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US. Ar, Co@ack. Cre, Cea ern IT 

Hydraulics of Great Lakes Inlets 

William N. Seelig and Robert M. Sorensen 

JULY 1977 

Approved for public release; 
distribution unlimited. 


Kingman Building 
Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 

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The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official 

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0 0301 0089976 1 






TP 77-8 





William N. Seelig 
Robert M. Sorensen 

Department of the Army UN 
Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERRE-CS) A31220 

Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 


Department of the Army July 1977 
Coastal Engineering Research Center 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 

Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 69 
14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) 



Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 

16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thie Report) 

. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) 


- KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) 

Great Lakes Lake seiching 
Inlet-harbor resonance Nontidal inlet 
Inlet hydraulics 

20. ABSTRACT (Continue em reverse side if rreceacary and identify by block number) } : 
Reversing currents in inlets on the Great Lakes are generated primarily by 

long wave seiching modes of the lakes rather than by the astronomical tide. 
Field measurements were conducted in 1974-75 at nine harbors on the Great 
Lakes to: (a) Investigate the nature of long wave excitation and the gener- 
ating mechanism for significant inlet velocities, (b) establish techniques for 
predicting inlet-bay system response, and (c) develop base data for future 
planning and design studies. Data collected include continuous harbor water 





level measurements at all sites, inlet velocity measurements at the primary site 
(Pentwater, Michigan), and channel hydrographic surveys at the sites where more 
recent data were needed. Available historic water level and velocity data for 
some of the harbor sites were also used. 

Amplified harbor oscillations and generation of the highest inlet veloc- 
ities are caused by the Helmholtz resonance mode which has a period of 0.6 to 5 
hours for the inlet-bay systems studied. A recently developed, simple numerical 
model is shown to be effective in predicting inlet-bay response over the range 
of excitation periods encountered. A finite-difference form of the continuity 
equation is shown to adequately predict inlet velocities if high-quality bay 
water level records are available. Selected data from the study sites are 
presented to demonstrate the hydraulic response of the inlet-bay systems and 
the applicability of the prediction schemes. Examples to demonstrate use of 
the concepts and techniques developed in the study are applied to the design 
of a new inlet channel and to the modification of an existing channel. 




This report is published to provide coastal engineers with an 
analysis of the hydraulic response of inlet-bay systems on the Great 
Lakes. The work was carried out under the coastal research program of 
the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC). 

The report was prepared by William N. Seelig and Dr. Robert M. 
Sorensen, Coastal Structures Branch, Research Division, CERC, under the 
general supervision of R.P. Savage, Chief, Research Division. 

The authors acknowledge the efforts of the U.S. Army Engineer 
District, Detroit and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Lake Survey Center, who callected most of the field data, and the report 
review and comments by C. Mason and B. Herchenroder. 

Comments on this publication are invited. 

Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th 
Congress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 
88th Congress, approved 7 November 1963. 

Colonel, Corps of Engineers 

Commander and Director 





1. Great Lakes and Inlet-Bay System ‘Tavdnaniies ‘ 
2. Prediction of Inlet Velocities. SAIL 

1. Field Measurements. 
2. Equipment . . 
3. Data Reduction and Analysis Techniques. 

1. Seiching of the Grose takes : 
2. Predicted Inlet-Bay Response to Monochromatic even 
Wave Forcing . 0 
3. Observed Lake Level Pieecuacionen Bay ReswOnSe, and 
Inlet Velocities . ences oO 0 


1. New Inlet Ghannell - ‘ 

2. Inlet Channel Nace Bloaeson, 

Summary of field measurements . 

Inlet and bay geometric measurements. 

Modes of oscillation of the Great Lakes . 

Influence of Manning's n on inlet-bay response at Pentwater . 

Predicted periods of maximum wave amplification and maximum 
inlet velocities . 

Predicted Duluth-Superior maximum inlet water velocities for 

a forcing wave of 1 hour (a, = 3 centimeters). 

Numerical Model Prediction of Pentwater response to Lake 
Michigan modes of oscillation. 






TABLES --Continued 

Summary of Pentwater hydraulic characteristics for selected 
inlet depths 

Inlet-bay system. 
Amplification and phase lag for inlet-bay systems 

Three predicted longitudinal modes of oscillation of 
Lake Michigan. 

Pentwater response to sinusoidal wave in Lake Michigan. 
Response to long wave excitation at Pentwater . 
Numerical model water level predictions at Pentwater. 
Inlet study sites 

Data collection sites on Lake Michigan. 

Data collection sites on Lake Superior. 

Data collection site on Lake Erie, Presque Isle, 
Pennsylvania . 

Data collection sites on Lake Ontario . 
Sample spectra of Pentwater bay water levels. 

Measured and predicted inlet velocity cumulative frequency 
distributions at Pentwater, Michigan . 

Pentwater response to long wave forcing . 
Toronto response to long wave forcing . 

Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lake Michigan 
to monochromatic forcing . 

Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lake Superior 
to monochromatic forcing . 

Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lakes Erie 
and Ontario to monochromatic forcing . 































Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and 
SPE CET ae ata leew oh ieciyie: MPa kal keccta nce nC sntc a) cam Onn Masa sonra 

Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and 

Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and 

Sample water level fluctuations 
Water level fluctuations in Little Lake Harbor. 

Sample bay levels and inlet water velocities at 

Pentwater inlet cumulative frequency velocity 
distributions. a6 .0 0 

Inlet velocity cumulative frequency distributions 
Crystal Lake, Michigan. 

Predicted response characteristics of an inle® for 
Crystal Lake . 

Predicted inlet velocities at Michigan inlets 
Response to long wave excitation at Pentwater . 
Response to long wave excitation at Pentwater . 

Predicted Pentwater inlet velocities for Lake Michigan 
water levels recorded on 18 August 1967. .. . 













U.S. customary units of measurement used in this report can be converted to metric (SI) 

units as follows: 

Multiply by To obtain 
inches 25.4 millimeters 
2.54 centimeters 
square inches 6.452 square centimeters 
cubic inches 16.39 cubic centimeters 
feet 30.48 centimeters 
0.3048 meters 
square feet 0.0929 square meters 
cubic feet 0.0283 cubic meters 
yards 0.9144 meters 
square yards 0.836 square meters 
cubic yards 0.7646 cubic meters 
miles 1.6093 kilometers 
square miles 259.0 hectares 
knots 1.8532 kilometers per hour 
acres | 0.4047 hectares 
foot-pounds 1.3558 newton meters 
millibars 1.0197 x 10°? kilograms per square centimeter 
ounces 28.35 grams 
pounds 453.6 grams 
0.4536 kilograms 
ton, long 1.0160 metric tons 
ton, short 0.9072 metric tons 
degrees (angle) 0.1745 radians 
Fahrenheit degrees 3/9 Celsius degrees or Kelvins! 

CE  ————  ———————————————_—_—_—S—OorcqCceeeeeeeeeeeeeEeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeee 
To obtain Celsius (C) temperature readings from Fahrenheit (F) readings, use formula: C = (5/9) (F — 32). 

To obtain Kelvin (K) readings, use formula: K = (5/9) (F — 32) + 273.15. 




inlet cross-sectional area at the bay end 

bay surface area 

inlet cross-sectional area 

grid cross-sectional area 

inlet cross-sectional area at the sea end 

inlet width 

grid cell width 

wave speed 

grid cell depth 

water depth 

acceleration due to gravity 

water surface 
water surface 
water surface 

water surface 





in the 
in the 

in the 

number of channels in the grid 

number of sections in the grid 

grid cell subscript indicating 

grid cell subscript indicating 

mode of oscillation 

inlet length 

bay at the previous time step 


the channel 

the cross section 

added inlet length in the acceleration terms to account for 
long wave radiation from the harbor 

basin length 

grid cell length 



Coe) 2 

number of inlets connecting a bay to a sea 
Manning's n 
Manning's n of a grid cell 
discharge for the mth inlet 
total discharge for all inlets 
hydraulic radius of a channel 
inlet-bay system Helmholtz period 
frictionless inlet-bay system Helmholtz period 

period of free mode of oscillation where the subscript 
indicates the mode of oscillation 

mean instantaneous inlet water velocity at a cross section 

mean inlet water velocity at a cross section over a 
sampling interval 

the grid cell weighting function which is the fraction of 
total inlet discharge passing through the cell at a time 

distance along the longitudinal axis of the inlet 
distance along a cross section 

time step 

component of the bottom-stress tensor in the direction of 

ron | 

mana wy fi 
ia belie | 

Willtam N. Seeltg and Robert M. Sorensen 

Numerous bays and harbors are connected to the Great Lakes by 
jettied inlet channels. These inlet channels are important because they 
allow (a) access to commercial shipping and recreational boating, (b) 
migration of fish, and (c) flushing of pollutants from the bays and 

Great Lakes inlet-bay systems are generally smaller than those on 
the Atlantic, Pacific, and gulf coasts of the United States and respond 
primarily to the long wave seiching modes of the Great Lakes rather 
than to the astronomical tides. These seiches have smaller amplitudes 
and shorter periods than the tides on the ocean coasts. 

