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Full text of "Induced cell-reproduction and cancer; the isolation of the chemical causes of normal and of augmented, asymmetrical human cell-division"

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FIG.  1. — A  typical  field  seen  by  the  in-vitro  method  of  staining.     The  leuco- 
cytes are  staining  gradually. 




M.R.C.S.  (ENG.),  L.R.C.P.   (LOND.)'' 




1      if 



M.B.,  M.Sc.  (LIV.),  M.R.C.S.  (ENG.),  L.R.C.P.  (LOND.) 



P.    BLAKISTON'S    SON  &   CO. 


COPYRIGHT,  1910,  BY  P.  BLAKISTON'S  SON  &  Co. 

Printed   ly 

The  Maple  Press 

York,  Pa. 








This  illustration  was  obtained  after  the  book  had  gone  to  press  and  does  not  appear  in 
the  list  of  illustrations.  It  is  included  because  it  so  clearly  demonstrates  the  mitosis  of  the 
lymphocyte  which  was  unstained.  The  division  was  induced  by  means  of  bensamidine,  one 
of  the  several  compounds  containing  the  amidine  grouping  (N  =  C  —  N)  the  presence  of  which 
appears  to  be  necessary  in  a  substance  before  it  can  cause  cell-division.  This  point  was  de- 
termined after  the  book  had  gone  to  press. 


THE  objects  of  this  book  are  to  describe  in  detail  the 
results  obtained  by  a  new  method  of  experimentation 
with  individual  living  human  cells,  their  importance  in 
the  elucidation  of  the  phenomena  of  healing,  and  in  the 
causation  of  cancer  and  other  growths. 

The  old  methods  of  examining  dead  tissues  and 
cells  have  been  useful  in  the  past,  but  I  venture  to 
think  that  those  who  undertake  the  study  of  living 
human  cells,  and  especially  blood-cells,  by  the  in-vitro 
methods  of  staining,  which  will  be  hereafter  described, 
will  realise  that  they  supersede  all  others.  This  method 
enables  us  to  observe  cells  in  their  proper  shapes,  and 
an  entirely  new  impression  is  obtained  concerning 
the  functions  of  their  constituent  elements  and  of  the 
modes  by  which  they  divide  and  reproduce  themselves. 
The  fact  that  the  divisions  of  reproduction  can  be 
induced  on  a  microscope  slide  by  means  of  the  natural 
chemical  agencies  which  cause  their  proliferation  within 
the  body  has  in  itself  opened  a  fresh  vista  of  research 
which  has  not  only  taught  us  the  cause  of  prolifera- 
tion of '  cells  in  healing,  but  has  also  suggested  that 
the  cause  of  malignancy,  which  appears  to  be  re- 
lated to  that  normal  process,  is  beginning  to  become 
cleared  up. 

The  methods  which  I  shall  describe  are  entirely 



new;  some  of  the  details  have  already  been  published 
in  the  scientific  journals,  but  the  greater  part  of  what  is 
herein  set  forth  has  hitherto  been  unknown.  The  new 
methods  have  revealed  many  interesting  facts  which  in 
my  opinion  may  be  far-reaching  in  their  influence  in 
the  advancement  of  pathology. 

It  may  not  be  out  of  place  if  I  give  a  brief  history 
of  the  circumstances  which  led  to  the  adoption  of  this 
in-vitro  method  of  microscopical  investigation  and  of 
the  researches  which  have  been  made  by  means  of  it. 
There  can  be  no  doubt  that  accidents  have  on  more 
than  one  occasion  been  responsible  for  valuable  indica- 
tions which  have  led  to  fruitful  lines  of  work,  and  had 
it  not  been  for  some  of  these  accidents  the  results 
attained  would  have  been  considerably  less  advanced 
than  they  are  now.  I  do  not  think  that  these  re- 
searches would  have  been  started  at  all  had  it  not  been 
for  the  firing  of  a  gun.  In  the  summer  of  1905,  when 
I  was  a  surgeon  in  the  navy,  my  cabin  being  my 
laboratory,  I  was  interested  in  bacteriology,  and 
was  endeavouring  to  grow  organisms  from  the  blood 
of  patients.  To  do  this  I  had  to  invent  an  electric 
incubator,  it  being  impossible  on  board  a  battle- 
ship to  use  one  which  was  heated  either  by  gas  or  oil, 
the  former  not  being  available  and  the  latter  not 
allowed.  There  was  nothing  for  it,  therefore,  but  to 
invent  an  incubator  which  could  be  made  on  board, 
and  I  look  back  upon  this  piece  of  apparatus  with 
interest.  It  was  not  so  reliable  as  those  which  can 
now  be  bought,  but  it  worked  fairly  well.  It  had  an 
automatic  thermostat,  by  means  of  which  the  lamp  was 


switched  out  at  a  given  temperature,  and  was  switched 
on  again  when  the  temperature  fell.  Sparking  gave 
trouble,  but  I  "blew  out"  the  spark  by  a  condenser. 
It  wras  made  by  a  "torpedo  instructor,"  and  was  so 
firmly  bolted  on  to  the  steel  bulkhead  in  my  cabin  that 
apparently  nothing  would  (or  could)  shake  it  down. 

One  afternoon,  when  my  ship  was  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean, we  had,  as  I  thought,  finished  heavy  gun-firing. 
I  had  placed  some  blood  on  to  some  nutrient  agar 
(sloped)  in  culture-tubes,  which  were  in  my  incubator, 
being  kept  at  the  blood  temperature  of  37°  C.  I  was 
working  at  the  cabin  table  with  the  microscope  and  my 
small  stock  of  bacteriological  apparatus.  Suddenly, 
without  any  warning,  a  "young  gentleman"  fired  a 
12-inch  gun  from  the  after-babette  on  the  deck  above; 
for  the  captain  had  permitted  the  midshipmen  to  fire 
a  "round"  after  the  main  gunnery  practice  was  over. 
I  extricated  myself  from  the  debris  of  microscope, 
apparatus,  pictures,  etc.,  on  the  deck  of  my  cabin,  for 
nearly  everything  was  smashed.  My  incubator,  firmly 
fixed,  as  I  have  explained,  on  to  the  bulkhead,  I  did  not 
open,  expecting  that  everything  inside  was  shattered, 
and  it  was  not  until  the  next  day  that  I  investigated  its 
contents.  My  surprise  may  be  imagined  when  I  found 
that  the  culture-tubes  were  unharmed,  but  that,  owing- 
to  the  dislocation  of  the  automatic  thermostat,  the 
temperature  inside  the  apparatus  wras  standing  at  606  C. 
On  close  examination  of  the  culture-tubes,  I  noticed 
that  the  red  cells,  which  had  been  resting  on  the  surface 
of  the  jelly,  were  now  diffusing  as  a  cloud  through  the 
jelly  itself.  The  matter  wras  further  investigated,  and  it 


formed  the  subject  of  my  paper  in  The  British  Medical 
Journal  of  May  5,  1906,  on  "The  Diffusion  of  Red 
Blood-corpuscles  through  Solid  Nutrient  Agar."  The 
reason  why  the  diffusion  had  not  been  previously 
observed  was  that  one  does  not  usually  endeavour  to 
obtain  cultures  from  the  blood  at  60°  C.,  nor  should 
I  have  done  so  had  it  not  been  for  the  zeal  of  the 
"young  gentleman." 

In  January,  1906,  before  my  paper  was  published,  I 
was  demonstrating  this  remarkable  diffusion  of  red  cells 
through  the  agar  to  my  brother,  Professor  Ronald  Ross, 
at  Liverpool,  by  placing  some  blood  under  a  cover-glass 
on  a  film  of  agar  jelly  spread  on  a  slide.  He  was 
impressed  by  the  way  in  which  the  cells  became  spread 
out  between  the  cover-glass  and  the  surface  of  the  agar 
film,  and  he  suggested  that  it  would  be  a  good  means 
for  blood-examination  by  the  microscope,  for  the 
corpuscles  became  admirably  arranged  and  spread  out  in 
such  a  way  that  each  could  be  critically  examined. 
Then  he  remarked — a  remark  which  has  led  to  all  the 
researches  described  in  this  book,  and  to  the  discovery 
that  mitotic  divisions  in  human  cells  are  induced  by 
chemical  agents—  "I  wonder  what  would  happen  if  we 
were  to  mix  some  stain  with  the  jelly  and  then  place 
the  living  cells  on  it  under  a  cover-glass."  This  sugges- 
tion was  promptly  put  into  operation,  and  fortunately 
(because  it  was  the  best  which  could  have  been  chosen) 
the  first  stain  experimented  with  happened  to  be  poly- 
chrome methylene  blue,  with  wrhich  I  obtained  results 
which  determined  me  to  adopt  this  method  of  examina- 
tion to  the  exclusion  of  all  others. 


In  July,  1906,  I  left  the  navy  and  proceeded  to 
Egypt,  having  received  an  appointment  there  in  the 
Public  Health  Department.  Sir  Horace  Pinching, 
the  Director-General,  permitted  me  to  continue  the 
researches,  and  it  was  during^  the  ensuing  year  that 
the  phenomena  of  achromasia  and  liquefaction  of  the 
cytoplasm  of  leucocytes  were  investigated  together  with 
some  of  the  laws  concerning  the  diffusion  of  substances 
into  cells.  In  January,  1907,  I  accidentally  discovered 
the  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  caused  by 
atropine,  for,  as  will  be  described  in  the  chapter  relative 
to  this  phenomenon,  I  was  in  reality  trying  to  poison 
the  cells  with  the  alkaloid. 

In  October,  1907,  Sir  Horace  Pinching,  my  chief, 
having  retired,  I  w^as  treated  in  such  a  manner  by 
Mr.  W.  P.  Graham,  the  new  Director- General  of  the 
Public  Health  Department,  that  I  was  forced  to  leave 
the  Egyptian  Government  Service  in  December,  1907. 
Mr.  Graham  objected  to  my  doing  scientific  work  dur- 
ing my  spare  time,  and  also  prevented  my  continuing 
the  mosquito  campaigns  which  I  had  started,  as  he 
apparently  did  not  believe  in  them.  This  treatment 
stopped  may  researches  for  the  time  being,  and  was  the 
cause  of  considerable  delay  in  accomplishment  of  this 
work.  I  was  enabled,  however,  to  complete  my  investi- 
gations into  the  cause  of  achromasia  by  Dr.  Marc 
Armond- Ruffer,  C.  M.  G.,  who  came  to  my  rescue  and 
temporarily  gave  me  an  appointment  in  the  Quarantine 
Department  at  Suakim  in  February,  1908.  Here  I 
was  also  able  to  devise  the  technics  for  "measuring  the 
lives  of  leucocytes." 


In  July,  1908,  I  obtained  the  appointment  of  Patho- 
logist to  the  Royal  Southern  Hospital  at  Liverpool, 
which  I  held  for  eight  months,  during  which  I  was 
able  to  investigate  further  the  laws  of  the  diffusion  of 
substances  into  living  cells  and  to  devise  the  technics 
for  the  determination  of  the  "coefficient  of  diffusion." 
In  the  meantime  I  published  the  results  of  work  done 
while  I  was  in  Egypt.  This  could  not  be  done  before, 
because  Mr.  Graham  would  not  permit  me  to  publish 
scientific  work.  Two  papers  appeared  in  The  Journal 
of  Physiology  in  September,  1908,  four  in  The  Lancet 
in  January  and  February,  1909,  and  that  on  the  "  Co- 
efficient of  Diffusion"  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Royal 
Society  in  April,  1909. 

In  August,  1908,  I  was  demonstrating  the  excita- 
tion of  amoeboid  movements  caused  by  atropine  to 
Dr.  Macalister,  when  he  suggested  to  me  that  possibly 
there  might  be  some  alkaloid-like  excitant  in  the  blood 
of  cancer  patients;  and  this  important  suggestion  was 
the  starting-point  of  the  investigation  of  cancer  by  this 
in-vitro  method.  Dr.  Macalister  and  I  read  a  paper 
before  the  Royal  Society  of  Medicine  in  November, 
1909,  on  the  researches  which  immediately  followed  his 

In  March,  1909,  Professor  Harvey  Gibson  also  sug- 
gested the  important  point,  based  on  an  observation 
made  by  Professor  Farmer,  that  nuclein  might  have 
some  influence  on  cell-division.  I  must  acknowledge 
the  great  assistance  which  I  have  received  from  Pro- 
fessor Harvey  Gibson  on  many  occasions,  as  well  as 
the  loan  of  a  well-equipped  laboratory  in  the  Hartley 


Botanical  Department  at  the  University  of  Liverpool. 

It  was  when  experimenting  with  a  mixture  of 
polychrome  stain,  extract  of  haemal  gland,  and  atropine 
that  I  saw  mitotic  figures  in  lymphocytes  for  the  first 
time  in  May,  1909;  and  the.  ensuing  months  were 
occupied  in  the  investigation  of  the  cytology  of  these 
cells  and  of  the  means  whereby  they  might  be  induced 
to  reproduce  themselves.  It  was  not  until  October, 
1909,  however,  that  I  was  able  to  induce  divisions  in 
polymorphonuclear  leucocytes.  In  December,  1909,  I 
discovered  almost  accidentally  that  extracts  of  dead 
tissues,  if  they  were  allowed  to  decompose  by  the 
action  of  putrefactive  bacteria,  would,  by  themselves, 
induce  the  division  and  multiplication  of  lymphocytes, 
and  this  was  followed  by  the  investigation  of  the 
action  of  "globin"  in  January,  1910.  In  February,  1910, 
while  investigating  the  epithelial  cells  present  in  some 
vaginal  secretion,  it  occurred  to  me  to  try  to  induce 
divisions  in  them,  and  this  experiment  has  been  suc- 
cessful in  the  case  of  one  or  two  cells. 

In  April  and  May,  1910,  when  working  with  my 
assistant,  Dr.  Cropper,  I  saw  divisions  induced  by 
kreatin  and  xanthin,  the  "extractives"  contained  in  the 
remains  of  dead  tissues;  and  we  then  also  investigated 
the  augmenting  action  on  cell-division  of  the  alkaloids 
choline,  cadaverine,  etc.,  produced  by  the  decompo- 
sition of  putrefaction.  These  points  led  me  to  elaborate 
the  theory  regarding  the  cause  of  cancer  which  is 
described  in  the  latter  part  of  this  book. 

The  dates  of  the  treatment  of  the  two  cases  of 
cancer  are  given  in  the  description  of  them  which 


has  been  written  by  Dr.  Macalister.  The  crucial 
experiment  to  try  to  determine  whether  my  theory 
regarding  the  cause  of  cancer  was  correct  or  not  was 
made  in  the  first  week  of  August,  1910.  The  treatment 
of  all  the  cases  has  been  carried  out  under  the  immediate 
supervision  of  Dr.  Macalister. 

In  much  of  the  latter  portion  of  the  experimental 
work  I  have  derived  assistance  from  Dr.  Cropper.  He 
has  accomplished  nearly  all  the  investigations  con- 
cerned in  counting  the  number  of  granules  contained 
in  eosinophile  leucocytes,  and  has  given  most  valuable 
assistance  in  the  isolation  of  the  active  "auxetics" 
from  the  remains  of  dead  tissues,  and  in  the  investiga- 
tion of  the  inhibitory  action  of  blood-serum,  some  of 
which  he  did  entirely  himself  at  my  suggestion. 

The  Research  Department  at  the  Royal  Southern 
Hospital  at  Liverpool  was  started  by  Dr.  Macalister 
in  April,  1909,  in  order  that  this  \vork  might  continue; 
Sir  William  Hartley,  J.  P.,  generously  supplied  funds 
to  last  for  one  year  in  the  first  instance.  In  November, 
1909,  he  extended  his  support  for  a  period  of  three 
years,  and  he  also  supplied  me  with  the  photomicro- 
graphic  camera  which  I  had  invented.  Some  of  the 
expenses  attached  to  these  researches,  however,  have 
also  been  defrayed  by  Mrs.  George  Holt,  Mr.  and  the 
Misses  Paton,  and  some  of  their  friends.  I  would 
like  to  take  this  opportunity  of  recording  my  personal 
gratitude  to  Sir  William  Hartley  and  these  ladies  and 
gentlemen,  without  whose  assistance  these  researches 
could  not  have  been  accomplished. 

I  wish  also  to  record  the  manner  in  which  I  was 


enabled  to  obtain  the  assistance  of  Dr.  Cropper.  In 
October,  1909,  I  happened  to  be  discussing  with  Mr. 
Sharpies,  an  energetic  supporter  of  these  researches, 
the  difficulty  of  my  finding  time  to  undertake  the 
investigation  of  some  of  the  by.-issues  revealed  by  the 
new  method — issues  which  might  prove  to  be  of 
importance.  Our  conversation  was  overheard  by  a 
gentleman,  who  I  afterwards  ascertained  was  Mr. 
J.  H.  McFadden,  of  Philadelphia,  whose  acquaintance 
I  had  only  just  made,  and  to  whom  I  was  practically 
a  stranger.  Mr.  McFadden  immediately  became  in- 
terested, and  placed  a  large  sum  of  money  at  my 
disposal  in  order  that  I  might  obtain  other  assistance 
to  further  these  researches  for  a  period  of  two  years. 
In  March,  1910,  Mr.  McFadden  further  instructed  me 
to  the  effect  that  if  I  conscientiously  thought  that 
further  funds  could  usefully  be  spent  in  the  advance- 
ment of  these  researches  I  was  to  incur  that  expendi- 
ture. In  fact,  he  has  not  only  supplied  me  with  the 
assistance  of  Dr.  Cropper,  but  he  has  also  been  the 
means  of  equipping  a  laboratory  for  him,  kindly  lent 
by  the  Liverpool  School  of  Tropical  Medicine,  but 
also  in  defraying  the  serious  expenditure  connected 
with  the  manufacture  of  the  substance  we  call  "globin" 
from  crystalline  haemoglobin.  Mr.  McFadden  has  also 
enabled  me  to  take  the  large  number  of  photomicro- 
graphs which  record  the  phenomena  seen  under  the 
microscope;  ajnd,  lastly,  he  has  borne  the  entire  cost 
of  the  publication  of  this  volume  and  the  reproduction 
of  the  photomicrographs  which  illustrate  it. 

I   fear   that   I    shall    never   be   able   to   thank  Mr. 


McFadden  sufficiently  for  his  great  generosity,  which 
I  appreciate  very  greatly.  It  was  extended  to  me  at 
a  time  when  I  was  practically  a  total  stranger  to 
him,  together  with  the  intimation  that  even  if  these 
researches  did  not  result  in  the  advancement  of  knowl- 
edge regarding  cancer  he  would  not  consider  that  his 
assistance  had  been  misplaced  or  wasted. 

In  conducting  prolonged  researches  of  this  nature 
it  is  most  gratifying  to  realise  that  one  has  such  a 
staunch  supporter;  and  there  can  be  no  question  that 
if  the  results  obtained  lead  to  practical  benefit,  this  will 
be  largely  owing  to  Sir  William  Hartley,  who  enabled 
the  researches  to  be  started,  and  to  Mr.  McFadden, 
who  enabled  them  to  be  brought  so  rapidly  to  the  point 
which  has  now  been  reached. 

When  this  Research  Department  of  the  Royal 
Southern  Hospital  was  started,  a  Committee  was 
formed.  It  numbers  amongst  its  members  Professors 
Sherrington,  Herdman,  Ronald  Ross,  Reynolds  Green, 
and  Harvey  Gibson,  to  all  of  whom  I  have  frequently 
appealed  for  advice  on  technical  points;  and  when  any 
information  has  been  required  concerning  the  surgical 
aspects  of  the  healing  process,  or  of  cancer,  I  have 
consulted  Mr.  Robert  Jones,  who  is  now  Chairman  of 
the  Committee,  and  also  Dr.  Alexander.  I  wish  to 
thank  all  these  gentlemen  most  sincerely  for  their 
kindness.  I  have  also  frequently  received  materials 
from  Mr.  Jeans  and  Mr.  Bickersteth,  of  the  Royal 
Infirmary,  and  many  other  members  of  the  medical 
profession  in  Liverpool  have  supplied  specimens.  The 
beautiful  sections  of  the  growth  with  which  the  crucial 


experiments  were  made  were  kindly  cut  for  me  by 
Dr.  Moore  Alexander.  Professor  Benjamin  Moore 
advised  us  in  our  researches  to  isolate  the  active  auxetics 
from  the  extracts  of  dead  tissues,  and  Dr.  H.  E.  Roaf 
very  kindly  supplied  us  with  the  crystalline  haemoglobin 
from  which  globin  was  obtained  for  the  first  ex- 
periments with  that  substance. 

I  cannot  close  this  Preface  without  signifying  my 
thanks  to  Dr.  Macalister.  He  grasped  that  this  in- 
vitro  method  would  bring  fruitful  results,  and  it  was 
he  who  instituted  this  research  into  the  cause  of 
cancer.  Dr.  Macalister's  advice  and  constant  encour- 
agement, apart  from  the  actual  experimental  work 
which  he  has  done  and  the  clinical  observations  which 
he  has  made,  have  been  invaluable. 
















"IN- VITRO"  Method  of  Research 81 














































INDEX  .   421 


ALL  the  photomicrographs  which  illustrate  this  book  were  takea 
with  the  apparatus  described  in  Chapter  II.  The  objective  used  for 
those  taken  with  the  higher  magnification  was  a  2-mm.  apochromatic 
lens  (Zeiss)  N.  A.  1  '30.  The  objectives  employed  for  taking  photo- 
graphs of  a  lower  magnification  were  Zeiss  D  and  Zeiss  A.  The  eye- 
piece used  in  all  of  them  was  a  "high-power  projection  eye-piece'^ 

In  the  actual  preparations,  as  observed  through  the  microscope,  a 
stereoscopic  view  of  the  dividing  cells  can  be  obtained,  which  facilitates, 
the  demonstration  of  the  different  phases.  Unfortunately,  this  stereo- 
scopic effect  cannot  be  seen  in  the  prints,  although  an  examination  of 
them  with  a  hand  magnifying-glass  will  remedy  the  deficiency  to  some 

The  photograghs  have  all  been  produced  without  any  alteration  of 
the  original  negatives. 


1.  A  typical  field  seen  by  the  in-vitro  method  of  staining.     The  leuco- 

cytes   are    staining   gradually Frontispiece. 

2.  The  photomicrographic  apparatus.     The  microscope  is  ready  to 

be  used  for  direct  observation.  The  gas-burner  can  just  be  seen 
at  the  lower  end  of  the  wooden  plank.  (N.  B. — The  sheets  of 
white  paper  have  been  placed  in  this  position  in  this  and  the  next 
photograph  in  order  to  "  show  up  "  the  apparatus.) 23- 

3.  The  apparatus  ready  for  photography.     The  mirror  is  swung  aside, 

and  the  eye-piece  attached  to  the  camera  is  inserted  into  the 
microscope 25- 

4.  The  photomicrographic  apparatus.     Showing  positions  of  water- 

cooling  tank  and  Nernst  burner.  The  microscope  mirror  is  in 
position  for  direct  observation 29- 

5.  The   photomicrographic   apparatus.     The    microscope    mirror   is  ' 

swung  aside  for  photography 31 

6.  The  granules  of  the  leucocyte  are  gradually  becoming  stained. 

The  red  cells  are  unstained.     Low  power 45- 

7.  The  leucocyte's  granules  are  stained.     Its  nucleus  is  unstained. 

The  pseudopodia  are  extruded  in  response  to  atropine,  which  is 
diffusing  into  the  cell  as  well  as  the  stain  45- 




8.  The  same  field  as  7.     The  leucocyte  is  retracting  its  pseudopodia.     47 

9.  The  same  field  as  7  and  8.     The  retraction  of  pseudopodia  is  nearly 

complete.     The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  of  the  leucocyte  are  turning 

a  faint  blue  colour 47 

10.  A  leucocyte  excited  by  atropine.     Its  granules  are  deeply  stained, 

and  its  nucleus  is  also  beginning  to  stain  a  blue  colour.     Low 
power 49 

11.  A  leucocyte  which  has  just  been  killed  by  the  staining  of  its  nucleus. 

Its  granules  are  also  deeply  stained 49 

12.  The  leucocyte  has  just  died  owing  to  the  staining  of  its  nucleus. 

The  cell-wall  is  beginning  to  bulge  because  the  cytoplasm  is 
liquefying 53 

13.  The  onset  of  achromasia.     The  same  field  as  12.     The  stain  is 

beginning  to  fade  from  the  nucleus.     The  bulging  of  the  cell- 
wall  has  become  general 53 

14.  Achromasia.     The  same  field  as  13.     The  stain  has  gone  from  the 

nucleus,  although  the  granules  are  still  stained.     Note  that  the 
red  cell  is  disappearing 57 

15.  Achromasia.     The  same  field  as  14.     Many  of  the  cell-granules 

have  lost  their  stain.     The  cell-wall  is  nearly  invisible.     The 
red  cell  has  disappeared 57 

16.  A  stained  leucocyte.     The  ordinary  vacuoles  (colourless  patches 

amongst  the  cell  granules)  are  well  shown.     The  cell  has  just 
died 105 

17.  Diffusion-vacuoles  in  a  leucocyte 105 

18.  A  dead  leucocyte  in  which  diffusion-vacuoles  are  beginning  to 

appear      109 

19.  A  diffusion-vacuole  in  a  lymphocyte.     Low  power      109 

20.  A  diffusion-vacuole  in  a  granular  red  cell      115 

21.  A  clump  of  normal  blood-platelets.     They  are  resting  on  a  jelly 

which  will  just  stain  their  granules 115 

22.  Diffusion-vacuoles  in  blood-platelets.     The  cells  are  resting  on  the 

same  jelly-film  as  those  in  21,  but  they  had  been  subjected  to 
the  action  of  morphine  hydrochloride 119 

23.  Diffusion-vacuoles    in    blood-platelets.     The    jelly-film    had    the 

same  index  of  diffusion  as  that  employed  in  21 119 

24.  A  specimen  of  blood  which  had  been  mixed  with  morphia  solution. 

Note   the   extreme   vacuolation   of   the   leucocyte.     A   blood- 
platelet  is  also  vacuolated.     The  same  jelly  as  in  21 121 

25.  Patches  resembling  archoplasm  induced  in  a  leucocyte  by  sub- 

jecting the  blood  to  an  extract  of  a  dead  tissue.     The  jelly-film 

on  which  the  cells  are  resting  is  similar  to  that  employed  in  21 .    121 

26.  An  extruded  pseudopodium  becoming  detached  from  a  leucocyte 

which  is  excited  by  atropine.     No  stain 125 

27.  Amosboid  movements  excited  in  a  blood-platelet  by  the  action  of 

atropine .    125 



28.  Amoeboid  movements  excited  in  a  leucocyte  by  the  action  of 

atropine.     Low  power 135 

29.  Exaggerated  amceboid  movements  in  leucocytes  which  have  their 

granules  stained.  The  movements  were  excited  by  atropine 
sulphate 135 

30.  Excited  leucocytes  extruding  their  pseudopodia  between  red  cells.    137 

31.  Excitation  of  amceboid  movements  in  a4ymphocyte  by  the  action 

of  atropine.     No  stain 137 

32.  Excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  a  lymphocyte  which  has  its 

granules  stained 143 

33.  Extreme  excitation  of  amceboid  movements  in  a  lymphocyte. 

No  stain 143 

34.  Excitation  of  two  leucocytes  by  the  action  of  choline.     Low 

power.     No  stain .    151 

35.  Excitation  of  a  lymphocyte  by  the  action  of  choline.     No  stain  .    151 

36.  Excitation  of  amceboid  movements  in  a  leucocyte  by  the  action  of 

cadaverine.     No  stain .153 

37.  A  leucocyte  excited  by  morphine.     The  cell's  granules  are  stained .    153 

38.  Leucocytes  excited  by  pyridine.     No  stain 173 

39.  A  lymphocyte  which  has  absorbed  stain  and  atropine  discarding 

its  granules  (flagellation) 173 

40.  A  resting  lymphocyte.     Note  the  deeply  stained  masses  of  gran- 

ules in  the  cytoplasm,  which  is  bulged  out  in  places.  The  large 
transparent  nucleus  and  the  stained  ring-shaped  nucleolus  can 
also  be  seen  . 189 

41.  A  resting  lymphocyte.     The  Altmann's  granules  in  the  cytoplasm 

are  stained 189 

42.  A  resting  lymphocyte.     The  cytoplasm,  the  granules,  the  nucleus, 

and  the  nucleolus  can  be  distinguished 191 

43.  The  earliest  stage  of  mitosis.     The  nucleolus  has  divided  into  two 

rings 191 

44.  Early  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.    Looking  down  through  the  spindle 

(polar  aspect) .  The  nucleolus  has  divided  into  two  centrosomes, 
each  of  which  is  ring-shaped.  The  spindle  is  surrounded  by  a 
belt  of  chromatin  granules 193 

45.  Mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.     Profile  aspect.     The  two  ring-shaped 

centrosomes  can  just  be  seen  towards  the  poles.  The  granules 
are  becoming  formed  into  chromosomes 193 

46.  Foreshortened  appearance  of  a  mitotic  figure  in  a  lymphocyte. 

The  position  of  one  nucleolus-centrosome  at  the  pole  of  the  figure  " 
is  well  shown 195 

47.  Profile  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.     The  relative  positions 

of  the  centrosomes  and  chromosomes  can  be  seen  ......    195 

48.  Profile  aspect  of  mitosis.     The  belt  of  chromatin  is  formed  round 

the  waist  of  the  cell   .  .197 



49.  One  resting  and  one  dividing  lymphocyte.     In  the  latter  the 

chromosomes  are  beginning  to  divide.     The  centrosomes  appear 

as  dots  of  chromatin      197 

50.  Polar  aspect.     The  belt  of  chromatin  granules  is  dividing  into 

chromosomes 199 

51.  Polar  aspect.     The  chromosomes  are  becoming  semicircular      .    .    199 

52.  Polar  aspect.     An  "aster"  stage  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte     .    .    201 

53.  Polar  aspect.     Some  of  the  chromosomes  are  semicircular-shaped; 

some  are  dots  of  chromatin      201* 

54.  Polar  aspect.     One  centrosome  can  be  seen  at  the  pole  of  the 

"aster"  figure 203 

55.  Polar  aspect.    Sixteen  chromosomes  could  be  counted  in  this  cell .   203 

56.  Profile  aspect,  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte 205 

57.  Profile  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte 205 

58.  Profile  aspect.     The  chromosomes  can  be  seen  at  the  waist  of  the 

spindle 207 

59.  Profile  aspect.     A  figure  frequently  seen 207 

€0.  Profile  aspect  of  mitosis 209 

61.  Oblique  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte 209 

62.  Polar  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  large  lymphocyte  from  a  patient 

suffering  from  carcinoma.     There  are  sixteen  chromosomes   .    .    211 

63.  Polar  aspect.     The  chromosomes  were  V-shaped  with  their  apices 

inward  to  be  attached  to  the  nucleus-spindle,  which  can  dimly 

be  made  out 211 

64.  Polar  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  large  lymphocyte  from  a  cancer 

patient.     The  chromosomes  are  dividing 213 

65.  Profile  aspect  of  mitosis 213 

66.  Profile  aspect.     The  figure  is  fully  formed.     One  nucleolus-ceiitro- 

some  is  ring-shaped;  the  other  is  a  dot  of  chromatin 215 

67.  Profile  aspect.     The  sixteen  chromosomes  could  be  counted      .    .  215 

68.  The  cell  has  become  constricted  in  its  centre 217 

69.  Profile  aspect.     Complete  division  is  about  to  occur.     The  chro- 

mosomes are  being  reconverted  into  granules,  but  the  mitotic 
figure  is  not  quite  finished  at  the  dividing-point 217 

70.  Profile  aspect.     The  spindle  and  chromosomes  have  divided,  but 

the  cell-wall  has  not  yet  separated 219 

71.  Completion  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte      219 

72.  Asymmetrical  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  azur  stain  aug- 

mented by  atropine 233 

73.  Asymmetrical    mitosis    induced    by    azur    stain    augmented    by 

atropine 233 

74.  An  early  stage  of  delayed  mitosis  induced  by  a  jelly  with  a  low 

index  of  diffusion.     The  number  of  chromosomes  is  more  than 
sixteen 241 

75.  Thirty-two  chromosomes  could  be  counted  in  this  cell.     Early 

mitosis  delayed 241 



76.  A  resting  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte.     Its  granules  are  stained 

but  not  its  nucleus.     The  cell  was  alive 253 

77.  A  basophile  leucocyte  in  the  act  of  cell-division.     The  granules 

of  the  cell  are  in  the  centre.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  are  at  the 
poles  of  the  cell  which  is  dividing  into  three 253 

78.  An  eosinophile  leucocyte  in  the  earliest  stage  of  division.     The 

granules  were  arranged  in  lines  radiating  outwards  from  the 
centre  of  the  cell.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  were  at  the  poles .  .  259 

79.  Early  stage  of  division  of  a  neutrophile  leucocyte 259 

80.  A  dividing  leucocyte      261 

81.  A  dividing  leucocyte      261 

8lA.  Division  of  a  leucocyte.     The  linear  arrangement  of  the  granules 

could  be  well  seen 263 

82.  A  dividing  leucocyte      • .  263 

83.  A  dividing  leucocyte      265 

84.  A  dividing  leucocyte      265 

85.  A  dividing  leucocyte 267 

86.  A  dividing  leucocyte      267 

87.  An  eosinophile  leucocyte  with  its  granules  stained .  275 

88.  A  field  containing  a  neutrophile,  an  eosinophile,  and  a  basophile 

leucocyte.  The  upper  cell  is  the  neutrophile  and  the  lower  one 
the  basophile  cell.  All  the  cells  are  ruptured,  but  their  granules 
are  stained 279 

89.  A  basophile  leucocyte  whose  stained  granules  have  been  turned 

black  by  heat 279 

90.  One  of  the  negatives  of  a  ruptured  eosinophile  leucocyte  (negative 

No.  52) 285 

91.  One  of  the  negatives  of  a  ruptured  eosinophile  leucocyte  (negative 

No.  54) 285 

92.  Counting  the  granules.     The  image  of  the  ruptured  cell  depicted 

on  negative  No.  52  is  projected  on  to  a  sheet  of  white  paper 
pinned  on  to  a  screen 287 

93.  Counting  the  granules  of  negative  No.  54      287 

94.  A  dividing  red  cell  from  a  cancer  patient 295 

95.  A  dividing  red  cell  from  a  cancer  patient.     The  granules  seem  to 

be  arranged  in  an  indefinite  figure 295 

96.  Very  early  stage  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  decom- 

posed extract  of  suprarenal  gland.     No  stain 301 

97.  Mitosis    of  a    lymphocyte  induced    by  decomposed    suprarenal 

extract.     No  stain 301 

98.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  decomposed  extract.     No 

stain 303 

99.  Asymmetrical    division    induced    by    decomposed    extract.     No 

stain  or  atropine  is  present 303 

100.  Mitosis  induced  by  fresh  extract  of  suprarenal  gland.     No  stain 

or  augmentor  present 307 



101.  Mitosis  induced  by  fresh  suprarenal  extract.     Xo  stain  is  present .    307 

102.  A  dividing  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte  induced  by  suprarenal 

extract  alone.     Xo  stain 311 

103.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  which  had 

purposely  been  allowed  to  become  putrid.     Xo  stain      .    .    .    .311 

104.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  which  had 

purposely  been  allowed  to  become  putrid.     Xo  stain  ....    313 

105.  Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  by  suprarenal  extract  augmented 

by  atropine.     Xo  stain 313 

106.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  kreatin.     No  stain  or  extract .    317 

107.  Division  in  a  leucocyte  induced  by  kreatin.     Xo  stain  or  extract   .    317 

108.  Mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  globin  augmented  by  atropine. 

No  stain,  extract,  or  kreatin 327 

109.  Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  by  globin  augmented  by  atropine. 

No  stain,  extract,  or  kreatin 327 

110.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  means  of  decomposed  globin 

solution.     Xo  stain,  extract,  kreatin,  atropine 329 

111.  To  show  the  way  in  which  globin  is  "  dotted  "  over  the  sufrace  of  an 

ulcer 343 

112.  To  show  the  scab  formed  by  the  application  of  globin  to  an  ulcer.   343 

113.  Mitosis  induced  by  a  mixture  of  kreatin  and  choline.     No  stain, 

extract,  or  atropine 353 

114.  Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  a  mixture  of 

suprarenal   extract   and  globin,   augmented   by  choline.     No 
stain  or  atropine 353 

115.  Mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  globin  and  choline.     XTo  stain 

or  other  auxetic 355 

116.  Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  and  choline. 

No  stain  or  other  auxetic 355 

117.  Mitosis  induced  in  an  epithelial  cell  by  a  mixture  of  stain  and 

extract 357 

118.  Early  mitosis  in  an  epithelial  cell  from  the  vagina  induced  by  stain 

and  extract 357 

119.  Section  from  the  case  of  scirrhus  of  the  breast.     Low  power     .    .   385 

120.  The  same  as  119.     High  power 385 

121.  To  show  the  way  in  which  globin  was  "  dotted  "  on  to  a  portion  of 

the  malignant  ulcer 387 

122.  Section  of  a  portion  of  the  ulcer  after  treatment.     Low  power   .    .391 

123.  The  same  as  122.     High  power 391 

124.  Section  of  the  treated  portion  of  the  ulcer  after  the  application  of 

globin   augmented    by    choline,    showing   reinfiltration.     Low 
power 393 

125.  The  same  as  124.     High  power 393 

Induced   Cell-  Reproduction 
and  Cancer 



THE  study  of  the  individual  living  human  cell  and  of 
the  effects  of  chemical  reagents  upon  it  marks  what 
may  almost  be  regarded  as  a  new  scientific  departure. 
Although  much  has  been  written  concerning  the 
passage  of  substances  into  cells,  mainly  the  outcome 
of  experiments  not  made  actually  upon  the  individual 
cells  themselves,  and  certainly  not  while  they  w^ere  alive, 
little  practical  work  has  been  done  with  reference  to 
the  behaviour  of  individual  cells  while  substances  are 
being  made  to  pass  into  them.  This  has  been  owing 
to  the  lack  of  satisfactory  methods,  and  because  the 
laws  which  govern  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  the 
individual  living  cells  have  not  been  recognised.  These 
laws  are  of  the  greatest  importance,  and  must  be 
thoroughly  understood  if  in-vitro  experimentation  is 
to  prove  serviceable  or  successful,  and  later  on  a 
section  will  be  devoted  to  this  subject.  In  the  mean- 
time the  elemental  fact  must  be  simply  stated  that 
living  cells  are  examined  by  placing  them,  under  a 
cover-glass,  on  to  the  surface  of  a  film  of  jelly,  which 
may  contain  dissolved  in  it  any  substance  we  may  wish 


2  THE    SCOPE    OF    THE    NEW    METHOD 

to  experiment  with,  and  which  has,  while  in  a  molten 
condition,  been  poured  on  to  a  microscope  slide  and 
allowed  to  set  there.  The  jelly  may,  for  instance, 
contain  an  aniline  dye;  and  by  watching  the  way  in 
which  the  living  cells  absorb  the  stain  from  the  jelly, 
and  by  experimentation  with  it,  many  of  the  laws  of 
the  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells  have  been 
ascertained;  and  by  the  application  of  these  laws  we 
can  now  add  other  substances  to  the  jelly  and  make 
them  also  diffuse  into  the  living  cells,  and  watch  the 
results  by  means  of  the  microscope.  The  cells  are 
pressed  into  the  jelly  by  the  cover-glass,  and  therefore 
they  can  absorb  only  what  is  in  the  jelly  (there  is 
nothing  else  for  them  to  take),  provided  that  the 
conditions  have  been  correctly  arranged  for  the  pass- 
age of  the  substances  from  the  jelly  into  the  cells.  It 
is  essential  to  note  that  one  class  of  cells  differs  from 
another  with  reference  to  the  rate  at  which  they  absorb 
materials  from  the  media  in  which  they  are  placed,  so 
that  the  composition  of  any  given  jelly  must  be  cor- 
rectly arranged  for  experimentation  with  any  particular 
class  of  cell  with  which  it  may  be  desired  to  work. 

The  word  "cell"  in  this  book  refers  to  the  living 
cell  unless  otherwise  specified.  Cells  must  always  be 
freshly  removed  from  the  body  when  they  are  placed 
on  the  jelly.  It  occasionally  happens  that  the  cells 
may  have  just  died  or  be  dying  when  they  are  ex- 
amined, as  when  mitotic  divisions  are  being  induced 
by  azur  stain,  as  will  presently  be  described;  but, 
generally  speaking,  after  the  cells  in  a  specimen  are 
dead  the  specimen  is  thrown  away.  It  is  obvious 

ADVANTAGES    OF   THE        IN- VITRO       METHOD  3 

that  "specimens"  of  living  cells  cannot  be  kept.  All 
attempts  to  "fix"  the  jelly  films  (on  which  the  cells 
are  resting)  at  the  end  of  the  experiments  have  so  far 
failed,  so  it  is  impossible  to  retain  the  specimens  for 
future  examination  or  for  purposes  of  collection;  and 
consequently  when  dead,  or  when  finished  with,  speci- 
mens have  to  be  discarded.  This  circumstance  has 
led  me,  at  the  suggestion  of  Professor  Sherrington,  to 
devise  a  rapid  method  of  recording  the  actual  experi- 
mental facts  observed  by  means  of  photomicrography; 
and  although  the  photographs,  many  of  them  taken  with 
the  highest  powers  of  the  microscope,  are  not  com- 
parable by  any  means  to  what  is  seen  with  the  eye, 
we  at  least  have  the  satisfaction  of  knowing  that  a 
truthful  image  is  recorded  which  cannot  be  influenced 
in  the  way  that  drawings,  however  carefully  made,  are 
apt  to  be.  The  photomicrograph  is  therefore  the  best 
substitute  for  microscope  "specimens"  which  we  have 
to  offer. 

In  the  past  very  little  has  been  learned  from  the 
study  of  individual  living  cells  either  in  physiology  or 
in  pathology.  Presumably  this  has  been  due  to  the 
fact  that  it  has  been  difficult  to  stain  cells  satisfactorily 
when  they  are  alive;  for,  since  the  discovery  of  the 
aniline  dyes,  stains  have  been  used  in  nearly  all  micro- 
scopical work.  It  is  true  that  a  good  deal  of  work 
has  been  done  in  the  way  of  attempting  to  stain  unfixed 
cells  by  mixing  them  with  solutions  of  methylene  blue 
and  neutral  red;  but  the  results  have  not  been  very 
satisfactory,  and  no  doubt  the  advances  made  in  the 
study  of  dead  cells  by  means  of  differential  staining 


with  dyes  dissolved  in  alcohol  have  done  something  to 
retard  in-vitro  methods  of  investigation,  because  dyes 
dissolved  in  alcohol  cannot,  of  course,  be  used  to  stain 
living  cells.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  with  this  new  "jelly" 
method  it  is  simpler  to  stain  certain  living  cells  than  it 
is  to  stain  dead  ones  by  the  old  methods,  and  better 
pictures  are  obtained  although  less  skill  is  required. 
No  matter  how  rapidly  a  cell  or  tissue  is  killed,  the 
fact  remains  that  it  is  dead,  and  the  means  usually 
taken  to  prepare  it  for  examination  by  placing  it  in 
preservative  solutions  or  in  others  necessary  for  fixing 
and  staining  it — not  to  speak  of  the  processes  of  em- 
bedding and  freezing  and  the  subsequent  cutting  with 
razors  and  so  forth — can  only  add  to  the  fallacious 
results  of  its  examination.  So  far  as  blood-cells  are 
concerned,  the  study  of  their  morphology  and  cytology 
has  hitherto  been  almost  entirely  based  on  the  exami- 
nation of  dead  specimens,  with  the  result  that  some 
erroneous  impressions,  both  as  to  form  and  func- 
tion, have  become  generally  accepted.  For  instance, 
let  an  experienced  worker  with  the  older  methods 
look  for  a  "hyaline  leucocyte"  with  the  new  one,  and 
he  will  marvel  at  his  credulity.  The  hyaline  leuco- 
cyte is  a  dead  lymphocyte  which  has  become  achro- 
matic. By  the  new  method  we  see  cells  stained  while 
they  are  alive,  and  admirably  spread  out  on  the  jellies, 
so  that  they  can  readily  be  examined  by  the  highest 
powers.  One  can  now  cause  any  soluble  substance  to 
diffuse  into  them  at  any  rate  one  pleases,  and  with  the 
help  of  this  knowledge  one  can,  by  specific  chemical 
agents,  cause  leucocytes  and  other  cells  to  divide  on 


the  microscope  slide.  By  this  study  of  vital  activity 
new  lessons  have  been  learned  concerning  the  real 
functions  of  the  morphological  elements  of  the  cells. 
For  instance,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  older  methods 
merely  showed  pictures  of  dead  cells  and  the  arrange- 
ment of  their  component  parts  after  they  are  dead, 
controversies  have  arisen  regarding  the  functions  of 
the  cellular  elements.  Unfortunately,  theories  regard- 
ing these  functions  have  sometimes  become  accepted 
as  facts.  The  "lobes  of  the  nuclei"  of  leucocytes  are 
generally  recognized  as  being  analogous  to  the  nuclei 
of  other  cells,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  act  of  cell- 
division  has  never  been  seen  in  leucocytes.1  The  very  t 
designation  of  the  cells — "polymorphonuclear" — is 
even  based  on  this  theory;  but  in  reality  the  "lobes 
of  the  nuclei"  are  the  centrosomes.  We  hear  it  said 
even  now  that  the  blood-platelet  is  a  precipitate, 
although  a  single  glance  at  a  specimen  in  vitro,  espe- 
cially if  an  alkaloid  is  present  in  the  jelly,  demonstrates 
beyond  denial  that  a  blood-platelet  is  a  living  creature 
arid  a  highly  amoeboid  cell. 

The  new  method  reveals  new  points  in  every  direc- 
tion which  are  difficult  to  reconcile  with  the  old 
theories  based  upon  the  examination  of  dead  specimens, 
some  of  them  so  firmly  rooted  that  people  may  be  slow 
to  discard  them. 

Infinite  interest  and  variety  awaits  the  investigator 
of  cells  by  this  new  method.  He  is  dealing  with  living 

1  Throughout  this  book  the  word  "leucocyte"  refers  to  the  polymorpho- 
nuclear cell;  the  mononuclear  cell  from  the  peripheral  circulation  is  called  a 


creatures  which  are  amenable  and  can  be  excited  or 
made  to  divide  almost  at  will.  It  is  remarkable  to 
think  that  one  can  order  samples  of  one's  own  or  some 
other  person's  white  blood-corpuscles  to  reproduce 
themselves  at  a  given  time,  and  that  if  they  are  properly 
treated  they  will  do  so  with  obedient  regularity. 
Instead  of  the  diagrammatic  representations  of  karyo- 
kinesis,  from  which  every  student  learns  his  impressions 
of  cell-division,  one  is  now  able  to  appreciate  mitosis 
in  its  reality  and  to  watch  it  through  its  various  phases. 
This  is  a  very  striking  fact,  but  its  interest  grows  when 
we  consider  another  very  important  lesson  derived  from 
it,  insomuch  that,  as  will  be  seen  later,  there  is  strong 
evidence  that  white  corpuscles  will  multiply  only  in 
response  to  a  specific  chemical  agent.  We  now  believe 
that  it  is  essential  for  a  leucocyte  to  absorb  an  "aux- 
etic"  (<lv£  ^TI/COS,  an  exciter  of  reproduction)  before  it  will 
make  any  attempt  to  proliferate,  and  we  have  also 
evidence  that  it  is  more  than  probable  that  other 
human  cells,  and  possibly  all  of  them,  proliferate  in 
response  to  a  similar  agency.  It  will  be  realized,  there- 
fore, that  this  method  of  study  of  the  cell  and  of  the 
influences  of  chemical  agencies  upon  it  has  opened 
up  a  new  field  of  work,  not  only  in  pathology,  but  in 
physiology  also. 

The  proliferation  of  cells  is  the  main  theme  of  this 
book.  By  this  in-vitro  method  it  has  not  only  been  learnt 
that  cells  will  divide  in  response  to  certain  chemical 
agents,  but  that  these  agents  exist  in  the  remains  of 
all  dead  tissues.  Two  of  the  substances  which  are 
directly  responsible  for  cell-reproduction  within  the 


body  have  been  isolated  in  crystalline  form :  they  are 
the  extractives,  kreatin  and  xanthin,  and  individual 
cells  divide  in  response  to  them  according  to  the 
amount  of  each  substance  absorbed  by  the  cell. 

It  will  be  shown  that  cell-proliferation  depends  upon 
cell-death,  and  this  affords  an  explanation  of  the  cause 
and  origin  of  benign  tumours.  "Development"  is  a 
basis  of  physiology;  and  since  the  multiplication  of 
human  cells  is  due  to  chemical  agents,  as  is  shown  by 
this  method,  one  cannot  but  suppose  that  the  facts 
learnt  may  lead  to  the  explanation  of  points  connected 
with  the  growth  of  the  embryo. 

One  of  the  foundations  of  pathology  is  the  phenome- 
non of  "healing,"  which  is  caused  primarily  by  the 
proliferation  of  certain  cells.  The  causes  of  this 
proliferation  have  been  ascertained  for  the  first  time 
by  this  method,  and  the  ultimate  chapters  of  this 
book  will  describe  proofs  that  these  causes  are  now 
known.  If  the  finger  is  cut,  or  if  disease  gains  a 
footing  in  any  part  of  the  body,  an  attempt  is  made 
by  the  tissue-cells  to  proliferate  and  to  heal  the  injury; 
but  up  to  now  no  one  has  known  why  this  proliferation 
took  place  or  how  it  was  caused.  This  mystery  is  now 
elucidated:  The  knowledge  that  cell-proliferation  in 
the  body  is  due  to  chemical  exciters,  of  reproduction 
(auxetics)  is,  we  think,  the  beginning  of  an  innovation 
which  must  lead  to  developments  of  practical  value. 

The  effect  of  any  given  substance,  so  long  as  it  is 
soluble,  can  be  tested  on  many  individual  human  cells 
and  the  results  watched.  I  fear  that  we,  personally, 
have  only  been  able  so  far  to  try  the  effects  of  auxetics, 


alkaloids,  and  a  few  other  substances ;  but  a  whole  field 
of  investigation  of  the  actions  of  substances  on  indi- 
vidual cells  remains  to  be  carried  out,  and  this  is  now 
possible  by  this  "jelly"  method  of  in-vitro  staining. 

The  action  of  chemical  substances  on  living  cells 
is  closely  associated  with  the  diffusion  of  substances 
into  these  cells  (a  subject  to  which  a  section  of  this 
book  will  be  devoted),  and  this  diffusion  is  governed 
by  the  "coefficient  of  diffusion"  of  the  cells  them- 
selves, a  phenomenon  which  has  been  so  far  entirely 
studied  by  this  in-vitro  method.  Up  to  the  present, 
however,  we  have  only  had  time  to  ascertain  the  com- 
parative rates  of  diffusion  of  substances  into  some  of 
the  classes  of  human  cells  and  into  a  few  species  of 
bacteria.  The  determination  of  the  coefficients  of 
diffusion  of  all  the  rest  of  the  cells  of  the  whole  ani- 
mal and  vegetable  kingdoms  remains  as  a  "legacy" 
for  those  who  will  undertake  the  work. 

Methods  will  be  described  by  which  the  lengths  of 
the  lives  of  leucocytes  can  be  measured  after  they 
have  been  removed  from  the  body.  By  this  means 
the  comparative  effects  of  different  poisons  on  the 
cells  can  be  tested,  and  the  small  amount  of  work 
done  in  this  direction  will  be  summarised.  We  think 
that  there  are  possibilities  that  farther  investigation 
of  the  actions  of  specific  poisons,  such  as  bacterial 
toxins,  will  lead  to  fruitful  results;  in  fact,  one  of  us 
(C.  J.  M.)  has  already  shown  by  this  method  that 
chorea  and  rheumatism  are  less  closely  related  than 
is  generally  supposed.1 

1  British  MedicalJournal,  August  23,  1909. 


In  the  last  chapter  experimental  evidence  is  given 
to  prove  that  blood-serum  has  an  inhibitory  action  on 
cell-division;  and  it  will  also  be  seen  that  it  is  pos- 
sible to  measure  this  inhibitory  action.  Since  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing  is  *  caused  by  chemical 
substances  contained  in  the  soluble  remains  of  dead 
tissues,  and  since,  as  will  be  shown,  bacteria  decom- 
pose these  solutions,  a  field  of  research  is  opened  for 
the  investigation  of  this  decomposing  action  by  various 
pathogenic  bacteria;  for  in  decomposing  the  sources 
of  the  causes  of  healing  they  greatly  modify  that  pro- 
cess, and  the  healing  process  must  play  an  important 
part  in  immunity  against  disease.  Further,  bacteria 
may  have  an  action  on  the  substances  contained  in 
blood-serum  which  restrain  cell-division.  We  fear  that 
we  have  hitherto  been  able  to  do  little  towards  the 
investigation  of  this  factor  in  the  problem  of  immunity, 
which  is  now  mentioned  for  the  first  time. 

These  are  only  a  few  of  the  fields  which  have  been 
pried  into  by  experimentation  with  this  new  method. 
It  has  been  impossible  for  us  to  investigate  all  the 
paths  of  research  which  have  been  opened  up,  and 
prospective  workers  may  be  assured,  from  our  own 
personal  experience,  that  research  with  stained  living 
cells  will  amply  repay  the  time  and  patience  expended 
on  it. 

For  the  examination  of  the  arrangements  of  the 
cells  in  living  tissues  we  have  not,  so  far,  been  able 
to  make  this  in-vitro  method  so  useful  as  is  the  older 
method  of  examining  sections  of  dead  tissues,  but  we 
think  that  improvements  may  be  possible.  For  blood- 


examination,  on  the  other  hand,  it  takes  one  into  a 
different  realm  compared  with  the  older  methods. 
Examined  by  the  older  methods,  a  cell  appeared 
usually  as  a  flattened,  stained  diagram;  by  the  new 
one  it  appears  as  a  sphere.  The  difference  is  com- 
parable to  that  which  exists  between  an  old  Japanese 
print  in  which  there  is  no  perspective  and  a  perfect  photo- 
graph seen  through  a  stereoscope.  By  the  older  meth- 
ods, for  instance,  the  nucleus  of  a  lymphocyte  appears 
as  a  flattened,  homogeneously  stained  mass,  or  perhaps 
the  stained  chromatin  resembles  a  "spireme"  within 
the  nucleus;  by  the  new  method  it  is  seen  at  a  glance 
that  the  nucleus  in  the  living  cell  is  a  round,  trans- 
parent ball,  studded  on  its  outside  by  minute  chromatin 
granules.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  observation  of 
the  living  cell  is  a  new  study.  In  almost  every  slide 
one  sees  something  of  interest  which  has  not  been 
seen  before.  Living  cells  seem  to  have  small  points 
of  individuality  which  can  only  be  seen  when  they  are 
stained  alive. 

Take  for  example  the  phenomena  of  cell-division. 
The  rnitotic  divisions,  although  the  same  in  general 
principles  (unless  of  course  we  take  steps  to  induce 
asymmetrical  divisions  by  an  alkaloid)  are  almost 
always  slightly  different,  depending  to  some  extent 
upon  the  stage  of  division  reached,  and  upon  the 
attitude  in  which  the  cell  happens  to  be  presented  to 
the  observer. 

By  this  means  of  cytological  study  we  may  frankly 
say  that  we  cannot  tell  what  revelations  may  turn  up 
at  any  time.  This  book  will  record  a  few  of  them,  but 


there  are  doubtless  many  more  to  come.  The  feeling  of 
astonishment  may  be  imagined  when  one  of  us  for  the 
first  time — and  the  cells  have  been  discovered  for  more 
than  a  century — saw  most  of  the  polynuclear  leucocytes 
in  the  specimen  in  the  act  of  divisron.  It  was  expected, 
it  is  true;  but  the  way  in  which  these  cells  divide  was 
by  no  means  expected. 

We  have  carefully  searched  the  literature  relating  to 
our  subject,  without  discovering  points  which  have 
helped  us.  Most  of  the  literature  is  devoted  to  de- 
scriptions of  morphology  which  are  not  of  much 
assistance  in  this  kind  of  experimental  work.  There 
is  no  literature  dealing  with  the  effects  of  chemical 
substances  on  stained,  individual,  living  human  cells, 
and  if  a  point  is  to  be  unravelled  we  have  found  it 
better  to  make  experiments  for  its  solution  rather 
than  to  depend  upon  any  literature  dealing  with  the 
observation  of  dead  cells. 

The  new  investigator  will  have  to  begin  at  the 
beginning,  which  is  not  far  off,  and  he  will  have  to 
do  so  with  an  open  mind. 

The  foregoing  points  indicate  briefly  the  scope  of 
this  book  descriptive  of  the  new  methods,  and  of  the 
paths  of  research  which  have  been  opened  by  them. 
But  we  shall  also  describe  in  detail  the  main  path 
which  we  have  followed — namely,  the  adoption  of  the 
methods  for  the  elucidation  of  the  cause  of  cancer. 
It  must  be  obvious  that  since  we  can  now  induce 
proliferation  in  human  cells,  and  since  the  proliferation 
of  certain  human  cells  is  the  fundamental  condition 
which  characterises  cancer  (for  that  is  what  it  is),  we 


can,  by  investigating  the  chemical  cause  of  prolifera- 
tion, throw  considerable  light  on  the  cause  of  cancer. 
Cancer  is  essentially  a  growth  caused  by  excessive 
cell-proliferation,  and  the  new  methods  are  the  only 
ones  which  have  given  us  the  power  to  induce  an 
individual  cell  to  reproduce  itself. 

As  will  be  seen  later,  we  can  say  more  than  this, 
for  we  can  induce  by  certain  specific  chemical  agents 
those  remarkable  asymmetrical  mitotic  divisions  in 
human  cells  which  are  characteristic  of  many  of  the 
divisions  which  occur  during  malignant  proliferation. 
The  latter  part  of  this  book  will  therefore  relate  to 
Cancer  Research. 

Before  closing  this  chapter,  two  other  points  must 
be  mentioned.  The  usual  cytological  phraseology  has 
been  found  to  be  difficult  to  apply  to  many  of  the  facts 
seen  by  the  new  methods.  For  instance,  the  word 
"nucleus"  has  a  very  vague  meaning,  and  yet  every  one 
uses  it.  It  arose,  we  believe,  from  the  examination  of 
cells  with  the  lower  powers  of  the  microscope,  which 
are  commonly  employed  in  the  study  of  "pathological 
specimens."  The  nucleus  of  a  cell,  studied  from  this 
aspect,  is  merely  a  deeply  stained  body  within  the  cell; 
but  in  reality  the  nucleus  is  composed  of  several  dif- 
ferent parts,  each  of  which  has  a  separate  function 
during  cell-division.  The  body  which  appears  as  the 
nucleus  in  some  cells  has  a  very  different  function  to 
that  which  appears  as  the  nucleus  in  others.  For 
instance,  the  body  which  appears  as  the  nucleus  of  a 
lymphocyte  under  low  magnification  forms  the  spindle; 
whereas  what  are  usually  described  as  the  nuclei  of_ 


leucocytes  are  their  centrosomes.  The  so-called  nuclei 
of  leucocytes  ought,  we  think,  in  reality,  always  to  be 
called  the  centrosomes,  and  the  word  "nucleus"  deleted 
from  their  morphology.  We  have  done  our  best  to 
retain  the  usual  cytological  terms  in  the  senses  in  which 
they  are  usually  employed;  but  we  must  ask  some 
indulgence  when  referring  to  those  cells  in  which 
divisions  have  been  seen  for  the  first  time,  and  in  which 
these  divisions  differ  very  materially  from  those  which 
occur  in  other  types  of  cells.  Again,  we  use  the  defini- 
tion "amoeboid"  for  the  exaggerated  movements 
exhibited  by  cells  under  the  influence  of  alkaloids, 
but  it  must  be  understood  that  these  movements 
differ  from  the  blunt  and  sedate  amoeboid  move- 
ments which  are  commonly  seen—that  is  to  say, 
they  are  far  more  exaggerated  and  are  absolutely 

We  think  that,  from  the  persistent  examination  of 
dead  structures,  cytology  has  been  rather  led  away 
into  a  maze  from  which  it  will  be  difficult  to  extricate 
it;  and  it  is  possible  that  pathology  may  have  to  be 
modified  in  some  of  its  points  now  that  we  know 
a  great  deal  more  regarding  the  causes  of  the  prolifera- 
tion of  cells.  * 

The  last  point  to  which  attention  must  be  directed 
is,  that  one  ought  to  be  careful  how  attempts  are  made 
to  demonstrate  new  facts  observed  by  this  method  to 
other  people.  If  the  specimen  is  actually  under  the 
microscope,  and  other  people  are  present,  then,  of 
course,  a  few  persons  can  see  the  new  fact.  But  these 
living  cells  never  last  long,  and  many  has  the  occasion 


been  that  a  few  persons  have  seen,  say  a  beautiful 
mitotic  figure,  when  suddenly  a  later  arrival  at  the 
microscope  says  that  he  can  see  nothing,  and  on  exam- 
ination it  has  been  found  that  the  figure  has  completely 
vanished  owing  to  the  onset  of  achromasia.  If  other 
people  wish  to  see  any  experiment,  two  or  three  should 
await  beside  the  microscope;  but  they  may  have  to  wait 
a  long  time  before  a  typical  specimen  is  found,  for,  as 
has  been  pointed  out,  cells  rarely  present  exactly  the 
same  appearances  every  time.  It  is  of  common  occur- 
rence that  on  one  day  perfect  specimens  continually 
present  themselves,  but  on  the  next  every  cell  appears 
to  be  distorted,  or  always  in  the  wrong  position.  For 
this  reason  we  have  found  it  better  to  take  photomicro- 
graphs and  convert  them  into  lantern  slides  rather  than 
attempt  demonstrations  to  many  people. 

It  is  right  to  mention  that  this  method  requires  the 
expenditure  of  patience  and  time  on  the  part  of  the 
investigator.  One  cannot  attain  good  results  in  a  few 
minutes,  but  if  some  time  is  devoted  to  it  the  value  of 
this  in-vitro  method  will  be  appreciated. 





THIS  method  by  which  cells  are  observed  in  vitro  is 
very  simple.  They  are  placed  on  a  film  of  agar  jelly, 
which  holds  in  solution  any  material  with  which  we 
may  wrish  to  experiment.  To  prepare  the  film,  a  drop 
of  molten  jelly  is  poured  on  to  a  slide,  which  is  then 
laid  on  a  level  surface  until  the  jelly  sets  firmly.  A 
drop  of  the  citrate  solution  in  which,  say,  blood-cells 
are  suspended  is  then  placed  upon  a  cover-glass,  which 
is  inverted  and  allowed  to  fall  flat  on  the  film.  It 
might  be  thought  that  the  weight  of  the  cover-glass 
would  be  sufficient  to  kill  the  cells;  but  they  sink  into 
the  jelly  to'  some  extent,  and  so  become  protected. 
Before  this  happens,  however,  they  spread  out  centri- 
fugally  from  the  centre  to  the  periphery  of  the  cover- 
glass,  and  if  a  drop  of  blood  be  examined  in  this  way 
on  stain-containing  jelly  they  may  be  seen  by  the 
naked  eye  rushing  in  every  direction  towards  the  edges 
of  the  cover-glass.  When  this  movement  has  ceased, 
if  the  slide  is  held  up  between  the  observer  and  the 


16          THE    GENERAL    PRINCIPLES    OF    THE    METHOD 

window  it  will  be  seen  that  the  surface  of  the  jelly 
over  which  the  cells  have  passed  is  studded  with 

If  the  jelly  has  been  properly  made  the  slide  may 
be  handled  freely.  It  may  be  tilted  to  any  angle,  and 
even  turned  upside  down  without  the  cover-glass  sliding 
off  or  the  jelly  becoming  displaced.  This  is  a  fortunate 
fact,  because  it  enables  the  microscope  to  be  placed 
at  any  convenient  angle  for  examination  of  the  slide 
or  for  purposes  of  photography.  If  the  specimen  is 
quickly  focused  under  the  microscope  while  the 
spreading-out  process  of  the  cells  is  going  on,  using 
a  ^-inch  objective  and,  say,  a  No.  4  eye-piece,  the 
picture  presented  is  a  very  remarkable  one.  The  cells 
will  be  seen  rushing  along  in  a  direction  from  the 
centre  of  the  cover-glass  towards  its  margin;  they 
tumble  over  each  other,  leucocytes  and  red  cells, 
lymphocytes  and  blood-platelets,  bumping  into  each 
other  and  apparently  all  striving  to  reach  some  imagin- 
ary goal.  Gradually  the  flowT  becomes  slower  and 
slower,  the  cells  cease  to  "barge"  into  each  other  so 
fiercely,  they  squeeze  past  one  another,  and  it  will  be 
realized  what  a  marvellous  power  blood-corpuscles 
have  of  accommodating  their  shapes  to  almost  any 

Leucocytes  and  red  cells  all  behave  in  the  same 
way.  They  allowr  themselves  to  be  squeezed  through 
gaps  between  other  cells,  which  appear  to  be  so  small 
that  if  it  had  not  actually  been  seen  one  never  would 
believe  it.  As  the  flow  becomes  slower  it  will  be 
seen  that  suddenly  a  passing  leucocyte  goes  "ashore"; 


its  course  is  arrested  because  it  has  adhered  to  the 
jelly,  or  between  the  jelly  and  the  cover-glass.  Some- 
times the  rest  may  be  only  momentary,  when  the  cell 
may  be  seen  to  revolve  on  its  own  axis  for  a  few  mo- 
ments, and  then  pass  on  again  in  the  slowing  stream. 
Leucocyte  after  leucocyte  afterwards  becomes  arrested 
in  this  way;  they  apparently  stop  first  because  they 
are  larger  and  more  "sticky."  Then  the  red  cells 
gradually  stop,  until  at  last  the  field  is  dotted  with 
living  blood-corpuscles,  which  may  happen  to  become 
arranged  in  groups  or  rest  singly  side  by  side. 

The  specimen  may  now  be  moved  about  by  means 
of  the  mechanical  stage,  when  it  will  be  seen  that  all 
the  cells  in  the  film  of  blood  under  the  cover-glass 
have  become  arranged  in  a  manner  very  suitable  for 
examination.  The  frontispiece  of  this  book  is  a 
photomicrograph  of  a  typical  field  presented  by  this 

The  living  cells  all  come  to  rest  in  a  short  time,  and 
each  one  has  its  own  share  of  jelly-surface,  from  which 
it  has  no  alternative  but  to  absorb  any  substances 
which  have  been  previously  dissolved  in  the  jelly. 
Having  focused  a  field,  therefore,  which  contains  an 
example  of  the  cell  writh  which  one  wishes  to  experi- 
ment, it  is  only  necessary  to  wait  until  that  cell  has 
sufficiently  absorbed  the  contents  of  the  jelly  for  it  to 
respond  to  the  agent  which  has  been  dissolved  in  it. 

"Artefacts"  do  not  exist;  the  surface  of  the  jelly 
is  the  same  all  over.  One  has  no  control  over  the 
attitude  which  a  cell  may  adopt,  no  matter  what 
part  of  the  jelly-surface  it  may  come  to  rest  upon,  nor 


over  the  other  cells  which  form  its  immediate  sur- 
roundings. The  cells  are  always  placed  on  the  jelly 
in  identically  the  same  way  as  has  just  been  described, 
and  therefore  the  only  way  in  which  one  can  in- 
tentionally affect  the  individual  cells  is  either  by 
deliberately  (1)  mixing  some  other  substance  with  the 
jelly  before  it  is  set  on  the  slide,  or  (2)  by  keeping  the 
slide  at  various  temperatures.  It  sometimes  happens 
that  unintentionally  the  cells  may  become  distorted 
by  the  presence  in  their  neighbourhood  of  some  for- 
eign substance  which  has  been  accidentally  mixed  with 
them  in  the  citrate  solution  in  which  they  have  been 
suspended  prior  to  being  placed  upon  the  film;  but 
such  a  foreign  body  may  easily  be  recognized. 

The  apparatus  required  for  these  researches  is  not 
very  elaborate.  Many  of  the  earlier  experiments  were 
made  in  a  cabin  in  a  battleship,  where  there  is  not 
much  room  for  scientific  apparatus,  but  we  simply 
enumerate  them  here  for  the  benefit  of  those  who  may 
desire  to  commence  the  study  of  in-vitro  methods  for 
the  first  time.  They  consist  of: 

1.  Microscope  slides. 

2.  Cover-glasses.     These   should   be   very   thin   and 
|  of  an  inch  in  diameter.     A  few  larger  ones,  say  f  of 
an  inch,   may  occasionally  be  needed.     A  silk  hand- 
kerchief is  required  to  polish  the  cover-glasses,  which 
should  be  very  clean  and  kept  in  alcohol. 

3.  Capillary  glass  tubes.     These  are  constantly  in 
use,  and  it  is  well  to  begin  with  a  stock  of  100  of  them. 
They  should  be  about  4  inches  long,  having  an  internal 


diameter  of  2  millimetres,  and  should  be  kept  in  water 
which  has  been  sterilised. 

4.  A    watch-maker's    file   for   removing  the  sealed 
ends  of  the  capillary  tubes. 

5.  Hair-lip   pins   are  most  convenient  for  pricking 
the  finger  or  the  ear  to  obtain  the  blood. 

6.  Two  or  three  needles  in  handles  for  teasing  out 
tissues,  etc. 

7.  Pipettes;  several  1-cc.  pipettes,  graduated  in  lOths 
and   lOOths;  a  graduated   10-cc.   pipette,   and  one  or 
two  ungraduated  of  5-cc.,  3-cc.  and  2-cc.-capacity. 

8.  Two  beakers.     These  are  used  for  boiling  water 
in.     The  jellies  are  melted  and  made  liquid  by  im- 
mersing the  test-tubes  containing  them  in  water  which 
is  boiling  in  the  beakers. 

9.  Tripod  stand  and  gauze  cover. 

10.  A  Bunsen  burner  or  good  spirit-lamp. 

11.  A  100-cc.  graduated  measure. 

12.  Two  small  flasks. 

13.  Some  glass  funnels  and  filter  paper. 

14.  A  selection  of  test-tubes. 

15.  A  centrifuge. 

16.  An  ordinary   chemical    Centigrade  thermometer 
for  recording  the  room  temperature. 

17.  A    good    incubator,    which    should    maintain    a 
temperature  of   37°  Centigrade,  i.e.  the  temperature  of 
the  blood.     Hearson's  is  a  very  good  one,  but  any  of 
the  ordinary  water-jacketed  types  will  do.     An  auto- 
matic thermostat  is  a  convenience. 

18.  The  microscope  is  the  most  important  part  of 
the  outfit,  and  it  should  be  a  good  one. 


This  work  consists  largely  of  cytology,  requiring 
accurate  observation  as  to  details,  and  the  highest 
powers  of  magnification.  Any  good  microscope  stand 
will  do,  but  we  think  that  the  English  tripod  one 
is  the  best,  especially  if  the  special  photomicrographic 
apparatus  is  adopted,  in  which  case  it  is  almost  es- 
sential. The  larger  and  heavier  the  stand  the  better. 
It  must  have  a  mechanical  stage,  which  should  be  built 
with  the  instrument;  not  an  "attachable"  one.  The 
lenses  must  give  good  definition.  Two  objectives 
only  are  necessary — a  sixth-inch,  and  an  immersion 
twelfth.  We  use  equivalents  of  these  in  a  Zeiss  D, 
and  a  Zeiss  2-mm.  apochromatic  lens,  which  is  com- 
pensated for  the  long-draw-tube  of  250  mm.,  and  which 
has  a  numerical  aperture  of  1 . 30.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  an  apochromatic  objective  for  this  work  is  vastly 
superior  to  an  ordinary  twelfth-inch  lens,  especially  if 
photography  is  to  be  used. 

The  eye-pieces  we  employ  are  the  No.  4  and  No.  8 
Zeiss  compensated  ones,  and  these,  or  their  equiva- 
lents, will  be  found  most  useful. 

The  light  should  always  be  artificial;  daylight  is 
not  suitable  for  this  method.  We  have  found  that  the 
inverted  incandescent  gas-burner  gives  the  best  light 
for  ordinary  work,  or  if  electricity  is  preferred,  the 
1 -ampere  Nernst  lamp  is  most  suitable.  If  neither 
gas  nor  electricity  are  available,  the  spirit-lamps  which 
give  a  light  by  heating  an  inverted  mantle  have  proved 
most  suitable  in  our  hands.  No  matter  which  light  is 
used,  it  is  better  always  to  use  the  same,  in  order  that 
contrasts  may  be  detected  readily. 


