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Balduf, W. V. (1959): Obligatory and Facultative Insects in Rose Hips. 12 pls. No. 26. $3.50. 
Brandon, Ronald A. (1966): Systematics of the Salamander Genus Gryinophilus. 23 figs. 
No. 35. $4.50. 

Campbell, John M. (1966): A Revision of the Genus Lobopoda (Coleoptera: Alleculidae) in 
North America and the West Indies. 174 figs. No. 37. $5.75. 

Levine, Norman D., and Ivens, Virginia (1965): The Coccidian Parasites (Protozoa, Sporozoa) 
of Rodents. 2 figs. 48 pls. No. 33. $7.50. 

Liem, Karel F. (1963): The Comparative Osteology and Phylogeny of the Anabantoidei (Tele- 
ostei, Pisces). 104 figs. No. 30. $3.50. 

List, James Carl (1966): Comparative Osteology of the Snake Families Typhlopidae and 
Leptotyphlopidae. 22 pls. No. 36. $3.75. 

Morgan, Jeanne (1959): The Morphology and Anatomy of American Species of the Genus 
Psaronius. 82 figs. No. 27. $3.00. 

Paolillo, Dominick J., Jr. (1963): The Developmental Anatomy of Isoetes. 26 figs. 19 pls. 
No. 31. $2.50. 

Ray, James Davis, Jr. (1956): The Genus Lysimachia in the New World. 20 pls. 11 maps. 
Vol. 24, Nos. 3-4. $2.50. 

Selander, Richard B. (1960): Bionomics, Systematics, and Phylogeny of Lytta, a Genus of 
Blister Beetles (Coleoptera, Meloidae). 350 figs. No. 28. $4.50. 

Stannard, Lewis J., Jr. (1957): The Phylogeny and Classification of the North American 
Genera of the Suborder Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). 14 pls. No. 25. $2.50. 

The Hyoid and Its Associated Muscles in Snakes 


The Hyoid 
and Its Associated Muscles 

in Snakes 




Board of Editors: Robert S. Bader, James E. Heath, Richard B. Selander, Hobart M. Smith, 
and Ralph S. Wolfe. 

This monograph is a contribution from the Department of Zoology, University of Illinois. 
Issued January, 1968. 

© 1968 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Manufactured in the United 
States of America. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-11026. 


My thanks first go to Dr. Hobart M. Smith of the Department of 
Zoology, University of Illinois. He has been a constant source of assis- 
tance in every way possible during this study. 

Dr. Robert F. Inger and Mr. Hymen Marx of the Chicago Natural 
History Museum were very gracious in their loan of many specimens, 
as were Dr. Doris M. Cochran and Dr. James Peters of the United 
States National Museum, Dr. Ernest E. Williams of the Museum of 
Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, the late Dr. F. A. Shan- 
non of Wickenburg, Arizona, and Dr. D. F. Hoffmeister of the Univer- 
sity of Illinois Museum of Natural History. All the individuals men- 
tioned generously allowed the author to dissect as was required. 

Mrs. Barbara Schwarz, of the Department of Anatomy, University 
of Wisconsin Medical School, was very patient and careful in her 
typing of the entire manuscript. 


Department of Anatomy 
University of Wisconsin 

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A. General Anatomy 5 
B. Form and Composition 6 
C. Descriptions of Examined Hyoids 18 
D. Discussion 35 
E. Summary 4] 
A. Preliminary Remarks 44 
B. In Lizards 47 
C. Accounts of Muscles in Snakes 49 
D. Discussion 
E. Summary 87 
A. Discussion 89 
B. Summary 99 

INDEX 147 


This study has been made to further the knowledge of variation in 
the hyoid apparatus in snakes, to make known the differences in the 
musculature associated anatomically and functionally with the hyoid, 
and to correlate these findings phylogenetically. 

The form of the hyoid has been known in a few snakes since the first 
third of the nineteenth century (Losana, 1832; and d’Alton, 1834). A 
few other papers treated the subject in subsequent years, but it was 
not until well over a century after Losana’s and d’Alton’s works, in 
1948, that any extensive study on the variation of the structure was 
published. In that year Smith and Warner published their findings to 
establish at once both a remarkable constancy of general hyoid mor- 
phology within apparently phyletically related familial groups, and a 
variability of minor points of the morphology on the generic level. 

This author undertook with Smith the project of augmenting the 
number of snake genera examined for the hyoid. The work was then 
put aside until some years later, when the author continued it, and also 
added to it a study of the musculature of the hyoid; the entire work 
was then offered as a thesis for the Ph.D. degree in zoology at the Uni- 
versity of Illinois. Since the completion of the thesis, the entire work 
has been rewritten, new data added, and the literature brought up 
to date. 

The word “hyoid” is used in this work to denote the total tongue 



skeleton. Other words found in the literature referring to this struc- 
ture are the “hyobranchium” and “hyoglossum.” 

The hyoid is usually easy to find in most species, lying close to the 
skin, and only partly covered by muscles. However, in the species of 
the typhlopid and leptotyphlopid snakes, the structure is buried in 
muscles and therefore not so easy to find without careful dissection. 

Anatomists have more actively studied the associated musculature 
of the hyoid in vertebrates than the structure itself. This is also true 
for snakes, and the beginning of myological investigation again dates 
back to the first third of the past century (Dugés, 1827; Duvernoy, 
1832; and d’Alton, 1834). It is interesting to note that d’Alton’s 1834 
essay on the python’s muscles is remarkably more accurate than a great 
number of works which followed his — even of this century. The most 
research on these muscles in snakes has been done by German 

Difficulties in muscle dissection are caused by distorted specimens, 
and by the length of time the specimens have been preserved. Long 
preservation, particularly in alcohol, softens muscles and causes them 
to fray and break easily upon dissection. 

One reason the ventral head musculature of snakes has been so often 
incompletely or incorrectly illustrated in the past is that the cutaneous 
layer has not been recognized or shown. This muscle is very easily 
destroyed or disarranged upon dissection or even in skinning the head. 

The drawings of the muscles were executed by the author and are 
somewhat diagrammatic. 

The following family classification is used in this work: 













The families Boidae and Colubridae are taken in their broadest 
Of this list nearly every genus in all families save the Colubridae 


has been examined for the hyoid. Of the colubrids probably a fourth 
of the genera have been examined. Fewer genera in most families have 
been dissected for musculature. Several rare genera would have been 
very desirable to investigate. The east Indian Anomalochilus, presum- 
ably an aniliid, is one; two others, Casarea and Bolyeria, are puzzling 
boidlike forms found on several islands in the Indian Ocean. Fortu- 
nately, Anthony and Guibé of the Paris Museum have examined these 
boids for the hyoid at least and have published their results (1952). 


A. General Anatomy 

The hyoid apparatus in snakes is in several morphological patterns, 
depending upon the family; it is, in all cases, simplified from the 
largely more generalized lizard type, and always consists of only one 
bar, simple or recurved, on each side. These bars are joined anteriorly 
in most species, and in these species there may or may not be a promi- 
nent lingual process. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) 

The hyoid’s position is rather constant: on the under surface of the 
head and neck, immediately deep to the muscles beneath the skin in 
this area. However, in the anomalepidids, typhlopids, and leptotyphlo- 
pids, the hyoid lies completely posterior to the head. It can generally 
be said that except in those families just mentioned the anterior end of 
the hyoid closely approximates the position of the first ventral scute. 
There is a reason for this: the anterior fibers of the costocutaneus 
superior muscle originate on the anterior fraction of the hyoid and 
insert on the few first scutes. 

In colubrids and all families of poisonous snakes, the anterior part 
of the hyoid lies deep to the costocutaneus superior, and the posterior 
part of the hyoid lies deep to the obliquus internus plus transversus 

In boids, xenopeltids, aniliids, and uropeltids, the hyoid lies deep to 




the costocutaneus superior, but peripheral to the obliquus internus plus 
transversus abdominis. 

In the genus Cylindrophis (Aniliidae), the hyoid cornua are very 
reduced and the costocutaneus swperior muscle has no connection with 
them. This is also true for uropeltids. 

The typhlopids and leptotyphlopids are unique in having the hyoid 
buried in the extrinsic tongue muscles, which, in turn, lie deep to the 
obliquus internus plus transversus abdominis. 

B. Form and Composition 

The hyoid apparatus in snakes is derived from branchial (pharyn- 
geal, visceral) arch cartilages, as in other vertebrates. Branchial arches 
are here taken to mean the entire arch series, including the Jaw arches. 
The exact contributions of the several arches to the hyoid in snakes are, 
frankly, not altogether clear; this subject will be discussed later in 
this section. 

As a preliminary step, it seems wise to review the hyoid of lizards, 
where the structure is much easier to deal with than in snakes. 

LInzard Hyoids. The hyoid varies in form and obviously in derivation 
among lizards, but the sources of the parts seem fairly straightforward. 
In general, three branchial arches — 2, 3, and 4 — contribute cartilages 
to the lizard hyoid, but many lizard species have hyoids derived from 
only two arches. 

In the most complete type, which is also common to adult amphibia, 
and may be considered as the basic generalized lizard type, all three 
arches contribute (Fig. 1, B). The development of this generalized type 
can be followed quite easily in early embryonic stages. Kallius (1901) 
and El-Toubi and Kamal (1959) have shown and illustrated this very 
well. Derivatives of the three arches are identifiable in this way: 
2nd arches — lingual process (processus entoglossus), basihyal (body 
of hyoid), paired hypohyals and ceratohyals; 3rd arches — paired Ist 
ceratobranchials; 4th arches — paired 2nd ceratobranchials. The three 
paired cartilages form the three pairs of cornua, or bars, on each side. 

Of the 2nd arch parts, the lingual process and basihyal are median 
in position, although the basihyal is probably often forked posteriorly. 
The hypohyals fuse with the basihyal and routinely are directed an- 
teriorly to some degree; the ceratohyals are generally direct continua- 
tions of the hypohyals but are always at an angle with the hypohyals, 
being directed posteriorly. In some species the hypohyals are actually 
physically separated from the ceratohyals. In many species the cerato- 


hyals have recurrent cornua directed anteriorly which often reach the 
stapes. The 2nd arch parts are always cartilaginous in lizards. 

Of the 3rd arch parts, the 1st ceratobranchials are usually sturdy in 
form and commonly bony, entirely or in part. The cornua are typically 
slightly bowed or curved, divergent from midline, and are directed 
posteriorly. The 1st ceratobranchial cornua usually articulate with the 
basihyal by a distinct joint, which at least in some cases appears to be 
discontinuous. The hyoglossal muscles always attach to the 1st cerato- 

Of the 4th arch parts, the 2nd ceratobranchials are always cartilagi- 
nous and are usually very long. These cornua are parallel to the mid- 
line and often close together, sometimes touching for their entire length. 
They are fused to the basihyal. 

It is not known whether hypobranchial elements, derived from the 
3rd and 4th arches, contribute to the basihyal median piece in lizards. 

Many species of agamids, gekkonids, iguanids, lacertids, and scincids 
have the complete generalized type. Few other families have species 
which do. 

Most lizards have a hyoid in which the 2nd ceratobranchials are 
lacking, so that the structure consists of the lingual process, basihyal, 
and two pairs of cornua—hypohyals plus certatohyals and the Ist 
ceratobranchials. Examples are: Varanus (Fig. 1, A), Gerrhonotus 
(Fig. 1, D), Gehyra (Fig. 1, E), Xenosaurus (Fig. 1, G), Lanthanotus 
(Fig. 2, B), Anguis (Fig. 2, C), Heloderma (Fig. 2, D), and Rhineura 
(Fig. 2, E). In some genera, e.g., Lanthanotus, Anguis, and Rhineura, 
the 2nd arch cornua are reduced to anteriorly directed rods which 
probably are the hypohyals alone; if so, then, of course, the ceratohyals 
are missing. 

The genus Anniella is the only lizard genus in which the author has 
found by dissection a hyoid composed of a single pair of cornua plus 
the lingual process and basihyal (Fig. 2, A). These cornua are consid- 
ered Ist ceratobranchials because they are bony, diverge in a posterior 
direction from the midline, and are the attachments for the hyoglos- 
sal muscles; in general form they also closely resemble the 1st cerato- 
branchials in hyoids of the complete generalized type. Versluys (1936) 
stated that ‘“Dibanus” (should be Dibamus) is like Anniella and has a 
reduced hyoid with only one pair of cornua — the 1st ceratobranchials. 

It seems that in lizards retention of either the 2nd arch cornua or 
the 4th arch cornua alone is never found. The lingual process is found 
in all lizards, as far as is known. 

Lizard hyoids are generally well developed, relatively large, and, as 
just indicated, commonly with at least two pairs of cornua in some 


form. However, in burrowing lizards, particularly, the hyoid tends to 
be reduced in relative size; e.g., Amphisbaena (Fig. 1, C), Anguis, 
Rhineura, and Anniella. In the first three genera, the 2nd and 3rd arch 
cornua are present. The special case of Anniella has already been 

Among anguinomorphan lizards, which are perhaps the ancestral 
group for snakes, probably a majority of the modern species have the 
most common lizard type — composed of parts from the 2nd and 3rd 
arches, and having two pairs of cornua. Examples are: Varanus (Fig. 
1, A) Gerrhonotus (Fig. 1, D), and Xenosaurus (Fig. 1, G). 

Snake Hyoids. The hyoids of snakes are more of a problem to under- 
stand than those of lizards because identities of the cornua are not at 
all certain. This is because snake hyoids are severely reduced in com- 
position, and it is true that in matters of evolution where parts have 
been lost, identity of what remains is apt to be very difficult to 

Snake hyoids are cartilaginous with the exception of the genus 
Typhlops, where the hyoid is entirely or partly bony in some specimens. 
In a specimen of JT. schlegeli mucruso, for example, the entire hyoid 
was bony, but in a specimen each of 7. schlegeli brevis, T. polygram- 
micus, and T. bibroni, it was cartilaginous. Age may be the important 
factor here. Anyway, only in typhlopids does the hyoid become bony. 
Hyoids of many presumably old specimens of various species of snakes 
are often found to be calcified, that is, quite hard and brittle. List 
(1966) mentioned that he found calcification in the hyoids of many 

There are four morphological groups of snake hyoids (Fig. 1, H, J- 
M). These groups are remarkably constant, and are noticeably distinct 
from each other. The families of snakes can be fit very neatly into 
these morphological groups, with only several genera as exceptions. 

The four groups are simply called: (1) “M” type, (2) “Y” type, 
(3) “V” type, and (4) parallel type. 

(1) “M” type (Fig. 1, H). This type is found exclusively in the 
Anomalepididae, a neotropical family of four fossorial, closely allied 
genera: Anomalepis, Liotyphlops, Helminthophis, and Typhlophis. 
The first three genera have been examined for the hyoid, and it has 
been found to be similar in all specimens. The apparatus is basically 
M-shaped, with the posteriorly directed cornua having recurrent 
parts as long or longer than the cornua themselves. 

The transverse cartilage is depressed centrally to show a concave 
surface anteriorly. The transverse piece then curves posteriorly on 
each side, and is directed posteriorly and a little laterally. The re- 


current cornua are very thin and also tend to curve somewhat medi- 
ally; in some specimens these recurrent cornua can be traced to the 
skull. It should be noted that in this type the hyoid is a cartilaginous, 
slender, continuous strand with no visible joints. 

The described parts can be identified as follows: the central con- 
cave part is provisionally called the basihyal; the adjacent convex 
parts of the cornua are called the hypohyals; the posteriorly directed 
cornua are the ceratohyals; the recurrent cornua are merely recurrent 
parts of the ceratohyals. The hyoglossal muscles attach only to the 
ceratohyals because these are the only parts of the hyoid available for 
attachment. Therefore, in anomalepidids the hyoid is considered by 
the author to be composed entirely of contributions from the 2nd 
branchial arches. 

No lingual process is present. 

Identification of the parts is based on direct comparison with lizard 
hyoids. For example, in Fig. 1, item G is the hyoid of the lizard 
Xenosaurus grandis, and H is that of Liotyphlops, an anomalepidid. 
Note the striking similarity of the 2nd arch cornua of Xenosaurus, or 
of nearly any other lizard for that matter, to the anomalepidid hyoid. 
In short, if the lingual process and the 1st ceratobranchials were re- 
moved from the hyoid of Xenosaurus, the remaining parts would ap- 
pear very much like the anomalepidid hyoid. Actually, whether or not 
the medial concave segment represents the basihyal is problematical. 

Smith and Warner (1948) made the same identities. List (1966) 
has taken a similar stand. McDowell and Bogert (1954) assumed that 
the hypohyals meet in a median symphysis; this could just as well be 
true as not. McDowell and Bogert also were of the opinion that the 
anterior element discovered by Dunn and Tihen (1944) lying between 
the lower jaws in Liotyphlops represented part of the glossal skeleton. 
It is true that this element in stained specimens does resemble an in- 
verted “Y” hyoid as seen in Typhlops, but Warner (1948) conclusively 
showed this to be the ventral cricoid arch of the larynx, and simul- 
taneously showed that what Dunn and Tihen finally decided to be a 
pectoral girdle was nothing more or less than the hyoid. Gross dis- 
section easily substantiates Warner’s stand (Fig. 7). In this figure 
the cricoid arch of the larynx is hidden from view by the tongue, but 
the hyoid and its muscles are shown. 

The fact that the recurrent cornua extend forward to the skull in at 
least some specimens, as reported by Smith and Warner, is surely 
more evidence for a 2nd arch derivation, since the 2nd arch hyoid 
derivatives in vertebrates commonly retain such a connection. 

(2) “Y” type (Fig. 1, J, K). The Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae, 


each family with a single recognized genus, have this hyoid type. 
Basically it is similar in appearance to an inverted Y, with the single, 
long, median lingual process directed anteriorly, and the two cornua 
directed posteriorly and somewhat divergent from the midline. 

List (1966), however, in his examination of the osteology of these 
animals, showed by clearing and staining that a specimen each of 
T. lumbricalis and T. pusillus did not have the lingual process, so 
that the hyoid was reduced to a pair of subparallel cornua (Fig. 2, G). 
The author has checked a second specimen of each species: the lingual 
process was lacking in 7. pusillus; in T. lumbricalis there was a very 
small process which was joined to the two cornua. List also found 
that in several other species of Typhlops that he examined the cornua 
were not fused with the lingual process — there being a distinct gap 
between the median piece and each cornu (Fig. 2, F); 7. reticulatus, 
T. platycephalus, and T. blanfordi lestradez showed this condition. The 
author has dissected a second specimen of 7. reticulatus and found that 
no lingual process was evident, so that the two cornua were separated 
anteriorly. None of the other species of Typhlops examined by the 
author either lacked a process or had the cornua separated from the 
lingual process. 

The species of Leptotyphlops, as far as known, invariably retain 
the complete Y form. 

Identification of the parts is as follows: the median piece is cer- 
tainly the lingual process, which incorporates the basihyal; the cornua 
are considered to be the 1st ceratobranchials. The hyoid may be 
totally bony in many typhlopid specimens, or else the cornua alone 
may be bony (Fig. 2, F and G). The hyoglossal muscle fibers attach 
individually to the cornua. 

The identification is based upon comparison with lizard hyoids. 
In Anniella the hyoid consists of a lingual process plus basihyal and 
one pair of cornua, the 1st ceratobranchials, which are bony and to 
which the hyoglossal muscles attach as in all other lizards. The “Y” 
type snake hyoid bears a great resemblance to that of Anniella or to 
that of any lizard with the basihyal and 1st ceratobranchials taken 
alone; the cornua are frequently bony in typhlopids, and they also 
provide attachment for the hyoglossz. 

List (1966) felt that there seemed to be three conditions present 
in the typhlopids: (1) basihyal and lingual process with Ist cerato- 
branchials; (2) lack of basihyal and lingual process, leaving only 
the two Ist ceratobranchials; (3) basihyal and process only, with loss 
of ceratobranchials. He indicated that a series can be arranged to 
show the regressive change from the basic condition (1) to conditions 


(2) and (3). This series seems reasonable, but condition (3) cannot 
be conclusively proven without embryological evidence. List showed 
several Typhlops with an obvious basihyal cartilage separated from 
the bony Ist ceratobranchials: TJ. reticulatus (Fig. 2, F), and T. 
blanfordi lestradei. He illustrated condition (2), with the basihyal 
lacking and only Ist ceratobranchials present, in 7. pusillus (confirmed 
by the author) and 7. lumbricalis (a small process in a second speci- 
men). He figured several more species which he interpreted as having 
only the basihyal present as condition (3): T. braminus, T. polygram- 
micus (Fig. 2, H), and 7. vermicularis; this basihyal element always 
proved to be cartilaginous, with the prongs relatively short. The author 
has checked a second specimen of 7’. polygrammicus and the hyoid is 
also cartilaginous. 

As mentioned, ossification in the hyoid of typhlopids is variable. 
A large specimen of 7. schlegeli mucruso was found to have a com- 
pletely ossified hyoid. List found the same condition in a specimen 
each of T. boettgeri and T. s. schlegeli. However, the author found 
the hyoid to be totally cartilaginous in a specimen of T.. schlegeli brevis. 
Very possibly the matter of ossification may be directly correlated with 

Smith and Warner (1948) supposed that the hyoid of the “Y” type 
is composed of a median basihyal and its process plus the cornua, 
which are implied in previous paragraphs of their paper to be equal 
to the hypohyals. Comparison with most lizard hyoids easily shows 
this idea to be of little value, for in lizards the hypohyals lie in a 
transverse or anterolateral plane and are never bony. 

For the species of examined leptotyphlopids, the hyoid is very 
constant: it is always cartilaginous, the lingual process is joined to 
the cornua, and the cornua are usually relatively longer than in 
Typhlops (Fig. 2, J). 

The relationship of the typhlopid and leptotyphlopid snakes is not 
clear, and the two families have often been considered by some workers, 
e.g., McDowell and Bogert (1954), to be very distantly related, if 
at all in any sort of recent sense. However, the hyoid, which is similar 
for the two families and yet is distinct from all other snakes, tends 
to indicate that these families have more of a relationship than might 
otherwise be awarded them. This viewpoint is materially strengthened 
by musculature patterns presented in the second part of this paper. 
McDowell and Bogert combined typhlopids and the anomalepidids 
into the Typhlopidae. They felt that “the hyoid of Typhlops differs 
from that of ordinary snakes, leptotyphlopids, and the vast majority of 
lizards” in having the hyoid confined to the tongue itself. Actually, 


Leptotyphlops has nearly the same muscle-hyoid relationships that 
are found in Typhlops. They also regarded the hyoid of Typhlops 
as being composed of the basihyal alone. Then they proposed that 
the leptotyphlopid and other snakes’ hyoids are composed of a fused 
basihyal plus Ist ceratobranchials, except where the basihyal has 
been secondarily lost. The opinion of List on the possibility that the 
basihyal alone may compose the hyoid in at least some typhlopids has 
been given previously; the author does not disagree with it. However, 
the author cannot agree that Leptotyphlops and “ordinary snakes” 
all have the same components forming the hyoid; even so, McDowell 
and Bogert did devise the correct combination of basihyal and 1st 
ceratobranchials for the leptotyphlopids. 

(3) “V” type (Fig. 1, L). This is found in the families Aniltidae, 
Boidae (with the exception of several puzzling genera), Uropeltidae, 
and Xenopeltidae. The hyoid is basically of an inverted V form, or is 
reduced, by loss of the anterior connection and parts of the cornua, to 
a pair of subparallel rods. The cornua diverge posteriorly from the 
midline and may be slightly bowed. They are always cartilaginous 
and the hyoglossal muscles attach to them as separate bundles. No 
lingual process is present and the arch of the cornual union is very 
slender when present. 

Loss of the anterior connection may not perhaps have much mean- 
ing phylogenetically; for example, in one specimen of Charina bottae, 
the cornua were joined anteriorly, but in another, they were not. 
A specimen of Epicrates angulifer had the cornua united, but a speci- 
men of H. cenchris did not. 

It seems evident to the author that the cornua of this type must be 
1st ceratobranchials, and that the basihyal is either very small in those 
hyoids that have united cornua, or else entirely absent, which it cer- 
tainly is in the many cases where the cornua are distinctly separated 
anteriorly. Again it is comparison with lizards that gives the answer. 
The cornua of the “V” type are definitely very similar in general ap- 
pearance and position to the 1st ceratobranchials in lizards. Remove 
the entire basihyal, hypohyals, ceratohyals, and 2nd ceratobranchials 
from a generalized lizard hyoid, such as Anolis (Fig. 1, B), or the 
entire basihyal, hypohyals, and ceratohyals from the more common 
lizard type, as seen in Varanus (Fig. 1, A), Gerrhonotus (Fig. 1, D), 
or Gehyra (Fig. 1, E), and the 1st ceratobranchial cornua that are 
left certainly resemble the cornua of the “V” type. 

The author considers the basihyal to be missing, for all practical 
purposes, but Edgeworth (1935) stated, with no further discussion, 
that Boa and Python molurus have the anterior ends of the cornua 


“eontinuous with a small basihyobranchiale.”’ To the contrary, 
Gnanamuthu (1937) from Fiirbringer stated that in Python the “basi- 
hyoid” is gone and the two “thyrohyals” (meaning the cornua) are 
practically free of each other. “Thyrohyal” is a name reserved for an 
element from the 3rd branchial arch. It is not customarily used in 
lizards, and it seems improper to sanction the use of the word in 
snakes. Smith and Warner (1948) have stated a similar view, but 
proposed at the same time to call the cornua of the “V” type the 
hypohyals. From comparison with lizards, it does not seem likely that 
these could be equal to the hypohyals. 

(4) Parallel type (Fig. 1, M). This type is found in colubrids, 
hydrophids, elapids, viperids, and crotalids, and in a few genera of 
what are usually considered to be boids: Bolyeria, Casarea, Trachy- 
boa, and Tropidophis. The parallel type consists of a pair of very 
long parallel cornua which are always joined anteriorly. The arch of 
this union is sometimes smooth and sometimes has an anteriorly di- 
rected lingual process. This hyoid type is always cartilaginous. The 
cornua provide the attachment for the hyoglossal muscles. 

Identification of the parts is as follows: the lingual process, if pres- 
ent, is obvious; the arch at the union of the cornua is considered to be 
the basihyal, although it perhaps is not really present when there is no 
lingual process; the cornua are considered to be the 2nd cerato- 
branchials. The cornua are always fused indistinguishably with the 
basihyal arch, or at least to each other. 

The little work that has been done on the development of the 
snake hyoid has all centered on the parallel type. This evidence has 
not been satisfactory overall; it has been conflicting in part and the 
early blastemal stages of the hyoid components have not been identi- 
fied. It can be pointed out that this problem, as well as a great many 
others in the subject of snake ontogeny, presents a worthwhile and 
fertile field for investigators. The author has studied fairly early 
embryos of both Pituophis and Thamnophis but has not yet been 
satisfied as to the origin of the parts of the parallel type hyoid. The 
embryological evidence must at this time largely yield to the morpho- 
logical comparison with lizard hyoids. 

There has been no trouble with the identification of the basihyal and 
its lingual process, if one is present. They are certainly 2nd arch 
derivatives. It is the cornua which have given identity problems. 
Most investigators have called the cornua ceratohyals, or at least 
have meant that they are of 2nd arch derivation. A lesser number of 
investigators have considered the cornua to be 1st ceratobranchials, 
of 3rd arch derivation. And, as already noted above, the author 


considers the cornua to be the 2nd ceratobranchials, of 4th arch 

Rathke (1839) claimed to have observed a connection between the 
cornua and the columella auris in Tropidonotus; this observation was 
offered to substantiate his view that the cornua are 2nd arch deriva- 

Owen (1866) called the cornua ceratohyals, as did Walter (1887). 
McKay (1889) varied the name somewhat by calling the cornua 
“hyoid bones” or “hypobranchial bars.” Neither term is very ap- 
propriate. Gaupp (1904) followed Rathke in deciding that the cornua 
are 2nd arch derivatives and called them ‘“cornua hyalia.” 

Peyer (1912) studied several stages of Vipera aspis. He could not 
find a 8rd branchial arch in his embryos, and also did not observe 
a connection between a cornu and the columella auris, as Rathke 
claimed to have seen. At the 70-mm stage, Peyer said that the hyoid 
consisted of two “hyal cornua” with a separate, anterior “processus 
entoglossus.” In the 125-mm stage, the hyoid was complete. The 
cornua were definitely shown to originate in a nearly parallel fashion 
posterior to the basihyal element — the lingual process; the cornua then 
grew anteriorly to meet the process. 

Sewertzoff (1929) called the cornua the ceratohyals. Backstrom 
(1931) did not positively name the cornua but implied that they are 
of 2nd arch derivation. 

In 1935 Edgeworth called the single element of the hyoid the 
“basihyobranchiale” and-the cornua the “cornua branchiale i.” He 
also stated that he believed the ceratohyals have been lost. No 
reasons were given for any of his conclusions, however. 

Versluys (1936) called the connecting piece the “corpus hyale” 
but used Firbringer’s (1922) interpretation in naming each cornu 
the “cornu branchiale I.” Versluys based his conclusion on the com- 
parison with the reduced hyoids of the lizards Anniella and Dibamus, 
where it is probable that the cornua are the 1st ceratobranchials. 
DeBeer (1937) called the cornua the ceratohyals. 

Kesteven (1944), from observations on Pseudechis, an elapid, re- 
marked that “this single hyoid arch is probably the second; it appears 
too far back to be the ceratohyal.” Apparently Kesteven called the 
2nd arch of the series the 1st branchial arch, a common procedure 
in comparative anatomy (the 1st arch of the series — mandibular plus 
maxillary processes — would compose the jaw arch). If such is the 
case, then the ‘“‘second” arch he referred to would be the 38rd branchial 
arch of this paper. Kesteven therefore considered the hyoid cornua 
to be the 1st ceratobranchials. 


Smith and Warner (1948) used basihyoid plus hypohyals for the 
components. It does not seem to the author that hypohyals are a 
reasonable choice. In lizards they are always in a transverse or 
anterior-directed plane and relatively short. 

Cowan and Hick (1951) used ceratohyals for the cornua in 
Thamnophis. These authors found two tendinous inscriptions in the 
neurocostomandibularis muscle of Thamnophis, and they considered 
these inscriptions to be traces of the 1st and 2nd ceratobranchials. 
However, the possibility of the inscriptions being traces of the Ist and 
2nd ceratobranchials would not correctly fit with their interpretation 
of the cornua as ceratohyals, because the ceratohyals would be in the 
wrong position relative to the ceratobranchials. If anything, their 
suggestion as to the identity of the inscriptions would fit in better 
with the author’s idea that the cornua are 2nd ceratobranchials. 

In 1954 McDowell and Bogert stated that the parallel type of snake 
hyoid consists of a basihyal fused to the 1st ceratobranchials. They 
arrived at this solution by comparing the hyoids with those of lizards, 
but the drawback is that they included Leptotyphlops with the group 
represented by the parallel type. It is surely clear that Leptotyphlops 
has a hyoid which is distinctly different from the parallel type, and 
is really similar to that of Typhlops. The author does consider the 
“Y” type of hyoid as seen in the leptotyphids and typhlophids as 
being basically composed of a basihyal plus Ist ceratobranchials. 

Pringle (1954) has done considerable work on the cranial develop- 
ment in snakes, studying the colubrids Lamprophis ornatus and 
Dasypeltis scaber, the viperid Causus rhombeatus, and the elapid 
Hemachatus hemachatus. He named the cornua the ceratohyals. 

In the 69-day stage of Lamprophis, he noted that the “two cerato- 
hyals fuse below; basihyal present.” He also noted that during de- 
velopment the basihyal moves forward. 

In the 43-day stage of Dasypeltis, “the hyobranchial apparatus 
consists of two ceratohyals which fuse anteriorly.” He found no 
basihyal at this stage; later, however, the basihyal appeared. 

As for the 54-day stage in Causus, the “ceratohyals” fused below 
the basicranial fenestra. He saw no basihyal in this species, even 
in the young adult. 

In Hemachatus the 8-mm stage revealed that the “ceratohyals fuse 
below the basicranial fenestra, and during development this point of 
fusion moves forward. There is no basihyal in any of the stages ex- 
amined as in Causus.”’ 

It is evident that at least in these genera the cornua fuse first, and 
the basihyal element, if there is one, later fuses to this union. A 


check of specimens by the author revealed that both Cauwsus and 
Hemachatus lack a lingual process in the adult, as suggested by 
Pringle; this seems to indicate that a rounded arch means absence of 
all basihyal elements. 

There were no particular reasons advanced by Pringle for calling 
the cornua ceratohyals. And it might easily be construed that the 
matter of the fusion of the cornua and their subsequent moving 
forward would be evidence for their being derived from an arch other 
than the 2nd. The later fusion of the obvious basihyal piece, where 
it was present, would add support to this idea. 

Srinivasachar (1954) called the cornua ceratohyals; he gave no 

List (1966) decided that since the basihyal may be the only piece 
present in some typhlopids and is the only piece present in Lepto- 
typhlops, it must also compose the entire hyoid in those snakes with 
the parallel type. The long cornua, according to him, would merely 
represent elongations of the posterior basihyal processes. In his 
interpretation the processes would not strictly be hypohyals or cerato- 
hyals, apparently. List’s idea is not an unattractive one, but there 
are arguments against it. One is that Typhlops must be far removed 
phyletically from the snakes with a parallel hyoid, so what is true 
for the typhlopid and leptotyphlopid hyoid would not necessarily 
apply to the parallel type. A second argument is that Pringle has 
shown in several species that the cornua develop separately from 
the basihyal element, if one is present at all. 

Romer (1956) stated that “the ‘prongs’ are presumably the first 
branchials; the small connecting piece, the corpus, with a short lingual 

Sondhi (1958) called the basihyal the basihyoid, and used only 
cornua for those bars. He also parenthetically referred to Versluys by 
including the latter’s respective synonyms: corpus hyale and cornua 
branchialia I. Apparently he followed Versluys in believing the cornua 
to be 1st ceratobranchials. 

Albright and Nelson (1959) considered that the hyoid in Elaphe 
is composed of a “basihyoid with paired ceratohyals.” They gave no 
explanation for their choice. 

In 1961 El-Toubi and Magid considered that the cornua are de- 
rived from the 2nd arch. The most recent paper, and probably the 
best, to appear on the development of the snake skull is the one by 
Kamal and Hammouda (1965) who studied very closely the ontogeny 
of the skull of Psammophis sibilans, a colubrid. This paper is especially 
interesting because it clearly seems to refute some of the evidence 


of Pringle, but also seems to substantiate List’s idea that the cornua 
are extensions of the basihyal. 

In their “stage I, age 15 days, 47 mm” of Psammophis embryos, 
Kamal and Hammouda found, and clearly illustrated, a small inverted 
v-shaped body which was chondrifying and lay between Meckel’s 
cartilages. At stage II the piece had a distinct anterior projection on 
it which the authors called the processus entoglossus. At stage III 
both the process and the posterior-directed prongs had enlarged and 
lengthened so that the piece was rather y-shaped. At stage IV the 
prongs had lengthened noticeably and were called the ceratohyals. 
Successive stages clearly demonstrated that the ceratohyals were 
formed by the increase in length of the two rods. Kamal and Ham- 
mouda have shown very well that in Psammophis the cornua have 
grown from a common piece and have not formed independently of 
the basihyal element as Pringle demonstrated. However, have they 
really proved, as List thought, that the parallel type cornua are exten- 
sions of the basihyal? List’s conclusion appears very convincing 
at first glance, but the heart of the matter is understanding from what 
the chondrifying blastema has been derived. Kamal and Hammouda, 
for all their very good work, have not really demonstrated whether 
the initial v-shaped piece has been derived of blastemal material from 
the 2nd arches alone, or whether blastemal material from another set 
of arches, particularly the 4th, has also contributed. Blastemal origin, 
then, is the crux of the problem, and until this is solved, the exact 
explanation of the derivation of the parallel type of hyoid’s cornua 
must be based on morphological evidence. 