The major effort of this study involved the collection and analysis 
of hydraulic data at several inlet-bay systems throughout the Great Lakes 
during 1974 and 1975. Measurements at Pentwater, Michigan, the primary 
study location, included simultaneous recording of inlet current veloc- 
ities and water levels in the bay and in Lake Michigan. At the other 
locations, only bay water levels were measured. However, hydrographic 
surveys were obtained for all the inlets investigated, and historic 
hydraulic data from selected sources were analyzed. 

This study defines the hydraulic mechanisms important to Great Lakes 
inlet-bay systems, develops analytical techniques for the prediction of 
inlet currents and bay water level oscillations, and presents design 
data and system response curves for selected inlets. 

Field data were analyzed using (a) a formula for estimating the 
seiche periods of the Great Lakes which are important in producing 
reversing currents at an inlet; (b) a model that uses bay water level 
time histories to predict inlet velocities; and (c) a simplified numer- 
ical inlet hydraulic model that, when calibrated for friction effects, 
can be used to predict inlet velocities and bay water level oscillations 
generated by lake oscillations. These analysis techniques are used with 
the field data to develop response curves and cumulative inlet current 
velocity distribution curves for the inlets studied. 


1. Great Lakes and Inlet-Bay System Hydraulics. 

An inlet is a relatively narrow channel which connects a "'sea"™ (or 
one of the Great Lakes in this study) to a lake or harbor (a “bay" in 
this study). The bay is large compared to the inlet (i.e., the radius 

of the bay is typically larger than the length of the inlet) and the 
surface area of the bay is much smaller than the surface area of the 

a. Causes of Reversing Inlet Currents. Mortimer (1965) and Freeman, 
Hamblin, and Murty (1974) show that significant reversing inlet current 

velocities are caused by water level fluctuations in the Great Lakes which 
generate a hydraulic response in the inlet and bay. The most important 
Great Lakes water level fluctuations are due to the resonant seiching or 
oscillation of the particular lake at its fundamental and harmonic periods. 

Seiches are initiated by storm pressure and wind forces on the sea 
which redistribute water in the lake to cause a higher elevation than 
normal in some areas and lower levels in other areas. When gravity tries 
to restore the water level, seiches are generated. These seiches usually 
continue for a number of cycles which may extend over a few days after 
the storm has passed. 

When a seiche is generated in one of the lakes, the water level 
fluctuations outside an inlet cause a head difference across the inlet, 
which, in turn, generates a current in the inlet. Water discharge 
through the inlet results in water added to or removed from the bay so 
the bay level rises and falls in a pumping fashion for most seiching 
periods of the lake. 

Astronomical tides and other nonseiching long waves cause water level 
fluctuations of the Great Lakes; however, these fluctuations generally 
have insufficient amplitudes or are at periods that usually do not sig- 
nificantly influence inlet hydraulics. Storm surge, particularly on 
shallow Lake Erie, may occasionally generate strong inlet currents. 

b. Mathematical Description of Inlet-Bay Hydraulics. The response 
of an inlet-bay system may be described in terms of the one-dimensional 

equation of water motion in the inlet and the continuity equation relat- 
ing the rate of bay level change to the inlet discharge. 

The one-dimensional equation of motion along the inlet channel axis 
can be written: 

any ple ah, av 
a 1 J (‘2x )a 8 + 85x * 3p (1) 


distance along the channel 


water surface level 


inlet cross-sectional area 


V = water velocity in the inlet 

y = distance along the cross section 

= component of the stress tensor in the direction of flow 
g = acceleration due to gravity 

t = time 

The inlet has a width, B, depth, d, length, L, and cross-sectional area, 
Ag; the bay has a surface area, A . The water levels in the sea and 
bay are hg and hp, respectively (Fig. 1). 

Equation (1) equates the horizontal driving force due to the water 
surface slope with three terms on the right which are the channel fric- 
tional resistance, the convective acceleration caused by velocity vari- 
ation along the channel axis, and the temporal acceleration (or inertia) 
resulting from velocity variation at a point with time. In nearly 
prismatic channels, such as many inlets on the Great Lakes, the convec- 
tive acceleration is often negligible. 

The continuity equation, which relates rate of bay water level change, 
dhp/ot, to inlet discharge, Q, is: 

Qe WAS S Apay Gram (2) 

A simultaneous solution of equations (1) and (2) for a sinusoidal 
sea level fluctuation reveals the important response characteristics of 
an inlet-bay system (Fig. 2). In this figure, the phase lag between the 
sea and bay water level fluctuations and the amplification of the forc- 
ing wave in the bay by the inlet-bay system are plotted as functions of 
dimensionless period. Dimensionless period is defined as the friction- 
less inlet-bay system Helmholtz period, Ty', divided by the forcing wave 
period, T. The Helmholtz period is that period of the forcing wave which 
through resonance will cause the largest water level fluctuation in the 
bay. The bay water level remains approximately horizontal throughout 
this fluctuation. 

The inlet-harbor system response is analogous to the response of a 
slightly damped spring-mass system or its acoustic counterpart, the 
Helmholtz resonator. The motion of the mass of water in the inlet 
channel corresponds to the motion of the mass of the spring-mass system, 
and the action of gravity on the rising and falling harbor water surface 
corresponds to the restraining force of the spring. 

At values of Ty'/T approaching zero (long wave periods) the water 
level fluctuations in the bay are the same as those in the sea with no 


Plan View 

inlet cross- 
sectional area=Ac BAY 

sad a oA surface area = Apay 

Profile View 

Figure 1. Inlet-bay system. 



Phase Lag 



Figure 2. Amplification and phase lag for inlet-bay systems. 

phase lag (point A, Fig. 2). At values of Wy approaching 3 

(short forcing periods), the inlet-bay system strongly dampens incident 
waves and water level fluctuations in the sea have little influence on 
inlet hydraulics (point B, Fig. 2). At values of Ty'/T in the range 
of 0.25<(Ty'/T)<2, the amount of frictional resistance in the channel 
has a major influence on the response characteristics. Inlets with high 
friction, e.g., tidal inlets on ocean coasts, typically have amplifications 
of less than one. This amplification factor decreases as the forcing 
wave period becomes shorter (point C, Fig. 2). At most tidal inlets, 
the primary tidal period is large compared to the inlet-bay Helmholtz 
period. Low-friction inlets, such as those on the Great Lakes, have 
amplifications greater than one and phase lags of approximately 90° for 
forcing waves with T,'/Tx1 (point D, Fig. 2) which commonly occur. 

2. Prediction of Inlet Velocities. 

Prediction of inlet velocities requires (a) the time history of sea 
or bay water levels, (b) the geometries of the inlet and bay, and (c) a 
friction-calibrated model to relate water level fluctuations to inlet- 
bay response. 

a. Great Lakes Water Level Fluctuations. In general, no methods are 
presently available for inexpensively predicting all important amplitudes 
and periods of water level fluctuations at any point in one of the Great 
Lakes. Therefore, water levels generally must be measured. However, 
inexpensive schemes are available for accurately predicting some periods 
and relative amplitudes of seiches of the Great Lakes (Fee, 1968; Rao 
and Schwab, 1974). Knowledge of the existing wave periods will aid in 
the design of water level measuring systems, analysis procedures, and 
preliminary inlet design. 