It  is  well  to  remember  that  with  this  method  one 
cannot  afford  to  waste  much  time  in  manipulating  the 
adjustments  of  the  microscope.  The  cells,  under  some 
conditions,  die  quickly,  and  we  therefore  have  to  search 
the  specimen  very  rapidly  before  "achromasia"  occurs, 
when  all  the  cells  vanish,  as  will  be  presently  described. 
It  is  better,  therefore,  to  have  everything  ready  before 
the  specimen  is  prepared. 

The  microscope  should  be  fitted  with  a  nose-piece, 
so  that  the  objective  can  be  changed  quickly.  When 
using  the  immersion  lens,  great  care  must  be  exercised 
in  placing  the  drop  of  cedar  oil  on  to  the  cover-glass, 
for  the  cells  and  jelly-films  are  easily  destroyed  if  it  is 
accidentally  touched  with  the  solid  oiler.  There  is 
neither  time  nor  necessity  to  reverse  the  mirror  from 
concave  to  plane  when  the  objective  is  being  changed 
from  a  dry  to  an  immersion  one.  When  searching 
through  the  specimens  of  living  cells,  rapidity  of 
focusing  will  be  found  to  be  of  more  value  than  too 
much  attention  to  accurate  microscopy,  which  is 
difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  adhere  to  with  this 
method.  The  focusing  of  the  substage  condenser  on 
the  specimen  cannot  be  very  accurate.  Most  micro- 
scopes are  adjusted  for  slides  of  a  certain  thickness, 
but  we  have  to  place  a  comparatively  thick  film  of 
jelly  on  top  of  the  slide,  and  hence  the  objective 
is  always  farther  away  from  the  condenser  than"  it 
ought  to  be. 

The  photomicrographic  apparatus  (figs.  2-5)  in- 
vented for  this  method  has  been  designed  so  that  a 
photograph  can  be  obtained  quickly  of  any  field  in 


a  specimen  without  disturbing  either  the  microscope 
or  the  specimen.  Having  obtained  the  negative,  the 
camera  is  removed  in  a  moment  and  the  examination 
of  the  particular  cell  or  specimen  under  observation 
can  be  immediately  proceeded  with  in  the  usual  way. 
The  old  forms  of  cameras  which  necessitated  the  moving 
of  the  microscope  or  the  specimen  are  not  useful  for 
recording  specimens  of  living  cells.  An  instrument 
is  required  capable  of  being  immediately  connected 
with  the  microscope  as  it  stands,  so  that  two  or  three 
records  of  the  same  cell  may  be  taken  before  it  dies  or 
becomes  achromatic  and  vanishes.  It  is  necessary  to 
use  a  powerful  light,  and  the  light  itself  will  kill  the 
cells  if  they  are  exposed  to  it  for  very  long.  For  this 
reason  we  employ  a  powerful  light  for  the  photography 
and  another  for  the  eye  work,  but  each  of  them  fixed 
and  capable  of  being  used  independently  of  one  another. 
The  inverted  gas-burner  above  referred  to,  being  placed 
at  a  distance  of  two  feet  above  the  mirror,  gives  a  soft, 
indirect  illuminant  for  ordinary  work,  the  other  being 
a  powerful  electric  Nernst  burner,  which  is  placed 
behind  (that  is,  underneath)  the  mirror.  When  a 
photograph  is  to  be  taken  the  mirror  is  swung  aside, 
and  the  light  from  the  Nernst  lamp  replaces  that  from 
the  gas  one. 

The  microscope  is  fixed  on  the  bench  and  tilted 
at  an  angle  of  about  45°  from  the  vertical.  All 
the  microscopes  which  we  use  are  bolted  perma- 
nently on  to  the  bench,  and  they  can  only  be 
moved  with  the  aid  of  a  screwdriver.  The  instru- 
ments are  not  placed  vertically,  but  are  tilted  at 



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an  angle,  because  this  is  most  convenient  for  comfortable 
use.  This  last  point  is  most  important,  for  one  may 
have  to  spend  hours  searching  through  films  with  this 
method,  and  it  is  most  wearying  to  have  to  work  in  an 
uncomfortable  position. 

Behind  the  mirror,  and  standing  a  little  way  back 
from  it,  there  is  a  Nelson's  aplanatic  condenser  (Wat- 
son) with  iris  diaphragm,  and  immediately  behind 
this  again  is  fixed  a  rectangular  all-glass  water-tank. 
This  small  tank  has  an  outlet  pipe  above,  and  an  inlet 
pipe  below,  connected  by  means  of  rubber  tubes  with 
a  sink  and  a  cold-water  supply  respectively.  The  water 
is  kept  circulating  through  this  tank  when  the  apparatus 
is  in  use.  Lastly,  behind  the  tank  is  the  burner  of 
a  1-ampere  Nernst  lamp. 

Above  the  microscope  and  set  at  an  angle  corre- 
sponding to  its  tilt  a  rigid  wooden  board  is  arranged, 
being  fixed  to  the  ceiling  above  and,  by  means  of  a  pair 
of  legs  on  either  side  of  the  microscope  to  the  bench 
below.  The  board,  which  is  about  ten  inches  in  width, 
by  seven-eighths  of  an  inch  thick,  has  a  slot  cut  into  it 
in  which  a  box  camera  can  easily  slide  up  and  down  and 
be  capable  of  being  fixed  at  any  point  by  means  of  a 
screw  clamp.  The  camera  is  fitted  with  a  shutter 
(instantaneous  and  time  exposures)  the  aperture  of 
which  is  connected  with  a  "high-power  projection  eye- 
piece" (Watson)  by  means  of  a  flexible  velvet  collar. 

The  Nernst  burner,  the  cooling  tank,  the  two 
condensers,  and  lastly  the  camera  must  all  be  very 
carefully  centred  to  the  microscope,  and  immovably 
fixed  so  that  the  whole  apparatus  may  always  be  ready 


for  use,  the  Nernst  lamp  being  kept  lighted  as  well  as 
the  gas  one  during  any  experimentation  in  order  that 
a  photograph  can  be  taken  at  a  moment's  notice.  Of 
course,  so  long  as  the  mirror  is  in  its  usual  position  no 
light  reaches  the  specimen  from  the  Nernst  lamp; 
swing  the  mirror  out  of  its  position,  and  the  light  is 
instantly  changed  from  that  of  the  gas-burner  to  the 
powerful  one  from  the  Nernst  burner.  The  distances 
between  the  Nernst  lamp,  aplanatic  condenser,  and  the 
substage  condenser,  are  of  great  importance.  It  must 
be  determined  at  the  outset  by  trials  which  distances 
give  the  best  results.  The  presence  of  the  water-tank 
renders  it  difficult  to  make  a  rule. 

When  a  cell  or  other  object  comes  under  observa- 
tion which  it  is  desirable  to  photograph,  the  working 
eye-piece  is  removed  from  the  microscope  draw-tube; 
the  camera  is  allowed  to  slide  down  the  beam  until  its 
shutter  is  about  an  inch  from  the  mouth  of  the  draw- 
tube,  when  it  is  clamped  to  fix  its  position.  The 
projection  eye-piece,  which  is  already  attached  to  the 
camera-shutter  by  means  of  the  flexible  velvet  collar, 
is  inserted  into  the  microscope  draw-tube.  The  mirror 
is  now  swung  on  its  gimbals  out  of  the  focal  axis, 
thus  allowing  the  light  from  the  300-candle-power 
Nernst  burner  to  replace  that  of  the  gas-burner;  and 
the  former,  after  being  cooled  by  transmission  through 
the  intervening  water-trough,  is  projected  directly 
through  the  two  condensers.  The  image  of  the  field 
of  the  specimen  will  then  be  seen  on  the  ground- 
glass  screen  at  the  back  of  the  camera,  where  it  can 
be  rapidly  focused. 



FIG.  4. — The  photomicrographic 
water-cooling  tank  and  Nernst  burner, 
for  direct  observation. 

apparatus.     Showing    positions    of 
The  microscope  mirror  is  in  position 



Fia.    5. — The   photomicrographic    apparatus.     The    microscope    mirror   is 
swung  aside  for  photography. 


If  preferred,  focusing  may  be  done  with  a  lens; 
but  in  the  case  of  a  specimen  of  blood,  the  edges  of 
the  red  cells  afford  a  good  indication  of  its  accuracy,  for 
they  seem  just  to  disappear  when  the  accurate  focus 
is  obtained.  When  they  are  out  of  focus  the  edges  of 
the  cells  stand  out  in  high  relief.  Having  obtained  the 
focus — and  stress  must  be  laid  on  this  point — the  cell 
or  other  object  is  deliberately  thrown  out  of  focus  to  the 
extent  of  about  erirth  of  a  millimetre1  by  screwing  down 
the  fine  adjustment  so  as  to  bring  the  objective  nearer 
the  object.  The  reason  for  this  is  that  the  cells  are 
resting  on  a  jelly  under  a  cover-glass  which  is  all  the 
time  slowly  sinking  into  the  jelly,  and,  of  course, 
carrying  the  cells  with  it.  The  latter,  therefore,  are 
sinking  out  of  focus  all  the  time.  By  deliberately 
"over-focusing,"  when  the  exposure  is  actually  made 
the  focus  will  become  accurate,  and  the  sinking  of 
the  cover-glass  compensated  for. 

The  length  of  the  exposure  varies  with  the  objective 
used  and  the  candle-power  of  the  light,  which  in  its 
turn  varies  with  the  voltage.  It  is  best  to  find  the 
length  of  the  exposure  by  experiment,  but  we  give 
about  twenty  seconds  with  the  apochromatic  objective, 
using  "backed"  Imperial  plates.  The  water  cooling 
tank  cuts  out  light,  but  it  is  very  necessary  to  use  it 
in  order  to  delay  death  of  the  cells  and  the  onset  of 
achromasia,  both  of  which  are  accelerated  by  heat 
rays.  The  tank  cuts  off  some  of  the  heat  rays,  but 
allows  the  passage  of  the  actinic  ones.  Many  specimens 

1  The  fine  adjustments  of  most  microscopes  are  graduated  to  allow  of  this 

/  * 


were  lost  owing  to  achromasia  before  the  cooling  tank 
was  employed. 

The  photograph  having  thus  been  quickly  taken, 
the  mirror  may  again  be  swung  into  position,  the 
camera  pushed  out  of  the  way,  and,  having  inserted 
the  working  eye-piece,  the  examination  of  the  specimen 
may  be  proceeded  with,  or  other  fields  explored.  We 
have  taken  a  negative  in  fifty  seconds  with  this  appa- 
ratus, and  as  many  as  five  negatives  have  been  taken 
from  different  fields  in  a  single  specimen;  but  such 
speed  is  not  often  necessary. 

All  the  photographs  which  illustrate  this  book  have 
been  taken  with  the  apparatus  just  described.  It  never 
gives  trouble,  and  has  proved  most  useful  in  supplying 
a  means  of  recording  the  "specimens."  It  used  to  be 
most  annoying  to  see  unique  mitotic  figures  or  other 
interesting  specimens  slowly  vanish  before  one's  eyes 
without  being  able  to  record  them  satisfactorily.  In 
fact,  the  best  mitotic  figure  I  have  ever  seen  in  a 
lymphocyte  was  induced  before  we  possessed  a  camera ; 
and  although  thousands  of  figures  have  been  seen 
since  then,  I  have  never  seen  a  picture  comparable 
to  it.  It  wras  seen  by  Professor  Harvey  Gibson  as 
well  as  by  myself. 

There  is  one  other  useful  piece  of  apparatus  which 
requires  mentioning,  viz.  the  "revolving  apparatus." 
This  is  a  simple  clock-work  contrivance  which  keeps 
a  long  test-tube  revolving  on  its  long  axis.  The 
test-tube  is  placed  horizontally.  The  object  of  the 
appliance  is  to  keep  the  blood-cells  constantly  moving 
in  the  "citrate  solution,"  or  other  medium  in  which 


they  may  be  suspended,  while  samples  are  under 
examination.  If  the  capillary  tubes  containing  the 
specimen  are  laid  for  some  time  on  the  table,  the 
corpuscles  will  sink  to  the  most  dependent  part  of 
the  citrate  solution,  and  will  ultimately  adhere  to  the 
glass.  By  placing  the  tubes  in  the  "revolving  appa- 
ratus" this  is  effectively  prevented.  It  is  a  good  thing 
to  have  in  the  laboratory,  for  it  delays  loss  of  vitality 
in  the  cells;  but  it  is  not  essential. 



AGAR,  the  substance  used  for  making  the  film  on 
which  the  cells  are  examined,  is  obtained  from  sea- 
weed. It  is  very  cheap,  and  may  be  bought  in  strips 
or  as  a  powder.  We  have  used  Merck's  powdered 
agar,  which  is  quite  neutral  and  pure.  It  is  insoluble 
in  cold  water,  but  immediately  soluble  in  boiling  water. 
This  solution,  therefore,  on  cooling,  sets  as  a  jelly. 
It  is  necessary  to  have  a  stock  of  jelly  constantly  in 
hand,  and  a  2-per-cent  preparation  is  used  throughout. 
This  will  melt  when  its  boiling-point  is  approached, 
but  will  not  set  again  until  the  temperature  has  fallen 
almost  to  40°  C.  Unlike  gelatine,  this  jelly  may  be 
boiled  over  and  over  again,  and  it  will  always  set  at 
its  usual  temperature. 

The  jelly  is  made  in  2-per-cent  strength  for  the 
reason  that  it  will  stand  diluting  with  its  own  volume 
of  water  or  other  solution,  and  will  still  set  as  a 
jelly — that  is,  a  1-per-cent  solution  of  agar  jelly  will 
set  on  a  slide  in  the  form  of  a  film  as  it  cools.  By 
using  the  2-per-cent  preparation  we  are  enabled 
to  add  an  equal  volume  of  any  solution  we  please, 



so  that  the  result  is  that  the  1-per-cent  jelly  may 
contain  quite  a  variety  of  substances,  and  if  some 
human  cells  are  placed  on  its  surface  we  may  try 
the  effect  on  those  cells  of  any  of  those  materials 
which  have  been  added  in  solution  to  the  2-per-cent 
agar.  We  are  thus  able  to  investigate,  by  a  method 
which  is  simplicity  itself,  the  effects  of  drugs  or 
chemical'  substances  upon  the  individual  human  cell. 

Before  we  begin  to  discuss  this  subject,  however, 
we  must  be  certain  that  the  cells  are  alive  when  they 
are  being  subjected  to  the  drug.  It  is,  of  course, 
well  known  that  when,  say,  a  drop  of  blood  is  re- 
moved from  the  finger  the  leucocytes  are  alive;  but 
it  is  necessary  to  be  certain  that  they  are  not  killed 
immediately  they  are  placed  on  the  jelly-film.  As 
will  be  discussed  at  greater  length  later  on,  we  can 
always  ascertain  whether  white  blood-cells  are  alive 
or  not  by  mixing  a  certain  quantity  of  an  alkaloid 
with  the  jelly;  for  alkaloids  excite  amoeboid  move- 
ments, and  it  is  obvious  that  these  movements  cannot 
occur  in  a  dead  cell.  Since  alkaloids  have  supplied 
the  means  of  determining  this  point,  we  have  also 
been  able  to  ascertain  how  to  make  the  jelly  so  that 
it  will  keep  the  cells  alive  as  long  as  possible;  for  it 
is  clear  that  a  jelly  which  will  allow  cells  to  remain 
excited  for  the  longest  period  with  a  given  quantity  of 
alkaloid  must  be  the  best  jelly  for  keeping  the  cells 
alive  when  made  without  the  alkaloid.  The  presence 
of  a  combination  of  certain  salts  is  essential. 

Suppose  a  drop  of  blood  is  placed  on  to  a  film 
of  jelly  which  contains  only  agar  and  water  and  no 


salts.  The  red  cells  will  haemolyse  immediately.  The 
white  cells  are  worth  watching.  As  soon  as  they 
come  to  rest,  or  even  before  that,  the  polynuclear 
leucocytes  seem  to  swell  up,  the  granules  exhibit 
"furious"  Brownian  movements,  and  in  a  few  moments 
the  cell  totters  and  then  bursts.  Water  kills  blood- 
cells  instantly  if  there  are  no  salts  present.  Let  the 
experiment  be  repeated,  but,  instead  of  using  merely 
agar  and  water,  now  make  the  jelly  with  sodium 
chloride  in  the  strength  of  "normal  saline  solution." 
It  can  be  made  thus:  Melt  a  few  cubic  centimetres 
of  2-per-cent  agar  jelly  and  place  1  cc.  in  a  test- 
tube.  Prepare  a  solution  of  1 . 8-per-cent  sodium 
chloride  in  water.  To  the  1  cc.  of  molten  2-per- 
cent agar  jelly  add  1  cc.  of  the  sodium-chloride 
solution.  The  test-tube  will  now  hold  2  cc.  of  a 
1-per-cent  agar  jelly  containing  0.9-per-cent  sodium 
chloride,  i.e.  "normal  saline  solution."  The  whole 
is  melted  again,  and  a  drop  poured  on  a  slide.  If 
some  blood  is  now  examined  on  this  jelly,  it  will  be 
seen  that  the  red  cells  do  not  "lake"  immediately. 
The  leucocytes,  however,  again  die  very  quickly,  as  is 
seen  by  their  swelling  up,  the  onset  of  "dancing" 
movements  of  the  granules,  and  by  rapid  bursting, 
although  the  rupture  will  not  be  quite  so  rapid  as 
when  only  water  was  present. 

Now  let  the  experiment  be  repeated  a  third  time, 
but  instead  of  adding  a  solution  which  contains  only 
sodium  chloride,  let  it  contain  in  addition  some  sodium 
citrate,  thus:  To  1  cc.  of  2-per-cent  agar  jelly  add 
1  cc.  of  a  solution  containing  1 . 8-per-cent  sodium 


chloride,  and  2-per-cent  sodium  citrate.1  (When  this 
jelly  is  spread  on  the  slide  it  will  contain  1-per-cent 
agar,  0.9-per-cent  sodium  chloride,  and  1-per-cent 
sodium  citrate.)  The  picture  presented  by  blood  spread 
on  such  a  film  is  very  different  from  those  in  the  last 
two  experiments.  The  red  cells  are  not  crenated,  but 
are  beautifully  spread  out.  The  leucocytes  are  not 
dead,  but  alive  and  amoeboid ;  no  Brownian  movements 
of  the  granules  can  be  seen,  and  the  cells  do  not  burst; 
on  the  contrary,  they  will  live  now  for  an  hour  or  more. 
It  may  therefore  be  said  that  for  the  examination  of 
living  blood-cells  (and  it  has  been  found  that  it  is  also 
the  case  for  all  cells  yet  tried)  the  jelly  must  always 
contain  a  certain  amount  of  the  salts  sodium  citrate 
and  sodium  chloride.  "Normal  saline"  is  not  enough 
by  itself.  Cells  die  immediately  when  they  are  resting 
on  a  surface  which  contains  only  sodium  chloride. 

These  three  experiments  will  prove  instructive  for 
the  beginner  with  this  jelly  method,  for  they  demon- 
strate how  the  jelly  is  prepared.  It  must  be  observed 
that  for  the  purposes  of  these  researches  the  supply 
of  jelly  is  always  kept  as  a  2-per-cent  solution  of  agar. 
When,  however,  it  is  placed  as  a  film  on  the  slide,  it  is 
always  diluted  with  an  equal  volume  of  some  other 
solution,  so  that  the  film  invariably  contains  1  per  cent 
only  of  agar.  It  is  in  the  diluting  solution  (always 
added  in  an  equal  volume)  that  the  salts,  and  any  other 
substances  to  be  experimented  with,  are  contained,  and, 
obviously,  before  being  added  to  the  agar  they  must 
be  of  twice  the  required  strength  so  as  to  be  reduced 

1  Potassium  oxalate  may  be  substituted  for  sodium  citrate. 


to  the  proper  one  in  the  resultant  jelly  with  which  the 
film  is  made.  It  is  imperative  to  explain  the  way  in 
which  the  jelly  is  made  even  at  the  risk  of  being 
verbiose.  Bear  in  mind,  therefore,  that  two  solutions  are 
required — namely,  No.  1,  a  stock  2-per-cent  solution 
of  agar,  and  No.  2,  a  solution  which  contains  the 
other  substances  the  effects  of  which  are  to  be  tried  on 
the  cells.  Solutions  Nos.  1  and  2  are  always  mixed 
together  in  equal  parts  and  then  boiled  up  to  form 
No.  3,  from  which  the  jelly-film  on  the  slide  is  prepared. 
No.  1  is  always  the  same.  No.  2  may  contain  a  variety 
of  substances,  but  no  matter  how  much  of  any  sub- 
stance No.  2  may  contain,  No.  3  will  always  have  half 
that  amount.  For  example,  if  one  wishes  a  cell  to  rest 
on  a  jelly  containing  1  per  cent  of  morphine  one  must 
have  2  per  cent  of  morphine  in  No.  2,  so  that  when  the 
two  solutions  are  mixed  in  equal  parts  the  combination, 
that  is  No.  3,  will  contain  1  per  cent  of  morphine. 

A  word  is  necessary  as  to  the  effects  on  cells  of  the 
agar  itself.  It  appears  to  be  innocuous.  We  have  tried 
it  in  strengths  double  and  even  four  times  as  great  as 
that  contained  in  the  stock  solution,  without  apparently 
producing  any  deleterious  effect  upon  the  vitality  of 
the  cells  experimented  with. 



BY  far  the  larger  number  of  cells  examined  in  these 
researches  have  been  blood-cells  taken  from  the  finger. 
The  white  blood-corpuscles  have  offered  a  very  interest- 
ing study,  and  since  they  respond  to  chemical  agents  in 
a  way  very  similar  to  those  observed  in  several  other 
varieties  of  cells,  and,  since  they  are  very  easily  obtained 
and  can  be  very  carefully  watched,  it  is  convenient  to 
describe  what  wre  have  seen  with  them.  These  cells 
play  an  important  role  in  the  phenomenon  of  healing, 
and  ultimately  go  to  form  some  of  the  fixed  tissue- 
cells,  especially  after  an  injury  has  been  sustained. 

For  the  examination  of  blood-cells  in  in  vitro  it  is 
best  first  to  mix  the  sample  of  blood  (which  should  be 
drawn  freshly  from  the  finger)  with  an  equal  volume  of 
"citrate  solution."1  The  citration  of  the  blood  not 
only  prevents  it  coagulating,  but  it  also  keeps  the  cells 
alive  sometimes  for  as  long  as  seven  days. 

The  way  in  which  wre  citrate  the  blood  is  as  follows: 
One  end  of  a  capillary  tube,  such  as  has  been  described 
(Chapter  II.),  is  dipped  into  the  citrate  solution,  some  of 

1  Three-per-cent  sodium  citrate,  and  1-per-cent  sodium  chloride. 



which  runs  up  into  it.  The  amount  drawn  into  the 
tube  can,  if  necessary,  be  controlled  by  keeping  the 
finger  on  the  other  end.  It  has  been  found  most  service- 
able to  allow  the  solution  to  fill  the  tube  to  the  extent 
of  about  half  an  inch,  and  any  excess  can  always  be 
removed  by  tapping  the  lower  end  of  the  tube  upon  the 
table,  which  causes  some  of  it  to  run  out.  Having  got 
a  sufficient  quantity  of  citrated  solution  into  the  tube,  it 
is  run  down  to  one  end  of  it,  and  a  mark  is  made  at  the 
upper  limit  (or  meniscus)  with  a  grease  pencil.  The 
fluid  is  now  run  along  the  tube  by  depressing  its  other 
end  until  its  lower  meniscus  stands  at  a  level  of  the 
mark,  and  a  second  mark  is  then  made  at  the  upper 
meniscus,  after  which  the  tube  is  again  placed  vertically 
so  that  its  contents  runs  down  to  its  original  position. 
The  finger  having  been  pricked,  a  drop  of  blood  is 
squeezed  out  and  at  once  allowed  to  run  into  and  mix 
with  the  citrated  solution  in  the  tube,  the  greatest  care 
being  taken  that  no  air-bubble  intervenes  between  the 
fluids.  The  blood  should  be  allowed  to  run  in  until 
the  upper  meniscus  of  the  mixed  fluids  reaches  the 
upper  mark.  Thorough  mixing  of  the  blood  with  the 
citrated  solution  is  ensured  by  rocking  the  tube  in  such 
a  way  that  its  contents  runs  from  end  to  end.  The 
mixture  in  the  capillary  tube  will  now  consist  of  equal 
proportions  of  blood  and  citrate  solution,  and  of  this  a 
drop  is  tapped  out  on  to  a  cover-glass,  which  is  then  in- 
verted and  allowed  to  fall  on  the  agar  film  in  the  usual 
way.  When  tissues  are  to  be  examined,  a  small  portipn 
of  the  growth  or  normal  structure  is  either  teased 
out  or  scraped  into  a  little  of  the  citrate  solution  in 

THE   STAINING    OF   A   CELL  43 

a  watch-glass.  A  drop  of  the  cell-containing  mixture 
is  then  placed  on  to  the  cover-glass  and  similarly  placed 
upon  the  jelly. 

The  citrate  solution  simply  acts  as  the  vehicle 
in  which  the  cells  are  kept  in  a  living  condition  before 
being  placed  upon  the  jelly,  and  furthermore,  by  dilut- 
ing the  blood, .  it  reduces  the  actual  number  of  cells 
which  come  to  rest  in  any  field  of  the  film.  If  no 
citrate  solution  is  used  they  are  apt  to  become  huddled 
or  crowded  together  owing  to  their  great  numbers, 
and  the  leucocytes  may  become  completely  hemmed 
in  by  erythrocytes  so  that  a  clear  observation  of  the 
whole  cell  cannot  be  obtained. 

We  must  now  pass  on  to  the  study  of  some  of 
the  phenomena  connected  with  the  staining  of  the 
cells,  which  have  been  the  means  of  elucidating  many 
cytological  details  which  have  led  to  the  correct 
appreciation  of  the  effects  of  chemical  substances  on 
cells.  In  this  chapter,  however,  I  do  not  propose  to 
discuss  very  deeply  the  actual  laws  by  which  the 
staining  of  the  cells  is  controlled;  that  will  be  reserved 
for  discussion  when  I  come  to  speak  of  the  diffusion 
of  the  substances,  including  stain,  into  the  cells.  In 
the  meantime  I  shall  simply  describe  what  happens 
to  the  cell  as  it  absorbs  the  stain  (say  Unna's 
polychrome  methylene  blue,  Grubler) ;  how  the  stain 
causes  the  gradual  death  of  the  cell  (the  staining  of 
the  nucleus  invariably  kills  it)  and  how  death  is 
followed  by  achromasia.  The  amount  of  stain  which 
is  put  into  any  given  jelly  is  not  added  in  a  hap- 
hazard way,  the  actual  amount  necessary  to  cause 


leucocytes  to  stain  deeply  in  a  given  time  being 
a  very  definite  one,  as  will  be  described  in  the  next 
chapter;  but  in  the  meantime  we  must  assume  that 
a  jelly  has  been  correctly  prepared  containing,  besides 
the  proper  proportions  of  sodium  citrate  and  sodium 
chloride  to  keep  the  cells  alive,  the  proportion  of  stain 
requisite  to  enable  us  to  observe  its  gradual  passage 
into  the  leucocytes  as  they  absorb  it. 

The  agar  jelly,  of  course,  will  be  coloured  purple 
owing  to  the  stain  it  holds  in  solution,  but  it  will  be 
quite  transparent  and  will  allow  sufficient  light  to 
penetrate  it  so  that  the  cells  may  be  clearly  observed. 

Having  without  delay  placed  the  film,  with  the  blood- 
cells  upon  it,  under  the  microscope,  at  first  the  cells 
will  be  quite  unstained,  but  the  white  corpuscles 
may  easily  be  recognized  owing  to  their  granulation 
and  size.  Let  a  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte  be 
watched.  Gradually  its  granules  become  tinted  a 
faint  red  colour  (fig.  6)  and  about  the  same  time 
amoeboid  movements  may  begin.  If  certain  propor- 
tions of  alkaloid  have  been  added  to  the  jelly,  these 
amoeboid  movements  will  be  very  marked  (fig.  7). 
The  staining  of  the  granules  becomes  deeper  and 
deeper,  always  maintaining  the  same  bright  scarlet 
colour.  In  spite  of  the  deepening  coloration  of  the 
granules,  amoeboid  movements  will  continue,  showing 
that  the  cells  are  alive  and  that  their  vitality  is  appar- 
ently unaffected  by  the  staining  of  their  granules. 
It  is  not  only  the  polynuclear  leucocytes  that  behave 
in  this  way,  but  the  mononuclear,  or  lymphocyte, 
cells  as  well. 


FIG.  6. — The  granules  of  the  leucocyte  are  gradually  becoming  stained.     The 
red  cells  are  unstained.     Low  power. 

FIG.  7. — The  leucocyte's  granules  are  stained.  Its  nucleus  is  unstained. 
The  pseudopodia  are  extruded  in  response  to  atropine,  which  is  diffusing 
into  the  cell  as  well  as  the  stain. 


FIG.  8. — The  same  field  as  7.     The  leucocyte  is  retracting  its  pseudopodia. 

FIG.  9. — The  same  field  as  7  and  8.  The  retraction  of  pseudopodia  is 
nearly  complete.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  of  the  leucocyte  are  turning  a 
faint  blue  colour. 



FIG.  10.— A  leucocyte  excited  by  atropine.     Its  granules  are  deeply  stained, 
and  its  nucleus  is  also  beginning  to  stain  a  blue  colour.     Low  power. 

FIG.  11. — A  leucocyte  which  has  just  been  killed  by  the  staining  of  its 
nucleus.     Its  granules  are  also  deeply  stained. 


After  a  short  time  the  extrusion  of  pseudopodia 
ceases,  and  it  will  then  be  noted  that  general  retraction 
(figs.  8,  9)  of  pseudopodia  begins  to  occur.  In  the 
meantime  the  lobes  of  the  nuclei  of  the  polynuclear 
cells  begin  to  turn  a  faint  blue  colour  (fig.  10).  If 
two  or  more  leucocytes  happen  to  be  in  the  same 
field,  it  will  be  seen  that  they  all  behave  in  a  like 
manner,  for  the  stain  affects  them  all  equally.  In  a 
few  moments  all  the  amoeboid  movements  cease,  for 
death  is  about  to  occur,  and  then,  sometimes  quite 
suddenly,  the  nuclei  turn  bright  scarlet  (fig.  11)  and 
the  death  of  the  cell  takes  place. 

We  have  never  yet  seen  a  cell  show  any  amoeboid 
movements  when  its  nucleus  has  stained  scarlet.  By 
mixing  some  blood  with  a  citrated  solution  of  stain 
one  can  cause  first  the  granules  and  then  the  nuclei 
of  the  leucocytes  to  stain,  the  difference  depending 
on  the  length  of  time  the  mixture  has  been  made. 
If  now  cells  with  only  their  granules  stained  are  placed 
on  to  a  jelly-film  which  contains  an  alkaloid,  we  can 
excite  these  cells,  showing  that  they  are  alive.  But 
if  their  nuclei  are  stained  scarlet,  no  excitation  or  move- 
ments of  any  sort  can  be  produced,  and  there  can  be 
little  doubt,  therefore,  that  the  staining  of  the  nu- 
cleus kills  the  cells.  White  blood-corpuscles  do  not 
seem  to  mind  the  staining  of  their  granules;  but  the 
staining  of  their  nuclei  invariably  causes  their  death. 
This  is  a  rule  to  which  we  have  never  yet  seen  an 
exception  in  any  cell  which  we  have  examined.  A 
stained  nucleus  is  incompatible  with  life.1 

1  We  have  tried  several  stains,  but  this  rule  holds  good  with  them  all. 


When  the  lobes  of  the  nuclei  stain  scarlet,  the 
chromatin  network  within  them  shows  up  well.  The 
blue  coloration  which  precedes  the  scarlet  one  is  due, 
I  think,  to  the  staining  of  the  nuclear  wall.  The 
polychrome  dye  contains  two  stains,  a  red  and  a  blue 
one,  and  the  nuclear  wall  seems  to  have  an  affinity 
for  the  blue  one,  while  the  chromatin  combines  with 
the  red.  The  staining  of  the  nucleus,  therefore,  is  a 
sign  that  the  cell  has  died,  and  one  now  sees  a  circular 
dead  cell  (in  reality  it  is  a  spherical  cell  which  has 
become  flattened  out)  with  its  granules  stained  scarlet, 
and  in  their  midst  there  is  the  polylobed  nucleus,  also 
stained  scarlet.  Let  the  specimen  be  watched  still 
further.  Gradually  the  cell-wall  is  seen  to  bulge  out 
in  places  (fig.  12),  apparently  away  from  the  granules. 
After  a  few  moments  this  bulging  becomes  general 
(fig.  13),  and  the  cell  presents  a  clear  halo  of  cell-wall 
and  cytoplasm  outside  the  limit  of  the  mass  of  granules 
in  its  centre.  This  is  due  to  the  gradual  liquefaction  of 
the  cytoplasm  which  occurs  at  death,  beginning  at  the 
periphery  and  progressing  slowly  towards  the  nucleus. 
Sometimes  a  few  stained  granules  appear  to  migrate  by 
the  "dancing"  Brownian  movement  into  the  liquid 
cytoplasm  which  has  bulged  out  the  cell- wall.  Under 
suitable  conditions  the  Brownian  movement  becomes 
general,  showing  that  all  the  cytoplasm  has  liquefied— 
a  certain  sign  of  death. 

No  matter  whether  the  cytoplasm  has  completely 
liquefied  or  not,  however,  one  of  two  things  is  bound 
to  happen  after  a  short  time.  The  granules  and  nucleus 
may  remain  stained  for  half  an  hour  or  so,  especially 




FIG.  12. — Tne  leucocyte  tias  just  died  owing  to  the  staining  of  its  nucleus. 
The  cell-wall  is  beginning  to  bulge  because  the  cytoplasm  is  liquefying. 


FIG.  13. — The  onset  of  achromasia.  The  same  field  as  12.  The  stain 
is  beginning  to  fade  from  the  nucleus.  The  bulging  of  the  cell-wall  has 
become  general. 


if  a  temperature  of  about  30°  C.  is  maintained,  which 
may  prevent  the  bulging  of  the  cell-wall;  but  after 
that  time  the  cell  will  either  burst  and  become 
achromatic,  or  become  achromatic  without  bursting 
(fig.  14).  In  either  case  achromasia,  or  loss  of  stain 
from  the  cell,  invariably  occurs.  If  the  temperature 
is  low  (say  that  of  the  room)  the  cell  will  probably 
burst  and  its  granules  will  be  scattered  about  on  the 
surface  of  the  jelly.  Now,  when  a  cell  bursts  on  a  jelly 
which  contains  salts — such  as  the  one  with  which  we 
are  supposed  to  be  experimenting — there  is  another 
rule  to  which  there  is  no  exception,  namely,  that  the 
cell's  nucleus  loses  its  stain  instantly.  In  a  flash  all 
coloration  has  gone  from  it.  But  the  granules  may 
remain  stained  for  half  an  hour  or  more;  and  then 
they  also  gradually  lose  their  stain  (fig.  15),  and  appear 
slowly  to  vanish  from  the  scene.  The  phenomenon 
of  achromasia  always  overtakes  the  cells  sooner  or 

If  the  cell  does  not  burst,  the  stain  disappears,  but 
its  disappearance  is  much  slower.  This  is  a  pretty 
phenomenon  to  watch;  but  it  requires  a  warm  room  or 
warm  stage.  Suppose  we  are  watching  a  cell  which 
is  dead,  having  its  nucleus  and  granules  stained  bright 
scarlet.  The  stain  gets  a  deeper  colour,  and  one 
wonders  how  deep  a  shade  it  will  attain  to.  Suddenly 
the  staining  seems  to  stop,  and  the  depth  of  colour  .may 
remain  the  same  for  a  quarter  of  an  hour  or  so.  Then, 
almost  imperceptibly  at  first,  the  colour  becomes  paler, 
and  with  an  accelerating  speed  the  colour  fades  away 
from  the  lobes  of  the  nucleus,  until  that  structure 


remains  as  unstained  as  it  was  when  the  cell  first  came 
to  rest  on  the  jelly-film.  After  a  few  minutes  the 
granules  slowly  lose  their  stain  also,  until  nothing  seems 
to  remain.  Ultimately  the  red  cells  disappear  too  (figs. 
14,  15),  and  the  field,  which  a  short  time  previously  was 
dotted  with  red  cells  and  stained  leucocytes,  now 
becomes  a  blank,  and  a  new-comer  looking  at  the 
specimen  would  hardly  believe  that  there  had  ever 
been  any  cells  under  view.  The  picture  afforded  by 
the  successive  occurrence  of  the  staining,  death,  and 
onset  of  achromasia  in  the  cells  is  well  worth  seeing. 
First  the  slow  diffusion  of  the  stain  into  the  cells, 
staining  first  their  granules  and  then  their  nuclei; 
the  gradual  retraction  of  pseudopodia  as  the  nuclei 
stain,  and  then  the  bright  scarlet  coloration  of  the 
nucleus  itself  as  death  occurs...  After  a  pause  the 
gradual  fading  of  the  stain,  first  from  the  nucleus  and 
then  from  the  granules,  until  at  last  nothing  remains 
visible  of  the  leucocyte  in  the  place  it  filled  among 
the  neighbouring  red  cells.  The  whole  phenomenon 
reminds  one  of  a  lantern  dissolving  view — the  onset 
of  staining,  its  climax,  and  then  its  disappearance. 
Achromasia  invariably  occurs  after  a  time — nothing 
which  we  know  of  will  prevent  it;  but  heat  greatly 
accelerates  its  onset,  and  a  ruptured  cell  always  becomes 
achromatic  before  a  whole  one. 

I  do  not  propose  here  to  give  the  details  of  ex- 
periments which  I  made  some  years  ago,  to  try  to 
investigate  the  nature  of  this  phenomenon  of  achro- 
masia; they  will  be  found  in  a  paper,  ''On  the  Cause 
of  Achromasia,"  in  The  Lancet  of  January  23,  1909. 



FIG.  14. — Achromasia.  The  same  field  as  13.  The  stain  has  gone  from 
the  nucleus,  although  the  granules  are  still  stained.  Note  that  the  red  cell 
is  disappearing. 


Jbiu.  10. — ^ciii-uaiasia.  'ine  same  held  as  14.  Many  of  the  cell-granules 
have  lost  their  stain.  The  cell-wall  is  nearly  invisible.  The  red  cell  has 


I  shall  now  simply  state  the  conclusions  which  were 
arrived  at  then,  subsequent  experimentation  not  having 
altered  my  opinion  in  any  way. 

Achromasia  seems  to  be  part  of  the  general  dis- 
organization which  occurs  in  a  cell  after  death.  I  have 
never  seen  the  phenomenon  in  a  living  cell,  and  one 
cannot  excite  an  achromatic  leucocyte  or  lymphocyte. 
It  is  by  no  means  necessary  for  a  cell  to  be  stained 
before  it  can  become  achromatic;  on  the  contrary,  one 
frequently  sees  dead  cells  which  refuse  to  stain,  although 
their  living  neighbours  will  stain  well  under  suitable 
conditions.  The  rapidity  of  onset  of  achromasia  de- 
pends upon  the  temperature  and  the  presence  and 
amount  of  salts.  It  also  appears  to  depend  to  some 
extent  on  the  completion  of  the  liquefaction  of  the 
cytoplasm.  The  more  advanced  the  liquefaction,  which, 
of  course,  only  occurs  after  death,1  the  more  readily 
does  achromasia  take  place.  Heat  and  salts  accelerate 
it  greatly.  If  there  are  no  salts  present,  even  the 
nuclei  of  ruptured  cells  do  not  become  achromatic  for  a 
long  time.  These  stained  nuclei  may  sometimes  be 
seen  floating  about  free  from  cytoplasm,  granules,  or 
cell- wall.  I  believe  that  achromasia  is  due  to  the 
chromatin  passing  out  of  the  dead  and  liquefied  cell  by 
osmosis.  If  the  chromatin  is  stained,  the  stain  will  dis- 
appear with  the  chromatin ;  if  the  cell  is  unstained,  it  is, 
of  course,  impossible  to  stain  its  chromatin  if  the  latter 
has  already  passed  out  by  osmosis.  I  believe  that  this 
is  what  has  happened  in  the  cell  which  is  commonly 

1  See  paper  in  Journal  of  Physiology,  "On  the  Death  of  Leucocytes," 
vol.  37,  No.  4,  1908. 


known  as  the  hyaline  cell.  Achromatic  lympho- 
cytes resemble  them  strongly.  A  dead  lymphocyte, 
from  which  the  granules  have  disappeared,  will  not 
stain,  and  the  cell  resting  on  the  jelly  looks  like  a 
phantom.  We  have  never  been  able  to  excite  such 
a  cell.  If  a  specimen  of  fresh  blood  is  placed  carefully 
on  a  jelly-film,  one  does  not  usually  see  any  such  cells, 
for  all  the  cells  will  stain;  but  after  a  while  the  film 
may  contain  many  examples  of  achromatic  cells  which 
appear  to  be  exactly  like  what  are  known  as  hyaline 
leucocytes  by  the  older  methods.  Achromasia  is  a 
certain  sign  of  death,  and  the  recognition  of  its  very 
characteristic  appearances  is  of  the  utmost  importance 
in  this  form  of  research.  It  should  be  borne  in  mind 
that  a  cell  with  a  stained  nucleus  is  dead,  and  so  is 
a  cell  which  is  achromatic. 



THE  following  points  regarding  the  diffusion  of  sub- 
stances into  cells  have  been  determined  by  experimen- 
tation with  this  method.  A  cell  does  not  respond  to  the 
action  of  a  chemical  substance  unless  the  substance  has 
diffused  into  it.  It  is  of  the  utmost  importance,  there- 
fore, that  the  lawTs  wThich  are  concerned  in  this  diffusion 
should  be  understood,  both  for  the  practical  application 
of  this  in-vitro  method  in  the  study  of  the  actions  of 
substances  on  individual  cells  and  also,  I  think,  because 
it  throws  light  upon  the  way  in  which  drugs  produce 
their  effects  upon  the  various  systems  and  organs  of  the 
animal  body.  Very  little  has  hitherto  been  known 
concerning  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  individual 
living  cells;  and  although  we  do  not  claim  to  have 
advanced  the  knowledge  of  the  subject  to  a  very  great 
extent  as  far  as  its  scientific  basis  is  concerned,  wre  can 
safely  say  that  wre  are  nowT  in  a  position  to  cause  sub- 
stances to  diffuse  into  individual  cells  according  to  our 
will.  We  do  not  know7  all  the  scientific  facts,  it  is  true, 
for  more  \vork  will  be  necessary  before  these  can  be 



determined,  but  we  do  know  the  more  important  laws 
which  are  sufficient  for  practical  purposes. 

The  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells  is  purely 
a  physical  process.  A  cell  does  not  seem  able  to  exert 
any  vital  control  or  power  of  selection  whatever  over 
the  diffusion  of  substances  into  its  cytoplasm.  In  every 
cell  with  which  we  have  experimented  this  has  been  the 
case,  and  if  proof  is  needed  it  is  afforded  by  the  fact 
that  we  can  at  will  cause  cells  to  be  excited,  to  repro- 
duce themselves,  or  to  die,  by  employing  the  knowledge 
of  the  laws,  which  shall  presently  be  described,  enabling 
us  to  make  substances  diffuse  into  cells  at  any  speed  we 

Owing  to  a  variety  of  means  at  our  disposal  cer- 
tain cells  can  be  made  to  die  in  two  minutes  or  in 
two  hours,  whichever  one  likes,  merely  by  accelerating 
or  delaying  the  diffusion  of  the  agents  into  them;  and 
it  is  clear  that  if  a  cell  could  control  this  diffusion  it 
would  at  least  make  some  effort  to  do  so  in  order  to 
save  its  own  life.  They  cannot  do  so,  however,  and 
always  die  with  clockwork-like  regularity  at  the  end  of 
various  given  periods  of  time,  which  are  determined  by 
controlling  the  diffusion  of  certain  chemical  substances 
into  the  cell's  cytoplasm.  As  will  be  shown  later,  the 
rate  of  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells  can  be 
calculated  by  means  of  a  simple  equation;  and  since 
excitation,  reproduction,  and  death  can  each  in  succes- 
sion be  induced  in  vitro  by  causing  the  diffusion  of 
substances  into  cells,  it  follows  that  excitation,  repro- 
duction, and  death  may  also  be  induced  according  to 
the  rules  which  can  be  plotted  as  a  simple  equation. 


Cells,  as  living  entities,  cannot  refuse  to  absorb 
substances,  and  it  is  also  a  rule  that  they  cannot  "pick 
and  choose"  what  they  absorb.  For  instance,  a  cell 
cannot  take  from  a  solution  which  surrounds  it  a  pro- 
tein and  refuse  an  alkaloid.  If  it  is  surrounded  by  both 
these  substances  it  has  to  take  both.  On  theoretical 
grounds,  I  believe  that  a  solution  could  be  prepared 
(although  we  have  not  yet  been  able  to  assure  our- 
selves that  such  is  the  case)  from  which  a  given  cell 
would  be  able  to  absorb  nothing;  but  such  a  contin- 
gency, as  far  as  can  be  seen,  would  be  impossible  in  the 
body.  A  cell  does  not  appear  to  "  feed  "  in  the  ordinary 
sense  of  the  term — that  is  to  say,  it  cannot  seek  after 
food.  It  has  to  take  what  is  there  according  to  certain 
laws,  even  if  it  dies  in  consequence;  but  it  cannot 
"help  itself"  in  any  sense  of  the  term.  The  life  of  a 
cell  depends  upon  substances  in  its  surroundings,  even 
its  reproduction  depends  upon  them,  and  the  associa- 
tion between  them  and  its  life  depends  on  the  diffusion 
of  these  substances  into  the  cell  itself,  which  diffusion 
is  in  its  turn  undoubtedly  dependent  on  physical  laws 
over  wrhich  the  cells  themselves  can  individually  exert 
no  control.  A  cell  cannot  take  a  cake  and  leave  a  bun, 
so  to  speak:  it  has  to  take  a  bit  of  cake  and  a  bit  of 
bun  wrhether  it  likes  them  both  or  not — a  law  which 
has  been  amply  confirmed  by  work  extending  over  a 
period  of  five  years. 

One  is  open  to  criticism  in  this  matter;  for  the 
objection  may  be  raised  that  it  is  well  known  that 
some  cells  of  the  body  are  affected  by  some  agents 
or  drugs,  while  others  apparently  are  not.  This 


seems  to  be  the  case,  judging  from  results;  but  it 
does  not  prove  that  all  the  other  cells  of  the  body 
have  not  also  absorbed  some  of  the  drug  in  question 
as  well,  and  that  they  may  have  been  affected  too, 
but  have  shown  no  signs  of  this  effect.  Strychnine, 
for  example,  stimulates  certain  cells  of  the  nervous 
system,  as  is  shown  by  the  twitchings  produced  by 
it.  Strychnine  also  causes  amoeboid  movements  in 
leucocytes — a  fact  which  is  easily  demonstrated  micro- 
scopically; but  this  excitation  of  amoeboid  movement 
within  the  body  gives  rise  to  no  symptoms,  and  of 
course  passes  unnoticed.  It  is  important  to  remember, 
therefore,  that  because  a  certain  drug  affects  certain 
cells  and  gives  rise  to  symptoms  related  to  these  cells, 
it  does  not  follow  that  only  those  cells  have  absorbed 
the  drug.  All  have  absorbed  a  share,  but  not  neces- 
sarily to  the  same  extent,  as  will  be  shown  directly. 

A  cell,  therefore,  cannot  control  the  diffusion  of 
substances  into  itself;  but  after  it  has  actually  absorbed 
them  the  protoplasm  of  different  classes  of  cells  seems 
to  treat  a  substance  differently,  and  the  cells  may*  by 
this  peculiarity  of  their  protoplasm,  be  able  to  make 
use  of  it,  or,  on  the  other  hand,  they  may  leave  it 
unchanged,  or  thirdly,  they  may  have  to  die  from 
its  effects.  We  shall  presently  describe  how  cells 
can  be  made  to  absorb  aniline  dye  which  contains 
two  substances — one  which  causes  the  cell  to  re- 
produce itself,  the  other  a  poison  which  kills  it.  As 
both  substances  diffuse  into  the  cell  together,  and 
as  the  cell  cannot  control  this  diffusion,  it  will  respond 
to  both.  It  will  reproduce  itself  by  cell-division  in 

"IN  VITRO"  VERSUS  "IN  vivo"  65 

response  to  one  element,  and  it  will  die  in  the  act 
of  mitosis  from  the  effects  of  the  poisonous  one. 
This  experiment,  which  will  be  described  at  length 
later,  proves  these  two  points,  about  which  I  wish 
to  be  emphatic;  viz.  that  a  cell  cannot  control  the 
diffusion  of  substances  into  itself,  nor  can  it  choose 
from  its  surroundings  any  one  substance  and  leave 
another.  Even  at  the  expense  of  its  life,  a  cell  is 
bound  to  absorb  from  its  surroundings  any  substance 
which  may  be  present;  and  this  absorption  depends 
entirely  upon  certain  chemical  and  physical  factors. 

Before  proceeding  to  describe  these  laws  and 
factors,  other  points  must  be  mentioned.  We  are 
dealing  with  in-vitro  experimentation;  and  we  have 
no  proof  that  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  cells 
in  vitro  is  identical  with  this  diffusion  into  cells 
in  vivo.  There  is,  however,  strong  presumptive  evi- 
dence that  similar  conditions  prevail.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  apart  from  the  mere  phenomenon  of  diffusion, 
this  possible  distinction  between  the  facts  learnt  from 
in-vitro  experimentation  and  what  actually  occurs 
in  vivo  must  always  be  borne  in  mind  in  researches 
of  this  nature.  The  force  of  this  point  will  become 
apparent  later  on  when  we  come  to  deal  with  induced 
cell-division;  for  although  one  can  induce  the  diffusion 
of  substances  into  cells  or  cell-division  at  will  on  a 
microscope  slide,  it  will  be  seen  that  these  phenomena 
in  the  body  occur  under  very  different  conditions, 
which  must  be  taken  into  consideration  in  forming 
deductions  from  in-vitro  experiments.  In  the  final 
chapters,  however,  it  will  be  shown  that  the  results 



obtained  by  in-vitro  experimentation  have  been  con- 
firmed in  some  instances  by  experimentation  in  the 
living  body,  and  hence  one  may,  I  think,  reasonably 
infer  what  goes  on  in  vivo  from  what  is  observed 
in  vitro,  and  that  these  experiments  into  individual 
cells  may  be  undertaken  with  confidence. 

Before  continuing  this  subject  another  matter  con- 
nected with  it  must  also  be  stated.  In  the  previous 
chapter  it  was  mentioned  that  cells  observed  in  vitro 
must  be  resting  in  a  solution  or  on  a  jelly  which  con- 
tains certain  salts  the  presence  of  which  are  necessary 
for  keeping  them  alive.  In  the  body  one  of  these  salts, 
sodium  chloride,  is  actually  present;  but  there  is  no 
sodium  citrate,  a  solution  of  which  has  proved  to  be 
the  best  one  for  leucocytes  and  other  cells  to  live  in. 
Obviously  in  the  body  there  must  be  some  salt  or  salts 
for  which  the  sodium  citrate  is  a  substitute  or  equiva- 
lent. One  of  the  roles  played  by  sodium  citrate  in 
in-vitro  experimentation  is  its  property  of  preventing 
coagulation  of  the  blood,  which  seems  to  be  an  im- 
portant one,  for  related  to  this  is  the  curious  fact  that 
leucocytes  will  live  longer  in  citrated  plasma  than  in 
undiluted  serum,  a  point  which  will  be  alluded  to  in 
the  description  of  the  method  of  measuring  the  lives  of 
leucocytes.  Sodium  citrate,  however,  is  detrimental  to 
leucocytes,  and  there  is  no  solution  known  which  will 
keep  leucocytes  or  other  human  cells  alive  for  more 
than  a  few  days.  If  there  was  we  should  now  be  in 
a  position  to  cultivate  families  of  human  blood-cells  in 
test-tubes.  At  present,  by  means  of  sodium  citrate, 
one  can  only  make  leucocytes  "exist"  for  some  hours 


while  we  experiment  with  them;  and  it  must  be  borne 
in  mind  that  since  sodium  citrate  is  detrimental,  leuco- 
cytes or  other  cells  placed  in  it  gradually  lose  vitality 
all  the  time,  and  that  they  are  under  experimental 

The  laws  of  diffusion — or  rather  what  we  know  of 
them — are  simple  in  their  experimental  application; 
but  they  are  difficult  to  describe. 

There  are  two  methods  by  which  it  may  be  known 
when  substances  have  diffused  into  a  cell.  If  the 
diffusing  substance  consists  of  a  colouring  matter  which 
will  combine  with  or  otherwise  colour  the  molecules  of 
protoplasm  within  the  cell,  one  can  see  the  extent  of  the 
diffusion  by  watching  the  progress  of  the  coloration. 
The  other  method  consists  in  the  use  of  a  substance 
which  has  a  specific  action  on  the  cell  and  causes  it  to 
give  a  definite  response  which  will  tell  us  wrhen  the 
substance  has  diffused  in.  Of  the  twro  methods,  the 
former  is  obviously  the  better,  for  by  seeing  the  gradual 
staining  of  the  morphological  elements  of  the  cell  one 
can  more  accurately  gauge  the  extent  of  the  diffusion 
than  one  can  by  measuring  roughly  the  degree  of  a 
response  such  as  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  or 
even  cell-division.  It  is,  of  course,  possible  to  employ 
a  combination  of  both  methods,  by  which  much  can  be 
learnt;  in  fact,  in  this  book  I  shall  describe  what  has 
been  observed,  in  the  first  place,  by  using  colouring 
substances  only,  afterwrards  a  combination  of  stain  and 
other  substances,  and  lastly  by  experimenting  with 
other  substances  by  themselves. 

Suppose  the  jelly  on  which  a  given  cell  is  resting 


contains  a  certain  quantity  of  an  aniline  dye,  such  as 
Unna's  polychrome  methylene  blue.  This  dye  com- 
bines with  the  cell-granules  and  stains  them  red,  and 
the  rate  of  the  diffusion  of  the  dye  can  be  estimated 
by  observing  the  depth  of  coloration  of  the  granules 
and  the  time  occupied  before  the  nucleus  stains.  The 
first  granules  to  stain,  of  course,  are  those  which  are 
nearest  to  the  jelly,  for  the  cell  is  pressed  against  it  by 
the  cover-glass.  With  a  given  quantity  of  dye,  the 
depth  of  coloration  and  the  rapidity  of  the  extent  of 
staining  will  take  a  certain  length  of  time.  No  matter 
how  often  this  experiment  is  repeated,  provided  the 
arrangement  of  the  jelly  is  always  the  same,  with  the 
same  type  of  cell,  the  result  is  always  the  same;  but 
if  a  fresh  jelly  is  prepared,  with  double  the  quantity  of 
stain,  the  depth  of  coloration  will  be  double,  and  the 
same  extent  of  staining  will  be  reached  doubly  as 
quickly  as  with  the  first  jelly.  If  the  concentration 
of  the  dye  is  trebled  or  quadrupled,  etc.,  the  depth  of 
coloration  and  the  rapidity  of  the  given  extent  of 
staining  are  also  trebled,  quadrupled,  etc.,  as  the  case 
may  be. 

Hence  we  arrive  at  the  first  law,  which  is,  that  the 
diffusion  of  a  substance  into  a  cell  varies  directly  with 
the  concentration  of  the  substance  in  the  solution  in  which 
the  cell  is  resting.  The  more  concentrated  the  sub- 
stance, the  more  it  will  diffuse  into  the  cell,  apparently 
in  arithmetical  proportion.  In  a  given  time,  ceteris 
paribus,  a  2-per-cent  solution  of  a  substance  will  have 
double  the  effect  on  a  cell  as  compared  with  a  1 -per- 
cent solution. 


Briefly,  therefore,  we  may  say  that  the  diffusion  is 
proportional  to  the  amount  of  substance  diffusing,  or 
we  may  plot  it  thus: 

diff  =  S 

Obviously,  the  diffusion  of  a  substance  into  a  cell 
takes  time.  If  there  is  only  sufficient  dye  to  combine 
with  a  certain  amount  of  protoplasm,  the  combination 
will  occur  in  a  certain  time,  and  then  the  diffusion  will 
cease,  for  all  the  dye  will  be  used  up;  but  if  there  is 
a  sufficiency  of  stain  for  it  to  go  on  diffusing  indefi- 
nitely into  the  cell  until  it  kills  it  by  staining  the 
nucleus,  then  the  diffusion  will  go  on  for  a  longer 
time — in  fact,  it  will  go  on  diffusing  minute  after 
minute  until  death  occurs.  Hence  WTC  may  say  that 
the  longer  the  time  which  we  observe  the  diffusion,  the 
greater  will  that  diffusion  be,  unless  the  substance  is 
all  used  up — a  contingency  which  in  reality  cannot 
occur  in  practical  experimentation,  but  it  may  occur 
in  the  body.  It  must  be  remembered  that  once  the 
experimental  jelly- film  is  made  it  cannot  be  altered, 
whereas  in  the  body  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  the 
solutions  are  being  continually  modified  during  meta- 

With  a  given  concentration  of  dye  or  other  sub- 
stances in  the  jelly,  therefore,  the  greater  the  time 
during  which  the  cell  is  resting  on  the  jelly,  the  more 
of  that  substance  will  diffuse  into  the  cell,  also  in 
direct  arithmetical  proportion.  Each  minute  will  see 
an  equal  amount  of  substance  diffusing,  provided  the 
supply  of  that  substance  is  constant,  and  that  other 
conditions  remain  the  same  during  the  time. 


Conversely,  in  a  given  time,  the  greater  the  con- 
centration of  the  substance  diffusing,  the  more  of  that 
substance  will  pass  into  the  cell,  as  was  shown  in  the 
first  law.  We  have  now  considered  two  factors,  there- 
fore, viz.  that  diffusion  is  equal  to  the  concentration  of 
the  substance  and  the  time,  or  thus: 

diff  =  S+T 

The  next  factor  to  be  considered  is  heat.  In  vivo, 
of  course,  variations  of  temperature  are  not  very  great, 
but  with  in-vitro  experimentation  the  temperature  must 
be  carefully  considered,  for  we  may  keep  the  slide  with 
its  jelly-film  with  which  we  are  working  at  a  variety  of 
temperatures,  ranging  from  that  of  the  room  in  which 
one  works  to  that  of  the  blood.  Heat  increases  the 
diffusion  of  substances  into  cells  in  a  marked  degree, 
and  this  increase  is  also  in  arithmetical  proportion. 
Each  degree  of  temperature  means  a  definite  increase  in 
the  diffusion,  and  therefore  the  diffusion  can  be  regu- 
lated to  a  nicety  by  keeping  the  slide  on  which  the  cells 
are  resting  at  a  definite  temperature.  Of  course  if 
extremes  of  heat  are  used  death  will  occur;  but  within 
reasonable  limits,  which  are  compatible  with  life,  one 
can  employ  heat  to  great  advantage  in  these  experi- 
ments. H eat  therefore  must  be  coupled  with  concentra- 
tion and  time  as  a  factor  which  increases  diffusion;  and 
our  equation  now  stands  thus: 

diff  =  S  +  T  +  H 

There  is  one  other  factor  which  increases  the  diffusion 
of  substances  into  cells  more  than  any  of  the  three  other 


factors  already  mentioned.  Alkalies  and  alkaline  salts 
greatly  increase  the  diffusion  of  other  substances  into  liv- 
ing cells.  By  means  of  a  strong  alkali  one  can  cause  a 
substance  like  stain  to  diffuse  into  a  cell  so  rapidly  as  to 
induce  death  and  staining  of  the-nucleus  almost  instantly. 
And  this  marked  increase  of  diffusion  caused  by  alkalies 
also  takes  place  in  an  arithmetical  progression;  that  is 
to  say,  if  the  jelly  or  solution  contains  2  per  cent  of  an 
alkali,  another  substance  present  will  diffuse  into  the 
cell  twice  as  rapidly  as  it  would  if  the  jelly  or  solution 
only  contained  1  per  cent  of  the  same  alkali.  Our 
equation  must  therefore  contain  a  symbol  for  alkali 

All  the  above  four  factors  —  namely,  the  concentration 
of  the  substance  diffusing,  the  time,  the  heat,  and  the 
alkalies  —  increase  the  diffusion.  Neutral  salts,  however, 
decrease  it.  The  more  of  a  salt  one  adds  to  the  jelly, 
the  less  of  any  other  substance,  ceteris  paribus,  will 
diffuse  into  the  cell  in  a  given  time.  And  this  retarding 
effect  of  a  neutral  salt  also  varies  exactly  with  the 
amount  of  the  salt  present.  We  may  therefore  add 
salts  to  our  equation  with  a  minus  sign  before  them, 

diff  =  S+T  +  H+A-salts 

Acids,  of  course,  delay  the  diffusion  of  other  sub- 
stances, for  they  neutralise  alkalies;  and  the  amount  of 
retarding  effect  due  to  an  acid  is  in  exact  proportion  to 
its  neutralising  effect  on  any  alkali  present.  But  apart 
from  this  neutralising  action  of  acids,  they  also  actually 


retard  diffusion  themselves  according  to  their  strength; 
that  is  to  say,  that  if  a  certain  amount  of  diffusion  of  a 
substance  will  occur  from  a  neutral  jelly,  the  addition  of 
an  acid  will  delay  that  diffusion  in  direct  proportion  to 
the  amount  of  acid  present.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  acids 
play  only  a  very  small  part  in  these  researches,  for  it 
has  been  our  endeavor  to  copy  the  conditions  found 
in  the  body  as  much  as  possible,  and  cells  do  not 
normally  come  into  contact  with  acids  to  a  great  extent. 
For  this  reason,  as  will  be  shown  later,  we  actually  take 
steps  to  eliminate  the  consideration  of  acids  from  our 
experiments,  in  order  to  simplify  matters. 

The  foregoing,  then,  are  the  factors  which  increase 
or  decrease  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells. 
We  have  no  right,  of  course,  to  assert  that  all  alkalies 
increase  and  all  salts  retard  the  diffusion  of  substances 
into  cells,  for  we  have  not  tried  them  all;  but  as  far  as 
we  have  experimented  they  seem  to  obey  a  general 
rule.  As  has  already  been  stated,  one  can  only  touch 
on  the  main  principles  of  this  subject  of  the  passage  of 
substances  into  individual  cells,  about  which  little  was 
known  before  this  jelly  method  of  in-vitro  staining 
was  invented. 

Up  to  the  present  I  have  used  the  expression  "cell" 

in  its  widest  sense.     Cells  exist  as  individuals,  and  as 

individuals  in  classes.     One  may  say  that  polynuclear 

'neutrophile   leucocytes   are   a   class   of   cell,    and   that 

erythrocytes  are  another  class  of  cell. 

The  diffusion  of  substances  into  cells  is  generally 
the  same  in  individuals  of  a  class,  but  it  presents  great 
differences  in  the  various  classes.  For  instance,  if  a 


jelly  is  suitably  prepared  to  stain  the  nuclei  of  leuco- 
cytes in  a  given  time,  it  will  stain  the  nuclei  of  all 
the  leucocytes  in  that  time,  and  it  will  always  do  so. 
There  will,  of  course,  be  a  few  exceptions  among 
individual  cells  which  have  died  or  which  have  become 
achromatic,  but  generally  speaking  all  the  cells  obey 
the  rules  of  their  class.  In  some  classes  of  cells,  how- 
ever, such  as  those  of  the  epidermis,  we  have  not  yet 
succeeded  in  causing  anything  to  diffuse  into  them  at 
all;  and  in  some  of  the  larger  cells,  such  as  some 
epithelial  cells,  only  a  few  types  will  absorb  sub- 
stances in  vitro;  yet  if  some  of  the  cells  of  a  class  in  a 
specimen  will  absorb  a  substance  at  a  certain  rate,  the 
others  of  the  same  class,  which  are  not  achromatic, 
will  also  absorb  the  substance  at  the  same  rate.  It 
must  therefore  be  grasped  that  the  individual  cells  of 
a  class  will  absorb  substances  in  the  same  way  as  each 
other,  and  the  diffusion  into  them  will  be  influenced 
by  the  usual  factors  in  the  same  way  in  each  cell  of  the 
class;  but  substances  diffuse  into  the  cells  of  different 
classes  at  different  rates. 

Now  we  come  to  an  extremely  important  factor 
which  has  not  been  mentioned  before,  and  which  is  the 
last  one  to  be  taken  into  consideration.  It  is  the 
"coefficient  of  diffusion." 

We  may  prepare  a  jelly  containing  a  certain  con- 
centration of  stain,  alkali,  and  salts  which  will  allow 
a  certain  amount  of  diffusion  of  the  stain  into  a  certain 
class  of  cells  at  a  certain  temperature  in  a  certain 
number  of  minutes.  Another  class  of  cells  may  then 
be  tried  on  a  film  made  from  the  same  jelly  under 


the  same  conditions,  when  it  may  be  found  that  now 
no  staining,  or  less  staining,  may  take  place.  If  one 
adds  more  stain  or  more  alkali,  or  more  heat,  or  allows 
more  time,  this  second  class  of  cells  may  then  stain. 
Hence  we  may  say  that  the  second  class  of  cell  has 
a  higher  "coefficient  of  diffusion"  than  the  first,  for 
it  requires  more  of  one  or  more  factors  which  increase 
diffusion  to  cause  a  certain  extent  of  diffusion  into 
it  than  did  the  first  class  of  cells.  Different  classes 
of  cells  may  therefore  each  have  different  coefficients  of 
diffusion,  but  in  spite  of  this  fact  the  diffusion  of 
substances  into  all  classes  of  them  depends  on  the 
factors  already  expressed  by  the  equation: 

diff  =  S+T+H  +  A-salts. 

That  is  to  say,  that  the  factors  given  in  the  equation 
increase  or  decrease  the  diffusion  of  substances  into 
all  cells;  but  some  classes  of  cells  require  more  or 
less  of  them  to  cause  the  same  amount  of  diffusion 
than  do  others. 

It  is  obvious,  therefore,  that  we  must  always  find 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  a  class  of  cells  before  we 
can  attempt  to  make  substances  diffuse  into  them;  and 
we  find  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  by  ascertaining  the 
number  of  the  factors  expressed  in  the  equation,  and 
the  amount  of  each  of  them  required  to  cause  a  certain 
extent  of  staining  of  the  cell.  By  means  of  the  equa- 
tion we  can  set  down  algebraically  the  number  of 
factors  and  the  amount  of  each  of  them  required  to  pro- 
duce this  certain  extent  of  staining;  and  then  they  are 


all  added  up  to  make  a  grand  total  figure — which  repre- 
sents the  "coefficient  of  diffusion,"  or,  to  express  it 
briefly,  the  "c/"  of  the  cell. 

The  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  a  cell  is  determined 
by  adding  up  the  total  amounts  of  the  factors  required 
to  cause  a  certain  extent  of  staining  of  the  cell.  The 
extent  of  staining  which  we  always  use  as  a  standard  is 
the  staining  of  the  nucleus.  Now,  the  "moment"  of 
the  staining  of  the  nucleus  of  a  cell  can  be  recognized 
through  the  microscope,  and  it  has  an  additional 
importance,  insomuch  as  it  is  coincident  with  and 
signifies  the  death  of  the  cell.  In  reality,  therefore,  the 
determination  of  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  a  cell,  as 
well  as  supplying  the  rate  of  diffusion  of  substances  into 
it,  also  tells  us  how  much  of  the  stain,  together  with 
the  other  associated  factors,  are  required  to  make  it  (the 
stain)  diffuse  into  the  cell  so  as  to  cause  the  cell's  death 
in  vitro.  In  other  words,  it  tells  us  the  amount  of  a 
standard  dye  required  to  be  in  the  immediate  surround- 
ings of  a  cell,  so  that  it  may  diffuse  into  it  to  such  an 
extent  as  to  cause  its  death  by  combining  with  the 
chromatin  within  the  nucleus. 

In  order  to  determine  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 
a  cell,  howrever,  it  is  necessary  to  count  up,  not  only  the 
number  of  the  factors  required  to  cause  staining  of  the 
nucleus,  but  also  the  amount  of  each  factor  required. 
To  do  this  it  is  necessary  to  measure  each  factor.  One 
could,  of  course,  measure  the  chemical  factors,  such  as 
alkalies,  salts,  etc.,  in  grammes,  the  heat  in  degrees  of 
temperature,  and  the  time  in  seconds;  but  this  would 
necessitate  a  complicated  total  figure  involving  grammes, 


degrees,  and  seconds.  It  has  been  found  preferable  to 
measure  these  factors  in  special  units  which  can,  if 
necessary,  be  resolved  into  their  proper  ones  of 
grammes,  degrees,  and  seconds. 

For  instance,  in  order  to  remember  the  rate  of  stain- 
ing of  a  class  of  cells  it  would  be  most  inconvenient 
to  have  to  make  a  note  of  a  statement  such  as  this: 
To  stain  the  nuclei  in  twenty  minutes,  it  is  necessary  to 
keep  the  cells  at  20°  C.  on  a  film  made  from  a  jelly  con- 
taining 0.5  cc.  of  Unna's  stain,  0.  16  gramme  of  sodium 
chloride,  0  .  03  gramme  of  sodium  citrate,  and  0  .  3  cc.  of  a 
5-per-cent  solution  of  sodium  bicarbonate.  It  is  much 
simpler  to  say  that  the  jelly  contains  so  many  "units" 
of  stain,  salts  and  alkali,  heat  and  time.  One  may  go 
farther  and  express  these  units  as  a  simple  equation, 

Stain.     Alkali.     Heat.    Time.         Slats. 

cf  =  (5s+3a 

A  letter  by  itself  means  one  unit  of  the  factor;  a 
number  before  a  letter  means  that  there  is  that  number 
of  units  of  the  factor:  c  means  a  unit  of  sodium  citrate, 
3c  would  mean  three  units  of  it,  and  so  on. 

It  will  be  grasped  that  it  is  better  to  make  "one 
unit"  of  any  factor  a  standard  quantity,  and  these 
quantities  have  been  chosen  with  a  special  object.  As 
has  been  previously  explained,  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 
of  a  cell  is  the  total  number  of  units  of  the  factors 
required  to  cause  staining  of  the  nucleus.  Some  of  the 
factors  increase  the  diffusion  into  the  cell,  and  others 
decrease  it.  A  unit  of  a  factor  which  increases  diffu- 
sion is  so  chosen  that  the  increase  it  causes  is  equal  to 


that  of  one  unit  of  any  other  factor  which  also  increases 
diffusion.  Likewise  a  unit  of  any  factor  which  retards 
diffusion  is  also  equal  to  a  unit  of  any  other  factor 
which  does  the  same  thing.  But  further  still,  a  unit 
which  increases  the  diffusion  of  a  substance  into  a  cell 
is  so  chosen  that  the  increase  which  it  causes  can  be 
exactly  neutralised  by  a  unit  of  a  factor  which  retards 
diffusion.  The  units  are  all  equal  in  value,  so  to  speak. 
Some  increase  diffusion,  and  some  decrease  it.  Any 
number  of  units  of  factors  which  decrease  diffusion 
retard  exactly  the  increase  of  diffusion  due  to  the 
same  number  of  units  of  factors  which  cause  increase  of 

By  the  first  law,  if  we  double  the  quantity  of  the 
dye  in  the  jelly,  we  double  the  rapidity  of  its  diffusion 
into  the  cells.  A  convenient  quantity  was  chosen, 
namely,  0.1  cc.,  and  this  contained  in  10  cc.  of  jelly 
constitutes  one  unit  of  polychrome  dye.1  Let  us 
suppose  that  this  quantity  (one  unit)  causes  staining 
of  the  nucleus  of  a  given  cell  in  a  certain  time.  If 
now  another  unit  is  tried,  the  cell  will  stain  in  half  the 
time  it  did  before. 

The  alkali,  sodium  bicarbonate,  increases  the  dif- 
fusion of  other  substances  into  cells,  and  therefore  it 
greatly  increases  the  rapidity  of  the  staining  by  poly- 
chrome methylene  blue.  Now,  since  all  units  must  be 
equal  in  value,  it  was  ascertained  experimentally  that 
0.1  cc.  of  a  5-per-cent  solution  of  sodium  bicarbonate 
exactly  doubled  the  rapidity  of  diffusion  of  one  unit  of 

1  Unna's  polychrome  methylene  blue  (Griibler)  is  only  supplied^in 
solution,  which  is  standardised.  It  cannot  be  made  in  a  powder. 


polychrome  dye.  Hence  the  unit  of  alkali  is  0 . 1  cc. 
of  a  5-per-cent  solution  of  sodium  bicarbonate. 

