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In  the  Cu 



"  In  the  Cult 




International  Federation  of  Christian  Workers 

Author  of 


Printed  by 

Siloam  Springs,  Arkansas 

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OFT  UBHAir       -~3  o  3  81  -2_ 


A  eertian  rather  prominent  business  man  of  a  western 
state  walked  out  of  the  tabernacle,  after  hearing  one  of 
these  talks  on  the  "Isms,"  and  to  a  man  who  chanced 
to  walk  by  his  side,  he  said,  "I  am  disappointed  in  that 
preacher.  I  thought  he  was  too  big  a  man — too  broad 
minded,  to  turn  from  the  great  work  which  he  is  doing 
to  make  an  attack  on  the  religion  of  other  people." 

Now,  this  man  voices  the  unspoken  sentiment  of 
thousands  of  good  men  and  women  in  the  churches.  This 
attitude  would  be  the  correct  one,  and  the  Christian  one, 
provided  these  men  and  women  of  the  Cult  Kingdom 
were  apostles  of  God's  truth,  and  were  turning  men  and 
women  into  God's  paths. 

Certainly,  no  man  could  be  commended  in  turning' 
from  the  greatest  of  great  tasks — that  of  winning  souls 
to  Jesus  Christ— to  take  issue  with  others  engaged  in  a 
like  work. 

But,  there  are  religions  many,  and  if  a  man  is  helping 
to  promulgate  a  religious  theory  that  is  all  out  of  har- 
mony with  the  fundamentals  of  God's  Holy  Word,  then 
we  do  him  the  greatest  possible  injury  by  assisting  him, 
even  in  silence,  in  his  destructive  work. 

A  man's  safety  does  not  depend  on  whether  lie  is,  or 
is  not  religious,  but  his  safety  repends  on  the  sort  of  a 
f'ligion  he  has. 

It  is  a  lie  from  the  pit  of  perdition,  fathered  by  the 
father  of  lies,  and  circulated  with  all  possible  satanic 
cunning,  that  it  doesn't  matter  what  a  fellow  believes,  so 
long  as  he  believes  something. 

Fact  is,  a  fellow  may  be  very  religious,  ail  his  days, 
<j\en  giving  all  his  goods  to  farther  his  ideas,  and  finally 


liivinu  bis  body  to  be  burned,  and  then  die  a  Christless 
death,  lie  in  a  CbrMess  i^raye.  and  live  in  a  ( 'hrist b->.s 

•  There  can  be  no  neutral  ground — there  can  be.  no 
rempori/injr.  or  compromising  with  error,  let  it  come  UL 

'whatever  irarb  it   will. 

'We    are     warned     that    in     the    last     days    these     i 
prophets    will    come,    and,    if  -possible,    deceive    the    very 

We  are  warned  that  the  devil  will  come  as  an  an^-K 
of  li<rht.  to  do  many  wonderful  things. 

AYhat    attitude    are    we    to    take    toward    these    move- 
ments ? 
•    "Kor    many    deceivers    are     entered    into     the    world,   ' 

''warns  St,  -John,  "who  confess  not  that   -Jesus  Christ    ha.s 
come  in  the  flesh.     This  is  a  deceiver  and  an   anti-ehrisr 
If  there  come  any  unto  you  and  brini*  not  this  doctrine, 

•receive  him-  not  "into  your  house,  neither  bid  him  (i(«j 
speed,  for  he  that  biddeth  him,  (tod  speed  is  partake: 
of  his  evil  deeds." 

•.••There  is  no  ground  here  on  which  to  plead  ignorance 
— no  <r rou lid.  for  a  compromise  !  .  . 

.  To  stand  indifferently  by,,  or  t(.)  weicome  those  who 
are  spreading  broadcast  false  theories,  is  to  become  .-?>. 
silent,  responsible  part  of  this  disastrous  propaganda-— 
an  unconscious  enemy  of  the  truth. 

.  But,  the  question,  arises/ do.  these -movements,  namely, 
Mormonism,  Eddyism,  and  Ivussellism,  make  a  direct,  -or 
indirect  attack  on  the  fundamentals  of  the  Holy  book? 

They  say  "no,"  and  we  sa:y  "yes,"  and  it  is  bectiux- 
.ol  this  hopeless  disagreement,  Itetween  those  who- father 
these  movements,  and  the  organized,  -accepted  church:  of 
('hrist,  that  \ve  lay  before  our  readers  the  dangers  oi: 
t:hese  mo\-(!me,nts— dangers,  as  we  see  them. 



IN  our  introductory,  we  undertook  to  outline  something 
of  what  we  sought  to  do  in  publishing  this  series. 

To  be  true,  the  Adventist  may  think  so. 
•   While  we  are  yet  dealing  with  matters  in  general,  a 
further  word  of  explanation  may  not  be  amiss: 

All  church  movements  could  be  classed  under  the  gen- 
eral head  of  "Isms,"  should  one  seek  to  so  class  them. 

Certainly,  it  would  be  very  proper  to  speak  of  Method- 
ism, Congregationalism,  Presbyterianism,  etc. 

In  a  certain  city,  a  very  Godly  man  came  to  me  with 
the  request  that  I  include  "Seventh-Day  Advent  ism"  in 
this  series  announced  for  review,  and  seemed  incredulous 
when  I  told  him  the  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  had  no  fight 
tn  make  on  "Seventh-Day  Adventism. " 

There  are  no  fundamental  grounds  of  disagreement 
between  the  organized  church  -of  Christ  and  the 
' ' Seventh-Day  Adventist. ' ' 

The  Adventist  believes  that — all  other  conditions  being 
met — our  salvation,  or  damnation  hinges  on  the  day  we 
observe  as  the  "holy11  day. 

According  to  the  Adventist  schedule,  the  train  must 
slop  on  Saturday,  instead  of  Sunday;  and  fearlessly,  and 
mdefatigably,  he  works  to  save  the  human  family  from 
the  eternal  catastrophe  toward  which  it  sweeps  through 
a  failure  to  keep  Saturday  as  the  Holy  Day. 

On  all  the  cardinal  doctrines  of  the  Bible — the  Mira- 
culous Conception,  -and  the  Virgin  Birth,  the  Crueifixon, 
Resurrection  and  Ascension,  the  Deity  of  Christ,  the 
Atonement  of  Christ,  and  the  Second  Coming,  the  Per- 
sonality of  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  the  Infallible  Bible,  the 
Seventh-Day  Adventist  rings  as  true  as  steel. 


He  may  disagree,  profoundly  so,  on  a  great  many  dif- 
ferent angles  of  these  different  lines  of  teaching  but  in 
the  essential  parts,  he  stands  with  the  organized  Church 
of  Jesus  Christ. 

Now,  what  is  true  of  Seventh-Day  Adventism  is  true 
of  many  other  religious  movements,  that  some  folks 
would  consider  deserving  a  place  in  such  a  series  as  this. 

There  should  be  no  conflict  between  religions  move- 
ments,  organized,  or  unorganized,  that  seek  to  be  out 
fight  and  downright  loyal  to  the  great  overshadowing 
facts  of  oivr  holy  religion. 

When  you  walk  up  in    the    presence  of    Mormonism, 

Eddyism  and  Russellism,  you  walk  up  into  the  presence. 

of  that  which  has  strange  theories  to  present — strange 

doctrines  to  promulgate, — all  but  literally,  a  "new"  Go»J 

to  worship. 

80  radical  is  the  teaching  of  these  movements,  that 
whichever  one  you  become  identified  with,  you  must  turn 
from  the  church  of  your  saintly  or  sainted  father  and 
mother,  to  renounce  and  denounce  it,  and  to  enter  it  no 

Between  such  movements  as  these  and  the  organized 
church  of  Christ  there  can  be  no  neutral  grounds. 

If  these  movements  are  right — any  one  of  them — the 
church  is  wrong,  God-forsaken  and  headed  for  hell,  and 
the  fight  these  "isms''  are  making  on  the  organize*] 
church  should  be  kept  up,  with  ever  increasing  power, 
until  the  whole  organized  church  is  a  hopeless  bankrupt, 
loaded,  bag  and  baggage,  and  tagged  for  the  eternal 
scrap  heap. 

On  the  other  hand,  if  the  church  of  Christ,  with  all 
her  weaknesses,  inconsistencies  and  sins,  remains  true  to 
the  commission  of  Christ,  and  is. God's  channel  of  truth 
to  this  and  all  ages,  then  the  church  must  lift  her  banners 


and  declare  war  against  every  movement  that  seeks  to 
hinder,  or  destroy  her. 


These  movements,  namely:  Morrnonisin,  Eddyism  and 
Russellism,  are  the  outeroppings  of  the  19th  century. 

What  this  20th  century  will  bring  forth,  none  are  far- 
sighted  enough  to  definitely  predict,  but  it  is  a  pretty 
safe  venture,  that  unless  Jesus  Christ  shall  come,  the  20th 
century  will  hardly  surpass  the  all  but  incomparable 
record  of  the  19th. 

The  19th  century  is  gone,  soon  to  become  a  speck  in 
God's  great  urn  of  history,  but  its  fruits  abide— some  to 
blefcs,  and  some  to  curse. 

Side  by  side  with  deeper  revelations  of  truth,  there 
always  run  the  most  subtle  combinations  of  falsehood. 

With  whatever  of  blessing  the  19th  century  radiates 
out  to  the  fartherest  reaches  of  human  existence, — and 
these  blessings  cannot  be  overestimated — the  19th  cen- 
tury also  produced  more  than  its  share  of  fads  and  fakes, 
that  linger,  to  harm  and  to  hurt. 

In  the  world  of  religions,  the  19th  century  surpassed 
all  records,  passing  over  to  the  20th  century  certain 
movements  that,  in  a  few  years,  have  all  but  become 
world  known,  and  all  but  world  recognized. 

Multitudes  of  devout  souls  believe  we  are  living  hi 
the  last  days. 

Europe  is  bathed  in  blood,  with  millions  dead  and 
other  millions  dying. 

The  other  nations  of  the  world  are  calling,  "To  arms! 
To  arms  ! ? ' 

We  have  had   volcanic   eruptions,  floods,  earthquakes. 


lires,  railroad,  mine,  and  steamship  disasters,  until  the 
mind  reels  and  the  heart  is  sick. 

There  has  come  a  great  falling  away  in  the  church. 
Men,  who,  a  few  years  ago,  were  preaching  an  ''in- 
fallible Bible,''   a   "topless  heaven,''   and   a  bottomless 
hell/'   a   day   of  final   accounting,   and   "one   way"   of 
escape,     and     that     through     the    "cleansing    blood  "- 
preaching  with  soul  afire    and    with  judgment-day  cer- 
tainty   and    earnestness — are    now    apologetically    and 
tragically   preaching   an   "uncertain   God,"    a    %k  fallible 
Bible,"  and  a  "human  Christ." 

A  far-reaching  apostasy  is  on  through  the  church 
world,  and  every  possible  effort  is  being  made  to  pad  the 
church  records  to  keep  them  from  showing  an  appalling 
loss  in  membership. 

These  conditions  have  offered  the  most  attractive  fields 
imaginable  for  every  conceivable  religious  fake. 

The  foundations  are  being  shaken,  and  amidst  this 
great  upheaval,  and  this  world-wide  unrest,  men  and 
women  are  turning  to  whatever  religion  offers  the  largest 
bonus,  or  the  most  beautiful  prize. 

These  last  cataclysmic  days  were  to  be  ushered  in  with 
the  coming  of  "false  prophets,"  and  confusion  was  to 
be  added  to  greater  confusion,  through  the  fact  that 
light  would  be  denounced  as  darkness  and  darkness  be 
accepted  as  light,  and  everywhere  good  would  be  evil 
spoken  of,  and  evil- would  be  eventually  crowned  and 

Are  the  last  days  upon  us? 

Some  profess  to  be  able  to  see  the  veil  that  swings 
between  the  seen  and  unseen,  already  beginning  to  sway 
with  the  coming  of  Christ ! 

Satan  is  here,  in  every  conceivable  religious  form,  to 
blind  and  deceive — clothed  in  the  livery  of  heaven  and 

'     IN  THE  CULT  KTXunOM:  11 

using  the  language  of  the  church,  he  parades  as  an 
angel  of  light. 

Never  since  the  world  began  its  long  SAving  through 
space  has  there  been  as  many  "Isms"  ami  Avith  such. 
power  as  today. 

Organized,  capitalized  and  supevnatiirally  energized — 
snpernaturally  energized  from  belo\v,  Ave  believe — these 
religions  sweep  the  land. 

Multitudes  are  renouncing  the  faith  of  their  fathers  to 
take  up  with  these  disastrous  extremes,  in  religions,  .just 
as  multitudes  of  Avomen  are  renouncing  modesty  and 
decency,  to  take  up  with  every  conceivable  extreme  in 
immodest  and  immoral  dress. 


In  reviewing  these  cults  we  lun'e  purposely  placed 
them  in  the  order  of  their  ages. 

The  Christian  Scientist  probably  thinks  this  is  placing 
age  before  beauty,  but  age  must  be  reverenced.  Avher.> 
reverence  can  be  giA'en,  and  where  reverence  cannot  be 
given,  then  deference  must  be  shown. 

Because  of  the  worlds  of  material — facts  and  figures. 
that  naturally  seek  a  place  in  such  a  revieAv  as  this — wn 
must  condense  to  the  minimum,  or  eliminate  entirely,  any 
extensive,  or  extended  review  of  the  origination  of  the 
movements,  or  any  interesting  episodes  having  to  do  Avith 
the  early  days  of  their  founders.  These  general  facts 
seem  necessary. 

Mor  monism. 

In  1830  the  Book  of  Mormon  Avas  published,  ami  in 
April  of  that  same  year  the  Mormon  church  Avas  organ- 
ized, with  six  members. 


This  organization  saw  the  light  of  day  in  Fayette, 
Seneca  county,  New  York. 

Whether  this  should  be  held  against  Seneca  county,  we 
will  not  Ifere  undertake  to  say. 

This  movement  was  given  the  euphonious  and  rather 
exclusive  title  of,  "The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter 
Day  Saints." 

In  1835  twelve  apostles  were  selected  and  a  system  in- 
augurated that  included  the  "priesthood/' 

In  the  center  of  this  apostleship,  or  priesthood,  and 
towering  high  over  all,  stood  the  domineering,  driving, 
Mormon  head,  Joseph  Smith. 

Friend  Joseph  claimed  for  himself  nothing  more  nor 
nothing  less  than  that  of  being  God's  mouthpiece — oc- 
cupying the  place  "of  an  endless  priesthood''  and  stand- 
ing "as  God,  to  give  laws  to  the  people." 

The  Mormon  movement  centralizes  and  focalizes  about 
its  "special  revelation" — the  "Book  of  Mormon" — and, 
as  a  movement,  it  claims  to  be  God's  truth  to  this  day 
day  and  age. 


Eddyisin  is  the  next  oldest  of  these  isms. 
•   Bddyism  was  launched  in  1875,  and  Mrs.  Eddy,  like 
the  self -elected  head  of  Mormonism,  by  special  revelation, 
had  herself  appointed  the  ruling  head  of  "Eddyism." 

While  Eddyism,  like  Mormonism,  was  given  a  form  of 
organization,  with  boards,  officers,  and  offices,  yet,  in  the 
actual  management  of  the  affairs  of  this  newer  religious 
movement,  Mrs.  Eddy  sat  with  authority  unquestioned. 

There  has  never  been  a  movement  launched  in  the  re- 
ligious world,  with  all  the  outward  forms  of  an  organ- 
ization, where  every  law,  and  rule,  and  work,  and 
worshiper,  became  the  submissive  servant  of  one  dicta- 


torial,  jealous,  suspecious,  domineering  head,  as  in  that 
which  the  ''Scientist'7  so-called,  lived,  moved  and  had 
his  being,  during  the  days  of  Mrs.  Eddy! 

Like  Joseph  Smith,  Mrs.  Eddy  assumed  the  modest 
(???)  position  of  becoming  God's  mouthpiece,  speaking 
(jod's  special  truth  to  this  age. 

Eddyism,  like  Mormonism,  has  its  book. 

The  first  copy  of  "Science  and  Health,  With  a  Key  to 
the  Scriptures,"  appeared  in  1875,  and  around  this 
special  revelation,  was  an  ordinary  mortal,  engaged  iii 
cluster.  This  book  becomes  the  Christian  Scientist's  text 
book — here  is  to  be  found  the  condensed,  Simon-pure 
truth  of  these  last  days — "Simon  pure,  or  Simon 



Russellism  is  the  youngest  of  this  trio,  and  in  some 
respects,  the  most  decent. 

This  movement  was  launched  in  1886,  and  Mr,  Charles 
Taz  Russell  became  the  proud  founder  owner  and  man- 
ager of  this,  to  some,  very  popular  religion. 

Charles  Taz,  like  Josephus  and  Sister  Mary,  before 
stepping  into  the  world's  limelight,  as  a  bearer  of  a 
special  revelation,  was  an  ordinary  mortal,  engaged  in 
the  ordinary  tasks  of  life. 

In  turning  from  ordinary  pursuits,  to  make  his  debut 
into  the  religious  world,  he  took  upon  himself  the  honored 
title  of  "pastor/'  though  it  was  claimed  that  at  that 
time  he  had  neither  church,  church  bell,  or  song-book. 

Like  Mormonism  and  Eddyism,  Russellism  centers  back 
into  "its"  special  revelation — its  key  to  the  scriptures. 

These  books  were  written  by  Charles  Taz  and  first  ap- 
peared in  three  volumes  called  "Millennial  Dawn,"  but 
later,  we  believe,  these  books  were  bound  into  six  vol- 


limes,   and   given    the    very    modest    and    very    misleading 

title  of.  ''Studies  in  the  Scripture." 

Unlike  Mormonism  and  Eddyisin,  Russellism.  like  the 
proverbial  flea,  is  inclined  to  be  transitory  in  operation 
and  difficult  of  apprehension  —  in  so  far  as  its  operations  concerned. 

Russellism  appears  from  a  great  many  different  sources 
and  under  a  do/en  or  'more  different  heads,  and  it  is  with 
difficulty  the  church  keeps  alongside  of  its  rapid  shifts 
and  changing  guises. 


(  'onsidering  the  number  of  years  these  different  re- 
ligious cults  have  been  before  the  public,  it  is  probable 
that  they  have  won  about  an  e<[iial  number,  of  adherents. 

Mormonism  lias  shown  a  tendency  to  he  clannish,  and 
has  swarmed  about  ,  Sail  Lake  City,  and  overflown  the 
cities  and  states  adjacent  thereto. 

Certain  western  states  are  owned,  snout  and  tail,  beak 
and  talons,  hide,  hair,  horns  and  hoofs,  by  the  Mormon 

The  Mormons  have  their  missionaries  out  across  the 
nations  of  the  world,  and  are  seeking  here  and  there  to 
v'oloni/e  and  organi/e. 

Eddyism,  like  a  bad  case  of  the  society  itch,  has  run 
fast  and  thick  through  certain  circles  of  the  church  and 
community  life. 

There  is  no  question,  but  what,  considered  from  out- 
side appearances,  the  Christian  Scientist  has  a  religion, 
compared  with  these  other  "isms,"  that  becomes  a 
*  'flower  garden"  in  the  center  of  a  vast  desolation! 

When    it    comes    to    the    attractiveness    of    its 
pectus,"  and  the  "fluency  of  speech"  characteristi 
its  agents,  Christian  Science  has  these  other  cults  knocked 


in  the  head,  scalded,  scraped,  cleaned,  cut,  aud  cured.  - 

In  this  great  religious  " bazaar/'  over  which  his  ma- 
jesty presides,  most  of  the  "shoppers"  crowd  around -the 
Christian  Science  booth. 

Many  men,  and  some  women,  take  to  Christian  Science, 
so-called,  just  like  ducks  take  to  water,  or  just  like  some 
children  take  to  freckles  and  mud. 

Eddyism,  like  Mormonism,  has  its  missionaries  -'far- 
flung:,  and  seeks  to  win  the  world  to  its  standard. 

Rubsellisin,  in  so  far  as  churches  are  concerned,  is. the 
less  conspicuous  of  the  three. 

Mr.  Russell  does  not  go  so  much  011  building  as  on 

By  paid  space  in  newspapers,  magazines,  and  bill 
boards — by  cards,  leaflets,  circulars, ""booklets  and  books, 
his  theories  are  covering  the  earth. 

Like  the  plague  of  lice,  in  the  land  of  Egypt,  try  as  you 
may,  you  cannot  get  away  from  his  gush  and  slush. 

Like  Mormonism  and  Eddyism,  Russellism,  too,  has  its 
workers  in  all  lands,  or  is  rushing  them  there,  and  the 
world  at  large — the  civilized  reading  world— is  coming 
to  know  something  about  "Pastor"  Russell. 

It  would  be  all  but  impossible  to  secure  anything  like 
an  accurate  statement  of  the  numbers  definitely  march- 
ing in  these  three  armies. 

Considering  their  ages,  occupations  and  "previous 
condition  of  servitude,"  it  is  probable  that  they  are  hold- 
ing each  other  about  neck  and  neck  in  their  campaign  for 

One  day,  while  studying  these  movements,  their  origi- 
nation, manipulation,  teachings  and  tendencies,  it  came 
like  a  flash,  that  while  these  religions  are  the  antipodes 
of  the  religious  world — kopelessly  irreconcilable,  in  that 
there  is  not  one  fundamental  doctrine  on  which  they 


agree — yet  these  movements  are  identical  in  every  other 
essential  particular. 

It  seems,  if  these  movements  had  been  launched  by  one 
wise  head,  and  that  wise  head  had  made  definite  effort  to 
launeh  three  movements  as  wide  apart  as  possible  in 
every  other  instance,  he  could  not.  have  better  done  the 

Mormonism,  Eddyism,  and  Russellism  arc  identical,  in 

1st.     Each  claims  to  be  God's  truth  to  this  age. 

2nd.  Each  has  its  "special  revelation."  around  which 
its  work  and  workers  cluster. 

3rd.     Each  appeals  to  a  special,  distinct  class. 

4th.     Each  flows  from  a  very,  very  questionable  source. 

5th.  Each  was  founded  by  men.  or  women,  whose 
reputations  have  been  questioned. 

6th.     Each  offers  a  special  bonus,  or  prize. 

7th.     Each  made  its  founder,  or  founders,  wealthy. 

8th.     Each  makes  an  attack  on  the  deity  of  Christ. 



THE  Mormonite  would  doubtless  object,  most  stren- 
uously, to  any  sort  of  a  classification,  that  would 
link  him  up  with  the  Eddyite,  or  the  Russellite. 

The  Eddyite,  we  know,  takes  serious  exceptions  to  any 
intimation  that  he  belongs  to  the  same  breed  that  the 
Mormonite  and  the  Russellite  belongs  to. 

The  Russellite,  likewise,  begs  to  be  excused,  when  we 
suggest  that  lie  take  marching  position  with  these  other 
<;ults.  Despite  the  earnest,  and  sometimes  heated  protest, 
made  by  these  religionists,  that  they  have  nothing  in 
common  with  these  other  cults,  stripped  of  their  doctrinal 
differences,  they  stand — in  every  underlying  fact  of  their 
existence — enough  alike  to  be  triplets. 

In  origination,  manipulation,  and  doctrinal  agglomera- 
tion, they  are  of  the  same  feather — crowing,  or  "cluck- 
ing'7 alike,  scratching  alike,  roosting  alike,  and  eating 

One  cannot  spend  much  time  ambling  through  the 
''fowl"  yards  of  these  noisy  religious  broods  and  breeds, 
without  coming  to  the  conclusion  that  these  three 
chickens — namely,  Mormonism,  Eddyism  and  Russellism, 
are  from  the  same  nest,  and  hatched  by  the  same  old  hen. 

It  might  be  suggested,  however,  that  a  review  of  some 
of  oui'  church  organizations  might  bring  forth  this  same* 
striking  similarity. 

This  is  true,  and  true  in  the  most  wonderful  way. 

Fact  is,  whatever  of  difference  there  may  be  between 
the  organ ixed  Protestant  churches  is  wholly  a  surface 

On  the  matter  of  form   and  ceremony,  rites  and  sym- 


bols.  then1  would  be  inure  or  loss  of  confusion  and  de- 
bate: but  the  further  you  go  back  in  the  matter  of 
division  amongst  the  churches,  the  less  conspicuous  do 
those  divisions  become. 

On  the  surface  of  things,  the  churches  of  J'esus  Christ 
are  divided,  and  in  that  regard  are  unlike ;  but  when 
you  go  back  to  the  great  pillars  that  hold  up  the  vast 
structure  of  the  Christian  hope  and  faith,  there  is  no 
difference  there. 

On  non-essentials,  there  may  be  differences  of  opinion 
amongst  the  Presbyterians,  Congregationalists,  and  the 
Methodists,  as  well  as  all  other  evangelical  church  bodies, 
but  in  the  great  essentials  they  stand  absolutely  agreed. 

No  one  of  these  churches  can  claim  to  be  God's  special 
and  exclusive  channel  of  blessing  to  the  world. 

No  one  of  these  churches  professes  to  have  the  "origi- 
nal key"  to  the  Scriptures,  without  which  we  flounder 
and  founder,  unsuccored,  and  unsolved,  and  unsaved. 

The  great,  organized  church  of  Christ,  though  under- 
many  heads,  stands  hand  in  hand  about  Jesus  of  Naza- 
reth, singing,  ''Blest  be  the  Tie  That  Binds  Our  Hearts 
in  Christian  Love." 

With  Mormonism,  or  Eddy  ism,  or  Russellism,  it  is  a 
"new"  movement,  under  a  "new"  management,  an- 
nouncing a  "new"  theory — a  theory  so  radical,  and  so 
revolutionary,  that  if  this  "new"  idea  is  the  correct  idea 
— God's  revealed  truth — then  it  stands  as  the  plainest 
sort  of  a  fact,  that  for  centuries  the  organized  church 
has  been  a  cheat,  and  a  swindle,  and  a  lie. 

Does  any  sane  man  believe  that  God's  truth  has  been 
lost  to  the  world,  for  the  ages  past,  and  that  humanity 
lias  had  to  stumble  its  way  through  unlighted  darkness 
to  death,  waiting  for  a  Joseph  Smith,  or  a  Mary  Baker 

IX  THE  CULT  KIXGD(  >M  19 

Eddy,  or  a  ('has.  Taz  Russell,  to  come  with  his,  or  her, 
badly  written  "Key?" 

Mormonites  say,  "Yes." 

Eddyites  say,  "Yes." 

Russellites  say,  "Yes." 

And  yet.  if  one  has  the  sure-enough  "key."  the  other 
two  have  a  "brass"  imitation,  and  this  brass  imitation 
opens  some  other  door  than  the  one  that  swings  into 

In  the  event  that  one  has  the  truth,  and  the  church 
is  a  swindle,  then  which  of  the  three  lias  the  truth? 


However  skeptical  one  may  be  eom-erning  the  Bible. 
an  honest  reading  will  force  one  to  the  conclusion  that 
he  stands  in  the  presence  of  a  single  structure,  the  com- 
pleted work  of  some  one  master  mind — God. 

