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Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 




Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington 





OD > 

. Statement of Problem.. 
. Method and Material 
. Results of Crossing... 


Series I. Silesan Black Minorca arm 
White-crested Black Polish...........005 ..0 
Statement of Problem...... 
The Racesas a Whole 
Table of Characteristics 
Remarks on the Characteristi bets 
1, Comb, 7; 2. Nostrils, 7; 3. Form 
of Skull, 8; 4. Crest, 9; 5. Color 

of Crest, 10, 
IVEel tes tel oetrn corse seuss eascneaseesstrerasenccectcrers 
PRIEST tS senaancecsvorresasaanccserecarserenasncccsaceseass 
1, Comb, 10; 2. Nostrils, 12; 3. 
Cerebral Hernia, 13; 4. Crest, 
14; 5. Color of Topof Head, 15 ; 
6. Correlation of Characters, 16, 
ISON CLUSIOMSereesccrvrcaceacensersesccnesavacdccaesscns 
Series II. Single-comb White Leghorn and 
EV OUC ati erencessnccessnnesecescentesscossceneencleevestacrss 

The Races asa Whole 

Table of Characteristics..... 
Discussion of Characteristics 
1. General Plumage Color, 1 
2. Color of Upper Mandible, 19 ; 
3. Nostrils, 19; 4. Comb, 19; 
5. Whiskers or Muff, 20; 
6. Beard, 20; 7, 8. Crest; Cere- 
bral Hernia, 20; 9. Foot Color, 

20; 10. Number of ‘ues, 20. 
Previous Investigations 
Material 0 
RESUS ececce cocccessesconverssscccss <eneorerensccecse 
1. General Plumage Color, 21; 2. 
Color of Upper Mandible, 22; 
3. Nostrils, 22; 4. Comb, 22; 5. 
Face Feathering, 23 ; 6. Beard, 
24; 7. Cerebral Hernia, 24; 8. 
Crest, 24; 9. Foot Color, 24; 10. 
Number of Toes, 25; 11. Corre- 

lation of Characters, 25. 

Series III. Houdan and Single-comb Black 
MAM OLCatacssesanccsceccnecnctcnensesccescctectossenteeentrcs 
Statement of Problem ..... : 
The Races asa Whole.. 
‘Table of Characteri 

Ts "Cone Spice Color, 28; 
2. Comb, 28; 3. Nostril Form, 
28; 4. Crest, 28; 5. Cerebral Her- 
nia, 23; 6. 7. Muff and Beard, 
28 ; 8. Foot Color, 28; 9. Toes, 28. 

COM CIISION Sa rescerescceccresessrecesesssntossettertere 









Series IV. Single-comb White Leghorn and 
Rose-comb Black Minorca.. 
Statement of Problem 
The Races as a Whole.... 

Table of Characteristics 

Remarks on the Characteristics..... 

1, General Plumage Color, 29; 

2. Comb Form, 29; 
Color, 29. 

3. Foot 

Results... nos 
I. Plumage Color, 30; 2. Comb 
Forin, 30; 3. Foot Color, 31. 
(GON CIUSIOUS Meaceecussestsstneraccat andere sieeererteee 
Series V. Single-comb black Minorea and 
Dark Brahma 
Statement of Prob!em.. 
The Races asa Whole.. .... 
‘Yable of Characteristics. ano 
Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1. General Plumage Color, 32; 
2. Wing Bars, 32; 3. Comb, 32; 
4. Earlobe Color, 33; 5. Iris 
Color, 33; 6. Foot Color, 33; 
7. Foot Feathering, 34; 8. Vul- 
ture Hock, 34. 
Material......... : 
1. General Plumage Color, 34; 2 
Wing Coverts, 35; 3. Comb, 
353 4. Earlobe Color, 35; 5. Iris 
Color, 35; 6. Beak and Foot 
Color, 35; 7. Foot Feathering, 
35; 8. Vulture Hock, 35. 
CONCIUSIONS........ccsezeenscene: sncneesescncseesses 
Series VI. White Leghorn and Dark 
Brahma .. 3 
Statement es Eeapieae 
The Races asa Whole.... 
‘able of Characteristics. cere 
Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1. Hackle Color, 36; 3. Wing 
Bow, 37- 
Mat Oriel teerrcctacsessencseceadsveressunaccecnsteconseaa 
Results.. éccetn rocrencean c 
Is Gen lmamore Galen, 4 a7 
3. Wing Coloration, 37; 4. Tail 
Color, 38; 5. Comb Form, 38; 6. 
Earlobe, 38; 7. Iris Color, 38; 
8. Vulture Hock, 38; 9. Foot 
reper ES 38. 
Conclusions.. cee 
Series VII. Black Seschia 
White Leghorn Bantam... 
Statement of Problem... 
The Races as a Whole 
Table of Characteristics.. 

Tema and 






Page Page 

Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1, General Plumage Color, 39; 
2. Earlobe Color, 39; 3. Vul- 

ture Hock, 39. 
Results... ont 
1. General Plumage Color, 40 ; 2. 
Earlobe Color, 40; 3. Vulture 
Hock, 40; 4. Foot Feathering, 

(GONG USIONS Hicvececesces-tecceceonsccececesesasencen 
Series VIII. White Leghorn Bantam and 
Buff Cochin Bantam.............. pefeenbereccounon 
Statement of Problem 
The Races asa Whole. 
Table of Characteristics ... 
Remarks on the Characteristics 
1. General Plumage Color.. 
Results... ect) 
1. General Plumage Color, 42; 2. 
Earlobe Color, 43; 3. Vulture 
Hock, 43; 4. Foot Feathering, 43. 
Conclusions ieccc-cecerseceece-cerneerseresetesenntins 
Series IX. Tosa Fowl (Yokohama) and 
White Cochin Bantam... 

Statement of Problem... 
The Races asa Whole 
Table of Characteristics ... 

Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1, General Plumage Color, 44; 
2. Tail, 44; 3. Foot Feather- 

ing, 48; 4. Foot Color, 48. 

Results... 5 
1, General Plumage Color, 49; 
2. Tail Length, 49; 3. Foot 
Feathering, 50; 4. Foot Color, 
50 ; 5. Correlation of Character- 
istics, 51. 

GConchisigne ies :ssce-ceerecntr-Worveeecnccccades 
Series X. Dark Brahma and Tosa Fowl.. 
Statement of Problem 
‘The Races as a Whole 
Table of Characteristics 
Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1. Shafting, 52; 2. Hackle Lac- 
ing, 52; 3. Body Lacing, 52; 
4. Penciling,53; 5. Red Wing- 
Bar, 53; 6. White Wing-Bows, 
53; 8. White Earlobe, 53; 9. 

Iris Color, 53. 


1. Shafting, 54; 2. Hackle Lac- 
ing, 54; 3. Body Lacing, 54; 
4. Penciling, 54; 5. Red Wing- 
Bar, 54; 6. White Wing-Bow, 
54; 7. Comb, 54; 8. Earlobe 
Color, 54; 9. Iris Color, 54; 
10. Foot Color, 54; 11. Vulture 
Hock, 54; 12. Foot Feathering, 
55; 13. Tail Feathers, 55. 









Corncltitsions meresesccnenestiesacesernulecesasacens as 
Method of Inheritance, 55; Sex in 
Inheritance, 55. 
Series XI, Frizzle and Silky.. 
Statement of Problem.. 
‘The Races asa Whole.. 
Table of Characteristics . 0 
Remarks on the Characteristics...... 
1. Plumage Color, 57; 2. Comb 
Form, 57; 3-5. Feather Form, 
57; 6. Number of Toes, 59; 7. 
Skin Color, 59. 

1, Plumage Color,59; 2. Comb, 
59; 3-5. Curving of Shaft, Barb 
Length, and Barb Form, 59; 
6. Number of Toes, 60; 7. Skin 

Color, 60; 8. Crest, 60. 
(GON CLUSIONS ce ereerccsleceossesnecssteushereedeentanees 
Series XII. Single-comb White Leghorn 
Bantam and Black-breasted Red Rump- 
less Game.... : 
Statement of Problem.. 
The Races as a Whole. 
Table of Characteristics... 
Remarks on the Characteristics 
4. Uropygium 
Materialivicecjsccosrsreres 9 
IRESULtS crcssacccectosercurncsstnassencesscanttde desmetccaa 
1, General Plumage Color, 62; 2. 
Beak Color, 63; 3. Uropygium, 

63; 4. Foot Color, 63. 
Conclusions.. ci 5 
Series XIII. Black Cochin Bantam and 
Black-breasted Red Rumpless Game.. 
Statement of Problem 
The Races asa Whole. 
‘Table of Characteristics . 

1. General Plumage Color, 64; 2. 
Uropygium, 64; 3. Iris Color, 
64; 4. Vulture Hock, 64; 5. Foot 
Feathering, 64. 
D. General Discussion.. 5 
Inheritance of Particular Characteristics... 
Comb WR ori Byecccnconcrsseeceantessevasstsce seers 

Whiskers, or Muff.. 

Feather Form. 
Vulture Hock. 
Foot Feathering.. 
Extra Toes 
Skin Color 
Mandible Color. r CKO 
FOO COlO Ke. occsccscsvenceesesssesssssesusssssscessees 








General Topics in Inheritance... 


Iris Color 
Earlobe Color.. 
General Plumage Color... 
White vs. Dark 
Dominance of White. 
Barring.......00+ osccteccn 
Andalusian Coloration.... 

White vs. Buff...............s000+00- 
Black vs. Red 
Color of Top of Head.. 
Color of Hackles—Hackle Lacing. 
Wing Color—Red Wing Coverts. 
‘Tail Color 
Body Lacing.. 

ERM EC AT ACEL Seerscercanessaccasnasassancenecisence 
Alternative, Particulate (Mosaic), and 
Blending Inheritance 
Inheritance of Specific vs. 
Inheritance of Positive vs. Negative 
Varietal Characteristics ........0.:..:seeeee 
Inheritance of Old vs. New Character- 
BEL CSecssensternensssretcrerratenccncercucercdacaaasees 
Dominance and Recessiveness.. ........... 




E. Summary of Conclusions 
Re iteratnre Cited s...ccccscssccssescres 

Dependence of Dominance on the Races 
Crossed .. “s Ors 
Preeatenen a porinanee 
Hybrid Forms 
Purity of Gametes... 
Comparison of Reece senses boocrnron 
Inheritance of Sexually Dimorphic 
Characteristics and Sexual Dimor- 
phism in the Hybrids..............0:08 see 
Black Minorca and Dark Brahma... 
White Leghorn and Dark Brahma.. 
White Leghorn and Houdan.. ........ 
White Leghorn and Rose-comb 
Blacks Miustorcavccccsccssseaevectvecssscccsns 
‘Tosa Fowl and White Cochin Ban- 

Dark Brahma (female) and Tosa 
Fowl (male)... om 

Transfer of ernie Dinowats ene 
acteristics from One Sex to the Other. 
Sexi rr Erg DridS sens sceccscncesacstecersravucadenessets 
Correlation of Characteristics............... 
The Mutation Theory in its Relation to 
the Origin of Domesticated Animals.. 






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Evolution proceeds by steps. These steps are measured by the character- 
istics of organisms. When in the evolution of a race a characteristic is 
added a progressive step is taken. When a characteristic drops out a retro- 
gressive step is made. Since the characteristic is the unit of evolution, it 
deserves careful study. ‘The present work is a first study of the method 
of inheritance of characteristics. 


When by some abnormal process a single, fertilized egg develops into two 
individuals they are, and continue throughout life to be, almost indistin- 
guishable. This holds true even when the conditions of life of the two are 
dissimilar. This case is exemplified by ‘‘identical twins’’ as they occur in 
man.* ‘The great similarity of such identical twins teaches that environ- 
ment plays a small part in determining adult characteristics as compared 
with heredity. Consequently more confidence can be felt that the results 
of hybridization experiments are directly due to inheritance ; they are little 
affected by varying environment. 

The children of the ordinary family are not identical in appearance, 
although showing marked family traits. Certain characteristics may be 
common, but others are peculiar to each individual child. This proves that 
the fertilized eggs of the same two parents have not the same hereditary 
potentialities. It indicates also that we cannot predict the characteristics 
of the offspring from those of the parents. The proportion of qualities 
derived from either one of the two parents will differ in different children, 
or new qualities may appear. ‘This is because the offspring do not inherit 
from the visible part of the parents’ bodies but from their hidden germ 
cells or ‘‘gametes.’’ And the characteristics of the soma are never through- 
out the same as those of the ripe gametes it carries. 

When the parents belong to different races having markedly dissimilar 
characteristics there is not merely the question of dissimilarity of the off- 
spring but of the inheritance of the antagonistic characteristics. Until 

* Galton, F., 1883, pp. 216-243. Compare also for a critical study of resemblance in 

twins, Thorndike, 1905. 


recently the law has been commonly accepted which is thus expressed by 
Darwin (1876, Chapter XV): ‘‘ When two breeds are crossed their char- 
acters usually become intimately fused together.’’ Many cases of non- 
fusing inheritance are now known and it is important to ascertain the rela- 
tive frequency of the different kinds of inheritance and their relation to one 

Lucas (1850, p. 194) recognizes three methods of inheritance, which he 
calls respectively that of election, of mixture, and of combination. They 
are thus defined: Election results in imprinting on some or all parts of the 
organism the characteristics of the father exclusively or those of the mother. 
Mixture results in a mixed or simultaneous representation of the father and 
of the mother on some or all of the parts of the organism. Its extreme is 
fusion of characteristics. Combination results in the substitution of a new 
characteristic in the place of any representative in a part or over the whole 
of the organism. ‘This new characteristic results from the interaction of 
the two antagonistic ones just asa chemical combination often differs wholly 
from the elements which have been united in its manufacture. 

Darwin (1876, Chapter XV) seems to recognize only two classes of inherit- 
ance, viz., one in which characteristics blend and one in which they refuse 
to blend. Of the latter class, however, there are two cases; either the 
hybrid receives all its characters from one of its parents only, or the hybrid 
receives part of its characters from one parent, the rest from the other. 

Nageli (1884; 1898, p. 17) describes the different forms of inheritance 
very clearly, thus: 

In the idioplasm of a germ cell arising from the crossing of unlike individuals the 
micellar rows of the individual Anlagen have sometimes an intermediate constitution 
and produce characteristics in the organism which are intermediate between the char- 
acteristics of the parents. Sometimes the micellar rows derived from the father and the 
mother respectively lie side by side interchanged in the idioplasm of the offspring in 
distinct groupings and may reproduce in the organism their respective characteristics 

side by side, or only one of them may develop, while the other remains latent. (Clark’s 
translation. ) 

Galton (1889, pp. 7, 12, 14) distinguishes three kinds of inheritance, as 
follows: (1) Particulate, or inheritance ‘‘ bit by bit, this element from one 
progenitor, that from another ;’’ (2) dlending, as in human skin color ; this 
may ‘‘be none the less ‘particulate’ in its origin, but the result may be 
regarded as a fine mosaic too minute for its elements to be distinguished in 
a general view;’’ and (3) exclusive, as in human eye color; although 
‘“there are probably no heritages that perfectly blend or that absolutely 
exclude one another, but all heritages have a tendency in one or the other 
direction, and the tendency is often a very strong one.’’ 

The different types of inheritance are thought by various authors to be 
characteristic of particular sorts of crossing. Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 
insisted ‘‘that the transmission of characters without fusion occurs very 


rarely when species are crossed.’’ De Vries (1905, pp. 253, 280) concludes 
that blending and particulate inheritance of qualities characterize the 
offspring of crossed species, whereas an alternative inheritance of qualities 
is characteristic of the offspring of a species crossed with a variety* or of 
two varieties crossed zz/er se. 

In the case of alternative inheritance there often is exhibited an extremely 
suggestive phenomenon. When hybrids showing such inheritance are 
crossed infer se there is a segregation of the various alternative character- 
istics into different individual offspring. This is the discovery of Mendel 
(1866). The attempt has naturally been made to generalize Mendel’s 
law—to make it apply universally. In my own study the applicability of 
this law has been kept constantly in mind. 

*Tt is to be recalled that in the De Vries system a variety differs from its parent 
species either in that a characteristic of the species has become latent in the variety or 
in that a characteristic which was latent in the species has reappeared in the variety. A 
new species, on the other hand, differs from its parent species in the acquisition of one 
or more wholly new characteristics. ‘‘In normal fertilization and in the intercrossing 
of varieties all characters are paired.’’ Hence the paired characters struggle together in 
the zygote and the stronger one of the pair dominates or covers over the weaker one. 
Thus inheritance is alternative or exclusive. ‘‘In crosses between elementary species 
the differentiating marks are not mated.’’ Hence there is no such struggle between 
characteristics ; consequently those of both parents reappear in the offspring, interdigi- 

+The rediscovery of Mendel’s work simultaneously by De Vries and by Correns in 
1900 will always rank as one of the interesting coincidences in the history of science. 
There is evidence that others had independently discovered this law in their own work 
in the last third of the nineteenth century, but the history of this law is still to be written. 
I may note that Haacke, in 1893, as a result of extensive breeding of animals, expresses 
the law of purity of the germ cells. He has the theoretical idea that inheritance is con- 
veyed both by the plasma (P) and the nucleus (Kern, K). In the union of dissimilar 
races two kinds of plasma (P and P’) and two kinds of nuclear material (K and K’) may 
be distinguished. On page 236 he says : 

Die beiden verschiedenen Plasmen P und P’ die sich bei der Befruchtung vereinigt haben, trennen 
sich wieder bei der Reductionsteilung der Keimzelle, und dasselbe gilt von den beiden Kernstoffe K 
und K’. Diese Trennung ist in manchen Fallen, wie es scheint, eine vollige, so dass die Plasmen und 
die Kerustoffe, abzesehen von deu mehr oder minder weitgehenden, aber niemals vollkommenen 
Ausgleichungen ihrer Eigenschaften, die durch gegenseitige Beeinflussung stattfinden miissen, ebenso 
rein aus der Vereinigung hervorgehen, als sie in diese hineingetreten sind. 

Still further Haacke recognizes that in the separation of qualities that occur in the 
reduction period of the hybrid germ cells, those from different parents may gather into 
one germ cell. Since this occurs in accordance with the laws of chance (worked out in 
an example by Haacke), we have various combinations of characteristics in the second 
hybrid generation. Because of the purity of the germ cells it will often happen that 
mice having certain qualities will, when bred together, produce only those qualities, 
however complex their ancestry. For example, white dancing-mice bred together will 
produce nothing but white dancing-mice. Haacke’s results seem to have been overlooked 
by recent experimenters. 


In typical Mendelian cases not only do the qualities segregate in the second 
hybrid generation, but in addition, in the first generation, when two con- 
trasted characteristics are bred together one of the two is patent in the 
offspring ; the other does not appear. The first is the dominant quality ; the 
second is recessive. 

It seems at first to have been assumed that when one of two antagonistic 
characteristics was dominant over the other it was so in all cases. Recent 
studies have, however, greatly expanded our notion of dominance and reces- 
siveness. Even in alternative inheritance we have to admit various addi- 
tional phenomena of which the following are examples: Prepotency of a 
character, elsewhere recessive, in some individual or strain. Latency, as 
Castle (1905, p. 24) uses the term, or the inactive persistence of amormally 
dominant characteristic in a recessive individual or gamete. When the 
recessive is cross-bred the latent characteristic may appear as a dominant. 
Reversion, or the assumption of an atavistic character by a heterozygote. 
This is illustrated by the case of the cross between albino and black-and- 
white mice which throw gray. However, this instance may be one of 
latency. In this study attention will be paid to these phenomena. 

What determines dominance in any case? ‘This is a disputed point. 
De Vries (1905, pp. 278, 280) suggests ‘‘ that hybrids between a species and 
its retrograde variety will bear the aspect of the species,’’ and ‘‘that the 
older character dominates the younger one.’’ However, he says it is not 
the systematic relation of the two parents of a cross that is decisive, but only 
the occurrence of the same quality, in the one in an active, and in the other 
in an inactive condition. Hence, whenever this relation occurs between the 
parents of a cross the active quality prevails in the hybrid, even when the 
parents differ from each other in other respects so as to be distinguished as 
systematic species. Correns (1905) also cites cases in which the active 
allelomorph dominates. In my studies constant attention is directed toward 
this matter. 

To recapitulate : This study has been undertaken to determine the differ- 
ent forms of inheritance (alternative, particulate, blending) occurring in 
poultry, and to study especially the phenomena of alternative inheritance as 
exhibited in this group in order to see in how far they accord with Mendel’s 
law and in how far the accessory phenomena of dominance, latency, and 
reversion occur. 



To answer in the shortest time the foregoing questions about inheritance 
it was necessary to use some rapid and fecund breeder and to interbreed 
both varieties and speeies. But species-breeding is slower and more diffi- 
cult and not more important than breeding races ; for while on the one hand 
it may be urged that races are artificial, having arisen under domestication, 
on the other hand hybridization between established species probably plays 
little part in nature. What must occur again and again in nature is the 
mating of a mutation or newly arisen race with the parent species. It has 
been urged that, in such cases, the rare mutation must be swamped by 
intercrossing with the numerous representatives of the species. But if new 
characters do not blend in breeding we can see that a new characteristic 
once arisen may not be swamped. Consequently the study of inheritance 
in races assumes first importance, and domestic races afford the best material 
for such study. 

Again, if we accept the doctrine that man is a single species, all the mo- 
mentous questions of human inheritance are questions of race inheritance. 
The outcome of such an admixture of races as is going on in America is a 
question of race inheritance. The offspring of a man and a woman having 
one or more diverse characteristics will follow the laws deduced from a study 
of crossed races. These are practical problems of human evolution, and 
experiments made with domesticated races can throw light upon them. 

The main material utilized has been, as stated, poultry. Poultry offer 
these great advantages: That they are easily bred in great numbers, that two 
generations can be reared to maturity in a year, that they stand much 
inbreeding without loss of fertility, and that the number of well-defined 
characteristics in the group is very great. 

In my experiments I have kept 29 pens, each with its cock and one or 
more hens. To separate the eggs of the different females, trap nests were 
used in the later experiments to hold the hen until she is released. Her 
number is read and written, with date, upon the egg. Before placing the 
eggs in the incubator, a list is made of them. Before hatching, eggs of 
each of the different parentages are separated into a compartment by them- 
selves, so that the exact parents of each chick may be known. A legband 
is applied to the chick the moment it is removed from the pedigree tray of 
the incubator. By these means I have gained in one year 1,500 offspring 
derived from known parents, and have reared about 500 of them to a period 
when their adult plumage characters were distinguishable. For keeping 
records I have used a field pocketbook and a day book at my work-table. 
“«Toose leaf’’ forms were used for the description of each of the stock, for 
its egg record, for a chart of its plumage, and forits photographs. Finally, 
the results of each set of experiments are kept ina large book, posted nearly 
to date. 


In treating of my experiments I propose first to give the results by the 
races crossed, and, secondly, to discuss in order the problems that were set 
at the beginning. My experiments led me to lay little stress on the races 
as named by fanciers. In fact it is not races that have been crossed but 
characteristics. However, as the breeders’ names have a utility in bringing 
to the mind a certain combination of characteristics, they have been freely 
employed. ‘The different races whose offspring are discussed in this paper 
are given below in the order adopted in Wright’s Poultry Book. 

Buff Cochin (Bantam). | White-crested Black Polish. 
Black Cochin (Bantam). Houdan. 

Dark Brahma (Bantam). | Frizzle. 

Black-breasted Red Game. | Silky. 

Single-comb Black Minorca. | Tosa fowl, or Yokohama. 

Rose-comb Black Minorca. Rumpless Game Bantam. 
Single-comb White Leghorn. 


Series ]—Single-comb Black Minorca and White-crested Black Polish. 

The cross was undertaken primarily to learn the method of inheritance of 
the crest, cerebral hernia, and comb of the remarkable Polish fowl. 


The Black-crested White Polish (figs. 1 and 2) belongs toa class—Polish 
fowl—which is one of the fundamental types of poultry. The origin of the 
Polish fowl is obscure. They were mentioned by Aldrovandi in the six- 
teenth century. They are found to-day in most parts of the world, and their 
most characteristic feature may, indeed, have originated independently many 
times. This feature is a cerebral hernia and its associated crest of large 

The Single-comb Black Minorca (figs. 3 and 4) is a typical representative 
of the Mediterranean class of poultry—tall, stately, close-feathered, non- 
broody fowl,—modern representatives of the ancient Egyptian poultry. 
They seem, indeed, to have come from Spain, those imported to England 
having, according to Wright (1902, p. 391), come from the island whose 
name they bear. The single-combed form is the original and typical variety. 


Single-comb Biack | White-crested Black 

No. | Characteristic. Minoreat | Polish. 
| ove). on udasoesecuodo acon Single, very large...... | Two papillz. 
2 a Nos erils:seyy- eres So eee aie: | INa@rrow seh skye eueerare | Wide or high. 
3) |hopiof head—skulls ei. sv: Normale peers Cerebral hernia. 
4 | Top of head—plumage form..| Plain................. Crested. 
5 | Top of head—plumage color..} Black................ White and black. 



1. Coms.—The single comb of the Minorca (fig. 4) is derived from the primi- 
tive wild ancestor, for all the four feral species of Gallus have a single comb. 
What is remarkable about the comb of the Minorca is, however, its enormous 
size, gaining in many fowls a length of 150 mm. and a height ef 100 mm. 
This seems to have been brought about by selection of extreme variants in 
fluctuating variability ; at any rate, English breeders have gone further than 
American breeders have thought wise in the production of enormous combs. 

The Polish comb (fig. 7, Pl. II) is a remarkable structure and is a phylo- 
genetically new form. Some breeders try to eliminate it altogether ; others 
retain it as a pair of horns. I quote from some of the ‘‘Standards’’ and 
descriptions of authors. Mr. P. Jones in Tegetmeier (1867, p. 176) says: 
‘“There should be no appearance of comb.’’? Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) 
says : ‘‘ Comb absent or small and of crescentic shape.’’ According to Wright 
(1902, p. 443), ‘‘ The comb should be practically absent, but on close inspec- 
tion two very small horns can generally be discerned.’’ Baldamus (1896, 
p. 149) states: ‘‘ Kamm nicht oder kaum bemerklich, hdchstens 2 kleine 
Spitzen zulassig.’’ The American Standard of Perfection (1905, p. 152) 
announces: ‘‘ Comb V-shaped, of small size, the smaller the better ; set evenly 
on head, retreating into crest ; natural absence of comb is preferred.’”’ My 
parental stock (fig. 7) had two large papille of irregular form and large 
confluent base. Further discussion of this type of comb will be deferred to 
page 65. 

2. NostTrits.—In the Minorca, as in the Jungle fowl, each of the external 
nares is a horizontal slit bounded above and laterally by a fold of cornified 
skin (compare fig. 22). The slit leads into the outer ethmoid cavity. By 
removing the membrane the outer fold of the ethmoid can be seen as a ridge 
that extends well distad (Fig. A). In the Polish fowl the outer membrane 


i 2 3 
Fic. A.—1. Cross-section of beak of Polish fowl through wide nostril; 
o.é.,outerethmoidal fold. 2. Cross-section of beak of Minorca fowl through 
narrow nostril; 4. 7., premaxillary bone; 7, nasal bone. 3. Cross-section 
of beak of fowl behind nostril ; o. ¢., outer ethmoidal fold. 

is so short that the narial aperture is very wide and the outer ethmoidal fold is 
exposed to view. The nostril may be said to be wide or “‘ high”’ (figs. 7, 12). 
Sometimes the upper margin of the nostril may even be elevated above the 
level of the culmen of the beak, and in this case a transverse fold crosses the 
culmen from nostril to nostril. This I call the culminal fold. 

The morphology of the nostril of the Polish fowl seems to be little under- 
stood. The term ‘‘cayvernous’’ is applied to this form by the American 


Standard of Perfection (1905, p. 13), which speaks of the hollow protruding 
nostrils. Wright (1902, p. 441) in treating of the cranial dome says: 
‘‘Fxcess in one part being often connected with defect in some other, as 
Mr. Darwin pointed out, the skulls with this peculiarity usually show a 
chasm in the intermaxillary bones, which in other fowls support the roof of 
the nostrils ; owing to which deficiency in bony support the nostrils of all 
heavily crested fowls appear flattened and depressed and yet cavernous in 
character.’’ Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) attributes the width of the nostrils 
to the circumstance that the branches of the premaxillary and of the inner 
processes of the nasal bone are somewhat upturned. 

Comparing the skull of a Polish fowl with that of a Minorca, I find the 
following relations : : 

First, the nasal bone has in the Minorca asin most other fowl the form of 
the Greek 2; the single stem (processus frontalis) projects caudad and lies 
as a flat plate above the frontal bone by which, also, it is cut off from contact 
with most of thelachrymal bone. ‘The two anterior branches enclose between 
them the olfactory space. ‘The processus maxillaris runs nearly perpendic- 
ular to the maxillary bone; the processus premaxillaris is a slender stylet 
terminating over the middle of the olfactory space and embracing the nasal 
process of the premaxillary bone (Fig. A, 2,2). Inthe Polish fowl the pro- 
cessus frontalis is relatively shorter and broader. The whole central nasal 
area is greatly depressed, forming a cavity in front of the cranial dome—a 
cavity that is filled with the cartilaginous foundation of the rudimentary 
comb. In front of this depression of the skull the processus premaxillaris 
rises, reaching about the normal height of this part of the nasal bone, and 
stops there in the posterior quarter of the nasal space. Thus the bony 
nasal space is posteriorly of normal height. What is peculiar in the skull 
of the Polish fowl is that the processes premaxillaris are very short and slender 
and do not embrace the nasal process of the premaxillary, but instead the 
cartilaginous dorsal edge of the orbitosphenoid or mesethmoid. This thick- 
ened dorsal edge continues anteriorly as the edge of the internasal septum, and 
it replaces the nasal processes of the premaxillary. Anteriorly the septum 
abuts upon the premaxillary. At this point there is adhering to the premax- 
illary a mass of tissue in the median plane which seems to be the rudiment 
of the nasal process of the premaxillary. 

In criticism of Darwin’s explanation of the wide nostril based on the ground 
that the nasal process is upturned, it may be said that the wide nostril lies in 
front of the upturned nasal bone and in a part of the nasal space that is not 
higher (nor wider) than in the normal skull. Ithink it must be concluded 
that the wide nostril is independent of the width of the nasalspace. As we 
shall see later, the wide nostril is never found in connection with a single comb. 

3. ForM OF SKULL.—Polish fowl have long been noted for the remarkable 
form of their skull. This was referred to by Bovelli (1670, cent. 2, p. 157, 


teste Hagenbach) and has been studied by Blumenbach (1812), Hagenbach 
(1839), Tegetmeier (1856), Darwin (1876), and others. A dome rises from 
the front of the nasal bone often to a height of 15 or 18 cm. (figs. 7, ro, 
Pl. II). This dome is the secondary bony covering of a cerebral hernia 
whose dura mater has become ossified. Such cerebral hernias are not un- 
common among poultry. Roughly, 1 per cent of the chicks (outside of the 
crested races) that failed to hatch in my incubations and were examined by 
me had such a hernia. In one or two instances Polish chicks that died 
before hatching were affected by incomplete closure of the cerebrum, the 
top of the head not being covered by bone or skin. Such an abnormality 
has been described by Hagenbach (1839, pp. 324-326) also. So profound a 
modification of the brain would naturally be associated with mental pecul- 
iarities. My own Polish have shown themselves very slow of movement, 
and two male Houdans (having the same sort of abnormal skull) were 
affected by some trouble in the head which led them to move backward, 
turn somersaults, and move otherwise abnormally. Hagenbach states that 
the Polish fowl are subject to apoplexy and epilepsy. It is remarkable 
that formerly the hens alone had the cerebral hernia (Darwin, 1876, Chap. 
VII), while now it occurs in both sexes. 

4. Crest.—This consists of a number of large white feathers arising from 
the frontal region of the skull (figs. 1, 2, and 7). Structurally, they, like 
normal feathers from the top of the head, have the barbules of the distal 
portion of the barbs reduced so that the barbs do not interlock. ‘This con- 
dition is seen in the hackles of all breeds. The form of the feathers resem- 
bles that of the hackle, being more attenuated in the male than the female. 
The great size of the crest feather, lixe that of the hackle, is largely due to 
its long period of growth. After molting, the new crest feathers are char- 
acterized by long and stout sheaths in which the feather develops. These 
persist after most of the other contour feathers no longer possess sheaths 
and consequently have stopped growing. 

The cause of the crest is a matter of much interest. Hagenbach (1839, 
Pp. 329) raises the question and says: 

Nicht ohne Bedeutung scheint mir iibrigens eine auf die Hemicephalie beztigliche 
Beobachtung von Meckel* zu sein, welche so lautet: ‘‘Sehr merkwirdig ist die haufig 
vorkommende regelwidrige starke Entwicklung von Haaren an ungewohnten Stellen. 
So finde ich bei einigen von denen, welche ich vor mir habe, und gerade bei denen, wo 

der Hauptmangel am grossten ist, fast den ganzen Korper, besonders aber den Riicken, 
die Hiiften und die obern Extremititen, mit Haaren von 6 Linien bedeckt.”’ 

Whether or not the developmental disturbance is the cause of the pro- 
longed growth of feathers, it is certain that the immediate cause is the 
unusual and prolonged nutrition of the feathers. The skin from which they 
arise is thick and rich in blood-vessels. Whether the cerebral hernia is a 

* Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie, Tom. I, p. 195-260. 


necessary antecedent of the increased nutrition of the feathers or not can be 
tested by hybridization, which will show whether or not crest and dome are 
absolutely correlated. 