Time  is  a  factor.  One  unit  of  time  is  ten  minutes; 
and  since  time  increases  diffusion  in  arithmetical  pro- 
portion, therefore  in  twenty  minutes  (two  units)  the 
diffusion  of  one  or  more  units  of  the  dye  or  other 
substance  will  be  doubled. 

The  unit  of  heat  is  5°  C. ;  unity  is  10°  C.,  because 
one  cannot  conveniently  work  at  a  temperature  below 
this  point;  20°  C.  is  three  units,  etc. 

Salts  delay  diffusion.  The  two  commonly  employed 
are  sodium  citrate  and  sodium  chloride.  Their  units 
respectively  are  0 . 03  gramme  and  0 . 08  gramme.  One 
unit  of  sodium  citrate  or  sodium  chloride  will  prevent 
the  increase  of  diffusion  due  to  one  unit  of  alkali,  heat, 
or  time;  an  extra  unit  of  stain  will  neutralise  a  unit 
of  salt. 

Hence  the  units  of  all  the  factors  are  so  measured 
experimentally  that  they  are  as  nearly  as  possible  equal 
in  value.  The  delay  in  diffusion  caused  by  a  unit  of 
a  substance  which  decreases  diffusion  is  equal  to  the 
acceleration  occasioned  by  one  which  increases  diffusion. 
It  will  therefore  be  realised  that  the  units  can  be 
substituted  for  each  other.  A  unit  of  alkali  will  double 
the  diffusion  of  the  dye,  but  so  will  another  unit  of  the 
dye  itself.  Again,  the  unit  of  time  is  ten  minutes; 
since  time  increases  the  diffusion  by  arithmetical  pro- 
gression, another  ten  minutes  of  time  is  equal  to  a  unit 
of  alkali  or  another  unit  of  dye.  Salts  delay  diffusion; 
we  have  found  out  how  much  of  a  salt,  such  as  sodium 
citrate,  is  required  to  decrease  this  diffusion  in  equal 


proportion  to  the  increase  caused  by  one  unit  of  alkali, 
dye,  or  time.  All  the  units  are  equal  to  each  other 
as  regards  the  increase  or  decrease  of  diffusion,  and 
therefore  they  are  interchangeable.  Hence  we  may 
simplify  our  equation  by  adding  together  all  the  units  of 
all  the  factors  and  making  a  grand  total  of  them  ;  thus  : 


or,  simpler  still: 

c/  =  10. 

This  method  of  determining  the  coefficent  of 
diffusion  is  intended  principally  to  assist  experimenta- 
tion with  these  in-vitro  technics.  The  act  of  its 
determination  gives  up  the  comparative  rate  of  the 
diffusion  of  other  substances  into  the  cells  under 
observation,  and  tells  us  how  to  prepare  jellies  for 
further  experimentation  with  these  substances.  For 
practical  purposes,  the  equation  and  the  measurements 
of  the  units  of  the  several  factors  (wThich  are  used 
continually,  not  only  in  the  initial  determination  of  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion,  but  in  all  subsequent  experi- 
mentation) have  been  devised  with  a  view  to  the 
simplification  of  the  practical  methods  to  be  described 
in  the  next  chapter,  wrhere  full  details  for  the  prepara- 
tion of  the  jellies,  etc.,  will  be  stated.  These  laws  of 
diffusion  were  ascertained  in  the  first  instance  by  me 
with  the  jelly  method  as  described  in  the  paper  in  the 
Journal  of  Physiology  already  referred  to,  and  they 
soon  led  to  the  method  of  determining  the  coefficient 
of  diffusion  by  the  same  method  wrhich  was  published 
in  a  paper  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society 


(B.  Vol.  81) ;  and  the  description  of  the  methods  and 
laws  given  herein  are  in  reality  an  elaboration  of  the 
original  ones  given  in  the  papers  mentioned.  Much 
work  has  been  done,  however,  since  those  papers  were 
written,  including  induced  cell-division  by  a  variety 
of  chemical  substances,  and  all  of  it  has  been  carried 
out  with  those  specifications  as  bases.  The  point  is 
mentioned  in  order  to  show  that  the  method  is  fairly 
reliable.  New  technics  of  this  nature,  where  one  is 
dealing  with  a  series  of  factors,  all  of  which  are 
variables,  are  prone  to  become  involved  in  their 
application.  The  "moment"  of  the  staining  of  the 
nucleus  cannot  be  a  very  accurate  one,  and  the  more 
factors  and  units  one  deals  with,  the  more  do  small 
errors  assert  themselves. 

It  is  a  simple  matter  to  note  the  effects  on  a  cell 
of  two  or  three  units  of  a  dye  and  a  unit  or  two  of 
alkali.  But  when  one  deals  with  complicated  equa- 
tions involving  twenty  or  thirty  variable  units,  each 
of  which  modifies  the  action  of  its  neighbour,  it 
sometimes  follows  that  complicated  situations  arise. 
For  instance,  the  units  of  the  two  salts  are  satisfactory 
when  small  quantities  of  them  are  used;  but  with 
larger  quantities  it  will  be  found  that  they  are  not 
quite  so  accurate.  For  practical  purposes,  however, 
the  units  given  have  been  found  to  be  sufficiently 
useful ;  but  if  this  method  was  to  be  employed  to 
determine  the  more  scientific  data  of  the  action  of 
the  several  physical  factors  in  increasing  and  decreasing 
diffusion,  I  am  prepared  to  admit  that  some  units  will 
require  modification. 



IN  the  foregoing  chapter  I  endeavoured  to  give  an 
outline  of  the  principles  of  diffusion  of  substance  into 
individual  cells,  and  the  method  of  the  determination 
of  the  coefficient  of  diffusion.  In  the  present  chapter 
I  shall  describe,  in  detail,  how  those  principles  are 
applied  experimentally,  and  how  one  can  find  out 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  a  given  class  of  cells. 
The  preparation  of  the  jellies  from  which  the  films 
are  made  constitutes  the  most  important  part  of  the 
procedure.  The  chemical  substances  which  are  to  be 
made  to  diffuse  into  the  cells  are  contained  in  the 
jelly  together  with  the  other  chemical  factors,  which 
increase  or  decrease  diffusion.  The  factor  heat  is 
measured  by  keeping  the  slide  on  which  the  jelly-film 
is  set  at  a  certain  temperature,  and  the  length  of  time 
the  slide  is  kept  at  this  temperature  determines  the 
amount  of  the  factor  time.  The  coefficient  of  diffusion 
of  a  cell,  as  already  pointed  out,  is  arrived  at  by 




ascertaining  experimentally  the  lowest  sum  of  units 
of  the  factors— both  chemical  in  the  jelly  and  physical 
as  applied  to  the  slide — which  will  just  cause  the 
cell's  nucleus  to  stain.  In  the  original  paper,  already 
referred  to,  which  specified  this  method  and  the  co- 
efficients of  diffusion,  the  following  definitions  were 
given : 

When  a  film  of  agar  jelly  contains  stain  and 
other  substances,  its  Index  of  Diffusion  (/#)  may  be 
defined  as  the  sum  of  its  constituents,  which  delay 
diffusion  subtracted  from  the  sum  of  its  constituents 
which  accelerate  diffusion  added  to  the  quantity  of 
stain  contained  in  the  jelly. 

The  Coefficient  of  Diffusion  (c/)  of  a  cell  is  that 
Index  of  Diffusion  plus  the  time  and  temperature 
required  to  cause  staining  of  the  nucleus,  or  staining 
of  the  cytoplasm  in  unnucleated  cells  (e.g.  red  cor- 
puscles), when  the  specimen  is  prepared  by  a  standard 

It  should  be  noted  that  the  index  of  diffusion 
refers  to  the  composition  of  the  jelly,  and  that  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion  refers  to  the  rate  at  which 
the  cell  absorbs  substances  from  the  jelly. 

The  standard  method  of  placing  the  cells  on  the 
jelly-film  and  the  general  principles  of  preparing  the 
film  have  already  been  described.  The  cells  are  mixed 
with  a  little  "citrate  solution"  (3-per-cent  sodium 
citrate  and  1-per-cent  sodium  chloride),  which  acts 
as  a  vehicle  to  keep  them  alive,  and  in  which  they 
are  placed  on  the  cover-glass.  Since  this  citrate  solu- 
tion spreads  to  the  periphery  of  the  cover-glass,  it  does 


not  materially  influence  the  diffusion  of  the  stain  from 
the  jelly  into  the  cells.  When  experimenting  with 
blood-cells  the  blood  is  mixed  with  an  equal  volume 
of  the  solution.  In  the  case  of  other  cells  the  mix- 
ture is  made  as  may  be  convenient.  In  some  instances, 
when  the  cells  are  naturally  suspended  in  a  fluid- 
such  as  pleuritic  fluid — it  is  unnecessary  to  use  any 
citrate  solution  at  all,  and  the  cells  may  be  placed, 
suspended  in  their  own  fluid,  straight  on  to  the  cover- 

The  general  principle  of  preparing  the  jelly-film, 
as  given  in  Chapter  III.,  may  be  recalled.  A  2-per- 
cent solution  of  agar  in  water  forms  a  jelly  basis  for 
these  experiments.  This  jelly  is  kept  stored  in  large 
test-tubes,  so  that  small  quantities  of  it  may  be  used 
without  having  to  melt  it  in  bulk  every  time  some 
is  wanted;  and  it  should  be  filtered  when  it  is  made 
in  a  manner  similar  to  that  employed  for  the  prepara- 
tion of  "nutrient  agar,"  although,  of  course,  it  has 
no  "nutrient"  ingredients  added  to  it. 

As  already  mentioned,  the  2-per-cent  solution  of 
agar  has  such  a  consistency  that  it  can,  when  melted, 
be  diluted  with  an  equal  volume  of  a  liquid  and  yet 
will  set  as  a  firm  jelly  on  a  slide  when  it  cools. 

Experimentation  with  this  method  is  essentially  a 
process  by  which  one  contrasts  the  effects  of  one  sub- 
stance on  cells  compared  with  those  of  others;  hence  it 
is  important  that  all  the  conditions  must  be  the  same 
in  each  experiment,  except  the  actual  difference  in  the 
amount  of  the  substance  which  has  to  pass  into  the 
cells.  To  this  end  the  jelly-basis  is  always  the  same  in 


every  way,  and  each  film  is  always  made  from  a  tube 
containing  10  cc.  of  this  jelly.  The  substances  which 
are  to  be  tried  on  the  cells  are  added  to  the  jelly  in  the 
form  of  the  Solution  2  (see  Chapter  III.),  which  in  its 
turn  is  added  to  the  Solution  1.  The  combination 
(Solution  3)  is  always  in  the  quantity  of  10  cc.,  and  the 
film  is  prepared  from  this. 

It  has  already  been  shown  that  the  jelly-film  must 
always  contain  certain  quantities  of  the  salts  sodium 
citrate  and  sodium  chloride,  or  the  cells  will  not  live  on 
it.  These  salts  are  therefore  added  to  the  jelly-basis  or 
Solution  1.  They  are  added  to  it  in  bulk,  so  that  any 
portion  of  it  contains  them,  and,  in  consequence,  it  is  in 
a  condition  to  cause  cells  to  live  on  it  for  as  long  as 

The  jelly  is  prepared  as  follows : 

In  a  beaker  of  water  stand  several  of  the  large  test- 
tubes  which  contain  the  stock  2-per-cent  agar  jelly. 
The  amount  required  will  be  at  least  50  cc.  The 
water  in  the  beaker  should  be  heated  until  it  boils, 
when  the  jelly  in  the  test-tube  will  be  melted. 

1  gramme  of  sodium  citrate  and  then  0.8  gramme 
of  sodium  chloride  should  be  weighed  out  accurately. 
The  two  salts  are  then  placed  in  a  flask,  which  should 
be  of  such  a  size  that  it  also  can  be  steeped  in  the 
beaker  of  boiling  water;  49  cc.  of  the  molten  2-per- 
cent agar  solution  from  the  test-tube  are  now  measured 
out  and  poured  into  the  flask.  The  salts  slowly  dis- 
solve in  the  molten  agar,  and,  while  this  solution  is 
taking  place,  the  flask  should  be  steeped  in  the  boiling 
water  in  order  to  keep  the  jelly  molten. 


It  is  important  that  the  sodium  citrate  should  be 
neutral.  Sodium  citrate  is  inclined  to  become  alkaline 
when  exposed  for  long  to  the  air,  owing  to  the  deposit 
of  sodium  carbonate.  The  jelly  in  the  flask,  therefore, 
must  be  tested  and  neutralised  to  litmus  with  citric 

Previous  to  melting  the  jelly  solution,  a  solution 
containing  8 . 3  per  cent  of  citric  acid  should  have  been 
prepared;  and  now  1  cc.  of  that  solution  is  added  to 
the  49  cc.  of  the  molten  agar  solution  in  the  flask. 
This  renders  the  whole  of  the  jelly  acid,  the  reason  for 
which  will  be  given  directly. 

A  series  of  ten  clean  test-tubes  should  be  ready,  and 
with  a  pipette  5  cc.  of  the  acid  jelly  with  its  salts  in 
solution  is  measured  into  each  test-tube.  Each  of  the 
ten  test-tubes  now  contains  5  cc.  of  the  jelly:  total 
50  cc.  in  all.  The  10  test- tubes  are  placed  in  a  stand 
until  the  jelly  is  set,  and  a  plug  of  wool  is  placed  in 
each;  otherwise  moulds  may  growT  on  the  jelly,  as 
it  contains  salts. 

Every  one  of  the  10  test-tubes  contains  5  cc.  of 
a  2-per-cent  agar  jelly,  which  is  acid,  because  it  contains 
in  solution  0.0083  gramme  of  citric  acid.  It  also 
contains  0 . 1  gramme  of  sodium  citrate  and  0 . 8  gramme 
of  sodium  chloride ;  and  these  tubes  of  jelly  are  known 
for  convenience  as  tubes  of  "coefficient  jelly." 

To  any  one  of  these  tubes  we  may  add  5  more  cc. 
of  any  solution  or  solutions;  and  if  the  whole  is  boiled 
and  mixed  by  shaking,  any  portion  of  the  10  cc.  of 
jelly  mixture  now  contained  in  the  test-tube  will 
set  on  a  slide  as  a  firm  jelly-film  when  it  cools. 


Since  it  is  essential  that  all  jellies  must  be  alike 
in  all  respects  except  in  the  actual  quantities  of  the 
chemical  substances  which  are  to  be  tested  on  the  cells, 
it  follows  that  every  jelly-film  is  always  made  from 
10  cc.  of  jelly.  A  film  is  never  made  direct  from  a  tube 
of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly"  unless  it  previously  has 
had  added  to  it  an  equal  quantity  (5  cc.)  of  some 
solution.  If  this  rule  is  followed,  every  jelly-film 
wTill  be  identical  in  that  the  strength  of  the  agar  will 
be  the  same,  and  the  initial  strength  of  the  salts  and 
acid  will  be  the  same;  but  since  the  second  5  cc.  may 
be  composed  of  any  solution,  each  10  cc.  of  jelly  may 
also  contain  a  variety  of  other  substances. 

It  is  in  the  extra  5  cc.  of  solution  or  solutions  that 
the  chemical  substances,  with  which  one  wishes  to 
experiment  on  the  cells,  and  any  chemical  factors 
additional  to  those  already  contained  in  the  "coefficient 
jelly"  which  are  required  to  increase  or  decrease  dif- 
fusion, are  added  to  that  "coefficient  jelly." 

The  chemical  factors,  therefore,  such  as  alkalies 
and  salts,  which  increase  or  decrease  diffusion  assist 
to  constitute  the  second  5  cc.  of  jelly  which  is  always 
added  to  the  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly."  Now,  one 
could,  of  course,  weigh  out  the  right  number  of  units 
of  each  factor  for  every  experiment,  but  it  is  much 
simpler  to  add  them  from  standard  solutions.  These 
standard  solutions  should  be  kept  ready  to  hand  in 
flasks,  on  the  labels  of  which  should  appear  the  exact 
amount  of  each  which  constitutes  one  unit. 

The  'same  may  be  said  of  the  chemical  substances 
the  action  of  which  one  wishes  to  try  on  the  cells. 

UNITS    OF    THE    FACTORS  87 

For  instance,  in  the  determination  of  the  coefficient 
of  diffusion,  the  stain,  as  well  as  the  alkali,  is  kept 
in  standard  solution,  and  is  added  to  the  5  cc.  of 
"coefficient  jelly";  but  it  is  most  important  to  re- 
member that  no  matter  how  many  units  of  each 
factor  or  substance  may  be  contained  in  the  5  cc.  of 
solution  added  to  the  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly,"  the 
former  solution  must  never  be  more  nor  less  than  5  cc. 
Therefore,  every  jelly-film  on  the  slide  is  always  made 
from  10  cc.  of  jelly,  which  in  its  turn  is  composed  of  5  cc. 
of  "coefficient  jelly"  and  5  cc.  of  another  solution  bearing 
the  units  of  the  chemical  factors.  No  matter  how 
many  units  of  no  matter  how  many  factors  the  second 
5  cc.  of  solution  contains,  it  is  always  added  in  the 
quantity  of  5  cc. — no  more  and  no  less.  Hence,  the 
Solution  3,  from  which  the  film  is  prepared,will  invari- 
ably consist  of  10  cc.  Solution  2  may  contain  one  unit 
of  one  factor,  or  it  may  contain  any  number  of  units 
of  any  of  the  factors. 

If  all  the  units  of  the  contained  factors  exactly 
amount  to  5  cc.,  all  well  and  good;  but  if  they  do 
not  do  so,  the  balance  must  be  made  up  to  5  cc.  with 
water.  By  this  means  there  will  always  be  10  cc.  in 
the  tube  of  jelly  used  for  an  experiment,  but  it  may 
contain  a  great  variety  of  units  of  the  chemical  factors 
which  increase  or  decrease  diffusion. 

The  standard  solutions  of  the  several  factors  must 
be  prepared  with  due  regard  to  this  rule.  They  must 
not  be  too  dilute  or  their  total  may  exceed  5  cc.  The 
following  list  (abridged  from  the  original  paper  on 
the  "Coefficient  of  Diffusion")  gives  not  only  the  actual 


units  of  the  several  factors,  but  also  convenient  standard 
solutions  of  them.  It  is  useful  to  keep  this  list  ready 
to  hand  in  the  laboratory. 

Alkali  (sodium  bicarbonate)  increases  diffusion.— 
Unit  0.005  gramme.  Standard  solution  5  per  cent, 
unity  being  0.1  cc.  It  is  convenient  to  remember 
that  this  solution  is  neutralised  by  a  4. 175-per-cent 
solution  of  citric  acid,  and  that  1  unit  of  alkali  is 
neutralised  by  0 . 1  cc.  of  such  a  solution.  Since  the 
agar  at  the  outset  is  acid  to  the  extent  of  0 . 083  gramme 
to  50  cc.,  a  tube  of  10  cc.,  made  up  as  described,  must 
contain  0 . 0083  gramme  of  acid.  This  is  exactly  neutral- 
ised by  0.2  cc.  of  the  standard  alkali  solution;  that  is, 
the  agar  at  the  outset,  before  any  stain  or  other  factor 
is  added,  delays  diffusion  to  the  extent  of  2  units. 
Or,  the  addition  of  2  units  of  sodium  bicarbonate 
will  render  the  agar  neutral. 

Sodium  Citrate  delays  diffusion. — Unit  0 . 03  gramme. 
Standard  solution  10  per  cent,  0.3  cc.  being  unity. 
Since  50  cc.  of  agar  contains  1  gramme  at  the  outset, 
the  10  cc.  of  jelly  may  be  said  to  contain  about  3  units. 

Sodium  Chloride  delays  diffusion. — Unit  0 . 08  gramme. 
Standard  solution  10  per  cent,  unity  being  0.8  cc.  The 
10  cc.  of  jelly  contains  this  from  the  outset. 

Heat  hastens  diffusion. — Each  unit  5°  C. ;  10°  C.  is 
unity,  15°  C.  is  2  units,  20°  C.  3  units,  etc.  For 
practical  purposes  I  call  37°  C.  7  units. 

Time  increases  diffusion. — Ten  minutes  is  1  unit, 
twentv  minutes  2  units,  and  so  on. 


Stain,  Unna's  polychrome  methylene  blue  (Grubler), 
behaves  as  if  it  increased  diffusion. — Unit  0.1  cc. 

The  reason  why  the  "coefficient  jelly"  is  made  acid 
at  the  outset  is  this.  Alkalies  increase  diffusion; 
acids  delay  it.  Acids  neutralise  alkalies,  and  between 
the  two  there  is  a  neutral  point.  If  the  jelly  is 
neutral  at  the  outset,  we  might  have  to  add  acid  in 
the  case  of  a  cell  having  a  very  low  coefficient  of 
diffusion.  Again,  we  may  frequently  have  cases  of 
cells  which  stain  on  a  neutral  jelly.  Our  equation, 
therefore,  would  have  to  include  these  three  factors 
— alkalies,  acids,  and  a  neutral  point — which  would 
be  very  complicated,  as  the  neutral  point  would 
introduce  zero.  The  object  throughout  has  been  to 
make  the  determination  of  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 
cells,  and  the  estimation  of  diffusion  of  substances 
into  them,  as  simple  as  possible  in  their  practical 
application,  and  in  order  to  do  this  the  "coefficient 
jelly"  is  rendered  acid  at  the  outset  and  one  deals 
only  with  the  one  factor — alkali.  The  original  50  cc. 
of  jelly  contains  0 . 083  gramme  of  citric  acid ;  therefore 
each  tube  of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly"  contains  0.0083 
gramme  of  citric  acid;  and  each  tube  will  ultimately 
be  made  up  to  10  cc.,  which,  of  course,  will  also 
contain  this  amount  of  citric  acid,  unless  it  is 
neutralised  by  alkali.  This  0.083  gramme  of  citric 
acid  represents  2  units  of  acid,  and  it  is  neutralised 
by  2  units  of  alkali.  If  we  wrant  to  try  a  jelly  which 
is  acid  to  the  extent  of  2  units,  wTe  simply  add  no 
alkali.  We  are  not  likely  to  want  a  jelly  which  is 


more  acid  than  this,  for  we  have  never  yet  seen 
any  cell  stain  on  a  jelly  which  is  acid  beyond  the 
extent  of  1  unit.  We  must  remember  all  along, 
however,  that  the  jelly  at  the  outset  is  acid  to  the 
extent  of  2  units,  and  then  go  ahead  with  alkali.  If 
we  add  to  Solution  No.  2  10  units  of  alkali,  we  say 
that  the  jelly  contains  10  units;  but  in  reality  it  is 
only  alkaline  to  the  extent  of  8  units,  for  two  of 
them  have  been  utilised  in  neutralising  the  original 
2  units  of  acid.  Of  course,  the  neutralisation  of 
the  acid  increases  the  content  of  sodium  citrate  to 
a  slight  extent,  but  it  is  so  small  that  it  can  be 
neglected.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  by  saying  that  the 
content  of  sodium  citrate  is  usually  3  units,  which  is 
in  excess  of  the  reality,  we  compensate  for  the  extra 
salt  produced  by  neutralisation  of  the  acid.  The 
neutral  point  we  ignore.  If  a  jelly  contains  only 
2  units  of  alkali,  it  is  in  reality  neutral;  but  wre 
need  not  trouble  about  that.  There  is  no  neutral 
point  in  the  equation,  nor  is  there  a  symbol  for  acid; 
yet  the  neutral  point  and  acid  both  exist  in  the 
equation,  for  the  symbol  "2a"  means  neutrality; 
and  the  symbol  "a"  means  1  unit  of  acid,  whereas 
the  absence  of  the  symbol  "a"  means  2  units  of  acid. 
To  recapitulate:  Acids  and  the  neutral  point  are 
omitted  from  the  equation,  but  the  jelly  is  acid  at 
the  outset,  and  we  deal  only  with  alkali.  If  a  jelly 
contains  only  2  units  of  alkali,  that  jelly  is  neutral. 
If  a  jelly  contains  15  units  of  alkali,  it  really  is  only 
alkaline  to  the  extent  of  13  units.  The  jelly  basis 
with  which  we  work  is  known  as  "coefficient  jelly." 


It  is  kept  in  quantities  of  5  cc.  in  test-tubes  ready 
to  hand.  Each  "coefficient  jelly"  contains  sufficient 
salts  for  cells  to  live  on  it;  it  is  acid  to  the  extent 
of  2  units;  and  another  5  cc.  of  some  solution  must 
be  added  to  it  before  it  is  poured  on  to  a  slide  to  make 
the  "jelly-film."  The  film  is  always  made  from  10  cc. 
of  jelly. 

In  experimenting  with  a  certain  class  of  cells, 
one  must  in  the  first  instance  always  estimate  their 
coefficient  of  diffusion.  The  cells  are  mixed  with 
"citrate  solution"  and  kept  ready  at  the  room 
temperature,  preferably  in  the  revolving  apparatus 
(see  Chapter  II.). 

In  order  to  determine  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 
of  these  cells  a  tube  of  "coefficient  jelly"  is  taken  and 
a  few  units  of  stain  are  added  to  it,  together  with 
2  or  3  units  of  alkali  solution.  The  content  of  the 
tube  is  then  completed  up  to  10  cc.  with  water.  The 
tube  is  steeped  in  the  beaker  of  boiling  water  until  the 
"coefficient  jelly"  all  melts,  when  the  stain  and  alkali 
become  mixed  with  it,  as  will  be  presently  described. 
A  film  is  prepared  from  it  on  a  slide,  and  a  drop  of  the 
citrate  solution,  with  the  cells  in  suspension,  placed  on 
to  it  under  a  cover-glass.  The  specimen  is  kept  at  a 
certain  temperature — representing  a  certain  number  of 
units  of  heat — until  a  certain  number  of  minutes — repre- 
senting a  certain  number  of  units  of  time — have  elapsed, 
and  then  the  specimen  is  examined  under  the  micro- 
scope. If  the  nuclei  of  the  cells  are  not  yet  stained,  a 
few  more  minutes  (e.  g.  another  unit  of  time — ten  min- 
utes) are  allowed.  If,  then,  the  nuclei  are  not  stained, 


a  fresh  film  is  made  from  the  same  jelly,  and  it  is  kept 
at  a  higher  temperature — or  so  many  more  units  of 
heat — and  again  examined.  If  again  it  is  found  that  the 
nuclei  are  not  stained  at  the  end  of,  ,say,  half  an  hour, 
a  fresh  jelly  is  made,  but  with  more  units  of  alkali  or 
stain,  or  both,  added  to  a  fresh  Solution  2,  which  is 
added  to  a  fresh  tube  of  "coefficient  jelly."  If  the 
nuclei  still  again  remain  unstained,  one  must  try  more 
units  of  time  and  more  units  of  heat  again.  Thus  we 
can  go  on  trying  fresh  jellies,  each  of  which  contains 
more  units  of  alkali,  or  of  stain;  and  we  try  each  jelly 
for  a  few  minutes,  first  at  a  low  temperature  and  then 
with  a  few  more  units  of  heat,  until  at  last  we  find  that 
the  nuclei  of  the  cells  are  just  beginning  to  stain.  The 
number  of  units  of  stain,  alkali,  heat,  time,  etc.,  of  each 
film  is  noted  on  a  piece  of  paper,  and  therefore  there  is 
no  difficulty  in  knowing  exactly  how  many  units  the 
jelly  contained  which  was  instrumental  in  staining  the 
nuclei  of  the  cells.  The  units  of  this  jelly  are  then 
written  out  in  the  form  of  an  equation,  and  those 
which  retard  diffusion — i.e.  the  units  of  the  salts- 
are  subtracted  from  those  which  increase  diffusion, 
the  difference  being  the  number  which  is  the  co- 
efficient of  diffusion  of  the  class  of  cells  experimented 

Examples. — We  wish  to  find  the  cf  of  the 
phile  polynuclear  leucocyte.  A  small  quantity  of 
citrate  solution  is  drawn  up  into  a  capillary  tube,  as 
already  described,  and,  the  finger  having  been  pricked 
and  a  small  bead  of  blood  squeezed  out,  an  equal 
volume  of  blood  is  added  to  the  citrate  solution  in 


the  capillary  tube,  which  is  placed  in  the  "revolving 

Take  a  test-tube  of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly,"  which 
of  course,  being  cold,  is  set  in  the  bottom  of  the  tube. 
Add  to  it  0.4  cc.  (4  units)  of  Unna's  stain;  0.2  cc. 
(2  units)  of  alkali  solution.  Then  the  tube  must  have 
added  to  it  4.4  cc.  of  water,  to  make  its  total  contents 
up  to  10  cc.  The  colorless  "coefficient  jelly"  will  be 
set  at  the  bottom  of  the  tube,  and  above  this  will 
be  5  cc.  of  the  mixture  of  stain,  alkali,  and  water. 
The  test-tube  is  then  steeped  in  boiling  water,  when 
the  jelly  melts,  and,  as  it  does  so,  the  stain,  alkali,  and 
water  pervade  the  whole  of  its  contents  of  10  cc.  In 
reality  this  10  cc.  of  molten  jelly  is  neutral,  for  the 
2  units  of  alkali  have  just  neutralized  the  original 
acidity  of  the  "coefficient  jelly."  When  all  is  melted 
and  mixed,  the  tube  is  taken  out  of  the  boiling  water, 
and  the  contents  are  actually  boiled,  until  they  froth  up 
in  the  tube,  by  holding  the  end  of  the  tube  in  the  flame 
for  a  few  minutes.  A  drop  of  the  boiling,  stained 
mixture  is  then  run  on  to  the  slide.  Here  it  will  set 
firmly  in  about  three  minutes,  and  if  it  is  held  up  to 
the  light  the  jelly-film  will  be  found  to  be  quite  trans- 
lucent. A  clean  cover-glass  is  prepared,  and  a  drop  of 
the  citrated  blood  is  tapped  out  of  the  capillary  tube  on 
to  it.  The  size  of  the  drop  is  immaterial.  The  cover- 
glass  is  taken  up  bet\veen  the  finger  and  thumb,  in- 
verted so  that  the  drop  of  fluid  is  undermost,  and  it 
is  allowed  to  fall  flat  on  to  the  agar-film  on  the  slide. 
The  blood  spreads  over  the  film  under  the  cover-glass, 
and  the  slide  is  then  placed  in  the  37°  C.  incubator 


(7  units  of  heat)  for  10  minutes  (1  unit  of  time).     The 
index  of  diffusion  of  the  jelly  is  this: 

/ar=(4*  +  2o)  —  (3c  +  n), 

where  s  =  unit  of  stain,  a  =  unit  of  alkali,  c  =  unit  of 
sodium  citrate,  and  n  =  unit  of  sodium  chloride. 

At  the  expiry  of  the  ten  minutes  the  specimen  is 
examined,  when  it  will  be  seen  that  the  lymphocytes 
are  quite  unstained;  but  the  granules  of  the  polynu- 
clear  leucocytes  are  just  beginning  to  colour  red.  To 
find  the  cf  of  these  cells,  however,  it  is  stipulated  that 
their  nuclei  should  just  stain.  The  specimen  is  there- 
fore replaced  into  the  incubator  for  a  further  ten 
minutes.  Now  it  will  be  found  that  the  nuclei  of 
the  eosinophile  leucocytes  are  just  staining.  Hence, 
although  this  jelly  has  not  yet  given  us  the  coefficient 
of  diffusion  of  the  neutrophile  leucocyte,  it  has  de- 
termined that  of  the  eosinophile  cell,  which  may  be 
set  down  as  follows: 

Eosinophile  leucocytes 

where  h  =  unit  of  heat  and  /  =  unit  of  time. 

In  order  to  stain  the  nuclei  of  the  neutrophile  cells, 
we  could  place  the  same  specimen  for  another  ten 
minutes  in  the  incubator;  but  it  is  not  a  very  safe 
thing  to  do,  for  the  cells  by  this  time  may  be  dead. 
It  is  better  to  make  a  fresh  film  from  another  jelly 
which  contains  more  units  of  a  factor  which  increases 
diffusion.  We  may  add  more  stain  or  more  alkali. 
Let  us  try  another  unit  of  each,  thus:  To  a  fresh  tube 


of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly"  add  5  units  (0.5  cc.)  of 
stain,  3  units  of  alkali  (0.3  cc.  of  a  5-per-cent  sodium 
bicarbonate  solution)  ,  and  4.2  cc.  of  water  to  make 
it  up  to  the  10  cc.  of  jelly.  The  film  is  prepared  as 
before,  and  it  is  incubated  at  37°  C.  for  10  minutes. 
On  examination,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  nuclei  of  the 
neutrophile  cells  are  just  turning  scarlet.  Hence  this 
jelly  at  37°  C.  in  10  minutes  has  the  right  Index  of 
Diffusion  for  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  neutrophile 
leucocytes.  The  equation  may  be  thus  set  down: 

Neutrophile  leucocytes 

cf  =  (5s 

The  lymphocytes  have  a  cf  of  14  (2  units  higher 
than  that  of  the  neutrophile  cells).  We  may  cause 
their  nuclei1  to  stain  in  10  minutes  at  37°  C.  by  using 
a  jelly  similar  to  the  last  one,  but  by  either  increasing 
the  amount  of  alkali  by  2  units,  or  by  increasing  the 
concentration  of  the  stain  by  2  units,  or  by  increasing 
the  alkali  by  1  unit  and  the  stain  by  1  unit;  or  by 
increasing  the  time  by  2  units.  Let  us  try  a  jelly 
which  contains  2  more  units  of  stain,  for  now  the 
chromatin  of  the  cells  will  stain  deeply  and  show  up 
well.  The  jelly  is  made  thus:  To  a  tube  of  5  cc. 
of  "coefficient  jelly"  add  7  units  (0.7  cc.  of  stain),  3 
units  of  alkali,  and,  since  we  now  have  more  stain, 
only  4  cc.  of  water  is  needed  to  make  the  contents 
of  the  tube  up  to  10  cc.  The  whole  mixture  is  boiled 
and  a  drop  of  it  spread  on  a  slide  in  the  usual  manner. 
After  the  blood  has  been  mounted  on  it  the  slide  is 

1  See  Chapter  XII. 


incubated  at  37°  C.  for  10  minutes,  when  it  will  be 
seen  that  the  nuclei  of  the  lymphocytes  have  turned 


In  this  specimen  the  neutrophile  leukocytes  will 
have  burst,  for  the  jelly  has  an  index  of  diffusion  too 
high  for  them  by  2  units  —  their  cf  being  12.  For 
the  same  reason  the  eosinophile  cells  will  also  be  achro- 
matic, and  the  same  may  be  said  of  the  basophile  cell, 
although  it  is  very  difficult  to  stain  the  nuclei  of  these 
cells.  Their  of,  however,  is  about  the  same  as  that  of 
the  neutrophile  leucocyte. 

The  simple  equation  has  other  advantages.  It  can 
be  inverted,  so  to  speak,  and  the  units  of  the  different 
factors  can  replace  each  other  to  some  extent;  for  since 
the  units  of  the  several  factors  are  equal  to  one  another 
as  regards  their  power  of  increasing  or  decreasing  the 
diffusion,  one  can  interchange  them  at  will.  We  can 
make  two  jellies,  for  instance,  one  of  which  contains 
5  units  of  stain  and  2  of  alkali;  and  another  which 
contains  2  units  of  stain  and  5  of  alkali;  and  provided 
the  other  factors  are  the  same  in  the  films  made  from 
each  tube,  the  result  obtained  by  each  jelly  will  be 
identical.  The  equations  will  both  give  the  same 
total  : 

cf  =  (2s  +  5a  +  4/z,  +  2<)  -  (3c  +  n)  =9. 

Any  of  the  factors  may  thus  be  interchanged. 

We  may  delay   this  diffusion  by  adding  more  units 


of  salts.  The  (3c+n),  however,  is  the  usual  content  of 
salts  which  is  always  present  in  the  "coefficient  jelly," 
but  more  salts  may  be  added  in  the  shape  of  solutions 
to  the  5  cc.  which  also  contains  the  stain  and  alkali. 
Whatever  is  added  must  be  put  down  in  the  equation. 
The  only  substance  not  in  the  equation  is  agar, 
which,  as  already  noted,  does  not  affect  the  cells,  and 
which  is  always  present  in  the  same  strength  in  every 

Since  the  units  of  the  factors  are  equal  and  inter- 
changeable, and  since  their  sum  is  equivalent  to  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion,  the  numeral  which  constitutes 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  in  the  equation  can  be  inter- 
changed with  an  equivalent  number  of  units  of  one 
or  more  of  any  of  the  factors.  We  may  reverse  the 
equation,  therefore,  and,  provided  we  already  know  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the  cell  experimented  with, 
we  can,  by  this  reversal,  determine  in  a  moment  the  exact 
quantity  of  any  factor  required  to  obtain  staining  of  the 
nucleus.  That  is  to  say,  that  if  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 
is  known,  and  if  all  the  other  factors,  except  one,  are 
given  quantities,  then  we  can  determine  the  required 
quantity  of  the  one  unknown  factor  simply  by  reversing 
the  equation;  always  remembering  the  well-known 
algebraic  law  that  in  bringing  one  factor  from  one  side 
of  the  equation  to  the  other,  we  must  change  the  signs. 
For  instance,  suppose  a  strain  of  Spirochceta  refringens 
has  a  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  20,  and  one  wishes  to 
stain  a  sample  of  them :  Let  us  suppose  there  is  a  jelly 
to  hand  which  contains  6  units  of  stain,  8  units  of  alkali, 
and  the  usual  content  of  salts  in  the  "coefficient  jelly" 



from  which  it  was  prepared.  The  total  contents  of  the 
tube  has  already  been  made  up  to  10  cc.  as  usual.  The 
specimen  is  prepared  and  incubated  at  37°  C.  Then  the 
question  must  be  asked,  How  long  must  the  specimen 
remain  in  the  incubator  before  the  spirochsetes  will  be 
stained  ?  We  could,  of  course,  keep  taking  the  speci- 
men out  and  looking  at  it,  but  every  time  we  did  this 
we  should  lower  the  temperature  and  spoil  the  experi- 
ment. It  is  much  simpler  to  plot  the  equation.  The 
coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the  spirochsetes  is  a  known 
quantity,  i.e.  20;  the  time  is  now  the  unknown  factor. 
We  therefore  exchange  the  places  of  the  symbols  cf 
and  t,  thus: 

t=  3,  or  3  units  of  time,  i.e.  half  an  hour. 

Likewise,  since  the  units  of  all  the  factors  are  equal, 
we  may  interchange  any  of  them.  Another  example 
may  be  given.  A  certain  strain  of  Amoeba  coli  from 
a  "culture"  has  a  cf  of  13.  We  want  to  stain  the 
nuclei  of  these  parasites  in  10  minutes  with  a  jelly 
which  contains  7  units  of  alkali.  But  we  want  to 
stain  them  at  the  room  temperature  of  20°  C.  The 
jelly  contains  its  usual  content  of  sodium  citrate  and 
sodium  chloride  —  i.e.  3  units  of  the  former  and  1  of 
the  latter.  How  much  Unna's  stain  must  we  add  to 
the  tube  of  jelly  to  obtain  the  required  result  ? 

The  number  of  units  of  s  is  the  quantity  required, 
hence  : 


six  units  of  stain  will  be  required,  or  0.6  cc.  of  Unna's 

The  foregoing  examples  show  how  the  coefficient  of 
diffusion  is  determined,  and  how,  after  it  has  been 
ascertained,  one  can,  by  means  of  the  equation,  find 
out  other  factors,  which  may  be  unknown  quantities. 
It  follows  that  by  this  procedure  other  substances  can 
be  made  to  diffuse  into  the  cells.  This  method  of 
calculation  has  been  used  throughout  these  researches, 
and  it  will  be  seen  that  further  examples  will  be  given 
in  the  future  chapters  of  this  book. 

The  factors  most  often  employed  are  alkali  and  heat. 
Salts  are  not  usually  varied  a  greal  deal,  although  their 
amounts  can  be  altered  if  necessary  by  adding  more  of 
them  to  the  second  solution. 

The  determination  of  the  units  of  any  other  sub- 
stance is  carried  out  on  the  principle  that  all  units  must 
be  equal.  Let  us  take  a  substance  like  urea,  for  in- 
stance. It  delays  the  diffusion  of  other  substances, 
such  as  Unna's  stain.  All  that  has  to  be  done  is  to 
find  out  how  much  urea  must  be  contained  in  the 
10  cc.  of  jelly  to  neutralize  the  increasing  action  of  a 
unit  of  alkali.  Having  found  out  the  unit  of  the  fresh 
substance,  that  unit  is  added  to  the  equation  in  the 
usual  wray.  If  it  increases  diffusion  it  is  placed  in 
the  bracket  with  the  alkali  and  heat;  if  it  delays  diffu- 
sion it  is  bracketed  with  the  salts. 

Lastly,  having  obtained  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 
of  a  class  of  cells  by  measuring  the  rate  of  diffusion 
of  the  stain,  the  stain  may  be  omitted  and  any  other 
substance  substituted  for  it.  If  more  than  one  sub- 


stance  is  made  to  diffuse  into  the  cells,  they  may  each 
affect  the  diffusion  of  the  other;  for  they  may  them- 
selves be  alkalies,  acids,  or  salts.  In  this  case  the  unit 
of  each  must  be  found,  and  their  action  on  the  diffusion 
of  other  substances  into  the  cell  allowed  for. 

It  is  necessary  to  point  out  that  this  method  is 
reliable  only  within  certain  limits,  and  precautions  must 
be  taken  to  prevent  errors  due  to  employing  excessive 
amounts  of  substances,  heat,  and  time,  and  those  due 
to  possible  contingencies  arising  when  dealing  with  cells 
from  tissues. 

The  following  list  of  precautions  has  been  copied 
from  the  paper  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society: 

Precautions. — As  regards  Life  and  Death:  In  a 
previous  paper1  it  has  been  shown  that  the  staining 
of  the  nuclei  of  leucocytes,  when  examined  by  this 
method,  is  a  sign  of  death,  and  that  the  nuclei  of  dead 
cells  will  stain,  ceteris  paribus,  before  those  of  living 
cells.  Consequently  all  the  experiments  given  in  the 
present  paper  have  been  made  with  fresh  normal  cells, 
and  in  the  case  of  micro-organisms,  with  cultures  not 
more  than  forty-eight  hours  old.  It  may  also  be  men- 
tioned that  the  liquefaction  of  the  cytoplasm  which 
occurs  after  death  materially  alters  the  conditions  of 
staining  of  leucocytes,  and  that  the  cf  of  living  cells 
falls  gradually  after  the  blood  has  been  shed. 

As  regards  Excess  of  Alkali,  causing  rapid  death 
and  liquefaction  of  the  cytoplasm,  with  consequent 
prevention  of  staining  (achromasia) :  The  addition  of 

1  "On  the  Death  of  Leucocytes"  (H.  C.  Ross,  Journal  of  Physiology, 
vol.  xxxvii.,  p.  327,1908). 


excess  of  alkali  may  cause  death,  staining  of  the  nuclei, 
liquefaction,  and  the  loss  of  stain  on  the  part  of  the 
cells.1  This  may  occur  before  a  preparation  can  be 
focused,  in  which  case  the  cells  appear  unstained 
and  will  refuse  to  stain,  no  matter  how  much  stain  or 
alkali  are  tried.  Therefore  it  is  better  to  begin  with  a 
low  index  of  diffusion  and  to  try  tube  after  tube,  each 
containing  a  little  more  alkali,  until  staining  is  ob- 
tained. Further,  the  amount  of  sodium  bicarbonate 
should  not  exceed  twenty  units,  because,  as  has  already 
been  pointed  out  in  a  former  paper,1  if  added  to  excess 
it  may  act  as  a  neutral  salt  and  delay  diffusion. 

As  regards  Excess  of  Deficiency  or  Heat:  A  tem- 
perature above  40°  C.  may  allow  the  cells  to  diffuse 
through  the  agar.2  A  temperature  below  15  degrees 
has  not  been  experimented  with,  because,  even  at  a 
temperature  of  20°  C.  it  requires  a  minimum  of  3  units 
of  stain  to  cause  staining  of  the  nuclei  of  leucocytes 
in  spite  of  the  addition  of  a  large  amount  of  alkali, 
for  the  alkali  is  not  sufficient,  per  se,  to  cause  the 
cells  to  absorb  sufficient  stain  to  colour  the  nuclei 
unless  the  stain  is  concentrated. 

As  regards  Excess  of  Time:  A  period  of  more 
than  half  an  hour  has  not  been  employed  for  fear 
of  death  and  liquefaction  of  the  cytoplasm,  for  the 
cells  may  die  and  become  achromatic  before  there 
has  been  time  for  sufficient  stain  to  diffuse  into  them 
to  cause  staining  of  the  nuclei,  in  which  case,  of  course, 
the  cells  will  never  stain. 

As  regards  Excess  of  Stain:  More  than  10  units 
of  stain  may  cause  precipitation  of  the  agar  as  the 
film  cools  on  the  slide,  and  the  precipitate  carries 

1  "On  the  Death  of  Leucocytes"  (H.  C.  Ross,  Journal  of  Physiology, 
vol.  xxxvii.,  p.  327,  1908). 

"The  diffusions  of  Red  Blood  Corpuscles  through  Solid  Nutrient  Agar" 
(H.  C.  Ross,  British  MedicalJournal,  May  5,  1906). 


some  of  the  stain  down  with  it,  vitiating  the  results, 
for  it  has  been  shown  that  agar  is  not  very  soluble 
in  cold  stain.1 

As  regards  Examination:  The  observation  of  cells 
floating  near  a  bubble  under  the  cover-glass  should 
be  avoided.  The  fact  that  blood-cells  in  such  a 
situation  will  stain  before  others  has  already  been 
noted.1  I  consider  this  to  be  due  to  these  cells  floating 
in  a  small  quantity  of  alkaline  citrated  plasma  collected 
round  the  bubble. 

Consequently  the  experiments  have  all  been  made 
within  the  compass  of  the  above  restrictions.  It  may 
also  be  advised  that  when  unnucleated  cells  contain 
granules  in  their  cytoplasm  the  staining  of  the  gran- 
ules gives  a  more  constant  rate  than  the  staining  of  the 
cytoplasm.  By  this  means  it  is  seen  that  the  cf  of  the 
blood-platelet  is  identical  with  that  of  the  polymorpho- 
nuclear  cells. 

1  "On  the  Death  of  Leucocytes"  (H.  C.  Ross,  Journal  of  Physiology, 
vol.  xxxvii.,  p.  327,  1908). 



IN  this  chapter  I  shall  discuss  the  effects  of  the  diffusion 
of  substances  into  a  cell,  when  that  diffusion  occurs  to 
excess.  A  cell's  protoplasm  can  utilize  only  a  certain 
amount  of  the  dissolved  substance  or  substances  which 
diffuse  into  it  from  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of 
the  cell.  One  can,  however,  push  this  diffusion  by  the 
agency  of  one  or  both  of  the  factors — heat  and  alkali 
—which  increase  diffusion,  and  if  wre  do  this  some  of 
the  neighbouring  liquid  itself  passes  into  the  cell  and 
remains  suspended  as  minute  droplets  in  the  cytoplasm. 
These  droplets  have  been  called  "  diffusion- vacuoles." 
When  they  were  first  seen,  five  years  ago,  the  cells  were 
resting  on  stained  jelly/and  since  the  "diffusion- vacuoles" 
were  stained  they  were  therefore  called  "red  spots." 

Diffusion-vacuoles  must  not  be  confounded  with 
the  ordinary  vacuoles  (fig.  16)  which  appear  as  colour- 
less, non-granular  patches  in  leucocytes.  Many  theories 
have  been  advanced  regarding  these  latter  vacuoles, 
but  although  we  have  so  often  seen  them,  we  have  no 
explanation  to  offer  as  to  their  nature.  They  are 



certainly  not  composed  of  liquid;  they  are  not  cavities; 
and,  so  far  as  we  have  observed,  they  play  no  part  in 
cell-division.  When  the  cytoplasm  liquefies  at  death 
they  disappear,  and  when  a  cell  divides  they  seem  to 
migrate  into  the  cytoplasm,  remaining  outside  the 
chromosomes  and  centrosomes. 

The  diffusion-vacuole  is  quite  another  kind  of  body 
(fig.  17).  It  is  never  seen  in  a  normal  cell  which  has 
been  freshly  removed  from  the  tissues.  "Red  spots" 
alwrays  appear  gradually  (fig.  18),  beginning  as  minute 
coloured  points  in  the  cytoplasm,  which  gradually 
become  larger  until — in  the  case  of  leucocytes — they 
may  become  as  large  as  a  lobe  of  the  nucleus.  Two 
or  more  may  coalesce  to  form  one  large  diffusion- 
vacuole;  and  their  appearance  depends  entirely  on  the 
laws  of  diffusion;  in  fact,  they  may  be  produced  in 
leucocytes  at  will  by  arranging  the  plus  factors,  heat 
and  alkali,  in  the  equation  in  such  a  way  that  they 
promote  the  diffusion  of  a  substance  to  excess. 

Diffusion-vacuoles  appear  only  in  living  protoplasm. 
After  death  the  cytoplasm  liquefies  and  the  cell 
becomes  disorganized,  when  diffusion-vacuoles  cannot 
appear  in  it.  The  actual  passage  of  a  substance,  say, 
stain,  through  a  living  cell's  cytoplasm  occupies  a 
certain  amount  of  time,  which  can  be  shortened  by 
Jieat  or  alkalies  and  lengthened  by  salts.  If  heat  and 
alkali  are  present,  but  the  salts  are  absent,  the  stain 
diffuses  into  the  cell  so  quickly  that  death  may  ensue 
in  a  few  moments,  because  the  nucleus  becomes  stained.. 
Indeed,  one  may  thus  cause  death  in  a  few  seconds; 
and  death  is  accompanied  by  liquefaction  of  the  cyto- 



FIG.  16. — A  stained  leucocyte.     The  ordinary  vacuoles  (colourless  patches 
amongst  the  cell-granules)  are  well  shown.     The  cell  has  just  died. 

FIG.  17. — Diffusion-vacuoles  in  a  leucocyte. 


plasm,  which,  when  it  is  alive,  appears  to  be  in  the  form 
of  a  jelly.  Now,  it  is  obvious  that  if  the  cytoplasm 
liquefies  in  a  few  seconds,  diffusion-vacuoles  cannot  ap- 
pear, for  it  is  unlikely  that  a  liquid  like  a  solution  of  stain 
cannot  remain  suspended  in  droplets  in  another  liquid 
like  liquefied  cytoplasm.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the 
cytoplasm  is  alive  and  jelly-like,  any  excess  of  stain  which 
diffuses  into  it  will  become  suspended  in  it  as  a  "red 
spot."  Hence,  if  death  is  caused  extremely  rapidly,  no 
matter  to  what  excess  the  diffusion  is  increased,  diffusion- 
vacuoles  will  not  appear,  and,  owing  to  the  excess, 
liquid  passes  into  the  cell.  If  this  excess  is  great,  the 
dead  cell  will  be  seen  to  burst  (it  appears  even  to 
explode  sometimes,  especially  if  there  are  no  salts  to 
delay  the  diffusion),  and  the  cell-granules  are  scattered 
about  the  field  of  the  microscope.  It  is  a  well-known 
fact  that  if  water  is  mixed  with  blood,  the  leucocytes 
will  burst,  the  reason  being  the  same,  for  the  water 
passes  into  the  killed  and  liquefying  cytoplasm,  and  the 
intracellular  tension  is  so  great  that  rupture  of  the  cell- 
wall  takes  place.  There  are  no  salts  to  delay  the 
diffusion  of  the  water,  which  now  occurs  to  such  excess 
that  it  causes  the  cell  to  rupture. 

In  order  to  demonstrate  the  diffusion-vacuoles, 
therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  delay  death,  which  can 
be  done  by  placing  salts  in  the  jelly- film  such  as  are 
present  in  the  "coefficient  jelly."  Diffusion  is  then 
increased  by  alkali  or  heat  until  maximum  diffusion, 
short  of  causing  death,  is  obtained;  for  it  must  be 
remembered  that  all  artificial  substances  will  kill 
human  cells,  and  the  more  they  diffuse  into  them  the 


more  rapidly  will  the  cells  die.  If  now  half  a  unit 
more  of  alkali  is  added  to  the  jelly,  or  two  or  three 
more  degrees  of  temperature  are  tried,  diffusion- 
vacuoles  will  gradually  make  their  appearance  in  all 
the  cells. 

For  instance,  "red  spots"  are  readily  produced 
in  leucocytes.  Any  jelly  which  has  the  correct  index 
of  diffusion  for  a  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  12  will 
cause  them  to  appear  if  another  drop  of  alkali  is 
added  to  the  jelly.  The  diffusion  of  the  stain  must 
be  excessive;  but  not  so  excessive  as  to  cause  death 
in  a  few  seconds.  It  is  necessary  to  hit  off  those 
amounts  of  alkali  and  heat  which  will  cause  liquid 
to  pass  into  the  cells,  but  which  will  not  unduly 
hasten  death  by  staining  the  nucleus  too  rapidly. 
If  this  is  done  accurately,  these  remarkable  diffusion 
vacuoles  suddenly  begin  to  appear.  If  the  diffusion 
is  still  further  increased,  the  cells  will  burst  and 
become  achromatic  instantly.  The  appearance  of 
the  diffusion-vacuole  may  be  regarded  as  the  safety- 
point  of  diffusion;  and  it  is  a  signal  that  no  more 
alkali  or  heat  may  be  tried,  or  the  cells  may  burst. 

It  is  interesting  to  watch  the  fate  of  these  vacuoles. 
Since  the  substance  is  diffusing  into  the  cells  to  excess, 
this  diffusion  must  cause  death  in  a  short  time, 
.even  though  the  cells  do  not  burst.  Before  this 
occurs,  however,  the  diffusion  steadily  increases,  and 
the  "red  spots"  get  larger.  When  death  takes  place 
the  cytoplasm  liquefies  slowly,  beginning  at  the. 
periphery  and  progressing  more  and  more  towards 
the  nucleus.  As  the  cytoplasm  liquefies,  more  and 



FIG.  18. — A  dead  leucocyte  in  which  diffusion- vacuoles  are  beginning  to 


FIG.  19. — A  ditiusion-vacuole  in  a  lymphocyte.     Low  power. 


more  of  the  cell-granules  show  the  remarkable  danc- 
ing Brownian  movements,  and  the  liquefying  cyto- 
plasm gradually  involves  the  diffusion-vacuoles,  one 
by  one.  When  the  liquefying  cytoplasm,  which 
immediately  surrounds  a  vacuole,  becomes  of  the 
same  consistency  as  the  liquid  within  the  vacuole, 
the  latter,  which  in  reality  is  like  a  bubble  of  liquid 
suspended  in  a  liquefying  jelly,  suddenly  bursts  and 
disperses,  leaving  a  cup-shaped  cavity  in  that  portion 
of  the  more  central  cytoplasm  which  has  not  yet 
become  liquefied.  One  by  one  all  the  vacuoles 
disperse,  and  either  immediately  before  or  after 
their  dispersal  general  achromasia  of  the  cell  ensues, 
for  achromasia  also  depends  on  the  liquefaction  of 
the  cytoplasm.  Vacuoles  have  never  been  seen  to 
"disperse"  in  a  living  cell;  it  is  necessary  for  the 
cytoplasm  to  liquefy  for  this  to  happen,  and  lique- 
faction occurs  only  at  death.  Diffusion-vacuoles  will 
frequently  be  seen  when  experimenting  with  this 
in-vitro  method,  large  numbers  of  them  sometimes 
making  their  appearance  in  a  single  cell;  but  they 
will  all  disappear  after  a  short  time.  I  have  seen 
them  in  all  varieties  of  blood-cells  (figs.  19,  20). 

The  colour  of  the  diffusion-vacuole  depends  on  the 
colour  of  the  solution  or  jelly  in  \vhich  the  cell  is 
resting.  If  the  jelly  contains  a  red  dye,  such  as 
polychrome  blue,  the  vacuoles  will  be  red;  ordinary 
methylene  blue  causes  them  to  appear  blue.  If  no 
stain  is  present  the  vacuoles  will  be  colorless;  if 
stain  is  present  the  coloration  of  a  vacuole  is  always 
deeper  than  the  colour  of  the  surrounding  jelly.  We 


believe  the  reason  for  this  is,  that  when  the  droplet  of 
liquid  becomes  suspended  in  the  jelly-like  cytoplasm 
it  forms  a  cavity  in  it,  and  the  walls  of  the  cavity 
actually  become  stained.  This  is  readily  seen  when 
the  vacuoles  disperse,  for  portions  of  the  stained  wall 
of  the  cavity  can  be  demonstrated.  When  cytoplasm 
is  wounded  (the  formation  of  a  vacuole  in  it  really  con- 
stitutes a  wound  of  it)  the  cytoplasm  stains  deeply  with 
an  anilin  dye,  and  this  appears  to  be  the  reason  why  the 
"red  spots"  seem  to  be  so  deeply  coloured.  Moreover, 
being  spherical  droplets,  they  are  highly  refractile. 

We  have  never  seen  diffusion-vacuoles  in  normal 
cells  immediately  after  they  have  been  removed  from 
the  body;  it  is  always  necessary  to  induce  them. 
There  is  an  exception  to  this  rule,  however,  in  the 
cells  of  some  malignant  growths,  especially  cancer  of 
the  breast,  in  which  we  have  frequently  seen  large 
"red  spots."  We  think  that  it  is  possible  that  the 
injured  cytoplasm  associated  with  these  spots  may 
produce  the  deeply  staining  patches  which  have  been 
described  as  "archoplasm"  in  these  cells  when  they 
are  fixed  and  stained  by  the  older  methods.  In  a 
former  paper  we  also  suggested  that  archoplasm  might 
be  derived  from  chromatin  which  has  diffused  through 
the  cytoplasm  to  some  extent,  and  we  still  think  that 
this  may  be  possible,  but  it  is  also  probable  that  archo- 
plasm is  derived  from  the  fixation  of  injured  cytoplasm 
connected  with  a  dift'usion-vacuole.  We  have  never 
seen  anything  like  the  commonly  described  archoplasm 
in  a  normal  living  leucocyte,  and  it  certainty  does  not 
play  any  role  in  their  cell-division. 


There  appears  to  be  little  doubt  that  archoplasm 
does  not  exist  normally  in  a  living  cell;  it  can  be 
produced  in  them,  however,  by  lowering  their  co- 
efficient of  diffusion  by  keeping  them  for  some  hours 
in  extracts  of  dead  tissues — aYid  this  is,  we  believe,  the 
reason  why  it  appears  so  frequently  in  living  cancer- 

It  is  obvious  that  substances  will,  ceteris  paribus, 
diffuse  more  readily  into  a  cell  if  it  has  a  coefficient 
of  diffusion  lower  than  its  normal  one,  and,  for  the 
same  reason,  vacuoles  can  more  easily  be  induced  in 
it.  For  instance,  no  diffusion-vacuoles  will  appear  in 
fresh  leucocytes  when  they  are  resting  on  a  jelly  which 
will  not  cause  the  maximum  diffusion  of  stain  into 
them;  but  if  we  lower  their  coefficient  of  diffusion, 
and  again  place  them  on  the  same  jelly,  not  only  may 
the  maximum  amount  of  stain  now  pass  in,  but  it  may 
pass  in  to  excess,  and  diffusion-vacuoles  will  appear. 
This  fact  has  led  to  the  determination  of  a  point  of 
scientific  interest  which  has  been  controversial  for  more 
than  half  a  century.  It  has  proved  that  the  blood- 
platelet  is  a  living  cell1;  for  diffusion-vacuoles  will 
not  appear  in  the  normal  blood-platelets,  but  if  their 
coefficient  of  diffusion  is  lowered  by  causing  gradual 
death,  the  lowering  of  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  so 
occasioned  will  now  permit  "red  spots"  to  be  induced 
in  them. 

Our  experiments  up  to  the  present  have  revealed 
the  fact  that  the  coefficients  of  diffusion  of  all  cells 
fall  gradually  as  their  vitality  fails,  provided  this  loss 
of  vitality  is  gradual.  The  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 

'A  paper  by  myself  on  "V.  Ph.  Vacuolation  of  Blood-platelets  "  was 
published  in  The  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society,  B.,  vol.  Ixxxi,  1909. 


leucocytes  may  fall  by  as  much  as  one  unit  if  the  cells 
have  been  shed  for  more  than  twenty-four  hours  and 
kept  in  citrate  solution  at  the  room-temperature. 
There  are  certain  substances  also  which  expedite  this 
loss  of  vitality  and  its  accompanying  lowering  of  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion,  especially  certain  alkaloids  and 
extracts  of  dead  tissues;  and  it  was  in  the  course  of 
experimentation  with  the  alkaloid  morphine  hydro- 
chloride  that  diffusion-vacuoles  were  seen  in  the 
blood-platelets  for  the  first  time. 

The  events  which  led  to  the  discovery  of  diffusion- 
vacuoles  in  blood-platelets  are  worthy  of  mention. 

Soon  after  this  method  of  in-vitro  staining  was 
suggested  by  Professor  Ronald  Ross  about  five  years 
ago,  either  he  or  I  saw  the  "red  spots"  for  the  first 
time  in  leucocytes.  The  laws  of  diffusion  which  I 
have  described  were  not  then  known,  and  only  minute 
vacuoles  had  been  seen  in  the  cells,  for  alkalies  had 
not  been  employed.  These  spots  only  appeared  as 
minute  red  points  in  the  cytoplasm,  and  in  appear- 
ance they  certainly  resembled  the  centrosomes  of 
plants  and  other  cells;  for  it  must  be  remembered 
that  hitherto  leucocytes  have  never  been  seen  to  divide, 
and  no  one  knew  what  their  centrosomes  were  like. 
In  the  preliminary  note  in  The  Lancet1  by  Professor 
Ross  and  Messrs.  Moore  and  Walker,  in  which  this 
in-vitro  method  was  first  described,  these  "red  spots" 
were  mentioned,  and  it  was  suggested  that,  from  their 
appearance,  they  might  possibly  be  centrosomes.  Now, 
it  is  well  known  that  the  nature  of  the  blood-platelet 

lThe  Lancet,  July  27,  1907. 



FIG.  20. — A  diffusion-vacuole  in  a  granular  red  cell. 

FIG.  21. — A  clump  of  normal  blood-platelets.     They  are  resting  on  a  jelly 
which  will  just  stain  their  granules. 


(fig.  21)  has  been  a  matter  of  great  controversy  for  many 
years ;  some  say  that  they  are  normal  constituents  of 
the  blood,  but  are  precipitates  of  the  plasma.  Others 
say  that  they  are  extruded  nuclei  of  red  cells,  and 
again  it  has  been  suggested  that  they  are  derived  from 
leucocytes.  Lastly,  some  people  say,  even  to  this  day, 
that  they  arise  from  all  three  sources.  In  view  of  this 
controversy,  Professor  Ross  and  his  collaborators,  con- 
sidering the  "red  spots"  in  leucocytes  to  be  centro- 
somes,  suggested  that  if  anybody  could  find  them  in  the 
blood-platelets  it  would,  of  course,  settle  once  and  for 
all  the  real  cellular  nature  of  these  bodies. 

A  short  time  after  this,  while  I  was  working  to 
determine  the  laws  of  diffusion  by  this  method,  I 
appreciated  that  "red  spots"  were  not  centrosomes  at 
all,  but  were  diffusion-vacuoles — a  fact  which  I  pub- 
lished in  The  Journal  of  Physiology*  and  a  fact  which 
was  afterwards  confirmed  when  divisions  were  induced 
in  leucocytes  and  the  real  centrosomes  demonstrated. 

This  knowledge  rendered  Professor  Ross's  sugges- 
tion of  less  importance,  for  since  the  spots  are  not 
centrosomes,  the  discovery  of  them  in  the  platelets 
would  not  prove  that  these  bodies  found  in  the  blood 
were  cells  capable  of  reproduction.  But  when  I  was 
experimenting  with  morphia  on  blood-cells  I  acci- 
dentally discovered  the  "red  spots"  in  all  the  blood- 
platelets  (figs.  22,  23). 

Now,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  these  spots  are 
not  centrosomes,  their  appearance  in  the  blood-plate- 
lets still  proves  that  these  minute  bodies  are  living 

1  Journal  of  Physiology,  vol.  xxxvii,  No.  4. 


cells;  because  these  diffusion- vacuoles  will  appear  only 
in  living  cytoplasm. 

Moreover,  vacuoles  will  never  appear  in  normal 
blood-platelets — they  are  never  seen  in  fresh  blood- 
films.  It  is  necessary  to  keep  the  blood  in  an  equal 
volume  of  citrated  solution  of  morphia  (a  1-per-cent 
solution  of  morphine  hydrochloride  in  citrate  solution) 
for  four  hours  at  37°  C.  A  drop  of  the  mixture  is  then 
examined  on  a  film  of  jelly  in  the  usual  wray,  and  the 
film  of  jelly  should  have  the  correct  index  of  diffusion, 
and  be  kept  at  the  right  temperature  and  time  for 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  leucocytes,  i.e.  12.  The 
diffusion-vacuoles  will  then  appear  in  all  the  blood- 
platelets.  This  experiment  is  a  very  easy  one,  and 
certain  in  its  results. 

The  action  of  the  morphia  is  the  same  on  the 
blood-platelets  as  it  is  on  leucocytes  and  lympho- 
cytes. It  lowers  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  to  a 
marked  degree,  and  it  appears  to  do  this  by  causing 
gradual  death.  Morphia,  in  the  1-per-cent  solution, 
is  a  slow  poison  for  leucocytes,  for  it  will  kill  most 
of  them  at  37°  C.  in  about  six  hours.  After  incuba- 
tion for  four  hours,  however,  when  the  cells  are  placed 
on  the  jelly,  the  cells  are  still  alive,  but  their  coeffi- 
cient of  diffusion  is  so  lowered  by  the  poison  that 
the  jelly,  instead  of  merely  causing  maximum  diffusion, 
now  causes  diffusion  to  excess,  and  the  leucocytes 
and  lymphocytes  become  intensely  vacuolated  (fig. 
24).  Further,  the  blood-platelets  will  now  exhibit 
"red  spots." 

In  addition  to  lowering  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 



FIG.  22. — Diffusion-vacuoles  in  blood-platelets.  The  cells  are  resting 
on  the  same  jelly-film  as  those  in  21,  but  they  had  been  subjected  to  the 
action  of  morphine  hydrochloride. 

FIG.    23. — Diffusion-vacuoles   in   blood-platelets.     The   jelly-film   had    the 
same  index  of  diffusion  as  that  employed  in  21. 


FIG.  24. — A  specimen  of  blood  which  had  been  mixed  with  morphia 
solution.  Note  the  extreme  vacuolation  of  the  leucocyte.  A  blood-platelet 
is  also  vacuolated.  The  same  jelly  as  in  21. 

»  •^^•I^BMBm^C^HBHaE  •• 

FIG.  25. — Patches  resembling  archoplasm  induced  in  a  leucocyte  by 
subjecting  the  blood  to  an  extract  of  a  dead  tissue.  The  jelly-film  on  which 
the  cells  are  resting  is  similar  to  that  employed  in  21. 


by  causing  gradual  death,  morphia  undoubtedly  has 
a  profound  effect  on  the  cellular  cytoplasm,  for  other 
alkaloids,  so  far  as  they  have  been  tried,  do  not  cause 
vacuolation  of  the  platelets.  On  the  other  hand, 
we  have  occasionally  seen  a  vacuolated  blood-platelet 
from  a  specimen  of  blood  which  has  been  mixed  for 
about  twelve  hours  with  a  citrated  solution  (100  per 
cent  of  suprarenal  extract).  It  has  already  been 
mentioned  that  extracts  of  dead  tissues  lower  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion,  and  in  producing  vacuolation 
they  also  produce  archoplasm  in  leucocytes  (fig.  24). 
Possibly,  as  mentioned  before,  the  archoplasm  which 
is  so  frequently  seen  in  cancer  cells  is  derived  from 
the  vacuolation  caused  by  the  action  of  the  remains 
of  dead  tissues  on  the  cells.  If  leucocytes  which  have 
been  subjected  to  morphia  and  have  been  placed  on 
jelly  as  above  described  are  watched  for  some  time, 
patches  which  might  be  described  as  archoplasm  may 
often  be  seen  in  them  as  a  result  of  the  dispersal  of 
many  of  the  diffusion-vacuoles  induced  by  the  alkaloid. 
We  cannot,  of  course,  state  definitely  that  these  patches 
are  identical  writh  what  is  known  as  archoplasm,  and 
we  have  never  seen  anything  which  could  be  described 
as  it  in  normal  leucocytes  examined  by  this  method; 
but  that  induced  in  them  by  extracts  and  morphia  is 
nearer  the  usual  interpretation  of  archoplasm  as  seen 
in  fixed  specimens  than  anything  we  have  seen. 

Since  the  blood-platelets  can  be  made  to  become 
vacuolated  by  lowering  their  coefficient  of  diffusion 
by  the  action  of  the  poison  morphia;  and  since  all  the 
blood-platelets  in  a  specimen  thus  respond  to  it,  it 


is  clear  that  the  blood-platelet  is  a  living  cell  and 
not  a  precipitate.  As  far  as  we  know,  no  precipitate 
has  a  coefficient  of  diffusion,  and  even  if  such  a 
thing  were  possible,  one  certainly  could  not  lower  it 
by  causing  approaching  death  with  morphia. 

Blood-platelets  unquestionably  are  living  cells;  and 
they  can  actually  be  seen  to  be  produced  by  leuco- 
cytes when  they  are  examined  on  a  jelly-film  by 
this  method.  They  are  all  the  same  class  of  cell,  ap- 
parently produced  in  the  same  manner.  If  a  speci- 
men of  fresh  blood  is  spread  on  a  jelly  which  contains 
stain  and  an  alkaloid  such  as  atropine  sulphate,  as 
will  be  described  in  the  next  chapter,  the  leucocytes 
and  the  lymphocytes  become  excited  and  extrude  long 
pseudopodia.  Sometimes  these  pseudopodia  become 
detached  from  the  cells  (fig.  26),  when  the  fragment 
appears  to  be  identical  with  a  blood-platelet.  They 
may  contain  a  few  granules  derived  from  the  leucocytes. 
Moreover,  the  blood-platelet  is  also  highly  amoeboid 
under  this  excitation;  and  their  amoeboid  movements 
can  easily  be  seen  by  this  method.  Deetjen,  several 
years  ago,  asserted  that  blood-platelets  showed  amoeboid 
movements,  although,  of  course,  he  did  not  employ 
alkaloids  to  excite  them.  By  this  method,  however, 
not  only  can  they  be  readily  seen  to  show  movements, 
but  they  have  also  actually  been  photographed  in  the 
act  (fig.  27).  We  have  also  succeeded  in  obtaining 
a  negative  of  a  blood-platelet  apparently  being  produced 
by  a  leucocyte  (fig.  26) .  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  plate- 
lets stained  by  this  method  have  such  a  remarkable 
resemblance  to  leucocytes  that  in  the  very  earliest 


FIG.  26  — An  extruded  pseudopodium  becoming  detached  from  a  leucocyte 
which  is  excited  by  atropine.     No  stain. 

G.  2 1. — Amoeboid  movements  excited  in  a  blood-platelet  by  the  action 

of  atropine. 


experiments  it  became  apparent  that  these  bodies  were 
associated  with  those  cells.  We  have  never  succeeded, 
however,  in  making  a  platelet  reproduce  itself,  even  with 
the  most  powerful  exciter  of  cell-division.  Blood-plate- 
lets frequently  become  clumped  into  masses,  especially 
if  the  jelly  contains  an  extract  of  a  tissue;  we  therefore 
think  that  this  clumping  may  have  some  function  in  the 
phenomenon  of  healing. 