So.  too,  with  these  religions — no  man.  however  partial 
or  loyal  he  may  become  to  either  of  these  movements,  can 
sit  down  and  review  these  cults, — review  them  honestly. 
and  fearlessly,  and  fully — without  being  driven  to  the 
conclusion,  however  reluctant  he  may  be  in  reaching  such 
a  conclusion,  that  back  of  Mormonism,  and  Eddyisin,  and 
Russellism,  there  is  one  scheming,  designing,  destructive 
head — the  devil. 

Men  and  women  who  are  not  acquainted  with  any  of 
the  facts  to  which  I  refer,  may  feel  that  this  is  an  un- 
waranted  assumption,  or  a  biased  and  un-Christian 

We  have  passingly  referred  to  certain  striking  points 
of  similarity  between  these  movements,  and  now  we  wish 
to  take  up  these  points  definitely  and  at  length. 


We  will  point  out  some  of  the  less  conspicuous  and 
less  damaging:  first. 

These  movements  are  alike,  in  that  each  seems  specially 
designed  for  a  certain  field  and  for  a  certain  class. 

JVlormonism  has  always  flourished  best  and  spread 
fastest  amongst  the  ignorant  millions  of  the  races. 

Salt  Lake  City,  in  particular,  and  the  whole  Mormon- 
dom  in  general,  is  just  now  passing  through  the  greatest 
upheaval  of  its  history, — and  all  because  light  is  break- 
ing in.  The  younger  generation  of  Mormons  are  begin- 
ning to  examine  the  foundations  of  their  faith,  and  they 
are  finding  unquestioned  evidences  of -shocking  fraud. 

Wherever  light  and  knowledge  go,  there  Mormonisru 
cannot  go.  With  its  peculiar  appeals,  Mormonism  be- 
comes specially  attractive  to  the  religiously  inclined,  un- 
lettered and  unthinking  multitudes  of  the  race. 

Eddy  ism  swings  to  the  other  extreme,  and  makes  its 
appeal,  almost  wholly,  to  those  who  have  a  degree  of 
learning  and  a  measure  of  refinement. 

Amongst  the  idle  classes,  and  especially  those  who  de- 
sire a  religion  that  carries  with  it  a  great  deal  of  show, 
but  which  requires  no  self  denial,  Christian  Science  runs 

Los  Angeles  is  the  greatest  Christian  Science  city  in 
the  world,  and  largely  because  Los  Angeles  has  more 
men  and  women  of  wealth  and  idleness  than  any  city  in 
the  world. 

Multitudes  of  men  and  women  in  Southern  California 
have  nothing  to  do  but  look  up  some  new  "thing"  in  the 
world  of  religions,  and  every  religious  movement  that 
was  ever  conceived,  or  launched,  can  find  some  adherents 
in  Southern  California. 

Mormonism  does  not  specially  flourish  in  these  sun- 
kissed  cities  by  the  great  Pacific,  but  Eddyism  and 


sellism  art-  adding  to  their  ranks  with  every  pacing  day. 

Russellism  seems  specially  designed  to  fit  in  between 
these  other  two  extremes. 

Amongst  the  Russellites,  you  will  find  the  folk  have 
been  gathered  almost  wholly  from  amongst  the  middle 

In  either  of  these  movements  you  will  find  the  excep 
tioiivS — some  wise  amongst  the  Mormons,  and  some  ignor- 
ant amongst  the  Eddyites,  and  a  few  of  either  extreme 
amongst  the  Russellites;  but  these  exceptions  only  prove 
the  general  rule. 

If  the  devil  had  called  all  his  imps  in  solemn  assembly, 
and  days  and  days  had  been  spent  in  planning  and 
launching  three  fake  religions,  with  a  view  of  occupying 
the  whole  field,  satanie  cunning — the  united  wisdom  of 
hell,  centralized  and  focalized  on  this  one  thing,  could 
not  have  conceived  three  movements  better  adapted  for 
the  whole  field,  than  Mormonism,  Eddy  ism,  and  Russell- 

The  more  one  studies  them  and  their  adaptation  to  a 
definite  end,  the  more  one  marvels  at  the  completeness 
with  which  thev  cover  the  field. 


' '  The  prophecy  came  not  in  old  time  by  the  will  of  men, 
but  Holy  men  of  God  spake  as  they  were  moved  by  the 
Holy  Ghost." 

These  holy  men  of  God  became  the  mouthpiece  of  God, 
and  their  message  bore  the  stamp  of  the  infallible  and 
the  imperishable  truth. 

These  holy  men  lived  and  wrought  in  the  constructive, 
or  creative  periods  of  Old  Testament  prophecies  and 

"2'2  IX  THE  ( VLT  K.IN<  JJ  )<  >M 

New   Testament   fullrillment. 

These  men  were  "holy  nx'n  of  (iod.  '  St.  Peter  says. 
and  they  all  spoke  1h'4  language  of  lieaven.  and  their 
words  abide  today,  and  will  abide  while  ceaseless  ages 

Ill  those  days,  as  now,  there  were  the  '"other"  voices, 
the  voices  that  claimed  divine  direction  and  divine  sanc- 
tion.--imitation  prophets,  who  prophesied  lies,  and  who 
sought  to  lead  the  people  from  the  paths  which  Gbd  had 
made  for  their  feet. 

These  other  voices  are  heard  in  the  land,  today,  in  ever 
increasing  numbers  and  with  ever  increasing  volume, 
until  many  a  perplexed,  doubt-laden  and  sin-cursed  soul. 
knows  not  which  way  to  turn,  or  what  voice  to  heed. 

According  to  the  plainly  written  word  of  Hod.  (iod  s 
plans,  begun  before  the  foundations  of  the  earth  were 
laid,  reached  their  highest  perfection  at  the  cross  of 
Calvary,  and  Clod's  revelations,  in  so  far  as  the  salvation 
of  the  world  is  concerned,  were  (dosed  there. 

"God  who  at  sundry  times  and  in  divers  manners, 
spake,  in  times  past,  unto  the  fathers  by  the  prophets, 
hath,  in  these  last  days,  spoken  unto  us  by  His  Son.''  and 
when  God  spoke,  through  Jesus  Christ  at  the  Cross,  and 
followed  the  "opening  of  the  Fountain  filled  with  blood," 
with  the  opening  of  heaven  for  the  outpouring  of  the 
TToly  Spirit,  everything  was  done  that  heaven  could 
do,  to  save  the  human  family  from  the  far-reaching 
disasters  of  the  fall. 

Morinonisni  comes  along  and  teaches  thai  (iod  still 
has  revelations  to  make,  and  that  "it"  is  the  exclusive 
channel  through  which  God  makes  these  revelations  to 
these  last  days. 

Kddyism  conies  along  and  teaches  that  (iod  still  has 
some  revelations  to  make,  and  that  ''it"  is  the  exclusive 


channel   through    which   God   makes   tliese   revelations  to 
these  last  days. 

Russellism  eomes  along  aud  teaches  that  God  still  has 
some  revelations  to  make,  and  that  "it"  is  the  exclusive 
channel  through  which  God  makes  these  revelations  to 
these  last  days. 

Now,  while  each  professes  to  be  the  "voice  of  God" 
to  these  last  days,  and  are  similar  in  that  regard,  yet 
there  is  no  more  similarity  in  the  "songs  they  sing,"  or 
the  prophecy  they  bring  than  there  is  similarity  in  the 
bray  of  a  mule  and  the  plaintive  bleat  of  a  billy  goat. 

It  just  so  happened,  that  in  a  certain  western  city,  at 
the  close  of  one  of  these  talks  on  the  "isms,"  a  special 
guide,  from  each  of  these  vagaries,  lingered,  to  teach  me 
the  "ways  of  the  Lord  more  perfectly." 

This"" would  not  happen  again,  possibly,  in  a  life  time. 

One  did  not  know  that  the  others  were  lingering,  to 
bolster  up  his  or  her  religious  hobby. 

I  spent  an  interesting  and  surprising  hour,  in  going 
over,  to  them,  controvertible  points  in  discourse. 

The  Mormon  elder,  or  missionary,  was  as  confident  that 
ihe  Mormon  world  had  the  "true  key"  to  the  kingdom 
of  heaven,  as  I  was  confident  that  they  had  not. 

The  Eddyite — a  fine  woman — insisted  that  she  had 
never  understood  her  Bible  until  she  got  hold  of  the 
Eddyites'  key,  and  then,_  lo !  all  was  as  clear  as  the  noon 
day  sun. 

The  Russellite,  likewise,  had  stumbled  about  in  a  hope- 
less, despairing  way,  until  at  last,  "heaven  be  praised," 
he  chanced  onto  Chas.  Taz  Russell's  six- volume  key,  and 
"hell  was  gone,"  and  "a  second  chance  was  given." 

Did  each  have  the  truth? 

Impossible ! 



The  Bible,  from  Genesis  to  Revelation,  is  one  book. 

While  the  Bible  has  its  sixty-six  books,  the  whole  links 
into  one  unbroken  chain  of  sixty-six  links. 

The  Bible  opens  witli  the  fall  and  the  promise  of  the 
Restorer.  Down  through  all  the  books  of  the  Old  Testa- 
ment there  runs  the  scarlet  thread — the  blood  of  Jesus 
Christ,  for  sinners  shed.  When  the  fullness  of  time  had 
come,  the  manger-cradle  received  the  promised  King. 

At  Calvary  the  fountain  was  opened,  and  following  the 
crucifixion  and  the  resurrection,  there  came  the  ascension 
of  Christ  and  the  ushering  in  of  the  dispensation  of  the 
Holy  Spirit. 

At  Calvary  God  provided  the  way. 

At  Calvary  Jesus  Christ  opened  the  way. 

At  Calvary  the  Holy  Spirit  shows  men  the  way. 

The  last  books  of  the  Book  of  Books,  have  to  do,  main- 
ly, with  Christ's  return  ;  and  the  whole  ends  with  a  mag- 
nificent picture  of  the  new  heavens  and  the  new  earth. 

The  Bible  is  a  complete  book — the  revelation  is  a  closed 
revel  at .ion. 

All  that  is  needed  to  save  the  nations  of  the  world  is 
found  there;  any  added  line,  or  verse,  or  chapter,  would 
be  a  superfluity. 

Lest  designing  men  and  women  would  dare  lay  their 
unholy  hands  on  that  which  God  has  rounded  out  and 
completed,  the  flaming  sword  of  warning  is  found  al  ihe 
closing  chapter : 

"If  any  man  shall  take  away  from  the  words  of  the 
book  of  this  prophecy,  God  shall  take  away  his  part  out 
of  the  tree  of  life. " 

Then  there  comes  the  solemn  words,  iirsi  uiven.  and 
the  words  that  men  need  to  heed,  todav.  "If  any  man 


shall  add  unto  these  things,  God  shall  add  unto  him  the 

lagues  written  in  this  book." 

Along  come*  Mormonism  with  its  books,  "The  Book  of 
Mormon,"  and  "The  Book  of  the  Covenants,"  aud  these 
books  are  placed  alongside  the  Bible,  and  for  these  spuri- 
ous, cheap  imitations,  equal  authority  is  claimed,  and 
where  there  is  conflict  of  teaching,  the  world  is  asked  to 
believe  that  this  Mormon  word  is  (Tod's  final  utterance 
to  the  race. 

Mormonism   substitutes   for   the   Bible. 

(In  a  later  study  we  will  take  up,  at  length,  the 
revelation  that  is  just  now  stirring  Mormonism  to  its 
foundations,  the  revelation  that  one  of  the  sacred  books 
of  the  Mormon  hierarchy  has  recently  been  proven  a 
swindle  of  the  most  bra/en  and  damnable  sort.) 

Along  comes  Eddyism  and  lays  alongside  the  Bible  its 
substitute.  "Science  and  Health  With  a  Key  to  the 
Scriptures,"  contains  God's  latest  truth  to  the  age,  and 
where  there  is  any  conflict  between  these  newest  revela- 
tions and  the  Holy  Book,  we  are  to  believe  that  the  new- 
est revelation  contains  God's  "corrected''  ideas  and 
plans.  Go  into  a  Christian  Science  service  and  you  will 
find  that  the  "First  Reader"  reads  from  Science  and 
Health,  and  the  "Second  Reader"  reads  from  the  Bible. 

The  "First  Reader"  has  his  name  published  in  the 
<  'rhistian  Science  literature  of  the  nation,  but  the 
^'Second  Reader"  is  not  mentioned. 

Go  into  the  Mother  church,  Boston,  and  you  will  find 
the  words  of  "Ma"  Eddy  just  a  little  more  conspicuously 
chiseled'  on  brick,  or  stone,  than  the  words  of  Jesus 

This  conglomerate,  ludicrous  mess  of  disjointed  gibber- 
ings,  in  the  Christian  Science  Temple  and  the  Christian 
Science  scheme,  takes  the  chief  place. 

as  ix  THE  cn/r  KINGDOM 

Christian  Science  substitutes  for  the  Bible. 

Along  comes  Russellism,  with  its  books.,  which  like 
Mormonism  and  Eddy  ism.  are  placed  alongside  the  Holy 

•For  "Millennial  Dawn/'  or  the  "Divine  Plan  of  the 
A <i:es."  or  "Studies  in  The  Scriptures." — these  beine; 
some  of  the  titles  under  which  the  Russell  works  are 
k«iowu.  Mr.  Russeirs  .official  organ  says:  <%If  the  six 
volumes  of  Scripture  Studies  are  practically  the  Bible., 
topically  arranged,  with  Bible  proof  texts  given,  we 
might  not  improperly  name  the  volumes  'The  Bible  in  an 
Arranged  Form/  That  Is  to  say,  they  are  not  mere 
comments  on  the  Bible,  but  they  are  practically  the 
Bible,  itself.  Furthermore,  not  only  do  we  find  that  peo- 
ple cannot  see  the  divine  plan  by  studying  the  Bible  by 
itself,  but  we  see  also,  that  if  anyone  lays  the  "Scripture 
Studies"  aside,  even  after  he  has  used  them,  after  h«* 
has  become  familiar  with  them,  after  he  has  read  them 
for  ten  years — if  he  then  lays  them  aside  and  ignores 
them  and  goes  to  the  Bible  alone,  though  he.  has  under- 
stood his  Bible  for  ten  years,  ,our  experience  shows  that 
within  two  years  he  goes  into  darkness.  On  the  other 
hand,  if  he  had  merely  read  the  "  Scripture  Studies1' 
with  their  references,  and  had  not  read  a  page  of  the 
Bible,  as  such,  he  would  be  in  the  light  at  the  end  of  two 
years,  because  he  would  have  the  light  of  the  Scrip- 

.  Jesus  Christ  says  the  revelation  is  a  closed,  revelation, 
and  warns  meddlers,  and  schemers,  and  sceptics,  and 
fools,  that  any  attempt  to  add  to  or  take  from,  means 
that  the  most  fearful  judgments  shall  be  visited  upon 
such  tamper ers  or  such  knaves. 

t  Mormonism  says  Christ  is  a  liar,  and  "it."  not  Christ, 
has  the  final  word  for  .the  human  family. 


Eddyism  says  Christ   is  a  liar,  and  "it."  not  C 
the  final   word   for  1 1n-   human   family. 

Kusseilism  makes.  Christ  a  liar,  for  he  taught  that  t!i»- 
\\-ay  v.-as  so  plain  that  fools  need  not  err.  and  if  there  wa> 
a  lack  of  understanding,  the  Holy  Spirit  was  to  iruide  into 
all  truth,  bur  Russellism  has  the  eiTrontery.  the  bra/en 
ardacity.  to  announce  to  the  world  that  without  this  cer- 
tain Russell  exposition,  the  truth  cannot  be  known,  and 
that  only  by  its  continued  companionship  can  one  have 
fellowship  with  Cod  and  life  in  His  dear  Son. 

Our  readers  will  see  a<rain.  how  strikingly  and  damn- 
ably similar  these  movements  arc.  in  that  each  tries  to 
lead  the  human  family  off  after  its  cheap  imitation,  or 
cheaper  complication,  and  so-called  exposition,  of  tin- 
Book  of  Books. 

But  we  have  only  be.u'un  a  review  'of  the  striking  simi- 
larities T.f  "these  threr  cults! 




IN  an  ancient  legend,  St.  Martin  is  described  as  sitting, 
one  day,  in  his  monastery  cell,  studying,  when,  on  a 
sudden,  he  heard  a  knock  at  the  door. 

4 'Enter."  was  the  response  of  the  monk. 

The  door  opened  and  a  stranger,  attired  as  a  prim-r. 

"Who  art  thou?"  inquired  St.  Martin. 

"I  am  Christ,''  was  the  stranger's  reply. 

The  sage  old  monk  sat  for  some  seconds  in  deep  medi- 
tation, undisturbed  and  unawed  by  this  bold  declaration. 

At  last,  St.  Martin  arose,  and  approaching  the  stranger, 
he  asked,  "Where  are  the  prints  of  the  nails?" 

The  infallible  sign  of  the  true  Christ  was  lacking,  and 
St.  Martin  knew  the  man  was  an  imposter  and  a  fraud. 

This  is  a  day  of  many  Christs ! 

We  have  the  Christ  of  Christian  Science,  and  the 
Christ  of  Mormonism,  and  the  Christ  of  Russell  ism,  and 
the  Christ  of  Theosophy,  and  the  Christ  of  the  New 
Theology,  and  the  Christ  of  Sociology,  and  the  Christ  of 
New  Thought,  with  a  score — more  or  less — of  other 
Christs  who  stand  knocking  at  our  doors. 

Nothing  will  expose  the  sham,  and  the  cheat,  and  the 
swindle,  of  the  imposters  quite  so  surely  and  quite  so 
effectively,  as  to  demand  of  these  pretenders  the  "marks 
of  the  nails" — "the  wounded  side"— "the  open  foun- 

There  is  no  fact  that  has  to  do  with  man's  destiny  that 
the  devil  and  his  cohorts  hate  as  the  fact  of  the  Deity  of 
Christ  and  the  fountain  filled  with  blood. 

Each  of  these  religions,  in  turn,  will  parade  before  you 


its  Christ,  but  n  Christ  that  lacks  the  necessary  creden- 

The  religious  cults  of  America,  so  far  as  we  have  been 
able  to  investigate,  either  directly,  or  indirectly,  make 
an  attack  011  the  deity  of  Christ,  or  on  the  meaning  of 
His  Cross. 

One  of  two  things  the  devil  has  ever  sought  to  do, 
and  that  is,  either  to  rob  Christ  of  His  deity,  and  thus 
cheapen  the  sacrifice  of  Calvary,  or  else  to  make  the 
Atonement  cover  all  people,  everywhere,  without  excep- 
tion, or  without  qualification  on  the  part  of  men. 

How  successful  he  has  been  in  these  attempts  one  can 
easily  guess,  when  one  looks  about  at  the  multitudes  of 
men  and  women  who  are  turning  from  the  Protestant 
churches  to  these  religious  fads  and  fakes — fads  and 
fakes  that  thus  cheapen  the  work  of  the  cross,  or  that 
preach  and  teach  a  universal  redemption. 

When  you  drive  the  pick  of  your  investigation  into  the 
heart  of  Mormon  ism,  or  into  the  heart  of  Eddy  ism,  or  into 
the  heart  of  Russellism,  seeking  to  know  their  attitude 
toward  this  one  fundamental  doctrine  of  our  holy  re- 
ligion, you  will  find  that  you  have  uncovered  the  most 
damnably  dangerous  fact  of  these  fake  religions. 

Each,  in  turn,  presents  a  Christ  that  Christendom  does 
riot  know  and  a  Christ  that  Christendom  can  never, 
never,  never,  receive. 

These  religions  are  alike,  in  that  each  appeals  to  a 
distinct  class. 

These  religions  are  alike,  in  that  each  claims  to  be 
fjod'.s  voice  to  this  age. 

These  religions  are  alike,  in 'that  each  substitutes  for 
the  Bible. 

These  religions  are  alike,  in  that  each  makes  a  direct, 
ci?-  indirect,  attack  on  the  deity  of  Christ,  and  each  seeks 


1<>  eit her  cheapen  the  work  of  the  cross,  making  it  a 
human  sacrifice,  and  only  that, -or  else  seeks  to  make > the 
work  of  the  cross  cover  the  whole  of  the  raee.  without 
conditions  or  qualification, 

When  yon  rob  Christ  of  His  deity,  or  rob  the  cros>  of 
its  power,  you  pull  from  under  the  Christian  religion  its 
central  props- — you  take  from  the  nut  its  kernel,  anr 
there  is  nothing  left  but  the  empty,  meaningless  hull. 

Several  years  a^o,  llolman  Hunt  painted  a  wonderful 
picture  of  the  Christ  in  the  carpenter  shop. 

About  Him  were  the  saws.  axes,  hammers,  and  nea? 
by  was  the  carpenter's  bench. 

The  picture  -represents  CJirist  as  rising  from  His. work, 
to  wearily  stretch  His  arms,  as  one  does  when  rising  fron. 
a  cramped  position.  The.  lijyht  is  so  arranged  that  a> 
Christ  thus  stands  with  outstretched  arms,  His  body  and 
His  arms  throw  a  picture  of  the  cross  on  the  wall. 
Apart  from  the  cross  there  is  no  redemption,  for  "  with- 
out the  shedding  of  blood  ther.  is  no  remission  of  sins." 

If  ever  there  was  a  time   when,  men  and   wome.n   q 
to   ask  for   the   "print    of  the   nails,"   it   is  now,   for   tin 
world  is  overrun   with  imitation  Christs,  used   by  desicrn- 
iiij:   men   and    women-  to.  exploit   the   race. 
-.Over  all   must    lum«r  the  picture   of  the   cross. 


In  •rrvinjr  to  the  reading  public  some  of  the  striking 
similarities  of  these  three  religions,  Mormonism,  Eddy- 
ism,'  and  Russell  ism,  we  would  lay  special  emphasis  on 
the  fact  that  each,  in  turn,  does  violence  to  the  New 
Testament  teachings  concerning  the  Christ.  Mormonism, 
like  Kddyism.  and  Ilussellism.  appropriates  to  itse*lf 


Christian  phraseology  and  church  forms,  but  practically 
denies  every  fundamental  doctrine  of  the  Holy  Word. 

To  give  our  readers  some  idea  of  Mormon  teaching, 
as  we  shall  seek  to  give  some  idea  of  Eddyism,  and 
Russellism,  let  us  ponder  these  facts : 

Mormonism  would  teach  the  world  that  there  are 
gods  many. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Adam  is  the  god  of  this  world. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Adam  had  many  wives — Eve 
was  but  one  of  the  many. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  these  many  gods  were  once 
TIT  en,  as^ve  are  now. 

Mormonism  teaches  that,  as  men,  we  may  become  what 
these  gods  are  now. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  these  gods  have  been  exalted 
to  their  high  estate  through  faithfulness  and  "fruitful- 
ness"  here,  and  that  faithfulness  and  "fruitfulness" 
are  the  sure  steps  toward  a  throne  for  ns. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  these  many  wives,  plural 
wives,  with  their  progeny',  are  to  constitute  the  "king- 
dom" over  which  these  "faithful"  men  are  to  reign. 

Woman's  welfare  depends  on  her  being  united  to  one 
of  the  "faithful." 

Mormonism  teaches  that  on  the  other  side  we  are  to 
retain  our  human  form  and  functions,  and  that  the 
relationships  entered  into  here  between  these  husbands 
and  their  many  wives,  are  to  be  continued  through 

The  Mormon  heaven  is  a  heaven  in  which  carnality  pu<l 
M-nsuality  are  sanctified  rnd  jrloriO. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  in  the  other  world  there  an* 
different  realms,  or  spheres,  or  .states  and  conditions. 

Mormonism  divides  these  different  realms  into  the  ter- 
restrial, celestial  and  telestial. 


Mormonism  teaches  that  to  die  unbapti/.ed  by  Mormou- 
dom  is  to  be  lost,  unless  your  loved  ones  are  thoughtful 
enough  to  have  the  job  done  for  you.  Should  they  be- 
come your  proxy  and  pass  through  certain  forms  and 
ceremonies,  there  is  a  possibility  that  you  will  manage, 
somehow,  to  pull  through. 

Mormondom  teaches  that  there  are  certain  sins  that. 
Ood,  Himself,  cannot  forgive,  and  that  when  these  sins 
are  committed  there  is  only  one  avenue  of  escape,  and 
that  is  by  human  sacrifice. 

Mormonism  teaches,  or  has  taught,  that  you  are  loving 
your  friends  as  Christ  taught  you  to  love  them,  if  yon 
take  these  friends  who  have  thus  sinned,  and  shed  their 
blood;  that  "the  smoke  thereof  might  ascend  to  God," 
as  an  offering  to  appease  the  wrath  that  is  kindled  against 

Students  of  history,  of  course,  recognize  in  this  human 
sacrifice  teach inc*  of  Mormondom,  the  identical  teaching 
nf  ancient  Moloch,  when  men  were  sacrificed  to  appease 
the  wrath  of  their  god. 

Mormonism  has  its  own  absurd  ideas  concerning  the 
return  of  our  Lord. 

According  to  Mormonism.  Christ  will  come  and  gather 
together  Israel,  including  the  ten  tribes  of  the  Latter  Day 
Saints  of  Mormondom,  and  when  He  thus  comes  t.hp 
enemies  of  the  "Saints"  are  to  be  destroyed. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Christ  was  the  son  of  poly- 
gamous parents. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Christ  was  not  conceived  by 
the  Holy  Ghost. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Christ,  himself,  was  a  poly- 
gamist,  that  Martha  and  Mary  were  His  wives,  and  from 
these  and  other  wives  he  had  children. 


Mormonisin  teaches  that  Christ's  death  on  the  Cros> 
had  nothing,  whatever,  to  do  with  our  sins,  but  had  to 
do  with  the  sins  of  Adam. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  to  get  rid  of  sins,  you  must 
work  out  your  salvation  through  the  teachings,  and 
forms,  and  ordinances,  of  the  Mormon  church. 

Such  a  religious  system,  with  such  astounding,  silly 
rheories,  it  seems,  would  need  no  refutation  and  no  de- 
nunciation, but  this  crude  and  lewd  humbug  is  gathering 
in  dupes  by  the  multiplied  thousands. 

Mormonism  denies  the  deity  of  Christ  and  robs  the 
Cross  of  its  meaning  and  power. 

The  Mormon  Christ  lacks  the  "nail  prints." 


In  alt- the  wide  world  of  literature  there  is  not  to  be 
found  such  a  conglomerate  mess  of  irreconcilable,  incon- 
sistent, incomprehensive,  inconsequential  twaddle  as  that 
which  is  bound  up  between  the  covers  of  that  much  dis- 
cussed book  called  "Science  and  Health." 

Mrs.  Eddy's  claims  to  inspiration  are  disproved,  beyond 
cavil,  by  her  own  teachings! 

She  teaches  that  God  is  mind  and  yet  without  per- 

Mind,  apart  from  personality,  is  an  absurdity. 

She  teaches  that  God  has  no  knowledge  of  evil,  and 
then  teaches  that  God  inspired  her  to  teach  the  "moral 
mind"  theory  as  an  explanation  of  the  existence  of  evil. 

It  stands  without  argument,  that  God  could  not  have 
inspired  her  to  teach  a  theory  about  something  that  He 
had  no  knowledge. 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  God  is  not  a  person,  but 
a  principle,  and  we  are  the  reflection  of  that  principle. 

