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Volume 9, Number 6 
November-December 1992 

Director’s Note 

When the Institute of Ecosystem Studies was 
created in 1983, one of its principal goals was 
“to establish and maintain long-term, 
experimental and reference studies of 
ecosystems”. The worth of long-term 
ecological research already was recognized 
from a number of investigations, including 
the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study that had 
been gathering data on air-land-water 
interactions since 1963 (and continues to do 
so). With the formation of the Institute of 
Ecosystem Studies, sites in forests, fields and 
streams across the Mary Flagler Cary 
Arboretum were established as long-term 
research plots. 

Now, almost a decade later, data continue to 
be collected, baseline information against 
which scientists and educators will be able to 
measure change for years to come. Some of 
these data now are being incorporated into a 
new long-term project. Forest Responses to 
Stress and Damage, described in the cover 
story of this issue of the lES Newsletter. 

The lES Newsletter is published by the 
Institute of Ecosystem Studies at the Mary 
Flagler Cary Arboretum. Located in 
Millbrook, New York, the Institute is a 
division of The New York Botanical 
Garden. All newsletter correspondence 
should be addressed to the Editor. 

Gene E. Likens, Director 
Joseph S. Warner, Administrator 
Alan R. Berkowitz, Head of Education 

Editor: Jill Cadwallader 
Printing: Central Press 

The New York Botanical Garden 
Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum 
Education Program 
Box R 

Millbrook, NY 12545 

Stresses and Change 

The composition of our forests is changing. 
Flowering dogwood trees in wooded areas 
have experienced a 96% decline over the 
past decade because of a fungal infection. 

The wooly adelgid, a tiny sucking insect, is 
slowly killing hemlocks. Chestnut oaks are 
dying, probably from repeated attacks by 
the gypsy moth, while data from long-term 
research plots at the Arboretum show that 
the densities of some species, for example 
the chestnut, are increasing. 

Natural changes occur constantly in 
ecosystems. In these times of increasing 
human impact on the environment, 
however, changes may be accelerated, and 
they are not always natural. In order to 
know when changes are occurring, to try to 
understand the reasons for these changes 
and to make predictions regarding the 
future status of ecosystems, routine 
monitoring is essential. 

Recognizing the need for an integrated 
approach to monitoring Hudson Valley 
forests. Institute ecologists Drs. Gary M. 
Lovett, Charles C. Canham, Clive G. Jones 
and Richard S. Ostfeld developed 
FORSTAD — Forest Responses to Stress 
and Damage. This long-term monitoring 
program was in the planning stage for 
several years before field sampling began in 
March 1991. With a number of potential 
agents of environmental stress to consider, 
the ecologists chose to focus their attention 
on the forest’s responses to insect out- 
breaks, air pollution and climate change. 

The FORSTAD team is interested espe- 
cially in linking ecosystem components to 
the whole system, to learn what stress or 
damage to individual trees might do to the 
entire forest. For example, when an oak tree 
is damaged by gypsy moths, are forest 
functions such as nutrient cycling affected? 
Then, if that oak dies, does the same 
species take its place or do new species 
move in, and how does the forest change as 
a consequence? 

While the goal of FORSTAD scientists is to 
establish forest monitoring sites throughout 
the Hudson Valley, the early focus of the 
project is the development and refining of 
sampling methods and the establishment of 
research plots at the Arboretum. Monitoring 
sites are located primarily along the sides of 
the Cannoo Hills, in typical upland forest 
dominated by oak, hickory and maple trees. 
Some of the plots are part of previously 
established long-term research projects, so 
more than 10 years of vegetation and gypsy 
moth population data are already available 
for integration with new FORSTAD 
measurements. In the vegetation plots, data 

in Hudson Valley 

on species of trees, their size, which 
individuals have died and what new ones 
are growing will continue to be recorded at 
regular intervals. Against this background, 
other measurements also will be made. 

FORSTAD research assistants Christopher Borg 
(left) and Michael Miller measure and perma- 
nently mark trees in the long-term vegetation 
plots on the Arboretum. (The white coveralls 
help Institute staff find any deer ticks that they 
might pick up.) 

