediate  neighbourhood. 
This  salt-bed  is  said  to  be  of  even  greater  extent  than  that  of 
Szovata,  though  it  generally  lies  deeper.  Instead  of  the  bright 
white  colour  we  had  observed  yesterday,  the  salt  was  here  of  a 
dark  green  hue.  Even  here,  where  the  whole  soil  seems  to  be 
salt,  we  were  assured  that  it  was  often  smuggled  from  Moldavia, 
and  sold  in  the  interior  of  the  country. 

.  At  every  step  we  took,  the  cholera  now  met  with  us.  One 
of  our  horses  had  cast  a  shoe,  and  we  had  to  wait  some  hours 
before  we  could  get  it  replaced,  for  the  blacksmith's  wife  was 
just  taken  ill,  and  he  could  not  be  prevailed  upon  to  leave  her 
till  she  felt  better.  Nor  were  these  the  worst  inconveniences; 
some  of  our  own  party  had  felt  far  from  well  this  morning,  and 
we  were  naturally  rendered  exceedingly  anxious  lest  the  ailment 
should  turn  out  to  be  cholera.  Though  no  believers  in  conta- 
gion, we  were  aware  that  whatever  were  the  causes  producing 
the  disease,  we  were  just  as  much  exposed  to  them  as  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  country  could  be,  and  besides,  the  very  idea  of  tra- 
velling for  pleasure  where  death  seemed  hovering  round  our  every 
step  was  so  painful  that  we  hastened  on  more  quickly  than  we 
otherwise  should  have  done  through  this  beautiful  country.* 

At  Udvarhely,  one  of  the  principal  towns  of  the  Szekler-land, 
we  had  intended  to  remain  the  next  night,  but  the  inn  was  so  very 

*To  those  who  believe  in  the  antiseptic  powers  of  certain  substances, 
and  their  utility  in  preventing  the  spread  of  epidemic  diseases,  it  may 
afford  matter  for  reflection,  that  here,  where  every  thing,  from  the  corn  you 
eat  to  the  water  you  wash  in,  perhaps  the  very  air  yon  breathe,  is  impreg- 
nated with  salt — one  of  the  strongest  antiseptics — the  cholera  raged  with 
as  much  violence  as  in  the  poisoned  alleys  of  a  great  city. 

ST.  PAL.  197 

miserable,  and  the  whole  place  so  far  from  attractive,  that  we 
determined,  after  baiting  our  horses,  to  try  if  we  could  not  reach 

St.  Pal,  a  village  some  fifteen  miles  further,  where  W had  a 

house  and  a  small  estate.  Not  that  Udvarhely  is  without  inte- 
rest. As  we  descended  the  long  hill  at  the  foot  of  which  it  lies, 
its  three  large  churches  with  their  double  spires,  its  ruined  castle, 
its  large  white  college  and  handsome  Town-house,  had  led  us  to 
expect  great  things;  but  then  the  inn  with  its  dirty  room,  its  un- 
glazed  windows,  and  its  beds  of  dingy  hue,  put  us  out  of  conceit 

with  all  the  rest.  While  our  horses  were  baiting  W took 

us  to  call  on  an  electioneering  friend  of  his,  a  merry  little  radical 
grocer,  one  of  those  men  who  love  good  dinners  and  long  speeches 
— the  latter  his  own,  and  the  former  his  friend's.  The  little 
grocer  took  us  up  to  the  castle,  once  one  of  the  strongest  places 
in  the  land,  and  which  had  often  been  sharply  contested  between 
the  Imperial  and  Transylvanian  forces.  We  reached  St.  Pal 
somewhere  about  midnight,  and  though  the  house  was  undergo- 
ing repairs  and  was  inhabited  only  by  some  workmen,  we  were 
soon  furnished  with  quarters  better  than  we  had  met  with  since 
we  had  left  Klausenburg. 

We  remained  a  couple  of  days  at  St.  Pal,  in  part  that  W 

might  arrange  some  matters  of  business  with  his  steward,  in  part 
to  rest  our  horses.  The  first  was  spent  in  snipe-shooting  in 
a  salt  marsh  just  below  the  village,  for  here,  too,  we  were  still 
in  the  country  of  salt.  Though  no  salt-bed  is  seen,  the  brook, 
the  springs,  the  marsh,  and  even  the  herbage  are  all  strongly 
impregnated  with  salt.  We  were  obliged  to  send  some  miles  off 
to  obtain  fresh  water,  for  to  us  the  salt  water  was  intolerable, 
though  from  habit  the  people  of  the  country  drink  it  without  in- 

For  the  next  day  we  had  engaged  the  little  grocer  of  Udvar- 
hely to  show  us  a  cave  which  was  at  some  distance,  and  he  ac- 
cordingly arrived  by  good  time  in  the  morning  with  a  supply  of 
his  own  torches,  and  of  his  neighbours'  mountain  ponies,  to  show 
us  the  wonders  of  Almas.  As  it  was  some  distance  from  St. 
Pal,  two  peasants  were  sent  off  early  in  the  morning  with  a 
wagon  and  provisions,  and  we  followed  at  our  leisure,  a  goodly 
cavalcade,  consisting  of  the  grocer,  the  clergyman,  the  steward, 
our  three  selves  and  one  or  two  servants — the  latter  attending 
us  for  no  other  purpose  that  I  could  divine,  save  to  fill  and  light 
the  pipes.  Our  ride  led  us  through  a  country  of  mountains  and 
woods,  sometimes,  though  rarelv,  by  a  well-cultivated  valley 



affording  subsistence  to  some  neighbouring  village.  A  village, 
Homarod  Almas,  through  which  we  passed,  was  one  of  the 
largest  and  most  flourishing  we  had  met  with  in  Transylvania. 
The  situation  of  this  place  one  would  have  thought  as  healthy 
as  possible ;  the  country  round  it  was  fruitful  and  lovely  as  a  gar- 
den, the  inhabitants  were  evidently  well  off,  and  the  houses  large 
and  airy,  yet  here  the  cholera  was  raging  more  fiercely  than  in 
any  other  place  we  had  yet  visited.  The  grave-yard  seemed  to 
have  been  fresh  ploughed  up,  so  completely  was  it  covered  with 
new-made  graves,  and  several  were  standing  open  for  occupants 
already  prepared  to  fill  them. 

As  we  left  the  village,  we  saw  a  mark  of  superstition  which 
we  should  not  have  expected  where  education  is  said  to  be  ge- 
nerally diffused.  It  was  a  small  piece  of  coarse  linen  cloth  cut 
into  the  shape  of  a  pair  of  trowsers,  and  suspended  over  the  middle 
of  the  road  by  a  string  attached  to  a  tree  on  either  side.  The 
peasants  believe  that  in  the  cave  of  Almas  which  we  were  about 
to  visit,  two  fairies  are  imprisoned  in  a  state  of  nudity,  and  that 
they  weep  and  wail  their  unhappy  captivity  without  being  able 
to  escape.  Their  cries  are  said  to  be  often  heard,  when  the 
wind  is  high,  proceeding  from  the  dark  valley  of  the  Almas,  and 
it  is  to  the  malice  of  these  imprisoned  fairies  that  the  peasants 
attribute  the  visitation  of  the  cholera.  It  appears  that  the  re- 
ceived method  of  propitiating  these  gentry  is  to  offer  them  clothing, 
and  accordingly  the  trowsers  at  this  end  of  the  village,  and 
a  shirt  exhibited  in  a  similar  manner  at  the  other,  were  intended 
to  appease  them,  let  them  come  which  road  they  would.  This 
was  all  I  could  learn  of  the  matter  from  the  steward,  and  I  am 
still  not  very  sure  that  it  is  correct,  for  he  was  much  more 
anxious  to  assure  me  that  he  knew  it  was  all  nonsense  and  that 
he  did  not  believe  in  such  ignorant  superstitions,  than  to  satisfy 
my  curiosity  on  the  matter. 

On  a  green  hill  overlooking  a  deep  valley, — or  rather  cleft  in 
the  rocks,  for  it  is  much  deeper  than  it  is  wide, — we  found  the 
provision  wagon  already  arrived,  a  large  fire  lighted,  and  pre- 
parations for  cooking  in  a  state  of  progress.  Here  we  were  to 
leave  our  horses  in  the  care  of  the  peasants.  Clinging  to  the 
trees  which  cover  its  sides,  we  reached  the  bottom  of  the  valley, 
which  is  occupied  by  a  brook ;  this  brook  a  little  further  on  is 
seen  to  enter  an  opening  in  the  base  of  a  cliff,  and  disappear. 
It  is  said  to  come  out  again  on  the  other  side,  at  some  miles'  dis- 
tance. It  was  a  beautiful  scene  we  had  now  before  us;  the  high 


steep  rocks  of  limestone,  the  hanging  woods,  the  little  stream, 
and  its  stony  bed,  were  all  striking,  and  the  addition  of  the  dark 
mouths  of  three  or  four  huge  caverns  gaping  at  us  on  either  side, 
gave  it  a  character  of  mysterious  beauty  to  which  it  would  have 
been  strange  had  not  the  fancies  of  the  peasants  attached  a  legend. 
The  sorrows  of  the  poor  imprisoned  fairies  would  easily  find 
voices  here  when  the  winds  raged  through  these  narrow  passages. 

Leaving  the  smaller  caverns,  which  we  were  told  were  of  little 
depth,  we  stumbled  along  the  stony  path  to  the  further  end  of 
the  valley.  On  our  road  we  put  up  a  csaszar  madar  (gelinotte,) 
a  kind  of  grouse,*  very  common  in  the  mountains  of  Transyl- 
vania. It  was  so  tame  that  it  did  not  fly  more  than  a  few  yards, 
and  continued  running  on  at  a  short  distance  before  us,  appa- 
rently without  the  slightest  fear.  Man  is  still  almost  a  stranger 

The  mouth  of  the  great  cavern  is  at  a  considerable  height  above 
the  bottom  of  the  valley,  and  can  only  be  reached  by  means  of 
wooden  steps,  which  some  former  visiters  have  had  made  for  the 
purpose.  It  is  half  closed  by  a  thick  wall,  now  partly  broken, 
but  which  has  evidently  been  built  as  a  defence  from  enemies. 
It  is  said  to  have  been  used  by  the  Szeklers  as  a  retreat  during 
the  insurrection  of  the  Wallacks  under  Hora  and  Kloska,  but 
Transylvania  has  known  so  many  periods  when  a  place  of  refuge 
was  required  for  the  peaceable  citizen,  from  the  cruelty  of  savage 
enemies,  both  domestic  and  foreign,  that  it  is  more  difficult  to  say 
when  it  may  not  have  been  so  used,  than  when  it  was.  This 
part  of  the  country,  from  its  frontier  position,  was  peculiarly 
subject  to  foreign  incursions,  and  when  they  were  made  by  such 
nations  as  the  Tartars  and  Turks, — they  first  murdered  all  they 
could  lay  hold  on,  and  the  second  spared  only  to  drive  away  into 
captivity,! — it  is  no  wonder  a  retreat  of  this  kind  should  have 
been  well  defended.  Even  our  friend's  house  at  St.  Pal,  though 

*  The  black-cock  is  also  found  in  this  country,  and  I  suspect  the  cock  of 
the  woods  too;  for  they  frequently  speak  of  a  wild  peacock  (yadpavd,) 
to  which  they  attribute  much  the  same  habits  and  appearance  as  charac- 
terize the  cock  of  the  woods. 

j-  Bethlen  Gabor  obtained  his  election  to  the  throne  of  Transylvania, 
with  the  aid  of  some  Turkish  troops;  not  that  they  were  required  to  fight, 
but  their  presence  gave  confidence  to  the  party  of  Bethlen;  and  enabled 
them  to  depose  the  weak  Bathori  Gabor  without  a  struggle.  Notwith- 
standing the  peaceable  character  of  the  expedition,  the  Turks  did  not  re- 
tire with  less  than  eighty  thousand  Transylvanian  prisoners,  of  whom  they 
made  slaves. 


never  intended  as  a  place  of  defence,  bears  marks  of  precaution 
attributable  to  a  similar  cause.  The  stables  are  constructed  be- 
low the  house  itself,  and  can  be  entered  by  a  secret  door  and 
winding  stair-case,  from  a  room  above,  so  that  if  the  house  was 
attacked  by  a  marauding  party  in  front,  fhe  family  would  have 
time  to  mount  their  horses  and  escape  by  a  lower  room,  which 
opens  into  the  fields  on  the  other  side,  ere  the  oak  doors  and  well- 
stanchioned  windows  in  the  front  were  forced  by  the  attacking 

The  entrance  to  the  cavern,  which  we  had  now  gained,  is  a 
vast  hall  covered  with  a  noble  arched  roof,  and  opening  on  every 
side  to  dark  passages,  which  lead  into  the  interior  of  the  moun- 
tain. After  we  had  carefully  studied  a  plan  of  the  cavern,  lighted 
our  torches,  and  arranged  the  order  of  the  procession,  the  little 
grocer  of  Udvarhely, — no  peasant  guide  could  be  found  to  un- 
dertake it, — put  himself  at  our  head  and  led  the  way.  In  faith 
it  was  no  easy  matter  to  choose  the  right  road,  for  there  were  so 
many  openings,  and  it  was  so  very  easy  to  lose  the  direction  in 
such  a  position,  that  it  required  all  the  little  grocer's  memory 
and  experience  to  keep  us  from  straying.  By  the  road  we  took, 
the  cavern  seemed  to  penetrate  the  mountain  to  about  the  distance 
of  an  English  mile,  sometimes  in  the  form  of  large  chambers, 
sometimes  of  narrow  passages,  through  which  one  can  scarcely 
creep.  Some  of  these  chambers  are  high,  and  ornamented  with 
small  stalactites.  In  one  a  large  mass  of  rock  corrugated  like  a 
huge  wart,  hangs  from  the  roof  to  within  a  yard  of  the  floor 
without  touching  it.  The  only  difficulty  we  experienced,  except 
that  of  finding  our  way,  was  in  passing  a  wet  bog — if  a  mass  of 
soft  lime,  of  about  the  consistence  of  mortar  can  be  so  called — 
which  extended  for  some  twenty  yards'  distance. 

At  the  very  end  of  the  cavern,  we  had  been  told  there  was  a 
vein  containing  precious  stones  in  great  abundance,  and  it  was 
therefore  with  no  small  disappointment  we  found  nothing  but  a 
mud-lined  chamber,  from  which  there  was  no  exit  save  by  a  small 
hole,  which  it  seemed  impossible  for  any  of  us  to  pass  through ! 
However,  the  little  grocer  was  not  to  be  balked ;  he  declared 
the  precious  stones  must  be  on  the  other  side  the  hole,  and  he 
accordingly  laid  himself  down,  and  by  dint  of  working  away 
something  like  a  worm  when  it  is  returning  to  the  earth,  he  at 
last  disappeared,  and  then  assuring  us  that  he  had  come  to  the 
precious  stones,  he  made  all  of  us  so  eager  to  share  the  prize, 
that  we  too  squeezed  ourselves  through.  Here  we  found  an  ex- 


traordinary  formation  enough.  A  slit  in  the  rock,  of  about  a 
yard  in  width,  had  been  filled  up  by  a  quantity  of  very  fine  gravel, 
composed,  for  the  most  part,  of  rounded  stones  of  about  the  size 
of  peas,  generally  highly  polished,  and  often  of  considerable 
beauty.  I  really  forget  now  all  the  various  mineral  species  to 
which  these  pebbles  have  been  found  to  belong,  but  I  know  there 
were  upwards  of  a  dozen  of  the  secondary  precious  stones,  among 
which  were  jaspers,  cornelians,  and  agates.  Geologically,  I 
think,  the  age  of  this  vein  might  probably  be  fixed  pretty  accu- 
rately. That  its  contents  have  been  deposited  by  running  water, 
their  nature  and  appearance  place  beyond  a  doubt,  and  as  they 
are  now  at  least  a  hundred  feet  above  the  surface  of  the  valley, 
it  must  have  been  before  the  valley  was  formed,  and  when  the 
water  rolled  over  the  upper  surface  of  the  mountain  a  consider- 
able height  above.  The  gravel  is  now  so  compact,  that  it  re- 
quired a  hammer  to  separate  any  portions  of  it.  We  wrere  glad 
to  leave  this  part  of  the  cavern  as  quickly  as  we  could,  for  the 
air  became  so  confined,  that  it  was  scarcely  possible  to  breathe. 
We  had  still  only  investigated  one  part  of  this  cavern.  Another 
of  nearly  equal  extent  lay  above  this,  and  was  said  to  open  on 
the  other  side  of  the  mountain.  The  entrance,  however,  could 
only  be  reached  by  the  aid  of  a  ladder,  and  as  our  curiosity  was 
pretty  well  satisfied  we  returned  without  making  any  further  in- 

The  peasants  had  got  us  a  good  dinner  ready  by  our  return, 
and  we  were  all  well  inclined  to  do  justice  to  their  cookery. 
A  little  before  dark,  we  again  mounted  our  rozinantes,  and  made 
the  best  of  our  way  back  to  St.  Pal. 

Our  next  point  was  Keszdi  Vasarhely,*  but  though  it  lay 
nearly  direct  east  of  St.  Pal,  we  were  obliged  to  make  a  con- 
siderable detour  to  the  south  to  avoid  a  chain  of  mountains  which 
lay  between  the  two  places.  My  notes  of  this  day  contain  little 
worthy  of  remark,  save  that  we  could  get  nothing  for  dinner  ex- 
cept a  few  eggs;  and  that  at  night  we  were  obliged  to  sleep  on 
tables  and  chairs,  and  content  ourselves  with  a  supper  of  six 
small  trout,  which  the  landlord  went  out  and  caught  for  the  oc- 
casion. I  am  really  ashamed  to  refer  so  constantly  to  the  sub- 
ject of  the  creature  comforts;  but  I  believe  it  is  best  to  do  so, 
as  it  perhaps  gives  the  reader  almost  as  good  an  idea  of  the  cir- 
cumstances of  the  country  we  were  travelling  through,  as  a  more 

*  Vdsdr,  market;  hely,  place;  a  name  common  to  many  places  in  this 
part  of  Transylvania. 


elaborate  description  would  do.  What,  for  instance,  could  strike 
the  stranger  more  forcibly  than  an  occurrence  which  took  place 
the  very  next  day  ?  Soon  after  we  had  started,  we  passed 
through  a  small  village,  at  which  we  had  no  intention  of  stop- 
ping, where  Miklos's  eye  fell  on  the  carcass  of  a  fresh-slaugh- 
tered calf,  hung  up  in  a  peasant's  house.  Jumping  down,  he  at 
once  made  off  to  this  unaccustomed  sight,  and  did  not  return  till 
he  had  secured  a  good-looking  lump  of  veal,  as  a  provision 
against  dinner-time. 

Before  arriving  at  Foldvar, — the  place  of  the  six  fishes, — we 
felt  a  change  in  the  weather,  which  obliged  us  to  have  recourse 
to  our  furs.  The  cause  of  it  was  sufficiently  explained  in  the 
morning.  Though  we  were  only  in  the  middle  of  September,  a 
considerable  fall  of  snow  had  taken  place  in  the  mountains,  and 
their  white  peaks  now  glittering  in  the  sun,  contrasted-  strongly 
with  the  yellow  corn-fields  and  green  meadows  in  the  fore-ground 
of  the  picture. 

At  Sepsi  St.'Gyorgy,  where  we  stopped  before  mid-day  to  get 
the  above  mentioned  lump  of  veal  converted  into  an  eatable  form, 
we  found,  instead  of  the  rude  villages  we  had  hitherto  seen,  a 
smart  little  town  with  handsome  houses,  and  large  public  build- 
ings, apparently  very  foreign  to  the  position  in  which  they  ex- 
isted. Sepsi  St.  Gyorgy,  however,  is  the  head-quarters  of  the 
Szekler  border  Hussars,  and,  consequently,  the  residence  of  the 
staff.  One  of  the  large  buildings  is  dedicated  to  the  education 
of  the  children  of  the  Hussars,  and  is  said  to  be  one  of  the  most 
flourishing  schools  in  the  country. 

Before  evening,  we  got  on  to  Keszdi  Vasarhely;  and  though 
we  were  told  there  was  no  inn,  we  found  very  good  quarters  in 
the  house  of  a  French  brewer,  who  had  married  an  Hungarian 
wife,  and  set  up  his  tent  here  for  life.  He  was  a  good-tempered 
little  fellow ;  seemed  delighted  to  receive  us  into  his  house,  and 
promised  us  a  supper  which  should  amply  compensate  for  our  late 
fastings.  Of  course  he  took  us  over  his  whole  premises,  of  which 
he  was  very  proud,  as  indeed  he  had  good  reason  to  be,  for  his 
brewhouse,  and  all  its  apparatus,  though  on  a  small  scale,  were 
in  excellent  order.  He  complains  sadly  of  his  neighbours  doing 
all  they  can  to  injure  him,  from  jealousy  of  his  foreign  extrac- 
tion ;  and  I  can  readily  believe  him,  for  it  is  a  theory  of  all  Hun- 
garians, that  every  farthing  gained  in  Hungary  by  a  stranger,  is 
robbed  from  her  own  children.  The  high  price  of  hops  is  ano- 
ther of  the  poor  Frenchman's  grievances.  He  is  obliged  to  get 


them  all  the  way  from  Bohemia  ;  and  even  then  they  are  not  too 
good.  However,  notwithstanding  his  grumbling,  1  suspect  our 
little  friend  manages  to  prosper. 

We  had  still  time  to  visit  the  military  school  for  the  education 
of  the  children  of  the  Szekler  infantry.  The  institution  was 
founded  by  the  late  Emperor,  and  is  supported  partly  by  a  royal 
grant,  and  partly  by  the  Szeklers  themselves.  The  regulation 
of  it  is  entirely  in  the  hands  of  Government.  On  the  foundation, 
there  are  one  hundred  boys,  from  six  to  eighteen  years  of  age, 
who  are  fed,  clothed,  and  taught  free  of  all  expense.  As  these 
do  not  occupy  all  the  room  which  exists,  a  few  additional  scholars 
are  admitted  on  the  payment  of  about  sixteen  shillings  per  month 
for  the  enjoyment  of  the  same  advantages  as  the  others.  The 
children,  when  they  have  finished  their  education,  are  drafted  into 
the  infantry,  and  often  rise  to  the  rank  of  officers.  The  course 
of  education  includes  writing,  reading,  arithmetic,  geography, 
mathematics,  military  drawing,  and  the  German  language,  be- 
sides all  the  drilling  and  exercising,  which  belong  to  military 
training.  We  saw  specimens  of  their  writing  and  drawing,  and 
I  must  say  they  were  very  creditable.  They  have  a  small  li- 
brary, mostly  composed  of  amusing  books  for  children,  which  are 
lent  out  to  the  scholars,  and  they  seem  well  selected  for  the  pur- 
pose of  giving  them  a  taste  for  reading. 

It  is  unfortunate  that  here,  too,  in  an  institution  apparently  so 
good,  cause  for  complaint  and  mistrust  against  Government  should 
exist.  The  Szeklers  say  the  whole  object  of  the  school  is  to  de- 
nationalize their  children,  and  make  them  forget  their  native 
tongue.  In  fact,  all  the  lessons  are  given  in  German,  all  the 
books  are  German,  and  the  children  are  even  obliged  to  speak 
German  to  each  other.  The  national  language  is  never  heard 
within  the  walls  of  the  national  school.  It  is  certain  the  poor 
Szeklers  think  themselves  very  ill-treated  by  the  Government. 
Though  submitting  now  pretty  quietly  to  the  Border  service, 
they  object  very  strongly  to  some  of  the  innovations  it  has 
brought  with  it.  Many  of  the  officers  on  the  Border  regiments 
are  Germans,  and  of  course  can  have  no  claim  to  the  rights  of 
Szekler  nobility,  yet  Government  has  within  these  last  few 
months  claimed  for  them  the  right  to  appear  and  vote  at  the 
county-meetings;  and  very  bitter  is  the  feeling  excited  among 
the  Szeklers  in  consequence. 

In  the  mountains  somewhere  in  this  neighbourhood,  we  heard 
there  was  an  extraordinary  cave,  of  which  we  had  been  told 


some  rather  marvellous  stories.  We  made  all  the  inquiries  \ve 
could  at  Keszdi  Vasdrhely,  but  nobody  could  inform  us  either  of 
the  exact  distance,  or  of  the  best  means  of  getting  there.  All 
agreed,  however,  that  we  must  pass  through  Torja,  a  village 
which  we  could  perceive  just  at  the  foot  of  the  mountains  some 
ten  miles  off,  where,  in  all  probability,  we  should  find  some  one 
who  could  tell  us  more  about  the  matter.  On  this  chance  we 

started ;  but  fortunately,  before  we  reached  the  place,  W 

recollected  that  Torja  was  the  name  of  the  residence  of  an  old 
Szekler  friend  of  his,  and  it  occurred  to  him  that  this  might  be 
the  Torja  in  question.  The  first  peasant  we  met  on  entering  the 
village  confirmed  his  suspicions,  and  led  us  straight  to  the  house. 
Baron  A •—,  who  was  at  home,  was  delighted  beyond  expres- 
sion to  see  our  friend.  Unfortunately  for  us,  the  Baron  could 
not  speak  a  word  of  German,  and  we  could  only  communicate 

with  him  through  W 's  interpretation  ;  to  say  the  truth,  I 

doubt  if  he  would  have  spoken  it  even  if  he  could,  in  so  great 
horror  did  he  hold  every  thing  German. 

After  the  first  greetings  were  over,  and  we  had  all  been  taken 
into  the  house  and  presented  to  his  lady,  W ventured  to  ex- 
press our  wish  to  get  on  as  quickly  as  possible  to  the  cave.  I 
say  ventured,  for  it  was  not  till  I  had  given  him  several  hints,  and 
even  then  rather  against  his  will,  that  he  did  so,  for  he  knew 
how  high  a  notion  the  Szeklers  have  of  the  duty  of  hospitality, 
and  he  foresaw  no  little  difficulty  in  our  escaping  without  spend- 
ing the  whole  day  where  we  were.  When  once  the  Baron  was 
made  to  understand  that  our  engagements  rendered  it  impossible 
for  us  to  stay,  disappointed  as  he  was,  he  consented  to  get  us  a 
conveyance  fit  for  the  roads,  and  promised  to  accompany  us  him- 
self to  the  place.  While  the  horses  were  getting  ready,  which 
I  thought  occupied  rather  more  time  than  was  absolutely  neces- 
sary, I  had  time  to  look  about  me,  and  observe  something  of  the 
establishment  of  a  Szekler  nobleman.  As  usual,  the  house  was 
only  of  one  story;  and,  except  in  its  size,  differing  but  little  from 
those  about  it.  •  The  large  unpaved  courtyard,  surrounded  by  sta- 
bles and  wagon-sheds,  separated  it  from  the  road ;  and,  on  the 
other  side,  were  a  kitchen-garden  and  orchard.  The  interior  of 
the  house  was  modestly,  perhaps  sparingly,  furnished,  for  Baron 

A ,  though  boasting  a  pedigree  scarcely  to  be  equalled  in  the 

country,  was  less  favoured  than  many  others  on  the  score  of 
fortune;  but  some  old  portraits  gave  an  air  of  dignity  to  the 
rooms,  and  every  thing  was  comfortable  and  well-ordered. 


Here,  as  in  every  other  part  of  the  Szekler-Iand  we  had  oc- 
casion to  notice  the  extraordinary  affection  and  almost  veneration 
with  which  Baron  Wesselenyi  Miklos  was  regarded.  His  por- 
trait was  seen  in  every  house,  his  name  was  on  every  lip.  The 
Szeklers  look  up  to  him  as  the  great  advocate  of  their  rights, 
the  defender  of  their  liberties.  So  strong  was  the  feeling  of  in- 
dignation and  resentment  when  they  knew  of  his  prosecution, 
that  I  have  heard  it  said,  by  those  who  had  good  opportunity 
to  know  the  real  state  of  the  case,  that  had  he  chosen  to  have 
thrown  himself  among  the  Szeklers,  they  would  have  risen  to  a 
man  in  his  defence.  How  serious  an  affair  the  rising  of  forty  or 
fifty  thousand'  men  accustomed  to  the  use  of  arms  might  have 
been  in  so  mountainous  a  country  as  this,  it  was  easy  to  fore- 
see, but  Baron  Wesselenyi  was  too  true  a  patriot  to  throw  his 
country  into  rebellion,  and  expose  her  to  all  the  horrors  of  a  civil 
war  where  his  own  interests  would  have  been  the  chief  cause  of 
quarrel.  It  requires  a  very  powerful  cause  to  induce  an  honest 
patriot  to  call  his  countrymen  to  arms,  but  when  once  he  has  done 
so,  it  requires  a  full  assurance  for  the  future  ere  he  consents  that 
they  shall  be  laid  down. 

When  the  horses  at  last  arrived,  the  reason  of  their  long  delay 
came  out :  the  Baroness  was  determined  we  should  not  leave 
without  dining,  and  though  it  was  only  nine  when  we  got  there, 
and  was  now  scarcely  eleven,  she  assured  us  that  dinner  was  on 
the  table,  and  that  we  should  have  still  time  to  take  something 
before  the  horses  were  fed  and  harnessed.  At  last  we  started, 
and  following  the  course  of  a  narrow  valley,  where  we  were  fre- 
quently obliged  to  drive  along  the  brook  for  want  of  a  better  road, 
we  arrived  in  three  hours  at  its  far  end  where  the  road  ceased 
altogether.  As  we  walked  up  the  hill,  the  Baron  explained  to 
us  that  we  were  about  to  visit  some  mineral  springs,  in  the  first 
instance,  which  occupy  the  summit  of  this  hill,  and  then  go  on 
about  a  mile  further  to  the  Biidos,  or  stinking  cave,  of  which  we 
were  in  search.  When  we  reached  the  summit  we  were  surprised 
to  find  three  or  four  log-huts  tolerably  well  constructed,  and  a 
quantity  of  straw  and  half-burned  wood  lying  about,  as  if  they 
had  been  lately  inhabited.  In  fact,  they  had  been  so,  for  in  spite 
of  the  ignorance  of  the  people  of  Vasarhely  upon  the  subject,  the 
Biidos  springs  are  a  very  fashionable  bathing-place, — at  least 
among  the  peasants.  They  come  here  in  summer,  build  a  hut  ot 
branches,  line  it  with  straw,  and  stocking  it  plentifully  with  pro- 

VOL.  II. — 18 


visions,  remain  here  for  a  month  or  six  weeks  at  a  time.  With- 
out waiting  to  look  further  at  the  springs,  we  hastened  to  the 

In  the  face  of  a  rock  of  magnesian  limestone,  there  was  an 
opening  large  enough  to  contain  about  a  dozen  persons,  the  floor 
of  which  slanted  inwards  and  downwards  from  the  mouth.  A 
few  years  ago  this  cave  was  much  larger,  but  a  great  portion  of 
it  was  destroyed  by  an  earthquake.  About  the  sides  of  the  lower 
part  there  was  a  thin  yellow  incrustation,  which  we  found  to  be 
sulphur  deposited  from  the  gases  which  issue  from  crevices  in  the 
rock.  As  we  got  further  into  the  cave  we  felt  a  sensation  of 
tingling  warmth,  unlike  any  thing  I  ever  felt  before,  creeping  as 
it  were  up  the  body,  higher  and  higher  in  proportion  as  we  de- 
scended lower.  This  extraordinary  phenomenon  is  owing  to 
the  concentrated  state  of  the  carbonic  acid  gas  (mixed  with  a 
very  small  proportion  of  sulphuretted  hydrogen,)  which  issues 
from  an  air-spring  in  the  lower  part  of  the  cave,  and  fills  it  to  a 
level  with  the  mouth,  whence  it  flows  out  as  regularly  as  water 
•would  do.  The  temperature  was  not  higher  in  one  part  of  the 
cave  than  in  another,  for  in  moving  the  hand  from  the  upper  part 
to  the  lower  not  the  slightest  difference  could  be  at  first  perceived ; 
but  in  a  few  seconds,  as  soon  as  the  acid  had  power  to  penetrate 
the  skin,  the  tingling  warmth  was  felt.  We  descended  till  the 
gas  reached  the  chin,  when  we  could  raise  it  in  the  hands  to  the 
lips  and  distinctly  perceive  its  sour  taste.  It  is  commonly  supposed 
that  the  diluted  carbonic  acid  gas  produces  death  by  entering  the 
lungs  and  excluding  all  other  air,  but  here  it  was  impossible  to 
respire  it;  the  irritation  produced  on  the  glottis  contracted  it  con- 
vulsively, and  death  would  therefore  occur  almost  immediately 
from  strangulation.  If  any  of  it  got  into  the  eyes  and  nose,  it 
made  them  smart  severely.  The  peasants  ascertain  how  far  they 
can  go  with  safety  by  striking  their  flints,  and  stopping  when 
they  no  longer  give  sparks. 

We  remained  for  some  time  in  the  cave  enjoying  the  sensation 
it  produced  exceedingly.  As  might  be  expected,  so  excellent  an 
air-bath  has  not  been  neglected  by  the  peasants  of  the  neigh- 
bourhood, and  hundreds  repair  hither  to  profit  by  it  every  year. 
The  common  manner  of  using  it  is,  to  repair  to  the  cave  early  in 
the  morning,  and  remain  for  an  hour  or  more,  with  the  whole 
body  subjected  to  the  influence  of  the  gas,  till  a  profuse  perspi- 
ration is  produced,  when  they  proceed  to  one  of  the  cold  baths 


we  had  observed  as  we  came  up.  These  baths  are  impregnated 
with  the  same  gases  as  the  air  of  the  cavern,  but  contain  appa- 
rently rather  more  sulphur.  The  cases  for  which  the  Budds  is 
most  celebrated,  are  those  of  chronic  rheumatism,  and  compli- 
cated mercurial  affections.  So  great  is  the  carelessness  of  the 
peasants,  that  rarely  a  year  passes  without  some  of  them  perish- 
ing in  this  cave.  This  season  two  such  accidents  had  happened. 
The  common  name  given  to  the  cave  is  the  "  Murder-hole," 

As  we  returned,  many  mineral  springs  were  pointed  out  to  us, 
with  which  indeed  the  whole  mountain  seems  to  be  covered. 

We  had  intended,  after  seeing  the  Budos,  to  visit  the  ruins 
of  a  fine  old  castle,  formerly  the  residence  of  Baron  A 5s  an- 
cestors, which  crowned  the  summit  of  the  mountain,  and  then  go 
on  to  the  Lake  of  St.  Anna,  about  four  hours  further;  but  it  set 
in  for  so  wet  a  night,  that  the  length  of  the  march  and  the  cer- 
tainty of  being  obliged  to  sleep  on  the  damp  ground  cooled  our 
ardour.  The  lake  is  said  to  be  small,  and  occupies  the  summit 
of  a  hill.  It  is  believed  to  be  the  crater  of  an  old  volcano.  We 
now  made  the  best  of  our  way  back,  and  bidding  adieu  to  Baron 

A at  Torja,  we  got  to  our  snug  quarters  at  the  Frenchman's 

in  time  for  supper. 

We  bade  adieu  to  the  Szekler-land  the  next  day,  but  not  till 
we  had  passed  through  a  part  of  it,  the  Harom-Szik,  forming 
one  of  the  most  beautiful  spots  this  earth  can  show.  The  whole 
district  is  a  gently  undulating  plain,  covered  with  the  richest 
crops,  dotted  over  with  flourishing  villages,  watered  by  the  me- 
andering Aluta,  and  bounded  on  two  sides  by  the  most  beautiful 
chains  of  mountains  it  is  possible  to  conceive.  Time  after  time 
did  we  stop  the  carriage  and  turn  back  to  enjoy  another  last 
look  at  this  beautiful  scene.  And  then  what  treasures  of  unex- 
plored scenery,  what  hosts  of  Nature's  miracles,  do  those  moun- 
tains contain!  We  had  heard  of  caverns,  cliffs,  and  ruins,  of 
boiling  springs,  and  streams  of  naphtha,  and  I  know  not  what 
else;  yet  every  one  said  that,  except  to  the  shepherds,  almost 
all  these  wonders  are  known  only  by  name. 

We  had  remarked  throughout  the  Szekler-land,  generally,  a 
better  state  of  cultivation  and  greater  signs  of  industry  than  in 
most  other  parts  of  Transylvania,  but  this  was  nowhere  so  ma- 
nifest as  in  the  Harom-Szek.  The  implements  were  rude,  the 
system  of  cultivation  exceedingly  imperfect,  but  yet  the  general 


aspect  of  the  country  showed  how  much  application  and  industry 
will  do  to  supply  the  want  of  knowledge  and  capital.  Property 
is  more  equally  divided  here  than  elsewhere,  the  people  are  con- 
sequently more  industrious,  and,  I  believe,  produce  more  than  in 
other  parts,  where,  although  their  forces  may  be  better  applied, 
large  possessions  induce  idleness  and  indifference  in  the  mass  of 
the  people. 





The  Saxon  Land. — Settlement  of  the  Saxons. — Their  Charter. — Politi- 
cal and  Municipal  Privileges. — Saxon  Character. — School  Sickness.— 
Kronstadt. — A  Hunting  Party. — Smuggling  from  Wallachia. — The 
Bear  and  the  General. — Terzburg  and  the  German  Knights. —  Excursion 
to  Bucses. — The  Kalihaschen. — The  Convent. — The  Valleys  of  Bucses. 
— Virtue  in  Self-denial. — The  Alpine  Horn. — Fortified  Churches  and 
Infidel  Invasions. — Fogaras. —  Hermanstadt.  —  Baron  Bruchenthal.— 
Rothen  Thurm  Pass. — A  Digression  on  Wallachia  and  Moldavia.-— 
Saxon  Language. — Beauty  of  Transylvania. 

THE  narrow  waters  of  the  Aluta  separate  two  as  distinct  races 
of  men,  two  as  opposite  systems  of  government,  and  for  many 
years  two  as  bitter  national  enemies  as  though  mountains  or  oceans 
had  for  ages  opposed  a  natural  barrier  of  separation  betwixt  them. 
We  crossed  a  simple  wooden  bridge  thrown  across  a  mere  brook, 
and  from  the  Szeklers  we  had  passed  to  the  lands  of  the  Saxons. 
Nor  was  the  outward  appearance  of  things  less  changed.  Al- 
though it  was  the  same  plain  we  were  traversing,  and  although 
the  same  green  mountains  bounded  it,  and  the  same  brooks  wa- 
tered it,  there  was  a  manifest  difference  in  the  part  which  man 
had  acted  on  its  surface. 

I  have  already  remarked  that  the  Harom-Szek  was  better 
cultivated  than  the  rest  of  the  Szekler-land,  but  the  Burzen-land 
land,  as  this  part  of  the  Saxon-land  is  called,  appeared  like  a 
garden  in  comparison  even  with  that.  The  whole  plain  seemed 
alive  with  ploughs  and  harrows— in  the  Harom-Sz6k  they  had 
not  yet  begun  to  break  up  the  ground, — and  on  every  side  teams 
were  moving  about,  manure  was  spreading,  and  the  seed  was 
scattered  abroad,  with  a  busy  hand.  It  was  more  like  a  scene 
in  the  best  part  of  Belgium,  than  what  one  could  expect  on  the 
borders  of  Turkey.  It  was  striking,  too,  after  the  eye  had 
been  so  long  accustomed  to  the  Hungarian  dresses  of  the  Szek- 
lers, in  all  their  picturesque  rudeness,  to  have  before  it  nothing 
but  the  stiff  old-fashioned  costumes  which  one  still  sees  among 


the  most  primitive  inhabitants  of  Germany.  How  it  has  happened 
that  the  Saxons,  who  have  been  so  far  separated  from  the  rest 
of  the  great  German  family,  should  have  hit  upon  the  self-same 
ugly  costume — for  it  certainly  did  not  exist  when  they  emigrated 
— would  be  a  puzzle  for  the  most  erudite  of  philosophizing  tailors, 
and  is,  I  must  confess,  far  beyond  me.  But  the  most  startling 
feature  in  the  picture  was  the  very  active  part  taken  by  the  wo- 
men in  the  operations  so  busily  carried  on  before  us.  Some  were 
sowing  corn,  others  using  the  fork  and  spade,  others  again  hold- 
ing the  plough,  and — believe  or  not,  as  you  will,  reader — there, 
too,  was  the  stout  Saxon  Haus  Frau  seated,  en  cavalier,  on  the 
near  wheeler,  and  driving  four-in-hand,  as  composedly  as  possi- 
ble. Nor  was  decency  put  to  the  blush  by  the  slightest  ex- 
posure. The  Saxon  women  have  borrowed  the  long  boots  from 
their  Hungarian  neighbours,  which,  with  their  own  thick  wool- 
len petticoats,  covered  their  whole  persons  most  effectually. 
The  dress  of  these  women  is  much  the  same  as  that  which  the 
broom  girls  have  made  familiar  to  our  streets, — a  cloth  petticoat 
with  most  ample  folds,  surmounted  by  a  cloth  stomacher  buttoned 
or  laced  in  front,  and  a  small  cap,  fitting  closely  on  the  head;  or 
for  the  unmarried  girls,  a  long  braid  of  flaxen  hair  hanging  down 
the  back,  with  a  straw  hat  of  small  crown  and  preposterously 
broad  brim.  Such  stout  maids  as  some  of  these  hats  shaded,  and 
so  unpoetically  employed,  I  never  saw ;  but  I  have  no  doubt  their 
round,  fat,  good-tempered  faces,  and  laughing  blue  eyes,  have 
not  the  less  charms  for  the  Saxon  youth  because  they  are  united 
to  a  strong  and  healthy  body,  and  to  habits  of  industry,  albeit 
coarse  in  their  kind.  The  Saxons  are  a  canny  folk,  and  if  not 
very  romantic  and  chivalrous,  they  are  prudent  and  laborious. 
But  before  I  discuss  more  of  their  character,  let  me  say  a  word 
or  two  of  their  history. 

It  was  to  the  Servian  Princess  Helena,  the  wife  of  the  Blind 
Bela,  who  ruled  in  Hungary  about  the  middle  of  the  twelfth  cen- 
tury, during  the  minority  of  her  son  Geysa  the  Second,  that 
Transylvania  owed  the  repeopling  her  wastes  with  industrious 
German  colonists.  Taking  advantage  of  the  peace  which  she 
had  concluded  with  the  emperor  of  Germany,  she  invited  the 
peasants  of  that  country  to  emigrate,  and  promised  them  lands 
and  liberties  within  the  boundaries  of  Hungary.  1143  is  com- 
monly assigned  as  the  date  of  their  first  settlement— some  of  them 
in  the  North  of  Hungary,  and  others  in  Transylvania.  Under 
Andrew  the  Second,  in  1224,  two  years  after  the  Bulla  Aurea, 


those  of  Transylvania  obtained  a  charter  of  their  liberties,  of  which 
the  chief  articles  seem  to  have  been  as  follows: — 

"They  might  elect  from  their  own  body  a  chief,  or  Comes, 
who  should  be  their  judge  in  peace,  and  leader  in  war. 

"  No  change  to  be  made  in  the  coin  within  their  boundaries, 
but  they  consented  to  pay  for  this  privilege  a  yearly  tax  of  five 
hundred  marks  of  silver. 

"  They  agreed  to  furnish  five  hundred  soldiers  for  a  defensive 
war,  and  one  hundred  for  an  offensive,  if  the  army  was  commanded 
by  the  king  in  person,  but  only  fifty  if  commanded  by  an  Hun- 
garian magnate. 

"  The  free  election  of  their  own  clergy,  and  their  undisturbed 
enjoyment  of  the  tithe. 

"  Right  of  pasture  and  wood-cutting  in  the  forests  of  the  Wai- 
lacks  and  Byssenians. 

"Freedom  from  more  than  twice  entertaining  the  Woiwode  in 
the  course  of  the  year. 

"Removal  of  market-tolls  from  their  district,  and  freedom  of 
their  trade-companies  from  all  tolls." 

It  was  not  likely  that  a  foreign  nation  should  be  allowed  to  take 
up  its  dwelling  among  a  people  so  wild  and  so  jealous  of  foreigners 
as  the  Magyars,  without  having  to  fight  hard  for  its  possessions; 
and  frequent  were  the  contests  to  which  the  German  settlers 
were  exposed.  The  king,  however,  was  always  ready  to  lend 
his  aid  to  his  faithful  Saxons,  and  with  his  help,  and  by  their 
own  industry,  they  throve  in  spite  of  all  opposition.  When  Tran- 
sylvania was  contending  for  an  independent  sovereignty,  the  Sax- 
ons joined  the  Hungarian  nobles  in  opposition  to  Austria,  and  a 
union  of  the  Magyars,  Szeklers,  and  Saxons  was  formed,  by 
which  each  party  was  secured  in  its  own  rights  and  privileges, 
and  to  each  was  given  a  fair  share  in  the  common  legislative  as- 
sembly. They  still,  however,  retained  their  own  laws  and  mu- 
nicipal institutions. 

One  of  the  fundamental  laws  of  the  Saxons  is  the  equality  of 
every  individual  of  the  Saxon  nation.  They  have  no  nobles,  no 
peasants.  Not  but  that  many  of  the  Saxons  have  received  letters 
of  nobility,  and  deck  themselves  out  in  all  its  plumes ;  yet,  as, 
every  true  Saxon  will  tell  you,  that  is  only  as  Hungarian  nobles, 
not  as  Saxons. 

Their  municipal  government  was  entirely  in  their  own  hands; 
every  village  chose  its  ow7n  officers,  and  managed  its  own  affairs, 
without  the  interference  of  any  higher  power.  A  few  years  ago, 


however,  a  great  and  completely  arbitrary  change  was  made  in 
this  institution,  which,  though  it  almost  escaped  notice  at  the 
time,  has  since  excited  the  most  bitter  complaints.  The  whole 
of  this  transaction  was  managed  without  the  consent  either  of 
the  Diet  or  the  Saxon  nation.  Its  effects  have  been  to  deprive 
the  Saxon  communities  of  the  free  exercise  of  their  privileges, 
and  to  deliver  them  into  the  power  of  a  corrupt  bureaucracy, 
over  which  they  have  little  or  no  control. 

The  Saxons,  however,  are  a  slow  people,  suspicious  of  their 
neighbours,  and  caring  more  for  material  than  political  interests  ; 
and  though  they  have  long  complained,  they  have  scarcely  ever 
ventured  to  demand  a  restitution  of  their  rights.  Hitherto,  the 
Saxons  have  been  among  the  most  certain  adherents  of  the  Crown ; 
and,  whether  from  a  recollection  of  former  wrongs,  or  irritated 
by  an  insolent  bearing  on  the  part  of  the  Hungarians,. or  afraid 
of  losing  their  own  privileges  by  aiding  the  objects  of  others,  they 
have  rarely  joined  the  Liberal  party.  In  the  last  Diet,  however, 
even  the  Saxons, — prudentes  et  circumspecti  although  they  be 
entitled, — could  not  altogether  resist  the  tide  of  public  opinion, 
and,  egged  on  a  little  perhaps  by  their  own  wrongs,  they  too 
joined  the  opposition.  Not  that  they  altogether  belied  their  title 
even  then,  for  they  are  said  to  have  done  it  so  cautiously  that  it 
was  often  difficult  to  know  to  which  side  they  really  leaned. 
When  it  was  determined  to  send  a  deputation  to  the  Emperor, 
to  remonstrate  against  the  proceedings  of  the  Arch-Duke,  two 
Saxon  deputies  were  included  amongst  the  number  of  those  se- 
lected. All  manner  of  excuses  were  urged  to  enable  them  to 
escape  from  the  perilous  honour ;  but  the  Hungarians  mischie- 
vously enjoyed  their  difficulty  and  would  admit  of  no  apology. 
When  they  arrived  at  Vienna,  and  the  day  came  for  the  dreaded 
audience,  the  Saxon  deputies  were  both  taken  suddenly  ill,  and 
protested  they  could  not  leave  their  beds,  but  they  desired  the 
rest  of  the  deputation  to  proceed  without  them,  declaring  at  the 
same  time  that  they  would  wait  on  his  Majesty  alone  when  suf- 
ficiently recovered.  As  this  lame  apology  for  their  absence  was 
offered  to  the  Emperor,  he  burst  into  a  hearty  laugh,  and  ex- 
claimed, "  Ah!  ah!  a  school  sickness!  a  school  sickness!  My 
poor  Saxons!  they  don't  like  to  bring  me  disagreeable  news." 

