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Full text of "An improved system of propagating the honey bee"

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The Trade supplied by HOSSACK & CRAWFORD, Sacramento. 

To All to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: 

Wuereas I, Joun S. Harpison, of Sacramento, 
Oulifornia, did on the Thirteenth day of £cember, 1859, 
obtain Letters Patent for the invention of a new and useful 
improvement in BLS WV ES, vesting tn me the sole and 
exclusive right to make, usc, and vend, and to convey to 

others the right to make, use, and vend, said improvement 

in Bee Hivis : 

Now, THEREFORE, be it known, that for the conside- 
ration of One Dollar to me paid, the receipt of which I 
hereby acknowledye, I hereby grant, bargain and sell, unto 

of the pine ‘3h .2 ee. ee a... and 

Se | a a — , the right to 
mutke and use said improvement, for his own personal use, 
but not to sell or transfer to any other person ; and asa 
condition precedent to the making and use of said improve- 
ment, the said grantee shall cause the above blanks to be 
filled with his own name, and the name of the County and 

State in which he resides. 

In Wirness _ have hereunto set my hand and 
seal, this _. ae fF day of o fel . 1367 









ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred 
and sixty, 
In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern 
District of California, 
ae ie ee ee ee eee 

eB ee 

Ir is with pleasure that I am enabled to announce to the 
public the discovery of a new and important improvement in 
the art of propagating the Honry Bee. And having verified 
its practical utility by extensive use both in the apiaries of 
several practical bee-keepers in this State, and in all our own 
apiaries during the past two seasons, I now call the attention 
of the public to the merits claimed for it, as well as the instrue- 
tions for its practical operation, contained in the following 

My invention refers to the rearing of queens, and consists in 
placing the comb known as worker cells, in a horizontal posi- 
tion, so that the cells shall be vertical, or nearly so, by the 
means hereinafter described. 

This vertical position tends to facilitate the labors of the 
bees in the construction of queen cells. It also induces them to 
rear a greater number of queens, aud as perfectly developed as 
if raised to supply natural swarms. 

The importance of an efficient mode of raising queens to 
supply colonies is well understood by practical apiarians, and 
has been discussed by “ Uangstroth on the Honey Bee,” also the 
celebrated Huber, in his book on the Honey Bee. And since 
the introduction of the various movable frames for hives, it bas 
become doubly important, in order to facilitate the increase of 
bees by dividing the colony, or forming artificial swarms ; also, 
to supply hives known or supposed to be queenless. 

It seems necessary in the economy of the bee to suspend the 



queen cells perpendicularly. In doing this from worker cells 
occupying a horizontal position, the queen cell is frequently 
projected beyond the comb to which it is attached, as shown in 
Plate No.3. Also in Langstroth’s work, at p. 192, and comes in 
contact with the comb adjoining, thereby endangering, and often 
fatally injuring, the queen cells in removing the comb. 

But the most serious objection to these overhanging queen 
cells is the curved position in which the queen is reared, render- 
ing her development frequently imperfect ; also, when bees are, 
by the removal of their queen, compelled to rear young ones, 
they frequently construct the cells near the edge of the combs, 
and barely within the cluster cf the bees, thus exposing them to 
chill, whereby they are often destroyed. 

These difficulties are fully overcome by the use of the vertical 
QUEEN NURSERY, as per patent, granted to me, and dated Decem- 
ber 13th, 1859: “Patent No. 26,431. Improvement in Bre 
Hives. What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by 
letters patent is, placing the bee comb known as worker ceil, in 
a horizontal or nearly horizontal position, so that the cells shall 
be vertical or nearly vertical, instead of horizontal, by the means 
or their equivalent substantially, as set forth and represented. 

Joun 8. Harpison.” 

P. 8. I hereby tender to all ministers of the gospel and 
editors of newspapers throughout the United States, the right 
of the above for their own personal use, free of cost. 

