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Volume 4, Number 6 
November - December 1987 

Director’s Note 

The October 4th snowstorm was severe 
and left very few people in the mid- 
Hudson Valley and western New 
England untouched. But was it an 
environmental disaster? 

Major natural disturbances (such as 
windstorms and floods) are not 
uncommon. Left to their own devices, 
plants and animals adapt to the changed 
living conditions, and the system 
eventually recovers. 

One of the Institute’s goals is to study the 
effects of disturbance and the process of 
recovery in ecosystems of the 
northeastern United States. lES 
scientists are already well into an 
analysis of the effects of the snowstorm, 
as you will see from the following article. 

The lES Newsletter is published by 
the Institute of Ecosystem Studies 
at the Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum. 
Located in Millbrook, New York, 
the Institute is a division of The 
New York Botanical Garden. All 
newsletter correspondence should 
be addressed to the Editor. 

Gene E. Likens, Director 
Joseph S. Warner, Administrator 
Alan R. Berkowitz, 

Head of Education 

Editor: Jill Cadwallader 
Design and Printing: Central Press 

The New Y ork Botanical Garden 
Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum 
Box AB 

Millbrook, NY 12545 
(914) 677-5343 

Environmental Disaster? 
or “Major Pruning”? 

On Sunday, October 4th, over 30 cen- 
timeters (12 inches) of heavy, wet snow 
fell on parts of the Northeast. Nature is 
more or less ready for such a storm by the 
time the winter months come, but 
deciduous trees are not prepared to cope 
with this kind of assault before the leaves 
fall from their branches. The weight of so 
much early snow on the leaves broke off 
branches, split trunks and toppled whole 

Within a few weeks, roadside debris had 
been removed, homeowners had cleaned 
up their yards, and the thousands of 
individuals who had lost power had 
restocked their freezers and put away 
their candles. But, in the forests, the 
effects of the storm remained clearly 
evident: pale, jagged scars of broken tree- 
tops; “widow-makers” (a term coined by 
lumberjacks to describe branches 
dangling from the forest canopy) at every 
turn; leaf-laden branches on the forest 

Tree damage at the Mary Flagler Cary 
Arboretum was considerable. Within days 
of the storm, Drs. Steward Pickett, Mark 
McDonnell, Charles Canham and Alan 
Berkowitz, lES ecologists studying 
terrestrial plant communities, put together 
a team to assess the damage and lay out a 
plan for long-term observations of the 
recovery process. 

It was important to do a survey 
immediately to record what direct effects 
the storm had on trees in the various 
habitats on the Arboretum, especially in 
those areas with a closed or nearly closed 
canopy. Ten transects for study were set 
up: some in the lowlands, along the flood- 
plain of the East Branch of the 
Wappinger Creek; some in the densely 
wooded area behind the Greenhouse; and 
the majority in the Cannoo Hills, both in 
forest and Oldfields sites. 

The transect lines are 300 meters (984 
feet) long. There are 15 points along each, 
set at random so that an unbiased sample 
is guaranteed. The scientists and their 
research assistants selected the four trees 
closest to each point for their survey. 

They identified the species and noted the 
extent of the damage, from no damage at 
all, to the number of broken branches, to 
total uprooting. The points and the 
selected trees were permanently marked, 
allowing the scientists to make future 
observations of the trees’ growth, health 
or mortality. 

In addition, at each point along the 
transect line a 20 meter (65.6 foot) transect 
was placed at right angles. The amount of 
debris brought down by the storm was 
measured along each of these lines. These 
transects will be monitored over a period 

of time to find out what normally falls from 
the trees as well as what comes down in 
storms. These data will show how much 
biomass is taken from the forest canopy by 
different disturbances. 

The piles of debris on the forest floor may 
alter the ecology of the area, and the 
research team will be in the position to 
monitor such changes. For example, slash 
piles could provide shelter for gypsy 
moths. Gypsy moths are always present in 
a forest, but their numbers fluctuate and 
outbreaks occur only at intervals. Does an 
ecological disturbance have any effect on 
the timing of outbreaks? Dr. Clive Jones, 
lES chemical ecologist involved in long- 
term monitoring of gypsy moth 
populations at the Arboretum, will be 
assisting in this aspect of the team study. 
What if, on the other hand, the piles 
provide shelter for small mammals that eat 
gypsy moths? lES wildlife ecologist Jay 
McAninch will be on hand to contribute to 
that part of the research effort. 