For  the  rest,  the  Saxons  are  undoubtedly  the  most  industrious, 
steady,  and  frugal  of  all  the  inhabitants  of  Transylvania,  and 
they  are  consequently  the  best  lodged,  best  clothed, 'and  best  in- 



Kronstadt  was  the  object  we  were  now  making  for,  and  we 
had  almost  entered  it  before  we  were  aware  of  its  proximity,  so 
completely  is  it  imbedded  in  the  mountains,  which  bound  this 
plain  to  the  south.  The  first  glimpse  was  sufficient  to  show  us 
that  we  were  approaching  something  different  from  what  we  had 
seen  before.  The  outskirts  of  the  town  were  occupied  by  pretty 
villas,  surrounded  by  well-kept  gardens,  strongly  indicative  of 
commerce,  and  the  wealth  and  tastes  it  brings  with  it,  and  very 
different  from  the  straggling  houses  and  neglected  court-yards  of 
the  poor  Szekler  nobles.  Before  the  gates  of  the  town  is  a  large 
open  esplanade,  forming  a  promenade,  ornamented  with  avenues 
of  trees  and  a  Turkish  kiosk.  The  gates  themselves  are  still 
standing,  three  deep,  and  looking  as  terrible  as  when  Kronstadt 
was  still  a  place  of  strength,  and  when  its  brave  magistrate, 
Michael  Weiss,  held  it  with  so  much  glory  against  the  faithless 
Bathori  Gabor,  and  all  the  forces  which  Transylvania  could  bring 
against  it. 

If  the  reader  will  understand  the  situation  of  Kronstadt,  let 
him  imagine  an  opening  in  the  long  line  of  mountains  which  sepa- 
rate Transylvania  from  Wallachia  in  the  form  of  a  triangle,  be- 
tween the  legs  of  which  stands  an  isolated  hill.  Within  this  tri- 
angle, lies  the  town  of  Kronstadt,  and  on  the  top  of  the  isolated 
hill  there  is  a  modern  fortress  of  some  strength.  The  mountains 
come  so  close  down  on  the  little  valley,  that  the  walls  are  in 
many  places  built  part  of  the  way  up  their  sides.  The  town 
itself  is  regularly  and  well  built,  and  its  towers  and  walls  and 
bristling  spires,  standing  out  against  the  mountain  sides, —  them- 
selves well  covered  with  wood,  and  fretted  with  limestone  peaks, 
— form  one  of  the  most  picturesque  scenes  the  artist  could  desire. 

A  rapid  stream  rushes  in  various  channels  through  the  streets; 
and  besides  serving  to  keep  the  Saxons  clean,  makes  itself  useful 
to  a  host  of  dyers,  fellmongers,  tanners,  and  millers,  with  which 
this  little  Manchester  abounds.  Kronstadt  and  its  neighbourhood 
are  in  fact  the  only  parts  of  Transylvania  in  which  any  manu- 
factured produce  is  prepared  for  exportation,  and  here  it  is  car- 
ried on  to  a  considerable  exlent.  The  chief  articles  produced 
are  woollen  cloths,  of  a  coarse  description,  such  as  are  used  for 
the  dresses  of  the  peasants,  linen  and  cotton  goods,  stockings, 
skins,  leather,  wooden  bottles  of  a  peculiar  form  and  very  much 
esteemed,  and  light  wagons  on  wooden  springs.  The  principal 
part  of  its  exports  are  to  Wallachia  and  Moldavia.  A  consider- 
able transit  commerce  between  Vienna  and  the  Principalities  is 


likewise  carried  on  through  Kronstadt,  which  is  chiefly  in  the 
hands  of  a  privileged  company  of  Greek  merchants.  This  trade 
is  said  to  have  fallen  off  of  late  years;  it  is  likely  to  be  still  far- 
ther diminished  as  the  Danube  opens  better  channels  of  communi- 

The  population  of  Kronstadt  amounts  to  thirty-six  thousand, 
by  far  the  greatest  of  any  town  in  Transylvania,  and  it  is  com- 
posed of  as  motley  a  crew  as  can  well  be  imagined.  The  sober 
plodding  Saxon  is  jostled  by  the  light  and  cunning  Greek ;  the 
smooth-faced  Armenian,  the  quaker  of  the  East,  in  his  fur  cloak 
and  high  kalpak,  meets  his  match  at  a  bargain  in  the  humble- 
looking  Jew  ;  and  the  dirty  Boyar  from  Jassy,  proud  of  his  wealth 
and  his  nobility,  meets  his  equal  in  pride  in  the  peasant  noble  of 
the  Szekler-land.  Hungarian  magnates  and  Turkish  merchants, 
Wallack  shepherds  and  gipsy  vagabonds  make  up  the  motley 
groups  which  give  life  and  animation  to  the  streets  of  Kronstadt. 

Our  first  visit  was  to  the  old  church,  a  venerable  Gothic  struc- 
ture of  elegant  proportions.  Although  the  church  now  belongs 
to  the  Lutherans,  the  national  religion  of  the  Saxons,  its  buttresses 
bear  the  somewhat  time-eaten  statues  of  Catholic  saints,  each  in 
its  separate  niche.  The  door-ways,  rounder  than  the  Gothic  arch 
of  that  age  (1400)  with  us,  are  well  carved  in  bold  compartments, 
— and  rare  good  taste ;  the  doors  themselves  are  richly  worked 
in  the  same  style.  The  interior  is  bold  and  pure  though  rather 

All  the  trades  in  Transylvania  are  under  the  rule  of  companies 
and  corporations;  and  I  was  much  amused  by  their  chartered 
pride  as  illustrated  in  this  church.  The  women  occupy  rows 
of  benches  up  the  centre  of  the  aisle;  but  on  the  sides  are  ar- 
ranged a  number  of  seats  in  regular  gradation  for  the  men,  di- 
vided off  into  different  sets,  each  set  being  appropriated  to  a  par- 
ticular corporation.  The  heads  of  the  corporation  are  seated  in 
front  of  the  rest,  and  their  stalls  are  ornamented  with  rich  Per- 
sian carpets,  after  the  manner  of  the  East.  In  a  gallery  above, 
the  apprentices  of  these  trades  are  placed  in  similar  order ;  first, 
the  tanners,  then  the  shoemakers,  then  the  masons,  and  so  on, 
with  their  arms  and  insignia  painted  in  gay  colours  on  the  front. 

As  we  left  the  church,  the  Lutheran  college  was  pointed  out 
to  us,  and,  in  a  few  minutes  after  we  saw  a  number  of  students 
and  professors  issuing  from  its  doors  in  the  oddest  costume  academic 
fancy  ever  contrived.  The  student  is  clothed  in  a  long,  straight- 
cut  black  coat,  reaching  below  his  knees,  and  fastened  from  the 


neck  to  the  waist  by  a  row  of  broad  silver  hooks,  each  two 
inches  long,  and  so  closely  set  together,  that  they  look  like  a 
facing  of  solid  silver.  Above  this  is  a  black  cloak  fastened  by  a 
huge  antique-looking  silver  chain;  below  a  pair  of  black  knee- 
boots,  and,  to  crown  the  whole,  a  monstrous  cocked-hat.  Ex- 
cept that  their  cloak  was  of  silk  instead  of  cloth,  the  professors 
wore  nearly  the  same  dress.  Every  one  as  he  passed  us  raised 
his  huge  cocked-hat  to  salute  the  strangers,  and  it  kept  us  for 
full  five  minutes  bare-headed  to  return  this  shower  of  unexpected 

Beyond  the  walls  of  the  old  town  we  were  shown  the  great 
Wallack  church,  the  handsomest  belonging  to  that  body  in  the 
country,  and,  what  is  still  more  worthy  of  remark,  rebuilt  by  an 
Empress  of  Russia  in  1751.  The  interior  is,  as  usual  in  Wal- 
lack churches,  completely  covered  with  paintings  of  saints  and 
devils,  the  latter  playing  every  sort  of  trick  to  cheat  the  angel, 
and  to  overload  the  balance  on  the  side  of  sin  at  the  last  judg- 
ment, which  was  possible  for  the  united  imaginations  of  artist 
and  priest  to  conceive.  There  is  something  very  eastern  in  the 
Greek  custom  of  excluding  the  women  from  the  body  of  the 
church:  here  they  were  thrust  into  an  outer  part,  where  they 
could  scarcely  even  hear  the  service.  We  observed  several  small 
silver  crosses  richly  ornamented  with  precious  stones  and  each 
pretending  to  enclose  a  portion  of  the  true  cross. 

Though  the  walls  and  gates  of  Kronstadt  have  been  for  the 
most  part  preserved, — as  indeed  they  well  deserve,  for  many  of 
the  towers  are  exceedingly  picturesque, — the  ditch  has  been 
wisely  converted  to  the  purposes  of  a  public  promenade,  and  a 
very  beautiful  one  it  makes. 

The  proximity  to  Turkey,  and  the  frequent  intercourse  of  its 
inhabitants  with  this  place,  have  given  to  Kronstadt  something 
of  Turkish  habits  and  manners.  The  amber  mouth-piece,  the 
long  Chibouque,  the  odoriferous  tobacco,  the  delicious  dolchazza, 
and  the  various  other  sweetmeats  of  a  Turkish  confectioner's — 
the  coffee-house  in  the  form  of  a  kiosk,  the  bazaar,  and  many 
other  peculiarities,  remind  the  traveller  of  the  customs  of  the 

As  we  were  walking  about  after  dinner,  making  some  few 
purchases  preparatory  to  leaving,  and  more  especially  of  some  of 
the  excellent  liqueurs  for  which  Kronstadt  is  so  celebrated, 

*  Besides  this  college,  the  Saxons  have  Gymnasia,  in  Hermannstadt, 
Schlossburg,  Muhlehback,  Mediasch,  Bistritz,  Groszschenk;and  Birthalm. 


W found  in  one  of  the  Kronstadters,  an  old  college-com- 
panion, by  whom  he  was  heartily  welcomed  to  the  town.  This 
was  all  very  pleasant,  but  then  came  the  difficulty  of  getting 
away.  We  had  seen  nothing  at  all,  he  told  us;  and  the  country 
was  full  of  wonderful  sights  which  it  was  quite  impossible  we 
should  leave  without  visiting.  We  remained  firm  notwithstand- 
ing, and  returned  back  to  our  inn,  and  ordered  the  horses  to  be 
ready  for  the  next  morning.  We  were  scarcely  seated,  how- 
ever, before  our  Kronstadter  broke  in  upon  us  with  his  friend 

Herr  v.  L ,  a  gentleman  of  the  neighbourhood,  who  would 

not  hear  of  our  leaving  without  a  promise  of  paying  him  a  visit 
in  our  way.  Besides  a  fine  country  to  show  us,  he  had  the  best 
grounds  for  chamois  and  bear-hunting  of  any  in  Transylvania , 
and  was  himself  a  most  enthusiastic  sportsman.  This  was  not 
to  be  resisted,  and  he  accordingly  bade  us  good  night  that  he 
might  hasten  home  and  make  preparations  for  the  next  morning, 
we  agreeing  to  be  with  him  at  an  early  hour. 

We  -were  off  by  six,  and  on  our  way  to  Zernyest,  full  of 
hopes,  in  which  chamois  and  bears  held  a  conspicuous  place. 
We  passed  a  rich  and  flourishing  village,  Rosenau,  where,  on  the 
hill  above,  were  very  extensive  ruins  of  an  old  castle,  formerly 

one  of  the  strongest  in  the  country.     We  found  Herr  v.  L 

waiting  for  us  with  a  whole  train  of  Wallack*  peasants,  armed 
and  ready  for  the  sport.  After  a  hearty  breakfast,  we  mounted 
some  small  ponies  and  followed  a  clear  crystal  brook — Herr  v. 

L says,  containing  the  finest-flavoured  trout  in  the  country 

— along  the  foot  of  the  mountain,  till  we  came  at  last  to  the  base 
of  the  Konigsberg,  one  of  the  highest  of  this  range  on  which  the 
hunt  was  to  take  place.  From  this  point  the  ascent  began,  but 
for  another  hour  we  could  still  ride ;  so  we  threw  the  reins  on  the 
ponies'  necks,  and  allowed  them  to  scramble  on  among  the  rocks 
and  stones  as  best  they  could.  These  animals  seemed  so  well 
accustomed  to  the  work,  that  I  could  not  help  thinking  they  had 
often  been  employed  at  it  before,  though,  perhaps,  with  other 
burdens.  On  inquiring  of  our  host,  he  confirmed  the  opinion, 
and  said  they  had  probably  been  much  further;  for  this  was  one 
of  the  favourite  roads  of  the  smugglers,  and  some  of  our  jagers 
were  among  the  most  notorious  of  that  profession  in  the  coun- 
try. "  You  see  that  the  old  man  with  the  white  head/'  he  ob- 

*  Zernyest  is  a  fief  of  Kronstadt,  and  held  by  peasants  (Wallacks.)  in 
the  same  manner  as  in  the  Hungarian  counties.  Our  host  had  taken  it  on 
a  lease. 


served;  "he  frequently  crosses  into  Wallachia  and  back  again  on 
such  errands,  and  sometimes  passes  the  Danube  into  Roumelia. 
On  one  occasion,  he  went  even  as  far  as  Adrianople.  The  ordi- 
nary station,  however,  is  Kimpolung,  about  one  day's  journey 
across  the  border:  there  the  goods  are  delivered  to  their  agent 
by  some  house  in  Bucharest,  and  are  retained  in  safety  till  the 
smuggler  arrives,  shows  the  countersign  agreed  on,  receives  them, 
and  transports  them  to  the  merchant  in  Kronstadt.  The  whole 
affair  is  arranged  in  a  perfectly  business-like  manner,  and  a  very 
few  zwanzigers  are  considered  sufficient  payment  for  the  risk. 
Only  a  short  time  since,  a  gentleman  of  this  neighbourhood  sent 
our  old  white-headed  friend  to  bring  him  some  cachmere  shawls 
from  Kimpolung.  The  old  man  threw  his  gun  over  his  shoulder, 
filled  his  wallet  with  malaj  (maize  bread,)  and  went  out  as  if  in 
pursuit  of  game  only.  As  he  was  returning  the  officers  caught 
sight  of  him;  and  as  they  knew  his  character,  though  they  never 
were  able  to  convict  him,  they  seized  and  examined  him.  He  was 
too  sharp  for  them;  before  they  came  up  the  shawls  were  hidden 
under  some  well-marked  rock,  and  a  brace  of  moor  fowl  was  all 
his  bag  contained.  Nevertheless,  they  felt  so  sure  of  his  guilt, 
that  they  threw  him  into  prison.  Of  course,  I  could  not  allow 
my  peasant  to  be  confined  without  a  cause,  and  I  accordingly 
demanded  that  he  should  be  released  if  no  proof  could  be  brought 
against  him.  He  was  set  free,  and  the  next  day  the  gentleman 
received  his  shawls. 

And  is  there  no  danger  of  these  betraying  their  employers? 
I  asked.  "None;  there  is  no  example  of  it — no  flogging  can 
get  their  secret  from  them.  For  the  rest,  the  punishment  is  but 
slight,  and  with  a  good  friend  and  our  judges,  a  little  present  will 
generally  settle  the  matter." 

"Do  you  mean,"  I  asked,  "that  regular  smuggling  can  be 
carried  on  over  these  mountains  in  spite  of  the  Borderers?" 

"  Either  in  spite  of  them,  or  with  their  consent ;  there  is  no 
difficulty  in  either;  they  are  so  wretchedly  poor,  that  the  small- 
est bribe  will  purchase  them." 

"  And  can  bulky  articles  be  obtained  in  this  way  ?" 

"Oh,  yes!  the  staple  commodity  is  salt,  although  articles  of 
French,  English,  and  Turkish  manufacture  are  common  too.  If 
one  horse  won't  carry  them,  two  will,  and  it  only  requires  a 
little  more  care." 

"So,"  I  added,  "if  I  wanted  a  Turkey  carpet  in  Klausenburg, 
without  paying  sixty  per  cent,  duty  on  it,  I  could  have  it?" 

VOL.  II. 19 


"Ho,  Juan!"  said  Herr  v.  L addressing  the  smuggler, 

"this  gentleman  wishes  to  know  if  you  could  get  him  a  Turkey 
carpet  safe  over  the  borders  from  Bucharest?" 

The  old  man  looked  up  from  under  his  bushy  eye-brows  with 
a  cunning  smile,  and  for  answer,  asked  quietly,  "By  what  day 
does  the  Dumnie  wish  to  have  it?" 

Herr  v.  L seemed  quite  proud  of  the  skill  and  courage  of 

his  old  Wallack  peasant.  "I  could  do  nothing  without,  him," 
he  observed;  "he  is  the  best  huntsman,  and  best  mountaineer  in 
the  whole  country."  There  is  a  sort  of  natural  sympathy  between 
sportsmen  and  smugglers  and  poachers, — indeed,  the  same  quali- 
ties of  rnind  and  habits  of  body,  tend  to  form  the  one  as  the 
other;  and  I  feel  sure  that  all  our  best  sportsmen  would  have 
been  poachers  or  smugglers  in  other  circumstances. 

We  now  dismounted,  and  leaving  our  ponies  to  the  care  of  a 
peasant,  sent  off  the  jagers  to  beat  the  side  of  the  mountain, 
while  we  prepared  to  take  up  our  position  above.  We  had  still 
two  hours'  climbing  before  us.  Our  path  lay  straight  up  the 
mountain  in  a  cleft,  formed  either  by  the  water,  or  some  crack 
in  the  rocks,  and  enclosed  on  either  side  by  huge  cliffs,  which 
towered  so  straight  above  our  heads,  that  it  made  us  dizzy  to 
trace  their  sharp  peaks  as  they  succeeded  each  other.  The  path 
was  not  one  of  the  smoothest,  and  it  often  brought  us  on  our 
hands  and  knees  before  we  arrived  at  our  position.  At  last,  the 
gun  was  fired  by  the  treibers  and  jagers  to  warn  us  that  their 
beat  was  begun,  and  we  concealed  ourselves,  and  waited  with 
open  ears  and  eyes  and  with  ready  gun  the  wished-for  sound  of 
hoofs  on  the  hard  rock.  This  beat  lasted  two  long  hours. 

I  shall  not  plague  you,  reader,  with  all  my  reflections  on  the 
pleasure  of  sitting  on  a  cold  stone  directly  in  the  way  of  a  cut- 
ting wind,  which  rushed  from  the  snow  mountain  just  above  us 
to  the  sunny  plains  below,  we  having  been  heated  with  two 

hours'  previous  climbing ;  I  shall  only  say,  as  Herr  v.  L 

did,  "it  requires  a  little  seasoning  before  one  can  relish  it."  For 
the  third  time,  we  were  doomed  to  a  blank  day;  not  a  chamois 
was  to  be  found.  We  were  repaid,  however,  for  our  trouble,  by 
the  beautiful  scenery  which  this  mountain  offers.  It  is  bold  and 
grand  to  the  highest  degree.  From  my  hiding-place,  I  had  a 
view  over  nearly  the  half  of  Transylvania.  I  saw  three  separate 
elevations  of  hill  and  vale,  sinking  below  each  other  as  they  re- 
ceded from  the  high  lands. 

As  the  reader  may  believe,  we  were  not  very  much  tempted 



by  an  offer  of  our  host  of  a  bear  hunt  the  next  day,  especially  as 
for  that  purpose  it  would  have  been  necessary  to  remain  in  the 
mountains  for  three  days  at  least.  Although  our  host  assured 
us  that  bears  were  very  plentiful,  and  that  he  generally  killed 
seven  or  eight  in  the  course  of  the  year,  we  had  heard  too  much 
of  the  extreme  probability  of  a  disappointment  to  try  it.  I  know 
many  Transylvanian  gentlemen  who  never  miss  a  year  without 
going  out  once  or  twice  on  a  bear  hunt;  but,  except  our  host,  I 
know  only  one  other  who  has  ever  shot  a  bear,  though  I  know 
many  that  never  even  saw  one.* 

Herr  v.  L told  us  an  excellent  story  of  a  bear  hunt,  which 

took  place  in  these  very  mountains,  and  in  his  own  presence.  Gene- 
ral V ,  the  Austrian  commander  of  the  forces  in  this  district, 

had  come  to  Kronstadt  to  inspect  the  troops,  and  had  been  in- 
vited by  our  friend,  in  compliment  to  his  rank,  to  join  him  in  a 
bear  hunt.  Now,  the  General,  though  more  accustomed  to 
drilling  than  hunting,  accepted  the  invitation,  and  appeared  in 
due  time  in  a  cocked  hat  and  long  gray  great-coat,  the  uniform 
of  an  Austrian  general.  When  they  had  taken  up  their  places, 
the  General,  with  half-a-dozen  rifles  arrayed  before  him,  paid 
such  devoted  attention  to  a  bottle  of  spirits  he  had  brought  with 
him,  that  he  quite  forgot  the  object  of  his  coming.  At  last,  how- 
ever, a  huge  bear  burst  suddenly  from  the  cover  of  the  pine  fo- 
rest directly  in  front  of  him.  At  that  moment,  the  bottle  was 
raised  so  high,  that  it  quite  obscured  the  General's  vision,  and 
he  did  not  perceive  the  intruder  till  he  was  close  upon  him; — 
down  went  the  bottle,  up  jumped  the  astonished  soldier,  and, 
forgetful  of  his  guns,  off  he  started,  with  the  bear  clutching  at 
the  tails  of  his  great  coat  as  he  ran  away.  What  strange  confu- 
sion of  ideas  was  muddling  the  General's  intellect  at  the  moment, 
it  is  difficult  to  say ;  but  I  suspect  he  had  some  notion  that  the 
attack  was  an  act  of  insubordination  on  the  part  of  bruin,  for  he 
called  out  most  lustily  as  he  ran  along,  "Back,  rascal,  back  !  I 
am  a  general!"  Luckily  a  poor  Wallack  peasant  had  more  re- 
spect for  the  epaulettes  than  the  bear,  and  throwing  himself  in 

*  I  have  not  been  able  to  satisfy  myself  if  the  wild  oroat  really  exists 
in  these  mountains.     In  Wallachia,  1  was  assured  that  it  did;  but  Herr 

von  L said  he  had  never  met  either  with  the  wild  goat  or  stein-bock, 

or  indeed  with  any  game  of  that  kind,  except  the  chamois,  in  the  course 
of  his  experience.  The  wild  goat;  however,  is  very  commonly  spoken 
of,  and  I  have  heard  many  say  they  have  eaten  it.  It  may  exist  more  to 
the  north. 


the  way,  with  nothing  but  a  spear  for  his  defence,  he  kept  the 
enemy  at  bay,  till  our  friend  and  the  jagers  came  up  and  finished 
the  contest  with  their  rifles. 

Although  we  declined  the  bear-hunt,  we  could  not  resist  the 

offer  of  Herr  v.  L to  accompany  us  in  an  excursion  just 

across  the  borders  to  a  Wallachian  hermitage,  which  he  described 
as  romantic,  wild,  and  picturesque  in  the  highest  degree.  It 
was  too  far  for  one  day's  journey  from  Zernyest,  so  we  left  im- 
mediately after  dinner  for  Terzburg,  a  small  village  on  the  very 
borders  of  Transylvania,  by  which  our  route  would  lead  us.  As 
the  parents  of  our  host's  lady,  an  Armenian,  lived  there,  he  took 
us  at  once  to  their  house  and  found  us  accommodations. 

Before  W could  be  persuaded   to  leave  his  bed  next 

morning,  I  had  accompanied  our  friend  to  visit  the  old  castle  of 
Terzburg,  which  is  still  inhabited  and  in  good  preservation.  It 
occupies  the  point  of  an  isolated  rock,  of  no  great  height,  indeed, 
but  very  steep  on  every  side.  It  is  in  a  singular  style,  half  By- 
zantine, half  Gothic.  Its  importance  in  former  times  was  so 
great,  that  the  Kronstadters  received  valuable  privileges  for 
having  built  it.  At  this  point  begins  one  of  the  few  practicable 
passes  between  Wallachia  and  Transylvania,  and  the  command 
of  it  must  often  therefore  have  decided  the  result  of  an  incursion. 
Even  in  the  very  earliest  times,  Terzburg  seems  to  have  been  a 
chosen  point  of  defence,  and  it  is  said  to  take  its  German  name 
of  Diedrichstein  from  Theodoric,  the  chief  of  the  order  of  Ger- 
man knights,  to  whom  the  whole  of  this  district  was  given  by 
King  Andreas,  on  condition  of  their  defending  the  frontiers.  The 
many  castles,  often  in  ruins,  with  which  the  Burzen-land— as 
this  portion  of  the  Saxon-land  is  called,  from  the  little  river 
Burze,  which  flows  through  it — abounds,  are  generally  referrible 
to  this  period;  but  that  of  Terzburg,  at  least  as  it  now  stands, 
has  a  later  origin. 

We  gained  the  interior  of  the  castle  by  a  small  portal,  nearly 
half  way  up  the  tower.  A  fixed  wooden  stair  now  leads  to  this 
opening,  though  it  was  formerly  only  to  be  reached  by  a  ladder, 
which  was  always  drawn  up  at  night.  The  ancient  door,  cased 
in  iron,  still  exists.  It  is  constructed  like  a  draw-bridge,  and 
lets  down  by  iron  chains,  so  as  to  form  a  landing-place  before  the 
entrance.  A  little  court-yard  occupies  the  centre  of  the  build- 
ing, and,  as  usual,  it  is  surrounded  by  open  galleries,  communi- 
cating with  the  different  apartments.  Every  thing  remains  in 
its  pristine  state,  though  some  of  the  parts  are  no  longer  applied 


to  their  original  purposes.  One  strong  bastion  has  been  made 
into  a  hen-roost,  a  respectable-looking  tower  is  treated  even  less 
respectfully,  port-holes  serve  to  trundle  mops  in,  and  dish-cloths 
hang  where  spears  were  wont  to  rest.  The  rooms  are  small 
and  almost  without  ornament.  On  the  whole,  I  was  much 
pleased  with  Terzburg;  for  although  there  is  little  to  describe, 
there  are  few  old  castles  which  give  one  a  better  idea  of  the 
times  when  they  were  erected,  or  of  the  manner  of  life  for  which 
they  were  adapted,  than  Terzburg. 

W was  up  on  our  return ;  and  after  taking  coffee  with  this 

homely  Armenian  family,  we  mounted  our  ponies,  and  set  off  for 
Bucses.  Just  on  the  other  side  of  the  castle  we  found  the  qua- 
rantine establishment  for  travellers  coming  from  Turkey ;  for 
though  the  confines  of  Transylvania  really  extend  four  hours  be- 
yond this  point,  yet  that  part  is  considered  in  sporco,  and  its 
inhabitants  are  not  allowed  to  pass  without  undergoing  quaran- 
tine. The  inhabitants  of  this  district,  extra  terminos,  are  a 
strange  wild  set  of  creatures,  originally  settlers  from  Wallachia, 
and  as  near  as  possible  to  a  state  of  barbarism.  They  are  called 
Kalibaschen  from  the  Kaliban,  or  huts  in  which  they  live,  and 
are  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  commander  of  the  castle  of 
Terzburg.  They  live  chiefly  by  the  pasturage  of  cattle,  for  which 
these  mountains  and  valleys  offer  a  tolerable  supply;  and,  al- 
though we  were  told  they  had  been  much  improved  of  late 
years,  and  had  even  been  collected  into  villages,  yet  in  appear- 
ance they  are  little  less  wild  than  the  bears  and  wolves,  their 
only  neighbours. 

We  took  an  officer  of  the  quarantine  with  us  to  protect  us  from 
detention  on  our  return ;  and  pushing  on  for  a  short  distance 
along  the  regular  road  which  conducts  from  Kronstadt  to  Kim- 
polung  over  the  pass  of  Terzburg,  we  soon  deviated  to  the  east, 
and,  following  the  course  of  a  shallow  brook,  made  its  stony  bed 
our  road  for  the  first  hour.  We  were  next  obliged  to  ascend  the 
mountain  by  a  zig-zag  path,  worked  out  by  the  feet  of  the  sheep 
and  cattle  which  browse  along  its  sides.  About  two-thirds  up 
we  found  a  narrow  pathway,  which  conducted  us  along  the  steep 
sides  of  the  mountain,  and  which  was  eventually  to  be  our  road 
across  the  frontier.  For  three  hours  did  we  traverse  these  rocks 
— of  course,  only  at  a  foot  pace,  for  the  road  was  rarely 
more  than  two  feet  wide,  and  often  less — sometimes  pro- 
ceeding through  deep  hanging  woods,  sometimes  along  the 
edges  of  bare  precipices,  which  it  made  one  dizzy  to  look 


down.  Our  ponies  were  weak  ;  and  though  accustomed  to  the 
mountains,  by  no  means  equal  to  the  difficulties  of  such  a 
road  as  this.  The  heat,  however,  was  so  oppressive,  and  ren- 
dered us  so  indisposed  for  exertion,  that  we  preferred  the  dangers 
of  riding  to  the  trouble  of  a  safer  means  of  advancing.  I  had 
nearly  paid  dearly  for  my  laziness.  As  my  horse  was  picking 
his  way  over  a  very  difficult  place  where  a  gap  occurred  in  the 
rocks,  and  where  he  had  nothing  but  the  smooth  surfaces  to  fix 
his  feet  on,  he  slipped  and  fell.  Luckily  I  was  cool  enough  to 
give  him  his  head,  and  remain  perfectly  still ;  the  poor  beast,  too, 
kept  his  balance,  and  aware  of  his  danger,  instead  of  all  the  rush 
and  bustle  which  a  horse  commonly  makes  in  recovering  himself, 
he  quietly  pushed  himself  up  with  his  nose,  raised  one  leg,  felt 
about  till  he  was  sure  of  a  safe  footing,  and  then  slowly  moved 
the  other.  Had  either  of  us  swerved  but  the  merest  trifle  to  one 
side,  our  lives  must  have  paid  for  it.  As  a  mass  of  stone  loosened 
by  our  fall  was  rolled  over  the  edge  of  the  precipice,  and 
bounded  from  rock  to  rock  till  it  was  lost  in  the  mass  of  black 
pines  which  filled  up  the  bottom  of  the  ravine,  I  could  not  help 
feeling  a  little  uncomfortable  at  the  prospect  I  had  just  had  of 
making  a  similar  excursion.  Nevertheless  I  continued  to  ride 
on;  for,  as  I  said  before,  the  heat  was  oppressive,  and  the 
chance  of  a  broken  neck  was  at  the  moment  less  disagreeable 
than  the  trouble  of  exertion. 

We  passed  a  fine  flock  of  sheep,  consisting  of  several  hundreds 
of  the  long-woolled,  curly-horned  sheep  of  Transylvania,  which 
were  on  their  road  to  pasture  in  Wallachia  for  the  winter.  These 
sheep  were  the  property  of  a  rich  peasant.  It  is  no  uncommon 
thing  here,  to  send  sheep  or  cattle  not  only  into  Wallachia,  but 
even  across  the  Danube  into  Turkey  for  winter  grazing;  so  great 
a  difference  is  there  in  the  severity  of  the  climate  on  the  north 
and  south  sides  of  this  part  of  the  Carpathians. 

As  we  gained  the  frontier,  which  is  on  the  very  summit  of 
this  mountain  ridge,  and  which  is  marked  by  a  modest  wooden 
cross,  we  had  an  extensive  view  over  the  Burzen-land,  and  even 
over  some  part  of  the  Szekler-land.  The  Wallachian  sentry, 
who  had  left  his  solitary  post  to  fetch  water  from  a  neighbouring 
spring, — and  a  very  odd  spring  that  is,  too, — hastened  back, 
as  he  observed  our  approach,  not,  as  we  feared,  to  oppose 
our  passage,  but  to  pay  us  the  compliment  of  a  military 
salute,  and  beg  something  for  his  trouble.  A  pair  of  tight 
woollen  trowsers,  a  shirt,  and  sheep-skin  cap,  formed  his  uni- 
form, a  cross-belt,  and  a  well-cleaned  musket,  his  accoutre- 


ments.  His  guard-room  was  a  sorry  shed  formed  of  branches 
of  trees  and  a  few  logs;  his  rations  a  little  Indian  corn.  The 
guard  ought  to 'consist  of  six  men;  but  his  comrades,  he  said, 
were  gone  out  hunting.  A  chamois  or  a  roebuck  must  form  an 
acceptable  addition  to  their  meagre  fare.  These  men  belong  to 
the  Wallachian  frontier  guard,  and  are  intended  to  protect  the 
country  from  border  robbers,  and  to  prevent  smuggling;  though, 
indeed,  where  the  duty  is  only  five  per  cent,  as  in  Wallachia, 
that  is  little  to  be  feared.  How  far  their  organization  extends, 
or  what  similarity  they  may  present  to  those  on  the  other  side, 
I  was  not  able  to  learn. 

The  greater  part  of  the  pine  forests  which  once  covered  the 
mountain  we  were  now  descending,  on  the  Wallachian  territory, 
presented  an  extraordinary  spectacle.  During  a  tremendous 
storm  which  occurred  some  twenty  years  ago  among  these  moun- 
tains, the  whole  forest  had  been  swept  down  by  a  gust  of  wind 
— not  singly  but  in  one  mass — and  there  lie  still  the  prostrate 
trunks,  bared  of  their  bark  and  whitened  in  the  sun,  covering  the 
whole  mountain  side  with  their  ruins,  and  looking  as  if  they  were 
cut  down,  stripped,  and  laid  out  ready  for  removal.  Whether 
they  had  been  broken  off,  or  uprooted,  we  were  too  far  off  to 
distinguish;  probably  the  latter,  as  the  soil  was  thin,  and  the 
pine  is  more  apt  to  spread  its  roots  than  strike  them  deeply  into 
the  soil.  It  is  not  impossible  that  some  of  those  half-fossilized 
forests  buried  in  our  bogs,  as  well  as  the  bogs  themselves,  have 
been  thus  formed.  It  is  no  argument  to  the  contrary,  that  we 
never  experience  storms  capable  of  producing  such  effects  at  the 
present  day ;  for  in  a  country  cultivated  as  ours  is,  its  forests 
opened,  its  morasses  drained,  and  its  whole  climate  consequently 
modified,  we  have  no  idea  of  what  the  winds  are  capable  of  in 
the  wild  mountains  and  trackless  plains  of  such  a  district  as  this  : 
— in  England  civilization  has  tamed  the  very  elements ! 

An  hour's  descent  on  the  Wallachian  side  brought  us  to  the 
bottom  of  the  first  valley,  where  a  clear  rivulet,  the  course  of 
which  we  followed,  led  us  on  to  a  second,  which  was  terminated 
by  a  narrow  cleft  of  the  rocks,  something  like  what  we  have 
already  seen  in  the  Thordai  Hasadek,  and  the  cavern  of  Almas. 
Here,  almost  for  the  first  time  since  we  had  left  Terzburg,  did 
we  meet  with  a  sign  of  man's  domination.  At  the  entrance  to 
the  cleft,  a  fence  of  firs  and  a  little  gate,  showed  that  there  was 
something  within  considered  worth  protection ;  and  a  small  cross, 
placed  at  the  risk  of  life  on  the  very  highest  pinnacle  of  the  rock, 
looked  as  though  gratitude  to  the  Dispenser  of  that  something, 


had  been  there  to  hallow  the  possession.  We  passed  the  gate, 
and  mounting  a  steep  and  narrow  foot-path,  soon  came  in  sight 
of  the  cavern  and  hermitage  of  Bucses. 

And  is  it  possible  that  any  human  beings  can  have  selected  so 
wild  and  solitary  a  spot  as  this,  for  their  residence  ? — was  the 
inquiry  of  all  when  we  first  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  gaping  cave, 
and  of  the  small  line  of  white  buildings,  which  encloses  it  from 
without.  Our  guide  soon  furnished  an  answer  to  the  question  ; 
for  he  knocked  so  loudly  at  the  little  door,  that  an  old  monk 
speedily  answered  the  summons;  and,  learning  the  object  of  our 
visit,  welcomed  us  in  Wallachian,  and  invited  us  to  enter  the 
C'lllugerie  or  hermitage.  In  the  interior,  under  the  arched  vault 
of  the  cavern,  we  found  a  small  Greek  chapel,  and  two  other 
low  buildings  of  wood,  containing  cells  for  seven  or  eight 

At  the  present  time  there  were  only  three  of  them  at  home — 
two  old  men,  whose  gray  beards  we  took  as  testimonies  to  their 
virtue,  and  one  neophyte,  a  half-cunning,  half-foolish-looking  lad 
of  sixteen.  One  of  them  was  busily  employed  in  superintending 
the  boiling  of  a  pot,  which  hung  from  three  sticks,  over  a  wood 
fire  in  the  open  air,  and  formed  their  only  kitchen,  while  another 
was  cutting  mushrooms  and  some  other  species  of  fungus*  into 
slices,  and  hanging  them  up  to  dry.  I  at  first  imagined  all  this 
preparation  was  for  making  Schwamm  for  tinder;  but  no,  it  was 
a  winter  stock  of  provisions  they  were  laying  up.  Our  friend 
assured  us  that,  except  this  dried  fungus  and  Indian  corn,  and  a 
little  goat's  milk,  these  men  probably  tasted  nothing  but  water 
the  whole  winter  through,  and  they  were  happy  when  they  had 
a  sufficiency  of  these.  In  summer,  the  shepherds  sometimes  bring 
them  fresh  food,  and  they  themselves  collect  fruits  and  roots 
among  the  mountains  near;  but  their  chief  support  is  derived 
from  the  proceeds  of  their  begging,  in  the  form  of  maize,  with 
which  the  wanderers  return  in  autumn.  All  they  could  offer  us 
to  aid  our  own  supplies,  was  some  of  this  fungus  toasted  with  a 
little  grease  and  salt.  The  fungus  was  decidedly  good,  as  far 
as  it  went,  though  I  believe  we  could  have  eaten  up  the  whole 
store,  without  feeling  satisfied. 

The  cave  of  Bucses,  though  high  and  fine,  is  not  extensive; 
at  least,  it  is  not  possible  to  penetrate  more  than  a  hundred  yards 

*  On  the  Continent  several  species  of  fung'is  are  used  in  cookery,  be- 
side the  mushroom,  which,  if  not  so  delicate,  are  still  well  worth  atten- 
tion. One  of  these  reaches  the  size  of  an  ordinary  plate,  and  cannot  weigh 
less  than  a  pound. 


from  its  entrance,  however  much  farther  it  may  really  go.  The 
monks  pointed  out  to  us  the  opening  in  the  direction  in  which  the 
rest  of  the  cavern  extends,  and  by  which  a  small  brook  makes 
its  way  out  to  the  day ;  but  they  have  blocked  it  up  so  high,  to 
render  their  cave  warmer,  that  it  is  no  longer  possible  to  reach  it. 
After  looking  at  every  thing  within  the  hermitage — the  simple 
church,  the  yet  simpler  dwellings,  and  the  most  simple  dwellers 
therein — and  after  partaking  of  their  rude  fare,  we  left  guides 
and  horses  to  their  rest,  and  wandered  out  into  the  valley  to  ad- 
mire the  extraordinary  and  savage  beauty  of  the  scene.  Imme- 
diately about  the  cavern  the  rocks  assumed  the  form  of  bold  cliffs; 
on  the  opposite  side,  a  high  pinnacle  of  rock  raised  its  cross- 
crowned  head  to  the  skies,  and  further  on  the  black  pine  covered 
the  mountain  sides,  and  rendered  the  valley  dark  and  sombre. 
The  stream  which  separates  the  two  sides  of  the  mountain  forms 
a  succession  of  such  beautiful  little  water-falls,  with  their  glassy 
clear  green  basins  above,  and  white  foaming  spray  below,  that  I 
could  have  spent  hours  in  watching  them.  Reclining  on  a  soft 
mossy  bank  by  the  side  of  one  of  these  falls,  I  had  delayed  as 
long  as  possible,  under  the  plea  of  getting  a  sketch  of  this  scene, 
when  a  noise  of  quarrelling  at  the  opening  of  the  valley,  called 
me  away  to  see  what  could  possibly  have  disturbed  the  repose  of 
a  spot,  which  I  had  supposed  the  residence  of  silence  and  con- 
tentment. Before  I  could  get  up,  a  change  had  come  over  the 
spirit  of  the  scene;  the  sounds  of  quarrelling  had  ceased,  and 
those  of  boisterous  merriment  had  taken  their  place,  and  the  first 
view  I  got  of  the  picture  showed  the  whole  of  our  party  in  a 
full  chorus  of  laughter,  with  the  three  hermits  standing  aside, 
and  though  silent,  exchanging  most  angry  looks  with  one  ano- 
ther. W soon  explained  the  mystery.  It  is  the  custom  for 

visiters  to  give  some  trifling  sum  to  the  monks  in  return  for  such 
matters  as  they  can  furnish  them  with,  which  is  joyfully  accepted 
by  them,  and  put  into  the  common  purse.  As  we  had  no  small 

silver,  W had  given  them  a  ducat,  and  to  render  the  present 

less  ostentatious,  had  slipped  it  among  the  salt.  One  of  the  elder 
hermits  had  received  the  salt,  and  bowed  an  acknowledgment 

for  the  gift ;  the  surprise  of  W ,  therefore,  was  very  great 

on  arriving  at  the  bottom  of  the  valley,  to  find  the  two  others 
following  with  melancholy  faces,  and  soon  after  to  hear  their 
complaints,  that  we  had  given  them  nothing.  "  What,  do  you 
consider  the  gold  piece  I  gave  your  companion  as  nothing?" 
asked  W ,  angrily.  "Gold!  companion!"  burst  from  the 


astonished  hermits,  and  in  a  few  seconds  they  had  flown  to  the 
cavern,  dragged  out  the  offending  monk,  and  were  hauling  him 

by  the  collar  to  be  corrected  by  W ,  buffeting  and  abusing 

him  handsomely  by  the  way,  when  I  first  heard  them.  The 
change  to  a  laugh  may  easily  be  understood  : — the  old  rogue  was 
obliged  to  disgorge  his  treasure,  and  we  were  left  to  reflect  on 
the  moral ; — the  which,  probably,  every  one  turned  to  support 
his  own  pet  theory  of  morals  in  general.  Musing  on  such  mat- 
ters we  silently  retraced  our  steps  through  the  wild  valley,  re- 
passed  the  sentinel,  and  were  again  on  the  narrow  mountain  road 
leading  to  Terzburg. 

The  sun  was  just  setting  as  we  crossed  the  frontier,  and  we 
had  still  a  long  ride  before  us,  with  the  prospect  of  passing  a 
considerable  part  of  it  in  the  dark.  Notwithstanding  all  the 
haste  we  could  make,  darkness  overtook  us;  but  instead  of  in- 
creased danger,  as  we  had  feared,  increased  safety  came  with  it, 
for  the  horses  had  become  so  cautious,  that  they  scarcely  made 
a  false  step  the  whole  of  our  ride  back. 

As  we  approached  the  rude  villages  of  the  Kalibaschen,  the 
notes  of  a  very  simple  mountain  air  were  borne  on  the  winds, 
and  fell  so  soft  and  sweet  on  the  ear,  that  we  could  scarcely  be- 
lieve ourselves  in  such  a  savage  neighbourhood.  "Ah!"  said 
Herr  von  L ,  as  he  caught  the  sounds,  "the  young  Kalibas- 
chen lovers  are  not  inclined  to  lose  this  fine  evening :  the  music 
you  hear,  is  from  their  Alpine  horns,  and  is  an  invitation  to  their 
sweethearts  to  come  out  to  some  well-known  rendezvous  to  meet 
them.  The  Alpine  horn  is  the  Kalibaschen's  substitute  for  bil- 
lets-doux and  waiting  maids."  We  little  thought,  as  we  passed 
these  savages  in  the  morning,  that  they  had  been  capable  of  so 
much  poetry;  but  what  cannot  love  make  poetical?  Our  friend 
said  the  horns  were  the  same  as  those  used  by  the  Swiss  peasants ; 
and  he  described  them  as  long  wooden  pipes  made  by  the  people 
themselves,  and  producing  very  harsh  sounds  if  heard  near.  It 
was  late  when  we  arrived  at  Terzburg ;  but  the  carnages  were 
waiting  for  us,  and,  after  thanking  Herr  von  L for  his  at- 
tention and  politeness,  we  pushed  on,  and  were  soon  deposited  at 
our  inn  in  Kronstadt. 

Our  route  to  Hermanstadt  led  us  along  the  foot  of  the  Car- 
pathians nearly  the  whole  distance.  In  many  parts,  the  aspect 
of  the  country  is  curious,  for  the  secondary  ridges  and  valleys, 
running  at  right  angles  from  the  centre  chain,  are  most  numerous, 
and  present,  on  a  gigantic  scale,  the  idea  of  ridge  and  furrow, 
rather  than  of  a  succession  of  mountains. 


We  passed  several  trains  of  wagons  on  the  road,  heavily  laden 
with  articles  of  luxury  from  Vienna,  going  to  Kronstadt  and  the 
neighbourhood.  Colonial  produce  seemed  to  form  the  bulk  of 
their  contents.  Most  of  the  wagons  were  drawn  by  twelve 
horses  each.  We  were  much  struck  with  the  number  of  fortified 
churches  we  observed  in  this  country.  Almost  every  village 
churchyard  is  surrounded  by  a  strong  wall,  with  battlements  and 
port-holes,  and  they  are  often  strengthened  by  towers  and  other 
means  of  defence.  The  history  of  Transylvania  gives  but  too 
clear  an  explanation  of  the  causes  of  these  precautions,  and  their 
frequent  occurrence  brought  the  picture  of  former  times  very 
forcibly  before  us.  It  requires  little  imagination  to  conceive  the 
wild  Moslem  hordes  pouring  down  the  passes  of  the  Carpathians 
— perhaps  sent  to  enforce  the  tribute  which  some  bold,  but  luck- 
less prince  had  ventured  to  refuse,  or  perhaps  urged  by  the  love 
of  plunder  only — sweeping  over  the  smiling  plains  of  the  Harom- 
Szek  and  Burzen-larid  and  driving  away  in  one  mingled  crowd 
the  simple  inhabitants  and  their  flocks  and  herds.  It  is  easy  to 
imagine  them,  as  these  incursions  become  more  frequent,  raising 
round  the  village  church  the  village  fortress — the  watchman 
taking  his  stand  on  the  little  tower,  and  every  peasant  listening  as 
he  drives  his  plough  for  the  sound  of  the  alarm-bell.  The  first 
glimpse  of  the  turban  on  the  mountain-top  is  sufficient.  The 
warning  has  gone  out — and  now  the  crowd  of  frighted  women 
and  children,  the  panting  cattle,  and  the  anxious,  but  firm  pea- 
sants, headed  probably  by  their  humble  pastor — for  the  Saxons 
boasted  no  lordly  chivalry — all  bend  their  hurried  steps  towards 
the  consecrated  fortress.  The  forces  of  the  enemy  are  composed 
of  cavalry,  and  resistless  as  they  are  in  the  open  field,  they  find 
the  Saxon  peasantry  a  formidable  enemy  behind  their  churchyard 
wall,  for  they  are  ready  to  die  to  save  their  wives  and  daughters 
from  the  feared  and  hated  infidel.  Exposed  on  one  side  to  the 
Tartar,  and  on  the  other  to  the  Turk,  this  beautiful  but  unhappy 
country  was  subject  to  every  misery  which  the  warfare  of  sa- 
vages can  inflict — how  frightful  a  list!  Many  a  romance  of  real 
life  must  these  villages  have  witnessed !  To  this  day  the  Tran- 
sylvanian  mother  stills  her  restless  child  with  threats  of  the  Tar- 
tars coming — "Ihon  jonnek  a  Tatdrok!"* 

*  It  is  said  to  have  been  an  amusement  of  the  Tartars,  to  set  the  Hun- 
garian children  before  their  own  little  ones,  that  they  might  exercise  them- 
selves in  cutting  off  heads — an  important  practical  branch  of  Tartar  edu- 


We  got  no  further  than  Fogaras  that  evening,  and  it  was  with 
the  greatest  difficulty  that  we  could  procure  any  accommodation 
there.  I  think  the  inns  are  worse  in  this  part  of  Transylvania 
than  any  where  else,  notwithstanding  the  much  greater  prospe- 
rity of  the  country  in  general.  Perhaps  I  remarked  this  defi- 
ciency the  more,  because  I  stood  the  more  in  need  of  their  accom- 
modation; for,  in  crossing  a  small  river  in  the  dark,  the  driver 
had  managed  to  overturn  my  carriage,  and  I  had  got  a  sound 
ducking  in  consequence.  Although  inhabited  by  Saxons,  and 
surrounded  by  the  Saxon-land,  Fogaras  belongs  to  the  Hunga- 
rian counties.  On  this  subject  the  Saxons  are  very  sore,  and 
they  say,  and  with  much  appearance  of  reason,  that  in  depriving 
them  of  this  district,  Government  has  violated  the  conditions  of 
several  grants  and  charters  in  their  favour. 