Understanding Forest Stress 

The gypsy moth is an introduced pest that 
has become a major cause of forest stress 
and damage in the Northeast. To date, there 
is neither a clear understanding of what 
causes gypsy moth outbreaks nor a reliable 
means of predicting defoliation. Data on 
egg mass densities and episodes of defolia- 
tion have been collected at 20 Arboretum 
sites since 1981. Observations will continue 
at the existing long-term sites, and data also 
will be collected across all other 
FORSTAD plots, on numbers of egg 
masses, larval instars (stages of develop- 
ment between molts) and pupae, as well as 
on degrees of defoliation. 

In the course of the Institute’s long-term 
gypsy moth studies, it was found that 
increases in the population density of these 
insects coincided with declines in small 
mammal populations, suggesting that 
animals such as the white-footed mouse 
may be important predators of moth larvae 
and pupae. As part of FORSTAD’s 

continued on page 2 

FORSTAD, from page 1 

monitoring program, live-traps are set out 
for short periods during spring, summer and 
fall to estimate population sizes of white- 
footed mice, chipmunks and other small 
forest mammals. Data will be used to 
confirm the correlation between small 
mammal and gypsy moth populations as 
well as for other studies. Small mammals 
have an impact on tree reproduction, for 
example — their diet is primarily seeds, so 
an increase in their numbers can lead to a 
decrease in seed survival and eventually to 
a reduction in numbers of new trees. 

Gaseous nitrogen, N^, is converted to usable 
compounds by natural processes occurring 
in the atmosphere or soil. Ths “fixed” 
nitrogen may be used over and over again 
by plants, animals and microbes in cycles 
of growth, death and decomposition. 
Combustion of fossil fuels (for instance, in 
automobiles or power plants) increases the 
rate at which nitrogen gas is converted to 
usable forms and deposited to the bio- 
sphere. The nitrogen occurs as nitrogen 
dioxide (NO^) or nitric acid gases, as 
particles, or dissolved in raindrops (as one 
of the acids in “acid rain”). Deposition of 


— o— 

Unbanded Teahouse 

Banded Cannoo 

- D ^ 

Unbanded Cannoo 


1 1 — 

1981 1982 1983 


1985 1986 


1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 

One example of long-term cycling in a forest ecosystem is illustrated by this graph of numbers of gypsy 
moth egg masses. Data collected from forested sites on the Arboretum’ s Cannoo Hill and Teahouse 
Hill show peak levels in 1981 and in 1990. The downward part of the cycle now has begun again. 
(‘Banded” and ‘Unbanded’ refer to a sampling method in which burlap bands are tied around some 
trees.) Graph prepared by research assistant Michele P. Richard 

Data gathered on small mammals also will 
contribute to lES studies on the ecology of 
the deer tick, the carrier of Lyme disease. 
Numbers of white-footed mice are of 
particular relevance because these animals 
are reservoirs for the disease-causing 
bacterium. The ticks themselves will be 
identified and counted before host mam- 
mals are tagged and released. To comple- 
ment these data, FORSTAD scientists are 
using a technique known as “tick drag- 
ging”: questing ticks will be collected on a 
square of white cloth dragged along 
transects in the research plots. Taken to the 
lES laboratory, the tiny arthropods then can 
be examined microscopically for the 
presence of the Lyme disease bacterium. 

There are also climatic and air pollution 
stresses to the forest, and one way in which 
these stresses may affect the ecosystem is 
by altering the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen (N) 
is a nutrient, an element that is essential for 
the growth and development of all living 
organisms. Like other nutrients, nitrogen 
recycles constantly through the biosphere 

nitrogen in our area has increased approxi- 
mately tenfold since pre-industrial times. 
This has increased the amount of nitrogen 
cycling in forest ecosystems, but the effect 
of this increase on forest health is still a 
matter of research and debate. 

To learn how increases in nitrogen deposi- 
tion have changed nitrogen cycling and the 
health of our forests, the FORSTAD team 
has established two nitrogen cycling plots 
to monitor levels of nitrogen in water, soil 
and trees. The chemistry of throughfall, or 
the water dripping from the trees, and of 
water in the soil (collected by a suction 
device) as well as of leaves is being 
analyzed. The rate of cycling of nitrogen 
from the plants to the soil is measured by 
collecting and analyzing the annual leaf 
fall. The rate of nitrogen mineralization, or 
how fast the element becomes available for 
uptake and use by plants, is determined by 
incubating a sample of the forest floor in 
the laboratory and measuring the change in 
available nitrogen over a two-week interval. 

