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Vol. 17.7 [No. 2. 



By E. C. COTES. 

The following account of the wild silk-producing insects of India is 
intended to be a supplement to the paper on the cultivated forms, pub- 
lished as Vol. I, No. 3, of these Notes. It includes a summary of what 
has been ascertained about the various forms of Saturniids and Bomby- 
cide which occur in India—the mulberry-feeding silk worms, and the 
Eri, the Muga, and the Tusser alone being omitted, as they have already 
been dealt with in the paper on the cultivated forms, 

It is a well known fact that the caterpillars of most moths spin a 
small amount of silk. The only groups, however, which contain species 
whose silk is at all suited for utilization are the Saturniide and Bomby- 
cide, and the whole of the Indian species belonging to these groups, 
therefore, have been included in the present report, though many of them 
do not produce sufficient silk to be of any use. So much, however, has 

. of late years been said about the wild silk insects of India, and such 

exaggerated opinions have been expressed as to their value, that it has 
been thought best to deal exhaustively with the matter, so as to clear the 
ground and show precisely how the question really stands, 

All that is known about the possible commercial utility of the cocoons 
of the various species has been noticed in dealing with each insect. 
The conclusion arrived at has been, that while many of the wild species 
produce silk which would be of considerable value if it were forthcoming 

in sufficient quantities, there is nothing to show that any of it is superior 

to the silk produced by the species which are already under cultivation ; 
and although the cocoons of numerous wild species are collected, when 
they happen to be found, and are sold to be spun up with other materials, 
this source of supply is too precarious to have any commercial import- 
ance ; so that upon the whole it may be concluded that an increased 
demand for Indian silk is far more likely to stimulate the production of 
the species which are already under cultivation than to bring any of 
the wild forms into general use. ‘ 

The only cocoons, other than those of the cultivated forms, which are 
to be found in any appreciable quantity in the Calcutta market, belong 

1770 ©, 

70 Indian Museum Notes. [Wil Ei; 

to the species Attacus cynthia, and even these do not appear in sufficient 
numbers to be of any importance. Of the remaining wild species, the 
most promising seem to be; (1) Cricula trifenestrata, whose golden 
colored cocoons are often to be found in large masses upon mango and 
other trees in many parts of India, and have been favorably reported 
upon by some experts, though the silk is said to irritate the skin of 
the wearer, owing to urticating properties of the caterpillars’ hairs which 
are liable to get spun up with it; (2) Autherea roylei, which lives upon 
hill oaks in the Himalayas and is closely allied to the oak feeding species 
Antherea pernyt and Antherea yamamat which produce most of what is 
known as the Zussore silks of China and Japan; (8) TLheophila huttonz, 
whose cocoons are sometimes to be found in considerable number upon 
wild mulberry trees in the North-West Himalayas, and might occa- 
sionally be worth collecting, though, according to Captain Hutton, the 
crop is too precarious to hee much value. 

In drawing up this account constant reference has been made to the 
collections of the Indian Museum, which now contain representatives of 
all the commoner forms of Indian Saturniide and Bombycide. The 
literature of the subject has also been carefully consulted and an attempt 
has been made to introduce some order into it, by indicating the affinities 
of a number of so-called species, which have in many cases been founded 
solely upon trifling peculiarities detected in dried specimens, though 
these peculiarities are often so slight that the insects are practically 
indistinguishable. Where, therefore, there is no known difference in 
structure or life history to justify the separation of what are evidently 
very closely ailied forms, it has been thought best to deal with them 
under the headings of the ones earliest described, the existence, however, 
of the allied forms being in each case indicated, so as to prevent the 
possibility of confusion arising, in the event of fundamental differences 
being in any cases hereafter brought to light. Figures of all the well 
marked forms have been appended, where possible, with illustrations of 
the caterpillars and cocoons; and in all cases where there is any possibility 
of doubt about the identity of a species which has been figured, the 
authority adopted for its identification has been quoted. The most re- 
liable specimens in the Museum collection of Saturniide and Bombycidz 
are probably those collected by the late Mr. Otto Moller in Sikkim 
and determined by Mr. H. J. Elwes, but the Museum also possesses 
several of the late Captain Hutton’s types, as well as numerous insects 
determined by Mr. I’. Moore, and the whole of these specimens have in 
each case been carefully examined, reference being also made to a con- 
siderable collection of Indian moths belonging io Colonel A. M. Lang 
and determined by Mr. F. Moore. 

With regard to the plates with which this report is illustrated, the 
figures of the larvee of Theophila affinis, Th. huttoni, and Th. bengalensis, 

No. 2. ] Wild Sitk Insects of India. ah 

are from colored drawings made some years ago by the Museum 
artist, Behari Lal Dos, under the direction of the Superintendent of the 

Indian Museum. The figure of the cocoon of Theophila affiinis is a photo- 
graph kindly taken by Mr. Wood-Mason. The figures of Axtheraa 
yamamat and A. pernyi are after figures published in the Rev. et Mag~ 
de Zool. and the Tijd. Voor. Ent. im illustration of papers by Guérin 
Méneville and Westmaas. The figure of the larva of Ocinara lactea is 
after one published in the Trans, Ent. Soe., Lond., in illustration of a 
paper by Captain Hutton. The remaiaing figures have been made from 
the specimens by the Museum artist, Grish Chunder Chuckerbutty, under 
the direction of the writer. 

Artacus atuas, Linn. - Plate 2, jig. 1. 

This moth is well known on account of its great size, some of the 
specimens in the Indian Museum being more than ten inches across 
from tip to tip of wings. It is common on the slopes of hil] ranges 
all over India and Burma; and, according to Gosse, ranges in South- 
Eastern Asia over 35° of latitude and 55° of longitude, being abund- 
ant in China and scattered over the whole of the Malay Archipelago. 

The life history of the insect has been fully described by Gosse 
(Entomologist XII, p. 25), Manuel (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind. 
n.s. Vol. VII, p. 291), and by Brownlow (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soe. 
Ind. n. s. Vol. V, p. 183). According to Manuel the insect spins once 
a year in its natural state, though in domestication in Burma it will 
spin twice or even three times,—once at the commencement of the rains, 
once during the rains, and again at the close of the rains, the best 
cocoons being those formed towards the beginning of the cold weather, 
The female moth is very sluggish, and seldom flies; the male, which 
has a powerful flight, usually seeking her out and fertilizing her as she 
clings to the cocoon from which she has emerged ; for this purpose the 
male is furnished with some sense, probably of smell, which enables him 
to find the female unerringly, however thick the foliage in which she is: 
concealed. After fertilization the female lays about 300 eges in masses 
which are firmly gummed on to the under surface of the leaves upon 
which the caterpillars afterwards feed. The food plants are very numer- 
ous ;in Almorah the caterpillar has been found upon a bush belonging to 
the genus Berberzs ; in the,hills about Mussoorie upon Falconeria insignis 
(Hutton) ; in Assam on Vangueria spinosa (Stack) ; in Sikkim upon 
Teucrium macrostachyum, a species which grows abundantly from an 
elevation of 6,000 feet upwards (Otto Moller) ; in Bangalore upon a 
species of Ocimum (Cameron) ; in Burma upon Ardisia sp., Clerodendron 
infortunatum, Dillenia pentagynia, Lagerstremia indiea, Nauclea rotundi- 
folia, Phyllanthus emblica, and Schleichera trijuga (Manuel); while 
Gosse succeeded in rearing it upon apple, and in Ceylon the form 

72 Indian Museum Notes. [Vols i. 

described by Moore as Attacus taprobanis, which is said to be very com- 
mon about Colombo, feeds upon cinnamon ( Thwaites). 