We  reached  Hermanstadt  early  enough  to  walk  round  its  pret- 
ty promenades,  and  admire  the  almost  Dutch  neatness  with  which 
every  thing  is  kept.  The  town  itself — the  capital  of  the  Saxon- 
land — though  tolerably  well  built,  and  possessing  a  handsome 
square,  has  a  dull  and  stagnant  appearance.  Hermanstadt  is  the 
head-quarters  of  the  coramander-in-chief  of  the  troops  in  Tran- 
sylvania, and  of  course  of  the  staff.  Several  departments  of  the 
Government,  as  the  Customs,  Post-superintendence,  &c.,  are  lo- 
cated here,  but  notwithstanding  these  helps,  Hermanstadt  is  not 
what  it  was.  The  overland  trade  through  Wallachia  has  almost 
disappeared,  and  with  it  the  best  days  of  Hermanstadt. 

The  first  objects  we  visited  on  the  morning  after  our  arrival 
were  the  museum  and  gallery  of  Baron  Bruckenthal.  It  has 
always  been  one  of  the  peculiar  privileges  of  greatness  to  choose 
great  instruments  for  effecting  its  purposes,  and  in  none  was  this 
more  remarkable  than  in  Maria  Theresa.  This  prudent  queen, 
setting  aside  all  the  prejudice  which  exists  in  Transylvania 
against  the  Saxons,  raised  for  the  first  time  in  the  History  of 
that  country,  a  Saxon — Baron  Bruckenthal — to  the  supreme  ad- 
ministration. Hermanstadt  became  the  seat  of  Government. 
Bruckenthal  built  a  splendid  palace;  formed  a  large  collection  of 
pictures,  and  a  very  valuable  library  of  thirteen  thousand 
volumes,  and  at  his  death  bequeathed  the  use  of  them  to  the 
public.  We  found  the  pictures  scarcely  deserving  the  high  cha- 
racter we  had  heard  of  them,  but  they  are  quite  as  good  as  those 
found  in  many  second-rate  German  and  French  towns,  and  they 
are  well  worth  attention,  as  they  form  the  only  collection  in  the 
country.  The  library  is  in  excellent  order,  and  most  freely  open 


to  all  comers.  In  the  museum  we  were  most  struck  with  the 
specimens  of  washed  gold ;  indeed,  it  is  probable  in  this  particu- 
lar the  most  complete  existing,  and  contains  in  itself  an  expla- 
nation of  the  whole  subject  of  gold  washing. 

I  should  recommend  all  lovers  of  fine  scenery  who  may  visit 
Hermanstadt,  to  extend  their  rambles  as  far  as  the  Rothen 
Thurm  Pass,  one  of  the  most  romantic  of  the  valleys  which  con- 
nect Transylvania  and  Wallachia.  Not  that  I  did  visit  it  on  the 
present  occasion,  for  I  had  seen  it  before,  and  the  recollection  of 
ten  days'  dangerous  illness  spent  in  the  quarantine  there,  was 
hardly  an  inducement  to  make  me  return.  The  valley,  however, 
is  most  beautiful,  the  rocks  are  bold  and  precipitous,  the  woods 
rich,  and  hanging  over  the  sides  of  the  mountains,  and  occasion- 
ally the  most  beautiful  green  glades  intervene,  that  either  poet 
or  painter  could  desire.  It  is  by  this  beautiful  valley  that  the 
Aluta  makes  its  escape  to  the  Danube,  and  it  forms  one  of  the 
most  curious  instances  I  know,  of  a  river  passing  completely 
through  the  centre  of  a  vast  mountain  chain.  At  present,  the 
Aluta  is  of  little  value;  for,  in  spite  of  the  orders  for  removal 
of  mills,  by  the  Prince  of  Wallachia,  its  course  is  entirely  ob- 
structed by  them.  Whether  this  river  could  ever  be  made  navi- 
gable as  far  as  Transylvania  I  much  question, — its  bed  is  for 
miles  and  miles  nothing  but  a  succession  of  rocks, — but  in  Wal- 
lachia itself,  it  will  become  of  the  greatest  importance. 

I  scarcely  know  whether  I  ought  to  make  a  digression  here, 
and  tell  my  readers  something  of  Wallachia  and  Moldavia,  or 
pass  on  without  further  notice  of  them ;  I  trust,  however,  I  may 
be  allowed  to  intrude  a  short  notice  of  these  Principalities ;  for, 
though  I  know  the  subject  may  be  called  foreign  to  the  title  of 
my  book,  yet  the  fate  of  these  two  countries  has  been  so  inti- 
mately associated  with  that  of  Hungary,  and  for  the  future,  must, 
I  believe,  be  still  more  so,  that  a  few  words  on  the  matter  may 
not  be  thrown  away. 

Wallachia,  Moldavia,  and  Bessarabia,  lying  between  ancient 
Poland,  Hungary,  the  Danube,  and  the  Black  Sea,  have  in  turns, 
for  many  centuries  past,  acknowledged  the  supremacy  of  one  or 
other  of  the  great  powers  on  which  they  border.  Hungary,  I 
believe,  still  claims  a  right  to  the  suzerainty,  though  Austria 
yielded  up  her  claim  about  a  century  ago  to  Turkey.  Of  late 
years,  these  provinces  have  been  governed  by  princes  nominated 
by  the  Porte  from  among  the  worthless  intriguing  Greeks  of  the 
Fanar.  By  the  treaty  of  Ackermann,  however,  Bessarabia  was 
VOL.  ii.— 20 


given  up  to  Russia,  and  with  it  the  command  of  the  mouths  of 
the  Danube ;  and  still  more  recently,  Russia  has  extended  her 
protection — under  the  plea  of  similarity  of 'religion — to  the  other 
two  provinces,  and  obtained  a  declaration  of  their  independence 
from  the  Porte,  in  which,  however,  Russia  and  Turkey  are  named 
as  protecting  powers.  By  this  act,  they  are  allowed  to  elect 
their  own  princes,  vote  and  levy  their  own  taxes,  and  in  fact 
govern  themselves  entirely  according  to  their  own  fancies,  pro- 
vided always,  that  nothing  is  done  contrary  to  the  interests  of 
the  protecting  powers.  From  the  moment  this  act  was  signed, 
Russia  has  never  ceased  her  endeavours  to  extend  her  own  in- 
fluence, and  destroy  that  of  Turkey  in  these  provinces;  they 
now  seem  at  every  moment  in  danger  of  falling  completely  into 
her  hands.  Gratitude  for  assistance  given  to  enable  them  to  es- 
cape the  Moslem  yoke,  at  first  rendered  the  extension  of  this  in- 
fluence an  easy  task,  but  as  the  Wallachians  and  Moldavians  be- 
gan to  feel  a  new  burden  galling  their  shoulders,  and  saw  that 
every  day  bound  it  only  the  more  tightly  to  them,  they  hesitated, 
remonstrated,  and  finally  positively  refused  to  support  it  longer. 
A  constant  series  of  acts  of  oppression  and  injustice  had  rendered 
the  morality  of  the  Boyars, — as  the  nobles  of  these  countries  are 
called, — both  private  and  political,  a  subject  of -mockery  even  for 
Russians;  but  the  insolence  of  Baron  Ruckmann,  the  Russian 
Consul-general,  has  found  the  means  of  awakening  them  to  a 
sense  of  their  duty,  and  they  have  at  last  stanchly  refused  to 
sanction  acts  which  they  declare  contrary  to  their  rights  and 
liberties.  Of  course,  all  resistance,  except  that  of  moral  power, 
is  impossible.  Turkey  can  offer  no  assistance,  and,  as  they  say, 
"  England  and  France  are  a  long  way  off." 

The  population  of  Wallachia,  Moldavia,  and  Bessarabia  is 
almost  exclusively  of  Dacian  origin ;  that  of  the  two  former  pro- 
vinces amounts  to  nearly  1,500,000,  that  of  the  latter  probably 
is  not  more  than  20,000.  I  have  travelled  over  a  considerable 
part  of  Wallachia  and  Moldavia,  and  I  never  saw  two  countries, 
of  their  extent,  so  rich  in  productions,  so  fruitful  in  resources. 
The  land  is  of  the  very  richest  quality;  the  greater  part  of  it  an 
alluvial  plain,  like  the  Banat  of  Hungary,  with  a  climate  the 
most  favourable  for  production.  Yet  with  all  these  advantages, 
I  never  saw  a  country  so  thinly  populated,  nor  a  population  so 
excessively  poor  and  miserable.  I  had  pitied  the  Wallacks  of 
Transylvania  till  I  saw  their  brethren  of  the  Principalities,  and 
found  that  there  were  those  who  might  envy  them  their  lot. 



Years  of  monopoly,  oppression,  and  insecurity  have  worked  out 
these  consequences.  With  respect  to  Bessarabia  I  cannot  speak 
from  personal  observation,  except  of  that  part  which  borders  the 
Sulina  branch  of  the  Danube,  and  it  is  little  better  than  a  vast 
morass.  The  greater  part  of  the  country  is,  I  believe,  of  much 
the  same  nature,  and  it  could  be  valuable  to  Russia  therefore 
only  in  as  far  as  it  gave  her  a  command  of  the  mouths  of  the 
Danube,  and  tended  to  make  the  Black  Sea  a  Russian  Lake. 

My  readers  will  probably  see  now  why  Wallachia,  Moldavia, 
and  Bessarabia  concern  Hungary.  One  of  them  is  already  in 
the  hands  of  Russia,  and  commands  the  only  exit  for  the  pro- 
ductions of  Hungary;  the  other  two  are  ready  to  fall  into  the 
hands  of  Russia  whenever  she  chooses  to  seize  them,  and  they 
form  the  frontiers  of  Hungary  on  the  east. 

While  I  am  writing  this,  the  news  of  a  great  treaty  concluded 
between  England  and  Austria  *  has  just  reached  me ;  and  I  find 
by  one  of  the  articles  that  vessels  coming  from  the  ports  of  Wal- 
lachia and  Moldavia,  are  to  be  received  on  the  same  terms  as  if 
coming  from  Austrian  ports. 

At  last,  then,  Austria  has  roused  herself  and  engaged  Eng- 
land fairly  in  the  cause.  The  meaning  of  that  article  is  simply 
this: — "Russia  shall  not  extend  her  possessions  on  the  Danube 
further  than  she  has  done  already."  The  necessity  for  the  pro- 
vision is  absolute.  Hungary  possesses  no  port  on  the  Danube, 
that  is,  no  vessel  from  the  Black  Sea  can  possibly  come  up  to 
any  Hungarian  town  on  the  Danube  and  discharge  her  cargo;  if, 
therefore,  Hungary  is  desirous  to  establish  an  outlet  for  her  pro- 
ductions by  means  of  the  Danube,  it  can  only  be  done  by  keeping 
the  ports  below  the  Iron  Gates  open  to  her  merchants.  This 
has  been  threatened,  first  by  the  duties  Russia  attempted  to  im- 
pose on  vessels  entering  the  Danube,  and,  on  the  failure  of  that, 
by  the  gradual  filling  up  of  the  Sulina  mouth,  by  neglecting  the 
cleansing  which  was  always  carried  on  by  the  Turks,  and  latterly, 
it  is  said,  by  the  sinking,  as  if  by  accident,  of  some  flat-bottomed 

*  Of  course  I  allude  to  the  commercial  treaty,  negotiated  with  so  much 
talent  by  Mr.  Macgregor.  It  is  with  great  regret  and  astonishment  I  have 
seen  a  question  raised  in  the  House  of  Commons  about  the  meaning  of 
the  article  referring  to  Wallachia,  and  still  further  confusing  the  question 
by  mixing  it  up  with  the  new  Turkish  treaty.  It  has  been  asked,  if  Tur- 
key will  consent  to,  or  if  Turkey  can,  extend  her  new  customs  to  the 
Principalities.  Turkey  has  nothing  whatever  to  do  with  the  Principali- 
ties in  such  matters,  they  are  entirely  free  to  make  any  regulations  or 
treaties  of  commerce  they  please  with  any  foreign  power. 


boats.  This  scheme  was  again  threatened  with  counteraction  by 
the  formation  of  a  canal  or  railroad  from  the  Danube  to  the 
Black  Sea,  and  it  was  therefore  but  reasonable  to  suppose  that 
Russia  would  exert  her  influence  with  the  Princes  to  throw  still 
further  impediments  in  the  way,  much  as  it  would  have  been  to 
their  injury.  There  were  only  two  ways  of  opposing  this,  either 
by  engaging  England  in  the  maintenance  of  the  security  of  these 
provinces,  or  in  at  once  seizing  on  them  herself.  The  first  has 
been  adopted  for  the  present ;  let  us  inquire  if  the  second  may 
not  become  necessary  hereafter.  The  interests  of  Europe,  of 
humanity,  require  that  the  ambition  of  Russia  should  receive  a 
check:  I  will  not  waste  one  line  in  arguing  a  proposition  which 
is  not  questioned  by  a  single  man  of  sense  and  feeling  in  Europe. 
She  is  preparing  the  way  for  future  conquest  in  the  south  of  Eu- 
rope, and  to  these  conquests  Wallachia  and  Moldavia  are  the 
high  road.  These  countries  have  np  force  which  would  enable 
them  to  resist  her  invading  army  a  single  day,  nor  is  it  possible 
that  for  centuries  they  can  have:  they  have  neither  the  physical 
means  which  a  mountainous  and  wooded  country  afford,  nor 
havie  they  those  moral  aids — proud  historical  recollections,  legends 
of  liberty,  or  the  character  which  long  habits  of  independence 
give — and  which  have  enabled  small  knots  of  men  to  retain  their 
place  as  nations  when  threatened  by  the  most  powerful  with  ex- 
tinction. For  their  armies  they  have  a  few  hundred  men  each — 
"  not  for  fighting,"  as  one  of  their  own  officials  told  me;  (e  that 
others  do  for  us," — but  for  keeping  up  a  system  of  quarantine 
which,  as  far  as  possible,  destroys  their  trade  and  cuts  them  off 
from  all  communication  with  the  Turks.  Independent,  therefore, 
these  provinces  cannot  be:  the  question  then  is,  to  whom  shall 
they  belong?  Turkey  is  not  only  unable  to  hold  them,  from  the 
ancient  hatred  they  bear  to  the  enemies  of  their  faith,  but  the  ex- 
tension of  her  frontiers  beyond  the  Danube  rather  tends  to  weaken 
than  strengthen  her.  No  one  who  is  anxious  to  save  Europe  from 
the  flood  of  barbarism  which  threatens  to  overflow  her  from  the 
North,  would  leave  them  in  the  grasp  of  Russia.  Hungary, 
then,  is  the  only  power  which  could  hold  them  with  safety  to 
herself  and  others.  Let  Hungary  offer  the  Principalities  a  frank 
union,  a  fair  share  in  the  advantages  of  her  constitution,  and  an 
equality  of  rights  and  privileges,  and  I  have  no  doubt  the  Wal- 
lachians  would  gladly  join  themselves  to  a  country  which  could 
guaranty  them  a  national  existence,  civil  and  religious  freedom, 
and  an  identity  of  material  interests.  Hungary  too  would  gladly 


accept  a  share  in  the  trade  of  the  Black  Sea,  and  might  proba- 
bly be  induced  to  give  up  her  claims  on  Gallicia  for  such  a  com- 
pensation,— and  then,  with  constitutional  Poland  reinstated  in 
her  integrity  on  the  one  side,  and  constitutional  Hungary  in- 
tervening on  the  other,  the  fears  of  invasion  from  absolute  Rus- 
sia would  be  an  idle  bugbear  unworthy  a  moment's  fear;  but 
from  no  other  combination  can  Europe  ever  be  safe. 

But  to  return  to  Hermanstadt  and  the  biedere  Sachsen.  The 
Hermanstadters  are  said  to  be  of  Flemish  origin,  and  they  have 
got  a  strange  notion  that  the  extraordinary  dialect  they  com- 
monly converse  in  has  a  strong  resemblance  to  English.  It 
might  have  been  Hebrew  for  all  I  could  understand  of  it.  I  be- 
lieve there  are  not  less  than  seven  distinct  dialects  among  these 
Saxons,  all  supposed  to  have  been  derived  from  the  different 
parts  of  Germany  from  which  they  originally  came.  They  all 
spell  and  write  German  as  it  is  now  spoken.  Here,  as  elsewhere, 
Luther's  Bible  has  formed  the  language  after  its  own  image,  but 
even  in  reading  the  Bible  they  translate  it  into  the  common  dia- 
lect. It  is  a  common  joke  against  the  Saxons  to  ask  them  how 
they  spell  boffleisch, — their  name  for  bacon, — and  they  answer 
by  spelling  the  classical  German  word  s-p-e-c-k,  calling  it  at  the 
same  time  boffleisch.  Even  in  the  pulpit  the  clergyman  reads  in 
the  vulgar  dialect. 

When  we  left  Hermanstadt  and  passed  through  more  of  the 
Saxon-land,  we  had  still  further  reason  to  admire  the  habits  and 
character  of  this  people  as  exhibited  by  outward  appearances. 
Never  in  my  life  did  I  see  more  flourishing  villages  than  theirs ; 
even  the  Wallacks  who  have  settled  among  them  have  caught 
something  of  their  spirit,  and  look  almost  comfortable  and  happy. 
The  houses  are  well  built,  and  though  only  of  one  story,  they 
are  always  raised  some  feet  above  the  ground,  and  are  reached 
by  a  flight  of  steps.  The  gable  end,  which  is  turned  towards 
the  street,  generally  bears  the  date  of  its  erection,  the  cipher  of 
the  builder,  and,  according  to  a  good  old  Puritan  custom,  a  verse 
from  the  Bible,  recommending  its  inhabitants  to  the  care  of  Pro- 
vidence. The  people  were  well  dressed,  and  we  passed  in  the 
course  of  the  day  a  great  number  of  smart  lads  and  lasses,  the 
former  with  bunches  of  flowers  in  their  broad-brimmed  hats;  the 
latter  with  showy  jackets  and  their  hair  braided  and  ornamented 
with  flowers  most  tastefully. 

And  now,  reader,  we  have  passed  Reismark  and  Muhlenbach, 
said  adieu  to  the  land  of  the  Saxons,  and  are  again  among  the 



Magyars  at  Karlsburg  in  my  favourite  valley  of  the  Maros.  I 
have  no  need  to  describe  our  route  any  further,  as  we  have 
passed  over  it  twice  before.  I  believe  we  have  now  visited  the 
greater  part  of  Transylvania,  very  imperfectly  of  course,  and  I 
can  safely  say  of  it,  in  the  words  of  a  German  writer — "  There 
is  perhaps  no  country  which  has  not  some  beauties  to  exhibit, 
but  I  never  saw  any  which,  like  Transylvania,  is  all  beauty," 
— welches  so  wie  Siebenburgen  ganz  Schonheit  ware.  And 
many  as  were  the  little  discomforts  and  inconveniences  we  have 
been  obliged  to  put  up  with,  we  have  managed  to  provide  against 
them  tolerably  well.  While  writing  up  my  notes  of  this  past 
day?  I  cannot,  if  I  look  round  me,  complain  of  any  great  misery, 
or,*  at  least,  I  cannot  feel  very  unhappy  about  it,  do  what  I  will. 
Krumme  Peter's  apartment  is  certainly  far  inferior  to  his  enter- 
tainment, but  it  contains  three  beds,  and  the  servants  have  just 
covered  them  with  our  own  linen;  a  supper  of  roast  fowls  and 
salad  has  satisfied  our  hunger,  and  the  wine  is  neither  sour  nor 
weak ;  and  now  that  I  see  Miklos  has  filled  my  chibouque  with 
choice  Latakia,  and  rested  its  delicate  amber  mouthpiece  on  my 
pillow,  mixed  my  cool  draught  of  eau  sucre  and  placed  it  with  a 
novel  by  my  bed-side — why  I  believe  I  shall  go  to  bed  and  read, 
and  smoke  for  the  next  hour  in  as  perfect  a  state  of  ecstasy  as  if 
my  couch  was  down,  and  its  hangings  of  most  costly  materials. 





Transylvanian  Hospitality. —  Klausenburg. — Transylvanian  Incomes. — 
Money  Matters. — The  Gipsy  Band. — Our  Quarters. — The  Stove. — The 
Great  Square. — The  Recruiting  Party. — A  Soiree. — The  Clergy. — The 
Reformed  Church. — Religious  Opinions. — The  Consistory. — Domestic 
Service. — County  Meeting. — Count  Bethlen  Janos. — Progress  of  Pub- 
lic Opinion.— The  Arch-Duke.— The  Students  and  Officers.— Climate. 
— Separation  of  three  Counties. — The  Unitarians. — Habits  of  Society. 
The  Ladies. — Education. — Children  and  Parents. — Divorces. — Casino 
and  Smoking. — Funerals. — Schools. — The  Theatre. 

WINTER  set  in  with  all  its  rigour,  and  we  determined  to  re- 
main quietly  at  Klausenburg,  at  least  for  some  time.  I  pass  over 
the  presentation  of  introductions  and  the  necessary  formalities  of 
making  acquaintance.  An  Englishman,  who  is  only  accustomed 
to  the  stiff,  though  well-meant  forms  of  English  society,  can 
have  little  idea  how  a  stranger  is  received  here. 

The  first  family  we  visited,  invited  us  to  take  our  dinner  and 
supper  regularly  with  them  when  we  had  no  other  engagement. 
"  You  will  find  few  persons  in  Klausenburg  just  at  present;  the 
inns  are  very  bad,  and  therefore,  whenever  you  are  not  engaged, 
we  shall  expect  the  pleasure  of  your  company  at  two  o'clock  for 
dinner,  and  at  nine  for  supper."  Nor  was  this  a  mere  ceremony ; 
for  if  we  missed  one  day,  a  servant  was  sure  to  come  the  next  to 
invite  us.  With  such  a  reception  I  need  scarcely  say  we  soon 
felt  ourselves  at  home  at  Klausenburg. 

But  I  believe  I  have  never  told  the  reader  what  sort  of  a 
place  this  Klausenburg  is.  Well,  then,  it  is  a  pretty  little  town 
of  about  twenty-five  thousand  inhabitants,  situated  in  the  valley 
of  the  Szamos,  and  overlooked  by  hills  on  every  side.  It  is 
built  round  a  large  square,  in  the  centre  of  which  stands  the  fine 
old  Gothic  cathedral.  From  this  square,  almost  all  the  streets 
run  off  at  right  angles.  The  streets  themselves  are  wide,  in  the 
true  Magyar  taste,  and  the  houses,  though  handsome,  are  often 
of  only  one  story,  and  never  more  than  two. 

The  old  walls,  gates,  and  towers  which  formerly  guarded  the 
town,  are  in  great  part  standing,  and  I  believe  they  even  still 


close  some  of  them  at. night.  The  Szarnos  does  not  run  through 
the  town,  and  it  is  well  it  does  not;  for  it  is  a  strange  unmanage- 
able river,  and  might  carry  it  away  in  some  of  its  sudden  inun- 
dations. On  the  opposite  side  of  it,  however,  there  exists  a  part 
of  Klausenburg,  if  such  a  title  can  be  given  to  a  collection  of 
miserable  huts,  which  cover  the  side  of  the  hill.  They  are,  for 
the  most  part,  holes  scraped  out  of  the  soft  sandstone  rock,  with 
a  little  projecting  thatch  over  the  door.  This  wretched  place 
is  inhabited  by  gipsies  and  dogs.  I  unite  the  two,  because,  in  an 
excursion  I  made  into  this  region,  I  found  more  of  the  latter  than 
the  former,  and  it  was  not  without  some  difficulty  that  I  escaped 
from  them. 

Though,  generally  speaking,  Klausenburg  can  lay  no  claim 
to  figure  as  a  European  capital,  yet  it  possesses  some  few  houses 
which  would  make  a  respectable  appearance  in  London  or  Paris. 
It  is  very  rare,  however,  that  their  owners  occupy  the  whole  of 
them, — a  part  is  generally  let  off  to  others.  Although  many  of 
the  Transylvanian  nobles  have  immense  estates,  including  twenty 
or  thirty  villages,  there  are  very  few  of  them  who  are  not  deeply 
in  debt,  and  very  much  harassed  for  ready  money.  Six  per  cent, 
is  the  maximum  of  legal  interest,  but  ten  is  more  generally  paid 
for  loans.  In  matters  of  business  the  generality  of  the  Transyl- 
vanians  are  mere  children.  There  is  not  one  in  fifty  who  can 
tell  you  the  amount  of  his  own  income  or  expenditure.  You 
are  often  surprised  to  hear  a  man  of  ten  thousand  acres,  talk 
of  receiving  only  seven  or  eight  hundred  pounds  a-year  in  rents, 
and  you  are  still  more  surprised  when  you  hear  that  so  small 
a  sum  maintains  such  a  household  as  you  see  him  keeping  up. 
On  inquiring  a  little  further  into  the  matter,  you  find  he  has 
not  calculated  as  income  or  expenditure,  all  the  corn  and  hay 
his  twenty  or  thirty  horses  consume,  all  the  game,  poultry,  fruit, 
bread,  wine,  and  fire-wood,  used  in  the  family:  "Oh!  that  is 
nothing,"  he  answers,  if  reminded  of  these  matters;  "that  all 
comes  from  my  own  estates."  He  reckons  income  what  he  re- 
ceives in  hard  cash;  expenditure,  what  he  lays  out  in  hard  cash. 

In  all  Transylvania  there  is  not  a  single  banker.  A  retail 
tradesman,  who  has  very  large  affairs  with  Pest  and  Vienna, 
will  give  money  on  bills,  and  undertakes  the  transmission  of  con- 
siderable sums,  for  a  per  centage ;  but  of  regular  bankers  there 
are  none.  Even  this  person  will  not  receive  deposits  of  money, 
unless  paid  five  per  cent,  for  keeping  them;  for  he  says  they  are 
of  no  use  to  him — he  can  do  nothing  with  them.  Imperfect 

GIPSY  BAND.  237 

laws,  which  render  the  recovery  of  debts  difficult,  is  the  real 
source  of  this  inconvenience,  but  the  habits  of  former  times  tend 
much  to  keep  it  up.  When  the  country  was  subject  to  civil 
war,  or  to  Turkish  invasion,  it  was  then,  as  it  is  still  in  Turkey, 
considered  prudent  and  economical  to  hoard  up  gold,  or  lay  out 
large  sums  in  plate  and  jewels,  so  that  in  case  of  an  attack,  they 
might  be  easily  hidden,  or  carried  off.  The  same  feeling  still 
exists  here,  and  it  is  not  uncommon  for  ladies  with  an  income  of 
five  hundred  pounds  per  annum,  to  possess  more  jewels  than  an 
Englishwoman,  of  ten  or  twenty  times  that  fortune,  would  dream 
of.  The  quantities  of  pearls  and  diamonds  with  which  some  of 
the  Hungarian  ladies  load  their  national  costume,  is  quite  out  of 
all  proportion;  to  me  they  forcibly  recalled  the  bead-decked 
dresses  of  the  savages  of  the  South  Sea  Islands, — Heaven  defend 
me,  though,  should  they  hear  that  I  have  said  so ! 

At  one  of  the  first  dinner  parties  to  which  we  were  invited, 
the  attendance  of  the  gipsy  band  was  ordered,  that  we  might 
hear  some  of  the  Hungarian  music  in  its  most  original  form. 
The  crash  of  sound  which  burst  upon  us,  as  we  entered  the 
dining-room,  was  most  startling;  for  be  they  where  they  may, 
gipsy  musicians  make  it  a  point  to  spare  neither  their  lungs  nor 
arms,  in  the  service  of  their  patrons.  This  band  was  one  of  the 
best  in  the  country,  and  consisted  of  not  less  than  twenty  or 
thirty  members,  all  of  whom  were  dressed  in  smart  hussar  uni- 
forms, and  really  looked  very  well.  Few  of  them,  if  any,  knew 
notes,  yet  they  executed  very  many  difficult  pieces  of  music  with 
considerable  accuracy.  The  favourite  popular  tune,  the  Rakotzy, 
— the  Magyar  "  Scots  wha  hae," — was  given  with  great  force. 
I  am  more  than  ever  convinced  that  none  but  a  gipsy  band  can 
do  it  full  justice.  The  effect  of  the  melancholy  plaintive  sounds 
with  which  it  begins,  increased  by  the  fine  discords  which  the 
gipsies  introduce,  and  of  the  wild  burst  of  passion  which  closes 
it,  must  depend  as  much  on  the  manner  of  its  execution  as  on 
the  mere  composition.  It  is  rather  startling  to  the  stranger,  on 
arriving  at  Klausenburg,  that  no  sooner  is  he  lodged  in  his  inn, 
than  he  receives  a  visit  from  this  gipsy  band,  who  salute  him 
with  their  choicest  music  to  do  honour  to  his  coming;  and  it  is 
sometimes  a  little  annoying  to  find  that  he  cannot  get  rid  of 
them  without  paying  them  most  handsomely  for  their  compliment. 

In  December  we  left  the  inn,  and  got  into  very  comfortable 

lodgings,  in  the  house  of  Dr.  P ,  with  a  sunny  aspect  and  a 

look  out  into  the  market-place.  We  had  altogether  four  rooms, 


for  which  we  paid  four  pounds  per  month.  When  we  dined  at 
home,  which  was  very  seldom,  they  sent  us  in  a  very  fair  dinner, 
of  five  dishes,  from  the  casino,  at  twenty-pence  each. 

The  weather  was  intensely  cold,  and  we  were  obliged  to  keep 
large  wood-fires  in  the  stoves  all  day  long.  The  windows  were 
double,  and  the  doors  fitted  pretty  well,  but  we  still  felt  it  ex- 
cessively cold.  We  were  fortunate  in  having  old-fashioned  stoves, 
which  opened  into  the  room,  and  which,  if  less  elegant,  are  much 
more  wholesome  and  comfortable  than  those  which  open  on  the 
outside.  I  do  really  think,  of  all  unwholesome,  uncomfortable 
inventions,  the  modern  Austrian,  or  Russian  stove  is  the  worst. 
It  throws  a  tremendous  heat  into  the  room,  of  a  kind  which,  to 
those  unaccustomed  to  it,  is  almost  sure  to  produce  headach,  and 
at  the  same  time  it  offers  no  vent  for  foul  air.  And  then,  as  to 
regulating  the  heat,  that  is  next  to  an  impossibility.  The  late 
Emperor  Francis  wittily  observed  one  day,  that  he  believed  "it 
required  as  much  talent  to  warm  a  room,  as  to  rule  a  kingdom," 
and  I  really  think  he  was  not  far  from  the  truth, — for  those  who 
suffer  the  heat  have  no  communication  with  him  who  makes  the 
fire,  nor  does  the  latter  ever  enter  the  room  to  judge  how  far 
the  heating  is  needed ;  in  fact  he  knows  about  as  much  of  the 
feelings  of  those  he  alternately  starves  and  stews,  as  an  absolute 
monarch  of  the  wants  and  necessities  of  those  whom  he  pater- 
nally misrules. 

In  a  house  we  were  staying  at  for  some  time,  the  daraband 
— fire-maker — was  deaf  and  dumb,  and  all  he  could  be  made  to 
understand  was,  that  the  rooms  required  heating.  Whenever 
this  poor  fellow  wished  to  show  his  liking  to  any  one,  he  always 
did  it  by  keeping  the  stove  hot  the  whole  day.  By  some  means 
or  other,  it  appeared  that  we  had  attracted  his  especial  favour, 
and  we  soon  found  ourselves  in  danger  of  being  roasted,  from 
pure  kindness. 

The  cause  of  this  daraband's  loss  of  speech  and  hearing  is 
curious.  Till  the  age  of  thirty  he  had  full  possession  of  all  his 
faculties;  but,  at  that  time  he  met  with  a  severe  fall,  which  is 
supposed  to  have  injured  the  brain,  and  which  left  him  quite  deaf 
and  dumb,  and  partly  idiotic.  When  very  much  excited,  how- 
ever, by  passion,  he  has  once  or  twice  been  heard  to  speak,  and 
that,  too,  distinctly  and  well,  but  immediately  afterwards  he  re- 
lapsed into  his  former  state. 

Those  who  love  looking  out  of  the  windows,  would  scarcely 
choose  Klausenburg  as  a  winter's  residence.  Even  in  our  great 

MARKET  DAY.  239 

square,  we  found  but  little  variety.  The  old  cathedral  was  op- 
posite to  us,  and  would  be  a  fine  building,  if  its  base  was  not 
obscured  by  shops.  There  is  a  shabby  pillar  also,  intended  to 
commemorate  the  visit  of  the  late  Emperor  to  Transylvania;  and 
these  are  the  only  objects  of  architectural  pretension  for  the  eye 
to  rest  on.  As  for  variety  of  colour,  there  is  none.  Everything 
is  covered  with  snow ;  the  hills,  the  church,  the  houses,  the 
square  itself,  are  all  snow,  and  when  the  peasants  are  wrapped 
up  in  their  white  sheep-skin  bundas,  they  look  like  snow  too. 

On  one  side  of  the  square  stands  the  guard-house,  and  at 
eleven  precisely  every  morning,  a  horrid  noise  of  metal  drums 
brings  out  the  Hungarian  grenadier  guard, — and  splendid  fellows 
they  are  too  in  their  tight  blue  pantaloons,  rough  great-coats, 
and  bear-skin  caps — to  stand  shivering  in  the  cold  for  half  an 
hour  before  the  mystic  signs  of  changing  guard  can  be  got  through. 
On  ordinary  days  this,  with  an  occasional  variety, — as  a  horse 
falling  on  the  frozen  snow,  or  a  barking  dog  startling  the  empty 
square,  a  sledge  from  the  country  with  its  four  horses  shaking 
their  noisy  bells  as  they  dash  along,  or  an  old  aristocratic  coach 
with  a  pair  of  long-tailed  prancers,  and  a  coach-man  buried  to 
the  nose  in  bear's  skin — is  all  that  the  most  industrious  window- 
watcher  can  discover.  As  for  the  pedestrians,  they  do  not  de- 
serve looking  at,  for  they  are  all  alike,  a  mass  of  fur  cloaks, 
which  vary  only  in  their  being  held  more  or  less  closely  to  the 
figure,  as  the  weather  is  warmer  or  colder. 

On  market-day,  indeed,  the  scene  is  somewhat  gayer;  the 
square  is  filled  with  small  tents  and  wagons,  where  the  peasants 
are  displaying  for  sale  their  hay  and  corn,  and  poultry,  and  fire- 
wood, and  exchanging  them  for  such  coarse  commodities,  chiefly 
cloth  and  leather,  as  they  require.  Brandy,  too,  runs  away 
with  a  large  part  of  their  profits;  and  few  of  those  whom  we 
saw  so  keen  in  haggling  for  a  kreutzer  in  the  morning  would  in 
a  few  hours  after  have  sufficient  sense  left  to  guide  them  home. 

But  the  greatest  variety  the  market-day  offers,  is  the  recruit- 
party.  Since  the  violent  dissolution  of  the  Diet,  and  the  refusal 
of  the  counties  to  levy  soldiers  without  a  vote  of  supply,  the 
Government  has  been  obliged  to  resort  to  recruiting  to  fill  up 
the  regiments.  Eight  or  ten  smart  young  fellows,  dressed  in 
hussar  uniforms,  and  preceded  by  a  gipsy  band  playing  the 
national  airs,  promenade  the  town  in  loose  order,  talking  and 
laughing  with  all  they  meet,  and  looking  so  idle  and  so  happy, 
that  it  is  impossible  not  to  envy  them.  Every  now  and  then  the 


party  halts,  forms  a  circle,  and  commences  what  is  called  the 
Werbung,  or  recruiting  dance.  It  is  performed  to  a  favourite 
Hungarian  air,  and  consists  in  slightly  beating  time  with  the  feet, 
striking  together  the  spurs,  and  occasionally  turning  round,  the 
whole  party  singing  all  the  time..  While  this  was  going  on,  I 
saw  one  sly  fellow  quietly  steal  from  the  circle  of  dancers,  and 
walking  outside  the  group  of  open-mouthed  peasants,  enter  into 
conversation  with  them,  and  cunningly  drop  his  most  dainty  baits 
before  all  the  fish  he  thought  likely  to  bite.  Some  of  the  wiser 
ones  turned  away,  or  pretended  not  to  hear  him,  but  two  silly  gud- 
geons were  nibbling  so  long,  that  I  am  much  mistaken  if  they 
were  not  hooked.  And,  indeed,  it  is  no  wonder;  the  music,  the 
dancing,  the  national  uniform,  and  the  long  spurs — almost  all 
that  constitutes  the  pride  and  pleasure  of  an  Hungarian  peasant's 
life,  seem  within  his  grasp;  and  when  to  these  are  added  the 
fourteen  shillings  smart-money,  it  is  enough  to  upset  the  sternest 
virtue.  The  Hungarian  peasant,  however,  always  enlists  on  the 
understanding  that  he  is  to  be  a  hussar,  that  he  shall  have  a 
horse,  and  wear  spurs  and  blue  pantaloons;  and  bitter  are  the 
poor  fellow's  tears  when,  as  is  often  the  case,  he  finds  himself  on 
foot,  and  for  his  comely  national  dress,  is  forced  to  assume  the 
hated  breeches  and  gaiters  of  the  Austrian  infantry. 

Our  usual  mode  of  passing  the  day,  after  the  simple  breakfast 
of  one  tiny  cup  of  coffee  and  a  slice  of  bread,  was  in  writing  or 

taking  lessons — S in  German,  and  I  in  Hungarian — till  two, 

which  is  the  common  dinner  hour.  From  five  to  eight  or  nine 
every  house  is  open,  and  we  generally  paid  our  visits  to  the 
ladies'  drawing-rooms  during  that  time.  At  nine,  we  found  our- 
selves hungry,  and  by  no  means  unwilling  to  encounter  a  supper 
little  less  ponderous  than  the  dinner,  and  then  our  pipes  and 
book  finished  the  day.  This  was  the  first  time  in  the  course  of 
pur  Hungarian  travels  that  we  had  found  any  real  inconvenience 
in  society  from  not  understanding  the  Magyar  language.  In 
other  places,  German  is  the  language  commonly  spoken,  but  the 
Transylvanians  are  too  stanch  Magyars  for  that;  and  I  even 
know  some  of  them  who  have  almost  forgotten  their  German 
from  pure  patriotism.  Twenty  years  ago,  German  nurses  and 
governesses  were  found  in  every  respectable  house;  now  French, 
or  even  English,  are  almost  as  common. 

A  soirte,  the  first  of  the  season,  at  the  Countess 5s,  to 

which  we  were  invited,  laid  open  to  us  something  of  the  social 
habits  of  the  capital.  The  invitation  was  verbal— they  seem  to 

A  SOIREE.  241 

have  a  horror  of  writing  notes  here — and  the  time  half-past  six'. 
In  the  first  room  sat  a  crowd  of  young  ladies  without  a  soul  to 
speak  to  them,  save  a  stray  youth  just  escaped  from  college,  or 
some  good-tempered  old  beau  who  had  taken  pity  on  their  des- 
titute condition.  In  the  second  and  third,  were  the  usual  com- 
plement of  card-tables,  dowagers,  and  dandies,  with  a  few  pretty 
women,  still  in  the  prime  of  life,  and  the  sole  objects  of  attention. 
How  it  is  that  this  rigid  separation  should  have  been  established 
between  the  maids  and  matrons,  I  know  not;  but  I  suspect  that 
some  coquettish  mammas  were  prudent  enough  to  think  that  a 
separation  between  mother  and  daughter,  at  least  in  their  cases, 
might  be  for  the  benefit  of  both  parties,  the  exhibition  of  mam- 
ma's flirtations,  un  pen  prononcees,  being  scarcely  adapted  to 
improve  her  daughter's  innocence ;  and  the  daughter's  fresh  colour 
and  youthful  charms  being  certainly  not  calculated  to  set  off  the 
waning  beauties  of  mamma.  The  refreshments  were  altogether 
exotic.  A  large  table  was  crowded  with  tea-urns,  cups  and 
saucers,  cakes  and  sweetmeats,  bonbons,  ices,  a  large  bottle  of 
rum  to  take  with  the  tea,  after  the  Russian  fashion,  and  I  know 
not  what  else,  of  tempting  delicacies  besides.  With  some  ama- 
teur music,  to  which  no  one  listened,  and  some  honest  hard 
waltzing,  in  which  all  took  real  pleasure,  a  little  scandal,  and  a 
little  flirting,  the  party  broke  up  at  ten. 

With  the  exception  of  a  slight  tendency  to  the  over-gay,  the 
ladies'  dresses  were  just  the  same  as  one  sees  in  every  other  part 
of  Europe ;  at  least,  1  am  sure,  I  could  tell  no  difference.  Dancing 
seems  really  more  of  a  passion  here  than  I  ever  saw  it  any  where 
else;  and  the  greatest  misfortune  that  can  happen  to  a  young 
lady  is,  to  have  a  paucity  of  partners.  A  lady  told  me  the  other 
day,  that  in  her  dancing  times,  she  remembered  well  that  she 
never  said  her  prayers  for  her  "daily  bread,"  without  adding 
"  and  plenty  of  partners  at  the  next  ball,  I  beseech  thee."  How 
far  the  prayer  might  be  an  appropriate  one,  I  leave  Theologians 
to  decide;  but  I  am  sure  it  was  a  sincere  one;  and  I  believe  the 
loss  of  the  daily  bread  would  not  have  appeared  more  cruel  than 
the  want  of  partners. 

On  calling  on  the  Baroness  B one  day,  we  found  her  sor- 
rowing that  her  favourite  maid  was  going  to  be  married. 

"I  shall  never  get  so  good  a  hair-dresser  again;  and,  besides, 
she  has  been  with  me  from  childhood;  and,  after  all,  she  was 
much  better  off  where  she  was,  than  as  the  wife  of  a  poor  cler- 

VOL.  II. — 21 


"What!"  I  asked,  "does  a  respectable  clergyman  marry  a 
lady's  waiting  maid?" 

"Oh,  yes!  It  is  the  same  gentleman  you  have  met  at  my 
house  in  the  country ;  he  is  a  very  honest  man,  and  thinks  him- 
self very  fortunate  in  getting  her.  She  is  quite  as  well  educated, 
and  has  picked  up  rather  better  manners  than  the  generality  of 
those  to  whom  he  could  aspire;  and,  besides,  he  has  probably 
some  hopes  that  we  may  help  him  forward  in  consequence." 

"  And  shall  you  receive  your  former  maid  at  your  table,  as 
you  lately  did  the  clergyman  ?" 

"  Of  course  not :  he  will  come  as  usual,  whenever  we  are  in 
the  country:  but  his  wife  will  not  dream  of  such  a  thing.  You 
might  have  noticed,  that  although  the  lower  ends  of  our  tables 
are  crowded  by  our  stewards  and  bailiffs,  and  dependants  of  va- 
rious kinds,  their  wives  are  never  admitted." 

The  great  body  of  the  Protestant  clergy  of  Transylvania  are 
derived  from  the  poorer  classes  of  society,  as  the  peasants  or 
small  tradesmen.  Those  of  the  towns,  indeed,  are  often  the 
sons  of  professors,  merchants,  or  gentlemen  of  landed  property ; 
but  these  form  the  exception,  not  the  rule.  During  the  period 
of  their  education,  they  are  commonly  maintained  by  assistance 
from  the  lord  of  the  village  to  which  they  belong,  by  the  charity 
of  the  Protestant  body  at  large,  or  from  the  funds  of  the  college 
itself.  The  latter  portion  of  the  time  they  remain  in  the  schools 
is  in  part  occupied  in  teaching,  by  which  they  gain  something  to 
help  out  their  slender  pittance. 

The  government  of  the  Reformed  Churches  in  Transylvania 
approaches,  in  some  respects,  to  that  of  the  Presbyterian  Church 
of  Scotland.  The  whole  body  of  Calvinists  is  divided  into  se- 
venteen circles,  each  circle  being  governed  by  a  presbyter,  no- 
tary, two  laical  curators,  and  two  assistants.  The  ecclesiastical 
causes  of  each  circle  are  judged  by  the  presbyter  and  twelve  cle- 
rical assessors.  The  appeal  from  the  circle  courts  is  to  the  Ge- 
neral Synod,  which  is  composed  of  the  bishop,  the  presbyters, 
notaries,  two  clerical  deputies  from  each  circle,  and  some  laical 
deputies  from  the  Consistory.  The  Consistory  is  the  great 
council,  or  parliament  of  the  Calvinists,  and  meets  twice  a  year 
at  Klausenburg,  to  decide  all  the  important  affairs  of  the  Church. 
The  Consistory  is  composed  of  deputies  (patroni)  chosen  thus : 
— The  members  of  every  church,  peasants  or  others,  meet  to- 
gether every  four  years,  and  elect  two  of  their  own  body,  who, 
together  with  the  clergy,  assembling  from  the  whole  circle,  elect 

THE  CLERGY.  243 

two,  four,  or  five  deputies  (according  to  the  size  of  the  circle)  to 
the  Consistory.  Besides  these  deputies,  the  Consistory  is  com- 
posed of  the  bishop,  first  notary,  presbyters,  notaries  of  circles, 
professors  of  colleges,  curators  of  circles  and  colleges,  and  all  the 
lords-lieutenant,  privy  counsellors,  and  state  secretaries  belong- 
ing to  that  religion.  The  Consistory  chooses  from  its  own  body 
four  presidents,  of  whom  the  eldest  present  always  takes  the 
chair.  The  election  of  the  bishop  is  nominally  made  by  the 
Synod,  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Government ;  but  the  first 
notary,  who  succeeds  to  the  bishopric  as  a  matter  of  course,  is 
chosen  by  the  Synod  independently. 

The  manner  of  nominating  to  a  cure  is  this: — If  a  village  is  in 
want  of  a  clergyman,  the  seigneur  nominates  some  qualified  per- 
son; that  is,  some  one  who  has  gone  through  a  course  of  educa- 
tion,— like  that  described  in  speaking  of  the  college  of  Enyed, — 
and  has  been  duly  ordained ;  and,  if  he  is  approved  by  the  bi- 
shop, he,  with  the  consent  of  the  Synod,  confirms  the  nomina- 
tion. If,  however,  the  peasants  object  to  his  induction,  or  after- 
wards become  discontented  with  his  services,  the  bishop  is  obliged 
to  remove  him. 

The  salary  of  the  Transylvanian  clergyman  is  commonly  very 
small.  Besides  a  cottage  and  plot  of  ground, — an  entire  pea- 
sant's fief, — he  receives  a  voluntary  payment,  the  amount  of  which 
is  agreed  on  beforehand,  in  part  from  the  lord,  and  in  part  from 
the  peasants.  It  is  rarely  that  this  is  entirely  in  money.  The 
peasants  commonly  agree  to  give  a  tenth  of  their  corn  and  wine ; 
and  the  lord,  to  a  certain  quantity  of  the  same  articles,  adds  a 
sum  of  money,  varying  from  eight  to  twelve  pounds.  This  is 
but  a  poor  pittance  for  a  man  of  talent  and  education;  and  when 
it  is  considered  that  the  greater  part  even  of  this  depends  on  his 
pleasing  the  lord  of  the  village,  we  shall  not  be  surprised  that  the 
clergyman  of  Transylvania  does  not  occupy  so  dignified  and  ho- 
noured a  position  as  he  ought  to  do.  Though  there  are,  undoubt- 
edly, many  men  of  high  character  among  them,  as  a  class,  they  are 
commonly  spoken  of  by  the  nobles  as  deficient  in  independence 
and  self-respect.  Nor  is  this  remark  to  be  confined  to  the  Pro- 
testants; the  Catholics  are  equally  obnoxious  to  it.  The  very 
custom  of  admitting  the  priesthood  to  their  tables  as  daily  guests, 
amiable  a  trait  as  it  may  appear  in  the  character  of  the  nobles, 
without  treating  them  as  equals,  has  a  direct  tendency  to  convert 
them  into  dependents  and  flatterers.  Even  the  higher  dignita- 
ries of  the  church  are  not  always  free  from  the  like  animadver- 


sions;  and  in  speaking  of  ecclesiastical  causes,  of  which  they  are 
the  judges,  I  have  often  heard  men  of  the  highest  character  say, 
that  a  few  presents  and  a  little  cajolery,  will  help  them  to  un- 
ravel a  knotty  point,  or  solve  a  conscientious  scruple  with  asto- 
nishing rapidity. 

From  disregard  for  the  professors  of  religion  to  a  disregard 
for  religion  itself  is  but  a  short  step,  and  I  am  sorry  to  say  it  is 
one  which  is  often  made  in  Transylvania.  It  is  a  common  thing, 
among  both  Catholics  and  Protestants,  for  the  best  informed  of 
the  young  people — the  old  cling  to  the  faith  and  observances  of 
their  forefathers  with  a  fervent  and  sincere  attachment — to  speak 
of  religion  as  a  useful  means  of  influencing  mankind,  of  Christi- 
anity as  a  beautiful  moral  system ;  but  there  are  very  few  with 
whom  I  have  spoken  seriously  on  the  subject,  who  have  not  de- 
nied its  Divine  origin.  In  fact,  they  seemed  to  think  infidelity 
itself  a  proof  of  a  strong  and  enlightened  mind,  and  were  asto- 
nished that  any  man  of  sense  could  really  believe  the  authenticity 
of  miracles. 