5. Co_or oF Crest.—In our race this is white, in striking contrast with 
the rest of the plumage. This color is not necessarily associated with the 
crest. Wholly gold-spangled, silver-spangled, buff, white, and even black 
Polish have been created. On the other hand, since normal poultry with the 
top only of the head white are unknown, it seems probable that the color of 
the crest has dissociated itself from that of the other parts of the body as an 
independent unit character. Consequently it is not strange to find a black- 
crested white breed of Polish (Wright, 1902, p. 448). It will be of interest 
in our experiments to see how far color and crest are dissociable. 


The mothers in this experiment were partly Polish, partly Minorca. The 
Polish mothers, Nos. 6 and 7,* were good representatives of their breed, 
with perfectly black plumage except for the well-developed white crest. 
The Minorca mothers, Nos. 13 and 14, were also typical birds without trace 
of mealiness in feathers. 

The father Minorca (No. 12, fig. 4) had a great red comb, 150 mm. long, 
with seven points, one of which rose to 100 mm. above the level of the 
head. Its plumage was perfectly black. The paternal Polish (fig. 2) had 
as representative of the comb a pair of papillae. The crest anteriorly con- 
tained some black feathers with white base or tip; next came feathers 75 to 
roo mm. long, at first largely, then wholly white. At the posterior end of 
the crest, where it passes into the nape, black gradually makes its appearance 
until the exclusively black feathers of the neck are reached. White and 
black do not d/exd on any feather, but coexist in a particulate fashion. 


1. Coms.—First generation. Of 88 hybrids between single-combed and 
Polish-combed all follow a single type, which is, however, very variable. 
The comb is single anteriorly but bifurcated behind. This may be called 
the Y-shaped comb. The point of splitting occupies a variety of positions. 
Usually it lies in the middle third of the whole comb (fig. 8). In som® 
cases, such as Nos. 676 (fig. 8), 1769, 3509, and 4089, the splitting 
point is close to the anterior end, so that the comb is cup-shaped.t In other 
cases the point of division may be so far posteriad that only the last or the 
last few serrations are split. Undeed, in one case (No. 324, which died five 
weeks after hatching), the comb was apparently perfectly single. I regard 
this as the last term of the series and suspect that there existed, even in this 

*Bought July 1, 1904; No. 7 died October 17, 1904. 
+ Such a comb is mentioned by Darwin (1876, Chap. VII) as formed when the two ends 
of a double comb are cemented together. 


case, a repressed potentiality toward splitting of the comb at its posterior end. 
In general, then, the hybrid condition between single comb and supranasal 
papille is a Y-shaped comb* and there is an absence of dominance. 

Second generation. When the birds with Y-shaped combs were interbred 
the 101 offspring were of three types, as follows : 

x f Percentages. 
Characteristic. andes a = = = 
‘ Actual. Expected. 
a | B 

SNS Coren acenpaudacdeonsoungadeos 30 29.7 25 18.75 
Rleftycombye a tre seisiste sais) varewietesistereke 47 46.5 50 56.25 
Papillz or ‘“‘absent’’... 24 23.8 25 | 25.00 
Total svcecsmies, asi sTacken eserves 101 100,0 100 | 100.00 

Expectation in this case depends on the theoretical view we take of the 
nature of the unit characters involved. We may assume that single comb and 
V-comb are the allelomorphs and split comb a heterozygous type, constantly 
reproducing itself. On this assumption we should expect the proportion 
given in column ¢ of the foregoing table. On the other hand, following the 
method of interpretation suggested by Cuénot (1903) and Correns (1905) in 
such cases, we may assume two pairs of allelomorphs, namely, (1a) median 
comb and (74) no median, and (2a) no splitting and (20) splitting. Taking 
median comb and splitting as dominant, the single comb combines the two 
characters: median comb, no splitting ; the V comb combines: no median 
comb, splitting. In generation F, the four characters are combined : median 
(no median), splitting (no splitting), and the comb is Y-shaped, the char- 
acteristics put in parenthesis being recessive. The F, generation follows 
the law of inheritance in dihybrids : 

Per cent. Class. fcshenee 
( Splitting SISPUULL ATO ee etal 6% \ igywa@ (a) A 
25 % (Median x median).. + 2 (Splitting x no-splitting) .. 1244 f§ °4 7": 2 
( No-splitting X no-splilling.. 6'4.......+64. (0) I 
. ,. ( Splitting x splitting ........ T2 oil 

ac (Median x eae (Splitting x no-splitting).. 25 f 3 vies WZ) © 
HO) Boe bap pond doc No-splitting X no-splilting.. 12% ........++ (d) 2 

_ as oe I (SPLELLTOA ISPILLLATIE® are ciclele 64% | oa gy : 
25% (No-median X no-nie- 2 (Splitting X no-splilting) .. 12% § 1834 %.. (é) 3 
CHD) poop Sc ose bm oda abacr No-splitting X no-splitting... 64%...... secs (e) I 

Summing up, out of every 16 individuals we should expect: 

Relative | 

= a u . 

| Characteristic and class. | frequency.| Per cent. | 

— ee —— - - rar 

| Median and spliticomb)(@)EW(G)sectee eis tes | 9 56.25 | 
Median and unsplit comb (4) -+(d).. || 3) \)  tS375) 0 
No-median and split comb (¢)............ 3° | 3 lL ae as 
No-median and no-split comb (/). : | I ieee | 

* For further discussion of the y-shaped comb see page 65. 


On account of the difficulty of deciding in the case of any young chicks 
whether ‘no-median and no-split comb’ is present, the last two classes are 
combined in the right-hand column of this table and in columns 4 and g of the 
table above. 

In comparing the fit of the expected percentages on the two hypotheses 
with the actual, it is seen that hypothesis «4 is the better. However, the real 
test will come in the F, generation. On hypothesis « the single-combed 
individuals bred together should produce only median-combed offspring. On 
hypothesis 7 they should produce some without median comb.* 

First generation hybrids crossed with Minorca. When the Y-shaped comb is 
crossed back on the single comb of the Minorca (No. 26 ¢) the following 
distribution of comb characters was obtained : 

Characteristic. Frequency, Per cent. 
ee Singletconib rye rice) eteicteteleteiseialels wlmiele ie etet=lsieer tere 21 | 52.5 
gn Clefticomb peer e rosea eee eee aconeericrer f 19 | 47-5 

| Papilla OT “SaDSMt 7.6 oiers\s eejeie a lelelele vie'e «5 =1=\+/e1es ° | 0.0 

This result accords well with the expectation that 50 per cent of the 
combs shall be of the pure Minorca type and 50 per cent of the heterozy- 
gous type. 

2. Nostrits.—First generation. No case occurred of a typical high nostril; 
this characteristic is dominated by the narrow nostril; but this dominance 
is imperfect. In three cases (5 per cent) the nostril is recorded as one-half 
high, 7. ¢., having an aperture one-half as high as the extreme. In the 
other cases, placed in class 2, the breadth was less, but still evidently influ- 
enced by the germinal representative of the ‘‘high”’ characteristic. In two 
skulls that were dissected the processus nasalis of the premaxillary bone 
was present. 

| First generation. || Second generation. 
1} | 
Class. Characteristic. = | Class.) Characteristic. | 
|p Per cent. | | Bhs avis Per cent. 
= | i }—- 
tl Narrows-sicscvecsessecscosens | 47 I Narrow 52.9 
2 {| a. One- third high 71 - r | 2f| 4% One-third hig A 

{| 6. One-half high....... 3 | f 7 6. One-half high 5-9 

3 | High... gooconehece Coan ° to) 3 | High or nearly high..... 21.2 

cLOtal ie cesesctensectarsssns 57 100 ARCH Vepsecceooopacoecntce 100.0 

Second generation. In the second generation the high nostril appears again 
in full or nearly full size in 21 per cent of the cases. Class 3 includes two 

* This topic is discussed again, generally, at page 68. 
+ Including one thick comb with a median ridge in addition to the cleft comb, forming 
atypical peacomb. Seen in unhatched chick XVIII, 103. 


cases in which the records read three-fourths high ; but even in the Polish 
fowl the high nostril varies somewhat. Theoretically, we should expect 25 
per cent of the second generation to have the recessive high nostril. ‘The 
deficiency may indicate merely insufficient numbers, or perhaps some of 
the ‘‘ one-half high’’ group truly belong in ‘‘ class 3.’’ ‘The essential facts 
are, first, that high and narrow are segregated, and that in the second 
generation also dominance is frequently imperfect. 

first generation hybrid crossed with Minorca. The heterozygous mothers all 
had narrow nostrils, as of course had the Minorca father. No true case of 
high nostril occurred. The recorded distribution is as follows: 

| : | No of 
Class. | Nostril. eowadeale 

ee ee Oe 5 | 

It seems probable that the 12 individuals with narrow nostrils belong to 
homogametous birds and the 13 individuals of class 2 to heterogametous 

3. CEREBRAL HERNIA.—/irst hybrid generation. Every bird was without a 
typical cerebral hernia. Nevertheless some of them showed clear traces of 
their mixed ancestry. On the frontal bone of all fowl is the so-called 
frontal eminence which is covered by fascia and the thickened skin of the 
crest. The profile of the skull from the apex of this eminence to the 
parietal is nearly straight, except for a slight concavity limiting the frontal 
eminence. In hybrids this concavity is frequently still more marked, the 
eminence being higher. Indeed, in one case (No. 405@ ) the concavity is 
so marked that, as far as one can judge from the living bird, there is a 
slight hernia. We see, then, that though plain head is dominant it is incom- 
pletely so. 

Second hybrid generation. The following is the distribution of this char- 
acteristic when the hybrids are bred inzéer se. Expectation is: 75 per cent 
without hernia, 25 per cent with hernia. The result agrees closely with 


| Characteristic. | Frequency. | Per cent. 
Ss = =| = 

| Hernia, absent yc sevice sieve cietstocs okeraveterate ste | 75 | 76.5 

| EVemtiiayprese ttepeietteitisioitstseeitcreeiacitetonit= | 23 23.5 

ARV. oon oatigaonsosnano ocAdOooGnOOODS | 98 100.0 

| | 

First hybrid generation crossed with Minorca. Since the first generation is 
DR and Minorea is D, half of the offspring will be pure dominants and half 


heterozygous, both halves showing the dominant ‘‘ absence of hernia.’’ 
The result agrees with expectation. 

Characteristic. Frequency. | Per cent. 
22e z. ee ee | ee ee |e 
iernigia bSeriterreatere i ercierey staat ker orev stave rtan eat ovel 34 bore) 
EVE Dn Ta PLeSe titer tet elelee ee ieielereieattel nent fo) 
MOtal ro eceretaveretels: ernpsistersyeterters ie’ 34 

4. Crest.—first hybrid generation. The crest is present in every hybrid 
old enough to show a crest, yet always in reduced size. Crest is dominant, 
but the dominance is imperfect. The crest is larger in the females (fig. 5) 
than in the males (fig. 6). 


| Characteristic. | Frequency. k Per cent. 
| ry le | 
eeCrestrabsen tere crterteteteretere ease itysfel-felatelotedetot= | ES | fe) 
WiGrestupresenit :}.. Mame leche psn nclenen, cidets | | 

| Total eis a cise stsisiel ote Psvarateclepecelelere aera] ss | 

Second hybrid generation. All records, from embryo chicks as well as 
adults, give: 

Characteristic. Frequency.| Per cent. 
Grest¥absenitee ccna trrsyonrroe yaa teterstelsier erator 23, *30.7 
(CHGe Torso opt oematooenen dogadtovagpdos 52 69.3 
| otal trees apoio totaeressrieterciteteye iets 75 100.0 
oe Fi ig. IT. 

Expectation is that crest will be absent in 25 per cent of the cases. The 
excess is probably due to the fact that, since crest develops late, it was noted 
as absent when it would have appeared in adult life. To test this I give a 
table based on hatched chicks only : 


Characteristic. Frequency. | Per cent. 
Crestvabsenty marten eiersisleeier coosoobodee- II 21.2 
(CTE MES aeacoacad sdbadpacoQondGD : 41 | 78.8 
| | 
Total e srctaiciey wlsicisis eos ie are cose stelecerstociarspeiets 52 | 100.0 

This gives a close approximation to expectation, with a slight excess of 
crested individuals. The exact statistical proportion, with its possible errors 


of classification, is less essential than the fact of reappearance in about one- 
fourth of the cases of the recessive characteristic. 

First hybrid generation crossed with Minorca. Since plain-head is R, the 
cross is of the order DR X R; from which we should expect an equal number 
of heterozygous (crested) and pure recessive (plain-headed) offspring. The 
result, though based on small numbers, accords with expectation. 

| | Hatched 

| Characteristic. | All records. chicks only. 
— ——.- —— ie — ~ 


lGrestyabsents (IR) seeasar Seer | 12 | 6 

|, @restspresent/(DR) [jy 2c cas) of gece ctges tacos 4: | 8 | 6 

| Mota Lae telae aroiceak oye ccrsta che lerarorels, aeVareatets 20 12 

5. CoLor oF Tor or Heav.—First hybrid generation. All records give: 

Characteristic. | Frequency. | Per cent. 
ivOllys bined Mas Mod teh Dy shat iia free: | 36 64.3 
BlackWand awilite s varie ow tac eicielerols 1sjors ehatelsiarerere | 20 | 35-7 

PNOtale) Aas eiecsetee siete er kiie Acie eee oe 56 100.0 

It is to be noted, first, that the white of the crest tends to disappear in the 
later molts, some birds which showed it at 2 months losing it by 6 months, 
or showing white at the tip only of the crest feathers. Further, with two 
exceptions, all crests with white feathers belong to females (which have 
larger crests than males). The two exceptional males are still young and 
have only a trace of white remaining ; this will probably disappear in the 
next molt. ‘Third, the proportion of white to black in the crest is always 
small—much smaller than in the Polish crest. Tue result looks like an 
imperfect dominance of black. 

Second hybrid generation. Hatched chicks only give: 

| Characteristic. Frequency. | Per cent. 
i i 
| | 
| AWROUE? DIES 5 sooqobbegonagbo0ocasoueobonE 24 | 47.1 
| Blackland pewter orci. cyarelslobavoverevelsterovexeteh shel ovel « 27 | 52.9 
| otal) iap.c, comvarcpsissopeleisfessrteeiea eis. 51 100.0 

I interpret this irregular result to be due to the imperfect dominance of 
black. Twenty-five per cent of the individuals have wholly black gametes 
and 25 per cent wholly black-and-white, or mosaic, gametes. The 50 per 
cent with mixed gametes tend to be black, but contain white in varying pro- 
portions. Something more than one-fourth of the black-and-white headed 
individuals are males. 


First hybrid crossed with Minorca. All records give : 

Characteristic. Frequency. | Percent. 
IWHOLly Blackitee fkae AP ee ER | 21 91-3 
Blackzandiwhites cece reiiechiciieisieiecicere 2 8.7 
—i |_—_$$—. ———— -——— 
| | 

Expectation, assuming complete dominance of black, is roo per cent of 
black individuals. Result shows incomplete dominance. Of the black-and- 
white headed individuals, one is a female; the other died too early for the 
sex to be determined. Here, again, dominance is less perfect in the female. 

6. CORRELATION OF CHARACTERS.—In the Single-comb Black Minorca 
and in the White-crested Black Polish there is an assemblage of characters 
that are nearly always associated in those races. The first hybrids have 
another constant association unlike either of the parents, viz., split comb, 
black crest (in the male) without cerebral hernia, and low to medium nos- 
trils (fig. 6). Inthe second generation of hybrids, on the other hand, occur 
combinations of characters both of the parental species and also of the first 
generation of hybrids. These combinations are of the most varied sort, so 
that characteristics always found associated in one parent species may here 
be found dissociated. When hybrids are bred zzfey se the following com- 
binations are obtained : 

| | Number of cases. 

No. | Comb. Crest. | Hernia. Nostril. Galen 

| | | Actual. | jiteq. 

= == = = alr ss | = aa Acar ane 

3 11 | Present....| Absent.. { | Wiehe if: va 2 

3 | _, || Absent ...| Absent ..{] Bagow----| 8 | 2 

2 | | Present....| Present 4 Mek = ie 

g | | ll Absent ....| Present.. { eee oh 2 A 
2 |) f] prerent....| ateene..{] Memo) 8 | 28 | 
vA | | | | Absent ....| Absent .. { Nigh om ne | 

a | Le | Present ...| Present. . { | wich in 2 Ae 

a | | Absent ....| Present. . { | ek ai fs aa 
a | | Present... ; Absent .. 1 nee Ee 5 ies | 
ae | ea Absent... 7 Absent .. { | eae 2 aD | 
Be | || Present....| Present. . { | nee ass - | a8 | 
z |) “|| abeent....| Present, {| Nemowres| es] Te 


This table gives the distribution of characteristics in 70 individuals. 
Grouping the individuals under certain alternative characters, we have the 
following relations of actual and calculated frequency of occurrence of each 
characteristic : 


Characteristic. Actual. |Expected.|| Characteristic. Actual. | Expected. 
persia | 4 

Split comb......... 29 35-0 | Hernia present .... 16 17.5 

Single COMD saci 22 17.5 Hernia absent..... 54 52.5 

Pa pill cetetrcsereciidaeis 19 17.5 Nostril high....... 14 17.5 

Crest presenty..).. ... 49 52.5 || Nostrillow...... 56 52.5 

Crestabsent:- 7... 21 07-5) | 

The actual never deviates far from the expected. 

If, however, we compare the actual number of cases of each of the combi- 
nations with the calculated the result is instructive. For example, in the 
absence of correlation of characters we should expect a high nostril to be 
associated with a single comb in 5 or 6 of the 22 cases ; but it is never found so 
associated. In fact a high nostril never occurs in this cross dissociated from a 
rudimentary comb. On the other hand, it appears that a low nostril may be 
associated with a rudimentary comb, but in unexpectedly few cases, 4 instead 
of about 14. ‘Two of the 4 records are from embryos in the shell, in which 
therefore adult characteristics were not fully developed and the other two 
cases are recorded as one-half high. It is quite possible that an atypical 
nostril and absence of true comb are always associated (fig. 11). 

In order not to complicate the table too much, the correlation between 
crest and color of the crest feathers was omitted. A subsidiary table is con- 
sequently given here : 


(7 3) Yel <A PO CIDE OOO eC UOITO Of 18 

Grestipresent:mijerciclelsieterielelotematelels \Whiteardiblacks = e)ceeee ae 
BIA CIE ere iteictetetetereinlerercieteisvervelsiete 9 

Grestiabsent re cniciy-eiocie sie eis ites 200 Wier IHIaleo4 An coc cucesoos 6 

Whether crest is present or absent white occurs on the head ; but it is more 
apt than not to occur when the crest is present and less apt than not when 
the crest is absent. 


In the cross under consideration no characteristic is inherited in strictly 
Mendelian fashion, for in no case is dominance complete. The nearest ap- 
proach to typical Mendelian dominance is exhibited, in the present cross, only 
when crest is crossed with no crest. The new additive characteristic—crest— 



is dominant. But the crest of the first generation hybrids is always of small 
size. Likewise, plain head is dominant over cerebral hernia, but some of 
the hybrids have exceptionally high frontal prominences. The white color 
of crest is recessive in the male hybrids, but is not entirely shut out from the 
females. The high nostril is recessive, yet the presence of its representative 
in the hybrid gives the latter abnormally wide nostrils. Finally, the comb 
affords us a case of an organ in which neither parental form can be said to 
be dominant without such an extension of the term as to render it quite 
vague. Every individual shows a modified comb—the Y or O shaped comb. 
This is a new form—a heterozygous form—that probably reappears in the 
heterozygotes of each generation. 

The facts of correlation show that crest is by no means dependent on 
cerebral hernia. At the same time I doubt if the absence of present corre- 
lation disproves the hypothesis that the crest was the result of the hernia. It 
is at least conceivable that a characteristic that arose as a response to the 
stimulus of an abnormal ontogenesis should become hereditary and inde- 
pendent of the stimulus. As for white color on the top of the head, it is 
dissociable from the crest, for wholly black-crested second hybrids occur. 

Series Il.—Single-comb White Leghorn and Houdan. 

This cross was undertaken for comparison with that between Minorca and 
Polish, and to test the inheritance of plumage color, extra toe, and face 


The Leghorn (fig. 15) is typical of the Mediterranean class of poultry 
slender, tall-legged, close-feathered, nervous, and non-broody—the same class 
as that to which the Minorca belongs. "The white Leghorns came originally 
from northern Italy.* They have been bred in America since 1834. The 
single-comb variety is one of the most widely bred of our races and has the 
reputation of being the greatest egg-producer. Considering its white 
plumage, its transparent skin, with a trace of yellow, and its red iris, it 
comes very near to being an albino race, but the retina is pigmented. 

The Houdan (fig. 16) comes from France. It, like the Dorking, has 
doubtless descended from the 5-toed fowls of the Romans, described by 
Columella, which they probably carried to Gaul in their conquest of that 

* Wright, 1902, p. 385; Wyckoff, 1904, p. 788. 


country. ‘This may have been crossed with ‘‘ the old crested race of Caux.’’* 
The Houdan may be regarded as one of the fundamental types. 


No. Characteristic. Single-comb White Leghorn. Houdan. 
1 | General plumage color .... | White............... ....| Black, white-tipped. 
2) | (Coloriof uppertmandibless2 || Vellowz riety - ciclere eleleleiolole'= Light horn. 

3 | Nostrils .. ..............5. INENSION 7 Seer GODOT oon He aall vobtsash 

A || (Corie). soocoscooncbeckoosn™ Single (rarely cleft behind, | 2-pronged or V. 
| No. II.) 

5 Face feathering. ..... lePlainery ste peer mer eee Whiskered. 

Gm) Chiniicatherin ger rer t= Blaitiyn- retin arserveleterce citer Bearded. 

7 | Dorsal head plumage........ Plainen yen citi tleitastele Crested. 

8 | Dorsum of cranium. ....... Plain Wacyyaeet see coisas ie Domed. 

OV | MER OOtICOLOns. jeaeiee ieclee ceils Ie Well Owiscmncccrureomiucccc aart White. 

to. | Number of toes...... ...... WME ours eens Screed Five. 



1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—In the Leghorn this is typically white, 
and the most highly selected birds are without trace of black specks or 
yellowish lacing. The yellow lacing is hard to get rid of. The Houdan 
color consists typically of black feathers occasionally 
tipped with white (fig. 16). 

2. CoLOR OF UPPER MANDIBLE.—The clear yellow 
of the mandible of the white Leghorn is part of the 
general pigmentation of the skin. Much yellow pig- 
ment is deposited over the body. It shows prominently 
in the tarsal scutes. The Houdan mandible is clear 

3. Nosrrits.—The high nostrils of the Houdan 
(fig. 12) are like those of the Polish fowl (page 7). 

4. Coms.—The comb of the Houdan in America is 
the so-called y-comb. It differs from the Polish comb 
(page 7) in that the two horns arise from the sides of 
a median swelling (Fig. B). In England the Houdan 
is cultivated with a leaf comb consisting of two broad, 
flat expansions of the horns arising from a median 
ridge like ‘‘a butterfly with open wings.’’ + It thus resembles the posterior 
part of a Y-comb (fig. 8). The single comb of the Leghorn is very large 
and lops in the female to the right or left side of the head. 

Fic. B.— Dorsal view of 
beak of Houdan ga 
showing pair of clublike 
papillz, ¢c, that represent 
the yv-comb, c. f, cul- 
minal fold. 

* Petersen, C. E., 1905, p. 961, quoting P. Megnin: “Blévage et engraissement des 
7 Hurst, C. C., 1905, p. 132. 


5. WHISKERS, OR Murr.—This is a bunch of long feathers growing from 
the sub-orbital and post-orbital region of the head. This characteristic, of 
whose origin nothing is known, has been engrafted on several of the other 
French breeds: the Crévecceur, the Faverolle, the Du Mante, the Cossack, 
the Bourbourg, etc. The muff occurs also on breeds which have little in 
common with the French fowl, e. g., the Sultan and the Orlaff and Pavaloff of 

6. BEARD.—This consists of a number of long feathers growing from the 
middle of the chin and upper throat region (fig. 16). There is a fold of 
skin here from which the feathers arise. Such a beard is usually associated 
with the muff. The fold of skin, ‘‘ dewlap,’’ is found in some Indian Games 
and, less marked, in the Dark Brahma male. 

7, 8. CREST; CEREBRAL HERNIA.—These are indistinswisuable from 
those of the Polish (pp. 8-10). 

g. Foor CoLtor.—The brilliant yellow color of the tarsus of the Leghorn is 
strikingly different from the colorless or dirty gray tarsus of the Houdan. 
There must be a special yellow pigment in the skin of the former which is 
absent in the latter. 

10. NuMBER oF ToES.—The possession of an extra toe (fig. 13) is an ancient 
characteristic of poultry. The Latin author Columella, speaking of the fowl 
kept by the Romans, says: ‘‘ Those hens are reckoned of the purest breed 
which are 5-clawed, but so placed that no cross-spurs arise from the legs.”’ 
Since the tendency to extra toes must have arisen spontaneously once, there 
is always a possibility that it has done so several times, and it is by no 
means certain, although probable, that the extra toe of the Polish is genet- 
ically connected with that of the Roman fowl referred to. The following 
record of occurrence of extra toes in poultry is interesting, since in this case 
no relation to the Roman fowl is probable. A writer* in Der Zoologische 
Garten states that Carl Bock in his ‘‘ Reich des weissen Elefant,’’ p. 267, re- 
lates that he, in a journey from Tschengmai, on the third day reached 
Muang Hawt, a way station on the road to Mulmen. This village is dis- 
tinguished for its 6-toed fowl. Again, the Silky fowl, which certainly have 
little in common with the Dorking, have extra toes (page 59). The extra toe 
is to be regarded as a sport which has appeared at different times and which 
is easily maintained as a racial characteristic. The question of the inher- 
itance of such a sport is always interesting. The Houdan has typically 
only one extra toe, making 5 in all; it is occasionally found with 6. 
Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 98) sometimes got 6 toes in hybrids between 
Leghorns and Dorkings. The lengthof the extra toe and the completeness 
of bifurcation are ES) variable. 

Tanehae a B. 1886, p. 35- 



During the progress of my experiments appeared the second report to 
the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society by Bateson and others. 
This contains a paper by Hurst (1905, p. 133) giving his results with White 
Leghorn male X Houdan female. ‘These will be considered in comparison 
with my results. 


The mothers were two Houdan hens* (fig. 16) purchased from a dealer 
as pure stock. They agreed well with the standard requirements. When 
bred with a Houdan male they produced only typical Houdans. 

The father was a Single-comb White Leghorn+ likewise of unknown 
ancestry. The plumage of No. 13a is devoid of black pigment, and mated 
with White Leghorn hens it has produced only White Leghorn offspring. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—/irst hybrid generation. Of 41 individuals 
all were white in plumage (fig. 17), but almost without exception both in 
down plumage and that of the adult there were traces of black on one or 
more feathers, particularly those of the back ; more especially was this true 
of the females than of the males. 

Hurst (1905, p. 133) got 11 black chicks out of 105 offspring and in the 
first plumage these developed into 6 black (all pullets) and 5 barred (all 
cockerels). Here also females have more pigment than males. Of the white 
chicks all except two developed black ticking. Doubtless these two were 

Second hybrid generation. When these hybrids were crossed iter se, out of 
50 individuals 9 were markedly pigmented like the Houdan. This is 18 per 
cent of all cases, expectation being 25 per cent. With larger numbers 
Hurst (1905, p. 138) got 24.3 per cent black. Equally striking is the 
occurrence of many pure white individuals along with the impure whites. 
The pure whites that were reared to maturity proved to be males; the impure 
whites were females. 

First hybrid (No. 87 &) crossed with white Leghorn (No. 71 2). The father 
was pure white; the mother was speckled with black. Of 22 offspring all were 
white, but some had single pigmented feathers. Al! males (9) are pure white, 
excepting No. 562, which has some black on two feathers of the left wing 
coverts, and No. 649, which has one-half of one right wing covert black. 
My only certain female has a score of partly black feathers. Hurst (1905, 
p- 139) obtained 66 clear white chicks and 69 white, ticked with black. I 

*Nos. 8 and 11, received July 1, 1904, from Geo. C. Ely. 
+ No. 134, received Sept. 15, 1904, from a farmer. 


judge this equality to indicate a difference of color in sex; or else the pig- 
mented individuals are heterozygotes. Possibly the females are the hetero- 
zygous forms—the males homozygous. 

2. CoLor oF UPPER MANDIBLE.—This assumes its final condition so late in 
life that definite statistics will not be given now. 

First hybrid generation. A few young are recorded as showing yellow. 
The rest are white; this is probably the young condition of the light horn 
of the adult Houdan. Light horn seems dominant. 

Second hybrid generation. A few cases of black mandible are recorded, 
even in the young, where pigment is less developed. 

First hybrid (87) crossed with white Leghorn. All older chicks have white 
mandibles; there are no blacks. 

3. Nostrits.—/irst hybrid generation. Of 25 individuals, all pute one havea 
nostril of one-half width or less—thus approaching the white Leghorn type. 
The exceptional individual (No. 386 9 ) has a typical high nostril and is 
peculiar in respect to comb also. Only one individual is recorded as having 
as narrow a nostril as the Minorca. 

Second hybrid generation. Forty-nine individuals give : 

| Characteristic. Frequency. | Per cent. | 
<_—_ mst, A | | 
Narrow (24) and intermediate (8) ......... | 32 | 65.5 | 

| lsbtadla no gdododaaouskounKDOOdpnoKG aacumooda | 17 | 34.5 
| otal rae aeer een eer mnie, state tses Crees | 49 | 100.0 | 

On the assumption that ‘‘ narrow and intermediate ’’ includes pure-narrow 
and heterozygous individuals, while ‘‘ high’’ includes recessive, pure-high 
individuals, we should expect 75 per cent and 25 per cent in the two classes 
respectively—only an approximate agreement with the actual. 

First hybrid (No. 878) crossed with white Leghorn (779). ‘The father 
has a ‘‘one-fourth’’ nostril; the mother, of course, a typical ‘‘narrow’”’ 
one. Of 24 individuals 12 are recorded as narrow; 12 as intermediate of 
some grade. This gives the ratio 1:1, which we expect, assuming the inter- 
mediate nostril to be the heterozygous type ; the narrow, the pure type. 

4. Coms.—Virst hybrid generation. Of 41 individuals 40 have the Y-shaped 
comb in some form (fig. 17). This comb resembles that of the Minorca 
X Polish hybrid. There is no case of a single comb in this generation, but 
there are two cases in which the posterior end of the comb is merely much 
thickened. On the whole the present series of cleft combs differs from the 
former in that a smaller proportion of the comb is split—no cases of wholly 
split or cup combs occur, although in one important case (87 ¢ ) two-thirds 


of the comb is cleft. A new characteristic of this series of cleft combs is 
the occasional appearance of a median comb lying between the two wings of 
the cleft comb—a posteriad continuation of the single part of the comb. 
This condition appears in three cases (2586, 2598, 4486). Itis important 
for the interpretation of the cleft comb. It gives the posterior part of the 
hybrid comb the triple condition characteristic of English Houdans. 

The one case that lacks the Y-shaped comb is No. 3869 (with high 
nostrils). She has only a pair of papillae. Hurst (1905, p. 133) got no 
single comb in 105 offspring. 

Second hybrid generation. Fifty-five individuals show the following dis- 
tribution of comb forms : 

Per cent. 
Characteristic. Frequency. 
Actual. Expected. 
2 = is a5 = ; 
Gyre soooocacane coscconDS 17 30.9 25 (18.75) 
WiGerl Yeqonerc po MACOCoOROCoC 23 41.8 50 (56.25) 
CMOmLOLa DSCL Easier refersyalais 15 27.3 25. (25.00) 
Motalepeyrxrecceericiret 55 100.0 I00 (100.00) 

The Y comb being the heterozygous form should appear in 50 per cent of 
the cases ; each of the other forms in 25 per cent. The deviation from 
expectation is of the same character as in Series I. That the approximation 
to theory is less close is probably due to the smaller total number. Hurst 
(1905, p. 138) obtained 56 ordinary single combs in 226, or 24.8 per cent. 

First hybrid (87 8 ) crossed with white Leghorn (779). The Y-shaped comb 
crossed with single gives, in 26 individuals : 

Characteristic. Vie Per cent. 
SrullS, co dponn gaooods Sony OU esa UNOS ORre | 15 57-7 
| Gleftreted(ScesRemarks) re -ietleseetinteiaasietele II 42.3 
| Rotallier-vpereyetersre cetera etercreretenwe.siaietaicestoroeete 26 £00,0 

REMARKS: Including two cases in which a median ridge runs through 
the cleft comb. Of these one is a nearly typical pea comb except that 
the side lobes are higher than the median one. Including, furthermore, 
one case of au arrow-shaped comb, two parallel V’s occurring in front 
and behind, respectively, being joined by a median ridge. Including, 
finally, two cases of cup-comb. 

Here the expected equality is approached. Hurst (1905, p. 139) obtained 
60 ordinary single combs in 135 individuals of this cross, or 44.4 per cent. 

5. Fack FEATHERING.—/irst hybrid generation. Of 24 recorded cases all 
show the muff (fig. 17). 


Second hybrid generation. All individuals (26) whose face feathering was 
observed are recorded as muffed; concerning a greater number (35) the 
record is silent. What has become of the expected 25 per cent of muffless 
individuals? It is possible, but on strict chance hardly probable, that the 
muffless individuals all died young. A decisive answer to our question 
must await further experimentation. 