At  this  juncture  it  may  be  useful  to  dispose  of  an 
old  theory,  that  the  blood-platelet  is  the  "extruded 
nucleus"  of  a  red  cell.  In  the  first  place,  no  diffusion- 
vacuoles  have  ever  been  seen  within  the  nucleus  of  any 
cell,  and  the  platelets,  therefore,  can  hardly  be  nuclei. 
This  suggestion  of  the  nuclear  origin  of  the  platelet 
would  never  have  occurred,  I  think,  if  the  originators 
of  it  had  used  in-vitro  staining.  Red  cells  are  never 
seen  to  extrude  their  nuclei  by  this  method  as  they 
sometimes  seem  to  be  in  the  act  of  doing  when  they 
are  spread  out  and  fixed  on  a  slide  by  the  old  methods- 
It  is  difficult  to  imagine  that  any  cell  could  extrude  its 
nucleus  bodily,  and  a  glance  at  the  stained  nucleus  of 
an  unfixed  nucleated  red  cell  will  dismiss  such  a  fallacy 
in  very  short  time.  The  nucleus  of  a  living  red  cell 
seems  to  consist  merely  of  a  mass  of  chromatin  granules, 
which  appear  to  be  identical  with  those  of  the  "red 
cell  with  basic  granules."  The  granules  ultimately 
seem  to  disappear  altogether,  for  in  normal  blood  one 
sees  about  1  per  cent,  of  these  granular  cells,  which 
sometimes  have  only  one  or  two  granules,  whereas  in 
anaemia  the  number  of  granules  is  much  greater  in 
most  of  the  cells.  Presumably,  when  the  granules 


have  disappeared  altogether  the  cell  resembles  the 
ordinary  erythrocyte.  The  nucleated  red  cell  has  a 
coefficient  of  diffusion  of  about  11,  and  so  has  the 
granular  cell.  An  ordinary  erythrocyte's  coefficient  of 
diffusion  seems  to  be  much  higher,  however;  but  since 
it  has  no  nucleus  or  granules  to  stain,  it  is  difficult  to 
determine  it. 

To  stain  the  stroma  of  an  ordinary  red  cell  it  re- 
quires a  jelly  with  an  index  of  diffusion  of  nearly  20. 
Like  other  blood-cells,  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 
red  cells  falls  the  longer  the  blood  has  been  shed, 
until,  with  a  jelly  suitable  for  staining  the  nuclei  of 
leucocytes,  the  stroma  (or  perhaps  it  is  the  haemoglobin 
itself)  of  red  cells  will  stain  in  many  instances.  It 
is  presumed  that  this  more  rapid  staining  of  the  stroma 
or  haemoglobin  of  red  cells  which  have  been  shed  some 
time  is  due,  as  in  other  cells,  to  the  lowering  of  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion,  for  extracts  of  dead  tissues  and 
morphia  also  have  this  effect  on  them. 

The  stroma  or  haemoglobin — whichever  it  may  be— 
stains  more  readily  in  nucleated  and  granular  red  cells 
than  in  the  others.  "Red  spots"  will  fairly  often  be 
seen  in  nucleated  red  cells  and  in  granular  ones;  but 
they  have  only  been  seen  three  times  in  ordinary 

Apart  from  their  scientific  interest,  however,  diffu- 
sion-vacuoles  are  not  of  great  importance,  we  think, 
except  that  their  appearance,  as  noted  above,  is  a 
signal  that  maximum  diffusion  is  being  occasioned. 

I  have  now  described  what  we  know  concerning  the 
diffusion  of  substance  into  living  cells.  It  is  a  complex 

FACTORS  ACT  ON  THE  CELLS          129 

subject,  which  will  require  careful  elucidation  if  the 
actual  physical  laws  on  which  it  is  based  are  to  be 
found  out,  and  I  venture  to  think  that  this  method  will 
supply  a  means  by  which  these  laws  can  be  determined ; 
a  large  amount  of  careful  experimentation  will  be 
necessary,  however,  with  a  large  variety  of  substances. 
The  chemical  factors,  such  as  alkalies  and  salts,  will 
have  to  be  tried  in  greater  variety;  after  which  it 
seems  to  me  probable  that  one  will  be  able  to  settle 
whether  the  increase  and  decrease  in  diffusion  which 
they  cause  is  due  to  their  atomic  weight  or  the  osmotic 
pressure,  or  what.  One  point,  however,  should  be 
clearly  appreciated,  which  is  this,  that  these  chemical 
factors  which  increase  or  retard  the  diffusion  of  other 
substances,  act  not  on  the  substance  diffusing  into  the 
cell,  but  on  the  cell  itself.  For  instance,  as  will  be 
shown  later  on,  alkalies,  by  increasing  the  diffusion 
of  kreatin  or  xanthin,  increase  the  rapidity  of  cell- 
division  induced  by  these  extractives.  But  the  alkalies 
have  no  effect  on  either  kreatin  or  xanthin.  The  way 
they  increase  diffusion  into  the  cell  is  by  causing  the 
cell  to  absorb  substances  more  readily.  And  so  with 
acids,  salts,  and  other  chemical  factors. 

Lastly,  these  simple  laws  of  diffusion  must  be  taken 
into  consideration  throughout  researches  with  this 
method,  for  no  results  will  be  obtained  if  they  are 
forgotten.  The  equation  has  been  found  to  be  of 
more  use  when  stain  is  employed.  Later  on,  when  one 
is  experimenting  with  single  substances  and  no  stain, 
the  arrangement  of  the  jellies  is  more  simple,  and  the 
equation  is  not  used  so  much. 




SOON  after  this  in-vitro  method  of  staining  was  invented, 
it  occurred  to  me  that  it  might  be  employed  for 
measuring  the  lives  of  human  leucocytes  after  their 
removal  from  the  body.  Much  work  had  been  done 
by  others  in  the  way  of  determining  the  effects  of 
virulent  disease-germs  on  men  and  animals,  and  soon 
after  the  discovery  of  "opsonins"  by  Wright  and 
Douglas,  many  researches  were  made  to  find  out  how 
individual  human  cells  defended  the  body  by  attacking 
pathogenic  organisms;  but  little  was  known  about 
the  effects  of  virulent  germs  and  their  poisons  on  the 
protecting  leucocytes.  Hence,  if  one  could  measure 
the  lives  of  leucocytes,  it  would  be  a  simple  matter 
to  mix  them  with  the  toxins  produced  by  bacteria, 
and  determine  the  virulence  of  these  toxins  by  seeing 
how  long  it  took  for  them  to  kill  leucocytes. 

In  order  to  measure  the  length  of  time  that 
leucocytes  will  live  in  a  given  sample  of  blood  removed 
from  the  body,  it  is  obvious  that  the  first  thing  to 



be  done  is  to  be  able  to  distinguish  accurately  between 
a  living  and  a  dead  leucocyte;  it  is  impossible  to  say 
how  long  a  cell  will  live  if  there  is  no  means  of  telling 
when  it  is  dead.  It  may  appear  strange,  but  it  is  a 
fact,  that  it  took  two  years  to  find  out  the  difference 
in  the  appearance  between  a  living  and  a  dead  leucocyte. 
During  this  two  years  many  of  the  points  regarding 
the  diffusion  of  substances  into  cells,  vacuolation,  and 
achromasia  were  found  out;  but  although  many  efforts 
were  made  experimentally  to  try  to  perfect  a  method 
of  measuring  the  lives  of  leucocytes,  this  difficulty,  that 
one  could  not  accurately  distinguish  between  living  and 
dead  cells,  always  stood  in  the  way.  When  the  point 
was  discovered,  it  may  almost  be  said  that  it  was  by 
accident,  and  even  then  its  value  as  a  method  of 
measuring  the  lives  of  the  cells  was  not  appreciated 
for  some  time. 

It  was  known,  of  course,  that  leucocytes  lived  for 
some  hours  after  their  removal  from  the  circulation,  for 
they  sometimes  showed  amceboid  movements;  but 
in  order  to  measure  the  lengths  of  their  lives  it  was 
necessary  to  be  able  to  say  at  any  given  moment  that 
so  many  leucocytes  in  a  given  sample  of  blood  were 
alive,  and  that  so  many  were  dead.  The  cells  were 
always  examined  on  jelly  which  contained  stain;  some- 
times they  showyed  movements  and  sometimes  they- did 
not;  but  the  absence  of  movements  was  no  evidence 
that  death  had  taken  place.  Many  experiments  were 
made,  and  at  last  it  was  resolved  deliberately  to  kill 
some  cells  by  a  virulent  poison,  and  to  see  whether  the 
cells  so  killed  appeared  in  any  way  different  from  those 


not  so  treated.  The  poison  was  mixed  up  with  the 
stained  jelly,  and  that  jelly  was  alkaline,  in  order  to 
cause  the  diffusion  of  the  stain  and  of  the  poison  into 
the  cells.  The  poison  chosen  in  the  first  instance  was 
hydrocyanic  acid,  and  then  nitrobenzol  was  used;  but 
after  subjection  to  them,  the  cells  presented  very  little 
difference  from  others  not  so  treated  and  known  to  be 
alive.  At  last  atropine  sulphate  was  tried,  with  a  very 
astonishing  and  unexpected  result,  for  every  leucocyte, 
far  from  being  killed  outright,  became  excited  to  great 
activity.  Some  time  afterwards  it  was  realised  that 


this  excitation  by  atropine  was  very  constant,  and  that 
if  a  cell  was  placed  on  a  suitable  jelly  which  contained 
atropine,  it  wTould,  if  alive,  respond  with  absolute 
certainty  by  exhibiting  excited  amoeboid  movements. 
Thus  the  means  of  measuring  the  lives  of  leucocytes 
was  determined,  and  it  became  a  simple  matter,  by 
examining  the  leucocytes  in  a  given  sample  of  blood- 
over  a  series  of  intervals — to  discover  how  long  they 
lived  under  varying  conditions,  for  one  was  enabled 
at  once  to  say  whether  the  leucocytes  were  living  or 
dead,  the  living  ones  showing  exaggerated  movements, 
the  dead  ones  remaining  immobile. 

This  method  of  measuring  the  lives  of  leucocytes, 
and  the  details  connected  with  it,  will  be  found  in  the 
Appendix.  It  was  originally  intended  to  use  it  for 
ascertaining  the  effect  of  toxins  on  leucocytes,  and  we 
think  that  for  this  it  will  have  a  useful  application. 
Owing  to  the  fact  that  the  excitation  by  the  alkaloid 
led  to  other  work,  we  have  not  yet  had  time  to  in- 
vestigate the  actions  of  toxins  very  far. 


Apart,  however,  from  being  able  to  measure  the  lives 
of  leucocytes,  it  is  very  necessary  in  this  in-vitro  work 
to  be  able  to  tell  at  once  when  the  cells  with  which 
we  are  experimenting  are  alive,  for  it  is  essential  that 
one  should  deal  only  with  living  cells;  hence  wre  will 
now  give  the  formula  for  the  preparation  of  a  suitable 
jelly  which  will  excite  amceboid  movements  in  living 
leucocytes.  This  jelly  has  been  called  for  convenience 
"kinetic  jelly,"  for  it  will  always  excite  living  leucocytes 
to  activity.  It  is  as  well  always  to  have  a  tube  of  it 
ready  to  hand,  in  order  that  at  any  time  a  film  may 
be  prepared,  so  that  we  may  be  able  to  make  certain 
that  the  cells  in  a  sample  of  blood  are  alive.  It  is 
prepared  as  follows:  To  a  tube  of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient 
jelly"  add  five  units  (0.5  cc.)  of  Unna's  stain,  six  units 
of  alkali  solution  (0.6  cc.  of  5-per-cent  sodium  bicar- 
bonate), and  0.7  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution  of  atropine 
sulphate.  The  content  of  the  tube  is  made  up  to  the 
total  of  10  cc.,  with  3.3  cc.  of  water.  The  mixture 
should  be  melted  and  boiled  until  it  froths  up  in  the 
tube,  and  a  drop  of  the  stained  jelly  poured  on  to  a 
slide  and  allowed  to  set.  A  drop  of  fresh  citrated 
blood  is  then  placed  on  a  cover-glass,  which  is  inverted 
on  to  the  film  in  the  usual  manner.  It  should  be 
examined  at  the  room  temperature,  which  may  be  said 
to  be  about  18  or  20°  C. 

When  the  cells  come  to  rest  on  the  jelly  they  will, 
of  course,  be  unstained.  Slowly  their  granules  begin 
to  turn  red.  A  field  which  contains  a  few  leucocytes 
should  be  watched.  In  about  fifteen  minutes  it  will 
suddenly  be  noticed  that  around  the  circumference  of 



first  one  leucocyte  and  then  in  the  others  small  bodies 
like  minute  beads  appear.  These  beads  seem  to  come 
from  underneath  the  cell.  The  beads  get  larger,  and 
quickly  develop  into  long  snake-like  processes  of  cyto- 
plasm, which  are  extruded  from  the  cell.  In  a  few 
moments  every  leucocyte  in  the  specimen  will  appa- 
rently be  putting  out  these  long  "feelers"  until  the 
cells  may  almost  be  said  to  look  like  tarantulas  (fig.  28) . 
There  are  usually  two  or  three  of  these  long  pseudo- 
podia  extruded  from  each  cell.  At  first  the  pseudo- 
podia  are  composed  of  clear  cytoplasm  (fig.  29),  but 
later  on  a  few  granules  from  the  cell  are  seen  to  move 
into  them.  Leucocytes  seem  to  endeavour  to  push 
their  pseudopodia  into  the  crevices  between  the  neigh- 
bouring red  cells  if  they  can  (fig.  30),  although  we 
have  no  reason  to  give  for  this  propensity.  These 
excited  movements  differ  from  ordinary  amoeboid 
movements  in  that  they  are  far  more  exaggerated. 
The  picture  of  a  field  containing  several  excited 
leucocytes  is  a  striking  one,  for  these  movements  are 
very  different  from  the  ordinary  sluggish  amoeboid 
movements  seen  when  the  cells  are  merely  kept  on 
a  warm  stage.  Moreover,  it  must  be  remembered 
that  we  are  using  the  room  temperature  and  no  warm 

The  excited  movements  are  due  to  the  action  of  the 
atropine.  All  the  time,  however,  the  stain  is  diffusing 
into  the  cells  as  well  as  the  alkaloid,  and  as  time  pro- 
gresses the  stain  will  reach  the  nuclei  which  now  begin 
to  turn  a  faint  blue  colour.  Now,  it  has  already  been 
pointed  out  that  the  staining  of  the  nucleus  of  a  cell 



FIG.   28. — Amoeboid  movements  excited  in  a  leucocyte  by  the  action  of 
atropine.     Low  power. 

FIG.  29. — Exaggerated  amoeboid  movements  in  leucocytes  which  have  their 
granules  stained.     The  movements  were  excited  by  atropine  sulphate. 



so.— Excited  leucocytes  extruding  their  pseudopodia  between  red  cells. 

FlG.  31.— Excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  a  lymphocyte  by  the  action 
of  atropine.     No  stain. 


will  kill  it,  and  therefore  all  the  leucocytes  in  the 
specimen  slowly  begin  to  retract  their  pseudopodia, 
for  leucocytes  endeavour  to  resume  their  spherical  shape 
before  death.  The  long  snake-like  processes  can  be 
seen  to  shrink  back  gradually  into  the  cells  (figs.  7,8), 
until  in  most  cases  they  are  completely  retracted 
(fig.  9).  Occasionally,  however,  a  constriction  appears 
in  a  pseudopodium  where  it  arises  from  the  cell-wall 
(fig.  26),  and  separation  has  actually  been  seen  to  take 
place;  the  separated  portion,  often  containing  a  few 
cell-granules,  will  now  resemble  a  blood-platelet.  Soon 
after  the  pseudopodia  have  been  retracted  the  cell  dies, 
and  either  bursts  or  becomes  achromatic. 

If  the  jelly  has  been  properly  prepared  the  whole 
phenomenon  of  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  will 
be  over  in  about  twenty-five  minutes  or  so.  The  action 
of  this  kinetic  jelly  is  instructive,  for  it  affords 
another  example  of  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  the 
cells,  and  of  the  accuracy  of  the  equation  used  in  its 
preparation  in  relation  to  this  diffusion.  The  way  of 
making  the  jelly  has  been  described,  and  it  must  be 
remembered  that  it  contains  0.7  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent 
solution  of  atropine  sulphate.  Now,  this  is  a  salt,  and 
it  delays  diffusion;  hence  its  unit  must  be  ascertained 
before  the  correct  equation  can  be  made  for  this  jelly. 
The  unit  of  atropine  sulphate  (as  found  by  experiment) 
is  .013  gramme,  and  therefore  since  the  jelly  contains 
0 . 7  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution,  it  must  contain  0 . 5  of 
1  unit,  which  may  now  be  added  to  the  equation  among 
the  other  salts  wrhich  are  minus  factors.  We  may  now 


state  the  formula   for  the   index   of  diffusion   of  this 

where  z  =  the  unit  of  atropine  sulphate. 

The  specimen  is  kept  at  the  room  temperature,  or 
3  units  of  heat;  and  the  object  of  the  jelly  is  to  excite 
amceboid  movements  in  fifteen  minutes  (or  1  .  5  unit 
of  time)  in  neutrophile  polynuclear  leucocytes,  which 
have  a  cf  of  12.  This  jelly,  of  course,  is  arranged  for 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  leucocytes,  and  it  may  thus 
be  set  down  : 

Now,  if  these  equations  are  carefully  considered,  it 
should  be  noticed  that  they  are  apparently  wrong:  the 
coefficient  of  diffusion  of  neutrophile  leucocytes  is  12, 
not  11. 

This  brings  us  to  another  rule.  It  is  obvious  that 
if  the  jelly  was  prepared  for  the  exact  coefficient  of 
diffusion  of  leucocytes,  we  would  not  obtain  excitation 
of  those  cells  in  the  given  time  —  we  would  only  obtain 
staining  of  their  nuclei,  and  staining  of  the  nuclei  means 
that  the  cells  would  be  dead.  This  would  mean  that 
we  should  defeat  our  object,  for  dead  cells  with  their 
nuclei  stained  will  certainly  not  respond  to  the  atro- 
pine. *  The  determination  of  the  coefficient  of  diffusion 
of  nucleated  cells  involves  death,"  because  the  stain- 
ing of  the  nucleus  is  the  moment  by  which  the  cf  is 

But  this  difficulty  can  be  overcome  by  subtracting 


one  digit  from  the  coefficient  of  diffusion,  and  making 
the  jelly  accordingly.  Hence  the  equation  given  above 
in  reality  is  correct,  for  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 
leucocytes  is  12,  and  subtracting  one  digit  from  it  makes 
11,  as  given  in  the  equation.  With  the  jelly  arranged 
for  11,  the  nuclei  are  not  yet  stained,  and  death  will  not 
occur  for  another  unit  of  time.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
diffusion  has  already  been  sufficient  for  the  atropine  to 
excite  the  cells,  and  when  the  given  fifteen  minutes  of 
time  has  elapsed,  the  cells  will  be  seen,  not  dead,  but 
in  the  height  of  their  excitation. 

Thus  the  rule  is  that,  having  ascertained  the  co- 
efficient of  diffusion  of  a  cell,  if  we  wish  that  cell 
to  be  alive  at  the  expiry  of  the  given  time,  subtract 
one  digit  from  its  coefficient  of  diffusion,  and  make 
the  jelly  accordingly. 

This  rule  is  an  important  one  in  this  work,  for 
we  shall,  of  course,  frequently  have  to  observe  cells 
in  the  act  of  excitation,  which  is  an  easy  matter  if 
their  coefficient  of  diffusion  is  known,  as  it  only 
remains  to  subtract  one  unit  from  any  of  the  factors 
which  increase  diffusion,  and  we  get  the  right  result.1 

All  forms  of  the  polynuclear  leucocyte  respond 
to  atropine  by  exhibiting  excitation  of  amoeboid 
movements.  In  making  them  respond,  however,  the 
different  coefficients  of  diffusion  of  each  class  -  of  cell 
must  be  duly  regarded.  The  eosinophile  cell  has  a 
coefficient  lower  by  one  unit  than  the  neutrophile; 
and  if  it  is  required  to  excite  it  especially,  the  jelly- 

1  It  will  doubtless  be  realised  that  subtracting  one  unit  of  a  factor  which 
increases  diffusion,  is  similar  in  effect  to  subtracting  one  digit  from  the  cf. 


film  must  also  have  an  index  lower  by  one  unit  than 
that  for  the  neutrophile  corpuscle.  The  lymphocyte, 
or  mononuclear  corpuscle,  also  becomes  excited  to  a 
marked  degree  by  absorption  of  atropine  (figs.  31-3) ; 
indeed  they  extrude  longer  pseudopodia  than  any  of 
the  other  classes  of  blood-cells,  a  fact  which  is  more 
interesting,  because  it  is  generally  supposed  that  the 
lymphocyte  is  not  a  very  amoeboid  cell,  a  supposition 
which  is  erroneous.  To  induce  amoeboid  movements 
in  the  mononuclear  cells,  however,  it  is  best  to  treat 
them  as  though  they  had  a  coefficient  of  diffusion 
lower  than  that  of  the  leucocytes  by  about  one  unit, 
as  these  cells  seem  to  die  before  the  nucleus  becomes 
stained.  It  was  pointed  out  in  the  original  specifi- 
cation that  the  staining  of  the  nucleus  indicated  the 
point  at  which  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  is  determined. 
It  has  already  been  mentioned  that  this  term  nu- 
cleus is  rather  vague,  and,  as  will  be  shown  later, 
death  is  occasioned  in  the  lymphocyte  by  staining 
of  the  nucleolus,  which  frequently  becomes  coloured 
before  the  nuclear  wall.  For  general  purposes, 
however,  the  original  specification  stands  good. 

The  foregoing  experiment,  by  which  one  can 
excite  amoeboid  movements  in  leucocytes  which  have 
their  granules  stained,  proves  that  the  staining  of 
their  Altmann's  granules  is  not  very  harmful  to  cells. 
The  granules  can,  and  do,  become  deeply  stained, 
and  all  the  while  the  cells  will  continue  to  extrude 
and  retract  pseudopodia  in  response  to  the  alkaloid. 
This  point  is  a  very  important  one  when  we  come 
to  study  induced  cell-division,  for  it  affords  a  clue  as 



FIG.  32. — Excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  a  lymphocyte  which  has 
its  granules  stained. 

FIG.  33. — Extreme  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  a  lymphocyte. 

No  stain. 


to  how  the  chemical  exciters  of  reproduction  act  in 
the  causation  of  mitosis. 

Another  point  is  learnt,  however,  by  experimenta- 
tion with  this  combination  of.  stain  and  atropine,  for 
here  we  have  two  chemical  agents,  an  anilin  dye 
and  an  alkaloid,  both  diffusing  into  the  cells  side  by 
side  and  each  producing  its  effect  on  the  cell-proto- 
plasm. One  excites  the  cell,  the  other  kills  it,  and 
each  carries  out  its  function  in  direct  proportion  to 
its  own  concentration;  for  if  the  content  of  the  stain 
in  the  jelly  is  reduced,  the  cells  become  less  stained, 
and  death  is  delayed;  but  if  the  alkaloid  alone  is 
reduced,  the  staining  is  as  usual,  but  there  is  less 
excitation.  At  the  same  time,  it  must  be  remembered 
that  the  alkaloid  is  a  salt,  and,  like  other  salts,  as  it 
diffuses  itself  into  the  cell,  it  delays  the  diffusion  of 
the  stain. 

The  diffusion  of  a  combination  of  substances  into  a 
cell,  therefore,  is  not  a  simple  matter,  for  it  represents 
an  equation  of  variables,  although  those  variables,  if 
applied  in  the  same  manner,  always  have  the  same 
effect  with  mathematical  precision. 

The  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  white 
corpuscles  is  due  entirely  to  the  atropine.  Using  a 
jelly-film  which  is  alkaline,1  and  which  contains  stain 
but  no  atropine,  no  amoeboid  movements  will  occur, 
and  the  cells  retain  their  spherical  shape.  If  the  jelly 
is  neutral,  however,  occasionally  sluggish  movements 
occur,  even  at  the  room  temperature.  At  a  tempera- 
ture of  30  to  37°  C.  sluggish  movements  may  occur 

1  The  alkalinity  oHhese  jellies  is  not  sufficient  to  precipitate  the  alkaloids. 


even  in  the  presence  of  alkali.  But  in  any  of  these 
instances  the  movements  are  not  comparable  to  the 
deliberate  extrusions  caused  by  atropine,  which  are  very 
striking  in  character,  and  if  once  seen  will  always  be 

We  can,  of  course,  make  kinetic  jelly  suitable  for 
the  temperature  of  the  blood  (it  is  merely  necessary 
to  reduce  the  content  of  alkali  in  the  jelly  by  3  units, 
because  we  increase  the  temperature  by  3  units),  and 
still  the  excitation  occurs,  although  (and  this  is  a 
remarkable  circumstance)  the  excited  movements  are 
not  so  marked  at  the  temperature  of  the  blood  as  they  are 
at  that  of  the  room.  Many  persons  who  have  seen  the 
action  of  kinetic  jelly  have  disparaged  it,  saying  that 
they  have  often  seen  marked  amoeboid  movements  in 
leucocytes;  but  when  questioned,  the  fact  is  always 
elicited  that  they  have  employed  the  warm  stage.  It 
is  the  deliberate  and  constant  exaggerated  movements 
which  invariably  occur  in  all  living  leucocytes  at  low 
temperatures  which  constitutes  the  striking  effect  of 
atropine  sulphate  upon  them.  Let  a  control  experi- 
ment be  made  with  a  jelly  which  contains  no  atropine— 
and  no  stain  either  if  one  wishes  to — and  the  difference 
is  immediately  apparent.  Excited  by  the  alkaloid,  the 
cells  with  their  stained  granules,  extruding  their  long, 
snake-like  pseudopodia  in  all  directions,  as  if  they  were 
searching  for  something  (which,  as  far  as  can  be  found 
out,  they  are  not),  form  a  very  pretty  picture,  which, 
when  seen  through  the  microscope,  will  be  a  revelation 
to  those  who  have  only  worked  with  films  of  dead  cells. 

Atropine  sulphate  is  not  the  only  substance  which 


causes  this  excitation.  We  have  tried  several  alkaloids, 
and  all  of  them  have  had  this  effect.  It  does  not  matter 
what  the  alkaloid  is,  nor  whether  it  is  a  salt  or  an 
alkaloid;  the  result  is  the  same.  In  fact,  we  think 
that  it  is  probable  that  this  power  of  exciting  amoeboid 
movements  is  a  property  of  alkaloids  generally.  It  is 
true  that  we  have  not  yet  tried  all  known  alkaloids, 
but  we  have  experimented  with  many,  and  we  think 
that  they  probably  all  have  this  effect.  Moreover,  the 
parent  substances  of  alkaloids,  such  as  pyridine  and 
quinoline,  also  excite  wrhite  blood-corpuscles. 

Some  alkaloids  cause  more  excitation  than  others; 
atropine  has  so  far  proved  the  most  effectual,  morphine 
the  least.  To  man  atropine  is  very  poisonous;  mor- 
phine is  not  so  poisonous,  weight  for  weight.  To  a 
man's  leucocyte,  however,  it  is  curious  to  note  that 
morphine  is  the  more  poisonous,  and  atropine  not 
nearly  so  dangerous.  By  means  of  this  jelly  method 
we  can  try  the  effects  of  alkaloids  and  substances  in 
various  strengths  on  leucocytes  and  other  cells,  and  if 
the  jelly  contains  atropine,  by  noting  the  extent  of  the 
excitation  one  can  find  out  the  dose  of  an  alkaloid 
which  will  cause  maximum  excitation  and  the  dose 
which  will  cause  death  in  a  given  time.  Generally 
speaking,  it  requires  three  times  as  much  of  a  given 
alkaloid  to  cause  death  as  it  does  for  it  to  cause 
maximum  excitation. 

This  latter  point  is  an  important  one,  for  it  has 
been  suggested  to  us  that  the  excitation  by  alkaloids 
is  in  the  nature  of  a  death-struggle.  It  is  clear, 
however,  that  if  it  was,  the  excitation  would  steadily 


increase  as  more  alkaloid  was  absorbed;  but  such  is 
not  the  case.  Moreover,  this  excitation  is  not  caused 
by  poisons,  such  as  nitrobenzol  and  prussic  acid.  The 
possibility  of  the  excitation  being  due  to  a  death- 
struggle  is  also  precluded  by  the  fact  that  if  no 
stain  is  employed  the  excited  movements  may  be 
watched  for  an  hour.  Death-struggles,  as  seen  in 
higher  animals,  do  not  usually  last  very  long,  and 
always  commence  immediately  before  dissolution.  The 
excitation  appears  to  be  a  specific  one  caused  by 
alkaloids,  although  we  have  seen  a  similar  form  of 
excited  movements,  but  not  to  the  same  extent, 
caused  by  arsenic.1 

As  already  mentioned,  we  have  ascertained  the 
amounts  of  other  alkaloids  which  cause  maximum 
excitation  of  leucocytes,  and  in  finding  out  these 
"doses"  we  have  always  used  a  similar  jelly  containing 
no  stain,  and  the  temperature  employed  has  been  that 
of  the  room  in  every  case.  The  jelly  was  alkaline,  as 
it  contained  5  units  of  alkali  solution,  and  the  alkaloids 
were  each  used  in  a  1-per-cent  solution,  thus:  To 
5  cc.  of  coefficient  jelly,  5  units  of  alkali  solution,  and 
the  amount — whatever  it  is — of  alkaloid  solution  were 
added,  and  the  balance,  up  to  the  usual  total  of  10  cc., 
was  made  with  water.  The  jelly  was  then  boiled,  and 
a  film  prepared  from  it  in  the  usual  way,  fresh  citrated 
blood  being  used  in  each  case. 

The  following  is  a  list  of  alkaloids  which  we  have 
tried  on  leucocytes,  and  the  amount  of  each  of  them 

1  The  effects  of  oxygen  have  been  tried  on  leucocytes  by  bubbling  the  gas 
through  the  jelly;  but  its  action  seemed  to  be  negative. 


which,  when  mixed  with  the  jelly,  produces  maximum 
excitation.  Treble  this  amount,  and  death  will  gener- 
ally occur  without  excitation,  although  leucocytes  will 
stand  even  ten  times  the  dose- of  codeine  and  bruceine 
without  dying. 

To  produce  maximum  excitation  in  twenty  minutes: 

Alkaloid.  Amount  of  1-per-cent  solution  of  it 

contained  in  10  cc.  of  jelly. 

Bruceine 1  cc. 

Morphine 0.2  " 

Pilocarpine  Nitrate 0.5  " 

Cocaine  Hydrochloride     ....  2  " 

Strychnine 1  " 

Atrophine  Sulphate 0.7  " 

Aconitine 0.5  " 

Codeine .      .  3  " 

Atropine  is  undoubtedly  the  most  active  of  the 
vegetable  alkaloids;  but,  as  will  be  shown  later 
choline  (figs.  34,  35),  and  cadaverine  (fig.  36),  two 
of  the  animal  alkaloids  produced  by  putrefaction,  are 
nearly  as  effective.  The  action  of  morphine  in  exciting 
exaggerated  movements  is  very  poor  (fig.  37),  but  still 
it  does  have  this  effect.  The  dose  may  be  doubled 
with  cocaine,  and  the  excited  movements  continue. 
Strychnine  is  not  so  effective  an  excitor  for  leucocytes 
as  atropine.  Codeine  acts  more  effectively  than 
aconitine.  Pyridine  is  fairly  effective  (fig.  28). 

The  excitation  of  leucocytes  by  alkaloids  is  a  very 
remarkable  thing,  for  it  seems  to  be  a  functionless 
procedure  on  the  part  of  the  cells.  The  alkaloids  do 
not  appear  to  cause  the  cells  to  migrate  at  all;  they 
remain  in  their  original  position,  and  merely  extrude 


and  retract  their  pseudopodia  aimlessly.  Quinine 
hydrochloride  excites  them  fairly  markedly ;  and  it 
must  be  noted  that  the  statement  has  been  made  by 
other  authors  that  quinine  stops  diapedesis.  We  have 
made  a  hanging  drop  preparation1  with  a  jelly-film 
in  such  a  way  that  the  cells  are  not  pinned  down  by 
the  cover-glass,  but  still  absorb  atropine,  and  they 
therefore  were  in  a  position  to  move  about  if  they 
wished  to.  They  remained  in  their  original  positions, 
however,  and  seemed  to  be  content  to  extrude  and 
retract  their  "feelers." 

Experiments  were  made  to  see  if  this  excitation 
was  due  to  any  chemotactic  influence  of  the  alkaloids. 
Two  jellies  were  made,  one  of  which  contained  atropine 
and  the  other  none;  and  they  were  so  mixed  on  a 
slide  that  there  was  atropine  in  one  part  of  the  film 
and  not  in  another.  Some  citrated  blood  was  placed 
over  the  line  of  demarcation  to  see  if  the  cells  neces- 
sarily extruded  their  pseudopodia  in  the  direction  of 
the  concentrated  alkaloid.  They  did  not  do  so,  how- 
ever, for,  provided  a  cell  absorbed  the  alkaloid  suffi- 
ciently, the  extrusions  were  made  in  all  directions  as 

In  order  to  try  to  find   out  whether  this   excitation 


increased  the  ingestion  of  bacteria  by  leucocytes,  a 
sample  of  fresh  blood  was  mixed  with  a  volume  of 
citrate  solution  and  atropine,  which  contained  bacteria 
in  suspension.  Having  been  incubated  for  some 
minutes,  the  cells  were  spread  on  jelly;  but  when 

1  This  method  will  be  found  in  the  Appendix,  where  also  another  method 
of  preparing  kinetic  jelly  will  be  found. 



FIG.  34. — Excitation  of  two  leucocytes  by  the  action  of  choline.    Low  power. 

No  stain. 

FIG.  35. — Excitation  of  a  lymphocyte  by  the  action  of  choline.     No  stain. 


FIG.  36. — Excitation  of  amoeboid  movements  in  a  leucocyte  by  the  action 
of  cadaverine.     No  stain. 

FIG.  37.— A  leucocyte  excited  by  morphine.     The  cell's  granules  are  stained. 


the  number  of  bacteria  ingested  were  compared  with 
those  phagocytosed  in  control  experiments  where  no 
alkaloid  was  used,  it  was  seen  that  the  excited  cells 
did  not  ingest  more  germs  ^than  usual.  Excitation, 
therefore,  does  not  increase  phagocytosis;  and  we  have 
noticed  that  if  a  mixture  of  living  leucocytes  and 
germs  are  mixed  and  spread  on  jelly  which  contains 
atropine,  the  cells  do  not  purposely  extrude  their 
pseudopodia  in  the  direction  of  any  bacteria  which 
may  be  near  them.  On  the  contrary,  if  a  pseudo- 
podium  happens  to  strike  against  a  bacterium,  the 
latter  is  usually  pushed  out  of  the  way. 

Whether  leucocytes  are  excited  or  not,  we  have 
never  seen  a  cell  actually  ingest  bacteria.  We  have 
often  seen  cells  with  bacteria  inside  them,  but  we 
have  never  seen  the  actual  act  of  ingestion,  nor  have 
we  any  explanation  to  offer  as  to  how  it  occurs. 
Moreover,  we  have  often  seen  leucocytes  with  red 
cells  apparently  inside  them,  although  how  they  came 
to  be  absorbed  we  do  not  know.  It  is  possible  that 
the  laws  of  diffusion  may  play  some  part  in  the 
actual  act  of  phagocytosis. 

Another  point  in  connection  with  phagocytosis  may 
be  mentioned.  In  the  making  up  of  fixed  films, 
germs  and  other  substances  may  be  crushed  into 
leucocytes.  By  the  examination  of  living  cells  this 
cannot  happen.  We  have  seen  fixed  specimens  which 
showed  phagocytes  apparently  crammed  with  germs; 
but  on  looking  at  another  sample  of  the  same  cells 
alive  a  very  different  impression  was  obtained.  We 
have  mentioned  this  point  in  view  of  the  possibility 


of  fallacy  arising  in  the  technique  of  the  "opsonic 
index,"  if  it  is  carelessly  carried  out,  because  in  that 
technique  fixed  films  are  usually  employed. 

The  possibility  of  foreign  substances  being  crushed 
into  cells  during  the  preparation  of  fixed  films  is  also 
the  reason,  we  think,  for  the  common,  fallacious 
supposition — which  has  already  been  mentioned — that 
the  blood-platelets  are  the  extruded  nuclei  of  red 
cells,  for  in  the  preparation  of  fixed  films  platelets  are 
crushed  into  red  cells,  to  which  they  often  adhere,  and 
after  fixation  they  appear  as  if  they  were  emerging 
from  them;  an  artefact  never  seen  with  the  jelly 

In  concluding  this  chapter  it  should  be  mentioned 
that  Professor  Osier,  many  years  ago,  pointed  out 
that  certain  alkaloids  excited  amoeboid  movements 
in  leucocytes,  although  this  fact  was  not  known  to 
me  when  the  effects  of  atropine  mixed  with  the  jelly- 
film  were  first  tried. 

As  will  be  shown  later,  alkaloids  have  a  far  more 
important  action  on  cells  than  merely  exciting  amoe- 
boid movements,  for  they  greatly  augment  the  action 
of  the  exciters  of  reproduction. 







IN  August,  1908,  on  an  occasion  when  the  excitation 
of  leucocytes  by  atropine  was  being  demonstrated  to 
one  of  us  (C.  J.  M.)  he  remarked  that  he  had  often 
enough  thought  that  patients  dying  from  cancer  ex- 
hibited symptoms  resembling  those  of  poisoning  by 
some  alkaloids,  and  he  suggested  that  an  investigation 
might  be  made  by  means  of  the  in-vitro  method  to 
try  to  find  out  whether  there  existed  in  the  blood 
of  cancer  patients  any  substance  of  an  alkaloidal 
character  which  might  be  responsible  for  these 
symptoms.  This  suggestion,  based  on  bed-side  obser- 
vation, taken  in  conjunction  writh  the  fact  that  a  group 
of  chemical  agents  existed  which  were  capable  of 
exciting  human  cells,  warranted  a  research  in  this 
direction,  for  if  such  a  substance  existed  in  the  blood 
of  these  patients  it  was  felt  that  either  it  might  have 



some  bearing  upon  the  cause  of  the  disease  or  that 
it  might  be  an  effect  of  it. 

A  cancer  consists  essentially  of  cells  of  the  body 
which  have  multiplied  irregularly  and  too  rapidly,  and 
it  was  quite  reasonable  to  think  that  this  form  of 
excessive  proliferation  might  be  the  result  of  some 
abnormal  excitation. 

It  should  be  remembered  that  in  August,  1908, 
the  actual  cause  of  cell-division  was  quite  unknown, 
and  multiplication  of  individual  human  cells  in  direct 
response  to  a  chemical  agent  had,  of  course,  never 
been  seen.  It  was  realized  that  the  problem  of  the 
nature  of  cancerous  growths  could  only  be  solved  by 
the  discovery  of  the  cause  of  cell-division.  The  cells 
of  the  body  are  continually  multiplying  by  cell-division, 
and  the  correct  appreciation,  not  only  of  the  nature  of 
new  growths,  but  also  of  the  problem  of  healing,  and 
in  reality  most  of  the  problems  of  pathology,  depend 
upon  the  cause  of  cell-reproduction. 

The  most  commonly  accepted  theory  regarding  the 
cause  of  cell-proliferation  was  that  cells  divided  owing 
to  some  inherent  vital  propensity — that  is  to  say,  that 
they  multiplied  because  it  was  their  "duty"  to  do  so. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  however,  nothing  was  known  as 
to  the  immediate  cause  of  individual  cell-reproduction. 

So  much  work  had  been  done  with  reference  to 
cancer,  and  in  spite  of  it  so  little  was  known  concerning 
the  cause  of  that  disease,  that  we  felt  justified  in  follow- 
ing any  clue,  however  slender  it  might  appear  at  first 
sight.  It  was  true  that  the  excitation  by  alkaloids  had 
so  far  only  resulted  in  the  production  of  exaggerated 


movements  in  white  blood-cells;  but  still  it  was  an 
excitation,  and  for  all  we  know,  although  they  had  not 
yet  been  seen,  the  excitation  might  produce  other 
results  as  well.  This  clue,  however,  arising  from  micro- 
scopical experimentation  and  from  a  clinical  observation, 
has  proved  to  be  of  great  importance,  and  has  led  by  a 
singular  chain  of  events  to  the  knowledge  that  cell- 
division  in  the  body  results  from  the  presence  of  specific 
agents,  the  action  of  which  becomes  remarkably  aug- 
mented if  the  cells  are  in  a  condition  of  excitation 
resulting  from  the  presence  of  an  alkaloid. 

This  cancer  research  became  instituted  in  this  way, 
and  the  first  step  undertaken  in  connection  with  it 
was  to  test  the  blood  of  cancer  patients  experimentally 
in  order  to  find  out  whether  it,  or  other  of  the  body 
fluids,  contained  any  substance  which  would,  like  the 
alkaloid,  excite  exaggerated  movements  in  leucocytes. 

Ten  cases  of  well-marked  carcinoma  were  examined 
in  the  following  way:  A  certain  quantity  of  the 
patient's  blood  was  mixed  in  a  capillary  tube  with 
an  equal  volume  of  citrate  solution.  The  tube  was 
then  centrifugalised  and  the  corpuscles  removed.  To 
the  remaining  plasma  a  certain  quantity  of  fresh  blood 
taken  from  a  healthy  person  (usually  one  of  ourselves) 
was  added  and  thoroughly  mixed.  The  sealed  tube 
containing  the  mixture  was  then  placed  in  the  revolving 
apparatus  in  the  incubator  and  kept  at  37°  C.  for  half 
an  hour,  at  the  end  of  which  time  a  drop  of  it  was 
examined  at  20°  C.  upon  a  slide  under  a  cover-glass. 
Blood  plasmata  taken  from  fifty  healthy  people,  or  from 
people  suffering  from  diseases  other  than  cancer,  were 


similarly  tested,  and  it  was  found  that  the  leucocytes 
of  healthy  people  bathed  in  the  plasmata  of  cancer 
patients  undoubtedly  showed  amoeboid  movements 
which  were  exaggerated  and  different  in  character  from 
those  which  were  observed  in  the  corpuscles  suspended 
in  the  plasmata  of  normal  persons,  or  of  persons 
suffering  from  a  number  of  other  diseases.  The  differ- 
ence was  one  of  degree,  however,  for  leucocytes  fre- 
quently under  these  conditions  showed  some  amoeboid 
movements;  but  we  were  quite  satisfied  that  there  wTas 
a  distinct  difference,  although  the  test  could  not  be 
considered  a  very  delicate  one.1 

This  series  of  experiments  made  us  consider  that 
there  probably  is  some  agent  in  the  body  fluids 
of  cancer  patients  which  causes  excitation  of  cells, 
and  one  of  us  was  charged  with  the  task  of  further 
confirming  the  correctness  of  this  observation,  and 
of  finding  out  what  the  substance  is  and  how  it  is 
produced.  It  was  appreciated  that  this  substance 
could  only  be  present  in  the  blood  in  small  concen- 
tration, and  that  to  isolate  it  from  serum  would  prove  a 
very  difficult  task. 

As  a  preliminary  to  this  part  of  the  research,  it 
was  considered  advisable  to  review  the  known  facts 
concerning  cancer  to  see  whether  they  harmonised 
with  the  possibility  of  the  disease  being  associated 
with  an  excitation  of  cells  by  chemical  agents.  After- 
wards we  proceeded,  by  means  of  the  new  jelly  method, 
to  try  the  effects  of  different  substances  either  taken 

1  A  paper  by  Dr.  Macalister  and  myself  describing  these  experiments  was 
read  before  the  Royal  Society  of  Medicine  in  November,  1908. 


from  growths,  or  which  we  knew  were  associated 
with  growths,  on  individual  living  healthy  cells.  By 
this  means  it  was  hoped  that  we  might  find  some 
exciting  substance  from  cancerous  growths  which 
might  in  the  first  place  cause  normal  individual  cells 
to  undergo  a  change  and  become  similar  to  those 
cells  taken  from  the  growths  themselves.  In  the 
event  of  such  a  substance  being  found,  it  would,  of 
course,  then  be  necessary  to  try  to  prove  the  argu- 
ment by  experimentation  with  the  substance  in  the 
body  itself.  In  other  words:  believing  that  cancer 
might  be  due  to  a  chemical  agent,  we  proposed  to  try 
to  find  that  agent,  and  to  test  its  effect,  in  the  first 
instance  on  individual  cells  under  the  microscope,  and 
lastly  to  test  its  action  on  groups  of  cells  in  the  tissues 
of  the  body. 

Malignant  disease  may  be  separated  into  two 
main  divisions — carcinoma  and  sarcoma.  The  former 
attacks  gland-tissues  and  epithelial  cells;  the  latter  is 
a  disease  of  connective  tissues.  These  researches  are 
almost  entirely  concerned  with  carcinoma,  and  the 
term  "cancer"  in  this  book  refers  to  that  disease. 
There  is,  we  think,  a  close  association  between  these 
two  forms  of  malignant  disease,  although  there  is 
a  line  of  demarcation  in  the  age  incidence  and  in 
some  of  their  morphological  and  clinical  characteristics 
which  separates  them.  Cancer — that  is  to  say, 
carcinoma — attacks  people  over  the  age  of  forty, 
although  there  are  occasional  exceptions  to  this  rule; 
but  sarcoma  may  occur  at  any  age  from  infancy  onwards. 
At  the  outset  we  turned  our  attention  exclusively  to  the 


consideration  of  carcinoma,  for  we  considered  that  if  we 
succeeded  in  throwing  any  light  on  the  causation  of  that 
disease,  it  would  be  time  enough  for  us  to  investigate 
sarcoma.  Cancer  is  much  more  common  than  sarcoma ; 
but  it  has  to  be  remembered  throughout  that,  from 
the  similarity  of  the  cardinal  symptoms  of  the  two 
diseases,  there  is  probably  an  intimate  association 
between  the  causes  of  both.  The  connective  tissues 
can  become  malignant  at  any  age.  The  epithelial 
tissues  are  usually  attacked  after  the  age  of  forty. 
This  age-incidence  of  carcinoma  is  most  striking,  and 
it  necessarily  constitutes  a  fundamental  fact  with 
which  all  our  thoughts  regarding  the  cause  of 
cancer  must  ultimately  harmonize.  It  is  a  disease  of 
senescence;  it  attacks  people  when  they  are  robust  and 
apparently  in  a  state  of  highest  vitality,  just  when  they 
are  in  the  prime  of  life,  or  having  just  passed  it.  We 
have  to  remember  in  this  connection  that  the  expres- 
sion "prime  of  life"  in  its  physiological  sense  may  be 
taken  to  refer  to  middle  life — that  is,  somewhere  about 
the  age  of  35;  and  we  may  further  understand  that 
before  that  age  a  man  is  being  built  up,  whereas  after- 
wards he  enters  upon  the  downward  trend  and  steadily 
progresses  towards  physiological  death,  which  may  be 
taken  to  occur  about  the  seventieth  year.  We  may 
therefore  consider  that  the  climax  of  his  physiological 
life  is  reached  at  35. 

The  age  incidence  of  cancer  is  unique;  there  is  no 
other  disease  which  has  this  limitation  in  its  age 
averages.  Exceptions  do  occur,  it  is  true,  but  the 
number  of  cases  occurring  during  senescence,  when 


man  has  passed  the  climax  of  his  age,  is  so  enormous 
that  the  possibility  of  fallacy  due  to  "the  error  of 
random  sampling"  is  reduced  almost  to  zero.  It  is  a 
salient  feature  of  the  disease  which  cannot  be  disputed, 
and  we  may  regard  is  as  an  axiom  that  cancer  attacks 
people  when  they  are  trending  downwards  from  their 
physiological  prime.  The  question  is,  therefore,  What 
happens  in  the  tissues  during  this  senescence  which 
renders  them  liable  to  the  onset  of  cancer  ?  At  the 
time  when  these  researches  were  first  applied  to  the 
investigation  of  cancer,  this  question  could  only  be 
answered  in  a  speculative  manner;  but  it  was  appre- 
ciated that  the  conditions  present  after  the  prime  of 
life  which  predisposed  to  the  disease  might  merely 
depend  on  something  in  the  nature  of  the  oversetting 
of  a  physiological  balance. 

Vitality  seems  to  be  worthy  of  consideration  as  a 
factor  connected  with  the  onset  of  malignancy.  Very 
old  persons  do  not  appear  to  be  so  liable  to  cancer 
as  those  between  the  ages  of  40  and  55 — a  circum- 
stance which  may  possibly  be  due  to  a  loss  of  vitality, 
for  it  has  already  been  mentioned  that  cancer  is  a 
disease  of  the  robust.  Premature  ageing,  on  the  other 
hand,  seems  to  favour  the  onset  of  cancer;  but  in 
conditions  of  decrepitude  there  is  more  freedom  from  it. 
Tottering  persons,  such  as  are  seen  in  asylums  -and 
institutions,  do  not  so  frequently  develop  carcinoma; 
but  people  who  are  sufferers  during  their  senescence 
from  the  atrophic  form  of  osteo-arthritis  or  from  gout 
are  common  victims.  Let  the  reader  visit  a  home  for 
incurables,  and  he  wrill  there  learn  that  many  of  the 


cases  of  cancer  arising  in  the  institution  are  also  afflicted 
with  rheumatoid  arthritis.  The  setiology  of  cancer  is 
a  large  subject,  and  for  full  information  regarding 
what  is  known  of  it  reference  may  be  made  to  an 
excellent  volume  by  Mr.  W.  T.  Gibson,  on  The 
Etiology  and  Nature  of  Cancerous  and  other  Growths. 

This  book  enumerates  in  detail  the  trades  and  pro- 
fessions the  members  of  which  are  especially  prone  to 
cancer,  and  it  furnishes  a  valuable  aid  to  pathological 
cancer  research.  Therein  it  is  shown  that  chronic 
alcoholism  is  a  predisposing  factor.  Syphilis  also  is 
undoubtedly  a  predisposing  cause  of  cancer,  provided 
the  disease  is  not  too  severe.  We  have  been  reminded 
of  this  point  by  Mr.  Fernet,1  whose  experience  of 
syphilitic  patients  has  left  him  convinced  of  an  associa- 
tion between  the  two  diseases. 

The  conditions  of  decrepitude  and  chronic  enfeeble- 
ment — to  which  reference  has  been  made  as  ones  which 
render  persons  less  liable  to  malignancy — affect  not 
only  the  general  vitality  of  the  body,  but  also  pre- 
sumably the  vitality  of  the  individual  cells. 

Cancer  is  a  disease  which  is  general  throughout  the 
world  as  far  as  we  can  find  out,  but  climatic  conditions 
appear  to  influence  its  incidence  to  some  extent.  Sir 
William  MacGregor  has  told  one  of  us  that  as  far  as 
he  can  remember  he  has  never  seen  a  case  among  the 
Esquimos,  an  observation  which  is  interesting  in  con- 
nection with  the  association  of  cancer  and  some 
putrefactive  products,  which  will  be  discussed  in  the 

1  "The  Intramuscular  Syphilitic  Treatment,"  by  George  Fernet,  Transac- 
tions of  the  American  Medical  Association,  June,  1909. 


later  chapters  of  this  book,  for,  generally  speaking, 
putrefaction  of  organic  substances  must  be  reduced  to 
a  minimum  in  the  ice-bound  regions  of  the  far  North. 

Death  is  the  ultimate  result  of  cancer  in  most 
instances,  unless  the  progress  of  the  disease  is  success- 
fully interrupted  by  surgery,  and  this  is  a  fact  which 
must  be  carefully  considered.  Cancer  consists  of  a 
growth,  of  human  cells.  Why  should  such  a  growth 
kill  the  person  it  afflicts.  Benign  growths  do  not 
necessarily  cause  death  ?  It  may  be,  of  course,  that 
the  original  cause  of  the  disease  increases  with  the 
growth,  and  that  it  is  this  cause  which  is  instrumental 
in  killing  the  victim.  We  speak  of  death  from  cancer 
as  resulting  from  the  vague  condisions  described  as 
**  exhaustion  and  cachexia,"  but  why  these  conditions 
result  from  cancer  was  not  even  within  the  realms  of 

Cancer  is  a  disease  which  seems  to  aggravate  itself. 
Once  the  disease  is  started  in  the  circumscribed  area 
—for  it  always  begins  in  one  spot — it  will  go  on  steadily 
if  it  is  left  to  itself.  Moreover,  one  of  the  features  of 
a  malignant  growth  is  that  it  produces  metastases.  Why 
should  malignant  growths  and  not  benign  ones  produce 
metastases  ?  It  is  usually  considered  that  metastases 
are  due  to  embolism,  and  that  the  transplanted  cells  con- 
tinue to  multiply  in  their  new  surroundings ;  but,  again, 
why  should  these  emboli  only  continue  to  mutiply  in 
malignant  tumours  ?  Benign  growths,  like  the  malignant 
ones,  are  supplied  with  vessels  and  lymphatics,  and 
there  seems  to  be  just  as  much  reason  why  portions  of 
both  forms  of  growth  should  be  swept  away  to  form 


metastases  in  other  parts  of  the  body.  Still,  the  fact  re- 
mains that  metastases  occur  only  in  malignant  disease. 

The  foregoing  points  formed  our  axioms.  Whatever 
experiments  we  undertook  had  to  harmonise  with  them 
all  in  their  consideration.  There  was  one  other  factor, 
however,  which  has  already  been  mentioned;  the  mys- 
tery of  the  cause  of  cell-division  in  the  body,  and  a 
well-known  predisposing  factor  in  the  causation  of 
cancer  which  is  intimately  associated  with  it,  namely, 
chronic  irritation. 

The  body  consists  almost  entirely  of  living  cells; 
individual  living  creatures,  each  of  which  is  capable  of 
separate  existence  for  a  short  time,  but  which  in  con- 
junction with  one  another  form  the  tissues  which  in 
their  turn  have  special  functions.  Each  cell  is  merely 
an  individual  in  a  multitude;  a  unit  in  an  organ.  Cells 
not  only  have  functions  to  perform  for  their  own 
individual  welfare,  but  they  also  act  collectively  for  the 
general  welfare  of  the  body. 

Since  cancer  consists  of  a  tumour  composed  of  cells, 
we  may  attack  the  problem  of  its  causation  from  two 
aspects — the  investigation  of  the  individual  cells,  and 
the  investigation  of  collective  masses  of  them.  At  the 
outset,  the  first  aspect  is  obviously  the  one  to  receive 
consideration;  and  since  cancer  consists  of  a  growth  of 
cells  which  have  multiplied  too  often  and  have  so 
formed  a  tumour,  the  first  question  to  be  asked  is, 
What  makes  this  excessive  multiplication  take  place  ? 

Before  this  question  can  be  approached,  however, 
another  question  must  be  answered,  namely,  What 
makes  any  multiplication  of  cells  take  place  ? 


The  multitudes  of  cells  which  form  our  bodies  have 
been  evolved  from  a  single  pair  of  cells.  The  maternal 
ovum  is  a  single  cell,  and  always  remains  as  such  until 
it  is  fertilised  by  the  paternal  spermatozoon,  which  in 
its  turn  is  also  a  single  cell.  The  conjugation  of  the  two 
at  once  causes  cell-division  to  take  place  within  the  egg. 
Multiplication  occurs,  and  where  there  was  one  cell 
there  are  now  two;  and  each  daughter  cell  divides  and 
divides  until  generation  after  generation  of  new  cells 
are  produced,  and  this  cell-reproduction  ultimately 
leads  to  the  formation  of  the  new  individual.  The 
basis  of  the  formation  of  new  beings  is  the  reproduction 
of  cells  by  their  division  in  response  to  the  conjugation 
of  an  original  pair  of  cells.  We  had  therefore  to  ask 
ourselves  why  this  conjugation  should  cause  cell- 
division;  but  unfortunately  the  answer  was  unknown. 

Throughout  our  lives,  although  we  cannot  actually 
feel  it,  the  cells  in  our  bodies  are  continually  repro- 
ducing themselves  by  division  by  mitosis,  and  individual 
cell-death  is  also  constantly  taking  place.  It  is  true 
that  some  cells,  such  as  some  cells  of  the  nervous 
system,  prpbably  live  throughout  the  length  of  our 
lives,  but  myriads  of  other  cells  are  constantly  dividing 
to  help  to  build  up  the  tissues.  "Birth"  and  death 
are  continually  going  on  among  the  individual  units 
of  ourselves.  When  a  tissue  is  sectioned  and  examined 
microscopically  it  will  frequently  be  seen  that  some  of 
the  cells  are  in  the  act  of  division  by  mitosis;  but  when 
we  asked  what  makes  the  division  occur,  and  what 
makes  cells  multiply  to  build  up  the  tissues,  we  could 
only  say  once  more  that  the  reason  was  quite  unknown. 


When  a  child  grows  to  form  a  man  he  grows  by  the 
multiplication  of  his  cells,  but  we  did  not  know  what 
causes  him  to  grow,  or  what  makes  his  cells  to  attain 
this  object. 

Again,  if  we  injure  or  wound  ourselves  in  any  part 
of  the  body,  the  tissues  always  make  an  attempt  to 
repair  the  damage.  No  matter  to  what  extent  the 
injury  may  occur,  attempted  healing  always  takes 
place.  The  phenomenon  of  healing  is  due  to  the 
proliferation  of  white  blood-cells,  which  multiply  by 
cell-division  to  repair  the  tissues  which  are  damaged. 
Not  only  do  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  proliferate 
when  a  tissue  is  damaged,  but  other  cells  also  multiply. 
For  instance,  epithelial  cells  will  also  proliferate  to  heal 
a  damaged  site.  The  cell-proliferation  of  healing  forms 
one  of  the  bases  of  pathology,  and  therefore  of  medicine 
also;  yet  it  had  to  be  admitted  that  nothing  whatever 
was  known  as  to  why  this  cell-proliferation  occurs  when 
any  part  of  our  bodies  is  damaged.  The  process  of 
healing  is  occurring  in  our  bodies  throughout  our  lives, 
and  this  sudden  multiplication  of  cells  must  be  con- 
stantly before  the  consideration  of  medical  men;  but 
although  this  multiplication  by  reproduction  is  an 
established  fact,  one  never  hears  the  question  asked, 
Why  do  cells  immediately  divide  to  reproduce  them- 
selves when  a  tissue  is  damaged  ?  If  the  question  was 
asked,  however,  the  answer  would  have  had  to  be, 
"We  do  not  know." 

For  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  to  occur  it  is. 
not  necessary  for  the  skin  to  be  actually  broken.  On 
the  contrary,  extensive  cell-proliferation  of  healing  may 


occur  as  the  result  of  a  bruise  or  disease;  and  chronic 
irritation,  which  is  an  invariable  predisposing  factor  in 
cancer,  may  give  rise  to  exuberant  multiplication  of 
the  cells  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  irritated  part. 
A  common  instance  of  the  proliferation  due  to  chronic 
irritation  is  shown  in  the  case  of  a  "corn."  An  ill- 
fitting  boot  irritates  a  certain  portion  of  the  foot  by 
pressing  unduly  on  a  certain  portion  of  the  skin.  The 
skin  becomes  hardened,  and  a  small  tumour  may  even 
be  formed  on  the  irritated  spot.  This  hardening  is 
due  to  excessive  proliferation  of  the  living  cells  in 
and  immediately  underneath  the  skin.  A  wart  is 
an  example  of  the  proliferation  due  to  irritation; 
but  although  this  irritation  leads  to  proliferation,  we 
do  not  know  exactly  wrhy  the  cells  proliferate  in 
response  to  it.  If  we  think  the  problem  out  care- 
fully, wre  can  picture  a  group  of  living  cells  multiplying 
by  division,  and  then  try  to  grasp  how  irritation  of 
that  group  by  mechanical  pressure  can  possibly  make 
the  individual  cells  reproduce  themselves;  for  this  is 
what  they  do.  At  the  time  when  these  cancer  re- 
searches wrere  started  we  could  not  grasp  this  point. 
It  seemed  incredible  that  a  cell  would  reproduce  itself 
because  its  cell-wall  was  "tickled"  or  pressed  upon.1 
Why  should  a  living  cell  undergo  the  complex  phe- 
nomenon of  mitosis  for  a  reason  of  this  nature  ?  .  Be- 
sides, living  cells  are  very  delicate,  and  we  know  that 
they  will  not  stand  much  handling  or  pressure  without 
dying.  No;  it  was  necessary  to  find  some  better 
explanation  of  the  cause  of  cell-division  than  mere 
mechanical  irritation,  and  we  appreciated  that  irritation 

1  The  pressure  of  a  cover-glass  does  not  cause  cell-division. 


in  reality  causes  localized  cell-death,  and  the  cause 
of  the  proliferation  due  to  irritation  would  in  all 
probability  be  found  to  be  due  to  the  same  cause  or 
causes  which  make  our  cells  multiply  in  order  to  heal 
up  a  cut  or  a  sore. 

Now,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  cancer  occurs  in 
sites  where  there  has  been  previously  some  form  of 
chronic  irritation,  and  cancer  is  another  name  for 
malignant  proliferation  of  cells.  Since  such  irritation 
is  probably  directly  associated  with  the  cause  of  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing,  we  made  our  first  endea- 
vours to  try  to  find  out  this  cause  of  cell-reproduc- 
tion in  the  body,  for  it  was  considered  that  if  that 
could  be  found  a  step  in  the  right  direction  would 
be  made.  Some  attempts  at  healing  are  always  going 
on  in  the  parts  that  are  subject  to  chronic  irritation, 
and  we  may  safely  say  that  the  cell-proliferation  of 
healing  is  going  on  in  these  parts.  Cancer  super- 
venes on  old  ulcers  and  sores,  which,  of  course,  are 
healing  sites.  In  the  breast  and  uterus,  two  of  the 
commonest  places  for  cancer,  the  cell-proliferation  of 
healing  occurs  every  month  during  the  ages  of  actual 
sexual  function,  and  at  the  climacteric  a  large  involu- 
tion takes  place,  accompanied  by  destruction  of  tissue. 
The  irritation  which  causes  cancer  of  the  lip  is  usually 
the  pressure  of  a  tobacco-pipe;  X-ray  cancer  usually 
follows  the  ulceration  and  damage  due  to  burns;  and 
there  are  many  other  examples.  The  cause  of  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing,  therefore,  constituted  our 
first  investigation  in  the  path  of  cancer  research. 
V  /  Leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  are  the  cells  which  pro- 


liferate  to  a  great  extent  when  healing  occurs  anywhere,/ 
and  these  w^hite  blood-corpuscles  formed  the  objects 
of  our  observation  in  the  first  instance.  What  made 
these  cells  divide  wTe  did  not  know,  how  they  divided 
was  also  unknowrn;  but  we  knew  that  amoeboid  move- 
ments could  be  excited  in  them  by  means  of  alkaloids. 
It  is  an  astonishing  thing  that  when  any  injury 
occurs,  in  no  matter  what  part  of  the  body,  those 
neighbouring  cells  which  have  not  been  damaged  wTill 
immediately  reproduce  themselves.  If  the  damage  is 
persistent,  and  healing  becomes  very  chronic  in  persons 
over  the  age  of  40,  cells  may  reproduce  themselves 
in  a  malignant  manner,  and  then  they  go  on  dividing 
and  dividing,  producing  a  cancerous  growth  which 
ultimately  kills  the  person  the  part  of  whose  body 
they  are,  and  whose  damaged  tissue  it  was  their  en- 
deavour to  heal.  The  first  thing  to  do,  undoubtedly, 
was  to  try  to  find  the  cause  of  the  cell-  proliferation 
of  healing. 








BEFORE  proceeding  to  discuss  the  problem  of  the 
causation  of  cell-division,  it  is  necessary  to  state  that 
another  piece  of  information  was  at  our  disposal  which 
we  believed  to  be  intimately  associated  with  cell-division, 
although  the  fact  was  not  appreciated  when  the  point 
was  first  noticed.  During  experimentation  with  a 
mixture  of  stain  and  alkaloid  on  blood-cells  it  was 
noticed  that  with  a  citrated  mixture  of  Unna's  stain 
and  the  alkaloid  atrbpine  the  lymphocytes  sometimes 
extrude  granules  (fig.  39)  from  their  cell- walls.  These 
granules  remain  attached  to  the  cell  by  means  of  a 
streamer,  apparently  derived  from  the  cell-wall  itself. 
The  extrusion  appears  to  be  a  deliberate  one  on  the 
part  of  the  cell,  and  the  granule  ultimately  becomes 
separated  from  it  altogether.  This  extrusion,  or  "  flagel- 
lation" as  we  erroneously  called  it,  has  been  confirmed 




FIG.  38. — Leucocytes  excited  by  pyridine.     No  stain. 


FIG.  39. — A  lymphocyte  which  has  absorbed  stam  and  atropine  discarding, 
its  granules  (flagellation). 


by  L'Engle,  of  Philadelphia,  who  has  also  seen  it  occur 
in  poly  nuclear  leucocytes.  When  we  examined  fresh 
blood-cells  mixed  with  the  pla,sma  of  cancer  patients, 
we  again  noticed  that  the  lymphocytes  extruded 
granules  in  some  cases  apparently  in  response  to 
something  in  the  cancer  plasma,  a  point  which  Dr. 
Macalister  and  I  published  in  The  British  Medical 
Journal  on  January  16,  1909.  Dr.  Buchanan,  how- 
ever, has  informed  us — and  this  is  a  most  interesting 
point — that  he  had  previously  seen  similar  extrusions 
take  place  in  cases  of  leukaemia,  a  fact  which  he 
mentions  in  his  book;  and  a  fact  which  we  shall 
recall  later  on.  We,  however,  had  never  seen  these 
extrusions  occur  unless  alkaloid  or  cancer  plasma  had 
been  mixed  w^ith  the  cells. 

As  already  mentioned,  the  commonly  accepted 
explanation  regarding  the  cause  of  the  reproduction  of 
cells  by  individual  cell-division  is  not  very  satisfactory. 
One  of  the  characteristics  of  living  matter  is  that  it 
is  capable  of  reproducing  itself,  and  the  theory  as 
to  its  causation  in  animal  cells  was  that  they,  being 
living  creatures,  reproduce  themselves  because  it  is  an 
intrinsic  function  of  the  protoplasm — that  is  to  say,  that 
it  is  a  vital  propensity  on  the  part  of  every  cell  to 
divide  automatically,  so  to  speak,  and  to  continue  to 
do  so  until  it  dies.  This  explanation,  however,  does 
not  harmonise  with  certain  known  facts  concerning  cell- 
proliferation.  For  instance,  physiologically  cell-division 
is  influenced  by  conditions  outside  the  cell.  The  limi- 
tation of  the  size  of  an  organ  must  be  controlled  by 
some  governing  factor  which  influences  not  only  the 


proliferation  of  individual  cells,  but  that  of  multitudes 
of  them.  It  is  very  difficult  to  believe  that  the  develop- 
ment of  an  animal  from  the  ovum  can  be  entirely  an 
automatic  function  of  the  protoplasm  of  individual  cells, 
unless  that  function  is  so  controlled  that  the  cells  act 
together  in  masses.  Moreover,  the  phenomenon  of 
healing  which  has  been  mentioned  presents  features 
which  tend  to  dispose  of  the  "automatic  theory"— a 
theory  which  does  not  explain  why  cells  immediately 
reproduce  themselves  at  a  much  quicker  rate  than 
normally  when  a  tissue  is  damaged.  Leucocytes,  for 
instance,  will  not  divide  when  they  are  removed  from 
the  body,  nor  have  they  ever  been  seen  in  the  act  of 
division  when  examined  from  the  peripheral  circulation. 
Yet  when  these  cells  are  shed  into  a  damaged  tissue 
they  proliferate  immediately. 

Jacques  Loeb  was,  we  believe,  the  first  to  show  that 
cell-division  in  the  ova  of  star-fish  can  be  accelerated 
by  certain  chemical  reagents;  and  further  observations 
were  made  in  this  line  of  work  by  B.  Moore,  H.  E.  Roaf, 
and  E.  Whitley,  who  proved  that  the  regularity  and 
rapidity  of  growth  of  the  cells  of  the  fertilised  ova  of 
echinoderms  could  be  greatly  influenced  by  certain 
alterations  in  the  alkalinity  of  the  water  in  which  they 
normally  divide.  B.  Moore  has  also  shown  that  the 
alkalinity  of  the  blood-plasma  in  cancer  is  increased— 
a  point  which  is  of  great  importance,  especially  when 
we  remember  that  alkalies  increase  the  diffusion  of 
substances  into  living  cells. 

O.    and   R.    Hertwig   and    Galleoti   have   described 
how,    when    mitosis    occurs   in    some    of   the    cells    of 


lower  animals  which  have  been  subjected  to  certain 
alkaloids,  such  as  quinine,  nicotine,  and  cocaine,  and 
also  to  antipyrene,  the  mitotic  figures  may  be  of  the 
asymmetrical  type,  and  that  in  the  case  of  certain  epi- 
thelial cells  of  salamanders  the  mitotic  divisions  which 
occur  in  the  presence  of  these  substances  closely  re- 
semble the  asymmetrical  divisions  seen  in  human 
cancer-cells.  These  points  took  us  back  once  more 
to  our  own  knowledge  that  alkaloids  excited  leuco- 
cytes; but  we  have  never  seen  divisions,  asymmetrical 
or  otherwise,  actually  induced  in  leucocytes  by  any 
alkaloid  or  other  substance. 

Farmer,  Moore,  and  Walker  had  closely  studied 
the  cytology  of  cancer-cells.  They  had  frequently 
seen  cells  in  the  act  of  division  in  their  stained  speci- 
mens, and  they  described  the  asymmetrical  "maiotic" 
mitoses  by  which  cancer-cells  frequently  appear  to 
divide.  By  the  expression  "maiotic  division"  a  "re- 
duced" division  is  meant;  that  is  to  say,  that  a  cell 
divides  with  a  reduced  number  of  chromosomes,  and 
instead  of  having  its  customary  somatic  number,  that 
number  may  be  reduced  to  one-half.  In  man  the 
somatic  number  of  chromosomes  is  thirty-two,  and 
cancer-cells  sometimes  divide  with  sixteen  chromo- 
somes. Farmer,  Moore,  and  Walker  also  describe 
other  characteristics  of  the  several  maiotic  phases  of 
mitosis,  and  they  specify  two  forms  of  maiotic  di- 
vision— namely,  the  first  change  in  a  cell's  life- 
history  from  its  somatic  division  to  the  maiotic,  which 
they  call  the  first  (heterotype)  maiotic  division,  and  the 
succeeding  maiotic  divisions  of  its  life-history,  which 


are  called  the  homotype  maiotic  divisions.  These 
authors,  however,  believe  that  it  is  not  only  cancer- 
cells  which  divide  by  maiotic  divisions,  but  that  certain 
other  tissue-cells  also  normally  proliferate  by  maiotic 
reproduction,  especially  some  cells  of  the  testis,  and 
the  "wandering"  cells  of  the  body. 

In  March,  1909  we  discussed  the  problem  of  the 
causation  of  cell-division  with  Professor  Harvey  Gibson, 
who  suggested  that  we  might  try  the  effect  of  nuclein 
on  cells;  and  he  founded  this  idea  on  the  well-known 
fact  that  in  the  sexual  generation  of  the  normal  alter- 
nations of  generations  of  plants  the  nuclei  have  only 
half  the  number  of  chromosomes  which  are  present  in 
the  nuclei  of  the  asexual  generation,  and  that  what  is 
normal  in  the  plant  appears  to  resemble  what  is  patho- 
logical in  the  human  being's  cancer-cells.  It  is  thus 
suggestive  that  a  cancerous  growth  might  be  looked 
upon  as  consisting  of  abnormally  induced  "gameto- 
phytic"  or  sexual  tissue.  Professor  Gibson,  with  this 
in  his  imind,  suggested  that  it  might  be  possible  by 
some  means  to  induce  the  nuclei  deficient  in  nuclein 
to  absorb  more,  and  so  get  back  to  the  normal  somatic 
condition.  Farmer  and  others  have  shown  that  it  is 
possible  to  induce  such  changes  in  the  tissue  of  ferns, 
and  for  many  months  one  of  us  (C.  J.  M.),  acting  on  this 
knowledge,  treated  some  cancer  patients  with  nuclein, 
which  was  made  by  Professor  Reynolds  Green,  but 
without  proof  that  it  conferred  benefit.  We,  however, 
determined  to  experiment  with  it  on  individual  cells.1 

1  Quoted  from  a  paper,  "A  Report  on  Cancer  Research,"  by  Dr.  Macalister 
and  myself,  in  The  British  MedicalJournal,  October  23,  1909. 


From  the  foregoing  facts,  believing  that  it  was 
reasonable  to  suppose  that  chemical  agents  might 
influence  human  cell-division,  we  resolved  to  try  the 
new  in-vitro  method.  Bearing  in  mind  that  the  cell- 
proliferation  of  healing  appeared  to  be  associated  with 
the  proliferation  of  cancer,  our  first  step  was  to  try  the 
effect  of  nuclein  on  leucocytes.  A  saturated  solution 
of  it  was  made  in  "citrate  solution,"  and  this  was  mixed 
with  an  equal  volume  of  fresh  blood.  It  was  found 
that  the  nuclein  seemed  to  lower  the  coefficient  of 
diffusion  of  the  cells  very  markedly  compared  with  a 
control  experiment  in  which  no  nuclein  was  employed. 
Some  nuclein  was  then  mixed  up  with  jelly  which 
contained  stain  and  which  had  the  right  index  of 
diffusion  to  stain  leucocytes  deeply,  without  killing  them, 
in  twenty  minutes.  But  nuclein  did  not  excite  amoe- 
boid movements  in  the  cells. 

