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A  periodical  review  of  entomological  conditions  throughout   the  United  States, 
issued  on  the  first  of  each  month  from  April  to  November,  inclusive 

Volume  3  September   1,   1923  Number  6 






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V0I.3  September  1,1923  No*6 


In  this  number  osf  the  Insect  Pest  Survey  Bulletin  statistics  on  the 
summer  Hessian  fly  surveys  of  New  York  State  and  Ohio  are  reviewed.     The 
situation  is  reported  as  generally  favorable  in  the  Ohio  River  Valley,  while 
the  infestation   in  New  York  State   is   over  7  per   cent  higher   than  last  year. 
In  North  Dakota  very  heavy  infestations  were  observed  throughout  Golden 
Valley  County,  while  in  Nebraska  this   insect   is  present   in  the  stubble  in 
below  normal  numbers. 

The  chinch  bug  situation  in  Ohio  is  very  favorable,   the  pest  being 
very  much  less  numerous  than  last  year.     Serious  local  damage  occurred  in 
southern,   central,  and  north-central   Illinois,  and  a  very  serious  movement 
of  the  chinch  bug  was  observed  late  in  July  in  coutheastern  South  Dakota,   vhile 
both  southeastern  and  northeastern  portions  of  Nebraska  are  experiencing 
rather  heavy  chinch  bug  damage. 

The  corn  earwora,   though  not  as  serious  as   in  1921,    is  generally 
prevalent   over  the  eastern  States.      In  the  Ohio  River  Basin,    especially  in 
southern  Illinois  and  Indiana  this  pest  has  done  quite  serious  damage  to 
tomatoes,  while  in  Georgia  this  pest   is  doing  even  more  damage  to  cotton  than 
the  boll  weevil   in  some  of  the  northern   counties. 

The  stalk  borer   is  unusually  prevalent   throughout  New  England, the 
Ohio  River  Basin,  and  the  Upper  Mississippi  Valley,  damaging  a  great  variety 
of  plants,  particularly  corn  and  herbaceous  flowers,   dahlias  and  zinnias  being 
most  seriously  damaged. 

The  garden  webworm  continued  throughout  August  to  be  a  serious  pest 
to  alfalfa  in  the  Mississippi  River  Valley  from  Nebraska  southward  to  Texas, 

Midsummer  reports  on  the  cotton  boll  weevil  are  reviewed  in  this 
number  of  the  Bulletin.     About  30  per  cent  of  the  total  number  of  reports 
received  from  the  cotton  belt  indicate  heavy  damage  by  this  pest. 

The  cotton  leafworra  appeared  about   two  weeks  earlier  than  usual 
throughout   the  northern  part  of  the   cotton  zone,  while  on  the  other  hand  the 
cotton  crop  was  about  10  days  late  in  its  development.     Owing  to  these 
conditions  rather  serious  injury  by  the  puncturing  of  the  bolls  is  reported  from 
the  greater  part  of  the  upper  cotton  zone. 

The  apple  and  thorn  skeletonizer  is  appearing  in  a  most  unusual 
epidemic  throughout  New  England  and  southward  to  New  York  and  New  Jersey.    In 
New  England   it   is  reported  as  having  skeletonized  fruit   trees  to  such  an 
extent  that  the  damage  is  easily  observable  in  passing  along  the  railroads 
or  highways.      It  is  reported  about  the  middle  of  August  for  the  first  time 
time  in  northern  New  Jersey. 

The  fall  webworm  is  also  occurring  in  unusual  abundance  throughout 
New  England  and  the  Ohio  River  Valley, 



The  European  red  spider  is    now  seriously  abundan 
to  Maryland,  ATest  Virginia  ^.nd  westward  to  Ohio* 


ndant   throughout   Mew  England, 

The  Mexican  bean  beetle   is    reported   from  Adams,  Highland,    Pike  and  Scioto 
Counties    in  Ohio   and   is   substantially  spreading   in  the  previously   infested  States. 

The   Dagworm  is   generally  serious   throughout   the  Middle   Atlantic, south- 
eastern and  Ohio  River  States,   damage  extending  westward  to  Missouri. 


Aphids   generally  are  unusually  numerous   this   year  on  all   kinds    of   vege- 
tation in  Nova  Scotia,    and  much   apprehension  is    being   shownv • on  the  part    cf    or- 
chardists    and  growers  with   regard   to   the   numbers    of   several  species    of    economic 
importance.        The  green  apple   aphid   is  more   numerous    in  the   Annapolis   Valley  than 
it   has    oeen  since   1913.        The   rosy   aphid   is    likewise  very  numerous.        The  potato 
aphid  and  the  turnip  aphid   are  very  abundant,    but   a  fungous   disease   induced  by 
warm,    cloudy  weather  during  the   first  two  weeks    of   August   checked  their  numbers 
to   a  very   considerable   extent. 

The   red  spider  has   seldom,    if   ever,    been  more   injurious   to   small   fruits 
than  it  has   been  this   year  in  the  Niagara  district   of  Ontario.        Black   currants 
and   raspberries   are  suffering  particularly,    the  foliage  turning  brown,    becoming 
scorched,    and  the  fruit   crop   in  many  instances   be ins   almost   a  complete   failure. 

The   rose   leafhopper,   which  occurred   in  outbreak  form   in  apple   orchards 
in  eastern  Ontario   early  this   season,   has    oeen  reduced  to  insignificant  proportions 
through  natural  agencies  .        Parasitism  has    oeen  very  heavy. 

The   lesser  migratory  grasshopper  continues    in  the   ascendancy  at  many 
points    in  Canada.       The   outoreak  in  the  southern  Okanagan  Valley  of  British  Columbia 
is   particularly  severe   and  seems   to   be   extending   into  more   northerly  points    in  the 
same  valley.        In  southern  Aloerta  and  Saskatchewan  the   outbreak   is    continuing, 
engendered  to  seme   extent   by  migrations   from  certain  points    in  northwestern  United 
States.        In  Prince  Edward  Island  this   species   has    for  the  second   year  in  succession 
caused  a  great  deal  of   trouble   in  Kings   and  Queens   Counties,    covering  an  area  of 
approximately  100  square  miles. 

The   clover-seed   chalcid   is   proving  to   be  more  widely  distributed   in 
southern  Alberta  than  formerly.       In  some    fields   at   leastlv/,0  per  cent    of  the  pods 
contain  larvae. 

The  fall  webworm  appears   to   be   numerous   everywhere  in  southern  Manitoba 
this   year  and   also   in  the  eastern  townships    of   Quebec. 

The  spruce   budworm   is    occurring  abundantly  in  the  neighborhood   of  Vic- 
toria,  B.C.        A  heavy  outbreak  is    expected   from  this    insect   next   year   in  this 
locality  and  at   other  points    in  the   coast   sections. 

The  black  walnut  caterpillar  has  occurred  in  outbreak  form  in  western 
and  southwestern  parts  of  Ontario.  Many  walnut  trees  throughout  this  area  have 
oeen  completely  stripped   of   foliage. 

A  syrphid,    close  to  Eumerus   s trig at us   Fallem ,    has    been  reared   from  the 
roots    of   iris   infested  with  the   iris    borer  from  Toronto,   Ont .        In  all  probability 
this    insect   is  European  in  origin. 



North  Dakota 



GRASSHOPPERS   ( Acridiidae) 

R.   L.  TTebster   (August  3):        County  agents    report  damage   in  Pierce, 
Mercer,    and  I.'cHenry  Counties. 

M.  H.  Swenk  (August   1-15):        Grasshoppers,  mostly  Melanoplus 
bivittatus  r   began  to   be   complained   of    in  Furnas   and   surrounding 
counties   early  in  August.        There  have  been  complaints    of   grass- 
hopper injury   in  other  parts    of  western  and   central  Nebraska,    but 
on  the  whole  these   insects   are   less    injurious   than  usual  this   year. 

If.   C.   Tanquary   (July  23):        Reports    of   grasshopper  injury  continue 
to   come   in  from  several   counties    of  western  Texas. 

WHITE  GRUBS    (Phvllonhaga  spp.) 

Massachusetts      A.   I.  Bourne   (August   23):        Numerous    complaints   have   come  to  this 
office   relative  to   unusual   abundance   of  white  grubs   from  srery  many 
points   throughout  the  State.       Franklin,    from  East  Wareham,    finds 
grubs    "working  in  grass    land   in  astonishing  numbers.        In  one   area 
of   about  two   acres,   they  had   eaten  off   all  the   roots    of   the   errass 
so  that  the  turf    could   be   rolled   back  easily  like  a  carpet,    expos- 
ing the  grubs    in  such  numbers   that  they  cculd  have  been  gathered  by 
the  bushel."        Complaints    of  these   insects  practically  killing 
large   areas    in  lawns   have  been  received  from  several  of    our  corres- 
pondents.       One  writes:    "The  grass    in  spots   has   died   altogether, 
looking   as    if    it  had   been  burnt   by  the  sun.        Flocks    of   robins   and 
other  birds   have   been  seen  picking   at  the  spots   as    if   seeking  grubs 
or  worms.        The   layer  of  turf    is   loose   from  the  layer  of   earth   just 
beneath   it.       Running  the  hand  between  the  turf   and  the   earth  will 
separate  the  turf    as    readily  as    if    one   ran  the  hand  between  two 
sheets" . 

I  owa 


F.  A.  Fenton  (July  28):  The  June  beetle,  as  predicted,  has  appeared 
in  swarms  in  southeastern  Iowa  in  the  counties  bordering  the  Mississ- 
ippi, where  they  have  defoliated  large  tracts  of  woodlands. 

WIREWOBMS  (Elateridae) 

A.  I.  Bourne  (July  25):   Wireworms  are  occasionally  causing  con- 
siderable injury,  although  there  is  no  general  or  widespread  out- 
break.  Doubtless  the  injury  is  somewhat  aggravated  in  most  fields 
by  the  protracted  drought,  which  has  weakened  the  plants  so  that 
they  have  not  been  able  to  revive  after  early  injuries  by  these 
insects . 

-21 G- 



HESSIAN  FLY   (Phytophaga  destructor  Say) 

New  York  C.  R.   Crosby:        Owing  to   unpreventable   conditions,    it  was    necessary 

to   restrict   the  Hessian  fly  survey  this    year  to   eight    counties    in 
the  western  part   of   the  State.        These   indicate  that  the   average 
infestation  for  this    region  was   8.5  per  cent   compared  with  an  in- 
festation in  1922   of   1.2  per  cent   (see  Vol.   2,   page   195)    and  5.2 
per  cent   in  1921   (see  Vol.   1,   page   182).        The   infestation,   by 
counties,    is   as    follows: 


Livingston    - 

5.33    • 



















H.   A.   Gossard   (July  25):        The  annual  wheat   survey  was    carried   into 
298  wheat   fields,   distributed   over  32   counties.        Hessian  fly  was 
found  to  be  well  under  control   in  all  counties    except    in  a  few  in 
northeastern  Ohio,  where   considerable   early  seeding  was  made   last 
year.        There   is   a  distinct    increase   in  infestation  in  Ashland, 
Lorain,   Summit,   Portage,    Columbiana,    and  Wayne  Counties.        In  the 
northwestern  counties,   where  the   county  agents    carried   on  an  educa- 
tional  campaign,   the  infestation  has    been   reduced  to   a  very  low 
figure   by  observing  the  proper  seeding  dates.       Henry  County   reduced 
its   infestation  from  40  per  cent   in  1922  to  2  per  cent    in  1923, 
Sandusky  County  from  52  per  cent  to   7  per  cent,    and  Putnam  County 
from  39  per  cent  to  5  per  cent.       Wood   County  in  this   northwestern 
section  had   one   field  sowed  too  early,   with  94   per  cent   of  the  straws 
infested   and  most   of   them   lodged.        Fulton  County  had   one   field 
sowed  September  7,  with  82  per  cent   of   the  straws    infested,    and 
another  seeded  too   early  had  46  per  cent   infestation.       The   reduction 
over  northwestern  Ohio,   therefore,  was   due  to   observing  the  proper 
seeding  dates    and   not  to  parasitism   or  natural  factors.        The  State 
average   of  Hessian  fly  infestation  is  4.4   per  cent,    compared  with 
10.9   per  cent   in  1922". 

C.  N.   Ainslie   (July  27):        Every  field   in  Golden  Valley  County  ex- 
amined was   heavily  infested   in  June   just   as  wheat  was    jointing,    and 
a  brood   of   flies   has   since  attacked  the  grain   again.        The   limit    of 
attack  is   unknown  at  present. 

M.  K.   Swenk  (August   l) :        The  Hessian  fly   is   now  present   in  the 
wheat  stubble   in  supernormal  numbers.        During  July  the   infestation 
was   traced   in  the  Platte  Valley  west  to  Dawson  County,    it   being 
present,    in  fact,    in  Furnas,   Gosper,    and  Dawson  Counties    in  greater 
numbers,    on  the  whole,   than  in  the   counties   intervening  between 
them  and  the  principal  area  of  heavy  infestation,   which   includes 
Cass,   Otoe,   Nemaha,   Richardson,   Johnson,    and  Pawnee   Counties. 



WHEAT-SHEATH  GALL  J0INT70RM  (Harmolita  vaginicola  Doane) 

Ohio  H.   A.  Gossard   (July  25):        The  wheat-sheath  worm   is    considerably 

more  numerous   in  eastern  Ohio   and  will   reach  from  5  to   10  per  cent 
in  some   fields   that  were  seeded  quite   late. 

WHEAT-HEAD  ARMYTtORM  (Heliophila  albilinea  Hubn.) 

Iowa  C.   J,  Drake   (July  27):        The  wheat-head   armyworm  has   appeared   in 

considerable  numbers    in  timothy  fields   near  Ainsworth.       In  one 
field  the  timothy  heads  were  practically  all  destroyed  by  this 

WESTERN  17HEAT  SA7FLY   (Cephus    cinctus   Nort.) 

North  R.   L.  Webster  (August  3):        The  Burke  County  agent   reports   that   in- 

Dakota  f  est  at  ion  running  as   high  as   80  per  cent  has   been  found   in  this 

county.        (August   13):        Severe  damage  was    reported   from  Burke, 

V/ard,   Bottineau,    and  Towner  Counties. 

GREAT  PLAINS  FALSE  VTLW^OTQ'  (Eleodes    opaca  Say) 

Nebraska  M.  K.   Swenk  (August   l):        The   beetles   of   this  wireworm  have  not 

appeared  in  as   large  numbers   as  were   expected   from  the  amount   of 
serious   injury  done  to  the  winter  wheat   in  the  southwestern  part 
of  the  State   last   fall   and  spring.        This    indicates   a  probable   re- 
duction in  the  amount  of   injury  that  will  be  done  to  the  wheat   crop 
to  be  seeded  this   fall  in  that  part  of  the  State. 

Texas  M.   C.  Tanquary  (July  23):        A  correspondent   from  Carson  County  re- 

ported  in  early  June  that  he  had  had  300   acres    of  wheat  destroyed 
by  this   insect. 

ENGLISH  GRAIN  APHID  (Macros iphum  granarium  Kby.) 

Nebraska  I.I.  H.  Swenk   (August   l):        Following  the  unusual  abundance   of  the 

English  grain  aphid   on  wheat   in  southeastern  Nebraska  from  June   18 
to  about  the  first   of  July,    a  local  outbreak  of  the  same  insect 
occurred   in  the  western  part,    in  Cheyenne  County,    about  the  middle 
of   July,    but   it  was   not   nearly  so   extended   or  intense  as  was   the 
earlier  infestation  in  the  southeastern  part   of  the  State. 


CHINCH  BUG  (Blissus  leucopterus  Say) 

Ohio         H.  A.  Gossard  (July  25):   Chinch  bugs  were  found  to  be  present  in 
rather  limited  numbers  ,  being  greatly  reduced  below  their  numbers 
one  year  ago.   We  have  had  very  few  inquiries  about  them,  and 
while  they  could  be  found  in  limited  numbers  in  most  of  the  western 
and  northern  counties  during  the  wheat  survey,  they  were  not  suffi- 
ciently numerous  to  threaten  corn  anywhere. 


Indiana  J.J.  Davis    (August   22):        Eggs    of   the   chinch  bug  were  abundant   at 

Monticeilo   on" August   7.        Very  few  eggs    of   the  second  generation  had 
hatched   at  that  time.        This    is    representative   of   the   central  section 
of   this   State. 

Illinois  W.   P.  Flint   (July  26):        Rains   caused  a  great  variation  in  the   number 

of   chinch  bugs   throughout  the  State.        Serious    local  damage  was   done 
in  southern,    central,    and   north-central  Illinois.        In  many  cases 
from  1  to   10   acres   of    corn  adjoining  wheat  was   killed  at  harvest 
time  where  no   barriers  were  used.        At  the  present  time   indications 
are  that  the  second  brood  will  be  very  abundant. 

Iowa  F.   D.  Butcher  (July  24):        One  farmer  in  Page  County  reported   seeing 

a  few  chinch  bugs    in  his    oat  field. 

F.   A.  Fenton  (July  28):        The   chinch  bug   is   present   in  injurious 
numbers    in  the  southeastern  part   of   the   State.        The  present  dis- 
tribution of   this  pest   is   greater  than  that   of   last  year,    showing 
that   it   is    on  the   increase   in  this   State. 

Missouri  F.  D.  Butcher  (July  24):        The   county  agent   at  Maryvilie   reports 

that   chinch  bugs   are   injuring  corn  about   7  miles   south  of   the  Iowa 

A.   C.  Burrill  (August   25):        Chinch  bugs   have  been  reported  as   serious 
from  the   following   counties:    Andrew,   Buchanan,    Caldwell,    Clay,   Davies , 
DeKalb,' Gentry,   Ray,    Adair,   Chariton,  Macon,   Livingston,   Pike,   Ralls, 
Bates,   Boone,  Maries,  Miller,  Morgan,    and  Lincoln. 

South  C.  N.   Ainslie   (July  27):        The  bugs   are  moving  by  the  millions    into 

Dakota  corn  during  July   in  Charles  Mix  County,    and   although  the   farmers   are 

doing  much  to  check  them,  much  damage  will  doubtless  be  done.  They 
were  reported  as  far  north  as  Mitchell  and  also  from  Gregory  County. 
A  number  of   adjacent   counties   are  infested. 