As  might  be  anticipated  from  this  laxity  of  belief,  bigotry  has 
few  devotees.  The  Catholic  party  is  dominant,  and  those  more 
immediately  favoured  by  the  Court,  it  is  true,  are  somewhat  in- 
clined towards  propagandism;  but,  with  both  parties,  religion  is 
more  a  part  of  politics  than  of  faith.  The  Protestants  are  ne- 
glected and  oppressed  because  they  are  Protestants,  and  such 
treatment  has  created  among  them  considerable  bitterness  and 
a  strong  party  spirit.  Of  course,  this  is  not  to  be  wondered  at ; 
persecution  is  the  best  cure  for  indifference;  but  it  is  rather 
startling  to  see  the  man  with  whom  one  has  been  arguing  over- 
night for  the  credibility  of  Scripture,  the  next  morning  heading 
a  meeting  of  strong  Calvinists.  "  Why,  what  can  you  have  to 

do  with  the  Consistory?"  I  observed  to  Baron ,  one  day 

when  he  was  canvassing  for  a  full  attendance  of  members  at  the 
next  assembly, — "What  can  you  have  to  do  with  the  Consistory, 
if  you  don't  believe  in  religion?"  "I  may  not  believe  the  dog- 
mas of  the  Reformed  Church,"  he  answered,  "and  yet  have  a 
strong  conviction  that  the  principles  of  the  Reformation,  the 
right  of  free  inquiry,  and  the  duty  of  every  man's  forming  his 
own  opinion,  are  just  and  true.  What  I  contend  for  now  is  the 
independence  of  our  schools  and  colleges  with  respect  to  any  in- 
terference on  the  part  of  an  absolute  and  Catholic  Government. 
In  that  I  am  as  Protestant  as  the  best  believer  amongst  them." 

I  have  been  sometimes  at  a  loss  whether  most  to  admire  or 



deprecate  the  treatment  and  position  of  servants  here.  A  Tran- 
sylvanian  servant  is  commonly  the  child  of  his  master's  peasant, 
perhaps  one  who  has  been  left  an  orphan,  and  bequeathed  to  his 
care,  perhaps  a  playfellow  of  his  little  master,  who  has  been 
taken  into  the  family  in  his  very  infancy,  and  there  he  will  pro- 
bably remain  till  he  can  serve  no  longer.  Their  wages  are  small, 
— of  course  I  speak  of  the  generality,  the  very  highest  classes 
are  the  exceptions  every  where, — those  of  footmen  rarely  exceed- 
ing four  or  five  pounds  a-year,  and  grooms  and  coachmen  often  re- 
ceiving only  one;  but  then  they  are  all  found  in  clothes,  linen, 
and  washing.  If  a  female  servant  wishes  to  marry,  her  mistress 
provides  her  a  handsome  trousseau,  and  helps  to  furnish  her 
house;  if  a  man-servant  marries,  his  wife  is  very  likely  taken 
into  the  family,  or  some  out-door  place  is  found  for  him.  When 
they  become  too  old  to  serve  any  longer,  there  is  no  idea  of  turn- 
ing them  off,  but  they  are  commonly  sent  to  some  country  house 
at  a  distance,  and  maintained  there  for  their  lives.  Some  gen- 
tlemen have  dozens  of  these  old  pensioners  quartered  on  different 
estates;  as  they  say,  "It  costs  us  but  little;  for  the  expense  of 
transporting  the  corn  we  receive  in  rent  from  our  peasants  would 
hardly  pay  for  the  trouble,  and  it  keeps  these  poor  fellows  very 

If  this  has  its  good  side,  it  has  also  its  bad,  for  I  never  saw 
servants  more  negligent  and  dirty  than  those  of  Transylvania. 
I  believe  they  do  not  rob  their  masters,  but  they  get  drunk  on 
their  best  wines,  lame  their  best  horses,  and  probably  disobey 
their  orders  five  times  out  of  ten.  Nor  do  I  think  the  familiarity 
with  which  they  are  commonly  treated,  any  more  a  proof  of  re- 
spect or  of  kindly  feeling,  than  our  distance  and  reserve  of 
cruelty  and  pride.  The  more  nearly  the  servant  approaches 
the  master  in  his  rights  and  position  in  society,  the  more  neces- 
sary it  is  that  reserve  should  intervene  to  keep  up  that  deference, 
without  which  obedience  can  hardly  be  expected.  But  when 
the  servant  is  of  another  caste,  and  can  never  approach  the 
sphere  of  those  above  him,  the  case  is  different,  and  the  more  he 
approaches  to  the  state  of  the  slave,  the  more  he  is  treated  with 
familiarity,  because  there  is  the  less  danger  of  his  being  tempted 
to  forget  his  relative  position  .in  consequence  of  it.  In  America 
the  negroes  in  the  slave  states  are  treated  with  infinitely  more 
familiarity  than  they  are  in  the  others;  but  it  would  be  absurd 
on  that  account  to  conclude  that  slavery  is  preferable  to  free- 
dom, or  that  the  freeman's  master  is  more  cruel  than  the  owner 



of  the  slave.  In  Russia,  this  contemptuous  familiarity  is  carried 
to  a  still  greater  extent.  A  princess  of  that  country  was  once 
discovered  employing  her  footman  in  lacing  her  stays,  and  when 
remonstrated  with  by  her  more  civilized  visiter,  answered,  very 
composedly,  "What  can  it  signify  ?  he  is  only  a  servant."  To 
a  modification  of  the  same  feeling,  I  attribute  much  of  the  fami- 
liarity with  which  servants  are  treated  in  Transylvania, — the 
very  praise  of  a  good  servant,  that  "  he  is  faithful  as  a  dog,"  is 
enough  to  prove  it;  and  I  cannot,  therefore,  as  many  writers 
have  done,  from  seeing  it  in  other  parts  of  the  Continent,  hold 
it  up  to  admiration  or  imitation.  The  good  servant  ought  to  be 
too  much  respected  by  his  master  to  be  treated  with  familiarity; 
for  in  the  dependent  position  which  he  necessarily  occupies,  it 
could  only  degrade  him  to  a  mean  flatterer,  or  render  him  diso- 
bedient and  careless. 

The  dislike  of  any  other  livery  than  their  national  dress  is 
very  strong  among  the  servants  here ;  indeed,  to  such  an  extent 
is  it  carried,  that  those  who  wish  to  have  servants  in  livery  are 
often  obliged  to  hire  them  at  Pest  or  Vienna.  Except  the  lady's 
maid,  the  female  servants  are  commonly  dressed  like  the  peasant 
women,  and  wear  the  same  substantial  boots  and  bundas. 

On  the  fifth  of  December,  there  was  a  meeting  of  the  county 
of  Klausenburg,  the  first  held  since  the  dissolution  of  the  Diet. 
This  looked  as  if  the  Government  were  inclined  to  try  concilia- 
tion, and  we  heard  that  all  the  chiefs  of  the  liberal  party  were 
anxious  that  it  should  pass  off  with  the  greatest  quietness,  but 
that  they  were  resolved  at  the  same  time  to  manifest  a  firm  ad- 
herence to  their  rights.  The  course  to  be  adopted  was  deter- 
mined on  at  a  meeting  of  the  principal  nobles  at  the  house  of 
Count  Bethlen  Janos, — the  admitted  leader  of  the  liberals; — and 
it  was  to  assemble  and  draw  up  a  protest  against  the  dissolution 
of  the  Diet,  and  all  the  subsequent  acts  of  the  executive,  and 
then  to  separate,  with  a  refusal  to  act  in  any  way  with  a  Govern- 
ment of  which  they  cannot  acknowledge  the  legality. 

The  meeting  took  place  in  the  hall,  formerly  occupied  by  the 
Diet,  and  which  was  still  fitted  up  as  it  had  been  during  the  sit- 
tings of  that  assembly,  with  rows  of  benches  covered  with  green 
cloth.  The  Administrator,  the  substitute  for  the  Lord-lieute- 
nant who  had  resigned,  took  his  place  with  fear  and  trembling ; 
for  he  was  aware  how  strong  the  opposition  was  against  him,  and 
he  did  not  probably  feel  quite  comfortable  as  to  how  the  meeting 
might  end.  After  the  clerks  had  read  over  some  documents, 



among  which  was  the  Imperial  Ordinance  closing  the  Diet,  in 
Latin,  Count  Bethlen  Janos  rose.  Added  to  an  exceedingly  fine 
countenance  and  striking  figure,  Bethlen  Janos  possesses  a  voice 
of  greater  depth  and  sweetness  than  I  ever  remember  to  have 
heard.  His  manner  is  calm,  but  earnest  and  persuasive  in  the 
highest  degree,  He  is  generally  accused  of  being  too  lazy  to 
take  such  an  active  share  in  public  affairs  as  his  talents  and 
eloquence  demand  of  him.  That  could  not  be  charged  against 
him,  however,  on  this  occasion.  He  had  been  suffering  from 
ague  for  several  months  previously,  and  was  actually  under  the 
influence  of  the  fever  while  he  was  speaking. 

His  task  was  a  difficult  one.  A  considerable  number  of  Szolga- 
birok,  magistrates,  who  had  been  fairly  chosen  in  1833,  in  con- 
sequence of  the  cessation  of  the  county  meeting,  had  not  been 
able  to  give  up  their  offices,  as  they  were  bound  to  do,  at  the 
end  of  the  year,  and  go  through  a  new  election ;  they  had  now 
been  three  years  in  office.  All  these  men  were  anxious  to  come 
forward  and  resign ;  but  as  it  was  determined  that  nothing  should 
be  done,  of  course  their  re-election  could  not  have  been  made, 
and  probably  Government  would  have  appointed  a  set  of  corrupt 
bureaucrats  in  their  places.  The  quiet  dignified  manner,  and 
calm  reasoning  of  Count  Bethlen,  seemed  to  have  its  effect. 
Some  of  the  friends  of  Government  tried  to  counteract  his  wise 
counsel  by  stimulating  the  more  uncompromising  of  the  opposi- 
tion to  a  violent  course — but  it  was  in  vain ;  the  moderates  car- 
ried the  day.  A  committee  was  appointed  to  draw  up  a  protest, 
and  the  meeting  adjourned.  Many  of  the  best  speakers  had 
been  drawn  off  by  similar  meetings  having  been  called  together 
in  several  other  counties.  After  Bethlen  Janos,  the  best  speakers 
were  Baron  Kemeny  Domokos,  Zejk  Joseph,  and  Count  Teleki 
Domokos.  The  speeches  were  generally  very  short,  and  in  con- 
sequence the  speakers  found  it  frequently  necessary  to  rise  and 
interrupt,  in  order  to  explain  their  meaning  more  fully,  which  pro- 
duced some  confusion  in  the  debate. 

Even  among  the  liberal  party,  different  opinions  have  been 
formed  as  to  the  prudence  and  wisdom  of  the  extreme  measures 
of  Baron  Wesselenyi,  which  led  to  the  violent  dissolution  of  the 
Diet  on  the  part  of  the  Government.  Many  of  those  who  had 
followed  his  steps  while  successful,  were  anxious  to  escape  from  the 
path  into  which  their  fears  and  not  their  convictions  had  drawn 
them.  Others,  too  weak  to  oppose  the  torrent  in  the  height  of 
its  flow,  now  began  to  make  themselves  heard;  and  there  were 


many  who  believed  that  a  more  cautious,  if  less  direct,  course 
would  have  been  attended  with  more  favourable  results.  Perhaps 
these  opinions  are  right,  and  on  the  spot,  I  was  much  inclined  to 
agree  with  them  myself;  at  the  same  time,  it  is  impossible  to  deny 
that  the  principles  of  Wesselenyi,  if  too  advanced  both  for  the 
Government  and  the  mass  of  his  countrymen,  were  in  themselves 
noble  and  high.  The  attempt  to  carry  them  out  at  that  moment 
may  have  been  imprudent,  untimely;  but  they  have  had  the 
effect  which  all  high  party  principles  have,  of  engendering  sen- 
timents of  disinterested  nationality  and  generous  devotion  to  the 
public  good.  A  few  years  ago,  Government  would  have  been 
right  in  counting  on  love  of  place  as  stronger  than  love  of  prin- 
ciple ;  but  a  public  conscience  has  been  called  into  action ;  he  that 
could  get  the  most  was  not  the  most  esteemed — and,  as  was  seen 
in  the  moment  of  action,  even  men  of  doubtful  conduct  no  longer 
dared  to  leave  the  straight  course,  so  strong  was  the  public  feel- 
ing against  any  dereliction  from  public  duty.  For  this  the 
country  has,  in  a  great  measure,  to  thank  Wesselenyi,  and  I  am 
not  sure  that  it  is  not  the  greatest  boon  he  could  have  conferred 
on  it.* 

Nothing  can  be  conceived  more  uneasy  than  the  state  of  society 
here  at  the  present  moment.  Politics  have  completely  divided 
the  most  intimate  friends,  so  that  it  is  difficult  to  form  even  a  din- 
ner party  without  bringing  opponents  together.  The  Arch-duke 
and  his  small  band  of  officials,  together  with  the  whole  of  the 
military,  are  sent  to  Coventry  by  the  greater  part  of  the  nobility. 
Many  ladies  not  only  refuse  to  attend  at  his  palace,  but  will 
not  go  into  society  where  he  is  invited.  Of  course  this  has  no 
tendency  to  soften  the  Arch-duke?s  feelings,  and  many  tales  are 
afloat  of  the  harsh  things  he  has  said.  That  he  is  a  most  dan- 
gerous enemy  of  constitutional  rights  is  beyond  all  question. 

*  Later  events  have  still  further  confirmed  this  opinion.  The  Transyl- 
vanian  Diet  was  called  together  again  in  1838,  at  Hermanstadt,  and  al- 
mostall  the  points  formerly  refused  were  redemanded,  and  finally  obtained 
from  the  Government.  The  Diet  firmly  refused  to  elect  the  Arch-duke  for 
governor,  and  he  has  in  consequence  left  the  country.  Many  of  those 
gentlemen  who  gave  up  their  places  on  the  dissolution  of  the  former  diet, 
have  been  re-elected  by  the  present  one,  to  still  higher  posts;  the  election 
of  the  president,  and  the  publication  of  the  debates,  have  been  yielded 
without  opposition,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped,  that  in  future  the  country  and 
Government  will  cordially  unite  in  amending  the  institutions,  and  amelio- 
rating the  condition  of  this  beautiful  country.  The  first  act  of  the  Diet  was 
to  appoint  a  commission  for  the  reform  of  the  laws  affecting  the  peasantry. 



Only  a  short  time  since,  in  answer  to  a  remonstrance  from  one  of 
the  most  moderate  of  the  opposition,  on  the  illegality  of  some 
ordinance  just  issued,  he  observed,  "Das  erste  Gesetz  ist  des 
Kaisers  Befehl, — the  first  law  is  the  Emperor's  will,"— a  senti- 
ment too  absolute  to  find  an  echo  even  within  the  walls  of  the 

These  feelings  of  dislike  to  the  Court  and  its  party,  have  been 
strongly  called  forth  by  an  occurrence  which  took  place  in  the 
theatre  within  these  last  few  days.  As  a  young  student  was 
passing  out  of  the  theatre,  at  the  same  time  with  a  number  of 
officers,  he  pushed  against  one  of  them — rudely  in  all  probability, 
and  not  quite  unintentionally,  for  between  officers  and  students 
there  is  a  great  hatred, — when  the  officer  and  several  of  his  com- 
panions drew  their  swords,  attacked  the  unarmed  boy,  and 
wounded  him  severely.  In  England,  the  officers  would  have 
been  tried  for  murder;  here,  they  were  commended  by  their  supe- 
riors, and  the  student  thrown  into  prison.  Now,  though,  for 
my  own  part,  I  fully  agree  with  the  Transylvanians  in  regarding 
such  an  act  with  the  greatest  horror,  it  is  but  just  to  the  Aus- 
trian army  to  give  the  reasons  by  which  they  attempt  to  justify 
it.  If  an  Austrian  officer  receives  an  insult  and  does  not  avenge 
it,  he  is  looked  upon  by  his  comrades  as  a  coward;  if  he  fights  a 
duel,  he  is  broken  by  his  commander;  and  therefore  to  redress 
his  own  wrongs  the  moment  they  are  inflicted  is  the  only  plan 
by  which  he  can  escape  dishonour  or  punishment.  It  is  still  dif- 
ficult to  conceive,  however,  by  what  sophistry  it  could  be  con- 
sidered fair  to  use  arms  against  an  unarmed  man. 

Towards  the  middle  of  January  the  cold  became  excessive. 
At  eight  o'clock  in  the  morning  of  the  tenth  of  that  month,  the 
thermometer  stood  at  twenty-two  degrees  of  Fahrenheit  below 
freezing.  This  is  a  greater  degree  of  cold  than  has  been  known 
at  Klausenburg  for  many  years;  indeed  it  is  colder  than  a  com- 
mon winter  at  St.  Petersburg.  The  winter  in  general,  however, 
is  exceedingly  severe  in  Transylvania,  and  I  know  no  better  in- 
stance to  prove  how  much  other  circumstances,  besides  the  lati- 
tude, influence  the  climate  of  a  country.  Klausenburg  is  thir- 
teen degrees  south  of  St.  Petersburg,  and  five  degrees  south  of 
London;  yet,  owing  to  its  geographical  position,  it  has  five 
months  winter  of  almost  arctic  severity.  The  contrast  is  ren- 
dered still  more  striking  when  we  recollect  that  the  summers 
here  are  so  hot  as  to  produce  the  grape  and  water-melon  in  the 
open  air. 


This  was  the  first  time  I  ever  felt  a  really  painful  cold,  and 
on  going  out  I  found  it  affect  my  eyes  severely.  The  breath 
froze  on  the  moustache  and  whiskers,  and  though  I  heard  of  no 
noses  being  lost,  several  ladies  had  their  ears  frozen  in  close  car- 
riages, as  they  were  going  out  to  parties.  The  bread  they  brought 
us  in  the  morning  was  mostly  frozen,  and  we  heard  that  the 
liqueurs  had  frozen  during  the  night,  and  broken  their  bottles. 
I  was  surprised  one  day  to  see  a  peasant,  who  was  talking  to 
another  in  the  square,  resting  his  hand  on  the  head  of  a  roe-buck, 
which  appeared  so  tame  that  it  stood  quietly  by  his  side ;  but  in 
a  few  seconds,  when  the  men  parted,  I  was  still  more  astonished 
to  see  him  set  the  animal  exactly  in  the  same  position  on  his 
shoulders,  and  walk  off  with  it.  In  fact  all  the  game  and  meat 
was  frozen,  and  required  a  gradual  thawing  before  it  could  be  used. 

A  considerable  sensation  has  been  excited  of  late  by  a  report 
that  three  counties  of  Transylvania,  formerly  belonging  to  Hun- 
gary, are  to  be  restored  to  that  country.  The  Transylvanians 
do  not  seem  to  relish  this  plan  much ;  they  say  these  counties  are 
eminently  Protestant  and  liberal,  and,  if  taken  away,  the  opposi- 
tion would  be  so  much  weakened  as  to  be  in  danger  of  extinction, 
— others,  again,  hope  it  may  only  be  a  prelude  to  a  union  of 
the  whole  of  Transylvania  to  Hungary,  which  would  be  a  means 
of  strengthening  the  latter  country,  and  would  ensure  the  Tran- 
sylvanians also  a  more  strict  observance  of  their  rights,  though 
the  rights  themselves  might  be  somewhat  restricted  by  it. 

We  had  a  visit  one  day  from  Szekelly  Moses  Ur,  the  professor 
of  Theology  in  the  Unitarian  College  here.  Professor  Szekelly 
told  me  he  spent  a  short  time  in  England  some  years  back,  and 
visited  most  of  the  Unitarian  congregations.  At  the  Unitarian 
College  in  York,  he  was  much  astonished  at  the  wealth  of  the 
professors;  the  first  "had  300/.  a  year,"  and  the  two  others 
150/.  each — "  but  England/'  said  he,  "  is  a  rich  country !"  "  How 
much  have  you  then,  if  you  consider  that  such  excessive  wealth?" 
1  asked. 

"  We  have  SO/,  a-year  each,  and  rooms  in  the  college,  and 
there  are  few  professors  here  better  paid  than  we  are." 

Professor  Szekelly  estimates  the  Unitarians  of  Transylvania 
at  forty-seven  thousand.  In  the  college  there  are  two  hundred 
and  thirty  studen.ts,  of  whom  one  hundred  are  togati,  and  follow 
the  higher  branches  of  learning,  the  rest  classisten,  mere  boys. 
There  are  professors  of  Mathematics,  Philosophy,  History,*  and 

*  The  Unitarians  have  also  Gymnasia  at  Thorda  and  Keresztur. 


Theology,  besides  six  preceptors  under  them.  We  visited  the 
college  and  church,  the  latter  of  which  is  a  handsome  building 
and  kept  in  good  order.  The  form  of  service  is  the  same  as  that 
maintained  in  all  Protestant  dissenting  churches. 

Unitarianism  was  introduced  into  Transylvania  by  Isabella, 
daughter  of  the  King  of  Poland,  and  wife  of  the  first  Zapolya, 
and  it  was  under  her  regency,  during  the  minority  of  her  son, 
that  they  obtained  equal  privileges  with  the  other  professors  of 
Christianity.  Blandrata,  the  physician  of  Isabella,  is  said  to 
have  taught  her  the  doctrines  which  Servetus  was  promulgating 
in  Italy.  For  some  time  Unitarianism  remained  the  religion  of 
the  Court,  and,  of  course,  it  soon  became  the  religion  of  the  cour- 
tiers. Since  that  time,  however,  many  changes  have  occurred, 
by  none  of  which  have  the  poor  Unitarians  gained.  Their 
churches  have  been  taken  away  from  them  and  given  in  turns  to 
the  Reformed  and  the  Catholics.  Their  funds  have  been  converted 
to  other  purposes;  the  great  have  fallen  away  and  followed  new 
fashions  as  they  arose,  and  the  religion  is  now  almost  entirely 
confined  to  the  middle  and  lower  classes.  It  is  in  the  mountains 
of  the  Szekler-land  that  this  simple  faith  has  retained  the  greatest 
number  of  followers.  Here,  as  elsewhere,  they  are  said  to  be 
distinguished  for  their  prudence  and  moderation  in  politics,  their 
industry  and  morality  in  private  life,  and  the  superiority  of  their 
education  to  the  generality  of  those  of  their  own  class. 

The  habits  of  society  in  Transylvania,  in  many  respects,  differ 
little  from  those  of  England  about  the  end  of  the  last  century. 
The  ladies  usually  pass  their  mornings  in  attending  to  the  affairs 
of  their  households,  or  in  listening  over  their  embroidery  to  the 
news  of  the  day  which  a  neighbouring  gossip  has  kindly  brought 
to  them.  Some  of  them,  it  is  true,  spend  these  hours  at  the  easel 
or  the  drawing-table,  and  others  store  their  minds  with  the 
choicest  products  of  foreign  literature.  In  addition  to  a  pretty 
good  circulating  library  which  Klausenburg  already  contains, 
the  ladies  have  lately  established  a  book-club  among  themselves, 
in  order  to  ensure  a  better  supply  of  new  books.  I  know  many 
ladies  to  whom  the  names  and  works  of  all  our  best  classics  are  fa- 
miliar, either  in  the  originals  or  translations,  and  there  are  very 
few  who  cannot  talk  learnedly  of  Byron  and  Scott.  This  may 
not  be  thought  to  show  any  very  great  proficiency  in  literature, 
but  I  am  afraid  if  we  were  to  ask  English  ladies  how  much  they 
know — not  of  Hungarian  writers — but  of  those  of  Germany  even, 
we  should  often  find  their  knowledge  still  more  shallow. 


The  education  of  children  is  for  the  most  part  committed  to 
the  mother's  care.  In  the  richer  families  she  is  aided  by  a 
governess  and  a  master,  in  those  less  rich  the  whole  duty  rests 
on  her,  but  in  no  case  is  it  left  entirely  to  the  care  of  strangers. 
Boarding-schools  are  almost  unknown;  and  the  boys  are  conse- 
quently committed  to  the  care  of  private  tutors,  often  priests  or 
clergymen,  till  fit  to  be  sent  to  college.  It  is  a  great  misfortune 
that  the  wholesome  lessons  which  pride  so  often  receives  in  pub- 
lic schools,  cannot  be  enjoyed  by  these  children.  Too  often  their 
tutors  are  little  more  than  their  servants,  and  they  are  conse- 
quently brought  up  with  an  overweening  idea  of  their  own  con- 
sequence, and  of  the  inferiority  of  all  around  them.  Count  Sze- 
chenyi  has  given  a  humorous  description  of  this  sort  of  educa- 
tion, and  its  effects,  which  is  worth  quoting.  Although  intended 
for  Hungary,  and  a  little  exaggerated,  there  are  riot  wanting 
instances  even  in  Transylvania  to  which  it  might  be  well  applied. 

"  Many  of  our  children,  from  their  very  infancy,  have  always 
been  attended  by  a  couple  of  hussars,  whose  labour  has  been  to 
praise  their  little  master's  every  act  in  hope  of  adding  a  trifle  to 
their  wages  by  their  servility — albeit  they  have  rarely  succeeded 
in  that  matter.  Has  the  little  count  walked  half  a  mile — oh, 
what  a  pedestrian  he  will  make!  Has  he  got  through  an  exa- 
mination— private,  of  course, — and  are  his  parents  in  office — 
what  a  great  man  he  will  turn  out  some  of  these  days !  If  the 
young  gentleman,  attended  by  a  handsome  suite,  pays  a  visit  to 
his  father's  estates,  every  body  is  in  waiting  to  receive  him,  and 
he  sees  things  only  in  their  holiday  dress.  Suppose  his  studies 
now  finished — that  is,  his  private  tutor  dismissed — and  he  sets 
out  on  his  travels  to  gain  a  knowledge  of  the  e  world.'  He  pays 

a  visit  to  Count  N ,  to  Baron  M ,  to  the  Vice  Ispan 

H ,  and  to  Squire  F ;  he  passes  through  a  good  part  of 

his  father-land,  finds  horses  ordered  every  where  he  presents 
himself,  and  so  between  visits  to  his  friends  and  a  few  weeks' 
bathing  at  Mehadia  or  Fiired,  manages  to  get  through  the  sum- 
mer. After  a  six  weeks'  residence  in  Venice  and  Munich,  to  com- 
plete his  knowledge  of  foreign  ' Weltweisheit' — world-wisdom 
— he  returns  home,  and  is  appointed  to  an  office  already  waiting 
for  him.  And  now  he  plays  the  great  man ;  he  knows  his  fa- 
ther-land, has  travelled  into  foreign  countries,  talks  about  the 
English  Parliament  and  the  French  Chambers,  and  enlight- 
ens his  hearers  with  his  opinions  on  these  matters.  Then  he 
tells  them  in  how  sad  a  state  France  is,  how  her  agriculture  is 



fallen,  and  darkly  hints  that  Great  Britain  may  yet  be  ruined  by 
her  steam-engines  and  machinery  !" 

From  some  of  these  dangers  the  education  of  the  women  is 
free.  Left  entirely  to  a  mother's  care,  or  taught  by  a  foreign 
governess  under  her  eye,  there  is  little  chance  of  their  falling 
into  these  errors;  nor  indeed,  as  they  are  excluded  from  political 
employment,  is  it  worth  the  Government's  while  to  interfere  for 
the  sake  of  checking  a  mental  development  which  it  so  much 
fears  in  the  other  sex. 

I  must  do  the  sons  and  daughters  of  Hungary  the  credit  to 
say,  that  in  no  country  is  the  behaviour  of  the  child  to  the  pa- 
rent more  respectful  than  in  Hungary.  This  partly  depends  on 
the  habits  inculcated  in  early  life.  From  infancy  the  child  is 
taught  to  kiss  the  parent's  hand  as  its  ordinary  salutation,  and 
the  morning  and  evening  greetings  are  considered  matters  of 
duty,  and  punctiliously  observed  even  in  after  life.  It  is  plea- 
sant to  see  the  married  daughter  kiss  the  mother's  hand  and 
receive  her  blessing  as  she  leaves  for  the  night,  and  in  the  morn- 
ing to  find  her  in  attendance  to  offer  her  parent  the  first  saluta- 
tions on  the  coming  day.  Nor  is  the  custom  which  places  the 
mother  at  the  head  of  the  daughter's  table,  and  which  makes  her 
almost  mistress  of  the  hduse  when  she  visits  her  child,  less  sooth- 
ing to  the  feelings  of  one  who  has  long  been  looked  up  to  as  the 
directress  of  all  about  her.  I  have  often  been  surprised  to  ob- 
serve the  absolute  silence  maintained  by  grown-up  sons  in  the 
presence  of  their  fathers,  and  I  have  sometimes  been  sorry  when 
I  have  seen  them  sacrifice,  if  not  their  political  sentiments,  at 
least  the  conduct  which  those  sentiments  would  have  dictated,  to 
the  feelings  and  prejudices  of  old  age.  Great  as  is  the  respect 
we  owe  our  parents,  the  duty  we  owe  our  country  is  more  sacred 

Society,  at  least  during  the  winter,  occupies  a  large  share  of 
the  ladies'  time  and  attention.  After  dinner  they  commonly 
make  their  visits;  in  summer  they  drive  out  to  the  Volks  Garten, 
or  some  other  place  in  the  neighbourhood,  and,  still  later,  either 
receive  visiters  at  home,  or  go  out  to  spend  the  evening  with 
some  of  their  friends.  Though  more  domestic  in  their  habits 
than  the  French,  they  are  not  such  slaves  to  their  fire-sides  as 
ourselves.  It  is  not  thought  a  misfortune  to  spend  an  evening 
alone,  but  it  is  more  commonly  passed  in  society, 

The  conversation  of  small  towns  is  very  apt  to  run  into  scan- 
dal and  tittle-tattle,  and  Klausenburg  is  certainly  not  free  from 
VOL.  ii.— 22 


the  imputation ;  but  if  the  weeds  of  the  social  system  find  a  soil 
for  their  nourishment  here,  its  flowers  are  not  less  plentiful  and 
luxuriant.  There  are  women  in  Transylvania  whose  accom- 
plishments and  manners  would  render  them  the  ornament  of  any 
society  in  which  they  might  be  placed.  Nor  is  the  general  tone 
of  conversation  much  lower  in  its  intellectuality, — whatever  it 
may  be  in  refinement, — than  in  most  other  countries.  I  was 
particularly  struck  by  the  freedom  with  which  political  and  re- 
ligious discussions  were  often  carried  on  before  ladies  here,  and 
by  the  interest  and  share  they  took  in  it.  In  Transylvania,  I 
never  heard  a  lady  insulted  by  an  apology  for  speaking  in  her 
presence  of  subjects  which  interested  her  husband,  father,  or  bro- 
ther. Perhaps  the  next  sentence  may  explain  the  cause  of  this. 

The  position  of  women  in  Hungary  and  Transylvania,  with 
respect  to  their  civil  and  even  political  rights  is  very  different 
from  what  it  is  with  us.  We  have  already  remarked,  when 
speaking  of  the  Diet  at  Presburg,  that  the  widows  of  magnates 
have  the  right  of  sending  a  deputy  to  sit,  though  not  to  speak 
or  vote,  in  the  lower  chamber ;  and,  in  the  county  meetings,  the 
widows  of  all  nobles  can  send  their  representatives  to  act  in  their 
names.  Their  civil  rights, — that  is,  of  the  married  women  or 
widows,  for  the  maid  remains  a  minor  and  ward  of  her  nearest 
male  relation,  should  she  live  to  the  age  of  Methuselah — are 
still  more  important.  An  Hungarian  lady  never  loses  her  maiden 
name,  and  even  during  her  husband's  life  actions  at  law  regard- 
ing her  property  are  conducted  in  her  name.  Over  her  property 
the  husband  has  by  law  no  right  whatsoever;  even  the  manage- 
ment of  it  she  may  retain  in  her  own  hands,  though  she  rarely 
or  never  does  so. 

In  case  of  divorce,  where  the  character  of  the  wife  is  unim- 
peached,  the  whole  of  the  children  are  left  in  the  care  of  the 
mother  till  the  age  of  seven,  and  the  girls  during  their  whole 

Divorces  are  far  from  uncommon  among  the  Protestants  of 
Transylvania;  for  except  when  attended  by  scandalous  dis- 
closures, which  is  rare,  both  law  and  custom  mark  them  as  un- 
fortunate rather  than  disgraceful.  They  are  commonly  obtained 
by  the  wife  against  the  husband  on  the  plea  of  ill  treatment, 
inveterate  dislike,  impossibility  of  living  together,  or  the  employ- 
ment of  threats  or  force  to  accomplish  the  marriage — any  of 
which  are  sufficient  in  law — and  she  retains  all  her  property  and 
rights  unimpaired.  It  is  curious  that  very  few  cases  occur  in 
which  they  do  not  marry  again  quite  as  well  as  before. 

THE  CASINO.  255 

The  Casino  at  Klausenburg,  if  less  splendid  than  its  elder 
brother  in  Pest,  is  at  least  equally  hospitable:  our  names  were 
put  clown,  and  we  were  free  of  it  as  Jong  as  we  chose  to  stay. 
The  ladies  complain  that  their  drawing-rooms  are  sadly  deserted 
since  the  establishment  of  the  Casino;  the  attractions  of  pipes, 
cards,  billiards,  conversation,  and  books,  seem  to  have  beaten  those 
of  beauty.  It  is  rare  to  go  into  the  Casino  of  Klausenburg 
during  the  evening  and  not  find  its  rooms  full.  If  I  complained 
that  the  Casino  of  Pest  was  invaded  by  the  pipe,  what  shall  I 
say  of  that  of  Klausenburg  ?  Its  air  is  one  dense  cloud  of  smoke, 
and  it  is  easy  to  detect  any  one  who  has  been  there  by  the  smell 
of  his  clothes  for  some  time  after.  Such  a  smoking  nation  as 
this  I  never  saw;  the  Germans  are  novices  to  them  in  the  art. 
Reading,  writing,  walking,  or  riding,  idle  or  at  work,  they  are 
never  without  the  pipe.  Even  in  swimming,  I  have  seen  a  man 
puffing  away  quite  composedly.  A  coachman  thinks  it  is  a  great 
hardship  if  he  may  not  smoke  as  he  is  driving  a  carriage,  although 
it  may  happen  that  the  smoke  blows  directly  into  the  face  of  his 
mistress.  The  meerschaum  is  cherished  by  the  true  smoker  with 
as  much  care  as  a  pet  child:  when  new,  he  covers  it  up  in  a  little 
case  of  soft  leather  that  it  may  not  be  scratched,  and  he  smokes 
it  regularly  and  with  great  caution,  that  it  may  take  an  equal 
colour  throughout ;  and  when  at  last  it  has  obtained  the  much- 
esteemed  nut-brown  hue,  with  what  pride  does  he  exhibit  and 
praise  its  beauty  ?  A  meerschaum,  engraved  with  arms,  is  one 
of  the  common  presents  between  intimate  friends ;  and  some  of 
them  are  worked  with  exquisite  taste  and  skill.  The  most  com- 
mon tobacco  bag  is  a  part  of  the  skin  of  the  goat,  and  is  often 
ornamented  with  rich  embroidery. 

The  most  luxurious  smoker  I  ever  knew,  was  a  young  Tran- 
sylvanian,  who  told  us  that  his  servant  always  inserted  a  lighted 
pipe  into  his  mouth  the  first  thing  in  the  morning,  and  that  he 
smoked  it  out  before  he  awoke.  "  It  is  so  pleasant,"  he  observed, 
"  to  have  the  proper  taste  restored  to  one's  mouth  before  one  is 
sensible  even  of  its  want." 

I  am  sorry  to  say  smoking  does  not  confine  itself  to  the  Casino 
or  the  bachelor's  bed-room,  but  makes  its  appearance  even  in  the 
society  of  ladies.  In  some  houses,  pipes  are  regularly  brought 
into  the  drawing-room  with  coffee  after  dinner,  and  I  have  even 
heard  of  a  ball  supper  being  finished  with  smoking.  I  never 
knew  a  lady  who  did  not  dislike  this  custom;  but  they  commonly 
excuse  it  by  the  plea  that  they  could  not  keep  the  gentlemen 


\vilh  them  if  they  did  not  yield  to  it.  It  is  but  justice  to  say, 
however,  that  there  are  drawing-rooms  in  Klausenburg  from 
which  this  abomination  is  rigidly  excluded,  and  where  the  gen- 
tlemen are  still  happy  to  be  allowed  to  make  their  bows  without 
a  similar  permission  being  extended  to  their  meerschaums. 

S was  present  at  the  funeral  of  Count  R ,  and  has 

given  me  some  curious  particulars  of  it.     Count  R was  a 

Protestant,  and  the  greatest  part  of  the  ceremony  took  place  in 
his  own  house.  After  a  short  service,  and  a  general  sermon  to 
all  those  invited  to  the  funeral,  the  clergyman  proceeded  to  ad- 
dress each  one  of  the  mourners  separately  and  by  name.  He 
began  with  the  nearest  relative, — in  this  case  the  widow, — and 
after  enlarging  on  the  virtues  of  the  deceased,  as  a  husband  and 
father,  pointed  out  the  consolation  she  might  derive  from  the  re- 
flection, and  when  at  last  she  was  quite  overcome  by  her  feelings, 
she  was  led  out  by  two  of  her  friends,  and  the  next  of  kin  was 
then  addressed  in  the  same  way,  and  so  on  through  the  whole 
company.  Such  a  ceremony,  if  well  conducted,  gives  the  cler- 
gyman a  great  opportunity  of  correcting  the  faults  and  failings 
of  individuals  in  circumstances  when  admonition  is  most  kindly 
received ;  but,  as  in  our  own  funeral  sermons,  it  too  often  ends  in 
a  mere  panegyric  of  the  deceased,  without  regard  to  his  deserts, 
or  to  the  edification  of  the  hearers.  To  speak  impartially  under 
such  circumstances  would  often  be  cruel,  and  is  scarcely  possi- 
ble .in  any  case  :  in  Transylvania  it  is  rendered  still  more  difficult 
by  the  handsome  present  the  clergyman  commonly  receives  for 
his  services  on  the  occasion. 

I  was  taken  by  the  Baroness  B to  see  a  school  in  which 

she  felt  great  interest,  and  in  the  foundation  of  which  she  had 
taken  a  considerable  share.  This  school  was  for  children  of  all 
religions,  and  had  been  established  to  enable  the  poor  Protestants 
and  others  to  educate  their  children  without  having  them  tempted 
to  become  converts  to  Catholicism,  of  which  they  were  in  dan- 
ger in  other  places.  The  system  pursued  was  that  of  Lancaster, 
and  it  seemed  to  succeed  well.  They  only  attempt  to  teach  the 
first  elements  of  education,  as  far  as  learning  is  concerned,  but 
what  is  of  more  importance,  religious  and  orderly  habits  are  in- 
sisted on.  The  services  of  the  day  are  begun  and  ended  with  a 
prayer  and  hymn,  and  the  reading  of  select  passages  from  the 
Bible.  Among  the  children  were  Calvinists  and  Unitarians, 
Catholics,  Greeks  and  Jews,— the  latter  only  taking  no  part  in 
the  religious  acts. 


There  are  other  schools  for  the  poorer  classes,  founded  by  the 
Baroness  Josika,  a  lady  of  great  enterprise  and  public  spirit,  to 
whom  Klausenburg  is  indebted  for  many  very  useful  institutions. 

In  spite  of  not  understanding  a  word  that  was  said,  I  went 
several  times  to  the  theatre  as  a  matter  of  duty.  I  cannot  say 
a  great  deal  in  favour  of  the  acting,  but  I  really  do  not  think  it 
was  worse  than  is  seen  in  the  provincial  theatres  of  most  other 
countries.  Klausenburg  was  the  first  town  that  could  boast  of 
a  regular  Magyar  theatre,  and  may  therefore  claim  to  have  ex- 
ercised no  slight  influence  in  extending  and  polishing  the  lan- 
guage. I  met  Mr.  Jancso,  the  first  Hungarian  actor  who  ever 
distinguished  himself,  the  other  day  at  dinner  at  the  Countess 

W 's.  He  is  said  to  have  enjoyed  great  popularity  in  his 

day,  and  to  have  fully  deserved  it.  He  is  now  old,  and,  like  so 
many  of  our  own  past  favourites,  but  very  ill  provided  for. 

Whenever  the  Countess  W ,  however,  is  in  town,  Jancso  is 

sure  of  a  good  dinner,  as  there  is  always  a  cover  laid  for  him  at 
her  table. 

Having  sufficiently  recovered  from  a  slight  hurt  I  had  received 
about  the  middle  of  January,  which  the  cold  had  aggravated 
into  a  rather  troublesome  affair,  I  began  to  think  of  moving ;  and 
we  accordingly  determined  to  bid  adieu  to  Klausenburg  and 
spend  the  carnival  in  Pest.  In  truth,  the  unhappy  divisions 
which  politics  have  caused  in  society  renders  Klausenburg  any 
thing  but  a  pleasant  residence  just  at  present.  It  is  idle  to  say 
That  such  matters  should  have  nothing  to  do  with  our  enjoyments 
— where  great  interests  are  at  stake,  every  legitimate  means  of 
exercising  moral  influence  must  be  employed;  the  renegade,  the 
seller  of  his  conscience,  must  be  excluded  from  the  drawing-room, 
as  he  is  from  the  senate ;  must  be  shunned  by  the  women  as  he 
is  despised  by  the  men.  But  necessary  as  all  this  may  be,  it  is 
far  from  pleasant,  and  we  therefore  determined  to  bid  it  farewell, 
hoping  that  the  moderation  of  the  people,  and  the  returning  good 
sense  of  the  Government,  would  in  a  few  years  restore  to  Klau- 
senburg its  former  character  of  one  of  the  gayest  little  places  in 
the  world. 





Return  to  Pest. — A  Poet. — Travelling  Comforts.— The  Carriers. — Gross 
Wardein, — Prince  Hohenlohe. — The  Italian, — Paprika  Hendel. — Great 
Camania. — The  Cumanians  and  Jazygeis. — The  worst  Road  in  Hun- 

ON  the  24th  of  January,  we  bade  adieu  to  Klausenburg  and 
took  the  road  to  Pest.  It  was  Friday,  and  many  were  the  evil 
predictions  of  our  kind  friends ;  but  a  bright  morning,  and  the 
thermometer  as  high  as  18°  below  freezing  of  Fahrenheit,  were 
not  to  be  neglected.  While  changing  horses  at  Nagy  Kapus, 
the  first  post,  we  were  saluted  in  Italian  by  an  important-look- 
ing personage,  who  informed  us  that  he  was  a  poet,  and  who  in- 
quired in  return  if  we  were  not  the  Englishmen  who,  he  heard, 
were  wandering  about  the  country.  We  were  but  too  proud  to 
acknowledge  the  identity,  when  he  assured  us  he  had  already 
informed  his  literary  society  of  the  strangers"  visit  to  these  dis- 
tant lands,  and  begged  our  names  and  titles,  that  he  might  make 
no  error  in  any  future  mention  of  us !  It  appears  that  he  had 
served  in  the  Austrian  army  during  the  wars  of  Napoleon,  and 
was  received  a  member  of  some  learned  society  at  Milan,  since" 
which  period  he  has  been  continually  writing  poetry,  which  no 
one  reads. 

In  spite  of  an  invitation  to  stay  the  night  at  Banffy  Hunyad, 
we  determined  to  push  on  for  Gross  Wardein  as  quickly  as  pos- 
sible. We  had  a  bright  moon,  and  its  rays  falling  on  the  snow 
with  which  every  thing  was  covered,  left  us  nothing  to  desire  as 
far  as  light  was  concerned.  The  cold  we  did  not  fear,  for  we 
had  taken  very  effectual  means  to  guard  against  that.  It  is  only 
in  real  cold  countries  that  man  knows  how  to  keep  himself  warm. 
Our  heads  were  well  protected  by  a  kalpak,  or  high  fur  cap,  the 
whole  body  enveloped  in  a  bunda  or  fur  cloak,  the  hands  in  fox- 
skin  gloves,  and  the  feet  and  legs  in  a  sack  of  thick  cloth  lined 
with  sheep-skin,  decidedly  one  of  the  happiest  efforts  of  human 
genius.  Bless  that  sack !  for  during  four  days  and  a  night  in 
the  midst  of  snow,  travelling  among  wooded  mountains,  and  over 


extensive  plains,  our  happy  toes  rejoiced  in  an  uninterrupted  state 
of  a  most  felicitous  insensibility  to  cold. 

From  Hunyad  to  Nagy  Barod,  the  road,  equal  to  a  good 
English  turnpike-road,  follows  the  valley  of  the  Sebes  Korcs, 
one  of  the  prettiest  in  Transylvania,  terminating  in  a  fine  pass, 
beyond  which,  from  the  height  above  Nagy  Barod,  the  whole 
plain  of  Hungary  lay  before  us.  While  waiting  here  till  the 
post-mistress  had  run  over  the  scattered  village  to  make  up  the 
number  of  horses,  for  we  were  now  in  Hungary,  and  the  post 
was  no  longer  so  good  as  in  Transylvania — we  went  into  the 
little  inn  in  hopes  of  obtaining  some  apology  for  supper.  The 
only  room  was  fully  occupied ;  in  one  corner  lay  the  landlord, 
and  in  a  box,  suspiciously  near,  his  handmaid  Julie;  on  the  floor 
were  scattered,  apparently,  heaps  of  sheep-skins  and  boots,  but 
in  fact,  a  number  of  carriers  on  their  way  from  Klausenburg  to 
Pest,  and  all  so  fast  asleep,  that  walking  amongst  them  failed  to 
disturb  their  slumbers.  These,  however,  were  the  master  car- 
riers ;  their  wagons,  horses,  and  drivers,  were  filling  the  snow- 
covered  yard  through  which  we  had  passed.  I  class  the  horses,  men, 
and  wagons  together,  as  they  all  reposed  quietly  in  the  snow  to- 
gether, and  seemed  all  equally  insensible  to  its  cold.  In  winter, 
when  the  Theiss  and  Maros  are  frozen,  these  carriers  form  the 
only  means  of  commercial  intercourse  between  Hungary  and 
Transylvania.  They  have  generally  a  train  of  light  wagons, 
each  with  eight  or  ten  small  horses,  and  carrying  perhaps  40  to 
50  centners  per  wagon.  The  whole  distance  from  Pest  to 
Klausenburg  requires,  in  summer,  from  ten  to  twelve  days,  and 
fourteen  in  bad  weather,  and  the  charge  is  from  four  to  five  shil- 
lings per  centner,  according  to  the  state  of  the  roads,  for  the 
whole  journey.  The  carriers  themselves  are  most  trustworthy, 
nor  is  there  any  danger  from  robbery.  These  men  go  up  to 
Vienna  when  the  goods  from  the  Leipsic  fair  arrive  there,  and 
carry  them  directly  to  Klausenburg ;  in  fact,  all  the  commerce  of 
the  country  passes  through  their  hands.  A  person,  twenty  years 
engaged  in  this  trade,  assured  us  he  had  never  known  a  robbery 
of  his  wagons. 

A  little  thin  soup,  and  a  well-garlicked  sausage  again  fortified 
us  for  the  road,  and  we  reached  Gross  Wardein  by  eleven  the 
next  morning, — more  than  eighty  miles  in  the  four-and-twenty 

Gross  Wardein  is  really  one  of  the  prettiest  tittle  towns  I  have 
seen  for  a  long  time.  Its  wide,  well  built  streets  of  one-storied 


houses,  and  extensive  market-places,  are  quite  to  the  taste  of  the 
Magyar,  who  loves  not  the  narrow  lanes  and  high  houses  of  his 
German  neighbours.  But  the  glory  of  Gross  Warclein  is  in  its 
gilded  steeples,  its  episcopal  palace,  its  convents,  and  its  churches; 
and  although  of  the  latter,  the  seventy  which  it  formerly  boast- 
ed are  reduced  to  twenty-two,  they  are  quite  sufficient  for  the 
eighteen  thousand  inhabitants  it  contains.  Prince  Hohenlohe, 
of  miracle-working  memory,  is  now  the  occupant  of  this  see. 
His  elevation  to  the  bishopric,  has,  however,  completely  extin- 
guished the  light  of  miracle :  some  say  that  the  old  Emperor 
gave  his  reverend  highness  a  strong  hint  that  such  exhibitions 
were  but  little  to  his  taste,  and  begged  that  Gross  Wardein  might 
not  be  made  the  scene  of  his  pious  humbugs.  Only  a  few  months 
since,  a  gouty  old  Englishman,  a  man  of  education  and  family, 
astonished  the  inhabitants  of  this  little  town,  by  informing  them 
that  he  had  come  all  the  way  from  England  to  be  cured  of  his 
gout  by  the  Prince.  Some  of  those  who  told  me  of  it,  touched 
their  foreheads,  nodded  significantly,  and  seemed  to  think  the 
poor  gentleman's  malady  was  not  confined  to  his  toes.  On  find- 
ing his  errand  bootless,  he  posted  direct  back,  as  he  had  come, 
without  troubling  himself  with  looking  at  any  object  on  the 

Three  hours  were  we  obliged  to  wait  at  Gross  Wardein  for 
horses.  As  I  was  strolling  alone  through  its  wide  streets,  wish 
that  particular  kill-time  lounge,  common  to  all  travellers  de- 
tained against  their  will,  a  "Sense,  signore"  introduced  me  to 
a  pair  of  bright  black  eyes,  which  recalled  me  at  once  to  the 
banks  of  the  Arno  or  Tiber,  and  which  belonged  to  a  very  pretty 
woman,  whose  appearance  indicated  that  she  belonged  to  that 
demicaste,  half  lady,  half  not,  the  members  of  which  are  so  often 
sacrificed  to  their  own  vanity  and  our  egotism. 