The basic method for estimating one-dimensional fundamental and 
harmonic seiche periods, Tz, is to determine the time required for a 
wave to travel twice the length of the basin: 

Ue © ae (3) 

where k is the mode of oscillation, 1, the length of the basin in 
the direction of the seiche, and c the speed of the wave. Sample 
predicted longitudinal seiches for Lake Michigan, using the Fee (1968) 
computer program, are shown in Figure 3 for modes k=1, 2, and 3. 

b. Inlet and Bay Geometries. Hydrographic surveys, including Corps 
of Engineers dredging records, can be used to determine inlet geometry; 
i.e., length, width, and depth field. Maps and aerial photos can be 
used to determine bay surface area. 

First longitudinal mode ere: 
( period ,Qhr ) & Second longitudinal mode 

| eee ( period,5.3 hr ) 


Portage u 



Muskegon ——- oi da 


Holland aa ae 
Third longitudinal 

( period ,3.5 hr ) 


Relative Seiche Height of Water 
(normalized by level at 
the southern tip of 
Lake Michigan ) 

Figure 3. Three predicted longitudinal modes of oscillation of Lake: 
Michigan (modified from Mortimer, 1965). 

c. Methods of Analysis of Inlet-Bay Hydraulics. Inlet current 
velocities and bay water surface oscillations may be measured to provide 

necessary information on the hydraulic characteristics of an inlet-bay 
system. Techniques used for the field measurements in this study are 
discussed in Section III, 2. 

Several analytical methods are available for predicting inlet 
hydraulics, depending on the type of information available and required 
results. Three methods are discussed below. 

(1) Estimation of Seiche Periods Important to Inlet Hydraulics. 
To estimate which of the Great Lakes seiche periods, Ty, may be im- 
portant, the frictionless inlet-bay Helmholtz period, Ty', may be 

determined from: 
[CL+L") A 
Way! = 27 Sac, Seen (4) 


where L' is an added channel length determined from: 

-B 1B 
L! = — In |———], (5) 
w % | gd | 

L' accounts for the water masses in motion beyond the ends of the inlet 
(Miles, 1948). Equations (4) and (5) may be iteratively solved to 
obtain a value of Ty'. This approach proved to yield reasonably accu- 
rate estimates for the inlets considered in this study. 

As a first approximation, seiche wave periods which are approximately 
equal to the frictionless Helmholtz period (e.g., between 0.5 and 2 
times Tyg'; see Fig. 2) will probably cause the highest inlet reversing 

The seiche node-antinode pattern in the Great Lakes will also influ- 
ence the importance of the various seiche modes on an inlet-bay system. 
Seiches with antinodes adjacent to the inlet will produce the largest 
water level fluctuations. Since ends of the lakes are antinodes for all 
modes of oscillation along that axis, bays at the end of a lake will 
normally be subject to higher water level fluctuations than those at 
other locations; e.g., midway along the longitudinal axis of Lake Michigan, 
near Pentwater, the first longitudinal mode of oscillation has a node 
(Fig. 3). Therefore, only small oscillations can be generated in the 
lake at this point by this mode. The second longitudinal mode of oscil- 
lation has an antinode adjacent to Pentwater, so large water level fluc- 
tuations in Lake Michigan could be generated outside Pentwater by this 

(2) Estimation of Inlet Velocities from Bay Water Level Records. 
A method of predicting inlet velocities, if high-quality bay water level 


records are available, is to use the continuity equation. Written in 
finite-difference form, equation (2) becomes: 

hy > hy 
7 2 Samy iE a) (6) 

where V is the average inlet current velocity at a cross section of 
area Ag over a water level sampling interval, and At, hp', and hp 

are mean bay water levels at the beginning and end of the sampling 
interval. Measurements of water level at any point in the bay will be 
representative of the mean bay level for the Helmholtz mode of oscillation 
of inlet-bay systems. 

This method for predicting inlet velocities is well suited for Great 
Lakes inlets because inlet and bay geometries are simple and level re- 
corders are easy to install in the protected bays. The sampling interval 
should be one-twentieth of Ty' or shorter and the stilling well care- 
fully designed for best results (see Sec. III). 

(3) A Numerical Model. A relatively simple but extremely useful 
method of modeling inlet-bay hydraulics is to simulataneously solve the 
equations of motion and continuity. In this model the inlet channel is 
divided by a flow net into a grid of subchannels and cross sections. 

The subscripts z and j describe the location of the cell for sub- 
channels (IC = number of channels) and grid sections (IS = number of 
sections). The equation of motion for an inlet (eq. 1) rewritten 

in finite-difference form, and integrated along the axis yields (Seelig, 
Harris, Herchenroder, in preparation, 1977): 

d 1 ffl 1 
$+ (bee) + 20 
1s-1f )) L, 4/IC ener! 
Hail | OY AgE 
> ee ee 
2.208 D, (7) 
i=1 7 Aig) j=1 

where A, and Ap are the inlet cross-sectional areas at the sea and 
bay ends of the inlet, and W;; is a weighting function for distributing 
flow throughout the inlet. The discharge through a grid cell is equal 
to the weighting function of the cell, Wea times the total discharge 
of the inlet, Q. The Manning's friction factor, njj, is determined 


during calibration of the model (see Seelig, Harris, and Herchenroder, 
in preparation, 1977). 

For M inlets connecting the bay to the sea, the total discharge 
for all inlets, Qins is: 

M 5 
Qe nh: (8) 


The continuity equation is written as: 

oh Q 
ERR eet 4 (9) 

Bay levels and inlet current velocities are determined by solving the 
simultaneous differential equations (7) and (9) using a Runge-Kutta-Gill 
fourth order finite-difference technique in conjunction with initial con- 
ditions and the time history of water levels in the sea. Derivation and 
sample applications of this model are given in Seelig, Harris, and 
Herchenroder (in preparation, 1977). 

To obtain response characteristics similar to Figure 2 for a specific 
inlet-bay system, the model can be run by assuming sinusoidal seawater 
level fluctuations with a typical amplitude; e.g., 3 centimeters (0.1 
foot) at periods covering the anticipated range of lake oscillation modes. 
Each run of the model will give predicted bay levels and inlet current 
velocities for the wave period used. Sample model results for Pentwater 
inlet are shown in Figure 4. The sea level, predicted bay level, and 
inlet velocity are shown in the lower part of Figure 4; the importance 
of each of the terms in the equation of motion, normalized by dividing 
by the magnitude of the largest term at each time step, is shown in the 
upper part of the figure. For this condition, the bay level fluctuation 
is larger than the sea level fluctuation due to inertia in the system 
and the bay level lags the sea level by 84° (Fig. 4). Plotting results 
from many runs similar to Figure 4, but with many different forcing 
periods, will give the response characteristics of the inlet-bay system. 
These curves for Pentwater (Fig. 5) show that the Helmholtz period with 
friction, Ty, is 1.8 hours, waves with periods of 1 to 3 hours will be 
amplified by the system, and waves with a period of 1.4 hours will gen-: 
erate the highest inlet current velocities (3-centimeter wave amplitude 
assumed). The effect of friction on Ty is demonstrated by the dash- 
line in Figure 2. The frictionless Helmholtz period is also coinciden- 
tally 1.4 hours (from eqs. 4 and 5). 

The calculated bay amplification and channel velocity in Figure 5 
are for a Manning's n = 0.036. The numerical model usually had to be 
run for three or four cycles for the bay response to build to equilibrium. 
In the prototype harbor it is likely that equilibrium (full amplification) 
is never fully achieved. Thus, the calibration curve in Figure 5 forms 
the upper envelope of measured prototype data. 



Head Difference 

Temp. Acceleration 

Pentwater Bay 

ake Level 


Velocity (ft/s) 
Water Level (ft) 

Time (hr) 

Figure 4. Pentwater response to sinusoidal wave in Lake Michigan 
(period = 1.5 hours; amplitude = 0.1 foot). 