Nebraska  M.  K.  Swenk   (August   l) :        The   chinch  bug  has   been  destructively  abund- 

ant during  July  in  three  separated  areas_  of  the  State.        One   of   these 
areas,    in  the  southeastern  part  of  the  State,    includes   Richardson, 
Pawnee,   Gage,    and  eastern  Jefferson  Counties,    and   extends   northward 
into  southern  Nemaha  and  southern  Lancaster  Counties.        The   centers 
of   injury   in  this    area  are   around  Humboldt,   Auburn,   Table  Rock, 
Pawnee  City,  V/ymore,    Adams,    and  Firth.       There   is    also  some   local 
injury  in  Saline  County.        A  second   area  lies    in  south-central  Neb- 
raska and    includes  Franklin  arri  Harlan  Counties,    around  Riverton, 
Alma,   and  Huntley,  with  some   local   injury  in  Gosper  County.       The 
third   area  is   in  the  northeastern  part   and   includes   eastern  Keyapaha, 
all  of  Boyd,   northeastern  Holt,    and  western  Knox  Counties.       The 
bugs   began  leaving  the   small  grain  for  the   corn  in  the  first  area 
about  July  4,    a  few  days   later  in  the  second   area,    and   about  July 
12   in  the  third   area.        The  migration  had  practically  ended   in  the 
first  two   areas   by  July  25,    out  was   still   in  progress    in  the  third 
area  at  the   end   of  the  month.        OSh  the  whole,   the   chinch  bug  has 
done  more   injury  to   corn  in  Nebraska  this  month  than  at   any  time 
since  the  summer  of   1910.       Weather  conditions    continue  favorable 


for  these  pests,    and   if   their  present   numoers    arc    augmented   nor- 
mally by  the  second  generation  during  August,   very  menacing  numbers 
of    chinch   bugs  will  go   into   hibernation  in  these    infested   areas   this 
fall.        (August   1-15):        The   chinch  bug   continued   to   do   injury  to 
corn  in  the  second   area  of   infestation  during  the   first' week   in 
August   in  diminished   intensity,    extending  nest   into  Furnas   and 
north  into  Dawson  Counties.        By  August   10  the  second   brood  develop- 
ing  in  the    corn  was   under  way. 

CORN  EAEWOEM   (Keliothis   obsoleta  Fab.) 

Haine  E.  M,  Patch  (August   l) :        The   county  agent   from  Freedom  writes: 

"This   pest  has   quite  a  foothold   in  this   town." 

New  York              C.  R.   Crosby  (July  IS):        A  correspondent  from  Middletown  says: 
"This   grub   is    raising  h with  my  corn." 

rrest  W.  E.  Rumsey  (August   15):        Early  sweet   corn  at  Morgantown  shows   at 

Virginia  least   10  per  cent   of  the  ears   attacked. 

Ohio  H.   A.  Gossard   (August   20) :       *7e  had  an  inquiry  from  Cleveland  July 

26   for  control  measures    for  this   pest,    also   from  Brunswick  August   1, 
and   from  Lakewood   August    15.        This   insect    is    injurious   this   season 
over  southern  Ohio,   though  not  so  damaging  as    it  was    in  the  summer 
of   1921. 

New  Mexico         W.  E.  Emery  (August   l) :        This    insect   in  Dona  Ana  County  is   vf=ry 
abundant   and  is   doing   considerable  damage  to  the   ear  corn.       In 
the  northern  part   of  the   county  where   corn  is   tasseling  about   20 
per  cent   of   the  tassels  have  been  destroyed. 

STALK  BORER  (Papaioema  rite  la  Guen.) 


Maine  E.  Iff,   Patch  (July  21):        A  report   from  South  Portland  says: 

per  cent   or  more  of  my  tomato  plants    are   riddled  by  them.       Lately 
I  found  them  working   in  the  potato  tops."        (July  30) :        I   found 
about   50   in  potatoes   and  some   in  sweet   corn.        (July  3l):        A  report 
has    oeen  received  from  North  Haven.        (August   2):        fl  report  has 
been  received  from  Richmond. 

Massachusetts   A.  I.  Bourne   (August   23):        The  potato    or  corn  stalk  borer  is  prac- 
tically through   its  work  for  the  present  season.       The   larvae  are 
nearly  mature  and  beginning  to   leave  the  plant.       This    insect  has 
apparently  been  unusually  abundant  this   year.       Many  more   complaints 
have  been  received  than  normally  from  all  sections    of   the   State. 
As   I  may  possibly  have  stated  before,   this  may  be   in  some  measure 
due  to  the   fact  that   interest   is   awakened   in  all  borers    in  corn 
from  the  publicity  given  the  European  species,    but   from  our  personal 
observation  this  species  was  much  more   abundant  this   year  than  nor- 


Rhode  Island 



A.  E.    Stene   (August   IS):        Another   insect   that   is    rather  common 
this   year  is   the   common  stalk  borer.       We  are  getting  specimens 
of   this    almost   every  day  with  the    inquiry  as   to  whether  it    is   the 
European  corn  borer.        It   is   apparently  fairly  abundant   and  attacks 
of    it   are   recorded   on  corn,   potatoes,   and  peppers. 

A.  G.   Davis   (July  19):        A  report  has   been  received   from  Torrington 
of   this   insect   attacking  field   and  sweet   corn.        It   is   usually  not 
noticed.        The   crop   is   damaged  to  the   extent   of    1  per  cent. 

W.  E.  Britton  (August   21) :        This    insect  has   been  reported  from 
Waterbury,   Somers,  riamden,    and  Stratford  as   attacking   corn,   tomato, 
and  pepper.        It   is   rather  more  abundant  than  in  an  average  year. 

H.   A.  Gossard   (July  25): 
all  over  the  State. 

The   common  stalk  borer  was   received   from 







J.  J.  Davis    (August   22):       Most   of   the   reports    received  the   last 
month  are   of   nearly  mature   larvae   in  large   corn  stalks,  where  they 
are  doing   little  damage. 

W.  P.  Flint    (July  26)  :        The   common  corn  stalk  borer  has   been  sent 
in  from  many  localities   from  small  grain,    corn,    and   ornamental 
plants . 

F.   A.  Fenton  (July  28):        The  stalk  borer  has    caused  more  damage 
to  various  plants   this   year  than  it  has   for  the  past   five  years. 
Several  corn  fields   have  been  ruined,    and   in  others  the  pest  has 
been  present   in  the   cuter  rows.        It   is   also   reported   in  oats   and 
such  ornamental  plants   as    cosmos    ana  dahlia,    and  also  has   done 
some   injury  to   tomatoes. 

L.  Kaseman  (July):        This   pest  was   very  abundant   and  destructive   a 
little   earlier,    and  many  complaints   about   it  were  answered, 

M.  H.  Swenk  (August   l) :        During  the   second  week  in  July  there  was 

some   injury  to   small  grains  and  corn  by  the   common  stalk  borer. 

The  amount   of   damage  done  by  this    insect  was   not  very  great,  however, 

ARirywOBM  (Cirphis   unipuncta  Haw.) 

M.  H.  Swenk  (August   1-15):        During  the   first  week  in  August  the 
true  armyworm  appeared   in  Holt   and  Scottsbluff   Counties,   doing 
considerable  local  damage   in  late   oat   fields.        The  armyworm  out- 
break, however,  was   not   at  all  general. 



ALFALFA  WEEVIL  (Phvtonomus   posticus  Gyll.) 

California  Weekly  News   Letter,  Vol.   5,   No.   15   (July  28):        An 
investigation  conducted  by  the   State  Department   of   Agriculture 
has    revealed  the  fact  that  the   alfalfa  weevil  exists    in  one  field 

in  Sierra  County  adjoining  the  Nevada  State   line.        The   infestation 
is   the   result   of   the   natural  spread   of   the  weevil   from  the  alfalfa 
fields   in  the  vicinity  of  Verdi,   Nev.       Fortunately,   the  alfalfa 
weevil  still  remains    on  the  east   side   of   the  Sierra  Nevadas,    and 
the  same  natural  "barriers  which   acted   as   a  measure   of  protection 
when  the  weevil  was    confined  to  Nevada  are  effective,    even  in  the 
face   of   the  infestation  in  Sierra  County. 

Calif ornia  Weekly  News   Letter,  Vol.   5,   No.   16   (August   ll) :        In  10 
days   at   inspection  stations   on  the  California-Nevada  line,  main- 
tained by  the  California  Department   of   Agriculture,   there  were 
taken  from  12  automobiles    126   live   alfalfa  weevils. 

FALL   AHAfYWOOT   (Laphygma  fruginerda  S.   &  A.) 

Florida  F.   S.  Chamberlin  (August   10) :        Report   of   injury  to   young   corn  has 

been  received  from  Quincy.        The  crop  was   badly  damaged. 

GARDEN  WEB WORM  (Loxostege  similalis  Guen.) 

Iowa  C.   J.  Drake   (July  27):        The   garden  webworm  has   appeared   in  consider- 

able  numbers   during  the  past  week.        At  Melbourne  and  Woodbine   it 
has   been  reported  as  destroying  fields    of   alfalfa.        At  Knoxville 
and  Woodbine  some  patches  of   sweet   corn  and  parts    of   corn  fields   have 
been  severely  injured.       Most   of   the  caterpillars   are  rather  large 
and   almost  mature  at  this   time. 

Since  writing  the  above,    a  letter  from  Audubon,    dated  July  26, 
states   that  the  garden  webworm  practically  destroyed  a  40-acre   field 
of   alfalfa  in  less   than  a  week.       I  have   just    received  another  letter 
from  the   county  agent   of   Pottawattamie   County,   stating  that  a  large 
portion  of  the  second   crop   of   alfalfa  in  that   county  has   been  des- 

Nebraska  M.  H,  Swenk  (August   l) :        During  the  two  weeks   from  July  13  to  July 

26  many  fields    of   alfalfa  in  eastern  Nebraska  were  badly  damaged  by 
this   pest.        The  worms,   as   usual,   spun  the  tops    of   the  plants  with 
webbing  and   ate  the   leaves.        The   injury  was    confined  to  the  part 
of   the  State   lying  east   of   the  99th  meridian,    and  seemed   to  be  quite 
general  over  this   area.       Reports    of   injury  were   especially  common 
from  Richardson,   Pawnee,  Gage,   Jefferson,   Thayer,   Buffalo,  Merrick, 
Platte,  Sarpy,   Douglas,  Washington,   Burt,   and  Dakota  Counties.     Only 
the  second   crop   of  hay  was   affected,   especially  those  fields  that 
were   not   cut  until  about  the   first   of  July.        (August   1-15):        Injury 
in  alfalfa  by  the  second   brood   of   the  garden  webworm   continued  with 
reduced   intensity  during  the   first   10  days    of   August.       Before  the 
last   of  the   reports    of   injury   of   the  second  brood  were   received  from 
northern  Nebraska,   great  swarms   of  moths   had  appeared   in  southern 
Nebraska,    and   are  still  flying   at  the  present  writing,    indicating 
the  probability   of   continued   injury  by  the  third   brood  of  the  web- 
worm late   in  August  and  early   in  September. 



Kaaaas,  J.   R.  Horton  (August   6):        Since  July  23    or  somewhat   earlier 

Oklahoma,   Texas,  webworms   have   been  relatively  scarce;    injury  has   practically 
and   New  Mexico        ceased  and  the  second  brood   of  moths    is    on  the  wing.        A  very 
heavy  flight   of  moths  was   noticed  all  the  way  from  Reno   and 
Sedgwick  Counties,   Kans . ,   to  and   including  northeastern  New 
Mexico  and  the  Oklahoma  and  Texas   Panhandles.        It   looks   as 
though  alfalfa  and  other  forage   crops   and  truck  gardens  might 
suffer  another  severe  attack  by  this   insect. 

Texas  M,   C.  Tanquary  (July):        Curing  the   latter  part   of   June  and  the 

first   of   July  there  were   reports    of   serious    infestations    of  this 
insect   on  cotton  from  Lamar,   Panola,   and   other  East  Texas    counties 

EUROPEAN  CORN  BORER  (Pvrausta  nubilalis  Hu$bn.) 

Massachusetts  A.   I.  Bourne   (August   23):        The  European  corn  borer,    from  present 

indications,   would  seem  to  be  having   a  year  of  practically  normal 
abundance  and   about   average   injury,    although   it  has   been  reported 
that  the   area  of  severe   injury  occurring   is   somewhat   larger  than 
last  year,    as  would  be  expected.       It   is    rather  early,   though,   to 
make  any  definite  prophecy   relative  to  this   second  brood. 

Ohio  H.  A.  Gossard  (July  25):       First  and  second  instar  larvae  of  the 

European  corn  borer  have   recently  been  found   in  Lake   County. 
Moths   had  issued   in  the  laboratory  at  Geneva  a  day  or  two  before 
June   29   but  had  not   commenced   laying  eggs   at  that  time.      (August 
20):       Most   of  the  moths    of   the  European  corn  borer  brood  have 
emerged   in  most   of   northern  Ohio   and   at  the  present  time   eggs 
are  found  upon  the   corn  blades   and  the  larvae  are  found   in  the 
corn  stalks   and,    under  some   circumstances,    in  weeds-  where   corn 
is   not  available.       Notwithstanding  a  thorough  burning   campaign 
and   clean-up   in  Ashtabula  County  last  spring,   there   is   an  in- 
creased number  of  borers  this  season,    clearly  indicating  that 
there  were  rcore  moths    in  this   area  the  present   season  than  were 
there  last  year.       Since  most   of  the  corn  stalks  were  destroyed 
in  the   clean-up,    it  seems  possible,   and  perhaps  probable,   that 
a  good  many  caterpillars   are   carried  over  the  winter  hidden  in 
weeds,    and  a  need  for  the  prompt  destruction  of   corn  stalks  as 
soon  as   the  ears   are  removed  is   emphasized  by  this  development. 

SUGAR-CANE  BORER  (Diatraea  saccharalis   Fab.) 

New  Mexico  R.  Middlebrook  (July  20) :        The  species  Diatraea  saccharalis   and 

D«   zeacolella  have  been  reported  from  the  eastern  counties   of 
the  State.       They  are  getting  worse  each  year.        The   crop   is 
damaged  30  per  cent. 

A  STALK  BORER  (Diatraea  lineolata  Walk.) 

Hew  Mexico  J.  R.  Horton  (August   l) :        Corn  damage,   estimated  by  counting  100 

stalks   in  each  field,   covering  most   of  Quay  County,  varies   from 
no  stalks   tunneled  at   all  in  some  fields   to  as   high  as   85  per 
hundred  in  others.       Tunneled  stalks   contained  from  1  to  6  borers 
each.       This   injury  is   all  by  the  first  summer  brood  of  borers. 

-22  6- 

About    1  to  2  per  cent   of   stalks    of  milo   is   damaged   in  some  fields   - 
as  hightas    10  per  cent   in  first  two  or   three  rmsirrdering   infested 
corn,    in  one  field. 

CLOVER  ROOT-BORER  (Hylastinus    obscurus  Harsh.) 

Ohio  K.   A.  Gossard   (August   20):        The   clover  root-borer  was    received   from 

Strongsviile  August  6,  where   it  had  destroyed   a  field   of   clover. 
I  also   received  the  saire   insect  two   or  three  days   ago   from  a  Wayne 
County  field,   where   it  had   reduced  the   crop  to   less   than  one-half. 

Indiana  J.   J.  Davis    (August  22):        Injury  has   been  reported   from  Connersville 

in  Fayette   County. 

CLOVER.£lEAF  WEEVIL  (Hypera  punctata  Fab.) 

Ohio  T.  K.  Parks    (August   21):        This   beetle  was   sent   by  the  Erie  County 

agent   August   14,   with  the  statement  that  the   insect   is  working  on 
sweet   clover.       He  saw  one  sweet   clover  field  that  had   been  pastured 
pretty  closely  by  the   insect.       It   is   unusual   in  Ohio   for  the  oeetles 
of  this  species  to   cause  such  damage  at  this  time   of  year. 

CLOVER- ROOT  CURCULIO   fSitona  hispidulus   Fab . ) 

Indiana  J.   J.  Davis    (August   22):        Injury  to   roots    of   alfalfa  reported   from 

Hartford   City,    in  Blackford   County. 

Illinois  VT.  P.  Flint    (July  26):        Sitcnes    (sp?)   has    caused  serious   damage  to 

the  roots,  of   old  stands   of   alfalfa  in  central  Illinois. 

CLOVER-SEED  CATERPILLAR  (Laspeyresia  inters  tine  tana  Clem.) 

Iowa  C.J.  Drake   (July  2U):        The   clover-seed   caterpillar  has   been  re- 

ported  in  Washington  County.        It  seems   to   be  numerous   in  several 

W-MARKED  CUTWORM  (Noctua  clandestina  Harris) 

Illinois  W.  P,   Flint    (July  26):        This    insect  has   been  reported   from  several 

sections    in  northern  Illinois   as   destructive  to  sweet   clover  where 
this  plant   is   grown  for  seed   crop.       Parasites   are   fairly  abundant. 

COTTONY  GRASS   SCALE   (Eriopeltis   festucae  Fonsc.) 

New  York  C.  R.   Crosby  (July  16):        Grass    infested  with  this   pest  mas   received 

from  Graves  ville  . 

A  SWEAT-BEE   (Halictus   vires cens  Fab.) 

Indiana  G.  M.  Stirrett   (July  19):        This  pest  was   reported   injuring  lawns 

in  LaFayette  July  8  by  throwing  up   little  mounds    of   earth. 

ARGUS  TORTOISE-BEETLE  (Chelyroospha.  cassidea  Fab.) 

New  York  C.   R«   Crosby  (July  23):        This   insect   is   doing   considerable  damage 

to   oats    in  Chautauqua  County. 


New  York 



GREEN  APPLE  APHID   (Aphis  pomi  DeG. ) 

A.  I«  Bourne   (August  23):     Green  aphids  have  not  heen 
unusually  abundant   over   the  State  as  a  whole  this   season 
but  Mr,   Cobb,   of  Littleton,  reports  that   in  his  orchards, 
particularly  on  young  trees,   they  have  been  exceptionally 
bad,  and  apparEntly  badly  checked  the  growth  in  the 
young  orchards. 

G.  E.   Smith   (August  11):     Growers  are  still  applying  the 
later   summer  application  for   the  green  aphid.  A  few 
are  using  lime-nicotine  dust.     The  females  continue  to 
keep  the  terminals   infected  with  the  young  aphids. 

F«  EU  Bond  (August  U):     The  lice  have  appeared  on  apple 
in  serious  numbers   in  some  orchards  at  Oswego. 

H*  W„  Fitch   (August  h) :     They  are  very  numerous  at   Sodus 
on  apple.      (August  11):     They  ave  very  abundant  on  Mcintosh, 
Greening,   and  3aldwin  at   Sodus.     A  special   treatment   of 
lime-nicotine  dust  gave  very  good  control    in  one  orchard 

R«  G«  Palmer    (August  11):     Green  aphids  are  present   in 
many  orchards,  and  some  are  making  special  applications 
for  their   control   in  Monroe  County. 