"  Perhaps  il  Signore  is  going  to  Italy." 

"Not  at  present." 

"Che,  disgrazia!  I  had  hoped  you  were  going  there,  and 
would  have  taken  me  with  you.  I  have  been  here  for  some 
months,  and  am  so  tired  of  hearing  nothing  but  Hungarian,  and 
seeing  nothing  but  snow,  that  I  would  fain  be  once  more  back 
in  dear  Florence:  I  should  never  wish  to  travel  again." 

Of  course,  I  regretted  a  thousand  times  that  fate  should  have 
denied  me  the  pleasure  of  restoring  those  bright  eyes  to  their 
native  sun,  and  could  not  help  inquiring,  what  had  led  them  so 
far  away  from  their  destined  orbit? 



"Le  circonstanze,  signore," — with  a  deep  sigh:  "but  now  I 
should  like  to  go  back."  The  deuce  is  in  those  "  le  circonstanze;" 
— I  never  yet  saw  a  pretty  woman  in  a  difficulty  who  did  not 
accuse  "  le  circonstanze  "  of  the  whole  affair. 

Though  it  was  one  o'clock  before  we  started,  fortune  favoured 
us  with  very  good  horses,  and  we  made  forty  miles  before  nine, 
which  brought  us  to  Bar&nd.  There  was  not  an  elevation  of 
two  yards  the  whole  distance,  and  the  road,  except  during  the 
last  stage,  was  excellent ;  nor  did  we  miss  it  then,  for  we  drove 
without  fear  over  the  frozen  snow,  sometimes  following  the 
track  of  former  wheels,  sometimes  the  fancy  of  the  peasant  or 
his  horses,  but  always  at  a  capital  pace.  In  no  part  of  Hunga- 
ry are  the  villages  so  large,  the  peasants  so  rich,  and  the  horses, 
consequently,  so  fat  and  strong,  as  on  the  plains. 

Thefogado  (inn)  at  Bar&nd  was  none  of  the  best;  the  rooms 
were  cold,  there  was  nothing  for  supper,  and  the  landlady  was 
ill  in  bed ;  nevertheless,  we  soon  got  the  stove  heated,  a  good 
dish  of  paprika  hendel  before  us,  and  enjoyed  a  night  of  most 
luxurious  sleep.  I  do  not  think  I  have  yet  enlightened  the 
the  reader  as  to  the  mystery  of  a  paprika  hendel ;  to  forget  it, 
would  be  a  depth  of  ingratitude  of  which,  I  trust,  I  shall  never 
be  guilty.  Well,  then,  reader,  if  ever  you  travel  in  Hungary, 
and  want  a  dinner  or  supper  quickly,  never  mind  the  variety  of 
dishes  your  host  names,  but  fix  at  once  on  paprika  hendel.  Two 
minutes  afterwards,  you  will  hear  signs  of  a  revolution  in  the 
basse  cour;  the  cocks  and  hens  are  in  alarm;  one  or  two  of  the 
largest,  and  probably  oldest  members  of  their  unfortunate  little 
community,  are  seized,  their  necks  wrung,  and,  while  yet  flut- 
tering, immersed  in  boiling  water.  Their  coats  and  skins  come 
off  at  once ;  a  few  unmentionable  preparatory  operations  are  ra- 
pidly despatched — probably  under  the  traveller's  immediate  ob- 
servation— the  wretches  are  cut  into  pieces,  thrown  into  a  pot, 
with  water,  butter,  flour,  cream,  and  an  inordinate  quantity  of 
red  pepper,  or  paprika,  and,  very  shortly  after,  a  number  of  bits 
of  fowl  are  seen  swimming  in  a  dish  of  hot  greasy  gravy,  quite 
delightful  to  think  of.  I  have  not  yet  quite  made  up  my  mind, 
whether  this  or  the  gulyashds — another  national  dish,  made  of 
bits  of  beef  stewed  in  red  pepper — is  the  best;  and  I  therefore 
recommend  all  travellers  to  try  them  both.  These  hot  dishes 
suit  the  Hungarian :  red  pepper,  the  growth  of  Hungary,  he  con- 
siders peculiarly  national ;  and,  excepting  ourselves,  I  believe  he 
is  the  only  European  sufficiently  civilized  to  know  the  full  value 
of  that  most  indispensable  article  of  culinary  luxury. 


Our  first  post  next  morning,  still  over  the  sea-like,  snow-co- 
vered plain,  brought  us  to  Kardszag,  a  large  and  prosperous 
village  of  eleven  thousand  inhabitants.  I  call  it  a  village,  for 
though  I  believe  it  enjoys  the  privileges  of  a  market  town,  its 
cottages  built  of  mud,  perhaps  shaped  into  squares  and  dried  in 
the  sun,  its  roofs  of  reeds,  its  wide  unpaved  sandy  roads  rather 
than  streets,  and  its  respectable  peasant-looking  inhabitants, 
render  it  almost  a  perversion  of  language  to  call  it  a  town. 

It  was  Sunday,  and  church  (for  they  are  mostly  Protestants 
on  the  plains)  was  just  over ;  a  number  of  men,  among  the  best 
built  and  most  handsome  of  any  part  of  Europe,  were  standing 
round  the  Town-house  after  morning  service,  while  several  troops 
of  children,  each  under  their  respective  masters,  were  returning 
from  school.  It  was  pleasant  to  see  the  little  fellows,  so  smart 
and  comfortable  did  they  look  in  their  red  Hessian  boots,  wide 
white  trousers,  and  lambskin  coats  or  cloaks,  which  quite  enve- 
loped them,  and  rendered  them  not  unlike  the  little  animals  whose 
robbed  fleeces  they  wore. 

We  were  so  struck  with  the  easy  look  of  the  people,  and  the 
neatness  and  apparent  comfort  of  the  cottages,  that  we  asked 
who  was  the  owner  of  the  place  ?  One  of  them,  politely  baring  his 
fine  head  of  long, black  hair,  fastened  up  with  a  comb,  told  us,  they 
served  no  one  but  their  king :  they  were  Cumanians.  In  diffe- 
rent parts  of  Hungary  there  are  certain  districts,  of  considerable 
extent,  enjoying  immunities  and  privileges  which  place  them  in 
a  very  different  position  from  the  rest  of  the  country.  Among 
these,  the  most  important  are  Great  Cumania,  of  which  Kards- 
zag is  the  principal  place ;  Little  Cumania ;  the  land  of  the 
Jazygers;  and  the  Haiduk  towns;  all  forming  portions  of  the 
great  plain. 

The  inhabitants  of  the  first  three  of  these  districts  seem  to 
have  a  common  origin,  though  the  dates  of  their  settlement, — 
those  now  called  Jazygers,  under  Ladislaus  the  First,  in  1090 ; 
the  Great  and  Little  Cumanians,  severally  under  Stephan  the 
Second,  in  1122,  and  Bela  the  Fourth,  in  1138, — are  sufficiently 
distant.  Hungarian  historians  are  still  in  doubt  as  to  the  pre- 
cise country  formerly  occupied  by  these  people,  and  even  as  to 
their  original  language.  There  can  scarcely,  however,  be  a 
question  that  they  have  sprung  from  the  same  eastern  stem  from 
which  the  Magyars  themselves  branched  off,  and  that  their  lan- 
guage was  essentially  the  same.  At  the  present  day,  in  no  part 
of  Hungary  are  the  language,  manners,  and  feelings  of  the  peo- 
ple more  truly  Magyar  than  among  the  Cumanians. 


In  all  these  districts,  the  peasant  is  himself  lord  of  the  soil, 
and  owns  the  land ;  he  is,  therefore,  free  from  the  annoyances  of 
personal  service,  and  is  in  the  enjoyment  of  the  innumerable  ad- 
vantages of  propriety.  His  deputies  sit  in  the  Diet.  It  is  true, 
that  in  return  for  this,  he  bears  more  than  an  equal  portion  of 
the  burdens  of  the  state.  With  the  noble,  he  is  bound  to  do 
military  service  when  called  on,  and  to  contribute  a  part  in  the 
extraordinary  subsidies  occasionally  granted  by  the  Diet,  while 
with  the  peasant,  he  pays  an  equal  portion  of  the  heavy  Govern- 
ment taxes.  Notwithstanding  these  several  drawbacks,  he  is 
undoubtedly  the  most  prosperous  and  happy  of  the  Hungarian 
peasants,  a  sure  proof, — and  would  that  legislators  knew  it, — 
that  it  is  less  the  amount,  than  the  manner  of  taxation,  in  which 
its  real  oppression  consists. 

From  Szolnok,  where  we  passed  the  third  night,  we  had  still 
a  long  day's  journey,  of  at  least  sixty  miles  to  perform.  The 
first  stage  to  Abany  has  the  reputation  of  being  the  very  worst 
road  in  Hungary,  and  to  those  who  know  what  Hungarian  roads 
are,  such  a  reputation  is  not  without  its  terrors.  A  gentleman, 
whom  I  can  well  believe,  assured  me  that  he  had  occupied  six- 
teen hours  in  travelling  over  these  ten  miles  in  a  light  carriage 
drawn  by  twelve  oxen.  The  soil  is  a  rich,  black,  boggy  loam, 
and  the  road  consists  of  about  thirty  yards'  width  of  this  sub- 
stance, separated  from  the  ploughed  land,  on  each  side,  by  deep 
ditches,  to  prevent  the  traveller  driving  over  the  furrows,  which 
he  would  certainly  prefer  as  the  better  road  of  the  two.  The 
inhabitants  urge  as  an  apology,  that  there  is  no  stone  except  at 
an  immense  distance,  and  this  is  true  ;  yet  I  think  in  some  other 
countries,  and  even  here,  with  more  just  laws,  the  basalt  of  Tokay 
would  have  found  its  way  down  the  Theiss  to  their  assistance ; 
but  as  long  as  the  whole  burden  of  making  roads  rests  on  the 
shoulders  of  the  unfortunate  peasants,  the  proud  noble  must  be 
content  to  stick  in  the  mud.  We  were  fortunately  favoured  by 
the  frost,  and  got  over  it  in  four  hours.  We  now  approached 
the  capital,  and  with  the  aid  of  six  horses,  a  little  extra  borra 
valo  to  the  kis  biro,  to  procure  the  horses  quickly,  and  to  the 
peasant  to  flog  them  unmercifully,  we  reached  Pest  by  the  eve- 




A  Ball. — Ladies'  Costume. — Luxury  and  Barbarism. — University  of  Pest. 
— Number  of  Schools. — Austrian  System  of  Education — its  Effects. — 
Corruption  of  Justice. — Delays  of  the  Law. — Literature. — Mr.  Kolcsey. 
— Baron  Josika. — Arts  and  Artists. — The  Theatre. — Magyar  Language. 
— Mr.  Korosi  and  his  Expedition  to  Thibet. — Trade  Companies. — Po- 
pular Jokes. — Austria,  Hungary,  and  Russia. — Blunders  of  Mr.  Quin 
and  other  English  Writers  on  Hungary. — The  last  Ball  of  the  Carni- 
val.— The  Masquerade. — The  breaking  up  of  the  Ice. 

"  WELCOME  back  to  Pest,  friends !  you  are  just  come  in  time 

for  all  the  gaiety."  Such  was  the  salutation  of  Count  D 

as  he  met  us  on  the  first  morning  of  our  return.  "I  have  two 
balls  for  you  to-night,  and  several  others  during  the  week.  I 
know  what  you  are  going  to  say,  that  you  are  not  acquainted 
with  any  of  these  philanthropic  ball-givers;  but  I  will  arrange 

all  that  for  you ;  I  will  write  a  note  to  the  Baroness  O ,  to 

say  I  shall  bring  you  to  her  house  this  evening,  and  I  will  there 
introduce  you  to  every  body  you  ought  to  know,  so  that  the 
whole  affair  will  be  settled  as  ceremoniously  as  even  a  ceremo- 
nious Englishman  could  wish !"  Although  we  pleaded  hard  for 

a  few  days'  rest,  before  launching  on  this  sea  of  pleasure,  D 

protested  the  carnival  was  too  short  for  a  wise  man  to  lose  a  day 
of  it,  and  therefore,  we  had  nothing  for  it  but  to  submit  in  peace. 

About  nine  the  same  evening  we  found  ourselves  ushered  by 
an  hussar,  dressed  in  blue  and  silver,  into  a  splendid  ball-room, 
brilliant  with  light  and  beauty.  Our  reception  was  as  kind  as 
well-bred  hospitality  could  make  it,  and  on  looking  round  we 
soon  found  a  number  of  faces  we  had  met  before,  and  all  ready 
to  offer  us  a  kind  welcome  back. 

And  now  I  confess  myself  fairly  puzzled.  I  suppose  I  ought 
to  describe  this  ball, — but  what  points  am  I  to  seize  on,  by 
which  to  distinguish  it  from  a  ball  any  where  else?  There  is 
not  a  dress  or  a  costume  of  any  kind,  that  differs  a  particle  from 
those  of  London  or  Paris ;  not  a  dance,  save  the  waltz  and  quad- 
rille ;  not  a  gait  or  movement,  that  is  not  common  to  ladies  and 
gentlemen  of  any  other  country.  There  may  be  some  of  those 


fine  shades  of  distinction  which  the  delicate  appreciation  of  a 
woman's  mind  might  seize  and  work  upon,  but  I  must  confess,  to 
my  grosser  apprehension,  the  characteristics  of  good  society  vary 
so  little  in  any  part  of  Europe,  that  but  for  the  furniture  of  the 
room,  or  the  language  spoken,  I  should  scarcely  know  a  ball  in 
one  great  capital,  from  a  ball  in  any  other.  An  elegant  suite  of 
rooms,  well  lighted,  a  good  band  of  musicians,  a  number  of  pretty 
girls  and  their  mammas,  with  a  proportionate  quantity  of  men, 
free  from  the  vulgarity  of  dandyism,  and  especially  when  the 
whole  party  is  acquainted,  and  all  are  perfectly  at  their  ease,  are 
always  sufficient  to  compose  a  pleasant  ball  any  where.  On  this 
occasion  the  presence  of  a  reigning  Prince  gave  the  ladies  an  ex- 
cuse for  displaying  their  most  brilliant  parures  of  diamonds,  and 
the  heads  of  many  of  them  literally  blazed  with  jewelry. 

I  am  afraid  the  Hungarian  ladies  must  plead  guilty  to  a  little 
more  than  common  affection  for  those  pretty  baubles.  Nor,  in- 
deed, can  it  be  wondered  at,  for  their  national  costume  is  so  co- 
vered with  them,  and  they  are  allowed  by  all  the  world  to  look 
so  lovely  in  it,  that  it  is  no  wonder  if  they  think  the  jewels  have 
some  influence  in  the  matter.  And  this  reminds  me  that  I  have 
not  yet  said  a  word  about  this  costume,  although  to  have  omitted 
it  would  have  brought  on  me  a  frown  from  every  pair  of  bright 
eyes  in  Hungary.  Let  me  premise,  however,  that  this  dress 

was  not  worn  at  the  ball  at  the  Baroness  O 's,  nor  indeed  is 

it  ever  used,  except  at  court  or  on  public  occasions,  as  the  in- 
stallation of  a  lord  lieutenant  or  other  great  ceremony. 

The  full  dress  of  the  Magyar  nemes  asszony, — noble  Hun- 
garian lady, — is  composed  of  a  tight  bodice,  laced  across  the 
breast  with  rows  of  pearls,  a  full-flowing  skirt,  with  an  ample 
train,  a  lace  apron  in  front,  and  a  long  veil  of  the  same  material 
hanging  from  the  head  to  the  ground  behind.  The  dress  is 
composed  of  some  rich  brocade,  or  heavy  velvet  stuff.  The 
head,  neck,  arms,  and  waist,  are  commonly  loaded  with  jewels, 
and  the  veil  and  apron  are  often  richly  embroidered,  after  the 
Turkish  fashion,  in  gold.  The  only  difference  between  the  mar- 
ried and  unmarried  is,  that  the  latter  have  no  veil,  and,  instead 
of  the  small  cap,  from  which  the  veil  hangs,  their  hair  is  braided 
with  pearls. 

But  to  return  to  the  ball.  I  was  rather  amused  with  the  tac- 
tics of  the  Hungarian  ladies  as  I  observed  them  this  evening.  I 
had  heard  that  the  tone  of  society  in  Pest  was  not  so  strict  as  it 
might  be,  but,  I  protest  it  was  not  only  quite  as  strict,  but  even 
VOL.  ii.— 23 


a  little  more  so  than  would  have  suited  my  taste.  I  could  not 
see  a  symptom  even  of  an  innocent  flirtation !  and  I  almost  doubt 
if  one  could  be  carried  on  with  any  degree  of  satisfaction  ;  for  it 
is  the  fashion  for  two  ladies  to  walk  and  sit  together,  so  that  go 
to  whom  you  will,  there  is  always  a  third  person  in  the  conver- 
sation; and  I  refer  to  any  man  experienced  in  such  matters,  if 
it  is  possible  to  utter  sweet  nothings  with  due  effect,  except  as 
the  Germans  say,  unter  vier  Augtn — between  four  eyes.  Nor 
is  this  custom  confined  to  the  young  ladies;  the  dowagers  are 
equally  cautious;  not  one  of  them  ventures  into  a  ball-room 
without  her  friendly  guardian.  In  some  cases  it  was  amusing 
enough  to  mark  how  knowingly  this  choice  had  been  made, — 
how  the  beauty  had  chosen  her  contrast  in  the  plain  and  humble 
— how  the  friend  of  the  pretending  was  the  modest  and  unas- 

To  us,  as  strangers,  French  was  the  language  in  which  we 
were  commonly  addressed,  but  amongst  themselves  German  was 
universally  used.  Some  of  the  younger  members  of  the  party 
spoke  English  fluently,  and  one  of  the  little  children  of  the  house, 
only  four  years  old,  seemed  as  well  master  of  it  as  we  were.  I 
am  afraid  it  would  not  be  saying  much  for  the  conversation,  if 
I  pronounced  it  as  good  as  is  met  with  in  drawing-rooms  else- 
where ;  but  in  truth,  where  dancing  is  so  serious  a  business  as 
here,  there  is  but  little  time  for  talking. 

The  suite  of  rooms  thrown  open  was  handsome  and  well 
adapted  to  the  purposes  of  a  ball.  The  first  room  was  filled  with 
dancers,  who  slid  over  the  well-polished  floors  to  Strauss'  quick- 
est airs ;  the  second,  a  large  drawing-room,  was  covered  with  ot- 
tomans, lounging  chairs,  and  all  the  other  necessary  nothings 
which  make  up  drawing-room  furniture,  while  the  walls  were 
hung  with  good  specimens  of  English  and  French  engravings ; 
the  third  room  was  half  boudoir,  half  study,  and  its  tables 
groaned  beneath  the  weight,  if  weight  they  can  be  said  to  have, 
of  heaps  of  annuals  and  books  of  beauty ;  while  the  last  of  the 
suite  was  very  tastefully  disposed  as  a  refreshment-room,  The 
dancing  was  kept  up  with  great  spirit  till  about  twelve  o'clock, 
when  a  second  suite  of  rooms  on  the  other  side  of  the  ball-room 
was  opened,  and  a  supper  was  laid  out  to  which  ample  justice 
was  done.  Supper  over,  and  the  champagne  seemed  to  have 
lent  new  wings  to  the  dance ;  for  when  we  left  at  two,  there 
were  then  no  symptoms  of  the  party's  breaking  up. 

Now  in  all  this  I  can  see  very  little  that  is  remarkable,  albeit 

SCHOOLS.  267 

much  that  is  agreeable;  and  therefore,  with  a  hint  that  such 
things  were  going  on  most  days  of  the  week,  and  that  we  were 
fortunate  enough  to  he  at  once  admitted  into  the  midst  of  them, 
I  shall  leave  them  for  a  while  and  pass  on  to  other  matters. 
The  contrast,  however,  so  rapidly  brought  before  us,  of  the  snow- 
covered  Puszta  and  its  skin-clad  peasants,  with  the  luxurious 
capital  and  its  elegant  crowds,  djd  strike  us  most  forcibly  at  this 
ball.  There  are  few  places  where  the  real  contrast  between  ex- 
cessive luxury  and  abject  misery  is  so  great  as  in  London,  but 
its  outward  appearance  is  still  greater  here.  When  we  looked 
at  the  delicate  women  who  filled  the  salons  of  the  Baroness 

O ,  and  thought  of  the  roads  they  travelled  over,  the  inns 

they  sometimes  slept  in,  and  the  rude,  savage  peasantry  by 
whom  they  were  often  surrounded,  it  seemed  as  if  there  must  be 
two  individuals  to  occupy  such  different  positions. 

Pest  has  a  university,  founded  as  far  back  as  1635,  and  en- 
riched by  Maria  Theresa,  Joseph  the  Second,  and  Francis,  with 
gifts  of  large  estates,  so  that  its  annual  revenue  amounts  to  thirty- 
four  thousand  pounds.  It  boasts,  at  the  present  time,  one  hun- 
dred and  four  professors,  tutors,  and  others,  and  one  thousand 
students.  There  are  libraries,  museums,  and  all  other  essentials 
to  a  learned  institution.  Of  the  professors,  there  are  nine  theo- 
logical, six  juridical,  thirteen  medical,  fourteen  philosophical, 
and  one  each  for  the  Hungarian,  German,  French  and  Italian 
languages.  The  most  eminent  of  these  is  Professor  Schedius, 
the  editor  of  a  splendid  new  map  of  Hungary,  still  in  progress, 
whose  name  is  never  mentioned  without  expressions  of  admira- 
tion and  respect. 

I  have  incidentally  spoken  of  schools,  and  education  in  several 
parts  of  these  volumes,  but  the  subject  is  so  important  that  I 
trust  I  shall  be  excused  if  I  resume  as  shortly  as  possible  the 
statistics*  of  education  in  Hungary,  that  we  may  see  how  far  the 
effects,  as  we  have  observed  them,  answer  to  what  might  be  ex- 
pected from  them. 

It  was  in  the  reign  of  Maria  Theresa,  that  a  general  attempt 
was  first  made  to  extend  education  into  every  town  and  village 
of  Hungary.  As  early  as  1500,  the  Protestants  had  made  great 
progress  in  educating  the  poor  of  their  own  church,  but  during 
the  many  persecutions  to  which  they  had  been  subject,  their 

*  For  most  of  these  details  I  am  indebted  to  the  often-quoted  work,  the 
"  Gemalde  of  Csaplovics." 


schools  were  destroyed,  and  the  funds  converted  to  other  pur- 
poses, so  that  the  Hungarians,  as  a  nation,  may  be  said  to  have 
been  previously  without  education.  The  system  of  Maria 
Theresa  was  followed  up  by  Joseph,  who,  under  the  name  of 
mixed  schools,  brought  all  sects  and  religions  together  under  the 
same  masters.  This  was  in  itself  sufficient  to  excite  the  opposi- 
tion of  the  Hungarians,  bigoted  and  intolerant  as  they  then  were ; 
but  even  had  this  difficulty  been  got  over,  the  mixed  schools 
were  condemned  to  popular  hatred  by  being  made  the  medium 
for  the  introduction  of  the  German  language,  and  the  consequent 
destruction  of  Hungarian  nationality.  After  the  death  of  Joseph, 
the  mixed  schools,  except  in  some  few  places,  were  given  up, 
and  each  religion  was  left  to  educate  its  own  members  after  its 
own  fancy,  the  Catholic,  however,  alone  receiving  aid  and  en- 
couragement from  government. 

At  the  present  time  there  is  scarcely  a  village  in  Hungary 
without  one  or  more  schools.  Where  the  inhabitants  are  all  of 
one  religion,  there  are  no  difficulties  to  be  overcome.  Where 
differences  exist,  if  the  separate  creeds  are  too  poor  to  maintain 
a  school  each,  the  poorer  attend  that  of  the  more  powerful, 
which  is  commonly  Catholic ;  the  Protestant  children,  however, 
not  being  forced  to  take  a  part  in  the  religious  instruction,  which 
is  left  to  the  priest,  or,  still  more  commonly,  to  his  capellan  or 
clerk.  The  education  extends  to  reading,  writing,  arithmetic, 
catechism,  Klugheits  Regelen,  or  moral  maxims,  and  sometimes 
a  little  geography,  history,  and  Latin  Grammar.  These  schools 
are  maintained,  and  the  masters  chosen,  by  the  peasants  them- 
selves, the  landlord  being  obliged  to  give  ground  for  a  school- 
house,  and  thirty  or  forty  acres  of  land  for  the  use  of  the  master. 
The  payment  is  for  the  most  part  in  kind  and  labour.  There  are 
normal  schools  in  different  parts  of  the  country,  for  the  education 
of  masters  for  the  national  schools.* 

Besides  these  national  schools,  which  may  be  said  to  be  com- 
mon to  all  religions,  the  Catholics  have  fifty-nine  Gymnasia, 
and  six  JircTiigymnasia,  in  which  the  course  of  education  lasts 
six  years.  These  are  chiefly  under  the  direction  of  the  Piarists 

*  Within  these  last  few  years  infant  schools,  on  the  model  of  those  of 
England  and  France,  have  been  instituted,  chiefly  through  the  zeal  and 
perseverance  of  the  Countess  Theresa  Brunswick.  As  yet,  however, 
though  they  seem  to  have  succeeded  better  than  could  have  been  expected, 
they  are  too  recent,  and  in  too  small  numbers,  to  have  so  beneficial  an  in- 
fluence as  they  seem  well  capable  of  exercising. 


and  other  religious  orders.  The  easier  Latin  classics  and  other 
common  branches  of  education  are  taught  in  those  institutions. 

They  have  also  six  philosophical  schools,  where  Greek  and 
mathematics  are  taught;  five  academies,  teaching  physics,  logic, 
metaphysics,  and  law;  and  several  seminaries  for  training  up  the 
priesthood,  besides  the  University  of  Pest,  of  which  we  have 
already  spoken. 

Of  the  Protestants,  the  Reformed  have  the  most  perfectly  or- 
ganized system  of  education.  Besides  the  national  schools,  they 
have  many  Latin  schools  for  the  peasantry,  in  which  the  course 
extends  over  four  years;  they  have  gymnasia  also,  and  three 
great  colleges,  viz.,  those  of  Debreczen,  Saros  Patak,  and  Papa. 

The  chief  school  of  the  Lutherans  is  the  Lyceum  at  Presburg, 
which  possesses  sixteen  teachers ;  besides  which  they  have  three 
similar  institutions,  and  eleven  gymnasia. 

The  members  of  the  Greek  church  are  the  worst  provided  of 
any  with  the  means  of  education ;  but  they  are  said  to  be  rapidly 
improving  in  this  respect.  In  addition  to  the  Lyceum  of  Kar- 
lowitz,  they  have  four  other  institutions  of  the  higher  order,  and 
between  one  or  two  thousand  elementary  schools. 

Now,  with  such  machinery  for  educating,  what  is  the  state  of 
knowledge  in  the  country  at  large?  Is  it  greater  or  less  than 
that  found  among  the  same  classes  of  society  in  our  own  country, 
where  the  number  of  schools  is  much  less?  I  have  no  hesitation 
in  saying  that  it  is  much  lower.  To  the  numerical  philosophers 
— those  who  calculate  men's  intelligence  and  morality  as  they 
would  the  distance  of  the  stars, — it  may  appear  paradoxical  that 
schools  and  education  should  not  mean  the  same  thing ;  yet  as- 
suredly they  do  not.  Education  may  be  made  the  means  of 
training  to  ignorance  as  well  as  to  knowledge;  and  I  know  of 
no  better  exemplification  of  this  fact  than  the  system  of  instruc- 
tion pursued  by  Austria. 

Without  entering  into  the  details  of  this  system,  let  me  give 
the  reader  the  result  of  a  thorough  inquiry  into  it  made  by  one 
of  our  countrymen  living  in  Vienna.  In  answer  to  my  question 
of  what  were  the  effects  of  the  Austrian  education,  he  answered, 
"In  one  word — stultification."  "If  a  student,"  he  continued, 
"obtains  a  first  class  certificate,  you  may  be  sure  he  is  a  fool ; 
if  a  second,  he  may  be  not  more  than  ordinarily  ignorant;  but  if 
he  get  only  the  lowest,  he  runs  a  fair  chance  of  being  a  clever 
fellow.  The  course  of  study  is  so  laborious,  and  at  the  same 
time  the  books  to  be  read,  the  comments  to  be  listened  to,  and 



all  things  to  be  learnt,  are  so  adapted  to  shut  out  every  idea  of 
what  is  great  or  good,  or  beautiful,  that  one  who  has  followed 
out  the  system,  is  not  only  less  wise  than  before,  for  what  he 
has  learnt,  but,  from  the  time  that  has  been  occupied,  it  is  im- 
possible also  that  he  should  have  devoted  any  attention  to  the 
acquisition  of  better  things." 

Nor  do  others  give  a  more  favourable  report.  Even  M.  St. 
Marc  Girardin,  who  appears  rather  as  the  advocate  of  the  sys- 
tem, states  that  it  is  admirably  contrived  for  preventing  any  de- 
velopment of  the  higher  mental  faculties.  The  Government, 
in  its  paternal  solicitude,  considers  the  higher  branches  of  know- 
ledge unfit  for  the  tender  minds  of  its  children,  as  it  might  only 
lead  them  to  plague  their  heads  about  matters  which  are  better 
left  to  the  direction  of  their  superiors.  It  has  accordingly  en- 
deavoured to  direct  all  their  energies  to  the  cultivation  of  mate- 
rial knowledge ;  and  by  concentrating  their  whole  force  on  that, 
to  raise  the  country  to  a  very  high  state  of  material  develop- 
ment. Admitting,  for  a  moment,  that  such  an  object  is  a  wise 
and  good  one, — how  has  it  been  answered?  Do  we  find  the 
Austrian  in  agriculture,  in  trade,  in  commerce,  in  the  fine  arts, 
in  science,  or  in  any  one  thing — save,  perhaps,  fiddling  and 
waltzing — before  the  rest  of  Europe?  The  government  has  been 
foolish  enough  to  believe  that  it  could  use  the  energies  of  the 
human  mind  as  it  would  those  of  a  steam-engine — it  has  been 
ignorant  of  the  well-known  fact,  that  it  is  only  in  freedom  that 
the  mind  can  work  out  any  thing  pre-eminently  good,  whether 
in  the  sciences,  in  literature,  or  in  the  mere  mechanical  arts. 

And  yet  there  are  many  well-meaning  people  who  recommend 
the  Austrian  system  to  the  imitation  of  England!  No,  God 
forbid  we  should  imitate  Austria !  I  allow  we  are  as  badly  off 
for  education  as  a  people  can  well  be,  but  yet  it  is  a  thousand 
times  better  to  remain  as  we  are  than  to  have  a  half-priest  half- 
police  directed  system,  which  would  impose  such  chains  on  our 
understandings,  that  through  our  whole  lives  we  should  never  be 
able  to  break  loose  from  them.  The  advocates  of  the  Austrian 
system  forget  that  there  are  other  sources  of  knowledge  besides 
books,  other  teachers  amongst  us  than  our  pedagogues,  and 
stronger  stimulants  to  knowledge  than  even  their  well-soaked 
birch.  It  is  scarcely  possible  to  live  in  a  populous  country  like 
England,  with  a  free  press,  and  a  Protestant  church,  and  remain 
very  ignorant.  Our  ears,  our  eyes,  our  every  sense  conveys 
knowledge  to  the  mind  at  every  moment,  from  every  object  by 


which  we  are  surrounded.  Reading  and  writing  are  very  use- 
ful as  the  keys  to  the  door  of  knowledge ;  but  if  we  are  not 
allowed  to  use  them  when  we  have  acquired  them,  we  might 
really  be  as  well  without  them.  Now  something  of  this  Aus- 
trian system  has  been  introduced  into  the  schools  of  Hungary, 
particularly  among  the  Catholics.  The  press,  too,  is  stifled  by 
an  Austrian  censorship,  and  when  to  this  is  united  the  political 
condition  in  which  the  peasantry  live,  we  shall  scarcely  be  as- 
tonished that,  though  they  all  go  to  school,  and  though  many  of 
them  can  read  and  write  in  two  or  three  languages,  they  are  yet 
much  more  ignorant  than  the  English  peasant  who  often  cannot 
read  or  write  his  own. 

I  know  there  are  many  of  the  Hungarians, — and  some  of  the 
wisest  among  them  too, — who  do  not  desire  that  the  education 
of  the  peasantry  should  proceed  any  further  till  they  have  been 
placed  in  a  better  position  as  to  their  civil  rights.  They  fear 
lest  the  educated  peasant  should  become  aware  of  the  rights  he 
ought  to  have,  before  others  have  learnt  that  they  ought  to  grant 
them  to  him,  and  that  a  revolution  rather  than  a  reform  might 
be  the  consequence.  This  is  a  sort  of  double-edged  argument 
very  dangerous  to  wield,  for  it  may  be  applied  with  equal  force 
the  other  way;  and  in  England  we  have  too  often  heard  of  the 
folly  of  giving  rights  to  men  not  educated  to  use  them,  to  allow 
it  any  weight.  I  suspect  there  is  much  more  danger,  that  un- 
less the  peasantry  do  demand  their  rights,  and  somewhat  loudly 
too,  they  will  never  obtain  them.  I  do  not  think  there  is  an  ex- 
ample in  history  of  an  oligarchy — the  very  essence  of  which  is  sel- 
fishness,— having  yielded  up  their  own  privileges,  or  restored  to 
others  their  usurped  rights,  except  when  they  have  no  longer 
dared  to  refuse  them.  That  the  Hungarians  may  form  an  ex- 
ception— a  glorious  exception,  to  such  blind  egotism — is  my  most 
earnest  wish ;  but  I  would  not  on  that  account  neglect  the  more 
certain  means  of  accomplishing  the  end,  should  that  wish  remain 
unfulfilled.  x 

One  of  my  greatest  neglects  on  my  former  visit  to  Pest,  had 
been  to  make  some  inquiries  about  the  laws  and  lawyers  here. 
I  had  no  very  favourable  opinion  of  them;  for  I  recollected  that 
some  years  before,  when  travelling  in  Austria,  I  happened  to 
fall  in  with  a  very  agreeable  old  gentleman,  who  proved  to  be  a 
general  in  the  Austrian  service,  and  among  other  subjects  our 
conversation  turned  on  the  advantages  of  the  different  forms  of 
Government  in  our  two  countries.  In  answer  to  my  accusation, 


that  the  secrecy  and  espionnage  of  the  Austrian  Government 
encouraged  corruption  in  its  officers,  and  that  even  the  adminis- 
tration of  justice  was  open  to  bribery,  he  laughed  outright  at  my 
simplicity,  and  assured  me  that  the  same  things  took  place  in 
England,  and  every  where  else.  Although  the  general's  remark 
did  not  convince  me  of  the  existence  of  this  corruption  in  England, 
it  taught  me  to  what  an  extent  it  must  have  prevailed  in  his 
own  country,  before  it  could  have  destroyed  in  his  mind  all  be- 
lief even  in  the  purity  of  justice  elsewhere.  Bearing  this  oc- 
currence in  mind,  I  inquired  of  some  Hungarians  the  state  of  the 
supreme  courts  of  justice  in  Hungary;  for  as  they  do  not  act 
during  the  sitting  of  the  Diet,  I  had  no  opportunity  of  observing 
them  myself.  I  am  sorry  to  say  I  found  them  but  little  better 
than  those  of  Austria.  One  of  my  informants  said  they  were 
not  so  bad,  however,  as  they  used  to  be;  "the  judges  don't  like 
to  take  bribes  openly  now!"  The  same  gentleman  mentioned 
an  instance  in  which  one  of  his  own  family  had  bought  a  judge, 
with  the  gift  of  an  estate  for  the  duration  of  his  life.  It  is  the 
custom  for  both  plaintiffs  and  defendants  to  make  private  visits 
to  the  judges  previously  to  trial,  in  order  to  instruct  them  as  to 
the  nature  of  the  causes,  and  we  can  all  guess  what  arguments 
on  such  occasions  would  be  likely  to  have  the  most  weight.  The 
two  highest  courts  of  justice  are  the  Royal  Table  and  Septem- 
Viral  Table,*  the  members  of  both  of  which,  at  least  the  greater 
number,  are  appointed  by  the  Crown.  If  I  am  not  much  mis- 
taken, they  are  removable  also  at  the  will  of  the  Crown. 

The  reader  may  be  surprised  that  I  should  have  taken  so  much 
trouble  in  many  parts  of  this  work  to  point  out  the  corruption 
which  pervades  every  part  of  the  Austrian  administration  in  Hun- 
gary. I  have  not  done  so  for  my  own  pleasure.  It  is  no  delight 
to  me  to  seek  out  the  deformities  of  the  social  system,  and  to 
hold  them  up  to  public  gaze;  but  I  have  felt  it  in  this  case  a 
duty  to  do  so,  for  I  believe  it  is  on  such  facts  that  the  character 
of  a  Government  depends.  I  believe  that  no  tyranny  could 

*  The  Royal  Table  is  composed  of  the  Personal  (president  also  of  the 
lower  chamber  of  the  Diet,)  two  prelates,  two  barones  tabulae,  the  vice- 
palatine,  the  vice  judex  curias,  four  prothonotaries,  the  crown  fiscal  and  three 
royal,  two  archiepiscopal,  and  three  supernumerary  assessors.  In  mining 
causes,  a  mining  assessor  is  added. 

The  Septem- Viral  (so  called  because  originally  composed  of  seven  per- 
sons,)  is  now  formed  of  the  Palatine  as  president,  five  of  the  higher  clergy, 
ten  magnates,  and  six  gentlemen. 



exercise  so  demoralizing,  so  debasing  an  influence  on  the  human 
mind,  as  this  corruption  on  the  part  of  those  whose  station  and 
power  in  society  should  fit  them  to  be  its  guides  to  what  is  good 
and  great. 

There  is  another  circumstance  connected  with  the  administra- 
tion of  justice  in  Hungary,  which  is  scarcely  less  grievous — I 
mean  its  long  delays.  The  evil  is  very  great,  when  delay  inter- 
feres with  the  settlement  of  civil  causes;  but  what  shall  we  say 
of  it  when,  as  here,  it  prevails  equally  in  criminal  cases.  Mr. 
Hallam  remarks  somewhere,  that  there  is  a  period  in  the  history 
of  nations,  when  the  procrastination  of  the  law,  instead  of  an 
evil,  is  the  only  means  afforded  to  the  weak  to  protect  them- 
selves against  the  power  and  violence  of  the  strong.  In  some 
cases,  this  might  appear,  at  first  sight,  the  case  in  Hungary ;  but 
it  should  not  be  forgotten,  that  an  act  of  injustice,  of  which  the 
execution  is  thus  delayed,  though  it  loses  none  of  its  bitterness 
to  the  victim,  loses  greatly  in  its  effect  on  the  public  mind.  The 
tyrant  obtains  his  end,  but  the  people  are  less  shocked  with  the 
tyranny,  because  they  have  long  contemplated  its  possibility. 
The  most  striking  illustration  of  this  delay  which  I  ever  remem- 
ber to  have  seen,  was  at  St.  Benedek,  in  the  valley  of  the  Gran. 
About  the  gates  of  the  castle,  I  observed  a  number  of  very  old 
men  in  chains;  and  on  inquiring  how  long  ago,  and  for  what 
crime  these  graybeards  had  been  put  in  prison,  I  found  they  had 
been  confined  only  a  few  months,  though  it  was  for  having  ex- 
cited an  insurrection  of  the  peasants  some  fifty  years  ago  that 
they  had  been  condemned.  The  process  had  actually  lasted  fifty 
years,  and  these  old  men  were  now  condemned  to  spend  the 
remainder  of  their  lives  in  prison,  for  a  crime  committed  in  their 
youth,  and  of  which  all  recollection  had  passed  away ! 

A  dinner  party,  to  which  we  were  invited  soon  after  our 
return,  introduced  us  to  two  of  the  most  distinguished  among 
the  modern  literati  of  Hungary,  Mr.  Kolcsey  and  Baron  Josika. 

Kolcsey  has  all  that  simplicity  of  manner  about  him  which  so 
often  distinguishes  true  genuis.  His  poetry  is  said  to  be  charac- 
terized by  vigour  and  originality.  At  the  present  moment,  he 
is  even  more  popular  as  a  deputy  and  orator  than  as  a  poet.  Of 
course,  a  poet  must  be  a  Liberal  in  the  country  where  every  thing 
which  can  excite  a  poet's  affections  or  fancy  is  engaged  in  the 
cause  of  Liberalism ;  and  few  have  defended  it  with  more  elo- 
quence or  firmness  than  Kolcsey. 

Although  Hungary  has  boasted   poets,  even  from  an  early 



period  of  her  history,  of  whose  works  considerable  remains  still 
exist;  and  although  I  feel  sure,  that  among  the  people  there  is  an 
abundant  harvest  of  ancient  lyrical  and  legendary  lore  still  to  be 
gathered,  yet  it  was  not  till  the  close  of  the  last,  or  the  commence- 
ment of  the  present  century,  that  Magyar  poetry  could  be  said  to 
take  a  stand  with  that  of  the  other  European  nations.  During  the 
last  half  of  the  past  century,  Faludi,  Raday,  Barcsai,  Revai,  and 
some  others,  prepared  the  taste  for  relishing  Hungarian  song, 
introduced  into  it  a  greater  freedom,  and  showed  the  capability 
of  the  language  for  a  higher  strain  than  it  had  hitherto  been 
esteemed  fit  for.  But  it  was  Joseph's  violent  atttack  on  the 
very  existence  of  the  language,  which  awoke  throughout  the 
nation  all  its  sympathy  and  love  for  it;  and  the  lyres  of  the 
Kisfaludis  (Sandor  and  Kdrolyi,)  of  a  Kazinczi,  a  Berzsenyi,  a 
Kolcsey,  a  Vorosmarty,  and  a  host  of  minor  luminaries,  re- 
sponded to  the  sentiment.  Hungarians  speak  of  Kisfaludi  Sandor 
with  a  degree  of  enthusiasm  that  shows  that  he  has  not  only 
been  able  to  please  the  imagination,  but  has  known  the  secret  of 
touching  a  nation's  heart.  Vorosmarty  and  Kolcsey  are  still 
living :  long  may  they  remain  to  adorn  and  elevate  the  much- 
loved  language  of  their  father-land ! 

While  poetry  had  been  making  these  rapid  advances,  it  was 
not  to  be  expected  that  the  influence  of  the  rest  of  Europe  in 
the  cultivation  of  prose  romance,  should  be  entirely  lost  on  Hun- 
gary. Several  novelists  and  romance  writers  have  arisen,  some 
of  whose  works  may  fairly  pretend  to  more  than  a  temporary 
existence;  but  it  is  admitted  that  Baron  Josika  Miklos  has  fairly 
outstripped  all  his  rivals  in  this  contest.  His  first  work*  was 
"  Abaft,"  a  page  from  the  history  of  Transylvania,  under  her 
native  princes.  The  time  chosen  is  the  reign  of  the  weak  and 
vacillating  Bdthori  Zsigmund.  In  addition  to  considerable 
power  in  the  delineation  of  character  and  the  illustration  of  a 
high  moral  principle,  which  Baron  Josika  always  proposes  to 
himself  in  the  plot  of  his  novels,  Abafi  contains  some  delightful 
sketches  of  the  past.  The  wild  romantic  life  of  the  border  rob- 
ber stands  in  bold  contrast  with  the  quiet  and  domestic  scenes 
of  the  interior  of  a  noble  and  virtuous  household.  Old  Klausen- 
burg,  too,  is  brought  back  in  lively  colours  before  us,  as  history 

*  A  German  translation  of  Josika's  works,  (1839,)  now  lies  before  me,  in 
eight  vols.  12mo.  It  consists  of  "Abafi;"  "The  Last  Bathori;"  "The 
Fickle;"  <'Decebalus;"  "The  True  Untrue;"  "The  Suttee." 


and  its  present  remains  assure  us  it  was  at  that  period.     "  The 
last  Bathori"  is  another  historical  romance,  which  takes  Bdthori 
Gabor,  Prince  of  Transylvania,  for  its  hero.     The  picture  of 
manners  during  a  period  (1608  to  1613)  of  almost  constant  in- 
testine war,  aggravated  in  some  instances  by  hatred  of  race,  is 
drawn  with  vivid  colouring.    The  domestic  virtues  of  the  Saxons, 
among  whom  a  great  part  of  the  events  take  place ;  their  firm 
adherence  to  their  rights,  and   their  brave  opposition   to  the 
tyranny  of  the  Transylvanian  princes ;  the  cruel  and  insulting 
persecution  to  which  they  were  subjected,  and  the  lawless  violence 
which  was  employed  against  them  when  there  was  no  longer 
need  of  their  arms,  or  purses,  are  admirably  brought  into  play. 
Nor,  to  those  who  know  the  country,  is  it  less  gratifying  to  per- 
ceive the  sentiments  of  kindliness  which  have  animated  an  Hun- 
garian writer  on  a  subject  in  which  Hungarian  prejudices  are 
singularly  strong  and  susceptible.     Of  the  other  works  of  Baron 
Josika,  I  need  not  speak,  as  they  want  the  charm  of  nationality, 
and  that  impress  of  truth  and  reality,  which  can  alone  convey  an 
interest  and  sympathy  to  others.     From  this  censure,  however, 
I  must  exempt  "  The  True  Untrue,"  were  it  only  for  the  excel- 
lent sketch  it  contains  of  the  feelings  and  opinions  of  the  gentry 
of  the  old  school  in  the  person  of  a  county  magistrate. 

In  the  fine  arts  Hungary  has  made  but  little  progress.  Even 
in  the  most  wealthy  houses  paintings  are  very  rare.  I  believe 
the  only  painter  born  in  Hungary,  whose  name  is  at  all  known 
to  history,  is  Gottfried  Mind,  called  the  Cats'  Raphael,  from  his 
admirable  knowledge  and  delineation  of  his  favourites,  the  cats. 
The  only  living  painter  of  any  eminence  is  Marko,  now  in  Rome, 
whose  beautiful  landscapes  and  classical  figures  are  well  known 
and  highly  esteemed.  In  sculpture,  I  have  seen  one  or  two 
pieces  of  Ferenczi,  which,  though  not  without  merit,  are  far  be- 
low the  estimation  in  which  they  are  held  here.  The  most  ex- 
traordinary work  of  art  I  have  seen  in  Hungary,  is  an  alto-relievo 
in  copper,  which  we  were  shown  while  yet  in  progress.  The 
artist,  Szentpeteri,  is  a  poor  silversmith,  who,  after  a  few  essays 
of  little  importance,  has  undertaken  to  copy  Le  Brim's  picture 
of  the  battle  of  Arbela,  from  an  engraving  in  alto-relievo  on  cop- 
per. The  work  was  about  three  parts  finished,  and  showed  not 
only  wonderful  industry  and  perseverance,  but  a  degree  of  talent 
and  taste  from  which  great  things  might  have  been  produced 
under  proper  cultivation.  The  figures  are  hammered  out 
from  the  inside  when  the  metal  is  so  hot  as  to  be  easily  mal- 


leable.*  The  artist  is  an  exceedingly  simple  unpretending  per- 
son, whose  whole  soul  seems  wrapped  up  in  his  work. 

In  music,  Liszt  and  Mademoiselle  Unger  place  Hungary  in 
more  than  a  respectable  position ;  but  they,  as  well  as  Marko 
and  Szentpeteri,  are  obliged  to  seek  in  other  climes  for  encourage- 
ment and  patronage. 