:;4  I X  THE  CULT  KIXGIX ).M 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  the  Bible  is  no  more 
inspired  than  the  History  of  England,  or  of  the  United 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  heaven  is  not  a  place. 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  Jesus  Christ  did  not 
come  in  the  flesh. 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  the  devil  is  not  a 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  sin  and  sinner,  alike,  are 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  sin  is  not  forgiven. 

Christian  Science  teaches  ns  that  there  is  110  day  of 
final  accounting,  and  no  topless  heaven,  and  no  bottom- 
less hell. 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  "it"  is  the  "gift"  -of 
the  Holy  Ghost. 

Christian  Science  teaches  that  "it"  is  the  second  eom- 
jiig  of  Christ. 

Christian  Science  teaches  us  that  Christ  did  not  die  for 
the  sins  of  the  people,  but  He  died  as  an  example  of  per- 
fect love. 

According  to  Christian  Science,  there  is  no  sin  to  be 
atoned  for,  and  no  need  for  a  ransom  to  be  paid;  there- 
fore, we  are  told  that  the  Atonement  is  the  ''exemplifi- 
cation of  man's  unity  with  God." 

"Science  and  Health"  is  shot  through  ai'd  through 
with  the  most  shocking  blasphemy,  a  sample  of  which  is 
found  in  such  declarationsas  this:  "The  true  Logos  ;s 
denmnstrably  Christian  Science." 

If  this  were  true,  then  the  first  verse  of  the  gospel  by 
St.  John  would  read:  "In  the  beginning  was  Christian 
Science,  and  Christian  Science  was  with  God,  and 


Christum     Science,    and    without    Christian    Science    was 
not  anything  ma<le  that  was  made." 

This  blasphemy  is  not  niatelied  by  the  claims  that 
Christian  Science  is  the  gii't  of  the  Holy  Spirit  and  the 
second  coming  of  Christ. 

If  Christian  Science  is  the  return  of  our  Lord,  then  lie 
has  sadly  changed  since  He  went  away. 

When   he   was  amongst    the  .Judean    hills,   in  the  long-, 
long  ago,  he  opened  blinded  eyes,    unstopped    deal   pat's, 
cleansed  the  leper,  healed  the  lame,  and  raised  the  dead, 
and  with  a  word,  and  always  without  money  and  wit  hoi: 

If  this  hodge-podge  and  hocus-pocus  is  Christ  re- 
turned to  earth,  then  He  lias  returned  as  a  manipulator 
and  a  money-changer,  and  the  saddest  and  most  tragic, 
of  failures. 

Mornfonism,  Kddyism.  and  Kussellism  stand  side  by 
by  side  as  the  three  most  shocking  and  most  bra/rnly 
audacious  blasphemers  of  the  religious  world. 

If  Christian  Science  would  be  honest  with  the  world. 
and  tell  it  plainly  just  what  it  did  believe  concerning 
Christ's  death  on  the  Cross,  it  would  express  itself  after 
this  fashion: 

"Mortal  mind  (that  never  existed)  thought  thoughts 
of  evil  that  were  never  thought,  and  did  deeds  of  evil 
that  were  never  done,  and  an  impersonal  mind,  called 
Cod.  sent  to  this  material  world  (that  never  existed)  a 
living  manifestationof  Himself,  in  a  material  body  (that 
never  existed),  that  He  might  be  the  way-shower,  direct- 
ing the  minds  of  men  (which  never  had  any  existence 
apart  from  the  one  mind,  Cod)  how  to  overcome  evil 
(which  never  had  any  existence  and  of  which  God  had 
no  knowledge).  This  living  manifestation  of  God  was 
known  as  Jesus  Christ.  After  He  had  lived  in  a  material 
Christian  Science  was  Cod.  All  things  were  made  bv 


body  (which  never  existed)  for  more  than  thirty  three 
years.  Ho  was  arrested,  tried  and  crowned  with  thorns 
(that  never  existed),  and  whipped  witli  a  scourge  (that 
never  existed),  and  was  nailed  to  a  Cross  (that  never 
existed),  where  Jle  died  a  death  which  lie  did  not  die. 
He  was  buried  in  a  tomb  (that,  never  existed),  and  there 
in  the  tomb  lie  practiced  Christian  Science  and  healed 
Himself  of  unreal  wounds  in  his  unreal  body,  which  he 
had  received  in  His  unreal  death,  lie  arose,  passed 
through  some  sort  of  an  ascension,  and  was  rejoined  to 
the  one  impersonal  mind  from  which  lie  had  never 
been  separated. 

Siicl)  is  a  <i'ood  analysis  of  Christian  Science,  so-called, 
concerning  Christ  and  His  Cross. 

If  matter  is  non-existent,  and  sin  and  the  sinner 
nothingness,  then  certainly  Christ  did  not  die  for  the 
sins  of  the  people. 

Christian  Science  denies  the  deity  of  Christ  and  the 
power  of  His  Cross. 


Russell  ism,  unlike  Mormonism  and  Eddy  ism,  teaches 
that  Christ  did  die  for  the  sins  of  the  people. 

To  those  who  are  untaught  in  the  deeper  truths  of  the 
Holy  Hook,  the  conclusion  is  easily  reached,  that  of  all 
teachers  before  the  world  today.  "Pastor"  Russell  is  the 
most  loyal  to  -Jesus  Christ. 

Fact  is,  there  is  not  a  religious  fake  in  the  wide  world 
that  does  j^reater  dishonor  to  Jesus  Christ. 

Overlooking  the  general  facts  of  His  teachings,  which, 
as  has  been  often  said,  are  a  combination  of  Cniversal- 
ism.  1'nitarianism,  Restoration,  Second  Probationism, 
S\vedenbor<_rism,  and  Annihilat  ionism.  and  approaching 


the  one  particular  truth  just  now  up  for  serious  consider- 
ation, let  us  see  what  IJussellism  teaches  us  concerning 
our  Lord. 

To  begin  with,  Russellism  teaches  us  that  Christ  was 
not  (Jod,  nor  was  He  divine,  before  the  crucifixion  and 

It  teaches  us  that  Christ  was  a  created  Spirit,  and 
that  there  was  a  time  when  He  was  not. 

It.  teaches  that  at  the  incarnation  the  %;  spirit  Christ" 
became  a  man,  and  only  a  man. 

It  teaches  us  that  when  the  man  Christ  Jesus  walked 
tin's  earth  lie  was  not  divine. 

It  teaches  us  that  at  the  crucifixion  the  man  Christ 
Jesus  was  annihilated. 

It  teaches  us  that  His  atonement  was  the  atonement 
of  man — nothing  more  than  a  human  sacrifice. 

He  did  not  arise  in  the  body  in  which  lie  died — that 
body  did  not  rise  at  all,  but  was  possibly  dissolved  into 

The  ''Man  Christ  'Jesus''  no  longer  exists. 

Jesus  Christ  is  only  a  spirit  being;  now,  but  of  an  order 
higher  than  the  an«rels. 

This  is  the  Christ  of   Russellism. 

Mormonism  teaches  that  Christ's  death  on  the  Cross 
had  nothing,  whatever,  to  do  with  the  sins  of  the  people, 
but  only  had  to  do  with  Adam's  sin. 

Eddyism  teaches  that  Christ's  death  on  the  Cross  had 
nothing,  whatever,  to  do  with  the  sins  of  the  people,  but 
lie  died  as  an  example  of  perfect  love. 

Russellism  teaches  that  the  Christ  who  died  on  the 
Cross  was  only  a  spirit  beinir,  and  that  the  man  Christ 
JesUs  was  annihilated,  which  constituted  a  human  sacri- 
fice, and  only  that,  and  the  body  of  Christ  did  not  rise. 
but  probably  dissolved  into  iras. 


Mr.  Russell  teat-lies  that  Christ  returned  to  earth  as 
a  spirit  in  1S74. 

He  teaches  that  the  saints  were  raised  uj>   in    1^7>. 
He  teaches  that  both  Christ  and  the  saints  are  now  on 
earth,  and   have  been  since  these  dates  named  above. 

He  teaches  that  the  Christian  church,  in  all  her 
branches,  was  rejected  of  (Jod  in  1S7S. 

lie  teaches,  or  did  teach,  that  the  final  'culmination 
would  come  in  October  1!)14. 

\Vlien  this  time  drew  near,  the  "Pastor"  announced 
that  the  end  would  come  as  he  predicted,  but  that  there 
might  be  no  visible  changes  for  the  immediate  present. 

Russellism,  like  Mormonism,  and  Eddyism,  is  silent  of 
the  personality  and  work  of  the  Holy  Spirit. 

Russellism.    like    Mormonism    teaches    that    there    an1 
different    levels   of   existence   in    the   world    to 'come,   and 
.that  none  will  be  eternally  lost, — on  the  last  named  point, 
Eddyism,  also,  concurs. 

Mormonism.  Eddyism  and  Russellism.  then,  arc  alike, 
in  that. 

Each    appeals   to    its   distinct   field! 

Each   claims  to  lie   (lod's   voice  to  this  age! 

Each  substitutes  its  book  or  books  for  the  Bible! 

Each  makes  a  direct,  or  indirect  attack,  on  the  deity 
of  Christ! 

Mormonism  claims  it  got   its  "key"  from  an  angel. 

Eddyism  claims  it  got  its  ''key"  from  the  "Supreme 

Russellism  claims   it   got    its  "key"  from   the  Bible. 

St.  Paul  says:  "Though  we,  or  an  angel  from  heaven, 
preach  any  other  gospel  unto  you  than  that  which  we 
have  preached  unto  you.  let  him  be  accursed." 

And  what  gospel  was  that? 


"For  I  delivered  unto  you  first  of  all  that  which  I  also 
received,  how  that  Christ  died  for  our  sins  according'  to 
tile  Scriptures." 

AVheu  the  only  Begotten  Son  of  God,  with  nail  pierced 
hands,  walks  up  into  the  presence  of  Mormonism,  and 
Kddyism.  and  Russellism,  each  in  turn  will  cry  for  the 
rocks  and  the  mountains  to  fall  upon  them,  to  hide  them 
from  His  Holv  Presence  forever. 




WHEN  money  is  the  principal  object  of  life,"  says 
John  Ruskin,  "with  either  man  or  a  nation,  it 
is  both  got  ill  and  spent  ill;  and  does  harm  both 
in  the  getting  and  the  spending.  But  when  it  is  not  the 
principal  object  of  life,  it  and  all  other  thing's,  will  be 
well  got  and  well  spent." 

To  undertake  to  judge  any  man  or  movement  by  the 
dollar  standard,  is  an  exceedingly  dangerous  thing  to 
do,  for  the  possession  of  money  is  not  the  thing  that 
contaminates,  but  the  motives  and  methods  through 
which  and  by  which  money  was  gathered. 

Men  may  have  large  holdings  that  have  been  accumu- 
lated through  wise  and  careful  investments,  and  these 
holdings  may  be  consecrated  to  (Jod  and  the  world  of 
men,  and  thus  bless  the  man  who  built  the  fortune,  honor 
God  and  carry  attendant  blessings  to  the  world. 

Men  may  die  in  the  poor  house  and  be  buried  in  the 
potter's  field,  and  yet,  literally,  die  in  want,  and  be 
damned  through  an  all-consuming  greed  for  gain. 

It  is  not  the  possession  of  money  that  becomes  the  evil, 
but  the  "love"  of  it — the  love  that  drives  men  to  dis- 
honest methods  and  hypocritical  pretensions. 

The  One  who  is  Omniscient,  and  lie  only,  can  look 
into  the  innermost  recesses  of  the  heart,  and  there  read 
the  motives  that  send  men  forth  to  seek  gold  and  save  it. 
and  lie  and  He  only  can  pass  judgment  that  is  infallibly 


In  the  doings  of  men  tin1  dollar  cuts  an  astonndingly 
wide  swath. 

Xo  man  can  be  said  to  i-e  thoroughly  tested  until  he 
has  been  tested  on  the  question  of  the  dollar,  and  the  HIMH 
who  stands  that  test  stands  one  of  the  snpremeM  tests  oi' 
our  mundane  existence. 

When  men  ste])  out  int  the  realm  of  the  spiritual 
and  stand  1aee  to  face  with  eternal  verities,  it  seems 
there,  if  nowhere  else,  the  dollar  should  he  compelled  to 
occupy  one  of  the  lowest  seats  amongst  the  agencies  that 
have  hern  created  for  the  services  of  men. 

This  must  he  true  and  doubly  so,  in  the  actual  exper- 
i-  nces  of  those  who  stand  before  the  world  as  (iod  s 
specially  anointed."  bearing  to  the  world  of  sinning, 
suffering  men  some  new  revelation,  some  revelation  so 
momentous  that  its  ushering  in  is  to  be  marked  in  God's 
great  calendar  as  a  distinct  and  revolutionary  dispen- 

While  none  of  the  founders  of  the  many  great  Protes- 
tant churches  of  the  world  presumed  to  teach,  or  preach, 
that  they  had  been  chosen  of  (iod  to  usher  in  some  new 
dispensation,  and  none  of  them  ever  even  intimated  that 
they  were  God's  "exclusive"  channel  of  truth,  to  this 
age,  yet  under  (iod.  they  flung1  into  existence  organiza- 
tions, world  wide,  that  have  literally  placed  their  arms 
about  the  nations  of  the  earth,  and  the  holy  deeds  of 
these  holy  men  have  been  written  in  indelible  ink  in  the 
hearts  and  homes  of  the  people,  through  all  generations, 
since  they  lived  and  wrought. 

When  these  Godly  men,  founders  of  these  religious 
movements — men  in  whose  presence  Joseph  Smith,  Mary 
Baker  Eddy  and  ('has.  Taz  Russell  would  stand  as  intel- 
lectual pigmies  and  moral  runts — came  to  the  end  of  their 


earthly  pilgrimage,  they  turned  toward  their  graves  as 
men  who  had  given  their  all  to  the  work  they  loved  and 
labored  for. 

Not  alone  did  they  die  in  moderate  circumstances,  but 
their  business  dealings,  in  every  regard,  were  always  on 
the  highest  level  of  the  most  conscientious,  consecrated 

When  we  drop  back  to  the  three  nation-wide  "1SMS?' 
that  have  been  under  the  dissecting  knife  in  these  pages, 
we  find  that,  added  to  the  fact  that  each  has  its  distinct 
field  and  each  claims  to  be  God's  exclusive  voice  to  this 
age.  and  each  claims  to  have  a  substitute  for  the  Bible, 
and  each  makes  a  direct,  or  indirect,  attack  on  the  Deity 
of  Christ,  each  also,  has  a  questionable  record,  when  it 
comes  to  the  matter  of  money. 

While  the  founders  of  Mormonism,  and  Eddyism,  and 
Kussellism,  professed  to  bring  to  the  world  a  new  reve- 
lation from  (iod,  each  in  turn  had  sought  by  every 
means,  it  seems,  fair  and  foul,  to  make  these  professed 
revelations  pour  millions  into  their  coffers! 

Never,  in  the  history — written  history — of  the  world, 
have  there  been  three  religions  launched,  in  which  the 
dollar  became  the  paramount  issue,  as  in  these  three 
religions,  and  never  has  the  dollar  end  been  worked  with 
such  consummate  cunning  and  such  brazen  audacity. 

These  religions,  in  turn,  have  poured  millions  of  dol- 
lars into  the  hands  of  their  founders — making  them  rich 
beyond  their  wildest  dreams  of  avarice. 


Several  years  ago  the  famous  journalist  and  novelist. 
Alfred  Henry  Lewis,  made  a  tour  of  Mormondom,  and 
his  investigations  covered  several  numbers  in  one  of 
our  leading  magazines. 


ording  to  this  writer  land  fit-  was  of  the  world, 
worldly),  Mormonism  was  growing  so  rapidly  and  so 
enormously  rich,  that  it  was,  in  his  opinion,  only  a  ques- 
tion of  time  until  Mormondom  would  stand  as  a  menace 
lo  the  life  and  liberty  of  the  nation. 

This  octopus  had  already  wound  its  tentacles  around 
<  apital  after  capital  of  western  states,  and,  even  then, 
it  was  reaching  out  to  seats  high  and  low  in  both 
brandies  of  the  I'nited  States  congress. 

Since  Mr.  Lewis  wrote  'and  since1  he  has  passed 
away,  the  Mormon  influence  has  grown,  and  the  Mor- 
mon power  has  spread,  until  with  every  passing  election 
the  wily,  designing  tools  of  Mormondom.  in  city,  state 
and  national  irovernmenl.  are  being  added  to  in  every 
increasing;  numbers. 

Mormonism  stands  as  the  sworn  enemy  of  all  existing 
forms  of  government,  and  teaches  the  faithful  that  the 
time  will  come  when  the  Mormon  church,  under  the  Mor- 
mon god,  or  gods,  will  overthrow  every  existing  form  of 
manmade  government,  and  their  gods,  by  the  Mormon 
prophet  and  through  the  Mormon  people,  will  rule  the 
nation  and  eventually  the  world. 

Back  of  the  Mormon  church  stands  the  Mormon  Ilier-. 
archy,  and  back  of  the  Mormon  Hierarchy  stands  the: 
Mormon  Prophet,  Joseph  Smith,  the  God-man,  who 
staoids  as  God's  infallible  voice,  to  give  laws  to  the  people. 
All  property  interest  in  Mormondom,  like  in  KddyisiM 
and  Russellism,  when  brought  back  to  its  final  analysis 
i>  vested  in  the  Mormon  head.  Joseph  Smith  controls 
banks,  mines,  railroads,  newspapers,  hotels,  stores,  and 
manufacturing;  industries  of  all  sizes  and  kinds,  and. 
added  to  this,  the  faithful  Mormon  world  pours  into  his 
coffers  the  Mormon  tithe,  an  ever  growing  stream  of 


go)d,    and  for  these  tithes  no  accounting   is  ever   asked 
or  given. 

The  Mormon  church,  under  the  direction  of  its  in- 
fallible head,  owns,  in  a  political  way,  many  of  the 
western  states,  bag  and  baggage,  while  in  other  states  it 
carries  the  balance  of  power,  and  these  facts,  added  to 
the  tremendous  prestige  and  leverage  which  its  financial 
power  gives  in  the  nation,  makes  it  possible  for  the 
Mormon  Prophet  to  handle  the  politicians  of  the  nations 
as-  the  player  at  chess  handles  his  figures  on  the  chess 

For  the  power  that  Mormonism  can  bestow,  or  the 
favors  it  can  grant,  multitudes  of  politicians  stand  ready 
to  deliver  the  nation,  roped,  tied  and  branded,  to  what- 
ever location  the  Mormon  Hierarchy  may  designate. 

Mormonism  stands,  today,  the  brazen  confessor  of  a 
broken  faith,  having  broken  sacred  vows  made  to  the 
nation,  and  having  placed  itself  outside  the  pale  of  de- 
cency and  respect,  through  countenancing  and  sanction- 
ing polygamous  practices  throughout  the  church,  and  yet 
so  intrenched  in  the  life  of  the  nation,  today  is  Mormon- 
ism, through  its  wily  congressional  and  senatorial  tools. 
and  its  millions  in  gold, that  there  is  no  shadow  of  doubt 
or  fear,  in  the  heart  of  Mormondom,  that  is  not  abso- 
lutely safe  from  attack,  let  that  attack  come  from  what- 
ever source  it  may. 

What  Alfred  Henry  Lewis,  in  the  series  of  magizine 
articles  referred  to,  tried  to. tell  us  concerning  Mormon- 
ism, several  years  ago,  one  of  its  own  men  is  better  tell- 
ing us  today. 

Ex-Senator  Cannon,  ex-Mormon  and  the  son  of  a  de- 
ceased apostle  in  Mormondom,  has  recently  sent  out  to 
the  reading  world  a  startling  message,  appearing  in 
book  form,  under  the  title  of  "Under  the  Prophet  in 


rtah,"  and  in  this  well  written  book,  bearing  irrefutable 
facts,  concerning  the  whole  nauseating  history  of 
Mormon  treachery  and  Mormon  indecency! 

From  the  hours  of  its  inception  the  dollar  has  occupied 
the  seat  of  honor  in  the  Mormon  temple. 

\Ye  do  not  mean  to  say  that  this  is  true  of  the  rank 
and  file  f)f  the  Mormon  church,  but  pronouncedly  is  it 
true  concerning  those  who  have  professed  to  be  (Jod's 
voice  in  the  building  of  the  church. 

Whatever  the  revelation,  there  was  never  any  suggest- 
ion in  these  alleged  Cod  sent  messages,  that  the  Mormon 
people  were  to  have  any  voice  or  hand  in  the  manage- 
ment, or  control,  of  the  millions  of  dollars  that  Mormoii- 
dom  was  pouring  into  the  Prophet's  coffers. 

Just  as  the  religious  humbug  is  the  humbuggiest  hum- 
bug that  ever  humbugged  a  humbuggy  people,  so  the 
religious  gull  is  the  gulliest  gull  that  ever  was  gulled  by 
a  religious  guller. 

Men  and  women,  who,  if  they  had  been  converted  to 
<"'hrist,  would  have  given  meagerly  of  their  money  and 
services  to  Christ  and  the  church,  will  if  converted  to 
one  of  these  fads,  give  all  their  property  and  all  their 
time,  and  if  need  he.  their  lives,  to  prove  their  loyalty  to 
their  leader. 

Following  evidences  that  are  unquestioned,  that  one 
of  their  so-called  sacred  books  is  the  cheapest  and  most 
lira/en  of  swindles,  there  has  come  a  spirit  of  question- 
ing amongst  the  younger  generations  of  Mormondom. 
and  from  reports  leaking  out,  these  young  men  are  de- 
manding, amongst  other  things,  that  the  Prophet  account 
to  the  church  for  the  millions  which  the  people  have 
placed  in  his  hands. 

All   is  not  well   in   Mormondom. 

46  IX  THE  (TLT  KIXdDO.M 


Mark  Twain,  in  OIK'  of  his  best  written  hooks,  '•  Chris- 
tian Science."  sums  up  Mrs.  Eddy's  jrifts  and  <rreed.  in 
the  realm  of  money,  with  the  su<>-u-estion,  that  had  she 
entered  the  world  railroading,  she  would  have  probably 
come  to  control  most  of  the  trunk  lines  of  the 'nation. 

Mrs.  Eddy's  ungodly  <rreed  for  lilthy  lucre,  was 
equalled  only  by  her  inordinate1,  insatiable  lust  tor 
power,  and  plaee,  and  popularity.  When  Simon  of  Sa- 
maria offered  <rii'ts  of  <••<)! d  for  the  power  of  the  Holy 
Spirit,  that  he  mi<rht  perform  some  of  the  miracles  which 
St.  Peter,  by  tbe  ]>ower  of  the  Holy  One,  performed,  St. 
Peter  said,  "Thy  money  perish  with  thee,  because  thoii 
hast  thought  the  «rift  of  (Jod  can  he  purchased  with 

Biit  that  surest  ion  which  St.  Peter,  in  horror  and  in 
indignation,  denounced  as  bein.u'  of  the  devil,  as  by 
Christian  Science,  so-called,  not  alone  heralded  as  a  suir- 
jrestion  of  (Jod,  but  further,  this  </ifl.  the  Holy  (Jhost. 
was  placed  in  the  hands  of  Mrs.  Eddy,  as  her  rijjht. 
hedo-(>d  about  by  every  possible  law,  to  be  sold  to  those, 
and  those  only,  who  have  money  to  buy. 

Mind  you,  Mrs.  Eddy,  and  Christian  Science,  so-called, 
teaches  that  "  demonstrably  this  Science  is  the  Holy 
Spirit,  and  if  Simon  of  Samaria  had  lived,  today,  instead 
of  nineteen  centuries  a<ro,  lie  would  have  found  men  and 
women  ready  16  sell  him  the  "(Jift  of  the  Holy  (ihost." 
and  with  that  jrift  the  rijyht  to  perform  mii-acles.  and  to 
m?'ke  merchandise  of  that  jjift  in  just  so  far  as  the  peo- 
ple were  willing  to  be  made  inei'chandise  of. 

Xo  religion,  in  all  the  history  of  the  race,  has  beeii 
handled  on  the-cash-on-delivery  basis  as  has  this  religion. 

While  it  lays  down  as  its  basic  doctrine  the   non-ex  ist- 


of  matter  mid  the  unreality  of  all  things  material, 
yet  no  religion  in  all  the  world  of  fakes  and  fads,  has 
demanded  that  tangible,  ponderable,  material  dollars, 
either  in  currency,  gold  or  silver,  be  placed  on  the  counter 
before  the  goods  are  wrapped  up.  as  lias  this  religion. 

While  this  revelation,  according  to  the  Christian  Sci- 
ence schedule,  was  given  of  (iod,  through  Mrs.  Eddy,  to 
the  sinning,  suffering  millions  of  the  sorrowing  race,  yet 
no  religion  has  been  hedged  about  by  copyright  and 
legal  might,  by  insinuation  and  denunciation,  and  ex- 
coriation, as  has  this  "science."  so-called. 

In  a  later  study,  we  will  deal,  at  least  briefly,  with  the 
heartless,  venomous  and  dastardly  attacks  made  by  Mrs. 
Eddy  on  some  of  her  associates  in  the  cult,  whose  only 
offense  was  that  of  refusing  to  longer  tolerate  her  dicta- 
torial, domineering  egotism  and  selfishness. 

For  twelve  lessons  in  Christian  Science  Mrs.  Eddy 
chargecl  $300. 

These  twelve  lessons  were  finally  cut  to  seven. 

With  100  students  in  class,  Mrs.  Eddy  could  give  an 
hour's  lecture  and  be  the  richer  by  about  $4000. 

For  her  verbose,  ethereal,  pithless  platitudes  she  asked 
and  received  her  own  price,  while  for  "Science  and 
Health,"  possibly  the  best  written  of  the  many  manu- 
scripts of  the  much  discussed  P.  P.  Quimby  (which  she 
doubtless  plagarized  verbatim  and  ad  finem),  which  prob- 
ably cost  her  fifty  cents  a  copy  delivered  from  the  press, 
for  this,  the  key  pin  of  the  whole  Science  temple,  from 
three  to  six  dollars — according  to  binding — was  asked 
and  received. 

Xor  was  this  all — these  different  books,  placed  on  the 
market  at  extortionate  figures,  were  not  alone  to  be 
bought  by  the  "faithful,"  but  they  were  to  assist  in 
their  sale  on  threat  of  ex-communication.  In  the  Chris- 


tiaii  Science  Journal,  and  over  her  signature,  Mrs.  Eddy 
warns  the  faithful:  "Christian  Scientists  in  the  United 
States  and  Canada,  Science  and  Health  with  the  Key  to 
the  Scriptures,  and  my  other  published  works,  are  the 
proper  instructors  for  this  hour.  It  shall  be"  the  duty 
of  all  Christian  Scientists  to  circulate  and  to  sell  as 
many  of  these  books  as  they  can.  If  a  member  of  the 
First  Church  of  Christ  Scientist  shall  fail  to  obey  this 
injunction,  it  will  render  him  liable  to  lose  his  member- 
ship in  this  church/' 

Though  a  revelation  direct  from  God,  no  revelation  has 
had  to  be  revised  as  often  as  Science  and  Health — the 
revised  editions  running  up  into  laughable  and  unbe- 
lievable numbers. 