A.  L.  Pierstotff   (August  11):     The  green  aphid  is  reinfesting 
the  apple  seedlings  and  they  are  still  abundant  on  Spiraea 
vanhoutti,   at  Honegp©  Falls. 

ROSY  APPLE  APHID   (Anuraphis  roseus  Baker) 

H*  A*  Gossard  (July  25):     Aphids  of  many  species  have  been 
active  and  conspicuous.     The  rosy  apple  aphid  attracted 
attention  from  many  quarters  of  the  State. 

H.  F.  Dietz   (July  18):     The  rosy  apple  aphid  was  unusually 
bad  this  year  and  damaged  between  15  and  25  per  cent   of  the 
crop  in  many  localities  before   it  migrated. 

CODLING  MOTH   (Carpocapsa  nomonella  L.) 

Massachusetts     A»  It  Bourne   (July  25):     So  far  as  reports  have  come  in  from 
the  different    sections  of   the  State,    injury  from  the  codling 
moth  to  date  has  been  very  light   indeed.     The  emergence 
of  the  moths  of  the  spring  brood  was  observed  to  be  very 






ITew  York 




Rhode  Island 

irregular,    owing  probably  to  the   continued  cold  weather 
prevailing  during  this  period  of  the  season.      This  has 
resulted   in  a  considerable  amount  of   "side  worm"    injury, 
which  is   slightly  larger  than  is  normally  the  case. 

G.  E.  Smith  (August  11):  The  larvae  continue  to  hatch. 
There  is  probably  more  or  less  of  an  overlapping  of  the 
broods  at  this  time   in  Orleans  County* 

R,  G.  Palmer    (August  11):  Codling  moths  are  causing  severe 
injury  on  apples  in  Monroe  County, 

R.  F.  Illig  (August  11):  In  some  parts  of  Wayne  County 
there  has  been  considerable  side  worm  injury. 

F*  H.  Bond   (August  11):     The  larvae  have   just   started  to 
emerge  from  the  fruit    in  Oswego  County. 

H.  W,  Eitch   (August  11):     First-brood  larvae  continue  to 
enter  the  fruit  on  the  shore  of  Lake  Ontario.     No   second- 
brood  larvae  that  could  be   identified  as  such  have  been 
found  at   Sodus, 

B,  A,  Porter    (August  6):     Second  brood  larvae  began  leaving 
the  fruit  between  August  3  and  6  at  Vincennes. 

APPLE  AMD  THORN  SKEEETONIZER    (Henerophiln  pjori*na  ,Cl-g£ck) 

Ax   I*  Bourne   (August  23):      Thhoughout   the  western  part   of  the 
State,  at  least,   the  pest   of   outstanding  importance  at  present 
is  the  apple  and  thorn  skeletonizer. 

E*  K*  Hollister   (July  20):     Reports  have  come  from  Hartford 
and  vicinity.     This  is  practically  the  first  appearance. 
Fifty  per  cent  of  the  foliage   is  damaged. 

Chas.  Dt    Clark   (July  2U):      This    is  the  second  brood  of  this 
pest  and   it    is  found  generally  throughout  Fairfield  County. 
Many  leases  contain  from  3  to  6  latvae.      It    is  more  abundant 
than  last  year. 

W.  E»  Britton   (August  21):     This   pest   is  less  abundant   in 
the   southwestern  portion  of   the  State  but   is  more  abundant 
in  the  eastern  part. 

A,  E.  Stene   (August  12):     The  apple  and  thorn  skeletonizer 
has  been   sent    in  from  Anthony  and  has  been  observed  by  our 
field  men   in  various  places   in  Providence  and  Kent   Counties, 
from  the   Connecticut  line   to  points  three-fourths  of  the 
distance  across  the  State. 



New  York  E,  F»  Felt    (July  23):     This  pest    is  generally  prevalent  north 

to  Bandy  Lake   in  the  Hudson  River  Valley,   even  on  widely 
isolated  apple   trees   in  infested  areas.      Injury  is   serious 
north  to  Claverack  and  Ravena  and  probably  farther  north, 

M.  D*  Leonard   (August  12):     Badly  infested  leaves  were 
received  from  Roy  Latham  at   Orient,   Lc   I,,  who   states   that 
this  pest    is  unusually  bad  this   season.      (August  13):     P.M. 
Eastman  of  the  New  York  Department   of  Farms  and  Markets 
at   Cambridge,  near  Eagle  Bridge,  reports   it   abundant   on   the 
outskirts   of   town. 

New  Jersey         M*  D.  Leonard   (August  22):     On  August  13  I  found  about  5 
per  cent   of  the  foliage   injured  "by  the  apple  and  thorn 
skeletonizer   in  a  small  apple  orchard  of  abov.t  50  trees  at 
Pompton.     This    is  about  S  miles  northwest   of  Paterson.  Last 
year   these  trees  were  under  my  close  observation  during  the 
entire  growing  season  and  there  was  no  evidence  of   the  pest 
at   that  time,      as  far  as   I  know  this   is  the  first  record  for 
this  State. 

TENT  CATERPILLAR    (Malacosoroa  americana  Fab.) 

Massachusetts  A.   I.  3o"urne   (July  25):     The  first   eggs  of   the  apple  tent 
caterpillar  were  seen  in  Amherst   on  July   3»      Since  that  - 
time  they  have  been  found   in   considerable  abundance. 

New  York  Clark  Hutchinson   (July  21):     At  Cgder.sburg,    in  St.  Lawrence 

County,  most  of  the  caterpillars   seemed  to  be   in  bushes  at 
first,  but   later    some  got   into  apple  trees,    though  they  do 
not   seem  to  ha^e    increased   in  numbers  large   enough  to  do 
any  great  amount  of  damage.      I  have  noticed  some  farmers 
spraying  their   orchards. 

New  Jersey         R.  B„  Lott    (August  5)  '•     Fgg  masses  of  apple-tree  tent  cater- 
pillar have  been  noticed  throughout   State.   They   are  quite 

FALL  WEBWQRM   (Pyphantria  cunea  Drury) 

Massachusetts  A,    I.  Bourne    (August  23):      In  Amherst  and   immediate  region   it 
is  at  least  no  more  abundant   than   it  was  last  year,    if  quite 
as  much.      From  Middlesex  County,   E.  R.   Farrar   reports  that 
in  his  estimation  the  pest   is  approximately  50  Per  cent 
as  abundant   as  lait  year, 

Connecticut       M.  P,    Zappe    (August   22):      Inf estationsooccur   on  ash,    cherry, 
apple,  etc.,    in  Hartford,  TJindham,   and  New  London  Counties. 
The  webworms  are  more  plentiful   than  they  were  last  month. 

New  York  Roy  Latham  (August  6):     This  species  is  bad  this  season.    It 

is  on  apple,  maple,    elm,    cherry,    and  other   cultivated  trees 
at  Orient,    Suffolk  County. 






New  York 

Hew  York 

H*  L„  Mclntyre   (August  8):     A  "bad  infestation  has  been 
reported  on  a  number   crf-willows  at  Baker *s  Mills,    in  Warren 
Count  y„ 

$•  F»  Illig    (August  11):     The  fall  webworm  is  abundant  in 
several  localities  in  Wayne  County* 

E.  W.  Mendenhall  (August  22):  We  find  them  bad  in  old  neglected 
orchards  and  in  a  variety  of  nut  and  shade  trees  in  southwestern 
Ohio*     They  ar.3  noticeable  along  roadsides. 

H.  F.  Dietz    (July  IS):     The  fall  webworm  is  unusually  abundant 
in  cities  and  towns,    feeding  on  shade  trees  and  ornamental 
shrubbery.      In  the  rural  districts   it  does  not   seem  to  be 
quite  as  abundant  as   in  cities  and  towns. 

J.   J*  Davis    (August  22) :     This  pest   is  abundant  wherever   I 
have  been  in  the  southern  half  of    the  State.      It   is  abundant 
in  cities  and  along  roadsides,   also   in  orchards  whihh  ha^e 
not  been  properly  sprayed. 

M.  H*  Swenk   (August  1):     The  first  brood  of   the  fall  webworm 
was  less  numerous  and  destructive  than  it  has  been  during 
the  last  few  years. 

TARNISHED  PLANT-BUG-   (L?/gus  prat  ens  is  L») 

M«  P»    Zappe   (August  l):     This  pest   is  causing  serious   injury 
to  apple  and  peach  stock   in  nurseries,  and   is  also  working  on  the 
tips  of  dahlias,  at  Durham,  Willimantic,  and  Hamden.      It 
seems  to  be  doing  more   injury  than  in  the  average  year. 

A«»  I*  Pioratorff   (August  11):     At  Honep^e  Falls  this  pest   is 
common  on  practically  all  young  trees  and  shrubs   in  a  nursery. 

LEAFHOPPERS  (Jassidae) 

Um  D,  Leonard  and  F»  H,  Lathrop   (August  17):     Many  leaves  of 
young  growth  were  very  severely  curled  on  a  tree  about  15 
feet  high  as  a  result   of  the  feeding  on  nymphs  at  Kinderhook. 
A  number  of  other  trees   in  an  orchard  were  appi-eciably  affected, 
but   this  one  was   the  worst   example  we  have  ever   seen. 

A.  L«  Pierstorff    (August  11):     Leafhoppers  are  abundant  on 
one-year-old  nursery  trees  at  Honepye  Falls.      Instead  of  making 
the  characteristic  mottled  injury,    they  seem  to  curl   the  apple 
leaves  much  the   same  as  aphids,   but  not   quite   so   severely. 







SAtJ  JOSE  SCALE   (Aspidiotus  perniciosus  Comst.) 

A.  I*  Bourne   (July  25):     In  ijorthern  Worcester  County  Mr. 
Fiske  reports   that  he  is  finding  the  San  Jose  scale  somewhat 
more  prevalent   than  last  year.     This,  while  the  only 
specific  report  coming  to  our  attention  this  month,  "bears 
out  the  general   impression  among  the  fruit  growers  which 
has  "been  held  for   some  time  that  this  pest   is  gradually 
coming  "back  into  abundance  in  the  State. 

H.  A.  G-ossard   (July  25):     The  San  Jose  scale  has  practically 
disappeared  from  some  neighborhoods  where  it  was  rather 
numerous  in  southern  Ohio  when  spring  opened.   On  this 
account   some  tests  of  the  comparative  efficiency  of  scale 
remedies  are  rendered  practically  worthless  "because  there 
is  no  scale  on  the  check  trees  and  no  difference  can  he 
found  in  the  various  treatments.      Of  course,   there  may  he 
later  developments  which  will  have  some  significance. 
Some  unsprayed  trees  in  northern  Ohio  have  an  ahundance 
of  San  Jose.    (August  20):     San  Jose  scale  was  received  from 
Shiloh  August   2.     Specimens  of  apple  were  quite  spotted  over 
by  it. 

B.  A.  Porter    (August  20) :     Second-brood  crawlers  began  to 
appear  July  20  at  Vincennes,   on  apple,  peach,   etc.      Since 
August  1  crawlers  have  been  produced  in  large  numbers 
daily.      In  orchards  where  poor  control  was  obtained  last 
winter,  branches  are  beginning  to  die,   and  the  fruit   is 
badly  spotted, 

J*  J.  Davis   (August  22):     T7ith  the  new  lubricating  oils, 
as  well  as  miscible  oils,   orchardists  are  making  headway 
against  the   scale.     There  still  remain,  however,  many 
serious  infestations,  but  -most  of  the  orchardists  are 
alive  to  the  situation  ar.a  will  stress  dormant  oil   spraying 
the  coming  season.     Until  lasjr  year   the   scale  was  not 
recognized  as  a  serious  pest  on  peach,  but  this  year   several 
peach  orchards  have  become  alarmingly  infested. 

W.  P#  PlinU  (July  26):     2?he  season  thus  far  has  been  very 
favorable  to  the  increase  of  this  insect  and  it   is  showing 
in  large  numbers  on  fruit,  branches,  and  leaves  of  poorly 
sprayed  orchards. 

EUROPEAN  RED  MITE  (Paratetranychus  pilosus  C.  &  P.) 

A.   I.  Bourne   (August  23):     The  European  red  mite  is 
apparently  normally  abundant  generally,  with  occasional 
regions  of  slightly  greater  abundance.     The  protracted  dry 
spell  which  persisted  up  to  the  early  and  middle  part  of  the 
month  was  very  favofable  to  their  rapid  increase,   and  from 
some  sections  of  the  State  estimates  of  these  mites  being 
much  more  abundant,  up  to  twice  as  many  as  last  year,  have 
been  sant  in.     A  rather  curious  fact   in  connection  with 
this  pest   is  that  on  a  block  of   trees  which  had  "been  given 



a  dust   treatment,    the  mites  were  apparently  much  more 
ahundant   than  on  adjoining  "blocks  which  had  "been   sprayed. 

Connecticut ip  Carman  (August  1-23):     Baldwins    show  considerable 
"burning  at  Branford  ard  Wallingf  ord.      This  pest    is  more 
abundant   than  last  year.     A  dry  summer  has  favored  development, 

Maryland  C.   C.  Hamilton  (August  25):     Rains  the  past  three  weeks  have 

put  the  pest  well  under   control,  except  at  Havre  de  Grace. 
Here  there  have  "been  only  a  few  light   showers,   and  the  mites 
are  abundant  and  still  doing  damage.      Indications  are  that 
there  will  be   severe  injury  tomfruit  buds  on  peaches.   Cool 
nights  and  damp  weather  the  last  of  July  caused  the  mite 
to  migrate  to  the  limbs  and  lay  winter  eggs  there.     These 
have  hatched.      Infestations  occur  at  Havre  de  Grace,   Easton, 
Berlin,   and  College, 

West  Virginia  W.  E»  Rumsey   (August  15) :     Apple,  maple,  box,   and  other 
plants  are  seriously  affected,  and  have  been  since  early 
spring,  by  an  undetermined  red  spider   at  Morgantown. 

Ohio  H.  A,  Gossard   (July  25):     The  European  red  mitQ  .has ... 

appeared  very  numerously   in  northern  Ohio  and   is  known  to 
be  present   in  great  numbers  in  orchards  as  far   east  as 
Youngstown  and  as  far  west  as  Toledo.      It   is  causing  severe 
bt owning  of  the  leaves  of  apple,   plum,   and  peach.  Members 
of  our   staff  have  given  it  personal  attention  at  Youngstown, 
in  the  peach  orchards  about  Danbury,   and  in  pJum  and  apple 
orchards  at  Waterville.      It  was  reported  very  numerous  on 
specimens  of  apple  leaves   sent    in  from  Toledo  July  12. 

G,  A.  Runner  (August  ll):  This  insect  is  abundant  on  many 
fruit  trees  and  ornamentals  in  the  vicinity  of  Sandusky, 
Insprayed  grapevines  have  been  observed  which  were  heavily 
infested,  but  injury  to  foliage  seemed  slight  compated  to 
injury  to  foliage  of  peach  and  apple.  It  is  also  abundant 
in  many  apple  orchards  in  counties  bordering  on  Lake  Erie. 
Eoliage  injury  is  severe  in  orchards  in  which  lime-sulphur 
has  not  been  used  in  summer   sprays. 

APPLE  FLEA-WEEVIL    (Orchestes  pallicornis  Say) 

West  Virginia    W,  E*  Rumsey:    (The  locality  given  in  ;-the  Insect  Pest  Survey 
Bulletin  Vol.   3>  Page  126,   should  be  Raymond  City  instead 
of  Morgantown. ) 

Michigan  R.  H.  Pettit    (July  10):      I  have  to  report  that   our   single 

case  of  apple  flea-weevil   seems  to  be  a  very  difficult   one 
indeed  to  control.     Repeated  sprays   of  powdered  arsenate 
of  lead  at   the  rate  of  l4  to  2  pounds  to  50  gallons  of 
water  are  reported  to  have  failed  thus  far.     The   insect  is 
spreading  in  spite  of  the   sprays.   Samples  sent   in  show 
the  leaves  to  have  been  badly  eaten  after  these   sprays  were 
put  on. 




TCILLOw    CURCULIO    ( Crypt or  hynchus  lapathi  I. ) 

R.  H»  Pettit    (August  9):     Testerday  we  discovered  some  apples 
that  had  holes  eaten  in  them  and  in  the  course  of  an  hour: 
or  two  we  found  that  Crypt  or  hynchus  lapathi  was  the  culprit. 
Today  a  gentleman  from  Lansing  "brought    in  a  number  of  plums 
with  similar  holes  eaten  in  them  and  a  specimen  of  Crypt or hynchus 
that  he  had  actually  caught  in  the  act.   He  said  a  large 
proportion  of   his  ripening  plums  were  "blemished  in  this 
way.     The   injury  amounts  to  more  than  a  "blemish,  however, 
since  in  the  case  of  the  plum  "brown  rot   immediately  shows  the 
work  of  the  "beetle* 

A  LEAF-BEETLE   (Metachroma   inter ruptum  Say) 

J*  J.  Davis   (August  22):     Injury  to  apples  "by  an  unknown 
insect  was  first  reported  "by  Dr.  B.  A.  Porter,  who  found, 
on  July  13,  considerable  injury  to  the  fruit  of  Grimes 
trees.     The  surface  ds  more  or  less  covered  with  gouged  - 
out  places,   often  these  being  confluent   so  that  eaten  areas 
up  to  considerable  size  might  be  found  on  an  apple.  The 
insects  responsible  were  not  found.  When  Porter   showed  this 
infestation  to  me,   a  couple  of  weeks  later,  no  additional 
injury  had  been  done,   although  the  total    injury  to  Grimes 
fruit   in  this   orchard  was  considerable.      Specimens  were 
submitted  to  W.   P.  Flint,  who  had  reported  similar   injury 
by  Metachroma  interruptum  Say,    in  western  Illinois  a  year 
ago  and  he  pronounced  it  as  certainly  the  work  of  that 
beetle.     According  to  Blatchley,    it  was  collected  but   once 
in  Indiana,  namely  in  Vigo  County,    in  the  west-central  part 
of  the   State,    June  l6.      He  also  notes   that   it   had  not, 
previously  to  his  record  in  Indiana,  been  recorded  east  of 
Kansas.      This  beetle  is  one  which  may  become  an  important 
pest.     The  orchard  where  first   found  at  Decker,  Knox  County, 
had  been   thoroughly  sprayed  according  to  the  recommended 
spray  schedule. 



New  York 

PEAR  FSYLLA  (Psylla  pgricela  Foerst.) 

Philip  Garman    (August   20):     This'  pest    is   sevErely   injuring 
a  large  pear  orchard  at  Southington. 