In addition, FORSTAD ecologists have 
access to a long-term database from the 
Institute’s Meteorology and Air Quality 
Station, a facility that provides continuous 
measurements of precipitation chemistry 
(e.g., acid rain) and amount, air tempera- 
ture, wind speed, wind direction, relative 
humidity, solar radiation, and atmospheric 
concentrations of ozone, sulfur dioxide, 
nitric acid vapor and fine aerosols. The 
scientists currently are developing and 
testing methods for nitrogen dioxide 
measurement as well. 

Some might expect that with increased 
nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere 
there would be a corresponding increase in 
plant growth, due to a “fertilizer effect”. 
This generally has not been observed in 
Hudson Valley forests, for reasons that are 
not yet clear. Normally almost all the 
nitrogen deposited in a forest is used up in 
normal plant or microbial growth processes, 
or is tied up in non-decomposing com- 
pounds in the soil. It is possible that trees 
that have evolved over the millennia in an 
environment where nitrogen is a scarce 
resource cannot deal with sudden nitrogen 
excesses. The consequences for the trees 
may be nutritional imbalances for individu- 
als or shifts in competition between species. 
If the trees or microbes cannot use all the 
nitrogen being deposited, the excess may 
leach out into streams, lakes and groundwa- 
ter. By monitoring nitrogen levels and 
observing forest health over time, 
FORSTAD ecologists hope to learn what 
might be happening. (It has been discovered 
recently that nitrate — another nitrogenous 
compound — is leaching out of forest 
watersheds in the Catskill and Adirondack 
Mountains. Since nitrates in drinking water 
pose a potential health threat [see story on 
page 3] this is a question that Dr. Lovett is 
pursuing in another ongoing lES project.) 

By correlating their observations of 
atmospheric deposition, forest chemistry, 
tree populations and insect and mammal 
species, Drs. Lovett, Canham, Jones and 
Ostfeld will develop ecosystem “models” 

— mathematical formulations of essential 
relationships between components of the 
forest ecosystem. These computer simula- 
tions will help the ecologists understand 
how the ecosystem works and make 
predictions about the effects of continued 
stresses to forests. 

This research is funded through a grant to 
the Institute of Ecosystem Studies from the 
General Reinsurance Corporation. 

Dr. Boyer Studies Path of Groundwater Pollutant 

A casual observer might guess that Dr. 
Joseph Boyer is a geologist rather than the 
microbial ecologist that he is. Soil maps of 
the Arboretum and surrounding areas are 
spread out on his desk in the post-doctoral 
scientists’ laboratory, and when he 
identifies likely sites he packs his soil auger 
and sets out to take core samples. The 
information he is looking for with these 
geologist’s tools, however, will help to 
answer important ecological questions 
about why nitrate (NO3 ) collects in soil and 
how it can be prevented from contaminat- 
ing groundwater. 

As described in this issue’s cover story, 
nitrogen is an important part of the global 
ecosystem. Nitrogen gas makes up nearly 
80% of the Earth’s atmosphere and 
combines naturally with oxygen or 
hydrogen to make other chemical com- 
pounds. While these compounds are used 
by living organisms in the growth process, 
at high levels they can have detrimental 
effects. Nitrate, for example, becomes a 
potential problem when present in high 
concentrations in drinking water — upon 
entering the gastrointestinal tract, it is 
converted to nitrite, which enters the 
bloodstream and competes with oxygen for 
binding sites in hemoglobin molecules. 

This condition, called methemoglobinemia, 
can lead eventually to suffocation; infants 
who suffer from it are called “blue babies’’. 

Major sources of nitrate in agricultural 
areas are commercial fertilizers and animal 
wastes. Dr. Boyer and another microbial 
ecologist at the Institute, Dr. Peter 
Groffman, are particularly interested in the 
nitrate that rain washes down through the 
soil into aquifers ... underground water in 
rock, sand or gravel. Dr. Boyer hopes to 
develop ways to keep nitrate out of the 
groundwater, thereby not only assuring 
better quality drinking water but also 
minimizing the loss of valuable nitrogen 
from agricultural fields. 

Once nitrate is in groundwater, engineering 
options for clean-up are limited and costly. 
Dr. Boyer is investigating another ap- 
proach, denitrification — a naturally 
occurring process in which nitrogenous 
compounds are converted to harmless 
nitrogen gas — as a solution to the problem 
of nitrate build-up in groundwater. 