In  the  next  place  some  juice  was  squeezed  from  a 
malignant  growth  and  citrated,  and  the  citrated  mixture 
was  in  its  turn  mixed  with  some  fresh  normal  blood. 
It  was  found  that  this  juice,  like  the  nuclein,  lowered 
the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the  leucocytes,  but  in 
addition  it  excited  amoeboid  movements  in  them. 

The  lowering  of  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  due  to 
nuclein  was  striking,  because  not  only  does  the  juice  of 
a  growth  do  the  same  thing,  but  the  cells  of  cancer 
patients  usually  have  a  lowered  coefficient. 

We  were  not  satisfied,  however,  with  this  experi- 
ment with  nuclein,  because  the  preparation  of  it  which 
we  had  obtained  was  very  insoluble  in  neutral  solution, 
and  it  was  impossible  to  employ  it  in  any  more  concen- 


trated  form  because  more  powerful  solvents  damaged 
or  killed  the  cells.  In  place  of  this  nuclein,  therefore, 
extracts  of  some  dead  tissues  were  made,  which  we 
believed  would  contain  the  dead  chromatin  of  cells,  and 
it  is  said  that  chromatin  contains  nuclein.  Moreover, 
it  was  thought  advisable  to  keep  as  closely  as  possible 
to  chemical  substances  which  might  be  produced  in  the 
body,  and  the  insoluble  nuclein  which  we  had  used  had 
been  extracted  by  an  elaborate  process  with  hydro- 
chloric acid. 

To  obtain  this  extract  containing — as  we  believed— 
the  chromatin  of  cells,  we  adopted  a  principle  based  on 
our  observations  of  the  phenomenon  of  achromasia.  It 
may  be  recalled  that  achromasia  is  believed  to  be  due 
to  the  chromatin  of  cells  passing  out  of  them,  by 
dialysis,  after  their  death.  Achromasia  will  readily 
occur  if  cells  are  allowed  to  die  in  a  solution  which 
contains  salt;  and  its  onset  after  death  is  accelerated 
by  heat.  We  therefore  made  an  extract  of  a  tissue  by 
chopping  it  up  in  "citrate  solution"  and  keeping  it  for 
twenty-four  hours  at  60°  C.  The  first  tissue  chosen 
was  lymphatic  gland — the  reasons  for  this  being  the 
knowledge  that  cancer  frequently  spreads  through  the 
lymphatic  channels  and  glands,  that  lymphocytes  are 
always  seen  in  large  numbers  in  growths,  that  lymphatic 
glands  contain  large  numbers  of  lymphocytes,  and 
especially  because  lymphocytes  proliferate  to  a  large 
extent  when  a  tissue  is  chronically  damaged. 

The  small  prevertebral  (haemal)  glands  of  lambs 
provided  the  lymphocytes  whose  chromatin  we  hoped 
to  extract.  These  glands  are  composed  almost  entirely 


of  lymphocytes.  In  the  first  instance  a  dilute  extract 
was  made  in  citrate  solution,  kept  at  60°  C.  for  twenty- 
four  hours,  and  then  filtered.  Some  fresh  blood  was 
mixed  in  a  capillary  tube  with  an  equal  volume  of  the 
filtrate  and  incubated  at  37°  C.  for  three  hours.  A  drop 
of  the  mixture  was  then  examined  on  the  stained  jelly 
which  excites  amoeboid  movement  in  leucocytes  (kinetic 
jelly).  It  was  at  once  seen  that  the  coefficient  of 
diffusion  of  the  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  had  fallen 
remarkably — a  greater  fall  than  had  ever  been  seen 
except  that  produced  by  morphine.  The  nuclei  actually 
stained  on  this  jelly  in  about  fifteen  minutes;  and  this 
jelly  will  never  stain  the  nuclei  of  normal  leucocytes— 
for  they  burst  before  that  happens.  It  was  also  noticed, 
however,  that  the  cells  contained  oval  vesicles  within 
their  cytoplasm  which  closely  resembled  "Plimmer's 
bodies."  After  a  while  these  bodies  became  identical 
with  diffusion- vacuoles  of  large  size,  and  when  they 
burst  some  of  them  resembled  archoplasm.  It  may 
be  noted  that  other  authors  have  suggested  that 
"Plimmer's  bodies"  and  archoplasm  are  identical.  We 
think  that  these  vesicles  induced  in  leucocytes  by  the 
extract  are  diffusion-vacuoles  due  to  the  lowered 
coefficient  of  diffusion. 

The  next  series  of  experiments  was  made  to  observe 
the  effects  of  this  extract  of  haemal  gland  on  leuco- 
cytes when  the  cells  are  spread  on  jelly  which  contains 
the  extract.  The  jelly-films  also  contained  the  correct 
amount  of  Unna's  stain  to  stain  the  granules  of  the 
cells,  so  that,  if  the  extract  had  any  action  on  the 
individual  cells  under  these  conditions,  they  would  be 


observed  nicely  stained  and  yet  alive  while  this  action 
was  taking  place.  At  first  a  dilute  extract  was  used, 
as  before,  and  the  films  in  some  instances  were  incu- 
bated for  a  short  time,  while  others  were  suitably 
prepared  for  the  room  temperature.  In  one  or  two 
cases  the  lymphocytes  seemed  to  contain  some  rod- 
shaped  bodies  in  the  cytoplasm.  These  rods  stained 
a  bright  scarlet,  similar  to  the  staining  of  chromatin, 
and  nothing  had  been  seen  like  them  before.  They 
certainly  were  not  bacteria,  for  we  have  often  seen 
ingested  bacteria  which  have  quite  a  different  ap- 
pearance; besides,  they  wrere  only  seen  in  the  lympho- 
cytes, which  we  have  never  seen  to  ingest  bacteria. 
With  great  hesitation  we  thought  they  might  be 

Before  proceeding  farther  it  is  necessary  to  explain 
that  at  the  time  when  these  experiments  were  made 
the  appearance  presented  by  the  chromosomes  of 
lymphocytes  were  unknown;  in  fact,  it  was  not  known 
whether  these  cells  from  the  peripheral  circulation 
divided  by  true  mitosis  or  not.  One  of  us  had 
examined  leucocytes  by  the  in-vitro  method  for  four 
years,  and  had  never  seen  anything,  previous  to  these 
last  experiments,  wThich  appeared  in  any  way  connected 
with  division  of  the  white  blood-cells.  It  was  appre- 
ciated that,  with  the  new  method,  a  possibility  existed 
that  cell-division  in  white  blood-cells  might  some  day 
be  seen;  but  to  observe  what  appeared  to  be  chromo- 
somes in  lymphocytes,  after  we  had  tried  only  one  or 
two  groups  of  substances,  seemed  to  be  too  good  to  be 
realised.  It  was  necessary  to  be  very  careful,  however,, 


before  we  came  to  any  conclusion  as  to  the  nature  of 
the  bodies  which  had  been  observed  in  the  cells. 

The  first  striking  point  noticed  about  the  red- 
staining  rods  was  that  they  were  not  within  the  nuclei, 
but  were  in  the  cytoplasm  outside  the  nucleus.  This 
did  not  seem  to  be  right,  if  tHte  rods  were  chromosomes. 
It  is  usually  considered  that  the  phenomena  of  mitosis 
goes  on  within  the  nucleus  as  it  does  in  plant-cells. 
Hitherto,  mitosis  in  human  cells,  or  animal  cells  gener- 
ally, had  been  seen  only  in  cells  which  had  been  killed 
and  fixed  with  heat  or  chemical  agents  at  a  time  when 
they  happened  to  be  in  the  act  of  cell-division.  From 
observation  by  the  older  method,  it  was  usually  under- 
stood that  during  mitosis  the  nuclear  wall  vanishes, 
and  the  chromatin  within  the  nucleus  forms  into 
chromosomes,  which  then  migrate  into  the  cytoplasm. 
We  were  prepared  to  believe  that  the  older  methods 
might  be  fallacious  owing  to  distortion  caused  by  the 
killing  and  fixing  of  the  cells,  and  to  the  fact  that 
cells  w^ere  only  caught  in  the  act  of  mitosis,  not 
observed  undergoing  the  whole  phenomenon  from  start 
to  finish.  If  our  observations  were  correct,  the  rods 
in  the  lymphocytes  were  in  the  cytoplasm  right  enough, 
but  the  nuclear  wall  was  still  there  internal  to  the 

The  experimentation  was  then  improved.  Instead 
of  the  dilute  extract  being  used,  a  concentrated  one 
was  made  consisting  of  50  grammes  of  ha3mal  gland 
chopped  up  in  50  cc.  (i.e.  100  per  cent)  of  citrate 
solution,  kept  at  60°  C.  for  twenty-four  hours  and  then 
filtered  as  before.  A  jelly-film  was  made  thus:  To  a 


tube  of  5  cc.  of  "coefficient  jelly,"  0.5  cc.  (5  units)  of 
stain  and  0 . 8  cc.  of  alkali  solution  (8  units)  were  added, 
together  with  3  cc.  of  the  100-per-cent  extract,  and  the 
content  of  the  tube  was  made  up  to  a  total  of  10  cc. 
by  0.7  cc.  of  water.  The  jelly  was  boiled  and  a  film 
made  from  it  in  the  usual  way,  fresh  citrated  blood 
being  placed  on  it.  The  object  was  to  see  whether  this 
jelly  wrould  cause  the  rod-shaped  bodies  again  to  appear 
in  the  lymphocytes,  for  we  believed  that  it  was  the 
extract  which  caused  their  appearance.  It  was  neces- 
sary, therefore,  to  raise  the  index  of  diffusion  of  the  jelly 
as  high  as  possible  short  of  killing  the  cells,  in  order 
to  cause  maximum  diffusion  of  the  contents  of  the  jelly 
into  the  lymphocytes.  The  coefficient  of  diffusion  of 
these  cells  is  14,  and  we  added  one  more  unit  of  alkali 
to  the  jelly  in  order  to  cause  the  extract  to  diffuse  to 
the  utmost  into  the  cells.  This  is  the  equation : 

cf=(5s  +  8a  +  l.5x  +  7h  +  t}  -  (Qc  +  l.Sn)  =  15. 

where  x  is  the  3  cc.  of  extract  which  is  alkaline  to  the 
extent  of  about  1 . 5  units,  and  contains  3  per  cent 
(3  units)  of  sodium  citrate  and  1  per  cent  (0.5  unit) 
of  sodium  chloride. 

Several  fields  of  the  specimen  were  first  looked  at 
and  the  ordinary  resting  condition  of  the  lymphocytes 
noted.  The  slide  was  then  placed  in  the  37°  C.  incubator 
for  eight  minutes.  The  same  fields  (containing  the 
same  lymphocytes)  wrere  then  again  examined,  and 
pictures  were  seen  which  had  never  been  seen  before, 
for  nearly  every  lymphocyte  in  the  specimen  was 


unquestionably    in    the    act    of   reproducing    itself    by    / 

If  any  doubt  existed  as  to  whether  the  rod-shaped 
bodies  which  had  been  seen  in  the  cytoplasm  of  the 
cells  were  really  chromosomes,  that  doubt  was  now  set 
at  rest.  The  cells  were  certainly  not  reproducing  them- 
selves when  they  were  first  placed  on  the  jelly-film; 
but  after  they  had  absorbed  the  contents  of  the  jelly 
during  the  eight-minutes'  incubation  at  37°  C.,  they 
gradually  went  through  the  process  of  cell-division  by 
mitosis,  and  on  the  removal  of  the  slide  from  the 
incubator  they  were  found  in  the  act  of  reproduction 
with  their  chromosomes  and  centrosomes  stained  bright 

These  mitotic  divisions,  induced  for  the  first  time 
in  living  human  cells,  revealed  the  fact  that  the  phe- 
nomenon of  mitosis  in  lymphocytes  differed  in  many 
details  from  the  commonly  accepted  ideas  regarding 
karyokinesis  which  have  been  adopted  from  the  study 
(with  the  older  fixation  methods)  of  dead  cells  other 
than  lymphocytes.  The  nucleus  does  not  vanish;  it 
forms  the  spindle.  The  chromosomes  are  not  derived 
from  within  the  nucleus,  but  are  formed  from  the 
normal  Altmann's  granules  which  exist  in  the  cyto- 
plasm. The  centrosomes  are  not  mere  "dots"  at  the 
poles  of  the  spindle,  but  are  derived  from  the  nucleolus 
which  has  divided  into  two. 

Fresh  films  were  made,  and  bloods  taken  from  other 

1  That  division  had  been  seen  in  lymphocytes  with  this  jelly,  and  some  of 
the  facts  which  led  up  to  this  discovery  were  published  by  us  in  The  British 
MedicalJournal,  October  23,  1909. 



persons  were  tried,  and  before  long  hundreds  of  mitotic 
figures  were  induced  in  lymphocytes,  some  of  which 
closely  resembled  the  karyokinesis,  as  described  in 
the  diagrams  and  drawings  in  well-known  books  on 
Cytology.  The  Altmann's  granules,  however,  always 
form  the  chromosomes,1  the  nuclear  wall  forms  the 
spindle,  and  the  nucleolus  forms  the  centrosomes. 





1  The  chromosomes  of  lymphocytes  do  not  always  appear  as  definite 
"rods,"  but  may  look  as  if  they  were  composed  of  masses  of  granules.  See 


As  will  be  shown  in  the  succeeding  chapters,  one 
can  now  induce  mitosis  in  lymphocytes  whenever  one 
pleases,  and  we  have  seen  all  stages  of  their  cell-division. 
It  must  be  remembered  that  to  induce  all  these  stages 
occupied  many  months  of  work,  and  involved  the  em- 
ployment of  many  varieties  of  the  jelly-films.  I  shall 
now  describe  these  divisions  in  detail,  because  we  have 
since  been  able  to  induce  divisions  in  other  human 
cells,  and  therefore  there  is  reason  to  believe  that  the 
phenomenon  of  mitosis  in  other  varieties  of  cells  is 
similar,  if  not  identical,  with  that  of  lymphocytes, 
especially  as  regards  the  Altmann's  granules  forming 
the  chromosomes  and  the  nuclear  wall  forming  the 
spindle,  both  of  which  are  important  cytological 

The  normal  lymphocyte  (figs.  40-2)  occurs  in  a 
great  variety  of  sizes  in  the  body.  In  the  blood 
one  usually  sees  the  smaller  sizes,  but  in  the  glands 
(and  not  only  in  the  lymphatic  glands)  the  cell  may 
reach  large  proportions.  As  will  be  shown  later,  it 
is  quite  a  different  class  of  cell,  cytologically,  from 
the  so-called  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte,  and  it 
must  spend  only  a  portion  of  its  life  in  the  peripheral 
circulation.  The  lymphocyte  has  a  large  round  or 
kidney-shaped  nucleus,  writhin  which  there  are  one  or 
two  nucleoli.  In  the  living  cell  the  nucleus  appears 
to  be  a  transparent  membrane  (fig.  40)  which  stains 
a  faint  blue  with  Unna's  polychrome  dye,1  and  it  is 
tucked  in  at  its  poles  to  be  attached  to  the  nucleolus. 
Outside  the  nucleus,  and  studded  on  its  surface,  a 

1  Chromatin  stains  scarlet. 


large  number  of  chromatin  granules  (figs.  41-2)  are 
found  which  really  are  in  the  clear  cytoplasm,  and 
they  are  frequently  extruded  with  the  cytoplasm  into 
the  pseudopodia,  especially  if  amoeboid  movements  are 
excited  by  atropine.  When  a  lymphocyte  "flagellates," 
these  granules  are  thrust  out  through  the  cell-wall 
and  become  separated.  When  the  cells  are  on  jelly 
which  makes  them  divide,  amceboid  movements  cease, 
and  then  the  procedure  is  as  follows:  The  nucleolus, 
which  is  shaped  like  a  minute  ring,  and  stains  as  if 
it  was  composed  of  chromatin,  splits  either  into  two 
rings1  (figs.  43-4),  or  into  two  dots  of  chromatin 
which  form  the  centrosomes.  They  then  separate 
and  emerge  at  opposite  poles  of  the  cell  out  through 
the  mass  of  granules  in  the  cytoplasm  (figs.  45—7), 
and  in  doing  this  they  seem  to  pull  out  the  nucleus 
into  the  form  of  a  spindle.  The  chromatin  granules 
of  the  cytoplasm  in  the  meantime  are  gradually 
collected  into  masses  round  the  waist  of  the  spindle 
(fig.  44),  and  ultimately  they  form  a  belt  of 
chromatin  round  it  on  its  outside  (figs.  48-9).  In 
a  specimen  in  which  one  can  see  down  through  the 
spindle  it  will  be  observed  that  this  belt  divides  into 
a  number  of  chromosomes  (figs.  50-1),  which  become 
semilunar-shaped  with  their  points  inwards  (figs.  52-5). 
Each  chromosome  is  in  contact  with  its  neighbours 
at  its  points  (figs.  62-3).  Each  one  of  them  then 
divides  into  two  (fig.  64).  One  half  of  every  chro- 
mosome travels  towards  one  nucleolus-centrosome, 

JOne  of  us  (J.  W.  C.)  has  recently  seen  a  ring-shaped  centrosome  in  the 
act  of  division.    It  appeared  hour-glass  shaped. 



FIG.  4(J. — A  resting  lympnocyte.  i\  ote  the  deeply  stained  masses  of  gran- 
ules in  the  cytoplasm,  which  is  bulged  out  in  places.  The  large  transparent 
nucleus  and  the  stained  ring-shaped  nucleolus  can  also  be  seen. 


FIG.   41. — A  resting  lymphocyte.     The  Altmann's  granules  in  the  cyto- 
plasm are  stained. 


•^^^••^•^^••••^•••••••ftr  ^ 


FIG.  42. — A  resting  lymphocyte.     The  cytoplasm,  the  granules,  the  nucleus, 
and  the  nucleolus  can  be  distinguished. 

Fig.  43. — The  earliest  stage  of  mitosis.     The  nucleolus  has  divided  into  two 



FIG.  44. — Early  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.  Looking  down  through  the 
spindle  (polar  aspect).  The  nucleolus  has  divided  into  two  centrosomes, 
each  of  which  is  ring-shaped.  The  spindle  is  surrounded  by  a  belt  of  chro- 
matin  granules. 

FIG.  45. — Mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.  Profile  aspect.  The  two  ring- 
shaped  centrosomes  can  just  be  seen  towards  the  poles.  The  granules  are 
becoming  formed  into  chromosomes. 



FIG.  46. — Foreshortened  appearance  of  a  mitotic  figure  in  a  lymphocyte. 
The  position  of  one  nucleolus-centrosome  at  the  pole  of  the  figure  is  well 

FIG.  47. — Profile  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte.     The  relative  positions 
of  the  centrosomes  andi-chromosomes  can  be  seen. 



FIG.  48.  —  Profile  aspect 

f  mitosis.     The  belt  of  chromatin  is  formed  round 
the  waist  of  the  cell. 

FIG..  49. — One  resting  and  one  dividing  lymphocyte.  In  the  latter  the 
chromosomes  are  beginning  to  divide.  The  centrosomes  appear  as  dots 
of  chromatin. 


r      i 

L A 

jTIG    50.— Polar  aspect.     The  belt  of  chromatm  granules  is  dividing  into 

pIG_  51. — Polar  aspect.     The  chromosomes  are  becoming  semicircular. 



FIG.  52. — Polar  aspect.     An  "aster"  stage  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte. 

FIG.  53. — Polar  aspect.     Some  ot  tne  chromosomes  are  semicircular-shaped; 
some  are  dots  of  chromatin. 


FIG.  54. — Polar  aspect.     One  centrosome  can  be  seen  at  the  pole  of  the 

"aster"  figure. 

FIG.  55. — Polar  aspect.     Sixteen  chromosomes  could  be  counted  in  this  cell. 


JTIG   56.— Profile  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte. 

FIG.  57. — Profile  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte. 


FIG.  58. — -Profile  aspect.     The  chromosomes  can  be  seen  at  the  waist  of  the 


FIG.  59. — Profile  aspect.     A  figure  frequently  seen. 


FIG.  60. — Profile  aspect  of  mitosis. 

FIG.  61. — Oblique  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte. 



FIG.  62. — Polar  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a  large  lymphocyte  from  a  patient 
suffering  from  carcinoma.      There  are  sixteen  chromosomes. 

FIG.  63. — Polar  aspect.  The  chromosomes  were  V-shaped  with  their 
apices  inwards  to  be  attached  to  the  nucleus-spindle,  which  can  dimly  be 
made  out. 



FIG.   64. — Polar  aspect  of  mitosis  in  a   large    lymphocyte  from  a  cancer 
patient.      The  chromosomes  are  dividing. 

FIG.  65. — Profile  aspect  of  mitosis. 


FIG.    66. — Profile    aspect.     The    figure    is   fully   formed.     One    nucleolus- 
centrosome  is  ring-shaped ;  the  other  is  a  dot  of  chroma  tin. 



FIG.  67. — Profile  aspect.     The  sixteen  chromosomes  could  be  counted. 



FIG.  68. — The  cell  has  become  constricted  in  its  centre. 

FIG.  69. — Prohle  aspect.  Complete  division  is  about  to  occur.  The 
chromosomes  are  being  reconverted  into  granules,  but  the  mitotic  figure  is 
not  quite  finished  at  the  dividing-point. 



FIG.  70. — Profile  aspect.     The  spindle  and  chromosomes  have  divided,  but 
the  cell  wall-has  not  yet  separated. 

FIG.  71. — Completion  of  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte. 


and  the  other  half  towards  the  other  centrosome 
(figs.  56-61,  65-7).  The  spindle  divides  in  the  centre 
(figs.  68-70);  and  lastly  the  cell  itself  divides  (fig.  71). 
In  each  daughter  cell  the  chromosomes  return  to 
their  granular  condition  and  pervade  the  whole 
cytoplasm.  The  single  centrosome  (for  there  is  now 
one  only  in  each  daughter  cell)  again  becomes  tucked 
into  the  centre  of  the  transparent  nucleus — which 
consists  of  one  half  of  the  original  spindle,  and  thus 
the  cycle  of  mitosis  is  completed.  Doubtless  each 
chromosome  granule  divides  during  some  part  of  the 
cycle,  but  owing  to  their  minute  size  we  have  not 
been  able  to  see  their  division. 

The  cells,  of  course,  do  not  usually  divide  in 
definite  stages  such  as  the  aster  and  diaster,  although 
sometimes  a  cell  will  be  found  which  presents  one 
of  them.  Sometimes  one  sees  that  the  chromosomes 
may  be  dividing  in  one  part  of  the  cell,  while  some 
chromosomes  in  another  part  are  being  reconverted 
into  granules  of  chromatin.  The  way  in  which  a 
cell  is  lying  on  the  jelly  must  be  taken  into  con- 
sideration in  the  determination  of  the  stage  of  mitosis. 
One  rarely  finds  a  perfect  figure  as  described  in 
diagrammatic  drawings  of  other  types  of  cell,  for  the 
cells  frequently  appear  foreshortened  owing  to  the 
oblique  manner  in  which  they  happen  to  come  to 
rest  under  the  cover-glass.  The  position  of  the  ring- 
shaped  nucleolus-centrosomes  is  of  prime  importance 
in  the  determination  of  the  stage  of  the  initotic 

In  observing  any  stage  of  mitosis,  however,  it  will 


be  seen  at  once — a  point  on  which  we  must  lay  stress 
—that  the  chromosomes  are  outside  the  nucleus 
are  formed  by  the  conglomeration  of  the  Altmann's 
granules  in  the  cytoplasm.  As  will  be  shown  later 
on,  this  is  also  the  rule  in  leucocytes  and  some  epithelial 
cells  as  wrell  as  in  lymphocytes. 

The  phenomenon  of  mitosis,  then,  as  seen  in  these 
cells  when  they  are  stained  alive,  differs  very  materially 
from  the  usual  descriptions  of  it  as  seen  in  cells  which 
have  been  killed,  fixed,  cut  into  sections  or  otherwise 
manipulated,  and  stained.  The  old  idea  was — although 
divisions  had  not  been  seen  actually  in  lymphocytes— 
that  the  chromosomes  were  formed  out  of  some 
chromatin  which  is  within  the  nucleus,  and  that,  inside 
this  again,  a  spindle,  which  does  not  exist  in  the  rest- 
ing stage,  is  formed.  The  nuclear  wall  was  described 
as  vanishing  during  mitosis  according  to  most  con- 
ceptions. But,  as  I  have  described,  mitosis  is  a  much 
simpler  phenomenon. 

The  misconception  has  been  due,  I  think,  to  several 
factors.  In  the  first  place  most  cytological  research  has 
been  carried  out  with  plant-cells,  and  animal  cytology 
has  arisen  from  it.  In  the  second  place,  cells  up  to  now 
have  only  been  caught  in  the  act  of  mitosis;  their  cycle 
of  cell-division  has  not  been  followed  from  the  resting 
stage  to  completed  division  in  one  individual  cell.  The 
morphological  elements  of  a  resting  cell  have  been 
studied,  and  then  those  in  one  killed  in  the  act  of 
division,  and  the  part  played  by  each  element  has  been 
deduced  from  its  new  position — not  watched  through- 
out. Lastly,  owing  to  manipulation,  the  so-called 


Altmann's  granules  of  some  cells  have  been  crushed 
into  the  nucleus,  in  which  case  they  look  as  if  they 
formed  part  of  it,  or  were  inside  it — a  fallacy  which  has 
given  rise  to  great  controversy  regarding  the  nature  of 
these  granules,  to  the  statement  that  they  do  not  exist 
in  some  cells,  e.g.  lymphocytes  and  cancer  cells,  and  to 
failure  of  appreciation  of  the  fact  that  the  chromosomes 
are  formed  out  of  them.  Let  mitosis  be  induced  in 
a  living  cell  and  no  second  glance  will  be  required 
to  realise  the  real  sequence  of  events. 

The  mitosis  of  plant-cells  seems  to  go  on  within 
the  nuclear  wall,  but  this  is  not  the  case  in  the  animal 
cells  which  we  have  seen.  The  granules  in  the  cyto- 
plasm of  Altmann  's  granules  are  larger  in  some  classes 
of  cells  than  in  others.  For  instance,  they  are  much 
larger  in  eosinophile  leucocytes  than  in  lymphocytes. 
When  they  are  large  their  position  is  obvious,  but  when 
they  are  small,  as  in  lymphocytes  and  cancer-cells, 
during  the  killing  of  the  cell  as  it  is  fixed  the  small 
granules — which  are  composed  of  chromatin — adhere 
to  and  are  merged  into  the  nucleus.  No  matter  how 
we  try  to  fix  a  specimen,  death  takes  time,  and  the 
liquefying  cytoplasm  bulges  out  the  cell-wall.  The 
rapidity  of  death  depends  upon  the  diffusion  of  the 
fixative  into  the  cell,  and  this  diffusion  takes  time. 
Hence  when  a  cell  is  stained  and  fixed,  it  appears  as 
if  its  nucleus  is  a  mass  of  chromatin — which  it 
is  not — and  its  halo  of  cytoplasm,  which  has  bulged 
out  of  the  cell- wall,  is  now  apparently  devoid  of 
Altmann's  granules.  This  is  a  pitfall  into  which  we  fell 
ourselves,  for,  although  we  had  seen  the  granules  of 


lymphocytes  and  cancer-cells  forming  the  chromo- 
somes, we  thought  that  these  granules  were  composed 
of  chromatin,  but  that  Altmann's  granules  as  ex- 
emplified in  polynuclear  leucocytes  were  of  quite  a 
different  nature.  As  will  be  shown  later,  the  granules 
of  leucocytes  also  form  the  chromosomes  in  the  same 
way  as  those  of  lymphocytes  and  cancer-cells.  Professor 
Lorraine  Smith  suggested  that  the  apparent  absence  of 
granules  in  lymphocytes  and  cancer-cells  might  be  due 
to  the  fixative,  and  he  is  right.  The  cytoplasm  of  every 
living  lymphocyte  is  full  of  minute  granules  which  stain 
like  chromatin  with  aniline  dyes,  and  these  granules 
clump  together  to  form  the  chromosomes  during  cell- 
division — a  point  about  which  there  can  be  no  question 

In  some  other  cells,  such  as  some  large  cells  of  the 
liver,  we  have  seen  large  granules  in  the  cytoplasm  (as 
well  as  fat  globules),  which  will  not  stain.  What  their 
function  is  we  do  not  know,  for  we  have  not  been  able 
to  induce  divisions  in  these  cells.  The  granules  of 
lymphocytes  we  shall  henceforth  style  "chromosome- 
granules,"  the  nucleolus  as  the  "nucleolus-centrosome," 
and  the  nucleus  as  the  "nucleus-spindle." 







THE  fact  that  mitotic  figures  could  be  made  to  appear 
in  lymphocytes  was  very  satisfactory,  for  it  seemed  to 
us  to  be  a  step  in  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  the 
cause  of  the  multiplication  of  cells.  It  was  true  that 
we  had  only  seen  them  in  lymphocytes;  but  still  these 
mitotic  divisions  had  occurred  in  response  to  the  action 
of  a  chemical  substance,  and  if  these  cells  were  capable 
of  dividing  in  response  to  it,  it  appeared  reasonable  to 
suppose  that  other  cells  would  do  the  same  and  that 
it  was  possible  that  they  would  only  divide  when  they 
absorbed  a  chemical  substance.  We  believed  at  first, 
of  course,  that  the  substance  which  had  induced  the 
divisions  was  the  extract  of  the  dead  haemal  gland; 
but  before  many  experiments  had  been  made  this 
suggestion  received  a  check.  One  day  a  cell  was  seen 



stained  in  an  early  stage  of  mitosis;  its  ring-shaped 
nucleolus-centrosome  was  lying  at  a  pole  of  the  nucleus- 
spindle  in  the  cytoplasm,  outside  the  mass  of  granules 
which  had  not  yet  collected  round  the  waist  of  the  cell. 
Now  when  this  early  figure  was  seen  by  me,  I  remem- 
bered that  I  had  seen  something  very  similar  to  it  before, 
and  on  turning  up  a  paper  (British  Medical  Journal, 
January  16,  1909),  which  described  some  work  done 
more  than  a  year  previously,  it  was  found  there  men- 
tioned that  the  nucleoli  sometimes  appeared  outside 
the  nucleus  in  the  cytoplasm.  Now,  this  position  of 
the  nucleolus-centrosome  is  the  first  step  in  mitosis, 
and  therefore  it  was  grasped  that  this  mitosis  must  have 
been  seen  before,  although  the  fact  was  not  realised  at 
the  time.  Another  far  more  important  point  was  also 
grasped,  viz.  that  when  the  mitosis  had  been  seen  a  year 
previously,  no  extract  of  hsemal  or  any  gland  had  been 
either  used  or  thought  of. 

The  notes  of  the  previous  work  were  referred  to, 
and  it  was  found  that  when  the — as  it  turned  out- 
early  stage  of  mitosis  had  been  seen,  the  cells  had  been 
resting  on  a  jelly  which  contained  only  Unna's  stain 
and  atropine.  It  was  clear,  therefore,  that  either  one 
or  both  these  substances  would  induce  divisions  in 
lymphocytes  and  our  hopes  were  rather  damped,  for 
both  these  substances,  unlike  the  extract  of  haemal 
gland,  are  entirely  artificial,  and  could  not  possibly  be 
concerned  in  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing. 

Each  of  the  ingredients  of  the  jelly — described  in 
the  last  chapter — which  induced  well-marked  mitosis 
in  lymphocytes  was  now  tried  separately.  Jellies  were 

MITOSIS    DUE   TO   THE    DYE  227 

prepared  which  contained  each  of  them  in  turn,  and 
jellies  were  prepared  which  contained  only  the  salts 
sodium  citrate  and  sodium  chloride.  Many  experi- 
ments \vere  made  from  each,  and  several  different 
strengths  of  the  different  substances  were  tried  re- 
peatedly on  fresh  lymphocytes.  It  was  thus  ascertained 
that  Unna  's  polychrome  methylene  blue  (Grubler)  con- 
tains some  substance  which  will  induce  divisions  in 
lymphocytes.  It  requires  a  high  concentration  of  this 
stain  for  this  purpose,  and  this  was  the  reason  why 
advanced  divisions  had  not  been  seen  in  the  several 
years'  previous  work  with  this  dye.  Unless  the  jelly 
contained  Unna's  stain,  no  mitosis  whatever  would 
occur.  Repeatedly  they  were  tried,  but  none  of  the 
other  ingredients  by  themselves  could  be  made  at  that 
time  to  cause  lymphocytes  to  reproduce  themselves. 
The  100-per-cent  extract  of  hsemal  gland  by  itself 
certainly  did  not  do  so,  nor  did  the  atropine;  but 
both  the  extract  and  atropine — and  this  was  an  im- 
portant point — greatly  augmented  the  action  of  the 
stain  in  inducing  mitosis.  By  itself  at  least  10  units 
(1  cc.)  of  polychrome  stain  were  required  to  induce 
mitosis;  but  if  a  certain  quantity  of  atropine  or  of 
extract,  or,  better  still,  of  both,  was  also  added  to  the 
jelly,  one  could  cause  advanced  mitosis  in  lymphocytes 
with  only  two  or  three  units  of  stain.  It  was  a 
remarkable  state  of  affairs  that  neither  atropine  nor 
extract  would  induce  divisions  by  themselves,  but  that 
they  augmented  the  action  of  the  stain  in  doing  so  to 
a  very  marked  degree. 

During  all  this  experimentation,  which  occupied  a 


considerable  time,  many  points  connected  with  the  proc- 
ess of  inducing  divisions  were  learnt.  We  had  three 
factors  to  deal  with,  viz.  polychrome  dye,  atropine,  and 
extract  consisting  of  the  soluble  remains  of  dead  haemal 
gland  of  100  per  cent.  It  was  found  that  lympho- 
cytes would  not  make  any  attempt  whatever  to  divide 
unless  they  absorbed  some  of  the  polychrome  stain.  As 
the  stain  passed  into  the  cells,  it  stained  first  their 
chromosome-granules  and  their  nucleolus-centrosomes. 
Like  polynuclear  leucocytes,  lymphocytes  do  not  appear 
to  surfer  much  harm  to  their  Jives  while  their  granules 
are  stained,  but  as  soon  as  their  nucleolus-centrosomes 
are  reached  by  the  dye  death  occurs.  Mitosis  takes 
place  about  the  time  when  the  granules  are  staining, 
and  therefore  the  rapidity  of  the  onset  of  mitosis  depends 
on  the  rapidity  of  the  diffusion  of  the  dye  into  the  cells. 
It  is  thus  evident  that  the  gradual  diffusion  of  the 
stain  first  causes  mitosis  and  then  death  because  it 
kills  the  cells  by  combining  with  and  staining  the 
nucleolus-centrosome.  The  rapidity  of  the  diffusion 
of  the  stain  is  increased  by  concentrating  it,  by  the 
presence  of  alkalies,  or  by  heat.  These  factors  also 
hasten  death  and  they  likewise  hasten  cell-division. 
With  regard  to  the  factor  heat,  however,  we  must  add 
the  qualification  that  no  lymphocyte  will  divide  below 
a  temperature  of  30°  C.  or  above  about  40°  C.,  and  for 
this  reason  we  have  employed  a  temperature  of  37°  C. 
throughout  these  experiments  for  inducing  division. 

Now,  mitosis  is  a  process  which  occupies  a  certain 
amount  of  time.  If  the  diffusion  of  the  stain  is 
very  slow,  the  time  taken  by  the  act  of  mitosis  is 


correspondingly  slow.  But  as  far  as  we  can  see,  mitosis 
cannot  occur  completely  in  less  than  about  three 
minutes.  It  can  take  a  very  long  time  in  its  accom- 
plishment ;  but  it  cannot  be  completed  in  less  than  three 
minutes.  Hence,  if  mitosis  can  take  place  slowly, 
without  the  cell  being  killed  by  the  stain,  complete 
mitosis  can  occur ;  but  if  the  nucleolus-centrosome 
stains  in  less  than  a  minute  or  so,  death  will  occur 
before  the  cell  has  had  time  to  divide.  This  fact 
governs  the  wrhole  of  this  experimentation,  for  when 
inducing  cell-division  with  the  aniline  dye  it  must 
be  remembered  that  the  mitosis  has  to  occur  after  the 
cell-granules  have  begun  to  stain,  but  before  death  is 
occasioned  by  the  staining  of  the  nucleolus-centrosome. 
We  have  the  power  of  accelerating  and  delaying  the 
diffusion  of  the  stain  into  the  cells  by  adding  or  sub- 
tracting alkali,  or  by  increasing  or  decreasing  the 
concentration  of  the  stain  by  rules  which  can  be  plotted 
in  an  equation,  and  therefore  by  such  an  equation  we  can 
ascertain  the  rate  of  cell-division  as  induced  by  the 
chemical  agent.  But  throughout  it  must  be  appre- 
ciated that  it  is  the  stain  which  is  inducing  the 
cell-division,  and  that  if  the  stain  is  not  sufficiently 
concentrated  no  division  will  occur  at  all.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  must  also  be  remembered  that  an  excess 
of  stain  will  poison  the  cells  too  quickly.  A  cell  must 
absorb  a  certain  amount  of  stain  before  it  will  divide, 
and  the  absorption  depends  on  the  concentration  of  the 
stain  in  the  jelly  and  on  the  alkali.  One  may  place 
living  blood-cells  on  a  jelly  wrhich  contains  the  best 
ingredients  for  inducing  cell-division;  but  unless  the 


alkali  is  correct  according  to  the  equation — that  is  to 
say,  unless  the  index  of  diffusion  of  the  jelly  is  correct 
for  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the  cells,  the  latter 
will  take  no  notice  whatever  of  the  mitosis  inducing 
agents  in  their  surroundings.  But  make  diffusion 
factors  of  the  jelly  right  and  the  cells  will  then  re- 
spond immediately,  and  as  many  as  90  per  cent  of 
the  lymphocytes  in  a  specimen  may  be  made  to  divide. 
Not  only  does  the  rapidity  of  the  onset  of  mitosis 
depend  on  the  physical  laws  of  the  diffusion  of  sub- 
stances into  cells,  but  the  actual  stage  reached  in  a 
given  cycle  of  cell-division  also  depends  on  them;  for 
the  completion  of  the  mitotic  cycle  occupies  a  certain 
amount  of  time,  which  varies  inversely  with  the  quantity 
of  the  stain  absorbed  by  the  cell,  and  this  absorption 
depends  on  the  coefficient  of  diffusion,  heat,  alkali,  etc. 
The  following  experiment  illustrates  this  point.  A 
jelly-film  was  made  which  induced  almost  completed 
divisions  in  lymphocytes  in  ten  minutes.  By  making 
several  films  and  removing  them,  one  at  a  time, 
from  the  37°  C.  incubator  at  each  minute,  it  was 
seen  that  mitosis  began  with  the  staining  of  the 
granules  at  about  the  seventh  minute,  and  that  death 
occurred  at  about  the  ninth.  The  experiment  was 
repeated,  and  at  the  seventh  minute,  immediately  while 
mitosis  was  occurring,  the  slide  was  quickly  removed 
from  the  37°  C.  incubator  to  one  which  maintained  32°  C. 
The  sudden  lowering  of  the  temperature  delayed  the 
diffusion  of  the  stain  into  the  cells,  and  the  interesting 
point  is  that  the  mitosis  ceased  when  the  diffusion  of 
the  stain  was  suddenly  arrested,  and  the  cells  died 


slowly.  Twenty  minutes  afterwards,  when  all  the 
chromatin  was  stained,  it  was  seen  that  the  mitosis 
had  been  arrested  in  those  early  stages  reached  at  the 
seventh  minute. 

Thus  it  appears  from  this  experimentation  that  not 
only  will  a  lymphocyte  not  reproduce  itself  in  vitro 
unless  it  absorbs  a  chemical  "exciter  of  reproduction," 
but  also  the  actual  stage  reached  in  its  act  of  mitosis 
varies  directly  with  the  quantity  of  that  substance 
which  has  diffused  into  the  cell.  It  follows  that, 
in  vitro,  before  a  cell  will  reproduce  itself  completely 
it  must  receive  a  definite  quantity  or  dose  of  the 
chemical  substance. 

In  addition  to  the  above  factors,  the  divisions  of  the 
cells  depend  upon  their  vitality.  If  some  blood  is 
citrated  and  kept  for  two  days,  it  is  very  difficult  to 
induce  divisions  in  the  lymphocytes.  The  longer  cells 
have  been  shed  the  slower  they  are  to  respond  to  the 
division-inducing  action  of  the  stain,  in  spite  of  the  fact 
that  their  coefficient  of  diffusion  has  fallen.  It  is  im- 
possible to  induce  divisions  in  cells  with  auxetic  jelly  if 
other  cells  from  the  same  sample  of  blood  will  not  show 
excited  movements  on  kinetic  jelly. 

The  foregoing  points  showed  that  the  reproduction 
of  lymphocytes  in  vitro  depended  entirely  on  the 
aniline  dye.  The  dye  did  not  merely  increase  the  cells' 
propensity  to  divide;  it  actually  caused  the  division. 
Lymphocytes  had  never  been  seen  to  divide  before,  and 
they  certainly  will  not  divide  in  vitro  unless  one  takes 
deliberate  steps  to  make  them  do  so.  Mitosis  is  a 
complex  phenomenon  which  only  occurs  as  an  act  of 


cell-reproduction,  and  in  vitro  the  only  way  to  cause 
it  to  take  place  was  to  force  the  cells  to  absorb  the 
chemical  "exciter  of  reproduction"  contained  in  the 
aniline  dye.  It  appeared  reasonable  to  us  to  suppose 
that  there  might  be  other  "exciters  of  reproduction," 
not  only  for  lymphocytes,  but  for  other  cells  as  well, 
and  therefore  we  proposed  to  call  the  substance  in  the 
aniline  dye  which  caused  cell-division  in  lymphocytes 
an  "auxetic"  (dwfjjrwos,  an  exciter  of  reproduction), 
a  convenient  term  suggested  by  Professor  Harvey 
Gibson,  which  might  be  applied  to  other  substances 
having  a  similar  action  if  such  were  proved  to  exist. 

The  next  steps  were  to  investigate  the  "augment- 
ing" actions  of  both  atropine  and  the  extract  of  haemal 
gland.  It  has  been  pointed  out  how  atropine,  being 
an  alkaloid,  greatly  excites  amoeboid  movements  in 
lymphocytes  and  leucocytes,  and  it  was  soon  seen  that 
atropine  also  greatly  augments  the  action  of  the  poly- 
chrome dye  in  inducing  mitotic  figures  in  lymphocytes. 
The  best  strength  of  atropine  to  be  added  to  the  jelly 
which  contains  the  stain  is  that  which  causes  maximum 
excitation  of  amoeboid  movements.  If  this  is  done 
lymphocytes  can  be  caused  to  divide  with  the  strength 
of  the  stain  reduced  to  one-fifth  of  the  minimum 
amount  of  it  which  will,  by  itself,  induce  mitotic 
^figures.  In  other  words,  atropine  will  not  by  itself 
induce  divisions  on  the  microscope  slide,  but  it  will 
augment  the  "reproducing"  action  of  polychrome  stain 
five-fold.  Another  point  was  also  noticed,  which  was 
very  material  to  the  main  object  of  these  researches, 
in  that  stain,  plus  atropine,  caused  lymphocytes  to 


FIG.   72. — Asymmetrical  mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  azur  stain 
augmented  by  atropine. 

FIG.    73. — Asymmetrical   mitosis   induced   by   azur   stain   augmented   by 



undergo  curious  one-sided  mitoses  in  some  instances 
(figs.  72,  73). 

We  now  investigated  the  "augmenting"  action  of 
the  extract  of  haemal  gland.  This  was  even  more 
powerful  than  that  of  atropine.  So  great  was  it  that 
one  can  employ  a  jelly  which  only  contains  three  units 
of  polychrome  stain  —  which  will  never  induce  divisions 
by  itself;  and  if  3  cc.  of  the  100-per-cent  extract  of 
dead  haemal  gland  is  also  contained  in  the  jelly,  complete 
divisions  can  be  induced  in  lymphocytes  without  the 
cells  actually  being  coloured  by  the  stain  at  all.  Yet 
all  attempts  at  this  stage  to  cause  the  extract  to  induce 
divisions  by  itself  had  failed. 

Thus,  by  means  of  a  mixture  of  a  little  stain,  say  ,  (\ 
4  units,  0  .  7  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution  of  atropine 
sulphate,  3  cc.  of  the  100-per-cent  extract  of  haemal 
gland,  6  units  of  alkali  solution,  and  0.3  cc.  of  water 
added  to  5  cc.  of  coefficient  jelly  to  make  a  total  of 
10  cc.,  one  can  induce  advanced  divisions  in  lympho- 
cytes, without  the  cells  staining  at  all  in  ten  minutes. 

We  have  already  stated  that  mitosis  occurs  about 
the  time  when  the  stain  has  diffused  into  the  cells 
sufficiently  to  stain  the  granules.  But  now  with  the 
combination  of  stain  and  the  augmenting  substances 
mitosis  will  occur  without  the  stain  colouring  the 
granules  at  all.  In  spite  of  this,  however,  stain  is 
essential.  Hence  we  suggest  the  theory  that  the 
stain  induces  divisions  by  acting  on  the  chromosome 


granules;  but  that,  since  it  is  not  necessary  for  it 
actually  to  colour  these  granules,  as  shown  by  the  last 
experiment,  it  seems  probable  that  the  stain  induces 
divisions  by  virtue  of  some  substance  contained  in  it 
which  does  not  colour  granules.  It  is  not  the  stain 
itself  which  induces  divisions;  it  is  some  constituent 
of  it,  and  the  action  of  that  constituent  is  greatly 
augmented  by  atropine  and  extract. 

The  next  point  is  that  when  mitosis  is  induced  on  a 
microscope  slide  with  stain,  death  is  premature.  Even 
if  there  is  not  sufficient  stain  to  colour  the  nucleolus- 
centrosomes,  death  rapidly  follows.  We  believe  that 
this  dye  contains  at  least  two  constituents  which  can 
be  utilised  differently  by  the  cell's  protoplasm — a 
substance  \vhich,  by  combining  with  the  cell-gran- 
ules, causes  the  cell  to  reproduce  itself,  and  a  poison 
which  kills  it.  Both  diffuse  into  the  cell  together; 
mitosis  is  induced  and  then  the  cell  dies  prematurely. 
If  the  stain  is  sufficiently  concentrated,  the  chromatin 
after  it  is  dead  will  combine  with  it,  and  the  chromatin 
then  turns  bright  scarlet.  From  prolonged  observation 
of  these  induced  divisions  we  think  that  the  scarlet 
coloration  of  the  chromatin  is  a  post-mortem  effect. 
The  stain  as  it  diffuses  into  the  cell  induces  division  as 
it  combines  with  the  granules,  which  die  and  become 
coloured  one  by  one.  All  the  time  the  stain  is  passing 
farther  into  the  cell,  and  later  and  later  stages  of  mitosis 
are  being  induced.  Ultimately  the  nucleolus-centro- 
some  is  reached  and  the  cell  dies;  and  thus  it  is  seen 
dead  in  the  act  of  mitosis  with  its  chromosomes  and 
centrosomes  stained  bright  scarlet.  If,  on  the  other 


hand,  the  concentration  of  the  stain  is  reduced  and  its 
action  augmented  by  atropine  and  extract,  still  the 
poison,  but  in  less  strength,  passes  into  the  cell;  and 
although  mitosis  occurs  to  an  advanced  degree,  never- 
theless premature  death  occurs  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
there  is  not  sufficient  strength  of  colouring  matter  to 
give  rise  to  the  post-mortem  coloration  of  the  chromo- 
somes and  centrosomes.  Death  is  a  gradual  process- 
presumably  it  is  molecular  as  well  as  cellular,  for  the 
post-mortem  scarlet  coloration  occurs  gradually;  but 
it  is  not  until  the  nucleolus-centrosome  is  reached 
that  all  mitosis  ceases.  One  cannot  excite  amoeboid 
movements  in  a  cell  which  has  its  nucleolus  stained. 

Since  Unna's  polychrome  methylene  blue  contained 
the  active  principle  which  caused  the  cells  to  divide, 
and  the  other  two  substances  appeared  merely  to  be 
augmenters,  we  now  turned  our  attention  more  es- 
pecially to  the  dye.  Polychrome  methylene  blue  stains 
chromatin  scarlet  and  the  nucleus-spindle  a  faint  blue. 
It  is  made  by  "poly chroming"  methylene  blue.  Fresh 
methylene  blue  stains  chromatin  blue,  and  it  is  not  so 
effective  as  the  polychrome  dye  in  inducing  mitosis. 
The  "poly chroming"  process  consists  of  rendering 
a  solution  of  methylene  blue  alkaline  with  sodium 
carbonate  and  naturing  it  for  some  time  at  a  high 
temperature.  The  methylene  blue  turns  a  purple 
colour.  This  is  due  to  decomposition — an  oxidation 
occurs  with  the  production  of  a  dye  known  as  "azur."1 
This  azur  dye  can  be  obtained  from  dealers,  and  it 
can  be  extracted  from  the  polychrome  dye  by  means  of 

1  Centralblatt  fur  Bakteriologie,  bd.  xxix.,  1901,  p.  765. 


chloroform.  It  was  found  that  the  constituent  which 
induces  divisions  in  lymphocytes  is  almost  entirely 
confined  to  the  azur  dye.  The  more  the  azur  was 
extracted  the  less  efficient  the  polychrome  dye  became, 
and  the  azur  is  very  potent  although  it  does  not  stain 
the  chromatin  as  well  as  the  polychrome  dye. 

A  concentrated  solution  of  azur  dye  was  made 
thus:  In  a  burette  20  cc.  of  Unna's  polychrome  methy- 
lene  blue  (Grubler)  had  added  to  it  20  cc.  of  chloroform, 
and  the  mixture  was  allowed  to  stand  for  12  hours. 
The  chloroform,  which  sinks  to  the  bottom,  carrying 
some  of  the  azur  dye  with  it,  was  then  run  off  into 
a  shallow  dish,  where  it  was  allowed  to  evaporate. 
20  cc.  more  of  chloroform  was  then  added  to  the 
original  20  cc.  of  stain  in  the  burette,  and,  after 
12  hours,  it,  in  its  turn,  was  run  off  into  the  same 
dish  and  also  allowed  to  evaporate.  This  procedure 
was  repeated  five  times,  and  the  dry  azur  dye  was 
so  obtained.  Lastly,  a  solution  of  this  dye  was  made 
by  adding  5  cc.  of  water  to  the  dish.  This  potent 
dye  is  a  fluorescent  red  one,  which,  when  dry,  shines 
with  a  metallic  lustre.  A  very  powerful  jelly  for 
causing  mitotic  divisions  in  lymphocytes  was  made  by 
substituting  0 . 4  cc.  of  this  potent  solution  for  the  0 . 2  cc. 
of  Unna's  stain  in  the  last  equation.  By  means  of  this 
<jelly  all  stages  of  divisions  can  be  readily  obtained,  it 
being  only  necessary  to  vary  slightly  the  content  of 
alkali  in  producing  early  or  late  mitosis  in  the  ten 
minutes.  It  is  better  to  keep  at  least  two  units  of 
polychrome  stain  in  the  jelly,  in  order  to  stain  the 
chromosomes  more  deeply. 


In  experimenting  with  this  last  jelly  containing 
azur  dye,  an  important  point  was  found  out.  By 
delaying  death  as  long  as  possible,  by  employing  the 
minimum  amount  of  alkali  wrhich  will  make  the  cells 
undergo  mitosis,  we  at  last  succeeded  in  keeping  the 
lymphocytes  alive  for  twenty  minutes,  and  yet  mitosis 
was  being  induced  during  the  greater  part  of  the  time. 
That  is  to  say,  mitosis  was  induced  as  early  as  pos- 
sible, for,  as  will  be  shown  in  the  next  chapter,  we 
cannot,  under  the  experimental  conditions,  keep  up 
the  cell's  vitality  longer  than  twenty  minutes,  and  it 
is  difficult  to  keep  them  alive  to  divide  for  a  longer 
time  than  even  ten  minutes;  still  their  lives  have  been 
prolonged  for  twrenty  minutes. 

The  point  revealed  by  this  experiment  was  that 
the  so-called  reduction  division  is  not  a  special  form 
of  mitosis  in  lymphocytes.  The  somatic  number  of 
chromosomes  in  the  body  is  thirty-two,  but  hitherto 
in  all  the  dividing  lymphocytes  in  which  it  was  pos- 
sible to  count  the  actual  number  of  chromosomes  their 
number  was  either  sixteen  or  thereabouts  (figs.  62,  63, 
67).  In  other  words,  the  divisions  which  we  induced 
with  the  stain  in  ten  minutes  were  of  the  reduced 
variety,  or  what  Farmer,  Moore,  and  Walker  called 
"maiotic"  divisions.  By  prolonging  life,  however,  for 
twenty  minutes,  and  inducing  the  divisions  slowly, 
especially  if  only  the  early  stages  of  mitosis  were 
induced  in  the  time,  it  was  found  that  now  lympho- 
cytes divided  by  somatic  divisions  with  more  than 
sixteen  and  sometimes  with  a  full  number  of  thirty- 
two  chromosomes  (figs.  74,  75),  and  the  statement 


that  the  wandering  cells  of  the  body  only  divide  by 
reduced  divisions  of  the  "reproductive"  type  is  thereby 
disproved.  In  lymphocytes  examined  on  a  microscopic 
slide  the  question  of  the  number  of  chromosomes  seems 
to  be  entirely  one  of  degree — it  depends  on  the  rapidity 
of  the  division,  which,  in  its  turn,  depends  on  the 
quantity  of  the  "auxetic"  absorbed  by  the  cell.  By 
increasing  the  alkali  one  can  induce  divisions  very 
quickly,  provided  of  course  there  is  not  too  much 
alkali.  We  have  seen  lymphocytes  divide  with  less 
than  sixteen  chromosomes,  and  on  one  occasion,  when 
mitosis  was  very  rapidly  induced,  the  number  was 
reduced  to  eight  only;  but  the  number  of  chromo- 
somes seems  usually  to  remain  in  these  round  numbers, 
namely,  thirty-two,  sixteen,  eight,  the  last  one  being 
very  rare.  If  a  division  is  induced  in  the  usual  way 
with  a  jelly  wThich  will  kill  the  cells  in  about  ten 
minutes,  the  number  of  chromosomes  is  nearly  always 
sixteen,  but  a  slow  division  will  be  a  somatic  division. 
There  does  seem,  however,  to  be  a  difference  in  the 
way  the  chromosomes  split.  We  have  seen  them  in 
the  act  of  splitting  longitudinally,  and  also,  and  more 
commonly,  they  split  transversely;  although  Avhether 
the  longitudinal  splitting  is  significant  of  a  "first 
(heterotype)  maiotic"  division  or  not  we  are  not  in 
a  position  to  state. 

The  asymmetrical  mitoses  induced  when  atropine 
is  present,  especially  if  it  is  present  to  excess,  are 
interesting.  The  mitosis  seems  to  be  going  on  in 
one  side  of  the  cell.  We  have  not  seen  a  completed 
division  in  one  of  those  asymmetrical  mitoses,  but  we 


FIG.  74. — An  early  stage  of  delayed  mitosis  induced  by  a  jelly  with  a  low 
index  of  diffusion.     The  number  of  chromosomes  is  more  than  sixteen. 

FIG.  75. — Thirty-two  chromosomes  could   be  counted  in  this  cell.     Early 

mitosis  delayed. 



think  that,  from  the  appearance  of  the  cells,  they  are 
about  to  divide  into  more  than  two  daughter  cells  by 
some  quite  atypical  arrangement  of  the  chromosomes. 
The  point  is  a  very  important  one,  for  asymmetrical 
divisions  are  reported  to  be  frequently  seen  in  can- 
cerous growths. 

We  may  now  summarise  the  facts  learnt  from  the 
mitotic  divisions  induced  in  lymphocytes  by  the  aniline 
dye.  (1)  Lymphocytes  will  not  divide  in  vitro  unless 
they  absorb  the  chemical  agent.  (2)  The  rapidity  of 
the  onset  of  division  depends  on  the  rapidity  of  the 
diffusion  of  the  agent.  (3)  The  time  occupied  by  the 
act  of  division  depends  on  the  amount  of  the  agent 
absorbed  and  the  time  occupied  in  the  diffusion  of  the 
substance  into  the  cell.  (4)  If  the  diffusion  is  slow 
the  cells  divide  with  the  somatic  number  of  thirty- 
two  chromosomes;  but  if  it  is  rapid  the  number  is 
reduced.  (5)  A  "reduction  division"  means  that  a 
cell  is  very  prolific,  owing  to  its  absorption  of  a  large 
quantity  of  the  chemical  agent.  (6)  The  rapidity  of 
the  absorption  of  the  agent  depends  on  the  coefficient 
of  diffusion  of  the  cell,  the  concentration  of  the  agent 
in  the  surrounding  fluids,  and  on  the  presence  and 
strength  of  the  factors  which  increase  or  decrease  the 
diffusion  of  the  substances.  (7)  Lastly,  it  depends  on 
the  vitality  of  the  cells  themselves.  In  fact,  the 
division  of  lymphocytes  on  a  microscope  slide  depends 
entirely  on  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  chemical 
agent,  and,  if  it  is  present,  on  its  strength  and  on  its 
diffusion  into  the  cell. 

In    our   opinion,    judging   from   the   mitotic   figures 


which  have  been  induced  in  cells,  mitosis  should  not 
be  described  as  the  phenomenon  of  nuclear  division. 
It  is  part  of  the  cycle  of  cell-division,  and  the  whole 
of  the  cell-protoplasm  takes  part  in  it.  The  Altmann  's 
granules  form  the  chromosomes,  the  nucleolus  forms 
the  centrosomes,  and  the  nucleus  forms  the  spindle. 
The  protoplasm  of  the  cytoplasm  and  cell-wall  also 
reproduces  itself  and  divides  during  mitosis. 

The  active  principle  in  the  stain  which  causes 
mitosis  in  lymphocytes  is  a  constituent  of  the  azur 
dye.  This  dye  also  contains  a  substance  which  kills 
the  protoplasm,  and  having  done  this  it  will,  if  in 
sufficient  concentration,  cause  that  protoplasm  to  stain 
scarlet.  Mitosis  occurs  by  the  action  of  the  active 
principle  on  the  chromosome  granules;  cell  death 
occurs  by  the  action  of  the  poison  on  the  centrosomes. 
So  far  the  active  principle  has  proved  to  be  inseparable 
from  the  poison  in  the  anilin  dye. 

Up  to  this  stage  in  the  researches  the  only  sub- 
stance we  had  found  which  would  induce  divisions  in 
lymphocytes  was  this  anilin  dye;  but  its  action  was 
augmented  by  atropine  and  an  extract  of  dead  haemal 
gland.  Atropine  augments  its  action  five-fold  if  it  is 
absorbed  in  suitable  strength,  in  which  case  it  may 
induce  asymmetrical  mitosis.  Neither  atropine,  in  no 
matter  what  strength,  nor  extract  of  dead  haemal  gland 
in  the  strength  of  100  per  cent  will  by  themselves 
induce  mitotic  figures  in  lymphocytes. 

Great  care  must  be  exercised  in  the  practice  of 
inducing  the  mitotic  figures  in  lymphocytes.  The 
jelly  must  be  accurately  prepared,  but  it  is  better  to 


allow  it  to  be  deficient  in  alkali  by  a  unit  or  so  at 
first.  A  film  is  made  with  some  fresh  blood  spread 
on  it  and  incubated  for  ten  minutes.  The  temperature 
of  37°  C.  must  be  accurate;  many  failures  have  resulted 
owning  to  the  neglect  of  regulation  of  the  incubator 
temperature.  If  the  chromosome-granules  of  the 
lymphocytes  are  unstained,  a  drop  or  two  of  alkali 
solution  is  added  to  the  jelly  and  a  fresh  film  is  tried. 
Soon  the  right  alkalinity  will  be  obtained  to  induce 
early  mitosis  in  the  ten  minutes ;  and  now  if  more  alkali 
is  very  carefully  added  to  the  jelly  and  another  film 
made,  later  stages  of  mitosis  will  be  induced.  It  is 
instructive  to  proceed  farther  and  once  more  add  alkali, 
when  the  cells  will  be  killed  too  quickly,  and  only  very 
early  stages  will  be  seen  in  the  ten  minutes,  for  there 
has  not  been  time  for  late  phases  to  occur  before  the 
cells  have  died.  If  more  alkali  is  again  added,  owing 
to  rapid  death  the  cells  will  appear  quite  at  rest,  as  if 
there  had  been  no  agent  to  cause  cell-division  in  the 
jelly  at  all.  But  the  granules  and  nucleoli  will  be 
deeply  stained,  and  the  polymorphonuclear  cells  will 
probably  all  be  burst  and  achromatic. 

When  first  we  showed  the  mitotic  figures  to  some  of 
our  friends  we  received  some  adverse  criticisms.  It  is 
always  possible  to  induce  mitosis  in  lymphocytes,  but  it 
is  not  always  possible,  at  a  few  minutes'  notice,  to  find 
figures  which  resemble  the  diagrammatic  drawings  of 
mitosis  in  the  cells  of  plants  and  the  lower  animals  as 
given  in  the  text-books  on  cytology.  However,  when 
a  convincing  figure  did  appear,  the  nature  of  the 
chromosomes,  the  spindle,  and  the  centrosomes  were 


immediately  appreciated.  We,  of  course,  maintained 
that  the  divisions  were  induced  by  a  specific  chemical 
substance  contained  in  the  stain,  pointing  out  that 
lymphocytes  had  never  been  seen  to  divide  before,  and 
that  mitosis  will  onlv  occur  in  them  if  they  absorb  a 

«/  «/ 

certain  quantity  of  the  substance.  But  our  friends 
"one  and  all  began  to  make  excuse."  Some  said  that 
the  divisions  were  in  the  nature  of  a  death-struggle; 
they  pointed  out — a  fact  which  we  admitted — that 
death  always  was  premature,  and  it  usually  occurred 
during  the  act  of  mitosis.  We  explained  the  cause  of 
death,  but  still  the  suggestion  of  the  "death-struggle" 
was  maintained  by  some  in  the  absence  of  proof 
against  it. 

Others  suggested  that  the  divisions  were  entirely 
artificial  and  not  at  all  like  the  natural  method  of  cell- 
proliferation,  although  they  had  never  seen  the  latter. 
We  admitted  the  fact  that  at  this  stage  of  our  re- 
searches we  could  only  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes, 
and  we  could  only  do  this  with  an  entirely  artificial 
anilin  dye;  but  still  we  found  it  difficult  to  appreciate 
why  a  cell  should  go  out  of  its  way  to  divide  by  an 
entirely  abnormal  process.  We  suggested  that  we 
thought  that  if  a  cell  was  going  to  divide  at  all,  it 
would  try  to  do  so  by  the  normal  process  to  which 
it  was  accustomed.  But  the  suggestion  that  the  mitotic 
divisions  were  "freaks"  remained  to  be  disproved. 

It  appeared  to  us  a  remarkable  thing  that  a  cell 
should  try  to  reproduce  itself  by  cell-division  in  a 
death-struggle;  it  seemed  such  a  futile  thing  for  it 
to  do.  Moreover,  other  stains — such  as  ordinary 


methylene  blue — do  not  induce  divisions  like  azur, 
and  yet  they  kill  the  cells  by  staining  the  chromatin 
of  the  nucleolus-centrosome.  Why  should  only  the 
latter  dye  cause  cell-division;  presumably  both  would 
cause  death-struggles  ?  Moreover,  we  have  often  killed 
cells  by  prussic  acid  and  nitro-benzol,  but  no  division 
occurred  and  nothing  resembling  a  death-struggle. 
Again,  in  connection  with  the  experiment  given  in 
this  chapter  in  which  it  was  ascertained  that  the  stage 
reached  in  a  single  act  of  mitosis  varies  directly  with 
the  quantity  of  the  chemical  substance  absorbed,  it 
appeared  to  us  that  if  these  mitotic  figures  induced  in 
lymphocytes  were  in  the  nature  of  death-struggles, 
a  cell  once  it  had  been  started  in  its  act  of  mitosis 
would  continue  that  act  until  it  was  complete.  But 
as  the  experiments  showed,  they  did  not  do  so,  for 
when  the  diffusion  of  the  chemical  agent  was  arrested 
the  mitosis  ceased  even  in  its  early  stages. 

These  suggestions  were  worthy  of  consideration, 
and  the  only  way  to  disprove  them  was  to  continue 
the  investigations.  It  appeared  to  us  reasonable  to 
suppose  that  other  cells,  besides  lymphocytes,  would 
possibly  respond  by  dividing  to  the  chemical  auxetic, 
and  we  also  considered  it  possible  that  other  chemical 
agents  existed  which  would  induce  divisions.  Lym- 
phocytes responded  in  such  a  constant  manner,  and 
always  required  a  definite  quantity  of  the  substance 
that  we  thought  it  possible  that  there  might  be  some- 
thing similar  to  it  in  the  body  which  would  cause  their 
proliferation.  The  question  was,  What  was  this  sub- 
stance and  where  was  it  contained  ?  Was  it  associated 


with  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  ?  Lymphocytes 
proliferate  in  healing,  especially  in  chronic  healing,  and 
chronic  healing  is  a  forerunner  of  cancer.  Still 
leucocytes  proliferate  even  more  than  lymphocytes  in 
healing,  but  we  had  never  up  to  this  point,  nor  had 
any  one  else,  ever  seen  a  leucocyte  divide.  If  the  agent 
in  the  azur  dye  was  analogous  to  a  chemical  substance 
in  the  body  which  caused  the  cell-proliferation  of 
healing,  it  ought,  strictly  speaking,  to  cause  the  multi- 
plication of  polymorphonuclear  leucocytes  as  well  as 
lymphocytes.  But  so  far  it  had  not  done  so. 

All  these  points  were  carefully  considered  at  this 
stage,  and  they  urged  us  to  make  further  researches. 
Whether  we  were  right  or  wrong  in  supposing  that 
there  might  be  a  chemical  auxetic  in  the  body  which 
caused  proliferation  of  cells  in  a  manner  similar  to 
the  agent  contained  in  the  azur  .dye,  we  had  made 
one  step  in  causing  one  class  of  human  cells  to  divide 
on  the  microscope  stage  by  means  of  a  chemical  agent. 





THE  reduced  number  of  chromosomes  exhibited  in 
lymphocytes  when  they  are  forced  to  divide  in  ten 
minutes  by  increasing  the  diffusion  of  the  stain  into 
them  with  alkali  reminded  us  forcibly  that  the  cells 
were  undergoing  mitosis  under  the  stress  of  experi- 
mental conditions.  The  somatic  number  of  chromo- 
somes of  human  cells  is  32;  and  since  lymphocytes  will, 
if  their  divisions  are  delayed,  divide  by  the  somatic 
number,  it  appeared  to  us  that  the  normal  time  occu- 
pied by  the  division  of  the  cells  in  the  body  is  probably 
much  longer  than  the  ten  minutes  allowed  to  them 
on  the  microscope  slide.  It  was  appreciated  that  it 
would  be  better  if  we  could  delay  the  diffusion  of  the 
stain  into  the  cells  to  such  an  extent  as  always  to 
produce  somatic  divisions.  But  unfortunately  herein 
we  met  with  a  difficulty  which  has  not  yet  been  over- 
come. As  we  have  pointed  out,  death  has  been  delayed 



for  twenty  minutes  while  mitosis  has  been  induced,  but 
this  experiment  has  only  been  followed  by  success  on 
very  few  occasions.  For  general  practical  purposes  it 
must  be  remembered  that  whatever  is  done  in  the  way 
of  attempting  to  induce  divisions  in  cells  when  they  are 
resting  on  a  jelly-film,  this  must  be  done  in  ten  minutes. 
If  the  diffusion  of  the  chemical  agent  is  delayed  beyond 
this  time,  except  in  very  few  instances,  the  cells  will 
refuse  to  divide  at  all,  simply  because  they  die. 

The  reason  for  this  is  a  question  of  vitality,  which 
brings  us  back  to  the  disadvantages  of  in-vitro  experi- 
mentation. All  cells  of  the  body  lose  vitality  gradually 
after  they  have  been  shed.  White  blood-corpuscles  will 
live  in  citrate  solution  for  two  or  three  days  at  the  room 
temperature,  but  they  lose  vitality  all  the  time.  As 
already  pointed  out,  there  is  no  known  medium  in 
which  blood-cells  will  live  and  thrive,  and  in  the  best 
medium  at  our  disposal  they  merely  exist  for  this  short 
period.  When  cells  are  resting  on  a  jelly-film,  how- 
ever, they  are  not  even  in  the  best  available  medium; 
but  at  present  we  are  bound  to  employ  the  jelly 
method,  for  we  have  not  succeeded  in  inducing  divisions 
in  any  other  way.  The  reason  for  this  is  two-fold: 
firstly,  because  substances  can  be  made  to  diffuse  into 
individual  cells  more  quickly  if  the  cells  are  pressed 
into  the  jelly  which  contains  them;  and,  secondly,  we 
think  that  lymphocytes  prefer  to  be  at  rest  when  they 
divide,  for  we  cannot  induce  divisions  \vith  the  cells 
floating  in  a  solution,  although  we  have  tried  to  do 
so  many  times  in  solutions  which  have  contained  the 
necessary  constituents. 


At  present  there  is  nothing  for  it  but  to  induce 
divisions  with  the  cells  spread  out  on  jelly  under  a 
cover-glass;  and  it  must  be  remembered  throughout 
that  these  conditions  are  most  detrimental  to  the  cells. 
Pressed  in  this  way  into  the  jelly  by  means  of  a  cover- 
glass,  which  to  living  cells  must  be  proportionately  of 
enormous  weight,  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  will  not 
live  more  than  about  three-quarters  of  an  hour.  Al- 
though they  wrill  exist  for  this  time,  and  although 
amoeboid  movements  may  be  excited  in  them  during 
greater  part  of  it,  it  is  obvious  that  the  cells  are  in 
reality  dying  slowly  all  the  time.  Since  the  ease  with 
which  one  can  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes  varies 
directly  with  the  vitality  of  the  cells,  it  is  clear  that 
wrhatever  is  done  to  induce  mitosis  must  be  done 
quickly,  and  by  practical  experiment  it  has  been  found 
best  to  observe  the  general  rule  that,  when  one  attempts 
to  induce  cells  to  divide  on  the  microscope  slide  one 
must  so  arrange  the  jelly-film  that  the  cells  will  be  in 
the  act  of  mitosis  within  ten  minutes.  This  is  a  serious 
disadvantage  appertaining  to  in-vitro  experimentation, 
which  cannot  so  far  be  overcome,  and  it  is  important 
to  remember  it  throughout.  The  cells  are  labouring 
under  abnormal  difficulties  which  modify  one's  deduc- 
tions from  the  facts  seen ;  and  since  this  important  point 
will  frequently  have  to  be  considered,  it  is  convenient 
to  standardise  these  detrimental  conditions  and  desig- 
nate them  the  "experimental  ten  minutes." 

Two  corollaries  depend  on  the  "experimental  ten 
minutes."  Since  the  induction  of  a  division  in  a  cell 
depends  on  the  diffusion  into  it  of  a  certain  quantity  of 


a  chemical  agent,  and  since  the  quantity  of  the  agent 
required  must  increase  with  the  rapidity  at  which  we 
wish  mitosis  to  occur,  it  is  obvious  that  a  greater  con- 
centration of  the  chemical  agent  will  be  required  to 
induce  a  division  in  the  "experimental  ten  minutes" 
than  would  be  required  to  make  a  cell  reproduce  itself 
if  it  were  resting  in  its  normal  surroundings,  where  it 
might  take  a  much  longer  time  in  its  division. 

The  second  corollary  is  that  if  the  jelly  on  which 
the  cells  are  resting  contains  a  saturated  solution  of  a 
given  substance  which  is  diffusing  into  the  cells  to  the 
utmost  in  ten  minutes,  and  if  that  substance  does  not 
induce  divisions  in  the  "experimental  ten  minutes,"  it 
does  not  prove  that  that  substance  will  not  within  the 
body,  with  the  cells  in  their  natural  surroundings,  cause 
them  to  proliferate. 