First hybrid (87 8) crossed with white Leghorn (779). Only one parent is 
muffed. Muffed and non-muffed offspring occur in approximate equality ; 
but even in the adult muffingis not fullinamount. This cross confirms the 
result of the first that muffing is dominant, but it is not perfectly so. 

6. BEARD.—In the first hybrid generation all individuals are bearded. When 
these hybrids are crossed with the white Leghorn about half of the offspring 
are beardless. Beard is dominant. 

7. CEREBRAL HERNIA.—In the frst hybrid generation all (24) individuals 
were without external evidence of the cerebral hernia. In the second hybrid 
generation out of 45 individuals 11 had the hernia (fig. 14) and 34 had 
none, or 24.4 per cent and 75.6 per cent respectively. When the hydrid 
was crossed with the white Leghorn (719) no individual with the hernia 
appeared. The cerebral hernia is a recessive characteristic. However, the 
height of the frontal dome is variable, even in the pure-bred Houdans, and 
on at least one occasion the cerebral prominence in an unhatched hybrid 
was so high that it was doubtful whether or not it might represent a hernia. 
Here, as in Series I, plain-headedness, though clearly dominant, is imper- 
fectly so. 

8. Crest.—irst hybrid generation. Of 25 individualsallarecrested. Hurst 
(1905, p. 134) gets the same result. Second hybrid generation. Of 1g indi- 
viduals 6 are non-crested, or 31.6 per cent, approaching the expected 25 per 
cent. The remainder are crested. First hybrid (878) crossed with white 
Leghorn (772). Of 15 individuals 6, or 40 per cent, are without crest. 
Expectation is 50percent. Crest is clearly dominant, yet in the first hybrid 
it is never so largeasinthe Houdan. This fact is, I take it, due to imperfect 
dominance. It may, however, be associated physiologically with the absence 
of a cerebral hernia. 

9. Foot CoLor.—In the first hybrid generation this always becomes white in 
the adult, although sometimes yellow in young birds. In the second genera- 
tion of hybrids bred inter se or with the White Leghorn stock, yellow reappears 
as leg color. Statistics would be misleading on this point, as permanent leg 
color is reached only on maturity. Itmay be concluded that white is domi- 
nant over yellow. 


10. NuMBER OF ToES.—Airst hybrid generation. Among 37 individuals the 
following distribution appears : 

Number of toes. Ue Per cent. 
AAA 3 Spaiticge oi 2 Sei tos av cvariensl cia 6 16.2 
(=SQsosssoosersnoos domo asec oN 82 § 
Si Sanitaire balticinatls Giaverstaersi ais 23, J 3t 83.8 
ARES opagoopdsoD bas 37 100.0 

Hurst (1905, p. 133) got among 105 birds 103 with trace of extra toe 
(including duplication of nail and hyperphalangia) and two without any such 
trace. The difference in the proportions of extra and normal toes between 
Hurst’s and my results is partly a matter of classification and perhaps partly 
due to the real difference in potency of the extra-toe characteristic in the 
two strains. 

Second hybrid generation. To learn if the individuals with 4-4 toes were 
merely imperfect dominants or true recessives I mated two of them (Nos. 
849 and 86 @ ) with their brother, a 4-toed cock (No. 836). Of 23 offspring, 
17 were normal-toed and 6 had extra toes on one or both feet, or nearly 25 
per cent with extra toes. Expectation, on the other hand, was either (a) 
if the 4-4-toed were recessives there should be no extra toes, or else (6) if 
extra toe here merely fails to dominate there should be 75 per cent with 
extra toes. Hurst (1905, p. 150) mated together two 4-4-toed hybrids and 
got 14 extra-toed to 8 normal, or 63.6 per cent extra-toed. He also mated 
the same 4-4 hybrid cock with a 4-toed Hamburg Cochin hen, and about 
half the offspring had extra toes. Heconcludes: ‘‘ These results prove that 
the apparently recessive feet with no trace of extratoe . ... are in reality 
DR’s, as both birds gave chicks with e. t. when bred together and with pure 
recessives.’’ I am inclined to doubt if this is the whole story, for one of my 
two 4—4-toed hybrid hens, namely, No. 86, mated with 83 ¢, gave 12 offspring 
with 4-4 toes and no certain offspring without normal toes. This looks as 
though 869 and 83¢ were both truly recessive. No. 849, on the other 
hand, produces extra-toed and normal-toed individuals in about equal pro- 
portions. Further experiments with 83, 84, and 86 are planned for 1906. 

Second hybrid (878) mated with white Leghorn (779). The father (87) 
has an extra toe on the left side only. Of 25 offspring 17 have 4 toes 
on each side, 6 have 5 toes on each side, and 2 have an extra toe on one 
side only. 

11. CORRELATION OF CHARACTERS.—The first hybrids between white 
Leghorns and Houdans show a fairly constant association of characteristics, 
a white plumage flecked with black, white mandible, narrowish nostrils, 
Y-shaped comb, muffed and bearded face, reduced crest on a domeless head, 



white legs, and toes that are usually but not always meristically abnormal. 
When the hybrids are bred infer se we get varied combinations of char- 
acteristics, as follows (D meaning dominant and R, recessive): 

Actual No. 

Comb. | Nostril. Hernia. Toes | Plumage. iene 
{ | Low (D)...... Absent (D). Normal (R)| White (D).......... 6 
Wsowsewcey ot Absent .... | Normal | Black and white..... I 
pow sees Absent...... | xtranaaerec P\icbiS>ageoommecdedod 3 
| WOKiannosseoos Present ..... Normalieniaerrcre ene eee ° 
VAP llowne aencios Present |MExtraseeieee les oe I 
| Usbrant oagagone Absent eNormialliecil| WAnIteR eer yetterierterls I 
| 2E6%5)8 Co ogecbapol Absent . Normal | Black and white. . I 
| 1ebF Ad ooosonc00 | -Albsent) <2) | PETS soc gllpaooouds0ns 946000650 ° 
(li) SRF og goo onc | Present ..... |i caves uacgenctres Wh seevscovarciste raisaske ere tool Ssare % 0 
(alWowercnee cnc | Absent ..... | Normal aWihlitele sentence 6 
| Low Absent Normal....| Black and white..... fo) 
| WOWerreen steer Absent...... | Extra HALPER OR ncee Comenel| 3) 
WW OWpetelerreeterciers Absent..... 15>-46¢,e np oo Black and white ° 
| diieYeud soe coo Presents ysjeen Normal ier eteletereitiertetiiet rents 2 
| | eesoobocacos leeresent rere |) ERR ocodallsooud doonsednonsudoD 0 
Ishtas\ooanouese Absent...... Nyse olaanopsnaposoosBUoMoRé ° 
| pEieheeeee Absent...... |) deoxetiral eh cieyell cteepscevolianere stakes coments o 
Isha Gcoscooun Present lelslele | Nherselle sc ollaogonaccdsec0nnKe ° 
[Li 2sbhaele ASeoodos Present ..... | Eixtrascn RAB eacaaisacira met arc oO 
(Ul owsretecltertets: | PAlbsents-155- Normal AWM Godconaeoea coe ° 
| DOW eleietereisteyerete | Absent...... Normal | Black and white..... ° 
GON? weaeacaur Aibsentiervateys Extra...... I Bvceeararcnre ooetatelonsteleyonerare fo) 
| TOW vetet lai | Present ..... [aN Giant Wezalleehogosntageo: posoase I 
MG OMierreisiteolers Rresentryrciac extra evel eictiololteteacanciieier terete fo) 
Seo) ul Teta eh oogoas Npsentae ent Normal l-WWiahitebn cnncmnene 4 
| I) weetlstscggoooas Absent...... Normal | Black and white..... I 
| ISG Ratko en daos Absent..... Hixtral jie NBAN ALLL Aeene Aamir 3 
IsbTecdoaaaee Absent...... Extra nele | Black and white..... I 
| 18 Stn conab5oen Present\i2.... Normale eWihitesepeeeeee pee 3 
Jetta’ gouauoso|| Present .... | Normal | Black and white..... I 
ett) Veeeaasce | Present .....| Extra...... RPE isl Pein Pe a a fe) 
| oe 
| | 38 
*Fig. 14. 

In the series of crosses between the White Leghorn and Houdan, Mendelian 
results were obtained as in the first series. Dominance, however, is frequently 
imperfect. The plumage color of the offspring of a pure homogametous white- 
and-black and a white arerarely pure white. Likewise in the second hybrid 
generation impure whites occur. Also, nostril-height exhibits imperfect 
dominance of the narrow type. The muff, beard, and crest, though always 
present in the first hybrid generation, are apparently always reduced. ‘The 
cerebral hernia, though recessive, affects the dominant normal skull. 

A heterozygous form results from hybridizing the single and V-shaped comb. 
The cleft comb is a neomorph, of which more will be said in the sequel 
(page 65). 

Polydactylism does not readily fall into the Mendelian formula. 
results, although suggestive, need support from other experiments. 



Few characters are correlated ; the second hybrid generation exhibits all 
combinations, except that high nostril and single comb do not occur together 
here any more than they do in the Minorca-Polish hybrids. 

Among heterozygous individuals, with Y-shaped comb, the combination 
of dominant characteristics (narrow nostril, no hernia, and white plumage) 
is the commonest, forming nine-thirteenths of all. These are also, apart 
from the Y-comb, all Leghorn characteristics. It appears, too, with the given 
parentage, that zovma/ toes are usually present. The low nostril and cerebral 
hernia combination occurs several times with or without extra toe. The 
combination refutes the notion of Wright (quoted at page 8) that there is any 
necessary relation between cerebral hernia and ‘‘cavernous’’ nostril. A 
high nostril was in two instances (both of which died very young, one before 
hatching) associated with a Y-comb, but it is doubtful if the median portion 
would have developed. 

The single comb may occur associated with a hernia (¢. g., No. 443, 
fig. 14), with extra toes and with mottled plumage, but in my records so 
far it is never associated with a high nostril. 

The V-shaped comb is commonly associated with high nostril, but rarely 
with a low one, despite the fact that low nostril is dominant. It occurs on 
white individuals thrice as frequently as on black-and-white ones; it shows 
no preference for the extra toe. 

The hernia is never found dissociated from the crest ; but the crest occurs 
three times as often as the hernia. 

Series II],—Houdan and Single-comb Black Minorca, 

This series was undertaken to compare the behavior of the Houdan with 
that of the Polish (Series I, page 6) when crossed with the Minorca. 
The Houdan is deseribed at page 18 and the Black Minorca at page 6. 
Both of the races are fundamental and old. The Houdan contains the 
larger assemblage of new characteristics. 


| | 
+4: | Discussed | Single-comb Black | Discussed 

Characteristic. | Houdan. at page— Saree | at page— 
1. General plumage color..| Black and white. . 19 (princtueae. tan 29 
2A COMP OLtMenesieereriiests Vidwies opsenotoor 19 antes AbeDd beOS hod if 
BeeNostril’form'= asec: | IWAGEU = Sere sisiacrecel| 19 Narrow.. .. .. 7 
Aaa Srestrytiretcnlonacyereree WePresentanreiyc ue 20 A\DSeTitieray eves ieter | 
5. Cerebral hernia........ pr tescrityrersaviaele 20 JADE is gaadoewr 
ObpMi nih fervaryerciaes colctorolcters ebresenteme ere. 19 Albsentiyenece ci. 
Go dkeaktelnadaaoauosco0dcoc eexesenta rues fret 20 INTIS, Gagccocod 
8. Foot color....... opal VALLES crs revetneversate 20 Blackerrtmetceyers 29 
mm Loeslerene veterans Pel etc uano itor 20 Am AW fai retetet tei cielo 



As mothers, Nos. 8 and 11 (page 21), original Houdan stock, and later their 
daughters, Nos. 60 and 81, were used. No trap nests were employed in 
this series and consequently mothers are not exactly known. 

Father: No. 27, bred at the station, August, 1904, son of No. 12, 
Minorca cock (page 6) and a Minorca hen. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—The young hybrids, like the young black 
Minorcas, contain much white on the belly ani primaries. In later molt- 
ings the white is replaced by black, but even at five months the primaries 
are sometimes mealy or white-spangled. Except for this the hybrids have 
lost the Houdan white and are of the Minorca color. Minorca uniform 
black is dominant over the Houdan mottling. 

2. Comp.—Firsthybrid generation, Of 20 offspring 18 have a Y-shaped comb 
like the hybrids of Polish and Minorcas. In two cases (of egg embryos) the 
comb was recorded as single, but this is probably only the limiting condi- 
tion of the Y-shaped comb, which is here also the heterozygous form. 

3. NostriL Form.—First hybrid generation. In no case does the nostril 
width exceed one-half. As in Series I and II, there is imperfect dominance 
of the narrow form. However, the nostril in this cross runs lower than in 
the Leghorn x Houdan cross. 

4. Crest.—This is present in all first hybrids reared to a sufficient age to 
render an opinion possible. 

5. CEREBRAL HERNIA.—F,. Always absent. Oneegg embryo, which died 
at about 17 days of incubation, had a vesicle protruding, uncovered by 
skin, from the top of the head at the usual position of the hernia. Sucha 
teretological case is not uncommon in straight bred Houdans. It is note- 
worthy to find it here where the cerebral hernia is recessive. 

6, 7. MuFF AND BEARD.—F,. Present in all older hybrids. 

8. Foot CoLror.—F,. Always black as in the Minorca. 

g. Tors.—Of 21 hybrids, 12 have 5-5 toes, 3 have 5-4 toes, and 6 have 4-4 
toes. The proportion without extra toes is higher than in the Leghorn x 
Houdan first cross, being there 16.2 per cent, here 28.6 per cent. 


The following characteristics apparently exhibit alternative inheritance: 
Plumage color, nostril form, crest, cerebral hernia, muff and beard, leg 
color, and number of toes. Dominant are: Uniform black plumage color 
(imperfect), narrow nostril (imperfect), crest (imperfect), cerebral hernia 
(imperfect), muff and beard (imperfect), and black leg color. Of these the 
crest, muffling, and black leg color are positive characters in de Vries’ sense 
and are dominant. The color pattern of the Houdan yields here to black 


as it does in Series II to white; mottling is recessive to solid color. The 
comb, crest, muffling, and extra toe are inherited essentially as in Series II. 
Striking is the nearly universal imperfection of dominance. 

Series IV.—Single-comb White Leghorn and Rose-comb Black Minorca. 

This cross was undertaken to learn the inheritance in these races of the 
characteristics described below. 

The Leghorn has been described at page 18 ; the Minorca at page 6. 


Single-comb | Discussed) Rose-comb Discussed 

| ae | 
No. | Characteristic: | White Leghorn. | at page— | Black Minorca. | at page— 
| le 3 = 
| | | 
1 | General plumage color. I Wikkitess char cc | 19 Black eseiee | 29 
D || Carly sews soscooosve Singlet seco: 19 Rosettes 29 
B | Foot Colors, «1. .- sees WellOwietrses- + «re | 20 | Blue-black.... 2 

| | | 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Black is one of the constituents of the 
color of Gallus bankiva, being the chief color of the breast. Just how a 
wholly black condition of plumage was attained is of course not exactly 
known ; there are, however, many instances known of melanic sports among 
birds. It is probable that wholly black varieties have arisen as a result of 
excessive production of the black pigment, melanin. 

2. Comp Form.—The rose comb isa broad mass of erectile tissue replacing 
the single comb. Anteriorly it overhangs the nostrils and extends over and 
back of the eyes. The upper surface is covered by numerous tubercles. 
These do not, in young birds and females, run wholly at random but tend to 
lie in five or more parallel lines. Posteriorly the rose comb ends in a finger- 
like process or spike. The rose comb is the last term of the series starting 
at the single comb and having the triple or pea comb for its middle term. 

3. Foor Cotor.—The dense black color of the scutes of the foot of the 
Minorca constitutes a positive or additive characteristic as contrasted with 
the pigmentless condition of the yellow-footed White Leghorn. 


As mothers three White Leghorns were used, of unknown ancestry but 
reputed pure. They had fair Leghorn points except as noted in the descrip- 
tions given below. When mated with White Leghorn 13 ¢ they produced 
only white offspring. 

10A. Feathers all white ; comb strictly single. 


r1A. Feathers mostly white, but some are sooty. The single comb is 
cleft behind for about one-fourth of its total length. 

12A. Feathers all white ; comb strictly single. 

The father, No. 9A, also of unknown parentage, has a large rose comb 
go mm. long by 44 mm. broad at its widest part. The tubercles are very 
irregular, but five rows of them can be discerned. The plumage is prevail- 
ingly black, but many feathers of the back are tipped with white and several 
primaries are almost or quite white. 


This series of experiments has been carried as yet through only the first 
hybrid generation. 

1. PLUMAGE CoL_or.—Highty-three first hybrids were obtained of ‘which 74 
were white, either pure or with some black feathers, and 9 were deeply pig- 
mented. Females A and C yielded only white offspring. Female B, on the 
other hand, produced chiefly dark birds, recorded as ‘‘blue’’ or ‘‘ black- 
and-white.’’ She was the mother of the 9 pigmented birds just mentioned. 
B’s germ cells are probably mixed. The only two of B’s offspring reared 
to maturity are blue like the so-called ‘‘Andalusian breed”’ (fig. 54, pl. xvmz). 
Now blue is a combination of black and white and is a ‘‘ heterozygous form.’’ 
If blue birds, one of which is male, the other female, breed together, both 
pure black and impure white, as well as blues again, are to be expected in 
the proportions of 1:1:2 respectively.** Of the white offspring of both A 
and C it is noteworthy that the males are mostly pure white (7. ¢., without 
trace of black, although often suffused with yellow), while the females are 
always specked with black. 

2. Comp Form.—Of 8o first hybrids 40 have single comb and 40 rose comb. 
This result indicates first that the cock is a heterozygote and consequently 
produces in its germ glands two kinds of germ cells, viz, those with the single- 
comb and those with the rose-comb determinants and second, that rose comb 
is dominant. Then: R single X DR rose gives 50 per cent DR rose and 50 
per cent RR single. 

Bateson and Saunders (1902, pp. 102, 103) find rose comb of Wyandotte 
or White Dorking dominant over single comb of the Leghorn. Hurst 
(1905, p. 134) crossed a White Leghorn with a Black Hamburgh (rose comb) 

* Tegetmeier (1867, p. 185) states that blue Polish bred together throw cuckoo, white or 
speckled produce. Wright (1902, pp. 399-401) states that ‘Andalusians ’’ constantly throw 
black and also white chicks. Blue chicks are frequently produced by crossing black and 
white. Wright (1902) mentions such a result from crossing black and white Langshans 
(p. 291) and Wyandottes (p. 318). Such blues also throw whites and blacks. Inher- 
itance of blue is discussed by Bateson and Saunders (1902, pp. 131-132) and by Bateson 
and Punnett (1905, pp. 118-119). In the latter paper it is stated that of 75 offspring of 
Andalusians 17 were ‘‘ white splashed, 36 blues, 22 blacks.’? A blue bred to a white pro- 
duced 34 blue and 20 white splashed ; bred to a black it gave 27 blue and 19 black. 


and got rose combs in all of the offspring. Here, too, rose comb is domi- 
nant over single comb. 

Rose comb is a positive variation. It behaves in Mendelian fashion. 
Although a neomorph, it is dominant. 

3. Foor Cotor.—Excluding from consideration all but the older hybrids, 
40 showed foot coloring as follows : 

Blackwblaishs willows Ore Sreenis cierereyjelelotelerlsiclelorNelsiviesater=vislrfohe) a) el 9 
Wath sasnonsnnooboobo0s sataqou Rodos gudanooDDDDpODSUsOuDO DDoS 7 
PANO? onooon daghuoaochAnnooonps oodndmoga4onoonn sooDGaDad OCOD 2 


This result indicates that one of the parents (probably the male) is a 
heterozygote containing traces of some white-legged ancestor. Yellow 
appears to be dominant over white and black, but to be imperfectly so. The 
black x yellow gives green or willow; the whitened yellow is ‘‘ white.”’ 
Hurst (1905, p. 137) finds that when blue-footed and yellow footed individ- 
uals are crossed, the offspring have light-blue feet. Yellow is in his case 


In general, plumage color, foot color, and comb form are inherited in 
Mendelian fashion. White plumage is dominant, although imperfectly so ; 
wherefore we have spotted whites and even blues. Rose comb is dominant ; 
whether perfectly so can not be determined until later. Yellow foot color 
seems to be dominant, but is imperfectly so, even the yellow legs showing 
traces of black. 

Series V.—Single-comb Black Minorca and Dark Brahma, 

This cross was made to see the result of uniting two races as unlike as 
possible in origin and general form. 


‘The Minorcas have been already described at page 6. The Dark Brahma 
race was originally imported from India near the home of Gallus bankiva ; 
yet it differs from it as much as does the Minorca. It isa blocky, short, 
stout-legged bird, is fluffy in plumage, and has a small pea comb and small 
wattles. It is, moreover, sexually dimorphic. The male (fig. 19, pl. v) 
has much more black in its plumage and is very differently marked from 
the penciled or barred female (fig. 18). The Dark Brahma has so many 
characters unlike those of the Jungle fowl that it is now thought to be 
chiefly derived from a different ancestor, namely, that of the Aseel and 
Indian races. 



= ogs Single-comb 
No. Characteristic. Bla ae Minores. Dark Brahma. 

I Generalicolorneee ms aiiieciciors Black in both sexes..| Complex black, red and 
white pattern; sexes 

2 | Wing coverts (wing bar)........ Blackie fantsecveeieceee Black, white, and red. 

Q | Cerys popat cooosacnoboooBOnonS SFA pon gessqeAcoe Pea. 

4 Haxzlobpeicolorenececceiccietciste White, red mottling.| Red. 

IS RTS (COLO stayels}ateisce cle ovolerestoboieeialeke BLOWS ricyelsictorerversels Yellow. 

6 | Foot and beak color.......... | Blue-black... ..... | Yellow. 

7 Boot feathering... «0 -issiesie ore AtDSentincrictecineisiieiers Present and heavy. 

8 Vulture hock.. . Sow obouae IAIDSEN Gree wrteotacercee Present. 

Gj) Wits Conoco ceeasogood Gogo Black. 20 jean Black, white, and red. 


1. GENERAL, PLUMAGE CoLor.—The adult Minorca has a completely glossy 
black plumage. In the chick of two weeks the whole ventral surface is 
covered with a white down, and certain of the primaries, especially those at 
the distal end of the series, are partly or wholly white. The coverts over- 
lying these reminges are usually white also. The white on the wing grad- 
ually disappears in successive molts. 

The adult Dark Brahma has a sexual dimorphism of color. The female 
(fig. 18) is nearly uniformly penciled black and straw color. ‘The hackles 
have a broad whitish margin and the inner half of the vane is solid black. 
The male (fig. 19) has solid glossy greenish-black feathers in the tail, white 
feathers on top of the head, in the middle of the back and upper wing 
coverts; below black. Feathers with narrow black central stripe and broad 
white margin (lacing) constitute nape, hackle, and saddle. Red occurs on 
wing bar and humeral patch. In the down plumage Brahmas of both sexes 
are longitudinally striped buff and black. 

2. WiNnG BArs.—The wing bar of the male Dark Brahma depends upon 
the fact that the wing coverts of the second and third rows (which are black 
at the base) have a white tip and a transverse band of red in the middle 
between black and white. Inthe higher coverts and on the shoulder the 
red still occurs, but it is reduced in extent. 

3. Comp.—The single comb is found on Gallus bankiva and has sometimes 
been regarded as the only ancestral form. The pea comb is a distinct type, 
consisting of a median comb bordered on each side by an accessory comb. 
The origin of the pea comb is obscure but certainly ancient. Wright (1902, 
PP. 265, 33°, 339) contends that it arose in the Aseel, a type of oriental fowl 
regarded as the ancestor of the Malays and Indian Games and believed not 
to have originated from Gallus bankiva, but to represent a distinct species. 
According to this view the pea comb has not arisen from the single, but is 
coordinate with it and of equal age. From the ancestral breed it has become 


fixed upon others. Although not typical of the Malay breed (which has a 
small ‘‘ walnut’’ comb), it often appears when two walnut combs are bred 
together.* The pea comb is found also in certain derived races, particu- 
larly in the Brahma, and from this it has been engrafted on various other 
breeds, notably on the Plymouth Rock of America and on the so-called 
““Buckeyes.’’ + 

4. EARLOBE COLOR.—Two main color types of earlobes are found in poul- 
try, red and white. The former occurs in the Jungle fowl, Aseels, Indian 
Games, Javas, Dorkings, Cochins, Brahmas, and other foundation stock ; con- 
sequently it must be regarded as the more primitive. The white earlobe 
seems to have arisen in the Mediterranean type. It finds its highest expres- 
sion in the White-faced Black Spanish. It has become a constituent of the 
Houdans and La Fléche among the French breeds and of the Hamburghs. 

5. Irts Color.—Among poultry this ranges from a gray or pearl through 
yellow to orange, red and bright red on the one hand, or through a dirty 
red or bay to brown and black on the other. The red type seems to belong 
to the descendants of the Jungle fowl; it is found in the Jungle fowl, in 
most Games, in most Mediterranean breeds, in most French fowl, in the 
Dorkings, and in many of theirderivatives. The lighter colors, yellow and 
pearl, are found in the Aseels, Malays, Indian Games, often in the Brahmas, 
attesting their origin from the Aseel group, also in many Cochins, where it 
is said to be ‘‘ very hereditary ’’’ (Wright, 1902, p. 320). The dark colors— 
hazel, brown, and black—are found in certain Game fowl of dark plumage, 
the Brown-Red Games, the Birchen Games and the Black Sumatras. They 
are found also in the Black Javas of America, in the Langshans, and sometimes 
the Orpingtons. Both the Langshans and Orpingtons have derived their 
eye color from the Java. Dark-brown eyes are found among the Mediter- 
ranean fowl only in the Black Minorca which we have to do with here. 
Whence acquired by the Minorca is uncertain ; possibly indirectly from the 
Java. Finally, a perfectly black iris is found in the Silkies, where it is 
probably due to the melanic sport that has made also skin and connective 
tissue black. 

6. Foot CoLor.—This varies with the general skin color. ‘The primitive 
color of the Gallus bankiva group is an olive, commonly called ‘‘ willow.’’ 
This is found in ordinary Game fowl. The Aseel-Malay-Indian type has 
yellow feet. To this type belong the yellow feet of the Brahma and the 
Cochin and doubtless also of the American Dominiques, which have trans- 
mitted it to the Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes. Finally, the Leghorns 
have bright yellow feet. 

By increase of the black pigment in certain birds of dark plumage there 
have been produced from the willow foot the blue, blue-black, and leaden blue 

* Wright, 1902, p. 325. 
+ American Standard of Perfection, 1905, p. 79. 


feet of numerous races, e. g., Black Cochins, Black Wyandottes, Black Java, 
Black Leghorn, Black Minorca, White-faced Black Spanish, Hamburgh, the 
French fowl, black and dark-colored Games, and the Silky. By decrease of 
pigment are derived the white feet of the Dorkings and Houdans. ‘This 
loss of pigment may be regarded as a mutation. It is associated with red 
or yellow eyes. 

Considering the Aseel type and the dankiva type as specifically distinct, 
the cross of the yellow foot and the blue-black foot in the present series is 
a cross between specific characteristics. 

7. Foor FEATHERING.—In Gallus bankiva and in the Aseel-Malay group 
the feet are without boots. The same is true of the Game fowl, although 
minute feathers are sometimes found on their feet. Foot feathering is 
found among various species of birds; among scratching birds, in grouse, 
ptarmigans ( Zetreo, Bruasia, Lagopus), among some pigeons, and the owls. 
Typically absent from the Gallinze, it has cropped out in the Brahma, Cochin, 
and, probably independently, in the Silky and Sultan. In these groups it 
has been preserved because of its importance in brooding or because it has 
struck the fancier’s eye. 

8. VuLTURE Hock.—This consists of long stiff quill feathers projecting 
backward at the heel joint. It is found among poultry only in the Cochin- 
Brahma group and its derivatives. This characteristic is a good example of 
a progressive variation. 


The cock used in this cross, No. 122 (fig. 19), was a bantam Dark Brahma, 
weighing 1,900 grams, received (February, 1905) from F. H. Hodges,* 
Red Bank, New Jersey, who is a successful breeder of this variety. The 
cock is typical of his kind. 

‘The hens were four Single-comb Black Minorcas, Nos. 14 (fig. 3), 16, 18, 
and 28, of which the three former were purchased of Mr. George C. Ely in 
July, 1904, and No. 28 was hatched at the station in August, 1904, from 
one of the purchased hens mated with the full-blooded Minorca cock No. 12. 


Only the first generation of hybrids has been reared up to the time of 

1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Inall cases (41) the hybrids are prevail- 
ingly black. Usually the feathers of the occiput and nape are laced with 
white, much more in the males than in the females, and the hackles of the 
male are obscurely barred or splashed with white (fig. 21). Evidently the 
white lacing of the Dark Brahma is trying toassert itself. The color of the 
wing coverts is considered in the next paragraph. The down of the young 

* Foot marked ‘‘F. H. H., 164.’’ 


is dead-black, being without the longitudinal stripes of the Dark Brahma 
young, and, for the most part, without the white wing feathers and ventral 
aspect of the young Minorca. Nevertheless, exceptionally, one finds the 
chin and part of the throat of the young white, the head feathers may be 
tipped with white, and in one or two instances a little white occurs on the 
wing. The young plumage seeims to be a neomorph, but on the whole it 
belongs rather to the Minorca type than to the more primitive Game type 
of juvenile coloration. 

2. Wine Coverts.—In 14 grown male hybrids of which I have records, a 
more or less prominent wing bar, formed by black, red, and straw-colored 
feathers in the third or fourth row of wing coverts, occurs (figs. 20, 21). 
The five females are wholly black, but even in these the wing coverts are 
barred with an iridescent purple black ; consequently a disturbance of the 
coloration of the wing coverts may be said to be typical of the hybrids. The 
wing bar of the Dark Brahma male dominates over the black wing of the 
Minorca, but it dominates imperfectly. 

3. Comp.—In all cases the pea comb of the Brahma dominates over the single 
comb. Critical examination shows, however, that the pea comb of the 
hybrid is not always typical. Frequently the whole structure, and espe- 
cially the median ridge, is abnormally high (fig. 21), and, on the other hand, 
in a few cases the lateral ridges are hard to make out. The dominance is 

4. KARLOBE CoLor.—The earlobe in every case contains both white and 
red. The result is not a blend, however, but is particulate, the white 
appearing at the center. As red is rarely wholly absent from the Minorca’s 
earlobes, whereas white is wholly absent from that of the Dark Brahma, it 
may be possible to bring inheritance of earlobe color under the general 
formuJa and speak of the white earlobe as being imperfectly dominant. 

5. Irts Cotor.—Theiris of the hybrid is yellow, rarely with a trace of red 
or reddish brown. ‘The type of the Dark Brahma is dominant, but imper- 
fectly so. 

6. BEAK AND Foot Cortor.—This is always black in the hybrid. However, 
the black is rarely the blue-black of the Minorca, but it is usually a brownish 
black frequently tinged with yellow, particularly on the under side of the 
toes. Black is imperfectly dominant. 

7. Foot FEATHERING.—In allcases the hybrids have feathering on the feet. 
In many cases this is clearly reduced in amount from what is found in the 
Dark Brahma. Foot feathering is imperfectly dominant (fig. 20). 

8. VuLtuRE Hock. —This is absent in every case, although about a quarter 
of the cases show the feathers of the heel much larger and more removed 

* The inheritance of the pea comb of the Dark Brahma has not been considered in the 
recent studies of others. The pea comb of the Indian Game is found by Bateson and 
Saunders (1902, p. 94) to be imperfectly dominant over the single comb of the White 


from the foot than in the Minorca. Plain feathered heel is dominant, but 
not perfectly so. 


This series of experiments is only begun. Conclusions as to dominance 
are tentative until tested in the second hybrid generation. The Minorca 
characteristics appear to dominate in (1) general black color, (4) white ear- 
lobes, (6) black foot and beak, and (8) absence of vulture hock. Dark 
Brahma characteristics appear to dominate in (2) wing bar, (3) pea comb, 
(5) yellow iris, and (7) foot feathering. In every case, however, dominance 
is imperfect. In some cases, at any rate, (5,7), it is the new, additional, 
or positive characteristic that dominates. 

Series VI.—White Leghorn and Dark Brahma. 


It is proposed to investigate the behavior of characteristics when the heavy- 
bodied, short and stout legged, loose-feathered, dark-colored Asiatic type is 
crossed with the slender, tall-legged, close-feathered, white Mediterranean 
type. Both types are ancient, but the Brahma must be regarded as nearer 
its ancestral form, Aseel-Malay-Indian, than the Leghorn is to the Jungle 


No. Characteristic. | White Leghorn. Dark Brahma, female. Bate cas 
1 | Hacklecolor..... Wihiter ae crisis Straw, black-penciled...| Black, straw- 
24| Wing ibars sy cc Wihitese.-s.: .. | Buff, black-penciled ...| Black, red, and 
| white. 
3 | Wing bow.......-. Wihttel--ecirace | Buff, black-penciled . Black and white. 
Ay elailicolors ci...) AMNES SA Ce 8 Soe Black, straw-penciled.. | Greenish black. 
Sa BCOMD tacreveloraeierere | Single (page 19) . Pea (see page 32). 
6 | Earlobe......... White, red-edged Red (see page 33). 
; (page 33). 
7, | lrisicolor 4-4) eau (pages3)-re Yellow (see page 33). 
8 | Vulture hock..... | PAtbsentsijecec cine | Present (see page 34). 
9 | Foot feathering..| Absent ... Present (see page 34). 
to | General form.... | Narrow, slender. .| Broad, chunky. 