The eggs are oval in shape, about 0°08 of an inch in diameter, in color 
greenish white, with brownish purple clouding, which readily washes off. 
They hatch about a week after being laid, and the caterpillars which 
emerge are generally sluggish and solitary in their habits, seldom wan- 
dering to any. distance from their birthplace unless driven by scarcity of 
food. When first hatched they are little dark colored creatures, about a 
third of an inch in length, and covered with hairy tubercles ; they grow 
_ rapidly, however, and after the first molt become lighter in color and are 
soon covered with a dense white flour-like secretion which accumulates 
upon them after each molt. After passing some twenty days as cater- 
pillars, and molting about five times, they are full grown and ready to 
spin themselves up into their cocoons; a very large proportion of them, 
however, fall victims, before they reach this stage, to the ants, wasps, and 
other foes which are always on the look-out for them. When the caterpillars — 
leave oif feeding, preparatory to spinning, they are sometimes as much as 
five inches in length by an ineh in diameter, but they contract consider- 
ably before actually commencing their cocoons. The cocoon is spun in the 
usual manner and is so closely enveloped in the leaves of the food plant 
that, when it is torn away, permanent impressions, showing the shape 
and neuration of the leaves, are left upon the silk. The cocoon is 
generally drab colored, and from two to three inches long, by an inch in 
diameter ; it is irregular in shape, with thin firm walls, whick are scarcely 
at all silky in appearance, except at the upper extremity where there is a 
natural orifice for the exit of the moth. This orifice is formed, as in 
the cocoons of other Saturniide, by the convergence of a great number of 
silken fibres, which are left aungummed and are therefore soft and flossy, 
opposing an almost impenetrable hedge to any animal which tries to 
force its way into the cocoon, but opening readily when pushed aside by 
the moth which emerges from within, The moth thus effects its escape 
with hardly any perceptible disarrangement of the fibres, which close 
together again behind it. The stiff gummed parchment-like wall of the 
cocoon passes upon one side of the orifice, so as to form a cord, which is 
firmly wrapped around the twig from which the cocoon hangs, thus 
securing it from mishap in case the leaves, in which it is wrapped, 
become detached. The cocoon contains a tae amount of thick strone 
silk which cannot indeed be reeled easily enough to make it worth doing, 
but which would have a considerable market value for carding aha 
spinning purposes, if lerge quantities could be obtained ; it is said that 
some of these cocoons haye been collected in Burma nd exported to 
England for this purpose, while attempts have also been made to domes- 
ticate the insect in China ; but upon the whole experts seem to be agreed 

No. 2.] 7 Wild Sitk Insects of India. 73 

that there is no chance of the Atias silk competing successfully with that 
of such species as the ¢usser, which can be obtained so much more easily. 
Connected with Attacus atlas, besides Attacus edwardsit, which is pro- 
bably a distinct though closely allied species, we may notice Attacus 
silhetica of Helfer (Journ. A. 8. B. VI, p. 41, 1837) and Attacus tapro. 
banis of Moore, Lep. Ceyl. IL, p. 124, 1882), both of which forms, so far 
as the descriptions and figures of them go, seem indistinguishable from 
Attacus atlas. 

Artacus epwarpstl, White. Plate 2, fig. 2. 

A large species, somewhat darker in color and with somewhat larger 
and differently arranged white markings, but very similar, both in general 
appearance and in size to Aétacus atlas, of which it is little more than a 
constant variety. It is found in the hillsin many parts of India (Sikkim, 
Shillong, Khasi Hills, Mussoorie, Western Ghats, and Mysore), but is 
usually scarce. In Sikkim, according to the late Mr. Otto Moller, it is 
found at an altitude of from6,000 to 7,000 feet and goes through but one 
generation in the year, hibernating as a pupa inside the cocoon, from 
which it emerges as a moth during the rains (July to September). The 
cocoon is much like that of Attacus atlas, butis somewhat denser in struc- 
ture and sufficiently differentin shape tobe distinguishable. The cater- 
pillar is very hike that of At/acus atlas, but differs from it markedly in 
possessing a number of black speckles on the two anterior pairs of fleshy 
protuberances, The specimen from which the drawing of the larva has been 
made was obtained by Mr. A. V. Knyvett at Kurseong, Mr. Knyvet de- 
scribes the caterpillar as follows :—‘* General color, green-powdered above, 
especially on the tentacles, with a white powder which comes off in flakes, 
tentacles 2bout half aninch in length, occurring in pairs on the third, 
fourth, fifth, sizth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, aad eleventh segments, 
the twelfth segment being furnished with a singlemedium tentacle: the 
tentacles on the third and fourth segment are bluish, dotted with black, 
those on the other segments are green at the base, bluish at the apex, and 
covered with flakes of white powder; stigmata, light greenish blue in 
color; anal claspers with a large vermilion spot.” 

Attacus cynTHIA, Drury. late 3, 

This species is very closely allied to the erz silk moth (Attacus ricint) 
and is probably the original wild form from which the er? has been 
derived by domestication. It can, however, be easily distinguished 
from the erz, by its larger size and brighter and more golden coloration, 
and as the two forms appear to have somewhat different habits, it seems 
best to look upon them as belonging to distinct species. 

Attacus cynthia is said to range over India, China, and some of the 
Malay Islands; in the Indian Museum are specimens from Mussoorie, 


74 Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol. II. 

Sikkim, Shillong, Buxa, and Sibsagar, besides a single specimen from the 
Andaman Islands of what seems to be a local variety. 

It is said to be common up to 5,000 feet in Sikkim, where, it is 
thought to be trivoltine, feeding upon Zanthorylum acanthopodium, or 
Z. alatum (Moller). Its larval stages do not appear to have been ob- 
served in India. The cocoons, though much smaller in size, are very 
similar in structure, coloration, and general appearance to the cocoons of 
Attacus atlas; they are smaller and more compact than cocoons of JA. 
vicini, but appear nevertheless to contain a considerable amount of silk, 
which would no doubt be valuable for carding purposes if it could be 
obtained in any considerable quantities. Of late they have appeared in 
the Calcutta market, where they are known as Junglies. Mr. G. C, Hodson 
writes that they are brought to market by Mahomedans, while the ev? and 
muga trade is entirely in the hands of Marwarries. According to Captain 
Hutton the insect is also identical with a semi-domesticated species which 
is reared on a small scale in some parts of China, upon Azlanthus glandu- 
losa, for the production of silk, and which has also been raised experi- 
mentally upon the same plant in Europe. 

The forms Aétacus guerint (Moore), Attacus obscurus (Butler), Attacus 
canningit (Hutton), and Saturnia tole (Westwood), have at different 
times been described as distinct species. From the descriptions and figures 
that have been given of them, however, they appear to be so nearly related 
to A. cynthia and A. ricint that until cause is shown for their separation 
itseems best to look upon them assynonyms of one or other of these two 
species, Of the species Atiacus vesta (Walker) no description has been 
found, and it may, therefore, be neglected. : 

The moths, figured on plate 3, were determined by Mr. H. 'J. Elwes; 
the cocoon was one furnished by Mr. Otto Moller. ° 

AcTIAS SELENE, Hiibner. Plate 4. 