And  why  has  Science  and  Health  been  so  often  revised  ? 
In    February,   1908,   Mrs.   Eddy    notifies   the     faithful, 
through    the    Journal,    of    a    soon    to    appear    "revised" 
edition : 

"I  request  Christian  Scientists,  universally,  to  read 
the  paragraph  beginning  at  line  thirty  on  page  442.  in 
the  edition  of  Science  and  Health  which  wrill  be  issued 
February  29th.  I  consider  the  information  there  given 
to  be  of  the  greatest  importance." 

And  what  was  this  information  that  was  so  important 
that  Christian  Scientists,  "UNIVERSALLY,"  were  to 
purchase  a  revised  edition  of  Science  and  Health  to  get? 
Here  it  is:  "Christian  Scientists,  be  a  law  unto  your- 
selves, that  mental  malpractice  can  harm  you  neither 
when  you  are  asleep  nor  when  you  are  awake.7 

For  that  little  squirt  of  meaningless  nonsense,  a  revised 
edition  of  Science  and  Health  was  called  into  existence, 
which  doubtless  netted  the  Eddy  "till"  several  thousands 
of  dollars. 

Through    changing   chapters   and   shifting   paragraphs. 


and   injecting    meaningless    phrases,   '^revised*'   edition, 

after  "revised"  edition  was  rushed  out  to  the  faithful. 
and  the  faithful  stood  and  delivered,  until,  in  the  few 
years  that  Mrs.  Eddy  had  this  "'gold-brick  "  to  work,  she 
succeeded  in  stacking  up  the  neat  little  fortune  of  over 
two  millions  of  dollars. 

According1  to  Science,  so-called,  she  "copy-righted** 
the  Holy  Ghost,  and  monopolized  the  "second  coining" 
of  Christ,  and  sold  these  out  for  cash  to  any  fool  that 
would  buy. 


Dr.  William  T.  Ellis,  the  noted  journalist,  who  at  that 
time  was  editor  afield  for  the  Continent,  made  a  trip  to 
Brooklyn  to  study  Mr.  Russell  and  the  Russell  movement, 
first  hand. 

"T  wejit  to  Brooklyn,"  Dr.  Ellis  said,  "seekinjr  a 
prophet  and  I  found  a  business  man  !  Instead  of  a 
humble  seeker  after  truth.  T  found  one  of  the  cleverest 
propagandists  of  tin1  aii'e — a  man  before  whom  John 
Alexander  Dowie,  Mary  Baker  Eddy.  Madame  Blavatsky. 
Abbas  Effendi.  Elijah  Sandford  and  Joseph  Smith  pale 
into  puerile  ineffectiveness.  When  it  comes  to  raisinjr 
money,  most  pastors,  secretaries,  and  financial  repre- 
sentatives of  benevolent  causes,  can  sit  at  Russell's  feet." 

Tn  a  little  booklet  of  wide  circulation,  issued  by  a 
Presbyterian  minister  in  Canada,  a  minister  whom  Pastor 
Russell  has  sued  for  libel,  there  appear  the  following 
interesting  facts : 

"  1'nder  direct  examination  by  his  attorneys,  (quoting 
from  Facts  and  Move  Facts  Concerning  'Pastor*  Russell) 
he  was  asked.  '  Xow.  if  these  charges  did  appear  in  the 
Brooklyn  Eajrle  ( charged  with  bein«r  connected  with 
lead,  asphalt  and  turpentine  companies.)  are  anv  of 


them  true?'  'They  are  not  true,'  was  Pastor  Russell '& 
most  emphatic  answer.  But  when  he  was  forced  into 
the  witness  box  by  the  defense  and  learned  that  we  had 
Ilie  facts  about  the  companies  at  hand  and  the  charters 
of  them,  in  our  possession,  lie  made  a  clean  breast  of  the 
whole  thin^.  lie  confessed  being  a  stock  holder  in  the 
Pittsburgh  Asphaltum  Co..  which  afterward  became  the 
California  Asphaltum  Co.,  the  organizer  of  the  Selica 
Brick  Co..  which  he  entirely  managed  from  the  Bible 
House  on  Arch  street,  Pittsburgh,  the  Brazilian  Turpen- 
tine Co..  of  which  he  had  a  controlling  interest,  a  eeme- 
tery  company  located  in  Pittsburgh,  the  United  States 
Coal  and  Coke  Co.,  with  a  capital  stock  of  $100,000,  and 
the  "Watch  Tower  and  Tract  Society,  of  which  he  is 
president  and  owner." 

When  Pastor  Russell  sued  the  Brooklyn  Eagle,  after 
it  had  exposed  some  of  his  cheats  and  swindles,  and  the 
case  was  brought  into  court,  it  was  proven,  that  while 
the  pastor  was  predicting  the  end  of  the  world  in  Oct- 
ober, 1914,  and  the  faithful  everywhere  were  getting 
ready  for  the  final  consummation — some  even  selling^ 
their  all,  and  standing  ready  to  pour  their  money  into 
the  "Pastor's"  till,  that  the  "Pastor"  was  evidently 
getting  ready  for  everything  but  the  end  of  the  world. 
It  was  at  this  trial  that  the  discovery  was  made  that 
Pastor  Russell  Avas  president,  or  controlling  factor,  in  a 
whole  series  of  interlocking  corporations,  through  which 
he  translated  his  business.,  and  it  was  there  admitted 
that  one  of  these  organizations  had  brought  him  over  two 
million  dollars  in  ten  short  years. 

Russell  ism,  like  Mormonism  and  Eddy  ism.  may  give 
surface  indication  of  a  far-reaching  organization,  with 
officers  and  directors  galore,  and  to  the  world  these  may 
appear  to  have  authority  and  power,  but  to  those  who 


stood,  or  who  stand,  on  tin-  inside  find  under  the  domin- 
ation of  a  Smith,  or  an  Eddy,  or  a  Russell,  then-  never 
has  been,  and  there  never  will  he,  any  false  notions  as 
Jo  where  stood  the  court  of  final  appeals. 

All  the  millions  of  dollars  that  have  been  poured  into 
;he  .Mormon,  or  the  Eddy,  or  the  Russell  till,  centralize 
and  focalize  back  into  the  unquestioned  control  of  thr 
ones,  or  the  one,  \\iio  stands  as  the  supreme  head. 

Through  paid  space  in  most  of  the  leadinir  dailies  «.f 
this  country  Mr.  Russell  has  advertised  his  wares,  ai.d 
DO  more  expert  advertiser  ever  entered  public  print. 

His  no-hell-ism,  and  second-chance-ism,  appeals  and 
appeals  profoundly  to  millions  of  this  sin-cursed  world, 
and  the  average  man.  whose  life  is  tyiveu  over  to  pillage 
arid  plunder,  would  be  glad  enough  to  spend  a  few  dol- 
lars, or  a  few  thousands  of  dollars,  if  he  could  have 
''Pastor  Russell,  or  any  other  "pastor,*5  convince  him 
tl  at  those  two  propositions  were  true. 

Even  the  papers,  however,  are  beginning  to  rebel,  and 
only  recently,  the  Chicago  Tribune  and  the  Chicago 
Herald,  each  in  turn,  cancelled  its  Russell  contract,  and 
followed  these  cancellations  with  a  public  apology  for 
running  the  Russell  copy,  even  for  pay. 

The  Tribune,  which  claims  to  be  America's  greatest 
daily,  in  cancelling  the  Russell  contract,  offered  as  a 
reason,  not  that  "Pastor"  Russell  advanced  new  theories 
in  the  religious  world,  but  the  cancellation  was  decided 
upon  because  of  his  questionable  reputation  in  the  world 
of  morals  and  business. 

Following  this  cancellation  and. apology  to  its  readers, 
the  Tribune  ran  a  series  of  articles,  covering  a  week, 
dealing  with  the  seamy  side  of  the  "pastor's"  life. 

The  divorced  wife  of  "Pastor"  Russell  says  her 
former  husband  is  now  seek  inn1  to  imitate  -John  Alex- 


ander  Dowic,  who,  as  Elijah  the  Second,  rode  up  and 
down  the  land  in  special  trains,  dressed  and  conducting 
himself  like  a  king-. 

Across  the  continent  "Pastor"  Kussell  has  gone  on 
special  trains  to  be  wined  and  dined,  and  lauded,  and 
applauded,  by  his  poor,  deluded  followers,  and  always 
as  the  very  mouthpiece  of  God,  and  the  bearer  of  a  new 
dispensation  to  the  world. 

On  the  question  of  the  dollar,  Mormonism,  Eddy  ism 
and  Eussellism,  are  alike,  in  that  neither  of  them  will 
stand  the  test  of  honest  investigation. 




"But  th<'  religion  (or  wisdom)  that  is  from  above,  is- 
first  pure,  then  peaceable,  gentle,  and  easy  to  be  en- 
treated, full  of  mercy  and  good  fruits,  witliout  partiality, 
and  without  hypocrisy." 

THERE  is  no  word,  probably,  in  the  vernacular  of 
the  church,  more  often  used  and  more  often  abused 
than  the  word  "religion!" 

At  all  sorts  of  church  gatherings  the  word  is  passed 
from  lip  to  lip,  and  always  used  in  the  same  narrow,  ex- 
clusive and  limited  sense,  in  which  Christianity  is  used. 

To  multitudes,  the  words,  "religion"  and  "Chris- 
tianity" are  synonymous,  and  yet  these  two  words  should 
be  as  widely  separated  as  the  poles. 

To  be  true,  to  be  a  Christian  is  to  be  religious,  but  to 
be  religious  is  not  necessarily  to  be  a  Christian! 

Here  is  the  danger  in  using  these  two  words  inter- 
changeably— men  and  women  come  to  believe  that  one's 
safety  depends  entirely  on  whether  one  is  or  is  not  re- 

To  be  religious  is  to  be  saved,  they  think. 

Now  the  Bible,  unquestionably  and  incontrovertibly. 
teaches  that  a  man  may  be  the  most  religious  of  the  re- 
ligious, giving  his  fortune  to  spread  his  theories  through 
th'1  land,  and  at  last  giving  his  body  to  the  martyr's  fire, 
and  then  die  a  Christless  death,  lie  in  a  Christless  grave, 
stand  at  a  Christless  judgment  bar,  and  live  through  a 
Christless  eternity. 


To  insist,  as  some  do.  that  it  matters  not  whether  you 
are  a  Mormon,  or  an  Eddyite,  or  a  Russellite,  or  a  Uni- 
tarian, or  a  Universalist,  a  Mohammedan,  or  what  not, 
to  be  religious  is  to  be  saved,  is  to  advance  a  theory 

that    bankrupts   the    Word   of   (iod.   does   away   with    the 
Atonement   and   makes   Cod   a   liar. 

11'  it  were  true  that  all  men  and  women  who  are  re- 
ligious are  to  be  saved,  then  all  men  and  women  would 
be  saved. 

Swing  out  into  whatever  realm  of  human  experience 
you  will,  and  all  the  way  up  and  all  the  way  down,  you 
will  find  that  practically  every  man  or  woman,  of  what- 
ever color  or  kind,  has  a  religion.  Even  those  who  are 
the  most  bitter  in  the  denunciation  of  all  religions,  are 
dominated  by  superstititions  that  become  to  them  as  real 
as  life  and  as  awful  as  death. 

There  are  a  hundred  different  religions  abroad  in  tin1 

Some  of  tbese  religions  are  in  open  antagonism  to 
( 'hrist  and  His  church. 

Some  of  these  religions  are  professedly  friendly,  but 
unlike  the  religion  of  Christ  in  every  essential  of  their 

Some  of  these  religions  are  claiming  to  he  the  genuine 
article — claiming  to  be  the  religion  of  Christ,  dressing 
in  the  livery  of  Christ's  church,  and  using  the  language 
of  Christ's  church,  and  adopting  the  same  form  of.  wor- 
ship as  Christ's  church,  and  yet,  down  underneath  all 
these  pretensions,  there  are  the  false  doctrines  that 
brand  these  religions  as  the  worst  sort  of  fakes! 

The  more  nearly  like  the  real  thing  a   religion  may  be 
come,   without   being  the   real  thing,   the  more   damnablv 
dangerous   that   movement   becomes. 

Over  against  these  vagaries  of  men,  (iod  throws,  with 


the  finality  of  the  judgment,  the  verities  of  His  plainly 
written  and  infallible  truth,  and  if  men  turn  to  these 
false  prophets  and  worship  their  false  Ghrists,  then  they 
must  stand  at  the  Chi  istless  judgment  seat,  to  be  judged 
with  those  who  have  openly  rebelled  against  the  govern- 
ment of  (Jod ! 

(rod's  word  teaches  us  that  there  is  but  one  religion 
that  can  wash  the  heart,  elevate  and  purify  and  ennoble 
the  life,  and  stand  us  at  last  faultless  before  the  throne, 
and  that  is  the  religion,  blood  bought  and  blood  wrought 
— the  religion  of  Christ.  This  religion,  James  tells  us. 
"is  first  pure,  then  peaceable,  gentle,  and  easy  to  be 
entreated,  full  of  mercy,  and  good  fruits,  without  par- 
tiality and  without  hypocrisy." 

That  these  "Tsms,"  under  discussion  in  this  series,  do 
not  stand  the  test  when  measured  along  side  of  this 
standard,  goes  without  saying. 

''Pure"  they  are  not.  for,  as  we  shall  see  in  coming 
studies,  neither  of  them  flows  from  a  fountain  that  is 

"Peaceable"  they  are  not.  as  Mormonism  stands  the 
sworn  enemy  of  the  nation,  while  the  other  two  present 
a  ''peace"  that  is  a  fake  peace,  for  there  can  be  no 
peace  where  Christ's  cross  is  made  of  none  effect. 

"Gentle"  and  "easy  to  be  entreated"  they  are  not. 
as  men  and  women  will  testify,  who  have  had  reason 
to  question  their  faith. 

"Full  of  mercy"  they  are  not,  as  Science,  so-called, 
teaches  that  to  sympathize  with  sin  and  suffering  is 
to  dethrone  God  as  the  God  of  the  universe. 

"Full  of  good  fruits"  they  art4  not.  for  how  can  good 
fruit  grow  on  a  corrupt  tree? 

"Partial"  they  are.  but  possibly  no  more  so  than  th»j 


irreat    organized    church    of    Christ,    for    their    partiality 
abounds  as  well. 

""Without  hypocrisy"  they  are  not.  for  hypocrisy  lies 
at  the  heart  of  every  one  of  these  fads. 

Now  then,  the  question  arises,  if  those  religious  have 
their  distinct  fields,  and  each  claims  to  ho  God's  truth 
to  this  age,  and  each  substitutes  tor  the  Bible,  and  each 
makes  an  attack  on  the  deity  of  Christ,  and  each  has 
made  merchandise  of  the  people,  and  each  flows  from 
a  questionable  source  (as  we  shall  see  in  coming  studies,) 
then  why  do  men  and  women  of  unquestioned  mental 
mid  moral  integrity  take  up  with  these  cults? 

In  part  at  least,  the  recruits  to  the  ranks  of  these 
"Isms"  are  there  because  they  were  offered  something 
"extra"  by  these  cults,  to  turn  their  time,  money  and 
service  that  way. 

Each  of  these  "Isms"  makes  an  appeal  for  followers 
on  the  distinct  ground  that  it  will  do  something  "big" 
for  humanity  that  the  church  has  never  offered  to  do. 

This  is,  in  very  large  part,  the  secret  of  the  rapid 
growth  of 'these  cults. 

Without  the  "prizes''  which  they  offer,  they  would 
have  never  been  heard  of. 

What  are  their  prizes — and  wrhat   is  their  bonus? 


"There  shall  arise  false  Christs,  and  false  prophets, 
and  shall  show  great  signs  and  wonders." 

America  is  pronouncedly  and  confessedly  the  home  of 
the  bargain  seeker. 

Here  he  originated,  and  here  he  lives,  and  here  he 
propagates  his  kind. 

The  nine-cent,  and  the  nineteen-cent,  and  the 


nine  cent,  and  the  thirty-nine  rent  counters  of  the  aver- 
age  department   store   are   crowded  with   all  ages,  sexes, 
colors  and  kinds. 

The  stores  that  offer  the  greatest  bargains  liave  the 
greatest  crowds,  and  around  the  eounter  on  which  tlie 
special  bargains  are  stacked  tliere  crowd  the  rich  and 
poor. — the  old  and  young — the  freaks,  and  the  freckles:, 
and  tin1  flips  and  the  flops,  and  flirts  and  things.  This 
bargain  hunting,  pri/.e  seeking.  bonus  chasing  streak 
rims  through  the  warp  and  woof  of  common  humanity. 

The  devil  knows  the  weakness  of  the  race,  as  God 
knows  both  its  weakness  and  its  strength. 

It  is  the  conviction  of  multitudes  that  these  "Isms" 
,were  concocted  in  the  lower  regions,  and  each  owes  its 
rapid  growth  in  the  world  to  the  fact  that  each  makes 
its  appeal  to  this  bargain  seeking  craze  that  sweeps  tli^ 

.  Just  as  you  will  find  the  rich,  and  the  refined  and  edu- 
cated, crowding  the  harp/a  MI  counters  of  America,  elbow- 
ing their  way  through  poverty,  ignorance  and  vice,  so 
you  will  find  in  these  "Isms"  all  acres,  and  scattered 
through  the  three,  all  classes,  and  they  are  there  for  no 
other  reason  under  heaven,  than  that  they  were  offered 
"special"  inducements  for  marching  with  these  cults! 

Mormon  ism.  Eddyism  and  Russellism,  have  not  made 
any  very  irreat  headway  amonest  the  other  nations  of 
the  world,  for  the  other  nations  of  the  world  are  not 
craxed  with  bargain  seeking1,  and  especially  is  this  true. 
when  it  crimes  to  religion. 

The  religion  of  Christ  is  never  placed  on  exhibition  a! 
reduced  prices,  and  is  never  announced  for  sale  sand- 
wiched in  between  rattle  boxe^  and  teething  rubbers. 

Hut  what  are  the  special  inducements  that  these  fake- 
religions  hold  out  to  their  blinded  dupes? 


Let  us  see ! 

To  begin   with,   Mormonism   makes   its   special   appeal 

for  followers  on  the  ground  that  salvation  can  V»e  had 
by  observing  rites  and  forms,  and  that  salvation  in  Mor- 
monism carries  with  it  the  prospects  of  becoming  a  Cod 
in  the  world  to  come. 

It  was  with  the  assurance,  "Ye  shall  be  as  gods/'  Miat 
the  devil  intoxicated  our  first  parents,  and  led  them  to 
their  overthrow. 

In  Mormondom  the  assurances  are  changed  from  "\e 
>b:dl  be  as  gods,"  to  "Ye  shall  be  (iods. " 

There   are   two   forces    in   every   human   life   that    must 
i.c  subjugated  and  controled — one*  is  the  "Pride  of  L'.iV. 
and  the  other  is  the   "Lust   of  the  flesh." 

The  world's  greatest  prophets,  and  priests,  and  preach- 
ers have  been  those  who  have  known  the  struggle  of  the 
angel  and  the  beast,  and  they  have  arisen  to  the  highest 
levels  of  service  and  holiness,  because  the  beast  was  slain 
and  the  angel  permitted  to  live. 

This  struggle  means  a  struggle  to  death,  and  heaven— 
the  heaven   which  Christ  prepares— can   only  be  won  by 
the  conquest  of  our  baser  self. 

The  Mormon  heaven  is  not  attained  that  way. 

"  Frnitfnlness"  in  the  marriage  relations  here,  which 
means  polygamy  in  its  most  disastrous  and  damnable 
forms— which  further  means  a  complete  reign  of  the 
brute,  is  the  surest  way,  according  to  Mormonism,  to 
attain  to  the  level  of  a  god  hereafter. 

Eternal  life  and  deification  are  not  to  be  secured 
through  faith  in  Christ  and  through  annihilation  of  the 
beast,  but,  rather,  these  boons  are  to  be  won  through 
works  that  you  are  able  to  perform  in  Mormondom,  and 
through  a  free  rein  to  your  animal  passions. 


The  Mormon  heaven  is  a  place  where  husbands  live 
with  their  wives  continuing  the  same  relationship  that 
they  sustained  toward  them  while  here  in  this  life. 

The  Mormon  heaven  is  a  place  where  sensuality  in  its 
rankest  forms  is  sanctified  and  glorified. 

Then1  art1  many  «*'ods  in  the  Mormon  heaven,  and  what 
we  arc  now  these  «rods  once  were,  and  what  they  are  now. 
we  may  some  day  become. 

•loin  us,  is  the  appeal  of  Mormondom.  and  we  will  let 
you  work  out  your  salvation. 

Join  us.  is  the  appeal  of  Mormonism.  and  we  will  leg- 
alize and  glorify  the  outr caching  of  the  brute. 

•Join  us,  is  the  appeal  of  Mormonism.  and  we  will  exalt 
you  to  the  throne  of  a  deity  in  the  world  to  come. 

"Ye  shall  be  as  «rods."  said  the  devil. 

"Ye  shall   be  as  u-ods."  says  Mormonism. 


"But  there  were  false  prophets  also  amonii'  the  people, 
even  as  there  shall  be  false  prophets  anionjr  you.  who 
privily  shall  brin<r  in  damnable  heresies,  even  denyinjr 

the  Lord  that  bought  them 

Through  covetousness  shall  they  with  feiirned  words 
make  merchandise  of  you." 

What  is  the  bonus  which   Eddyism  holds  out? 

When  it  comes  to  the  immediate  present,  the  bonus* 
which  Eddyism  offers  makes  the  bonus  of  Mormonism 
and  Russelism  look  like  three-cent  pieces  with  holrs 
punched  in  them. 

When  it  comes  to  the  bonus  of  the  Scientist,  having  to 
do  with  the  life  that  is  to  come.  Mormonism  find  Russell- 
ism  run  neck  and  neck  with  Eddyism. 

Mrs.  Marv  Baker  (Jlover  Patterson  Eddv.  in  one  of  her 


published  statements,  made  the  claim  that  nine-tenths 
of  her  followers  had  been  healed  in  Christian  Science. 

This  was  the  strength  of  her  movement,  she  would 
claim,  and  yet  it  is  probable  that  here  is  the  weakness  of 
her  movement. 

A  score  of  religions,  within  the  past  century,  have 
been  launched  and  have  grown  to  rather  appalling  pro- 
portions,— religions  that  have  made  their  one  appeal  on 
the  basis  of  healing  for  the  body. 

These  religions  that  wrought  such  wonders  — Dowieism 
in  the  past  few  years,  for  instance — ran  their  course, 
drew  thousands  out  of  our  churches,  went  to  pieces  and 
left  the  sad  wrecks  of  their  blasphemy  and  intrigue 
scattered  everywhere. 

Away  back  in  the  days  of  Job,  the  devil  flung  this 
challenge  into  the  face  of  God.  "Skin  for  skin,  yea,  all 

that  a  man  hath  will  he  give  for  his  life 

Touch  his  bones  and  his  flesh,  and  he  will  curse  thee  to 
thy  face." 

God  called  the  devil's  challenge  and  Job  was  placed  in 
the  fiery  furnace  of  testing,  and  yet.  throughout  it  all,  he 
sinned  not. 

The  devil  missed  his  guess  on  the  righteous  Job,  but 
that  same  test,  ninety-five  times  out  of  a  hundred,  will 
bring  some  sad  revelations,  today. 

Let  some  cult  come  along,  today,  promising  deliv- 
erance from  the  toothache,  ingrowing  toenails,  corns  and 
warts,  and  it  matters  not  what  the  doctrines  it  brings, 
multitudes  of  church  members  will  pack  their  belong- 
ings, and  land  in  that  cult  cam]),  bag  and  baggage. 

To  become  an  Eddyite,  means  to  do  something  more 
than  curse  God  to  His  face.- — it  means  to  count  the  blood 
of  Christ — "the  blood  of  the  covenant  an  unholy  tiling*' 
-  or  an  unnessary  thing. 


"While  Eddyism  teaches  us  that  a  lie  is  all  the  devil 
there  is,  .Jesus  Christ  teaches  us  that  the  devil  is  a  liar — 
and  is  the  father  of  liars. 

More  than  this,  we  are  warned  that  this  liar  is  to  ap- 
pear as  an  angel  of  light,  and  deceive  the  very  elect,  if 

Nine-tenths  of  the  Christian  Scientists  are  in  Christian 
Science  because  of  its  promise  of  health  to  them  or  loved 

11  these  men  and  women  will  be  frank  with  you,  they 
will  tell  you  that  they  had  to  blindfold  themselves  and 
'"'back"  into  the  so-called  heaven  of  the  Scientist,  and 
multitudes  of  them,  even  now,  will  tell  you  frankly  that 
they  don't  understand  Christian  Science,  but  it  has 
"done"  so  and  so  in  a  physical  way,  and  therefore,  it's 
«.f  God. 

This  same  old  cheat,  or  swindle  has  been  worked  on 
the  gullible  race  by  most  of  the  religions  swindles  of  the 
world,  in  all  the  centuries  gone. 

To  the  Mormon,  the  body  is  all. — it  is  to  be  gloryfied 
and  deified. 

To  the  Scientist  the  body  is  nothing, — it  is  to  be  denied 
—  it  does  not  exist. 

Enlist  with  us.  is  the  appeal  of  Eddyism;  matter  is 
non-existent,  and  therefore,  there  can  be  no  suffering,  no 
sorrow  and  no  death. 

Enlist  with  us.  is  the  further  appeal  of  Eddyism;  man 
is  Incapable  of  sin,  therefore,  there  can  be  no  judgment, 
no  hell  and  no  lost  souls. 

Mormon  ism  magnifies  and  glorifies  the  beast,  and 
promises,  through  good  works,  wrought  out  in  the  Mor- 
mon faith,  one  may  rise  to  become  a  (>od  in  the  world  l»e- 


EddyiMii.  ignores  and  denies,  not  alone  the  power  of  the 
l)east.  but  the  existence  of  the  beast,  and  calls  men  away 
from  intelligent  and  persistent  warfare  against  sin,  to 
teach  them  that  all  evil,  whether  phyiscal  or  moral,  is  to 
be  banished  through  a  pi  ocess  of  elevated  thinking. 

Everthing  for  which  Christ  died,  according  to  Christian 
Science,  is  but  the  fabric  of  an  unpleasant  dream,  and 
whatever  of  havoc  those  dreams  have  brought,  to  you. 
and  the  world,  these  bad  effects  can  be  erased  for  time 
and  eternity,  by  just  denying  their  reality  and  their 

Eddyism  is  idealism  gone  to  seed  it  is  idealism  ether- 
ealixed — it  is  an  evanescent  concoction  of  tine  spun,  im- 
practical dreamings,  backed  up  with  some  rather  coarsely 
woven  scheming,  wrapped  about  with  some  high  sound- 
in  <r,  piously  expressed  blasphemy,  which  taken  all  in  all. 
makes  a  very  pretty  little  prize  package  for  men  and 
women  A\  ho  seek  the  bargain  counter  when  thinking  (Jod- 
\vard  and  heavenward. 

In  Mormondom  you  will  find  men  and  women  as  pure 
as  those  who  belong  to  any  church,  but  they  are  this 
despite  their  religion. 