1. HACKLE CoLor.—Among most poultry that are of broken color the 
hackle feathers are unlike those of the rest of the plumage. They havea 
dark center and a lighter lacing. Inthe Malays and Indians they have a 
red center edged with green. Inthe Gallus bankiva female the hackles have 
a black center (with straw-colored shafting) and straw-colored lacing. This 
is the type of hackle feather found in the male Dark Brahma. It is found, 


in both sexes, among many other breeds. The hackle of the female Dark 
Brahma (fig. 18) differs from that of the male in that the broad black center 
is barred, or penciled, with straw color. 

3. WiNnG Bow.—The wing éarv is described for the male at page 32. Inthe 
male Dark Brahma the feathers of the fourth and higher rows of wing coverts 
have their distal halves white forming the wing bow. Nosuch distinct wing 
bar and wing bow occur in the female, the feathers of this region being 
uniformly penciled like the others. 


There are two sets of experiments in thisseries. Inthe /s/se¢the mothers 
were White Leghorn Bantams, Nos. 127 and 128, probably heterozygotes 
with black, further discussed at page 39. The paternal Dark Brahma, 
No. 122, has been already referred to at page 34. In the second set the 
mother was Dark Brahma, No. 12t. She has the same history as No. 122. 
She is a prettily penciled bird (fig. 18). The father was White Leghorn 
Bantam, No. 126, described at page 39. 

Of the first set 19 offspring are recorded, including 8 in the shell. Females 

8, males 5. Of the second set 27 are recorded, including 8 in the shell. 

Females 14, males 4. 
I. GENERAL PLUMAGE Coror.—The result differs in the two sets and the 
two sexes, and it is otherwise variable. 

| Females. Males. Unknown sex. 
Plumage; color. | First | Second Total, | First Second| Total, | First | Second) 644) aera: 
| set. set. s set. set. 2 set. set. < | 
Nearly pure white ........ 4 3 7 3 2 5 7 II 18 30 
White + much black | | 
and red pigment as | } 
Part TN pyeteer see eereeacecsres to) Cre ° 2 ° By \inotseca | 2 2 4 
Like Dark Brahma fe- | | 
Be CN eer erconcencanenoecuroK| 4 | 3 *7 ° ° 9 7 
Barned iiestsceecterssectens | Ol | 3 3 ° Ze, li, 72 5 
Black or nearly $O..veveee+) OF ae 5 ° ° sO) 5 

The results are explicable on the hypothesis that all of the White Leg- 
horn Bantams, Nos. 126 $, 127 9, and 128 2, contain white gametes and 
also gametes bearing red pigment, black pigment, and the barred pattern. 

3. WING CoOLORATION.—In the /ivs¢ se¢ the wing coloration is like that of 
the plumage in general, except that in the females marked like the Dark 
Brahma the coverts contain much red (fig 23). 

Second set. Of 7 prevailingly white hybrids three show red or buff on the 
wings; +} of the 5 black-and-white (penciled) birds all but one show red or 
purple on the wings ; of two adult black hybrids one shows buff. Three other 


* Fig. 23. { Fig. 25, Plate vit. 


females are marked like the Dark Brahma female. Red pigment is com- 
moner in this set, with White Leghorn father, than in the first set, with 
Dark Brahma father. ‘This speaks for the hypothesis that red has come 
from the White Leghorn, as, according to usual e xperience, the father tends 
to determine coloration. 

4. Tat CoLtor.—/irst set. Of 11 offspring, 8 have a white tail, the prevail- 
ing color of the body; in one case the tail is white except for one black 
feather, and in two cases it, like the body in general, agrees with the Dark 
Brahma female in being black with buff penciling (fig. 23). 

Second set. Of 15 hybrids, 6 are nearly or wholly white on the tail, one 
has two black feathers, 5 are black, two are black-and-white barred, and 
one is black with buff, as in the Dark Brahma female. ‘The tail color tends 
to resemble that of the general body. 

5. Comps Form.—In all cases of adult hybrids of either set, the comb is pea 
(fig. 24). Pea comb is consequently here also dominant over single comb. 

6. EARLOBE.—Both the Brahma solid red and the White Leghorn white, 
red-margined earlobes appear in about equal numbers. It is probable that 
my heterozygous White Leghorn bantams have been early crossed with some 
red-lobed race. 

7. Irts CoLor.—This is definitely established only in mature birds. All 
eyes show more red than the Dark Brahma and the tendency is to redden with 
age; consequently red is probably dominant. 

8. VuLtruRE Hock.—This is absent in all cases (fig. 22). One hybrid 
has the hock feathers a little elongated. Short feathering at the heel is 

9. Foor FEATHERING.—First set. Of 19 hybrids having the Dark Brahma 
father, 3 unhatched chicks are recorded as non-booted. Of the remainder, 8 
are slightly or very slightly booted. Three adults have a medium covering 
of feathers on the foot. The Brahma tendency toward booting has been 
diluted by the cross with the Leghorn. 

Second set. Of 24 offspring of Dark Brahma mother, all have well-devel- 
oped boots. This constitutes a striking case of a difference in reciprocal 
crosses. Booting is probably here, as elsewhere, dominant, but frequently 
very imperfectly so. 


Of the nine characteristics, the following exhibit clear alternative inherit- 

ance, the dominant characteristic being printed in italics : 
Pea comb vs. single comb. 
No vulture hock vs. vulture hock. 
Booted foot vs. unbooted (when Brahma is mother). 

The other characteristics can not for one reason or another be so easily 
classified. The red of the wing bar seems to behave like a unit character 
and is independent of the coloration of the rest of the body. 


The inheritance of booting is peculiar in that in the first set, Leghorn 
mother and Brahma father, the booting fails to show that clear dominance 
which is almost universal ; yet I can hardly suspect the purity of the Dark 
Brahma male. It would seem that in this series also the mother transmits 
booting more strongly than the father. 

Series VIIL—Black Cochin Bantam and White Leghorn Bantam. 

This experiment was undertaken to learn the method of inheritance where 
one parent is pure white and the other pure black. 


The Black Cochin Bantam, also called Black Pekin, is a diminutive of the 
Cochin (fig. 26). It is stated by Wright (1902, p. 499) that the Pekins 
came in 1860 from the city of that name. ‘The original color was buff ; the 
black has probably been engrafted on the race by a cross with some small 
black race. The Cochins are closely allied to the Brahmas and share with 
them a chunky form, stout and densely feathered feet and red face and ear- 
lobes. The White Leghorn has been discussed at page 18. 


| Daas Black Cochin | White Leghorn 
| No. | Characteristic. | Bantani | BAntagl 
ai lie eee Ba 
1 | General plumage color.| Black. .... .. | White. 
|) §2) || (Harlobeycolor: 45... -/.- Red wae vucu seas | White, with trace of red. 
es Multune shocks nis ec =)-1: IRTESEN tor rerio | Absent. 
(hee | Foot feathering....... | Present........ | Absent. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—In the Black Cochin this is a deep 
greenish black. No trace of white appears anywhere. 

2. EARLOBE CoLtor.—In the Black Cochin this is of the dark red or bay 
characteristic of all the Aseel-Malay group. 

3. VULTURE Hock.—This is well developed in the Black Cochin (see 
page 34). 


The mothers were four Black Cochin Bantams,* very similar, each heavily 
booted and weighing about 600 grams apiece. Trap nests were not used, 
but owing to special peculiarities the eggs of the separate mothers were dis- 
tinguished as A, B, C, and D. 

The father was a White Leghorn Bantam, No. 126, purchased January, 
1905, from the Cyphers Incubator Company, together with two hens (Nos. 

*Nos. 129, 130, 131, 132, received February, 1905, from Mr. H. B. Kutschbach (fig. 
26, pl. rx). 


127, 128). Mated with the hens, nine young were produced. Four of 
these were typical White Leghorns without black ; three others were white 
except that black feathers occasionally appeared. One (No. 213) was 
nearly solid black and one (No. 229) was black with nearly every feather 
barred with white. It is plain that the strain I have has not been wholly 
purified of black. This is indicated also by the fact that No. 128 has every 
feather peppered with black—a heterozygous form of coloration. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Of 26 hybrids, 11 were pure white or had 
only a little black ; 7 were black, sometimes with a little white, and 8 were 
barred black and white (fig. 27). The results confirm the view that White 
Leghorn Bantan No. 126¢ has black germ cells. The barred condition is 
unexpected and is probably recessive in the White Leghorns. 

2. EARLOBE CorLor.—In all cases (10) ofadults but two, the earlobe is red ; 
in the remaining two some white is mixed with the red. The red earlobe 
is probably dominant, but imperfectly so. 

3. VULTURE Hocx.—Out of 13 cases 11 have clearly no vulture hock and 
two show a slight enlargement of the heel feathers. Vulture hock is prob- 
ably recessive. 

4. Foot FEATHERING.—Every hybrid is booted, but the booting is less 
heavy than in the Dark Brahma (fig. 27). Booting may be dominant, but 
it is not perfectly so. 


The male parent is heterozygous and probably contains at least three sorts 
of gametes, viz, pure black, pure white, and barred, the last being a mosaic.* 
The black of the mother is recessive to allofthese. The occurrence of barred 
mosaic is of interest, but itis of unknown origin. The ancestral red ear-color 
and the new ‘‘booting’’ are both dominant. Dominance is, however, im- 

Series VII].—White Leghorn Bantam and Buff Cochin Bantam. 


This series was undertaken to determine the method of inheritance of 

buff when combined with a white plumage coloration. 

The White Leghorn Bantam has been described at page 39. The Buff 
Cochin Bantam (fig. 28) is a diminutive Buff Cochin, which resembles in 
form the Black Cochin (p. 39). Cochins as we know them to-day (the 
name was formerly applied to a different, now extinct, race) seem to have 
been imported into this country and also into. England from eastern China 

* Castle and Allen, 1903, p. 606. 


in the year 1847. The earliest importations were buff. According to 
McGrew (1904, p. 526): 

In many of these retreats, #7-aws or monasteries, thousands of specimens of Buff and 
Partridge China (Cochin) fowls are annually raised, and in other places the colors are 
mixed. The Kinkee (gold flower) colored birds are the most esteemed, both as regards 
antiquity and purity. ... Hoangho is the oldest [of the] 77-aus, and its records show 
that this same race of fowls was cultivated by the brotherhood 1,500 years ago. 

Buff and Partridge Cochins are indigenous to the temperate and more southerly por- 
tions of the empire. This is corroborated by naturalists and travelers. Mr. Gabb, the 
well-known English naturalist, says: ‘‘According to my view, a black or white Cochin is 
an improbability, if not an impossibility, as a natural product of a tropical or subtropical 
region. The natural color of the feathers of the poultry in the zone of Cochin China 
would be buff or yellow, or some of the varieties of these colors, but never black or 
white, except by accidental variation.”’ 

Other testimony presented by the same author is of the same sort and 
establishes the fact that Buff Cochins are a primitive, foundation race of 

great antiquity. 

Z | ex 
Discussed BuihCochin: Discussed 

| ae [fore | 
No. | Characteristic. | White Leghorn. | at page— | | at page— 

| = | | ——— 
| | | 

I | General color....... | MsreaAG =| 19 | EAS sSoace | 41 

2 Earlobe color....... \WiAstleSeo0G5 sees 33 | Red.. 5 33 

3 | Wulture hock........ INDSET tse eyveterefeveiere Wispetsortns <i es | Present... .| 34 


| Foot feathering ..... | Absent........... lamentanenees | Present... 7 34 
i | 


1. GENERAL PLuMAGE CoLor.—The buff color of the Cochin is, as has 
been shown above, of high antiquity. From the Buff Cochin it has been 
transferred to many other breeds by crossing. Thus there are Buff Wyan- 
dottes, of which McGrew says (1901, p. 24): ‘‘ Two distinct lines were pro- 
duced under different methods. One was formed from Wyandotte-Buff 
Cochin cross; the other came through the Rhode Island Red-Wyandotte 
cross.”’ The Rhode Island Red is, however, as is well known, a direct 
descendant of the Buff Cochin. The Buff Plymouth Rocks were derived 
directly or indirectly from the Buff Cochin (McGrew, Igol, p. 25). The 
history of the Buff Leghorn is the same—the offspring of a yellow Danish 
Leghorn cock and Buff Cochin pullets mated with a yellow Leghorn hen. 
The produce, three-fourths Yellow Leghorn and one-fourth Buff Cochin, 
gave * ‘‘the first Buff Leghorns ever shown.’’ The Buff ‘‘ Orpingtons’’— 
a highly modern and mongrel breed—have a similar history, being chiefly 
Buff Cochin and Dorking (Wright, 1902, p. 296). 

The origin of the buff as it occurs in the Cochins can only be guessed at ; 
but there are important facts to be considered. First, it appears that the 
buff color is very inconstant even in China. Says a traveler: ‘‘ No twocan 

* Wyckoff, 1904, p. 527- 


be found of exactly the same color ; some are a chestnut color, others darker, 
and some quite light’? (McGrew, igor, p. 527). Of the Buff Cochins as 
first imported to England, Wright (1902, p. 245) says: ‘‘ The buff colors 
were much subdivided, ranging from the lightest silver buff and silver cin- 
namons through lemons and buffs to the deep colored cinnamons which 
would now be called almost red. Originally, also, the birds were not 
uniformly buff over the whole body ; even prize-winners were such as would 
now be called ‘tricolored,’ the breast being lemon or orange buff, the 
hackles and saddle much darker, and the wing darker still, even a red.’’ 
From all of this it is plain that buff is only a diluted form of red—a color 
that is abundant in the plumage of the Malay and Indian breeds, and the 
replacement of all black by this buff is probably due, originally, to a xxanthic 

The mother was the White Leghorn Bantam No. 128, a heterogametous 
bird, already discussed at page yo. The fatier was a Buff Cochin Bantam, 
No. 545 (fig. 28), original stock, of whose ancestry nothing is known. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Thirty-one offspring show the following 
distribution of color: White, 9; white and buff, 9; white and black, 4 ; 
white, black, and buff, 2; black and buff, 4; black (all juvenile), 3. 

Calling the germ cells of the mother equally white and white-and-black 
and regarding the buff as (imperfectly) recessive when paired with white, 
we have— 

| Percentages. | 
Characteristic. We | } =i 

| Actual. Hapects 


lm = = =| = | 
NWbitel(andubulh)inm cee eeceeerecei| 18 | 58.1 50 | 
White-and-black (and buff)........... 13 | 41.9 50 | 

| | ——— 
“Koll An hohiaocarbon boaaAdobomabs 31 | 100,0 100 

Of the white and buff heterozygotes, white only appears in 9 ; the remainder 
show some buff. White is dominant, but imperfectly so.* 

Wright (1902, p. 244) states in regard to crosses between white and buff 
Cochins that in the early days they ‘‘ bred most amazingly in regard to 
color. . . . From one brood of ten chickens of this cross two pullets were 
pure black ; two pullets and three cockerels black with more or less gold in 
the hackles, and marked wings; the other three darkly penciled birds.’’ 

Hurst (1905, p. 134) finds that crosses between White Leghorn female 
and Buff Cochin male (essentially the same crosses as mine) gave 60 chicks— 

* But see fuller discussion of the heterozygous nature of my White Leghorns, page 4o. 


“53 whites and 7 buffs. Of these 2 were apparently clear whites and 51 white 
patched with buff and brown, chiefly on the head, neck, and breast (18 of 
these were also oddly black-ticked); the 7 buffs were all more or less patched 
white.’’ Hurst concludes that the white plumage color of the Leghorn is 
dominant over the Cochin buff, but that this dominance is incomplete in the 
majority of cases. Headds: ‘‘In F, the dominance of both white and black 
over buff is much less complete than that of white over black.”’ 

2. EARLOBE CoLor.—In all recorded cases the hybrids have ared earlobe, 
sometimes with a lighter colored, even yellowish, center. 

3. VULTURE Hock.—This is always absent in the hybrids. However, two 
cases show an elongation of the heel feathers. 

4. Foor FEATHERING. —In all cases the ‘‘ boot ’’ of the hybrid was reduced 
as compared with the Cochin parent. In 3 cases out of 31 no trace of 
feathers could be detected on the tarsus. 


Luff is recessive toward white, but the dominance of white is very im- 
perfect, so that we may have various degrees of buffness in the hybrids. 
Black, or the mosaic black-white, appears to dominate over buff, but here 
again the dominance is frequently imperfect. Imperfect dominance is not 
revealed by a blending, but by sprinkling of the red pigment. 

The earlobe color of the Cochins (Aseel type) dominates over that of the 
Leghorn, but not perfectly. Vulture hock is recessive, but not always per- 
fectly so. vot feathering may be said to be imperfectly dominant. But 
this case is of special interest because the result is practically a blend. 
Hurst (1905, p. 134) similarly states that out of 60 chicks from his cross, all 
had feathered ‘‘shanks,’”’ ‘‘ but in every case the length or number of feathers 
was reduced to about one-half.” 

Series !X.—Tosa Fowl (Yokohama) and White Cochin Bantam. 
This series of experiments was undertaken in the first instance to test the 
inheritance of the long-tailed characteristic of the Japanese long-tailed fowl 
(variously called Tosa fowl, Yokohama, Phcenix fowl, Japanese Game 

Shinowara-to, etc. ). 

The Tosa fowl* (figs. 29, 31) Eas long been bred in Japan and plays a 

us eyes Mitsukuri on the occasion of a recent visit to the Station for ene enen 
Evolution informed me that in Japan these birds are known as Tosa fowl, since they were 
originally bred in the province of that name, particularly at Shinowara. He further re- 
marked that the feudal chief, or daimio, of that province had as his emblem or insignia 
a spear with a long cock’s feather on it, and he made the interesting suggestion that the 
activity of the fanciers had been stimulated, not only by their satisfaction in long-tailed 
birds, but also by the desire of meeting the ever-increasing ideals of their chief as to the 
length of the feather of his insignia. 


prominent part in Japanese art. On the authority of Chamberlain (1900), 
“‘as great a length of tail as 18 feet has been reached in the tail feathers, 
but even 12 feet isa rarity. From 7 to 8 or 11 feet is the usual length.’’ 
Aside from the tail, the fowl has remarkably long hackle and saddle feathers 
of a golden color. Otherwise it closely approaches the European black- 
breasted Red Game, having, like it, retained most of the coloration of Gallus 

The Cochin fowl was used in the mating because its tail feathers are 
notoriously short and consequently afford a strongly opposed allelomorph. 


| White Cochin | 


| No. | Characteristic. | Tosa fowl. | Ranta | 
i | | 7 | 
a General color.. BCoD alee -soomdoon sande White. 
| 2 “Tail Peers ; =.) Ronpu? es). )|;Short: 
| 3 Hoot feathering sc.) lee ||) DSeU Er ita -ielele Present. 


Foot color......-.- Botoe | Willow..........| White. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—The colors of the male Tosa fowl* are very 
striking. The head is black; the feathers of the nape and the hackles are 
black proximately, but the exposed portion is red, becoming a deep mahogany 
on the middle of the back. The long saddle feathers are green laced with 
mahogany. ‘The tail feathers are solid greenish-black. The breast, belly, 
and under tail coverts are black. The remiges are black, edged exteriorly 
with red. The coverts are black tipped with mahogany in varying amount, 
but so as to produce a marked red wing bar. The female Tosa fowl (fig. 30) 
has a black head and nape and golden hackles. The feathering of the back 
and saddle and the wing coverts are black mossed with rusty and have a 
straw-colored shaft. The breast is strongly tinged with buff. The White 
Cochin, on the other hand, is pure white (fig. 32). 

2. TAtL.—The question of the origin of the long tail is of great importance. 
Any light on this question would illuminate the problem of specific differ- 
entiation and the origin of specific characteristics in general. 

Hypotheses. In accordance with current theories of specific differentiation 
we have to recognize that this characteristic may have arisen : 

(1) Asa mutation. As such it would be brought into the same category 
with frizzled feathers or the cerebral hernia of Polish fowl. Professor KE. Ray 
Lankester has referred to the condition as a sport. 

(2) As the result of selection. This would be the most popular explana- 
tion. Romanes (1901, p. 302, fig. 95) includes this case as one of a number 
of typical proofs of the efficiency of artificial selection. Weismann (1904, 
II, pp. 124, 326) states definitely that the long tail is due to selection. The 

* Fig. 29, Plate X. 


underlying assumption in both cases is that the selection has been of minute 
favorable fluctuations rather than the conservation of sports. This is a 
conceivable hypothesis. 

(3) As a result of functional hypertrophy of the feather follicle. By 
artificial treatment the blood supply to the follicles might be stimulated so 
as to make the feather grow longer. Such an effect might be inherited or 
not, as could be determined by breeding. If the offspring of the long-tailed 
fowl have a long tail, though untreated, then we would have, on the third 
hypothesis, an inheritance of an acquired character. Cunningham (1903) 
believes that the Tosa fowl is a demonstration of such inheritance. 

Growth of tail feathers. ‘The study of the long tail of the Tosa fowl leads 
us to consider the whole matter of feather growth and of the anatomy of the 
tail. In early months of their life chicks are constantly losing old feathers 
and gaining new ones built on a larger scale to meet the needs of the enlarg- 
ing body. Later, these feathers 

are all molted during one period wv ie 
in the autumn. During develop- £209 Be Ai 
ment, the tip of the feather is 9d 900 0 . 

: jin Oe “dD ods, R 
formed first and growth continues 30 O,: 7,0 .) 
at the base, within a sheath, fora =; QO Oso Os 
horter or] iod, depending “99 9 Ye Set 
shorter or longer period, depending 3 Om, O O mo 9 
on the eventual size of the feather. Q o 9 
The reason why some feathers, like On’, fo) O mo) 
the contour feathers, are short is Ore FO 
because growth quickly ceases. Vv 

The feathers of the hackle, saddle, Fic. C.—Diagram of arrangement of the tail feathers. 
and tail of the male are long be- A,-A,, feathers of right anterior row; A;-A’,, feathers 
cause the growth period is in them St eMantei: sow, MM, and 0 maf father of 
prolonged. The sickle feathers of of right and left posterior rows; 0. g., oil gland; 
the Leghorn are still growing for D-V, dorso-ventral line; R, right; Z, left. 

three months after the molting period ; consequently they attain a length of 
300 to 400 mm. If the period of drying up of the growth sheath at the 
base of the sickle feathers could be delayed in the Leghorn for an entire 
year they would become each a meter long. he reason for the great length 
of the tail feathers of the Tosa fowl is that they do not cease growing. In 
this respect they resemble the long hair of Angora guinea pigs, rabbits and 
cats, and the head hair of man. 

Morphology of the tail. As just intimated, only certain feathers of the tail 
of the Tosa fowl grow indefinitely. It is now necessary to describe the 
structure of the tail. The feathers have the following arrangement : 

The posterior row (/) consists of broad feathers with rounded ends and 
constitutes the characteristic ‘‘fan’’ of the tail. The middle row (J7/) con- 
tributes the characteristic long growing feathers, those nearest the median 


line being longest. ‘The sickle feathers (S) may belong to either row, so 
far as the adult position indicates; but, as growing feathers, they belong 
physiologically to the middle series. The anterior row (A) is, at the same 
time, the posterior row of tail coverts. The lateral feathers of this row are 
the smallest, owing to a late and brief growth. The long tail of the Tosa 
fowl is thus produced by the prolonged growth period of the middle row of 
feathers including the sickle, together with the more median feather of the 
anterior row. 

Cause of excessive growth of tail; Cunningham’s experiments. ‘The cause 
of this prolonged growth of the median and sickle feathers is the crucial 
point. ‘The latest student of the subject, Cunningham (1903, p. 232), 
quotes Mr. John Sparks as stating: ‘‘In order to ensure very great length 
of tail, the cocks ought to be kept ona perch. .... and the tail-feathers 
should be pulled gently every morning.’’ Cunningham adds: ‘‘My own 
experimentSiene ess tend to show that this mechanical treatment of the 
feathers is the whole secret of the mystery.’’ He describes in great detail 
how he stroked the tail of one of two cocks daily; the other not at all. 
When a feather stopped growing he pulled it out. He concludes (p. 248) : 

In the cock whose feathers were stimulated by pulling, growth did not go on at a 
more rapid rate, but continued for a longer time and produced a longer feather. Thus 
in cock A [not stroked] no growth took place after April 1, and the maximum length 
was 2 feet 444 inches; while in cock B [stroked] growth continued till July 13, and the 
maximum length was 2 feet 9% inches. 

Half a page farther on Cunningham sums up thus: 

The long-tailed cock in its perfection, therefore, is neither a sport nor a breed, but 
the product of artificial cultivation ; and the excessive growth of the feathers is the result 
of stimulation applied to the individual. The more important part of the stimulation is 
not the mere pulling of the feathers, but the extraction of it which causes the growth of 
its successor. 

One can not but remark that Cunningham here contradicts himself. After 
having laboriously pulled the feathers for over a year and found that the 
feathers are stimulated by pulling, he states: ‘‘ The most important part of 
the stimulation is not the pulling but the extraction of the feather causing 
the growth of its successor.’’ Does Cunningham indeed think that, origi- 
nally, by extraction of a feather its follicle was so stimulated that it there- 
after produced feathers which neither ceased to grow nor molted and, 
moreover, so affected the germ plasm as to produce a race with a tendency 
toward excessive growth of feathers? Certainly such a conclusion seems 
past belief. 

Author's experiments. To see what influence, if any, stroking the tail 
feathers has upon their growth, I experimented upon two cocks. One 
(No. 3, ‘‘Admiral Togo’’) was stroked twice daily by passing the feathers 
of the middle and anterior row between the thumb and forefinger. The 


other (No. 7, ‘‘ General Oyama’’) did not have its tail stroked. The two 
birds were treated similarly, except that Admiral Togo was confined to his 
perch during all but about two to six hours per day, while General Oyama 
had free run with the hens. The experiment was begun July 20, 1904, 
when the cocks were 103 days old, and was continued until March, 1905, 
when ‘‘Oyama’”’ died of roup. 

The relative growth of the corresponding feathers of the two males is 
shown in a series of curves (text figure D). ‘The full line is the curve of 

Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. _Aug- Sept. Oci. 

Nov. Dec. Jan... 

€00 | | | 
Ls ea 3 
500 i SL | | 4 | 
400 @ ZA 


fee pee out 

Fic. D.—Curves of growth of certain tail feathers of Togo (No. 3, full line) and Oyama (No. 7, dotted 
line). Mj, first right middle tail feather; Mz, M’s, second right and left middle tail feathers; Ms, 
third right tail feather; S, right sickle. 

the stroked feather ; the dotted line that of the unstroked. These curves 

show several things. 

First, the average rate of growth of one of the tail feathers in the Tosa 
fowl is about 3 mm. per day, or an inch a week. Consequently, if growth 
is uninterrupted and the feather does not break, it should come to be over a 
meter long by the end of one year. The extremely long feathers—5 meters 
or more—on record are acquired by (a) rapid growth, (4) continuous growth, 
(c) preservation of the tail from breakage, and (¢) long life of the individual. 
If stroking has any effect it must be by altering one or more of these elements. 

Second, the curves show fluctuations in the rate of growth due to fluctua- 
tions in the condition of the fowl. 

Third, in the case of those feathers that were studied during the greatest 


period, viz, M,, M,, M’,, the stroked feather grew more rapidly than the 
corresponding unstroked. 

Fourth, the unstroked feathers of No. 7 ceased growing earlier than the 
corresponding stroked feathers of No. 3. 

Whether the third and fourth items are due to differences in treatment 
or to other peculiarities of the fowl can not be asserted definitely. In any 
case the feathers all eventually, at about six months, ceased to grow. 
Owing to the deathof No. 7 soon after, the comparison had to be abandoned. 
The result agrees with Cunningham’s in that stroking prolongs the period 
of growth; but the result, depending on three feathers, can hardly be 
generalized. It would not be surprising, in view of what we know of 
functional hypertrophy, if it were some day demonstrated that stroking 
always prolongs the growing period of a feather. This is, however, an 
entirely different matter from proving that the origin of the long-tailed con- 
dition of the Tosa fowl was due to, and its maintenance in some way depends 
upon, stroking. 

A few further experiments have been made with Admiral Togo (fig. 31). 
I have found, in confirmation of Cunningham, that if a feather that has 
ceased to grow be forcibly removed it is quickly replaced by another that 
continues to grow. Thus a feather pulled out January 1, 1905, had grown 
steadily to November 1; but as the bird was needed for breeding and could 
not be confined, the tail has repeatedly broken off. In September, 1905, it 
measured over 900 mm. 

As a further criterion of the value of manipulation in causing this great 
growth of the tail feathers of the Tosa fowl, it becomes important to see 
how this physiological characteristic is inherited when crossed with a short- 
tailed individual. This consideration led to the present series of experiments. 

The tail of the Cochin fowl is the shortest of all races of poultry. Thus 
Wright (1902, p. 245) expresses the ideal of the fancier: ‘‘ The tail of the 
cock should be as short. .... as possible.’’ 

3. Foor FEATHERING.— While the Cochin is very heavily feathered on the 
foot, the Tosa fowl is typically clean-legged. However, No. 3, which is 
not the father of any of my hybrids, shows a few bunches of rudimentary 
feathers or hairs on the tarsus. 

4. Foor Coror.—The willow foot of the Tosa fowl is derived directly 
from the Jungle fowl. The white foot of the White Cochin seems to be an 
albinic form of the yellow foot derived from its Indian-Malay ancestry. 


First GENERATION.—The mother was a White Cochin Bantam, No. 35a 
(fig. 32), of unknown origin, but apparently pure in respect to the four 
characteristics here under consideration. The father was imported from 
Japan, having been purchased in New York city, January, 1904. It hasa 
dark Game coloration (fig. 29). 


SECOND GENERATION.—Two hybrid cocks, Nos. 53 (fig. 34) and 95 (fig. 
35), were successively bred to their sisters, Nos. 58 (fig. 33), 94, 96, and 98. 


1. GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLOoR.—/irst hybrid generation. Of 7 offspring, 
3 cocks and 3 hens developed their adult plumage. ‘The males were all of the 
male Tosa-fowl coloration except that every feather was repeatedly barred 
with white (figs. 34, 35, 37A). The females were all of the female Tosa-fowl 
coloration except that the shafting was much broadened (fig. 37); also the 
saddle feathers and the proximal secondaries were obscurely barred black- 

Second hybrid generation. Among 57 individuals we have the following 
distribution of plumage color : 


Color. | No. | Per cent. 

Wihitemrtac deritoe Soda 
Pigmented ieerr-ryei | 41 | 71.9 


The original white color has reappeared in about one-fourth of the cases 
(fig. 38); plumage color segregates in the germ cells of the first hybrid 
generation in true Mendelian fashion. Of the 16 whites, only 5 were without 
trace of reddish pigment. Such pigment occurred on the breast, top of 
head, and remiges. The purity of the germ cells from which these whites 
sprang—the completeness of segregation—is not always perfect. 

The 41 pigmented individuals show a curiously mixed lot of coloration. 
Of 14 mature females, 6 are like the female Tosa fowl, without barring, but 
sometimes with wider shafting than male Tosa fowl. The remainder have 
feathers of the back and wing coverts barred with lighter, even with white— 
a condition not found in the female first hybrids. One of these (No. 659) 
shows a mixture of female Tosa and female Partridge Cochin coloration. As 
no Partridge Cochin is involved in the immediate ancestry, this looks like a 
‘‘reversion ;’’ the characteristic has probably lain latent in the White 
Cochin. Of 10 males, two show no trace of white, and may, consequently, 
be considered as homozygous. The remainder are more or less barred with 
white. One bird (No. 646) shows a remarkable mixture of Tosa and male 
Partridge Cochin coloration. 

2. Tar, Lenctu.—First hybrid generation. All the three males reared 
developed abnormally long middle tail feathers. One of these birds died 
young. The second bird (No. 53, fig. 34) lived to be exactly one year old. 
Its sickles were 427 mm. long and had stopped growing. It had suffered a 
severe paralytic stroke four months before its death. The remaining cock 
(No. 95, fig. 35) had at 111%4 months sickle feathers 360 mm. long and still 
growing. These feathers had thus grown at a rate of about 1 mm. a day, or 



only one-third that of its father. The long-tailed characteristic of the male 
has been inherited, but in a reduced form. 

Second hybrid generation. Still immature. 

3. Foor FEATHERING.—First hybrid generation. Of the 7 individuals all 
have the feet feathered (‘‘ booted’’) and the females are provided with a 
‘‘vulture hock.’’ The feathering is usually less than in the Cochin. 

Second hybrid generation. Among the 55 individuals of this generation all 
degrees of foot feathering were obtained. ight cases are recorded as 
““heavily booted,’’ 27 as ‘‘ booted,’’ 13 as slightly booted, and 7 as non- 
booted. The classification is arbitrary and therefore the exact proportions 
not significant. The important outcome is that a good share of this genera- 
tion is essentially clean-legged like the Tosa-fowl ancestor, and an approxi- 
mately equal proportion is heavily booted like the Cochin ancestor, while 
the rest are feathered to an intermediate degree like the parents. 

4. Foot CoLtor.—This has a curious way of changing during the early 
months of the individual. White is often represented in the young by 
yellow. A ‘‘slate blue’’ or ‘‘ bluish black’’ occurs ; this may be a form of 
the willow from which yellow has been extracted. 

First hybrid generation. Of 5 individuals two are recorded as white, one 
as yellow, one as willow, and one as slate blue. Here is practically equal 
frequency of the light and dark types. 