This species is common :n collections from all parts of India, and is 
said to occur in Ceylon and China. In the Indian Museum are speci- 
mens from Simla, Shillong, Khasi Hills, Sylhet, Sibsagar, Manbhum, 
Gobindpur, Lakhimpur, and from the neighborhood of Caleutta. In 
Sikkim, according to Moller, it is fairly common at an elevation of from 
3,000 to 5,000 feet. It passes the winter as a pupa inside the cocoon, and 
goes through two generations in the summer, the first set of moths 
appearing in early spring and the second in July and August. The food 
plant of the caterpillar is Zanthorylum acanthopodium or Z. alatum. 
In the hills around Mussoorie it was found by Hutton to feed on the 
wild cherry, wild pear, walnut, Cedrela paniculata, Coriaria nepalensis 
(Munsoory) and several other forest trees. The cocoon is coarse in 
texture, yields but little silk, and, as it is not forthcoming in any con- 
siderable quantities, 1t has no commercial value, 

No, 2.] Wild Sitk Insects of India. "5 

The following account of the rearing of the caterpillar in Mussoorie 
is taken from Captain Hutton’s writings as given in Moore’s Catalogue 
of Lepidoptera in the East India Museum :— 

* Moths, found in coiéw in the middle of April, each laid, in the course of a few 
days, about 300 eggs which are about the size of mustard seed. After depositing their 
eggs the moths rapidly died off and the eggs began to hatch about the end of the 
month. The larvee when first hatched are about a quarter of an inch in length, 
hairy, and of a pale rufous red with a single black band across the middle of the 
body, and a small black transverse mark on the anterior segment; along the back are 
two rows of smail tubercles and another along each side, from each of which spring 
a few short hairs, the base of which forms a small black dot. There is also an anal 
tubercle, larger than the others, and placed between the two last tubercles of the dorsal 
rows ; the head is black, . . . The first molt commenced when six days old, and 
this occupied three days, so that at the end of nine days the larva appeared in its second 
stage. The black transverse band upon the body had disappeared, but the head still 
remained of that color, and the rest of the body was hairy and rufous, the tubercles 
being black on the summit and more prominent; pro-legs brown. The period between 
each change was about ten days in some specimens, but varied in others between that and 
shorter periods, . . In the third stage the caterpillar appeared of a bright rufous 
color, the black dots, or tubercles, being larger and more prominent, but there were no 
black bands. In the fourth stage the change was still more remarkable, for the cater- 
pillar now appeared ofa beautiful apple green, each tubercle headed with bright orange, 
except the four which spring from the second and third segments, which are ringed 
with black and crowned with pale yellow; and the anal and two posterior tubercles, 
which are green throughout. From each tubercle springs a small tuft of hair, the 
centre one of each being longer than the others; the head and pro-legs brown. Along 
each side is a line, which is red above and yellow below, and the spiracles are red ; 
there is a line of very small yellow dots along each side between the rows of tubercles. 
In the fifth stage the colors are the same as they are in the fourth, also in the sixth 
and seventh stages ; but the caterpillar increases rapidly in size, and is most beautiful 
and delicate in appearance, with a semi-transparency of hue which makes it look some- 
thing like waxwork. One of these commenced spinning its cocoon on the 17th of 
July, being then about forty-six or forty-seven days old, and the remainder after the 
interval of a day or two; that is, on the 19th, 20th, and 25th July. The cocoon is 
formed of coarse brown silken threads, closely interwoven and of an ovate form. It is 
inclosed among the leaves of the tree, which are, in fact, glued closely vound it. It is 
hard and not furnished interiorly with a soft silken bed, the chrysalis lying within a 
hard and hollow chamber. The chrysalis remained thus until the 14th August, when 
the one which had turned on the 17th July produced a perfect female after a period 
of twenty-nine days. Another, which had turned on the 19th July, came forth a 
male on the 16th August, showing the time to be pretty uniform. A large caterpillar, 
however, found in the forest on the 16th July, turned to a chrysalis on the 24th of 
that month; but, instead of coming forth in the autumn, it remained in the ehrysalis 
state throughout the winter, as did some others, coming out in the following summer, 
namely on the 11th, i4th, and 18th of June.” : 2 

Hutton also describes the manner in which the moth works its way 
out of the cocoon by the aid of its wing spurs, which seem to have a 
cutting edge and to be used to sever the silk strands of the cocoon. 

The moths from which the figures were made were determined by 
Mr. H. J. Elwes; the cocoon was furnished by the late Mr, Otto Moller. 

76 Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol, I, 

Actias Leto, Doubleday. Plate 5. 

This is a large insect allied to Actias selene ; it is found at low eleva- 
tions in the Himalayas and in Assam. According to Moller it is 
bivoltine, hibernating as a pupa inside its cocoon, the moths appearing 
in spring and autumn, its food plant in Sikkim being Turpina pomifera. 
In the Indian Museum, besides specimens of the moth from Sikkim, 
Buxa, and Sibsagar, there is a cocoon received from Sikkim as belonging 
to this species. It is much like cocoons of A. selene in structure and 
_ appearance, but is remarkable for a number of neat round holes, each 
about the sixteenth of an inch in diameter which penetrate the cocoon 
on all sides; these, however, may possibly have been caused by hymen- 
opterous parasites.! Little seems to be known about the species, which 
is far too rare to have any value as asilk producer. It is chiefly remark- 
able for the great difference in the shape and coloration of the two sexes, 
which are so dissimilar in appearance that they were for many years. 
thought to be distinct species, and in most works on Entomology are 
described—the male as A. leto, the female as 4. menas. Connected 
with Actias letois a form which is found in the Andaman Islands and 
which has been described by Moore under the name of Actias ignescens 
(P Z. 8. 1877, p. 602). There are no representatives of it in the Indian 
Museum, but from the description it appears to be little more than a 
local variety of A. deto. 

The moths from which the figures were made were: determined by 
Mr. H. J. Elwes ; the cocoon was furnished by the late Mr. Otto Mller. 

ANTHER@HA FRITHIT, Moore, Plate 6. 

In the Indian Museum are specimens of this species from Sikkim, 
Sibsagar, and Buxa. According to Moller it is a bivoltine species, 
eommon at low elevations in Sikkim, where it feeds upon sal (Shorea 
robusta), hibernating as a pupa, and the moths appearing in March and 
August, respectively. Rondot (L’Art de la Soie II, p. 117, 1887) writes 
that according to Fallon, who reared it in France, the larva is of an ochre 
yellow, ringed with black. The cocoons are yellowish white in color 
and very'similar to those of 4. roylei, but less silky on the exterior. 
According to Kondot they contain a considerable amount of silk. The 
above seems to be all that is known of Antherea frithti, which is too 
scarce to be likely to be of any use as a silk producer. 

The specimens from which the figures were made were reared in the 
Indian Museum from cocoons furnished by the late Mr. Otto Moller. 

1 Since the above was written information has been received from Mr. A. V. Knyvett, 
who has observed this species in Sikkim,'and has found the holes invariably present 
jn the cocoons. 

No- 2.1 Wild Sitk Insects of India. | 17 

ANTHER@A HELFERI, Moore, Plate 7, fig. 1. 