In order to enable others to construct and use said invention, 
together with its practical application, I have embodied in the 
following pages full directions for the same, and annexed a 
license entitling the purchaser to the personal use and benefit, 

on the terms therein set forth. 
o¢ 8.4 

oN ERE PROV EoD SY Ss ih Ne 



Tue proper time to commence colonizing is from one 
to two weeks carlier than natural swarms leave the 
parent hive, and to continue two months.* This depends 
on the season, and varies in different localities; the 
nearest approximation to the time would be from eight 
to ten weeks from the times that they commence to carry 
in pollen from the willows and other sources of early 
pasturage, or as soon as Drones make their appearance 
in considerable numbers. In Sacramento and vicinity 
they commence to carry in pollen about the first of 
February; and the first swarms for the past three years 
have emerged from the first to the fifteenth of April. 
In Oregon and Washington Territory, the commence- 
ment of the swarming season is probably from three to 
six weeks later, while in the latitude of Los Angeles, 
California, it is from two to four weeks earlier. 

* This is as late as it is safe to form them, unless there is abundant pasturage or 
feeding is resorted to, in which case colonies may be formed to do well as late as 
the middle of July; also, the number of colonies that should be made from a hive 
depends almost entirely on the amount and continuance of pasturage. For, while 

in one place an increase of one or two colonies is all that can be made,-there are 
others where from five to eight can be made and all do well. 


Frame Hives being alone well adapted for the pur- 
pose of colonizing. the directions hereafter given refers 
only to their use, yet the invention can be applied to 
all style of hives. 

Suppose the owner of five hives of bees finds on the 
twenty-second day of March, that his bees are becoming 
crowded in the hives, and ae {he favorableness of the 
season, believes they would swarm early in the following 
month. Then let him proceed to make a primary 
divide,* and form a Queen Nursery in the queenless 
division. Tor this purpose, choose one of the hives that 
is strong and likely to have the most brood. (There 
shou'd be at least five sheets of comb containing brood 
in the hive selected for this purpose.) 

If the hives used have their frames suspended from 
rabbets at the top as the Langstroth Hive, then remove 
the cap, also the honey boxes and honey board. If the 
frames are glued fast with propo'is, they are to be pried 
loose, and are then to be moved each a little towards one 
side, in order to make room for taking out the first frame. 
But if the frames are inserted from Oe side and held 
adjusted by means of teuons and grooves, as the Harbison 
‘Hive, open the door and lid, remove the honey boxes, 
chamber floor, (honey board,) and glass frame. The 
operator should now stand with his left side close to the 
hive. The front tenons of four frames are first to be 
raised out of the grooves in the front board; then move 
three of them further from the side one to give space 
for it to be removed first. Then with the left hand take 
hold of the corner of the frame resting against the front 

* One primary divide with queen nursery formed, can be depended on to supply 
from four to cight embryo queens. I have had as high as fourteen in one section, 
and frequently nine to eleven, and as high as twenty in a hive. The number 

depends mainly on the proper arrangement of the comb, the age of the eggs and 
lary, as well as a numerous family of bees and abundant pasturage. 


board, and with the right hand the outer corner. Now 
raise the left hand, carrying the frame upwards and 
outwards, moving on the fulerum, until free from its 
rest in the sill. The movements should be slow and 
gentle, yet no time should be unnecessarily wasted. 
Now place this frame in an empty hive ready at hand, 
then take hold of the second frame in the same manner 
as before described, and turn the comb with the left 
hand sufficiently to keep it from rubbing the bees and 
adjacent. comb, then by the upward and outward move- 
ment it is freed from its rest (without jar,) the same as 
the first one —each of the other frames are removed in 
the same manner, part being placed in the hive with the 
previous one, and the others are to be stepped over into 
the vacancies first formed. 


A sharp watch is to be kept for the queen from the 
first opening of the parent hive, and if found, place her 
in the new hive, but if not found by looking the combs 
once over, then spread a sheet on the ground and take 
the combs, one by one, and with a quick motion shake 
the beesonit. In handling combs, care should be taken 
to keep them with one edge upright to prevent break- 
ing. The Queen will most likely be found in the cluster 
on the sheet, sometimes she crawls off the combs and is 
found on the inside of the hive.* When found, place 

* Sometimes it is dificult or requires too much time to find the Queen 
among so large a mass of bees as should occupy a hive suitable for a primary 
division, in which case divide the combs so that about half of the brood as 
well as half of the bees are given to each hive. (Regard should also be had 
to a division of stores.) However, hefore adjusting the combs to their places, 
sections of combs should be arranged in each hive, as directed at page 8. 
This is necessary, as it is not known which hive the Queen is in. The one 
she is in will not build any Queen cells, while the other one will. Hence, 

on opening either hive after three days have elapsed, her whereabouts is 
readily determined. 


her in the new hive, then examine the combs and 
choose one half of the most mature brood combs and 
place them in the hive with the Queen. One sheet of 
comb containing stores should be placed first at the side 
and the brood placed compactly adjoinmg. The empty 
frames are added, and the hive is ready to receive its 
share of the bees. 