It  was  a  matter  of  concern  to  us  that  the  azur 
dye  did  not  make  the  polymorphonuclear  leucocytes 
(fig.  76)  divide.  So  far  only  lymphocytes  responded. 
If  the  contention  was  correct  that  the  dye  contains  a 
specific  agent  which  was  possibly  analogous  to  some 
similar  agent  in  the  body  which  causes  proliferation 
of  lymphocytes,  it  appeared  reasonable  to  expect  that 
some  similar  agent,  if  not  an  identical  one,  would  also 
cause  divisions  in  leucocytes;  for  the  latter  cells  always 
proliferate  together  with,  and  to  a  greater  extent  than, 
lymphocytes  during  the  process  of  healing.  So  far, 
however,  we  had  not  seen  anything  resembling  a 
division  in  a  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte.  It  must 
be  admitted  that  we  had  no  idea  as  to  what  a  leuco- 



76.— A  resting  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte.     Its  granules  are  stained 
but  not  its  nucleus.     The  cell  was  alive. 

FIG.  77. — A  basophile  leucocyte  in  the  act  of  cell-division.  The  granules 
of  the  cell  are  in  the  centre.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  are  at  the  poles  of 
the  cell  which  is  dividing  ito  three. 


cyte  would  look  like  when  it  divided,  for  no  one  had 
ever  seen  a  division  in  a  leucocyte.  These  peculiar 
cells  are  large,  and  easily  examined.  They  differ  from 
all  other  cells  in  that  they  contain  a  polylobed 
nucleus,  and  it  was  very  difficult  to  imagine  how 
mitosis  would  occur  in  such  a  cell.  Speculations  have 
been  made  from  time  to  time  to  the  effect  that  these 
cells  divide  by  pluripolar  mitosis.  Each  lobe  of  the 
nucleus  is  said  to  undergo  a  mitosis  of  its  own,  and 
that  the  chromatin  within  the  lobe  forms  up  into 
chromosomes.  This  would  mean  that  a  cell  with  five 
lobes  to  its  nucleus  would  divide  into  ten  cells.  Such 
a  speculation  makes  no  allowance  for  the  Altmann's 
granules,  which  attain  a  large  size  in  these  cells,  or 
for  the  filaments  which  unite  the  several  lobes  of  the 
nucleus.  Since  the  cytological  process  of  mitosis  in 
lymphocytes  was  so  different  to  what  was  expected, 
we  were  prepared  to  see  the  speculation  disproved;  but 
in  spite  of  this  it  must  be  admitted  that  when  at  last 
the  divisions  of  leucocytes  were  seen  the  arrangement 
of  their  cytological  elements  came  rather  as  a  reve- 

Jelly-films  were  made  which  contained  greater 
strengths  of  the  azur  dye,  extracted  from  polychrome 
stain  in  the  way  which  we  have  described.  The 
possibility  of  divisions  being  induced  in  leucocytes 
was  considered  to  be  an  event  which  would  be  seen 
before  long;  but  when  it  was  first  seen  it,  like  the 
first  mitosis  in  lymphocytes,  was  not  recognized  or 
appreciated.  The  increased  quantity  of  azur  dye  was 
added  to  the  jelly  in  reality  to  see  what  the  effect  of 


excess  of  it  on  lymphocytes  might  be.  On  one  occa- 
sion a  "basophile"  leucocyte  was  found  lying  on  the 
jelly  with  its  granules  arranged  in  rows,  and  forming 
a  sort  of  radiating  pattern.  Moreover,  the  granules 
were  in  the  centre  of  the  cell,  which  is  an  unusual 
position  for  them,  and  there  were  clear  spaces  outside 
them  which  evidently  contained  the  lobes  of  the  nuclei, 
although  the  latter  were  not  stained,  as  it  is  very  diffi- 
cult to  stain  the  nuclei  of  basophile  leucocytes  in  vitro. 
The  condition  had  not  been  seen  before,  but  it  was 
passed  over,  for  at  the  time  lymphocytes  were  being 
sought  for.  Some  days  afterwards  another  basophile 
cell  was  seen  in  a  similar  condition,  and  then  it  was 
more  carefully  observed.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  of 
this  cell  could  just  be  made  out,  and  they  were  external 
to  the  granules.  The  cell- wall  itself  was  indented  in 
three  places,  so  that  the  leucocyte  looked  like  the  pro- 
peller of  a  steamship.  The  granules  were  deeply  stained 
and  turning  black  (fig.  89) ,  which  sometimes  occurs  in 
vitro  in  the  stained  granules  of  basophile  cells ;  and  they 
were  again  arranged  in  indefinite  lines  or  rows.  It 
was  this  arrangement  of  the  granules  which  specially 
arrested  attention.  The  Altmann's  granules  of  lympho- 
cytes form  up  into  rows  to  form  the  chromosomes,  and 
it  looked  as  if  something  of  some  similar  nature  was 
.happening  on  this  occasion  in  a  leucocyte. 

This  curious  condition  of  the  basophile  leucocyte 
seemed  to  have  occurred  in  response  to  the  excess 
of  azur  dye.  Still  more  of  it  was  therefore  added  to 
some  coefficient  jelly  which  also  contained  atropine, 
polychrome  dye,  and  extract,  with  the  idea  of  de- 


liberately  producing  this  condition  of  the  basophile 
leucocytes.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  jelly  contained 
0.6  cc.  of  the  azur  dye,  and  its  index  of  diffusion  was 
now  arranged  for  the  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the 
basophile  leucocytes,  which  is  the  same  as  that  of  the 
ordinary  neutrophile  leucocyte. 

After  removal  from  the  incubator  at  the  end  of 
ten  minutes,  it  was  seen  that  the  lobes  of  the  nuclei 
of  the  neutrophile  polymorphonuclear  leucocytes  were 
just  staining  a  faint  blue  colour,  and — there  could  be 
no  question  about  it — nearly  every  leucocyte  in  the 
specimen  was  in  the  act  of  division.  Neutrophile, 
basophile  (fig.  77),  and  those  eosinophile  (fig.  78) 
leucocytes  which  were  not  ruptured  were  undergoing 
the  act  of  reproduction  on  the  jelly-film.  They  were 
dead  owing  to  the  staining  of  the  lobes  of  their  nuclei, 
but  the  lines  of  demarcation  between  the  individual 
daughter  cells  could  be  distinctly  seen.  The  cytological 
procedure  by  which  these  cells  divide  is  identical  in 
all  varieties  of  leucocyte.  As  in  lymphocytes,  the 
Altmann's  granules  were  formed  into  rows,  and  pre- 
sumably they  are  analogous  to  chromosomes;  the  rows 
of  granules  become  arranged  into  indefinite  lines 
radiating  outwards  from  the  dividing-point,  which  is 
in  the  centre  of  the  cell.  Running  down  through  the 
centre  of  the  mass  of  granules,  the  filament  which 
unites  the  lobes  of  the  nuclei  evidently  forms  a  basis, 
analogous  to  the  spindle  of  other  cells,  to  which  the 
chromosomes  are  attached;  and  at  the  poles  of  this 
filament,  or  spindle,  the  so-called  lobes  of  the  nuclei 
appeared.  It  was  then  immediately  appreciated  that 



these    bodies    are   in    reality    the    centrosomes    of   the 

If  a  leucocyte  has  two  lobes  to  its  nucleus  it  will 
divide  into  two  cells;  if  it  has  three  lobes  it  will  divide 
into  three  cells,  and  so  on.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that 
when  these  cells  proliferate  each  daughter  cell  will  have 
one  centrosome  until  that  centrosome  itself  divides  and 
assumes  the  appearance  of  being  polylobed.  Further, 
a  tissue  made  up  of  such  daughter  cells  would  be  de- 
scribed as  consisting  of  "mononuclear  cells."  The 
chromatin-staining  lobes  within  the  leucocytes  are  there- 
fore not  nuclei  but  centrosomes,  and  the  so-called 
Altmann's  granules,  which  have  been  variously  sur- 
mised to  be  collections  of  food  or  secretion,  are  the 
elements  of  the  chromosomes  themselves.1  As  in 
lymphocytes  so  in  leucocytes,  the  chromosomes  are 
outside  the  nucleus.  Divisions  have  been  induced  in 
hundreds  of  leucocytes,  and  the  procedure  is  always 
the  same  in  all  of  them  (figs.  79-86). 

Now,  the  increased  quantity  of  the  azur  dye  con- 
tained in  the  jelly  did  not  improve  the  mitosis  induced 
in  the  lymphocytes;  in  fact,  it  seemed  too  strong  for 

1  Professor  Sherrington  has  a  specimen  of  an  eosinophile  leucocyte  of  a 
cat  in  which  the  individual  granules  are  elongated  and  almost  rod-shaped. 
We  have  also  seen  elongated  granules  in  these  cells  in  human  blood. 



FIG.  78. — An  eosmopliiie  leucocyte  m  tue  earliest  stage  ot  division.  The 
granules  are  arranged  in  lines  radiating  outwards  from  the  centre  of  the 
cell.  The  lobes  of  the  nucleus  were  at  the  poles. 

FIG.  79. — Early  stage  of  division  of  a  neutrophile  leucocyte. 


FIG.  80. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 

FIG.  81. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 



FIG.  8lA. — Division  of  a  leucocyte.     The  linear  arrangement  of  the  granules 
could  be  well  seen. 

'lG.  82. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 


FIG.  83. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 

FIG.  84. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 



FIG.  85. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 

FIG.  86. — A  dividing  leucocyte. 


them,  as  only  early  stages  of  mitosis  were  seen  in 
them.  Hence  it  became  apparent  that  the  auxetic 
constituent  of  the  aniline  dye  which  induces  divisions 
in  lymphocytes  also  does  the  same  thing  with  leucocytes ; 
but  it  evidently  requires  more  of  it,  ceteris  paribus, 
to  induce  a  division  in  a  leucocyte  than  in  a  lymphocyte. 
The  coefficient  of  diffusion  of  the  lymphocyte  is  higher 
than  that  of  the  leucocyte  if  the  staining  of  the  nucleus 
is  the  moment  by  which  it  is  determined;  but  so  far 
as  inducing  divisions  is  concerned  the  coefficient  of 
lymphocytes  seems  to  be  lower,  for  they  require  less 
of  the  chemical  agent  than  do  leucocytes. 

The  divisions  of  reproduction  had  now  been  induced 
in  both  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  by  an  artificial 
chemical  agent.  These  cells  are  the  ones  which  pro- 
liferate when  a  tissue  is  damaged,  and  it  is  by  their 
multiplication  that  the  healing  of  an  injury  takes  place, 
and  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  cancer,  with  its  in- 
creased malignant  proliferation,  is  intimately  associated 
with  chronic  healing.  Judging  by  the  divisions  induced 
in  these  white  blood-corpuscles  it  appeared  that  their 
reproduction  takes  place  in  a  cycle  which  depends  on 
some  chemical  substance  absorbed  by  them.  The  cycle 
consists  apparently  of  the  division  of  the  centrosomes, 
division  of  the  chromosomes,  and  the  division  of  the 
cell.  Whether  there  is  a  "resting  stage"  in  the  strict 
sense  of  the  term,  we  are  not  in  a  position  to  state, 
for  we  do  not  know  how  long  a  time  is  occupied  in 
the  division  of  the  centrosome.  If  a  cell  is  absorbing 
the  agent  which  causes  it  to  divide,  presumably  the 
cycle  of  mitosis  is  going  on  in  direct  proportion  to  the 


amount  of  the  agent  absorbed.  The  division  of 
the  centrosome  seems  to  be  part  of  this  cycle,  but 
how  long  this  part  takes  we  do  not  know.  Hence  it 
appears  possible  that  what  is  commonly  known  as 
the  resting  stage  is  in  reality  the  time  occupied  by 
the  division  of  the  centrosome. 

The  method  of  division  of  leucocytes  and  lympho- 
cytes is  so  constant  that  we  thought  it  was  reasonable 
to  expect  that  the  proliferation  of  healing  would  be 
ultimately  proved  to  take  place  by  a  similar  process, 
and  that  if  so  there  must  be  produced  in  an  injured 
tissue  some  chemical  substance  very  similar  in  its  effects 
to  that  contained  in  azur  dye.  Up  to  this  time,  however, 
we  had  not  succeeded  in  inducing  divisions  at  all  with 
any  substance  which  we  could  call  a  "natural"  sub- 
stance. There  is  nothing  in  the  body  that  we  know  of 
at  all  like  the  aniline  dye.  It  was  true  that  an  extract 
of  dead  haemal  gland  augmented  the  action  of  the  ani- 
line dye;  but  it  would  not  induce  divisions  by  itself. 
Extracts  of  tissues  other  than  haemal  gland  were  tried, 
made  in  the  same  strength — namely,  100  per  cent — and 
it  was  found  that  suprarenal  glands  of  sheep  augmented 
the  action  of  the  stain  in  inducing  divisions  even  better 
than  haemal  gland,  and  several  extracts,  such  as  those  of 
muscle  and  liver,  did  the  same,  but  to  a  lesser  degree. 
In  spite  of  the  augmenting  action  of  all  these  extracts, 
however,  none  of  them  alone  in  the  strength  tried  would 
induce  divisions  either  in  lymphocytes  or  leucocytes  in 
the  experimental  ten  minutes. 

This  inability  to  cause  cell-division  by  entirely 
"natural"  substances,  such  as  the  extracts  named,  was 


believed,  after  mature  consideration,  to  be  due  to  the 
fact  that  we  had  not  tried  extracts  in  sufficient  strength 
for  cells  to  respond  to  them  under  the  detrimental 
circumstances  of  the  "experimental  ten  minutes."  It 
has  already  been  pointed  out  as  a  corollary  to  these 
circumstances  that  if  a  cell  refuses  to  respond  to  a  given 
substance  by  not  dividing  in  the  experimental  ten 
minutes,  it  does  not  prove  that  that  substance  does 
not  actually  contain  an  active  principle  for  inducing 
cell-division.  We  therefore  considered  the  advisability 
of  concentrating  the  extracts,  and  then  trying  them 
again  by  themselves. 

In  the  first  instance  this  concentration  process  took 
some  little  time.  At  this  stage  of  our  researches  we 
were  unaware  that  the  active  augmenting  principle 
contained  in  the  extracts  was  "thermostable"  and 
would  resist  boiling,  and  in  consequence,  at  the  outset, 
we  evaporated  the  extracts  at  the  room  tempera- 
ture, which  was  a  most  tedious  process.  Moreover, 
during  this  slow  concentration  of  the  extracts  it  was 
necessary  to  test  them  from  time  to  time  to  see  if  their 
augmenting  action  was  impaired  at  all  with  keeping. 

In  the  meantime  other  points  were  considered.  It  is 
well  known  that  cancer-cells  frequently  are  seen  to  be 
dividing  with  a  reduced  number  of  chromosomes.  As 
we  have  already  stated,  we  believe  that  a  reduction  in 
the  number  of  chromosomes  is  due  to  increased  pro- 
lificity  in  cells;  and  this  being  the  case,  it  seemed 
probable  that  there  might  be  some  increase  in  or 
augmentation  of  the  cause  of  proliferation  of  the  cells 
of  cancerous  growths.  Further,  if  this  is  the  case,  the 


augmenting  substance  might  appear  in  the  peripheral 
circulation.  It  has  already  been  pointed  out  in 
Chapter  VIII.  that  cancer  plasma  excites  amoeboid 
movements  in  leucocytes,  and  that  alkaloids  also  excite 
these  movements.  Since  the  alkaloid  atropine  augments 
the  action  of  azur  stain  in  inducing  divisions,  it  was 
thought  possible  that  the  exciter  of  amoeboid  move- 
ments found  in  cancer  plasma  might  be  in  the  nature 
of  an  alkaloid  possibly  derived  from  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  growth.  Now,  atropine  and  stain  together  cause 
white  blood-cells  to  extrude  granules  of  chromatin,  a 
phenomenon  which  we  erroneously  called  "flagellation" 
(see  Chapter  X.),  and  this  extrusion  had  also  been 
observed  in  cells  which  have  been  subjected  to  cancerous 
plasma.1  The  suggestion  followed  that  the  cells  might 
be  extruding  their  granules  deliberately  in  response,  not 
only  the  artificial  combination  of  stain  and  alkaloid, 
but  also  to  some  possibly  similar  combination  derived 
from  the  malignant  growth.  Moreover,  since  in  both 
the  artificial  and  the  natural  circumstances,  cells  appear 
to  divide  with  a  reduced  number  of  chromosomes,  and 
since  the  granules  form  the  chromosomes,  it  was  sur- 
mised that  the  extrusion  might  be  part  of  the  process 
of  reduction.  It  must  be  remembered  that  our  ex- 
perimentation left  us  convinced  that  the  divisions  of 
lymphocytes  and  leucocytes  occur  just  as  the  stain  is 
combining  with  the  chromosome-granules;  and  as  the 
extrusion  of  the  granules — which  has  been  seen  by 
others  as  well  as  ourselves — seems  to  be  a  deliberate 

1  "The  Flagellation  of  Lymphocytes  in  the  Presence  of  Excitants  both 
Artificial  and  Cancerous,"  by  H.  C.  Ross  and  C.  J.  Macalister,  British 
Medical  Journal,  January  16,  1909. 


action  on  the  part  of  the  cells,  we  went  so  far  as  to 
theorise  that  the  cells  might  be  discarding  their  granules 
in  order  to  prevent  some  of  the  combination  of  the 
"auxetic"  and  their  granules,  and  so  delay  their  pro- 
liferation to  some  extent. 

This  theory  led  to  the  suggestion  that  we  should 
try  to  count  the  number  of  granules  contained  in  the 
blood-cells  of  cancer  patients,  with  a  view  to  see  if  they 
were  reduced  in  number  in  that  disease.  The  blood  of 
cancer  patients  seems  to  contain  a  body  which  excites 
amceboid  movements  and  the  extrusion  of  granules, 
and,  therefore,  the  blood-cells  themselves  as  well  as  the 
cells  composing  the  growth  might  also  have  a  reduced 
number  of  the  granules  wThich  form  their  chromosomes. 

We  must  admit  that  these  suggestions  were  based 
on  slender  grounds  of  evidence,  and  it  was  appreciated 
that  to  count  the  number  of  granules  of  the  leucocytes 
of  cancer  patients  would  require  considerable  work, 
especially  as  many  control  experiments  would  have  to 
be  made,  for  we  did  not  even  know  the  normal  number 
of  granules  in  healthy  persons'  cells.  Still,  it  was  very 
necessary  to  try  to  find  out  whether  the  clue  on 
which  we  were  engaged  wTas  in  any  wTay  correct,  and 
it  was  realised  that  in  order  to  make  the  counts  it 
would  be  necessary  to  examine  a  large  number  of 
samples  of  blood-cells  from  many  patients  and  from 
normal  and  other  persons — a  procedure  which  had  not 
yet  been  done  by  this  in-vilro  method.  Hence  no 
matter  how  far-fetched  it  appeared  at  first  sight  for  us 
to  count  the  granules  of  blood-cells  in  cancer  patients, 
I  thought  that  an  endeavour  to  do  so  would  be  justified, 
and  I  devised  the  following  technique  for  doing  so. 



It  was  seen  from  the  outset  that  it  would  be  quite 
impossible  to  count  the  number  of  granules  contained 
in  lymphocytes,  and  the  same  could  be  said  of  those 
of  the  common  neutrophile  leucocyte  (fig.  76).  But  it 
is  possible  to  do  so  in  the  so-called  eosinophile  cells 
(fig.  87).  These  cells  have  large  granules,  which  stain 
a  deep  scarlet  with  the  polychrome  dye,  and  therefore 
these  cells  were  chosen  for  this  series  of  experiments, 
especially  as  they  are  fairly  common  (2  to  4  per  cent) . 

Three  difficulties  presented  themselves  in  arranging 
a  technique  for  counting  the  number  of  eosinophile 
granules : 

1.  To   the   novice   the   basophile   cell   is   sometimes 
very  difficult  to  distinguish  by  in-vitro  staining  from 
the  eosinophile  cell,  and  mistakes  seriously  modify  the 
results.     If  specimens  of  each  class  of  cell  are  seen 
lying  side  by  side   (fig.   88)   there  is  no  difficulty  in 
distinguishing  them,  the  eosinophile  cell  being  much 
the  larger,  although  there  is  very  little  difference  be- 
tween the  size  of  their  granules.     But  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  the  cells  rarely  are  thus  found  lying  side  by 
side,  with  a  little  experience  they  can  be  readily  dis- 
tinguished; the  granules  of  the  basophile  cell  are  more 
discrete,  and  the  lobes  of  its  nucleus  will  practically 
never  stain  by  this  in-vitro  method. 

2.  A  living  leucocyte  is  spherical  in  shape,  and  it 
usually  appears  with  its  granules  heaped  one  on  top 
of    another,    rendering   it    impossible    to    count    them 

3.  If  one  attempts  to  count  through  the  microscope 
a  group  of  granules  not  arranged  in  any  definite  order, 


FIG.  87. — An  eosmopmie  leucocyte  with  its  granules  stained. 


one  is  apt  to  count  the  same  granule  more  than  once, 
and  it  is  easy  to  lose  one's  place — in  which  case  it 
becomes  necessary  to  begin  all  over  again.  On  looking 
at  the  cells  through  the  microscope,  the  granules  appear 
as  though  they  might  with  care  be  counted,  and  it  is 
most  inviting  to  attempt  to  do  this  and  to  rely  on  it; 
but  on  testing  this  rough-and-ready  method  we  have 
found  that  it  usually  involves  an  error  of  nearly  50  per 
cent.  No  estimate  whatever  can  be  made  of  the 
number  of  granules  contained  in  a  cell  by  merely 
looking  at  it  through  the  microscope,  no  matter  what 
magnification  is  used. 

Obviously  the  granules  must  be  stained,  and  then 
it  is  necessary:  (1)  to  distinguish  readily  between  an 
eosinophile  and  a  basophile  leucocyte;  (2)  to  kill  the 
cells,  and  then  to  burst  them  so  as  to  cause  their 
stained  granules  to  rest  discretely  side  by  side  in  one 
plane  and  not  on  top  of  one  another;  (3)  to  magnify 
the  image  of  the  ruptured  cell  in  such  a  way  that  one 
can  "tick  off"  each  granule  with  a  pencil  on  paper 
as  it  is  counted,  so  as  to  avoid  counting  the  same 
granule  twice  over. 

By  the  following  procedure  the  staining,  killing, 
differentiation,  and  bursting  can  be  readily  accom- 
plished. In  order  to  magnify  the  image  of  the  ruptured 
cell  so  as  to  count  its  granules  and  to  "tick  them  off," 
it  is  necessary  to  obtain  a  photomicrograph  negative  of 
it,  and  then  to  project  the  photographed  image  on  to 
a  paper  screen  with  an  optical  lantern,  when  the  image 
of  each  granule  can  be  marked  off  on  the  paper  with 
a  pencil. 


It  is  necessary  to  employ  the  photomicrographic 
apparatus  which  I  have  already  described,  and  the 
photographs  must  be  taken  with  as  little  delay  as 
possible  after  the  cells  have  been  ruptured.  Unfixed 
cells  may  rapidly  become  achromatic  after  death,  and, 
in  the  case  of  a  ruptured  cell,  the  loss  of  stain  may 
occur  with  great  rapidity. 

The  blood  of  the  person  to  be  examined  is  drawn 
into  a  capillary  tube  and  there  mixed  with  an  equal 
volume  of  citrate  solution.  At  the  room  tempera- 
ture this  solution  will  keep  the  cells  alive  for  some 
days;  but  when  it  is  intended  to  count  the  granules  of 
the  eosinophile  leucocytes,  it  is  better  to  examine  the 
blood  as  fresh  as  possible. 

A  jelly  is  prepared  thus:  To  a  tube  containing 
5  cc.  of  coefficient  jelly  add  4  units  of  TJnna's  poly- 
chrome stain,  7  units  of  the  5-per-cent  alkali  solution, 
and,  instead  of  making  the  contents  of  the  tube  up 
to  a  total  of  10  cc.  with  water,  3.9  cc.  of  a  molten 
2-per-cent  solution  of  agar  in  water  is  used.  The 
last  solution  contains  agar  in  order  to  make  the  jelly 
exceptionally  firm,  so  that  the  ultimate  bursting  of  the 
cells  can  be  facilitated.  The  jelly  is  melted  and  boiled 
and  a  drop  of  it  run  on  to  a  slide,  where  it  is  allowed 
to  set.  A  drop  of  the  citrated  blood  is  then  placed 
on  a  cover-glass,  which  is  inverted  and  allowed  to  fall 
flat  on  the  film  in  the  usual  way.  The  slide  is  then 
placed  in  the  37°  C.  incubator  for  three  minutes  exactly. 
When  examined  microscopically  it  should  be  seen  that 
the  nuclei  of  the  eosinophile  leucocytes  are  just  staining 
scarlet,  showing  that  death  is  occurring;  the  granules 



FIG.  88. — A  Held  containing  a  neutrophile,  an  eosinophile,  and  a  baso- 
phile  leucocyte.  The  upper  cell  is  the  neutrophile  and  the  lower  one  the 
basophile  cell.  All  the  cells  are  ruptured,  but  their  granules  are  stained. 

FIG.  89. — A  basophile  leucocyte  wnose  stained  granules  have  been  turned 

black  by  heat. 


of  the  cells  should  be  deeply  stained.  If  the  nuclei 
are  not  yet  stained,  a  little  more  alkali  must  be  added 
to  the  jelly  and  a  fresh  specimen  made.  If  the  cells 
are  achromatic  or  disorganised,  or  if  the  nuclei  of  the 
neutrophile  cells  are  deeply  stained,  the  jelly  is  too 
alkaline,  and  a  little  acid  solution  must  be  added  to  it. 
But  if  the  coefficient  jelly  and  other  solutions  are 
correct,  the  nuclei  of  the  eosinophile  cells  will  just  be 

Using  a  |-inch  or  equivalent  objective  the  specimen 
is  searched  until  a  suitable  eosinophile  cell  is  found. 
If  a  cell  is  distorted  or  hemmed  in  by  red  cells,  it  is 
necessary  to  pass  it  over  and  find  another. 

If  there  is  any  doubt  as  to  whether  a  cell  is  an 
eosinophile  or  basophile  one,  the  slide  is  removed  from 
the  mechanical  stage  in  such  a  way  that  on  returning  it 
to  the  microscope  the  same  field  can  be  focused  again. 
The  slide  is  then  again  incubated  for  three  minutes,  but 
at  47°  C.  On  examination  of  the  cell,  if  it  is  an  eosino- 
phile leucocyte,  its  granules  will  still  appear  scarlet ;  but 
if  it  is  a  basophile  cell,  its  stained  chromosome  granules 
will  have  turned  black1  (fig.  89).  With  a  little  experi- 
ence of  the  method  of  staining,  however,  the  difference 
between  the  classes  of  cell  can  be  detected  without  this 
procedure  of  incubation  at  47°  C.,  which  is  apt  to  cause 
premature  rupture  and  achromasia. 

The  next  step  is  to  burst  the  cell.  The  photo- 
micrographic  apparatus  being  ready  on  its  slide  above 
the  observer's  head,  the  immersion  objective  is  "  turned 

1  These  granules  may  turn  black  at  37°  C.  We  have  no  explanation  to 
offer  of  this  phenomenon. 


on"  and  focused,  and  the  cell  is  brought  into  the 
centre  of  the  field.  Watching  it  through  the  eye- 
piece, keeping  one  hand  on  the  fine  adjustment, 
the  cover-glass,  which  of  course  is  resting  on  the 
jelly-film,  is  gently  struck  (tapped)  with  a  glass  rod 
held  in  the  other  hand.  At  each  tap  the  cells  are 
seen  to  be  jerked  out  of  the  field,  but,  provided  the 
taps  are  not  too  forcible,  the  eosinophile  cell  can 
easily  be  followed  by  using  the  mechanical  stage. 
It  is  usually  necessary  to  strike  the  cover-glass  two 
or  three  times,  and  generally  at  the  third  blow  the 
eosinophile  is  seen  to  totter  and  then  burst,  scattering 
its  stained  granules  about  on  the  surface  of  the  jelly 
in  the  field  of  the  microscope.  This  is  a  trick,  of 
course,  which  was  devised  by  one  of  us  (J.  W.  C.), 
and  with  a  little  practice  rupture  can  nearly  always 
be  assured. 

When  a  cell  ruptures  on  this  jelly — which  contains 
salts — its  nucleus  loses  its  stain  instantly,  but  at  the 
room  temperature  the  granules  do  not  usually  become 
achromatic  for  some  little  time.  On  the  other  hand, 
in  some  instances  they  may  become  unstained  in  a 
few  moments,  and  for  this  reason,  in  order  to  secure 
the  photographic  negative,  speed  is  now  required. 
The  ruptured  cell  is  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  field 
'with  the  mechanical  stage;  the  working  eye-piece  is 
removed  from  the  microscope,  the  camera  is  allowed 
to  slide  down  the  wooden  slide,  and  its  projecting 
eye-piece,  which  is  already  attached  to  it  by  means  of 
a  flexible  velvet  collar,  is  inserted  into  the  draw-tube 
of  the  microscope.  By  the  simple  movement  of  swing- 


ing  the  microscope  mirror  on  its  gimbals  out  of  the 
focal  axis,  the  working  32-c.p.  gas-light  is  changed 
to  the  water-cooled  ray  of  light  from  the  1-amp. 
Nernst  lamp.  The  image  of  the  ruptured  cell  will 
then  be  seen  on  the  ground-glass  screen  at  the  back 
of  the  camera,  where  it  can  be  rapidly  focused. 

The  special  precautions  regarding  the  focusing 
with  this  method  have  already  been  described,  but 
it  should  be  remembered  that  in  order  to  be  able  to 
count  the  number  of  the  granules  in  the  ruptured 
cell  it  is  most  important  to  obtain  as  perfect  a  nega- 
tive (figs.  90,  91)  as  possible. 

If  the  photography  has  been  accomplished  quickly, 
the  camera  may  be  pushed  up  out  of  the  way,  the 
microscope  mirror  replaced,  and  the  specimen  may  be 
searched  for  more  eosinophile  leucocytes. 

To  count  the  number  of  granules  contained  in  a 
ruptured  cell,  the  negative  must — after  it  has  been 
developed  and  dried  in  the  usual  way — be  placed  in  an 
optical  lantern,  and  the  image  of  the  ruptured  leucocyte 
projected  on  to  a  screen  which  has  a  sheet  of  white 
paper  pinned  in  front  of  it.  One  stands  close  in  front 
of  the  screen  and  counts  the  granules,  each  of  which 
will  now  appear  about  the  size  of  a  shilling-piece,  and 
the  image  of  each  granule  can  be  "ticked  off"  with 
a  pencil  on  the  paper  (figs.  92,  93) .  It  is  thus  impossible 
to  count  any  granule  twice  over,  and  an  accurate 
enumeration  can  be  made. 

Such  is  the  technique.  By  it  there  have  been 
counted  38,759  granules  from  235  cells  from  96  persons, 


22  of  whom  were  suffering  from  undoubted1  cancer,2 
and  47  of  whom  apparently  were  not.  Of  the  latter, 
which  for  convenience  will  be  called  the  "control"  cases, 
some  were  "healthy"  and  others  were  suffering  from 
various  diseases  (hospital  patients) .  We  did  not  count 
the  granules  in  each  of  the  235  negatives  as  the  latter 
were  obtained,  but  the  plates  were  developed  and  then 
put  away  until  a  hundred  or  more  had  collected.  The 
name  of  the  person  from  whom  the  blood  had  been 
taken  wras  entered  into  a  book  with  the  age,  sex, 
disease  (if  any),  and  other  details.  The  negatives  were 
numbered  consecutively,  and  the  numbers  corresponded 
with  similar  ones  in  the  book  against  the  names  of  the 
persons  from  whom  the  cells  had  been  derived.  The 
samples  of  blood  were  taken  from  persons,  cancerous  or 
otherwise,  as  they  came  into  hospital,  and  therefore, 
without  referring  to  the  book,  a  number  on  a  negative 
gave  no  indication  from  whom  the  cell  it  depicted  was 
derived.  With  three  exceptions,  the  samples  of  blood 
were  collected  and  photographed  by  one  of  us,  who 
kept  the  book  in  his  laboratory.  The  counting  wras 
done  by  another,  who  had  no  idea  to  whom  the 
numbers  on  the  negatives  referred. 

The  only  possible  source  of  error  is  in  the  counting. 
Some  of  the  negatives  were  not  quite  perfect,  and 
'  some  of  the  granules  appeared  blurred ;  hence  there  may 
be  a  small  error  in  some  of  the  numbers,  but  it  cannot 
be  very  important  judging  by  the  uniformity  of  the 

1  Determined  either  by  such  clinical  manifestations  as  recurrence  or 
metastasis,  or  by  pathological  examinations.  2  Carcinoma. 



FIG.  90. — One  of  the  negatives  of  a  ruptured  eosinophile  leucocyte  (negative 

No.  52). 

FIG.  91. — One  of  the  negatives  of  a  ruptured  eosinophile  leucocyte  (negative 

No.  54). 


FIG.  92. — Counting  the  granules.  The  image  of  the  ruptured  cell 
depicted  on 'negative  No.  52  is  projected  on  to  a  sheet  of  white  paper  pinned 
on  to  a  screen. 

FIG.  93. — Counting  the  granules  of  negative  No.  54. 


At  first  only  two  cells  were  taken  from  each  person, 
but  since  it  was  found  that  there  was  frequently  a  wide 
variation  in  the  number  of  granules  contained  in  in- 
dividual cells,  this  number  was  afterwards  increased  to 
five.  Averages  were  then  struck,  and  the  tables  given 
in  Appendix  I.  give  the  number  of  leucocytes  ex- 
amined and  the  persons  from  whom  they  were  derived, 
together  with  the  number  of  granules  contained  in  the 
largest  and  smallest  cells  from  each  person.  From 
these  averages  it  will  be  seen  that  the  sex  makes 
practically  no  difference  in  the  average  number  of 
granules  contained  in  the  cells;  but  more  experiments 
will  be  needed  before  the  same  can  be  said  about  age. 
The  averages  can,  in  the  first  place,  be  divided  into 
two  groups,  male  and  female.  Each  of  these  groups 
can  be  subdivided  into  two,  viz.  control  persons 
(healthy  and  diseases  other  than  cancer),  and  cancer 
persons.  Neglecting  fractions,  the  average  number  of 
granules  in  the  cells  appear  thus : 

Number  of  Average  number  of  granules  in  cells  of 

persons  males  females 

47  controls      ......     168     ...        168 

22  cancer 159     ...        161 

Thus,  between  normal1  males  and  females  there  is  no 
difference,  and  between  carcinoma  males  and  females 
there  is  very  little  difference;  but  the  number  of 
granules  in  cancer-cells  is  well  below  the  normal  in 
the  averages  of  both  males  and  females,  and  it  would 
appear  from  this  that  the  number  of  granules  con- 
tained in  the  cells  of  cancer  patients  is  actually  reduced. 

1  Control  cases  (normal,  and  diseases  other  than  cancer). 



The  table  and  its  summary  supply  further  details. 
As  was  expected,  the  reduction  is  not  very  large,  but 
the  striking  point  is  that,  in  addition  to  the  total 
cancer  averages  being  below  the  normal,  a  subdivision 
into  such  groups  as  male  and  female  demonstrates 
that  the  reduction  in  cancer  is  again  present  in  both 

Every  individual  case  of  cancer  in  the  category 
does  not,  by  any  means,  have  a  reduction  in  the 
average  number  of  granules  contained  in  the  cells,  and 
it  will  be  seen  that  many  of  the  individual  controls 
showed  a  reduction;  but  when  one  comes  to  deal 
with  comparatively  large  numbers,  the  reduction  in 
carcinoma  is  demonstrated.  It  must  be  remembered 
that  in  everybody  there  is  a  great  variation  in  the 
actual  number  of  granules  contained  in  individual  cells; 
and  when  sampling  say  five  cells  from  a  person,  one 
may  by  chance  hit  upon  five  larger  or  five  smaller 
cells.  Obviously,  therefore,  it  is  only  by  the  observa- 
tion of  many  cells  from  large  numbers  of  persons  that 
one  can  reduce  to  a  minimum  the  "error  of  random 
sampling."  We  think,  however,  that  the  enumeration 
of  the  granules  contained  in  235  cells,  from  22  cancer 
patients  and  47  controls,  diminishes  this  error  to  such 
an  extent  that  the  results  are  fairly  trustworthy.  At 
the  same  time,  it  must  be  remembered  that  in  experi- 
mentation of  this  nature  the  error  of  random  sampling 
can  never  be  altogether  eliminated,  and  therefore  the 
reliability  of  the  averages  depends  entirely  on  the 
extent  of  this  error  among  the  cells  which  have  been 


Among  the  control  cases  three  cases  of  sarcoma 
are  included.  In  all  of  them  there  was  no  apparent 
reduction,  and  the  same  can  be  said  of  another  case 
tested  recently.  But  the  number  of  cells  is  too  small 
to  form  any  conclusion  from,  and  more  cases  will  be 



AND      XANTHIN DISCOVERY      OF      THE      CAUSE      OF 


COUNTING  the  granules  of  eosinophile  leucocytes  from 
cancer  patients,  therefore,  seemed  to  us  to  show  that 
the  clue  on  which  we  were  working  was  to  some  extent 
correct.  Judging  from  the  comparison  between  the 
number  of  granules  contained  in  the  cells  of  cancer 
patients  and  those  of  other  people,  there  appears  to 
be  a  reduction  in  cancer,  and  this  reduction  presumably 
is  due  to  the  presence  in  the  blood  of  some  agent  which 
^causes  more  proliferation  than  normal.  It  has  been 
pointed  out  that  increased  prolificity  owing  to  excessive 
absorption  of  a  chemical  agent  makes  cells  divide  by  a 
reduced  number  of  chromosomes  as  seen  in  carcinoma 
cells ;  and  now  apparently  other  cells,  such  as  the  eosino- 
phile leucocytes,  have  in  that  disease  a  slightly  reduced 



number  of  chromosome  granules.  But  this  digression 
from  the  main  researches  also  taught  us  that  other 
facts  were  to  be  learnt  from  the  comparison  of  samples 
of  peripheral  blood  from  twenty- two  cancer  patients 
and  forty-seven  "  others."  Never  before  had  systematic 
examination  of  blood  from  such  groups  of  persons  been 
made  by  the  in-vitro  staining  of  their  cells,  and  it  was 
soon  noticed  that  in  the  samples  of  cancer  blood  the 
actual  number  of  eosinophile  leucocytes  was  reduced; 
in  fact,  four  cases  could  hot  be  included  in  our  category, 
because,  even  after  repeated  examination  of  many 
samples  of  their  blood,  no  eosinophile  leucocytes  could 
be  found;  and  in  all  the  other  cases,  with  the  exception 
of  three,  there  was  an  undoubted  reduction  in  the 
number  of  eosinophile  cells.  In  the  three  exceptions 
there  appeared  to  be  an  eosinophilia. 

In  some  cases  of  carcinoma,  also,  there  was  a  large- 
lymphocytosis,  especially  in  the  advanced  cases.  But 
this  is  by  no  means  an  absolute  rule,  and,  moreover,  a 
large-lymphocytosis  was  fairly  common  among  the 
control  specimens. 

But  a  still  more  important  point  was  observed. 
We  have  already  shown  how  a  mixture  of  azur  dye 
and  atropine  causes  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements 
in  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes,  then  the  discard  of 
granules  (flagellation),  and  lastly  augmented  cell- 
division;  also  that  an  agent  has  been  detected  in 
the  plasma  of  carcinoma  patients  which  induces  the 
first  two — i.e.  excitation  of  amoeboid  movements 
and  the  discard  of  granules.  We  have  just  shown 
that  the  granules  in  certain  leucocytes  in  cancer 

294  THE    CAUSE    OF   HEALING 

patients  are  reduced  in  number.  The  inference  is  that 
this  reduction  is  made  in  response  to  the  same  agent 
which  causes  the  excitation  and  discard  of  granules. 
The  important  point  is  that  while  engaged  in  these 
blood  examinations  the  fact  became  apparent  that  this 
agent  in  cancer  plasma  (presumably  it  is  the  same 
agent)  will  help  to  induce  cell-division. 

The  large  lymphocyte  requires  a  considerable 
quantity  of  stain,  extract,  or  atropine  before  it  will  be 
induced  to  divide  in  the  "experimental  ten  minutes." 
In  the  technique,  described  in  the  last  chapter,  for 
counting  the  granules  of  eosinophile  leucocytes  the 
jelly  employed  contains  only  4  units  of  polychrome 
dye,  the  efficiency  of  which  for  inducing  divisions  is 
infinitesimal  (the  jelly  containing  no  extract  of  dead 
tissues  or  atropine).  Yet  in  the  examination  of  the 
blood  of  three  of  the  cases  of  carcinoma  some  of  the 
large  lymphocytes  showed  well-marked  stages  of  early 
mitosis,  whereas  this  result  could  not  be  obtained  in 
any  of  the  controls.  It  is  clear,  therefore,  that  the 
cells  in  these  three  cases  were  inclined  to  divide  before 
they  were  ever  placed  on  the  jelly,  and  the  trifling 
assistance  which  they  received  from  the  4  units  of  the 
polychrome  dye  caused  them  to  show  well-marked 
mitotic  figures  (figs.  62,  64) ,  whereas  the  large  lympho- 
cytes in  all  the  control  specimens,  made  under  exactly 
the  same  conditions,  remained  at  rest. 

Moreover,  in  two  other  cancer  patients  (both  cancer 
of  the  stomach),  owing  to  anaemia,  many  granular  red 
cells  were  seen  in  their  blood.  On  its  being  examined 
on  jelly  which  contained  azur  dye,  extract,  and  atropine, 


FIG.  94. — A  dividing  red  cell  from  a  cancer  patient. 

;)">.— A  dividing  red  cell  from  a  cancer  patient.     The  granules  seem 
to  be  arranged  in  an  indefinite  figure. 


amitotic1  divisions  (figs.  94,  95)  were  induced  in  these 
granular  red  cells.  The  granular  red  cells  of  normal 
and  other  persons  have  never  hitherto  been  seen  to 
make  any  attempt  to  divide  on  auxetic  jelly  or  any 
jelly,  and  hence  it  appears  that  these  cells  from  these 
cancer  patients  are  also  more  prone  to  divide  than 
those  of  other  people. 

Since  it  has  been  shown  that  the  reproduction, 
certainly  of  lymphocytes  and  leucocytes,  and  possibly 
of  other  cells,  depends  (on  the  microscope  slide)  on 
the  quantity  of  an  auxetic  absorbed  by  them,  it  is 
reasonable  to  suggest  that  the  plasma  of  these  cancer 
patients  contained  some  such  agent  which  caused  this 
inclination  to  divide  on  the  part  of  the  large  lymphocytes 
and  red  cells.  Presumably  this  is  the  same  agent 
which  had  been  previously  found  to  cause  excitation 
of  amceboid  movements,  and  the  discard  of  granules 
for  the  combination  of  stain  and  atropine  will  also 
do  this  as  well  as  cause  augmented  divisions. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  it  is  only  the  red 
cells  which  have  granules  which  can  be  induced  to 
divide,  for  it  bears  out  the  theory  that  the  auxetic 
contains  a  specific  agent  which  induces  cell-division 
by  acting  on  cell-granules. 

We  may  now  return  to  the  study  of  the  extracts. 
It  may  be  remembered  that  we  had  only  succeeded 
in  inducing  divisions  in  lymphocytes  and  leucocytes 
with  the  artificial  azur  dye.  Extracts  of  several 

1  We  are  uncertain  whether  some  of  the  granular  red  cells  were  not 
dividing  mitotically  (fig.  95),  as  their  granules  appeared  to  be  arranged  in  an 
indefinite  figure. 


dead  tissues,  especially  that  of  suprarenal  gland,  in 
the  strength  of  100  per  cent,  would  augment  the  action 
of  the  azur  dye,  but  they  would  not  in  themselves 
induce  divisions  or  even  the  early  stages  of  mitosis 
in  the  experimental  ten  minutes.  We  had  therefore 
made  arrangements  to  concentrate  these  extracts  so 
as  to  see  if  they  would,  if  used  in  greater  strength, 
induce  divisions  by  themselves.  At  first  it  was  thought 
better  not  to  boil  down  the  extracts  for  fear  that  the 
boiling  might  spoil  the  substance  which  augmented 
the  action  of  the  dye.  The  extracts  were  therefore 
placed  in  test-tubes,  which  were  lightly  plugged  and 
put  aside  in  the  laboratory.  As  already  mentioned, 
it  was  necessary  to  test  these  extracts  from  time  to 
time  to  see  whether  they  might  become  more  effective 
as  concentration  occurred.  When  they  were  originally 
made  they  were  sterile,  because  it  may  be  remembered 
that  they  had  been  kept  at  60°  C.  for  twelve  hours  after 
filtration.  Repeated  examination  of  some  of  the  tubes, 
however,  caused  them  to  become  infected,  and  in 
consequence  putrefaction  set  in  in  those  tubes.  After 
they  had  all  been  kept  for  three  weeks  it  was  noticed 
that  the  augmenting  action  of  the  contents  of  one 
of  the  infected  tubes  of  suprarenal  extract  seemed 
to  be  increased.  One  cc.,  or  even  a  few  drops,  of 
this  extract,  if  added  to  the  azur  dye  and  made  up 
in  a  jelly,  caused  advanced  mitosis  in  lymphocytes, 
whereas  with  the  other  sterile  tubes  it  seemed  to  require 
about  the  usual  quantity  of  extract  to  augment  the 
action  of  the  dye.  It  was  particularly  noticed  that 
this  tube  which  contained  so  efficient  an  extract  had 


been  examined  on  several  occasions,  and  owing  to  the 
infection  of  its  contents  the  latter  was  in  a  foul-smelling 
condition.  The  increased  augmentation  when  this 
decomposed  extract  was  used  was  so  remarkable  that 
we  decided  to  try  its  action  by  itself  without  any  azur 
or  other  stain. 

The  jelly  was  made  up  thus:  To  5  cc.  of  coefficient 
jelly  3  cc.  of  the  putrid  extract,  and  0.8  cc.  of 
5-per-cent  solution  of  sodium  bicarbonate  (8  units  of 
alkali)  were  added.  The  alkali  was  present  in  order 
to  cause  the  contents  of  the  jelly  to  diffuse  into  the 
cells.  The  jelly  wTas  made  up  to  a  total  of  10  cc.  with 
1 . 2  cc.  of  water.  In  order  to  prevent  coagulation  of  the 
extract  a  film  was  prepared  from  the  jelly  in  the 
following  way:  The  coefficient  jelly  was  melted  and 
boiled,  and  it  was  only  as  it  cooled  that  the  extract 
was  added,  the  film  being  made  immediately  before 
the  jelly  had  set  in  the  test-tube.  Fresh  blood  from 
the  finger  was  spread  on  the  jelly  in  the  usual  manner 
under  a  cover-glass.  After  incubation  for  ten  minutes, 
an  examination  showed  that  some  of  the  lymphocytes 
appeared  to  be  in  an  early  stage  of  mitosis.  Now, 
we  could  not  be  very  certain  about  this  point,  because 
no  stain  was  present  and  consequently  the  chromo- 
somes were  unstained  and  almost  invisible.  If  mitotic 
divisions  are  sometimes  difficult  to  see  in  stained 
specimens,  they  are  much  more  difficult  to  distinguish 
when  no  stain  is  employed.  Still,  the  cells  looked 
rather  as  if  they  were  attempting  to  divide  (fig.  96). 

A  fresh  jelly  was  made,  but  it  contained  1  cc.  of 
alkali  solution  instead  of  0.8  cc. ;  and  now  there  was 

300  THE    CAUSE    OF    HEALING 

no  doubt  about  it — this  extract  did  actually  induce 
mitotic  figures  in  lymphocytes  in  the  experimental 
ten  minutes  (figs.  97,  98).  No  azur  stain,  atropine,  or 
other  "augmenter"  was  added;  the  decomposed 
suprarenal  extract  induced  mitosis  by  itself. 

Of  course  we  thought  at  first  that  this  result 
was  due  to  the  concentration  of  the  extract;  but 
this  thought  was  soon  dispelled  by  trying  some  of 
the  other  tubes  which  had  been  kept  alongside  of 
the  ones  wrhich  had  so  often  been  examined,  the 
contents  of  which  had  decomposed.  The  sterile 
extract  contained  in  these  tubes  would  not  induce 
divisions  by  themselves.  Moreover,  at  the  temperature 
of  the  laboratory,  since  they  wrere  kept  in  plugged 
tubes,  the  extracts  did  not  evaporate  very  fast,  and 
it  was  appreciated  that  they  could  not  be  so  very 
concentrated.  Some  of  the  effective  putrid  extract, 
therefore,  had  water  added  to  it,  so  that  it  was  again 
made  up  to  its  original  strength  of  100  per  cent.  It 
wras  then  made  up  in  a  jelly  as  before,  and  to  our 
astonishment  again  it  induced  divisions  in  lympho- 
cytes; and  what  is  more  important,  it  induced  the 
asymmetrical  one-sided  mitosis  in  many  instances 
(fig.  99). 

A  series  of  control  experiments  \vas  then  made. 
.Jellies  which  contained  only  the  salts  sodium  citrate, 
sodium  chloride,  and  the  1  cc.  of  alkali  were  first 
tried,  and  no  divisions  could  be  seen.  Then  yet 
another  series  of  experiments  with  fresh  extract  of 
suprarenal  gland  wras  made,  once  more  without  re- 
sult, and  so  it  wras  ultimately  proved  that  it  was 



FIG.  96. —  Very  early  stage  ot  mitosis  in  a  lympnocyte  induced  by  decom- 
posed extract  of  suprarenal  gland.      No  stain. 

FIG.   97.— Mitosis   of   a   lympnocyte   induced    by   decomposed   suprarenal 
extract.     No  stain. 



FIG.  98. — Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  decomposed  extract.     No 


FIG.    99. — Asymmetrical   division   induced    by   decomposed    extract.     No 
stain  or  atropine  is  present. 


unquestionably  due  to  the  putrefaction  that  this  one 
tube  of  extract  induced  divisions  in  the  experimental 
ten  minutes. 

Now,  this  fact  required  very  careful  consideration. 
A  100-per-cent  solution  of  extract  would  not  in  itself 
induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes  unless  it  was  putrid. 
When  it  is  fresh  this  extract  is  not  effective  in  the 
experimental  ten  minutes.  It  appeared  probable  that 
the  extract  does  in  itself  contain  some  substance 
which  causes  cell-division,  but  in  the  strength  of  the 
extract  of  100  per  cent  this  substance  is  not  present 
in  sufficient  quantity  for  it  to  induce  divisions  in  the 
experimental  ten  minutes  unless  the  whole  extract  is 
putrid.  The  first  thing  to  do  was  to  concentrate 
the  extract  and  see  if  this  theory  was  right.  It  was 
appreciated  that  the  concentration  process  at  the 
room  temperature  was  a  most  unsatisfactory  pro- 
cedure, for  if  the  extracts  were  tightly  plugged 
they  did  not  evaporate  down,  but  if  they  were  left 
open  they  became  putrid.  One  of  the  jellies  which 
induced  divisions  by  virtue  of  the  putrid  extract  was 
therefore  boiled  and  tried  again.  Still  it  induced 
divisions  in  lymphocytes.  It  was  submitted  to  pro- 
longed boiling,  and  yet  it  was  effective.  So  it  was 
proved  that  the  substance  which  it  contained  which 
caused  cell-division  wras  thermostable.  We  can 
boil  these  extracts  with  impunity,  and  their  auxetic 
action  is  not  impaired.  Hence  we  made  some  fresh 
extract  of  suprarenal  gland  and  evaporated  it  down 
to  dryness  by  boiling.  It  is,  when  dry,  a  hygroscopic 
brown  mass  which  is  readily  soluble  in  water.  One 

306  THE    CAUSE    OF    HEALING 

hundred  grammes  of  sheep's  suprarenal  glands  yields 
about  4  grammes  of  dry  extract. 

A  series  of  jellies  were  prepared  which  contained 
0 . 8  cc.  of  alkali  solution  (8  units) ,  variable  quantities  of 
solutions  of  the  extract,  and  they  were  always  made  up 
to  the  total  of  10  cc.  with  water.  At  first  a  5-per-cent 
solution  of  the  extract  was  made ;  and  it  was  found  that 
if  the  jelly  contained  1  cc.  of  this  extract,  very  early 
divisions  can  be  induced  in  lymphocytes.  With  2  cc. 
later  stages  of  mitosis  will  appear  (figs.  100,  101) ;  and 
if  instead  of  the  5-per-cent  solution  a  10-per-cent  one 
is  made,  even  more  marked  divisions  can  be  induced 
by  this  fresh  extract  alone  in  the  experimental  ten 
minutes.  The  best  jelly  to  make  in  order  to  cause 
suprarenal  extract  to  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes 
in  the  ten  minutes  is:  5  cc.  of  coefficient  jelly,  1  cc.  of 
alkali  solution,  2  cc.  of  a  10-per-cent  solution  of  dried 
suprarenal  extract,  and  2  cc.  of  water.  By  means  of 
this  jelly  advanced  mitotic  figures  can  be  induced  in 

So  it  was  proved,  therefore,  that  this  extract  of  dead 
suprarenal  gland  contains  a  substance  which  will  cause 
the  divisions  of  lymphocytes.  A  fresh  jelly  was  then 
prepared  the  same  as  the  last  one,  except  that  it  had 
added  to  it  four  more  units  of  alkali  solution.  Now,  as 
we  anticipated,  the  polynuclear  leucocytes  also  divided 
on  the  microscope  slide  (fig.  102). 

But  the  question  was  then  asked,  How  was  it  that 
the  original  extract,  although  it  was  not  strong  enough 
to  induce  divisions  by  itself  in  ten  minutes,  did  become 
effective  when  it  was  decomposed  by  putrefaction  ?  It 



FIG.    100. — Mitosis   induced   by  fresh   extract   of   suprarenal   gland.     No 
stain  or  augmentor  present. 

FIG.  101. — Mitosis  induced  by  fresh  suprarenal  extract.     No  stain  is  present. 


was  evident  that  the  first  extracts  which  we  tried  were 
not  strong  enough  to  induce  divisions  in  the  ex- 
perimental ten  minutes.  If  they  became  putrid, 
however,  they  apparently  were.1  The  putrid  solution 
was  again  tried,  and  again  the  asymmetrical  divisions 
were  seen.  Now,  these  asymmetrical  divisions  are 
frequently  induced  by  azur  dye  when  it  is  augmented 
by  atropine,  and  therefore  we  thought  that  it  might 
be  possible  that  the  putrefaction  of  the  extract  might 
produce  in  it  an  augmenting  substance  which  acted 
like  the  atropine. 

Fresh  suprarenal  extract  was  then  made,  and  after 
it  had  been  dried  it  was  redissolved  in  water.  It  was 
made  up  in  a  10-per-cent  solution,  and  various  quanti- 
ties of  it  were  added  to  jellies  which  contained  1  cc. 
of  alkali  solution  (10  units),  and  it  also  had  added  to  it 
0.7  of  a  1-per-cent  solution  of  atropine  sulphate.  It 
was  now  found  that  the  atropine  augmented  the  action 
of  the  suprarenal  extract  five-fold,  in  the  same  way  as  it 
augmented  the  action  of  the  azur  dye — that  is  to  say, 
with  suprarenal  extract  by  itself,  and  no  atropine,  the 
10  cc.  of  jelly,  if  it  contains  alkali  to  the  extent  of 
10  units,  must  contain  at  least  0.05  gramme  of  dried 
suprarenal  extract  before  the  earliest  sign  of  cell- 
division  can  be  induced  in  ten  minutes.  To  obtain  well- 
marked  divisions  the  jelly  should  contain  0.2  gramme 
of  the  extract. 

If  atropine  is  added,   however,  in  the  strength   of 

1  Some  100-per-cent  suprarenal  extract  has  been  purposely  allowed  to 
become  infected,  when  it  induced  divisions  in  lymphocytes  (figs.  103,  104). 
Control  tubes  of  extract  not  so  infected  had  not  this  action. 


0.007  gramme  of  atropine  sulphate  to  the  10  cc.  of 
jelly  which  has  10  units  of  alkali,  divisions  in  lympho- 
cytes can  be  induced  if  the  jelly  also  contains  no  more 
than  0.01  gramme  of  dried  suprarenal  extract.  Once 
more  we  tried  to  induce  divisions  with  the  alkaloid  by 
itself,  but  failed;  and  yet  it  augmented  the  action  of 
the  extract  five-fold.  In  addition  to  this  augmentation 
it  induced  asymmetrical  mitoses  (fig.  105). 

To  recapitulate:  Extract  of  suprarenal  gland  of 
certain  strength  will  induce  by  itself  mitotic  divisions 
in  lymphocytes;  and  if  more  of  it  is  made  to  diffuse 
into  cells,  it  will  also  cause  leucocytes  to  divide.  If  a 
lower  concentration  is  tried,  however,  it  will  not  induce 
divisions  in  the  experimental  ten  minutes  unless  (1)  it 
has  become  putrid,  (2)  its  action  is  augmented  by 
atropine.  In  both  the  latter  circumstances  asym- 
metrical mitosis  may  be  seen. 

Other  extracts  of  dead  tissues  were  then  tried;  but 
they  would  not,  by  themselves,  induce  divisions  in  the 
experimental  ten  minutes.  Realising  that  this  might 
be  due  to  the  detrimental  experimental  conditions 
(corollary  2),  we  tried  them  again  with  atropine  to 
augment  their  action.  Now,  as  surmised,  all  the 
extracts  of  dead  tissues  which  we  tried  induced 
divisions  in  lymphocytes  on  the  microscope  slide.  To- 
induce  divisions  in  polymorphonuclear  leucocytes  with 
them  is  much  more  difficult,  as  atropine  does  not  appear 
to  augment  their  action  so  much  with  these  cells. 

The  following  table  gives  the  strengths  of  the 
various  extracts  which,  with  1  cc.  of  alkali  (10  units) 
and  0.007  gramme  of  atropine  sulphate,  will  induce 



FIG.  102. — A  dividing  polymorphonuclear  leucocyte  induced  by  suprarenal 
extract  alone.     No  stain. 


FIG.  103.— Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  which 
had  purposely  been  allowed  to  become  putrid.     No  stain. 



FIG.  104. — Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  which 
had  purposely  been  allowed  to  become  putrid.     No  stain. 

FIG.  105. — Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  by  suprarenal  extract  augmented 
by  atropine.     No  stain. 


divisions    in    lymphocytes    in    the    experimental    ten 

Amount  to  be  contained  in  the  10  cc.  of  jelly.. 

Dried  extract  of  Testis  .  .  .  0.025  gramme 

"  Pancreas  .  .  .  0.025 

"  Muscle  .  .  .  0.025 

"  Spleen  .  .  .  0.01 

"  Liver  .  .  .  0.002 

Experimentally  all  these  extracts  were  employed  in  a. 
5-per-cent  solution.  Divisions  in  lymphocytes  were  in- 
duced with  the  first  three  by  adding  0 . 5  cc.  of  the  solution 
to  the  5  cc.  of  coefficient  jelly,  together  with  0.7  cc.  of 
1-per-cent  solution  of  atropine  sulphate,  1  cc.  of  the 
5-per-cent  solution  of  sodium  bicarbonate,  and  made  up 
to  a  total  of  10  cc.  with  2.8  cc.  of  water.  The  jellies 
were  boiled  and  films  made  from  them  in  the  usual  way. 
It  is  obvious,  therefore,  that  all  the  extracts  contain 
some  substance  or  substances  which  cause  cell-division 
in  lymphocytes  and  in  leucocytes.  To  induce  these 
divisions  on  the  microscope  slide  in  the  experimental  ten 
minutes,  it  is  necessary  to  augment  the  action  of  the  ex- 
tracts with  atropine.  Suprarenal  extract,  however,  evi- 
dently containing  more  of  the  active  substance  than  the 
others,  will  induce  divisions  without  any  augmenting  sub- 
stance. Putrefaction  will  augment  the  power  of  the  ex- 
tracts like  the  alkaloid,  and  it  was  presumed  that,  this 
putrefaction  had  this  effect  through  the  presence  of  the 
alkaloids  of  putrefaction.  This  point,  however,  was  not 
investigated  till  afterwards,  as  we  were  immediately 
concerned  in  finding  out  if  possible  what  the  agents 
were  in  these  extracts  of  dead  tissues  which  cause  the 
division  of  white  blood-corpuscles. 

316  THE    CAUSE    OF    HEALING 

There  were  two  ways  in  which  we  might  attempt  to 
isolate  this  active  principle  from  the  extracts.  We 
might  analyse  them  and  try  the  different  substances  one 
by  one.  These  analyses  had,  however,  often  been  done 
before,  and  it  was  considered  better,  in  the  first  instance, 
to  try  the  well-known  constituents  of  these  extracts  to 
see  if  they  would  induce  cell-division  before  we  under- 
took to  analyse  the  extracts  ourselves. 

We  need  not  detail  the  vicissitudes  of  this  research, 
which  occupied  a  long  time.  The  constituents  of  the 
extracts  of  the  body  are  well  known.  It  may  be 
remembered  that  the  active  principle  in  the  extracts  is 
evidently  thermostable,  and  remains  in  solution  after 
most  of  the  proteins  have  been  precipitated  by  heat. 
We  tried  certain  salts,  and  other  substances,  and  we 
have  also  tried  urea,  and  at  last  kreatin  (C4H9N3O2) 
was  found  to  be  a  substance  which  will  induce  divisions 
in  lymphocytes  (fig.  106)  and  leucocytes  (fig.  107). 
Kreatinin  (C4H7N3O)  is  not  effective  in  the  experi- 
mental ten  minutes;  but  xanthin  (C5H4N4O2)  is  if 
its  action  is  augmented  by  atropine. 

The  following  table  gives  the  strengths  of  kreatin 
and  xanthin  required  to  be  contained  in  the  10  cc.  of 
jelly  in  order  to  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes  in  the 
experimental  ten  minutes,  no  atropine  being  employed, 
but  the  jellies  contained  1  cc.  (10  units)  of  alkali 


0.02  gramme          .          .          .     No  mitosis  seen. 

0.04        "  ...     Early  mitosis. 

0.75        "  Well-advanced  divisions. 


FIG.  106. — Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  kreatin.     No  stain  or  extract. 

FIG.  107. — Division  in  a  leucocyte  induced  by  kreatin.     Xo  stain  or  extract 


With  atropine : 

Kreatin . 

0.005  gramme          .          .          .     No  mitosis. 

0.01  .          .          .     Mitosis. 

0.02  .          .          .     Well-advanced  divisions. 

Employing  xanthin  the  presence  of  atropine  is  necessary : 


0.002  gramme         .          .          .     Early  mitosis. 

If  the  jelly  contained  saturated  solution1  of  xanthin, 
well-marked  figures  were  seen. 

We  had  now  succeeded  in  inducing  the  reproduction 
of  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes — first  by  the  aniline  dye 
azur,  then  by  a  substance  contained  in  the  extract 
of  suprarenal  gland,  and  by  our  experiments  we  were 
able  to  infer  that  this  substance  is  contained  in  the 
extracts  of  other  dead  tissues.  It  has  just  been  shown 
that  this  inference  is  correct,  because  cell-division  can 
be  induced  by  the  crystalline  extractive  kreatin,  which 
is  a  constituent  of  the  remains  of  all  dead  tissues.  So 
far,  of  course,  we  had  only  induced  divisions  with  these 
substances  in  vitro;  but,  as  already  pointed  out,  the 
cells  are  under  very  detrimental  conditions  while  being 
experimented  with,  and  it  is  more  than  probable  that,  if 
they  will  divide  in  response  to  these  substances  in  vitro, 
they  will  more  readily  respond  to  them  in  vivo. 

Healing  is  caused  by  the  proliferation  of  leucocytes  and 
lymphocytes,  and,  judging  from  the  in-vitro  experimenta- 
tion, this  proliferation  is  evidently  induced  by  kreatin  and 

1  Xanthin  is  sparingly  soluble. 


xanthin.  Hitherto  it  has  been  generally  supposed  that 
the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  is  due  to  some  inherent 
propensity  on  the  part  of  the  cells  to  divide;  but  now 
it  is  clear,  from  in-vitro  experimentation,  that  these 
cells  divide  when  they  absorb  a  definite  quantity  of  a 
chemical  agent,  and  two  of  these  auxetics  are  kreatin 
and  xanthin,  wrhich  are  contained  in  the  remains  of 
dead  tissues.  When  a  tissue  is  damaged  anywhere, 
cell-death  is  occasioned,  and  the  dead  cells  liquefy. 
The  products  of  this  death  have  as  constituents  the 
extractives  kreatin  and  xanthin,  and  we  know  that  the 
neighbouring  living  cells  must  absorb  the  liquefied 
remains  of  their  dead  neighbours,  for  it  has  been  shown 
that  the  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells  is  a 
physical  process  over  which  the  cells  themselves  can 
exercise  no  control.  When  a  tissue  is  damaged,  there- 
fore, the  direct  result  of  that  damage  will  be  to  make 
the  neighbouring  living  cells  reproduce  themselves  in 
response  to  kreatin  and  xanthin,  and  bring  about  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing. 

Here,  then,  is  the  solution  of  the  first  part  of  our 
problem.  We  now  know  the  nature  of  the  physiological 
cause  of  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing,  and  we  submit 
that  this  knowledge  reveals  a  fresh  vista  in  pathology. 

But  it  must  not  be  supposed  that  kreatin  and 
xanthin  are  the  only  agents  contained  in  the  remains 
of  dead  tissues  which  cause  cell-reproduction.  They 
are  two  of  the  active  principles  which  we  have  so  far 
succeeded  in  isolating.  It  is  probable  that  there  are 
others;  in  fact,  we  know  that  there  must  be.  Supra- 
renal extract  will  induce  divisions  very  readily,  and  the 

THE   NH2   GROUP  321 

amount  required  to  do  so  is  so  small  that  the  kreatin 
and  xanthin  which  it  contains  will  not  account  for  the 
divisions  it  induces.  These  bodies  are  amido-acids,  and 
we  think  that  the  NH2  group  of  the  molecules  may  be 
responsible  for  the  auxetic  action.  In  this  respect  it 
is  interesting  to  note  that  alkaloids,  which  augment  the 
action  of  auxetics,  are  compound  ammonias;  but  it 
must  be  remembered  that  we  have  never  yet  been  able 
to  induce  a  division  with  an  alkaloid  by  itself,  although 
we  have  tried  literally  hundreds  of  times. 

In  the  next  chapter  we  shall  show  that  there  is 
another  great  and  very  important  source  of  the  "  causes 
of  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing"  contained  in  a 
substance  we  call  "globin,"  a  histone  derived  from 



THE  fact  that  in-vitro  experimentation  has  shown  that 
cell-division  is  directly  caused  by  certain  constituents 
of  the  soluble  remains  of  dead  tissues  made  us  consider 
the  possibility  that  there  might  be  other  sources  of 
these  or  similar  agents.  It  was  remembered  how 
frequently  old  chronic  ulcers,  when  they  heal,  leave 
the  tissue  pigmented,  and  it  was  considered  possible 
that  this  pigmentation  might  in  some  way  be  asso- 
ciated with  the  healing  process  and  its  cell-prolifera- 
tion. The  pigment  in  ulcers  is  supposed  to  be  derived 
from  haemoglobin. 

Melanotic  sarcoma  is  generally  accredited  to  be 
the  most  prolific  of  all  malignant  growths.  It  is 
characterised  by  the  pigmented  cells  of  which  it  is  com- 
posed. We  have  not  been  able  to  obtain  a  case  of 
melanotic  sarcoma,  for  such  cases  are  rather  rare,  but  it 
is  generally  the  case  that  the  pigment  is  contained  in 
the  cytoplasm  of  the  malignant  cells.  One  of  the 



commonest  sites  of  melanotic  sarcoma  is  in  the  choroid 
coat  of  the  eye,  where  the  cells  are  normally  pigmented.  ,  \ 

The  pigment  of  these  cells  is  called  melanin,  and  it 
is  supposed  to  be  derived  from  hemoglobin. 

Professor  Ronald  Ross  suggested  that  some  experi- 
ments might  be  made  with  auxetics  on  the  malaria 
parasite,  and  in  one  case  a  "crescent"  was  apparently 
made  to  flagellate  prematurely  with  a  jelly  containing 
azur  dye,  extract,  and  atropine,  although  repetitions 
of  the  same  experiment  were  not  successful.  Still, 
the  consideration  of  the  life-history  of  the  malaria 
parasite  has  been — as  it  turns  out — germane  to  our 
researches.  The  parasite  enters  the  body  from  the 
mosquito  as  a  minute  unpigmented  amrebula,  which 
straightway  enters  a  red  blood-corpuscle.  While  in 
the  red  cell  it  gradually  becomes  pigmented,  and  it 
proliferates  by  exporulation.  The  daughter  parasites 
have  no  pigment  until  they  enter  fresh  red  cells, 
when  in  their  turn  they  become  pigmented  and  ulti- 
mately proliferate  again. 

There  is  the  so-called  sexual  form  of  the  cycle, 
however,  which  probably  does  not  proliferate  within 
the  body.  The  crescent  or  gametocyte  only  pro- 
liferates after  the  blood  containing  it  has  been  shed. 
The  crescent  is  also  deeply  pigmented;  and  it  is  a 
most  interesting  point  to  remember  that  when  the 
crescent  stage  of  the  parasite  is  reached,  the  red  cell 
appears  to  be  depleted  of  haemoglobin,  and  merely 
surrounds  the  parasite  as  an  empty  cell.  The  parasite, 
when  it  has  reached  the  crescent  stage,  has  apparently 


devoured  all  the  haemoglobin;  the  hsematin  derived 
from  the  haemoglobin  has  collected  in  the  parasite  as 
a  pigment  known  as  melanin;  and  the  parasite  will 
no  longer  proliferate  until  the  blood  is  shed.  //  the 
blood  is  shed,  however,  whether  it  is  shed  on  to  a 
microscope  slide  or  into  the  stomach  of  the  mosquito, 
the  parasite  again  becomes  prolific  almost  immedi- 
ately, and  flagellation  occurs. 

Now,  when  blood  is  shed,  no  matter  how  it  is  shed, 
whether  it  be  on  a  microscope  slide  or  into  the 
stomach  of  the  mosquito,  haemoglobin  must  be  set 
free,  for  the  red  corpuscle  is  a  very  delicate  cell,  and 
many  of  them  must  be  ruptured  when  any  injury 
occurs  in  a  tissue.  The  question  therefore  arises,  Does 
haemoglobin  have  any  function  in  inducing  the  pro- 
liferation of  the  malaria  parasite  ?  From  circumstantial 
evidence  it  would  appear  that  it  does,  for  so  long  as 
the  parasite  is  absorbing  haemoglobin  from  the  red 
cell  in  which  it  lives,  so  long  will  it  continue  to 
proliferate  by  exporulation ;  but  when  it  has  finished 
the  contents  of  the  cell,  proliferation  ceases  until 
more  haemoglobin  can  be  absorbed  by  it  when  the 
blood  is  shed. 

In  the  malaria  parasite,  in  the  cells  of  melanotic 
sarcoma,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  old  healing 
ulcers  the  haemoglobin  is  evidently  decomposed  because 
the  haematin  collects  as  insoluble  pigment. 

Haemoglobin  is  fairly  soluble,  but  when  it  is  de- 
composed into  haematin  and  globin  the  haematin  is 
insoluble  in  water  except  in  the  presence  of  dilute 
alkalies.  Globin  is  readily  soluble.  Hence  it  cannot 


be  the  haematin  part  of  the  haemoglobin  molecule  which 
has  any  function  in  causing  proliferation;  it  must  be 
the  globin  part  if  it  is  either  of  them. 

In  the  first  instance  we  tried  the  effect  of  haemo- 
globin on  blood-cells.  Jellies  were  made  which  con- 
tained 1  cc.  (10  units)  of  alkali  solution,  and  after  they 
had  been  boiled  various  quantities  of  a  saturated  solution 
of  crystalline  haemoglobin  were  added  before  the  jellies 
cooled  too  much  for  them  to  set  on  a  slide.  But  haemo- 
globin never  induced  divisions  in  lymphocytes  or 
leucocytes  in  the  experimental  ten  minutes.  Nor  did 
it  excite  amoeboid  movements  in  them. 