In the Indian Museum are several moths of both sexes of this species 
from Sikkim, but there are no authentic cocoons, and little seems to be 
known about it beyond the bare fact of its occurrence in Sikkim, and 
Hutton’s observation (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind. IIL, p. 125, 1871) 
that the cocoon resembles that of the Tusser (Antherea mylitta). 
The insect is far too scarce to have any commercial value whatever. 
The moth from which the figure of the male was made was determined 
by Mr. H. J. Elwes. The figure of the female is taken from a specimen 
in Colonel A. M. Lang’s collection determined by Mr. F. Moore. 

ANTHERHA ROYLEI, Moore. Plate 9. 

In the Indian Museum are specimens of this species from Simla, 
Mussoorie, Sikkim, and the Khasi Hills, also a cocoon from Sikkim. It 
is said to be very closely allied to Antherea pernyt, a semi-domesticated 
species largely reared upon oaks in China for the production of silk. 
Rondot, indeed, in his L’Art de la Soie, Vol. II, notices that a hybrid 
race has been obtained by crossing 4. pernyz males with A. roylei 
females. If, therefore, Hutton is right in saying that 4. roylez can 
- be easily reared upon the common hill oak (Qwereus dilatata ?), it is not 
by any means impossible but that it may become of value for the 
production of silk in the Himalayas, the cocoons being of a kind which 
would certainly be valuable for carding, if not for reeling purposes, 
Little has hitherto been recorded about this insect, though it has been 
bred by several people both in India and in Europe (see Entomologist, 
XIV, p. 246, and Bull. Soc. Ent. France (5), IV, p. 154). Hutton 
writes in the Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind. III, p. 125, 1871: 
“Antherea roylet is common at Simla, Mussoorie, Almora, and I think 
Darjiling. It feeds upon the common hill oak, spinning a large but thin 
cocoon between three or four leaves . . . . The outer coating is 
very’ strong, and I do not think it could be reeled, but within this case is 
the true cecoon, of an oval form and yielding good silk. The worms are 
easily reared and sometimes give two or three crops, but this is when 
treated in the house.” Major Harford also, writing recently from the 
North-West Himalayas, notices the peculiar double-walled cocoons which 
he has found upon dex (hill oak?) and the khakee colored males and 
pinkish females he has bred from them. Some observations also on the 
habits of 4. roylez, by the late Mr. Otto Moller, appeared on page 201 
of Vol. I of these Notes ; it is thought, however, that these observations 
referred to some other species, as the cocoon forwarded with them was 
single-walled and pedunculate, instead of having the double-walled struc- 
ture characteristic of typical 4. roylec cocoons. A double-walled cocoon - 
found by Mr. A. V. Knyvett on a chestnut tree in Sikkim was sent to 

78 Indian Museum Notes. L Vor ak 
the Indian Museum in May 1890, and produced, in the early part of the 
rains, a female moth of the typical pinkish color, and Mr. Knyvett also 
writes that he has found 4. roylez cocoons on Mohwa trees, oak, and 
birch in Sikkim. The above is all that we at present know about 4. 
roylet proper. The figures of. the caterpillar and cocoon are taken from 
specimens obtained by Mr, A. V. Knyvett in Sikkim ; those of the moths 
from Hutton’s type specimens which are in the Indian Museum collection. 
Closely connected with A. roydec proper is an insect with a firm singled- 
walled pedunculate cocoon which has been found by Mr. A. V. Knyvett 
upon wild cherry trees in Sikkim. The cocoons of this form, which have 
been sent to the Indian Museum, are much like the cocoons of Antherea 
frithu, but moths reared from them by Mr. Knyvett are almost indistin- 
guishable from moths reared from the typical double-walled cocoons of 
A. roylez, the chief distinction consisting in the greater pinkness of those 
yeared from the pedunculate cocoons, As, however, the females reared 
from double-walled cocoons show every variety of color from pink to 
greenish brown, and are in some cases altogether indistinguishable from 
females reared from pedunculate cocoons, it would seem most probable 
that the difference in the structure of the cocoon is to be attributed more 
to the difference in the food plant than to any specific distinetness in the 
insects. The differences observed by Mr. Knyvett between the caterpil- 
lars of the two forms, though very remarkable, not being of a sufficiently 
radical nature to warrant their separation under distinct specific names. 

Oax Sirk Worms or Cuina and Japan. Plate 7, fig. 2, and plate 8. 

An account of Antherea royler, which is the oak-feeding silk worm of 
the Himalayas, would be incomplete without a notice of the very closely 
allied oak-feeding silk worms of China and Japan. These are Antherea 
pernyt (Guérin Méneville, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1855, p. 297, pl. 6, fig. 1), 
which is reared in a semi-domesticated state over large areas in Northern 
China, for the production of silk, and Anthere@a yamamai, which is 
the corresponding form in Japan, About twenty-five years ago, when 
mulberry silk raising in Europe was threatened with extinction, these 
species attracted a good deal of attention, and were introduced’ and 
partially acclimatized in France by experimentors, who hoped to furnish a 
substitute for the mulberry-feeding species. The revival of the mul- 
berry silk industry, however, with the adoption of Pasteur’s treatment for 
the silk worm disease, has thrown the oak-feeding species again into the 

1 As told by Van Westmaas (Tijd Voor. Ent. VII, 1864), the story of the obtaining 
of the eggs of A. yamamat, through a young Japanese, who in 1862 risked his life to get 
them for M. Pompe van Meerdervoort in Japan, recalls the difficulties encountered in the 
middle ages by the monks who first introduced the eggs of the mulberry-feeding species into 
Europe from China. 

No. 2.] Wild Silk Insects of India. 79 

shade, so that the experiments, which at one time seemed distinetly pro- 
' mising, have not led to any practical results. That 4. pernyi and A. 
yamamai axe at least very closely allied to A. roylez is shown not only by 
the great superficial resemblance of the three forms (wzde plates 7 and 8), 
but also from the fact that hybrids have been raised in Europe both 
between 4. pernyt and A. yamamaz (Berce and Goossens: Bull. Soc. Ent. 
France (5), LV, p. 154), and also between JA, roylec and A. pernyt (Wailly : 
Ent. X1V, p. 246). An excellent account of A. pernyi in China is given 
by Rondot (L’Art de Ja Soie, I, 1887, p. 127). The following is an 
abstract :— 

Antherea pernyi is a bivoltine species found both wild and also in a semi-do- 
mesticated state upon oak trees in many parts of China, where it is reared extensively 
for the production of silk. The amount of fresh cocoons annually reared has been 
estimated at twenty-two millions of kilogrammes, of which a considerable amount is 
imported into Europe. Two yields of silk are obtained in the year, one in the spring 
and another in the autumn; the spring rearing occupying about sixty days and the 
autumn rearing about ahundred. The insect is generally reared indoors, but to a certain 
extent also upon trees or bushes in the open air. The worm is also common in a wild 
state in the forests and copses of oak trees on the mountain sides. In Koiieitcheou 
(according to Father Perny) there is an annual variety of the worm which is less es- 
teemed than the bivoltine one, a fact which is noticeable in connection with the ten- 
dency to become annual, which has been observed in the species when reared in France. 
The cocoon is enveloped in two or three oak leaves drawn together by a network of 
silken strands, and is further attached at one end to some small branch or leafstalk 
by aflat silkencord. The cocoon of the spring rearing contains only about half as much 
silk as that of the autumn rearing, but the silk itself is far more brilliant, that of the 
autumn rearing being somewhat dull and lustreless. The cocoons are either reeled or 
spun. ‘The reeling is done in two ways—either wet or dry. In the dry process the 
eccoons, after having been dipped in a mordant made from oakwood ashes, are washed 
in clean water and are then reeled dry, the basket containing them, however, being 
sometimes steamed over a vessel of boiling water. In the wet process, the cocoons 
are simply reeled as they lie in the iron boiler, which contains either a solution of raw 
soda or strong mordant made out of oak ashes, the liquid being but just sufficient to 
cover the cocoons; the wet process therefore differs materially from that of mulberry 
silk filatures, where deep basins of water are used for holding the cocoons while they 
are in process of reeling, Of the wet and dry processes, the dry one is preferred and 
gives the most satisfactory results. A large portion of the autumn crop and all the 
pierced cocoons are spun, the spinning being done either by hand or with a jenny 
worked by the foot. 