The other half of the brood combs, in which are_ 
principally eggs and young larva, together with the 
remainder of the store combs, is to occupy the original 
hive after the vertical Queen Nursery is formed, as fol- 
lows: Take a comb newly built* and choose that por- 
tion of it in which eggs and a small portion of newl 

hatched larvee is found, and with a knife cut out from 
the central portion of one or two sections, as shown in 
Plate No. 1. 

fT is one of the sections which is cut three inches 
long and seven-eighths of an inch deep. The ends are 
cut square, then three-eighths of an inch from either 
end cut down three-fourths of an inch, and take out the 
piece, leaving a shoulder three-eighths broad on either 
end for the section or nursery to rest upon. This being 
placed with the mouths of the celis downwards or ver- 

* As it is sometimes difficult to find a newly built comb sufficiently large for 
turning the section in the same, it answers equally well to cut the apertures 
in old comb and insert sections of new built comb containing eggs taken from 
any other hive. In the spring of the year it would be necessary in order to 
get new comb, to remove a sheet of the old or a portion thereof, from the 
center of the hive about ten days before making the primary division; this 
would give the bees room to build, which they would do, provided they were 
strong and the pasturage good. The reason why new comb is best for rearing 
Qneens in is, the absence of cocoons, on which account the bees build a much 
larger number than they do when compelled to use the cells containing cocoons. 

Eggs laid by a Queen one year old are better fur rearing Queens from than those 
laid by one bred the same year. 

above, placed 


ate 1.) 


be so prepared, then a store comb is first placed at one 

fectly straight and natural po ition two combs should 
side of the hive and the combs prepared a 

tically, as shown in the figure, leaving a space, as shown 
at 7, which gives room for developing Queens in a per- 



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next to it and the balance of the brood, and then the 

store combs next to these 
cloth which reaches over the top and down the sides to 

empty frame is added, and the whole covered with a 
the bottom board, 


the two hives, and the glass frame and honey board 
put to their place, ana the hives closed up and the 
apertures arranged for the egress and ingress of the 
bees. The hives are then to be placed; the one on 
the right and the other on the left side of where the 
original one stood, and may be placed within a few 
inches of each other. 

TIS PRIMARY DIVIDE ts best performed in the eve- 
ning, about one hour before sundown, yet it will do 
at any time of day. They should be watched for the 
first few hours that they fly, to see that a proper pro- 
portion of them enters each hive. If more are found 
to enter one than the other, move the one that most 
enters further away and the other nearer to the place 
where the original hive stood; if this still does not effect 
the object, close the entrance of the strong one for about 
two hours and force the remaining bees to enter the 
weak one. When the apertures are again opened, a 
board or cloth may be placed so as to change the appear- 
ance of the one receiving more than their share of bees. 

Tue BEEs now finding themselves without a Queen, 
but in possession of the means to rear young ones, 
quickly commence to enlarge and build downwards a 
number of the cclls containing eggs, at the same time 
the young larvee is supplied with a quantity of whitish 
matter, called royal jelly, which is of a slightly acid, 
pungent taste, and 1s difierent from the food on which 
the common brood are fed. These royal cells are sealed, 
a part of them on the sixth, and the balance on the 
seventh day from the time of forming the nursery. 
When the cells are finished, they present the appear- 


ance shown in Plate No.2. The Queen cells are shown 
at j, the worker brood emerging as seen at &. The 

(Plate 2.) 

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Queen cells are straight and occupy a pendent pcsition. 
The Queens are larger and more perfectly developed, 
and a greater number are reared by this method than 
when the colony is left to rear them as shown in Plate 
No. 3. Gis the Queen cells being built outwards and 
downwards, so that the young Queens grow in a curved 
position; this being an unnatural shape, the Queen is 


not as large or well developed as when raised in straight 
cells, as previously shown. 
(Plate 3.) 

When Queen cells are built on the edge of a comb 
(as is often the case,) they frequently suffer from cold, 
which retards, and in many cases entirely destroys 
them. This danger is avoided by the vertical nursery 
being arranged so that it occupies the center of the 
cluster of the bees, by which means a chill is avoided. 

