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Full text of "Insects of Samoa and other Samoan terrestrial arthropoda"

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FASC. 5. Pp. 193-228 


(lowa State College, are Towa) 



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Ne ta Rei - LONDON © ; 

THe Barris Musrum (Narunat History), CROMWELL Rokn, S.W.7 
‘iB. Qukarnon, Le. ; Duxav & Co., Ltp.; anp THz Oxrorp University Prsss. 
Kee ae 1935 i 
Issued 23rd February, 1935.) i vg [Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. 



Although a monograph, or series of papers, ae comprehensively with 
the land arthropod fauna of any group of islands in the South Pacific may be 
expected to yield valuable results, in connection with distribution, modification 
due to isolation, and other problems, no such work is at present in existence. 
In order in some measure to remedy this deficiency, and in view of benefits 
directly accruing to the National Collections, the Trustees of the British 

‘Museum have undertaken the publication of an account of the Insects and other 

Terrestrial Arthropoda collected in the Samoan Islands, in 1924-1925, by 
Professor P. A. Buxton and Mr. G. H. E. Hopkins, during the Expedition of 
the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to the South Pacific. 
Advantage has been taken of the opportunity thus afforded, to make the studies 
as complete as possible by including in them all Samoan material of the groups 
concerned in both the British Museum (Natural History) and (by courtesy of 
the authorities of that institution) the Bishop Museum, Honolulu. 

It is not intended that contributors to the text shall be confined to the 

Museum Staff or to any one nation, but, so far as possible, the assistance of the 
leading authorities on all groups to be dealt with has been obtained. 

The work is divided into nine “ Parts”’ (see p. 3 of wrapper), of which 
each is subdivided into “ Fascicles.’ Each of the latter, which appear as 
ready in any order, consists of one or more contributions. On the completion 
of the systematic portion of the work it is intended to issue a general survey 
(Part IX), summarising the whole and drawing from it such conclusions as 
may be warranted. 

A list of Fascicles already issued will be found on pp. 3 and 4 of this wrapper. 

British Museum (Naturav History). 
CromMweELL Roap, S.W.7. 

Keeper of Entomology. 

hae 3 = 

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Part II, Fasc. 5 

By Harry H. Knicut, Ph.D., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 
(With 9 Text-figures.) 

THE present fascicle, dealing with the families Miridae and Anthocoridae, 
completes the study of Samoan Hemiptera. In previous papers, by Prof. Teiso 
Ksaki (pp. 67-80) and Mr. W. E. China (pp. 81-162), there are recorded seventy 
species of Heteroptera, representing fifty-one genera. The present paper 
includes thirty-two Samoan species of Miridae, representing twenty genera, and 
one species of Anthocoridae. This number, added to the previous total com- 
piled by Mr. China, makes 103 species of Hemiptera, representing seventy-two 
genera definitely recorded from the Samoan Islands. 

It is interesting to note that the Miridae constitute approximately one- 
third of the total number of species, a percentage very similar to that found in 
the Palaearctic and Nearctic faunal regions. 

It may be noticed that the writer has deviated from his usual style in 
descriptions, so that this fascicle may conform more closely with the form used by 
Mr. China in Fascicle 3. Again, it may also be of interest to future students of 
Miridae to know that the writer has not had the benefit of studying type 
material of species described from the Pacific regions, but has been forced to 
rely upon the literature for knowledge of species which might be expected in 
the Samoan Islands. Many hours have been spent in studying descriptions of 
all the species recorded from the Pacific faunas with a view to detecting any 
described forms occurring in Samoa; and how well we have succeeded only 
future workers can determine. In the course of this study a check list of Miridae 
of the world has been compiled as a necessary basis for checking species and 

names. The writer is indebted to Mr. W. E. China for his assistance in checking 
i, all 


determinations of the few named species that were recognized from Samoa, 
where these species could be compared with named material in the British 

A study of the Miridae serves to strengthen the ideas advanced by Mr. 
China regarding the origin and distribution of the present hemipterous fauna 
of Samoa; namely, it has obviously been derived from the Austro-Oriental 
sub-region. To facilitate comparison and for the completion of the tables 
found in pp. 87-88, a table has been worked out showing the world-wide specific 
distribution of the Samoan genera of Miridae (Table I). 

Specific endemism among the Miridae appears to be even higher than in 
other families of Hemiptera. Of thirty-three species of Miridae and Antho- 
coridae known from Samoa, twenty-four species and five genera are described 
as new. ‘The known distribution of Samoan species is shown in Table II. 

A comparison with the known Miridae of Fiji may be of interest. Kirkaldy 
(1908) listed ten species of Miridae from Fiji, representing as many different 
genera. Only four additional species have been recorded since, but no doubt 
the small number of Miridae known from Fiji is due to lack of attention in 
collecting these forms. Of fourteen species of Miridae recorded from the Fiji 
Islands, only four are recognized among the Samoan material. These species 
are: Creontiades pacificus (Stal), Nesodaphne knowlesi Kirk., Felisacus filicicola 
(Kirk.), and Cyrtorhinus riveti Cheesman. 


z a ; a 
Bes [tee ed a ‘a SI mas 4 
dS] | PR ee Slee el te z z B < 
. A ical io} <q n * 
A\</S/816/45 12 | 2 ale i|Seleslesieelo/S| . 
Bo Fe a hee Lee eset ete Il is a ele sl|ee(Seie sl aie le 
(Sie lelete tale] ates m Bf eB) ee o| eis 
® onl 
Plo a |e | a Ba 
GDiazlidlala (Si /4/4/5 1/8 |aslaslsealeala (alo 
Campylomma. . 3 1} 1 3 3 lye len Beeline 
Torma F : 1 1 
Psallus . 2 AES} de}. Soe de La Sill des oh. od 46| 5 
Felisacus F : Veiled ile bel oan hes |) 1 2 
Onconotellus . : 1 
Fulvius . ; ‘ 1 2a Tee Sil ial Sileeo 2 2115 

TaBLe |.—continued. 
Boule a 5 . ; seas 
Sle SS lSlZIElSle- eB /E/Sslazlasle4/818 | 4 
a BOVE Veihie|a(SleleSisaisaigaie |e) a 
SAS |e tla ele |e lO] [nas laslasl(ee/414 lo 
Cyrtorhinus 1% 4 3 1 7 a ie ee | 1 
Aretas 1 1 1 
Orthotylellus 1 
Pseudoneoborus 1 
Pilophorus Lhe Pai a Leal BP 3 [2° | 28 
Trigonotylus 1 1 Piet 4); 2] 1] 4 
Nesodaphne 1 
Guisardus 3 1 
Hyalopeplus 1 Pe e2 el QL 4) 2) 2 
Creontiades 4} 4} 4] 5 Te EQ 2 3 3] 2 
Sidnia é ied 
Lygus (typ. gen.) 3 | 2 | 20] 25 |32|] 4 |22/30] 8 |41} 4 | 29) 11] 5 |29/38 
Plesiolygus 1 
Paurolygus J 

* Introduced. 

TasLeE I].—Known DistrisuTION oF SAMOAN SPECIES. 

Family Miripae. 



. Campylomma annulatus, sp. n. 

. Campylomma livida Reut. . 
Torma samoanus, sp. n. 

. Psallus samoanus, sp. n. 

. Psallus rubromaculosus, sp. n. 

. Felisacus filicicola Kirk. 

. Onconotellus buxtoni, gen. n., sp. n. 
. Fulvius samoanus, sp. n. 

. Fulvius buxtoni, sp. n. 

. Cyrtorhinus riveti Cheesm. . 

Hf 65 a 
Gu lleo< 
Xe: | EX 

Fist Is. 


India, Formosa, Australia. 


TaBLE II.—continued. 

< 4 . 
: s 5 . OTHER Loca.irrEs. 
eA a p <q He} 
a|)|P|a]e& | & 
Family Mrripar. 
il. Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reut. x Great Nicobars, Formosa, 
Java, Sumatra, Ceylon, 
12. Cyrtorhinus fulvus, sp. n.. : BN | ecac e< ao 
13. Aretas sanguinarius — rubroscutellatus, 
Var. 1: ‘3 ; : : ; ; x x 
14, Orthotylellus samoanus, gen. n., sp. 0. x | X 
Orthotylellus samoanus var. nigrellus, n. x 
15. Pseudoneoborus samoanus, gen. ., sp. 0. x 
16. Pilophorus samoanus, sp. 0. x 
17. Trigonotylus brevipes Reut. Sal World-wide distribution. 
18. Nesodaphne knowlesi Kirk. x x | Society Is. 
19. Guisardus samoanus, sp. 0. x 
20. Hyalopeplus samoanus, sp.n.  . : xx 
21. Creontiades stramineus Walk. : | rll ee [eg India, Ceylon, Java, For- 
mosa, Pacific Islands. 
22. Creontiades samoanus, sp. n. : ; <x Savage Is. 
Sidma kellersi, sp. n. . ; : : Savage Is. 
23. Lygus samoanus, sp. n. : : alike. 
24. Lygus swezeyt, sp. n. . x 
25. Lygus buxtoni, sp. n. . lax 
26. Lygus fins : Soh Savage Is. 
27. Lygus kellersi, sp. n. . x 
28. Lygus bryant, sp. n. x 
29. Lygus hopkinsi, sp. n. x 
30. Lygus oceanicus Popp. x tex Pex New Hebrides 
31. Plesiolygus punctatus, gen. n.,, sp. n. x x 
32. Paurolugus scutatus, gen. n.,,sp.n.  . x 

33. Lasiochilus fruhstorferr Popp. — . : Xx Lombok. 


Family MIRIDAE. 
Subfamily PHYLINAE. 

1. Campylomma annulatus, sp. n. 

Distinguished from all known species by the annulate second antennal 
segment. ; 

Colour.—Rather uniformly pale yellowish, hemielytra pale translucent, 
clothed with black pubescent hairs. Antennae conspicuously banded with 
black : segment I yellowish, with two black rings ; segment IT more black than 
pale, narrow base and apex, band at middle of basal half, and a wider band at 
start of second half, pale yellowish; III, broken. Apex of cuneus, spot at 
inner angle bordering membrane, and small spot at tip of clavus, black. 
Membrane pale, veins yellowish, an inverted half-moon shaped fuscous mark 
each side touching margin, also dusky within apex of larger areoles. Legs pale 
yellowish, tibial spines and spot at base of each, black; also four or five 
setigerous black spots near apices of femora. 

Structure.—@. Length 2:64 mm., width 1:17 mm. Head: width -70 mm., 
vertex -42 mm. Rostrum (imbedded) apparently attaining the hind coxae. 
Antennae: segment I, length -173 mm.; II, -65 mm., more slender than 
segment I, tapering to more slender at base; III, broken. Pronotum: length 
-43 mm., width at base -95 mm. Body clothed with simple, black pubescent 
hairs, intermixed with some finer pale pubescence on head, a conspicuous black 
bristle each side at anterior angle of pronotum. 