The  theatre  for  the  performance  of  German  pieces  here,  is  al- 
most as  large  as  the  great  theatres  of  Paris  or  London;  but  it  is 
a  gloomy-looking  place  and  badly  adapted  for  the  transmission 
of  sound.  The  ordinary  company  is  a  pretty  good  one,  and 
most  of  the  great  actors  who  come  to  Vienna  pay  a  visit  to  Pest 
before  their  return,  so  that  it  is  by  no  means  ill-supplied.  Since 
we  have  been  here,  we  have  had  Madame  Schroeder  Devrient 
and  an  opera  company,  and,  still  later,  Anchiitz,  the  tragic  actor 
from  Vienna.  Even  our  own  best  tragedians  might  take  lessons 
from  Anchiitz  in  the  representation  of  their  own  Shaksperean 

There  is  an  Hungarian  theatre  in  Buda  which  I  have  not  seen, 
and  a  new  theatre  is  erecting  in  Pest,  which  is  to  be  devoted  en- 
tirely to  Hungarian  pieces.  The  establishment  of  this  theatre 
is  looked  forward  to  with  the  greatest  interest,  as  an  object  of 
national  importance,  from  the  influence  it  is  calculated  to  exert 
in  the  diffusion  and  cultivation  of  the  language. 

It  would  not  be  right  to  quit  this  subject  without  saying  a  few 
words  relative  to  this  same  Magyar  language,  to  which  such  fre- 
quent allusion  has  been  made;  and  although  I  do  not  think  my 
half-dozen  lessons  in  Hungarian  give  me  the  right  to  speak  on 
the  matter  ex  cathedra — albeit,  many  travellers  do  so  with  still 
less — I  may  venture  a  remark  on  two  or  three  grammatical  pe- 
culiarities, which  appear  to  me  the  most  interesting.  I  have 
before  observed  that  in  proper  names  the  surname  precedes  the 
Christian  name — as  that  of  the  genus  the  species  in  natural  his- 
tory— and  the  same  rule  prevails  with  some  titles.  In  the  use 
of  pronouns,  it  is  singular  that  they  are  made  to  follow  instead 
of  precede  the  noun,- and  are  affixed  to  it; — Kalap,  a  hat, — Ka- 
lap-am,  my  hat.  Both  these  peculiarities  are,  I  believe,  com- 
mon to  the  Turkish  language  also.  In  like  manner  the  preposi- 
tions are  made  postpositions; — Kalap-am-ba,  in  my  hat.  In 
consequence  of  this  joining  together  of  words,  the  Hungarians 

*  This  work  was  exhibited  in  London  in  1838,  but  did  not  excite  so 
much  attention  as  it  merited. 


can  construct  a  whole  sentence  in  a  single  word,  and  the  follow- 
ing  is  often  given  as  an  illustration ;  not  that  such  a  word  would 
be  used  in  conversation,  but  as  a  proof  of  how  far  it  may  be 
carried ; — Ha  meg  Ko-pe-nye-ge-sit-te-len-nit-teh-het-n&-le,k. — 
If  I  could  deprive  you  of  your  clothes.  In  the  construction  of 
verbs,  there  is  a  difference  from  those  of  other  European  languages, 
which  renders  a  true  knowledge  of  Hungarian  exceedingly  diffi- 
cult to  the  foreigner.  This  is  the  existence  of  a  determinate  and 
indeterminate  form  of  every  tense  and  mood.  It  is  easy  enough 
to  understand  the  principle  of  it,  but  exceedingly  difficult  to 
apply  it  correctly.  Latok,  I  see,  is  in  the  indeterminate  form; 
latom,  I  see  it,  in  the  determinate.  In  the  same  way  latott  & 
goz-hajot — did  you  see  a  steam-boat?  is  indeterminate, — latta  e 
a  goz-hajot — did  you  see  the  steam-boat? — determinate. 

That  the  Magyars  should  think  the  Magyar  tongue  the  sweet- 
est, the  strongest,  the  fullest,  the  best, — that  they  should  ima- 
gine that  poetry  can  never  flow  so  smoothly,  or  eloquence  speak 
with  such  energy,  as  in  the  Magyar  nyelv,  is  quite  natural ;  for 
no  one  can  feel  all  the  beauties  of  a  language  which  has  not  been 
familiar  to  his  childhood ;  but  they  must  not  be  astonished  if  a 
stranger,  who  has  only  got  into  his  grammar,  does  not  quite  agree 
with  them.  That  the  Magyar  is  forcible  and  energetic,  I  believe ; 
for  it  partakes  in  that  of  the  character  of  the  people.  Its  sharp 
and  accentuated  syllables  give  it  a  character  of  distinctness  and 
precision,  and  its  accurate  division  into  long  and  short  vowels 
may  confer  on  it  a  certain  facility  for  versification ;  but  as  for  its 
soft  and  musical  qualities,  I  must  confess  I  could  never  discover 
them.  The  Hungarian  ladies  say  it  is  the  best  language  in  the 
world  for  love-making : — I  can  only  answer,  tant  pire  pour  nous 
autres  etrangers. 

And  a  propos  of  the  language,  before  I  entirely  quit  the  sub- 
ject, let  me  record  one  of  the  most  single-minded  and  enthusiastic 
adventures  I  ever  heard  of,  and  which  is  intimately  connected 
with  it.  Nothing  puzzles  Hungarian  historians  more  than  the 
question  as  to  where  the  Maygars  came  from.  One  traces  an 
analogy  between  the  Magyar  language  and  the  Finnish;  another 
makes  the  Magyars  Turks;  others  trace  them  to  the  mountains 
of  Circassia,  and  some  again  throw  them  back  to  the  wall  of 
China.  The  assistance  which  language  might  afford  in  this  in- 
vestigation has  not  been  neglected,  but  hitherto  nothing  very 
satisfactory  has  been  made  out.  The  common  opinion,  however, 
is  in  favour  of  Thibet  as  the  place  of  their  origin,  and  the  Cauca- 
VOL.  n. — 24 


sus  is  supposed  to  have  been  a  resting-place  in  the  course  of  their 
western  emigration.  It  was  in  1819,  that  this  subject  took  such 
strong  hold  of  the  mind  of  a  poor  Szekler  student  of  the  name  of 
Korosi,  that  he  determined,  after  finishing  his  studies,  to  make  a 
journey  into  these  countries  to  try  if  he  could  not  solve  this  great 
national  question.  Though  noble,  Korosi  had  no  fortune  what- 
soever, and  he  consequently  knew  that  he  should  have  to  endure 
all  the  additional  hardships  which  the  greatest  poverty  could 
place  in  the  way  of  a  difficult  undertaking.  To  prepare  himself 
to  encounter  them,  for  six  months  previous  to  setting  out,  he 
subjected  himself  to  the  most  severe  exercise,  literally  living  on 
bread  and  water,  and  sleeping  on  the  hard  ground.  As  he  was 
starting  on  his  expedition,  he  happened  to  pass  through  the  vil- 
lage of  a  gentleman  with  whom  I  am  acquainted,  and  who  met 
him  and  invited  him  to  stay  and  dine  with  him.  "  Impossible,'7 
said  the  single-minded  student ;  "  I  am  going  to  Thibet,  the  way 
is  long  and  I  must  not  tarry  on  the  road,  or  my  life  may  be  too 
short  to  accomplish  it." 

In  1820,  Korosi  had  reached  Teheran,  having  passed  through 
Circassia  without  having  obtained  any  solution  to  the  question, 
and  from  thence  he  pushed  on  to  Thibet,  where  he  was  heard  of 
in  1822.  When  in  Constantinople,  in  1836,  a  gentleman  who 
had  travelled  much  in  the  East,  told  me  that  he  had  seen  Korosi 
only  the  year  before  in  Calcutta ;  that  he  had  then  rooms  and 
every  thing  necessary  furnished  by  the  East  India  Company,  and 
that  he  was  actively  occupied  in  compiling  lexicons  of  one  or  two 
Thibet  languages,  of  the  existence  even  of  which  no  one  had 
been  previously  aware.  Of  the  great  question,  the  original  seat 
of  the  Magyars,  this  gentleman  said  he  believed  that  Korosi  had 
not  arrived  at  any  satisfactory  conclusion.  The  East  India  Com- 
pany had  been  desirous  to  engage  him  in  their  service  at  a  hand- 
some salary,  but  he  had  declined  it  as  of  no  use  to  him. 

Among  other  matters  which  gave  life  to  the  winter  in  Pest, 
was  the  occurrence  of  a  little  revolution'among  the  cobblers. 
The  trades  in  Hungary  are  still,  in  all  the  towns,  under  the  con- 
trol of  Companies  or  Corporations,  as  they  formerly  were  with 
us.  The  consequence  is,  of  course,  as  in  all  other  close  bodies, 
a  great  oppression  of  the  weaker  members,  and  it  appeared,  in 
the  present  case,  that  the  master  shoemakers  had  been  so  hard 
upon  their  workmen  that  the  latter  had  turned  out  and  committed 
some  slight  excesses,  before  the  burger  guard — a  sort  of  "train- 
band knights," — could  reduce  them  to  order.  All  who  would  not 


consent  to  return  to  their  work,  were  very  unceremoniously  pre- 
sented with  passports  and  "  recommended  to  travel." 

No  one,  I  believe,  who  knows  any  thing  about  the  matter,  be- 
lieves that  these  companies  are  now  of  any  use — whatever  they 
may  have  been  in  former  times — save  to  enrich  a  few  bad  work- 
men at  the  expense  of  the  community  at  large;  but  they  have 
managed  to  turn  them  to  account  in  Hungary,  in  a  manner  I 
never  heard  of  before.  In  cases  of  fire,  every  company  is  obliged 
to  attend  and  give  assistance,  and  to  each  is  assigned  a  particu- 
lar duty;  to  the  masons,  for  instance,  the  climbing  the  roofs; 
and  even  the  surgeons  are  obliged  to  be  in  readiness  to  relieve 
those  who  may  have  received  injury. 

I  believe  some  little  knowledge  of  national  character  may  be 
obtained  from  common  international  jokes  and  stories,  and  I  may 
therefore  give  the  reader  one  or  two  about  the  Hungarians,  cur- 
rent among  the  Viennese.  Whether  I  have  read  these  or  heard 
them,  I  really  forget ;  but  as  I  find  them  in  my  note-book,  I  must 
give  them,  although  they  may  be  quotations  from  an  Austrian  Joe 

Once  upon  a  time,  the  manager  of  an  Hungarian  theatre  pro- 
duced what  he  considered  a  very  fine  piece  of  scenery,  in  which 
was  represented  a  full  moon,  in  the  form  of  a  round,  fat,  clean- 
shaved  face,  which  might  have  suited  a  Dutch  cherub.  Instead 
of  the  anticipated  applause,  the  luckless  manager  found  his  scene 
received  with  damning  hisses;  and  it  appeared  that  the  popular 
indignation  was  more  particularly  directed  against  the  "palefaced 
moon,"  "the  German  moon,"  as  they  called  it.  Now  as  the 
Hungarians  like  their  moon,  as  well  as  every  thing  else,  to  be 
quite  national,  the  manager  determined  to  please  them,  and  next 
night  up  rose  the  poor  moon  with  as  glorious  a  pair  of  musta- 
ches as  the  fiercest  Magyar  amongst  them  could  exhibit.  Hur- 
rahs burst  from  every  mouth  at  sight  of  this  reform,  and  all  cried, 
"  Long  live  our  own  true  Magyar  moon,  and  confusion  to  all 
German  moons  for  ever!" — The  moon  had  evidently  been  brought 
up  at  court,  and  had  learnt  the  value  of  popular  prejudices  to 
those  who  know  how  to  use  them  against  those  who  hold  them. 

Another  tale  against  the  poor  Hungarians  had  its  origin  in  the 
hatred  they  bear  to  the  knee-breeches  of  the  Germans.  One  of 
the  Hungarian  regiments,  quartered  during  summer  in  the  burn- 
ing plains  of  Lombardy,  was  ordered  by  the  colonel  to  parade  in 
white  trousers,  which  had  just  been  given  out,  instead  of  the 
thick  blue  tights  they  had  previously  worn.  The  officers,  how- 


ever,  found  it  no  easy  matter  to  induce  compliance,  and  one  ex- 
cuse or  another  was  always  found  for  delay,  till  at  last  the  colo- 
nel issued  a  second  order,  peremptorily  fixing  a  day  for  the 
change,  and  threatening  severe  punishment  for  disobedience.  It 
could  no  longer  be  put  off,  and  the  men  accordingly  paraded  in 
whites ;  but,  determined  not  to  be  made  comfortable  in  any  body's 
way  but  their  own,  they  all  wore  their  thick  blues  underneath. 

Young  Baron entered  our  room  one  morning,  evidently 

much  excited,  and  as  he  concluded  a  detail  of  some  new  trick 
the  Government  had  just  played  on  the  Diet,  he  exclaimed,  "  It  is 
time  such  treachery  were  ended;  we  shall  never  have  any  good 
as  long  as  we  remain  attached  to  Austria, — I  say  national  inde- 
pendence, and  if  any  man  will  raise  the  banner,  I  will  follow  it. 
Happen  what  may,  we  cannot  be  worse  off  than  we  are." 

"Quietly,  friend,"  interrupted  an  older  gentleman,  who  hap- 
pened to  be  present;  "you  do  not  mean  what  you  say,  and  if 
you  did,  it  would  be  sheer  nonsense.  The  Austrian  Government 
is  not  ill-intentioned,  but  it  is  stupid.  It  is  false  and  treacherous, 
I  allow,  but  rather  from  cowardice  than  malice;  and  such 
speeches  as  that  you  have  just  made,  do  therefore  a  great  deal 
of  mischief.  Recollect  that  it  is  only  a  few  months  since  the 
Government  committed  a  gross  act  of  cruelty  and  injustice  in 
throwing  into  prison,  without  any  trial,  a  number  of  young  men, 
because,  in  a  debating  society  at  Presburg,  they  had  entertained 
this  very  subject  of  national  independence;  and  where,  to  make 
the  matter  more  ridiculous,  they  had  quarrelled  as  to  whether  Sze- 
chenyi  or  Wesselenyi  should  be  the  king  of  their  new  Utopia.  A 
Government  so  weak  as  to  be  frightened  out  of  its  senses,  and 
led  into  acts  of  the  grossest  barbarity  about  so  silly  an  affair  as 
this,  should  be  treated  only  like  a  child,  and  not  terrified  by 
bugbears  which  have  no  reality.  But,  if  you  speak  seriously  of 
such  a  matter,  there  are  one  or  two  points  it  would  be  well  for 
you  to  think  over  first.  You  should  recollect  that  Hungary  is 
surrounded  by  Austria,  Russia,  and  Turkey,  none  of  them  coun- 
tries from  which  the  advocates  of  freedom  could  expect  much 
sympathy  or  assistance.  And  then,"  continued  the  old  gentle- 
man, as  the  Baron  was  about  to  interrupt  him,  "the  very  nature 
of  the  country  is  such  as  to  render  its  occupation  by  an  insurgent 
army  almost  impossible.  Full  half  of  Hungary,  and  that  the 
most  fruitful  half,  is  an  open  plain,  on  which  ten  thousand  regu- 
lar troops  would  be  able  to  dissipate  all  the  untrained  masses 
you  could  bring  against  them.  The  mountains  you  might  per- 
haps hold,  but  your  enemies  need  only  leave  you  there  till  hun- 


ger  produced  discontent,  and  discontent  treachery,  to  enable  them 
to  secure  a  bloodless  victory," 

"As  for  Russia!"  answered  the  Baron,  "she  has  quite  enough 
to  do  to  check  liberalism  at  home,  without  interfering  with  it 
in  Hungary.  She  could  exercise  no  power  here." 

"I  think  you  conclude  too  hastily,"  I  observed,  "you  know 
well  enough  you  are  divided  into  several  races  and  several  re- 
ligions. You  know  that  Russia  is  constantly  at  work  to  under- 
mine the  fidelity  of  the  Sclavish  and  Wallack  portion  of  your 
population.  Of  the  ten  millions  of  which  you  consist,  no  less 
than  four  and  a  half  are  Sclaves." 

"  Yes,  but  allowing  your  calculation,  though  I  think  you 
overrate  it,  you  must  acknowledge  that  the  Sclaves  are  divided 
into  Sclavacks,  Rusniacks,  Croatians,  and  Sclavonians,  and  that 
they  hate  one  another  quite  as  cordially  as  they  hate  the  Mag- 
yars, and  Russia  more  than  all." 

"Skilful  intrigue  might  still  do  much  mischief,  and  Russia 
would  be  likely  enough  in  secret  to  promise  you  all  kinds  of  aid, 
till  she  had  succeeded  in  disorganizing  the  country  to  such  an 
extent  that  it  could  never  more  stand  betwixt  her  and  the  objects 
of  her  ambition.  Fortunately  the  northern  Sclaves  are  chiefly 
Catholic,  and  therefore  free  from  Russian  influence  on  the  score 
of  religion;  but  race  and  language  are  strong  bonds  of  union, 
and  if  to  these  be  added  the  dazzle  of  conquest,  and  the  glory  of 
belonging  to  a  powerful  people,  they  are  not  to  be  despised. 
Nor  are  the  Wallacks,  especially  if  those  of  Transylvania  be 
taken  into  the  account,  a  less  important  element  in  calculating 
the  weakness  of  the  position  you  would  assume.  Their  attach- 
ment to  the  Emperor  of  Russia,  as  the  head  of  the  Russo-Greek 
church,  is  beyond  question.  I  know  some  of  the  bolder  spirits 
have  calculated,  that,  if  driven  by  Austria  to  the  madness  of  re- 
volt, all  these  interests  might  be  conciliated,  by  at  once  declaring 
the  whole  body  of  peasantry  free  from  seigneurial  jurisdiction, 
and  confirming  to  them  the  possession  of  their  land  without 
labour  or  rent.  Such,  however,  are  dangerous  expedients,  and 
would  scarcely  turn  to  the  profit  of  any." 

"  There  are  certainly  difficulties  in  the  way,  and  serious  ones, 
I  allow,  but  men  forget  these  when  driven  to  madness,  as  we  are. 
If  Austria  does  not  change  her  policy,  she  must  be  content  to  see 
Hungary  right  herself  before  long." 

"You  exaggerate,  dear  Baron,"  again  urged  our  friend; 
"things  are  not  quite  so  bad  as  you  represent  them;  and  as  to 


what  fate  may  have  in  store  for  our  fatherland  in  the  distant 
future,  we  cannot  now  tell ;  but  as  matters  stand  at  present,  the 
advocate  of  civil  war  in  Hungary  must  be  little  less  than  a  mad- 
man. The  day  may  come  when,  by  the  combinations  of  Euro- 
pean policy,  the  empire  of  Austria  shall  be  dismembered,  or 
rather  fall  to  pieces  of  itself,  and  Hungary,  strong  and  united, 
be  able  to  offer  to  its  king  a  throne  more  glorious  than  that  he 
filled  as  Emperor  of  Austria;  but  in  the  mean  time,  let  us  content 
ourselves  with  those  blessings  which  our  present  position  offers 
us,  and  direct  our  whole  efforts  to  improve  our  institutions,  and 
render  them  such  as  the  spirit  of  the  present  age  requires." 

As  the  common  dinner  hour  at  Pest  is  two  or  three  o'clock, 
the  time  for  making  calls  is  between  six  and  eight.  On  these 
occasions,  it  is  the  custom  to  dress  almost  as  for  an  evening 
party;  the  ladies  in  caps  and  low  dresses,  the  gentlemen  in  silks 
and  shoes.  On  paying  a  visit  of  this  kind  at  the  house  of 

Madame  F ,  I  by  chance  interrupted  a  conversation  on  a 

little  matter  of  scandal  which  had  just  occurred  at  Milan,  be- 
tween a  certain  prince  and  his  lady.  On  being  informed  of  the 
nature  of  it,  and  on  expressing  my  wonder  that  I  had  not  heard 
of  it  before,  one  of  the  ladies,  a  desperate  politician  and  a  stanch 
Austrian,  exclaimed,  "No,  no!  we  don't  publish  such  matters 
in  our  newspapers,  as  you  do!"  and  with  that  she  commenced  a 
general  attack  on  England  and  the  English,  from  which  I  was 
evidently  expected  to  defend  them.  The  abuse  of  the  press  was 
the  more  immediate  object  of  her  denunciation;  and  very  justly 
did  she  declaim  against  the  immorality  of  certain  disclosures  in  a 
celebrated  crim.  con.  case,  which  had  then  just  astonished  the 
continental  public.  Our  libels  too  were  not  more  tenderly  han- 
dled. "Nay,"  she  continued,  "not  content  with  libelling  one 
another,  you  must  corne  here  and  libel  us.  A  book,  I  see,  has 
just  been  published  in  England,  in  which  all  the  ladies  of  Hun- 
gary are  spoken  of  as  ignorant  and  uneducated !"  Of  course,  I 
had  not  a  word  to  say  then  in  my  defence,  but  I  think  I  have  a 
fair  right  now  to  revenge  myself  on  Mr.  Quin  for  getting  me  into 
.such  a  scrape. 

Many,  I  dare  say,  remember  a  very  agreeably  written  book, 
called,  "A  Steam-boat  voyage  down  the  Danube," — that  is, 
from  Pest  to  below  Orsova,  and  occupying  about  ten  days,  during 
which  time  the  author  thinks  he  has  collected  information  about 
Hungary  which  entitles  him  to  pronounce  opinions  on  all  sorts 
of  matters,  and,  amongst  others3  on  the  education  of  Hungarian 



On  the  authority  of  his  not  understanding  the  language  in 
which  some  young  ladies  on  board  the  steamer  conversed,  he 
affirms  not  only  that  they  spoke  no  other  language  than  Hun- 
garian, but  that  such  was  generally  the  case.  Now  it  is  a  fact, 
however  little  it  may  be  known  to  Mr.  Quin,  that  the  education 
of  Hungarian  ladies,  as  far  as  languages  are  concerned,  is  very 
much  more  advanced  than  that  of  English  or  French  ladies — ay, 
or  gentlemen  either — of  the  same  rank.  I  have  passed  a  consi- 
derable time  in  the  country,  and  have  had  the  opportunity  of 
making  the  acquaintance  of  many  Hungarian  ladies,  and  I  do 
not  know  one  who  speaks  only  Hungarian,  though  I  do  know 
several  who  do  not  speak  that  language.  It  is  accounted  one 
of  the  great  misfortunes  of  Hungary,  that,  instead  of  Hungarian, 
German  is  the  common  language  used  in  most  families;  and  in  the 
drawing-rooms  of  the  capital,  German,  French,  and  even  Eng- 
lish, are  more  often  heard  than  Hungarian.  If  it  were  not  calling 
in  question  our  author's  erudition, — to  which  he  makes  some  pre- 
tension,— I  would  wager  that  German,  and  not  Hungarian,  was 
the  language  which  so  terribly  puzzled  him.  Let  me  assure 
Mr.  Quin  that  all  Hungarian  ladies  speak  German,  most  of  them 
French,  many  English  and  Italian,  besides,  what  to  Mr.  Quin 
might  appear  barbarous  tongues,  such  as  the  Magyar,  Sclavack- 
ish,  and  Wallachian.  And  I  may  remark,  en  passant,  that  it 
must  have  been  peculiarly  difficult  for  the  pretty  Countess,  who 
he  says  spoke  neither  French  nor  Italian,  to  have  communicated 
with  the  French  femme  de  chambre  who  accompanied  her.  And 
so  having  vented  some  of  my  spleen  against  Mr.  Quin's  negli- 
gence and  want  of  gallantry,  I  shall  let  him  off,  at  least  for  the 
present,  without  exposing  any  more  of  the  many  mischievous 
blunders  with  which  his  amusing  book  abounds. 

While  I  am  speaking  of  travellers  and  their  mistakes  with  re- 
spect to  Hungary,  it  might  be  as  well  to  correct  a  few  others, 
but  the  task  is  so  serious  a  one,  that  I  dare  only  undertake  it  for 
one  or  two  very  recent  and  glaring  instances.  Most  travellers 
proceed  just  as  far  as  Vienna,  where  they  hear  all  sorts  of  absurd 
tales  of  Hungary;  or  if  they  go  further,  they  run  through  the 
country  so  hastily,  that  they  can  take  up  only  the  most  crude 
notions  of  its  men  and  manners. 

One*  of  these  writers,  in  many  respects  very  accurate  and  ju- 
dicious in  his  remarks,  fancies  he  saw  troops  of  Hungaran  pea- 
sants driven  by  their  cruel  lords  from  their  homes  to  make  room 

*  Austria  and  the  Austrians. 


for  hunting-parks  or  sheep  walks !  The  author  seems  to  have 
got  into  his  head  some  confused  idea  made  up  from  the  ancient 
history  of  the  New  Forest  and  the  modern  history  of  Irish  eject- 
ments, and  to  have  applied  it  to  the  landed  gentry  of  Hungary 
— why  or  wherefore  it  is  difficult  to  imagine.  The  herds  of 
peasants  might  have  been  Bohemians  or  Croats,  probably  on  a 
pilgrimage,  but  were  certainly  not  Hungarians.  He  does  not 
probably  know  that  the  want  of  peasantry,  not  the  superabun- 
dance, is  the  complaint  in  Hungary;  that  the  Hungarian  peasant 
possesses  his  land  on  a  title  which  places  it  out  of  his  landlord's 
power  to  dispossess  him,  and  that  were  any  such  attempt  made, 
the  county  and  the  Government  would  not  allow  it,  because, 
in  losing  the  peasant  they  lose  the  taxes;  nay,  so  strict  is  the 
law  in  this  respect,  that  if  a  peasant  quit  his  land  voluntarily, 
his  lord  cannot  occupy  it  himself,  but  must  place  another  peasant 
in  it  as  soon  as  one  offers.  Besides,  when  the  Hungarian  peasant 
leaves  his  native  village  to  seek  a  better  settlement,  it  is  always 
in  his  own  country ;  for  he  has  a  fixed  idea  that  there  is  not 
enough  to  eat  and  drink  any  where  else  than  in  Hungary.  In- 
stead of  forming  hunting-parks,  which  would  be  of  little  use, 
where  every  Hungarian  gentleman  and  every  officer  has  the 
right  to  sport  over  at  least  one  half  of  his  neighbour's  estates, 
most  of  the  land-owners  are  clearing  their  ground,  improving  their 
agriculture,  and  thinking  more  of  increasing  their  revenues  than 
of  extending  their  shooting-grounds. 

Another  traveller*  who  enters  Hungary  but  for  a  few  hours,  still 
finds  something  to  say  against  it.  He  invites  himself  to  dine 
with  a  country  gentleman  he  has  never  seen  in  his  life,  does  not 
find  the  dinner  large  enough  for  the  accession  his  own  party  has 
made  to  the  family,  misunderstands  the  customs  of  the  coun- 
try, and  finishes  by  casting  a  slur  on  the  hospitality  of  the  most 
hospitable  nation  in  Europe.  But  this  gentleman  has  strong 
political  feelings — not  those  of  the  most  liberal  tendency — and 
he  cannot  pardon  a  people  who  talk  about  liberty  and  independ- 
ence, although  it  is  in  opposition  to  a  country  which  he  himself 
calls  "  a  large  state  prison,"  and  a  system  of  government  which 
he  characterizes  as  encouraging  whatever  has  a  tendency  to 
keep  the  human  mind  in  a  state  of  "uninvestigating  ignorance." 

A  more  serious  error,  and  one  which  I  am  sure  the  author 
would  not  have  made  intentionally,  may  be  found  in  Mr.  Gleig's 

*  Schloss  Hainfeld,  by  Captain  B.  Hall. 


recent  work  on  Germany,  Bohemia  and  Hungary.  Mr.  Gleig 
observes,  "  In  the  rural  districts  every  man  you  meet,  provided 
he  be  neither  a  noble  nor  a  soldier,  belongs  to  somebody.  He 
has  no  rights  of  his  own ;  he  is  a  portion  of  another  man's  chat- 
tels; he  is  bought  and  sold  with  the  land,  as  if  he  were  a  horse 
or  an  ox."  Now  I  have  already  said  sufficient  to  show  the 
reader  that  not  one  word  of  this  statement  is  correct.  But  I 
appeal  to  him  if  it  is  not  painful  to  see  a  gentleman  of  Mr.  Gleig's 
talent  take  up,  and  give  currency  to  so  grave  an  error,  which 
at  once  deprives  a  whole  nation  of  any  sympathy  or  respect  from 
the  whole  of  civilized  Europe.  Then  comes  the  assertion  that 
it  is  only  within  the  last  year  that  regular  county  magistrates 
have  been  appointed.  I  have  no  idea  whence  such  a  mistake 
could  have  arisen.  The  county  magistracy,  as  it  is  at  present 
organized  in  Hungary,  is  one  of  the  most  ancient  institutions  of 

The  last  ball  of  the  Carnival  is  a  very  important  affair  here, 
and  for  a  full  week  before  its  occurrence  great  was  the  diplomacy 
employed  to  arrange  it.  It  is  always  expected  to  be  the  best 
of  the  season,  and  is  quite  sure  to  be  kept  up  till  late  in  the 
morning,  so  that  it  is  apt  to  be  very  expensive.  Still  no  one 
dreamt  for  a  moment  of  not  having  a  ball;  the  only  question 

was,  who  was  to  give  it?  The  Countess  B declared  that 

she  should  like  to  do  so,  but  the  Count  protested  she  had  given 
so  many,  that  he  could  not  afford  any  more.  The  Baroness 

W ,  who  has  such  very  nice  rooms,  was  not  well  enough  to 

bear  the  fatigue,  and  Mr.  H ,  who  was  always  ready  to 

oblige,  could  not  this  year,  on  account  of  the  recent  death  of  a 
near  relative.  Happen,  however,  it  must,  and  the  very  evening 
before  it  was  to  take  place,  it  was  announced  with  great  joy,  in 

the  midst  of  a  ball,  that  the  good-natured  Countess  S had 

consented  to  take  the  charge  on  herself,  and  she  at  once  asked 
every  body  to  come,  and  tell  those  of  their  friends  who  were  not 
then  present  to  come  also. 

It  was  then  near  midnight,  and,  as  she  told  me  afterwards, 
she  immediately  returned  home,  summoned  her  servants,  informed 
them  of  what  was  to  happen,  and  set  them  all  to  work,  so  that 
by  neither  going  to  bed  herself,  nor  letting  any  body  else,  before 
the  next  evening,  she  had  turned  the  house  wrong  side  upwards, 
and  fitted  it  for  the  reception  of  her  crowd  of  guests. 

In  the  midst  of  the  festivities  of  the  evening,  as  I  was  quietly 
enjoying  the  scene,  I  could  not  help  smiling  at  the  conversation 


of  some  respectable  dowagers  near  me,  who  lamented  that,  after 
all,  the  last  balls  were  nothing  now  to  what  they  used  to  be  in 
their  time— when  they  continued  till  daylight,  and  when  all  the 
ladies  and  gentlemen,  dressed  as  they  were,  walked  in  procession 
from  the  ball-room  to  the  church,  and  began  their  Lent  the  mo- 
ment they  finished  their  Carnival! 

I  did  not  wait  for  the  end  of  this  ball,  as  I  wished  to  see  the 
masquerade  at  the  Redout.  The  Redouten  Saal  is  a  large  build- 
ing on  the  quay,  where  the  public  balls  are  commonly  held.  The 
room  is  one  of  the  largest  I  ever  saw,  and  requires  I  know  not 
how  many  thousand  lights  for  its  illumination.  Though  rather 
heavy,  it  is  a  beautiful  piece  of  architecture,  and  does  its  designer 
great  credit.  Instead  of  the  hundred  or  two  well-dressed  per- 
sons I  had  just  left,  I  found  several  thousands  collected  here,  and 
apparently  of  every  rank,  from  the  pretty  milliner  to  the  stately 
Countess.  Although  the  higher  classes  can  scarcely  be  said  to 
share  with  the  middle  in  their  amusements,  for  they  always  hold 
themselves  a  little  on  the  reserve,  they  are  yet  wise  enough  to 
attend  their  public  festivities,  and  not  the  proudest  lady  would 
venture  on  these  occasions  to  refuse  the  hand  of  the  humblest 
apprentice  boy  in  the  dance  if  invited  by  him.  This  condescen- 
sion on  the  part  of  the  upper  classes  is  most  politic,  as  it  tends 
strongly  to  remove  from  the  lower  the  feelings  of  envy  and 
hatred,  which  superior  advantages  are  so  apt  to  create. 

As  a  stranger,  I  had  expected  to  escape  without  notice,  and 
had  not  consequently  masked:  I  was  mistaken,  however,  for, 
during  the  two  or  three  .hours  I  remained,  I  had  scarcely  a  mo- 
ment's rest.  One  mask  or  another  was  constantly  seizing  me  by 
the  arm,  and  squeaking  into  my  ear  a  quantity  of  secrets  (with 
which  to  the  present  time  I  cannot  conceive  how  they  became 
acquainted,)  and  then  leaving  me  just  as  my  astonishment  was 
excited  to  the  highest  pitch. 

One  of  the  best  balls  during  the  Carnival,  was  that  given  by 
the  lawyers  and  law-students,  to  which  all  the  nobles  and  citizens 
were  invited.  It  is  common  in  Vienna  to  speak  of  the  law-stu- 
dents, or  rather  the  Juraten  (as  those  who  have  finished  their 
studies  are  called)  as  a  most  rude  and  unruly  set.  They  are 
the  same  persons  whom  we  have  seen  at  Presburg  filling  the  floor 
of  the  Chamber  of  Deputies,  and  certainly  exercising  their  lungs 
most  freely  in  applauding  or  hissing  whomsoever  they  pleased. 
But  it  is  unfair  to  consider  them  rude  on  that  account ;  if  they 
have  a  right  to  be  there,  they  do  not  exercise  their  privilege  one 

THE  THAW.  287 

bit  more  rudely  than  the  gentlemen  of  the  House  of  Commons 
with  us;  and  if  they  have  not  a  right,  why  are  they  not  kept 
silent?  That  their  presence  is  not  only  a  great  inconvenience, 
but  a  direct  interference  with  the  liberty  of  debate,  I  am  quite 
ready  to  allow,  and  I  cannot  understand  why  the  Chamber  does 
not  pass  a  formal  law  to  protect  itself  from  such  interference. 
While  it  is  permitted,  however,  no  one  ought  to  complain  that 
it  is  exercised.  A  great  number  of  students  were  present,  but 
instead  of  the  rude  conduct  I  had  heard  attributed  to  them,  I 
observed  nothing  but  the  greatest  order  and  propriety.  Nor,  as 
I  am  speaking  of  balls,  should  I  forget  the  very  pleasant  ones 
given  by  the  Casino  every  year.  In  fact,  there  never  was  a 
place  better  provided  with  balls  than  this  same  Pest,  and  if  a 
man  has  any  fancy  that  way,  he  may  dance  every  night  from  the 
beginning  of  the  Carnival  to  the  end. 

Der  stoss! — Der  stoss! — Such  was  the  cry,  following  the  re- 
port of  a  cannon,  which  we  heard  one  morning  through  the 
hotel  and  in  the  streets.  Hastening  out  to  see  what  was  the 
matter,  we  found  the  ice  on  the  Danube  had  begun  to  move,  and 
every  body  had  flocked  down  to  the  river  to  speculate  as  to 
whether  it  would  go  off  quietly,  or  whether  there  was  any  pros- 
pect of  injury  from  it  to  the  houses  on  the  banks.  This  breaking 
up  of  the  ice  is  a  serious  matter  here.  For  months  it  has  formed 
a  road  across  the  river,  which  becomes  now  no  longer  secure, 
and  its  great  thickness  and  the  quantity  formed,  render  its  re- 
moval a  very  long  process.  When  pressed  by  a  flood  of  water 
from  above,  the  masses  of  ice  often  rise  one  upon  the  other,  some- 
times to  the  height  of  a  house,  and  by  the  obstruction  which  they 
cause  produce  a  flood.  It  is  from  this  circumstance  one  of  the 
greatest  dangers  is  apprehended  to  the  chain-bridge.  What 
arches,  it  is  asked,  can  withstand  the  forces  of  such  masses  of 
ice  with  the  weight  of  the  whole  Danube  pressing  upon  them? 
Ice-breakers,  however,  set  at  some  distance  before  the  bridge, 
on  which  the  vast  masses  might  break  themselves,  it  is  consi- 
dered would  prove  effectual  preventives  against  such  a  danger. 
The  use  of  cannon  to  break  the  ice  too,  has  been  suggested,  but 
I  should  think  the  newly  discovered  plan  of  blasting  under 
water  by  the  aid  of  galvanism  would  be  more  likely  to  effect  the 

A  few  days  later  I  had  a  proof  how  great  an  inconvenience 

this  stoss  is.  General  L ,  the  commander  of  the  garrison  of 

Buda,  had  issued  invitations  to  all  the  beau  monde  of  Buda,  and 


Pest  also,  for  a  ball.  Of  course  this  could  not  be  put  off,  but 
the  difficulty  was,  how  were  the  Pest  people  to  get  there.  The 
ice  was  still  on  the  move,  that  is,  it  made  a  progress  of  some 
yards  every  day ;  it  was  already  clear  from  the  sides  to  the  dis- 
tance of  twenty  yards  on  each  bank,  and  great  spaces  of  many 
yards  in  extent  were  open.  Most  of  the  ladies  gave  up  the  ball 

rather  than  face  the  danger,  but  Madame  W declared,  if 

any  one  would  join  her,  she  would  go,  were  it  only  for  the  cre- 
dit of  the  ladies  of  Pest.  A  party  was  soon  made  up,  and  of 
course  the  gentlemen  had  no  excuse.  How  the  ladies  managed 
I  cannot  say,  but  for  myself  I  was  taken  out  of  the  carriage  and 
carried  through  a  heap  of  wet  mud  to  a  small  boat  which  they 
pushed  across  to  the  ice.  There  a  hand-sledge  was  in  waiting, 
into  which  I  got,  and  amidst  a  good  number  of  crackings  and 
roarings  of  the  ice,  I  passed  over  in  safety  to  where  another  boat 
conveyed  me  to  a  second  carriage  on  the  Buda  side.  If  I  re- 
member rightly,  the  ice  took  three  weeks  before  it  was  all  gone 
after  the  first  stoss.  During  the  whole  of  that  time,  day  and 
night,  a  watch  was  set,  who  gave  the  alarm  whenever  it  was  in 
motion,  and  a  gun  was  fired  to  warn  the  people  to  get  off. 




Departure  from  Pest, — Notary  of  Teteny. — Volcanic  District. — Bakonyer 
Forest.  —  Subri.  —  Hungarian  Robbers. —  Conscription.  —  Wine  of 
Somlyo.  —  Keszthely — Signs  of  Civilization.  —  Costume  of  Nagy 
Kanisa. — The  Drave. — Death  of  Zriny. — Croatia  and  Sclavonia. — State 
of  the  Peasantry. — Agram. — Croatian  Language. — Public  Feeling  in 
Croatia. — Smuggling. — Karlstadt. — Save  and  Kulpa. — The  Ludovica 
Road — its  Importance. — Fiume. — English  Paper  mill. — Commerce. — 
Productions  of  Hungary. — Demand  for  English  Goods  in  Hungary. — 
Causes  which  impede  Commerce,,  and  the  means  of  their  removal. 

SOON  after  the  frost  had  disappeared,  and  before  the  ice  had 
fairly  cleared  away  from  the  Danube,  we  heard  that  a  new 
steamboat  was  about  to  leave  Trieste  for  Constantinople,  touch- 
ing at  Corfu,  Zante,  and  Athens  in  her  way.  As  we  had  al- 
ready seen  so  much  of  the  Danube,  and  intended  to  return  by  it 
again  through  Wallachia  to  complete  our  tour  in  Transylvania, 
we  determined  to  avail  ourselves  of  this  opportunity  to  visit  Tur- 
key. Another  inducement,  too,  was  the  route  we  might  take 
through  Croatia  and  by  Fiume  to  Trieste,  which  would  show  us 
another  very  important  part  of  Hungary  with  which  we  were  as 
yet  unacquainted. 

Instead  of  starting  early  in  the  morning  of  the  28th  of  Feb- 
ruary, as  we  had  intended,  we  were  delayed  for  some  time  by 
the  ice.  It  had  now  become  too  rotten  to  be  used  as  a  bridge, 
and  a  ferry  had  been  established  wherever  an  open  space  was  left; 
but  the  ice  was  so  constantly  moving,  that  the  ferry  had  fre- 
quently to  be  changed,  and  one  of  these  changes  detained  us  seve- 
ral hours.  At  last  the  ferry  was  declared  open,  the  carriage 
embarked,  and  we  had  nothing  to  do  but  shake  hands  with  our 
friends,  and  express  a  hearty  wish  that  we  might  soon  meet  them 
again, — and  so  we  started  on  our  way. 

Our  first  drive  did  not  afford  us  a  very  favourable  prospect  for 
the  rest  of  the  journey.  It  was  a  cold  wet  night,  and  the  roads 
were  so  deep  in  mud,  that  it  was  as  much  as  six  good  horses 
could  do  to  drag  us  through  it.  Before  we  had  got  half  over  one 
station,  too,  the  iron-work  supporting  the  dickey  gave  way,  and 
VOL.  ii. — 25 


\ve  were  obliged  to  fasten  it  up  with  ropes.  Under  these  cir- 
cumstances, we  determined  to  stop  at  the  first  village,  Teteny, 
for  the  night,  and  as  there  was  not  a  bed-room  to  be  had  in  the 
inn,  we  gladly  availed  ourselves  of  the  offer  of  the  notary  to 
sleep  in  his  house. 

The  notary  was  a  very  civil  and  obliging  person,  and  from  a 
couple  of  violins  and  a  piano-forte  which  we  found  in  the  room, 
and  from  some  music  of  Rossini's,  which  was  lying  about,  I 
should  judge  a  man  of  taste  also.  He  was  master  of  the  parish- 
school,  and  told  us  that  all  the  children  attended  it  very  regular- 
ly. The  peasants  are  Germans.  He  declined  receiving  any  thing 
next  morning  for  the  hospitality  he  had  offered  us,  but  the  "  gude 
wife"  was  "  mair  canny,"  and  allowed  herself  to  be  prevailed 

As  we  pursued  this  same  route  before,  at  least  as  far  as  Vesz- 
prim,  when  we  visited  Fiired,  I  need  say  nothing  more  in  regard 
to  it  here,  than  that  the  carriage  broke  down  three  or  four  times 
on  the  way,  and  caused  as  many  disagreeable  pauses  before  we 
could  get  it  mended.  Whether  it  was  the  severe  frost  which 
had  affected  the  iron-work,  or  whether  it  was  that  the  Vienna 
iron  was  itself  bad,  I  cannot  tell,  but  it  is  certain  that  the  unusual 
straining  caused  by  the  state  of  the  road  was  too  much  for  it, 
and  great  was  our  annoyance  in  consequence. 

Instead  of  turning  off  to  Fiired,  we  now  continued  along  the 
high  road  which  runs  parallel  with  the  Balaton,  but  at  some  dis- 
tance from  it,  to  Tapolcza.  For  the  greater  part  of  the  last 
stage  we  had  been  struck  with  a  new  appearance  in  the  moun- 
tains, which  seemed  to  rise  alone,  and  in  isolated  masses  from 
the  plain.  This,  of  course,  led  us  to  suppose  them  of  volcanic 
origin,  though  they  were  too  far  off  to  enable  us  to  make  sure 
of  the  fact.  Before  long,  however,  we  found  the  road  itself  had 
changed  colour,  and,  on  looking  more  minutely,  it  turned  out  to 
be  composed  of  volcanic  tufa,  instead  of  the  new  limestone  we 
had  seen  before,  and  a  little  further  on,  we  came  to  basalt  itself, 
and  thus  the  difficulty  as  to  the  appearance  in  these  mountains 
was  at  once  solved.  As  we  proceeded,  we  noticed  that  some  of 
the  hills  presented  the  appearance  of  truncated  cones,  while 
others  were  quite  conical,  and  on  turning  to  our  books  afterwards 
we  found  that  we  had  fallen  in  with  a  well  known  volcanic  dis- 
trict, in  which  some  of  the  mountains  are  said  to  have  distinct 

We  had  now  entered  the  Bakonyer  forest,  a  hilly  tract  of 

SUBRI.  291 

country,  extending  nearly  from  the  Danube  to  Croatia,  and  co- 
vered with  thick  woods,  affording  shelter  to  the  bands  of  robbers 
by  whom  it  is  generally  infested.  I  am  not  very  credulous  on 
the  subject  of  robbers,  but  I  do  believe  that  this  neighbourhood 
is  rarely  quite  free  from  them,  arid  I  must  confess  I  did  not  very 
much  like  the  look  of  some  half-score  fellows  who  followed  the 
carriage  as  we  entered  Tapolcza,  inquiring  very  eagerly  if  we 
would  not  go  on  further  that  evening.  On  talking  with  the 
waiter  at  the  inn,  as  to  how  far  our  suspicions  might  be  well 
founded,  he  said  he  thought  them  groundless,  though  on  being 
pressed  further,  he  allowed  that  only  a  day  or  two  before,  four- 
teen of  Subri's  men  had  been  seen  in  the  village  dressed  as 
women,  and  he  said  that  patrols  were  out  through  the  whole 
country,  for  the  purpose  of  arresting  them.  Though  we  had 
been  staying  so  long  in  Hungary,  we  had  scarcely  ever  heard 
the  name  of  Subri  before,  into  whose  territories  we  now  appeared 
to  have  intruded.  Since  that  time,  however,  Subri  has  ob- 
tained a  European  reputation,  and  his  death  has  rendered  him 
a  worthy  subject  of  popular  song.  After  having  been  wratched 
for  a  long  time  by  a  body  of  troops  quartered  all  through  the 
country,  he  was  at  last  betrayed  while  drinking  with  his  men  at 
a  public-house.  Before  they  were  aware  of  it,  a  detachment  of 
cavalry  had  surrounded  them;  but  they  nevertheless  made  the 
attempt  to  escape  to  the  woods  by  fighting  their  way  desperate- 
ly through  the  soldiers.  Several,  both  bf  the  robbers  and  soldiers, 
fell,  and  the  officer  of  the  detachment  had  a  very  near  escape. 
On  approaching  Subri,  with  the  intent  to  seize  and  take  him  alive, 
the  robber  drew  a  pistol  from  his  belt,  and  placed  it  close  to  the 
officer's  head.  Subri,  however,  had  vowed  that  he  would  never 
be  taken  alive,  and  seeing  that  escape  had  become  impossible, 
he  deliberately  turned  the  pistol  against  himself  and  blew  out  his 
own  brains. 

Many  are  the  tales  which  have  been  told  of  this  Subri,  but 
they  are  too  doubtful  to  be  worth  repeating.  Like  most  others 
of  the  great  robbers  of  Hungary — the  Angyal  Bandi,  Zold  Marc- 
zi,  and  Becskereki — Subri  had  many  of  those  notions  of  wild 
justice,  which  render  our  own  Robin  Hood  so  dear  to  the  recol- 
lections of  the  people.  To  rob  from  the  rich,  and  -give  to  the 
poor;  to  punish  the  strong,  and  protect  the  weak;  to  ill-treat 
proud  men,  and  behave  with  gallantry  to  pretty  women ; — such 
are  the  characteristics  of  the  great  robbers  of  Hungary,  and 
such  the  traits  that  have  filled  the  songs  of  the  peasantry 


with  their  names  and  deeds.  There  is  another  cause,  too,  which 
has  tended  to  increase  the  popular  sympathy  with  robbers  in 
Hungary.  They  are,  for  the  most  part,  young  men  who  have 
been  taken  for  soldiers,  and  wrho,  having  run  away,  have  no 
other  means  of  existence  left.  Even  the  sympathies  of  the  no- 
bles themselves  are  often  engaged  in  their  favour,  and  there  are 
few,  who,  either  from  weakness  or  mistaken  kindness,  refuse  to 
send  provisions  or  money  to  an  appointed  place,  when  the  Hun- 
garian Captain  Rock  demands  them. 

The  mode  of  raising  the  conscripts  is  so  brutal,  that  it  is  im- 
possible not  to  pity  those  who  are  exposed  to  it.  When  the 
county  has  issued  its  orders  to  the  under-officers  to  raise  the  re- 
quired number  of  men,  they  proceed  to  the  villages,  and  com- 
mence a  levy  by  main  force.  Their  common  plan  is  said  to  be  to 
take,  at  first,  only  the  sons  of  the  richest  peasants,  because  they 
are  certain  of  obtaining  a  handsome  sum  for  their  release.  As 
soon  as  this  is  accomplished,  they  set  about  catching  all  the  loose 
fellows  in  the  parish,  who,  knowing  what  they  have  to  expect, 
and  pretty  certain  that  nobody  will  release  them,  have  already 
taken  to  the  woods  and  mountains,  and  cannot  be  got  at  without 
a  regular  hunt.  When  once  caught,  these  poor  fellows  are  chained 
in  long  lines,  and  thus  literally  driven,  more  cruelly  than  the  same 
men  would  treat  their  own  beasts,  to  the  head-quarters  of  the 
army.  It  is  not  to  be  wondered  at,  that  a  service  so  recruited 
should  be  detested,  or  that  the  men  should  try  to  escape;  nor  is 
it  matter  of  surprise  that  a  human  heart,  whether  noble  or  sim- 
ple, should  sympathize  with  the  poor  fellows  whom  such  bru- 
tality as  this  has  driven  to  a  life  of  crime.  This  system  of  re- 
cruiting is  a  deep  disgrace  to  Hungary,  and  it  is  the  duty  of 
every  friend  of  his  country  to  use  his  utmost  endeavours  to  re- 
form it. 