The bees seldom if ever remove an egg from one cell 
to another for the purpose of development; hence it is 
obvious that they are seldom in a position suitable for 
straight cells, unless so arranged by the bee-keeper. 
This plan is also found to produce more and as per- 
fectly developed Queens as if raised to supply natural 

Darr THe Hive containing the Queen Nursery with 
the day it was formed, in a conspicuous manner, and in 
ten days from this time the most advanced of the em- 
bryo Queens are sufficiently mature to be used in colo- 
nies now to be formed, or given to hives supposed to be 
queenless. The less advanced ones can be used on the 


eleventh day. But it is not safe to let them remain for 
a longer period, as the first young Queen out would 
destroy the remaining ones. (See Plate No.4.) Mis 
the cells whence a Queen has emerged; 0 cells destroyed 

‘by her. (@uie 4) 

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Wutn the royal cells are mature, as above described, 
select a hive that is strong and filled with brood in all 
stages, open it and remove the combs in the same 
manner as directed in the primary division, then choose 
two combs, one of which should contain a large amount 
of mature brood and the other eggs and young larve. 

Plate 5) A Queen cell is taken from the nurs- 

ery, (see Plate No. 5.) Now with a 

knife make an aperture in the center 
of the comb having eggs, etc., and 
insert the Queen cell in it, (see Plate 
No. 6,) which shows the appearance 
of the comb with the Queen cell in it 
after being in the colony two days. 
At m is seen the foundation of a new Queen cell which 
contains larve; this the bees commence and continue 
to build until the emerging of the supplied embryo 
Queen; and in case the latter fails, then this one sup- 
ples the loss. Care must be taken in handling the cells 
not to jar or dent them, also not to expose them so as 


(Plate 6.) 


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to become cold. And they should be so arranged as 
not to come in contact with the adjoining comb. Let 
the bees remain clustered on tie combs, but if they are 
in the way of inserting the Queen cell, brush them 
cently with a quill out of the way. Watch carefully 
for the Queen, and if found, return her to the hive 

whence she was taken. The two combs containing 

brood (in one of which is the Queen cell,) are to be 
placed in a hive ready at hand,* and at one side, then 
one comb containing stores is added, together with an 
empty frame. There being three combs taken out of 

* The hives should be cool at the time the colonies are placed in them, and 
particular care taken to shield them from the rays of the sun until they have 

their liberty. In fact, the sun should be excluded from the hives entirely, when 

the temperature is above seventy-five degrees. In early spring and at times 
when a low temperature prevails, it is best to let the sun shine directly on the 

hives, which will give greater vitality and assist in developing the brood. 


the old hive, there should also be one-third of the bees 
taken to compose the new colony. Now cover the 
frames with a cloth. The hive is then clcsed, and the 
apertures shut, to prevent the escape of. tne bees, 
The ventilators are then opened and the hive set in a 
cool and shaded place till evening, when it is to be 
moved to a distance of one mile or more, when the 
apertures for the bees’ entrance are to be opened, giv- 
ing them their liberty. 

Tur vacancy in the old hive is filled with empty frames 
and then closed up, except the place for egress. If it 
is intended that the colony is to remain in the apiary 
where formed, instead of removing it to a distance, it is 
to be formed the same as above, except that both combs 
should contain mature brood instead of eggs and larvee ; 

he Queen cell should be inserted in the center of the 
comb where a portion of the brood have emerged, as 
shown in Plate No. 7. The young bees are also to be 
separated from the old ones.* This is done by shaking 
them from the combs on a sheet, the old ones take wing 
and return to the parent hive, while the young ones 
remain on the sheet. One-third of the bees should 
remain and be put in the new hive having the combs as 
previously arranged; before putting the bees in the 
hive, they are to be examined to find if the Queen 1s: 
among them, and if found, return her to the hive from 
which she was taken. 

*During the season of rapid breeding, which is in the spring and early sum- 
mer, bees that are in a thrifty condition and have a fertile Queen, are found 
to have eggs and brood in all stages during a greater portion of the year, but 
they usually oceupy a large proportion of their combs with a generation of 
nearly the same age. Hence when they emerge, the hive is in a fit condition 
to form colonies from as above; while if delayed a few days later, these young 
bees will have marked the exact position of their home, consequently, if after- 
wards taken to form colonies and are left in the same apiary, will, when they 

take wing, return to the familiar spot. 