5C + 4NO3 + 2Hp = 2N3 + CO2 + 4HCO3 

carbon + nitrate + water = 

nitrogen gas + carbon dioxide gas + bicarbonate 

Denitrification (represented chemically 
above) is the work of bacteria living in the 
soil, and because it is an anaerobic process 
— one that occurs in the absence of oxygen 

— it can occur deep underground. Under 
normal conditions, almost all excess soil 
nitrate is converted by this process. 
However, when nitrate levels are high due 
to the effects of agriculture or other causes, 
denitrification does not happen fast enough 
and some nitrate escapes from the soil into 
the groundwater. 

therefore is carried rapidly to deeper soils. 
How does the amount of carbon in the soil 
relate to current and historical land use? 
Whereas forest soils receive nutrients from 
decomposing plant material, agricultural 
soils often do not because much of the plant 
material is removed during harvest. Is there 
a difference in available carbon levels 
between forest and agricultural soils? 

Dr. Joseph Boyer uses a soil auger to collect soil samples in 
different land use areas. He is comparing forested and agricultural 
sites to learn what factors affect denitrification. 

While some forms of carbon 
are easy to use (like the 
sugar, glucose) others are 
not. During the degradation 
of plant litter, the easy-to- 
use forms are used first, and 
the remaining humic acids 
end up in soils and are 
broken down at an as-yet- 
unknown rate. Dr. Boyer 
will be investigating carbon 
sources in the soil to learn 
how they affect the 
denitrification process. 

Where does the carbon used 
by denitrifying bacteria 
come from? Is it material that has been in 
the ground for years? Or is it from recently 
decomposed organic matter, washed down 
through the soil by the rains? How is it 
distributed through the soil column? Is it 
concentrated at the surface and therefore 
not available at the groundwater level? 

This is of potential relevance because 
nitrate dissolves easily in water and 

* On the logarithmic pH scale ofO - 14, 
very acidic materials have a value at the 
low end of the scale — the pH of lemon 
juice is approximately 2 — while very basic 
ones are at the high end of the 
scale — ammonia has a pH of 11.) 

historical land use and taking samples to 
identify similar soil types in different land 
use areas; by selecting present and former 
forest and farm sites with the same 
geological origins, he will eliminate soil as 
a variable in his investigations. The soil 
type that he seeks is glacial outwash, whose 
well-sorted material provides good drainage 
with water percolating in a relatively 
straight path to the groundwater. He will 
analyze soil cores taken from surface to 
water table to determine the carbon source 
for the groundwater denitrification process. 

Fortunately for Dr. Boyer, certain plant 
materials have distinctive carbon isotope 

continued on page 4 

What factors control denitrification? As 
stated, the process requires low oxygen 
levels and thus cannot occur 
near the soil surface. The 
pH, or the level of acidity or 
alkalinity, must be neutral 

— approximately 7 or 8*. 

Soil temperature is a factor 
too, with the rate of 
denitrification doubling for , 

every increase of 10°C (just J' 

less than 20° F). Nutrients 
and trace metals are 
required for the bacteria to 
grow, while the presence of 
some chemical compounds 

— sulfide, for example — 
may inhibit denitrification. 

Finally, and of particular 
interest to Dr. Boyer, is the 
source of the carbon 
required for the chemical 
reaction to occur. 

Dr. Boyer is consulting soil maps, studying 

Groundwater, from page 3 

ratios (isotopes are atoms of the same 
element with different weights). Most forest 
plants in this area — deciduous trees, 
shrubs and pines — have one ratio, while 
certain agricultural plants such as com have 
another. Since “you are what you eat”, by 
analyzing the carbon isotope ratios of 
denitrifying bacteria and the COj produced 
by their respiration. Dr. Boyer will be able 
to determine which sort of plant was the 
major food source for the bacteria. In sites 
where the source of new soil carbon differs 
from historical sources (e.g., forests 
growing on old com fields), the carbon 
isotope ratio will help him distinguish 
whether the bacteria are using new or old 
carbon. This, in turn, will help him 
understand how carbon availability might 
limit microbial activity in soil, knowledge 
that is key for developing strategies to 
increase pollutant removal from groundwa- 

Dr. Joseph N. Boyer joined the Institute’ s 
scientific staff in October. With a doctorate 
in marine science from the Virginia 
Institute of Marine Science, College of 
William and Mary, he has taught at East 
Carolina University in North Carolina, has 
been involved in the design and implemen- 
tation of water reuse systems for aquacul- 
ture, and has been an environmental 
consultant. Dr. Boyer is at the Institute on a 
two-year postdoctoral appointment funded 
by a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant 
awarded to Dr. Peter M. Grojfman. 