Second hybrid generation. Fifty-three individuals give the following dis- 
tribution of foot color : 

| | 

| Color. Sk | Per cent. 

| | 

ie oar 
i Mileet SS Saodoodnade II | 20.8 \ 
lubWellowse- tin steirctreltleters 16 | 30.2 5 

| Walllowaa-stserereieereisis 20S TATA 

| Slate or bluish........ 6 | res 49 

| otal ae ttiest 53 | 100 

This shows a practical equivalence of light and dark foot colors as in the 
first generation. The interpretation of this result must be left for later 

5. CORRELATION OF CHARACTERISTICS.—Considering only the three 
characteristics of plumage color, booting, and foot color, and assuming that 
game color and boot are dominant and light and dark feet equally apt to 
occur, we find the following calculated and actual frequency of each combi- 
nation (actual percentage is in 7/alics) : 

Booted......s 56.38 58.644 Light feet.. 19) 50.88 
Game plumage ........75% 69.8% : iy asia e ay 57K 
Non-booted .......... 18.7% 114%) Dari feet.. 46 57% 
A Light feet.. 14% 13.2% 

BOOtGd se ccerentseccsete 18.7% 28.3% Bs 4 
White plumagese.......25% ms] ; * {Dark feet . ae aan 
Non-booted ............ 6.2% 1.9% Dark toate 1% 1.9% 


Considering the intrinsic difficulties of classification due to the partial 
blending of characteristics, there is a fairly close correspondence between the 
calculated and the actual. This result proves that there is little if any 
necessary correlation between the characteristics in question; they may 
combine in a chance fashion in the second hybrid generation. 


The inheritance of color in this cross between a white and a game-colored 
breed is remarkable in that white is not dominant—as is usually the case— 
nor recessive ; but inheritance is particulate in the heterozygote, producing 
barred offspring. Segregation nevertheless occurs in the second hybrid 
generation, but the extracted whites and game colored birds are, for the 
most part, no longer as pure in color as their grandparents were. The 
germ cells are no longer perfectly pure—they have become infected by con- 
tact with the opposite quality. 

The long-tailed characteristic behaves in inheritance like a unit character— 
in no wise different from plumage color. One can not help doubting whether 
it originated by any different method from that in which the diverse colors 
of poultry have arisen. 

Foot feathering is dominant here as in many other cases; yet the domi- 
nance is incomplete. The germ cells of the second hybrid generation are 
no longer pure. 

The White Cochin has no sexual dimorphism in plumage color, while the 
Tosa fowl is strongly dimorphic. Every one of the first hybrids is dimorphic 
in plumage coloration, the two sexes resembling, except for the white, 
respectively the female and the male Tosa fowl It is striking to see how 
from a germ cell of the male Tosa fowl either a bird colored like a male 
Tosa or a bird colored like a female Tosa may arise. The male germ cells 
contain the Anlagen not only of the male characteristic but also of the 
female characteristic (Darwin, 1876, Chapter XIII). 

Series X.—Dark Brahma and Tosa Fowl. 

This series was undertaken primarily to test inheritance of secondary sexual 
characteristics and the possibility of transferring them from one sex to 


The Dark Brahma male and female have been described at page 32; the 
Tosa fowl, male and female, at pages 43, 44. Hach race has a strongly 
marked sexual dimorphism in plumage color. The males have feathers of a 
more uniform color; the female Dark Brahma has penciled feathers; the 
female Tosa fowl has mossy feathers with prominent light shafting. 



| Tosa fowl. | J | Dark Brahma. 
No.| Characteristic. | | ice | : sea 
| Female. | Male. | pag | Female. | Male. pag 
| | | 
1 | Shafting..........] Present ..| Absent... ee) Absents. | Absent... 
2 | Lacingon hackle..| Present ..| Present . .| :. | Present --| Present .- 
3 | Lacing elsewhere..| Absent...| Absent...) | Absent...| Present .. 
4)\\ Pencilings) es... | Absent.. .| Absent. .| .. | Present ..| Absent...| 
5 | Red wing-bar..... | Absent...) Present ..| .. | Absent...| Present ..| 
6 | White wing bow..| Absent...| Absent. ..| .. | Absent...| Present .. 30 
FF | (Qo aca cnanasioosc | Smoleneenrre elt 32 | Pea . pan | 32 
8 | Earlobe....... te White, red edge. .| 33, | Red or bay....... | 32 
G) |) WeGwollostoocsoosae Reed amiereicptetsietreell 33 Yellow. ._. «ee e| 33 
TO || Hooticolorse ene ea: | Wiallowse. - meee: | 48 Wellows) ject cre teie) 33 
Ir | Vulture hock...... iAibsenterecaseene | 48 Present ...... | 34 
12 | Foot feathering... .| Absent. seal | Presentrrtn ec ws) 34 
13 | Tailfeathers .... IONS aeiise ....| 44-48 | SHOGE ss sisresaress ase inte ae 


I. SHAFTING.—In plumage, shafting is a light streak on the shaft and adja- 
cent parts of the vane. Of the two parental races it occurs only in the 
female Tosa fowl (fig. 30). The light shaft-stripe is, however, widespread 
among females of certain dark or silvered races—e. g., Silver Wyandottes, 
Silver-gray and Dark Dorkings, Silver Duckwing Games, and Silver Penciled 
Hamburghs. It cropsout in many individuals where its occurrence is regarded 
by the ‘‘fancy’’ as a ‘“‘defect.’’ It is an original characteristic of poultry 
introduced from Gallus bankiva, whose female exhibits it conspicuously 
(fig. 39). 

2. Hackie Lacinc.—Among most broken-colored poultry the hackle 
feathers are unlike those of the rest of the plumage. Usually the hackle has 
a dark band in the center and is margined or laced by white—more rarely by 
yellow or red. In the female Jungle fowl (fig. 39) the feathers of nape and 
hackle have a black center (with broad, straw-colored shafting) and are laced 
with straw color. The male Jungle fowl has hackle feathers of a solid red 
color. In the descent of the domestic poultry, hackle lacing seems to have 
been transferred to the male sex also. 

3. Bopy Lacinc.—Few races of poultry exhibit lacing elsewhere than on 
the hackles. It isvery prominent on the Indian female, but is not found on the 
Jungle fowl of eithersex. Inthe Dark Brahma male (fig. 19) it occurs only 
on the saddle feathers. Whether its laced saddle is derived from the Indian 
or is due to a spreading, through correlation, from the hackles can not be 
said. Lacing is found on the breast of Game fowl and over much of the 
body of the female Dark Dorking. Among certain derived races, such as 
the Spangled Polish and the Laced Wyandottes, it affects nearly the whole 
plumage and is very conspicuous. 


4. PENCILING.—This may be defined as a concentric repetition on the 
feather of alternating bands of the lacing and the ground color. Inthe hackle 
of the female Jungle fowl the straw color of the lacing is repeated in the center, 
the two light areas being separated by a black band. In the female Indian 
fowl the feathers of the throat are laced, but lower down on the larger back- 
feathers and on the wing bows, there is a second or inner lacing—. e., the 
wing is penciled ;* consequently penciling may be said to be a fundamental 
form of coloration in the genus Gal/us. Penciling occurs widespread among 
the derived or secondary races of poultry, particularly in the ‘‘ partridge’’ 
varieties. A curious modification of penciling is the straight transverse 
barring of the feather familiar in the Barred Plymouth Rock and Penciled 

5. Rep Wrnc-BAR.—The wing-bar is formed by the lower wing coverts, 
usually the first to third rows above the remiges or flight feathers. Inthe 
male of many races of fowl these differ from the more proximal rows. In 
the Dark Brahma male they have white and red in addition to black. The 
wing-bar has probably been derived by the Dark Brahma male from the 
Indian fowl. In the male Tosa fowl the lower wing coverts are tipped with 
red, but they show no white. 

6. WHITE WinG-Bows.—The wing-bow is formed by the upper or proximal 
rows of wing coverts—/. e., above the third. These coverts are frequently 
of a different color from the wing bar. They are red in the male Indian 
and Malay, but they are white} in the male Aseel.{ The white wing-bow 
of the Dark Brahma has probably been derived from this source. The wing- 
bow of the male Tosa fowl, like that of the Jungle fowl and Games, is red. 

8. WHITE EARLOBE is a derived color, the primitive condition being red 
(page 33). 

g. Irts Coror.—The origin of the yellow eye of the Brahma has been dis- 
cussed at page 33. The red eye of the Tosa fowl is found in most Games 
and is the prevailing color among domestic poultry. 


Mother.—No. 121, Dark Brahma Bantam (fig. 18).§ She is a beautifully 
penciled bird, with horn-colored beak, pearl-colored iris, prominent vulture 
hocks, and booted down to the outer two toes. ‘To test her purity, she was 
bred for a month to No. 122, Dark Brahma male, also from Mr. Hodges. 
Their offspring died before hatching except one (No. 146 ¢), which isa 
typical Dark Brahma. 

* Compare Wright, 1902, p. 334,and American Standard of Perfection, 1905, p. 207, figure. 

+ According to Ludlow’s painting in Wright, 1902, opposite p. 326. 

{Since the above was written I have purchased a male Aseel which has dark coverts 
tipped with white. 

§ Weight 1,300 grams, received February, 1905, from Mr. F. H. Hodges Red Bank, 
New Jersey, marked F. H. H., No. 66, also No. 338. 


Father.—A Tosa fowl bred at the station, No. 8A, ‘‘General Oyama,’’ 
referred to at page 46. 

The produce was 5 females and 16 males (fig. go). They are all blocky 
birds, very different from the Tosa fowl, but longer than the Brahma. ‘The 
maternal or Brahma type is, however, predominant. Ouly the first genera- 
tion of hybrids has been reared. 

1. SHAFTING.—The male hybrids are mostly without shafting on the feath- 
ers of the back and the wing coverts. Two, however, show clear yellow 
shafting on these feathers, and in two others the shafting is a light buff 
color. The female hybrids have these feathers shafted. Shafting is domi- 
nant in the female hybrids. It is doubtfully transferred to some males. 

2. HacKLE LActnGc.—This showed on all hybrids of both sexes. 

3. Bopy LAcinc.—In the male hybrids the saddle feathers and sometimes 
the tail coverts are laced with yellow asin the Brahma. Such lacing does 
not appear on the female. Lacing in the male sex appears to be dominant. 

4. PENCILING.—This appears as typical penciling or as barring on the back 
and saddle and on the exposed parts of the secondaries of the female hybrids. 
It does not appear on the males. Penciling seems to be dominant over 
mossiness and to be confined to the female sex. 

5. RED WING-BAR.—This is present in all of the first hybrid males, but the 
red is deeper and spreads farther over each feather than in the Dark Brahima, 
the red of the Tosa fowl having its effect. The female is without wing-bar 
as in the female parents. 

6. WHITE Wi1NG-Bow.—Of 13 hybrid males four show no white in the 
upper wing coverts (fig. 4o); but one of these has a light buff bow—a tendency 
toward white. ‘The others have a small amount of white, which is derived 
from the Dark Brahma. ‘The white has, however, been clearly reduced in 
amount. ‘The interpretation of this result must await further breeding. 

7. Coms.—lIn every hybrid the comb is pea, proving the dominance of that 
form over the single. The pea is, however, often atypical, the lateral ridges 
being rudimentary. Dominance is not always perfect. 

8. EARLOBE CoLoR.—Every hybrid shows some white, as in the Tosa fow] ; 
but this white tends toward yellow—a much diluted red. White seems to 
dominate, but, if so, the dominance is imperfect. 

g. Irts Co.or.—This is red in the hybrids; but in two cases the red ap- 
proaches orange. ‘The iris color of the Tosa fowl is dominant, but imper- 
fectly so. 

10. Foor Coior.—Of 21 hybrids, all males (16) show yellow feet and all 
females (5) willow feet. This dimorphism is not found in the parent races. 

11. VULTURE Hocx.—The hybrids show a tendency toward long feathers 
hanging over the heel (fig. 40). In one case these had reached a length of 
105 mm. by six months; in another, about 90 mm. In other cases these 


feathers are much reduced from the Brahma type, and in one or two cases it 
is doubtful if they are present. We have to do here either with a blending 
characteristic or else a very imperfect dominance of the vulture hock. 

12. Foor FRATHERING.—This is always present in the hybrids, but is 
usually less heavy than in the Dark Brahma (fig. 4o). Booting is dominant, 
but is imperfectly so. 

13. Taz, FEATHERS.—As none of the hybrids are over six months old, it 
is impossible to report fully on the inheritance of this characteristic. While 
in some male hybrids the tail feathers already surpass in length the middle 
tail feathers of the adult Brahma parent and are still growing, in no case 
have they made the extraordinary growth of the Tosa fowl. 


METHOD OF INHERITANCE.—The color characteristic of shafting and 
penciling in the female, and body lacing, red wing bar, and white wing bow 
in the male, appear to dominate in the respective sexes; but dominance, if 
such it is, is always imperfect, in that traces of the opposite allelomorph are 
sometimes found. Furthermore: 

Red eye color dominates over yellow (not always perfectly). 
Booting is dominant over clean leg. 

Earlobe color is something of a mixture. 

Vulture hock is sometimes very imperfectly ‘‘ dominant.’’ 
The length of tail feathers is perhaps a blend. 

SEX IN INHERITANCE.—For the most part a sexually dimorphic charac- 
teristic is inherited only by the proper sex. In the hybrids of this series, 
however, shafting seems to have been partially transferred from the female 
to some males. Most peculiar is the inheritance of foot color, where all the 
female hybrids show the willow foot of their father, and all male hybrids 
the yellow foot of their mother. 

Series XI,-—Frizzle and Silky. 

This series of crossings was made to learn the inheritance of the allelo- 
morphs given below. 


The origin of the Frizzle fowl (figs. 41 and 42) is not definitely known. 
Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) states that they are not uncommon in India, 
and Temminck states that they are domesticated also in Java, Sumatra, and 
all the Philippine Islands, being prevailingly white. They must have been 
brought to Europe early, since they are described by Aldrovandus in 1645 
from a specimen sent him from Parma. Willoughby, in his Ornithology 
(1676), says that he had seen them in England. The recurving of feathers 
is found in many species of birds. It usually occurs on the neck, where it 
forms a ruff ; more rarely over the entire body. Frizzled canary birds are 


occasionally exhibited. [rizzling is probably morphologically related to 
““rough coat’’ in mammals. ‘The frizzled characteristic is a typical sport. 

The Silky fowl (fig. 43) is likewise of great antiquity. Marco Polo saw 
it in Asia in the thirteenth century (teste, Dtirigen, 1886, p. 298). Gesner 
described it in 1555. It is a native of eastern India, coming, according to 
Blyth (Tegetmeier, 1867, p. 221), from China, Malacca, and Singapore. A 
condition allied to silkiness (described below at page 57) is found in other 
races of poultry, particularly, as the following statements show, in the 

Tegetmeier (1867, p. 46) says: 

The singular variety known as Silky Cochins, or sometimes as Emu fowls, is simply 
an accidental variation of plumage which occasionally occurs and which may be perpetu- 
ated by careful breeding. The cause of the coarse fluffy appearance of these remarkable 
fowls is to be discovered in the fact that the barbs of the feathers instead of being held 
together by a series of hooked barbules (so as to constitute a plane surface, as occurs in 
all ordinary feathers) are perfectly distinct, and this occasions the loose fibrous silky 
appearance from which the fowl obtains its name. 

An engraving of such a feather is given by that author at page 224. 

Wright (1902, p. 255) states that he has seen no Emu fowl ‘‘ now for 
twenty years,’’ and makes the suggestion that this entire ‘‘silkiness’’ of 
feather is the extreme limit, perhaps, of the kind of plumage which gives 
fluffiness to the leg region of American Buff Cochins. 

The fluff of Cochins and Brahmas has indeed many points of similarity in 
structure with the feathers of the Silky. In one feather from the abdomen 
of a Brahma hen, whose shaft is 35 mm. long, I find the barbs very long (up 
to 30 mm.) and not connected together. Each barb bears, proximally, two 
rows of short, flat, hook-shaped barbules alike on the two sides. Beyond, 
there are a few short barbules that taper to a hair-like apex. Still more 
distally on the barb the barbules may attain a length of 5 mm., be altogether 
devoid of hooklets, but show a segmented condition as inthe Silky Far 
from my preconceived notion, I find few intergrades between the short barb- 
ules and theothers. The more proximal of the long barbules are the longest 
of all, and the short barbules (which rarely exceed 0.5 mm. in length) also 
occur here scattered among the long ones. There thus seems to he a dis- 
continuity between the two kinds of barbules, and this harmonizes with the 
view that the long barbule is a mutational form of the more typical short 

As to the relation of the plumage of the Silky fowl to the fluff of Cochins, 
I have formulated the following hypothesis: Long and short barbules are 
two dimorphic forms found among birds. This dimorphism has been recog- 
nized in the terminology ‘‘down feathers’’ and ‘‘contour’’ + ‘‘quill’’ 
feathers. Down feathers may or may not have a shaft; they have barbs, 
and usually barbules, the latter being long and devoid of cilia or hooklets. 
In the contour and quill feathers of most birds the short barbules alone are 


present. But in some birds the barbules are long and devoid of cilia or hook- 
lets as in the Ratite (ostrich, emu, cassowary, etc.). In poultry the down 
feathers are characterized by absence of hooklets, and the ventral abdominal 
feathers of poultry belong to this category. In the Silky fowl the contour 
feathers, in the strict sense, are absent, or rather they have gained long 
hookless barbs, and consequently have become in so far down feathers. 
But the feathers of the Silky fowl have one new characteristic not found in 
any other long-barbed forms, namely, the bifurcation and anastomosis of 
the barbs (page 58). 

No. Characteristic. Frizzle fowl (Game). Silky fowl. 
I Plumage colotas. cee Dark, black, red, and buff.) White. 
2a COMmDrOLmMn epee ceteris INOSCR Ree Eero eee liSingtes 
3 | Shaft of contour feather.) Recurved Straight. 
4 | Barb length........ SHortaeeeer Long. 
5 Barb orien eee eiee ..| Twisted about long axis...) Straight. 
6 | Number of toes....... [Olt e ne eae ce cect Sonar | Five or six. | 
Tian kin ColOu- pee riaeenienre WWI Ces cst crercparshe rere ersveveverses | Black. 
SW Crestene eee cnet nai RAIDSENU Rr nis hyrereetteotan cree Present. 


1. PLUMAGE CoLor.—This characteristic is very variable in Frizzles, owing 
to the fact that fanciers have established no color ‘‘ varieties,’’ although an 
effort is now being made in that direction.* As stated below in detail, my 
Frizzles were of varied and mixed colors. 

2. ComBp Forms.—The ‘‘American Standard ”’ calls for single comb in the 
Frizzle and rose, or rather strawberry, comb in the Silkies. My Frizzles 
have, on the contrary, a rose comb, and my Silkies either a single comb or a 
rose comb, the Silky being impure in respect to this characteristic. 

3-5. FEATHER Form.—In the Frizzles the contour feathers have the shaft 
curved so that its outer surface becomes concave. This is most striking in 
the neck region, where a ruff is formed (fig. 41). The wing primaries are 
modified in another direction, since in them the barbs, in groups of 4 to 8, 
are twisted in corkscrew fashion about their own axis and through 180° or 
more; consequently the gray surface, which is normally next the body, 
comes to lie outermost. Such a twisting of the barbs sometimes occurs in 
primaries of non-frizzled races; particulary I have found it in the eighth 
primary of some Houdans. ‘The barbs of the remiges of the Frizzles are 
mostly short, and in some cases are lacking altogether, being easily broken off. 

The feathers of the Silky fowl are remarkable in all parts of the plumage. 
The contour feathers, as already stated, are down feathers, whose shaft is 

*The new ‘American Standard of Perfection,’? published by the American Poultry 
Association, 1905, p. 248, directs that color should be ‘‘ solid—black, white, red, and bay 
admissible, provided the birds match when shown in pairs, trios, and pens.”’ 


usually delicate but not otherwise atypical. The barbs are, on the other 
hand, remarkably long. Thus in a contour feather, from the middle of the 
dorsal region, whose shaft is 25 mm. long, the prevailing length of barb is 
35 to45 mm. “The barbs are, moreover, remarkable in that they frequently 
bifurcate, even repeatedly. In a feather before me, one barb, taken at 
random, undergoes bifurcation four times. As the branches are not all in 
one plane, the feather becomes exceedingly fluffy. At the proximal end of 
the shaft the barbs arise parallel and produce an imperfect web close to the 
shaft, but marginally the web is lost. Distally on the shaft the barbs arise 
more irregularly from the shaft, often bifurcating almost immediately, so 
that no web or vane is formed. The barbs may also anastomose. 

The barbules are not less strikingly modified than the barbs. They attain 
a length of from 1 to 2mm. Moreover, it is not possible here, as in other 
races, to distinguish between a distal series of barbules carrying a row of 
hooklets or cilia and a proximal series without hooklets but with a folded 
edge into which the hooklets of the distal barbuleseatch. This impossibility 
is due, first, to the fact that the barbules are not in ‘wo series merely, but may 
arise in three planes, or irregularly ; also, morphologically, all the barbules 
on the barbarealike. ‘They are all segmented like the ordinary distal barbule, 
and the hooklets are represented by minute thickenings at the end of each 
segment. Asaconsequence of this structure the barbs do not hang together 
to form a vane and the fluffiness is still further exaggerated. 

The quill feathers of the wing (remiges) and tail (rectrices) of the Silky 
are modified, but to a less degree. Primaries, secondaries, and coverts are 
all affected. The proximal part of the vane is nearly normal ; the distal part 
has barbs of twice to thrice the normal length. The barbs may bifurcate 
repeatedly and even anastomose in the plane of the vane. The barbules also 
are modified, being much shortened. Proximal as well as distal barbules 
may carry hooklets, as is seen in the middle part of the feather. In the 
proximal part of the feather, on the other hand, the proximal barbules are 
without hooklets. ‘The feathers of the tail have the web even more broken 
up than those of the wing. 

The silky condition of the feather is a characteristic that is either entirely 
new (progressive in de Vries’s sense) or possibly latent (in de Vries’s sense) 
in typical fowl, so that its appearance in the Silky isa case of ‘‘degression”’ 
(de Vries). If the former, we should expect, according to de Vries, the 
offspring between a Silky and a non-Silky to show a mosaic of the parental 
feather characteristics and a non-Mendelian inheritance of silkiness; if the 
latter, a recessiveness of the varietal characteristic of silkiness and its Men- 
delian inheritance.* 

* De Vries, 1905, p. 280: ‘‘ The character of the species is dominant in the hybrid, while 
that of the variety is recessive.’’ On the latter of the two assumptions made above, plain 
plumage is the species character ; silky plumage, the varietal. 


6. NuMBER OF Tors.—This is constantly four in pure-bred Frizzles. In 
Silkies a fifth toe is always present. The extra toe frequently has a double 
nail, or the division may be complete, resulting in six toes. 

7. SKIN CoLor.—In the case of the Frizzle the skin is white, sometimes 
tinged with yellow pigment. The skin of the Silky is notoriously blue-black. 
This is a clear case of melanism, and since early times has been associated 
with the other peculiarities of the Silky. The melanic condition affects the 
periosteum also. It is remarkable that despite this excess of pigment ren- 
dering black the internal tissues, skin, leg scutes, comb, and wattles, the 
plumage should be always wie. 


Mothers.—Four Frizzles (Nos. 144A, 18A, 19A, and 20A), hatched May, 
1904, from eggs obtained from Dr. A. G. Phelps, of Glen Falls, N.Y. All 
have rose combs and slightly booted feet. No. 184 is peculiar in that the 
feathers on head and neck are sparse and small (fig. 42). In general color 
the hens vary ; 14A is prevailingly dark brown ; 18A is yellowish ; 194 is light 
brown, and 20A is mixed black, yellow, and red. A male Frizzle from the 
same lot of eggs was highly colored red and black. 

Father.—A white Silky cock (No. 244, fig. 43), likewise hatched from 
eggs sent in May, 1904, by Dr. Phelps. 

The Silky cock and Frizzle hens were mated from January 16 to April 14, 
1905. ‘Trap nests were not used, so that I could distinguish mothers only 
by the form of the eggs. The egg of 18A was very peculiar and was early 
identified. A certain proportion of the offspring can not be assigned to any 
particular mother. 


Only the first hybrid generation has been obtained. 

1. PLUMAGE Cortor.—Of 32 hybrids, 7 (22.6 per cent) are white (showing 
some buff in six cases) and 25 (77.4 per cent) are dark. No. 18A appar- 
ently produced only dark birds, largely dead-black. The others produced 
in part white hybrids (fig. 44), but mostly pigmented ones. The result is 
not what we should have expected. If white were recessive, 0 to 50 per cent, 
if dominant, 100 per cent, of the offspring should be white. Moreover, the 
Silky is doubtless homozygous in respect to color, since (1) Silky fowls are 
carefully bred for white color, and (2), bred to a hen of its own strain, it has 
produced only white birds. I conclude, therefore, that the white plumage 
color is not always dominant over the black, red, and yellow of the Frizzle. 
The matter will be further investigated. 

2. Coms.—In all cases the rose comb of the Frizzle dominated over the 
single comb of the Silky (fig. 44). 

correlated inthe first generation. Of 10 mature birds, 6 are typically frizzled 


and 4 have flat feathers. Assuming frizzling to be dominant, non-frizzling 
recessive, and that all my Frizzle fowls are heterozygous, we should expect 
50 per cent frizzled offspring. The result accords well with these hypotheses. 
None of the hybrids show any trace of silkiness. Silkiness is recessive as 
against non-silkiness. 

This result is striking and has been observed by others. Tegetmeier 
(1867, p. 224) bred Silkies to other varieties and found that ‘‘ the chickens 
produced seldom had the silky feathers, but were clothed in plumage of the 
ordinary character.’’ Mating these hybrids together he got among plain 
feathered offspring ‘‘ one covered with feathers like those of the Silk fowl,”’ 
but with black plumage. Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) had previously bred 
a white Silk hen to a Spanish cock ; ‘‘none inherited the so-called silky 

6. NuMBER oF Tors.—Thirty hybrids gave the following distribution of 
characteristics : 

Characteristic. | i Per cent. 
= — Z 
4 ‘toes; both: feetisi4- jacres coerce ai 23.3 
Avan des COCs sitet cerrete ce oletere eeretetels | 9 30.0 
Satoes; ibothipieeti ieee mecetciieeinee | 14 46.7 
Ota levator eere restate erartanraveiion | 30 100.0 

Here, as elsewhere in this paper, the inheritance of extra toe is difficult to 
account for on the Mendelian principle of dominance. 

7. Skin CoLor.—All hybrids have a black skin. Tegetmeier (1867, 
Pp. 224) got the same result. 

8. CrEstT.—So far as noted, all mature hybrids have a well-marked crest, 
but it is somewhat smaller than that of the Silky. 


A final conclusion as to dominance must await the production of the second 
generation of hybrids. The following (in z¢a/ics) appear to show Mendelian 
dominance over the corresponding allelomorphs : 

Rose comb vs. Single comb. 
Frizzle feathers vs. Plain feathers. 
Black skin vs. White skin. 
Crest vs. Plain head. 

Plumage color and number of toes are unit characters, but behave pe- 
culiarly. The dominance of the crest is imperfect. 


Series XI],—Single-comb White Leghorn Bantam and Black-breasted Red Rumpless Game. 

This cross was undertaken primarily to test the inheritance of rumplessness, 
and secondarily of the more primitive game coloration against white plumage 


The White Leghorns have been described at pages 37 and 39. The Black- 
breasted Red Game closely resembles the wild Jungle fowl in color (figs. 
45 and 46). 


| Single-combed | Discussed | Black-breasted Red | Discussed 

> | CERES EASES: | White Leghorn. | at page—| RumplessGame. | at page: 
iT | General color. ...| White............ | 18 | Black and red..... 
25) Beaki colores. Wellowsiierereyacrst-teis 1g DENG Sagas oaoeods 
3 | Uropygium.. .. .| Present ......... | ae Absentee. ci sees | a 
4 | Foot color....... le WelLOw)y-sfe sletorensi= | 20 | WYABWE\ coon cboconac | 48 


Uropycium.—The absence of uropygium is acharacteristic that has long 
been known among fowl, but there scems to be little knowledge of its inor- 
phology. In ordinary fowl there are five ivee caudal vertebrze, followed by 
a fused portion—the uropygial bone. In the case of a rampless Game female 
(No. 1109, fig. 45) dissected by me, there are two unsymmetrically formed 
and intimately fused vertebrae behind the fifteenth synsacral—the posterior 
limit of the sacral vertebree. That there are two is shown by distinct trans- 
verse processes with spaces of the passage of the nerves. Behind these is a 
knob of bone about r mm. in diameter. These three elements constitute 
the entire caudal skeleton. It is profoundly reduced from the normal. 

Rumplessness may be found in any race. It has cropped out in two of 
the 800 fowl bred at this station in the past year—hybrids derived from the 
Minorca-Polish aud the Leghorn-Houdan crosses. It seems like a misuse 
of the term é7ced to speak of a ‘‘ Rumpless breed,’’ as poultry books do. 

The characteristic is referred to by Aldrovandus in 1645, by Temminck, 
and by other early writers. Its origin has been ascribed to Persia, to Cey- 
lon, and to China ; doubtless it occurs in all these places as well as in many 
others. ‘Taillessness early appeared among fowls in America. Clayton 
(1693, p. 992) asserted that he had observed that in ‘‘ Virginia’’ most of the 
cocks and hens were without tails, and Wright states that he was informed 
by a West Indian in 1872 ‘‘that the greater number of fowls in his own 
neighborhood had no tails.’’ Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) refers to this 
characteristic and states that one bird he examined had no oil gland; the 
same is true of the three rumpless Games that I have had. Among the 


poultry books that describe the ‘‘ breed’ quite fully are Tegetmeier (1867, 
pp. 230-232), Baldamus (1896, pp. 170-172, ‘‘ Kaul oder Klutthtihner’’ ), 
Durigen (1886, pp. 98-100), Wright (1902, p. 481), and Weir-Johnson- 
Brown (1995, pp. 1016-1017). 

Regarding the inheritance of this characteristic, statements are not in 
accord. Tegetmeier (p. 231) says: 

A friend of mine purchased asuccessful pen [of Rumpless fowl] at a poultry show, 
taking them away to a walk where no other fowls ever trespassed, and yet the chickens 
were, in a considerable number of instances, furnished with fully developed tail feathers, 
being not rumpless. On inquiry of the previous owner, he stated: ‘‘Mine have always 
done so from the first time I kept them; but the tailed birds will very probably produce 
rumpless chickens.’’ Three such birds were purposely retained, and they produced the 
next year more than twenty youngsters, all of which but one were rumpless and destitute 
of tail feathers. 

The foregoing experiment would seem to prove that the rumpless parents 
were heterogametous, and that while rumplessness is dominant the recessive 
condition of tail is here prepotent (Castle, 1905). Darwin (1876, Chapter VII) 
possessed a rumpless bird which ‘‘came from a family where, as I was told, 
the breed had kept true for twenty years; but’’ he adds, ‘‘ rumpless fowls 
often produce chickens with tails.’’ ‘The breeding true of a character may 
mean either that it is dominant and homogametous in this respect or that it 
is recessive. Durigen (1886, p. 99) states that a rumpless cock mated with 
a tailed hen produces not exclusively rumpless, but a fair percentage of them, 
and Wright (1902, p. 481) says that ‘‘a Rumpless fowl crossed with any other 
generally produces a large majority of Rumpless birds.’’ All of the fore- 
going results are consonant with the conclusion that rumplessness is typically 
dominant, but that the recessive full tail may be prepotent. 


The mother was the White Leghorn bantam No. 127 discussed at page 39. 
She is heterozygous and contains black gametes. 

The father (No. 117, fig. 46) was one of three rumpless bantams obtained 
from Dr. A. H. Phelps, of Glen Falls, New York. ‘Two of these were 
typical Black-breasted Red Games; they lack oil glands and weigh about 
1,000 grams each. 


Only the first generation of hybrids has been so far obtained. 

GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Of 24 hybrids 12 were white or prevailingly 
so (fig. 47). Usually, however, more or less black and more rarely some 
buff was present. The other 12 were either black-and-white barred (and 
these were all males) or black with more or less reddish. As we have seen, 
the white mother contains recessive black or black-and-white, so that the 
result accords with the expectation of only 50 per cent white. 


BEAK Co_or.—In the hybrids the beak is sometimes yellow, sometimes 
black, sometimes black-and-yellow streaked. 

Urorycium.—Of 24 hybrids the uropygium is normal in 23 (fig. 47). 
One chick taken from the egg is recorded as without tail, though tail gland 
is present. It is doubtful if much stress may be laid on this record, as the 
uropygiuim is always very small in the unhatched bird. We may exclude it 
from present consideration. [This whole result was unexpected because 
opposed to the earlier observations. It leads to the provisional hypothesis 
that rumplessness is recessive in my strain. If full tail is recessive, then in 
my strain the recessive condition is prepotent. Further discussion must be 
deferred until the second hybrids have been bred. 

Foor CoLtor.—This was yellow in about half of the cases and willow or 
dark in the other half. Recalling that the White Leghorn is heterozygous, 
the result favors the hypothesis that yellow is dominant over willow. 


White plumage color seems to be dominant over game color. ‘The hy- 
potheses seem to be warranted that yellow beak and foot color are dominant, 
and that rumplessness is recessive in this strain. 

Series XII],—Black Cochin Bantam and Black Breasted Red Rumpless Game, 


This cross was primarily to test the inheritance of rumplessness, and 
secondarily of black against red plumage color. 


Concerning the Rumpless Game see page 61. ‘The Black Cochins are 
discussed at page 39. 