The figures of A. roylez are from specimens in the Indian Museum; 
those of A, yamamai after Snellen’s figures (Tijd Voor. Ent. VII, 1864) ; 
those of A. pernyt after Guérin Méneville’s figures (Rev. et: M ag. de 
Zool., 1855). 

Oruer Inptan Species oF ANTHERMA. 

Besides the cultivated species—Antherea mylitia (Tusser), 4. assame 
(Muga)—deseribed in Vol. 1, No. 3 of these Notes, and the wild 
species—Antherea roylei, A. helferi, and A. frithiz, which have been 
noticed above, five other Indian species of the genus Antherea have 
been described by entomologists. There are no specimens of them, how- 

80 Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol. II, 

ever, in the Indian Museum collection, and it seems very doubtful to 
what extent they are entitled to be looked upon as distinct. They are as 
follows :—(1) Auther@a cingalesa of Moore from Ceylon : Moore’s figure of 
the moth, in his Lepidoptera of Ceylon, Vol. II,is very like some forms 
of A. mylitta, but his figure of the larva presents certain peculiarities ; (2) 
Antheraa andamana of Moore, from the Andaman Islands: no figure seems 
to have been published of this insect, and as no comparisen is drawn, 
in the description, between it and other Autheraas, it is impossible to judge 
to what extent it is distinct ; (3) Antherea perrottetit of Guérin Méneville 
from Pondicherry. This insect, according to Walker (B. M. Cat. Lep. VI, 
p. 1879), is very nearly allied to A. assama, and Guérin Méneville’s de- 
scription of the cocoon (Mag. de Zool. VI, pl. 123, 1844) also answers 
to that of A. assama, so it is not improbable that it may be a variety 
of that species, though Guérin Méneville’s figure of the moth presents some 
peculiarities. According to Rondot (L’ Art de la Sote, II, p. 117) it feeds 
upon Hugenia jambolana, Zizyphus sp. and other trees; (4) Antherea 
stmplicia of Massen and Weymer, from the “ East Indies.’ The writer 
has not had an opportunity of comparing the description of this species, 
so its precise habitat and identity remain to be ascertained ; (5) dn- 
therea fraterna of Moore (P. Z. 8. 1888, p. 402) from Kussowlee and 
Kangra: this species also is unknown to the writer. 

Cricuia TRIrpNEsTRATA, Herr Schiff. Plate 10, fig. 1. 

This variable species is said to be common in all parts of tropical India, 
and especially in Burma, Assam, and Chota Nagpore, The Indian 
Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim, Sibsagar, Cachar, Dacca, the 
Andaman Islands, and Java. “The larve are usually found upon mango 
trees, but also feed upon a number of other trees; they are gregarious in 
their habits and spin large agglutinated masses of gorgeous reticulated 
coccons, which are of the color and brilliancy of molten gold when fresh. 
They are thought by some silk experts to be likely to prove valuable for 
carding purposes, though Stack in his account of Silk in Assam (1884) 
reports that the silk is almost worthless. He writes: ‘The cocoons 
are of a thin and open texture, yielding very little silk, which cannot 
be reeled. The worm is covered with hairs, which produce irritation 
of the skin, and for this reason it is regarded as unclean by the Hindus, 
but Kacharis, Rabhas, and Meches occasionally mix the silk with erz, 
where it reveals its presence by the itching it causes, This irritating 
property of the worm is said to protect it against crows and bats.”’ * 

1 Mr. G. C. Hodgson writes :—“The Oricula trifenestrata found in Ranchi would be a 
valuable silk for carding purposes, but so far we have never been able to get it in a form 
fit for export. The chrysalids are usually alive when brought to Calcutta, whilst for com- 
mercial purposes they must be thoroughly dessiccated before being screwed into bales.” 

No. 2. 1 Wild Silk Insects of India. 81 

The insect is said to go through a series of generations in the year, 
each generation taking about two months to complete, and the rains 
broods being the strongest and producing most silk. 

The moths from which the figures were made were leiecmainad by 

Mr. H. J. Elwes. 

CRICULA DREPANOIDES, Moore. Plate 10, fig. 2. 

This insect differs very markedly from C. trifenestrata in general 
coloration ; it is recorded as occurring in Sikkim, from which locality also 
the Indian Museum possesses specimens. Nothing seems to be known 
on the subject of its habits. It is presumably very rare, 

The moth from Tes the figure was taken was determined by Mr. H. 
J. Elwes. 

Ruopia NewaRA, Moore. Plate 11. 

This fine’species is common in Sikkim, where it spins a brillant green 
eocoon, with slit-like opening at the upper extremity, through which 
the moth makes its escape, and drain-like passage at the bottom, which 
is supposed to serve for the escape of any water which may happen to 
enter the cocoon during the rainy season owing to the imperfect 
closing of the upper slit. According to Moller the insect is found at an 
elevation of from 4,000 to 7,000feet in Sikkim, and goes through but 
one generation in the year; it hibernates in the egg; the larvae 
_ emerge early in the spring, and finish spinning their cocoons by the 
end of May; the moth appears during the first half of November at 
5,000 feet, and somewhat earlier at higher elevations; the larve feed 

upon the weeping willow and wild walnut. 

The specimen from which the figure of the moth was taken has been 
determined by Mr. H. J. Elwes; the cocoon was furnished by the late 
Mr. Otto Moller. 

SATURNIA STOLICZKANA Felder. Plate 13, fig. 4. 

This species was figured by Felder (Reise Novara, Lep., pl]. 87, fig. 8, 
1864—75) from Ladak. Nothing seems to have been recorded about it, 
but in the Indian Museum are some broken wings from an elevation of 
10,500 feet in Lahoul, and also a specimen from, Kulu, which answer to 
the figure. 

SaTURNIA crposA Moore. 

S. cidosa (Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.(3), 11, p. 423, pl. 22, fig. 
2, 1864—66) is represented in the Museum collections by a single “aii 
from Sikkim. According to Hutton (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soe. Ind., iii, 
1871, p. 125) it is closely allied to 8S. pyretorum, 

89 Indian Museum Notes. [Vol. IT. 


This species was originally described by Westwood, (Cab. Or. Ent., 
p- 49, pl. 24, fig. 2, 1848) from China, and was noticed by Hutton 
(Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc. India, III, p. 125, 1871) as occurring in Sik- 
kim and Cachar; there seems, however, to be some doubt as to whether 
it extends into India. In China, according to the resumé given by Ron- 
dot (L’Art de la Sote, 11, 1887, p. 205), the caterpillar is of medium size, 
longitudinally streaked with bright turquoise blue, alternating with 
canary yellow, and covered with bristling yellow hairs; it feeds chiefly 
upon the Lequidambar formosana and camphor trees. The cocoon is 
ovoid, much produced in lengta, pointed, open at one end, and sur. 
rounded with floss, which is deep brown in color. The silk is silver grey 
or brownish grey in color, coarse and very tough ; it is said to be used on 
a considerable scale commercially, the silk glands of the worm being also 
used for the preparation of gut for fishing lines. 