Samoa :—Savaii: @ specimen (holotype), Safune, 4.v.1924 (Bryan). 

2. Campylomma livida Reuter. 

Campylomma livida Reuter, Ent. Tidskr., v, p. 199, 1884. 

Campylomma livida Reuter, Ofv. Finska Vet.-Soc., Férh., xlvii, No. 5, p. 14, 1905. 
Campylomma livida Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhyn. II, p. 488, fig. 316, 1904. 
Campylomma livida Poppius, Tijdschr. v. Ent., vi (Suppl.), p. 170, 1914. 

Upolu :—Apia: 1 specimen, 12.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 
Originally described from Bengal, but since recorded from Victoria, 
Australia (Reuter, 1905), and from Formosa (Poppius, 1914). 


3. Torma samoanus, sp. nN. 

Allied to 7’. colae China, but differs in the shorter second antennal segment, 
which is only equal to width of vertex (9); antennae uniformly pale and 
scutellum entirely fuscous. 

Colour.—Fuscous black, basal edge of vertex, antennae, rostrum, and legs 
except hind femora, pale yellowish; scutellum uniformly brownish-black, 
lateral margins of mesoscutum yellowish. Hemielytra pale translucent, tip of 
clavus, apex of embolium, and apical half of cuneus, blackish. Membrane 
clear, veins pale, cubitus fuscous about apex of larger areole. 

Structure.—Q. Length 1:94 mm., width -97 mm. Head: width -58 mm., 
vertex -346 mm. Rostrum (imbedded) apparently extending upon hind coxae. 
Antennae: segment I, length -11 mm.; II, -346 mm., equal in thickness to 
segment I but more slender toward base; III, -20 mm.; IV, -216 mm. Pro- 
notum: length -346 mm., width at base -86 mm. Clothed with fine, short, 
pale to yellowish pubescence. Hind femora large, length -65 mm., width 
-346 mm., spines of hind tibiae prominent, length of spines about twice the 
width of tibia. 

Tutuila : 9 (holotype), Leone Road, 24.vii1.1926 (Judd). 

4. Psallus samoanus, sp. n. 

Distinguished from known species by the rugulose punctate dorsal surface 
and the subinflated character of the hind femora. 

Colour.—Dark reddish to fusco-blackish, antennae except apically, tibiae 
except spots, tarsi and tips of femora pale yellowish; tibial spines black, 
arising from dark reddish or black spots; membrane uniformly fuscous, veins 
paler, reddish about smaller areole. z 

Structure.—G. Length 2:8 mm., width 1:25 mm. Head: width -75 mm., 
vertex -26 mm., base sharply margined but not carinate; eyes large, finely 
pubescent, curving back and slightly overhanging anterior angles of pronotum, 
extending below to ventral side of head, front margins subparallel, forming a 
quadrangular frons to a point above base of antennae; frons evenly convex, 
tylus rather small, forming a nearly even contour with juga, facial angle 
slightly acute. Antennae: segment I, length -26 mm., just equal to vertex, 
width -086 mm.; II, 1-14 mm., thickness -08 mm., nearly equal to segment I 
but tapering to more slender at base, clothed with short, firm pubescence ; 


III, imperfect. Pronotum: length -60 mm., width at base 1-06 mm., moderately 
convex, lateral margins subcarinate, straight, anterior angles sloping low and 
beneath the eyes; disc, scutellum and clavus finely but distinctly rugulose 
punctate. Scutellum moderately convex, mesoscutum exposed. Dorsum 
clothed with yellowish simple pubescence, intermixed on clavus and corium 
with silvery sericeous pubescence. Hemielytra sloping down at the sides, as 
viewed from the side the embolar margin slightly arcuate ; cuneus and mem- 
brane strongly deflexed, areoles normal. Legs of normal length, hind femora 
subinflated on middle, but apex compressed as viewed from above. Arolia and 
genital claspers in form rather similar to known species of Psallus. 

Q. Length 2-7 mm., width 1-8 mm.; embolar margins more strongly 
arcuate than in the male. Head: width -74 mm., vertex -30 mm. Antennae: 
segment I, leneth -26 mm.; II, 1:12 mm., more slender on basal half than in 
the male, pale, apical one-third blackish; III, -44 mm., slender, fuscous ; 
IV, -39 mm., fuscous. Pronotum: length -65 mm., width at base 1-17 mm. 
Form of legs, pubescence, and rugulose-punctate character of the dorsum very 
similar to that of the male ; colour of head, pronotum and legs more brownish. 

Tutuila :—Leone Road: 1 specimen (holotype), from Eugenia, 7.1x.1923 
(Swezey & Wilder) ; 1 specimen, 21.v1.1918, alt. 1,070 ft., eastern end of island ; 
1 specimen,, alt. 900-1,200 ft., centre of island (Kellers) ; Pago 
Pago: 1 specimen, 30.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Upolu :—Tuaefu : Sliding Rock, 1 specimen, 16.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder) ; 
Malololelei: 2,000 ft., 1 specimen, vi.1924, 1 specimen,, 1 specimen, 

5. Psallus rubromaculosus, sp. n. 

Distinguished from known species by the red spotted appearance of the 
dorsal aspect; size and colour suggestive of a Parthenicus, but the head is 
shorter and broader, also the first antennal segment is very short. 

Colour.—Pale yellowish and marked with red; pronotum, scutellum and 
hemielytra rather evenly but sparsely spotted with moderately large, bright 
red hypodermal spots ; cuneus pale on basal half and chiefly red on distal half ; 
head pale above, eyes and lower face red; antennae yellowish, segment I 
reddish, last two segments dusky yellow to fuscous. Membrane fuscous, 
narrowly bordering apex of cuneus and a spot behind this near margin, pale. 
Sides of thorax and venter reddish to fuscous, lower margin of propleura and 


a longitudinal stripe parallel with and just beneath dorsal margin, red. Legs 
yellowish and marked with red; hind femora reddish on apical half, ventral 
surface with two small but distinct subapical white spots from which hairs 
probably arise on perfect specimens ; tibial spines yellowish, a rather large red 
spot at base of each, spots on one row of spines confluent with spots on adjoining 
row of spines ; tarsi pale, tips fuscous. 

Structure—@. Length 2-4 mm., width 1-4 mm., ovate, embolar margins 
arcuate. Head: width -73 mm., vertex -36 mm.; position vertical, vertex 
evenly convex, forming an arcuate line with contour of eyes; tylus narrowed 
to a point at apex. Rostrum, length 1:17 mm., extending to fifth ventral 
segment. Antennae: segment I, length -216 mm., width -08 mm.; II, 
1-03 mm., slender, slightly thicker apically, clothed with fine, short pubescence ; 
III, -47 mm., slender; IV, broken. Pronotum: length -43 mm., width at 
base 1:08 mm.; disc rather flat, calli evident as a slight transverse swelling ; 
scutellum flat, scarcely rising above level of clavus, mesoscutum rather broadly 
exposed, distinctly flattened. Cuneus and membrane sharply deflexed, cuneus 
slightly longer than wide at base. Hind femora distinctly saltatorial, length 
1:08 mm., width across middle -39 mm. Tibial spines prominent, their length 
about twice the thickness of tibia. Body clothed with pale yellowish pubescence, 
probably (specimen rubbed) intermixed on dorsum with sericeous hairs. 

Upolu :—Tuaefu: one specimen, 16.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Subfamily DICYPHINAE. 

6. Felisacus filicicola (Kirkaldy). 

Hyaloscytus elegantulus, var. filicicola Kirkaldy, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, XX XIII, 
part 2, p. 377, 1908. 

Tutuila :—Pago Pago: 1 specimen, 24.1x.1923, 5 specimens, 9.1x.1923 
(Swezey & Wilder) ; 1 specimen, 16.1x.1923 (Bryan) ; 1 specimen, alt. 1,000 ft., 
13.x.1918 (Kellers); Amauli: 5 specimens, 5.1x.1923; Leone Road: 2 
specimens, 18.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Manua Is.:—Tau: 11 specimens, 17.1x.1923; 1 specimen, 27.1x.1923 
(Swezey & Wilder). 

Savail :—3 specimens, 13.v.1924 (Bryan). 

Described from Fiji as a variety of F. elegantulus Reut., but the writer con- 
siders it to be a distinct species. 


Onconotellus, gen. n. 

Refers to subfamily Dicyphinae, but distinguished from all known genera 
by the hood-like elevation of anterior lobe of pronotum and by the false vein 
in the wing membrane (Fig. 1). Head vertical, inserted in prothorax to a 
point where the eyes touch the collar ; a very shallow impressed line on median 
line of vertex. Stricture of collar extending from coxal cleft dorsally to point 
at side of the projecting triangle at top of collar. Thorax thickly clothed with 
erect, white pilose hairs. Antennae slender, length of segment I not exceeding 
width of head. Wing membrane with a false vein extending posteriorly from 
tip of smaller areole (Fig. 1). Arolia (Fig. 1) rather similar to those found 
in Dicyphus, arismg from inner basal angle of claws and converging at tips, 
the claws evidently not capable of being spread to a wide angle. 

Genotype :—Onconotellus buxtoni, sp. Nn. 

7. Onconotellus buxtoni, sp. n. (Text-fig. 1). 

Colour.—Brown to reddish, head darker brown, strongly shining ; antennae 
reddish to fuscous brown, segment IV fuscous. Hemielytra pale translucent, 
clavus fuscous to brownish translucent. Membrane and veins pale fuscous, 
paler on disc and darker on each side of the false vein. Legs pale yellowish- 
brown, translucent, coxae reddish, hind tibiae reddish at base, tips of tarsi 
fuscous. Venter more reddish-brown than thorax. , 

Structure.—Total length 4.4 mm. Head: width -74 mm., vertex -33 mm. ; 
position vertical, vertex with fine, longitudinally impressed line on middle. 
Rostrum, length 1-3 mm., attaining posterior margins of hind coxae. Tylus 
narrow, confluent at base with the frons, its apex directed slightly backward, 
attaining a point slightly behind a line drawn perpendicular to front margins 
of eyes. Antennae: segment I, length -65 mm.; I, 1-73 mm. ; III, -65 mm. ; 
IV, -74 mm. Pronotum: length -91 mm., width at base 1-02 mm. ; anterior 
lobe set off by a constriction, its disc convex, representing the calli, shallowly 
longitudinally sulcated on middle, apex angular and covering the collar ; thickly 
clothed with erect, pale hairs. Scutellum moderately and evenly convex (its 
base and the mesoscutum destroyed by the pin, but reconstructed in the 
drawing), clothed with hairs like the pronotum. Hemielytra finely pubescent, 
with longer hairs on clavus, each pubescent hair arising from a minute puncture, 
these latter more clearly evident owing to the translucent texture of the hemi- 


elytra. Membrane remarkable for the false vein extending beyond apex of 
smaller areole; apparently a calloused line impressed on dorsal surface and 

TExt-ric. 1.—Onconotellus buztoni, n. g., n. sp. ; inset, claws and 
arolia in full view and side view. 


convex beneath. Legs slender, femora thicker near base and tapering to more 
slender at apex, posterior margins bearing fine but rather long hairs; tibiae 
with very slender spines, only poorly distinguished from hairs. 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 2 specimen (type), 2,000 ft., 25.xi1.1924 (Buxton & 

Subfamily CYLAPINAE. 