2 | 

*(200F T°0 = epnzt[due orem) LoyemjUeg 3@ UOTIEITOXE AEM BUOCT 02 asuodsoy 

(4Y) Poised 
6) | G € v G 


joes M1010 WNWIXDI pajDjNI109 

"¢ o1n3 Ty 



If water level fluctuations just outside the inlet are known, the 
numerical model can be used to predict the resulting channel velocities 
and bay level fluctuations. Lake Michigan levels just outside of Pent- 
water were measured by Duane and Saylor (1967) during August 1967 (Fig. 6). 
Although the record appears confused, a spectral analysis shows that the 
record is composed of a large number of clearly defined seiche modes of 
Lake Michigan. Using this record to force the model of Pentwater, a bay 
level time history is predicted which adequately agrees with measured 
bay levels (Fig. 6). The inlet-bay system responds primarily to waves 
with periods of 1 to 3 hours (near the Pentwater Helmholtz period) ; 
shorter period waves are damped. This gives the bay level record a 
smoother appearance than the Lake Michigan record. The maximum predicted 
inlet current velocity during this episode is 60 centimeters (2 feet) 
per second. 

Other models that neglect temporary acceleration, e.g., Keulegan 
(1967), should not be used for inlets on the Great Lakes where temporal 
acceleration, head difference, and friction are important during the 
response cycle (see Fig. 4). 


Measurements were made at a number of inlet-bay systems throughout 
the Great Lakes during 1974 and 1975 (Fig. 7). These study sites were 
chosen because the inlets are typical on the Great Lakes, are of special 
economic importance, or have maintenance problems. 

1. Field Measurements. 

Pentwater, Michigan, located midway along the longitudinal axis of 
Lake Michigan, was selected as the primary study location because the 
inlet-bay system at this location has a simple, fairly common geometry. 
Good historical field data are also available at Pentwater from Duane 
and Saylor (1967) who simultaneously measured water levels in Pentwater 
bay and Lake Michigan as well as inlet velocities during July and August 
1967. The U.S. Army Engineer District, Detroit, provided inlet geometry 
data of the inlet from hydrographic surveys taken twice a year. 

Field measurements during this study (Fig. 8) included water level 
measurements at two locations (east and west ends of Pentwater bay) in 
1974, and at one other location in 1975. Current velocities in the 
inlet were measured concurrently with water levels during both 1974 and 
1975. Hydrographic surveys were also taken at Pentwater. Other field 
data collection sites were: Portage Lake, Ludington, White Lake, Muskegon, 
and Holland on Lake Michigan (Fig. 8); Little Lake and Duluth-Superior on 
Lake Superior (Fig. 9); Presque Isle on Lake Erie (Fig. 10); and North 
Pond and Little Sodus on Lake Ontario (Fig. 11). 

Field measurement types, locations, dates, and data sources for all 
the study sites are summarized in Table 1; approximate dimensions of these 
inlet-bay systems are summarized in Table 2. 



(44) awiy 


paoipaig—~” © 

*g omn3Ty 

(43) |@Ae7] 400M 


*soqts Apnjs eTuy, “ZZ eansTy 

ajST enbsalg © wy 191 
lw OO! 
B40] OU 
0}u010] J8jDM}U8d gOe 
By] asst] 
2 Jolsadns 

SjuawainsDaw vZl6| © 




O e@ level recorder 1974-75 

oa © level recorder 1967 
SiR & velocity meter 1974-75 



Pentwater Lake, Mich. ~~ a 

610 m 
| a 
2000 ft 

Portage Lake, Mich. Weg fe. ae) 



Figure 8. Data collection sites on Lake Michigan. 


Outer 0.5 mi 
Eone m 

Jettiés /:-: 2 2 

Ludington, Mich. 


White Lake, Mich. 

Lake White Lake 


Figure 8. Data collection sites on Lake Michigan--Continued. 


Muskegon, Mich. 


Lake 1000 m 

| mi 

| | 

Holland, Mich. ee SON 


Figure 8. Data collection sites on Lake Michigan--Continued. 


Lake Superior 

“-... ,Water Level Recorder 
rg Location 

i |; Little Lake, Mich. 
Little Lake ee 

153 m 
| a= 
500 ft 

Duluth Ship Channel 
(Inlet 2) 


Water Level Recorder 
\\ Location 

W Duluth-Superior, Wis. 
Superior Entry 

«— (Inlet |) 

Figure 9. Data collection sites on Lake Superior. 


Lake Erie 

Water Level Recorder 

Erie Harbor 

Figure 10. Data collection site on Lake Erie, Presque Isle, Pennsylvania. 


Newer Inlet 1~> 

Water level Je 2:0: 
Older Inlet 2% recorder location 
North Pond, N.Y. 


North Pond 

9,000 ft 
1,924 m 


:.. Little Sodus, N.Y. 

ZN 9 900 ft 
vival ee ZZ — 
ee 610 m 

Figure 11. Data collection sites on Lake Ontario. 


Table 1. Summary of field measurements. 
Water Inlet 
Water level Data source level Channel geometry 
Location and dates quality velocities (date measured) 
Lake Michigan 
Portage Portage Lake? This study, fall 1974 Good Sept. 19733 
(Oct.-Nov. 1974 
Ludington |Pere Marq. Lake? This study, 1975 Good Saas June 19743 
Pentwater Lake Michigan and Duane and Saylor (1967) Good Analog June 19673 
Pentwater Lake record 
East Pentwater This study, 1975 Good Analog Oct. 1974" 
Lake? record 
Oct.-Nov. 1974 
West Pentwater This study, fall 1974 Fair Analog Sept. 1975" 
Lake? This study, 1975 record 
(Oct.-Nov. 1974, 
July-Oct. 1975 
White Lake |White Lake This study, fall 1974 Good --- May, Aug. 19743 
Oct.-Nov. 1974 
Muskegon Muskegon Lake* This study, fall 1974 Apr., Aug. 19743 
Oct.-Dec. 1974 
Holland Lake Macataw? National Oceanic and Mar. 19743 
Nov. 1974 Atmospheric Administration 
(analog) Tecords 
Lake Superior 
Little Lake|Little Lake® June 19753 
May-Aug. 1975 
Duluth- Duluth Harbor? National Oceanic and Analog re- |] Oct. 19743 
Superior j|June 1973 Atmospheric Administratio cord gages 
(analog) records had not 
been cali- 

Lake Erie 
Harbor levels? 

This study, 1975 
May-Oct. 1975 
ace) MN CEN | 

National Oceanic and Poor 
Atmospheric Administratio 
ue re 

\National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Lake Survey Center. 
2a S-minute sampling interval. 

3Corvs of Engineers records. 

“This study, fall 1974. 

5A 2-minute sampling interval. 


Bay levels? 
May-Nov. 1972 


Bay levels? 
May-Oct. 1975 

North Pond 

5) 2 

Sept. 19753 

1975 several 
surveys made by 
University of 
Buffalo under 

Chart No. used 
to determine 
bay area! 








c° Ce 
8° tT 




(g0T x 235) 
Aeq fo 
eore 90eF Ins 

SL6T *8ny 
SL61I *3dag 

pL6T °2°0 
GL6I ounr 
pL61 ‘Sny-*ady 
pL6L ‘“8ny-Aey 
vL6T °390 
L961 oun 
pL6T oun 
EL6T ‘das 






*sjUuoWsInseow ITIZOWO0eS Aeq pue YoTUI ‘Z aTqeIL 

(Z 2eTUT) 
(1 29 TUT) 
puod yI10N 

snpos e[331TT 
SITS] enbserg 

(Z 2°TuT) 
(I 20TUT) 

OYT 913977 
pueT Toy 
oye] 93 TUM 

938 410g 

Aeq-}9T UT 


Pre Equipment. 

Small-amplitude sea level fluctuations with a period of approximately 
the Helmholtz period of the inlet-bay system may generate relatively high 
inlet water velocities as shown in numerical model calculations (see 
Sec. II). Therefore, a water level recording system must be carefully 
designed for each location to measure small amplitude, but potentially 
important long waves. At the same time, this recording system should 
eliminate any short-period, large-amplitude noise (e.g., wind waves) that 
may mask the long waves in the record. For example, at Pentwater, records 
should measure the low-amplitude waves with a period of 1 hour or longer, 
and should exclude wind waves and other noise with periods of 1 minute 
or less. 