Saturnia grotet (Plate 13, fig. 2), Saturnia lindia, Saturnia anna, and 
Saturnia hockingts are so closely allied to each other that it seems most 
convenient to consider them together, as very little is known about any 
of them. Saturnia grotes (Moore P. Z. 8. 1859, p. 265, pl. 65, fig. 2, 
and Butler, Ill, Typ. Lep. Het. B. M. V, p. 61, pl. 94, figs. 3 and 4) 
is represented in the Museum collections by specimens from Kulu and 
Sikkim ; Saturnia lindia (Moore, Tr. KE. Soe. (3), i, p. 424, pl. 22, fig. 3, 
1864—66) by specimens from the N.-W. Himalayas; Saturnia anna 
(Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 818) by specimens from Sikkim ; while Saturnia 
hockingit (Moore, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 818 and Butler, Il, Typ. Lep. 
Het, B. M. VII, p. 39, pl. 124, figs. 2 and 3), described from Kulu, is 
not represented in the Museum Collection. It should be noticed for the 
fact that Moore records that the cocoon, which is formed “under 
stones, ”’ is “ pyriform, dark brown, hard, pointed, and lax at the upper 
end.” The specimen from which the figure of 8. grote: was taken has 
been identified by Mr. H. J. Elwes. 

La@pa KaTINKA, Westw. 

Four species of the genus Loepa have been described from India, 
viz. Loepa katinka (Westw., Cab, Or. Ent., p. 25, pl. 12, fig. 2, 1848), 
found in Sikkim, at an elevation of from 5,000 to 7,000 feet, and also 
in Assam; L. miranda (Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc., Lond. (3), i, p. 424, 
1864—66) from Sikkim; LZ. sikkima (Moore, P. Z. S., 1865, p. 818) 
from the hot valleys in Sikkim ; Z. sivalzca (Hutton, Journ. A. H. Soe, 
Ind., III, 1871, p. 125, and Moore, Wardle’s Wild Silk, 1881, p. 7) from 
Mussoorie. In the Indian Museum are specimens, determined by Mr. 

No. 2.] Wild Silk Insects of India. 83 

Moore as belonging to the three forms—fatinka, miranda, and sikhima, 
together with intermediate varieties ; so, taking into consideration the 
fact that the three forms are found within a few miles of each other in 
Sikkim, it seems very doubtful whether they are really distinct, With 
regard to the fourth form,—J. sivalica,—found by Hutton in Mussoorie 
at an elevation of 5,500 feet, Hutton notes that it is closely allied to 
L. katinka, while Moore writes that it spins a long cocoon, pointed at 
each end, and of a dark greenish grey color. The above, with Atkin- 
son’s note (P. Z. S. 1865, p. 818) tothe effect that moths of the Z. 
sikkima form appear in the beginning of August, while Z. katinka 
appears later, concludes what has been recorded on the subject of this 
genus in India.! 

The specimen of L. miranda from which the figure has been taken 
is in Colonel A. M. Lang’s collection ; it was identified by Mr. F. Moore. 

Neoris uuttoni, Moore. Plate 15, fig. 3. 

In the Indian Museum are a male and female of this species from 
Mussoorie. Hutton notices that he found the larve at 6,500 feet eleva- 
tion in Mussoorie in April feeding on the wild pear tree, the cocoon 
being an open network worthless for silk production (Journ. Agri. Hort. 
Soe. Ind. III, 1871, p. 125). A second species of this genus has been 
described by Moore (P. Z. S., 1872, p. 577) under the name of Neoris 
shadulla, from the neighbourhood of Yarkand; there are no specimens 
of it in the Indian Museum. 

The figures of WV. Auttont are from Captain Hutton’s specimens. 

SaLassa Lota, Westw. Plate 12, fig. 1. 

This fine species was described by Westwood (Cab. Or. Ent., p, 25, 
pl. 12, fig. 8, 1848) from Sylhet, and the Indian Museum possesses 
specimens of it from Sikkim. With regard tv its habits, Mr. A, V. 
Knyvett has observed in Sikkim that the caterpillar, previous to trans- 
forming into a chrysalis, spins a few leaves and chips together into a 
sort of rough covering in the ground eseally as is done by the species 
Salassa (Saturnia) royt. 

The specimen from which the Aatites of the moths were taken was 
determined by Mr. H. J. Elwes; the caterpillar was drawn from a spe- 
cimen furnished by Mr. A. V. Knyvett. 

SaLassa RoYI, Elwes. Plate 12, fig. 2. 

This species was described by Elwes (P. Z. S., 1887, p. 447, and 
Trans. Ent. Soc., Lond., 1888, pl. 8, fig. 2) from a male taken at an 

1 Since the above was written the following note has been received from Mr. A. V. 
Knyvett, who has observed this genus in Sikkim: “The high elevation form Z. katinka is 
quite distinct from the hot valley form, which may be either LZ, miranda or L. sikkima.” 

BA Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol. II. 

elevation of 10,000 feet in Sikkim. It was originally referred to the 
genus Saturnia, but the observations of Mr. A. V. Knyvett indicate 
pretty clearly that it should rather be included in the genus Salassa. Ac- 
cording to Mr, Knyvett, the caterpillars are very like those of Salassa 
lola, only bigger; the chrysalis also is formed in the ground in a little, . 
loose silk, much as is the case with Salassa lola. 

The male was figured from specimens determined by Mr. H. J. Elwes, 
the female from a specimen deposited for a short time in the Indian 
Museum by the late Mr. Otto Moller. 

CatiauLa sim~a, Westw. Plate 14, fig. 1. 

In the Indian Museum are specimens of this species from Simla, 
Mussoorie, Sikkim, and Khasi Hills, besides cocoons which are supposed 
to belong to it’ and which were obtained in Dehra Dun, probably from 
the Mussoorie Hills. Hutton writes (Journ, Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind., iii, 
1871, p. 125) thatethe larva feeds on walnut, Salyx babylonica, and 
wild pear, the cocoon being a coarse open network, through which the 
pupa is visible, and yielding no silk. 

CaLicuLa THIBETA, Westw. Plate 14, jig. 2. 

In the Indian Museum is a male of this species obtained from Sik- 
kim. According to Hutton (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc., Ind., ITI, 1871, 
p. 125) the original specimen from which the species was deseribed came 
from Kumaon, and he also found it in Mussoorie on Pieris ovalifolia. 
It seems to be a well marked species, quite distinct from C. simla. A 
third species of the genus Caligula, viz. C. cachara, was described by 
Moore (P. Z. 8, 1872, p. 578) from Cachar ; there are no specimens of it 
in the Indian Museum. Butler (Ill. Typ. Lep. Het. B. M. V, p. 61, pl. 
94, fie. 2, 1851) describes a species from Sikkim, under the name of 
Rinaca extenea. From the figure this insect would seem to be indistin- 
suishable from C. thebeta. 