8. Fulvius samoanus, sp. n. 

In the key to Fulvius by Poppius (1910) this species runs to F’. oxycarenoides 
Reut., but differs at least in the dark brown femora and dusky brown tibiae. 

Colour.—Dark brown to blackish, apical one-fourth of second antennal 
segment and apex of embolium white, basal one-fourth of hemielytra pale. 
Legs dark brown, tibiae and tarsi pale dusky brown. Membrane and veins 
uniformly light fuscous. The white spot at apex of embolium extends for half 
its width upon outer apical angle of corium, but scarcely penetrates beyond 
fracture at base of cuneus. 

Structure.—. Length 3-2 mm., width 1:04 mm. Head: width -52 mm., 
vertex -26 mm. ; length of head in front of eyes -24 mm. ; vertex with a slight 
depression on median line. Rostrum (imbedded on card) can be traced as far 
as hind margins of posterior coxae ; first segment reaching to pronotal collar. 
Antennae: segment I, length -34 mm., extending for half its length beyond tip 
of tylus, thickness 086 mm., more slender at base ; II, -86 mm., slightly thicker 
on apical half; III, -36 mm., slender; IV, broken. Pronotum: length along 
median line -41 mm., width at base -87 mm. ; basal margin transverse for half 
its width, then curving sharply posteriorly to each basal angle ; calli large, 
distinctly swollen, separated by an impressed median line. Dorsum clothed 
with very fine short pubescence. 

Upolu :—Malololelei : 2 specimens (including holotype), 1v.1924 (Buxton & 
Hopkins) ; 1 specimen, vi.1924, 1 specimen, 

9. Fulvius buxtoni, sp. n. 

Allied to Ff. variegatus Popp. and very similar in coloration, but differs in 
essential details ; distinguished by the shorter rostrum, which does not extend 
beyond third ventral segment, also differs in the shorter second antennal 
segment (2), which does not equal basal width of pronotum. 


Colour.—Chiefly brownish-black and varied with pale; head pale above 
with two longitudinal fuscous stripes, one each side of the pale median line ; 
pale stripes of head extend upon and for full length of prothorax, except the 
narrower median stripe, which stops short of basal margin but appears again as 
a spot on mesoscutum. Antennae pale, segment I fuscous toward base, last 
two segments dark fuscous. Hemielytra blackish, base of clavus and basal 
half of corium and embolium pale, apex of embolium and tip of cuneus white. 
Membrane uniformly fuscous, veins darker, a clear spot bordering the white 
tip of cuneus. Legs pale yellowish, femora brownish-black, apices pale to red. 

Structure —Q. Length 3-1 mm., width 1:12 mm. Head: width across 
eyes -51 mm., vertex (interocular space) -26 mm.; length -56 mm., from 
anterior margins of eyes to apex -26mm. Rostrum, length 1-71 mm. ; segment 
I, -40 mm., just attaining posterior margins of eyes ; IT, -46 mm. ; III, -51 mm. ; 
IV, -34 mm.; not attaming posterior margin of third ventral segment. 
Antennae: segment I, length -34 mm.; II, -78 mm., slender, slightly thicker 
apically ; III, broken. Pronotum: length along median line -43 mm.; width 
at base -91 mm. ; swelling of calli extending nearly to base of disc, an impressed 
longitudinal line separating calli. Dorsum clothed with fine, short, sericeous 
pubescence ; femora with five or six rather long white hairs projecting ventrally 
from distal half. 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 1 specimen (holotype),, alt. 2,000 ft. 
(Buxton & Hopkins). 

Tutuila :—Pago Pago: 18.iv.1924 (Bryan). 


10. Cyrtorhinus riveti Cheesman. 

Cyrtorrhinus rweti Cheesman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) 19, p. 94, (fig.) 1927. 

Upolu :—Apia: 7 specimens, 12.ix.1923, on Bermuda grass (Swezey & 

Tutuila :—Apia: 2 specimens, 20.ix.1923; Amauli: 2 specimens, 
6.1x.1923 ; Pago Pago: 1 specimen, 4.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Described from Tahiti, where it was “taken among Tradescantia at the 
borders of streams.” 


11. Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter. 

Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis Reuter, Ent. Tidskr., V, p. 199, 1884. 
Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis Poppius, Archiv. f. Naturgesch., 80, 1914, Abt. A, p. 65, 1915. 

Upolu :—Apia: 1 specimen, 12.1x.1923, “‘ Sporobolus” (Swezey & 

Originally described from Great Nicobars; reported by Poppius from 
Formosa and Java, and by Distant from Ceylon and Burma. I have also 
identified this species from Sumatra (H. Jacobsen). 

12. Cyrtorhinus fulvus, sp. n. 

_ Suggestive of C. lividipennis Reut., but distinguished by the longer second 
antennal segment and the more tumid black calli; pale areas chiefly fulvous. 

Colour.—Fulvous, antennae except apex of segment I, head except on 
vertex and genae and lora, pronotum except median ray on basal half of disc, 
mesonotum more or less, and median line of scutellum, black. Legs fulvous, 
fuscous on knees. Membrane pale to dusky, cubitus fuscous. 

Structure.—3. Length 3-4 mm., width 1:04 mm. Head: width -80 mm., 
vertex -34 mm. Rostrum, length 1-12 mm., reaching to middle of intermediate 
coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -52 mm., thicker near middle and 
tapering to more slender at apex; II, 1-51 mm., slender, length almost twice 
width of pronotum at base; III, 1:38 mm.; IV, -69 mm.; pale pubescent. 
Pronotum: length -43 mm., width at base -87 mm.; lateral margins sulcate, 
calli strongly convex. Body clothed with fine, inconspicuous pale pubescence. 

9. Length 3-8 mm., width 1-3 mm. Head: width -78 mm., vertex 
°38mm. Antennae: segment I, length -44mm.; I, 1:27 mm.; III, 1-18 mm. ; 
IV, shrivelled. Pronotum: length -50 mm., width at base 1:04 mm. Slhghtly 
more robust than the male, but very similar in structure and coloration. 

Samoa :—1 specimen, iii—vili.1921 (O’Connor). 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 2 specimen (allotype), 2,000 ft., 1.v.1924; 1 specimen, 
15.1v.1924 (Buxton & Hopkins) ; Apia: 1 specimen, 28.x.1923 (Armstrong). 

Savaii :—Safune: Lower Forest, 1,000-2,000 ft., g specimen (holotype), 
11.v.1924 (Bryan); Lower Forest, 1,000-2,000 ft., 8 specimens, 4.v.1924, 
3 specimens, 5.v.1924; Lowlands to 1,000 ft., 10 specimens, 1.v.1924; Rain 
Forest, 2,000-4,000 ft., 1 specimen, 2.v.1924, 1 specimen, 12.v.1924 (Bryan). 

Tutuila :—Leone Road, Taro, 7.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 


13. Aretas sanguinarius, var. rubroscutellatus, var. n. 

Structurally very similar to A. sanguinarius Distant, but differs at least 
in having red on the scutellum. 

Colour—Q. Colour pattern differs from typical sanguinarius in having 
the scutellum largely red ; a few specimens transversely red on basal half of 
pronotum, although interrupted on median line ; sometimes the pale areas on 
pronotal disc and clavus becoming dusky brown. 

Structure—®. Length 4:1 mm., width 1-7 mm. Head: width -76 mm., 
vertex -41 mm. Rostrum, length 1-43 mm., extending to near hind margins 
of posterior coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -65 mm., greatest thickness 
(-15 mm.) near base and tapering to smaller at apex ; II, 2-07 mm., cylindrical, 
slender; III, -82 mm.; IV, broken. Pronotum: length -47 mm., width at 
base 1-21 mm. Arolia converge at tips, thus referrmg the genus to subfamily 
Orthotylinae. ; 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 3 specimens, including type, (Arm- 
strong) ; 1 specimen, 2,000 ft.,, 1 specimen, 2,000 ft., 25.x1.1924 
(Buxton & Hopkins); Tuaefu: 1 specimen, 16.ix.1923, Sliding Rock (Swezey 
& Wilder). 

Manua Is. :—Tau: 1 specimen, 27.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Orthotylellus, gen. n. 

Allied to Orthotylus Fieb., as indicated by the converging arolia and form 
of body ; distinguished from this and allied genera by the somewhat flattened, 
subconical head, pubescent eyes, long rostrum, and in having two types of 
pubescence on the dorsum. 

Arolia erect, converging apically as in Orthotylus; head subconical, 
flattened beneath, bucculae very slender, rostrum long, attaining eighth ventral 
seoment; eyes appearing granulate, distinctly pubescent, extending well 
around lower side of head ; first antennal segment very short, vertex broad, 
ecarinate, but strongly margined; pronotum twice as wide as long, only 
slightly convex, collar absent, calli scarcely evident. Dorsal surface im- 
punctate; clothed with two types of pubescence. Legs average, femora not 
thickened, tibia slender, with two rows of strong spines. 

Genotype: Orthotylellus samoanus, sp. nov. 


14, Orthotylellus samoanus, sp. nov. 

Colour.—Dark reddish, shading to fuscous; second antennal segment, 
rostrum except apex, and legs except hind femora, pale yellowish or slightly 
tinged with reddish ; outer margin of cuneus and more broadly toward apex, 
opaque creamy white ; membrane rather uniformly pale fuscous, veins red. 

Structure.—Q. Length 2-4 mm., width 1:08 mm. Head: width -64 mm., 
vertex -34 mm., bluntly conical, but flattened on under side, vertex roundly 
convex, base ecarinate, sharply and deeply margined where anterior margin of 
pronotum fits closely ; eyes finely pubescent, raised very slightly above arcuate 
contour of frons, juga rather full and prominent, thus carrying out the conical 
effect ; tylus without suture at base, moderately arcuate as viewed from the 
side ; buccula very narrow, appearing as a slender pale line. Rostrum, length 
1-25 mm., reaching upon eighth ventral segment. Antennae: segment I, 
length -15 mm., thickness -07 mm.; II, -65 mm., slender, slightly thicker 
apically, but scarcely attaining thickness of segment I; III, -39 mm., slender ; 
IV, -28 mm., slender. Pronotum: length -35 mm., width at base -87 mm., 
disc only slightly convex, lateral margins nearly straight, ecarinate, calli 
scarcely evident. Mesoscutum moderately exposed, scutellum nearly flat. 
Hemielytra with embolar margins slightly arcuate ; cuneus nearly triangular, 
normally deflexed. Legs rather short, hind femora -78 mm. in length, width 
-22 mm.; hind tibia 1-08 mm., slender, two rows of distinct spines, without 
spots, length of spines slightly greater than diameter of tibia. Body clothed 
with fine pale yellowish pubescence, rather sparsely intermixed on dorsum with 
closely appressed, golden, sericeous pubescence. 