One method of designing a stilling well to meet these requirements is 
to use the linear damping well design (Noye, 1974). This stilling well 
consists of a vertical cylinder with a sealed bottom and open to the 
lake through a long, thin tube. Friction in the tube and the relative 
cross-sectional areas of the tube and stilling well cause the system to 
respond directly to long waves outside the well and to drastically dampen 
the short-period noise. Design of stilling wells is discussed by Seelig 

Fisher-Porter series 1500 digital float-type water level recorders 
with a vertical resolution of 3 millimeters (0.01 foot) and sampling 
intervals of 2 or 5 minutes were used to measure water levels in the 
stilling wells. Data were collected on punched tape. Water levels were 
measured for several months at each location (see Table 1). 

Inlet velocities at Pentwater were measured during 1974 and 1975 
using a Bendix current meter suspended by a cable approximately midway 
along the channel, 4.5 meters (15 feet) from the north wall at mid- 
depth. Velocity data were recorded on a strip chart and later digitized 
for analysis at the same time interval as the water level data. 

3. Data Reduction and Analysis Techniques. 

Initially, the Helmholtz period of each inlet-bay system and the free 
seiching mode periods.were calculated for the lakes and bays surveyed in 
this study (see procedures in Sec. II). These calculations, in conjunc- 
tion with a survey of published data on Great Lakes resonance character- 
istics, gave an indication of the period and magnitude of important long 
waves that could be expected at each location. The information was used 
in the design of water level measurement equipment (discussed in previous 

When the field data collection program was completed, the digital 
punched-tape water level records were mechanically converted to punchcards 
for computer analysis. The first procedure for studying these data in- 
cluded plotting the records for visual inspection. Then, a fast Fourier 


transform and cosine bell function were used to obtain a spectral 
analysis of each record (Harris, 1974). A record length of 512 points 
was used in these analyses to obtain detailed spectral line resolution. 
Spectral analysis indicated the period and amplitude of long waves of 
interest (Q.5 to 5 hours) in the record. This analysis is necessary 
because several long waves are generally simultaneously present and the 
Superposition of the waves gives the impression of a confused record. 
Examples of spectra for Pentwater bay water levels recorded during 5 to 
14 May 1975 are shown in Figure 12. 

If water level records were of good quality, levels measured in the 
bay were then used to predict inlet water velocities using the finite- 
difference continuity equation (6). 

The resolution of the continuity equation should be checked to judge 
the usefulness of the predicted velocities; e.g., at Pentwater, the level 
recorder has a vertical resolution of 3 millimeters , the sampling interval 
is 5 minutes (300 seconds), and the ratio Aba /Aa = 10"; so the velocity 

prediction resolution, V,, based on equation (6), is: 

= 10" (2:01) = 0.33 foot or 10.1 centimeters per second. (10) 

U5 300 


Thus, the velocity will be expressed as multiples of 10.1 centimeters 
(0.33 foot) per second which may be adequate for many purposes. For 
example, if Abay/Ke was 10°, then with the given vertical resolution, 

velocities could only be expressed as multiples of 100 centimeters 
(3 feet) per second, which is inadequate for most purposes. 

At Pentwater, the measured velocities in the inlet were digitized at 
a sampling rate of 5 minutes so that a direct comparison could be made 
of measured and predicted (eq. 6) velocities. Cumulative frequency 
distributions of measured and predicted (eq. 6) inlet velocities are 
shown in Figure 13. The 2 months of record in 1974 show that velocities 
predicted by continuity are slightly higher than measured velocities, 
but adequate for many design purposes. 

1. Seiching of the Great Lakes. 

Free modes of oscillation of the Great Lakes have been identified by 
spectral analysis of water level records in this study and others © 
(Mortimer, 1965; Mortimer and Fee, 1974; Hamblin, 1975; Rao and Schwab, 
1974), and have been predicted using numerical techniques (Rockwell, 
1966; Mortimer, 1965; Birchfield and Murty, 1974; Rao and Schwab, 1974). 
Table 3 summarizes the known modes of oscillation of Lakes Michigan, 
Superior, Erie, and Ontario. 


Normalized Variance 

and 6 May 7 and 8 May 9 and 10 May 
1.25 1.44 

Wave Period 

[2 and 13 May 

wl 44 

Period (hr) 

Figure 12. Sample spectra of Pentwater bay water levels (May 1975). 



@ Measured 
O Predicted (eq. 6) 



Pct of time velocity 
(equaled or exceeded) 



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 
Inlet channel velocity (ft/s) 

Figure 13. Measured and predicted inlet velocity cumulative frequency 
distributions at Pentwater, Michigan (October-November 1974). 


Table 3. Modes of oscillation of the Great Lakes|. 

Mode? Michigan Superior Erie Ontario 
1L 8 4.4 4.9 
2L 8 Soil 25) 
3L .6 5.8 2.4 
4L ? 4.1 1.6 
Bh .0 3.6 ILS <37/ 
6L 2 3.0 Zo) 
7L of 08) 0.9 
8L 38) 22 0.85 
OL DP 2.0 AGS 

10L .14 1.8 ---- 
2T : 

? : 685 
? .66 to 0.68 
? : 58 
? .52 to 0.53 
4 .49 

1Qbserved, computed by Fee (1968) program and Rockwell 
(1966) data, and compiled from many sources. 

2 = longitudinal, T = transverse; ? = other observed 
periods, mode unknown. Two-dimensional modes are not 

3Value unknown. 


2. Predicted Inlet-Bay Response to Monochromatic Long Wave Forcing. 

The response of each of the inlet-bay systems (Table 2) to uniform 
long wave forcing was evaluated using the numerical model. In this 
analysis, a sinusoidal wave was used to force the model for several 
cycles (generally four) until the inlet-bay system response became 
periodic. The results will give an upper limit of wave amplification 
and inlet velocities because the prototype will generally not reach a 
periodic condition. 

Each inlet was modeled by using a grid system with one to three 
channels and two to seven cross sections. The complexity of the inlet 
determines the number of grids used to model the friction; e.g., Pent- 
water with a constant width and only slight changes in depth along the 
length of the inlet, was modeled using one channel and four cross sections. 
Little Lake, with a more irregular inlet, was modeled using three channels 
and five cross sections. 

Pentwater, Michigan, and Toronto, Canada (Freeman, Hamblin, and 
Murty, 1974), are the two harbor systems on the Great Lakes with water 
levels recorded simultaneously inside and outside the harbor to provide 
the necessary information for calibration of the numerical model. These 
models were calibrated by varying the value of the Manning's friction 
factor, n, so that the model long wave amplification is a best-fit upper 
envelope of prototype measurements. Values of n of 0.036 and 0.062 
were found for Pentwater and Toronto, respectively (Figs. 14 and 15). 

The numerical model as used in these analyses did not explicitly 
account for energy losses due to radiation of long waves into the sea or 
entrance and exit losses. These losses are incorporated into the model 
in the form of bottom friction through model calibration. Including 
these losses in the friction term means that Manning's n calibrated for 
Great Lakes inlets is higher than that used in open channel flow compu- 

In the numerical model, the magnitude of Manning's n determines the 
amount of energy dissipated. Larger values of n will cause higher 
amounts of energy loss which results in less wave amplification in the 
bay and lower inlet velocities. The influence of n_ on inlet-bay 
response to long wave forcing at Pentwater is shown in Table 4. 

Table 4. Influence of Manning's n on inlet-bay 
response at Pentwater. 

Vereen Che) Se tor 
Ely S Wodl sae) 





5 4 3 2 | 0 
Wave Period (hr) 

Figure 14. Pentwater response to long wave forcing (n = 0.036). 




Figure 15. 

(n= 0.062), 

Freeman, Hamblin, and 
Murty, 1974) 

Time (hr) 

Toronto response to long wave forcing. 