No | Characteristic Black Cochin | Discussed | Black-breasted Red | Discussed 
2 3 Bantam. | at page— | Rumpless Game. at page— 
“ale —— - — — |- = | —— —o 
r | General (color. .).|| Blacks.7...-\1/-- | 39 Red with some black. 62 
2 | Uropygium...... leet esen creeper 63 PAlbsentrncteitesicerr ee | 63 
3yn |Piristcoloneetencer | Dark brown ..| a | Red streaked wit 
| | I pyellowrce-- Bretcrs)| 
4 | Vulture hock ...| Present...... 39 INDE MeoD GooGboe oso 
5 | Foot feathering..| Present....... 34 lPAlbserithasrinesticrice 
| | | 

Mothers.—The Black Cochin Bantams Nos. 129 (fig. 26), 130, 131, and 
132 were the same as those referred to at page 39. 
Father.—The Rumpless Game is No. 117, referred to at page 62 (fig. 46). 



Only the first hybrid generation has been produced. 

GENERAL PLUMAGE CoLor.—Of 24 hybrids all were prevailingly black. 
Among 18 of those that hatched 8 showed some red. ‘This red is chiefly 
found asa lacing on the hackle feathers or a peppering on the wing coverts,* 
throat,} and outer margins of the remiges.{ This seems to point to the 
hypotheses that while black dominates over red the dominance is sometimes 
imperfect. When red occurs it occurs on those feathers that normally con- 
tain red in the Game, and on that part of the feather that is red in the Game. 

UropyGium.—This is invariably present, apparently fully developed. 

Ir1s Coror.—All the hybrids have dark-brown eyes; only one shows a 
trace of red. The hypothesis seems justified that in this case dark-brown 
iris pigment is dominant over red and yellow. 

VULTURE Hocx.—This is always absent. In only a single case§ are the 
feathers slightly elongated on the hock. 

Foot FEATHERING.—KEvery chick that hatched has the foot and at least 
one toe booted. In some cases this booting is much reduced as compared 
with the Cochin parent. Booting is dominant, but not always completely so. 


In this cross of black vs. red, black appears to be dominant, although im- 
perfectly so. The two colors do not blend, however, but red appears in a 
particulate fashion, usually in the parts of the plumage that have normally 
least black pigment. It is as if there were a struggle between the two 
pigments and red overcame black where black was weakest. 

The presence of tail in the first hybrid generation is confirmatory of the 
results of the preceding series. Rumplessness is apparently recessive. 

Brown iris color appears to dominate over the older red, and booting 
dominates over the ancestral clean-footed condition. 

* Nos. 589 ¢' and 798 ¢. Tt No. 587 2. t No. 577 2. § No. 651 o. 




The comb is a characteristic that has had its origin in the genus Gallus. 
It consists of a mass of uncovered erectile tissue—a tissue present in many 
species of birds. The primitive form of the comb is the single comb seen 
in the wild species of the genus Gad/us, and in most domestic races. This 
may be modified in two directions : First, in the direction of lateral repetition 
of the comb giving rise to the pea comb,* and, in an extreme case, to the 
rose comb (of which the walnut comb of the Malays is a special modifica- 
tion); second, in the direction of reduction of the modified comb producing 
the races with mere papillee (Houdan, Polish, La Fléche, etc.) or that are 
entirely combless (Breda fowl). That the rose comb is a modification of the 
same sort as the pea comb but carried to a greater extreme is indicated by 
the fact that the rose comb often shows five parallel ridges (instead of the 
more usual irregularly scattered papillz) and that in the female the rose 
comb sometimes consists of three ridges as in the male pea comb. 

When single comb (Minorca, fig. 4) and pea comb (Brahma, fig. 19) are 
crossed, pea comb is dominant (p. 35). The median ridge is, however, in 
the hybrid high for a pea comb and the lateral ridges are usually reduced 
(figs. 20, 21). When single comb (Leghorn) and rose comb (Minorca) are 
crossed, rose comb is dominant (p. 30). When single comb (Minorca or 
Leghorn) is crossed with the paired rudiments of a comb found in the Polish 
and Houdan fowl, a Y-shaped comb results (pages 10, 22, 28, fig. 8). This 
Y comb is of great interest. It was obtained by Bateson and Punnett (1905, 
pp. 108, 112-114) in some of the offspring of (single-comb Leghorn x rose- 
comb Dorking), crossed with (single-comb Leghorn x walnut-comb Indian) ; 
and also in one of the offspring of a single-comb Leghorn crossed with 
[(single-comb Leghorn x walnut-comb Indian) x (single-comb Leghorn 
x rose-comb Dorking)]. In Bateson and Punnett’s cases the splitting was 
evidently nearly complete, forming an O-shaped comb, or the ‘‘ cup comb”’ 
of Darwin (1876, Chapter VII). The Y comb was obtained also by Hurst 
(1905, pp. 133, 135, 138, 140, 146). This was a single split comb when 
Leghorn and Houdan were crossed, and a rose split comb when rose-comb 
Hamburgh and Houdan were mated. 

The interrelation of the different forms of comb—single, pea, walnut, 
y, and V may, I think, be expressed in the following hypothesis: The pea 
comb and the walnut comb are composed of two elements—a median single 
comb and a pair of lateral combs. This hypothesis is supported by the 

* The pea comb was doubtless a characteristic of the unknown feral ancestor of the 
Aseel-Indian group. But as the single comb is the dominant type in the known wild 
Jungle fowls the pea comb probably evolved from it. 



following evidence. First, of teratology. Extraneous paired papillee occa- 
sionally occur on the sides of the single comb in pure-bred races. These are 
known as ‘‘ side springs,’’ and are considered by fanciers as grave ‘‘ defects.’’ 
Now such side springs are morphologically equivalent to the lateral ridges of 
the pea comb. Second, there is the evidence of hybrid forms. Bateson and 
Punnett (1905 2) show that when pea comb and rose comb are crossed the 
second hybrid generation (F,) gives single comb, as well as pea and rose combs. 
This result may be interpreted as due to the fact that the gametes of a pea- 
combed bird have either a tendency toward side-springs (= pea comb) or 
they have no such tendency (= single comb); and the gametes of a rose- 
comb bird have a tendency to produce two pairs of side combs (= rose comb) 
or else they have no such tendency (—single comb). When two gametes 
without the side-comb tendency come together in F, a single comb is pro- 
duced. The necessity of assuming absence and presence of lateral combs 
strengthens the view that the pea comb is made up of two elements—median 
and lateral. If median comb and side-springs are distinct elements, then 
they should be independently inheritable. This result is realized on the one 
hand in the single comb, and, I think, on the other hand, in the cup comb 
(fig. 6), which consists of two side-springs without median comb. It is 
realized also in the V comb of the Polish fowl, which is a cup comb of 
which the anterior portion is typically not developed. 

That the V comb represents the posterior portion of a cup comb is supported 
by the fact that it is not uncommon to find not one pair of papille merely, 
but two, three, or four pairs of papillae in Polish fowl and in second-genera- 
tion hybrids. A row of three or four papillae on each side of the head is a 
close approach to a typical cup comb. 

The incompleteness of the cup comb where a VY comb is produced may be 
due to various causes. In the Polish fowl the upturned nasal process and 
absence of a bony ridge over the nostrils appear to be the cause of the absence 
of a comb there, and we have seen (p. 17) that the only undissociable char- 
acteristics in the second-generation hybrids of Minorca and Polish are 
those of high nostril and rudimentary comb. ‘The second cause restricting 
the development of the cup comb to its posterior limits is the presence of a 
median comb anteriorly ; thisis the case of theordinary Ycomb. The Ycomb 
is found in hybrids between single and VY comb; the anterior portion of the 
comb is not suppressed here, because the bony roof of the culmen is com- 
pletely developed, and the very presence of a large median comb there prevents 
the development of theside-springs at the same niveau. In the development 
of the comb of the hybrid there is, as it were, a struggle between the two 
elements of median and lateral combs. The Ycomb assumes a great variety 
of forms, rupning the entire gamut from a single comb on the one hand to 
(1) a cup comb or to (2) a pair of papillae on the other. I have already 
(p. 10) referred to the variation of the length of the stem of the Y, series 


(1), from 100 per cent tonearly zero. The second hybrids of Polish or Houdans 
crossed with single combs illustrate series (2). We begin witha single comb 
having its posterior one-sixth split ; next comes a comb having its posterior 
one-sixth split and anterior five-sixths single, but greatly reduced in height 
(fig. 50); next the same with the anterior portion reduced to an irregular 
carunculated mass having a slight median elevation (fig. 49), and finally a 
pair of papille only (fig. 48). In this series we have a fading out of the 
median portion, part passe with the enlargement of the nostril, but the 
persistence of the side combs unimpaired. ‘The side combs have been unable 
to enter the territory from which the median comb has been driven, because 
that territory is likewise untenable for it. These two series sufficiently 
demonstrate that the Y comb represents the posterior portion of the cup comb. 

That the cup comb represents merely the greatly enlarged lateral combs 
or side-springs is proven by the occasional presence of both median and cup 
comb on the same individual. In some races, as in the English type of Hou- 
dans, the median comb typically appears lying between the pair of cup-like 
side-springs, resembling the trunk of a butterfly between its wings. Among 
the heterozygous combs of the second generation of Minorca x Houdan or 
Minorea x Polish hybrids, instructive examples of persistence of both single 
comb and side-springs are especially apt to occur. Figure 52 shows this 
condition ; there is a median comb anteriorly and a nearly typical pea comb 
posteriorly, except that the lateral ridges are atypically high. Thus the 
Y comb becomes explained as due to the presence of both single and lateral 

The question now arises, Is it possible to explain on Mendelian principles 
the production of a Y comb when median comb and lateral comb are crossed ? 
In accordance with such principles we should have to picture the gametes 
of the single-comb and \y-comb parents as follows: 

Single comb. | V-comb, | 

No median elements. | 
Lateral elements. | 

Median element....... 
No lateral elements .. 

The allelomorphs are then median and no median, no lateral and lateral, 
and the positive characteristics are dominant. In the second hybrid gen- 
eration the two dominant characters should be combined in nine-sixteenths 
of all cases; the two recessive in one-sixteenth, and one dominant with one 
recessive in three-sixteenths ++ three-sixteenths of the cases. 

Another hypothesis is possible. Granting that the Y comb is no neomorph, 
but the sum of single and lateral comb, then the Y comb may be a case of 
particulate inheritance, the median comb being produced on the anterior and 
the lateral on the posterior part of the frontal region. In cases of particulate 


hybrids bred znfer se, the offspring exhibits one or the other of the parental 
conditions each in 25 per cent of the cases and the heterozygous condition 
in 50 per cent. ‘Todecide between these rival hypotheses we have to appeal 
to the statistics of occurrence of the different forms of comb. All cases 
(Series I and II) are combined in the following table, showing distribution 
in the second hybrid generation : 

Comb characteristic. | i Actual. 
| On hypothesis ae aoe 
| of dominance. | ° (SPARSE 
| inheritance. 
~ Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 
Singleicontby.-a- teeter 18.75 25 30.1 
VW CHM) oan paccaoosesce 56.00 52 44.9 
Wateralicombsys easel) ekOu75 5 25 25.00 
IN OCosl i sp sooogusehouaSr | 16:25 370 ° o? 

The foregoing table reveals several things. First, the actual distribution 
of comb form in the second generation accords better with the hypothesis of 
particulate inheritance than that of dominance of both single and lateral 
comb. That there is an excess of single comb and deficiency of Y comb is 
partly accounted for by occasionally counting a potentially Y comb but 
actually single (or nearly single) comb as a true single. Secondly, the 
hypothesis of dominance demands the occurrence of a fourth form—pre- 
sumably no comb—in 6% per cent of the cases. No combless fowl was 
raised to maturity, and the only possible cases were seen in still very young 
or unhatched chicks. Probably no true combless bird appeared. From 
both of these considerations I conclude, provisionally, in favor of the theory 
that the Y comb is reproduced from the median and the lateral by particulate 


The sum of results in Series I, II, and III (narrow x high nostril) gives : 

Narrow and intermediate. | High. 
Generation. l 
Jj. | Actual. | Expected. Ye | Actual. Expected. 
| Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 
Eanharesaysrcien Metetsroueysists | 102 |} 99.0 | 100 Tit 4} 1.0 | ° 
aren fetsicieleiiietsies | 99 | 73-9 | 75 35 | 26.1 | 25 
Hy Darrow...) || 33 | 51.5 | 50 300 48.5 50 

A close agreement exists between the percentage obtained in each genera- 
tion and the expectation on the Mendelian theory, assuming that narrow 
nostril is dominant. The statistics do not, however, tell the whole story. 
In 36 per cent of the cases in the F, generation the nostril was wider than in 


the ‘‘narrow’’ ancestor. Even inthe F, generation nearly half of the ‘‘ nar- 
row and intermediate’’ were of the intermediate sort. This intermediate 
form is evidence that dominance is imperfect and segregation is incomplete. 


Cerebral hernia is, as already pointed out, a typical monstrosity. The 
distribution of its occurrence in crossing is as follows : 

lade Re | F, x plain. 
Plain. | Hernia.) Plain. | Hernia,| Plain. | Hernia. 
Minorca >< Polishes .vccciej.% | 66 ° 75 23 34 fo) 
White Leghorn X Houdan. .| 24 ° 34 II 25 fo 
Houdan X Minorca Se | 16 ~21(0) ae a te ae 
ARO tales: <;crtersrroer eis | 106 fo) Tog | 34 CO 59 fo) 
| = — ————] — 
Rercenta gels |ccey-icles)sieteies | 00 ° 70.1 23.9 100 ° 

*Excluding one case of egg embryo with cerebral vesicle. 
7 Excluding one egg embryo recorded as doubtful. 

Cerebral hernia is inherited in Mendelian fashion with plain head domi- 
nant. Nevertheless, many of the plain-headed hybrids have the frontal 
eminence abnormally high—dominance is imperfect. 


The crest is independent of the cerebral hernia (pages 16-18). It isa 
widespread characteristic among birds, so common that it is not readily 
thought of as pathological but usually as ornamental. The distribution of 
ifs occurrence in crossing is as follows: 

F,. 1 F, X plain. 
Crosses. = nn ee 
Plain. | Crested.| Plain. | Crested.| Plain. | Crested. 

Minorea < Polish -........ fo) 7o II 41 6 6 
White Leghorn X Houdan.. fo) 25 6 13 6 9 
Houdan X Minorca..... : fo) 9 d6 : by a 
Rrizzlepeoilky-eeeeee eee fo) 


109 17 54 12 15 

Percentage te. ski ° 100 24 76 44.5 55-5 

Crest is inherited in Mendelian proportions, and is dominant over crestless 
head. Even when the Silky is crossed with Gallus bankiva its crest is domi- 
nant (fig. 53). In this case the new characteristic, a positive variant, domi- 
nates over the ancient one; but the crest is diminished in the first genera- 
tion ; dominance is imperfect. 



This is certainly a new character and a positive variant. The distribution 
of its occurrence in crossing is as follows : 


125 | igh F, X plain. 
Crosses. | 
|) ees ‘Present. es Absent. | Present. | Absent. | Present. 
Leghorn X Houdan....... ? 26 5 II 
Houdan X Minorca......... oe | 
EE ee eee ——— 
IKaWNlemorocueodaaabad ° | 35 | ? | 26 «| 5 | II 
Muffling is apparently dominant. 

This is also a new, positive, variant. The distribution of its occurrence 
is as follows 

| F,. | Hee F, X plain. 
Crosses. | | = 
| Absent. Present. | Absent. | Present. | Absent. | sear 
| ie = | — “se 
Leghorn X Houdan........ oO iN 4 ? | 12 3 8 
Houdan X Minorca ° ce | 9 | | 35 | oe 
tan ee as eal a ———— 
Totalequsssectaoacneeen ly 330 Wil a | } 8 

Beard is apparently dominant, but often imperfectly so. 


Silkiness is a new characteristic and, approximating as it does the juvenile 
down condition, anegative one. Whena Silky is crossed with a Jungle fowl 
the offspring are plain. Silkiness is recessive to non-silkiness—the retrograde 
to the progressive type. 

Frizzling is likewise a new characteristic—a positive character added to 
the perfect feather. The distribution of the occurrence of silkiness and friz- 
zling is as follows : 

Non-frizzling. | Frizzling. 

Re | No silkiness. | Silkiness. 

Frizzle X Silky..... Ls 10 o | 4 6 

The Frizzle fowl used were doubtless heterozygous. When non-frizzled 
birds are crossed iz/er se they produce only plain offspring. Frizzling is 
dominant over non-frizzling—the progressive over the primitive. 



Rumplessness is a new characteristic and a typical negative variant. The 
distribution of its occurrence is as follows : 

F}. Non-rumpless. Rumpless. 
Leghorn X Rumpless Game....... 23 *o 
Cochin X Rumpless Game......... 19 fo) 
Frizzle X Rumpless Game.... .... 7 ° 
Nankin X Rumpless Game........ 3 fo) 
ARNE Baaonecoge coCOGNSS 52 fo) 
Percentage rice) leleisleisielersisl= boa 100 fo} 

* One egg embryo doubtfully rumpless. 
The new, zegative characteristic is here completely recessive. 

The long tail of the male Tosa fowl is a new, positive variant. The dis- 
tribution of its occurrence in male hybrids is as follows : 

Hie F,. 
Crosses. | 
Short. | Long. | Short. | Long. 
ROSA aaa OCH Annee pyieretersie isis ieretel cloleters fo) 3 ? ? 
IhiabacKs< WWOLAwopavcouconbouKenoad ° *16 
ANEM. SSC obdecconuecooguUsO OSS fo) | 19 

* The tails are, perhaps, more properly intermediate. While still growing at date of record, they 
grow slowly. 

The new, positive characteristic is doubtfully dominant, possibly inter- 
mediate (cf. fig. 34). 
This bundle of strong feathers constitutes a new, positive characteristic. 
The GrSURI See of its occurrence is as follows : 

ie Bee 
Absent.| Present. | Absent. | Present. 
Minorca X Brahma........-..-. "| La(0) 
Leghorn X Brahma............. 12 ° 
Black Cochin x een orn oe 12 (Small) 1 
Leghorn X Buff Cochin.... .. 9 ° Ro Be 
Tosa X White Cochin. . ce 13 T3 16 $20 
Bralimiay ee hOsa eerie) secs All grades. aA ore 
Black Cochin X Rumpless Game. Q 11 fo) 
* One shows trace of enlargement of feathers. tSeven recorded as slight. 

+ Females with vulture hock ; males without it. § One case of trace of elongation of feathers. 


The result is peculiar. Usually the vulture hock is absent in the first 
hybrids, indicating its recessiveness. In crosses with a particular race— 
Tosa fowl—however, there is no recessiveness. It is probable that the Tosa 
fowl is heterozygous in respect of this characteristic. The new character- 
istic is recessive, but imperfectly so. 


Foot feathering, as the discussion on page 34 indicated, is a positive vari- 

ation, new to Ga//us, but not of a pathological sort. Common among wild, 

scratching birds, its occurrence in Gallus may be regarded as a case of de- 
gressive variation (de Vries). The distribution of its occurrence is as follows : 

186 nN 
Crosses. oO 
Non- Non- 
acted! Booted. bosted: Booted. 
Minorea X Dark Brahma...... I 4o 
Leghorn female X Dark Brahma 
Malee-r ease BAS 4 15 
Dark Branma female x Leg- 
hornemales yn. ei eee fe) 25 
Black Cochin x Leghorn...... (a) 20 
Leghorn X Buff Cochin........ 3 26 oe ae 
Tosa X White Cochin ..... .. ° 7 7 48 
Dark Brahma 5@ Losaie).j)e oh fo) 22 Sc Oe 
Eirizz lene oil kayjen eeiesieretelcnsierets 3 15 
Black Cochin X Rumpless Game. te) 21 
Photal Women yomrctperetcletclesteraters II IgI 7 48 

The foregoing statistics tell only a part of the story. Booting, when 
present, is frequently much reduced ; one may regard absence of booting as 
the extreme condition. Booting is dominant, but usually imperfectly so. 


The extra toe is a positive variation of a teratological sort. The distribu- 
tion of its occurrence is as follows : 

F\. Jey, } F, X normal. 
Ceoeeee Noextra| Extra | Noextra| Extra | Noextra| Extra 
toe. toe. toe. toe. toe. toe. 
Houdan X Leghorn....... 6 31 17 6 17 8 
Houdan X Minorca....... 6 15 AF as bf ne 
Brizzlem<:Gilkeypecr ctleciele 7 23 
Motallvesaereiictoest 19 69 17 6 17 8 
Percentage ...... Rytabrleteres Ae | 73.4. 73-9 26.1 68.0 32.0 


These results are peculiar. If both normal-toed and extra-toed ancestors 
were heterozygous in respect to toes, we should expect the result obtained in 
F,. It is quite possible, though not probable, that thisistrue. Thenextra 
toe would be dominant, although sometimes so imperfectly so as not to 
appear. In F, the parents were normal-toed, either because ‘‘normal’’ is 
recessive or because it is imperfectly dominant. All offspring should be 
normal-toed in the one case or give 100 per cent to 75 per cent extra-toed 
in the other. The result is not in accordance with either hypothesis. If 
there is any dominance in this generation it is of the zorma/ toe. Bateson 
and Saunders (1902, p. 124), while concluding that extra toe is dominant, 
find ‘‘ that the recessive foot character may sometimes dominate.’’ Hurst 
(1905, p. 150) also got, in a cross between Leghorn and Houdan, some 
normal-toed offspring which, interbred, produced extra-toed progeny. He 
concludes that a usually dominant character may recede in certain individ- 
uals. There is danger here of straining Mendel’s law. It is better to hold 
‘‘explanations’’ in abeyance until the matter of inheritance of polydactylism 
has been more thoroughly investigated. Certainly the facts of inheritance 
of polydactylism in man can hardly be explained on Mendelian principles 
(Davenport, 1904). Polydactylism is at least not recessive. The new, posi- 
tive, pathological characteristic holds its own against the older one. 


The epidermis of poultry is everywhere covered by feathers except on the 
beak, face, and feet. The naked portions may, however, have a different 
color from the covered ones ; consequently the correlation between general 
skin, beak, and foot color, although not absent, is not close. Thus, although 
the yellow beak and foot of the Leghorn are correlated with its yellow skin, 
the black legs and beak of the Black Minorca are not accompanied by a 
black skin. Not all exposed parts, even of the skin, are of one color, for the 
face, at least, may be red or white when the legs are black. Color of beak 
and foot are, on the other hand, closely correlated, individual variations of 
the one being usually associated with corresponding variations of the other. 
This correlation is doubtless the result of the similar cornification of the skin 
of beak and foot, whereas (excepting races with opaque white face) the 
vascular face and earlobes are white or red, according to a less or greater 
blood supply in them. 

The pigmentation of the epidermis of poultry falls into three classes: (a) 
Without pigment or white; (4) yellow; (c) black. White skin is the com- 
monest, even among poultry with black plumage and feet. Yellow skin is 
found in the Asiatics, derived from the Aseel-Malay ancestry, and is a char- 
acteristic of the White Leghorn. Black pigment occurs in the skin of the 
Silky fowl and the Negro fowl. Black pigment is to be regarded as a new 
variant and of the nature of a pathological sport—melanism. When black 


skin is crossed with white, black—the new, positive, pathological character- 
istic—is dominant (page 60). 


The prevailing types are black, willow, yellow, and white. Black is the 
primitive color on the Jungle side; yellow, onthe Aseel group. When horn 
(Houdan) and yellow (Leghorn) mandible colors are crossed, the first genera- 
tion shows the yellow of the Leghorn, whichis dominant. When, however, 
the black beak of the Minorea was crossed with the yellow beak of the 
Brahma, the dark color dominated. The potency in the hybrid of beak color 
seems to follow this series: Black, yellow, horn. The most positive char- 
acter, black, dominates all. 


Four principal types are to be distinguished—willow, black, yellow, and 
white. Willow is primitive and white the most aberrant. The results are 
based on still insufficient data, but so far as they go they indicate that willow 
is dominated by yellow (p. 54), yellow by white (p. 24), and white by black 
(p. 28). The newer, negative characteristic, white, is dominant over the 
older yellow, but the new, positive characteristic of melanism dominates all. 


Of the various forms, pearl to yellow is characteristic of the Aseel type ; 
red, of the Game or Gallus bankiva type. Black has become associated with 
black plumage. The results, subject to revision, indicate that in poultry, 
as in man, iris color rarely blends, that red dominates pearl (page 38), and 
that dark brown dominates red. ‘The new, positive variation of melanism 
seems to dominate all, although not always perfectly. 


Red is primitive in both groups. White is a new variation, which is prob- 
ably due to fat or other particles in the skin, and is consequently positive. 
Only in extreme cases is red wholly eliminated from the earlobe. In three 
series of crosses (V, VI, and X) of the red-lobed Dark Brahma and a white 
(and red) lobed race the earlobes were prevailingly red, but had some white 
at their centers. Likewise, in two series of crosses (VII and VIII) of the 
red-lobed Cochin and a white-lobed Leghorn, red dominated in the hybrids, 
but did not always perfectly exclude white. Red is apparently dominant, 
but very imperfectly so; some cases rather indicate particulate inheritance. 


The original plumage as exhibited in the Jungle fowl is largely black and 
red; that of the Aseel type sometimes contains much white; but the pure 
white plumage must be regarded as a new negative variant. The outcome 
of crossing is complex. 


WHITE vs. DARK—Three different results may be, under differing condi- 
tions, obtained. 

Dominance of White.—This is the usual result. Two White Leghorns 
crossed by a black Minorca produced only white hybrids, but the female 
hybrids, at least, had some black feathers. White Leghorns crossed with 
Houdans gave only white. White Leghorns crossed with a Red-backed 
Game had white offspring with some buff on breast. On the other hand, 
the white color of the Silky dominates over the dark color of the Frizzle 
(Series XI) in about only 23 percent of the hybrids. Bateson and Saunders 
(1902, pp. 108-109), dividing all hybrids between black and white parents 
into those of light type and those of dark type, conclude that the former 
are to the later as 3.1 tor. Bateson and Punnett (1905, p. 117) conclude 
that offspring of a pure white parent with colored or heterozygous (mixed) 
birds are practically always prevailingly white. Hurst (1905, pp. 146-149) 
gets chiefly white birds from crosses of White Leghorn hens with black or 
mottled males. The exceptions may be due to the impurity of one of the 

Barring.—No barring resulted from crossing White Leghorn with Houdan 
or black Minorca, or Silky with Frizzle. On the other hand, all males, and 
only males, were barred in the hybrids of Tosa x White Cochin, and in the 
hybrids of White Leghorn Bantam and Rumpless Game barring occurred, 
but among males only. Of 26 hybrids between Black Cochin and White 
Leghorn, 8 were barred black and white, and these belonged equally to the 
two sexes. Of 11 dark hybrids obtained by Hurst (1905, p. 133) from 
White Leghorn x Houdan, 6 developed into black females and 5 into cuckoo 
males. Apparently barring (‘‘ cuckoo marking’’ of the English) is asso- 
ciated with maleness. This result is curious enough, for, as Darwin pointed 
out, in the ancestors of domestic poultry barring (or rather penciling) is 
confined to the female sex. 

Barring is a heterozygous condition found in hybrids from a white and 
a black parent. It is provisionally regarded as a form of particulate inherit- 
ance as opposed to the alternative inheritance of the Leghorn x Minorca 
cross. This heterozygous condition when interbred usually breaks up into 
white, uniformly pigmented, and barred again, as in the case of the Tosa 
x White Cochin hybrids (p. 49). This form has in certain cases, as in the 
Cuckoo Dorkings and in the Dominiques—ancestors to the Plymouth Rocks— 
become truly mosaic, transmitting the mixture of qualities pure. The 
method of fixing a heterozygous poy is still unknown to science.* 

“* The experience of beeen of mice ane guinea-pigs shows that one may be dee to 
the absence of an oxidizing ferment necessary to the bringing out of the color potential ina 
chromogenic substance (¢/. von Fiirth, 1903). If the chromogen is present the addition 
(by crossing with a pigmented individual) of the ferment will reveal in the hybrid off- 
spring the colors and pattern latent in the white parent. Working on this hypothesis, 
we can judge of the latent patterns in the White Leghorn bantams and draw conclusions 


Andalusian Coloration.—Among the offspring of a White Leghorn and a 
Black Minorca two adult blue fowls were reared (fig. 54). The coloration 
was that of the Andalusian ‘‘breed.’’ It consisted of a minute patchwork 
of black and white pigment. Such a bluecoloration is common in barn-yard 
fowls. It results, according to the testimony of breeders,+ from crossing 
black and white. 

The special conditions which determine whether the offspring of a white 
and a black parent shall be all white or barred or blue have not yet been 
determined. The solution of this problem offers one of the most interesting 
fields for future investigation (p. 30). 

WHITE vs. Burr.—Both colors are novel ; the former is probably a nega- 
tive mutation ; the latter has been extracted from the original game colora- 
tion of fowls. The hybrids are prevailingly white, and white may be 
regarded as dominant. Nevertheless, this dominance is imperfect, for in 
half of the offspring buff is more or less evident. It is found diffused over 
the back, wings, and breast as in ‘‘pile’’ Games. On the whole, white is 
less strongly dominant over buff than it is over black (Hurst, 1905, p. 134). 

BLACK vs. RED.—The red coloration is ancestral ; the solid black is novel 
and positive—a melanic condition. The hybrids between Black Cochin and 
Red-breasted Game are prevailingly black, but about half of them show red 
lacing on the hackle feathers or a red peppering in those places where red is 
displayed by the Game. Black is dominant over red, but imperfectly so. 


In the white-crested Black Polish the feathers of the top of the head are 
in striking contrast to those over the rest of the body. That the crest is not 
necessarily white is proven by the existence of a black-crested race. Hybrids 
between the Minorca, whose head is wholly black, and the Polish give (p. 
15) chiefly black feathers in the males, the females, however, still showing 

as to what pigmented ancestors they may have had. They were used in five crosses, as 
follows : (1) Black Cochin X White Leghorn ; (2) White Leghorn < Buff Cochin ; (3) 
White Leghorn x Black-breasted Red-backed Game; (4) White Leghorn X Dark 
Brahma ; (5) Dark Brahma X White Leghorn. 

Taking all offspring together, about 50 per cent (48.5) are white or nearly so. All 
crosses exhibit barring, together in about one-quarter (26.5) of the cases, and also black 
and buff or red. It seems probable that all of these pigments and the barred pattern 
are latent in my White Leghorn bantams. These conclusions are supported by breed- 
ing the White Leghorns zzfer se, when, in addition to white offspring, a black and a 
barred were obtained (p. 4o). Similarly among the second hybrids between the Tosa and 
White Cochin Bantam there appeared’a male and a female resembling in plumage colora- 
tion the Partridge Cochins (p. 49). This coloration probably lay latent in the gametes 
of the White Cochin. 

+ Compare Darwin (1876, I, Chapter VII ; 1894, I, p. 270); Wright (1902, pp. 291, 292, 
317, 301, 399, 401, etc.) ; Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 131); Bateson and Punnett 
(1905, p. 126). When blues are interbred, the offspring are either white or black or blue. 
Even in the Andalusian “‘ breed ’’ the blue coloration has never become fixed. 


white in their crests. The hybrids crossed back on the Minorca give nearly 
100 per cent black heads. Black is dominant, but imperfectly so; the nega- 
tive characteristic is recessive. The dominant character is less perfectly 
dominant in the female sex than in the male. 


The color of the hackle feathers and the correlated saddle feathers in 
birds of broken color usually differs from that of the rest of the plumage. 
This peculiarity of the hackle coloration is an old character, since it is 
exhibited by the Jungle fowl, and was probably in the ancestor of the 
Aseel-Malay group. The feathers are laced with a lighter color than the 

In crosses between Minorca and Dark Brahma, and White Leghorn and 
Dark Brahma the solid color (black or white), the new, positive character- 
istic, dominates over the lacing. Nevertheless, in the Minorca X Dark 
Brahma hybrids the feathers of the nape are frequently faintly laced with 
gray. The black is imperfectly dominant. 


The male Jungle fowl has red on the upper wing coverts, aud doubtless 
the male of the ancestors of the Aseel-Malay group had also. 

The male hybrids between the Dark Brahma and the Black Minorca on 
the one hand and the White Leghorn on the other usually show red on the 
wing coverts, although there is no other red in the plumage. Red on the 
wing coverts is probably dominant, but it is much reduced. 


Although the tail feathers are derived from a distinct feather tract, and in 
broken-colored birds are usually without the red of the wing, yet tail color 
does not seem to be a unit character ; in inheritance it follows the rest of the 
body plumage. On the other hand, in breeding buff varieties black persists 
in the tail feathers longer than in the others. This case resembles the per- 
sistence of black at the extremities of the legs of white or red rabbits 
(Castle, 1905). 


The female Jungle fowl has a light shaft to the feather. The same is 
true of the Tosa fowl and some Games. Light shafting is a primitive 
characteristic of the female. 

In the female hybrids between the Tosa fowl and White Cochin the shaft- 
ing is greatly broadened, and this is the principal modification of the plumage 
color. In female hybrids of the Tosa fowl and Dark Brahmas the shafting 
of the feathers of the back and wing coverts is striking, and some shafting 
appears in two of the males, probably transferred from the female (p. 54). 
Apparently shafting is dominant. 



This character is not found in the Jungle fowl, but may have been derived 
from the penciling of the Aseel-Malay group. In male hybrids between 
the Tosa fowl and the Dark Brahma it occurs, derived from the latter (p. 54). 
It appears to be dominant. 