Tutuila :—Pago Pago: 1 specimen (holotype), 24.1x.1923; 1 specimen, 
20.1x.1923, 1 specimen, 1.x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Manua Is. :—Tau: 2 specimens, 27.ix.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

144. Orthotylellus samoanus, var. nigrellus, var. n. 

Apparently not differing structurally from typical samoanus, but colour 
rather uniformly dark fuscous to black ; second antennal segment except base 
and apex, and tibia, pale or slightly dusky. 

Upolu :—Malololelei : 1 specimen (type),, alt. 2,000 ft. (Buxton 
& Hopkins) ; Mulifanua: 1 specimen, 16.vii.1929 (Wilder). 


Pseudoneoborus, gen. n. 

Form suggestive of Neoborus Dist., but evidently not closely related, as the 
arolia are erect and convergent at tips (Fig. 3), thus referrmg the genus to sub- 
family Orthotylinae; genital claspers (Fig. 3) distinctive, but closely related 
forms unknown to the author. Head short, vertical, tylus small, not separated 
at base by a suture; vertex and frons flat, sharply declivitous, the ecarinate 
sharp basal edge of vertex overlaps on anterior edge of pronotum; eyes 
prominent, coarsely faceted. Pronotum without distinct collar, disc moderately 
and evenly convex, calli not evident, lateral margins carinate, edges narrowly 
reflexed. Dorsal surface, including front of head, rather coarsely and evenly 
punctate, a pubescent hair arising from each puncture. Cuneus short, wider 
at base than long. 

Genotype :—Pseudoneoborus samoanus, sp. n. 

15. Pseudoneoborus samoanus, sp. n. (Text-figs. 2 and 3). 

Colour.—Rather uniformly dark brown, shading to blackish on pronotum ; 
hemielytra showing reddish-brown to red on embolium of one specimen ; 
antennae yellowish-brown, second segment paler at base, apical half dark brown 
to black; legs fusco-brownish, tarsi paler. Membrane and veins uniformly 
fusco-brownish, shading darker toward base. 

Structure.—. Total length 2-5 mm., width 1:13 mm. Dorsal surface 
moderately shining, rather uniformly and coarsely punctate, a pale pubescent 
hair arising from each puncture. Head: width -75 mm., vertex -32 mm. ; 
position nearly vertical, frons nearly flat, vertical, punctate ; tylus short, base 
not separated from frons by a suture ; vertex ecarinate, basal edge sharp, over- 
lapping anterior edge of pronotum; eyes prominent, coarsely faceted. 
Rostrum: length -80 mm., reaching upon middle of hind coxae. Antennae : 
segment I, length -19 mm.; II, ‘91 mm., slender, gradually thickened on apical 
half to equal thickness of segment I, clothed with suberect hairs which in 
length slightly exceed diameter of segment ; III, -26 mm., slender ; IV, -24 mm., 
slender. Pronotum: length -69 mm., width at base 1:11 mm., moderately 
convex, anterior angles sloping low down behind the eyes, collar indistinct, 
perhaps indicated by a fine line beneath basal edge of head ; lateral margins of 
disc sharply carinate, narrow edge reflexed ; calli indistinct, disc rather evenly 
punctate, in part transversely rugulose, scutellum only. slightly convex, trans- 


versely rugulose-punctate. Hemielytra with lateral margins sharply turned 
downward, embolar edge distinctly arcuate on basal half, embolium not defined. 
Cuneus short, strongly deflexed, width at base greater than length. Membrane 
with cells as shown in the figure. Legs moderately slender, tibiae beset with 

TExtT-FIG. 3.—Pseudoneoborus samoanus, 
n. g., n. sp., claws and arolia enlarged 
(above) ; left and right genital claspers 
TEXT-FIG. 2.—Pseudoneoborus samoanus, n. sp. (below). 

spines, inconspicuous, their length not exceeding diameter of tibia. Genital 
claspers distinctive (Fig. 3). 

Upolu :—Malololelei : 3 specimen (type), 2,000 ft., 30.x1.1924 ; ¢ specimen, 
18.iv.1925 (Buxton & Hopkins). 

16. Pilophorus samoanus, sp. n. 
Distinguished from known members of the genus by the longitudinal 
silvery stripe on outer margin of clavus and ivory white apex of embolium and 
cuneus ; corium without a posterior silvery band. 

Colour.—Black, in part shining, clavus, narrow basal edge of pronotum, 
Il, 5—2 


tibia, femora apically, and base of vertex, brownish-yellow ; tip of scutellum, 
apical margin of embolium, tip of cuneus, veins about apex of areoles, and anal 
ridge of corium, ivory white; membrane uniformly brownish-black ; coxae 
pale, anterior pair black, tarsi pale. Antennae yellowish-brown, apical half of 
segment IT blackish, last two segments uniformly black. 

Structure —9. Length 4 mm., width across apex of scutellum 1-04 mm.., 
across apical area of cortum 1:17 mm. Head: width -82 mm., vertex -31 mm., 
position vertical, triangular as viewed from anterior aspect. Rostrum, length 
1-6 mm., reaching to middle of hind coxae. Antennae: segment I, length 
°34 mm., width -:086 mm.; II, 1-47 mm., cylindrical, -06 mm. thick, more 
slender on basal half; III, -69 mm., slender ; IV, -47 mm., slender. Pronotum : 
length -78 mm., width at base 1-12 mm., disc strongly and evenly convex, 
surface alutaceous, finely rugulose ; sides slightly sulcate, collar evident as a 
narrow edge. Scutellum only moderately convex, higher at base and sloping 
down to a low apex, transversely rugulose, moderately shining. Embolar 
margins sinuate, turned down, practically on edge along middle, flaring apically ; 
apical area of both embolium and corium polished ; cuneus polished, turned 
half on edge. Hind tibiae moderately compressed, distinctly curved. Body 
clothed with short, recumbent, in part sericeous, yellowish pubescence; an 
arcuate, silvery sericeous band across embolium and corium opposite tip of 
scutellum, curving posteriorly for a short distance along inner edge of corium ; 
as a continuation of this silvery band there is a longitudinal stripe along outer 
edge of clavus, extending from a point opposite tip of scutellum to near apex 
of clavus ; apical area of corium and embolium destitute of silvery bands. 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 1 specimen (holotype), 30.x1.1924, alt. 2,000 ft. 
(Buxton & Hopkins). 

Subfamily MIRINAE. 

17. Trigonotylus brevipes Reuter. 

Trigonotylus brevipes Jakowlef, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross., xi, p. 63, 1880. 
Trigonotylus ruficornis var. tenuis Reuter, Rev. d’Ent., xii, p. 208, 1893. 
Trigonotylus pallidicornis Reuter, Ofv. Finska Vet.-Soc. Férh., xlu, p. 161, 1899. 
Trigonotylus brevipes Reuter, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., xxxvi, No. 2, p. 6, 1909. 


Manua :—Tau: 2 specimens, 27.ix.1923 (Swezey), ‘‘ on grass.” 
Tutuila :—Amauli: 1 specimen, 6.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 


According to Reuter (1909), this species has a world-wide distribution. 
The writer is uncertain about this and believes that further study could well 
be given to material that seems to be referable to brevipes Jak. 

Subfamily CAPSINAE. 

18. Nesodaphne knowlesi Kirkaldy. 

Nesodaphne knowles Kirkaldy, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxiui, p. 381, 1908. 
Eutinginotum raiateae Cheesman, Entomologist, lix, p. 266, pl. 3, 1926. 
Nesodaphne knowlesi Cheesman, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, Ixxv, p. 157, 1927. 

Tutuila :—Leone Road: 3 specimens, 24.11.1926 (Judd); Pago Pago: 
1 specimen, iv.1918, 0-300 ft. (Kellers). 

Originally described from Fiji by Kirkaldy and reported on Artocarpus 
incisa and tobacco leaves. Miss Cheesman (1926) described this insect as new 
from the Society Islands, but later (1927) found it to be identical with 
Nesodaphne knowlesi Kirk. 

Guisardus Distant. 

Guisardus Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, UU, p. 436, 1904. 
Nesosylphas Kirkaldy, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxii, p. 379, 1908. 
Serropeltis Poppius, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., x, p. 425, 1912. 

19. Guisardus samoanus, sp. n. (Text-fig. 4). 

Allied to G. pacifica Kirk., but differs in the black marks on pronotum 
and collar, also in the pale cuneus. 

Colour—Pale yellowish, hemielytra translucent, pronotum curiously 
marked with blackish, as shown in Fig. 4; scutellum with median line and 
basal angles blackish, mesonotum blackish, yellowish each side of middle, 
clavus with all margins narrowly blackish ; spot above base of each antenna, 
slender median line of vertex and frons and extending upon base of tylus, 
black. Antennae yellowish-brown, segment | tinged with reddish, segment HI 
and apex of II fuscous. Cuneus uniformly pale translucent like the corium. 
Membrane clear, veins dark brown to blackish. Propleura with longitudinal 
black ray extending back from the transverse impressed line that extends up 
and along posterior margins of calli. Venter with reddish along lateral line, but 
becoming obsolete on genital segments. Legs yellowish, femora with two rows 


of fuscous dots on anterior face, also a few dots beneath and on posterior aspect ; 
tibial spines brownish, tarsi fuscous, apices darker. 

Structure —@. Length 5-5 mm., width 1:9 mm. Head: width 1-23 mm., 
vertex ‘52 mm. ; vertex with median line finely grooved ; head position vertical, 
tylus prominent on base, bucculae with lower margin strongly arcuate. 
Rostrum, length 2-2 mm., extending to near hind margins of posterior coxae. 
Antennae: segment I, length -69 mm., thicker (-173 mm.) near base, rather 

Text-FIG. 4.—Guisardus samoanus, 0. sp. 

finely pubescent and devoid of bristles; II, 2-38 mm., nearly cylindrical, 
slightly enlarged at apex; III, 1:04 mm.; IV, broken. Pronotum: length 
1:17 mm., width at base 1:70 mm.; a groove-like line delimiting posterior 
margins of calli and extending over the sides upon propleura ;_ black marks on 
prothorax and scutellum deeply grooved by a series of transverse striae. Claval 
suture with distinct punctures. General form well shown in Fig. 4. 

Tutuila : 9 (holotype),, alt. 1,070 ft., eastern end of island (Kellers). 