4 | 

Values of n were estimated for other Great Lakes inlets, based on 
experience at Pentwater and Toronto. Then, the frictionless Helmholtz 
period was estimated for each inlet-bay system using equations (4) and 

(5), and the numerical model. Numerical model and frictionless 
Helmholtz period results are summarized in Table 5. 

The amplitude response curves and predicted maximum velocities are 
shown for selected inlets on Lake Michigan (Fig. 16), Lake Superior 
(Fig. 17), and Lakes Erie and Ontario (Fig. 18). A 3-centimeter mono- 
chromatic forcing-wave amplitude was used in these models. For waves 
of different amplitudes, the maximum inlet velocity is approximately 
proportional to amplitude. Water level changes throughout the forcing 
cycle cause nonlinear effects (i.e., ap/a, is slightly different at 
high and low water), so that the mean of ebb and flood conditions is 
used in the response curves in this study. 

This analysis shows that all of the jettied inlet systems studied 
have significant inertial effects because long waves at or near the 
Helmholtz period of each system have higher amplitudes in the bay than 
in the Great Lakes. 

The inlet-bay systems modeled have a wide variation in response 
characteristics from one system to another because of the complicated 
interactions between the four terms in the equation of motion of the 
inlet and the response of the bay to the inlet. Pentwater, for example, 
has a moderate amount of wave amplification and produces inlet velocities 
greater than 30 centimeters per second (1 foot per second) for forcing 
waves of 3-centimeter amplitude and periods ranging from 0.9 to 2.5 hours 
(Fig. 16). White Lake has less wave amplification, but the interaction 
between the inlet and bay produces higher velocities over a wider range 
of forcing periods (greater than 30 centimeters per second for periods 
of 1 to 5.6 hours) (Fig. 16). Since Little Lake and Presque Isle have 
the capacity to generate reversing currents in only a narrow window of 
forcing periods, it is unlikely that significant reversing currents will 
be frequently generated (Figs. 17 and 18). 

Duluth-Superior has the highest capacity for generating reversing 
currents for a given wave amplitude with maximum velocities occurring at 
a theoretical forcing period of 1.1 hours. The mean velocities in Duluth 
(inlet 2), are approximately 1.5 times larger than in Superior (inlet 1) 
(Fig. 17). A unique feature of the Duluth-Superior system is that the 
model predicts a net flow into the harbor through the Duluth inlet and a 
net outflow through the Superior inlet when the forcing period is near 1 
hour (Table 6). This asymmetry in flow throughout the forcing cycle will 
generate a small counterclockwise net flow throughout the inlet-bay system 
at Duluth-Superior. 

North Pond, in 1975, had two short natural inlets connecting a 
relatively large bay to Lake Ontario. North Pond does not amplify long 
waves because the mass of water in the inlets is small compared to bay 
size, and friction in the inlets is high due to the shallow-water depths 
(Fig. 18). Since friction is high, North Pond behaves like a traditional 
tidal inlet with a balance between head and friction in the inlets. 




* (SZ90q0N1T] USD s) 2005 T'0 = %e ‘opnzttdwe yzIM oAeM ITIeWOIYIOUOM eB BUTS, 


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"g OTqeL 


— — Portage 
—--— Ludington 
—-— Pentwater 

----— White Lake 
—-— Holland 


6 5 4 3 2 | (0) 
Wave Peroid (hr) 

— — Portage 
—--— Ludington 
—-— Pentwater 
——-—- White Lake 
—-— Holland 

Vox (ft/s) 

6 5 4 3 2 | (0) 
Wave Period (hr) 

Figure 16. Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lake Michigan to 
monochromatic forcing (a, = 0.1 foot). 


Duluth - Superior 
—-— Little Lake 

—---- Duluth 
—-— Little Lake 

Vmox, (ft/s) 

6 5 4 3 2 | (0) 
Wave Period (hr) 

Figure 17. Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lake Superior to 

monochromatic forcing (a, = 0.1 foot). 


———-— Presque Isle 
Little Sodus 

—-— North Pond 

Wave Period (hr) 

———— Presque Isle 

Little Sodus 
—-— North Pond, North Inlet 
—--— North Pond, South Inlet 

Vmax, (ft/s) 

Wove Period (hr) 

Figure 18. Predicted response of inlet-bay systems on Lakes Erie and Ontario 

to monochromatic forcing (a, = 0.1 foot). 


Table 6. Predicted Duluth-Superior maximum inlet 
water velocities for a forcing wave of 
1 hour (a, = 3 centimeters). 

73 (2.4) 
64 (2.1) 

43 (1.4) 
49 (1.6) 

A unique feature of the North Pond inlets is that the maximum velocity 
in the inlets is predicted to be approximately the same over a wide 
range of forcing periods because of the approximately linear relation 
between wave amplitude propagation in the bay and wave period (Fig. 18). 
The velocities in the northern inlet at North Pond, the most recently 
formed inlet, are predicted to be 1.4 times larger than those in the 
older inlet. 

The numerical model for Pentwater was run using monochromatic forc- 
ing waves with the various modal periods of oscillation of Lake Michigan 
(Table 3). The predicted amplification and maximum velocity for a forc- 
ing wave of a, = 0.1 foot are listed in Table 7. From this analysis, 

the sixth through ninth longitudinal modes of oscillation of Lake Michigan 
are predicted to cause the largest wave amplification and generate the 
highest relative velocities. However, analysis of the node-antinode 
pattern of Lake Michigan shows that only even modes of oscillation will 
have antinodes, and cause significant water level fluctuations adjacent 

to Pentwater (Fig. 3). Since odd modes of oscillation have a node near 
Pentwater (Fig. 3), even the presence of one or more of the odd modes of 

oscillation in Lake Michigan will cause only small water level fluctu- 
ations near Pentwater. This means that the sixth and eighth longitu- 
dinal modes of oscillation of Lake Michigan will probably have the 
largest influence on the hydraulics of Pentwater. 

3. Observed Lake Level Fluctuations, Bay Response, and Inlet Velocities. 

The first obvious characteristic of Great Lakes water level fluc- 
tuations is that they are not uniform (as assumed in the previous section). 
Therefore, the monochromatic analysis can be used to obtain an upper esti- 
mate of bay wave amplification and iniet velocities; however, a complete 
analysis is necessary for an accurate estimate of response to a particular 
Great Lakes water level time history. Sample water level records from 
Lake Michigan and Pentwater bay, along with spectral analysis of 42-hour 
records to show typical bay response, are plotted in Figures 19, 20 and 

Figure 19 shows a storm event on Lake Michigan when several modes of 
oscillation were excited by meteorological effects. The second longitu- 
dinal mode of Lake Michigan (5.3 hours) and a 0.65-hour wave are partic- 
ularly dominant. All of the 5.3-hour wave propagates into Pentwater 


Table 7. Numerical model prediction of Pentwater 
response to Lake Michigan modes of 

OF 1.0 

Bo 1.0 0.2 
3. 1.2 0.5 
So 1.3 0.7 
2. 1.4 0.9 
Bo 1.6 iodl 
ite 1.7 1.6 
1. 1.6 1.9 
alte 1.5 2.0 
1. 1.3 1.9 
0. 0.8 1.5 
0. 0.6 1.1 

Notes--L = longitudinal modes of oscillation of 
Lake Michigan. 

transverse modes of oscillation of Lake 


? = observed oscillation,:mode unknown. 
X = wave has‘a node near Pentwater. 

Modes 6L to 9L have modes of oscillation 
with large ap,/a, and Vmax for Pentwater. 


Period (hr) 


Pentwater Lake 

Lake Michigan 




5.3 Forcing Period (hr) 

A0){0) 0) 


1.78 2.13 2.48 2.84 3.19 3.54 

Frequency (c/hr) 

0.38 0.73 

Lake Michigan 


Pentwater Lake 

— See — — — = == 
—<——-—-—-y == 
== == == ‘ 
= LT 
Sa o 
as E 

: 3 a N 
oe “6 fe) ro) 

(43) |8A87 48}0M 

Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and spectra. 

Figure 19. 