E,  W«  Pierce   (August  4):     Hard-shell  nymphs  and  flies  of  the 
second  brood  are  appearing  in  considerable  numbers   in 
Ontario   County.    (August  11 ) :      The  dry  weather  has   caused 
psylla  to  multiply  rather  rapidly. 

G.  E.   Smith  (August  k) :     The  weather  has  been  very  favorable 
for  pear  psylla  development,  and  considerable  honeydew  covers 
fruit   and  foliage  in   some  orchards   in  Orleans  County. 


H,  W«  Fitch  (August  *$) :     This  pest   io  abundant   enough  to 
cause  many  grovzers  at  Sodus  to  spray. 

F.  H„  Bond  (August  h)i     At  Oswego  the  psylla  has  become  had 
in  some  orchards.    (August  11):     The  psylla  outbreak  seems  to 
have    subsided. 

IU  J.  Palmer    (August  11):     The  psylla  in  Monroe  County  has 
multiplied  rapidly. 

P.  J»   Chapman   (August  11):     In  Genesee  County  the  pear  psylla 
is  on  the  increase  with  favorable  weather  for    its  development, 
but   commercial   orchards  have  them  fairly  well   controlled. 

PEiS   SLUG   (Csliroa  cerasi  L. ) 

Ohio  H.  A.  Gossard   (July  25):     The  pear   slug  was  received  from  Apple 

Creek  July  ik  on  pear,      (August  20):     This  pest  was  received 
from  Columbus  August  17   on  pear, 

Indiana  B»  A.  Porter    (July  27):     Several  acres  of  cherry  orchards 

have  been  completely  defoliated  by  the  second-brood  slugs  at 

Nebraska         M*  H.   Swenk  (August  1):     Numerous  complaints  of  injury  by  "it  he 
pear   slug  have  been  received  during  the  month. 


PEACH-TWIG  MOTH   (Anarsia  lineatella  Zell.  ) 

Indiana         H.  P.  Dietz   (July  18) :     The  peach-twig  borer   is  becoming 

quite  a  serious  pest   in  young  peaches   in  the  southern  part  of 
the  State, 

Texas  F«  C*  Bishopp   (August  25):     This   insect  has  caused   some  damage 

to  peaches  in  the  vicinity  of  Dallas  this  year,  but  their 
abundance   is  not   nearly  so  great  as  during  last   season,  when 
over   75  per  cent   of  the  peaches  were   infested. 

California         California  Weekly  News  Letter,  Vol.    5,   No.   15   (July  28):     The 
season  of  1923  has  not  been  marked  by  serious  damage  from  the 
peach-twig  borer  and  there  has  not  been  as  much  damage  to 
unsprayed  orchards  as  to  some  sprayed  orchards  last  year.  We 
have  no  difficulty  in  controlling  the  pest  With  lime-sulphur 
spray  and  expect   to   continue   spraying  with  I  .'.m-?- -sulphur   in 
the  spring,   as    in  the  past,    since  under   conditions  at   Ontario 
such  treatment    insures  against   severe  damage  from  either 
"curl  leaf"   or    twig-borer. 


New  York 


New  Mexico 



SHOT-HOLE  BORER   Ucolytus  rugulosus  Ratz. ) 

Henry  Dietrich   (July):     The   shot-hole  "borer   is  fairly  injurious 
in  peach  orchards  at  Applet on. 

H*  A*  Gossard   (July  25):     Specimens   of  this  pest  came  from 
Sullivan  June  25  where  it  was  attacking  cherry,    from  Toledo, 
June  27,  and  from  Marion  July  20,      (August  20):      Specimens 
came  from  Marion  August  3  on  cherry  and  August  13  from 
Pleasant  Hill  on  plum.     An  inquiry  without  specimens  was 
received  from  Danbury  July  2h  regarding  control  measures  for 
this    species. 

PLUM  CURCULIO   (Conotrachelus  nenuphar  Hbst.) 

0.    I.  Snapp   (August  20):     The  second  generation  will  he  very 
small  this  year  and  of  little  economic   importance.   The  second 
generation  did  not  put   in  its  appearance  this  year   in  the 
Georgia  Peach  Belt  until  the  peach  crop  had  been  harvested. 
About  S,600  cars  of  peaches  were   shipped  from  Georgia  this 
season,  and  the  general   quality  of  the  fruit  was  the  "best  since 
1918.     The  curculio  has  been  remarkahly  well   controlled, 

A  "TUMBLE  BUG"(Phanaeus  carnifex  L.') 

W.  E*  Emery   (August  1):     This  insect   is  doing  considerable 
damage  to  ripening  fruit,    in  some  places  at  least  50  per  cent 
to  peaches  and  plums,   and  was  also  noted  on  the  corn,  working 
on  the  tassel,  where  at  least  10  per   cent  of  the  corn  tassels 
were  destroyed  in  Dona  Ana  County. 

•     GREEN  SOLDIER-BUG   (Nezara  hilaris  Say) 

C.  C.  Hamilton   (August  22):     Determination  was  made  by  comparing 
injury  with  that  reported  in  Ohio    (Bui.   310  on  the  green  soldier- 
hug).     The  variety  Hale  is  injured  worst,  although  all  varieties 
are  attacked.      Injury  ranges  from  severely  deformed  fruit   to 
that  with  only  a  few  feeding  punctures.      Infestations  occur  at 
Belair  and  Havre  de  Grace. 

H.  A.  Gossard   (August  20):     The  green  soldier-hug  was  taken  in 
a  Wooster  locality  August  18   injuring  peach,  An  inquiry  was 
received  from  Port  Clinton  July  23,   regarding  an  outbreak  of 
this  pest  on  peach,   and  a  later   investigation  by  one  of  the 
members  of  our   staff  proved  that  a  rather  mild  outbreak  was 
occurring  in  a  few  orchards. 

G.  A*  Runner    (August  11);     Injury  to  peaches  by  the  green 
soldier -bug  has  been  observed  in  several  orchards  in  the  Ottawa 
County  peach  district. 


SAN  JOSE  SCALE   (Aspidiotus  perniciosus  Corast.  ) 

Georgia  0.  I,   Snapp   (August  20)  :     At  Eort  Valley  the  San  Jose  scale 

has   increased  rapidly  during   the  summer  months.      Some  growers, 
dissatisfied  with  the  results  from  liquid  lime-sulphur   or 
its   substitutes,  will  use  lubricating -oil   emulsion  this 

ORIENTAL  PEACH  MOTH  (laspeyresia  molesta  Busck} 

Connecticut       W»  E»  Britton  (August  2^) :     Many  terminal  shoots  have  been 
tunneled  by  larvae  at  Greenwich.     A  few  were  noticed  last 
year   in  the  same  section.     They  are  more  abundant  than  in  an 
average  year. 




Hew  York 

BEACK  CHERRY  APHID   (Myzus   corasi  Fab. ) 

A*  A»  Granovsky   (August  18):      Cherry  aphid  attacks  cherry 
orchards  year  after  year   in  the  locality  of  Sturgeon  Bay.    Injury 
is  largely  done  in  a  local ifeed  spot-      Injury  may  be  considered 
as  severe,   producing  yellowing  and  defoliation  of  trees,   as 
well  as  reducing  the  growth  of  terminal   shoots  and,   consequently, 
the  yield  of  cherries.     Early  cherries  were  more   infested 
than  late  varieties. 

PEAR  AND  CHERRY  SAWFLY   (Caliroa  cerasi  L. )      . 

J,   J*  Davis    (August  22):     The  work  of  this   insect,   resulting 
in  complete  defoliation,    is  evident    throughout    the  southern 
part  of  the  State. 

CHERRY  FRUIT  FLY  (Rhagoletis   cingulata  Loew) 

Henry  Dietrich   (July):     There  is  a  considerable  amount  of 
infestation  this   season  at  Applet on. 

H*  W»  Fitch    (August  k) :     One  tree  examined  at  Sodus   showed 
32  per  cent   of  the  fruit   infested. 


PLUM  CURCULIO  (Conotrachelus  nenuphar  Hbst.) 

Massachusetts  A*.  I*  Bourne  (July  25):  The  plum  curculio  seems  to  be  doing 
a  great  amount  of  injury  this  year,  and  in  every  section  of 
the  State  reports  of  normal  or  somewhat  greater  abundance 
than  last  year  are  coming  in.  This  particular  species  seems 
to  be  at  the  present  time  the  outstanding  apple  pest  of  the 
State,  and  to  all  appearances  is  the  one  farthest  from 


Louisiana    T.  H*  Jones  (July  2k):     Infested  peach  fruit  was  sent  in  "by: 
Mr.  M*  J.  Voorhies,  County  Agent  of  St.  Martin  Parish,  with 
the  report  that  "we  seem  to  have  the  same  trouble  all  over 
the  parish." 

New  York 





'TffQ-SPGTTED  OBEREA  (Oberea  bimaculata  01  iv.) 

Ct  R»   Crosby   (August  l):     A  patch  of  raspberries  was  "badly 
infested  at  Skan'eateles.    (July  12):     A  small  plot  was  "badly 
infested  at  Binghamton. 

RED  SPIDER    (Tetranychus  fcpp. ) 

E.  W*  Mendenhall    (July  26):     Red  spider  mites  are  found  general 
in  the  State,   infesting  raspberry  plants  and  doing  some  damage. 

EUROPEAN  FRUIT  LECANIUM   (Lecanium  corni  Bouche) 

E.  A.  Eenton   (July  28):     A  ssmple  of   several  raspberry  canes 
was  received  literally  plastered  with  adult   scales  of  this 
insect.     This  scale  insect  had  been  a  very  serious  pest  on 
these  raspberries. 


SPOTTED  CUTWORM   (Agrotis   c-nigrum  L. ) 

A.  I»  Bourne   (August  23):     The  spotted  cutworm  has  done  more 
injury  on  the   cranberry  bogs  than  in  any  previous  year.  We 
find  that  this  insect   is  most  likely  to  attack  bogs  that  are 
bared  of  their  winter  flowage  very  late  in  May  or   in  early 
June.      It  has  cleaned  up  the  crop  of  more  than  150  acres 
of  bog  here  this   season,   reducing  the  prospective  crop  by  fully 
10,000  barrels. 



ROSS  CHAFER  (Macrodactylus  subspinosus  Fab.) 

A*  I.  Bourne  (July  25):  The  rose  chafer  has  been  unusually 
abundant  the  present  season,  practically  throughout  the 
State,  and  las  not  only  caused  considerable  annoyance  by  its 
feeding  on  roses  and  grapes,  which  it  normally  feeds  on  every 
year,  but  complaints  have  been  received  of  its  injuries  to 
a  wide  range  of  food  plants,  which  comprise  many  of  the  , 
small  fruits,  ornamentals,  and,,  garden  crops,  as  well  as  some 
few  reports  of  its  feeding  on  the  foliage  of  young  fruit 


New  York  M»  D.  Leonard   (July  27):     This  pest  is  abundant  on  bayberry 

and  several   other  plants  outside  of  Jamica,   L.I.,   near  a 

F.  J.  Whaley  (August  4):  There  were  several  had  infestations 
on  grape  and  rose  in  private  gardens  during  the  first  week  in 
August  at  Albany. 

Ohio  H.  A,  Gossard   (July  25):     The  rose  bug  was  perhaps  more  numerous 

than  usual. 

GRAPE  LEAFHOPPER   (Erythroneura  comes  Say) 

New  York  K.  E.  Paine   (August  10):      In  Chautauqua  County  on  unsprayed 

or   on  poorly  sprayed  vineyards  the  leafhopper   injury  is 
showing  very  badly  and  wherever  a  grower  missed  a  row  in  spraying 
a  marked  difference  can  be   seen. 

West  Virginia    W.  E.  Rumsey   (August  15):     Foliage  is  completely  destroyed  in 
some  cases  and  generally  seriously  injured  at  Morgantown. 

Ohio  H»  A.   Gossard   (August  20):      The  grape  leafhopper  was  received 

from  Toledo  August  15  on  grape  and  also  from  Columbus  August  17* 

EIGHT-SPOTTED  FORESTER   (Alypia  octomaculata  Fab.) 

Ohio  H.  A»  Gossard   (July  25):     The  eight-spotted  forester  came  from 

Windham  July  6,  where   it  was  attacking  grape. 

Indiana  H.  F.  Dietz   (July  18):     The  eight-spotted  forester  has  been 

reported  as  a  serious  pest   of  grapes  this  year,    especially 
in  the  vicinity  of  Indianapolis  and  Muncie.   This   is  the  first 
time  in  the  past  five  years  that  we  have  had  any  reports  of 
damage  by  this  pest. 

GRAPE-BERRY  MOTH   (Polychrosis  viteana  Clem. ) 

Louisiana  I,  H#   Jones    (July  l6) :     Larvae  and  injured  fruit  have  been 

sent   in  by  Mr,   M»   J,  Voorhies,   County  Agent   of  St.  Martin 
Parish,  with  the  report  that  the  larvae  are  "injuring  grapes 
in  this  section." 

GRAPEVINE  APHID   (Macrosiphum  illinoisensis  Shim. ) 

Massachusetts     C.  R.   Crosby   (August  15):      Infested  grape  leaves  have  been 
received  from  Harwich. 

New  Jersey  M,   D.  Leonard   (June  10):     The  grapevine  aphid  is  abundant  on 

young  leaves  and  tips  of  shoots  in  a  small  grape  arbor  at 



STALK  BORER  (Papaipema  nitela  Guen. ) 

New  York     M,  D«  Leonard  (July  17):  Mary  K,  Peters  of  the  Farmingdale 
School  of  Agriculture,  L,  I.,  reports  that  a  patch  of  red 
currants  are  "badly  injured  "by  larvae  "boring  in  the  young 
canes.   She  also  reports  the  larvae  unusually  abundant  in 
corn  this  year  in  her  section. 


FALL  "WEBWCRM  (Hyphantria  cunea  Brury) 

Georgia  0*  1%  Snapp   (August  18):       The  fall  webworm  is  unusually 

abundant   in  middle  Georgia  this  year, near  Hawkinsville,  and 
is  doing  considerable  damage  to  pecan  trees, 

John  B*  Gill   (August  2):     The  fall  webworm  is  very  prevalent 
in  pecan  orchards   in  many  sections* 

PECAN-NUT   CaSE-BEARER   (Acrobasis  hebescella  Hulst)  .- 

Georgia  John  B.  Gill    (August  2):     We  find  that  the   second  brood  of 

the  pecan -nut   case-hearer  has  not  been  so  destructive.  The 
first-brood  larvae,   appearing  during  the  latter  part   of  May 
and  the  first  week  of  June,   caused  very  serious  damage  to 
the  crops  in  various  pecan  orchards  in  southern  Georgia  and 
northern  Florida,       According  to  our   observations   the  worst 
infestations  occurred  around  Bacanton,  Ga. 

#EC AIT-LEAF  CASE-BEARER   (Acrohasis  nebulella  Riley) 

Georgia  John  B.  Gill    (August   2):     Practically  all  adults  of  the 

pecan-leaf  case-hearer  have  emerged  and  oviposition  has  "been 
taking  place  in  peach  orchards  for  some  time.   The  very  small 
larvae  are  now  feeding  on  the  under  surface  of  the  leaves, 
and,   judging  from  the  ahundance  of  larvae  at  this  date, the 
insect  will  go   into  hibernation   in  great  numbers*   On  account 
of  the  restricted  fieeding  "by  the  larvae  during  the  late 
summer,  no  serious  damage  is  done  at   this  season  of  the  year, 
"but  when  abundant,   the  larvae  are  very  destructive  to  the 
unfolding  buds   in  the  spring.     We  have  succeeded  in  perfecting 
a  very  good  control  of  this  pest,  and  during  the  next  month 
and  early  in  September  many  pecan  growers  in  this   immediate 
section  will  he  spraying  their  orchards  for  the  protection 
of  next  year ' s  crop, 

HICKORY  NUT  WEEVIL   (Belaninus  caryae  Horn) 

Georgia  John  B*  Gill    (August  2):     Peean  growers  in  Lamar  County  have 

reported  serious  losses  to  pecan  crops  through  the  attacks 
of  the  pecan  ■weevil.       During  the  early  part  of  July  the 
writer  made  a  trip  through  thas   territory  in  order   to  look 



into  the  pecan  weevil  situation.  Larvae  were  found  at 
varying  depths  in  the  soil  in  pecan  orchards5  but  from 
observations  made  it  was  impossible  to  predict  or  determine 
the  infestation  of  the  nut  crop  for  this  year*  The  adults 
will  likely  be  occurring  on  pecan  trees  during  the  early 
part  of  September  ard  will  continue  their  attacks  until  the 
advent  of  cold  weather, 

LITTLE  HICKORY  APHID  (Monellia  car y el la  Fitch) 

John  B.  Gill  (August  2) :  The  Little  hickory  aphid  has  been 
occurring  abundantly  on  pecan  trees  during  this  season.  This 
species  appears  to  confine  its  attacks  to  the  underside  of 
the  leaves,  and  so  far  it  has  no't  been  observed  feeding 
on  the  young  nuts.  The  foliage  of  heavily  infested  pecan 
trees  often  becomes  drenched  with  the  honeydew  exudations. 
At  present  this  insect  is  not  considered  as  a  serious  pest 
to  pecans. 


CITRUS  WHITEFLY    (Dialeurodes  citri  Ashm.  ) 

Louisiana      T,  H.  Jones:        Infested  orange  leaves  were  received  from 

J.  A*  Wogan,  New  Orleans,   July  28,  and  from  J.  ^erburg,  Hammond, 
August  2.      Infested  privet  leaves  were  received  from  Warnerton 
August  3* 

California     California  Weekly  News  Letter,   Vol.    5,   No.   lo  (August  11);     A 

recent  quarantine,   known  as  Quarantine  Order  No.    42,   pertaining 
to  the  citrus  whitefly,  was  placed  on  the   cities  of   Sacramento, 
Marysville,  and  Yuba  City  by  the  State  Department   of  Agriculture, 
This  order  was  for  the  purpose  of  preventing  the   shipment  of 
any  host  plants  of   the   citrus  whitefly  into  other  parts  of  the 




New  York 

BLISTER  BEETLES    (Meloidae) 

E„  M«  Patch   (July  2U):     Epicauta  pennsylvanica  DeG-.    is  reported 
by  Mrs.  F„  C,  Knowles  as  feeding  on  potato  at  Stockholm, 
and  Macrobasis  unicolor  Kby.    is  reported  by  Wendell  A.    Sharp 
as  numerous  in  some  potato  fields  this  year. 