At the conclusion of this review of the literature on the problem, 
it might as well be mentioned that many authors have just regarded 
the apparatus as the “hyoid” and let it go at that. A short summary 
of the pertinent nomenclature of the parts of the parallel type hyoid 
should prove helpful. 

1839 Rathke: cornua hyalia (2nd arch) 

1866 Owen: ceratohyals 

1887 Walter: ceratohyals 

1889 McKay: hyoid bones or hypobranchial bars 

1904 Gaupp: cornua hyalia (2nd arch) 

1912 Peyer: hyal cornua with processus entoglossus 

1929 Sewertzoff: ceratohyals 

1931 Backstrém: 2nd arch origin inferred 

1935 Edgeworth: basihyobranchiale plus cornua branchialia i 

1936 Versluys: corpus hyale plus cornua branchialia I 

1937 DeBeer: ceratohyals 

1944 Kesteven: not named directly, but apparently 1st ceratobranchials 
1948 Smith and Warner: basihyoid plus hypohyals 


1951 Cowan and Hick: ceratohyals 

1954 McDowell and Bogert: basihyal plus Ist ceratobranchials 

1954 Pringle: basihyal plus ceratohyals 

1954 Srinivasachar: ceratohyals 

1956 Romer: corpus, lingual process, and “presumably the first branchials” 
1958 Sondhi: basihyoid plus posterior cornua 

1959 Albright and Nelson: basihyal plus ceratohyals 

1961 El-Toubi and Magid: derived from 2nd arch 

1965 Kamal and Hammouda: processus entoglossus plus ceratohyals 

1966 List: basihyal plus basihyal processes 

The history shows that most investigators have regarded the cornua 
as ceratohyals; few have shown any reasons for their actions. Only 
Rathke, Peyer, Pringle, and Kamal and Hammouda have used em- 
bryological evidence, and this seems to be somewhat contradictory 
in a few respects. The author’s conclusion that the cornua are 2nd 
ceratobranchials is only based upon direct comparison with the 
complete generalized lizard hyoid type. A look at one of these 
generalized lizard hyoids, e.g., Anolis (Fig. 1, B), will demonstrate 
what is meant: by removing the hypohyals plus ceratohyals and the 
1st ceratobranchials, the remaining continuous cartilage will be com- 
posed of the lingual process, a basihyal arch, and the very long, parallel 
cornua, the 2nd ceratobranchials. The similarity of this altered hyoid 
of Anolis to that of any snake with a parallel type hyoid (including a 
lingual process) is remarkable. It is true that in the lizard, the hyo- 
glossi attach to the 1st ceratobranchials. However, if only the 2nd 
ceratobranchials are present in certain snakes, these are obviously the 
only cornua which are available for the hyoglossi. Note that in the 
lizards Amphisbaena (Fig. 1, C) and Mabowa (Fig. 1, F), the hyoids 
as a whole are somewhat reduced, and the 2nd ceratobranchials in par- 
ticular are relatively very short. In these species the 2nd cerato- 
branchials resemble very much the developing cornua of the parallel 
type hyoid as shown by Kamal and Hammouda. 

C. Descriptions of Examined Hyoids 

The following measurements are given in millimeters (mm). Those 
measurements concerning the hyoid are rounded to the nearest .6 mm. 
Due to the natural difficulty of measuring cartilaginous strands in pre- 
served specimens, the results have to be regarded chiefly as a means of 
comparing relative sizes of various hyoids. 

In the parallel type of hyoid, the width of the hyoid is that measure- 
ment taken at the greatest width of the two cornua. Actually, the arch 
of the basihyal is usually somewhat more narrow than the width. The 


length of the parallel type of hyoid is its entire length — from the tip 
of the lingual process, if one is present, to the end of the cornua. 

Museum abbreviations are: UI, University of Illinois Museum of 
Natural History; CNHM, Chicago Natural History Museum; USNM, 
United States National Museum; MCZ, Museum of Comparative 
Zoology, Harvard University. 


Helminthophis flavoterminatus (USNM 69333). Hyoid not measured 
but with same essential shape and relationships as in the following 

Liotyphlops albirostris (MCZ 25232) (Fig. 1, H). Recurrent con- 
tinuations extend craniad from the legs of the ‘“M”’; central depression 
4 mm from mental; width of shoulders of transverse bar 1 mm; length 
of one descending cornu 2 mm; length of one ascending (recurrent) 
cornu 1.5mm. Body length 181 mm. 


Typhlops bibroni (CNHM 17718) (Fig. 8, B). Hyoid cartilaginous; 
process 1.5 mm, 20 mm from mental; one cornu 2 mm; posterior sepa- 
ration of cornua 2 mm; hyoid lies between ribs 9-11. Body length 
375 mm. 

Typhlops intermedius (CNHM 53636). Hyoid cartilaginous; process 
1.5 mm, 24 mm behind mental; hyoid median length 2 mm; hyoid lies 
between ribs 11-13. Body length 313 mm. 

Typhlops schlegeli mucruso (CNHM 81018) (Fig. 1, J). Hyoid 
bony; process 1.5 mm, 33 mm behind mental; hyoid median length 2.5 
mm; posterior separation of cornua 1.5 mm. Body length 365 mm. 


Leptotyphlops maximus (CNHM 38282) (Fig. 1, K). Process 2 mm, 
16 mm behind mental at 9th rib; hyoid median length 6 mm. Body 
length 326 mm. 

Leptotyphlops septemstriatus (CNHM 26660). Process 1.5 mm, 12 
mm behind mental; one cornu 2.5 mm; hyoid lies between ribs 6-13. 
Body length 245 mm. 

Platyplectrurus madurensis (CNHM 40458). Cornua separated 


anteriorly by 3 mm, posteriorly by 6 mm; median length 7.5 mm; 
hyoid ends 5th ventral. Body length 285 mm. 

Rhinophis blythi. Three specimens examined, all with cornua sepa- 
rated anteriorly; measurements of two specimens given. In CNHM 
25930 (Fig. 11), cornua separated anteriorly by 2 mm, posteriorly by 
4 mm; cornua 7.5 mm behind mental; median length of hyoid 3.5 mm; 
cornua begin Ist ventral, end 4th. Body length 282 mm. 

In another specimen, cornua separated anteriorly by 2 mm, posteri- 
orly by 7.5 mm; cornua 6 mm behind glottis; cornua 5.5 mm, begin Ist 
ventral, end 6th. Body length 255 mm. 

Rhinophis planiceps. Cornua separated 1.5 mm anteriorly, 3 mm 
posteriorly ; cornua 4.5 mm behind glottis; cornua 2.6 mm, begin 1 mm 
anterior to lst ventral, end rear of 2nd; cornua nearly parallel for first 
quarter, then flare laterally. Body length 167 mm. 

Silybura beddomit (CNHM 16110). Cornua separated anteriorly by 
2 mm, posteriorly by 4 mm; cornua 6.5 mm behind mental; hyoid 
median length 3.6 mm. Body length 159 mm. 

ANILIIDAE (“V” type) 

Anilius scytale. Four specimens examined, all with cornua joined 
anteriorly and with no process; measurements of two specimens are 
given. In CNHM 16948 point of arch 8.5 mm anterior to 1st ventral; 
cornua end 2nd ventral; arch .6 mm wide; right cornu 10 mm, left 
cornu 12 mm; cornua separated anteriorly by 7 mm; anterior parts of 
cornua very thin. Body length 537 mm. 

In CNHM 35683 (Fig. 12, A), point of arch 20 mm from mental; 
cornua separated posteriorly by 8 mm; hyoid median length 15 mm. 
Body length 770 mm. 

Cylindrophis maculatus. Hyoid much reduced. In MCZ 15795 (Fig. 
12, C), cornua 14.5 mm behind mental, separated anteriorly by 6 mm. 
Cornua 4 mm, begin 3 mm behind hyoglossal split; anterior half of 
each cornu free from hyoglossal muscle. Body length 315 mm. 

In CNHM 25928, cornua 12 mm behind mental; cornua separated 
anteriorly by 2.5 mm, posteriorly by 4 mm; cornua end 7th ventral; 
hyoid median length 2 mm. Body length 283 mm. 

Cylindrophis rufus. Two specimens examined have separate cornua. 
In CNHM 67269 (Fig. 12, B), cornua 15.5 mm behind mental; cornua 
separated anteriorly by 2.56 mm; cornua begin 4th scale anterior to Ist 
ventral, end 8rd ventral; hyoid median length 8.56 mm. Body length 
490 mm. 

In CNHM 30547, cornua 11.5 mm behind mental; cornua separated 


anteriorly by 3 mm; posteriorly by 7.5 mm; hyoid median length 4.5 
mm. Body length 401 mm. 


Xenopeltis unicolor. Three specimens examined, all have divergent 
cornua joined anteriorly. In CNHM 15273 (Fig. 18), point of arch 
14 mm behind glottis; hyoid begins 5 mm before Ist ventral, ends 9th 
ventral; cornua 30 mm, separated posteriorly by 12 mm. Body length 
698 mm. 

In another, unnumbered specimen, arch 23 mm behind mental; arch 
1 mm wide; hyoid begins 1st ventral, ends 11th; cornua separated 
posteriorly by 10 mm; hyoid median length 26 mm. Body length 
770 mm. 

BOIDAE (sensu lato) (“V” type and parallel type) 

Aspidites melanocephalus (USNM 11034). Cornua joined anteriorly 
as rounded arch; hyoid begins 20 mm before Ist ventral, ends 6th 
ventral; cornua separated posteriorly by 19 mm; cornua 35 mm. Body 
length 987 mm. 

Boa canina (CNHM 25537). Cornua separated anteriorly upon 
dissection, but may have been joined naturally; cornua begin 12 mm 
behind glottis, end 4th ventral; cornua 13.5 mm. Body length 610 mm. 

Boa cookii (CNHM 41171). Cornua separated anteriorly; cornua 
begin 17 mm behind glottis, end 4th ventral; hyoid median length 
18 mm. Body length 1380 mm. 

Calabaria reinhardti (USNM 24224). Cornua joined anteriorly by a 
very thin arch; arch 6 mm behind glottis; arch 1.5 mm wide; cornua 
separated anteriorly by 10.5 mm; cornua 21 mm and 20.5 mm long. 
Body length 563 mm. 

Charina bottae. In three specimens examined, cornua are close 
anteriorly but do not join in two; cornua joined as a rounded arch in 
the third. In one of the former specimens, cornua separated anteriorly 
by .6 mm, posteriorly by 14 mm; cornua end at rear edge of 2nd 
ventral; cornua 15.5 mm. Body length 494 mm. 

In the specimen with cornua joined, arch lies 8.5 mm anterior to Ist 
ventral; hyoid ends 3rd ventral; arch 2.6 mm wide; cornua separated 
posteriorly by 8 mm; hyoid median length 11 mm. Body length 
411 mm. 

Chondropython viridis (CNHM 14075). Cornua rather flat and 
joined anteriorly; arch 20 mm behind mental; cornua end 5th ventral; 


cornua separated posteriorly by 6 mm; hyoid length 24.5 mm. Body 
length 980 mm. 

Constrictor constrictor ortont (CNHM 8360). Cornua separated 
anteriorly, begin 16 mm behind glottis, end just anterior to 1st ventral; 
cornua separated anteriorly by 3 mm, posteriorly by 15.5 mm; hyoid 
median length 16 mm. Body length 1000 mm. 

Enygrus bibronu (USNM 56211). Cornua joined at a narrow, 
sharp-pointed arch 9 mm behind glottis; cornua 12 mm, end at rear 
edge of 2nd ventral; cornua separated posteriorly by 8.5 mm. Body 
length 505 mm. 

Epicrates angulifer (USNM 84045). A blunt arch 8.5 mm behind 
glottis; arch 6 mm wide; cornua 17.5 mm, separated posteriorly by 8 
mm. Body length 592 mm. 

Epicrates cenchris (CNHM 31148) (Fig. 14, C). Cornua separate, 
begin 20 mm behind mental, end 5th ventral; cornua separated anteri- 
orly by 1.5 mm; cornua 23 mm. Specimen is head only. 

Eryx c. colubrinus (CNHM 81224) (Fig. 14, B). Cornua joined 
anteriorly into irregular arch 12 mm behind mental; arch 2 mm wide; 
cornua separated posteriorly by 11 mm; hyoid length 18 mm. Body 
length 590 mm. 

Eryx jaculus. In two specimens examined cornua are separate; one 
set of measurements given. In USNM 56348, cornua begin 10 mm 
behind glottis; cornua separated anteriorly by 3.5 mm, posteriorly by 
12 mm; right cornu 13 mm, left cornu 16 mm. Body length 487 mm. 

Eryx john (USNM 84034). Cornua separated anteriorly, begin 10 
mm behind glottis; cornua separated anteriorly by 1.5 mm, posteriorly 
by 14.5 mm; right cornu 16 mm, left cornu 17 mm. Body length 
703 mm. 

Eunectes gigas (CNHM 30954). Anterior ends separated, apparently 
due to injury which makes specimen incomplete. Cornua begin 16 mm 
behind glottis. Body length 900 mm. 

Tnasis albertisii (CNHM 13874). Cornua joined anteriorly; arch 
begins 8 mm anterior to 1st ventral, ends 6th ventral; arch 6 mm wide; 
cornua separated posteriorly by 4 mm; right cornu 17 mm, left cornu 
16.5 mm. Body length 392 mm. 

Liasis childreni (CNHM 75120). Cornua joined by a rounded arch 
11.5 mm behind mental; arch 1 mm wide; cornua separated posteri- 
orly by 8 mm; hyoid median length 13 mm. Body length 520 mm. 

Inchanura roseofusca (CNHM 21568). Cornua separate, begin 13 
mm behind glottis, end 4th ventral; cornua separated anteriorly by 
3 mm; hyoid median length 16 mm. Body length 880 mm. 



Loxocemus sumichrastt. Cornua joined as a pointed arch 18 mm 
behind mental; cornua end 46.5 mm behind mental; right cornu 30 
mm, left cornu 31 mm; cornua separted posteriorly by 20 mm. Body 
length 794 mm. 

Nardoana boa (CNHM 13834). Cornua joined by a rounded arch 13 
mm behind glottis; cornua end 7th ventral; arch 1.5 mm wide; right 
cornu 23 mm. Body length 785 mm. 

Python regius (CNHM 20812). Cornua separate, begin 22 mm be- 
hind mental, end 3rd ventral; cornua separated anteriorly by .6 mm, 
posteriorly by 7.5 mm; cornua 23 mm long. Body length 742 mm. 

Sanzinia madagascariensis (CNHM 18286) (Fig. 1, L). Cornua 
separate (also in a second specimen); cornua begin 15 mm behind 
mental, end 4th ventral; cornua separated anteriorly by 1 mm; hyoid 
median length 15 mm. Body length 480 mm. 

Trachyboa boulengert (CNHM 78106). Cornua joined anteriorly 
and parallel with a process 2.6 mm long, 8 mm behind mental; hyoid 
ends 6th ventral; hyoid .6 mm wide, 11 mm long. Body length 240 mm. 

Tropidophis maculatus (USNM 56328) (Fig. 15, A). Cornua joined 
and parallel with a process 1.5 mm long, 6.5 mm behind mental; 
hyoid begins 3 scales before Ist ventral, ends 9th ventral; hyoid 1 mm 
wide, 15 mm long. Body length 324 mm. 

Ungaliophis continentalis (CNHM 19397). Cornua separate, begin 
9.5 mm behind mental, end 6th ventral; cornua separated anteriorly 

by 1.5 mm, posteriorly by 2.6 mm; cornua 9.5 mm long. Body length 
441 mm. 

COLUBRIDAE (parallel type) 

Achalinus spinalis (CNHM 18775). No process; begins 8rd ventral, 
ends 11th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 13 mm long. Body length 340 mm. 

Achrochordus javanicus (USNM 20412) (Fig. 15, B). No process 
(also true in another examined specimen) ; hyoid begins 15 mm behind 
glottis; hyoid 3 mm wide anteriorly, cornua converge posteriorly; 
hyoid 92.5 mm long. Body length 1185 mm. 

Adelphicos veraepacis nigrilatus (UI 6254). No process; hyoid be- 
gins 2nd ventral, ends 16th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 17 mm long. Body 
length 210 mm. 

Amblycephalus kuangtunensis (CNHM 24489). A long, heavy 
process 1.5 mm; hyoid begins one scale before 1st ventral, ends 23rd; 
hyoid 1 mm wide, 45 mm long. Body length 430 mm. 

Amblycephalus stanleyi (CNHM 24990). A long, tapering process 


2.5 mm, near level of glottis; hyoid 1 mm wide, 21.8 mm long. Body 
length 183 mm. 

Aparallactus capensis (CNHM 17710). Process 1 mm, begins 8 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 18 mm long, ends 18th ventral. 
Body length 207 mm. 

Apostolepis quinquelineata (CNHM 26665). Process .6 mm, begins 
8 mm behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 16 mm long, ends 16th ventral. 
Body length 277 mm. 

Atretium schistosum (MCZ 1330) (Fig. 15, C). Process 1 mm; hyoid 
begins Ist ventral, ends 20th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 35 mm long. Body 
length 340 mm. 

Boiga dendrophila latifasciata. No distinct process, but arch is 
sharp; arch begins one ventral’s width before 1st ventral, ends 16th 
ventral; hyoid 4.5 mm wide, 51.5 mm long. Body length 1120 mm. 

Carphophis amoena vermis. No distinct process; arch lies 3 mm be- 
hind glottis; hyoid ends 20th ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 18 mm long. 
Body length 149 mm. 

Cerberus rhynchops (Fig. 4, D). Two specimens examined with 
very distinctive hyoids. In CNHM 41117, process is very long, 10.5 
mm; process is 1 mm wide at arch then widens to 1.5 mm before 
tapering to the apex; point of process 15 mm behind glottis, hyoid 
ends 12th ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 37 mm long. Body length 
644 mm. 

In another specimen, process is also very long, 5 mm; base of process 
formed of two convex rods which diverge 2 mm from basihyal to be 
1 mm apart; then rods join and single process tapers to point; point 
7 mm behind glottis; arch heavy, 1.6 mm wide; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 
23.5 mm long, ends 9th ventral. Body length 466 mm. 

Chersodromus hebmanni. A small, sharp process, at 3rd ventral; 
hyoid ends 26th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 29.5 mm long. Body length 
168 mm. 

Chersydrus granulatus (Fig. 4, H). No process in two specimens; 
one set of measurements given. In CNHM 41118, rounded arch at 
level of glottis; hyoid 1.65 mm wide, 17 mm long; ends of cornua 
nearly touch. Body length 493 mm. 

Chrysopelea ornata (CNHM 29165). Process rather triangular, .5 
mm long, 19 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.2 mm wide, 29 mm long, 
ends 16th ventral. Body length 626 mm. 

Clelia clelia. Two specimens examined, process only indicated; one 
set of measurements given. In CNHM 25414, point 13 mm behind 
mental; hyoid 50 mm long, ends 23rd ventral. Body length 500 mm. 


Coluber c. constrictor. A very small process, begins 2nd ventral; 
hyoid ends 16th ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 63 mm long. Body length 
958 mm. 

Coluber c. flaviventris. A very short process, 1.5 mm, begins 2nd 
ventral; hyoid ends 16th ventral; hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 60 mm long. 
Body length 940 mm. 

Coluber c. priapus (Fig. 4, F). A short, thick process, 2 mm, at 2nd 
ventral; hyoid 4 mm wide, 68 mm long, ends 21st ventral. Body length 
740 mm. 

Coniophanes imperialis copet. A sharp, triangular process, 1 mm, lies 
11.5 mm behind mental at 2nd ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 30 mm long, 
ends 20th ventral. Body length 259 mm. 

Coniophanes i. proterops (CNHM 21890). A slender process, 2 mm, 
hes 16 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 42 mm long, ends 19th 
ventral. Body length 349 mm. 

Conophis lineatus concolor (CNHM 49347). A long, tapering 
process, 3 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 47 mm long, ends 
16th ventral. Body length 684 mm. 

Conopsis biserialis. No process, arch rounded; hyoid begins 2nd 
ventral, ends 17th; hyoid 2 mm wide, 20 mm long. No body measure- 

Crotaphopeltis h. hotamboeia (CNHM 4037). A tapering process, 
1.5 mm, 8rd ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 36 mm long, ends 19th 
ventral. No body measurement. 

Cyclagras gigas. No process, arch rounded; hyoid begins two scales 
before 1st ventral, ends 16th ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 36 mm long. 
No body measurement. 

Dasypeltis scaber. Two specimens examined with a long process; 
in CNHM 12841, process 2.7 mm, 1 mm behind glottis; hyoid 2 mm 
wide; hyoid cut 28 mm behind arch. Body length 439 mm. 

In another specimen, process 2.56 mm; hyoid begins one scale before 
Ist ventral, ends 17th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 34 mm long. No body 

Dendrophidion vinitor. A long, slender process enlarged at tip, 2 
mm; hyoid begins Ist ventral, ends 13th; hyoid 2.56 mm wide, 55 mm 
long. Body length 549 mm. 

Diadophis punctatus arnyi. A tapering process, 1 mm; hyoid begins 
Ist ventral, ends 18th; hyoid 1 mm wide, 15 mm long. Body length 
119 mm. 

Diadophis punctatus edwardsii (Fig. 4, C). Two specimens examined 


with distinct process; one set of measurements given. Process 1 mm, 
1.5 mm before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 29 mm long, ends 19th 
ventral. Body length 340 mm. 

Dipsadoboa unicolor (CNHM 19459). Distinct, pointed process, 
1 mm, lies 13 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 39 mm long, 
ends 17th ventral. Body length 607 mm. 

Dispholidus typus (CNHM 48081). A blunt process, 2 mm, at Ist 
ventral; hyoid 44 mm long, ends 16th ventral. Body length 1070 mm. 

Dromophis lineatus. Long, slender process, 4.56 mm, 18 mm behind 
mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 51 mm long, ends 16th ventral. Body length 
648 mm. 

Drymarchon corais erebennus. Triangular process, 1 mm, at 3rd 
ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 46.5 mm long, ends 20th ventral. Body 
length 405 mm. 

Drymobius bifossatus. Process 3 mm, at seale before 1st ventral; 
hyoid 4 mm wide, 59 mm long, ends 13th ventral. Body length 1005 

Drymobius m. margaritiferus. Long process, 1.8 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 8 mm wide, 80.5 mm long, ends 29th ventral. Body length 
500 mm. 

Dryophis mycterizans. No process, although arch thick; arch lies 
two scales before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 25 mm long, ends 
6th ventral. Body length 1000 mm. 

Elaphe guttata (Fig. 4, A). Long process, 3.5 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 63 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body length 
1001 mm. 

Elaphe laeta. Small process, 1 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm 
wide, 23 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body length 351 mm. 

Elaphe o. obsoleta. Blunt process, 2 mm, at scale before 1st ventral; 
hyoid 3 mm wide at arch, 7 mm wide at middle, 52 mm long, ends 
13th ventral. Body length 1209 mm. 

Elaphe vulpina. Short process, 1.5 mm, 5 mm before 1st ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 38.5 mm long, ends 11th ventral. Body length 
788 mim. 

Elapomorphus nuchalis. Two specimens examined with very short 
process; one set of measurements given. In CNHM 9028, process .1 
mm, 9 mm behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 14 mm long, ends 14th 
ventral. Body length 214 mm. 

Elapops modestus. Small, angular process, 1 mm, at 3rd ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 38 mm long, ends 24th ventral. Body length 337 mm. 



Enhydris enhydris. Very long process, 9 mm, at nine scales before 
1st ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 39.5 mm long, ends 13th ventral. Body 
length 475 mm. 

Enhydris plumbea. Three specimens examined have a long, thin 
process; two measurements given. In CNHM 6686, process 1.5 mm, 
12.5 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 21.5 mm long. Body 
length 342 mm. 

In CNHM 11552, process 5 mm, 8 mm behind glottis; hyoid 1 mm 
wide, 48 mm long. Body length 374 mm. 

Enulius wnicolor. Short, sturdy process, .6 mm, at 2nd ventral; 
hyoid 1 mm wide, 19.5 mm long, ends 24th ventral. Body length 
209 mm. 

Farancia a. abacura. Sturdy, long process, 4 mm, at 2.5 mm before 
Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 34 mm long, ends 10th ventral; cornua 
heavy. Body length 890 mm. 

Farancia a. reinwardtu (Fig. 4, E). Strong process, 4 mm, at Ist 
ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 41 mm long, ends 12th ventral. Body 
length 745 mm. 

Ficimia publia (UI 33650). Large process, 1 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 3 mm wide, 48 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body length 410 mm. 

Fimbrios klossi (CNHM 71701). Small process, .6 mm, at 6th 
ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 14.5 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body 
length 295 mm. 

Geophis semidoliatus (UI 25952). No process, arch rounded, at 3rd 
ventral; hyoid .6 mm wide, 27 mm long, ends 22nd ventral. No body 

Haldea striatula. No process, rounded arch, at 3rd ventral; hyoid 
1 mm wide, 15 mm long, ends 17th ventral. Body length 147 mm. 

Haldea valeriae elegans. No process, arch rounded, at 2nd ventral; 
hyoid 1 mm wide, 22.5 mm long, ends 19th ventral. Body length 
111 mm. 

Haplopeltura boa (CNHM 63605). Long, heavy process, 3 mm, 11 
mm behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 33 mm long. Body length 
460 mm. 

Heterodon n. nasicus. No process, arch rounded, at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 49.5 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 450 

Heterodon p. platyrhinos (Fig. 16, A). No process, but arch angular, 
lies 15 mm behind glottis at 1st ventral; hyoid 4 mm wide, 58 mm long, 
ends 15th ventral. Body length 596 mm. 


Homalopsis buccata (CNHM 11551). Long, slender process, 5.5 mm, 
at 2nd ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 54.5 mm long, ends 18th ventral. 
Body length 755 mm. 

Lampropeltis calligaster. Small process, 1.5 mm, at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 3 mm wide, 51.5 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body length 
979 mm. 

Lampropeltis d. doliata (Fig. 4, B). No actual process, arch angular, 
at Ist ventral; hyoid 4.6 mm wide, 49 mm long, ends 17th ventral. 
Body length 825 mm. 

Lampropeltis e. elapsoides. Small process, 1 mm, at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 38.5 mm long, ends 22nd ventral. Body length 
390 mm. 

Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki. No process, arch rounded, lies 2 mm 
before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 36 mm long, ends 17th ventral. 
Body length 409 mm. 

Lampropeltis getulus splendida. Two specimens examined. In one 
specimen, a small process, .6 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 
25.5 mm long, ends 19th ventral. Body length 310 mm. 

In other specimen, no process, arch rounded, at 2nd ventral; hyoid 
4.5 mm wide, 70.5 mm long, ends 21st ventral. Body length 957 mm. 

Lampropeltis knoblocht. Small triangular process, .6 mm, at two 
scales before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 39.5 mm long, ends 16th 
ventral. Body length 630 mm. 

Leptodeira maculata. Large, tapering process, 2 mm, at scale before 
Ist ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 53.5 mm long, ends 25th ventral. Body 
length 410 mm. 

Leptodeira septentrionalis polysticta. Short, tapering process, 1.5 
mm, at lst ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 53 mm long, ends 35th ventral. 
Body length 660 mm. 

Leptophis diplotropis. Large, sturdy process, 2 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 2.56 mm wide, 37 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body not measured. 

Leptophis m. mexicanus. Process 1 mm, at 2nd ventral; hyoid 1.5 
mm wide, 38 mm long. Body length 595 mm. 

Manolepis putnam. Long, tapering process, 1 mm, at two scales 
before Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 32 mm long, ends 13th ventral. 
Body not measured. 

Masticophis f. flagellum. No process, rounded arch at 3rd ventral; 
hyoid 8 mm wide, 52 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body length 1142 

Masticophis f. flavigularis. Small, pointed process, 2 mm, at 2nd 


ventral; hyoid 5 mm wide, 59 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body 
length 1246 mm. 

Mehelya nyassae (CNHM 77612). Long process, 2.6 mm, at Ist 
ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 55 mm long, ends 26th ventral. Body 
length 510 mm. 

Natrix cyclopion floridana. No process, rounded arch at 8.5 mm be- 
fore Ist ventral; hyoid 4 mm wide, 57.5 mm long, ends 11th ventral. 
Body length 768 mm. 

Natrix e. erythrogaster. No process, rounded arch at 2nd ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 58 mm long, ends 17th ventral. Body length 686 mm. 

Natrix grahami. Short, distinct process, 1 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 
1 mm wide, 42 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 422 mm. 

Natrix piscator. Short, pointed process, 1 mm, at 2nd ventral; hyoid 
3.5 mm wide, 56 mm long, ends 19th ventral. Body not measured. 

Natrix septemvittata (UI 16282). No process, rounded arch at 2nd 
ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 39 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body 
length 525 mm. 

Natrix sipedon confluens. No process, angular arch at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 35 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 443 mm. 

Ninia d. diademata. No process, rounded arch at 3rd ventral; hyoid 
1.5 mm wide, 25 mm long, ends 27th ventral. Body length 198 mm. 

Ninia sebae morleyt. No process, rounded arch at 3rd ventral; hyoid 
2 mm wide, 32 mm long, ends 24th ventral. Body not measured. 

Nothopsis rugosus (CNHM 77604). Small process, 1 mm, at 3rd 
scale before 1st ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 26 mm long, ends 19th 
ventral. Body length 295 mm. 

Opheodrys aestivus. No process, arch angular at 1st ventral; hyoid 
1 mm wide, 32 mm long, ends 16th ventral. Body length 421 mm. 

Opheodrys vernalis (Fig. 3, B). No process, angular arch at 2 mm 
before Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 35.5 mm long, ends 16th ventral. 
Body length 390 mm. 

Oxybelis acuminatus. In two specimens examined, process and arch 
triangular; one set of measurements given. Process .6 mm, at scale 
before 1st ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 18.5 mm long, ends 8th ventral. 
Body length 745 mm. 

Oxyrhabdinium leporinum. No process, rounded arch at 5th ventral; 
hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 27.5 mm long, ends 16th ventral. Body length 
472 mm. 

Pituophis catenifer sayi. No process in two specimens; one set of 


measurements given. In UI 39637, arch at Ist ventral; hyoid 4 mm 
wide, 37 mm long, ends 13th ventral. Body length 870 mm. 

Psammodynastes pulverulentus. No process, rounded arch at scale 
before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 24.5 mm long, ends 17th 
ventral. Body length 300 mm. 

Rhadinaea flavilata (Fig. 4, J). Tapering process, 1 mm, 1 mm be- 
fore Ist ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 32 mm long, ends 19th ventral. 
Body length 238 mm. 

Rhadinaea laureata. Process .6 mm, at scale before 1st ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 39.5 mm long, ends 24th ventral. Body length 
310 mm. 

Rhadinella schistosa. Small process, at 1st ventral; hyoid .6 mm 
wide, 15 mm long, ends 19th ventral. Body length 179 mm. 

Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus. Small process, teatlike, 15 mm, at 
two scales before 1st ventral; hyoid 2.6 mm wide, 50.5 mm long. Body 
length 637 mm. 

Salvadora grahamiae hexalepis (Fig. 3, H). Long, tapering process, 
5 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 38.5 mm long, ends 17th 
ventral. Body length 675 mm. 

Salvadora intermedia richardi. Long, tapering process, 2.6 mm, at 
scale before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 35 mm long, ends 17th 
ventral. Body length 553 mm. 

Salvadora mexicana. Long, sharply tapering process, 2 mm, at scale 
before Ist ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 43 mm long, ends 14th ventral. 
Body length 760 mm. 

Sibynomorphus catesbyi (CNHM 35711). (Fig. 3, D). No process, 
rounded arch 3 mm behind glottis; hyoid 1.6 mm wide, 49.5 mm long. 
Body length 422 mm. 

Sibynophis collaris (CNHM 71708). Sharply tapering process, 2 
mm, at 2nd ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 31.5 mm long, ends 23rd 
ventral. Body length 360 mm. 

Sonora o. occipitalis (see Fig. 3, G). Process 1 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 1 mm wide, 20 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 
230 mm. 

Sonora taylorz. Small process, .6 mm, at two scales before 1st ventral; 
hyoid .6 mm wide, 18 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 
194 mm. 

Stilosoma extenuatum. Large, sharp process, .6 mm, at 1st ventral; 

hyoid 1 mm wide, 15.5 mm long, ends 11th ventral. Body length 
410 mm. 


Storeria dekayi (Fig. 3, C). Two specimens examined, without 
process; one set of measurements given. Rounded arch at 2nd 
ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 21 mm long, ends 22nd ventral. Body length 
138 mm. 

Tantilla gracilis (Fig. 3, F). Tapering process, .6 mm, at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 1 mm wide, 15.5 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 
138 mm. 

Thamnophis eques. No process, rounded arch at scale before Ist 
ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 62 mm long, ends 20th ventral. Body 
length 582 mm. 

Thamnophis elegans vagrans (Fig. 16, C). No process, rounded 
arch at 1st ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 50 mm long, ends 18th ventral. 
Body length 600 mm. 

Thamnophis melanogaster canescens (UI 18875). Process bluntly 
triangular, 1 mm, at scale before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 30 
mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body length 395 mm. 

Thamnophis s. scalaris. Small, triangular process, .6 mm, at Ist 
ventral; hyoid 2.5 mm wide, 33 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body 
length 326 mm. 

Toluca l. lineata. No process, arch angular at 1st ventral; hyoid 
1.5 mm wide, 26 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 199 mm. 

Trimorphodon b. biscutatus. Long, tapering process, 2 mm, at two 
scales before Ist ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 36 mm long, ends 17th 
ventral. Body length 713 mm. 

Tropidoclonion lineatum. No process, arch angular, at 4th ventral; 
hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 21.5 mm long, ends 24th ventral. Body length 
159 mm. 

Tropidonotus natrix (Fig. 3, E). No process, rounded arch at Ist 
ventral; hyoid 2 mm wide, 46.5 mm long, ends 20th ventral. Body 
length 452 mm. 

Xenodermus javanicus (CNHM 67247). Short process, .6 mm, at 
11 mm behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 59 mm long; a relatively 
long hyoid. Body length 500 mm. 

ELAPIDAE (parallel type) 

Acanthophis antarctica (CNHM 13871). Process and arch triangu- 
lar, 14 mm behind mental; hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 31 mm long. Body 
length 328 mm. 

Aspidelaps scutatus. Small process, 11 mm behind mental; hyoid 
3.5 mm wide, 40 mm long. Body length 392 mm. 



Bungarus multicinctus (CNHM 25166). Process 2 mm, 10 mm be- 
hind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 33 mm long. Body length 642 mm. 