While some trees may eventually die as a 
result of storm damage, from such things 
as fungal infections in open wood, most of 
the forest will adapt and continue to grow. 
The lES ecologists choose to look at the 
storm as a “major pruning”, not an 
environmental disaster. They feel that for 
the next five years or so the major effect 
will be the increased amount of light 
reaching young trees and shrubs on the 
forest floor -- perhaps by the end of that 

continued on page 4 

lES Plant Ecologist Dr. Charles Canham, right, 
and Dr. Steve Pacala, a plant ecologist from the 
University of Connecticut, surveying storm 

Forest Response to a Natural Catastrophe 

When tornadoes hit the Allegheny 
National Forest in western Pennsylvania 
on May 30th, 1985, they devastated the 
forests on 364 hectares of the 1659- 
hectare Tionesta Scenic and Research 
Natural Area (900 of 4100 acres). This 
freak happening ... such events are 
estimated to occur in dense forests only 
once every thousand years ... provided 
ecologists with a rare opportunity to 
learn about the role of natural 
disturbance in the dynamics of forest 

Forest ecologists want to learn more 
about how trees compete for the 
resources of soil, water and light. They 
are particularly interested in seeing what 
happens to seedlings and small trees 
when mature trees are removed from the 
forest and are therefore no longer 
competing for these resources. Research 
on forests, however, poses certain 
challenges. Greenhouses provide limited 
capabilities for observations of trees, and 
most disturbances in nature, such as 
forest fires or logging, affect the whole 
ecosystem - the soils, animals and lower 
plants as well as the tree species. It is 
rare that ecologists have the chance to 
work in an area where disturbance is 
primarily limited to the mature trees. 

Tionesta, a small part of the Allegheny 
Forest, is one of the few remaining large 
stands of virgin forest in the eastern 
United States. Hemlocks {Tsuga 
canadensis) are dominant, and yellow 
birch (Betula lutea), black birch (Betula 
lenta), beech (Fagus grandifolia), black 
cherry (Prunus serotina) and three 
species of maple (Acer spp.) are also 
common. During the tornadoes, most of 
the mature trees - many of them 300 to 
400 years old - were either uprooted or 
snapped off to leave only stumps. Young 
trees under a meter high (approximately 

a yard) escaped the fate of their taller 
neighbors, although many were flattened 
by falling debris. 

Dr. Steward Pickett, an lES plant 
ecologist, and Chris Peterson, his 
graduate student at Rutgers University, 
have taken advantage of the research 
opportunities provided by the Tionesta 
blowdown. Since July 1986 they have 
been observing and recording the natural 
recovery processes occurring there. 
Three parallel transect lines, one 
kilometer (0.6 mile) in length each, were 
set up across the 0.5 km wide tornado 
path, beginning and ending in the 
undamaged forest on either side. 
Research plots along these transects 
were selected to represent the conditions 
of light, soil and drainage typical of the 
affected areas. Within the plots, each 
plant species and its status were 

In an undisturbed forest, beech trees are 
common as ground cover but grow 
slowly in the shadows of taller trees. In 
the tornado zone, report Pickett and 
Peterson, young beech are now 
dominant. However, yellow birch, which 
grow slightly faster, and the even more 
rapidly growing, but less numerous, 
black cherry are starting to provide some 
competition. Dr. Pickett feels that it is 
likely that in a few years the birch and 
cherry will overtake the beech, which 
may not become dominant until much 

The effects of the white-tailed deer on 
regeneration of tree species are also being 
studied. These mammals are common is 
the Tionesta area. Mr. Peterson reported 
in a recent article in the British journal 
New Scientist that he has “never seen a 
hemlock seedling more than 5 
centimeters tall ... anything larger than 

that, the deer have already eaten”. Deer 
prefer hemlock but also like maples and 
black cherry and usually avoid beech; 
however, the very dense deer herd has 
severely browsed even the beech. Since 
beech sprout profusely from the roots, 
some manage to “escape” even when 
severely browsed. But these young 
survivors aren’t “out of the woods” yet: 
gypsy moth caterpillars prefer beech, 
and Peterson noted that “in a few parts 
of the blowdown there are beech with no 
leaves at all”. Such interactions are 
going to be determining factors in the 
outcome of the beech - birch - black 
cherry competition for dominance. 

In addition to making observations of the 
natural regeneration processes at the 
Tionesta blowdown, Pickett and 
Peterson are manipulating the 
environment at selected sites along their 
transect lines. Wire fences have been put 
around some of the plots to keep deer 
away from the growing trees; this 
protection will show how great an effect 
the browsing mammals have on the 
survival of individual plant species. In 
some other plots, debris has been 
removed so that the ecologists can 
compare the growth of young trees in 
areas exposed to full light with the 
growth of those in areas shaded by 

Pickett and Peterson will record their 
observations over a four-year period, and 
will need to restudy the site for at least 
10 years in order to gain a complete 
picture of the early stages in the re- 
establishment of a forest. Nature has 
provided them with an ideal field 
laboratory for studying disturbance and 
recovery in an ecosystem, and they are 
taking full advantage of the opportunity. 