C»  R.   Crosby   (August  1):     Epicauta  marginata  Fab,    is  reported 
from  Tarrytown  as   seriously  injuring  plants   in  a  vegetable 



North  Dakota 


New  York 



T.  L«  Guyton  (July  30):  Epicauta  cinerea  Foerst.  is 
reported  from  Peach  Bottom  as  doing  serious  damage. 

P.  L%  Webster  (July  13):  Lytta  nuttalli  Say  is  reported 
from  Kensal  as  more  than  usually  common* 

M»  H.  Swenk  (August  1):  The  gray  blister  "beetle  was 
reported  destroying  tomatoes  in  gardens  in  Seward  County 
during  the  last  week  in  July,  and  the  large  "black  "blister 
beetle,  Epicauta  corvina  Lee,  was  reported  as  injuring 
potatoes  in  Knox  County.  The  striped  "blister  beetle, 
Epicauta  lemniscata  Fab,,  was  reported  doing  injury  in 
garLdens  in  Thayer  County  during  the  second  week  in  August . 

CUTWORMS  (Noctuidae) 

Roy  Latham  (August  6):  During  the  last  few  weeks  there 
has  been  an  outbreak  of  Agrotis  ypsilon  Rott.  in  Orient, 
and  at  present  it  is  the  worst  ever  known  here.   It  is 
doing  great  damage  in  young  transplant '"'a  sprouts,  cabbage, 
and  cauliflower.   It  is  also  found  in  late  potatoes  and 
various  other  crops  and  weeds.  Trenches  had  to  be  dug 
around  some  fields,   I  have  counted  25  under  the  small 
lumps  of  dirt  at  the  base  of  a  small  plant  k   inches  high. 

A,  M*  Hollister  (July);  Cutworms  have  done  about  the  most 
damage  of  any  pest  in  Saratoga  County,  In  the  southern  part 
of  the  county,  where  considerable  truck  gardening  is 
carried  on,  they  have  been  very  troublesome.  Many  farmers 
have  used  the  bran,  Paris  green  and  molasses  poison  and  in 
this  way  have  done  good  control  work.  It  is  difficult  to 
make  an  estimate  of  the  damage  done  by  these  pests. 

H.  A,  Gossard  (July  25):  One  of  the  glassy  cutworms  was 
received  from  Conway  June  25,  where  it  was  said  to  be 
attacking  beets. 

GREEN  SOLDIER-BUG  (llezara  hilaris  Fitch) 

J,  J.  Davis  (August  22):  The  green  soldier -bug  has  been 
reported  from  sections  of  the  State  from  the  extreme  south 
end  to  the  northeast  corner  of  the  State.  In  most  cases  it 
was  simply  reported  as  abundant  and  no  apparent  injury 
noted.   The  first  record  was  from  Delphi  on  July  25.  In 
several  localities  it  was  reported  on  corn,  and  one 
correspondent  blames  these  insects  for  the  unthriftiness  of 
one  section  of  this  corn  field.  It  was  also  reported  as 
occurring  on  peach,  but  the  correspondent  has  not  advised 
us  that  injury  ©ccurred.  At  Corydon  and  south  to  the  Ohio 
liver  we  found  this  insect  abundant  on  Lima  beans  August 
20.  Young  and  adults  were  observed  with  their  beaks  inserted 
in  the  green  pods  and  in  the  stem  at  the  base  of  the  pod. 
The  beans  have  not  developed  or  are  deformed  in  the  pods, 
and  as  there  is  no  disease  present,  and  since  the  injury  is 
what  we  might  expect,  it  seems  very  likely  that  the  soldier- 
bug  is  responsible. 



Michigan  Eugenia  McDaniel   (August  18):     The  green  soldier -"bug  has 

bEen  .received  this  morning  from  Cass  County,  Mich,  .where 
it   is   said  to  "be  attacking  "beans   in  the  field.     The  insects 
puncture  the  young  pods  and  are  causing  considerable  injury, 

SOUTHERN  GREEN  PLANT-BUG   (Nezara  virirlnla  L«  ) 

Florida  F,   S,   Chamberl  in  (August   6):     Pods  in  one  field  are  severely 

damaged  by  the  "bugs  at  Quincy, 


COLORADO  POTATO  BEETLE  (Leptinotarsa  decemlineata  Say) 

Massachusetts  A.  I.  Bonfne  (July  25):  Infestation  has  been  rather  uneven 
throughout  the  State,   In  this  particular  region,  Amherst, 
the  pest  has  "been  somewhat  more  abundant  than  for  several 
years,  whereas  from  other  sections  of  the  State,  notably  in 
Barnstable  County,  there  have  been  so  few  beetles  that  up 
to  the  first  or  middle  of  July  it  had  not  been  necessary  to 
apply  any  arsenate  of  lead  for  their  control.  The  pest  is 
apparently  not  more  than  normally  abundant  except  in  isolated 

New  York 




Roy  Latham   (July  15):     Slugs  have  not  been  known  to  be  so 
abundant   in  years  in  Suffolk  County.     Arsenate  failed  to 
kill   them  although  more  than  usual  was  used.   Many  had  entered 
the  ground  and  were  out   in  hard-shelled  beetles  by  July  10, 
Not   in  20  years  have  so  many  gone  into  the  ground  as  a!  the 
present   time.      In  fields  that  were  red  with  them  they  habe 
gone  into  the  ground  after  being  sprayed  three  times.      This 
looks  bad  for  next    season's  early  crop. 

H,  A,  C-ossard   (August  20) :     Perillus  bioculatus  Fab,  was 
received  from  Shelby  August  1,  where  it  was  reported  to  be 
doing  very  effective  work  in  destroying  the  Colorado  potato 

R,  L,  Webster    (August  3)*     Reports  from  county  agents   in 
northwestern  counties  indicate  that  many  fields  have  been 
severely  injured  this  year, 

M«  H,   Swenk  (August  1):     The  Colorado  potato  beetle  was  more 
than  ordinarily  numerous   in   some  parts  of  the  potato  growing 
district  lof  western  Nebraska,   especially  in  Morrill  County, 
during  July, 



New  York 

POTATO  FLEA-3EETLE   (Epitrix  cacumeris  Harr . ) 

M,  D.  Leonard    (June  2):     Very  abundant   at  Hudson  River    State 
Hospital  Farm.     Over  U,000  young  plants  were  killed  in  one 
5-acre  field  at  Poughkeepsie. 

Roy  Latham  (July  20):     Second  brood  were  coming  in  large 
numbers  on  July  15  and  browning  potato  fields  in  Suffolk  County. 

C,  R.   Crosby  (August   9):     Potato  tubers  injured  by'  the  larvae 
have  been  received  from  Suffolk  County, 

Massachusetts  A*  I«  Bourne   (July  25):     Plea-beetles  on  potatoes,   tomatoes, 
etc,  are  causing  about  the  usual  amount   o£  trouble,  and 
do  not   seem  to  be  much  worse  than  usual   except  in  isolated 

POTATO  APHID   (Macrosiphum  solanifolii  Ashm. ) 

Massachusetts  A.   12  Bourne   (August  23):     Aphids  were  very  generally  prevalent 
at  the  Market  Garden  Field  Station  at  Lexington  on  market 
garden  crops,   particularly  on  tomatoes.  The  particular   species 
of  aphid  was  not  reported. 

Connecticut     W«  E#  Britton  (August  7):     The  potato -aphid  was  later  than 

usual   in  reaching  injurious  abundance.      It  has  now  (Aurust   2U) 
mostly  disappeared  at  the  Station  Farm,  Mt.    Carmel ,  and  Harden. 

New  York  Roy  Latham   (July  20):     Many  young  tomato  plants  are  destroyed. 

Potato  fields  were  covered  with  this  insect  by  July  10,   but  by 
July  20  were  controlled  by  parasites   in  Suffolk  County. 

W„  D.  Mills   (August  H):     Infestation  has  been  severe,  but 
showers  have  reduced  the  numbers  of  lice  in  Nassau  County. 

Indiana  H.  F,  Dietz    (July  IS):     Earlier   in  the  season  tomatoes  were 

attacked  by  the  potato  aphid.   These  infestations  were  pretty 
well   cleaned  up  by  the  ladybird  beetles,    especially  the 
convergent  ladybird,   the  nine-spotted  ladybird,  and  the  maculate 
ladybird.     As  a  result  of  this   infestation,  however,  many 
tomatoes  are  showing  infection  with  mosaic  and  spindling 
sprout  disease  at  this    time, 

Wisconsin         A,  A.   Granovsky  (August  IS):     Potato  dF$el<ais  of  Door  County 

are   infested  with  two  principal  aphids,   Macro siphum  solanifolii 
Ashm.   and  Myzus  persicae  Sulz.     The  first,  however,   occupies 
a  secondary  place   in  number,   Myzus  being  more  common.    Injury 
is  not   considered   serious. 

POTATO  LEAFHOPPER   (Empoasca  mali  LeB.) 

New  York  E.  E.  Paine   (August  10):      Injury  is  noticeable  in  some  fields 

in  Chautauqua  County. 







New  York 



New  York 

E*  W,  Pierce    (August  k) :     This  insect   is   causing  hopperburn 
in  fields  that  have  not  been  sprayed  in  Ontario  County. 

T«   H.   Parks    (August  21):     This   insect    is  now  present    in   its 
usual   injurious  numbers   in  most  fields  of  potatoes.   Hopperburn 
is  killing  the  tops  of  unsprayed  plants   in  central  and 
southern  counties  v/here  the  crop  was  planted  in  May,    This 
is  the  sixth  successive  year  for  such  damage. 

J»   J„  Davis    (August   22):     The  potato  leafhopper   is  gradually 
increasing  its  area  of  destruction  each  year. 

W.  P.  Flint   (July  26):     The  potato  leafhopper  has  been  very 
abundant  this  season  on  potatoes,  beans,   and  alfalfa! . 

A.  A.  Granovsky   (August  19):     Potato  leafhopoers  are  very 
common,    injuring  potato  fields  by  causing  hopperburn.   The 
disease  appeared  in  the  first  part  of  August  and  on  some 
early  varieties  of  potatoes  symptoms  were  present   in  the 
latter  part   of  July, 

P.  A*  Fenton   (July  2S) :     The  potato  leafhopper   is  not  as 
serious  as  it  has  been  for   several   years  and  will  not 
very  seriously  affect  the  potato  crop  in  the  State  this 
year,   although  in  certain  localities  it  has  been 
destructive   to  potatoes. 

TOMATO  FRUITVJORM   (Heliothis  obsoleta  Fab.) 

L.   A*   Zehner    (August  k) :      Severe  damage  to  tomatoes   is 
reported  in  Onondaga  County. 

J»  J.  Davis    (August   22) :      The  tomato  fruitworm  has  been 
a  serious  pest  of   tomatoes  throughout   the   southern  half  of 

W.   P.  Flint    (July  26):      The  corn  earworm   is  doing   some 

damage   to  tomatoes   in  the   southern  part  of  the   State.    Full-grown 

larvae  were  received  as  early  as  July  10. 

IMPORTED  CAB3AG-EW0RM   (Pont  ia  rapae  L. ) 

Henry  Bird   (August):     Pontia  rapae .which  usually  gets  to 
the  vicinity  of  Rye  in  great  numbers  by  mid-August  from  Long 
Island  and  New  Jersey,    is  conspicuous  by  its  absence  at  this 

G>  E.   Smith   (August  k) :     The  imported  cabbageworm  is  very 
plentiful   in  Orleans  County. 

E.  W»  Pierce    (August   11):     This    insect   is   evident    in  most 
fields  and  abundant    in   some  in  Ontario  County. 


L«   J.  77.   Jones   (August   21):     This    insect   is   exceedingly- 
common   in  Rochester  and  extremely  abundant  near  Victor, 

CABBAGE  Mffl-GOT   (Hvlemyia  brassicae  Bouche) 

Massachusetts     A.    I.  Bourne   (July  25):      The  cabbage  maggot   in  some 
sections  of  the  Stare  has  apparently  attained  numbers 
considerably  greater   than  last  year.      In  Bristol  County 
cabbage  and  cauliflower   are  reported  as  being  seriously 
attacked.      Damage  already  caused   is  estimated  at  about 
20  to  25  per  cent.     Where  QO'rrosive  sublimate  treatment 
has  been  carried  cut.   the  damage  has  been   cut  down  to   a 
comparatively  insignificant   figure.    Injury  to  radishes   from 
this   ir.sect   throughout   the  market  garden  section  of  the 
western  part   of  the   State  has  apparently  been  very  serious. 
At  least   one  plat  was   entirely   spoiled  by  the  maggot.      This 
particular   crop,   not   lending  itself  to  the   corrosive   sublimate 
treatment,    suffered  considerable  damage. 

Ohio  H.  A.  Gcssard   (July  25):       The  cabbage  maggot  was  received  from 

Beaver  dam  'June  6  and  from  Medina  June  15,    on  cabbage  plants. 
Ye  received   inquiries  concerning  control   of  this   insect  from 
Bloomville  June  ?o:   Son or a  June  lot  where   it  was  attacking 
radishes,   Toledo  June  12,    Greenwich  June  11,   and  Elyria 
June  6. 

CABBAGE  APHID    (Brevicoryne  brassicae  L. ) 

New  York  G.  E.   Smith    (August  k) :     Cabbage  aphids  are  causing  trouble 

in  some  fields  in  Orleans  County. 

E.  W.  Pierce   (August  11):     Few  cabbage  aphids  have  been 
noticed,    in   spite  of  the  dry  weather   in  Ontario  County. 

HARLEQUIN  CA33AGE  BUG   (Murgantia  histrionica  Hahn) 

Indiana  J.   J.  Davis    (August  20):     The  harlequin  cabbage  bug  was  abundant 

and  destructive  in  gardens  south  of  Corydon,   especially  injuring 

A  BUG    (Peribalus  limbolarius   Stal)  , 

Nebraska  M.   H*    Swenk  (August  1):      This  bug  was  reported  as  destroying 

a  patch  of  cabbage   in  Dawson  County  during  the  first  week   in 

ZEBFA  CATERPILLAR    (fenestra  pictn  'Earr.  ) 

Ohio  H,  A«   Gossard   (July  25) :      The   zebra  caterpillar  was  received 

from  Dayton  July  20,   attacking  cauliflower,  and  from  Wapakoneta 
July  29,   attacking  cabbage. 


BUEFALO  TREEKOPPER   (Osresa  bucalus  Fab . ) 

Nebraska  M*  H.    Swenk  (August  l)  :     A  case  of  nymphs  of  the  buffalo 

treehopper  injuring  strawberries  came  to  notice  in  western 
Nebraska   (Dawes  County)* 

STRAWBERRY  LEAF-ROLLER   (Ancylis  coraptana  Froehl.) 

Okie  F,  A.   Gossard   (July  25)2     -he  strawberry  leaf-roller  was  received 

from  Kipton  June  cZ.,  and  from  Kansas  July  5«,     From  the  specimens 
reciivefl  and  the  reports  of  our  correspondents  the  damage  was 
evidently  very  severe  in  both  these  localities.     An  inquiry 
was  received  from  Elmore  June  15  regarding  control  of  this  pest. 

Indiana  H,  F„  Pietz   (July  1S).»     The  strawberry  leaf-roller,  which  last 

year  was  a  very  serious  pest   in  the  northern  half  of   Indiana, 
is  now  working  southward  and  becoming  more  abundant    in  the 
southern  half  of   the   State. 

Nebraska  II.   H.   Swenk  (August  1):      Injury  by  the   strawberry  leaf -roller 

was  Reported  from  Webster   County. 


RED  SPIDER  (Tetranychus  sp, ) 

Virginia     ijH,  Spencer  (July  S):  Red  spider  is  exceptionally  severe  on  Lima 
beans  in  the  Eastern  Shore  district  of  Virginia  and  it  is 
thought  that  the  crop  will  be  a  total  loss  because  of  them.  In 
the  Norfolk  district  fields  of  eggplants  have  been  severely 
damaged,  We  have  had  many  inquiries  about  red  spider  on 
ornamental  shrubs  and  several  kinds  of  evergreens, 

BROWN  COLASPIS  (Colaspis  brunnea  Fab. ) 

New  York     C.  R*  Crosby  (July  28).'  This  insect  is  doing  considerable  damage 
to  a  crop  of  field  beans  at  Ailoway, 

MEXICAN  BEAN  BEETLE  (Epilachna  cor runt a  Muls. ) 

Virginia     Ileal e  F.  Howard  (August  22);  This  insect  is  reported  from  Wise 

Neale  Fi  Howard  (August  22):  This  insect  is  reported  from 
Buncombe  and  Madison  Counties. 

Georgia     J,  3,  Gill  (August  1):  The  Mexican  bean  beetle  has  been 

observed  in  gardens  around  Thomasville,  throughout  the  season.  The 
adults  and  larvae  have  been  very  abundant  on  snap  beans  and 
Lima  beans,  upon  which  they  caused  very  serious  damage.  Within 


the  past   two  weeks  they  have  been  observed  on   cowpeas 
growing   in  gardens  around  town.      This   species  does  not    seem 
to  attack   the   cowpeas  when  there  are  beans  for    it   to  feed 

^io  Neale  F.  Howard   (august  lU):     The  Mexican  bean,  beetle  larvae 

have  been  found  at  Waver  ly.     This   is  in  north-central  Bike 
County,   about   25  miles  north   of  the  Ohio  River,    in  the 
south-central   part  of  the  State*      (August  22):     This  beetles 
Has  been  reported  from  Adams,   Highland,   Fike,   and  Scioto 

Indiana  J.   Ja  Davis    (August  20):      Scouting   in  the   southern  half  of 

Harrison  failed  to  reveal   the  presence  of  the  Mexican  bean 

Kentucky  Neale  F«   Howard   (August  22):      The  Mexican  bean  beetle  has 

been  reported  from  Harlan,   Letcher,   Cumberland,   and  Spencer 

Mississippi     Neale  F.   Howard    (August   22):  The  Mexican  bean  beetle  has 
been  reported  from  Tishomingo  County. 


PEA  APHID   (Illinoia  pisi  Kalt.) 

Nebraska  M.  H.   Swenk  (August  1):     During  early  Julymumbers  of  the 

pea  aphid  began  to  their  host  plants,  but  were 
checked  by  natural    enemies  and  drier  weather   conditions, 


OH I ON  THE IPS    QEhr ips   tabaci  L.) 

Virginia         H,   Spencer    (July  7):   Thrins_  tabaci  L.   has  done   considerable 
damage  to  a  field  planted  to   cucumbers  and  cantaloupes. 

PICXLEWORM   (Diaphania  nitidalis   Cramer) 

Missouri         E.  Haseman   (August   2):      County  Agent  Tolbert   of  Kennett,   M'o. , 
reports  50  VeT   cent   or  more  of   the  maturing  cantaloupes 
affected;    at   Columbia  most   of  the  developing  summer   squashes 
are  affected. 