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Tur HIVE CONTAINING THE Cotony is then to be closed 
up, and with the ventilators open, set in a cool place as 
above directed. As soon as it is dark it should be set 
on the stand and the apertures opened for the working 
of the bees. Do not open the door or remove the 
frames for the first six days, for if done, many of the 
bees will take wing and return to the parent hive. By 
this time the Queen and most of the brood have emerged 
from the cells. The hive is then to be opened and all 
the bees are to be shaken or brushed from the two 
brood combs, which are now nearly empty. If many 
bees are found, proceed as follows: open any strong 
hive and choose two or three combs, (according to the 
streneth of the colony they are to be placed in,) having 
eggs and young brood. All the bees are to be gently 

brushed from the combs with a wing or quill. Then 
after one comb containing ample stores is placed in one 
side of the hive containing the colony, the former are 
to be placed adjoining with two empty frames added, 

and the whole covered with a cloth and the hive closed, 
except the apertures for egress and ingress. 

THE Two combs taken from the colony are put in the 
hive in exchange for the brood combs removed.* But 
if the colony is found to be weak, choose two combs 
with mature brood instead of eggs and young brood. 
From six to ten days after this last change, the colony 
will be found to have a fertile Queen,; or if the first 
embryo Queen has failed, sealed Queens will be found 
in the combs. If found to have a fertile Queen, the 
organization is complete and all that is wanted after- 
wards is to add empty frames or suitable combs, and 
see that the combs are built straight. 

COLONIES FORMED and left in the same apiary do not 
work much for the first week; this is owing to the fact 
that the bees are too young to go forth to labor in the 
fields. As there is but little labor to be performed in 
the hive, all that is wanted is to maintain the animal 
heat to develop the brood. On the sixth day, when 
the combs are exchanged as directed, they will have 
commenced work. Receiving young brood at this time, 
stimulates them and gives them profitable employment. 
And having a young Queen, before they commence comb 

* The objects of interchanging combs are Ist, to strengthen the colony. 2d. 
If the embryo Queen supplied has failed to emerge or is afterwards lost, it gives 
the bees the means of rearing another. 3d. The combs which would otherwise 
remain empty for a period of ten days, is immediately replenished with eggs, 
making a difference of half a generation’s increase. And still another advan- 
tage gained by interchanging is the keeping the bees in the colony as profitably 
employed in maturing the brood as if they were in possession of a fertile Queen. 

+ Twenty-three days is the shortest time, and twenty-eight is the extreme limit 
for a Queen to become fertile from the time she is hatched from the egg. 



building, (which they do about this time,) they build 
worker cells, most of which are supplied with eggs as 
soon as the Queen becomes fertile. 

The hive containing the Queen Nursery having a 
large amount of mature workers, will build drone comb 
during the time they are queenless, but as soon as a 
Queen emerges they change and build worker comb, at | 
which time the drone comb should be removed. But 
the hive having the old Queen continues their labors 
with increased vigor and fill up the vacancy mostly with 
worker comb, using it both for breeding and laying up 

THE ADVANTAGE gained by moving colonies to a dist- 
ance as previously directed, are these, jirst, it saves 
time, there being no need of separating the young bees 
from the old, being moved such a distance as to prevent 
their returning to the parent hive, which many of them 
would do if formed and left in the same apilary. 

Second. The colonies can be placed some distance 
apart, obviating the danger of the young Queen enter- 
ing the wrong hive, as is frequently the case when 
packed closely on the stands. When the Queens be- 
come fertile, these colonies may be returned to the 
original apiary and placed in compact order without 
serious disadvantage. When formed as described above, 
it is safe to remove colonies a distance of from one to 
ten miles in a spring wagon, if deferred until the cool 
of the evening or morning. 

Tus Hive contTAInine the Queen Nursery having a 
large amount of bees, is suitable to divide on the tenth 
day from its formation. The combs from which the 
brood has emerged should be changed for combs having 

young brood. But no more should be placed in any 


hive than there are bees to cover, so as to prevent a 
chill. Divide equally, giving a royal cell to each. The 
hives are to be properly arranged, to allow egress and 
ingress, and placed near each other, one on the right 
and the other on the left of the original position ; these 
subdivisions are to be treated in the same manner as 
directed for other colonies. 