lES ecologists are becoming more involved in 
public policy issues - zoning, development, 
landfills, atmospheric quality as it relates to 
questions on a state level, and others. On October 
9th at the Institute, the staff met with profes- 
sionals experienced in matters of public policy for 
an open discussion of these issues as they relate to 
lES research goals. The dialogue will be continued 
with relevant members of the Department of 
Environmental Conservation staff at a meeting to 
be held in Albany. Erom left to right: Nicholas A. 
Robinson, Professor of Law and Director of the 
Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Pace 
University (White Plains, NY); Dr. Richard L. 
Ottinger, Professor of Law, Pace University; Dr. 
Gene E. Likens, Director, Institute of Ecosystem 
Studies; and Thomas C. Jorling, Commissioner, 
New York State Department of Environmental 

Visitors to lES 

Dr. David Grover Frey is an internation- 
ally known limnologist who recently 
retired as professor of zoology at Indiana 
University in Bloomington, Indiana. His 
research interests were the developmental 
history of lakes and the micropaleontology 
of lake sediments as well as the 
systematics, ecology and evolution of 
cladoceran species (microscopic 
freshwater animals related to crabs and 
crayfish). Over his years of research, Dr. 
Frey built on an extensive pre-existing 
Indiana University collection of written 
materials dealing with limnology - the 
study of lakes, ponds and streams - and 
upon his retirement wished to donate the 
entire collection to a place where it would 
be most useful. He and lES Director Dr. 

Gene Likens have been acquainted for 
many years, and he realized that the 
Institute was the proper home for the 
collection. The limnology collection 
arrived here in July 1986. It is being 
catalogued, and Librarian Annette Frank 
reports that is contains approximately 
20,000 monographs, serial publications 
and reprints in eleven languages. The 
collection is not only complete, but also 
historically interesting: limnology is a 
relatively recent research field in the 
United States, but this collection includes 
European journals that extend back to the 
1930’s. Dr. Frey, a Visiting Scientist at the 
Institute, was here in late October and was 
photographed (right) with Ms. Frank and 
Dr. Likens. 



Meteorologist Dr. Lennart Granat is doing 
research in atmospheric chemistry at the 
University of Stockholm in Sweden. Early 
in November he spent a week at the 
Institute, working with Dr. Gene Likens 
and Lars Hedin, a Yale University 
graduate student doing his Ph.D. research 
at the Institute and at the Hubbard Brook 
Experimental Forest (New Hampshire). 
The three are collaborating on a project to 
compare long-term records of 
precipitation chemistry in Europe and the 
northeastern United States. A discussion 
group on acid rain during Dr. Granat’s 
visit brought together experts in the field. 
Shown here are, left to right: Mr. Hedin; 
lES Plant Ecologist Dr. Gary Lovett; Dr. 
Granat; and Dr. Charles Blanchard, an 
atmospheric chemist at Princeton 

Volunteer’s Bequest 

lES volunteers are a hard-working, loyal 
and supportive group, and their interest in 
Institute and Arboretum programs is 
frequently broad. This is exemplified by 
the case of Miss Dorothy Patricia Hough. 

Pat Hough, a resident of Pawling, New 
York, did volunteer work in the lES 
Greenhouse from late 1982 through early 
1985. She enjoyed her work 
tremendously, thanks in part to the 
excellent tutelage of Greenhouse Manager 
David Bulkeley, and her interest grew to 
include other lES activities as well. She 
asked Mr. Bulkeley how she could help 
the Institute, and he suggested that the 
Perennial Garden was a worthy cause. 

She died in November, 1985. Recently, 
lES Administrator Joseph Warner 
received formal notification that she left 
nearly $250,000 to the Institute, 
stipulating that the income from this 

bequest be used in support of the recently 
completed Perennial Garden. Pat Hough’s 
bequest will establish an endowment fund, 
the income from which will support a 
gardener’s position. 

New Staff 

JUDIANE KOCH (right), research 
assistant I, joined the lES rights-of-way 
project in June as a summer field research 
assistant. She has just accepted a 
permanent position working for Plant 
Ecologist Dr. Charles Canham, in which 
her responsibilities include coordination of 
the Greenhouse research for the rights-of- 
way vegetation study and of the project’s 
laboratory analysis. She will also be 
involved in some field work. Ms. Koch has 
a bachelor of arts degree in biology from 
Vassar College in Poughkeepsie. 

Pruning .. • from page 1 

period a casual bystander might not even 
be aware that there had been such a storm. 
As a result of the baseline studies done in 
the weeks following the storm, however, 
the ecologists will be in a position to see 
whatever lasting effects there might be in 
the forest community, and to know how 
these changes are related to the October 
4th transient event. Relevant findings will 
be reported in the lES Newsletter. 