The figure of C. ¢hzbetais from a specimen determined by Mr, H. J. 


Rinaca ZULEIKA, Hope. Plate 14, fig. 3 (Trans. Linn. Soc., Lond., 
XIX, p. 182, pl. 11, fig. 5, 1845). 

This species has been recorded from Sylhet, Sikkim, and Simla; the 
Indian Museum possesses moths from Sikkim, also a single chrysalis case, 
but no cocoon. Rondot (L’ Art de la Soie, II, 1887, p. 205) writes that 
the cocoon is reticulated and without economic value. According to 
Moller, the caterpillars feed in Sikkim upon the plants Actimodaphne 
sikkimensis and Acer caudatum vel campbellii. According to Mr, A. V. 
Knyvett, the caterpillar is to be found at anelevation of about.7,000 

No. 2. ] Wald Silk Insects of India. 85 

feet in Sikkim through October and November. It spins a rough 
Open cocoon on the ground at the foot of the fooa plant, the moth 
emerging in the following August. 

The figure is from a specimen determined by Mr. H. J. Elwes. 

BraumMama certuia, Fabr. Plate 15, fig. 1 (Ent. Syst. iii, I, p. 412, 

This species is represented in the Museum Collection by specimens 
from Sikkim and Shillong. Nothing seems to have been recorded of 
its habits or development, Three closely alliel forms—B. whiter 
Butler, from North-West India, B. conchifera, Butler, from Sylhet and 
Darjiling, B. wallichiz, Gray, from Assam and Nepal—have been figured 
by Butler (Ill, Typ. Lep. Het. B, M. V, pl. 95, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). 
They appear to be so closely related to B. certhia as to be scarcely distin- 
guishable from it. A fourth form—B, rufescens—Butler, from North- 
East Bengal, has been described (Ann. Mag. N. H. 5, VI, p. 62, 1880) 
as related to, and in some respects intermediate between, the others. It 
seems most convenient to await further observation on the habits and 
life histories of these insects before endeavouring to separate them 
into distinct species. 

The figure of B. certhia is from a specimen determined by Mr. H. 
J. Elwes. 

THEOPHILA HUTTONI, Westw. Plate 15, fig. 3. 

This is a bivoltine species, which iscommon upon wild mulberry trees 
on the lower slopes of the North-West Himalayas. The caterpillars of 
the first generation, according to Hutton (Trans. Ent. Soc., Lond. ,3, 1, 
1864—66 ; and Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc., Ind., III, 1871), appear about’ 
April, and the cocoons are formed in May and September respectively. 
The insect hibernates in the form of eves glued on to the bark ofits food 
plant. The cocoon is whitish in color and of soft loose consistence, not 
unlike the cocoons of some Bengal Boméyx silk worms, but much less 
compact ; itis formed between the leaves of the food plant. The silk is 
of excellent quality, and, according to Cope’(Rondot, LZ’ Art de la Sore, II 
p- 6), can be reeled ; so, if it could be obtained in any considerable quan- 
tities, there,is little doubt but that it would be of value. Hutton’s attempt, 
however, to cultivate it for commercial purposes proved unsuccessful, as 
the worms were too restless to submit to domestication in the house, and 
when left at liberty upon the trees were so much attacked by birds and 
predaceous insects as to render the yield of silk unprofitable. It is possi- 
ble that the restlessness exhibited by the worms, when under cover, may 
have been due to want of the moisture to which they are ordinarily ex- 
posed on the hill slopes; this having proved to be the case with tusser 

86 : Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol, ie 

(Antheraa-mylitta) whose larve can only be raised in captivity when 
they are frequently watered (see footnote to page 160 of the first volume 
of these Notes). Even if this should turn out to be the case, however, with 
T. huttont, it would seem of doubtful utility to employ mulberry leaves 
for rearing it, when they might with no greater expenditure of labor be 
utilized for rearing one of the Bombyx varieties which are already domes- 
ticated and which produce a silk whose commercial value is undoubted. 

The figure of the larva is copied from a colored drawing prepared by 
the Museum artist under the direction of Mr. Wood-Mason. 

Cmected with Zheophila huttont are several forms which are so 
closely allied to it as to make it very doubtful to what, extent they can 
reasonably be looked upon as distinct. They are the following :— 

(1) Theophila religiosa (= Bombyx religiosa, Helfer, Journ. As. Soe. 
Beng:, Vol. VI, p. 41, 1837).—This insect feeds upon the Pipal tree 
(Ficus religiosa) in Assam. Helfer originally described it, without see- 
ing the insect, from a figure which was sent to him, and Moore (Cat. 
Lep. Mus. E. I. C., p. 381, 1858) writes : “ After examination of 
typical specimens of B. hutiont, and comparing them with the deserip-. 
tions of Dr. Helfer’s B. relzgiosa, I am inclined to believe that they are 
one and the same species.” This form therefore may be neglected. 

(2) Theophila bengaiensis (Hutton, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (3), ii, 
p. 822, pl. 19, fig. 5,1864—66 ; and Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc, Ind. iii, 1871, 
p. 125).—This form feeds upon the Artocarpus lacoocha tree, in Lower 
Bengal, and has been also found at an elevation of 2,000 feet in Sikkim 
upon Artocarpus chaplasha (see page 200 of Vol. I of these Notes). The 
moth and cocoon closely resemble the typical 7. huttont from the 
North-West Himalayas, but the larvee, as figured by Hutton, differ from 
7. huttoni Jarve both in being greyish white, instead of yellow mottled 
with brown, and in having somewhat smaller spines. If this difference 
should prove constant, 7’. bengalensis; feeding as it does upon a different 
plant and living in a different locality, might be considered to constitute 
a distinct species. For the present, however, it seems most convenient to 
look upon it as a variety only; and this view is supported by the fact 
that the form which has been described as 7. afinis is to a certain 
extent intermediate between 7’. hutione and T. bengalensis. 

The figure of the larva (Plate 15, fig. 4) is copied from a colored 
drawing prepared by the Museum artist under the direction of Mr. 
W ood-Mason. 

(3) Theophila afinis, plate 15, fig. 2 (Hutton, Journ. Agri. Hort. 
Soc. Ind. III, p. 125, 1871).—This form was described by Hutton as 
resembling 7. huttoxe in shape, coloration and marking, and differing 
from it only in its smaller size and in being polyvoltine. In Chota 
Nagpur the caterpillar feeds, like 7’. dengalenszs, upon the Arlocarpus 

No. 2.] Wild Silk Insects of India. 87 

lacoocha tree, but Hutton succeeded in rearing it upon mulberry. In 
the Indian Museum are moths and cocoons of this form from Gobind- 
pur; also a moth which is thought to be Hutton’s type from Chota Nags 
pur; they are indistinguishable from moths of 7. dengalensis from the 
neighbourhood of Calcutta. There is also a carefully colored drawing 
made by a Native artist in the Museum, of a full grown larva from 
Gobindpur, showing the yellow and brown markings and the prominent 
spines which are supposed tobe characteristic of T. huttont. T. afinis, 
therefore, may belooked upon as intermediate between T. bengalensis 
and 7. huttont, and is consequently a variety of the latter. 