20. Hyalopeplus samoanus, n. sp. (Text-fig. 5). 
Allied to H. loriae Popp., but lacking the three black lines on head and 
pronotum ; pronotal disc rather smooth, distinctly punctate but scarcely 
rugulose ;. without trace of transverse striations found in rama Kirby, vitripennis 

TExT-FIG. 5.—Hyalopeplus samoanus, n. sp. 


Stal, and others; median line of pronotal disc rather broadly and the basal 
margin fuscous to blackish, the punctures very evident within the dark colour. 

®. Length 8-7 mm., width 2-4 mm. Head: width 1:57 mm., vertex 
-61 mm. ; median line of vertex indicated by a slender dark brown line, frons 
with several obliquely transverse striate lines; median line of tylus, margins 
of juga, median line of lora and extending beneath eye, reddish. Rostrum, 
length 4:7 mm., reaching to near middle of venter, yellowish-brown, apex 
blackish. Antennae: segment I, length 1:3 mm., thickness -31 mm., very 
slightly arcuated as viewed from above, yellowish-brown, with numerous red- 
dish flecks and spots, clothed with moderately prominent black pubescence ; 
II, 5-28 mm., reddish-brown, becoming blackish near apex; LI, 1:95 mm., 
black, basal one-third pale ; IV, 1-3 mm., black, narrowly pale at base. 

Pronotum: length 1:60 mm., width at base 2-25 mm.; outline as shown 
in Fig. 5; disc rather smooth, distinctly punctate but not rugulose, without 
trace of striations found in H. vitripennis Stal and related species ; yellowish to 
brownish, median line of disc and basal margin fuscous to blackish. Scutellum 
depressed on median line, punctate, the apex suddenly declivous and acute, 
base and apex blackish, the depressed apex reddish. 

Hemielytra translucent, as characteristic for the genus, veins as shown in 
figure, cuneus, except outer margin, deep red. General body coloration yellowish, 
sides of venter with a slender longitudinal red stripe. Legs yellowish, femora 
shaded with reddish on apical half, hind pair with two rows of small fuscous 
spots on anterior face, the posterior face with a double row of fuscous to reddish 
spots on apical half; tips of tarsi blackish. 

Samoa :—Tutuila: 3 specimens (including type Q), 9.ix.1923 (Swezey & 

Upolu :—Vailima: 1 specimen,; Apia: 2 specimens, iv.1925 ; 
1 specimen, x.1925, alt. 1,000 ft. 

21. Creontiades stramineus (Walker). 
Capsus stramineus Walker, Cat. Het., V1, p. 120, 1873. 
Kangra dudgeoni Kirkaldy, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1902, p. 257, 1902. 
Megacoelum stramineum Distant, Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch. I, p. 428, 1904. 
Creontiades stramineus Poppius, Ofv. Finska Vet. Soc. Férh., LI, Afd. A, No. 2, p. 11, 1911. 
Creontiades stramineus Poppius, Archiv. f. Naturges., 80, 1914, Abt. A, p. 14, 1915. 

Upolu :—Apia: 1 specimen, 5.v.1924 (Armstrong) ; 1 specimen,, 
1 specimen, iv.1925, 2 specimens, 28.iv.1925 (Buxton & Hopkins) ; 1 specimen, 


12.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder) ; W. Samoa, 1 specimen, 2.iii.1924 (Armstrong) ; 
Malololelei: 1 specimen,, 1 specimen, 2,000 ft., vii.1924 (Buxton & 
Hopkins) ; 1 specimen, vii.1925 (Wilder); Siumu: 3 specimens, 23.xi.1924 

Savai :—Safune: 4.v.1924 (Bryan). 

Tutuila :—Pago Pago: 1 specimen, 10.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder); 1 
specimen, 0-300 ft., 1v.1918 (Kellers) ; centre of island, 1 specimen, 900- 
1,200 ft. ; 10 specimens, iv.1918 (Kellers). 

Manua Is. :—Tau: 1 specimen, 17.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

This species appears to be widely distributed throughout the Pacific 
regions. Originally described from North Bengal, it has since been reported 
from Ceylon (Distant, 1904 & Poppius, 1911), Java (Poppius, 1914), and 
Formosa (Poppius, 1915). 

22. Creontiades samoanus, sp. n. 

Allied to C. novaeguineae Popp., but antennal segment II more than two and 
a half times the length of segment I; also differs in that vertex of male is 
narrower and of female wider than dorsal width of an eye. Differs from 
C. stramineus Walk. in that length of antennal segment I is not equal to width 
of head across eyes. 

Colour.—Pale yellowish, tinged with greenish in life, basal margin except 
basal angles blackish, scutellum, clavus and inner angles of corium fuscous to 
blackish, cuneus sometimes reddish. Membrane and veins uniformly fusco- 
brownish, veins becoming reddish apically in specimens having reddish cuneus. 
Clothed with pale yellowish pubescence. Antennae yellowish, segment I often 
reddish, segment ITI and apex of II often reddish. Legs greenish-yellow, hind 
femora fuscous to blackish, often with reddish hypodermis showing through, 
tibial spines pale brownish. 

Structure—§. Length 5-6 mm., width 1:8 mm. Head: width 1:0 mm., 
vertex -30 mm. Rostrum, length 2-4 mm., attaining hind margins of posterior 
coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -82 mm.; IH, 2-3 mm.; III, 2:08 mm. ; 
IV, 1:04 mm. Pronotum: length -93 mm., width at base 1-51 mm. 

®. Length 5-8 mm., width 2 mm. Head: width 1-04 mm., vertex 
39mm. Antennae: segment I, length -82 mm. ; II, 2-51 mm. ; II, 2-16 mm. ; 
IV, 1:08 mm. Pronotum: length -99 mm., width at base 1-75 mm. Very 
similar to the male in form and coloration. 


Tutuila :—1 specimen, 760-900 ft., iv.1918, 1 specimen, 1,000 ft., 
25.vi1.1918, 1 specimen, 1,000-1,200 ft., x11.1918 (Kellers); Leone Road: 
3 specimens (including holotype), 7.1x.1923 ; 1 specimen, 9.1x.1923 ; Pago Pago : 

3 specimens, 1.x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Upolu :—Apia: 1 specimen, 4.v.1924 (Armstrong). 
Savage Island (Niue) : 3 specimens, 5.viii.1918 (Kellers). 

Sidnia kellersi, sp. n. (Text-fig. 6). 
Evidently belongs to this genus and distinguished from S. kingbergi Stal by 

Text-FIc. 6.—Sidnia kellersi. 

the longer first antennal segment, 
which is equal (g) to half the 
length of segment II, also will 
extend for half its length beyond 
the tip of tylus. 

Colour. — Rather uniformly 
golden - yellow, scutellum more 
golden - brown, eyes _ brown. 
Antennae blackish, basal third of 
segment III and of segment IV 
pale, segment II more or less 
brownish at base, segment I 
golden- brown. Membrane and 
veins uniformly brownish-black. 
Legs unspotted, golden-yellow, 
tibial spines black, without spots 
at base. 

Structure. — §. Length 3-9 
mm., width 1-7 mm. _ Head: 
width 1:19 mm., vertex -52 mm. ; 
vertical in position, vertex and 
frons evenly convex, forming an 
even contour with margins of 
eyes, base of vertex with a slight 
carinate ridge ; tylus merging with 

frons, suture absent. Rostrum, length 1-8 mm., reaching to middle of hind 
coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -91 mm., thickness -15 mm., more 


slender at base, finely pubescent ; II, 1-82 mm., greatest thickness (-14 mm.) 
just before apex, more slender toward base, finely pubescent ; III, -95 mm., 
thickness -086 mm.; IV, -69 mm., more slender than segment III. Pronotum: 
length 1-04 mm., width at base 1-64 mm.; disc evenly convex, impunctate, 
very finely pubescent, lateral margins ecarinate, collar distinct, calli scarcely 
swollen, but indicated by a change in colour. Scutellum strongly but evenly 
convex, transversely rugulose. Hemielytra black pubescent, paler on embolium. 
Tibiae rather thick, middle pair distinctly swollen on middle and tapering to 
more slender at base and apex, hind pair only slightly swollen ; tarsi slender. 
Claws and arolia typical of the Capsinae. Genital claspers not prominent, left 
clasper slender, curving about margin of segment, right clasper small and 
Savage Island :—Niue: 4 specimens, 6.viii.1918 (Kellers). 

23. Lygus samoanus, sp. n. 

Allied to L. ventralis Popp., but differs from this and related species by the 
longer first antennal segment ; length of segment I slightly exceeding width of 
head across eyes. 

Colour.—Ground colour pale greenish-yellow, basal angles of pronotum 
and extending along base of propleura, clavus, and inner apical angles of 
corium, reddish to brownish-black ; antennae reddish to fuscous with paler at 
base of first and second segments; tibiae and hind femora reddish in darker 
coloured specimens, tibial spines brownish and without spots at base ; membrane 
and veins uniformly dark fuscous. 

Structure—f. Length 5 mm., width 1:82 mm. across tip of scutellum, 
while only 1-52 mm. across tip of clavus. Head: width -99 mm., vertex 
-39 mm. ; position vertical, vertex ecarinate, base of tylus confluent with frons, 
lora prominent. Rostrum, length 1:73 mm., only reaching upon middle coxae. 
Antennae: segment I, length 1:08 mm., cylindrical, finely pubescent; II, 
2-51 mm., slender; III, broken. Pronotum: length 1:05 mm., width at base 
1:65 mm.; disc very minutely punctate, calli evident as slight transverse 
swellings. Dorsum clothed with fine, short, pale yellowish pubescence ; 
scutellum and clavus finely rugulose but scarcely punctate. Hemielytra wider 
on basal half and narrowed behind, cuneus twice as long as wide at base. Legs 
long for a Lygus, hind femur 2-6 mm. in length, hind tibia 3-7 mm. in length ; 


tibial spines in length not exceeding diameter of tibia. Genital claspers 

2. Length 5-6 mm., width 2 mm. across tip of scutellum. Head: width 
1:01 mm., vertex -38 mm. Antennae: segment I, length 1:04 mm.; II, 
2:27 mm.; III, 1:68 mm.; IV, 1:18 mm. Pronotum: length 1-12 mm., width 
at base 1-73 mm. 

Savail :—Salailua : 2 specimens (holotype and allotype), 22.v.1924 (Bryan). 

This species may well represent a subgenus of Lygus, but the writer is 
unable to place it in such a group or related genus. 

24. Lygus swezeyi, sp. n. 

In the key by Poppius (1914) this species runs down to L. gestrov Popp., but 
differs at least in colour markings ; distinguished by the uniformly pale cuneus, 
with black on pronotum covering basal angles only. Colour aspect rather 
similar to L. samoanus, n. sp., but the first antennal segment much shorter, only 
equal to two-thirds the width of head across eyes. 