Mormonism  will  appeal  to  the  average  man  more  tlrm 
to  the  average  woman. 

On  the  other  hand,  on  Eddyism.  you  will  find  the  large 
nrijrrity  of  worshippers  are  women. 

1  ddyism  appeals  to  women  as  it  does  not  to  men 

Amongst  Scientists,  so-called,  there  is  one  noticeable 
iact.  and  that  is  it  becomes  a  haven  for  grass  widows  and 
grass  widower*,  and  a  rallying  place  for  m.-irried  couples 
who  have  no  children. 

Since  sin  and  the  sinner,  alike,  are  nothingness,  and 
man  is  incapable  of  sin.  there  is  no  crime,  according  to  the 


Scientist    viewpoint,    for    married    couples    to    evade    the 
responsibilities  of  parentage! 

Eddyism,  like  Mormonism,  offers   its  bonus 


"A  faithful  witness  will  not  lie.  but  a  false  witness 
"will  utter  lies." 

At  the  lowest   extreme  stands  Mormonism. 

At  the  highest   extreme  stands   Eddyism. 

Between  the  two,  swings  RusseJlism. 

Kussellism  does  not  cast  a  halo  about  the  lower  passion 
of  men  ur«rin«:  their  sanctih'cation  here  and  their  deifica- 
tion hereafter,  nor  does  Kussellism  swinjr  to  the  other 
extreme  and  teach  its  followers  that  these  passions,  with 
the  sorrow,  and  suffering,  and  heart-ache  and  heart-break 
of  a  race  are  not  real. 

The  bonus  which  Kussellism  has  to  offer  its  followers  is 
widely  different  from  that  which  these  other  cults  offer. 

Kussellism  stands  out  distinctively  in  the  world  of  re- 
ligious cults  through  the  fact  that  it  offers  to  all  a 
"second-chance'  — an  opportunity  beyond  the  <>'rave  for 
every  man  and  women,  to  repent,  believe  and  have  life. 

According  to  Kussellism.  you  can  slap  God  in  the  face, 
do  despite  to  the  spirit  of  j>-raee,  and  tread  under  foot 
the  blood  of  Christ,  die  with  foul  oaths  on  your  lips, — 
hating  God  and  God's  church  and  God's  Christ,  and 
everything  pure  and  worthy  and  jrood.—  and  then,  after 
a  rest  in  the  ^rrave.  in  unconsious  sleep,  you  are  res- 
urrected, to  stand  before  an  open  door,  ti:;»'  opens  into 

If  there  you  refuse  to  accept  Christ  and  have  life,  you 
are  taken  away  to  be  annihilated —  wiped  out  root  ;md 


That  any,  there,  will  accept  annihilation  in  preference 
to  Jesus  Christ  and  life,  is  hardly  probable,  which  means 
that  all  .men  and  women  are  to  be  saved. 

Probably  ninety-nine  out  of  a  hundred  of  the  Bussellite 
following  were  attracted  to  Russell  and  the  Russell  move- 
ment through  the  alleged  gospel  of  a  second  chance. 

This  doctrine  appeals  and  appeals  profoundly  to  two 
classes  of  the  earth's  millions. 

The  first  class  lias  the  sympathy  of  every  riglit  minded 

These  are  the  men  and  women  who  have  loved  ones 
dead — loved  ones  who  lived  and  died  outside  the  Christ- 
ian  faith. 

To  these,  the  Russell  gospel,  so-called,  of  a  ''second- 
chance,''  comes  as  the  one  ray  of  light,  flashing  into 
what  seems  to  be  unending,  impenetrable  darkness. 

These  men  and  women  grasp  at  Russellism,  with  its 
second  probation,  as  a  drowning  man  grasps  at  a  straw, 
and  in  the  hope  that  this  professed  prophet  speaks  Hod's 
message,  they  are  ready  to  honor  him  with  their  money 
and  their  support. 

The  other  class  deserves  no  sympathy — either  of  man 
or  God. 

The  second  class  is  composed  of  those  who  hate  right- 
eousness and  love  vice,  and  who  will  persist  to  the  end. 
in  a  viciously  immoral  state— hating  (iod  and  (lod's 
church  and  God's  people. 

To  such  as  these  the  so-called  gospel  of  a  "second- 
chance"  comes  as  a  sweet  morsel  to  he  rolled  beneath 
the  tongue. 

There  is  no  announcement  that  (Jod  could  make  from 
His  throne  that  would  the  more  quickly  throw  the  world 
in  open  rebellion  to  His  government,  and  plunge  the  race 
the  more  quickly  into  every  conceivable  excess  of  sin 

IN  THE  (TLT  KIX(;i)OM  05 

and  crime,  than  the  assurance  direct  from  His  throne, 
that  every  imm  and  woman,  whatever  their  record  here, 
was  to  have  another  opportunity  for  accepting  Christ 
and  being  saved  on  the  other  side  of  death  ! 

You  can  take  the  bonus  which  each  of  these  religious 
cults  offers,  and  without  their  "special73  revelations,  and 
their  own  "substitution,"  they  would  have  no  semblance 
of  authority  for  the  promises  they  make. 

To  make  their  fake  work,  each  in  turn  had  to  secure 
a  "special"  dispensation,  and  have  ushered  in  a  "new" 
revelation  and  it  is  this  special  key  that  they  ask  you  to 
accept  as  their  divine  credentials,  given  them  direct  from 

Each  of  these  religious  founders  was  as  ignorant  of 
the  dead  languages  as  a  woodpecker,  and  yet  each  has 
the  effrontery  to  ask  the  public  to  believe  that  they 
have  gone  back  to  the  Scriptures,  in  their  original 
languages,  Creek  and  Hebrew,  and  have  given  to  the 
world  the  "correct"  interpretation  of  these  essential 

Over  against  their  assault  with  an  attempt  to  trans- 
late Cod  s  word  from  the  original,  there  stands  the  com- 
bined learning  of  a  united  church,  assuring  us  that  these 
abortive  attempts  at  translation  are  so  glaring,  crude. 
and  false,  that  the  joke  of  it  all  is  sufficiently  great  to 
throw  all  hell  into  one  loud,  lonjr  guffaw! 

"What  'tools'  we  mortals  be." 

Mormon  ism  runs  fastest  amongst  those  who  are 
ignorant  and  passion  dominated. 

Eddyism  runs  fastest  amongst  those  who  want  a  re- 
ligion without  the  ''shame  of  the  cross" — without  a 
bleeding,  dying  Savior,  who  died  as  a  ransom  for  many. 

Russellism  runs  fastest  amongst  those  who  have  loved 
ones  dead  out  of  Christ,  or  who  want  to  live  like  -devils 


•c  and  rise  to  live  like  angels  in   the  hereafter. 

Apart  from  the  special  prizes  which  each  offers,  these 
religions  would  never  have  been  heard  of  three  removes 
from  the  front  door  of  their  own  home,  and  their  home 
is  where  all  lies  centralize  and  focalize. 

"Ye  shall  be  jrocls,"  says  Mormonism. 

"Ye  shall  not  be  sick,"  says  Eddy  ism. 

"Ye  shall  have  another  chance,"  says  Russellism. 

Which  lie  do  yon  choose  to  believe? 




WE  are  urged  to  bury  the  past  in  the  past,  and 
let  the  grave  of  the  past  be  closed,  to  be  opened 
no  more  forever.  If  God  has  forgiven  the  past, 
after  the  past  has  been  atoned  for  as  best  it  can  be 
atoned  for,  then  the  wise,  ami  the  sensible,  and  the  re- 
ligious thing  to  do,  we  are  told,  is  to  let  the  dead  past 
remain  buried  forever  in  the  past. 

What  jnan  has  wril  ten  he  has  written,  and  that  record, 
whether  good  or  bad,  is  down  on  the  pages  of  his  past 
history,  back  to  which  he  could  not  go,  even  if  he  chose, 
and  a  line  of  which  lie  could  not  erase  or  change. 

What  (iod  has  forgiven  and  forgotten,  sinful,  erring, 
fallible  man.  should  likewise  forgive  and  seek  to  forget. 

Milton's  description  of  a  hell  hound  does  not  do 
justice  to  the  human  fiend  incarnate  who,  with  no  sense 
of  mercy,  or  pity,  or  justice,  goes  digging  into  the  closed 
chapters  of  a  good  man's  life  to  parade  before  the  pub- 
!;<•  ira/e  any  skeleton  which  (iod  and  time  have  buried. 

On  the  other  hand,  when  men  and  women  come  knock- 
ing at  our  doors,  or  come  seeking  admittance  to  the 
more  sacred  precincts  of  the  heart — coming  as  God's 
special  messengers,  with  God's  exclusive  message,  ordi- 
nary discretion,  it  seems,  would  demand  that  we  ask 
that  these  professed  messengers  produce  their  cre- 
<  initials. 

This   is  specially  true,    if  these  men  and   women   come 


knocking  at  our  doors,  professing  to  he  hearers  of  some 
new  truth  of  such  a  far-reaching  and  revolutionary  char- 
acter that  their  coming  is  to  mark  a  new  period  in  God's 
dealings  with  the  race. 

Mormonism,  Eddyism,  and  Russell  ism.  eome  making 
tliese  claims.  These  men  and  women  are  not  to  be  classed 
amongst  ordinary  teachers,  nor  are  their  organizations 
to  he  classed  with  the  average  religious  organization. 

•Joseph  Smith,  Mary  Baker  Eddy,  and  Charles  Ta/> 
"Russell,  claim  for  themselves  that  which  only  God's 
special  prophet  or  messenger  dare  claim. 

The  message  that  each  of  these  religious  founders 
brings  to  the  church  and  to  the  world  is  so  distinct  and 
s<<  out  of  harmony  with  all  accepted  church  teachings, 
that  to  follow  the  path  that  either  of  these  points  us  to, 
means  that  we  must  break  all  connection  with  the. 
Church  of  Christ,  in  which  we  were  probably  born, 
cradled,  nurtured  and  reared. 

When  we  stop  to  consider  the  exclusiveness  and  the 
import  that  these  leaders  claim  for  their  message,  it 
seems  that  rubbers-on-the-feet-in-sloppy-weather  pru- 
dence, would  suggest  that  we  demand  from  these  pro- 
fessed prophets  something  of  their  pedigree. 

Unfortunately,  each  of  these  cult  founders  has  a  past 
Uiat  will  not  stand  the  light  of  careful  investigation. 

Tf  this  man  Smith,  or  this  woman  Mrs.  Eddy,  or  this 
other  man  Pastor  Russell — if  either  of  these  were  an 
ordinary  Christian  teacher,  bringing  ordinary  Bible 
truths,  their  delinquencies  in  the  realm  of  morals,  even 
though  these  lapses  came  while  they  were  before  the 
public  as  religious  teachers,  might  be  passed  over  as 
Undeserving  even  incidental  mention  in  such  an  article 
as  this. 

Or,   if  these  delinquencies  were  charged  against   these 


<ult  leader*  in  the  days  before  they  became  (iod's  special 
messengers  with  (iod's  special  truth,  the  question  again 
might  be  passed  over  lightly,  but  when  we  take  into 
consideration  what  appears  to  be  irrefutable  evidence 
that  much  of  this  dishonesty,  improprietry  and  hypo- 
crisy, charged  against  these  cult  leaders,  is  charged 
against  them  after  they  became,  professedly,  God's 
special  messengers,  common,  everyday  wisdom  would 
suggest,  and  even  demand,  that  the  seeker  after  truth 
investigate  the  facts. 

How  any  man  or  woman  can  make  an  honest  investi- 
gation of  all  the  facts  having  to  do  with  the  origination 
of  these  cults  and  their  founders  and  still  believe  that 
either  of  these  cult  leaders  is  sent  of  God,  and  that  the 
truth  he  professes  to  bring  is  God's  special  truth,  is  in- 
conceivable to  an  unbiased  mind. 

These  three-cent-piece-with-a-hole-in-it  imitators  of 
(iod's  true  prophets  go  to  any  ridiculous  or  dishonest 
length  to  make  the  world  believe  that  they  have  little 
feathery  wings  already  sprouted,  and  that  only  some 
freak  of  fate  has  kept  them  from  having  wings  as  long 
as  a  telegraph  pole. 

In  fact,  if  it  were  not  for  the  tragedy  underlying  the 
whole  cult  enterprise,  the  cheap  attempts  these  cult 
leaders  make  to  glorify  and  all  but  deify  themselves 
would  become  a  joke  sufficiently  great  to  throw  all  hell 
into  uproarious  laughter. 

As  we  shall  see,  later,  each  of  these  religious  cult 
builders  has  a  great  deal  to  say  of  himself,  or  herself, 
and,  as  we  shall  see.  later,  according  to  "their"  reports, 
these  cult  founders  were  very,  very  remarkable  some- 



The  question  is  constantly  being  asked,  where  and  how 
did  these  religious  cults  begin? 

Mormonism  is  the  oldest  of  the  three,  and  to  this 
movement  we  shall  give  the  rest  of  this  article. 

In  1809  there  came  to  the  little  city  of  Oonneaut. 
Ohio,  a  man  by  the  name  of  Solomon  Spaulding. 

This  Mr.  Spaulding  was  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  Tol- 
Ifge,  in  New  Hampshire,  and  had  served  several  years 
as  a  pastor  in  one  of  our  Protestant  churches. 

Leaving  the  ministry,  Mr.  Spaulding  had  launched  in- 
to a  business  career,  choosing  at  that  time  the  promis- 
ing but  rather  uncertain,  allurements  of  the  iron  busi- 

This  man  Spaulding  was  a  man  widely  read  in  Bible 
literature  and  specially  interested  in  archaeology. 

To  the  Indian  mounds  in  Northwest  Ohio  his  mind 
often  turned,  and  it  is  probable  that  largely  through  the 
suggestions  which  these  mounds  brought  there  came  the 
religious  romance  of  which  we  are  to  write. 

Mr.  Spaulding  wrote  a  great  deal,  and  is  known  to 
have  produced  at  least  four  complete  stories,  none  of 
which,  we  believe,  were  ever  placed  in  book  form. 

In  one  of  these  stories,  called,  "Manuscript  Found." 
Mr.  Spaulding  undertakes  to  connect  the  American  In- 
dian with  the  lost  tribes  of  Israel.  To  this  story  the 
author  gave  some  of  the  hardest  work  of  his  life,  and 
he  believed  that  he  had  produced,  under  the  title  of 
"Manuscript  Found,'"  one  of  the  strongest  and  best  of 
our  many  religious  stories. 

To  his  friends  and  neighbors,  talented  and  educated 
though  he  was,  he  became  a  sort  of  a  pest,  through  the 
fact  everyone  who  visited  him  was  compelled  to  sit  and 


listen  while   he  read   to   them  certain  chapters   from  his 

This  story  contained  fifteen  hooks,  in  which  the 
wanderings  and  hardships  of  the  Xephites  and  the  Lama- 
nites  are  recorded.  These  two  nations  spring  from  a 
colony  of  the  lost  tribes  of  Israel.  The  wanderings  of 
these  people,  according:  to  this  story,  were  written  on 
plates  of  brass,  and  all  through  these  books  these  plates 
occupy  a  conspicuous  place,  until,  in  420  A.  D.,  they  were 
scaled  up  and  hidden  away  in  the  Hill  of  (1umorah.  near- 
Palmyra,  X.  Y. 

The  names  Lelii,  Nephi,  Jarom,  Moroni,  were  so  often 
used  in  the  story  that  they  became  familiar  names  to 
those  who  heard  parts  of  the  story  read.  These  names, 
with  the  quaint  phraseology  of  the  work,  made  a  distinct 
impression  on  the  minds  of  those  who  knew  anything 
about  the  book,  while  the  words,  ''And  it  came  to  pass," 
occurred  so  often  in  the  story,  that  the  boys  of  the  com- 
munity nicknamed  Mr.  Spaulding  i;Old-Came-to-Pass.  'r 

These  facts  chronicled  above  are  placed  outside  the 
realm  of  controversy,  as  reliable  witnesses,  many,  testi- 
fied under  oath  to  the  correctness  and  reliability  of  the 
above  statements. 

The  witnesses  who  made  oath  were  John  Spauldiiiff, 
brother  of  Solomon  Spaulding,  and  his  wife,  Martha 
Spaulding;  Henry  Lake,  the  business  partner  of  Solomon 
Spaulding.  Added  to  these  were  Aaron  Wright,  Oliver 
Smith  and  Nathan  Howard,  who  were  neighbors  of 
Solomon  Spaulding;  Mr.  Art  emus  Cunningham,  who 
spent  a  night  in  the  home  of  Solomon  Spaulding,  and 
sat  up  most  of  the  night  listening  to  the  story  read. 

This  story.  "Manuscript  Found/'  was  in  the  hands  of 
the  printers,  in  Pittsburgh,  at  the  time  of  the  death  of 
Solomon  Spaulding..  Furthermore,  this  manuscript  was 


known  to  have  been  in  the  office  of  these  printers, 
Patterson  and  Lambdin,  as  late  as  1014,  and  thereafter, 
for  hoAv  long  cannot  be  definitely  determined. 

Sidney  Rigdon,  who  was  one  of  the  three  men  direct- 
ly responsible  for  launching  the  Mormon  religion,  was 
the  intimate  friend  of  Lambdin.  of  the  ;  rinting  house 
of  Patterson  and  Lambdin,  and  vfm;iined  so  up  lo  1S:2.">, 
when  Lambdin  died. 

Two  years  before  the  Book  of  Mormon  appeared, 
Rigdon  had  confided  in  some  of  his  friends,  telling  them 
that  a  book  was  soon  to  appear,  translated  from  golden 
plates,  and  that  this  book  was  to  bring  about  a  religions 
revolution,  and  during  these  two  intervening  years  Rig- 
don was  preaching  some  new  and  startling  doctrine 
afterwards  found  in  the  Book  of  Mormon,  and  the  Book 
of  Mormon,  to  those  who  know7  all  the  facts,  is  unques- 
tionably the  Spaulding  story,  ''Manuscript  Found/' 
which  designing,  sinful  men,  plagiarized  and  used. 


In  1830,  the  Book  of  Mormon  WHS  published,  and  later 
the  Mormon  Church  was  organized,  with  six  members. 

Before  the  book  was  published  and  the  church 
launched,  the  stage  had  been  set  and  everything  placed 
in  order,  and  the  whole  damnable  farce  or  tragedy  went 
through,  from  rising  curtain  to  last  act,  without  a  hitch. 

In  the  olden  times,  when  one  came  professing  to  be 
_  God-sent,  both  the  world  and  the  church  asked  for  a 
sign,  and,  no  matter  how  crude  the  sign,  multitudes  were 
ready  to  believe  and  follow. 

The  human  family  has  not.  as  yet.  been  educated 
away  from  the  dangers  of  these  outward  manifestations 
arid  demonstrations. 


Mormonism  carries  with  it  a  touch  of  the  miraculous 
find  a  sufficient  amount  of  mystery  to  attract  a  certain 
clement  of  the  human  family. 

Following  out  the  story  as  Mormonism  Drives  it,  a 
colony  of  the  lost  tribes  of  Israel  came  to  America,  and 
from  tliis  colony  came  American  Indians.  The  wander- 
ings of  these  people,  and  the  revelations  which  God  made 
Through  them,  were  recorded  on  plates  of  brass,  and 
these  plates  were  sealed  up  and  placed  in  a  hill  near 
Palmyra,  in  420  A.  D. 

The  three  men  who  claimed  to  be  chosen  of  God  f<; 
the  launching  of  the  Mormon  religion,  which  professed 
to  bring  God's  further  and  final  word  to  a  dying  race, 
but  which,  in  reality,  was  a  crude  and  lewd  humbug,  were 
Joseph  Smith,  Parley  P.  Pratt,  and  Sidney  Rigdon. 

To  begin  with,  Sidney  Rigdon  was  an  eloquent,  polish- 
ed, erratic  and  uncertain  character,  who,  for  a  time,  was 
a  recognized  preacher  in  one  of  our  Protestant  church 
organizations,  but  from  this  organization  he  was  finally 

Later,  he  identified  himself  with  a  certain  man  win 
just  at  this  time,  was  founding  a  religious  movement  that 
has  grown  into  one  of  our  honored,  church  socieTie> 
Through  his  wild  dreaming,  and  wilder  scheming,  and 
doctrines,  that  were  positively  absurd,  there  came  a  hreai-. 
between  him  and  this  movement,  with  which  he  severed. 
Ins  connections. 

Later.  Mr.  Rigdon  declared  that  if  Alexander  Campbell 
could  gain  name  and  fame  through  launching  a  new  re- 
ligions movement,  he  could  gain  greater  name  and  great- 
er fame  by  founding  a  new  religion. 

When  the  Mormon  religion  was  finally  launched,  it 
seems  all  but  certain  that  Sidney  Rigdon  was  the  brains 
of  the  movement. 


Parley  P.  Pratt,  the  second  member  of  this  trio,  can 
be  dismissed  from  further  consideration,  in  this  series, 
by  the  simple  statement  that  he  was  shot  and  killed,  down 
in  Arkansas,  in  an  attempt  to  run  away  with  another 
man's  wife. 

Back  of  these  two  men  stood  the  man  upon  whose 
shoulders  unquestioned  authority  and  power  in  the  Mor- 
mon world  was  to  fall. 

As  soon  as  Sidney  Ri»;don  had  whipped  the  spurious 
Book  of  Mormon  (a  book  that  was  practically  wholly 
plagiarized  from  the  book.  ''Manuscript  Found/')  into 
its  present  shape,  Joseph  Smith  took  the  reins  of  gov- 
ernment and  every  last  fragment  of  ecclesiastical  au- 
thority and  financial  power  were  made  to  centralize  and 
focalize  in  this  ;' professed"  infallable  mouthpiece  of 

Joseph  Smith  finally  jrave  to  the  world  the  story  of  his 
life,  and  according  to  this  story  younu1  Joseph  was  a  very 
precocious  child,  given  to  dee])  and  serious  religious 
thinking,  and  a  boy  upon  whose  heart  the  sins  of  the 
wide  world  rested,  and  a  boy  whose  spirit  was  sadlv  rent 
and  torn  through  the  hopeless  division  of  the  Protestant, 
churches  of  America.  Of  course  this  was  all  according 
to  the  Smith  story  of  himself. 

Mr.  Pomcroy  Tucker,  editor  of  the  Wayne  Sentinel, 
and  the  man  on  whose  press  the  Book  of  Mormon  was 
published,  says.  "At  this  period  in  the  life  of  Joseph 
Smith.  Junior,  or  Joe  Smith,  as  he  is  universally  named, 
Mid  the  Smith  family,  they  were  popularly  regarded  as 
an  illiterate,  whiskey-drinking,  irreligious  race  of  people, 
the  first  named  and  the  chief  subject  of  this  biography 
beino-  unanimously  voted  the  laziest  and  the  most  worth- 
less of  tin-  generation.  lie  could  utter  the  most  palpable 


exaggerations,  or  marvelous  absurdities,  with  the  utmost 
apparent  gravity. 

In  18'->.'j.  sixty-two  residents  of  Palmyra  made  affidavit: 
"We,  the  undersigned,  have  been  acquainted  with  the 
Smith  family  for  a  number  of  years,  while  they  resided 
near  this  place,  and  we  have  no  Hesitation  in  saying'  that 
we  consider  them  destitute  of  the  moral  character  "which 
oujrht  to  entitle  them  to  the  confidence  of  a  community. 
Joseph  Smith,  Senior,  and  his  son,  Joseph,  were,  in  par- 
ticular, destitute  of  moral  character  and  addicted  to 
vicious  habits." 

While  Joseph  Smith  sought  to  exalt  himself,  and  evi- 
dently succeeded  in  leading  the  Mormon  world  to  believe 
that  he  was  (iod's  special  mouthpiece,  ushering  in  a  new 
dispensation,  it  is  evident  that  those  who  knew  him  best 
believed  him  to  be  a  blasphemous  fakir  of  the  most  pro- 
nounced iype. 


Mormonism  is  a  blasphemous  swindle  and  a  heartless 
and  cruel  cheat. 

In  evidence  that  the  above  statement  is  true,  we  offer 
the  following  facts : 

Mormonism  offers  to  the  world  a  bogus  prophet,  in  the 
person  of  Joseph  Smith. 

The  real  prophet  of  (rod  must  come  before  the  world 
with  a  pure  heart,  and  with  pure  lips,  and  with  pure 
hands,  and  his  walk,  and  talk,  and  business  dealings, 
must  be  above  question. 

According  to  affidavits  made  by  many  reliable  witnes- 
ses, Joseph  Smith  did  not  measure  up  to  his  standard 
in  any  essential  and  important  particular. 

According  to  many  unbiased  witnesses,  Joseph  Smith, 


who  claimed  to  stand  "as  (Jod.  to  give  laws  to  the  peo- 
ple," was  ignorant,  untruthful,  unreliable  and  immoral. 

He  came  from  a  family  of  horsetraders  and  jockeys, 
and  was  looked  upon  as  a  man  whose  veracity  was  ever 
under  question. 

Joseph  Smith,  like  Mary  Baker  Eddy,  and  like  every 
other  money-changer  of  the  world  of  religious  fakes, 
made  everything  bend  and  everything  work  toward  his 
own  laudation  and  material  enrichment. 

Every  published  fact  concerning  Joseph  Smith,  coming 
from  sources  other  than  the  Mormon  source,  would  lead 
nn  honest  investigation  1o  conclude  that  Joseph  Smith 
was  one  of  the  world's  greatest  religious  fakers. 

Again,  Mormonism  gives  to  the  world  a  fake  Bible. 
The  Spaulding  story,  "Manuscript  Found,"  is  plagiar- 
i/ed.  re-arranged,  and  re-written,  and  given  to  the  world 
as  God's  infallible  truth — and  his  last  words  to  the  race. 
The  Book  of  Mormon,  with   the  books,  "The   Pearl  of 
Greatest  Price,"  and  the  "Book  of  the  Covenants,"  is 
placed  alongside  the  Bible,  and  for  these  brazen  blasphe- 
mous swindles,  divine  authority  is  claimed. 

Again.  Mormonism  gives  to  the  world  a  fake  priest- 

Mormonism,  with  its  rites  and  ceremonies,  and  fake 
books,  and  fake  priests,  stands  between  the  Christ  of 
the  cross  and  a  sinning,  suffering  world. 

According  to  Mormonism,  salvation  is  not  to  he  had 
Hirough  simple  faith  in  Christ,  but  is  to  be  had  alone. 
through  following  out  the  many  requirements  of  the 
Mormon  church. 

For  this  fake  priesthood  MOrmonism  says,  "Those 
holding  the  fullness  of  the  Melchizedek  priesthood  (and 
there  is  no  such  priesthood  and  never  was)  are  kings  and 
priests  of  the  most  High  God,  holding  the  keys  of  power 


and  blessing.  In  fact,  that  priesthood  is  a  perfect  law  of 
theocracy  and  stands  as  God  to  give  la^s  to  the  people."1 

So  Monnonism  stands  before  the  world,  parading  a 
fake  prophet  backed  up  by  a  fake  Bible,  and  ministered 
over  by  a  fake  priesthood. 