STRIPED  CUCUMBER-BEETLE   (Diabrotica  vittata  Fab.) 

Massachusetts  A.    I.  Bourne   (July  25):     The  striped  cucumber -beetle   seems 

to  be  somewhat  more  prevalent   than   it   normally  is  throughout 
the  State,   all  our  records  on  these  beetles  bearing  out   this 
statement,  with  the   exception  of  Bristol   County,  where  the 
County  Agent  reports  that  while  normally  abundant   they  do  not 
seem  to  be   in  any  greater  numbers  than  last   year.     Lusting 


and  spraying  are  very  generally  employed  in  their  control, 
particularly  in  the  marltet  garden  section   in  the  eastern 
part   of  the   State,   and  seen  to  be  giving  more  or   less 
satisfactory  results.        One  factor  which  has  been  noted 
regarding  then,   particularly  in  Middlesex  County,    is  that 
they  apparently  started  later   in  the  season  than  normally, 
and  this  will  account  for  the  fact  that  they  are  at 
present  abundant    in  the   stems  and  blossoms,   when  under  usual 
circumstances  their   injury  would  be  practically  over  at 
this  period.. 

New  York  Henry  Dietrich   (July):     The  striped  cucumber-beetle  has 

been  readily  controlled  with  nicotine  dust. 

West  lirginia       W»  E.  Rumsey  (August  15):     Leaf  injury  occurs  as  usual, 
but  the  most   serious  loss  is  from  larvae  in  roots.     June 
15  to  July  15  they  were  most  abundant  in  the  roots.   Some 
recent  injury  has  been  reported. 

Ohio  H.  A,  Gossard   (August  20):     Inquiries  regarding  control   of 

the  striped  cucumber -beetle  were  received  from  many  parts 
of  the  State. 

TWELVE-SPOTTED  CUCU1  IB ER -BEETLE   (Diabrotica  12-punctata  L.) 

Delaware  J.  F«  Adams   (July  1):     The  12-spotted  cucumber-beetle  is 

very  abundant  and  causing  considerable  injury  in  Sussex 

Ohio  H#  A,  Gossard   (July  25):     The  12-spotted  cucumber  beetle  was 

received  from  Lorain  June  13,  where  it  was  attacking 

New  Mexico  R,  Middlebrook   (July  23):     Throughout  this  entire  State  this 

insect   is  attacking  all   crops,   abundance  as  compared  with  an 
average  year  being  about  the  same. 


A  GROUND-BEETLE  (Harpalus    (or  very  close. t©  this  genus) 

det.   Adam  Boving 
Mississippi      R«  W„  Earned   (July  20):     George  Houston,    Sat  ill 0,  Miss. .reports 
these  insects  seriously  injuring  his  watermelons:   n  I  planted 
my  7-acre  late  watermelon  patch  on  the  20th  of  June,   and  got 
a  perfect   stand,   but  now  on  the  lUth  of  July  they  "-'are  killed 
by  these  worms.       They  work  just  under  the  ground.     You  can 
see  their  work  on  roots  of  these  melons.   These  worms  are  the 
most  destructive  things  that  have  ever  been  on  watermelons." 




KELON  APHID   (Aphis  gossypii  Glov« ) 

H»  A*   Gossard   (July  25):     The  melon  aphid  was  received  from 
West  Liberty  on  cucumber  July  12,     Other   inquiries  evidently 
referring  to  this   species  came  from  Chardon  and   from 
Columbus.      (August   20):     Aphis  gossypii  came  from  Geneva 
August  6  on  muskmelons. 

J-    J*  Davis    (August   22):      This    insect  has  been  a  pest   throughout 
the  melon  season.      In   some  sections  large  acreages  were  plowed 
up  before  harvest   on  account   of   it. 

M.   K*   Swenk   (August  1):     For  the  first  time   in   several   seasons 
there  has  been  very  little   injury  during  July  by  the  melon 
aphid.        These  pests  began   to   increase  early   in  the  month 
but  were  brought  under  almost   complete  control  by  the  parasite 
^i.i^us_  tjesta^eiues,   assisted  by  the  ladybird  beetle 
)podamia  convergens. 

New  Mexico 

R-  Middlebrook  (July  20):  The  melon  aphid  is  reported  from 
Messilla  Valley  as  attacking  melons-  Growers  are  now  spraying, 
so  they  will  get  no  chance.  Abundance  is  greater  as  compared 
with  an  average  year,  and  also  last  month. 


SQUASH  BUG    (Anasa  tristis  DeG. ) 

Massachusetts  A*    I.  Bourne    (July  25):     The  common   squash  bug  is   apparently 
normally  abundant  generally  throughout  the  State. 

Hew  York  A,  M«  Hollister    (July):     Squash  bugs  have  been  abundant  and 

caused  considerable  damage, 

K.  E*  Paine    (August  U):      Squash  bugs  are  numerous  and 
destructive  in  Chautauqua  Count y0 

Ohio  H„  A*.  Gossard   (July  25):     The  squash  bug  was  found  to  be  very 

numerous  and  destructive  among  melons  and  cucumbers  at   Canton 
July  \2*      It  was  received  from  Daltoa  July  5,   and  from  Middletown 
July  17,  where   it  was  reported  to  be  attacking  cucumbers,      (August  20) 
We  had  inquiries  for  the  control  of  Jfoara  tristis  from  Mansfield 
July  2U,   and  from  Lodi  August  11,   and  have  also  had  a  number  of 
local  phone  calls  during  the  last  week  or  two  Regarding  the 
same   insect* 

Nebraska         M,  H*   Swenk  (August  1):     The   squash  bug  was  more  than  ordinarily 
injurious  to   squashes  and  pumpkins  during  the  entire  month  of 
July  in  Nebraska. 


S^XL  SH-^IME  SORER   (Mel  it  tie,  satyr  in  if  or  mis  Huebn, ) 

Massachusetts     A,    I,  Bourne    (August  23):     The   squash-vine  "borer  larvae 
have  "been  dbserved  to  "be  beginning  to   leave  the  plants 
and  enter    the  ground.      Infestation  throughout   the  State 
seems   to  be  rather  uneven  in   its   extent,      In  this  immediate 
region  it    is  not    quite  up  to  normal,   and  a  report  from  the 
Market   Garden  Field  Station  at  Lexington   states  that  up 
to  the  middle  of  the  month  little  or  no   evidence  of  damage 
had  been  noted. 


ITew  York 



Hew  York 



E*  A.  Fenton   (July  23):      The   souashv-vine  borer    is  more 
destructive  to   squash  and  pumpkin  vines  this  year  than  for 
several    seasons*   The   second  generation  is  actively  at 
work  at   the  present  time* 


01JI0U  THRIFS    (Thrips  tabaci  L. ) 

Roy  Latham  (August  IS):      The  onion  thrips  has  been  reported 
from  Orient,   attacking  cauliflowers  and  Brussells   sprouts. 
Aoun dance  as  compared  with  an  average  year   seems  to  be 
much  greater, 

E*.  H*  Bond   (August  k) :     The  onion  thrips  has  been  reported 
from  Oswego  County;   nowhere   serious. 

J*  J*  Davis   (August  22):  The  onion  thrips  has  been  an  onion 
pest   of  considerable   importance  in   several    sections   in 
northern  Indiana. 

Eugenia  McDaniel    (August  IS):      The  onion  thrips,  has  been 
reported  from  a  Michigan  onion  field,  where  a  good  percentage 
of  the    crop  has  been  destroyed,   at   Charlotte,   Mich. 

01TI0N  MAGGOT    (Hylemyia  ant  iqua  Ileig.) 

M.  D.  Leonard   (June  2):     A  little  damage   is  being  done  to 
young  seedlings  at  Hudson  River   State  Hospital    farm  at 

H.  A.   Gossard    (July  25):      An   inquiry  was  received  from 
Celina  June  lS  for  recommendations  to  control   the  onion 
maggot , 


RHUBABB  CURCU-LIO  (Lixus  concavus  Say) 

H.  A,  Gossard  (July  25):  The  rhubarb  curculio  was  received  from 
Kent  June  IS,   Several  specimens  were  brought  to  my  office 


from  nearby  points  about  Wooster  and  as  far  distant   as 
Canton,   the  complaint  "being  that  they  were  attacking 
rhubarbs.      In  every  case  it  was  leanned  that  dock  plants 
were  abundant   in  the  neighborhoods  where  the  rhubarb 


HORSERADISH  FLEA-BEETLE  (Phyllotreta  armor aciae  Koch^ ) 

New  York  c,  R*   Crosby  (July  2g):     The  horseradish  flea-beetle   is 

seriously  injuring  a  field  of  horseradish  in  Elmira. 


TURNIP  APHID   (Rhopalosiphum  pseudobrassicae  Davis) 

Connecticut       E.  II.   Ives   (July  2k):     This  aphid  has  been  reported  from 
Metiden,  where  it  was  attacking  winter  turnips. 

W»  E„  Britton   (August  2k):     The  turnip  aphid  has  been 
reported  from  New  Haven,   and  Hamden,  attacking  turnips  and 

Nebraska  M»  H«   Swenk  (August  1):     During  early  July  numbers  of  the 

turnip  aphids  began  to  appear  on  their  host  plants,  but  were 
checked  by  natural   enemies  and  drier  weather  conditions. 

GREEN  PEACH  APHID   (Myzus  -persicae   Sulz.) 

Ohio  H*  A»  Gossard   (August  20):     The  green  peach  aphid  was 

received  from  Shreve  August  17  on  turnip. 

BEAN  APHID   (Aphis  rumicis  L.) 

New  York  M.  D.  Leonard   (August  21):     A  patch  of  20  rows  ^each  120  feet 

long  was  partly  cleaned  up  by  this  aphid. 

CARROT  BEETLE   (Ligyrus  gibbosv.s  DeG*) 

West  Virginia    W.  E*  Rurrisey   (August  21)  :   Specimens  of  adults  have  been 

unusually  abundant  for  the  past  month.     Usually  they  are  rare  at  this 


SWEET- POTATO  ^ElZV-IL   (Cylas  formicarius  Pab.) 

Oklahoma  E.  E*   Scholl    (June  6):     Larvae  of  the  sweet-potato  weevil  are 

present  at   Comanche,    in  Stephens  County,   Okla. ,     These  probably 
originated  from  slips  grown  at  Harlingen,  Texas* 



North  Caro?Lina 

South  Carolina 




COTTON  BOLL  WEEVIL  (jtetbcnoaus  grand is  Boh.) 

B.   R.   Coad    (August   16):        Report?   have  been  received   from  6  points 
in  tne  State,    one  report  from  Cumberland   County  indicating  that 
great  damage   is    expected.        Other  reports  merely  indicate  presence 
of   the  pest . 

B.   R5   Coad   (August   16):        Reports   have   been  received   from   16   local- 
ities   in  this   State.        Six   record  heavy  infestations,   with  serious 
damage.       The   remaining  localities  merely  indicate  that  the  pest 
is   present. 

B.  R.  Coad  (August  16):  Reports  have  been  received  from  22  local- 
ities.       Fifteen  report  heavy  damage  by  weevils   puncturing  the   bolls 

B.  R.  Coed  (August  16):  A  single  report  indicates  the  presence  of 
tnis    insect   in  Madison  County. 

B.   R„  Ccad   (August   16):        Reports  were   received   from  30   localities. 
Thirteen  of   these  localities,    generally  distributed   over  the  State, 
indicate  heavy  damage   by  this   pest.       The   remaining   localities 
indicate  slight  damage   or  the  mere  presence   of   the  pest. 

B.   R.   Cor.d   (August   16):        Reports  have  been  received   from  77  poirts 
in  the  State.       Twenty-four   report  heavy   infestation  with  serious 
damage.        Ac  the   remaining  points   damage   is   slight. 

B.   R.   Coad   (August   16):        Reports   have  been  received   from  6   local- 
ities.      Three   report  heavy  damage,  weevils   puncturing  the   bolls. 

B.  R.  Coad  '..August  16):  Reports  have  been  received  from  20  Docal- 
ities.  Three  report  serious  damage*  At  the  remaining  localities 
damage   is   slight. 

B.   R.   Coad   (August   16):        Reports   have  been  received   from  37   local- 
ities.      Five   report  damaging   infestations,  the   remaining  local- 
ities  report   slight  damage, 

B.   R.  Coad   (August   16):        Reports   have   been  received   from  4    local- 
ities, with  heavy  damage  at   one  point. 

B.  R.   Coad   (August   16):        Reports   have   been  received  from  8   local- 
ities, with  serious   damage  at  2  points. 

COTTON  LEAFDRT   ( Alabama  argillacea  Kubn.) 

South  Carolina  &.   A.  Berly  (August  26):        An  outbreak  of   this    insect   occurred  in 
Oconee   County  about   August    15,    requiring   control  measures    owing 
to  the  lateness   of   the   cotton  crop. 









Georgia  B.  R.   Coad   (August   17):        Leaf  worm  was    reported   under  date   of    August 

14   as   damaging   crops    in  Floyd   County. 

Alabama  W.  E.  Hinds    (August  23):        Cotton  worm  has   been  reported    from  fully 

three-fourths   d~f  the   counties    of  the  State.        Stripping  has   been 
unusually  widespread   for  the   first   brood  of  worms.        Strenuous   fights 
have  been  made  against  this   brood  and  much  poisoning  will  be  done 
for  the   next  generation. 

Mississippi     R.  W.  Harned   (August   ll) :        Cotton  leafworm  occurs    in  practically 
every  county  of   the  State  where   cotton  is   grown.        Considerable 
damage   is   being  done   in  some  sections. 








T.  H.  Jones    (August  8):        Cotton  leafworm   is    causing   considerable 
defoliation  of    cotton  throughout  the  State.        In  many  sections   heavy 
control  measures   are  being  practiced. 

G.  M.  Bentley  (August   20):        Very  phenomenal  outbreak  of  this   insect 
is    reported   in  24    counties    of   this   State.       Every  available   force   is 
being  directed  to  help  farmers   to  get  material  and    implements   for 
fighting  the   pest.       We  have  been  successful   in  getting  four  lots 
of   25,000  pounds    of    calcium- arsenate   located   in  the   State.       Leaf- 
worm   is   very  serious,   as    cotton  is   fully  10  days   or  two  weeks   late 
and  the   leafworm  about  three  weeks   earlier  than  usual. 

L.  Kaseman  (August   17):        Cotton  leafworm   is   reported  working  on 
cotton  in  southern  Missouri. 

B.  R.   Coad   (August   1|2):      Cotton  worm  is   generally  distributed   over 
all  parts   of   the  State  where   cotton  is  grown,   damaging   crops  seriously 
in  several  counties. 

M.   C.  Tanquary   (July  23):        There  was   a  serious   outbreak  of  the   cctton 
leafworm   in  the  Lower  Rio  Grande  Valley  during  the   first  three  weeks 
of   July. 

F.   C.  Bishopp   (July  27):        Cotton  leafworm  appeared   in  destructive 
numbers   in  certain  fields    in  the  vicinity  of  Dallas   about  June  23. 
At  that  time  they  were  numerous   enough  to  defoliate  a  considerable 
acreage.        At  present  there  has   been  very  little  spread   of  the 
species  and  damage  thus   far  does   not   amount  to  much. 

COTTON  B0LD70RT  (Heliothis    obsoleta  Fab.) 

W«  F.  Turner  (August   19):        This    insect  has   been  doing  more  damage 
than  the  boll  weevil  in  some   of  the  northern  Georgia  counties. 

B.   R.   Coad:       Heavy  bollworm  damage   is    reported   in  the  vicinity  of 

B.  R.   Coad:        Bollworm  is   reported  from  Waco,   Gonzales,  Temple,   and 
Runge . 






New  Mexico 


CCTTCN  RED  SPIDER  ({Petranychus    telarius   L. ) 

W.   F.   Turner   ( August   19):        This   species    is   seriously  affecting 
cotton  at  Royston. 

L.  Haseman  (August   2):        Serious    infestations    of   patches    of   cotton 
are   reported   from  Mississippi  County. 

COTTON  APHID   ( Ajhis   gossynii  Glov.) 

B.  R.   Coad:        This   pest   is    reported  as   present   at   Chester. 

J.   B.  Gill   (August  3):        The   cotton  aphid   appeared    in   injurious 
numbers    in  cotton  fields    in  some   sections    of   southern  Georgia  in 
Mitchell  County. 

W.  F.   Turner   (August   19):  The   cotton  aphid    is    serious    in  Franklin 

and  Floyd   Counties.        It    is  most   serious    in  dusted   fife  Ids   but   is 

doing  much  damage   in  fields  treated  with  the  sirup  mixture  and   in 
some  untreated  fields. 

17.   E.   Emery  (August   l):        The   cotton  aphid   is    just   commencing  to 
work  in  the  tops   of  the   cotton  plants    in  Dona  Ana  County. 


TOBACCO   FLEA-BEETLE  (Eritrix  parvula  Fab.) 

F.  S.   Chamberlin  (August   6):        One   late   crop   of   tobacco   in  Quincy 
County  is    badly  damaged   by  this    insect. 



PERIODICAL  CICADA  (Tibicen  seotendecim  IL.) 


Massachusetts      A.   I.  Bourne   (July  25):        A  report   from  Mr.  Hoxie   of  Hyannis   states 
that   on  the  north  side   of   the   Cape  they  were  particularly  numerous, 
especially  the   last  part   of   June   and  the   early  part   of  July,   but 
as   far  as   the   injury  to  trees    of   economic  value  was   concerned,   the 
damage  was  very  slight   indeed. 


H.   A.  Gossard   (July  25):        The  brood   of   the   17-year  locust   appeared 
perhaps   a   little   later  than  the   average  season  and   continued  until 
early  July.        From  the  large  number  of   reports   now  in  my  hands   I 
judge  that  the  brood  was  more  numerous   than  in  1P06   and   that   con- 
siderably more  damage  was   dene  to   young   orchards    and  to   forest 
trees.       Many  young   orchards  were   reported    to   us    "Threatened   or 
ruined."       While  I  have  not  had  time  to   check  up   fully  on  the   in- 
fested territory,   I  think  they  appeared   in  considerable  numbers    in 
neighborhoods  where  they  were   comparatively  sparse   17  years__ac 

W&**  **** 


Indiana  J.   J.  Davis    (August   20  ) :        Observed   injury  to   oaks   and  hickories 

north   of   Corydon  to   Corvdon  Junction,   the    injury  being   especially 
common  near-iCorydon  Junction.        N.  I.   Clunie,   the   County  Agricul- 
tural Agent,  writes   that  the    cicadas  were  abundant    in  the  north- 
central  part   of  Harrison  County  and   also  in  the  southeastern  part , 
mentioning   especially  the   vicinity  of   Laconia.        He   reports   seme 
damage  to   young   orchards. 