We  next  made  a  saturated  solution  of  haemoglobin 
and  then  boiled  it,  thereby  decomposing  it  and  pre- 
cipitating the  haematin.  The  filtrate  is  a  straw-coloured 
liquid  when  it  is  dilute.  It  was  evaporated  down  by 
prolonged  boiling,  and  at  the  saturation  point,  which 
is  about  4  per  cent,  the  solution  becomes  a  deep  red 
colour.  On  evaporation  to  dryness,  a  sticky  residue 
remained.  Very  little  is  known  (about  globin.  For 
years  it  was  thought  to  be  a  globulin,  but  this  has 
been  shown  not  to  be  the  case.  Globin  is  a  histone— 
a  protein  which  is  not  precipitated  by  boiling.  In  the 
dry  state  it  is  a  glutinous  mass  of  a  deep  brick-red 
colour,  and  it  has  a  characteristic  sweet  smell  some- 
thing like  licorice.  If  it  is  very  dry,  globin  can  be 
ground  into  a  brown  powder.  It  is  at  all  times  ex- 
tremely hygroscopic,  and  therefore  if  it  is  not  kept  in 
solution  it  must  be  placed  either  in  a  desiccator  or  in 
sealed  tubes.  If  it  is  kept  in  solution  and  exposed 
to  the  air,  it  rapidly  decomposes  owing  to  putrefaction, 


and  gives  off  a  foul  smell,  reminding  one  of  that  of 
the  alkaloid  neurine. 

Jellies  were  made  which  contained  various  strengths 
of  globin,  and,  of  course,  certain  quantities  of  alkali 
solution  were  also  added.  It  was  found  that  globin 
by  itself  would  never  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes 
in  the  experimental  ten  minutes,  so  we  tried  it  again 
with  the  addition  to  the  jellies  of  0.7  per  cent  of 
atropine  sulphate,  and  then  globin  induced  divisions 
in  lymphocytes  (figs.  108,  109).  This  is  the  best  strength 
to  employ:  In  10  cc.  of  jelly  containing  10  units  of 
alkali  and  0 . 007  gramme  of  atropine  there  should  also 
be  0.0025  gramme  of  globin.  The  best  divisions  are 
obtained  with  0.025  gramme  of  globin;  but  if  the 
content  of  it  exceeds  0.05  gramme,  the  cells  appear 
to  be  poisoned,  because  they  shrivel  up  and  frequently 

Some  globin  in  solution  (1  per  cent)  was  allowed  to 
putrefy  for  a  fortnight,  and,  like  extracts  of  dead  tissues, 
it  was  then  found  that  its  action  was  so  augmented  that 
it  also  would  (in  the  strength  of  0 . 005 — or  better  0 . 01 
gramme — in  the  10  cc.  of  jelly)  induce  divisions  by 
itself  (without  atropine)  in  the  experimental  ten  minutes 
(fig.  110). 

When  putrefaction  occurs  in  a  solution  of  globin 
a  precipitate  falls,  and  yet  it  is  now  more  effective  in 
inducing  divisions  than  it  was  before.  It  is  clear, 
therefore,  that  it  is  not  actually  globin  which  induces 
divisions,  but  it  is  some  constituent  of  it  which  is  effec- 
tive. Putrefaction  decomposes  globin,  and  the  active 
agent  plus  some  augmenting  substances  are  produced. 



FIG.    108.— Mitosis   in   a   lymphocyte   induced    by   glpbin   augmented    by 
atropine.     No  stain,  extract,  or  kreatin. 

FIG.  109. — Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  by  globin  augmented  by  atropine. 
No  stain,  extract,  or  kreatin. 



FIG.  110. — Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  means  of  decomposed  globin 
solution.     No  stain,  extract,  kreatin,  or  atropine. 


It  must  be  understood  that  if  the  jelly  on  which  the 
cells  are  resting  contains  0 . 02  gramme,  or  more,  of 
globin,  the  red  cells  become  distorted  and  the  white 
cells  are  killed  without  divisions  being  induced  in 

We  think  that  it  should  be  mentioned  that  it  is 
quite  within  the  realms  of  possibility  that  the  malaria 
parasite  proliferated  in  response  to  the  active  agent 
contained  in  globin;  but  although  we  have  tried  a  few 
experiments  to  endeavour  to  prove  the  point,  we  have 
not  succeeded  in  determining  it.  Malarial  crescents 
frequently  flagellate  in  any  case  within  ten  minutes  of 
their  being  shed;  and  although  we  have  mixed  the  shed 
blood  containing  them  with  citrated  solutions  of  globin, 
it  has  been  impossible  for  us  to  satisfy  ourselves  that 
the  flagellation  has  been  accelerated  by  its  action.  In 
the  cases  of  malaria  at  our  disposal  there  have  not  been 
a  very  large  number  of  parasites  in  the  blood,  and  time 
was  lost  during  the  experiments  in  finding  them. 
Hence  we  cannot  speak  definitely  on  this  point,  but 
it  was  the  consideration  of  the  life-history  of  the  malaria 
parasite  which  \vas  the  chief  factor  which  led  us  to 
investigate  the  auxetic  property  of  globin;  and  there  is 
no  doubt  whatever  that  globin  contains  some  auxetic, 
although  it  is  not  so  powerful  as  that  contained  in 
suprarenal  extract. 

Globin  contains  no  kreatin  so  far  as  we  can  ascer- 
tain, and  the  solution  of  globin  which  we  have  used  is 
free  of  haematin,  as  proved  by  spectroscope  examina- 
tion, and  there  are  only  traces  of  lipochrome.  What 
the  exact  nature  of  the  auxetic  substance  contained  in 


globin  is  we  do  not  know,  but  possibly  it  is  allied  in 
some  way  to  the  molecules  of  kreatin  and  xanthin.  It 
should  also  be  remembered  that  we  do  not  know  what 
the  substance  is  in  the  azur  dye  which  induces  divisions. 
We  think  that  they  will  not  be  difficult  to  isolate;  but 
we  ourselves  do  not  feel  competent  to  undertake 
chemical  analyses  of  this  nature. 




THE  foregoing  experiments  show  that  some  of  the 
causes  of  human  cell-division  are  now  known.  On 
the  stage  of  the  microscope  white  corpuscles  can  be 
made  to  undergo  the  stages  of  cell-division  in  direct 
response  to  certain  chemical  agents,  two  of  which  have 
been  isolated,  and  which  can  be  employed  in  crystalline 
form  to  induce  cell-division.  What  is  far  more  im- 
portant, however,  is  the  source  whence  these  chemi- 
cal substances  are  derived.  They  are  contained  in  the 
soluble  remains  of  dead  tissues.  Another  source  of  the 
cause  of  cell-division  is  in  globin,  which  is  derived 
from  the  decomposition  of  haemoglobin. 

It  should  be  remembered  that  so  far  the  experimen- 
tation has  been  confined  to  testing  the  action  of  the 
active  substances  and  the  sources  of  them  on  individual 



cells  which  have  been  removed  for  the  purpose  from 
the  body;  and,  as  already  pointed  out,  the  cells  in  this 
in-vitro  experimentation  are  not  by  any  means  in 
conditions  similar  to  the  natural  ones  under  which  they 
normally  exist.  Still  there  is  no  question  whatever 
that  the  cells  do  divide  in  response  to  these  agents ;  and 
if  they  will  do  so  under  detrimental  experimental 
conditions,  it  is  obvious  that  they  will  be  far  more 
likely  to  divide  and  respond  to  the  same  agents ;  in  their 
normal  conditions.  The  agents  we  know  do  not  exist 
in  the  body,  and  therefore  it  is  practically  a  certainty 
that  these  substances  will  cause  proliferation  there. 
For  reasons  already  given,  on  the  microscope  slide  one 
cannot  induce  more  than  one  generation  of  cells  by 
chemical  agents,  because  premature  death  cannot  be 
prevented;  but  in  the  body  the  premature  death  need 
not  necessarily  occur,  for  its  cause  is  absent,  and  hence, 
provided  the  causes  of  cell-division  are  being  constantly 
supplied  to  cells,  generation  after  generation  must  be 

On  the  microscope  slide  cells  will  not  divide,  so  far 
as  can  be  seen,  unless  they  absorb  definite  quantities 
of  the  agents  which  cause  cell-division.  We  do  not 
say  that  there  are  no  other  substances  wrhich  cause  cell- 
division  besides  those  which  have  been  mentioned— 
in  fact,  we  know  that  there  must  be  others;  but  what 
we  think  is  now  becoming  evident  is  the  fact  that  cells 
will  not  divide  at  all  unless  they  receive  some  chemical 
agent  which  makes  them  do  so.  That  is  to  say,  we 
think  that  there  is  strong  evidence  in  support  of  the 
view  that  cell-division  in  the  body  is  entirely  caused  by 



chemical  agents;  and  if  these  agents  are  not  present, 
there  will  be  no  cell-division. 

In  the  case  of  leucocytes.  For  nearly  a  century 
and  a  half  these  cells  have  been  observed  in  the  blood. 
Every  doctor  and  student  of  medicine  must  have  seen 
them  alive  repeatedly,  and  yet  not  a  single  person  had 
ever  seen  them  divide.  Now,  however,  if  one  makes 
them  absorb  certain  chemical  agents  the  cells  divide  im- 
mediately; and  what  is  more,  we  have  shown  that  the 
rapidity  of  onset  and  the  time  occupied  by  each  division 
varies  directly  with  the  quantity  of  the  substances 
absorbed  by  the  cells.  Cell-division  appears  to  be  a 
physical  phenomenon  which  can  be  measured  in  the  case 
of  each  cell  in  proportions  of  grammes  of  the  chemical 
auxetics  absorbed  by  them.  We  have  shown  how  it 
can  be  set  down  as  a  simple  mathematical  equation. 
It  must  be  admitted  that  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
blood-cells  have  not  been  seen  to  divide  without  an 
auxetic,  there  is  no  actual  proof  that  a  cell  cannot 
divide  without  one.  It  has  yet  to  be  proved  that 
human  leucocytes  have  no  inherent  power  to  multiply 
"when  they  feel  so  inclined,"  but  it  is  a  remarkable 
thing  that  no  single  leucocyte,  out  of  the  many  millions 
which  have  been  seen  by  men,  should  ever  have  de- 
veloped this  inclination  during  nearly  a  century  and  a 
half.  On  the  other  hand,  we  know  that  if  we  cut  our 
fingers  and  so  produce  the  remains  of  dead  tissues 
containing  kreatin  and  xanthin,  proliferation  of  leuco- 
cytes occurs  immediately;  and  the  greater  the  injury, 
the  greater  the  cell-proliferation. 

We    think    that    if    the    problem    is    carefully    con- 



sidered,  and,  better  still,  if  these  mitotic  divisions 
are  actually  seen  as  they  occur  in  response  to  chemical 
agents,  it  will  be  appreciated  that  there  is  a  strong 
probability  that  cells  only  divide  when  they  are  made 
to  do  so  by  an  exciter  of  reproduction. 

The  active  auxetics  are  contained  in  "the  remains 
of  dead  tissues."  Globin  is  in  reality  "the  remains  of  a 
dead  tissue,"  for  it  is  obtained  by  the  decomposition 
of  haemoglobin,  and  haemoglobin  is  contained  normally 
in  living  red  cells.  Doubtless  the  constituents  of  the 
molecules  of  kreatin,  xanthin,  and  the  active  principle 
of  globin  are  present  in  living  protoplasm;  but  they 
may  not  be  present,  presumably,  in  the  same  combina- 
tion or  form  as  they  exist  in  kreatin  and  xanthin. 
Possibly  it  is  only  after  death  that  these  substances 
are  produced,  in  which  case  it  would  follow  that  a  cell 
will  not  reproduce  itself  by  virtue  of  the  constituents 
of  its  own  living  protoplasm;  but  it  is  necessary  for  it 
to  absorb  fresh  active  agents  from  the  dead  remains  of 
its'  neighbours. 

Many  points  are  now  explained.  When  it  is  re- 
quired that  an  indolent  healing  surface  shall  heal  well, 
we  scarify  it,  as  exemplified  in  the  operation  of  Thiersch 
grafting.  If  a  fractured  bone  will  not  unite,  the  ends 
are  rubbed  together  or  actually  "freshened"  by  opera- 
tion, to  produce  callus;  and  callus  is  really  a  tissue 
made  by  the  proliferation  of  cells.  When  we  scarify 
or  freshen  a  surface,  we  merely  cause  destruction,  and 
thereby  set  free  exciters  of  reproduction.  If  a  part  of 
the  body  is  bruised,  haemorrhage  occurs;  and,  as  is 
shown  by  the  pigmentation,  the  haemoglobin  set  free 



from  destruction  of  red  cells  which  have  been  shed 
into  the  injured  tissues  is  decomposed,  and  globin  is 
thus  locally  produced.  The  cell-proliferation  of  healing 
must  then  occur  in  response  to  it,  and  the  remains  of 
other  tissues  which  have  been  killed  in  the  injury. 

The  proliferation  of  cells,  however,  is  not  confined 
to  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing.  It  will  be  shown 
that  epithelial  cells  will  also  respond  to  auxetics,  and 
probably  some  if  not  all  other  cells  also  respond  to 
the  soluble  remains  of  their  neighbours  by  reproducing 
themselves.  It  is  true  that  globin  does  not  exist  in 
the  cornea,  for  here  there  is  no  blood  supply,  and  con- 
sequently no  haemoglobin  until  some  time  after  the 
injury.  Still,  if  the  cornea  is  injured  the  corneal  cells 
must  be  injured,  and  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing 
occurs  in  response  to  the  remains  of  the  injured  cells. 

Irritation  is  always  followed  by  cell-proliferation. 
Irritation  means  damage,  and  damage  means  cell-death. 
Cell-death  sets  free  kreatin,  xanthin,  and  other  auxetics, 
and  the  cell-proliferation  is  caused  by  their  absorption 
by  the  neighbouring  living  cells.  The  greater  the 
damage,  the  greater  will  the  cell-proliferation  be. 

Cell-division  is  apparently  an  automatic  phenom- 
enon— not  in  the  sense  that  it  is  due  to  some  in- 
trinsic function  or  duty  of  a  cell's  protoplasm,  but 
automatic  in  that  the  death  of  one  cell  will  cause  the 
reproduction  of  its  living  neighbours.  If  we  may 
speak  of  the  act  of  cell-division  by  mitosis  as  the 
"birth"  of  cells,  then  we  may  say  that  the  number 
of  births  of  cells  in  the  body  depends  on  the  number  of 
deaths.  The  greater  the  number  of  deaths,  the  greater 



the  number  of  births.  If  an  individual  cell  dies,  its 
death  causes  its  neighbours  to  multiply  to  supply  the 
deficiency;  but  if  the  cell-death  is  extensive  owing  to 
damage,  the  proliferation  of  those  cells  which  have  not 
been  killed  will  also  be  extensive,  and  this  proliferation 
will  now  be  extended  to  that  of  the  white  blood-cor- 
puscles which  have  been  shed  during  and  after  the 
injury;  and  the  result  will  be  the  cell-proliferation  of 

Judging  from  the  experiments  which  have  been 
made,  it  may  also  be  assumed  that  since  the  number 
of  cell-births  depends  upon  the  number  of  cell-deaths, 
and  since  an  increase  in  the  number  of  births  must 
increase  the  number  of  deaths,  it  follows  that  the 
number  of  deaths  must  also  depend  to  some  extent 
on  the  number  of  births.  Presumably,  if  once  cell- 
division  is  set  going  in  a  tissue  or  in  a  part  of  a  tissue, 
that  cell-division  will  go  on  increasing  until  something 
restrains  it.  Elimination  from  a  tissue  of  tissue  fluids 
would  restrain  it;  for  if  the  soluble  remains  of  dead 
tissues  become  quickly  eliminated,  the  diffusion  of  the 
constituents  of  these  fluids  into  the  cells  would  also  be 
arrested,  for  that  diffusion  varies  directly  with  the 
factor  time.  In  a  damaged  tissue  the  vessels  and 
lymphatics  are  also  damaged,  and  elimination  may  be 
impaired ;  hence  the  remarkable  cell-proliferation  which 
leads  to  "granulation  tissue."  In  an  injury  of  any  part 
except  the  cornea,  coagulation  of  the  shed  blood  occurs ; 
the  red  cells  become  laked,  and  ultimately  the  haemo- 
globin is  evidently  decomposed,  as  evinced  by  the 
pigmentation  which  will  always  be  seen  even  in  a 


bruise.  The  globin  so  produced  will  assist  in  pro- 
moting the  cell-proliferation  of  healing. 

Such  is  the  explanation  of  the  cause  of  cell-division 
in  the  human  body  as  demonstrated  by  in-vitro  experi- 
mentation. But  we  think  that  we  may  go  farther, 
and  suggest  that  the  initial  multiplication  of  the  cells 
in  the  human  embryo  may  also  be  caused  by  a  chemical 
auxetic.  Spermatazoa  contain  extractives.  Possibly 
it  is  these  extractives,  set  free  from  this  spermatozoa, 
which,  after  fertilisation,  give  rise  to  the  subsequent 
cell-division  in  the  ovum  from  which  the  embryo  is  built 
up.  Once  the  cell-division  has  started,  it  will  go  on  in 
response  to  the  cell-deaths  which  sooner  or  later  must 

As  we  have  pointed  out,  kreatin  is  not  by  any 
means  the  only  auxetic  contained  in  the  remains  of 
dead  tissues,  and  it  is  yet  to  be  proved  that  there  is 
not  some  specificity  in  cell-reproduction  due  to  some 
at  present  unknown  substance.  We  know  from  the 
study  of  heredity  that  certain  characteristics  are  car- 
ried in  the  ovum  and  in  the  spermatozoon,  and  if  they 
are  so  carried,  doubtless  other  chemical  auxetics,  far 
more  complex  than  kreatin,  may  be  carried  too. 

In  the  meantime  we  think  that  the  knowledge  that 
dead  tissues  cause  cell-proliferation  is  sufficient  to  give 
an  inkling  as  to  the  cause  of  benign  growths.  A 
sudden  cell-death  occurring  in  a  tissue  will  cause  pro- 
liferation of  neighbouring  cells.  Of  course,  if  the 
initial  cell-death  is  extensive,  the  cell-proliferation  of 
healing  will  occur  which  ultimately  leads  to  the  pro- 
duction of  connective  tissue,  which  in  itself  may 


prevent  undue  extension  of  the  proliferation  of  the 
normal  tissue-cells.  But  supposing  for  some  reason, 
such  as  a  slight  injury,  a  local  cell-death  takes  place: 
it  would  cause  increased  proliferation  of  local  cells, 
and  so  form  the  basis  of  a  tumour.  Once  this  growth 
is  started,  it  will  go  on  until,  by  causing  "irritation" 
or,  to  be  more  accurate,  extensive  cell-death,  it  may 
now  induce  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  round  it, 
and  so,  by  the  formation  of  connective  tissue,  cause  its 
progress  to  be  arrested  by  a  capsule.  A  benign  tumour 
is  probably  due  merely  to  some  localised  cell-death  in 
the  first  place,  and  it  is  remarkable  how  frequently 
there  is  a  history  of  injury  in  these  cases.  But  there 
is  also  no  doubt  that  the  onset  of  benign  growths,  and 
other  cell-proliferation  too  for  that  matter,  must  be  con- 
trolled to  some  extent  by  nervous  influence.  Possibly 
this  nervous  influence  may  be  actuated  by  the  nervous 
control  over  local  elimination.  Quite  recently  a  paper 
appeared  in  The  Lancet  on  a  case  of  bilateral  benign 
tumours;1  and  this  can  only  be  due  to  some  central 
control  over  the  local  causes  of  cell-division. 

Fibroids  of  the  uterus  occur  only  during  the  years 
of  menstrual  activity.  During  this  time  the  uterus 
periodically  becomes  enlarged,  followed  by  reduction  in 
size.  This  reduction  and  quiescence  must  be  accom- 
panied by  death  of  living  cells,  and  presumably  it  is 
this  death  which,  if  elimination  of  the  products  of 
katabolism  is  impaired,  may  lead  to  excessive  pro- 

1  See  a  paper  on  Bilateral  Tumours  by  W.  Roger  Williams  in  The  Lancet, 
Feb.  12,  1910. 


iiferation  of  the  remaining  living  cells,  and  so  cause 
the  growths  known  as  fibroids. 

The  foregoing  conclusions  and  deductions  have 
been  arrived  at  from  experimentation  in  vitro  with 
individual  cells.  As  pointed  out  in  a  former  chapter, 
conclusions  derived  from  in-vitro  experimentation  are 
not  in  themselves  sufficient  to  prove  a  point.  Because 
we  can  induce  cell-division  in  individual  cells  on  the 
microscope  stage  with  certain  chemical  agents  does 
not  prove  that  the  same  division  will  necessarily  occur 
in  vivo  in  the  same  cells  in  response  to  the  same 
agents.  But,  fortunately,  in-vivo  experimentation  with 
these  agents  has  not  been  impossible,  and  the  proof 
that  these  agents,  or  rather  some  of  them,  do  actually 
cause  proliferation  in  the  body  is  now  at  our  dis- 
posal. In  the  wards  of  the  Royal  Southern  Hospital 
at  Liverpool  cases  of  chronic  callous  ulcers  of  the 
legs  were  admitted,  and  have  been  treated  in  the  first 
instance  with  saturated  solutions  of  globin.  The 
globin  was  applied  to  portions  of  the  ulcers  by  dip- 
ping pieces  of  sterile  gauze  in  the  solution  and  applying 
it  direct  to  the  ulcerated  surfaces.  Granulations  im- 
mediately appeared  in  response.  In  the  short  space 
of  three  or  four  hours  a  difference  appeared  between 
the  extent  of  the  granulations  in  the  treated  as  com- 
pared with  the  untreated  portions  of  the  sores.  In 
twenty  hours  the  difference  was  marked.  Granulomata 
have  been  produced  in  a  day  or  two  by  means  of 

Others  suggested  that  the  proliferation  was  not 
necessarily  due  to  the  globin,  but  to  the  "irritation" 


of  the  gauze,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  ulcers  have  been 
treated  with  gauze  all  over,  but  only  a  part  of  them 
with  globin  added,  and  the  proliferation  occurred  to 
the  marked  extent  only  where  the  globin  was.  We 
therefore  discarded  gauze  or  dressings  altogether,  and 
repeated  the  experiments.  In  a  case  where  there  were 
several  ulcers  on  one  leg  the  surfaces  of  them  all  were 
scarified,  and  small  pieces  of  dried  globin  were  "dotted" 
all  over  one  ulcer.  The  cell-proliferation  occurred  to  a 
marked  extent  in  that  ulcer,  but  only  to  a  much  less 
extent  in  the  others  which  were  not  so  treated. 

Globin  thus  applied  to  a  healing  surface  causes  a 
scab  to  form  very  rapidly  (figs.  Ill,  112),  and  the 
cell-proliferation  goes  on  beneath  it.  This  scab  forms 
in  an  hour  or  two,  whereas,  if  no  globin  is  applied,  it 
takes  several  days  for  a  scab  to  form  on  an  ulcer 
which  has  no  dressing  on  it.  Globin  also  causes  ex- 
tensive proliferation  of  the  epithelium  from  the  sides 
of  the  ulcer. 

Unfortunately  suppuration  occurs  under  the  scab, 
no  matter  how  "clean"  the  ulcer  may  be  when  the 
globin  is  applied.  The  onset  of  suppuration,  how- 
ever, has  been  delayed  by  preparing  the  globin  with 
aseptic  precautions  throughout,  thus:  A  solution  of 
haemoglobin  is  decomposed  by  boiling,  and  filtered,  and 
the  globin  solution  is  concentrated  until  it  precipitates 
by  further  boiling.  It  is  evaporated  to  dryness  at  a 
temperature  of  60°  C.  and  immediately  sealed  into  sterile 
glass  tubes.  Even  with  these  precautions,  suppuration 
usually  occurs  under  the  scab  in  the  course  of  a  few 
days.  The  scab  is  then  removed  with  fomentations, 



FIG.  111. — To  show  the  way  in  which  globin  is  "dotted"  over  the  surface  of  an  ulcer. 

FIG.  112. — To  show  the  scab  formed  by  the  application  of  globin  to  an  ulcer. 


and  when  the  sore  is  clean  it  is  once  more  scarified, 
and  fresh  sterile  globin  is  again  "dotted"  over  its 
surface.  This  procedure  can  be  repeated  until  the 
ulcer  heals.  During  the  scarification  it  is  better  to 
draw  blood.  Latterly  this  treatment  of  ulcers  has 
been  improved  by  using  powdered  globin  (five  parts), 
mixed  with  two  parts  (by  weight)  of  kreatin,  a  mix- 
ture which  produces  more  marked  proliferation  than 
pure  globin. 

Many  ulcers  have  now  been  treated  by  this  method, 
and  we  think  that  we  can  say  safely  that  it  causes 
more  rapid  healing  of  them  than  if  they  were  treated 
in  the  usual  way.  Callous  ulcers  will  usually  heal 
by  themselves  if  the  limbs  are  kept  at  rest,  and  it 
was  suggested  to  us  that  the  cell-proliferation  pro- 
duced by  globin  was  in  reality  due  to  the  fact  that  the 
patients  were  kept  in  bed.  This  suggestion  was  dis- 
proved, however,  by  the  production  of  extensive  pro- 
liferation in  one  part  of  an  ulcer  by  means  of  globin 
in  a  patient  who  was  made  to  walk  about  during  the 
treatment.  Lastly,  granulations  have  been  induced  by 
extracts  of  suprarenal  gland. 

It  should  be  mentioned  that  globin,  kreatin,  etc., 
when  applied  to  a  healing  surface  will  not  only  cause 
proliferation  during  the  application;  but  once  the  mul- 
tiplication has  started,  it  will  continue  "automatically," 
even  though  the  application  of  the  auxetic  is  discon- 
tinued. This  point  has  frequently  been  seen  during 
the  experimentation  with  ulcerated  legs,  and  it  is  proof 
that  the  proliferation  of  cells  is  "automatic."  There 
can  be  no  doubt  that  once  proliferation  is  started 


in  an  ulcer,  an  increased  number  of  deaths  is  occasioned, 
which  in  its  turn  still  further  increases  the  proliferation, 
as  seen  in  the  ulcers  once  treated  with  globin. 

The  application  of  dry  globin  to  a  scarified  sore  has 
elicited  the  interesting  fact  that  it  will  convert  the  dark 
venous  blood  drawn  by  the  scarification  into  the  bright 
and  red  arterial  variety,  and  the  scars  resulting  from 
the  treatment  appear  to  be  exceptionally  firm  and  un- 
likely to  break  down  again. 

This  form  of  treatment,  however,  must  be  carried 
out  with  care,  and  suppuration  not  allowed  to  continue 
for  long  in  the  presence  of  an  auxetic,  for,  as  will  be 
shown  in  the  next  chapter,  there  is  a  possibility  of 
malignant  proliferation  occurring  in  place  of  the  normal 
one  if  the  products  of  decomposition  become  pent  up 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  proliferating  epithelial  cells. 

These  experiments  afford  conclusive  proof  that  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing  can  be  caused  by  the  chem- 
ical auxetics,  kreatin  and  globin,  and  that  the  deduc- 
tions made  from  the  prolonged  experimentations  with 
the  in-vitro  method  described  in  this  book  are  correct. 
The  possibility  of  the  mitotic  divisions  induced  on  the 
microscope  slide  being  in  the  nature  of  "freaks"  or 
being  due  to  death-struggles  is  disproved.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  these  possibilities  practically  fell  to  the  ground 
when  mitoses  were  induced  by  extracts  of  dead  tissues. 
One  could  conceive  that  a  purely  artificial  substance 
like  azur  dye  might  cause  mitosis  by  exciting  the  cells 
greatly  just  before  death;  but  we  think  that  in  all 
probability  the  aniline  dye  contains  some  constituent 


which  possibly  resembles  the  molecules  of  the  natural 

The  fact  that  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  is 
caused  by  chemical  agents  contained  in  the  soluble 
remains  of  dead  tissues  will,  we  confidently  believe, 
be  the  means  of  solution  of  many  problems  which  at 
present  confront  the  investigator  in  pathology  and 
perhaps  in  physiology  also.  It  is  a  fact  about  which 
there  can  be  no  doubt  whatever. 

1  The  formula  of  azur  dye  (Cent.  f.  Bakteriologie,  Bd.  xxix.,  1901)  is: 

(CH3)2NV      /\        /\        /\   y>N(CH,)2.Cl 







IN  Chapter  IX.  it  was  pointed  out  that  there  is  an 
intimate  association  between  "chronic  irritation"  and 
the  onset  of  cancer.  As  just  shown,  "irritation"  means 
cell-death,  and  cell-death  is  followed  by  cell-prolifera- 
tion. When  a  tissue  is  the  seat  of  chronic  irritation, 
the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  must  be  going  on  in  the 
damaged  site  owing  to  the  presence  of  the  remains  of 
the  dead  cells.  The  proliferation  occasioned  by  irrita- 
tion is  in  reality  due  to  the  auxetics,  some  of  which  are 
kreatin,  xanthin,  and  that  contained  in  globin,  which 
are  set  free  by  the  death  of  some  of  the  cells.  This 
will  explain  why  an  ill-fitting  boot  will  give  rise  to 



a  "corn,"  and  to  the  "induration"  of  a  tissue  which  is 
under  pressure  or  being  chronically  irritated.  In  reality 
"irritation"  must  be  followed  by  chronic  cell-prolifera- 
tion due  to  the  auxetics  produced. 

Now,  the  chief  characteristic  of  cancer  is  that  it 
consists  of  a  growth  of  cells  which  are  proliferating 
excessively.  Every  cancer  is  a  growth  which  infiltrates 
the  surrounding  tissues;  and  this  growth  occurs  pro- 
bably in  every  instance  in  a  site  in  which  there  is 
chronic  irritation — or  rather  where  there  is  chronic 
cell-proliferation  of  healing  due  to  auxetics. 

One  may  suggest,  therefore,  that  since  the  prolifera- 
tion of  chronic  irritation  is  due  to  the  auxetics  produced 
by  cell-death,  the  proliferation  of  cancer  is  also  associated 
with  them.  The  proliferation  of  chronic  irritation, 
however,  is  a  normal  one,  whereas  that  of  cancer  is 
a  malignant  one.  If  the  cause  of  the  normal  prolifera- 
tion is  removed,  then  ultimately  proliferation  ceases; 
but  if  the  irritation  which  predisposed  to  cancer  is 
removed,  the  malignant  cells  appear  to  continue  to 
multiply  until  the  patient  dies.  Yet  cancer-cells  are 
cells  of  the  body.  They  are  not  foreign  parasites,  and 
hence  it  may  be  that  in  a  cancerous  growth  there  is 
some  other  factor  in  addition  to  the  normal  ones. 
Therefore  it  may  also  be  suggested  that  the  onset  of 
cancer  in  a  normal  healing  site  may  be  brought  about 
by  the  presence  of  another  agent  in  addition  to  the 
normal  auxetics  produced  by  cell-death. 

Now  let  us  return  to  the  "augmenting"  of  the 
action  of  auxetics  in  promoting  cell-division  by  putre- 
faction and  by  the  alkaloid  atropine.  It  is  well  known 


that  certain  putrefactive  bacteria  in  decomposing  dead 
organic  structures  produce  ptomaines  and  leucomaines. 
These  substances  are  in  the  nature  of  alkaloids.  The 
following  are  common  ones: 

Choline     ....  C5H15NO2. 

Cadaverine         .          .          .  C5H14N2. 

Neurine    ....  C5H13NO. 

Putrescine          .          .          .  C4H12N. 

Choline  will,  like  other  alkaloids,  excite  amceboid 
movements  in  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes,  and  so  will 
cadaverine.  In  fact  choline  is  just  as  effective  as 
atropine  in  this  respect.  The  best  strength  of  choline 
to  employ  to  excite  amceboid  movements  in  leucocytes 
and  lymphocytes  is  one  in  which  10  cc.  of  jelly  con- 
tains 0.01  gramme  of  the  alkaloid  in  addition  to  the 
10  units  of  alkali.  Choline,  however,  is  not  very  poison- 
ous to  leucocytes,  and  even  0.04  gramme  will  not  kill 
them.  Cadaverine  also  excites  leucocytes,  and  10  cc. 
of  a  jelly  containing  1  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution  of 
it  is  suitable  for  this  purpose  if  10  units  of  alkali  are 
also  present,  the  jelly-film  being  examined,  of  course, 
at  the  room  temperature. 

It  may  be  remembered  that  it  was  through  the 
accidental  putrefaction  of  the  extract  of  suprarenal 
gland  that  we  were  enabled  to  induce  divisions  with 
it  by  itself  for  the  first  time,  and  wre  now  know  that 
the  reason  for  this  was  that  the  putrefaction  produced 
the  alkaloids  choline  and  cadaverine  in  the  solution 
of  the  extract,  and  that  they,  like  atropine,  greatly 
augment  the  action  of  auxetics  in  inducing  cell-division. 


In  order  to  prove  this  point  we  now,  in  the  first  instance, 
used  these  pure  alkaloids,  choline  and  cadaverine, 
added  to  the  extracts,  and  afterwards  we  combined 
them  with  kreatin  and  xanthin  to  induce  augmented 

If  a  jelly  contains  0.01  gramme  of  choline  and 
10  units  of  alkali  solution,  divisions  in  lymphocytes 
can  be  induced  if  only  0.02  or  even  0.01  gramme  of 
kreatin  is  present  (fig.  113).  In  fact,  this  alkaloid  of 
putrefaction  choline,  like  atropine,  augments  the  action 
of  auxetics  about  five-fold. 

Using  cadaverine  in  the  strength  given  above, 
divisions  in  lymphocytes  w^ere  induced  if  the  jelly  con- 
tained only  2  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution  of  kreatin. 

It  has  already  been  mentioned  that  a  mixture  of 
atropine  and  an  auxetic  will  give  rise  to  asymmetrical 
mitosis  in  lymphocytes,  and  we  have  also  found  that 
these  remarkable  mitoses  also  are  frequently  induced 
by  the  augmenting  action  of  choline  and  cadaverine 
(figs.  114-16).  This  point  is  of  great  importance, 
because  it  is  well  known  that  asymmetrical  mitoses 
are  frequently  seen  in  cancerous  growths. 

So  far  the  augmented  divisions  had  only  been 
induced  in  lymphocytes.  It  is  true  that  there  is  a  form 
of  cancer  which  occurs  in  the  lymphocyte  class  of 
cells  of  the  lymphatic  glands  (lymphadenoma) ;  and  if 
it  is  a  criterion  that  because  a  lymphocyte  divides  by 
an  augmented  asymmetrical  division  it  is  necessarily 
malignant,1  then  the  combination  in  certain  proportion 
between  the  causes  of  the  proliferation  of  healing  plus 
an  alkaloid  of  putrefaction  like  choline  must  be  a  cause 

1  It  has  not  been  proved  to  be  a  criterion. 


of  lymphadenoma.  In  connection  with  this  it  is 
interesting  to  note  that  many  years  ago  Trousseau1 
stated  in  his  book  that  lymphadenoma  often  follows 
on  a  suppuration  focus,  and  this  view  is  upheld  by 
many  to  this  day.  At  the  same  time  it  must  be  re- 
membered that  no  alkaloid  has  yet  been  made  to  induce 
a  division  by  itself;  it  is  essential  for  an  auxetic  to  be 
present  also.  Alkaloids  appear  to  be  augmenters  only 
of  cell-division. 

But  our  object  was,  if  possible,  to  find  the  cause 
of  carcinoma,  and  we  therefore  tried  to  see  if  our 
chemical  agents  would  induce  divisions  in  epithelial 
cells.  Considerable  difficulty  was  met  in  investigating 
this  point.  Epithelial  cells  will  not  live  long  in  vitro;  in 
fact,  they  usually  die  in  a  few  moments,  as  far  as  can  be 
seen.  But  at  last  we  did  succeed  in  inducing  an  early 
mitotic  figure  in  two  epithelial  cells  (as  shown  in  the 
photographs,  figs.  117,  118)  from  the  vaginal  secretion. 
We  did  not  succeed  in  inducing  the  divisions  with  an 
entirely  "natural"  agent,  for  epithelial  cells  evidently 
require  more  auxetics  than  even  leucocytes.  The 
figure  induced  wTas  seen  when  the  epithelial  cells  were 
placed  on  a  powerful  jelly  which  contained  azur  stain, 
putrid  extract  of  suprarenal  gland,  and  atropine. 
In  vivo,  also,  epithelial  cells  undoubtedly  proliferate 
in  response  to  globin  and  kreatin. 

The  fact  was,  therefore,  proved  that  epithelial  cells 
respond  to  the  chemical  exciters  of  reproduction,  and 
it  is  possible  that  they  may  be  subject  to  the  same 
conditions  as  lymphocytes,  and  only  respond  to  them. 

1  Trousseau's  Clinical  Medicine  (Sydenham  Society),  1872,  vol.  5,  p.  207. 


FIG.  113.— Mitosis  induced  by  a  mixture  of  kreatin  and  choline.     No  stain, 
extract,  or  atropine. 

FIG.  114.— Asymmetrical  mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  a  mixture 
of  suprarenal   extract  and   globin,   augmented   by  choline.     No  stain  or 



FIG.  115. — Mitosis  in  a  lymphocyte  induced  by  globin  and  choline.     No 
stain  or  other  auxetic. 

FIG.  116. — Mitosis  induced  in  a  lymphocyte  by  suprarenal  extract  and  chol- 
ine.    No  stain  or  other  auxetic. 




FIG.  117. — Mitosis  induced  in  an  epithelial  cell  by  a  mixture  of  stain  and 


FIG.  118. — Early  mitosis  in  an  epithelial  cell  from  the  vagina  induced  by 

stain  and  extract. 


The  action  of  these  auxetics  upon  lymphocytes 
is  greatly  augmented  by  the  alkaloids  choline  and 
cadaverine,  which  are  produced  in  a  solution  of  an 
extract  of  a  dead  tissue  as  it  decomposes.  We  now 
made  some  experiments  to  see  if  putrefaction  also 
augmented  the  auxetic  action  of  globin,  and  a  solution 
of  it  was  therefore  allowed  to  decompose  at  the  room 
temperature  for  about  three  weeks.  A  solution  of 
globin  of  no  matter  what  strength  will  not  (as  already 
noted)  induce  divisions  by  itself  in  ten  minutes;  it  is 
necessary  to  add  atropine.  But  when  a  1-per-cent 
solution  of  globin  had  decomposed,  it  was  found  that 
now  it  would  induce  divisions  in  lymphocytes  by  itself 
in  the  experimental  ten  minutes.  Whether  this  aug- 
mentation of  the  action  of  globin  by  decomposition 
is  due  to  the  production  of  choline  and  cadaverine  or 
not,  we  are  uncertain;  for  although  we  have  tested1  the 
decomposed  solution  for  the  presence  of  alkaloid,  only 
a  negative  result  has  been  obtained.  This  matter  will 
require  further  investigation,  for  it  is  possible  that  other 
substances  besides  the  alkaloids  of  putrefaction  may 
augment  the  action  of  exciters  of  reproduction.  We 
have  so  far  obtained  the  best  divisions  by  making  up 
the  10  cc.  of  jelly  with  0.5  cc.  of  a  2-per-cent  solution 
of  globin  which  had  been  kept  open  to  the  air  of  the 
room  for  three  weeks. 

Decomposition  of  organic  solutions  which  contain 
exciters  of  reproduction  will  augment  the  action  of  the 
latter  agents  up  to  as  much  as  five-fold;  and  in  this 
case  the  divisions  induced  in  lymphocytes  are  fre- 

JThe  iodine  and  the  mercuric  chloride  tests  were  employed. 


quently  of  the  asymmetrical  variety.  Cancer  is  a 
growth  of  cells  which  supervenes  on  an  old  irritated 
site  where  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  has  been 
going  on  for  some  time.  Since  cancer  is  an  exu- 
berant growth  of  epithelial  cells— which  will  respond 
to  auxetics — it  is  obvious  that  the  quantity  of  the  action 
of  the  normal  auxetics  present  must  be  augmented  in 
some  way  so  as  to  give  rise  to  the  exuberant  prolifera- 
tion of  malignancy.  And  lastly,  the  mitoses  in  a 
cancerous  growth  are  frequently  of  the  asymmetrical 
type.  The  combination  of  a  normal  auxetic  plus  an 
alkaloid  of  putrefaction  and  decomposition  will  cause 
not  only  augmented  divisions,  but  it  is  important  to 
note  that  these  divisions  tend  to  be  asymmetrical  in 

Having  arrived  at  this  stage  of  our  researches,  these 
new  facts  were  carefully  considered  to  see  how  they 
harmonised  with  the  well-known  features  which  are 
associated  with  cancer,  and  we  shall  now  discuss  them. 

The  fact  that  cell-division  is  caused  by  substances 
contained  in  the  remains  of  dead  tissue  throws  light 
on  the  age-incidence  of  the  disease. 

In  a  paper  published  by  us  in  The  British  Medical 
Journal  on  October  23,  1909,  when  we  were  aware  of 
the  fact  that  cell-division  could  be  induced  by  an  aniline 
dye,  and  that  its  action  could  be  augmented  (which 
was  all  we  knew  then)  by  the  remains  of  a  dead  tissue, 
we  appreciated  that  the  remains  of  dead  tissues  might 
be  a  predisposing  factor  in  the  cause  of  carcinoma.  We 
may  as  well  quote  the  passage  from  that  paper,  for  it 
shows  the  possible  relationship  between  the  remains  of 


dead  tissues  (the  products  of  katabolism)  and  the  age- 
incidence  of  cancer. 

The  body  is  mainly  composed  of  living  cells,  and 
they  constitute  an  elaborate  combination  of  living 
factors.  We  know  that  in  certain  tissues  these  cells 
are  continually  dying  and  being  replaced,  so  that  it 
is  evident  that  birth  and  death  must  be  going  on 
incessantly  in  the  body.  What  happens  to  the  dead 
cells  ?  They  of  course  liquefy  and  become  dis- 
organised, and  their  constituents  are  presumably  ex- 
creted or  converted  into  other  compounds.  While 
this  is  happening  it  seems  probable  that  some  of  the 
products  of  the  remains  of  dead  cells  may  be  absorbed 
by  their  neighbours,  for  it  must  be  remembered  that 
the  diffusion  of  substances  into  living  cells  appears  to 
be  a  physical  process  over  which  they  exercise  no 
control.  There  are  doubtless  some  cells  which  remain 
alive  for  long  periods;  for  instance,  it  has  been 
estimated  (and  we  are  informed  that  it  is  practically 
certain)  that  some  cells  of  the  central  nervous  system 
live  throughout  the  life  of  a  man.  Many  cells,  how- 
ever, only  live  a  very  short  time,  the  length  of  their 
lives  perhaps  varying  in  different  parts  of  the  body,  so 
that  the  remains  of  dead  cells  are  probably  always 
present  in  the  body  fluids.  In  this  connection,  how- 
ever, we  have  to  keep  in  mind  the  physiological  curve 
expressive  of  the  relationship  between  anabolism  and 
katabolism.  There  are  only  three  stages  of  life  if  "it  is 
viewed  from  this  point  of  view,  the  first  terminating  at 
about  the  thirtieth  year,  when  a  man  reaches  his  prime, 
and  up  to  which  period  cellular  birth  must  preponderate 
over  its  death-rate.  For  some  years  it  may  be  sug- 
gested that  anabolism  and  katabolism  remain  balanced ; 


and  that  after  the  age  of  40,  quite  physiologically,  so 
that  nothing  occurs  to  make  a  man  aware  of  it 
physically,  these  conditions  begin  to  be  reversed  and 
more  of  the  products  of  katabolism — that  is,  the 
remains  of  the  dead  cells — tend  to  exist  in  the  body- 
fluids  than  was  the  case  before  middle  age. 

Here  we  have  a  fact  incidental  to  the  cancer  period 
which  suggests  the  possibility  that  these  products  of 
katabolism  may  in  some  way  predispose  to  the  onset  of 
malignancy.  It  cannot  possibly  be  suggested  that  they 
are  the  cause  of  the  disease,  for  if  such  were  the  case 
everybody  over  the  age  of  40  would  die  of  cancer;  but 
assuming  that  some  product  of  katabolism  may  possibly 
favor  the  onset  of  the  disease,  we  may  enlarge  upon  the 
speculation  and  say  that  it  is  a  certain  morphological  (or 
chemical)  element  in  a  dead  cell  which  may  be  the  agent. 
For  the  sake  of  argument  it  may  be  derived  from  either 
the  cytoplasm,  the  cell-wall,  the  nuclear  wall,  or  the 
linin,  or  it  may  be  the  chromatin  itself. 

It  is  now  known,  of  course,  that  the  products  of 
katabolism  actually  contain  causes  of  cell-reproduction ; 
and  it  follows  that  if  it  is  correct  that  these  products  are 
in  excess  after  the  age  of  40,  there  must  be,  ceteris 
paribus,  a  greater  inclination  to  cell-proliferation  in  a 
tissue  after  that  age  than  before  it.  To  produce  cell- 
division  it  is  necessary  for  a  cell  to  absorb  a  certain 
quantity  of  an  auxetic,  and  to  produce  augmented 
asymmetrical  divisions  by  an  alkaloid  it  requires  a 
certain  combination  (as  already  specified)  between  the 
alkaloid  and  the  auxetic.  If  cancer  is  due  to  this 
combination,  it  is  possible  that  before  the  age  of  40 
there  is  not  usually  sufficient  free  auxetic  to  produce 


the  right  combination,  for  we  have  shown  that  alkaloids 
by  themselves  are  not  effectual  in  inducing  cell-division. 
On  the  other  hand,  after  the  age  of  40  the  slight 
physiological  increase  in  the  quantity  of  auxetics 
present  in  a  tissue,  owing  to  excess  of  products  of 
katabolism,  may  just  supply  the  required  quantity  of 
auxetic  to  produce  the  right  combination  between 
them  and  an  alkaloid,  should  the  latter  be  present. 
It  has  already  been  suggested  that  the  onset  of 
cancer  may  be  partly  due  to  the  oversetting  of  a 
normal  balance. 

In  connection  with  this  point  we  would  recall  the 
fact  that  cancer  seems  to  attack  persons  who  are 
prematurely  aged,  especially  those  who  are  subject  to 
such  diseases  as  the  atrophic  form  of  osteoarthritis— 
a  fact  which  seems  to  bear  out  this  explanation  of  the 
age-incidence  of  cancer. 

Conversely,  it  has  been  shown  that  cells  with  a 
lowered  vitality  require  more  of  an  auxetic  to  produce 
cell-division  in  a  given  time  than  normal  cells;  and 
this  may  explain  why  cancer  does  not  so  commonly 
occur  in  the  aged  and  infirm,  for  although  the  right 
combination  of  the  cause  of  the  disease  may  be  present, 
it  is  not  present  in  sufficient  strength  to  produce 
malignant  proliferation  in  cells  which  have  lost  their 
vitality  to  some  extent. 

The  suggestion  that  cancer  may  be  due  to  putre- 
factive decomposition  of  the  remains  of  dead  tissues 
in  a  chronic  healing  site  will  harmonise  with  the  fact 
that  cancer  occurs  commonly  in  certain  sites.  Carci- 
noma occurs  most  frequently  in  the  breast,  uterus, 


mouth,  stomach,  intestinal  tract,  and  rectum.  A 
chronic  healing  focus  in  the  rectum,  mouth,  or  intestine 
may  readily  be  associated  with  decomposition  products. 
As  already  pointed  out,  chronic  irritation  means  chronic 
cell-proliferation  of  healing  due  to  the  auxetics  con- 
tained in  dead  cells,  and  in  the  rectum,  intestine,  and 
mouth  further  decomposition  with  the  gradual  produc- 
tion of  alkaloid  must  easily  occur  in  a  chronically 
injured  site  in  these  regions.  It  is  interesting  to  note 
that  cancer  of  the  pancreas  nearly  always  attacks  the 
"head"  of  that  gland,  namely,  that  part  of  it  which  has 
nearest  access  to  the  intestine.  In  the  rectum  "irrita- 
tion" must  be  of  frequent  occurrence  by  the  impaction 
of  faeces,  and  this  in  itself  will  obviously  render  this  part 
of  the  alimentary  canal  a  common  site  for  malignant 
disease — and  it  is  one  of  the  commonest  places  for  it. 
In  the  mouth  decomposition  readily  occurs,  and  how 
commonly  one  sees  carcinoma  of  the  tongue,  lips, 
fauces,  etc. 

Syphilis  is  undoubtedly  a  predisposing  factor.  Syphil- 
itic lesions  of  the  mouth,  which,  of  course,  are  ac- 
companied by  healing,  are  of  very  common  occur- 
rence, and  it  is  possible  that  choline  is  produced  in 
tertiary  syphilides.  If  choline  is  produced  by  the  action 
of  Trypanema  pallida,  then  the  cause  of  syphilis  may 
be  a  predisposing  cause  of  cancer^that  is,  if  the 
argument  is  correct  that  the  alkaloid  choline  in  cer- 
tain combination  with  auxetics  gives  rise  to  malignant 

The  breast  and  cervix  uteri  are  localities  which  are 
very  prone  to  cancer,  and  in  these  organs  destruction 


of  tissues  occurs  to  some  extent  every  month  until 
the  climacteric,  when  great  involution  takes  place.  It 
is  during  this  latter  period  that  the  onset  of  carcinoma 
is  favoured.  It  is  a  remarkable  thing  that  cancer 
almost  only  occurs  in  these  parts  in  parous  women, 
whereas  in  nulliparous  women  they  are  comparatively 
free.  We  do  not  think  we  are  going  too  far  in  suggest- 
ing that  in  parous  women,  when  the  ducts  of  the  glands  of 
the  breast  and  uterus  have  been — so  to  speak— opened 
up,  access  is  now  afforded  to  the  organisms  of  decom- 
position and  putrefaction.  In  nulliparous  women,  when 
these  organs  have  remained  functionless,  the  ducts  of 
their  glands  are  more  likely  to  be  closed  to  invasion 
from  without. 

In  any  site,  however,  the  products  of  katabolism 
may  determine  the  age-incidence  of  carcinoma. 

One  cannot  assert  that  the  alkaloid  choline,  or 
cadaverine  either,  are  only  produced  in  a  damaged 
site  by  the  action  of  putrefactive  organisms..  It  was 
owing  to  decomposition  by  putrefaction  of  extracts 
of  dead  tissues  and  globin  that  we  were  enabled  to 
obtain  augmented  asymmetrical  cell-divisions  with  these 
alkaloids,  but  it  is  possible  that  these  alkaloids — or 
others  equally  effective — may  be  produced  by  other 
agencies;  and  if  so,  provided  the  contention  is  correct 
that  the  alkaloids  help  to  cause  carcinoma,  "other 
agencies  besides  putrefactive  organisms  may  cause  the 
disease.  The  point  is  an  important  one  in  view  of 
the  controversy  as  to  whether  cancer  is  a  "parasitic" 
disease.  In  any  case  these  alkaloids  can  be  produced 
by  more  than  one  class  of  organisms,  and  we  have 


pointed  out  that  the  cause  of  syphilis  may  also 
produce  one  of  them — -in  fact,  General  Paralysis  of 
the  Insane  has  been  said  to  be  due  to  choline. 
Hence,  if  our  contention  is  correct,  cancer  can  hardly 
be  said  to  be  due  to  a  specific  parasite. 

The  mere  fact  that  the  alkaloids  were  being  pro- 
duced in  a  chronic  healing  site  would  not  necessarily 
cause  in  it  augmented  proliferation.  The  alkaloids 
and  the  auxetics  will  have  to  be  present  in  certain 
proportion;  and  since  the  production  of  this  pro- 
liferation necessitates  the  diffusion  of  the  combination 
into  the  cells,  time  is  an  essential  factor.  In  all  prob- 
ability it  would  be  necessary  for  the  decomposed 
remains  of  dead  tissues  to  be  pent  up  to  some  extent 
for  a  considerable  period. 

The  suggestion  that  cancer  may  be  due  to  the 
combination  of  auxetics  and  ptomaines  will  offer  an 
explanation  of  the  cause  of  death  from  the  disease. 
If  the  malignant  cells  and  healing  site  are  completely 
removed,  the  patient  may  recover;  but  if  this  is  not 
the  case,  recurrence  will,  of  course,  take  place,  for  in 
removing  the  growth  a  fresh  healing  site  is  produced, 
and  the  original  decomposition  may  go  on  in  it. 
Putrefaction  of  the  remains  of  dead  tissues  may  occur 
in  a  healing  site  without  visible  suppuration.  The 
^Bacillus  subtilis  does  not  produce  pus,  yet  it  will 
produce  choline.  It  may  be  these  ptomaines  which 
ultimately  cause  the  death  of  the  patients  by  poisoning 
them;  for  if  decomposition  sets  in  in  a  damaged  site, 
unless  steps  are  taken  to  remove  it,  doubtless  the 
decomposition  will  usually  go  on. 


The  possibility  of  carcinoma  being  due  to  the 
combination  of  alkaloids  and  auxetics  will  also 
explain  the  reason  for  the  way  in  which  malignant 
growths  frequently  "break  down."  As  shown  by 
in-vitro  experimentation,  cells  can  only  withstand  a 
certain  quantity  of  the  combination.  If  excess  is 
forced  into  them,  they  will  die.  Even  globin  itself 
is  very  poisonous  to  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes  if  it 
is  in  excess.  If  this  excess  was  present  in  the  body, 
it  would  cause  cell-death  unless  the  excess  was 
removed,  and  the  cell-death  would  only  aggravate 
the  trouble,  especially  if  the  lymphatics  were  blocked 
by  malignant  cells.  Ultimately,  of  course,  the  growth 
would  "point"  and  break  down.  A  certain  amount 
of  local  cell-death  will  cause  increased  cell-proliferation ; 
but  after  a  certain  stage  is  reached,  breaking  down  must 
occur  with  subsequent  ulceration. 

Up  to  a  certain  point,  therefore,  the  greater  the 
malignant  proliferation,  the  more  cell-death  will  there 
be,  and  the  more  will  the  disease  be  aggravated. 
And  the  aggravation  may  be  increased  by  the 
chromosome  granules  which  cells  appear  to  discard 
when  they  are  excessively  prolific.  These  chromatin 
granules  may  contain  kreatin,  and  they  will  therefore 
merely  supply  more  auxetic  for  the  neighbouring 

The  phenomenon  of  metastasis  in  cancer  is  an  im- 
portant factor  to  be  considered  in  conjunction  with  the 
other  facts.  The  invasion  of  lymphatics  by  cancer  may 
be  due  to  the  combination  of  auxetics  and  alkaloid 
being  passed  through  them  from  the  original  healing 


site.  We  have  seen  amoeboid  movements  in  cancer- 
cells  in  response  to  alkaloids,  and  possibly  this  may 
assist  in  the  infiltration  of  vessels  and  tissues  and  so 
predispose  to  metastasis.  A  striking  fact  known  about 
secondary  growths  is  that  in  the  arrangement  of  the 
cells  they  resemble  the  primary  ones.  We  think  that 
this  can  be  explained  only  by  embolism.  If  a  second- 
ary growth  in  another  organ  was  a  fresh  cancer,  it 
is  difficult  to  imagine  how  it  could  possibly  resemble 
the  primary  ones  in  the  arrangement  of  the  cells. 
Metastases  practically  only  occur  in  the  later  stages  of 
carcinoma  when  the  lymphatics  have  been  extensively 
invaded.  In  benign  growths  one  rarely  if  ever  sees  the 
vessels  invaded  by  cells,  and  presumably  this  is  the 
reason  why  secondary  tumours  do  not  follow.  The 
extensive  researches  which  have  been  done  by  others 
in  transplanting  tumours  in  mice  have  thrown  con- 
siderable light  on  the  nature  of  secondary  growths. 
In  transplanting  a  tumour  from  one  animal  to  another, 
it  seems  to  us  that  one  is  in  reality  producing  a  secondary 
tumour.  Now,  to  effect  this,  as  is  well  known,  it  is 
necessary  that  the  cells  of  the  tumour  should  be  alive; 
the  transplanting  of  dead  cells  will  not  cause  a  second- 
ary growth.  This  knowledge  harmonises  with  our 
suggestions  as  to  the  cause  of  cancer.  If  one  inoculates 
an  animal  with  dead  cells,  although  the  organisms  of 
putrefaction  may  be  present  among  them,  the  remains 
of  the  dead  cells  are  soon  removed  from  the  inoculation 
site  and  the  production  of  augmented  auxetic  must 
cease.  Normal  healing  will  take  place  before  the 
putrefactive  organisms  have  had  time  to  restart  and  pro- 


duce  choline,  cadaverine,  etc.,  for  it  is  known1  that  to 
produce  these  alkaloids  it  takes  at  least  a  fortnight.. 
If,  on  the  other  hand,  a  portion  of  a  living  primary; 
growth  is  transplanted,  the  living  cells  will  continue 
to  multiply  in  response  to  the  auxetics  produced  by  the 
cell-death  which  continues  to  occur  among  the  malig- 
nant cells  which  have  been  inoculated.  In  transplanting 
a  malignant  growth,  one  must  transplant  some  putrefac- 
tive organisms  along  with  the  malignant  cells,  and  in 
the  spaces  between  the  cells  the  combination  of  auxetics 
and  alkaloids  must  be  present  from  the  outset  and  be 
continuously  produced  without  interruption,  because  a 
living  growth  is  transplanted.  For  a  secondary  growth 
(or  a  metastatic  one)  to  occur,  it  is  necessary  for  living 
cells  to  be  transplanted;  and  we  believe  that  it  is  also 
necessary  for  organisms  to  be  transplanted  within  it,  so 
that  the  causes  of  the  augmented  proliferation  continue 
to  be  supplied  without  interruption. 

There  is  another  possible  explanation  of  a  metastatic 
growth  which  should  be  mentioned.  It  has  been  sug- 
gested by  others,  who,  of  course,  were  unaware  that 
cell-division  in  the  body  is  caused  by  chemical  agents, 
that  once  a  cell  becomes  a  malignant  one,  its  daughter 
cells  will  also  be  malignant.  This  would  mean  that 
a  cell,  in  acquiring  malignant  characteristics,  wTould 
transmit  those  characteristics  to  its  progeny.  This 
would  be  a  "mutation" — an  acquired  characteristic 
suddenly  becoming  hereditary  for  all  succeeding  genera- 
tions; an  event  which  we  think  is  most  unlikely  to 

1It  must  be  remembered  that  these  organisms  may  have  nothing  to  do 
with  either  sepsis  or  suppuration. 



occur.  It  is  difficult  to  imagine  how  a  cell,  having 
started  augmented  divisions  in  response  to  a  combina- 
tion of  alkaloid  and  auxetics,  could  in  its  subsequent 
generations  continue  to  divide  by  augmented  divisions 
when  the  cause  of  the  augmentation  is  absent.  We 
have  shown  experimentally  that  if  the  supply  of  auxetic 
to  a  cell  ceases,  the  cell-division  also  ceases.  This 
experiment  tends  to  dispose  of  the  expressions  "first 
(heterotype)  divisions  and  subsequent  (homotype) 
divisions,"  which  in  reality  imply  a  mutation.  We 
think,  therefore,  that  a  metastatic  growth  consists  of 
a  portion  of  the  primary  one  transplanted  elsewhere 
along  with  some  of  the  original  cause  of  its  augmented 

It  is  possible  that  in  the  later  stages  of  cancer  the 
body-fluids  may  contain  considerable  amounts  of  alka- 
loid, derived  from  the  primary  growths,  which  might,  in 
the  event  of  a  fresh  healing  focus  occurring  anywhere, 
be  sufficient  to  act  in  combination  with  the  new  local 
auxetics,  and  so  cause  another  "primary"  growth.  If 
such  occurred,  it  would  probably  be  mistaken  for  and 
called  a  secondary  growth. 

Lastly  it  may  be  mentioned  that  if  cancer  is  due  to 
putrefaction  occurring  in  a  chronic  healing  site,  there 
may  be  something  in  the  view  upheld  by  many,  that 
the  disease  occurs  frequently  in  certain  localities  or 
even  in  certain  houses.  Doubtless  putrefaction  will 
occur  more  readily  in  certain  places,  because  the 
bacteria  of  putrefaction  may  infest  the  air  there.  In 
connection  with  this  I  may  recall  the  remark — al- 
ready noted — which  was  made  to  me  by  Sir  William 


MacGregor,  that  he  had  never  seen  a  case  of  cancer 
among  the  Esquimo. 

The  "error  of  random  sampling,"  however,  must 
be  considered  with  the  question  of  the  "local  inci- 
dence" of  cancer.  Very  large  figures  would  have  to 
be  studied  before  one  could  say  conclusively  whether 
the  incidence  of  the  disease  is  actually  greater  in  some 
localities  than  in  others,  and  experimentation  with 
animals  in  the  confines  of  the  laboratory  cannot,  we 
think,  determine  whether  putrefaction  is  more  likely 
to  occur  in  one  place  than  in  another.  Still,  the 
remark  of  Sir  William  MacGregor  is  striking,  because 
it  is  clear  that  putrefactive  bacteria  cannot  be  present 
to  so  great  an  extent  in  the  Arctic  regions  as  in 
temperate  and  tropical  climates. 

The  above  consideration  led  us  to  believe  that  our 
researches  did  harmonise  with  the  facts  known  about 
carcinoma.  The  fact  that  cell-proliferation  is  caused 
by  auxetics  contained  in  the  soluble  remains  of  dead 
tissues  offers  for  the  first  time  an  explanation  of 
the  remarkable  age-incidence  of  the  disease;  and  the 
augmented  asymmetrical  division  induced  by  these 
auxetics  combined  with  alkaloids  of  putrefaction 
seemed  to  be  a  reasonable  explanation  of  the  cause 
of  cancer.  Proof  wras  wanting,  however.  Cancer-cells 
have  been  seen  frequently  to  divide  by  asymmetrical 
divisions,  but  because  one  can  induce  these  mitoses  in 
cells  is  not  proof  that  one  is  necessarily  inducing 
malignant  proliferation.1 

1  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  five-fold  augmentation  by  alkaloids  is  a  more 
important  consideration  than  the  asymmetrical  mitoses  induced  by  them. 


Deductions  from  experimentation  in  vitro,  no 
matter  how  well  they  may  harmonise  with  know^n 
facts,  are  not  sufficient  to  act  as  a  basis  on  which  to 
proceed  to  find  the  prevention  and  cure  for  the  disease. 
It  is  necessary  at  least  to  try  to  prove  one's  work 
definitely.  To  accomplish  this  would  not  be,  we  knew, 
an  easy  matter.  It  would  be  necessary  to  produce 
a  cancerous  growth  in  healthy  animals  with  the  sub- 
stances which  were  believed  to  be  the  cause  of  the 
disease.  The  chemical  auxetics,  in  correct  combination 
with  an  alkaloid  of  putrefaction  such  as  choline,  would 
have  to  be  inoculated  into  or  applied  to  an  animal,  and 
before  one  could  say  that  the  combination  is  a  cause  of 
cancer  a  malignant  growth  would  have  to  appear  at  the 
site  of  inoculation.  The  experiment  would  have  to  be 
frequently  repeated,  and  careful  precautions  would  have 
to  be  taken  against  possible  fallacy. 

It  was  realised  that  it  would  be  quite  useless  merely 
to  inoculate  a  solution  of,  say,  kreatin  and  choline  sub- 
cutaneously  into  an  experimental  animal,  because  it  is 
obvious  that  such  a  solution  would  rapidly  be  excreted, 
and  we  know  from  in-vitro  experimentation  that  before 
a  cell  can  divide,  either  by  a  normal  or  an  asymmetrical 
division,  it  must  be  subjected  to  the  chemical  agent  for 
a  certain  length  of  time.  It  would  be  necessary  to 
create  a  sore,  because  a  chronic  healing  site  is  essential; 
and  this  would  not  be  readily  accomplished  in  experi- 
mental animals,  which  are  not  easy  to  keep  quiet,  and 
in  which  the  local  application  of  substances  to  sores 
offers  practical  difficulties. 


Moreover,  the  question  whether  the  lower  animals 
suffer  from  true  cancer  is  still  controversial.  I 
therefore  considered  whether  it  would  be  possible  to 
try  this  crucial  experiment  on  a  human  being.  If  it 
were  possible,  and  if  it  were  successful,  the  point  might 
be  proved  conclusively.  At  first  sight  the  suggestion 
seems  to  be  an  outrageous  one,  but  the  experiments  to 
be  related  in  the  next  and  last  chapter,  which  had  been 
carried  out  for  several  months  past,  revealed  a  method 
by  which  I  considered  that  an  attempt  might  be  made 
to  put  this  crucial  experiment  to  the  test. 






ULCER     BY     MEANS     OF     GLOBIN AN     ATTEMPT    TO 


IT  is  now  (August,  1910)  more  than  six  months  since 
it  was  ascertained  that  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes 
divide  in  response  to  the  auxetics  contained  in  the 
remains  of  dead  tissues  and  in  globin.  When  this 
fact  was  appreciated,  the  question  arose  as  to  why 
these  cells,  when  they  are  removed  from  the  peripheral 
circulation,  had  never  been  seen-  in  the  act  of  cell- 
division.  White  blood-corpuscles  were  discovered  by 
Hewson  in  1773;  in  1846  Wharton  Jones  first  described 
them  as  granular  and  nucleated  cells  (Buchanan). 
Since  then  they  must  have  been  seen  by  every  student 
of  medicine,  but  no  one,  until  divisions  were  induced 
in  them  by  us,  had  ever  seen  one  of  these  cells  divide. 



Hence  it  is  obvious  that  these  cells  do  not  divide  in 
the  peripheral  circulation,  for  their  mitosis  occupies 
a  certain  amount  of  time;  and  if  this  mitosis  occurred 
at  all  in  the  peripheral  blood,  it  must  have  been  seen 
during  the  century  and  a  half  in  which  these  cells  have 
been  constantly  examined  by  many  thousands  of  workers. 
Now,  the  division  of  these  cells  is  caused  by  the 
auxetics  contained  in  the  remains  of  dead  tissues  and 
in  globin,  and  it  also  is  certain  that  the  peripheral 
blood  must  contain  some  free  remains  of  dead  tissues 
and  globin.  Hence  white  blood-corpuscles  ought  to 
be  frequently  seen  in  the  act  of  division  when  they  are 
removed  from  it.  But  they  are  not  so  seen.  Had  it 
been  seen,  the  real  nature  of  the  Altmann's  granules 
and  the  "lobes  of  the  nuclei"  would  have  been  apparent 
many  years  ago. 

We  think  that  there  can  be  only  one  explanation 
for  this,  which  is  that  the  action  of  the  auxetics  in  the 
peripheral  blood  is  restrained  in  some  way.  It  appears 
to  us  to  be  reasonable  to  suppose  that  cell-proliferation 
in  the  peripheral  circulation  must  be  prevented  in  some 
way.  If  it  were  not,  the  approach  of  old  age  or  a 
chronic  suppurative  focus  with  destruction  of  tissue 
might  cause  indiscriminate  cell-proliferation  in  the 
vessels  and  capillaries,  with  disastrous  results ;  for  these 
vessels  might  ultimately  become  blocked.  We  there- 
fore made  some  experiments  to  see  if  blood-serum  does 
actually  restrain  cell-division. 

.  In  the  first  place,  2  cc.  of  sheep's  serum  was  added 
to  auxetic  jelly  composed  of  azur  dye,  atropine,  and 
suprarenal  extract.  In  order  to  prevent  coagulation  of 


the  serum  in  this  and  the  subsequent  experiments,  the 
serum  was  added  to  the  jelly  after  the  latter  was  boiled 
and  before  it  had  cooled  to  such  an  extent  as  to  prevent 
it  setting  on  the  slide.  It  was  found  that  the  serum 
did  not  prevent  the  cell-division  induced  by  the  azur 

The  experiments  were  then  repeated  with  a  jelly 
which  contained  suprarenal  extract,  but  no  stain  or 
atropine.  The  jelly  was  first  tested,  and  mitotic  figures 
induced  in  lymphocytes  with  it.  The  jelly  contained 
0.2  gramme  of  suprarenal  extract,  and  it  was  found 
that  if  it  also  contained  0.5  cc.  of  serum  the  auxetic 
action  of  the  extract  was  not  stopped;  but  if  it  con- 
tained 2  cc.  of  serum  the  auxetic  action  of  the 
suprarenal  extract  was  completely  inhibited. 

The  experiments  were  then  repeated  with  an  auxetic 
jelly  composed  of  a  mixture  of  1  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent 
solution  of  kreatin  and  1  cc.  of  a  1-per-cent  solution 
of  choline;  and  it  also  contained  10  units  of  alkali 
solution.  With  this  jelly  it  required  the  addition  of 
2.5  cc.  of  sheep's  serum,  to  prevent  it  causing  cell- 

Using  human  serum,  it  required  2  cc.  of  it  to  stop 
the  action  of  0 . 2  gramme  of  suprarenal  extract  by  itself. 
1  cc.  of  serum  will  stop  the  action  of  the  combination  of 
.0.01  gramme  of  kreatin  and  0.01  gramme  of  choline; 
1  cc.  of  human  serum  will  stop  the  action  of  0 . 5  cc.  of  a 
2-per-cent  solution  of  globin  which  had  been  allowed 
to  become  putrid,  and  which  would,  by  itself,  induce 
division  in  lymphocytes. 

Hence    it    is    apparent    that    normal    blood-serum 


actually  has  the  power  of  preventing  the  "natural" 
auxetics  from  inducing  cell-division;  but  it  has  no 
inhibitory  action  against  atropine  or  azur  dye.  The 
restraining  power  of  serum  can  be  measured  as  shown, 
and  it  is  possible  that  this  power  varies  with  individuals, 
a  point  which  remains  to  be  determined. 

It  was  also  ascertained  that  the  restraining  body 
in  serum  does  not  combine  permanently  with  the 
auxetic  and  so  prevent  its  action.  Jellies  were  pre- 
pared with  suprarenal  extract  with  kreatin  and  choline, 
which  induced  divisions  in  lymphocytes.  The  right 
amount  of  serum  was  added  to  them  just  before  the 
jellies  cooled,  and  it  was  noted  that  they  stopped  the 
auxetic  action  of  the  jellies.  The  same  jellies  were 
then  boiled  and  the  serum  proteins  precipitated.  On 
making  specimens  again  from  these  jellies,  it  was  now 
found  that  their  auxetic  power  was  re-established. 
Hence  it  is  obvious  that  the  restraining  body  in  serum 
is  not  thermostable. 

Lastly,  it  was  found  out  that  1  cc.  of  serum  con- 
tained in  10  cc.  of  jelly  which  also  contained  1  cc.  of  a 
1-per-cent  solution  of  choline  stopped  the  kinetic  ac- 
tion of  the  latter  in  exciting  amoeboid  movements  in 
leucocytes.  If  the  jelly  was  boiled,  however,  the  action 
of  the  choline  was  restored. 

These  experiments  are  very  constant  in  their  results. 
Careful  controls  were  made  throughout.  We  think 
that  by  means  of  them  the  restraining  power  of 
different  sera  could  be  measured  with  a  certain  amount 
of  accuracy.  What  the  nature  of  the  restraining  body 
in  serum  is  we  have  no  opinion  to  offer.  It  should  be 


noted  that  some  time  ago  Bashford  and  Murray  showed 
that  serum  had  the  power  of  restraining  the  growth  of 
secondary  transplanted  tumours  in  mice. 

In  addition  to  the  restraining  action  of  serum 
on  the  cause  of  cell-division,  we  also  considered 
the  work  of  Gaylord  and  Clowes  of  the  New  York 
State  Cancer  Research,  Buffalo,  and  of  Bashford  and 
his  assistants  at  the  Imperial  Cancer  Research  in 
London,  who  have  shown  experimentally  that  the 
transplantation  of  living  growths  in  mice  protect  them 
to  some  extent  against  cancer.  It  was  considered 
possible  that  this  might  be  due  to  the  fresh  augmented 
auxetic  produced  by  the  transplanted  growths  giving 
rise  to  an  increase  in  the  content  of  the  restraining 
body.  We  therefore  resolved  to  try  to  increase  this 
body  in  cancer  patients  by  deliberately  injecting  them 
with  augmented  auxetic  combined  with  blood-serum. 
The  way  the  combination  was  administered  was  by 
injecting  6  ounces  of  defibrinated  sheep's  blood  per 
rectum  every  morning.  The  serum  contains  the  re- 
straining body,  and  it  was  argued  that  the  red  cells 
would  be  destroyed  in  the  rectum,  the  haemoglobin 
decomposed,  and  in  time  the  globin  would  become 
augmented  by  the  action  of  the  bacteria  present.  It 
was  presumed  that  the  restraining  body  of  the  serum, 
the  auxetic  in  the  globin  and  in  the  remains  of  the 
white  cells,  and  lastly,  the  products  of  the  decompo- 
sition would  be  gradually  absorbed,  and  that  they  might 
raise  the  content  of  restraining  body  in  the  patients ;  in 
other  words  they  might  act  as  a  sort  of  vaccine. 