As  passingly  referred  to  in  a  previous  article,  "The 
Pearl  of  (Greatest  Price,"  which,  with  the  "Rook  of  Mor- 
mon," and  the  "Hook  of  Convenants,"  because  the  three 
inspired  books  of  Mormondom,  has  been  proven  to  be  a 
?1  (daring  and  deliberate  fraud. 

Mind  you.  the  evidence  that  the  "Pearl  of  Greatest 
Price"  is  a  heartless  swindle  is  so  unquestioned  that  the 
Mormon  world,  which  has  been  made  acquainted  with  the 
facts,  has  become  convinced  that  the  book  is  a  swindle. 

Around  the  University  of  Utah,  where  these  facts  have 
become  known,  there  has  been  a  tremendous  upheaval. 
The  younger  generations  of  Mormondom  are  demanding 
that  the  truth  be  made  known,  not  alone  concerning  the 
"Pearl  of  Greatest  Price,''  but  are  also  demanding  to 
know  what  evidence  they  have  to  assure  them  that  the 
Book  of  Mormon  is  not  also  a  swindle. 

That  there  are  good  men  and  good  women  in  the  Mor- 
mon church,  goes  without  saying,  and  yet.  it  is  all  but 
definitely  certain  that  these  men  and  women  are  honest, 
r<nd  pure,  and  true,  not  because  of  the  Mormon  religion, 
but  in  spite  of  it. 

Amongst  the  leaders  of  Mormonism,  men  who  profess 
to  be  God's  special  messengers,  there  have  stood  some  of 
the  most  flagrant  and  unmitigated  liars  of  the  religious 

Before  the  Senate  of  the  United  States  these  Apostles 
of  God  have  stood,  and,  after  taking  solemn  oath  to  tell 
the  truth,  they  have,  according  to  their  own  admissions, 
sworn  to  some  of  the  blackest  and  most  hideous  lies  hu- 


imm  miml  could  well  conceive,  or  human  lips  could  give 
utterance  to. 

This  is  perfectly  in  keeping-  with  the  declarations  of 
the  Mormon  head,  Brigham  Young;,  who,  in  a  published 
sermon  found  in  Journal  of  Discourses,  Vol.  IV,  page  77, 
says,  "  I  have  many  a  time,  in  this  stand,  dared  the  world 
to  produce  as  mean  devils  as  \ve  can.  We  can  beat  them 
at  anything.  We  have  the  greatest  and  smoothest  liars 
in  the  world,  the  cunningest  and  most  adroit  thieves,  and 
any  other  shade  of  character  that  you  can  mention.  We 
can  pick  Klders  in  Israel,  right  here,  who  can  beat  the 
world  at  gambling,  who  can  handle  the  cards,  can  cut  and 
shuffle  them  with  the  smoothest  rogues  on  God's  footstool. 
T  can  produce  Elders  here  who  can  shave  their  smartest 
shavers  and  take  their  money  from  them.  We  can  beat 
the  world  at  any  game.  We  can  beat  them,  because  we 
have  here  men  that  live  in  the  light  of  the  Lord ;  that 
have  the  Holy  Priesthood,  and  hold  the  keys  of  the  king- 
dom of  God." 

According  to  the  declarations  of  the  Holy  ( ?)  head  of 
the  Holy  (!)  Mormon  church,  lying  is  a  virtue,  and  steal- 
ing has  upon  it  God's  special  favor — provided,  of  course, 
that  lying  is  done  and  stealing  is  done  b;»'  those  of  Mor- 
monism  who  have  the  "Light  of  the  Lord/' 

No  such  blasphemy  has  ever  gone  into  print  under  the 
name  of  religion. 

This  is  Mormonism. 




BACK  in  1007.  the  McClure's  Magazine  Company  sent 
out  special  investigators  with  instructions,  at  what- 
ever cost,  in  time  and  money,  to  secure  any  and  all 
facts   having   to   do    with  the    organization   of  Christian 
Science  and    the  life    of  its  founder,   Mrs.   Mary    Baker 

The  material  gathered  covered  almost  two  years  as  a 
serial  in  McClure's  Magazine;  this  material,  consisting  of 
photographs,  newspaper  clippings,  and  affidavits,  com- 
hines  to  make  a  story  as  weird  and  as  fascinating  as  ever 
the  most  excitable  novel  could  be. 

In  1900,  this  serial  was  enlarged,  and  revised,  and  pub- 
lished in  book  form,  a  copy  of  which  is  lying  before  me 


AVhen  these  articles  were  appearing  in  this  well  known 

magazine  certain   of  the    head  officials    of  the   Christian 

Science   went  to  Mrs.   Eddy    with    the   question.   "What 

shall  we  do  with   these  charges  they  are  making?"  and 

Mrs.  Eddy  tersely  replied,  "Nothing;  just  ignore  them." 

Since  these  articles  appeared  in  book  form,  they  have 

strangely     disappeared    from    the     land.      To     those     who 

understand  the  inner  workings  of  this  organization  there 

is  no  question,  whatever,  as  to  where  these  books  went. 

No  man  or  woman,  capable  of  thinking  on  the  lowest 

i  of  truthfulness  and  sincerity,  could  read  this  damn- 

-tory  and  have  one  iota  of  respect  for  the  pretensions 

ts()  IN  THE  (TLT  KlNdDOM 

of   Mrs.    Eddy,   or   the   least    of  confidence     in    Christian 
Science,  so-called,  itself. 

IVcieHy,  we  wish  to  lay  before  our  readers  a  few  of  the 
many  astounding  facts  produced  in  this  book,  and,  mind 
yon,  these  are  facts,  with  evidence  so  conclusive  that  the. 
most  skeptical  must  assent  to  their  certainty. 

On   February  Kith.  1802,  in  New   Lebanon,  N.   II.,  1*. 
Quimby    was   born.      Mr.   Quimby   took   no   university   de- 
uree.  nor  did  he  study  in  any  school  of  medicine,  yet,  by 
courtesy    of   his    thousands    of    admiring    friends,    he    was 
called  "  Dr."  Quimby. 

In  the  :»0s,  when  Mr.  Quimby  had  arrived  at  man's 
estate,  the  first  wave  of  mental  science  swept  over  New 
England.  Mr.  Quimby  bad  developed  into  an  original 
thinker  of  rare  mental  quality,  who  read  constantly  in 
philosophv  and  science,  and  who  was  thoroughly  at  home 
and  perfectly  happy  when  he  could  find  someone  of  like 
thinking  with  whom  he  could  converse,  or  with  whom  he 
could  have  controversy. 

The  story  of  how  he  became  a  healer  is  too  long  to  b •?, 
discussed  in  this  short  article. 

It  seems  that  for  several  years  Dr.  Quimby  groped 
about.  Irving  many  different  methods  and  plans  for  deal- 
ing with  the  ills  of  the  people.  Prominent  amongst  these, 
during  his  first  days  as  a  healer,  was  mesmerism.  Later, 
however,  everything  else  was  discarded  and  Mi'.  Quimby 
entered  into  what  he  considered  was  the  greatest  dis- 
covery of  the  age. 

This  discovery,  or  this  system  of  healing,  he  refers  to 
as  "Divine  Science,"  or  'M'hrist  Science."  "The  idea 
that  a  beneticent  (Jod  had  anything  to  do  with  disease," 
says  Quimby,  in  one  of  his  manuscripts,  ''is  superstition." 
Again  he  says,  "Disease  is  false  reasoning.  True  scien- 
tific wisdom  is  health  and  happiness  »  False  reasoning  is 
sickness  and  death.  This  is  my  theory,  to  put  a  man  in 


possession  of  a  science  that  will  destroy  the  ideas  of  the 
sick  and  teach  man  one  living'  profession  of  his  own 
"identity,  with  life  free  from  error  and  disease. 
Therefore,  to  he  free  from  death  is  to  he  alive  in  truth, 
for  sin.  01-  error,  is  death,  and  science,  or  wisdom,  is 
•eternal  life,  and  this  is  the  Christ." 

Quimby  was  thoroughly  convinced  that  he  made  a  dis- 
covery that  would  do  away  with  the  ills  of  the  human 
family,  and  that  in  the  course  of  time  all  the  world 
'would  come  to  accept  this  ideal. 

To  put  his  discovery  into  writing,  and  to  teach  it,  and 
to  transmit  it  to  generations  then  unborn,  became  the 
passion  of  his  life.  His  one  great  fear  seemed  to  be  that 
he  might  die  before  he  could  properly  teach  his  discovery 
to  ot  hers. 

In  six  years  Dr.  Quimby  produced  ten  volumes  of 
manuscripts.  On  the  subjects.  "The  scientific  interpre- 
tation of  various  parts  of  the  Scriptures."  "The  process 
of  sickness."  "The  relation  of  God  to  man,"  '"Science." 
"Error."  "Truth,"  he  wrote  copiously. 

lie  gave  all  his  patients  access  to  these  manuscripts 
and  permitted  all  who  wished  to  make  copies! 

Dr.    Quimhy's   writings,   as   a    whole,   were   never   pub 
lished.  and  many  of  his  manuscripts  are  now  in  the  hands 
of  his  son;  and  from  the  manuscripts  that  still  remained 
after    Dr.    Quimby    was    dead   a    complete    and    detailed 
philosophy  of  life  and  disease  can  be  built. 

Certain  of  his  more  enthusiastic  followers,  chief 
amongst  them  being  Mrs.  Eddy,  compared  him  with 
•Jesus  Christ,  but  Dr.  Quimby  wrote  a  long  dissertation 
called  "A  defense  against  making  himself  equal  with 

While  Dr.  Quimby  made  no  attempts  to  found  a  church, 
hi-  impulses  at  heart  were  religious  impulses;  hi  fact, 


it  seems  that  Jesus  Christ  was  ever  in  Dr.  Quimby V? 
thoughts,  and  he  sincerely  believed  that  he  had  re-dis- 
covered Christ's  method  of  healing  men. 

Dr.  Quimby  died  January  the  16th,  1866,  and,  like 
many  another  healer,  he  died  of  a  disease  that  his  dis- 
covery could  not  cure.  In  the  last  days  of  his  illness  a 
physician  was  called  and  Dr.  Quimby  took  the  medicines 
prescribed,  without  protest,  though  it  should  be  said,  in 
justice  to  Dr.  Quimby,  that  he  consented  to  call  in  a 
physician  only  through  a  desire  to  satisfy  the  demands 
of  his  family.  It  seems,  while  the  family  circle  had  the 
utmost  confidence  in  the  sincerity  of  the  head  of  the 
!,ouse.  and  really  loved  him  dearly,  not  a  member  of  the 
family  seemed  to  have  any  confidence  in  Avhat  he  believed 
was  a  marvelous  discovery. 


Tn  1<S()1^.  after  many  vain  attempts,  Mrs.  Eddy,  who 
was  the;i.  it  seems,  a  hopeless  invalid,  succeeded  in  mak- 
ing her  way  to  Portland.  Maine,  and  into  the  office  of 
Dr.  Quimby,  On  arriving  in  Portland.  Mrs.  Eddy  was  so 
feeble  she  had  to  be  assisted  up  the  stairs  and  into  the 
waiting  room  of  the  Doctor. 

According  to  witnesses  yet  living,  who  chanced  to  see 
Mrs.  1-ddy  at  this  time,  and  who  were  in  the  room  when 
Mrs.  1 
Mrs.  1 

her  eyes  sunken,  bearing  all  the  outward  indications  of 
.-)  hopeless  consumptive.  She  was  introduced  to  Dr. 
Quimby  as  an  authoress,  and.  Avith  her  poke  bonnet  and 
old  fashioned  dress,  it  took  somewhat  of  a  stretch  of  im- 
'. -iiiation  to  believe  that  there  was  very  much  of  the 
literary  streak  in  the  woman  who  stood  in  their  presence, 

Idy   was   presented   to   Dr.   Quimby,   it   seems  that 
was  emaciated,   her  face  pale  and   worn   and 

(    <    V 


It  seems  that  Mrs.  Eddy  began  to  improve  from  the 
very  first  treatment,  and  in  three  weeks  she  was  ready 
to  leave  the  care  of  Dr.  Quimby,  professing  to  have  been 
made  perfectly  whole. 

In  coming;  in  contact  with  Dr.  Quimby  she  had  found 
something  else  beside  physical  healing',  however.  She 
found  in  Dr.  Quimby  a  man  who  stimulated  her  thinking: 
and  brought  to  her  M  vision  in  which,  for  a  time,  she 
•walked  like  one  in  a  new  world.  With  all  avidity  she 
seized  upon  the  ideas  of  this  kind  hearted  benefactor,  and 
over  his  manuscripts  she  spent  hours.  , 

On  this  and  subsequent  visits  he  permitted  her  to  copy 
any  or  all  his  manuscripts,  and  he  saw  in  Mrs.  Eddy, 
then  Mrs.  Patterson,  a  woman  who  could  assist  him  in 
the  matter  dearest  to  his  heart — the  spreading  of  his 
doctrine  throughout  the  world,  and  Mrs.  Eddy,  it  seems, 
heeame  possessed  with  a  consuming'  passion  to  bring' 
Quimby  ?s  philosophy  to  the  attention  of  all  men  and 
•exalt  him  in  the  eyes  of  the  world. 

Tn  the  Portland  Courier,  of  Xovember  the  7th,  18(i2, 
Mrs.  Eddy  has  a  long  article  which  became  one  of  many 
such  articles  in  which  she  lauds  Dr.  Quimby  as  the  dis- 
coverer of  the  age.  in  which  she  likens  him  to  Jesus 

One  of  the  papers,  in  an  editorial  answer  to  this  article, 
ridicules  the  whole  appeal  and  heads  the  editorial.  "P.  P. 
Quimby  Compared  to  -Jesus  Christ."  and  asks  the  ques- 
tion, "What  next?" 

Mrs.  Eddy  again  took  up  the  cudgel.  She  wrote  in  the 
Portland  Courier  : 

;<  Noticing  a  paragraph  in  the  Advertiser,  commenting 
upon  some  sentences  of  mine,  clipped  from  the  Courier, 
relative  to  the  science  of  P.  P.  Quimby.  concluding-,  *  What 
next?'  we  would  reply  in  due  deference  to  the  courtesy 


with  which  they  define  their  position.  P.  P.  Quimby 
stands  upon  the  plane  of  wisdom  with  his  truth.  Christ 
healed  the  sick,  but  not  by  jugglery  or  with  drugs.  Ai. 
the  former  speaks  as  never  man  before  spake,  and  heals 
(!s  never  man  healed,  since  Christ,  is  he  not  identified 
with  truth?  And  is  not  this  the  Christ  which  is  in  him? 
We  know  that  in  wisdom  is  life,  'and  the  life  was  the 
light  of  man.'  P.  P.  Quimby  rolls  away  the  stone  front 
:  he  sepulehre  of  error,  and  health  is  the  resurrection:. 
?>ut  we  also  know  that  'light  shineth  in  darkness  and 
the  darkness  comprehendeth  it  not.7 

When  Mrs.  Eddy  returned  to  Sanbornton  '.Bridge.  Dr. 
Quimby  became  the  central  figure  of  all  her  conversation. 
She  sought,  everywhere,  to  persuade  the  sick  to  visit 
him.  and.  in  many  letters  to  Dr.  Quimby,  letters  which 
;ire  now  in  the  possession  of  George  A.  Quimby,  a  son 
of  the  Doctor,  she  speaks  of  the  Doctor  in  the  most 
reverential  terms  and  repeatedly  speaks  of  her  great  in- 
debtedness to  him. 

\Vlien  Dr.  Quimby  died  no  one  felt  greater  grief  than 
Mrs.  Eddy,  and,  in  a  poem  dedicated  to  the  memory  of 
Or.  P.  P.  Quimby.  she  refers  to  her  teacher  and  healer 
in  the  following  sentiment: 

"Heaven  but  the  happiness  of  that   calm  soul, 
Growing  in  stature  to  the  throne  of  God; 

Kest  should  reward  him  who  hath  made  us  whole, 
Seeking,  though  tremblers,  where  his  footsteps  trod.'" 

Xine  years  after  the  death  of  Dr.  Quimby  Mrs.  Eddy 
published  her  book  entitled:  "Science  and  Health." 
and  in  this  work  she  mentions  Dr.  Quimby  only  in  a 
passing  way,  and  makes  no  reference,  whatever,  to  her 
indebtedness  to  the  Portland  teacher. 

To  those  who  have  all  the  facts  in  the  case  there  is  no 
question  but  what  Mrs.  Eddy  carried  from  Dr.  Quimby Ts 


office  tin1  manuscripts  which    formed    the    basis    of    her 
took,  "Science  and  Health." 

I'p  to  the  year  187."),  when  "Science  and  Health''  ap- 
peared from  the  press,  Mrs.  Eddy,  in  public  speech, 
newspaper  article,  and  private  correspondence,  constant- 
ly lauded  Dr.  Quimby  as  a  discoverer  of  a  great  science 
and  constantly  confessed  her  indebtedness  to  him  for  the 
ideas  which  she  sought  to  bring  to  others. 

When  "Science  and  Health"  appeared  from  the  press, 
iuid  she  was  charged  by  the  Quimby  followers  with  the 
rankest  sort  of  plagiarism,  Mrs.  Eddy  turned  and  re- 
pudiated every  statement  she  had  ever  made,  and  sought 
by  every  means,  fair  and  foul,  to  discredit  Dr.  Quimby. 

In  the  face  of  all  her  published  letters  and  newspaper 
articles,  she  charged  Dr.  Quimby  as  being*  a  faker,  and 
that  lie^vas  incapable  of  connected  thinking,  and  instead 
of  her  receiving-  anything  from  Quimby.  whatever  Qniin- 
1-y  had  of  value  was  copied  from  her  writings. 

To  throw  around  these  absurd  and  false  claims  some- 
thing of  the  miraculous,  she  tells  how  during  a  perio-i 
of  suffering,  when  she  was  given  up  to  die,  this  revelation 
came  direct  from  heaven,  and  during  its  reception  she 
was  instantly  made  whole.  By  deluded  followers  of  this 
fake  high  priestess  all  this  story,  as  given  by  Mrs. 
Eddy,  "is  steadfastly  believed.77 


Christian  Scientists,  generally,  believe  that  Mrs.  Eddy 
was  made  the  recipient  of  this  new  revelation  about 
February  the  1st.  1866.  Mrs.  Eddy  says,  in  "Retro- 
spection and  Introspection" — which  is  her  autobiography 
and  of  which  we  will  speak  later — "It  was  in  Massa- 
chusetts, February,  1866,  and  after  the  death  of  the 


magnetic   Doctor  P.   P.  t^iiimby.     .     . 

discovered  the  science  of  divine  metaphysical  healing. 
I  have  demonstrated  on  myself,  in  an  injury 
occasioned  by  a  fall,  that  it  did  for  me  what  surgeons 
could  not  do.  Dr.  dishing,  of  this  city,  pronounced  my 
injuries  incurable  and  that  I  could  not  survive  three 
days  because  of  it,  when  on  the  third  day  I  arose  from 
my  bed.  and  to  the  utter  confusion  of  all  I  commenced 
my  usual  avocations.' 

Of  this  incident  in  Mrs.  Eddy's  life  there  are  half  a 
do/en  different  versions,  all  written  by  Mrs.  Eddy. 
Earlier  in  her  life  she  referred  to  this  incident,  giving 
the  Quimby  method  the  credit  for  her  slow  recovery. 
Later  in  her  life  she  claimed  that  the  healing  was  brought 
fibout  through  Christian  Science,  so-called,  and  still  later 
she  claimed  that  it  was  during  this  fatal  injury  that  she 
received  this  revelation  from  heaven,  and  in  the  reception 
of  this  revelation  she  was  instantly  made  whole. 

All  these  different  versions  to  which  I  have  referred, 
are  given  in  full  in  the  life  of  Mrs.  Eddy  given  by  Me 
Clure's  Magazine. 

Now.  placed  over  against  Mrs.  Eddy's  conflicting 
stories  concerning  this  revolutionary  happening  in  her 
life.  Dr.  dishing,  who  is  yet  living  in  Springfield,  Massa- 
chusetts, places  his  affidavit,  with  facts  to  substantiate 
his  claims,  which  gives  the  lie  to  any  and  all  the  stories 
that  Mrs.  Eddy  told. 

According  to  the  affidavit  which  Dr.  dishing  makes, 
and  which  is  far  too  long  to  even  give  quotations  here, 
it  seems  the  facts  were  about  these : 

Mrs.  Eddy  had  fallen  on  the  icy  sidewalk  and  when 
the  Doctor  arrived  she  was  found  to  be  in  a  partially  un- 
conscious, semi-hysterical  condition.  Dr.  Gushing  gave 
her  medicine  every  fifteen  minutes  until  she  was  quiet, 


and  then  ordered  medicine  to  be  Driven  every  halt'  hour. 

The  next  day  Mrs.  Eddy,  who  was  moved  to  her  home, 
:ied  to  hav<'  greatly  improved,  and  while  the  Doctor 
called  on  her  each  day  for  several  days,  he  makes  solemn 
affidavit  that  at  no  time  did  he  sugjrest  or  even  intimate 
that  Mrs.  Eddy  was  seriously  injured,  much  less  fatally 
injured.  When  he  finally  dismissed  her  he  dismissed  her 
well  and  in  her  normal  condition. 

He  further  testifies  that  there  was  no  miraculous 
change  in  Mrs.  Eddy's  condition  on  the  third  day.  nor 
did  she  at  any  time  during:  this  illness  surest  that  she 
had  received  any  new  truth  or  revelation. 

Dr.  Cushinu-  further  makes  affidavit  that  he  called  on 
Mrs.  Eddy  three  times  ajrain  in  the  month  of  August, 
which  was  more  than  seven  months  after  she  claimed  to 
have  been  instantaneously  healed,  and  that  at  this  time 
he  treated  her  for  a  very  serious  eou«rh. 

Dr.  Cushin<r.  with  his  affidavit,  presents  the  records  of 
his  office  witli  each  of  these  visits  recorded,  and  with  the 
symptoms  and  progress  of  the  case  and  its  treatment. 

To  take  all  the  facts  of  this  controversy  and  approach 
them  with  an  unbiased  mind,  is  to  be  forced  to  the  eon- 
elusion  that  Mrs.  Eddy's  own  eontradictorv  statements 
invalidate  her  claim,  either  that  God  miraculously  healed 
1  er.  or  that  lie  there  revealed  to  her  the  principles  of 
Christian  Science. 

Mrs.   Eddy  says  that  in   lMi(5  sin1  named  her  discovery, 

''Christian     Science."       From     the     manuscripts     of     Dr. 

Quimby    it    can    In'   proven    that    lie    called    his    discoverv, 

"Christian  Science"  as  far  back  as  lS(v>.  and  how  much 

ier  cannot  be  said. 

Xow  the  question  arises,  did  Mrs.  Eddy  deliberately 
falsify  and  mislead  her  followers  by  claiming  that  this 

••e     W;;s     not     tailffht     her    bv     liiai!  '/        PossJMv     vo-     Cr.T) 


better  jiuljre  the  truthfulness  or  the  falsity  of  these 
claims  hv  turning  from  tliis  whole  controversy  to  ask 
another  <|uestion.  find  that  is,  "what  was  Mrs.  Eddy's 
reputation  for  veracity? 

Til  is  question  we  will  discuss  at  length  in  the  last  part 
of  this  talk,  -hist  hero  we  would  surest  that  our  read- 
ers ponder  these  facts:  Mrs.  Eddy  was  married  throe, 
rimes,  and  it  isn't  known  definitely  how  many  times 
divorced.  She  had  one  child  and  was  considered  a  vorv 
unnatural  mother.  At  the  a«re  of  live  she  sent  the  child 
awa.v  and  saw  it  no  more  for  seven  years.  According  to 
affidavits,  several,  .Mrs.  Eddy  brought  trouble  into  more 
than  one  home,  and  all  but  succeeded  in  separating  se\  - 
eial  husbands  and  wives. 

For  the  first  few  years  that  she  stood  before  the  world 
as  a  teacher,  she  was  driven  from  pillar  to  post,  not  be- 
cause of  the  truth  that  she  brought,  but  because  of  her 
solfish,  domineering,  jealous  and  underhanded  conduct 
hi  one  home  where  she  had  been  received  and  cared  for, 
without  money  and  without  price,  she  all  but  succeeded 
in  breaking  up  the  home,  and  when,  finally,  the  husband 
and  wife  became  reconciled  and  found  that  Mrs.  Eddy 
was  at  the  bottom  of  their  trouble,  they  ordered  her  to 
leave  the  home.  The  day  she  left  the  Wont  worth  family 
was  away  from  the  house  for  the  day.  When  they  re- 
turned they  found  Mrs.  Eddy  <»'ono.  but  amongst  other 
things  of  a  ^hockinir  nature,  of  which  tho\  irive  record 
by  affidavit,  they  say,  "  \Vo  found  every  breadth  of  matt- 
ing slashed  up  through  the  middle,  apparently  with  some 
sharp  instrument  ;  we  also  found  the  feather  bed  all  cut 
to  pieces,  and  when  we  opened  the  closet  door  we  found  a 
pile  of  newspapers  almost  entirely  consumed,  with  a- 

shovelful  of  dead  coals  lyinjr  on  top  of  them the 

only    reason     that     they   had    not     set    the   house   on    fire, 


evidently,  was  because  the  closet  door  had  been  shut, 
and  because  the  newspapers  had  been  piled  flat  and  were 
folded  tijrht." 

Mrs.   Eddy  was   in   the   Went  worth   home  from  18H8  to 
1^70.  which   was  more  than  two  years  after  she  claimed 
to  have  received  "Science  and  Health"  direct  from  (iod. 
Mrs.  AVentworth  testifies  that  during  her  stay  in  then- 
home  she  was  often  ill  and  confined  to  her  bed.  and  that 

she   often    treated   her,   using    the     Quimby     method     of 


In  a  revival  meeting,  in  Santa  Barbara,  T  related  facts 

as   recorded    above,   and     especially    those    having   to    do 

with  Mrs.  Eddy's  attempt  to  burn  the  AVentworth  home. 

and  a  dear  old  mother  on  the  front  seat  arose  and  said. 

"What   yon   say   is   true,   for  this   occurred   in  the   home 

of  my  own  sister." 


Under  the  title  of  "Retrospection  and  Introspection, " 
Mrs.  Eddy  gave  to  the  world,  in  general,  and  her  church, 
in  particular,  the  story  of  her  life. 

Like  every  fake  prophet,  or  prophetess,  Mrs.  Eddy 
tries  to  add  all  the  frills  and  flounces  that  an  elastic 
imagination  could  possibly  weave,  or  knit,  to  bolster  up 
MT  blasphemous  claims!  The  Mormon  world  has  been 
sadly  deceived  through  the  fake  autobiography  of  Joseph 
Smith.  Mrs.  Eddy,  following  in  the  footprints  of  Joseph 
Smith,  undertook  to  put  across  on  her  deluded  followers 
an  autobiography  that  was  just  as  "raw."  To  give  our 
readers  some  idea  of  how  unprincipled  and  IIOAV  utterly 
unreliable  Mrs.  Eddy  was,  we  need  only  refer  to  a  few 
of  the  proven  falsehoods  of  this  autobiography. 