Colour.—Ground colour pale yellowish, clavus and basal angles of pronotum 
black ; inner apical angles of corium, membrane and veins dark fuscous ; head 
reddish, tylus and eyes black, antennae black, basal segment reddish to 
brownish on basal half; pleura, sides of abdomen, scutellum in some specimens, 
apical half of hind femora and apices of front and middle legs, reddish ; tibiae 
reddish to fuscous, spines brownish, tarsi fuscous. 

Structure.—Q. Length 5 mm., width 1:9 mm. Head: width -99 mm., 
vertex -39 mm.; position vertical, frons prominent, vertex ecarinate, base of 
tylus confluent with frons, only slightly depressed. Rostrum, length 1-55 mm., 
nearly attaining hind margins of middle coxae. Antennae: segment I, length 
-68 mm., cylindrical, finely pubescent ; HH, 1-9 mm., slender; III, 1-43 mm. ; 
IV, broken. Pronotum: length 1:08 mm., width at base 1:62 mm., lateral 
margins moderately sulcate, disc minutely punctate, calli evident as a trans- 
verse swelling which extends over sides of disc, making the anterior angles 
appear rounded. Dorsum clothed with fine, short, pale yellowish pubescence ; 
scutellum smooth, impunctate. Embolar margins moderately and evenly 
arcuate, embolium flat. Legs moderately long, hind femur 1-99 mm. in length, 
tibia 2-9 mm. ; tibial spines in length about equal to diameter of tibia. 

3: Length 3-9 mm., width 1-6 mm. just behind scutellum. Head: width 


-86 mm., vertex -32mm. Antennae: segment I, length -67 mm. ; II, 1:95 mm. ; 
Ill, 1:34 mm.; IV, -58 mm. Pronotum: length -86 mm., width at base 
1:28 mm. Very similar to the female in coloration, except sometimes without 
the reddish coloration. 

Tutuila :—1 specimen, 22.xi.1918, alt. 2,141 ft. (holotype) ; 2 specimens, 
iv.1918, alt. 760-1,200 ft., 1 specimen, 13.x.1918, alt. 1,000 ft. (Kellers) ; Pago 
Pago: 15 specimens, 9.x1.1923, 1 specimen, 24.xi.1923, 1 specimen, 12.iv.1924 
(Swezey & Wilder) ; Afono Trail: 2 specimens, 25.xi.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

25. Lygus buxtoni, sp. n. 

Alhed to L. muri Popp., but differs as follows: vertex without distinct 
longitudinal depression, rostrum scarcely attaining hind margins of posterior 
coxae ; length of second antennal segment not quite equal to three times the 
length of first segment ; length of pronotum equal to more than half the width 
of pronotum at base. 

Colour.—Yellowish-brown tinged with reddish ; base and apex of cuneus, 
tip of embolium, sides of venter and thorax, and marks on apical half of femora 
bright red ; antennae uniformly yellowish, segment II fuscous at tip, segment 
III fuscous on apical fourth, segment IV fuscous ; tibia pale yellowish, spines 
brown and without spots at base. Membrane rather unevenly shaded with 
fuscous, a spot beyond tip of cuneus, central spot, and basal half of areoles 
paler, veins dusky, cubitus paler about apex of larger areole. 

Structure —@. Length 4:7 mm., width 2-5 mm.; short oval in outline. 
Head : width 1-21 mm., vertex -38 mm. ; basal margin without elevated carina, 
but margin formed by a rather deep step-down to the collum, which is normally 
covered by the close-fitting collar ; position vertical, frons moderately convex, 
eyes large, hollowed out behind and fitting closely against anterior angles of 
the pronotum ; inner margins of eyes emarginate about insertion of antennae. 
Rostrum, length 1-99 mm., scarcely attaining hind margins of posterior coxae, 
Antennae: segment I, length -78 mm.; II, 2:03 mm.; III, 1°21 mm.; IV, 
°86 mm. Pronotum: length 1:12 mm., width at base 1:95 mm. Hind femur : 
length 2-2 mm., width -52 mm., length of hind tibia 3-2 mm. Dorsal surface 
clothed with pale yellowish pubescence, intermixed on clavus and corium with 
a few golden, sericeous, pubescent hairs. 

Tutuila :—-Pago Pago: 1 specimen (holotype), 14.x11.1925 (Buxton & 
Hopkins) ; 1 specimen, 18.iv.1924 (Bryan) ; eastern end of island : 2 specimens, 


iv.1918, alt. 760-900 ft.; 3 specimens,, alt. 1,070 ft.; centre of 
island: 2 specimens, 30.v1.1918, alt. 900-1,200 ft. (Kellers); Afono Trail: 
1 specimen, 25.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Upolu :—Apia: 1 specimen, x.1925, alt. 1,000 ft. (Buxton & Hopkins). 

26. Lygus finis, sp. n. 

Closely allied to L. buxtoni, but differs in the smaller size and brownish 
coloration without reddish tinge or red markings. 

Colour. — Yellowish-brown to fusco-brownish; antennae uniformly 
yellowish, segment III only slightly infuscated ; pronotal disc, scutellum, more 
or less on clavus, apex of embolium and apical area of corium more or less fusco- 
brownish ; scutellum yellowish translucent, apex fuscous. Venter and sides of 
thorax dark brown to fuscous. Legs yellowish, apical half of femora more or 
less darkened with fuscous but not distinctly annulated ; tibial spines fusco- 
brownish, tiny spots evident at base of spines. Membrane rather unevenly 
shaded with fuscous, a spot beyond tip of cuneus, central spot, and basal half 
of areoles paler ; veins dusky, cubitus paler about apex of larger areole. 

Structure—. Length 4 mm., width 1-7 mm. Head: width 1-06 mm., 
vertex -26 mm., equal to a little more than half the dorsal width of an eye ; 
basal margin without elevated carina, but margin formed by a rather deep step- 
down to the collum, which is normally covered by the close-fitting collar ; 
position vertical, eyes large, hollowed out behind and fitting closely against 
anterior angles of the pronotum; inner margins of eyes emarginate about 
insertion of antennae; rostrum, length 1-73 mm., scarcely attaining hind 
margins of posterior coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -65 mm., slender ; 
II, 1:86 mm., slender; III, 1:12 mm.; IV, broken. Pronotum: length 
*86 mm., width at base 1-47 mm.; disc very finely rugulose punctate. Hind 
femur, length 1-9 mm., length of hind tibia 2-9 mm. Dorsal surface clothed 
with pale yellowish pubescence, intermixed on clavus and corium with a few 
golden, sericeous, pubescent hairs. 

Upolu :-—Lalomanu, Aleipata, 1 specimen (holotype), xi.1924 (Buxton & 

Tutuila :—1 specimen, 13.x.1918, alt. 1,000 ft. (Kellers). 

Savage Island :—Niue : 1 specimen, 6.viii.1918 (Kellers). 


27. Lygus kellersi, sp. n. 

In the key by Poppius (1914) this species would be associated with L. pacificus 
Popp. and L. exiguus Popp., from both of which it may be distinguished by the 
uniformly yellowish cuneus with apex only brownish, and by the sub-basal 
transverse black band on pronotum. 

Colour.—Ground colour pale yellowish, apices of hind femora and a sub- 
basal transverse band on pronotum black; antennae yellowish, first segment 
brownish at apex, second blackish apically, last two segments fuscous, except 
basally ; hemielytra brownish, embolium and outer apical half of corium, except 
apex, paler, cuneus uniformly yellowish, apex sometimes brownish; basal 
angles of scutellum, pleura, and sides of venter more or less brownish ; membrane 
and veins brownish to fuscous. 

Structure—. Length 3-9 mm., width 1:7 mm. Head: width 1-04 mm., 
vertex -30 mm., position vertical, frons only slightly convex, confluent with 
tylus, in lateral aspect forming a broadly arcuate line; vertex ecarinate, basal 
margin concave, eyes extending back and covering anterior angles of pronotum. 
Rostrum, length 1-64 mm., nearly attaining posterior margins of hind coxae. 
Antennae: segment I, length -56 mm.; II, 1-9 mm., cylindrical, slightly more 
slender at base; III, 1:08 mm.; IV, -60 mm. Pronotum: length -91 mm., 
width at base 1-47 mm., disc moderately and rather evenly convex, minutely 
tugulose but scarcely punctate, lateral margins straight, calli scarcely evident 
as swellings above contour of disc. Dorsum clothed with fine, short, pale 
yellowish pubescence, scutellum smooth, impunctate. Embolar margins very 
shghtly arcuate. Legs moderately long, hind femora rather thick, length 
1-8 mm., width -48 mm.; tibia 2:8 mm. in length, spines in length slightly 
exceeding diameter of tibia. 

Q. Length 4-2 mm., width 2 mm. Head: width 1:12 mm., vertex 
-39mm. Antennae: segment I, length -61 mm.; II, 1:88 mm. ; III, 1-12 mm. ; 
IV, -65 mm. Pronotum: length 1:04 mm., width at base 1-73 mm. More 
robust than the male, but very similar in pubescence and coloration. 

Tutuila :—8 specimens (including holotype),, alt. 1,070 ft., 
eastern end of island: 2 specimens, iv.1918, alt. 760-900 ft. (Kellers). 


28. Lygus bryani, sp. n. (Text-fig. 7). 

In the key to Lygus by Poppius (Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., xii, 1914) this 
species would be associated with L. longirostris Popp., but it differs from that 
species in several respects ; distinguished by the ecarinate vertex and lack of a 
longitudinal groove, also by the peculiar structure of the left genital clasper. 

Colour.—Ground colour pale yellowish tinged with greenish, dorsum 
marked with fuscous and black ; basal half of pronotum and disc of scutellum 
more or less blackish, pronotal disc with two yellowish rays, one each side of 
median line cutting into the 
black, basal edge of disc pale. 
Head yellowish, tylus and 
sometimes frons fuscous to 
blackish. Antennae fuscous 
to black, basal half of first 
and second segments more 
or less yellowish. Hemielytra 
yellowish translucent, clavus 
except more or less on outer 
margin, apical area of corlum 
and small spot on middle, 

M, 1 ‘ D . 
| Pie? 


Text-Fie. 7.—Lygus bryant, left genital clasper, postero- 
dorsal aspect. : 
paracuneus, and inner basal 

angle of cuneus blackish. Membrane dark fuscous, darker within larger 
areole, veins yellowish. Venter rather distinctly reddish, genital segment 
paler. Legs yellowish, femora with two fuscous annuli on apical half, tips of 
tibia and the tarsi fuscous. 

Structure—g. Length 5-2 mm., width 1-8 mm. Head: width -97 mm., 
vertex -39 mm.; base ecarinate except for a slight ridge at corner of eye. 
Rostrum, length 2:77 mm., reaching upon sixth ventral segment. Antennae: 
segment I, length -91 mm., cylindrical ; II, 2-38 mm., slender; III, 1-6 mm. ; 
IV, broken. Pronotum: length -95 mm., width at base 1-5 mm.; disc finely 
rugulose punctate, lateral margins ecarinate, slightly sulcate, calli distinctly 
swollen, collar distinct. Scutellum distinctly convex, transversely rugulose but 
impunctate. Clavus and inner half of corium finely rugulose punctate. Dorsum 
thickly clothed with recumbent pale yellowish pubescence, while groups of 
sericeous hairs produce a few lighter-coloured spots on clavus and corium. 