Calliophis macclellandii (CNHM 6659). Long process, 1 mm, 7 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 20 mm long. Body length 390 mm. 

Demansia nuchalis (CNHM 15884). No process, angular arch 15.5 
mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 47 mm long. Body length 
916 mm. 

Dendraspis viridis (CNHM 44885). Process 2 mm, 18 mm behind 
mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 85 mm long. Body length 1210 mm. 

Denisonia woodfordi (CNHM 138834). Long process, 2.6 mm, 17.5 
mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 33 mm long, ends 12 ventral. 
Body length 618 mm. 

Doliophis bilineatus (CNHM 53555). Angular process, 1 mm, 9 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 21 mm long. Body length 479 mm. 

Elaps lacteus (CNHM 17717). Process 1 mm, at 5th ventral; hyoid 
17 mm long, ends 21st ventral. Body length 229 mm. 

Elapsoidea sundervalli fitzsimonsi (CNHM 17667). Tapering pro- 
cess, 1 mm, 12.5 mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 54 mm long, 
ends 19th ventral. Body not measured. 

Furina annulata (CNHM 29114). Long, slender process, 2 mm, 
9 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, cornua 17 mm long but 
incomplete. Body length 549 mm. 

Hemachatus hemachates. No process, arch flat in two specimens; 
one set of measurements given. In CNHM 17668, arch 11.5 mm behind 
mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 30 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body length 
285 mm. 

Hemibungarus kelloggi (CNHM 24999). Long, slender process, 1.5 
mm, 9 mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 25.56 mm long, ends 
13th ventral. Body length 485 mm. 

Leptomicrurus narducci (CNHM 27081). Short process, .6 mm, 
8 mm behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 12 mm long, ends 11th ventral. 
Body length 422 mm. 

Maticora bivirgata (CNHM 30546). Short process, 1 mm, 14 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 51 mm long, ends 20th ventral. 
Body length 1030 mm. 

Micropechis ikaheka (CNHM 13937). Process 3 mm, at 1st ventral; 
hyoid 3 mm wide, 50 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body not measured. 

Micruroides euryxanthus (CNHM 48526). Short process, 1 mm, at 
4th ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm, 22 mm long, ends 21st ventral. Body 
length 349 mm. 



Micrurus a. affinis. Long, triangular process, 3 mm, at 2nd scale be- 
fore Ist ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 27 mm long, ends 16th ventral. Body 
length 430 mm. 

Micrurus fulvius (Fig. 3, H). Two specimens examined, with short 
process; one set of measurements given. Process 1 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 2.5 mm wide, 35.5 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 
560 mm. 

Naja naja samarensis (CNHM 53542). Process only indicated, 14 
mm behind mental; hyoid 5.6 mm wide, 39 mm long. Body length 
766 mm. 

Notechis scutatus (CNHM 15800). Triangular process, 3.5 mm, 
14.5 mm behind mental; hyoid 4 mm wide, 45 mm long. Body length 
788 mm. 

Ogmodon vitianus (CNHM 22999). Hyoid damaged anteriorly; 
hyoid ends 11th ventral. Body length 128 mm. 

Pseudelaps mulleri (CNHM 14200). Large process, 2.3 mm, 8 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 16 mm long. Body length 344 mm. 

Ultrocalamus prussi (CNHM 43030). Long process, 2 mm, 11 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 1 mm wide, 10 mm long, ends 5th ventral. Body 
length 630 mm. 

HYDROPHIDAE (parallel type) 

Aipysurus eydouxu. Two specimens examined, with long process; 
one set of measurements given. In CNHM 11572 (Fig. 17, B), process 
4 mm, at eight scales before 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 28 mm 
long, ends 7th ventral. Body length 460 mm. 

Hydrophis cyanocinctus (CNHM 28311). Long, sharply tapering 
process, 4.5 mm, 8 mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 17.5 mm 
long. Body length 522 mm. 

Kerilia jerdonii. Long, slender process, 5 mm, 10 mm behind mental; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 17 mm long. Body length 763 mm. 

Lapemis hardwicki (CNHM 11583). Long, slender process, 5 mm, 
11 mm behind glottis; hyoid 2.6 mm wide, 34 mm long. Body length 
650 mm. 

Laticauda colubrina (CNHM 4047). Long, slender process, 4.5 mm, 
3 mm behind glottis; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 27 mm long. Body length 
740 mm. 

Pelamis platurus. Two specimens examined, process long and slender. 
In CNHM 40468, process 2 mm plus (tip broken), about 18 mm behind 


mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 15 mm long, ends 6th ventral. Body 
length 415 mm. 

In CNHM 41591, process 3 mm, at scale before 1st ventral; hyoid 
2.5 mm wide, 18.5 mm long, ends 8rd ventral. Body length 542 mm. 
Cornua abnormal: do not attach to hyoglossal muscles, but bow out 
on either side to end independent of muscles. 

Thalassophina viperina (CNHM 11567). Process broken; hyoid 1 
mm wide, ends 7th ventral. Body length 325 mm. 

VIPERIDAE (parallel type) 

Aspis cerastes (CNHM 41596). Long process, 4 mm, 22 mm behind 
mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 29 mm long. Body length 539 mm. 

Atheris nitschei (CNHM 9901). No process, rounded arch at 19.5 
mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 25 mm long. Body length 535 

Atractaspis microlepidota (CNHM 375). Very long process, 4.5 mm, 
14 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.6 mm wide, 40 mm long, ends 21st 
ventral. Body length 225 mm. 

Bitis cornutus (CNHM 16039). Short process, .6 mm, 10 mm be- 
hind mental; hyoid 2.5 mm wide, 35 mm long. Body length 326 mm. 

Bitis nasicornis (CNHM 12820). No process, rounded arch 23 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 6 mm wide, 57 mm long. Body length 703 mm. 

Causus rhombeatus (CNHM 12969). No process, rounded arch 8.5 
mm behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 36 mm long. Body length 
457 mm. 

Cerastes vipera. Two specimens examined, with long process; one 
set of measurements given. In CNHM 63115 (Fig. 17, C), process 
3.5 mm, at two scales before Ist ventral; hyoid 1 mm wide, 28 mm 
long, ends 13th ventral. Body length 460 mm. 

Echis carinatus (CNHM 18215). Long process, 3.5 mm, 13.5 mm 
behind mental; hyoid 2 mm wide, 30 mm long. Body length 404 mm. 

Pseudocerastes fieldi (CNHM 11062). No process, rounded arch 
16 mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 33 mm long. Body length 
550 mm. 

Vipera berus. Long process, 2 mm, at 1st ventral; hyoid 1.5 mm 
wide, 22 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body length 271 mm. 

CROTALIDAE (parallel type) 

Agkistrodon contortriz. Very short process, 1 mm, at 2nd ventral; 
hyoid 3 mm wide, 48 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body length 592 mm. 


Agkistrodon p. piscivorus (UI 26861). Process 3 mm, at 4th ventral; 
hyoid 6 mm wide, 49 mm long, ends 14th ventral. Body length 895 mm. 

Bothrops atrox. Long process, 5 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 5 mm 
wide, 65.5 mm long, ends 12th ventral. Body length 1515 mm. 

Bothrops mexicanus (Fig. 1, M). Two specimens examined, with 
long processes; one set of measurements given. In USNM 123712, 
process 1.5 mm, at Ist ventral; hyoid 3 mm wide, 39 mm long, ends 
13th ventral. Body length 589 mm. 

Crotalus cerastes (UI 171). Long process, 3 mm, at scale before 1st 
ventral; hyoid 2.5 mm wide, 32 mm long, ends 13th ventral. Body 
length 495 mm. 

Crotalus pricei pricei (CNHM 1459A). Large, triangular process, 
2 mm, 16.5 mm behind mental; hyoid 3 mm wide, 34.5 mm long, 
ends 19th ventral, beyond termination of hyoglossi. Body length 
413 mm. 

Crotalus tigris. Long, triangular process, 4 mm, 4 mm before Ist 
ventral; hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 54.5 mm long, ends 18th ventral. Body 
length 646 mm. 

Lachesis muta (CNHM 22991). Process 4 mm, at 38rd ventral; 
hyoid 6 mm wide, 53 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body incomplete, 
but very large. 

Sistrurus miliarius. Long, tapering process, 3.5 mm, at Ist ventral; 
hyoid 2 mm wide, 37 mm long, ends 17th ventral. Body length 421 mm. 

Sistrurus ravus. Triangular process, 2 mm, at scale before Ist 
ventral; hyoid 3.5 mm wide, 46.5 mm long, ends 15th ventral. Body 
length 547 mm. 

Trimeresurus waglert (CNHM 53564). Long process, 2.6 mm, 34 

mm behind mental; hyoid 1.5 mm wide, 39 mm long. Body length 
562 mm. 

D. Discussion 

Variations. The variations discovered within any one morphological 
group were not remarkable, and in any case they merely represented 
some reduction or variant of the basic form. None of the variations are 
considered to have adaptive value. 

In the anomalepidids, no particular variations were noted in the 
few specimens examined. The median hyoid length/body length ratio 
is about 1 per cent. 

For the “Y” type hyoid in typhlopids a certain number of variations 


have been described, chiefly by List (1966). He has illustrated three 
forms of the hyoid: (1) a complete Y shape, (2) complete except that the 
cornua are disconnected from the basihyal, and (3) hyoid composed 
only of the two separated cornua. His preparations were stained speci- 
mens. The author has examined specimens with forms (1) and (3). In 
any case, the basic typhlopid type is one with a basihyal and attached 
Ist ceratobranchial cornua. The straight length of the hyoid is less 
than 1 per cent of the body length. The hyoid is all or partly bony in 
some species. 

No particular variations were found in the “Y” type hyoid of 
leptotyphlopids. The basihyal and attached 1st ceratobranchials are 
considered to be present, Just as in the basic typhlopid hyoid. The 
leptotyphlopid hyoid is longer relatively, being about 2 per cent of 
the body length. 

Uropeltids have the “V” type hyoid, modified by the 1st cerato- 
branchial cornua being separated at their anterior ends; no basihyal 
is considered present. The hyoid is relatively small; the length of 
the cornua tends to be about 2 per cent of the body length. The cornua 
usually begin opposite the Ist ventral and the end around the 5th. 
Among the examined species, Rhinophis planiceps has the most re- 
duced hyoid. 

Aniliids also have the “V” type hyoid. The new world genus 
Anilius has a complete type, with the 1st ceratobranchial cornua 
united anteriorly; no lingual process or other enlargement at the union 
is present. The hyoid has a straight length of about 2 per cent of the 
body length. In the old world genus Cylindrophis the cornua are 
reduced and separate, and are about 1.5 per cent of the body length. 
C. maculatus, in particular, his very slender and markedly reduced 
cornua, lying on the lateral aspect of the posterior part of the hyoglossi. 

The well-formed “V” type hyoid of Xenopeltis is about 3 per cent 
of the body length, and extends from about the 1st ventral to the 11th. 

In the Boidae (sensu stricto) the cornua are of the “V” type and may 
or may not be joined anteriorly, and there does not seem to be any cor- 
relation of this variation with the pythons and boas. In general the 
cornua are always well developed among boids, even if not joined; and 
in those cases where there is no union, the anterior separation is never 
great. The median hyoid length is up to 4 per cent of the body length. 

The parallel type hyoid is always well developed and always has the 
cornua joined anteriorly. The boidlike genera Tropidophis, Trachyboa, 
Casarea, and Bolyeria have a parallel type hyoid and always have a 
distinet lingual process as well. In fact, this hyoid resembles closely the 
hyoid of any number of colubrids and elapids, ete. In Tropidophis, 
where the hyoid has been investigated in several species — maculatus, 




melanurus, and pardalis — the hyoid is at least 4.5 per cent of the body 
length; the percentage is similar for Trachyboa. The significance of 
the parallel type hyoid in these four genera is puzzling. About the only 
point that can be made at this time is that these genera probably repre- 
sent a group that early diverged from the main body of boids with their 
hyoid form paralleling that of the rest of the snakes with the same kind 
of hyoid. 

For the families Colubridae, Elapidae, Hydrophidae, Viperidae, and 
Crotalidae, there is noticeable variation in the lingual process. Usually 
the process is tapered when long, and stubby when short, often with a 
rounded, expanded tip. The process may also be triangular in form; in 
this ease it is difficult to tell whether this really constitutes a true 
process of the basihyal, the basihyal itself, or merely the shape of the 
fusion of the cornua with the basihyal elements missing. The cornua 
form a smooth continuous arch in front in many species. All basihyal 
elements are probably missing in these cases. 

The length of the process, and indeed, the presence of the process, is 
lable to variation in some genera. Among the colubrids examined an 
arbitrary inspection shows that there are approximately equal numbers 
of genera without processes, with small ones (roughly 3-4 per cent of 
the hyoid total length), and with well-developed ones (more than 4 per 
cent). Genera in which two or more specimens of a species, or several 
species, were examined, and which show two or more conditions, are 
Coniophanes, Lampropeltis, and Elaphe (all small, large) ; and Masti- 
cophis, Natrix, and Thamnophis (all none, small). It would seem from 
this admittedly limited sample that if a genus has a species with a long 
process, the genus does not have species with none at all. The sample 
is not large enough to justify a flat statement, of course, but the trend 
at least suggested. 

The longest processes seen in the colubrids belong to Cerberus and 
Enhydris. The former has the process 20-30 per cent of the hyoid 
length, and the latter up to at least 22 per cent. In Salvadora gra- 
hamiae and Farancia the process is at least 12 per cent. In Cerberus 
the lingual process is the most ornate among snakes; it is long, heavy, 
and in two cases, with a prominent swelling (Fig. 4, D). A third speci- 
men lacks the swelling, although the process and the arch are heavy. 

It is possible that the basihyal may either be reduced or else absent 
in certain genera, e.g., Masticophis, Natriz, Thamnophis, as noted 
above. These examples, together with other colubrid genera having 
smooth, rounded arches, possibly show that there is a trend toward 
loss of the basihyal thereby reducing the hyoid to the pair of 2nd 



The elapids are much more consistent in the presence of a lingual 
process than the colubrids. Nearly every elapid genus has been ex- 
amined, and results show that the process is present in every genus 
examined save Hemachatus, an African cobra. In this species Pringle 
(1954) studied the embryonic development and noted that apparently 
no basihyal formed. The arch is rounded and smooth in the adult, 
which substantiates Pringle’s view. About one-half of the elapid 
genera have a process that can be considered long. In Ultrocalamus the 
process is about 19 per cent of the hyoid length; this seems to be the 
relatively longest process among elapids. 

In the six genera of hydrophids examined, there is a very long process 
in every case, ranging from 14 to 28 per cent of the hyoid length. A 
specimen of Kerilia jerdoni has the longest one, relatively speaking 
(28 per cent). It is hard to see a particular, functional advantage in a 
long process, since in snakes it provides no special support for the 
tongue, despite the name. 

Among the viperids there are four genera with species that have a 
very small lingual process (Atheris, Bitis, Causus, and Pseudocerastes) , 
and five genera with species that have a noticeably large one (Aspis, 
Atractaspis, Cerastes, Echis, and Vipera). The relatively longest pro- 
cess is found in Aspis—14 per cent. Bitis nasicornis has a small 
process, whereas B. cornutus has none. 

Among crotalids the lingual process is apparently always present; it 
is also generally well developed. Perhaps the longest one — 10 per cent 
of the hyoid length — is found in the genus Sistrurus. In Agkistrodon 
contortrix the process is small and triangular; in A. piscivorus the 
process is long and prominent. 

It might be concluded that, in general, the poisonous snake species 
tend to have a prominent lingual process, whereas the colubrid species 
show much more variation in size and presence of the process. 

The cornua in the parallel type are generally longer relatively than 
in the ‘“V” type. Whereas the hyoid is usually a little less than 4 per 
cent of the body length in the Boidae, the hyoid is usually at least 8 per 
cent of the body length, and often about 10 per cent in those families 
with a parallel type hyoid. There are, of course, exceptions, such as 
Boiga and Chersydrus, two colubrid genera which have a percentage of 
about 4 per cent. The longest hyoids relative to body length were 
found in: Drymobius, 16 per cent, Chersodromus, 17 per cent, Atracta- 
spis, 18 per cent, Natrix sipedon (a juvenile), 19 per cent, and Haldea 
valeriae, 20 per cent. These are all colubrids except Atractaspis, a 

Functions. The primary function of the hyoid is to provide a support 


for the tongue muscles, the hyoglosst, which attach posteriorly to the 
cornua. Muscles from the mandibles also attach to the cornua in all 
snakes; also, there are muscles, of a variable number and identity in 
different species, which run from the skin, nape region, and the anterior 
ribs to the cornua. When these muscles act they tend to act in opposing 
sets and thereby hold the hyoid firm so that the hyoglossi may operate 

Gnanamuthu (1937) claimed that the cornua flex in the boa con- 
strictor upon tongue protraction, and upon retraction elasticity returns 
the cartilage to normalcy and thus aids in withdrawing the tongue. 
In view of muscle relationships this does not seem likely. Moreover, in 
the parallel type it is difficult to believe that the cornual cartilages, 
lying along the longitudinally placed hyoglosst, are flexed upon protrac- 
tion of the tongue. The only directions available for flexing would be 
dorsal or ventral, and this simply does not happen, as inspection and 
experimentation have shown. Surely the hyoid is fixed in position when 
the tongue is protracted and vibrated. 

Phylogenetic Significance. It is not especially reasonable to derive a 
phylogenetic pattern from the morphological types of one structure. 
The hyoid in snakes is no exception. However, the hyoid types do have 
a certain value, and they certainly seem to indicate some sort of 
natural groupings. 

The following discussion is based on the assumption that all modern 
snakes are monophyletic. 

The basic, complete lizard hyoid is a good place to start: three pairs 
of cornua with a basihyal and its lingual process. It is altogether 
reasonable that the early snakes also had such a complete hyoid, and 
this idea is reinforced by the evidence already given — that all three 
pairs of cornua are present in modern snakes, but only one pair is 
present in any one family. 

In looking over the modern lizards in hopes of finding traces of 
ancestry for the snakes, it is easy to fall prey to a fallacious line of 
reasoning: that modern lizards are necessarily lke those ancestors 
which gave rise to snakes. After all, it is surely true that modern 
snakes have changed from their earlier relatives; so it might be as 
reasonably true that modern lizards have changed from theirs. Indeed, 
there is no living lizard, or even group of them, that can unquestionably 
be called related to the ancestors of snakes. Rather than select some 
group of lizards and positively work with it as a source for the snakes, 
the author prefers at this point merely to establish a likely basic 
pattern for the hyoid. Such a pattern might well be called primitive, 
and probably consisted of three pairs of cornua and the basihyal. 


From early snakes with this pattern one event probably occurred 
quite early in the evolutionary scale — one group lost both the 1st and 
2nd ceratobranchials, leaving a hyoid composed solely of 2nd arch 
components, the ceratohyals and hypohyals. This line of evolution has 
given us the Anomalepididae, which lack also a lingual process and 
perhaps any trace of the basihyal altogether. 

The indication is that the remainder of the stock gave rise to forms 
that sooner or later lost the 2nd arch cornua, although retaining the 
basihyal and its lingual process. This hyoid would then be composed of 
a basihyal and process plus the 1st and 2nd ceratobranchials. Probably a 
fairly early diversion from this stock gave rise to a line which showed 
a loss of the 2nd ceratobranchials. From this line came the present-day 
Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae. Their hyoids are very similar in 
basic form and are considered, of course, to be composed of the basihyal 
and process plus the Ist ceratobranchials. 

The next event can well be considered to have been a loss of the 2nd 
ceratobranchials, and eventually also a loss of the basihyal elements. 
This group is represented by the present-day uropeltids, aniliids, xeno- 
peltids, and boids (sensu stricto). 

The remaining group of snakes eventually lost the 1st ceratobran- 
chials entirely, and then had a hyoid composed of the 2nd cerato- 
branchials plus basihyal elements. From this group of snakes, the 
remaining modern families have descended — all of which have this 
parallel type of hyoid composed of a basihyal, which is secondarily 
lost in some species, plus what are considered to be 2nd ceratobran- 
chials. Note that the boidlike genera Bolyeria, Casarea, Trachyboa, 
and Tropidophis also seem to fit into this line of evolution. 

This phylogenetic pattern is no doubt artificial in many respects. 
However, in the overall sense, the four groups of the hyoid form in 
modern snakes do outline such a pattern. Later, in the second part of 
this work, the evidence of the musculature will modify this pattern, 
and the end result can be seen in Figure 19. 

There have been several obvious trends in the evolution of the snake 
hyoid. (1) There has been a reduction in the number of cornua and a 
resultant simplification of the hyoid form. The four main groups, all 
with only one pair of coruna, which varies as to identity according to 
the group, are evidences of this. (2) The hyoids within the respective 
groups have also had a tendency to undergo further reduction or 
simplification. This is illustrated in many cases by the absence of the 
lingual process and by the apparent absence of the entire basihyal. In 
some typhlopids there may also have been a loss of cornua, as sug- 
vested by List (1966). (3) Ossification as a process has largely been 


lost for the hyoids in snakes. Only in the Typhlopidae does ossification 
ever take place in the hyoid, and here apparently this occurs only in 
some species, and perhaps only in older specimens of these species. 

It should be noted explicitly that none of the hyoids of modern 
snakes are at all primitive, but rather the opposite, being very much 
modified and altered by reduction into simple forms. 

E. Summary 

1. The basic complete lizard hyoid type is taken to be one composed 
of the basihyal plus lingual process, hypohyals and ceratohyals, 1st 
ceratobranchials, and 2nd ceratobranchials; these parts are derived 
from branchial arches 2, 3, 4. The 1st ceratobranchials are character- 
istically bony to some degree. 

2. The hyoid in snakes is located on the ventral surface of the head 
and neck, generally just deep to the cutaneous layer of muscles. In the 
Typhlopidae, Leptotyphlopidae, and Anomalepididae the hyoid lies 
completely posterior to the head. 

3. The hyoid of snakes is cartilaginous in all cases except in some 
examined species of typhlopids, where the hyoid may be partly or 
totally bony. 

4. According to the shape of the hyoid, there are four seemingly 
natural major types definable: (1) “M” type; (2) “Y” type, or reduc- 
tion thereof; (3) a “V” type, or reduction thereof; (4) parallel type. 

5. The “M” type is found in the Anomalepididae only; it is pre- 
sumed to consist of components derived solely from the 2nd branchial 
arches — hypohyals, ceratohyals, and recurrent cornua. Presence of a 
basihyal element is uncertain. 

6. The “Y” type is found in the Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae; 
it les in an inverted position, with the median process forward; it is 
presumed to consist of the basihyal with its lingual process (from 2nd 
arch), and the Ist ceratobranchials (from the 3rd arch). Either of the 
parts may be lacking in some species of Typhlops. 

7. The “V” type is found in the Uropeltidae, Aniliidae, Xenopeltidae, 
and Boidae (sensu stricto) ; it lies in an inverted position with the apex 
of the “V” forward; it is considered to consist solely of the 1st cerato- 
branchials, derived from the 3rd branchial arches. Union of the cornua 
is absent in uropeltids, most aniliids, and in some boids; in this reduced 
condition the cornua are separate, subparallel rods. 

8. The parallel type is found in the Colubridae, Elapidae, Hydro- 
phidae, Viperidae, Crotalidae, and in four puzzling boidlike genera 


which are, for convenience, grouped into the Boidae (sensu lato) ; these 
genera are: Bolyeria, Casarea, Trachyboa, and Tropidophis. The 
hyoid is considered to consist of a basihyal and 2nd ceratobranchials; 
the basihyal may perhaps be absent in some cases. A lingual process 
is often present. 

9. Identification of the parts of each hyoid type is essentially based 
upon comparison with the basic lizard type. This is not absolutely 
satisfactory, but at present the embryological evidence is very spotty 
and inconclusive, and forces the reliance on simple comparison. 

10. The hyoid form is quite constant within any given group. Vari- 
ations are minor and usually represent reduction from the hyoid type. 
Reduction or even loss of the lingual process and the rest of the 
basihyal is not uncommon. These variations within any one group are 
probably not phylogentically important. 

11. The function of the hyoid is, when fixed, to provide a stable 
attachment for the hyoglossal muscles of the tongue. In many cases it 
also provides the origin for the retractor of the larynx. 

12. Based on the concept of monophyly for the snakes, the earliest 
stock is conceived of having the basic lizard type of hyoid — basihyal 
with three pairs of cornua. This is the primitive snake hyoid. At least 
four lines of evolution can be recognized. 

13. One line of evolution produced snakes which lost the 1st and 2nd 
ceratobranchials. This line produced the modern-day Anomalepididae, 
with the “M” type hyoid. 

14. The remaining stock lost the hypohyals and ceratohyals. Out 
of this stock came a line which lost the 2nd ceratobranchials but main- 
tained a prominent basihyal and its lingual process. This line produced 
the modern families Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae, with the “Y” 
type of hyoid. 

15. Another line, or perhaps several lines, diverged from the stock 
which kept the 1st and 2nd ceratobranchials; these lines produced 
snakes that lost the 2nd pair of ceratobranchials plus the basihyal — 
the “V” type hyoid. These snakes are the Uropeltidae, Aniliidae, Xeno- 
peltidae, and Boidae (sensu stricto). 

16. The final line of evolution involved those snakes which came of 
the stock that had the 1st and 2nd ceratobranchials plus basihyal, but 
kept only the 2nd pair plus basihyal —the parallel type hyoid. This 
line produced the Colubridae, Elapidae, Hydrophidae, Viperidae, Cro- 
talidae, and the four genera Bolyeria, Casarea, Trachyboa, and 

17. There have been several obvious trends in the overall evolution 
of the hyoid in snakes. One has been a loss of two of the three pairs 


of cornua found in the basic hyoid form. Another has been a further 
simplification of the hyoid by loss of the basihyal elements, or the 
cornua, as apparently happened in some typhlopids. Another trend has 
been the almost total loss of ossification in any part of the hyoid skele- 
ton; only the typhlopids retain ossification to any degree. 


A. Preliminary Remarks 

The muscles studied closely are those that, with a few exceptions, 
generally have attachment to the hyoid — in at least some genera if not 
in all. The exceptions are the genioglossus, which does not actually 
attach to the hyoid but lies very close to the hyoid, and a few others. 

Hiibner in 1815 published his thesis on the muscular system (“De 
organis motoris .. .”) of a boa. The author has not seen his work, 
and apparently the only muscles therein that are of concern to this 
paper are (a) the latissimus ingluvier s. platysma myoides, which, fide 
Edgeworth (1935), must be equivalent, at least in part, to the cerato- 
mandibularis (as named herein); and (b) the retrahens laryngis, or 

In 1827 Anton Dugés gave what seems to be the first fairly complete 
account of the ventral muscles of the snake head. His plates are quite 
accurate in what they show, although not complete. Duges was in error 
as to the function of certain muscles, believing, for example, that the 
laryngeal protractor and retractor worked together as a chain to assist 
in protracting the tongue. 

The year 1832 saw the publication of two works of great importance 
to snake anatomy. Both were by Duvernoy, a careful observer with a 
clear idea of most of the muscle relationships of the snake head. His 



plates are good, and Owen (1866) used them in the first volume of his 
“On the Anatomy of Vertebrates.” 

However, probably a more important work than any of the preceding 
is the 1834 classic by Ernst d’Alton on the python musculature. His 
plates are excellent and his depiction of the costocutaneus superior 
muscles well done. He used descriptive, generally functional, names 
for the muscles, but was not always consistent in using the same for 
text and illustration. Hoffmann (1890), in Bronn’s Thierreich, em- 
ployed d’Alton’s work almost en toto, although using many new names. 

Other important papers have been by Walter (1887), McKay (1889), 
Phisalix (1914), Adams (1925), and Lubosch (1933). Lubosch ex- 
amined a great many species of snakes of various families, unlike most 
previous investigators who generally studied one, or at most several, 

The confusing 1937 paper of Gnanamuthu is a lesson in how to com- 
plicate the obvious. The papers of Anthony and Serra (1950 and 1955) 
are incomplete in coverage of the head musculature, although they ap- 
parently did not intend to be thorough. Cowan and Hick did a care- 
ful piece of work for their 1951 paper, using an unusual approach by 
comparing cranial musculature in many specimens of the same species, 
and finding points of constant variation. 

Dullemeijer (1956 and 1958) did careful work on vipers in his 
studies on functional anatomy of the head. Also, Albright and Nelson 
(1959) presented a clear picture of head muscles in the colubrid Elaphe. 
Sondhi (1958) did a straight anatomical study of Natrix piscator, but 
his paper is confusing and not wholly accurate. 

Following a brief, generalized discussion of the associated hyoid 
muscles in lizards, the snake muscles are treated in groups according 
to derivation: hypobranchial-spinal muscles and branchial arch 


This group embraces most muscles of this study. They are derived 
from myotomic parts of occipital somites and of the anteriormost post- 
cranial somites. Those from the occipital somites are innervated by the 
hypoglossal nerve, and those from the postcranial somites by spinal 
nerves. However, there is a very close, natural association between 
these several somatic masses, and some of the resultant muscles may 
perhaps be innervated by both the hypoglossal and spinal nerves. The 
distinction is often not clear. 

The tongue is principally a muscular organ and is derived from the 
occipital somites. Reese (1932) and Sewertzoff (1929) have studied 


the tongue development in snakes, the latter in considerable detail. 
Intrinsic tongue muscles, which will not be considered in this work, are 
apparently derived from the same mass as the genioglossi. The pre- 
sumptive intrinsic muscles surround the embryonic hyoglossi, which 
will form the bulk of the tongue. The genioglossi and hyoglossi are 
both included in this study. 

Other hypobranchial-spinal muscles studied are the geniohyoideus, 
ceratomandibularis, neuromandibularis, costomandibularis, costocutan- 
eus superior, sternohyoideus, omohyoideus, and transversus branchialis. 


The 1st branchial arches give rise to the Jaw muscles, including the 
intermandibular series of muscles which lie on the ventral surface of 
the head and interconnect the lower jaws. In many species these are 
close to the hyoid, and for this reason they are included here. 

The 2nd branchial arches give rise to the constrictor colli muscles, 
which are found erratically among snakes, but where present, in most 
species have some sort of attachment to the hyoid. 

The 4th branchial arches give rise to the hyotrachealis muscles, the 
retractors of the larynx. This muscle originates on the hyoid in most 

The synonymy of many of the muscles is extensive and rather varied. 
The author has tried to select those names which most aptly fit the 
muscle’s origin and insertion; the majority of those selected usually 
have been traditional. Where a new name was deemed necessary, the 
same qualifications were used —muscle attachments. It should be 
noted that the synonymy is not straightforward in many cases, for some 
muscles described in the literature have been incorrectly illustrated and 
described. Some have even been divided in such a way that exact cor- 
relation of the name in the literature with the one used in this study 
is not possible. 

Examination of specimens has been by gross dissection, usually with 
the aid of a binocular microscope. The following list of snakes has 
been examined. A number of other colubrid species were also examined 
but were not recorded because their musculature showed no particular 
variations from what was expected. 

Anomalepididae: Helminthophis flavoterminatus, Liotyphlops albi- 

Typhlopidae: JT. bibroni, T. intermedius, T. punctatus, T. schlegeli 
brevis, T. schlegeli mucruso. 

Leptotyphlopidae: L. maximus, L. septemstriatus. 


Uropeltidae: Platyplectrurus madurensis, Rhinophis blythi, Uropeltis 

Aniliidae: Anilius scytale, Cylindrophis maculatus, C. rufus. 

Xenopeltidae: NXenopeltis unicolor. 

Boidae (sensu lato): Calabaria reinhardti, Charina bottae, Constrictor 
constrictor, Eunectes sp., Epicrates cenchris, Eryx c. colubrinus, 
Tiasis childreni, Python sebae, Sanzinia madagascariensis, Trachy- 
boa boulengert, Tropidophis maculatus, T. melanurus. 

Colubridae: Achalinus spinalis, Achrochordus javanicus, Amblycepha- 
lus kwangtunensis, Aparallactus lineatum, Atretium schistosum, Cer- 
berus rhynchops, Chersydrus granulatus, Dasypeltis scaber, Elaphe 
0. obsoleta, Enhydris enhydris, Fimbrios klossi, Haplopeltura boa, 
Heterodon p. platyrhinos, Mehelya nyassae, Nothopsis rugosus, 
Natrix piscator, Sibynomorphus catesbyii, Sibynophis collaris, 
Thamnophis elegans vagrans, Xenodermus javanicus, Xenodon 

Elapidae: Denisonia par, Doliophis bilineatus, Naja melanoleuca, 
Notechis scutatus. 

Hydrophidae: Aipysurus eydouai, Hydrophis cyanocinctus, Laticauda 
laticauda, Pelamis platurus. 

Viperidae: Aspis vipera, Atractaspis microlepidota, Causus resimus, 
Cerastes vipera, Echis carinatus, Vipera russelli. 

Crotalidae: Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostomus, Bothrops mexicanus, 
Crotalus horridus. 

B. In Lizards 

This is merely a brief resume of the associated hyoid muscles found 
in Varanus (Fig. 6), with a comparison of those found in Anniella 
(Fig. 5). For a more complete survey of these muscles in lizards, 
Richter (1933), Camp (1923), and Oelrich (1956) should be consulted. 

Generally speaking, the associated hyoid muscles of lizards are more 
numerous than in snakes because nearly all lizards have a hyoid with 
at least two pairs of cornua and some sort of pectoral girdle; these ele- 
ments provide for more muscles than in snakes where only one pair of 
cornua and no pectoral girdle are the absolute rules. 

In Figure 6 of Varanus, the drawings are incomplete: the costocu- 
taneus superior and intermandibular muscles are omitted. 


All the muscles in this group are innervated by the XIIth cranial 
nerve and/or spinal nerves. 


Costocutaneus superior. This muscle lies over the hyoid completely 
and therefore none of its fibers attaches to the structure. 

Ceratomandibularis. This muscle is in two slips. The broad, main 
slip runs from the middle third of the mandible posteriorly to the an- 
terior edge of the 1st ceratobranchial and also onto the basihyal and 
its lingual process. A narrow, separate slip hes medial to the main 
muscle and attaches anteriorly to the dentary a short distance posterior 
to the tip; it attaches posteriorly to the lingual process. Both slips of 
the ceratomandibularis lie superficial to the hypohyal and ceratohyal. 

Neuromandibularis. It arises as a broad aponeurosis over the dorsum 
of the neck, directly behind the attachment of the cervicomandibularis. 
The neuromandibularis then runs anteriorly and ventrally to insert into 
the mandible on a line with and directly behind the ceratomandibular 

Geniohyoideus. This muscle is in two slips. The larger one arises 
from the posterior third of the mandible and inserts onto the middle 
third of the ceratohyal. The smaller slip is slender and arises from the 
mandible under the anterior portion of the larger slip of the cerato- 
mandibularis; it inserts into the free, expanded terminus of the 

Ceratohyoideus. This muscle runs between the posterior border of 
the medial two-thirds of the ceratohyal posteriorly to the anterior 
border of the Ist ceratobranchial. 

Sternohyoideus superficialis. This muscle runs from the sternum an- 
teriorly to a midventral raphe which is continuous onto the basihyal. 
The muscle overlaps a rear fraction of the ceratomandibularis, and has 
a tendinous intersection. 