AL CoLonies having young Queens about to emerge 
and standing in the immediate vicinity of other hives, 
should be conspicuously marked, to enable the young 
Queen to regain her own home on returning from her 
eerial amorous excursions. This takes place within 
from seven to ten days from her birth. The marking 
is best done by placing a board, one end resting on the 
place of alighting and the other on the ground in a 
slanting position. When a number of colonies are to 
be thus marked, let the boards be of different colors. 
Cloth can be used to good advantage to alternate. 

As soon as the Queens are fertile, let these marks be 
removed; this will show at a glance if any remain un- 

To build up weak colonies at any time, take a sheet 
of mature brood from any hive that is full, and give to 
them; being sure to have all hives full of comb and 
stores at the close of the season. 

be ) aad a 
Was patented Janaary 4th, 1859, to J. S. Harbison. 
Tue above Hive was awarded the first premium at the Cali- 
fornia State Fair, held in Marysville in 1859. The first premium 
was also awarded at the Industrial Exhibition of the Mechanics’ 
Institute of San Francisco for the same year. 
The following extract is from the Report of Special Com- 


mittee, No. 24, on Bee Hives, published in the Transactions of 
California State Agricultural Society for the year 1859 : 

“We would next report in reference to Mr. Harbison’s ‘Hive. 
This Hive is a California invention, and combines the great 
requisites necessary to the successful raising of Bees, namely: 
having perfect control of the combs, by means of the sectional 
frame, which is so adjusted that it is ‘firmly held at proper fixed 
distances, and can be removed without the least jar; it also has 
the inclined bottom, and there are no useless parts to form a 
harbor for worms, or accumulation of filth, to facilitate their 

“While the Hive is constructed on natural principles, giving 
proper depth of comb, enabling the Bees to concentrate the 
animal heat to the best advantage, thereby insuring a large 
increase of Bees, and consequently of honey, the ventilation is 
on a new principle, so arranged as to admit air without light, 
when required, and be reduced or increased easily. 

“The surplus honey-box is made in sections, so that while 
the largest yield of honey is obtained, it is yet separated in 
small parcels, in a beautiful shape for the table’ 

“Your committee award to the Harbison Hive the first pre- 
mium ; and also would recommend to the Hxecutive Committee 
that they award him a special premium for his ingenious inven- 
tion of so useful an article in our State.’’* 

For Hives, Individual, Township, County or State, Rights for 
the above Hive in all the States and Territories (except those 
hereafter named,) apply either to W. C. Harzison, Chenango, 
Lawrence Co., Pa., to A. Stewart, Fallston, Beaver Co., Pa., or 
to the undersigned. 

In the State of Iowa, to J. H. Dickey, Bellvue, Jackson Co., 

In the State of Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky, to A. F. 
Moon, Paw-Paw, Van Buren Co., Michigan. 

In New Jersey, or adjoining territory, to GrorGE HENRY 
Hammonton, Atlantic Co., N. J. In Kansas Territory, to Jo0- 
sEPH P. Lockey, Spring Hill, Johnson Co., Kansas. 

In Oregon and Washington Territories, ‘and Siskiyou Co., Cal- 
ifornia, to W. C. Myer, Ashland Mills, Jackson Co., Oregon, or 
the undersigned. ; 

Hives and Rranrs are also for sale by the following Agents 
in California: 

Thomas Ogg Shaw, San Francisco ; Samuel Morrison, Santa 
Clara; C. C. Warner, ‘Stockton ; H. A. Sherman, Los Angeles; 
Jacob V. Hoag, Washington, Yolo Co.; B. H. Hoag, Napa; Hi. 

. Winchell, “Millerton, Frezno Co.; G. W. Ramsdell, Marys- 
ihe Blewbaugh & Harris, Folsom ; James Ce Ione City. 

J. 8. & W. C. HARBISON. 


* Since the above was in type, the first premium has been awarded to this hive 
at the District Fairs held respectively at Marysville and Stockton. 

PYG es 
ee 2, 

B&s> Persons wishing to procure Bees to commence the 
business of Bee Keeping, will do well to visit different 
Apraries, and thus by comparison be able to select choice 
stocks to the exclusion of all others. 





edn Ch Uustiaded Work on pees ; 

Which I am now preparing, and expect to have pub- 
ished within the present year. The delay in the 
wublication of the above work, which was promised 
arly in the season, has been caused by a temporary 
oss of my health, which is now in a measure restored. 





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