Period (hr) 


Pentwater Lake 

1.0 0.7 0:5 
----- Lake Michigan 


20.0 3.0 


[Ou eal Se 2:48 8 25845059 so 4 

Frequency (c/hr) 



OL} O78) 

Lake Michigan 

Pentwater Lake 

_-—— _ 

Time, 4hr 


-0. | 

(43) 18487 49)0M 

Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and spectra. 

Figure 20. 


Period (hr) 
Z2O)(0) BO) ks ol) 0.7 0.5 0.4 OS) 

1.44 Wave Period (hr) 

S Seltrs Lake Michigan 
= Pentwater Lake 
AMAL ss 
\ y , AA 1 ult rx 
0.38 O73 1.08 1.43 1.78 2.13 2.48 2.84 3.19 3.54 
Frequency (c/hr) 

Lake Michigan 

Pentwater Lake 

Water Level (ft) 

Time, 4 hr 

Figure 21. Sample Pentwater and Lake Michigan water levels and spectra. 

3 | 

with an amplification factor of 1.0, as predicted by the numerical model, 
because the wave period is much longer than the Pentwater Helmholtz period 
of 1.8 hours. However, the 0.65-hour wave, which reaches heights of 15 
centimeters (0.5 foot), has a negligible effect on the harbor because it 
is much shorter than the Helmholtz period of 1.8 hours. Waves of 1.44 

and 1.25 hours are slightly amplified by the harbor (shown by the spectral 
analysis in Fig. 19), but these waves are difficult to distinguish in the 
record because of the mixing of individual wave components. 

The storm event in Figure 20 shows that a different set of modes of 
oscillation of Lake Michigan is present. The 1.44-hour wave is the 
highest, is amplified the most, and probably generates the highest per- 
centage of significant reversing inlet current velocities. A 1.8-hour 
period wave is also present and is amplified. Waves shorter than 1 hour 
are damped by the harbor. 

An unusual water level fluctuation at Pentwater where only the 1.44- 
hour wave is dominant in Lake Michigan, is shown in Figure 21. 

As predicted previously, the 1.8- and 1.44-period waves which are 
the sixth and. eighth longitudinal modes of oscillation of Lake Michigan, 
cause the highest current velocities. 

Figure 22 shows the wide variation of water level fluctuations 
occurring in three different harbors along the eastern shore of Lake 
Michigan at the same time (Pentwater and Ludington are only 2.3 kilometers 
(11 miles) apart). The reasons for the differences are that the forcing 
waves outside each location are different as a result of the node-anti- 
node pattern of seiching in Lake Michigan (see Sec. II) and because each 
harbor responds differently to the forcing that is present (see Sec. IV); 
e.g., the 1.44- and 1.28-hour waves in Pentwater and Ludington are not 
noticeable in Muskegon harbor which has a Helmholtz period of 5 hours. 

The forcing of harbors on the other Great Lakes will be completely 
different because the system of seiching varies from lake to lake; e.g., 
on Lake Superior, wave periods of 0.59, 0.68, 0.95, 1.14, and 1.7 hours 
occur in Little Lake Harbor (Fig. 23). Shorter period waves may also 
occur in Lake Superior, but are not observed in the harbor because the 
harbor dampens waves shorter than approximately 0.4 hour. 

The 1.7-, 1.14-, and 0.95-hour waves on Lake Superior (the 7th, 10th, 
and 11th longitudinal modes of oscillation) were observed to cause high re- 
versing currents and associated navigation problems at Duluth-Superior; 
e.g., on 10 June 1973, a 1.7-hour wave with a height of approximately 
30 centimeters (1 foot) in the harbor, in conjunction with small 0.95- 
hour period waves, affected Duluth-Superior. Velocities as high as 200 
centimeters per second (6.5 feet per second) were generated in Duluth 
inlet and 140 centimeters per second (4.5 feet per second) in Superior 
(Fig. 24). High velocities are generated in these inlets because of the 
large forcing waves in Lake Superior at this location which have periods 


*SUOT}ZENJONTF TOAST Leqem ofdmes °77 omMBTy 

== = = 76 | WOH AON == == 
l 2 ———— = 18) HONE Ge 

ay G= 4, uobaysnw 

wnjog Aspsjyiquy 

Jy QQ’) = 4] JayDMyuad 







28 Aug 1975 
= Observed Water Levels 
= 0.2 
em (0); 
= -0. | 
= -0.2 
1.0 06 04 

Wave Period (hr) 

a) Typical Fluctuations 
Computed Spectra fa} Typ 


19 July 1975 
Observed Water Levels 

Water Level (ft) 

oo _ 99S 
hm —- O —Pp 

10 06 O04 
Wave Period (hr) 
Computed Spectra 

(b) Extreme Event 

Figure 23. Water level fluctuations in Little Lake Harbor. 


Bay Level al 

Inlet Velocity (ft/s) 

Inlet Velocity (ft/s) 

Figure 24. 

Sample bay levels and inlet water velocities at 
Duluth-Superior (inlet velocities are approximate; 
gages had not recently been calibrated). 


near the harbor Helmholtz period. Forcing waves are large because the 
harbor is located on the converging end of the lake, which will always 
be an antinode of longitudinal oscillations. 

Maximum water velocities observed in other inlets are much lower 
than in Duluth-Superior; e.g., at Pentwater, all measurements and pre- 
dictions show that, velocities are less than 60 centimeters per second 
(2 feet per second) for 99.5 percent of the time (Fig. 25). Predicted 
inlet velocities for other locations show that Portage, Ludington, and 
Pentwater have similar velocity distributions; Presque Isle, Muskegon, 
and Little Lake have still lower velocities (Fig. 26). 


Great Lakes inlet design problems generally fall into one of two 
classes: (a) a pond or lake to be connected to one of the Great Lakes 
by a new channel, and (b) an existing inlet channel to be modified. The 
concepts and techniques developed in this study can be used to aid the 
design of an inlet in either class. An example application for each 
class is given below. 

1. New Inlet Channel. 

The procedures for analysis of a new channel that is to connect a 
lake to one of the Great Lakes are: (a) determine the approximate inlet 
dimensions (length, width, and depth) based on physical limitations such 
as the desired navigable depth and width and the distance between the 
lake and Great Lakes; (b) estimate a Manning's n for the proposed channel 
(see Sec. IV, 2, for typical values of n); (c) use the numerical model 
to obtain monochromatic response characteristics of the harbor for the 
range of expected lake seiching periods and a typical amplitude; (d) 
compare the results to those of other nearby harbors; and (ce) apply the 
numerical model to predict inlet velocities, discharge, and bay levels 
for the period of record (if Great Lakes water level fluctuation records 
are available in the vicinity of proposed site). 

For example, suppose an inlet is to be designed to connect Crystal 
Lake to Lake Michigan (Fig. 27). Crystal Lake, located on the eastern 
shore of Lake Michigan 35 kilometers (22 miles) north of Portage Lake, 
has a bay surface area of 4.12 x 107 square meters (4.44 x 108 square 
feet). The inlet at this site would be approximately 1,200 meters 
(4,000 feet) long. Assume that the inlet would be 61 meters (200 feet) 
wide and 5.5 meters (18 feet) deep. Since the inlet is similar to Pent- 
water (see Table 5), the Manning's n for this channel is estimated to be 

The numerical mode] was run for Crystal Lake using Lake Michigan 
seiche periods of 9.3, 5.3, 3.5, 2.2, 1.85, and 1.4 hours with an 
amplitude of 3 centimeters. The predicted response characteristics of 
this inlet-bay system are shown in Figure 28. The model predicts that 



a. @ Summer |967 
oN Q Fall 1974 
» @ Summer 1975 
20 “ 
> oO 
= 2 
Co) (<b) 
= Oo 
aq S 

ORS |. ES 2,0) 
Inlet channel velocity (ft/s) 

Figure 25. Pentwater inlet cumulative frequency velocity distributions 
(1967, 1974, and 1975). 


—--— Ludington (Fall 1974) 

—-— Pentwater (Fall 1974) 
Muskegon (Fall 1974) 

— — Portage (Fall 1974) 

22 ——-—-— Presque Isle (Summer 1975) 
33 —-— Little Lake (Summer 1975) 
> x 
3) cb} 
oS =} 

OL 1.0 1.5 20) 
Inlet Channel Velocity (ft/s) 

Figure 26. Inlet velocity cumulative frequency distributions (based on 
equation 6 and bay water level records). 