Sternohyoideus profundus. This muscle runs from the sternum an- 
teriorly to the posterior border of the middle third of the 1st cerato- 
branchial. This muscle also has a tendinous intersection. The muscle, 
of course, lies deep to the sternohyoideus superficralis. 

Omohyoideus. This muscle attaches to the girdle and runs anteriorly 
and medially to insert upon the rear border of the anterior third of the 
1st ceratobranchial. The muscle runs between the two sternohyoiden. 

Hyoglossus. This is the principal tongue muscle and arises as an en- 
capsulated muscle from the rear half of the 1st ceratobranchial. The 
two muscles, one on each side, unite at the level of the lingual process 
to form the bulk of the tongue. 

Genioglossus. The gentoglossus arises from the medial edge of the 
dentary directly posterior to the tip, and runs as a slender muscle 


posteriorly to be attached to the lateral surface of the respective 

Gemotrachealis. This muscle arises from the dentary directly behind 
and partly under the attachment for the genioglossus. The geniotra- 
chealis then runs posteriorly and medially to insert into the larynx. 
From this attachment a better name for it might be geniolaryngeus, 
but to be consistent with the name chosen for the homologous muscle in 
snakes, geniotrachealis is the choice. 


Intermandibulars. These do not attach to the hyoid in lizards, but 
they are always in the vicinity, and should be mentioned for that 
reason. The intermandibulars, which are not shown in Figure 6, are 
wide and their fibers are practically transverse. They are in two sets 
—an anterior and a posterior. Both arise from the medioventral border 
of the mandible and attach to the midventral raphe with their mates. 
The posterior lies between the two slips of the ceratomandibularis. 
These muscles are innervated by branches of the mandibular division of 
nerve V. 

Constrictor colli. This muscle does not attach to the hyoid in lizards; 
it is always superficial to the rest of the muscles. It forms a broad, 
aponeurotic band on the ventrum of the throat and is innervated by a 
branch of nerve VII. 

In Anniella there are some differences in the musculature from 
Varanus, and these differences are correlated with the reduction in the 
hyoid skeleton. There is only one pair of cornua—the Ist cerato- 
branchials. The musculature consists of a costocutaneus superior, 
ceratomandibularis, neuromandibularis, sternohyoideus (a_ single 
layer), hyoglossus, genioglossus, intermandibularis anterior and pos- 
terior, and a constrictor colli. Muscles associated in Varanus with the 
hypohyal and ceratohyal—the geniohyoideus and ceratohyoideus — 
are missing in Anniella. 

C. Accounts of Muscles in Snakes 

Synonymy. 1827, Genio-glosse, Dugés. (Genio-vaginien, Duges. 
Slip to lingual sheath.) 1832, Genio-vaginien, Duvernoy. 1834, Vor- 


wartszieher des Zungenbeins, d’Alton. 1838, Genio-glosse, Meckel. 
1839, Vortszieher des Zungenbeins, Vogt. 1848, Genioglossus, Bendz. 
1866, Genioglossus, Owen. 1880, Genio-vaginiens, Minot. 1887, Genio- 
glossus, Walter. 1889, Genioglossus, Ludwig Ferdinand v. Bayern. 
1889, Genio-hyo-glossus, McKay. 1924, Genio-hyoideus, DeJong. 1925, 
Genioglossus, Adams. 1929, Genioglossus profundus (or geniovagina- 
lis), Sewertzoff. 1933, Geniovaginalis and geniohyoideus (in error?), 
Lubosch. 1935, Genioglossus, Edgeworth. 1937, Genioglossus (ventral 
division, bundle “‘a’”’— one slip; dorsal division), Gnanamuthu. 1938, 
Genioglossus, Nishi. 1944, Genioglossus, Kesteven. 1951, Genioglossus, 
Cowan and Hick. 1956, Genio-hyoideus, Dullemeijer. 1958, Genio- 
hyoideus, Dullemeijer. 1958, Genioglossus, Sondhi. 1959, Genioglossus, 
Albright and Nelson. 

The pair of genioglossi act as protractors of the tongue and are con- 
stant in snakes. They are also present in lizards, and the homology is 
obvious. Each genioglossus is a long, slender muscle which may have 
one or two heads at the origin depending on the species. It is closely 
applied to the tongue for most of its length. 

Origin. For a single head it is usually on the inter-ramal fibrous pad 
immediately medial to the tip of the dentary bone. If two heads are 
present the common origin site for the lateral (larger) head is the 
ventral medial angle of the tip of the dentary. Arising directly lateral 
to it and closely applied to the external head for part of its length is the 
geniotrachealis. Only in one family, the Typhlopidae (and possibly 
the Uropeltidae), did the author detect that the lateral head arose 
from the inter-ramal pad rather than the bone itself, although the con- 
nection was close. The medial head, where present, constantly originates 
on the inter-ramal pad, directly dorsal to the first part of the inter- 
mandibularis anterior (if it is present). 

Course. From the origin the fibers proceed medially and posteriorly, 
soon entering the lingual sheath which invests the intrinsic muscles of 
the tongue. The medial head, where present, runs almost its complete 
way along the tongue before uniting with the lateral head. 

Insertion. The muscles are bound to the tongue by the sheath, and 
the fibers do not mingle with the other tongue muscles. The genioglossi 
are now rather lunate or crescentic in transverse section, fitting exactly 
over the curved lateral faces of the tongue. They extend with the 
sheath at least as far as the hyoglossal split, but in a few cases they 
continue past this point, each one, however, still bound to its respec- 
tive hyoglossus; examples of this are found in Liasis, Eryx, and Xeno- 


Innervation. The gentoglossus is served by an anterior branch of the 
XIIth, or hypoglossal, cranial nerve. The cranial nerves vary in their 
patterns in snakes; a frequent pattern consists of the IXth plus Xth 
bound with the XIIth. After IX plus X is given off to the larynx and 
vicinity, an anterior branch of XII goes on, soon uniting with sensory 
fibers from V; fibers of XII continue past this point to innervate the 
genioglossus and the geniotrachealis. 

Action. Simply to protract the tongue. Note that protraction is con- 
fined to the part of the tongue anterior to the hyoglossal split — pos- 
terior to which the hyoglossi usually affix to the hyoid. 

Variation. This is slight. Outside of the variation in the number of 
heads, few differences exist in snakes. In the anomalepidid Liotyph- 
lops, the genioglossus has two heads and ends at the level of the divi- 
sion of the hyogloss: (Fig. 7). In the Typhlopidae the genioglossi 
originate completely from the inter-ramal connective tissue, arising 
from approximately the same point on the midline just posterior to the 
tips of the dentary bones. It is probable that these slips represent the 
medial ones, with the lateral heads not present. The genioglossi are 
fairly wide, each being about one-fifth the width of the tongue, and 
they end at the level of the hyoglossal division, this being well anterior 
to the hyoid (Figs. 8 and 9). 

In the Leptotyphlopidae each genioglossus has a single head, which 
originates by way of a tendon on the genial surface of the dentary. 
Muscle fibers arise from this tendon to make up an especially wide and 
semi-circumferential genioglossus (Fig. 10). Together the genioglossi 
completely ensheathe the tongue for part of its length. The genroglossi, 
which taper posteriorly, extend to the posterior end of the hyoglossi 
(which attach to the cornua of the hyoid) ; this condition is found in no 
other snake. 

Rhinophis, a uropeltid, has only the medial head, originating on the 
inter-ramal pad (Fig. 11). The genioglossus ends with the sheath at 
the hyglossal split. Another uropeltid, Platyplectrurus, on the other 
hand, lacks the medial head, having only the lateral head. 

Other snakes with only a single (lateral) head are the aniliid Cylin- 
drophis rufus (Fig. 12, B), the boid Sanzinia, the colubrid Enhydris, 
the hydrophid Aipysurus (Fig. 17, B), and the crotalid Bothrops (Fig. 
18, A). 

Outside of the Leptotyphlopidae, the presence of the lateral heads 
alone seems to be of erratic appearance in snakes. That the genioglossi 
have two heads is definitely more common in snakes, and where two 
heads are present, the medial is always the thinner. 



Synonymy. 1827, Hyoglosse, Dugés. 1832, Hyo-vaginien, Duvernoy. 
1832, Cerato-vaginiens, Duvernoy. 1834, Zungenbeinzungenmuskel, 
d’Alton. 1848, Ceratoglossus, Bendz. 1866, Hyoglossus, Owen. 1880, 
Ceratoglossus, Minot. 1884, Hyoglossus, Ludwig Ferdinand v. Bayern. 
1887, Hyoglossus, Walter. 1889, Hyo-glossus, McKay. 1890, Hyoglos- 
sus, Hoffmann. 1924, Hyoglossus, DeJong. 1925, Hyoglossus, Adams. 
1929, Hyoglossus, Sewertzoff. 1932, Ceratoglossus, Reese. 1933, Hyo- 
trachealis (probably in error), Lubosch. 1935, Hyo-glossus, Edgeworth. 
1937, Hyoglossus, Gnanamuthu. 1938, Hyoglossus, Nishi. 1941, Cerato- 
glossus, Hershkowitz. 1944, Thyro-hyoideus of lacertilians, Kesteven. 
1951, Hyoglossus, Cowan and Hick. 1956, Hyoglossus, Dullemeijer. 
1958, Hyoglossus, Dullemeijer. 1958, Hyoglossus, Sondhi. 1959, Hyo- 
glossus, Albright and Nelson. 

This muscle is the retractor of the tongue; it also makes up the bulk 
of this organ. All snakes and lizards have the hyoglossus. 

Each hyoglossus is long, in fact extending the length of what is 
considered the tongue, and projecting posteriorly from the tongue for 
a considerable distance as well. Within the tongue itself, the hyo- 
glossal fibers combine with intrinsic muscles; however, the hyoglossi 
tend to keep their identity throughout the actual tongue. The intrinsic 
muscles, not discussed in this paper, are usually in four sets. They 
have been described by Minot (1880), Ludwig Ferdinand (1884), 
and in greater detail by Sewertzoff (1929). 

Origin. Without exception the hyoglossus originates on some part 
of the cornu. In the Anomalepididae the muscle originates on the 
ceratohyal — the exact point of origin being at the ceratohyal-recurrent 
cartilage junction. Each hyoglossus is bound to the cartilage as a unit, 
and not by individual fibers (Fig. 7). 

In the Typhlopidae the fibers attach by small tendons directly to 
the cornua. This is unique in snakes. The hyoglossi utilize the entire 
anterior surface of the cornua, and there may even be slight encroach- 
ment upon the lingual process (Figs. 8 and 9). 

In leptotyphlopids, the hyoglossal origin is similar to that found 
in the remainder of snakes. That is, the posterior end of the muscle 
is smooth and contained within a connective tissue capsule; no fibers 
actually attach to the cartilage — instead the encapsulated muscle is 
bound to it. As a point of difference, however, in leptotyphlopids each 
hyoglossus is bound in its capsule to the entire length of the cornu, 
the muscle fibers being grossly parallel to the direction of the respec- 
tive cornu (Fig. 10). In most other snakes the hyoglossi are bound to 
a mere fraction of the cornua. 



In these other snakes, where the hyoglossi are attached only to a 
rear fraction of the cornua, the cartilage has a tendency to be some- 
what buried in the muscle throughout its length of strong attachment 
— which is frequently little more than about one-tenth or one-twelfth 
of the cornual length. Actually, each hyoglossus is usually also bound 
to its cornu for perhaps half the cartilage’s length, but this attachment 
is not strong. 

Course. The hyoglossi are found in more or less three forms: (1) 
separate, parallel fibers directly attaching to divergent cornua — 
Typhlopidae; (2) encapsulated parallel fibers attaching to parallel 
cornua — families with parallel hyoid type; (3) encapsulated divergent 
fibers attaching to divergent cornua— “V” hyoid type families and 
Leptotyphlopidae — and to the ceratohyals in the Anomalepididae. 

The hyoglossi of group (3) converge anteriorly; this point ordinarily 
corresponds to the posterior end of the tongue’s heavy encapsulating 
sheath, and therefore to the beginning of the actual tongue itself. In 
groups (1) and (2), with parallel fibers, the hyoglossal muscles also 
seem to end at the sheath. In reality the hyoglossi in all snakes enter 
the tongue to make up a considerable part of its musculature, and in 
all cases the line between the independent part of the hyoglossi and the 
tongue is well demarcated. 

Also, in all cases the hyoglossi proceed straight anteriorly, keeping 
their separate identity rather well throughout the tongue. In general 
the muscles reach the tips. 

Insertion. There is no firm insertion, of course. The intrinsic 
tongue musculature and the surrounding sheath provide a certain 
amount of attachment. 

Innervation. Motor nerves to the hyoglossi are from the hypoglossal. 
At least two branches usually serve each muscle, and occasionally 
three. The principal branch generally comes off the commonly joined 
IX + X + XII trunk a short distance anterior to the angle of the 
jaw, and after several convolutions it penetrates both the sheath and 
the genioglossus immediately anterior to the simultaneous termination 
of these; then the nerve enters the substance of the hyoglossus; the 
nerve turns and proceeds anteriorly, giving off twigs to the hyoglossus 
and intrinsic muscles. There may also be a branch given off anterior to 
the main one; if present, it lies anterior to the level of entrance to the 
tongue of the sensory fibers of the Vth and VIIth. A posterior branch is 
more common; it is a small twig usually given off the major branch and 
running to the separate hyoglossus. Where the posterior branch is 
absent, obviously the separate part of the hyoglossus must be served 
by a twig from the principal branch. 


Action. The hyoid is stabilized by various muscles acting chiefly 
in opposition to each other. With their attachment therefore firmly 
fixed, the hyoglosst can contract and thereby shorten the protracted 
tongue, causing it to retract into its sheath. Also, contraction of some 
or parts of the hyoglossal fibers included within the tongue must 
obviously assist various intrinsic muscle actions in causing vibration 
of the tongue. 

Variation. There is little of note. There are length differences which 
coincide with differences in length of the hyoid (parallel type in par- 
ticular). The variation in the way the muscles attach to the hyoid, 
and their divergent or parallel attitude, has already been treated 

In hydrophids the tongue, and hence the hyoglossi, is relatively 
short in Pelamis, but in several others, at least Laticauda and Aipy- 
surus, it is relatively long. Fossorial species might be thought of as 
having weak tongue and hyoglossal development, but such is not neces- 
sarily the case. In the typhlopids and leptotyphlopids the hyoglossi 
are very broad and thick, in fact they are relatively by far the bulkiest 
among snakes (Figs. 8, 9, and 10). A functional correlation with the 
relatively great bulk is a mystery. The protractors of these tongues, it 
might be noted, are poorly developed in comparison. 


Synonymy. 1946, Geniohyoideus, Warner. 

The name is restricted to the muscle found only in the Anoma- 
lepididae (Fig. 7). 

Presumably the muscle can be homologized with what Richter 
(1933) named the geniohyoideus in lizards, where, in general, this 
muscle runs between the ceratohyal and the lower jaw and was con- 
sidered, along with the cerahyoideus (sic) (also of Richter), as the 
forward continuation of the episterno-hyoideus-profundus (Fig. 6, B). 

Origin. In the anomalepidids it originates on the rear half of the 
lower jaw. 

Course. The geniohyoideus sweeps posteriorly in a broad sheet that 
does not meet its opposite anywhere along the midline. It is a thin 
muscle and almost tendinous medially. 

Insertion. It attaches continuously to the hypohyal (transverse 
bar) and the ceratohyal (descending cornu). 

Innervation. Although not demonstrated clearly in the specimens 
examined, the innervation would surely be by the XIIth. 

Action. By counteracting the pull of posthyoid muscles, the genio- 
hyoideus would help stabilize the hyoid for the benefit of the hyo- 


glossal muscles. It seems unlikely that it would actually pull the 
hyoid anteriorly, and thereby assist in protracting the tongue. 

Remarks. By homologizing this muscle with the one commonly 
found in the same relative position and with the same general attach- 
ments in lizards, there seems to be no problem as to its identity. How- 
ever, there is also in the anomalepidids examined a slender muscle 
which anteriorly attaches to the tip of the dentary by a thin tendon 
and posteriorly attaches to the discernible terminal fraction of the 
recurrent cornu (Fig. 7). The geniohyoideus is in several separate parts 
in many lizards, and so it seems likely that this slender, independent 
muscle may well represent another portion of the geniohyoideus in 
anomalepidids. During its course the independent slip lies deep to 
the principal muscle and therefore is on a different plane; for this 
reason this slender muscle may be the ceratomandibularis, which, be- 
cause of the loss of the 1st ceratobranchials in the anomalepidids, 
found a new attachment to the ceratohyal. 

In Typhlops and Leptotyphlops there is a slender muscle attach- 
ing anteriorly on the dentary and posteriorly on the lingual process 
of the basihyal (Figs. 8, 9, and 10). Because the ceratohyals are pre- 
sumed to be lost in these snakes, this muscle is taken as a cerato- 
mandibularis, discussed in a following section. There is always the 
possibility, though, that this also could be considered a geniohyordeus. 

The foregoing discussion is, In a way, taking an easy way out 
by definitely naming the muscle found in anomalepidids. Actually, one 
must consider the fact that the geniohyoideus and ceratomandibularis 
must come from the same premuscular mass, and in relation to the 
single pair of cornua found in anomalepidids only one ramus-hyoid 
muscle would be expected to develop from the mass, and this is nearly 
so. Therefore, it might really be just a convenience to consider the 
geniohyoideus in anomalepidids as a name for the muscular sheet de- 
rived from the single premuscular mass. It is always difficult in myol- 
ogy to identify muscles in animals whose ancestors certainly possessed 
more muscles in the same general area and of the same derivation. 


Synonymy. 1815, M. latissimus ingluvier s. platysma myoides, 
Hiibner. 1827, Mylo-hyoidien, Dugeés. 1832, Costomandibulaire (part), 
Duvernoy. 1834, Kieferzungenbeinmuskel, d’Alton. 1839, Kieferzwng- 
enbeinmuskel, Henle. 1839, Kieferzungenbeinmuskel, Vogt. 1865, 
Mylo-hyoidien (part), Duméril and Jacquart. 1866, Costomandibularis 
(part), Owen. 1887, Geniohyoideus, Walter. 1889, Mylohyoideus, 
Ludwig Ferdinand v. Bayern. 1889, Mylo-hyoideus, McKay. 1890, 


Mazxillo-hyoideus and mylo-hyoideus, Hoffmann. 1900, Genio-hyoidien 
(?), Chaine (after Rouvieré). 1906, Vortwartszieher des Zungenbeins, 
Hager. 1906, Hyo-mazillaire superficiel, plus part of cervico-mazillaire, 
Rouvieré. 1914, Mylo-hyoidien, Phisalix. 1924, Mylo-hyoidiens (?), 
DeJong. 1925, Mylohyoideus, Adams. 1929, Geniohyoideus plus mylo- 
hyoideus, Sewertzoff. 1931, Neuro-costo-mandibularis (part), Haas. 
1933, Branchiomandibularis spinalis, Lubosch. 1935, Geniohyoideus, 
Edgeworth. 1937, Geniohyoideus, Gnanamuthu. 1938, Branchioman- 
dibularis spinalis, Lubosch. 1944, Hyomandibular (?), Kesteven. 1950, 
Mylo-hyoidien, Anthony and Serra. 1951, Geniohyoideus, Cowan and 
Hick. 1955, Mylo-hyoidien, Anthony and Serra. 1955, Geniohyoideus, 
Evans. 1956, Mylohyoideus, plus parts of branchiomandibularis and 
neuro-mandibularis, Dullemeijer. 1958, Ditto, Dullemeijer. 1958, 
Geniohyoideus (including possibly part of genio-lateralis), Sondhi. 
1959, Neuro-costo-mandibularis, pars hyotdea, Albright and Nelson. 
1962, Neuro-costo-mandibularis (part), Kochva. 

This muscle is considered to be present, with considerable variation, 
in all snakes except possibly the anomalepidids. In most snakes it is 
broad, sheetlike, contributing to the complex known as the neurocosto- 
mandibularis; in a few it is separate and narrow. At a ventral view 
the broad ceratomandibularis in most species covers a considerable por- 
tion of the snake head, although the muscle may itself be partially 
overlain by fibers of the constrictor colli, if present, and the costo- 
cutaneus superior. 

Innervation is by the XIIth cranial nerve, but since the muscle is 
so generally integrated in the majority of species with newromandibu- 
laris and the costomandibularis, which are both served by spinal 
nerves, it seems appropriate to place the discussion of the ceratoman- 
dibularis here, followed by the other two. 

As can be seen from the synonymy, the name ceratomandibularis 
has not been used in snakes before, so the author has followed Richter 
(1933) in his work on lizards. Richter called ceratomandibularis the 
muscle which runs from the lower jaw to the Ist ceratobranchial; 
he considered it an anterior continuation of the superficial layer of 
the episterno-hyoid complex. In snakes with the parallel type hyoids, 
the cornua are considered 2nd ceratobranchials and the muscles only 
have these cornua for attachment. It seems reasonable to homologize 
this muscle in lizards with the similar one in snakes. Use of the new 
name for snakes is also strengthened by the fact that a mixed, con- 
fusing group of names has been applied to the muscle by previous 

There is a problem as to the proper identity of the muscle in the 


typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, and anomalepidids. Possibly the slender 
muscle either represents the medial slip of the ceratomandibularis (as 
found in lizards), or else it may represent a slip of the deep ramus- 
hyoid layer, the geniohyoideus (also as in lizards). The first possibility 
is accepted for the typhlopids and leptotyphlopids by reason of at- 
tachment to the Ist ceratobranchial, and its similarity to the internal 
slip in lizards. The first possibility is also suggested, with reservations, 
for the anomalepidids and has been discussed earlier in the section 
on the geniohyoideus. 

Origin. With the exception of the Typhlopidae and Uropeltidae, 
the origin of the ceratomandibularis seems to be largely confined to 
the dentary in snakes. Usually, then, the line of origin is on the ventral, 
or at times, slightly lateroventral, surface of the dentary. It extends 
a variable distance, but most often begins well behind the angle of the 
dentary, often opposite the middle of the intermandibularis anterior 
muscle or the anterior end of the lingual capsule. The line of origin 
usually extends posteriorly quite near the end of the dentary, and 
sometimes onto the compound bone, e.g., Atretiwm and Epicrates. The 
muscle arises from a strong tendinous sheet, often reduced, but in 
some cases it is large and is closely applied to much of the ventral 
surface of the dentary. In the Aniliidae the posterior half of the origin 
of the ceratomandibularis is overlain by the tendon of the newro- 

The leptotyphlopids have a narrow ceratomandibularis arising from 
a narrow tendon that is attached to the posterior ventral prominence 
of the dentary. The tendon lies immediately ventral to the tendon 
of the newromandibularis. 

In the Typhlopidae the very slender tendon, which is very long and 
extends to the side of the genioglossus before giving rise to fibers, 
attaches to the splenial, although perhaps in some typhlopids where 
the splenial is much reduced, as 7. braminus, the attachment must 
probably be on the angular. The ceratomandibular tendon is separate 
from the neuromandibular tendon. 

In Rhinophis the origin of the ceratomandibularis is on the com- 
pound bone. The narrow tendon is overlaid ventrally by similar 
tendons of the newromandibularis and cervicomandibularis. 

Course. From its origin on the lower jaw, the ceratomandibularis 
proceeds posteriorly and somewhat medially. In the typhlopids the 
muscle is very slender and lies closely applied to the genioglossus up 
to the point where the ceratomandibularis angles toward its insertion 
on the hyoid (Fig. 8). In leptotyphlopids the muscle expands and has 


a more or less tripartite form (Fig. 10) discussed more fully under 

The muscle in the uropeltids is narrow and its course is directly 
toward the hyoid (Fig. 11). In the aniliids the muscle is a sheet and 
heads for the midline and the hyoid (Fig. 12, B). 

The muscle is a broad sheet in the remainder of the serpents and 
generally runs from the lower jaw toward the midline, the hyoid, and 
the more or less transverse raphe which is usually shared by the 
neuromandibularis and costomandibularis. 

Insertion. Some typhlopids have the ceratomandibularts inserting 
on the lingual process. In T. schlegeli mucruso the process curves 
ventrally at its tip and it is upon this curve that the muscle inserts. 
However, in 7. bibroni the insertion is along the whole process, and 
in 7’. punctatus there is a common raphe directly anterior to its inser- 
tion upon the process. Also in 7’. punctatus, a slip from the main part 
of the muscle proceeds posteriorly along the hyoglossus to insert by 
means of a fine tendon to the posterior end of the cornu. In T. inter- 
medius the entire muscle inserts upon the cornu by way of a tendon. 

Leptotyphlops maximus shows a tripartite division of the cerato- 
mandibularis in which the broad first slip inserts upon the midline in 
a common raphe with its fellow. A second, or middle, slip is more 
slender and inserts on the lingual process; the third slip inserts over 
the first several ribs. L. septemstriatus is similar. 

Rhinophis has a narrow ceratomandibularis inserting upon the hyoid. 
The exact insertion is the lateral edge of about the first eighth of the 
cornu (there is no basihyal). 

Concerning aniliids, in Cylindrophis maculatus the ceratomandibu- 
laris is composed of three distinct slips which attach in different places: 
a broad medial slip has a long insertion on the median raphe; a lateral 
one attaches to the anterior fourth of the hyoid cornu; and the middle 
slip lies over the hyoid on its way to the first several rib ends. C. 
rufus also has a long median insertion on a common raphe. This is 
followed by fibers attaching to the anterior sixth or so of the cornu. 
Also, some of the fibers proceed into the area between the cornua 
to insert commonly on a raphe that also receives fibers of the costo- 
cutaneus superior. In Anilius the insertion is continuous on the median 
raphe and onto the hyoid, where it involves the lateral edge of nearly 
half the cornu (Fig. 12, A). 

The other snake families possess a type of insertion that is generally 
common to all —this being an insertion upon an anterior fraction of 
the hyoid and upon the tendinous inscription in the neurocostoman- 
dibular complex, which serves as a common raphe for the three com- 


ponents (Fig. 16). One frequent variation is the added presence of 
the midline insertion upon a raphe common to both ceratomandibulars; 
this is a sporadic variation, however. For example, it is found in 
Xenopeltis, many colubrids, some hydrophids (Aipysurus), some 
viperids (Cerastes), and some crotalids (Agkistrodon, Bothrops). The 
boids (sensu stricto) seem to lack this raphe; a reason might be that 
the basihyal is absent in this family. 

Insertion upon the hyoid is never more than half the length of the 
cornu in the xenopeltids and boids (sensu stricto), where the cornua 
are divergent and not proportionately as long as in the parallel type. 
The length of insertion is seldom more than an eighth of the cornual 
length in the parallel type. 

Fibers of the ceratomandibularis usually insert upon the lingual 
process where one is present. Length of the process does not mean 
much, however, for Atpysuwrus and Laticauda both have a very long 
process yet the ceratomandibularis does not attach to it. Hnhydris, 
on the other hand, also has a very long process, and fibers insert upon 
it as well as the midventral raphe anterior to it. An extreme example 
is shown by Atractaspis where the fibers insert on the median raphe 
and on the long process alone. 

The insertion at the inscription shared with the newromandibularis 
and costomandibularis is extensive. The inscription lies in a more or 
less transverse plane somewhere near the angle of the jaw, and seems 
to be composed both of fibrous intermuscular connections and of a 
thin independent tendon. The inscription in long-preserved specimens 
may be difficult to find. Cowan and Hick (1951) described two 
tendinous inscriptions in the garter snake, Thamnophis, and maintained 
that these represent the Ist and 2nd ceratobranchials. It is difficult 
to differentiate two inscriptions in most snakes, although one is almost 
always definable. The exact derivation of the inscriptions is, for the 
moment, obscure. 

Achrochordus has a unique ceratomandibularis among those snakes 
with a parallel type hyoid. In this snake the insertion is entirely upon 
the hyoid, there being no costomandibularis, and the neuromandibularis 
is apparently either incorporated into the costocutaneus superior or is 
missing. Of the two parts of the ceratomandibularis in Avpysurus, the 
anterior inserts wholly on the lingual process, and the posterior on the 
cornu. In Thamnophis and Heterodon, examples among many, pos- 
terior fibers of those which are directed for the hyoid may pass ven- 
trally or dorsally to the cornu to insert in a midventral raphe (Fig. 16). 

Innervation. The XIIth cranial nerve serves this muscle. Numerous 
twigs come from the IX + X + XII trunk as well as from the hypo- 


glossal branches to the tongue. No twig of the XIIth proceeds posterior 
to the tendinous inscription where one is found. 

Action. The main function is surely to oppose certain other muscles, 
namely, the costomandibularis, neuromandibularis, and costocutaneus 
superior (and omohyoideus, where present). The opposition must 
serve to hold the hyoid in a stable position. It has been a common 
idea that the ceratomandibularis muscles must help in protracting 
the tongue, but observation of snakes during normal tongue protraction, 
as well as artificial stimulation of the ceratomandibularis by electrical 
means, showed that the hyoid remains relatively stationary during 

Various secondary functions can be: to assist in elevating the 
floor of the mouth and to help bring the lower jaws back to a normal 
position following swallowing of prey. 

Variation. The noteworthy variations in the muscle have largely 
been already given; a brief summary and commentary on them are 
now made for the sake of convenience. 

Presence of the muscle is debatable in anomalepidids. Width of 
the muscle where it is definitely found ranges from very slender to 
broad. Slender ones are found in the Typhlopidae, with somewhat 
broader examples found in the Uropeltidae and Leptotyphlopidae. The 
other snakes have a generally wide ceratomandibularis. 

Insertions are always at least partly on the hyoid. Typhlopids, 
uropeltids, and the strange colubrid, Achrochordus, have no other site 
of insertion. In leptotyphlopids, one slip meets its fellow at a median 
raphe, another attaches over the rib cage, and the other attaches to 
the hyoid. Cylindrophis maculatus has what appears to be a costo- 
mandibularis joining the ceratomandibularis; neither C. rufus nor 
Anilius, however, shows this condition. In the xenopeltids, boids, and 
remaining families, the newromandibularis and the costomandibularis 
generally effect a union with the ceratomandibularis; this broad, ex- 
tensive complex muscle is termed the newrocostomandibularis. The 
line of junction is marked by a tendinous inscription. 

In anomalepidids, typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, and ani- 
liids, the newromandibularis is generally present but does not make 
connection with the ceratomandibularis. 


Synonymy. 1827, Cervico-maxillaire, Dugés. 1832, Vertebro-man- 
dibulaire, Duvernoy. 1834, Nackenzungenbeinmuskel (part), d’Alton. 
1836, Cervico-mandibulaire (?), Cuvier. 1839, Nackenzungenbein- 
muskel (part), Vogt. 1865, Not named but numbered “6,” Dumeéril 


and Jacquart. 1866, Neuromandibularis, Owen. 1872, Depressor man- 
dibulae, Humphry. 1874, Temporalis (part), Teutleben. 1889, Depres- 
sor mandibulae, McKay. 1890, Cervico-hyoideus, Hoffmann. 1898, 
Neuro-mandibularis, Kellicott. 1900, Digastrique (?), Chaine. 1906, 
Neuromandibularis, Hager. 1906, Cervico-mazillaris (part), Rouviere. 
1914, Newro-mandibulaire, Phisalix. 1925, Newro-mandibularis, Adams. 
1929, Vertebro-mandibular (?), Fairley. 1929, Vertebrohyoideus, 
Sewertzoff. 1933, Neuromandibularis, Lubosch. 1935, Newro-costo- 
mandibularis (vertebral head), Edgeworth. 1935, Newro-mandibularis, 
Radovanovic. 1938, Neuromandibularis, Lubosch. 1944, Sterno-hyoid 
(?), Kesteven. 1950, Vertebro-mandibulaire, Anthony and Serra. 1951, 
Neuro-costo-mandibularis (neural head), Cowan and Hick. 1955, 
Vertebro-mandibulaire, Anthony and Serra. 1956, Newro-mandibularis 
(part), Dullemeijer. 1958, Newro-mandibularis (part), Dullemeijer. 
1958, Genio-lateralis, Sondhi. 1959, Newro-costo-mandibularis, pars 
vertebralis, Albright and Nelson. 1962, Neuwro-costo-mandibularvs 
(part), Kochva. 

This muscle is present— with some variation and one exception 
(Achrochordus) —in all snakes. Directly cranial to it, and present 
in most snakes, is the cervicomandibularis. Despite the usual close 
association of these two muscles, the latter is apparently innervated 
by the VIIth cranial nerve, whereas the former is innervated by 
spinal nerves. In the lizards the newromandibularis — or what has 
been called it anyway —is not universally found. However there is 
confusion in the literature attending the differentiation of this muscle 
from the cervicomandibularis, and the exact status in lizards is there- 
fore not at all clear. Where the muscle does seem to be clearly repre- 
sented, for example in Anniella (Fig. 5) and Varanus (Fig. 6), it is 
very smiliar to the muscle in those snakes where the newromandibularis 
is separate and does not unite, or unites slightly, with the ceratoman- 
dibularis. But it should be mentioned that in Anniella there is at least 
a partial insertion of the neuwromandibularis into the ceratomandibu- 
laris, showing a likely case of parallelism rather than direct homology 
with the condition in snakes. 

Origin. Invariably the muscle arises from an aponeurosis which is 
attached to the dorsal midline in the nuchal area. The cervicomandibu- 
laris, where present, always originates in the anterior nuchal region, 
directly cranial to the newromandibularis. 

Course. From the origin the neuromandibular sheet sweeps down- 
ward and anteriorly, curving onto the ventral surface. The insertion 
is a point of variation. The muscle is partially overlaid superficially 
by the constrictor colli, where present, and the costocutaneus superior. 


Insertion. There are two patterns of insertion. The first is found 
in the anomalepidids, typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, and 
anilids, where the newromandibularis inserts by way of a tendon 
onto the lower jaw, having no union with the ceratomandibularis. 

Anomalepidids have a single muscle which seems to be a newroman- 
dibularis. It inserts on the dentary. 

As an example of the typhlopid condition, in Typhlops bibrom (Fig. 
8) the fibers attach directly to the articular bone. The muscle les 
superficial to the intermandibularis posterior and inserts on the bone 
at the posterior edge of the intermandibularis anterior. In Lepto- 
typhlops there is a single muscle which is probably the newromandibu- 
laris. The insertion is by a long tendon, which lies deep to the colli 
and superficial to the intermandibularis posterior and attaches to the 
same process on the dentary as the ceratomandibularis. The tendon 
of the latter muscle is superficial. 

The uropeltid Rhinophis has a short tendon which inserts on the 
compound bone between the tendons of the ceratomandibularis and 
cervicomandibularis; the three muscles partially overlap near their 
insertion. Platyplectrurus shows a similar condition. The aniliids all 
have a more or less separate newromandibularis, with a strong tendon 
inserting onto the compound bone. The insertion is external to the 
ceratomandibularis; the tendon overlies a small part of the lateral 
posterior section of the ceratomandibularis. The cervicomandibular 
tendon attaches immediately behind the neuromandibular tendon. It 
is noteworthy that in C. maculatus the newromandibularis is separate, 
but in C. rufus and Anilius fibers from the ribs join the muscle, and 
these mimic but probably do not represent a costomandibularis. 