GIPSY  MOTH   fPorthetria  dispar  L.) 

Massachusetts    A,   I.  Bourne   (July  25):        In  northern  Worcester  County,  Mr*   Calkins 
reports   the  gipsy  moth   as   very  scarce  and   as   doing   less   damage 
than  the   appls  tent   caterpillar.       Mr.  Hoxie   of   East   Sandwich, 
which  is    on  the  Cape,    reports  that   caterpillars  do  not   appear  to 
be  anywhere   nearly  as    numerous    as    last   year.       Mr.   Farrar,    of 
Middlesex  County,   has   found   but   one  gipsy  moth  caterpillar  in  his 
orchard  this   season.        It    is   very  evident   therefore  that  both  the 
gipsy  moth  and  the   brown-tail  moth  are  proving   considerably  less 
abundant  than  is   normally  the   case. 

BROW-TAIL  MOTH   (Euproctis    chrysorrhoea  L.) 

Massachusetts    A.   I.  Bourne   (July  25):        Mr.   Fiske   of  Lunenburg   states   that   in 
hiar  orchard  the  damage  was   practically  nil   and   the  brown-tails 
were  virtually  extinct.       The  same   condition  prevails    in  northern 
Worcester  County,  where  this   season  Mr.   Calkins ,    reports   prac- 
tically no  brown-tails   seen  this   year.       Mr.   Farrar,    of  Middlesex 
County,    reports   seeing  no  brown-tail  caterpillars   or  moths   this 
year.        They  were   noted,    however,    in  considerable   abundance   in 
the   region  of  Woods  Hole,   down  at  the  heel   of   the   Cape. 

ELM  SPANWORM   (EnnomQs  subsignarius  Huebn.) 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey;       The  snow-white   linden  moth  is   very  common  near 

lights  July"  9,    a  few  still  to  be   found  July  13,    none   last   year 
but   a  swarm  on  June   27,    1921.    at  Rochester. 

WHITE-MARKET)  TUSSOCK  MOTH   (Kenerocampa  leucostigroa  S.  &   A.) 

New  York  V.  E.  Peterson  (July):        Spraying   for  the   caterpillar  of   the  tussock 

moth,  which  has  infested  the  trees  of  Buffalo  in  great  numbers,  has 
just  been  finished.  Conditions  have  been  worse  this  year  than  for 
some   years   previous. 

R.   E.  Horsey   (July  17):        The' white-marked   tussock  moth  was    reported 
very  scarce  at  Rochester,    but   two  horse   chestnut  trees  were  found 
stripped   of   foliage,   perhaps  more  this   year  than  in  1922,    as   none 
were  reported  last   year. 

Ohio  H.   A.  Gossard   (August   20):        The  white-marked  tussock  caterpillar 

was    received   August  8,    from  Geneva  on  grape   and   on  August   17   from 
Columbus    on  plum  and   elm.        This    insect  has   been  observed  to  be 
numerous   in  several  Ohio   localities.        It    is  more  plentiful  than 
it  has   been  for  some   years. 




B/GY70RM   (Thyridopteryx  pphemeraef ormis  Haw.) 

New  York  Henry  Bird   (August):        The  serious   drought  which  has  prevailed 

for  months   has   apparently  caused   insect   life  to   be   less   abundant 
than  is   usual  at  this   time  of   year*       The  bagworm,    although  it 
occurs   scatteringly  in  somewhat  greater  numbers   than  usual  at 
Rye,   has   not    oeen  really  abundant.        Parasites   seem  to   have  held 
it   in  check. 

C.  R.   Crosby  (.August  6):        Trees    are  badly  infested   at  Oyster  Bay. 

M.  D.  Leonard   (August  8):        It   is   reported  that  the  whole  hilltop 
around  the  Richmond  Country  Club  grounds    is    infested.       Just  what 
trees   are   infested  was   not   learned.       The  Dougan  Hills   Improvement 
Society  has    requested  the   cooperation  of   this    office   in  a  control 
campaign  next  season, 

Pennsylvania       T.  L.  Guyton  (August   7):        This    insect  seems   very  general   in  the 
eastern  part   of  this   State. 

West  Virginia    W.  E.   Rumsey  (August   16):        Numerous   reports    from  various   parts    of 
the  State   indicate   an  unusual  abundance   of  this   insect. 





0.   I.  Snapp   (August   17):        Bagworms  were  very  numerous   and  doing 
considerable   damage  to   cotton  in  a  field   at  Shellman,  Ga, 

H.   A.  Gossard   (July  25):        The   common  bagworm  or  basketworm  was 
received   from  many  points    in  Ohio. 

T.  H.  Parks   (August   13):        Unusual  summer  reports   have  been  re- 
ceived  of   the  presence   of  this    insect   in  central  and  southern 
counties.        Trees   attacked  are  mostly  evergreens,    including  arbor- 
vitae,  but   it   is   also   present   on  fruit   trees. 

E.  W.  Mendenhall   (August  8):        The  bagworm  is   doing  great  damage 

to  trees,    especially  evergreen  trees   and  shrubbery,    in  the  vicinity 
of   Cincinnati,   Ohio. 

J.   J.  Davis    (August   22):        Numerous    reports   have   come   from  Terre 
Haute  south  to  the  Ohio  River,    i.e.,    a  little  more  than  the  southern 
third  of   Indiana.       The  species    occurs   principally  on  arborvitae 
and   other  conifers,    but  some   injury   is   done  to  deciduous   shade 
trees . 

L.  Haseman:        Numerous    complaints   continue  to   come   in  about  the 
bagworms,    especially  on  evergreens, 

F.  C.   Bishopp   (August  25):        Bagworms  have  been  very  abundant   on 
arborvitae   and   cedars   in  certain  sections   of  Dallas   County.     Some 
trees  have   Deem,  completely  defoliated  by  the  pest. 




ARBOTVITAE  LEAF-MINER   (  Argyresthia  thuiella  Pack.) 

New  York  R.   E.  Hoisey   (July  17):        Two   larvae  and  one   chrysallis    of  the 

arborvitaa  leaf-miner  have  been  found  after  examination  of  35 
infested  twigs  July  2.  Little  damage  is  noted  except  to  one 
tree   in  Pochester. 


BIRCH  LEAF-SKELETONIZFR  (Buoculatrix  canadensisella-  Chimb.  ) 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey   (July  17):        The   birch   leaf-skeletonizer  is    common  on 

red  birch  and  I  suppose   elsewhere. 


CATALPA  SPHINX  (Ceratomia  cat alp ae  Boisd.) 

Ohio  E.  W.  Ker.denhall   (August    17):        The   catalpa  sphinx   is   doing  great 

damage   in  southwestern  Ohio   in  nurseries    and   forests.        Some  spray- 
ing  and  dusting    is    oeing  done. 

ELM  LEAF-IflNER   (Kaliofenusa  ulmi  Sund.) 

New  York  R.  E.' Horsey  (July  17):        The   elm   leaf-miner  is    rather  more   common 

than  usual.        Some  small  trees  with  their  leaves   badly  disfigured 
are  to   be   found    in  Highland  Park. 

EUROPEAN  EL!!  SCALE   (Gossyparia  spuria  Modeer) 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey   (July  17):        The   elm  bark-]ouse  was   sprayed   on  July  6 

and   12  while  moving.       Very   little   occurs    in  Highland  Park  and   on 
streets,    but   a  new   infestation  has   been  found    in  street  trees    in 
a  nearby  section  of   the   city. 

New  Jersey         R.  3.  Lott   (August   21):        This   scale  has   been  noted   as   very  plenti- 
ful  on  a  row   of   elms    at  Eound  Brock. 

Ohio  H.    A.  Gossard   (July   25):        This    insect  was    received   from  Covington, 

Columbus,   Dayton,    Akron,    Salem,    and  Tiffin, 


Texas  F.   C.  Bishopp   (August  25):        Borers  which  have  been  determined   by 

R.   A.   St.  George  as   Chrysobothris   so.  have  been  unusually  abundant 
under  the   bark  of  this   year's  planting   of   sycamore   and   elm  trees 
on  the  streets    of  Dallas.        Practically  100  per  cent   of  the  trees 
are   infested.       Often  the  number  of   borers    in  one   of   these  small 
trees  may  run  as  high   as    15.       Tne   oriental  sycamores  which  are 
now  being  tried   as   shade  trees    in  this   section  are   infested   equally 

as   badly  as   the   native.        If    it  were  not   for  the   continual  worming 
of   the   trees    by  the   city  forestry  department  these   borers  would 
bring   about  the  destruction  of   practically  all  trees   set   last  spring 
A  goodly  number  of   borers  were   also  present   in  two   and  three-year- 
old  trees,    but   they  seem  better  able  to  withstand  the  attack. 

ELM  LEAF-BEETLE"   (Galerucella  luteola  Huell.) 

Massachusetts  A.  I.  Bourne  (July  25):  One  or  two  cases  cf  infestation  of  the 
elm  leaf-beetle  on  elms  immediately  around  Amherst  have  been  ob- 
served within  the  last  week.  The  larvae  are  practically  mature 
at  this  time.  This  is  about  the  first  instance  of  the  presence 
of  the  beetle  in  Amherst  for  a  period  of  about  eight  or  nine  years. 
No  reports  of  serious  infestation  throughout  the  State  have  been 
brought  to  our  attention,  however.  The  pest  is  apparently  begin- 
ning gradually  to   "come   back"   after  a  lapse   of   several  years. 

Connecticut       Philip  (August   23):        These   beetles   are  severely  damaging 
trees    in  Fairfield  County,    being  more  abundant  than  last   year. 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey  (August):        A  very  bad   infestation  was   found   in 

Rochester.  The  leaves  were  badly  skeletonized  and  a  large  number 
of  grubs  were  at  the  base  cf  the  trees,  while  a  number  were  still 
feeding.  The  first  of  the  month  we  sprayed  about  30  trees  here. 
This  insect  is  slowly  spreading  but  where  spraying  is  thoroughly 
done  can  be  kept  under  control.  The  greatest  proolem  is  traffic 
and  the  objection  of  people  to  having  their  houses  spotted  by  the 
spray  material. 

ELM  BORER   'Saperda  trident  at  a  Oliv.) 

Nebraska  M.  H.  Swenk  (August   l) :        Elm  trees  were   reported   injured  by  the 

elm  borer. 

ELM  APHID   fMyzocaiiis  .ulmif  olii  Monell ) 

Texas  F.   C.  Bishopp   (August   25):        Some   American  elms    on  the  streets    of 

Dallas  were   found  to   oe  heavily  infested  with  aphids  which  were 
determined  by  Miss  Miriam  A.   Palmer  of   the   Colorado  Experiment 
Station  as  M.  ulmif  olii.       The   leaves  were   considerably  discolored 
and   spraying  with  he  ivy  oil  emulsions  was    carried   out. 


HICKORY  BARK-BEETLE   (Scolvtus    quadrispinosus   Say) 

New  York  Henry  Bird   (August):        This    insect,  which   in  former  years   badly 

infested  more  than  75  per  cent   of   all  hickory  trees    in  this   section 
and  more  than  95  per  cent   of   all  of   the   old  trees,    is   apparently 
at   a  very  low  ebb  this   season. 



LOCUST  LEAF-MINER  (Chalepus   dorsalis   Thumb.) 

New  fersey     R.  B.  Lott   (July  23):        Considerable  damage  occurs   on  locusts   in  the 
neighborhood  of  Mendham,  Morris  County. 

Ohio  E.  Mendenhall  (August  8):       This   insect  is   reported  as  very  bad 

throughout  southern  Ohio  and  doing  considerable  damage. 

Indiana  J.J.  Davis   (August   20):        The  locust   leaf -miner  is   exceedingly  abund- 

ant in  Harrison  County  on  the   locust.       Trees   along  roadsides   and  on 
hillsides   are  completely  browned  from  the  work  of  this   insect. 


WOOLLY  MAPLE-LEAF  SCALE  (Phenococcus    acericola  King) 

New  York         R.  E.  Horsey  (July  17);        This  species   is   reported  as   less  than  usual. 
Trees  were  sprayed  July  6   or  7  at  Rochester. 

Ohio  H.  A.  Gossard   (August   20):        This    insect  was    received  from  Lima  on 

August  6   on  maple. 

SMALL  RED  HORNED  BORER  (Ptilinus   ruficornis  Say) 

New  York         C.  R.  Crosby  (July  ll) :       This  species   is   reported  from  Clay  as   injur- 
ing soft  maple  timbers   in  barn. 

COTTON  RED  SPIDER  (Tetranvchus  tJ(l&rius   L.) 

New  York         M.  D.  Leonard  (August  21):        About  50  young  trees   on  the  plaza  have 
foliage  badly  infested  at  Albany. 


WHITE-BLOTCH  OAK  LEAF-MINER  (Lithocolletes  hamadrvella  Clem.) 

Hew  York         R.  E.  Horsey  (July  17):       This   insect   is  very  common  and  noticeable 
on  small  oaks   below  barns   in  Highland  Park,  more  than  usual. 

©hio  E.  Mendenhall  (August  8):       This   insect  is   quite  bad  in  Hamilton 

County  and  doing  considerable  damage  in  the  forest  as  well  as   in  the 

H.  A.  Gossard  (August  29):       This   insect  was   received  from  Tiffin  «n 
August  7  mining  out  oak  leaves. 


WHITE  PINE  WEEVIL  (Pissed  eg  strobi  Peck) 

New  York         F.  J,  Whaley  (August  20):       City  Forester  Whaley  reports  4000  te 

5000  young  trees  in  forest  plantations  badly  infested,   about  5  per 

;*    ?■ 


New  Jersey  R,  B.  Lott  (July):  Considerable  damage  has  been  reported  on  an 
estate  at  Boonton,  Morris  County.  Almost  all  Pinus  strr/^5L-jmd 
been  attacked   on  the  estate. 


VAGABOND  G- ALL-LOUSE   (Pemphigus   vagabundus  TTalsh) 

Nebraska  M,  H,   Swenk  (August   l):        Complaints    of  deformity  by  the  vagabond 

gall-louse   on  the   cottonwood   continued  to  be   received  during  early 
August.        (August   l) :        In  western  Nebraska  reports    of    injury  to 
cottonwood  trees   by  the  vagabond  gall-louse  were   received. 

OYSTER-SHELL  SCALE   (Lepidosaphes   ulmi  L.) 

Indiana  H.  F.  Dietz    (July  18):        The   light-brown  form  of   oyster-shell  scale 

began  laying   eggs    on  July  6.      "The  second  brood  should   appear  within 
the  next  two  weeks*       The  gray-brown  form  is    in  the   early  third 
instar  at  the  present  time.       We  have  no  data  on  the  apple   form, 
which  is    not   serious    in  this    State.        In  this    connection  it   should 
be  pointed   out   that  the   nomenclature   for  the  three  different   forms 
of    oyster-shell  scale,   published  by  Glenn  in  the  Journal   of  Economic 
Entomology  for  April,    1921,    should  be  followed,    i.   e.,   the  JLi£ht- 
brown  f  orm  ,v/hich   is   two-brooded   and  which  lives    on  Carolina  poplar 
birt   cannot  maintain  itself    on  apple;    the  apple   form,  which   is   like- 
wise two-brooded   and   lives    on  apple   but   cannot   live   on  Carolina 
poplar;    and  the  jgrajr-brown  form,   which   is   single-brooded   but   cannot 
maintain  itself    on  apple,    at    least   in  this   State. 

PALE  TUSSOCK  MOTH   (Kalis idota  tessellaris    S .   &  A. ) 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey  (August):        This    insect  has   given  us  more  trouble  than 

any  other  pest  this  month.        It   is    found   in  all  parts    of  the   city 
wherever  the  plane  tree   is   planted,    as  well  as    in  Highland  Park. 
On  several  streets   planted  to  plane  trees   the  trees  were  sprayed 
and  we  are  still  at    it.        In  fact,   this    insect  has   done   fully  as 
much  damage  to  plane  trees    as   the  elm  leaf-beetle  did  to   elms. 

COTTONWOOD  LEAF-BEETLE   (Lina  script  a   Fab, ) 

New  Jersey  R.  B.  Lott  (August  19):  Near  New  Brunswick  this  insect  is  very 
plentiful  on  willow  and   poplar,    especially  the   latter. 

Nebraska  M.  H.   Swenk  (August   l)  :        In  western  Nebraska  reports    of   injury  to 

cottonwood  trees   by  the   cottonwood   leaf-beetle  were   received. 
^August   l) :        Injury  to  the   cottonwood  trees   in  the   City  Park  at 
Callaway,    Custer  County,    by  the   cottonwood   leaf-beetle  was    com- 
plained  of   during   early  August. 








New  York 




SPRUCE  BUDWORM  (Cacoecia  fumiferana  Clem.) 

J.  C.  Evendon  (July  24):   We  are  positive  the  spruce  budwcrm  is 
in  epidemic  form  in  Bonner,  Valley,  and  Adams  Counties.   No  doubt 
there  are  many  other  regions  suffering  from  the  effects  of  this 

SPRUCE  CONEWORK  (Diorvctria  reniculella  D.  &  S.) 

R.  H„  Pettit  (August  13):   This  insect  destroyed  new  leaders  of 
many  young  spruce. 


TULIP  SCALE  (Toumevella  liriodendri  Gael.) 

W.  E.  Rumsey  ( Augus.t  16):  While  commonly  present  on  the  tulips, 
the  tulip  scale  is  not  usually  so  abundant  or  injurious  as  is  the 
case  this   year. 

H.   A.  Gcssard   (August   20) :        This    insect  was    reported  from  Ircnton 
July  30  attacking  tulip  tree. 

J.   J.  Davis    (August   22):        The  tulip  tree  scale   is    a  common  and 
conspicuous   scale   in  the  southern  part   of   the  State. 

TULIP  SPOT-G^LL  (Thecodinlosis   liriodendri  0.   S.) 

M.   D.   Leonard   (August   17):        A  large  shade  tree   on  the  Major  Phillips 
estate    is    badly  infested   at   Claverach. 

WILLOW  CURCULIO   (Cryptorhvnchus    laoathi  L.) 

E.  M.   Patch  (July  30):        The  willow  curculio  has   been  reported   from 
Eastport   attacking  willow  trees  . 

SMALL  WILLOW  FLEA-BEETLE  ( Chair oides  helxines   L.) 