But  to  return  to  Tapolcza.  The  waiter's  conversation,  alarm- 
ing as  was  the  subject,  did  not  prevent  us  duly  appreciating  the 
excellence  of  the  wine  he  had  set  before  us; — possibly  it  made 
us  apply  to  it  the  more  steadily.  It  was  Schomlauer,  and  one 
of  the  very  best  white  wines  I  ever  drank.  It  is  grown  about 
a  short  day's  journey  from  this  place,  on  the  hill  of  Somlyo,  near 
Vasarhely,  and  a  little  to  the  west  of  it.  If  I  am  not  mistaken, 
this  hill  must  belong  to  the  volcanic  range  we  saw  in  this  neigh- 
bourhood; for  I  doubt  if  any  other  soil  could  give  its  wine  that 
high  flavour  which  it  boasts.  The  Schomlauer  is  a  white  wine, 
full-bodied  and  strong.  It  would,  I  think,  suit  the  English  mar- 



ket  well,  and  it  would  probably  bear  the  carriage  without  in- 

Our  route  led  us  over  a  boggy  plain,  interspersed  with  volca- 
nic mountains,  rising  abruptly  from  it,  till  we  came  to  the  shores 
of  the  Balaton,  and  so  continued  as  far  as  Keszthely.  The  sce- 
nery at  the  lower  end  of  the  Balaton  is  mountainous,  and  must 
present  many  points  of  great  beauty,  which  in  a  more  favourable 
season  we  should  have  been  delighted  to  ransack. 

Keszthely  is  a  thriving  little  town,  arid  of  considerable  impor- 
tance, from  the  great  school  of  agriculture  founded  here  by 
Count  George  Festetits,  and  known  as  the  Georgikon.  Though 
no  longer  in  so  flourishing  a  state  as  formerly,  the  Georgikon  has 
still  several  professors  and  practical  teachers  maintained  at  the 
expense  of  Count  Festetits.  There  are  few  countries  in  which 
more  philanthropic  endeavours  to  better  the  condition  of  the  peo- 
ple have  been  made  than  in  Hungary;  but,  unfortunately,  these 
endeavours  have  wanted  a  character  of  permanency,  and  they 
have,  in  consequence,  almost  always  declined  on  the  death  of 
their  first  founder. 

From  Keszthely,  we  started  about  mid-day  with  six  horses, 
hoping  to  get  on  two  or  three  stages  before  night.  But  we  were 
mistaken ;  we  were  again  in  Bakonyer  forest,  and  the  road,  if 
road  it  can  be  called,  had  become  so  bad,  that  at  last  the  horses 
stuck  quite  fast,  and  we  were  obliged  to  wait  patiently  till  Mik- 
16s  returned,  who  had  gone  off,  on  one  of  the  leaders,  for  fresh 
horses.  We  did  not  complete  the  fourteen  miles  to  Kis  Koma- 
rom,  in  less  than  seven  hours  and  a  half.  We  passed,  in  the 
course  of  the  day,  several  wagons  guarded  by  soldiers,  which 
our  drivers  told  us  were  conveying  money  to  Pest.  Patrols,  too, 
we  observed  several  times  in  different  parts  of  the  forest. 

The  next  day's  journey  was  still  worse ;  with  eight  horses  and 
four  drivers  we  had  hard  work  to  get  to  Nagy  Kanisa.  The 
whole  country  in  this  neighbourhood  is  exceedingly  wild  and  un- 
cultivated. It  is  principally  composed  of  forest  and  boggy  grass- 
land, which  is  naturally  rich,  and  only  requires  a  little  cultiva- 
tion to  produce  abundance.  For  wood  scenery, — such  as  one 
loves  to  fancy  when  hearing  of  Robin  Hood, — I  have  never  seen 
any  thing  finer.  In  many  parts  of  this  forest,  I  do  not  suppose 
an  axe  was  ever  used  ;  and  even  close  by  the  road-side,  thousands 
of  fine  trees  are  rotting  from  age.  They  are  mostly  oaks,  mixed 
with  a  few  birches.  The  mistletoe  was  in  wonderful  luxuriance ; 
the  dying  tops  of  the  oaks  seemed  quite  borne  down  by  it.  Where 



the  surface  is  clear  of  trees  for  a  few  yards,  a  fine  turf  springs  up 
naturally,  though  the  pigs,  with  which  these  forests  are  filled  in 
winter  for  the  sake  of  the  acorns,  root  it  up  most  unmercifully. 
It  is  wonderful  to  what  a  depth  these  fellows  will  go  in  search 
of  roots,  which  they  can  srnell  from  the  surface.  Their  power  of 
scent  must  be  very  much  finer  than  that  of  the  dog.  We  passed 
several  villages  belonging  to  the  bishop  of  Veszprim.  The  state 
of  the  peasantry — in  great  part  Sclaves — is  deplorable,  in  spite 
of  the  richness  of  the  land.  I  do  not  think  we  have  seen  any 
where  worse  cultivation,  and  greater  misery,  than  in  this  dis- 

During  this  journey,  it  so  rarely  happened  that  we  could 
calculate  on  arriving  at  a  village  at  any  fixed  time,  that  we 
always  took  care  to  start  with  a  good  loaf  of  bread  and  a  bottle 
of  wine,  besides  some  raw  bacon  and  salami,  which,  although 
not  the  most  elegant  viands,  were  exceedingly  palatable  to  hun- 
gry travellers.  When,  after  dining  three  successive  days  on 
this  diet,  we  arrived  at  Nagy  Kanisa  about  mid-day,  and,  in- 
stead of  a  miserable  village,  found  it  a  bustling  little  town,  and 
when  we  heard  that  a  dinner  was  to  be  got,  it  was  no  wonder 

that  we  regarded  it  as  a  God-send.     S ,  after  luxuriating  on 

the  five  good  courses — soup,  boiled  beef,  salt  pork,  and  saur 
Kraut,  some  pastry,  and  a  loin  of  veal  and  salad — exclaimed, 
"  Well!  if  any  one  ventures  to  tell  me,  after  this,  that  Hungary 
is  not  a  very  civilized  country,  I  shall  beg  to  differ  from  him.  I 
should  be  glad  to  know  where  else  such  a  dinner  as  this,  and  a 
good  bottle  of  wine  to  it,  could  be  had  for  twenty-pence, — I  am 
sure  not  in  England !"  I  do  not  think  I  have  any  where  entered 
my  protest  against  the  veal,  which  is  always  the  first  dish  the 
landlord — especially  if  he  be  a  German — offers  you  in  Hungary. 
It  is  a  most  villanous  affair,  red,  tough,  and  tasteless,  and  not 
to  be  compared  to  an  honest  Magyar  gulyas  has,  or  paprika 

The  women  of  Nagy  Kdnisa  are  remarkable  for  the  peculiar 
character  of  their  head-dress.  It  is  formed  of  white  linen,  dis- 
posed in  flat  folds,  so  much  resembling  that  worn  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Rome,  that  one  can  scarcely  help  fancying  that  the 
one  people  must  have  derived  it  from  the  other.  I  leave  it  to  the 
speculative  antiquary  to  determine  whether  a  Roman  colony 
taught  the  fashion  to  the  Nagy  Kdnisians,  or  whether  some  of 
their  barbarous  ancestors  carried  it  with  them  into  the  villages 
of  the  Campagna. 



As  we  were  about  to  leave  this  place,  an  English  gentleman, 
who  had  accidentally  heard  of  our  arrival,  came  and  introduced 
himself  to  us.  He  had  been  living  with  his  wife,  an  Italian  lady, 
in  this  neighbourhood,  for  two  or  three  years,  and  he  gave  a 
tolerably  favourable  account  of  it.  His  neighbours,  he  says,  are 
polite  and  friendly ;  living  is  very  cheap,  and  the  shooting  parti- 
cularly good. 

It  took  us  seven  days  of  tedious  travelling,  before  we  arrived 
at  the  river  Drave,  which  forms  the  boundary  of  the  ancient 
kingdom  of  Croatia.  Between  the  Muhr  and  Drave  we  passed 
through  some  exceedingly  flourishing  villages,  which  offered  a 
very  striking  contrast  to  many  we  had  previously  seen.  This 
district,  called  the  "  Island,"  from  its  position  between  the  two 
rivers,  although  by  no  means  one  of  the  most  rich,  is  yet  one  of 
the  most  fruitful  and  prosperous  in  Hungary.  The  wine,  the 
tobacco,  the  corn,  the  flax,  every  product  grown  here,  is  better 
than  what  is  produced  in  the  districts  on  either  side  of  it.  All 
this  prosperity  seems  to  depend  entirely  on  the  greater  industry 
of  the  people.  How  this  has  been  produced  it  is  difficult  to  say, 
but  I  suspect  it  is  owing  to  the  good  management  of  the  Count 
or  Counts — for  I  could  not  make  out  whether  it  was  one  or 
many — Festetits,  to  whom  the  greater  part  of  it  belongs.  In 
one  of  these  villages  we  observed  a  farm-yard  and  farm  buildings 
which  would  not  have  been  a  discredit  to  Norfolk. 

It  is  in  this  neighbourhood  that  the  Zriny  family — those 
Zrinys  who  figure  in  so  many  pages  of  Hungarian  history — 
took  their  origin,  and  possessed  large  estates.  The  glorious 
death  of  Zriny  Miklos  has  earned  for  him  the  name  of  the  Hun- 
garian Leonidas.  Zriny  was  intrusted  with  the  command  of  the 
castle  of  Sziget,  near  Fiinfkirchen,  and  having  cut  off  some  of 
the  Turkish  troops,  Solyman  the.  Magnificent  determined  to 
march  against  him  with  all  his  forces.  Although  Zriny  had  but 
a  small  garrison,  and  wras  left  quite  unsupported  from  without, 
he  sustained  the  siege  with  the  most  extraordinary  valour.  The 
enemy  was  driven  back  in  no  less  than  twenty  attempts  to  storm 
the  castle,  sixty  thousand  of  the  Turkish  forces  had  perished, 
and  Solyman  himself  had  sickened  and  died — still  Zriny  held 
out;  but  now  only  three  hundred  of  his  men  were  living,  and 
hunger  was  fast  destroying  even  them.  Determined  not  to  yield, 
Zriny  and  his  brave  band  rushed  out  on  the  Turks,  and  were  all 
killed,  fighting  to  the  last.  This  heroic  resistance  so  far  weak- 
ened the  Turkish  army,  that  they  were  obliged  to  retire  without 
attempting  any  further  invasion. 


Near  Csakatornya,  at  Nedelicz,  is  a  custom-house  for  goods 
passing  from  Austria  into  Hungary.  A  great  part  of  the  trans- 
port trade — especially  that  carried  on  in  the  lighter  wagons,  be- 
tween Trieste  and  Hungary — is  said  to  pass  through  this  place. 
The  chief  articles  are  colonial  produce,  particularly  sugar  and 
coffee.  Laden  wagons  generally  occupy  seven  days  from  Trieste 
to  Nedelicz,  and  from  thence  to  Pest  or  Vienna,  about  eight 

The  Drave  is  a  fine  wide  river,  but  apparently  not  very  deep; 
with  a  little  artificial  aid,  however,  I  should  think  it  might  be 
rendered  navigable  considerably  higher  up  than  the  point  at 
which  we  crossed.  Directly  on  the  other  side,  lies  the  town  of 
Varasdin ;  but  as  we  did  not  remain  longer  than  was  required  to 
change  horses,  I  must  content  myself  with  saying  that  it  is  a 
pretty  town,  of  eight  thousand  inhabitants,  with  clean,  well-paved 
streets,  and  a  great  number  of  handsome  buildings. 

While  we  are  hastening  on  to  Agram,  the  capital  of  Croatia, 
I  may  as  well  say  a  word  or  two  about  the  country  itself. 

Croatia  and  Sclavonia — for  they  are  always  reckoned  together 
— form  the  south-western  portion  of  Hungary,  to  which  country 
they  have  been  united  ever  since  the  eleventh  century.  Their 
population,  which  may  be  estimated  at  something  less  than  a 
million,  without  the  borderers,  is  entirely  of  Sclavish  origin,  and 
of  the  Roman  Catholic  and  Greek  religions.  Croatia  and  Scla- 
vonia have  the  same  laws  and  constitution  as  the  rest  of  Hungary, 
except  in  one  or  two  particulars,  in  which  they  enjoy  special  privi- 
leges. The  counties  send  deputies  to  the  Diet  just  as  other  parts  of 
Hungary,  and  the  county  meetings  are  held  in  the  same  way ; 
but  in  addition  to  this,  they  sometimes  hold  what  they  call  Diets 
of  the  Kingdoms  of  Croatia  and  Sclavonia — Comitia  Regnorum 
Croatia  et  Sclavonic.  What  the  exact  use  of  these  Diets  is,  or 
how  far  their  functions  extend,  I  was  not  able  to  make  out, — in- 
deed, I  believe  it  is  a  disputed  point,  the  Croatiaps  wishing  to 
consider  themselves  as  confederates  of  Hungary,  the  Hungarians 
reckoning  them  as  part  and  parcel  of  themselves.  They  some- 
times, however,  exercise  the  right  of  refusing  to  obey,  or  to 
adopt  the  acts  of  the  General  Diet,  when  they  interfere  with 
their  own  peculiar  privileges. 

A  case  has  lately  arisen  with  respect  to  one  of  these  privi- 
leges, which  has  given  it  a  very  unenviable  notoriety.  It  is  the 
privilege  of  excluding  all  Protestants  from  the  possession  of  pro- 
perty, and,  I  believe,  of  refusing  them  even  the  right  of  living 



within  the  boundaries  of  the  two  countries.  This  question  has 
been  mooted  before  the  General  Diet,  and  a  more  tolerant  law 
passed ;  but  as  yet  no  change  has  been  effected,  for  the  Croatians 
have  refused  to  sanction  or  adopt  it.  The  only  other  distinction 
of  any  importance  is  the  existence  of  the  Banat  Table,  a  court 
of  justice,  answering  to  the  district  courts  of  Hungary,  to  which 
causes  are  referred  from  the  county  courts. 

The  soil  of  Croatia,  though  less  rich  than  that  of  many  parts 
of  Hungary,  is  by  no  means  a  poor  one,  but  it  is  badly  cultivated, 
and  is  in  consequence  unproductive.  The  peasants  whom  we 
met  on  the  road  were  generally  small  in  size,  and  poor  in  appear- 
ance. Their  dress  is  somewhat  similar  to  that  of  the  other  pea- 
sants of  Hungary,  but  it  is  more  coarse  in  material  and  rude  in 
fashion.  The  men  wear  brown  cloth  jackets,  trimmed  with  red, 
a  round  sheepskin  cap  on  their  heads,  and  trowsers  made  of  thick 
white  cloth.  The  women  have  their  heads  wrapped  in  a  piece 
of  white  linen,  arranged  without  taste  and  hanging  down  over 
the  shoulders.  Their  only  ornament  is  a  bow  of  red  ribbon  fas- 
tened on  the  breast.  In  winter,  over  the  linen  gown,  they  wear 
a  shapeless  white  great  coat. 

At  a  small  village  where  we  stopped  to  dine,  we  fell  into  con- 
versation with  the  landlord, — a  bluff,  jolly-looking  fellow, — who 
turned  out  to  be  a  Croatian  Radical,  and  by  no  means  too  con- 
tent with  the  manner  in  which  things  are  managed.  He  said 
that  the  peasants  are  much  more  poor  and  miserable  than  in  Hun- 
gary, and  that  this  is  more  especially  the  case  in  the  mountain- 
ous districts.  Nor  did  he  attribute  it  so  much  to  the  poverty  of 
the  soil,  or  the  smaller  size  of  the  peasants'  fiefs,  as  to  the  op- 
pression of  their  seigneurs.  It  is  a  very  common  thing,  accord- 
ing to  his  account,  for  a  landlord  to  seize  his  peasants'  land  on 
some  frivolous  pretext,  and  keep  it  from  them  altogether,  or 
oblige  them  to  pay  a  heavy  sum  to  be  allowed  to  retain  it. 
Sometimes  a  vineyard  which  has  been  entirely  formed  by  the 
labour  of  the  peasant,  and  which  is  often  worth  two  or  three 
hundred  pounds,  is  taken  away,  and  a  barren  plot  of  ground,  of 
the  same  size,  offered  as  an  equivalent.  The  courts  of  law,  he 
said,  afforded  them  no  protection  whatsoever.  What  rendered 
this  man's  testimony  of  greater  value  was  the  fact,  that  he  him- 
self was  noble.  Notwithstanding  all  this  poverty  and  wretched- 
ness it  should  be  remarked,  that  we  saw  here  more  large  churches, 
and  more  images  of  saints,  than  in  all  the  rest  of  Hungary  toge- 
ther. I  do  not  assert  that  this  was  cause  and  effect,  but  if  not, 


it  was  a  curious  coincidence,  and  it  is  one  which  I  have  observed 
more  than  once  in  the  course  of  my  travels. 

The  road  leading  into  Agram  is  so  bad  that  we  nearly  stuck 
fast  in  the  suburbs;  and  this  was  the  more  remarkable,  because, 
till  within  a  few  miles  of  the  town,  the  roads  had  been  far  better 
than  in  most  other  parts  of  Hungary.  Agram  itself  is  a  town  of 
ten  thousand  inhabitants,  and  wears  an  aspect  of  bustle  and  ac- 
tivity, which  speaks  well  for  its  prosperity.  In  strolling  about, 
the  Catholic  Bishop's  palace  was  the  first  object  which  attracted 
our  attention.  It  was  formerly  a  fortified  castle,  of  such  an  ex- 
tent as  to  include  the  cathedral  within  its  walls.  The  fosse, 
however,  is  now  converted  into  gardens,  with  lakes,  and  winding 
walks,  and  temples  which,  if  a  little  fantastic,  are  still  pretty, 
and  are  very  liberally  thrown  open  to  the  public.  The  Bishop 
is  said  to  have  about  twenty-five  thousand  pounds  per  annum, 
the  greater  part  of  which  he  derives  from  his  estates  in  the 
Banat.  Although  but  indifferently  regarded  as  an  absentee 
landlord,  he  is  very  popular  as  a  resident  bishop,  and  is  said  to 
do  a  great  deal  for  the  good  of  the  town.  He  has  a  regiment 
of  grenadiers  of  his  own,  which  is  composed  entirely  of  his  te- 
nants from  the  Banat,  each  of  whom  is  obliged  to  serve  two 
years.  It  is  no  wonder  that  such  soldiers  have  not  a  very  mar- 
tial bearing,  and  I  certainly  never  saw  any  thing  more  ludicrous 
than  the  Bishop's  clodhopper  sentinels  in  their  scarlet  pantaloons, 
brown  coats,  and  high  grenadier  caps.  The  cathedral  is  a  fine 
old  Gothic  structure,  but  the  interior  is  spoiled  by  a  profusion  of 
rich  marble  altars,  in  the  Italian  style.  The  pulpit  is  quite 
covered  with  alto-relievos  in  white  marble. 

From  the  palace  we  climbed  the  hill,  on  which  stand  the  mid- 
dle and  upper  towns — for  Agram  consists  of  three  towns,  in  the 
lower  of  which  our  hotel  is  situated.  The  Stadt,  or  higher 
town,  was  formerly  the  fortress,  and  contains  the  palace  of  the 
Ban  of  Croatia,  and  many  fine  houses  of  the  nobles.  We  found 
some  good  shops,  chiefly  kept  by  Raitzen  (Servians)  and  Jews, 
who  are  among  the  richest  of  the  inhabitants,  and  have  the  trade 
almost  entirely  in  their  own  hands.  Of  Germans  there  are  but 
few  here.  The  drapers'  shops  were  particularly  well  supplied 
with  German,  Italian,  and  a  few  English  goods. 

One  of  the  booksellers'  shops  which  we  entered  was  large, 
and  bespoke  a  thriving  trade.  It  contained  almost  all  the  stan- 
dard German  works,  and  German  translations  of  Bulwer,  Mar- 
ryatt,  and  some  others  of  our  popular  novelists.  There  were  a 


few  works  in  French,  and  one  or  two  English  works  with  en- 
gravings. The  bookseller,  who  was  an  intelligent  man,  told  us 
that  all  the  higher  classes  speak  French  and  German,  but  very 
few  English.  One  small  shelf  contained  all  the  Hungarian 
books,  among  which  were  the  works  of  Count  Szechenyi.  Of 
books  in  the  Croatian  language,  there  are  only  three  or  four  ex- 
isting. The  Croatian  language  is  a  dialect  of  the  Sclavish,  more 
resembling,  however,  that  of  Poland  than  those  of  Bohemia, 
Russia,  or  even  the  Sclavack  dialect  of  the  north  of  Hungary. 
Till  within  the  last  few  years,  it  has  been  totally  uncultivated, 
and  its  use  confined  exclusively  to  the  peasantry.  Since,  how- 
ever, the  Hungarian  Diet  has  proposed  to  enforce  the  use  of  the 
Magyar  language  instead  of  the  Latin,  in  public  transactions 
throughout  all  Hungary,  a  spirit  of  opposition  has  been  excited 
among  the  Sclavish  population,  which  threatens  very  serious 
consequences.  The  first  effect  of  the  measure  proposed  by  the 
Diet  was,  the  rousing  up  in  Croatia  of  a  strong  sentiment  of 
nationality,  which  found  vent  in  the  establishment  of  a  periodical, 
something  like  the  "  Penny  Magazine"  in  form,  in  the  Sclavish 
language.  This  is  the  "Danica  Ilirska,"  edited  by  Dr.  Gay. 
It  is  published  once  a  week,  is  very  respectably  got  up,  and  con- 
tains national  songs,  original  articles,  and  translations. 

They  are  now  endeavouring  to  improve  the  language  by  in- 
troducing new  words  in  use  among  the  Illyrians,  whose  language 
was  originally  the  same,  but  which  is  now  more  polished.  The 
Illyrian  language  is  soft  and  agreeable  to  the  ear,  and,  no  doubt, 
to  them,  contains  a  thousand  beauties  which  no  other  language 
can  possess.  There  seems  too  to  be  some  idea  among  the  tetes 
exaltees  here  of  an  Illyrian  nationality.  It  is  no  uncommon 
thing  to  hear  them  reckoning  up  the  Croats,  Sclavonians,  Bos- 
nians, Dalmatians,  Servians,  Montenegrins,  and  Bulgarians,  and 
then  comparing  this  mass  of  Sclaves  with  the  three  or  four  mil- 
lions of  Magyars,  and  proudly  asking  why  they  should  submit 
to  deny  their  language  and  their  origin  because  the  Magyars 
command  it. 

I  am  very  far  from  wishing  this  party  success,  though  I  can- 
not help  in  some  degree  sympathizing  with  a  people  who  resist, 
when  they  think  a  stronger  power  is  willing  to  abuse  its  strength 
by  depriving  the  weaker  of  those  objects — language  and  reli- 

fion — which  they  hold  as  most  dear.     No  one  can  doubt  how 
ighly  conducive  it  would   be  to  the  good  of  Hungary  that 
Croatia  should  be  made  completely  Hungarian  ;  or  that  it  is  dis- 


graceful  to  the  age  in  which  we  live,  that  Protestants  should  be 
excluded  from  a  whole  country  on  account  of  their  faith  ;  yet  in- 
dubitable as  are  these  facts,  it  may  nevertheless  be  very  impolitic 
to  seek  to  remedy  them  by  violent  means. 

The  act  has  passed,  however,  which  declares  that  in  ten  years' 
time  no  Croat  shall  be  eligible  to  a  public  office  who  cannot  read 
and  write  the  Magyar  language,  and  the  consequence  has  been, 
the  creation  of  a  feeling  of  hatred  against  the  Magyars,  which 
bodes  but  very  ill  for  the  speedy  Magyarizing  of  the  Croatian 
people.  I  have  no  doubt  that  some  portion  of  this  opposition  is 
connected  with  Russian  intrigue;  for  it  is  particularly  strong 
among  the  members  of  the  Greek  church,  and  it  is  so  much  the 
interest  of  Russia  to  weaken  Austria,  by  disorganizing  her  ill- 
united  parts,  that  we  may  be  sure  such  an  opportunity  for  the 
attainment  of  her  objects  would  not  be  lost.  That  many  of 
those  who  are  influential  in  spreading  the  discontent,  are  un- 
knowingly instruments  in  the  hand  of  Russia,  I  feel  certain; — 
they  profess,  indeed,  a  most  bitter  hatred  of  Russia,  and,  I  have 
no  doubt,  feel  it  too;  but  they  are  as  certainly  working  out  her 
objects  as  if  they  were  her  paid  agents. 

Among  the  communicants  of  the  Greek  religion,  Russia  has 
still  more  power  in  Croatia  than  in  Transylvania,  because  of  the 
similarity  of  the  languages ;  and  this  influence  is  increased  by  the 
circumstance  of  the  prayer-books  of  the  Croats  having  been 
formerly  all  printed  in  Russia.  They  consequently  contained 
many  Russianisms,  which  remain  to  the  present  time,  though  it 
is  no  longer  allowed  to  print  them  out  of  Austria.  It  is  a  cu- 
rious circumstance,  too,  that  the  Catholic  and  Greek  religionists, 
generally  such  bitter  enemies,  are  said  to  agree  exceedingly  well 
in  Croatia. 

We  had  observed,  in  walking  through  the  town,  a  great  num- 
ber of  gentlemen  in  full  costume,  and,  on  inquiring  the  reason, 
found  they  had  been  present  at  a  county  meeting,  which  had  ex- 
cited great  interest,  from  the  circumstance  of  a  royal  commis- 
sioner having  been  sent  down  expressly  to  attend  it.  It  ap- 
peared that  Government,  having  found  it  impossible  to  check 
smuggling,  by  means  of  its  officers,  on  the  frontiers  of  Croatia, 
had  determined  to  station  them  at  different  places  within  the 
country,  with  power  to  seize  suspected  goods  wherever  they 
might  find  them.  This,  however,  would  have  been  a  gross 
violation  of  the  Municipal  Constitution,  which  places  the  whole 
executive  power  in  the  elected  officers  of  the  county ;  and  the 
Croatians  declared,  accordingly,  that  they  would  not  submit  to 



it.  In  the  face  of  such  direct  opposition,  Government  had  not 
ventured  to  put  its  plan  into  execution,  and  had  sent  down  a 
commissioner  to  explain  its  intentions,  and,  if  possible,  to  per- 
suade the  Croatians  to  consent.  One  of  them,  however,  with 
whom  we  fell  into  conversation,  observed,  "We  know  better 
than  to  let  Government  officers  in  amongst  us,  because,  when 
once  there,  it  is  no  such  easy  matter  to  get  rid  of  them  again ; 
and  besides,  the  very  laws  which  the  Government  wishes  to  sup- 
port by  illegal  means,  are  themselves  contrary  to  our  rights, — 
let  them  restore  to  us  our  free  trade, — till  they  do  that,  I  for  one 
•will  aid  the  smuggler  by  every  means  I  possess." 

From  Agram  to  Karlstadt,  our  next  resting-place,  we  passed 
through  a  rather  uninteresting  country,  occasionally  showing 
symptoms  of  activity  and  cultivation,  but  in  general  much  ne- 
glected. The  Save,  which  we  crossed  by  a  wooden  bridge  just 
on  the  outside  of  Agram,  is  a  fine  river,  and  we  were  told  con- 
tains water  enough  at  all  seasons  to  float  barges  of  two  hundred 
tons,  bearing  merchandise.  A  great  quantity  of  corn  and  brandy 
comes  up  the  Save  every  year  from  the  Banat,  for  Croatia, 
Trieste,  and  Italy ;  but  of  late  years  it  is  said  to  have  been  di- 
minished by  the  competition  with  the  corn  from  Odessa.  The 
manner  in  which  many  of  the  forests  are  destroyed  by  bad 
management  in  this  country,  is  really  melancholy,  and  the  de- 
struction has  gone  to  such  an  extent  that  firewood  has  become 
exceedingly  dear.  We  were  told  at  Agram  that  a  klafter — a 
small  cart  load — costs  as  much  as  eighteen  or  twenty  shillings, 
and  this  in  a  country  more  than  half  of  which  is  in  wood. 

Karlstadt  is  on  the  Croatian  military  frontier,  and  is  rather 
a  pretty  town,  with  many  good  houses,  inhabited  chiefly  by  the 
border  officers.  It  has  a  kind  of  fortress,  but  it  is  by  no  means 
capable  of  holding  out  against  artillery  for  a  moment.  The 
river  Kulpa,  which  flows  through  the  town,  and  the  Ludovica 
road — the  IJungarian  Simplon — are  the  chief  sources  of  its  wealth 
and  importance. 

From  the  communication  which  the  road  and  the  Kulpa  were 
expected  to  lay  open,  by  means  of  the  Save  and  Danube,  be- 
tween the  Adriatic  and  the  Black  Sea,  great  commercial  results 
were  anticipated ;  but  hitherto  it  has  disappointed  the  expecta- 
tions which  were  formed.  A  gentleman  whom  we  met  here, 
told  us  that  the  Save  is  navigable  at  all  times  of  the  year,  and 
for  almost  any  craft,  and  that  the  Kulpa,  even  in  its  present 
state,  is  open  for  large  boats  in  spring  and  autumn,  and  for 
VOL.  u. — 26 



smaller  ones  all  summer,  and  that,  with  very  little  expense,  it 
might  be  rendered  much  more  useful  than  it  even  now  is.  As 
yet  steam-boats  have  not  been  established,  even  on  the  Save,  but 
great  hopes  are  entertained  that  they  will  be  ere  long.* 

*The  Menaeum  contains  a  letter,  dated  Vienna,  llth  October,  1838, 
containing  a  very  interesting  notice  of  the  first  attempt  to  navigate  the 
Save  and  Kulpa  with  steam.  I  extract  a  portion  of  it : — 

"The  steam-boat  (of  forty-horse  power)  was  named  the  Archduchess 
Sophia,  and  started  from  Semlin  as  follows :— 

Date  of  Departure. 

Place  and  Hour  of  Arrival. 


*6th  Sept. 
Semlin,  2  P.M. 

7th  Sept.  4  A.  M. 

Guna,  8th  Sept. 

3  A.M. 

Brood,  9th  Sept. 

3  J  A.M. 

Puska,  10th  Sept. 

?|  A.M. 

.  .7  P.M. 

Pass  the  night."" 


An  island. 
The  ancient  Syrmium. 
7  floating  mills. 
Pass  the  night. 

10  August,  2  Bos  mills. 
Junction  of  the  Bosna. 
Pass  the  night. 

Junction  of  the  Verbas. 
Austrian  fortress. 
Junction  of  the  Unna. 
Pass  the  night. 

Retarded  by  a  fog. 
Enter  the  Kulpa. 
Termination  of  the  Voyage. 

,  .  g  A.M. 


'.  .72 

Bonora  Adicza 

•  7* 



,  .  5 


.  .8 

Alt  Gradisca  .  . 
Jessenovacz  .  .  . 

.  74 

.  1* 


,  .  2 


Date  of  Departure. 

Place  and  Hour  of  Arrival. 


Sissek,  llth  Sept 

8i  A.M. 

12th  Sept.  5  A.M 

Jaroge,  13th  Sept. 

4     A.M. 

Topola,  14th  Sept. 

5$  A.M. 

Jessenovacz  ....  3  A.M, 

Alt  Gradisca ....  8£ 
Jaroge 6£ 

Supanye 8 

Mitrovitz 4£ 

Topola -  .  5| 

Semlin 1£ 

Pass  the  night,  and  take  in 

The  Save  very  narrow. 
Pass  the  night. 

Brisk  salute. 
Take  in  wood. 
Pass  the  night. 

Termination  of  the  Voyage. 



As  we  were  sitting  down  to  our  supper  the  landlord  intro- 
duced an  officer  of  the  Borderers,  who  having  heard  that  two 
Englishmen  had  arrived  in  Karlstadt,  and  being  himself  of  Eng- 
lish descent,  wished  to  see  them.  His  name  was  Samson,  and 

"The  voyage  was  perfectly  satisfactory ;  and  there  seems  no  reason  for 
apprehending  interruption  to  the  navigation,  either  from  want  of  water  in 
summer  or  floating  ice  in  winter,  as  the  experiment  has  been  made  during 
the  driest  month  of  the  year ;  and  the  frosts  of  winter  last  only  from  the 
beginning  of  January  to  the  beginning  of  February.  The  first  day's  voy- 
age passed  off  without  incident.  On  the  7th,  when  approaching  Mitrovitz, 
the  Save  was  narrow  and  deep,  and  the  vessel  for  some  time  ascended 
very  slowly.  This  town  will  become  the  point  of  embarkation  for  the  famous 
Schiller,  or  red  Syrmian  wine,  which  is  by  many  thought  equal  to  Tokay. 
On  the  forenoon  of  the  8th,  especial  circumspection  became  requisite,  as  at 
Wuchijak,  a  place  between  Supanye  and  Schamacz,  the  river  became 
broad  and  shallow,  having  two  long  sand-banks;  but  luckily  both  were 
got  over  without  once  grounding,  and  the  reception  of  our  smutty  Argo- 
nauts in  the  evening  at  Brood  was  in  the  highest  degree  gratifying.  This 
is  an  important  Austrian  fortress;  a  salute  was  fired  on  the  occasion,  and 
the  natives  turned  out  en  masse.  The  appearance  of  these  people,  with 
their  long  shaggy  black  locks,  and  their  short  black  caftan  (Giinyacz;) 
was  striking.  Their  language  is  a  curious  mixture  of  Sclavonic  and 
Latin;  for  example,  Kakasyte  dormirali — how  did  you  sleep?  The  vessel 
was  visited  by  Major-Gen,  von  Neumann,  the  commandant  of  the  fortress, 
and  the  evening  was  spent  in  festivity.  On  the  9th  September,  two  offi- 
cers of  the  fortress  accompanied  the  vessel  as  far  as  Alt  Gradisca,  which 
is  opposite  Berbir,  formerly  an  Austrian  tete  de  pont,  but  now  a  Turkish 
fortress.  A  picturesque  chain  of  hills,  rising  from  the  river,  rendered  this 
the  most  agreeable  part  of  the  voyage.  At  Jessenovacz,  nine  hujas  farther 
up,  the  right  bank  ceases  to  be  Turkish  territory.  The  town  is  built  of 
wood;  and,  as  it  stands  on  piles,  has  been  sometimes  called  New  Amster- 
dam. On  the  10th,  at  two  o'clock,  the  boat  reached  Sissek,  and  was  re- 
ceived with  waving  banners,  joyous  music,  and  firing  of  muskets.  In  the 
evening  there  was  a  public  dinner,  when  the  healths  of  the  Emperor,  the 
Empress,  and  the  Arch-duke  Palatine,  were  drunk  with  loud  applause  • 
and  on  the  llth,  accompanied  by  twenty-three  individuals,  the  vessel 
started  again  on  her  downward  voyage. 

Should  this  experiment  be  followed  up  with  spirit,  the  advantages  which 
may  flow  from  it  can  scarcely  be  overrated.  The  present  trade  on  the 
Save  and  Drave  is  limited  to  barrel  hoops,  staves,  firewood,  &c.,  although 
the  country  could  produce  vast  quantities  of  corn,  wine,  and  iron.  It  is 
true,  that  the  central  parts  between  the  two  rivers  are  so  thickly  wooded, 
that  the  old  Hungarian  proverb  is  still  applicable, — *'  Si  lupus  essem,  nollem 
alibi  quam  in  Sclavonia  lupus  esse;" — but  all  along  the  Save,  nature  has 
poured  forth  her  choicest  blessings.  On  questioning  my  informant  as  to 
the  quality  of  the  soil,  "fat  and  black"  were  the  adjectives  he  used.  It 
would  be  out  of  place  to  enter  into  an 'examination  of  those  peculiar  laws 
and  institutions  of  Hungary,  which  hinder  the  influx  of  capital  and  the 
development  of  the  national  resources.  I  shall,  therefore,  content 


we  found  him  a  very  good-tempered  agreeable  acquaintance. 
He  spoke  of  the  Borderers  with  all  the  enthusiasm  a  good  officer 
might  be  supposed  to  feel  for  his  men.  Those  of  the  Croatian 
frontiers,  he  said,  though  not  such  fine  large  men  as  those  of  the 
Banat,  were  very  clever  in  the  use  of  their  weapons,  to  which 
they  were  accustomed  from  their  childhood.  In  such  constant 
danger  are  they  from  incursions  from  the  Turkish  Croatians  and 
Bosnians,  that  they  never  go  out  to  tend  their  sheep,  or  even  to 
plough,  without  being  armed.  As  might  be  expected,  they  be- 
come better  soldiers  than  agriculturists.  On  pressing  our  friend 
very  closely  as  to  the  subject  of  their  honesty,  he  confessed  that 
they  were  rather  apt  to  mistake  other  people's  property  for  their 
own, — "not,"  he  said,  "that  they  steal  like  those  rascally  in- 
fidels,— they  only  take  things,  just  in  play,  as  children  do !" 

Karlstadt,  he  said,  was  so  near  the  frontier,  and  so  ill-defend- 
ed, that  a  party  of  Turks  might,  by  a  sudden  incursion,  pillage 
and  burn  it  any  day.  Government,  however,  was  intending  to 
fortify  it  more  strongly.  He  seemed  to  have  a  sincere  hatred  of 
his  Turkish  neighbours,  and  described  them  as  a  most  barbarous, 
cruel,  and  rapacious  set,  who  would  be  continually  at  war  if  they 
dared.  "I  think,  however,"  he  observed,  "we  have  quieted 
them  for  a  while ;  for  in  return  for  their  last  attack,  we  followed 
them  home,  and  burnt  one  of  their  largest  villages,  containing 
two  hundred  houses,  to  the  ground." 

The  next  day  we  commenced  the  passage  of  the  mountains 
to  Fiume,  along  the  line  of  the  Ludovica-road.  This  road  was 
formed  by  a  private  company  under  the  direction  of  General 
Vukassovics,  but  rather  as  a  patriotic  undertaking  than  as  a  corn- 
self  with  remarking  how  curiously  the  interfering  with  the  laws  that  regu- 
late production  and  distribution,  operates  in  two  countries  so  different 
from  each  other.  In  England,  land  intended  by  nature  for  pasture,  is  de- 
voted to  the  plough;  and  in  Hungary,  millions  of  acres  of  what  might  be 
garden  ground,  are  abandoned  to  swine  and  cattle.  Sissek  is  only  forty 
English  miles  from  Karlstadt,  between  which  and  Fiume  is  the  splendid 
road  constructed  under  the  direction  of  Baron  Bukassawich;  and  I  am  in- 
formed that  if  the  little  cataract  at  Ozuil  were  blown  up,  the  Kulpa  would 
be  navigable  to  within  thirty  or  forty  miles  of  the  sea.  As  it  is;  Fiume 
may  become  the  port  of  a  great  part  of  Hungary.  I  find,  by  the  last  re- 
turns in  the  Commercial  Gazette,  that,  in  the  month  of  August,  the  imports 
of  this  place  were  227,111  florins;  and  the  exports,  consisting  principally 
of  corn  and  tobacco,  349.904.  Should  then  this  experiment  be  properly 
followed  up,  the  Save  will  be  the  great  highway  between  the  Adriatic 
ports  and  Semlin,  the  Banat,  Transylvania,  Szegedin,  and  all  the  towns 
on  the  Theiss  and  Maras." 



mercial  speculation.  It  extends  eighteen  German,  or  about 
eighty-five  English,  miles.  Nothing  can  be  more  beautifully 
constructed  than  it  is ;  there  is  not  a  sudden  elevation  of  any  con- 
sequence from  one  end  to  the  other,  and  the  slopes  are  so  gradual 
that  a  carriage  may  be  driven  at  a  trot  up  and  down  them  with- 
out danger  or  difficulty.  The  body  of  the  road  itself  is  perhaps 
a  little  too  arched,  but  the  parapet  walls,  drains,  water-courses, 
and  bridges,  are  most  beautifully  executed,  and  maintained  in  ex- 
cellent order. 

Our  first  stage  of  two  posts  brought  us  by  gradual  ascents 
into  as  wild  and  mountainous  a  district  as  I  ever  saw.  The 
stratum  is  entirely  a  compact  limestone,  presenting  in  many  places 
those  vast  caldron-shaped  hollows  which  are  so  frequent  near 

We  were  surprised,  on  inquiring  in  German  if  any  thing  in  the 
shape  of  dinner  could  be  got  at  the  station-house,  to  be  answered 
in  very  good  Irish,  "Sure  there  is,  your  honour, — eggs  and 
bacon  in  plenty,  and  a  chicken  if  your  honour's  not  in  a  hurry." 
Our  respondent,  we  found,  was  the  daughter  of  an  Irishman  who 
had  served  under  Napoleon,  and  she  herself  had  been  many  years 
in  General  Count  Nugent's  family.  She  had  married  an  Italian 
fellow-servant,  and  Count  Nugent  had  set  them  up  in  this  inn, 
which  is  situated  on  a  part  of  his  own  estate.  We  were  the  first 
Englishmen  she  had  seen  since  her  settlement  in  this  place,  and 
how  she  managed  to  make  us  out  by  the  blue  ends  of  our  noses, 
which  was  all  that  could  be  seen  out  of  our  fur  cloaks,  is  more 
than  I  can  guess.  She  was  glad  enough  to  see  us,  and  did  her 
best  to  make  us  comfortable  with  such  poor  means  as  were  with- 
in her  power. 

We  got  on  as  far  as  Skrad  before  night,  which,  like  all  the 
other  villages  in  this  district,  is  a  miserable  place.  The  whole 
country  we  passed  through  is  mere  rock  and  wood ;  and  though 
clearing  and  cultivating  might  do  something  towards  improving 
its  dreary  aspect,  it  must  ever  remain  a  very  barren  district. 
We  passed  some  long  trains  of  wagons  in  the  course  of  the  day, 
chiefly  laden  with  timber,  rags,  and  some  corn,  which  they  were 
conveying  to  Fiume.  Others  which  we  met  returning  were  quite 

We  ascended  still  higher  in  the  course  of  the  second  day,  not 
that  we  could  observe  it  by  the  road  itself, — for  it  is  so  beauti- 
fully laid  out  that  the  ascent  is  quite  imperceptible, — but  we 
found  the  snow,  which  had  been  all  melted  in  the  lower  regions, 



still  clinging,  as  we  advanced,  to  the  mountain  sides.  As  we 
began  to  descend,  we  were  roused  from  a  doze  by  a  sudden  cry 
from  Miklos,  of  "a  great  water!  a  great  water!"  and  starting 
up,  we  found  the  Adriatic,  studded  with  beautiful  islands,  and 
sprinkled  over  with  fishing-boats,  directly  beneath  us.  For  some 
moments  after  his  first  exclamation,  Miklos  remained  quite  silent, 
from  awe  and  wonder,  till  at  last  he  said,  "  Your  Grace,  that  must 
be  the  Danube  again,  no  other  water  can  be  so  large ;  and  see,  there 
are  wild  ducks  swimming  all  about."  He  could  not  believe, 
even  when  we  told  him,  that  it  was  the  sea  he  saw,  and  that  his 
ducks  were  large  boats,  which  the  distance  only  made  appear  so 

The  descent  to  Fiume  was  one  succession  of  beauties,  increas- 
ing as  we  advanced.  The  construction  of  this  part  of  the  road 
is  exceedingly  fine,  quite  equal  to  any  thing  of  the  kind  in  Europe. 
In  one  place  it  has  been  cut  straight  through  the  rocks,  and 
forms  a  kind  of  gateway,  called  the  Porta  Ungarica.  In  the 
course  of  the  descent,  on  one  side  the  road  we  observed  a  large 
plain,  completely  surrounded  by  mountains,  and  forming  a  colossal 
amphitheatre.  It  was  in  this  spot  that  the  Tartars,  after  having 
overrun  all  Hungary,  encamped,  and  where  they  were  fallen 
upon  by  the  people,  who  had  collected  on  the  mountains  round, 
and  cut  to  pieces.  Eight  thousand  are  said  to  have  remained 
on  the  field. 

When  we  had  nearly  finished  the  descent,  we  came  to  a  bar- 
rier, and  were  desired  to  show  our  passports ;  and  no  sooner  did 
the  officer  find  from  them  that  we  were  foreigners,  than  he  de- 
manded a  toll  of  six  shillings  and  four  pence  for  having  passed 
over  the  road.  "  You  ought,"  he  said,  "  to  have  paid  at  the 
other  end,  but  the  man  there  probably  mistook  you  for  Hunga- 
rian gentlemen,  and  so  let  you  pass."  We,  of  course,  paid  it, 
and  in  a  few  minutes  after  rattled  over  the  stones  of  Fiume,  till 
we  came  to  a  stand  before  the  hotel  door. 

And  while  we  are  settling  down  there,  let  us  say  a  few  words 
as  to  the  prospective  advantages  of  this  road.  We  have  stated, 
that  hitherto  it  has  been  little  used,  partly  on  account  of  the 
high  tolls,  partly  from  the  want  of  further  improvements  for 
facilitating  the  navigation  of  the  Save  and  Kulpa — but  most  of 
all  from  the  want  of  commerce  between  Hungary  and  other 
countries.  Supposing  for  a  moment  all  these  drawbacks  removed, 
it  still  remains  a  question  whether  Fiume  can  ever  become  the 
port  of  Hungary,  and  the  Ludovica  road  its  great  artery.  We 



doubt  if  it  ever  will,  though  we  by  no  means  condemn  it  to  lan- 
guish for  ever  in  its  present  state.  The  trade  of  Hungary  must 
follow  the  course  of  the  Danube,  and  find  its  port  on  the  shores  of 
the  Black  Sea.  The  superior  richness  of  the  country  through 
which  the  Danube  flows,  the  ease  of  transporting  heavy  goods 
up  and  down  a  stream  of  such  size,  almost  without  any  land-car- 
riage, the  number  of  its  tributary  streams,  and  the  wealth  and 
importance  of  the  t<5wns  on  its  banks,  render  this  unquestionable. 
The  only  difficulty  which  presents  itself  is  the  passage  of  the 
Iron  Gates;  and  with  fifty  miles  of  road  for  towing  or  transport, 
this  will  henceforth  be  of  little  consequence.  It  is  true,  that 
warehouses  are  necessary  at  Scala  Gladova,  Orsova,  and  Mol- 
dova ;  that  a  consular  agent  ought  to  be  stationed  at  Orsova ;  that, 
in  fact,  many  arrangements  are  required  to  render  commercial 
intercourse  perfectly  easy  and  convenient ;  but,  sooner  or  later, 
they  will  be  made,  for  by  this  route  alone  can  a  great  commerce 
ever  be  carried  on.  At  the  same  time  Croatia  and  Sclavonia 
may  transport  a  part  of  their  timber,  hemp,  rags,  and  tallow  by 
Fiume.  and  receive  in  return  the  manufactures  of  the  west.  But 
there  is  another  light  in  which,  in  the  present  aspect  of  European 
affairs,  this  road  may  be  regarded.  At  every  moment  we  hear 
of  tremendous  armaments,  on  the  part  of  Russia,  collecting  in 
Bessarabia  and  along  the  banks  of  the  Danube;  of  great  fleets 
manoeuvring  in  the  Black  Sea,  ready  in  a  moment  to  overwhelm 
the  dependencies  of  Turkey,  but  intended,  probably,  only  to 
frighten  European  diplomatists  into  the  belief  that  she  could  do 
so.  Suppose,  for  a  moment,  that  these  troops  had  marched,  and 
these  vessels  had  sailed;  suppose  even  that  the  Dardanelles  were 
closed  to  our  fleet;  what  means  does  this  road  afford  to  Austria 
of  controlling  the  fate  of  Turkey?  Austria,  on  the  first  alarm, 
could  throw  a  body  of  troops  into  Transylvania  and  along  the 
Wallachian  frontiers,  where  they  would  occupy  a  position  con- 
fessedly impregnable.  She  could  then  admit  through  Fiume  a 
French  or  English  army  which,  after  a  march  of  eighty  miles 
over  the  Ludovica  road,  could  be  placed  on  board  the  large 
corn-boats,  on  the  Kulpa  or  Save,  and  transported  without  fatigue 
or  loss  down  the  Danube  into  the  heart  of  Wallachia  in  about 
ten  days.  She  would  thus  have  placed  an  overwhelming  force 
in  the  rear  of  the  Russian  army,  with  the  power  of  intercepting, 
in  winter,  when  the  ports  of  the  Black  Sea  are  frozen,  the  only 
route  by  which  that  army  could  receive  supplies.  In  this  point 
of  view  the  Ludovica  road  may  still  be  of  European  importance. 