Protecting Damaged Trees 

Bradley Roeller, manager of display 
gardens at the Arboretum, has the 
following hints for tree owners who want 
to protect damaged trees from possible 

1. Make sure that pruning cuts are made 
at an angle, especially cuts that are 
larger than 15 cm (6”) in diameter. 
Angled cuts will shed water, while flat 
cuts will catch moisure from rain, ice 
and snow, encouraging rot. 

2. Cuts greater than 5 cm (2”) in diameter 
should be painted with tree wound 
paint, to seal the wood from moisture. 

3. Where large sections of the tree are 
broken, for example major limbs or 
parts of the trunk, be certain that cuts 
are made to shed water. Often the cut 
has to be shaped to create a ‘drain 

The New York Botanical Garden 
Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum 
Box AB, Millbrook, New York 12545 


Volume 4, Number 6 
November - December 1987 

Winter Calendar 


The Institute is pleased to announce its winter and 
spring semester courses in landscape design, 
gardening, botany and ecology; 

Winter Semester 

Landscape Design I. Site Analysis and Schematic 

Annuals and Perennials for Landscaping 
Growing Herbs Indoors 
Intensive Organic Gardening 
House Plant Clinic 
Spring Semester 
Landscape Design Theory 
Construction I. Grading and Drainage 
Landscape Design II. Plan Development 
Drawing for Plan Presentation 
Insect Pests and Diseases of Plants 
Plants for Landscaping: Woody Perennials 
Spring Mushrooms 
Frontiers in Ecology 
Special Workshops 

Plant Propagation and Management for Ecological 

Ecological Design and Landscape Restoration 
Airphoto Interpretation and Land Use: An 
Introduction to Basic Techniques 
Planting and Transplanting Trees and Shrubs 

For registration information, or to be put on the 
mailing list for the Adult Education Program 
catalogue, call the Gifford House at the number 


Join us for one or more of the following trips: 

A Lake in Winter: Frozen Ecology (January 31st) 
Winter Ecology of the Bald Eagle (February 6th) 
Wildlife in Winter: Bear Watch (March 7th) 

The New York Flower Show (March 10th) 
Archaeology and Implements (May 18th) 

Spirit of Northern Waters (May 20th) 

Garden in the Woods (June 9th) 

The Ecology of Tivoli Bay: An Exploration by 
Canoe (June 11th) 


Free public programs are offered on the first and 
third Sunday of each month. All programs are from 
one to two hours long, and begin at 2:00 pm at the 
Gifford House unless otherwise noted. 

Jan. 17th: Winter Green: Focus on Conifers (Kass 
Hogan) - Walk 

Feb. 7th: Vegetation of North and Central 
America (Steward Pickett) - Talk 
Feb. 21st; Identifying and Controlling Wildlife 
Damage in Yard and Garden (Ray Winchcombe) - 

Mar. 6th: Ecosystem Recovery on Mount St. 
Helens (David Wood) - Talk 
Mar. 20th: Visit to a Tropical Island (Mark 
Mattson) - Talk 

For ecology walks, dress for the weather conditions; 
wear warm, waterproof boots. In case of inclement 
weather, call (914) 677-5358 after 1 pm to learn the 
status of the day’s program. 

Ecology talks are slide presentations or 
demonstrations held indoors at the Gifford House. 


The lES Greenhouse performs double-duty: it is a 
year-round tropical-plant paradise as well as a site 
for controlled environmental research. The public is 
invited to explore both aspects during Arboretum 
hours. There is no admission fee, but visitors should 
first stop at the Gifford House for a free permit. 


The Institute’s weekly program of scientific 
seminars features presentations by visiting scientists 
or Institute staff. All seminars take place in the Plant 
Science Building on Fridays at 3:30 p.m. Admission 
is free. For a schedule, contact Julie Morgan at 
(914) 677-5343. 


Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday, 
1 - 4 p.m. The Gift and Plant Shops are open 
Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 

Sunday 1 - 4 p.m. Closed on public holidays. (Also 
closed during the deer hunting season and when the 
internal roads are snow covered.) All visitors must 
obtain a free permit at the Gifford House for access 
to the Arboretum. 


Take out a membership in the Mary Flagler Cary 
Arboretum. Benefits include a special member’s rate 
for lES courses and excursions, a 10% discount on 
purchases from the Gift Shop, six issues of the lES 
Newsletter each year, free subscription to Garden 
(the beautifully illustrated magazine for the enter- 
prising and inquisitive gardener), and parking 
privileges and free admission to the Enid A. Haupt 
Conservatory at The New York Botanical Garden in 
the Bronx. Individual membership is $25; family 
membership is $35. For information on member- 
ships, contact Janice Claiborne at (914) 677-5343. 

Tentative schedule (please call (914) 677-5358 to 
confirm the day’s topic): 

For more information, call (914) 677-5358 weekdays from 8:30-4:30. 

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