A second kind of insertion pattern is found in the Xenopeltidae, 
Boidae, and the remaining families: the newromandibularis inserts 
on the raphe, which is also shared by the ceratomandibularis and 
costomandibularis, and in this way the neurocostomandibular complex 
is formed (Fig. 13). No fibers of the newromandibularis apparently 
insert on the hyoid itself, although the mixture of fibers sometimes 
makes this difficult to determine for certain. The raphe is a tendinous 
inscription that les roughly transversely about opposite to the end 
of the lower jaw. In some cases the tendinous inscription is weak 
and apparently neuromandibular fibers then reach the lower jaw for 
attachment. This concept is commonly met in the literature, e.g., 
Sondhi (1958) and Dullemeijer (1956). 

Innervation. By twigs of the ventral divisions of several, more 
anterior spinal nerves. 

Action. When the muscle is separate and has no connection with 


the ceratomandibularis it must have a role in depressing the lower 
jaw. When the muscle is part of the neurocostomandibular muscle 
complex the primary action would seem to be in concert with the 
costomandibularis in opposing the action of the ceratomandibular part 
of the complex muscle and thereby stabilizing the hyoid apparatus. 
No doubt the neuromandibular part of the complex muscle can also 
assist the cervicomandibularis (and the depressor mandibulae) in help- 
ing to depress the mandible. Albright and Nelson (1959), with the 
help of various experimental methods, showed that the newromandibu- 
laris is only of value in helping to depress the lower jaw when the Jaw 
has already begun to be depressed; that is, the muscle helps to enlarge 
the gape. 

Variation. A summary can be presented this way: (1) A separate 
neuromandibularis without an accompanying cervicomandibularis 
(Anomalepididae, Leptotyphlopidae) ; (2) A separate newromandibu- 
laris with an accompanying cervicomandibularis, but no connection 
with the ceratomandibularis (Typhlopidae, Uropeltidae, Anilidae) ; 
(3) A fairly broad sheet that inserts largely into a tendinous inscrip- 
tion that is also common to the ceratomandibularis and to the costo- 
mandibularis, forming the so-called neurocostomandibular muscle 
complex (the other families). 

Patterns (1) and (2) do not form phylogenetic groups. 

With the evolutionary trend toward the incorporation of the three 
muscles to form the neurocostomandibularis, there is a correlated in- 
crease in relative width of the newromandibularis. It is slender in the 
anomalepidids, typhlopids, and leptotyphlopids. In uropeltids and 
aniliids there is a distinct increase in relative width, particularly 
anteriorly. In the remaining families the neuromandibular part of the 
complex is a strong, wide muscle, although still tapering somewhat 
from the dorsal aponeurosis. 

The genus Achrochordus, referred to as a colubrid, apparently lacks 
this muscle, unless its fibers are hopelessly meshed with and indis- 
tinguishable from the very extensive costocutaneus superior. 


Synonymy. 1827, Costo-mazillaire (part), Dugeés. 1832, Costo- 
mazillien (part), Duvernoy. 1832, Costo-mandibulaire (part), Du- 
vernoy. 1834, Nackenzungenbeinmuskel (part), d’Alton. 1865, Petit 
oblique de abdomen (part) (?), Duméril and Jacquart. 1866, Costo- 
mandibularis, Owen. 1887, Genio-costalis, Walter. 1889, Costo-man- 
dibularis, McKay. 1890, Cervico-hyoideus (part), Hoffmann. 1898, 
Submazillaris (part), Kellicott. 1906, Costomandibularis, Hager. 1914, 


Costo-mandibulaire, Phisalix. 1925, Costo-mandibularis, Adams. 1929, 
Costo-mandibular, Fairley. 1929, Costohyoideus, Sewertzoff. 1933, 
Costomandibularis, Lubosch. 1935, Neuro-costo-mandibularis (costal 
head), Edgeworth. 1935, Costo-mandibularis, Radovanovic. 1950, 
Costo-mandibulaire, Anthony and Serra. 1951, Newro-costo-mandibu- 
laris (costal head), Cowan and Hick. 1955, Costo-mandibulaire, An- 
thony and Serra. 1956, Branchio-mandibularis (part), Dullemeijer. 
1958, Branchio-mandibularis (part), Dullemeijer. 1959, Newro-costo- 
mandibularis, pars costalis, Albright and Nelson. 1962, Newro-costo- 
mandibularis (part), Kochva. 

The costomandibularis muscle is not universal in snakes, although 
it appears to be restricted to them. 

In the Anomalepididae, Typhlopidae, and probably in the Lepto- 
typhlopidae, the costomandibularis is lacking. A band of fibers in 
Leptotyphlops which is bound to the rib cage and merges with the 
ceratomandibularis probably is only a slip of the latter muscle (Fig. 
10). The muscle is present in some form in the remaining families. 

This interesting muscle seems to represent specialization of fibers of 
another muscle and subsequent capture of them by one new site of at- 
tachment. From innervation and general relationship it is probable 
that the costomandibularis is composed of a variable number of the 
altered anterior slips of the costocutaneus inferior muscle, whose fibers 
run from the ventral scales posteriorly to the cartilaginous ends of the 
ribs (Mosauer, 1937). 

In the xenopeltids, boids, colubrids, and poisonous snakes, the costo- 
mandibularis is a part of the neuwrocostomandibularis complex. 

Edgeworth (1935) placed this as true hyoid muscle, that is, one 
derived from the 2nd branchial arch and thus served by the VIIth 
cranial nerve. The author could not find any evidence for this position 
and therefore adheres to the stand that the costomandibularis is a 
derivative of the rectus series of the hypaxial trunk musculature, repre- 
senting specialized anterior slips of the costocutaneus inferior. 

Origin. The origin is either directly from a variable number of carti- 
lage ribs (or directly above them on the true ribs), or else upon the 
rib cage, where the fibers are bound by fascia to the trunk muscles 
overlying the ribs. The first pattern is the more common. The exact 
number of ribs providing attachment for slips is often impossible to 
ascertain, because posteriorly the slips tend to taper off into the costo- 
cutaneus inferior. Some examples of the ribs involved are: 2-3 in 
Tropidophis, 2-5 in Thamnophis elegans, 4-6 in Atretium, 6-7 in 
Cerastes. It seems that the 1st rib, which is short, is seldom a site 
of origin. 



In Thamnophis there is also a medial slip which arises from the 
peripheral surface of the lining of the pharyngeal floor. 

Course. In the snakes with the parallel type of hyoid, the fibers 
proceed anteriorly and more or less parallel to and usually lateral to 
the adjacent cornu. In the snakes with the “V” type of hyoid, the 
cornua are divergent and the end of each hyoglossus and its cornu 
usually lie superficial to the rib cage so that the costomandibularis lies 
deep to the hyoglossus and cornu; in this case the muscle also lies 
medial to the posterior part of the cornu. In Cylindrophis maculatus 
the costomandibularis, as an exception, lies external to the hyoglossus, 
running forward to insert into the ceratomandibularis. 

Where the origin of the muscle is upon the rib cage itself, the course 
of the fibers is lateral to the hyoid, regardless of its type. 

Insertion. The principal and usual insertion is upon the common 
tendinous inscription of the neurocostomandibularis. A small medial 
portion of the costomandibularis frequently inserts upon the lateral 
edge of a cornu as well, directly posterior to the insertion of the 

The insertion end of the muscle is often covered superficially by part 
of the neuromandibularis; this condition is found in Xenopeltis; it is 
also well marked in Thamnophis and to a lesser degree in other species. 
In Cerastes there is no insertion to the hyoid itself, only to the in- 

In the uropeltids Rhinophis and Uropeltis, the muscle attaches to 
the cornu. In Anilius the costomandibularis does not insert upon the 
hyoid, but runs deep to the newromandibularis to insert on the com- 
pound bone of the lower jaw by a strong tendon shared with the neuro- 
mandibularis. Cylindrophis rufus has slips going to the hyoid and 
inserting upon the medial edge of the cornu, and may also have a slip 
inserting on the mandible. 

Innervation. By twigs from the ventral division of the spinal nerves, 
in repetition of those serving the costocutaneus inferior. 

Action. Primarily to serve as an antagonist to the ceratomandibu- 
laris; therefore it has a role in the stabilization of the hyoid. Possibly, 
and certainly in the case of Anilius and Cylindrophis rufus, the muscle 
also assists the newromandibularis in depressing the lower Jaw. 

Variation. A brief summary of the chief variations may be helpful: 
The muscle is lacking in the Anomalepididae, Typhlopidae, and Lepto- 
typhlopidae — as far as known. In the Uropeltidae the muscle is 
small and runs from the ribs to the cornu. In the Aniliidae, Cylin- 
drophis maculatus has a single muscle, running from the ribs to the 


ceratomandibularis; in C. rufus, on the other hand, there are presum- 
ably two bellies to the muscle, one from the rib ends to the hyoid, and 
the other from the rib ends to the lower jaw. Anilius has only the latter 

Most snakes have the origin upon the ends of certain of the anterior 
ribs and the insertion largely upon the inscription in the newrocosto- 
mandibularis plus a small bit on the hyoid. In a few there is the condi- 
tion in which the muscle originates entirely upon the rib cage, bound 
to the lateral wall muscles; examples are XYenopeltis and Liasis. 

Epicrates has the muscle in two parts: the cranial slip from rib ends 
6-8 proceeds lateral to the hyoid to insert in the inscription and on the 
cornu; the caudal slip, from ribs 8 to at least 10, lies medial to the 
cornu, inserting on the medial edge of the cartilage, but immediately 
posterior to the transversus branchialis. Thamnophis elegans has the 
interesting condition of a slip originating from the buccal floor between 
the cornu and the main slip from the ribs. 

The genus Achrochordus lacks the costomandibularis; it also lacks 
the newrocostomandibularis. 


Synonymy. 1827, Vertebro-hyoidien (?), Dugés. 1834, Der grosse, 
aussere oder Seitenhautmuskel, d’Alton. 1865, Peaussier (continuous 
with grand oblique), Duméril and Jacquart. 1866, Sqwamo-costales, 
Owen. 1889, Obliquus externus, McKay. 1890, Cutaneus externus, 
Hoffmann. 1904, Costocutaneus superior, Buffa. 1916, Obliquus ab- 
dominis superficialis, Nishi. 1929, Sternohyoideus (?), Sewertzoff. 
1931, Hautmuskel (H. 2) (part), Haas. 1932, Costocutaneus superior, 
Wiedemann. 1933, Cutaneus externus, Lubosch. 1935, Cervico-hyoideus 
(?), Edgeworth. 1935, Costocutaneus superior, Mosauer. 1937, Sterno- 
hyoideus plus omohyoideus, Gnanamuthu. 1938, Cutaneus externus, 
Lubosch. 1946, Sternohyoideus, Warner. 1951, Cervico-hyoideus, 
Cowan and Hick. 1956, Neuro-mandibularis (part, apparently), Dul- 
lemeijer. 1958, Neuro-mandibularis (part, apparently), Dullemeijer. 
1958, Omohyoideus plus sternohyoideus plus sternothyroideus, Sondhi. 
1959, Costocutaneus superior, Albright and Nelson. 

This is a hypaxial trunk muscle, and also of a repetitious nature, 
the slips coalescing in a way to form a continuous layer. It is included 
in this paper because, even though it is a trunk muscle, in the majority 
of snakes the most anterior slips attach upon part of the hyoid cornua. 

The costocutaneus superior has been well described for the trunk 
region (Buffa, 1904; Mosauer, 1935), but due to the difficulty in clearly 
defining it in relation to the hyoid and “throat” region, its connection 


with the hyoid has usually not been shown. However, d’Alton (1834) 
depicted the muscle in accurate fashion, but after him came a deluge 
of incomplete illustrations and erroneous ideas as to the nature of the 
muscles in this region. Dissection, even very careful dissection, on 
many preserved specimens still leaves the costocutaneus superior 
rather shredded and disarranged in the throat area, and this has ap- 
parently been the reason why various authors refer to the costocu- 
taneus in the hyoid area as the sternohyoideus, or omohyoideus, or 
even sternothyroideus (see Synonymy). Cowan and Hick (1951) 
used cervico-hyoideus, obviously in following Edgeworth (1935). The 
author could not decide from the latter’s description exactly what 
muscle is meant, but presumably it must be the hyoid part of the 
costocutaneus superior. 

To be sure, the anterior part of the costocutaneus superior muscle 
does lie in a logical place for the sternohyoideus, but except in Typh- 
lops and Leptotyphlops the sternohyoideus is probably not present as 
a recognizable, discrete muscle in snakes. If traces of it do remain in 
other snakes, they have become so involved in the cutaneous muscula- 
ture that separation and definition are impossible. 

Origin. Because of the presumed function of the anterior group of 
fibers, their origin can most practically be considered as the anterior 
ventrals (of varying number according to species) and adjacent rows 
of lower dorsal scales. For the remainder of the costocutaneus superior 
muscle, the origins are on the ribs, as the name suggests. It should be 
noted that due to the mixing of the fibers of the anterior group with the 
muscle as a whole, it is generally impossible to set the limits of the 
fibers attaching to the hyoid and therefore no exact site of origin can 
usually be made. 

Course. The course of the anterior fibers runs from the origin on the 
ventral and dorsal scales anteriorly in a slightly curved are to the 
hyoid and adjacent tissues; this is true for most snakes. In all snakes 
the main part of the muscle runs posteroventrally from the ribs toward 
the lower dorsal scales and the ventrals. 

Insertion. It must be mentioned first that in examined Typhlops and 
Leptotyphlops, and in Rhinophis, Cylindrophis maculatus, and Achro- 
chordus, the anterior fibers attach to the lower mandibles, thereby 
completely overlying the hyoid and having no connection to it; in 
these cases the attachment to the mandibles would likely represent an 
origin. In Cylindrophis rufus, the fibers do not extend to the lower 
jaws but attach to the posterior edge of the constrictor colli muscle; 
therefore, the costocutaneus superior also overlies the hyoid in this 
species (Fig. 12, B). 


In the other examined species, the costocutaneus superior inserts 
upon some part of the hyoid. In the anomalepidids the insertion is 
upon the posterior or medial edge of the hypohyals and ceratohyals; 
the recurrent cornua therefore lie deep to the geniohyoideus muscle 
rather than to the costocutaneus superior (Fig. 7). 

In most cases the fibers inserting on the hyoid do so beginning di- 
rectly at the anterior end of the cornu (base of the lingual process). 
Some fibers may begin attaching more posteriorly, as in Epicrates 
(Fig. 14, C), but this is of rare occurrence. The length of insertion on 
the cornu is seldom but a fraction of the cornual length — ordinarily 
less than half with the “V” type hyoid, and much less with the parallel 
type apparatus. 

The fibers rarely encroach upon the lingual process, although the 
crotalids show this tendency, as seen in Agkistrodon and Bothrops 
(Fig. 18, A). The latter even has fibers anterior to the process affixing 
to the midventral raphe. 

Posterior to the short length of the insertion on the cornua, the re- 
mainder of the hyoid lies deep to the costocutaneus superior fibers, so 
that in the majority of snakes the hyoid is largely covered ventrally by 
these fibers. 

In addition to inserting on some part of the hyoid, the anterior fibers 
also insert on surrounding tissues, there usually being the neurocosto- 
mandibularis muscle complex, and the constrictor colli. 

Innervation. Costocutaneus superior fibers are served by twigs from 
the ventral divisions of anterior spinal nerves. Excepting the first 
several spinal nerves, each ventral division nerve emerges ventral to 
the body wall highly convoluted and comes to lie upon the ventral 
surface of the obliquus abdominis internus. Twigs then go to the over- 
lying costocutaneus. 

Action. A majority of the fibers of the costocutaneus superior serve 
only the trunk and have origins on the ribs and insertions on the scutes 
and dorsal scales; these fibers draw anteriorly the scales and scutes, 
which are then secured by the terrain. The costocwtanei inferiores, 
which run from the scutes posteriorly to the ribs, act to draw forward 
the ribs and therefore the snake’s body. 

The hyoid portion of the costocutaneus superior has acquired a dif- 
ferent function: assisting in stabilizing the hyoid apparatus so it will 
be a firm foundation for the hyoglossit. When the hyoid part of the 
muscle contracts, and the scales or scutes which serve as origins are 
held fast, the hyoid will tend to be drawn posteriorly. This counteracts 
the anteriorly directed movement initiated by the ceratomandibularis 
muscles and the hyoid is thereupon fixed. The neuromandibularis and 


costomandibularis, when these are present and inserting on the hyoid 
plus the neurocostomandibular raphe, have a synergistic action with 
that of the costocutaneus superior. 

Naturally in those snakes where the costocutaneus superior does not 
attach to the hyoid and instead merely overlies it, e.g., Typhlops et al., 
the function of counteracting the ceratomandibularis would not occur; 
the costocutaneus superior would then have only an effect on the skin. 
Its role is taken over by the sternohyoideus in the typhlopids and 
leptotyphlopids, and by the omohyoideus in Rhinophis and Cylindro- 
phis maculatus. 

Variation. The major variation involves attachment or nonattach- 
ment to the hyoid; this has been discussed previously. There is, how- 
ever, the case of the colubrid Achrochordus, which is given a separate 
family by some investigators. In Achrochordus the costocutaneus su- 
perior attaches to the lower jaw and is mixed with fibers of the cervi- 
comandibularis in a confusing way; the hyoid is quite free from 
connection with these fibers (Fig. 15, B). 

The substantial insertion on the hyoid in Liotyphlops is noteworthy ; 
in the other two families of blind snakes the hyoid is missed by the 
muscle. Warner (1946) designated the fibers sternohyoideus in her 
drawing of Anomalepis, but there seems to be no good evidence for 
giving these fibers that name. 

Commonly the transversus branchialis sends many of its fibers into 
the costocutaneus superior, and in such cases a clear distinction be- 
tween the two muscles is impossible. 


Synonymy. 1955, Sternothyroideus, Evans. 

As a distinct, discrete muscle mass, the sternohyoideus can only be 
indicated as likely in two families: the Typhlopidae (Fig. 8), and the 
Leptotyphlopidae (Fig. 10). Various applications of the name sterno- 
hyoideus in other snakes such as by Gnanamuthu (1937), Warner 
(1946), and Sondhi (1958), are not recognized here. The muscle por- 
tions so named by these authors are here considered to represent parts 
of the costocutaneus superior muscle. 

The author sees no reason to follow Evans in using the name sterno- 
thyroideus. There is no true thyroid plate in the larynx of the snake 
for one thing, and for another the muscle comes nowhere near the 

It would be most reasonable to regard this muscle as the sternohyo- 
ideus, homologous in lizards to part of the episternohyoideus of Richter 
(1933), and to the sternohyoid of Camp (1923) and Oelrich (1956). In 


lizards the sternohyoid muscles have a rather medial placement, with 
the origin upon the sternum and perhaps part of the clavicle. The 
muscle in the two snake families where it is considered to be found 
also has a medial placement, and, because of loss of the girdle, has 
found a new origin. 

Origin. The raphe of the anterior fourth or so of the ventral midline 
(linea alba). The origin is deep to the abdominal muscles, and the 
length of attachment is nearly as long as the muscle itself. The fibers 
arise fanlike before forming the mass of the muscle. 

Course. The fibers are directed anteriorly and somewhat deeply. 
They unite to make up the bulk of the muscle, which gradually expands 
anteriorly toward the insertion. 

Insertion. Upon some part of the hyoid. Most of the insertion is on 
the entire posterior edge of each cornu; this is true in Leptotyphlops 
maximus and Typhlops bibront. In T. schlegelt mucruso there is addi- 
tional insertion upon the lingual process, and the sternohyoideus actu- 
ally divides closely into three slips on each side; one inserts on the pos- 
terior edge of the cornu, one passes ventrally over the cornu to insert 
along the length of the lingual process, and the third passes deep to the 
cornu to attach along the lingual process (Fig. 9). 

Innervation. A branch of the hypoglossal nerve descends in the mass 
of the hyoglossus to serve the sternohyoid muscle. Very likely, at least 
the first several spinal nerves also serve it. 

Action. Obviously the major function is to stabilize the hyoid appa- 
ratus by chiefly counteracting the pull of the ceratomandibularis. 

Variation. The few variations have been discussed in the several 
preceding sections. The muscle is very similar in Typhlops and 


Synonymy. 1946, Omohyoideus, Warner. 

The name is given to a small muscle which runs either from the end 
of the hyoid or the hyoglossus to attach upon the rib cage. It has been 
found in the Anomalepididae, the genus Cylindrophis, the genus Rhino- 
phis, and in one examined species of the Boidae, Eryx c. colubrinus. 
The distribution is certainly erratic. 

The use of this name for certain muscle fibers in other snakes, as 
Sondhi (1958) has done for Natrix piscator, for example, is ill-advised; 
these fibers represent costocutaneus superior fibers. 

In lizards, according to Richter (1933), the omohyoideus is part of 
the episternohyoideus complex that unites the first branchial cornua 


with the pectoral girdle, and in lizards has, typically, a lateral site of 
origin on the clavicles and scapula. These bony elements are lost in 
snakes and if the muscle remains it must seek a new origin. Attach- 
ment upon the rib cage has been the solution; this would be somewhat 
similar in position to the typical lizard origin. Note the posthyoid 
muscle in Anniella (Fig. 5), a limbless lizard, where the reduced 
pectoral girdle is probably a remnant of the scapula-procoracoid 
(Stokely, 1947). These muscles in snakes and Anniella compare closely 
in many respects. There are differences, too: in Anniella the muscle 
is relatively much larger, and inserts on the medial edge of the cornu, 
whereas it always inserts on the lateral edge in snakes. 

From its innervation (spinals) and position it is logical to assume 
that the muscle in snakes, where it is found, is the partial homologue of 
the episternohyoideus complex of lizards and could appropriately be 
called the omohyoideus. 

An apparent discrepancy in the Anomalepididae, where the muscle 
attaches to the ceratohyal rather than to the first ceratobranchial as in 
lizards and in the few other snakes involved, must be reckoned as the 
result of the capture of the muscle by the 2nd arch derivative con- 
comitant with the loss of the 3rd. 

Origin. The muscle is bound by connective tissue to the lateral body 
muscles shortly posterior to the end of the cornu. The extent of the 
origin is variable according to the species. 

Course and Insertion. From the origin the muscle runs for a brief 
distance anteriorly and medially to insert on or about the posterior 
fraction of the cornu in one of the several following ways: upon the 
curve formed by the junction of the descending and ascending cornua 
(Anomalepididae) ; upon the posterior tip of the hyoglossus (Cylindro- 
phis) ; upon the lateral edge of the final third of the cornu (Rhinophis) ; 
or upon the terminus of the cornu (Hryz). 

Innervation. By several twigs from the ventral divisions of each of 
several spinal nerves determined by where the muscle lies in relation 
to the ribs. The first and second spinals, however, do not seem to be 

Action. This is not a large muscle, either in bulk or length. Its pur- 
pose is apparently to counteract protraction of the hyoid by the cerato- 
mandibularis (or geniohyoideus in anomalepidids) and thereby to assist 
in stabilizing the apparatus. Excepting Hryz, it should noted that, in 
those snakes having the omohyoideus, the costocutaneus swperior 
muscle overlies the hyoid and does not consequently attach to it; 
therefore, in these snakes the omohyoideus plays the chief part as an 
antagonist to the ceratomandibularis. 




Synonymy. 1834, Quermuskel des Zungenbeins, d’Alton. 1890, Trans- 
versus hyoideus, Hoffmann. 1910, Transverse, Chaine. 1935, Trans- 
versus branchialis, Edgeworth. 

This muscle is of varying occurrence, and perhaps may not really 
be the same muscle for all snakes. Many of the supposed omissions of 
the muscle are possibly due to the difficulty in separating the costo- 
cutaneus superior fibers correctly so as to reveal the presence of a 
distinet layer — the muscle described here. The transversus branchialis 
should be considered unique to snakes. 

Albright and Nelson (1959), in their study of Elaphe obsoleta quad- 
rivittata, used the name transversus branchialis for another muscle, 
which has a medial attachment to the midline raphe and then splits to 
have one head attach to the submandibular gland and the other to the 
oral mucosa. 

Origin and Insertion. The two transversi arise from a varying length 
of the medial edges of the cornua, and proceed posteromedially to 
insert in a midventral raphe, and sometimes also into the costocutaneus 
superior fibers. The transversus branchialis fibers always lie at a 
posteriorly directed angle. 

Innervation. The muscle is served by twigs from the ventral divi- 
sions of several spinals. This suggests that the muscle is derived from 
the rectus cervicis group. 

Edgeworth (1935) thought that the transversus is served by the Vth, 
which places it as a muscle of the first branchial arch. His evidence is 
wanting, and the author could see no nerve from the mandibular divi- 
sion of the Vth going to the transversus branchialis muscle. 

Action. Apparently to help retain the form and position of the 
cartilaginous cornua. 

Variation. The families Anomalepididae, Typhlopidae, and Lepto- 
typhlopidae lack the muscle. There is no place for it in these groups 
because of the relation of the cornua to other muscles. 

Rhinophis has a distinct transversus, originating on the medial edge 
of the anterior fourth of the cornu and inserting on the linea alba 
(Hie. )e 

In the aniliids, Aniliuws has a well-developed transversus muscle, 
attaching to the entire length of the cartilage (Fig. 12, A); in Cylin- 
drophis rufus, it attaches to the anterior two-thirds (Fig. 12, B) ; but in 
C. maculatus, where the hyoid is severely reduced, there is no muscle 
at all. 

Xenopeltis has the fibers originating on approximately the anterior 


sixth of each cornu (Fig. 13). Every true boid examined, except Ep- 
crates and Python, possessed the muscle. Tropidophis lacks the muscle. 

The situation is varied in the remainder of the snakes. Many ex- 
amined colubrids definitely have it, as Achrochordus, Amblycephalus, 
Thamnophis, Nothopsis, Fimbrios, and Heterodon. Others do not: 
Atretium, Haplopeltura, Enhydris, Cerberus, and Sibynophis. The sea 
snakes Aipysurus, Laticauda, and Hydrophis, have it, and the elapid 
Doliophis also does. Most other hydrophids and elapids lack it. The 
viperids Cerastes and Causus lack the transversus. Among crotalids, 
Agkistrodon has the muscle, whereas Bothrops does not. 

Altogether it appears that except in the anomalepidids, typhlopids, 
and leptotyphlopids, where it is apparently invariably not developed, 
the muscle is of erratic appearance within families. 


Synonymy. 1832, Peaucier du cou, Duvernoy. 1834, Rickswarts- 
zieher des Zungenbeins, d’Alton. 1839, Riickswartszieher des Zungen- 
beins, Vogt. 1889, Platysma, McKay. 1890, Atlanto-epistropheo-hyo- 
ideus, Hoffmann. 1923, Constrictor colli, Camp. 1931, Hautmuskel (H. 
1) (?), Haas. 1933, Sphincter colli (facialis constrictor), Lubosch. 1935, 
Constrictor colli, Edgeworth. 1937, Constrictor colli plus mylohyoideus 
posterior, Gnanamuthu. 1938, Constrictor colli oralis and aboralis, 
Lubosch. 1944, Superficial ventral constrictor (Csv. 2), or sphincter 
colli facialis, Kesteven. 1951, Constrictor colli, Cowan and Hick. 
1958, Mylohyoideus posterior, Sondhi. 1959, Constrictor colli, Albright 
and Nelson. 1962, Constrictor colli, Kochva. 

This muscle is of erratic appearance in snakes. The irregularity of 
its presence is a condition which can even be found within a single 
genus, e.g., Python. The author could find no trace of the muscle in 
a young P. sebae (Fig. 14, A), while Lubosch (1933) plainly illus- 
trated the facial constrictor for P. molurus, and even differentiated it 
into two parts, oralis and aboralis. Lubosch noted that the muscle is 
found in an asiatic species of Tropidonotus (Natrix), whereas it is 
lacking in a European form of the same genus; the two species are 
presumed to be close relatives. Sondhi (1958) described and illus- 
trated the muscle for the asiatic Natrix piscator, naming it the mylo- 
hyoideus posterior. The author has confirmed the presence of the 
constrictor colli in this species. Lubosch stated that in snakes the 
constrictor colli seems to be in a regressive stage — an observation with 
which the author concurs. 


Dissection has shown that the muscle is often difficult to separate 
clearly and even to identify. This is particularly true in specimens 
which have been long or poorly preserved. Because the constrictor 
hes almost entirely next to the skin and is bound to it rather firmly, 
skinning of the head and neck can easily disarrange or destroy the 
muscle so as to make its limits, and even its existence, doubtful. 
Furthermore, the thinness of the layer contributes to the difficulty in 
recognizing it. 

Origin. Generally by means of a thin aponeurosis from the dorsal 
area of the posterior part of the head, the nape, or both in combination. 
Presumably the line of origin should be the dorsal midline, but since 
the aponeurosis is usually tightly bound to the underlying muscles, 
this is many times difficult to show. 

Usually where the constrictor colli is distinctly present, it is broad 
and covers the angle of the jaw. However, in many boids, e.g., 
Epicrates (Fig. 14, C), Liasis, and Sanzinia, the muscle is narrow, 
originating in the area of the nape. The typhlopids have a distinct 
condition in which the constrictor arises on the lateral aspect of the 
neck region; the aponeurosis does not reach the dorsal midline. 

Course. The constrictor colli is either transverse in position from 
origin to insertion, as in Typhlops and Leptotyphlops, or else takes 
on an anteroventral course. In all individuals where it is found, the 
constrictor forms a sort of half ring about the throat region. 

Insertion. Upon part of the hyoid in all but two families — the 
Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae, were the hyoid apparatus is far 
posterior to the head, and the constrictor colli muscle of each side in- 
serts upon the ventral median raphe. In other snakes the portion of 
the muscle not inserting on the hyoid either ends in connective tissue 
over the ceratomandibularis, as seen in Haplopeltura, or else mn a 
common median raphe. The insertion on the cartilage may be by way 
of fibers or by an aponeurosis. 

Innervation. The VIIth, or facial, nerve serves the constrictor colli; 
the twig comes from the hyomandibular branch which passes over 
the stapes to innervate the depressor of the lower Jaw. The twig to the 
constrictor colli then passes internally to the quadrate, emerges pos- 
teriorly, and sends branches to the cervicomandibularis as well as to 
the constrictor. 

Action. The contraction of the muscle must, in those where fibers 
insert into the hyoid, tend to pull back the hyoid in some measure. 
In this way it could help to counteract the pull of the ceratomandibu- 
laris. Indeed, d’Alton (1834) called the constrictor “Rickwartszieher 



des Zungenbeins” (retractor of the hyoid). Still, the main function 
must be to constrict the pharynx. Of course it cannot be necessary 
to snakes, for many live without it with obvious success. 

Variation. The muscle was found in every family examined except 
the Uropeltidae. The genera Rhinophis and Platyplectrurus did not 
have it, but since the vagaries of the muscle are known it is possible 
that the muscle is present in some other genus of the family which 
was not examined. 

Typhlopids and leptotyphlopids excepted, the constrictor colli has 
been found wanting in some members of every family. As mentioned 
previously the absence of it does not seem to be phylogenetically im- 
portant since close relatives may vary in this respect. Perhaps in the 
typhlopids and leptotyphlopids, where it seems to be uniformly present, 
the muscle may represent the primitive condition, for the constrictor 
colli is of constant occurrence in lizards. 

Duvernoy (1832a) illustrated the muscle (equals peaucier du cou) 
in the couleuvre collier (Tropidonotus) as being very broad with the 
entire insertion upon a common midventral raphe. Inasmuch as in all 
other examined colubrids, where the muscle is present, the insertion is 
at least half upon the hyoid, this illustration of Duvernoy’s is prob- 
ably in error. Edgeworth (1933) has used the same drawing. 

In the boid genera Epicrates, Liasis, Sanzinia, and Loxocemus, the 
constrictor colli is very narrow, and passes in its course behind the 
angle of the jaw to insert upon the cornu. In these genera it is a dis- 
tinctive muscle, much narrower than found elsewhere in the snakes. 


These muscles lie between the mandibles and are not strictly as- 
sociated with the hyoid in any species, with one exception. However, 
they do lie in the immediate vicinity and are readily seen upon any 
dissection of the hyoid and its musculature. The muscles are not 
treated here as thoroughly as the others because of their rather inci- 
dental importance to the subject. The synonymy is not complete. 

The intermandibular muscles are innervated by the mandibular 
division of the trigeminal nerve. Their general action is to adduct 
the lower jaws. 

There appear to be two sets of intermandibular muscles, but these 
are divisible in many snakes into several parts or even into several 
separate muscles. The two basic sets are the: intermandibularis 
anterior and intermandibularis posterior. The intermandibularis pos- 
terior in many species is further separated into the intermandibularis 
posterior profundus and superficialis. 


The same basic two sets of intermandibulars are recognized in 
lizards, where the muscles are generally transverse in position and 
usually very wide (Fig. 5). The intermandibularis posterior of lizards 
is commonly in several slips that interleave with slips of the cerato- 


Synonymy. 1832, Adductor antérieur, Duvernoy. 1889, Interman- 
dibularis, McKay. 1914, Intermandibulare antérieur, Phisalix. 1925, 
Intermandibularis, 1 and 2, Adams. 1933, Intermandibularis, sym- 
physial portion, Lubosch. 1935, Intermandibularis anterior, Edgeworth. 
1951, Intermandibularis anterior, Cowan and Hick. 1956, Inter- 
mandibularis anterior (parts 3 and 4), Dullemeijer. 1959, Interman- 
dibularis anterior, pars cutaneo-mandibularis, Albright and Nelson. 

This muscle is present in most snakes, but is distinctly missing in 
Anilius and Nenopeltis, and is represented only by a tendon in the 
uropeltid Rhinophis. The muscle is generally weakly developed in 
boids (sensu lato), although in Eryx, as an exception, the muscle is 
large; Trachyboa and Tropidophis the muscle is very slender. In boids 
and the genus Cylindrophis, the lateral attachment is to the medial 
surface of the tip of the dentary bone. The muscle runs posteriorly 
and medially to a midline attachment with its mate on the midventral 

The intermandibularis anterior is a broad muscle in anomalepidids, 
typhlopids, and leptotyphlopids; it is particularly transverse in anoma- 
lepidids and typhlopids. The muscle may also exist as several distinct 
masses in typhlopids and leptotyphlopids, and these masses are often 
at angles to each other (Fig. 10). In anomalepidids, typhlopids, and 
leptotyphlopids, the anterior muscle, or muscles, usually attach later- 
ally to the medial surface of the dentary but at an appreciable distance 
posterior to the tip. 

The intermandibularis anterior is well developed and prominent in 
the colubrids and poisonous snakes; it is usually in two recognizable 
but continuous parts (Fig. 17, C). The anteriormost part (“1” of 
Adams, “part 4” of Dullemeijer) is the larger and thicker one. Its 
lateral attachment is to the medial surface of the tip of the dentary 
and its medial attachment is to the fibrous inter-ramal pad. The 
caudal part (“2” of Adams, “part 3” of Dullemeijer) lies more 
obliquely and its medial attachment is to its mate at the midventral 

It is obvious that there has been a distinct trend in certain families 
for a reduction in the intermandibularis anterior — Uropeltidae, 


Aniliidae, Xenopeltidae, and Boidae (sensu lato). For the Colubridae, 
ete., the trends have been toward a more angular position and sub- 
division into two continuous but recognizable parts. Particularly in 
the Anomalepididae and Typhlopidae the basic lizard condition of 
broad, transverse muscles is still pretty much intact. 