The New York Botanical Garden 
Mary Flagler Cary Arboretum 
Education Program 

Millbrook, New York 12.545-0178 


Winter Calendar 

Winter and Spring Semesters 

The winter semester begins in mid-January. 

Free catalogues describing classes, workshops 
and ecological excursions offered during winter 
and spring are available from the Gifford House. 
Call the number below for information. 

Free public programs are held on the first and 
third Sunday of each month, except over holiday 
weekends. Programs begin at 2 p.m. at the Gifford 
House on Route 44A unless otherwise noted. Call 
(914) 677-5359 to confirm the day’s topic. 

Jan. 17: Earthworm Investigations, an indoor 
program for young people, ages 6-12, and their 
parents, led by Kass Hogan 
Feb. 7; Diatoms: Microscopic Jewels in Aquatic 
Food Webs, a walk and demonstration led by 
Dr. R. Jan Stevenson 

Feb. 21: Update on Zebra Mussels in the Hudson 
River, a slide presentation by Dr. David Strayer 
Mar. 7: Gaia Theory: Wake-up Call for 
Humanity!, a slide presentation by Dr. William 

• In case of inclement weather, call (914) 677- 
5358 after I p.m. to learn the status of the day’ s 
program. For outdoor programs, dress for the 
weather conditions, with sturdy waterproof shoes. 


The Institute’s program of scientific seminars 
features presentations by visiting scientists. Free 
seminars are held at the Plant Science Building on 
Fridays at 3:30 p.m. 

Jan. 15: Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Processes 
in Grasslands, by Dr. Clarence Turner, Kentucky 
State Univ. 

Jan. 22: The Application of a Geographic 
Information System to Watershed Modeling, by 
Dr. Paul Barten, Yale Univ. School of Forestry 
Jan. 29: Elevated Atmospheric COj and 
Feedbacks Between Carbon and Nitrogen 
Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems, by Dr. Don 
Zak, Univ. of Michigan 

For more information, call (914) 

Feb. 5: The Socioecology of Density-Dependent 
Competition, Infanticide and Dispersal in a 
Fluctuating Environment, by Dr. Jerry Wulff, 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, 

Feb. 12: Intra- and Inter-ecosystem Comparisons 
of Nitrogen Cycling Using Network Analysis, by 
Dr. Robert Christian, East Carolina Univ. 


The lES greenhouse is a year-round tropical plant 
paradise as well as a site for controlled environmen- 
tal research. The greenhouse is open during 
Arboretum hours. Admission is by free permit from 
the Gifford House. 


Senior Citizens Days: On Wednesdays, senior 
citizens receive a 10% discount (except sale items). 
January Sale: Most holiday items and calendars 
half price; 20% off most gifts, 10% off most books. 

(Winter hours: October I - April 30; 
closed on public holidays) 

Arboretum grounds are open Mon. - Sat., 

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun. 1 - 4 p.m. (Trails and internal 
roads may be closed when snow-covered or icy.) 
The Gift and Plant Shop is open Tues. - Sat., 

1 1 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sun. 1 - 4 p.m. 

(Closed weekdays from 1 - 1:30 p.m.) 

• All visitors must obtain a free permit at the 
Gifford House Visitor and Education Center on 
Route 44 A for access to the Arboretum. Permits are 
available until 3:00 p.m. daily. 


Become a member of the Mary Flagler Cary 
Arboretum. Benefits include a member's rate for 
lES courses and excursions, a 10% discount on 
purchases from the Gift Shop and a free subscrip- 
tion to the lES NEWSLETTER. Individual 
membership is $30; family membership is $40. For 
information on memberships, contact Janice 
Claiborne at (914) 677-5343. 

677-5359 weekdays from 8:30-4:30. 

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Volume 9, Number 6 
November-December 1992 

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