To  beg-in  with,  Mrs.   Eddy  tells  how  she  was  received 

•J)0  I N'  TH  K  ( VLT  KINGDOM 

into  the  church  at  twelve  years  of  age.  Sin*  tells 
standing  there  in  the  Holy  Place,  she  had  a  controversy 
with  a  learned  doctor  of  divinity  over  certain  doctrines 
which  she,  unusual  child,  could  not  believe  or  accept. 

It  seems  Mrs.  Eddy  had  a  perfect  mania  for  trying-  to 
connect  up  every  event  oP  her  life  with  some  striking- 
event  in  the  life  of  Christ.  When  injured  and  given  up 
to  die,  it  was  on  the  "third  day"  that  she  was  instan- 
taneously raised  as  it  were  from  the  dead.  It  was  at 
the  age  of  twelve  that  she  stood  in  the  Holy  Plaee,  and, 
like  our  Lord,  who  at  that  age  confounded  the  wise  men 
of  His  day,  hut  just  as  Dr.  dishing  makes  affidavit  that 
she  was  not  healed  on  the  "third  day,"  and  that  nothing- 
out  of  the  ordinary  happened  on  the  third  day,  so  Mc- 
( 'lure's  Magazine  reproduces  the  page  from  the  church 
record  showing  that  Mrs.  Eddy  was  almost  seventeen 
years  of  age,  instead  of  twelve,  when  she  joined  the 

In  her  autobiography,  she  gives  the  picture  of  the 
liome  in  which  she  was  born,  which  was  a  very  beautiful 
picture,  indeed,  and  McOlure's  Magazine  stands  along- 
side this  home  the  picture  of  the  home  in  which  Mrs. 
Eddy  was  born,  and  the  home  in  which  she  was  born 
was  a  shanty,  compared  with  the  home  in  which  she  says 
she  was  born. 

In  this  book,  referred  to,  Mrs.  Eddy  further  says  that 
as  a  child  she  was  a  very  remarkable  student;  that- 
early  in  life  she  became  fluent  in  three  different  lang- 
nag-es,  namely:  Hebrew,  Greek  and  Latin,  and  that, 
when  this  revelation  came  from  Heaven,  all  three  of  these 
languages  left  her,  and  Mark  Twain  very  aptly  says, 
"She  might  have  likewise  stated,  and  with  all  apparent 
truthfulness,  that  the  Tinted  States  English,  likewise, 
left  her." 

Again,    Mc( 'lure's    Magazine    produces    affidavits    from 


her  classmates,  and  from  her  former  instructors,  proving 
beyond  question  that  Mrs.  Eddy  was  irregular  in  attend- 
ing school,  and  that  when  she  was  in  the  schoolroom  she 
lolled  in  her  seat  and  showed  every  disposition  to  tail- 
end  the  procession. 

To  read  "Retrospection  and  Introspection."  apart 
from  any  and  all  facts  having:  to  do  with  the  life  of 
Mrs.  Eddy,  would  be  to  readily  conclude  that  Mrs.  Eddy 
stood  out  in  the  world  as  one  of  the  unique  and  one  of 
the  specially  favored  high  messengers  of  the  Holy  God. 
To  turn  from  these  high-sounding  phrases  and  this  cun- 
ningly woven  and  beautifully  bound  volume  of  false- 
hoods, to  the  plain,  uncontroverted  and  substantiated 
stack  of  facts,  one  is  driven,  however  reluctantly,  to  the 
conclusion  that  never  before,  and  probably  never  again, 
will  the  world  witness  a  more  brazen  attempt  to  deceive 
a  nation,  and  manipulate  and  make  merchandise  out  of 

When  men  and  women  take  this  woman  with  her  many 
husbands,  and  her  known  reputation  for  dividing  homes, 
her  own  literature  crammed  full  of  deliberate  and 
j'-alicious  falsehoods,  backed  up  with  her  egotistical, 
domineering,  jealous,  vindictive  and  intensely  selfish  ami 
fill-consuming  ambitions,  and  place  her,  as  some  do. 
alongside  of  .Jesus  Christ  of  Xazareth.  it  becomes  the 
r.'Tnst  shocking  and  damnable  blasphemy  the  world  has 
eye i-  known. 

However,  it  may  be  said  to  the  credit,  or-  the  discredit 
of  most  Christian  Scientists,  that  they  do  not  know 
these  facts  concerning  the  origination  of  their  religion 
and  the  life  of  its  founder.  And  this  is  pretty  largely- 
true,  through  the  insistent  teaching  of  the  religion  itself, 
that  men  and  women  who  enjoy  the  unbroken  inspiration 
and  glorification  of  Sscience.  so-called,  must  not  read 
anything  antagonistic  thereto. 


In  other  words,  to  he  a  jrood  Scientist,  you  must, 
ostrich-like,  stick  your  head  in  the  sand  pile  of  so-called 
truth  and  insist  that  all  else  is  unreal  and  incidental! 

It  is  characteristic  of  the  devotees  of  Mormoiiism, 
Kddyism,  and  Russell  ism,  that  they  will  not  honestly  in- 
vestigate any  facts  that  would  in  any  way  reflect  on  the 
integrity  of  their  cult  builder. 

To  Mormoiiism,  Joseph  Smith  was  all  that  he  claimed 
to  he.  a  man  of  such  sincerity,  and  purity,  and  hio'h  pur- 
pose, that  through  this  jyreat  man  God  chose  to  send 
out  His  final  saving  word  to  the  nations  of  the 

To  Eddyism,  Mrs.  Eddy  stands  out  in  the  world  alone, 
as  the  one  woman  possessed  of  such  hijrh  ideas,  such  sin- 
cerity of  heart,  and  such  unselfishness  of  purpose,  that 
through  Mrs.  Eddy  God  chose  to  send  out  His  final  sav- 
ing word  to  the  dying1  nations  of  the  world. 

To  the  Russellites,  Pastor  Russell  stands  out  in  the 
world  of  men  as  the  one  man  so  humble,  so  consecrated, 
rMid  so  obedient  to  the  Divine  will,  that  unto  this  man 
God  has  revealed  secrets  hidden  from  the  angels,  and 
through  this  man  God  has  chosen  to  send  out  final  revela- 
tions to  prepare  the  world  for  the  end. 

We  have  now  studied  something  of  the  origination 
of  Mormonsim  and  the  lives  of  its  founders.  We  have 
studied  something  of  Christian  Science  and  the  life  of  its 

Xext  we  shall  take  up  the  question  of  Hussellism. 




RrssELLISAI    appears  from   a   great   many  different 
sources  and  under  a   <rreat  many  different  heads. 
Xo  religion  ever  launched,  in  so  far  as  name  and  place 
are  concerned,   ever  proved   quite  so   elusive   or   quite  so 

('has.  Tax  Russell,  the  founder  and  sole  owner  of  this 
•cult,  is  one  of  the  wizards  of  the  cult  kingdom. 

Like  the  proverbial  flea,  now  you  see  him.  and  no\y 
you  don't,  and  now  you  have  him,  and  now  you  don't. 

The  church  does  not  more  than  «*et  him  located  under 
one  head  until  here  he  is  under  another. 

Here  too.  there  is  a  reason. 

Russellism,  as  Russellism — without  guise  or  jrarb — 
does  not  appear  very  greatly  to  the  average  thinking 
member  of  the  church,  as  most  members  of  the  church 
"know  something  of  the  origination  of  the  cult.  But,  if 
Russellism  jrets  its  subtle  and  fascinating  appeals  into 
the  hands  of  the  people,  without  their  suspecting  the 
source  of  these  appeals,  there  is  a  probability  that,  once 
saturated  with  the  Russell istic  doctrine  of  the  second 
probation  and  no-hell,  these  church  members  will  grease 
"Pastor"  Russell,  take  off  his  shoes,  pin  back  his  cars, 
and  swallow  him- — shady  transactions,  divorce  court  pro- 
ceedings and  all. 

Hence  the  deliberate  attempts  of  the  wily  old  fox  to 
shove  out  his  car  loads  of  literature  under  whataver  head 
is  most  likely  to  catch  the  unsophisticated  and  unsuspect- 
ing multitudes  of  the  Protestant  churches. 


Here  are  a  few  of  the  different  heads  under  which. 
Russellism  appears: 

Zoin's    Watch   Tower,  Pittsburgh.  Pa. 

The  Watch  Tower  and  Tract  Society.  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

The    People's  Pulpit,   Brooklyn.  N.   Y. 

The   Brooklyn   Tabernacle,   Brooklyn,   X.  Y. 

The  Bible   House  and  Tract   Society. 

The   International  Bible  Students'  League. 

The    International    Bible    Students'   Association. 

The  Bible  Study  Hub,  of  Xew  York,  X.   Y. 

The  International  Bible  Students'  Association  of  Lon- 
don. England. 

"Pastor"  Russell  appears  in  Canada  as  President  of 
the  International  Bible  Students"  Association,  of  London, 
England,  which,  brought  back  to  its  last  analysis,  means 
''Pastor"  Russell  cuffs,  and  collars,  and  socks,  and  "no- 
bell"  literature. 

In  London.  England,  he  announces  himself  as  pastor 
of  the  Brooklyn  Tabernacle.  Brooklyn.  X.  Y.  (?)  and 
many  leading  pastors  understood  that  announcement  to 
mean,  "Dr."  Russell,  of  course,  and  pastor  of  the  great. 
Dr.  Talmage  Tabernacle,  of  Brooklyn,  and,  before  the 
fraud  was  discovered,  some  leading  pulpits  in  England 
had  been  opened  to  the  "self-appointed"  pastor. 

At  a  "great"  convention  of  the  International  Bible 
Students'  Association,  held  in  Washington,  D.  f..  some 
few  years  ago.  the  announcement  was  sent  out  through 
•flie  Associated  News  service,  everywhere,  that  this  great 
gathering  of  Bible  students,  representing  the  scholarship 
•  •f  the  land,  had  voted,  without  a  dissenting  voice,  that 
4 hen-  was  no  hell,  and  that  all  pastors,  everywhere,  of 
whatever  faith,  were  called  upon  by  this  "august"  as- 
sembly to  so  preach  «-md  so  teach! 

A-aiii.  when  ihe  investigation  was  made,  it   \va.s  found 



that  it  was  "Pastor"  Russell,  with  his  jrrip,  and  collars, 
and  cuffs,  and  socks,  and  no-hell  literature. 

Some  time  a<ro  Sunday  school  teachers  were  notified, 
through  neatly  printed  letters,  that  a  Sunday  school 
periodical  was  soon  to  be  published  from  Xew  York,  and 
that  all  Sunday  school  teachers  who  would  send  in  their 
names  would  receive  this  periodical  six  mouths  free,  and 
thereafter,  if  they  wished  it,  for  ten  cents  a  year.  In- 
vestigation proved  that  it  was  the  sly  old  fox  dropped 
down  in  Xew  York,  with  his  «rrip,  and  collars,  and  cuffs, 
and  socks,  and  no-hell  literature. 

His  main  works  which  appear  in  several  volumes — 
"books  that  have  had  a  wide  sale,  for  they  sell  at  a  very 
nominal  cost — have  likewise  been  shoved  and  sold  under 
•different  heads. 

Under  the  well  known  title  of  "Millennial  Dawn," 
these  books  were  circulated  throughout  the  nation. 

People  were  warned  by  pulpit  and  press  to  beware 
""Millennial  Dawn,"  and  the  books  were  guarded  against, 
and  so  the  wily  "pastor"  chano-ed  the  title  to  the  more 
modest  and  more  deceptive  title  under  which  they  now 
circulate,  that  of,  "Studies  in  the  Scriptures !" 

Tn  Towa  a  prominent  club  woman,  who  held  official 
position  in  the  club  kingdom  of  that  state,  told  me  how, 
at  their  meeting  of  the  Federated  clubs,  a  proposition 
had  been  made  to  them  from  some  ^reat  religions  asso- 
ciation, that  if  they — as  clubs  throughout  the  state — 
would  o-et  the  papers  of  local  circulation,  through  the 
towns  and  cities,  to  agTee  to  run  a  religious  department 
each  week,  this  religious  association,  of  an  "interdenomi- 
national" type,  would  furnish  plate  matter  free  to  these 
papers,  and  for  the  service  which  these  women  rendered 
in  signing1  up  these  papers,  one  department  each  month 



would  be  given  to  tin*  publicity  work  of  these  clubs — 
this  Interdenominational  Association,  of  course,  setting 
the  stuff  for  the  women  and  furnishing  the  plates,  a* 
usual  free  of  cost  to  the  papers. 

These  women  were  elated  over  such  a  magnanimous 
proposition,  made  by  this  great  Interdenominational 
Association,  and  plans  were  under  way  to  close  the  con- 
tract, when  someone,  somewhere  got  suspicious.  An  in- 
vestigation resulted,  and,  as  a  result  of  that  investigation 
it  developed  that  back  of  it  all  there  were  the  whiskers, 
grip,  collars,  and  cuffs,  and  socks,  and  no-hell  literature. 

And   according  to  these   cultites,  the   end   justifies  th^- 
means,  for  once  they  get  their  hook  into  the  people,  re- 
cruits and  money  flow  fast! 

More  subtle  than  Mormon  ism"  and  more  subtle  in — 
operation — than  Fddyism.  is  Russellism. 

It  appears  in  many  guises  and  under  many  heads  and. 
from  many  sources  and  many  tongues. 


Of  ''Pastor''  Russell's  earlier  days  very  little  is  known. 

He  first  appears  on  the  horizon  of  human  activity  as 
the  affable  custodian  of  a  shoe,  shirt  and  sock  foundry, 
fjt  Allegheny,  Pa  ,  which  business  he  had  inherited  from 
his  father. 

Hack  in  these  days,  so  rumor  has  it,  he  was  given  to 
more  or  less  religious  controversy,  and  so-called  religious 

Like  .Joe  Smith  and  Mary  Baker  Eddy,  his  schooling- 
never  advanced  beyond  the  rudimentary  commonalities 
of  Readin',  and  Ritin ',  and  Rithmatic. 

With  grey  beard  and  patriarchal  appearance,  backed 
12 p  with  pleasing  personality  and  a  few  well  worn  and 
badly  abused  Greek  phrases,  he  easily  led  the  gullible. 


untrained  multitudes,  to  believe  that  all  wisdom,  man- 
evolved  and  God-created,  somehow  focalized  and  central- 
ized in  that  shapely  head. 

For  years  he  posed  as  a  Greek  scholar,  and  when  in 
one  of  his  many  trials,  he  was  asked  the  point  blank 
question,  "Are  you  a  Greek  scholar?"  the  answer  was 
in  the"  affirmative,  and  positively  so. 

When  the  attorneys  for  the  defense  passed  over  a 
Greek  alphabet  and  asked  him  to  read  the  albhabet,  he 
had  to  confess,  in  great  confusion,  that  he  did  not  even 
know  the  Greek  alphabet. 

He  made  the  mistake  that  ''Ma''  Eddy  did  not  make. 

"Ma"  Eddy  says  that  she  was  not  alone  well  versed 
in  Greek,  but  likewise  in  Hebrew  and  Latin,  and  when 
this  revelation — Christian  Science — came  to  her  it  knocked 
the  Greek,  Hebrew  and  Latin  fillin'  out  of  her,  so  to 
speak,  and  she  could  talk  them  no  more,  forever. 

There  was  no  chance  to  run  "Ma"  Eddy  into  the  trap 
that  "Pa"  Russell  got  into. 

Like  Joe  Smith  and  "Ma"  Eddy.  "Pa"  Russell  had 
his  disappointments  and  sorrows  in  the  realm  of  mar- 

All  three  of  these  so-railed  "Messengers"  had  their 
episodes  before  the  courts. 

The  Brooklyn  Eagle,  one  of  the  great  dailies  of  the 
east,  issued  a  special  edition  which  was  given  wholly  to 
Pastor  Russell  and  the  shady  chapters  of  his  rather 
eventful  career. 

The  Brooklyn  Eagle  gave  the  testimony  of  the  divorce 
proceedings  in  which  Mrs.  Russell  sued  her  husband  for 
divorce  on  the  grounds  of  improper  conduct  toward 
other  women. 

Her  decree  was  readily  granted. 

The    Brooklyn    Eagle    gave    the    court    proceedings    in 


which  "Pastor"  Russell  was  again  called  before  the 
bar,  through  an  unlawful  attempt  to  defraud  his  wife 
out  of  her  dowry  rights. 

The  Brooklyn  Eagle  devotes  special  space  to  the  great- 
est advertising — or  what  was  attempted  as  the  greatest 
advertising — stunt  "Pastor"  Russell  ever  pulled  off. 

The  publicity  tide  was  running  low,  and  it  is  probable 
with  that  decline  there  was  a  corresponding  decline  in 
the  financial  returns  of  the  cult  enterprise. 

One  day  the  religious  and  secular  world  was  apprised 
of  the  fact  that  a  certain  "'Commission"  had  been  formed 
— "Interdenominational,"  of  course,  to  make  a  tour  of 
the  world  in  an  investigation  of  "Missions."  All  that 
anyone  seemed  to  know,  was  that  this  ''Commission" 
had  been  formed;  but  by  whom,  or  of  whom  it  was  to 
consist,  no  one  seemed  to  know. 

Much  publicity  was  given  the  movement,  both  at  home 
and  abroad.  The  writer  of  these  articles  has  been  in  one 
city,  away  from  the  home-land,  where  this  "Commission" 

Leading  church. men  met  the  "Commission"  and  drove-' 
it   to  schools  and   mission  stations,   with   no   question  as 
to  its  reliability  and  integrity  of  purpose. 

These  good  people  were  greatly  mortified  and  cha- 
grined when  they  found  it  was  the  Russellitc  clique,  with 
the  wily  old  fox  at  the  head. 

Around  the  world  this  noted  (??)  "Commission"  went, 
and  finally  this  painstaking  (???)  and  far  reaching  in- 
Testigatioii  was  ended,  and  the  commissioners  (????) 
were  landed  back  on  the  home  shore. 

Through  such  periodicals  as  the  Saturday  Evening 
Post,  with  a  whole  page  ad.,  which  cost  a  lot  of  money, 
this  "Commission"  reported  out  to  the  churches,  and 


the  world,  the  utter,  and  pitiable,  and  sickening  collapse, 
of  missionary  enterprises  in  the  Mission  lands. 

And,  just  as  this  noted  (?ft)  "Commission" — com- 
posed of  "Pa"  Russell,  with  whiskers,  grip,  collars,  cuffs, 
socks  and  no-hell  literature,  backed  up  by  a  few  flunkies, 
or  stray  dogs  of  the  religious  kennel,  had  finished  adver- 
tising: its  great  investigatory  tour  of  all  lands,  and  had 
its  big  balloon  greatly  inflated,  something  happened  and 
the  old  ''gas-bag"  fell  to  the  earth  as  flat  and  as  dry  as 
M  six-year  old  strip  of  snake  hide. 

What  had  happened'? 

Alas  and  alack,  for  that  noted  F.ffTT)  "Interdenomi- 
national Commission" — the  Brooklyn  Eagle  had  wind  of 
Avhat  was  being  planned,  and  so,  at  a  great  expense,  it 
delegated  a  special  "Investigator"  to  take  the  trial  of 
this  noted  (???)  "Interdenominational  Commission"  and 
salt  down  the  facts. 

These  facts  the  Brooklyn  Eagle  had  ready,  and  when 
that  big  balloon  of  publicity  was  shot  up  from  the  Rus~ 
sellite  Street  Carnival,  the  Brooklyn  Eagle  trained  its 
gun  and  pulled  the  trigger,  and  there  was  nothing  to  do 
but  bury  the  remains. 

According  to  affidavits,  clippings  and  illustrations  ga- 
lore, it  was  shown  that  while  the  "Pastor"  reported 
back  an  investigation  of  missionary  conditions  in  land 
after  land,  that  about  all  this  commission  did  was  to 
change  trains,  or  go  from  boat  to  train,  or  train  to  boat, 
in  these  lands. 

The  whole  venture  was  an  advertising  stunt,  impure 
and  unwise,  and  was*  never  intended  as  a  serious  investi- 
gation of  actual  conditions  in  the  mission  lands. 

To  the  papers,  large  and  small,  throughout  the  nation, 
where,  through  free  space  and  bought  space,  the  Russell 
sermons  are  weekly  published,  there  was  sent  the  usual 


"Pastor"  Russell  sermon,  with  an  introductory  and  ex- 
planatory note,  telling  how  ''Pastor7'  Russell  preached 
the  following  sermon  in  such  and  such  a  city,  in  such 
and  such  a  land,  to  a  great  crowd,  when  facts  were,  as 
produced  by  the  Brooklyn  Eagle,  in  city  after  city  where 
this  "Commission''  reported  back  great  sermons  to  great 
crowds,  "Pastor"'  Russell  did  not  preach  at  all,  and 
when  he  did  preach,  in  this  great  advertising  tour,  it 
was  the  same  sermon,  practically,  all  the  way  around. 

With  this  fake  tour,  and  with  the  unsavory  proceed- 
ings of  the  divorce  courts  and  its  subsequent  develop- 
ments, added  to  his  "Miracle  Wheat"  episode  and  other 
questionable  transactions,  the  Brooklyn  Eagle  made  life 
miserable  to  the  "Pastor"  and  his  no-hell  fraternity,  and, 
finally,  patience  ceased  to  be  a  virtue,  and  "Pastor" 
Russell  sued  the  Brooklyn  Eagle  for  a  large  sum  of 
money.  When  the  case  was  tried,  the  attorneys  for  the 
"Pastor"  warned  the  jury  that  "Pastor**  Russell  was 
known  around  the  world,  and  followed  as  a  man  of  God 
by  hundreds  of  thousands,  and  that  a  verdict  for  the 
Brooklyn  Eagle  would  be  tantamount  to  branding 
"Pastor"  Russell  as  a  fake  and  a  fraud,  and  thus  would 
create  doubt  in  the  minds  of  many,  but  the  jury  hastily 
returned  its  verdict,  aiid  the  verdict  was  in  favor  of  the 
Brooklyn  Eagle. 


To  begin  with.  "Pastor"  Russell  announces  himself 
as  an  "Interdenominationalist,"  when  facts  are.  he  is  an 
"  Anti-denominationalist." 

By  announcing  himself  as  an  "Interdenominatiorial- 
is-. "  he  strikes  a  popular  chord,  for  the  trend  of  the 
jii1  is  toward  interdenominational  thought  and  work. 


Were  he  to  announce  himself  for  what  he  is an 

"Anti-denominationalist" — he  would  scare  off  the  wary, 
and  erect  a  barrier  between  his  work  and  the  great 
church  of  Christ,  which  he  seeks  to  proselyte — a  barrier 
that  would  practically  bar  him  forever  from  any  inroads 
into  the  church. 

So.  again,  there  is  a  reason  why  he  chooses  to  call 
himself  an  "Interdenominationalist." 

Belonging-  to  no  denomination,  and  calling  upon  his 
followers  to  withdraw  from  the  organized  church  of 
Christ,  he  stands  out  in  the  religious  world  as  an  "Anti- 
denominationalist. ' ' 

Again,  when  stepping  into  the  limelight  as  the  origi- 
nator of  a  new  and  better  way,  with  a  copyrighted 
schedule  for  divine  action,  he  worked  his  usual  little 
gold-brick  stunt,  by  announcing  himself  as  "Pastor" 

This  honored  title,  by  the  church  bestowed,  was  used 
as  a  guise  under  which  to  operate. 

He  had  no  church  of  his  own,  and  had  never  been 
ordained  or  appointed  by  any  church,  and  the  title  was 
self  bestowed,  and  therefore  a  travesty  on  the  honored 
office  to  which  men  of  God  are  appointed  by  the  church. 

When  scathingly  denounced  by  the  indignant  pulpit 
and  press  for  these  hypocritical  and  false  pretensions, 
he  had  a  certain  little  handful  of  his  jumping-jacks  to 
pass  through  some  sort  of  a  farce  or  tragedy  in  appoint- 
ing him  their  "Pastor:"  so  now  he  claims  to  be  a  legiti- 
mate child,  in  the  recognized  ministry. 

In  moving  to  Brooklyn,  X.  Y..  "Pastor"  Russell  did 
two  shrewd  things.  In  the  first  place,  he  called  his  little 
two-by-scantling  church,  "The  Brooklyn  Tabernacle'1 
(?)  and  the  Dr.  Talmage  Brooklyn  Tabernacle  is  known 
around  the  world,  and  naturally,  and  as  was  anticipated, 


"Pastor"  Russell,  through  this  effrontery  and  trickery. 
came  into  much  of  the  publicity  fruits  of  the  Dr.  Talmage 
world-wide  ministry. 

The  second  wise  thing  he  did — wise  from  his  view- 
point and  purpose — was  to  buy  the  old  Henry  Ward 
Beecher  home,  coining:  into  another  sacred  circle  that 
gave  him  a  leverage  under  the  hearts  of  the  people  that 
counts  for  him  and  counts  largely. 

To  men  and  women  who  know  all  the  fa<-ts,  ''Pastor"" 
Russell's  attempt  to  parade  in  the  clothes  of  a  Dr.  T. 
DeWitt  Talmage,  or  a  Dr.  Henry  Ward  Beecher,  is  just 
about  as  incongruous  as  it  would  be  for  a  pismire  to 
undertake  to  carry  a  bale  of  cotton  in  its  mouth. 

Pictures  of  "Pastor"  Russell  seated  in  the  chair  or 
the  library  of  the  late  Dr.  Henry  Ward  Beecher.  or  from 
the  "Brooklyn  Tabernacle.  New  York."  will  naturally 
appeal  and  appeal  profoundly  to  a  certain  element  of 
people  at  home  and  abroad,  and  this  is  only  some  more 
wise  turns  of  the  sly  old  fox  for  effective  publicity. 

As  an  advertiser,  ''Pastor"  Russell  can  give  the  aver- 
age advertising  specialist  the  inside  track,  with  a  100- 
yard  advantage  in  the  get  away,  and  then  beat  him  under 
the  wire,  and  by  so  great  a  lead  that  the  other  fellow 
can  only  be  located  by  the  dust. 

Through  paid  space  in  magazine,  newspaper,  by  leaf- 
lets, tracts,  booklets  and  books,  the  Russellite  appeal  is 
scattered  broadcast  throughout  the  land. 

From  lakes  to  gulf  and  coast  to  coast,  you  will  find 
it  rather  difficult  to  find  a  nook,  or  corner,  or  valley,  or 
mountain,  where  this  literature  has  not  crawled. 

The  end.  again,  justifies  the  means,  for  once  men  and 
women  arc  reached  and  once  they  are  converted  to  the 
Russell  cult,  there  is  no  church  to  build,  and  no  paid 


ministry  to  support,  but  rather,  all  gifts— and  they  are 
many — are  turned  toward  the  Brooklyn  "till." 

The  Watch  Tower  and  Tract  Society,  through  which 
the  business  end  of  the  Russell  cult  is  handled,  has  ac- 
c  >rd ing  to  evidence  introduced  at  the  Russell  trial,  re- 
ceived over  two  million  of  dollars  in  a  few  short  years. 