The figures of the moth and of the cocoon are from specimens in the 
Museum Collection; that of the larva is copied from a colored draw- 
ing made by the Museum artist under the direction of Mr. Wood- 
Mason; the cocoon is from a photograph taken by Mr. Wood-Mason. 

(4) Theophila sherwitli (Bombyx sherwiltt, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc: 
Lond. 3, II, p. 423, pl. XXII, fig. 1, 1864—66; also Hutton Joc. c7t., 
p- 324).—This form was described from a moth said to have been obtained 
in the Eastern Himalayas ; nothing, however, has been recorded of its 
habits or transformations. The original figure and description of the 
moth would answer completely to a large specimen of the variety 7’. ben- 
_galensis, with the exception of the black tip to the abdomen which 7’. 
sherwilli is represented as possessing. In the absence, therefore, of fur- 
ther information, this form may be looked upon as a somewhat excep- 
tionally marked specimen of 7. huttonz, var. bengalensts. 

Tritocua varians, Walker. Plate 15, fig. 5. 

This small species is common all over India and Ceylon; it spins a 
minute but compact cocoon of yellowish silk between the leaves of the 
trees upon which it feeds. It is fairly common, but the cocoons are not 
found in any large quantities together, and are far too small to make it 
worth while to collect them individually. In Calcutta the moths are 
often attracted by lamps into houses in the cold weather and the larve 
have been reared in the Indian Museum upon the leaves of Bukool tree 
(Mimusops elengr), According to Hutton (‘Tr. EK. 8. III, 2, p. 331, 1864-6), 
Grote found itin February and March in Caleutta feeding on Trophis 
aspera, Ficus indica, and Ficus religiosa, while in Madras Elliot found it 
upon Ficus religiosa; and according to Moore (Lep. Ceyl. II, p. 136) 
Thwaites found it in Ceylon upon Artocarpus sntegrifolia. Nothing fur- 
ther seems to have been recorded of its life history, but from the fact of 
the moths and larve being found in the middle of the cold weather 
it would seem likely to be a polyvoltine. 

The figures are from specimens reared in the Indian Museum. 

88 Indian Museum Notes. [ Vol. If. 


Larve of this species were found by Forsayeth in August, feeding 
upon Pipul (£2cus religiosa) in Mhow, the moths emerging the same 
month (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 408, 1884). Forsayeth’s description 
and figures of the various stages of the insect agree very closely with 
the 7’. varzans of Calcutta, and it would seem by no means improbable 
that the two forms are little more than varieties of each other. A third 
species—Trzlocha cervina, was described by Walker (Brit. Mus. Cat. Lep. 
Het. xxxu, p. 489, 1865) from India; but no particulars are given beyond 
a bare description of the moth. The precise locality is unknown, and 
there are no specimens in the Indian Museum; so, the form must 
either be extremely rare or identical with one of the better known species, 

OcinaRa Lipa, Moore. 

This species was originally described (Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C., p. 381, 
1858) from Java, and an account of its habits was subsequently given 
(Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 3, iI, p. 826, 1864—66) by Hutton, who named 
it in the first instance O. moorez, but afterwards recognized its identity 
with 0. dada of Moore (Journ. Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind. III, p. 125, 1571). 
Hutton found it between 5,000 and 6,000 feet elevation in Mussoorie in 
the North-West Himalayas, where it feeds upon the leaves of Ficus 
_venosa, and spins a small white oval cocoon. ‘The cocoon is generally 
enveloped in a leaf, and covered with loose silk ; it 1s to be found both in 
May and August, and Hutton supposed that at least two, and perhaps 
three or four, generations are gone through in the year. He considers 
the cocoon too small to be of any use. The larva is rough and resembles 
the bark so closely as to be very difficult to be distinguished from the 
latter upon the twigs to which it clings. 

OocinaRa Lactea. Plate 10, fig. 3 (Hutton, Trans.Ent. Soc. Lond. 3, II, 
p. 382, 1864-66). 

This species was found by Hutton feeding with O. lida upon Ficus 
venosa in Mussoorie. The two forms are evidently closely allied and have 
very similar habits, but Hutton was of opinion that they are distinct, and 
as there are no satisfactory specimens of O. dida in the Indian Museum, it 
has not been possible to compare them. O. dactea is represented in the 
Museum collection by specimens from Sikkim and Kulu, as well as from 
Mussoorie ; so, it is probable that the species extends throughout the Hima- 
layas, though it is too rare and the cocoons are too small for it to have any 
value as a silk producer. The figure of the moth is from Captain Hut- 
ton’s specimen in the Indian Museum ; that of the larva is after Captain 
Hutton’s figure in the Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond. 

No. 2. ] Wild Silk Insects of India. 89 

Ocinara comma (Hutton, Trans. Ent. Soe. Lond. 3, II, p. 330, 1864—66). 

In the Indian Museum are moths which are thought to be Hut- 
ton’s type specimens of this species from Dehra Dun (2,300 feet eleva- 
tion in the North-West Himalayas), where, according to Hutton, they 
are found upon mango trees. They are very similar in appearance, and 
seem to be closely allied to O. dactea. 


This species was described by Moore (Descr. Ind. Lep. Atk. I, p. 83, 
1879) from the Khasia hills in Assam. Nothing seems to ke known about 
it beyond Moore’s note that the male moth differs from O. lactea of 
Hutton “in the absence of the black markings on the forewing and on 
the abdominal margin.” These appear to be characters of very second- 
ary importance, so it may reasonably be inferred that, like O. comma and 
O. lida, it is very closely related to O. lactea, 


Aristhala sikkima (Moore, P. Z, S. 1879, p. 406, pl. 33. fig. 8) 
from Sikkim, Aristhala thwaitesiz (Moore, Lep. Ceyl. II, p. 136, pl. 
33, fig. 2, 1882 from Ceylon, and Primosticta fenestrata, Butler (Il., 
Typ. Lep. Het. B. M. VI, p. 20, pl. 106, fig. 5, 1886) are usually 
included in the family of Bombycid@ ; so, they are noticed here, though 
nothing is known of them beyond the bare descriptions and figures which 
bave been published of the moths. There are no specimens of them in 
the Indian Museum, and it is even doubtful whether they spin cocoons; 
so, they may be neglected in considering the silk-producing species which 
are to be found in India.? 

1The species—Hanisa subnotata (Walker, Journ. Linn, Soc. Lond. III, p. 188, 1859 ; and 
Moore, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 406)—given erroneously in the Catalogue of the Moths of India as 
occurring both in Singapore and India, has only as yet been recorded from Singapore ; so, 
it does not enter into the geographical area under consideration in this paper. 

Govt. of India Central Printing Office,—No. 222 R, & A,--21-9-91,—1,000,—F. J, B, 

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Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June, 1891. 


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Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June, 1891. 

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Photo-etching from the origmal drawings, Survey of India Offices, Caleutta, June, 1891. 



Photo-etching from the origimal drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June, 1891. 


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Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June,1891. 




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Photo-etching from the original drawing: 

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Calcutta, June. 1891 

Photo-etching trom the origmal drawimés, Survey of India Offices 



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Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June. 1891. 



Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Caleutta. June, 1891. 






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Photo-etching from the original drawings, Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, June, 1891. 




Photo-etching from the Original Drawings Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, August 1891. 


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Photo-etching from the original Drawings Survey of India Offices, Calcutta, Ausust 1891. 

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Photo-etching from the original Drawings - Survey of India Offices, Caleutta, August 1891. 

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