R.  L.  Webster  (August  3):        Willow  trees    in  a  nursery  row  are  much 
injured   by  these   beetles. 


BOXELDER  BUG   (Leptocoris   trivittatus   Say) 

F.  C.  Bishopp   (August   25):        A  heavy   infestation  of   this   bug  was 
found  aoout  the   residences   in  Dallas    on  August   2C.       Most   of   the 
bugs  were  adults,    but   nymphs    of0 various   sizes  were  present.       They 
seem  to   be   feeding  largely  upon  China  berries   and  were   causing 
considerable  trouble   by  entering  houses. 




GREEHHOUSE  SOWBUG  (Porcellio  rathkei  Brandt ) 

Ohi°        H,  A.  Gossard  (August  20):   The  greenhouse  sowbug  was  received 

from  Antwerp  August  10,  where  it  was  said  to  be  severly  attacking 
greenhouse  plants. 

COMMON  RED  SPIDER  (Tetranychus  telarius  L. ) 

Indiana     H.  F.  Dietz  (July  IS):   Red  spider  is  becoming  a  very  serious  pest 
on  gladiolus,  various  kinds  of  beans,  and  various  ornamental  shrubs, 

Texas       F,  c*  Bishopp  (July  27) :   The  common  red  spider  became  very  abund- 
ant on  various  types  of  vegetation  during  the  latter  part  of  June 
and  increased  in  numbers  through  July.  Late  string  beans  were 
damaged  considerably  by  it.   It  was  also  abundant  on  ornamental 
vines  and  violets. 

A  GALL  MlTE  (Eriophyes  eucri^otes  Nalepa) 

New  York     M.  D.  Leonard  (July  18):   This  mite  is  causing  galls  on  leaves  of 
matrimony  vine  on  the  Cornell  University  Campus.   Specimens  were 
collected  by  Stewart  H,  Bunaham,  Associate  Curator,  Department  of 
Botany,  Cornell. 

NEGRO  BUG  (Corimelaena  oulicaria  Germ. ) 

Nebraska     M.  H.  Swenk  (August  l):   In  flower  gardens  the  negro  bug  was  quite 
injurious  to  cosmos,  calliopsis,  and  other  related  flowers  in 
Lancaster  and  Gage  Counties, 

A  SPITTLE  INSECT  (Philaenus  lencophthalmus  L. ) 

New  York    A.  L.  Pierstorff  (August  ll):   This  species  is  common  on  practically 
all  young  trees  and  shrubs  in  a  nursery  at  Honeoye  Falls. 


A  CURCULIO  (Conotrachelus  anaglypticus  Say) 

Ohio        H.  A.  Gossard  (August  20):   This  insect  was  received  from  Seville 
August  7 1  where  the  larvae  were  reported  to  be  destructive  to  the 
stems  and  roots  of  cultivated  columbine. 


A  SCARABAEID  BEETLE  (Serica  parallela  Casey) 

New  Y0rk     C.  R.  Crosby  (July  23):  -At  New  Rochelle  this  insect  was  seriously 
injuring  dahlias  in  gardens. 

-  262  - 

M.  D.  Leonard   (August    13):        This    insect    is    injuring  dahlias,    aster, 
callenduias  ,    young   chrysanthemums,    and   lettuce.        The  beetles  were 
reported   impossible  to   poison,    feeding  mostly  at   night   ard  dropping 
to  the  ground   upon  being  disturbed.        On  August   22,    it  was   not  so 
serious   as   formerly. 

COTTON  LEAF-BUG   f  AdelT)hocoris    rapidus   Say) 

Ohio  K.   A.  Gossard   (August   20):        This    insect  was    received  from  Plymouth 

August   11,  where   it  was   said  to  be   inflicting  severe  damage  upon 
the  buds   of  dahlia. 

CORN- SILK  BEETLE   (Lv-n erodes   varicornir   Lee.) 

Mississippi       R.  W.  Harned   (July  3):        Mrs.   R.  P.   Nickels    cf   Steens,  Hiss.,   sent 
specimens    of  L.  vgweornis    So  this    office   and   stated   or.  June   11   as 
follows;    "They  are   literally  dozer  >ying  my  dahlia  blocms.        I  am 
sending  you  the  dahlias  ,    showing   the   effect   of  their  being   on  them 
just  a  few  hours.       They  fcasaaga   roses    in  the  same  way."       On  June 
29,   she  sent  more  specimen   ard  wrote   as   fo3.1ows:    "I   ^m  sending 
you  more  of   these  bugs  that  haVe  destroyed   every  ro^e  and  dahlia 
in  my  yard,    and  are  now  ruining'i   and   zinnias.        They  are 
everywhere   and   even  come  through  screens."        Complaints  were   also 
received   from  Mc  Adams  ,  Miss  . ,    in  regard  to  the  same   insects   attack- 
ing  flowers. 

STALK  BORER  (Pagaipema  sp.) 

General  C.   A.  Weigel   (July  12$ :   This    insect  was    reported  attacking  dahlias 

and  foliage  plants   at  Bridgeport,    Conn.,    New  York,   Baltimore,    and 

TARNISHED  PLANT-BUG   (iv^s  prat  ens  is   L.) 

Vermont  C.   A.  Weigel  (July  2o) :        A  letter  was    received   from  Northfield 

with  a  report  that  this   insect  was   damaging  dahlias.        (July  21): 
It   is   damaging  dahlias   at  Ri  vert  on. 

A  LEAF-BEETLE   (NodcnQta  tristis  Oliv.) 

Virginia  C.   A.  Weigel  (August   18):        This    insect    is    reported   attacking 

dahlias   at  Richmond. 

WHEAT  THRIPS   (Euthrirs   tritici  Fitch  and  t abaci  L.) 

Indiana  H.  F.  Dietz   (July  18):        The  wheat   and   onion  thrips   have  been 

unusually  serious   on  gladiolus   grown  without   artilicial  watering 
this   year. 



STALK  BORER  (Papain  ema  sp.) 

Pennsylvania     C.   A.  V/eigel   (July  23):        Tnis    insect  was    reported   attacking 
fleur-de-lis   at  West  Philadelphia. 

AN  APHID  (Aphis   iridis  DeG . ) 

California         E.   0.  Essig   (August   17):        This   aphid  has   been  imported   from  Europe 
and   Mia  Minor  on  I  vis   spp.    and   is   a  pest   on  the   roots   and   crowns 
of   nearly  all  varieties    of    cultivated  and  wild    iris    in  the  gardens. 
It  has   been  hereffor  many  years,    but  I  have   not   noticed  a  report 
of    it. 

IRIS  BORER  (Macroncctua  onusta  C-rote) 

New  York  M.  D.  Leonard   (August   2):        Full-grown  larvae  were   received  with 

the   report  that  they  were  d:  i  tie  damage  to  a  number 

of    iris   plants   by  boring  through  the  steins,    at   Troy. 

Ohio  K.  A.  Gossard   (August   20):        /letter  from  Cincinnati  reported  the 

iris    borer  to   be  destructive  to   cultivated   iris. 

Indiana  H.   F.  Dietz   (July  16):        The    iris    root-borer  is    a  serious  pest   all 

over  the  State  wherever  iris    is   grown  in  ornamental  plantings. 
It   is    invariably  associated  with  the   iris    roct   rot    caused   by 
Bacillus   carotoyorus .   which   completes  the  destruction  begun  by 
the  boner.        Neither  the   insect   nor  the  disease  has   been  found 
alone,    and   the   Dorer  evidently  carries   the   bacteria   in  its    in- 
testinal track. 

J.  J.  Davis    (August   22):        The   iris   borer  has   been  unusually  preva- 
lent and   destructive   in  Indiana  this   year. 


LILAC  BORER   (Podosesia  syrinpae  Harris) 

New  Jersey         R.  B.  Lott   (August   10):        This   borer  has   been  noticed  throughout 
this   State  attacking   lilacs. 

LAPPET  MOTH   (Tolype   velleda  Ccmst.) 

Ohio  H.  A.  Gossard   (August  20) :       Tolype  velleda  were  received  from 

Massillon  July  30    on  quince  and   from  Cincinnati  August   11   on  lilac. 

Ips    quad  rigutt  atus.  Fab  *  ' 

New  York  R.  E.  Horsey  (July  17):        YJe   found  these   beetles    in  borer  holes 

or  under  the   bark  of   lilacs   July  16. 


TIGER  SWALLOWTAIL   fPapilio  gl.aucnis  v.    tnrr.ns  L.) 

°hio  H.   A.  Go.sard   (July  25):        This   species  was    received    from  Hiram 

July  9,    attacking   lilac. 


ROSE  CURCULIO   (Rfrynchites    bicolcr  Fab . ) 

Indiana  H.   F.  Dietz    (July  18):        This    curculio   is    reported   as   doing  serious 

damage  to  the   buds    of   Rosa  rug ^5 a  at   Speedway  City  June   26. 

ROSE  SAWLY  (Calirca  aethiors   Fab.) 

New  York  P.  M-  Eastman  (August   2):        One   large   rambler  rose   bush   is   badly 

infested   by  the  slugs. 

Ohio  H.    A.  Gossard   (July  25):        Letters    quite   evidently  referring  to  the 

rose  slug  were   received   from  Toledo,   Geneva,    and  Cleveland. 


A  STALK  BORER  (Papaipema  catarhracta  Grote) 

New  York  C.  R.   Crosby  (July  30):        This    insect  was    reported    from  Gasport 

destroying  many  plants. 

NYMPI-jTA  oron:TA ! 

WATER  LILY   APHID   (Rhopalosiohum  nvmohaeae   L.) 

Massachusetts  E.  P.   Felt   (August   16):        Large  patches    of  water  lilies    are  heavily 
infested,    in  seme   cases   blossoms    badly  disfigured,    at  Northbcro. 

GIANT  SKIPPER  (Eparzvreus  titvrus   Fab.) 

Ohio  H.   A.  Gossard   (August   20):        This    insect  was    received   from  Akron 

August   13,  where   it  was   attacking  wisteria. 



Ohio  H.   A.  Gossard   (August   2c):        An   inquiry  from   Cleveland   asked   for 

control  measures   for  the  pipe  vine  swallowtail  caterpillars,  which 
were  said  to   be   inflicting  severe   injury  on  pipevine. 

New  York 


New  York 

New  Jersey 


New  York 



STALK  BORER    (Famipema  sp. ) 

C.  A«  Weigel   (July  29):     A  letter  was  received  from  New  York 
with  the  report  that  this    insect  was  attacking  flowet  gardens, 
chiefly  zinnias. 

C.  A,  Weigel    (July  7):     A  letter  was  received  from  Havre  de 
Grace,   Md, ,  where  this   insect  was  reported  attacking  zinnias, 


EUONYMUS  SCALE   (Chionaspis   euonymi  Comst. ) 

R.  E«   Horsey   (July  17):     Apparently  our  radical  treatment, 
spring  of  1922,   of  the  evergreen  Euonymus  radicans  vegeta, 
has  destroyed  the  Euonymus  scale;  we  cut   the  plants  to  a  few 
inches  of  the  ground  and  sprayed  with  scalecide. 

R»  B.  Lott    (August   23):     This   scale  has  "been  noted  on  a  large 
planting  at  Red  Bank,  Monmouth  County, 




HOUSE  FLIES   (Musca  domestica  L.) 

F*  C,  Bishopp  (June  23):     House  flies  were  observed  to  "be 
fairly  numerous   in  these  localities  and  were  causing  annoyance 
"by  entering  residences,  restaurants,   etc. 

MOSqUITOES   (Culicidae) 

John  H*  Fay   (July  30) :     Mosquitoes  are  less  abundant  in 
northern  Middlesex  County  than  last  year. 

L»  J*  W«  Jones   (August  21):     Mosquitoes  are  not  numerous  this 
season  on  the  east  side  of  Rochester. 

F«  S*   Charaberlin  (August  6):     This  pest   is  very  numerous  owing 
to  continued  wet  weather* 

F»  C»  Bishopp  (July  26)*     Yellow-fever  mosquitoes  are  "becoming 
fairly  numerous  in  t  his  vicinity  (Dallas),  and  dengue  fever  is 
again  manifesting  itself  in  Texas.     At  least  five  cases  have 
"been  reported  to  the  Health  Department   of  Dallas,   the  first 
occurring  about  the  middle  of  July,     A  number  of  cases  have  been 
reported  from  Denton, 

CHIGGSS   (Trombicula  tlalzahuatl  Murray) 

Indiana  J,  j+  Davis    (August   22):      Chiggers  have  "been  as  abundant  as  usual 

or  probably  more  so. 

Texas  f.  c.  Bishopp    (July  25):      There  has  been  a  marked  decrease   in 

the  abundance  of  chiggers  during  the  past   few  weeks,  probably 
due  to  "high  temperatures  and  lack  of  rainfall-    (August   25): 
Triggers  appear   to  be   increasing   somewhat   in  number   since  the 
recent  showers.     This   is  probably  due  to   the  mites  coming  up 
out  of  their  hiding  places  and  thus  becoming  more  easily 
"picked  iir,.- 

picked  up. 


SCREWWORM   ( Chrysomym  mac  ell  aria  Fab,) 

New  York  F.   C.  Bishopp    (.June  28):      Cn  June  28,   a  number   of   adults   of  this 

species  were  observed  in  traps   and  about  refuse  at  an  abattoir. 
This    is  the    first   appearance  of  this   species    in  the  vicinity, 

Texas  D*  C«  Parman   (July  21):      Cases  of  worms  were  quite  numerous    in 

sheep  the  first  of  the  month    (10  per   cent),    cattle   showing  about 
2  per   cent.      The  adults  have   at  no   time  during   the  month  been 
very  abundant.     At  the  end  of  the  month  one  is  rarely  observed 
and  cases  are  much  fewer. 

F.  C.  3ishopp  £nd  £.  75-,  Laske    (July  2*0:     Flies  abcut  packing 
houses  have  been  greatly  decreased  in  numbers  and  are  causing 
very  little   annoyance.      Chrysomya  macell-ria  predominates, 
with  house  flies  second   in  number  and  a  few  lucilias.     Apparently 
Phormift  retina  and  Cnlliphora  spp.  have  disappeared* 

HORN  FLY   (Haematobia   irritans  L.) 

New  Hampshire  F,  C.  Bishopp   (June   25):     Beef  cattle   on  pasture  heve  were 
observed  to  be    seriously  annoyed  by  horn  flies.   The  average 
number  per  animal  was  about  600,   the  maximum  about  1,000* 

New  York  F*   C»  Bishopp   (June  25):     H0rn  flies  ixre  causing  considerable 

annoyance  to  dairy  c-ttle   in  this  vicinity.      Some  animals  have 
approximately  1,000  flies  upon  them,   and  the  average  will  no 
doubt  run  3 00. 

Texas  F»   C»  3ishopp   (August   25):     Horn   flies   are  relatively  scarce 

at  this  time.     They  have   not   caused  serious  annoyance  te  dtock 
since  the  beginning   of  the  hot   dry  weather  about   the  first   of 

Ohio  F*  C  Bishopp   (July  1):     Livestock  of  all  classes  are  being 

Indiana  annoyed  to  a  considerable  extent  by  stables  flies,   though  their 

Missouri  number   is  probably  not  greatly  in  excess   of  the  normal. 

and  '  • 




Nebraska  M.   H.    Swenk  (August   1):     The  pest  of  stable   flies  mentioned  in 

the  July  report  continues.      During  the  entire  month  of  July- 
there  has  "been  an  almost  unprecedented  abundance  of  the   stable 
fly.     The  trouble   is  State-wide,    reports  of  great  annoyance 
to   live   stock  by  these  flies  having  been  received  from  31 
different  counties,    representing  all  parts  of  the  State.      Serious 
losses  from  a  shortened  milk  supply  among  dairy  cattle,    lack 
of  gain  among  cattle  on  feed  and  range  cattle,   and  much  difficulty 
of  working  horses  in  the   field  hav©  been  reported  as  a  consequence. 

OX  WARBLE  (Hypo derma  lineatum  DeVill. ) 

Texas  F.    C.    Bishopp  (August  25):      0.    G.   Babcock  reports  the  finding  of 

third  and  fourth-stage   larvae  of  H.    lineatum  in  the  backs  of 
cattle   in  the  vicinity  of  Sonora.      This  is  exceptionally  early 
for  the  appearance  of  this  pest,   even  in  the  plateau  region, 
where   it  normally  appears  in  the  backs  of  cattle  almost  two 
months  earlier  than  in  the  vicinity  of  Dallas. 

THROAT  BOT-FLY   (Ga  strophulus  nasal is  L. ) 

Texas  F.   C.   Bishopp  (August  25):      The  throat  bot-fly  has  been  causing 

some  annoyance  to  horses  during  the   last   three  weeks,   but  the 
common  bot-fly,   G.    intestinalis,    is  not  yet   in  evidence. 

A  HORSE-FLY   (Tabanus  lasiophthalmus  Macq. ) 

New  Hampshire  £   C.   Bishopp  (June  25):      Cattle  in  the  vicinity  of  Durham  are 
being  considerably  worried  by  tabanids,   with  the  above   species 
predominating.     As  many  as  15   specimens  v^ere   observed  attacking 
an  animal  at  one  time. 


FOWL  TICK  (Argas  miniatus  Koch) 

T§X&§       D.  C.  Parman  (July  21):   The  heavy  infestations  of  early  spring 
at  Uvalde  have  been  checked  somewhat,  but  the  loss  in  most 
flocks  has  been  above  5  per  cent  and  in  some  as  high  as  50  per 
cent.  A  probable  average  would  be  about  8  per  cent  during 
the  last  two  months. 

0.  G.  Babcock  (August  15):  The  fowl  tick  is  on  the  increase 
at  Sonora,  and  is  more  numeroxis  than  for  several  months.   Many 
reports  are  coming  in  with  regard  to  this  pest.  Control  and 
eradicative  measures  are  being  put  into  practice. 


INSECTS     INFESTING-     HOUSES     AND     PRE  M  I   S  E  S 

TERMITES   (Reticulitermes  flavipes  Kol, ) 

J*  J-  Davis    (August  22):     Termites   seem  to  be  more  and  mere 
destructive  farther  north  each  year.     This  year  we  found  a  very 
Serious   infestation   in  a  dwelling  at  Buck  Creek,   10  miles  north 
of;  la  Fayette.     The  house  had  to  be  completely  rebuilt    in  parts. 
We  have  a?¥so  had  reports  of   injury  to  napkins  and  other  linens 
by  this    insect. 



CRICKETS    (C-ryll  idae ) 

J»  J.  Davis    (August  22):      Crickets  were   so  annoying  in  a  dwelling 
at  Gary  that  control  measures  were  requested, 


]?•   C.  Bishopp   (July  25):     Scorpions  have  been  reported  in  a 
number  of  residences,   especially  of  brick  and  stone  construction. 


HKKSSfisroF  fLOr,da 


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