It  is  well  known  too  that  we  are  dependent  on  Russia  for  a  vast 
quantity  of  raw  produce,  without  which  our  trade  could  not  get 
on.  As  we  shall  see  hereafter,  these  articles  can  be  furnished 
as  well  by  Hungary,  and  by  the  Fiume  road  they  could  always 
reach  the  Mediterranean  in  spite  of  Russia. 

On  presenting  our  letters  of  introduction,  we  were  very  politely 
received  by  the  deputy-governor,  Count  Almasi,  and  every  thing 
worth  seeing  at  Fiume  was  at  once  laid  open  to  us.  In  truth, 
the  sights  of  Fiume  are  no  great  matters.  It  is  a  pretty  little 
seaport  town,  with  a  good  harbour;  but,  although  possessing  the 
advantages  of  a  free  port,  it  was  untenanted  by  a  single  vessel 
of  any  size.  Nothing  can  be  more  beautiful  than  the  situation 
of  Fiume ;  it  is  backed  by  immense  rocks,  the  sides  of  which  are 
covered,  wherever  a  particle  of  soil  can  rest,  with  vineyards ; 
while  in  front  is  the  Adriatic  and  its  lovely  islands.  The  town 
has  quite  an  Italian  air  about  it,  and  nothing  but  Italian  and 
Illyrian  is  heard  in  the  shops  and  streets.  Fiume  has  a  club 
and  theatre,  and  the  social  life  of  its  inhabitants  is  said  to  be 
pleasant  enough.  It  had  a  little  semidiplomatic  society,  too,  of 
consuls,  to  which  we  were  introduced,  and  from  some  of  the  con- 
suls we  obtained  a  good  deal  of  information.  It  had  formerly  a 
very  extensive  sugar  refinery,  occupying  one  thousand  persons ; 
but,  as  it  had  originally  been  created  by  a  royal  privilege,  so  it 
was  destroyed  when  the  privilege  was  withdrawn.  The  only 
productive  industry  at  present  existing,  is  the  paper-mill  of  our 
countrymen,  Messrs.  Smith  &  Co.  We  visited  their  mill,  which 
is  placed  near  the  end  of  the  Ludovica  road,  and  is  worked  by 
the  torrent  which  rushes  down  from  the  mountain.  Mr.  Smith 
told  us  that  they  employed  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  people, 
who  worked  pretty  well,  and  were  easily  kept  in  order,  and  that 
every  day  they  were  obliged  to  refuse  applications  for  work.. 
All  their  machinery  is  brought  direct  from  England.  They  pro- 
duce a  fair  writing  paper,  though  nothing  of  a  very  superior 
character,  which  is  almost  entirely  consumed  in  the  Levant. 

About  a  mile  or  two  south  of  the  town,  a  large  Lazaretto  has 
been  built,  in  one  of  the  most  beautiful  bays  I  almost  ever  saw. 
They  say  the  arrangements  of  this  Lazaretto  are  perfect — there 
is  nothing  wanting  but  ships  to  fill  it.  Ten  miles  still  further 
south,  is  Porto  Re,  a  large  and  commodious  harbour,  built  by 
Charles  VI.,  and  acknowledged  to  be  the  safest  and  best  in  the 
Austrian  dominions.  A  war-steamer  had  just  been  built  there. 
The  small  portion  of  sea-coast  between  Istria  and  Dalmatia,  has 


often  figured  in  the  gravamina  of  the  Hungarian  Diet  as  the  Li- 
torale.  For  a  long  time  Austria  refused  to  give  it  up;  and 
though  she  has  yielded  with  respect  to  this  part,  Dalmatia  and 
the  islands,  equally  demanded  by  the  Hungarians  as  a  portion  of 
their  dominions,  are  still  refused  to  them. 

We  met  a  stout  liberal  here,  who  is  at  the  same  time  a 
Sclave  and  a  strong  supporter  of  the  Sclavish  nationality.  He 
speaks  with  great  admiration  of  the  talent  with  which  Napoleon 
seized  on  this  point  when  he  formed  his  kingdom  of  Illyria,  and 
the  power  that  this  idea  still  exercises  over  the  minds  of  the 
people.  Dalmatia  he  describes  as  an  exceedingly  interesting 
country,  though  the  people  are  in  a  very  wild  and  savage  state. 
If  we  had  had  time,  we  should  have  liked  to  have  accepted  this 
gentleman's  offer  to  show  us  the  most  important  parts  of  Dal- 
matia :  but  the  steamer  was  to  leave  Trieste  in  a  few  days,  and 
Pola  and  its  amphitheatre  had  still  to  be  seen. 

The  commerce  of  Fiume  is  said  to  be  very  insignificant,  and 
to  be  confined  almost  exclusively  to  rags,  staves,  corn,  and 
tobacco.  Of  late  years  the  corn  trade  has  fallen  off  considerably, 
the  Odessa  merchants  having,  from  their  facilities  for  trade,  been 
enabled  to  undersell  the  Fiume  merchants,  not  only  in  the  ports 
of  Italy,  but  sometimes  even  in  Fiume  itself.  The  best  part  of 
the  Fiume  trade  is  with  the  smugglers ;  and  smuggling  is  so  far 
recognised,  that  an  Englishman,  who  set  up  to  trade  here  in  an 
honest  manner,  received  a  friendly  warning  from  high  authority 
to  imitate  his  neighbours,  if  he  did  not  wish  to  be  ruined.  As 
Fiume  itself  is  a  free  port,  of  course  it  is  surrounded  on  every 
side  by  custom-house  officers,  who  are  so  numerous,  for  this  place 
alone,  as  to  cost  sixty  thousand  florins  (6000/.)  per  annum.  Not 
that  they  are  of  any  use;  for,  as  one  of  the  authorities  observed, 
"ten  pence  a  day  is  all  they  get  for  doing  their  duty,  and,  of 
course,  twenty  pence  will  easily  induce  them  to  neglect  it."  The 
coast,  too,  is  of  so  mountainous  a  character,  that  it  would  be  al- 
most impossible  to  protect  it,  except  by  introducing  a  more  libe- 
ral commercial  system. 

And  now,  before  we  close  these  volumes, — for  at  Fiume  our 
Travels  in  Hungary  may  be  said  to  have  finished,  and  Pola  and 
Trieste  are  too  well  known  to  require  description, — we  must  say 
a  few  words  on  the  commercial  resources  and  prospects  of  Hun- 
gary. It  is  so  singular  a  fact  that  a  country  overflowing  with 
natural  productions,  and  in  want  of  every  article  of  manufactured 
industry,  should  be  quite  unknown  to  the  merchants  of  England, 


that  some  explanation  of  it  seems  required.  In  the  first  place, 
we  shall  enumerate  the  chief  productions  of  Hungary,  and  shall 
then  endeavour  to  show  why  these  have  not  been  sought  for  by 
the  English,  and  point  out  what  the  chief  advantages  are  which 
we  might  derive  from  a  trade  with  Hungary. 

Hungary  and  Transylvania, — for  we  shall  now  speak  of  the 
two  together, — with  a  population  of  twelve  millions,  occupy  a 
surface  of  about  one  hundred  and  ten  thousand  English  square 
miles.  This  surface  is  exceedingly  various  in  its  nature,  but  on  the 
whole  it  may  be  set  down  as  one  of  the  most  fruitful  portions  of 
Europe,  as  well  as  one  of  the  most  rich  in  natural  productions. 

We  have  already  said  so  much  of  mines  and  mining,  that  it  is 
scarcely  necessary  to  state  here  how  extensive  the  veins  of  gold 
and  silver  are  which  run  through  the  whole  country.  It  has 
been  stated  by  Beudant,  that  there  is  more  gold  and  silver  found 
in  Hungary  than  in  all  the  rest  of  Europe  besides.  The  privi- 
lege of  working  the  mines  is  open  to  every  one  on  the  payment  of  a 
tenth  of  the  produce  to  the  Crown ;  the  only  other  restriction 
being  the  obligation  to  have  the  precious  metals  coined  in  the 
country,  for  which  a  small  per-centage  is  charged.  From  the 
number  of  places  in  which  we  have  seen  iron  hammers,  it  must 
be  evident  that  iron  abounds  throughout  extensive  districts;  but 
hitherto  the  iron  mines  have  been  very  badly  worked,  and  the 
iron  so  ill- wrought  as  to  be  extremely  dear.  For  the  erection  of 
the  new  chain-bridge  at  Pest,  it  has  been  found  cheaper  to  have 
the  iron-work  cast  in  England,  sent  by  water  to  Fiume  or  Tri- 
este, and  from  thence  by  land  to  Pest,  than  to  have  it  manufac- 
tured either  in  Hungary  or  in  any  other  part  of  the  Austrian  do- 
minions. Such  is  the  advantage  which  commercial  habits  and 
scientific  knowledge  give  over  cheap  labour.  I  have  heard  it  stated 
that  the  iron  of  Hungary  possesses  qualities  superior  to  that  of  any 
other  part  of  Europe,  except  Sweden,  for  conversion  into  steel ; 
yet  it  is  so  badly  wrought  that  worse  cutlery  cannot  exist  than 
that  of  Hungary.  Hungarian  iron  is  quite  unknown  in  the 
English  market. 

Copper  is  found  in  great  abundance — forty  thousand  hundred- 
weight yearly.  Lead,  and  indeed  every  other  metal,  is  obtained, 
but  rather  more  sparingly.  Sulphur  occurs  in  eight  different 
counties;  but  it  is  often  not  worked  from  the  want  of  demand  for 
the  article ;  I  have  myself  seen  mines  given  up  from  no  other 
cause.  This  is  of  importance  at  the  present  moment,  when  the 
Sicilian  monopoly  is  in  the  hands  of  Frenchmen,  who  are  said  to 

TIMBER.  311 

Lave  raised  the  price  of  their  sulphur,  and  thereby  inflicted  a 
considerable  injury  on  many  branches  of  English  industry. 

The  quantity  of  salt  which  these  countries  can  produce  seems 
quite  unlim  ted ;  and  from  the  fine  condition  of  the  mines,  the 
pure  state  in  which  the  salt  occurs,  and  the  position  of  the  beds 
near  navigable  rivers,  it  might  be  procured  as  cheaply  as  from 
any  part  of  the  world.  Soda,  alum,  potash,  and  saltpetre,  are 
all  abundant,  but  particularly  soda,  which  occurs  in  great  purity 
and  plenty  on  the  plain  near  Debreczen. 

Coal,  as  I  have  already  said,  is  found  in  several  districts,  and 
I  believe  it  is  the  only  coal  in  Europe  which  can  contest  the  field 
with  that  of  England  for  the  use  of  steam-engines.  That  it  is  at 
present  as  dear  as  English  coal  imported  via  Constantinople  is  en- 
tirely attributable  to  bad,  or  rather  dishonest,  management. 

Of  wood,  Hungary,  and  the  neighbouring  countries,  Bosnia 
and  Servia,  are  capable  of  furnishing  vast  stores.  At  present, 
England  receives  a  large  portion  of  her  timber  from  the  Baltic, 
which  might  be  as  well  obtained  from  these  countries  by  Fiume 
or  the  Black  Sea,  and  the  navy  of  England  would  then  be  no 
longer  dependent  for  its  supply  on  the  country  which  is  most 
likely  to  place  itself  in  rivalship  with  her.  The  forests  of  Hun- 
gary, particularly  the  Bakonyer,  are  almost  entirely  composed 
of  oak,  which  is  of  two  kinds, — the  red,  a  quick-growing  soft 
wood,  of  little  use  except  for  firing ;  and  the  white,  a  firm  last- 
ing timber,  well  adapted  for  ship-building,  or  other  purposes  re- 
quiring durability.  In  those  parts  of  the  country  where  the  roads 
are  too  bad  to  allow  of  the  transport  of  large  blocks  of  timber, 
the  wood  might  be  cut  into  staves,  for  which  there  is  always  a 
great  demand,  and  so  conveyed  to  the  coast  in  smaller  loads  for 
exportation.  A  considerable  trade  is  already  carried  on  in  this 
article  between  Fiume  and  Marseilles,  most  of  the  staves  being 
procured  from  Bosnia  and  brought  by  land-carriage  to  Fiume. 
The  opening  of  the  Save  and  Drave  would  considerably  reduce 
the  cost  of  carriage,  and  wood  might  then  be  transported,  nearly 
the  whole  way,  by  water  to  the  Black  Sea. 

Another  article  connected  with  our  shipping  interest,  to  which 
we  have  already  alluded,  is  hemp.  All  the  hemp  used  in  the  navy 
is  of  Russian  growth,  and  it  is  one  of  the  chief  of  our  imports 
from  that  country.  The  hemp  of  Hungary  is  both  cheaper  and 
better ;  and  instead  of  taking  it  from  a  rival,  we  should  take  it 
from  a  safe  ally.* 

*  Some  months  since,  I  heard  that  a  part  of  the  navy  contract  was  to  be 
given  to  Baron  Eokeles  of  Vienna  for  a  supply  of  Hungarian  hemp,  but  I 


Hides  and  tallow  are  also  articles  of  Russian  commerce  in  which 
Hungary  might  prove  a  formidable  rival. 

Of  the  Hungarian  tobacco  we  have  spoken  at  length  elsewhere. 
Although  the  tobacco  of  Hungary  is  an  article  which,  from  the 
peculiar  position  in  which  we  stand  with  respect  to  our  Colonies, 
can  scarcely  gain  a  footing  in  the  English  market;  yet  it  is  one 
which  the  German  and  Italian  merchants  would  gladly  avail 
themselves  of,  if  they  were  allowed. 

Horse-hair,  bristles,  gall-nuts,  and  rags,  are  all  articles  of 
Hungarian  commerce;  and  of  the  latter  very  large  exportations 
to  this  country  already  take  place  annually. 

Spirits  of  wine  are  produced  at  a  low  rate,  and  are  exported 
to  Germany. 

It  is  always  a  difficult  matter  to  decide  how  far  any  wine  will 
suit  a  particular  market;  but  I  have  a  strong  suspicion  that  a 
really  good  wine  will  suit  all ;  and,  if  I  may  trust  my  own  taste, 
I  should  say  that  much  of  the  Hungarian  wine  deserves  that 
character.  Hungarian  wines  may  be  divided  into  two  classes : 
the  sweet  wines,  or  Jlusbruch,  and  the  red  and  white  table 
wines.  The  most  celebrated  of  the  sweet  wines  is  that  of  Tokay, 
which  for  delicacy  of  flavour  and  brightness  of  colour  is  une- 
qualled. Next  to  Tokay  comes  the  Menes  wine,  but  though 
rich  and  strong,  it  has  a  coarse  taste  when  compared  with  Tokay. 
Among  the  best  dessert  wines,  after  these,  are  reckoned  those  of 
Rusxt,  Karlowitz,  St.  Georg,  and  (Edenburg.  These  wines 
are  commonly  drunk  only  in  very  small  quantities,  a  glass  or  two 
taken  with  the  sweets  being  the  extreme.  As  there  is  so  very 
little  taste  for  sweet  wines  in  England,  I  doubt  if  these  wines 
would  find  any  great  number  of  admirers  amongst  us,  at  least 
until  our  habits  are  changed. 

Of  the  table  wines  it  is  difficult  to  give  any  description,  they 
are  so  numerous  and  so  little  known.  The  wines  of  Buda  (Offner 
in  German)  and  Erlau,  are  those  I  prefer  of  the  red  wines ;  in- 
deed, I  think  I  have  drunk  old  Buda  equal  to  the  best  Burgundy. 
Those  of  Posing,  St.  Georg,  Sexo,  Miskolcz,  Neustadt,  and 
many  others,  are  celebrated,  but  I  cannot  recollect  them  suffi- 
ciently to  speak  of  their  merits. 

Among  the  white  wines,  I  can  answer  for  those  of  Somlyo 
(Schomlauer  in  German)  and  Neszm61y  being  equal  to  any  of 
the  white  wines  of  France  (excepting,  of  course,  Champagne,) 
and  they  are  better  to  my  taste  than  the  generality  of  the  sour 

am  not  aware  that  the  arrangements  are  yet  concluded.      No  exertions 
ought  to  be  spared  either  by  Austria  or  England  to  carry  them  out. 



products  of  the  Rhine.  Others  of  note  are  those  of  Ratzischclorf, 
Badacson,  Szekszarcl  and  Sirak.  Of  the  Transylvanian  wines 
I  have  spoken  at  sufficient  length  already.  The  white  wines  of 
that  country  are  certainly  not  inferior  to  those  of  Hungary. 

The  characteristic  qualities  of  the  Hungarian  wines  are  their 
strength  and  fire.  They  almost  all  of  them  require  keeping  some 
time  before  they  come  to  their  prime.  It  is  supposed  that  of 
the  24,400,000  eimers  grown  in  the  country,  not  more  than 
80,000  are  exported,  and  these  go  almost  exclusively  to  Silesia, 
Poland,  and  Russia.  Vienna  consumes  also  a  considerable  quantity 
of  Hungarian  wine.  It  was  long  questioned  whether  these  wines 
would  bear  transporting  across  the  sea,  but  Count  Szechenyi 
tried  the  experiment  by  sending  a  cask  to  the  East  Indies,  and 
when  it  came  back,  it  was  found  perfectly  sound  at  the  end  of 
the  voyage.  The  addition  of  a  little  brandy  might  be  required 
by  some  of  the  lighter  sorts ;  but  with  that  and  with  more  care 
in  the  preparation  of  the  wine  and  the  cleaning  of  the  casks,  I 
have  no  doubt  they  would  be  perfectly  safe. 

Wool  is  at  present  one  of  the  chief  articles  of  Hungarian  com- 
merce, chiefly  because  its  exportation  is  untaxed.  It  is  scarcely 
twenty  years  since  the  Merino  sheep  have  been  introduced  into 
Hungary,  and  the  quantity  of  fine  wool  nowT  produced  may  be 
judged  from  the  fact,  that  at  the  last  Pest  fair  there  were  no 
less  than  80,000  centners  offered  for  sale.  The  greater  part  of 
this  wool  is  bought  by  the  German  merchants,  and  much  of  it  is 
said  to  go  ultimately  to  England,  after  having  passed  by  land 
quite  across  Europe  to  Hamburg.  Of  late  years,  a  few  English 
merchants  have  made  their  appearance  at  the  Pest  fairs,  which 
are  held  four  times  in  the  year ;  but  I  have  not  yet  heard  of  any 
wool  being  sent  to  England  by  the  Danube  and  Black  Sea.  Be- 
sides the  Merino  wool,  there  is  a  considerable  quantity  of  a  long 
coarse  wool  grown,  which  is  chiefly  sold  for  the  manufacture  of 
the  thick  white  cloth  worn  by  the  peasants,  and  which  might 
be  found  very  serviceable  for  our  carpet  fabrics. 

A  still  more  important  article  of  Hungarian  produce  is  corn, 
and  it  is  one  from  which,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  England,  ere  long,  by 
the  abolition  of  her  corn  laws,  will  enable  herself  to  derive  the 
full  benefit.  At  present,  the  quantity  of  grain  annually  produced 
in  Hungary  is  reckoned  at  from  sixty  to  eighty  millions  of  Pres- 
burg  metzen.  This  calculation,  however,  is  of  little  importance, 
as  at  present  scarcely  any  is  grown  for  exportation ;  but,  were  a 
market  once  opened,  it  is  beyond  a  doubt  that  the  produce  might 
VOL.  n, — 27 


be  doubled  or  trebled  without  any  difficulty.  I  have  heard  it 
stated  by  one  well  able  to  judge,  that  at  the  present  time  one 
quarter  of  the  whole  country  is  uncultivated,  although  the  greater 
part  of  it  is  capable  of  furnishing  the  richest  crops  at  a  very 
slight  cost.  The  wheat  of  Hungary  is  allowed  to  be  of  an  ex- 
cellent quality.  Where  the  land  has  little  or  no  value  for  other 
purposes,  and  the  labour  costs  nothing,  it  is  difficult  to  see  how 
it  can  be  produced  any  where  at  a  cheaper  rate  than  here.*  Nor 

*In  nil  article  in  a  late  number  of  the  British  and  Foreign  Quarterly,  it 
is  stated  that  Hungarian  wheat  from  Fiume  can  be  brought  to  England  at 
a  lower  rate  than  from  any  other  country.  I  quote  the  statement  as  it  stands, 
without  being  able  however  to  vouch  for  its  accuracy : — 
"  The  price  of  Hungarian  wheat  fit  for  shipment  to  Eng-  C  fl.  kr.  s.  d. 
land  is  at  present,  per  metzen,  at  Sissek.  4  2  45  or  5  6 

N.  B.  At  other  times  it  is  30  or  40  per  cent,  less.)    ' 
Expense  of  transport  from  Sissek  to  Karlstadt  by  the  river  7   A    in      04 

Expense  of  transport  from  Karlstadt  to  Fiume  by  land  0    50  or  1  8 

3    45  or  7  6 

"  Hence  we  find,  that  the  price  of  Hungarian  corn  at  Fiume  is  3  florins, 
45  kreutzers,  or  7s.  Gd.  sterling  per  metzen.  Now,  2  metzen  are  consi- 
dered equal  to  3  stajo  or  staro,  Venitian  or  Trieste  measure;  hence  we  find 
that  the  cost  of  Hungarian  corn  per  stajo  is  5  florins,  or  10s.;  the  rate  of 
freight  from  Fiume  to  Trieste  by  sea  is  7  kreutzers,  or  2£d. ;  the  whole 
cost,  therefore,  at  Trieste,  is  5  florins?  7  kreutzers,  or  10s.  2£  d. :  348  stajo, 
however,  are  considered  equal  to  100  imperial  quarters,  according  to  which 
estimation  the  price  of  corn  at  Trieste,  per  imperial  quarter,  is  35s.  7^^^. 

«(To  this  calculation  must  be  added, 

For  the  several  commissions  at  Sissek,  Karlstadt,  and  Fiume  5  per  cent. 
For  waste,  deterioration,  uninsured  risk,  insurance  .  ,  3  per  cent. 
Rate  of  insurance  from  Trieste  to  England  ,  * '  .  .  1|  per  cent. 
Export  duty  from  the  Austrian  dominions,  or  Hungary,  to  the 

district  of  a  free  port,  or  to  a  foreign  country  .  .  9J  per  cent. 
Amount  of  commission  del  credere  .  »  .  ",».,•  r  •  3£  per  cent. 
Charges  and  expenses  on  shipping  ^  .  .  .  2  per  cent. 
The  uninsured  risk,  heating,  short  weight,  deterioration  on  the 

voyage  from  Trieste  to  England  .  .  *  ^  ~J'  f\,  •  1  Per  cent. 
The  whole  per  centage,  as  above  detailed,  is  equal  to  .  24£  per  cent. 
Now  24£  per  cent,  upon  35s.  Id.  is  8s.  8%$%d. ;  leaving  out  the  fraction, 
the  price  of  Hungarian  corn  per  quarter  is  44s.  3d. :  add  8s.,  which  is  about 
the  average  freight  to  England,  the  cost  of  Hungarian  corn  to  the  English 
merchant  is  52s.  2d. 

a  It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that  the  price  of  the  corn  at  Sissek 
(the  principal  depot  for  corn  collected  from  the  country,  or  brought  by  the 
Save  from  New  Becse,  where  considerable  purchases  are  made,)  upon 
which  we  have  based  our  calculation,  was  taken  at  the  present  high  ave- 
rage, though  it  is  sometimes  40  per  cent,  lower.  If,  then,  we  had  adopted 
the  lowest  instead  of  the  highest  rate  for  the  stajo  at  Sissek,  the  final  re- 


do  I  think  an  increased  demand  would  materially  raise  the  price 
to  the  foreign  consumer ;  as  improvements  in  the  art  of  cultiva- 
tion, greater  industry  on  the  part  of  the  cultivators,  and  increased 
facilities  in  the  means  of  communication,  would  be  sufficient  to 
raise  the  profits  of  the  grower  without  increasing  the  cost  to  the 

No  corn-growing  country  has  such  means  of  communication 
prepared  by  nature  as  Hungary,  and  it  requires  only  a  demand 
for  her  productions  to  bring  them  into  full  use.  The  richest 
parts  of  the  country  are  the  Banat,  the  plains  on  either  side  the 
Theiss,  the  country  north  of  the  Maros,  and  the  districts  about 
the  Save  and  Drave.  Now  every  one  of  these  rivers  is  naviga- 
ble, so  that  it  is  impossible  to  conceive  a  country  placed  under 
more  favourable  circumstances  than  Hungary. 

The  causes  which  have  hitherto  prevented  a  country  so  rich 
in  productions,  and  possessing  these  advantages,  from  reaping 
the  rich  fruits  of  foreign  commerce,  must  next  be  considered. 

One  of  the  most  important  of  these  we  believe  to  be,  the  re- 
strictive laws  arbitrarily  imposed  on  Hungary  by  Austria.  Hun- 
gary has  the  right  to  tax  herself,  but  from  time  immemorial  the 
king  has  enjoyed  the  privilege  of  imposing  a  duty  called,  from 
its  amount,  Vigesima  Regalis  (the  King's  twentieth,)  or  five  per 
cent,  on  articles  imported  into,  and  exported  from  Hungary.  Soon 
after  the  accession  of  the  house  of  Hapsburg,  however,  attempts 
were  made  to  change  this  into  a  system  of  indirect  taxation ;  at- 
tempts which,  despite  the  complaints  of  the  nation,  have  been  per- 
severed in  ever  since.  But  the  most  tremendous  blow  to  commerce 
was  given  by  Joseph,  who  entertained  the  idea  of  forcing  the  coun- 
try to  manufacture  for  itself, — by  the  imposition  of  a  duty  of 
sixty  per  cent,  on  all  foreign  articles.  Even  then  none  but  a 
noble  was  allowed  to  import,  and  he  only  on  the  understanding 

suit  would  have  been  more  than  3s.  lower;  let  us  now  adopt  a  mean  ave- 
rage between  49s.  and  52s.  3d.,  it  will  give  50s.  !\<L.  The  following,  then, 
is  the  result  of  the  previous  calculations :  the  price  in  England  of  corn  im- 

s.   d. 

from  France :        .        is  52  3 

—  America 50  0 

Odessa 52  0 

Hamburgh 54  4£ 

Dantzic 52  6 

Lower  Baltic          •        .        .         .        .         .515 

Hungary 50  7$" 


that  the  articles  imported  were  for  his  own  use.  Of  course,  this 
regulation  was  evaded  either  by  the  merchant's  purchasing  no- 
bility, or  by  some  noble  lending  his  name  to  a  merchant  for  the 
same  purpose. 

Although  the  same  amount  of  duty  was  not  levied  on  all  ar- 
ticles exported,  yet  as  exchange  is  absolutely  necessary  for  the 
prosperity  of  commerce,  its  effects  were  equally  disadvantageous 
as  regards  exports.  On  some  articles,  however,  the  export  duty 
was  much  higher  than  sixty  per  cent.;  and  the  Hungarians  soon 
perceived  that  if,  notwithstanding  these  obstacles,  a  market  was, 
from  some  peculiar  profit  to  be  derived  from  it,  found  for  their 
produce,  the  Government  was  sure  to  step  in,  and  to  impose  so 
heavy  a  burden  as  to  destroy  it  in  a  very  short  time.  The  con- 
stant changes,  too,  which  were  made  in  the  tariff,  rendered  trade 
so  uncertain,  that  no  one  could  be  induced  to  cultivate,  or  specu- 
late, where  an  arbitrary  act  of  an  irresponsible  minister  might  at 
once  change  the  whole  circumstances  on  which  his  calculations 
must  be  founded.  The  end  of  all  this  has  been  two  national 
bankruptcies,  the  destruction  of  all  commerce  from  without,  and 
of  all  energy  and  enterprise  within,  an  empty  exchequer,  and  a 
people  almost  in  a  state  of  barbarism. 

At  last  Austria  appears  to  have  opened  her  eyes  to  some  of 
her  errors.  Thanks  to  Mr.  Macgregor's  plain  straightforward 
exposition  of  the  frauds  and  losses  to  which  her  present  system 
exposes  her,  she  has  at  last  consented  to  revise  her  tariff,  and  to 
change  it  where  possible.  Unhappily,  however,  that  is  no  such 
easy  task.  She  is  surrounded  by  swarms  of  leeches  in  the  shape 
of  contractors,  collectors,  and  rogues  of  every  kind  and  class, 
who  have  long  lived  on  the  corruptions  of  the  system,  and  who 
now  cling  to  it  so  firmly,  that  it  is  a  life-struggle  to  shake  them 
from  their  hold.  Manufactures,  too,  have  been  encouraged  under 
this  false  system,  and  now  claim  protection  and  support  from 
those  who  have  hitherto  fostered  them.*  Still  a  change  has  been 
begun.  Every  man  can  now  import  and  export  for  the  purposes 
of  trade,  be  he  of  what  class  he  may.  Absolute  prohibition  can 
scarcely  any  longer  be  said  to  exist,  and  the  duties  on  upwards 
of  a  hundred  articles  of  commerce  have  been  materially  reduced. 

Still  all  this  has  reference  to  Austria  in  general,  not  to  Hun- 

*  I  have  heard,  however,  that  some  of  the  manufacturers  of  Vienna  were 
exceedingly  ready  to  aid  Mr.  Macgregor  in  opening  trade,  declaring  that 
they  could  compete  better  with  the  fair  trader  on  a  moderate  duty,  than 
with  the  smuggler  on  none  at  all. 



gary  in  particular,  and  there  are  many  circumstances  peculiar  to 
the  latter  country  which  demand  separate  legislation.  The  ex- 
port duties  on  Hungarian  produce,  even  into  Austria,  remain  as 
before.  But  even  these  obstructions,  serious  as  they  are,  and 
deeply  as  it  behooves  Hungary  to  struggle  for  their  removal,  are 
still  light  compared  with  others,  dependent  on  the  Hungarians 
themselves.  I  allude  to  the  peculiar  state  of  the  Hungarian  laws 
affecting  credit.  Without  entering  into  these,  many  of  which 
have  been  alluded  to  before  at  some  length,  I  shall  only  here 
enumerate  one  or  two  of  the  more  important. 

The  law  by  which  the  absolute  alienation  of  property  is  ren- 
dered impracticable,  while  at  the  same  time  it  is  allowed  to  load 
it  with  debt,  is  one  of  the  most  injurious.  In  consequence  of  this 
law  it  becomes  impossible  to  give  good  security,  and  the  price  of 
money  is  therefore  exorbitant.  The  enforcement  of  a  contract 
against  a  noble,  too,  is  rendered  so  difficult  and  tedious  that  stran- 
gers are  unwilling  to  deal  with  them. 

All  the  laws  interfering  with  the  free  purchase  and  sale  of  the 
produce  of  the  land,  as  the  excise  of  bread  and  meat,  the  seigneu- 
rial  monopoly  of  selling  wine,  and  others,  tend  materially  to  im- 
pede commerce.  The  privilege  of  the  nobles,  of  exemption  from 
taxation,  interferes  with  the  expenditure  of  large  sums  on  public 
works,  as  roads  and  bridges,  and  thus  renders  communication, 
the  first  requisite  for  commerce,  difficult  and  expensive.  If  to 
these  be  added  the  want  of  good  faith  in  their  dealings,  on  the 
part  of  many  of  the  Hungarians,  and  the  want  of  commercial 
habits  in  the  mass  of  the  people,  we  have  the  chief  causes  as- 
signed by  the  English  merchants  of  Trieste,  for  not  dealing  more 
extensively  with  Hungary.  There  is  another  reason,  however, 
which  these  gentlemen  did  not  mention,  but  which  was  no  less 
manifest  from  their  conversation,  namely,  their  own  ignorance  of 
Hungary,  and  the  exaggerated  notions  they  have  been  led  to 
form  of  the  difficulties  attending  communication  with  it. 

The  question  remains,  how  can  these  impediments  be  re- 

As  the  Austrian  Government  sees  more  clearly  the  importance 
of  strengthening  the  Danubian  provinces, — as  she  becomes  more 
perfectly  convinced  of  the  immense  losses  her  revenue  sustains 
by  the  present  prohibitory  system,  and  by  the  armies  of  custom- 
house officers  and  smugglers,  both  of  which  she  in  fact  maintains, 
— as  the  German  union  begins  to  press  more  heavily  on  her  to- 
wards the  west,  and  renders  the  importance  of  a  free  communica- 



tion  on  the  east  more  palpable, — as  the  necessary  progress  of 
events  shows  her  that  it  is  only  by  establishing  commercial  re- 
lations between  Hungary  and  the  rest  of  Europe  that  the  Danube 
can  remain  an  open  river,  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  Austria, 
though  slowly  and  reluctantly,  will  apply  herself  to  reform 
her  system,  and  to  foster  all  which  can  tend  to  the  development 
of  the  resources,  and  which  can  strengthen  the  position  of  Hun- 

With  respect  to  the  difficulties  in  the  way  of  commerce,  arising 
out  of  the  state  of  the  laws  of  Hungary,  the  removal  of  these 
must  depend  on  the  honest  and  enlightened  exertions  of  the  Hun- 
garians themselves.  The  writings  of  Count  Szechenyi  and 
others  have  already  had  a  great  influence  in  dissipating  the  pre- 
judices which  formerly  opposed  reform,  and  a  little  more  inter- 
course with  the  rest  of  Europe,  especially  if  that  intercourse 
were  commercial,  would  very  soon  do  the  rest. 

The  ignorance  of  English  merchants  on  the  subject  of  Hun- 
gary is  by  no  means  a  trifling  impediment  to  their  engaging  in 
commerce  with  that  country.  The  productions  of  Hungary  are  al- 
most unknown,  except  in  Austria  and  some  parts  of  Germany ; 
travelling  in  the  country  is  difficult,  and  believed  to  be  even  more 
so  than  it  is.  The  German  language  is  as  yet  but  little  known 
among  our  merchants;  and  the  reports  which  they  hear  from  the 
Germans,  who  are  anxious  to  keep  the  trade  in  their  own  hands, 
are  so  discouraging,  that  few  have  the  courage  to  make  a  per- 
sonal examination  of  their  truth. 

With  the  existing  laws  of  Hungary,  it  is  not  safe,  it  is  true, 
for  the  foreign  merchant  to  go  into  the  market  with  the  same 
confidence  he  would  in  other  countries.  He  can  neither  enforce 
the  fulfilment  of  a  contract,  nor  recover  a  debt  without  great 
difficulty  and  expense.  It  is  necessary,  therefore,  that  he  should 
know  something  of  the  parties  with  whom  he  deals,  in  order  that 
his  confidence  in  their  faith  and  honour  may  supply  the  place  of 
commercial  laws.  For,  much  as  I  like  the  Hungarians,  I  am 
bound  to  confess,  that  the  strict  integrity  demanded  in  mercantile 
transactions,  is  not  to  be  found  in  the  body  of  the  nation, — men 
of  honour  there  are,  and  many  of  them,  but  I  here  speak  of  the 
mass.  There  is  no  certainty  that  the  foreign  merchant,  if  he 
orders  a  certain  quantity  of  wine,  or  wheat,  or  hemp,  from  the 
Hungarian  grower,  of  the  same  quality  as  the  sample  furnished, 
should  not  receive  a  sour  wine,  a  damaged  wheat,  or  a  hemp 
weighed  with  rubbish.  Such  things  have  occurred,  and  might 



occur  again ;  but  they  have  happened  in  other  countries,  too,  in 
the  infancy  of  their  commercial  relations,  especially  where  the 
buyer  did  not  take  the  trouble  of  acquainting  himself  with  the 
character  of  the  sellers.  As  others,  however,  have  found  a  re- 
medy for  this,  I  do  not  see  why  we  could  not  do  so  too. 

To  effect  this  object,  it  is  necessary  that  the  merchants  should 
have  agents  in  Hungary  who  would  make  themselves  well  ac- 
quainted with  it,  and  that  the  Government  should  appoint  a  con- 
sul, who  could  aid  and  foster  their  efforts,  as  well  as  afford  them 
the  protection  of  his  presence.  That  such  an  appointment  would 
be  justified  at  the  present  moment  is,  I  think,  undeniable.  We  have 
already  seen  what  the  productions  of  Hungary  are,  and  in  many 
cases  how  advantageously  they  might  be  substituted  for  those 
of  Russia  in  our  market.  How  materially  this  change  would 
weaken  the  power  of  England's  most  dangerous  enemy,  and 
strengthen  one  of  England's  oldest  and  firmest  allies,  is  self-evi- 
dent; and  its  political  importance  is  therefore  clear;  nor  is  its 
commercial  less  so.  Hungary  manufactures  scarcely  any  thing; 
and  in  her  present  position,  as  a  country  deficient  in  population 
and  rich  in  soil,  it  would  not  be  wise  to  attempt  it,  or  indeed 
possible  to  accomplish  it.  The  manufactures  of  Hungary  at  pre- 
sent are  confined  to  coarse  cloths,  linens,  leather,  and  the  com- 
monest articles  of  household  use.  Yet  in  Hungary  there  is  not 
only  great  luxury  in  dress  and  personal  ornament,  but  a  grow- 
ing taste  for  the  comforts  of  convenient  and  elegant  furniture ; 
nor  is  the  consumption  of  such  articles  confined  to  a  few.  It  is 
true  the  peasant  has  little  money  to  exchange  for  such  matters; 
but  that  is  only  because  there  are  no  merchants  to  buy  his  wine 
and  corn ;  while  amongst  the  class  of  country  gentlemen,  and 
amongst  the  richer  citizens,  the  demand  is  very  considerable. 
The  taste  is  decidedly  in  favour  of  every  thing  English,  so  much 
so,  indeed,  that  the  Vienna  manufacturers  have  English  labels 
printed  in  England  to  affix  to  their  own  goods,  and  so  deceive 
the  purchasers.  The  articles  from  England  for  which  there 
would  be  the  most  immediate  sale,  it  is  difficult  to  enumerate ; 
but  all  articles  of  cutlery,  every  thing  in  iron  or  brass,  as  imple- 
ments of  husbandry,  carriage-springs,  locks,  parts  of  furniture, 
&c.,  fine  linen  and  cotton  goods,  woollen  stuffs  and  cloths,  car- 
peting, saddlery, stationery, china,  and  fine  earthenware,  maybe 
safely  set  down. 

That  the  present  moment  is  a  favourable  one  for  opening  com- 
mercial relations  with  Hungary  is  shown,  not  only  from  the  re- 


cent  disposition  of  Austria  to  strengthen  her  alliance  with  Eng- 
land, but  by  the  strong  wishes  expressed  on  the  subject  by  the 
Hungarians  themselves,  and  which,  if  properly  responded  to  on 
our  part,  might  induce  them  to  hasten  the  removal  of  those  ob- 
structions which  at  present  stand  so  much  in  the  way.  When 
the  news  of  Mr.  Macgregor's  treaty  was  communicated  in  Hun- 
gary, the  county  meetings  sent  addresses  of  thanks  to  Prince 
Metternich  for  the  unexpected  boon;  and  during  the  present 
Diet  it  has  been  actually  proposed  to  send  a  commercial  agent 
to  England,  and  to  request  that  an  English  agent  may  be  sent 
to  Pest  to  arrange  commercial  intercourse  between  the  two 
nations.  Our  Government  ought  to  respond  to  this  call  with 
the  greatest  alacrity.  A  consul-general  established  at  Pest, 
with  power  to  correspond  with  the  consuls  along  the  whole  line 
of  the  Danube,  and  to  establish  such  arrangements  as  are  re- 
quired for  securing  free  intercourse  between  the  different  parts  of 
that  river,  would  be  of  immense  use  both  to  England  and  Hun- 
gary; and  should  an  English  minister  neglect  to  take  up  the 
matter — as  where  the  subject  is  unconnected  with  party,  it  is 
more  than  probable  he  will — it  becomes  the  duty  of  the  English 
merchants  to  insist  on  it.  Would  that  my  appeal  might  reach 
them !  A  little  exertion  on  their  part  might  secure  to  England 
not  only  a  good  customer,  but,  what  is  more  important,  a  true 
and  faithful  ally. 


THE  most  important  events  which  have  occurred  in  Hungary 
since  the  period  of  our  travels  are  the  inundation  of  the  Danube, 
and  partial  destruction  of  Pest;  the  condemnation  of  Baron 
Wesselenyi,  and  the  assembling  of  the  present  Diet. 

The  inundation  took  place  on  the  13th,  14th,  and  15th  of 
March  1838,  and  exceeded  by  many  feet  any  within  the  memory 
of  man,  or  recorded  in  history.  No  less  than  2281  houses  in 
Pest  and  Buda  were  destroyed,  and  several  hundred  lives  lost. 
In  the  lower  streets  the  water  was  seven  and  eight  feet  deep. 
The  loss  of  lives  would  have  been  still  greater  had  not  a  number 
of  gentlemen — among  whom  Baron  Wesselenyi  distinguished 
himself  as  the  most  successful, — gone  to  every  part  of  the  town 
in  boats,  and  by  that  means  rescued  many  hundreds  from  de- 

Large  subscriptions  were  raised  in  Hungary  and  Germany, 
but  particularly  in  Vienna,  in  aid  of  the  chief  sufferers ;  and 
Government  advanced  a  loan  of  four  million  florins,  at  two  per 
cent.,  to  be  employed  in  rebuilding  the  capital. 

With  respect  to  Baron  Wesselenyi's  condemnation,  I  can  only 
give  such  information  as  the  public  prints  have  already  made 
known  ;  for  it  would  be  absurd  to  attempt  to  correspond  on  po- 
litical subjects  through  the  Austrian  post.  The  offence  of  Baron 
Wesselenyi,  of  which  we  have  spoken  in  the  commencement  of 
our  travels,  was  committed  in  the  spring  of  1835.  Sentence 
was  not  pronounced  till  1839 !  Report  says  that  even  then  his 
judges  had  determined  to  acquit,  when  a  very  influential  person 
employed  himself  in  communicating  to  them  the  certain  displea- 
sure of  Government,  should  such  be  the  issue  of  the  affair. 
Without  vouching  that  such  is  the  fact,  it  is  certain  that  an  im- 
pression has  gone  abroad  that  the  judges  have  neither  decided 
legally  nor  honestly ;  and  it  must  be  allowed  their  verdict  bears 
very  much  the  appearance  of  a  compromise  between  conscience 


and  interest.  They  find  him  guilty  of  mitigated  high  treason! 
Nor  are  the  reasons  which  they  have  assigned  in  their  verdict 
likely  to  remove  this  impression.  They  condemn  him  for  say- 
ing,* "  That  the  Government  sucks  out  the  marrow  of  nine  mil- 
lions of  men  (the  peasantry;)  that  it  will  not  allow  us  nobles  to 
better  their  condition  by  legislative  means ;  but  retaining  them 
in  their  present  state,  it  only  waits  its  own  time  to  exasperate 
them  against  us, — then  it  will  come  forward  to  rescue  us.  But 
wo  to  us !  from  free-men  we  shall  be  degraded  to  the  state  of 
slaves :"  and  the  wicked  animus  with  which  all  this  has  been 
said  is  considered  especially  proved  from  an  expression  of  Wes- 
selenyi's  in  a  private  note,  "  That  all  his  life  had  been  passed  in 
pounding  pepper  under  the  German's  nose." 

The  Austrian  Government  has  had  the  good  sense  to  show 
itself  less  disposed  to  cruelty  than  its  judges — perhaps,  too,  the 
execrations  of  all  civilized  Europe  against  the  jailers  of  Pellico, 
Confalioneri,  and  And rynane,  have  not  been  without  their  effect, 
— and  in  consideration  of  Baron  Wesselenyi's  state  of  health, 
it  has  allowed  him  every  alleviation  of  which  the  prison  is  capa- 
ble. Baron  Wesselenyi  has  been  permitted  even  to  leave  Pest 
for  six  months  in  company  of  an  officer,  only  to  place  himself 
under  the  care  of  a  celebrated  physician,  whose  advice  was  con- 
sidered iiecessary  for  him.  The  good-hearted  Arch-duke  Pala- 
tine is  said  to  have  used  his  influence  to  accomplish  this  end. 

The  Diet  was  again  called  together  this  summer;  and  after 
the  reception  of  the  Royal  Propositions,  recommending  the  Diet 
to  complete  the  Hungarian  regiments  by  a  new  levy  of  troops, 
it  soon  became  evident  that  there  were  several  grievances  to  be 
dealt  with  before  that  was  likely  to  be  agreed  to.  One  of  the 
first  difficulties  was  the  refusal  of  Government  to  admit  Count 
Raday,  who  had  been  elected  deputy  for  the  county  of  Pest,  to 
take  his  seat;  because,  in  a  county  meeting,  he  had  spoken 
strongly  against  the  conduct  of  the  judges  in  the  case  of  Baron 
Wesselenyi,  and  a  prosecution  had  been  commenced  against  him 
in  consequence.  A  new  writ  was  accordingly  issued,  but  the 
county  refused  to  elect  under  it,  and  petitioned  the  Chamber  to 
desist  from  all  further  proceedings  till  their  deputy  was  admitted. 
As  the  judges  are  members  of  the  Lower  Chamber,  or  rather 
have  seats  in  it,  and  do  not  deliver  judgment  as  long  as  the  Dietal 
session  lasts,  of  course  this  cause  could  not  be  decided  till  after 

*  I  copy  from  the  Morning  Chronicle  of  March  30,  1839. 


the  close  of  the  Diet ;  if  therefore  the  principle  were  once  ad- 
mitted, that  any  man  against  whom  the  Government  chose  to 
commence  a  prosecution  previous  to  the  meeting  of  the  Diet, 
should  on  that  account  be  excluded,  the  freedom  of  election  was 
at  an  end, — the  Government  might  exclude  whom  it  pleased. 

The  Diet  has  taken  up  the  matter  most  warmly  ;  but  I  can- 
not do  better  than  quote  a  passage  from  an  excellent  letter,  dated 
Presburg,  July  25th,  of  The  Times. 

"  The  present  Chamber  of  Representatives,  at  the  opening  of 
this  Diet,  unanimously  determined  to  act  in  even  a  more  decided 
resistance  to  late  occurrences  than  was  proposed  by  the  electors 
of  Pest ;  and  their  attention  having  been  directed  to  a  necessary 
grant  of  soldiers,  contained  in  the  speech  from  the  Crown,  re- 
fused, in  a  message  to  the  Upper  Chamber,  to  consider  the  pro- 
position, unless  the  original  judgments  against  both  Wesselenyi 
and  Raday  were  reversed ;  at  the  same  time  praying  that  Cham- 
ber to  join  with  them  in  a  message  to  the  throne.  The  result 
was  a  series  of  very  bold  speeches  from  a  coinciding  party  in  the 
magnates.  For  three  weeks  the  greatest  excitement  prevailed 
in  both  Chambers,  in  which  time  the  question  was  negatived  in 
the  Upper  by  a  small  majority ;  and  at  length  the  Palatine,  upon 
a  formal  complaint  from  the  judges  (who,  being  ex  officio  mem- 
bers of  the  Lower  House,  heard  their  characters  very  roughly 
handled,)  prorogued  the  Chambers  at  the  pleasure  of  the  king. 
After  eight  days  the  Diet  was  again  convoked,  and  a  message 
read  from  the  Crown,  complaining  of  the  resistance  offered  by  a 
party  in  the  Chambers,  and  hoping  that  such  resistance  would  no 
longer  be  continued ;  but  no  terms  of  compromise  were  offered 
by  the  Government,  and  the  Chambers  have  assumed  the  same 
position  as  before — the  same  warfare  between  the  Government 
and  the  demanding  party,  and  on  either  side  an  apparently  equal 
disinclination  to  give  way.  It  is  difficult  to  pronounce  upon  the 
probable  upshot  of  these  proceedings.  The  ten  years'  service 
of  the  last  grant  of  military  is  expiring,  and  the  necessity,  on  the 
part  of  the  Government,  for  the  assistance  of  the  Chambers 
consequently  urgent ;  but  the  Government  cannot  yield  without 
offering  a  compromise  of  their  own  acts  and  policy,  and  the 
Lower  Chamber  considers  that  upon  their  present  determination 
depends  the  future  integrity  of  the  nation." 

Still  later  reports  bring  word,  that  Count  Raday  has  himself 
resigned,  rather  than  keep  up  any  longer  a  state  of  ill-will  be- 
tween the  Diet  and  Government.  How  far  he  may  have  been 


right  in  his  determination  it  is  difficult  to  say,  with  the  slight 
knowledge  we  have  of  the  merits  of  the  case;  but  it  would  ap- 
pear a  dangerous  precedent  to  allow  the  Government  to  com- 
mence a  prosecution  against  any  one  it  chooses,  and  by  these 
means  condemn  an  obnoxious  individual  to  a  political  death  while 
yet  innocent  of  any  crime  in  the  eye  of  law: — at  least,  it  is  to- 
tally opposed  to  every  thing  which  we  are  taught  to  consider 
common  justice  or  political  right. 





DB  Paget,   John 

91^          Hungary  and  Transylvania 