This  organization,  according;  to  this  testimony,  has  50,- 
000  voting  shares  of  stock,  representing  several  millions 
of  dollars,  and,  of  these  50,000  voting  shares  of  stock, 
" Pastor"  Russell  owns  47,000  shares— the  other  4,OUO 
shares  being;  divided  amongst  the  few  men  who  give  the 
movement  some  semblance  of  an  organization,  and  who 
meet  once  a  year  to  concur  in  the  re-election  of  "Pastor" 
Russell  as  president  and  chief  manipulator  of  the  widely 
advertised  Russell  wares. 

Like  Mormonism,  and  Eddyism,  Russellism  has  ils 
forms  of  organization  and  its  different  "officers  and 
directors."  but  when  it  came  to  the  actual  question  of 
authority  these  puppets  of  Mormonism.  and  Eclilyisin, 
and  Russellism.  have  about  as  much  weight  as  does  the 
average  Arkansas  backwoodser,  when  it  comes  to  the 
r-'vision  of  the  tariff,  or  the  building  of  a  merchant 

Russellism  makes  a  world  of  noise  over  the  fact  that 
no  public  collection  is  ever  taken  in  a  Russellite  service. 

This  is  true  for  the  simple  reason  that  Russell  has 
found  a  better  way  to  get  money. 

Prophesying  the  end  of  the  age  in  October.  1014.  multi- 
tudes of  his  followers  poured  their  money  into  his  till, 
in  ever  increasing  golden  streams,  and  now  that  that 
event  has  passed  and  nothing  happened,  he  will  concoct 
some  other  porous  plaster,  by  twisted  word,  or  special 
revelation,  that  will  draw  the  coy  dollar  from  the  de- 
pleted purses  of  his  deluded  dupes. 


According  to  the  evidence  of  the  well  known  trial  of 
the  noted  "Pastor"  Russell  versus  The  Brooklyn  Eagle, 
it  was  found  that  this  noted  no-hell  and  second  propa- 
gandist, while  predict ing  the  end,  and  gathering*  the 
material  emoluments  of  such  a  prophecy,  was  also  the 
head,  or  the  dominant  factor,  of  more  than  a  half  dozen 
other  corporations — amongst  them  a  Rubber  company, 
and  a  Turpentine  company,  and  an  Asphalt  company, 
and  a  Lead  company,  and  a  Cemetery  company,  etc.,  etc. 

"Pastor"  Russell  has  crossed  the  continent  on  special 
trains  of  palatial  Pullman  cars,  being  lauded  and  ap- 
plauded by  the  Russellite  fraternity  as  though  he  were 
a  king. 

All  this  pomp,  and  splendor,  and  glitter,  and  glamor, 
with  which  this  noted  "no-hellist"  and  "Seeond-pro- 
bationist"  has  been  surrounded,  will  one  day  evaporate 
and  the  world  will  know  him  for  what  he  is,  a  false 
prophet,  prophesying  lies. 



THIS  is  the  United   States  of  North  America.     This 
is   the     land     over    which     floats    the     Stars     and 

This  is  the  land  in  which  every  man  has  the  right  to 
worship  God  according  to  the  dictates  of  his  own  con- 
science, and  if  dissatisfied  with  the  God  the  Christian 
worships,  he  has  the  right  to  build  for  himself  a  god 
that  better  suits  his  conventions  or  conveniences. 

America  has  been  the  haven  of  refuge  for  the  oppressed 
of  all  nations,  and  into  this  haven  multitudes  have 
poured,  bag  and  baggage,  tags  and  taggage,  with  all 
their  kith  and  kin. 

In  a  religious  sense  America  has  become  the  melting 
pot  of  the  world,  and  the  problems  of  the  church  of 
Jesus  Christ  are  legion,  and  these  problems  of  the  church 
of  today  will  be  added  to  for  the  church  tomorrow,  and 
there  will  be  a  corresponding  increase  in  these  problems 
on  and  on,  until  Jesus  comes. 

To  the  several  score  of  variated  and  variegated  re- 
ligions that  these  foreign  peoples  have  brought  to  these 
calm  and  peaceful  ( ?  ?  ?  ?)  shores,  there  has  been  added 
a  score  or  more  of  cults,  and  isms,  and  schisms,  and 
clans,  and  cliques,  and  ticks,  that  the  devil  has  turned 
out  of  his  hastily  and  rudely  constructed  cult  factories- 
hero  iii  the  home  land. 

Amongst  all  this  jar  and  jangle,  rant  and  wrangle, 
created  by  conflicting  creeds  and  deeds  of  the  cultites. 


there  stands — loominir  high  over  all — the  organized 
Church  <>f  Jesus  Christ. 

With  the  problems  that  confront  the  church,  today, 
and  with  the  added  problems  that  are  to  be  placed  be- 
fore the  church,  tomorrow,  it  is  of  supremest  importance 
that  the  church  of  Jesus  Christ  arise  to  the  emergency, 
and  definitely  get  on  the  job  for  Christ,  and  home,  and 
native  land. 

The  tragedy  is,  that  while  the  church  looms  large  over 
all,  it  is  often  true  that  she  looms  large  in  her  mag- 
nificence and  majesty,  as  about  the  most  dignified, 
ossified,  petrified  and  "classified"  institution  that  the 
sun  shines  upon. 

Xo.  certainly,  we  do  not  mean  the  whole  church,  or 
any  large  part  of  it,  but  there  are  churches  that  are  so 
worldly,  indolent,  selfish  and  inactive,  that  their  pitiable 
condition  is  sufficient  to  make  an  angel  weep. 

This  is  the  one  secret  of  the  rapid  growth  of  the  cult 
world,  or  kingdom. 

If  the  church  of  Christ  were  thoroughly  consecrated, 
and  aggressively  evangelistic,  ringing  out  on  the  whole. 
Bible  as  the  inspired  truth,  there  would  be  very  little 
soil  in  which  these  cliques  and  ticks  could  propagate 
their  species. 

With  a  spirit-filled,  and  spirit-led,  and  a  Bible-taught 
church,  these  cultites  would  stand  just  as  little  chance 
for  finding  proselytes  in  the  average  Christian  church, 
as  a  brain  specialist  would  have  of  finding  brains  in  the 
head  of  the  average  society  girl ! 

This  is  the  land  of  liberty,  so  we  sing  and  so  we  teach. 

Some  men  and  women,  however,  have  ever  confounded 
liberty  with  lawlessness,  and  their  ideas  of  liberty  carry 
with  them  the  right  to  re-write  the  Bible,  re-set  all  the 


nial  guide-posts,  slap  God  in  the  face,  and  run  riot, 

There  is  such  a  thing-  as  "religious  intolerance, " 
which  is  destructive  to  the  highest  ideas  of  the  Christian 

On  the  other  hand,  there  is  such  a  thing:  as  compromis- 
•lamby-pamby  "religious  tolerance,"  that  may  spell 
OUT  great  disasters  in  the  religions  life  of  a  nation. 

Christianity    restricted,  despised    and    persecuted,   h:is 
:i  Christianity  pure  and  powerful,  while  Christ- 
ianity unrestricted,  praised  and  popularized,  has  always 
Christianity     powerless,      fruitless,      impure     an-3 

t*ld    proverb    reads.    "God    gfives    liberty,    but    the 
d-'-vil   gives  liberties. '" 

God  intends  that  men  and  women  should  be  free  with- 
in the  Ten  Commandments,  the  Sermon  on  the  Mount, 
and  the  Thirteenth  Chapter  of  1st  Corinthians;  but  the 
d-'-vil  seeks  to  have  old  humantiy  take  liberties  with  the 

'y  which   God  gives. 

Thus   a   million   crimes   have    been   committed    against 
God  and  humanity  under  the  beautiful  cloak  of  liberty. 
These  cult  builders  not  alone  demand  the  right  to  think 
act    entirely     independent    of    the     plainly     written 
"\Vord   of   (iod.   but   they   hold   it    as   their   right,   also,   to 
take  the  inspired  and   infallible  truth  and  manipulate   it 
and  mutilate   it   as  they  choose. 

Further,  they  reserve  the  right  to  place  alongside  the 
Bible  their  ludicrous  concoction  of  consummate  asinine 
falsehoods,  and  for  this  ludicrous  concoction  they  have 
had  the  brazen  effrontery  to  claim  equal  authority  with 
the  Holy  Bible. 

The  attempt  of  these  cultites  to  substitute  for  the 
Bible  is  a  subtle  and  satanic  effort  to  discredit  the  Holv 


Bible  and  to  subvert  the  faith  of  the  child  of  God. 

Apart  from  the  special  revelation  which  each  claims 
he  or  she  received  from  heaven,  neither  of  these  cults 
would  have  one  word  of  authority  with  which  to  bolster 
up  its  religious  framework,  or,  more  correctly  called, 

Mormonism,  Eddyism,  and  Ilussellism,  are  the  "Laza- 
rus-triplets" of  the  Twentieth  century,  in  that  tley  are 
found  lying  on  every  church  door  step,  begging  the 
passers  by,  to  hear,  and  heed,  and  join  them,  ere  they  die. 

They  are  the  three  most  notorious  proselyters  of  the 
world's  history,  and,  like  Lazarus,  they  actually  exist  on 
the  crumbs  that  fall  from  the  average  church  table. 

Mormonism,  and  Eddyism,  and  Russellism,  are  made 
up  almost  exclusively  of  men  and  women  who  have  sifted 
and  drifted  from  the  organized  church  of  Christ. 


These  three  great  cults  are  before  the  American  church. 

Practically  every  community  knows  something  about 
sonic  of  these  cults,  while  most  communities  know  a  grear 
deal  about  all  three  of  them. 

It  is  only  a  question  of  time  until  every  community 
•will  Irave  these  proselyting  wolves  howling  in  the  yard 
of  the  church  and  standing  at  the  door  of  the  home. 

These  cults  cannot  be  ignored,  for  the  simple  reason 
•hat  they  pi  fer  nothing  belter  than  that  they  be  allowed 
to  continue  i/ieir  underhanded  work  of  destruction,  with- 
out publicity  or  detection. 

Again,  if  you  leave  them  alone  they  will  not  leave  you 

In  seeking  to  protect  the  church  from  the  specious  ap- 


peal  of  these  cultites  a  dram  of  preventive  is  worth  more 
than  a  whole  ocean  of  cure. 

In  fact,  when  a  Protestant  church  member  crawls  into 
the  cult  hole  he  usually  takes  the  hole  in  after  him,  and 
to  try  to  get  the  saving:  Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ  through 
all  the  barriers  that  stand  between  the  soul-saver  and 
lhat  cult  convert,  is  just  as  fruitless  an  undertaking 
as  to  try  to  shoot  the  Gospel  into  the  benighted  heart 
of  the  average  cigarette  sucking  buck  or  dancing  buckess 
of  the  ordinary  bung-tung  society  circle. 

When  a  man  or  woman  swallows  "Grandpa"  Smith, 
oi1  "Ma"  Eddy,  or  "Pa"  Kussell,  there  is  a  certain  im- 
portant part  that  the  devil  seems  to  play,  through  which 
the  swallowing  process  is  carried  out  with  very  little 
suffering  to  the  patient,  and  after  which  there  seems  to 
come  profound  slumber,  or  stupefaction,  that  continues 
until  death. 

The  prayer  that  mother  taught  us  is  changed,  in  the 
cult  kingdom,  to  read: 

"Xow  T  lay  me  down   to  sleep, 
\Vhile  all   around  me  cultites  creep; 
If  I  should  die  before  I  wake, 
All   that  remains  the  cultites  take." 

\Vhile  many  thousands  of  men  and  women  have  event- 
ually been  saved  from  the  ranks  of  the  cultites.  to  be 
received  back  into  the  organized  church  of  Christ,  most 
of  them  have  returned,  it  seems,  not  through  any  appeal 
made  from  the  outside,  but  rather  through  a  disillusion- 
ment and  an  awakening  that  came  throuirh  the  hypo- 
crisies and  dishonesties  of  those  of  the  inside. 

Tt  is  a  fact  also,  and  a  sad  fact,  that  most  of  these 
returning  prodiirals  return  with  faith  shattered  and  must 


bo  scut  to  the  hospital  of  the  church,  rather  than  to 
the  battle  front. 

The  only  hope  for  multitudes  in  the  church  is  that 
teachers  and  preachers  shall  bring  them  the  truth  con- 
e"rninir  these  cult  movements  in  advance  of  the  coming 
<if  these  workers  from  the  cult  kingdom. 

This  is  a  forlorn  hope  in  some  communities,  for  if  the 
cultite  should  postpone  his  coming  until  fifteen  hundred 
•cars  after  (iabriel  blew  his  horn,  he  would  arrive  fifteen 
hundred  years  before  some  preachers  and  teachers  got 
to  the  people  with  (jod's  truth  about  these  damnable 

If  the  seven-year-itch  were  eternal  life,  generally  pre- 
valent and  highly  contagious,  some  people  in  pulpit  and 
pew  would  not  be  able  to  catch  it  in  a  million  years. 

The  eultites  cannot  get  a  footing1,  much  less  grow,  in. 
:i  community  where  the  people  are  vaccinated,  fumigated,. 
and  saturated,  with  the  whole  Bible  and  with  facts  con- 
•  rnimr  the  snbtlty  of  these1  cult  appeals. 

To  begin  with,  the  people  must  be  thoroughly  indoctri- 
nated with  a  whole  Bible— all  its  fundamental  truths. 

While  it  is  true  that  it  is  often  the  spiritually  minded 
who  chase  off  after  these  fads  of  the  cult  world,  it  is 
never  the  spiritually  taught.  The  spiritually  minded 
•ire  always  the  most  susceptible  of  all  religions  dupes. 
iMiloss  their  spiritual  mindedness  is  backed  up  and 
j-ed  about  with  an  intelligent  urasp  on  the  iinchanu1- 
iiiu1  and  unchangeable  verities  of  (lod's  book. 

While  we  are  seeking,  on  the  one  hand,  to  teach  our 
men  and  women  the  fundamentals  with  which  the  cultite 
plays  last  and  loose,  we  must  also  kindly  and  plainly 
lay  before  the  people  the  as1  ound mir  and  rll  but  rinbo- 
lievable  tacts  having  to  do  with  the  origination,  manipu- 
lation, and  propagation,  of  the  cult  faith. 


To  insist  that  to  warn  the  unsophisticated  of  the 
household  of  faith  concerning  these  cunningly  con- 
structed combinations  of  falsehood,  is  to  the  more  quick- 
ly alienate  men  and  women  from  the  church  and  from 
Christ,  and  the  more  quickly  drive  men  and  women  to 
the  cult  cliques,  is  to  mouth  over  the  self-worn,  moth- 
eaten  excuses  that  the  average  indolent,  lazy  lout  has  to 
offer  who  is  too  preoccupied  with  society,  or  too  badly 
affected  with  the  "setter-itis,"  to  guide  the  people  or 
guard  their  soul's  eternal  intersts. 

There  will  be  more  or  less  of  a  commotion  in  the  aver- 
age church,  where  scores  of  men  and  women  are  hanging 
on  the  edges  of  cultdom  (and  who  will  eventually  go 
over  to  the  cult  kingdom),  when  a  preacher  gets  up  and 
fires  into  the  ranks  of  these  proselyting  cult  movements; 
Imt,  those  who  go  out  under  such  a  commotion  are  those 
•who  will  eventually  go  anyway,  and  they  had  better  be 
gotten  rid  of  before  they  succeed  in  infecting  the  whole 
church  body  with  their  cult  virus. 

The  enemy  on  the  inside  is  a  thousand  times  more 
dangerous  than  the  enemy  on  the  outside. 

If  I  were  a  pastor,  just  so  soon  as  I  found  that  any  of 
my  members  were  infected  with  the  "cult-phobia,"  I 
would  seek  to  isolate  them,  and  if  there  was  no  chance 
to  cure  them  of  their  "cult-phobia"  I  would  cut  the 
diseased  part  off  the  church"  body,  by  amputating  them 
from  the  church  roll. 

The  pastor  who  lets  these  cult  workers  and  sympa- 
thizers run  unrestricted  through  the  ranks  of  his  church 
membership,  for  fear  that  to  denounce  them  would  be  to 
offend  some  men  and  women  who  chance  to  sympathize 
with  these  cultites,  is  a  thousand  times  less  excusable 
than  the  shepherd  that  refuses  to  kill  the  wolves,  or  inter- 



fere  with  their  killing  the  sheep,  for  fear  that  some  of 
the  sheep  may  he  in  sympathy  with  the  wolves. 

A  non-committal  attitude  on  this  question  may  be 
chargeable  to  an  honest  attempt  to  do  the  wise  and  best 
thin"-,  but  more  often  is  traceable  to  incompetence,  ignor- 
ance, or  spiritual  criminality — and  sometimes,  we  fear, 
to  all  three,  with  indolence  thrown  in. 

The  time  to  lock  the  door  is  before  the  horse  is  stolen. 

There  is  no  use  preaching  against  the  dangers  of  an 
unlocked  barn,  after  the  barn  has  been  stripped  of  every 
living  animal  but  the  chicken  mites. 

"We  do  not  believe  in  calling  all  hands  to  kill  the 
wolves,  when  there  are  no  wolves,  but  we  do  believe  in 
a  lecture  occasionally  on  wolves,  and  a  little  preparation 
for  warding  ofi  attack  when  they  come,  especially  so  if 
they  are  running  at  will  through  the  land,  and  reports 
indicate  that  tney  are  headed  our  way. 

What  should  the  church  be  taught? 

First,  the  church  should  be  taught  that  the  Bible  is  a 
completed  revelation,  and  all  that  is  necessary  to  save 
the  race  is  written  there,  where  all  can  read  and  under- 

Second,  the  church  should  be  taught  that  when  any 
man  or  woman  comes  knocking  at  the  door  with  a  pro- 
fessed "Newer  Revelation"  with  a  so-called  "key"  with 
which  to  unlock  their  particular  brand  of  religion,  it  can 
be  marked  down  as  an  uneontrovertible  fact  that  that 
religion  is  of  the  devil. 

Mormon  ism.  Eddyism,  and  Russellism,  belong  in  this 
category,  and  the  man  with  aferage  intelligence  needs 
only  to  ponder  the  following  facts  to  be  thoroughly  con- 
vinced of  their  satanic  origin. 



We  have  found  that  there  is  no  exposition  that  brings 
greater  revelation  to  the  average  worshiper,  or  that 
more  thoroughly  convinces  the  average  man  that  these 
""Isms"  all  flow  from  one  foul  source,  than  that  which 
stands  three  great  cults  side  by  side  with  their  striking 
and  damnable  similarities  exposed. 

Preachers,  everywhere,  should  ring  out  loud  and  long 
on  these  similarities. 

FIRST :  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be  taught 
that  each  of  these  cults,  has  its  own  distinct  field,  and, 
assiduously  and  indefatigably,  each,  in  turn,  is  work- 
ing the  field  that  the  head  of  eultdom  has  assigned  each 
to  work. 

These  cults  could  work  without  perceptible  conflict  in 
the  average  community,  not  because  they  are  agreed  on 
the  doctrines  they  bring,  for  there  is  not  one  essential 
doctrine  on  which  they  agree,  but  they  could  work  side 
by  side,  for  the  simple  reason  that  they  have  their  dis- 
tinct classes  to  which  they  appeal,  and  there  is  a  very 
little  overlapping. 

Mormonism  appeals  to  the  ignorant,  unthinking 

Fddyism  appeals  to  the  "  high-fly  ing r?  classes. 

Russellism  appeals  to  the  people  who  stand  between 
these  other  two  extremes. 

Each  of  these  cults  brings  a  message  that  specially 
appeals  to  the  distinct  class  to  which  it  goes,  and  these 
three  cults  cover  the  whole  of  humanity's  several  levels, 
tjs  the  waters  cover  the  sea ! 

SECOND:  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be 
taught,  that  these  cults  flow  from  fountains  that  are 


Mormonism  flows  from  a   loud  smelling  fountain. 

Eddyism  flows  from  a  loud  smelling  fountain. 

Russellism  flows  from  a  loud  smelling  fountain. 

A  druggist  had  a  barrel  of  moth  balls  poured  into  his 
show  window  with  a  sign  over  them  "FIVE  CENTS 

A  darkey  entered  with,  "Boss  gimmie  5  cents  woff  of 
th'm  brefflets. "' 

It  is  possible  that  the  founders  of  the  cult  kingdom 
eat  moth  balls  for  "brefflets,"  but  even  then,  it  would 
take  something  more  than  moth  balls  and  lime  to  cover 
up  some  of  the  loud-smelling  places  in  the  life  work  of 
most  of  the  builders  of  the  cult  world — and  this,  too, 
after  these  men  and  women  professed  to  become  God's 
special  channels  of  truth  to  the  world. 

Can  a  fountain  that  is  confessedly  impure  send  forth 
waters  that  are  pure,  and  clean,  and  sweet? 

In  the  cult  world  the  answer  is  a  positive  "yes."'  but 
everywhere  else,  it  is  an  emphatic  "NO." 

THIRD:  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be  taught 
that  down  through  the  centuries,  since  Christ  died,  holy 
men  of  (Jod  have  taught  us  that  the  Bible  contains 
Uod's  saving  truth  for  all  ages,  and  that  saving  truth 
is  so  plainly  written  that  a  "fool  need  not  err  therein;" 
but  each  of  these  cults  brings  some  added  revelation, 
which  places  (tod's  book  in  a  secondary  place,  or.  re- 
arranges Hod's  book  and  rewrites  God's  book,  to  fit  the 
hodge-podge,  or  hocus-pocus  of  their  cheap  imitation. 

There   is  no   room  for  compromise   here. 

If  Mormonism  is  right,  and  it  brings  God's  final  Avord 
of  saving  truth  to  the  world.  Eddyism  and  Russellism 
are  malicious  and  damnable  lies. 

If  Eddyism   is  right,  and   it  brings   God's  final  word 

IX  THE  (TLT  KIX<;I)<  )M  115 

of  saving  truth  to  the  world.  Mormonism  and  Russellism 
are  malicious  and  damnable  lies. 

If  Russellism  is  right,  and  it  brings  (iod's  final  word 
of  saving  truth  to  the  world.  Mormonism  and  Eddyism 
are  malicious  and  damnable  lies. 

And.  if  God's  word  is  true,  just  as  it  stands,  bearing 
to  the  world  (-{od's  saving  truth,  clearly  written,  so  that 
a  fool  may  run  and  read  and  understand,  Mormonism, 
Eddyism,  and  Russellism.  are  alike,  in  that  they  are 
malicious  and  damnable  lies. 

There  is  no  use  to  smooth  over  and  gloss  over  this 

There  must   be  no  meaningless  palaver  here. 

The  man  who  compromises  with  a  cult  that  attacks 
the  integrity  of  the  church  and  the  deity  of  Jesus  Christ 
is  a  pusillanimous  puppet — a  betrayer  of  the  church  and 
the  Christ  of  the  church. 

FOURTH:  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be 
taught  that  each  of  these  cults  makes  an  attack  on  the 
Deity  of  -Jesus  Christ. 

In  Mormonism,  Jesus  Christ  was  one  of  many  Saviors. 

We  may  become  a  Savior,  too.  and  not  alone  be  instru- 
mental in  saving  the  living,  but,  by  being  baptized  for 
the  unsaved  dead,  we  can  wash  away  their  sins  and 
prize  them  into  heaven. 

Christ's  blood,  shed  on  Calvary,  was  not  for  our  sins, 
but  for  the  sins  of  Adam. 

In  Eddyism.  Christ  died  as  an  example  of  perfect  love. 

His  blood,  shed  on  Calvary's  cross,  had  no  more  to  do 
with  our  sins  than  when  it  was  flowing  in  His  veins. 

In  Russellism.  Christ's  death  on  the  cross  was  a  man's 
death,  and  nothing  more. 

The   man    Christ   Jesus   was   annihilated   on    the   cross. 


-and  the  body  did  not  rise  from  the  dead — probably  was 
dissolved  into  gas! 

Thus  these  cults  not  alone  substitute  for  the  Holy 
Bible,  but  they  substitute  for  the  Christ  of  God,  the 
world's  Redeemer,  whom  God  has  sent. 

FIFTH:  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be  taught 
that,  while  each  of  these  cults  profess  to  bring-  God's 
saving  truth  to  these  last  days,  each  in  turn  has  been 
worked  to  the  limit  on  the  question  of  the  dollar,  and 
each  lias  turned  millions  of  dollars  into  the  hands,  or 
the  pockets,  of  its  founders. 

In  each  of  the  cult  movements  all  moneys  have  centered 
back  into  the  pockets,  or  the  hands,  of  the  man,  or  wo- 
man, who  founded  the  movement,  and,  in  all  the  history 
of  the  world,  never  have  three  religions  been  made  mer- 
chandise out  of — or  never  have  the  deluded  dupes  of  a 
religious  movement,  been  made  merchandise  out  of — as 
in  Mormonism,  Eddyism,  and  Russellism. 

With  "special"  and  "exclusive"  revelation  for  sab% 
each  has  had  a  "gold-brick"  swindle  with  which  to  work 
the  "workable"  millions  of  the  nation,  and  through 
their  "special"  revelations  they  have  been  able  to  secure 
an  all  but  unlimited  supply  of  cash. 

Apart  from  the  "special  revelation"  which  each  claims 
Mormonism,  and  Eddyism,  and  Russellism,  would  never 
have  been  heard  of. 

SIXTH :  The  churches,  everywhere,  should  be  taught 
that  these  cults  hold  out  to  the,  prospective  convert  a 
special  bonus  that  the  Bible  does  not  authorize  and  the 
convert  never  receives. 

Mormonism  offers  what  is  tantamount  to  free  reign  to 
lust,  a  chance  to  work  out  our  salvation  and  a  chance 
to  become  saviors  for  men  alive  and  dead,  with  a  heaven 


in  which  lust  is  glorified,  and  in  which  there  is  a  fine 
prospect  for  one  to  become  a  sure  enough  god. 

Eddy  ism  offers  deliverance  from  all  aches  and  pains, 
all  sorrows  and  cares,  all  fear  of  death,  or  judgment, 
or  hell,  or  damnation.  In  fact,  anything  you  want,  the 
Eddyite  will  offer  you. 

Russellism  offers  a  second  chance  for  all,  on  the  other 
side  the  grave,  and  annihilation  if  you  refuse  the  second 
chance.  This  offer  has  a  human  Christ  and  a  human 
sacrifice  back  of  it. 

Apart  from  their  tl special  revelations,"  which  they 
have  to  sell  to  the  people,  of  course,  they  have  no  au- 
thority for  their  promises  which  they  hold  out,  but,  with 
their  "special  revelation77  they  have  the  credentials, 
sufficiently  authoritative  for  some,  with  which  to  back 
up  tlieit'  loud  claims. 

If  a  fellow  decides  that  the  organized  church  of  Jesus 
Christ  is  a  swindle,  and  the  Bible  a  lie,  and  the  cult 
•world  lias  the  truth  that  saves,  he  has  then  got  to  decide 
which  of  these  three  lias  the  truth,  for  they  haven't  all 
got  it.  for  in  doctrine  they  are  the  antipodes  of  religious 
teaching  and  thought. 

The  day  of  the  cult  kingdom's  overthrow  has  come, 
when  the  church  of  Christ  gets  on  the  job,  wTith  an  in- 
telligent and  continuous  campaign  having  to  do  with  the 
subtleties  and  the  blasphemies,  and  the  tragedies,  of 
the  cult  world. 

Now  is  the  time  for  the  church  to  act — NOW.