This is an ancient feminine characteristic, best marked in the Aseel-Indian 
group (p. 53). It is found particularly well developed in the Dark Brahma 
female. Inthe female hybrids between that race and the Tosa fowl penciling 
is well developed ; it is dominant. 


Taxonomic descriptions of plants and animals give a list of their specific 
characteristics (Merkmale, caractéres). These comprise for the most part 
only the external characteristics, but a similar list might be made for internal 
characteristics. In addition to specific characteristics, those of a higher 
order (such as generic, etc.) and those of a lower order (such as varietal) may 
be enumerated. Such characteristics are, in first approximation, unit char- 
acters. They are of prime importance, because the whole problem of evolution 
is that of the origin and significance of the various unit characters of the 

The theory of the unit character is associated with that of its bearer in 
inheritance. Darwin (1876) and later de Vries (1889) designated as such 
bearers particles of the nuclear material named ‘‘pangenes.’’ ‘‘ Changed 
numerical relation of pangenes is the basis of fluctuating variability; dis- 
placement (Umlagerung) of pangenes in the nucleus conditions retrogressive 
and degressive mutations ; while the formation of new kinds of pangenes is 
necessary to the explanation of progressive mutations’’ (7. ¢., those exhibit- 
ing altogether new characteristics). 

The two main hypotheses of the origin of unit character are that of de Vries 
and that of Weismann. De Vries sets forth his hypothesis at the very begin- 
ning of his great work, ‘‘ Die Mutationstheorie.’’ His words may be thus 
translated : 

As mutation theory I designate the doctrine that the characteristics of organisms are 
built up of units that are sharply separable one from another. These units can be united 
into groups, and in related species the same units and groups recur. Transitions, such 
as the external forms of plants and animals exhibit in such numbers, exist between the 
units as littleas between the molecules of chemistry. .... In the realm of the doctrine 
of descent this principle leads to the conviction that species have proceeded from one 
another not continuously but by steps [nicht fliessend, aber stufeuweise]. Each new unit 
added to the older ones constitutes a step and separates the new form, as an independent 
species, sharply and fully from the species whence it arose. .... Die neue Art ist somit 

mit eiuem Male da; sie entsteht aus der friiheren ohne sichtbare Vorbereitung, ohne 


Weismann, on the other hand, is only less clear in expressing his hypoth - 
esis. He accepts, of course, the idea of unit characters, each of which is rep- 
resented in the germcells by a ‘‘determinant.’’ ‘‘ We called,’’ hesays (1904, 
I, p. 369), ‘‘ determinants those parts of the germ-substance which determine 
an ‘hereditary character’ of the body ; that is, whose presence in the germ 
determines that a particular part of the body, whether it consists of a group 
of cells, a single cell, or a part of a cell, shall develop in a specific manner, 
and whose variations cause the variations of these particnlar parts alone.’” 
The ‘‘ hereditary parts’’ may be small or ‘‘large regions, whole cell masses 
of the body, which in all probability vary only ez d/oc, as, for instance, the 
milliards of blood cells in man, the hundreds of thousands or millions of cells 
in the liver and other glandular organs, the thousands of fibers in a muscle, 
or of the sinews or fascia, the cells of a cartilage or a bone, and soon. In 
all these cases a single determinant, or at least a few in the germ plasm, may 
be enough.’”’ For Weismann (1904, II, p. 151) the ultimate source of all 
hereditary variations is the variation of the representatives of the unit char- 
acters in the germ plasm. ‘‘If I mistake not,’’ he says, ‘‘ we may at least 
say so much, that all variations are, in ultimate instance, quantitative and 
that they depend on the increase or decrease of the vital particles, or their 
constituents, the molecules. .... What appears to us a qualitative varia- 
tion is, in reality, nothing more than a greater or less different mingling of 
the constituents which make up the higher unit; an unequal increase or 
decrease of these constituents, the lower units.’’ The cell changes its consti- 
tution when the proportion of its component parts ‘‘is disturbed, when, for 
instance, the red pigment granules which were formerly present, but scarcely 
visible, increase so that the cell looks red. If there had previously been no 
red granules present, they might have arisen through the breaking up of 
certain other particles—of protoplasm, for instance, in the course of metab- 
olism —so that, among other substances, red granules of uric acid or some 
other red stuff were produced. In this case, also, the qualitative change 
would depend on an increase or decrease of certain simpler molecules and 
atoms constituting the protoplasm-molecule.’’ 

In criticism of the foregoing it may be said that a variation in the number 
of atoms in a protoplasmic molecule is certainly also a qualitative change— 
a mutation. The only real difference between Weismann and de Vries 
depends on the extent of the mutative modification, whether progressive or 
complete from the beginning; but this is a real difference, for the latter 
view is required by the theory of immutable unit characters. The former 
view is not in harmony with sucha theory. Conversely, if it appears that 
there are immutable unit characters, then the theory of evolution by saltation 
is necessary ; if unit characters are modifiable, then species may have arisen 


The result of the breeding experiments described herein bears upon this 
discussion. No other group, I imagine, exhibits so many characteristics as 
poultry ; of the comb alone there are half a dozen forms. The forms of 
feathers and their color patterns are numerous. These forms are sharply 
marked off from one another for the most part ; moreover, when two char- 
acteristics are crossed the result is rarely a blend. ‘This was a great surprise 
to me, as I had anticipated that blends would be the rule ; and, overwhelmed 
by the facts, I embraced at once the theory of immutable characteristics. 

That there are unit characters in poultry can not be doubted. When single 
and V comb are crossed and progeny obtained all with a Y comb, how con- 
vincingly do the second hybrids reproduce the single comb in some individuals 
and the Y comb in others! Though the cerebral hernia and its associated 
great crest may disappear in the first generation of hybrids, how beautifully 
do they reappear in one-fourth of the offspring of such hybrids! How in- 
structive is it to see perfectly plain feathered offspring arising from a frizzled 
pair, or in a Black Minorca X Dark Brahma white-laced hackles appearing 
in an otherwise dead-black plumage! Truly we may hope, as in chemistry, 
to make various kinds of molecules by the proper admixture of our atoms— 
the characteristics. Even in man such non-blending characteristics are evi- 
dent. One of the most famous is the Hapsburg lip or chin, which from the 
fifteenth century has persisted to the present day despite infusion of new 
blood during fifteen generations.* Another striking case is that of hypo- 
phalangia in man, described by Farabee (1905). In the four or five gener- 
ations studied, there has, he states, ‘‘never been a single instance of partial 
inheritance, but in all cases all extremities have been affected in precisely 
the same way.’’ 

While admitting, thus, the reality of unit characters, the further study of 
the evidence of hybridization in poultry has led me away from the conception 
that they are rigid and immutable as atoms are, which may be combined 
and recombined in various way and always come out of the process in their 
pristine purity. This is by no means the case. Very frequently, if not 
always, the character that has been once crossed has been affected by its 
opposite with which it was mated and whose place it has taken in the hybrid. 
It may be extracted therefrom to use in a new combination, but it will be 
found to be altered. This we have seen to be true for almost every char- 
acteristic sufficiently studied—for the comb form, the nostril form, cerebral 
hernia, crest, muff, tail length, vulture hock, foot-feathering, foot color, ear- 
lobe, and both general and special plumage color. Everywhere unit char- 
acters are changed by hybridizing. 

How does this fact bear on the rival theories of evolution? It has an im- 
portant bearing onthem. It is notin accord with the statements of de Vries 

* Cf. F. A. Woods, 1902-03. 


quoted above: ‘‘ The characteristics of organisms are built up of units that 
are sharply separable one from another,’’ and ‘‘ Transitions exist between 
the unit as little as between the molecules.’’ Single comb is one unit and 
pea comb is a different unit, but they are not sharply separable. Crest and 
no crest are units, but they run into each other in hybridizing. Unit char- 
acters may show transitions, and, if so, they may have originated gradually, 
so far asIsee. It does not follow that they must have originated gradually. 


Doubtless Darwin’s statement that crossed characters usually blend is 
still the prevalent view. Much if not most biometric work in heredity has 
been made on this basal assumption. I may say that I began my experi- 
ments prejudiced in favor of this view. 

The results that have been recorded in the foregoing pages indicate that 
probably in general typical blending of characters is rare. Excepting char- 
acters like general form of the body, which are doubtless not units, but 
complex, I have, indeed, seen no single case of a typical blend. A fusion 
of characters is a rather rare phenomenon. Human skin color is the one 
striking case. One can but wish we had more careful data on inheritance 
of human skin color in successive generations. Other human characteristics 
show alternative inheritance. ‘This is strikingly true in Farabee’s family of 
hypodactyls cited above. It is said to be true of eye color and probably 
of the states of general pigmentation known as blonde and brunette. 

The following characters of poultry show alternative inheritance : 

Comb form. Uropygium. Earlobe color. 

Nostril form. Tail length. General plumage color 
Cerebral hernia. Vulture hock. (sometimes). 

Crest. Booting. Color of hackles. 
Muff. Extra toe. Wing bar. 

Beard. Color of mandible Shafting. 

Frizzling. and foot. Body lacing. 

Silkiness. Iris color. Penciling. 

The following characteristics show particulate inheritance : 

Iris color (sometimes ?). 

White and black, producing darving (Series VI, VII, IX, XII). 

White and black, producing blue (fig. 54) (a fine mosaic of white and 

It is too early yet to interpret the cases of particulate inheritance. It isa 
striking fact that, excepting the Tosa * White Cochin cross, all my barred 
birds reared to maturity had the White Leghorn Bantams as mother or 
father. Now, as repeatedly observed, these bantams were heterogametous. 
It is possible that they contain barred blood in the “‘fixed”’ condition. 
Aside from the fact that they throw a certain proportion of barred birds, this 

conclusion gains support from the fact that the wing coverts of the male are 


obscurely barred with dusty bands, although, on the other hand, this barring 
may be merely the badge of heterozygotism. It is possible, therefore, that 
the barring in the plumage of the White Leghorn Bantams is transmitted as 
an alternative characteristic. The case of the barred descendants of the 
Tosa X White Cochin is more difficult. I am not yet prepared to go so far 
as Correns (1905", p. 13, note) when he says: ‘‘ Wo Mosaikbildung als 
Regel bei einem Bastard auftritt, war sie schon in einem der Eltern oder in 
beiden, aktiv oder latent, vorhanden.’’ 

Naturally, attention was directed chiefly toward evident qualitatively 
marked characteristics. Such do not blend. The fact that for the most 
part a characteristic does not blend when crossed with its allelomorph is of 
the highest importance for the theory of evolution. If blending were uni- 
versal a new characteristic must inevitably become quickly swamped by 
intercrossing with the parental characteristic. Since the new quality does 
not blend, it need not be swamped, even when there is no special isolation. 


A distinction between specific and varietal characteristics is made by 
Nageli (1884, p. 247) and by de Vries (1902, p. 141; 1905, p. 141). Fol- 
lowing de Vries, a specific characteristic is a wholly novel one acquired by the 
race—one which stamps its possessor as an elementary species. A varietal 
characteristic is sometimes positive (7. ¢., additional), in which case it is 
found also in closely allied species, and may be regarded as the becoming 
patent of a characteristic all the time latent in the variety. It is, on the 
other hand, sometimes negative, this condition being marked by the disap- 
pearance (becoming latent) of a characteristic patent in the ancestral species. 
Specific and varietal characteristics are thought by de Vries to be inherited 
very differently. When two elementary species are crossed the character- 
istics of both parents appear, fully developed, side by side ; Mendel’s law is 
not followed. When a species is crossed with a variety a Mendelian result 
is obtained and the patent characteristic is dominant over the latent. 

Let us now see in how far the results gained in breeding poultry accord 
with de Vries’s law. It is not easy to make the classification in an unpreju- 
diced way ; an attempt, however, will be made. 

First, the comb is a specific characteristic of the genus Ga//us. It is absent 
in other Gallinee. Also pea comb and rose comb are each wholly new, posi- 
tive variations from the primitive single comb. Muff and beard seem to be 
novel ; so also the long tail of the Tosa fowl, the extra toe, and the melanic 
feet and beak. 

Clear cases of negative variations are: Loss of the nasal process of inter- 
maxillary and consequent igh nostril, failure of cerebral plate to close and 
consequent cerebral hernia ; loss of uropygium ; loss of red and black pig- 
ment in feathers (albinism, partial or complete) ; loss of dark pigment in 
crest feathers ; loss of wing bar ; loss of primitive shafting. 


Now, by hypothesis we should expect a difference in inheritance in these 
characteristics as indicated below : 

Expected non-Mendelian. Expected Mendelian. 

. High nostril vs. low. 

. Cerebral hernia vs. normal. 

. Taillessness vs. normal tail. 
Albinism in plumage vs. pigment. 
Absence of wing bar vs. presence. 
. Absence of shafting vs. presence. 

Pea and rose comb vs. single comb. 

Muff and beard vs. plain head. 

Long tail vs. normal. 

Extra toe vs. normal. 

Melanic feet and beak vs. willow or 

SESS fe 

Of the five cases where, on de Vries’s theory, we should expect non-Men- 
delian results, No. 4 is apparently not Mendelian, No. 5 gives often a 
mixture of characters, Nos. 1 and 2 apparently give true Mendelian domi- 
nance and recessiveness, No. 3 is still doubtful. Of the six cases in which 
a Mendelian inheritance is looked for, we certainly find it in three cases and 
less certainly in the others. On the whole, there is a slight but not a striking 
difference in transmission between the two sets of characteristics, and I can 
only conclude that for poultry, so far as I can see at present, de Vries’s 
formula does not hold universally. 


According to de Vries, when an individual having a certain characteristic 
patent is crossed with one in which it is latent the patent characteristic is 
dominant, the latent recessive. Do results with poultry confirm this law ? 

In the following table the patent characteristic is given in the left-hand 
column and the dominant characteristic in zfa/ics - 

Patent. Latent. 

1. Nasal process of premaxillary, zarrow | High nostril. 

2. Closure of cerebrum completed ; plain | Failure of cerebrum to close; cerebral 
| head. hernia. 
3. Crest; black crest feathers...........- Smooth head ; white crest feathers. 
4. Complete development of the feather..| Interrupted development of the feather ; | 
silky feather. 
Ba A ae aod agenene <> SER oS .. .. | Taillessness. 
6. Pigmented plumage ................ Albinism in plumage. 
Gh, HAE COG WAS 6 006 oba880 aA JooEa0 Uniformly colored wing. 

b SAU IIa gancdanooSneda oda boc .....| Plain feather. 

Of the foregoing eight characters, seven clearly follow the law that patent 
characteristics dominate over latent. No. 6 isa clear exception, for since 
all the wild Gallinze are deeply pigmented birds it can hardly be doubted 
that white is a negative variation in which color is latent. However, the 
exception (No. 6) is not universal, for white plumage does not always domi- 


nate over pigmented plumage. It appears, then, that the patent character 
is, in general, but with some exceptions, dominant over the corresponding 
latent character. 


Standfuss (1896, p. 111), asa result of his hybridization of moths, concluded 
that hybrids resemble the older species. De Vries (1902, pp. 33-42, and 
1905, pp. 280, 281) cites several instances of the prepotency of the phyloge- 
netically older characteristic. Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 137), how- 
ever, point out that younger characteristics sometimes dominate, and cite 
pea and rose comb, extra toe, and the polled condition of cattle as examples. 
Correns (1905, p. 463 et seq.) describes a case of petaloid calyx—a new 
characteristic—which is dominant over the normal form. Correns’ (1905°, 
p. 13), indeed, concludes that in general the phylogenetically more advanced 
characteristic—the later originated, younger characteristic—dominates. 

Let us see what evidence poultry hybrids have to offer bearing on this point. 

| Old characteristics. |New characteristics. | Old characteristics. | New characteristics. | 
I. Single comb.....) Rose comb. 11. White skin.....| Black skin. 
2, IEG) POs wee | High nostril. inn2teRedittistme seis Black tris. 
3. No hernia... .. | Hernia. | 13. Red earlobe....| White earlobe. 
4. Plaintheada-ane: | Crest. || 14 Pigmented. White (sometimes 
5. No muffling..... Mufiling. ] dominates). 
6. Plain feathers...| Mrizzled feathers. || 15. Red pigmented.) Black ; no red. 
| 7. Plain feathers..., Silky feathers. |, 16. Black head.....| White head. 
Sh IRE s ns aoos Non-tailed. 17. Hackle lacing. .| Solid black. 
g. Tail feathers lim-)| 7az/ unlimited. | 18, Red wing bar..| No wing bar. 
ited in growth. | || 19. Shafting...... | No shafting. 
TON Fouritoesi ya. c- Five toes. | 20. Penciling ......| No penciling. 
| } 

This table shows that of nineteen characteristics (No. 10 being left out of 
consideration), nine old ones are dominant and ten newones. Clearly, dom- 
inance of characteristics in poultry is not determined by the age of the 


Mendelian dominance and recessiveness with segregation of characteristics 
in the gametes are not universal concomitants of hybridization. Mendel knew 
it (Correns, 1905*) ; de Vries founds his system on the fact ; Correns lays 
stress on it; Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 152) recognize it, but consider 
the exceptions insufficiently known. The characteristics that I have crossed 
show always segregation excepting extra toe and perhaps also melanic foot 
and beak color. ‘These are among the positive variations of de Vries, which, 
in accordance with his system, we should not expect to ‘‘ mendelize.’’ As 
stated, other positive variations, however (pea comb and muff), seem to 


Of the varietal characteristics, the positive or patent characteristics almost 
always are dominant, white plumage forming an occasional exception. On 
the other hand, phylogen+tically old characters are not more apt to be domi- 
nant than “‘new’’ ones. Some evident sports, such as crest, frizzling of 
feathers, unlimited growth of tail, and black skin (of Silky), are dominant. 
Other sports—hernia, shortened premaxillary, silkiness, and rumplessness— 
are recessive ; the novelty or antiquity of the characteristic has nothing to 
do with its dominance. Dominanceof a character in hybridization is deter- 
mined by the same causes as determine the appearance in the race of a posi- 
tive variation. A progressive variation, one which means a further stage in 
ontogeny, will be dominant; a variation that is due to abbreviation of the 
ontogenetic process, which depends on something having dropped out, will 
be recessive. 

This conclusion, however satisfactory, must be regarded as tentative. It 
is doubtful if it is of general validity ; for while long tail and crest feathers 
are dominant in poultry, long hair (equally due to prolonged life of the fol- 
licle) is recessive in mammals (Castle, 1903 ; 1905, pp. 64-67, 73-74; Hurst, 
1904). White is usually recessive to pigment in flowers and mammals, but 
it is usually dominant over pigment in poultry. It is still too early to regard 
the conclusions expressed in the last paragraph as anything but an hypothesis. 

While dominance and recessiveness are typically found in Mendelian in- 
heritance, yet they may be absent even in cases when segregation of charac- 
teristics occurs in the second hybrid generation. Thus, the barred offspring 
of the black-and-red Tosa fowl and the white Cochin throw in the F, gener- 
ation 25 per cent black and red and 25 per cent white, but the remainder, 
like all of F,, is barred with white, and no one can say which plumage color 
isdominant. ‘The same is true of some black-and-white barred hybrids. It 
is also true of hybrids between single and Ycomb. ‘The phenomena of domi- 
nance and recessiveness do not always accompany segregation. 

Another modification of the law of dominance and recessiveness must be 
recognized, namely, that they are by no means always complete. Even in 
the first hybrid generation the dominant characteristic is more or less inter- 
mediate. ‘The antagonistic characteristics a and a’ of the two parent types 
are not only united in the zygote, but they pass in the development of the or- 
ganism into all the tissues of the body, and particularly into the cells out 
of which the organ 4 is developed. The dominant characteristic, a, and 
the recessive characteristic, a’, each works to determine the quality of the 
organ 4. If a dominates, it is because it is more active than a’. It does 
not dominate by excluding a’. Sometimes, as in the case of barred feathers, 
it appears that a and a’ in ontogeny alternate in their activities. The cells 
of acertain zone of the feather manufacture only black pigment ; in the next 
zone black is wanting ; then comes a zone of black, and so on, in many repe- 
titions. Dominance as contrasted with recessiveness is a matter of degree 
and not of kind. 



Various authors refer to the imperfection of the dominant or recessive 
characteristic in the hybrid. Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 23) say: 

Although the offspring resulting from a cross between any two of the forms (of Dadura) 
employed is usually indistinguishable from the type which is dominant as regards the 
particular character crossed, yet in other cases the intensity of a dominant character may 
be more or less diminished either in particular individuals or in particular parts of one 

Hurst (1905, pp. 145-154) records many cases of imperfect dominance in 
poultry and estimates the incomplete dominants to be twice as numerous as 
the complete dominants. 


Is one of a pair of allelomorphs that shows itself dominant when varieties 
A and & are crossed likewise dominant when any other varieties, J7 and J, 
are crossed, or is the relative potency of the allelomorphs dependent upon 
the varieties in which they happen to reside? 

Data for an answer to this question are to be found in the experiments where 
the same pair of allelomorphs were crossed, using different varieties. We may 
except from this list the Minorca x Polishand the Leghorn x Houdan crosses, 
as the races involved are very closely related. The following allelomorphs 
remain for consideration : 

(1) Crest vs. crestlessness. (6) Extra vs. normal toes. 

(2) Silkiness vs. non-silkiness. (7) Black vs. white skin. 

(3) Rumplessness vs. tail. (8) Black vs. yellow beak. 

(4) Vulture hock vs. plain hock. White ws. dark plumage. 
(5) Boot vs. clean foot. 

Crest.—This is dominant when Polish or Houdan is crossed with the 
Mediterranean breeds and when the Silky is crossed with the Frizzle or with 
the Jungle fowl. Crest is uniformly dominant over crestlessness, no matter 
which of these races are used. 

Silkiness is recessive to non-silkiness when crossed with Frizzle or the 
Jungle fowl. Non-silkiness is probably always dominant. 

Rumplessness in a Game fowl was recessive to the tailed condition of Leg- 
horn, Cochin, Frizzle, and Nankin. The tailed condition seems always to 

Vulture hock is recessive when an Asiatic race is crossed with any Med- 
iterranean breed or a Game, and probably, in general, plain hock dominates. 

Booting is dominant when the booted form is the mother, no matter what 
the race. Booting is much reduced and sometimes altogether absent in the 
first generation of hybrids when it is derived from the father. Inheritance 
of booting is independent of race but not of sex (p. 38). 

Extra toe seems not to Mendelize. The excess of extra toes in the first 
hybrid generation holds for all the races crossed and is probably independent 
of race. 


Black skin of the Silky dominates over the colorless skin of the Frizzle 
and of the Jungle. It probably dominates throughout. 

Yellow vs. black beak and foot coloy.—Yellow of the White Leghorn domi- 
nates over black of the Minorca, but yellow of the Dark Brahma is domi- 
nated by the Minorca. Here yellow behaves differently, according as it is 
in the Leghorn or Dark Brahma race. It is quite possible that the yellow 
is not identical in the two groups, but that, while it is ancestral in the Dark 
Brahma, it is secondary and a progressive character in the Leghorn. ‘The 
lack of uniformity in dominance of yellow may be due to essential dissimi- 
larity of the character in different races. 

White vs. dark plumage.—Aside from cases of barring and Andalusian 
coloration, white usually dominates over dark plumage. This is true in all 
cases where White Leghorn is employed as white race, whether the other 
race is Game, Dark Brahma, Houdan, or Minorca. When the Silky is used 
as the white race white is sometimes recessive (fig. 53), but it must be ac- 
knowledged that the dark parents were not the same as were used with the 
Leghorn, but were a Game, Frizzle, and Jungle fowl; consequently the 
results in the two series are not strictly comparable. However, Darwin 
found the white of the Silky recessive to the black of the Minorca. It is 
hardly conceivable that the white of the Silky is different from that of the 
Leghorn; soit must be concluded that white inherited as a solid color is 
sometimes dominant and sometimes recessive, depending on the race in which 
it inheres. 

Summarizing the foregoing evidence, it appears, first, that (except in 
certain obviously complex color characters) when one of a pair of allelo- 
morphs is dominant it is so regardless of the races crossed. This shows 
that dominance and recessiveness depend upon a relation of the character- 
istics fer se and not upon any relation of the races into which they have 
been introduced. This is in accord with the conclusion reached above, that 
dominance is determined by the fositive nature of the characteristic (p. 84). 


Prepotency was a much used and probably abused term in the period pre- 
ceding the revival of Mendelism. In the new era all of the old terms have 
been subjected to reexamination as to their significance. Bateson and Saun- 
ders (1902, p. 121) use the term ‘‘as signifying determination of dominance,’’ 
z. €., whether the normally dominant or the normally recessive character 
shall be in any case actually dominant. Castle (1905, pp. 58-64) shows that 
although rough coat is dominant over smooth coat, a few smooth-coated 
mothers will, when crossed with rough males, produce partial-rough young. 
The normally recessive character here partially dominates. In my own 
experiments the most remarkable case of dominance is exhibited by a gamete 
from the maternal side that produced the Houdan ~ White Leghorn hybrid 


No. 386 9 ; for this hybrid has a high nostril and a pair of papillee like 
the Houdan mother, both of which characters are recessive. Out of 41 in- 
dividuals No. 386 is the only one that exhibits them. It appears, then, that 
‘“ prepotency ’’ in its modern sense can not be neglected. 


It sometimes happens when two dissimilar characteristics are crossed that 
neither appears in the offspring, but they are replaced by a new character. 
This fact has been long known. Mendel obtained such hybrid forms (¢/., 
Correns, 1905, p. 232). Several cases are cited by Focke (1881, pp. 473, 474). 
He refers particularly to the blue hybrid of the white Datura ferox crossed 
with the likewise white D. /aevis and D. strammonium Bertolonit. 

As a result of more recent work it appears probable that hybrid forms are 
of two kinds. First, such as are atavistic or due to the becoming patent of 
a latent characteristic ;* and, second, such as are due to a particulate inher- 
itance of the two characteristics crossed. In the latter case all that is novel 
in the hybrid is the replacement of either szzg/e character by a combination 
of characteristics. 

Atavistic hybrid forms have been carefully investigated of late, especially 
by Correns (1902) and Cuénot (1903), who have applied a method of inter- 
pretation to particular cases. When albino mice are crossed inéer se they 
produce only albinos. But if such an albino is crossed with a pigmented 
(e. g., a black) mouse its latent pigment appears and the offspring may be 
all gray, or perhaps yellow and gray or yellow and black. The same holds 
exactly true for albino rabbits, as Hurst (1905, pp. 306-310) has shown. 
Cuénot’s interpretation depends on the principle that pigments result from 
the action of an oxidizing diastase (tryosinase) upon a chromogenic sub- 
stance. Both of these elements are present in a pigmented mouse, but he 
assumes the chromogenic substance alone is presentinthealbino. The sperm 
from the pigmented male brings to the egg of an albino the diastase necessary 
to the production of pigment in the offspring. Correns (1905°) finds that 
the hybrid of Mirabilis jalapa alba (white flowers) and JV/. jalapa gilva (yel- 
low flowers) has rose-colored flowers that are, moreover, sfv7fed with red. 
His experiments lead to the conclusion that the a/éa variety forms no pig- 
ment, but does produce a pigment-changing (reddening) enzyme. The gi/va 
variety forms pigment, but not the reddening enzyme. When al/éa sperm 
unites with the g7/va egg the pigment of the latter, under the influence of 
the reddening enzyme, becomes rose. Similarly with striping. ‘There is 
evidence that this is only partly latent in a/ba and completely latent in g7/va. 
Now if we assume a factor that permits the development of the striping 
determinant to be active in g7z/va but to be latent in a/éa, the imperfect 

* Tschermak (1904, p. 95) would add as another kind that in which an originally patent 
character becomes latent. 


development in a/éa of the striping determinant is accounted for. When the 
sperm of g7/va, bringing the active principle for striping, fertilizes the ege 
of alba with its striping determinant, the striping makes its full appearance. 
These two or three examples from both plant and animals indicate a method 
of explaining hybrid forms that is probably of wide applicability. 

Are the hybrid forms of poultry to be explained on the atavistic or the 
particulate inheritance theory? ‘Take first the case of barring. Three 
tests can be applied: First, inherent probability from the ancestry of the fowl 
crossed ; second, general distribution of barring among the offspring ; third, 
proportion of different forms of plumage pattern in generations beyond the 
first. The cross between Tosa fowl and White Cochin gave barred birds. 
If the barring were latent it must have lain in the Cochins—the form without 
visible pattern. It is fairly certain that neither of the ancestors of domestic 
fowl was barred ; hence if the barring determinant existed in the Cochin 
bantam it must have been introduced by a recent cross. Bantamizing of 
Cochins is effected by crossing with some bantam race, but until recently 
no barred bantams have been created. It is therefore highly improbable 
that a barred bird was used to bantamize the Cochins. While it is possible, 
it is improbable that the White Cochin contained a barred determinant. 
Second, barred vaces have the two sexes equally barred, but our hybrids 
are barred inthe male only ; consequently barring here acts like a neomorph. 
Third, on the theory of atavism we should expect to get in the second hybrid 
generation : 

Coloration of second generation. oe | Paeenae | Actual. 
3 | J 
| Per cent, Per cent. Per cent. 
IW CO RM race step terrietetelicelalaveteioiste siscelelsis | 25.00 | 25 28 
Pigmented and barred............. 56 25 50 48 
Pigmented and not barred......... | 18.75 | 25 24 

The actual proportions of the three types accord much better with the 
particulate inheritance theory than with that of atavism, but the total number 
of offspring is insufficient to givecertainty. It may be concluded that while 
the evidence does not exclude the atavism theory of the cropping out of 
barring, it favors the theory of particulate inheritance. 

The case of the hybrid between single and Y comb rests on more extensive 
data. ‘These are set forth on pages 10-12, and are less favorable to the ata- 
vistic theory than to the particulate theory. 

The other heterozygous forms have been less carefully studied. ‘Theyare 
the blue, Andalusian (fig. 54, pl. xvi1), plumage color resulting from a 
white and a black crossed, and the case of the down of the hybrid Minorca 
Dark Brahma chicks. This is black like the Minorca, but lacks the white 
of the chicks both of that race and of the Dark Brahma. ‘The Andalusian 


breed has been discussed by Bateson and Punnett (1905, p. 126), and they 
find, what is the universal testimony of breeders, that (as stated also at page 
76) the blues bred infer se produce some white and some blacks, but still 
more blues. Until more complete statistics have been gained on the pro- 
portions of colors in the offspring, the interpretation of blue must remain 

Hybrid forms are, then, frequently cases of particulate inheritance in 
which the hybrid gametes are not mosaic ; consequently whenever ‘“‘ pure”’ 
offspring are produced, as in F,, these reassume the character of the pure 
race. In some cases, as in the cuckoo Dorking and the Dominique (from 
which our barred Plymouth Rock has been derived), the heterozygous form 
of barred plumage has become fixed, so that only barred offspring are pro- 
duced. A mosaic gamete has been created. The blue coloration has never 
yet been fixed as a permanent hybrid form. The method of fixing a hybrid 
form is urgently in need of investigation. 


This term has been used rather loosely in the past for the appearance in 
hybrids of characteristics not visible in the immediate parents of the hybrids 
and often belonging to remote ancestors. Darwin (1876) made much use 
of this term in describing his results. He believed that the occurrence of 
‘“reversion’’ gave a useful key to ancestry. It is worth while to consider 
his observations and experiments. He mentions the fact that ‘‘ purely bred 
Game, Malay, Cochin,Dorking, Bantam,and..... Silk fowls may fre- 
quently or occasionally be met with, which are almost identical in plumage 
with the wild G. dankiva.’’ But does this indicate anything else than that 
this type of coloration has persisted in certain primitive races, like the Game, 
and has been transplanted from them to the new races? Darwin crossed a 
black Spanish cock with various white and white-and-black hens of pure 
breed. The offspring of this cock crossed with a silver-spangled Polish hen 
and with a white Cochin hen showed no sign of reversion to the red color of 
G. bankiva. The male offspring of a spangled or silver Hamburgh hen 
showed white in the hackles and a reddish yellow on the saddle. Darwin 
regarded this asa ‘‘ first sympton of reversion ;’’ but in the first of these 
peculiarities the hybrid resembles G. danxkiva less than the Dark Brahma. 
The offspring of a white Game hen with the Spanish cock was at first snow 
white, but eventually produced the ‘‘pile’’ coloration. Darwin regards 
this as a partial reversion to G. dankiva ; but it is equally possible that the 
reversion is only to a pile coloration that is latent in the white from an earlier 
cross and is brought out when the white is crossed with a dark color. But 
Darwin’s most remarkable hybrid was the offspring of a white Silky hen. 
Of two cockerels one was black (with light laced hackles) ; the other resem- 
bled closely a Jungle cock. Darwin admits that the case is extraordinary, 


but it was duplicated by Mr. Tegetmeier. This experiment certainly should 
be repeated, and I have arranged to repeat it next season. 

One of the best cases of reversion is the gray coat of a hybrid between a 
white and a black mouse. We now know, however, that even a ‘‘ pure 
race’’ of white mice may carry gray as a latent characteristic that first be- 
comes patent on crossing. In view of such facts cases of ‘‘reversion’’ toa 
remote ancestor must be critically examined. If the ‘‘reversion’’ be not a 
neomorph, it must have been handed down without break in the germ 
plasm from an ancestor possessing the characteristic. 