Genital claspers distinctive (Text-fig. 7) ; remarkable for the slender chitinous 
blade which projects mesad and obliquely distad from inner face of left clasper. 

®. Length 5-6 mm., width 2 mm. Head: width 1:01 mm., vertex 
‘43mm. Antennae: segment I, length -91 mm.; II, 2:29 mm.; III, 1-6 mm. ; 
IV, broken. Pronotum: length 1:04 mm., width at base 1-68 mm. Very 
similar to the male in form and coloration. 

Savaii :—Salailua: 4 specimens (including holotype and_allotype) 
23.v.1924 (Bryan). 


29. Lygus hopkinsi, sp. n. 

Allied to Z. bryani,n. sp., having much the same form and colour aspect, 
but easily distinguished by the shorter rostrum and first antennal segment ; 
genital claspers distinctive. 

Colour.—Very similar to L. bryani ; ground colour pale yellowish, probably 
tinged with greenish in life; pronotum dark brownish to blackish, calli and 
median line of disc yellowish. Head yellowish to brownish, tylus darker. 
Antennae brownish to black, first segment brownish. Scutellum dark brownish 
or fuscous, clavus blackish in dark specimens. Corium with fusco-brownish on 
inner apical angles. Cuneus uniformly yellowish translucent. Membrane and 
veins rather uniformly brownish-black, a slightly paler spot at middle. Venter 
pale yellowish, lateral margins with a broad brownish stripe which extends upon 
genital segment. Legs yellowish, tibiae and spines brownish, femora with 
brownish on apical half, but not distinctly banded. 

Structure—g. Length 4:4 mm., width 1-56 mm. across tip of scutellum, 
and 1-25 mm. across tip of embolium. Head: width -88 mm., vertex -34 mm. ; 
basal carina evident as a slight ridge or step-down to the collum. Rostrum, 
length 1-56 mm., reaching upon middle of hind coxae. Antennae: segment I, 
length -74 mm., cylindrical ; II, 1-86 mm., slender; III, broken. Pronotum : 
length -91 mm., width at base 1-43 mm. ; disc finely rugulose punctate, lateral 
margins rounded, slightly more sulcate than in bryanz, calli evident as a trans- 
verse swelling at anterior margin of disc, anterior angles rounded and confluent 
with swelling of calli, collar distinct. Scutellum only slightly convex, trans- 
versely rugulose. Clavus finely punctate, corium impunctate but with minute 
depressions evident in certain lights. Dorsum clothed with fine, recumbent, 
yellowish pubescence ; sericeous hairs not evident. Hemielytra widest across 
tip of scutellum and distinctly narrower across tip of embolium ; cuneous and 


membrane slightly longer than in bryant. Genital claspers distinctive, the left 
clasper not provided with a blade-like prong at middle. 

®. Length 4-9 mm., width across tip of scutellum 1-7 mm., across tip of 
embolium 1-47 mm. Head: width -91 mm., vertex -346 mm. Antennae: 
segment I, length -73 mm.; II, 1:79 mm.; III, 1:16 mm.; IV, -86 mm. 
Pronotum: length -99 mm., width at base 1-51 mm. Very similar to the male 
in form and coloration. 

Savail :—Safune : 3 specimens (including holotype and allotype), Matavanu 
crater, 13.v.1924 (Bryan). 

30. Lygus oceanicus Poppius. 
Lygus oceanicus Poppius, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., xii, p. 392, 1914. 

Samoa :—1 specimen, Mar.—Aug., 1921 (O’Connor). 

Upolu :—Malololelei: 1 specimen, (Armstrong) ; 2 specimens, 
11.vi1.1925 (Wilder). 

Savail :—Salailua: 1 specimen, 22.v.1924 (Bryan). 

Tutuila :—1 specimen, 1,000-1,200 ft., x11.1918 (Kellers); Fagasa: 1 
specimen, 9.1x.1923 (Swezey & Wilder). 

This species was originally described from the island of Vate (Efate), New 
Hebrides. The specimens in hand fit the original description in all important 
characters, although there is some variation in degree of coloration. In some 
specimens the pronotum is uniformly dark, except immediately behind the calli, 
while in lighter specimens pale stripes appear as described for tagalicus (Stal). 
However, the second antennal segment (1-86 mm.) 1s approximately four times 
the length of segment I (-47 mm.), while the rostrum extends well beyond the 
posterior coxae. The left genital clasper of the male is remarkably similar to 
that of L, apicalis Fieb., and, in fact, I could not separate these species on the basis 
of genital claspers. Lygus apicalis Fieb., L. tagalicus Stal, and L. oceanicus 
Popp. are certainly very closely allied and if distinct may well represent a 
subgenus of Lygus. 

Plesiolygus, gen. n. 
Alhed to Lygus Hahn, as shown by the erect arolia, which are divergent on 
apical half. Suggestive of a small Deraeocoris in the glabrous, shining surface 
and punctate character of hemielytra, but the well-developed arolia place the 


genus in subfamily Capsinae. Differs from Pawrolygus in the long first antennal 
segment and punctate character of the pronotum, also by the smaller scutellum 
(Text-fig. 8). 

Head vertical, frons moderately convex, tylus without suture at base, 
impunctate, shining ; vertex ecarinate, although basal edge distinctly arched ; 
eyes rather large, but projecting only very little above general contour of frons 
and vertex. Rostrum reaching upon hind coxae. First antennal segment 
rather long, nearly equal to half the length of segment II. Pronotum with 
lateral margins rounded, ecarinate ; calli poorly defined, merely indicated by 
slight swellings; collar narrow, but clearly defined by a deep stricture. 
Pronotum and clavus coarsely punctate, scutellum more finely punctate ; 
corium with a row of punctures bordering claval suture, also five or six punctures 
on basal half. Genital claspers distinctive. 

Genotype :—-Plesiolyqus punctatus, sp. n. 

31. Plesiolygus punctatus, sp. n. (Text-fig. 8). 

Colour.—Dorsum glabrous, shining, brown to dark brown, legs, collar and 
embolium more yellowish, cuneus 
yellowish translucent, darker near 
base; hind femora with two 
subapical reddish bands, becom- 
ing obsolete on anterior pairs ; 
‘spines and pubescence on legs 
pale to yellowish. Antennae pale 
yellowish, apex of segment I, 
apical one-third of segment II, 
with band just short of middle and 
fainter band nearer base, fuscous ; 
last two segments blackish, each 
with pale at base. 

Structure. — g. Length 2-7 
mm., width 1:55 mm. _ Dorsal 
surface nearly glabrous, only very 

short and fine pubescence about Text-Fic. 8.—Plesiolygus punciatus. 
cuneus and embolium; ventral 

surface and legs with fine pubescence. Head: width -78 mm., vertex -30 mm. 
I. 5—3 



impunctate, shming. Rostrum, length 1:08 mm., reaching upon hind 
coxae. Antennae: segment I, length -49 mm., cylindrical; II, 1:08 mm., 
cylindrical, only shghtly more slender toward base ; III, -78 mm.; IV, -30 mm. 
Pronotum: length -91 mm., width at base 1-27 mm.; rather coarsely and 
closely punctate on disc and sides, more finely punctate on swellings of the 
indistinct calli; collar narrow, stricture deep, but somewhat overhung by the 
anterior edge of pronotal disc. Scutellum moderately convex, distinctly 
punctate, but punctures smaller than on pronotum. Clavus coarsely but more 
sparsely punctate than disc of pronotum, cortum with a row of punctures 
bordering clavus and embolium, also five or six punctures on basal, half ; cuneus 
impunctate. Cuneus and membrane strongly deflexed, areoles of the usual 
type. Legs normal for the group, finely pubescent, tibia with two rows of 
spines, their length not exceeding diameter of tibia. Arolia and claws similar 
to that in Lygus. Genital claspers distinctive. 

Tutuila :—3 specimens (including ¢ holotype and Q allotype), 21.vii.1918, 
1,200 ft. ; 3 specimens, 760-900 ft., 1v.1918, 1 specimen, 1,000 ft., 13.x.1918 ; 
1 specimen,, 1,070 ft., eastern end of island; 2 specimens, 900- 
1,200 ft., centre of island (Kellers ); Pago Pago: 1 specimen, 18.iv.1924 (Bryan) ; 
2 specimens, 20.1x.1923, 1 specimen, 24.1x.1924 (Swezey & Wilder). 

Savaii :—Safune: 1 specimen, 5.v.1924, 1 specimen, 11.v.1924, 1,000— 
2,000 ft. (Bryan). 

Paurolygus, gen. n. 

Allied to Lygus Hahn and related genera, but distinguished by several 
characters. Form and shining surface suggestive of a small Deracocoris, but the 
claws and arolia place it in the subfamily Capsinae. Arolia large and prominent, 
equal to size of claws, attached only at base and extending free as far as tip of 
claws (Fig. 9). Head strongly transverse, vertical, eyes large and prominent, 
frons sulcate each side above base of antenna; clypeus not separated by a 
distinct suture at base; carina of vertex slightly ante-basal, median line of 
collum impressed. Antennal segment II cylindrical (9), equal in thickness to 
sesment I, closely pubescent. Scutellum large, convex, although flattened on 
disc, lateral margins bulging somewhat and overhanging the claval margin. 
Glabrous, only very finely. punctate. Cuneus and membrane strongly deflexed. 

Genotype :—Paurolygus scutatus, n. sp. 


32. Paurolygus scutatus, sp. n. (Text-fig. 9). 
Colour.—Yellowish-brown, shading darker on clavus and inner apical 
angles of corium, scutellum blackish, moderately shiming, hemielytra sub- 
translucent. Membrane pale, slightly tinged with brownish, veins brown. 

TEXT-FIG. 9.—Paurolygus scutatus, n. sp.; imset, claws and arolia. 

Antennae yellowish-brown, apices of segments I and II darker, segments III 
and IV blackish. Line on lateral edge of pronotal disc, lorae and dorsal half 
of juga red. Legs pale yellowish, femora biannulate with reddish before apices, 
tibial spines dark brown, a reddish to dark brown spot at base of each, tips of 


tarsi blackish ; hind femora with four or five fuscous dots on ventral surface, 
from each of which arises a long hair. Sternum, genital segment, and more or 
less on ventral surface of preceding segments, brownish to fuscous. 