Crystal Lake 



000 ft 

= eS 
eee m 

OP Or ome Gein 

A poy = 4-44x10 ft” 

Coke Mj chigan 

Crystal Lake, Michigan. 

Figure 27. 


Vmax (G,= 0.1 ft) 

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 | 0 
Wave Period (hr) 

Figure 28. Predicted response characteristics of an inlet for Crystal 
Lake (L = 4,000 feet, A = 3,600 square feet, D = 18 feet, 
B = 200 feet). 


the wave amplitude will be smaller in the bay than in Lake Michigan, pri- 
marily because the bay surface area is much larger than the inlet design 
cross-sectional area (a ratio of approximately 10°). 

The model also predicts that monochromatic seiches with an amplitude 
of 3 centimeters will generate maximum velocities of 43 centimeters per 
second (1.4 feet per second) for wave periods of 4 to 9 hours (Fig. 28). 
Since maximum velocities decrease for waves shorter than 4 hours, a wave 
with a 1-hour period produces insignificant inlet velocities. 

The first three modes of oscillation of Lake Michigan (9.3-, 5.3-, 
and 3.5-hour waves) will generate the highest velocities for the Crystal 
Lake inlet design. Portage is located near Crystal Lake; therefore, 
forcing amplitudes of the first three modes of oscillation of Lake 
Michigan will be similar at both locations (Fig. 3). The predicted vel- 
ocities for a given wave are different at Portage and Crystal Lake 
(Fig. 29) due to differences in inlet and bay geometry. However, Portage 
water level data can be used to estimate Crystal Lake inlet velocities. 

To predict inlet velocities at Crystal Lake using Portage data, the 
measured Portage bay level fluctuations must first be adjusted to esti- 
mate the nearby Lake Michigan wave amplitudes. These amplitudes are then 
used to predict velocities at Crystal Lake; e.g., a measured Portage bay 
level fluctuation has a period of 3.5 hours and amplitude of 0.15 foot 
(4.6 centimeters). This wave was amplified by a factor of 1.3 by Portage 
harbor (Fig. 16), so the Lake Michigan wave amplitude was 0.15/1.3 = 
0.12 foot. A 0.1-foot wave amplitude in Lake Michigan produces a maximum 
velocity of 1.3 feet per second at Crystal Lake inlet (Fig. 28); there- 
fore, the 0.12-foot wave produces 1.3 (0.12) = 1.6 feet per second maxi- 
mum velocity. This procedure could be followed for other seiche modes 
to estimate the maximum velocities expected at Crystal Lake. 

If a complete analysis of inlet velocities is required, water levels 
should be measured in Lake Michigan adjacent to Crystal Lake for at least 
several months. These levels can be used as the forcing function in the 
numerical model to produce a predicted time history of inlet velocities, 
discharge, and bay levels for the period of record. 

2. Inlet Channel Modification. 

Procedures for investigating the effect of a modification to an inlet 
are: (a) Determine the geometry of the present system and obtain proto- 
type hydraulic data (i.e., concurrent bay levels, Great Lakes levels, 
and inlet velocities); (b) calibrate the numerical model; (c) obtain 
monochromatic response characteristics of the inlet-bay system, (d) 
modify the model geometry to reflect the proposed inlet change and pre- 
dict the response characteristics of the new condition; and (e) use the 
water level records in the Great Lakes to force the model to produce a 
time history of inlet velocities, discharge, and bay levels for the 
proposed design. 

6 | 


Bf oom 
Crystal Loke be 

5 4 3 2 | 
Wave Period (hr) 
Figure 29. Predicted inlet velocities at Michigan inlets (a, = 0.1 foot). 


For example, assume that a prediction of inlet velocities and the 
amplitude of bay level fluctuations at Pentwater is desired if (a) the 
inlet was deepened to 7.3 meters (24 feet), and (b) the inlet was allowed 
to shoal to a depth of 1.8 meters (6 feet). 

The monochromatic response of the inlet-bay system for these two inlet 
modifications is predicted by changing the inlet geometry in the cali- 
brated model of Pentwater. Each model was run with sinusoidal wave periods 
between 0.5 and 5 hours and an amplitude of 3 centimeters to predict am- 
plification of the wave in the harbor and maximum velocity in the inlet. 
Figures 30 and 31 show the amplification and maximum velocities, respec- 
tively, for the 1967 inlet geometry, and for inlet depths of 1.8 and 7.3 
meters. The results are summarized in Table 8. 

Table 8. Summary of Pentwater hydraulic characteristics for 
selected inlet depths. 

(85/85) maze 

T, (hr) 
Vi a (ft/s)! 

ee (hr) 

lFor ago = 0.1 foot. 

These predictions show that deepening the Pentwater channel from 1.8 
to 7.3 meters causes the peak amplification and inlet velocity to in- 
crease, and the Helmholtz period and period of maximum velocity to de- 
crease. Comparison of the modes of oscillation of Lake Michigan (Table 3) 
with the predicted velocities (Fig. 31) suggests that the 0.85-, 0.97-, 
1.1-, 1.25-, and 1.44-hour waves will generate the highest reversing 
currents at Pentwater if the inlet was deepened to 7.3 meters. 

The Lake Michigan water levels recorded on 18 August 1967 (Fig. 6) 
were used to force the lumped parameter model for the selected depths 
(Fig. 32). The model predicts that for these Lake Michigan level fluctu- 
ations, the maximum velocity for an inlet 1.8 meters deep would be 46 
centimeters per second (1.5 feet per second); a 7.3-meter-deep inlet 
would have a velocity of 107 centimeters per second (3.5 feet per second). 

1. Meteorologically generated seiches cause most of the significant 

reversing currents at Great Lakes inlets. Seiche periods and node-anti- 
node patterns can be predicted numerically. However, water levels must 



Figure 30. 

1967 Condition 
(I | ft <depth<20 ft} 

Period (hr) 

Response to long wave excitation at Pentwater 
(wave amplitude = 0.1 feet). 


Maximun Velocity (ft/s) 



1967 Condition 
(ll ft<depth<20 ft 
1.0 - Design Depth =6 ft 

Period (hr) 

Figure 31. Response to long wave excitation at 
(wave amplitude = 0.1 foot). 




"199F yz pue 9 Jo syqdep 
Jeuueys £(9 “3BTy 99S) LOGI YSNSNY BI UO PpepsOIeT STSAST 

(44) owl 
¢| lI 6 2 

Ze eins Ty 

(S/43) Ayo01aA 


be measured near the point of interest to obtain detailed amplitudes and 
periods of the active seiche modes. 

2. A simple numerical model developed at the Coastal Engineering 
Research Center (CERC) can be used to predict inlet velocities, discharge, 
and bay levels for Great Lakes inlets. The model was applied to evaluate 
the hydraulic characteristics of several Great Lakes inlets, and examples 
are given using the model for typical design computations. 

3. Numerical modeling of selected inlets showed that head, temporal 
acceleration or inertia, convective acceleration, and friction may all 
be important in controlling the hydraulics of Great Lakes inlets. Temporal 
acceleration may be especially important as it causes bay fluctuations to 
be amplified and out of phase with the forcing wave. As a result, a 
large head differential may be generated for waves with periods approx- 
imately equal to the Helmholtz period of the inlet-bay system. For a 
given amplitude, the highest reversing inlet currents will occur for wave 
periods slightly smaller than the Helmholtz period. Since even a small- 
amplitude seiche may generate significant reversing inlet velocities if 
the wave period is near the inlet-bay Helmholtz period, water levels 
should be carefully measured. 

4. Reversing inlet currents can also be predicted by the continuity 
equation from high-quality bay water level records. Cumulative frequency 
distributions of inlet velocity developed in this manner are presented 
for several Great Lakes inlets. 

5. Reversing velocities at most inlets are generally small. 
However, velocities may be high if the inlet is located where lake seiche 
amplitudes are relatively large and have a period approximately equal to 
the inlet-bay system Helmholtz period; e.g., at Duluth-Superior. 



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