Synonymy. 1890, Intermavillaris (part), Hoffmann. 1914, Inter- 
mandibularis postérieur, Phisalix. 1925, Adductor medius, Adams. 
1933, Intermandibularis, longitudinal portion, Lubosch. 1935, Inter- 
mandibularis posterior, Edgeworth. 1951, Intermandibularis posterior, 
pars anterior, Cowan and Hick. 1956, Intermandibularis posterior, 
Dullemeijer. 1959, Intermandibularis posterior, pars anterior, Albright 
and Nelson. 

This muscle is found in all snakes examined except the colubrid 
Amblycephalus kuangtunensis. It is usually deep to the ceratoman- 
dibularis and/or neuromandibularis, or geniohyoideus in anoma- 
lepidids. The muscle lies under the neuromandibular tendon and 
over the ceratomandibular tendon in typhlopids and leptotyphlopids; 
it lies between the geniohyoideus and the slender medial slip of the 
geniohyoideus (ceratomandibularis?) in Liotyphlops. As an exception 
to the above rule, in the colubrid Haplopeltura boa the intermandibu- 
laris posterior profundus, if that is indeed the muscle, lies completely 
superficial to the ceratomandibularis (in addition there is another more 
posteriorly placed superficial intermandibular muscle). 

In anomalepidids, typhlopids, and leptotyphlopids, the lateral at- 
tachment is to the ventromedial edge of the mandible. This attach- 
ment is directly behind or even sometimes overlapping that of the 
intermandibularis anterior. The fibers then run nearly transversely 
and between the ceratomandibularis and neuromandibularis (or genio- 
hyoideus and slip in anomalepidids) to attach with those of the 
muscle’s mate to the midventral raphe. 

In uropeltids, aniliids, boids (sensu lato), and xenopeltids, the inter- 
mandibularis posterior profundus arises from the mandible at a dis- 
tance from the attachment of the intermandibularis anterior. The 
direction of fibers is anterior and medial and the muscle always lies 
deep to the ceratomandibularis. The medial attachment is to the 
midventral raphe with its mate; there is at least a slight overlap with 
the fibers of the anterior muscle, where one is present. 

In colubrids and the poisonous snakes, the intermandibularis pos- 
terior profundus is a stout muscle that attaches to the ventromedial 
surface of the mandible at about its middle segment. The muscle is 


missing in the specimen of Amblycephalus kwangtunensis examined. 
It is very broad in the colubrid Achrochordus and attaches to the entire 
middle third of the mandible. In Haplopeltura boa the lateral attach- 
ment is over the external adductor muscle of the lower jaw; the fibers 
are bound to the adductor mass and do not affix to bone. In all species 
the muscle runs anteriorly and medially to attach to the midventral 
raphe with its mate. In the hydrophid Aipysurus the muscle lies be- 
tween two slips of the ceratomandibularis; this is the only case found 
of such interleaving among colubrids and poisonous snakes. The 
intermandibularis posterior is either overlapped by or else overlaps the 
ntermandibularis anterior at the midventral line in most species. In 
Enhydris, however, there is a gap between the muscles. In Haplopeltura 
the situation is unique in having both muscles cross at the midline, 
instead of meeting in a raphe, then interweaving, and continuing on to 
attach to the opposite mandible just posterior to the attachment of the 
intermandibularis anterior. 

In the hydrophid Aipysurus a good deal of the medial attachment 
of the profundus is to the very long lingual process of this species. This 
is the only discovered case among snakes where an intermandibular 
affixes to the hyoid. 


Synonymy. 1889, Ceratomandibularis, McKay. 1925, Adductor pos- 
terior, Adams. 1950, Intermandibulaire superficial, Anthony and Serra. 
1951, Intermandibularis posterior, pars posterior, Cowan and Hick. 
1959, Intermandibularis posterior, pars posterior, Albright and Nelson. 

This muscle is found only in those snakes with a parallel type hyoid, 
but it is not universally present in them. The muscle, where present, 
always lies superficial to the ceratomandibularis, and it is generally a 
thin, strongly aponeurotic structure. 

Its lateral attachment is to the posterior end of the ventral surface 
of the compound bone. The muscle is rather slender in most species 
that have it, although in Thamnophis elegans vagrans (Fig. 16, C) it 
is broad; in Thamnophis s. sirtalis (Fig. 16, B) it is narrower. The 
muscle runs anteriorly and medially and usually steadily expands in 
width anteriorly. The muscle is deep to the constrictor colli if one is 
present. Those costocutaneous superior fibers that attach to the hyoid 
lie posterior to the swperficialis and so do not cover it. 

The anterior third or so of the superficialis is a thin tendon in many 
species. The medial attachment is always to the midventral raphe with 
its mate, where there is usually some overlap with the intermandibu- 
laris anterior; the muscle always is superficial, of course, to the pro- 


The muscle has been found in the colubrids Amblycephalus, Atre- 
tium, Drymobius, Elaphe, Haplopeltura, Heterodon, Natrix, Pliocercus, 
Thamnophis, and Xenodon, among others; it has been found in the 
erotalid Bothrops and in the viperid Cerastes. Examined specimens 
of Achrochordus and Enhydris, of the hydrophids Lapemis and Aipy- 
surus, of the elapids Denisonia and Micrurus latifasciata, and of the 
erotalids Agkistrodon, Crotalus, and Sistrurus did not seem to have 
the muscle. Dullemeijer (1956) did not find one in Vipera berus, but 
McKay (1889) did show one in Acanthophis, an elapid. The thinness 
plus the subcutaneous position of the muscle made dissection and 
identification of it difficult in many specimens, and this may account 
for some of the supposed absences of this muscle. 

At any rate, there is evidence to show that the swperficialis is of 
an inconstant presence in the colubrids; it is mostly absent in the 
poisonous snakes, and perhaps altogether in the hydrophids. 


Synonymy. 1815, Retrahens laryngis, Hibner. 1827, Laryngo- 
hyoidien, Dugés. 1834, Riickwartszieher des Kehlkopfes, d’Alton. 1839, 
Herabzieher des Kehlkopfes, Henle. 1880, Retractor trachea, Minot. 
1886, Retractor laryngis, DuBois. 1889, Hyo-trachealis, McKay. 1890, 
Hyoideo-laryngeus, Hoffmann. 1898, Hyo-trachealis, Kellicott. 1900, 
Retractor laryngis, Goppert. 1929, Laringohyoideus, or retractor tra- 
chea, Sewertzoff. 1933, Oesophageotrachealis (probably labeled incor- 
rectly), Lubosch. 1935, Hyo-laryngeus, or hyo-trachealis, Edgeworth. 
1938, Hyotrachealis, Nishi. 1944, Hyo-glossus (probably in error), 
or retractor laryngis, Kesteven. 1956, Tracheo-hyoideus, Dullemeijer. 
1958, Tracheo-hyoideus, Dullemeijer. 1959, Hyotrachealis, Albright 
and Nelson. 

The name hyotrachealis is used instead of hyolaryngeus because the 
insertion of the muscle is usually upon what is more properly called 
the trachea, rather than upon the specialized part of the air tube 
called the larynx. The distinction, however, is not great. 

The muscle is found in all snakes; there were no exceptions un- 
covered by examination. There are few variations in the position of 
the insertion and origin. This muscle is apparently unique to snakes. 

Origin. In most snakes the site of attachment is upon the respective 
cornu, but there are exceptions. 

The anomalepidids, as shown by Lnotyphlops, are an exception: 
fibers of the muscle are bound by connective tissue to the ventral 
outer surface of the buccal floor lining at a level just anterior to the 


The typhlopids are another exception: the origin is upon hypaxial 
trunk muscles lying over the ends of the rib cage, approximately from 
ribs 2 to about 4 or 5. The hyotrachealis is bound by connective 
tissue to the muscles. 

Leptotyphlopids also are an exception: the origin is again upon the 
external aspect of the lining of the ventral buccal floor. The level 
in L. maximus is opposite the 1st rib; the site is slightly lateral to the 
outer edge of the trachea. 

Nearly all of the remainder of snakes have the origin upon the 
cornu, generally upon the lateral edge. In the uropeltid Rhinophis 
the muscle arises at about the anterior fourth of the cornu, but on 
the medial edge. 

As for aniliids, Cylindrophis maculatus and rufus both have the 
origin on the lateral edge at about the second fourth of the cornu. In 
Anilius the origin is more posterior. 

Xenopeltis has the origin at about one-third the length of the cornu. 
It usually lies farther posterior in boids, at least to the halfway point 
or slightly beyond. Tropidophis is unusual in having the origin upon 
the deep face of the raphe of the newrocostomandibularis. 

In the colubrids and the poisonous snakes, there are a few exceptions 
to the otherwise straightforward situation. Heterodon has the origin 
upon the muscles of the rib cage; the situation is similar in Pseudaspis. 
Agkistrodon is variable: the origin may be either on the rib cage 
alone or else also the hyoid. Edgeworth (1935) noted that in Vipera 
there is a split origin —one head lies over the rib cage and one at- 
taches to the hyoid. In Cerastes the origin is upon the external surface 
of the ventral buccal floor lining at the level of the end of the 
gemoglossi. Thamnophis may also show a spht origin, one head at- 
taching to the hyoid and the other to the deep face of the neuro- 
costomandibular inscription (Fig. 16, C). 

Course. The muscle runs from the origin anteriorly to the place 
of insertion upon the side of the trachea or larynx. In those snakes 
where the origin is upon the rib cage, or on the buccal floor, and in 
those with the origin on the hyoid of the “V” type, the course is also 
somewhat medial. In the parallel type of hyoid, the anterior course 
of the muscle, when the origin is on the hyoid, is rather straight 
because the lateral edges of the cornua are about on the same line 
as the lateral faces of the larynx and trachea. 

Insertion. Onto the trachea, or the laryngeal-tracheal region. It is 
impossible to set a rigid boundary. Variations are minor. 
The insertion of the hyotrachealis is generally dorsal and anterior 


to that of geniotrachealis but some genera do have the insertion ventral 
to the geniotrachealis instead, e.g., Typhlops, Amblycephalus, Xeno- 
peltis, and Agkistrodon piscivorus. A few snakes show a split insertion, 
where the hyotracheal fibers attach both dorsal and ventral to the 
geniotrachealis; Boa cookvi and Notechis are examples. 

Usually the line of insertion is rather perpendicular, or at most 
slightly angular, to the tracheal axis. On the other hand, the genio- 
trachealis usually has its insertion along a more or less longitudinal 
line. Where the hyotracheal insertion is markedly perpendicular, the 
fibers attach usually to one tracheal ring alone, and sometimes in 
addition upon the ericoid plate of the larynx. 

Action. To withdraw the protracted larynx, plus trachea, into the 
normal position within the mouth. The geniotrachealis, the protractor, 
is a sturdy, strong muscle, with more bulk than the longer, thinner 
hyotrachealis. Apparently the natural elasticity of the trachea as- 
sists the retractor in pulling the protruded larynx back into the mouth. 

Innervation. Contrary to Edgeworth (1935), who had the hyo- 
trachealis splitting from the hyoglossus and thus acquiring innervation 
from the XIIth, the cranial nerve involved apparently is the Xth. The 
vagus nerve basically serves the fourth through sixth arches, from 
which the laryngeal cartilages and all the intrinsic laryngeal muscles 
are derived. The hyotrachealis would seem to be derived from a 
mass splitting from the laryngeal intrinsic muscle primordium and 
growing posteriorly to the site of origin. The geniotrachealis develops 
with the genioglossus and thus has hypoglossal innervation. 

Vogt (1839) had the XIIth serving the muscle. Cowan and Hick 
(1951) also considered the muscle as a hypobranchial muscle, served 
by the XIIth; they followed Edgeworth. Goppert, however, in 1910 
stated that the IXth serves the muscle; since IX and X at least 
partially fuse in snakes, his interpretation is understandable. 

Actually, in many specimens the dissection does not clearly indicate 
the nerve. This is because of the plexus-like arrangement of several 
cranial nerves, to wit, IX, X, and XII. The trunks of these nerves 
fuse variously, and the branches to various muscles are ascertained 
with difficulty. Commonly IX plus the superior laryngeal branch of 
X fuse and run forward together with the fibers of XII (anterior 
branch); the Xth and the IXth leave to go to the larynx; nerve XII 
continues forward to the tongue; the XIIth also serves the genioglossus 
and geniotrachealis. 

Variation. The variations are in the position of the origin or the 
insertion. The muscle itself is of a rather constant form in snakes. 



During the course of the dissections, a few other muscles were met 
with that were not considered germane to the study. Examples of 
these are the: submandibular gland muscles, geniotrachealis, obliquus 
abdominis internus, and transversus abdominis. A very short summary 
of these muscles follows. 

There were also a few muscles that were not identifiable. In the 
anomalepidid Liotyphlops there is a muscular sheet between the 
descending cornu of the ceratohyal and the recurrent cornu. This 
muscle is not named and it is not shown on Figure 7. The direction of 
the fibers is anteriorly and medially, and the fibers do not extend the 
length of either cornu. There are some small muscles in the anterior 
intermandibular region of typhlopids which are presumably part of the 
intermandibular series but are not otherwise identified. 

Submandibular gland muscles. Along each side of the tongue sheath 
at the front of the mouth lies a prominent submandibular gland. There 
are muscles associated with this gland in snakes, and there are at least 
a pair of them in all species—a “constrictor” of the gland, and 
presumably a “dilator.” Some typhlopids, at least, have another muscle 
or two attaching to the gland. The muscles are innervated by nerve V. 

In most snakes the constrictor attaches to the posterior border or 
the posterodorsal border of the gland; the fibers in their course le 
against the ventral surface of the gland and attach medially to the 
fibrous inter-ramal pad. 

The dilator of the gland in most snakes attaches to the posterior 
apex of the gland; the fibers then run posteriorly and medially, but 
laterally to the genioglossus and geniotrachealis, to attach to the 
midventral raphe. This muscle is called the transversus branchialis 
by Albright and Nelson (1959) after Cowan and Hick (1951); the 
name does not really seem apt. In typhlopids the muscle is not present, 
at least recognizably. Instead there is a muscle which runs from the 
gland laterally to the dentary; it may have the same function. 

Geniotrachealis. This is a constant muscle in snakes. It receives 
a hypoglossal nerve supply. The muscle attaches anteriorly to the apex 
of the dentary, or to the inter-ramal fibrous pad in some species. In its 
course it lies on the lateral surface of the genroglossus. The posterior 
attachment is to the trachea, immediately posterior to the larynx. Its 
action is to protract the larynx and the following part of the trachea. 

Obliquus abdominis internus. This muscle is in all snakes and forms 
a sheet across the ventral aspect of the trunk. Fibers arise on the 
medial face of the ribs and run anteriorly and medially to attach to 
the linea alba. 


Transversus abdominis. This muscle also arises from the medial 
face of the ribs, but its fibers run posteriorly and medially to attach 
to the linea alba. The muscle lies on the deep surface of the obliquus 
abdominis internus. 

These two abdominal muscles form a double-layered sheet across 
the ventral aspect of the trunk. In the Typhlopidae, Leptotyphlopidae, 
and those snakes with a parallel type hyoid, the muscular sheets lie 
superficial to the rear fraction of the cornua and its attached hyoglossi, 
etc. In the snakes with a “V” type hyoid, the sheets he deep to the 
cornua and attached hyoglossi. 

D. Discussion 

Ventral head muscles considered unique to snakes are the hyo- 
trachealis, transversus branchialis, costomandibularis, and the neuro- 
costomandibularis. Only the hyotrachealis is universal among serpents. 

The hyotrachealis muscle, the laryngeal retractor, is of fairly con- 
stant form, generally attaching to the hyoid at its posterior end, and 
always attaching to the side of the trachea, near the larynx; the 
posterior attachment in some species is to the rib cage or pharyngeal 
floor. The author could not find a homolog in lizards, either by dis- 
section or noted in the literature. Varanus does have a laryngeal pro- 
tractor, although most lizards do not, but no retractor was revealed 
in spite of careful search in several species. Watkinson (1916) also 
recorded no retractor. Apparently the natural elasticity of the tra- 
chea is enough to retract it, if the larynx is protracted to any degree 
in varanids. 

The transversus branchialis seems to have no homolog in lizards. 
The muscle unites the two cornua but is of irregular occurrence among 
serpents. No importance is attached to the variations. 

As a muscle considered to be specially formed from slips of the 
costocutaneus inferior, the costomandibularis perhaps deserves no sep- 
arate name, but since this muscle has become well developed and 
individual, the author feels that it deserves designation. The muscle 
is not found in all snakes, being absent in anomalepidids, typhlopids, 
and leptotyphlopids. In the uropeltids the muscle is distinct, although 
small, and appears to be at its simplest form. The remaining snakes 
all have the muscle in one form or another; the muscle arises from 
a variable number of ribs and inserts either (1) to the respective cornu 
(uropeltids and Cylindrophis rufus), (2) to the mandible (Anilius), 
or (3) into the ceratomandibularis (Cylindrophis maculatus); (4) 


most commonly the muscle is a contributor to the newrocostomandibu- 
laris complex (the remaining snakes with the muscle). 

The neurocostomandibularis formed by the costomandibularis, 
ceratomandibularis, and newromandibularis is unique to snakes, al- 
though it is by no means universal, being restricted to the xenopeltids, 
boids, colubrids, and the poisonous families. Although lizards do not 
have this muscle, as far as the author is aware, in Varanus and An- 
nella, at least, the newromandibularis partially inserts into the cerato- 
mandibularis; it might be noted that this combination of the neuro- 
mandibularis plus ceratomandibularis does not exist in snakes. In 
uropeltids and aniliids, the neuromandibular tendon overlies the origin 
on the mandible of the ceratomandibularis, but no union of the fibers 
occurs. Lubosch (1933) reported a union for Cylindrophis rufus, but 
in a specimen dissected by the author this was not the case. The 
neurocostomandibularis often has one or more distinct tendinous in- 
scriptions. Ideally all three contributing muscles attach to the in- 
scription, but this is frequently not entirely the case. Many fibers 
of one of the muscles often proceed past the inscription to attach to 
the mandible or to the cornu, as the case may be. 

The ceratomandibularis in lizards is well developed in all species. 
It is the superficial layer of the ramus-hyoid group (the deep layer 
is the gentohyoideus), and runs from the mandible to the Ist cerato- 
branchial; occasionally this main, broad sheet is accompanied by a 
medial, slender one. Among snakes the ceratomandibularis is con- 
sidered absent in the anomalepidids, where the 1st ceratobranchials 
are lacking; however there is a slender, separate muscle in this family 
which might possibly be interpreted as being a ceratomandibularis. 
The remaining snakes are considered to have the muscle. In the 
typhlopids and leptotyphlopids the muscle is very slender and re- 
sembles the medial slip of many lizards. In the uropeltids and anilids, 
the muscle is relatively broader. In the remainder of the families the 
ceratomandibularis is a broad muscle. Lizards all have a generally 
broad muscle, and it seems reasonable to suspect that the progenitors 
of snakes also did. Following this line of thought, the narrow muscles 
of typhlopids and leptotyphlopids and the moderately broad muscles of 
uropeltids and aniliids therefore either show reduction in width, 
or else merely represent the medial slip as seen commonly in lizards. 
Of course, the ceratomandibularis also contributes to the newrocosto- 
mandibularis complex where it is present. Dullemeijer (1956) felt 
that the rostral part of the ceratomandibularis, as seen in Vipera, is 
really a ‘““mylo-hyoid” muscle, belonging to the intermandibular series. 

The newromandibularis, another component of the complex, is pres- 



ent in all snakes save Achrochordus. It is separate in the anoma- 
lepidids, typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, and aniliids; in other 
snakes the muscle is a major contributor to the newrocostomandibularis. 
In lizards the neuwromandibularis is commonly present and separate, 
although some union with the ceratomandibularis does take place in 
Varanus and Anniella. 

The genioglossus is generally similar in lizards and snakes. It par- 
tially ensheathes the respective hyoglossus and affords considerable 
protractive ability for the tongue. Among snakes, the genioglossus 
is relatively the largest in Leptotyphlops. The genioglossus in snakes 
originates on the apex of the dentary bone and/or on the inter-ramal 
fibrous pad. Genioglossal fibers do not mingle with the intrinsic tongue 
muscles but are bound to the tongue by a tough sheath. There are no 
special variations worth noting here. 

The hyoglossus is similar in both snakes and lizards in several 
respects: it is long, it is covered anteriorly by a strong membranous 
sheath, it provides much of the tongue musculature, and it attaches 
in some way to the hyoid. In lizards the muscles are divergent and 
encapsulated, affixing to the divergent Ist ceratobranchials. Among 
snakes the muscles are divergent and encapsulated in the anoma- 
lepidids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, aniliids, xenopeltids, and boids 
(sensu stricto), and attach to the divergent 1st ceratobranchials, ex- 
cept in the anomalepidids where the divergent muscles attach to the 
ceratohyals instead. In the colubrids and poisonous families, the 2nd 
ceratobranchials are parallel, and the attaching hyoglossi are encapsu- 
lated and juxtaposed. In the typhlopids, the hyoglossal fibers are 
parallel, but individually affix to the cornua. 

The greatest relative development in the bulk of the hyoglossi is 
found in the fossorial typhlopids and leptotyphlopids. In other 
snakes, the hyoglossi are routinely relatively long and slender. The 
hyoglossi of typhlopids and leptotyphlopids do have a great similarity 
in general appearance and form, but vary, as mentioned previously, 
in several probably minor ways. 

The geniohyoideus is commonly found in lizards, where it exists as 
the deep layer of the ramus-hyoid series, running from the mandible 
to the ceratohyal. The geniohyoideus is considered absent in all snakes 
except the anomalepidids, where it is a broad muscle extending from 
the ramus to the hypohyal plus ceratohyal. There is also a slender, 
separate muscle in anomalepidids which runs from the ramus to the 
end of the recurrent cornu; this is considered a slip of the genio- 
hyoideus, but perhaps it is a slip of the ceratomandibularis, otherwise 
considered lost in anomalepidids. Since the geniohyoideus and cerato- 


mandibularis are derivatives of the same muscle primordium, the at- 
tempt at trying to name certain slips is probably not important. 

Also commonly found in lizards is the sternohyoideus; it frequently 
is present in several layers. It runs from the sternum to the 1st 
ceratobranchial. Only in the typhlopids and leptotyphlopids is there 
anything which can be fairly designated the sternohyordeus. In these 
snakes it is a very well-developed mass, and since there are no sternal 
elements for posterior attachment the fibers attach posteriorly to the 
linea alba. The anomalepidids and all other snakes, having lost the 
1st ceratobranchials, also have lost the sternohyoideus. 

The omohyoideus is generally a large muscle in lizards, running 
between the 1st ceratobranchial and the shoulder girdle. The muscle 
is considered to be present in a few snakes, but this identity is frankly 
not definite: Rhinophis, Cylindrophis rufus and maculatus, Eryx, and 
possibly Liotyphlops. In all cases the origin is over the rib cage and 
the insertion is on some part of the respective cornu. 

A muscle found in all snakes is the costocutaneus superior. This 
muscle is for the most part restricted to the trunk, but the anteriormost 
fibers do lie on the ventral surface of the head, where they attach 
in most snakes to the hyoid, although in some species the fibers le 
completely over the hyoid to attach to the mandibles. Examples 
of the latter case are leptotyphlopids, typhlopids, uropeltids, Cy- 
lindrophis, and the strange colubrid Achrochordus. All lizards, ap- 
parently, also have these cutaneous muscles, which are derived from 
the rectus superficialis system according to Camp (1923); the fibers, 
however, never have attachments on the hyoid in lizards. 

The constrictor colli, where present, partly inserts upon the hyoid 
in snakes. Indeed, the constrictor may be present or absent in the same 
species, apparently. With the lizards, the muscle is probably always 
present and always well developed; it also never seems to attach to 
the hyoid. The constrictor colli is never a sturdy muscle in snakes 
where it is found, and there has been an obvious trend in evolution 
for a reduction in the muscle — either entirely or in part. 

Intermandibular muscles are present in both snakes and lizards. 
In lizards, the intermandibulars are generally broad, straplike muscles 
which often interleave with slips of the ceratomandibularis. In 
typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, and anomalepidids, the intermandibular 
muscles are broad and rather transverse, reminiscent of lizards. In the 
other snakes, however, the muscles tend to be more angular in position 
and relatively more slender. The intermandibularis anterior is gener- 
ally weak or absent in the aniliids, uropeltids, xenopeltids, and boids 
(sensu lato). The colubrids and poisonous snakes have both the inter- 


mandibularis anterior and intermandibularis posterior profundus well 
developed. The intermandibularis posterior superficialis has been 
found in many colubrids and has also been found in a viperid and 
a crotalid; many colubrids and most poisonous snakes seem to lack 
the superficialis. 

E. Summary 

1. Associated hyoid muscles of the lizard Varanus are the: costo- 
cutaneus superior, hyoglossus, genioglossus, ceratomandibularis, neuro- 
mandibularis, geniohyoideus, sternohyoideus, omohyoideus, cerato- 
hyoideus, intermandibularis anterior and posterior, and constrictor 

2. Associated hyoid muscles of the snakes are the: costocutaneus 
superior, hyoglossus, genioglossus, ceratomandibularis, costomandibu- 
laris, neuromandibularis, neurocostomandibularis, geniohyoideus, ster- 
nohyoideus, omohyoideus, transversus branchialis, hyotrachealis, inter- 
mandibularis anterior, intermandibularis posterior, and constrictor 
colli. No one species has them all. 

3. Muscles unique to snakes, but not found in all species, are the: 
costomandibularis, neurocostomandibularis complex, transversus bran- 
chialis, and hyotrachealis. The hyotrachealis is the single unique 
muscle common to all snakes. 

4. The hypobranchial-spinal group of muscles are innervated by the 
hypoglossal nerve and spinal nerves and include all the muscles of 
No. 2 except the hyotrachealis, intermandibulars, and constrictor colli. 

5. Anterior fibers of the costocutaneus superior attach to the hyoid 
in most snakes. However, these fibers attach only to the lower jaws 
in typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, and the aniliid Cylindrophis. 

6. Hyoglossal fibers are parallel in typhlopids, and attach directly 
to the cornua. The hyoglossi are divergent and encapsulated in anoma- 
lepidids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, aniliids, xenopeltids, boids (sensu 
stricto), and lizards. The remaining snakes have the hyoglossi parallel 
and encapsulated. 

7. The genioglossi are similar for all snakes; they actually insert 
into the tongue, having no attachment to the hyoid. 

8. The ceratomandibularis is found in all snakes save the anoma- 
lepidids, perhaps. It runs between the mandible and the cornu, and is 
also a part of the neurocostomandibularis where present. The cerato- 
mandibularis is narrow in typhlopids, leptotyphlopids, uropeltids, and 


9. The costomandibularis is considered to be formed of modified slips 
of the costocutaneus inferior. It is not found in typhlopids, leptotyph- 
lopids, and anomalepidids. 

10. The neuwromandibularis is found in all snakes, with a possible 
exception of Achrochordus. It runs between the dorsum of the neck and 
the mandible or the neurocostomandibular inscription. 

11. The neurocostomandibularis is a large muscle complex which is 
composed of the ceratomandibularis, costomandibularis, and neuro- 
mandibularis, in xenopeltids, boids, colubrids, and poisonous snakes. 
There is usually a common tendinous inscription. 

12. The geniohyoideus is found only in the anomalepidids; it runs 
from the mandible to the hypohyal and ceratohyal. 

13. The sternohyoideus is found only in the typhlopids and lepto- 
typhlopids, where it is very large; it runs from the hyoid posteriorly 
to the linea alba. 

14. A small muscle reservedly called the omohyoideus is found in a 
few snakes of several families. It runs from the rib cage to the cornu. 

15. The transversus branchialis connects the two cornua; it is of 
erratic distribution in snakes. 

16. The hyotrachealis attaches to the trachea and to the cornu in 
most snakes; in a few it attaches posteriorly to other neighboring tis- 
sues. It is innervated by X. 

17. The intermandibulars are innervated by V. The anterior set is 
absent or weak in many families; the posterior profundus is always 
present and strong; the posterior superficialis is found in many colu- 
brids and some poisonous snakes. 

18. The constrictor colli is innervated by VII. It is of erratic appear- 
ance in snakes; where present it partly attaches to the hyoid in many 

19. Miscellaneous muscles in the vicinity are the submandibular 
gland muscles, geniotrachealis, obliquus abdominis internus, and ab- 
dominis transversus. 


A. Discussion 

Brief summaries of the hyoid structure and associated muscles of 
the lizard Varanus and the families of snakes follow. 

1. Varanus: WHyoid—complete basihyal, hypohyals, ceratohyals, 
plus 1st ceratobranchials (bony). Costocutaneus swperior does not 
attach to hyoid. Hyoglossi divergent, attach to ceratobranchials. Cerat- 
omandibularis large, in two slips. Newromandibularis. Geniohyoideus 
in two slips. Ceratohyoideus. Sternohyoideus in two layers, super- 
ficialis and profundus. Omohyoideus. Intermandibularis anterior and 
posterior; broad and transverse. 

2. Anomalepididae: Hyoid —basihyal?, hypohyals, ceratohyals 
with recurrent cornua; no lingual process; ‘““M” type. Costocutaneus 
superior attaches to hyoid. Hyoglossi divergent, encapsulated, attach 
to ceratohyals. Ceratomandibularis probably not present. Genio- 
hyoideus present, between mandible and hyoid. Sternohyoideus miss- 
ing. Omohyoideus? small. Intermandibularis anterior and posterior; 
broad and transverse. 

3. Typhlopidae: Hyoid — complete basihyal plus 1st ceratobranchi- 
als; some parts may be missing in some species; ‘“Y” type; may be 
bony. Costocutaneus superior does not attach to hyoid, only to jaws. 
Hyoglossi large; parallel fibers attach to hyoid directly. Ceratomandib- 



ularis very slender. Neuromandibularis separate. Sternohyoideus 
large, attaches to linea alba. Intermandibularis anterior and posterior ; 
broad and transverse. 

4. Leptotyphlopidae: Hyoid — like in Typhlopidae, but never re- 
duced and never bony. Costocutaneus superior does not attach to 
hyoid, only to jaws. Hyoglossi large; divergent muscles encapsulated. 
Genioglossi greatly expanded to cover tongue sheath. Ceratomandi- 
bularis very slender. Neuromandibularis separate. Sternohyoideus 
large, attaches to linea alba. Intermandibularis anterior and posterior; 
broad and transverse. 

5. Uropeltidae: Hyoid — 1st ceratobranchials only; cornua sepa- 
rate; “V” type. Costocutaneus superior does not attach to hyoid. 
Hyoglossi divergent. Ceratomandibularis narrow and separate. Neuro- 
mandibularis separate. Costomandibularis present and separate, at- 
taches to hyoid. Omohyoideus? Intermandibularis posterior profundus 

6. Aniliidae: Hyoid — 1st ceratobranchials only; cornua joined or 
separate; “V” type. Hyoglossi divergent. Ceratomandibularis rather 
broad, separate. Neuromandibularis separate. ANriLIuS — Cornua 
united anteriorly. Costocutaneus superior attaches to hyoid. Costo- 
mandibularis attaches to mandible. Intermandibularis posterior pro- 
fundus only. CyLInpropHis— Hyoid reduced; cornua not joimed 
anteriorly. Costocutaneus superior does not attach to hyoid. Costo- 
mandibularis attaches to hyoid (rufus), or to ceratomandibularis 
(maculatus). Omohyoideus? Intermandibularis anterior weak; inter- 
mandibularis posterior profundus well developed. 

7. Xenopeltidae: Hyoid — 1st ceratobranchials only; Joined anteri- 
orly; “V” type. Costocutaneus superior attaches to hyoid. Hyoglossi 
divergent. Neuwrocostomandibularis. Intermandibularis posterior pro- 
fundus only. 

8. Boidae (sensu stricto): Hyoid—1st ceratobranchials; cornua 
joined or separated; “V” type. Costocutaneus superior attaches to 
hyoid. Hyoglossi divergent. Neurocostomandibularis. Intermandib- 
ularis anterior usually weak; intermandibularis posterior profundus 
well developed. 

9. Colubridae, Elapidae, Hydrophidae, Viperidae, and Crotalidae: 
Hyoid — basihyal plus 2nd ceratobranchials; lmgual process and pos- 
sibly complete basihyal sometimes missing; parallel type. Costocu- 
taneus superior attaches to hyoid. Hyoglossi parallel and juxtaposed. 
Neurocostomandibularis. Intermandibularis anterior and intermandi- 
bularis posterior profundus both well developed; an intermandibularis 
posterior swperficialis in addition in some species, particularly in the 


10. Trachyboa, Tropidophis, and possibly Bolyeria and Casarea: 
Same as No. 9, except they have a very weak intermandibularis an- 
terior, and the intermandibularis posterior profundus only. 

11. Achrochordus (a colubrid genus with many strange features) : 
Costocutaneus superior does not attach to hyoid. Newrocostomandib- 
ularis absent; ceratomandibularis is separate; apparently no neuro- 
mandibularis or costomandibularis. 

At this point it is a temptation to suggest a set of superfamilies. 
Smith and Warner (1948) prepared such a provisional classification 
based on the four types of hyoid form: Anomalepoidea, Typhlopoidea, 
Boidoidea, and Colubroidea. At first glance this seems like a very effi- 
cient and reasonable classification, but when the associated hyoid 
musculature is taken into account, it is not entirely satisfactory. 
Rather than prepare another provisional set of superfamilies, the au- 
thor chooses to discuss the possible lines of evolution of snakes as 
suggested by the hyoids plus their associated muscles. No special 
names are proposed for these lines. 

First, it seems worthwhile to try to interpolate the hyoid anatomy 
of both snakes and lizards, in order to come up with some sort of likely 
primitive snake condition. Once having that, the evolutionary lines 
can be followed more easily. 

From such interpolation, a possible ancestral stock of the snakes 
might have had the following anatomy: (a) Hyoid —derived from 
arches 2, 3, and 4; complete basihyal, hypohyals, ceratohyals, 1st 
ceratobranchials (bony), and 2nd ceratobranchials. (b) Costocutaneus 
superior fibers attach to jaws, not to hyoid. (ec) Hyoglossi divergent, 
attaching to Ist ceratobranchials. (d) Genioglossus attaches to tip of 
dentary. (e) Two ramus-hyoid muscles: a deep geniohyoideus, at- 
taching to hypohyal and ceratohyal; a superficial ceratomandibularis, 
attaching to Ist ceratobranchial. (f) Two hyoid-pectoral girdle mus- 
cles: sternohyoideus and omohyoideus. (g) Neuromandibularis sepa- 
rate, attaching to mandible. (h) Geniotrachealis present. (1) Hyotra- 
chealis attaches to buccal lining posteriorly. (j) Intermandibularis 
anterior and posterior; broad and transverse. (k) Constrictor colli 
present, probably not attaching to hyoid. 

From this stock, possible evolutionary lines can be worked out with 
the evidence offered by the hyoid and its musculature (Fig. 19). 

(1) The first line gave rise to the modern anomalepidids; these 
changes were made from the primitive stock: (a) Loss of Ist and 2nd 
ceratobranchials, and probably the entire basihyal. (b) Costocutaneus 
superior fibers affixed to hyoid. (ce) Hyoglosst made new attachments 
to the ceratohyals. (d) Sternohyoideus lost. (e) Ceratomandibularis 


apparently lost; there is a slip, separate from the geniohyoideus, which 
might represent the ceratomandibularis. 