The dogma of purity of the gametes, the second corner-stone of Mendelism, 
asserts that while the unripe germ cells of a hybrid having antagonistic or 
alternative characteristics 4 and 4’ contain representatives of both 4 and 
A’, yet the vife germ cells of such a hybrid contain representatives of either 
A or 4’, and not of both. Thus the ripe germ cells (gametes) are pure in 
respect to a given characteristic. They gain this purity, it is supposed, dur- 
ing the maturation period, the period when the reduction division of the 
chromosomes occurs, and when in each cell division one-half of each chro- 
mosome moves bodily to one daughter cell and one-half to the other. The 
theory assumes, of course, that characteristics 4 and A’, being derived from 
different parents, inhere in different chromosomes. Let us assume that our 
hybrid has eight chromosomes, four derived from each parent, thus: 

zo) 16) 2 
& °o @ 

in which the black dots represent chromosomes of maternal origin; the 
circles chromosomes of paternal origin. If all maternal chromosomes contain 
the determinant @ then purity of the gametes demands that all such go to 
one gamete and all of the chromosomes of paternal origin go to the other, 
and that such is their behavior has in fact been assumed by Cannon (1902). 
But that would result in the extracted pure individuals of the second hybrid 
generation being like their grandmother or their grandfather in all charac- 
teristics, which is not the case. If we assume that some only of the maternal 
chromosomes, such as are represented by the small dots, contain the deter- 
minant a, then these may be associated with any of the paternal chromo- 
somes excepting those that contain the determinant a’. Such a selection of 
chromosomes so as to exclude from the ripe gamete chromosomes containing 
both the alternative characteristics is quite possible, owing to the fact of 
synapsis, in which the omologous chromosomes from the two parents unite 
in pairs, as shown in the figure, in such a way that both can not pass to the 

same gamete. 
The foregoing hypothesis of Sutton (1902, 1903) and Boveri (1902) would 
account for perfect purity of gametes. But it is clear that gametes are not 


wholly pure, since the characteristics in second generation hybrids are rarely 
exactly like those of their grandparents ; consequently various additional 
hypotheses have been offered accounting for this feature. Hacker (1904) 
points out that chromosomes do not pass from cell to cell unchanged except 
for their growth and division. During the resting stage ‘‘of the nucleus it 
disappears. The new nucleus which arises in the position of the old is at 
first small; it arises inside of the old chromosome as a spore arises in the 
mother cell; its material has been derived from a part only of that of the 
mother chromosome; the remainder goes to form part of the cytoplasm. 
Though chromosomes from different parents tend to separate to distinct 
gametes, still all gametes are infected by each kind of characteristic.”’ 
McClung (1995, p. 329) assumes, more vaguely, a mutual influence of synap- 
tically paired chromosomes in the prophase of the first spermatocyte. 

A different suggestion is offered by Ziegler (1905). He assumes that each 
chromosome of maternal or of paternal origin carries determinants of a// 
characteristics. After maturation all gametes contain the same number of 
chromosomes, but the proportion in them of chromosomes of paternal and 
of maternal origin varies. Gametes rarely contain exclusively maternal or 
paternal chromosomes, but whenever the proportion from one parent is high 
the gamete acts as though it contains exclusively the gametes of that one 
ancestor. If two gametes that are prevailingly paternal unite in a zygote 
the resulting hybrids (of the second generation) show all the grand-paternal 
characteristics. The difficulty with this hypothesis is that, like Cannon’s, 
it does not account (any better than the first hypothesis) for the diverse 
combinations of characteristics shown in the second hybrid generation. 

Still another suggestion has been made by Morgan (1905). It is that the 
gametes are not pure, but contain determinants of both allelomorphs a and 
a’, and that one of these dominates in half of the gametes and the other in 
the remaining half. The advantage of this hypothesis is that it accounts 
for latent dominant characters in recessive individuals. This hypothesis 
assumes that the gametes of hybrids are always impure, and that this im- 
purity can not be got ridof. This seems to me to be contrary to experience. 
Moreover, except for the explanation that it offers of latency—which has 
been accounted for on other grounds by Cuénot—it offers no practical advan- 
tage over the theory of pure gametes. 

From the foregoing diversity of hypotheses it is evident that we lack a fully 
satisfactory cytological explanation of the facts other than that of purity— 
the fact of imperfect dominance and the fact of particulate inheritance com- 
bined with purity in the second hybrid generation. Perhaps it will suffice 
to suppose a restricted purity of gametes such that the determinant of a 
characteristic may become infected to a slight degree by the presence of its 



There is a notion among breeders of poultry that the father and the mother 
contribute different qualities to the offspring ; and if the cytoplasm carries 
any hereditary tendencies this result is to be expected, for the female trans- 
mits more cytoplasm than the male. Certainly the hybrid between a large 
hen and a bantam cock starts life on a very different plane of size from the 
hybrid between a bantam hen and a large cock. A writer in Wright’s 
Poultry Book (1902) says in respect to breeding Houdans that the male bird 
is more responsible for the outside qualities—color, size of crest, beard, tail 
carriage, color of legs, and so on. The hen determines laying qualities and 
general size. 

I have made only one extensive experiment on this matter. I crossed a 
single-comb White Leghorn bantam and a Dark Brahma both ways. The 
offspring of the Dark Brahma hen (weight, 1,300 grams) are a little heavier 
than those of the White Leghorn bantam hen (weight, 700 grams). ‘Two 
males descended from the one and the other mother, respectively, weighed 
at 3% months 720 and 550 grams. ‘The average of three pullets from the 
Dark Brahma at 3 months 22 days is 655 grams; of three pullets from the 
White Leghorn at 3 months 23 days is 626 grams. ‘The proportional differ- 
ence in the weight of the young of about 3 to 4 months is less than that of 
their parents, but is in the same sense. 

The booting of the offspring of the White Leghorn hen is much reduced 
as compared with the booting of the offspring of the Dark Brahma hen, the 
father in the first cross not differing from the mother in the second cross 
in its heavy booting. In plumage color the 19 offspring of the White Leg- 
horn female were all white except four. Of the 19 offspring of the Dark 
Brahma female, only six were white, the others resembling the Dark Brahma. 
Thus we see that in these three characters of weight, booting, and plumage 
color the offspring tended to ‘‘ take after’’ the mother. 


Most species of vertebrates exhibit certain characteristics peculiar to one or 
the other sex, and it is well known that, for example, a female peculiarity 
can be transmitted through a son to a granddaughter. Thus the good 
milking quality of a cow is transmitted through her son to his daughters. 
Whenever femaleness crops out in the history of the germ plasm the good 
milking quality, or whatever other quality it may be, also appears. The 
inheritance of dimorphic characters is most strikingly seen in hybridization. 
Thus I crossed a male Tosa fowl (which has self-colored feathers) with a 
white Cochin.“ The male hybrids are barred with white, but the female 
hybrids closely resemble in color the female Tosa fowl in having white 

* See Series IX. 


shafting on the contour feathers, although the white shafting is much 
broadened. When the barred male and broad-shafted females of this first 
hybrid generation were crossed the pure plumage of the Tosa fowl tends to 
reappear. The males have contour feathers without white and with much 
red ; the females have the shafted feather without any red. With maleness 
or femaleness go the proper secondary attributes. 

What is true of the Tosa fowl is true generally, and there is much oppor- 
tunity to test this matter in poultry, for sexual dimorphism is widespread. 
In all ‘‘dark’’ or ‘‘partridge,’’ silvered, and golden races as found in 
Brahmas, Cochins, Wyandottes, Dorkings, Hamburghs, Games, and Oriental 
fowl, the plumage of the two sexes is conspicuously different ; and to pro- 
duce sexual dimorphism in a race that is without it the use of one male 
bird of a dimorphic race may suffice. Again, in the male, comb and wattles 
are generally larger than inthe female. The rose comb of the male becomes 
often a modified peacombin the female. The simple comb of the Minorca, 
Spanish, and Dorking fowl is erect in the male, drooping to one side (equally 
to the right and left side) in the female. The form of the hackle and saddle 
feathers constitutes one of the most constant differences between the two 
sexes. These are long, narrow, and pointed in the male ; short, broad, and 
rounded in the female. ‘The tail feathers differ similarly. ‘Thesickle feathers 
and those of the middle row especially continue to grow in the male long after 
their growth has ceased in the female. Similarly the crest feathers of Polish 
and Houdans grow longer in the male than in the female, but on account of 
their greater breadth in the female her crest appears larger and fuller. Lastly, 
the greater development of the spurs in the male over six to eight months 
old is a well-marked dimorphic character. Of these characters I have paid 
most attention to plumage and skin color, and will take up in review the 
results gained in crossing dimorphic species. 

Black Minorca and Dark Brahma.—The male Dark Brahma has white- 
laced hackles and black, white, and red wing bars. In the female the lacing 
on the hackles is less conspicuous, and there are no wing bars or bows. 
Red is wholly absent. All hybrids are prevailingly black. All males, how- 
ever, show a more or less prominent wing-bar formed of black, straw, and 
red colored feathers. No females show any trace of a wing bar unless it be a 
slight iridescence in the wing coverts. 

White Leghorn and Dark Brahma.—The male hybrids are typically white, 
with some red on wing coverts. Apart from some black individuals, the 
female hybrids are either white, with some buff on wing, or else they resem- 
ble the female Dark Brahma, having the penciling modified into mossiness. 
There is no well-defined wing-bar, but the middle wing is suffused with red. 

White Leghorn and Houdan.—Neither of these races exhibits a marked 
dimorphism in plumage color. Nevertheless, the coloration of the hybrids 
is dissimilar in the two sexes, the males being of a much purer white than 


the females (p. 21), and this is true not only in the first generation, but also 
in the extracted whites of a later generation. 

White Leghorn and Rose-comb Black Minorca.—In the first generation the 
male hybrids were almost without exception pure white ; the female hybrids 
invariably show some black-speckled feathers. 

Tosa fowl and White Cochin Bantam.—In the first hybrid generation, as 
stated, the males had all feathers of male Tosa coloration, but barred with 
white. The females had the Tosa hen coloration, but with shafting broad- 
ened. Here each sex inherits the corresponding characteristic plumage of 
the Tosa fowl modified by the white of the Cochin, but zz different fashion 
for each sex. Barring or cuckoo marking seems, indeed, a prevailingly male 
characteristic. Hurst (1905, p. 133), in crosses of White Leghorn and 
Houdan, got, in addition to white hybrids, 11 dark birds; of these the 6 
pullets were black ; the 5 cockerels were barred. 

In the F, generation I obtained extracted pure (?) male and female Tosa- 
fowl plumage as well as pure whites (p. 49). 

Dark Brahma (female) and Tosa fowl (male).— Here both races are 
dimorphic. The female hybrids closely resembled in coloration the female 
Tosa fowl, except that the contour feathers were penciled as in the Brahma. 
The male hybrids closely resembled in coloration the male Dark Brahma, 
except that much more red and less white appeared on the wing bars and 
wing bows. Both sexes inherit some qualities from the corresponding sex 
of each of the parent species. Again, the males have a yellow foot like their 
mother, whereas the females have a willow foot like their father. The hybrids 
of either sex inherit foot-color from the opposite sex of their parents (p. 54). 


Secondary sexual characters, such as have been referred to in the last sec- 
tion, seem indissolubly associated with their corresponding sex. ‘The reason 
for such an association is obscure, but it is known that it is not due to the 
absence in the protoplasm of the characteristics of the opposite sex, for these 
may develop in the individual when the germ glands are removed. The germ 
glands, then, control the latency of the one set of characters and the patency 
of the other set. In poultry the removal of the sex glands from a young 
cock, in the process of caponizing, results in loss of the crowing instinct and 
failure of comb, wattles, spurs, hackle, saddle, and sickles to acquire the 
size characteristic of a cock. If in the fowl the germ glands fail to develop, 
the secondary sex characters are ambiguous. 

Despite this apparently physiological dependence of secondary characters 
in the germ gland, it seems improbable that the association is a necessary 
one. Almost all characters can be dissociated ; why not also sex and second- 
ary characters? There is reason to think much can be done in this way, 
because something has already been accomplished. For example, the cereb- 


ral hernia which now is found equally in both sexes of the Polish fowl was 
formerly a female secondary sexual characteristic. Bechstein (1793) states 
that he never observed the cranial dome in male Polish fowl. Blumenbach 
(1813), who made numerous dissections of the cranium of this fowl, states 
‘‘of this deformity very slight traces indeed are found in the cocks, and 
these but seldom.’’* Consequently it must be concluded that the female 
secondary characteristic of cerebral hernia has been gradually transferred 
to the male sex also. A case of which the history is known even more defi- 
nitely is that of the Sebright Bantam. ‘This bird is characterized by the 
fact that in the male the hackle, saddle, and sickle feathers are of the same 
form as in the female; consequently the tail is short and truncate as in a 
hen. Here, apparently, female characteristics have become attatched to a 
male. Fortunately we have the history of the race from the mouth of the 
son of the maker, Sir Thomas Sebright. Dr. Horner, who obtained the state- 
ment from Sebright, published it in Tegetmeier’s Poultry Book (1868, pp. 
241, 242). 

It was about the year 1800 that the late Sir John Sebright began to fashion the Sebright 
Bantam. The first cross was between a common Bantamt and the Polish fowl.t The 
chickens resulting from this alliance were bred in-and-in until the required markings 
and size were secured. Sir John then accidentally found a hen-tailed Bantam cock in 
the country where he was traveling. This short-tailed bird he in-bred with his newly 
manufactured Bantams, thereby giving their progeny the present form of the square tail. 

The essential characteristic of the race was thus gained from a mutative 
modification of a polymorphic characteristic.§ 

In my own experiments I have hardly proceeded far enough to get results ; 
yet already evidence of transference of color characteristics from one sex 
to the other is appearing. Thus in the second hybrid generation of the 
Cochin X Tosa cross at least one bird (No. 659 @ ) has hackles of a plain 
buff color like those of the male Tosa fowl, and entirely unlike the hackles 
of the female Tosa fowl or the female of the dark variety of the Cochin. 
Again, the female hybrids between the Dark Brahma hen and White Leghorn 
cock have much red on the wing coverts. This is foreign to the Dark Brahma 
hen, and must, so far as I can see, have been derived from the red on the 
wings of the male Tosa fowl. Finally, two male hybrids between the Tosa 
fowl and Dark Brahma show the feminine shafting. Experiments in con- 
tinuance of this investigation are, naturally, in progress. 

* Translation quoted by Tegetmeier, 1867, p. 173. 

+ Doubtless Game Bantam is here meant. 

{ The Golden Spangled Polish are undoubtedly referred to, whence the spangling of the 
feather was obtained. The combination gave the small size and gold-spangled plumage. 

§ As might be anticipated from the notoriously sterile quality of hen-feathered cocks, 
Sebright Bantams are inclined to be sterile, and one is advised not to try to breed from 
the best show stock, 7. ¢., cocks with the shortest tails (Wright, 1902, p. 598). 


There is a widely held and frequently expressed opinion that hybrids show 
an excessive proportion of males. Bateson and Saunders (1902, p. 139) 
probably have this in mind in their statement—“‘ the statistical distribution 
of sex among first crosses shows great departure from the normal propor- 
tions.’’? I have therefore been interested to tabulate the sex proportions 
in my hybrids. Without giving the full table, I may state that the totals 
are: Males, 204; females, 173; sex undetermined, 573. There is here an 
excess of males; but in view of the large early death rate, this may well be 
due to a difference in the death rate of the two sexes. Taking the different 
series of hybrids separately, most of them gave an approximation to equality 
of the sexes. One of the most striking departures is the series of Dark 
Brahma (121 2) X Tosa (8A ¢) hybrids. Of 22 individuals that developed 
to 18 days in the incubator, all but one grew to maturity. Of these 21, 16 
are males and 5 females. The first egg laid by the Dark Brahma after she 
was put with the Tosa fowl developed into a female; the next nine that 
hatched were males; also her last six young were males. The exceptions 
to the law of equality of sexes in hybrid offspring are thus individual and 
not of general significance. 


Every taxonomic description testifies to the fact that a certain set of 
characteristics is usually found associated in each species or variety. The 
prevailing theory has been that this association is a necessary one, maintained 
because all the characters are necessary to the success of the species in its 
relations to external environment, or else that they were physiologically inter- 
dependent. Modern work in hybridizing is establishing the fact that few of 
the specific characteristics are interdependent. Their association is, so far 
as interaction goes, mostly accidental. Thus in my experiments with poultry 
I have merely reached the same conclusions as have been gained by Johannsen 
(1899, p. 185), de Vries (1903, p. 494), and indeed all recent workers. I 
find, namely, that of the scores of evident external characteristics of poultry 
that are inherited in alternative fashion scarcely two can be found that are 
always associated. The most striking exception is the association of high 
nostril and absence of single comb. 

What, then, is the meaning of correlation in nature? Clearly it is only 
rarely due to physiologieal interdependence. It may often be due to an 
unrelated association of characters independently advantageous to the organ- 
ism. It is doubtless due to an accidental association of characters brought 
into the race bysuccessive mutations or by hybridizations and never disturbed, 
because not prejudicial to the well-being of the species. 



While the mutation theory of de Vries has received widespread adherence 
among botanists, many students of animals, and especially of domesticated 
races, have appeared asitsopponents. Foremost among these are Professors 
Keller, of Zurich (1905), and Plate (1g05), of Berlin. I think that the essence 
of the mutation theory is too little apprehended. It rests on the funda- 
mental theory of heritable unit characters and assumes their very limited 
mutability. It recognizes the important results wrought by artificial selec- 
tion, but considers them as arising from two processes—first, the selection of 
minute favorable variations of the fluctuating sort, and, secondly, the preser- 
vation of new unit characters suddenly appearing. Such unit characters can 
usually be not only maintained but much improved by subsequent selective 

Now, it is true that breeders nowadays do not regularly wait for favorable 
qualities to cropout. The process is too slow, uncertain, andexpensive. If 
one had scores of thousands of individuals, desired mutations would come 
more frequently ; but even then they would rarely be of a desirable sort. 
Every breeder can, on the other hand, improve any characteristic by selec- 
tion, and that is for the most part the only method of improving a quality 
that is open to him. Of course he can make new coméinations of qualities 
by crossing, but this does not, typically, result in new gwalities. 

The question of the permanence of the improvement wrought by seleetion 
of minute variations is the first point of difference between de Vries and 
Keller. De Vries asserts that such improvement persists only so long as 
selection is maintained. Keller adduces some interesting cases on the other 
side, and the cogency of some of his evidence must be admitted. He traces 
the gradual evolution in Egypt of long lop-eared hounds from straight-eared 
ones. Ear length in rabbits, as Castle (1905, pp. 125-126) has shown, is not a 
unit character ; at least, it blends in hybridization and consequently exhibits 
any desired intermediate condition. The same is probably due for dogs ; 
consequently this character may well have arisen by summation of minute 
variations. Yet Keller goes on to show the long-eared condition has per- 
sisted in central Africa, where selective breeding no longer occurs. Hence 
one characteristic originated by selection of fluctuations has not retrogressed 
on removal of selection. 

The preceding method of proof is not, however, of general validity. 
Evidence that a characteristic arisen in domestication does not disappear 
when the race becomes feral again is not evidence against the permanence 
of fluctuations unless it is also proven that the characteristic arose by selec- 
tion of fluctuations. This is usually not the case. The instance of long 
ears would seem to be peculiar. Some of the other examples offered by 
Keller of persistence of characteristics despite discontinuance of selection 
avail little, since the precise origin of the unit characters concerned is un- 


known. If, tuconsciously or not, a unit character arising as a sport has 
been preserved under domestication, it will persist even though the race 
bearing it become feral. 

Positive support for the mutation theory is gained from a consideration of 
the characteristics of poultry. Our study has shown them to be, for the 
most part, of the order of integral unit characters. As such they could 
hardly have been ‘‘ gradually built up.’’ eing indivisible they must have 
appeared at once, roughly in their presentform. The very existence of unit 
characters is proof of the mutation theory. 

That many characteristics of organisms have not been built up, but have 
suddenly appeared complete, may be inferred from peculiarities of the char- 
acters other than their integral nature. Fr, first, not all kinds of charac- 
teristics have been evolved in domestic poultry, but for the most part only 
such as occur elsewhere among wild races. Thus, for example, booted feet, 
as found in the grouse; crest on head, as seen in the umbrella bird (Cephalop- 
lerus), and long tail, as seen also in the widow bird (Chera). Secondly, 
many of the characteristics of domestic poultry are of the order of mutations 
in so far as they are almost pathological, ¢. g., taillessness, rose comb, silky 
and frizzled feathers, cerebral hernia, polydactyl feet, albinism. These char- 
acters, cropping out in the sporting organism and not being prejudicial to 
its well-being, have been preserved by the fancier; they doubtless arose sud- 
denly, as we find arising suddenly to-day other characters, which we discard 
because incompatible witha healthy stock—such as featherlessness, cross-bill, 
and imperfect development of toes. If these characteristics appeared sud- 
denly and not by being ‘‘built up,’’ as we know is the case, then so, doubt- 
less, have others. ‘The evidence that many, if not most, characteristics of 
poultry have arisen suddenly, without having been sought and laboriously 
built up by man, is convincing, and there can hardly be any escape from the 
conclusion that here evolution has bee largely, though not exclusively, by 



(1) Poultry exhibit numerous unit characteristics which do not blend in 
hybridization, but are inherited in alternative fashion. The unit characters 
are not immutable things in hybrids, but subject to modification—perhaps 
permanent—by interaction of the alternative characters. 

(2) Although the great majority of characteristics of poultry are inherited 
alternatively, yet a few cases of color characters show a particulate inher- 
itance. The comparative rarity of blending of characters makes it easier to 
see how new characters will not be ‘‘swamped by intercrossing with the 
parent form’’ (page 82). 

(3) Specific and varietal characteristics in de Vries’s sense are not inherited 
in a markedly different fashion, although in two cases progressive variants 
do not Mendelize typically. 

(4) The patent characteristic is usually dominant over its latent allelo- 

(5) Old and new characteristics are equally dominant. 

(6) Dominance and recessiveness of characteristics are not always accom- 
paniments of their segregation in the germ cells; both, moreover, are fre- 
quently incomplete. 

(7) Dominance is usually, but not always, independent of the races crossed. 

(8) Prepotency is as truly important in inheritance as dominance. 

(9) Many first hybrids exhibit special forms, due to the interaction of the 
two allelomorphs. ‘These may become fixed as new characteristics. 

(10) Reversion is being explained by the persistence in a ‘‘latent’’ 
condition of the latent character. 

(11) An adequate theory of gametic purity has not only to explain the 
simple Mendelian formula, but also the facts of imperfect dominance, im- 
purity of extracted forms, latency and atavism, and occasional particulate 

(12) Reciprocal crosses exhibit differences due to the fact that the father 
and the mother transmit different kinds of characteristics. 

(13) When the parent races are dimorphic each sex in the hybrids exhibits 
the respective sex characteristic of both of the species. In many cases a 
new form of sexual dimorphism appears in the hybrids. 

(14) Certain characteristics of one sex may become transferred to the 
other by hybridization, owing to lack of complete correlation between primary 
and secondary sex characters. 

(15) The proportion of the two sexes in hybrids is normal. 

(16) With few exceptions, correlated characteristics easily separate as a 
result of hybridization so that any conceivable combination may be effected. 

CoLp SPRING Harsor, February 72, 7906. 



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Fic. 1.—White Crested Black Polish, 25. One of the females crossed with the Single- 
combed Black Minorca (cf. fig. 3) to produce the female hybrid shown in 
ree Gh ((8I4 J 805) 

Fic. 2.—White Crested Black Polish, 430. To show the male type of the Polish race, 
which, when crossed with the Minorca (fig. 4), produces male hybrids like 
fig. 6. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 3.—Single Comb Black Minorca, 2 13. The mother of the hybrids, Minorca X Polish, 
represented by fig. 5. 

Fic. 4.—Single Comb Black Minorca, f{ 12. The father of various Polish X Minorca 
crosses, of which a male is represented in fig. 6. 

Fic. 5.—First Hybrid between Polish and Minorca, pullet. Compare the females of the 
parental races, figs. I and 3. 

Fic. 6.—First Hybrid between Polish and Minorca, cockerel. Compare the males of the 
parental races, figs. 2 and 4. 

The figures marked H. A. H. are from photographs made by Mr. H. A. Hackett. 




Fic. 7.—The head of a Polish fowl, ¢ 3, with skin on left half of head dissected away. 
Shows cerebral hernia, and the relation to it of the thick skin and crest 
feathers lying above. Note also the culminal fold, high nostril, and rudi- 
mentary comb. The latter lies at the base of the comb and shows asa 
mottled area against the deep black of the anterior crest feathers. 
(H. A. H.) 

Fic. 8.—Head of a hybrid, ¢ 50, between Minorca ¢ 13 (fig. 3) and Polish ‘3 (fig. 7). 
Shows the Y-shaped comb lying in front of the crest. The comb is double 
behind, single in front. 

Fic. 9.—Head of a Minorca * Polish hybrid of the second generation. Theson of sucha 
pair as are represented in figs. 5 and 6. Note the reappearance of a large 
crest, high nostril, and rudimentary comb. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 10.—Side of cranium of Polish fowl. Shows bony dome covering cerebral hernia. 




Fic. 11.—Head of hybrid of the second generation, Minorca < Polish, 371 {—the son 
of such a pair as are represented in figs. 5 and 6. Note the absence (imper- 
fect) of crest, the high nostril, and the rudimentary comb. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 12.—Head of Houdan (9). Shows crest, high nostril, and rudimentary comb. 

FIG. 13.—Foot of Houdan (f'9). Shows the two toes (in place of one) situated imme- 
diately below the spur. 

Fic. 14.—Head of second generation White Leghorn » Houdan hybrid, its father being 
like fig. 17. Shows the occurrence of both cerebral hernia and single comb 
on the same individual. (H. A. H.) 


Fic. 15.—Single Comb White Leghorn (174). Note high single comb, plain head, clean 
feet with four toes, and white plumage. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 16.—Houdan (2 8). Note crest, high nostril, rudimentary comb, mottled plumage, 
and muff and beard. 

Fic. 17.—First hybrid (f 87) between White Leghorn and Houdan. Note crest, Y comb, 
white plumage, muff, and double toe behind on left foot. 




Fic. 18.—Dark Brahma hen (121), Note uniformity of plumage coloration, except that 
hackles are /aced with whit, and wing coverts, back, and breast are penciled. 
Comb of pea type. Feet booted. Vulture hock. (H. A. H.) 

FIG, 19.—Dark Brahma cock (122). Note laced hackles and saddles, prominent white 
wing bow, pea comb, and booted feet. 



Fic. 20,—First generation hybrid, § 607, between Black Minorca (fig. 6) and Dark 
Brahma (fig. 19). Note prevailingly black plumage, with trace of white 
wing bow, irregular pea comb, slightly booted feet, and absence of vulture 
hock and of lacing on hackles. (H. A. H.) 

FIG. 21.—First generation hybrid, §\ 603, between Black Minorca and Dark Brahma. 
Brother to fig. 20. Note almost complete absence of white wing bow, but 
presence of white lacing on hackles. Note also high, though pea, comb, and 
long tail. Form of trunk like Dark Brahma, neck like Minorca. (H. A. H.) 


Mh a 





FIG. 22.—First generation hybrid, 2 387, between White Leghorn Bantam (resembling 
fig. 15) and Dark Brahma (fig. 18). Note the new type of plumage colora- 
tion. Hackles broadly laced asin male, rest of plumage mottled, with much 
red. Booting rudimentary. (H. A. H.) 

FIG. 23.—First generation hybrid, 9 395, between White Leghorn and Dark Brahma. 
Shows reappearance of the Dark Brahma 9 type of coloration. (H. A. H.) 




Fic. 24.—First generation hybrid, ¢\270, between White Leghorn and Dark Brahma. 
Shows the pure white type, 7. ¢., dominance of White Leghorn coloration. 
Note slight booting, absence of vulture hock and the erect, Leghorn tail. 
(H. A. H.) 

Fic. 25.—First generation hybrid, ¢‘ 409A, between White Leghorn and Dark Brahma. 
Shows the type with red on the wing coverts. (H. A. H.) 



Frc. 26.—Black Cochin Bantam, 2 129. Shows short tail and heavily booted feet. The 
mother of the barred bird, fig. 27. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 27.—First hybrid, §' 365, between Black Cochin Bantam (fig. 26) and White Leghorn 
(of. fig. 15). Note barred plumage coloration, red earlobe, and booted fect. 
(H. A. H.) 

Fic. 28.—Buff Cochin Bantam, $545. Note short tail, heavily booted feet, red earlobe, 
and single comb, 



Fic. 29.—Tosa fowl, 1A, imported from Japan. Long tail feathers had been recently 
pulled out. 
F1G. 30.—Tosa fowl, 2 2A, imported from Japan. Note the light shafting. 

F1G. 31.—Tosa fowl, 3A, ‘“‘Admiral Togo,’’ son of iA and 2A. Photographed Septem- 
ber 7, 1905. Note length of tail. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 32.—White Cochin Bantam, 9 35a. This bird was crossed with fig. 29 and gave 
hybrids represented on plate XI. 


Free, (RUA) 
es 4 








. 33. First generation hybrid, 2 58, between White Cochin (fig. 32) and Tosa fowl 
(fig. 29). Note a slight broadening of shaft stripe as compared with female 

Tosa fowl. 

. 34.—First hybrid, § 53, between White Cochin and Tosa fowl (fig. 29). 

barring on feathers, and long tail. (H. A. H.) 

Note white 

. 35.—First hybrid, §' 95, between White Cochin and Tosa fowl, younger brother to 

fig. 34. Note barring and growth of saddle and tail feathers. 

(H. A. H.) 

. 36.—Second generation hybrid, ? 312, between White Cochin and Tosa fowl. Note 
pure white plumage color, like Cochin grandmother, fig. 32, combined with 

long tail of Tosa, fig. 30. 

(H. A. H.) 




Fic. 37.—Plumage chart of F, (White Cochin Tosa), 2 58, at about 5 months. pl, to 
of head ; 2, hackle; 3, middle of back; 4, throat; 5, breast; 6, middle tail ; 
7, saddle ; 8, wing, secondary. 

FIG. 374a.—Plumage chart of F, (White Cochin * Tosa), 153, atabout5 months. Signifi- 
cation of figures same as in fig. 37. Shows davring of feathers. 

Frc. 38.—Second hybrid generation (White Cochin * Tosa), 1315. Note reappearance 
of pure white like Cochin grandmother (fig. 32, plate X) ; form intermediate, 
feet booted. (H. A. H.) 




Fic. 39.—Jungle fowl, © 2. Taken after death to show shafting on breast, nape, back, 
and wing coverts. 

FIG, 40.—First generation hybrid, ¢{ 358, between Dark Brahma (fig. 19, plate V) and Tosa 
fowl (fig. 29). Note white laced hackles and saddles, vulture hock, boot, 
and pea comb of Brahma and white earlobe and elongated head of Tosa. 
(HS A\ He) 

is ea a 





FIG. 41.—Frizzle fowl, f'15. Note rose comb and feathers that turn forward, forming a 
ruff on the neck. On the exposed vanes of the upper secondaries the twist- 
ing of the barbs may be seen. 

FIG. 42.—Frizzle fowl, 2 184. Note extreme curling of feathers, the absence of barbs on 
part of the secondaries, leaving the shaft quite naked, and the absence of 
plumage on the back of the head. 

Fic. 43.—Silky fowl, g/ 21a. Note single comb, small crest, the downy condition of the 
contour feathers, and the elongated aud disconnected barbs of the wing 
secondaries and tail feathers. 

Fic. 44.—First hybrid between Frizzle and Silky, § 219. Note the white plumage, rose 
comb, trace of crest, frizzled feathers (ruff !), and absence of elongated barbs 
on the wing, secondaries, or other evidence of silkiness. The booted feet and 
extra toe are derived from the Silky. (H. A. H.) 



FIG. 45.—Rumpless Game, 2 49. 

Fic. 46.—Rumpless Game, (117. The hackles and saddles and wing bars are red ; other- 
wise the plumage is largely black. (H. A. H.) 

Fic. 47.—First hybrid between White Leghorn (cf fig. 15, plate [V) and Rumpless Game, 
3\ 516. Note dominance of white (except for a trace of red on the wing 
coverts) and long tail. The comb is intermediate between that of a Game 
and that of a White Leghorn. (H. A. H.) 




Fic. 48.—Head of second generation Minorca * Polish hybrid, ¢' 474. Shows last term 
of series, beginning with fig. 50 and passing through fig. 49, of reduction 
of median component of Y comb, leaving only two papilla remaining. 
(H. A. H.) 

Fic. 49.—Head of second generation Minorca * Polish hybrid. Shows middle term of 
series passing from Y comb to V comb, The niedian portion of the comb is 
represented by a carunculated mass at the base of the papillae. (H. A. H.) 

FIG. 50.— Head of second generation Minorca * Polish hybrid, §'259. Shows beginning 
degeneration of median component of Y comb, which ends in the V comb 
(fig. 48). (H. A. H.) 

FIG. 51.—Head of second generation Minorca * Polish hybrid. Shows 2 pairs of papille, 
high nostrils and rudimentary crest, indicating that the first two character- 
istics are independant of the third. H. A. H.) 

Fic. 52-—Dorsal view of head of (Minorca * Polish) * Minorca hybrid. Shows Y comb 
in which the median component extends between the arms of the Y, the 
whole resembling a peacomb. (H. A. H.) 





FIG. 53.—First generation hybrid between Silky and Jungle fowl, 9156. Shows domi- 
nance of Jungle-fowl plumage color and the extra toe and crest of the Silky. 

FIG. 54.—First generation hybrid between White Leghorn and Rose Con b Black Mi- 
norca, 138. One of the two birds that exhibit the blue, Andalusian type 
of coloration, all others being white. (H. A. H.) 























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