We  must  admit  that  we  were  not  very  sanguine  of 


success  when  these  experiments  were  first  undertaken 
six  months  ago.  They  were  undertaken  more  with  a 
view  to  see  what  the  effect  of  globin  in  this  way  was 
than  with  the  object  of  obtaining  a  cure  of  the  tumours 
from  which  the  patients  were  suffering.  But,  as  will 
be  seen  from  the  description  of  the  treatment,  the 
results  have  exceeded  our  anticipations.  Unfortunately, 
since  we  did  not  expect  any  beneficial  results,  the  cases 
were  not  the  most  suitable  which  could  have  been 
chosen,  for  both  of  them  had  "internal"  growths  which 
were  inaccessible,  and  therefore  we  were  at  that  time 
unable  to  prove  conclusively  that  they  were  suffering 
from  carcinoma. 

The  first  patient1  to  whom  the  serum  was  adminis- 
tered was  a  woman  (I.  G.)  aged  45  (admitted  to  the 
hospital  on  January  11,  1910),  whose  left  breast  had 
been  removed  in  November,  1907,  for  a  carcinomatous 
growth.  She  remained  well  until  April,  1909,  when  she 
began  to  suffer  from  a  severe  pain  in  the  region  of  the 
sacrum  and  left  hip.  She  stated  that  this  pain  had 
since  then  become  worse  and  that  no  treatment  had 
relieved  it.  The  left  lower  extremity  from  the  hip  to 
the  ankle  had  for  long  been  swollen  and  cedematous, 
and  there  had  been  swelling  also  in  the  abdomen. 
Any  movement  of  the  limb  caused  severe  pain,  and 
she  had  great  difficulty  in  turning  herself  in 
bed.  The  patient  was  too  ill  to  be  weighed  at  the 
time  of  her  admission,  but  she  was  manifestly  wasted, 

1  These  two  cases  were  treated  under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  Macalister, 
who  has  kindly  written  these  descriptions  of  them. 


was  anaemic,  and  had  a  worn  expression.  On  exami- 
nation there  was  manifest  swelling  on  palpation  in 
the  left  iliac  region,  and,  examined  per  rectum  under 
chloroform,  a  hard  swelling  could  be  felt  attached  to 
the  anterior  surface  of  the  sacrum  and  sweeping  round 
the  wall  of  the  pelvis  towards  the  left  side.  An  X-ray 
photograph  confirmed  the  involvement  of  the  sacrum. 
After  treating  her  with  mercurial  inunctions  and  other 
remedies  for  a  month  without  benefit,  the  defibrinated- 
blood  injections  were  commenced  on  February  21,  1910. 
At  first  they  were  given  in  the  evening,  and  were  often 
followed  by  sickness  and  sometimes  by  actual  vomiting ; 
it  was  found  that  there  was  less  disturbance  when  the 
injections  were  given  in  the  mornings.1  The  sickness 
was  so  troublesome  at  first  that  the  treatment  had  to 
be  abandoned  on  March  3,  and  it  was  not  until 
March  20  that  it  was  again  started  and  continued 
uninterruptedly.  Gradually  her  pains  improved,  and 
the  swelling  in  the  leg  diminished.  (No  opiates  were 
needed  after  March  29.)  On  April  20  she  could  stand 
with  very  little  pain,  and  she  was  weighed  for  the  first 
time  (109  lb.).  Improvement  continued  week  by 
week,  she  became  bright  and  younger-looking,  and 
on  June  8  she  weighed  115  lb.  No  pain  could  be 
elicited  on  pressure  over  the  left  iliac  region,  and  the 
tumour  seemed  smaller.  She  maintained  her  weight, 
with  some  variation,  for  some  weeks,  and  was  able  to 
walk  about  the  ward  without  assistance  until  July  21, 

1  In  these  cases  treated  with  rectal  injections  of  defibrinated  blood 
there  has  been  sickness  following  the  injection,  but  this  has  passed  off 
as  the  treatment  has  been  persevered  with. 


when  she  sprained  her  left  shoulder  and  suffered  severe 
pain  in  it.  On  July  19,  by  the  patient's  request, 
the  treatment  was  discontinued,  and  an  opportunity 
thus  arose  of  observing  whether  the  benefit  which  had 
resulted  from  it  was  maintained.  There  had  been  some 
sciatica-like  pains  in  the  leg  since  the  beginning  of  the 
month,  and  during  August  these  increased  and  the 
swelling  and  pain  in  the  hip  returned.  Some  tender- 
ness and  a  tumour,  apparently  arising  from  the  medias- 
tinum and  which  grew  rather  rapidly,  appeared  in  the 
mid-sternal  region.  By  the  first  week  in  September, 
she  had  relapsed  pretty  much  into  the  condition  in 
which  we  found  her  at  the  time  of  her  admission,  but 
with  the  added  pain  due  to  the  thoracic  growth.  The 
treatment  has  now  been  resumed. 

The  second  case  was  that  of  a  woman  aged  54, 
who  had  suffered  from  indigestion  for  a  considerable 
period,  but  severely  for  three  months.  There  had  been 
much  vomiting,  but  never  any  blood.  At  the  time  of 
her  admission  (February  9,  1911)  ingestion  of  food 
was  immediately  followed  by  severe  pain,  and  often 
by  sickness.  She  was  very  wasted,  worn-looking, 
and  anaemic.  Weight  94  Ib.  On  examining  the  ab- 
domen a  swelling  could  be  seen  and  felt  above  the 
umbilicus.  It  was  about  the  size  of  a  tangerine  orange. 
It  was  extremely  tender,  and  moved  with  respiration. 
The  stomach  was  very  dilated,  and  presented  peris- 
taltic movements.  There  was  pain  on  pressure  over 
the  pyloric  region,  but  no  tumour  could  be  felt  there. 
The  stools  contained  altered  blood  (melcena).  During 
the  first  fortnight  after  admission,  when  she  had  milk 


and  Benger's  Food,  the  vomiting  ceased,  and  she  had 
less  pain,  but  she  lost  four  pounds  in  weight  (90  lb.). 
The  defibrinated  blood  was  commenced  on  February  21, 
and  until  March  23  the  weight  fluctuated  between 
88  lb.  and  91  lb.,  there  being  an  occasional  gain 
and  then  a  corresponding  loss;  but  on  March  30 
a  steady  advance  commenced,  the  maximum  weight 
being  attained  on  May  8,  when  it  reached  101  lb., 
i.e.  a  gain  of  eleven  pounds  since  the  time  of  her 
admission.  From  the  time  of  the  commencement  of 
the  defibrinated-blood  treatment  she  steadily  improved. 
She  became  able  to  eat  fish  and  a  light  ordinary  diet 
without  discomfort;  but  the  most  striking  fact  was 
the  diminution  in  size  of  the  tumour,  which  practically 
disappeared.  As  in  the  former  case,  after  reaching  a 
climax  there  was  a  recrudescence  of  the  symptoms, 
and  some  loss  in  weight,  but  the  tumour  did  not 
return.  The  defibrinated  blood  was  omitted  on  July 
20,  when  she  weighed  95  Jb.  Subsequently  she 
mended,  and  left  the  hospital  on  August  9  consider- 
ably better  and  weighing  100  lb.  There  was  un- 
doubtedly some  real  improvement  in  this  case,  and 
the  temporary  relapse  depended  to  some  extent  on 
fermentative  changes  taking  place  in  the  dilated 

Several  other  cases  have  been  treated  with  the 
defibrinated  blood,  and  in  some  of  them  there  has 
been  apparent  benefit,  although  others  (a  case  of  very 
advanced  cancer  of  the  liver,  and  one  of  peritoneal 
cancer)  have  not  shown  improvement. 

In   addition   to  the  rapid  reduction   in   size   of  the 


growths  in  these  two  cases,  a  striking  point  was  the 
improvement  in  the  general  symptoms  and  appearance 
of  the  two  patients.  Their  cachexiae  practically  dis- 
appeared, they  became  cheerful  and  seemed  to  get 
younger.  In  the  first  case  the  disappearance  of  the 
oedema  of  the  legs  was  most  remarkable,  and  never 
before  had  we  seen  cases  of  carcinoma,  which  had  been 
bed-ridden  for  months  previously  and  condemned  by 
surgeons  as  being  inoperable,  become  able  to  be  up 
and  about  apparently  vastly  improved  in  health.  It 
must  be  distinctly  understood,  however,  that  we  do 
not  assert  that  this  treatment  is  in  any  way  a  cure 
for  the  disease.  As  mentioned  at  the  outset  of  the 
description  of  the  cases,  we  have  no  absolute  proof 
that  they  were  cases  of  carcinoma,  and  it  must  be 
remembered  that  spontaneous  improvement  and  cure 
in  some  cases  of  cancer  have  undoubtedly  occurred 
without  any  ^treatment  whatever.  Gaylord  and  Clowes 
have  collected  a  series  of  these  cases.1  Moreover, 
we  have  been  able  to  deal  with  only  a  few  cases,  and 
they  have  been  under  observation  for  only  six  months; 
therefore  we  cannot  say  whether  the  results  are  going 
to  be  permanent  or  even  maintained  for  any  length  of 

The  reason  why  these  cases  are  described  is  that  they 
suggested  to  me  a  possible  way  in  wrhich  the  crucial 
experiment,  mentioned  at  the  end  of  the  last  chapter, 
could  be  carried  out.  It  appeared  reasonable  that  if 
one  can  cause  the  reduction  in  the  size  of  a  growth  with 

1  Seventh  Annual  Report  (Cancer  Laboratory,  New  York  State  Depart- 
ment of  Health). 


amelioration  of  symptoms  by  general  treatment,  one 
might  also  be  able  to  improve  an  accessible  growth  by 
locally  inducing  the  proliferation  of  healing  in  it.  If 
this  were  possible,  and  if  a  local,  inoperable,  broken- 
down  scirrhus  could  be  so  improved  by  local  treatment  as 
to  replace  some  of  the  infiltrating  cells  by  normal  ones, 
I  considered  that  I  should  be  justified  then  in  carry- 
ing out  the  crucial  test  on  these  normal  cells,  and  try  to 
reinduce  the  abnormal  infiltration  amongst  them  once 
more  by  the  direct  application  of  auxetics  and  choline. 
In  other  words,  if  a  case  already  has  a  large  "inopera- 
ble" tumor  and  one  is  able  to  convert  by  treatment  a 
portion  of  it  into  normal  tissue,  it  would  be  useful  to  try 
temporarily  to  reconvert  the  normal  tissue  back  into 
original  condition  in  order  to  prove  the  main  point  of 
our  researches.  There  would  already  be  a  neoplasm, 
and  I  proposed  thus  to  test  our  theory  in  in  vivo  on  a 
portion  of  it. 

A  patient  suffered  from  an  inoperable,  fungating 
seirrhus  of  the  breast.  The  ulcerated  surface  was  about 
four  inches  in  diameter.  The  edges  were  precipitous 
and  excavated,  and  the  whole  appearance  of  the  ulcer 
was  typical  of  carcinoma.  The  surface  was  practically 
devoid  of  granulation  tissue,  and  sections  of  it  clearly 
showed  its  nature  (figs.  119,  120).  A  portion  of  the  sur- 
face, i.e.  about  a  third  of  it,  was  scarified  and  globin 
was  applied  by  being  "dotted"  over  it  (fig.  121).  The 
remaining  part  of  the  ulcerated  surface  \vas  untreated. 
No  dressings  were  applied.  This  ulcer  had  a  remarka- 
ble propensity  for  suppurating.  No  matter  what  was 



FIG.  119. — Section  from  the  casejsf  scirrhus  of  the  breast.     Low  power. 

FIG.  120. — The  same  as  119.     High  power. 



FIG.  121. — To  show  the  way  in  which  globin  was  "dotted"  on  to  a  portion 
of  the  malignant  ulcer. 


done  to  try  to  keep  it  "clean,"  pus  quickly  formed  on 
its  surface — much  more  quickly  than  it  did  on  the  be- 
nign callous  ulcers  which  were  also  being  treated.  The 
result  was  that  the  scab  formed  by  the  globin  very 
quickly  broke  down.  When  this  occurred,  the  scab  was 
removed  by  fomentations  and  the  ulcer  cleaned  up  as 
much  as  possible.  Then  the  globin  treatment  was  re- 
peated, but  it  was  always  applied  to  the  same  portion 
of  the  ulcer.  The  other  portion  never  received  an  ap- 
plication. This  was  repeated  many  times. 

The  improvement  in  the  treated  portion  was  gradual, 
but  it  was  marked.  The  precipitous  edges  appeared 
to  soften  and  become  flattened.  The  base  no  longer 
suppurated  in  a  few  hours,  and  the  suppuration  was 
practically  confined  to  the  untreated  portion.  The 
glistening  malignant  surface  of  the  treated  portion 
gradually  gave  place  to  granulation  tissue,  and  after 
about  a  fortnight's  treatment  there  was  a  contrast  be- 
tween the  treated  and  untreated  portions  of  the  broken- 
down  surface.  A  portion  of  the  treated  part  of  the 
ulcer  was  now  removed  and  sections  cut  from  it,  which 
show  that  the  abnormal  cells  were  now  giving  place  to 
normal  granulation  tissue, 

The  treatment  was  continued  once  more,  two  parts 
of  kreatin  now  being  added  to  five  parts  of  globin, 
and  soon  it  was  seen  that  the  treated  portion  became 
softer,  and  the  ulcerated  edge  ceased  to  extend. 
Another  section  was  then  cut,  which  showed  that 
that  part  of  the  ulcer  now  seemed  to  be  devoid  of 
abnormal  infiltration  (figs.  122,  123). 


I  considered  that  the  opportunity  had  now  ar- 
rived to  try  the  crucial  test.  A  mixture  was  m.-idt- 
of  a  solution  containing  five  parts  of  globin  and 
one  part  of  choline.  It  was  evaporated  to  dryness 
with  aseptic  precautions,  and  the  dried  mixture  sealed 
up  in  a  glass  tube.  A  minute  portion  of  the  edge  of 
the  treated  ulcer,  from  which  the  last  section  had  been 
taken,  was  nowr  scarified  and  small  pieces  of  the 
dried  aseptic  mixture  of  globin  and  choline  directly 
applied  to  it.  In  48  hours  a  conical  excrescence 
appeared  at  the  seat  of  application.  A  section  has 
been  cut  from  it,  and  the  photomicrograph  shows 
apparently  new  malignant  cells  to  be  infiltrating  the 
granulation  tissue  once  more  in  an  abnormal  manner 
similar  in  appearance  to  the  original  infiltration  of  the 
ulcer  (figs.  124,  125). 

Now,  this  test  is  by  no  means  conclusive.  I  can- 
not assert  that  there  were  no  original  carcinomatous 
cells  at  the  seat  of  application,  and  that  I  was 
not  merely  producing  augmented  proliferation  of 
these  cancer-cells.  The  section  may  be  fallacious 
owing  to  the  "error  of  random  sampling,"  for  be- 
cause no  abnormal  cells  appear  in  samples  removed 
from  the  treated  site  it  does  not  prove  that  none 
exist  in  the  neighbourhood.  Still,  the  experiment  is 
interesting,  because  the  conical  excrescence  only 
appeared  at  the  site  of  the  application  of  the  com- 
bined auxetic  and  the  alkaloid  of  putrefaction,  the 
rest  of  the  ulcer  remaining  in  statu  quo. 

This  test  will  have  to  be  repeated  many  times 
before  one  can  speak  conclusively  on  the  subject; 




FIG.  122. — Section  of  a  portion  of  the  ulcer  after  treatment.     Low  power. 

FIG.  123.— The  same  as  122.     High  power. 



FIG.  124. — Section  of  the  treated  portion  of  the  ulcer  after  the  application 
of  globin  augmented  by  choline,  showing  reinfiltration.     Low  power. 

FIG.  125. — The  same  as  124.     High  power. 


but  from  the  general  appearance  of  the  ulcer, 
as  well  as  from  the  microscopical  section  of  it,  we 
certainly  think  that  it  was  the  mixture  of  globin 
and  choline  which  caused  the  reinfiltration.  The 
application  of  globin  alone  to  the  edges  of  the 
sore  merely  induced  the  appearance  of  granulation 
tissue,  and  one  would  think  that  if  a  mixture  of 
globin  and  choline  does  not  cause  carcinoma,  it 
would  merely  have  produced  augmented  proliferation 
of  the  healing  cells  writh  more  granulation  tissue; 
but  apparently  a  new  infiltration  of  epithelial  cells 
appeared.  I  hope  to  be  able  to  repeat  this  test 
under  more  favourable  conditions. 

The  whole  ulcer  is  now  being  treated  with  a 
mixture  of  globin  and  kreatin,  and,  although  the 
edges  of  it  are  extending  in  some  places,  there  can 
be  no  doubt  that,  on  the  surface  at  least,  malignant 
cells  are  being  replaced  by  normal  granulation  tissue. 
The  whole  growth  is  now  comparatively  freely  mov- 
able, and  it  does  not  discharge  profusely  as  it  did. 
The  patient  no  longer  complains  of  pain,  and,  except 
for  the  extending  edges,  her  general  condition  has 
greatly  improved. 

As  it  is  possible  that  carcinoma  may  be  due  to 
the  causes  described  in  this  book,  and  since  the 
general  treatment  by  defibrinated  blood  per  rectum 
and  the  local  treatment  by  globin  and  kreatin  seem 
to  have  been  followed  by  improvement,  we  think 
that  the  former  might  be  tried  to  prevent  recurrence 
after  removal  of  a  growth.  Unfortunately  we  are 
not  in  a  position  to  try  this  experiment,  as  early 


cases  which  have  been  operated  on  do  not  come  to 
our  notice;  we  therefore  take  the  liberty  of  suggesting 
that  the  prevention  of  recurrence  might  be  under- 
taken by  those  who  can  watch  a  series  of  these  cases 
which  have  been  operated  on.  We  cannot  say,  of 
course,  whether  recurrence  will  be  prevented  by  rectal 
injections  of  defibrinated  blood,  but  the  treatment 
is  harmless  and  it  appears  to  be  worthy  of  a  trial. 

If  cancer  is  due  to  the  causes  which  we  think  it  to 
be,  the  reason  for  recurrence  after  removal  of  the 
original  growth,  which  occurs  in  some  cases  in  the 
operation  scar,  is  open  to  two  explanations:  (1)  that  it 
may  be  due  to  portions  of  the  original  growth  which 
have  not  been  removed,  and  (2)  that  the  healing  site, 
although  healing  occurs  by  first  intention,  is  a  fruitful 
source  of  auxetics,  and  that  the  operation  wound  may 
easily  become  infected  by  the  putrefactive  organisms 
during  the  removal  of  the  original  growths.  As  already 
pointed  out,  certain  putrefactive  bacteria  do  not  neces- 
sarily also  cause  suppuration;  and  therefore  recurrence 
in  the  scar  may  be  due  to  a  fresh  attack  of  cancer  there. 
The  proliferation  of  healing  (even  in  a  site  healing  by 
first  intention)  probably  continues  for  weeks  if  not  for 
months  after  the  injury,  because  the  initial  proliferation 
increases  the  number  of  deaths,  and  possibly  it  is  a  long 
time  before  normal  elimination  is  sufficiently  restored  to 
put  a  stop  to  the  abnormal  proliferation. 

One  frequently  hears  of  cases  in  which  "recurrence" 
takes  place  perhaps  ten  years  after  removal  of  the 
original  growth.  This  must  be  due  to  a  fresh  attack  of 
cancer.  One  of  the  commonest  sites  for  it  is  in  the 


rectum,  the  very  place  where  one  would  expect  it  to 
occur.  Now  that  we  know  the  causes  of  cell-prolifera- 
tion it  is  difficult  if  not  impossible  to  believe  that  a 
metastatic  growth  could  remain  malignant  and  quiescent 
for  ten  years  without  proliferating.  We  think  that  the 
increase  of  "restraining  body"  conferred  on  a  person  by 
a  malignant  growth  may  not  last  very  long,  and  this, 
coupled  with  advancement  of  old  age  and  possibly  the 
existence  of  physiological  excess  of  general  aiixetics 
which  may  occur  in  some  persons,  may  predispose  them 
to  subsequent  attacks  of  cancer.  Our  argument  is  that 
cancer  is  due  to  a  combination  of  physiological  auxetics 
and  pathological  alkaloids  of  putrefaction.  The  combi- 
nation must  be  a  definite  one,  or  it  will  not  be  effectual  ; 
it  must  diffuse  into  the  cells  to  a  certain  extent  for  a 
Certain  length  of  time,  with  due  regard  to  the  coefficient 
of  diffusion  of  the  cells;  and  lastly  the  vitality  of  the 
cells  themselves  must  not  be  greatly  impaired.  We 
think  that  unless  all  these  factors  are  in  correct  combina- 
tion, malignant  disease  cannot  occur.  » 

With  regard  to  the  cause  of  sarcoma,  we  think  that 
it  is  probable  that  the  auxetic  chiefly  concerned  in  that 
disease  is  that  contained  in  globin.  Several  'surgeons 
haVe  kindly  informed  us  that  in  almost  every  case  of 
sarcoma  which  they  have  seen  there  is  .a  history  of 
injury;  and  it  is  remarkable  that  sarcoma  occurs  .most 
frequently  in  those  tissues  which  are  rich  in  hsemo-' 
globin,  namely,  the  choroid  coat  of  the  eye  (melanotid 
sarcoma),  the  bone  marrow,  and  the  neighbourhood  of 
muscles.  The  suggestion  that  globin  is  the  source 
of  the  auxetic  in  sarcoma  will  explain  the  age-incidence 


of  the  disease;  for  it  probably  only  follows  injury  to 
large  numbers  of  red  cells.  The  length  of  life  of  red 
cells  in  the  body  is  supposed  to  be  only  a  matter  of  a 
few  weeks,  so  that  their  anabolism  and  katabolism  is 
continuous,  and  may  not  depend  at  all  on  the  age  of  the 
person.  Hence  sarcoma  may  occur  at  any  age. 

Whether  the  alkaloids  of  putrefaction  are  concerned 
in  sarcoma  or  not,  we  are  not  in  a  position  to  state,  but 
interesting  cases  have  been  reported  from  time  to  time 
which  were  associated  with  suppurative  foci.  Quite 
recently  a  case  was  described  in  The  British  Medical 
Journal,1  of  an  infant  which  had  been  injured  in  the 
neck  by  forceps  at  birth.  Sarcoma  followed  on  the 
injury,  which  was  also  complicated  by  suppurative  otitis 

The  possibility  of  the  alkaloids  in  both  sarcoma  and 
carcinoma  being  of  the  nature  of  leucomaines  which  are 
supposed  to  be  absorbed  from  the  intestines  must  not 
be  forgotten. 

The  proliferation  of  leucocytes  and  lymphocytes 
in  the  leukaemias  are  also  doubtless  due  to  auxetics. 
Whether  these  diseases  are  caused  primarily  by  injury 
to  the  spleen  or  not  we  do  not  know,  but  it  is  possible 
that  this  starts  thfe  proliferation.  The  spleen  tissue  has 
direct  access,  by  means  of  the  vessels,  with  the  per- 
ipheral circulation,  and  presumably  this  is  the  reason 
for  the  leucocytosis  and  lymphocytosis  in  leukaemia. 
It  is  impossible  to  say  whether  the  proliferation  of 
leukaemia  is  of  the  augmented  type,  or  whether  an 

1  "A  Case  of  Sarcoma  »f  the  Pectrous  Bone,"  by  W.  H.  Bowen  and  H.  B. 
Carlyle  (B.M.J.,  June  25,  1910.) 


alkaloid  is  present;  but  we  may  recall  the  interesting 
fact  mentioned  by  Buchanan  in  his  admirable  book  on 
the  clinical  pathology  of  the  blood,1  that  he  had  noticed 
the  discard  of  granules  (flagellation)  in  the  cells  of  cases 
of  leukaemia.  Possibly  the  leukaemias  may  be  associ- 
ated with  the  auxetic  contained  in  globin,  for  the  spleen 
is  a  very  vascular  organ;  and  if  so,  it  may  ultimately 
be  found  that  leukaemia  is  a  from  of  sarcoma  of  the 

In  concluding  these  descriptions  of  the  researches 
which  we  have  been  able  to  carry  out  to  the  end  of 
the  first  year  and  a  half  of  the  establishment  of  the 
Research  Department  of  the  Royal  Southern  Hospital 
at  Liverpool,  I  wish  once  more  to  acknowledge  my 
indebtedness  to  all  those  who  have  helped  me  so 
materially.  I  think  that  the  new  methods  at  our  dis- 
posal have  been  the  means  certainly  of  solving  the 
problem  of  the  cause  of  normal  human  cell-division, 
and  possibly,  if  not  probably,  of  the  cause  of  malignant 
cell-proliferation  also.  Much  work  remains  to  be  done, 
however,  some  of  which  has  already  been  started. 

A  series  of  more  than  ten  "inoperable"  cases  of 
cancer  are  now  being  treated  by  defibrinated  blood  and 
by  the  local  application  of  normal  auxetics.  Experi- 
mentation is  begun  to  ascertain  what  organisms  produce 
substances  which  "augment"  the  action  of  auxetics. 
The  strength  of  the  body  in  normal  serum  which 
restrains  cell-division  is  being  measured  with  a  view 

1 R.  J.  Buchanan,  The  Blood  in  Health  and  Disease  (Oxford  Medical 


to  see  if  it  varies  in  different  persons,  both  in  normal 
and  in  pathological  conditions.  The  lengths  of  the  lives 
of  leucocytes  are  being  measured  in  the  presence  of 
various  strengths  of  auxetics  and  alkaloids  of  putre- 
faction. Many  fields  of  work  are  now  opened  by  the 
knowledge  that  the  reproduction  and  multiplication  of 
the  cells  of  our  bodies  are  due  to  certain  known  (and 
some  as  yet  unknown)  chemical  agents.  The  knowledge 
that  " healing"  itself  is  caused  by  these  agents  may  ulti- 
mately assist  the  medical  man  in  his  work,  and  I  think 
that  it  will  be  found  that  trypanosomes  amoebae  (the 
causes  of  dysentery),  and  other  parasites  also  multiply 
in  the  body  in  response  to  the  remains  of  dead  cells. 
These  paths  of  research  will  require  many  workers,  and 
I  am  sure  that  their  investigation  will  not  be  wasted. 

Whether  the  benefit  derived  from  the  treatment 
adopted  in  two  of  the  cases  of  cancer  will  prove  to 
be  of  practical  value  or  not  remains  to  be  seen.  In 
any  case  it  is  capable  of  elaboration  and  further  investi- 
gation. Even  if  it  confers  the  smallest  amelioration 
of  symptoms,  which  it  undoubtedly  appears  to  have 
done  in  these  two  cases,  something  has  been  accom- 
plished; but  whether  the  benefit  is  lasting  or  not  time 
alone  will  show. 




CONTROLS  (healthy  and  diseases  other  than  cancer).     Males 



Disease  (or  Health). 

Number  of 
Cells  Counted. 

Total  Number 
of  Granules 

Number  of 
Granules  in 
Smallest  Cell. 

Number  of 
Granules  in 
Largest  Cell. 





»  C  fc, 

g»  8, 

<U  o 


Connolly  .  .  . 
Parker  .... 











Brewer  .... 
Hughes  .... 
Mattison  .  .  . 
Duncan  .  .  . 
Bradley  .  .  . 
Holding  .  .  . 
McDonald  . 
Stevens  .... 

Mitral  Disease  ...    .  . 











Sarcoma    .        ... 

Varicocele  .        ... 







Armstrong  . 
Mahoney  .  . 
Berrv  . 

Sleeping  Sickness  .  .  . 

Floating  Kidney  .... 
Acute  Nephritis    .... 



Hankinson  . 
Cropper  .  .  . 
McConnell  . 

Fracture                .... 

Hernia                   .... 


Healthy                 .... 


Healthy                  .  .  . 


Fracture                 .  .  . 

Ritchie  .... 
Morgan  .... 
Daulby  .... 




Addison's  Disease  .  .  . 



Cann  .  . 

Varicose  Ulcer 




Chronic  Rheumatism 







1  In  the  averages  fractions  have  been  neglected  throughout. 





CONTROLS  (healthy  and  diseases  other  than  cancer) .     Females 



Disease  (or  Health). 

Number  of 
Colls  Counted. 

Total  Number 
of  Granules 

(iraiuiles  in 
Smallest  Cell. 

Number  of 
Granules  in 
Largest  Cell. 

Average  Number 
of  Granules 
per  Cell. 

Shankayne  . 








;       390 








Matthews  .  . 
Farrington  . 
Simpson  .  .  . 
Stone    .  .    .  . 







Francis  .... 


Lymphadenoma  .... 

McKey  .  .  :  . 
Jackson    .  .  . 
Swalwell  .  .  . 
Wilson   .... 





Osteo-arthritis      .    .  . 





j  7,056 






A.  Males- 



Locality  of  Disease. 

Number  of 
Cells  Counted. 

Total  Number 
of  Granules 

Number  of 
Granules  in 
Smallest  Cell. 

Number  of 
Granules  in 
Largest  Cell. 

Average  Number 
of  Granules 
per  Cell. 











Lung  (Secondary)    .  . 














Ya  Foo  .... 










Lit)  .  . 






Donahern  .  . 








Gardiner  .  .  . 











.  .  . 



Whelan  .... 













B.  Females — 

Duncan  .  .  . 
McCann  .  .  . 

Evans  .  . 


,  Stomach  











McQuillian  . 
Griffiths  .... 
Jones  .  . 


Breast  and  Pelvis  .  .  . 







Walker  .... 
Griffiths  .... 
Roberts  .  .  . 
Hall  .  . 


Cervix  Uteri    




Cunning  .  .  . 












1.  Males  and  Females  separated — 

Controls.         Controls. 
M  ales .  Females . 

Table  I.          Table  II. 

Cancer.  Cancer. 

M  ales .  Females . 

Table  III.       Table  III. 

(A)  AVERAGE    number    of 


granules  in  largest  cells 





(B)  AVERAGE    number    of 

granules  in  smallest  cells 





2.  Males  and  Females  combined — 

Average  Number  of 
Granules  in  Largest  Cells. 

Average  Number  of 
Granules  in  Smallest  Cells. 







It  should  be  noted  that  the  greatest  difference  between  Cancer 
and  Control  cells  is  in  the  smallest  leucocytes.  , 




Total  number  of  persons  examined     69 

Total  number  of  cells  photographed  235 

Total  number  of  granules  counted 38,759 

Table  showing  differences  between  the  cells  of  Control  (healthy  and  diseases 
other  than  cancer}  persons  and  Cancer  persons 




per  Cell. 












Table  showing  Influence  of  Sex 





per  Cell. 











Females — 











Number  of  granules  in  smallest  cell,  82.     Number  in  largest  cell,  287. 

Variation  in  the  number  of  granules  contained  in  the  cells  of 
one  person 

21  cells  from  Cropper.  Smallest  cell  contained  114  granules; 
largest  contained  260.  The  average  number  of  granules  in  the  21 
cells  is  161. 




OF  recent  years  I  have  been  endeavouring  to  ascertain  the  effect 
produced  by  one  person's  plasma  on  the  life  of  another  person's 
leucocytes.  It  appeared  reasonable  to  suppose  that  the  plasma  of 
a  person  suffering  from  an  infective  disease  would  be  poisonous  to 
the  leucocytes  of  healthy  persons.  If  this  is  the  case  it  might  also 
be  reasonable  to  suppose  that  the  same  plasma  would  not  be  so 
poisonous  to  the  leucocytes  of  another  person  suffering  from  the 
same  disease,  because  it  is  probable  that  the  cells  would  be  already 
used  to,  or  immune  against,  the  toxin ;  and  furthermore  that  if  the 
toxin  of  one  infective  disease  differs  from  the  toxin  of  another 
infective  disease,  it  might  be  inferred  that  an  immunity  on  the 
part  of  a  leucocyte  against  one  disease  will  not  render  it  immune 
against  another.  Therefore,  provided  it  is  possible  to  tell  accurately 
when  a  leucocyte  is  dead — that  is,  if  one  can  differentiate  a  living 

1  A  method  for  estimating  the  number  of  living  and  dead  leucocytes  con- 
tained in  a  given  sample  of  blood;  and  another  convenient  formula  for  the 
preparation  of  "kinetic  jelly."     Being  a  paper  reprinted  from  The  Lancet  of 
February  6,  1909,  by  kind  permission  of  the  and  Editor  of  that  Journal. 

2  The  word    "leucocyte"  refers  to  the  neutrophile   polymorphonuclear 


APPENDIX    II  407 

from  a  dead  cell — it  also  will  become  possible  to  measure  the 
lengths  of  the  lives  of  leucocytes  after  they  have  been  removed 
from  the  body.  And  this  will  enable  us  to  make  comparative 
measurements  of  the  lives  of  leucocytes  when  they  are  mixed  with 
the  plasmata  of  different  persons.  Supposing,  therefore,  it  is  true 
that  an  infected  plasma  shortens  the  lives  of  a  healthy  person's 
leucocytes  but  does  not  shorten  the  lives  of  the  leucocytes  of  another 
person  suffering  from  the  same  disease,  it  may  be  useful  to  reverse 
the  process  and  assist  in  the  diagnosis  of  infective  disease  by  making 
measurements  of  the  lives  of  such  a  patient's  leucocytes  when  they 
are  mixed  with  dfferent  plasmata.  For  instance,  if  the  leucocytes 
of  a  person  suffering  from  an  indefinite  infective  disease  are  found 
to  be  easily  killed  by  the  plasmata  of  persons  suffering  from  a 
variety  of  diseases,  but  are  not  comparatively  easily  killed  by  the 
pasma  of  a  person  suffering  from,  say,  typhoid  fever,  it  might  be 
inferred  that  the  patient  is  suffering  from,  or  has  recently  suffered 
from,  typhoid  fever,  because  his  leucocytes  are  used  to,  or  immune 
against,  that  disease. 

The  above  is  the  enunciation  of  a  problem  which  I  set  myself 
to  solve  several  years  ago,  and  this  paper  describes  the  experiments 
which  have  been  conducted  to  investigate  the  last  part  of  it — i.e. 
with  the  object  of  determining  the  actual  measurements  of  the  lives 
of  leucocytes  when  they  are  placed  in  the  plasmata  of  people  who 
are  suffering  from  various  diseases.  The  earlier  researches  made 
in  order  to  differentiate  living  from  dead  leucocytes  have  already 
been  published  in  the  Journal  of  Physiology  (I),1  and  the  actual 
method  employed  to  estimate  how  many  living  and  how  many 
dead  cells  there  may  be  in  a  given  volume  of  citrated  blood  has  been 
described  in  The  Lancet  of  January  16,  1909  (2).  This  method 
may  be  again  briefly  summarised  thus: 

Method  for  counting  the  number  of  living  and  dead  leucocytes  in 
a  given  sample  of  citrated  blood. — The  following  solutions  are  pre- 
pared and  a  jelly  is  made  from  them.  1.  A  volume  of  Unna's 
polychrome  methylene  blue  (Grubler)  is  diluted  with  two  volumes 
of  water.  2.  A  solution  containing  2  per  cent  of  agar  in  water, 

1  The  figures  within  parentheses  refer  to  the  bibliography  at  the  end  of  the 


filtered  and  sterilised.  3.  An  accurately  neutralised  solution  con- 
taining 4 . 5  per  cent  sodium  citrate,  1 . 5  per  cent  sodium  chloride, 
and  0.225  per  cent  atropine  sulphate.  4.  A  5-per-cent  solution 
of  sodium  bicarbonate.  In  a  test-tube  mix  one  cubic  centimetre 
of  the  diluted  stain,  two  cubic  centimetres  of  the  citrate  solution, 
and  three  cubic  centimetres  of  the  molten  agar  solution.  To 
this  mixture  a  quantity  of  the  alkaline  sodium  bicarbonate 
solution  must  be  added  in  order  to  cause  the  excitant  for  leucocytes 
contained  in  the  jelly  to  diffuse  into  the  cells,  and  the  quantity 
added  varies  with  the  temperature  of  the  room.1  If  measurements 
are  going  to  be  made  in  a  room  with  a  temperature  of  between 
60°  and  70°  F.,  about  0 . 25  cubic  centimetre  of  the  alkaline  solution 
should  be  added.  The  mixture  is  then  boiled  until  it  froths  up 
the  tube  and  a  drop  poured  on  to  a  slide  and  allowed  to  set  so  as  to 
form  a  film.  Supposing  a  given  capillary  tube  contains  the  blood- 
corpuscles  of  one  person  mixed  with  the  plasma  of  another,  the 
average  number  of  living  and  dead  leucocytes  in  the  tube  can  be 
estimated  by  placing  a  drop  of  its  contents  on  a  cover-glass  which 
is  inverted  and  allowed  to  fall  on  the  agar  film.  After  two  or 
three  minutes  the  granules  but  not  the  nuclei  of  the  living  leuco- 
cytes will  stain  and  those  cells  will  show  exaggerated  amoeboid 
movements,  whereas  the  dead  cells  will  remain  immobile.  More- 
over, the  dead  cells  may  be  achromatic  (3),  in  which  case  they  will 
not  stain.  Their  nuclei  may  appear  as  a  single  nuclear  mass, 
or  their  nuclei  may  even  stain,  or  the  dead  cells  may  have  under- 
gone other  changes  which  have  been  described  in  former  papers 
(1,  2).  Field  after  field  should  be  rapidly  passed  in  front  of 
a  l-6th  inch  or  equivalent  objective  and  the  number  of  the 
living  and  dead  cells  counted.  Several  preparations  can  be  rapidly 
examined  and  an  average  struck  so  as  to  give  an  estimate  of  the 
number  of  living  and  dead  cells  in  the  given  capillary  tube.  No 
difficulty  is  met  with  in  making  the  counts,  for  living  can  be 
readily  differentiated  from  dead  cells  by  the  presence  or  absence  of 
exaggerated  movements . 

•  If  all  the  leucocytes  appear  to  be  dead,  and  especially  if  the 
agar  jelly  has  not  previously  been  tested,  it  is  as  well  to  control 
1  A  scale  has  been  given  in  the  former  paper. 

APPENDIX    II  409 

the  measurement — that  is,  to  see  that  the  jelly  will  actually  excite 
living  cells — by  placing  a  drop  of  fresh  citrated  blood  on  to  another 
part  of  the  same  film  and  noting  whether  stimulated  movements  of 
all  the  leucocytes  occur. 

Procedure  for  the  preparation  of  capillary  tubes  containing  the 
plasma  of  one  person  and  the  leucocytes  of  another.— It  will  simplify 
description  if  the  details  of  sterilisation  and  the  precautions  for 
ensuring  asepsis  are  omitted.  Since  the  presence  of  bacteria 
shortens  the  lives  of  leucocytes  (2)  it  is  obvious  that  aseptic  pre- 
cautions are  essential,  but  the  details  for  sterilisation  are  so  well 
known  that  they  need  hardly  be  repeated.  A  capillary  tube  of 
glass  is  prepared  which  has  such  a  diameter  that  blood  will  run 
into  it  by  capillarity  and  at  the  same  time  its  flow  can  be  controlled 
by  gravity.  I  use  a  tube  with  a  lumen  of  about  two  millimetres. 
15  portions  equal  to  each  other  are  marked  off  with  a  pencil.  The 
marks  begin  at  one  end  of  the  tube  which  is  zero,  but  the  tube 
is  at  least  two  inches  longer  than  mark  15.  The  portions  are 
rendered  equal  by  calibration  with  mercury,  and  although  the 
length  of  each  is  immaterial,  I  have  found  that  about  half  a  centi- 
metre is  a  convenient  length  for  practical  purposes  and  I  use  a  tube 
about  13  centimeters  long.  A  neutral  solution  is  made  which 
contains  3  per  cent  of  sodium  citrate  and  1  per  cent  of  sodium 
chloride.  Some  of  this  is  drawn  up  into  the  .tube  until  its  upper 
limit  or  meniscus  stands  at  mark  6.  Blood  from  the  finger  of  the 
person  whose  plasma  is  going  to  be  tested  is  added  until  the 
meniscus  stands  at  mark  12,  care  being  taken  that  no  bubble  of 
air  separates  the  two  fluids.  Mixture  is  carried  out  by  allowing 
the  two  fluids  to  gravitate  up  and  down  the  tube  six  times.  The 
tube  is  sealed  and  centrif ugalised ;  the  blood  being  driven  towards 
zero.  The  end  remote  from  zero  is  then  unsealed  and  the  portion 
containing  the  precipitated  corpuscles  is  separated  and  discarded 
by  cutting  the  tube  at  4.  Eight  portions  of  the  tube  now  contain 
citrated  plasma.  If,  owing  to  the  sealing  process,  much  of  the  tube 
has  been  occluded  at  zero  the  upper  meniscus  may  stand  above 
mark  12.  This  can  be  corrected  by  tapping  out  the  excess  of  fluid 
on  to  a  sterile  slide,  controlling  the  amount  removed  by  the  finger  on 

410  APPENDIX    II 

the  end  remote  from  the  mark  4.  The  lower  meniscus  standing  at 
4  where  the  tube  has  been  cut,  and  the  upper  meniscus  standing  at 
12,  blood  from  the  finger  of  the  persons  whose  corpuscles  are  going 
to  be  tested  is  added  until  the  upper  meniscus  stands  at  13  (i.e.  the 
mixture  equals  1-9).  Mixture  is  ensured  as  before  and  the  tube 
sealed.  It  will  be  seen  that  although  the  tube  contains  the  plasma 
of  both  persons  the  corpuscles  are  bathed  in  a  solution  containing 
four  times  as  much  plasma  of  the  first  person  as  of  the  second.  A 
series  of  tubes  may  thus  be  made. 

Appliance  to  ensure  continual  mixture  and  to  prevent  the  cor- 
puscles from  adlierincj  to  the  glass.- — If  a  capillary  tube  prepared 
in  the  way  which  has  been  described  is  laid  on  a  flat  surface,  the 
corpuscles  will  soon  gravitate  to  the  most  dependent  side  and  will 
ultimately  adhere  to  the  glass.  The  following  appliance  prevents 
this.  By  means  of  a  simple  clockwork  movement  a  split  drum  is 
made  to  revolve  once  in  about  three  minutes.  The  drum  is  so 
adapted  thaT  the  mouth  of  a  long  test-tube  (having  a  diameter  of 
one  centimetre  and  the  cavity  of  which  is  lined  with  a  roll  of  blot- 
ting paper)  fits  accurately  on  to  it  and  revolves  with  it.  The 
apparatus  is  so  arranged  that  the  tube  is  horizontal  and  is  of  such 
a  size  that  it  can  be  placed  in  the  incubator  if  necessary.  The 
capillary  tubes  inserted  into  the  test-tube  are  continually  tumbling 
over  each  other  by  gravity  as  the  test-tube  revolves,  and  in  so  doing 
revolve  themselves.  The  blood-cells  in  their  turn  are  continually 
gravitating  in  different  directions  through  the  citrated  plasmata. 
It  has  been  found  that  this  device  prevents  them  adhering  to  the 
glass  and  ensures  them  being  evenly  distributed  through  the 
citrated  plasmata  provided  the  ends  of  the  capillary  tubes  are  not 
bent  over  when  sealed.  This  apparatus  also  insures  all  capillary 
tubes  being  subjected  to  the  same  conditions  of  temperature. 

Procedure  for  measuring  the  lives  of  tlie  leucocytes  contained  in 
the  tubes. — Samples  of  the  contents  of  the  capillary  tubes  are 
examined  on  stimulating  agar  by  the  method  already  described. 
If  all  the  cells  are  alive  the  tubes  are  resealed  and  returned  to  the 
revolving  apparatus  to  be  examined  later,  and  so  on.  By  this 
means  the  percentage  of  living  and  dead  cells  in  a  tube  can  be 

APPENDIX    II  411 

estimated.  It  is  important  to  remember  that  in  striking  these 
averages  only  an  approximate  estimate  can  be  obtained,  and  that 
therefore  the  greater  the  number  of  tubes  made  the  better,  as  the 
error  decreases  with  the  greater  number  of  leucocytes  counted.  In 
the  experiments  which  I  am  about  to  record  I  have  counted  about 
500  leucocytes  in  each  case  by  making  five  films  from  each  of  five 
tubes,  and  counting  about  20  leucocytes  in  each  film.  Since  it  is 
obvious  that  the  greatest  error  may  occur  when  the  number  of 
living  approximates  the  number  of  dead  cells  in  a  tube,  the  follow- 
ing experiments  would  appear  not  to  be  very  erroneous,  judging  by 
the  application  of  Poisson's  formula,  which  shows  that  supposing 
there  are  half  a  million  leucocytes  in  the  five  tubes,  which  is  an 
excessive  estimate,  a  count  of  500  cells  would  give  a  possible  error 
of  not  more  than  about  6  per  cent,  even  when  the  numbers 

Before  enumerating  the  actual  measurements  there  is  yet 
another  question  to  be  considered,  a  point  upon  which  I  wish 
to  lay  great  emphasis — namely,  that  all  measurements  of  the 
lives  of  leucocytes  should  necessarily  be  comparative.  For  instance, 
it  would  be  fallacious  to  say  that  a  typhoid  plasma  killed  a  person's 
leucocytes  more  rapidly  than  a  septicsemic  patient's  plasma,  when 
the  typhoid  measurement  was  made  to-day  and  the  septicsemic 
measurement  made  three  days  ago;  for  even  if  there  was  a  great 
difference  in  the  length  of  the  lives  and  the  same  person's  leucocytes 
were  used,  one  cannot  say  that  that  person's  leucocytes  were  in  the 
same  state  to-day  as  they  were  three  days  ago,  although  the  person 
is  apparently  in  the  same  healthy  condition. 

Again,  I  have  shown  (4)  that  the  factor  Jieat  in  accelerating 
the  diffusion  of  substances  into  cells  also  materially  affects  the 
lives  of  the  leucocytes,  since  the  cells  are  necessarily  resting  in  a 
citrate  solution  which  is  itself  poisonous  to  some  extent,  and  even 
the  temperature  of  incubators  is  variable.  It  is  thus  of  the  utmost 
importance  that  when  the  lives  of  a  person's  leucocytes,  which  have 
been  placed  in  the  plasma  of  a  person  suffering  from  an  infective 
disease,  are  measured,  a  simultaneous  measurement  of  the  same 
leucocytes  shed  at  the  same  time  must  be  made  in  the  plasma  of 
a  healthy  person.  And  it  is  only  by  the  difference  between  the 

412  APPENDIX    II 

two  that  the  result  can  be  determined.  In  other  words,  all 
measurements  must  be  simultaneously  controlled  by  other  measure- 
ments and  the  contrast  is  the  result.  It  is  also  obvious  that  since 
heat  and  the  citrate  solution  both  affect  the  lives  of  the  cells,  all 
tubes,  whether  containing  infected  or  control  plasma,  must  be 
subjected  to  the  same  conditions  as  regards  temperature.  And  it 
is  essential  that  the  same  citrate  solution  must  be  employed  both 
for  the  test  and  the  control.  Unless  these  essential  details  are 
adhered  to,  any  measurements  may  be  considered  to  be  worthless. 
Leucocytes  are  very  sensitive  to  changes  in  temperature  when  they 
are  resting  in  citrate  solution,  but  if  a  change  occurs  and  all  tubes 
are  subjected  to  'the  same  change  the  contrast  in  the  length  of  life 
holds  good.  The  most  favourable  arrangement  of  the  citrate 
solution  has  already  been  given.  It  should  be  quite  neutral, 
because  if  alkaline  it  shortens  the  lives  of  the  cells. 

Leucocytes  appear  to  live  longest  at  about  20°  C.  They  will 
not  live  very  long  at  37°,  and  at  10°  will  live  longer  than  at  37°  but 
not  so  long  as  at  20°  C.  I  have  already  suggested  (4)  that  this 
may  be  due  to  the  accelerated  absorption  of  the  poisonous  salts  in 
the  citrate  solution  caused  by  heat,  and  this  will  also  explain  the 
early  death  in  the  presence  of  alkali  which  also  accelerates  diffusion. 
I  presume  that  the  reason  why  they  live  longer  at  20°  than  at  10° 
is  because  their  normal  temperature  is  about  37°  C.  and  that  they 
die  in  the  cold  in  spite  of  the  delayed  absorption. 

In  the  following  experiments  a  temperature  of  30°  C.  was  em- 
ployed with  the  specified  citrate  solution,  and  control  experiments 
were  conducted  in  each  case,  the  results  given  being  the  difference 
in  the  measurements  between  the  test  and  control. 


Length  of  the  life  of  healthy  person's  leucocytes  when  resting  in 
their  own  plasma^ — As  has  been  shown  in  a  former  paper  (2),  an 
average  shows  that  all  the  cells  are  alive  in  24  hours;  the  majority 
are  alive  in  36  hours;  about  50  per  cent  are  dead  in  48  hours; 
and  all  are  dead  in  86  hours. 

.  Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  other  healthy  person's  plasma. — All 
cells  were  alive  in  14  hours;  about  50  per  cent  were  dead  in  18 

APPENDIX     II  413 

hours ;  the  majority  were  dead  in  22  hours ;  and  all  were  usually 
dead  in  28  hours.  The  difference  between  these  avera'ges  may  be 
said  to  be  about  30  hours.  I  conclude  that  the  plasma  of  one 
person  is  poisonous  to  another  person's  leucocytes. 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  cases  of  .typhoid  feber. 
— All  cells  dead  in  14  hours.  Difference  between  test  and  control 
about  six  hours,  which  is  the  average  out  of  four  cases. 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  cases  .of  malaria\ — 
Majority  of  cells  dead  in  16  hours,  a  few  alive  in  18  ho'urs. 
Occasionally  50  per  cent  were  alive  in  16  hours.  Average  differ- 
ence between  12  cases  and  their  controls  about  two  hours. 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  cases  of  phthisis. — 
Majority  dead  in  17  hours.  Average  difference  between  five 
cases  and  their  controls  about  one  hour.  Sometimes  it  was  as 
much  as  four  hours,  but  in  very  chronic  cases  there  Was  little 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  a  case  of  osteo-myelitis. 
— 50  per  cent  dead  in  14  hours.  Repeated  with  a  case  of  gan- 
genous  appendicitis  the  films  showed  that  the  majority  were 
dead  in  14  hours.  The  difference  between  these  cases  and  their 
controls  were  five  hours  and  three  and  three-quarter  hours 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  a  case  of  purpura 
hcemorrhagica. — Majority  dead  in  15  hours;  all  dead  in  20  hours. 
Difference  from  controls  five  hours. 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  a  case  of  chorea. — All 
cells  dead  in  14  hours.  Difference  about  six  hours. 

Leucocytes  from  cases  of  typhoid  fever;  plasma  from,  other  cases 
of  typhoid  fever. — Average  from  three  groups  of  cases,  all  of  which 
reacted  to  Widal's  reaction  and  were  in  the  third  or  fourth  week 
of  the  disease  except  one  which  was  convalescent.  These  groups 
include  the  cases  mentioned  above.  There  was  never  a  difference 
of  more  than  one  and  a  half  hours  between  the  death  of  the 
majority  of  cells  in  test  and  control  tubes. 

Leucocytes  from  cases  of  malaria;  plasma  from  other  cases  of 
malaria. — Five  cases.  The  majority  of  cells  in  all  cases  were  alive 
in  18  hours.  Practically  no  difference  from  controls. 

414  APPENDIX     II 

Leucocytes  from  cases  of  phthisis;  plasma  from  other  cases  of 
phthisis. — Four  experiments.  50  per  cent  dead  was  the  average 
in  18  hours;  very  little  difference  from  controls,  sometimes  the 
cells  lived  longer  than  in  the  controls. 

Leucocytes  from  cases  of  malaria;  plasma  from  cases  of  typhoid 
fever. — The  majority  of  the  cells  in  most  instances  were  dead  in 
14  hours.  Differences  varied  from  four  to  six  hours. 

Leucocytes  from  cases  of  typhoid  fever;  plasma  from  cases  of 
malaria. — About  50  per  cent  were  usually  dead  in  16  hours  and 
all  were  dead  in  20  hours  in  all  cases.  Five  cases  tried;  average 
difference  about  three  hours. 

Healthy  person's  leucocytes;  plasma  from  cases  of  carcinoma. — 
Seven  cases;  all  cells  alive  in  16  hours;  a  large  number  alive  in  20 
hours.  Usually  there  was  little  difference  between  the  effect  of 
cancer  plasma  and  that  of  a  healthy  person. 

From  the  foregoing  measurements  it  would  appear  that  in  the 
cases  which  have  been  experimented  Avith  the  plasma  of  persons 
suffering  from  infective  diseases  is  poisonous  to  a  healthy  person's 
leucocytes  and  to  the  leucocytes  of  another  person  suffering  from 
another  disease,  but  is  not  so  poisonous  to  the  leucocytes  of  another 
person  suffering  from  the  same  disease.  I  submit  that  it  may  be 
reasonable  to  suppose  that  such  may  be  the  case  in  other  infective 

Precautions.-  —In  comparing  the  lengths  of  the  lives  of  leucocytes 
of  persons  suffering  from  chronic  infective  diseases  both  in  another 
infected  person's  plasma  and  in  healthy  plasma,  I  have  frequently 
found  that  such  cells  will  not  live  so  long  as  the  cells  of  healthy 
persons  subjected  to  the  same  conditions.  This  was  further  inves- 
tigated by  comparing  the  lives  of  leucocytes  taken  from  cases  of 
chronic  illnesses  in  their  own  plasmata  with  the  length  of  the  lives 
of  the  cells  of  healthy  persons  in  their  own  healthy  plasmata.  In 
cases  of  chronic  phthisis,  malaria,  Hodgkin's  disease,1  etc.,  I  have 
found  that  the  leucocytes  will  not  live  even  in  their  own  plasma 
nearly  so  long  as  if  they  belonged  to  a  healthy  person,  as  much  as 

1  It  has  been  noticed  that  stain  will  diffuse  more  readily  into  the  blood- 
cells  of  these  patients — that  is,  that  these  diseases,  and  probably  other 
chronic  illnesses,  cause  a  lowered  "coefficient  of  diffusion"  in  blood-cor- 

APPENDIX     II  415 

a  day's  difference  having  been  observed;  and  we  may  infer  that 
these  diseases,  and  probably  others  also,  cause  a  loss  of  vitality  in 
the  patient's  leucocytes,  so  that  by  this  procedure  the  loss  of  vitality 
can  be  measured.  It  is  important  to  remember  this  point,  for  if 
the  making  of  a  measurement  is  delayed  it  may  be  found  that  all 
the  cells  are  dead  in  both  control  and  test  preparations.  This 
method  of  measuring  the  lives  of  leucocytes  may  also  prove  of 
value  in  prognosis  as  well  as  in  diagnosis. 

I  do  not  think  that  any  difficulty  will  be  met  with  in  making 
the  counts,  with  the  exception  of  a  possible  one  caused  by  the 
agglutination  of  the  leucocytes.  Occasionally  large  clumps  are  met 
with.  If  the  cells  are  clumped,  however,  it  does  not  necessarily 
follow  that  they  are  dead — far  from  it,  for  they  may  be  very  active, 
though  I  am  of  opinion  that  if  clumped  death  will  soon  occur. 
The  cells  in  a  clump  can  generally  be  counted.  Ruptured  cells 
are  counted  as  dead.  If  bacteria  are  seen  in  large  numbers  in  a 
film  the  capillary  tube  is  discarded.  The  revolving  apparatus  is 
not  essential,  but  more  constant  results  have  been  obtained  by  its 
use.  As  far  as  possible  I  have  purposely  avoided  handling  the 
blood  of  the  person  whose  leucocytes  are  to  be  tested,  for  fear  of 
injuring  the  cells.  The  variations  of  the  alkalinity  of  the  plasma 
may,  I  think,  be  neglected,  as  it  is  not  sufficient  materially  to  alter 
the  length  of  the  lives  of  the  cells.  This  is  borne  out  by  the 
experiments  with  cancer  plasma,  because  that  plasma  is  more  alka- 
line than  normal  and  yet  does  not  shorten  life. 


I  fear  that  it  is  too  early  to  arrive  at  any  definite  conclusions 
from  so  small  a  number  of  experiments,  but  I  think  that  there 
publication  is  justified  in  order  to  explain  the  method  employed 
and  because  the  results  are  sufficiently  promising  to  warrant  further 
investigation,  though  the  work  must  still  be  regarded  as  being  in 
the  experimental  stage.  I  hope  that  this  method  will  be  tried  by 
others,  as  the  problem  given  in  the  enunciation  may  lead  to  im- 
portant developments,  and  especially  as  this  kind  of  research  in- 
volves the  striking  of  averages  and  a  large  amount  of  experiment  to 


determine  the  points.  The  method  may  also  be  useful  to  others 
studying  other  branches  of  immunity.  As  I  have  already  stated, 
my  aim  is  to  be  able  to  assist  in  the  diagnosis  of  infective  disease 
by  this  method,  but  a  large  amount  of  material  will  be  required 
before  one  can  determine  its  value  in  this  direction,  and  I  have 
mentioned  its  possibilities  with  reference  to  prognosis.  The  stage 
in  a  disease  in  which  measurable  immunity  appears  in  a  leucocyte 
also  remains  to  be  determined. 

To  summarise  the  method  by  which  I  endeavour  to  assist  in 
a  diagnosis  in  a  case  of  infective  disease,  a  small  quantity  of  blood 
from  a  patient  is  mixed  with  eight  times  its  volume  of  the  citrated 
plasma  of  other  persons  who  are  known  to  be  suffering  from  certain 
infective  diseases  and  also  with  the  citrated  plasma  of  a  healthy 
person.  For  this  last  purpose  I  sometimes  use  my  own  plasma. 
The  method  has  been  described.  The  capillary  tubes  are  kept 
together  in  the  revolving  apparatus  for  about  14  hours.  Then 
some  agar  films  are  prepared  from  jelly  which  will  excite  move- 
ments in  living  leucocytes,  and  samples  of  the  contents  of  the  tubes 
are  examined  on  these  films.  The  number  of  living  and  dead  cells 
are  averaged,  and  the  difference  between  the  lengths  of  the  lives  of 
the  cells  when  resting  in  healthy  and  infected  plasmata  are  deter- 
mined. When  an  infected  plasma  is  found  which  will  not  com- 
paratively shorten  the  lives  of  the  patient's  leucocytes,  it  seems 
probable  that  the  patient  is  suffering  from  the  same  disease  as  the 
person  from  whom  the  plasma  was  taken.  I  generally  confirm 
this  procedure  by  reversing  the  process  and  trying  the  patient's 
plasma  on  the  leucocytes  of  other  persons  suffering  from  the  dis- 
ease determined,  taking  care  to  make  controls  in  this  case  as  well 
as  in  the  first  by  making  measurements  with  healthy  plasma  and 
with  the  plasma  of  persons  suffering  from  other  diseases. 

The  method  described  in  this  paper  has  two  disadvantages: 
first,  in  keeping  the  tubes  at  30°  C.,  and,  secondly,  in  counting 
500  leucocytes  in  each  case,  which  is  most  tedious.  The  rest  of 
the  method  takes  very  little  time;  collecting  the  plasmata  and 
mixing  them  with  the  patient's  corpuscles  is  soon  accomplished, 
and  when  the  tubes  are  in  the  revolving  apparatus  they  require  no 
further  attention  until  the  time  has  come  to  estimate  the  number 


of  living  and  dead  cells  in  them.  The  agar  jelly  can  be  made  from 
stock  solutions  as  specified  and  kept  in  test-tubes  for  months,  as 
moulds  will  not  grow  on  it.  Films  are  rapidly  prepared  by  boiling 
the  jelly  in  a  tube  in  a  spirit-lamp  flame. 

With  regard  to  the  two  disadvantages,  an  incubator  working 
at  30°  C.  is  not  usually  within  reach  even  in  laboratories,  although 
Hearson's  apparatus  will  maintain  this  temperature  if  fitted  with 
a  special  capsule.  Since  my  aim  is  to  make  this  possible  diagnos- 
tic method  suitable  for  practical  purposes  even  away  from  the  vicin- 
ity of  a  laboratory,  I  dispense  with  an  incubator  and  employ  the 
ordinary  temperature  of  a  room,  say  between  60°  and  70°  F.  In 
order  to  do  this  the  citrate  solution  is  modified.  If  the  solution 
already  specified  were  used  at  such  a  temperature  the  leucocytes 
might  live  for  a  long  time  even  in  an  infected  plasma,  and  a  day 
or  two  might  elapse  before  sufficient  deaths  occurred  among  the 
cells  to  make  a  contrast.  Consequently  I  deliberately  shorten  the 
life  of  the  cells  by  using  a  solution  containing  1 . 2-per-cent  sodium 
citrate  and  1-per-cent  sodium  chloride.  As  the  same  solution  is 
employed  for  all  tubes  the  artificial  shortening  of  life  does  not 
appear  to  vitiate  the  results.  There  are  several  ways  by  which 
this  shortening  of  life  can  be  accomplished,  though  I  consider  the 
lowering  of  the  sodium  citrate  content  to  be  the  most  suitable. 
Using  this  solution  it  has  been  found  that  the  majority  of  healthy 
cells  in  another  healthy  person's  plasma  are  dead  in  about  24  hours 
if  kept  at  the  room  temperature,  which,  of  course,  may  be  variable. 
So  a  contrast  can  usually  be  obtained  within  24  hours  of  mixing 
the  bloods.  With  regard  to  the  second  disadvantage,  I  hope  by 
experiment  to  ascertain  the  minimum  number  of  leucocytes  which 
it  may  be  necessary  to  count  to  obtain  a  trustworthy  average.  I 
am  sure  that  a  smaller  number  than  500  will  be  sufficient.  I  am 
also  experimenting  with  a  greater  concentration  of  plasma  with  a 
view  to  obtaining  a  wider  contrast  between  the  length  of  the 
lives  of  cells  in  healthy  and  infected  plasma. 

In  conclusion,  I  wish  to  suggest  that  this  method  may  also  be 
useful  from  a  medico-legal  aspect,  for  I  have  found  the  leucocytes 
alive  in  the  blood  removed  from  the  hearts  of  bodies  which  have 
been  lying  in  the  mortuary  for  24  hours  or  more,  and  it  may  be 


418  APPENDIX    II 

possible  to  state  how  long  a  person  has  been  dead  by  estimating 
the  percentage  of  living  cells  so  many  hours  after  the  death  of  the 

Bibliography. — H.  C.  Ross:  (1)  "  On  the  Death  of  Leucocytes,  "Journal  of 
Physiology,  vol.  xxxvii.,  1908,  p.  327;  (2)  "On  a  Combination  of  Substances 
which  Excites  Amoeboid  Movements  in  Leucocytes,"  The  Lancet,  Jan.  16, 
1909,  p.  152;  (3)  "On  the  Cause  of  Achromasia  in  Leucocytes,"  The  Lancet, 
Jan.  23,  1909,  p.  226;  (4)  "On  the  Modification  of  the  Excitant  for  Leu- 
cocytes composed  of  Methylene  Blue  and  Atropine,"  The  Lancet,  Jan.  30, 
1909,  p.  313. 




Two  round  cover-glasses  are  required.  One  should  have  a  diame- 
ter of  half  an  inch,  the  other  of  seven-eighths  of  an  inch.  The 
jelly  from  which  the  film  is  to  be  prepared  is  boiled  and  a  drop 
of  it  run  on  to  a  slide.  Immediately,  before  the  jelly  has  had 
time  to  set,  the  small  cover-glass  is  allowed  to  fall  flat  on  the 
centre  of  the  jelly-film  on  the  slide.  Since  the  jelly  is  not  set, 
the  cover-glass  sinks  into  but  not  actually  through  it.  The  film 
with  the  cover-glass  embedded  in  it  is  allowed  to  set  for  about  five 
minutes.  One  needle  is  then  placed  vertically  against  one  edge 
of  the  small  cover-glass  embedded  in  the  jelly,  and  the  point  of 
another  needle  is  inserted  under  the  opposite  edge  of  the  cover- 
glass.  By  a  jerk  of  this  needle  the  embedded  cover-glass  is  lifted 
out  of  the  jelly,  when  it  will  be  found  that  a  shallow  circular 
depression  exactly  corresponding  to  the  cover-glass  is  left  in  the 
jelly-film.  The  base  and  sides  of  the  depression  will,  of  course, 
be  composed  of  jelly.  The  cells  to  be  examined  are  placed  in 
citrate  solution  on  the  large  cover-glass,  which  is  inverted  and 
allowed  to  fall  flat  over  the  depression  in  the  film.  By  this 
means  the  large  cover-glass  is  resting  on  the  raised  sides  of  the 
depression,  but  the  cells  are  in  the  depression.  They  can  now 
be  made  to  absorb  substances  from  the  jelly,  but  the  cover-glass 
does  not  press  them  into  it  unless  the  cells  are  very  large.  This 
method  is  useful  for  the  in-vitro  staining  of  motile  bacteria,  try- 
panosomes,  etc. 




THE  fact  that  auxetics  contained  in  the  remains  of  dead  tissues 
and  in  globin  will  cause  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  has 
suggested  a  new  line  of  research  connected  with  the  problem  of 
immunity.  Since  the  cell-proliferation  of  healing  is  caused  by 
chemical  agents,  and  since  the  actions  of  these  agents  can  be 
augmented  by  substances  produced  by  bacteria,  and  inhibited 
by  normal  serum,  it  may  be  useful  to  ascertain  the  action  of 
disease  germs  on  (1)  the  remains  of  dead  tissues  and  globin,  and  the 
auxetic  it  contains,  and  (2)  on  serum.  It  is  obvious  that  if  disease- 
germs  decompose  auxetics,  there  will  be  less  cell-proliferation  of 
healing;  but  if  they  produce  substances  which  augment  the  action 
of  auxetics,  or  if  they  prevent  the  inhibitory  action  of  serum,  then 
they  will  tend  to  assist  in  healing  an  injury.  Before  any  disease- 
germ  can  obtain  a  footing  in  the  body  it  must  cause  an  injury 
which  is  followed  by  an  attempt  at  healing.  If  this  healing  is 
prevented,  disease  will  be  the  result.  If,  however,  healing  occurs 
successfully,  the  patient  will  remain  immune.  Hence  this  sugges- 
that  the  action  of  disease-germs  on  the  sources  of  the  causes  of  the 
cell-proliferation  of  healing  should  be  investigated.  In  reality, 
the  problem  is  a  bacteriological  one,  but  the  investigation  of  it  will 
not,  I  think,  be  very  difficult. 



Achromasia,  4,  14,  21,  33,  43,  55 

Acids,  71,  89 

Aconitine,  149 

Agar,  7,  9,  36,  40,  83 

Alkalies,  71,  77,  86,  88 

Alkaloids,  149,  157,  352 

Amitotic  divisions,  297 

Amceba  Coli,  98,  400 

Amoeboid  movements,  67 

Apparatus,  18,  20,  27,  34,  410 

Archoplasm,  112,  123 

Artefacts,  17 

Asymmetrical   mitosis,    10,    12,   44, 

132,  235,  240,  300 
Augmentation  of  cell-division,  227, 


Auxetics,  6,  232,  292 
Azur  dye,  2,  237,  347 

Bacillus  subtilis,  366 
Bacterial  toxins,  8 
Basophile  leucocyte,  96,  274,  281 
Benign  tumours,  7,  339,  340 
Blood  alkalinity  in  cancer,  176 
Blood-platelets,  5,  102,  113,  117,  124 
Blood-serum,  9,  374,  376 
Brownian  movements,  38,  39,  52 
Brucine,  149 

Cadaverine,  350,  365 

Callus,  336 

Cancer,  aetiology  of,  161,  164,  360 

age-incidence  of,  161,  360 

cases  of,  379 

causes  of  (theory),  360 

climatic  incidence  of,  164,  371 

place-incidence  of,  371 

plasma,  159 

prevention  of  recurrence  of,  395 

recurrence  of,  397 

site-incidence  of,  363 
Capillary  tubes,  18 
Centrosomes  of  leucocytes,  258 

of  lymphocytes,  186 

Chemo  taxis,  150 

Choline,  352,  365 

Chorea,  8 

Chromosomes  of  leucocytes,  258 

number  of,  239 

of  lymphocytes,  186 
Citrate  solution,  41,  82 
Citric  acid,  85,  88 
Cocaine,  149 
Codeine,  149 

Coefficient  jelly,  85,  et  seq. 
Coefficient  of  diffusion,  61,  et  seq. 
Concentration  of  substances,  68 
Cornea,  337 
"Corns,"  337 
Crenation,  38 
Crescent,  malarial,  323 
Cytogeny,  causes  of,  158,  166 
Cytoplasm,  52,  59,  62,  82 

Death,  delay  of,  107 

in  cancer,  165,  366 
Death-struggles,  147,  246,  346 
Decrepitude,  163 
Defibrinated  blood,  378 
Diffusion  of  substances,  67,  et  seq. 

of  two  substances,  145 

vacuoles,  103,  111 
Doses  of  alkaloids,  148 
Drugs,  61,  63 

Elimination,  338 

Embryo,  7 

Eosinophile  granules,  274,  281,  401 

leucocytes,  94,  293 
Epithelial  cells,  73,  352 
Erythrocytes,  72 
Examination  of  specimen,  102 
Excess  of  diffusion,  103 
Excitation,  130 

"Experimental  ten  minutes,"  249 
Extracts,  7,  298,  300,  315 

Fertilisation,  167,  339 



Fibroids  of  uterus,  340 
"Flagellation,"  175,  272 

of  malaria  parasite,  323 
Focusing,  33 

Gametophytic  tissue,  178 
Globin,  322,  342 
Granulation  tissue,  338,  341 
Granules,  Altmann's,  52,  et  seq..  223 
counting,  273,  284 

Haemal  glands,  180,  183 
Haematin,  324,  331 
Haemoglobin,  128,  322,  397 
Haemolysins,'  38,  98 
"  Hanging  drop."  150,  419 
Healing,  41,  168,  176,  319 
Heat,  70,  78,  88 
Hyaline  cell,  4,  60 
Hydrocyanic  acid,  132,  148 

Immunity,  9,  420 

Incubator,  94,  98 

Index  of  diffusion,  82,  94 

Injury,  41 

Irritation,  166,  170,  337,  348 

Karyokinesis,  6 
Katabolism,  361 
Kinetic  jelly,  133,  377,  407 
Kreatin,  316 

Lantern  slides,  14 
Leucocytes,  Altmann's  granules  of, 

bursting  of,  107 

divisions  of,  252 
Leukaemia,  175,  398 
Life,  climax  of,  162 
Lives  of  leucocytes,  132,  406 
Lymphadenoma,  351 
Lymphocytes  in  cancer,  393 
Lymphocytes,  mitosis  of,  186 

Maiotic  divisions,  177,  239 
Melanin,  322,  324 
Malaria  parasite,  323,  331 
Malignant  proliferation,  12 
Methylene  blue,  3 
Metastasis,  165,  367 
Mitosis,  185,  252 
Morphine,  40,  118,  149 
Moulds,  85 
Mutations,  369 

Neutral  point,  89 

red,  3 
Nitro-benzol,  132,  148 

Nuclei,  lobes  of,  5,  10,  43 
Nuclein,  178 

Opsonins,  130,  156 
Osmosis,  59,  129 
Osteo-arthritis,  163 
Ova,  176 
Oxygen,  148 

Pancreas,  364 
Phagocytosis,  155 
Photomicrography,  3,  14,  17 
Pigmentation,  322 
Pilocarpine,  149 
Plimmer's  bodies,  181 
Poisons,  8,  64 
Potassium  oxalate,  39 
Precautions,  99 
Protoplasm,  64,  69 
Pseudopodia,  51,  56,  134 
Putrefaction,  300,  350,  366 
Pyridine,  149 

Quinine,  149 
Quinoline,  150 

Red  cells,  82,  117,  127,  294 
"Red  spots,"  103 
Reduction  divisions,  239,  271 
Reproduction  divisions,  239,  271 
Reproductive  cells,  240 
Resting-stage,  97 
Rheumatism,  8 

Salts,  37,  59,  86,  97 
Sarcoma,  161,  397 

cell-granules  in,  291 

melanotic,  322 
Serum,  66,  374 
Sexual  form  of  malaria  parasite,  323 , 


Sodium  chloride,  38,  39,  78,  84,  88 
Sodium  citrate,  38,  44,  66,  76,  78,  88. 
Somatic  divisions,  239 
Spermatozoon,  167,  339 
Spindle,  12,  185,  257 
SpirocJueta  refringens,  97 
Staining,  extent  of,  75 
Strychnine,  149 
Suprarenal  gland,  306,  345 
Syphilis,  164,  364 

Technique,  for  inducing  mitosis;  245 
Time,  a  factor  of  diffusion,  69,  78,  88 
Tissue  cells,  41 

Transplantation  of  tumours,  369 
Trepanema  pallida,  364 


Ulcers,  341,  345  Variables,  equation  of,  145 

malignant,  384  Vitality,  163,  363 
Units,  76,  88,  97 

Unna's  stain,  43,  52,  68,  77  Wandering  cells.  240 
Urea,  99 

Vacuoles,  diffusion,  104  Xanthin,  316 

ordinary,  103  X-ray  cancer,  170 


University  of  Toronto 








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