The significant loss in the number of muscles and parts of the hyoid 
from the primitive stock seems to indicate that much time passed in 
the evolution of the anomalepidid snakes as we see them today. The 
unique presence of the presumed geniohyoideus and of a hyoid com- 
posed only of 2nd arch derivatives surely indicates that this group is far 
removed from other snakes, and that its evolution has been along a 
line that diverged early from the primitive snakes. 

It is probable that among the forms evolving in the main group of 
the primitive stock were those which lost the hypohyals and cerato- 
hyals, and the geniohyoideus. It was these snakes which seemed to 
have become the main stock. From this stock emerged a second line. 

(2) This line later split to give rise to the modern typhlopids and 
leptotyphlopids; to give rise to the line, these changes were made from 
the primitive stock: (a) Loss of 2nd ceratobranchials. (b) Hyoglosst, 
and tongue in general, relatively enlarged. (ce) Ceratomandibularis re- 
duced to a slender muscle. (d) Omohyoideus lost. 

The typhlopids and leptotyphlopids have not often been considered 
closely related, principally because of differences in the skulls. In fact 
they have not usually been considered as even having a common 
ancestral line. However, evidence presented here is contrary to at least 
the latter view. The hyoid of the two families is similar in composi- 
tion, and it is morphologically unlike those of other snakes. It is true 
that the “V” type cornua are also ist ceratobranchials, but the lingual 
process, which is so distinct and usual in the ““Y” type, 1s missing in 
the “V” type. 

Typhlopids and leptotyphlopids have relatively large hyoglossal 
muscles, totally different in general form from other snakes. The two 
families both have a very slender, independent ceratomandibularis, 
which is unlike that of other snakes. The relatively large, almost mas- 
sive, sternohyoideus is unknown for other snakes. These are surely 
enough pieces of evidence from the ventral head region to give rise to 
a distinct suspicion that these snakes have had a similar ancestry, 
which was, itself, on a line removed from the other snakes. 

After the emergence of the second line, the main stock had forms 
with this anatomy: the sternohyoideus is lost, the intermandibulars 
become angular in position, and the hyotrachealis takes attachment to 
a cornu; then a new muscle, the costomandibularis, forms from the 
costocutaneus inferior. These snakes made up a new or continuing 
stock from which emerged a third line. 

(3) This line evolved into the modern uropeltids; these changes were 


made from the stock: (a) Loss of 2nd ceratobranchials and basihyal. 
(b) Intermandibularis anterior reduced appreciably. The status of the 
uropeltids as a family is by no means clear. There are about six genera 
usually recognized as belonging in this family. It may well be that at 
least some of these will be found to be more naturally allied with the 

Another small line, the fourth, also diverged from this stock. 

(4) This line gave rise to the aniliids; these changes were made from 
the stock: (a) Loss of 2nd ceratobranchials and basihyal. (b) Cerat- 
omandibularis broadened. (c) Intermandibularis anterior reduced. 

The relationships of this group as a natural family are also ques- 
tioned. The aniliidae is usually formed of three genera. Two are 
South Asiatic — Anomalochilus (not seen) and Cylindrophis — and 
one is South American — Anilius. Cylindrophis differs from Anilius in 
several outstanding ways, indicating at least a subfamily division. 
Cylindrophis has an edentate premaxilla, a coronoid bone, a divided 
anal, and scale pits. Anilius shows the opposite condition for each of 
these traits. 

In any case the aniliids probably have a close alliance with the 
uropeltids, and this seems borne out by comparing the generally similar 
hyoid anatomy of the two families. 

A major anatomical and evolutionary event then occurred in the 
stock by the formation of the newrocostomandibularis, a composite 
muscle which was made up of the ceratomandibularis, costomandib- 
ularis, and neuromandibularis. The remainder of the snakes, with the 
exception of Achrochordus, all have this distinct composite muscle. 

The stock is now considered to have consisted of snakes with a 
hyoid composed of a basihyal, Ist and 2nd ceratobranchials, and with 
a neurocostomandibularis, as well as costocutaneus superior, constrictor 
colli, intermandibulars, ete. This stock is also considered to have been 
the fifth line of evolution. 

(5) This line, or stock, gave rise to the xenopeltids and the boids 
(sensu lato); there was a general reduction in the intermandibularis 

Then, one line came off this stock which retained the 2nd cerato- 
branchials but lost the Ist pair; these snakes became the genera 
Trachyboa, Tropidophis, Bolyeria, and Casarea. The hyoglossi became 
juxtaposed and attached to the cornua. 

The rest of the stock lost the 2nd ceratobranchials and the basihyal; 
this line further split to give rise to the boids (sensu stricto) and the 
xenopeltids. In the xenopeltids the intermandibularis anterior was 
totally lost. 


Frankly, the position of the four genera named above is once again 
noted as uncertain and puzzling. These snakes seem boidlike in most 
characteristics, and certainly have the general habitus of boas. Yet 
their remarkable possession of a parallel type hyoid cannot be easily 
discounted. Trachyboa and Tropidophis lack a coronoid bone in the 
mandible, whereas Anthony and Guibé (1952) reported that Bolyeria 
and Casarea have a coronoid, as the greater number of the true boids 
do. Anthony and Guibé proposed the subfamily Bolyerinae, under 
Boidae, for these two genera. This brief discussion of these four genera 
merely points up the fact that the anatomical information about them 
is incomplete. 

The genus Xenopeltis has long been assigned its own monogeneric 
family, chiefly for the reason of its having a peculiar lower jaw — 
there being an intercalated coronoid bone and a movable dentary. 
There has been a view toward grouping this species with Loxocemus, a 
neotroprical genus sometimes recognized as the only new world python 
(Haas, 1955). The two snakes differ in lower jaws — Loxocemus being 
boidlike — but have certain other things in common: premaxillary 
teeth present, two functional lungs, free projecting tabular bones. Haas 
disclosed that the two also have similarities in cranial musculature in- 
volving the adductor externus, and a double depressor mandibulae. 
He decided that Loxocemus should be regarded as having split off from 
the stock where the Xenopeltidae and the Boidae have diverged. The 
anatomy of the hyoid may not be particularly significant as regards 
the NXenopeltis-Loxocemus relationship. Nenopeltis lacks the inter- 
mandibularis anterior, but otherwise, like Loxocemus, has a true boid 
type of musculature associated with the hyoid. 

It appears to the author that the snakes with the “V” type hyoid, 
plus Trachyboa, etc., are the ones which present the greatest number 
of problems in defining families and familial relationships. 

From the stock of the fifth line, another line diverged which became 
very important and produced the majority of snakes; this was the 
sixth line. 

(6) This line gave rise to the colubrids, elapids, hydrophids, viperids, 
and crotalids; these changes were made from the stock: (a) Loss of 
Ist ceratobranchials. (b) Hyoglossi became juxtaposed and attached 
to 2nd ceratobranchials. (c) Intermandibularis posterior superficialis 
added for some species. (d) Intermandibularis anterior enlarged. 

The apparently aberrant genus Achrochordus has a strange and 
unique set of muscles: the newromandibularis and costomandibularis 
have been lost, the intermandibularis posterior profundus is extremely 
broad, and the costocutaneus superior fibers attach to the mandibles 


and therefore overlay the hyoid. This genus surely represents a case of 
losses and modifications of muscles. 

The five families included as being derived from the sixth line have 
a great deal in common, and obviously stand independently of the rest 
of the snakes — with the possible exception of the genera T'rachyboa, 
ete. The five families have been variously interpreted by many 
authors, so that it is easy to find in the literature different familial 
classifications. For example, a number of genera lumped together into 
the Colubridae here have often been separated into their own families, 
such as the Achrochordidae, Amblycephalidae, Dasypeltidae, ete. The 
Elapidae, Hydrophidae, Viperidae, and Crotalidae also have been con- 
sidered conservatively herein. 

Some authors, e.g., Dowling (1959), have made the hydrophids a 
subfamily, Hydrophinae, in the Elapidae, and the pit vipers a sub- 
family, Crotalinae, in the Viperidae. 

In examining the preceding phylogenetic patterns it becomes obvious 
that reductions and losses have largely characterized the evolutionary 
history of the hyoid and its associated muscles in snakes. Furthermore, 
it is herein considered that some of the reductions and losses of the 
same muscles or parts of the hyoid occurred in different lines, and 
therefore more than once in the phylogenetic scheme (parallelism or 
convergence). For example, it seems likely that loss of the 4th branchial 
arch components — 2nd ceratobranchials — occurred in the line that 
gave rise to the typhlopids and leptotyphlopids, also in the small lines 
that gave rise, respectively, to the uropeltids and aniliids, and in the 
line of the stock which gave rise to the true boids and xenopeltids. 
There are other examples among the musculature. 

The costomandibularis is the single new muscle that appeared, and 
it really is a modification of another muscle — the costocutaneus in- 
ferior —that was already present. The neurocostomandibularis was 
formed as an amalgamation of three muscles already there but sepa- 
rate. Another noteworthy modification was the shift in the posterior 
attachment of the hyotrachealis from the buccal mucosa to the avail- 
able cornu. 

The phylogenetic tree proposed, and shown diagrammatically in 
Figure 19, is of course based on the hyoid and its musculature. By 
altering the emphasis on hyoid form and the muscles, it would be easy 
to come up with another diagram that differed in some parts if 
probably not in all. For example, it might be considered that the di- 
vergence of the lines of snakes with the parallel type hyoid occurred 
much earlier from the stock than is shown on the plate. The formation 
of the neurocostomandibularis, which occurs in the parallel type as 


well as in many of the snakes with the “V” type hyoid, would then 
be considered a matter of convergence. 

Comparison of the diagrammatic tree illustrated in Figure 19 with 
several in the literature does not show many differences. Mahendra 
(1938) based his diagram mainly on osteological characters, and his 
diagram is not remarkably different from the author’s. He did not 
recognize the Anomalepididae, and he considered Leptotyphlopidae 
and Typhlopidae as unrelated families coming off a stock in quite 
separate directions; these are the outstanding exceptions to the author’s 
diagram. Schmidt’s (1950) diagram is much like Mahendra’s, although 
he recognized the Achrochordidae as a separate family. 

Bellairs and Underwood (1951) summarized the anatomy of snakes 
and its phylogenetic importance. They also prepared a phylogenetic 
diagram, which differs in some respects from the one shown in Figure 
19. For one thing, they included the anomalepidids with the typhlopids. 
Dowling (1959) in his review of the studies on the relationships of 
snakes prepared a diagram on the bases of adaptiveness to habitat 
and of morphological characters. His diagram differs in some ways 
from the author’s: he did not recognize the anomalepidids, and he sup- 
ported the view that the boids are the primitive and generalized snakes, 
with the other snakes having radiated away from them. 

Because so much, if not all, of the phylogenetic study of snakes must 
depend upon interpreting the modern species alone, the past history 
will always be one of debate and conjecture. For example, in Dowling’s 
work he uses the boids as primitive snakes, but there seems to be no 
good reason why modern boids should be a great deal like the actual 
primitive stock. The modern species must surely be thought of as 
having changed from earlier forms, and in this way are not the truly 
primitive animals that he, and others, have made them out to be. 
Indeed, as far as the hyoid and its musculature are concerned, the 
modern-day boids, either in the restricted or in the broad sense, show 
no more proof of being what the primitive snakes must have been like 
than other snakes. 

As far as the phylogeny of snakes goes, the truth is that the number 
of snake families, or natural groups, is obviously rather small, no 
matter how one interprets the classification. About twelve families 
conservatively, and perhaps fifteen liberally, are about all that one has 
to work with. Certainly the reasonable ways in which the phylogenetic 
relationships can be figured out are limited. No wonder that all the 
phylogenetic diagrams are liable to have many resemblances. 

Perhaps the most interesting families of snakes, phylogenetically, 
are the so-called blind snakes — Anomalepididae, Typhlopidae, and 


Leptotyphlopidae. They are small, highly adapted to a burrowing 
existence, and superficially resemble each other as well as many limb- 
less lizards. Up to 1939 the anomalepidids had been included with the 
typhlopids, but Taylor in that year proposed the new family Anomale- 
pididae by reasons of the cephalic squamation and the presence of 
teeth on both jaws. In comparison, Typhlops has an edentate lower jaw 
and Leptotyphlops has an edentate upper jaw. 

McDowell and Bogert (1954) included the anomalepidids under the 
Typhlopidae (as Dowling also did later). Partly because of this surely 
erroneous inclusion certain of their conclusions are without good foun- 
dation. Their inadequate handling of the hyoid apparatus, treated in 
the first part of this paper, is a case in point. Underwood (1957) in 
his critique of the former’s paper added a number of personal, and 
new, observations on the anatomy of blind snakes which serve to point 
up the need for a more thorough anatomical study of these animals. 

McDowell and Bogert (1954) concluded that “typhlopids” are really 
not snakes; leptotyphlopids were included in the snakes, however. 
Moreover they believed that the typhlopids “are even more distinct 
from leptotyphlopids than from the typical snakes.” However, at 
least four (Nos. 5, 6, 7, 10) of the ten features that they listed on p. 86 
as being unique to “typhlopids” are actually based on anomalepidids. 
List (1966), after a thorough, comprehensive study of the skeleton of 
the blind snakes, was convinced that the anomalepidids deserve family 
rank. The work presented herein supports that view and furthermore 
tends to show that the anomalepidids are snakes, but have evolved 
along an entirely different line than the rest of the snakes. 

The similarity in hyoids and associated muscles of Leptotyphlops 
and Typhlops has been shown; a common derivation is indicated. 
Underwood (1957) discussed similarities of the two families and de- 
cided that the two might well have diverged from a common ancestor. 

List and Underwood, in their respective papers, both discounted 
most of McDowell and Bogert’s differences of Typhlopidae from 
snakes in a broad sense. Again, the confusion caused by inclusion of 
the anomalepidids discounts some of McDowell and Bogert’s points. 
Underwood presented a list of features in which Typhlops is definitely 
snakelike; e.g., the eye structure, thymus bodies, anal glands, platytra- 
bie skull, and the facial artery’s course. With such characters as these, 
plus presence of several snakelike characteristics of the ventral head 
musculature, viz. hyotrachealis, strong development of the costocuta- 
neus superior fibers, and reduced constrictor colli, a case for including 
Typhlops with the snakes is definitely strong. This also holds for 


In looking among the lizards for some clues as to the ancestry of 
snakes, several problems are immediately evident. One is that since 
modern snakes have evolved, or changed, from their ancestors, then it 
is only fair to suggest that the lizards which gave rise to these an- 
cestors also have changed to some degree. Therefore, it is hard to 
believe that we can discover the ancestors to the serpents among the 
modern species of lizards. But, of course, we may find evidence that 
certain living species of lizards are the probable descendants of the 
ancestors of snakes. In effect, by studying the modern species one is 
only observing the current end points of evolution in snakes and 

Another problem which obscures the attempt to unravel the origin 
of snakes is that of convergence. There are many examples of this 
between lizards and snakes: loss of limbs and girdles, skull modifica- 
tions of various sorts, ete. 

No lizard is particularly like snakes in both the hyoid and the ven- 
tral head muscles. However, Anniella, of the anguinomorphan family 
Anniellidae, has a simple, inverted Y-shaped hyoid, obviously composed 
of a basihyal with lingual process, and two attached 1st ceratobranchi- 
als, which is very similar to that of Leptotyphlops and Typhlops. The 
musculature includes the genioglossus, divergent hyoglossi, a well- 
developed sternohyoideus (which possibly might be an omohyoideus), 
a broad ceratomandibularis with a neuromandibularis partially at- 
tached, constrictor colli not attached to hyoid, and broad transverse 
intermandibulars; there is no laryngeal protractor or retractor. 

The musculature does not precisely recall the condition in any snake, 
including T’yphlops and Leptotyphlops. Naturally the main difference 
is that Anniella lacks the hyotrachealis, as well as the geniotrachealis 
— both present in the snakes. Excluding these important differences, 
there is at least some resemblance to the typhlopids in muscles present. 
There is also a certain similarity to Cylindrophis, which lacks, though, 
the sternohyoideus (omohyoideus?) found in Anniella. Loss of the 
basihyal of the aniellid hyoid would certainly leave a hyoid structure 
very much like that in Cylindrophis (and others), of course. 

But although Anniella shows other snakelike tendencies, such as the 
eye covered by a scale, loss of temporal arches, and near limblessness, 
it still retains enough lizard ones to suggest only convergence with 
snakes rather than close relationship. 

McDowell and Bogert (1954) suggested that ‘‘snakes are derived 
from platynotan (Varanus-like) lizards.” In particular they found that 
Lanthanotus is very similar to Leptotyphlops in many ways. With 
respect to varanid-lke lizards as snake ancestors, Underwood (1957) 


found fault in many points, and finally decided that it was, in 1957, 
too early in the course of phylogenetic studies to decide upon the 
ancestry of snakes. It is probably still too early. 

The hyoid and associated muscles in Varanus, as well as in most 
lizards, are much more elaborated than in snakes. Comparison of 
Varanus with snakes reveals that if a series of losses and reductions 
in the hyoid anatomy of Varanus were made, a possible snakelike type 
could be produced. The trouble with this view is that the same could 
be said about a great many lizards! A point, though, that may indi- 
cate modern varanids have evolved from types close to the ancestry of 
snakes is the presence of a laryngeal protractor, which has not yet been 
found in other lizards. 

There is a considerable amount of literature concerning the an- 
cestry of snakes. Much of this literature has centered on trying to 
derive the snakes from platynotan lizards. The subject of the origin 
of snakes has only been touched upon in this paper. The most compre- 
hensive review of the literature on the subject is by Bellairs and Under- 
wood (1951), who, themselves, were not at all convinced that snakes 
were derived from platynotan lizards; Underwood (1957) later re- 
emphasized that stand. 

B. Summary 

1. Characteristics of the hyoid and its associated musculature are 
listed for the recognized families of snakes, and for the lizard Varanus. 

2. Primitive snake stock might have had this anatomy: hyoid of 
basihyal, hypohyals and ceratohyals, Ist and 2nd ceratobranchials; 
two ramus-hyoid muscles, at least two girdle-hyoid muscles, hyotra- 
chealis, geniotrachealis, costocutaneus superior attaching to mandi- 
bles, constrictor colli, transverse intermandibulars. 

3. A phylogenetic tree for snakes has been worked out on the basis 
of their hyoid anatomy. This tree consists of a more or less main 
stem or stock from which six lines of snakes have evolved. 

4. The first line gave rise to the anomalepidids with their distinctive 
“M” type hyoid and geniohyoideus, etc. 

5. The stock lost the 2nd arch cornua. From this new stock evolved 
the line which gave rise to the typhlopids and leptotyphlopids, with 
their distinctive “Y” type hyoid and sternohyoideus, ete. 

6. The stock lost the sternohyoideus and gained the costomandib- 
ularis. A third, small line gave rise to the uropeltids, with their 

reduced “V” type hyoid and intermandibularis anterior. 


7. A fourth line emerged from the stock to give rise to the aniliids, 
also with a reduced “V” hyoid, and with a broad ceratomandibularis. 

8. A major event in the phylogeny was the formation of the newro- 
costomandibularis. The stock itself had a reduction in the intermandib- 
ularis anterior and formed the fifth line, which gave rise in one 
direction to the true boids and xenopeltids, with a “V” hyoid type, 
and in another direction to the genera Bolyeria, Casarea, Trachyboa, 
and Tropidophis, with their parallel hyoid. 

9. The sixth line, given off from the stock with the neurocostoman- 
dibularis, lost the 1st ceratobranchials; this line gave rise to the 
colubrids, elapids, hydrophids, viperids, and crotalids, with their paral- 
lel hyoid and large, angular intermandibulars. 

10. Reductions and losses have largely characterized the above 
phylogenetic tree. Only the costomandibularis is a “new” muscle and 
it is only a modification of one already present. 

11. A brief discussion is given of other recent efforts in phylogenetic 
studies of snakes. 

12. The thesis that anomalepidids are distinct from typhlopids, and 
the thesis that these two families are snakes, are substantiated. 

13. The past, generally unsatisfactory search among modern lizards 
for the ancestors of snakes is not helped much by the study of the 
hyoid anatomy. It seems obvious that both modern snakes and lizards 
have changed to some degree from their antecedents, making the 
search very difficult. 


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ef j 

Explanation for Figures 

The head muscle figures are of the ventral view unless otherwise 
stated. Abbreviations used in the figures are: 



1st ceratobranchial 

2nd ceratobranchial 
costocutaneus inferior 
costocutaneus superior 
medial slip 

constrictor colli 
constrictor of submandib- 
ular gland 
dilator of submandibular 

unnamed muscle 
geniohyoideus, medial slip 
genioglossus, medial slip 








intermandibularis anterior 
posterior profundus 
posterior superficialis 
obliquus abdominis 

processus lingualis 
(lingual process) 
retractor quadratus 
sheath of tongue 
sternohyoideus profundus 

super ficialis 

-submandibular gland 

transversus branchialis 



Figure 1. Various hyoids (some with only one side shown). Figures A-G are 
hzards; H, J-M are snakes. 

A —Varanidae: Varanus (from Gnanamuthu). 

B —TIguanidae: Anolis chrysolepis (from Beebe) X6. A complete lizard 

C —Amphisbaenidae: Amphisbaena darwini (from Richter) X10. 
D — Anguidae: Gerrhonotus multicarinatus (from Cope). 

EK — Geckonidae: Gehyra oceanica (from Richter) X2. 

F —Scincidae: Mabowia carinata (from Richter) X2. 

G — Xenosauridae: Xenosaurus grandis (from Camp) X2. 

H —Anomalepididae: Liotyphlops albirostris X15. “M”’ type. 

J —Typhlopidae: Typhlops schlegeli mucruso X11. “Y” type. 

K — Leptotyphlopidae: Leptotyphlops maximus X7. “Y” type. 

L — Boidae: Sanzinia madagascariensis X21. “V” type. 

M — Crotalidae: Bothrops mexicanus 1%. Parallel type. 



Ficurre 2. Various hyoids. A-E are lizards; F-H, J, K are snakes. Rib ends 
are shown in the figures of snake hyoids. The bar represents 1 mm. 

A —Anniellidae: Anniella pulchra (from Cope). Hypohyals and ceratohyals 
not present. 

B —Lanthanotidae: Lanthanotus borneensis (after McDowell and Bogert). 
C —Anguidae: Anguwis fragilis (from Cope). 

D — Helodermatidae: Heloderma suspectum (from Cope). 

K —Amphisbaenidae: Rhineura floridana (from Cope). Ceratohyals prob- 
ably not present. 

F —Typhlopidae: Typhlops reticulatus (from List) X18. Note separation 
of 1st ceratobranchials from basihyal. 

G —Typhlopidae: Typhlops pusillus (from List) X18. 1st ceratobranchials 

H —Typhlopidae: Typhlops polygrammicus (from List) <8. Basihyal alone? 
J —Leptotyphlopidae: Leptotyphlops dulcis dissectus (from List) X20. 

K — Leptotyphlopidae: Leptotyphlops phenops (from List) x8. 



oe Gs 


Fiaure 3. Various snake hyoids (from Smith and Warner). Sequential dashes 
at left of drawing are corresponding ventral margins. The bar in drawing H 
represents 10 mm. All drawings are approximately natural size. 

A — Colubridae: 
B — Colubridae: 
C — Colubridae: 
D — Colubridae: 
E — Colubridae: 
F — Colubridae: 
G — Colubridae: 

Salvadora grahamiae hexalepis. 
Opheodrys vernalis. 

Storeria dekayi. 
Sibynomorphus catesbyi. 
Tropidonotus natrix. 

Tantilla gracilis. 

Sonora s. semiannulata. 

H — Elapidae: Micrurus fulvius. 


Figure 4. More hyoids of various snakes (also from Smith and Warner). 

drawings are approximately natural size. These genera are all colubrids. 

A — Elaphe guttata. 

B —Lampropeltis d. doliata. 

C — Diadophis punctatus edwardsii. 
D — Cerberus rhynchops. 

E — Farancia abacura reinwardtit. 
F — Coluber constrictor priapus. 

G — Natriz s. sipedon. 

H —Chersydrus granulatus. 

J — Rhadinaea flavilata. 



Ficure 5. Anniellidae: Anniella pulchra nigra (UI 4460) ; an anguinomorphan 

A — Ventral view. The constrictor colli is removed on both sides. The right 
side shows the deep layer. The posthyoid muscle named the sternohyoideus 
(ste) may be the omohyoideus. Note the simplified hyoid with only the Ist 
ceratobranchials present as cornua. X13 

B— Right lateral view. There is a snakelike arrangement of the cervico- 
mandibularis (emn), and of what seems to be the neuwromandibularis (neu). 
Note the slender cartilage, which apparently represents the scapula-procora- 
coid, to which attaches the muscle designated as the sternohyoideus. 7 




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Ficure 6. Varanidae: Varanus monitor (UI 37536); a platynotan anguino- 

A — Right lateral view. Note the distinct cervicomandibular and neuromandib- 
ular muscles, and the hyoid with two pairs of cornua. 2.5 

B— Ventral view. The constrictor colli and intermandibulars are removed. 
Middle layer at left, deep at right. Note the two pairs of the geniohyoideus 
(geh and geh’) inserting on the ceratohyal, and the neuwromandibularis par- 
tially inserting into the ceratomandibularis (cer). The presence of a geniotra- 
chealis (gtr) without a hyotrachealis is interesting and unique. 3.2 


Zn eu 



Ficure 7. Anomalepididae: Lnotyphlops albirostris (MCZ 25232) X27. Note 
the heavy geniotrachealis (gtr). The hyotrachealis (htr) attaches posteriorly 
to the buccal floor. The intermandibulars are broad and generally transverse. 
The geniohyoideus is prominent and runs between the lower jaw and the 
hypohyal and ceratohyal. A slender muscle which is marked “cer” may well 
represent a greatly reduced ceratomandibularis; it attaches posteriorly to the 
recurrent cornu; the Ist ceratobranchial is of course missing in this family. 
The hyoglossus (hgl) attaches posteriorly to the ceratohyal. 



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Ficure 8. Typhlopidae: Typhlops bibront (CNHM 17718) X7. 

A— The costocutaneus superior muscles (ccs) are entirely removed in the 
main figure, but are shown intact in the lower left inset. The intermandib- 
ulars (ma and imp), constrictor colli, and neuromandibularis, are removed 
at the right. The sternohyoideus is completed in (B). The slender tendon of 
the ceratomandibularis is shown at the left; it is sectioned at the right. 

B— Detail of the hyoid and the attached muscles. The fibers of the sterno- 
hyoideus attach posteriorly to the midventral raphe. Note that the fibers of 
the hyoglossi are always parallel and attach directly to the cornua. 

Figure 9. Typhlopidae: Typhlops schlegeli mucruso (CNHM 81018). 

A — Costocutaneus superior is removed. Deep layer is at the right. Note that 
the hyotrachealis (htr) has a posterior attachment over the rib cage. 7 
B— Completion of the tongue and hyoglossi, and showing the hyoid with 
attached muscles. The sternohyoid fibers affix posteriorly to the midventral 
raphe, but some of the fibers end blindly. Details of the sternohyoid attach- 
ments to the hyoid are shown in the two small figures at the right. <7 

C — The costocutaneus superior is shown intact. 3.5 


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Figure 10. Leptotyphlopidae: Leptotyphlops maximus (CNHM 38282) X11. 

A — Costocutaneus superior is removed. Deep layer is at the right. Obliquus 
internus (int) is removed at the right. The small inset at lower left shows the 
costocutaneus superior intact; note the sample of ventral scale impressions on 
the muscle. 

B—Completion of the tongue and hyoglossi, and the sternohyoideus, which 
has been shortened for the figure. Part of the sternohyoid fibers attach to the 
midventral raphe, but the rest end blindly. 

C — Genioglossus and sternohyoideus removed to show the bifurcate hyoglossi 

and their relation to the hyoid. The hyoglossal fibers are parallel to the 
cornua and are also encapsulated. 


Figure 11. Uropeltidae: Rhinophis blythi (CNHM 25930) X12. The origin 
of the costocutaneus superior on the jaw remains at the right. Note the large 
omohyoideus-like muscle (omo). The intermandibularis anterior (ima) is 
represented by a thin tendon. The neuromandibularis is separate, and the cera- 
tomandibularis is reduced. The inset shows the costocutaneus superior intact. 



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Figure 12. The following all belong to the Anilidae. 

A—Anilius scytale (CNHM 35683) 2.5. The hyotrachealis and the trans- 
versus branchialis (tb) are sectioned at the right. The costomandibularis (cos) 
is present. The neuwromandibularis is separate. Note that there is no inter- 
mandibularis anterior. 

B— Cylindrophis rufus (CNHM 67269) X38. The costocutaneus superior is 
cut at the left. Note that some fibers of the ceratomandibularis run between 
the cornua to end at the midventral raphe. The transition from costocutaneus 
inferior (eci) to costomandibularis is shown. The intermandibularis anterior 
is a very slender muscle. The inset shows the hyoid and its attached muscles 
in detail. 

C— Cylindrophis maculatus (MCZ 15795) 5. The costocutaneus superior 
is cut at the left. The hyoid cornua are much reduced and so are the cera- 
tomandibular slips attaching to each cornu. The costomandibularis joins the 
ceratomandibularis, but the neuromandibularis is still separate. The inter- 
mandibularis anterior is small. 





‘ ee 
SSS Eee 

Ficure 13. Xenopeltidae: Xenopeltis wnicolor (CNHM 15273) X3.5. Note 
the lack of an intermandibularis anterior. The most important thing to ob- 
serve 1s the presence of a neurocostomandibularis muscle, a complex which is 
contributed to by the ceratomandibularis, neuromandibularis, and costomandib- 
ularis. Note, however, that the costomandibular slip lies deep to the other 
two contributing muscles. 

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Ficure 14. The following all belong to the Boidae (sensu stricto). 

A— Python sebae 2.4. Most costocutaneus superior fibers are removed. 
The basihyal is definitely lacking. The intermandibularis anterior is weak. 
There is still some overlap in the neurocostomandibular complex. 

B—Eryz c. colubrinus (CNHM 81224) X2.4. All costocutaneus superior 
fibers are removed; they attach to the hyoid. There is a small muscle present 
which is conveniently called the omohyoideus. Note the spinal nerves lying 
upon the internal oblique. The inset at the right shows the hyoglossus and 
hyoid relationship plus the attachment of the hyotrachealis. 

C— Epicrates cenchris (CNHM 31143) X1.9. The costocutaneus superior 
fibers are particularly well shown here at left; ventral scale impressions upon 
the fibers are illustrated. Note the well-developed neurocostomandibularis. The 
costomandibularis has two slips. The inset at the right shows the attachments 
of the hyotrachealis and the hyoglossus to the hyoid cornu. 




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Figure 15. 

A—Boidae (sensu lato): Tropidophis maculatus (USNM 56328) X4.6. 
Note the weak intermandibularis anterior. The parallel type of hyoid and the 
juxtaposed hyoglossi are of course important to notice. The neurocostomandib- 
ularis is well developed and essentially presents a single layer. The hyotra- 
chealis is omitted from the figure. 

B—Colubridae: Achrochordus javanicus (CNHM 67268) 3.2. This colu- 
brid has a remarkable set of independent variations: the very expansive 
costocutaneus superior, with which the cervicomandibularis (not shown) par- 
tially intertwines laterally; the independent ceratomandibularis; there seems 
to be no neuromandibularis or costomandibularis. The hyoid and hyoglossi 
are not shown completely, and the hyotrachealis is omitted. The intermandib- 
ulars are relatively very large in this species. 

C—Colubridae: Atretiwm schistosum (MCZ 1330) X3.7. Note the inter- 
mandibularis posterior superficialis (ims) and the strong intermandibularis 
anterior. There is a well-formed newrocostomandibularis with a distinct in- 
scription. The hyoid cornua and hyoglossi are incomplete in the figure. 



Ficure 16. The following all belong to the Colubridae. 

A — Heterodon p. platyrhinos *2. Note the origin of the costomandibularis 
from ribs 1-8, which are shown free from parietal muscles. The first slip of the 
costocutaneus inferior is from rib 9. A small slip of the ceratomandibularis 
passes external to the cornu to insert on the midventral raphe. The hyotra- 
chealis is not shown. The hyoid and the hyoglossi are incomplete posteriorly. 
B—Thamnophis s. sirtalis X3.4. A right lateral view. Note the distinct 
tendinous inscription in the newrocostomandibularis. The constrictor colli is 
very thin. 

C—Thamnophis elegans vagrans 2.5. The innervation pattern is rather 
completely shown; the common nerve trunk, composed of nerves X and XII 
(and IX), is illustrated. The upper right inset shows a submandibular gland 
with its dilator and constrictor muscles. The lower right inset shows the split 
origin of the hyotrachealis; the ceratomandibularis is shown transparent; one 
head of the hyotrachealis attaches to the tendinous inscription of the neuro- 
costomandibularis. The hyoid and hyoglossi are incomplete posteriorly. 

Saray Em ERY? 
rae” g IW 3 RS 7 
Yl x e 


Li : Yi 


Ficure 17. 

A—Elapidae: Denisonia par (CNHM 41978) X2.3. The nerves are clearly 
shown, particularly the large branch to the tongue entering just anterior to 
the junction of the hyoglossus with the tongue sheath. 

B—Hydrophidae: Aipysurus eydouxau (CNHM 11572) X34. There is no 
apparent constrictor colli. Note the ceratomandibularis at the left and the 
way part of it interleaves once with the intermandibularis posterior profundus 
(amp). The cornua and hyoglossi are incomplete in the figure. 

C — Viperidae: Cerastes vipera (CNHM 63115) X1.8. There is no dissect- 
able constrictor colli. Many of the nerves are shown. Note the intermandib- 
ularis posterior superficialis. 



Ficure 18. 

A —Crotalidae: Bothrops mexicanus X1.4. The intermandibularis posterior 
superficialis is large. 
B—A drawing of the ventral head region in a hypothetical primitive snake, 
whose anatomy of the region is suggested by structures found in living snakes 
and lizards. While this is only a presumed construction, it does satisfy condi- 
tions which have been indicated by a study of the hyoid and associated muscles 
in snakes. Note: the complete type of hyoid — basihyal, hypohyals, cerato- 
hyals, Ist and 2nd ceratobranchials; the broad constrictor colli (inset); two 
ramus-hyoid muscles — ceratomandibularis and geniohyoideus; at least two 
posthyoid muscles — sternohyoideus (shown in two layers here, superficialis 
and profundus), and omohyoideus; a separate neuromandibularis; the hyo- 
trachealis, which attaches to the buccal floor; the broad, largely transverse 
intermandibulars. The inset also shows a probably extensive costocutaneus 
superior which likely would he superficial to the hyoid. The sternohyoidei and 
the omohyoideus are shown incomplete posteriorly. 

The hyoglossi are divergent and attach to the 1st ceratobranchials, which are 
presumed to have been bony. 



Ficure 19. A diagram of a phylogenetic arrangement of the present-day 
families of snakes which has been derived from the study of the hyoid appa- 
ratus and its associated musculature. The diagram is also based on an assump- 
tion of a monophyletic origin for snakes. 