Structure—. Total length 3-2 mm. Dorsal surface glabrous, shining. 
Head: width 1:12 mm., vertex -56 mm.; position nearly vertical, eyes large, 
somewhat flattened, frons sulcate each side above base of antenna. Rostrum 
broken. Antennae: segment I, length -26 mm.; II, 1-25 mm.; III, -39 mm. ; 
IV, -56 mm. Pronotum: length -84 mm., width at base 1-47 mm.; minutely 
punctate on disc. Scutellum strongly convex although flattened on disc, 
minutely transversely rugulose but not distinctly punctate; lateral margins 
bulging somewhat over edge of clavus, although difficult to depict in a drawing 
of the dorsal aspect. Hemielytra subtranslucent, very finely yet distinctly 
punctate ; cuneus and membrane sharply deflexed, as shown in the figure ; 
embolar margins arcuate, edges rather sharp. Legs as shown in the figure. 
Genital claspers small and inconspicuous; however, the segment wall forms a 
prominent, bluntly rounded, posteriorly projecting lobe above left clasper. 

Upolu :—Apia: 3g specimen (holotype), 1,200 ft., 20.11.1925 (Buxton & 


33. Lasiochilus (Dilasia) fruhstorferi Poppius. 
Lasiochilus (Dilasia) fruhstorferi Poppius, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., xxxvu, No. 9, p. 9, 1909. 

Upolu :—Vailima : 1 specimen, (Buxton & Hopkins). 

Originally described from the island of Lombok and not reported from 
elsewhere since. ‘The writer is indebted to Dr. H. M. Harris for assistance in 
determination of this species. The single specimen agrees with the original 
description in every respect, except for a slight discrepancy in comparing length 
of second antennal segment with width of head. We find that the second 
antennal segment is not equal to width of head across eyes, in fact equal to 
only slightly more than width of vertex plus one eye. UM (WARS 

d i 






Part 1. Orthoptera and Dermaptera. (Complete.) 
» II. Hemiptera. (Complete.) 
» III. Lepidoptera. (Complete.) 
» IV. Coleoptera. (Complete.) 
“ V. Hymenoptera. (Complete.) 
» WI. Diptera. (Complete.) 
» MII. Other Orders of Insects. (Complete.) 
VIII. Terrestrial Arthropoda other than Insects. (Complete.) 
»» 1X. Summary and Index. 
~The work is published at intervals in the form of numbered fascicles. 
Although individual fascicles may contain contributions by more than one 
author, each fascicle is so arranged as to form an integral portion of one or 
other of the Parts specified above. 

List of Fascicles issued to 23rd February, 1935 :— 

inset: of Samoa and other Samoan Terrestrial Arthropoda. Maps | and Date Issued. 
2 (in envelope). 1927, 4to. 6d. 26th February, 1927. 

- Fasc. 1. Dermaptera. By Dr. Alfredo Borelli. Pp. 1-8. 1928, 4to. Is. 28th July, 1928. 

- Fasc.2. Orthoptera. By Dr. L. Chopard. 5I text-figures. Pp. 9-58. 1929, 4to. 5s. 26th January, 1929. 

Part II. HeEmIpTERa. 
Fasc. 1. Fulgoroidea. By F. Muir. 25 iext-figures. Psyllide (cher) By 
Prof. D. L. Crawford. 4 text-figures. Coccide, Aphidide and Aleyrodide. 
By F. Laing, M.A., B.Sc. 3 text-figures. Pp. 1-45. 1927, 4to. 2s. 6d. 25th June, 1927. 
Fasc. 2. Cercopide. By V.Lallemand, M.D. 10 text-figures. Cicadide. By 
f . Myers, Sc.D. 22 text-figures. Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Heteroptera. 
y Prof. Teiso Esaki. 6 text-figures. Pp. 47-80. 1928, 4to. 2s. 6d. 23rd June, 1928. 
Fasc. 3. Heteroptera. By W. E. China, B.A. (Cantab.). 28 text-figures. 
~ Pp. 81-162. 1930. 4to. 5s. 26th July, 1930. 
Fasc. 4. Cicadellide (Jassid By Herbert Osborn, Ohio State University, 
Cclumbus Obie, (Sexcfeuee, EO G-194 134 hon 2 27th January, 1934. 
ae a oe ae eae By Harry H. Knight, Ph.D. 9 text-figures. Wid February, 1935. 

Fg i of See nde nighbuine To By GoHE- gp agp ayy, 
Paige ig Niere Tricor ters, By Edward Meyrick, ae iE R. S. Pp. 65-116. 28th May, 1927. 
Se ee 2 ee rare and Uma aes Merely 1928. 
Fes FO tO, ate Bled tere 12 tet Renee, ancl 2 lates. 23rd February, 1935. 

Part IV. CoLEopTERA. 

Fasc. 1. Carabide. By H. E. Andrewes. 2 gaan Dytiscide. By A. 
Zimmermann. 2 eae piaph inide. By M. Cameron, M.B. 2 text- 
figures. Hydrophilide. By Aorta 1 ae ee nd 
Lamellicornia. By G. J. ae %3 text-figures. a eae 3s. 19th December, 1927. 

Fasc. 2. _Heteromera, Bostrychoidea, ee & aS ae K. G. 

Blair, B.Sc. text-figures. Elateri = van Zwaluwenberg. 10 
text-hgures, Meade Pte, Bregthide ye Fleutiaux. Cerambycide. By 
Rohe ems ate. Brent hide. “Ve . lene, 4 Late 
thrib ordan, text-figur roterhinide. By 
RCL es Kal ‘dans Bh Pp I-14, ‘i808 ato. 5s, 25th February, 1928. 

List of Fascicles issued to 23rd F cbruary, 1935 (continued) -— 

Part IV. CoLrorieni “concent 3 
Fasc.3. Throscide. By K. G. Blair, B.Sc. 1 text-figure. Chrysomelide. 
By S. Maulik, M.A. 18 text-figures, Pp. 175-215. 1929, 4to. 2s. 6d. 
Fasc. 4. Platypodide and Scolytide. By C.F. C. Beeson, DSc. 13 text- 
figures. Pp. 217-248. 1929, 4to. 2s. 6d. 
Fase. 5. Curculionide. By Sir Guy piareball C.M.G., D.Sc., ERS. 31 text- 
figures. Pp. 249-346. 1931, Ato. 5s. 

Fasc. |. Apoidea, Sphecoides, and aS sides. ee RC; i Perkins, D.Sc., 
F.R.S., and L. Evelyn Cheesman, F 12 text-figures. rride. 

By Francis X. Williams. text- eS Cee By Dr. F. Santschi. 
9 text-figures. Pp. 1-58. 1928, 4to. 5s. 

Part VJ. Diptera. 

Fasc. 1. Streblide and Nycteribiide. By L. Falcoz. 7 text-figures. Huippo- 
boscide. By G.F. Ferris. 6 text-figures. Pp. 1-21. 1927, 4to. 2s. 6d. 
Fasc. 2. Nematocera. By F.W. Edwards, M.A. 20 text-figures. Cecidomyiine. 
By H. F. Barnes, B.A., PhD. 4 text-figures. Pp. 23-108. 1928, 4to. 5s. 
Fasc. 3. Stratiomyide, see and oe By Gertrude Ricardo. 6 text- 

figures. Larve of Stratiomytide. . Buxton, M.A. 2 ie 
Dolichopodide. By C. G. Lamb, sb 8 text-figures. Sarcophagide. 
P. A. Buxton, M.A. 9 text-figures. Muscide. By J. R. Malloch. 
Pp. 109-175. 1929, 4to. 5s. 

Fasc. 4. Empidide and Pipunculide. By J. E. Collin. 7 text-figures. 
Syrphide. By Frank M. it 2 text-figures. Cluside (Heteroneuride) 
and Sapromyzide. Ae . Malloch. 6 text-figures. Pp. 177-213. 1929, 

any “5. Ortalide. J. R. Malloch. 6 text-figures. Calliphoride. By 
J. R. Malloch. Pp. 5 5-237. 1930, 4to. 2s. 

Fasc. 6. Lonchaeide, Chloropide and Piophilide. By J. R. Malloch. 3 
text-figures. Pp. 239-251. 1930, 4to. Is. 

Fasc. 7. Trypetide. By J.R. Malloch. 1 text-figure. Pp. 253-266. 1931,4to. Is. 

Fasc. 8. Drosophilide, Ephydride, Spheroceride and Milichide. By J. R. 
Malloch. 16 text-figures. Be. 267-328. 1934, 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Fasc. 9. Phoride, Agromyzide, Micropezide, Tachinide and Sarcophagide. 
By J. R. Malloch. 15 text-figures. Pp. 329-366. 1935, 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Part VII. Ornuer Orpers or INsECTs. 

Fasc. |. Isoptera: Family Hate By Gerald F. Hill. 14 text-figures and 
1 plate. Odonata. By Lt.-Col. F. C. Fraser, LMS., FES. 5 text-figures. 
Pp. 1-44. 1927, 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Fasc. 2. Plectoptera. By & J alae Sc.D. (Cantab.), F.R.S., and J. A. 

Lestage. 2 text-figures. Siphonaptera. uxton, M. ysanoptera. 
By Richard’S. Bagnall, FS re Crea kamen Pp. 48-76. 1958 tee 

Fasc. 3. Mallophaga. By J. Waterston, D.Sc. 2 text-figures. Anoplura. By 
P. uxton, M.A. Trichoptera. By Martin E. Mosely. gure, 

Neuroptera, By P. Esben-Petersen. 1 text-figure and 2 plates. agents 
By George H. Carpenter, D.Sc. 32 text-figures. Pp. 77-116. 1928, 4to 

Fasc. 4. Psocoptera. By Dr. H. H. Karny. 8 text-figures. Pp. 117-129. Is. 

Fasc. 1. Isopoda Terrestria. By Harold G. Jackson, D.Sc. 2 plates. Scor- 

pionoidea. By uxton, . Pseudo-scorpiones. adstner. 

Pedant Acarina. By Stanley Hirst. 2 text-figures. cae 1-27. 1927, 
to . Od, 

Fasc. 2. Myriopoden (Myriopoda). By C. Attems. 4 text-figures. Araignées 
(Araneida). By Dr. Lucien Berland. 79 text-figures. Pp. 29-78. 1929, 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Part IX. Summary AND INDEX. 

Fasc. 1. Description of the Environment. By P. A. Buxton, M.R.C.S. 2 
textheaites and 6 pistes: Ppl) 440) dea Wee bak 

Date Issued. 
23rd February, 1929. 

22nd June, 1929. 
25th April, 1931. 

25th February, 1928. 

23rd July, 1927. 
23rd June, 1928. 

11th May, 1929. 

27th July, 1929. 
22nd March, 1930. 

22nd November, 1930. 
28th November, 1931. 

23rd June, 1934. 

23rd February, 1935. 

28th May, 1927. 

23rd June, 1928. 

28th July, 1928. 
27th February, 1932. 

23rd July, 1927. 
22nd June, 1929. 

22nd November, 1930. 


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