This diagram does not try to give a true relative picture of the possible 
relationships of the various lines of evolution. For example, the black lines 
merely indicate in a roughly relative way the numbers of genera and species 
composing each family, and the vertical, or temporal, scale has no actual 

Major events concerning the evolution of the hyoid and its musculature 
are indicated by the rings along the main trunk and the offshoots. The six 
lines of evolution which have been derived for the phylogeny of snakes are 
noted by small numerals at the appropriate places. 

Note: for Anomalepidae read Anomalepididae. 







-O1VY39 1LSI--LSO1 


-O1VY39 GNZ--1S07 9 
SIVIHONVUS S Qe sowainy siav7 
-O1VY39 ONZ--1S01 -NGIONV WYSLNI--d39NGay 
-OlVY3O 1S1--LS07 
-O1WY39 ONZ--LSO7 
N / \/ vigacoa «= AWOIHdONGAH 
NSN3S) aGuceaeus SVGIYNsdIA 



The f denotes that the page indicated is a figure page. The s means 
that the name is a synonym on the indicated page. 

Acanthophis antarctica: hyoid of, 31; 
muscles of, 79 

Achalinus spinalis: hyoid of, 23 

Achrochordus javanicus: hyoid of, 23, 
f137; muscles of, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 
67, 69, 78, 79, 84, 86, 88, 90, 93, 
136, £137; phylogenetic position of, 

Adductor antérieur, s76 

Adductor medius, s77 

Adductor posterior, 78 

Adelphicos veraepacis nigrilatus: hy- 
oid of, 23 

Agkistrodon contortrix: hyoid of, 34, 
38; muscles of, 59, 68, 73, 79 

Agkistrodon piscivorus: hyoid of, 35, 
38; muscles of, 81 

Aipysurus eydouxi: hyoid of, 33, 140, 
f141; muscles of, 51, 54, 59, 73, 78, 
79, 140, f141 

Amblycephalus kuangtunensis: hyoid 
of, 23; muscles of, 73, 77-79, 81 

Amblycephalus stanleyi: hyoid of, 23- 

Amphisbaena darwini: hyoid of, 7-8, 
18, 108, £109 

Amphisbaenidae: hyoid of, 7-8, 18, 
108, £109, 110, f111 

Anguidae: hyoid of, 108, £109, 110, 

Anguis fragilis: hyoid of, 110, f111 

Aniliidae: hyoid of, 12, 20-21, 36, 41- 
42, £131; muscles of, 51, 57-58, 60, 
62-63, 65, 77, 80, 84, 86-87, 130, 
f131; summary, 90; evolution of, 
93, 100 

Anilius scytale: hyoid of, 20, 36; 
muscles of, 58, 60, 62, 65-66, 72, 76, 
77, 80, 83; summary, 90; relation- 
ships of, 93 

Anniella pulchra: hyoid of, 7-8, 10, 
14, 110, f111; muscles of, 49, 61, 71, 
116, {117; comparison with snakes, 



Anniellidae: comparison with snakes, 
98; hyoid of, 110, f111; muscles of, 

Anolis: hyoid of, 18, 21 

Anolis chrysolepis: hyoid of, 108, £109 

Anomalepididae: hyoid of, 8-9, 19, 
35, 41-42, 108, £109; muscles of, 51- 
55 passim, 57, 60, 62-65 passim, 68, 
70-71, 76-77, 79, 85-88 passim, 120, 
f121; summary, 89, 99; evolution 
of, 91; blind snake relationships of, 
96-97; as snakes, 97, 100 

Anomalepis: muscles of, 69 

Anomalochilus: relationships of, 93 

Aparallactus capensis: hyoid of, 24 

Apostolepis quinquelineata: hyoid of, 

Aspidelaps scutatus: hyoid of, 31 

Aspidites melanocephalus: hyoid of, 

Aspis cerastes: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Atheris nitschei: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Atlanto-epistropheo-hyoideus, s73 

Atractaspis microlepidota: hyoid of, 
34, 38; muscles of, 59 

Atretium schistosum: hyoid of, 24, 
f137; muscles of, 57, 64, 73, 79, 136, 

Basihyal: in lizards, 6-7, 39, 41, 89, 
98, £109, f111; in snakes, 9-18 pas- 
sim, 36-42 passim, 89-90, 110, £111; 
in primitive snakes, 91, 99; in 
snake evolution, 93 

Bitis cornutus: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Bitis nasicornis: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Blind snakes: relationships of, 96-97 

Boa: hyoid of, 12, 39 

Boa canina: hyoid of, 21 

Boa cooku: hyoid of, 21; muscles of, 

Boidae: hyoid of, 12, 108, £109; mus- 
cles of, 62, 74-75, 84 

Boidae (sensu lato): hyoid of, 21-23; 
muscles of, 60, 62, 64, 76-77, 86, 
136, £1387; evolution of, 93 

Boidae (sensu stricto): hyoid of, 21- 
23, 36, 41-42; muscles of, 51, 59, 
85, 87, 134, £135; summary, 90; 
evolution of, 93, 100 


Boiga dendrophila latifasciata: hyoid 
of, 24, 38 

Bolyeria: hyoid of, 13, 36, 40, 42; 
summary, 91; evolution and rela- 
tionships, 93-94, 100 

Bothrops atrox: hyoid of, 35 

Bothrops mexicanus: hyoid of, 35, 
108, {109; muscles of, 51, 59, 68, 
73, (9; 142) fas 

Branchio-mandibularis (part), s64 

Branchiomandibularis spinalis, s56 

Bungarus multicinctus: hyoid of, 32 

Calabaria reinhardti: hyoid of, 21 

Calliophis macclellandu: hyoid of, 32 

Carphophis amoena vermis: hyoid of, 

Casarea: hyoid of, 18, 36, 40, 42; 
summary, 91; evolution and rela- 
tionships of, 93-94, 100 

Causus rhombeatus: hyoid of, 15, 34, 

Cerastes vipera: hyoid of, 34, 38, 
f141; muscles of, 59, 64-65, 79, SO, 
140, £141 

Ceratoglossus, s52 

Ceratohyal: in lizards, 6-7, 41, 48, 
f109, 110; in snakes, 9-18 passim, 
52, 54, 68, 82, 85, 88, 89, f109; in 
primitive snakes, 91, 99; in snake 
evolution, 92 

Ceratohyoideus: in Varanus, 48, 89; 
missing in Anniella, 49 

Ceratomandibularis: historical, 44; in 
Varanus, 48; in Anniella, 49; snake 
account of, 55-60, s78; discussion 
of, 84; in lizards, 84; summary, 87, 
89-91; in primitive snakes, 91; in 
phylogeny, 92-93, 100 

Cerato-vaginiens, sd2 

Cerberus rhynchops: hyoid of, 24, 37, 
114, f115; muscles of, 73 

Cervico-hyoideus, s61, s63, s66 

Cervico-mandibulaire (?), s60 

Cervicomandibularis: in snakes, 61- 
63 passim, 69; in lizards, 61, 63 

Cervico-maxillaire, s60 

Cervico-maxillaris, s60 

Charina bottae: hyoid of, 12, 21 

Chersodromus liebmanni: hyoid of, 
24, 38 

Chersydrus granulatus: hyoid of, 24, 
38, 114, £115 

Chondropython viridis: hyoid of, 21- 

Chrysopelea ornata: hyoid of, 24 

Clelia clelia: hyoid of, 24 

Coluber constrictor constrictor: 
oid of, 25 

Coluber c. flaviventris: hyoid of, 25 

Coluber c. priapus: hyoid of, 114, 

Colubridae: hyoid of, 23-31, 37-38, 
ie iors 114, 9115; £137, 
£139; muscles of, 51, 59, 64, 77, 79- 
80, 86, 1386, £137, 138, f189; sum- 
mary, 90; evolution of, 94, 100 

Coniophanes imperialis copei: hyoid 
of, 25, 37 

Coniophanes i. proterops: 

Conophis lineatus concolor: hyoid of, 

Conopsis biserialis: hyoid of, 25 

Constrictor colli: in Varanus, 49; in 
Anniella, 49; snake account of, 73- 
75; discussion of, 86; summary of, 
87-88; in primitive snakes, 91, 99 

Constrictor colli oralis and aboralis, 

Constrictor constrictor orton: hyoid 
of , 22 

Costocutaneus inferior: in snakes, 64, 
68, 92 

Costocutaneus superior: historical, 
45; in Varanus, 48; in Anniella, 49; 
snake account of, 66-69; discussion 
of, 86; summary of, 87, 89-91; in 
primitive snakes, 91, 99; in phy- 
logeny, 91-94 passim 

Costohyoideus, s64 

Costomandibulaire (part), s55 

Costo-mandibulaire (part), s63, s64 

Costomandibularis: snake account of, 
63-66; discussion of, 83-84; sum- 
mary of, 87-88, 90-91; in primitive 
snakes, 91; in phylogeny, 92-95 
passim, 100 

Costomandibularis (part), s55 

Costo-mandibularis, s63, s64 

Costo-mazillaire (part), s63 


hyoid of, 

INDEX 149 

Costo-maxillien, s63 

Crotalidae: hyoid of, 34-35, 38, 41- 
42, 108, £109; muscles of, 51, 59, 64, 
68, 73, 79-SO, {143; summary, 90; 
evolution of, 94, 100 

Crotalus cerastes: hyoid of, 35 

Crotalus pricei pricei: hyoid of, 35 

Crotalus tigris: hyoid of, 35 

Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia hotambo- 
ela: hyoid of, 25 

Cutaneus externus, s66 

Cyclagras gigas: hyoid of, 25 

Cylindrophis: hyoid of, 36; muscles 
of, 70-71, 76, 87, 88; summary, 90; 
relationships of, 93, 98 

Cylindrophis maculatus: hyoid of, 20, 
36; muscles of, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 
69, 72, 80, 86, 130, f131 

Cylindrophis rufus: hyoid of, 20-21; 
muscles of, 51, 60, 62, 65-66, 67, 72, 
80, 83-85, 130, £131 

Dasypeltis scaber: hyoid of, 15, 25 

Demansia nuchalis: hyoid of, 32 

Dendraspis viridis: hyoid of, 82 

Dendrophidion vinitor: hyoid of, 25 

Denisonia par: hyoid of, 832; muscles 
of, 79, 140, f141 

Depressor mandibulae, s61 

Der grosse, aussere oder Seitenhaut- 
muskel, s66 

Diadophis punctatus arnyi: hyoid of, 

Diadophis punctatus edwardsu: hyoid 
of, 25-26, 114, {115 

Dibamus: hyoid of, 7, 14 

Digastrique (?), s61 

Dipsadoboa unicolor: hyoid of, 26 

Dispholidus typus: hyoid of, 26 

Doliophis bilineatus: hyoid of, 32; 
muscles of, 73 

Dromophis lineatus: hyoid of, 26 

Drymarchon corais erebennus: hyoid 
of, 26 

Drymobius bifossatus: hyoid of, 26, 

Drymobius margaritiferus margariti- 
ferus: hyoid of, 26, 38; muscles of, 

Dryophis mycterizans: hyoid of, 26 


Echis carinatus: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Elaphe: hyoid of, 16, 37 

Elaphe guttata: hyoid of, 26, 114, 

Elaphe laeta: hyoid of, 26 

Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta: hyoid of, 26 

Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata: mus- 
cles of, 72, 79 

Elaphe vulpina: hyoid of, 26 

Elapidae: hyoid of, 31-33, 38, 41-42, 
112, f113, f141; muscles of, 64, 73, 
79, 140, f141; summary, 90; evolu- 
tion of, 94, 100 

Elapomorphus nuchalis: hyoid of, 26 

Elapops modestus: hyoid of, 26 

Elaps lacteus: hyoid of, 32 

Elapsoidea sundervalli fitzsimonsi: 
hyoid of, 32 

Enhydris enhydris: hyoid of, 27, 37; 
muscles of, 51, 59, 73, 78, 79 

Enhydris plumbea: hyoid of, 27, 37 

Enulius unicolor: hyoid of, 27 

Enygrus bibroni: hyoid of, 22 

Epicrates: hyoid of, 12, 22 

Epicrates angulifer: hyoid of, 12, 22 

Epicrates cenchris: hyoid of, 12, 22; 
muscles of, 57, 66, 68, 74-75, 134, 

Eryx colubrinus colubrinus: hyoid of, 
22; muscles of, 50, 70-71, 76, 85, 
134, £135 

Eryx jaculus: hyoid of, 22 

Eryx john: hyoid of, 22 

Eunectes gigas: hyoid of, 22 

Facial nerve (VII): for constrictor 
coli, 74 

Farancia abacura abacura: hyoid of, 
27, 37 

Farancia abacura reinwardtu: hyoid 
Oe 2iot, 114 fh 

Ficimia publia: hyoid of, 27 

Fimbrios klossi: hyoid of, 27; mus- 
cles of, 78 

First ceratobranchial: in lizards, 6-7, 
48-49, 89, 98, £109, 110, f111; in 
snakes, 9-18 passim, 36, 40-42, 56, 
58, 84-86, 89-90, 94, 100, £109, 110, 
f111; in primitive snakes, 91, 99 

Furina annulata: hyoid of, 32 


Geckonidae: hyoid of, 108, £109 

Gehyra oceanica: hyoid of, 7, 12, 108, 

Genio-costalis, s63 

Genio-glosse, s49, s50 

Genioglossus: in Varanus, 48; in An- 
niella, 49; snake account of, 49-51; 
discussion of, 85; summary of, 87, 
90; in primitive snakes, 91 

Genioglossus profundus (geniovagina- 
lis), s50 

Genio-hyo-glossus, s50 

Geniohyoideus: in Varanus, 48; miss- 
ing in Anniella, 49; snake account 
of, 54-55; discussion of, 85-86; 
summary of, 87-89; in primitive 
snakes, 91, 99; in phylogeny, 92, 99 

Genio-hyoideus, s50 

Geniohyoideus plus mylohyoideus, s56 

Genio-hyoidien, s56 

Genio-lateralis, s61 

Geniotrachealis: in Varanus, 49; dis- 
cussion of, 82; summary of, 88; in 
primitive snakes, 91, 99 

Geniovaginalis, s50 

Genio-vaginien, s49 

Genio-vaginiens, s50 

Geophis semidoliatus: hyoid of, 27 

Gerrhonotus multicarinatus: hyoid of, 
7-8, 12, 108, £109 

Haldea striatula: hyoid of, 27, 38 

Haldea valeriae elegans: hyoid of, 27, 

Haplopeltura boa: hyoid of, 27; mus- 
cles of, 73, 74, 77-78, 79 

Hautmuskel, s66, s73 

Helminthophis flavoterminatus: hy- 
oid of, 19 

Heloderma suspectum: hyoid of, 7, 
110, f111 

Helodermatidae: hyoid of, 110, f111 

Hemachatus hemachates: hyoid of, 
HSS Sy Biss 

Hemibungarus kelloggi: hyoid of, 32 

Herabzieher des Kehlkopfes, s79 

Heterodon nasicus nasicus: hyoid of, 

Heterodon platyrhinos platyrhinos: 
hyoid of, 27, 38, £189; muscles of, 
59, 73, 79, 80, 138, £139 

Homalopsis buccata: hyoid of, 28 

Hydrophidae: hyoid of, 33-34, 38, 
41-42, f141; muscles of, 51, 54, 59, 
64, 73, 78, 79, 140, f141; summary, 
90; evolution of, 94, 100 

Hydrophis cyanocinctus: 
33; muscles of, 73 

Hyoglosse, s52 

Hyoglossus: attaches to hyoid, 39; in 
Varanus, 48; in Anniella, 49; snake 
account of, 52-54; discussion of, 
85; summary of, 87, 89-90; in 
primitive snakes, 91; in phylogeny, 

Hyo-glossus (?), s79 

Hyoideo-laryngeus, s79 

Hyoid of lizards: basic form of, 6-8, 
39; composition of, 6-8; in Va- 
ranus, 89; figured, 108-111 

Hyoid of snakes: defined, 1-2; posi- 
tion of, 2, 5-6; form of, 5-6; com- 
position of, 8-18; types listed, 8; 
“M” type, 8-9, 19, 35, 41, 99; “Y” 
type, 9-12, 19, 35-36, 40-41, 43, 99; 
“V” type, 12-13, 19-23, 36, 41, 99- 
100; parallel type, 13-18, 23-35, 36- 
38, 41-42, 100; descriptions of, 19- 
35; variations of, 35-38; functions 
of, 38-39, 42; phylogenetic signifi- 
cance of, 39-43, 91-99 passim; 
primitive form of, 39; evolutionary 
trends of, 40-43; summary of, 87- 
88, 89-90; in primitive snakes, 91, 
99; evolutionary lines of, 91-94; 
figured, 108-115 

Hyo-laryngeus, s79 

Hyomandibular (?), s56 

Hyo-maczillaire superficiel, s56 

Hyotrachealis: historical, 44; snake 
account of, 79-81; discussion of, 83; 
summary of, 87-88; in primitive 
snakes, 91, 99; in phylogeny, 92, 95 

Hyotrachealis (?), s52 

Hyo-trachealis, s79 

Hyo-vaginien, s52 

Hypoglossal nerve (XII): for genio- 
glossus, 52; for hyoglossus, 53; for 
geniohyoideus, 54; for ceratoman- 
dibularis, 56, 59-60; for sternohyoi- 
deus, 70 

hyoid of, 

INDEX 151 

Hypohyal: in lizards, 6-7, 41, 48, 89; 
in snakes, 9-18 passim, 40, 41-42, 
54, 68, 85, 88, 89; in primitive 
snakes, 91, 99; in snake evolution, 
92; figured, 109, 110 

Iguanidae: hyoid of, 108, £109 

Intermandibulaire superficial, s78 

Intermandibulare antérieur, s76 

Intermandibularis, s76 

Intermandibularis anterior: in Va- 
ranus, 49; in Anniella, 49; snake 
account of, 76-77; discussion of, 86- 
87; summary of, 87-91; in primi- 
tive snakes, 91; in phylogeny of 
snakes, 93-94, 99-100 

Intermandibularis anterior, pars cu- 
taneo-mandibularis, s76 

Intermandibularis, longitudinal por- 
tion, s77 

Intermandibularis postérieur, s77 

Intermandibularis posterior, s77; in 
Varanus, 49, 89; in Anniella, 49; 
summary of, 87-88; in primitive 
snakes, 91 

Intermandibularis posterior, pars an- 
terior, s77 

Intermandibularis posterior, pars pos- 
terior, s78 

Intermandibularis posterior profun- 
dus: snake account of, 77-78; dis- 
cussion of, 87, 90-91; in Achro- 
chordus, 94 

Intermandibularis posterior swperfi- 
cialis: snake account of, 78-79; 
discussion of, 87; in phylogeny, 94 

Intermandibulars: in snakes, 75, 99- 
100; in lizards, 76; discussion of, 
86; in primitive snakes, 99 

Intermazxillaris (part), s77 

Kerilia jerdonu: hyoid of, 33, 38 
Kieferzungenbeinmuskel, s55 

Lachesis muta: hyoid of, 35 

Lampropeltis: hyoid of, 37 

Lampropeltis calligaster: hyoid of, 28 

Lampropeltis doliata doliata: hyoid 
of, 28, 114, £115 


Lampropeltis elapsoides 
hyoid of, 28 

Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki: hy- 
oid of, 28 

Lampropeltis g. splendida: hyoid of 

Lampropeltis knoblochi: hyoid of, 28 

Lamprophis: hyoid development of, 

Lanthanotidae (Lanthanotus — bor- 
meensis). shyoldsOlaee WO ssf ble 
similar to leptotyphlopids, 98 

Lapemis hardwicki: hyoid of, 33; 
muscles of, 54, 79 

Laringohyoideus, s79 

Laryngohyoidien, s79 

Laticauda colubrina: 
muscles of, 59, 73 

Latissimus ingluviei s. platysma myoi- 
des, 844, s55 

Leptodeira maculata: hyoid of, 28 

Leptodeira septentrionalis polysticta: 
hyoid of, 28 

Leptomicrurus narducci: hyoid of, 32 

Leptophis diplotropis: hyoid of, 28 

Leptophis mexicanus mexicanus: hy- 
oid of, 28 

Leptotyphlopidae (Leptotyphlops): 
hyoid of, 9-12, 15-16, 19, 36, 41-42, 
108, £109, 110, f111; relationships 
to typhlopids, 11-12, 15-16, 92; 
muscles of, 51, 52-54, 55, 57-58, 60, 
62-63, 64-65, 67, 69-70, 74-75, 76, 
77, 80, 83-85, 87-88, 126, f127; sum- 
mary, 90; evolution of, 92, 99; 
blind snake relationships, 97; as 
snakes, 97; comparison with An- 
niella, 98 

Leptotyphlops dulcis dissectus: 
oid of, 110, f111 

Leptotyphlops maximus: hyoid of, 19, 
108, £109; muscles of, 58, 70, 80, 
126, £127 

Leptotyphlops phenops: 
110, f111 

Leptotyphlops septemstriatus: hyoid 
of, 19 

Tiasis albertisti: hyoid of, 22 

Liasis childreni: hyoid of, 22; 
cles of, 50, 66, 74, 75 



hyoid of, 33; 


hyoid of, 


Lichanura roseofusca: hyoid of, 22 

Lingual process: in lizards, 6-7, 48, 
98; in snakes, 10-18 passim, 19-42 
passim, 58, 70, 78, 90; figured, 109, 

Liotyphlops albirostris: hyoid of, 9, 
19, 108, £109; muscles of, 51, 69, 77, 
79, 82, 120, f121 

Lizards: hyoid of, see Hyoid of liz- 
ards; as ancestors of snakes, 39, 98- 
99, 100 

Loxocemus: relationship with Xeno- 
peltis, 94 

Loxocemus sumichrasti: hyoid of, 23; 
muscles of, 75 

Mabowia carinata: hyoid of, 18, 108, 

Manolepis putnami: hyoid of, 28 

Masticophis flagellum flagellum: hy- 
oid of, 28, 37 

Masticophis f. flavigularis: hyoid of 
28-29, 37 

Maticora bivirgata: hyoid of, 32 

Mazxillo-hyoideus and mylo-hyoideus, 

Mehelya nyassae: hyoid of, 29 

Micropechis ikaheka: hyoid of, 32 

Micruroides euryxanthus: hyoid of 

Micrurus affinis affinis: hyoid of, 33 

Micrurus fulvius: hyoid of, 33, 112, 

Micrurus latifasciata: muscles of, 79 

Muscles, branchial arch: general, 46; 
in lizards, 49; in snakes, 73-81 

Muscles, hypo-branchial-spinal: gen- 
eral, 45-46; in lizards, 47-49; in 
snakes, 49-73 

Mylohyoideus, s55 

Mylo-hyoideus, s55 

Mylohyoideus posterior, s73 

Mylo-hyoidien, s55, s56 

Mylo-hyoidiens, s56 



Nackenzungenbeinmuskel (part), s60, 

Naja naja samarensis: hyoid of, 33 

Nardoana boa: hyoid of, 28 

Natrix cyclopion floridana: hyoid of, 

Natrix erythrogaster erythrogaster: 
hyoid of, 29 

Natrix grahami: hyoid of, 29 

Natrix piscator: hyoid of, 29; mus- 
cles of, 70, 75, 79 

Natrix septemvittata: hyoid of, 29 

Natrix sipedon confluens: hyoid of, 
29, 38 

Natrizx s. sipedon: hyoid of, 114, f115 

Neurocostomandibularis: ceratoman- 
dibular part of, 56, 60; neuro- 
mandibular part of, 62-63; costo- 
mandibular part of, 64-66; discus- 
sion of, 83-85; summary of, 87-88, 
90-91; in phylogeny, 93, 95, 100 

Neuro-costo-mandibularis, pars cost- 
alis, s64 

Neuro-costo-mandibularis, pars hy- 
oidea, s56 

Neuro-costo-mandibularis, pars verte- 
bralis, s61 

Neuro-costo-mandibularis (part), s56 

Neuro-mandibulaire, s61 

Neuromandibularis: in Varanus, 48, 
61; m Anniella, 49, 61; snake ac- 
count of, 60-63, s61; discussion of, 
84-85; summary of, 87-91 passim; 
in primitive snakes, 91; in phy- 
logeny, 93-94 

Neuro-mandibularis (part?), s66 

Nina diademata diademata: hyoid 
of, 29 

Notechis scutatus: hyoid of, 33; mus- 
cles of, 81 

Nothopsis rugosus: 
muscles of, 73 

hyoid of, 29; 

Obliquus abdominis internus: in 
snakes, 68; discussion of, 82-83; 
summary of, 88 

Obliquus abdominis superficialis, s66 

Obliquus externus, s66 

Oesophageotrachealis, s79 

Ogmodon vitianus: hyoid of, 33 

Omohyoideus: in Varanus, 48; snake 
account of, 70-71; discussion of, 87- 
90 passim; in primitive snakes, 91, 
99; in phylogeny, 92 

INDEX 153 

Omohyoideus plus sternohyoideus plus 
sternothyroideus, s66 

Opheodrys aestivus aestivus: 
of, 29 

Opheodrys vernalis: hyoid of, 29, 112, 

Oxybelis acuminatus: hyoid of, 29 

Oxyrhabdinium leporinum: hyoid of, 


Peaucier du cou, 873 

Peaussier, s66 

Pelamis platurus: hyoid of, 33; mus- 
cles of, 54 

Petit oblique de abdomen, s63 

Phylogeny: of snake hyoids, 39-43; 
significance of hyoids and muscles 
in, 95-96; of snakes shown by a 
tree, 95-96, 99; of snakes, 95-98; 
summary of, 99-100 

Pituophis catenifer sayz: hyoid of, 13, 

Platynotan lizards: 
snakes, 99 

Platyplectrurus madurensis: hyoid of, 
19-20; muscles of, 51, 62, 75 

Platysma, s73 

Pliocercus: muscles of, 79 

Primitive snakes: hyoid and muscles 
of, 91, 142, [143; summary of, 99 

Psammodynastes pulverulentus: hy- 
oid of, 30 

Psammophis sibilans: hyoid of, 16-17 

Pseudaspis: muscles of, 80 

Pseudechis: hyoid of, 14 

Pseudelaps mulleri: hyoid of, 33 

Pseudocerastes fieldi: hyoid of, 34, 38 

Python: hyoid of, 12-13; muscles of, 

Python molurus: hyoid of, 12; mus- 
cles of, 73 

Python regius: hyoid of, 22 

Python sebae: muscles of, 73 

as ancestors of 

Quermuskel des Zungenbeins, s72 

Rectus superficialis: in lizards, 86 
Retractor laryngis, s79 

Retractor trachea, s79 

Retrahens laryngis, s44, s79 


Rhadinaea flavilata: 
114, £115 

Rhadinaea laureata: hyoid of, 30 

Rhadinella schistosa: hyoid of, 30 

Rhineura floridana: hyoid of, 7-8, 
110, f111 

Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus: hy- 
oid of, 30 

Rhinophis blythi: hyoid of, 20; mus- 
cles of, 51, 57, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70-71, 
72; 75, 76, 80, 86, 128, 1129 

Rhinophis planiceps: hyoid of, 20 

Riickwartszieher des Kehlkopfes, s79 

Riickwartszieher des Zungenbeins, s73 

hyoid of, 30, 

Salvadora grahamiae hexalepis: hy- 
oid of, 30, 37, 112, £113 
Salvadora intermedia richardi: hy- 

oid of, 30 

Salvadora mexicana: hyoid of, 30 

Sanzinia madagascariensis: hyoid of, 
23; muscles of, 51, 74-75 

Scincidae: hyoid of, 108, £109 

Second ceratobranchial: in lizards, 6- 
7; im snakes, 13-18 passim, 40-42, 
56, 59, 85, 89; in primitive snakes, 
91, 99; in snake evolution, 92-95 
passim; figured, 109 

Sibynomorphus catesbyi: hyoid of, 30, 
112, £113 

Sibynophis collaris: 
muscles of, 73 

Silybura beddomiu: hyoid of, 20 

Sistrurus miliarius: hyoid of, 35, 38; 
muscles of, 79 

Sistrurus ravus: hyoid of, 35, 38 

Snakes: lizard ancestry of, 39, 98-99; 
evolution of, 91-95, 99-100; phylo- 
genetic tree of, 95-96, 99, 144, 145; 
hyoid of, see Hyoid of snakes; su- 
perfamilies of, see Superfamilies of 

Sonora occipitalis occipitalis : 
of, 30 

Sonora semiannulata semiannulata: 
hyoid of, 112, £113 

Sonora taylori: hyoid of, 30 

Sphincter colli, s73 

Spinal nerves: for neuromandibularis, 
62; for costomandibularis, 65; for 

hyoid of, 30; 



costocutaneus superior, 68; for ster- 
nohyoideus, 70; for omohyoideus, 
71; for transversus branchialis, 72 

Squamo-costales, s66 

Sternohyoid (?), s61 

Sternohyoideus: in Anniella, 49; (?), 
s66; in Leptotyphlops and Ty- 
phlops, 67; snake account of, 69- 
70; discussion of, 86; summary of, 
87-90 passim; in primitive snakes, 
91, 99; in phylogeny, 91-92, 99 

Sternohyoideus profundus: im Vara- 
nus, 48, 89 

Sternohyoideus superficialis: in Vara- 
nus, 48, 89 

Sternothyroideus, s69 

Stilosoma extenuatum: hyoid of, 30 

Storeria dekayi: hyoid of, 31, 112, 

Submandibular gland: muscles of, 82, 
88; constrictor of, 82; dilator of, 82 

Submazillaris (part), s63 

Superfamilies of snakes: 
and Warner, 91 

Superficial ventral constrictor, s73 

of Smith 

Tantilla gracilis: hyoid of, 21, 112, 

Temporalis (part), s61 

Tendinous inscription: in neurocosto- 
mandibularis, 58-59, 62, 84, f130, 
138; for costomandibularis, 65-66 

Thalassophina viperina: hyoid of, 34 

Thamnophis: hyoid of, 18, 15, 37 

Thamnophis elegans vagrans: hyoid 
of, 31, £139; muscles of, 59, 64, 66, 
73, 78-79, 80, 138, £139 

Thamnophis eques: hyoid of, 31 

Thamnophis melanogaster canescens: 
hyoid of, 31 

Thamnophis scalaris scalaris: 
of, 31 

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis: hyoid of, 
f139; muscles of, 78, 138, £189 

Thyro-hyoideus: of lacertilians, s52 

Toluca lineata lineata: hyoid of, 31 

Tongue: of snakes, 45-46; genioglossi 
as protractors, 50-51; hyoglossi as 
retractors, 52; short in Pelamis, 54 

Tracheo-hyoideus, s79 


Trachyboa: hyoid of, 13, 36, 40, 42; 
relationships of, 93-94 

Trachyboa boulengeri: hyoid of, 22; 
muscles of, 76; summary of, 91 

Transverse, s72 

Transversus abdominis: 

Transversus branchialis: with other 
muscle, 69; snake account of, 72- 
73; discussion of, 83; summary of, 

Transversus hyoideus, s72 

Trigeminal nerve (V): for interman- 
dibulars, 75 

Trimeresurus wagleri: hyoid of, 35 

Trimorphodon biscutatus biscutatus: 
hyoid of, 31 

Tropidoclonion lineatum: hyoid of, 31 

Tropidonotus natrix: hyoid of, 14, 31, 
112, f113; muscles of, 73, 75 

Tropidophis: hyoid of, 13, 36; sum- 
mary, 91; evolution and relation- 
ships of, 93-94, 100 

Tropidophis maculatus: hyoid of, 28, 
36, 40, 42, 136, £137; muscles of, 
64, 73, 76, 80, 136, £137 

Tropidophis melanurus: hyoid of, 36 

Tropidophis pardalis: hyoid of, 36 

Typhlopidae (Typhlops): hyoid of, 
8-12 passim, 19, 35-386, 41-42, 108, 
£109, 110, f111; relationship to lep- 
totyphlopids, 11-12, 15-16, 92; 
muscles of, 50-51, 52-53, 55, 57-58, 
60, 62-63, 64-65, 67, 69, 70, 74-75, 
76-77, 80, 81, 83-84, 85, 122, £123, 
124, 125; summary, 89-90; evolu- 
tion of, 92, 99; blind snake relation- 
ships of, 96-97; as snakes, 97, 100; 
comparison with Anniella, 98 

Typhlops bibroni: hyoid of, 8, 19; 
muscles of, 58, 62, 70, 122, £123 

Typhlops blanfordi lestradei: hyoid 
i, 10; 11 

Typhlops boettgeri: hyoid of, 11 

Typhlops braminus: hyoid of, 11 

Typhlops intermedius: hyoid of, 19; 
muscles of, 58 

Typhlops lumbricalis: 

Typhlops platycephalus: hyoid of, 10 

in snakes, 

hyoid of, 10, 

INDEX 155 

Typhlops polygrammicus: 
sea Peo a a 

Typhlops punctatus: muscles of, 58 

Typhlops pusillus: hyoid of, 10, 11, 
110, f1l11 

Typhlops reticulatus: hyoid of, 9, 11, 
110, f111 

Typhlops schlegeli brevis: 
8, 11 

Typhlops s. mucruso: hyoid of, 8, 11, 
19, 108, f109; muscles of, 58, 70, 
124, £125 

Typhlops s. schlegeli: hyoid of, 11 

Typhlops vermicularis: hyoid of, 11 

hyoid of, 

hyoid of, 

Ultrocalamus prussi: hyoid of, 33, 38 

Ungaliophis continentalis: hyoid of, 

Uropeltidae: hyoid of, 12, 19-20, 36, 
41-42; muscles of, 51, 57-58, 60, 
62-63, 65, 75, 80, 83, 84-87 passim, 
128, £129; summary, 90; evolution 
of, 92-93, 99 

Vagus nerve (X): for hyotrachealis, 

Varanidae: hyoid of, 108, f109; mus- 
cles of, 118, £119 

Varanus: hyoid of, 7-8, 12, 108, £109; 
muscles of, 47-49, 83, 85; summary 
of hyoid and muscles of, 89; com- 
parison with snakes, 99 

Varanus monitor: muscles of, 61; 
hyoid of, 118, f119 

Vertebrohyoideus, s61 

Vertebro-hyoidien (?), s66 

Vertebro-mandibulaire, s60, s61 

Vertebro-mandibular (?), s60 

Vipera aspis: hyoid of, 14, 34, 38 

Vipera berus: hyoid of, 34; muscles 
of, 79, 80, 84 

Viperidae: hyoid of, 34, 38, 41-42, 
f141; muscles of, 59, 73, 80, 140, 
f141; summary, 90; evolution of, 
94, 100 

Vortszieher des Zungenbeins, s50 

Vorwartszieher des Zungenbeins, s49, 
s50, s56 

Xenodermus javanicus: hyoid of, 31 


Xenodon: muscles of, 79 93, 100; relationship with Lozo- 
Xenopeltidae (Xenopeltis wnicolor) : cemus, 94 
hyoid of, 12, 21, 36, 41-42, £133; Xenosauridae: hyoid of, 108, £109 
atieelas of, 50, 59-60, 62, 64, 72-73, Xenosaurus grandis: hyoid of, 7-9, 
76-77, 80-81, 86-88 passim, 132, 108, £109 
f133; summary, 90; evolution of, Zungenbeinzungenmuskel, s50 


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